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It has seemed best, however, to include them in this list, merely noting the fact. 1 789. Sept. 1 9. Estimates of Expenses for 1 789. Treasury Department/September 19, i789./The Secretary of the Treasury,/! n obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives,/of the i7th Instant, /Respectfully Reports/. . ./[Colophon. New York, Printed by Thomas Greenleaf.] Folio, pp. 21. B.A., N. 142 1789. Circular. Payments of Customs with Bank Notes. Circular. Treasury Department, September 22d, 1789. 4to. 143 1789. Circular. Light-houses, Beacons, etc. (Circular) Treasury Department/New York Octo- ber ist 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 144 1 789. Circular. Revenue Cutters, Duties, Forms. (Circular)/Treasury Department./New York Oc- tober 2d. 1789 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 145 1789. Circular. Light-houses, Beacons, etc. (Circular) / Treasury Department. / October 5th. 1789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 146 3 1 789. Circular. Discounts on Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department/October 6th. 1 789 [MS.] 410, i 1. 147 1789. Circular. Returns of Exports. (Circular) Treasury Department. October loth. 1789 [MS.] 410, i 1. 148 1789. Circular. Loan Office, Indents of Interest. (Circular) New York October 1 2th. 1 789 [MS.] 410, i 1. 149 1789. Transmission of Public Money. (Circular) Treasury Department. Oct. I4th. 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 150 1 789. Circular. Returns, Duties on Tonnage. (Circular) Treasury Department October 2Oth. 1789 [MS.] 410, 2 11. 151 i 789. Circular. Collection of Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department October 3ist. 1789. [MS.] 410, i 1. 152 1 789. Circular. Payment of Duties, Forms, Rev. Cutters. Treasury Department. Nov. i7th. 1789. [MS.] 410, i 1. 153 i 789. Privileges to small vessels Imports. Treasury Department. Nov. 24th. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 154 1789. Circular. State Revenue Laws prior to 1789. Circular/Treasury Department. Nov. 25th. 1789 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 155 5 1789. Circular. Meaning of certain Revenue Laws. Treasury Department. Nov. 30, 1789. 4to. 156 1 789. Circular Returns. Treasury Department Dec r . ist. 1789. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 157 1789. Circular. Bonds for Duties. (Circular) Treasury Department/December i8th. 1789. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 158 1 789. Circular. Meaning of certain Revenue Laws. Treasury Department, December 23, 1789. 4to. 159 1789. Circular. Duties Coll. prior to Aug. 1789. (Circular) Treasury Department. Decent 3oth. 1789. [MS.] 4 to, i 1. 160 1 790. Jan. 9. Support of the Public Credit. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/to the/ House of Representatives,/Relative to a Provision/ for the/Support/of the/Public Credit/of the/United States,/in Conformity to a Resolution of the Twenty- First Day of/ September, 1 789. / Presented to the House on Thursday the i4th Day of January, I79O./ Published by Order of the House of Representatives./ New-York :/ Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine./M,Dcc,xc. Folio, pp. 51. B.A., N. 161 Attacked in the Gazette of the United States (Vol. I, page 341 and 371) by "A Jersey Man " and " A Connecticut Man," which were replied to by " Pauci sed Honesti." 1 790. Circular. Pensions. Treasury Department 3Oth, Jan'y 1790 [MS.] 4 to, 2 11. 162 1 790. Circular. Payment of Duties. Circular / Treasury Department / February 1 7th, 1790 [MS.] 410, 2 11. 163 1790. Mar. i. Report on Additional Estimates. Treasury Department, / March i, 1790.7. . . the Secretary of the/Treasury respectfully reports to the House of Representatives, ... in addition to the estimate /for the service of the current year which accompanied his report of the 9th of January,/there are various other objects for which an appropriation is requisite, and which are detailed in the/schedules herewith submitted, Folio, pp. 10. B.A. 164 1790. Circular. Enclosing Act relative to Duties. Circular Treasury Department/March 3d. 1 790. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 1 790. March 4. Report on State Debts. Treasury Department,/March 4, i79O./In Obedi- ence to the Order of the House of Representatives, of/the Second Instant,/The Secretary of the Treas- ury,/Respectfully Reports. Folio, pp. 3. 165 1790. Circular. Transmission of Drafts. Treasury Department, March 30, 1790. 4to. i 66 1 790. Circular. Coasting trade. (Circulars/Treasury Department./April 16. 1790 [MS.] Folio, i 1. 167 179- Circular. Light-Houses, &c. Treasury Department April 2ist. 1790 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 168 1 790. Circular. Pensions. Circular Treasury Department. May I3th. 1790 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 169 1790. Circular. Revenue Seizures. Treasury Department, May 17, 1790. 4to. 170 1 790. July 20. Report on Vacant Lands. Treasury Department, /July 20, 1790. /In Obedi- ence to the Order of the House of Representatives,/ of the twentieth of January last/The Secretary of the Treasury Respectfully Reports,/. . . a plan for the disposition of the vacant lands of the United States. Folio, pp. 4. 171 1 790. Circular. Custom House returns. Treasury Department / September 3Oth, 1 790. / Circular. [MS.] 410, i 1. 172 1790. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department/October ist, 1790. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 173 1790. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department/November i9th 1790 [MS.] 4to, i 1. 174 1 790. Circular. Returns. Treasury Department Dec. n. 1790 (Circular) [MS.] 4to, i 1. 175 II 1790- Dec. 13. Report on the Public Credit. Treasury Department, / December 13, 1 790. / In obedience to the Order of the House of Representa- tives,/of the Ninth/Day of August last, requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare/and report, on this Day, such further Provisions as may, in his Opinion be ne-/cessary for establishing the Public Credit the said Secretary / Respectfully Reports [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine] Folio, pp. 7. N. 176 i 790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. Treasury Department/Dec. i3th, i79O./In Obedi- ence to the Order of the House of Representatives, f the ninth / Day of August last, requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare /and report, on this Day, such further Provisions as may, in his Opinion, be ne-/cessary for establishing the Public Credit the said Secretary further/Respectfully Re- ports. [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine] Folio, pp. 22. N. 177 1790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. 1810. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/on/The Subject /of /A National Bank/made/the/thirteenth Day of December 1790. /January 29. iSio./Printed by order of the House of Representatives./City of Washington/ A. & G. Way, Printers/i8io. 8vo, pp. 62. 178 Pp. 51 to 62 are occupied with Albert Gallatin's Report on the same sub- ject, March 2, 1809. 1790. Dec. 13. Report on a National Bank. 1811. The / Report / of the/Secretary of the Treasury/ 13 (Alexander Hamilton,)/on the Subject of a National Bank,/Read in the House of Representatives, Dec. 1 3th, I790./New-York:/Published by S. Whiting & Co./No 118, Pearl-street./]. Seymour, print./i8n. 8vo, pp. 44. 179 1790. Circular. Light Houses. Treasury Department./Dec. 24. 1 790. [MS.] 4to, i 1. 1791. Jan. 6. Estimates for 1791. Treasury Department,/] anuary 6, 17917. ../... Report to the House of Representatives,/relative to Appropriations of Money, for certain Purposes therein mentioned. Folio, pp. 12. B.A., N. 180 I 79 I - Jan. 6. Duties on Tonnage. Treasury Department, Jan. 6, 17917 /general Abstract of the Duties on the Tonnage employed in the United States for one Year . . . Folio, i 1, folding table. B.A., N. 181 1791. Jan. 7. Duties on Imports. Treasury Department, January 7, 17917. . ./. . ./ two Abstracts of the duties on Imports into the United States; .../... from the commencement of the operation of the impost act, to the 3Oth of/Sep- tember, 1 789 ; and .../... for one year following that day Folio, i 1. B.A., 182 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department. January 23d. 1791. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 183 15 I79 1 - Jan. 28. Report on a Mint. The Secretary of the Treasury having attentively considered the Subject referred to him by Order of the House of/Representatives of the fifteenth Day of April last,/relative to the Establishment of a Mint, most respectfully submits the Result of his Enquiries/and Reflections. [Colophon. Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine. Folio, pp. 22. B.A., N. 184 1791. Circular. Pensions. Treasury Department/February 8th. 1791. [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 185 1791. Feb. 15. Exports. Treasury Department, February 15, 17917 / . . . a general Return of the Exports of the United /States, abstracted from the Custom-House Returns, commenced on the/various Days of August, 1789, whereon they were respectively opened,/and ending on the 30 of September last . . . Folio, pp. (4), 3 folding tables. 186 1791. Feb. 23. Cabinet paper. The Argument/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/ upon the /Constitutionality /of a/ National Bank./ [Philadelphia 180-] 8vo, pp. 40. 187 1791. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department/April loth. 1791 [MS.] 4to, 2 11. 188 1791. Circular. Pay of Revenue Officers. Circular. /Treasury Department./April i4th. 1791 [MS. j 4to, i 1. 189 17 I79 1 - Circular. Drawbacks, Revenue Laws. [Private] Philadelphia, April 23, 1791 4to. 190 1791. Circular. Revenue Laws. Treasury Department, May 13, 1791. 4to. 191 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department, July 8, 1791 4to. 192 1791. Circular. Certificates and Measurement of Vessels. (Circular) Treasury Department, August 5th, 1791. 4to, 2 11. 193 1791. Circular. Registry of Foreign Vessels. Treasury Department August 25. 1791 4to. 194 1791. Circular. Officers of Revenue Cutters. (Circular) Treasury Department. September 2ist. 1791 [MS.] 410. 195 1 79 1 . Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department/September 21, 1791 4to, i 1. 196 1791. Nov. 4. Estimates for 1792. Estimate/of the/Expenditures for the Civil List/ of the United States,/Together with the/Incidental and Contingent Expenses/of the /several Depart- ments and Offices,/for the Year i792./[Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine.] Folio, pp. 20. B.A., N. 197 19 I79 1 - Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department. Nov. 21 1791 [MS.] 410. 198 1791. Circular. Revenue Cutters and Light Houses. Treasury Department. Nov. 22. 1791 [MS.] 4to. 199 1791. Circular. Light Houses. Treasury Department November 25th. 1791 [MS.] 410. 200 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/of the/ United States, / on the Subject of/ Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, 1791. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 58. B.A., N. 201 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Dublin : 1792. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/of the/ United States, /on the Subject of/ Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, 1791. /Dublin :/Re-printed by B. Byrne, No. 1 1 8, Grafton-street./M.DCC.xcii. 8vo, pp. 88. 202 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. London: 1793- Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury /of the/ United States, / on the Subject of/ Manufactures. / Presented to the/House of Representatives,/Decem- ber 5, i79i./London ;/Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington-House,/Piccadilly./i793 8vo, pp. 129, (3). 203 21 1 7 9 1 . Dec. 5 . Report on Manufactures. Washington : 1809. Report/of/The Secretary of the Treasury/on the Subject of Manufactures./Made the/Fifth of December 1 79 1. /December 7th. 1809 /Printed by order of the House of Representatives/Washington City/Printed by R. C. Weightman/i8o9. 8vo, pp. 109. 204 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. New York : 1816. Extract/of a Report to the House of Representa- tives/on the Subject of/Manufactures,/By Alexander Hamilton,/Secretary of the Treasury ./In obedience to an Order of the House, of the i5th day of January, 1 790./New- York i/Printed by George Large, No. 5 Burling Slip. 1816. 8vo, pp. 32. 205 1791. Dec. 5 . Report on Manufactures. Phila. : 1817. The/Soundness of the Policy of Protecting/Domes- tic Manufactures ; / fully established by / Alexander Hamilton, /in his Report to Congress on the Subject,/ and by/Thomas Jefferson/in his Letter to Benjamin Austin./. . . . / Philadelphia : / Printed by J. R. A. Skerrett, for the Philadelphia Society for/the Promo- tion of American Manufactures./i8i7 8vo, pp. 24. 206 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Phila. : 1824. Report/of/The Secretary of the Treasury, /[Alexan- der Hamilton,]/on the/Subject of Manufactures, /made the/Fifth of December, 1791. /Printed by order of the 23 House of Representatives./Philadelphia :/Printed by Joseph R. A. Skerrett./Jan. n, 1824 i6mo, pp. 143. 207 Printed for the Soc. for encouraging Am. Manufactures, with the addi- tion of a preface, and a dialogue between an Importer and a Farmer. 1791. Dec. 5. Report on Manufactures. Phila.: 1827. Alexander Hamilton's /Report /on the/Subject of Manufactures,/made in his capacity of/Secretary of the Treasury, /on the Fifth of December, 1791. /Sixth Edition/To which are prefixed,/two Prefaces by the Editor. /Philadelphia: /Printed by William Brown./ Nov. 8, 1827 Edited by Mathew Carey. 8vo, pp. 80. 208 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department, January 2, 1792. 4to, i 1. 209 1 7 9 2 Jan. 2 3 . Estimates and Expenditures. Treasury Department,/January 23, I792/. ../... Report, pursuant to the order of the House of Re-/ presentatives, of the i9th instant, . . . Folio, pp. 4. B.A. 210 1792. Circular. Revenue Cutters. Treasury Department. February 2, 1792 4to. 211 1792. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department, February 6, 1792. 4tO. 212 1792. Feb. 6. Report on the Public Debt. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury ,/on the/ Subject/of the/Public Debt/Presented to the/House 25 of Representatives, /February 7th, 1792. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 15. B.A., N. 213 There are some copies with the letter of transmission dated 1791. 1792. Circular. Bank Notes. Treasury Department, February 21, 1792 4to. 214 1792. March 5. Report on Duties on Spirits. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury ,/on the/ Act for laying Duties on Spirits, &c. / Read in the House of Representatives,/March 6th, i792./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 20. B.A., N. 215 1792. Mar. 1 6. Report on Supplies. Treasury Department, March 16, i792./The Sec- retary of the Treasury, pursuant to a Resolution of the House of/Representatives of the 8th instant, directing the said Secretary to report to the/House his opinion of the best mode of raising Additional Supplies requisite for/the ensuing year, respectfully submits the following/Report. [Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 8. B.A., A. 216 1792. March 28. Imports and Exports. Return/o f/Du ties/on/I mports and Tonnage ;/also on/Exports i/Transmitted to the/House of Repre- sentatives/by the/Secretary of the Treasury, /March 28, 1 792. /Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. (2), 2, folding table. 216* 1792. April 5. Compensation of Revenue Officers. Pursuant to the order of the House of Repre- sentatives/of the i8th of January, 1791, directing 27 the Secreta-/ry of the Treasury to report his opinion whether any/and what further compensation ought to be made to/the Officers employed in the Collec- tion/of the Revenue. Folio, pp. 4. B.A. 217 1792. April 1 6. The Secretary of the Treasury to whom the House of/Representatives were pleased to refer the several Petitions/enumerated in the Lists herewith trans- mitted, marked A./B. and C. respectfully submits the following/Report Folio, pp. (3). B.A. 218 1792. April 1 6. Report on Estimates. Treasury Department/April i6th, 1 792.7. ../... Report to the House of /Representatives, accom- panying an estimate of sums necessary to be appro-/ priated in addition to those provided for by the act passed the 23d De-/cember 1791. Folio, pp. (2). 219 1792. April 17. Report on Marine Hospital. The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was re- ferred certain papers concerning a/Marine Hospital, at the town of Washington in the State of Virginia, and a me-/morial of the Marine Society of Boston, on the subject of Marine Hospitals, re-/spectfully submits the following/Report. Folio, i 1. A. 220 1792. April 1 8. Report on Lost Certificates. The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was re- ferred by the House of Re-/presentatives the several petitions specified in the list herewith, praying the renewal/of certain certificates, which are alleged to 29 have been destroyed or lost, respectfully/makes the following report thereupon. [Colophon. Printed by Childs and Swaine.] Folio, pp. ii. B.A. 221 1 792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular) Treasury Department, May 10, 1792. 4tO, I 1. 222 T 792. Circular. Light Houses. (Circular) Treasury Department. May 22. 1792 LMS.J 4to. 223 1 792. Circular. Custom Regulations. (Circular to the Collectors.) Treasury Depart- ment,/] une 4th, 1792. 4to, I 1. 224 1 792. Circular. Fines and Forfeitures. (Circular to the Collectors.) /Treasury Depart- ment,/] une 8, 1792 4to, I 1. 225 1 792. Circular. Duties. (Circular)/Treasury Department, /June 25th, 1792 4to, i 1. 226 1 792. Circular. Drawbacks and Duties. Treasury Department June 27. 1792 [MS.] 4to. 227 1792. Circular. Collection of the Revenue. (Circulars/Treasury Department,/July 20, 1792. 4to, i 1. 228 1792. Circular. Fees. (Circulars/Treasury Department,/July 22, 1792 4to, 2 11. 229 31 1 792. Circular. Postal Affairs. (Circular.) Treasury Department, July 23, 1792 4to, I 1. 230 1 792. Circular. Custom Regulations. Treasury Department, August 27, 1792. 4to. 231 1 792. Circular. Returns. (Circular.) Treasury Department, August 3ist, 1792. 4to, i 1. 232 1 792. Circular. Duties and Drawbacks. (Circular) Treasury Department, October 12, 1792. 4to, i 1. 233 1 792. Circular. Returns and Bounties. (Circular to the Collectors/of the Customs. )/Treas- ury Department, October 25, 1792. 4to, i 1. 234 1792. Nov. 14. Report on Estimates for 1793. Estimate/of the/Expenditures for the Civil List/ of the/United States,/Together with the/Incidental and Contingent Expenses/of the/Several Depart- ments and Offices,/for the year 1 793. /Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. 23. B.A., N. 235 1 792. Nov. 30. Report on the Public Debt. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury/Respect- ing the/Redemption/of the/Public Debt ;/and the/ Reimbursement/of the/Loan made to the Bank of the United States./Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, pp. (4), 10. B.A., N. 236 33 1 792. Dec. 7. War Department. Treasury Department, Dec. 7th, 1 792/. ../... certain/statements, . . . relative to the Dis-/burse- ments made by the Department of War ; . . . Folio, pp. 8. B.A. 237 Merely transmitted by Hamilton. 1 793- "" Report on Commerce. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign Countries. Philadelphia : Childs and Swaine. 1 793. 8vo, pp. 20. 238 Title from Sabin's Dictionary. This report is by Jefferson, and should read " Secretary of State." 1 793- Jan. 3. Reports on the Foreign Loans. Sunday Statements/ Repecting the Several/ For- eign Loans, Made under the Authority /of the/ United States,/. . ./ /Published by Order of the House of Representatives./Printed by Childs and Swaine. Folio, (2), 6. B.A., N. 239 1793. Jan. 10. Report on Loans. Treasury Department January loth, I793/ /. . . a supplementary/Statement, No. V., which contains the several sums that have been bor-/rowed by the United States, under the authority of the President;/ . . . Folio, i 1. B.A., 240 1 793. Feb. 4. Report on the Public Debt. Sundry/Statements,/by the/Secretary of the Treas- ury. /in Conformity with the Resolution of the/House of Representatives /of the/23d of January, I793./ 35 Published by order of the House of Represent! ves. /Printed by Childs and Swaine Folio, pp. 31. B.A. 241 1793. Feb. 14. Report on Revenues and Appropri- ations. Sundry Statements/made by the/Secretary of the Treasury,/pursuant to an Order/of the Senate of the United States,/on the 2d of January, 1793,/Published by Order of the House of Representatives. Folio, pp. (4), 3 tables. B.A. 242 1793. Feb. 13. Report on Loans. Treasury Department/February- - i793/. . ./In obedience to an order of the President of the United States, founded upon the re-/quests contained in two resolutions of the House of Representatives, of the 23d of/January last, I have the honor to lay before the House . , . Folio, pp. 6. B.A. 243 1 793. Feb. 1 3. Report on Loans. Report/of the/Secretary of the Treasury,/relative to the/Loans/negotiated under the acts of the 4th and 1 2th of August/ 1 79 CC^k^ c r I c c c * crt. CC( rrr r-r a <-C(> ..tec CC Si f C" -cc C <-,< BSSE^'^iEBEPfflCi c crc