THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND HISTORY. BY J. HOWARD WALLACE, ONE OF THE PlONEEK SETTLE!;.; OF THE CoJ.ONV (yanuary 22, 1840^. EIGHT YEARS CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE WELLINGTON PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. AUTHOR OF " THE EAKLY HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND." Under Divine did and the exertions of the British people, Ncir Zealand irould one day be the brightest i/i-m in Hrita'uCx croiciifher noblest effort at colonization" (Bishop Selwyn, on landini/ in Port Xidiulsoii, N.Z., Autjui* 12, FIRST EDITION. ffilelUngton, J^cto ^talmtb: PRINTED BY EDWAKUb & GBEEN, i OK J. II. WAIXACE, JUN., PuiiLiaHEii, GI;EY STUEET, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLEKS. (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED) DU 4O (Jl5Wi TO SIR ROBERT STOUT, K.C.M.G., PEEMIEE OP THE COLONY OF NEW ZEALAND AND MINISTER OF EDUCATION, THIS MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND HISTORY Is RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY ONE OF THE EARLY PIONEERS OF THE COLONY. AUOU8T 18Sf). PEE FACE. THE want of a Manual of New Zealand History has been felt for some time past. This want the present compilation is intended to supply. The compiler presents to the public generally, to the youth of the Colony, and their instructors, what he believes will be found to be a useful precis of the history of New Zealand. The plan of the Manual will, as the compiler hopes, be found to be suitable to the education of the younger branches, while at the same time, the advanced student will find it serviceable in the pursuit of his studies. The most reliable sources have been consulted, added to which the compiler, as one of the pioneers of the Colony, and well acquainted with its early history, is enabled to give information regarding it, not easily obtainable at the present day. " Questions for Examination" have not been prepared, and it is left to the intelligent teacher, or parent, to apportion lessons of a length suitable to the capacity of each student, more especially as the paragraphs may be divided and subdivided at pleasure, and thus serve as exercises for the ingenuity both of pupil and instructor. The compiler, has not hesitated to avail himself fully of the labours of others, wherever he has found that those labours have produced authentic information. The work is, by permission, dedicated to Sir Eobert Stout, K.C.M.Gr., Premier of the Colony of New Zealand and Minister of Education. Wellington Lower Terrace, J. HOWARD WALLACE. August, 1886. N.B. The "Early History of New Zealand," preparing for the press, is frequently referred to in these pages. The History will be divided into five parts, viz.: Part I. Historical events from the discovery of the country to December 1853, when New Zealand ceased to be a Crown Colony. Part II. A detailed history of European settlement, and systematic colonization ; and how, and by whom the colony has been founded, with detailed history of events, arranged in chronological order, from private journals and unpublished and official documents. Part III. An alphabetical list of the Pioneer Settlers, founders of the colony. Part IV. Chapters on the native race and the provinces. Part V. A synopsis of the history of the Colony to the present date, and miscellaneous, with u complete index and maps. 785497 .-. INTRODUCTION. THE Bibliography of New Zealand History is extensive, commencing with A.D. 1642. Up to the year 1880, the works comprised the records of the early navigators, the narratives of travellers, Dr. Savage, John L. Nicholas, A. Earl, Major Cruise, W. Ellis, and others ; and the valuable records of the Rev. Samuel Marsden and the missionaries. New Zealand literature may be said to have commenced with the publication in 1880 of that interesting work " The New Zealanders," Library of useful knowledge, Charles Knight, London. This excellent work was revised and parts written by Lord Brougham. Since that period, hundreds of volumes, pamphlets, parliamentary papers and reports have been printed. In this manual of New Zealand History, now presented to the public, I have endeavoured to give a brief resume of what I trust will be found to be useful information, arranged in chronological order. I have in my larger History of New Zealand, now preparing for the press, given a detailed history of events arranged in chronological order from the discovery of the islands to the present date ; a record of those who peopled the country, and how they carried on the " heroic work of colonization." J. H. WALLACE. Wellington, August, 1886. EKRATA. Paragraph 47, second line : after " Captain King," read, " Governor of Norfolk Island," instead of " Governor of New South Wales." Paragraph 111, tenth line: for " Waikatu," read " Wakatu." NEW ZEALAND. GENEEAL DESCBIPTION.* SITUATION AND ABEA. Colony of New Zealand consists of two islands called the North and South Islands, and a small island at the southern extremity called Stewart Island. There are also several small islets, such as the Chatham and Auckland Isles, that are dependencies of the colony. The entire group lies between 34 and 48 S. lat. and 166 and 179 E. long. The two principal islands, with Stewart Island, extend in length, 1,100 miles, but their breadth is extremely variable, ranging from 46 miles to 250 miles, the average being about 140 miles, but no part is anywhere more distant than 75 miles from the coast. 2. ABEA OF THE ISLANDS. Sq. Miles. Acres. The total area of New Zealand is about . . 100,000 or 64,000,000 the North Island being .. 44,000 ,, 28,160,000 the South Island being . . 55,000 35,200,000 Stewart Island being . . 1,000 640,000 It will thus be seen that the total area of New Zealand is somewhat less than that of Great Britain and Ireland. The North and South Islands are separated by a strait only thirteen miles across at the nanowest part, presenting a feature of the greatest importance from its facilitating intercommunication between the different coasts without the necessity of sailing round the extremities of the colony. 3. The North Island was, up to the year 1876, divided into four provinces, viz. Auckland, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, and Wellington. Taranaki and Hawkes Bay lie on the west and east coasts respectively, between the two more important provinces of Auckland on the north and Wellington on the south. 4i The South Island was divided into five provinces, viz. Nelson, Marl- borough, Canterbury, Otago, and Westland (Southland was for a short time an independent province). % Nelson and Marlborough are in the north, Canterbury ' in the centre, Otago in the south, and Westland to the west of Canterbury. These provinces, however, in 1876, were divided into sixty-three counties thirty-two in the North Island, and thirty-one in the South Island and provincial government ceased to exist. From the Hand-book of New Zealand, by Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.R.S. NAMES OF COUNTIES. D. In the North Island. Mongonui, Hokianga, Bay of Islands .Whangarei, Hobson, Rodney, Waitemata, Eden, Manukau, Coromandel, Thames, Piako, Waikato, Waipa, Raglan, Kawhia, Taranaki, Patea, Tauranga, Whakatane, Cook, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, Wanganui, West Taupo, East Taupo, Rangitikei, Manawatu, Waipawa, Hutt, Wairarapa West, and Wairarapa East. D. In theSouth Island. Sounds, Marlborough, Kaiko\ira. Waimea, Colling- wood, Buller, Inangahua, Amuri, Cheviot, Grey, Ashley, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashbnrton, (Jeraldine, Waimate, Westland, Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Lake, Peninsular, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, Tuapeka, Southland, Wallace, Fiord, and Stewart Island. MOUNTAINS AND PLAINS. 7i New Zealand is mountainous, with extensive plains, which in the South Island lie principally on the eastern side of the mountain-range, while in the North Island the most extensive lowlands lie on the western side. In the North Island the interior mountainous parts are covered with dense forest or low shrubby vegetation ; while in the South Island these parts are chiefly open and well grassed, and are used for pastoral purposes. 8. In the North Island the mountains occupy one-tenth of the surface, and do not exceed from 1,500 to 4,000 feet in height, with the exception of a few volcanic mountains that are more lofty, one of which, Tongariro (6,500 feet), is still occasionally active. Ruapehu (9,100 feet), and Mount Egmont (8,300 feet) are extinct volcanoes that reach above the limit of perpetual snow ; the latter is surrounded by one of the most extensive and fertile districts in New Zealand. 9. The mountain-range in the South Island, known as the Southern Alps, is crossed at intervals by low passes, but its summits reach a height of from 10,000 feet to 12,000 feet, and it has extensive snow-fields and glaciers. Flanking this mountain -range and occupying its greater valleys are extensive areas of arable land, which are successfully cultivated from the sea-level to an altitude of over 2,000 feet. HISTORY. FIRST SETTLEMENT BY MAORIS. 10. New Zealand appears to have been first discovered and first peopled by the Maori race, a remnant of which still inhabits parts of the Islands. At what time the discovery was made, or from what place the discoverers came, are matters which are lost in the obscurity which envelopes the history of a people without letters. Little more can now be gathered from their traditions than that they were immigrants, and that when they came there were probably no other inhabitants of the countiy. Similarity of language indicates a Polynesian origin, which would prove that they advanced to New Zealand through various groups of the Pacific islands, in which they left remains of the same race, who to this day speak the same or nearly the same tongue. When Cook first visited New Zealand he availed himself of the assistance of a native from Tahiti, whose language proved to be almost identical with that of the New Zealanders, and through the medium of whose interpretation a large amount of the early information respecting the country and its inhabitants was obtained. DISCOVERY BY TASMAN. 1 1 . The first Europea n who made the existence of New Zealand known to the civilised world, and who gave it the name it bears, was Tasman, the Dutch navigator, who visited it in 1642. Claims to earlier discovery by other European explorers have been raised, but they are unsupported by any sufficient evidence. Tasman did not land on any part of the Islands, in consequence of having had a boat's crew cut off by the natives in the bay now known as Massacre Bay, but contented himself by sailing along the western coast of the North Island, and quitted its shores without taking possession of the country in the name of the Government he served. VISITED BY CAPTAIN COOK. 12. From the date of Tasman' s flying visit to 1769 no stranger is known to have visited the Islands. In the latter year Captain Cook reached them in the course of the first of those voyages of great enterprise which have made his name illustrious. The first of Cook's voyages of discovery began in August, 1768, when he was sent to Tahiti to observe a transit of Venus. After a run of eighty-six days from Tahiti, having touched at some other places, he sighted the coast of New Zealand on the 6th of October, 1769. On the 8th he landed in Poverty Bay, on the east coast of the North Island, which is therefore held to be the date of the first occupation of the country. THE NATIVE EACE. ORIGIN AND TRADITIONAL HISTORY. 13, There is nothing on record respecting the origin of the Maori people ; but their arrival in New Zealand, according to tradition, is due to an event which, from its physical possibility, and from the concurrent testimony of the various tribes, is probably true in its main facts. 14-. The tradition runs that generations ago a large migration took place from a distant island, to which the Maoris give the name of Hawaiki. Quarrels among the natives drove from Hawaiki a chief, whose canoe arrived upon the shore of the North Island of New Zealand. Returning to his home with a flattering description of the country he had discovered, this chief, it is said, set on foot a scheme of immigration, whereupon a fleet of large double canoes started for the new land. The names of most of the canoes are still remembered, and each tribe agrees in its account of the doings of the people of the principal "canoes" after their arrival in New Zealand; and from these traditional accounts the descent of the numerous tribes has been traced. Calculations based on the genealogical staves kept by the tohungas, or priests, indicate that about twenty-seven generations have passed since the migration, which would give for its date about the beginning of the fourteenth century. The position of Hawaiki is not known, but there are several islands of this or a somewhat similar name. NATIVE POPULATION, NORTH ISLAND. 15. The North Island is now supposed to contain a native population of about 42,000, divided into many tribes ; but their number is probably very largely over-estimated. 18. The most important tribe is that of the Ngapuhi, who inhabit the northern portion of the North Island, in the provincial district of Auckland. It was among the Ngapuhi that the seeds of Christianity and of civilization were first sown, and among them are found the best evidences of the progress which the Maori can make. Forty-six years ago the only to wnin New Zealand, Kororareka, in the Bay of Islands, existed within their territory. Their chiefs, assembled in February, 1840, near the Waitangi (" Weeping Water") Falls, were the first to sign the treaty by which the Maoris acknowledged themselves to be subjects of Her Majesty ; and although, under the leadership of an ambitious chief, Honi Heke, a portion of them in 1845 disputed the English supremacy, yet after being subdued by English troops and their native allies (the Ngapuhi's own kinsmen) they adhered implicitly to the pledges they gave, and since then not a shadow of doubt has been cast on the fidelity of the "loyal Ngapuhi." NATIVE POPULATION, SOUTH ISLAND. 17. The South Island natives number but about 2,000, and they are spread over an immense tract of country, living in groups of a few families, on the reserves made for them when the lands were purchased ; for the whole of the South Island has been bought from the native owners by the Government. Whatever may be the cause, it is a fact that the natives of the South Island are less restless and excitable than their brethren in the North. PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 18. As a rule the Maoris are middle-sized and well formed, the average height of the men being 5 feet 6 inches ; the bodies and arms are longer than those of the average Englishman, but the leg bones are shorter, and the calves largely developed. In bodily powers the Englishman has the advantage. As a carrier of heavy burdens the native is the superior, but in exercises of strength and endurance the average Englishman surpasses the average Maori. GOVERNMENT. 1 9 . The colony was formerly divided into nine Provinces, each of which had an elective Superintendent, and a Provincial Council, also elective. In each case the election was for four years, but a dissolution of the Provincial Council by the Governor could take place at any time, necessitating a fresh election both of the Council and the Superintendent. The Superintendent was chosen by the electors of the whole province ; the members of the Provincial Council by those of electoral districts. 20 . As has been already mentioned, this form of government was abolished 1876, and the country was then divided into Counties and Road Board Districts ; and to the County Councils and Municipalities the local adminis- tration formerly executed by the Provincial Governments is confided. The seat of Government was at Auckland up to the year 1865, when it was transferred to Wellington on account of the more central position of the latter place. FORM OF GOVERNMENT. 21. Executive power is vested in a Governor appointed by the Queen, who acts in accordance with the principles of responsible Government. Legislative power is vested in the Governor and two Chambers : one called the Legislative Council, consisting at present of forty-nine members, nominated by the Governor for life ; and the other the House of Representatives, elected by the people from time to time, and now consisting of ninety-six members. Until 1882 the House of Representative \v.a elected for five years, but by au Act passed in 1879 its normal term of service is now limited to a period of three years, which, however, may be shortened if the Governor should see fit to exercise his prerogative of dissolving it. Except in matters of purely Imperial concern, the Governor, as a rule, acts O_L the advice of his Ministers. He has power to dismiss them and appoint others, but the ultimate control rests with the representatives of the people, who hold the strings of the public purse. ELECTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE. 22 . Any man of twenty-one years and upwards, who isaborn or naturalized British subject, and who has held for six months a freehold of the clear value of 25, or who has resided for one year in the colony, and in an electoral district during the six months immediately preceding the registra- tion of his vote, is now, according to an Act passed in 1879, entitled to be registered as an elector and to vote for the election of a member of the House of Eepreseutatives ; also, every male Maori of the same age whose name is enrolled upon a ratepayers' roll, or who has a freehold estate of the clear value of 25. And, by another Act passed on the same day, the duty is imposed upon the Registrar of each electoral district of placing on the electoral roll the names of all persons who are qualified to vote. Any person qualified to vote for the election of a member of the House of Representatives is also, generally speaking, qualified to be himself elected a member of that House. There are, however, certain special disqualifications for membership, such as grave crime, bankruptcy, and paid office (other than what is called political) in the colonial service. Four of the members of the House are Maoris, elected under a special law by Maoris alone. 2u. The Colonial Legislature, which as a rule meets once a year, has power generally to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of New Zealand. The Acts passed by it are subject to disallowance by the Queen, and in a very few cases are required to be reserved for the signification of the pleasure of Her Majesty, but there have not been, in the course of the twenty-seven years since the Constitution was granted, more than half a dozen instances of disallowance or refusal of assent. The Legislature has also, with a few exceptions, ample power to modify the Constitution of the colony. Executive power is administered, as before stated, in accordance with the usage of Responsible Government as it exists in the United Kingdom. Legislation concerning the sale and disposal of Crown lands, and the occupation of the gold fields, is exclusively vested in the Colonial Parliament. There are in most towns in the colony municipal bodies, such as Mayors and Town Councils in England, invested with ample powers for sanitary and other municipal purposes ; and there are in various country districts elective Road Boards charged with the construction and repair of roads and bridges, and with other local matters. There are also Central and Local Boards of Health appointed under a Public Health Act, which have authority to act vigorously, both in towns and in the country, for the prevention and suppression of dangerous and infectious diseases. 24. The above short summary of the system of government in New Zealand suffices to show that the leading characteristics of the British Constitution self government and localized self-administration are pre- served and, in fact, extended under the New Zealand Constitution ; that there ie ample power to regulate its institutions, and to adapt them from time to time to the growth and progress of the colony, and to its varied requirements ; and that it is the privilege of every colonist to take a personal part to some extent, either as elector or elected, in the conduct of public affairs and in the promotion of the welfare of the community. CHBONOLOGICAL HISTOBY OF NEW ZEALAND, FBOM ITS DISCOVERY UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE. 25. The discovery of New Zealand Has been ascribed to several of the early European navigators. 26. Three European nations claim for their navigators the honour of discovering New Zealand. Frenchmen assert that Binot Paulmier de Gouneville, of Haifleur, in Normandy, visited the country in 1504. "The Maoris retain a tradition of the arrival of a ship, commanded by one Rongotute, about 1640, and that they plundered the ship and destroyed the crew." The Spaniards claim for Juan Fernandez the credit of the discovery. 27i Birth and Name of New Zealand. The name of New Zealand first appears, as a record, on a piece of sculpture, consisting of two hemispheres representing a map of the world, cut in stone by the eminent sculptor Artus Quellinus, as an embellishment for the new Stadt House, built at Amsterdam in 1648 by Van Kampen, to replace the original House burnt in 1642. This sculp ture, valuable, not only as a work of art, but especially as depicting the most recent geographical discoveries made up to that date by the Dutch and other navigators in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, f onned the pavement of the Great Hall of the new building, the most public place of resort therein; and consequently the map became soon so completely obliterated by the constant tread of feet that not a trace of it could be found in 1773, when sought for by Sir Joseph Banks, nor did the oldest inhabitant retain any memory of it ; but a tracing of the most important part of it has been preserved by M. Thevenot, and thereon appears the name of New Holland for the western part of Australia, and Terre Australe for the eastern, whilst further to the east is shown Tasinan's Staaten Land, with the name of "Zealandia Nova." (Index to the Laws of New Zealand, fifth edition, by John Curnin, B.A., of the Inner Temple, Wellington 1885, pages 1 and 2). 28. It is, however, generally acknowledged that the first authentic information made public concerning it was derived from the famous voyage of discovery undertaken by Tasman in 1642. Tasman left Batavia, August 14, 1642, with two ships the "Heemskirk" and the " Zechaan " and, after discovering the southern patt of what is now known as Van Dieman's Land, he voyaged onwards in an easterly direction, in the hope of making further discoveries, and on the 18th December of the same year anchored in a bay in the South Island of New Zealand, now known as Golden Bay, to the westward of Blind Bay at the head of which stands the town of Nelson. The natives attacked him in canoes, and in consequence of three of his boat's crew being killed by the natives, he named the scene of this disaster Moordenaer's (Murderer's) Bay, and from thence until recently called Massacre Bay. The designation of Nova Zealandia was given by Tasman to the new found territory. Tasman did not re-visit New Zealand ; and from the date of his voyage to the year 1769, no account exists of any vessel having sighted its shores. 29. On the accession of George III. to the throne of Great Britain, 25th October 1760, a new era commenced in the history of English maritime discovery. His Majesty speedily manifested a strong desire for the acquisition of geographical and scientific knowledge. The voyages of Byron, and Wallis, and Carteret, were undertaken under the immediate auspices of the King ; and the discoveries made by them when sailing homeward from the South Pacific, through the Straits of Magellan, and across the Pacific Ocean out of the track of former voyages, strongly stimulated the public curiosity respecting the Terra Australia incognita. 30. In 1767 the Eoyal Society resolved that it would be proper to send duly qualified persons into some part of the South Sea. to observe the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, which it was calculated would happen in the year 1769, but having no means of defraying the expenses of such an expedition, thev communicated their resolution to His Majesty King George III., requesting his aid in carrying it into execution. 31. The "Endeavour," a barque of 370 tons, was fitted out and placed under the command of Lieutenant James Cook, who had distinguished himself in Canada, and in surveying the coast of Newfoundland. 31 A. A short description of the appearance of the "Endeavour": She had the usual broad floor, and round tumbling-iu sides that gave much carrying power, with slight draught of water. The decks had greater shear or hollowness amidships, the quarter-deck being above the waist, and the poop rising above the quarter-deck. The high taffrail culminated in a gigantic fixed lantern, without which no vessel's appearance was then considered respectable." (Chapman's Centenary Memorial, Auckland, 1870, p. x.) 32. The " Endeavour" sailed from Plymouth on the 2 6th August, 1768 ; anchored at Tahiti, 13th April, 1769. An observatory, with a small fort for its protection, was erected in 17deg. 29min. 15sec. south latitude, and 149deg. 32min. 30sec. west longitude; and on the 3rd June, the whole passage of the planet over the sun's disc was observed to great advantage, the sky being cloudless from sunrise to sunset. The first appearance of Venus on the sun was perceived at 9 hours 25 minutes 42 seconds a.m., and at 3 hours 32 minutes 10 seconds p.m. the planet had completed its long- looked-for transit. 33. The calculations of the astronomers of the Royal Observatory, founded upon the observations made by Captain Cook of the transit of Venus, as seen at Tahiti, and of the planet Mercury afterwards, at Mercury Bay, in New Zealand (see par. 34), resulted in the mean distance of the earth from the sun being fixed at 94,879,956 miles, which recent observations have shown to be excessive. This, however, was inevitable, looking to the imperfect instruments then used. 34-. After leaving Tahiti, Captain Cook discovered the Society Islands, and then sailed to the southward. On the 6th of October, 1769, laud was seen from the masthead , and the following day four or five ranges of hills rising one above the other, with a chain of mountains towering above all, were distinctly perceptible. From Cook's Voyages, vol. 2, page 283. Eaheinomauwe, or North Island. Friday, October 6th, saw land first time. On Sunday, October 8, 1869, at 4 p.m., Captain Cook cast anchor in the Bay of Turanga, an inlet on the east coast of the North Island. After some days spent in attempting to conciliate the natives, during which several encounters with them took place, he loft this locality, which he named Poverty Bay, and sailed to the southward, landing at Mercury Bay, to observe the transit of the planet Mercury. Friday, November 3rd, 1769, in 8 Mercury Bay, a desolate and barren place, Captain Cook cut on a tree near the watering place, the ship's name, with the year and month of his visit, and after displaying the English colours, took formal possession of it in the name of George III. 35. He took his departure thence for Tolaga Bay, the Hauraki Gulf, the River Thames, and the Bay of Islands. Heathen sailed round Cape Maria Van Dieman, coasted along the western shore of the North Island, and sighted and named the picturesque snow-capped mountain, at the base of which the English settlement of Taranaki now stands, Mount Egmont. He then touched at Queen Charlotte's Sound, Cape Palliser, and Hawkes Bay, passing through the strait between the two main islands, which now bear his name Cook's Strait. 36. On Tuesday, 30th January, 1770, Captain Cook, being then in Ship Cove, in Queen Charlotte's Sound, caused two poles to be made, and on each the name of the ship was inscribed, with the date of his visit ; and erecting one at the watering place, he carried the other over to Motuara, and placing it there hoisted the Union flag, and took formal possession of the inlet and adjacent country in the name of George III., giving to the inlet the name of Queen Charlotte's Sound. 37. From Queen Charlotte's Sound he sailed down the coasts of the South and of Stewarts Island, without discovering the channel by which they are separated, turned the South Cape, and traced the opposite shores back to Cook's Strait ; giving to the north-west extremity of the Middle Island the name of Cape Farewell, he took his departure from thence for England on Saturday, 31st March, 1770; thus ended his first visit. Cook's original chart of New Zealand as explored by him 1769 and 1770 names the North Island Eaheinomauwe, and the South Island Tavai-Poenamoo. The insularity of Stewart's Island was not then known. These names originated thus : When the great navigator asked the natives the name of the North Island, he was told that it was " A thing fished from the sea by Maui." He mea hi no Maui ; and that the Middle Island was Te wahi pounamu, or "The place of the greenstone." (Thomson, Vol. i., p. 4). 38. The South Island (Eakiura) was named Stewart's Island in honour of the sealer who, in 1808, discovered its insularity. 39. De Surville, a French naval officer, was the next navigator who visited New Zealand. When Cook's ship, the "Endeavour," was working out of Doubtless Bay, in December 1769, in the North Island, De Surville's vessel, the "St. Jean Baptiste," from India, was sailing in, and neither navigator was aware of the other's vicinity. (Thomson v., 1, 232. Abbe Rochon's Voyages, 1791. 40. On the llth May 1772, Marion de Fresne, another French seaman, anchored his two ships the " Marquis de Castries " and the " Mascarin " between Te Wai-iti Whais Island and the Motu Arohia (the Motuaro of navigators), in the Bay of Islands. On the 12th June an attack was made by the natives, and De Fresne and twenty-seven of the crew were killed. Crozet, second in command of the ship "Mascarin" inflicted terrible punishment on the natives for these murderous attacks. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand), 41 . Captain Cook paid a second visit to New Zealand in the ' ' Resolution," and on Thursday, the 25th March, 1773, land was first seen. Captain Furneaux joined Captain Cook with the "Adventure," in Queen Charlotte's Sound, where they left goats, pigs, seeJs, c., with natives, and on the 7th of June, 1773, both vessels left the Sound, thus terminating Cook's second visit. 42. His third visit took place in October, 1773. He first made the land on the 21st October, at Table Cape, and bearing away under Portland, made Cape Kidnappers. A number of natives came on board, and Cook gave them some pigs, and garden seeds. The natives remembered the visit of the "Endeavour'' in 1770. After sailing down the coast and passing Cape Campbell, the "Eesolution" anchored in Ship Cove, Queen Charlotte's Sound. On Thursday 25th, he left the Sound, and on the 26th November passed Cape Palliser, and stood out to sea, thus ending his third visit. 43. He again visited the Islands in October, 1774, seeing Mount Egmont at day-break on the 17th, which he found covered with snow. He then proceeded to Ship Cove, and thoroughly explored Queen Charlotte's Sound. Ho left on the llth November, 1774, and arrived in England, July 29, 1775. 4-4- Captain Cook again visited New Zealand in 1777. Monday, 10th February made Bock's Point. Tuesday, llth, and Wednesday, 12th, passed Cape Farewell, Stephens Island, and anchored in Ship Cove, Queen Charlotte Sound. Tawritrarooa, a native, described a vessel which he said had visited New Zealand before Cook had put into port, on the north-west coast of Terrawitte (Terawhiti), a few years before he arrived in the Sound in the " Endeavour," 1769. Tuesday 25th February, weighed and stood out of the Sound, and through the Strait, 'thus ending the fifth and last visit. 45. During these visits Captain Cook had much intercourse with the natives, both on shore and on shipboard, and at each visit introduced several useful plants and animals. In 1777, he found, some fine potatoes and useful vegetables grown from the seeds introduced by him on his first visit. 4uA. " Cook's old ship, the " Discovery," was some time since removed from Woolwich, and is now (August 20, 1834) moored off Deptford as a receiving ship for convicts." (Robertson's Circum. Globe, p. 409.) 46. New Zealand remained un visited by any European ships from 1777 to 1791, when Captain Vancouver touched at Dusky Bay, while engaged on an expedition to survey and explore the north-west coast of America. About this time also an intercourse sprang up with the newly formed British settlement at Sydney, and various whaling and sealing ships began shortly afterwards to frequent these shores. 47. The first intercourse between New South Wales and New Zealand, commenced in May, 1793, when Captain King, Governor of New South Wales, sent a vessel to cruise about the New Zealand coast, to procure natives to teach the English at Norfolk Island to dress the flax (Phormium tenax), which abounds there as in New Zealand. Two natives were enticed on board, and were returned to their homes after a six month's detention. (Lieutenant Collins' History of New South Wales, London, 1804, p. 341.) 48. Admiral D'Entrecasteaux, when searching for La Perouse arrived off New Zealand in 1793. " In 1785, La Perouse sailed from France for the Pacific, with the " Boussole," and "Astrolabe" under his command, and was last heard of from Botany Bay, in March, 1788. Several expeditions were subsequently despatched in search of Perouse, but no certain informa- tion was obtained until captain Dillon, of the East India ship " Research," ascertained that the French ships had been cast away on the New Hebrides, authenticated by articles which he brought to Calcutta, 9th April, 1828." (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, London, 1881, p. 465.) 10 49i In 1771, Benjamin Franklin and Mr. Dalrymple proposed, "That a ship should be filled with various useful articles, and sent to trade with the natives of New Zealand, a proposition indicative of the accurate judgment the philosopher had formed of the character of the people." (Dodsley's Annual Register, 1771). This paper is dated August 29, 1771, and may be found among Franklin's " Miscellaneous Works." 50, Excepting in the sole instance of an English sailor, who lived for some years among the natives about the year 1804-7 there is no record of other white men having lived on shore, between the years 1793 and 1814. NOTE. "In 1823, Tippahee (Te Pehi, the brother of Rauparaha) carried out with him the first European, who probably ever took up his abode in New Zealand, a young man named George Bruce." (The New Zealanders, London, Nattali, 1847, p. 63; also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 51. Intercourse with the natives: As early as 1793, the whaling ships of different nations began to touch on the coast. Their intercourse was marked by great cruelty and inj ustice on the one part, great treachery and dishonesty on the other, and a revolting blood-thirstiness and strong spirit of revenge on both sides. 52 In 1805, Mr. Savage, an English surgeon, took the first New Zealander to Great Britain ; his name was Mohanger. Matara, a son of Te Pehi, visited England in 1807. Buatara visited England 1809. 53, In the year 1809, occurred the massacre of crew and passengers of the ship " Boyd," 500 tons, captain Thompson. This vessel started from Sydney for England, with the intention of touching at Wangaroa, for spars. She carried seventy Europeans, and five New Zealanders, who were shipped to' work their passages to their own country. The captain and a considerable number of the crew were killed and eaten ; and all left on board, save one woman, two children, and a cabin boy, shared the same fate. The lad was saved by George (a native) in gratitude for a trifling kindness, and the woman and children preserved themselves by concealment. These Europeans were rescued from the natives by Te Pehi and Mr. Berrey, the supercargo of the ship " City of Edinburgh," then takiog in spars at the Bay of Islands. (See Berrey's narrative, Constable's Miscellany, vol. iv. pp. 350-351 ; also the Sydney Morning Herald.} 54. The native "George," the instigator of the horrid massacre of the " Boyd," was seen by captain Cruise (of the 84th Regiment Foot), in 1820, when the " Dromedary " went to the Bay of Islands. He states " ' George ' was detested by his people." (Cruise's Journal, pp. 271-272.) 55 The scenes of barbarism enacted between the Europeans and Maoris had attracted general attention, and led to the establishment of a Mission station at the Bay of Islands. 55A, The Reverend Samuel Marsden, Colonial Chaplain of New South Wales the first Missionary to New Zealand landed at the Bay of Islands, December 1814. 56, In 1814, a proclamation published in the Government Gazette, Sydney, appointed Mr. Thomas Kendall, and the chiefs Ruatara, Hongi, and Koro Koro, magistrates for the Bay of Islands, to suppress outrages. 57i The appointment of Mr. Kendall as Resident Magistrate, at the Bay of Islands was the commencement of British authority in New Zealand. tl 00. At this era every vessel approaching the coast had boarding nets, and during three years ending 1817, one hundred New Zealanders were slain by Europeans, in the immediate vicinity of the Bay of Islands. (Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society, Vol. v.) Such murders did not pass unavenged, although the blows given fell on the wrong parties. 59. The brig "Agnes," of six guns, with fourteen men on board, stranded at Poverty Bay, in 1816, and all the crew, save John Eutherford, were killed and eaten. (The New Zealanders, London, Nattali, 1847, Cap. v., pp. 86 to 101, John Rutherford's narrative.) " A whale ship was cast ashore at Wanganui, in 1820, and all the crew, except one European and one negro, were killed and eaten." (Thomson, Yol. i. 253). 60. In 1823, efforts were made in the British Parliament to stop these inhuman scenes, by passing an Act- giving to the Supreme Courts of Australia and Tasmania, jurisdiction over British subjects in New Zealand, Act 4, Geo. IY., cap. 97, but with little effect. 61. In 1820, Hongi, Hika (the Napoleon of New Zealand) and Waikato embarked for England, accompanied by Mr. Kendall, a missionary ; and on arriving at London, were of great assistance to Professor Lee, of Cambridge, in the construction of a vocabulary and grammar of the New Zealand language. 62. When the ambitious warrior Hougi visited England, in 1820, George IV. gave him an audience, and dismissed him with a suit of armour, and many presents. On his return from England, he visited Sydney, sold all the valuable presents, excepting the coat of mail, and purchased 300 muskets, returned to New Zealand, and commenced exterminating several tribes in the north. Early in 1822, Hongi embarked in his war canoes at the Bay of Islands, with 1000 followers, steered up the Hauraki Gulf, and entered the river Thames. Totara, a fortification standing on its left bank, was taken by stratagem, and 300 of the enemy were eaten. (See Eev. S. Marsden's Journal, Church aad Wesleyan Missionary Reports, Christianity among the New Zealanders, by the Right Rev. William Williams, D.C.L., Bishop of Waiapu, London, 1867, and numerous other publications.) 63. The lawless doings of Europeans in New Zealand, so far attracted the notice of the Imperial Government, that Acts of Parliament were passed in 1823, and in 1828, whereby the jurisdiction of the Courts of Justice in New South Wales (of which colony New Zealand had, in 1814, been proclaimed a dependency) was extended to all British subjects in New Zealand. "An act to provide for the administration of justice in New South Wales." (9 Geo. IV., c. 83, 1828.) 64. An attempt was made to colonize New Zealand ; in 1825, a company was formed in London, of highly influential men, among whom was Lord Durham, to colonize New Zealand. A vessel was fitted out, sixty settlers embarked, and late in the year 1826 they arrived in New Zealand. The place chosen for the settlement was near the mouth of the Hokie nga River ; and here captuin Herd, the Company's agent, purchased a quantity of laud, and two islands in the Hauraki Gulf. Unltickilj 7 for the success of the colony, the Hokianga natives were at war with those of the Bay of Islands, when Captain Hera's settlers disembarked ; and the sight of a war dance, and alarming reports of battles won and lost in the neighbourhood, so terrified the colonists that most of them left the country, ufter a short residence. (Thompson, Vol. i. 269.) 12 65. In 1831, a letter applying for the protection of King William IV., signed with the names or marks of thirteen chiefs residing in the Bay of Islands, was transmitted to England by the Eev. Mr. Yates, then head of the mission in New Zealand. Eepresentations were also forwarded at the same time from the Governor of New South Wales, suggesting the appoint- ment of a person in the character of British resident at New Zealand. 66. The result of these joint solicitations was the compliance of the Imperial Government with the recommendation for the appointment of a resident. And in 1833, Mr. James Busby, a settler in New South Wales, was appointed to that position, with a view to check the enormities complained of, and to give protection to the well-disposed settlers and traders. 67. Lord Goderich, in the name of King William IV., in answer to the address, June 14, 1832, expressed His Majesty's sorrow for the injuries which the New Zealanders had sustained from some of his subjects. The letter, and various presents from the King, were presented to the assembled chiefs by Mr. Busby, on his arrival in the colony in May, 1833. 68. Lieutenant McDonnell, R.N., was appointed, in 1835, to be a temporary British Eesident in Hokiaiiga, with similar instructions to those of Mr. Busby. 69. Wreck of the "Harriet." In April, 1834, the barque "Harriet," J. Guard, master, was wrecked at Taranaki, near to the spot were Ne\p Plymouth now stands, and nearly all the crew massacred. Guard escaped, and with some of the sailors, went to Sydney, and reported the circum- stances. The Government of New South Wales sent His Majesty's ship "Alligator," captain Lambert, and a company of the 50th Regiment, to rescue the prisoners. Mrs. Guard and children were rescued, not, however, without a struggle, in which several natives lost their lives. (Report of Select Committee, House of Commons on Aborigines, 1837, Parl. Papers, 1835, No. 585, Marshall's account.) 70. In 1834, Mr. Busby suggested to the Governor of New South Wales, that New Zealand should have a national flag, and that ships owned by New Zealanders should be registered. Sir Richard Bourke sent three pattern flags by H.M.S. " Alligator," to the Bay of Islands, for the chiefs to select from. The one selected was an ensign, with stars and stripes, which was afterwards altered, and was hoisted, inaugurated with a salute of twenty-one guns from H.M.S. ' 'Alligator." An account of these proceedings, dated April, 1834, was transmitted by the Governor of New South Wales to the Imperial Government. Lord Aberdeen in reply (dated December, 1834), approved of them in the name of the King, and stated that the Admiralty had instructed their officers to give effect to the New Zealand Registers, and to acknowledge and respect the national flag of the country. (Parliamentary papers, 1840, Lord Aberdeen's letter.) 71. In 1835, a declaration was issued by the Baron Charles Hyppolitus de Thierry who announced his intention as " Charles, Baron de Thierry, Sovereign chief of New Zealand, and King of Nuhuheva," one of the Marquesas Islands of a formal declaration of his intention to establish in his own person an independent sovereignty in New Zealand. On receipt of this information, Mr. Busby issued an official address to his countrymen in New Zealand, dated Bay of Islands, 10th October, 1835, calling together the native chiefs, in order to inform them of the Baron de Thierry's attempt on their independence. 13 72i The result was a meeting of chiefs ; an address from Mr. Busby, October, 1835 ; and a Declaration of Independence by the chiefs of New Zealand, under the designation of "The United Tribes of New Zealand." In November, 1835, Mr. Busby transmitted a copy of the Declaration to the Under- Secretary of State (Mr. Hay.) 73. In May, 1836, Lord Glenelg, in a despatch to Major-General Sir Richard Bourke, Governor of New South Wales, acknowledges the receipt of the Declaration of Independence, and concludes, " His Majesty will continue to be the parent of their infant state, and its protector from all attempts on its independence." (Official Despatches.) 74-. In 1836, the evils of continued anarchy in New Zealand became more aggravated, in consequence of the desultory colonization then taking place at various spots along its coast, and a petition to the Crown for protection was drawn up and signed by the Missionaries, and some of the most respectable of the European settlers. The merchants of London, in conjunction with the principal houses engaged in the South Sea trade, also signed a memorial to the Crown, setting forth the evils of such a state of affairs, and a Committee of the House of Commons on Aborigines, set before the British public the state of things in New Zealand. 75. In 1837, Sir Richard Bourke, Governor of New South Wales, despatched Captain Hobson, then commanding Her Majesty's ship " Rattle- snake," to the Bay of Islands, to protect British subjects and report upon the lawless proceedings of the natives at Kororareka. Captain Hobson, in an able report, dated August, 1837, after adverting to the decrease of the natives, and the simultaneous increase of the British subjects, he speaks of the latter as every day acquiring considerable possessions of land, and suggests that certain remedial action should be taken to avert the disastrous consequences likely to ensue from the conduct of many of the Europeans towards the natives. 76. Kororareka, at this period the only large settlement in New Zealand, was situated at the Bay of Islands. In 1838, it was the most frequented resort for whalers in all the South Sea Islands, and its European population, although fluctuating, was then estimated at a thousand souls. " It had a church, five hotels, and numberless grog-shops. For six successive years a hundred whale ships were anchored in the Bay. Thirty-six large whale ships were anchored at Kororareka at one time, in 183H; and in 1838, fifty-six American vessels entered the Bay, twenty-three English, twenty-one French, one Breman, twenty-four from New South Wales, and six from the coast." (Thomson, Vol. i. 285.) 77. The Bay of Islands was also the seat of the Mission Station, having a large native population. 1 0. In May, 1838, a public meeting was held at Kororareka, to determine the best means for affording protection to life and property, resulting in the formation of a society called the Kororareka Association. Shortly after the formation of the Provisional Government of Kororareka, steps were taken by Her Majesty's ministers for the establishment of some competent authority within the Islands of New Zealand. A Select Committee of the House of Lords collected a mass of information, which but too fully confirmed previous representations of the deplorable condition of the islands. 79. In the year 1836, a Committee of the House of Commons inquired into the subject of the disposal of Waste Lands, with a view to colonization, and in 1837 a Society was formed in London, with Lord Durham at its head. 14 In June 1838, Mr. Francis Baring introduced a Bill into Parliament which embodied the views of the Association; the Bill was opposed by Her Majesty's Ministers and thrown out. 80. The colonization of New Zealand was announced to the British public on Saturday, April 27, 1839, when a splendid dejenue was given at Lovegrove's West India Dock Tavern, Blackwall, on the occasion of the completion of the equipment of a vessel to proceed to New Zealand, for the purpose of forming settlements in those islands, under the superintendence and management of a company formed in London. Mr. Hutt, M.P. acted as chairman, Q-. F. Young, late M.P. for Tynemouth, deputy-chairman. The Earl of Durham, Lord Petre, and other distinguished noblemen and gentlemen interested in the colonization of New Zealand were present. (Morning Chronicle, April 29, 1839 ; see also J. H. "Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 81. "To the late John Lambton, first Earl of Durham, and Mr. Edward Gibbon Wakefield, England is chiefly indebted for the systematic colonization of New Zealand. After the failure of the scheme of 1825, of which Lord Durham wa - the most influential mover, the formation of a colony was considered hopeless. On several occasions the question was mooted, but those persons to whom it was referred invariably asked, who would prefer migrating to a country inhabited by cannibals." (Thomson, Vol. ii., p. 4.) 82. The New Zealand Company was then formed : Governor, The Earl of Durham ; Deputy-Governor, Mr. Joseph Somes, and a directory composed of noblemen and leading public men in Great Britain. On the 2nd May, 1839, the company issued a prospectus ; and on the 12th May, 1839, before the directors had divulged their scheme to the public, the ship "Tory," (Captain Chaffers, R.N.), 400 tons" burden, sailed for New Zealand, having on board Colonel William Wakefield, the company's chief agent ; Mr. Edward Jerningham Wakefield ; Dr. Ernest Dieffenbach, naturalist to the New Zealand Company ; Mr. Charles Heaphy (afterwards Major Heaphy, V.C.) as draughtsman ; Mr. John Dorset, surgeon ; and a New Zealander named Ngati. Two days after the ship was clear of England's shores, the Directors announced that the Company was formed. After a rapid passage of ninety-six days, the "Tory" sighted New Zealand on the noon of 16th August, 1839. 83. On the following day, August 17th, the "Tory" entered Queen Charlotte Sound. After exploring Queen Charlotte Sound and the Pelorus, Colonel Wakefield crossed Cook's Strait. "September 20, 1839. "We weighed anchor at daylight, and left the Sound with the tide and north- west wind. We had to beat into the harbour of Port Nicholson, and came to an anchor at three in the afternoon." (See Colonel Wakefield's Journal in the Twelvth Report of the Directors of the New Zealand Company ; also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 84. On the 30th September, 1839, Colonel William Wakefield, the New Zealand Company's principal agent, took formal possession of Port Nicholson in the name of the Company under a royal salute, and the New Zealand Flag was hoisted on an immense staff, erected for the purpose. There was a war dance, a war song, and a dinner. " The native oven which contained our dinner, was then opened, and we were invited to attend. After doing justice to the joints of a pig, which had been killed for the occassion, and the whole of which we were bound in native politeness to take away with us, however little we might eat, we drank the healths of the chiefs and people of Port Nicholson, in champagne, and christening the flag staff, took formal possession the Company, amidst the hearty^, natives.". (Colonel Wakefield's Jou^I . History of New Zealand.) 85. September, 1839, before hearing of the proceedings of the prelimu. expedition, four of the Company's ships sailed from Gravesend, vii, " Cuba," surveying ship, with Captain Smith, R.A., and staff, "Aurora'' (arrived at Port Nicholson, January 22, 1840), "Oriental," "Adelaide," conveying the first body of pioneer settlers who commenced the systematic British colonization of New Zealand. Other vessels speedily followed, and before the end of the year 1840, 1200 settlers had disembarked at Port Nicholson. The foundation of Wellington (first called Britannia) dates from the 22nd January, 1840. 86. The Colonial Office was completely surprised at the energetic action of the New Zealand Company. Queen Victoria's Government had been hesitating about sending a Consul to New Zealand ever since the formation of the Republican Association at the Bay of Islands, in 1838, and the New Zealand Company's proceedings decided the question. Letters patent were issued under the great seal of the United Kingdom, on the loth June, 1839, extending the boundaries of New South Wales to include any part of New Zealand that may be acquired in sovereignty by Her Majesty. 87. CONSTITUTION OF THE COLONY : The Bill of Rights : Declaring the rights and liberties of the subject ; and among them, the right to petition and to have arms for defence. 1 Will, and Mary, Sess. II., c. 2. The Act of Settlement : For the further limitation of the Crown, and the better securing the rights and liberties of the subject, 12 and 13 Will. III., c. 2. The Colony created: Provision under which New Zealand was created a separate Colony, 3 and 4 Viet., c. 62, s. 2. 88. Captain William Hobson, R.N., who visited New Zealand in 1837, when commanding H.M.S. "Rattlesnake," in 1837, was immediately ordered out for the purpose of erecting the country into a British colony. The Treasury minute of 19th July, 1839, directs him to proceed to New Zealand as Consul, to endeavour to obtain the sovereignty of the country, and then to act as Lieutenant-Governor. Captain Hobson sailed in H.M.S. ' ' Druid," 44 guns, Captain Lord J. Churchill, and after a prosperous voyage reached Sydney, December, 1839, took the oaths of office as Lieutenant-Governor of New Zealand, and sailed from Sydney, accompanied by a Treasurer, a Collector of Customs, a Police Magistrate, two Clerks, a Sergeant, and four Troopers of the Mounted Police of New South Wales, and landed at the Bay of Islands, 29th January, 1840. 89. Captain Hobson, immediately on his arrival, issued an invitation to all the British subjects to meet him next day at the Church at Kororareka, and circulated notices, printed in the Maori Language, that on the 5th February, he would hold a meeting of the chiefs of the confederation, and of the chiefs who had not signed the Declaration of Independence, for the purpose of discussing a treaty to be proposed for their consideration. 89 A. The first New Zealand newspaper published was the New Zealand Gazette, No. 1, published in London, August 21, 1839. The second number of this paper was published in Port Nicholson, April 18th, 1840, by Samuel Revans, a distinguished pioneer settler, and the father of the Press in New Zealand. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) ^e following day (February 6), two . jreat Seal, extending the limits of New ^ow Zealand; the other under the royal signet, appoint- ^caiu .tlobson, Lieutenant- Governor over such portions of New Zealand aall hereafter be added to Her Majesty's dominions. Two proclamations, a,med by Sir George Gipps, were afterwards promulgated. The first asserted Her Majesty's authority over all British subjects in New Zealand, and the second announced the illegality of any title to land not confirmed by the Crown. 91. The Treaty of Waitangi : The first meeting at which this treaty was presented to the northern chiefs for their approval and adoption, was held at Mr. Busby's station, at Waitangi, on the 5th and 6th of February, 1840 ; and which was fully reported by the Lieutenant-Governor to H.E. Sir George Gipps, in a despatch, dated Her Majesty's ship "Herald," Bay of Islands, 5th February, 1840. (See fac-similes of the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi, page 7, Wellington, by authority, George Didsbury. Government Printer, 1877 ; see also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, for a copy of this important historical document, with a series of copies of the Treaty itself as finally adopted, signed by the principal chiefs in various parts of both Islands, with their signatures, marks, or signs, or from the tatoo on the writer's own face, attested by responsible witnesses.) 92. From Waitangi, the treaty was taken about the country by mission- aries and Government agents for signature. Captain Hobson took it in person to Hokianga, and up the river Thames. Other emissaries were despatched with it to the eastern and western coasts of the North Island, to Cook's Strait, Stewart's Island, and the Middle Island. Before the end of June, 1840, 512 signatures had been obtained to it. 93. The French attempt to colonize New Zealand : The "Com tede Paris," having on board emigrants, had left France in October, 1839, for Akaroa in the Middle Island, and the French frigate "L'Aube" was on the eve of sailing for the same destination, with the intention of founding a French colony, under an Association denominated the Nauto-Bordelaise Company. A few days before the " Comte de Paris " arrived at her destination, H.M.S. " Britomart," Captain Stanley, arrived at Akaroa, and immediately hoisted the British flag, and held a Magisterial Court. The sovereignty and occupancy of Britain was formally proclaimed, before the arrival of either the French frigate " L'Aube," or the " Comte de Paris " with the emigrants. The New Zealand Company ultimately purchased the claim of the Nauto- Bordelaise Company for 4,500. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 94. Auckland, the first seat of government, was established at the site of the present town of Eussell, a few miles distant from Kororareka, in the Bay of Islands, but after a while it was found to be an unsuitable place for the capital, in consequence of an insufficiency of available land. This led to the choice of another site, on the right bank of the Waitemata and on the 19th September, 1840, the British flag was hoisted at Auckland, the name given to the future capital. The choice was ultimately confirmed by Her Majesty's Government, and in January, 1841, Captain Hobson took up his abode there. This was one year after the New Zealand Company had commenced the systematic colonization of the country. 17 95. The British settlers at Port Nicholson (Britannia, afterwards Welling- ton), the first and principal settlement of the New Zealand Company, in the absence of any form of government for the preservation of order and mainten- ance of law, established a pro visional constitution, Colonel William Wakefield, president, and in the first newspaper published iii the colony April 18, 1840 issued an " Address from the Committee of Colonists, calling the attention of the colonists to two documents published in this day's Gazette. One, the agreement, or contract of government, signed in London by the authority of the immigrants ; and the other, a ratification of that agreement, subject to certain modifications by the sovereign chiefs of the district." The ratification sismed and published by S. Eevans, secretary ; numerous appointments were made. The Committee of Colonists met several times, and the " Council" transacted public business till May 23, 1840. Lieutenant- Governor Hobson issued a proclamation declaring the proceedings of the Council illegal, and at the same time informed the Secretary of State for the Colonies, "according to my opinion, unaided by legal advice, the proceedings of the Association at Port Nicholson amount to high treason." (Official documents, and full details in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 96. On the 21st May, 1840, the Governor proclaimed the sovereignty over the North Island by virtue of the Treaty of Waitangi, and over the Southern Islands, on the ground of discovery. 97. The visit to New Zealand of Lady Franklin : On the 3rd March, 1841, H.M.S. "Favorite" visited Wellington, having Lady Franklin, the wife of the Governor of Van Dieman's Land, and her suite, as passengers. Lady Franklin was completing a tour of the Australian Colonies. Before her departure from Wellington, a congratulatory address was presented to her Ladyship by a deputation from the settlers, which alluded to the friendly feeling displayed towards them by Sir John Franklin, and to her literary and scientific acquirements. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) NOTE. Sir John Franklin, with Captains Crozier and Fitz-James, in H.M. ships "Erebus," and "Terror" (carrying in all 138 persons), sailed on his third arctic expedition of discovery and survey, from Greenhithe, on 24th May, 1845. Their last despatches were from the Walefish Islands, dated 12th July, 1845. Their protracted absence caused intense anxiety, and several expeditions were sent from England and elsewhere in search of them, and coals, provisions, clothing, and other necessities were deposited in various places in the Arctic seas, by our own, and by the American Govern- ment, by Lady Franklin, and numerous private persons. (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, London, 1881, p. 345.) "THE NORTH-WEST PASSAGE was discovered by Sir John Franklin and his companions, who sailed down Peel and Victoria Straits, since named Franklin Strait. On the monument in Waterloo Place is inscribed, ' To Franklin and his brave companions, who sacrificed their lives in completing the discovery of the North- West Passage, A.D., 1847-8.' Lady Franklin received a medal from the Royal Geographical Society. " (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, London, 1881, p. 563.) " A bronze statue (above life size) has been erected in memory of Franklin, on the spot whore he resided at Old Government House, Hobart Town, now called Franklin Square. It stands on a pedestal of polished granite, with an inscription." (History of Tasmania, by James Fenton, London, Macmillan and Co., 1884, p. 160.) 98. In June, 1840, Willoughby Shortland, Colonial Secretary, made an official visit to Port Nicholson, and informed the Lieutenant-Governor of 18 the loyalty of the settlers. ' ' I was again assured of the loyalty of the settlers, and that they were actuated in their proceedings solely with a view to preserve the peace, and to protect their property." 98A. Ascent of Mount Egmont, December, 1840, by Dr. Dieffenbach. " However, we at length reached the summit, and found that it consisted of a field of snow about a square mile in extent. A most extensive view opened before us, and our eye followed the line of coast towards Kawia and Waikato." (Travels in New Zealand, by Ernest Dieffenbach, M.D., Naturalist to the New Zealand Company, London, Murray, 1843, Vol. i.,pp. 156-157.) f\/\ ' bo. On June 15, 1840, the first newspaper was published in the North "The New Zealand Advertiser, and Bay of Islands Gazette" published at Kororareka. The purchase of the Chatham Islands by Colonel Wakefield, who sent the " Cuba," in July, 1840, with Mr. E. D. Hanson, an eminent pioneer settler (afterwards Sir E. D. Hanson, Chief Justice of South Australia), on board to negotiate with the natives. The Company abandoned the claim, the Crown lawyers having declared the purchase of the Chatham Islands illegal, and the Chatham Islands were declared a dependency of New Zealand. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 100 A. New Zealand erected into a separate Colony: A charter for " erecting the Colony of New Zealand, and for erecting and establishing a Legislative and an Executive Council, and for granting certain powers and authority to the Governor for the time being of the said colony," was signed by the Queen, on the 16th of November, 1840. This charter, or letters patent defined the Colony of New Zealand to consist of the group of islands lying between 34deg. 30min. and 47deg. lOmin. south latitude, and 166deg. omin. and 179deg. east longitude; and declared that the three principal islands, heretofore known as the Northern, Middle, and Stewart's Island, should henceforth be designated and known respectively as New Ulster, New Munster, and New Leinster. These documents were published in the Colony on the 3rd May, 1841. 100B. The birthday of the Colony: The 14th January, 1840, cannot be claimed as the birthday of the Colony, since on that day New Zealand entered into bondage as a dependency of New South Wales, and became subject to her laws; neither can the 21st May, 1840, the date of the proclamation of the Queen's sovereignty over the islands, be called her birthday, as the status of the colony was in no way altered by that proclamation. The better right seems to indicate the 16th November, 1840, as the true birth of the colony, when she was created an independency, the news whereof was proclaimed at Auckland, on the 3rd May, 1841." (Index to the Laws of New Zealand, fifth edition, by John Curnin, B.A., of the Inner Temple, Wellington, 1885, page 1. lOli The Legislative Council was to consist of not less than six persons, nominated by the Crown, and holding office during its pleasure, with power to make laws and ordinances for the colony, conformable to instructions from the Queen in Council ; the Executive Council to be composed of three of the principal members of the Government, to assist and advise the Governor, who was to be nominated by the crown. The first meeting of the Council was held at Auckland, in May, 1841. 102. Captain Hobsou was appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the new colony, and instructions were issued under the Eoyal sign manual, 19 dated the 5th of December, 1840, prescribing his powers and duties, and those of the Legislative Council. 103, A Civil List was drawn up, fixing the salary of the Governor, Chief Justice, Colonial Secretary, Surveyor-General, Collector of Customs, Attorney -General, Protector of Aborigines, and the expenses attending their several departments. An annual grant was voted by the British Parliament, in addition to the duties levied in New Zealand, to defray the expenses of the Government. (See Colonial Gazettes and Parliamentary Papers.) 104. A Charter was issued to the New Zealand Company, on the 12th February, 1841, after considerable negotiations with the British Government. 1 05i Soon after the foundation of the New Zealand Company's first and principal settlement at Port Nicholson (Wellington), a settlement was formed atWauganui, 1840-1. 106. Formation of New Plymouth settlement : In the month of February, 1840, an Association was formed in the West of England, termed the " New Plymouth Company," founded by colonists chiefly from the West of England. The pioneer vessel, "William Bryan," left Plymouth, 19th November, 1840, arrived at New Plymouth, March 28, 1841. On the departure from England of the "William Bryan," a grand fete was given by the Plymouth Company, at the Royal Assembly Eooms, Plymouth, Friday, October 30, 1840, the Earl of Devon in the chair. A large assembly of the nobility and gentry were present; numerous speeches were made, Mr. E. G. Wakefield delivering an interesting address. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 107. Interest in England taken in colonizing operations : A dinner was 'ven by the Directors of the New Zealand Company to Lord John Russell, er Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, and about two hundred distinguished guests and friends invited to meet his Lordship at the London Tavern, Saturday, February 13, 1841 ; and from its intrinsic nature and antecedent circumstances, excited unusual interest in the city of London. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 108. New Zealand created an independent diocese: On the separation of the colony from that of New South Wales, an application was made to the Imperial Government to constitute the Islands of New Zealand an indepen- dent diocese, and on the 17th October, 1841, Dr. George Augustus Selwyn, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, was appointed the first Bishop of New Zealand, and with a suite of clergymen sailed for his diocese by way of Sydney, in the end of 1841, arriving at Auckland, on the 29th May, 1842. He appointed clergymen to reside at Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth; but afterwards devoted his attention principally to the foundation of a college near the missionary establishment in the north, and to superintending the Church Missionaries in the conversion of the large native population in that part of the colony. 109. Captain Liardet, a distinguished officer of the British Royal Navy, was appointed the agent of the New Plymouth Company. He sailed for New Zealand, in the barque " Whitby,,' 347 tons, Captain Lacy, on the 27 April, 1841, arrived at Wellington, September 18, 1841, and proceeded to New Plymouth, where he met with a gun accident, which deprived him of his sight, November, 1841 ; having partially recovered, he sailed for England, by way of Sydney, February, 1842, 20 110. The Manakau Company formed: Late in the year 1841, twenty- seven settlers from Great Britain arrived in the Manakau harbour. These colonists were sent out by a Scotch Colonization Company, which claimed 19,000 acres of land, purchased from the natives in 1835, by a Mr. Mitchell, and re-sold in 1839 to Major Campbell, Mr. Roy, and Captain Symonds. The settlers on disembarkation, squatted on the ground, but as the company could not establish their right of purchase, no more emigrants were sent out, and the settlement never took root. Those already in the Colony were given lands in other localities, and after twelve years' correspondence the olonial Government reported that the Manukau Company were only entitled to 1,900 acres of land. 111. The next and fourth settlement formed by the New Zealand Company was Nelson, in Blind Bay. The preliminary expedition sailed from London in 1841, consisted of two vessels, the " Whitby," and "Will Watch," under the leadership of Captain Arthur Wakefield, a distinguished officer in the Royal Navy, who was appointed resident agent. The " Whitby " and '" Will Watch " called at Wellington, remained there a short time negotiating with Captain Hobson as to the site to be fixed for the settlement, and sailed for Nelson, October 2, 1841. After cruising through Cook's Strait the "Whitby," " Will Watch," and "Arrow" anchored in the Waikatu (Nelson) in Blind Bay, which was finally fixed upon for the Nelson settlement. 112. Maketu, a native, murdered Mrs. Roberton, her man servant, and her family, November 20, 1841, at the Bay of Islands. He confessed his crime, and was executed at Auckland. 113. Bishop Selwyn arrived at Port Nicholson from Auckland, August 12, 1842. His Lordship in replying to an address from the inhabitants, adverted ' ' to the country now undergoing the great change of colonization, and remarked that under Divine aid, and the exertions of the British people, New Zealand would one day be the brightest gem in Britain's crown, her noblest effort at colonization." 11 4-. Death of the first Governor of New Zealand : Governor Hobson died of paralysis, at Auckland, 10th September, 1842. His body lies in the cemetery at Auckland, and in St. Paul's Church, of that city, a marble slab commemorates in English and Maori, that he was a native of Ireland. On the coffin was engraved on a handsome plate, ' ' Beneath lie the remains of WILLIAM HOBSON, ESQ., a Captain in H.M. Royal Navy, and first Governor of New Zealand, who departed this life on the 10th September, 1842, aged 49 years." 115. The Colonial Secretary (Willoughby Shortland) assumed the office of Acting Governor, but without ceasing to be Colonial Secretary for the time being, issued a proclamation recapitulating the charter for assumption of the office of Governor. 116. Early in November, 1842, emigrants arrived at Auckland, the "Duchess of Argyle," and "Jane Gifford," containing 561 emigrants. These were the first vessels that had come from England direct to the north, except the emigrants who arrived at Manukau. 117. At this period the northern settlers, who were daily increasing in population from Sydney and Van Dieman's Land, were actively engaged in clearing bush land for cultivation, and in trading with a numerous native population. The New Zealand Company's settlers were also actively 21 engaged clearing and cultivating, and settling the country by a large influx of population direct from Great Britain, and as the country was quite unknown to the pioneers, numerous enterprising expeditions of discovery for suitable country to locate the settlers, arriving under the auspices of the colonizing body the New Zealand Company were continually carried out. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) The New Zealand Company's principal surveyor, Captain W. M. Smith, E.A., unfortunately lost his maps, books, journals, and valuable instruments on a return voyage of discovery to the Middle Island, November, 1842.) E. J. Wakefield's Adventures in New Zealand, Vol. 2, p. 311. 118. In the beginning of 1843, the turbulent chiefs, Eangihaeta and Te Rauparaha, gave great uneasiness to the settlers by repeated attempts to prevent peaceable settlement. The important question of what position the settlers stood in with regard to Bangihaeta, was set at rest by the Chief Justice, William Martin, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Martin), refusing to issue a warrant against the rebel chief. (See the decision of HIH Honor in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 119. Captain Fitzroy,R.N. appointed Governor: Mr.WilloughbyShortland, who administered the Government after the death of Captain Hobson, was superseded by Captain Robert Fitzroy, R.N., who was appointed Governor. This officer's connection with the colony arose from his having visited the Bay of Islands in Her Majesty's surveying ship " Beagle," and from having given evidence in 1838, regarding New Zealand, before the Committee of the House of Lords. 120. During the month of March, 4, 5, and 6, 1843, a brilliant comet appeared in the south-west corner of the heavens, and was visible till about the 17th April, 1843. The comet's tail, as seen from Wanganui, measured 45deg. A comet of this vast magnitude had not appeared, it was generally stated, since that of 1680. Those who were versed in astronomy asserted that it was the most brilliant comet that had been seen in ancient or modern times. The Maoris hailed it as an evil omen and commenced howling very pathetically. 121 1 1843, June 18. The Wairau massacre : News arrived in Wellington by the Government brig " Victoria," from Cloudy Bay, of the massacre, at the Wairau, of Captain Arthur Wakefield, R.N., the leader of the Nelson colonists, and twenty-one of the Nelson settlers. Great consternation prevailed at Nelson, when the result of the expedition to the Wairau was made known, and considerable disorganization ensued among all classes. Rauparaha and Rangihaeta, the instigators of the massacre, when the affair was over crossed Cook's Strait in their canoes, dreading the vengeance of the settlers. (The full details of this sad calamity will oe found in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 122. Effect of the Wairau conflict in Europe: The settlers demanded military protection, a settlement of land claims, and an independent government for Cook's Strait. " The Wairau conflict attracted the attention of Europe, and created interest in the minds of men who never thought about the colonies. It completely stopped emigration to New Zealand, called forth the sympathy of people in different parts of Great Britain, and at Paris a proposition was mude to commence a subscription to enable the unfortunate settlers to return home. (Galignanis' Messenger, 3rd April, 1844. 123. 1843, July. Depressed state of the Colony: The Colony at this period was in a very depressed state. The addresses from all parts breathed 22 a spirit of depression, mingled withj alarm at the.tone and manner of the natives in regard to the land claims. In the Kororareka address it is stated " the country has become, beyond example, one general scene of anxiety, distress, and ruin, so that property has lost its value, personal security has been at stake, and happiness has almost ceased to exist." The Cook's Strait settlers (Spectator, No. 262, July 12, 1843): "The deplorable condition in which this settlement is (Port Nicholson) in the fourth year of its existence, compared with what was expected to have been its state by this time, by those who founded it, is a fact to which it is impossible to shut our eyes." (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 124. In December, 1843, Captain Robert Fitzroy, R.N., arrived at Auckland, and found the local Government without money or credit, and in debt more than one year's revenue. There were no means of paying any salaries, however long in arrear ; scarcely could the most pressing and ordinary payments on account of the Colonial Government be made. Various local laws, urgently required on account of frequent disputes which occurred between settlers and natives, had been too long deferred, the Legislative Council not having been assembled during Mr. Shorthand's administration of the Government, or for nearly a year previous to Captain Hobson's death, during which long interval no measure had even been prepared by the law officers. The complimentary addresses to the new Governor from the various settlements, all teemed with expressions of distress and dissatisfaction. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 125i Governor Fitzroy visits Wellington and Nelson : Captain Fitzroy left Auckland, January 18, 1844, in H.M.S. " North Star," Captain Sir Everard Home, Bart., and arrived at Wellington, January 27th. From Wellington, Captain Fitzroy proceeded to Nelson to inquire into the Wairau conflict. Both at Wellington and Nelson he gave great offence to the inhabitants, particularly at Nelson, were he publicly rebuked the Magistrates who signed the warrant for Eauparaha and Bangihaeta's arrest, and stated that the warrant which led to the massacre was informal. This rebuke, coming from so high a functionary, at a time when the colonists were mourning the death of their fellow-settlers, produced a deep sensation, and several Magistrates immediately resigned their commissions. (See Parl. Papers, E. J. Wakefield's Adventures in New Zealand, Fifteenth Beport of New Zealand Company, the Local Papers, and J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 126. Governor Fitzroy's Land Proclamation: In March, 1844, the Governor, with a view to conciliate the natives, consented to waive the Queen's right of pre-emption over certain portions of the conntry in the neighbourhood of Auckland, and issued a proclamation permitting private individuals to purchase direct from the natives on payment of ten shillings an acre to the Crown, and subsequently, to further allay their dissatisfaction, on the payment of one penny an acre. (Government Gazette, October, 1844.) These arrangements, which were in direct opposition to Acts of Parliament, which forbade the waste lands of the Crown in the Colony being alienated at a lower price than twenty shillings an acre, although tacitly assented to in the first place by the Imperial Government, for fear of alien- ating the natives at the then critical state of the colony, were afterwards disallowed. 127. The Land Question, 1844: The settlement of all questions connected with the title to land in New Zealand had been one continued source of anxiety from the foundation of the Colony. 23 128. The British. Government sent out William Spain, Esq., the first Land Commissioner, who arrived 8th December, 1841, in the brig "Antilla," having been detained on his passage by the unfortunate loss of the " Prince Rupert," September, 1841, at the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Spain opened courts in various parts of the colony, investigated, and reported upon claims, and issued awards, some of which were reversed by Governor Fitzroy. 129! "After the Wairau Massacre, out settlers in their solitude, began to forbode evil, and it was generally admitted that the moral influence period was ended, and the days of physical force were at hand. Hitherto the New Zealanders were invariably defendants in disputes with settlers ; now they became the domineering race, and for the sake of peace several concessions were made by the Governor." (Thomson, Vol. 2, p. 87.) 130i The Waikato Tribes gave a great feast at Eemuera, close to Auckland, on a fern plain between Mounts Hobson and St. John, on the llth May, 1844. Governor Fitzroy visited the feast by invitation. At this banquet there were given away to the guests 11,000 baskets of potatoes, 9,000 sharks, 100 full grown pigs, 1,000 blankets, and large quantities of wheat, rice, sugar, and tobacco. At a given signal sixteen hundred men, armed with guns and tomahawks, danced the war dance. This was a display of physical force which caused great uneasiness to the Governor, and to the inhabitants of Auckland. 131. About this time also, another cause of anxiety affording unmistake- able indications of the growing disaffection of the natives towards the Government, as well as towards the settlers generally, presented itself. The flagstaff on the hill above Kororareka (Russell), began to be talked of as a signal of the assumption of authority in New Zealand by the British Government. Meetings began to be held, at which a native named John Heke (Hone Heke), who afterwards made himself notorious in the wars in the North, took a prominent part, the subject of discussion being the cutting down of the flagstaff. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 132. The flagstaff cut down: In the month of August, 1844, Heke assembled a party of armed men, and proceeded to Kororareka, where he spent Saturday and Sunday in alarming the inhabitants, and early on Monday morning mounted the hill and cut down the flagstaff. 133. The Governor applied to New South Wales for troops : Ou intelli- gence of Heke' s proceedings being received at Auckland by Governor Fitzroy, he immediately made application to the Government of New South Wales for troops, and sent thirty men from the small detachment stationed at the capital, to Russell, with directions to the Police Magistrate to replace the flagstaff, and to persevere in temperate and conciliatory measures until self defence should render hostility unavoidable. 134. The Governor, after the troops arrived from Sydney, visited the district and explained to the natives, the intention of the British Government, and assured them that he had no desire to take any violent means to vindicate the honour of the Crown, but should demand their guns to be given up, as an acknowledgement of the insult. Upon this some of the chiefs delivered up their guns, but Heke, however, stood aloof, and would not take part in the proceedings. 135. At this time Wanganui was visited by a war party consisting of Waikato, Taupo, and Rotorua natives. H.M.S. " Hazard," Captain 24 Robertson, sailed for Wanganui to check the natives in their hostile intentions. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 100. Hostilities commenced and Kororareka destroyed: The flagstaff at the Bay of Islands was cut down a second and a third time by Heke, who defied the Governor and his soldiers. On the 6th March a collision took place between the natives and the " Hazard's" pinnace. Hostilities began by an attack of a plundering party upon the house of a settler. On the llth March, John Heke and a party of natives got possession of the flagstaff, which was the key to the position, and afterwards made an attack on the town (Kororareka) which resulted in its destruction, with the loss of many lives. During the attack, the magazine in the town exploded and wounded a number of persons, besides causing the destruction of much valuable property, and the loss of all the ammunition. The town had ultimately to be evacuated, and the settlers were compelled to seek refuge in Auckland. (Parliamentary Papers, No. 517, dated 15th July, 1845, Church in the Colonies, No. 12, Christianity among the New Zealanders, by the Eight Rev. W. Williams, D.C.L., Bishop of Waipu, London, 1867, pp. 304 to 308, the Auckland Papers, and J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 137. Governor Fitzroy was now convinced that war alone could bring about peace. When the news of the destruction of Kororareka reached the New Zealand Company's settlements in Cook's Strait, fortifications were commenced, a militia was formed, and every precaution taken against a general rising of the natives which was greatly feared. Native allies rallied round the Government, and checked John Heke, or Hone Heke Poki's, insatiable ambition and thirst for distinction, which he was not able to conceal from the watchful eyes of his countrymen. 138. The united forces of the friendly chiefs pressed hard upon the rebels, and were of the most essential service, for they alone arrested Heke in the devastating career he had planned, and gave him ample employment in providing for his own safety, until the regular force of the Colony was increased by reinforcements from New South Wales, and even after the arrival of the troops, their aid and co-operation were indispensable. 139- When the British troops reached the scene of operations, at the Bay of Islands, in the month of May, 1845, these friendly chiefs joined them with their followers. They had at one time 900 men in the field, and the average number of their followers under arms throughout the disturbances in the North, may be estimated at between three and four hundred men. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand gives a detailed account of these events in chronological order.) 140. The British troops, under Colonel Despard, of the 99th, an old soldier, who had seen service early in the century, in the East Indies, were repulsed, July 1, 1845, at storming of Oheawai, Bay of Islands, 34 killed, and 66 wounded. (See Colonel Despard's despatches, and other official public documents, and narratives of events of Heke's war in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand and numerous other publications.) 141. Not only at the Bay of Islands, and in the North, were the natives in open rebellion against the Government. At New Plymouth, Wanganui, Nelson, and Wellington, the natives were exceedingly troublesome and much excited, and it was quite clear that an insurrection smouldered in the South. A great bone of contention was the occupation of the Hutt Valley, in the neighbourhood of Wellington, by hostile natives, and their refusal to permit the settlers to enjoy that peaceable possession which the settlers had retained 26 since the foundation of the colony, and notwithstanding that the alleged cause of opposition had already been adjusted by Governor Fitzroy. 142. Debate in the House of Commons on New Zealand affairs : The unsatisfactory state of affairs in New Zealand was discussed in the House of Commons ; Petitions were presented, setting forth grievances. The English public despaired of the colony, and in June, 1845, the House of Commons was occupied in discussing the state of New Zealand. (Eeport of this debate published by Murray, London.) A petition from the Cook's Strait settlers attracted much attention at this time in England. It was drawn up by Mr. Domett, and detailed in eloquent language the miserable condition of the colonists and Captain Fitzroy's incompetency for his office. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 143. Governor Fitzroy recalled : On the 30th April, 1845, Lord Stanley signified to Governor Fitzroy Her Majesty's disallowance of his debenture ordinance. A despatch bearing the same date, conveyed to the Governor, his recall for reasons which were stated at considerable length by Lord Stanley, in a communication dated May 14th, 1845. The general causes assigned were "the defects in circumspection, firmness, and punctuality," which had occurred during his administration, and the repeated infringement of his instructions. The more specific grounds of complaint were, the want of punctuality in acquainting Her Majesty's Ministers with his proceedings, the making paper money a legal tender, permitting the natives to sell land without a concurrent fee to the Government, the temporary abolition of the customs duties, and other measures equally objectionable. 144. The gentleman appointed in the place of Captain Fitzroy was Captain Grey, the Governor of South Australia (became Sir George Grey, K.C.B., in 1848). The new Governor arrived in Auckland on the 14th November, 1845, and on the 18th was duly installed. 145. Immediately after his installation, the new Governor announced the disallowance by Her Majesty's Government of several of Captain Fitzroy's Acts, as transactions of considerable magnitude were continually taking place, the parties concerned in which were necessarily acting under a local misapprehension of the real state of affairs. 146. Native disturbances: While these measures were taking place in Auckland, a large number of natives were in arms against the Government in the Bay of Islands, under the leadership of Heke and Kawiti. Captain Grey then proceeded to the Bay of Islands, where he found 700 trained soldiers entrenching themselves ; and learned that the disaffected natives consisted of two classes those who were in active hostility, and those who were neutral. He endeavoured to put an end to this state of things, by stating that he would consider those who were not for us as against us ; and he informed the allies that the Queen had instructed him to fulfil most scrupulously the treaty of Waitangi. He gave Heke and Kawiti a fixed time to decide on peace or war, and then returned to Auckland. 147. Military operations renewed: The natives did not return satisfactory replies to the communications made to them, and military operations were recommenced. Having made arrangements, the Governor proceeded to the Bay of Islands, to join the troops who were making active preparations against the rebels under Heke and Kawiti, who were finally shut up after some skirmishing, in a pah belonging to the latter chief at Ruapekapeka. 148. Defeat of the natives : On the llth January, 1846, the troops and naval forces under Colonel Deepard, assisted by the native allies, attacked 26 the stronghold Euapekapeka, and carried the place by assault, after three hour's hard fighting, with a loss of twelve killed and twenty-nine wounded, the enemy being defeated and dispersed in different directions. 149. The result of the fall of Euapekapeka was the final submission of all the rebels. The Governor gave Heke and Kawiti, and all who had been engaged an unconditional pardon. Martial law was removed from the northern district ; 200 soldiers were left to garrison the Bay of Islands, and the remainder of the force returned to Auckland. Thus ended the war in the North, which commenced in July, 1844, and terminated in January, 1846. 150. The Hutt campaign : Early in 1846, seventeen Hutt settlers were plundered by the natives, to avenge which Colonel Hulme marched 300 soldiers up the Hutt. The natives on their approach, withdrew to a pah in the neighbouring hills, and, as the enemy's position was unassailable without heavy loss, 200 soldiers were left in the valley for protection. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 1 51 Several murders had been committed by the natives. The murderers were sheltered by Eangihaeta, who refused to give them up, and began to evince open hostility to the Government. In the meantime the Governor arrived in Wellington from the North, for the purpose of suppressing the disturbances. 152. Native attack at the Hutt : On the 16th May, 1846, fifty soldiers of the 58th Eegiment, under Lieutenant Page, stationed at Boulcott's farm in the valley of the Hutt, were surprised an hour before daylight by seventy natives under Mamaku, and six soldiers were slain and four wounded. 153i This successful affair emboldened the enemy, and on the 16th June, 1846, forty soldiers of the 99th Eegiment, under Captain Eead, were attacked while reconnoitering in the Hutt, when two men were killed, and one officer and five men wounded. Another settler was murdered, named Eush, for cultivating disputed lands. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 154. The alarm produced by these events was aggravated by rumours of intended attacks ; out settlers fled to Wellington, and those who remained on their lands took up arms and erected stockades. In every affair which had yet occurred the insurgents were the assailants, and more soldiers were slain than natives ; the enemy confident in their strength despised them, and the leading rebel chief Eangihaeta, was a constant dread. 155. Te Eauparaha suspected by Governor Grey: Te Eauparaha, a powerful chief of the Ngatitoa tribe, was outwardly our ally, professing the wannest friendship for the Europeans ; he and his tribe were, however, secretly assisting Eangihaeta. The Governor, on learning tbe deceitful manner in which Eauparaha was acting, determined to secure him by stratagem, and measures were taken to carry out the plan, which resulted in the capture of Te Eauparaha, Te Kanae, and Hohepa Tamihengia, together with two inferior chiefs, at Porirua, July 23, 1846, the whole of whom were conveyed on board a ship of war, and detained as prisoners. (Full details, in chronological order, of this oventf ul period will be found in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 156. The importance of the capture of Te Eauparaha: " It is difficult to convey an accurate idea of the value of the man the Governor had now in custody. He was the most celebrated living warrior in the country, the leader of the Wairau conflict, and the man. whom three years before all 27 desired, but none dared to seize. His capture was not made in the hour of victory, but after British soldiers had been worsted, settlers murdered, and the spirit of our allies depressed." 157. Rangihaeta defeated: Shortly after Rauparaha's capture, Eangihaeta abandoned his pah at Pahatanui, and accompanied by a considerable number of his followers, whose numbers were also augmented by a reinforcement of disaffected natives from the neighbourhood of Wangauui, took up a position at the head of the Horokiwi Valley, from whence they were finally dislodged by the British forces in conjunction with friendly natives, who, after pursuing them from place to place, terminated the proceedings by totally dispersing the enemy. 158. The end of the Southern campaign : The enemy were now routed ; Kauparaha, their thinking man, was a prisoner ; Rangihaeta, their fighting warrior, a fugitive : Te Heu BLeu, the only chief of note who refused to acknowledge the Queen's authority, and who sheltered the enemy in his inaccessible dominions around Taupo, was at this critical juncture buried alive with fifty-four followers, by an immense land slip. 159. Epuni a valuable and trustworthy ally : Epuni, the Ngatiawa chief, residing at Petoue, during the skirmishes of 1846, rendered valuable assistance to the Government, as well by honest and judicious advice, as by active and courageous co-operation in the field. Epuni was celebrated among the colonists as having been a very rare instance of a native stedfastly adhering to a bargain respecting land. 160. Energetic measures of the Governor: Governor Grey began his career by energetic measures for enforcing British law, and for conquering the rebellious natives throughout the colony. He also displayed increasing activity in visiting the different settlements, and great anxiety to remedy in some measure the evils which had accumulated under the mismanagement of his predecessors. 161. Natives employed in making roads : Governor Grey soon after his arrival in the colony commenced the formation of roads by native labourers, and at Auckland and Wellington, large bodies of friendly and hostile New Zealanders were employed in wielding picks and spades, which diverted their attention from warlike pursuits. These labourers working with the soldiers learned from them several useful mechanical arts. 162. The turbulent chief Rangihaeta and his followers were dis- persed but not subdued, and sojourning among the Wauganui and Taupo tribes they fanned the smouldering sparks of discontent, and at the end of 1846, and the beginning of 1847, several brutal murders were perpetrated, and the settlers in the Wanganui and Manawatu districts were threatened and plundered. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 163. On the 19th May, 1847, the natives attacked the settlement of Wangauui. The inhabitants retreated to several fortified houses in the rear of the military position, and for five hours the enemy kept up a fire on the stockades from the shelter of the deserted town houses. From the stockades and a gunboat on the river, a constant fire of shot and shell was maintained, without dislodging the enemy ; and in the night the latter plundered the town, stole and killed cattle, and decamped. (J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 164 1 . Governor Grey at Wanganui : After this the natives resumed their ordinary guerilla style of warfare, stealing cattle and sheep, and burning down the dwellings vacated by the out- Bottlers, until, at the expiration of about a fortnight, Governor Grey arrived from Auckland, with ships of war, and reinforcements both military and naval, and on the 10th July, 1847, another engagement took place in which the loss on the side of the Europeans was two killed and twelve wounded, that of the natives was supposed to be considerably more. Ibu. After several conflicts, hostilities ceased, but peace was not proclaimed, as the natives would not humiliate themselves to ask directly for it. At the end of the year 1847, they wrote to the Governor begging for peace. (Full details of these events are given in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 166. Peace proclaimed : On the 21st February, 1848, the principal chiefs met His Excellency Governor Grey, at Wanganui, and in the presence of Major- General Pitt, commanding the troops in New Zealand, peace was ratified, and a general pardon granted. 167. The charter of 1846: The necessity of a fundamental change in the system of government adopted by the charter of 1840 having become apparent, an Act of Parliament (9 and 10 Vic. C. 184, sec. 11) was passed by , the Imperial Legislature for the better government of New Zealand, under which a charter was issued for the introduction of a new constitution by which the colonists should enjoy the principles of representative institutions. 168. Mr. Eyre appointed Lieutenant-Governor : Governor Grey was appointed Governor-in-Chief, and the appointment of Lieutenant-Governor for New Munster was conferred upon Edward John Eyre, Esq., a gentleman, who like Governor Grey, had won considerable renown as an Australian explorer, and was known to take a deep interest in the welfare of the aboriginal races. 169. The provinces of New Ulster and New Munster : By the charter of 1846, until further orders should be given, the three Islands of New Zealand were to be formed into two provinces, to be called "New Ulster," and "New Munster." The former to comprise the whole of the Upper or Northern Island, except such parts adjacent to Cook's Strait (Wellington, Wanganui, &c.) as the Governor-in-Chief might exclude ; the parts excepted, together with the Middle and Southern Islands, to constitute New Munster. Each Province was to have an Executive Council (composed of the Colonial Secretary, Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, Officer in command of the troops, and such other persons as might be deemed necessary) to aid with their advice the administration of the Government. 170. The charter suspended for five years : The time for promulgating and carrying out the charter was left to Governor Grey, who availed himself of the discretionary power granted him by delaying its introduction, and lost no time iu representing to the Government his reasons for doing so. "Her Majesty's Ministers acknowledged the justness of Governor Grey's objections to the charter, and with much regret invoked Parliament to suspend for five years that part of the constitution which gave representative bodies the powers of general legislation." (Thomson, v. 2, p. 161.) Ill i " On the institution of a civil order of the Bath, in 1848, Captain George Grey was made a Knight- Commander, and when invested with the star of the Order at Auckland, Walker Nene, and Te Puni (Epuni) were the chosen esquires of the new-made Knight. Sir George Grey deserved both the civil and military decorations ; for he accompanied the soldiers in all their expeditions against the natives (Parliamentary Papers) ; he virtually commanded the troops, and was justly charged with carrying the spirit of 29 peace into the councils of war : an honourable accusation, and a wise policy in conflicts between trained soldiers and savages." (Thomson, Vol. 2, p. 148, see also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 172. The formation of the Otago settlement: As far back as the year 1843, a settlement had been projected by an Association of the lay members of the Free Church of Scotland to be founded in New Zealand under the auspices of the New Zealand Company. In 1X44, an exploring party from Nelson selected Otago as a site for it ; and an association co-operating with the New Zealand Company, purchased at this place, 400,000 acres of land. Colonial disturbances delayed the scheme. In November, 1847, the first ships of immigrants sailed from Greenock for Otago. The " John "Wickliffe " was the first to reach Port Chalmers, the " Philip Lang" the second, on the 22nd March, and loth April, 1848. 173. Captain Cargill leader of the Scotch colonists : The " Association of Lay Members of the Free Church of Scotland, for promoting the settlement of Otago," selected as the leader of the colonists Captain William Cargill, of the 74th Regiment, an old soldier of the Peninsular, and a descendant of the celebrated Donald Cargill, arrived in the " John Wickliffe," March 22, 1848. 174. The Pensioner's settlement, Auckland : The Governor established a military colony of pensioners at Onehunga, and Tamaki. The New Zealand Fencibles were stationed in four settlements from five to fourteen miles round Auckland. " The first detachment of this military colony arrived in October, 1847, and in a few months the Fencibles mustered five hundred men, and with their wives and children they numbered two thousand souls." (Thomson, v. 2, p. 166.) 175- The migration of the Ngatiawa : In 1848, William King, the Ngatiawa chief, with six hundred followers, migrated from Waikanae and Otaki, and took possession of the south bank of the Waitara river, ten miles from the town of New Plymouth. They grew rich ; in 1854, they owned 150 horses, 300 head of cattle, 40 carts, 35 ploughs, 20 pairs of harrows, 3 winnowing machines, and ten wooden houses. They began to place a high value upon their land. The produce of the soil met all their wants, so they needed not to sell territory. (The Rev. Jas. Buller's Forty Years in New Zealand, pp. 388, 389.) 176. The foundation of the Church of England settlement : The "Asso- ciation for founding the settlement of Canterbury, New Zealand." The original plan of the Canterbury settlement was made in 1843, and Governor Fitzroy selected the Wairarapa Valley as a site for it ; for four years the Colonial war laid the scheme at rest ; it was revived in 1847. The idea of placing the settlement at Wairarapa was abandoned in 1848, and Captain Thomas (one of the original Port Nicholson settlers) was entrusted with the selection of the locality ; he fixed upon Port Cooper, with the concurrence of His Excellency Sir George Grey and the Bishop of New Zealand. 178 A. Edward Jerningham Wakefield, son of Edward Gibbon Waketield, at this period published "The Hand Book of New Zealand," consisting of the " most recent information," compiled for the use of intending colonists, London, Parker, 1848. This Hand Book is full of valuable information intended for the Canterbury settlers. It also furnishes a considerable amount of historical information, respecting the proceedings of the New Zealand Company and Canterbury Association. 30 177. Death of Colonel William Wakefield : Colonel William Wakefield, the leader of British colonization in New Zealand, and principal agent of the New Zealand Company, died of apoplexy, at his residence in Wellington, September 19, 1848, in his forty-seventh year. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 178. Earthquakes of 1848: On the 17th October, 1848, the districts of Wellington, Nelson, Wanganui, and the neighbourhood of Cook's Strait, and other parts of the North and South Islands, were visited by a severe earthquake. The earthquake was supposed to be confined to a space of upwards of three hundred miles, or between Bank's Peninsula and White Island. Masses of bitumen were washed on shore along the west coast of the North Island after the earthquake. At Wellington, property was destroyed to the amount of 14,000. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand for a narrative of events.) 179. The discovery of gold at California, 1848 : When the settlers were thinking that the earthquakes would entirely stop immigration, news arrived of the discovery of gold in California. Discontent, and a desire to acquire wealth more rapidly thau by the usual modes of industry, suddenly seized the community like an epidemic ; and nearly a thousand able-bodied settlers, and several ships laden with sawn timber, potatoes, and wooden houses, hastily left New Zealand for San Francisco. 180. The introduction of convicts resented: At this period, 1848, when everything was depressed, a letter was received from the Secretary of State, directing the Governor to ascertain whether the colonists would be disposed to receive "exiles with tickets of leave." Both Europeans and natives opposed the proposition. The Governor, in a despatch, 8th May, 1849, forcibly stated the evils that would ensue from the introduction of convicts, whereupon Ear) Grey declared in a despatch, 26th November, 1849, "that Her Majesty would not be advised to send any convicts to New Zealand. 181. St. John's College, Auckland: The Bishop of New Zealand entertained a large party at St. John's College, upon the opening of the hall which was said to be the most magnificent apartment in the colony July, 1849. His Excellency the Governor-iii-Chief and Lady Grey, with upwards of a hundred guests, partook of His Lordship's hospitality, in the shape of an excellent dinner, which was enlivened by various musical performances of collegians. 182. At this period, 1848-9, the preparation of the Phormium Tenax (New Zealand flax) as an article of export, was extensively engaging the attention of the colonists North and South. 183. Death of the old warrior Te Rauparaha : Te Eauparaha died at Otaki, November 27, 1849, was buried December 3rd. Rauparaha's son Tomihana laid his body in a spot selected by his old companion-in-arms Eangihaeta, in front of the Otaki Church. (See the History of the Life and Times of Te Rauparaha, by W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., Wellington, 1872.) 184. Steam communication: A meetiug was held in London, September 27, 1849, on the subject of local steam communication in New Zealand. 184A. Origin of steam navigation: "Hero of Alexandria," in his 'Pneumatics," describes various methods of employing steam as a power ; and to him is ascribed the -one was chosen as the spokesman on the 38 Maori side. After a' long discussion they could obtain no pledge that their king would be recognised. They believed that the Governor would try to depose him ; and this was confirmed by his proceeding to employ the troops to make a road through the Hunua forest." (The Eev. Jas. Buller's Forty Years in New Zealand, pp. 397, 398 ; also O.P.P.) 252. Death of Edward Gibbon Wakefield : On the 16th of May, 1862, Mr. Edward Gibbon Wakefield, whose labours connected with modern colonization, and with the colonization of New Zealand previously alluded to, died at his residence, in Wellington, at the age of 66 years. 253. General Cameron had a large force at his command. To utilize them, as w<;ll as to be prepared for any ulterior measure, they were employed in forming a road through the wood leading to the Waikato. 254. Imperial control over native affairs abandoned, May 30, 1862. 255. " Sir George Grey decides that the Waitara block had been wrested from the natives by the late Government without any legal title. He resolves on giving it up ; but, before this was publicly known, takes military possession of the Tataraimaka block, which the natives held in pledge for the Waitara. Eegarding this as a recommencement of hostilities, they cut off a small party of two officers and six men, on their way from Taranaki to Tataraimaka, May 4, 1863." (Christianity among the New Zealanders, Bishop of Waiapu, p. 382. This is also referred to in the paragraph " Renewal of the Taranaki war, 1863.") 256. The Maori chiefs signed a poetical address of condolence to the Queen on the death of the Prince Consort. (" Prince Albert died 14th December, 1861, deeply lamented by the whole civilized world. His remains were transferred to the mausoleum of Frogmore, 18th December, 1862. The sarcophagus is composed of the largest known block of granite without flaw." Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, London, 1881, p. 22.) 257. Death of Captain Liardet: Captain Liardet, E.N., died at Green- wich, aged 65, March 1, 1863. He was the leader of the New Plymouth (Taranaki) settlers, in 1841. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand for an account of his career.) 258. On May 4th, an ambuscade cut off two officers and eight troopers, who were in charge of stores. This was the renewal of hostilities, or the commencement of the second Taranaki war. Governor Grey had visited Taranaki in April, 1863, and gave up Waitara; this was by the natives taken as a proof of conscious weakness, and the result of fear; it gave boldness to the disaffected, and apprehension to the loyal natives. 259. During the absence of Governor Grey, who left Auckland for Taranaki, the Waikatos forcibly expelled from their territory the English magistrate (Mr. Gorst), and openly opposed the Queen's authority. 260. Satisfied that the Waikato tribes had instigated the Taranaki people to resistance, that their " overt acts were evidence of a determination to fight, and that a plan of attack upon Auckland was already formed, he recalled General Cameron, with all the soldiers he could spare from Taranaki ; and now began the Waikato campaign." (Eev. Jas. Buller, p. 401.) 261. " By the beginning of July, 1863, General Cameron had concentrated a strong force on the boundary between the settled European districts and the unsold Maori lands." (Sir W. Fox, p, 63.) 39 262. General Cameron's operations: "The Maungatawire Creek, the Rubicon of the Maoris, was crossed 1 2th July, 1863; a series of engagements followed. The natives fought bravely, suffered heavy losses, and were at last defeated ; but they kept their king and their flag, and keep them still. About a hundred and sixty thousand acres of land were consficated, and, to a large extent, allocated to military settlers. No formal peace was made, or asked for. While active fighting lapsed in the Waikalo, it was going on at Taranaki, Wanganui, and on the south-east coast. Raids, panics, murders, were of common occurrence. Disputes arose between the Governor and his Ministers, and also between him and the General." (The Rev. Jas. Buller, p. 401 ; see also for interesting details of this eventful period, Parliamentary Papers and Despatches, The War in New Zealand, by Sir W. Fox, London, 1866, History of Taranaki, by B. Wells, New Zealand, 1878, New Zealand and the War, W. Swainson, Esq., London, 1862, Lieutenant Gudgeon's War in New Zealand, London, 1879, J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis, and numerous other works, pamphlets, and newspaper reports. 263. Native population: The total number of natives in New Zealand, according to a Government census taken in 1858, was 31,667 males and 24,303 females, together 55,970 of all ages and sexes in both islands ; 20,000 of the males may be taken as fighting men, and it must be borne in mind that the women do much work connected with the war. Of the 20,000 fighting men, however, according to Governor Grey's estimate, we never had 2,000 in arms against us at any one time, and it is shown by an examination of General Cameron's despatches, that the troops were never actually engaged with more than 600, and not often with more than 200 to 400. (Sir W.Fox, p. 2.) 264. European population : " The European population in both Islands, in December, 18u4, 171,931 ; but more than half of these were in the Middle Island, and those in the north could not be moved about for military purposes at any distance from their homes, for the obvious reason that by so doing their homes would have been left unprotected, and aggression by rebels have been an immediate consequence. They were all, however, armed, enrolled, and drilled as militia and volunteers, and in some instances for a length of time, relieved the Queen's troops, and enabled them to take the field in greater force." (Sir W. Fox's, The War in New Zealand, p. 4.) 265. Military force under General Cameron: The actual military force serving under General Cameron was, in round numbers, 10,000 Queen's troops, including a troop of field artillery, 5,000 military settlers, enlisted for three years, under regular training, five frigates, and sloops-of-war, of the Royal Navy, which furnished a naval brigade of more than 300 men, and were constantly employed in shelling pahs on the coast, blockading harbours, carrying troops, and other operations. Two steamers belonging to the commissariat, and seven or eight sea and river-going steamers belonging to the Colonial Government ; one an ironclad, with turrets, another ball-proof against small arms. Besides the field artillery, one large llOlb. Armstrong, and two 40lb. Armstrongs, with a great number of smaller guns, mortars, and cohorns, were used whenever necessary. There were also four or five well-mounted and very active cavalry corps, amounting in all to about 500 men. (Sir W. Fox's The War in New Zealand, pp. 4 and 5.) 266. The details of the New Zealand war will be found in the Colonial Parliamentary Papers and Despatches, New Zealand Government Gazettes, the Colonial newspapers, and ui the following works: Mojor-Geuoral Sir 40 J. Alexander, Bush Fighting, narrative of the principal events in the field in the war of 1863-65, London, 1873; Major-General Alexander, Incidents of Maori "War, New Zealand, 1860-61, London, 1863; Account of the Taranaki War, 1860-61 ; Sir William Fox's The War in New Zealand, London, 1866.; Lieutenant T. W. Gudgeon's Eeminiscences of the War in New Zealand, a narrative of skirmishes and expeditions in which the colonial forces took part, London, 1879 ; New Zealand and the War, by William Swainson, Esq., formerly Attorney- General for New Zealand, London, 1862 ; Forty Years in New Zealand, Rev. Jas. Buller, London, 1878 ; History of Taranaki, by W. Wells, New Zealand, 1878 ; J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, and numerous pamphlets. 267. 1861, Juno. Gold discovered at Otago, &c. 268. 1863, July 1st. First electric telegraph opened in New Zealand. 268 A. ORIGIN OF TELEGRAPHS: (From the Greek, tele, afar, andgrapho, I write). JEschylus, in his Agamemnon (B.C. 500), describes the communi- cation of intelligence by burning torches as signals. Polybius, the Greek historian (who died about 122, B.C.), calls the different instruments used by the ancients for communicating information, pyrsice, because the signals were always made by fire. In 1663, a plan was suggested by the Marquis of Worcester, and a telegraph was suggested by Dr. Hooke, 1684. M. Amontons is also said to have been the inventor of telegraphs about this period. (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 17th edition, 1S81, p. 770.) 269. 1863, New Zealand Boundaries ; an Act defining the limits of the colony, 26 and 27 Viet., c. 23. 270. 1863, February 7th. Wreck of H.M. steam corvette " Orpheus," on Manakau Bar; Commodore and 187 of crew drowned. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 271. 1863, July 17. Waikato tribe driven from a fort. 272. August. War spreads ; natives construct rifle-pits. 273 1 September. Proposed consfication of Waikato lands. 274. November 20. General Cameron severely defeats the Maoris at Eangariri ; Maoris' loss, 50 killed, and 183 prisoners ; British loss, 41 killed, and 91 wounded. 275. 1864, December 3rd. Railway from Lyttelton to Christchurch opened ; the first in the colony. Since this period, under the Public Works policy, the construction of railways on a large and systematic scale has been conducted. The total length of lines open for traffic in October, 1885, was 1,497 miles; and under construction 155 miles. 275A. ORIGIN OF RAILWAYS: "Short roads, in and* about Newcastle (England), laid down by Mr. Beaumont, so early as 1602, are thus mentioned in 1676. ' The manner of the carriage is by laying rails of timber from the colliery to the river, exactly straight and parallel; and bulky carts are made with four rollers fitting those rails, whereby the carriage is so easy that one horse will draw four or five chaldron of coals, and is an immense benefit to the coal merchants.' Roger North, They were made of iron at Whitehaven, in 1738. An iron railway laid down near Sheffield, by John Curr (destroyed by the colliers), 1776. The first considerable iron railway was laid down at Colebrookdale, 1786. The first locomotive constructed by George Stephenson, travelled at the rate of six miles per hour, 1814. (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 17th edition, 1881, p. 656.) 276. December 8, 9. Capitulation of the Maori King; the British ensign supplants the Maori King's flag at Ngaruawahia. 277. 1864, April 4th. Outbreak of the Pai Mariri, or Hau Hau heresy, a compound of Judaism and paganism, among the Maoris ; the Rev. C. S. Volkner murdered, March 1865, and many outrages committed. March : proclamation of Governor Sir George Grey against it ; it is checked by the agency of a friendly chief, Wi Tako. This superstitution was the work of some designing Maori ; the accounts given of its origin, by the natives themselves, are various and absurd. Disgusting and revolting acts were committed by the Hau Haus. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 278. 1864. Action at Orakau terminating Waikato campaign. 278A. February 17. Foundation stone New Zealand Exhibition laid at Duuedin. 279. April 29. Attack on Gate Pah, Tauranga, and repulse of British attack, with loss of 35 killed, and 76 wounded. 280. Wanganui settlement defended by loyal natives, May, 1864. The island of Moutua fixed upon as the battle-ground. A memorable battle between the loyal natives and the Hau Hau fanatics, who were defeated with great slaughter ; the friendly natives also suffered severely. A monument was raised to the memory of the natives who fell at Moutua. (See Sir William Fox's narrative ; Dr. Featherston's report, C.P.P., 1864, No. 3, p. 80 ; also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 281. May 25. Tauranga natives give allegiance to Colonel Greer. 282. July. Loan of 1,000,000 to New Zealand, granted by British Parliament. 283. July 8. Baron de Thierry died. 284. June 21. Action at Te Ranga, Tauranga; Maoris defeated with loss of 123 killed, and 12 wounded. 285. August 2. Maori prisoners taken to Kawau the country seat of Sir George Grey an island about thirty miles from Auckland ; they were employed in clearing land and building houses ; after remaining there six weeks they escaped. 286. September llth and 12th. Maori prisoners escape and form the nucleus of a new insurrection. 287. October 3. Wellington made the seat of Government. 288. October 25. Sir George Grey issues proposals of peace. The Aborigines Protection Society send religious, moral, and political advice to the Maoris ; (considered injudicious.) 289. November 24. The seat of Government removed from Auckland to Wellington, Cook's Strait. 290. Gold discovered at Hokitika, and the river Grey, on the West Coast South Island. 291. 1865, January 12. The New Zealand Exhibition of 1865 opened at Dunedin. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis, for details of this interesting event.) 42 291 A. January 28. John Percy Eobinson, Superintendent of the Province of Nelson, drowned. 2913. April 15, Admiral Fitzrcy died, formerly Governor of New Zealand. 292. Second battle in defence of Wanganui, between the Pai Mariri and the friendly natives (the first battle was Moutua) ; the latter under the command of the chief John Williams, who had been for many years head catechist to the Church Missionary Society's Mission at Wanganui. Defeat of the Pai Mariri, February 23rd, 1865 ; John Williams dies of his wounds, February 24 ; on the 27th, all the authorities at Wanganui, civil and military, follow his remains to the grave, the British ensign forming his pall. (Bishop of Waiapu, 384 ; Sir William Fox's War in New Zealand, pp. 211, 212, &c. ; also J. H.Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 293. "The Pai Mariri reach Turanga, March 16, 1865. The Bishop of Waiapu leaves Turanga for Auckland, April 3, 1865." (Bishop of Waiapu, p. 384.) 294. " The Christian chiefs from Otaki, Wi Tako and Matene Te Whiwhi, reach Turanga, and resist the action of the Pai Mariri." (Bishop of Waiapu, p. 3840 295. 1865, May 25. William Thompson, an eminent chief , surrenders on behalf of the Maori King. 296. May 6. New Zealand Exhibition, Dunedin, closed. 297. August. The Hau Haus beaten in several conflicts. 298. August 17. Cook's Strait Cable laid. 299. September 2. The Governor proclaims peace. 300. September 15. British troops about to leave the colony. 301. October. The Maoris treacherously kill the convoys of peace. 302. December 12. Unveiling the Moutua monument at Wanganui, erected in the market place, to the memory of the brave men who had fallen in the battle of Moutua. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 303. 1866, January. Major-General Trevor Chute subdues the Hau Haus , commenced his memorable march from Wanganui to New Plymouth, January 1, 1866, and on the 27th January made a triumphal entry into New Plymouth; returned to Wanganui, February 7, 1866, where he embarked with his staff for Wellington, in the steamer "Ahuriri," where he was feted, and received the thanks of Governor Grey and the colony. "It will be my duty to bring prominently to the notice of the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for War, and his Royal Highness, the Field-Marshall commanding-iu-chief, the noble and gallant conduct of the whole of the troops engaged in these operations." Extract from the address to General Chute ; " By your courage and sagacity you have in a few weeks brought to a close on the West Coast, an expensive and ruinous war, which has lasted for some years, which has been productive of most serious losses to the settlers, and has entailed heavy embarrassment on the colony, and a great 43 expense on the mother country." (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand for details of this campaign, synopsis.) 304-1 Maori prisoners escaped from hulk, in Wellington harbour. The Governor confined sixty prisoners on board a vessel in the Wellington harbour. One dark night (January 29) they escaped. Four were drowned in trying to swim ashore ; three came back pressed by hunger ; two were shot by parties sent in pursuit ; the remainder were not seen again. 305. May 17. Murderers of the Rev. Mr. Volkner executed at Auckland. Mr. Volkner was a Prussian by birth, and a Lutheran by profession. He came to New Zealand in connection with a Hamburg Society, but subsequently joined the English Church, and was ordained by Bishop Williams of Waiapu. He was a most excellent man. 306. 1866, July. The Governor announces cessation of war. The docu- ment announcing peace says, "The Governor took up arms to protect the European settlements from destruction, and to punish those who refused to settle by peaceable means the difficulties which had arisen, but resorted to violence, and plunged the country into war." (Sir W. Fox, The War in New Zealand.) 307. August 15th. Cook's Strait cable laid, communication between North and Middle Island. 308. December 28. Death of William Thompson Ti Waharoa, a celebrated Maori chief, termed the "King-maker," from the influence he exercised over his countrymen. 309. 1867, February. Gold discovered in great quantities in Molyneax Eiver, Otago. 310. August 1. Thames goldfield opened; at the time caused con- siderable excitement in consequence of large finds of the precious metal. 311. August 17. Hunt and party find gold at Kuranui Creek the Sholover claim. 312. November 19. Sir George F. Bowen appointed to succeed Sir George Grey, gazetted. 313. July 16. Archdeacon Henry Williams died ; he was one of the most eminent and devoted missionaries of the Church of England. His labours extended over 44 years, he having arrived in New Zealand in the year 1823. (See Life of Henry Williams, by Hugh Carlton, 2 vols., Auckland, 1874.) 31 *r New Zealand Institute. An Act passed for establishing an institute for the advancement of science and art in New Zealand, 1867, No. 36. 315. Telegraphs, telephones; numerous acts relating thereto, ]867 to 1884. 315A. ORIGIN ov TELEPHONE: Telephone (from the Greek, tele', afar, phone, voice, sound), a name now given to apparatus for transmitting articulate and musical sounds, by means of wire, vibrating rods, threads, or magneto-electricity." (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 17th edition, p. 771.) 316. 1868. An Act relating to the abolition of Provinces, 31 and 32 Vic., c, 92. 44 317. April 16. The first Maori elected M.H.E., giving to the native race a voice in the General Assembly. 318. Surveys of land; providing for the security and preservation of trigonometrical stations, boundary and survey marks, 1868, No. 9. Native land : All surveys thereof to be conducted under the control and supervision of the Surveyor-General, 1876, No. 51, s. 20 ; for purposes of Native Land Court, 1880, No. 38, ss. 39, 42 ; discharge of surveyor's liens, 1882, No. 27, s. 6. (Cumin's Index to Laws of New Zealand, oth edition, p. J.20, 1885.) 319. June 9. Outbreak of Titokowaru at Taranaki, and commencement of West Coast campaign. 320. Escape of prisoners from the Chatham Islands: July 3. Escape of Te Kooti and rest of Maori prisoners from Chatham Islands, and their return to Poverty Bay. They were taken in the East Coast campaign, and numbered one hundred and eighty-seven. The " Eifleman," a schooner, conveying stores to the Chatham Islands for the prisoners, was seized by Te Kooti and the prisoners, July 3rd. Set sail for Poverty Bay, and on the evening of the 10th July, the "Eifleman" arrived at Whareongaonga, tix miles from Tauranganui. The escaped prisoners made their way over a very rough country, and began another guerilla warfare, which lasted two years. (See Eev. Jas. Buller ; Lieutenant Gudgeon ; J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, Colonial Parliamentary Papers ; and the local journals.) 321. August 4. The New Zealand Institute opened by His Excellency Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., the first president. 322. Death of Dr. Evans. September 23, George Samuel Evans, D.C.L., one of New Zealand's most eminent colonists, died in Wellington. He took an active pait with Edward Gibbon Wakefield, and others, in founding the colony, 1838-9 and 1840. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 323. Acts providing for the endowment of a Colonial University. (1868, No. 65; 1874, No. 53, s. 30; 1875, No. 60, part s. 2 repealed; 1880, No. 32.) 324. November 10. Poverty Bay Massacre: About midnight, November 9, 1868, the inhabitants of Poverty Bay were surprised by an attack from Te Kooti and his followers. Twenty-nine Europeans and thirty-two loyal natives were brutally murdered. The settlement was destroyed. The unhappy survivors found homes in Auckland and other places. (See the authors previously quoted and J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 325. 1869, January 5. Te Kooti and the rebels defeated by Colonel (now Sir George) Whitmore. 130 Maoris killed. (For list of skirmishes with the fanatic Hau Haus see appendix to Lieutenant Gudgeon's Eeminis- cences of the War in New Zealand, London, 1879; also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, synopsis. 3 25 A. February 12. Massacre of settlers at Taranaki, at the White Cliffs. The Eev. John Whitely, Lieut. Bamber Gascoigne, Mrs. Gascoigne and family (3) and two soldiers ; in all, eight murdered. 325B. October. Te Kooti, thrice defeated by the colonists and friendly natives, a fugitive. 326. October 7. Despatch from Earl Granyille, insisting on the with- drawal of the British troops, causes much dissatisfaction. 45 327. November 8. Friendly interview between the Native Minister and the Maori King's Minister. 328. Increased demand for the New Zealand flax, which became an important export. 329. 1870, January 22. Departure of the last British troops. 330. January 24. Flying Squadron arrived at Wellington. 331. January 24. Te Kooti, refusing to surrender at discretion, narrowly escapes, February 5. 332. February 8. Art Exhibition opened at Christchurch. 333- June 10. Archdeacon Hadfield appointed bishop of Wellington. 334. The Immigration and Public Works Act and cognate Acts were passed. This scheme was first propounded to the country by Mr. (now Sir Julius) Vogel. 335. July 31. Te Kooti's party attacked and dispersed; his speedy capture anticipated. 336. New Zealand and Australian Submarine Telegraph : An Act authorizing the Governor to contract for the construction and laying of a submarine electric telegraph cable to connect New Zealand with the Australian colonies, 1870, No. 84; 1873, No. 36. 337. August 22. The Duke of Edinburgh in the " Galatea," at Wellington. His visit caused considerable interest among the settlers generally. 338. August. Political union of the islands effected. 339. December 28. Murder of Mr. Todd, surveyor, by Maoris. 340. 1871, February 16. The Duke of Edinburgh left Auckland. 341. April 5. Dr. Featherston sailed for England. The first Agent- General sent to England from New Zealand to represent the colony. 342. November. Te Kooti reported as living by plunder ; acting as a fanatical potentate. 343. October 6. The Otago University opened. 344. November 28. Wanganui bridge opened by His Excellency Sir George Bowen. This splendid iron bridge is the longest in the North Island, being, with its approaches, nearly 600 feet long. 345. August 4. The celebrated chief Tainati Waka, died at the Bay of Islands. This remarkable man, and friendly ally of the British, greatly assisted in the peaceable settlement of the North Island. 348. An Act passed providing for the constitution of Road Boards in Native Districts, 1871, No. 9. 346A. An Act passed for encouraging planting of forest trees, 1871, No. 32, sections 9 and 18 repealed ; 1872, No. 49 ; 1879, No. 22. 346B, The Rev. Dr. Burns died, January, 1871, in his sevonty- sixth year; he arrived with the pioneer settlers of Otago, and stood towards the Scotch colonists as their spiritual adviser and director in things sacred. He was greatly beloved by all classes of the community. 46 347. 1872, March. Friendly meeting of Mr. Donald (afterwards Sir Donald) McLean with Wirimu Kingi and other chiefs, who submit to the British Government through Mr. McLean's influence. 348. In 1872 Public Works and Immigration. Each department was placed separately in the charge of a Minister. 349. 1873, June 3. Bishop Viard died at Wellington ; highly esteemed by all classes of the community; a devoted minister of the Catholic church. 350. March. Sir James Fergusson appointed Governor: arrived June 14. 350 A. March 21 to June 14. Sir George Alfred Arney, Administrator. 351. December 20. Aucklaud-Onehunga railway opened. 352. 1874, December 3, the Marquis of Normanby, Administrator; January 9, 1875, Governor. 353. October 17. Wellington College opened by Sir James Fergusson. 354. December 3. Sir James Fergusson left New Zealand. 355. New Zealand University. An Act repealing "The New Zealand University Act, 1870, "and reconstituting the University created thereunder, 1874, No. 53, sec. 23 repealed ; 1883, No. 2. 355A. Transit of Venus. Expeditions for the accurate observations of the phenomena, on December 8, astronomical day ; ordinary day, December 9, 1874, were sent to different parts of the globe by all the great powers, and favourable results have been reported from New Zealand and other portions of the globe where observations were made. 356. 1875, February. The Maori King submits to the British govern- ment. 356A. Death of Felix Wakefield, Esq., December 24, 1875. He was an active promoter of the formation of the Canterbury settlement. 357. October 12. Provinces abolished ; came into complete force, 1876. In 1875, a colonial Act passed, abolishing the whole of the provincial system (1875, No. 21, sees. 14 to 28 repealed), and in the following year another Act was passed making provision for the division of the colony into counties and for machinery for their local self-government (1876, No. 47, sees. 11 'to 13, 15, 20, 28, 41, 50 to 53, 78, 80, 107 to 111, 144, 177 to 179, 198 to 202, part sees. 47, 59 and 104 repealed; 1877. No. 35, part sec. 2 repealed; 1880, No. 46, sees. 5, 6 and 24 repealed; 1882, No. 44, sec. 16, part sees.' 14, 20. 60 repealed ; 1883, No. 36, sees. 51 to 53 repealed Curnin's Index to the' Laws of New Zealand, 1885, p. 57). 358. 1876, June 5. Auckland Institute opened. 359. February 19. New Zealand telegraph cable laid. 360. June 21. Dr. Isaac Earle Featherston, a distinguished colonist, died in England. He was the first Superintendent for the province of Wellington under the Constitution Act, a leading member of the House of Representatives, and the first Agent-General sent to London to represent the colony. 361. August 30. Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G., succeeds Dr. Featherston as Agent-General for the colony. In 1875, the Official Hand Book of New Zealand was published, edited by Julius Vogel, C.M.G., London, printed for 47 the Government of New Zealand, 1875, containing introduction by the editor, and a valuable collection of papers by experienced colonists on the colony as a whole and on the several provinces. 363. 1877, August 17. San Francisco mail service commenced. January 8. Sir Donald McLean, K.C.M.GK, died at Napier. For many years a distinguished member of the House of Representatives, Native Minister and Superintendent of the province of Hawkes Bay. Buried with Masonic honours. He was the first Grand Master of the Southern Division of New Zealand. OD4-. Special settlements May be proclaimed. Conditions thereof: 1877, No. 15, sec. 4; 1879, No. 21, sees. 24, 25; at Catlins River, for High- land crofters, 1884, No. 34, sec. 42. 365. Deferred payment lands Provisions regulating occupation : 1877, No. 29, sees. 53-73; 1879, No. 21, sees. 3-6, 8, 10-13, 17-19; 1882, No. 46, sees. 58-64; 1884, No. 34, sees. 7-18. 3 DO. Education and education districts making further provision for the education of the people: 1877, No. 21; 1882, No. 54; 1884, No. 52. 3 B7i Acts providing for the management of the state forests by Land Boards: 1877, No. 29, sees. 91-97. 368. NOTE. The work does not admit of a fuller explanation than the mere reference to the passing of these public Acts. 369. April 11. Bishop Selwyu (Lord Bishop of Litchfield) died in England. 370. February 9. Bishop Williams, of Waiapu, died in New Zealand. 3 71 . September. The Christchurch and Dunedin railway opened by His Excellency the Marquis of Normanby, Governor. Grand banquets at Christchurch and Dunedin to commemorate the event. 372. 1879, May 25. Disputes with the Maoris; they expel British settlers near New Plymouth, Taranaki, and plough the land. 373. Act making provisions regulating the establishment of village settlements: 1879, No. 21, sees. 20-23. 374. Death of Captain Cook (1779); centenary, February 14, 1879. One hundred years ago this day Captain Cook was killed. James Cook, accompanied by Mr. (afterwards Sir) Joeeph Banks, sailed from England in the "Endeavour" on his first voyage, July 30, 1768, and returned home after having circumnavigated the globe, arriving at Deal June 12, 1771. The chief object of the expedition, at the request of the Royal Society, was the observation of the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, which was effected June 3, 1769. Captain Cook sailed to explore the southern hemi- sphere July 13, 1772, and returned July 30, 1775. In his last expedition (begun July 12, 1776) he was killed by the savages of Owhyhee, February 14th 1779. His ships, the "Resolution" and "Discovery" arrived at Sheerness October 4, 1780. (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, seventeenth edition, by B. Vincent, librarian of the Royal Institution of Great Britain; London, 1881, p. 207.) 375. February 21. James (now Sir James) Prendergast, C.M.G., Chief Justice, Administrator, February 21, 1879, to March 27, 1879. 376.^March 27. Sir Hercules George Robert Robinson, K.C.M.G., Administrator; Governor. April 17, 1879, to September 8, 1880. 377i June 20. The settlers recover their lands on the West Coast by force. 378. Great influence of Erueti (now Te Whiti), a fanatical Christian Maori, aged 45. He supports Maori claims, but checks bloodshed. 379. 1873. Triennial Parliaments. An Act providing for the ordinary duration of the General Assembly in Parliament, 1879, No. 43. 380. 1880. John Wallace, originally one of the pioneer settlers to New Plymouth ("Amelia Thompson"), died at Wellington, New Zealand, March 16, 1880, aged 92. His works of art, water colours, and pencil drawings were highly esteemed in England. 381. October 26. Sir F. D. Bell, K.C.M.G., appointed Agent-General for New Zealand. He has been intimately connected with New Zealand affairs since 18-39, and is one of New Zealand's most distinguished colonists. Created Companion of the Order of the Bath (C.B.), June, 1886, for services in connection with the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. 382. September 9. Sir James Prendergast, Chief Justice, K.C.M.G., Administrator, 9th September to 29th November 1880. 383. November 29. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, K.G.C.M.G., Gover- nor, 29th November 1880 to 24th June, 1882. 384. An Act empowering the Governor to settle outstanding questions on the West Coast, authorising the making of reserves for the natives, constituting a new land district, and providing penalties for special offences committed in the district, 1880, No. 39. 385. Acts providing for the administration of reserves made for natives within the consficated territory on the West Coast of the North Island, 1881, No. 19, part section 8 repealed; 1884, No. 33. 385. Acts providing for the settlement of loyal natives on the confiscated lands, subject to compulsory residence, 1880, No. 40; 1884, No. 16. 387. Numerous Acts relating to native lands. See Index to the Laws of New Zealand, general, local, and provincial, fifth edition, brought down to the end of the second session of 1884, by John Curnin, B.A., of the Inner Temple, Wellington, G. Didsbury, 1885, pp. 97 to 100. 388. Population. The census of 1881 gave the European population of New Zealand as 489,933 persons ; males, 269,605 ; females, 220,328. The estimated population on 31st December, 1883, was 540,877 persons; males, 294,665; females, 246,212. The native population was estimated in 1881 at 44,000 ; about 42,000 of whom are in the North Island, and about 2,000 in the South Island. NOTE. The Government had a new census taken on Sunday, March 28, 1886, with the following results : In Counties, 327,328 persons ; males, 184,537; females, 142,791. In Boroughs, 245,612 persons ; males, 129,961 ; females, 122,651. In adjacent Islands, 617 persons; males, 403; females, 214. On ship board, 4,726 persons; males, 4,214; females, 512. Total, 578,283. Native population, March 28, 1886, males and females, 41,432. 389. The European population of the Chatham Islands in 1881, was 196 persons ; of whom 115 were males, and 81 females. There were about 125 natives in the Islands ; the aboriginal population which was above 49 1,000, having been nearly exterminated in 1830 by a native tribe from New Zealand. This tribe, after conquering and occupying the Islands for nearly twenty years, returned to their old home. On the 31st December, 1883, the estimated European population was 265 persons ; males, 171 ; and females, 94. The main industry of the Chatham Islands is pastoral. The Chatham Islands are within the limits of the colony, though not included within any provincial district or county. (Official Hand Book of New Zealand, by W. Gisborne, Esq., edited by the Agent General, London, 1884, part HI., p. 101.) 390. 1881, November^. Dispersal of Te Whiti and his followers at Parihaka. 391. The Auckland Islands are uninhabited. They are within the limits of the Colony, lying to the southward of New Zealand, between the parallels of 50 min. 30 sec. and 51 min. south, and the meridians of 165 min. 55 sec. and 166 min. 15 sec. east. There are several harbours; and depots of provisions have been established in some of them for the benefit of shipwrecked persons. (New Zealand Hand Book, 1884, part III., p. 101.) 392. May 26. A comet appeared in the southern hemisphere ; visible in London, June 22, 1881. Described in Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 17th edition, p. 196: "A bright comet, large nucleus, fan-shaped tail." This comet was visible in all parts of New Zealand and seen to great advantage. 393. 1581, September 15. William Sef ton Moorhouse died. TheLyttelton tunnel is a standing memorial to his memory. The Moorhouse Statue, unveiled at Christchurch, December, 1885, by His Excellency Governor Sir W. F. D. Jervois, the work of the eminent sculptor Lawson, is erected a few yards inside the handsome double gates leading into the public gardens from Hereford Street. The figure is seated, draped in modern costume, and facing as nearly as may be lowards the tunnel, with which the name of Moorhouse is inseparably connected. The pedestal is a single cube of blue stone, on the face of which is carved the inscription: "William Sefton Moorhouse, to whose energy and perseverance Canterbury owes the tunnel between the port and the plains." On the right hand side is carved : " Born, 1825; Died, 1881." On the left Land: "Superintendent, 1858-62 ; 1866-68." 393 A. Death of the Hon. Henry Samuel Chapman, at Dunedin, December 27, 1881. A Judge of the Supremo Court of New Zealand, contemporary with the late Chief Justice, Sir William Martin. Mr. Chapman had taken an active part in the foundation of the Colony. He arrived in New Zealand in 1843. His papers, pamphlets, and "Appeals" upon the subject of colonization were numerous. 394. 1882, May 24. First shipment of frozen meat to England ; now an important export. (See official returns.) 395. 1882, April 10. Now Zealand Exhibition at Christchurch opened by His Excellency Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Governor, in the presence of a vast concourse of people. Messrs. Joubert and Twopeny organised this Exhibition. 396. June 24. Sir James Prendergast, Chief Justice, Administrator, 24th June, 1882, to 20th January, 1883. 397. 1881,, November 5. The fall of Parihaka. The Honourable John Bryce, Native Minister, proceeded with the colonial forces, under Colonel Eoberts, invested Parihaka, and took the Maori prophets Te Whiti and Tohu 50 prisoners. The natives, who were Under the control of the prophet Te Whiti, did not offer any resistance. (See narratives in the local journals, and in J. H. Wallace's History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 398. The transit of Venus, December 7, 1882, observed in New Zealand with complete success. It is only eight years since the last transit of Venus occured, but that was separated from its predecessor by an interval of 105J years, and 121 years must elapse before astronomers will again have the opportunity of observing the phenomena. (Local Journals.) 399. January 20. Major-General Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.B., E.E., Governor. 400. 1883, April 10. Sir George Alfred Arney, formerly Chief Justice of New Zealand, died in England. 401. 1883, July 24. F. E. Mailing died in England. Judge of the Native Land Court, and author of "Old New Zealand, by a Pakeha Maori," London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1863. "A remarkable description of Maori life and manners of past times." T-Ufc. Various Acts relating to protective works passed, commencing with No. 42, 1882. An Act consolidating the laws relating to the constitution of Eiver Boards, and the construction of Eiver Works, 1884, No. 49. 403. Roads and Bridges Construction, Acts were passed making provision for the aid of. No. 42, section 34 and part section 10 repealed ; 1883, No. 41 ; 1884, local, No. 24, section 6. 404. Property Assessment, 1879, No. 17 ; 1880, No. 45; 1881, No. 38. Property tax, imposing, 1884, No. 40. 405. Eoad Boards and Eoad Districts. General provisions relating to the constitution of Eoad Districts, and the powers of Eoad Boards, 1882, No. 43, sections 32, 33, 37, 73, part section 29 repealed ; 1883, No. 34 ; 1884, No. 37. 406. Scientific Societies may become incorporated, or the trustees thereof, by filing memorial in Supreme Court, 1884, No. 26. 407. 1884, December 1. The Hon. W. Swainson died. He was the first Attorney-General for New Zealand; author of "New Zealand and its Constitutions, &c.," and " New Zealand and the War," London, 1862. 408. 1885, June 12. The Hon. John Sheehan, M.H.E., late Native Minister, died at Napier, aged 40. He was New Zealand bom, and raised himself by his talents to the important office of Native Minister during Sir George Grey's Government, 1877 to 1879. 409. 1885, August 1. New Zealand Industrial Exhibition opened in Wellington, by His Excellency Major-General Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.B., E.E., Governor. The Industrial Exhibition of 1885 was first proposed by the Colonial Treasurer (the Hon. Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G.) in his financial statement, delivered on the 16th September, 1884. His Excellency the Governor, and Sir Julius Vogel addressed the crowded audience, and the Governor declared the Exhibition opened. (See J. H. Wallace's History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 410. October 31. The Industrial Exhibition, which had been a great success, was closed. His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable (now Sir) Eobert Stout, Premier, addressed the crowded audience, and the Governor declared the Exhibition closed. (See J. H. Wallace's History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 51 411. November 29. The foundation stone of the first woollen factory in the North Island, laid at Petone, Wellington, by the Hon. (now Sir) Eobert Stout, K.C.M.G., M.H.E., Premier of the Colony. 411 A. The Woollen Manufactories of the Colony : " There is no industry in New Zealand of which the colonists are prouder than the woollen manufactories, and they undoubtedly merit the estimation in which they are held, whether as regards the success they have achieved, or the excellence of the products. Four mills have been in active operation for some years three in the vicinity of Dunedin, and one at Kaiapoi, near Christchurch. Another is just beginning work at Oamaru, and two are in course of erection, or about to be erected at Ashbuiion and Wellington (411). A small carpet factory of seven looms has also been recently established at Woolston, near Christchurch." (See the Industries of New Zealand, by W. N. Blair, M. Inst., C.E., Dunedin, 1884, p. 18.) 411 B. Bryce v. Kusden : action in the Queen's Bench for libel, London, March 4, 1886. The Hon. John Bryce, M.H.E. (formerly Native Minister) commenced an action for libel, contained in A History of New Zealand, 3 vols., by Or. W. Eusden, published by Messrs. Chapman and Hall, London, 1883. The libels contained in the book not only reflected upon the character of Mr. Bryce, but upon the conduct of the colonists generally towards the natives. The trial excited general interest, and lasted several days. The jury returned a verdict for Mr. Bryce; damages, 5000. (See J. H. Wallace's History of New Zealand, synopsis.) 41 1C- The Indian and Colonial Exhibition. The opening of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, by Her Majesty the Queen in person, May 4, 1886, was notified by telegram, and a special Gazette issued from the Premier's office, Wellington, May 5, 1886. His Excellency the Governor received a telegram from His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, forwarding proceedings of opening ceremony of Colonial and Indian Exhibition, con- taining address by His Eoyal Highness the Executive President to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of the opening of the Exhibition, the Queen's speech, the Ode, by Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate : Welcome, welcome with one voice ! In your welfare we rejoice, Sons and brothers that have sent, From isle and cape and continent, Produce of your field and flood, Mount and mine and primal wood ; Works of subtle brain and hand, Splendours of the morning land : Gifts from every British zone. Britons, hold your own ! May we find as ages run, The mother featured in the son ; And may yours for ever be That old strength and constancy Which has made your mother great In our ancient Island State ; And wherever her flag may fly, Glorying between sea and sky, Making the might of Britain known. Britons, hold your own ! 52 Britain fought her sons of yore. Britain failed, and never more, Careless of our growing kin, Shall we sin our father's sin, Men that in a narrower day Unprophetic rulers they Drove from out the mother's nest- That young eagle of the West, To forage for herself alone. Britons, hold your own Sharers of our glorious past, Brothers, must we part at last ? Shall not we, though cold and ill, Cleave to one another still ? Britain's myriad voices call, Sons, be welded, each and all Into one Imperial whole ; One with Britain heart and soul. One life, onp flag, one fleet, one throne. Britons, hold your own, And God guard all ! 41 1 U. Telegram from His Excellency the Governor to the Prince of Wales: "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, London The Governor and Government of New Zealand, on behalf of the colony, acknowlege with respectful thanks receipt of telegram. They heartily congratulate your Eoyal Highness on opening Exhibition, success of which so greatly due to your gracious exertions. Special Gazette will be issued forthwith." 41 IE. Telegram from the Honorable (now Sir) Robert Stout, Premier, to Her Majesty the Queen: "Her Majesty the Queen The Governor and Government of New Zealand, on behalf of the colony, most humbly tender to your Majesty their respectful thanks for great honour conferred on colonies by your Majesty opening Exhibition. ROBERT STOUT, Premier." 411 F. A birthday presentation to Sir George Grey, K.O.B., D.C.L., M.H.R., &c., Kawau, formerly Governor of South Australia, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, and New Zealand (second time), Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, Premier of the colony of New Zealand, and at present M.H.R. for Auckland City East, &c., on the attainment of his seventy- fourth birthday, April 14, 1886, signed by 12,460 adults, exclusive of Maoris. The presentation was made in the Opera House, Auckland, in the presence of an immense audience of citizens and the leading men of the colony. 4116. Volcanic disturbance in the early part of June, 1886. During the night of Wednesday, June 9, and early in the morning of Thursday, June 10, loud reports were heard over a large portion of the colony, extending from Auckland in the north to Blenheim in the south. Mount Tarawera, close to Rotomahana, became suddenly an active volcano, belching out fire and lava to a great height, overwhelming Wairoa and numerous villages, and causing considerable loss of life and destruction of property, both European and native. The whole surrounding country was for some time enveloped in darkness ; violent shocks of earthquake added to the great excitement caused by the violence of the volcanic eruptions. (See Reports by Dr. Hector, Professor Hutton, Professor Brown, and Mr. S. Percy Smith, Assistant Surveyor-General, Auckland.) 53 GOVERNMENT. When the Colony was founded, there was in it an aboriginal race, roughly estimated at about 80,000 ; more than nine-tenths resided in the Northern Island. The Maoris, as the race was called, had been recognised by the British Government as an independent nation, and had been presented by it with a national flag. 413. British sovereignty was obtained by discovery and treaty (the Treaty of Waitangi). The fac-simile of the original treaty, with native signatures and historical events connected with the Treaty, are given in J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand. 4 1 *TI The constitution was that of Crown Colonies. The Governor, except in so far as he was controlled by the Imperial Government, was almost despotic. 4 1 5. The Executive Council was composed of the Governor, and three Government officers. The Legislative Council consisted of the Executive Council and of three men who did not hold office, but who were nominated by the Governor. 4- ID. In 1847, the Imperial Government issued a now charter. The Colony was divided into two provinces (New Ulster and New Munster), Lieutenant- Governors appointed, and a Goveruor-in- Chief, a Colonial Parliament created with a Eepresentative Chamber. This charter was suspended. 417. In 1853 before the suspension ended the New Zealand Con- stitution Act (passed 30th June, 1852) came into force, giving representative government, viz., the Governor, a Legislative Council composed of members nominated by the Crown for life, and a House of Representatives elected by the people for five years, but by an Act passed in 1879, the term was limited to three years. 418. The Colony was divided into provinces, with an elective Super- intendent, and an elective Provincial Council for each province, elected for four years. 419. In 1875, a Colonial Act was passed, abolishing the whole provincial system (came into operation 1876), and in the following year another Act was passed making provision for the division of the Colony into counties. 420. The Colony is divided into sixty-three counties ; each county sub-divided into ridings. The governing body is an elective Council, and an elective chairman. There are also Road Boards, and in the towns, Municipal Councils, Central and Local Boards of Health, Harbour Boards, &c. 421. Until the abolition of provincial institutions in 1876, each province conducted its own educational system. In 1877, the Education Act, for the whole Colony, was passed. The administration of the Act is almost wholly vested in District Boards, elected by School Committees within each district. 422. The education is provided, and is made compulsory for children between the ages of seven and thirteen. That is called primary education. Secondary, or High Schools, are under Boards of Governors, constituted by special Acts. Li the secondary schools fees are charged for instruction. (See full details and returns in Official Hand Book of Now Zealand, edited by the Agent-General, London, 1883. 54 423. There are also four Normal Schools at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin, for training teachers. Native village schools. There are also in the Colony, maintained or aided by the Government, industrial schools, and orphanages, and a deaf and dumb institution. 424-1 The University of New Zealand is a Colonial Institution, and is empowered by Royal charter to confer degrees. Its work is that of exami- nation and of granting degrees. It has also established several scholarships. The Chancellor of the University furnishes an annual report. The Senate holds periodical meetings for conducting all business connected with the University, under " The University Act, 1874." 42b. Taxation. Ordinary taxation is raised from customs ; a gold duty on gold produced in, and exported from the Colony ; Customs are indirect taxation. Stamps, other than postage stamps and for fees, and Beer Duty, which is an excise, and property tax, are direct taxation. Receipts for services rendered, viz., railways, postages, telegraphs, fees in judicial, registration, and other public departments. The territorial revenue is raised from land sales, and from depasturing licenses, rents, &c. The Customs are a tariff of duties at different rates on imported articles enumerated therein. " The Property Assessment Act, 1879 " as amended by an Act of 1880, and 1881, regulates the assessment of all real and personal property for the purpose of taxation. (See official and parliamentary returns, Official Hand Book of New Zealand, by the Agent- General, 1883, Returns published in the Gazette, Financial Statements, &c., &c.) A BRIEF SKETCH OF PIONEERS OF CIVILIZATION. 426. An important era in the history of New Zealand, is that of the pioneers of civilization, and the introduction of Christianity and letters into the country. 427. True progressive civilization was planted by the crews of the early ships, and by the sealers, whalers, and Pakeha Maoris. These men sprang from various classes ; a few were Frenchmen, but the majority were Englishmen and Americans. 42 8 1 The early navigators were the first to arrive, and the traders and whalers followed in their track. The sealers formed the next arrival. These men commenced their intercourse with the natives in the southern parts of the Middle Island, about the beginning of the century, being landed from whale ships for the purpose of killing the seals, then very numerous all round the coast. 429. Bay whaling in New Zealand was established in 1827, at Pre- servation, near the south end of the Middle Island ; also Banks' Peninsula, Queen Charlotte's Sound, Cloudy Bay, the Island of Kapiti, and other places in Cook's Strait, and in Poverty Bay, Bay of Plenty, and Taranaki, in the North Island. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand, Parliamentary Papers, and numerous works on New Zealand.) 55 430. The natives engaged themselves to the whalers and sealers, and as their European masters were distinguished by a manly love of fair play, they imbued our imitative race with the more prominent features of their own character. To the whalers and sealers we are chiefly indebted for our first knowledge of the available harbours of the coast. 431. The Missionaries also greatly improved the native character by checking vice, and giving instruction in Christian worship. (A brief sketch of the introduction of Christianity is given ; see also J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) 432. "Sprung from the same class of men as the whalers, were the Pakeha Maoris, a term which being interpreted, signifies " Strangers turned into natives." They were the next pioneers of civilization, and their influence was exerted on the natives living in the North Island." (Thomson; J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand.) SPIETTUAL CONQUEST OF THE NEW ZEALANDERS. 433. The spiritual conquest of the New Zealanders was accomplished by pioneers, who were actuated with widely different motives from the "Pioneers of Civilization." 434. "It was towards the end of the eighteenth century that the physical and moral condition of the South Sea Islanders first attracted the attention of the people of Great Britain, and it was in 1795 that a missionary society was formed in England, to send forth the Word of Life. " Send it to where, expanded wide, The South Sea rolls its farthest tide ; To every island's distant shore, Make known the Saviour's grace and power." 435. " The year 1796 will be ever memorable in the annals of our faith as that in which the "Duff" sailed out of the river Thames with thirty missionaries, for the purpose of converting the people of Tahiti, Murguesas, and the Tonga or Friendly Islands, to Christianity. (See A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands, by the Rev. John Williams, of the London Missionary Society, London, 1840.) 436. "The honour of carrying the Gospel of Peace to the warlike Maoris is due to the late Rev. Samuel Ma radon. He was then senior chaplain of the colony of New South Wales; born at Horsforth, near Leeds, in 1764." (The Rev. Jas. Buller's Forty Years in New Zealand, London, 1878.) 437. The Rev. S. Marsden had acted as colonial agent for the London Missionary Society. He persuaded the Church of England Missionary Society to turn their attention to New Zealand. After an absence of fourteen years, he visited England. On his return voyage, in 1809, he was accompanied by Messrs. Hall and King, who were soon followed by Mr. Kendall, and, in 1815, by the Rev. John Butler, the first clerical missionary. 438. " On the 28th November, 1814, the schooner "Active" left Sydney for New Zealand with the Rev. S. Marsden, his friend Mr. Liddiard Nicholas, and the missionaries Kendal, Hall, and King with their wives and families, and a party of eight New Zealanders." (Christianity Among the New Zealanders, Bishop of Waiapu, London, 1867, p. 10.) 439. " They reached the Bay of Islands December 22, and anchored off Rangihora, which was the village over which Ruatara was chief, who was on friendly terms with Mr. Marsden. The next day (the Sabbath) about ten o'clock Mr. Marsden prepared to go on shore to publish for the first time the glad tidings of the Gospel. I preached from Luke ii. 10 : ' Behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy.' " (Bishop of Waiapu, pp. 12 and 13.) 440. In 1819, a station was formed at the Kirikiri. In 1822, the Rev. Mr. Leigh, from the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and two clergymen, established themselves at Wangaroa, on the East Coast. 441 . Mission Stations were formed at Pahia, in the Bay of Islands, in 1823 : at Waimate in 1830, and at Kaitaia in 1834. In 1827, the Wesleyan missionaries fled from Wangaroa in terror of their lives. In 1832, the church mission station was moved from Ranerihu to Te Puna. 441 A. Mr. (now the Rev.) William Colenso, of Napier, superintended the printing department at the mission station, Pahia, Bay of Islands. He set the type and printed, in 1835, the first English book printed in New Zealand : Report of the Formation and Establishment of the New Zealand Temperance Society. (See J. H. Wallace's Early History of New Zealand for a copy of this historical literary curiosity.) 442. Mission stations were also founded in 1834 on the Thames and Waipa rivers; in 1835, at Tauranga, in the Bay of Plenty; at Rotorua, in the interior, and at Kawhia and Whaingaroa, on the West Coast. In 1839, they penetrated to Cook Strait and the Middle Island, 443. In the year 1836, Pope Gregory XVI. appointed J. B. F. Pompallier Roman Catholic Bishop of New Zealand. 444. In 1 838, the bishop arrived with several priests, and took up his abode in Kororareka, and since that period stations have been formed all over the islands by the three missionary bodies, viz. , Church of England, Wesleyan, and Catholic. 445. Henry Williams. "It was Mr. Marsden's fourth visit to New Zealand, in August, 1823; he came in the ship 'Brompton.' The mission party that he brought with him included not only Messrs. Turner and Hobbs, for the Wesleyan mission at Wangaroa, but also the Rev. H. Williams, who began the formation of a new station at Pahia, in the Bay of Islands. In later years he was better known as the Rev. Archdeacon H. Williams." (Rev. J. Buller's Forty Years in New Zealand, p. 278.) 446 t "In 1826, he was joined by his brother William, who had been trained to the medical profession. He translated the first version of the New Testament into Maori ; was consecrated Bishop of Waiapu. The natives had always called him by the familiar name of Parata (brother), but afterwards it was exchanged for that of Piliopa (bishop)." (Rev. Jas. Buller's Forty Years in New Zealand, p. 279.) 57 GOVERNORS. 447. Succession of Governors of New Zealand and the dates on which they assumed and retired from the Government. (From the Official Hand Book of New Zealand by the Agent- General.) Names. From. To. Captain William Hobson, R.N. Jan. '40 10 Sept. '42 N.B. Proclamation of British Sovereignty by Captain Hobson in January, 1840, and New Zealand a Dependency of the colony of New South Wales until 3rd May, 1841, at which date it was proclaimed a separate colony. From January, 1840, to May, 1841, Captain Hobson was Lieutenant-Governor of New Zealand under Sir George Gipps, Governor of New South Wales, and from May, 1841, Governor of New Zealand, the seat of Government being at Auckland, where he died in September, 1842. From the time of Governor Hobson's death in September, 1842, until the arrival of Governor Fitzroy in December, 1843, the Government was carried on by the Colonial Secretary, Lieutenant Shortland. Lieutenant Shortland (Administrator) 10 Sept. '42 26 Dec. '43 Captain Robert Fitzroy, R.N. 26 Dec. '43 17 Nov. '45 Captain Grey (became Sir George Grey, K.C.B., in 1848) N.B. Captain Grey held the commission as Lieutenant- 18 Nov. '45 31 Dec. '53 Governor of the colony until the ist January, 1848, when he was sworn in as Governor-m-Chief over the Islands of New Zealand, and as Governor of the Province of New Ulster and Governor of the Province of New Munster. After the passing of the New Zealand Constitution Act, Sir George Grey was, on the i3th September, 1852, appointed Governor of the colony, the duties of which he assumed on the 7th March. 1853. In August, 1847, Mr, E. J. Eyre was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Munster ; he was sworn in 28th January, 1848. On 3rd January, 1848, Major-General George Dean Pitt was appointed Lieutenant- Governor of New Ulster ; he was sworn in i4th February, 1848 ; died 8th January, 1851 ; and was succeeded as 'Lieutenant- Governor by Lieutenant-Colonel Wynyard, appointed i4th April, 1851 ; sworn in 26th April, 1851. The duties of Lieutenant- Governor ceased on the assumption by Sir George Grey of his office of Governor on tht 7th March, 1853. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Henry Wynyard, C.B. (Ad- ministrator) 3 Jan. '54 6 Sept. '55 Colonel Sir Thomas Gore Brown, K.C.M.G., C.B. 6 Sept. '55 2 Oct. '61 Sir George Grey, K.C.B. j Administrator .. ( Governor . . . . 3 Oct. '61 4 Dec. '61 5 Feb. '68 Sir George Fergueon Bowen, G.C.M.G. 5 Feb. '68 19 Mar. '73 Sir George Alfred Arney, Chief Justice (Administrator) 21 Mar. '73 14 June '73 Sir James Fergusson, Baronet, P.O. 14 June '73 3 Dec. '74 The Marquis of Normanby, P.C. { %*** 1 1 3 Dec. '74 9 Jan. '75 21 Feb. '79 Sir James Prendergast, Chief Justice (Administrator) . . 21 Feb. '79 27 Mar. '79 Sir Hercules George Robert Robinson, ir n P vr n / Administrator . . 27 Mar. '79 K - G - C - M --( Governor 17April,'79 8 Sept. '80 Sir James Prendergast, Chief Justice (Administrator) . . 9 Sept. '80 29 Nov. '80 Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, K.G.C.M.G. 29 Nov. '80 24 June '82 Sir James Prendergast, Chief Justice (Administrator) . . 24 June '82 20 Jan. '83 Major-General Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.B., R.E. 20 Jan. 83 58 PEEMIEES. 448 List of Premiers of New Zealand, with Dates of their Assumption of and Retirement from Office. (From the Official Hand Book of New Zealand, by the Agent- General.) Name ef Premier. Date of Assumption of Office. Date of Retirement from Office. Henry Sewell 7 May, 1856 20 May, 1856 William Fox 20 May, 1856 2 June, 1856 Edward William Stafford 2 June, 1856 12 July, 1861 William Fox 12 July, 1861 6 August, 1862 Alfred Domett 6 August, 1862 30 October, 1863 Frederick Whitaker 30 October, 1863 24 November, 1864 Frederick Aloysius Weld 24 November, 1864 16 October, 1865 Edward William Stafford 16 October, 1865 28 June, 1869 William Fox 28 June, 1869 10 September, 1872 Edward William Stafford 10 September, 1872 11 October, 1872 George M. Waterhouse . . 11 October, 1872 3 March, 1873 William Fox 3 March, 1873 8 April, 1873 Julius Vogel 8 April, 1873 6 July, 1875 Daniel Pollen 6 July, 1875 15 February, 1876 Julius Vogel 15 February, 1876 1 September, 1876 Harry Albert Atkinson . . 1 September, 1876 13 September, 1876 Harry Albert Atkinson . . 13 September, 1876 13 October, 1877 George Grey 13 October, 1877 8 October, 1879 John Hall 8 October, 1879 21 April, 1882 Frederick Whitaker 21 April, 1882 September, 1883 Harry Albert Atkinson . . 22 September, 1883 15 August, 1885 Eobert Stout . . 16 August, 1885 27 August, 1885 Harry Albert Atkinson . . " 28 August, 1885 .2 September, 1885 Kobert Stout 3 September, 1885 448A. JUDGES OP SUPEEME COUET. Chief Justice: Sir James Prendergast, K.C.M.G. Puisne Judge : C. W. Richmond, Wellington, Nelson and Westland. Puisne Judge : A. J. Johnston, Canterbury and Westland. Puisne Judge : T. B. Gillies, Auckland. Puisne Judge : J. S. Williams, Otago. MISCELLANEOUS. 449 Wool is, undoubtedly, the most important production of New Zealand, its value in export being more than treble that of gold. 449 A. " "Wool." From the earliest times to the reign of Queen Eliza- beth the wool of Great Britain was not only superior to that of Spain, but accounted the finest in the universe ; and even in the times of the Eomana 69 a manufacture of woollen cloths was established at Winchester for the use of the emperors. Anderson. In later times wool was manufactured in England, and is mentioned 1185, but not in any quantity until 1331, when the weaving of it was introduced by John Kernpe and other artizans from Flanders. This was the real origin of our now unrivalled manufactures, 6. Edward III., 1331 :Rymer's Fcedera. Haydn, p. 868. 4uU. Animal life. " Until the systematic colonization of the islands, New Zealand was very destitute of terrestrial or animal life suitable to the wants of civilized man ; the only animals being a small rat, a dog (which had probably been introduced since the islands were peopled by the present race) and pigs, the produce of some animals left by Captain Cook and the navigators that succeeded him, through the agency of the early missionaries, and by whaling ships many useful animals and plants were then introduced." In more recent years all kinds of domestic animals, poultry, game, and all kinds of smaller birds have been introduced. The rivers also of New Zealand, which formerly produced only the eel and a few small salmonoid fishes of little value, are gradually being stocked with salmon and trout and other fish. (Hand Book of New Zealand by James Hector, M.D., C.M.G., F.E.S., Director of the Geological Survey, Wellington 1886, p. 25.) For a detailed account of the birds, see Manual of the Birds of New Zea- land, by Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., F.K.S., New Zealand 1882. 451. Sheep, cattle and horses. There are now in New Zealand about fourteen million sheep, seven hundred thousand cattle, and one hundred and sixty thousand horses. 452. Whaling. New Zealand is the chief centre of the southern whale fisheries, and at certain seasons the less frequented harbours are visited by whalers for the purpose of refitting and carrying on shore-fishing and barrelling their oil. 453. Fisheries. "The New Zealand fishes resemble those which are found on the coast between Madeira and the Bay of Biscay, more than they do those which are caught about the north of Scotland." Their useful variety bears favourable comparison with fish in British seas, Dr Hector. (See a detailed account of the edible fishes of New Zealand, illustrated by wood cuts. By Dr. Hector.) In 1885, an act entitled "the Fisheries Encouragement Act, 1885" was passed, offering bonuses for the establish- ment of fish- canning and curing industries. 454. Minerals. New Zealand is rich in mineral wealth gold, silver, coal, oil shales and oil, iron, copper, lead, tin and zink, platinum, mercury, nickel, cobalt, antimony, chrome, manganese. Clays of all kinds are very plentiful throughout New Zealand, and there seems to be a variety for every purpose, from common bricks and tiles to chinaware and tobacco pipes. Building stone, marble, slate, limestone, &c. Among the minor non-metallic minerals used in manufactures and the arts, which have been found in New Zealand, are plumbago, sulphur, gypsum, magnesia, aluni, flint, felspar, asbestos, meershaum and talc. (Hand Book of New Zealand, Jas. Iloetor, M.D., C.M.G., F.H.S. 1880.) (industries of Now Zealand by W. N. Blair, M. lust., C E. 1884.) 455. Vegetation. Timber and forest trues, strength of New Zealand timber, extent of forest land, bark for tanning and dyeing, Phormium Tenax (the New Zealand hemp.) Sco Dr. Hector's 11 ami Book, 1880; pagos 12 to 16. 60 456. Agriculture. Agriculture, classification of geological subsoil, varieties of soil, northern district, north-western district, north-eastern district, south-western district, progress of agriculture. See Dr. Hector's Hand Book, 1886 ; pages 17 to 20. 457. Pastoral. "The general suitability of the country for grazing purposes, and the production of a superior class of wool, caused the attention of the first settlers to be given to pastoral pursuits." 458. Gaslights. The inflammable aeriform fluid, carburetted hydrogen, evolved by the combustion of coal, was described by Dr. Clayton in 1739. Application of coal gas to the purposes of illumination tried by Mr. Murdoch, in Cornwall, 1792. Gas-lights introduced at Boulton and Watt's foundry in Birmingham, 1798. Gas-lights introduced in London, at Golden lane, 16th August, 1807; Pall Mall, 1809; generally throughout London 1814-20, (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, p 354.) All the large towns in New Zealand are now lighted with gas, and new gas companies are constantly being formed. 459. Industries. " The manufactories and industrial works of New Zealand in 1881 were 1,643, against 1,271 in 1878. Since 1878 fellmongery, tanning, and currying establishments increased from 100 to 119; boiling- down and meat-preserving works, from 32 to 40 ; saw-mills, from 204 to 223 ; iron foundries, from 29 to 35 ; agricultural implement factories, from 8 to 23 ; furniture factories, from 12 to 45 ; sail factories, from 1 to 13 ; bacon and fish-curing factories, from 8 to 34. The increase in the number of woollen mills from 3 in 1878 to 4 in 1881. (See paragraphs 411 and 4llA.) 460. The number of manufactories devoted to articles of clothing increased from 7 in 1874 to 24 in 1878 and 54 in 1881. There were 54 companies registered in 1884 under the " Companies Act 1882." Twelve of these are noticeable as bearing upon the development of local industries, are as follow : Dairy produce and bacon factories, 7 ; tobacco growing and manu- facturing company, 1 ; candle and soap manufacturing companies, 2 ; copper mining companies, 2. (Hand Book of New Zealand by Dr. Hector, 1886, pp. 77-78.) NOTE. It may appear to some readers that reference to public Acts passed by the Legislature without any explanation, is unnecessary, and an mcumbrance to the book ; as, however, the Acts referred to form an important portion of the history of the progress of the colony, the mention of them, in their chronological order, will be found to be both useful and instructive. INDEX. The Figures denote the number of the paragraph. A, Area of New Zealand, 1, 2 " Agnes" brig, stranded 1816, 59 Aberdeen, Lord, orders the New Zealander's flag to be respected, 70 " Aurora," arrival of, at Port Nicholson, January 22, 1840, 85 " Adelaide," arrival of, 85 Akaroa, arrival of French settlers at, 93 Auckland, the seat of Government, 94 Auckland, arrival of emigrants, "Duchess of Argyle" and "Jane Gifford," 115, gold discovered, 205 Acts, Governor Fitzroy's disallowed, 145 Association, of Lay Members of the Free Church of Scotland, 173 "Alcemine," French frigate, loss of, 197 Albert, Prince, death of, 256 Art Exhibition, Christchurch, 332 Auckland and Onehunga railway opened, 351 Auckland Institute, opened, 358 Auckland Islands, 391 Arney, Sir G. A., administrator, 350A, 447, death of, 400 Atkinson, Harry Albert, premier, 448 Agricultural, 456 Animal life, 450 B. Bruce, George, first white man who lived among natives, 50 Boyd, massacre of crew and passengers, 53 Barbarism, scenes of, 55 Busby, James, first British resident in New Zealand, 66, arrival of, 67 Bourke, Sir Richard, Governor of New South Wales, sends the New Zealanders a national flag, 70 Bay of Islands, a resort for whalers, 76, seat of Mission stations, 77 Baring, W. Francis, introduced a bill into Parliament, opposed and thrown out, 79 Boundaries of New South Wales extended to N.Z., 86 Britannia, name first given to the N.Z. Coy. Settlement at Port Nicholson, 95 Birthday of the Colony, lOOu " Beagle," H.M.S., 119 Browne, Colonel Gore, C.B., successor to Sir George Grey, arrived at Auckland, 222, visits the provinces, 224, purchases Waitara, 231, paid Teira 200, 235, recalled, 238, 'J39, arranged a truce with William Thompson, 242, term of office, 447. Burns, Dr., (of Otago) died 346u Bishoprics, Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington, Waiapu, 232 62 B, Continued. Bishop of New Zealand protests against Taranaki war, 240 Bowen, Sir George, appointed to succeed Sir George Grey, 312, term of office, 447 Birth and name of New Zealand, 27, 37A Bell, Sir F. D., K.C.M.G., appointed Agent-General, 381, June 1886, created C.B. Bryce v. Busden, damages for plaintiff 5000, 41lB Butler, Bev. Jno., first clerical missionary, 437 Book, the first printed in New Zealand, 44lA c. Counties, names of, 5, 6 Cook, Captain James, began his discovery, 12, sailed in the " Endeavour," 3lA, 32, arrived at Tahiti, 32, Transit of Venus observed, 32, discovers Society Islands, 34, first sights New Zealand, 34, at Bay of Turanga, 34, Mercury Bay, 34, takes possession of New Zealand, 35, Ships Cove, 36, leaves for England, 37, original chart referred to, 37, second visit, 41, third visit, 42, fourth visit, 43, fifth and. last visit, 44, introduction of useful plants and animals, 45, old ship "Discovery," 45A, death of, 374 Colonial Legislature, 23 Chronological History, 24 Colonization of New Zealand, the " Tory," 80 " Cuba," surveying ship, 85 Committee of the House of Commons, 79 Chaffers, Captain, B.N., Commander of the " Tory," 82 Colonial office.surprised at action of New Zealand Company, 86 Constitution of the Colony, 87, Colony created, 87 Churchill, Captain Lord J., H.M.S. " Druid," 88 " Comte de Paris," a French emigrant ship, at Akaroa, 93 Civil List, the first, 103 Cook's Strait settlers, prepare for war (1845) 137 Charter of 1846, granting a Constitution, 167 Charter suspended for five years, 170 Cargill, Captain "William, leader of Otago settlers, 173, death of, 237 Church of England, settlement formed, 176 Crozet, Captain, inflicts terrible punishment on natives, 40 Church mission of 1814, 55 Comet, the most brilliant seen in ancient or modern times, 120, 392 Convicts, proposed to be sent to New Zealand, 180 Canterbury settlement, formation, 190 Canterbury colonists, dinner at Gravesend, 193, at St. Paul's, 194 Chapman, the Hon H. S., death of, 393A Constitution Act, 201, 202, 203, 204 Constitution Act promulgated, 207 Church of England Constitution, 209 Christchurch a new Bishopric, 225 Constitution Amendment Act, 227 Cameron, Major-General, Sir Duncan, C.B., sent from Home to finish the war ; succeeds General Pratt ; arrived at Auckland t 242 ; employs troops in road-making, 253 ; leaves Taranaki for Waikato, 261 ; hostilities, 262 ; military force, 265 ; defeats Maoris, 274 Clifford, Mr. (Sir Charles), first Speaker of the General Assembly, 220 Cook Strait cable laid, 298, 307 Chute, Major-General, subdues the Hau Haus, 303 Christchurch and Dunedin Railway opened by the Marquis of Normanby 371 Colonial and Indian Exhibition openei in London (May 4th 1886), 411c Colenso, Bev. W., printed first book in New Zealand, 44U 63 D, Discovery of New Zealand, 25 Distance of earth from the sun, 33 De Surville, 39 ; visits Doubtless Bay 39 De Entrecasteaux, Admiral, 48 Durham, Lord, head of New Zealand Association 1837, 79 ; present at dejeune on departure of " Troy," 80; the promoter of colonization, 81 ; Governor of New Zealand Company, ,82 Dieffenbach, Dr. Ernest, naturalist to New Zealand Company, sails in " Tory," 82 Dorset, John, surgeon to New Zealand Company, sails in " Tory," 82 Dieffenbach, Dr., ascends Mount Egmont, 98A Devon, the Earl of, at fete, Plymouth, 106 Diocese, New Zealand created an independent, 108 Depressed state of the colony, 1843, 123 Despard, Colonel, repulsed at Oheawai, 140 Debate in the House of Commons on New Zealand affairs, 142 Deferred Payment Lands Act, 336 Domett, Alfred, premier, 448 E. Electors' qualification, 22 European discoverers of New Zealand, 26 " Endeavour," a barque fitted out for Lieut. Cook, 31 Epuni, the Ngatiawa chief at Petone, a valuable ally of the British, 159 Eyre, Edward John, Lieutenant-Governor, 168 ; term of office, 447 Earthquake of 1848, 178 ; 1855, 223 Egmont, Mount, ascent of, 98A Eaehinomawe, North Island, 37A Exhibition (1885), Dunedin, 291 ; closed, 296 Evans, G. S., D.C.L., an eminent colonist, died, 322 Edinburgh, Duke of, visits New Zealand, 337, 340 Education Acts, 3P>6 ; general reference to, 421 to 424 Exhibition, Christchurch, Joubert and Twopeny, 395 Exhibition, Industrial, 1885, 409, 410 F. Fresne, Marion de, visits Bay of Islands and is assasinated, 40 Furneaux, Captain, joins Captain Cook, 41 Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, 49 Franklin, Sir John, a bronze statue at Hobart Town, 97 Franklin, Lady, visits Port Nicholson in H.M.S. " Favorite," 1841, 97 "Favorite," H.M.S., 97 Fitzroy, Captain Robert, E.N., appointed Governor, 119 ; arrival of at Auckland, 124 ; at Wellington, 125 ; Land proclamation, 126 ; attended a great feast near Auckland, 130; sends for troops, 133; troops arrive at Auckland, 134 ; visits the Bay of Islands, 134 ; war declared, 137 ; recalled, 143 ; term of office, 447 Flying Squadron arrives in New Zealand, 380 Featherston, Dr., sails for England ; the first Agent-General, 341 ; died, 3(50 Forest trees, planting of, 34(U Fergusson, Sir James, appointed Governor, 350 ; left New Zealand, 353 ; term of office, 447 Frozen meat, first shipment of, 394 64 P Continued. French attempt to colonize New Zealand, 93 Flagstaff, Bay of Islands, out down by Heki, 136 Flax, New Zealand (phormium tenax), 182 Forests (State), Act, 367 Fox, William, premier, 448 Fisheries, 453 G, Government, 19, 20, 21 George III. encouraged maritime discovery, 29 George, a native, instigator of the " Boyd " massacre, 54 Godrich, Lord, answer to chief's address, 67 Guard, Mrs. (wrecked at Taranaki in " Harriet,") 69 Glenelg, Lord, conveys His Majesty, William IV.'s wishes, 73 Gipps', Sir George, proclamations, 90 Grey, Captain (now Sir George), the Governor of South Australia, appointed Gover- nor, 144 ; proceeds to Bay of Islands, 146 ; military operations renewed, 147 ; defeat of the natives, fall of Kuapekapeka, 148 ; has Te Rauparaha captured, 155 ; end of Southern campaign, 158 ; energetic measures of the Governor, 160 ; employs natives road-making, 161 ; proceeds to Wanganui, 164 ; peace proclaimed, 166 ; created K.C.B., 171 ; Sir George and Lady Grey at Canterbury, 192 Grey, Sir George, approaching departure of, 213 ; Lady Grey, 213 ; departure from Wellington, 216 ; departure from Auckland, 217, 218 Grey, Sir George, Governor of Cape of Good Hope, supersedes Governor Browne, 238, 239, 247, 248 ; gives up Waitara, 255 ; proposals of peace, 288 ; term of office, 447 ; birthday presentation, 41lE Gold discovered at California, 179 ; in Australia, 195 Godley, J. R., leader of Canterbury colonists, arrived, 191 Gold, discovery of, at Auckland, 205 ; Bendigo diggings, 206 Gibbs, Captain of first commercial steamer, "Ann," 215 General Assembly, first meeting of, 220 Gold discovered at Mataura, 226 ; arrived at Dunedin, 241 Gorst, Mr., expelled from Waikato, 260 Gold discovered at Otago, 267 ; Hokitika and the Grey, 290 Gate pah, repulse of British troops, 279 Government, seat of, removed, 289 Gold in great quantities, discovered at Molyneaux, 309 Gordon, Sir A. Hamilton, Governor, 383, 447 Government education and taxation, 412 to 425 Governors of New Zealand, and the dates on which they assumed and retired from the Government, 447 Gas, and gas companies, 458 Gillies, T. B., Judge, 448A H. Hongi visits England, 61 ; presented to George III., 62 Herd, Captain, attempts to colonize New Zealand, 64 " Harriet," wreck of, 69 ; massacre of crew of, 69 Hay, Mr., Under- Secretary of State, 72 Hobson, Captain of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake," visits New Zealand, 75 Hutt, Mr., M.P., present at a dejeune at Lovegroves, West India Dock Tavern, Blackwall, 80 Heaphy, Mr. Charles, draughtsman to New Zealand Company, sails in "Tory," 82 65 |-| Continued. Hobson, Captain William, B.N., sailed for Sydney in H.M.8. "Druid," 88; arrived at the Bay of Islands, 88 ; calls a meeting of chiefs, 89 ; appointed Lieutenant-Governor, 90 ; obtains signatures to Treaty of Waitangi, 92 ; declares proceedings of Port Nicholson settlers " high treason," 95 ; pro- claims British sovereignty, 96 ; -appointed Governor and Commander-in- Chief, 102, 447 ; death of, 114 Hanson, B. D. (afterwards Sir B. D.,) negotiates the purchase of the Chatham Islands, 100 Heke, John the flagstaff, 131 ; flagstaff cut down, 132 ; proceeds to Kororareka with an armed party, 132 ; flagstaff cut down a second and third time, 136 ; hostilities, 136 ; death of, 187 Heki and Kawiti war ended (1846), 149 Hutt campaign : after plunder of settlers, Colonel Hulme marched troops to the Hutt, 150 ; attack of natives on Lietenant Page, 152 ; second attack of natives on Captain Beed, 153 Hawkes Bay, a new province, 233 Hau Hau heresy, outbreak of, 277, 292, 293 Hadfield, Archdeacon, appointed Bishop of Wellington, 333 Hall, John, premier, 448 Insurrection smouldering in the South (1845), 141 Immigration and Public Works Acts 334 Industrial Exhibition, Wellington, opened, 409 ; closed, 410 Indian and Colonial Exhibition opened in London (May 1886), 41 Ic Industries, 459 J. Jervois, Major General, S. W. F. D., Governor, 399, Industrial Exhibition, 409, telegram to the Prince of Wales, 41lA, 447 Johnston, A. J., Judge, 448A K. Kendall, Mr. Thomas, first Magistrate at Bay of Islands, 56, 57 Kororareka, 1837-8, 76, association formed, 78, destroyed by Heki and a war party, 136, inhabitants seek refuge in Auckland, 136 King, William, and tribe migrate, 175 King, proclaimed (Potatau) 230, died, 2S6 King, Wiremu Kingi Whiti Bangitake, objects to sale of Waitara, 234 King movement, History of, 245 King, capitulation of, Ngarauwahia, 276 King, interview with the Maori, 327, submission of 356 La Perouses' voyage, 48 Lambert, Captain, H.M.S. Alligator, 69 " L'Aube," French frigate, at Akaroa, 93 Legislative Council, first meeting, Auckland (1841) 101 Liardet, Captain, B.N., agent for the New Plymouth Company, 109, death of, 257 Land Beguliition* (1853) 210 Legislative Council, first meeting under the constitution, 221 Loan, of 1,000,000 granted by British Parliament, 282 Loan Acts, for public works, 334 66 M. Mountains and plains, Sqpth Island, 7 Mountains and plains, North Island, 8 Maori race, 10, origin and history, 13, 14, physical character, 18, tradition, 26 Maori members, House of Representatives, 22 Municipal bodies, 23A Mercury Bay, 34, Transit of Mercury, 34 Mohanger visits England, 52 Marsden, Rev. Samuel, first Missionary, 55A Mount Egmout, 1840, Dr. Dieffenbach ascends, 98 Manakau, the Company's settlers arrive, 110 Maketu, a Maori, executed for murder of Mrs. Roberton and family, 112 Martin, W. , Esq. (afterwards Sir William) Chief Justice, refuses a warrant against Raugihaeta, 118 Murders, committed by natives, 151 Masonic Festival, N. Z. P. Lodge, 198 Maori Parliament, the first, 228, meeting of, 226 Mail Service, the first regular, 231 Mantell, the Hon. N. B. D. 199 Maryborough created a Province, 246 Military force under General Cameron, 265 Moutua, battle of, 280 Matene, Te Whi Whi, resists Hau HaufSm, 294 Maoris treacherously kill convoys of peace, 301 Moutua Monument, unveiled, 302 Maori, the first elected M.H.R., 317 Maoris take European land at New Plymouth and plough it, 372, settlers resist, 377 Moorhouse, W. S., died, 393 Maning, Judge (Old New Zealand) died, 401 Missionaries, the first, sailed in the "Duff," 435, 440, 441, 442 Marsden, Rev. Samuel, 55A, 436, 438, 439 Miscellaneous, 419 to 437 Minerals, 454 Manufactories, 460 MC. MqDonnell, Lieutenant, R.N., temporary British resident in Hokianga, 1835, 68 McLean, Mr. (afterwards Sir Donald,) meeting with Wiremu Kingi, 347 McLean, Sir Donald, died at Napier, 363 N. North Island, divisions of, 3 Name of New Zealand, 27, 37A New Zealand, first sighted by Cook, 34 New Zealand, state of, 1817, 58, 1823 to 1828, 63 New Zealand chiefs apply to England for protection, 65 New Zealand, National flag, 70 New Zealand, the united tribes of, 72 New Zealand, unsatisfactory state of, 1836, 74, Memorials to the Crown, 74, committee of the House of Commons, 74 New Zealand Association formed, 79 New Zealand Company, 80, dissolved 188, debt, 189 Ngati, a native in employ of New Zealand Company, sails in "Tory," 82 New Zealand, a dependency of New South Wales, 90, Her Majesty's authority asserted, 90, boundaries, 269 Nanto Bordelaise Company, 93 New Zealand Company, a charter granted (1841) 104 67 |\| Continued. Newspaper, the first New Zealand paper published, 89A Newspaper, the first published in the north, 99 New Zealand erected into a separate colony, 100A New Ulster, New Munster, New Leinster, 100A . New Plymouth Settlement formed, 106 Nelson, fourth settlement of New Zealand Company, 111 Native disturbances, 118 Native allies, importance of 137, 138, 139 New Zealand Society formed, 119, Institute, 314, opened, 321 New Zealand Representative Constitution Act, 201, 204 New Provinces Act, 232A Native Affairs, Imperial control abandoned, 254 Native Land, surveys of, 318, Acts, 386 Normanby, Marquis of, Governor, 352, term of office, 447 o. " Oriental," arrival of, 85 Otago settlement formed, 172 Otago, first ships arrive (1848), 172 ; gold discovered at, 267 " Orpheus," wreck of, 270 Otago University opened, 343 P. Provinces, how divided, 4 Premiers, list of, 448 Population, native, North Island, 15 ,, South Island, 17 Port Nicholson settlers establish a form of government, 95; declared illegal by Lieutenant-Governor Hobson, 96 Population increasing (1842), 117 ; (1858), 263, 264 Pioneer settlers, activity of, 117 " Prince Rupert," loss of at the Cape of Good Hope, 128 Provinces, New Ulster, New Munster, 169 Pensioner settlement, Auckland (1847), 174 Pompalier, Roman Catholic Bishop, arrival of, 185, 444 Pitt, Major- General, Lieutenant-Governor, death of, 196 Provinces established, 202-204 ; abolished, 316, 357 Provincial elections, 214 Potatau proclaimed king, 230 ; death of, 230 Pratt, General, arrives with troops to finish the Taranaki war, 236 Pioneer settlers, reference to list of, 218A Pai Mariri heresy, outbreak of, 277, 292, 293 Prisoners taken to Kawau, 285, 286 ; escape from hulk in Wellington, 304 Peace proclaimed, 299, 306 Poverty Bay massacre, 324 Public Works Act, 334 Political union of islands effected Prendergast, Sir James, administrator, 375, 382, 396, 447, 448A Population, census of, 1883, 388, 389 Parehaka, fall of, 397 Property Tax (1884), 404 Pioneers of civilization, a brief sketch of, 426 to 432 Pastoral, 457 Pollen, Daniel, premier, 448 Queen Charlotte Sound, 37 ^' 68 R. Responsible Government, 23 Royal Society request the aid of George III., 30 Rutherford, John, 58 Russell, first seat of Government, 93 Revans, Samuel, the father of the New Zealand press, 89A Russell, Lord John, dinner to, 107 Rangihaeta, a turbulent chief, impedes settlement, 118 ; a constant dread, 154 ; defeated, 157 Remuera, great feast at, 130 Ruapekapeka, fall of (1846), 148, 149 Ruaparaha suspected of disloyalty, 155 ; siezed with other chiefs at Porirua, 155 ; sent on board a man-of-war, 155 ; importance of the capture, 156 ; death of, 183 Roman Catholic mission arrived in Wellington, 186 Ring, Charles, discovered gold at Auckland, 205 Ruaparaha, life of, by W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., 183 Rakiura (South Island), 38 Railways, Lyttelton and Christchurch opened, 275 ; origin of, 275A Robinson, J.P., Superintendent, Nelson, drowned, 29lA Road boards, native district, 346 Robinson, Sir Hercules, Governor, 368, 376, 447 Rivers, management of, 402 Roads and Bridges Acts, relating to, 403, 405 Roman Catholic missions, 443 Richmond, C. W., Judge, 448x 8. South Island, divisions of, 4 Stewarts Island, 38 SurviUe, Captain De, 39 Savage, Mr., took the first New Zealander to Great Britain, 52 State of New Zealand, 1817, 58 Soames, Joseph, Deputy Governor of New Zealand Company, 82 Stanley, Captain of H.M.S. " Britomart," 93 Shortland, Willoughby, Colonial Secretary, 98, Acting-Governor, 115, 447 Selwyn, Dr. George Agustus, appointed the first Bishop of New Zealand, 108, 113 Spain, William, land commissioner, arrival of, 127 St. John's College Auckland, 181 Steam Communication, 184, origin of, 184 A Stewart, discoverer of Stewarts Island, death of, 200 Small Farm Settlements, 211 Superintendents, Election of, (1853) 214 Swainson, William, F.R.S., F.L.S, death of, 223A Steamer, the first commercial, arrival of, 215 Smith, Captain W. M., R.A., loss of maps &c., 117 Speaker, the first of the General Assembly, Mr. (Sir Charles) Clifford, 220 Surveys of Native Land, 318 Submarine Telegraph Acts, 336 San Francisco Mail Service commenced, 362 Special Settlements Acts, 364 Selwyn (Lord Bishop of Lichfield) died, 369 Scientific Societies Act, 406 Swainson, Hon. W., Attorney-General, died, 407 Sheehan, Hon. John, M.H.R., died, 408 Stout, Sir Robert, Premier, 448, Industrial Exhibition, 410 Stout, Hon. Robert (now Sir Robert) Premier, lays foundation stone of first woollen factory, North Island, 411, telegram to the Queen, 41lE 69 Continued. Sheep, Cattle and Horses, 451 Spiritual conquest of New Zealand, 433 to 446 Steam Navigation, brief history of, 21oA Sewell, Henry, Premier, 448 Stafford, E. W., Premier, 448 Smith, Captain B. A., Surveyor-General, 85 T. Tasman, first discoverer of New Zealand, 11, 28 Transit of Venus, 30, 32, 355, 398 Turanga, Bay of, 34 Thierry, Baron Charles Hyppolitus de, his Kingship, 71, died, 283 " Tory," equipment of, 80, sighted New Zealand, 82 Teira (Taylor) offers to sell land at Waitara, 234 Teira receives part payment, 235 Taranaki War, result of Tiera's transaction, 235, 236 Travers, W. T. L., F.L.S., History of Te Bauparaha, 183 Te Wahi Pounamu, Middle Island, 37A Troops continue to arrive, 249 Taranaki War, renewal of, 258, White Cliff murders 325A Telegraph, first opened in New Zealand, 268, cable laid, 359 Tauranga natives give allegiance to Colonel Greer, 281 Te Banga, Tauranga natives defeated, 284 Turanga, Paimariri at, 293, 294 Tako Wi, resists Hau Hauism, 294 Thompson, William, surrenders, 295, death of, 308 Troops, about to leave, 300, ordered to leave, 326, leave 329 Thames goldfield opened, 310 Telegraphs, origin of, 268A Telephones, 315, origin of, 315A Titokowaru, outbreak of, 319 Te Kooti, escape from Chatham Islands, 320, he and his followers at Poverty Bay, 324, defeated by Colonel Whitmore, 325, twice defeated, 325s, refuses to surrender, 331, attacked and dispersed, 335, living by plunder, 342 Todd, surveyor, murdered by natives, 339 Tamati Walker, celebrated chief, died, 345 Te Whiti, a fanatical chief, 378, 390 Triennial Parliaments, Act passed, 379 Tennyson, Lord, ode on opening Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886, 411c Taxation, 425 Tarawera Mount, a volcano, 1886, llln u, United Tribes of New Zealand recognised by the British Government, 72 University endowments, 323, reconstituting Acts, 355 V, Vancouver, Captain, touched at New Zealand, 46 Viard, Dr., B.C. Bishop of Wellington, arrived, 186, died, 349 Volkner, murderers of, executed, 305 Vogel, Sir Julius, public works, 334, succeeds Dr. Featherston as Agent-General, 361, Editor of the first official Hand Book, 361 Village Settlement Act, 373 Venus, transit of, 32, 355, 398 Volcanic eruption, Mount Tarawera, 1886, 41 1 1> Vogel, Sir Julius, Premier, 448, Industrial Exhibition, 409 Vegetation, 455 70 W, Whalers resort to the Bay of Islands, 76 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, the promoter of colonization of New Zealand, 81 ; a fete at Plymouth, 106 ; arrived at Lyttelton, 208 ; arrived at Wellington, 212 ; died, 252 Wakefield, Colonel William, New Zealand Company's chief agent, sails in "Tory," 82 ; sights New Zealand 16th August 1839, 82 ; in Queen Charlotte Sound, 83 ; took formal possession of Port Nicholson, 84 ; death of, 177 Wakefield< E. J., his Hand Book for New Zealand, 176A Waitangi, Treaty of, 91, 92 Wakefield, Colonel W., President of Council, 95 Wanganui settlement formed, 105 Wakefield, Captain Arthur, R.N., resident agent New Zealand Company's settle- ment of Nelson, 111 " Whitby," " Will Watch," Nelson pioneer ships, 111 Wairau, massacre of Nelson settlers, 121 Wairau, effect of the conflict in Europe, 122 ; fear of the settlers, 129 Wanganui: a war party; H. M.S. " Hazard," 135; brutal murders, 162; natives attack the settlement, 163 ; Governor Grey sends troops, an engagement with the natives, ^64 Waste Lands Kegulation (1853), 210 Wairarapa small farm settlements, 211 Wynyard, Colonel, Administrator, 219, 447 ; Superintendent of Auckland, 219 Waitara, purchase of, 234 ; campaign, results of, 243 Waikato, projected invasion of, 244 ; monster meeting, 251 Westland created a province, 250 Waikatos expel a Magistrate, 259 ; war commenced, 260 War, reference to details of the, 266, 271, 272, 273 ; termination of campaign, 278 Wellington made the seat of Government, 287 Wanganui, second battle in defence of, 292 Williams, John, a celebrated loyal chief, died, 292 Waiapu, Bishop of, leaves Tauranga, 293 Williams, Archdeacon Henry, died, 313, 445 White Cliff murders, 325A Wanganui bridge opened, 344 Wellington College opened, 354 Williams, Bishop of Waiapu, died, 370, 446 Wallace, Jehn, a pioneer settler died, aged 92, 380 West Coast settlement, North Island, 384 ; reserves, 383 Waikato, confiscated lands, 386 Woollen factories, 411, 411x Wool, 449, 449A Whitaker, Frederick, premier, 448 Weld, Frederick Aloysius, premier, 448 Waterhouse, George M., premier, 448 Whaling, 452 Wakefield, Felix, 356A Williams, J. S., Judge, 448A Y. Yates, Eev. Mr., 65 Young, G. F., present at a dejeune at Lovegroves West India Dock Tavern, Black- wall, 80 Edwards and Green, General Printers, Brandon Street, Wellington, N.Z. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. \JUJi 2 1B&4 JUN2-I964- Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 / I PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD!"! a nit o s o = ., c I & M O Jl University Research Library