y>e<3^CfM w 00 ;< H M*i" t;'0-> K^< LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF" Mrs. SARAH P. WALS WORTH. Received October, 1894. Accessions No.&J/ b*? . Class No. // TWELYE LECTURES ON THE EVENTS OP UNFULFILLED PROPHECY, WHICH STILL AWAIT THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT, AND ABB APPROACHING THEIR FULFILLMENT. B Y REY. ISAAC P. LABAGH. KHCTOB OF OALVABY OHUBCH, BBOOKLTN, "Come hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter." REVELATIONS, Iv.L NEW YORK: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. UITIVBESITY Entered, according to Act of Congress, In the year 1859, by ISAAC P. LABAGH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. STEREOTYPED BY THOMAS B. SMITH & SON, 82 & 84 BBEKMAN-ST., N. Y. TO THE REV. FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D.D., LL.D., EEOTOE OF OALVAET CHITROH, NEW TOEK, RENOWNED AS A PULPIT ORATOR, DISTINGUISHED IN THE COUNCILS OF THE CHURCH, ACCOMPLISHED AS A HISTORIAN, AND DEEPLY VERSED IN THE MYSTERIES OF NATURE AND SCRIPTURE, jToll0ujing toork is ftespectfallg Inscribed BY THE AUTHOR. 11 SWEET is the harp of Prophecy ; too sweet Not to be wronged by a mere mortal touch ; Nor can the wonders it records be sung To meaner music and not suffer loss. But when a poet, or when one like me, Happy to rove among poetic flowers, Though poor in skill to rear them, lights at last On some fair theme, some theme divinely fair, Such is the impulse and the spur he feels To give it praise proportioned to its worth, That not to attempt it, arduous as he deems The labor, were a task more arduous still." COWPER'S WINTER WALK AT NOON. PEEFACE. THE author of the following treatise on unfulfilled Proph- ecy was induced, more than twenty years ago, (in conse- quence of an unsuccessful attempt to explain a Prophecy to a layman who inquired its meaning,) to give more earnest heed than before to those things which the prophets have spoken. He felt this to be a duty as well as pleasure on two accounts : 1. That he might inform and satisfy himself what the great purposes of God concerning the future were; and 2. Be able, as a public teacher of God's word, to show inquirers after truth the things (as he might discover them) which shall be hereafter, according to the determinate coun~ sel and foreknowledge of God. Dark as the subject at first appeared to his mind, constant application and research brought increasing light and clearer views, until at last he began to speak with that confidence which one obtains who feels assured that he has been brought out of darkness into light, and that his eyes have been opened to " behold wondrous things out of God's law." Fully aware of the dangers as w r ell as difficulties of this branch of sacred study, he has not been intimidated by either, but trusting in the promise that they who seek for truth in God's word as for hid treasure, shall find it, he has persevered in searching into the deep things of God things declared to be "hidden from the wise and the prudent," but promised to be " revealed unto babes." VI PREP ACE. Concerning the dangers and difficulties of the study of Prophecy, the author would offer a few remarks. One great danger or propensity of all interpreters of Proph- 5y, is to turn prophets themselves, and to substitute their own theories for the verities which the prophets announce. This is a danger most frequently fallen into by those who are committed to certain chronological periods, and have at- tempted with great positiveness to fix the times of their ex- piration. Of this we have had frequent examples in our own as well as former periods. Millerism, e. g., entirely ignored or explained away several of the most important events yet to take place, because it had fixed the termination of all things at so near a period, (1843,) that time sufficient for their ful- fillment did not remain. Another danger arises from having the mind strongly bi- ased in favor of some theory of the future, and then investi- gating the Prophecies under that influence ; e. g., believing that the only blessing in store for the Jews is conversion to Christianity, and that therefore the prophets are not to be understood as predicting their national restoration and re- turn to the land of their fathers, in those passages in which this is the literal meaning and natural import of the language^ There is much " handling of the word of God deceitfully," by wresting it from its plain and obvious meaning to make it speak figuratively the sentiments we prefer to hold. Still another danger arises from the great desire some have to show that almost all the Prophecies have already been fulfilled, and then selecting events which bear only a remote resemblance, and that, too, in a few particulars, to those predictions. Take, e. g., the Waldenses and Albigen- ses, which some interpreters declare to be the Two Witness- es of Revelations, xi., and whose massacre in Europe, they think, was foreshadowed by the martyrdom of the Two WIT- PKEFAOE. Vll NESSES in the street of the great city, spiritually called Sod- om and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified. From two or three accidental points of coincidence, they interpret this to be a fulfillment of that Prophecy, although in many of the most essential characteristics there is an utter failure. The last danger we shall mention, incident to the mter-VX preters of Prophecy, is a tendency to exalt prophetical above *\ doctrinal and practical truth, and making it the GREAT SUB- J JECT to be preached at all times, under all circumstances ana*""-"* on all occasions. This is the infirmity of enthusiasts on this theme, and is as injurious to the cause as is the indifferent of those who boldly proclaim thatr unfulfilled Prophecy not to be understood until it is fulfilled, and that, therefore,' it is useless to attempt to understand, and especially to terpret it. From these and other errors into which expounders of unfulfilled Prophecy have fallen, the author has endeavored to learn a useful lesson, and to profit by their mistakes ; and he trusts that the reader will not discover any of them throughout these discourses. Having pointed out these DANGERS, it is proper briefly to touch upon the DIFFICUL- TIES of the interpretation of unfulfilled Prophecy. The greatest of these arises from the FRAGMENTARY char- acter of Prophecy. A predicted event is broken up into several parts, and these are distributed among several proph- ets, each of whom predicts the portion given him, but none the whole. Thus, the entire career of our Lord upon earth was foretold by the Old Testament prophets: Moses de- claring the family from which He should descend ; Daniel, the time, and Micah, the place of His birth ; Isaiah, the vir- ginity of His mother and the propitiatory character of His sufferings; David, His resurrection and ascension; and Zech- ariah, His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, etc., etc. viii PREFACE. Now to have a distinct view of His whole career, as fore- told by the prophets, we must collect together these and other fragments of the prophets and unite them in one har- monious whole, and hence arises the great difficulty of the interpreter of unfulfilled Prophecy. This was, and still is the stone of stumbling to the Jew, who can not Jit in those Prophecies of Christ's glory and triumph as a conqueror, with those of His shame and humiliation as a sufferer, which the prophets foretold. We know not how we can illustrate more clearly this fea- ture of the prophetic writings, than by comparing it to one of those inventions for the entertainment of the young, called a " CHINESE PUZZLE," in which a beautiful picture is first drawn on a flat surface of board or pasteboard, then divided into a great number of parts of curious shapes and different sizes, then thrown into confusion to be gathered and again united in one harmonious whole, which is not unfrequently a task of difficult accomplishment. So God has pictured out the future for us in His word, and scattered it in parts throughout the sacred pages, to be collected and united in one harmonious whole, not, however, without toilsome effort, (often, perhaps, unsuccessful,) yet not to be abandoned on that account. For, if those seeking amusement with the ingenious contrivances of human skill will devote hours to arrange the separated parts of a broken picture, that they may see in its entirety the view it pre- sents, with how much more assiduity should students of the oracles of God collect the separated parts of that picture of the future which the divine artist has drawn, divided and distributed through many inspired books, that peradventure, by a careful comparison of things spiritual with spiritual, the whole may be brought into such unity that a clear and distinct view of the portentous future may be obtained. PREFACE. IX The author, therefore, after many years of careful reflection on this subject, offers to the public the results of these labors, and presents that picture of the future which he has con- structed from those scattered parts which he has gathered out of the prophets, from Moses to St. John the divine. As there have been many authors and many works on this difficult branch of divine study, he does not ask that those still seeking information will -reject such views as to them have heretofore appeared plausible, if not satisfactory, but only requests them just " to look on this picture, then on that," and judge which is truest to the original ; and if the results of his labors in this department of sacred study shall be of any assistance to others desiring to prosecute it, or shall stir up any who have heretofore neglected it, to give the more earnest heed to the revelation of God's word con- cerning the future, he will not regret that he has committed his work to the press, although it may expose him to the un- friendly criticism of those who distrust or condemn all trea- tises on this subject, and consider it presumptuous in any one to attempt to read the future from God's word, notwith- standing He has said, " Come hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter." It is quite natural that those who justify their neglect to explain that large portion of the word of God which relates to those events yet to be accomplished on the earth, by the assumption, that the only interpreter of unfulfilled Prophecy is the fulfillment itself, should look with DISAPPROBATION, or at least distrust, upon all attempts to draw aside that (to them) impenetrable vail, and to see any thing beyond it. But if the great Prophet of the Church has said, "These things have I told you be- fore it come to pass, that when it is come to pass ye may believe ;" we certainly can not go far astray if we give earn- est heed to the things He has spoken, and endeavor to under- X PREFACE. stand -WHAT HE HAS SAID, that we may know what to believe. For unless unfulfilled Prophecy can be to some extent un- derstood, it will be impossible to know WHAT is TO BE FUL- FILLED ; and then Prophecy, instead of being a " light shining in a dark place, to which we do well to take heed until the day dawn," would be a system of hieroglyphics in which would be buried whatever the "Spirit hath said unto the Churches " of the future purppses of God. We can not think that such is the character of the prophetic word of God ; but feel a deep conviction that our Lord intended us both to hear and understand the things which He declared should come to pass, when, having pointed out to His disciples a number of those things which were still in the future, He added, Matthew xxiv. 25, BEHOLD, I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE." CONTENTS. LECTURE!. PAGB Introductory Discourse on the Importance and Duty of the Study of Prophecy. . 15 LECTURE II. The Restoration and Conversion of the Jews and their Reestablish- ment in the Land of Canaan. 24 LECTURE III. The Recovery of the Lost Ten Tribes, and their Reunion with the Two Tribes as one Nation, in the Land of Canaan 41 LECTURE IY. The- Rise, Reign, and Overthrow of the Infidel Antichrist, the Last Head of the Roman Empire 61 LECTURE V. The Ministry and Martyrdom of the TWO "WITNESSES; the Time, the Place, and the End of their Testimony for Christ. . . 83 LECTURE VI. The Overthrow of Romanism and Mohammedanism, the two great En- emies of the Gospel of Christ 108 CONTENTS. LECTURE VII. PAQB The Calamities and Distresses which fall upon the Nations of the Earth at the Close of this Dispensation. 135 LECTURE VIII. The Battle of Armageddon, where Fought, and its Eesults to the Jews and to the Gentiles. 160 LECTURE IX. The Binding of Satan, and his Expulsion from the Earth. . . 183 LECTURE X. The Introduction of the New Dispensation. 206 LECTURE XI. The First Resurrection and Reign of the Saints with Christ for a Thou- sand Years on the renewed Earth 228 LECTURE XII. The Distinguishing Features of the Millennial Dispensation, which are, 1. Fertility of the Earth ; 2. Longevity of its Inhabitants ; 3. Peace and Quietness of all Nations ; 4. Universal Prevalence of Knowl- edge and Holiness, 241 LECTURE XIII. The Difference between the Millennial Dispensation and the New Jeru- salem State. . 269 0? THE UFIVBRSIT7 LECTURE I. IHSTTROIDTJCTORY. " Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read : no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate, for my mouth it hath commanded, and his Spirit it hath gathered them." ISAIAH, xxxiv. 16. KNOWN unto God are all His works from the begin- ning of the world. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations. These declarations of inspired writers agree with what the Lord spake ,by the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah to His ancient people. Remember the former things of old, for I am God and there is none else. I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. When we look at the history of God's Providence we find it to be one of the most lucid interpreters of His word. Many portions of holy Scrip- ture would be for ever sealed to us were Divine Provi- dence not acknowledged and admitted as an expounder of them. In fact a large portion of holy Scripture always has treated of things in the future, and was dependent for its verification upon the coming to pass of those pre- dicted events, so that when the events did happen, they became the world wide and manifest explanations of them. 14 INTRODUCTORY. Providence interpreted Prophecy, or rather we should say confirmed it, that the whole world might see that although "all flesh is grass and all the glory of man is as the flower of the field, the word of God abideth for ever," and that nothing is more sure than that " one jot or tittle of the law shall not fail till all be fulfilled." In the chapter from which the text is taken, God, by the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah, foretells the final de- struction and overthrow of an enemy of His and of His people Israel and of His Church which shall take place in the midst of scenes of such terrific grandeur and furi- ous slaughter that the heavens and earth shall quake and all nature tremble with horror. Although the ene- my is described under the general name of Idumea, be- cause, when the prophet wrote, Edom was the bitter enemy of Israel, yet it is evident from tke whole descrip- tion that this is only a generic title, as are also Assyria and Babylon. In the vengeance poured out upon the foes of Israel and Israel's God, the inhabitants of Idu- mea shall come in for their share, and their country may possibly be a part of the battle ground in which the Lord will avenge the quarrel of His Covenant, when, as the prophet says, verse 3, " His indignation shall be upon all nations and his fury upon all their armies/' But there is evidently much in this chapter which can not and does not apply to any great conflict in which the interests of the seed of Abraham have yet been con- cerned. What the prophet declares in verse 8 to be the cause of this war, viz., " the day of the Lord's vengeance and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion," has evidently never yet taken place, for the people referred INTRODUCTORY. 15 to are still dispersed and with few exceptions oppressed all over the earth. Neither will the conflict here described ever be realized until their deliverance is effected. What- ever plausible interpretations commentators may give of this Prophecy we have this one evidence of their be- ing either true or false, viz., the manner in which their interpretations affect the fortunes of the Jewish people. They are the key note of the Prophecy, without which every interpretation is out of tune, and can make no har- mony with the text And any interpretation which leaves them in their present state has a prima facie evi- dence of its falsity. We must therefore regard this whole Prophecy as still future, and if so, as still awaiting that providential exposition which in the time appointed of God it shall receive. Now if twenty-five hundred years ago the Prophet Isaiah, having delivered this prediction with all its de- tails, called attention to it by saying in the words of the text, " Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read : no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate, for my mouth it hath commanded, and my Spirit it hath gath- ered them ;" with how much more force do these words come to us now, standing, perhaps, on the verge of the fulfillment of this Prophecy. How does it become us, in the remarkable times in which we live, while wonderful events are constantly taking place, to keep an eye upon the Scriptures of truth and see whether some of these events which are taking place may not be the MATES, to use the language of the prophet, which the prediction has long been waiting for. Every Prophecy is engaged 16 INTRODUCTORY. to those events in which it is to be fulfilled by the prom- ise of God, and therefore the fulfillment is called its mate for which it waits in confidence and sometimes very long; when the mate arrives and the union between the thing predicted and the thing accomplished takes place, then Prophecy becomes History. Almost all the great historical events which have be- fallen the world and the Church, have been matters of Prophecy before they became matters of History. The flood was foretold one hundred and twenty years before it took place. The deliverance from the bondage of Egypt four hundred years before it was accomplished. All the events of our Lord's life many centuries before His advent. His birth, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension, which were for ages matters of prediction, are now subjects or events of history. The rise and fall of the four great empires which have successively borne rule over the whole earth, and which so many historians have chronicled, Daniel wrote prophetically during the exist- ence of the first of them, and Bollin has written histori- cally, together with Gibbon, since the fall of the last. None of these Prophecies has wanted her mate; just the things foretold have been fulfilled; and why? For the reason given in the text, " my mouth it hath commanded them, and my Spirit it hath gathered them!' That secret influence which God exerts over matter and mind and the motives of men, directing them according to His will, is called in the text His Spirit ivhich gathers them, i. e., gathers together those circumstances which control those events which (sometimes indeed unconsciously and often unintentionally to those who are actors in the INTRODUCTORY. 17 scenes) produce the very results which the prophet fore- told. We have a remarkable example of this in the ful- fillment of our Saviour's Prophecy concerning the de- struction of Jerusalem and the overthrow of the temple. It is well known that the Roman general was anxious to preserve that beautiful structure intact, and gave orders to that effect, but a Roman soldier, in a mad frenzy, rushed with a torch into the holy place and threw it from him, whereupon the whole temple was almost in- stantaneously, as if by a miracle, in a blaze, and the fire, which seemed to be maddened by a divine purpose, could not be extinguished. How wonderfully have all the predictions of Moses and the prophets concerning the dispersion and oppression of the Jews been fulfilled in their minutest particulars. The history of that race for centuries past has been a living commentary on those Scriptures which they have preserved with such pious care. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read, ye who have any doubts of divine inspiration, and tell us, who are these "people that dwell alone and are not reckoned among the nations," who have maintained a separate existence for so many centuries among the multitudes of the Grentiles, without a country and a home, and yet have not been called by their names, but have preferred the name of Israelite above that of any other nation ; whom no oppression could subdue nor any motive of gain induce to become Gentiles either by religion or by intermarriage ? Are they not those whose history was written by the pen of in- spiration, first as Prophecy ? Do they not resemble in all the events of their wonderful career those to whom 18 INTRODUCTORY. Moses said, "It shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God to observe to do all His commandments, that the Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies, and thou shalt be removed unto all the kingdoms of the earth, and the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, and among those nations thou shalt find no ease, but the Lord shall give thee a trembling heart and sorrow of mind, and thou shalt have none assurance of thy life, but shall be a prov- erb, a bye-word and a hissing among all people ?" How wonderfully has this been verified for centuries past ! and although this land was the first to set an example of toleration to that race by the removal of all civil disabil- ities and odious restrictions of social intercourse, yet in Europe, Asia and Africa it still exists (with some ex- ceptions) in an almost unmitigated degree, and accord- ing to the very letter of the prediction made more than three thousand years ago. What shall we say to these things, but that " there is none like Him who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure ?" As History has always been the best practical commentator on Proph- ecy in ages past, so it will perform the same useful office to the word of God in ages to come. The unwritten history of Prophecy will probably be much more interesting than that which is written, be- cause the events yet to take place are more terrible and glorious than those which have already been accomplish- ed. What, for example, is the first coming of our Lord to the second ? What the deliverance of the Jews from INTKODTTCTORY. 19 Egypt, or restoration from Babylon, to their final ingath- ering from their long and wide dispersion over the whole earth ? What is the Old Testament or the New Testa- ment dispensation to that which shall be introduced at the second coming of the Lord and the millennial reign ? What the past success of the Gospel to that which it shall enjoy when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters do the sea ? In fact, some of the most splendid and glorious Prophecies of the whole word of God yet remain to be fulfilled. Some of the most as- tonishing works both of mercy and judgment are yet to be performed, and some of the most astounding miracles to be wrought miracles in nature and miracles in grace. Some suppose that the age of miracles has for ever pass- ed away, and the day for stupendous events and marvel- ous occurrences will never return ; but surely such can not read the word of God with care. That sure word of Prophecy, " whereunto we do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place," speaks of a variety of events which are yet to burst upon an astonished world, and show the complete fulfillment of works begun long ago but not yet perfected. It may not be amiss to give a brief enumeration of some of those unfulfilled Prophe- cies which yet await their accomplishment, and must take place, because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The following are the most prominent. 1. The restoration and conversion of the Jews and their reestablishment in the land of Canaan. 2. The recovery of the lost ten tribes, and their re- union with the two tribes as one nation in the land of Israel. 20 INTRODUCTOKY. 3. The rise, reign and overthrow of the infidel Anti- christ, the last head of the Koman empire. 4. The ministry and martyrdom of the two witnesses, the time, the place and the end of their testimony for Christ. 5. The overthrow of Komanism and Mohammedanism, the two great enemies of the Gospel of Christ. 6. The calamities and distresses which will fall upon the nations of the earth at the close of this dispensation. 7. The battle of Armageddon, where fought, and its results to the Jews and to the Gentiles. 8. The binding of Satan and his expulsion from the earth. 9. The introduction of the New Dispensation. 10. The first resurrection and reign of the saints with Christ for a thousand years upon the renewed earth. 11. The distinguishing features of the millennial pe- riod, which are, first, fertility of the earth ; second, lon- gevity of its inhabitants ; third, peace and quietness of all nations ; fourth, universal prevalence of knowledge and holiness, and lastly, 12. The difference between the millennial dispensa- tion and the new Jesusalem state. Now here is a series of events of the most interesting kind, all foretold in Prophecy (as we shall endeavor to show when we treat each topic in its order), and all awaiting their fulfillment. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read : no one of these shall fail, none shall want her MATE. If we can show you predictions, clear and explicit, on all these topics which we have enumer- ated, rest assured their fulfillment will not fail to take INTRODUCTORY. 21 place at the time appointed of God. We are fully con- vinced that unfulfilled Prophecy is a profitable study to all who give heed to it, as the voice of God declaring the end from the beginning ; and every one should say respect- ing it, as the Psalmist said, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people, but the way of the wicked will He turn upside down." The study of unfulfilled Prophecy calls into exercise and strengthens that faith which is the evidence of things not seen ; it demands our implicit confidence in the veracity of God, it tries us to see whether we can take Him at His word, whether a " Thus saith the Lord" has more power over our faith than the sneers of infidelity or the cavil- ings of human reason. Things not yet seen, it brings near, and gives them a reality, so that we are " persuaded of them ;" it enables us to live in the future as well as the past ; and is a beacon light to guide us safely through the gloom and darkness of the long night of our Saviour's absence ; or, in the language of holy Scripture, " a light shining in a dark place, to which we do well to take heed, until the day dawn, and the DAY STAR arise in our hearts." Such being its uses, we trust the discussion of the several subjects we have enumerated will be found profitable, being mixed with faith in them that hear. "We enter upon this series of subjects with no desire or design to establish any favorite theory of our own, but simply to show what we understand to be the plain teach- ing of the holy Scriptures on these subjects, and we shall ask you to believe only what is there plainly and clearly expressed. And if it should appear, on a full investiga- tion of the subject, that the future is big with events of 22 INTRODUCTORY. the most transcendent importance to the Church and to the world, the knowledge of them ought to be regarded by us as of great moment, and be highly prized, that when the events themselves take place, we may not be taken by surprise, or be overwhelmed with dismay, but may calmly view the things which the mouth of the Lord hath spoken, and which must therefore come to pass, be- cause His counsel shall stand, and He will do all His pleasure. From the beginning, God has not intended to keep us in ignorance of future things, but constantly foretold what He would do, and the Church has had un- fulfilled Prophecy to study as long as she has had the inspired volume. In fact, the oldest prophecy in the world, given in Paradise, is yet an unfulfilled one, and awaits its accomplishment at the second coming of Christ, when He will bruise the serpent's headj by casting him in the bottomless pit, and setting a seal on him, that he shall deceive the nations no longer ; then only shall the original prediction of all, the first on the catalogue, receive its complete fulfillment. We might also show the im- portance of the study of unfulfilled Prophecy, from the fact that we can not know certainly that a Prophecy has been fulfilled, unless we know previously what the pre- dicted events were in which it was to receive its fulfill- ment. How, for example, could we see, in the restora- tion of the Jews to the Holy Land, the fulfillment of God's word, unless by study of that word we had pre- viously learned that it foretold that event ? Our faith in the future must, therefore, rest upon our confidence in what the Scriptures teach of the future, and our con- fidence in these upon our knowledge of their contents. INTKODUCTORY. 23 Away, then, with the silly pretense of some, who are too indolent to apply their minds to the investigation of recondite subjects, viz., that researches of this kind only tend to craze the brain, and cultivate a taste for specu- lative truth rather than practical. Did not Christ and His Apostles constantly appeal to Prophecy in their controversies with the Jews ? Did He not even chide them for their ignorance on the subject, saying, " Oh, fools and slow of heart to believe ALL that the prophets HAVE spoken ? If ye believed Moses, ye would have be- lieved me, for he wrote of me \" Among the last words of Revelation is a blessing prom- ised on the study of unfulfilled Prophecy, " Blessed is he that keepeth the saying of the Prophecy of this book," and, with such an endorsement of this duty, we may well dismiss the cavilings of skeptics, and the dissuasions of the timid, the doubtful, and the indolent, and apply our- selves to the task of learning what things are coming on the earth, according to the determinate counsel and fore- knowledge of Him who hath declared the end from the beginning, and who hath said, " SEEK ye out of the book of the Lord and read : no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate, for my mouth it hath commanded, and my Spirit it hath gathered them." LECTURE II. EESTORATION OF THE JEWS. " The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying, write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. For lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord, and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. Therefore, fearthou not, my servant Jacob, saith tho Lord, neither be dismayed Israel, for lo, I will save thee from far, and thy seed from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be in rest and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid, for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee : though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee, but I will cor- rect thee in measure and will not leave thee altogether unpunished." JER- EMIAH, xxx. 1-4, 10, 11. THE remarkable history of the seed of Abraham has been a standing theme of admiring wonder for ages past to all who have attended to History, Prophecy and Divine Providence. The dealings of God towards them have been more marked than towards any other one of all the families of the earth. He has been nearer to them than to any other nation on the earth, had more frequent communications with them than with any other, in fact, made them the organ and medium of His commu- nication to the whole world His scribes to write His book. It can not be denied that every inspired writer of either the Old Testament or New Testament was an Israelite. No Gentile has ever been called to that honor KESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 25 or admitted to that work. The glorious company of apostles and the goodly fellowship of prophets were all Jews. The Saviour and salvation is of Jews. The strong- est man, the wisest man, the meekest man, the man after God's own heart, were all of Abraham's seed. The most illustrious poet, whose inspired strains have awak- ened the joys of the people of God in every age, was an Hebrew. The most ancient historian, whose chronicles of events penetrate three thousand years further back than Cadmus or Herodotus ever presumed to go, was of this time-honored race ; and " time would fail to tell of Gideon and of Barak, of Samson, of Jepthas and of the prophets, who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, turned to flight the armies of aliens, and others of whom the world was not worthy." Moses, in reminding this people of the great honor which God had put upon them above every other nation, addresses them thus : "Ask now of the days which were past, which were before thee, since the day that God cre- ated man on earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether any thing hath been heard like it ? Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of fire as thou hast heard, and live? or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation by temptations, by signs, by wonders, and by a mighty hand, according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes ?" For what nation did the sea ever open a passage that they might go through on dry ground ? or did the heavens rain down bread for forty years, and a rock gush out its 2 26 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. waters to give them food and drink? or the walls of cities fall down flat at the sound of rams' horns that they might enter in and possess them ? Such marvelous in- terpositions of divine power the history of no other nation can record. And, as the hand of God has been remark- able toward them in the distinguishing favors He has conferred on them, it has been no less so in the extraor- dinary and humiliating afflictions He has made them to endure calamities so severe and long-continued, that almost all mankind have come to regard them as doomed to a perpetual curse ; fated to be outcasts and wanderers always, bearing for ever the reproach of the Gentiles,, and the shame of their exile from the land of their fathers not knowing that a future still awaits them far more glorious than the brightest period of their past history; a future which shall cast into the shade the highest glory and prosperity of any nation that has ever existed; when they shall be the most honored and most useful of all people on the face of the earth, and in the words of the Prophet Isaiah, the whole world " shall acknowl- edge that they are the people whom the Lord hath blessed." There is one thing which the Lord did for this nation which He never did for any other. He gave them a coun- try, a land for an everlasting possession. While the earth is the Lord's, which He has given to the children of men, and left them to wander abroad, or settle upon it wherever they choose, He has selected and reserved one portion of it for the seed of Abraham, which is theirs exclusively by His will, to be occupied by them as long as they kept His covenant, but when they broke it, to RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 27 lose possession, but not the title. The country selected for and given to them is Palestine, first called Canaan, because the descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of Noah, dwelt therein. The deed of this property to Abraham and his seed is recorded in the book of Genesis, and it was given about three thousand three hundred and seventy-three years ago. In Genesis xii., 1, we read, " The Lord appeared to Abraham, whom He had called to lea' T e his country, (viz., Chaldea,) to go to a land which He would give him," (viz., Canaan.) He appeared again to him, verse 7, after his arrival, and said, " Unto thy seed will I give this land." Again, in chapter xiii., 15, He said to him, " To thee will I give it and to thy seed for ever/' Again, in chapter xv., 18, He said, " Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river Euphrates." Again, in chapter xvii., 8, He said, "I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession." In chapter xxvi., 3, 4, He appeared to Isaac, and said, " Unto thee and unto thy seed will I give all these coun- tries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father." In chapter xxviii., 13, the Lord appeared to Jacob, at Bethel, and said, " The land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it and to thy seed." In chapter xxxv., 12, more than twenty years after, the Lord appeared again to Jacob, and said, " The land 28 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. which I gave to Abraham and Isaac, to thee will I give it and to thy seed after thee." All these several conveyances of this property, to father, son, and grandson, or rather confirmation of title, shows the will of Grod concerning it, to whom it should belong ; and if a grant made by the God of the whole earth, and recorded in the oldest register of deeds andfacts in existence, does not establish a claim against any right of conquest or adverse possession, then must the will of Grod, indeed, succumb to the violence of man, and the oath of the Creator fail before the purpose of the crea- ture. Such a result who can believe to be possible ? But you will enquire why, if the land of Canaan was given to Abraham and his seed for an everlasting pos- session, have they occupied it for so small a portion of the time since it was first given to them ? It is a remarkable fact that, although the first grant made to Abraham was made about three thousand seven hundred and seventy-three years ago, yet the whole period during which any part of his posterity have possessed the land, has not exceeded one thousand four hundred and eighty-one years. The seed of Abra- ham, Isaac and Jacob did not obtain possession of it until they crossed the Jordan, under the leadership of Joshua, which was four hundred and sixty-seven years after its first grant to Abraham. From their entrance into it, under Joshua^ until the destruction of Jerusa- lem by the Komans, was one thousand five hundred and fifty-one years, from which, if we subtract the seventy years of captivity in Babylon, there will remain- but one thousand four hundred and eighty-one. And if from KESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 29 this number we deduct again the captivity of the ten tribes, which took place seven hundred and twenty-one years before Christ, the result will be that the whole of the tivelve tribes have occupied the country together only seven hundred and thirty years, out of the whole period of three thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, since its first grant, (i. e. } the two tribes Judah and Benjamin occupied it one thousand four hundred and eighty-one, and the ten tribes only seven hundred and sixty years,) and yet all this time the land has been theirs, and theirs only, by deed of gift from Him whose is the earth, and the fullness thereof. If we undertake to account for this seeming inconsist- ency between the Divine will first expressed to Abraham and its execution, we will find no discrepancy between them, for the occupancy of the land was always on con- dition of their obedience to the commands of God. This Moses informed them in the wilderness, before they crossed the Jordan and took possession of it. In Deuter- onomy, xxviii., he says, " It shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all the nations of the earth, and they shall be afraid of thee. And He shall bless thee in all that thou set- test thine hand unto, and shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and of thy cattle, and of thy ground, in the land ivhich the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to give it unto thee. But if thou wilt not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep His commandments, etc., the Lord shall send thee cursing, and vexation, and rebuke, in all thou settest thine hand 30 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. unto ; and them shalt be smitten before thine enemies, and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth." Here we have the key which unlocks the apparent difficulty between the promise and performance of God. He has been faithful to His part of the covenant, but they have not kept their part, and this has been the cause of their expatriation, and of all their accumulated dis- asters. Now, the question is, how long will this state of things continue ? For ever ? or will there be a change, a glorious change, a wonderful change, such as shall strike the world with astonishment and awe, when they see a people, denationalized and dispersed for so many cen- turies, gathered together again and constituted an inde- pendent nation in the land of their fathers, more pros- perous and blessed than ever before ? Hear what Moses declared in this same Prophecy in which he foretold the consequences of their obedience or disobedience. Deu- teronomy, xxx., 1-4 : u It shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, and shalt return to the Lord thy God and obey His voice, that then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity , and gather thee from all nations whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee, and bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it, and He will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers ;" and hear also what our text declares. (See the text.) These two passages of Scripture, one from Moses, and the other from Jeremiah, would be a sufficient founda- RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 31 tion, if there were no other, for the doctrine we advocate, viz., the restoration of the Jews to their own land. It is impossible for us, in the limits of one short dis- course, to adduce all the evidence that bears on this point. There are eighteen Prophecies in which their restora- tion is explicitly declared, besides a number of others in which it is implied. Comment on all these would re- quire a written volume ; let us confine ourselves, then, to the text alone, " Lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it." Notice the precision of this Prophecy, " my people Israel and Judah" After the revolt of the ten tribes from Keho- boam, the son of Solomon, they set up a separate king- dom, which was thenceforward called the kingdom of Israel, in distinction from that of Judah. This kingdom lasted two hundred and fifty-four years, when it was over- thrown by Shalmanasser, king of Assyria, and the ten tribes were carried away captive. Now Jeremiah uttered the Prophecy of our text one hundred and fifteen years after the overthrow of the kingdom of Israel, and twenty- eight years before the captivity of Judah, of the two tribes in Babylon, which captivity lasted seventy years ; and yet he speaks of a restoration of both to the land of their fathers. We have a very full and circumstantial detail of the restoration of Judah after seventy years' captivity in Babylon, in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, and the circumstances which led to it, in the Prophecy of Daniel, but no historian, either sacred or profane, has ever yet given an account of the restoration of the ten tribes, and, 32 KESTOEATION OF THE JEWS. in fact, but little trace has been kept of them since their captivity, so little, that for many centuries they have been spoken of as the " LOST TEN TRIBES." It is evident, therefore, that the Prophecy of our text is still an unful- filled one, because it speaks of a restoration in which they each are to have a part. After the seventy years' cap- tivity of Babylon, the two tribes returned again to Pal- estine, rebuilt the city and temple, and occupied their land more than five hundred and fifty years, until the Koman conquest and destruction of Jerusalem, when they were cast out and scattered all over the earth, and remain so until this day. The difference between the captivity of the ten tribes and the two tribes is very striking, marked, and peculiar, as the sins which caused their expulsion from their land are very different. The ten tribes were expelled for their idolatry. The sacred historian informs us, 2 Kings, xvii. 16-18, that they made molten images, and worshiped all the host of heaven, and served Baal, therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of His sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah only. " He removed them out of His sight" so that they are hid from mankind, especially from the Church of God in other words, lost to the knowledge of the civil- ized world. The fate of Judah was to be different, viz., a disper- sion and scattering abroad in the sight of all nations. They were not to be hid, but to be seen and known everywhere. No opposition or persecution was threat- ened to the ten tribes, but this was to be the fate of the two tribes for many long ages :. a proverb, a by- RESTORATION OF THE JEWS, 33 word, etc., no rest for the sole of their feet, etc. This difference in their punishment is attributed to the dif- ference of their offenses. The ten tribes counterfeited Deity by their idolatries ; the two tribes murdered Him by crucifying the Lord of glory. The ten tribes had no knowledge of the Messiah (except the wise men from the East were a delegation from their nation to learn the meaning of the Star which had appeared to them). The two tribes heard His preaching, saw His miracles, and had full evidence of His Divine character, and yet put Him to death ; and for this they have had to bear reproach and contempt and exile for nenrly eighteen centuries. It must be confessed that the crimes of both Israel and Judah were exceedingly ag- gravated, and that God has shown them no favor, though they are the seed of His ancient friend. He has been faithful to all His threatenings, and as He says in the text, " Though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee, but will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee unpunished." It is a remarkable fact that almost all the prophecies which speak of the restoration of the children of Israel to the land of their fathers, speak of it as a deliverance from bondage, oppression, contempt, and exile, and as the mercy of God, displayed toward a penitent and obedient people. The ten tribes will renounce their idolatry, and the two tribes their enmity to Christ ; and both will submit to His authority. Certainly, if those prophecies have been fulfilled literally in the judgments they threatened, they will be literally ful- 2* 34 . RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. filled in the blessings they promise. By what consistent rule of interpretation can we explain the portion already fulfilled literally, and that still to be fulfilled, in a figura- tive sense." Take, for example, that Prophecy of Ezek- iel, xxxvi., 16-24, in which he says, " The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings. Wherefore, I poured out my fury upon them for the blood they had shed, and on the idols wherewith they polluted it ; and I scattered them among the people, and dispersed them through the countries." Certainly all this has been literally accomplished. Wherefore, He adds, " I will take you from among the Gentiles, and gather y<>u out of all countries, and bring you into your own land ;" (surely the gathering must be as literal as the scatter- ing,) " and ye shall dwell in the land which I gave to your fathers." Surely, this is no other than the land of Canaan, for what other was ever given to their fathers ? So, also, in that Prophecy of Isaiah, xi., 11-13, " It shall come to pass that the Lord shall set His hand again, the second time," (the first was the deliverance from Egypt,) " to recover the remnant of His people which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathos, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Harnath, and from the islands of the sea ] and He shall assemble the outcasts of Israel " (i. e., the lost ten tribes,) " and gather together the dispersed ofJudah," (?'. e. } the two tribes,) "from the four corners of the earth." The dispersion here spoken of never took place until after the destruction of Jerusalem. This Prophecy has no intelligible meaning if it refers not to EESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 35 the restoration of the seed of Abraham to the land of Canaan the two dispersed and the ten lost tribes. And so of all the rest. The same rule of interpretation which applies to the part of a Prophecy that is past, must apply to that part of it which is future. And why is so much importance attached in Scripture to this event ? Because it will show in such a striking light the covenant faithfulness of God, and the certain reliance that may be placed on His Word. His promises never fail ; though long delayed, they are fulfilled at last. The covenant with Abraham, concerning the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession to his seed, though long seemingly inoperative and dead, has still a vitality and energy which will surprise the world when it begins to work and produce its promised effects. The land and the people so long separated will be again reunited, and the greatest wonder in the history of nations be accomplished, viz., that a people lo$t for more than two thousand five hundred years shall be found, and a people dispersed and scattered all over the earth for nearly two thousand years shall be gathered and reunited, and both the lost and the dispersed be constituted one happy family, in a land which has been out of their possession for so many centu- ries. The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying, " Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand." The wonderful preservation of the Jewish race dur- ing so many ages of dispersion and oppression, seems to indicate a glorious future yet in reserve for them. Influences which would have annihilated almost any other people, have failed to crush them or extinguish 36 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. their hopes of national resuscitation and restoration to the land of their fathers. How many nations have been overthrown by war and conquest, and have disappeared from among the families of the earth, while they, in the lands of their enemies, have outrode the storms of state and the political revolutions by which kingdoms and empires have been overthrown. Where are the proud Assyrians and Babylonians, the warlike Carthaginians, the learned Egyptians, the Parthians, Lydians, Phene- cians, Trojans, ancient Tyrians, Lacedemonians, Spar- tans, and others whose antiquity is of later date than the Hebrews ? They have all passed away, and their descend- ants can not be identified. But the seed of Abraham continue the acknowledged and undoubted descendants of those who occupied the Holy Land eighteen hundred years ago; thus verifying the text, " Though I make a full end of all the nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee." The most powerful nations of antiquity have disappeared and are now known only in history, while the Jewish nation lives in the persons of its scattered children, waiting for that national revivifi- cation which He has promised who " is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent." It is a remarkable fact that whenever the judgment of God has been on the Jewish people for their sins, his curse has also been, on their land, especially the curse of barrenness : so that it has been an unproductive country to whomsoever has occupied it. Even now, under the dominion of the Grand Turk, its agriculture is of the lowest degree. But when His blessing returns to them, it shall also return to the land. Wherefore the Prophet RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 37 Ezekiel, xxxvi. 28-36, says, speaking of their restoration, " Ye shall dwell in the land that I gave t(^our fathers, and I will call for the corn and increase it, and lay no famine upon you, and the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all the heathen that passed by, and they shall say, this land that was desolate, is become like the garden of Eden, and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and in- habited." Surprising change ! which will not be owing to natural or artificial causes only, but chiefly to providen- tial agencies ; for the prophet declares that the Gentiles, verse 36, shall acknowledge it to be the work of the Lord. The great favor that this restored people shall enjoy in the sight of all nations, is in several places foretold by the prophets. The Prophet Zechariah, viii., 13, says, and " it shall come to pass that as ye were a curse among the Gentiles, house of Israel and Judah, so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing ;" yea, so highly shall they be in favor that he declares, verse 23, " ten men out of all languages of nations shall take hold of the skirts of a Jew, saying, we will go with you for we have heard that God is with you;" and the Prophet Zephaniah, iii., 20, says, " The Lord will make them a name and a praise among all the people of the earth, when He turns back their captivity before their eyes." And the Prophet Isaiah says, chapter lx., that " the Gentiles shall come to their light, and kings to the brightness of their rising, and the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bend- ing to thee, and all that despised thee shall bow them- selves at the soles of thy feet, and acknowledge that they are the people that the Lord hath blessed." 38 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. Their restoration shall not (as some suppose) be the result' of political combinations, or arrangements among the great powers of the earth, delivering their country first from foreign dominion, and then inviting them to re-occupy it. Something of this kind may, and probably will be attempted and partially succeed for a time, but in the end, will fail, when God's own right hand and stretched out arm will accomplish the work by agencies such as men at present little dream of. So that the de- liverance from Egypt, great and marvelous as it was, shall be so far outdone as to be entirely cast into the shade, as the Prophet Jeremiah teaches, xxiii., 7, 8, " Be- hold the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, the Lord liveth which brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt, but the Lord liveth which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel from the north country and from all the coun- tries whither I had driven them ; and they shall dwell in their own land ;" i. e., their final restoration shall be attended with so many more signal displays of divine power than their first deliverance from Egypt, that the latter shall no longer be referred to as a proof that He is their God. As the ten tribes have been so long hid from the knowledge of mankind, their return shall proba- bly occasion more astonishment to the world than that of the two tribes, who have always been in view of the world, and have had more or less communication with the Holy Land. There are some circumstances in which the restoration of the ten tribes will differ from that of the two tribes, which will be noticed in the next discourse. In concluding this brief review of some of those Proph- RESTORATION" OF THE JEWS. 39 ecies which foretell the future ingathering of the seed of Abraham to the land of their fathers, w have com- mented on those which refer to the restoration of the whole twelve tribes. There are other Prophecies which seem to refer exclusively to the return of the ten tribes, to which our attention is next due. In the meantime, let us. on a review of the whole subject, admire that un- changeable love of God which is the source of all that wonder-working power which shall accomplish their res- toration, that covenant faithfulness which never forgets to fulfill its promises, and that inflexible justice which does not shrink from inflicting punishment for disobedi- ence, while it never loses sight of the mercy promised in the latter end. While there is every thing in Jewish history, as well the past as that to come, to make us fear the judgments of God, there is much also to excite us to repent for sin, and hope in His mercy. If the crimes of hundreds of years may be forgiven, and the penitents again be restored to favor, and reinstated into their an- ycient privileges, why may not our iniquities also be par- doned, and the eternal life we have lost through sin be restored ? Christ died that we might live, He came into our world that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. The same Prophecy which foretells the restoration of the Jews, and the manner in which it shall be effected, declares, also, how the Gentiles may obtain deliverance from the power of sin. The Prophet Isaiah, chapter xlix. 5, speaking of the work of the Messiah, says, ** It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my serv- ant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel. I will also give thee for a light to 40 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. the Gentiles, that thou mayest he my salvation unto the ends of the ^rth." Through Him, therefore, all we who are exiles from Eden, and wanderers over earth, may also regain the Paradise we lost, the heavenly Canaan, that everlasting rest which remaineth for the people of God ; let us, therefore, a promise being left us of entering into rest, take heed that we do not come short of it. Let us remember that the greatest of all Prophecies, and that in which we have all the deepest interest, is that "testi- mony of Jesus, which is the spirit of Prophecy," " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him." This is a declaration of the great Prophet like unto Moses, and shall be just as literally fulfilled as that spoken by Ezekiel of Babylon and Tyre, or by Daniel of the four great monarchies, which should successively rise, reign, and fall, or of all the Prophets, of the dispersion and restoration of the seed of Abraham. Let it be our unceasing effort, then, through faith in. Christ, and obedience to His word, to extract from this sure word of Christ all the sweet it contains, and avoid the bitter, that when it is fulfilled, it may be to our de- light and everlasting joy, and not to our sorrow and eternal regret. LECTURE III. THE TEN TRIBES. " Is Ephraim my dear son ? is he a pleasant child ? for since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still ; therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him, saith the Lord. Set thee up way-marks, make thee high heaps : set thy heart toward the high- way, even the way which thou wentest : turn again, virerin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities. For behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down and to destroy, and to afflict ; so will I watch over them, to build and to plant, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar ; the Lord of Hosts is His name. If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever." JEEEMIAH, yvxi. 20, 21, 27, 28, 35, 36. HISTORIANS, who have delighted to trace the rise and fall of nations, and the migrations of nomadic races, seem, by some strange oversight, to have forgotten to trace the steps of a people who once had a name among the families of the earth, and who clung to their nationality with an undying grasp. The kingdom of Israel, formed out of ten of the twelve tribes, which composed the entire Jewish nation, commenced its separate existence immediately after the reign of Solo- mon, A. M. 3029, A. C. 971, and lasted two hundred 42 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. and fifty-four years, when it was overthrown by the Assyrians. The causes of its gradual decay are given by the sacred historians. They forsook the worship of God and turned unto idols. They bowed down to graven images, and burned incense to them. Where- fore, he was wroth with them, and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, who invaded their coun- try, captured their chief cities, demolished their strong- holds, and carried them away captive into a distant land, far from the home of their fathers, which, for more than two thousand five hundred years, they have never since revisited nor repossessed. Where the place of their sojourn has been from that time to the present, has been a question which has greatly perplexed his- torians,, and all their researches and investigations seem to have never yet been able to clear up the mystery which hangs over their fate, or definitely settle the question, what region of the globe they occupy. What the most learned for ages past have failed to accom- plish, it can not be expected that we could achieve. In fact, we feel that there is an impenetrable purpose of God in this matter, which no human agency can unfold before the time alloted for its disclosure' a secret with regard to this people which God will see is kept until He Himself will reveal it by bringing them from their long hiding place, and showing them to the world as the seed of His ancient friend, the father of the faithful, hid in the day of His anger, but revealed in the day of His love. The most we can promise, therefore, upon the subject of the whereabouts of this missing people is to give, first, the account which THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 43 the sacred writers give of their conquest and captivity, and the countries into which their conquerors led them, next the notice which one of the Apocryphal writers takes of them, then the supposed reference of the Evangelist Matthew to them, afterwards the testimony of Josephus the Jewish historian, who wrote in the first century of the Christian era, then of Jerome, who flourished in the fifth century, and next of a learned Jew of the middle ages, and, finally, the speculations of modern writers, of whom there have heen not a few, some of whom have supposed that they have discovered and identified them, and removed the vail which has so long hidden them from the knowledge of the nations of the world. In chapter xvii. of 2 Kings we read, " In the ninth year of Hoshea, king of Israel, came Shalmanasser, king of Assyria, and took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor, by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes ; for it was so that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord, and set up images and groves in every high hill, and under every green tree, and burnt incense unto them ; there- fore the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them out of His sight : there was none left but the tribe of Judah only." Halah and Habor, and the river Gozan, are names no longer with certainty known to geog- raphers ; they have become extinct, and the places they designated, having fallen under the dominion of new masters, are otherwise called. This was common among the conquerors of the East, as we see in the history of the Turkish empire. But the expression, "cities of the Medes," is sufficiently definite to determine the general 44 THE KESTOKATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. course of their route from the land of Israel to the place of their captivity. The ancient Media lay north of Persia, and its territory surrounded the Caspian Sea. It became united with Persia under Cyrus, who finally overthrew the very power which had led away captive these conquered Israelites. But the captive tribes seem not to have remained very long in their new homes ; for in 2 Esdras, chapter xiii., which was written nearly three hundred years after they were carried away, the author informs us that the ten tribes took counsel among them- selves that they would leave the multitude of the hea- then and go into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, that they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land ; and they entered into the Euphrates by the narrow passes of the river ; for the Most High then showed signs fur then), and held still the flood till they were passed over; for through that country there was a great way to go, viz., of a year and a half; and the same region is called Arsareth or Ararat. Then dwelt they there until the latter time ; and now, when they shall begin to return, the Highest shall stay the springs of the stream that they may go through. If we now take an easterly direction from the upper branches of the Euphrates, and go at the rate at which we might suppose an entire nation could travel, we would probably be brought, at the end of a year and a half, about three thousand miles into the interior of that vast region known as central Asia, and lying between Inde- pendent Tartary, Thibet, the Chinese empire and Siberia, a region of country but little known to civilization, and THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 45 whose inhabitants have been, from their peculiar habits and laws, for ages past shut out from intercourse with the European races. At the time of the birth of Christ, which was five or six centuries later than this last migra- tion of the captive tribes, we are informed by the Evan- gelist Matthew that there came to Jersualern wise men from the East, saying, " Where is He that is born king of the Jews, for we have seen His star in the East, and are come to worship Him ?" The learned have never been able to agree whoe these Eastern Magi were. Many conjectures have been put forth which we shall not take your time to mention, but only observe that among them all there is none that has a greater appear- ance of probability to our minds than this, that they were a delegation from the ten tribes, to whom God had, by the extraordinary appearance of a star, given knowl- edge of the incarnation of His Son. The ten tribes un- doubtedly carried with them a knowledge of the coming of the Messiah. They knew of the Prophecy of Baalam, " A star shall arise out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel which shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth." This Prophecy gave rise to the opinion that the appearance of the Messiah should be heralded by a star. Besides, to no people on the face of the earth, next to the Jews, was the advent of the Messiah a subject of so deep an interest as it was to the ten tribes, who, in common with the Jews, ex- pected from him national glory and temporal prosperity. How natural, then, that at the miraculous appearance of a star announcing His birth, they should send a com- mittee to Jerusalem to acknowledge the homage of their 46 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. nation to Him,' give Him this title, "King of the Jews," their brethren from whom they had separated, and pay Him tribute in gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We advance this only as an opinion plausible, probable, but not certain, because the sacred writer has not seen fit to declare from what nation those wise men from the East came. The only distinguished writers of note since the Chris- tian era who have referred to the ten tribes, are Jose- phus and Jerome, who both refer to them merely as still residing in the places of their exile. Josephus, who wrote in the reign of Vespasian, recites a speech made by King Agrippa to the Jews, wherein he exhorts them to submit to the Eomans, in these words : " What, do you stretch your hopes beyond the river Euphrates ? Do any of you think your fellow tribes will come to your aid out of Adiabene ? Besides, if they would come, the Par- thian would not permit." We learn from this oration delivered to the Jews, and by a king of the Jews, that the ten tribes were then captive in Media under the Per- sian princes. In the fifth century of the Christian era, Jerome, author of the Vulgate, treating of the dispersed Jews in his notes on Hosea, has these words, vol. vi., page 7: " Unto this day the ten tribes are subject to the kings of the Persians, nor has their captivity ever been loosed. And again, he says, " The ten tribes inhabit at this day the cities and mountains of the Medes." Ch. xiii. In the twelfth century, Benjamin of Tudela, a learned Jew, born in the kingdom of Navarre, traveled exten- sively throughout Europe and Asia, visiting his brethren THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 47 in all lands. He informed us that the cities of Ni- sapur are inhabited by four tribes of Israel, viz., Dan, Zebulon, Naphtali, being part of the first exiles who were carried into captivity by Shalmanasser, king of As- syria, as reported in Scripture. He banished them to Lablach, Chabor, the mountains of Gozan, and the moun- tains of Media. He mentions also a place, Thanaejm, a a very strong city, being fifteen miles square in extent, and large enough to allow agriculture to be carried on within its boundaries. The province of which Tbanaejm is the metropolis, contains forty cities and two hundred villages, and one hundred small towns, and is inhabited by three hundred thousand Jews. Telmas, also a city of considerable magnitude,containing one hundred thousand Jews, is strongly fortified and situated between two very high mountains, and he adds, it is reported that these Jews are of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses, who were led captive by Shalmanasser, king of Assyria, and who repaired into these mountainous re- gions where they erected the above mentioned large and strong cities. They are not easily to be reached because of their situation, which requires a march of eighteen days through uninhabited deserts, and this renders them difficult of access. This same writer mentions also in addition to those which we have enumerated, a great number of places in this same region of Asia inhabited by descendants of the ten tribes, whose Jewish traditions and ceremonies confirmed him in the belief that they were his brethren of the house of Israel.* * For further information on this point we refer the reader to the rare but invaluable work of this author in the Astor Library. 48 THE KESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. These gleanings of evidence contain all the light which early writers since the Christian era have thrown upon the place of their abode. We can only next present you with the different theo- ries which have been put forth from time to time to solve the mystery of their existence and residence; some quite plausible, others exceedingly absurd. The first we notice is, that the present European races are the ten tribes. The old Koman empire, overrun by northern barbarians, was divided into ten kingdoms which ultimately became Christian, and some have sup- posed that these northern invaders were portions of the ten tribes, and in their conversion to Christianity, was fulfilled spiritually all the promises of restoration and conversion made to the ten tribes, and which are not to be understood literally but only figuratively, an absurd- ity too great , seriously to undertake to refute. If such were the case, how have they been hid for so many ages ? The European nations are like a city set on a hill ; they have been more prominent in the view of the whole world than all other nations. Verily they would be any thing else but the lost ten tribes. Others have supposed that the Affghans are the de- scendants of the lost tribes, on account of some similarity between their manners and customs, but this may easily arise from association as, well as from descent. One of the missionaries at the East, by the name of Grant, a few years since, published a work, in which he endeavored to show that the Nestorian Christians were the lost tribes ; it failed, however, to produce conviction in the minds of its readers. A distinguished citizen of this country, Elias THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 49 Boudinot, about forty years ago, published a work, enti- tled " Star in the West/' in which he attempted to show that the American Indians were a portion of the lost tribes, from resemblances between tHeir religious customs and those of the Israelites; and a Congregational minister of Vermont, by the name of Smith, published, not long afterward, a work, entitled " View of the Hebrews," in which he advocated the same theor}^. Later than this, a converted Jew, by the name of Simon, undertook to iden- tify the ancient South American races, Mexicans, Peru- vians, and others, as descendants of ancient Israel, from similarity of language, and civil and religious customs. All these authors have taken, as their starting point, the resolution which, Esdras informs us, the ten tribes took after being first placed in the cities of the Medes, viz., that they would leave the multitude of heathen and go into a land wherein never mankind dwelt, that they might there keep their laws, which God gave them, and that, in pur- suance of this resolution, they continued in a north-east- erly direction, until they came to the Behring Straits, which they crossed, and set foot on this continent, spread- ing over it from north to south, until, at the discovery of it by Columbus, they had peopled it in every part. It must be admitted, in justice to the learning and labors of these last mentioned authors, that they have made out an exceedingly plausible case, and have, at least, shown that if the aborigines of this country are not descendants of the ten tribes, they have had some knowledge of the religious customs of the ancient Israel- ites before their migration to this continent, which is very probably the case, and will account for their belief in a 3 50 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. great Spirit, whom they called Y-o-he-wah, the Jehovah of Scriptures, and the use of the word Alleluia in their religious songs, which is a peculiarly Jewish word, besides many festivals corresponding to those of the Mosaic law. Ethnologists, however, who have paid most attention to the characteristics of the different races of mankind, maintain that the aborigines of this land are of Tartar descent, that they bear a closer resemblance to that peo- ple than to any other. Now, the region of country to which the ten tribes, in their journey of a. year and a half, from the Euphrates eastward, would arrive, would be somewhere adjoining Tartary, and intercourse between the two races would easily lead to the adoption of the religious ideas and customs of the one by the other. Be- sides, the Tartars boast of their descent from the Israel- ites, and the famous Tamerlane took pride in declaring that he was descended from the tribe of Dan, so that, by intermarriage, some of the Tartar tribes may have had the blood of Israel running in their veins, and have be- come, in some degree, proselytes to their faith, and this will readily explain the Tartar habits of the American Indians, together with their Jewish religious customs, without supposing them to be the lost tribes themselves. In 1822, a Mr. Sargon communicated to London some interesting accounts of a number of persons resident at Bombay and Cannanore in southern India, and their vicinity, who were evidently descendants of Jews, calling themselves Beni Israel, and bearing almost uniformly Jewish names with Persian terminations. This gentle- man feeling very desirous of obtaining all possible infor- mation, undertook a mission to Cannanore for this pur- THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 51 pose, and the result of his inquiries was a conviction that they were not Jews of the two tribes, being of a different race to the white and black Jews at Conchin, and conse- quently that they were a remnant of the long lost ten tribes. This gentleman also concluded, from the infor-' mation he obtained from the Beni Israel, that they ex- isted in great numbers in the countries between Conchin and Bombay, the north of Persia, and among the hordes of Tartary. He gave the following account of their cus- toms and manners. 1. In dress they conform to the customs of the natives, though differing in almost every other respect. 2. They had Hebrew names with* the same termination with the Sepoys in the 9th regiment of Bombay native infantry. 3. Same of them read He- brew, and they had a faint tradition of their exodus from Egypt. 4. Their common language was Hindoo; they keep idols and worship them, and use idolatrous ceremo- nies mixed with Hebrew. 5. They circumcise their own children. 6. They observe the great day of atonement of the Hebrews, but not the sabbath or any feast or fast days. 7. They call themselves Gorah Jehudi, or white Jews, and call the black Jews, of whom some are to be found in China, Collah Jehudi. 8. They speak of the Arabian Jews as their brethren, but do not acknowledge the European Jews as such, because they are of a fairer complexion. 9. They use on all occasions the Jewish prayer, Hear, Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, etc. 10. They have no priest, under that name, but a reader who performs prayers and conducts their religious con- cerns. Lastly, they expect the Messiah, and that they will one day return to Jerusalem. They think the time 52 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. of His appearance will soon arrive, at which they much rejoice, believing, that at Jerusalem they will see their God, worship Him only, and t>3 despised no more. The following article appeared a few years ago in a German paper, under the head of Leipsic : "After having seen for some years past, merchants from Tifles, Persia and Armenia, among the visitors at our fair, we have had for the first time two traders from Bucharia, with sliaivls which are there manufactured of the finest wool of the goats of Thibet and Cashmere, by Jewish families who form a third part of the population." These two last statements go far toward establishing the fact that there still exists in that remote region called " Central Asia," a large population which are of Israelitish descent, but are so excluded from intercourse with the civilized na- tions of Europe that they are unknown to them. The country lying between Tartary, Thibet, China and Sihe- ria, called the great central plain of Asia, contains a sur- face of one hundred and fifty thousand square miles. This vast region is very little known. By reference to the map you will perceive that the boundaries of the na- tions who inhabit it are not marked, nor their towns lo- cated, nor their rivers traced. In fact geographers have always abandoned it as a terra incognita. The watch- ful jealousy of the Chinese empire on the east, has pre- cluded all access from that direction ; the vast chain of rugged and mountainous districts between it and Tartary have made it inaccessible from the west. The frozen regions of Siberia on the north have made an impassable barrier from that direction, and the great desert of Cobi between it and Thibet has shut it out from the south. THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 53 It is not to be wondered at, that so large a region of earth hemmed in by desert, mountain, frost, and an ex- clusive policy, should contain millions of the human race of which little or nothing is known. Here then, in fine, we consider it not improbable that the great body of the lost ten tribes may be hid, and we have come to this conclusion for the following reasons : 1. It is the region to which their journey of a year and a half from the cities of the Medes, to find an uninhabit- ed land, as Esdras declares, would naturally bring them. 2. It is just such a portion of the earth as would be suitable to conceal a people who were designed by Prov- idence to be cast out and hid from the knowledge of mankind for many centuries, being surrounded with so many almost impassable barriers. 3. Almost every other portion of the earth, except the interior of Africa, China and Japan, has been explored, and the inhabitants of them known to belong to races not Jewish. So that this vast central region of Asia seems to be the only hiding place left for them, and 4. The declaration that when restored they shall come back to Jerusalem by the same route they left, points out this as their probable hiding place. The Prophet Esdras says, (2 Esdras xiii.) speaking of their settling in the land to which they went, " there they dwelt until the latter time, and now when they shall begin to come, the Highest shall stay the springs of the stream again (i. e., Euphrates,) that they may go through ;" and in the book of Kevelations St. John declares that the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of 54 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES, the East might be prepared, "Kings of the East" being a common appellation for chiefs of tribes. This pour- ing out of the vial seems to refer to the declaration of Esdras that the Highest should stay the springs of the flood again at the time of their return that they might pass over, as He did at their departure ; and to what but this does our text refer when it foretells their return, andsays ? "Is Ephr;dm my dear son ?" (the whole ten tribes were frequently called by the name of Ephrairn which was the leading tribe among them ;) " is he a pleasant child ? for since I spoke against him so earnestly I remember him still, therefore my bowels are troubled for him : I will surely have mercy on him, saith the Lord." " Set thee up way-marks,' make thee high heaps, set thy heart toward the highway, even the ivay which tliou wentest. Turn again, virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities." As persons about to explore a great wilderness, that they might not be lost in it, and not know how to find their way out, would set up way-marks, bark trees, throw up mounds or heaps as guides for their return, so the Prophet seems to intimate that the route of their return shall be the same as that of their departure. " Set thy heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wenlest. Turn again, virgin of Israel, to these thy cities ;" and then to show the certainty of such an event he adds, " Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will sow the house of Israel with the seed of man and with the seed of beast, and it shall come to pass that as I have watched over them to pluck up and to break down and to destroy and to afflict, so will I watch over them to build and to plant, saith the Lord." As we remarked in THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 55 the previous discourse the punishment of the ten tribes was different from that of the two. The former were cast out of His sight, and so far removed from their ancient home that they had no further communication with it, whereas the latter have not been so dispersed abroad but that they could revisit their holy city and keep up a communication with their brethren who still reside there. The expression, " He cast them out of His sight," has a double reference : 1, to the Holy Land ; 2, to the church of God. Moses, in describing the land of Canaan, the inheritance of Abraham's seed, says, " It is a land which the Lord thy God careth for ; the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year unto the end of the year." Ejection from this land, which His eyes were always on, was therefore (in Jewish phrase) a being cast out of His sight ; and as His Church is the dearest object in the world that He can look upon, entire separation from her ministry and ordinances is also a being cast out of His sight. This has been the fate of the Ten Tribes, none of whom have revisited their native land, that we have any knowledge of, since their captivity, ex- cept the wise men from the East were of their number ; while the two tribes have often made pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and thousands of them, in different ages, have gone there to die and rest among the sepulchers of their fathers. It would seem, from the Prophecy of Hosea, that the sin of idolatry, for which the ten tribes were cast out of God's sight, shall cleave to them until the time of their restoration to their own land, even as the sin of the two tribes, viz , the rejection of the Messiah, will be persevered 56 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. in by them until their return. In Hosea, xiv. 4-8, God says, " I will heal their backsliding. I will love them freely, for mine anger is turned away from them. Then Ephraim shall say, what have I to do any more with idols ?" The account of Mr. Sargon respecting the Beni Israel was, that they kept idols and worshiped them, and used idolatrous ceremonies mixed with Hebrew, all which, when God will appear for their deliverance, shall be abandoned. " Ephraim shall say, what have I to do any more with idols ?" There are many questions connected with the restora- tion of the ten tribes, which the occasion does not permit us to enter into fully, such as, 1. The probable period of their restoration. This seems from Prophecy to be about the time of the downfall of the Mohammedan empire, for as all symbols are derived from some literal event, so the drying up of the river Euphrates is the literal event which has generally been regarded also as the symbol of the exhaustion of the Turkish power, (because that power compasses that river,) the signs of whose decay are mani- fest to all the world. 2. The circumstances attending their restoration. These shall be very extraordinary. They shall be brought forth from their hiding place by some visible token from God. The Prophet Isaiah, xi. 11, 12, says, "It shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand the second time to recover the remnant of His people which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros,and from Gush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea, and He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, (i. e. } the ten THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 57 tribes,) and gather together the dispersed of Judah, (i. e., the two tribes,) from the four corners of the earth." This ensign, we are inclined to think, will be the pillar of cloud and of fire which formerly conducted them from Egypt to Canaan, for the Prophet adds, in verse 16, " there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people which shall be left from Assyria" (i. e., the ten tribes,) like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt, when the ensign set up, or the sign of His pres- ence, was the pillar of cloud and of fire, which went up before them, and which they followed. In the next place, they shall come forth with great might. The Prophet Zechariah says, ix. 13, " When I have bent Judah for me, and filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, Zion, against thy sons, Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man, the Lord shall be seen over them, and His arrow shall go forth as the lightning, and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go forth as the whirlwinds of the south/' " The nations," Micah vii. 16, " shall see and be confounded at all their might, they shall lay their hands upon their mouth, they shall be afraid, because of the Lord thy God, and shall fear because of thee, for Israel shall do valiantly." Numbers, xxiv. 18. Their reconciliation and reunion with the two tribes shall then take place, as shown by the Prophet Ezekiel in the vision of the valley of dry bones, which is explained to him to mean the happy reunion of the whole twelve tribes, as one nation, and their harmonious establishment under one head ; to this Prophecy, in Ezekiel xxxvii., we must refer the reader, as it is too long for quotation. 8* 58 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. But there is one remarkable circumstance connected with their restoration which is almost too astounding to believe, i. e., after their arrival at the Holy Land, con- ducted as they have been by the ensign lifted up, they will set up a false Messiah whom they will honor with great glory, even with idolatrous reverence, and give to him the homage which is due alone to Christ. This, however, is not more remarkable than their conduct in the wilderness, where, after they had seen the wonderful deliverance of the Ked Sea, heard the voice of God from Sinai, and had the pillar of cloud and fire before their eyes continually, they still fell into idolatry and made a golden calf. The Jews have had for many ages past a belief that there will be a Messiah ben Joseph before the corning of the Messiah ben David, who will deceive their nation and finally be slain. As this topic, however, is to form the subject of another lecture on the last Antichrist, we shall not enter into it any further than to say, that it would not be surprising if the ten tribes, who have no knowledge of the Saviour, who are in a state of partial idolatry, finding themselves in the land of their fathers, and brought there by an uplifted sign going before them, as the star led the wise men ages ago, should look around them for the head of their nation, and should finally accept some pretender or impostor, gifted with wonderful arts of magic and great personal valor, and acknowledge him as their Messiah. It would only be in keeping with their past history, for the two tribes have believed in several Messiahs since their rejection of Him whom God sent, thus fulfilling the word he spake to them, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye re- THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. 59 ceive me not ; if another shall come in his own name, him will ye receive/' This apostacy, however, will not continue long, for after an attack upon them by some hos- tile nation, an invasion of their country and partial capture of their city, as described by the Prophet, Zechariah, xiv., Christ will personally appear, and then as Joseph made himself known to his brethren, will He reveal Him- self to them, and to all the tribes of Israel, and that Prophecy of Isaiah shall be fulfilled, u a nation shall be born in a day." As Saint Paul was by the appearance of Christ to him immediately convinced of his error, and brought to faith in Him, so he is set forth in Scripture a typej 1 Timothy, i. 16, of the future conversion of the whole Jewish nation at the personal appearing of the Son of Man at His second coming, when the lost ten tribes and the two scattered tribes and all the tribes of the earth shall see Him coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory to take to Himself His great power and reign. Nearest to Him in that glorious king- dom which He will then establish will be the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, His kinsmen according to the flesh, the rightful owners of the land of His birth, His death, and His sepulcher, who, though long cast off, are yet beloved for the father's sake, and shall be re- stored to their ancient inheritance when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled and the time to favor Zion lias come. " For thus saith the Lord, who giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, if those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me for ever" (they may for many 60 THE RESTORATION OF THE TEN TRIBES. long ages but shall not/or ever,) " for lo I will command and will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth, for I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel, and will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord God." Amos, ix. 9, 14, 15. LECTURE IV. ANTICHRIST. " Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by o^r gathering together unto Him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand ; let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth or exalteth him. self above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember 3 r e not that when I was yet with you I told you these things ? and now ye know what withholdeth, that he might be revealed in his time, for the mys- tery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way, and then shall that "Wicked be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of His mouth, and destroy with the brightness of His coming, even Him, whose coming is after the working o* Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceiv- ableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in. unrighteousness." 2 TIIESSALONIANS, ii. 1-12. THIS passage of Scripture has stood for nearly eighteen hundred years in the New Testament, as a warning voice from God to the Church to be on the look-out for a cun- ning seducer, a vile impostor, a bold blasphemer and tyrant, who shall arise in the end of this dispensation to overthrow the Christian faith and establish in its stead the reign of infidelity. Although it has been read for 62 % ANTICHRIST. many centuries, and studied and commented on, yet the learned have never been able to agree as to its ful- fillment, some supposing it is past, others still future. One strong presumption against its having already been fulfilled is the fact that the Christian world can not agree either as to the time or particulars of its fulfill- ment. Every theory that has been advanced has been objected to on account of its not fully realizing the de- scription here and elsewhere given of Antichrist. From the very explicit language of this Prophecy, one would suppose that when its fulfillment does take place it will be so striking and plain that none will be any longer in doubt about the right interpretation of it. But such a fulfillment has not yet been realized, and therefore we infer that the Prophecy is still an unaccomplished pre- diction. Before presenting the views we have formed of the true meaning of this Prophecy, we would 1. Offer some remarks on the subject of Antichrist in general. 2. Mention some of the opinions entertained of him by primitive Christians and the early Fathers of the Church. 3. Draw out the character described in the text and re- ferred to in other portions of Scripture^ that all may see that it is one yet to appear. 1. Perhaps there is no appellative in Scripture to which looser ideas are attached than to the word Antichrist. This probably proceeds from a careless reading of two passages in the Epistle of St. John. The first is, "Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God," 1 John. iv. 3; " and this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should ANTICHRIST. 63 come, and now already is in the world." The second is, "For many deceivers are entered into the world which con- fess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh," 2 John, verse 7 ; " this is a deceiver and an Antichrist." From these passages it has been inferred that the term is alto- gether a generic term, applicable to any system that is hostile to truth, and that it is not to be applied to any single individual that ever has or will arise. But the Apostle by no means teaches this. He speaks of an Antichrist of which they had already heard, whose spirit was already in the world, and declares that every one that denies tha't Jesus Christ is come in the flesh was an Antichrist in spirit, not the Antichrist. Such declara- tions do not destroy the individuality of Antichrist, they only declare that his spirit would be at work in the world long before he himself should appear. That a monster of iniquity and blasphemy should appear in the latter days and just before the establishment of the Messiah's kingdom, is a truth which was not only more or less dis- tinctly apprehended even by the Jews of old, who called him the Ante-Messiah, or Messiah Ben Joseph, but was fully acknowledged by the first believers in Christianity. As one says who has written learnedly on this subject, " Type and Prophecy alike foreboded a last struggle with a wicked one, the fulfiller and consummator of transgression, and thence also of divine indignation, the rod of chastisement to the holy people, and at the same time the scourge of the apostate nations/' The character of this enemy, so far as we can gather it from the various descriptions given in Scripture, is, that he shall exceed all his types and predecessors in 64 ANTICHRIST. tyranny, blasphemy, and oppression ; that he shall be supported by a confederacy of the nations, and that he shall finally fall before the Messiah, standing up to avenge His people in the land of Israel and by means altogether superhuman. Various have been the conjectures of both the ancients and moderns as it regards this last foe, and who he shall be. The Fathers were unanimous in the opinion that he would be a person not a system, but they differed as to the nature of his person. Hippolytus thought he would be Satan himself, in the appearance of a man, boasting that he was born of a virgin, which opinion he derived from the passage in Kevelations, " Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and sea, for the devil is come down to you in great wrath, for he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Lactantius, Sulspitius, and others, thought he would be a hyrbrid, or the offspring of Satan by a har- lot. Hilary thought the devil would become incarnate, as the Son of God was, and Jerome inclined to the same opinion ; whilst Chrysostom, Theopolact, and Theodoret, thought he would be a real man, but the agent of Satan. It is singular how general the belief was in ancient days that the Antichrist was to proceed from the tribe of Dan. This opinion is derived from several passages of Scripture which it is unnecessary either to refer to or comment upon. Before proceeding to a more particular consideration of the character of the last Antichrist and his exploits, let us notice the various names by which he is designated in Scripture. The first we meet with is in Isaiah, xiv. 12-16, where ANTICHRIST. 65 he is called Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, who says in his heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend ahove the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High ; yet, says the prophet, thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit ; they that see thee shall consider thee, saying, is this the MAN that made the earth to tremble, that did shake the kingdoms, that made the earth as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof? The boastful pretensions of this Lucifer, Son of Morning, who will ascend into heaven, and exalt his throne above the stars, and be like the Most High ; this MAN that did shake the kingdoms, etc., and yet is cast down to hell, is very like that Man of Sin spoken of in the text, that Son of Perdition who will exalt himself above all that is called God, or is worshiped ; who will sit in the temple of God, and show himself as God, but yet be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming and by the spirit of His mouth. The second description of the last Antichrist is given by the Prophet Daniel, xi. 36, who says, "At the time of the end a king shall arise who shall do according to his will, and shall exalt and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall not regard the God of his fathers nor the desire of women," (i. e., Messiah, for every Jewish mother hoped to have the honor of giving birth to the Messiah,) "nor regard any God, but shall exalt himself above all, and shall plant the tabernacles of his palace be- tween the seas," (i. e., the Mediterranean and Dead Seas,) 66 ANTICHRIST. " in the glorious holy mountain," (i. e., Mount Zion,) " where he shall come to his end and none shall help him." How many features the character here referred to has in common with the one described in our text will be readily perceived by a comparison of the two Prophecies. 1. The Man of Sin and Son of Perdition spoken of in the text will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God and worshiped. So the willful king of Daniel shall exalt and magnify himself against every God and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods. 2. The Man of Sin in the text shall sit in the temple of God and show himself to be God, or exhibit himself as God. So the willful king shall plant the tabernacle of his palaces in the holy mount, i. e., Zion, where the temple stood and will again stand, and there magnify himself above all gods. 3. The Man of Sin shall at last be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming and the spirit of His mouth. So the willful king shall come to his end and none shall help him, an expression intimating a sud- den and violent death from which there can be no escape. The third description of Antichrist is in Kevelations, xiii. where the Apostle John describes one who comes up out of the earth and doeth great wonders, so that he makethfire to come down from God out of heaven in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on earth by means of the miracles he has power to do, who establishes the idola- trous worship of some new deity by arts of magic, and seduces all that dwell on earth, whose names are not written in the book of life, to worship him. Our text calls him that Wicked, whose coming is after the power of ANTICHRIST. 67 Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. This false prophet also, like the Man of Sin in our text, and Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, in Isaiah, and the willful king in Daniel, shall come to a terrible end, for lie shall be cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone, which is the second death. Kevelations, xix. 20. Our Saviour, in one of His discourses with the Jews, -who rejected Him though He had done so many mighty miracles among them, says, John, v. 43, " I arn come in my Father's name and ye receive me not, another will come in his own name, him will ye receive." Now this is a Prophecy which either has been or has yet to be fulfilled. In another place, Matthew, xxiv. 19-25, speaking of the last days He says, "There shall be a great tribulation, such as was not known since the beginning of the world, nor ever shall be ; arid except those days be shortened there should be no flesh saved, but for the elect's sake they shall be shortened. Then if any man say unto you, lo here is Christ, or there, believe it not ; for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they should deceive the very elect. Be- hold," he adds, "I have told you before." How necessary such a warning is, and has been, the history of the many sad delusions and apostacies from the Christian faith, which have occurred during the last eighteen centuries, furnishes ample proof. Because the voice of Christ has not been heeded, all manner of superstitions and heresies have sprung up and flourished. But the question is often asked, have not all these prophecies co OF THB DIVERSITY 68 ANTICHKIST. Antichrist been already fulfilled ? Has not the Mo- hammedan delusion and the papal superstition realized the pictures the sacred penmen have drawn of Anti- christ ? We answer, they have not, for 1. Mohammed, though he rejected the divinity of Christ, and sought to reduce Him to the rank of a mere Prophet, never reviled Him, nor magnified himself above all that is called God, or is worshiped, nor sat in the temple of God to be adored, nor wrought miracles in support of his pretensions, nor came to a- violent end at last, all of which are the features of the Antichrist of Isaiah, Dan- iel, St. John in Revelations, and St. Paul in our text. Therefore, he can not be the Antichrist of the last days. 2. Popery, with all its blasphemous pretensions and idolatrous rites, has never denied the Father and Son, has never rejected formally the holy Scriptures or the Apostles' creed, nor the Nicene and Athanasian creeds, those ancient symbols of the Christian faith. Those who think the Roman pontiff is the Man of Sin of St. Paul, and the willful king of Daniel, base that opinion on the titles which have been given to the Pope, such as our " Lord God the Pope," which used to be addressed to him, and a " God upon earth" as he was called in the plenitude of his power. The homage he claimed for St. Peter's chair, and the titles he assumed, such as " King of kings" and "Lord of lords," they consider to have been the exalting himself above all that is called God, and that is worshiped ; and his assumed preeminence in the Church, to be his sitting in the temple of God, showing himself as God. The pretended miracles of that Church they also consider to be the signs, and lying ANTICHRIST. 69 wonders, and deceivableness of unrighteousness, by which so many have been induced to put faith in that system of delusion. But he has never made fire to come down out of heaven in the sight of men, as Antichrist shall do, nor been destroyed by violence, as he shall be. Neither is the expression, " Man of Sin," and " Son of Perdition" strictly applicable to a system, the heads of which are continually changing. Counting from Boniface III., created first universal bishop, by the emperor Phocas, in 606, Rome numbers one hundred and ninety-one Popes, not one of whom has ever realized all that is here spoken of Antichrist. We conclude, therefore, that how- ever Antichristian that system, as well as the Moham- medan, may be, in its spirit, yet it is not that Antichrist to which both the Prophets and Apostles and our Sav- iour allude in the passages to which we have already referred. The expression, " that MAN of Sin and SON of Perdi- tion," more naturally refers to an individual, than to any system of which a succession of individuals are the contin- uous head. The acts described are personal acts, the doom received is a personal doom. We do not say of a system of falsehoods that it shall be cast into hell. Korah, Da- than, and Abiram were swallowed up in the earth, not their conspiracy against Moses, nor the rebellion which grew out of it ; the judgment was upon the persons engaged in the act. So the judgment foretold in our text against Antichrist, viz., that he shall be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming, (the second coming of course,) and the spirit of His mouth, shows that he must be an individual who shall be caught in the very 70 ANTICHRIST. act of blasphemy, imposture, and oppression, when the Son of Man shall appear again to establish His kingdom, and shall be punished on the spot. Mohammed died, and had an honorable burial. The Roman pontiffs go down to the grave with great pomp and ceremony ; but this last enemy of God and man, this proud Lucifer, who would exalt his throne above the stars of God, shall have no burial, says the Prophet Isaiah, xiv. 19, but shall be cast out as an abominable branch, as a carcass trodden under foot. In addition to this, the time of the appearance of this last Antichrist is specified and fixed, viz., just before the second appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Apostle, in the text, says, "Now we be- seech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by word or by letter from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." Why did the Apostle send them this caution ? Because, in his first epistle to them, he had written, " This we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent (or go before) them which are asleep/' 1 Thess., iv. 15-17, "for the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God ; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air ; and so shall we be ever with the Loixl." From the con- stant use of the pronoun WE we who remain, we who are alive, the Thessalonian brethren inferred that this ANTICHRIST. 71 event, the second coming of the Lord, would take place in their day. The Apostle, in his second epistle, in our text, exhorts them not to he troubled, whether by word or by letter from him, as though that day was at hand ; " for," he adds, " that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that MAN of Sin be re- vealed, the SON OF PERDITION, who exalteth himself above all that is called God, and is worshiped." This, together with the fact that he shall be destroyed by the brightness of His coming, clearly fixes the period of the rise of Antichrist at the end of this dispensation. Besides, the period of his reign shall be a short one. Three years and a half, or forty-two months, or twelve hundred and sixty days, or time, times, and a half time, (which are only different expressions of the same period,) is its appointed duration ; showing clearly that neither Mohammedanism or Romanism, which has existed for centuries, can be this fearful apostacy. The expres- sions, " Man of Sin," and " Son of Perdition," are also very characteristic of this last deceiver and impostor. The first, "tJie Man of Sin," suggests the idea of greatei boldness, and more heaven-daring impiety than was ever before reached by any individual ; the MAN who has excelled all others in transgression, emphati- cally the MAN OF SIN, and Son of Perdition. The only other person in Scripture to whom this appellation is given is Judas Iscariot ; from which circumstance some of the ancients conjectured that the Antichrist would be the spirit of Judas Iscariot revived, and reanimating some one in the latter time. But the expression " Son of Perdition" probably denotes only the speedy, utter, and 72 ANTICHRIST. hopeless ruin of this bold blasphemer and impostor one doomed to destruction. The term Antichrist, applied to this last enemy of the Church, seems to denote two things ; first, his pretense to be the Saviour of long promise, the Messiah foretold by the Prophets ; and yet, second, the utter opposition of his character to His. The Jews, who have persevered in the rejection of Jesus of Nazareth to the present day, still believe that the Messiah promised of old will yet appear and gather them to their own land. When, therefore, the way shall be opened by Divine Providence for their return, it is highly probable that some pretender to the character of a Messiah will arise, who, endowed by Satan with won- derful power, and signs, and lying wonders, shall to all appearance seem to be a deliverer raised up for them by God. When Elijah proposed to Ahab to try which was the true God, Jehovah or Baal, the test was to be this : " The God that answereth by fire shall be the true God. And when all the people saw the fire come down from heaven and consume Elijah's sacrifice, they said, The Lord He is God, the Lord He is God." Now this last Antichrist, by some power which he shall possess, shall make fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men, and shall deceive them by signs and lying, by wonders which he shall perform, and shall so establish his impious claims to be the true Christ, that all the world shall wonder after him ! The argument of mira- cles is often more powerful when brought in support of error than of truth. Why ? because error is more con- genial to man's corrupt nature than truth; error is flat- tering, truth is humbling. A splendid, dashing, conquer- ANTICHRIST. 73 ing Messiah would, with no miracles at all, have been more acceptable to the Jews than the meek and lowly Jesus was with all His wondrous works. This is very evident from the fact that since their rejection of Him they have followed several Messiahs, who without mira- cles have performed only acts of heroism and valor. The famous Bar Cochebas, of the second century, who at the head of a large army committed dreadful excesses upon both Christians and heathen, is well known to the read- ers of history, and the zeal with which they flocked to his standard and fought until he was overpowered by Koman forces, and slain with more than sixty thousand of his followers, shows the ease with which they may be deluded on this subject. A history of the false Messiahs among the Jews, since their rejection of the true one, has been published about forty years since, from which it appears that no less than twenty-five of such impos- tors have arisen in sixteen hundred years, who all have had their followers, and by whose delusions hundreds of thousands of that people have been slain, showing how literally our Lord's words have been fulfilled, " Many false Christs shall arise and deceive many" just pun- ishment for rejecting the true Christ. From these antecedents we would not be surprised at any time to see them again rally under the banner of some leader who could give some marvelous sign, or per- form some great wonder in proof of his pretensions. But the word of Prophecy has settled that thus it shall be. " Whose coming," says the text, " is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that 4 74 ANTICHRIST. perish/' While such arguments are presented to win them to the belief of his pretensions, his character will at the same time be the most opposite to that of the true Christ ; showing him to be morally as well as per- sonally Antichrist. Let us draw out the parallel between them in a few particulars. 1. Christ came in His Father's name; Antichrist conies in his own. 2. Christ humbled Himself and became obedient ; Antichrist exalts himself above all. 3. Christ was despised and rejected of men, and dis- owned of His kindred and people; Antichrist will be re- ceived and be gloried in by them, and all the world will wonder after him. 4. Christ came to do His 'Father's will; Antichrist shall do according to his own will. 5. Christ glorified God on earth; Antichrist blas- phemes the name of God, and them that dwell in heaven. 6. Christ, because He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, was highly exalted, and sat down on the right hand of God ; Antichrist, because he says, " I will ascend up to heaven, I will be like the Most High/' shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 7. Christ is the heir of all things; Antichrist is the Son of Perdition. 8. Christ shall reign for ever and ever; Antichrist shall be utterly overthrown, and deprived of his short-lived dominion. Thus, in every view in which they present themselves, ANTICHRIST. 75 they are utterly and entirely at variance with each other. Satan's last grand act of malice against the Kedeemer, it seems, will he, not to corrupt the Chris- tian faith by false additions of doctrine or ridiculous superstitions in worship, leaving the name and substance of Christianity still behind, but to utterly overthrow and supplant it by another system in which Christ will be rejected as an impostor, and His gospel spurned for the teachings of the false prophet who shall then arise. But what has kept back for so long a time, this last and greatest development of iniquity from showing it- self ? The Apostle says, in the text, "And now ye know what withholdeth, that he," (i. e., Antichrist,) " might be revealed in hfs time ; for the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth" (or hindereth,) " will let, until he be taken out of the way, and then shall that Wicked be revealed whom the Lord will consume/' etc. What this hindrance to the rise and reign of Antichrist is, has perplexed the learned, fur ages past, to determine. Those who maintain that the Papal system is Antichrist, say it was the Pagan Ko- man empire, (i. e>, Pagan Eome stood in the way of Papal Borne, and the former had to be removed before the latter could be developed ; in other words, the CBBSMTS had to cease to reign, before the Koman bishops could put on the triple crown ;) but those who deny that the Roman Church is the Antichrist of this passage, are at a loss to decide what is the preventing cause of Antichrist's appearance. Among the various opinions given, which are so numerous that we will not venture 76 ANTICHRIST. to mention them, we think the most probable is that of Theodoret, who understands it to be the decree of Di- vine Providence. This hinders the appearance of the Man of Sin until the time fixed in the counsels of God. As Christ could not be born until the fullness of time came, so neither can Antichrist appear until the time known only to God shall arrive ; and the near ap- proach of this period can only be known by the signs which betoken its approach. This, says the text, is a falling away first a time when even Christians them- selves will no more love sound doctrine, but will heap up to themselves teachers having itching ears ; when they will give heed to fables, and to seducing spirits, and to doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy. All this is a preparation for his coming smooths his way, and makes his work of deceiving and deluding mankind much easier. It may greatly excite the wonder of men, that God would ever permit such a cunning adversary to arise to ensnare them to their ruin ; but the text explains the wonder, and informs us why it is permitted, viz., as a judicial act of God's retributive justice. There are two systems, which have been at work for ages past, sending forth their respective influences throughout the world The system of Infidelity, and the system of Christianity. The former is the fruitful source of all error, supersti- tion and crime ; the latter, the fountain of truth, faith, acceptable worship, and godliness. Now, the system of Christianity has, through the gospel, been unfolding the love and mercy of God, in Christ Jesus His Son, and spreading before us the rich blessings of the Covenant ANTICHRIST. 77 of Grace, ratified and sealed in His blood. But. alas ! how extensively have they been despised and rejected by the children of men. For this contempt of His grace He opens the vials of His wrath, by unfolding the sys- tem of Infidelity, and letting loose the evils it contains upon us. So says the text, " Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they shall believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteous- ness." Antichrist is, therefore, the avenger of the dis- honor done to Christ the rod in God's hand to chastise those who refused to obey the gospel of His Son. Be- cause they hated truth, God shall give them their fill of error, by the hands of one who shall be the most vile of human kind, a man of sin, and son of perdition, a blaspheming atheist, a cunning impostor, who shall de- ceive, betray, and ruin all his followers, in soul and body, for ever. And have we not great reason to believe that this sys- tem of infidelity is hard at work at the present day, and rapidly approaching the period when it shall be developed (through the master spirit which has always animated it, viz., Satan) in him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders ? In what estimation is .gospel truth now held among men generally? What deference is shown to a "Thus saith the Lord,'' when it comes in conflict with worldly interest or policy? Who trembles at God's Word, and fears to violate it ? The subjection of reason to Scrip- ture is regarded as a superstition, too far behind the 78 ANTICHRIST. advanced intelligence of this age. The boasted enlight- enment of mankind regards itself as lifted above the necessity of consulting the oracles of God, or of going to the law and to the testimony for counsel in the affairs of life. The tendency to error and superstition, and " philosophy, falsely so called," is one of the mast re- markable characteristics of the present age. All kinds of speculations are preferred to plain gospel truth. Even the simplest narratives of Scripture must now be brought before the tribunal of reason, or be approved by human science before they can be received. So that the question how far, and in what way, we must believe the Scriptures, is a question which Science pretends she only can decide, and multitudes feel disposed to yield to her claims, and submit to her arbitrament. This species of infidelity God will assuredly punish, and the way in which He will punish it seems very likely to be by suffering the wise to be taken in their own crafti- ness ; by permitting Antichrist to exhibit such signs and lying wonders in support of his pretensions to Divine homage as their philosophy can not explain. He seems to have the power of a God, power over nature, for he " maketh fire to come out of heaven in the sight of men/' Throwing away the Scriptures, and sitting in judgment upon this wonder, as philosophers, to what conclusion must men come ? Why, that he is from God. This was the criterion by which Elijah proposed to decide between Jehovah and Baal. " The God that answereth by fire let him be God," and when all the people saw the fire come down from heaven, and consume Elijah's sacrifice, they fell on their faces, and said, " The Lord, He is God/' ANTICHRIST. 79 And when Antichrist does the same thing, it seems the same result will follow ; " all the world will wonder after the Beast, and will worship him, and say, who is like the Beast, who is able to make war upon him ?" for, as they preferred science to revelation, they shall be con- founded on scientific principles. Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, " FOR THIS CAUSE/' says the text, " God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie," the lie of Anti- christ, " that they all might be damned who believed not the truth," (i. e., the Scriptures of truth,) ' ' but had plea- sure in unrighteousness." " It is indeed awful/' says a certain writer on this sub- ject, "to think of such a consummation, and, at the same time, to see how possible it is to conceive of its ac- complishment even now, and the merging into it of all the systems of error, however opposite to each other. To see high-toned orthodoxy joined with deism and infidelity in the worship of Antichrist, and nominal Protestantism and Popery find a common ground in the service of His temple." Do you say, impossible ? I answer, nay, but most possible ; for, independent of the power that sends the delusion, all that faith which stands on reason and ex- ternal evidence will soon yield, on its own principles, to the more substantial evidence of signs and lying won- ders. And how much of such faith have we now in Christendom ? Deism, and its twofold offspring, skep- ticism and indifferentism, will believe in Antichrist for the same reason that they reject Christ ; and even the atheist will become a worshiper for the sake of consist- 80 ANTICHRIST. ency. "I think I see," lie adds, "the preparations already too forward for the coming of the wicked one : would- that I were mistaken/' When we see what ab- surdities obtain currency among men, what superstitions are embraced by them ; what blasphemous pretensions, by false apostles and cunning deceivers, are acknowl- edged by multitudes ; the vagaries of Swedenborgian- ism, the fooleries of Shakerism, the licentiousness of Mormonism, and the occult trickery, or something worse, of spiritual rappings, it seems as if Satan has been practicing for some time past upon the credulity of mankind, to prepare them gradually for that last grand delusion which he intends to play off in the person of the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, who shall be wor- shiped as God. The delusions of the day are but the antecedents and foreshadowings of that still greater one yet to come. The Father of Lies seems to have- opened a new school of deception and fraud, and has already many pupils in the different departments, going about by cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to de- ceive; and inducing men to give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, or doctrines concerning demons, or departed spirits. If ever there was a time when Christians needed to study the word of God, and fortify themselves in its teachings, it is at this present day, when the attacks upon that word are of the most artful and insidious, and therefore dangerous kind. The enemy has changed his tactics, and instead of the open infidelity of the last century, like that enunciated by Voltaire and others, has exerted his inventive faculties to contrive new systems, professedly derived from holy Scripture, ANTICHKIST. 81 but really most hostile to it ; and has infused into them some of those elements of mysticism and mock philan- thropy wLich are generally very taking with the multi- tude. Under the name of Christian and religious sects, doctrines the most subversive of the Christian religion are widely circulated, and received with favor. Whole denominations, who deny the Lord that bought them, are still classed among Christ's followers ; and such is the spirit of the age that spirit of false liberality and indifference to truth that it is denounced as narrow- minded bigotry to call even in question the Christianity of all these heresies and delusions. This is the state at which things have arrived, and how favorable to a still further advance in error and superstition, you will all form your own judgment. Now the only protection against the great delusion which, according to the word of Prophecy, is coming on the earth, is, first, to know and believe that it is com- ing ; second, to understand the character of the delu- sion ; and third, to have our minds so fortified with Christian doctrine, and to be so rooted and grounded in the faith of the gospel, that Satan, with all his powers of delusion, or arts of magic, shall not be able to remove us from the foundation on which we stand. To place you on this strong rock of security and defense is the great work and effort of the ministry of Christ, and the chief object we have in view in the publication of these discourses. Being forewarned, may you be forearmed ; and if, in the providence of G-od, any of us should live to see that " time of tribulation which shall come to 4* 82 ANTICHRIST. try all them that dwell upon the earth," may we be enabled to pass through it unscathed, and in the name and faith of Christ resist the Antichrist until he shall be destroyed by the brightness of His coming and the spirit of His mouth. LECTURE V. THE TWO WITNESSES. " And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall proph- esy a thousand two hundred and three-score days clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and two candlesticks standing before the God of the whole earth, and if man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies, and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will ; and when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and overcome and kill them, and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified; and they of the people, and kindred, and tongues, and nations, shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suf- fer them to be put in graves, and they that dwell upon the earth shall re- joice over them and make merry, and shall send gifts, one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three and a half days the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them who saw them, and they heard a great voice from heaven, saying unto them, Come up hither, and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them; and the same hour there was a great earthquake and a tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand, and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven ; and the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever." REVELATIONS, xi. 3-15. GREAT and marvelous are the signs and wonders which the Most High hath reserved to be shown to the chil- 84 THE TWO WITNESSES. dren of men when the times of the Gentiles shall be ful- filled, and the period of grace and favor to His ancient covenant people shall arrive. To those who maintain that the age of miracles is past never to return, we have only to say, unfulfilled Prophecy teaches us a very differ- ent doctrine. It points to events yet to come, which shall not only equal, but far exceed any which. belong to the past. In proof of this, we have already adduced three, whose coming to pass shall burst with astonishment upon the world ; viz., first, the restoration and con- version of the Jews ; second, the discovery and return of the lost ten tribes ; third, the rise and reign, the terri- ble career and end of Antichrist. The .chapter from which our text is taken presents us with a fourth great and marvelous wonder which shall also take place before this dispensation shall close ; viz., the appearance and ministry of the TWO WITNESSES, endowed with miraculous powers, whose ministry shall continue for a brief space, when they shall suffer martyrdom, and short- ly afterward be caught up into heaven. This last sub- ject is so intimately connected with all the preceding, (especially with the last) by three points of coincidence, viz., first, time ; second, place ; third, simultaneous ac- tion, that it is necessary to consider them together. When the whole house of Israel shall have returned unto the land of their fathers, and when that great de- ceiver and impostor shall arise who will then pretend to be their long expected Messiah that ANTICHRIST who will support his pretensions with astonishing signs and wonders it seems that God in mercy to His an- cient people will then send them TWO EXTRAORDINARY THE TWO WITNESSES. 85 MESSENGERS, to warn them against the delusions of that impostor, and announce to them the speedy second ad- vent of the true Messiah. Each of these events there- fore, occurring at the same time, viz., the time of the end, and in the same place, viz., the holy city, and be- ing cotemporaneous events, require to be treated in close succession, inasmuch as they throw light on each other, and are but the several acts of the last scene of this expiring dispensation. Before we attempt to designate the two Witnesses here spoken of, or enter upon an investigation of their minis- try and its consequences, let us fix with precision and exactness the PLACE WHERE they shall appear and fulfill their mission. In the first verse of this chapter, the Apostle John in- forms us that there was given to him a reed like a rod, and an angel stood, saying, " Rise and measure the tem- ple of God, and the altar, and them that worship there- in ; but the court which is without the temple, leave out, and measure it not, for it is given unto the Gen- tiles, and the holy city shall they tread under foot for- ty and two months." The scene of these transactions is evidently laid in the Holy Land. No city in the world is ever called by the sacred writers the " holy city/' but the city of Jerusalem. In that city stood a temple, called the temple of God. No other is ever called such by the sa- cred writers. That temple had an altar, and was sur- rounded by a court, arid this was called the court of the Gentiles, or the place in which those not circumcised, nor ceremonially clean, might worship at a distance. The measurement of this temple was undoubtedly, for 86 THE TWO WITNESSES. its rebuilding, vide Zechariah, ii. l-4 3 which the Jews, after their return to the Holy Land, and before their acknowledgment of Jesus of Nazareth, shall undertake and accomplish. Now, in the previous discourse, we showed that the Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, the last Antichrist, should plant the tabernacles of his palaces (according to the Prophet Daniel, chapter xi. 46,) between the seas, in the glorious holy mountain, i. e.j Mount Sion ; and should sit in the temple of God, and show himself to be God (according to St. Paul, 2 Thessalonians, ii.) But there is now no temple of God on Mount Sion ; it has been in ruins for many centuries, and its site is now occupied by the mosque of Ornar. This temple must, therefore, be rebuilt before this prophecy can be fulfilled, and here is the order, as well as prediction, for its re- building (Revelations, chapter xi. 1) : " Rise and meas- ure the temple of God," (i. e., take the dimensions, or make the plan for its rebuilding,) " and the altar, etc. ; but the court without the temple leave out, for it is giv- en to the Gentiles ; and the holy city " (i. e., Jerusalem,) " shall they tread under foot forty and two months." This shows an invasion of the city by an adverse party, called Gentiles ; the invaded and oppressed people must there- fore be Jews, residing in the capital of their native land, here called " the holy city," which these Gentiles tread again under foot. Is it not evident, therefore, that the scene of these events is laid in Jerusalem, that city of so much glory and shame, of such magnificence and degra- dation, of such wonderful past, and yet more wondrous future, events ? THE TWO WITNESSES. 87 Whilst this is taking place, the astounding events of our text also occur. There appear two messengers from heaven, to protest against the blasphemy of Antichrist, and warn them against his delusion. The text says, " I will give power to my two Witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in sackcloth." Scarcely any question in Prophecy has occasioned more perplexity to commentators than this : Who are these two Witnesses ? And among the various opinions given, not one has carried with it the general conviction of its truth. Almost every interpretation is open to some ob- jection, in consequence of which doubt hangs over it. Those who understand the Church of Home to be the Man of Sin, and the Beast out of the bottomless pit, which should prevail twelve hundred and sixty years, and then decline and iall, are compelled to find the two Witnesses whose ministry is cotemporaneous with that of the Beast, somewhere in the past history of the Church ; and, accordingly, some have supposed that the Waldenses and Albigenses, who were massacred in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in such numbers, by the Church of Rome, for their noble resistance to the corrup tions of that Church, were these two Witnesses. But when we come to apply the tests of the Prophecy to them they fail ; i. e., when we ask, Did the Waldenses have power over waters, to turn them to blood, or to shut up heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy, and to smite the earth with plagues as often as they would ? they can not inform us that they had, except by considering such language as a highly figura- 88 THE TWO WITNESSES. tive description of merely the spiritual influence of their prayers to bring down judgments on the Pa- pacy. Or if we ask, how did the dead bodies of these Wal- denses lie three and a half days in the streets of the city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified? they reply, the whole Christian Church is figuratively called the city of God, and the valleys of Piedmont are but as streets of that city, and the massa- cres which there took place were their dead bodies lying in it, and the glorious reformation from Popery in the sixteenth century their resurrection, or the revival of that faith for which they contended. We shall show the utter absurdity of such an interpretation as we pro- ceed. Others have supposed that these two Witnesses are the Law and the Gospel, or the two Testaments, Old and New, personified, and that as these were generally ignored during the dark ages, and their teaching super- seded by Papal decrees, they are represented as prophe- sying in sackcloth, as slain and cast out, but that the Keformation restored them to their place in the Church, and so the two Witnesses revived and ascended up to heaven, the Church being sometimes called the kingdom of heaven. The incompatibility of this interpretation with the Prophecy will also be shown as we proceed. Some have conjectured that the two Sacraments, Bap- tism and the Lord's Supper, were the two Witnesses, but this is liable to the same objection as the others. With- out attempting to mention all the opinions which have been given on this point, we shall now proceed to ana- lyze the language of our text, and see where it will lead, THE TWO WITNESSES. 89 and to what result a simple interpretation of it in the literal seuse will bring us. " I will give power to my two Witnesses/ 7 Who is the speaker here ? Evidently Christ. This book is called in chapter i. verse 1, " the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him to show unto His servants the things which must shortly come to pass ; and He sent and signi- fied it by His angel unto His servant John." These are therefore Christ's two Witnesses. Now Christ has had many witnesses, and still has among men. 1. All the Prophets of the Old Testament were such ; they foretold His coming, and showed beforehand the time, place, family, and circumstances of His life and death. Hence says the Apostle Peter, (Acts, x. 43,) " to Him give all the prophets witness." 2. All the Apostles were His witnesses. Saint Luke informs us, xxiv. 48, that when He gave them their commission to proclaim throughout the world the facts of His life, death, resurrec- tion and ascension, He added, "ye are my witnesses of these things." So, also, every minister of the gospel and every private Christian who has tasted His grace, is a witness for Christ to testify of His goodness and love. But in addition to all these, there seem to be Two others who stand above all the Prophets and Apostles, and disciples of every class, who have borne testimony for Him in a way which no others ever have, and who shall again appear to render Him service according to His will. Who are these ? The Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, declare that when our Lord took Peter, James and John up into a high mountain and was transfigured before them, there 90 THE TWO WITNESSES. appeared also Moses and Ellas in glory, who talked with Him and spake of His decease which He should accom- plish at Jerusalem. These two eminent servants of God were dispatched from the other world to hear testi- mony that He was the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Therefore they have been witnesses for Him in a more extraordinary sense than any other persons who have ever existed, and consequently may with the strictest propriety be called by Him MY TWO WITNESSES. Let us now proceed with the Prophecy to see whether such an identification of the two Witnesses will be borne out by the other descriptions of them which follow. In verse 4 it is said, " These are the two olive trees and two candlesticks standing before the God of the whole earth." This undoubtedly refers to the vision which the Prophet Zechariah, iv. 2-11, had, and which was interpreted to him by an angel. He saw a candlestick of gold, and two olive trees by it, one on each side, and the angel in ex- plaining the vision to him says, " these two olive trees were the two anointed ones which stand before the God of the whole earth," not mentioning who they were, but simply " two anointed ones," set apart for some special mission, and at that time standing before God, i. e., wait- ing in readiness to fulfill His will ; so that while there is an evident reference in this prophecy before us to that of Zechariah, yet inasmuch as the two anointed ones in that Prophecy, are not mentioned by name we can only know that they are the same as those in the text, who- ever they may be. Verse 5, however, begins to shed a little more light on the subject, which says, " If any man will hurt them, THE TWO WITNESSES. 91 fire proceecleth out of their inouth and devoureth their enemies, and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed/' There are but two persons men- tioned in the Scriptures at whose word fire came down from heaven and consumed their enemies. 1. Moses, who denounced the judgment of God upon Korahand his company, who rebelled against the author- ity which God had given him and sought to overthrow it. He said, Numbers, xvi , " Hereby shall ye know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these things ; if these men die the common death of all men, then the Lord hath not sent me." As soon as he had made an end of speaking, there came a fire from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense. 2. Elijah. When the King of Israel sent a captain with fifty men to bring Elijah to him, and they went to the top of a hill and said, " Thou man of God, the king hath said come down/' Elijah answered, " If I be a man God, let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty," and there came down fire from heaven and consumed him and his fifty, and this was repeated a second time. Now our text says concerning the Two Witnesses, " If any man will hurt them, fire proceed eth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies/' This never has been done by any other persons except Moses, when Korah and his company would injure him, and Elijah, when the king of Israel would do him harm, and this naturally directs our mind to them as the persons intended by the two Witnesses. " If any man hurt them he must in this manner be killed/' i. e. } (as their enemies were.) 92 THE TWO WITNESSES. But you will say, this does not prove conclusively that they are the two Witnesses, for although this has never happened to any but them, that their enemies should be destroyed by fire, we can not thence infer that it may not happen to others at some future time. This is true, and therefore we proceed to the next mark which is given to describe and identify them. In verse 6 we are further assured that " these have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy; and have power over waters, to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with plagues as often as they will." Mark the expression, these have power, present tense, not shall have, future : they are described as having it then in possession. Now who of all that had lived when the Apostle penned this proph- ecy had possessed and exercised these powers ? Elijah had prayed that it might not rain, and it rained not for the space of three years and six months. He had shut up heaven. Moses had threatened and executed upon Pharaoh the judgment of turning water into blood, because he would not let the people of Israel go; and he had smitten the earth with plagues, or rather Egypt with ten plagues. And these are the powers which these two Witnesses possess, and which neither sacred or profane history informs us were ever possessed by any other men. Now, every one can judge for themselves whether a de- scription of such attributes as belong to no other persons is sufficient warrant to name them, although in the Proph- ecy, they be not called by name ; e. g., suppose the Proph- ecy had said of these two Witnesses, these are they who THE TWO WITNESSES. 93 have never tasted of death, would we not be justified in saying they were Enoch and Elijah ? for these are the only two of whom Scripture bears testimony that they never died. From this remarkable fact many have sup- posed that Enoch and Elijah were the two Witnesses, instead of Moses and Elias ; and that they were ex- empted from death in their day for the express purpose of being reserved as God's witnesses in the end of this dispensation, when they shall be brought forth and be slain by the last Antichrist, and thus undergo at last the penalty pronounced, " It is appointed unto all men ONCE to die/' etc. But for this opinion there seems to be no express warrant in Scripture : it is plausible, but unsup- ported by the law and the testimony. Enoch did not possess (that we have any knowledge of) power over waters to turn them to blood, or power to smite the earth with plagues, or power to destroy his enemies by fire ; therefore he does not meet the qualification of the Witnesses spoken of in the text, who are said to possess these powers. Neither was Enoch chosen to be present at the transfiguration of Christ, though he had been exempted from death. Moses had this honor above him. There is one singular circumstance with regard to the death of Moses, which we may notice in this place, i.e., that it was not witnessed by any one : the place of his burial is unknown. He went up into mount Horeb to die, and never returned. The narrative says, the Lord buried him. Many of the Jews have supposed that the Lord took charge of his body, and kept it in a state of honorable preservation, so that it did not undergo the usual process of corruption. There is a singular passage 94 THE TWO WITNESSES. in tne epistle of Jude respecting this, which has very greatly perplexed commentators, viz , that Michael, the archangel, when contending with the devil about the body of Moses, durst nut bring a railing accusation against him. but only said, " The Lord rebuke thee." The wonder is, what the strife between the Prince of Angels and the Prince of Devils could be about, espe- cially in relation to the body of Moses ; and it has been supposed that the devil claimed that the body of Moses should, like the bodies of all others who have sinned, be committed to the earth, that it might undergo corrup- tion ; for perhaps he disbelieved or was ignorant of the doctrine of the resurrection ; but that Michael disposed of it in another way, and that it has, by his power, ever since continued just as it was when the spirit departed from it, or has since been reanimated, and is now with the body of Elias ; and that " these two anointed ones are still standing before the God of the whole earth," waiting for their commission to go and prophesy twelve hundred and sixty days in sackcloth and ashes. Certainly, at the transfiguration, Moses appeared with Elijah; and, if Moses is one of the two Witnesses, shall appear again with him to testify against the Man of Sin, and prepare the world for the second coming of the Saviour. Almost all who admit that these two Witnesses are TWO PERSONS, admit that Elijah shall be one of them. His claim to this honor rests upon no less a foundation than a " Thus saith the Lord." The last verse of the Old Testament, the farewell declaration of God to the Jews, is this, " Behold, I will send you Elijah the Pro- phet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day THE TWO WITNESSES. 95 of the Lord, and he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." From this passage of holy Scripture it was, that the disciples asked our Lord, " How say the scribes that Elias must first come ?" Christ replied, " Elias truly cometh first, and restoreth all things." John the Bap- tist had come in the spirit and power of Elias ; but when he (i. e. } John the Baptist,) was asked whether he was the Christ, he said no ; whether he was Elias, he answer- ed, no ; whether that Prophet spoken of by Moses, Deuteronomy, xviii. 15, he again replied, no ; and when asked who he was, he said, " I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord," as saith the Prophet Esaias, chapter xl. 3. Now the Prophet Malachi, iv. 5, to which John did not refer, prophesied of Elijah's coming before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, but the Prophet Esaias, xl. 3, of John the Baptist. There appears, therefore, to be an harbinger of the second coming as well as of the first spoken of in Prophecy ; and the Prophecy of Malachi, which foretells the Prophet Elijah's coming, evidently refers to the second advent, which is the a great and dreadful day of the Lord, when He will come in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of Christ."* * Many have been sadly perplexed with the seeming contradiction be- tween John the Baptist's positive denial that he was Elias, John, i. 21, and our Lord's equally positive assertion that he was, Matthew, xi. 14. Certainly we can not suppose that our Lord intended to assert that the son of Zecha- rias and Elisabeth, who was born only six months before His own incarna- tion, was Elijah the Tishbite, who was carried up into heaven more than 96 THE TWO WITNESSES. But some one will inquire, can it be supposed that so great a wonder as this will ever be witnessed on this earth, that two men, who have been so long separated from the living, and from the scenes of earth, shall again mingle with both ? We answer, this is not more incredible than many other things that have taken place. An angel appeared to Lot, to warn him of the destruction of Sodom, that he might make his escape, and why should not two messengers be sent, at a period of such impend- ing judgments, to warn the Jews of the coming of Him who will destroy Antichrist and all his followers with an awful overthrow? Such interpositions of Divine mercy have been frequent, as the history of the Church will show. Is it more incredible that Moses and Elias should appear just before the second coming of Christ, to bear witness for Him, than that they did appear at His first coming on the mount of Transfiguration ? But it is asked, why Moses and Elias particularly, ra- ther than any other two then living ? We answer, there seven hundred years before. What, then, was his meaning ? Was it not the same with that which the angel declared to his parents before his birth, Luke, i. 17, " he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias ?" If so, then the question arises, Does this interpretation so exhaust the Prophecy of Malachi, (which foretells a personal coming of the Prophet Elijah,) that it was entirely fulfilled in John the Baptist's ministry, both in letter and spirit? or that it was fulfilled only in spirit, leaving the letter to be realized at some future period ? If the latter, then there may be an Elias of the second coming, the veritable Tishbite himself, and there is no contradiction between the declaration of our Lord and that of His forerunner. John's referring to Isaiah's prediction, and applying it (instead of Mal- achi's) to himself, seems also to show that he understood Isaiah's man to be a different person from Malachi's, acknowledging that he was the former's, but denying that he was the latter's. Thus both harmonize. THE TWO WITNESSES. 97 never were two prophets who enjoyed so great a reputa- tion among the children of Israel as these two Moses to the whole nation, and Elijah especially to the ten tribes, and there are none whose witness for truth and against error would he so powerful as theirs. They know Christ, (the true Messiah) for they saw Him on mount Tabor, and hence know the MAN of SIN to be Antichrist and a false Messiah. But even if we could not conceive of any special reasons why they should be appointed Christ's witnesses against Antichrist, and be the harbin- gers of His second advent, yet if divine wisdom can see a sufficient cause, what are we, that we should reply against God ? Let us now proceed to consider the ministry of these two Witnesses, its duration, and its consequences to them. 1. They shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth and ashes. The time which is mentioned in days is three years and a half, about the same period as John the Baptist's ministry, and the same as our Lord's. It is also the same period as Antichrist's reign. 2. They shall be clothed in sack- cloth and ashes, to denote the calamities of the times, and their deep affliction at the abounding wickedness. John the Baptist was clothed in camel's hair and had a leathern girdle, and his meat was locusts and wild honey. He had to contend against the false teaching of the scribes and doctors of the law, and the hypocrisy of the Phari- sees, and finally fell a victim to his faithfulness in pro- testing against sin in high places. Moses and Elias will encounter a delusion greater than any that has ever yet appeared, viz., the artful pretension of an impostor and a 5 98 THE TWO WITNESSES. pretender to be the true Messiah, supported by signs and lying wonders. It appears that the two Witnesses, to prove their divine mission, will work some miracles, when Antichrist, to meet them on their own ground, will do the same. If they make fire to come down from heaven, he will do the same. This is an old device of Satan, viz., to counterfeit miracles. When Moses first went in unto Pharaoh and showed the signs of his authority, the magicians (for a time) counterfeited them with their enchantments, but finally relinquished the contest and acknowledged it was the finger of God. So Antichrist, full of the power of Satan, will dispute the ground step by step with these two Witnesses. If they make fire to come down from heaven, he will do the same. Vide Revelations, xiii. 14. If they at last do something which he can not imitate, he will employ a new argument against them, the ultima ratio regum, the sword. So says the Prophecy, " the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them and kill them." Pharaoh sought to do this to Moses, and Ahab to Elijah, but they escaped that time, only, it would seem, to fall at a future period by the hand of a more terrible foe. While Herod slew John the Baptist, and Pilate Christ. The martyrdom of these two Witnesses shall take place in that city whose streets have been stained by the blood of martyrs for many ages, and of which Christ said, " Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee/' When slain, we are informed, verse 8, their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called THE TWO WITNESSES. 99 SODOM and EGYPT, ivhere ako our Lord ivas cruci- fied. We certajnly can be at no loss now to determine what place this is. In Isaiah, i., the prophet says, speak- ing of Jerusalem, " Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of SODOM, and give ear, ye people of GOMORRAH." Because of the wickedness which prevailed in that city, he gives it, by the Spirit, the name of the worst city that ever existed, viz., Sodom ; nnd there are several allusions to its Egyp- tian characteristics in the prophets. But lest this de- scription might not be a sufficient guide to the place of their martyrdom, he adds another which can not fail to identify it, viz., " the place where also our Lord was cru- cified." Can any thing be more explicit than this ? Not even the word Jerusalem would be more definite. That, city from whence He was led out to be crucified, which all the world knows to be Jerusalem, must have equaled Sodom and Egypt in their worst days, to have committed such a crime as this. Here, where so many faithful wit- nesses have lost their lives, it appears that Moses and Elias. the two most important witnesses of Christ, will also seal their testimony with their blood. But their death does not satisfy the rage of Antichrist ; he determines to further gratify his revenge by showing the greatest indignity to their remains, and therefore re- fuses them burial, so that " their dead bodies lie three days and a half in the street," exposed to the gaze of all the passers by. Antichrist rejoices that he has van- quished those who did most to shake confidence in his pretensions, and perhaps leaves their bodies exposed, that all seeing them maybe warned of the consequences of opposing him. And what is the effect produced ? 100 THE TWO WITNESSES. We are informed in verse 9 : " they of the people, and kindred, and tongues, and nations, shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer them to be put in graves." The adherents of the Man of Sin shall unite with him in dishonoring their remains ; and verse 10 adds, " they that dwell upon the earth, i. e., those outside of the Holy Land, shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and send gifts to one another ;" why ? The reason is given : " because these two PROPHETS tor- mented them that dwelt on the earth." As a judgment for their wickedness, in embracing the awful blasphemies of Antichrist, perhaps Elijah shut up heaven for three years and a half, as he did in the days of Ahab, or Moses turned water into blood, (vide Revelations, xvi. 4,) as he did unto Pharaoh, or both brought fire down from heaven to destroy those who would do them harm ; and now, having fallen under the blow of Antichrist, (for those who can do all the greatest miracles may yet be them- selves killed, as we see in the case of our Lord and His apostles,) having been themselves slain, those whom they tormented rejoice together, as though the day of their suffering would be at an end. Alas ! how mistaken are their hopes, how short-lived their triumph. Notice the reason they give for their joy, " Because these two PROPHETS tormented them." THESE TWO PROPHETS, Moses and Elias, were prophets of the first class. Now, the word PROPHET is never, in holy Scripture, applied to an impersonal object. It never means a system of doctrine, or a collective body, but always A MAN commissioned of God to teach and de- THE TWO WITNESSES. 101 clare His will. Does not this show that the two Testa- ments, or the two Sacraments, or the Waldenses and Albigenses, and all that class of expositions which re- gard the term Prophet as a figure of speech, are er- roneous ? and that we must understand by the two Witnesses Lore called PROPHETS, two MEN, endued with the powers and attributes of men, though extraor- dinarily endowed, as Moses and Elias were. But how short-lived will be the triumph of their ene- mies. In verse 11 we read, " after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell on them which saw them." It will not, we trust, be considered irreverent to compare this scene to that which took place in Jeru- salem eighteen hundred years ago, when He who was crucified, dead and buried, to the joy of His enemies, rose again on the third day, to their dismay, and as- cended up to heaven. The two Witnesses seem called to follow closely in the steps of their Divine Master. But scarcely have they ascended to heaven, than a calam- ity greater than that which their enemies supposed they had escaped by their death comes upon them, verse 13 : " The same hour there was a great earthquake ; the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain seven thousand men, and the remnant gave glory to the God of heaven." Much light is thrown on this passage by Zechariah, xiv., in which the Lord says by the prophet, "I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and houses rifled, etc., and the Lord shall go forth and fight against those 102 THE TWO WITNESSES. nations, as when He fought in the day of battle, and His feet shall stand that day on the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east ; and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof, toward the east and toward the west, and ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains, like as ye fled from before the earth- quake in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah, and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee." Now, this gathering of all the nations together at Jerusalem, which the Prophet Zechariah foretells, chap- ter xiv., explains where all those people, and kindred, and tribes, and tongues shall come from, who shall see the dead bodies of the two Witnesses, which lie three and a half days in the streets of Jerusalem. The earth- quake which the Prophet Zechariah speaks of is the same which the Apostle John, in verse 13, describes, in which seven thousand are slain, and to show further that both refer to the same time, as well as the same events and the same place, notice what immediately follows the text, v. 15, says: "After the earthquake, the seventh angel sound- ed, and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever." The Prophet Zechariah says, " the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Him." Does not this clearly show that this whole Prophecy of St. John, in Kevelations, xi., is not a fulfilled Prophecy, but evidently belongs to the time of the end, the close of this dispensa- tion, and that the two Witnesses have never yet appeared? that the three years and a half in which they shall proph- esy in sackcloth and ashes is yet future? and consequently THE TWO WITNESSES. 103 that all the interpretations which ingenious spiritualizers have put upon this Prophecy are erroneous and false; for no sooner does the earthquake take place, which follows the ascension of the two Witnesses to heaven, than Christ's kingdom is established, and his reign commences, vide verses 14, 15, and as this is unquestionably future, the events so closely connected with it must be future also. We have next shown, in verse 16, the joy on high which follows this event. The four and twenty elders which sat before God, fell on their faces, and worshiped God, saying, " We give thee thanks, Lord God Al- mighty, which art, and wast, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned; and the nations were angry, and thy wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, both small and great, and shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth." That these events have not yet taken place it is unnecessary to assert ; all know they have not. i Engaged as we are in a series of discourses on the sub- ject of unfulfilled Prophecy, we have now presented to your minds four great and important events which the prophets have foretold, and which we maintain have never yet been fulfilled, viz. : 1. The restoration and conversion of the Jews ; 2. The discovery and return of the ten tribes ; 3. The rise and reign of Antichrist ; and 4. The appearance, ministry, and martyrdom of the two Witnesses. In interpreting Prophecies not yet fulfilled, we pursue 104 THE TWO WITNESSES. the same course as we do in those which are fulfilled, viz., interpret the language in its plainest and most natural signification, adhering to the same meaning of words which was in use when the Prophecies were written; e. g.y the expression " holy city" means the same now as it did when the Apostles lived, viz., the city of Jerusalem; the term prophet means still what it always meant when it was used by the sacred writers, viz., an individual com- missioned of God to declare His will, etc. Some seem to have an instinctive dread of interpreting Prophecy in such a manner that any of it shall appear to be future, and especially that it should involve events miraculous or even marvelous in their nature, and hence they resort to a system of figurative interpretation, called spiritual- izing, by which they set forth an entirely different class of events from that which the plain language of the Prophecy would seem to justify. They interpret Prophecy as they would parables, and satisfy themselves with re- mote resemblances instead of exact realities. It is easy to see how such a system of interpretation may introduce uncertainty and doubt in this important department of sacred exegesis, and such are the fruits it has continu- ally produced, as is evident from the many and different figurative expositions which have been given of this very Prophecy of the two Witnesses. There is no end to the fancies and conjectures of men; and if interpreters of the word of God are not bound down by some more rigid rules of interpretation than those which a luxuriant imagination imposes, there will be no limit to prophetical theories. The vagaries of Swedenborg show what is the consequence of depart- THE TWO WITNESSES. 105 ing from the plain meaning of language. Now it is undoubtedly true that the plain and simple meaning of the language of Prophecy may often force us to confess that such a thing as the prophet speaks of, has never yet taken place on earth, and that when it does it will be marvelous even to miraculous. But what then ? Can any events yet to come be more marvelous than those which were once foretold, and have already taken place ? The incarnation of the Son of God was long pre- dicted, and at length took place. Was ever a greater wonder on earth than this ? Now the Jews reject this great mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, so plainly foretold by the prophets, for the same reason that many Christians reject a literal interpretation of the two Witnesses, viz., because of the marvelous character of the event. When the Prophet Isaiah says, " To us a child is born, to us a son is given ; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace," and we point to Jesus' birth as its fulfillment ; and also to that other prediction : " A Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and thou shalt call his name Immanuel, which, being inter- preted, is, God with us ;" the Jews reply, that can not be the meaning of the prophet ; for, for a Virgin to con- ceive, and for God to be united to man, is an absurdity, a thing contrary to nature, a wonder too great for belief; and hence they depart from the plain meaning of the language, and seek for some hidden or figurative sense. The same disposition is often manifested among Chris- tians when the literal interpretation of a Prophecy involves miraculous events. Now, it is a fact that 106 THE TWO WITNESSES. nearly all those Prophecies which cluster around the two advents of Christ partake more or less of the marvel- ous; and this is especially true of those which belong to the second advent. Not only does the event itself, but also its antecedents and consequents, pass the region of ordinary, and belong to extraordinary events; and there- fore when, just before the second coming of our Lord, we present you with two of the most distinguished Prophets of the Old Testament, reappearing on the stage of action, and serving their Lord in a new capac- ity, (not so pleasant, indeed, as at the first advent, in the transfiguration, but quite as important,) be not incred- ulous, as though such a thing could not be, but only ask what is the plain meaning of the Prophecy, and be assured that that shall stand though heaven and earth pass away. And if any of us should ever live to see the day when the conflict shall take place between Moses and Eiias and the Man of Sin, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, and that is worshiped, the last Antichrist who shall pretend to be the Messiah the Jews have so long looked for, but whose pretensions these two Witnesses will opposs even unto death, may we not be among the number of those who shall re- joice at their death, but of those who shall not worship the Beast nor his image, nor be moved by his signs and lying wonders, but, armed with the word of God, know how to resist him, and maintain our confidence in the Messiah, already come, and then soon again to appear, firm unto the end; and then shall we experience the truth of the promise, " Because thou hast kept the word THE TWO WITNESSES. 107 of my patience I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Revelations, iii. 10.) Divine Intercessor, pray for rjs, that our faith fail not ! LECTURE VI. OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM AND MOHAMMEDANISM. " After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth Boast, dreadful, and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it, and it was diverse from all the beasts before it, and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold there came up among them another little horn, before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things." DANIEL, vii. 7, 8. " Therefore the he goat waxed very great, and when he was strong the great hon. was broken, and for it came up four notable ones towards the four winds of heaven, and out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceedingly great, towards the south, towards the east, and towards the pleasant land." DANIEL, viii. 8, 9. THERE are two mysteries which have been working in the earth ever since the advent of the Saviour, and si- lently exerting an influence over the miuds of multi- tudes of men. These are the MYSTERY of godliness, and the MYSTERY of iniquity. The same apostle who de- clares in one epistle, 1 Timothy, iii. 16, " Great is the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up to glory/' says in another epistle, 1 Thessalonians, ii. 7, 9, "For the mys- tery of iniquity doth already work," and then proceeds to show what it would do in future times, when it would become more perfectly organized, viz., delude " with all ROMANISM AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 109 power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceiva- bleness of unrighteousness in them that perish." It would be a task far exceeding the limits of an or- dinary discourse to trace the operations and workings of these two mysteries for twelve centuries past ; it would be to recite the conflicts of the Church and the world, the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light, whose antagonistic' struggles have filled the pages of history with details, on one side, of persecution and op- pression, and on the other, of mourning, lamentation and woe ! And yet unpleasant as is the view, we ought not to overlook those forms which the " mystery of iniquity" has put on to carry out its opposition to the " mystery of godliness," especially as they have been por- trayed, first, in the writings of the prophets, and next worked out in the events of time, and lastly, photo- graphed in the pages of history. While it is our duty to contemplate the mystery of godliness in all its unfoldings in the Church, it is equally our duty to scrutinize the mystery of iniquity in its de- velopments in the world. We propose to place before you some of the workings of the " mystery of iniquity" as they have developed themselves in ages past and still continue to operate in hostility to the gospel of Christ. Those which more strikingly than any others show forth that mystery of iniquity of which the apostle spoke, are Romanism and Mohammedanism, two powers whose cotemporaneous rise, and reign, and oppressive rule for more than a thousand years, form no inconsiderable part of the antagonism which the "mystery of god- liness" has encountered in its endeavors to disseminate 110 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM the Scriptures of truth, unfold the gospel of Christ and promote the happiness of mankind. To bring this sub- ject properly before you, we have selected two passages of Scripture in which the rise of these two powers is fore- told. We shall therefore show 1. That these passages have reference to these two powers. 2. Point out the remarkable analogy between them as developments of that grand scheme of Satan, viz, the setting up of a mystery of iniquity against a mystery of godliness. 3. Show what is their doom, and what in them yet remains to be accomplished. In chapter vii. of Daniel's Prophecy, he informs us lie had a vision. He saw four Beasts come up out of the sea ; the first like a lion, the second like a bear, the third like a leopard, and the fourth a nondescript, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth diverse from all the others, and it de- voured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it ; and it had ten horns. These four Beasts are universally admitted to be the four universal mon- archies which have successively borne rule over the earth, viz., the Babylonian, Medo -Persian, Grecian and Ko- man. The last having been divided into ten kingdoms, is prefigured by the ten horns which the fourth Beast had. All readers of history know that at the irruption of the northern barbarians in the fifth century, the west- ern half of the Eoman empire was broken up into sev- eral kingdoms, which were formed out of it, several of which continue to the present day. These kingdoms AND MOHAMMEDANISM. Ill were Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Naples, Tuscany, Home, Eavenna, and Lombardy.* Among these ten horns or kingdoms, he saw a little horn arise which had eyes like the eyes of a man, i. e., a symbol of spiritual authority, and a mouth speaking great things, i. e. } a pretender to rights and privileges which did not belong to him. This is generally understood to be the Papacy, which about this time began to assert those claims to spiritual supremacy and even temporal dominion which it has never since relinquished. This little horn plucked up three others b} r the roots. These were Ravenna, Lombardy and Home. Leo Isaurus, who ruled in Eavema, being excommu- nicated by the Pope because he opposed his decree in favor of the worship of images and invocation of the dead, Aistulphus, king of the Lombards, seized upon his territory, and thought to make himself master of all Italy, upon which the Pope (Stephen III.) applied to Pepin, king of France, for assistance. Pepin recovered Eavenna from the Lombards, and instead of restoring it to its rightful owners, gave it, at the Pope's solicitation, to " St. Peter and his successors for ever." This was the first of the three kingdoms which fell before the little horn, A. D. 755. The kingdom of Lombardy was often troublesome to the Popes. At length Pope Adrian I. sent to Charlemagne, the son and successor of Pepin, to come to his assistance against the Lombards, who had invaded his territory. * As there have been differences of opinion among the learned what European powers constitute the ten kingdoms, we have adopted the classi- fication of Irving. 112 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM He accordingly came, and having subdued the Lom- bards, put an end to their kingdom, and gave part of their dominions to the Pope and his successors ; and the tables containing this grant were laid on the altar of St. 'Peter. This took place A. D. 774. This was the sec- ond kingdom plucked up by the roots by the little horn. The State of Eome itself, however, was still governed by a senate and the people, who elected the western emperors, and even the Pope himself. To obtain this State was now the ambition of the Pope. Accordingly, after many intrigues and wars, which our time will not permit us to mention, Charlemagne gave the Pope the Duchy of Rome, subject, however, to himself as emp- eror of the West, while his successor, the first Louis of France, confirmed to the succeeding Pope, Pascal, all the former donations of his father, Charlemagne, and grandfather, Pepin. In this grant of Louis are men- tioned the Duchy of Rome, the Exarchate of Ravenna, and the Kingdom of Lombardy, all which were granted " as the patrimony of St. Peter to the Pope and his suc- cestors to the end of the world, to hold them in their own right, principality and dominion." This took place about A. D. 800.* Thus did the little horn, or the Papacy, pluck up the three horns, and on this account, and to this day, the Pope, the King of Rome and the Sovereign of the States of the Church, wears his triple * The spiritual supremacy of the Pope being first confirmed about the year 606, several commentators, reckoning the twelve hundred and sixty years of its 'continuance from this period, have concluded that its termination will occur in the year 1866. "We shall soon know how rate such a conclusion is. AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 113 crown on state occasions, as if to preserve the mem- ory of this event, and to hold up before the world, and on his head, the proof that he was the little horn be- fore whom the three were plucked up. Out of the fourth monarchy, therefore, and in the bounds of the western Koman empire, after its division into ten kingdoms, we find the power described to which our text alludes a little horn plucking up three horns.* Let us now proceed to identify the other power to which the text alludes. In chapter viii. the prophet had another vision. He saw a ram, which had two horns, both high, but the one higher than the other ; and the ram pushed westward, and northward, and southward, and did according to his will, and became great ; and while he was considering, an he goat came from the west, which had a notable horn between his eyes, and smote the ram and brake his two horns, and cast him down, and stamped on him ; and the he goat waxed very strong, and when he was strong the great horn was broken, and in the place of it came up four nota- ble ones towards the four winds of heaven, i. e., the four quarters of the globe, and out of one of these four, came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land, i. e., Jerusalem, and it cast down the truth to the ground, and practiced and prospered. * The historian Gibbon, in chapter xlv., or volume iii., p. 202, of the fifth American, from the last English edition, describes the boundaries of these three powers as they existed just before their overthrow and subjection to Papal authority, to which authority we refer the reader who desires further information ou this subject : vide, also, chapter xlix., or volume viL, p. 338. 114 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM Now that Daniel might be at no loss what this meant, the angel Gabriel explained it to him, verse 20. The ram which thou sawest having two horns, are the kings of Media and Persia, and the rough goat is the king of Grecia, and the great horn between his eyes, is the first king, i. e.j Alexander the Great. Now, that being brok- en, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. It is well known to all the readers of history, that Alexander the Great, who died without issue, at his death left his em- pire to be divided among four of his generals. Lysima- chus took the northern regions, Ptolemy, the southern countries, Seleucus, the eastern provinces, and Cassan- der, the western parts. Thus four stood up toward the four winds of heaven, but not in his power. Now out of one of these four there should arise a little horn which should wax exceeding great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land, i. e., Jerusalem. This, Gabriel says, shall be in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full. This per- son is described, verse 28 ? as being a king of a fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, and his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power, i. e., personal valor, of which we shall speak more hereafter. Now the historian Rollin informs us that the empire of Alexander was distributed into four kingdoms, of which Ptolemy had Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Coelo-Syria, and Pal- estine. This little horn, therefore, which was to arise out of one of the four divisions of Alexander's empire, and wax great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land, or Jerusalem, would naturally AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 115 be looked for to spring up out of that part which fell to Ptolemy, inasmuch MS that embraced t ! >e south and pleasant land, and bordered on the east. Some commentators have supposed that An'iochus Epiphanes was the little horn here spoken of. There are very many reasons which might be given why this is not so, only two of which we shall assign. 1. This little horn was to arise in the latter time of the kingdom, (an expression denoting the Gen- tile dispensation,) out of which he was to spring, but Antiochus Epiphanes reigned over Syria only about one hundred and sixty years after the death of Alex- ander the Great, and one hundred and forty years be- fore the birth of Christ ; and, 2. The power of this little horn was to continue until the last days, for it was to stand up against the Prince of princes, and to be broken without hand, whereas the power of Antiochus Epiphanes was broken two thousand years ago. There are several other weighty objections against such an application of this Prophecy, which time fails us to mention. This little horn must therefore be looked for some- time during the times of the Gentiles or Gentile dispensa- tion, and it is only fur us now to identify him. One of the most remarkable revolutions in the history of this dispensation, since the birth of Christ, and one which laid the foundation for the most wide-spread and endur- ing empire that has existed since the downfall of the Roman, is that which was commenced in Arabia, in the seventh century, by the pretended Apostle of Mecca, but real impostor, Mohammed. His history and career will lTIVBRSITT 116 OVERTHROW OF v ROMANISM be found to realize the description of the little horn in Daniel, viii. 9, as the Papacy does that in Daniel, vii. 8. Before we proceed to draw out the parallel between these two horns, let us consider briefly the state of society which existed at the time of their appearance, and this will throw some light upon the causes which facilitated their growth as well as the purposes of Divine Provi- dence in permitting them to arise. The Christian Church became at an early period di- vided into two parts, the eastern and western, following the civil divisions of the Koman empire Constantinople the capital of the east, and Kome of the west. They were also called the Greek and Latin Churches, accord- ing to the language which each used in divine worship. The declension of both these branches of the Christian Church from primitive purity of doctrine and life was grad- ual, yet woful, down to the period when these two horns sprang up. The Greeks, being inclined to philosophical speculations, corrupted the Christian faith by number- less heresies, so that divisions multiplied, and sects strove against each other, until at length all charity, and hu- mility, and piety sank so low that Christ's gospel became a savor of death instead of life. The Arians, and Sa- bellians, and Nestorians, and Apollonarians, and Collo- rydians, and a multitude of others, so confounded the great doctrines of Christianity with the metaphysical subtleties and jargon of the schools, that they lost their power as a rule of life and a way of salvation. The Latin mind was of a different construction from the Greek mind. It inclined more to superstition than to speculation, and accordingly the corruptions of Christ;- AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 117 anity in the western Church took that direction instead of the other. Hence invocation of saints, veneration of relics, image worship, and Mariolatry, or the intercession of the Virgin, were the forms of corruption which arose and were rife in western Christendom. It is impossible to make more than a mere reference to these things ; time will not permit us to go into detail. Now, to punish the Church for her unfaithfulness and ahuse of His gospel, God permitted two adversaries to arise who should scourge her with the very means by which she had offended Him, and in addition to corrupt- ing her still further with false doctrine and superstition, should, under the name and pretext of religion, establish over her a system of civil and religious despotism, under which she should groan for centuries and ages. Hence the Greek Church, which delighted in speculative philos- ophy, which overran her with various heresies, has been "brought into subjection to a heresy of a new kind, which the little horn out of the Macedonian empire imposed on her at the point of the sword. The Latin Church, which inclined to excessive veneration for relics and saint worship, has been brought into subjection to a system of superstitious rites and ceremonies, with all its debasing tendencies, which the little horn out of the broken Koman empire has also imposed on her for cen- turies ; and these two horns, side by side, have ruled Christendom for ages, and still excise dominion over a large portion of it. Mohammedanism extends over Turkey in Europe and Asia, Little Tartary, Persia, the Mogul empire, Arabia, Egypt, all the southern coast of Africa, Nubia, Zanguehar, part of Nigritia and Sahara, 118 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM and all the Barbary States, comprising an aggregate of a hundred and fifty millions of human beings. Ro- manism prevails over all the Italian States, France, Spain, Portugal, the Austrian empire, many of the Ger- man States, part of Prussia, Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Mexico, Central and South America, comprising an ag- gregate of a hundred and sixty millions of human beings. These vast masses of the human race are still in subjec- tion to those systems of oppression, and moral and spirit- ual darkness, which were first imposed upon them so many centuries ago, and have had a cotemporaneous existence for more than twelve hundred years ; and they are the two branches of that great mystery of iniquity which was to carry on an unceasing conflict against the mystery of godliness until the close of this dispen- sation. Let us now draw a parallel between these two horns, and point out the remarkable analogy which exists be- tween them in the whole of their wonderful careers; and as we do this the character of each branch of this mys- tery of iniquity will be more fully developed. 1. The first point of analogy between them is. their cotemporaneous birth. The seventh century stands as the common era for the commencement of the Papal and Mohammedan tyrannies. Though Mohammed was born towards the close of the sixth century, A. D. 571, yet it was not until the beginning of the following century that he began to promulgate his tenets, and assert his claims to be an apostle of God ; and so, although in 533 Justinian ac- knowledged the supremacy of the Roman bishop, yet AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 119 it was not until 606 that this power, which was re- jected by many for a long time, was confirmed by the emperor Phocas, and established by decree over the western Church. This is about the same period that Mohammed retired to the cave of Hera to fabri- cate his imposture and compose the Koran, which he pretended to have received from God, and to assert his claim to be obeyed by all men as the apostle of God. Thus the two little horns, Eomanism and Mohammed- anism, sprang up about the same time. 2. Popery, which commenced first as a spiritual author- ity, soon aimed at temporal sovereignty, and finally be- came the most powerful despotism in Europe. So Mo- hammedanism, which first commenced as a mere religious reformation to abolish idolatry, arose gradually to a mili- tary power of the fiercest class, and ruled Asia, and parts of Europe and Africa for centuries with unmitigated tyr- anny. This double character of both systems is undoubt- edly alluded to by the prophet in our text, when he says of the first horn, " It had eyes like a man, and a mouth speaking great things," i. e., spiritual authority, yet not the humility which belongs to it, but ambitious preten- sions ; and of the second horn, " Shall understand dark sentences and magnify himself in his heart/' The Koran, so celebrated in the Mohammedan religion as the book containing their spiritual mysteries, exactly answers this description, and it is not a little remarkable that the author of the Koran should have been uncon- sciously led to appropriate the language of this prediction to himself, in such expressions as these in the Koran, " Lord, thou hast given me a part of the kingdom, and 120 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM hast taught me the interpretation of dark sayings. This is a secret which we reveal unto thee, Mohammed/' His pretense to the knowledge of hidden mysteries was about as well founded as that of the bishop of Eome to universal supremacy. 3. These two powers are both called little horns, rising from among great horns. The Papacy rises among the ten horns, which were the ten kingdoms of western Kome, and Mohammedanism from or out of four notable horns or kingdoms, in which the Greek or Macedonian empire was divided. The four generals of Alexander were men of distinction before they divided his vast empire between themselves, and the ten kings were probably of noble birth before they wore the crown, but Mohammed was an obscure individual, and the bishops of Kome private citizens before their elevation to power. There was noth- ing in the circumstances of either to warrant the celebrity or exalted position they finally attained. Hence, both are called little horns. 4. They both reached their elevated position by vio- lence and fraud. The little horn of the Papacy by pluck- ing up three horns, or, as the angel explains it, subduing three kings. The Mohammedan horn by causing craft to prosper in his hand, and by " destroying wonderfully," as the prophet declares. The military exploits of Popery and Mohammedanism form one of the darkest pages in the history of the world. 5. They both made the rod of their oppression to fall heavily on the Jewish people. The Prophet Daniel says of the first little horn, vii. 25, "he shall wear out the saints of the Most High," L e., the ancient covenant peo- AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 121 pie, which has been fully verified in the cruel oppressions which the children of Israel have received in almost all Papal lands ; and of the second little horn, viii. 24, " he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people," which, has been equally fulfilled in the contempt and persecution which Mohammedans have always shown to the seed of Jacob. 6. The Koman pontiffs claimed to derive their au- thority by regular succession from St. Peter, the first of the Apostles. The caliphs, who are invested with su- preme religious and civil power in the Mohammedan re- ligion, claim to derive authority, by regular succession, from Mohammed, who is, according to their creed, the last and greatest of the Apostles. 7. The Papal and Mohammedan tyrannies alike ad- vanced the claim to universal sovereignty, and they alike enforced their pretensions by persecution and the sword. In the language of the prophet, vii. 20, " the mouth of the one spake great things," and the other, viii. 25, "magnified himself in his heart." We have all read the Papal bulls, and the blasphemous titles in which they are put forth : PRINCE OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH, VICEGERENT OF GOD, VICAR OF CHRIST, and the uni- versal homage which the pontiffs have claimed from all nations. The caliphs issued their mandates in no less pompous terms : SERVANT OF THE SERVANT OF GOD, LAST AND GREATEST OF PROPHETS, the PARACLETE, or Illustrious. If any disputed these honors or denied the titles, persecution and death were deemed their just punishment, as the history of both of the little horns will abundantly show. 122 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM 8. Popery had her holy cities, and encouraged pilgrim- ages to them from all parts of the earth. Home and Jerusalem were the sacred spots to which her votaries were attracted by promises and hopes of spiritual ad- vantage. A pilgrimage to either of these was accounted an act of great merit, entitling them to high favor in the sight of God. Mohammed made Mecca and Medina the places of religious resort, and awarded great honors to those who visited them. 9. Popery encouraged holy wars for the propagation of the faith and suppression of heresy. The crusades which aroused all Europe for nearly two centuries, is evidence of her pious use of the sword for the propa- gation of her faith and the extension of her power. Mo- hammedanism accepted the challenge, met her in the Holy Land, and there each slaughtered the other for the glory of God, until the sword was drunk with blood, and Jerusalem had been taken and retaken several times. A favorite motto of Mohammedan princes was, and still is, that the " sword is the key of Paradise." 10. Popery has instituted mendicant orders and mo- nastic fraternities, so that her Church has swarmed with cowled monks and begging friars, who in many coun- tries have passed over the land like locusts, devouring every green thing. Mohammedanism has also its orders of dervishes, fakirs, santons, etc., who fill the same place in her system that monks and friars do in the Pa- pal. 11. The Christian princes of Papal Home eventually all acknowledged the supremacy of the Pope, and held their crowns by his grant, doing fealty and homage for AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 123 them, as the history of Europe during the middle ages will show; so also the Mohammedan princes held theirs by a like tenure, viz., the authority of the caliphs. 12. Mohammedanism rose from the smallest begin- ning, and spread with the greatest rapidity until it em- braced nearly the third part of the civilized world. At first its progress was exceeding slow. For when Moham- med was forty-four years of age he had succeeded, as the fruit of several years of labor, in winning over only nine individuals to his faith. From this small beginning, in the short space of eighty years he laid the foundation of an empire which extended itself over more "kingdoms and countries than Kome had mastered in eight hundred years. So when the bishops of Rome first began to claim supremacy over the whole Church, few it' any yield- ed to their claim. But perseverance finally overcame all obstacles, and eventually their dominion was more abso- lute than any of the Roman emperors had been in the palmiest days of their power. The decrees of the Vat- ican at last went forth with the same authority that the edicts of the Cassars formerly had done. And so these two little horns grew up gradually side by side, as the scourges of an apostate Church, and " practiced and prospered wonderfully " for many centu- ries, bringing nations prostrate at their feet, and each in the much-abused name of the Lord of Hosts, and by the pretended authority of His word, oppressing the weak, overthrowing the strong, coercing the unwilling, and for- cing submission on pain of death to the errors they propagated and the abominations they set up, even to this day and although they have reached the culminat- 124 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM ing point of their career, and are now evidently on the wane, (if not near their end,) yet they still exist, and are animated with a good degree of their ancient spirit, modified by circumstances, but not changed in heart. We might greatly extend or more minutely draw out the parallel between these two horns, (branches of the mys- tery of iniquity,) did time permit ; but we must hasten on to show what is the doom of these two powers, and what in their history yet remains to be accomplished. From the remarkable fact that these two enemies of' Christ and of His gospel, sprang up together, and have maintained a cotemporaneous existence as rivals and enemies to true religion, and to each other, for so many centuries, it has been supposed that their decline and fall will also be simultaneous ; and in this opinion (which many have derived merely from the analogies of the case) we are confirmed by the express declaration of the proph- et. Concerning the fate of the first little horn, the prophet says, vii. 11, "I beheld then, because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake. I beheld even till the Beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame;" and the angel explains it farther, thus, verse 26: " The judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it to the end/' This is the doom of the Papal apostacy. Con- cerning the second little horn, the prophet says, viii. 25, " He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken without hand ;" this is the doom of the Mohammedan delusion. Is it not evident from these expressions that both shall continue in existence until the second advent? Then shall the PRINCE OF AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 125 PRINCES, called in Revelations, PRINCE OF THE KINGS or THE EAKTH, and KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS, appear to take possession of the earth, and to overthrow all powers, and thrones and dominions which are then found hostile to his. The modern dream of evangelical- ism, which fancies that Popery and Mohammedanism will gradually give way before the diffusion of Bibles and tracts, and missionary efforts, is a theory which has no foundation in Scripture. These ancient enemies of Christ, who for so many centuries have corrupted and perverted His gospel, and made void His word by add- ing to and taking from it, by corruptions and counter- feits, shall not be let off for their long-continued opposi- tion to truth and godliness at this easy rate, but shall be made most terrible examples of God's righteous indig- nation against the abuse of His mercy. The utter hostility of these two systems to the gospel of Christ must be manifest to the most careless observer. We will not descend to minor points, such as the warlike and persecuting spirit which each has engendered, the low and groveling superstitions both have invented and circulated, the licentiousness, polygamy, and concubinage they have favored, together with numberless other abom- inations ; we will only call your attention to the two great cardinal principles of the gospel system which each of these have rendered null and voict These are the Di- vinity and the Atonement of Christ. The great distingushing feature of the gospel, and that which makes it differ from every other system which has ever been devised by man, is this : that the Son of God, the second person of the adorable Trinity, be- 126 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM came incarnate for man, that He might offer up a .sac- rifice for sin which would be sufficient to satisfy divine justice, and procure pardon and acceptance for all who would believe in His name. This is the essence of the whole gospel system Christ and Him crucified, the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Now how do these two systems stand affected toward these doctrines, these foundation stones of the Christian faith ? Their positions toward Christianity are of utter hostility, for, first, Mohammedanism utterly sweeps away the divinity of our Lord, and reduces him to the rank of a mere Prophet, inferior to the apostle of Mecca ; and with the denial of this glorious truth, goes also the doc- trine of His atonement, which has no place in the system of that impostor. The pilgrimages, and fastings, and prayers, which the Koran imposes, these are the founda- tions on which they build their hopes of acceptance with God. Is not this an utter opposition to the gospel system ? Next look at the Papal system. That does not indeed deny the divinity of Christ, nor His atonement, but pro- fesses to believe both, and yet practically and virtually supersedes both ; for if Christ be God and man, and, as the apostle declares, the u one mediator between God and man," what need of so many other mediators to intercede for spiritural blessings for us ? In the Papal system, the invocation of the Virgin and the saints is made one of the most important duties of that religion. Their in- terposition in our behalf is represented as necessary to salvation. Thus the work of our great High Priest, who ever liveth to make intercession for us, and who, the apostle says, (if any man sin,) "is our advocate with the AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 127 Father, and the propitiation for our sins" His work is taken out of His hands and given to creatures, dead and in their graves, but whom that delusion has resuscitated to take away His honor and glory ; and His atonement is equally nullified by their doctrine of good works which they declare to be " meritorious and effectual for the remission of sin." Christianity, or the gospel system, teaches us that the blood of Christ alone cleanesth from all sin ; that there is virtue and merit in nothing else to purify the soul from that polluting stain. It teaches that the divinity of Christ gave His atonement such infinite value that nothing need be and nothing can be added to it. Every other device, therefore, to obtain remission of sin, whether penance, or the invocation of the Virgin and the saints to secure their prayers fdr us, is at war with the sufficiency of that atonement which Christ offered, inasmuch as it implies a want of virtue in it which must be supplied from some other source ; and this as effectu- ally nullifies that great doctrine of the Christian system as- Mohammedanism does which formally denies it. Be- sides this antagonism of doctrine, which Popery and Mo- hammedanism have held against the teaching of the New Testament, both have claimed that temporal dominion over the nations of the earth which belongs alone to Christ. They have sought to make vassals of those whom they should have taught to call Christ King and Lord, instead of themselves ; and this is still their spirit and constant aim, and will be to the end. Are not their systems, therefore, utterly irreconcilable with that of the gospel, and with the honor, and glory, and sovereignty of Christ ? What, therefore, can we expect their fate to 128 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM be at His coming but that of utter overthrow ? Could Christ's kingdom be established over the whole earth, and His truth everywhere prevail, while two systems so diametrically at war with both, were suffered to con- tinue ? Impossible. Wherefore the prophet says of one, " The judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it to the end," and of the other, " It shall be broken without hand," expressions both denoting overthrow by divine power. In these days of indifference to religious truth, a spu- rious liberality has sprung up, which seeks to put on a par all opinions about religion, however contrary to each other, and to reduce all practices to one common level, m'aking sincerity the only test of goodness and ground of acceptance. According to this plan, there is no such thing as error, or heresy, or superstition, or cor- ruption. Truth and piety are just what each person fan- cies for himself he ought to believe and practice ; and we must respect every one's opinion and way, however absurd, in order to have our own respected. This com- promise, many think, ought to bind God as well as our- selves, and that accordingly, in the end, He will make no difference about what one has believed and practiced in this life, if he was only sincere. According to this theory, these two little horns have nothing to fear. Mohamme- danism, which has struck at the head of Christianity, by denying the divinity of Christ, and of Romanism which has sapped the foundation, by denying the sufficiency of His atonement, and teaching the merit of works as neces- sary to justification, have as fair a chance of acceptance at last, as those martyrs and confessors, with their fol- AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 129 lowers, who have lifted up their voices against these her- esies, and have "contended earnestly for the faith de- livered to the saints." But whatever men may think, and plan, and devise, God will do His own will at last, and if He overthrew Babylon for her idolatry, and Nin- eveh for her cruelty, and Tyre for her pride, and Jeru- salem for her rejection of Christ, (all which He had previously declared He would do,) will He shrink from executing His judgments upon these modern foes, who. have perverted His truth and corrupted His worship, any more than He did upon His ancient foes ? Let Him speak for Himself, and let all the earth fear and tremble. St. John invites us to behold the judgment of God upon the great harlot which made all' nations drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and sa)'S, Revelations, xviii. 8, " Her plagues shall come on her in one day, death and mourning, and famine ; and she shall be utterly burned with fire : for strong is the Lord God, who judgeth her." And to show her utter overthrow and ruin, he says, verse 21, "A mighty angel took up a stone, like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus, with violence, shall that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth, be thrown down, and be no more found, for by her sorceries all nations were deceived." It will only be in keeping with the past dispensations of God's avenging wrath that a city like Rome, which has been the center and source of such corrupting influ- , ences for ages, should like Sodom be sunk into the earth, to rise no more. And the Apostle Jude expressly informs us that the destruction of Sodom was intended to be an 130 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM example of the fate of all who followed in her foot- steps. And Mecca and Damascus, which have each heen capi- tals of the Mohammedan apostacy, have also their pro- phetic dooms to bear, when God shall arise to shake terri- bly the earth. Hear the word of the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah, xvii. 1 : u The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city; it shall be a ruinous heap." Again, xxi. 13, 16 : " The burden upon Arabia. All the glory of Kedar shall fail/' The capital of Mohammedanism (Mecca) lies in this land. But the simultaneous overthrow of these two horns shall take place when the three unclean spirits, out of the mouth of the dragon, of the Beast, and of the false Prophet, shall go forth to gather together the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to the battle of the great day of GOD ALMIGHTY ! Then the indignities which these two organ- ized systems of hostility to the honor and glory of Christ have exhibited in their long career of superstition, false teaching, and oppression, shall come up in remembrance before God and be avenged. In their destruction, He shall show their falsity and their odiousness in His sight, and then shall those beautiful words of the poet be fulfilled : " Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers ; But error wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among her worshipers." So far from the true servants of God having any sym- pathy for these systems in their overthrow, they are called upon to triumph in their downfall, Revelations, xviii. 20: AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 131 " Eejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, for God hath avenged you of her." In the eighth century, fears were entertained that one of the little horns would destroy the other. Moham- medanism threatened the extinction of Komanism, as well as the whole of nominal Christianity. Having brought into subjection the Greek Church, it invaded the Koman apostacy. Having conquered Spain, it sought to extend its power over the whole of western Europe, for which purpose it invaded France, and would soon have thundered at the gates of Home, had not the cele- brated Charles Martel aroused the spirit of the nation, and defeated with immense slaughter the Saracenic host, and compelled them to retire into Spain. This cele- brated battle was fought at Tours, A. D. 732, and (which at that time was considered the salvation of Europe,) delivered the one horn out of the hands of the other, and both still continued to be the scourges of God upon an apostate Church. In the eleventh century, it was supposed by many that one little horn would again destroy the other. Pope Gregory VII. formed the design of uniting all the princes of Christendom against Mohammedanism, which was carried out in the reign of his successor, when those im- mense armaments called the crusades left the plains of Europe, to attack the invading hosts of the false Prophet in the Holy Land, and to recover the holy sepulchre from their possession. Success at first smiled upon their efforts, Jerusalem was taken, and a Christian kingdom formed there under Godfrey, first king. This kingdom continued one hundred and eleven years, and had a succession of 132 OVERTHROW OF ROMANISM thirteen kings. The conflict between the two little horns (now grown GREAT,) raged for nearly two centuries, dur- ing which time no less than eight different expeditions or crusades were undertaken, the last of which ended in the entire withdrawal of the Christian forces from the East, and the utter abandonment of the enterprise. Mohammedanism recovered all its lost ground, and Ro- manism submitted to defeat. The two little horns still continued to exist, rivals to each other, and oppressors of the Church of God. In the fourteenth century another storm gathered which threatened the extinction of one of the little horns. The warlike Turks, who had succeeded the Sar- acens, began to push their conquests westward until they finally captured Constantinople, and again threatened to overrun the whole of western Europe. So great was the terror inspired by their victorious arms that public prayers were offered up in all the churches for deliver- ance from the impending danger. The battle-ground on this occasion was principally in Hungary, where, during a period of more than two centuries, twenty-one great battles were fought, of which number the Turks won twelve, the Hungarians eight, and one doubtful victory, being claimed on both sides. That noble peo- ple who so long breasted the storm which threatened to burst over Europe, and to whom the western powers owe a debt of gratitude, seemed then to be the provi- dential agents to prevent the one little horn from de- stroying the other. The contest, however, ended, as all the former had done, by each retiring within their own dominions, and continuing to uphold those systems of AND MOHAMMEDANISM. 133 oppression and imposture which are opposed to the gos- pel of Christ. And this will be the issue of all future conflicts between them : neither will destroy the other, but both will be destroyed together at the second coin- ing of Christ. We live in an age when a wonderful spectacle has presented itself to view. The Crescent and the Cross are united under the same banner. Romanism, Prot- estantism, and Mohammedanism have become allies. The two little horns, so long at enmity, seem to have grasped the hand of friendship and made common cause against a new enemy.* What God intends to bring out of this singular combination of hitherto op- posing forces time alone can disclose. Of one thing, however, we feel assured. This alliance can not long continue ; neither will the overthrow of Mohammed- anism be prevented by it any more than that of Ro- manism. Both will continue to the time of the end. As they were cotemporaries in birth, so they will be co- temporaries in death ; as they have been equals in blas- phemy and in the propagation of heresy and supersti- tion, so will they be equal in those righteous retributions which await the ungodly ; as they have been enemies in many a hard-fought battle, and never could destroy each other, so will they at last be destroyed by an enemy in battle from whom there will be no escape. When He who is now the Prince of Peace shall come forth in His character as a " MAN OF WAR, in righteousness to judge * This discourse was written and first delivered during the winter of 1856, while the Crimean war was raging, and France and England were united to sustain Turkey against Russia. 134 and make war," then, as the prophet declares, Isaiah, xi. 4, " shall He smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked." This conflict shall be different from any other ; for as the same prophet says, ix. 5, " Every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood ; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire." And when it takes place the two little horns shall vanish away, the ten horns of the fourth Beast shall disappear, and the four notable horns of the third beast shall be no more seen. All that remains will be the horn of David, which will then bud and blossom, and fill the world with fruit. The mystery of iniquity, in its two leading branches being overthrown, the mystery of godliness will have an unobstructed development, and Christ's reign of truth, and righteousness, and peace will be established over all the earth; while the Church's prayer, so long offered, will be at last answered " Thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." LEG TURE VII. THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. " For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me, Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send thee, to drink it, and they shall drink and be moved, and be mad because of the sword that I will send among them. And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thy hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, ye shall certainly drink, for lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished ? Ye shall not be unpunished, for I will call for a sword against all the inhab- itants of the earth, saith the Lord of Hosts. Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation ; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation ; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth ; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh ; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, Behold evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth ; they shall not be lamented, neither gath- ered, nor buried; they shall be as dung upon the ground." JEREMIAH, xxv. 15-33. THE royal prophet who exclaims in one place, " I will sing of mercy and of judgment; unto thee, Lord, will I sing," in another place says, " Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath made in the earth/' The subject which is before us, and now claims our attention, is the calamities and distresses which will 136 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. befall the nations of the earth just before the close of this dispensation. This unpleasant theme we would gladly avoid, could we do so without keeping back part of the whole cgunsel of G-od, or without hiding from you the evil as well as the good which is in the future; but it presses itself upon our attention because it is held up by the prophets as one of those momentous events in which the whole human family have a most painful interest. As a part of the duty of an historian is to record the great calamities by fire and sword, and pestilence and earthquake, which have swept away whole cities, and de- populated vast provinces, as well as the political events which have overthrown reigning dynasties and advanced others to power, so do the prophets in describing the course of empire, from its first rise down to its final dis- solution, foretell the fearful events which shall accom- pany the wreck of nations, and the dissolution of empires just before the establishment of the kingdom of the Son of Man. As all the great empires which are spoken of in Prophecy have been built upon the ruins of those which preceded them, and have advanced their way to supremacy over the prostrate necks of subjugated foes, and amidst desolations of countries and the slaughter of their inhabitants, so when the last overturning comes, the time spoken of when the " stone cut out of the moun- tain without hands shall smite the image on the feet, and the iron and the clay, the brass, and the silver, and the gold shall be broken to pieces together, and shall be- come like the dust of the summer threshing floor, and the wind shall carry them away so that no place shall be found for them ;" such scenes of desolation shall be THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 137 spread over the globe as all past disasters are only faint types of. In unfolding this subject, therefore, sad and mournful are the tidings we have to hear ; dark and gloomy is the picture which truth compels us to draw of a future scene which earth has yet to realize before that good time coming of which poets and philanthropists delight to speak; "a time of trouble such as never was before, nor ever after shall be," which the prophets foretell with the certainty of a divine foreknowledge. This period, which is alluded to by almost all the sacred writers from Moses to Malachi in the Old Testament, and by our Saviour and the Evangelists and Apostles in the New Testament, is presented by the Prophet Jeremiah in our text under an image of maddening rage and fury which has scarce a parallel anywhere else. It has from time immemorial, been the practice when men of violence and blood would excite themselves ta the commission of desperate acts of lawlessness, first to resort to the intoxicating bowl, and there drown reason and inflame passion, until regardless of every considera- tion of justice, or mercy, or humanity, they plunged head- long into their career of ^cruelty, and perpetrated the most horrid barbarities. In allusion to such a practice, the Prophet Jeremiah informs us in the text, that he received the following message : " Thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me, take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send thee, to drink it, and they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will sand among them." All war and violence proceed from an intoxication of the 138 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. passions. The sober-minded eschew such outbursts of rage. But war is often sent as a scourge by God upon the wicked, a judgment for sin; and not only war, but also pestilence, famine, inundations and insurrections. " Shall there be evil in the city and the Lord hath not done it ?" the Lord asks by the mouth of the Prophet Amos, iii. 6. " Behold I make peace and create evil, saith the Lord," Isaiah, xlv. 7. All the elements are but His messengers, and go and come at His command; therefore He says in the text, " Drink ye and be drunken, and spue and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you." And if they refuse to take the cup at His hand, he should say unto them, " Thus saith the Lord of hosts, ye shall certainly drink, for lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called, by my name," viz., Jerusalem, "and should ye be utterly un- punished? Ye shall not be unpunished, for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts." Has this ever been fulfilled ? We know that Jerusalem has been punished, sorely punished, and is to this day lying under the rod of His displeasure. The holy city is trodden under foot of the Gentiles, and sits desolate and solitary Jike a weeping widow, her children exiled, while the cities of the nations are revel- ing in magnificence and splendor, and their inhabitants are joyous and prosperous. But the tables are to be turned, the afflicted are to be made joyful, and the joy- ous sad. The Prophet Isaiah, 15. 17, expresses the truth if pos- sible still clearer than the Prophet Jeremiah. He is di- rected to say, " Awake, awake, stand up, Jerusalem, THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 139 which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of His fury ; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling and wrung them out ; thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net ; they are full of the fury of the Lord, the rebuke of thy God ; therefore hear now this, thou afflicted and drunken, but not with wine ; thus saith thy Lord the Lord, and thy God that pleadeth the cause of His people : Behold, I have taken out of thy hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury ; thou shalt no more drink it again, but I will put it into the hands of them that afflict thee, which have said to thy soul, bow down that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground and as the street to them that went over" Wherejfore the Prophet Jeremiah says in the text, " Ye shall certainly drink, for lo I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished ? Ye shall not be unpunished, for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth." The fact of Jerusalem's overthrow is therefore the proof and standing witness of the like judgment which hangs over all the other cities and nations of the world. Obadiah, 10-16. And by what means shall this be brought about ? The prophet informs us in the next verse, 30 : " Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words and say unto them, the Lord shall roar from on high and utter His voice from His holy habitation ; He shall give a shout as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth." A noise, (earthquake ?) shall come even to the ends of the earth : evil shall go forth from nation to nation, which may refer either to 140 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DATS. discord or pestilence, moral or physical evil ; and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth a hurricane, which, like a blast from the breath of His nos- trils, shall sweep every thing before it ; and the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other ; they shall not be lamented, nor buried, nor gathered, but be as dung on the ground. This dreadful Prophecy, which is yet before us as an unfulfilled one, we shall now attempt to open up to you ; and although in so doing we shall conduct you into a chamber of horrors, and present you with sights to sicken the heart, yet as the original of the picture is drawn by the pen of inspiration, and was intended for us to look at, we should not hesitate to do so, however soul-harrowing the view. The calamities and distresses which shall befall the na- tions of the earth just before the close of this present dispensation, will (for the sake of presenting the picture more clearly before your view,) be divided into the fol- lowing classes : 1. Social disorders. 2. Keligious feuds. 3. Political disturbances. 4. Temporal and physical calamities. 1. Social disorders. Holy Scripture teaches us that at the close of this dispensation there shall be a total dis- solution of the social compact, and an entire rending asunder of all those moral ties which hold society to- gether, and bind men by a common interest to respect each one his neighbor's rights. Undoubtedly the gen- eral corruption of society begins always first in the social circle. Insubordination and self-will tolerated in the child prepares the way for a disregard of law and order THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 141 in the man. Bad tempers and a spirit of contradiction in youth, unchecked, produce misanthropy and quarrel- someness in riper years. The seeds of social disorder are almost always incubated around the domestic hearth. Now the Apostle Paul, who bore so large a part in the work of inaugurating the gospel dispensation, (which many think must do all for the human family that is to be or can be done,) tells us what will be the final state of this dispensation. In the second epistle to Timothy, chapter iii., he says, " This know, also, that in the last days (i. 6., in the end of this dispensation,) perilous times shall come ;" and what are these perilous times ? Wars ? pestilences ? famines ? earthquakes ? No. He mentions a different class of evils. " Men shall be lovers of their own selves ; covetous, boasters, proud, blas- phemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accus- ers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but de- nying the power thereof." Here is a group of moral, or rather immoral, attributes, embracing nineteen partic- ulars, and which are all declared to be the common char- acteristics of the age or generation to which they refer, " the last days." What must be the social condition of that period when nineteen virtues have been eradicated from the heart, and as many opposing vices installed in power ! How strong must be the bond of union which keeps a community together, when so many virtues are gone and so many vices reign ! Let us look at the cata- logue, and imagine a state of society where the virtues 142 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DATS. prevail and the vices. are kept down. Where men are not lovers of their own selves supremely, but have sym- pathy and fellow-feeling for others ; not covetous, but generous ; not boasters, but modest in their pretensions ;- not proud, but humble ; not blasphemous, but reverent ; not disobedient to parents, but submissive to their will ; not unthankful, but grateful ; not unholy, but of pure life ; not without natural affection, but affectionate ; not truce breakers, but always fulfilling their agreements ; not false accusers, but never bearing false witness ; not incontinent, but faithful to marriage vows ; not fierce, but gentle ; not despisers of those that are good, but respecters of them ; not traitors, but patriots ; not heady or stubborn, but yielding and listeners to reason ; not high-minded, but meek and lowly ; not lovers of pleas- ure more than of God, but lovers of God more than lovers of pleasure ; not having the form of godliness without the power, but the power as well as the form. Now, we can easily imagine that a state of society in which these nineteen virtues generally prevail in a good degree may be firmly knit together, and the social compact be strong. But let the virtues be eradicated and the opposite vices gain control, and how long could society exist ? Would there not be a speedy dissolution of the social fabric ? This the apostle teaches when he says, perilous times shall come. Why ? He gives the reason : "For men shall be lovers of their own selves," etc. Certain- ly no community can be safe where such social disorder reigns. The times are " perilous" indeed, when these nineteen vices universally prevail. The Prophet Isaiah, also, in chapter xxiv., shows the THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 143 utter disorganization of society at this same period, when he says, " Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof ; and it shall be, as with the people, so with the Priest ; as with the servant, so with the master ; as with the maid, so with the mistress ; as with the buyer, so with the seller ; as with the lender, so with the borrower ; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him." The rela- tions formerly 1 existing between these parties, and which in a healthy state of society were necessary and benefi- cial, shall now be entirely broken up, so that one will not regard or aid the other. As our Lord declared, (speaking of this time,) "men shall betray one another, and hate one another. The brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son, and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death ;" the strength of filial and parental attachment will be broken, and even the sacredness of conjugal love will be no protection against treasonable conspiracy. Such a total extinction of all the social virtues will soon prepare the way for the fall of the moral virtues. Accordingly, we find that the lower forms of sensuality, such as gluttony, and wantonness, and drunkenness, be- come general. Hence, our Lord compares the period just previous to His second advent, to that preceding the flood, and the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were times of astounding sensuality, moral pollution, and debauchery. As it was in the days of Noah, and as it- was in the days of Lot, so shall it be when the Son "of Man is revealed, Luke, xvii. 26-30. Sad prospect for be- 144 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. lievers in human progress and the perfectibility of man. Transcendentalism will surely be at a discount, if any of the believers in that delusion should see that period. 2. Next to the moral and social disorders of that day, will be the religious feuds which will then distract and embitter the minds of men. Our Lord when asked by His disciples when the end should come, replied, " Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many, and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet/' These de- ceivers shall inspire their followers with a religious fanati- cism which shall know no toleration, but shall lay waste and destroy all who will not embrace their delusions. Of the spirit which always animates such impostors, we have had an example in the career of the false prophet of Mecca, who put to the sword those who would not submit to his imposture, and of the Roman pontiffs, who subjected to imprisonment, and torture, and the stake, those who pro- tested against their false assumptions. But lest anyone should say these things belong to the past, and can never occur again, look at the false prophet of Mormon, in our own day, and in our own country. Read his defiant threats and the spirit which evidently pervades his blas- phemous communications. Can any one doubt that any thing except mere power is wanting in him to subjugate our whole land to his imposture? Be not deceived ; the spirit of Satan is the ruling spirit of every great deceiver. Mere enthusiasts may be tolerant, but deliberate impos- tors are generally bloodthirsty. In our discourse upon the last Antichrist, we showed you what the character of THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 145 * that apostacy would be as to the extent and power of the delusion which it would practice upon the world. We did not then delineate its persecuting spirit, as that more properly belongs to another subject and a future discourse. We will now only refer to one or two passages which bear on the point now under consideration, viz., the re- ligious feuds which shall rage, and rend society asunder before the second advent. In Kevelations, xiii. we read, " there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he opened his mouth in blaspheni3 r against God, to blas- pheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven ; and it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed." Now the persecutions of this great deceiver, the last Antichrist, and the bigoted zeal of the various other false Christs, and the opposition of the two little horns, Komanism and Mohammedanism, and the resistance of heathenism and Protestantism, which will still number their millions, will produce a state of agitation and exas- peration in the minds of men, which will convert the world into a great battle-ground of conflicting opinions and mortal combat, and this strife will be connected with another evil which will then prevail over the earth, viz., 3. Political disturbances. Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Despotism shall seek to overthrow democracies, and democracy to uproot despotism. The conflict of political principles, which has endured for so many centuries between the oppressors and the oppressed, shall make a desperate struggle for 146 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. * the ascendency, and shall fail, for both shall he discom- fited with the sword of the Lord of Hosts, who says, " If I whet my glittering sword, and ray hand take hold on judgment, I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh." Our text says, "they shall drink of the wine cup of His fury, and be mad, be- cause of the sword which He will send among them, for He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword ; and the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth to the other." This uprising of all nations distracted by religious feuds, and embittered by political antagonisms, shall proceed from that judicial infatuation which God shall send upon them as a punishment for their sins. From the cup of His fury, which He makes them to drink, they shall be mad, the prophet says, because of the sword which He will send among them. War is one of God's scourges for sin, as well as pestilence and famine. Though men wage it for wicked purposes, He employs it for righteous ends, and they, without their knowledge or intention, are the agents of inflicting His judgments on themselves. In the grand settlement therefore of His controversy with all nations, He will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, and will plead with all flesh. Out of that state of, first, social disorganization we have described, and, secondly, religious strife, horrid war will naturally arise. The passions being let loose, and Di- vine restraint withdrawn, they will rush to arms, and lay waste each other's lands. In connection with the scourge of war and political distractions all over the earth, comes, in immediate succession, THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. . 147 4. Another horrid train of ills, in the form of pesti- lence, famine, and earthquakes. It is a remarkable fact in the history of the world, that all great political convulsions and subversion of empires have been attended with physical disasters and temporal calamities. Gibbon informs us that about the period of the overthrow of the Roman empire, a plague which took its rise on the borders of the Nile, and spread over the whole of Europe and parts of Asia, swept away nearly two thirds of the population of those regions, and that so great was the mortality, that the order of funerals and sepulture was confounded, that the dead lay unburied in the streets, that at Constantinople for three months, five and at length ten thousand persons died each day, that many cities were left without an inhabitant, that in whole districts of country, the harvevst and vintage withered on the ground, and that the decrease of the hu- man species which then took place in some of the fair- est regions of the globe has never been repaired ; that while this desolating scourge was spreading, some of the most destructive earthquakes of which history gives any record took place, that Constantinople was shaken above forty days, that two hundred and fifty thousand perished at Antioch, that Beyroot, with its whole popu- lation, was destroyed, and multitudes, in various lauds, were slain ; and that to add to the afflictions and mis- eries of that time, famine followed with all its horrors, to still further reduce the population of the earth. Such were the calamities which took place when the fourth Beafit was about being broken up and divided into ten kingdoms. 148 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DATS. But vastly more terrible will they be when the ten kingdoms themselves not only, but all the kingdoms of the toorld which are on the face of the earth, shall be made to drink of the wine cup of G-od's fury which the prophet was directed to give them. Then, he says, " evil shall go forth from nation to nation," which our Lord explains to be "pestilences, famine, and earth- quakes in divers places," and the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other. The Lord, by the Prophet Ezekiel, xiv. 21, asks, " When I send forth my four sore judgments, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence to cut off from it man and beast, who shall deliver out of my hand ?" There is another agent of destruction which the prophet declares shall be employed also at this time to execute the fury of God on His foes, i.e., a great whirl- wind which shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. The prophet refers to this in two other places iii this prophecy. In chapter xxx., verse 23, he says, " Behold the whirlwind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; it shall fall with pain upon the heads of the wicked; the fierce anger of the Lord shall not return until He have done it, and until He have performed the intents of His heart;" and then to show when this shall be, he adds, f ' in the latter days ye shall consider it;" and in chapter xxiii. 19, 20, the same thing is declared. We all have read of the effects of hurricanes in tropical climates, and have occasionally had a little ex- perience of them in our own how trees are uprooted, dwellings laid prostrate, ships driven from their moorings and stranded on the shore, and desolation spread over the THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 149 land ; these are but feeble types of that GREAT WHIRL- WIND of the latter days, when the fury of the Lord shall be upon all nations, and upon their armies, and when the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other. What the prophet means by another expression in our text we are not entirely sure. He says, '' a noise shall come even unto the ends of the earth." Whether this be the rumbling sound which accompanies earthquakes, we can not pretend to determine, but of this we are as- sured, that they shall be one of the most terrific agents by which His fierce wrath shall Ue executed. Head Isaiah, xxiv., where the prophet, describing the desola- tions of this period, says, "the earth shnll reel to and fro like a drunkard, and be moved exceedingly," and then imagine the three hundred volcanoes, which are spread over its surface, to be put into active operation, and the many extinct ones to burst out anew, would not the earth be moved exceedingly, and its motion be like the reeling of a drunkard ? There is still another expression of our text which deserves attention ; in verse 30 he says, " the Lord shall roar from on high, and utter His voice from His holy habitation." When He came down on mount Sinai and spake the words of the law, it was amid thun- dering and lightning and the voice of a trumpet, and the mount quaked greatly. The Psalmist referring to this says, "Even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God," "for His word is very terrible." Saint John, de- scribing the second advent of Christ, corning with a rainbow on His head, His face as the sun, and His feet as pillars of fire, says, " He cried with a loud voice as 150 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. when a lion roareth, and when He cried seven thun- ders uttered their voices/' From the comparison which is made between this loud voice and the roaring of a lion, we are inclined to think it refers to the same event to which the prophet alludes when he says, " He shall roar from on high, and utter His voice from His holy habitation." But he adds to this another action still more terrible than the rest : " He shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth." The vintage and the wine press are common figures in Scripture, de- noting God's acts of judgment against His foes. In Isaiah, Ixiii. 1, a question is asked, " Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah, this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength ?" The answer is, " I that speak in righteous- ness, mighty to save." Question again : " Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine fat ?" Answer : " Because I have trodden the wine press alone, and of the people there was none with me ; for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury, and their blood shall be sprinkled on my garments, and I will stain all my rai- ment. I will make them drunk in my fury, and bring down all their strength to the earth." In the book of Revelations, chapter xiv., the apostle informs us that he " saw a white cloud, and one sitting upon it like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle ; and He thrust His sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God." THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 151 Immediately after this a great voice was heard by the prophet out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, " Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." And now follows a series of ca- lamities and woes upon the children of men, to which there has been no parallel since the flood. Read the contents of these vials, and see what is yet in reserve for a guilty world. The 1st angel poured out his vial on the earth, and there fell upon man a noisome and grievous sore, like the boil, breaking forth with blains, which Moses inflicted on Egypt, The 2d angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it be- came as the blood of a dead man ; and every living thing died in the sea. The 3d angel poured out his vial on the rivers and foun- tains of water, and tbey became blood. And the angel said, Thou art righteous, Lord, because thou hast judged thus ; for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink. This was also one of the plagues on Egypt waters turned to blood. The 4th angel poured out his vial on the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire, and men were scorched with great heat, (the thermometer ris- ing, perhaps, to a hundred and thirty or a hundred and forty degrees) ; and they blasphemed the name of God which had power over these plagues, and repented not to give Him glory. The 5th angel poured out his vial on the seat of the Beast, (i. e. } the last Antichrist), and his kingdom was full of 152 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. .* darkness another plague of Egypt ; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and re- pented not to give Him glory, like Pharaoh and his serv- ants, whose hearts were still more hardened after each successive stroke of God's wrath. Next comes, under the 6th vial, three unclean spirits, out of the mouth of the Dragon, of the Beast, and of the False Prophet, which are spirits of devils, working mira- cles, going forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the GEEAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY, concerning which we shall say nothing at present, as this is to form the sub- ject of a future discourse. Now group together all these calamities which we have mentioned, and see, at one view, what is the pic- ture they present of the state of the world and society at that day. Social disorganization, produced by the suppression of all the virtues, and wild rage of all the passions. Keligious strife, embittered by the fiercest fa- naticism or grossest superstition ! political convulsions, growing out of the antagonism of opposite principles, and the undying hatred of the oppressors and the oppressed ! horrid war, dragging her death-dealing artillery through every land ! fearful pestilence, spreading her dread pall through every city and country, mountain top and vale ! squalid famine, imprinting her ghastly features upon famished multitudes ! terrible earthquakes, opening their deep abysses and swallowing their thousands, and tens of thousands, like Corah and his company ! whirlwinds, hurricanes, and 'tempests, roaring through plain and for- THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 153 est, spreading devastation in their track, and burying multitudes under the ruins they create ! bodily diseases, loathsome and painful, like Job's, and epidemical ! noi- some and grievous sores, breaking forth with boils and blanes, generally prevalent ! the heat of the earth so in- tensified by the solar rays that breathing is actually op- pressive, and fevers and sun-strokes of constant occur- rence ! the most necessary element of life, water, turned into blood ! and the effluvia arising from the mortality on land, and the death of every thing in the sea, poison- ing the atmosphere, and scattering still more widely the seeds of death ! ! ! But the heart sickens at the further recital. Imagine this state of things, (and it is no fancy picture, but mere- ly the copy of an original which prophetic seers drew upon the inspired page many hundred years ago.) Imagine this state of things, and can any better summary of the whole be given than that in the words of our text, " The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth to the other ; they shall not be lamented, nor gathered, nor buried, but shall be as dung upon the ground ?" But some one may say this is too horrible to be credi- ble. We can not believe that a God of love, who in- structs us to call Him Father, and who looks down with compassion and ailection upon all men, as the creatures of His power, would ever accumulate upon them such an exterminating mass of ills, which would all but anni- hilate the race. Impossible ! Incredible ! His mercy is too great ever to allow of such an outburst of fury and wrath. We answer, where do you learn this greatness 7* 154 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. of God's mercy from holy Scripture ? That teaches you that He once destroyed the whole world, except eight persons, with the waters of a flood ! that He overthrew five cities together, with all their inhabitants, except Lot and his two daughters, by a storm of fire and brim- stone ! that he desolated the fairest part of the globe with ten plagues, and afterward overwhelmed a whole army in the Ked Sea ! Was this the work of mercy or of wrath ? Look at divine Providence and the history of the world, and say whether God has not been fighting against our race ever since the fall, by fire, and water, and pestilence, and earthquake, and famine, and sword, and every variety of ill that flesh is heir to ? What generation has been exempt from 'some one or other of these woes in a greater or less degree ? Do you say He is a God of love ? He is a God of love, blessed be His name ; but oh, do not forget another title which He also bears not an empty title, but one full of meaning, which He has often, and will yet more terribly prove : "Our God is a consuming fire/' Was there ever a people that He loved better than the seed of Abraham, and was there ever a people whom He punished more and longer ? There- fore the prophet, in our text, refers to His dealings with them as a reason why the Gentiles need not expect to escape. He says, if they, i. e., " the nations to whom I send thee," refuse to take the cup to drink, thus saith the Lord, "Ye shall certainly drink ; for lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name ; and should ye be unpunished ? Ye shall not be unpun- ished ; for I will call for a sword against all the inhabi- tants of the earth." The greatest manifestation of His THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 155 love that God has ever made to our world, is in the gift of His Son, to be our Saviour and Redeemer from eternal death. The Jews despised and rejected His love. The great majority of the Gentiles have done the same. The whole heathen and Mohammedan world, comprising be- tween five and six hundred millions of the human family, are enemies of the gospel ; and of the nominal Christi- anity which remains, how much is virtually hostile to it ? The world has had already eighteen hundred years to make up its mind, whether it will acknowledge Jesus Christ as King and Lord, or not ; and by an overwhelm- ing majority it has decided against Him : and this de- cision from a great and overwhelming majority is rap- idly approaching an* unanimity, so that when the Son of Man cometh, He will scarce find faith on the earth. Now does any one suppose that things will continue or remain in this state ? No. Christ, who by His gospel has for centuries been sending messages of peace to man- kind, asking for a voluntary recognition of His right to reign on the earth, but has generally been repulsed with the ungracious reply, "We will not have this man to reign over us," will take possession thereof by power, and then woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea. He will give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. Mer- cy despised, and love rejected, and patience worn out, forbearance will no longer be a virtue, but vengeance and wrath to the uttermost be the just and righteous reward. The prophet assigns the reason why the Lord will plead with all flesh by sword, and pestilence, and fam- UNIVERSITY 156 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. ine, and whirlwind, and all His other judgments, to be, because " He has a controversy with the nations." A controversy ! And what is it about ? The dispute is about the dominion of the earth, which Christ claims, and they refuse to grant. He has been peaceably as- serting His claim in the gospel for many ages, which His enemies have resisted with violence. Now He will em- ploy different instruments to subdue their opposition. As He says by the prophet, Isaiah, xlii. 14, "I have long time holden my peace ; I have been still and re- frained myself : now will I cry like a travailing woman, I will destroy and devour at once. The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man ; He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war. He shall cry, yea, nxv ; He shall prevail against His enemies." If any one would see the justice of such a series of desolating judgments on the human race as we have de- scribed, let him seriously contemplate the description we have given of the social and moral condition of mankind at the time they are inflicted. Even now, has not in- iquity arisen to such a pitch that it is wonderful that the divine forbearance still holds out ? Could we be placed upon some eminence for a single night, and a panorama be made to pass before us, which would exhibit to our view the interior life of all the great cities on the globe; could we see as God sees all the crimes which are com- mitted in secret as well as public ; the assassinations and murders, and robberies and rapes, the fraud and violence, and oppression and cruelty, and all the multiplied forms of iniquity which the deep depravity of the human heart has invented; could we see them in all that hideous THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. 157 deformity in which they appear to the eyes of infinite purity, we would wonder more that the earth has not long ago been desolated by all these judgments, than that they shall be poured out in an age when impiety shall be increased an hundred fold ! Is there any punishment that can be too severe for open and deliberate contempt and defiance of God and His word, and His Spirit, and His grace ? God has not thought so in ages past, for there is not one of these judgments mentioned, that He has not at some time or other inflicted upon those who have provoked Him to wrath : and therefore, when He brings this long controversy which He has had with the nations of the earth to a close, and makes a final settle- ment with an incorrigible race, whom neither His love nor mercy could win, nor His warnings and threats deter from increasing ungodliness, marvel not that He should beat them with many stripes, that He should open all the vials of His wrath, and pour them out upon them in quick succession, until He have overwhelmed them in that abyss of woe which their provocations have so richly merited. The gospel seems to have done for our race nearly all that it can do. "What more could I have done to my vineyard that I have not done, saith the Lord of hosts ? Therefore when I sought that it should bring forth grapes, it brought forth wild grapes; and now go to, I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard; I will lay it waste, it shall not be pruned nor digged. I said, surely tliou wilt fear me, thou wilt receive instruction ; but they rose up early and corrupted all their doings." And now hear the consequence: " Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the 158 THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DAYS. prey ; for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms to pour out upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. THEN will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call on the name of the Lord to serve Him with one consent." From which it appears that a new and better order of things will not arise until the present order (which has been so thoroughly corrupted) is broken down and taken out of the way. Not that the gospel may not still be the means of salvation to individuals; it may, and will be, " the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth ;" and this is the encouragement we hold out to you in the midst of increasing infidelity and ungodliness. Fly to the cross while there is yet hope. Kiss the Son, lest ye perish in the way while His wrath is kindled but a little. For all the children of God there will be a hiding place in the day of His anger. Those who have the Lord which is their refuge, even the Most High, their habitation, no evil shall befall them nor any plague come nigh their dwelling. Hence, the Lord, by the Prophet Isaiah, xxvi. 20, 21, says to such, " Come, my people, enter into thy chambers and hide thee a little until the indignation be overpast, for behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth shall no more disclose her blood nor cover her slain." How near, or far off we may be from these terrible scenes, this day of wrath and fierce anger against a wick- ed world, we know not. But it is our happiness that a way of escape is still offered and opened to us through THE CALAMITIES OF THE LAST DATS. 159 the love and mercy of God in the sufferings and death of His Son. The satisfaction He offered to divine justice is the only protection afforded to us against His wrath, the only shield against that fierce indignation which will fall upon the head of the wicked. If the world which has "been so long entreated, would only have embraced this provision, that day of fearful reckoning would not have come. The wrath of God being appeased by the atonement of Christ, and His justice against us satisfied by our acceptance of that atonement, no further demand would have been made for satisfaction. But that atone- ment being rejected, the justice of God enforces its claim against all the rejecters of His love by those terrible in- flictions of divine judgment which we have described; and when it does so, whatever men may now think or say, the heavenly host will exclaim, " Righteous art thou, Lord, which art and wast and shall be, because thou hast judged thus; just and true are thy judgments, THOU KING OF SAINTS " LECTURE VIII. THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the false Prophet ; for they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watch eth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called, in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial in the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell ; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierce- ness of His wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God because of the hail, for the plague thereof was exceeding great." REVELATIONS, xvL 12-21. THE holy Scriptures, which contain a record of the first regular battle that was ever fought among the na- tions of the earth, foretell also the last great conflict that shall take place; and what is remarkable is that the scene of both is laid in the Holy Land. In the days of Abra- ham, just after he had settled in the land of Canaan, (having at the call of God left the land of his birth,) a THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 161 war broke out (the first we read of in history,) between four nations lying at the north and east of Palestine, and five lying to the south-east. The former invaded the territory of the latter, and overthrew them. Genesis, xiv. In their discomfiture, Lot, the nephew of Abraham, was taken prisoner and carried away captive, which, when Abraham heard of, he armed all his hired servants, in number three hundred and eighteen, pursued after and overtook them, and rescued Lot and all his goods. On his return from this purguit, he was met by Melchisedek, one of the most illustrious of the types of Christ, and blessed ; which Melchisedek was not only Priest of the Most High God, but also King of Salem, which is King of Peace. In the last conflict, which shall take place in that same land, the true Melchisedek, Priest of the Most High God, and Prince of Peace, will also appear to give deliv- erance to the seed of Abraham from their oppressors, as we shall more fully see in the sequel. Strange that the storm of war, which first burst upon our world in that land of so many wonders, should, after having swept over the whole surface of the globe for so many ages, with in- creasing violence return and spend its fury in the same region where it begun ! In our last discourse, we treated of the calamities which would befall the nations of the world at the close of this dispensation. We referred to the social and moral disorders which would then prevail, the civil and political disturbances which would every- where break out, the temporal calamities, of pestilence, famine, earthquake, whirlwind, and tempests, with vari- ous other plagues, which would fall upon a guilty world. 162 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. We also referred to the wars which would spring up out of that universal discord which would everywhere exist. But there is one act in these last scenes of an expiring dispensation which surpasses all the rest in awe-inspiring terror and terrific horror; it may he called the GRAND FINALE of this reign of terror, when men's hearts begin to fail them for looking upon the things which are com- ing on the earth. That act is the fearful conflict between three opposing interests which will then divide and em- brace the whole, or nearly the whoJe, of mankind, and it is commonly called the Battle of Armageddon. In deal- ing with unfulfilled Prophecy, so marked an event in the future could not escape our attention, nor with propriety be passed over ; and however forbidding the prospect and unpleasant the theme, yet if we will be followers of God's revealed will, whether in the present, the past, or the fu- ture, we must take note of events and things as they are, have been, or will be, and not seek to shape them accord- ing to our own fancies or wills. The Prophecy before us is without question an unful- filled one, and in attempting to unfold it we shall rely entirely upon those lights which the Old Testament Scriptures throw upon it, by collecting together those testimonies which the prophets of the former dispensa- tion furnish for its elucidation. The seer of Patmos, to whom was shown in vision the great events which should precede the second coming of the Son of Man, informs us, chapter xv. 1, that he saw a great and marvelous sign, seven angels having the seven last plagues, to pour out upon the earth, for in them is filled up the wrath of God; in other words, that all His vengeance upon the THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 163 wicked would be finished when they were emptied. The first five of these vials were enumerated in our last discourse, to show what a succession of calamities shall fall upon the world hefore the final stroke of vengeance is given. The sixth and seventh vials inaugurate the closing scene. " The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared." In our discourse upon the return of the ten lost tribes of Israel, it may be remembered that we showed that these tribes, in their journey to the east, according to the testimony of the Prophet Ezra, crossed the narrow passes of the Euphrates, for the Lord held still the flood till they were passed over, and from thence went into a far country of a year and a half s journey, where they dwelt until the latter time ; and that when they should return, the Most High would stay the springs of the stream again that they might pass over. This we regard as the key which unlocks the mystery of the sixth vial. It is proper to remark, however, that many commentators re- gard the Euphrates as a symbol of the Turkish power, and the pouring out of the sixth vial upon it, by which the waters thereof are dried up, as merely the gradual exhaustion ot that power by the judgments of Grod. This opinion they derive chiefly from the message given to the angel that sounded the sixth trumpet, in chapter ix., verse 14. That message was, " Loose the four angels which are bound in the river Euphrates ; and the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month and a year, to slay the third part of 164 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. men. And the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred thousand thousand." The Turkish power originated on the banks of the Euphrates. It was first divided into four sultanies, viz., Bagdad, Alep- po, Damascus, and Oesarea. These continued then- ravages and conquests toward Europe, until they were finally united in one power by Othman the First, the founder of the present Ottoman power. From the capture of Bagdad by the Turks, in 1057, which com- pleted the overthrow of the Saracens, until the capture of Constantinople, in 1453, which overthrew the Greek empire, was three hundred and ninety-six years. The exact prophetical time of a day, i. e., one year ; a month, thirty years ; and a year, three hundred and sixty-five, equal to three hundred and ninety-six years. Now the loosing of the four angels from the river Eu- phrates, being understood of the irruption of those Turk- ish hordes which swarmed from that direction toward Europe, and finally invaded and took possession of a large portion of it, the pouring out of the sixth vial upon the river Euphrates is supposed to mean also a judgment upon the same people and power ; but this does not follow. The Euphrates is not necessarily a sym- bol in either case. It only describes a LOCALITY, and we think is not to be used in any other than its natural sense in either place. But with the drying up of the Euphrates under the sixth vial, two events of great importance take place ; first, the kings of the East come forth, which we have before applied to the ten tribes ; second, three unclean spirits go forth out of the mouth of the Dragon, the THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 165 Beast, and the False Prophet. Concerning the kings of the East, we shall add nothing to what we have already said in the third lecture ; but of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet we must now give some account. 1. In chapter xii., Saint John saw a great red Dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and crowns on the heads, standing before a woman, ready to devour a man- child which she brought forth, who was to rule all na- tionSo The woman fled into the wilderness, and the man- child was caught up to God and His throne. By this we may understand the Pagan Roman empire, in the person of Herod seeking the life of the infant Jesus, who was saved by His mother fleeing into Egypt, and our Lord at last, when He had finished His work, ascended to heaven, i. e., was caught up to the throne of God. It is a remarkable fact that a great red dragon was a sym- bolic representation of the Roman power in its Pagan state ; and not only so, but dragon forms have ever been favorite symbols among Pagan nations, of which we may see abundant proof to this day in that great stronghold of Paganism, the Chinese empire, where the figure-heads of their vessels, paintings on their walls, and the statues in their temples, partake more or less of the basilisk and dragon-like forms. It would seem, then, that by the Dragon in our text is meant Paganism, or the heathen world. 2. In chapter xiii., Saint John saw a Beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and crowns on the horns; and on his heads the name of Blasphemy ; and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 166 THE BATTLE OF AEMAGEDDON. After the fall of the Pagan Koman empire, Satan managed still to concentrate and perpetuate his tyranny in the Eternal City, and over Europe, hy ten kingdoms which sprang up after the irruption of the northern barbar- ism, which finally were united under one head, viz., the Papal power. The civil power of the Caesars, (first con- centrated in Borne, and expressed by the seven crowns ON THE HEADS), being now distributed and divided among the European states, is desciibed by the trans- fer of the crowns to the horns ; yet Rome, under the Popes, ruled Europe (although subdivided into king- doms) with as strong a hand as when united under the Csesars. In chapter xvii. Saint John had another vision. He saw a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, hav- ing seven heads and ten horns, (the same old enemy in a new disguise,) but now crowns on neither heads nor horns, and carrying a woman arrayed in a purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones, having in her hand a cup full of abomination, and on her forehead a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and Abomination of the Earth. This beast, (which we regard as the last head of the Roman empire,) is, we think, that great infidel power with which the Papal Church is to be (for a time) brought into some kind of coalition or dependence, for " he carries her;" and is also the Beast spoken of in our text. 3. The False Prophet. By this, in one word, we un- derstand the Mohammedan delusion. Now, out of the mouth of these (the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Dragon,) go forth three unclean spirits, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 167 SPIRITS OF DEVILS, working miracles, to gather together the nations of the earth, and of the whole world, to the battle of the GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY. Paganism, embracing the whole heathen world Christianity, embracing Romanism, hydra-headed Protestantism, and every thing nominally Christian ; and Mohammedanism, including all the followers of the false Apostle of Mecca, represent the three great predominating interests of the world. Paganism, though numerically the strongest, is comparatively the weakest for either assault or defense ; Christianity, embracing every thing that bears the name, is the most aggressive ; and Mo- hammedanism, for a century past, has been stationary. But a mighty stirring up of the slumbering energies of these three powers, and a clashing of their interests, is foretold in our text. Three unclean spirits shall proceed out of their mouths, spirits of devils, working miracles, operating upon both their credulity and enthusiasm, their faith and zeal, and arousing them to battle, each for their cause : Paganism for its idols ; Mohammedan- ism for its Koran ; and nominal Christianity, far sunk into infidelity, for the blasphemies of the Man of Sin, the Antichrist to come. This conflict shall be no ordi- nary one, but the most extraordinary that ever took place. Hence it is called the battle of that GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY, because He shall take a part in it ; for while He turns their weapons against each other for mutual destruction, He shall also hurl upon them weapons which they had not expected, and from whose crushing power there' shall be no escape. Almost all the prophets speak of a period which they 168 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. call "THE DAY OF THE LOKD," and which they all describe as being one of most terrible calamity to the nations of the earth. Let us collect their testimony, and see how it bears upon the passage before us. The Prophet Isaiah says, chapter ii. 10, " Enter thee into the rock and hide thee, for the fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty. For the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, upon every one that is lifted up, and upon all high moun- tains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up, and upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, and upon all the ships of Tarshish ; and the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men be made low ; and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." The Prophet Ezeldel, xxx. 3, says, "Howl ye, woe worth the day. For THE DAY OF THE LORD is near ; it shall be the time of the heathen/' The Prophet Joel says, iii. 14, " Multitudes, multi- tudes, in the valley of decision ; for THE DAY OF THE LORD is near in the valley of decision." The Prophet Amos says, chapter v. 18, " Woe unto you that desire THE DAY OF THE LORD ! To what end is it for you ? THE DAY OF THE LORD is darkness and not light ; as if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him ; or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. THE DAY OF THE LORD shall be very dark, and no brightness in it." The Prophet Obadiah says, verse 15, " THE DAY OF THE LORD is near upon all the heathen : as thou hast done, so shall it be done unto thee ; thy reward shall return on thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 169 my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink con- tinually ; yea, they shall drink, they shall swallow down, and be as though they had not been." The Prophet Zephaniah, i. 7-14, says, "Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God, for the DAY OF THE LORD is at hand, it hasteth greatly; that day is a day of wrath, of trouble and distress, of darkness and gloomi- ness, of wasting and desolation; a day of trumpet and alarm" etc. The Prophet Zechariah, says, xiv. 1, " Behold the DAY OF THE LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee, for I will gather all nations to bat- tle/' etc. The Prophet Malachi, says, iv. 1-5, " Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and the day cometh that shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts; it shall not leave them neither root nor branch;" and to show what day this is, he immediately adds, " Behold, I will send you the Prophet Elijah before the coming of that great and dreadful DAY OF THE LORD, and he shall turn," etc. Now from these passages referred to, can not every one see that almost all the Old Testament prophets hold up before us a period yet future of the most unparalleled tribulation and wrath upon all nations, and that they especially designate it hy the name of the DAY OF THE LORD, and the New Testament writers refer to it by the same title ? Saint Paul, 1 Corinthians, v. 5, speaks of one being de- livered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the 8 170 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. spirit may be saved in the DAY OF THE LORD JESUS; and in 2 Thessalonians, v. 2, lie says, " THE DAY OF THE LORD cometh as a thief in the night ;" which re- markably corresponds with our text for immediately after it is announced that three unclean spirits out of the mouth of the Beast, False Prophet and Dragon go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gath- er them together unto the battle of the GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY, it is added, verse 15, "Behold I come as a thief!" Saint Peter referring to if, iii. 4, says, u the DAT OF THE LORD cometh as a thief in the night;" and Saint Paul calls it, 2 Thessalonians, ii. 2, THE DAY OF CHRIST; and Saint James, v. 2, the coming of the Lord, i. e., the day of His coming. Now when we look into the prophets to see what shall be the transactions of that day, we find them to be VEN- GEANCE upon Chr.'st's enemies, DESTRUCTION of the wicked, the SLAUGHTER of His/oe*, and the OVER- THROW of all ungodliness and opposition to His power. The object of gathering them together in one place, seems to be to make one general and final action of judgment upon the whole world, such as shall effectu- ally overthrow the kingdom of Satan and establish the dominion of Christ. Hear the description of the Prophet Joel, iii. 9, of the battle of the GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY: "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; prepare war, wake up the mighty men; let all the men of war draw near, let them come up; beat your plow- shares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears ; assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen; let them be awakened, and come into the valley of Jehoshaphat, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 171 for there will I sit to JUDGE all the heathen round about. Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision, for the DAY OF THE LORD is near in the valley of decision/' You will perceive from this prophecy, that the DAY OF THE LORD is called a DAY OF JUDGMENT, when the wick- ed are overthrown ; but he adds, t( the Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel." Also, that this day of the Lord is called in the New Testament, the day of Christ, and the day of His coming; and by our Lord Himself, Luke, xvii. 30, the day when the SON OF MAN SHALL BE REVEALED. That Christ will come again to judge the world, is an article of the Apostolic creed which all Christians believe. But when this second coming shall take place, and what shall be the character of the judgment then executed, whether UNIVERSAL and FINAL, upon all that have ever lived and are then alive ; or only upon the then LIVING and RIGHTEOUS DEAD, have long been matters of contro- versy. For ourselves, we are firmly of the opinion, that the entire work of the judgment of the whole human race is not completed in ONE ACT, or at ONE and the SAME TIME, but that there are TWO separate and distinct acts, the one at the BEGINNING, and the other at the END of the millennium. Whoever will compare the account of the judgment given by our Lord in Matthew, xxv. 31-46, with that recorded in Revelations, xx. 11-15, will, we think, perceive that they refer to different times and dif- ferent events. The former takes place at His coming to set up His kingdom on the earth, the latter, after that kingdom has existed a thousand years. The first is a judgment upon the NATIONS, which He will then gather 172 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. before Him, as foretold in Joel, iii. 12, Zechariah xiv. 12, the second, upon those who have been in their graves for ages; for the sea will then give up its dead, and death and hell will deliver up the dead which are in them. Now the action described in Matthew, xxv., we under- stand to be that referred to in our text, with only this addition. Our text informs us by what agency all na- tions shall be gathered before Him, viz., by the three un- clean spirits which shall go forth to gather the kings of the earth and of the whole world unto the battle of the GREAT DAY. Both places declare that that gathering shall be at the time of His second coining. National sins can only be punished while nations exist as such. Their political offenses, which are committed in an associated capacity, to be punished, must find them still existing in that capacity. Individual sins may be punished ages after death. This gathering of the nations to judgment, (we will also find,) is spoken of by almost all the prophets. In Isaiah. Ixv. 18, the Lord says, "For I know their works and their thoughts. It shall come to pass that I will gather all nations and tongues, and they shall come and see my glory ; for behold the Lord will crime with fire, and with His chariots, like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebukes with flames of fire ; for by fire and by His sword shall the Lord plead with all flesh, and the slain of the Lord shall be many." The Prophet Jeremiah, xxv. 26, speaks of the same gathering, when the wine cup of the Lord's fury shall be given to all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth, and they shall drink, and be moved, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 173 and be mad, and fall and rise no more, because of the sword which He will send among them, and the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other, as was shown in our previous discourse. The Prophet Ezekiel, xlix. 17, refers to it under the figure of a great feast which is made to every feathered fowl, and every beast of the field, which are invited to a great sacrifice which the Lord will make on the moun- tains of Israel, that they may eat the flesh of mighty men, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, and be filled at His table with horses, and with all men of war, saith the Lord God, when all the heathen shall see His judgments which He has executed, and His hand which He has laid on them. The Prophet Daniel, ii. 34, 35, refers to it when He describes a stone cut out of the mountains without hands as smiting all the kingdoms of the earth and dissolving and scattering them as the dust of a summer threshing floor. The Prophet Joel declares it in a passage we have already quoted, iii. 12: "Let the heathen be waked up and come to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about." The Prophet Zephaniah, iii. 8, says, " Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey, for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour out on them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger, for all the earth shall be devoured with the fury of my jealousy/' The Prophet. Zechariah, xiv. says, " I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle ; then shall the 174 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the clay of battle '" and our text says three un- clean spirits went forth out of the mouth of the Dragon, and of the Beast, and of the False Prophet, to gather together the kings of the earth, and of the whole world to the battle of the GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY. Do not all perceive how the prophets refer to the event which our text announces ? and in ITS accomplishment THEIR predictions will also find their fulfillment. When the Old Testament prophets and the Apostle John uttered their predictions of this last great conflict, the Beast and False Prophet were not yet in existence ; only the Dragon, or Pagan idolatry, had a being. Since that period, they have come upon the stage of action, and grown to be mighty powers on the earth ; but yet the Dragon still, in point of numbers, exceeds them both. Now when the time for action shall come, their ancient hostility, which has slumbered, and been, as it were, smothered for a long time, shall burst out anew, and they shall rush to arms. The prophet in our text next mentions a circumstance with regard to this battle which shows that a real and physical or military conflict is meant, viz., its location. HE GATHERED THEM, (not the unclean spirits,) but the ARMIES together into a place called, in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon. The literal meaning of this word is the mountain of Meggido. Megiddon was in ancient times a city in a great plain at the foot of mount Carmel. It is celebrated in sacred story as the scene of some very remarkable battles. In the division of the Holy Land among the twelve tribes it fell to the lot of the half tribe THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 175 of'Manasseh as we read Joshua, xvii. 11. It was there that Deborah and Barak defeated Sisera with a great slaugh- ter. There Pharaoh Necho, and Josiah, king of Judah, met, when the later was slain. According: to the best geographers, the ancient Megiddo stood in what is now known as the great plain of Esdraelori, midway between the sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean. It is supposed to be also the same place that was formerly called Jez- reel, where GUeon with his three hundred men. who first brake their lamps and pitchers, next attacked and dis- comfited the immense hosts of the Midianites and Amalekites, Judges, vii. 33, when the Lord turned the sword of each against his fellows and entirely overthrew them, vii. 22 ; here, also, Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, the vilest of women, and most bitter foe of the God of Israel, was eaten of dogs nnd miserably perished, 2 Kings, ix. 36 ; and here the seventy sons of Ahab were slain by Jehu, son of Nimshi, who was raised up of God to cut off the wicked house of Ahab, 2 Kings, x: 11. The Proph- et Hosea, i. 10, 11, foretelling the restoration of the chil- dren of Israel to the land of their fathers, also connects it with some act of judgment upon their foes, for he adds, " great shall be the day of Jezreel," as if some decisive action should here take place which should change the state of affairs throughout the world for their benefit. Now the battle of Armageddon shall not only be re- markable for the extent of its slaughter, (which shall be incalculable,) but especially for the manner in which that slaughter shall be effected. The Prophet Zechariah says, xiv. 3, " Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle." 176 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. How the Lord has fought in times past against the chil- dren of men, we may learn from His Word. In the bat- tle between Samuel and the Philistines, recorded in 1 Samuel, vii. 10, we learn that the Lord thundered with a great thunder on them, and discomfited them proba- bly by the lightning which usually accompanies thunder. In the battle between Joshua and the five kings of the Amorites, the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them, and there were more that died from the hail- stones than the children of Israel slew. Joshua, x. 11. When Kabshakeh, captain of the host of Assyria, made war upon Hezekiah, king of Judah, (2 Kings, xix. 3,) and invaded his land, Hezekiah called on the Lord for deliverance, and the Lord sent an angel, who slew in one night one hundred and eighty-five thousand of his army, who, in the morning, were all found dead corpses. By some pestilence, or other mortal stroke, (for the Lord has various secret weapons in store for His ene- mies,) was this judgment inflicted. In the battle between Gideon and the Amalekites and Midianites, (Judges 3 vii. 22,) He set each man's sword against his fellow, and they destroyed one another. But in this battle of the GREAT DAY OF GOD AL- MIGHTY, it would seem that all these modes of destruc- tion will be employed, for our text says, describing this battle of Armageddon, " There were thunderings and lightnings, and a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earth- quake, and so great ; and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent." And the Prophet Zechariah describing this THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 177 same event, a When the Lord shall go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle," says, xiv. 12-14, " This shall he the plague wherewith the Lord will smite them : their flesh shall consume away while they stand on their feet ; their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongues shall consume away in their mouths ;" (a stroke from God as fatal as that which smote the Assyrians,) "and a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them, and they shall lay hold, every one on his neighbor, and rise up against the hand of his neighbor !" In the Prophecy of Ezekiel, the Lord says, xxxviii. 21, " I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains. Every man's sword shall be against his brother. And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood, and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone," like on Sodom and Go- morrah. So that the occasional judgments, which at different periods God has inflicted on His foes, are but types of that grand final outburst of His fury, when He will pour out all the vials of His wrath in quick succes- sion, and overthrow all the kingdoms of the earth. The text next informs us of the fate of the great capi- tals of the world, verse 19. The great city Jerusalem was divided into three parts, (compare Zechariah, xiv. 4,) and the cities of the nations fell, Paris, London, Vienna, Berlin, etc. ; and great Babylon (on the Tiber, not the Euphrates,) came up in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath ; and every island fled away,*and the moun- 8* 178 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. tains were not found ! Nature is convulsed at the pres- ence of the Lord ; for, if strange phenomena occurred when He came and died to atone for sin, what may we not expect when He comes to be avenged for it ? Then the earth quaked, the rocks rent, the graves were open- ed, and the sun was darkened : now, there shall be voices, and thunders, and lightnings, and earthquakes, and a great hail, besides the desolations of famine, plague, and war. The Prophet Jeremiah seems to have had a vision of the scene of this last conflict when, in chapter iv. 19, he exclaims, " My bowels ! my bowels ! I am pained at my very heart ! I can not hold my peace, because thou hast heard, my soul, the alarm of war ! Destruction upon destruction is cried ; for the whole land is spoiled." And he continues, " I beheld the earth ; and ley it was without form and void ; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of heaven were fled. I beheld, acd lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger ; for thus hath the Lord said to me, the whole land shall be desolate, yet will I not make a full end/' Read the still more sublime description of this event by the Prophet Habakkuk, Hi.': "Before Him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at His feet. He stood, and measured the earth ; He beheld, and drove asunder the nations. The mountains saw thee, and trembled ; the deep uttered his voice, and lifted up his THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 179 hands on high. The sun and moon stood still in their habitation at the light of thine arrows : they went at the shining of thy glittering spear. Thou didst march through the land" i.e., Jerusalem, "in indignation. Thou didst thresh the heathen in anger. Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people," etc. The battle of Arma- geddon occurring in the Holy Land, and taking place after the seed of Abraham has been gathered and again settled therein, (vide Zechariah, xii. 13), becomes a con- flict in which their very existence as a nation is at stake; when the Lord appears for their deliverance, Ezekiel, xxxviii. 14-24, and for the overthrow of all His foes. The last description which is given of it in Scripture is in chapter xix. of Kevelations, in which the revelator says : u I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns ; and He had a name written that no man knew but He Himself; and He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood ; and His name is called the WORD OF GOD. And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean ; and out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the NATIONS. And He shall rule them with a rod of iron; and He treadeth the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty G-od. And I saw an angel standing in the sun ; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls of the air, Come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the great God, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and of captains, 180 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. and of mighty men ; and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them ; and the flesh of ALL MEN, both free and bond ; both small and great. And I saw the Beast, and kings of the earth and their armeis, gathered to- gether to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet, and they were cast alive into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone." Imme- diately after which we have an account of the binding of Satan, and his casting into the bottomless pit, and the establishment of Christ's kingdom and reign for a thou- sand years. Is not this the same event to which our Saviour alludes in Matthew, xxv., where He says, " When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, (the armies of heaven), He will gather ALL NATIONS before Him, and separate them asun- der, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats ; and will say to them on the right, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world ; and to them on the left, Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels ?" Here is precisely the doom of the Beast, and the False Prophet, and kings of the earth, and all their armies, described in Revelations, xix., and the reward of His saints and faithful followers, described in Revelations, xx. So that the battle of Armageddon, or the GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY, is the final breaking up of that long course of policy which the nations of the earth have pursued, whereby the authority of Christ and His laws has been ignored, and infidelity, and supersti- tion, and tyranny have prevailed over all mankind. The THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. 181 aiders, and abettors, and upholders of these different sys- tems, in their last great struggle to sustain them, shall fall on the plains of Armageddon, and with their fall shall the way be prepared to inaugurate that new sys- tem of righteousness, and truth, and peace, which the second Adam and the second advent will bring to a redeemed world. But it would seem that not until the Prophecy of Joel, iii. 10, shall have been fulfilled, with all its terrible results, as described iii the succeeding verses, will the Prophecy of Micah, iv. 3, be realized, with all its desirable consequences, as also described in its sequel. The question is often asked by those who study the prophetic word, how near to us, or how far off, is that terrific contest of which we have now given some ac- count ? " How long shall it be to the end of these won- ders ?" While we would not be so presumptuous as to specify " those times which the Father hath in His own power," yet our Lord has directed us always to look out for those signs of these coming events, which, like the budding fig tree, show that summer is nigh. And do not the signs of the times at this present period indicate that evil has gone forth from nation to nation, and that social and political disorganization is increasing throughout the earth ? May not the word of Christ, " I came to send fire on the earth, and what will I if it be already kindled/' be even now commencing its fulfillment; and the conflagration which is already lighted up in Europe be the beginning of that time of trouble of which the battle of Armageddon is the end ? The most sober-minded and deep-thinking have for some time past 182 THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON. regarded the signs of the times as exceedingly porten- tous, indicating the approach of some great crisis in the world's history. Politicians, as well as theologians, have expressed the opinion that the state of the world is by no means flat- tering to the friends of peace and progress, but rather indicates a coming struggle of interests and principles, which, if it continues to increase, may ere long turn the whole earth into a great battle-field, and make it an Aceldama. From Prophecy, we know that such a conflict must take place ; and when the signs of the times seem to indicate that it is " nigh, even at the doors/' a warning voice comes to us from that same prophetic word, to which we " do well to take heed :" " Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee ; hide thyself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." Isaiah, xxvi. 20, 21. LECTURE IX. CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. " And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand, and he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him' up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled, and after that he must be loosed a little season." REVELATIONS, xx. 1-3. THE astonishing scope of Prophecy can not be better illustrated, nor its far-reaching vision set forth, than by comparing the first prediction, which was uttered nearly six thousand years ago, with the events yet to come an- nounced in our text. "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head," was declared to be the final result to him of that fraud which he had practiced upon our unsuspecting mother, who, through the sin in which he beguiled her* brought death into tha world and all our woe. Before, however, the final stroke should be inflicted, a long course of hostility should exist between the two parties, the deceiver and the deceived, in which each should receive some damage. " I will put enmity be- tween thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed," a perpetual strife, which should know no ces- sation, and which has been verified in the history of our race from the day that Cain slew Abel down to the 184 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. present moment, when the great powers of the earth, arrayed in hostile attitude, are shedding each other's blood. It is a fact worthy of notice that the Scriptures take for granted the existence of the author of good and the author of evil, without attempting to prove either. In Genesis, i. 1, it says, " In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth/' and in Genesis, iii. 1, " Now the ser- pent was more subtle than any beast of the field." Of Adam it gives an account of his formation from the dust, and of Eve from the rib of Adam, and of beasts, birds, and fishes from the earth and water. But Satan is intro- duced upon the stage of action as one who had a previous existence ; no account is given of his origin. Now al- though there have been in all ages persons who denied the existence of a God and of a devil, yet at the time of the creation of this world, according to the Mosaic ac- count, so far from any doubt existing on this subject, it was one of those admitted facts which required no proof. Hence the Scriptures (taking their existence for granted,) begin by giving us an account of their first acts in this world : God's act of creation and Satan's of destruction, and continue the narrative down from generation to gen- eration, showing the same characteristics throughout ; God doing good, Satan devising evil ; God unfolding His plan of salvation for man, Satan laboring to defeat it. The whole history of our race is but a history of the con- flict of these two powers ; the God of heaven seeking to rule mankind by His laws, and the u god of this world" laboring to control them by entirely opposite principles. Before we contemplate, therefore, the final overthrow of CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 185 his power, and his expulsion from the theater of his ex- ploits for so many ages, it may be profitable for us 1. To notice the origin of his reign on earth. 2. The means by which he has wielded his power, and the ends which he has always aimed to accomplish by it. 3. His overthrow, and its consequences to the human family. 1. We are to notice the origin of Satan's reign on earth. After the Lord God had created man in His image and likeness, He made him lord of this lower world. The act by which He invested him with author- ity over every thing He had made, runs in these words: " Have thou dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth on the earth." As God's vicegerent over this new part of His creation, He made a covenant with him, guaranteeing to him the perpetuity of his power, and life and happiness, on condition of obedience to Him ; and to prove his sincerity, gave him a simple and easy test of obedience, viz., to abstain from the fruit of one tree, which he pointed out, which he was not to eat of nor to touch. The author of all good having thus arranged every thing for his happiness, the author of all evil now pre- sents himself to disarrange and destroy. Knowing that he had no power to compel man to sin, (for his Creator had made him with power sufficient to stand, yet free to fall,) he resorted to falsehood and deceit, and by lying insinuations and false promises, so shook the faith of our first parents in the authority of God, that they swerved from their allegiance to Him, admitted the counsels of Satan into the government of the world, adopted his prin- 186 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. ciples into their administration of it, and gave him a foothold and supremacy in human affairs; and thus, by the same arts he first employed, he has ever since man- aged and controlled mankind, leading them captive, as Scripture declares, at his will. After the fatal act, whereby our first parents cut themselves loose from the authority and covenanted protection of God, Satan's reign began. And what a reign it has been, let the blood- stained annals of time unfold ! Our first parents, de- graded and expelled from Paradise, soon tasted the bit- terness of that cup which their posterity have since had to drink unto the dregs. Their first-born son a murder- er, and their second, a martyr and victim of a brother's malice, must have made them deeply feel what an evil and bitter thing it was to sin against God, and what a fatal error to have surrendered the authority God had given them to another, who would exercise it, not for the happiness but for the destruction of their posterity. If we follow down the stream of time we find the grad- ual corruption of the human family increasing at such a fearful rate, that soon " the whole earth was filled with violence, and all flesh had corrupted its way." Under Satan's rule, all forms of iniquity had reached such a height that divine forbearance and patience could endure no longer, but by an act of terrible judgment the whole race, except eight, were destroyed, and Satan's kingdom apparently overthrown. Yet almost as soon after the flood as after the fall, did he acquire the supremacy, and anew drive on man- kind to those excesses of crime which brought down upon them the judgment of God. The five cities of the CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 187 plain overwhelmed by the fire of divine wrath, and the seven nations of Canaan exterminated for their abomi- nations, together with the desolation of the land of Egypt and the overthrow of Pharaoh's hosts in the Red Sea, were some of the fruits of his diabolical rule from the flood until the exodus from Egypt to settle in the Holy Land. The whole system of idolatry, which in all ages has comprehended so large a portion of the human family, together with its kindred abomination, demonol- ogy, is his especial creation. Holy Scripture declares it to be the worship of devils. Hence all Paganism is rep- resented by the symbol of a dragon, which is a serpent, one of the names of Satan. To those who are incredulous on the subject of Satanic agency in the affairs of the world and in the afflictions of men, let the voice of God in His word be listened to, to hear what He declares. That the holy oracles do speak of a most WICKED ANGEL, who is the implacable enemy and constant tempter of the human race, and es- pecially the bitterest adversary of the Church of God, is evident to the most careless reader. The divers names by which he is called, amounting to sixteen in number, all expressive of his qualities, show his character to be the perfection of all that is wicked and odious in the highest degree, the very incarnation of evil. Thus he is called Abaddon in Hebrew, and Apollyon in Greek, L e , destroyer; Angel of the Bottomless Pit, and Prince of Daikness, to show his origin and influence, and that he is an escaped criminal from a place of punishment, prowling in secret to commit deeds that can not bear the light. He is called a roaring Lion, to denote the fero- 188 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. city with which He seeks his prey. A " Liar from the beginning/' to show that he always deals in falsehood, and that there is no truth in him. Also " a Murderer," because he seeks and delights to destroy the souls of men ; " Belial," which means wicked, and " Beelzebub," god of torments ; " our Adversary," because opposed to our best interests ; " Deceiver," because he always im- poses on us ; " Accuser of the Brethren," because he lays false charges against the children of God ; " Prince of the power of the air," because he has great power in the aerial regions ; " the God of this world," because his principles prevail among mankind more than those of the God of heaven ; besides, "Satan," "Devil," " Serpent/' " Tempter," and such like, which are familiar to all. Now a being with so many titles, all expressive of bad qualities, and all of whose actions are hostile, and none friendly, to man, can be viewed in no other light than as our worst foe. Whenever his name is introduced in sacred writ a it is to explain some act of malice or wick- edness which he has plotted or perpetrated against us. Does he appear among the sons of God, it is either as an accuser or tempter. Kighteous Job he charged with hy- pocrisy in the service of God ; and when permitted to test his sincerity, brought all the resources of his de- stroying power to bear upon him : first, in stirring up the Sabeans to seize upon his oxen and asses ; second, in sending lightning to burn up his seven thousand sheep, and the shepherds that kept them ; third, in exciting the Chaldeans to seize his camels, and slay their keep- ers ; fourth, in raising a tempest that beat upon his house and overthrew it ; burying under its ruins all his CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 189 sons and daughters. Such acts of malice, such tor- ments, does he delight to bring down upon the children of men ; and lastly, afflicting his body with loathsome sores, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. To avenge himself upon David and the people of Israel, he enticed Mm to number the people, and by that act of pride to bring down a judgment whereby thousands were slain. The sacred historian expressly says, 1 Chronicles, xxi. 1, " Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel." Through the false prophets of Baal, through heathen oracles, through wiz- ards and necromancers, he imposed upon the credulity and ignorance of mankind, and taught the most degrad- ing and revolting blasphemies and cruelties. The worst passions of men are the instruments he uses to chastise and destroy them. An ambitious warrior is a sword in his hand, with which he slays hundreds of thousands of the human race. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Xerxes, Al- exander, Hannibal, Cassar, and all those who were called the great heroes of antiquity, were the infuriated agents of his power, sent forth by him to destroy and lay waste the earth. As is said of the beast with the seven heads and ten horns, so it may be said of all these, " the dragon gave them their seat, their power, and their great authority." What has been generally regarded as an empty boast of Satan, viz., " that all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them," (which he showed to Christ, and offered to Him, if He would worship him,) "that all these were delivered to him, and that to whom- soever he would he gave them" this, so far from being a vain boast, is a fearful reality. The Scripture would 190 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. not call him " the god of this world," nor the Saviour " the prince of this world," titles implying homage and sovereignty, if he possessed none. The power and art of Satan, however, were taxed to the utmost when he assailed Christ, and sought to draw Him into sin-. He could not overcome the second Adam as he had the first. When the " PRINCE of this world cometh," says Christ, " he find eth nothing in me." When, on the lake of Genessareth, he raised a storm to wreck the vessel in which He was asleep, the Saviour re- buked the wind and the sea, and thus averted the dan- ger. His malice against the Saviour, however, (since he could not lead Him into sin,) did not sleep until he had compassed His death, which he did by entering into the heart of Judas to betray Him, and inflaming the minds of the Jews to demand His crucifixion. Peter he desired to have, that he might sift him as wheat, but Christ's intercession saved him. Ananias and Sapphira he prompted to lie against the Holy Ghost, which brought upon them swift destruction. After the gospel began to spread among the Gentiles, and overthrow the prevail- ing idolatry, he raised up bitter persecutions against it, which caused the shedding of much blood. By false teachers and heretics, he caused distraction within the Church, which weakened its power, and brought it more easily into bondage to that system of superstition and tyranny which ultimately enslaved and destroyed it. Sacred Scripture tells us how the great apostacy yet to come shall be introduced, viz., "after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and all deceiveableness of unrighteousness." CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 191 But above all things, war is a thing Satan most ex- ceedingly delights in, for it cuts off more souls in a day than by natural death he can hope to grasp in many years. The battle-field is his harvest-field, whence he reaps and gathers into his garner thirty or sixty or a hun- dred fold. How artfully does he persuade princes and statesmen that the cause of civilization, of liberty, and of religion, requires them to draw the sword against their neighbors. They are not aware that any other influence than that of justice and truth leads them to the decisions they make ; nor was David, or Judas, or any other of those enumerated, aware that they were under a malign influence when they performed their evil deeds ; but Scripture traces them to their true cause, viz., Satanic agency and it is probably not wide of the mark to as- sert, that every offensive war that has ever heen waged on the earth was caused by his instigation. Concerning the last great conflict, when he will gather his forces for a final stroke for universal dominion, we are expressly informed that three unclean spirits, spirits of devils, working miracles, will go forth to the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day. That was the subject of our last lecture, and this contains the result to him. Such is a brief and very general history of his career from the fall to the present day, the full details of which would form a library of horrors fit only to be read in the bottomless pit. You perceive, therefore, that his power has always been used only for destruction, and his malicious pur- poses advanced solely by fraud and guile ; that his vig- 192 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. ilanoe and activity in every age have been unwearied and incessant ; and that he will pursue his hostility to our race until the last. That his character is one of un- mixed evil and no good, is evident from all that Scrip- ture says of him. When St. Paul would paint the char- acter of Elymas the sorcerer in the blackest colors, he simply clothes him with the attributes of Satan : " full of all subtlety and all mischief, thou CHILD OF THE DEVIL, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord ?" The power of Satan, like that of God, is invisible in its operation, but manifest in its results. Because it is hidden, many doubt its existence, but it is no more hid- den than the operations of the Spirit of God are, which our Saviour compares to the wind which bloweth, etc. It is the natural., and we ma} 7 say necessary law of all spir- itual agency, whether good or evil, to t be occult and mys- terious, and the invisibility of Satan is therefore no great- er objection to his existence and malignant agency, than is the invisibility of the Holy Ghost to His sanctifying power. But we must hasten to contemplate the overthrow of this great enemy of God and man, and notice the power by which it is accomplished. " I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven, hav- ing the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand, and he laid hold on the Dragon, that old serpent which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him a thou- sand years." Notice the accumulation of titles which is here given to the adversary of God and man. 1. Dragon. This is one of the last titles given to him in the Scrip- CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 193 ture ; it first occurs in Revelations, xii. ; and is there ex- plained in the same terms as in our text. 2. Old Ser- pent. Serpent is the first name given to him in Scripture, Genesis, iii. 1 ; and Devil and Satan are indiscriminately used in Scripture. The first is Greek, and the second Hebrew, and when translated and joined together, they mean wicked enemy. There can scarcely be a possibility, then, of mistaking who is intended by this fourfold title it applies to but one being in the universe. The mighty angel who binds him, we understand to be Michael, the archangel spoken of by Daniel the prophet, and declared to be the great defender of his people in the latter day. In Daniel, xii. 1, he says, " At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the chil- dren of thy people ; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that time," plainly referring to the battle of Armageddon, which, as we have shown, is brought about by Satanic agency. Michael seems, in Scripture, to be the warrior angel, while Gabriel is the peace angel. 'Twas Gabriel that came to Daniel, (while praying and fasting and confessing the sin of the people,) and informed him how long it would be to the coming of the Messiah, and comforted him in his sorrow and distress. 'Twas Gabriel that was sent to an- nounce to the Virgin Mary that the time for Messiah's birth had come ; and 'twas probably the same angel that strengthened Christ in His agony in the garden, and at His resurrection rolled away the stone from the sepulchre, as the keepers declared, when, affrighted, they fled. But the name of Michael is always connected with other scenes. In Eevelations, xii. 7, we read, " There was war 9 194 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. in heaven ; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought, and his angels, and pre- vailed not ; neither was their place found any more." It would seem that the good angels have a leader as well as the evil angels. This war in heaven we understand to be the aerial heavens, the heavens connected with this earth, or the firmament which God called heaven, in which the feath- ered tribes soar aloft. Satan is called not only the god of this world, but also the prince of the power of the air, or aerial regions. Evil spirits undoubtedly pass through the upper regions of this world, on their errands of mis- chief, as well as the good spirits do, who are sent to min- ister to them who shall be the heirs of salvation. This contest between Michael and Satan and their respective hosts, in the aerial regions, (called the war in heaven, Revelations, xii.) takes place we think only a short time before the battle of Armageddon, for immediately after the war in heaven, and Satan's defeat, it is said, " And no place was found any more for him in heaven, and he was cast out into the earth, and his angels with him ;" and then it is added, " Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and. of the sea, for the devil is come down to you having great wrath, for he knoweth that he hath but a short time ;" and then what does he attempt to do in his great wrath for that short time ? By the three unclean spirits, spirits of devils working miracles, he gathers together the kings of the earth, and of the whole world to the battle of the great day of G-od Almighty. Knowing that the ad- versary he encountered in the atmospheric regions, and who expelled him from thence, is on His way down to the CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 195 earth, to take possession of it also, he musters his hosts to battle to make a last effort for that dominion over the earth he has so long exercised, but the battle is lost, the Beast and the False Prophet are taken, and all their as- sociates, and cast into the lake of fire, and at this time the animating spirit of them all is also arrested, bound, im- prisoned and kept in close confinement for a thousand years. In all the former conflicts on earth, while whole armies have been slaughtered, and their leaders fallen or dis- graced, the KEAL INSTIGATOR, who was behind the scenes, has escaped, and then commenced new efforts for another field of slaughter. But at this time, he also shall be captured, and as he was cast out of the AERIAL regions, so shall he be also expelled from the terrestrial , and undergo a long imprisonment in a subterranean place. All doubtless admit that no human power can ever arrest Satan, and cast him out of the earth. A spiritual power may overcome an infernal one, and pursue and capture him, but a h'uman power can only act against his wiles ; therefore all the Church a,nd the gospel for ages, whilst they have been directed against his principles, could not touch his person, nor get rid of his invisible presence. He would still mix among men and interfere in human affairs. But Michael seizes hold of the great offender himself in such a way as an angel only can grapple with an angel, and effectually rids the earth of his presence. Our ideas of arrest and imprisonment, and of securing an offender, are associated with the seizing of his per- son, binding, locking up, chaining down, etc.; and there- fore this action was so represented 196 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. Gabriel, with the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chaif! in his hand, is said to lay hold on Satan and cast him into the bottomless pit, and set a seal on him. Those who are opposed to the literal interpretation of Scripture amuse themselves, as they think, at the ex- pense of those who advocate the literal interpretation, by asking, with a jeer, what kind of a chain was this, brass or iron ? and what kind of a key, steel or copper ? and what kind of a pit is a bottomless pit ? and where can such a thing be found ? As our knowledge of an- gels, either as to their forms, or shapes, or bodily mem- bers, is exceedingly imperfect, it can not be expected that we can tell what bonds and ligatures may be re- quired to confine or restrain them. We can not tell what angels' food is, yet we do not doubt that they sub- sist on some food adapted to their natures. We know not how they live ; whether they walk or fly, or sit down or lie down, or be always in motion; and shall it then be demanded of us to say by what kind of a chain wicked angels may be bound ? and what is the metal of the key which shuts up their place of confinement ? God know- eth, though we may not be able to tell ; and it is as great an act of presumption to say that no chain and key are used, against the positive declaration of the text that they are, as it would be for us to attempt positively to show the quality of them, which God has not ex- plained. But what idea can we have of a BOTTOMLESS PIT, the place of his confinement ? and where is it located ? it is also asked. If Satan isfirst cast out of the aerial regions unto the earth, and then next out of the earth into the CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 197 bottomless pit, this pit must either be within this earth or entirely beyond the bounds of the globe, and in some other part of creation. Which is the case ? Let us inquire whether there is a bottomless pit connected with this globe ; and if so, where is it ? The globe on which we live has a circumference of about twenty-five thousand miles, and a diameter of about eight thousand. It is a continually-revolving sphere, which turns on its axis once in every twenty-four hours. Philosophers are agreed that it is not a solid body, i. e., the eight thousand miles of diameter, down through from America to China, the opposite sides, are not solid earth ; on the contrary, from experiments made upon the increase of heat as we descend below the surface, it is quite evident that solid earth does not extend to more than sixty miles in depth, (some maintain that it is only thirty miles,) when we reach a state of igneous fluidity. From the constantly- revolving motion of the earth, we can not say that it has any top or bottom. If we say the portion that faces the sun is the top, presently that is turned away and the opposite portion takes its place, so that the earth is really a topless and bottomless ball, no part of the sur- face being at any time in a fixed position toward any other object. Now if the crust of this ball on which we live, be, at the utmost, sixty miles in thickness, see what an immense internal area remains, of nearly eight thou- sand miles in diameter, deducting only the sixty miles of surface or solid earth a vast abyss ! a bottomless pit ! for, partaking of the rotatory motion of the earth, it has neither bottom nor top. Constant revolution, which prevents the exterior of the earth from having a 198 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. top equally prevents the interior from having a bottom ; and this, in truth, is the only idea we can form of a bot- tomless pit, viz, the hollow interior of a revolving ball. So that the TRANSLATOR did not use language without meaning, or necessarily speak in figure when he declared that Satan, when expelled from the earth, should be cast into the bottomless pit. But when great criminals are arrested and imprisoned, they are not only placed in dungeons and chained, but the doors are well fastened, and the windows barred, so that all egress may be prevented. If you ask what is now the way of access to the bottomless pit, we answer, in our opinion, the craters of volcanoes. These, which the ancients used to call the chimneys of Tartarus, have evidently a communication with the interior of the earth, and show that eternal fires are raging below, which never go out. This everlasting fire, which our Saviour de- clared was prepared for the devil and his angels, and of the certain reality of which we are admonished by every volcanic eruption, is in that bottomless pit, that vast sea of fire which rages under our feet, Moses refers to it when he says, or God says by him, " A fire is kindled in mine anger, which shall burn to the lowest hell, and 'set on fire the foundations of the mountains, and consume the earth with her increase." The foundations of the mountains extend to the very depths of solid land, until they meet the consuming element which changes them into molten lava ; and then, by forces which are gene- rated in that great laboratory of avenging wrath, they are thrown upon the surface. And from this source shall undoubtedly proceed the fire which will cause " the ele- CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 199 ments to melt with fervent heat, and the earth and its works to be burned up." Now let us suppose this action to have taken place, the fire prepared and kept alive so long to have burst forth from its volcanic outlets and purified the earth, and then their action to cease, Satan cast into the pit, and every crater immediately closed, would not his escape be impossible ? Would he not be locked up in a dungeon more secure than any bars or bolts on earth could make one ? Is not the key of the bottomless pit, therefore, the power given to the mighty angel to close the vol- canoes ? These passage-ways to the surface being all shut, he could not approach the human family any more to allure them with guile. The seal set upon him is the sentence of his doom, imprisonment for a thousand years. The reason given is, that he should deceive the nations no longer. But if the apostacy and iniquity of the na- tions were not owing to his deceptions the imprisonment is unjust. If, as some think and say, Satan is charged with more than he is guilty of, then this punishment might seem too severe, but to show that this is not the case, it is added in our text, and " after that" (viz., the imprisonment of a thousand years,) C; he must be loosed a little season." Now mark the consequence. During the thousand years of his absence, not a war desolates the face of the earth, the sword is beaten into the plowshare and the spear into the pruning-hook, the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters do the sea, all see eye to eye and go hand in hand. There is one Lord, and His name one, and from the rising of the sun unto the going 200 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. down of the same incense is offered to His name, and a pure offering; no religious feuds distract the harmony of society, but unity and love universally prevail, and ex- tend even to the lower orders of creation, so that the lion and the lamb lie down together, and the leopard and the kid, and the cow and the bear feed together, and the venomous serpent does not sting; in one word, " there is nothing to hurt or destroy in all God's holy moun- tain." Such is the state of the world during Satan's expul- sion from it. But what occurs during the little season he is loosed. Hear the word of God, verse 7 : " When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed a little season, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, to gather them to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea ; and they went up on the breadth of the earth and com- passed the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them." To show that Satan is Satan still, the god of war, and author of all the controversy and strife that exists among men, this last trial is given him ; from which it appears that his long imprisonment has not altered his nature, and that the human family is not safe when he is at large ; therefore, he is now sentenced and doomed to that ETERNAL TORMENT which is adjudged to the wicked in the lake of fire and brimstone, and the struggle be- tween the seed of the woman and the serpent is for ever ended. The Son of God has destroyed all the CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 201 works of. the devil, and the sentiment of the poet is realized: "Lord God of Hosts cut short his power, Let him in darkness dwell ; And that he may deceive no more, Confine him down to hell" That the place of the future punishment of the wick- ed is within the earth and helow its surface, seems to be a necessary inference from many expressions of the sacred writers. The frequent use of the phrase down to hell, shows that in their opinion it was somewhere beneath us. Thus, the prophet says of the wicked, "let death seize upon them, and let them go doivn quick into hell;"* * The place of the future punishment of the wicked is called in the Scrip- tures the lake of fire and brimstone, prepared for the devil and his angels. Why it is so called is differently explained. Some say because it is literally what the language imports, a burning sea of fire, upon which the wicked, after their resurrection, are launched for that voj^age of woe which never comes to an end. Others say the language is figurative, and was intended only to express the most inconceivable anguish of mind and torment of conscience for the sins committed in this life. This is of course merely pre- sumption. It is incapable of proof, either from any express declaration of the Scriptures or unavoidable logical inference, that hell fire does not mean hell fire in the most strict and literal sense of the words. The Scriptures certainly teach us that the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth, and all the works therein, shall be burned up. Surely this is LITERAL fire, for God, speaking of this event to Moses, says, Deuteronom}^ xxxii. 22, "a fire is kindled in mine anger, which shall burn to the lowest hell, and set on fire the foundations of the earth, and consume the earth with its increase." Now when science teaches us that there are eternal fires raging beneath our feet, which through volcanic openings find their way to the surface of the earth, and may one day so overspread it as to enkindle a general conflagration, and then again subside to their deep abysses below, is it not more than probable that that subterranean region is the actual lake of fire of which the Scriptures speak ? But some think that the literal interpretation of the passage, "lake of fire 9* 202 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. and Solomon declares, " her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death." The Prophet Ezekiel, speaking of the last Antichrist and his over- throw, xxxi. 16, says, " I made the nations to shake at and brimstone," conveys such an HORRIBLE IDEA, that it seriously reflects upon the goodness, mercy, and compassion of God to appoint such cruel torments for His creatures. Can a loving Father, they ask, require of any who have offended Him to undergo for endless ages such horrible punish- ment for their sins ? Incredible ! they say, the language must be figurative, and must be so interpreted. But why then use a figure which expresses so much that is horrible ? There is, and always should be in figurative lan- guage, some analogy between the idea actually expressed and the truth really intended to be conveyed. Language expressing the most intense bod ly suffering that can be conceived of, would never be employed to de- scribe a moderate degree of mental anguish, any more than stoning would mean severe scolding, or public burning at the stake sharp reproof before men. If, as some pretend, the expression fire and brimstone is used merely to express the intensity of mental anguish, which they suppose to be so great that nothing but the torment of fire and brimstone can properly express it, then what is gained by such an explanation? Certainly the compassion of God is not diminished : for if the anguish be as keen under one form of suffering as under another, nothing is gained by substituting one for the other. Either the expression, lake of fire and brimstone, denotes an actual PLACE of future punishment, where the wicked will hereafter endure the punishment of their sins in the manner the language naturally imports, or it merely expresses a possible state of mental anguish, which will so far ex- coed any thing they are accustomed to in this life that no other figurative language can adequately express it. If the former, then all is plain and easily comprehended ; if the latter, then the frightful imagery must either be shorn of much of its horrors by suitable explanations, or the literal lan- guage might as well be retained. The difficulty, therefore, of adhering to the literal scnsa is not removed by a figurative interpretation, and even if to many minds it seemed to be, yet the danger of so doing demands that great caution should be observed in rejecting the literal interpretation of the Scriptures, which has generally the preference over every other method of exposition. CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 203 the sound of his full, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit." The Prophet Isaiah, xiv. 15, referring to the same event, viz., the destruction of Antichrist, under the name of Lucifer, says, (notwith- standing his arrogant boasting and great exploits) " yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit ;" and our Saviour sanctions the use of this phrase when He says of Capernaum, who had enjoyed such great privileges but abused them, "thou shalt be brought down to hell." Now, where is down to all parts of the surface of the earth, but the interior ? If in opposite parts of the globe, and on all sides of it, we can still say hell is down and beloiv, it must be in the interior of the earth. The Chinese are beneath our feet, and we are be- neath theirs, and down, to both can only be in some midway between us. When the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up Korah and his company and they went down alive into the pit, there must have been a pit within the earth to receive them, and what that pit was, other parts of Scripture teach us. It is sometimes called the pit wherein is no water, as we see in the case of Dives; the pit of destruction, (Psalm Iv. 23;) and, in the text, the bottomless pit. Besides the word down, so often used to describe the direction of this awful place, the word beneath is some- times employed. The Prophet Isaiah, as we have already seen, speaking of the Antichrist who should be cast down to hell, adds, that hell from beneath should be moved to meet him at his coming. But why multiply passages of Scripture to prove this point ? God hath made nothing in vain. And if the 204 CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. aerial regions at the renovation of the earth shall be the abode of the risen saints, and the renewed surface of the earth the happy home and millennial rest of all that are still in the flesh, as we shall show in a future lecture, the only place remaining where the author of all evil and the deceiver and destroyer of the human race can be shut out from all access to man, is that deep cavern under our feet whose walls are perhaps sixty miles in thickness, and all whose openings for light or air are closed with such fastness as no power but the divine can ever again loose. This prison house of woe is as much prepared by divine power for its- proper inmates, as the new heavens and the new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness is for the followers of the Lamb. Hence the Saviour speaks of the kingdom prepared for. the righteous as here on this earth ; and of the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels which we know to rage beneath it. State prisons, where prisoners of state are confined, are often adjoining the dwellings of the good and the vir- tuous. Generally culprits confined for crime, suffer in the same dominions in which they committed their mis- deeds. The Tower of London and the Bastile of Paris were within hail of the palaces of St. James and the Tuileries. Kulers, and citizens, and criminals, the happy and the miserable, were all under the same municipal- ity. So, when the Son of David shall establish His royal throne on mount Zion and rule the world in righteous- ness, not only shall His foes be made His footstool, but that great enemy of His authority, the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, and the ringleader CASTING OF SATAN IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT. 205 of all rebellion, shall be confined in that subterranean dungeon connected with this earth which for ages has been prepared for him, and where for ages he shall be the great prisoner of state, suffering the torment of hell fire. The world undoubtedly shall know of his doom, and of his place of confinement, and rejoice in their de- liverance from his power, and while the righteous under the new heavens dwell on the new earth, in the enjoy- ment of a millennium of happiness, Satan, under the new earth, shall be confined in the bottomless pit, to en- dure a millennium of disappointment, rage, and woe ; bruised, (as the apostle says,) under our feet. We may now, in our subsequent discourses, introduce you to more agreeable scenes than those connected with divine wrath and judgment, even scenes of glory and happiness to the human race. The entire exclusion of Satanic agency from human affairs, and the happy rid- dance of our world from the presence, and power, and in- trigue and malice of her most relentless foe, will be such a marked era in its history, that, as an unfulfilled Proph- ecy, it could not with justice be overlooked. For as the entrance of Satan into our world was the beginning of its sorrow, and his continual instigations the fruitful source of its manifold miseries, so will his expulsion from it be the beginning of its joy, and the dawn of that pe- riod when righteousness and truth shall spring up among all nations, and the presence of our divine Redeemer gladden a redeemed earth. As there is now no other event between us and this blissful period, that will neces- sarily form the subject of our next lecture. LECTURE X. THE NEW DISPENSATION. " Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2 PETER, iii. 13. THE many changes through which our world has passed since the entrance of sin into it, suggests the strong probability that its present condition, which is still a sinful one, can not be regarded as a permanent condi- tion, but that it is still in a transition state, tending to some other condition, either better or worse. What that change will be human speculation can not determine, or worldly wisdom find out ; but only He can declare, who has the times and the seasons in His own power. There are two classes of society who view the future in entirely different lights. First, those who live in the past, and are always refer- ring to former times and days gone by as so much bet- ter than the present period ; who look upon this age as a very degenerate one, and see no prospect of its ameliora- tion, but rather anticipate a still further deterioration, until it shall have reached a point of demoralization too awful to contemplate. The other class consider that there never was an age of greater light, liberty, general intelligence, benevolence, and moral excellence than the present ; and that this is gradually leading us forward to a position more exalted THE NEW DISPENSATION. 207 than the human family has ever yet attained. To them the future is bright, and radiant with hope for the best interests of the human race, while to the former it is dark and threatening to the peace and harmony of the world. Between two theories so entirely opposed to each other the sincere inquirer after truth may anxiously ask, Which shall I believe ? Philosophy will give one answer, infi- delity another, and divine revelation a third ; but as the two former speak only the sentiments of erring mortals, he will turn to the third, whose writers speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. This will give him a picture of the future, in which more than all the dark- ness of the one theory, and more than all the brightness of the other, are commingled, and yet neither is shown to be the whole truth a future in which clouds full of fury and wrath gather blackness, and burst in storms of calamity and woe upon a wicked and affrighted world, and then break away and reveal a clear and serene sky beyond, indicating a return of calm and sunshine, which shall be as perpetual as it is magnificent and welcome. Our text presents to us the beautiful clearing up after that most terrific storm which shall ever be experienced on earth a storm in which " the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, the elements melt with fervent heat, the earth, and the works therein be burnt up." After which, says our text, " ive, nevertheless, according to His promise, look fur new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." To see how the apostle reaches this conclusion, let us trace him through his previous argument down to this 208 THE NEW DISPENSATION. point. In the beginning of this chapter he says : " This second epistle, beloved, I now write to you, in which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us, the apostles of our Lord and Saviour. Knowing this, first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of His coming ? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning." The great doctrine of the Christian religion that which has been preached from the beginning of Christianity to this day as one of its most glorious and sublime truths is, " the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in glorious majesty to judge the world." This fundamental tenet of the gospel, the apostle informs us, shall in the last days be assailed and reviled. SCOFFERS shall arise and say, " Where is the promise of His com- ing ? for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning." And is it not noto- rious that this doctrine, one of the most solemn and fearful as well as the most important of Christianity, is practically ignored by multitudes at this day, some of whom, under the guise of religion, as Swedcnborgians, Spirit Kappers, Quakers, Shakers, Mormons, and others, attempt to destroy it by explaining it away ? And others, more bold in infidelity, treat it as an exploded theory, or dogma of the dark ages, which will not stand the test of philosophical scrutiny, or the advanced intel- ligence of the nineteenth century. The tendency of the human rnind to derogate from the transcendent impor- THE NEW DISPENSATION. 209 tance of this truth is one of the fearful signs of the near approach of the latter days, according to the word of God. But why is this great truth assailed by scoffers ? The reason assigned is, because of its long delay. Our Sa- viour teaches us this in one of His parables. The evil servant to whom was delivered a trust, saying, " Occupy till I come/' shall say in his heart, " My Lord delayeth his coming," and therefore shall begin to smite his fellow- servants, and eat and drink with the drunken. " Scoff- ers shall arise, walking after their own lusts." The tend- ency to luxury and sensuality lies at the bottom of this heresy ; and intellectual pride and infidelity is another powerful ingredient of the spreading poison. For, says the apostle, in the chapter from which the text is taken, " This they are willingly ignorant of, that by 'the word of the Lord the heavens were of old, standing out of the water and in the water." This was the chaotic state of the earth, while yet darkness "lay on the face of the deep," and before God had " separated the waters from the dry land, calling the dry land earth, and the gath- ering together of the waters sea." Previous to this the earth stood as it were out of the water and in the water : both were mixed. This was the first condition of the globe. Creation brought it into that state of order and beauty in which we find it when Adam was formed to be its lord. Now that beautiful world, which was formed out of chaos, was overflowed with water, and perished. That deluge of wrath, which swept from it every living thing, and covered its whole surface for more than one hundred and 210 THE NEW DISPENSATION. fifty days, utterly defaced its beauty, and changed its form and quality, especially as an abode of health, which we see in the rapid shortening of human life immediate- ly after the flood. But if a world so beautiful as the first was destroyed, what is to be the fate of the present world ? Is there not a strong probability that it too may be laid in ruins ? They who say it never will be, and scout such an idea as absurd, the apostle says, are willingly ignorant of the past. They disbelieve the Word of G-od, and therefore reason only from their own imaginations ; but, he adds, " The heavens and the earth, which are now by the same Word," (i. e., of God's purpose,) " are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment/' (which is the day of Christ's sec- ond coming,) "and perdition of ungodly men." And what shall be the result of that devastating fire ? Shall any thing arise out of that conflagration, or shall the annihilation of the earth follow ? Our text declares, " Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth right- eousness." The doctrine of our text, therefore, is, 1. That upon this globe which we inhabit, there is to be founded a new order of things, as different from the present as the present is from the antediluvian world, and that, 2. As the change from the antediluvian to the pres- ent was by the waters of a flood, so the change from the present to the millennial, called in our text " new heaven and new earth," will be by a desolating fire. 3. That this last destruction by fire will no more prevent the repeopling of the globe, than the first by water did. THE NEW DISPENSATION. 211 4. And that the population of that "world to come whereof we speak/' will be different from that of " this present world" for while in this, iniquity prevails, in that shall dwell righteousness. Here, then, we have before us an entire new order of things, so different from the present and the past, that it can be looked upon in no other light than as an entirely NEW DISPENSATION, a reorganizing of society on a new basis, political, social, and religious. This, in the regular order of subjects, is, therefore, the theme of our present discourse, viz., the INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW DISPENSATION. To those who have always been accustomed, without enquiry or reflection, to consider Christianity as the last form of obedience and probation that would be given to the human race before the consummation of all things, it may seem strange to speak of another dispensation yet to come, in which the present gospel system will be su- perseded for another more glorious. We look with so much apprehension and disfavor upon all attempts, at the present day, to supplant the gospel system by new theories of moral or social reform, that we naturally listen with prejudice to any suggestion favoring the idea. We feel on the subject of Christianity as the Jews feel still about Judaism, viz., that it is a system so perfect that nothing can ever take its place ; and yet their feelings are no test of truth, for Judaism gave place to Christianity, a more perfect development : and why ma^ not Christi- anity give place to another system still more peifect than itself ? We shall attempt to show you that it not only may, and will, but must. But before^ how- 212 THE NEW DISPENSATION. ever, we enter on this task, let us give a brief his- tory, 1. Of the different dispensations of God's grace to the children of men. 2. How each was introduced. 3. How each terminated, or by what means was brought to a close. 1. By a dispensation, we mean simply a Divine method of promulgating truth and establishing worship. Its author must be God. No human power can introduce any system of doctrine, or form of worship, obligatory on mankind. The First dispensation given to the world was the Adamic. This seems to have been exceedingly simple. The law of sacrifice,' together with the law of the Sabbath and the law of marriage, are the only written records we have of this dispensation. What observances were handed down by tradition we know not of. The Second was the Noatic. This was an enlargement of the former, and embraced what is called the seven pre- cepts of Noah. The Third was the Abrahamic. .This, to all the foregoing, added the rite of circumcision, and contained important revelations concerning the promised Messiah, particular- ly of His descent. The Fourth was the Mosaic. This embraced a very exten- sive and full system of doctrines and duties, civil, relig- ious, and political, contained at large in the five books of Moses. The Fifth was the Christian, the doctrines and principles of which are contained in the New Testament, and em- THE NEW DISPENSATION. 213 braces so much of all the former dispensations as har- monize with its teachings. The Sixth will be the millennial, or that NEW DISPEN- SATION of which we shall speak more at large pres- ently. And the Seventh will be the new Jerusalem state, that final and closing dispensation, when " Christ will deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father ;" when, the work of redemption being complete, the season of human probation will be finally terminated. Concerning the difference between these last two, we expect to treat more at large in a future discourse. These seven dis- pensations (seven being the perfect number in Scrip- ture) complete the entire course of Divine culture and discipline given to the human race for its perfection. 2. Let us notice how each of these dispensations were introduced. We will find each of the five past to have been inaugu- rated by personal communication and revelation from God. To Adam He appeared, and conversed, and revealed his will, and confirmed His covenant, making the tree of life the seal of it. To Noah He appeared, and conversed, gave His law, and then confirmed a new covenant, making the rainbow the seal of it. To Abraham He appeared, and conversed, and made known His will, and confirmed a new covenant, making circumcision the seal of it. To Moses He appeared, and conversed, and revealed His law in the hearing of all Israel, and made a new cov- 214 THE NEW DISPENSATION. enant, and appointed the sprinkling of blood the seal of it ; for, as Saint Paul says, " when Moses had spoken every precept to the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book and all the people, saying, this is the blood of the covenant which God hath enjoined unto you." To the apostles, " God, who appeared at sundry times and in divers manners to the fathers by the prophets," appeared by His Son, and showed them, through Him, those higher mysteries of redemption and salvation which were unknown to all former ages, but were now made manifest for the enlightening of all nations ', and the God-Man established the new covenant, into which we have been brought, by appointing Baptism and the Holy Supper as seals of it. The next dispensation will also be introduced by the visible agency of the Son of God, as we shall show in its proper place ; but what the laws thereof will be, and what the seals of the new covenant then made, can not now be known, and the same is true of the last dispen- sation, the new Jerusalem state. Having shown the way in which each of these dispen- sations was introduced, let us notice, 3. The manner in which they each terminated. If their several introductions were remarkable, their seve- ral terminations were not less so. As they were all in- troduced by direct interposition and communication from God, so they were all terminated by awful judgments from heaven. They began in mercy, but ended in wrath. Thus the THE NEW DISPENSATION. 215 Adamic dispensation, which commenced in Paradise, ended with the flood. The Noatic, which commenced immediately after the deluge, when God smelled a sweet savor in the sacrifice of that just man and blessed him, ended in the over- throw of the five cities of the plain. The Abrahamic dispensation, which began soon after that overthrow, when God made a covenant with Abra- ham, terminated in the desolation of Egypt and the overthrow of Pharaoh and his hosts in the Bed Sea. The Mosaic dispensation, which commenced in the wilderness at mount Sinai, ended in the destruction of Jersusalem, and the dispersion of the Jews. And The Christian, which commenced when our Lord sent forth His disciples to preach the gospel throughout all the world, but more particularly on the day of Pentecost, will come to its end in that great battle of Armageddon, of which we spoke in a former lecture. The Millennial dispensation, which shall be introduced at the second coming of the Son of Man, will cease when Satan, let loose again for a little season after his bond- age of a thousand years, gathers his great armies from the four quarters of the earth, and attacks the camp of the saints of the Most High. That glorious dispensation will also close by that last act of judgment, the casting of him and his hosts for ever in the lake of fire ; when the new Jerusalem state, the last dispensation of God's mercy and love, the eternal state, will begin. Upon a review of all the dispensations of God's grace to the children of men, we find their beginnings to have all been bright and promising, their endings dark and 216 THE NEW DISPENSATION. overwhelming. When we view them separately, they each show the folly and weakness and depravity of human nature, and the constant tendency of mankind to degeneracy and departure from God ; and when we view them collectively, the solemn lesson they teach is that rain and misery may in one hour be introduced into a world, and overspread and desolate it, which ages upon ages of remedial processes, and counteracting influences may be unable to expel. But let us turn our attention more particularly to that new dispensation which shall succeed the present, and which in our text is called the " new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness." The heavens and the earth, or the firmament and terraqueous globe, which now make this " present world," have both undergone sad changes since the creation. The atmospheric regions, which are often the places of storms and tempests, frequently also generate disease and spread pestilence over whole continents. Impurity of atmosphere is a prolific cause of sickness and death, and always will be until the world is purified by that refin- ing process which separates the dross from the pure gold ; Hence the elements melting with fervent heat is but the order appointed for renovating them and making the new heavens. So also of the " earth defiled/' as the Prophet Isaiah says, xxiv. 5, for so many ages a under the inhab- itants thereof," it is the refiner's fire of the conflagration scene that must purge away the dross and filth which ages have accumulated upon its polluted surface. All the monuments of sin must be demolished, its hiding-places discovered and overthrown, and a total purgation of all THE NEW DISPENSATION. 217 its wicked works and ways be made. This will be the material part of the new heavens, and new earth of the Age to come. So great a change in external objects will be attended with a corresponding change in its civil and ecclesiastical state. This is expressed by the words " wherein dwelleth righteousness/' In all the former dispensations of God's grace to man, iniquity has pre- vailed over truth and justice, meekness and piety ; now the reverse shall be the case righteousness shall be in the ascendency, and this shall be the result of two causes : first, Satan, the great tempter and deceiver of mankind, shall be bound and cast out of the earth ; and second, the Son of God shall reign in person, whose scepter is a scepter of righteousness, and all nations shall serve and obey Him. The government He shall establish over the redeemed earth shall be a pure theocracy, " ONE Lord," and His name ONE, and "from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, incense shall be of- fered unto His name and a pure offering." It must be evident to every reflecting mind that many of the doctrines and practices of Christianity, as well as many of its exhortations and prayers, would be as totally inapplicable to that state of the Church as some of the laws of the Jewish dispensation are to the Christian Church now existing ; e. g., It could no longer be said then as now of the Church, " Fear not, little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to sjive you the kingdom," for the Church then will em- brace the ivhole world, not a few out of the many. Neither will the teachings of our Saviour during His first advent be applicable to that period: "Wide is the gate and 10 218 THE NEW DISPENSATION. broad is the way which leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat; straight is the gate and nar- row is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it," for all will then know the Lord from the least to the greatest. All that teaching of our Lord and His apostles which declared that " in this world His disci- ples should have tribulation/' should be "persecuted and suffer reproach," will be inapplicable to that period when universal harmony will prevail. All the cautions against the snares of Satan and the wiles of the devil will be use- less, for Satan will be bound and cast in the bottomless pit, that he may deceive the nations no longer. All the warnings against Antichrist, and other seducers and her- etics, will be unnecessary, for all these shall have been cut off. So also with regard to many duties which are strongly urged, such, e. g., as fasting on account of some pressing of impending judgment. " How can the children of the bridechamber fast when the bridegroom is with them ?" The presence of the Saviour and His happy reign will diffuse joy all around : fasting would be out of place. So also all days of humiliation for deprecation of the plague or any temporal calamity. There shall he " noth- ing to hurt or destroy." So also with regard TO PEAYEKS. Many of those we now offer will be inapplicable at that time. Even the Lord's prayer will become obsolete, for how could we ask any more that His KINGDOM MIGHT COME, when it had already come? or that His will might be done on earth as it is in heaven, when all served and obeyed Him, and His kingdom ruled over all ? THE NEW DISPENSATION. 219 Our liturgy would greatly need to be reformed to be suited to the circumstances of that period. All that re- lates to battle, murder, heresy, schism, and the many disorders of the present period, will be as much out of place at that time as the prayer, and song of Moses at the Red Sea would be at this age. Not but that it may be of use to all to read and reflect upon all these things, and learn from them what the state of society was when they were used, just as we now, from the Mosaic rites, learn how society was ordered when they were practiced. In all probability, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will then be discontinued, for, as the command to keep this, was only TILL HE COME, i. e., in remembrance of Him during His absence ; so when He comes, we may no longer be required to commemorate His death. It is evident from the Old Testament Prophecies, that sacrifices will be partially restored, though it would seem not as propitiatory but as eucharistic, (vide Ezekiel, xliii. 18-27; Isaiah, Ix. 7,) and it is beyond question, that the feast of tabernacles will be made obligatory on all na- tions to keep once a year at Jerusalem. This is without doubt the plain meaning of the Prophet Zechariah, xiv. 17-19, while Ezekiel seems to go further, and sets forth a ritual of service bearing a strong resemblance to that of the ancient Jewish, chapters xl. xlv. It is probably not far from the truth to say, that as the former dispen- sation was almost exclusively Jewish, and the present Gentile, the succeeding one may be such a blending of the two that each may find in it something of that which He preferred and delighted in ; but of this we can only speak rather inferentially than positively. 220 THE NEW DISPENSATION. The great feature, however, of that new dispensation will Le its THEOCKATIC CHARACTER, or that per- fect union between Church and State which has always been in this dispensation so much abused whenever es- tablished, either to the corrupting of the Church, or the enslaving of the State. The Redeemer Himself, will, as the Prophet Zechariah says, vi. 13, sit. as a priest on His throne, and execute righteousness and truth among all nations. A THEOCRACY is undoubtedly the most perfect system of government in the world, if purely ad- ministered, and promotes the temporal happiness, moral advancement, and well-being of a people, to a greater de- gree than any other system can do, if properly carried out. It requires those in authority, as well as those under authority, to be obedient to God, and gives no liberty to rulers to outrage the moral sense of mankind by their vices, under the plea that " the king can do no wrong." It holds all men to a strict accountability to the law of God, even in this life, and punishes blasphemy and adul- ery, as it does murder and apostacy from divine institu- tions as treason and rebellion against the State. The only difficulty heretofore with such a form of government has been the want of virtue to carry it out. Perhaps it never attained to greater perfection than in the days of Sam- uel. He was a, just and wise ruler, and administered the law in the fear of God. But the nation became corrupt- ed and weary of the government of God, and clamored for a change, and God "gave them a king in His anger, and took him away in His wrath." Under the present dispensation, the Church of Rome has attempted to establish a theocracy in the Papacy, THE NEW DISPENSATION. 221 which, so far from being an institution of heaven, is only Satan's counterfeit of that Divine system which our Lord will establish in the new dispensation. The evils which this spurious theocracy has brought upon the world, no doubt have hud much to do with the increasing determi- nation in the minds of men to separate religion entirely from affairs of state, and yet this can not be done without extreme peril. To vote God and His cause out of doors is a hazardous step for any nation to take. If the Bible is His word, and Christ His Son, and the Church a vine of His own planting, it is dangerous for any state to say it will have nothing to do with either, let them take care of themselves. That it will not in its official capacity recognize them as of God, or as obligatory on society, neither, on the other hand, will it do them any harm. This attitude of neutrality and indifference to God's cause He certainly can not look upon with any favor. Men can not divest themselves of their obligations to Him by associating themselves together in civil and political rela- tions. The object of the theocracy originally was that God should be acknowledged in all the relations of life ; that His will should rule in every thing ; that He should be all and in all. And is not this right ? Who would exclude Him from any thing ? But a theocracy at the present day is an utter impracticability, and for this sim- ple reason : mankind are so distracted in religious opin- ions that they can not unite on any system of religious truth ; they can not agree what the word of God or what His Church is ; and whether or not Christ is His Son and the Saviour of the world ; multitudes affirm, and greater multitudes deny; and a theocracy (without a gen- 222 THE NEW DISPENSATION. cral acknowledgment of these truths,) would be an ab- surdity. But when the "'times of the restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy servants the prophets," shall arrive, and He " shall again send forth that Jesus who has so long been preached to us," and He shall "come in the glory of His Father" to take possession of the earth, and shall overthrow all iniquity and every false system, political and religious, and every institution of Satan, and the four hundred and fifty millions of idolaters, and the one hundred and sixty millions of Papists, and the one hundred and fifty millions of Mohammedans, and the eighty millions of Greek, Ar- menian, Nestorian, and other Eastern Christians, and the ninety millions of Protestants, besides hosts of infi- dels, skeptics, and unbelievers who reject every form of faith ; when all these shall have been subdued, either by the power of His wrath or the power of His truth, then there will be a readiness for the establishment of one, UNIVERSAL SYSTEM, in which the will of God will reign supreme, A dispensation of unity in faith and worship will then arise, which will show a united world, a race brought at last into harmony with itself and with God, through the agency of His Son. There are several subordinate circumstances which will powerfully contribute to this happy union of all nations in the faith and worship established at that period, in connection with the PRESENCE AND POWER OF CHRIST, which must always be acknowledged as the great producing cause. These circumstances are : 1. One visible Head over all the earth, its acknowl- edged Sovereign, whose decrees are acknowledged to be THE NEW DISPENSATION. 223 all wise, and from whose decision there will be no appeal Of His infallibility none will entertain a doubt. What- ever directions emanate from Him, all will regard as the voice of unerring wisdom. The Koman pontiff aims to occupy this position to the world at the present day, and in this dispensation, and has for ages past claimed infal- libility for his decisions in doctrine and worship. But not one fifth of the human family recognize his claim, while hundreds of millions utterly laugh it to scorn. The world acknowledges no one to be authority in mat- ters of faith, therefore it continues distracted. But when the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, shall arise upon all nations in the glory of His second advent, All shall feel that the long night of error and doubt has passed away, and the glorious day of light and truth for all nations has come, and shall open their hearts to receive His instructions, He shall have one fold, and they one shepherd, and All feed in the same pasture. 2, One language shall then also prevail over all the earth, and be the sacred speech of universal worship. This, we think, is taught by the Prophet Zephaniah, iii. 9, who says, having spoken of the battle of Armageddon and the general conflagration, in these words, " there- fore, wait ye upon me, for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour out on them all my fierce anger, for all thu earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy." " Then," He adds, " will I turn to the people a pure language," (i. e. 9 a speech unmixed with impure dialects,) "that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve Him with one 224 THE NEW DISPENSATION. consent/' The whole earth was once of one language and of one speech. That language, (which is generally believed to have been the Hebrew, the language of Adam and Noah, and all generations between them,) that lan- guage was confounded at Babel to defeat an evil purpose in which men were then engaged, and its purity lost to the great majority of men.* Being unable to understand each other, they dispersed abroad over the earth, con- versing in new and various tongues, and from that period to the present there has been an effectual barrier against any unity of purpose among them, in consequence of the difficulty of holding communication, or enjoying social intercourse. But when the happy period shall arrive, when all na- tions shall agree to worship the same Lord in the same manner, may it not be expected that God will restore to them again a "pure language, a common speech ?" For if the confounding of their language was a punishment for rebellion, restoring it would be the praper reward for united return to His service. This seems to be the meaning of the prophet we have quoted. The unintel- * The language which God gave to Adam in Paradise may be called "pure," when compared with those many tongues invented by men after the dispersion at Babel. If that was the original vehicle of thought in which the Old Testament was written, and which has been so wonderfully preserved as a living tongue by that remarkable people, of whom God says, Isaiah, Ixvi., " I will take of you for priests and for Levites, and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles ; for as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain ;" it is not improbable that Abra- ham's seed may, in Abraham's language, go forth from Abraham's land, and in the tongue in which the Saviour worshiped while on earth, declare to Tarshish, Pul and Lud, to Tubal, Javan, and the isles afar off, His glory THE NEW DISPENSATION. 225 ligible jargon of a thousand tongues ia the united wor- ship of the millennial age, would not sound as agreeable to the ear, as one harmonious swell of a pure speech, un- derstood by all, and going up from all in the same ac- cents of thanksgiving and praise. We can only touch, but can not enlarge further on this point. Rome has at- tempted to remove the difficulty of divers tongues, in the way of general union, by enjoining the use of the Latin language in public worship, but has failed as fail she must in all her efforts to introduce and make uni- versal her system of false pretense, for that glorious dis- pensation is yet to come. Lastly, not only shall there be one visible Head, ac- knowledged as Prophet, Priest, and King, the sole Lord and Judge of all laws and ordinances then to be observed ; one language in common use, and spoken by all ; but 3. There shall be one great metropolis, the seat of royal power and authority, the center and source of re- ligious influence and of control over the whole earth. This shall be that Zion which Grod formerly chose to put His name there, and of which He said, " This is my rest for ever ; here will I dwell, for I have desired it." This sacred spot shall, at this period, be exalted above the mountains and all hills, and all nations shall flow to it ; and He who then and there reigns, will " teach them of His ways, and they shall walk in His paths ; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." Here again the Mother of Harlots has attempted to counterfeit this glorious state of the Church. among the Gentiles, and the whole earth become again, in the worship of God, " of one language and of one speech." 10* 226 THE NEW DISPENSATION. yet to come, by making Rome the center and source of all religious authority and influence, but has miserably failed ; for it has become, as Saint John declares, " a hold of every foul spirit, a cage of every unclean and batet'ul bird." Revelations, xviii. 2. Jerusalem (when it shall become the city of the great King, King Messiah, in His second advent,) shall be the joy of the WHOLE EARTH, and the metropolis of the redeemed world. But as this point will be more or less involved in a suc- ceeding lecture, we shall not dwell upon it any longer, only remarking in conclusion, That this new dispensation of which we have spoken has its limits, as all the former ones have had, and is like them all, not an eternal, but only a probationary state. Its duration will be shorter than some of the past dis- pensations and longer than others of them. The Adamic, or patriarchal dispensation, as it is sometimes also called, continued sixteen hundred and fifty- six years ; the No- atic dispensation lasted four hundred and fifty-one years ; the Abrahamic four hundred and six, the Mosaic four- teen hundred and eighty-seven, and the Christian has now continued eighteen hundred and fifty-nine years, i. e., two hundred years longer than the Adamic, four hundred longer than the Mosaic, and fourteen hundred years longer than the Noatic or Abrahamic. The new dispensation of which we now speak, the millennial, takes its name from its duration millennial, from mille an- num, a thousand years. An old tradition, which the Jew- ish Rabbis trace to the Prophet Elijah, says the world shall continue seven thousand years, two thousand years without the law, two thousand year under the law, two THE NEW DISPENSATION. 227 thousand years under the Messiah, and then comes the Sabbath, or seven thousandth year, when it will have rest. According to the present system of chronology, this would make us yet nearly a century -and a half distant from that glorious period. But chronology is somewhat uncertain, and therefore we can not, with accuracy, calculate the time and the seasons. Let it be our wisdom, then, to be like servants waiting for their lord, who, whether he corn- eth at evening, or at midnight, or at cock crowing, may find them watching ; and especially since, in that new heaven and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness, perfect obedience and subjection to Christ will be the reigning law of that dispensation, let us see to it that our hearts and minds, and all our powers within us 3 are brought into that state of perfect submission to His will, which will always make it our highest delight to walk in His ways, and to do His service, and fit us, if not to live as subjects, peradventure to reign as kings and priests with Him a thousand years. LECTURE XI. THE FIRST RESURRECTION AND REIGN OP THE SAINTS WITH CHRIST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. " And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them ; and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the wit- ness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the Beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their fore- heads, or in their hands, and they lived and reigned with Christ a thou- sand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection. On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." REVELATIONS, xx. 4-6. THE glory which shall be hereafter revealed unto all and in all the children of God, is constantly held forth in holy Scripture as the great persuading and animating motive to us to deny ungodliness, and all worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this pres- ent world. Concerning the nature of that glory, we can say nothing but what the Scriptures say ; we can only speak as they speak. Concerning its degree, we are as- sured that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which G-od hath prepared for them that love Him ; and concerning the heirs of that glory, all the sacred writers are unanimous in the declaration that they are only those who have become reconciled to God ; through the THE FIRST RESURRECTION. 229 death of His Son, and have become the followers and faithful disciples of Christ. Our text presents us with a brief statement and a glimpse of some portion of that reward which is to be given to those for whom it is prepared at the second coming of our Lord. Having treated in our last discourse of that new dispensation which shall be introduced when the present one shall close, that new heaven and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, two questions present themselves for our consideration. 1. Is that state a purely spiritual and celestial one, or a terrestrial and celestial state united ? 2. Have the righteous dead a place, and any special privileges therein ; and if so what are they ? The thousand years'" reign of Christ on the earth we showed in our last discourse to be one of those several dispensations of grace to the children of men, of which four are already past, the fifth is now present, and that will be the sixth. It is a state of probation on the earth for living men, in which, as in all past ages, they will be under a covenant of obedience, and in a course of prepa- ration for a still higher state. We remarked that one of the distinguishing traits of that dispensation would be its theocratic character. The tabernacle of God being with men, and He dwelling with them, the law and govern- ment of God will be supreme over all other powers. Christ will be King over all the earth, and the throne of David in the Jerusalem rebuilt will be the seat of His royal dominion. As there never was a king who executed all the powers of government solely in his own person, but had many associated with, and subordinate to himself, 230 THE FIRST BESURRECTION exercising administrative, judicial, ecclesiastical and civil functions in His name, so in this kingdom, (for which we constantly pray that it may come,) though established in the new earth, and under the new heavens, and governed by Christ in person, it yet seems to be carried on by the aid of viceroys, judges, priests, and teachers of various grades, who will all execute His commands, and apply the princi- ples of His reign to all. Hence says our text, " I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them." What thrones these were, and who sat on them, and who gave them judgment, i. e., the power to execute judgment, the remainder of the text informs us. " And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and that had not worshiped the Beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their forehead, nor in their hands ; and THEY lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Now as those who reign, sit on thrones, here are the occupants of the thrones he saw. " I saw thrones, and they," i. e, the risen saints, "sat on them, and THEY lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Here then is the THEOCRACY, with its whole staff of officers fully organized ; and this is the Millennium, that new dispensation of universal holiness which will gladden the. earth at the second advent of the Son of Man. Now as those who are dead can only live again by a resurrection, so the apostle called this appearance of them at this time the FIRST resurrection. He speaks very positively : " This is the FIRST RESURRECTION. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection ; on such the second death hath no power ; but THEY shall AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 231 be kings and priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years/' The subject of our discourse at this time therefore is THE FIRST RESURRECTION AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS WITH CHRIST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. This glorious event of unfulfilled Prophecy is one to which all Christians should look forward with joy- ful hope and extatic delight, for in its accomplishment they will find the reality of that gracious promise of their Lord, " Well done, good and faithful servant, tbou hast been faithful over a few things ; be thou ruler over many things ; enter thou into the joy of tliy Lord." The doctrine of a future resurrection of the body is one so fundamental in the Christian system, that we will not call your attention to it by rehearsing its proofs. We continually profess it in the Apostles' creed, and therefore may regard it as an article of faith settled be- yond dispute. The only point in reference to the doctrine, which we shall now undertake to show is, that altbough all that have ever died shall be raised again to life, yet that res- urrection shall be a very different event to the two class- es who partake of it. Not only shall some arise to honor and glory, and others to shame and everlasting con- tempt ; but the resurrection of the righteous shall have a long priority to that of the wicked, as long as the whole period of Christ's reign on the earth, i. e., one thousand years. The common opinion that the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked shall take place at the same time is probably derived from two passages of Scripture, which if they stood alone would justify the inference ; but as 232 THE FIRST RESURRECTION they must be interpreted in harmony with other Scrip- ture, do not necessarily sustain such a view. These are, 1. The declaration of our Lord, in John, v. 28: " Mar- vel not at this, for the hour is coming in the which all that are in their graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good to the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation." The other passage is that which Saint Paul uttered before Felix, in which he declares his be- lief in a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust. Because in these general declarations on the subject of the resurrection, no distinction is made in point of time between that of the just and of the unjust, it is inferred that they are simultaneous events ; and this in- ference would be proper enough, were there no other passages which show there is a difference in the time of the resurrection of the righteous and of the wicked, and how long that difference is. Such, however, being the case, the general declarations must of course be inter- preted in harmony with the specific ones. Now Saint Paul, in his first epistle to the Thessalo- nians, iv. 16, declares that the DEAD IN CHRIST shall rise FIKST. " The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven," he declares, " with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise FIRST." But how long before the dead out of Christ, is not here declared. Again in 1 Corinthians, xv. 23, hav- ing made the general declaration, that as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive ; he adds, "but every man in his own order, Christ the FIRST FRUITS, after- ward they that are Christ's" (i. e. } the righteous dead,) AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 233 "AT His COMING/' In this chapter, the resurrection of the righteous only is treated of that of the wicked is not even alluded to and the resurrection of the righteous is de- clared to be at His coming, and that COMING is also de- clared in various passages of the Scripture to be WITH His SAINTS, and to "gather His elect from the four winds of heaven," to give reward unto His saints, and to them that fear. Him; and in the text, it is said, they are raised to reign with Him a thousand years, and this is called the FIRST RESURRECTION. The word first being a relative term, must have reference to a second, and if we can determine when that second resurrection takes place, then we may decide how long the first precedes it. In verse 7, of this chapter, the apostle says, when the thousand years are finished, Satan is let loose a little sea- son, and goes out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, and gathers a great army and encompasses the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and is destroyed by fire from heaven, after which he sees the " dead, small and great, stand before God." In the text, having declared the resurrection of the righteous to be to reign with Christ a thousand years, he adds, u the rest of the dead," i. e., the unrighteous dead, "lived not again until the thousand years ivere finished." Now at the expiration of the thousand years, he sees these stand before God, the sea giving up its dead, and death and hell, (i. e.j the grave and hades,) delivering up the dead which were in them, and all being cast into the lake of fire, which he declares to be the second death. In the text, he had asserted that those having part in the first resurrection were " blessed and holy," because " on them the second 234 THE FIRST RESURRECTION death had no power." But those raised and judged after the thousand years had passed, all fell under the power of the second death. Is it not evident, therefore, that the two resurrections differ as well in point of time as they do in character ? The first is at the beginning of the thousand years, the second, after its expiration. The first at the binding and expulsion of Satan from the earth, the second, after his being loosed for a little sea- son. The first, to live and reign with Christ on the earth, the second to be cast out from His presence into a place of torment ; in other words, the first, is the resurrection of the just and unto life ; the second, the resurrection of the unjust, and unto damnation; that they are separated from each other by the whole period of the millennium. We are at a loss to conceive how these truths could be expressed with more precision and exactness than they are in the chapter from which our text is taken. 2. If the point then is established, that the resurrection of the righteous is at the beginning of the thousand years, let us next inquire whether all the godly dead are raised at this time, or only a portion of them ? From the language of our text, some have maintained that this first resurrection is to be only of the most distinguished of the righteous dead, martyrs and confessors, and those who have done much and suffered much for Christ. They suppose that the expression, " souls of those that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the Beast, neither his image, nor had received his mark upon their fore- heads or in their hands," describes only those who have suffered a violent death ; because in chapter xiii., where AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 235 the last Antichrist is described, who does great wonders, so that he makes fire to come down out of heaven in sight of men, it is said, that he compels all both small and great to worship an image of a Beast which he en- dows with the power of life and speech, and to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead, in order to buy or sell, and whosoever would not comply with these orders should be killed. Revelations, xiii. 15. The text, evidently referring to this persecution of Antichrist, declares, that those who had not worshiped the Beast nor his image, nor had received his mark in their forehead or in their hands, should live and reign with Christ a thousand years. But while such language includes those especially designated, it by no means ex- cludes all others. In fact, all who have lived before this Beast came into existence, and of course never worshiped him or received his mark, are included in the terms of the blessing. So that believers of all ages are comprehended in what seems at first sight to be the privilege restricted only to a few. We conclude, therefore, that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will be with ALL HIS SAINTS ; that the children of the first resurrection will be all the godly dead, from righteous Abel to the last believer that shall depart this life before the second advent.* As the Prophet Zechariah declares, " The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee." * Perhaps the two Witnesses, being the last among the slain by Anti- christ, shall be among the first raised at the second coming of Christ to de- stroy him, and thus be the first fruits of that noble army of martyrs who shall then, with all who have suffered for Christ, be called to reign with Him. 286 THE FIRST RESURRECTION In addition to these, there will be also the godly liv- ing who shall be on the earth at His appearing. What shall be their state ? The apostle having informed us in the first epistle to the Thessalonians, iv. 16, that " the dead in Christ shall rise first/' adds, " then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air." " They shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the last trump." " We shall not all sleep" says the apostle, i. e. } the sleep of death ; "but we shall all be changed." Those who had put off this corruptible by death, shall put on incorruption by a resurrection ; and those who had not yet put off this corruptible by death shall put it off by a translation, such as Enoch and Elijah received, who are types of those who shall be changed at the sec- ond advent of Christ, as the saints who, at the resur- rection of Christ, came out of their graves and went into the holy city and appeared unto many, are types of those who at His second advent shall awake from the dust and enter into glory. 3. Let us next examine the privileges and employ- ments of the saints after their resurrection and trans- lation. These are described in our text, viz., " To live and reign with Christ a thousand years." His second coming being to establish His kingdom, their gathering unto Him at that time is to be associated with Him in that kingdom as His servants and ambassa- dors, His viceroys and priesthood, and to execute such authority as He shall entrust to them. This theocratic state, in which the saints shall rule with Christ, was fore- told by the Prophet Daniel long before the first advent AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 237 ^- of our Lord. He declared that the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, and which became a great mountain and filled the whole earth, was the kingdom which the God of heaven would set up after the over- throw of all other kingdoms ; and that this kingdom should not, like all the former, he left to other people, but be given to the people of the SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH, and should never be overthrown. And describing the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven, he also saw thrones placed for those who were to be asso- ciated with Him in that kingdom. Our Lord said to His apostles, " Ye who have followed me in the regene- ration," (i. e.j of the world, when He that sits on the throne says, behold I make all things new; a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dvvelleth righteousness,) "ye shall sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Here is a royal dominion, promised them at His second coming. Describing, in another place, the reward of His faithful servants, He declares, that it shall be to one to have dominion over ten cities, to another over five cities ; showing in what manner they reign with Him, viz., as prefects and as subordinate officers throughout His king- dom. The whole earth shall probably be districted, and such portions and duties be assigned to each as each shall be qualified to perform. And here, undoubtedly, one star shall differ from another in glory. Some shall have higher stations, and more extensive authority ; others inferior stations, and a more limited influence. The Prophet Daniel intimates that none shall be so con- spicuous and highly honored as those who have been most instrumental in winning souls to Christ. " They that 238 THE FIRST RESURRECTION turn many to righteousness shall shine as stars in the firmament for ever and ever/' It would, of course, be impossible for us to imagine or conjecture what will be the endless variety of occupa- tions of all the redeemed in the millennial kingdom. We know not how the myriads of angels who now invisibly surround us, and minister to them who are the heirs of salvation, are daily occupied in their works of mercy and love. Suffice it to say, there will be something for all to do, according to their capacities. We know, from the Saviour's declaration, that the apostles will each be kings, and each have a tribe of the restored Israel to reign over. " Yet shall sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." And it is not improbable that the same spheres of usefulness and fields of labor in which men have been engaged in doing good during life, may be placed under their dominion in the world to come. That dominion which was originally given to man before the fall, and was lost by sin, the second Adam, who has recovered by His death, will again restore after the res- urrection. So He assured His followers, Luke, xiii. 32 : " Fear not, little flock ; it is your Father's good pleasure to give you THE KINGDOM." And again, Luke, xxii. 30, " I appoint unto you A KINGDOM, as my Father hath appointed unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table, and sit on thrones judging the TWELVE TRIBES of Israel." The Apostle Paul has assured us that if we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him; and the new song which the apostle heard all the expect- ant saints sing, was fc unto the Lamb, who was worthy to take the book and loose the seals ; for thou hast re- AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 239 deemed us unto God by thy blood, out of every kindred, and nation, and people, and tongue, and made us unto our God KINGS AND PRIESTS, and we SHALL REIGX ON THE EARTH," Revelations, v. 10. Was this a de- lusive hope ? Our text declares it to be a glorious real- ity. " They,"t. e., the children of the first resurrection, " lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years ; and they were priests of God and of Christ/' But where there are kings there must be subjects for them to rule over, and where there are priests there must be people for them to minister unto. Who are these subjects ? and who and where are these people ? We answer, they are the nations of them that are saved and escape from the overwhelming judgments which shall desolate the earth in the great day of the Lord, and from whom the earth again shall be overspread. As from the eight who came out of the ark, the world (which had been swept of its inhabitants by the flood,) was repeopled, so from the remnant that shall escape the final conflagra- tion a numerous posterity shall spring up, and again re- people the globe more numerously than ever, and over these shall the risen saints reign, and execute kingly and priestly offices. The reasons why they shall be associated with Christ in this last dispensation of mercy to our world are prob- ably twofold : 1. To reward them for their faithfulness to Him dur- ing the trials of their earthly career, and 2. To secure in the best manner the happiness of the human family by a pure administration of the laws of His kingdom. 240 THE FIRST RESURRECTION The binding of Satan and casting him into the bot- tomless pit for a thousand years, by separating his evil influences from our race, and putting them beyond the reach of his diabolical wiles, has saved them from one fruitful cause of trouble, misery, transgression, and evil- doing. But still another remains. Very many of the evils of society in all ages have flowed from bad govern- ment. Incompetent 'or dishonest men have had the mak- ing and administration of the laws, and their virtue and fidelity have not always been proof against corruption, or oppression, or fraud. In fact, human nature seems to be too weak and corrupt to act with perfect integrity in those high trusts which involve the dearest interests of mankind. Now to present those evils to society which arise from bad laws- and bad rulers and magistrates ; the Kedeemer, who is King over a 1 .! the earth, establishes a new dispensation for mankind, and gives them laws which emanate from His own wisdom, and then entrusts their execution to those who have been tried and proved to be faithful, and found to be worthy of the first resurrection, and who, freed from the temptations of our fallen nature, having exchanged this corruptible body for an incorrupti- ble one, will be actuated solely by considerations of the public good and Divine glory. As KINGS, they will rule under the great King of kings in righteousness and equi- ty ; as priests, they will officiate in the name and by the authority of the Great High Priest in the beauty of holiness. All causes of bickerings and jealousies being removed from ambitious aspirants for office, and the au- thority of Christ's agents being acknowledged and sub- mitted to, the peace and harmony of the world will flow AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 241 on from age to age like a mighty stream. It is easy to see, that if in that dispensation the government of the world and the administration of its affairs were still in the hands of fallen men, the same struggles for power, which have ever marked the history of our race, and the same strife for office, with all their demoralizing and dis- turbing effects upon the harmony of society, would be renewed ; and, instead of universal peace, contentions and wars would (as they always have done,) spring up and desolate the face of the earth. Therefore, power is entirely taken out of the hands of men still in the flesh, and given to the RISEN SAINTS, who exercise it with justice and truth in the name of the King of saints, and of the Prince of the kings of the earth. Under the former theocracy, the experiment was fully made of an attempt to administer the laws of God by men, and failed. There never was a purer-minded magistrate on earth than the Prophet Samuel, who was consecrated to the service of God from his infancy, and judged Israel forty years. Not one single act of oppression, or corruption, or injus- tice in any form, was ever laid to his charge. God, whose deputy he was, to rule His people of Israel, approved of His administration, and even the nation itself, when seeking a change of government, publicly attested the purity of all his official acts, and yet they were not satis- fied to have the power remain where it was, but ven- tured on that foolish experiment which brought such manifold disasters on the nation. As a priest, also, Samuel was unremitting in duty, and blameless in life. Yet this was no protection to him against the clamors of ambitious men, who desired to usurp some of his 242 THE FIRST RESURRECTION powers, or to shape the policy of his administration ac- cording to their pleasure ; and therefore they began to agitate for his removal. And this is a thing of almost daily occurrence in every age : man hates to be under the government of his fellow man. Though the office be a Divine office, as for example the Christian minis- try, yet if the incumbent exercises the undoubted pre- rogatives of his office, however pure and blameless may be his life, or even eminent his qualifications, somebody will take exception to something, and be offended, and begin to agitate for his overthrow. And these move- ments do not always proceed from the worst class of so- ciety, but sometimes from men of the highest standing, who, to gratify a personal pique, from the most trivial cause, will disturb the peace and harmony of a whole community. Often have men who owe their salvation to the pastor who was the first to turn them from their wanderings and neglect of God and His worship, and gather them into the fold of Christ, and given them po- sition and influence, been the first to lift up the heel against him, as Judas to his master, and seek his over- throw. So that many an one has had to exclaim with the betrayed monarch, " And you, too, Brutus 1" Now if power both in Church and State were continued in the hands of men in the flesh, during the new dispensa- tion or millennial state, the same scenes would proba- bly occur which have disgraced all past dispensations contests for authority leading to acts of insubordination and rebellion, would be frequent. Therefore Christ takes all power out of the hands of fallen men, and entrusts it wholly to those who have been raised above all those in- AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 243 fluences to which they are still subject in their fallen state, viz., to RISEN SAINTS, who will execute their trust with fidelity to both Him and them. THEY shall be the kings and the priests of God and of Christ, and live and reign with Him " a thousand years." The theoc- racy established in the person of the God-Man will be carried out in the persons of His redeemed saints, and this it is which will make that dispensation one of such superior glory and lasting happiness to mankind. Many questions arise connected with this subject which we can now only touch upon : the full discussion of them must be left to some future occasion. These are, 1. Where will these risen saints dwell in this new dis- pensation ? Will they have their abodes among men, and daily mingle with them in the affairs of life ; or be in some separate place from whence they will issue for the exercise of their kingly and priestly functions among men ? We answer, their abode seems to be in that new Jerusalem which comes down from God out of heaven, and whose magnificence and glory are described in chap- ter xxi. of the KeveLitions of Saint John. This city of our God, eternal in the heavens, i. e., the aerial heavens, is the promised future abode of all His faithful followers ; for into it entereth nothing that defileth or worketh abomi- nation, or rnaketh a lie, but only they that are written in the Lamb's book of life. Here seem to dwell the risen saints, and from hence to issue forth to execute their divine commissions throughout the earth. The vision of Jacob's ladder is then first realized, viz., constant com- munication between heaven and earth, by messengers from the former to the latter. From the new heaven, 24:4 THE FIRST RESURRECTION wherein dwell the risen saints in the new Jerusalem, to the new earth, where still remain the children of men, in the flesh, will the servants of the King go forth to exe- cute His commands among our still fallen race. The next question is, will the state of men on earth be at that time a state of sin and death, of sorrow and suf- fering, as at present ; or will they be entirely exempted from these evils under this reign of Christ with His saints ? We answer, these evils (it would seem,) will in a great degree cease on the earth, but not entirely. The terrestrial state of this new dispensation will be dif- ferent from its celestial state. In the present dispensa- tion^ both the aerial regions and the solid earth are un- der the curse, Satan occupying the one, as the prince of the power of the air. which is the region of storms and pestilence, and of heaven's fearful artillery the electric dart, and men occupying the other, on which still rests the curse of barrenness, and other tokens of God's wrath for sin, which make it a land of sickness, suffering and death to all its inhabitants. Then Satan being cast out of both the heavens and the earth, the former shall be occupied by the risen saints, and the latter by the sur- vivors of the general conflagration and their posterity, not yet perfected, and therefore not entirely delivered from the effects of the fall. As we have in this discourse considered more particu- larly the conditions and employments of those occupy- ing the new heavens, i. e. } the risen saints, so we propose in our next discourse to show you what Scripture teaches of the condition and employment of those occupying the new earth, i. e., men still in the flesh ; and to point out * AND REIGN OF THE SAINTS. 245 the advantages they will enjoy over us in this dispensa- tion, and show from what evils now oppressing us they will be delivered. In conclusion, may we not congratulate all those who are children of God by faith in Christ upon the glorious prospect which awaits them at His second coming ? " They shall be kings and priests unto God and Christ, and shall live and reign with Him a thousand years." What more could the Saviour do for them than to give them a full share of the glory which He Himself had ob- tained? This was His promise, Kevelations, iii. 21, " To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame and am set with my Father on His throne ;" and here is its fulfillment. To those who love to be engaged in the Redeemer's service here, but often know not what to do, how delightful is the prospect, that then they shall have an honorable post of duty, and a sphere of usefulness which they can fill with credit to their Master, benefit to their race, and happiness to themselves. But to have a title to these blessings, we must be truly Christians ; not in name only, or in out- ward profession, but in heart, and soul, and actual spir- itual union. We must be "in Christ." It will not an- swer for us to call Him Lord, Lord, and do not the things He says. To such He will say, " I never knew you. De- part from me, ye workers of iniquity." Those who will not have Him to reign in them and over them NOW will not be called to reign with Him then. Belonging to " the rest of the dead which lived not again till the thousand years are finished," they shall have no part in the first resurrection, nor any interest in the promise, " On such 246 THE FIRST RESURRECTION, ETC. * the second death hath no power." On what ground could they claim the inheritance of the saints, or reason- ably expect a place of honor or of government in His kingdom? Could they be priests, to teach others obe- dience to their Lord, who had never learned obedience to Him themselves ? The CHUKCH OF CHRIST is the school of preparation for the KINGDOM OF CHRIST. HERE we must learn to obey, that THERE we may be qualified to govern ; and those who never take up the cross here can never put on the crown there. Can any expect to enter the kingdom of Christ without His permission ? Vain hope ! He will call none into His service hereafter who have refused to enter it here, and to perform all the duties it prescribed and enjoined. " The faithful unto death shall have the crown of life," and THEY only shall have part in the FIRST resurrec- tion, and, as KINGS and PRIESTS of God and of Christ, serve Him day and night in His temple, and live and reign with Him a thousand years. LECTURE XII. THE ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OP THE INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. "For behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad, and rejoice in that which I create ; for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy ; and I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy hi my people : and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die a- hundred years old: but the sinner being a hundred years old, he shall be accursed ; and they shall build houses and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit ; they shall not plant, and another eat ; for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands ; they shall not la- bor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that be- fore they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock ; and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord." ISAIAH, Ixv. 17-25. THE change produced upon the face of nature by the fall of the autumn leaves, and the cold chill of the win- ter's frost can scarcely be greater than the blight which passed over the beautiful earth, when for Adam's sin God said to him, " Cursed be the ground for thy sake." Earth felt the wound, and her loveliness paled before the withering curse So again the change from dreary win- 248 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE ter, which is produced upon the face of nature by the buds and blossoms of returning spring, and the genial in- fluence of sunshine and showers, can scarcely be greater than that which will be effected when that curse under which the earth has so long groaned, shall be removed, and nature shall again shine forth in all her pristine beauty. The transitions from the blessing to the curse, and again from the curse to the blessing, comprise the two extremes of the world's history. They are the Alpha and Omega of the earth's career, beginning with " PAR- ADISE LOST" and ending with " PARADISE REGAINED." We have in our former lectures contemplated, to a certain extent, that glorious future which Prophecy de- clares yet to await our fallen world. We have medi- tated upon the words of Saint Peter : " Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," and saw that a dispensation of grace, far exceeding any that has ever existed in our fallen world, is to succeed the present, which is called the Christian dispensation. We have also meditated upon the words of Saint John concerning the " first resurrection and reign of the saints with Christ for a thousand years," and have seen who are to be the occupants of the new heavens in that future glorious dis- pensation, and what are their powers and privileges. We now invite you to meditate with us on the words of the Prophet Isaiah, and see what is the state and condition of those who shall then occupy the NEW EARTH ; what advantages men still in the flesh , shall then enjoy superior to those we now enjoy, or those which have been enjoyed in any past dispensation. And as a heavens and INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 249 an earth make up a world, this view of the future terres- trial state and its inhabitants, as well as of the celestial and its occupants, is necessary to a full comprehension of the whole subject THE NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH, and of all who dwell therein. The language of Saint Peter, 2 Epistle, iii. 13, re- ferred to a promise then existing. He says, " Neverthe- less we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth." That promise is contained in our text, in which the Prophet Isaiah says, " For behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." While Saint John's vision, Revelations, xx. 4-6, showed us, viz., the kings and priests of that dispensation, the Prophet Isaiah shows the subjects and people over whom they rule, and the happiness they enjoy, and the favored con- dition of the earth and all its inhabitants, down even to the brute creation, under the rule of Christ and His saints. We will now enter upon the examination of that state of the earth, and of society upon it, as it is presented in the words of our text. A contrast is here made : " Behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind/' i. e. } the difference between that state of society and the present and all the past shall be so great as that none shall look back then as is now frequently done, and sigh after the days that are past, the good old times that are gone, and lament the evil days that are to come, and wish that they had lived in former ages ; no, in the glory and blessed- ness of that age then present, all shall be so satisfied and delighted that no wistful look toward the past nor vain 11* 250 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE regrets that it is gone shall for one moment be indulged ; " the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." The prophet then begins to specify the things which shall be the occasion of special joy and gratitude in that day, and says, "be ye glad, and rejoice for ever in that which I create." Who does he here address ? Be YE glad, and rejoice. Who? We answer, the JEWISH PEOPLE, as is evident from what follows, " for behold I create JERUSALEM a rejoicing, and HER people a joy ;" and why does he address THEM so particularly ? Be- cause the change will be so much more extraordinary to THEM than to any other people. Ever since the captivity in Babylon, nearly twenty-five hundred years ago, that people have felt the rod of some oppressor, and groaned under the calamities of either war, captivity, oppression, or exile. The Christian dispensation, sad to say, and humiliat- ing to confess, has been to them one of exceeding cruel- ty. For centuries they have had to suffer reproach, con- tempt, and wrong, in lands called Christian. Driven from country to country by cruel persecution, their own land in possession of enemies, and their beloved city trodden under foot of the G-entiles, they have had no rest nor abiding place except during the last century, when in this, and a few of the countries of Europe, toleration has been granted, and exemption in some degree from civil disabilities. But in mst parts of the world they still endure the ignominy, and often have to submit to the rapacity, of the people among whom they dwell. And that city of their affections, to which their thoughts and prayers are constantly directed ; and that sacred spot on INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 251 which the temple stood, they see polluted with fake shrines ; and their brethren who still linger among the sacred remains of their former glory, reduced to the low- est form of penury. Now to them the prophet says, " Be YE glad, and rejoice for ever in that which I create ; for behold I create JERUSALEM a rejoicing, and HER PEOPLE a joy." This change shall be one, therefore, which to the seed of Abraham, above all people on the face of the earth, shall be attended with happiness and joy ; for Jerusalem, from being a ruin of former ages, shall be the joy of the whole earth, and the Jews, from being a proverb, and byword, and hissing, as Moses declared, shall be a praise, and an honor, (as Jeremiah predicts, xxxiii. 9 :) " before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear of all the good which the Lord shall do unto them." The occasion does not permit us to enter into this part of the subject fully, and adduce all the evidence from Scripture, which shows to what a degree of magnifi- cence JERUSALEM REBUILT will attain, or how great shall be the respect and esteem with which all the children of Israel shall be treated by the nations of the earth. One passage alone must suffice to speak for all the rest. The Prophet Zechariah, viii. 13, says, " It shall come to pass that as ye were a curse among the heathen, house of Judah, and house of Israel, so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing. For as I thought to punish you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath, and I repented not, so again have I thought to do well to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah j for thus saith the Lord of Hosts, in those days it shall come to pass that ten men out of all languages of the nations shall take hold of the 252 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE skirt of a Jew, and say, we will go with you, for we have heard that GOD is WITH you ; and all nations shall call you blessed, for ye shall be a DELIGHTSOME LAND, SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS." " Therefore/' says the prophet, in the text, to them, "be ye glad, and rejoice for ever in that which I create ; for behold I create JERUSA- LEM a rejoicing, and HER PEOPLE a joy." That city in. which they have lamented and wailed for so many centu- ries by the sepulchres of their fathers, and the ruins of their temple, shall be to them joy and gladness, when rebuilt and reinhabited by them, and shall become the THRONE of the Lord, and the METROPOLIS of the world. The prophet still proceeds, " And I will rejoice in Je- rusalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall no more be heard in her, nor the voice of crying." The fountains of sorrow, which are rilled from so many different sources, shall all be dried up. Probably the most sorrowful city in the world, for centuries past, has been the city of Jerusalem. The lamentations of Jere- miah apply as strictly to her at the present day as they have ever done : " How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people ? How is she become a widow, that was great among the nations ? She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks !" All travelers testify to the dreary and gloomy aspect which every thing wears in the holy city. A penitential cry, and a doleful lamentation arise on the eve of every Sabbath day from the down-trodden Israelites, who assemble in groups un- der the walls of the city which enclose the Mosque of Omar, the site of the temple, and utter the plaintive cry, "Ail bene, Ail bene; bene bethka bekarob, bimheira, bim- INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 253 heira ; beyamenu bekarob ;" the meaning of which is, " Lord build, Lord build ; build thy house speedily, in haste, in haste ; even in our days build thy house speed- ily." Then the voice of this cry shall no more be heard in her, nor the voice of weeping, but the voice of rejoic- ing and praise ; and according to the Prophet Isaiah, xxvi. 1, " In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah : We have a strong city ; salvation will God appoint for walls and for bulwarks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth truth may en- ter in." In every city upon the face of the earth, perhaps, the greater portion of weeping and crying proceeds from children. The various diseases of infancy, the aches and pains, and numberless anxieties, and hopes, and fears they experience, all find vent through streaming eyes and audible sobs ; and then (as our bills of mortality show, that a large portion of the human family die in infancy,) these little sufferers unconsciously draw many a tear and sigh from the aching hearts of their bereaved parents, whose hopes are blasted by their untimely removal. Now the prophet in describing the condition of society in the new earth says, " There shall be no more thence an in- fant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days ; for the child shall die a hundred years old, but the sinner, being a hundred years old, shall be accursed." By this is meant that the period of infancy at that time shall not be reckoned by days and months, but by many years. When children now obtain a few years of life, we call them no longer infants, but boys and girls, or youths ; then, at a hundred years they shall still be called infants. 254 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE If we divide human life into nine periods, and call the first nine infancy, the second nine childhood, the third nine boyhood, the fourth nine youth, the fifth nine man- hood, the sixth nine middle life, the seventh nine full maturity, the eighth nine declining years, and the ninth nine, or eighty-one years, old age, then the sands of life are nearly run out, and the grave is waiting to receive us. According to this apportionment of the periods of life, Methuselah, who lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years, would, at the age of one hundred, have been only an infant, at two hundred a child, at three hundred a boy, at four hundred a youth, at five hundred a man, at six hundred in middle life, at seven hundred full maturity, at eight hundred decline of life, at nine hundred an old man, (and he at that age still lived sixty-nine years longer, which is within one year of the age of an old man in this period of the world.) We therefore conclude that if at the period the prophet refers to, one dying at a hundred years shall die an infant, it must be because the longev- ity of the antediluvians is restored, and men live again nearly, or quite a thousand years. Infancy shall not be reckoned by one, or two, or three hundred days, but by a hundred years, because old age is then nine hundred years or more. " There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor," continues the prophet, " an old man that hath not filled his days ;" now, in consequence of sickness, disease, ex- posure, hardships, or dissipation, and other causes, many become broken in health and constitution in early life, and are old men before they have filled their days, i. e., before they reach middle life. Then the child shall die an hun- INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 255 dred years old, but the sinner, being an hundred years old, shall be accursed. This settles the question whether there will be any death in the new earth. There will be, but it would seem only of transgressors, for while the in- fant dies a hundred years old, it would seem that its death occurs because at that period it discovers a sinful propensity, and begins to indulge in wickedness. Now, infants who manifest early depravity, are permitted to live and to grow up and pass through all the stages of life, corrupting others by their examples; THEN that great evil to society, bad example, will be rooted out at once, and evil doers, although infants, will be immediately cut oft' by death. Neither will there be any premature old age, because those things which produce it, dissipation, exposure and disease, will then be unknown. The air of the new heavens being rilled with salubrity, and the productions of the new earth being all nutritious, and the habits of mankind pure and virtuous, every thing will contribute to health and long life. So much con- cerning the sanitary condition of that period. The prophet then passes on to the different arrange- ments which men will make for their domestic comfort. They shall build houses and inhabit them, they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them; they shall not build and another inhabit, they shall not plant, and another eat a thing which is often done in our day, and has been repeated in every age. A man will build a house, and before it is finished be cut off by death and never occupy it ; or plant a vineyard, and before it has borne any fruit give up the ghost, and another take possession and eat of its fruits. These disappointments are incident to the 256 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE frailties of human life in our present state, when we know not what a day may bring forth ; but far otherwise shall it be then ; for the builder of a house shall occupy it, and the planter of a vineyard shall eat of its fruit; and the reason is given : " for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands." It is well known that some trees live and flourish for centuries. The cedars of Lebanon are famous for their powers of resistance to all the ele- ments of decay, and stand as monuments of ancient times. The tree near the town of Somma in Lombardy, which tradition says existed in the days of Julius Csesar, is known by most undoubted evidence to be more than a thousand years old ; and recently those giants of the forest which have been discovered on our Pacific coast, and specimens of which have been exhibited among us, are, from their concentric circles, pronounced by some naturalists to be near three thousand years old. So that the comparison in our text, "as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands," can only be understood of the longevity of mankind in the new earth, and is of no point or force in any other point of view. Methu- salehs, and Jareds, and Lamechs, all of whom, in the Adamic dispensation, lived more than nine hundred years, will in the new earth be as plentiful as they are scarce now ; men shall "long enjoy the work of their hands, inhabit the houses they builded, and eat of the fruit of the vineyards they planted." No more will worshiping assemblies then be called to utter, in their songs to God, the humiliating sentiment, INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 257 " Our term of time is seventy years, An age that few survive ; But if with more than common strength, To eighty we arrive, " Yet then our boasted strength decays, To-morrow, turned to pain ; So soon the slender thread is cut, And we no more remain." " THEN as the days of a TREE shall be the days of my people."* Years old. * One of the most celebrated trees in the world is the great chestnut tree of mount JEtna, named the chestnut tree of a hundred horses. Tradition says that Jane, Queen of Arragon, visiting mount ^Etna, found shelter in it from a storm, with her retinue of a hundred persons on horseback. It is hollow above ground, and solid below. A public road leads through it wide enough for two coaches to drive abreast. In it also is a hut built. Its circumference is one hundred and sixty three feet. Said to be the oldest of trees ; supposed to be some thousands of years old. Adamson examined a Baobab tree in Senegal, and inferred that it had attained the age of five thousand one hundred and fifty years, by the concentric rings, 5,150 The celebrated Taxodium of Chapultopec, Mexico, says De Can- dolles, is supposed to be even more aged ; its circumference is one hundred and seventeen feet. The oldest tree in England is supposed to be the Parliament oak in Clipstone park, belonging to the Duke of Portland. Edward the First held a parliament under its branches. It was a park be- fore the Conquest. The tree is about 1500 The same nobleman had an oak higher than "Westminster Ab- bey, called the Duke's walking stick. The Casthrop oak, Yorkshire, measures seventy-eight feet in cir- cumference. " Three shire oak," at Workshop, covers part of three shires, York, Nottingham, and Derby. It dropped over seven hun- dred and sixty-seven square yards. The Wallace oak, at Ellerslie, Scotland, is .... 700 Yew trees at Fountain Abbey, England, are . . . 1200 Olives in the Garden of Olives, Jerusalem, .... 800 Banians in Hindostan, are : 3000 258 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE The causes promoting this longevity of the inhabitants of the new earth will undoubtedly be the salubrity of the climate and the equal temperature which will then prevail, together with the freedom from all extremes of heat and cold, or sudden changes of temperature. Into this question, however, we will not enter any further at the present time, but proceed to the next particular. " They shall not labor in vain nor bring forth for trouble, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them." How many of the sorrows of life proceed from disappointed hopes, arising from the failure of those plans of life or schemes of happiness in which we embarked, and expected success ? One enterprise after another fails, and our fond expectations are blasted, we mourn over the destruction of our cherished desires, and feel that there is nothing abiding under the sun ; that all is vanity and vexation of spirit. While this is true in the thousand instances of the various business opera- tions of life, it is especially true in the domestic relations of mankind. How much unhappiness arises from the un- filial conduct of children (whom fond parents have in- dulged to a fault,) from their waste of that substance which they toiled long and anxiously to lay up for them, from their habits of dissipation, and their violation of those moral precepts and virtuous principles which they inculcated, need not be mentioned. Many a gray hair has been brought down with sorrow to the grave, and many a parent has expressed their regret that they ever had any children at all. It is a sad fact, which every day's experience bears witness to, that, especially in the distribution of prop- INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 259 erty, in the division of estates, and in the giving of por- tions to children, dissatisfaction, and jealousies, and heart-burnings arise, which often make a parent wish that the whole property was buried in the sea. Many an honest, prudent, industrious father, who has labored for the prosperity of his children, and their comfort in life, even at the sacrifice of his own, has had to exclaim he has labored in vain ; he has only produced unhappiness all around, instead of gratitude and joy. Now the prophet says, in that blessed state of the world they shall not labor in vain, or see with sorrow that all their efforts to make their children happy were fruitless. Happiness and contentment will reign all around. " Neither shall they then/' he adds, " bring forth for trouble" This refers to another matter. The sorrows of the maternal parent are of a peculiar kind. None can know their intensity but mothers alone. The whole period of gestation is often nothing but a period of protracted anguish, terminating sometimes in the sad scene of one life sacrificed for another. Many a child has been a ben-oni to its mother, whose soul, like Rachel's/ has departed at its birth. The doom pro- nounced on Eve, still rests, with unmitigated severity, upon all her daughters ; and so dreadful is this curse that we have a standing petition in our litany to implore its mitigation, and a thanksgiving service to be performed when the mercy sought has been granted ; which service, it is to be regretted, through false delicacy, perhaps, is not as religiously and scrupulously observed as it should be. The anguish of parturition is used by our Lord as the strongest metaphor that can be selected to describe ex- 260 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE treme suffering. But, even in the most favorable cases, what anxieties and cares still follow the period of birth. There are all the watehings, and attentions, and fears, and hopes of the period of infancy ; the sufferings of the little ones, felt often more deeply by the mother than by themselves ; and at last, when the dangers of infancy are passed, and boyhood or girlhood has commenced, and the fond mother begins to look with pride upon the season of budding youth, the frost of death comes and nips the flower before it is blown, and the fond parent, over- whelmed with grief, is forced to exclaim, " / have brought forth for trouble." At the birth of Cain, Eve exclaimed with joy, "I have gotten a man from the Lord ;" but that man proved to be a murderer, and she was forced to feel that the pride of her heart was a curse of his kind, a vagabond upon the earth. Now, in that blessed state to come, while fathers will not labor in vain, mothers will not bring forth for trouble. The curse pronounced upon the first mother, and which has ever since rested on her daughters "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children" will be entirely removed, so that there will be no more ben-onis among the infants then born, or " Kachels weeping for their children, and refusing to be comforted because they are not." The pains and perils against which we offer our liturgical cry being all removed, happy mothers will bring forth with joy ; and the description of the Psalmist, which has thus far been onLy partially and occasionally, will then be fully and constantly realized to every man : " Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thy house, thy children like INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 261 olive plants round about thy table. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them." While a large family is now often considered a burden, it will then be regarded a blessing. And that horrible crime of infanticide, which is now practiced in many parts of the earth, to prevent a too great increase of population, will then be unknown ; for every infant will be welcomed as an inhabitant of the new earth. We can readily imagine how great will be the increase of mankind in a dispensation of so many outward bless- sings. No children dying in infancy, except the occa- sional instances of juvenile depravity, and no mothers dying in giving them birth, and parents living for sev- eral hundred years, increasing, and multiplying as in the Adamic age, the population of the new earth, or millennial dispensation, will exceed by a thousand fold that which it has ever attained in any previous age of the world. The highest estimate that has ever been made of the population of the globe is a thousand millions. In the new earth it is not improbable that it may attain to the enormous amount of ten hundred thousand millions ; for not being subject to the large discount which death makes among infants and adults in every generation, the increase will be in that steadily-progressing ratio which doubles itself within every given number of years. The reason for this rapid increase of the inhabitants of the new earth is given in our text. " They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring tvith them." God blessed both Adam and Noah, the two 262 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE fathers of the human family, and said, " be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth," and if, under all the disadvantages of the fall, with sickness and death con- stantly preying upon the human race, first from two, and afterward from eight, such teeming millions have sprung, and overspread the earth, what may not he expected in that age when all the agencies of evil shall be suppressed, and every instrumentality for good will enjoy a special blessing from the Lord ? Verily, the inhabitants of the new earth shall be as the " sands on the sea shore for multitude," and as the stars of the sky innumerable. Having given this description of the social condition or domestic state of society in the new earth, the Prophet next speaks of their religious privileges and advantages, especially the favor they shall enjoy in communion with God. " And it shall come to pass/' he says, " that before they shall call I will answer, and while they are yet speak- ing I will hear." Prayer offered up shall not be long unanswered, or perhaps not answered at all, as often oc- curs in these days. Even Moses, that faithful servant of God, could not obtain the favor for which he supplicated. Thrice did he pray earnestly, " I beseech thee let me go over Jordan, and see that goodly land and Lebanon," but the Lord replied, "Ask me no more concerning that mat- ter." The favor was not granted. And St. Paul thrice besought the Lord concerning that "thorn in the flesh," that "messenger of Satan," sent to buffet him, that it might be taken away, but received for a reply, "My grace is sufficient for thee." The favor was not granted. And others, though not refused, have had to pray long and wait long before the blessing sought was obtained. But INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EAKTH. 268 now the promise is, " It shall come to pass that while they are yet speaking I will hear, and before they call I will answer." God will, as it were, anticipate their desires, and grant them, even while asking for them. We learn from this that prayer at that time will still be a duty. The law of the present dispensation will be also the law of that dispensation. " Ask, and ye shall receive, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you;" only the blessing will then be brought nearer to the sup- plicant than it is now. Perhaps faith will be stronger to lay hold of it than it is at present, and all the graces be in greater readiness to receive. How delightful only to open our mouths to have them filled ! to stretch forth our desires unto God, and to have them immediately gratified ! Yet such shall be the happy privilege of the worshipers of that dispensation. The Prophet next passes on to show the state of the inferior creation, and how the blessed change which has taken place in the earth affects the animal tribes, and says, " the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord/' The savage natures of the beasts of prey have always spread terror among the domestic animals, who flee at their approach. The lamb dreads the wolf, and the wolf covets the lamb for a dainty meal ; but now this fear and savage desire shall be extinguished in both breasts ; for the wolf and the lamb shall feed together in harmony and peace. And the lion, who spread his terror over all the beasts of the field, and put his fear also upon man, because of his power to tear 264 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE and destroy, shall lose his ferocious spirit, and change the quality of his food; from being a carnivorous he shall become a graminivorous animal, and " eat straw like the ox." Perhaps, also, like the ox, he shall become a beast of burden, and be used by man in the cultivation of the new earth. The serpent, also, that venomous reptile which lurks in our pathways, and in our unguarded moments inflicts the fatal sting, shall be rendered power- less to injure any more, and then, not relieved from the odium which has ever attached to that animal, he shall still bear the marks of his degradation in the food ap- pointed for him, which shall not be animal, as now, or vegetable, nor fruit, nor herbage, but DUST, the refuse of all things. The entire harmlessness of the most venom- ous serpents at that time is thus described by this prophet in chapter xi. 8 : " The sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den, they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth is full of the knowl- edge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Such is the description which this prophet gives of the state of the inhabitants of the new earth in their moral and social, domestic and religious conditions. In other parts of this, and some others of the prophets, the picture is made more complete by an enumeration of various other advantages which will then be enjoyed ; e. g., the extraor- dinary fertility of the earth, and especially Judea, at that time. The Prophet Ezekiel declares that it shall be as the garden of the Lord ; the Prophet Isaiah, that the wilder- ness and the solitary place shall smile with verdure, and the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose. Even the great INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 265 Sahara, with its three thousand miles of driving sand, with here and there only an oasis, shall become a fruit- ful plain ; the glory of Lebanon, and the excellency ot Carmel and Sharon shall be given to it. The Prophet Amos declares that in those days the plowman shall over- take the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth the seed ; i. e., vegetation shall be so rapid, and the suc- cession of crops so continual, that the sower and reaper can scarce keep out of each other's way ; and he adds, " the mountains shall drop down sweet wine, and the valleys be covered with corn, and the pastures with flocks/' Famine, and scarcity, and drought, and barren- ness shall be things of the past, only to be known when they read the history of the former dispensations. We might continue our selections from the prophets, to complete the glorious picture, which they give through- out their pages, of millennial felicity, but necessity re- quires that we must draw our remarks to a close. In our last two discourses, we contemplated the new heavens, and the new earth yet to come, in two aspects. 1. In general, as a dispensation of grace, in which the human family were to be advanced to a higher state of happiness and perfection than they had ever yet at- tained. 2. In particular, as a dispensation embracing two class- es of the human family who have separate and distinct interests, duties, privileges and places of abode ; viz., first, the risen saints who occupy the new heavens, and there reign with Christ, as kings and priests, over the new earth ; and secondly, the men in the flesh who still remain on the solid earth, and cultivate it, marry and multiply, 12 266 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS OF THE and pass through the stages of infancy, youth, manhood and old age. We have in this discourse considered the latter, the terrestrial state of this new era, and this gives us an entire view of the whole dispensation, and shows us the whole Church gathered together in one under Christ, its head, filling the whole world, the heaven and the earth, one part acting as rulers over the others, and possessing the proper qualifications to act as KINGS and PRIESTS over them. In all previous dispensations the Church has been divided and separated, and those best qualified to rule and govern, have been removed from her. This is her state now. The saints who have overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, having fought the good fight, and finished their course and kept the faith, are now resting in Paradise, waiting for the "first resurrection," and the second coming of the Lord. They can not assist us now with their counsels, nor direct our affairs when in difficulty, or danger, or doubt. The treasure of the gos- pel is still in earthen vessels, and the power of the keys in the hands of fallible mortals. But when, in the NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH, the Spirits of the just who have been made perfect, are brought forth in their glorified bodies, and, occupying the new heavens, are placed over men still in the flesh, inhabiting the new earth, then the Church will be UNITED IN ONE BODY, and be ONE, with its rulers and subjects, its priests and people, and all to- gether bowing the knee to Him of whom the " whole family in HEAVEN AND EARTH is named," the risen saints exclaiming, " Thou hast redeemed us to God, by thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation, and hast made us unto our Grod kings and priests, INHABITANTS OF THE NEW EARTH. 267 and we shall reign on the earth," and those in the flesh saying, " We give thee thanks, Lord God Almighty, which art and wast, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned." Then shall be realized the beautiful language of Cowper : " One song employs all nations ; and all cry, Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain for us. The dwellers in the vales and on the rocks Shout to each other, and the mountain tops From distant mountains catch the flying joy, Till, nation after nation taught the strain, Earth rolls the rapturous Hosanna round. Thus heavenward all things tend. For all were once Perfect, and ah 1 must be at length restored. Haste, then, and wheel away a shattered world, Te slow revolving seasons ; we would see A world that does not dread and hate his laws. Come, then, and added to thy many crowns, Receive yet one, the crown of all the earth, Thou who alone art worthy. It was thine By ancient covenant, ere Nature's birth, And thou hast made it thine by purchase since, And overpaid its value by thy blood. Thy saints proclaim thee King, and in their hearte Thy title is engraven with a pen Dipped in the fountain of eternal love." Well may all exclaim, " 0, how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee, for them which trust in thee before the sons of men." In our next discourse we shall attempt to explain the difference between the Millennial Dispensation and the New Jerusalem state, a dispensation yet beyond the millennial, and the seventh, and last, and closing state 268 ADVANTAGES AND BLESSINGS, ETC. of redemption's work on earth. This, it would seem, shall be introduced after the thousand years are finished, Satan let loose, defeated, and overthrown, the wicked dead raised and judged, and with Satan cast into the lake of fire. Then shall the righteous of the NEW EAKTH, joining the righteous in the NEW HEAVENS, enter on their final and unchangeable state of everlast- ing joy and peace. Beyond this, revelation neither does, nor can we, go. There must we rest our inquiries and researches, and happy will we be, if there we may at last " Repose our weary souls, And find eternal rest, Where storms ne'er beat, nor sorrows roll Across our peaceful breast." LECTURE XIII. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. " And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." REVELATIONS, xxl 1-4. THE glory which shall be hereafter revealed, is set forth in Scripture by one expression, as remarkable as it is incomprehensible ; it is called " an exceeding and eternal weight of glory." To apply the term weight to glory, suggests the idea of materiality as belonging to the glory hereafter to be revealed. Many suppose that the glory of the heavenly state is altogether moral or spir- itual in its character, and that no part of the happiness of the redeemed will be derived from material objects. This is a sad mistake. The resurrection body, with all its restored senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching, will be as much alive to the beauties and pleasures of outward objects as the present body is in 270 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION this life. The new heavens and the new earth, with all their splendid adornments, will be as enchanting to the new organs of the risen body, then incorruptible, as ever the most magnificent landscape of this fallen earth was to these sin-polluted bodies. Therefore, it is not altogether improper, in view of the material glory of the new Jeru- salem, as it is described in the chapter from which the text is taken, to speak of its exceeding and eternal weight. There is a substance in visible and material objects which can be determined by weight and measure. The gold which adorned the temple of Solomon was of an exceed- ing though not eternal weight. The glory of that build- ing was both material and spiritual. The precious metals with which every thing was overlaid constituted the ma- terial glory, and the Divine presence the spiritual. Even so will it be with that CITY and TEMPLE, of which Jerusalem and its holy place were only faint shadows. " That city which cometh down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband/' will exhibit a material glory of surpassing grandeur and a spiritual glory of inexpressible delight, and both together will jus- tify that expression of Saint Paul, " an exceeding and eternal weight of glory." We have at length arrived at that final state of glory and blessedness in the history of our race to which all the previous dispensations of grace have been gradually leading us. We have seen, 1. The Adamic dispensation, with its seal, the tree of life, commencing in mercy in Eden, and ending in wrath at the flood. 2. The Noatic dispensation, with its seal, the rainbow, AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 271 commencing in mercy after the deluge, and ending in wrath at the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. 3. The Abrahamic dispensation, with its seal of cir- cumcision, commencing in mercy at the call of Abraham, and ending in wrath at the overthrow of Pharaoh in the Red Sea. 4. The Mosaic dispensation, with its seal of sprinkling of blood, commencing in mercy at mount Sinai, and end- ing in wrath at the destruction of Jerusalem, and over- throw of the Jewish polity. 5. The Christian dispensation, with its seal of Baptism, and the Lord's Supper, commencing in mercy at the as- cension of Christ, or at Pentecost, and to end in wrath at the battle of Armageddon. 6. The Millennial, with its seal not yet declared, to commence in mercy at the second advent of our Lord, and to end in wrath, after Satan, let loose out of his prison, gathers an army together against the camp of the saints, and is hurled, with all his hosts, in the lake of fire, and 7. And lastly, the New Jerusalem, the final and un- changeable state, when the work of the Redeemer being completed, and the season of probation closed, the right- eous shall all enter upon that eternal state of perfect and everlasting enjoyment which shall need no other change, because it is incapable of improvement. Those visions of the future, in which it was given to the prophets to indulge, extend no further than this. This is the ex- treme limit to which Divine revelation conducts us. In attempting to unfold this last dispensation to you, and show its nature and peculiarities, we shall first 272 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION 1. Endeavor to correct some errors into which inter- preters of the Scriptures have fallen with regard to this final period of glory to be hereafter revealed, and 2. Show the difference between the millennial dispen- sation and the New Jerusalem state. 1. The first error we notice is that of the SWEDEN- BORGIANS, who maintain that the New Jerusalem dispensation has already commenced, and that it has been in existence for nearly or quite a century. This strange delusion, the offspring of a visionary enthusiast, was first promulgated by the Swedish seer, (as he is called,) Em- manuel Swedenborg, of Stockholm. He announced to the world, in a small tract published at London, A. D. 1758, that he saw with his own eyes, when broad awake, the last judgment take place, in the year 1757, i. e. } one hundred and two years ago, immediately after which the New Jerusalem state was inaugurated ; that the Chris- tian and the millennial dispensations have both passed away; and that the present state of the world, which he called New Jerusalem, was its final and perfected state. Christianity having from the beginning to the present time taught the doctrine of Christ's second coming to judge the world, when every eye should see him, and all the inhabitants of the world shall stand before him, this self-styled apostle pretended that the Lord had chosen him to be an eye-witness of these great events, and hav- ing seen them, to proclaim them abroad, organize a new church, and declare the New Jerusalem state begun. Accordingly, on the 19th day of June, A. D. 1770, twelve disciples were sent forth to preach this new gospel every- where, to proclaim the everlasting reign of Christ begun, AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 273 and invite all men to the marriage of the Lamb, which they asserted then took place. As is usual in the ad- vancement of a new theory, it soon found advocates. Its novelty and mysticism commended it to visionary minds, Its absurdity and unscripturalness proved no objection to such, nor its utter irreconcilableness to the teaching of the universal Church from the beginning. This visionary theory did not spread with the rapidity that others quite as absurd have often done; it seemed rather adapted to minds of a peculiar cast, to visionary and imaginative minds. Unlike to Mormonism, which is gross and sensual, it is mystical and contemplative, and therefore its converts have been limited to a smaller class. The sect embracing these views is exceedingly small, both in this country and Europe, and was in a de- clining state until recently, when it was stirred up by the appearance and spread of what is called Spiritualism, to which it bears a close affinity. The hope of large ac- cessions from this quarter seems to have inspired them with new energy, but that hope we believe has in a great measure proved delusive, for Spiritualists claim to be far in advance of them, and refuse implicit faith in the teach- ings of their apostles. The number of their followers does not exceed thirty thousand in the United States, while the Spiritualists, though of yesterday, claim ten times that number. The Swedenborgians, however, pay more deference to the Scriptures than the Spiritualists, although their system of explaining it is at war with all sound principles of interpretation. They indulge to such excess in what they call the spiritual or internal sense of the word, that they sweep away almost all literal truth. 12* 274 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION By this process they get rid of the doctrines of the sec- ond advent of Christ, resurrection of the body, and judg- ment to come, and persuade themselves that the seventh dispensation has already arrived, before the fifth has in reality closed. It is a most extraordinary fact, in connection with this delusion, and one which should have opened the eyes of its votaries to see its absurdity, that since the first pro- mulgation of this new gospel, and the establishment of the so-called New Jerusalem Church, A. D. 1770, the most violent conflicts have raged among the nations of the earth of which history gives any account. That fierce contest which commenced in the American Revolution and was continued in the French Revolution, and ulti- mately involved all the powers of Europe, continuing for more than a quarter of a century, and drenching the na- tions in blood, took place (can any one believe it?) in the New Jerusalem state ! That period which, according to the Scriptures, was to be a period of universal holiness, has been one of most destructive wars ! ! ! Can any sane mind credit such an absurdity? And let any one contemplate the state of things throughout the world at the present day, and ask, is there any resem- blance in it to that blessed period when there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, and no more sea ? Imaginative minds may indulge in pleasing fan- cies until they really believe them to be facts, but sober thinking persons will never sacrifice stern realities to beautiful theories, or close their eyes to the actually ex- isting state of things. 2. The next error with regard to the new Jerusalem AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 275 state is committed by those who confound it with the millennial state, who do not distinguish between the sixth and seventh dispensations, yet to come, nor notice the clear line of demarcation which divides the two. In our tenth lecture we showed, from the words of Saint Peter, " Nevertheless we look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," that a new dispensation would succeed the present, in which the human family would be advanced to a higher state of knowledge, holiness, and happiness than it has ever at- tained in any past dispensation. In our e'eventh lec- ture we showed, in the words of Saint John, Kevelations xx., 1-4, that the righteous dead, who at the second coming of Christ shall be raised to live and reign with Him, shall occupy the new heavens, and be, under Christ, the kings and priests to govern and minister unto those who, in the millennial dispensation, still in the flesh dwell on the new earth. In our twelfth lecture, we showed, from the words of the Prophet Isaiah, Ixv. 17, the manifold blessings, temporal and spiritual, which shall be enjoyed by the inhabitants of the new earth, under the government of Christ and His saints. Now, in consequence of the risen saints occupying the new heavens at the same time that those in the flesh in= habit the new earth, some have supposed that the new Jerusalem state is identical with the millennial dispen- sation. Interpreters of Prophecy have differed on the point whether that holy city, the new Jerusalem, whose glory and magnificence are described in this chapter, with its twelve foundations, garnished with all manner of precious stones ; its gates of pearl, and streets of gold, 276 THE MILLENNIAL .DISPENSATION comes down from God out of heaven at the beginning or end of the millennial dispensation. Those who think its appearance immediately follows the coming of Christ and His saints, at the beginning of the millennium, and that it is their abode daring the thousand years' reign, infer that the new Jerusalem state must, of course, then begin, and belong to the millennial dispensation ; while others, who place its appearance at the end of the thou- sand years' reign, consider the new Jerusalem state to be subsequent to the millennial dispensation. But may not the new Jerusalem dispensation be subsequent to the millennial^ although the holy city itself should descend from heaven at the beginning of it ? In support of this view, 1. Let us point out some of those resemblances be- tween these two dispensations, from which it has been inferred that they are one and the same ; and then 2. Mark those differences between them, which show clearly that they are different and distinct dispensations. Both dispensations have their existence on this globe. The human family in all past and future time will retain its connection with this earthly habitation which God created for it. The defacement of its primitive beauty, (which has been so sadly marred by sin,) is no argument against its being a future happy abode for the redeemed. On the contrary, there is a strong reason why, on the very spot where the GKEAT ENEMY OF GOD AND MAN sought to destroy His work, and gain a victory over Him, he himself shall be conquered and destroyed. Hence, in the millennial dispensation peace and happi- ness shall be restored on this earth to the human family AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 277" by the expulsion of Satan from it, and his confinement in the bottomless pit. And in this respect it agrees with the new Jerusalem dispensation, during which, Satan expelled also from the aerial regions, shall be cast into the lake of fire, and the saved from among men shall en- joy peace and quietness for ever. But the casting of Satan into the bottomless pit at the beginning of the millennium, and his loosing at the end of it, for a little season, followed by a great apostacy, and his final over- throw and casting into the lake of fire, show most clear- ly that the millennial and new Jerusalem dispensations are separate and distinct states of the Church on this earth, not cotemporaneous, as some suppose, but the one preced- ing and the other following ; the millennial dispensation imperfect, the new Jerusalem perfect ; the millennial a limited dispensation in point of time, the new Jerusa- lem unlimited, i. e. } eternal. Both are distinguished by the personal presence of Christ, and both by the hap- piness of the human family under his reign. But the new Jerusalem as far exceeds the millennial dispensation as that does the Christian, or the Christian the Jewish. Let us notice some of the points of difference. The following are the most obvious and striking :* 1. The millennium, or Christ's reign on the earth as the Son of Man and Heir to the throne of David, is ex- pressly limited to a thousand years. During this time Satan shall be bound, and be cast into the bottomless pit. *The fullest contrast that we have seen of these two states, maybe found in a small tract published by the Rev. William Ramsey, of Phila- delphia, a few years ago, which we would recommend to the reader for perusal 278 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION Wars shall cease to the end of the earth, and Christ's dominion shall be universal. But at the end of the thou- sand years Satan shall be loosed a little season, and gath- er a great army, and make an attack upon the camp of the saints, and of the beloved city, i. e., the Jerusalem which is on mount Zion, when fire comes down out of heaven and destroys them, and all are cast into the lake of fire, which burneth with brimstone ; which is the second death. Then immediately follows the second resurrec- tion, i. e.j the calling from their graves those who had no part in that resurrection which took place at the be- ginning of the thousand years, and which is expressly called the first resurrection. Kevelations, xx. 6. But a dispensation which commences with the resurrection of the just, and ends with the resurrection of the unjust ; which owes its abundant happiness in some degree to the expulsion of the great enemy of God and man from the dwelling places of society, and yet must come to an end when He returns to the scene of His former triumphs over the weakness of human nature, can not be that final state which shall know no change, and is capable of no ameli- oration. This, then, is the first point of difference between the millennial and the new Jerusalem states of the Church, or the sixth and seventh dispensations of God's mercy to the children of men. The one is terminable, the other eter- nal, in the heavens. 2. During the millennial dispensation the sea is to re- main, Ezekiel, xlvii. 8-10 : " And He said unto me, these waters issue out of the sanctuary towards the east country, and go down into the sea ; and being brought AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 279 forth into the sea, the waters are healed. And it shall come to pass that fishers shall stand upon upon it, from En-gedi to En-eglaim," (places on the Dead Sea,) "and the fish shall be exceeding many, as the fish of the great sea ;" that is, the fish of the sea which lies east of Jeru- salem, now called the Dead Sea, and which the finny tribes have not for ages inhabited, shall then be equal to the fish of the great sea, i. e., the Mediterranean, where they have always been abundant. Also, in Zechariah, xiv. 8, it is declared, in that day living waters, i. e., waters producing life, shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them towards the former sea, i. e., the Dead Sea, and half of them towards the hinder sea, i. e., the Mediter- ranean ; in winter and summer it shall be. That these predictions have never yet been fulfilled, the whole world is witness. That they belong to a future age, is un- questionable. That that age is the millennial is evident from an examination of the Prophecies in which they occur. And that it is not the post millennial, or the new Jerusalem dispensation, is equally evident, from the ex- press declaration of Saint John, Kevelations xxi., that in that dispensation there was no more sea. Now, certainly the dispensation which has no sea can not be identical with the dispensation which has a sea. It must be a dif- ferent and subsequent one. 3. After the thousand years of millennial rest and fe- licity have expired, preparation is evidently made for a change, in which the happy are to be made happier still, and the miserable still more miserable. The sea gives up its dead, and death and hell, i. e. } the grave and the place of departed spirits, give up their dead ; a great 280 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION white throne is set, the books are opened, and the final doom of all pronounced. The holy city, the new Jeru- salem, then seems to come down from God out of heaven, i. e., the aerial heaven, in which it was visible during the millennium, and a great voice is heard, saying, " Be- hold, the tabernacle of God is with men ;" and He that sits on the throne says, "Behold I make all things new." After this there shall be no more crying, nor sorrow, nor pain, of which there were occasional instances during the millennium, (especially when the child died an hundred years old, and the sinner, being an hundred years old, was accursed,) for the former things are done away. How marked, therefore, is the difference between the Mil- lennial and the New Jerusalem states ! The Great Judge of the quick and the dead holds his grand assize at the end of the first, and at the beginning of the last, when probation ends, and eternal retribution begins. No change subsequent to this event is noticed in the Scrip- tures of truth. From this time forth the destinies of all are fixed by that irrevocable decree, " He that is unjust, let him be unjust still ; he that is filthy, let him be fil- thy still ; he that is righteous, let him be righteous still ; he that is holy, let him be holy still." In other words, whatever men are found to be at the end of the millennium, they must and will continue to be through the endless periods of eternity. 4. In the millennial dispensation, the city of Jerusa- lem, which in this dispensation has been trodden under foot of the Gentiles, will be rebuilt, and will then be the largest city that has ever been on the earth. It will be nearly ten miles square, or forty miles in circumference. AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 281 Vide Ezekiel, xlviii. 30-35.* But the new Jerusalem, the abode of the risen saints, is to be twelve thousand furlongs, (vide Revelations, xxi. 16,) i. e. } fifteen hun- dred miles square. The millennial Jerusalem shall be built upon the earth. The sons of the stranger are to aid in building up its walls, Isaiah, Ix. 10. The fir tree, the pine, and the box are to be used in beautifying it. Gold, silver, brass, and iron are to enter into the com- position of that city, Isaiah, Ix. 17. But the new Jeru- salem is to come down out of heaven, already prepared, and adorned as a bride for her husband ; its builder and maker is God. This city is fifteen hundred miles square, or twelve thousand furlongs, and its height, and length, and breadth are equal ; its wall is to be of jasper ; its foundation garnished with twelve varieties of precious stones ; its twelve gates each a pearl ; its streets of pure gold like transparent glass, such as earth does not yield, for our gold is opaque and yellow. Such a city as this surpasses and ever will surpass the ability of our race to erect. Earth could never furnish the materials for it ; and faith itself could not believe the wonderful description of its size and splendor, and especially its reality, were it not expressly declared that it is the sole work of the " Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible ;" or, in the language of Saint Paul, a " city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." * The measuring reed which Ezekiel saw in the hands of the man who was directed to measure the temple, vide chapter xl. 5, was in length six cu- bits, and a hand breath, i. e., about ten feet ; and the city described in chap- ter xlviii. 30-35, was, on each of its four sides, four thousand five hundred measures, which would make it the largest city ever built on earth. 282 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION 5. In the millennial dispensation a temple is to be erect- ed of great magnificence, differing wholly from either of the former which have stood on mount Sion, which is fully described by the Prophet Ezekiel, in chapters xl. xliv. This temple will not, (it would seem,) like the former, stand in the present city of Jerusalem, which is in the bounds of the tribe of Benjamin, as divided by Joshua, but be some distance north of it in the bounds of Judah, which in the new division of the land, as foretold by the Prophet Ezekiel, xlviii., appears to be north of Benja- min's portion instead of south. Compare Ezekiel, xlv. 1-5, and xlviii. 8, 15-30. It is perhaps on this spot that David's Son and Heir will occupy His father's throne, Luke, i. 32, and, as the Prophet Zechariah, vi. 13, de- clares, sit and rule, and be a priest on His throne. Vide also Isaiah, ix. 7. But in the new Jerusalem John saw no temple, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it, Revelations, xxi. 22. Ceremonial and sacramental rites having terminated with the millennial dispensation, places for their performance are no longer needed ; all praise and adore the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, face to face. 6. In the millennial dispensation, seed time and har- vest, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease, vide Isaiah, Ixv. 22 ; Amos, ix. 13 ; Zechariah, xiv. 8. The Prophet Isaiah declares, xxx 18-26, that the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold, as the light of seven days, (in one), in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people and healeth the stroke of their wound. But in the new Jerusalem there is no need of AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 283 the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light there- of, and there is no night there. Revelations, xxi. 23-25. The risen saints in that dispensation seem to be for ever discharged from all terrestrial conditions, and raised to a state in which sowing and reaping, and changes of sea- sons, belong to them no more. 7. During the millennial dispensation there will be births as now. The Prophet Isaiah, Ixv. 20, says, " There shall be no more an infant of days" i. e. short- lived infants. This was explained in the former lecture, in which we showed also how great would probably be the increase of the earth's inhabitants during that period when the longevity of the Antediluvians would be re- stored. But in the new Jerusalem they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God, being children of the resurrection. Matthew, xxii. 30. 8. During the millennial dispensation, there will also be deaths as well as births, although the former will be exceeding few as compared with the latter. " The child," (says the Prophet Isaiah,) "shall die an hundred years old," (if at that age, which shall still be its infancy, it shall incline to iniquity,) " but the sinner," (i. e., infant sinner,) "being an hundred years old, shall be accursed." But Saint John assures us that in the new Jerusalem state there shall be no more death, xxi. 3, neither any more curse, xxii. 3, for the former things are done away. This then appears to be the final and unchangeable con- dition of the children of men. How different from all the former, not excepting the millennial, is this new Jerusalem state ! 284 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION 9. In the millennial dispensation, the inhabitants of the new earth shall build houses, and inhabit them, shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them ; but in the new Jerusalem state we read only of the tree of life, with its twelve manner of fruits, which it bears every month, the leaves of which are for the healing of the nations. Does it not appear from this that the nations of the earth, which walk in the light of the city which is illumined with the glory of God and the Lamb, xxi. 23, (not the earthly but the heavenly Jerusalem,) belong to an inferior dispensation, and consequently that the mil- lennial and new Jerusalem dispensations can not be the same, although the holy city, the metropolis and final home of all the redeemed, is seen by them in the heavens, as the pillar of cloud and of fire was by the Israelites during their pilgrimage to Canaan ? In this dispensa- tion we can only see by faith the King in His beauty, and the land that is very far off. Then, perhaps, the heavenly glory will be hung out to the admiring gaze of all the dwellers upon earth, in the firmament of heaven. 10. During the millennial dispensation, animals shall exist, and the curse be taken from them, either in whole or in part; " the wolf shall lie down with the lamb, and the leopard with the kid, and the cow and the bear shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child put his hand on the cockatrice's den ; they shall not hurt or destroy in all God's holy mountain." What a change from the present state and condition of things ! In the new Jerusalem state we have no account of the existence of these animals, from AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 285 whence we infer it to be another and a subsequent dis- pensation. 11. In the millennial dispensation, the land of Canaan shall be divided among the twelve tribes of Israel, in sections widely differing from those given to them by Joshua, according to the command of God. The Prophet Ezekiel, chapter xlviii., describes the portion which each shall have as running from east to west, in parallel lines, from the Mediterranean sea to the river Jordan, a divis- ion of the country which has never yet been made among the seed of Abraham, but which awaits its fulfillment in the age to come. But no distinction between the seed of Abraham and the Gentiles is ever referred to in the new Jerusalem state. That seemed to belong entirely to the "dispensation of the fullness of times," while the various probationary periods were running their courses. It began with the third dispensation and ends with the sixth, the seventh being the last and perfect state, when there shall be no more Jew or Gentile, high or low, rich or poor, for " Jerusalem which is from above is free, and is the mother of us all/' and gathers into her arms all the redeemed out of every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue, who have made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. 12. The last point of difference which we will notice between the millennial and new Jerusalem states, is s that the names of the cities which are each to be the metrop- olis of its respective dispensation, are wholly different. The name of the city to be the metropolis of the new earth, or millennial dispensation, is called, " JEHOVAH SHAMMAH," which means, the Lord is there. Ezekiel, 286 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION xlviii. 35. The name of the city which is to be the abode of the risen saints during the millennium, is the NEW JERUSALEM. It is also called the "great city," the "holy city." Revelations, xxi. 2, 10. Now if this comes down from heaven while the Jehovah Shammah still stands in the land of Judea, about thirty miles north of the pres- ent city of Jerusalem, and becomes the ultimate gath- ering place of all those who are written in the Lamb's book of life, as declared in Revelations, xxi. 27, it must be because there is intended to be made a higher devel- opment of mercy and grace to the children of men than ever before was made : in other words, a dispensation still in advance of the millennial, which, with all its bless- ings, was still an imperfect state. From these various considerations, we conclude that when the thousand years of Millennial blessedness shall be spent, the endless ages of the new Jerusalem glory shall begin, and roll on, until perhaps the new earth shall receive, in place of its " Jehovah Shammah," that city which hath Twelve Foundations, in which are the names of the Twelve Apos- tles of the Lamb, and whose streets of gold, and gates of pearl, and light from the glory of God, will impart to it such beauty and splendor, that heaven itself can scarcely be conceived of as more magnificent and attrac- tive. In fact, earth will be made heaven, by the glory of heaven being brought down to it ; and then, truly, there shall be no more death or curse, for the former things will be done away. Such is the inheritance of the saints, " and this is their portion from me, saith the Lord of Hosts." Who can refrain from joining in the raptur- ous strain of the poet ? AND THE NEW JERUSALEM STATE. 287 " scenes surpassing fable, and yet true ; Scenes of accomplished bliss, which who can see, Though but in distant prospect, and not feel His soul refreshed with foretaste of the joy ? See Salem built, the labor of a God ; Bright as the sun the sacred city shines. Thither, redeemed by blood, with robes made white, Are gathered all the followers of the Lamb. Zion 1 an assembly such as earth Saw never, such as Heaven stoops down to see 1" How does it become us, who are still in this land of sickness and death, to lift up our heads and rejoice in the hope set before us in the gospel, singing, as we travel to Immanuel's land, "Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to me, When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee ? When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walla And pearly gates behold ; Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? Oh when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts attend ; Where congregations ne'er break up. And Sabbaths have no end ? There happier bowers than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know ; Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. Apostles, martyrs, prophets there Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band, 288 THE MILLENNIAL DISPENSATION. Jerusalem, my happy home, My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labors have an end, When I thy joys shall see." To this song of hope let us add the prayer of faith : God, who hast prepared for those who love thee such good things as pass man's understanding, pour into our hearts such love toward thee, that we, loving thee above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all we can desire ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. tJIITBESITY THE END. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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