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PAGE 9, heading, for ij' read p'. 266, line 1 1 from bottom, for Doberk read Doberck. 267, line 4, for a 2 read a 1 . 267, line 6, for a 1 read a 2 . 274, line 28, for 1.33 read 2.33. 279, line 26, insert comma after "observed right-ascension." 280, in formula, for e t read (erf. 280, line 10 from bottom, for "30 read *3O. 340, line i, for 1880 to 1884 read 1880 and 1884. CORRECTIONS TO THE PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE. PAGE VII, line Camb 30, for Vol. X read Vol. XI. VIII, line Saff 85, for 1875 read l88 5- XIII, for -too77 M (-3.5) read -^0077 (M-3-s). XIX, fourth line from bottom, for 0^36 read 0.36. XXVI, eighth line from top, for + (8.7367^ i? sin S read + (8.7367^ ju* sin 2$. XXXII, line 27, for Pi 1900 read Pi 1800. STAR No. 387, the degrees of declination should be aligned. 515, for 7 Persei (x)i cluster here should read 7 Persei. 7 ladd in cluster h Persei. 519! 533 >add in cluster x Persei. 535J 8 1 6, for +.0028 read +.0034. 923, Remarks, for 53 Eridani read 36 Eridani. 1349, the degrees of declination should be aligned. 1561, for 4 I I"2 read var. 3^2 to 4^2. 1641-2, both notes pertain to 1642. 1706, for 5 Monocerotis read Br. 981. 1706, for var. read 5.2 and delete 4^9 to 5*4 in footnote. 2033, for ''008 read !oo8. 2087, for a Puppis read L 3044. 2973, for +08 read +8. 3064, for -5 read -75. 3356, for 22?i6 read 23^16. 3693, for L 5920 read L 5921. 3885, for ".013 read +Toi3. 4067, for 47 Librae read 49 Libra. 4493, for Sagitarii read Sagittarii. 4936, for +'0025 read +^0027. 4955, for 6?853 read +6^853. 5067, for X Cygni read Pulk 55 2836. 5349, for !ooo2 read +?oooi. 5447-9, invert bracket in remarks, so that both notes apply to 5448. 5660, for 343 read 243, footnote. PAGE 9, heading, for i{ read ju'. 266, line ii from bottom, for Doberk read Doberck. 267, line 4, for a 2 read a 1 . 267, line 6, for a 1 read a 2 . 274, line 28, for -1.33 read -2.33. 279, line 26, insert comma after "observed right-ascension." 280, in formula, for e t read (e^ 2 . 280, line 10 from bottom, for ="="30 read **3o. 340, line i, for 1880 to 1884 read 1880 and 1884. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR THE EPOCH 1900 INCLUDING THOSE VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE AND OTHER WELL-DETERMINED STARS PREPARED AT THE DUDLEY OBSERVATORY, ALBANY, NEW YORK BY LEWIS BOSS DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MERIDIAN ASTROMETRY OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1910 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 115 Sartoontj J. 8. Cushlng Co. Berwick A Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction i Scope of the Catalogue in History and Design of this Work .in Description of the Catalogue vn The Standard Catalogue xi Magnitude-Equation xin Selection and Improvement of Standards xiv Recapitulation xvi The Columns of the Catalogue xvn Adopted Names xvn Magnitudes of the Stars xix Right-Ascensions and Declinations xxn Mean Epochs .... xxv Annual and Secular Variation and Third Term of Precession xxv Formulas of Application xxvii Proper-Motions xxvm Probable Errors xxx Method of correcting the Catalogue-Positions and Motions by Means of Additional Observations xxxin The Notes to the Catalogue ..... xxxv Appendix I, Ephemerides of Polar Stars xxxvi Appendix II, Notes to the Catalogue, Periodic Proper-Motion, etc. . . . xxxvn Appendix III, Systematic Corrections and Weights xxxvn The Catalogue .... . 1-249 Appendix I, Ephemerides of Polar Stars ... ... 251-262 Appendix II, Notes to the Catalogue, Periodic Proper-Motion, etc. . . . 263-278 Appendix III, Systematic Corrections and Weights 279~34S iii INTRODUCTION. The General Catalogue of 6188 stars herein contained is the result of an attempt to deduce for those stars the most accurate positions and motions that are readily attainable from the means at command. Computation of the motions has been the primary aim of this work. Putting the results in the form of a star- catalogue for the epoch 1900 is a natural method of exhibiting these results and is, apparently, the most useful way in which they' could have been presented ; but it has not been at any time the first consideration. The accuracy attained, while governed in the first line by the supply of good observations that have hitherto been made upon these stars, in a very important degree has also been limited by practical considerations as to the amount of com- puting that has been available. The liberal support of this work by the Carnegie Institution has somewhat modified this point of view, so that the question has vir- tually been : what amount of computing can be wisely and economically devoted to this object how much is it worth while to expend ? The computations for this catalogue are intended to be practically exhaustive (so far as these stars are concerned) of the meridian-observations of precision which have been made from the time of Bradley to the present and that have been col- lected in star-catalogues of comparatively superior accuracy or extent. Such zone- observations as those of Lalande, Bessel, Argelander, Lamont, and others, were omitted from the computations as lacking in the precision requisite for the present purpose. There were also excluded many series of observations (mostly found in periodical publications) that contain only a small number of stars partly because of the small return in proportion to the labor involved in the use of such catalogues, and more particularly because of the difficulty of ascertaining the systematic cor- rections that such catalogues may require. Strictly zodiacal catalogues were not included in the computations because, among other reasons, even without them, the motions of the stars within the zodiacal region can usually be determined with greater precision than those of similar classes of stars without that region because many of the star-catalogues of earlier dates are more complete in the neighborhood of the zodiac. A list of the catalogues of observation employed in the construction of this work is given later in this Introduction. Many years have passed since there has been available for the use of astron- omers a general catalogue of stars founded upon the combined results of all the principal catalogues of observation. Heretofore the General Catalogue of 8377 Stars by Francis Baily, published by the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1845, nas constituted the first and last attempt of this kind to col- late the results of meridian-observations upon the stars in a large and compre- hensive way. Evidently designed to facilitate the progress of meridian-astronomy in practical ways, it speedily came into general use as a work of reference of very great utility. It was probably not designed by its author as a basis of further investi- II PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO gation in any critical problem requiring the most accurate available values either of the positions or motions of the stars. The records of observation then were too scanty to afford much hope that the best values of proper-motion which could be computed for the generality of stars at that time would have been very much better than rough approximations, or otherwise than very unsafe for the purpose of pre- diction. Practical considerations seemed to be opposed to any very great refine- ment in such computations; and accordingly no such refinement appears to have been attempted in the construction of the Catalogue of the British Association. Furthermore, owing to the amount of reliance placed upon the precision of star positions obtained from Lacaille's zones (1750) and upon Taylor's earlier results at Madras (which contained very anomalous errors in declination) the proper- motions of the far southern stars printed in the "B. A. C." are wholly unreliable. In the first years after its publication the B. A. C. was doubtless used to a considerable extent for predicting positions of the stars to be used in problems of precision ; but in the course of time it must have been distinctly seen that this use of the Catalogue was no longer justified. Yet the use and appreciation of that work scarcely waned during the first quarter of a century after its publication ; and on many points it is consulted with advantage even yet. It seems worth while to have recalled these facts about a notable work in the history of astronomy, in order to throw into proper relief the remarkable fact that more than sixty years have elapsed since the publication of the B. A. C. without the appearance of a work, or combination of works, to take the place it once held. The construction of such a catalogue has been suggested from time to time in a tentative way, but seems always to have been regarded without definite encourage- ment. Apparently two ideas have operated effectively as the chief obstacles in carrying out the preparation of an extensive general catalogue of stars. The first has been that, pending the completion of certain works of meridian-observation, the time has not been ripe for the production of such a work. The second is analo- gous to this, viz. : that a general catalogue aiming to exhaust the existing material of observation upon the brighter stars (4,000 to 20,000 in number, say) would be almost necessarily out of date soon after its publication. Very quickly the need for a new edition would be felt, owing to rapid accumulation of further meridian- observations. But these objections, whatever force they may have against the construction of a star-catalogue chiefly for the sake of the star-positions it contains, would have far less force against the general computation of proper-motions. From time to time these are needed and must be had in various departments of astronomical research, and especially for the study of general stellar problems in a variety of forms. Therefore, the question whether it is worth while to construct a general catalogue of the principal stars becomes a question whether we shall incur the proportionally small additional labor and expense involved in putting general computation for proper- motions into the form of a published catalogue, after the main portion of the required computations has been effected for another purpose, of conceded utility. Perhaps the answer to a question like this can best be referred to the test of future experience. At any rate, it has seemed to the author that a great variety of uses would be subserved by the publication of such a catalogue. INTRODUCTION III SCOPE OF THE CATALOGUE. This Preliminary General Catalogue contains the computed positions and the motions, for the epoch 1900, of 6188 stars that are regarded as specially important. That the stars ordinarily visible to the naked eye are of special interest would probably be generally admitted without serious protest, not only because that is the class of stars which most attracts attention and with which we are best ac- quainted, but also because it is extremely probable that these stars are in general among our nearer neighbors. On the whole they have been more frequently and accurately observed in the past than any of the fainter classes of stars. The present Catalogue contains about 4030 stars rated upon the natural, or historic, scale herein adopted as of the sixth magnitude, or brighter. Of these the count shows 1919 in the Northern and 2111 in the Southern hemisphere. These numbers are approximate only, since they are somewhat dependent upon the treatment of double stars ; and because they are still more dependent on the uncertainties in determining the brightness of the stars. Of the remaining 2158 stars all fainter than sixth magnitude a few are included because of their proximity to brighter stars; others because they were observed by Bradley (though a very few Bradley-stars have been omitted); and still others because they are among the stars whose positions, though not observed by Bradley, were determined with a considerable degree of accuracy previous to 1850. For all these stars it was possible to determine their motions with greater accuracy than that which attaches to the generality of faint stars not included in this Catalogue. Therefore, these stars are especially interesting for two reasons among others: First, on account of the relative accuracy of their computed motion, present and prospective, they afford suitable material from which to secure enlargement of the existing lists of standard stars; secondly, these, together with the great majority of the stars visible to the naked eye, furnish the best available means for critical tests upon certain points that may come into consideration relative to systematic motions of the stars. HISTORY AND DESIGN OF THIS WORK. Perhaps the easiest way to describe the place in the line of sidereal research which this work is designed to fill, as well as to indicate the ideas and purposes upon which it is founded, is to note in a cursory way successive steps in its evolution. Many years ago a plan was formed at the Dudley Observatory for a critical discussion of the motions of all stars to which have been attributed, with reasonable probability, motions as great as 10" per century. The work progressed very slowly at first, in the intervals of other employments ; but as it proceeded the conviction grew that the problems for which we need a knowledge of stellar motions require comprehensive (not fragmentary) treatment, if a given, large amount of labor is to be expended to the best advantage. Thus, it is even more important that stellar motions shall be free from systematic errors than that they shall be merely precise in the differential sense. But if that be so, the most responsible part of a work IV PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 aiming to compute accurate values of proper-motions for a very large number of stars might be the ascertainment of the systematic corrections required by the various star-catalogues. This will readily appear upon consultation of the Tables of Systematic Corrections, in Appendix III of this volume. This correction is especially marked for Bradley's declinations, hitherto a very important element in the derivation of proper- motions. For large areas of sky south of + 40 of dec- lination, centennial proper- motions in declination computed by means of uncorrected declinations of Bradley-Auwers compared with perfect declinations 100 years later would systematically differ from the corresponding quantities printed in the present work by i'/5, or more ; and in the zone + 34 to + 38 by 2" or more. While this may be an extreme illustration it serves to indicate the nature of possible effects due to the application of systematic corrections to the positions contained in the catalogues. It becomes obvious that when we are dealing with the smaller proper-motions the elucidation of the amount and direction of residual-stardrift in various parts of the sky may be dependent upon the systematic errors of the star-catalogue in a very important degree. Governed by these and other consider- ations, the author decided to alter the original plan of reluctantly confining his attention to stars having only comparatively large proper-motions, and, as the indispensable preliminary to his work, to institute a thorough inquiry as to the systematic corrections required by the various catalogues of observation in order to make each so far as possible systematically conformable with the combined result from all. It is not necessary here to trace the various steps in these operations. It is sufficient to say that the plan involved the preparation of an extensive catalogue of standard stars. The close of an important stage of this work was marked by the publication of the Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars, together with various chapters explaining the methods employed in the construction of that catalogue and exhibiting, also, the systematic corrections required by the various star-catalogues in order to bring them into conformity with this new system. (Ast. Jour., Vol. XXIII.) These articles were also reprinted in a separate publication entitled, "Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars." The systematic corrections there published have since been subjected to thorough revision on the basis of a greatly extended list of gwaw'-standard stars; but, fundamentally, there has been no sensible alteration of the general system. From the beginning of this work it had been assumed to be quite as important that we should know the motions of stars in the Southern hemisphere as in the North- ern. It would, therefore, be important for ascertaining systematic corrections not only that there should be formed a new and very extensive catalogue of standard stars, distributed over the entire sky from pole to pole, but also that the positions should form a consistent and homogeneous system derived from careful considera- tion of all suitable observations southern as well as northern. This catalogue would have to be extensive, because it would be impossible to ascertain properly the systematic corrections required for the larger catalogues like Arm 40, Radcl 45, Bruss 65, Cord 75, Cape 80, etc. without a much larger number of comparisons with standard stars than had been available with the existing catalogues INTRODUCTION V of standard stars. In order to facilitate the selection of these stars it was apparent that the safest and most economical plan would be to form a card-catalogue of all the stars contained in what may be termed catalogues of precision of a date of observation earlier than the middle of the nineteenth century. Those stars contained in a large number of these earlier catalogues would be more useful than others for ascertaining the systematic corrections of these same catalogues, both because of the frequency of their use and also, since the motions of such stars can be more precisely computed, they make better standards. This course, once adopted, rapidly led to extensions of the original plan. After the older catalogues of observation had been drawn off upon the cards (except fainter stars of Groomb 10 and Radcl 45), including all the important ones of an observation-date earlier than 1855, the original intention had been not to include the later catalogues entire, but to transcribe only for stars found in the earlier catalogues. But it now seemed that the inclusion of all stars down to the seventh magnitude, though it would much increase the labor of transcription for the remaining catalogues, might later prove to be very desirable in view of the development of our plans then going on; and that the collection so formed would, in any case, constitute an asset of value. This extension of the list was effected slowly and rather imperfectly at first, but subsequently was improved. In its present state the card-catalogue contains about 25,000 stars. There are included all that are noted in the Bonn Durchmuslerung, Potsdam Photometry, Harvard Photometry, or the Uranometria Argentina as of the magnitude 7^0 or brighter. The inclusion in our list of stars down to the seventh magnitude, in addition to all stars occurring in certain catalogues of precision of the first half of the nineteenth century, was primarily due to the desire of selecting stars upon some simple criterion which should give promise at the same time that the stars so selected would be : 1. On the whole, nearer our system than the stars not included. 2. As a rule, better observed than the others. 3. For certain technical reasons, not chosen with reference to the amount of proper-motion any particular star may have. In this collection was presented an almost irresistible temptation to ascertain, so far as possible, the motion of each star therein, and eventually to produce an extensive general catalogue of the positions and motions of these 25,000 stars. Meanwhile we were at work upon the "Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars" already mentioned, and upon its subsequent extensions, resulting for the time being in computed positions and motions for about 2500 so-called Standard Stars. About that time, in 1903, the Carnegie Institution of Washington had come to the aid of this work ; and three years later had so far increased its interest as to develop this project into its Department of Meridian Astrometry, with liberal appropriations for carrying out the construction of the proposed large general catalogue (including about 25,000 stars) to which allusion has already been made. To complete this extensive work, including heavy tasks in meridian-observation as planned, would evidently be the labor of many years. The question naturally came up whether it would be necessary to defer the publication of all catalogue- VI PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 results until the completion of the entire work, so far as now definitely planned. It seemed to the author that, generally speaking, the work ought to be so planned that parts of it which may be useful in the progress of science could be published with advantage whenever such results in a well-defined field have been attained in the current computations, even though these partial results might be swallowed up later in the final results. Meanwhile, the desire to provide the means for present utilization of some of the smaller and less precise star-catalogues, as well as of the Gesellschaft-zoms, through the ascertainment of their systematic errors, had brought about the increase of the so-called standard catalogue to nearly 4000 numbers. It then appeared that to increase this list still further, to include especially all stars of the sixth magnitude or brighter, would add, proportionally, no excessive amount of labor. Thus the resolution was somewhat suddenly formed to present for publication, at an early date, this General Catalogue, preliminary to the much more extensive one that is contemplated as among the favorable probabilities. These results might have been held back to await completion of the larger work, but this course would have entailed delay in making generally available what are believed to be useful results. Thus the preparation of this work for publication at once is not so much the result of an original deliberate plan as it is the consequence of an evolution in the progress of these investigations. In addition to acknowledgments for assistance in the preparation of this Catalogue furnished by Dr. Seth C. Chandler, and by the directors (and other astronomers) of various observatories, mentioned at appropriate places in these pages, my thanks are due to the corps of assistants and computers who have labored so zealously upon this work. Mr. Arthur J. Roy, chief assistant, has been of very great service in all departments of the work, and particularly in applying the checks and scrutiny necessary for the avoidance of errors in the final work. For this duty he has an unusual aptitude; and if the results of computation as they appear in the final manuscript should prove to be unusually free from mistakes, this will be due as much to the skill and diligence of Mr. Roy as to my own efforts. Mr. Varnum, besides other responsible work, took charge of the solution of equations of condition employed in deduction of the positions and annual variations of the stars. Miss Beulah Benway is also deserving of special recognition for the great extent and accuracy of her work upon the more responsible parts of the computations. In fact, all the members of the staff of assistants and computers labored with the zeal and industry betokened by a personal interest in the work. The reading of proof-sheets for the Catalogue itself was carried through, during my absence from the country, under charge of Mr. Benjamin Boss, Secretary of the Dudley Observatory. INTRODUCTION VII DESCRIPTION OF THE CATALOGUE. A few words more specifically descriptive of the contents of the Catalogue and explanatory of certain points in its scope, construction, and use may now be in order. First, let us consider the material of observation actually included in its construction. Search was made in every published catalogue of the following list for positions of stars contained in this Preliminary General Catalogue. It does not seem necessary to give the full title in each case, but only enough to make the identification clear. The abbreviations ordinarily employed in our manuscript computations to designate the respective catalogues are also given. B r 1755- Auwers's new reduction of Bradley's transit and quadrant observations, St. Petersburg, 1888. Pi oo. Piazzi's observations made at Palermo around 1800, second edition 1814. Groomb 10. The new reduction of Groombridge's circumpolar observations around 1810, by Messrs. Dyson and Thackeray. Kb'n 15. Bessel's right-ascensions from the Dolland Transit reduced to 1815, Konigsberger Observa- tions, Parts 39 and 40. The corresponding declinations have not been employed. Grw 15. Auwers's new reduction of Pond's observations at Greenwich, 1811-1819, reduced to 1815. Dpt 15. Right-ascensions from Struve's transit-observations at Dorpat in 1814-1815. (Dorpat Observations, Vol. I, Part II.) Manuscript catalogue; see Rem. (4), App. Ill of this volume. Kb'n 20. Bessel's fundamental observations, around 1825, with the Reichenbach Circle. The right-ascensions are taken partly from the Berlin Memoirs for 1825, p. 23, of Part II, and partly from the Konigsberger Observations, Vols. VI and X. The declinations are taken from Dollen's revision of Bessel's reduction, as published in Vol. II, Recueil de Mem. Obs. Cent, de Russie, pp. 203-232. Schw 28. Schwerd's circumpolar observations reduced by Oeltzen to 1828. (Denkschriften der Wiener Academic, Bd. X.) Brisb 25. The Brisbane Catalogue for 1825. The right-ascensions are not employed. Cape 30. The observations of Fallows at the Cape of Good Hope. Camb 30. Airy's Cambridge Observations for 1830. (Mem. R.A.S., Vol. XI) Wrot 30. Wrottesley's right-ascensions for 1830. (Mem. R.A.S., Vol. X.) St H 30. Johnson's Catalogue of 606 Stars for 1830 from St. Helena observations. o o Abo 30. Argelander's Abo Catalogue for 1830. Grw 30. Pond's catalogue of 1112 stars for 1830. Dpt 30. Struve's catalogue for 1830 in the Positiones Media. "Correctiones Ultimae," pp. 361- 371, were first applied to the catalogue positions. The positions of certain standard stars given for 1824 were taken from the Introduction, pp. 48-50. Cape 33. Henderson's observations at the Cape of Good Hope reduced to 1833. (Mem. R.A.S.) Madr 35. Downing's new reduction to 1835 of Taylor's Madras observations. Edinb 40. Halm's new catalogue for 1840 of Henderson's observations at Edinburgh, 1835-1844. Arm 40. Robinson's Armagh Catalogue for 1840. Cape 40. Cape Catalogue for 1840, reduced by Stone. Grw 40 and Grw 45. The two parts of the Greenwich i2-yr. Catalogue. Radcl 45. The Radcliffe Catalogue of 6317 stars for 1845 by Johnson. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 Pulk 45. Catalogues for 1845 of stars observed with the Transit and Prime Vertical Circle at Pulkowa. Paris 45. First epoch, 1845, of the Catalogue of the Paris observations mainly reobservation of Lalande stars. Stgo 50. Catalogue of 1963 stars for 1850 from Gillis's observations at Santiago de Chile. (Wash. Obsns., 1868.) Gillis Z 50. Catalogue of 16,748 stars for 1850 from observations of southern circumpolar stars at Santiago, Gillis. (Wash. Obsns., 1890.) Cape 50. Cape Catalogue for 1850 edited by Gill. Grw 50. The Greenwich six-year catalogue for 1850. Pulk 55. Catalogue for 1855 of observations made with the Repsold Meridian-Circle of the Pulkowa observatory. This catalogue is in two parts, one containing 3542, and the other 1404 numbers respectively. (See Pulk. Obsns., Vol. VIII.) Carr 55. The circumpolar catalogue of Carrington for 1855. Stgo 55 and Stgo 60. The catalogues from Santiago observations byMoesta, reduced to 1855 and 1860 respectively. Wash 60. Yarnall's catalogue for 1860, third edition, Frisby. Cape 60. The Cape Catalogue for 1860, reduced by Stone. Grw 60. The Greenwich seven-year catalogue for 1860. Radcl 60. The second Radcliffe Catalogue for 1860, Main. Melb 60. Catalogue of 546 stars observed at Williamstown (Australia) and reduced to 1860. (Melb. Obsns., Vol. I.) Paris 60. Second epoch, 1860, of the Paris Catalogue. Grw 64. The second seven-year catalogue of Greenwich for 1864. Harv 65. Catalogue for 1865 of right-ascensions observed at the Harvard College observatory, 506 stars, Safford. (Harv. Ann., Vol. IV, Pt. II.) Cape 65. The Cape Catalogue for 1865, prepared by Gill. Bruss 65. The general catalogue for 1865 of the Brussels observations, 1857-1878. Pulk 65. Observations made at Pulkowa with the Transit and Vertical Circle reduced to 1865, and published in four catalogues. Grw 72. The Greenwich nine-year catalogue for 1872. Melb 70. The Melbourne Catalogue for 1870. Wash 75. The Washington Catalogue for 1875, transit-circle, Eastman. Cord 75. Gould's Cordoba General Catalogue of 32,448 stars for 1875. Madr 75. Catalogue of Madras observations for 1875. Pulk 75. Romberg's catalogue for 1875, of observations made at Pulkowa with the meridian-circle. Becker 75. Becker's catalogue for 1875 of 521 Bradley-stars, Berlin. Harv 75. The catalogue for 1875 of 1213 stars, Rogers. (Harv. Annals, Vol. XV, Pt. I.) Paris 75. Third epoch, 1875, of the Paris Catalogue. AGZ 75. The zone-catalogues of the Astronomlsche Gesellschaft for 1875, extending from +80 to 10 (+70 to +75 excepted). (The places of these stars were adopted in the computations only for a small number of stars unusually deficient in observations of an early date.) Cape 80. Stone's Cape Catalogue for 1880. Grw 80. The Greenwich ten-year catalogue for 1880. Melb 80. The second Melbourne Catalogue for 1880. Saff 85. Catalogue for **^.of right-ascensions of circumpolar stars. Safford, Williamstown, Mass. INTRODUCTION DC Strassb 85. The catalogues for 1885 from the Strassburg observations (Vol. II); the first, of 254 stars ; second, of 858 stars ; third, of 368 fundamental stars. Cape 85. Gill's Cape Catalogue for 1885. Pulk 85. Pulkowa catalogues for 1885, based upon observations with the transit and prime vertical circle. (" Etoiles occasionnellement absences," in 1845, 1865, and 1885, are included in the computations for the General Catalogue.) Radcl 90. Stone's Radcliffe Catalogue for 1890. Cine 90. Porter's Cincinnati Catalogue for 1890. Cape 90. Gill's Cape Catalogue for 1890. Grw 90. The Greenwich ten-year catalogue for 1890. Berl 90. Kiistner's Berlin catalogue for 1890. (Taken partly from Ast. Nach., Nos. 3392 and 3393, and partly from a manuscript kindly forwarded by Professor Kiistner.) Madn 90. Results of observations around 1890 upon the stars of the Berliner Jahrbuch, Brown, Madison, Wis. Lisbon 90. Results in right-ascension of observations around 1890 upon stars of the Berliner Jahrbitch. Rodrigues, Lisbon. (Ast. Nach., 3813-3814.) Pulk 92. Catalogue of right-ascensions for 1892 from observations made at Pulkowa. Miin 92. Small catalogue of declinations observed with the Repsold circle at Munich. Bauschinger. Lick 95. Catalogue for 1895 of 310 ephemeris-stars observed by Tucker. (L. O. Publ., Vol. IV.) Berl 95. Battermann's catalogue of 1640 stars observed with the Repsold circle of the Berlin observatory. W-Ott 97. Small catalogue of 184 declinations, observed and reduced by Grossmann, at the Von Kuffner Observatory, Wien-Ottakring. (Kon. Sachs. Ges. der Wiss., Vol. XXVII.) Lick oo. Tucker's catalogue (1900) from reobservation of Piazzi-stars south of the equator. (L. O. Pub., Vol. VI.) Miin oo. Oertel's catalogue for 1900 of 208 fundamental stars, observed at Munich, Repsold micrometer. (Ast. Nach., 3942-3943.) Cape oo. The Cape catalogues for 1900, including the catalogue of comparison-stars in the zone, 40 to 52. (Advance copy.) Cine oo. Porter's catalogue of reobservation of Piazzi-stars north of the equator. Cincinnati, 1900. As a rule, observations which exist only in the form of annual catalogues, like the Radcliffe observations following Radcl 60, the Cambridge observations fol- lowing Camb 30, and some others, were not employed in the present computations. An exception to this practice exists in the case of declinations of the principal standard stars contained in the author's former work, Declinations of 500 Stars; for these the authorities therein given were also employed as they had been pre- pared in the manuscript of that work. Nor was it considered advisable to make any special effort to secure all the results of available catalogues which may now be existing in manuscript at the respective observatories. Yet some requests for such material have been made from here in several instances, and have met with most generous response, as indicated in the following list : Berl oo. Manuscript catalogue of 1300 stars for 1890 from Kustner's meridian-observations at Berlin, sent by Professor Kiistner. This catalogue includes the results published in Ast. Nach., Nos. 3392 and 3393. Melb 90. Melbourne General Catalogue of 3068 stars for 1890, manuscript copy, forwarded by Director Baracchi, together with copies of many annual catalogues of stars observed in the interests of the astrographic work. X PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 Bonn oo. Extensive extracts from the new general catalogue, in manuscript, of Kustner's observa- tions at Bonn, +0 to +54. The partial catalogues were published in Nos. 4, 5, and 6 of Veroffentlichen der Kon. St. zu Bonn. However, when these extracts were received the printer's sheets of this Catalogue were substantially complete as to the positions and motions of the stars; but a careful comparison of P.G.C.-Bonn oo was made and the results will be found in the table of systematic corrections, Appendix III. Cape 06. Catalogue of 1390 stars of which 1150 are south of 36, in manuscript, from Sir David Gill, Astronomer Royal at the Cape. These results, derived from observations made at the author's request, were completed within one year from beginning of the observations and communicated to the Dudley Observatory within a few weeks after the termination of the observations. There were in general three observations of each star, occasionally more. With Cape oo they constitute a complete reobservation of the stars in this Preliminary General Catalogue south of 36. Other manuscript contributions and advance printers' sheets were sent to the Dudley Observatory in aid of these computations by the directors of the Paris, Cape, Edinburgh, and Greenwich observatories, and by Professor Porter of the Cincinnati observatory, which subsequently were superseded by the published catalogues. The later epochs of this Catalogue have been also strengthened by observations made at the Dudley Observatory that are not yet published. Every star of the Catalogue between 21 and 37 (as well as some others) has received at least two observations by the author with the meridian-circle of the Dudley Observatory at a mean date of about 1898. Nearly all stars of this Catalogue between +1 and 2 were observed twice near the epoch, 1900, by Mr. Arthur J. Roy, first assistant of the Dudley Observatory. Between 700 and 800 of the stars north of 20 that were most in need of special observation were observed here four times, or more, in the years 1905-1906. These stars may often be recognized by the large p. e. of 100 fi, and the comparative lateness of the epoch. They are mostly between the fifth and sixth magnitudes. In a very few instances of stars between the fifth and sixth magnitudes that are extremely deficient in earlier observations, the Histoire Ctleste of Lalande, Rumker's catalogues for 1836 and 1850, Argelander's observations published in Vol. VI of Bonn Observations, and some other authorities of comparatively feeble weight, were included in the computations, with rough estimates of the systematic corrections and weights. INTRODUCTION XI THE STANDARD CATALOGUE. Primarily the standard catalogue contained within this General Catalogue has been prepared for use in this investigation. It is designed to serve any other pur- pose where high precision is required. In the present investigation the standard catalogue and the systematic corrections were involved together, virtually as the solution by successive approximations of equations containing a large number of unknown quantities. The problem was to make the sums of squares of the devia- tions of the several component star-catalogues at various epochs from the standard a minimum. The effect should be, that when a catalogue of observation, by the application of systematic corrections to it, has been brought into close general con- formity to the standard, it represents the latter at that epoch, and for that epoch extends the latter to stars not already contained in the standard. To a certain extent, the catalogue of observation so treated represents systematically the ex- cellence and weight of all the observations concerned in the construction of the standard. To what extent this will actually be the case will depend chiefly upon two conditions: first, upon whether the standard catalogue has been made to represent, as consistently as possible, the sum total of observations having funda- mental value; secondly, upon whether the relation of the individual catalogue to this standard can be ascertained with the required accuracy. The latter condition is one whose importance is more liable to be overlooked. If the weight of determi- nation for the individual catalogue to be compared is feeble, or the number of pos- sible comparisons with the standard too few, then, no matter what the precision of the standard may be, the resultant effects of casual error in the individual catalogue may be so mixed up with the true systematic error as to vitiate the result. One of the distinctive features of the present work is that it aims to minimize this difficulty by furnishing a standard catalogue containing a very unusually large number of stars to represent it. The best determined standards alone are suitable for ascer- taining the systematic corrections of the catalogues of superior weight say those whose computed probable errors of position in either coordinate is not more than o"io or o'.'i2 at the epoch of comparison; while quite one-half of the stars in this General Catalogue are standards suitable for ascertaining the systematic errors of the general run of the larger catalogues of observation. It seems scarcely neces- sary to remark that there is no well-defined line of distinction between standard stars and others. What may be considered a suitable and sufficient standard for one purpose may not do at all for another. For instance, as standards in differential observations with meridian instruments at the present time one might safely decide that where the probable error for position in 1910 is given as "08, or less, the star-place is sufficiently accurate for the most refined use. Such stars might be termed primary standards. But for the less exacting class of zone-observations, or for miscellaneous observations, it may be considered that a probable error of the standard for 1910 of "12, or even "15, could be tolerated; since it is rarely the case that the probable error of a single observation would not be at least twice that amount. XII PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 An account of the methods by which this standard catalogue was constructed, in reasonable conformity with the foregoing requirements, is contained in a series of papers published in Vol. XXIII of the Astronomical Journal. (Subsequently collected and reprinted under the title: Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars.) The successive approximations required in extending the number of stars contained in the Standard Catalogue, the estimate of value of each catalogue of observation as an original, or independent, source of determination, and the devices employed in the treatment of individual catalogues and in the combination of one with another, are there set forth, probably in sufficient detail to permit the formation of an inde- pendent judgment as to the character of the result. In much the same way the arrangement in chronological order of the systematic corrections of Appendix III (this volume) zone by zone will afford a rough means of estimating whether the system of the standard sufficiently well represents at various epochs the catalogues having value as independent sources of knowledge as to star positions. In this connection, however, it should be noted that this method will not give reliable information as to an effect upon the stars of an incorrectly assumed motion of the equinox. This requires a special investigation. In the present work the equinox determined in 1872 by Professor Newcomb has been adopted. (See : On the Right- Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars, by Simon Newcomb, Washington Observations, 1870.) This probably requires material revision; but any such revision would affect all the proper-motions in right-ascension by a constant quantity. Furthermore, it should also be noted, as to the declinations, that pairs of con- temporaneous catalogues, one emanating from an observatory in the Northern and the other from an observatory in the Southern hemisphere, have been treated together in the present investigation for mutual correction of their results, previously to their introduction into the formation of the Standard Catalogue. Such pairs were formed, for example, from Camb 30 and Cape 33, Grw 60 and Cape 60, Grw 64 and Melb 70, and from many others suitable to the purpose. The comparison of the members of these pairs gave rise to equations for the determination of correc- tions to the refractions adopted in the reduction of the respective catalogues. It may well be urged that no series of determinations of star-declinations can be criti- cally regarded as sufficiently independent that rests upon a system of refraction- corrections determined at another observatory, for another horizon and for another exposure of the thermometer. But in spite of certain technical objections, it can scarcely be contended that the combination of contemporaneous results from north- ern and southern observatories in pairs (Ast. Jour., 540; also Declination 0/500 Stars, Boss) in the manner and for the purpose herein indicated, results otherwise than in a very decided increase in the value of each of the catalogues as sources of absolute determination of star-declinations. The preparation of the Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars was only the foundation structure in a process that has since been continued and elaborated. It may be well to remark here, that the utmost circumspection was required during these successive enlargements of the Standard Catalogue that, in the positions of the stars successively added to it as secondary standards, the original system should be INTRODUCTION XIII preserved. In other words, the systematic correction of a catalogue of observation compared with the corrected catalogue of 627 standard stars should result the same as it does from comparison with the additional standard stars, within admissible limits of casual error. / MAGNITUDE-EQUATION. Another special point in relation to this standard catalogue, as well as to the catalogue in general, may appropriately be mentioned here, since it constitutes a departure from the practice that has heretofore prevailed. An attempt has been made to produce published right-ascensions that shall be free from the effect of magnitude-equation. The magnitude-equation is a well-established effect in conse- quence of which the observer at the telescope ordinarily registers the transit of a faint star later than he would that of a brighter star actually in the same place. The equations of the different observers are by no means the same, and there appear to be a very few whose magnitude-equations are very near zero. The general aver- age of all equations appears to be not far from ^007 per magnitude on the historic scale (log. light ratio .36), or ?oo8 on the Pogson scale (log. ratio, .4). Furthermore it appears that the equation for observations by chronographic registry is not very different from that for observations by eye-and-ear. (Ast. Jour., 536.) From this it would appear that determinations of proper-motion in right-ascension would not be very sensibly affected by the neglect of correction for this equation in the past and present ; but that the right-ascensions of the fainter stars would generally come out too large relatively to those of the brighter stars, and in a different degree for different observers. For the purposes of a standard catalogue this is a matter of some importance, since stars of different magnitudes, in the case of many observers having equations different from the average, would give systematically different clock corrections. Since the published discussion of this effect (A. J., 536) the investigation of the magnitude-equations and the corresponding corrections required to eliminate this effect from the individual catalogues of observation has been continued here more critically and upon an enlarged scale. The essential outcome has been substantial confirmation of the earlier results, as will be seen by consulting the tables of Aa y in Appendix III. The magnitude-equation of the Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars was found to be ?oo77^Mf 3.5), where M represents the magnitude of a given star on the Pogson scale (A. /., 536). This is equivalent to ?oo6g (M 3.5) on the mag- nitude-scale of this Preliminary General Catalogue, the magnitudes for which, when brighter than 6"6, are taken from a manuscript catalogue of normal magnitudes prepared by Dr. S. C. Chandler, based upon a combination of substantially all useful material contained in the various uranometries and photometric determinations, adjusted to the historic scale. Accordingly the right-ascensions of the Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars, in addition to other revisions for many of the stars, were corrected by ?oo69 (M 3.5) (where M was adopted from the present work) and were then transferred to this Catalogue. For all stars not included in that XIV PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 list, the corrections Aa a for magnitude-equation were applied to the individual catalogues of observations and treated like any other form of systematic correction. The resulting right-ascensions as printed in the Catalogue are supposed to be free from this effect. The magnitude, 3^5, was chosen as the zero of reference, so that the mean equinox of the right-ascensions would not be sensibly disturbed. Since the basis of these determinations was laid (A.J., 536), it has been possible to apply several further independent tests of considerable value in estimating the freedom of this catalogue from errors dependent on magnitude of the star. Tucker's determination of his magnitude-equation for the right-ascensions of the Piazzi- stars affords one such test; OertePs determination of right-ascensions with the Repsold micrometer at Munich (Miin oo) presents another; and Ktistner's right- ascensions at Bonn (Bonn oo in Manuscript) offer still another. Arranging the comparisons in the order of magnitude there was obtained for the respective cata- logues, in the sense P.G.C.- Miin oo, etc. : MUNICH 1900. LICK 1900. BONN 1000. M No. of Stars. Obsd. Aa u M No. of Stars. Obsd. Aa y M No. of Stars. Obsd. Aa N 8 8 8 o-5 6 + .009 2.2 21 .OOO a.o 19 .OOO 3-3 IOI .000 4-S i3 -.003 3- 35 .001 4.3 104 .OO2 5-* 224 + .003 4.0 73 .001 5-i 191 .OO2 6.0 260 + .001 5- 47 + .001 6.1 3" + .002 6.8 64 .002 5-9 26 .001 6-9 89 .OOO The observed quantities under Aa. in all these series appear to be quite insig- nificant. More testimony of the same kind has been derived from the recent right- ascensions of Albany and the Cape, where the respective observers applied their respective magnitude-equations in the reductions. Several courses are open to observers who may wish to use this standard cata- logue in observation of right-ascension, (i) Observers can use a self-registering micrometer. (2) They can determine their own magnitude-equations during the progress of their observations and free their transits from the effect of the equation. (3) They can assume their equations to be ?oo69 (M 3.5), the mean of all observ- ers. In these cases the right-ascensions of the present Catalogue are ready for use as standards. If no attention is given to the magnitude-equation, instead of correcting the transits for mean equation, we can evidently correct the present Catalogue by + ?oo69 (1^ 3.5) in order to make it systematically conform, in an approximate way, with standard catalogues heretofore in use that are uncorrected for magnitude-equation. SELECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF STANDARDS. The Catalogue gives for each star, both in right-ascension and declination, the weighted mean epoch of observation from combinations of all catalogues ; the prob- able error of the coordinate at this mean epoch ; the probable error of the centennial motion; and, finally, as a matter of convenience and check, the probable error of INTRODUCTION XV the coordinate when reduced to 1910. From inspection of this information one may determine what stars are best suited for use as standard stars, when both elements of qualification for standard stars are considered. The precision of the position at a given epoch is compounded of the precision at the principal, or mean, epoch with that of the proper-motion. If we construct a standard catalogue that is designed to remain in efficient use until 1920 (say), then its predicted probable errors during its period of use up to 1920 are of even greater interest at the later than for the earlier dates. The data given in the present Catalogue provide for the computation of a predicted probable error of position for any required epoch ; and whenever the resulting probable error is not much over o'.'3, this prediction as to precision should be relatively a fair approximation to the truth. This information, however, may frequently be required in relation to stars which would not now be regarded as well enough determined to be employed as standard stars in zone or regional observations at fixed observatories, but which might be made into useful secondary standards through special differential observations based upon the principal standards, and contemporaneously with the zone-observa- tions themselves. This method has been advantageously employed at the Dudley Observatory (1896-1901, A. /., 499). The data of the present Catalogue would facilitate the selection of such standards in such a manner that the new secondaries might be chosen in view of their future as well as present usefulness. Not only is the selection of such stars herein facilitated, but the preparation of accurately pre- dicted positions for them is made comparatively easy. The results contained in the present Catalogue are supposed to be exhaustive of existing determinations to the extent indicated in the foregoing list of catalogues employed. Additional weight of observations, not contained in that list, can easily be incorporated with the catalogue- data in such a manner (as will be explained hereafter) that the final results will virtually represent a complete solution of all the observational equations that were formed in the present work, together with those from the additional material. Thus the work here done, if considered satisfactory, need not be duplicated except in special cases. As another illustration of the value which an approximate knowledge of the degree of precision reached may have, take the selection of stars for determination of latitude. In the Catalogue the probable errors in declination are given for 1910; and they can easily be computed for other dates. This is of very great advantage in facilitating choice of the best determined stars. Furthermore, considering the great precision of instrumental results in latitude-observation, the precision of the final result of a series of latitude-observations may depend more upon the precision of the star-places than upon that of the instrument. The present Cata- logue furnishes fairly reliable estimates of probable error for each declination, enabling this element to be taken into account in latitude-reductions in order to reach the most probable result. At the same time the results of later observations of such latitude-stars can be easily and accurately incorporated in a revision of the determinations recorded in the present work, as will be shown later on. It should be specially noted that for stars of the class represented by the weaker one-third of the present Catalogue, the probable error of the predicted position increases much XVI PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO more rapidly with the time than for the standard stars. For instance, there is a large number of stars whose right ascensions or declinations have the greatest weight somewhere between 1880 and 1890, or later, with probable error of cen- tennial motion, o"6, or more. The manner in which the probable error increases for this class of stars can best be illustrated by an example. For this purpose take No. 26 of the Catalogue, for which the probable error at the epoch 1888.3 i s '^S and of the centennial proper-motion is i"o6. The following table gives computed probable-errors and weights (unit of weight corresponds to p.e., "3) for the respective epochs. STAR No. 26 IN DECLINATION. Year. p.e. Weight. 1888.3 '.'13 5-3 1900 .18 2.8 1910 . 26 1-3 IP'S -31 0.9 1920 .36 0.7 Thus a weight of determination that was 5.3 in 1888 has fallen to one-fourth of this amount in 1910. That is below the weight of the mean of two observations in the more precise of modern catalogues of observation. This rapid diminution of weight seems worthy of mention here, because its existence often appears not to be specifically and properly appreciated even in works aiming at precision. RECAPITULATION. Before entering into detail in reference to the proper understanding and use of the present Catalogue we may venture to recapitulate the statement of its principal characteristics as follows: 1. The primary object of the Catalogue is to give the proper-motions of the stars as they result from a precise discussion of all readily available observations in each case. 2. It aims, also, to furnish a Standard Catalogue that shall be practically exhaustive of the material of observation both in extent and in thoroughness of discussion, and which shall include all stars likely to be needed at present for standards in zone- observations and the like. 3. It gives the right-ascensions of the stars substantially free from the error arising from magnitude-equation. 4. It furnishes with each star the means for a complete estimate of the probable accuracy attained in respect to the catalogue position and motion of that star. 5. As has been intimated, and as will later be shown more specifically, the catalogue-data offer convenient means for incorporating with due weight, for purposes of revision, observations additional to those on which the catalogue results are based. INTRODUCTION XVH THE COLUMNS OF THE CATALOGUE. In order to facilitate a proper and intelligent use of the Catalogue let it now be considered systematically in detail. The first column on each page gives the current number for reference. There are 6188 numbers in all. ADOPTED NAMES. The second column on the left-hand pages contains the adopted names or desig- nations of the respective stars. This Catalogue makes no claim to erudition, or authority, in this respect. At the outset it was decided that the time and labor required for a critical and consistent treatment of the constellations could not be afforded. Except for a few of the brighter stars, there appears to be no single authority or rule of procedure in this respect that is so generally accepted as prac- tically to require obedience. The practice of meridian -observers, and of others who have occasion to make use of star-names, seems to make this clear. Therefore, in devising nomenclature for the stars of this Catalogue the author has felt himself absolved from any attempt to found a system capable of defense on historic grounds ; but he has felt free to adopt that which seemed to him most convenient, fitting, and simple for his purpose. Yet certain quasi-general principles were kept in mind by the author in selecting precise designations for the individual stars. It was decided, very naturally, where a star is brighter than 6"o and has a virtually undisputed claim to a Greek letter, unmodified by accent or subscript, that this should be adopted. In case of some stars where this qualification could not be asserted the Greek letter has still been retained. Of faint stars, the names X Ursae Minoris and o Octantis are retained, since many meridian-observers must have become well accustomed to the designations. On the other hand, neither the name, "y Antliae," sometimes employed for No. 2764 of this Catalogue, that is of 7^3 only, nor the name " Piscis Australis" for No. 5802, a star of 6^8, seems to serve any useful purpose. If the adoption of a Greek letter is to be regarded as a distinguishing mark of brightness, such designations of Greek letters for faint stars tend to mislead and confuse, since the great majority of stars fainter than 5^0 and even such stars as L 3910, 2^8, and Br 3062, $8, are not designated by Greek letters. The practice of assigning the same Greek letter to several stars of a constellation, relying on added accents or subscripts to distinguish the separate stars, does not seem very convenient and has been carried rather far in some instances. Thus the Greek letter T is attached to nine bright stars in Eridanus, the letter ^ ten times in Auriga ; and there are many instances where the same letter is employed more than twice to designate stars in a given constellation. There already exists a tendency in such instances to discard the subscripts or accents and to reserve the use of the letter to the brighter star, especially if this is decidedly above the sixth magnitude. This tendency has been obeyed in the present work, where precedents XVTII PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO exist, and several changes have been here independently made. Thus we have ' and f 2 Ceti ; in the present work ' has been discarded and the exponent taken from 2 , even though the difference of magnitude is small. There are several other instances of the same kind. These subscripts or exponents have sometimes been retained in the cases where the two stars may be regarded as constituting a close naked-eye double, as Nos. 1045-1046, l and 2 Tauri (dist. 6'). As a rule the practice of employing the numbers of Flamsteed, Hevelius, Bode, or Gould with the name of the constellation as a designation has not been followed in working up the second column of the Catalogue. There are numerous cases where the Flamsteed numbers have been misapplied ; there is no uniformity in assigning the exact boundaries of the constellations; and in the use of the letters B, H, and F we have a fruitful source of inconsistencies and errors, especially in view of the nearly universal practice of omitting the letter " F " to indicate that the number is Flamsteed's. The letters "B" for Bode and "H" for Hevelius have often been dropped. It was decided to get rid of the critical labor involved in unprofitable research upon these names by discarding them altogether. Yet, in a few instances, such familiar designations as 70 Ophiuchi, 61 Cygni, and 51 H Cephei, have been retained ; and in the column of remarks the Flamsteed and Gould numbers with constellation names (mainly quoted from the catalogue of the British Association) are given as convenient synonyms. The use of the Roman alphabet with constel- lation names, except for naming variable stars, seems to be open to very serious objections. Such letters are sometimes given in the column of remarks, but are excluded from the second column. The similarity of such letters as a and a, i and i, K and x, o and 0, v and v, CD and w, either in manuscript or print, has been the source of much confusion and of what should have been unnecessary labor. Whatever have been the faults of naming the northern stars, the case is far worse for the southern sky. Here it has been decided to cut loose from all traditions and to follow the constellations and Greek letters as they were given by Gould in the Uranometria Argentina, with modifications as to the employment of letters with exponents similar to those adopted for northern stars. Roughly, this practice takes effect at about 23 of declination, and near that parallel inconsistencies are neces- sarily introduced that are not, however, regarded as of any particular moment. In the column of remarks the Gould numbers and constellations have usually been given for the far southern stars. The simplest mode of designation (and in many respects the most natural for a catalogue like this) is to give, in abbreviated form, the name of and number in some well-known star-catalogue in which the earliest observations of precision upon that star are found. Thus, "Br 3208" (Bradley), given as a designation for the first star in this Catalogue, is specific and probably more convenient as a means of identification than would be "33 Piscium," by which this star is often designated. Lacaille's zone-observations at the Cape of Good Hope constitute a nearly complete survey of the brighter stars of the southern sky. Comparatively few stars brighter than 7*0 have been omitted. These numbers have been very extensively quoted in star-catalogues. Therefore, although the catalogue of Lacaille's observations is INTRODUCTION XIX very far from being a catalogue of precision, it does offer a convenient means for applying a designation for the great majority of southern stars. Piazzi and Groom- bridge with numbers are also convenient designations. Failing all these which have been enumerated in the foregoing, the practice has been to employ the number in an early catalogue, avoiding those in which there are few stars. If the star occurs in no catalogue of precision earlier than about 1875, the number in Lalande's or Bessel's zones, and occasionally from other sources, has been employed. When, as in the case of Piazzi and Lacaille, both numbers exist for the same star, the Piazzi number is preferred for stars north of 30 and the Lacaille number for those south of that parallel. It would be tedious, however, to enumerate all the details that have governed in the choice of names for stars not frequently observed. To the name in the second column is sometimes appended a letter. When m is thus appended, it usually means a double star observed in the mass ; but where the star is wide and the components distinct, or where the components are of nearly equal brightness, m more commonly indicates the mean. Usually, the notes give an indication as to what is probably meant. For a great proportion of close double stars, for which the difference of magnitude between the two components is less than 3" (say), it is rather difficult to determine to what point the observation refers. For several binaries an attempt has been made to determine the relative masses of the components. In such cases the letters c. g. (center of gravity) are appended to the name in the second column ; the catalogue-position is intended to be that of the center of gravity. Particulars relative to such stars are to be found in special notes contained in Appendix II. MAGNITUDE OF THE STARS. The third column on each left-hand page contains the estimated magnitude of the star. For all stars indicated as of 6"5 or brighter (with trifling exceptions), the magnitudes are taken from a manuscript catalogue furnished by Dr. S. C. Chandler. When approached for advice in the matter of star-magnitudes, Dr. Chandler very generously offered to place at the disposition of the author the results derivable from his extensive manuscripts relating to the magnitudes of the brighter stars. This was followed with catalogues containing magnitudes of all stars in either hemisphere deemed by Dr. Chandler to be 6^5, or brighter. These were based upon the collation of the results from all the principal uranometries and photometric results. Furthermore, the "historic" or "natural" scale (approximately that of the Uranometria Nova of Argelander) had been adopted for the normal; and the systematic corrections necessary to reduce the Uranometria Argentina and various photometries to a normal had also been ascertained. Through the photometric observations the normal scale had been fixed at the light ratio whose logarithm is OT^6. One of the essential features of the historic scale is the magnitude 6^0, which in the course of generations, and through the data collected in successive uranome- tries, had come to be quite a definite thing. In establishing the gradation above and below this datum (near Potsdam 6"o) Dr. Chandler appears to have aimed to keep XX PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO in touch with the scale of the Uranometria Nova and Banner Durchmusterung with some reference to the historic glfo, which through the estimates of Bessel, Argelander, and others had also come to have a fairly definite (though not absolutely rigorous) meaning to the great body of astronomers. It is to be hoped that Dr. Chandler, at some future time, will give an exposition of the methods by which he has reached results of such great importance and value. Meanwhile, in view of the most liberal and generous authorization of Dr. Chandler, his normal system may best be defined here through some of his tables of systematic corrections. The logarithm of the ratio of brightness for one magnitude in Chan- dler's Normal Uranometry is stated by him to be .36, differing from Pogson's scale (log. ratio = .4) now in extensive use. As will appear, Chandler's system is nearly equivalent to the Potsdam system for "GW" (yellowish white) stars plus .08 (M 6lfo), where M indicates the normal magnitude of a given star. It will be noted that Dr. Chandler deduces decided systematic corrections on account of color. ADOPTED CORRECTIONS TO POTSDAM PHOTOMETRY. ADOPTED CORRECTIONS TO HARVARD PHOTOMETRY. (Argument is corrected or normal magnitude.) (Vols. XLIV and XLV and approximately so for others.) Normal. W GW WG G RG Normal. W GW WG G RG M M M M M M M M M M M M 2.O -.46 -43 -39 -35 -37 2.0 -*s -.18 23 -.27 -.27 3- -33 .29 .24 .19 -.18 3- -.06 -.09 -.14 -.18 -.18 4.0 .22 -.18 .11 -<* .02 4- + .05 + .02 -03 -.07 -.07 5- -'3 -.08 .00 + .07 + .12 5- + .17 + .14 + .09 + .0 S + .05 6.0 -.07 .02 + .08 + .16 + '3 6.0 + 31 + .28 + .23 + .19 + .19 7.0 -3 + .02 + 13 + 23 + 32 7.0 + .42 + 39 + .34 + 31 + .30 The arguments for color, " W," "GW," etc., have the meanings attached to them in the Potsdam Photometry: white, yellowish white, whitish yellow, yellow, and reddish yellow, respectively. For those of the Harvard series published in Volumes XIV, XXIV, XXXIV, and XL VI, Dr. Chandler deduces corrections periodic with right-ascension additional to the corrections for scale already given for Volumes XLIV and XLV. SPECIAL CORRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO HARVARD PHOTOMETRY. RA Vol. XIV XXIV XXXIV XL VI RA Vol. XIV XXIV XXXIV XLVI h M M M M h M M M M o .02 -.08 + .06 -.07 12 .OI + .01 -.O? -.09 I .OI -.09 + .08 -.07 13 .04 .01 -.07 -.09 2 + .01 -.08 + .08 -.06 14 -.06 .02 - .06 -.09 3 + .02 -.07 + .06 -S iS -.06 .04 -.07 .11 4 + .04 -S + .02 - .04 16 -.06 -.05 -.07 -'3 S + .S -.04 .02 -3 17 -.06 -.06 -.08 -.14 6 + .06 .02 -.07 + .04 18 -.06 -.06 -.08 -.16 7 + .06 .OO -.09 -.06 19 -.06 .04 -.07 .14 8 + .06 + .02 .10 -.09 20 -S .04 -.06 .12 9 + .05 + .02 -.09 .11 21 -05 .04 -OS .11 10 + .04 + .0 3 -.09 .12 22 .04 -.05 .03 -.09 ii + .02 + .02 -.08 .11 23 -03 -.07 + .01 -.08 * INTRODUCTION XXI The following are abridged Tables of Corrections for the Uranometria Argen- tina. The total correction to be applied to the magnitudes of U.A. is for "scale" + "locality in sky." U.A. CORRECTION FOR SCALE. NORMAL. CORRECTION. NORMAL. CORRECTION. M M M M 2.O -.17 4-S -.08 2 -5 -.07 5- .20 3- .02 5-5 -.18 3-5 + .01 6.0 -.09 4.0 .OO 6-5 + .01 7.0 + .08 U.A. CORRECTIONS FOR LOCALITY m SKY. ~\RA *_\ o h , 4" 6 h 8 1 - io h I2 h M h !6 h 18" ,o" h M M M M M M M M M M M M + .2 + .2 + .1 . .1 O + .1 O O + .1 10 + .2 + 3 + .1 .1 + .1 O O + .2 20 + .2 + 3 + .2 .2 O + .1 O + .2 -3 + .2 + 3 + .2 -3 O .1 .1 + .2 -40 + .2 + .2 + .1 --3 .1 .1 .2 .1 + .2 -50 + .2 + .2 + .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 O + .2 -60 + .2 + .2 O .2 .2 -3 .2 .1 + .1 - 70 + .1 + .1 + .1 O .1 -3 -3 .2 O + .1 -80 O + .1 + .1 + .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 As already stated, Chandler's manuscript catalogue furnishes the magnitudes to 6^5 inclusive. For the fainter stars as many as possible were computed at the Dudley Observatory with the aid of the foregoing tables of systematic correction. During this process the generally excellent agreement of the Harvard and Potsdam corrected results attracted marked attention. Down to the limit of the tables, 7^0, the systematic corrections appear to produce very satisfactory agreement between the Harvard and Potsdam results. Below this limit the corrections were roughly extrapolated for Potsdam and were assumed to remain unchanged from 7*0 for Harvard. For a large part of the stars in this Catalogue noted as fainter than 7 "o, the magnitudes depend upon rather uncertain eye-estimates, such as those con- tained in the Durchmusterungs and in certain catalogues of meridian-observation for which estimates of magnitude are made with some care. These magnitudes are of course subject to errors very much exceeding those attributable to the magnitudes based upon Harvard and Potsdam photometries. In the case of double stars the differences of magnitudes of the components were mostly adopted from the Mensura Micrometrica of Struve or from the photometric measures of the Harvard Observatory (H.C.O. Annals, Vol. XI). However, this part of the work can lay no claim to critical exactness. It may not be superfluous to note again that a magnitude-equation determined in strict conformity with the Pogson scale (log. light ratio, .4) should be multiplied by 0.9 in order to reduce it to the scale of this Catalogue. The authority for noting variable stars has been Chandler's Third Catalogue, and usually the limits of variation have been adopted from that authority. XXH PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO RIGHT-ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS. The fourth column on the left-hand page contains the right-ascension for 1900 (reduced to that epoch with proper-motion, so that both equinox and epoch are 1 900) ; and the second column on the right-hand page contains the corresponding declination. The most important general points relating to the computation of these quantities have been set forth in preceding paragraphs of this Introduction. The list of star-catalogues employed has been given, as well as a sketch of the means employed to secure the greatest possible immunity from the effects of sys- tematic error. (See also Ast. Jour., Vol. XXIII; also Catalogue 0/627 Principal Standard Stars.} A few words about the methods employed in the computation of the individual positions and motions may be useful. For each star, from a prelimi- nary estimate of position and annual variation for 1875, an ephemeris covering the required dates of observation for that star from 1755 down to the present was formed and carefully checked. In expanding these ephemerides the third term of precession was taken into account. For stars of greater declination than 82, standard dates, at suitable intervals, were derived through use of the trigonometrical formulas, as given by Newcomb; and other intermediate dates were interpolated from these. Then conditional equations were formed by means of the corrections to the ephemeris given by each star-catalogue containing a position of that star. These conditional equations involved unknowns for correction of the before-mentioned assumed positions and annual variations for 1875. The unit of the coefficient of proper-motion was taken as twenty-five years, in order to render the coefficients of the normal equations fairly homogeneous. In forming the absolute terms of the conditional equations, systematic corrections of the catalogues of observation were employed. In the early stages of the work these corrections sometimes differed slightly from those given in Appendix III, but the residual effect upon the posi- tions and motions is negligible. The conditional equations were also carefully weighted in conformity with the tables of weights contained in Appendix III. The normal equations were solved in the usual manner, and the resulting corrections were applied to the quantities assumed as the basis for correction. All the operations were duplicated, or adequately checked. The catalogue positions in right-ascension for 1900 are supposed to be cleared from the effect of magnitude-equation, as already stated in this Introduction. For several binary stars, where orbits of a fair degree of accuracy have been computed, and where meridian-observations exist in sufficient weight to make the attempt worth while, computations have been made to obtain an approximation to the relative masses of the two components. The respective radii of the two com- ponents in their orbits around the center of gravity lie on diametrically opposite sides of that common center; and the ratio of these respective radii to each other and to their sum remains constant in all parts of the orbit. Therefore, to obtain this ratio it is simply necessary to take advantage of the fact that the form of the orbit of the principal star around the center of gravity is the same as that of the INTRODUCTION XXIII relative orbit. If the ratio of the major axis of the actual orbit of the principal star around the center of gravity to the major axis of the relative, or ordinary double- star, orbit be denoted by r, and if A a and A 8 be the coordinates in right-ascension and declination respectively of the orbital motion of the fainter around the brighter component, then the coordinates of the motion of the principal star around the center of gravity will be rA a and rA 8 respectively. Introducing these quantities also into the ordinary equations for determining the position and motion of the star, A a and A 8 will be known coefficients to be computed from the adopted orbit of the binary, and r will be an unknown, to be determined from the equations of condition, along with the corrections to assumed position and motion of the center of gravity. If we take for the unit of mass that of the brighter star, then the mass of the fainter star will be i r Knowing r, it now becomes possible to reduce the observations of each compo- nent to the center of gravity ; and it is the position and motion of this e.g. that is given in the Catalogue. In Appendix II there are given for each of these stars the quantities necessary to be added to this position of the center of gravity for a given date in order to have the corresponding position of either of the components for that date. Following is a list of the binary systems thus treated. The ratio of masses is given in terms of the mass of the brighter star as the unit. TABLE OF BINARY STARS WITH ADOPTED RATIO OF MASSES. CATALOGUE NUMBERS. NAME. PERIOD, YEARS. MAGNS. RATIO OF MASSES. Computed. Adopted. Y M M 3 Bradley, 3210 IO4.6 6.6 7.6 1.0 1 68 T) Cassiop. 233-3 3- 6 7-9 75 75 1732 o Can. M.-ij. 48.8 2. 8.0 39 39 2008 a Can. Min. 39- O.2 9.0 33 33 2984 Urs. Maj. 60. 4.1 5-1 i.i I.O 337 7 Virginis 194. 3-6 3-6 i.i I.O 3735 o Centauri 81.2 o. 1.5 85 85 3798 { Bootis 148.5 4.8 6.7 87 .87 4138 a Cor. Bor. 37- S-7 6-8 47 47 4246 f Herculis 34-5 2.8 6.5 43 43 457 1 70 Ophiuchi 88.4 4-3 5-8 .82 .82 6172 /Bradley, 3198! \ (8 S Pegasi) I 25-7 6.0 ii. 1.8 I.O The determination for No. 3 is wholly assumed from analogy, and for No. 6172 it is extremely uncertain. Those for 1732, 2008, and 3735 are quite precise, and those for Nos. 2984, 3307, 4246, and 4571 may be regarded as fairly satisfactory. There appears to be no case in which the fainter companion can be asserted with high probability to have a larger mass than that of the brighter component. In the case of No. 6172 the computation is scarcely warranted by weight of meridian- observations; and the result is very likely to have been seriously influenced by fortuitous grouping of errors. Notwithstanding the care exercised in the computations for binary stars, the uncertainty of the result for predicted, or extrapolated, position and motion of each XXIV PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 of the individual components is materially greater than for single stars of the same class. Undoubtedly this is largely owing to the inevitable uncertainty of the orbital elements adopted in these computations (especially when micrometric observations have been extended over a part only of the orbital period) ; but in an important degree, also, uncertainty arises from decidedly individual systematic errors in meridian-observations of one component when the other component is distinctly visible. Accordingly, the particulars regarding probable error are omitted for these stars. At the same time it may be stated that the larger part of these stars, but for periodic variability of motion, would have belonged to the higher classes of standards. Special computations were made for Groomb 1830 and 61 Cygni for the purpose of detecting a foreshortening or perspective effect in the annual motions of these stars. In both of these instances the computations seem to have been measurably successful in exhibiting such an effect, as will be seen from the detailed notes con- cerning these stars in Appendix II. In the case of the two components of 61 Cygni, the estimated effect of mutual curvature of the components is also included in the computation. These effects tend to modify the centennial variations of the proper- motions and annual variations ; and these centennial variations thus modified are adopted in the catalogue-data for these stars. As already explained under "Adopted Names," whenever the letter m is ap- pended to the name in the second column, it means that the pointing of the observers has probably been made either upon the mass of light, or upon the mean when the components are either wide or of nearly equal magnitudes. Notes are given in some cases ; in others there must exist more or less doubt. Usually, however, the uncertainty is not very serious, especially where the difference of magnitude is very large. As a consequence of the discussion that relates to probable corrections required for the motion of the equinox and precession adopted in this Catalogue, described later under "Proper-motions," the right-ascensions require a correction of +''0079 (71850), in consequence of the deduced correction of + "79 to the centennial motion of Newcomb's equinox, N 1; to which the right-ascensions of this Catalogue correspond. This correction becomes +f 026 for 1900; and this is the common correction of all the right-ascensions of this Catalogue, if it is desired to make them correspond to the motion of the equinox so corrected. This probable correction receives some support from Newcomb's discussion of the correction required for N!, so far as it is indicated by the Washington and Greenwich observations for several years around 1897. (Ast. Jour., No. 498, Vol. XXI, p. 141.) The following cor- rections of the equinox, N u from observations of the sun are there derived : From Washington + ?0 53 From Greenwich +^005 1896 The mean of these, + ?029, is very near that otherwise found in the foregoing. Finally, as will be seen later, it is of the utmost importance that the very great differences of accuracy in the catalogue-positions and motions of different stars be not overlooked; and especially that due attention be given to the relative degree of reliability with which desired predictions for individual stars can be effected. INTRODUCTION XXV MEAN EPOCHS. The fifth column on the left-hand pages and the third on the right-hand pages of the Catalogue contain respectively the mean epochs in right-ascension and declina- tion. These are the means by weight (App. Ill) of the epochs of observation con- tained in the individual catalogues of observation relating to the star in question. The mean epoch has this useful property that, if we reduce the separately observed right-ascensions and declinations from their respective mean epochs to that given in this Catalogue, and combine the resulting positions by weights identical with those employed in forming the mean epoch in this Catalogue, the resulting coordinates will be independent of the proper-motion employed. For any date before or after this, the probable error of the computed position (employing the elements of this Catalogue) will be compounded of the probable error at the mean epoch and the probable error of the motion during the time elapsed. The statement of the mean epoch also serves to indicate, in connection with the probable errors, the general distribution of the observation available in the case of each star. Thus, if the prob- able error of the proper-motion is relatively large in comparison with the p.e. at epoch, then a very early mean epoch would indicate that the star has been neglected in recent times ; and under the like conditions, if the mean epoch is relatively late, that the star was neglected in earlier times. If the mean epoch is so early as 1860, for instance, we have already in 1910, as a component of the probable error of position for that date, one-half of the probable error of centennial variation. For illustration, take No. 44 in declination. The mean epoch is 1860.0; the probable error of declination at mean epoch is "19 ; the probable error of centennial proper- motion (100 /*/) is ''64; therefore that part of the probable error of declination for 1910, due to probable error of centennial proper-motion, is 0.5 x'.'64= "32. And this is very much more important than the probable error of declination, .19, that attaches to the position at mean epoch 1860. The probable error of the declination for 1910 is evidently: ^(.i9) 2 +(-32) 2 = "37; so tnat the weight for the catalogue-declination reduced to 1910 is only about equal to that of a single good meridian-observation. ANNUAL AND SECULAR VARIATION AND THIRD TERM OF PRECESSION. The sixth, seventh, and eighth columns on the left-hand page and the fourth, fifth, and sixth columns on the right-hand page contain the elements necessary for reducing the catalogue-positions from 1900 to any required epoch. Under '^d t." (third term) the element of geometrical precession that depends on the third power , , itPa id?8 of the time is given. It is usually quite closely equal to - , or - . In a few cases the proper-motion has been taken into account in computing this term. If we denote the fraction of a century from 1900 by T (minus, reckoning back), then the effect of the third term upon the deduced position is: r 3 x (3d t.). In the sixth column is given the annual variation in right-ascension, and in the fourth, on the right-hand page, the annual variation in declination. Respectively XXVI PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO in the columns following these, and not separated by a rule, are found the secular variations of the annual variations. These are different from the geometrical secular variations of the precession, and again different from the variation of the precession as affected by proper-motion. For the sake of clearness, let us begin with the secular variation of the proper-motion, A/n (tenth column, left-hand page) and A/t' (eighth column, right-hand page). We have: A/i = [7.98762] p cos a tg 8 + [6.81 1 53] // sin a sec 2 8 + [6.9866] /*/*' tg 81 , . > A/i' = [9.16371 n] p, sin a -I- [8.7367 n] /x 2 sirJS j The numbers in brackets are logarithms, computed after Newcomb's constants of precession. To denote equations (A) when terms in (/i/x') and p. 2 are omitted, put A'/i and A'/x' respectively. Let p and />' denote the precessions. Then we shall have: Geometrical sec. var. = * A/ True sec. var. of precession = -* + A'/i. Sec. var. of annual variation = * + A'/A + A/*. A/ (B) Accenting p and p., we have the equations for declination. Usually we shall have with sufficient accuracy for the secular variation of the annual variation 77 + 2 A'/u,, Of since the omitted terms in A'/x. and A'/x' are usually insensible. In the computa- tions of annual variations for the Catalogue no assumption was made as to the precession; but in computing the secular variation such an assumption becomes necessary. Therefore Newcomb's constants were adopted and formulas (A) and (B) were employed. In the practical computation of ^ and -%- manuscript -j' l\t tables were formed for declinations less than 60, and the terms of (A) were con- veniently tabulated in part. For stars of numerically greater declination than 82 or 83, use of the trigono- metrical formulas was made to form standard epochs either twenty-five years or five years apart, according to need. From these dates interpolation was effected by means of the computed annual and secular variations, with third terms roughly derived from differencing the latter. For these stars in the Catalogue the third term is not given, and one decimal place is dropped in printing the annual and secular variations. At the same time, as a matter of convenience for those wishing to compare results of observation with this Catalogue, positions, motions, and secu- lar variations have been computed for certain standard dates up to 1925, as given in Appendix I. For the purposes of interpolation, sufficiently accurate values of the third term can be derived from the differences of successive secular variations. The trigonometrical formulas and constants of Newcomb were employed. (See The Precessional Constant, pp. 73 to 76.) INTRODUCTION XXVII For the convenience of the reader a table of constants is here given adapted for reducing a star-place given for 1900 to other dates preceding and following. TABLES FOR TRIGONOMETRICAL COMPUTATION OF PRECESSIONS. NEWCOMB'S CONSTANTS. 1000 TO 7* Date I 7 j tan A I p COS A ' = A+z tan S'-S cos A-A, XXVIII PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO PROPER-MOTIONS. The ninth and tenth columns on the left-hand pages give the proper-motion, fi, in right-ascension, and its centennial, or secular, variation, 100 A/x,, in units of the fourth decimal ; correspondingly, the seventh and eighth columns on the right-hand page give the proper-motion, /u/, in declination, and its secular variation, iooA//, in units of the third decimal place. The proper-motions are derived by subtracting from the annual variations the precessions computed from Newcomb's constants for 1900. They are: Precession in R.A. = p = + 3507234 + i!33646 sin a tan 8 Precession in decl. p'=+ 2o'.'o468 cos a In the practical computation, Becker's tables (Vol. II, Strassburg Observations') or Downing's tables for 1910 were employed. It did not seem necessary to print the computed precessions ; they can readily be recovered for any star by subtracting the proper-motion from the annual variation. 100 A/i and 100 A/n,' were computed by means of formulas (A) under "Annual and Secular Variation, etc." in the fore- going. As already stated in the earlier part of this introduction, the ascertainment of proper-motions of the stars constituted the chief motive for the labors that led to the production of this Catalogue. In pursuance of this object, the next step would naturally be to find out what corrections of the adopted precession and of the adopted motion of the equinox are most consistent with the results for annual varia- tions in this Catalogue. A tentative investigation indicates that the proper-motions in right-ascension and declination as printed in this Catalogue require corrections of +?ooo2i ?oooi5 sin a tan 8 for p, and "0023 cos a for pf This implies a correction of Newcomb's luni-solar precession for 1875 of +'.'0058 (annual) ; of his planetary precession (annual) at the same epoch, of +"0006; and a further correction to the right-ascensions of Newcomb's system, NI, which is the basis of this Catalogue, of +''0079 (T 1850), T being expressed in years. The deduced correction for Newcomb's m is : + '^0058 cos at "0006 = + "0047 ; and of Newcomb's n is : + '.'0058 sin = + "0023, in which IOO ; then if e be the probable error of the right-ascension at the mean epoch and e M the probable error of centennial /t, while e r represents the probable error for the required date, we shall have: In the case of Br 3208, this becomes: r 94 = e r = VC + ('.'296 x .27)' If we choose '.'30 as the p.e. of the unit of weight, as has been the case with all the computations for this Catalogue, we shall have as the weights of catalogue-right- ascension at the respective epochs: r WEIGHT. 1870.4 1900 1910 36.0 IO. I 6.2 Thus it is seen that the weight of the predicted right-ascension is rapidly falling, until in 1910 it has only one-sixth the value it had in 1870. By 1920 this weight will have fallen still farther to 4.4. Thus we are able to obtain a very precise idea of the manner in which the precision of the determination for a given star is varying information that is specially important in the case of a star used as standard in meridian-observations, or for any other purpose requiring high precision. The applicability of these probable errors has been repeatedly tested in the course of computations for this Catalogue, and they are believed to be relatively accurate, and quite certainly not too small in the mean. In order to secure the general reliability of these probable errors in the case of each individual star, they are not XXXII PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO derived from the residuals for that star alone, but are computed from the weights resulting from the least-square solution, the probable error of the unit of weight having been verified from the residuals in the solutions of hundreds of stars. As with probable error in general, it may happen that abnormal residuals, or a favor- able "run of luck, " may cause the probable error computed from the residuals for a given star to be greater or less than the mean probable errors printed in this Cata- logue ; but it is believed that, in the long run, the latter are more reliable. It should be borne in mind, however, that probable error is not probable uncertainty. This latter may be as much as, or more than, four times the probable error. Computa- tion shows that we ought to expect that 43 out of the 6188 stars of the Catalogue will ultimately prove to be affected by errors equal to four times the printed probable error of position, and similarly for the probable errors of motion. But these will be the extremely unlucky cases, and, after all, they will be only about one star in 140. Not quite one-fifth of all the stars should be found to have errors equal to twice their probable errors ; and about one in twenty-three stars should turn out to have a real error three or more times the probable error assigned to it in this Catalogue. Then there are the mistakes, as distinguished from mathematical probable error. These may be classified for convenience as follows: (1) Mistakes in the star-positions as printed in the original catalogues of observation. (2) Mistakes of computation in course of preparing the data for this General Catalogue. (3) Mistakes occurring in the combination of data from these computations in order to form this Catalogue as printed. Doubtless all the catalogues contain undetected errors that may be termed mistakes, some of which have been discovered in the course of this work. The presence of such errors, notably in catalogues like Pi 1020, Madr 35, Arm 40, Madr 75, and others, has been frequently indicated to us by abnormal residuals. When it appeared that these might be five times as large as the computed probable error of the catalogue-positions for the particular number of observations employed, the residuals were rejected; but, since satisfactory probability that a discordance was really to be attributed to a particular catalogue would often be wanting in the case of many of the weaker stars, it must have happened in numerous instances that the catalogue-places as actually employed in these computations are still injuriously affected by undetected, material errors of observing record or of com- putation. The effect of such undetected errors, and of other well-known practical considerations, must have been to make the probable errors assigned to the weaker stars relatively less accurate than for the stronger stars, from which abnormal errors are more completely, though not entirely, eliminated. In considering this first point, however, it should be noted that, in computing the weights of observed star-positions (App. Ill) some of the effect of mistakes in the individual cata- logues is naturally included. As to errors in the computation for this work, very great care has been exercised to reduce the number of these to the lowest possible limit. The greatest part of this work has been absolutely duplicated, and all of it has been carefully checked. INTRODUCTION XXX1U Probably the most fruitful source of mistakes will be found to have arisen in the process of assembling the data arising from the computations in order to form the Catalogue as printed. In preparation for the printer's copy of the Catalogue the needed material from various sets of computations had been assembled on cards arranged in the order of right-ascension. The solution of the normal equations for each star had given corrections applicable to the assumed positions and annual variations f or 1 8 7 5 . Another process gave those to be applied to the assumed position and annual variation for 1900. The corrected positions and annual variations for both dates were copied on the catalogue-cards, together with other data relating to precession, proper- motion, etc. Then the corrected position for 1900 was rigor- ously reduced to that of 1875, with the elements provided for that purpose in this Catalogue. This served for the detection of several small errors in the original ephemerides, or in forming the corrected places. This process not only resulted in a satisfactory verification of the relative positions for 1875 and 1900, but at the same time it afforded a good check on the annual variations and a check against gross errors in the secular variation ; but it was, of course, ineffective as to errors common to the data for both 1875 and 1900. Various tests and checks have been employed to guard against any very important error of this kind, like errors of i' or i s . METHOD OF CORRECTING THE CATALOGUE-POSITIONS AND MOTIONS BY MEANS OF ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS. The probable errors already described may be made to serve a useful function additional to that of affording a criterion of the precision attained. From these probable errors may be recovered normal equations which, though not the same, are sufficiently equivalent to those from which the catalogue-positions and motions resulted. As an example, take No. i, Br 3208, or 33 Piscium, in right-ascension. We have: = "05, the probable error of right-ascension at the mean epoch, 1870.4 ; = '.'27, the probable error of centennial fi. If now we put for the prob- able error of the unit of weight, "30, and if we make a quarter of a century the unit of time from the mean date, we shall have as normal equations for correction of the Catalogue for 1870.4: 30.0 Aa + .oA//, = !ooo o Aa + 19.8 A/i = .000 Acto is the required correction of the right-ascension for 1870.4, the catalogue mean epoch, and its coefficient is the weight corresponding to e . A/AO is the required correction of the catalogue-value of 25 /t, and its coefficient is the weight corre- sponding to ^- Now suppose that a determination of the right-ascension of this 4 star is to be made in 1909.9, and that the weight of that determination is to be 6.0. Suppose this determination corrects the catalogue right-ascension by + -030. Then we shall have as a conditional equation from this determination : -4 A +!030) or 2 5 XXXIV PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Proceeding in the usual manner, we shall have to add to the first of equations (D), 6.oAoo + 9.48 A/i = +?i8o and to the second of equations (D), 9.48 Aoo+ 14.98 A/i = + !284 The new normal equations become: 36.0 Aoo + 9.5 A/x = + fi8o 9.5 Aoo + 34.8 A/*= + ?284 The solution of these gives = + foo3 (for 1870.4) A/u, = + ? The new mean epoch is 1877.0. For 1900 we should then have Aa= + !oi2, and consequently : ("Right-ascension =o h o m 13^013 1900 I Annual variation = + 3*0712 [Proper-motion = !ooio The probable error at the epoch, 1877, ^ "5 (weight 36), and the probable error of centennial motion is "21 (weight *- = 2.02). The probable error for 1910 is now "085 instead of "12 given in the Catalogue; consequently the weight for that date is nearly doubled. Owing to the rounding of the probable errors on the second decimal place, the weights for position at mean epoch and for centennial proper-motion may differ somewhat from the actual results from the solution-normals from which the catalogue-results were derived. But this difference will be larger for the best- determined stars, and there it will be of no material consequence. In the present case the normals actually derived from the computations for the Catalogue are: 32.2Aoo+ o.o A/u, = fooo o.o A739 + -oo37 + .009 -.0013 o .05 .27 .10 74 )8 Hydri 2.8 20 30.015 7i-S + 3.2208 .1480 +.360 + .7015-321 .04 .24 .IO 75 Br 26 7.0 20 32.538 65.2 + 3. 090 1 + .0068 + .OIO + .0028 o .08 .40 .20 76, Br 24 6.9 2O 42.082 70.4 + 3 .73o8+.2 3 i9 + .600 + .0081+ 4 .09 .39 .18 77 K Phcenicis 4.0 21 17.165 82.3 + 2.96i3-.0237 + .O22 + .0096 I .12 .70 .23 78 a Phoenicia 2-3 21 2O.55I 75-8 + 2.9746 .0228 + .O2 1 + .0175- 2 .10 .39 .16 79 Br 29 6.7 21 29.662 72.2 + 3.0758+. 0028 + .009 + .0048 o .07 .32 .14 80 Br 3 i 6.8 22 46.161 62.7 + 3.H72+.OI37 + .011 .0007 o -l8 .58 -33 to Br 3 2 5-4 22 50.072 56.5 + 3.i2i9+.oi27 + .OIO + .0081 o .13 .44 .27 82 Pi 74 5-3 22 5I.I3O 65-9 + 3. 2093 +.0342 + .024 + .0092 + I .12 .57 .28 83 77 Sculptoris S-o 22 58.223 83.6 + 2.9814 .0154 + .015 .0022 o .IO .64 .20 84 Br 3 3 6-5 23 0.896 59-i + 3.nio+.on8 + .010 + .0006 o .13 .51 .29 85 L 99 5-5 23 30.686 854 + 2.9655 -.0203 + .019 + .0099- I .12 .62 .20 86 Br 34 6-7 24 29.403 75-6 + 3.7600+. 1815 + 347 + .0954+38 .08 .51 .19 87 Pulk H 33 6.0 24 45.OOI 86.1 + 3. 3204+. 0615 + -056 + .0042 o .12 .84 .23 88 Br 3 6 7.8 24 47-363 67.0 + 3.0784 +.0024 + .009 + .0103 o .13 .48 .24 89 Br 3 5 5-3 24 50.638 70.6 + 3.I562 + .0207 + .014 + .0030 o .10 .39 .18 90 Br 3 8 6-3 24 56.112 76.4 + 3. 06 1 4 +.0009 + .OIO + .0005 o .03 .20 .07 9i Pi 91 5-4 25 22.703 81.6 + 3.0029-. 0095 + .OI2 .0026 o .08 .50 .16 92 L 109 6.6 25 34-753 90.4 + 2.9400 .0206 + .O2O .0006 o .12 .75 .19 93 Br 3 9 7.2 25 35-359 61.8 + 3.II09+.OII7 + .OIO .0027 o .13 .52 .28 94 L no 5-8 25 35-7 8 7 81.6 + 2.9140 .0270 + .O26 + .OIl6 2 .16 .90 .30 95 Br 3 7 6-3 25 39-9I7 72.6 + 3-4i23+.o844 + .095 + .0050+ I .09 .44 .l8 96 Groomb 75 5-9 26 12.507 93-9 + 3.2643 +.0464 + .036 -.0053- I .13 .57 .16 97 A Cassiopeia; m 4-9 26 15.137 70.4 + 3-2875 + -0497 + .040 + .0052+ I .08 .30 .14 98 Br 41 7-3 26 23.995 64.9 + 3.ii38+.oii8 + .OIO .0010 o 15 -57 -30 99 X Phoenicia S-o 26 35.587 83-3 + 2.9051 -.0274 + .026 + .0130 2 .14 .64 .22 100 /3 l Tucanae 4.6 o 26 57.745 75-8 + 2. 7 707 -.0443 + 055 + 0131- 3 .11 .50 .20 52 OS 5. IO M 6" 241. 67 Hussey 506' &<*$ o'fi 217. 62227. i I M 29" 333 90 h 322. II M 9" 187 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t K.' and i oo A |i Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 H.' Sio Remarks. 51 o / /' + 3 57 42-84 72.1 // // + 20.009 .035 tf -.18 it - .003 o .13 .64 .28 52 + 43 14 8.70 61.2 + 20.008 .035 -.18 .004 o .09 .37 .20 26 Andromeda * 53 - 9 22 42.03 77.1 + 19.976-. 036 -.16 - .032 o .04 .19 .07 54 + 154145.35 64.0 + 20.000 .038 -17 .005 o .IO .40 .21 40 Piscium 55 -65 27 44.79 82.1 + 21.171 .038 -.14 + 1.166 o .08 .41 .14 Parallax ".14 56 + 7 38 5-46 57-4 + 20.01 5 -.039 -.17 + .014 o .06 .27 .15 41 Piscium d 57 + 37 24 52.60 68.4 + 19.955 -.040 -.18 .044 o .08 .37 .17 58 -70 10 48.43 81.0 + 19.987 -.037 -13 .on o .13 .69 .24 59 -2932 4.18 81.1 + 19.926 .040 -.16 .069 o .08 .52 .17 60 -203645.36 96.2 + 20.013 .041 -.16 + .019 o .17 1.22 .24 5**2 to 6"3 61 -77 S8S3-47 86.3 + 19.989-. 037 .IO .001 o .15 .8l .24 4 G Hydri 62 + 12 5537-52 53-o + 20.016 .042 -i? + .026 o .10 .40 .25 42 Piscium * 63 -12 45 57.10 68.6 + 20.056 -.043 -.16 + .069 o .07 .29 .14 9 Ceti 64 -16 29 53.11 74-6 + 20.024 .043 -.16 + .039 o .13 .58 .24 65 -31 35 26.29 79-8 + 19.970- .043 -.16 .014 o .12 .65 .23 65 G Sculptoris 66 + 4342 37.17 57-8 + 19.965 .046 -.19 -015 o .11 .45 .26 6? + 51 27 56.39 74-6 + 19.974-- 047 -.19 .005 o .09 .49 .20 * 68 + 61 16 37.11 60.9 + 19.984 .049 .20 + .008 o .O? .28 .15 12 Cassiopeiae 69 2 46 20.18 74-5 + 19.938 .046 -.16 - -037 o .09 .42 .l8 70 + 1345 40.19 71.2 + 19.965 -.047 -17 .010 o 09 -35 -i? 43 Piscium 7i + 52 2933.73 64.7 + 19.970 .049 -.19 - .003 o .11 .45 .23 72 51 35 28.00 87-3 + 19.712 .046 -.14 .260 o .12 .61 .18 45 G Phcenicis -73 + i 23 9.15 74-o + 19.952 -.048 -17 .016 o .05 .24 .10 44 Piscium 74 -7749 2.56 72.0 + 20.290 .048 -.19 + .323+2 .04 .25 .10 Parallax ".13 75 + 78 17.42 62.5 + 19.912-. 049 -I? - .054 o .07 .38 .19 45 Piscium 76 + 79 29 54.48 68.7 + 19.970-. 058 -.29 + .005 o .08 .32 .15 77 -44 14 4.97 79.0 + 19.990- .049 -*s + .030 o .10 .51 .19 78 -42 50 56.77 71.1 + 19.559-. 049 -15 .401 o .08 .31 .14 - 79 o 36 12.42 69-3 + 19.961 .051 -17 + .002 o .06 .29 .13 10 Ceti 80 + 18 57 40.08 58.9 + 19-934- -054 -17 .014 o .13 .46 .27 46 Piscium 81 + 17 20 20.60 55-4 + 19.963-. 054 -17 + .016 o .12 .42 .26 47 Piscium 82 + 43 50 28.82 59-i + 19.929- .055 -.19 .018 o .12 .46 .26 83 -33 33 33-63 80. i + 19.898 .052 -15 .048 o .12 .65 .23 84 + 15 5331.30 56-7 + 19.930-. 054 -17 .016 o 13 -SO -30 48 Piscium 85 40 28 2.18 81.1 + 19.908-. 053 -15 - -33 o .12 .58 .21 49 G Phoenicis 86 + 7628 3.85 77-3 + 19.916 .068 -.27 .0162 .07 .49 .l8 87 + 5925 29.17^ 88.2 + 19.896 .061 .21 - .034 o .11 .71 .19 /3 1094. 9^5 o'.'S 246 88 i 40 6.17 65-8 + 19.865 -.057 -17 .065 o .IO .38 .20 ii Ceti 89 + 29 12 1.02 70.7 + 19.876-. 058 -.18 - -053 o .08 -35 .16 28 Andromedae 90 - 4 30 35.61 75-8 + 19.921 -.057 -.16 .007 o .03 .21 .08 12 Ceti * 9i 24 20 27.27 84-7 + 19.940- .057 -.16 + .016 o .08 .51 .15 49 G Ceti 92 -41 29 34.45 88.8 + 19.936-. 056 -15 + .014 o .10 .65 .17 51 G Phcenicis 93 +1529 5.92 53-4 + 19.915-. 059 -.17 .007 o .10 .37 .23 49 Piscium * 94 -48 45 55.86 83.6 + 19.804 .056 -.14 - .118 o .14 .99 .30 53 G Phcenicis 95 + 65 58 2.OI 65-9 + 19.917 .064 -23 .004 o .09 .29 .l6 13 Cassiopeiae 96 + 52 17 14.85 89.6 + 19.888-. 062 -.19 .028 o .13 .45 .16 97 + 5358 12.51 67-3 + 19.904 -.063 .20 .012 o .08 .26 .13 * 98 + 15 28 10-53 61.2 + 19.867 .061 -I? - .047 o 13 -S3 -29 99 49 21 23.98 81.0 + 19.926 .058 -13 + .014 o .11 .51 .18 X 1 too -63 30 32.80 75-4 + 19.854-. 056 .12 - .054 o .09 .43 .18 See /S 2 , 25" 171 93 2 32. II M 18" 105 97 OS 12. o'/6 152; slow binary. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A \L Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 H. a 10 M h m s s s S a // // // 101 /3 2 Tucanae m 4-6 o 26 58.405 76.2 + 2.7706 .0444 + 055 + .0132- 3 .12 .51 .21 1 02 Br44 5-8 27 14.154 69-5 + 3. 09 1 9 +.0068 + .OIO + .0018 o .10 .34 .17 103 K Cassiopeiae 4.2 27 18.732 67.6 + 3-3776 + -07I2 + .070 + .0016 o .04 .l8 .09 104 Br 4S 5-5 27 20.813 64-9 +3- I 3 8 5 + - OI 44 + .OII + .0091 o .11 .42 .22 105 Br 42 6.6 27 21.133 62.2 + 3. 5296 + . 1114 + 153 + .0096+ 2 .13 .54 .29 1 06 Pi 103 6.7 27 32.501 72-3 + 3.I576+.OI98 + .013 + .OOIO .15 .72 .31 107 L 123 5-3 28 10.471 72.2 + 2.7545-. 0438 + 055 + .OI2O 2 H -54 -25 1 08 6146 6.7 28 35.144 72.7 + 3-4534 + -087 1 + .098 + .OO42 + I .08 .33 .14 109 L 125 5-7 28 44.307 81.6 + 2.9731 .0126 + .014 .0023 o .10 .60 .20 no L 127 7-4 28 49.781 79-8 + 2.9481 .0161 + .016 .0045 o .IO .57 .20 III Tucanae 6.4 29 8.832 82.9 + 2. 5700- .0570 + .096 + .0138- 4 .l6 .75 .26 112 Pi 113 m 7-4 29 23.423 66.6 + 3. 0626 +.OOO9 + .OIO + .0055 o .12 .51 .25 "3 L 133 7.2 29 28.418 89.8 + 2.9206 .O2I3 + .02 1 + .0080 I .12 .70 .l8 114 L 137 5-7 29 42.382 83-7 + 2. 8675 -.0303 + .030 + .0238- 3 13 -75 -24 "5 Pi 114 7-5 29 54-963 68.8 + 3-3 1 5 2 + -osoo +.039 + .0065 + i .12 .58 .27 1 1 6 Br 50 m 5-4 30 6.O26 74-4 + 3.0869+. 0014 + .010 + .0272 o .05 .24 .IO 117 Br 51 6.1 30 24.761 76-5 + 3. 07 7 7 + .0030 + .009 + .0086 o .07 .30 .12 118 Br 49 5-3 3034.157 63-5 + 3.3158 + . 0500 +.039 + .O022 .10 .44 .23 119 Groomb 99 5-9 30 46.103 77-8 + 3-3794+ -0644 +.058 .0000 o .12 .52 .21 1 20 L 143 5-7 3 55-03 79-4 + 2.8730 .0254 + .025 + .OO42 I .l6 .80 .29 121 Pi 124 5-5 31 20.198 67-3 + 3-2457 + -0353 + .024 .O02I O 13 -54 -27 122 Cassiopeiae 3-8 31 23.790 76-4 +3.3199 + . 0497 +.038 + .0023 o .04 .20 .08 123 TT Andromedae 4-4 3 1 32-273 78.8 +3- I 939+- 02 44 + .016 + .0017 o .04 .24 .09 124 Br S4 6.0 3i 34-635 65-9 + 3.i2O3 + .on6 + .OIO .0001 o .10 .46 .23 5 Pi 128 5-7 3i 59-799 70.2 + 3.20i6 + .0259 + .016 .0002 o -IS -84 -37 126 Br 48 6-7 32 12.456 72.4 + 4-3422 + .3S53 + 1.306 -.0523-32 .06 .32 .13 127 Pi 130 m 5-9 32 12.524 83.8 + 3.0860 .0104 + .OI2 + .IO22 5 .06 .32 .10 128 Pi 131 6.7 32 21.530 74-o + 3.0877 + .0050 + .009 + .0069 o .09 .51 .20 I2Q Br S 5 7.2 32 57.721 78.8 + 3. 065 2 + .003 2 + .009 .0036 o .06 .33 .12 130 t Andromedae 4-5 33 l6 -i59 72.8 + 3.i6i2 + .o2o8 + .014 --OI73- I .04 .24 .10 131 Groomb 113 5-8 33 38-137 83-4 +3.2970+. 0423 + .030 + .0014 o .12 .48 .17 132 8 Andromedae 3-4 33 58-727 75-4 + 3.I985 + .0224 + .014 + .0107 o .05 .26 .IO 133 Br S 8 6.1 34 9-556 64-7 + 3-H44+.OI5I + .OII .0330- 2 .10 .34 .19 134 Br 60 5-6 34 39-632 57-2 j +3.i5ii + .oi56 + .OII + .0019 o .14 .46 .28 135 a Cassiopeiae Var. 34 49-746 65-9 + 3-3783 + -o56i + .045 + .0061+ I .03 .12 .06 136 L 166 6.2 35 5-975 84.6 + 2.8691 .0220 + .O22 + .0031 o .12 .87 .25 137 Pi 146 6-3 35 36-884 73-i + 3- 532 + -0014 + .009 .0014 o .IO .40 .18 138 Br 61 5-5 35 41-829 60.4 + 3-2392 + .0302 + .019 .0005 o .12 .44 .25 139 L 172 6.0 35 44-412 81.2 + 2.8282-. 0387 + .041 +.1156-18 .16 .78 .28 140 Pi 148 6-3 36 17-658 80.6 + 3-I742 + .OI79 + .OI2 + .0077 o .IO .68 .22 141 Cassiopeiae S-o 36 29.062 73-3 + 3.3266+. 0447 + .032 + .OO2I O .09 .32 .14 142 /i Phcenicis 4-7 36 36.066 80.6 + 2.8446 .0226 + .023 .0027 o .12 .72 .24 143 t Phcenicis 6.0 37 12.900 82.6 + 2.7491-. 0319 + 035 + .0101 I .16 -75 .26 144 Li8 3 6-3 37 54-292 80.9 + 2.8942 .0170 + .017 + .OOOI O .13 .64 .23 145 TT Cassiopeiae 5-2 37 55-857 64.8 + 3.301 7 + .0395 + .027 .0025 o .10 .40 .21 146 p Tucanae 5-6 38 I2.O22 85.8 + 2.5817 .0408 + .0 S 6 + .0078- I .13 .69 .21 147 Ceti 2.O 38 34-225 68.9 + 3.0133-. 0054 + .OII + .0160 o .03 .15 .07 148 i) Phcenicis 4.6 38 5I-667 81.6 + 2.7104 .0318 +.036 .0009 o .13 .63 .22 149 Br 68 5-8 38 52.855 83-9 + 3-3 J 46+.0409 + .028 .0024 o .13 .45 .18 150 Br 66 5-7 o 39 2.276 80.8 + 3.8807 + . 1649 +.279 -.0053- 2 .04 .24 .08 ioi Innes 260. 5^o-6"Co o"j 300. no h 3375. 9^2 6" 165. 102X36. 112239. o" 45. CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t HI' and 100 AH Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 (*' 8 10 Remarks. Of If // // 101 -63 3059-95 76.6 + 19.846 .056 .12 .062 o .10 .44 .18 See p * 102 + 6 24 11.52 59-8 + 19.918 .062 -17 + .012 .09 .30 .18 51 Piscium * 103 + 62 22 47.67 69.1 + 19.906 .067 .21 + .001 .04 .17 .08 104 + 194436.47 70.7 + 19.852-. 063 -17 .052 o 09 -36 -17 52 Piscium 105 + 702547.89 65.8 + 19.907 .070 -.24 + .003 o .12 .51 .26 1 06 + 27 43 40.87 65-0 + 19.908 .064 -.18 + .006 o .IO .46 .23 OS 14. II M 9" 160 107 -63 34 5 6 - 01 74-6 + 19.857-. 058 .12 - -039 o .12 .51 .22 54 G Tucanae 1 08 + 66 ii 55.88 71.4 + 19.894 .071 -.24 + .003 o .06 .28 .13 1 6 Cassiopeiae 109 -3 6 33-47 84.1 + 19.861 .063 "IS .028 o .10 .58 .18 77 G Sculptoris no -3532 22.34 75-i + 19.367 .062 -IS .521 o .11 .63 .25 78 G Sculptoris * III -7149 3.21 82.9 + 19.873-. 056 -.09 .012 o .13 .65 .22 -112 - 5 5 53-46 66.2 + 19.885-. 066 -.16 + .003 o .IO .39 .20 * "3 -42 5 8 59-98 88.9 + 19.904 .063 -.14 + .023 o .10 .63 .17 56 G Phcenicis 114 -52553 2 -39 82.2 + 19.904- .063 -13 + .025 o .10 .60 .20 58 G Phcenicis "5 + 5339 8.50 65-7 + 19.890 .071 .20 + .014 o .14 .55 .28 -116 - 4 8 36.13 73-o + 19.856- .068 -.16 .018 o .05 .23 .10 13 Ceti * 117 - i 3 18.24 71.1 + 19.810 .068 -.16 .061 o .07 .30 .14 14 Ceti 118 + 5337 3-Si 60.6 + 19.877-. 073 .20 + .007 o .IO .40 .22 iig + 594631.55 71.8 + 19.865-. 074 .22 .001 o .IO .45 .20 120 -4832 57.45 79-3 + I 9-747~-o65 -'3 -.118 o .12 .75 .26 59 G Phcenicis \ 2 121 + 43 56 12.81 60.2 + 19.886- .073 -.19 + .026 o .12 .45 .25 122 + 53 2047.57 72.7 + 19.850- .074 .20 .009 o .04 .18 .08 "3 + 33 10 7.61 74-9 + 19.848 .072 -.I 9 .009 o .05 .24 .10 W.H. 8s 36" 173 124 + 14 40 52.52 62.2 + 19.829 .071 -17 .028 o .10 .38 .21 53 Piscium 125 +34 5 57-86 59-8 + 19.871-. 073 -.19 + .019 o .12 .46 .26 126 + 81 56 29.93 71.9 + 19.940 .096 -47 + .091+ I .06 .24 .11 127 -25 19 3-i4 88.4 + 19.840- .073 -15 .009 2 .06 .38 .10 * 128 + 2 35 11.36 75-3 + 19.784 .071 -i? - .063 o .09 .52 .20 129 - i 3 12.52 72.1 + 19.834- .072 -.16 .006 o .06 .26 .12 15 Ceti 130 + 2846 7.60 74-5 + 19.588- .075 -.18 .248 o .04 .28 .11 131 + 48 48 17-63 80.7 + 19.818 .079 .20 -.013 o .11 .42 .16 02 16. II M 14" 23 132 + 30 18 49.54 73-4 + 19.741-. 077 -.19 - .086 o .04 .22 .09 133 + 20 42 39.60 59-9 + 19.450- .075 -.18 -375+ i .09 .31 .18 54 Piscium 134 + 20 53 22.91 54-2 + 19.780 .078 -.18 - .038 o .11 .40 .25 55 Piscium * 135 + 55 59 20.15 63-4 + 19.785-. 083 .22 -.031 o .02 .11 .06 2 M 2 tO 2*| I 8 136 -45 2047.15 81.7 + 19.788- .074 -.14 .024 o .IO .63 .20 63 G Phcenicis 137 - 4 54 2.34 70.6 + 19.795-. 077 -.!6 .010 o .08 .32 .15 138 + 38 54 34.90 52-5 + 19.800 .082 -.19 .004 o .12 .41 .26 32 Andromedae 139 60 o 58.71 78.8 + 20.250 .074 .11 + .446 2 .13 .63 .24 60 G Tucanae 140 + 24 450-24 79.1 + 19.772 .082 -.18 .024 o 09 -54 -19 141 +49 57 50-39 68.6 + 19.786- .085 .21 .007 o .09 .26 .14 142 -4638 2.79 79-2 + 19.766- .074 -13 .026 o .09 .57 .20 143 -57 3 5-7o 79-5 + 19.821 .074 .12 + .038 o .13 .6l .23 h 3387. IO M 13" 253 144 -39 041.53 79-o + 19.772-. 078 -.14 .001 o .12 .56 .21 83 G Sculptoris X 1 145 + 46 28 39.52 57-8 + 19.746 .088 .20 .027 o .10 .35 .21 146 66 i 2.94 87.6 + 19.816 .071 .IO + .047 o .11 .71 .19 147 -1832 7.79 68.2 + 19.803 .082 -15 + .039 o .03 .16 .07 148 -S 8 041.38 78-4 + 19.766 .075 .11 + .007 o .IO .42 .17 h 3391. II M 20" 218 149 + 47 18 57.73 80.2 + 19.768 .090 .20 + .009 o .12 .46 .l8 ISO + 74 26 29.24 79-7 + 19.733-. 104 -33 .024 o .04 .24 .08 21 Cassiopeiae 116 Hough 212. s l y l 9-6'! /l 6 o'/3 261 binary. 134 2 46. I2 7 ft 395- 6N6-6 1 " 1 ; < i"; rapid binary. 7" 192 8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p. and 100 A (i Prob. Errors. aEp. I00)i aio M h m s s s s s // // // I5i Br 71 5-o 039 8.744 71.4 + 3.0271 .0016 + .OIO .0004 o .12 .48 .22 152 o Cassiopeia 4-9 39 8 -979 85.3 + 3-3246+.o4i6 + .029 + .OO22 .05 .32 .09 153 L 192 6.1 39 22.063 90.1 + 2.9070 .0171 + .017 + .0195- I .11 .70 .18 154 Pi 162 5-5 39 35-107 71.6 + 3-3935 + -054I + .042 .0029 o .11 .48 .21 155 Pi 166 5-4 39 47-SSi 86.5 + 2.9730- .0073 + .OI2 - .0034 o .10 .75 .20 156 Pi 171 6.7 40 18.668 67.4 + 3-53 I + -o I 5 + .009 + .0020 o .15 .60 .30 157 Br 7 3 6-3 40 27.347 68.b + 3.0136 .0026 + .OIO .0027 o .10 .38 .19 158 L 207 6.0 41 4.187 91.2 + 2.8246 .0232 + .024 + .0178 2 .14 .75 .20 159 Br 72 5-5 41 5.108 72-9 + 3.9246+. 1663 + 275 + .0044+ I .08 .33 .15 160 L 203 5-8 4i 13-593 88.4 + 2.9842 .0076 + .OI2 + -OI37- I .10 .8l .20 161 Br?5 5-8 41 18.864 55-4 + 3.i336+.oi22 + .OIO .0026 o IS -54 -33 162 Br 76 5-7 41 48.402 71.4 + 3. 1248 + . 0103 + .009 + .0033 o .10 .39 .18 163 Br 77 6-3 4i 56-457 67-3 + 3.i627 + .oi49 + .OII + .0065 o .12 .52 .25 164 Andromedae 4-2 42 2.184 79-5 + 3.i72i + .oi8o + .012 .0074 o .04 .22 .08 165 Br8o 6-3 42 I3- 2 S4 60.8 + 3. 0998 + .0074 + .009 + .0009 o .10 .42 .23 166 Pi 181 7-5 42 19.216 69-4 + 3-3737 + -0473 + 033 .0006 o .16 .46 .25 167 Br8i 6.8 42 36.501 66.5 + 3.i756+.ois8 + .OII + .0115 o .15 .54 .28 168 17 Cassiopeia c.g 3-6 43 2.853 67.8 + 3-S99 8 + .0649 + .050 + .1390+17 169 L 218 5-5 43 4-I72 92.0 + 2.9710 .0069 + .OII + .0009 o .IO .72 .l6 170 Br 84 6.2 43 6.050 67.6 + 3. 1090+. 0078 + .009 + .0071 o .14 .50 .25 171 Pi 189 6.0 43 8.185 73-9 + 3.i432 + .oo65 + .009 + .0500 I .07 .32 .13 172 v Cassiopeia 5-o 43 9- 8 6 74-2 + 3-3785 + -0467 +033 + -0035 o .09 .36 .l6 173 8 Piscium 4-6 43 29.595 73-8 + 3. 1 090 +.0080 + .009 + .0055 o .04 .21 .09 174 Br 86 5-3 43 43-285 65.4 + 3.i455 + .oi32 + .OIO .0014 o .13 .58 .29 175 v Andromedae 4.6 44 I7-7 86 77-9 + 3-2935 + -0329 + .02O + .0017 o 07 -34 -13 176 L 226 6-5 44 18.344 76.8 + 2.79I5-.02I5 +.023 .0031 o .16 .78 .31 177 Pi 198 6.0 44 24.222 77-6 + 3.0148 .0028 + .OIO + .0071 o .14 .78 .29 178 Br 88 m 5-7 44 30.822 78.2 + 3.2ii6+.o2o6 +013 + .0069 o .10 .33 .14 179 Br82 5-7 44 39.284 85.8 + 3. 6007 + .0837 +.082 + .0047+ I .07 .66 .17 1 80 Pi 196 6.4 44 43 -OS 1 67.0 + 3-333I + -0378 + .024 + .0065 + I .18 .58 .31 181 Br 89 5-4 45 7.076 76.4 + 3. 0047 -.00 1 2 + .010 .0160 o .07 .28 .12 182 XHydri 5-i 45 7-273 78.8 + 2. 0993 -.0367 +.074 +0355-13 .08 .64 .22 183 Pi 199 6.6 45 13-892 74-8 + 3. 4090+. 0482 +033 + .0135+ 2 .14 .52 .23 184 L 231 6.9 45 22.631 87.4 + 2.8182 .0190 + .O20 .0008 o .14 .86 .24 185 Br74 5-7 45 29-70- 72-3 + 5.302- +.602- +.031 -+24 .07 .32 .14 1 86 Pi 203 6.4 45 Si-3 1 ? 73-5 + 3-3994+-48i +034 -.0013 o .15 .57 .26 187 p Phoenicis 5-4 46 8.068 84-5 + 2. 7415-. 0243 + .026 +.0055- I .12 .63 .20 188 Br 91 6.7 46 9.285 77-2 + 3.0863 + .0059 + .009 + .0007 o .11 .69 .25 189 Br 90 5-i 47 5-828 73-9 + 3. 5460+. 0722 + .064 .0098 I .09 .38 .l6 IQO L2 3 8 5-7 47 46.076 92-3 + 2.9474- .0077 + .OI2 + .0014 o .11 .92 .20 IQI Br 9 3 S-o 47 53-786 68.8 + 3.0638+. 0037 + .009 .0004 o .05 .24 .11 192 Pi 211 6-5 48 1.199 76.4 + 3.4394+. 0509 + .0 3 6 + .0094+ I .16 .54 .24 193 Br 94 5-i 49 3-741 61.4 + 3-5306 + -0660 + -054 .0038 I .10 .42 .23 194 Br 98 6.6 49 14.868 70.0 + 3.0274 .0001 + .OIO + .0016 o .13 .62 .28 195 Br 96 m 6.0 49 17.486 74-6 + 3.i702 + .oi5o + .OIO + .0016 o .09 .34 .15 I 9 6 L 253 5-8 49 28.259 81.6 + 2.5086 .0321 + .041 + .0082- 2 .15 .69 .25 197 Br 97 m 5-6 49 36-721 74.8 + 3.2047 + .oi8o + .OII + .OIOO .09 .45 .18 198 Br 100 6.2 50 35-696 68.4 + 3-2I92 + .O2O6 + .OI2 .0001 o .11 .60 .27 199 y Cassiopeia 2.O 50 40.148 73-8 + 3-5875 + -0723 + .061 + .0040+ I .03 .16 .O? 200 Pi 226 4-9 o 50 42.308 64-3 + 3. 5420+. 0668 + 055 .OIl6 2 .12 .54 .28 158 Harv. 7*3 14" 307 178261. 6*4-6*4 4'.'S "7 190/8734. 8S n" 346. CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR 1 900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t X ^ and i oo AH Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 151 o / // -II 915.17 68.3 It It + 19.645-. 083 -.16 // .no o 9 -33 - 1 ? 17 Ceti 1 152 + 47 44 13.53 80.0 + I9-750- -091 .20 -.005 o .06 .25 .09 231. 1 2" 33" 303 153 -38 58 21.68 85-4 + 19.868 -.08 1 -.14 + .116 o .11 .56 .18 84 G Sculptoris \ 2 154 + 54 40 26.26 68.6 + 19.739- .094 .22 .009 o .11 .40 .20 /3 492. i2 M 2" 152 155 -22 33 21.44 87.! + 19.832-. 083 -IS + .087 o 09 -55 -i5 73 G Ceti -156 - 5 1 38-83 68.7 + 19.769 .086 -.16 + .Q3J o .12 .51 .24 157 -13 25 20.13 69.4 + I9-539- -086 -.16 .196 o .09 .34 .17 18 Ceti 158 -48 6 4.23 89.6 + 19.807 .082 .12 + .081 o .11 .64 .17 72 G Phoenicia* 159 + 7418 4.74 69.4 + 19.714 .110 -34 .012 O .08 .27 .13 23 Cassiopeiae 1 60 -23 4 7-39 88.9 + 19.722 .087 -15 .001 o .11 .90 .22 161 + 1455 48.16 56.1 + 19.670 .090 -.18 -.052 o 14 -55 -33 57 Piscium 162 + 11 25 42.24 70.8 + 19.684 .091 -17 - .030 o .08 .34 .16 58 Piscium 163 + 19 iSS-72 66.1 + 19.721 .092 -.18 + .009 o .10 .48 .23 59 Piscium 164 + 23 43 23.35 73-4 + 19.63 1 -.093 -.18 .080 o .04 .21 .09 165 + 6 ii 42.33 61.4 + 19.698 .091 -i? .010 o .09 .42 .22 60 Piscium 166 + 5053 56.63 53-6 + 19-705 --99 .21 .001 o .12 .36 .24 5 59. 8 M 5 2" 147 167 + 2O 22 44.24 62.2 + 19.711 .094 -.18 + .OIO .12 .49 .26 61 Piscium 168 + 57 i7 5-53 64.9 + 19.172 .in -.24 -522- 5 See Appendix 169 22 l6 5.27 90.0 + 19.698 .089 "IS + .004 o .10 .77 .18 79 G Ceti 170 + 645 14.12 63-7 + 19.701 -.093 -17 + .008 o .12 .42 .23 62 Piscium -171 + 4 45 59-14 69-3 + 18.549 .096 -17 -1.144-1 .06 .26 .12 172 + 50 25 21.78 65-3 + 19.681 .101 .21 .on o .09 .30 .16 173 + 72 27.00 75-i + 19.643 -.094 -17 .044 o .04 .20 .08 174 + 16 24 2.58 61.5 + 19.480- .095 -.18 - .203 o .13 .51 .28 64 Piscium 175 + 4032 3-37 68.8 + 19-653- - 101 .20 .021 o .06 .24 .12 176 -47 I437-" 77-5 + 19.693 .086 -13 + .020 .13 .71 .26 73 G Phoenicis 177 14 6 13.28 77-4 + 19.585-. 093 -.16 .087 o .12 .64 .24 P 1160. 12" i'.'3 117 178 + 27 956.84 70.7 + 19.663 -.099 -.19 .007 o .08 .28 .14 65 Piscium i * 179 + 63 42 11.38 79-4 + 19.668 .no -.26 ooo o .07 .39 .14 180 + 44 27 25.61 60.6 + 19.663 -.103 .20 - .003 o .15 .48 .28 181 ii 10 58.51 73-i + I9-435- -94 -.16 -.225 o .07 .29 .13 19 Ceti < 182 -75 28 4.00 78.5 + 19.644 .069 -05 .016 I .07 .54 .18 183 + 5057 48.22 68.4 + 19.656-. 105 .22 .002 o .13 .44 .22 184 -43 56 24.72 80.7 + 19.666 .089 -13 + .OII O .12 .64 .22 74 G Phoenicis 185 + 8 3 95 2 -39 70.7 + 19.643 .162 .010 I .08 .28 .13 186 + 51 i 38.64 66.2 + 19.635-. 107 .22 .012 o .14 .47 .25 187 -Si 3i 57-44 84.7 + 19.680- .088 .12 + .038 o .10 .58 .18 ^188 - 2 50 32.42 68.4 + 19.556- .098 -17 - .086 o ir -53 -25 189 + 603432.58 65-3 + 19.799-. 114 -25 + .174 o .08 .28 .15 190 -2433 i-52 88.7 + 19.645 -.097 -15 + .032 o .11 .97 .23 88 G Ceti* 191 - i 41 14-44 65-7 + 19.595-. 101 -.16 .016 o .05 .21 .IO 20 Ceti 192 + 52 848.23 56.6 + 19.582-. 113 .22 .026 o .15 .43 .28 S 70. IO M 8" 244 193 + 58 25 52.88 62.9 + 19.545 .118 -25 .044 o .10 .43 .23 26 Cassiopeiae v* 194 - 9 16 55.53 66.6 + I9-539- -!2 -.16 - .047 o .10 .38 .19 21 Ceti 195 + 1838 45.74 72.8 + 19.572- .107 -.18 -.013 o .08 .31 .14 66 Piscium * 196 -63 24 51.66 83-4 + I9.57I-. 087 -.09 .Oil O .13 .67 .22 69 G Tucanas (X 1 ) 197 + 23 5-12.33 77.0 + 19.546-. 109 -.18 - -033 o .07 .40 .15 36 Andromedae * 198 + 26 40 1.76 66.2 + 19.566 .III -.19 + .006 o .11 .48 .24 67 Piscium k 199 + 60 10 3 LOOK 69.1 + I 9-557--i23 -.26 .002 .03 .I? .08 1028. II M 2" 257 200 +583826.76 61.2 + 19.516 .121 -25 .042 o .11 .47 .25 28 Cass. v. 2 Br 3224 195 OS 20. 6"J I 3 7*| I 4 < i"; binary. 197 2 73. 6i-6"7 i'/S ! binary, 140 yrs. . 10 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t P and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. IOO|1 aio M h m s a s S s // // it 201 Groomb 184 m 5-8 o 50 45.314 73-6 + 3-5824+.07I2 + .059 + .0052+ I .13 .70 .29 2O2 Br 103 5-6 51 0.630 81.4 + 3.0090 .0012 + .OIO .0017 o .07 .48 .16 203 /A Andromeda: 3-9 51 12.016 78.0 + 3-3i62 + .o309 + .018 + .0128+ I .03 .20 .07 2O4 X Tucanae 5-5 51 16.188 83-2 + 2.2524 .0325 + 055 .0023 o .14 .70 .23 205 L259 6.9 51 27.240 81.9 + 2.6676 .0244 + .027 + .0008 o .15 .75 .26 2O6 r) Andromeda 4.6 Si 5I-87S 65.4 +3.i958 + .oi79 + .OII -.0031 o .11 .57 .27 207 L 257 7-5 5i 56.545 88.4 + 2.9300 .0081 + .OI2 + .0035 o .14 1.02 .26 208 Groomb 192 6.1 52 10.971 74-7 + 3-75I2 + .0978 + .IOI + .0072+ 2 .10 .63 .24 2og Br 105 5-7 52 25.321 68.4 + 3-2374+.022I + 013 + .0009 o .11 .52 .24 210 Pi 243 6-5 52 39-576 77-5 +3.i427 + .oii8 + .009 .0008 o .IO .46 .l8 211 Br 106 6.0 53 43-454 71.0 + 3.0050 .0010 + .009 .0018 o .11 .48 .22 212 a Sculptoris 4-4 53 47-289 83-3 + 2.8942 .0099 + .012 + .0006 o .05 .28 .09 213 L 272 7-3 54 0.289 87.8 + 2.3268- .0304 + .045 .0069+ I .l8 .87 .26 214 L 271 6.6 54 12.871 81.0 + 2.5069 .0283 + 035 + .OO5I I .l6 .72 .27 215 Pi 251 8-3 54 15-783 80.8 + 3. 0706 +.0050 + .009 -.0031 o .14 .54 .21 216 Groomb 205 6.4 54 23.762 58.4 + 3. 3804 +.0385 + .024 + .0028 o .15 .68 .38 217 Br 107 6.4 54 38.599 76.4 + 3.1066 + . 0079 + .009 + .0014 o .08 .38 .15 218 Br 92 4.6 55 1-57- 73-8 + 7.396. +1.482. + .077. +96 .04 .16 .07 219 Br 65 6.8 55 36-82. 62.1 + i5.4i6. + 9-9i3. +.180. +607 .07 .24 .13 22O L 274 7-3 55 52.545 94.4 + 2.8359- .0133 + 015 + .0047 o .13 I.I4 .22 221 $ Sculptoris 5-7 56 38.056 92.4 + 2.8119 .0147 + .OI6 + .0086 o .14 I. II .24 222 Br no 8.0 56 54.788 69.2 +3.n65 + .oo88 + .009 + .0015 o .09 .45 .20 223 Br 108 6.1 57 16.938 64.2 + 3-3559+-0344 + .020 .0019 o .14 .40 .23 224 3 203 + 37 57 24-85 74-4 + 19.576-. 116 .20 + .027 o .04 .21 .08 2O4 -70 4 4-37 81.8 + 19.510 .081 -.07 - -037 o .11 .56 .19 70 G Tucanae X 1 . Lac 262 205 -5343 58.45 81.5 + 19.488- .095 .11 .056 o .12 .64 .22 79 G Phoenicis 2O6 + 22 52 39.74 60.2 + 19.494-. 113 -.18 .042 o .10 .45 .24 207 -25 54 I7-56 87.6 + 19.524-. 104 -.14 .010 o .14 1. 10 .29 208 + 65 48 42.48 69.4 + 19.542-. 132 -.29 + .013 o .10 .51 .23 209 + 28 27 5.62 68.3 + 19.513-. 115 -.19 .012 o .10 .43 .20 68 Piscium h 210 + 13 9 18.73 76.0 + 19.501-. 113 -.18 .019 o .09 .46 .18 211 -ii 55 ii-35 71.6 + 19.483 .no -15 .016 o .09 .39 .17 23 Ceti 212 -29 53 52.43 81.2 + 19.498 .106 -13 + .OOI O .06 .27 .IO 213 -67 6 3.66 83.1 + 19.481 .087 -.08 .012 o .14 .63 .22 Innes48. 8""8 o'/8 342 214 -61 14 13.39 79-8 + I 9-5 I 3--94 -.09 + .025 o .14 .6l .23 72 G Tucanae -215 + o 14 31.14 74-9 + 19.386-. 113 -.16 .102 o .10 .35 .16 5 80. 9 M 21" 320 216 + 44 10 28.12 48.3 + 19.466 .124 .21 .019 o -13 -Si -34 2 79. 71*4 8" 192 -217 + 5 5637-22 76.0 + 19.471-. 115 -17 .009 o .08 .44 .17 218 +85 43 14.50 80. i + 19.467 .267 -o5- 3 .04 .20 .07 43 H. Ceph. 2 Urs. Min. 219 + 88 29 15.58 57-9 + 19.444- .554 .016 6 .09 .34 .20 B A C 240 22O -364638.32 91.1 + I 9-435-- I 8 -13 .019 o .13 1.02 .23 93 G Sculptoris 221 -3927 23.45 90.4 + 19.498 .109 .12 + .060 o .14 I.O2 .24 222 + 7 24 4.76 67.4 + 19.463 .120 -17 + .031 o .09 .48 .22 70 Piscium 223 + 40 48 27.26 62.4 + 19.414 .129 .21 .010 o .10 .37 .20 39 Andromedae 224 + 31 16 2.29 74-4 + 19.392-. 127 .20 -.031 o .08 .34 .15 225 -32 5 25.37 80.0 + 19.424 .112 -13 + .008 o .11 .60 .21 226 + 7 21 6.33 71.6 + 19.442 .121 -17 + .028 o .03 .15 .06 227 -57 32 27.32 81.8 + 19.427 .101 -.09 + .015 o .10 .59 .19 228 5 22 16.87 70.0 + 19.308 .119 -.16 .101 o .10 .39 .18 25 Ceti 229 -4656 6.95 82.6 + 19.403 .108 .11 + .OO2 O .13 .88 .27 8 1 G Phoenicis 230 + o 49 51.06 68.5 + 19.360 .122 -.16 - -034 o .05 .26 .12 26 Ceti * 231 + 39 27 18.15 57-6 + 19.366-. 133 .21 .021 o 13 -55 -32 232 + 86 36 47.45 72.9 + 19.367-. 341 .OI7 2 .09 .30 .14 B AC 273 233 + 57 12.84 68.3 + 19.362-. 125 -17 .009 o .09 .38 -.18 73 Piscium 234 + 14 24 29.48 74-4 + 19.412 .127 -.18 + .044 o .09 .37 .16 72 Piscium 235 + 2056 15.63 59-3 + I9.340-. 130 -.18 .017 o .10 .37 .21 1 74 Piscium ^ l pr * 2 3 6 + 20 55 47-Si 74-6 + I9.33I-. 130 -.18 .025 o .12 .50 .21 ) 74 Piscium ^' seq.* 237 -10 30 51.62 68.2 + 19.318-. 123 "IS - .032 o .11 .42 .21 27 Ceti 238 + 4 22 33.21 66.2 + 19.236 .126 -I? -.113 o .08 .32 .l6 77 Piscium * 239 + 79 28 41.16 75-7 + 19.309-. 196 -.64 .040 o .09 .43 .17 Groomb 230 240 + 42237.55 76-5 + 19.240 .126 -17 -.108 o .10 .65 .24 * 241 + 31 38 47.28 58-4 + 19.329- .134 .20 .019 o .10 .40 .23 76 Piscium a 3 242 10 22 30.25 72.7 + I9.350-. 124 -15 + .OII .10 .38 .17 28 Ceti 243 + 12 25 11.82 72.1 + I9.37I-. 130 -17 + 037 o .10 .40 .18 75 Piscium 244 + 54 25 47-33 62.7 + I7.77I-. l8 S -25 -1.556-23 .06 .24 .13 Parallax ".1,3 245 -47 15 15.71 72.4 + 19.313-. 112 .11 .014 o .08 .37 .16 Sellers. 4*| l i-4 M i i" 18 246 + 43 2433-58 59-6 + 19.254-. 143 .22 -.057- I .09 .31 .18 41 Andromedae 247 + 57 43 46.29 86.2 + 19.304-. 151 -.27 .004 o .13 .43 .16 248 +31 28 42.20 79-3 + 19.259-. 139 .20 -.047 -I -10 -35 -IS 78 Piscium 249 + 20 12 26.61 62.7 + I9-2I2-. 135 -.18 .092 o 13 -51 -27 79 Piscium i// 2 250 10 19 13.86 7i-5 + 19.322 .127 -is + .022 .10 .42 .19 30 Ceti 238-240 S 90. 33 83 12 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO mo. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (iand 100 A (i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m s s s s s // // // 251 Br 133 6.6 I 2 50.224 69.8 +3. 0905 + .0058 + .009 + .0089 I .08 .36 .17 252 Br 136 5-7 3 I3-034 65-3 +3.0868 +.0078 + .009 .0182 o .06 .30 .15 253 v Phcenicis 5-4 3 I3-8I7 84.7 + 2.7468 .0150 + .017 + .0025 o .15 .72 .24 254 t Tucanas 5-5 3 21.067 79-9 +2.3884- .0248 + .032 + .OIII 2 .11 .63 .22 255 17 Ceti 3-5 3 33-548 73-3 + 3.0172 .0000 + .009 + .0141 o .05 .28 .12 256 Br 117 5-8 3 37-257 78.2 +5.0142 +.3435 +.778 + .0324+16 .04 .28 .IO 257 Androm. m 4.2 34I-7I9 73-8 +3.4623 +.0433 + .026 + .0007 o .11 .33 .16 258 Br 130 5-5 353-m 64-3 + 4.0017 + . 1203 +133 + .0078+ I .12 .44 .23 259 /8 Andromeda; 2.1 4 7- 8 5 76.6 +3-3466 + .0289 +.015 + .0149+ I .03 .14 .05 260 Phcenicis 4-i 4 10.946 75-7 + 2. 5300- .02 1 7 + .026 + .0008 o .11 .50 .20 261 Br 144 5-8 4 28.311 65-7 + 3. 2007 + .0160 + .OIO .0003 o .18 .72 .36 262 Br 143 5-9 4 37-903 63-6 + 3. 3898 + .0358 + .O20 .0122 I .15 .54 .29 263 Br 138 5-6 4 57-527 81.4 + 3.8329+. 0916 + .083 + .0053+ I .12 .50 .l8 264 Cassiopeiae 4-5 5 0.595 59-8 + 3.6254+. 0600 + .041 + .0264+ 3 .07 .24 .14 265 Br 139 5-6 5 10.329 72.0 + 3.8615 + .0959 + .089 + .0035 o .12 .38 .18 266 Br 147 6.8 5 11.000 68.4 + 3.0092 + .0008 + .009 .0008 o 13 -57 -27 267 Br 148 6.4 5 24-755 73-5 + 3.0847 + .0063 + .009 .0002 o .08 .38 .16 268 Br 145 6.0 5 32-957 66.5 + 3-3567 + -0310 + .OI6 .0018 o -IS -68 .33 269 Br 146 5-3 5 35-734 75-4 + 3. 2964 + . 0249 + 013 .0017 o .14 .52 .23 270 X Piscium 4.8 6 4-554 67.6 +3.2i58+.oi7o + .OIO + .0014 o .15 .57 .28 271 T Piscium 4.6 6 9.043 78.0 + 3. 2936+. 0238 +013 + .0055 o .05 .28 .10 272 L-325 7-4 6 9.408 86.7 + 2.4710 .0216 + .026 .0066 + I .16 .81 .25 273 Br 152 6-5 6 38.291 73-3 + 3. 0499 +.004 1 + .009 .0038 o .12 .52 .23 274 Pi 9 6.7 6 46.462 65.8 + 3.4569+. 0408 +.023 + .0033 o .14 .56 .28 275 Br 154 6.8 7 22.901 72.0 + 3-0735 + -0064 + .009 .0120 o 08 .33 .15 276 Br 137 6.4 7 39-332 59-2 + 5.i285 + .36i5 +.838 -0173- 5 .13 .45 .26 277 L 3 26 6.8 7 39-862 85-1 + 2.8411 .0092 + .OI2 + .0055 o .12 .8l .23 278 Br 156 7.0 7 45-687 73-7 + 3.OI86+. 002O + .009 .0038 o .15 .64 -28 279 1,327 7-3 8 8.113 84.1 + 2.7930 .0112 + .014 + .0024 o .12 .63 .20 280 L 32 8 6.2 8 9.050 86.0 + 2.7692 .OI25 + .015 + .0071 I .10 .56 .17 281 Piscium 4-7 8 19.045 73-8 + 3.249i + .oi96 + .OIO + .0016 o .11 .36 .17 282 t Piscium 5-5 8 30.307 71.2 + 3. 1 299 + .0091 + .009 + .0089 o .05 .26 .11 283 Br 159 6.6 8 3i-73o 73-3 + 3. 1301 + .0091 + .009 + .0091 o .08 .34 .15 284 Br 161 6.1 8 48.823 74-6 + 3.i8o9 + .oi40 + .009 .0019 o .11 .51 .21 285 Br 164 5-3 9 21.779 70.5 + 3.o2i5 + .ooi6 + .009 + .0084 o .08 .30 .14 286 Br 162 6-3 9 3- 2 5i 67.7 + 3-ii68 + .oo89 + .009 .0008 o .13 .44 .22 287 Br 165 6.0 9 42-7 6 9 69-5 + 3. 060 1 + .0049 + .008 .0017 o .09 .39 .18 288 v Phcenicis 5-i 10 40.391 79-2 + 2.7149 .0167 + .018 + .0636- 5 .13 .69 .25 289 Abo 34 7-i ii 27.689 76.2 + 4.0507 + .1164 + .I2O .0013 o i2 -57 -23 290 Br 167 5-7 ii 31.629 77-8 + 3. 043 2 + .0042 + .008 .0074 o .07 .30 .12 291 Br 1 68 7.2 " 5I-833 65-9 + 3. 0700 +.0042 + .008 + .0178 o .09 .34 .18 292 Br 155 6.6 ii 59.219 68.8 + 4.8640+. 2730 + .502 .OO29+ 2 .12 .60 .27 293 x 1 Tucana; 7.0 12 22.445 89.1 + 2.0337-. 0180 + .027 + .0659-14 .20 .92 .27 294 K 2 Tucanas 5-3 12 22.64O 76-9 + 2.0427 .0184 + .027 +.0751-17 .IO .60 .22 295 Br 171 5-4 12 38.391 79-6 + 3.0914+. 0073 + .008 - .0034 o .06 .28 .IO 296 Br 172 7-3 12 40.862 71.8 + 3.oi37 + .ooi8 + .008 + .0013 o .14 .60 .27 297 L 3 6i 6-5 13 35-451 79.1 + 2.0885-. 0178 + .028 + .0063 I .13 .69 .25 298 Cassiopeiae 5-2 13 47-285 66.6 + 3. 7426+. 0699 + .050 + .OOI2 O .09 .34 .18 299 Br 163 6-5 13 5I-639 68.0 + 4.7566+. 2380 + -39I + .0218+ 7. .13 .54 .26 300 v Piscium 4.8 I 13 58.086 81.1 + 3. 2876+. 0219 + .OII + .0017 o .04 .26 .08 257 OS 515. '.'z 230 283 /3 1029. o'/9 242 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t fi'andioo A(i Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 251 Of tt + I 28 13.47 65.7 If tf + 18.873-. 130 -.16 // - .425 o " '/ // .07 .34 .17 29 Ceti 252 + 5 7 14-31 64.2 + 19.108 .130 -17 -.181+ I .05 .23 .12 80 Piscium e 253 42 i 17.84 81.1 + 19.287 .117 .12 .002 o .12 .58 .21 254 -62 18 33.46 81.6 + 19.301-. 103 -.08 + .015 o .10 .58 .19 255 -1042 44.45 77-3 + 19.148 .129 "IS -133- I .05 .20 .08 256 + 79 830.01 77.0 + 19.287 .210 -65 + .008- I .05 .24 .09 44 H Cephei 257 + 46 42 30.96 64.6 + 19.271-. 147 -23 .007 o .08 .26 .14 i 258 + 68 1447-52 56.2 + 19.259-. 169 -34 .014 o .10 .34 .21 31 Cassiopeiae 259 +35 5 25.40 73-8 + 19.152-. 143 .20 -.115- I .03 .14 .06 260 -55 4649-19 77-7 + 19.292 .no .10 + .026 o .09 .46 .l8 Innes 8. 8 M s 6" 243 261 + 19 7 29.77 59-7 + 19.260 .138 -.18 + .OOI O 15 -56 .32 81 Piscium ^ 262 + 41 32 58-8i 58.9 + 19.209-. 145 .22 .046 o .12 .42 .25 44 Andromedae 263 + 63 40 15.11 81.8 + I 9- 2 33-- I 65 -31 .014 o .09 .45 .16 264 + 5437 4.82 Si-9 + 19.228 .157 -.26 -.018- I ,06 .19 .13 265 + 64 29 13.43 68.0 + 19.227 .166 -31 -.015 o .09 .29 .15 32 Cassiopeia 266 9 26 16.36 70.1 + 19.205-. 131 "IS - -037 o .11 .46 .21 32Ceti 267 + i 54 48.67 69.0 + 19.234-. 135 -.16 .002 o .07 .34 .16 33 Ceti 268 + 37 " 31-33 62.1 + 19.229 .146 .21 -.003 o .14 .60 .32 45 Andromedae 269 + 30 53 34-24 72-3 + 19.217-. 144 .20 .014 o .12 .49 .22 82 Piscium g 270 + 2030 11.33 60.2 + 19.225-. 142 -.18 + .006 o .12 .46 .26 271 + 2 933 3 T -4i 82.6 + 19.180 .145 .20 - .038 o .05 .34 .10 272 -57 23 36.94 84.8 + 19.148 .no -.08 .069 o .13 .67 .21 92 G Phcenicis 273 - 2 46 56.13 68.8 + 19.180-. 135 -.16 .026 o .10 .37 .18 34 Ceti 274 + 44 48 20.26 59-o + 19.225-. 153 -23 + .023 o .12 .46 .26 275 + i S^ 35-74 67.5 + 19.082 .138 -.16 .105 o .08 .35 .17 35 Ceti 276 + 79 22 44.11 50-5 + 19.242-. 225 -.70 + .062+ I 13 -35 -24 277 -31 1953-01 80. i + 19.106 .129 -13 - .073 o .13 .75 .26 100 G Sculptoris 278 - 7 18 50.23 71-5 + 19.158-. 136 -.16 .019 o .12 .47 .22 36 Ceti 279 -3544 10.37 75-6 + 19.141 .128 -13 .026 o 13 -63 -25 101 G Sculptoris 280 38 23 11.29 83.7 + 19.134-. 127 .12 - -033 o .10 .54 .17 102 G Sculptoris 281 + 24 3 14.29 69.7 + 19.122 .147 -.19 .041 o .IO .36 .l8 S 99. IO M 8" 227 282 + 7 2 47.48 66.9 + 19.106 .143 -17 .052 o .05 .20 .IO 1 2 100. 24" 64 283 + 72 57.99 74-5 + 19.107-. 143 -17 .050 o 07 -37 -15 1* 284 + 1536 15-53 73-2 + 19.142-. 145 -.18 .008 o .10 .43 .19 87 Piscium 285 - 8 27 37.46 68.4 + 19.404 .140 -IS + .268 o .07 .27 .13 37 Ceti * 286 + 6 27 58.26 62.9 + 19.106 .144 -17 .026 o .12 .41 .23 88 Piscium 287 - i 3031-79 67.0 + I 9-345-- I 42 -.16 + .219 o .07 .30 .15 38 Ceti 288 -46 3 56.21 77-4 + 19.288-. 131 .IO + .187- 3 .10 .53 .20 289 + 67 17 22.07 69-5 + 19.081 .189 -35 + .001 .11 .45 .21 290 - 3 J 36-14 74.0 + 19.017 .144 -15 .061 o .08 .36 .15 39 Ceti 291 2 48 10.85 63-3 + 18.940 .147 -.16 .129 I .08 .28 .15 40 Ceti 292 + 77; 2 31.02 67.9 + 19.158- .227 -.60 + .092 o .11 .34 .18 293 294 69 24 20.56 -69 2425.73 92.6 76.8 + 19.170 .103 + 19.171 .104 -05 -05 + 114- 3 + .116- 3 .19 .93 .25 .09 .50 .19 Jh 3423. s'.'s 355 295 + 35 16.36 75- 2 + 19.025 .148 -17 -.023 o .06 .26 .11 89 Piscium/ 296 8 ii 14.56 72.0 + 19.062 .145 -15 + .015 o .11 .48 .21 41 Ceti 297 -6655 31.60 74-i + 19.019 .104 -.06 -.003 o .IO .48 .20 80 G Tucanae * 298 + 57 42 21.48^ 53-i + 19.022 .181 -.28 + .005 o .09 .27 .18 299 + 75 42 53-46 64.8 + 18.990 .229 -55 -.025- I .11 .35 .19 300 + 2644 18.33 79-6 + 19.000 .160 -.19 .012 o .05 .27 .09 28 5 ZApp. 50" 331 297 h 346. 9?3 2" 339. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep, loop a 10 M h m s s s S s tr tt tr 301 Br 170 6.6 I 14 24.226 62.2 +3.9606+. 0975 + .086 + .0090+ I .12 .39 .22 302 Br 175 m 6.7 1441-475 68.0 +3.0651 + .0053 + .008 + .0005 o .IO .44 .21 303 Br 176 5-5 IS 35.480 62.0 +3.3064+. 0232 + .OI2 + .0018 o .15 .40 .25 304 Andromedae 5-i 16 26.999 72.0 + 3-5 I 39+-042o + .022 + .0039 o .09 .28 .14 305 Br 181 6.9 i? 27-855 66.5 + 3. 0656 + .0054 + .008 + .0008 o .11 .51 .25 306 Pi 57 6.6 17 27.973 60.8 + 3.085 1 + .0065 + .008 + .0034 o .18 .70 .39 307 Br 179 5-7 17 57.196 6i-5 + 3-4i69+.03i9 + .015 + .0062 o IS -54 -30 308 L 39i 7-3 18 28.065 83.2 + 2.0119 .0141 + .025 .OO8I+ 2 .15 .78 .26 309 Pi 68 6.9 18 48.956 85.0 + 2.8613 .0052 + .OIO .002 I .13 .72 .22 3io \// Cassiopeiae 5-i 18 51-757 81.9 + 4. 1805 + .1230 + .122 + .0139+ 4 .05 .26 .09 3" L 3 8 4 6.0 18 51.817 88.2 + 2.7966 .0080 + .OI2 + .0002 o .11 i.oo .25 312 Br 183 6.9 19 0.709 65.8 + 3.0I53 + .OOI9 + .008 + .0107 o .13 .44 .23 313 0Ceti 3-7 19 1.489 70.5 + 2. 9978 + .OOl8 + .008 .0054 o 03 .15 .07 314 8 Cassiopeiae 2.6 19 16.196 70-3 + 3.8882 + .0792 + 057 + .0400+ 6 .03 .14 .07 315 1,392 5-5 20 15.258 70-3 + 2.6603 .0123 + .015 + .OOIO O .12 .46 .22 3i6 L-395 6.7 20 21.386 85-4 + 2.6116 .0134 + .OI6 .0009 o .14 .78 .24 317 Br 190 5-3 2O 42.184 71.0 + 2.9506 .0009 + .009 + .0028 o .13 .46 .22 3i8 p Piscium 5-4 2051.727 63.2 + 3-2257 + .oi64 + .009 .0025 o .11 .51 .26 3i9 Br 189 5-7 21 17.513 76.4 + 3-233 I + - ol6 5 + .009 + .0035 o io -33 -15 320 Br 191 6.8 21 2O.2O2 74-8 + 3.0678 + . 0056 + .008 + .0029 o .09 .40 .17 321 M Andromedae 5-i 21 40.188 66.5 + 3-5692 + .0427 + .O2 2 + .0324+ 2 08 .33 .16 322 Br 192 5-8 21 55-509 65.0 + 2.9610 .0001 + .009 + .0016 o .11 .39 .21 323 R Sculptoris Var. 22 21.911 97.1 + 2.7664 .0084 + .OI2 .0000 o .16 1.47 .25 324 Br 194 m 7.6 22 28.233 61.6 + 3. 1 104 +.0085 + .008 .0018 o .12 .52 .28 325 a Ursae Min 1.9 2233.27- 67-S + 25.222- + 2O.I3I- +.138- +590 .03 .11 .05 326 Pi 84 7.0 23 I-3 8 7 87.5 + 3-2205 + .OI52 + .009 + .0073 o .07 .52 .14 327 Br 188 6.0 23 46-912 75-i + 4-395 1 + .1460 + .I 5 8 + .0277+ 5 .06 .30 .12 328 Br 197 6.8 23 49-832 66.2 + 3. 1270+. 0096 + .008 .0022 o .11 .38 .20 329 y Phcenicis 3-3 24 I-405 70.7 + 2.6096 .0125 + .014 .0028 I .09 .36 .17 330 Br 196 5-4 24 6.095 78.6 + 3-5782 + .0450 + 023 + .0007 o .IO .28 .13 331 Br 200 5-2 24 48-323 79-9 + 2.8796 .0036 + .009 + .0040 o .08 .42 .15 332 /t Piscium 5- 2 24 56.656 62.3 + 3. 1394+. 0091 + .008 + .0194 o .06 .27 .14 333 Pi 88 7-4 25 9-304 81.4 + 4.2864+. 1282 + .126 + .0194+ 3 .12 .54 .20 334 Pi 99 6.2 25 40.150 84.0 + 2. 8303 -.0054 + .OIO + .0036 o .12 .62 .20 335 if Piscium 3-8 26 7.864 75-4 + 3-2O42 + .OI42 +.008 + .0020 o .03 .16 .06 336 8 Phcenicis 4.0 27 5.310 70.4 + 2.5029 .0138 + .017 + .0129 I .10 .34 .17 337 Brisb 215 6.0 27 5-901 88.9 + 2.7776 .0069 + .OII + .0008 o .13 .90 .23 338 X Cassiopeiae 4-9 27 23.491 60.0 + 3.8866 + .0758 + .052 .0044 I .11 .33 .20 339 L 447 5-7 28 27.673 79-9 + 2.6876 .0093 + .013 .0004 o .12 .68 .24 340 Pi 104 6.1 28 30.076 75-3 + 3. 4494 +.03 1 9 + .014 + .0016 o .09 .46 .19 341 L 450 6.7 28 30.542 85-3 + 2.4628-. 0135 + .017 - .0045 o .18 .80 .27 342 Pi no 6.2 29 24.318 82.6 + 3-2394 + .oi62 + .008 + .0024 o .08 .50 .16 343 Br 208 7-7 2932.727 55-0 + 3-i8o9 + .oi27 + .008 .0001 o .13 .46 .29 344 Abo 41 7-5 29 39-451 75-8 + 3. 0892 + .0065 +.008 + .0130 I .IO .56 .22 345 Br 210 5-8 29 44.686 67.7 + 2.9307 .0008 + .009 + .0064 o .13 .44 -23 346 Br 207 ' 6.4 30 20.254 55-6 + 3. 6462 + .0486 +.025 .0004 o .13 .46 .28 347 Br 2ii 6-5 30 25.508 62.4 + 3-2020+.OI39 + .008 + .OOOI O .10 .52 .27 348 Pi 120 6.2 30 30.029 63-3 + 3.2396+.oi57 + .008 + .0108 o .12 .62 .31 349 Br 206 5-6 30 31.008 82.4 + 4.7051 + . 1864 +.232 .0012 o .04 .30 .09 350 v Andromedae 4.2 i 30 55-475 74-8 + 3. 5040+. 0365 + .017 -.0158- 3 .07 .26 .11 302 S 113. 7^7 i'/5 355; slow. 310 2 117. II M 3" 42; i2 M -i 3 M 27" 108. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3, p.' and I oo A p. Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 301 / // + 64 8 1.65 54-4 + 18.986-. 193 -33 .014 o .11 .35 .22 35 Cassiopeiae 302 I 2 2.6l 65.6 + 18.983-. 151 -.16 .009 o .08 .32 .I? 42 Ceti * 303 + 28 12 56.38 62.8 + 18.890-. 164 .20 .076 o .12 .41 .23 91 Piscium / 304 + 45 o 17.06 65.2 + 18.946 .176 -.24 + .004 o .08 .25 .14 305 - 058 21.49 65.8 + 18.901-. 156 -.16 .012 o .08 .38 .19 43 Ceti 306 + i 12 15.31 56.8 + 18.865-. 157 -.16 - .047 o .15 .69 .40 307 + 37 ii 34.84 5 6 -4 + 18.884-. 174 .22 .014 o .14 .51 .31 47 Andromedae 308 -6654 25.94 80.4 + 18.868-. 106 -05 -.015 o .12 .60 .22 8 1 G Tucanae 309 -2452 31.40 86.3 + 18.866-. 149 -*3 .007 o .11 .6l .18 9 M 2"7 80 310 + 67 36 29.30 76-3 + 18.906 .214 -39 + .034- I .05 .21 .09 * 3" -31 28 0.44 83-7 + 18.817-. 146 .12 - -55 o .11 .77 .23 1096 Sculptoris 312 - 8 31 39.40 67.7 + 18.800-. 157 -15 .067 o .11 .41 .20 44 Ceti 313 - 8 41 57-79 69.3 + 18.654-. 155 -15 -.213 o .03 .15 .07 Also fl'Ceti 314 + 5942 56.03 63.2 + 18.814 .202 -31 .046 2 .04 .l6 .09 315 -42 046.32 71.2 + 18.799 .141 .11 -.031 o .11 .43 .20 103 G Phoenicia 3i6 -45 257.41 81.5 + 18.805-. 139 .IO .022 O .11 .58 .20 104 G Phoenicia 317 -15 7 8.31 68.0 + 18.807-. 156 -.14 .OIO O .10 .32 .17 46 Ceti 318 + 1839 6.94 63-3 + 18.832-. 170 -.19 + .020 o .09 .40 .21 319 + 18 43 20.06 74-8 + 18.742 .172 -.19 -.057 o .09 .32 .14 94 Piscium 320 -55 6.97 73-7 + 18.776-. 163 -.16 .022 o .08 .41 .17 321 + 44 53 25.88 61.4 + 18.691 .191 -.24 .096 2 .08 .29 .16 ft 999. 12" 2'/6 96 322 -13 343S-" 73-4 + 18.784-. 159 -.14 + .004 o .09 .33 .15 47 Ceti 323 -33 342-82 91.7 + 18.688-. 150 .12 .078 o .19 1.37 .32 5 M 7 to S^o 324 + 4 50 13.96 62.0 + 18.624-. 168 -17 -.139 o .11 .51 .27 95 Piscium * 325 + 8846 26.49 67.8 + 18.761 1.311 + .001 7 .02 .08 .04 Polaris * 326 + 16 33 42.43 86.0 + 18.712 .175 -.18 .034 o .07 .47 .13 327 + 69 45 0.28 70-3 + 18.656- .238 -43 .066 2 .06 .26 .12 38 Cassiopeiae 328 + 6 46 40.41 63-4 + 18.670 .171 -.051 o .11 .38 .21 96 Piscium 329 -43 49 SO-H 72.2 + 18.496 .144 .10 .219 o 08 .33 .15 330 + 46 29 28.79 74-4 + 18.668-. 195 -25 .044 o .IO .28 .14 49 Andromedae A . 331 22 8 47.84 84.8 + 18.692 .160 -13 + .OO2 O .08 .51 .15 48 Ceti 332 + 5 37 42.01 60.6 + 18.642 .174 -17 -.044- I .05 .21 .11 333 + 67 53 42.44 78.7 + 18.625-. 236 -.41 -.054- I .IO .41 .l6 334 -2643 2 7- I 7 84.6 + 18.673-. 159 .12 + .011 O .11 .50 .I? 116 G Sculptoris * 335 + 14 49 48.99 72-5 + 18.638-. 179 -.18 .OIO O .03 .16 .07 ft 506. ii*" i" 15 336 -4933 32-58 78.0 + 18.766 .144 -.09 + .149- * .09 .38 .15 337 -3047 47.35 85-4 + 18.548-. 158 .12 - .068 o .11 .69 .20 118 G Sculptoris 338 + 58 43 7-97 51.0 + 18.591 .219 -31 .016 o .09 .29 .19 339 -37 22 43.25 78-3 + 18.541-. 155 .11 -.031 o .12 .56 .22 119 G Sculptoris 340 + 3643 28.11 71.6 + 18.555-. 197 .22 .016 o .08 .37 .16 341 50 14 22.82 79-2 + 18.484-. 143 -.09 - .086 o .14, .58 .23 112 G Phoenicis 342 + 17 5659.13 82.9 + 18.460-. 188 -.19 .081 o .07 .47 .15 343 + 12 2 47.67 S3- 2 + 18.526-. 184 .OIO .11 .40 .25 100 Piscium * 344 + o 26 23.87 71.7 + 18.274-. 180 -.16 -.258- I .09 .42 .l8 345 16 ii 19.46 70.4 + 18.539-. 171 -.14 + .OIO .11 .44 .21 49 Ceti 346 + 48 12 43.62 61-5 + 18.497 .212 -.26 -.013 o .10 .45 .24 347 + 14 9 0.41 61.1 + 18.496-. 187 -.18 .Oil .09 .44 .23 101 Piscium 348 + 1655 l8 -9 2 61.9 + 18.527 .190 -.18 +.023- I .11 .59 .30 349 + 7231 49.37 76.4 + 18.498 .272 -52 .006 o .05 .22 .09 40 Cassiopeiae 350 + 40 54 19.05 69.9 + 18.112 .204 -.24 -.378+ I .06 .23 .11 324 ft 1164. 8f 2 -&fs o'/4 164. 334 ft 1230. 11*6 2'/8 224. 325293. 9 ?si8" 215. 3438136. 8?7i6"79 . i6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 a t Hand 100 A |i Prob. Errors, a Ep. loop aio M h m s S 5 s s // // 351 Br 213 5-7 i 3 1 6 -3Si 77.6 + 2.9264 .OOO5 + .008 + .0016 o .09 .45 .17 352 1,465 6.9 31 28.494 93-5 + 2.6269 -O 100 +.013 .0025 o .16 1.23 .26 353 L468 6.4 31 30.098 90.2 + 2. 2539- .0143 + .019 + 0343- 5 .15 .92 .24 354 T Sculptoris m 5-9 3i 3i-i85 84.6 + 2-7733- -0064 + .OII + .0061 o .13 .90 .26 355 Radcl 481 5-9 31 35- I2 i 80.3 + 3-8872 + .0722 + .046 -.0003 o .10 .57 .20 356 ir Piscium 5-8 31 47-742 73-4 + 3. I 745 + - OI2 5 + .008 .0051 o .06 .27 .12 357 v Persei 3-8 3i 5I-039 70.4 + 3. 6600 +.0486 + .024 + .0061 o .04 .18 .08 358 L SS 6-3 32 59-023 80.2 + 0.3428 + . 1158 -.265 .OI28 2 .07 .64 .21 359 L 479 6.4 33 4-936 81.8 + 2.2018 .0127 + .OI8 + .0006 o .l6 .80 .28 360 \ Andromedae 5-2 33 20 -943 68.8 + 3-579 8 + .o4i4 + .019 .0016 o .12 .48 .23 36i Br 219 7-i 3351-775 62.7 + 3-2259 + .OI52 + .008 .0002 o .15 .51 .28 362 Br 220 7.0 33 53- 8l 9 64.4 + 3.2091 + .0138 + .008 + .0062 o .11 .44 .23 363 a Eridani o-3 33 59-463 67-7 + 2.2391 .0130 + .OI8 + .OIII 2 .05 .26 .12 364 L 476 6.2 34 0.961 86.2 + 2. 6685 -.0086 + .OI2 .0017 o .11 .66 .19 365 Paris 2056 5-8 34 5-027 95-8 + 2.8656 .0027 + .009 + .0064 o .12 .99 .19 366 Pi 140 6.8 34 8.445 83-5 + 2.8193 .0042 + .009 + .0019 o .11 .66 .21 367 Br 223 6.4 34 16.990 70.6 + 3.2296 + .oi5i + .008 + .0050 o .09 .33 .16 368 Groomb 360 5-9 34 39-746 87-7 + 3. 58 1 2 + .O4OI + .OI8 + .0122+ I 13 -Si -i7 369 T Andromedae 5-o 34 40.444 71.8 +3.5249+. 0362 + .OI6 + .OOI2 O .09 .36 .16 370 o> Cassiopeias 5-7 34 55-704 82.3 +4.3830+. 1286 + .118 + .OO97+ 2 .05 .32 .10 371 Br 215 5-4 35 10.024 65-3 +4.5777+. 1555 + -I59 + .0146+ 3 .11 .50 .25 372 Pi 142 5-3 35 41.610 63-3 + 3 -6347 + -0400 + .017 + .0725+ 5 .09 .34 .18 373 Pi 1 45 6.4 35 43-597 77.1 + 3-3373 + -02i6 + .009 + .0094 o .13 .81 .30 374 Pi 139 7-5 35 5i-"3 71.7 + 4.0145 + .0826 + .054 + .0004 o .13 .60 .26 375 Br 225 6.2 35 59-974 74-5 + 3-3794 + -025I + .OIO .0010 o .12 .42 .19 376 L49S 1 6.2 36 0.014 80.7 + 2.2788 .0131 + .017 + .0341- 5 .16 .72 .27 377 L495 2 6.2 36 0.634 88.5 + 2.2778 .0129 + .017 + .0331- 4 .15 .72 .22 378 v Piscium 4-7 36 13-579 75-o + 3. 1184+. 0091 + .007 .0014 o .03 .20 .08 379 Abo 45 5-7 36 16.500 70-7 + 3.4538 + .0301 + .OI2 + .0035 o .10 .57 .25 380 Br 224 5-9 36 33-355 70.2 + 4.0240 +.0829 + .054 + .0032 o .10 .51 .23 38i Dpt 139 6-3 36 48.584 86.4 + 2-96o4+.ooi2 + .008 + .0027 I .11 .51 .16 382 Br 229 5-5 37 3-986 63.0 + 3.2488 + .OI7I + .008 -.0210- 3 .09 .27 .15 383 L 496 6.4 37 3-992 83-9 + 2-6373-. 0087 + .012 + .0041 o .13 .69 .22 384 Persei 4.2 37 23-346 75-5 + 3.7362 + . 0532 + .026 + .0029 o .04 .l8 .07 385 ir Sculptoris 5-4 37 37-802 87.6 + 2.7113-. 0065 + .OII .0047 o .12 .75 .20 386 L 501 5-9 37 38-523 88.2 + 2.6473 .0081 + .OI2 - .0037 o .IO .60 .l6 387 Pulkjs 245 5-4 37 40-118 92.1 . + 3-033 + .0048 + .007 + .0012 O .13 .75 .18 388 L 502 7-i 37 41.786 85-3 + 2.3974- .0115 + .OI6 - .0035 o .l6 I. TO .32 389 L 57 5-8 38 22.517 83.0 + 2.0554 .0096 + .OI6 -.0013 o .16 .8l .27 390 L 506 5-7 38 38.097 87.8 + 2.3131 .0121 + .016 + 0151- 3 .18 .92 .27 391 rCeti 3-5 39 25-358 75-7 + 2. 7868 + .0009 + .008 -.1195+ 6 .04 .22 .09 392 Br 231 6.6 39 27-977 57-8 + 3. 2690+. 0175 + .008 -.0033 o .13 .42 .26 393 o Piscium 4-4 40 6.707 74-i + 3.i63o + .oii2 + .007 + .0046 o .03 .18 .O? 394 Pi 159 5-8 40 30.598 81.0 + 4.2911 + . 1023 + 073 +.0875+12 07 -44 -IS 395 L576 6.1 40 33.84- 74-8 -1.830- +.533- + .069- 24 .08 .69 .26 396 f Sculptoris 5-5 4 57-751 81.9 + 2.8115 .0038 + .009 + .0116 I .07 .38 .12 397 Pi 167 5-7 40 58.068 84.4 + 3.0082 + .0040 + .007 .0019 o .08 .62 .17 398 Br 234 6.9 4i 9-524 68.2 + 3. 2495 + .0160 + .007 + .0036 o .10 .39 .19 399 LSSI 6-5 41 17.456 85.2 0.0368+. 1599 -. 3 88 + .0215- <; .13 .64 .21 400 L 520 5-6 i 42 10.732 9 J -3 + 2.3542 .0107 + .015 + .0016 o 13 -75 -19 361 (3 5. 9 M i'/2 291 380/31103. i2 M i'/74. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and 100 A n Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 |i' Sio Remarks. 351 Of It -15 54 42-3 2 77.2 f/ // + 18.501-. 173 // -13 + .017 o .09 .40 .16 50 Ceti 352 -40 27 24.38 90.1 + 18.403-. 157 .10 - .068 - o .16 1.06 .26 114 G Phcenicis 353 -S83 8 S9-70 83-5 + 18.441-. 137 -.07 .029 2 .12 .58 .20 12 G Hydri 354 30 25 IO.22 77-4 + 18.505-. 165 .11 + -035 o .12 .63 .24 113447. 6?2-7?4 2" 93 355 + 57 28 4.97 79-2 + 18.463-. 228 -31 .004 o .10 .55 .20 356 + ii 37 48.13 66.9 + 18.497-. 188 -17 + .037 o .06 .22 .11 357 + 48 7 17.80 71.9 + 18.346 .216 -.26 .112 O .03 .16 .07 51 Andromedae 358 -79 044.44 81.3 + 18.301 .027 .11 -.118+ I .06 .59 .18 14 G Hydri 359 -5846 51.27 78.4 + 18.417-. 134 -.07 + .OOI O .13 .60 .23 13 G Hydri 360 + 43 52 38-72 62.2 + 18.416 .214 -.24 + .009 o .11 .34 .20 361 + 16 7 4.24 65.6 + 18.358-. 195 -.18 .03 1 o .10 .47 .23 103 Piscium * 362 + 13 46 40.67 62.2 + i8-35 I -- I 95 -.18 -.037 o .13 .51 .28 104 Piscium 363 - 57 44 40.97 70-9 + 18.355-. 139 -.07 .029 I .05 .26 .12 Achernar 364 -37 2 0.42 83.6 + 18.248-. 163 .11 -.136 o .IO .59 .l8 122 G Sculptoris 365 -2i 47 5.12 94-2 + 18.419-. 175 -13 + .038 o .15 I.O2 .22 366 -25 3i 50-54 84.6 + 18.387-. 172 .12 + .008 o .10 .56 .17 L 145; 123 G Sculpt. 367 + 15 53 54-49 65.2 + 18.361 .196 -.18 - -013 o .07 .25 .13 105 Piscium 368 + 42 47 3-45 82.8 + 18.323-. 218 -.24 -.038- I .12 .41 .l6 369 + 40 4 14.25 68.4 + 18.336-. 214 -.24 .025 o .08 .34 .16 370 + 67 32 14.26 78.1 + 18.350 .266 -43 .002 I .05 .26 .IO Or 43 Cassiopeia 37i + 70 7 2.66 55-8 + 18.336- .278 -.48 .007 I .IO .40 .24 42 Cassiopeia? 372 + 42 6 42.48 59-6 + 18.182-. 227 -.24 -.142- 4 .08 .31 .18 373 + 25 14 26.38 77-5 + 18.280- .206 .20 - -043 o .09 .55 .20 S 145. II M ii" 32 374 + 60 234.81' 58-4 + 18.312-. 245 -34 .007 o .11 .38 .22 375 + 29 32 29.33 79.0 + 18.311-. 208 .21 - .003 o .11 .42 .17 376 56 42 10.71 77.0 + 18.283-. 145 -.07 -.031- 2 .12 .57 .22 3 G and 4 G Eridani 377 -5642 4.91 87.2 + 18.388-. 145 -.07 + .075- 2 .13 .69 .20 p. See Appendix 378 + 4 58 53.64 73-2 + 18.307-. 193. -.16 + .OOI .03 .18 .07 51 Ceti 379 + 34 44 27.23 69.7 + 18.273-. 213 .22 -.031 o .08 .45 .20 380 + 60 2 49.42-' 56-3 + 18.281-. 248 -34 -.013 o -09 -31 -19 44 Cassiopeias * 38i ii 49 7.26 79.6 + 17.875-. 185 -.14 .410 o .IO .41 .l6 5 147- 7 M 9-3"5 88 382 + 194656.52 61.6 + 17.604 .201 -.19 -.672+ I .08 .28 .16 107 Piscium 383 -383824.18 80.2 + 18.317-. 166 .10 + .041 o .12 .56 .21 127 G Sculptoris 384 + 50 ii 5.92 - 75-8 + 18.246- .233 -.28 .018 o .04 .l8 .07 54 Andromedae 385 -3 2 49 52-39 81.4 + 18.225 .171 .11 - .030 o .12 .63 .22 386 37 20 12. 16 84.9 + 18.236 .167 .11 .019 o .10 .51 .16 129 G Sculptoris 387 -4*n 37.64 88.0 + 18.232 .191 -15 .022 o .12 .59 .18 388 -50 32 36.02 80. i + 18.238-. 152 -.08 -015 o .12 .65 .23 119 G Phcenicis 389 -61 17 34.30 81.2 + 18.197-. 132 -.06 -.031 o .13 .67 .23 15 G Hydri 390 -54 I43I-59 81.4 + 18.133-. 149 -.07 -.086- I .15 .6l .23 5 G Eridani q 1 391 -16 27 50.72 74-3 + 19.046 .170 - Z 3 + .856+ 8 .05 .25 .IO Parallax '.'31 392 + 1935 1.72 57-3 + 18.088- .208 -.19 .100 o .12 .42 .25 109 Piscium 393 + 8 39 16.09 74.0 + 18.215-. 203 -i? + .051 o .03 .17 .07 394 + 63 21 32.58* 78.6 + I7-9I5--279 -38 -.235- 6 07 -34 -13 395 83 29 2.12 77-i + 18.286+. 101 + .138- 4 .08 .67 .23 3 G Octantis 396 -2533 8.60 81.1 + 18.076-. 183 .12 -.057- I .07 .40 .13 h 34 6i. 9 M 24'/757 397 6 14 0.91 79-i + 18.105-. 195 -15 .028 o .08 .47 .16 398 + 16 5443-06 61.7 + 18.137 .210 -.18 + .OII O .10 .35 .20 3 Arietis 399 -7939 7-98 85-3 + 18.142 .006 -- 1 ? + .O2I I .11 .55 .18 17 G Hydri r l 400 -51,1858.43 84-5 + 18.068-. 156 -.08 .019 o .10 .48 .16 120 G Phcenicis i8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3, (i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. a Ep. IOO|1 aio M h m s s s S s // // 401 L523 5-3 I 42 17-557 82.7 + 2.2911 .0109 + .015 +.0135- I .12 .70 .23 402 Pi 170 6-3 42 44.633 76.8 +3-5254+. 0334 +.013 + .0093 o .09 .51 .19 403 Br 235 5-9 42 45-3 8 3 68.0 +3. 2468+. 0157 + .007 + -0033 o .09 .34 .17 404 Br 236 7-8 42 55-736 75-7 + 3.2425 + .OI57 + .007 .0020 o .13 .68 .27 405 Pi 171 6.0 42 57-7 01 75-i +3.4238+. 0278 + .OIO .0138 o .16 .72 .30 406 L 634 5-8 43 8.09- 81.0 -3.942- + !. 172- + .019- - 8 .05 .45 .14 407 L 526 6.7 43 25.864 87-7 + 2.6232 .0075 + .OII + .0007 o .11 .58 .17 408 Pi 182 7-o 44 28.648 79-o + 2. 9467 + .OO2 I + .007 .0092 o .13 .57 .22 409 Pi 176 6.2 44 32-734 77-o + 3.8is6 + .o564 + .027 + .0047 o .10 .44 .17 410 Pi 179 N* 6.4 44 36.931 62.0 + 3.3067 + .0192 + .008 .0010 o .11 .62 .32 411 x Ceti 4.8 44 40-373 69.2 + 2.945O+.OO22 + .007 - .0108 o .07 .28 .14 412 Br 237 5-7 45 25.072 76.1 + 3.9127 + .0650 + 034 + .0039 o .10 .34 .15 413 L536 6.6 45 29-913 84.2 + 2.5922 .0074 + .OII .0010+ i .13 .63 .21 414 Br 243 6.1 45 33-506 75-o + 3.i783 + .oi23 + .007 .0047 o .06 .28 .12 415 Br2 3 8 5-9 45 47-540 77-8 + 3. 7918 + .0540 + .024 + .0025 o .10 .30 .14 416 Ceti 3-8 46 3 I -453 76-7 + 2. 9602 + .OO24 + .007 + .0025 o .04 .21 .08 417 L547 6-3 47 1.691 81.6 + 2.3319- .0095 + .014 - .0053 o .15 .72 .25 418 L543 6.9 47 10.532 83-5 + 2.5627-. 0078 + .OII + .0018 o .15 .8l .26 419 c Cassiopeiae 3-4 47 "-753 71.8 + 4.2697 + .1003 + .068 + .0057+ I .03 .15 .07 420 Br 244 5-7 47 17-328 78.0 + 3.5826+. 0369 + .014 .0000 o .11 .34 .16 421 a Trianguli 3-4 47 22.739 78-9 + 3. 4094 +.0248 + .009 + .0013 I .04 .21 .08 422 y Arietis N * 4-9 48 2.459 65-3 + 3.2844 + .OI72 + .007 + .0054 o .07 .24 .13 423 y Arietis S * 4-7 48 2.490 70.4 + 3.2847 + .oi73 + .007 + .0057 o .07 .27 .12 424 Paris 2348 5-9 48 3-577 96-4 + 2.8829 .0002 + .008 + .OOIO O .13 I. II .20 425 ) Cassiopeiae 5-2 48 13-515 63-7 + 4-5934+ -1387 + .I2O + .0016 o .11 .52 .27 426 Piscium 4.8 48 22.655 79.1 + 3.io25 + .oo84 + .007 + .0015 o .04 .26 .09 427 LSSS 6-3 49 4-946 85-7 + 2.5874- -0074 + .OII +.0125- I .13 .70 .22 428 ft Arietis 2-7 49 6.853 74.8 + 3.3060+. 0183 + .007 + .0068 o .02 .15 .06 429 ty Phcenicis 4-3 49 38-273 79.1 + 2. 4084- .0088 + .OI2 .0090 o .12 .68 .24 430 Br 253 6.2 49 59.308 71.6 + 3-5334+- 0327 + .012 .0003 o .IO .45 .20 431 L577 Var. 50 2.833 78.8 + 1.5 109 + .0089 -.005 + .0008 o .16 .68 .27 432 Br 255 6.0 So 12.734 73-0 + 3-5492 + .0329 + .OI2 + .0150+ I .09 .40 .17 433 Phcenicis 5-3 50 13.096 82.1 + 2.4923 .0080 + .012 .0038 o .10 .50 .17 434 Br2 S7 6.1 50 16.288 62.8 + 3 -3365 + -0203 + .008 + .0005 o .13 .50 .27 435 Pi 209 m 6-3 5 43-590 66.0 + 3-0975 + -0079 + .006 + .0105 o .13 .51 .26 436 i Arietis 5-3 Si 53- J 32 62.7 + 3. 2700+. 0164 + .007 + .O02I O .09 .38 .20 437 Br 267 5-3 5i 59.24I 78.0 + 2.8109 -OO2O + .008 + .0051 o .10 .40 .16 438 X Eridani 3-7 5 2 4-005 75-6 + 2. 3383 -.0097 + .013 + .0726 6 .11 .48 .20 439 Br 261 6.0 52 12.087 79-9 + 3-7898 + .05IO + .O2 1 + .0017 o .10 .33 .14 440 Radcl 569 5-4 52 15.190 83-7 + 4.3765 + . 1071 + 073 + .0073 o .10 .62 .19 441 X Arietis 4-9 5 2 21.251 66.0 + 3 -3340 +.0203 + .OO7 .0068 o .08 .30 .15 442 L 594 4.8 52 23.983 80.2 + I-5I42 + .0093 .OO6 + .OIIO O .13 .58 .22 443 Groomb 410 m 7-o 52 52-357 80.0 + 5-4394 + -2560 + .328 + .0059+ I .IO .50 .l8 444 Br 268 6-7 S 2 54-4io 78.0 + 3. 0473 + .0062 + .O06 + .003 1 o .10 .42 .17 445 L 585 4.8 53 12.282 84.0 + 2.3820 .0084 + .OI2 + .0103 I .l6 .80 .26 446 Br 258 m 4.6 53 44-085 73-7 + 4.8495 + .1658 + -I56 -.0121- 3 .08 .34 .15 447 Pi 223 6-3 54 4-562 74-i + 3-2057 + .OI32 + .OO6 .0001 o .09 .50 .20 448 Yarn 946 6.7 54 44-505 91.1 + 2. 7509-. 0030 + .008 + .0043 o .15 .98 .24 449 Br 260 4.0 5453-211 70.6 + 5-0333 + -1894 + -I93 .0083 2 .03 .16 .07 450 Br 271 6.1 i 54 56.994 68.8 + .OO6 + .0155- I .08 .26 .13 410 S 174. 2 '/8 165. 435 S 186. y*! 1 !-?""!, < 2'/o; binary, 150 yrs. . 431 6*6 to CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. i goo Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/ and i oo AH Prob. Errors. SEp. loop/ Sio Remarks. 401 54 i 26.86 80.7 + 18.144-. 153 H -.07 + .061 i .10 .51 .18 6 G Eridani g 2 402 + 37 27 18.08 7i-3 + 18.040 .231 -23 .026 i .08 .37 .16 2 403 + 16 27 27.55 68.0 + 18.040 .213 -.18 .025 o .09 .38 .18 4 Arietis 404 + 16 31 21.89 72.4 + 18.113-. 213 -.18 + .054 o .11 .59 .25 405 +32 ii 0.66 70.8 + 18.366 .224 .21 + .308+ i .14 .60 .27 406 85 16 29.20 81.8 + 18.080+. 241 + .029 i 05 -45 -H 4 G Octantis 407 -37393J-78 84.6 + 18.055-. 174 .IO + .015 o .12 .57 .19 2 G Fornacis 408 ii ii 54.16 79.1 + 17.911 .196 -.14 -.089+ i .12 .54 .21 409 + 51 26 24.99 70.0 + 17.884- .253 -.28 -.113 o .09 .33 .16 410 + 21 4643-40 57-3 + 17.983-. 220 -.19 .on o .10 .47 .27 i Arietis * 411 ii 10 51.40 69.4 + I7.9I3-. 197 -.14 -.079+ I .07 .26 .13 412 + 5439 8-03 * 67.8 + 17.954 .26l -30 .009 o .09 .25 .14 i Persei 413 -385425.77 85-4 + 18.232-. 175 .IO + .272 o .14 .64 .21 4 G Fornacis 414 + 1032 53.45 72.4 + 17.931 .213 -17 .027 o .06 .26 .12 54 Ceti 415 + 50 17 54.63 " 7i-3 + 17.920- .254 -.28 .029 o .09 .25 .13 2 Persei g 416 10 49 44.68 78.4 + I7.888-. 201 --I4 -.032 o .05 .27 .IO 417 -5042 4.49 80.8 + 17.889-. 160 -.08 .on o .12 .65 .22 124 G Phcenicis 418 -40 1947-92 82.4 + 17.869 .176 .IO .025 o .12 .64 .21 125 G Phcenicis 419 + 63 1039.51' 65-5 + i7.8 77 -.28o -39 .017 o .04 .l6 .08 420 + 40 14 10.39" 72.9 + 17.881 -.243 -.24 .009 o .10 .30 .15 55 Andromedae 421 + 29 5 30.08 73-9 + 17-654- -232 .21 -.232 o .04 .23 .09 422 + 18 48 20.90 67.0 + 17.745-. 225 -.19 -.115 o .06 .24 .12 1 423 + 18 48 12.19 64.4 + 17. 752-. 225 -.19 .108 o .06 .26 .14 j 5 180. 8'f3 359 424 -17 25 16.99 91.2 + 17.794-. 199 -13 .066 o .13 1.05 .24 425 + 68 ii 38.72' 55-6 + 17. 849-. 312 -47 .004 o .08 .33 .20 Or 46 Cassiopeiae 426 + 2 41 38.11 78.1 + 17.872 .214 -.16 + .025 o .04 .27 .10 427 -39 5 17-29 83.1 + 17.844 .181 .10 + .025 I .13 .60 .21 6 G Fornacis 428 + 20 19 9.16 72.8 + 17.706 .229 -.19 .III O .03 .15 .06 429 -4647 32-86 76.9 + 17.704 .169 -.08 .092+ I .09 .49 .19 430 + 36 47 M-SS ^ 64.4 + I7-785-.245 - 2 3 + .003 o .09 .35 .18 431 68 26 12.85 73-5 + I7-773--HO -.04 .007 o .12 .49 .22 19 G Hydri J * 432 + 36 45 40.43 66.8 + 17.784-. 248 -23 + .OII I .08 .34 .17 56 Andromedae 433 -42 59 iS-34 77-6 + 17.740- .175 -.09 .032 o .09 .42 .16 434 + 2 3 5 I3-56 64-5 + 17.763-. 233 .20 -.008 o .IO .39 .20 7 Arietis 435 + I 21 I5.OO 64.0 + 17.934- .218 -.16 +.182- I .IO .41 .21 * 436 + 17 1945-47 56-1 + 17.679-. 231 -.18 .026 o .07 .28 .17 437 -23 054.60 79-8 + 17.674 .200 .12 .027 o I0 -35 -IS 56 Ceti 438 -52 623.91 80.3 + 17.983-. 172 -.07 + .285- 5 .IO .49 .18 h 3473. i2 M 6" 197 439 + 48 42 55. 66"" 72-5 + 17. 730- .267 -.28 + .038 o .09 .28 .14 3 Persei 440 + 64 8 6.13 80.7 + I7.68I -.308 -.41 .009 o .10 .56 .19 B A C 588 441 + 23 630.03 60.8 + I7.668-. 236 .20 .018 o .06 .23 .13 * 442 -68 8 20.84 79-8 + I7-777-. 112 -.04 +093- I .11 .53 .19 21 G Hydri if 443 + 75 i 2.23V 76.4 + 17.652-. 383 -74 .012 o .08 .35 .14 * 444 - 2 32 50.34 74-6 + 17.686- .218 -15 + .023 o .09 .37 .16 58 Ceti * 445 -47 52 25.22 78.0 + I7.662-. 173 -.08 + .OII I .13 .56 .22 128 G Phcenicis 446 + 70 25 19.74 - 65-4 + 17.634- .343 -55 +.006+ I .08 .25 .14 48 Cassiopeiae A * 447 + 11 48 35.25 75-o + 17-579- -231 -17 -35 o .08 .46 .18 448 26 55 6.48 89-9 + 17.621 .2OO .11 + .035 o .l6 I.O5 .26 10 G Fornacis 449 + 71 56 14.85 74-9 + 17.603-. 360 -.61 + .023+ I .03 .l8 .07 50 Cassiopeiae 450 + 2 37 7.63 65-7 + I7 .334-.22 7 -.16 -.244- I .08 .28 .15 112 Piscium 441 W.H. 7?7 37" 46; slow. 443 2 185. 8"s i'.'4 27; binary. 444 ft 7. U M 3" 11. 446 ft 513. 4?7-7lf2 i" ; rather rapid binary. 20 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 AH Prob. Errors. a Ep. IOO|i aio M h m s s s s s tt it it 451 Br 272 5-8 i 55 3-9I9 74-6 + 2.8216 .001 1 + .007 + .0001 o .13 .45 .21 452 Br 254 5-5 55 5-759 65.2 + 5.8S40+.3I92 + . 45 8 +.0387+11 .11 .48 .24 453 uCeti 4.1 55 17-612 79-6 + 2.8270 .0012 + .008 + .0093 o .06 .30 .11 454 Br 265 6.0 55 25-215 65.0 + 4. 4262 + .1093 + 073 + .0006 o .13 .50 .26 455 Paris 2509 5-9 55 29-013 94-8 +2.9758+. 0035 + .006 + .0058 o .12 .78 .17 456 L 599 5-6 55 31-533 90-5 + 2.4751-. 0072 + .OII - -0055 o .12 .69 .l8 457 Br 266 5-8 55 35-732 78.2 +4.3925 + .1060 + .069 + .0014 o .09 .39 .15 458 a Hydri 2.9 55 37-093 67.8 + 1.8901 .0034 + .008 + 0355- 5 .08 .38 .18 459 Br 269 5-i 55 38-322 68.4 + 3.9664+. 0639 + .030 + .0047 o .10 .38 .19 460 Br 259 5-S 55 57-598 68.6 + S-5994+-2758 + 350 .OO2O 2 .11 .42 .21 461 cr Hydri 6.4 56 0.639 82.9 0.1827 + . 1578 -340 + .0287- 8 .10 .78 .23 462 TT Fornacis 5-5 56 46.887 85-0 + 2.6808 .0040 + .008 .0078 o .12 .72 .21 463 a 2 Piscium 4.2 56 52-336 67-3 + 3.ion + .oo84 + .OO6 + .0028 o .05 .24 .11 464 Br 264 7-7 56 54-391 66.3 + 5-3636+ -2343 + .272 .0000 O .13 .51 .26 465 L 616 6-3 57 3-626 82.3 + 1.5690 +.0069 .OO2 + .0029 o .l6 .80 .28 466 e Trianguli 5-7 57 7.248 72.8 + 3.4923 + .0286 + .009 -.0013 o .11 .52 .22 467 X Phcenicis 5-i 57 41-875 71.7 + 2.4083 .0072 + .OII .0030 o .13 .62 .27 468 y 1 Andromedae 2.1 57 45-496 74-2 + 3. 6649 + .0394 +013 + .0042 o .03 .13 .06 469 y 2 Andromedae m 6.0 57 46.338 77-o + 3.6649 +.0394 + 013 + .0041 o .07 .48 .I? 470 Br 278 5-9 57 58-683 64.0 + 3-3957 + -0223 + .007 + .OIO2 O .14 .54 .28 471 Br 280 5-7 58 3.906 66.7 + 3.0736+. 0073 + .006 + .0053 o .12 .45 -23 472 Pi 243 6.6 58 13-417 72.4 + 3. 2829+. 0168 + .006 .0007 o .09 .51 .21 473 Br 281 6.2 i 58 40.989 82.8 + 3. 0682 + .0071 + .006 + .0053 o .08 .42 .14 474 v Fornacis 4.8 2 O 0.524 82.4 + 2.6909 .0035 + .008 + .0009 o .IO .64 .21 475 Br 274 6.8 o 29.752 69.2 + 5.0936+. 1797 + .165 + .0642+ 8 .08 .32 .15 476 K Arietis 5-3 o 58.084 76.4 + 3-3477 + -oi98 + .006 + .OOII O .10 .32 .14 477 a Arietis 2.O I 32.058 66.9 + 3-3728 + .0204 + .007 + .0137 o .02 .11 .05 478 Br 283 6.0 I 4I-372 81.5 + 4.I526+.077I +.038 .0006 o .IO .44 .16 479 L6 3 i 7-8 2 4-3 8 9 93-o + 2-5033 --0058 + .OIO + .0008 o .13 I. 3 8 .27 480 Br 288 4.8 2 26.989 66.9 + 3.605 1 + .0337 + .OIO + .0127+ I .14 .57 .28 481 Pi 256 6.6 3 24-938 76.1 + 3.9986+. 0623 + .026 + .0044 o .13 .64 .26 482 ft Trianguli 3-o 3 35-443 76-3 + 3-5566+. 0305 + .008 + .0123 o .04 .18 .07 483 Br 291 5-i 3 43-7io 59-o + 3-4053 + -0223 + .007 + .0058 o .12 .48 .27 484 L 641 7.0 4 1-634 91.1 + 2.4445 .0060 + .OIO .0002 o .13 .82 .20 485 Br 295 7-4 4 5-543 82.6 + 3. 03 2 1 + .0064 +.006 -.0073 o .08 .54 .17 486 Br 282 6.4 4 7-9 l6 74-4 + 5-42I2 + . 2255 +.238 + .0143+ 2 .10 .54 .22 487 L66 4 7-i 4 29.334 82.8 + I.4878 + .OIOI -.005 .0019 o .18 .75 .27 488 Br 289 6.6 4 S 1 - ^ 69.0 + 4.I422 + .0744 +033 .001 1 o .09 .32 .l6 489 Br 293 6.4 4 48.690 79-6 + 3-6233 + -350 + .OIO .001 1 o .10 .34 .15 490 Br 294 6.8 4 49-525 85.0 + 3.6229 + .0350 + .OIO .0017 o .12 .45 .17 491 Br 296 6.1 5 4-896 77.1 + 3-3I78+.OI77 + .006 + .0062 o .08 .34 .14 492 L 647 6.0 5 9-794 90.2 + 2.3978 .0060 + .OIO .0045 o .18 .96 .26 493 Br 298 6-3 5 30.606 65-4 + 3-4037 + .0222 + .007 .0000 o .15 .62 .31 494 L6 53 7.0 5 42.367 85-3 + 2.4624 .0056 + .OIO + .0031 o .13 .86 .25 495 Br 302 5-9 6 4.249 71.0 + 3.i626+.oii4 + .006 .0092 o .IO .46 .21 496 Br 304 6-3 6 31.125 67-3 + 3. 044 1 + .0066 + .006 .0001 o .12 .51 .25 497 Br 30I 1 5-i 6 34-009 77-4 + 3. 4696+. 0258 + .007 .0048 o .08 .38 .15 498 Br 292 6-3 637-729 83.2 + 4.6517 + . 1231 + .080 .0002 o 05 -33 -io 499 Br 300 5-i 6 56.836 66.0 + 3. 7442 + .0423 +013 .0014 o .13 .46 .2$. 500 Br 299 5-S 2 6 57.038 79-4 + 3.9647 + .0559 + .O2O + .0365+ 2 .05 .26 .09 463 S 202. 5*3 3" 318; slow binary. 469-7' is a binary; 55 yrs. , 6^3-7^5, < i". CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 21 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t K.' and 100 A p' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 451 / // 2i 18 38.00 78.0 + 17.587-. 205 tr .12 + .014 o 13 -45 -19 57 Ceti 452 + 7648 2.85 60.6 + 17.518- .421 -.88 -.054- 3 .10 .29 .17 47 Cassiopeiae 453 -2i 33 44-5 75-1 + 17.543- .207 .12 .020 i .07 .34 .14 454 + 6425 7.41 53-8 + I7-553--3 18 -.42 .005 o ii -35 -23 52 Cassiopeiae 455 90 29.46 93-3 + 17. 546-. 217 -'3 .009 o .11 .73 .16 456 -42 3046-92 87.8 + 17.449 .181 -.09 .104 o .11 .54 .16 129 G Phcenicis 457 + 63 54 25.53 69.2 + I7-555--3I7 -.42 + .005 o .09 .30 .15 53 Cassiopeia 458 -62 3 22.55 70.9 + 17.594-. 143 -05 + .044- 2 07 -33 -i5 459 + 54 o 15.34 53-7 + I7-552--287 --3 1 + .003 o .10 .30 .20 4 Persei g 460 + 7538 3-8i 6 5-7 + 17.519- .403 -79 .016 o .10 .31 .17 49 Cassiopeiae 461 -78 50 14.12 83.2 + 17. 589+. 004 -.19 + .056- 2 .08 .65 .19 462 30 28 56.46 82.1 + 17.388-. 197 .10 .112+ I .12 .58 .20 463 + 2 16 50.66 67.2 + 17.490 .228 -15 .006 o .05 .21 .10 * 464 + 74 6 11.90 59-6 + 17-483-. 389 -.72 .012 .11 .44 .25 51 Cassiopeiae 465 -6633 3.36 78.9 + 17.511-. 119 -.04 + .023 o .13 .63 .24 26 G Hydri 466 + 3248 7.71 68.4 + 17.469- .256 .22 .017 o .08 .38 .l8 S 201. n M 4" 116 467 -45 ii 4I-5 1 72.8 + 17.415-. 180 -.08 .046 o .12 .56 .24 468 + 41 50 59.62 v 68.1 + 17.406 .270 -25 - .052 o .03 .14 .07 i L ^ OOC fi O Trt" fit ^ 469 + 41 51 4.25 72.8 + 17-403-. 270 -25 - -055 o 07 -37 -IS | ** jJwS w , LJ L\J U_< 470 + 25 27 13.18 63-6 + 17.465-. 252 .20 + .Ol6 I .11 .49 .25 10 Arietis * 471 O 21 12.83 67.6 + 17.470 .229 -15 + .025 o .11 .39 .20 60 Ceti 472 + 17 46 21.53 71.7 + 17.416- .243 -.19 .022 o .08 .49 .21 473 o 49 11.17 72.6 + I7-379-.229 -IS - -039 o .08 .29 .13 61 Ceti 474 29 46 36.06 82.0 + 17.363-. 204 .IO + .002 o .IO .54 .l8 475 + 71 456.46 62.3 + 17.109-. 385 -59 -230- 5 .08 .29 .16 54 Cassiopeiae 476 + 22 IO 18.05 74-i + 17.279-. 253 -.19 .040 o .09 .32 .14 477 + 22 59 22.60 65-7 + 17. 148- .257 .20 .146 I .02 .11 .05 478 + 575652.38 76.7 + I7.295-.3H -35 + .008 o .09 .34 .14 479 -40 056.93 91.4 + 17.257-. 193 -.09 -.013 o .12 1.32 .27 480 + 3723 5-17 62.8 + 17.212 .276 -23 .041 I .11 .49 .26 58 Andromedae 481 + 53 22 14.16 70.1 + 17. 164-. 306 -31 .046 o .11 .44 .21 Br 3226 482 + 34 30-5I-47 73-4 + 17. 156- .274 -23 .046 I .04 .21 .09 483 + 25 28 0.46 55-2 + 17. 159- .263 .20 -.037 o 14 -51 -31 14 Arietis 484 42 21 17.78 86.9 + 17. 163-. 191 -.09 .019 o ii -57 -17 131 G Phosnicis 485 2 48 16.92 77-2 + i7.i5i-.234 -.14 -.028+ I 09 -45 -17 62 Ceti 486 + 73 33 27-00 74-2 + 17.141 .416 -71 -.037- I .08 .38 .16 487 66 25 13.80 80.6 + 17.141 .119 -.04 .020 o .13 .64 .23 31 G Hydri 488 + 57 10 24.40 58.8 + 17.170 .319 -34 + .OIO .09 .28 .17 5 Persei 489 + 3834 2.87 65.5 + 17.126 .281 -.24 .021 o .08 .25 .14 59* Andromedae * 490 + 38 34 16.69 79-9 + 17.117 .281 -.24 .029 o .11 .42 .17 59 2 Andromedae * 491 + 19 i 43.06 77.0 + 17.107-. 259 -.19 .028 o 07 -35 -i4 15 Arietis 492 -43 59 i8.79 81.2 + 17.079 .189 -.08 - -052 o .13 .57 .21 132 G Phrenicis 493 + 252754.88 64.4 + 17.104 .266 .20 .on o .12 .51 .26 1 6 Arietis 494 41 20 19.00 82.2 + 17.077- .194 -.09 .029 o .12 .69 .23 133 G Phoenicia 495 +86 5.68 68.7 + 16.982 -.248 -.16 -.108+ I .10 .37 .18 64 Ceti 496 - 2 i? 43-53 70.4 + 17.043-. 240 -15 .026 o .10 .41 .19 63 Ceti 497 + 2950 3.80 72.1 + 17.005-. 272 .21 .062 o .07 .26 .12 6 Trianguli * 498 + 66 3 20.74 75-8 + 17.067-. 363 -47 + .003 o .05 .21 .09 55 Cassiopeiae 499 + 43 45 45-50 61.9 + 17.042 .294 -.26 .007 o II -37 -21 60 Andromedae b 500 + 5036 4.62 69.8 + 16.882-. 314 -3 -.168- 3 .06 .23 .11 6 Persei 470 S 208. 8 M 2" to o'.'y; binary. 489-490 S 222. 6"8 16" 39 497 2 227. 6? 4 4" 75 22 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t (i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop aio M h m s s s s s // n it 501 tj Arietis 5-4 2 7 12.030 76.0 + 3-3502 + .oi89 + .006 + .OII2 O .08 .34 .14 502 Br 3 os 6.1 7 35-941 66.9 + 3.26s8 + .oi5i + .005 + .0067 o .IO .42 .21 503 Pi 17 8.7 7 40.139 74-5 + 3. 06 1 8 + .0064 + .006 + .0248 o .15 .62 .27 504 Br 308 5-9 7 40.975 71.2 + 3. 06 1 7 + .0064 + .006 + .0247 o 08 .33 .15 505 Br 306 4.6 7 41-897 73-6 + 3.i747 + .oii6 + .005 .0017 o .04 .24 .IO 506 ft. Fornacis 5-4 8 30.286 85.0 + 2.6438 .0032 + .008 + .0018 o .06 .46 .13 507 Pi 22 6.8 9 52.118 68.9 + 4.1618 + . 0726 + .030 + .0018 o .10 .54 .24 508 Br 312 5-5 10 1.226 67.9 + 3-5355 + -0287 + .007 .0013 o .13 .46 .23 509 Br 3 i5 5-7 10 2.259 64-3 + 3.3948 + . 0215 + .006 .OO6l I 14 -57 -30 510 Br 314 6.0 10 2.416 66.3 + 3-4258+.0222 + .006 + .0136 o .13 .60 .29 5" L 709 7.0 IO 2I.8l2 80.4 0.0401 + . 1 221 .220 + .0289 9 .IO .72 .24 5 L 682 6.2 10 29.145 87.8 + 2.4289 .0050 + .009 .0031 o .13 .70 .20 5i3 Br 310 6.1 10 54-988 72.8 + 4.2I25 + .0758 +032 +.0087+ I .14 .48 .22 5H 8 Trianguli 5-i 10 56.857 63-4 + 3. 648 1 + .0304 + .007 + .0925+ 4 .09 .34 .18 5i5 Br 3 n 6-3 II 2.2l8 80.9 + 4.i873 + .o742 + 031 .0009 o .10 .42 .16 5i6 Dpt 217 7-4 II 19.763 85.8 + 2.9591 + .0036 + .005 + .0182 o .12 .50 .17 Si? y Trianguli 4.1 II 22.OO5 82.9 + 3-5534+ -0292 + .007 + .0034 o .06 .39 .12 5i8 Br 3 2i 5-9 II 59.696 77-4 + 2.9906+ .0049 + .005 + .0061 o .03 .26 .09 5i9 Br 3 i6 6.9 12 2.859 7i-3 + 4.i8o9 + .o728 + .029 + .OOI2 O .10 .54 .23 520 L 701 5-6 12 8.914 82.0 + 1.245 1 + .0208 .019 + .0045 o .l6 .78 .28 521 6 Arietis 5-7 12 33.676 77.0 +3.3292 + .oi8o +.005 .0010 o .05 .27 .10 522 Br 3 i 9 5-4 12 49-448 77-6 + 3.8494 + .047 7 + .014 .0056 I .09 .34 .14 523 Pi 52 5-8 12 49.663 74-7 + 3. 1 133 + .0086 +.005 + .0245+ I .10 .50 .20 524 4> Eridani 3-8 12 56.205 75-7 + 2. 1 438 -.0045 + .009 + .0081 A- I .11 .48 .20 525 L688 7- 1 13 S-SSS 86.5 + 2.5447 -.0040 +.008 + .0139 o .10 .69 .19 526 Br 322 5-4 13 9.164 69.4 + 3.4662 + .0244 +.006 + .0009 o .14 .51 .25 527 L 706 5-7 13 2 3- 28 5 83-5 + 1.2362 + .0208 .019 + .0016 o .16 .84 .28 528 Br 3 27 7.2 13 35-070 64.9 + 3-3284+.OI78 +.005 .0005 o .18 .54 .30 529 Br 3 2S 6.4 14 12.889 64.2 + 3-8605 + .0477 + .014 + .0001 o .15 .68 .34 530 oCeti Var. 14 17.644 75-9 + 3.0279 + . 0062 + .005 .0001 I .04 .21 .08 53i Br 324 5-8 14 20.768 64.6 + 3. 9484 +.053 5 +.016 + .0045 o .13 .44 .24 532 Pi 59 6.7 14 29.665 86.0 + 2.6875 .0008 + .007 .0172+ 3 .IO .62 .18 533 Br 3 2 3 6.8 1451.225 76.1 + 4.2050+.0732 +.028 .0002 o .10 .51 .20 534 Br 326 5-3 15 22.903 68.4 + 4. 1514+. 0686 +.025 + .0006 o .IO .44 .21 535 Br 3 28 7.2 15 54.810 73-9 +4.2205 + . 0738 +.028 + .OOII O .12 .45 .20 536 Pi6i 6.1 16 36.705 69.8 + 3-7I56+.0379 + .009 .0076 I .11 .56 .25 537 L7i7 6.0 16 39-758 87.6 + 1.9436 .0014 + .007 + .OOII O .14 .88 .24 538 Pi 62 7-5 16 39.858 69.8 +3.7261 + .0382 + .009 + .0008 o .18 .62 .31 539 Br 3 33 5-8 16 49.161 67.4 + 3-07I2 + .0079 + .005 .0003 o .11 .40 .21 540 Br 3 35 5-8 17 6.638 67.9 + 3.0529 + . 0073 + .005 .0018 o .14 .51 .26 54i Paris 2948 5-7 17 8.001 93-8 + 2. 93 24 +.003 5 + .005 + .0096 I .11 .78 .I? 542 Br 3 3i 5-5 17 46.048 62.8 + 3-96i5 + .o53i + .015 + .0025 o .13 .44 .24 543 K Fornacis 5-5 17 58.016 87.8 + 2. 7458-. 0007 + .007 +.0147- I .06 .48 .12 544 Br 33 o 6-5 18 12.131 69-3 + 4.2022 + .071 1 +.025 .0005 o .14 .42 .22 545 Br334 5-o 1857.021 75-6 + 3-9770+-0537 + .015 + .0027 o 09 -33 -IS 546 ( Arietis 5-6 19 27.320 66.8 + 3-2IOO+.OI27 + .004 + .0008 o .08 .36 .18 547 Br 339 6-5 I955-I47 68.0 + 3. 0298 +.0066 + .005 + .0007 o .14 .51 .26 548 SHydri 4-3 19 58.049 71.9 + 1.0536 +.0290 .029 .OI02+ 2 .IO .46 .20 549 L 739 7.0 20 15.780 85-1 + 1.8807 -oooo +.005 + .0029 o .15 .84 .26 550 i Cassiopeiae 4-5 2 2O 49.270 69.8 + 4. 8827 + . 1322 +.077 .0006 o .03 .22 .IO 503-4 S 231- 16" 232 534/3875. i2 M ia"i6o. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'and 100 A(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 501 Of /' + 20 44 28.10 73-2 a a + 17.040 .266 -.19 + .002 I rr it if .07 .30 .13 502 + 14 48 40.28 56.2 + 16.997-. 259 -.18 .022 o .Og .30 .l8 19 Arietis 503 - 2 SI 49.70 78.2 + 16.974- .245 -.14 .042 2 .12 .65 .24 66' Ceti * 504 - 2 51 39-77 67.0 + 16.961 .245 -.14 -.054- 2 .07 .25 .13 66 2 Ceti * 505 + 8 22 39.64 69.9 + 17.008 .252 -.16 .007 o .04 .20 .09 65 Ceti ? 506 -31 II 34.36 81.6 + 16.979 .212 .10 + .OO2 O .08 .49 .l6 507 + 5635 24.45 62.6 + 16.914-. 333 -35 .000 .14 .45 .26 1M civ$Tft A first 508 +32 53 38.91 70.7 + 16.875-. 284 .22 -.031 o .IO .47 .21 7 Trianguli 509 + 24 34 46.37 61.3 + 16.819 .273 .20 .087 o !3 -55 -3 21 Arietis Sio + 25 19 7.97 62.0 + 16.845-. 277 .20 .060 I .12 .47 .26 20 Arietis 5" -77 535-37 82.0 + 16.913 .006 -.16 + .023 2 .09 .63 .20 32 G Hydri 512 -4i 37 57-05 84.1 + 16.85 1 -.198 -.08 - -033 o .11 .53 .18 135 G Phcenicis Si3 + 57 26 10.02 65.7 + 16.884 -34 -35 + .O2O I .12 .40 .21 8 Persei SH + 33 45 59-65 62.9 + 16.617 .302 .22 -.246- 8 .07 .30 .16 5i5 + 57 3 10.10 72.0 + 16.859- .337 -35 + .OOI O .09 .27 .14 7 Persei (x) ; ohisto hsio 5i6 10 17 5.96 80.2 + 16.806 .242 -13 -.039- 2 .IO .41 .l6 2242. 9 M 54"233 Si? + 33 23 4.97 78.9 + 16.792-. 288 .22 .051 o .06 .34 .12 5i8 6 52 58.62 76.6 + 16.705-. 245 -.14 .108 o .04 .26 .IO 67 Ceti SIQ + 564023.85 68.9 + i6.8oi-.339 -35 .009 o .11 .42 .20 In Cluster A. Pe 520 -68 18 29.62 81.6 + 16.855 .106 -05 + .049 o .14 .65 .23 35 G Hydri ir 1 521 + 19 26 18.86 71.6 + 16.780 .272 -.18 .006 o .05 .21 .IO 522 + 4655 6.71 69.4 + 16.762-. 314 -.28 .Oil O .IO .29 .16 62 Andromedae c 523 + i 17 5.82 73-7 + 17. 150-. 257 -15 + 377- 2 .IO .47 .20 524 -51 5830.21 73-7 + 16.739-. 179 -.06 .029 i .09 .40 .17 525 -36 26 49.58 83-7 + 16.810 .212 -.09 + .050- i .10 .59 .18 21 G Fornacis 526 + 28 10 52.11 66.7 + 16.756-. 284 .21 .002 o .12 .49 .24 10 Trianguli 527 -681235.48 82.1 + 16.740 .106 -05 .006 o .14 -67 .23 36 G Hydri ir 2 528 + 19 13 48.11 54-o + 16.621 .274 -.18 .116 o .13 .40 .26 23 Arietis 529 + 46 51 5.30 63.8 + 16.701-. 318 -.28 - .005 o .14 -54 -29 530 - 3 25 54-03 76.2 + 16.466 .251 -.14 -.237 o .04 .24 .09 Mira. 2*5 to IO M S3i + 49 41 34.60 57-2 + 16.677 .326 -30 - .023 o .11 .32 .20 63 Andromedae 532 26 25 7.61 84.1 + 17. 143-. 223 .IO + .450+ I .10 .53 .17 22 G Fornacis 533 + 5647 4.44 75-8 + 16.665-. 347 -36 .on o .09 .51 .20 MtLMftHjL fknei 534 + 55 23 16.87 Si-2 + 16.650-. 344 -34 .000 o .11 .37 .24 9 Persei i * 535 + 565548.83 72.6 + 16.625-. 351 -36 + .OOI O '.10 .41 .18 /# c/osflF/e jC Prst* 536 + 40 56 33.45 68.2 + 16.496 .310 -25 -.094+ I .10 .45 .21 537 56 24 14.29 82.5 + 16.611 .166 -05 + .024 o .11 .56 .19 i G Horologii * 538 +41 i 25.81 54-8 + 16.588- .312 -25 + .OOI .16 .48 .31 539 - o 3 40.39 70.8 + 16.574-. 259 -.14 -.005 o .08 .32 .15 69 Ceti 540 i 20 24.72 65-5 + 16.517-. 257 -.14 .048 o .11 .38 .20 70 Ceti 541 -ii 13 55.92 91.0 + 16.469 .249 -13 -.095- I .IO .6l .15 542 + 49 33 IO -7 57-3 + 16.493-. 334 -.29 .040 o .11 .32 .20 64 Andromedae 543 - 24 16 14.34 86.7 + 16.462- .235 .10 .061 I .06 .37 .10 544 + 56 9 22.45" 64.1 + 16.522-. 354 -35 + .OII .12 .40 .22 10 Persei 545 + 49 49 33-77 65.8 + 16.458- .338 -30 .016 o .10 .27 .16 65 Andromedae 546 + 10 9 28.09 66.4 + 16.434-. 275 -.16 .015 o .08 .35 .17 i/rCeti 547 - 3 13 57-53 67.2 + 16.420 .260 -.14 -.005 o .11 .39 .20 71 Ceti 548 69 6 52.16 73-8 + 16.435-. 094 -05 + .OI2+ I .09 .43 .18 549 -57 16 4.63 82.5 + 16.439-. 165 -05 + .031 o .12 .65 .22 2 G Horologii 550 + 66 57 10.57 69.4 + 16.394417 -52 + .014 o .04 .21 .09 * 537 h 3497- n 33"82 550 2 262. 7" 1 2 " 252; Si 7" 111. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. oEp. icoji a 10 M h m s s s s s /' fr ft 551 pCetl S-o 2 21 7.107 76.2 + 2. 8961 + .003 2 + .006 .0017 o .08 .33 .I 4 552 Br 3 37 6-5 21 9.044 77.1 + 4.0004 +.054 2 + .015 + .0040 i .10 .36 .16 553 Dpt 238 6.0 21 I5.l6l 92.4 + 2.8499 + .O022 + .006 - .0039 o .13 .57 .16 554 Br 341 7- 1 21 23.753 66.0 + 3-2I32 + .OI27 + .004 + .0029 o .11 .48 .24 555 Br 340 5-9 21 32.177 84.1 + 3-54I4+.027I + .006 .0024 o .10 .40 .15 556 Br 345 6.8 22 4-137 68.0 + 3-i86i + .oi23 + .004 .0197 I I0 -33 -17 557 X Horologii 5-6 22 6.056 85.8 + 1.6731 + .0043 + .00 1 .0120 o .12 .63 .20 558 K Hydri 6.2 22 16.184 89.0 +0.3205 + .0766 -.105 .0230+ 6 .14 .88 .23 559 Br 342 5-5 22 18.072 67.9 + 3-S059+-025 1 + .006 .0014 i .12 .48 .24 56o fCeti 4-4 22 50.455 75-4 + 3.i847 + .on6 + .004 + .0026 o .03 .18 .07 56i Br 3 46 6.2 22 56.340 85-4 + 3.5081 + .0255 + .005 - .0055 o .13 .42 .16 562 Pi 60 8.0 23 2.873 67.1 + 8.I296+.6778 +1.251 + .0110+ 5 .11 .40 .21 563 K Eridani 4-5 23 I9-19 74-2 + 2.2OOO .0033 + .008 + .0012 .11 .51 .21 564 Fornacis 5-3 2 3 47.886 84.4 + 2-5394- -0025 + .008 + .0015 o .11 .63 .20 6 5 Pi 96 6.1 2447.094 80.7 + 3-442i + .o2i6 +.005 + .0052 o .09 .48 .l6 566 Br 349 6.4 25 1-805 66.6 + 3-3558 + -OI79 + .004 + .0050 o .14 .40 .22 567 Pi 104 6.9 25 2I.4OI 84.7 + 2-74O9+.OOO2 + .006 + .0068 o .13 .72 .22 568 Br 3 Si 6.6 25 21.486 7i-5 +3.3209+. 0165 + .004 + .0025 o .07 .36 .16 569 Pi 1 06 6.8 25 43-985 83.8 + 2.6982 .0005 + .006 + .0067 o .13 .68 .22 570 Pi 107 6.7 25 59-24I 81.3 + 2-736o + .ooo2 + .006 + .0009 o .14 .68 .24 57i Br 350 5-5 2 5 59-793 77-o + 3. 6468 + .03 1 5 +.005 + .0032 o .10 .44 .17 572 Pulk M 363 5-6 26 19.693 87.9 + 3. 0985 + .0088 + .004 + .0008 o .10 .48 .15 573 Pi 100 m 6.9 26 27.340 82.0 + 4.0869 + .0583 + .015 .0008 o .11 .51 .18 574 Br3S4 5-7 27 4.017 65-5 + 3. 0502 + .007 5 + .004 .0015 o .11 .45 .23 575 // n n 551 -12 44 29.35 73-5 + 16.356-. 251 .12 .009 o .08 .32 .14 552 + 50 7 21.57 68.4 + 16.266 .344 -3 .098 o .10 .27 .15 66 Andromedae 553 -1547 27.19 81.0 + 16.307- .247 .12 -.051 o .13 .44 .18 W.H. 9 M i2"295 554 + 10 6 54.17 61.6 + 16.326 .278 -.16 .025 o .11 .53 .28 OS 8 M 74" 32 555 + 31 21 8.05 78.4 + 16.310 .306 .21 - -034 o 09 -33 -14 ii Trianguli 556 + 9 45 i6.n 62.0 + 16.115-. 275 -.16 .202+ 2 .10 .34 .19 25 Arietis 557 - 60 45 34.40 82.6 + i6.i8o-.i48 -5 -'35+ i .11 .59 .20 558 -74 555.40 83.8 + 16.306 .032 ,IO .OOI+ 2 .11 .54 .18 559 + 29 13 22.71 67.1 + 16.218 .304 .21 .087 o .09 .40 .19 12 Trianguli 560 + 80 42.79 74.6 + 16.274 .278 -.16 .004 o .03 .17 .07 73 Ceti P 56i + 292855.09 75-5 + 16.343-. 305 .21 + .070 o .11 .34 .16 13 Trianguli 562 + 81 12 6.30 61.0 + 16.265 .700 -1.89 .002 I .10 .37 .21 563 -48 9 9.59 77.8 + 16.240 .195 -.06 -.013 o .09 .49 .18 564 -34 15 32.42 77.0 + 16.241 .224 -.09 + .012 O .12 .57 .22 565 + 2447 3-7 2 75-4 + 16.095 -.304 .20 - .083 o .08 .30 .13 5 271. II M I2"i8i 566 + 19 24 40.97 63-4 + 16.132 .296 -.18 - -033 o .12 .39 .22 26 Arietis 567 - 23 7 42.65 79-7 + 16.149 .244 .10 + .001 I .12 .56 .20 2576 Ceti (Fornax) 568 + 17 15 41.28 65-4 + 16.051 .294 -17 -.097 o 07 -33 -16 27 Arietis 569 -2537 56.02 85-3 + 16.153-. 241 .IO + .024 I .11 .57 .18 30 G Fornacis 570 -22 59 20.36 80.4 + 16.073-. 244 .10 .042 o .12 .60 .22 258 G Ceti (Fornax) 571 + 35 42 13.02 7i-3 + 16.120 .323 -23 + .005 o .09 .35 .16 14 Trianguli 572 + i 49 26.09 87.1 + 16.094 .276 -.14 .004 o .IO .46 .14 573 + 51 52 2.28 74-4 + 16.084 .362 -32 .007 o 09 -34 -IS * 574 - i 28 35.10 64.6 + 16.030- .273 -.14 .029 o .09 .33 .18 75 Ceti 575 15 41 0.67 71.9 + 15.927-. 254 .12 .117 o .07 .28 .13 576 + I43530-S4 60.2 + 16.073-. 294 -17 + 033 o .10 .39 .22 29 Arietis 577 + 72 22 51.57 77-3 + 16.003 -.500 -74 + .O2O O .04 .22 .08 36 H Cassiopeiae 578 46 18 42.61 78.4 + 15.961 .202 -.06 .020 .11 .67 .24 579 -35 523-23 82.5 + 15.940-. 227 -.08 .020 o .IO .60 .19 33 G Fornacis A. 1 58o 28 40 18.29 81.0 + I5.9I5-. 239 -.09 .018 o .11 .63 .21 h 35 o6. 8 M ii"2 43 58i + 3652 28.89 90.1 + 15.932-. 333 -.24 .000 o .12 .51 .l6 5279. II M 17" 72 582 + 34 15 4-64 69.2 + 15.866-. 328 -23 - -054 o .08 .31 .15 15 Trianguli 583 + 72 9.64 67.4 + 15.812-. 287 -15 .104 o .13 .58 .28 584 - 8 17 46.13 68.6 + 15.851-. 269 -13 .065 o .11 .42 .21 77 Ceti 585 + 51 31 28.49 77.0 + 15.896-. 370 -32 .012 .09 .34 .14 Br 3228 586 - 3 59 9-69 70.0 + 15.461-. 273 -.14 .426+ I .08 .30 .14 79 Ceti 587 -51 31 52.76 86.3 + 15.856-. 188 -05 .021 .12 .6l .19 7 G Horologii 588 + 6 24 34.66 75-5 + 17-335- -31 -15 + 1.463-11 .05 .32 .12 589 + 5 9 24.68 67.8 + 15.842-. 286 -15 .029 o .06 .26 .12 2 281. 9 M 8" 83 59 - 8 15 59-85 71.2 + 15.781 .270 -13 .066 o .11 .46 .21 80 Ceti 591 + 12 O 50.42 69.0 + I5-7S6-. 300 -.16 -.085- 2 .07 .27 .13 31 Arietis 592 + 24 12 45.09 75-8 + 15.832-. 316 -.19 .OOg I .09 .51 .20 (S 5. App. 38" 274 593 + 24 12 43.08 73-9 + 15.828- .316 -.19 .OIO I .07 .30 .13 (30 Arietis 594 - 30 28 50.69 82.8 + 15.803-. 239 -.09 - .003 o .12 .6l .20 35 G Fornacis i 1 595 - 3 49 44-52 75-7 + 15.720- .279 -13 .042 o .08 .38 .16 8 1 Ceti 596 -35 o 19.58 72.6 + 15.474- .231 -.08 -.279 o IS -73 -3 36 G Fornacis X 2 597 + 21 3 1 44-34 78.8 + I5-7I3- -313 -.18 - .023 o .04 .26 .09 598 -23 25 36.48 87.2 + 15.763-. 252 .10 + .032 o .13 1. 12 .29 278 G Ceti 599 + 81 i 29.55 74.8 + 15.655-. 761 -1-95 .069 I .08 .34 .14 Groomb 527 600 + 67 38 6.68 66.7 + 15. 689 -.468 -56 .012 O II -47 -23 573 OS 42. 1*4-8*0 < o'.'s 110 . PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |iand 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M b m s s s 5 s // // // 601 /* Hydri 5-5 2 33 46. 9 44 77.1 -1.3882+. 2507 -493 + .0430-21 .07 .57 .20 602 L8u 6.0 33 59-971 83.8 + 2.5882 .0012 + .006 + .0084 I .15 .92 .28 603 i) Horologii 5-4 34 6.434 85-1 + 1^765 .0002 + .005 + .0079 I 13 -75 -23 604 SCeti 4.1 34 21-352 76.3 +3. 07 1 5 + .0082 + .004 + .0007 o .04 .21 .08 605 tCeti 5-i 34 43.606 70.7 + 2. 9006 + .0036 + .005 + .0103 I .08 .28 .14 606 Br 370 5-6 34 50.25)2 76.2 + 3-4 9 67 + .022 9 + .004 + .0053 o .10 .30 .14 607 Pi 148 6-5 34 59-258 60.6 + 3.i58 9 + .oio6 + .004 + .0033 o 14 -57 -32 608 Paris 3317 6.1 35 20.463 93-7 + 2.9159+. 0045 + .004 .0105 o .14 .78 .19 609 Br 3 6 9 5-9 35 53-3 78.4 + 4.2644+. 0658 + .015 + .0058 o .10 .39 .16 610 Br 37 i 5-i 35 56-022 73-7 + 3-770 9 +-03S8 + .005 .0012 I .10 .39 .17 6n LSz? 4-9 35 59- I 99 80. i + 2.2866 .0022 + .006 + .0074- I .13 .66 .24 612 Br 37 8 5-9 36 6.517 77-9 + 3.0699+. 0076 + .004 + .0140 I .10 .48 .18 613 Br 366 6.1 36 12.958 81.7 + 5.0989 + .1364 + .063 + .0037 o .06 .42 .13 614 i Eridani 4.1 36 43-257 82.2 + 2.3673 .0021 + .006 + .0106 I .10 .51 .17 615 /j. Arietis 5-9 36 43-564 72.2 + 3-375o+.oi7 9 + .003 + .OO22 O .08 .34 .15 616 Br 3 8i 6-5 37 5-775 66.7 +3. 2240+. 0128 + .003 .0023 o -13 -So -25 617 Persei 4.2 37 21-963 75-i + 4.0746 + .05 13 + .008 + 0343+ 2 .03 .16 .07 618 Horologii 5-4 37 32-907 80.8 + 1.8662 + .0017 + .004 + .0040 o .16 .70 .26 619 Br 3 76 5-7 37 34-190 64.6 + 3-8877 + .04I9 + .006 .0000 o .14 .50 .27 620 Br 380 4-7 37 34-874 81.6 + 3-5IOI + .0233 + .003 + .0003 o .07 .36 .12 621 e Hydri 4-3 38 2.060 73-7 +0.9086 +.0334 -033 + .0167- 3 .11 .48 .21 622 yCeti 3-5 38 7.087 67.8 + 3-I044+.0092 + .003 .0098 i .03 .18 .08 623 L 841 6.1 38 7.667 9-4 + 2.3883-. 0018 + .006 + .0002 o .12 .70 .18 624 Br 3 8 4 6.8 38 44-152 71.6 + 3-3424+.oi65 + .003 + .0036 o .13 .45 .21 625 o Arietis 6.0 39 2 -233 72.4 + 3.29 9 7 + .oi5i + .003 + .0001 o .IO .52 .22 626 t Horologii 5-6 39 9-157 87.7 + 2.0395-. 0002 + .005 + .0321 I .19 1.23 .34 627 jrCeti 4-4 39 21-781 74-3 + 2. 853 9 +.0033 + .005 .0005 o .05 .26 .IO 628 Br 3 86 5-3 39 30-550 73-o + 3-262 9 +.oi36 + .003 + .0080 o .09 .42 .l8 629 /iCeti 4-3 39 32-100 77.0 + 3-2377 + -oi2S + .003 + .0190 o .04 .20 .07 630 L8 55 6-5 40 8.822 82.1 + 2.5160 .0010 + .006 + .0008 o 14 -75 -25 631 Br 39 o 4 .6 40 26.120 67-9 + 2. 7987 + .0020 + .005 + .0228 o .10 .39 .19 632 L8 93 6.7 41 41.684 83.6 + 1.0332 + .0265 .024 + .0159- 4 .14 .75 .24 633 L8 75 7.2 41 47.364 82.4 + 2. 2572-. 0015 + .006 + .0007 o .15 .81 .27 634 Br 3 8 9 4.8 4i 57-137 68.3 + 3-56I5 + .0244 + .003 + .0115 o .08 .36 .17 635 Br 393 6.2 42 55-577 6 9 .2 +3-356i + -oi68 + .003 + .0026 o .11 .45 .21 636 Br 39 i 6.1 42 56. 9 22 78-3 + 3-4799+.02I3 + .003 + .0051 o .11 .36 .16 637 Br 3 8 2 6.4 43 2.860 71.0 + 5. 2874+. 1473 + .064 + .0028 o .10 .48 .21 638 L8 9 6 5-9 43 19-215 81.8 + I.2724+.OI7I .012 + .0015 o .16 -75 .27 639 rj Persei 4.0 43 23.881 78.6 + 4.3462 + .0678 + .OI2 + .0029 o .04 .22 .08 640 L8 79 6.8 43 30-359 82.7 + 2.4340- .oou + .006 .0036 o 15 -93 -29 641 JT Arietis 5-5 43 42.621 61.3 + 3-34i3 + - l6 3 + .003 + .0005 o .08 .33 .18 642 Hydri 5-o 43 59-967 71.2 + 0.9080+. 0324 -.030 + .0098 o -14 -54 -25 643 Br 395 3-5 44 5-733 77.1 + 3-52i4 + -227 + .OO2 + .0050 o .03 .20 .07 644 Br 3 9 4 4-3 44 16.078 67-7 + 3-77I7 + -0334 + .003 + .0157 o .08 .32 .16 645 /8 Fornacis 4-5 44 54-357 84-4 + 2.5121 .0004 + .006 + .0079+ I .07 .38 .12 646 Br 39 8 4.8 45 21.042 66.8 + 3.6840+. 0296 + .OO2 + .0016 o .12 .50 .25 647 y Fornacis 5-5 45 34-255 85-3 + 2-5988 + .OO02 + .005 + .0034 o .11 .75 .22 648 o- Arietis 5-7 45 58-199 77-4 + 3.3062 + .0149 + .002 + .OO2I .04 .27 .IO 649 L8 97 6.0 46 12.176 88.3 + 2.4263 .0009 + .006 + .0041 o .10 .60 .17 650 Br 404 4-9 2 46 30.146 76.1 + 2. 7204+. 0017 + .005 -.0037 o .06 .28 .11 606 2 389. 9 M 29" 360. 6122:395. 9" 4" 331 CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and 100 Afi' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 601 Of II -793244-37 79-7 tf If + 15.671 + . 115 // -.42 // -.030- 4 a a a .06 .55 .18 602 -3037 28.54 76.8 + 15.608 .242 -.09 -.081- i .13 .67 .26 37 G Fornacis t* 603 -52 5833-39 83.0 + 15.661-. 187 -5 .022 i .11 .59 .19 604 o 6 10.13 78.8 + 15.670 .286 -.14 + .OOI O .04 .21 .08 605 12 17 48.08 68.2 + 15.413-. 272 .12 -.236- I .07 .23 .12 606 +2637 53.52 68.8 + 15.609- .326 .20 - -034 o .08 .26 .13 33 Arietis * 607 + 5 40 54-7 ! 59-4 + 15.645-. 295 -IS + .OIO O .14 .6l .34 608 - 9 52 50.86 9-3 + 15.525-. 272 .12 .091+ I .12 .73 .19 609 + 544044-99 7i-3 + 15-559- -398 -34 .027 o .09 .28 .14 ii Persei 610 + 39 46 15-76 65.8 + 15.392-. 352 - 2 5 .191 o .08 .32 .16 12 Persei 611 -43 19 15.66 78.6 + 15.542-. 217 -.07 -.038- I .11 .57 .21 1 8 G Eridani s 612 - * 7 15-47 7i-3 + I 5-437-- 2 90 -.14 -.136- I 09 -35 -16 84 Ceti * 613 + 67 23 59.29 75-2 + 15-539- -475 -.56 .028 o .06 .30 .12 614 -40 16 59.98 76.0 + 15.511 .226 -.07 .029 I .09 .39 .16 615 + 1935 7-3 8 71.9 + 15.492-. 318 -.18 - .047 o 07 -34 -IS /3 522. i2 M 19" 264 616 + 10 18 55.51 60.6 + 15.498-. 304 -.16 .021 o .11 .44 .24 85 Ceti (Aries) 617 + 48 48 19.89 71.0 + I5-4I4- -387 -30 -.090- 3 .03 .12 .06 5 296. IO M 17" 299 618 -5458 41.24 78.4 + 15.488-. 180 -05 .006 o .13 .57 .22 619 + 43 52 19.06 59-8 + 15.489-. 366 -.26 .004 o .11 .39 .22 14 Persei 620 + 27 1653.82 72-3 + 15.479- -331 .20 -.013 o .06 .25 .11 35 Arietis 621 68 41 43.46 74-9 + 15.482 .092 -.06 + .Ol6 2 .IO .42 .l8 622 + 2 48 51.79 64.4 + 15.312-. 294 -.14 -.150+ I .03 .l6 .08 2299. 7 M 3"29i 623 -384837.74 84.2 + 15.462 .228 -.07 .000 .12 .58 .19 40 G Fornacis 624 + 17 20 26.22 67.0 + 15.383-. 318 -17 -045 o .11 .41 .21 36 Arietis 625 + 1453 I7-87 67.8 + i5-377--3 I 4 -17 - -034 o .10 .42 .20 626 -51 1354-58 81.7 + 15.626 .200 -05 + .222 3 .15 .81 .27 627 -14 16 55.87 71.1 + 15-379- -273 .11 .014 o .06 .24 .11 628 + 12 I 29.93 68.6 + 15.302-. 312 -.16 -.082- I .08 .33 .16 38 Arietis 629 + 941 3 1 - 10 71.7 + I5-356-. 3" -.16 .027 2 .04 .19 .08 B. A. C. has Aries 630 -32 5650-27 76.6 + 15.318- .242 -.08 .030 o .12 .64 .24 44 G Fornacis 631 - 18 59 44.91 68.1 + 15-379- - 2 7i .10 + .047- 2 .10 .37 .18 i Eridani r 1 (80 Ceti) 632 -67 8 5.94 79-2 + 15.205 .106 -05 .056 2 .11 .53 .20 19 G Horologii 633 -43 15 27.14 79- + 15. 194- .220 -.06 .062 o .12 .64 .23 25 G Eridani 634 + 2849 54-39 64.4 + I5-I2I-.344 .20 .125 I .07 .29 .15 39 Arietis 635 + 1752 1.84 64-5 + 15. 156-. 326 -.18 - -035 .09 .40 .20 40 Arietis 636 + 24 46 15.01 75-5 +15.184- .338 -.19 .006 o .11 .34 .16 637 + 68 28 26.89 67.8 + 15.179- .510 -.60 .005 o .09 .40 .19 638 64 7 26.20 81.0 + 15.171 .128 -05 + .003 o .14 .64 .23 20 G Horologii, B.A.C. has 7 639 + 55 2849.80 75-7 + 15.148-. 421 -35 .016 o .04 .17 .07 S 3 o 7 . 8 M S 28" 301 640 -3558 3-52 76.0 + 15. no-. 238 -.08 .048 o .14 .82 .31 46 G Fornacis -if- 641 + 17 253.96 58-5 +15.125-. 325 -17 .021 o .07 .29 .l6 2 311. 8^4 3" 121 642 68 2 12.71 73-o + 15. 182-. 094 -.06 + .052- I .12 .50 .22 643 + 265054.12 73-6 + 15.011-. 344 .20 -.113 o .04 .21 .08 41 Arietis 644 + 37 54 25.00 64.7 + 15.009-. 369 -.24 -.105- 2 .07 .29 .15 1 6 Persei 645 -324933-25 80.8 + 15. 237-. 248 -.08 + .I&0- I .08 .40 .14 646 + 34 38 53-76 63.6 + 14.978- .361 -23 - .074 o .11 .47 .24 17 Persei 647 28 21 24.85 83.6 + 15.073-. 257 -.09 + .033 o .11 .56 .18 51 G Fornacis f * 648 + 14 4O 12.07 75-6 + 14.983-. 326 -17 - -033 o .05 .26 .IO 649 -36 15 28.04 86.2 + 15.027-. 241 -.07 + .025 o .12 .6l .19 52 G Fornacis if * 650 -21 2457.99 73-i + 14.973- .269 .IO .012 o 08 -35 .15 2 Eridani r 2 647 Possibly a close double. 649 h 3536. lofs S" 28 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop a 10 M h m s s s S s // // /, 651 L 899 5-6 2 46 37.960 86.6 + 2.4267 .0007 + .006 + .0019 o .13 .64 .20 652 v Horologii 5-5 46 48.193 84.0 + i.3i86 + .oi54 .010 + .0080 I .15 1.06 .32 653 T Persei 4.1 47 9-834 77-4 + 4.2274+. 0584 + .009 + .0005 o .04 .21 .08 654 Br 401 m 5-6 47 23.810 74-5 + 3-77I9+.033I + .002 + .0047 o .09 .32 .15 655 L 903 6.7 47 42.199 83.1 + 2.5409 .0001 + .005 + .0100 .13 .66 .22 656 Lai 5273 S-8 48 1.062 90.7 + 4-7I7I + .09IO + .019 + .0238+ 4 .09 .98 .21 657 L 912 7.0 48 56.279 81.5 + 2.2728 .0009 + .005 + .0037 o .15 .78 .27 658 Br 405 7.2 49 18.811 57-4 + 3-353 + - OI 64 + .002 + .0032 o .l6 .48 .30 659 \l/ Fornacis 6.1 49 39-3 85-3 + 2.3508- .0007 + .005 + .0044 o 15 -75 -24 660 Br 406 6.2 5O II. 221 69.6 + 3-364i + .oi67 + .002 .0006 o .09 .44 .20 661 p Arietis 5-8 5047.318 66.9 + 3-379 2 + - l6 4 + .002 + .0189 I .07 .28 .14 662 Br 410 6.2 SO 5 2 -773 66.7 + 3. 2039+. 01 15 + .002 + .0045 o .12 .52 .26 663 v Hydri 4.8 51 6.605 85.6 -0.4477 + . 1191 --I59 .0166+ 5 .09 .96 .25 664 Br 407 5-3 51 12.988 74-6 + 3-6303 + .0264 + .OOI + .0008 o .IO .50 ,2O 665 17 Eridani 4.0 51 32.508 76-9 + 2. 9289 + .0050 + .003 + .0054- I .04 .l8 .07 666 Pulka 415 5-4 51 36.604 93-6 + 3. 005 2 + .0068 + .003 .0017 o .13 .8l .19 667 Br 412 6.0 52 21.659 73-8 + 3.425i + .oi8o + .OO2 + .0156 o 08 .33 .15 668 IT Persei 4-7 52 21.868 75-9 + 3.8219+. 0345 + .OOI + .0033 o .11 .32 .15 669 Br 392 5-9 52 46.626 82.1 + 7.77S8 + . 4 625 + -440 -.0130- 3 .05 .34 .11 670 Pi 221 5-i 52 5I-707 71.6 + 3. 7030+. 0294 + .OOI .0050 o .16 .78 .34 671 Br 418 5-6 52 56-953 75-7 + 2. 6665 + .OOI3 + .004 + .0068 o .11 .42 .l8 672 Groomb 590 5-7 53 2.571 81.6 + 4.05 1 1 + .0459 + .003 + .0027 o .13 .44 .18 673 Br 414 m 7.0 53 9-057 66.8 + 3-4322 + .oi86 + .OO2 + .0041 o .13 .62 .30 674 Arietis m 4.6 53 29-521 71.9 + 3-4225 + .oi84 + .OO2 .OOI I O .04 .22 .10 675 L94S 6.8 53 38.745 91.7 + 2.3418 .0004 + .005 + .0025 o .11 .70 .I? 676 Br 421 6.1 53 38-791 81.6 + 2.6666 + . 0015 + .004 + .0033 o .13 .52 .20 677 Pulks; 423 5-4 53 39-744 95-i + 3.0188 + .007 1 + .003 .0025 o .14 .88 .19 678 Pi 220 5-6 53 44-396 61.6 + 4.2502 + .0567 + .005 + .0037 o .14 .51 .28 679 XCeti 4.8 54 21.258 70.8 + 3.2io8 + .on8 + .OO2 + .0006 o .09 .36 .16 680 6 l Eridani 3-5 54 28.205 74.0 + 2.2741 .0002 + .005 .0051+ I .09 .40 .17 681 (P Eridani 4-7 54 28.964 76.7 + 2.2727 .0002 + .005 .0065 + I .13 .50 .21 682 Br 423 5-6 543 8 - I 76 69.4 + 3.0254+. 0073 + .003 .0008 o .13 .50 .24 683 L 960 7-i 54 42.443 83.8 + I-7333 + .0050 + .001 .0004+ I .18 .75 .27 684 Fornacis 5-8 55 12-017 86.4 + 2.64I2 + .OOI2 + .004 + .0135 o .14 .75 .22 685 L9S3 6.7 55 30-940 88.1 + 2.4733 + - 0001 + .005 + .0004 o .13 .84 .22 686 Br 424 6.1 56 0.510 76.6 + 3-5 2 56 + .o2i8 + .OOI .0009 o .IO .42 .17 687 Br 39 6 6.1 56 10.962 67.7 + 8.9749 + .6684 +.789 .0200 8 .08 .34 .17 688 Br 427 6.1 56 14-983 74-3 + 2.9477 + .0056 +.003 + .0069 o .15 .62 .27 689 Br 425 7.0 56 30.120 83.0 + 3.5485 + .0218 + .OOI + .0179 o .08 .50 .l6 690 /? Horologii 5-2 56 54-296 84-5 + I.I2II + .O2I4 -.015 + .0004+ I .14 .78 .24 691 a Ceti 2.7 57 3-063 69.6 + 3.I3I7 + .0097 + .OO2 .0009 o .02 .12 .05 692 Br 430 5-9 57 8.207 83-3 + 3- J 378 + -oo99 + .OO2 + .0009 o .12 .40 .l6 693 Fornacis 6.1 57 18.959 86.1 + 2-5873 + .OO02 + .004 + .0215- 3 .11 .72 .21 694 y Persei 3-o 57 33-oo2 78.4 + 4-3 18 5 + -593 + .003 + .0004 o .04 .21 .08 695 p Eridani 5-7 57 47-726 67.2 + 2.9422 + .0057 + .003 + .0027 o .13 .48 .24 696 Br 434 4.2 57 58.982 87-4 + 2. 6446+. 0016 + .004 .0104 o .06 .33 .10 697 Pi 236 5-i 58 1.418 66.4 + 4-4772 + .o69i + .005 .0005 + I .14 .56 .28 698 p Persei Var. 58 45-947 80.3 + 3.8302 + .0330 .OOO + .0115 o .04 .21 .07 699 Lai 5579 6.0 58 56-725 88.1 + 4-9725 + -I034 + .017 .0005 o .11 .98 .24 700 Br435 5-6 2 59 21.736 72.2 + 2. 9440 +.005 7 + .003 + .0040 o .12 .51 .23 ^ 524 ' 6M - 6 "7 < o'.'s; binary, 30 yrs. . 318. IO M 14" 136. 669 2 320. 9 M S' 230 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3., (i/andiooAp Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 651 / // 36 5 13.64 83.0 + 14.923-. 242 -.07 - -054 o // a // .12 .55 .19 53 G Fornacis if 652 -63 13 17.47 81.0 + 14.990-. 135 -05 + .022 i .13 .81 .27 653 + 52 21 11-73 76.4 + 14.941-- 417 -33 .006 o .04 .15 .06 654 + 37 55 48.20 73-8 + 14.851 -.374 -.24 .082 o .09 .30 .14 20 Persei * 655 -31 13 42-52 82.9 + 15.010- .255 -.08 +.095- .13 .60 .21 54 G Fornacis 656 + 61 6 46.67 94-6 + 14.924 .469 -43 + .O27 2 .08 .97 .17 657 -41 48 4.05 76-5 + 14.814 .230 -.06 .029 o .12 .58 .23 36 G Eridani 658 + 17 1941-38 56-z + 14.795-. 336 -17 .026 o .14 .45 .28 44 Arietis (p 1 ) 659 -38 5045.24 81.6 + 14.853-. 238 -.07 + 053 .12 .63 .22 660 + 17 5535-26 70-5 + 14.753-. 338 -17 .016 o .08 .40 .18 45 Arietis (p 2 ) 661 + i7 37 27-83 60.8 + 14.526- .342 -.17 .207 2 .07 .23 .13 Br 408; 46 Arietis (p*) 662 + 7 58 45-19 63-5 + 14.637-. 324 -15 .091 o .12 .54 .28 663 -75 2831.42 84.0 + 14.715 + . 040 .20 + .OOI+ 2 .08 .65 .19 664 + 3 1 3 1 53-46 68.9 + 14.671 .366 .21 - -037 o .10 .38 .18 21 Persei 665 - 9 17 45.92 75-3 + 14.474- .297 .12 -.215 o .04 .I? .07 666 - 4 653.88 92.0 + 14.63 7 -.304 -13 - .047 o .11 .63 .l6 667 + 20 16 3.63 69-3 + 14.609- .349 -17 -.031 2 .08 .36 .I? 47 Arietis 668 + 39 15 44.77 65.6 + 14.590-. 387 .24 - .050 o .09 .26 .14 669 + 79 i 25.14 80.8 + 14.626 .781 -i-54 + .OII+ I .04 .24 .08 47 H Cephei, Cassiopeiae *. 670 + 344656-67 63-2 + 14.622-. 375 .22 + .OI2 O .14 .67 .34 24 Persei 671 -24 15 47.45 80.2 + 14-576- -273 -.09 .029 I .10 .38 .15 4 Eridani (41 G) 672 + 46 49 12. 61 73-2 + 14.620 .411 -.28 + .021 O .12 .37 .18 673 + 21 13 3.66 68.4 + 14-577- -35 -.18 .015 o .11 .64 .29 * 674 + 2056 25.46 70.4 + 14.564-. 349 -.18 .008 o .04 .21 .09 * 675 -38 35 33.22 84.2 + 14-577- -241 -.07 + .014 o .13 .58 .20 62 G Fornacis 676 24 o 29.88 78.3 + 14.621 .274 -.09 + .058 o .12 .46 .19 6 Eridani (44 G) 677 - 3 I0 53-05 92-5 + 14.503-. 308 -13 - -059 o .11 .65 .16 678 + 51 57 14.62 52-3 + I4-530- -433 -32 .027 o .11 .40 .26 2331. 7 M i2"8 S 679 + 8 30 32.24 71.0 + 14.514-. 329 -15 .006 o .08 .33 .15 680 40 42 18.86 73-9 + 14-547- -234 -.06 + .034 o .08 .36 .15 Jo -// c.o 68 1 40 42 18.28 82.6 + I 4-53 2 -- 2 34 -.06 + .O2O+ I .12 .64 .21 o-3 5 682 251 46.46 70.7 + 14.491 -.3 10 .13 .012 o .11 .43 .20 5 Eridani 683 -55 2453.87 80.4 + 14.545-. 181 .04 + .046 o .14 .60 .23 29 G Horologii 684 25 40 29.48 80.6 + 14.560- .274 -.09 + .091 I 13 -63 -23 685 -32 54 19.69 83-1 + 14.452-. 256 -.08 + .OO2 .12 .6l .20 66 G Fornacis 686 + 26 3 59.47 73-5 + 14.413-. 363 -.19 .007 o 09 -39 -17 49 Arietis 687 + 81 5 2.24 7i-5 + 14.411 .914 -2.15 + .002+ 2 .09 .37 .17 2327. II M 25"282 688 - 8 3 25.20 71.6 + 14.341-. 306 .12 .064 I .11 .45 .20 8 Eridani p 1 689 + 2613 9.03 80.2 + 14.222 .368 -.19 -.168- 2 .07 .39 .14 51 Arietis 690 64 28 7.91 86.0 + I4-393-. 120 "OS + .028 o .11 ,8l .22 691 + 3 41 50.84 66.7 + i4-279--3 2 5 -.14 -.077 o .02 .11 .05 692 + 3 57 30-55 78.9 + 14.359-. 326 -.14 + .007 o .11 .37 .16 93Ceti 693 28 28 27.09 79.1 + I3-932- -272 -.08 -.408- 2 .11 .50 .19 694 + 53 653.44 76.8 + 14.317-. 446 -33 .009 o .04 .l6 .06 695 8 4 42.66 65-7 + 14.328-. 307 .12 + .017 o .10 .37 .19 9 Eridani p 2 * 696 -24 059.18 85.0 + 14-253- -275 -.09 -.047+ I .06 .30 .IO 1 1 Eridani r 3 (56 G) 697 + 56 18 46.99 52-9 + 14.368- .463 -36 + .071 o .12 .45 .28 k Persei 698 + 38 27 10.22 79-3 + 14.143-. 400 -.24 -.108- I .04 .29 .IO Var., 3?4 to 4^2 699 + 63 40 8.91 89.0 + 14.235- .516 -.48 .005 o .10 .82 .20 700 - 7 5931.10 67-7 + 14.240-. 309 .11 + .025 o .09 .35 .l8 10 Eridani p 3 6 73 ft 525- 7 M 8-7"! I 8 < i" ; slow binary. 6742333- s". i '.'4; slow binary. 695 ft n. IO M z'.'4 84 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS TOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 a t (i and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. loop a 10 M h m s 5 S s s // it tt 701 1,974 5-9 2 59 30.802 82.6 + 2.0508 + .001 1 + .004 + .0028 o .13 .88 .28 702 Br 433 m 5-6 2 59 34.580 62.6 + 3. 5098 +.0208 .000 + .0003 o .14 .50 .27 703 L 976 7.0 3 o 20.094 83.1 + 2. 1485 + .0006 + .004 .0007 o .15 .69 .24 704 Paris 3721 6.0 o 54-207 85-5 + 3.2880+. 0136 + .OOI + .OOOI .11 .57 .17 70S Br 417 S-o i 5.271 79-4 + 6-3936+.2379 + .104 + .0070- 3 .07 .39 .14 706 fi Horologii 5-3 i 15.382 83-3 + 1.4083 + .01 19 -.005 .0099 o .14 .69 .23 707 Pulkja 440 5-8 i 36.684 91.7 + 2. 9644+. 0062 + .003 + .OOOI O .12 .78 .18 708 /8 Persei Var. i 39-S85 73-6 + 3.8879 + .0355 .OOO + .0006 o .03 .16 .07 709 Br 439 6-5 i 47-739 68.7 + 3.37oi + .oi6i + .OOI .0024 o .10 .39 .19 710 i Persei 4.2 i 50.800 75-3 + 4.3064 +.05 1 5 .000 + .1292+ 9 .04 .21 .09 711 0Hydri 5-7 2 2.910 76.5 +0.0950+. 07 15 -.077 + .0089 o .07 .45 .17 712 Br 440 6.6 2 40.892 67-9 + 3-3933 + . l6 6 + .00 1 + .0027 o .12 .42 .22 713 K Persei 4.0 2 44.890 62.4 + 4.0284 +.0409 .001 + .0170 o .08 .30 .l6 714 Pi 267 6-3 3 34-522 79-7 + 2.563I + .OOH + .004 + .0056 o .12 .51 .19 715 Br 441 5-9 3 35-678 73-o + 3-5999 + .0234 .000 + .O022 O .13 .44 .21 716 Pi 264 7-3 3 53- 2 57 79.2 + 3-4057 + .oi69 + .00 1 + .0025 o .12 .52 .20 717 Tauri S-3 o 49.400 78.8 + 3.7oi9+.oi87 -.008 .0062 o .10 .38 .16 945 Pi 242 7-4 o 54-348 71.4 + 3-9878 + .025o -.013 +-0153- 1 .11 .39 .l8 946 L 1380 7.0 4 i 18.462 82.0 0.3906 +.0647 .041 -.0037+ 3 .16 .75 .27 947 Br557 4.2 i 23-953 79-7 + 4.3406+. 0362 .020 + .0032 o .04 .21 .07 948 Pi 251 5-7 I 30.127 82.5 + 2.4713 + . 0031 + .OOI + .0147 o .10 .54 .18 949 Br S 6o 6-3 i 38.678 80.0 + 3. 9542 + .0245 -.013 -.0088- 2 .09 .39 .15 95<> Br 5 6i 5-7 4 i 56.553 69.6 + 3.9874+. 0249 -.013 + .0136 I .08 .28 .14 901 S 470. 6'/7 348. 907 12" 23" 173 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 39 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. * |i/andiooA|i Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 901 / // - 3 15 1.44 59-9 /f It + 10.829- .374 n .IO + .004 o .08 .29 .16 32 Eridani * 902 -2454 29.34 81.9 + 10.794-. 318 -.07 .017 o .08 .37 .13 33 Eridani r 8 9<>3 -35 140.78 76.0 + 10.765 .286 -5 .018 o .10 .47 .19 15 1 G Eridani i 904 + 34 47 18.37 64.8 + 10.759- .478 -.18 .010 o .16 .71 .36 90S -27 57 52.41 75-4 + 10.795-. 309 -.06 + -035 o .16 1.16 .43 906 47 ii 16.07 78.4 + 10.696 .234 -.04 .041 o J 3 -75 -27 55 G Horologii 907 -4039 4.32 81.6 + 10.692 .263 -.04 .014 o .12 .64 .22 153 G Eridani * 908 + 22 II 23.70 69.9 + 10.586 .441 -.14 .114 I .09 .43 .19 32 Tauri 909 + 2253 6.80 68.4 + 10.674-. 443 -IS -.013 o .09 .50 .23 33 Tauri 910 + 39 43 15.46 73-4 + 10.658 .500 .21 .039 o .04 .23 .09 2 471- 8 M 3 9" 10 911 -39 3 4-82 80.4 + 10.633 .270 -.04 -.015 o 13 -53 -20 156 G Eridani 912 - 13 53 i8-49 69.1 + 10.640-. 350 -.08 + .OO2 O .11 .44 .21 913 + 35 3 !2.6i 82.4 + 10.576- .485 -.19 .012 o .04 .27 .09 914 + 80 25 25.36 68.7 + IO -533- I -22i -1.92 + .005+ I .07 .32 .15 49 H Cephei * 915 - 13 47 34-66 69.9 + 10.410- .352 -.08 .112 I .03 .14 .06 916 12 51 28.22 93-3 + 10.391-. 354 -.08 - .023 o .14 .84 .20 917 + 22 55 11.26 69.6 + 10.372 .448 -.14 .028 o .10 .30 .16 1 918 + 22 55 6.44 87.8 + 10.380 .448 -.14 .019 o .14 .73 .21 JS479- 7 "7 919 + 17 54 42.88 72.6 + 10 -359--436 -13 -.037- I .09 .44 .19 920 + 12 12 28.12 75-9 + 10-375- -418 .12 .014 o .04 .25 .09 3 1*4 to 4"2 921 + 1955 8. 7 8 69.7 + 10.303 -.440 -.14 -.075 o .08 .33 .16 922 -4953 46.28 84.9 + 10.403 .219 -.04 + .032 o .12 .54 .l8 923 -24 17 59-48 81.2 + 10.354- .324 -.06 + .004 o .08 .36 .13 $P Eridani r 9 924 + 58 52 39.94 54-o + 10.323 .626 -35 + .007 o .13 .48 .30 925 + 9 43 3- I 6 70-5 + 10.297-. 413 .11 .005 o .12 .71 .30 OS 70. 12" 12" 227 926 - i 49 47-02 69.6 + 10.286-. 384 -.09 .004 o 09 -33 -16 35 Eridani 927 + 35 i 55-88 83-3 + 8.931 .426 -.18 -1.354-19 .08 .54 .16 928 - 57 23 10.25 84.0 + 10.280 .165 -.04 .002 o .11 .59 .19 17 G Reticuli 929 30 46 2O.II 75-o + 10.273-. 304 -.04 .000 o .13 .60 .25 163 G Eridani 930 -61 4057-41 78.0 + 10.219 .122 ^5 .019 o .09 .43 .16 931 - o 32 25.07 84.6 + 9.968-. 391 -.09 -.245- I .08 .51 .15 932 + 5 42 42.80 80.6 + IO.l8o .404 .10 .007 o .04 .29 .10 933 + 234950.31 68.0 + 10.124- .455 .14 .022 o .09 .40 .19 36 Tauri 934 + 59 34-39 79-3 + IO.I25 .404 .10 .016 o .12 .37 .17 40 Tauri 935 + 7 55 13-83 7!-5 + 10.147 .414 .11 + .OI2 I .15 .67 .30 936 + 21 4831.23 69-3 + I0.052-. 451 -13 .064 I .05 .21 .IO 37 Tauri A (A 1 ) 937 + 2 33 19.03 65.6 + 9.988 .400 .10 .116 I .12 .42 .22 938 + 50 447-72 59-i + I0.052-. 565 -25 - -037 o .07 .21 .13 939 + 21 44 20.47 69.4 + 9-93- .453 -13 -.138- 2 .07 .28 .13 39 Tauri (A 2 ) 940 62 26 18.32 71.8 + 10.087 .112 + .O22 O .11 .49 .22 941 61 21 32.06 74-3 + IO.I45-. 127 -.04 + .097- I .12 .53 .22 942 -13 4 1.08 95-6 + I0.057-. 358 -.07 + .OII O .12 I.O4 .19 -943 + 27 1949-3 65.2 + 9.93 I -.469 -15 -.057 o .11 .39 .21 41 Tauri 944 + 28 43 51.43 74-9 + 9.964- .472 -.16 +.003+ I 9 -35 -IS 945 + 37 48 40.61 68.4 + 9-73I--5H -.19 .224 2 .09 .32 .16 * 946 -71 2638.56 78.8 + 9.970+. 046 -.14 + .046 o .13 .58 .22 63 G Hydri 947 + 47 26 44.08 76.7 + 9-887-- 555 -23 - .030 o .04 .20 .08 48 Persei c 948 -27 55 31.65 84.6 + 10.013-. 319 -05 + .103 2 .10 .54 .17 174 G Eridani 949 + 37 27 54-23 79.6 + 9-7 1 2- .504 -.19 -.187+ I .08 .41 .15 49 Persei 950 + 37 46 40.68 64.2 + 9-673- -512 -.19 -.203- 2 .07 .29 .15 50 Persei 914 S 460. i" 49; slow binary. 945 OS 531. 9 M 2" 130; slow binary. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 n oio M h m s 5 S S . s // 951 Pi 249 6-3 4 2 15.748 75-9 + 3- 43IO+ .OI28 -.005 + .OOI2 O .08 .51 .19 952 Br 5 62 5-9 3 20.324 74-5 + 3.4895+- 0136 .006 + .0075 o .06 .30 .12 953 Pi 254 6-3 3 26.438 69.9 + 3-3457 + .oii2 .004 + .OOIO .10 .51 .23 954 L 1371 7-3 4 1.952 78.9 + 1.6898 +.0063 .001 + .0055 o .l6 .87 .32 955 Br 5 6 3 5-6 4 44-357 68.3 + 3.6470+. 0168 -.008 .0020 o .IO .40 .20 956 Paris 4833 5-6 4 45-401 95-6 + 2. 7228+. OO42 + .001 + .0007 o .13 .90 .18 957 Groomb 766 5-6 4 59-40- 71.8 + 13.459-+. 993- ^.ooi- + 6 .07 .40 .17 958 Groomb 750 6.8 5 5-70- 76.4 + I7. 3 i6- + i.797- + .015- +36 .03 .21 .08 959 L 1376 6.7 5 27-75I 90.0 + 1.8593 + .0047 .000 + .007 1 o .15 .82 .22 960 Br 5 6 7 5-8 5 29-783 65-3 + 2.9242 + . 0057 .001 .0003 o .10 .45 .22 961 Br 566 6.0 6 0.776 63-6 + 3. 1900+. 0087 .002 + .0095 o .14 .51 .27 962 L 1392 6.8 6 16.209 76.2 + 0.6399+. 0278 -.015 + .0310+ 7 .14 .66 .27 963 o Eridani 4.2 6 59.008 76.9 + 2. 9263 + .0058 .001 + .0006 o .03 .20 .07 964 L 1444 7.0 7 9.840 84.7 2. 9262 + . 2l86 -.118 + .0050 2 .10 .81 .23 965 Lai 7874 6.0 7 12.777 97-6 + 2. 6322 +.0037 + .OOI + .0030 o .15 1. 12 .20 966 8 Horologii 5-o 7 28.527 76.9 + 2.0189+. 0038 .000 + .0173 o 13 -57 -23 967 /. Persei 4-3 7 33-145 76.0 + 4.3900+ .0358 -.023 + .0013 o .06 .26 .11 968 Groomb 774 5-9 7 59-23- 72.0 + 12. 794- + .861 -.030- +32 .07 .38 .16 969 Pi 260 5-7 8 4.622 71.0 + 5. 2586+. 0691 -.050 + .0036 o .11 .45 .21 970 Br 5 65 4.9 8 4.840 71.4 + 4.0722 + . 0263 .016 + .0014 o .11 .33 .16 971 Brs7o 5-5 8 9.969 63-4 + 3. 2 266 +.0092 -.003 .0003 o .13 .50 .27 972 Br S7 i 5- 8 30.016 83.2 + 3. 2590+. 0096 .004 ' .0007 o .12 .39 .16 973 Groomb 795 6.0 8 51-495 85.0 + 4-94i6+.o55o -039 + .0054 o .11 .60 .19 974 Pi 7 5-3 8 54.866 70.0 + 4- 662 2 +.0446 -.030 .0001 o .12 .48 .23 975 Pi 19 5-3 9 8.222 75-4 +3. 2763 +.0099 .004 + .0005 o .18 .81 .33 976 L 1390 7.0 9 20.636 81.8 + 1.9069 +.0044 .000 + .0028 o .18 .86 .30 977 Groomb 779 5-7 937-551 67.8 + io.2i92 + .4749 -.485 + 0033- 3 .08 .34 .16 978 Br574 5-2 9 38.207 79.1 + 2. 85 1 9 + .0049 .000 .0008 I 07 -34 -13 979 Li 3 88 7-5 10 5.299 84-3 + 2. 3820+. 0030 .000 + .0044 o .12 .78 .24 980 Brs 7 2 6-S 10 5-567 67.9 + 3.40i7 + .oii5 .005 + .0084 o .09 .38 .18 981 /uTauri 4.4 10 6.203 64.0 + 3-2544+ -0094 .004 + .0019 o .11 .33 .19 982 L 1394 6.7 10 9.937 87.4 + 2. 0564 +.0036 .000 + .0009 o .14 .94 .25 983 Brisb 673 7.0 10 20.220 87-7 + 2. 1687 + . 0032 .000 -^ .0004 o .12 .69 .19 984 Br 57 8 4-5 10 40.160 71.6 + 2.76n + .ooi6 .001 .1484 20 .05 .22 .IO 985 Horologii 3-8 10 41.287 79-8 + 1.9865 + .0035 .000 + .0037- 2 .IO .40 .l6 986 Pi 18 4-7 10 43-279 69.0 + 4.4955 + .0379 -.028 + .0056 o .12 .40 .20 987 L 1402 7-i II 5.366 85.8 + 1.8404 +.0046 .001 + .OI52 2 .l8 .84 .27 988 Pi 10 5-6 II 15.698 65.0 + 5- 6064 +.083 2 .067 .0034 o .11 .52 .26 989 (oTauri S-o II 23.999 64-9 + 3-5I09+.OI34 .007 .0021 o .11 .44 .22 990 Groomb 803 5-7 II 42.717 72.6 + 4.4879+. 0373 .026 + .007 1 o .16 .66 .30 991 Br S7 6 5-7 12 28.045 77-3 + 3-5454+- 0137 .007 + .0075 .09 .30 .14 992 Groomb 809 5-6 12 36.797 65-7 + 4.5296+. 0386 .027 + .0015 o .16 .68 .34 993 Pi 22 5-8 13 5-603 79.6 + 5.i9oi + .o62i -.050 + .0081- 2 .08 .40 .15 994 a Reticuli 3-3 13 8.144 68.1 +O-7O24+.O2I5 .012 + .0054+ I .10 .39 .19 995 y Doradus 4-4 13 24-354 75-3 + 1.5675 + .0079 -.003 + .0098 + 2 .12 .48 .20 996 L 1425 5-6 13 29.296 86.6 +0.7835 + .02H .Oil + .0006+ 3 .18 .90 .28 997 Br 580 5-6 13 32.398 72.2 + 3-53 I 7 + -oi34 .007 + .0031 o .11 .45 .20 998 Br S 8i 5-6 13 41.419 69.4 + 3-5465+.OI37 -.007 + .0026 o .11 .48 .23 999 Br 579. 5-2 13 54.909 85-7 + 3.8863 + .0206 -.013 -7.0025 o 07 -54 -15 IOOO y Tauri 3-8 4 14 6.082 73-6 + 3. 4097 + .01 1 3 .005 + .0081 o .03 .18 .07 954 Dorados. Magns. discordant. 972/8547. 1" 358. 978S SI 6. 9 M 6'.'4i5- CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p' and zoo A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 p.' 819 Remarks. 951 / // + 17 421-15 7 !.8 It tt + 9- 8 35- -44 .12 .017 o .08 .47 .20 952 + 19 20 41.19 74-4 + 9.726- .449 -13 -.043- I 0? -31 -13 43 Tauri (a) 1 ) 953 + 13 759-39 67.2 + 9-737- -430 .12 .025 o .09 .46 .22 954 -4953 45-85 76.6 + 9.731- .220 -.04 +.015- I .12 .65 .25 6 1 G Horologii * 955 + 26 13 11.98 65.8 + 9.625- .470 -.14 - .037 o .10 .38 .20 44 Tauri p 956 - 16 38 58.28 93-i + 9.670- .352 -.07 + .009 o .14 1. 10 .23 957 + 83 33 52-36 69.8 + 9.657-1.725 + .014 o .08 .45 .20 958 + 85 17 28.72 81.6 + 9.668 2. 22O + .033- 2 .04 .26 .08 959 -46 7 44.84 83-4 + 9.616- .243 -.04 + .009 I .11 .55 .18 62 G Horologii 960 - 7 ii 6.68 66.2 + 9-595- -378 -.08 .009 o .08 .35 .18 37 Eridani 961 + 5 15 46.22 58.9 + 9-577- -414 .10 + .013- I .12 .40 .24 45 Tauri 962 -64 29 43.95 79-3 + 9.883 .090 -.06 + -338- 4 13 -63 -23 24 G Reticuli 963 - 7 553-88 76.8 + 9.571- .380 -.08 + .081 o .04 .22 .08 38 Eridani o 1 Br 568 964 -7854 4.06 83.8 + 9.468+ .371 -55 .008 i .09 .64 .19 5 G Mensas 965 - 2 3 6 57-5 6 96.8 + 9-525- -343 -.07 + -053 o .l6 1.22 .23 966 -42 15 iS-99 74-o + 9.517- .266 -.04 + .065 2 .11 .49 .21 967 + 48 9 19.00 62.9 + 9.419- .569 -23 .027 o .06 .21 .12 05 73. I2 M 14" 349 968 + 83 5 59.96 76.0 + 9.521-1.647 + .109+ 4 .08 .45 .17 969 + 61 35 56.04 66.5 + 9.403 .682 --36 .002 o .10 .37 .19 970 + 40 13 49.96 66.9 + 9-379- -528 -.19 .026 o .09 .30 .16 52 Persei/ 971 + 7 27 37.56 58.8 + 9.402 .420 .10 + .003 o .13 .42 .25 46 Tauri 972 + 9 036.91 75-8 + 9-338- -424 .10 - -035 o .11 .33 .16 47 Tauri * 973 + 573638.91 82.9 + 9-3 J 4~ -642 -31 -.031- I .11 .48 .17 974 + 53 21 38-51 57-3 + 9-337- -605 -.27 .004 o .13 .39 .24 975 + 9 45 3- 66 69.9 + 9.283- .427 .10 .041 o .l6 .64 .30 976 -4437 2 4-67 75-7 + 9.316- .251 -.04 + .009 o .14 .6l .25 64 G Horologii 977 + 8035 8.52 64.9 + 9.268-1.325 -1.86 .018 o .08 .41 .20 978 10 30 16.40 72-5 + 9.128- .372 -.08 --I57 o 07 -29 .13 39 Eridani A * 979 -30 21 57.59 82.2 + 9.247- .313 -.04 -.003- I .13 .84 .27 980 + 15 9 i-73 68.6 + 9.224- .445 .11 -.025- I .08 .36 .I? 48 Tauri 981 + 83831.07 63.0 + 9.229 .426 .10 .020 o .10 .34 .19 982 40 36 42.60 82.0 + 9.250- .270 -.04 + .006 o 13 -77 -25 983 -37 16 56-99 81.7 + 9.219 .284 -.04 .Oil .13 .64 .22 196 G Eridani 984 - 7 48 30.60 72.2 + 5-77- -342 -.08 -3-435 + 20 .04 .21 .09 40 Eridani o 2 * 985 -42 32 27.34 78.2 + 8.988- .262 -.04 .215 o .08 .34 .14 986 + 50 258.80 64.4 + 9.147- .587 -23 -.054- I .11 .40 .21 6 1 Persei 987 -46 22 52.47 79-7 + 9.063- .244 -3 .109 2 .14 .60 .23 67 G Horologii 988 + 64 53 47.40 59- 1 + 9.159- .731 -43 .000 o .IO .44 .24 989 + 20 19 56.71 61.0 + 9.089- .459 .12 - .059 o .10 .37 .20 50 Tauri (> 2 ) Br 575 990 + 49 48 18.04 65.0 + 9-073- -58? -23 .051 I 15 -55 -29 991 + 21 20 5.43 73-5 + 9.026 .466 .12 -.039- I .08 .29 .13 51 Tauri 992 + 5O 40 40.78 59-6 + 9.056- .593 -.24 + .003 o IS -58 -33 W Persei 993 + 60 29 52.19 76.0 + 8.909- .681 -33 .107 I .07 .32 .13 994 62 43 26.61 73-o + 9.071- .104 -05 +.059- I .08 .37 .16 995 -51 44 19.82 77-o + 9.171 .209 -03 + .180- I .10 .43 .17 996 -62 26 33.59 82.8 + 9.081 .106 -05 + .096 o .14 .69 .23 26 G Reticuli * 997 + 20 54 1.17 69.9 + 8.934- .464 .12 - .047 o .10 .40 .19 53 Tauri 998 + 21 31 54.71 68.4 + 8.923 .466 .12 .046 o .11 .44 .21 56 Tauri 999 + 34 19 31.00 79-8 + 8.9-37- .510 -.16 .015 o .07 .38 .13 54 Persei IOOO + 15 23 10.26 71.7 + 8.910 .450 .11 .027 I .03 .16 .07 984 2 518. 9^2 82" 106; parallax '.'17; Compn. is itself binary. 996 h 3641. n M 8"267 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop, a 10 M h m s s s s s tt it tt I 001 L 1411 m 3-6 4 14 6.610 83.2 + 2. 2688 + .003 1 .000 + .0047 o .08 .42 .14 1002 Tauri tl 14 12.143 61.6 + 3.6836+.oi62 .010 .0014 11 .10 .39 .21 1003 Br577 4-9 14 19.082 64-9 + 4-3 2 53 + -3 l6 -.023 + .0023 o .13 . 4 2 .23 IOO4 Br 5 85 5-8 14 19.749 69-3 + 3-3743 + .0108 -.005 + .0081 o .09 .36 .17 1005 e Reticuli 4-5 H 45-395 76.1 + 1.0268 + . 0146 -.008 -.0083- 3 .12 .52 .22 1006 L 1430 m 6.7 14 50.282 84-3 + 0.8964+. 0181 .010 + .0031 o .14 .78 .25 1007 Br 586 5-4 M 55-972 68.4 + 3-3979 + - OII i -.005 + .0077 o .13 .40 .21 1008 Pi 49 6.0 15 21.313 91.2 + 3. 1952 + . 0084 -.003 .0009 o 13 -57 -17 1009 Pi 56 7-3 r53i-529 83-9 + 2.5070+. 0033 .000 + .OOIO .12 .58 .19 1010 Pulkjj 640 6.0 IS 5I-837 90.4 + 2. 9088 + .005 4 .001 + .0016 o .13 JO .18 IOII L 1424 5-3 16 6.743 75-3 + 1.8959 +.0044 .001 + .0046 I .13 .70 .28 1012 Lai 8205 5-5 16 17.265 94.0. + 2.61 70+. 0037 .000 + .0031 o .09 .80 .15 1013 Br S 8 9 5-9 16 25.341 78.1 + 3-3764+ -0106 -.005 + .0078 o .12 .33 .16 1014 R 53 6-3 16 29.730 .73-8 + 3-5 2 47 + - OI 3 I -.007 + .0007 o .15 .70 .30 1015 X Tauri 5-5 16 29.735 71.0 + 3.6450+. 0152 .009 + .0019 o .08 .32 .15 1016 6 Reticuli 6.4 16 33.016 74-i + 0.6598+.0230 .012 .0007+ I -14 .58 -25 1017 8 Tauri 4.0 17 9-995 79-4 + 3-4553 + - 0118 .006 + .0077 o .03 .18 .O? 1018 Br 596 5-9 17 40.708 70.2 + 3.4380+. 01 15 .006 + .0076 o .11 .42 .20 1019 Br 595 6.4 i? 57-934 70.3 + 3.6i24+.oi44 -.008 + .0013 o .11 .44 .21 IO2O Br 591 5-9 17 59.691 73-6 + 3-8842 + .OI97 -.013 + .0013 o .12 .54 .23 IO2I Br 593 6.1 18 8.316 74.1 + 3.88i5 + .oi95 -.013 +.0035- I .13 .68 .27 IO22 Br 597 S-o 18 19.804 60.0 + 3.4545 + .0116 .006 + .0082- o .09 .32 .18 1023 Br 598 m 5-3 18 24.622 66.3 + 3. 2666+. 0092 .004 .0019 o .14 .56 .28 IO24 Eridani 5-4 1 8 42.043 85-9 + 2. 985 1 + .OO6O .002 - -0033 o .08 .46 .14 1025 Abo 105 6-3 19 7-357 76.9 + 3.49i7 + .oi2i -.007 + .0075 o .09 .52 .20 IO26 /c 1 Tauri 4-5 19 2 4-493 74-7 + 3.5701 + .0134 -.008 + .0073 o .09 .30 .14 1027 K 2 Tauri 5-5 19 27.518 59-o + 3. 5689+. 0133 .008 + .0084 o .14 .48 .28 1028 L 1438 6.6 19 27.581 .82.0 + 2.i995 + .oo33 .000 .0009 o .15 .8l .27 I02Q Br 601 4-4 19 42.142 66.9 + 3. 4661 + .0117 .006 + .0075 o .09 .30 .l6 1030 Pi 69 5-4 19 44.264 79-9 + 3.8i23 + .oi77 .012 + .0064 I .IO .50 .l8 1031 Br 603 6.8 1954.722 71.9 + 3. 4207 + .01 10 .006 + .0077 o .13 .45 .22 1032 L 1441 4.0 20 16.828 83.2 + 2.25I7 + .0033 .000 + .0045 o .07 .40 .13 1033 v Tauri 4-4 2O 19.361 66.1 + 3. 5846+. 0135 .008 + .0081 o .07 .38 .18 1034 Br 605 4-7 20 38.815 60.7 + 3.4i4i + .oio9 .006 + .0079 o .12 .39 .23 1035 17 Reticuli 5-3 2O 48.407 74-9 +0.6383 + . 0237 .012 + .0125+ 4 .11 .48 .20 1036 TT Tauri 5-i 20 57.329 61.9 + 3. 3861 + .0105 .006 .0000 o 14 -39 - 2 3 1037 Dpt 440 N * 8.1 21 IO.54I 73-4 + 3.4941 + .01 19 .007 + .0062 I .13 .62 .26 1038 L 1447 6.9 21 14-136 81.6 + 2.22OI + .OO3I .000 -.0025- I .14 .78 .26 1039 Br 606 5-7 21 18.546 76-3 + 3.5826+ .0135 -.008 + .0005 o io .33 .15 1040 Pi 82 6.0 22 4-554 86.2 + 3-55 6 7 + -i29 -.008 + .0078 o .11 .52 .16 1041 L 1458 6.7 22 10.449 82.4 + 1.8820+. 0047 .obi + .0006+ I .18 .84 .29 1042 Br 610 5-4 22 43-322 68.6 + 3-4253 + - 0110 .006 + .0006 o .11 .36 .18 1043 Br 611 6.1 22 43-4I7 80.6 + 3-3952 + -QI04 .006 + .0075 o .12 .38 .16 1044 e Tauri 3-6 22 46.579 75-o + 3. 4988 + .01 19 .007 + .0080 o .03 .15 .06 1045 6 l Tauri 4.0 22 51.646 74-5 + 3.4229+.oio8 .006 + .0072 o .07 .26 .11 1046 P Tauri 3-5 22 57.099 68.0 + 3. 4209+. 0108 .006 + .0072 o .08 .28 .15 1047 Br 614 5-2 2 3 I3.9 8 7 80.0 + 3-3574+ -0099 .006 + .0075 o .12 .38 .l6 1048 Br6i S 5-7 23 21.966 67.0 + 3. 0985 + .0069 .002 + .0015 o 13 -45 -23 1049 L 1496 S-8 23 41-865 84.2 + o.82i8 + .oi82 .009 .0065 + I .16 .87 .28 1050 Br 607 6.0 4 24 6.425 82.8 + 4-735I + .0404 -.038 + .0007 o 5 -33 -1 looi. 204 G. Erid. X. Innes. 1019 S 534. 8o 29" 290. o'/5 330 1006 Gale. 8*1 t'.'o 339. 1021 02 81. 8*8 4 '.'6 4. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 43 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p.' and too A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. IOOI / /' -34 2 32.66 75-5 + 8.933-. 300 // -.04 // .003 I // H it -08 .35 .15 Br 590; 41 Eridani v 4 * 1002 + 27 641.41 54-3 + 8.845 -.484 -13 .084 o .07 .28 .17 1003 + 4 6 15 35.87 55-o + 8.882-. 569 .21 - .038 o .10 .32 .20 53 Persei d IOO4 + 1347 3 8 -3S 65.6 + 8.891 -.445 .11 -.028- I .08 .33 .I? 57 Tauri h IOCS -5932 32.68 78.4 + 8.721-. 137 -.04 -.165+ I .11 .47 .l8 IOO6 -61 ii 39.05 80.5 + 8.901 .121 -.04 + .O22 O .11 .56 .20 28 G Reticuli * IOO7 + 14 51 20.34 67.8 + 8.839 .449 .11 -33- I .11 .40 .20 58 Tauri 1008 + 5 53 3 2 - 2 9 84-9 + 8.788-. 422 -.09 -.051 o .12 .45 .16 IO09 -25 15 55.68 84.6 + 8.844 .332 -05 + .019 o .IO .51 .l6 IOIO - 7 49 S3- 2 4 88.7 + 8.80I-. 385 -.07 + .OO2 O .11 .64 .l8 IOII 44 30 26.66 74.8 + 8-730-. 253 -3 .049 I .12 .65 .26 68 G Horologii 1012 20 52 4I.l6 9 J -5 + 8.760-. 347 -.06 .005 o .09 .92 .19 212 G Eridani 1013 + 13 50 26.59 76.2 + 8.724- .448 .10 -.031- I .11 .34 .16 60 Tauri IOI4 + 2035 5.52 73-5 + 8.744-. 466 .12 .005 o .12 .75 .30 87. 8f8 I'fg 169 1015 + 25 2 335-83 62.6 + 8.717-. 482 -'3 -.032 o .06 .25 .13 2528. 7 r s 19" 25 1016 -63 29 53-41 74-6 + 8.767 .090 -5 + .O22 .11 .52 .21 8"5 5" 4 ioiy + 17 18 28.81 74-6 + 8.663 -.458 .11 -033- I .04 .l8 .07 AlsoS 1 1018 + 16 32 37.63 70.1 + 8.624- .457 .11 -.032- I .IO .42 .20 63 Tauri 1019 + 24 4 4-7 63.0 + 8.610 .479 .12 - .023 o .IO .36 .20 62 Tauri * 1 020 +33 53 56-42 69.9 + 8.579- .515 -s - -052 o .09 .42 .19 55 Persei 1021 + 33 43 45-68 70.4 + 8.537-. 515 -15 -.082 o .10 .48 .22 56 Persei * IO22 + 17 12 44.32 53-6 + 8.563- .459 .11 .041 I .07 .29 .18 64 Tauri 8 s 1023 + 9 13 41-89 57-9 + 8.591-. 434 .10 .007 o .14 .51 .30 66 Tauri r * 1024 - 3 58 35-69 78.6 + 8.523-. 397 -.07 .052 o .08 .43 .16 1025 + 18 48 42.86 74-8 + 8.479- .465 .11 -.063- I .08 .46 .18 Br 3231 1026 + 22 3 54.08 64.8 + 8.471-. 476 .12 .048 I .08 .23 .13 1027 + 21 58 16.43 5 2 -i + 8.455- .476 .12 .060 I .11 .38 .25 1028 -35 4639-27 72.1 + 8.524-. 294 -.04 + .009 o .14 .71 .30 218 G Eridani 1029 + 1741 57.47 63.8 + 8.471 .462 .11 .025' I .08 .28 .15 68 Tauri 8 1 1030 +31 12 47.64 76.5 + 8.373- .508 --14 .120 I .09 .42 .17 1031 + 1542 44-59 68.8 + 8.450- .456 .10 .029 I .12 .46 .22 70 Tauri 1032 -34 14 56.24 77-6 + 8.505 -.302 -.04 +055- I .08 .38 .15 43 Eridani d (v 5 ) 1033 + 22 35 12.43 58.3 + 8.395 -.478 .12 -.052- I .07 .27 .16 69 Tauri (v 1 ) 1034 + 15 23 28.31 60.5 + 8.394- .456 .10 .027 I .11 .40 .23 71 Tauri 1035 -6337 25.12 76.8 + 8.585 -.090 -05 + .177- 2 .10 .42 .17 1036 + 1429 15.40 63.8 + 8.361 -.452 .IO -035 o .11 .37 .20 1037 + 185341-81 67.1 + 8.242-. 467 .11 --I37- I .IO .42 .21 2 546. 9*5 678 186 1038 -34 5 8 59-69 72-5 + 8.264- .297 -.04 .110 .14 .69 .29 220 G Eridani * 1039 + 22 46 I5.l6 72-4 + 8.350- .478 .12 .018 o 09 .31 -15 72 Tauri (u 2 ) 1040 + 21 23 48.68 83.6 + 8.262 .476 .11 -.045- I .IO -47 .16 1041 -4423 23.58 77-9 + 8.360- .253 -03 + .061 o .14 .64 .25 iGCseli 1042 + 16 8 9.54 69.1 + 8.275-. 458 .IO + .019 o .11 .41 .20 75 Tauri 1043 + 1431 6.67 76.2 + 8.235-. 456 .IO .021 .10 .35 .16 76 Tauri 1044 + 185731.22 71.4 + 8.213- .469 .11 -.038- .03 .I? .07 1045 + 154424.79 61.2 + 8.217-. 459 .IO - .028- .O? .23 .13 1046 + 153856.78 59-3 + 8.213-. 459 .IO --025- .07 .24 .14 1047 + 124933.37 76.6 + 8.197-. 451 .10 .Ol8 .11 .34 .16 79 Tauri b 1048 1 + 19 32.81 64.6 + 8.177 .416 -.08 .027 o 13 -52 -27 44 Eridani 1049 61 27 52.29 79-2 + 8.193 .112 -.04 + .015+ I 13 ^3 - 2 3 31 G Reticuli 1050 : +53 41 36.46 69-5 + 8.140- .634 -24 .005 o .06 .23 .11 i Camelopardi * 1023 Hussey. 6f o-6f o o'/3 26. 1038. 43 1050 2 550. 7*fi 10" 306. 44 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 (i a 10 h m s s s s s // // // 1051 Br 617 5-9 4 24 26.415 75-8 + 3-4i67 + .oio6 .006 + .0073 o .09 .32 .14 1052 Pulktt 675 5-7 24 28.272 95-8 + 2. 7847 + .0045 .000 + .0005 o .14 .96 .20 1053 8 Mensae 5-8 24 43- 822 80.0 4.1884+. 2796 -.013 + .0051+13 .08 .58 .19 1054 Br 619 4-9 24 50.129 77-3 + 3.4302 + .oio7 .006 + .0078 o .09 .45 .17 1055 Br 620 5-6 24 56.564 79-o + 3.4183 + . 0106 .006 + .0073 o .10 .33 .14 1056 Br 621 5-6 24 59-Si 2 82.2 + 3-3736+-OIOO .006 + .0074 o .12 .39 .16 1057 Br 622 6.8 25 26.627 75-9 + 3.401 7 + .0103 .006 + .0038 o .12 .32 .l6 1058 Br 623 6-3 26 8.967 63-9 + 3-4228 + .OI05 .006 + .0073 o .IO .36 .20 IOS9 L 1483 7-3 26 19.010 87-7 + 2. 5446 +.0035 .000 .0011 .13 I. O2 .26 1060 Br6i6 7-i 26 19.242 75-i + 4. 2 105 + .025 1 .022 + .0017 I .11 .50 .21 1061 Br6i8 6.4 26 22.593 78.8 + 4.2I07 + .0253 .022 + .0006 o .08 .39 .15 1062 L 1523 6.0 26 36.138 86.1 + 0.6864 +.0204 .010 .0045+ I .18 .86 .27 1063 Br 624 5-i 26 45.678 81.4 + 3. 0668 + .0065 .002 .0000 o 07 -36 -13 1064 Pulk M 677 6.0 27 I-587 89.0 + 5-5942 + .0694 -.079 .0018 I .14 .78 .22 1065 L I49S 6.1 27 1.771 82.8 + 2. 1849+. 0034 .000 + .0005 o .15 .98 .30 1066 SCseli 5-4 27 46.308 74-6 + 1.835 1 + .0048 .001 -.0003 o 12 -57 -23 1067 p Tauri 4.8 28 10.342 71.4 + 3.4oo6+.oioo .006 + .0069 o .09 .26 .13 1068 Pi in 6.0 28 22.443 74-6 + 3-7482 + .OI54 .012 + .0004 o .IO .52 .21 1069 Pulk M 686 6.0 28 49-J99 90.2 + 3. 1866 + .0076 .004 .0013 o .11 .75 .19 1070 Br 6.3 r 5-8 29 2.323 70.8 + 2. 9228 + . 0053 .002 + .0007 o .13 .56 .26 1071 Br6 34 5-6 29 22.583 75-7 + 2,8870+. 0051 .002 .0023 o .11 .50 .20 1072 Pulk M 691 5-7 29 24.454 93-3 + 2.87 1 1 + .0048 .001 .0020 I .12 .QO .19 1073 L 1513 4-7 29 35-194 81.1 + 2.3529+. 0028 .000 .O08O 2 .09 .60 .20 1074 Br 626 4-4 29 45.610 65.8 + 4.1469+. 0229 .021 .0005 o 13 -44 -23 1075 v Mensae 6.0 29 49.120 75-7 -5.5025 + . 3826 + 103 .0019+41 .07 -54 .20 1076 Br 632 4-4 3 9-535 73-i + 3. 292 1 + .0086 -.005 + .0030 o .15 .57 .26 1077 a Tauri 0.9 30 10.911 66.2 + 3.4385+. 0102 .007 + .0048 I .02 .11 .05 1078 Br6 3S 6.7 3i 2.405 67-4 + 2. 9889+. 0057 .002 .0009 o .14 .80 .37 1079 v Eridani 4.1 31 19.306 82.2 + 2.9954+. 0058 .002 .0000 o .04 .27 .09 1080 u Eridani 3-8 3 1 39-75 75-6 + 2. 3305 + .003 2 .000 .0046 o .08 .36 .15 1081 a Doradus 3-4 31 50.114 7i-3 + 1.2926+. 0097 004 + .0061 o .10 .39 .18 1082 Br 629 5-4 32 2.019 65.8 + 4-7 I09+. 0362 .040 + .OOI2 .12 .54 .27 1083 Br 628 m 5-6 3 2 2.503 67.1 + 4-74IO+. 0366 .041 + .0075- I .12 .44 .22 1084 Br 640 5-5 32 4-413 72-5 + 3. 0888 +.0065 -.003 .0008 o .13 .48 .22 1085 Pulk H 697 6.0 32 21.821 91.9 + 3-535 2 + -on6 -.008 .0003 o .12 .8l .19 1086 Br638 6.1 32 25.889 61.4 + 3-43O2 + .OIOI .007 + .0062 o 13 -44 -25 1087 Br 639 4-5 S 2 34-019 74-8 + 3-3501 + .0091 .006 + .0071 o .10 .44 .19 1088 Br 642 5-5 32 34.101 74-9 + 3.0174+. 0058 .002 + .0030 o .12 .48 .21 1089 7 8. 2 + 3.6511 + .0109 .012 .0004 o .IO .60 .22 1167 i Auriga 2.8 50 28.813 76.1 + 3.9016+. 0141 -.017 + .0007 o .03 .18 .07 1168 Paris 5653 6.0 50 38-123 95-8 + 2. 6848 + .003 7 .OOI + .0001 o .13 .82 .18 1169 Br 682 4.4 50 44.842 64.8 + 3 -3697 + -0079 .007 .0056 o .10 .46 .23 1170 Paris 5658 6.0 50 49- I 5 8 94-3 + 2. 6922 + .0038 .OOI .0002 o .12 .94 .19 1171 L 1648 7.0 51 24.678 80. i + 2.4543 +.0033 .OOI + .0017 o .11 .66 .23 1172 Br 689 5-6 51 28.650 70-7 + 2. 9526+. 0048 -.003 .0006 o .11 .50 .22 "73 L 1658 6.1 5i 33-872 82.5 + 2.0076+. 0037 .OOI .0009 o .14 -68 .23 "74 Br 686 5-9 5i 35-7I5 72.2 + 3-4623 + .0087 -.008 .0005 o .11 .48 .21 "75 Br 684 6.1 5 1 44-5 20 72-9 + 3.6360+. 0105 .Oil + .0004 o 13 -58 -25 1176 Br 674 6-5 51 48.252 75-2 + 4.7679+. 0292 -.047 .0001 o .12 .50 .21 "77 Br 685 5-9 52 2.130 70.8 + 3-6677 + .oio8 .012 + .OO22 O .09 .42 .19 1178 Br 683 5-i 52 28.037 63.6 + 4.0664 +.0159 .021 + .0042 I 13 -45 -24 "79 Br 671 6-5 52 42.222 71.7 + 6.05 29 +.0604 .129 + .0125-13 .09 .39 .18 1 1 80 L 1679 6. 4 53 H-Si? 82.5 +o.976o+.on8 .006 + .0098+ I .16 .78 .27 1181 Br 695 4-7 53 21-887 70.8 + 3. 1070+. 0056 .004 .0002 o .10 .33 .16 1182 Br 687 6.1 53 25-782 64.7 + 4.ii72 + .oi67 -.023 .OOI I O .13 .39 .22 "83 Br 688 6.9 53 29.564 67.6 + 4.1284+. 0169 -.023 + .0003 o .12 .46 .23 1184 Br 694 7.0 53 59-951 63.1 + 3. 4409 +.0082 -.008 + .0068 o .14 -44 -25 "85 Camelopardi 4.2 543i-2i7 75-3 + 5.3204+. 0407 -.077 + .0003 o .04 .26 .IO 1186 Paris 5739 5-8 54 32.912 96.8 + 2. 6805 + .0039 .OOI .OII2+ I .14 1. 12 .20 1187 f Aurigae Var. 54 47-492 72.0 + 4.2976 + .OI92 .029 + .0005 o 04 -IS -7 1188 Br 697 5-8 55 6.457 61.7 + 2.8385 + .0040 .002 + .0019 I .10 .39 .21 1189 Br 699 S-o 55 16.931 82.2 + 2. 7865 + .0038 .002 + .0031- I .08 .45 .15 1 190 Aurigae 3-9 55 29.186 72.8 + 4-i866+.oi72 -.025 + .OOIO O .04 .22 .IO 1191 Radcl 1311 6.8 56 17.83- 84.1 + 20.727- + I.386- + .030 --68 .08 .46 .14 1192 >l> Eridani 4.9 5635-412 69.1 + 2. 907 2 + .0044 .002 .0000 o .10 .33 .17 "93 Pi 285 5-i 57 5-265 82.5 + 2.6oi8 + .oo34 .OOI + .0027 o .13 .82 .26 "94 iTauri 4.8 57 7-049 77.2 + 3. 5825 + .0092 .010 + .0048 o .04 .l8 .07 "95 Br 691 5-3 57 26.758 64.6 + 5.i998 + .036o -.071 .0003 o .11 .40 .22 1196 Br 692 6-5 57 30-013 73-o + 5. 2056+. 0360 -.071 + .OOI2 I .11 .45 .20 "97 rj Mensas 5-4 58 3-454 76.8 I-7626+.O726 + .017 + .0023+ 5 .08 .58 .21 1198 Pi 289 S-i 58 5.809 80.7 + 2.4390+. 0030 .OOI + .0065 I .08 .51 .17 "99 L 1700 6.2 58 14.794 82.3 + 1.9974+. 0037 .OOI + .0008 o .12 .52 .19 1 200 Br 704 6.0 4 58 3*-694 75-4 + 2.5316+. 0033 .OOI + .0046 o .12 .42 .19 1151 h 3697. 1169/8553. 281. 1161 A 5. S M i" 293 ; S 610. II M 26" 238 1178 2 61 6 7? 7 s'.'9 354. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 49 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'and loo AH' Prob. Errors. S Ep. 100 H' S 10 Remarks. "5i Of It -41 29 35.88 77-2 // It + 6.338-. 272 // -03 // + .062 o // H It .12 .52 .21 18 G Caeli * 1152 -35 426.86 70.4 + 6.170-. 305 -03 - -039 o .13 .6l .28 19 G Caeli "53 - 5 37 "-47 68.3 + 6.215 .411 -.05 + .019 o .08 .32 .l6 "54 + 2 2O 34.62 66.2 + 6.161 .436 -.06 .020 o .10 .37 .19 5 Orionis "55 + 52 42 24.76 82.7 + 6.i8i-.66i -.18 + .002 o .13 40 .17 "56 + 55 3948.87 60.8 + 6.115-. 687 .20 -.032 o .10 .34 .20 6 Camelopardi "57 -S3 37 54-39 75-8 + 6.22i-.i86 -.03 + .084+ 2 .13 .51 .22 6 M 7 12" 58 "58 -53 37 47-8 78.9 + . 6.209 >:[ 86 -.03 + .073+ I .13 .58 .22 8 G Pictoris "59 + 2 16 37.04 80.4 + 6.105-. 436 -.06 .003 o .04 .26 .09 8 Orionis w 5 1160 + " 15 45- 2 4 78.9 + 6.116464 -.07 + .024 o .10 .32 .14 6 Orionis g 1161 + 53 35 3 r -44 58.0 + 6.096 .669 -.19 + .007 o .07 .20 .13 7 Camelopardi * 1162 + 7 37 2-24 82.5 + 6.05 1 -.453 -.07 .028 o .11 44 .16 Br. 3232 1163 + 95.930-37 70.0 + 5-945- -462 -.07 -.134 o .08 .29 .14 7 Orionis ir* 1164 + 74 653.02 74-i + 6.0991.054 -59 + .041- I .09 42 .18 "65 + 1452 48.43 93-5 + 5.996-477 -.07 .020 o .14 .71 .18 1166 + 24 25 56.85 73- 1 + 5-983- -Sio -.09 -.031 o .10 47 .20 1167 + 33 o 27.84 71.9 + 5-96i-. 545 .11 .027 o .03 .19 .08 1168 -1654 4.78 91.0 + 5-975- -376 -5 .000 o .14 .77 .20 1169 + 13 21 22.90 58-7 + 5. 905 -.47 1 -.07 .061+ I .09 .37 .21 9 Orionis o 2 * 1170 -163445.70 9 T -3 + 6.022-.377 -.04 + .062 o .13 .92 .22 1171 -25 53 16.62 79.6 + 5-93- -344 -3 + .O2O O .12 .69 .24 i G Leporis 1172 - 5 19 46.23 68.8 + 5. 909- .414 -05 + .004 o .10 .38 .19 62 Eridani 6 "73 -3947 21.83 78.2 + 5.911 .282 .02 + .013 o .12 .53 .21 22 G Caeli "74 + 16 59 48.07 68.6 + 5.876- .485 -.07 .019 o .10 49 .23 "75 + 2347 32.39 72.2 + 5.858- .509 -.08 -.025 o .12 .60 .26 99 Tauri 1176 + 53 o 6.25 65-3 + 5.866- .667 -.18 .012 o .12 .35 .20 8 Camelopardi "77 + 2453 45-59 69-5 + 5-798- -514 -.09 .060 o .08 .39 .18 98 Tauri k 1178 + 37 44 20.66 57-4 + 5-7i8- .570 .12 .104 I .IO .38 .22 4 Aurigae (<) * "79 + 66 40 58.34 69.8 + 5.455- -849 -32 -347- 2 .09 4O .l8 1180 -5842 27.70 80.0 + 5.822 .140 -3 + .065- I .14 .60 .23 18 G Doradus 1181 + i 33 37-95 74-7 + 5.742-436 -5 -.005 o -09 -34 -15 10 Orionis ' 1182 + 39 I435-78 61.9 + 5-744- -577 .F2 + .003 o .10 .39 .21 5 Auriga; * "83 + 39 30 12.61 65.1 + 5-745- -579 .12 + .009 o .11 40 .21 6 Auriga? 1184 + 1545 57-55 65-5 + 5.660 .484 -.07 -.034- I .12 47 .24 101 Tauri "85 + 60 17 46.19 72.2 + 5-637- -746 --23 -.013 o .04 .20 .09 1186 -1631 53.26 92.0 + 5.817-. 376 -.04 + .169+ 2 .14 1.04 .23 * 1187 + 43 40 31.37 63-7 + 5.614 .604 -*3 .013 o .04 .15 .08 3 M o to 41*5 1188 -10 24 34.71 63.1 + 5.471-400 -.04 -.130 o .09 .35 .19 63 Eridani 1189 12 41 5.61 76.1 + 5.489-. 393 -.04 - .097 o .08 .38 .15 64 Eridani 1190 + 4055 47-52 71.0 + 5-539- -589 .12 .030 o .05 .23 .10 1191 + 85 49 46.36 86.0 + 5-434-2.9I3 -.067- 4 .10 .55 .17 1 192 - 7 19 14.15 71.1 + 5487-410 -.04 + .OIO O .08 .30 .14 "93 20 ii 50.72 80.7 + 5.419-. 368 -03 .015 o .11 .60 .21 5 G Leporis "94 + 21 26 49.83 73- + 5-38S- -506 -.08 -.047- I .04 .19 .08 "95 + 58 49 57-56 61.7 + 5-397- -73 2 .21 .007 o .10 .35 .20 ii Camelopardi 1196 + 585255-83 66.0 + 5-36i-. 733 .21 - .038 o .11 .40 .21 12 Camelopardi "97 -75 526.46 77-o + 5406+. 245 -.19 + .054 o .07 .51 .18 1198 26 25 0.76 79.1 + 5-264- -346 -3 -.085- I .08 40 .15 6 G Leporis "99 -3951 48.34 77.8 + 5-359- -283 .02 + .023 o .11 .49 .19 25 G Caeli 1200 22 56 17.41 78.0 + 5-336- .358 -03 + .023- I .12 .46 .IQ i Leporis. 7 G 1182 OS 92. IO M 3" 254 1186 ft 314. 6?S i" 327; 8^5 54" 31. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 |i a 10 M b m s a s s s // // n I2OI Li69S 6.2 4 58 35-73 86.4 + 2.2675+. 0033 .001 .0021 o .12 .93 .25 I2O2 Br 696 5-o 58 50.687 66.5 + 4.6894+. 0242 -045 -.0016- 3 .09 .27 .15 1203 Br 702 4.8 58 51-256 71.1 + 3-4255 + -76 -.008 + .0013 o .06 .28 .13 I2O4 i; Aurigae 3- 2 59 30-051 72.6 + 4.2005 + . 0163 .026 + .0027 i .04 .18 .08 1205 L 1704 5-8 59 44-634 86.4 + 2. 4868 + .003 2 .001 + .0033 o .16 1. 06 .30 1206 Pi 254 5-6 4 59 45-43 75- + 7- 5236+. 1069 -317 + .OO4O 2 .10 .45 .19 1207 L 1717 5-6 5 o 11.718 83.6 + I.5659+.0056 -.003 .0056 o .14 .60 .21 1208 yCaeli 4.6 o 48.574 78.6 + 2. 1563 + .0032 .OOI + .0097 I .11 .51 .19 I2OQ L I7i3 6-5 o 51.868 78.2 + 2. 1392 + .0034 .OOI + .0004 o .15 .75 .28 1210 Pi 307 6.0 i 12.587 83.6 + 2.4336+. 0030 .OOI .0002 o .13 .58 .20 I2II Leporis 3-2 i I3-673 76.4 + 2.5386+.003I .OOI + .0019 o .04 .24 .09 1212 Br 705 5-i i 32.327 64.2 + 3-5433 + .oo82 .009 + .0380 o .07 .26 .14 1213 Br 712 5-4 i 48.972 7-5 + 2. 9646 +.OO45 -.003 + .0006 o .13 .44 .21 1214 Br 708 5-4 i 53.282 67.2 +3. 5476+. 0084 .010 .0030 o .10 .40 .20 1215 Br 707 6.1 i 56.627 63-7 +3.5843 +.0087 .012 + .0004 o .11 .39 .21 1216 Br 706 5-7 2 0.945 66.0 + 3. 65 2 2 + .0094 .OI2 + .OOO2 O .10 .40 .21 1217 Br 709 6-5 2 9-52O 65-9 + 3.2858+. 0058 .OO6 + .0004 2 .11 .38 .20 1218 L 1728 5- 2 22.485 80.2 + 1.5488+. 0056 -.003 + .0035 o .12 .70 .24 1219 Br 711 m 5-5 2 26.191 61.3 + 3. 2645 + .0061 .006 + .0017 o .14 .42 .25 I22O ft Eridani 2.8 2 56.OOI 79-7 + 2.9482 + .0043 -.003 ^.0059 o .04 .20 .07 1221 Br 710 6.8 2 56.256 65.8 + 3-537 2 + -o82 .OIO + .0003 o .14 .36 .21 1222 Pi 294 5-8 3 16.017 7i-3 + 4.4604+. 0188 -35 + .0064 2 13 -SO -23 1223 Br 718 5-9 3 32-795 69.8 + 2. 8718+. OO4O .002 .0000 o .13 .63 .29 1224 Br 7 i 7 5-4 3 46.272 68.9 + 2. 9706 +.OO44 -.003 + .0023 o .14 .54 .26 1225 Doradus 4.8 3 47-75 82.6 + I.O233 + .OIOI -.005 .0054+ 2 .13 .66 .22 1226 Br 716 5-7 3 49-546 81.4 + 3. 2990+. 0062 .006 + .0050 o .12 .38 .l6 1227 Br 714 S-o 3 58-483 62.4 + 3-43I5 + .0072 .008 + .0003 o .10 .39 .21 1228 /3 Mensae 5-4 4 0.408 85-5 -0.7945 + .0398 .001 .0022+ 3 14 -75 -23 1229 Br 703 6.7 4 12.735 58-4 + 5. 5 668 + .0402 -.097 .0044 o .12 .40 .24 1230 Pi 301 8.1 4 I5-796 78.2 + 4.455i + .oi89 -035 + .0006 o .l8 .70 .29 1231 X Eridani 4-3 4 21.624 70.9 + 2. 8698 +.0040 .002 + .OOO2 O .OS .28 .12 1232 L 1737 7.0 5 17.464 88.8 + 1.92 1 8 +.0044 .OOI -.0077+ 3 .12 .72 .19 "33 Groomb 928 S-8 5 52-939 79-5 + 7.3668 +.0900 -.301 + .0034- 2 .10 .48 .18 "34 Pi i 5-4 5 56-853 71-3 + 3-4432 + .007I -.009 + .OO02 O .14 .62 .28 1235 Pi 269 5-2 6 4.166 79-6 + 9.8035 + .2023 -.871 .O28l + 24 .04 .26 .09 1236 /n Aurigae 4-9 6 35-041 83.8 +4.1002 + .0133 .024 -.0015- I .04 .30 .09 1237 Br 724 6.1 6 42.828 77-9 + 2.7983 + .0038 .002 + .0018 o .13 .69 .26 1238 L 1772 5-4 6 47.004 87-4 +0.4619+. 0152 .006 + .OOII 2 .20 .87 .28 "39 t Leporis 4.6 7 37.961 69-3 + 2.7979+. 0036 .002 + .OO2O O .12 .45 .22 T24O p Orionis 4.6 8 3.726 66.2 + 3. 1346+. 0050 -.005 .OOOI O .12 .33 .19 1241 /* Leporis 3-2 8 26.363 86.7 + 2. 6936 + .0033 .OOI + .0028 o .09 .52 .15 1242 K Leporis S * 4.6 8 36.788 70.9 + 2. 7689+. 0036 .002 .OOI2 O 15 -51 -25 "43 Br 729 6.6 8 44-803 72.8 + 2.8833 + .0039 -.003 + .0003 o .IO .40 .l8 1244 Br 7 2 3 5-2 8 53.618 54-6 + 3.9040+. OI08 .018 .OOIO .15 .40 .27 1245 Br 721 7-2 9 2-695 65-9 + 4.4374+.oi7i -035 + .0009 o .13 .46 .24 1246 a Aurigae o.o 9 18.036 63-8 + 4.4259+.ois6 -35 + .0082 5 .03 .12 .06 1247 Pulk 804 6.0 925.117 92.0 + 3.i869+.oo52 -.005 .0005 o .12 .70 .l8 1248 Br 726 6.4 9 26.965 82.3 + 3. 6034 +.0080 .012 .0003 o .13 .34 .16 1249 Pulk M 801 6.0 9 41.788 98.2 + 3-959i + -"3 .020 + .0004 o .14 i.oo .18 1250 ft Orionis o.o 5 9 43-92I 66.9 + 2.8817 + . 0039 -.003 + .0001 o .02 .11 .05 1202/31046. i3 M 6" 92. 12190298. 7 M i" 172, binary. 1218 ij'Pictoris. 1232 h 3728. IO M 260. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'and 100 A n Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. 100 n' 8 10 Remarks. 1201 O / It -31 55 0.47 82.2 // // + 5.364- .321 // -3 it + .057 o // it a .12 .93 .29 26 G Caeli I2O2 + 51 27 53.42 60.3 + 5.109 .662 -iS -.177 o .08 .22 .13 9 Aurigae * 1203 + iS iS 53-43 71.7 + 5.249- .484 -.06 - .036 o .05 .28 .12 n Orionis 1204 + 4i 5 57-36 67.8 + 5- I 5 6 - -594 .11 -.075 o .04 .l8 .08 1205 -2431 36.71 84.2 + 5-203- .353 -3 .007 o i? i-SS -43 10 G Leporis I2O6 + 7349 3-54 68.6 + 5.177 1.062 -.49 -.032- I .08 .30 .15 I2O7 -49 J 7 34-39 82.4 + 5.185 .222 .02 + .013+ I .11 .51 .18 10 G Pictoris ij l 1208 -35 37 n-47 68.3 + 5.069- .307 .02 -.051- I i 2 -S3 - 2 5 9*6 3" 310 I20Q -35 5039-75 70.2 + 5- I 42- -34 .02 + .027 o .13 .64 .29 1210 26 17 14.12 82.1 + 5.019- .345 -3 .067 o .11 .47 .17 13 G Leporis I2II 22 30 18.93 76-9 + 5.018 .360 -03 .067 o .05 .25 .10 1212 + 183038.85 60.8 + 5-7- -57 -.07 + .011- 5 .06 .22 .12 104 Tauri m 1213 4 47 21.00 71.7 + 5.043- .420 -.04 + .008 o .11 .43 .20 66 Eridani 1214 + 20 17 10.98 62.8 + 4-979- -5 2 -.07 .050 o .09 .42 .22 106 Tauri I 1215 + 21 34 20.47 55-2 + 5.008- .508 -.07 .016 o .10 .34 .21 105 Tauri 1216 + 24 758.84 6 3-9 + 5.007- .518 -.08 .on o .09 .45 .22 103 Tauri 1217 + 9 20 59.20 58.0 + 4.625 .466 -.06 -.381 o .10 .34 .20 13 Orionis 1218 -4942 47.86 80. i + 4-995- - 221 .02 + .007 o .11 .64 .22 n G Centauri if * I2IQ + 8 22 5.48 65-4 + 4.921- .463 -.06 .061 o .12 .47 .24 14 Orionis i * I22O - 5 12 56.44 80.0 + 4.861- .418 -.04 -.079+ I .04 .20 .07 1221 + J 943 47-9 1 67.8 + 4.922 .502 -.07 .018 o 13 -45 - 2 3 107 Tauri 1222 + 46 50 18.38 65-4 + 4.755- .633 .12 -157- I .11 .39 .21 I22 3 - 8 47 41.85 68.8 + 4.874- .408 -.04 .014 o .10 .50 .23 S6 49 . 8? S 2i" 75 1224 - 435 9-88 71.2 + 4.892 .422 -.04 + .023 o .12 .46 .22 68 Eridani 1225 -573 6 33-34 82.4 + 4.972- .146 -3 + .105+ I .11 .56 .19 1226 + 9 42 3.81 78.0 + 4-858- .469 -.06 .006 I .11 .36 .l6 1 6 Orionis h 1227 + 15 28 10.71 62.8 + 4.842- .487 -.06 .010 o .08 .34 .18 15 Orionis 1228 71 27 2.70 87-3 + 4.896+ .no .10 + -047 o .11 .77 .21 1229 + 62 34 5.12 53-4 +4.845- .789 .22 +.013+ I .11 .33 .22 14 Camelopardi 1230 + 46 49 1.35 7i-5 +4.835- .633 .12 + .008 o .17 .56 .28 1231 - 8 52 56.39 74-i + 4.811- .408 -.04 .008 o .06 .29 .12 1232 41 20 58.52 84-3 + 5.026- .273 .02 + .286+ I .IO .56 .18 2 G Columbas * "33 + 73 911.56 78.2 + 4.654-1.047 -43 .036 o .10 .34 .15 1234 + 15 55 19.27 68.1 + 4.686 .490 -5 + .002 o -i 2 -53 - 2 5 1235 + 79 659.13 77-6 +4.829-1.388 -.84 + .155+ 4 .04 .23 .09 19 H Camelopardi * 1236 + 3 8 21 57.88 75-7 +4.556- .583 -.09 - .074 o .06 .27 .11 "37 -II 58 25.14 76-5 + 4.663- .399 -.04 + .044 o .11 .50 .20 1238 -63 31 32.48 84.8 +4.566- .068 -.04 - .047 o .15 .71 .23 21 G Doradus 1239 ii 59 21.19 62.5 +4.527- .399 -.04 .014 o .10 .33 .19 2655. I o M i2" 33 7 1240 + 2 443 J -5 6 62.2 +4.489- .447 -.04 .015 o .10 .30 .17 5 654. 8? 3 7" 63 1241 16 19 25.68 79.8 + 4-444- -385 -3 .028 o .08 .30 .12 1242 -13 334-97 65.8 + 4-445- -395 -.04 .012 o .11 .37 .20 S66i. 7"5 2 "6359 1243 - 8 15 56.68 69.9 + 4.436- .412 -.04 .010 o .09 .37 .I? 1244 + 3 2 34 18.71 Si-8 + 4.442- .557 -.08 + .009 o .10 .37 .24 14 Aurigae * 1245 + 46 18 7.08 64.1 + 4.412- .633 .10 .008 o .11 .45 - 2 3 12 Aurigae 1246 + 45 53 46.95 63.1 + 3.970- .633 .10 .429- I .02 .11 .06 Capella 1247 + 5 2 2 5- 2 5 89.9 + 4.404- .455 -05 + .015 o .12 .6l .17 1248 + 22 10 13.58 78.4 + 4-37 1 - -5M -.06 -.015 o .11 .36 .16 108 Tauri 1249 + 34 ii 51.67 94-2 + 4.394- .565 -.08 + .029 o .13 .84 .19 1250 8 19 1.67 67.0 + 4.361- .412 -.04 .001 o .02 .12 .06 Rigel * "35 s 6 34- 8 " J 4" 16. 'arge rel. mot. 1244 2 653. 7^4 14' 1250 S 668. 8 M 9''s 202; the comp. itself is a close double. 225; II M n" 350 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A H- Prob. Errors, a Ep. IOO p. a 10 M h m s s s S s // // // 1251 Mensae 6. 4 5 10 14.490 79-6 6. 9962 + .2850 + .834 -.0144+ 7 .07 .63 .20 1252 Br734 5-8 10 30.730 72.8 + 3-338+ .0059 -.007 .0007 o .13 .68 .28 1253 Pi 8 6.4 10 50.230 73-8 + 5-i657 + .0276 .072 + .0028 o .12 .51 .22 1254 L 1773 6.0 10 56.595 90.1 + 2. 12I4+. 0032 .001 + .OOII O .13 .72 .20 1255 Arg N 5680 6.0 II 2.381 89.8 + 5.5900+. 0355 .101 + .0037 o .11 .90 .21 1256 Groomb 953 6.0 II 7.162 93-i + 4. 28ll + . 0144 -.030 + .0041 o .12 .54 .15 1257 P> 35 5-2 II 23.644 85.0 + 2. 405 5 + .0030 .001 + .OOO4y O .15 .68 .22 1258 Br 7 33 4-7 II 36.885 76.2 +3-9352 +.0103 .019 + .0055- 2 .13 .62 .25 1259 X Aurigae 4.8 12 6.333 73-9 + 4.2I59+.OH7 .026 + .0461 6 .06 .26 .11 1260 Br 7 37 5-5 12 25.164 87.4 + 3-9438 + -0104 .019 + .OOI2 O .11 .56 .17 1261 L 1786 7-4 12 43- 6 7l 84.1 + 2.2O06+.0030 .001 .OOI I O .15 .82 .26 1262 T Orionis 3-7 12 45.030 74-4 + 2.9H7 + .0039 .003 .OOI I O .04 .21 .09 1263 Br 743 5-9 13 4.623 81.0 + 2. 7540+ .0034 .002 .OOI I O .10 .44 .16 1264 Pi 311 7.0 13 6.705 73-7 + 9-3472 + -I47 2 --75I + .0064 II .09 .46 .20 1265 Pulka, 813 5-6 13 J3-297 91.1 + 4.2096 + . 0130 .027 + .0003 I .11 .75 .18 1266 Br 741 5-2 13 16.088 61.9 + 3.6030+. 0074 .012 + .OO2I I .10 .44 .23 1267 Pi 37 6.4 13 19.650 67.2 + 3. 5468+. 0071 .on .0027 o .13 .48 .24 1268 Br 739 5-2 13 25-395 83.1 + 3-9507 + -0104 .019 + .0003 o .11 .45 .16 1269 6 Doradus 4.8 13 49.926 79-2 0.0586+. O2IO .004 .OOIO+ 2 .11 .62 .22 1270 o Columbae 5-o 13 52-673 84.6 + 2.I622+.0024 .001 + .0065- 3 .07 .46 .14 1271 Br 744 5-5 13 58.208 53-6 + 3. 1283 + .0046 -.005 .0010 o .14 .48 .30 1272 Pi 317 6-5 14 1.749 78.0 + 9.1783 + . 1393 -705 + .0045 2 .09 .48 .18 1273 Pi 41 6-5 1442.510 80.6 + 3. 7630+. 0085 -.015 .0019 o .IO .64 .22 1274 p Aurigae 5-3 14 43-659 74-4 + 4-2424+.OI30 .028 + .0023 o .10 .38 .16 1275 Pi 42 5-8 14 50.991 77.0 + 3. 8131 + .0089 -.017 + .0002 o .14 .56 .23 1276 Br 7 3S 5-3 H 53-947 77.1 + 5. 1 288 +.0246 .070 +0033- I .09 .45 .17 1277 X Leporis 4-3 14 58.089 60.4 + 2. 7630+. 0034 .002 .0000 o .09 .32 .18 1278 v Leporis 5-5 15 20.600 72-5 + 2. 7834+. 0034 .002 .0002 o .IO .46 .20 1279 Pi 59 5-9 15 24.528 84.1 + 2. 3898+. OO29 .001 .0008 o .11 .60 .IQ 1280 Radcl 1458 5-7 15 48.868 91.8 + 4.2095 + .0125 -.028 .0003 o .11 .66 .16 1281 Lai 10063 4.8 16 10.741 95-7 + 2. 5607 + .0030 .001 + .OOIO .12 .92 .l8 1282 Pulk M 824 6.0 16 16.888 87.8 + 3. 2654+. 005 1 .006 + .0009 o .12 .57 .18 1283 Br 750 5-8 16 25.577 76-9 + 3.0598 + .0042 .004 .0007 o .09 .39 .16 1284 Br7Si 4-7 16 39.401 74-4 + 3.0610+. 0042 .004 .0003 o .08 .34 .15 1285 L 1809 6.8 16 44-567 83-5 + 2. 1591 + .0030 .001 .0009 o .14 .86 .27 1286 Pi 61 7-9 16 50.069 76-9 + 3. 1526+. 0046 -.005 + .0006 o .10 .40 .16 1287 Pictoris 5-7 16 54-893 82.8 + 1.4681 + .0059 -.003 + .0006+ 3 .13 .69 .23 1288 Br 746 6.7 17 2.831 77-o + 3-7973 + -0084 .016 + .0019 o .11 .32 .15 1289 Br 7 53 5-2 17 34-618 62.9 +3- I 5 I 5 + -045 -.005 .0000 o .10 .40 .21 1290 L 1810 5-3 17 39.962 81.2 + 2. 4616+. 0029 .001 .0018 o .13 .57 .21 1291 Br 7S 2 6-3 17 51.172 80.2 + 3. 4624 +.0060 .010 .0018 o 13 -33 -16 1292 o- Aurigae 5-3 i7 51-309 73-4 + 4.0729+. 0106 .024 .0001 o .10 .36 .16 1293 Pi 63 6.1 18 11.793 71.0 + 3.8627 + .0088 -.018 -* .0009 o .13 .57 .26 1294 Br 754 5-i 18 35.260 73-o + 3.4987 + .0061 .010 + .0171 o .10 .45 .19 1295 Paris 6223 5-8 18 35-485 98.6 + 3.o656 + .oo4i .004 .0010 o .12 1. 06 .17 1296 L 1826 8-3 18 35-99 1 95-4 + 2.0241 + .0033 .001 + .0007 o .15 1.32 .24 1297 Br 766 5-3 18 55.604 71.7 + 2. 7439 + . 0032 .002 .0000 o .13 .57 .26 1298 L 1836 7-2 19 1.719 91.8 + 1.4124 + . 0055 -.003 + .0037 o T 5 -93 -23 1299 Br 764 4.2 19 7.762 78-3 + 2.8885 + .0035 -.003 -.0013 o .12 .57 .21 1300 Br 762 5-3 5 19 23.821 77-4 + 3. 0494 +.0042 .004 .0003 + I .11 .48 .19 1258 OS 103. II M 4" 55. 1281 h 3750. 3" 280. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 53 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t P/and 100 A p' Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. loop.' S 10 Remarks. 1251 01 n -82 36 14-68 79.1 // // + 4.330+ .996 -.87 // + .OI2+ 2 // it tr .06 .53 .17 1252 + 11 13 43-57 68.9 + 4.286 .476 -05 .009 o .13 .49 -24 18 Orionis 53 + S 8 034-34 66.5 + 4.240- .738 -.16 .027 o .12 .43 .22 15 Camelopardi 1254 -36 5 29.50 81.5 + 4-259- -34 .02 + .OOI O .13 .50 .19 6 G Columbae 1255 + 62 32 48.07 93-8 + 4.229- .799 .20 .O2I .11 .94 .19 1256 + 42 41 0.86 88.8 + 4.224 .612 .10 .019 I .12 .42 .15 I2S7 -27 3 19.04 77-4 + 4.196- .345 .02 .024 o .13 .54 .22 28 G Leporis 1258 + 33 16 1.55 72.7 + 4.025- .564 -.08 .176 I .IO .47 .20 1 6 Auriga * 1259 + 40 o 36.91 68.0 + 3-5 3- - 6l -.09 -.656- 7 .05 .20 .IO - 1260 + 33383I-38 79-9 + 4.089- .565 -.08 - -043 o .10 .38 .15 1261 -33 3 8 49-84 73-2 + 4.089 .316 .02 .017 o .13 .6l .26 10 G Columbae 1262 - 657 8.78 79-5 + 4.097- .417 -03 .007 o .05 .24 .09 /3 188. i2 M 4 " 51 1263 -I33734-7I 79-4 + 4.026- .394 -03 .050 o .IO .46 .17 1264 + 78 1230.38 71.1 +3-995- 1 -337 --65 -.078- I .09 .38 .17 1265 + 40 58 59.60 90.4 + 3.999- .603 -.08 .064 o .11 .67 .I? 1266 + 21 5934-95 60.6 +3-970- .516 -.06 .089 o .08 .36 .19 109 Tauri n 1267 + 20 i 47.28 62.1 + 4.025- .508 -.06 .029 o .09 .39 .21 S 680. IO M 9" 202 1268 + 33 51 12.65 77-3 + 4.030 .566 -.07 .016 o .11 .34 .16 19 Aurigae 1269 -67 17 52.15 80.4 + 4.059+ .007 -OS + .048 o .IO .50 .l8 1270 -345934.98 79.8 +3.661- .311 .02 -.346- I .08 .45 .16 1271 + 2 29 31.44 53-9 +3.942- .448 -.04 -.057 o .14 .49 .31 21 Orionis 1272 + 77 53 7-32 76-3 +3.981-1.314 -.61 -.013- I .08 .35 .14 "73 + 27 51 20.89 76.9 +3.906- .539 -.07 - .030 o .09 .51 .19 1274 + 41 42 17.17 69.4 +3.897- .608 -.08 - -037 o .10 .33 .17 1275 + 2928 6.18 77-9 +3-925- -547 -.07 + .OOI O .13 .57 .22 1276 + 57 2649.99 68.7 +3-859- -736 -.14 .061 o .09 .27 .14 1 6 Camelopardi 1277 -13 1647.58 65-5 +3-9 1 ?- -397 -03 + .003 o .08 .31 .l6 1278 -12 25 5.46 74-8 +3.888- .400 -03 + .007 o .09 .42 ,l8 1279 27 28 17.89 83.0 +3.862- .343 .02 .014 o .10 .45 .16 12 G Columbae 1280 + 4055 51.19 90.4 +3.843- .604 -.08 + .OO2 O .IO .6l .l6 1281 21 2O 25.06 95-o +3.824- .368 .02 + .014 o .13 i.oi .20 38 G Leporis * 1282 + 8 19 46.11 84.8 +3.801- .469 -.04 .000 o .12 .51 .18 1283 - o 30 56.49 80.0 +3.792- .439 -3 + .003 o .08 .39 .14 1284 - o 28 52.13 73-2 +3.766- .440 -3 -.003 o .08 .32 .14 22 Orionis o 1285 -3447 56.88 72.1 +3-755- -3 11 .02 .006 o .14 .65 .28 13 G Columbse 1286 + 3 28 25.08 72-5 +3-755- -453 -.04 + .OO2 O .09 .36 .16 1287 50 42 48.66 81.0 +3-963- -212 .02 + .216 o .11 .58 .20 1288 + 28 50 29.20 76-3 +3-705- -546 -.06 - .030 o .11 .34 .16 22 Aurigae 1289 + 3 26 53.18 56.8 +3.683- .453 -.04 .007 o .08 .34 .20 23 Orionis m * 1290 -24 52 12.34 75-i + 3- 66 5~ -354 .02 .017 o .12 .52 .22 41 G Leporis * 1291 + 16 36 17.22 79-2 +3- 6 37- -498 -.04 .029 o .12 .36 .l6 no Tauri 1292 + 37 17 30.42 73- 1 +3- 6 39- -585 -.07 .027 o .10 .39 .18 0888. i2 M 9 "i67 1293 + 3i 2 59-99 68.4 +3-627- -555 -.06 .009 o .12 .51 .24 1294 + 17 17 25.98 67.7 +3-593- -506 -05 .OIO 2 .O? .29 .14 in Tauri 1295 - o 15 13.92 98.4 + 3.601- .441 -03 .001 o .11 .99 .16 1296 -3835 7.40 92.6 +3.621 .292 .02 + .019 o .15 I. II .24 1297 14 i 16.19 72-3 +3-578- .395 -3 + .004 o .11 .47 .21 8 Leporis 1298 51 40 20.81 87-5 + 3.588- .205 .02 + .023 o .12 .65 .19 1299 - 7 53 59-55 75-4 +3.518- .416 -03 - .038 o .IO .43 .l8 29 Orionis 1300 - 59 H-3 1 77.0 +3.658- .439 -3 + .125 o .09 .39 .16 27 Orionis p 1289 S 696. 7^3 32" 28. 1290 h 3752. if 4 3'.'3 'OS - 54 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A pi Prob. Errors. aEp. loop a 10 M h m s 3 S s s tt It H 1301 ?! Orionis m 3-4 5 19 26.941 72.4 + 3.0I56+. 0039 .004 + .0004 o .05 .27 .12 1302 Br 7 6 3 4-9 19 33-344 70.8 + 3- 1 1 19+. 0042 .004 .0007 o .l6 .69 .32 1303 y Orionis 1.6 19 46-034 77-4 + 3. 2 162 + .0046 .006 .0005 o .03 .l6 .06 1304 /3 Tauri 1.6 19 58.202 65-7 + 3.7900+. 0076 .016 + .OO24 2 .02 .11 .06 1305 Paris 6246 5-9 20 1.313 95-3 + 2. 6687 + .003 I .002 + .0004 o .12 I. II .21 1306 L 1834 5-8 20 5.963 87.8 + 1.9762 + .0033 .001 .0006 o .15 .82 .24 1307 Br 760 6-5 20 18.937 78.0 + 3.4648 +.0058 .010 .0003 o .12 .36 .I? 1308 Li8 53 6-5 20 31.580 77.0 + I.IO25+. OO72 .004 .0009+ I .14 .69 .27 1309 Br 745 5-9 20 43-426 83.8 + 5.65 5 8 + .02 9 8 .110 + .0008 o .06 .42 .12 1310 Pulk M 844 5-9 20 44-237 93- 2 + 3.8364+. 0081 .017 .0000 o .12 .69 .17 13" Aurigae 5-4 21 1.092 76.1 + 3-9743 + -0090 .020 + .0004 o .09 .33 .14 1312 Br 772 1 7-7 21 17.261 85.5 + 3. 1378 + . 0042 .005 .0001 o .14 .46 .l8 1313 Br 7 6 7 5-6 21 20.033 68.5 + 3-4979 + .0059 .010 + .0006 o .11 .62 .28 1314 t/ Orionis 4-7 21 35- 8 3 2 62.0 + 3- I 4i3 + -42 -.005 .0003 o io -33 -19 1315 Br 768 4-9 21 37.707 67-3 + 3.6016+. 0064 .012 + .0008 o .09 .38 .18 1316 Lai 10254 6.0 21 39.822 95-4 + 2. 5987 + .0030 .OOI + .0003 o .14 .96 .20 1317 L 1850 6.1 21 56.890 87-4 + 1.7840+. 0037 .OO2 .0014 o .13 .72 .21 1318 Br 771 5-7 22 O.82I 76-7 + 3 : 4457 + -55 .009 + .0006 o .11 .32 .15 1319 Pi 102 6.8 22 25.284 72-5 + 2.7938 + .003 1 -.003 + .0014 o .14 .64 .28 1320 Br 775 ./. 6.0 2 3 7.197 58.6 + 3.6909+. 0067 .014 + .0015 o .12 .34 .21 1321 L 1849 7-4 23 23.665 81.1 + 2.4103 + .0028 .OOI + .0006 o .12 .68 .23 1322 L 1862 6.1 23 52-754 88.4 + 1.9229+. 0035 .001 .0009 + I .12 .78 .21 1323 y8 Leporis 2.7 23 57-655 67.4 + 2.5703 + .0027 .OOI + .0004 I .06 .26 .13 1324 Br 759 6.6 23 59-875 74-4 + 5- I 337 + -oi9 -.072 + .0170 4 .07 .30 .13 1325 Li8 5S 7.2 24 7-363 87-9 + 2.2289+.0028 .001 .0025 o .13 I.O4 .26 1326 Br 778 8.2 24 35-848 66.7 +3-0555 +-0037 .004 + .0035 o IS -57 -29 1327 Br 779 5-i 24 39.285 66.0 + 3. 0460 +.003 7 .004 + .0007 o .11 .38 .20 1328 Pulk^ 861 5-9 24 43.420 95-7 + 3.IH9+.0039 .004 + .0001 .14 .81 .18 1329 L 1868 5-8 24 48-565 88.3 + 2. 065 7 + .003 2 .001 .0000+ I .16 .72 .23 1330 A. Doradus 5- 1 24 51.603 84.6 + 0.8724+. 0082 .005 .002 1 + I .18 .84 .28 1331 Br 780 m 4-3 25 25-975 58.7 + 3. 2090+. 0042 .006 + .0008 o .11 .39 .23 1332 Br 784 m 5-7 25 59-695 77-9 +3. 1470+. 0040 -.005 + .0004 o .11 .34 .16 1333 X Aurigae 4-9 26 13.098 74.1 + 3.9027 + .0076 .019 + .0005 o .08 .28 .13 1334 Groomb 966 6-5 26 20.972 73-8 +7. 9978 +.0705 .442 .0009+ 2 .03 .24 .09 1335 Br 7 8 3 4.8 26 20.978 69.1 +3.5159+. 0054 .010 + .0007 o .09 .38 .18 1336 Dpt 588 6.4 26 26.276 89.8 + 3-476o+.oo5i .010 .0002 o .14 .56 .18 1337 Bruss 2152 6.8 26 26.734 93-8 + 3-4757 + -0052 .010 .0004 o .14 .81 .19 1338 Br 791 5-7 26 50.788 67.5 + 2. 5663 + .OO28 .OOI .0000 o .12 .40 .21 1339 8 Orionis 2.2 26 53-853 68.8 +3.0638 +.0036 .004 + .OOOI .03 .14 .06 1340 u Orionis 4.8 27 5-596 73- 1 + 2.9013 +.0033 -.003 + .0002 o .12 .46 .21 1341 L 1888 5-7 27 24.445 81.1 + 1.6458 +.0035 .002 .OOO4 2 .14 .70 .25 1342 Br 770 6.2 27 34-302 71.6 + 5-7979 + - 02 6i -.124 + .OO2O 2 .11 .46 .21 1343 Pu[k M 872 5-4 27 37-793 91.7 + 3-0338+ .0035 .004 .OOOI .11 .8l .19 1344 c Columbae 3-9 27 39.760 80.2 + 2. 1292 + .0028 .OOI + .0022 .IO .48 .17 1345 Br 786 5-8 27 39-968 66.4 + 3-5 I 5 + -53 .010 + .0007 o .12 .39 .21 1346 Br 788 5-7 28 13.264 69-3 + 3. 4080+ .0048 .009 .OOOI O .13 .46 .23 1347 a Leporis 2.6 28 19.179 68.5 + 2. 645 I + .OO29 .002 + .OOOI O .03 .20 .09 1348 Pi 117 6.0 28 22.724 77-6 + 4.9i96 + .oi55 -59 + .0008 o .12 .52 .21 1349 Grweo 412 5-6 28 26.902 91.8 + 3.0440+ .0036 .OO4 .0000 o .13 .70 .18 1350 Groomb 987 6-3 5 28 42.821 86.8 + 4.5273 + .on6 .O4I + .0025 o -09 .52 .15 1313 OS 107. II M io" 307 13202 716. 63 5" 201. 1314 Knott. Q M 3" 324. 13272725. n M i2"88 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 55 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'and 100 A(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo(i' Sio Remarks. 1301 2 29 2O.86 76.8 ir if + 3-53- .434 // -3 it + .OOI O ft tt ft .06 .30 .11 Dawes j^-^p I'.'i 80 1302 + i 45 16.93 64.1 + 3.501- .448 -03 .018 o 15 -55 -29 25 Orionis (^) 1303 + 6 15 32.76 74-8 + 3.482- .463 -.04 .019 o .04 .17 .07 1304 + 28 31 22.91 64-3 + 3-3 7- -546 -.06 -.177 o .02 .11 .O6 (y Aurigae) 1305 17 4 o.n 91.0 +3-463- -3 8 5 -3 .016 o .13 .98 .23 1306 -3946 16.13 80. i +3.476- .285 .02 + .003 o .12 .55 .20 15 G Columbae 1307 + 16 36 40.60 78.8 +3.446- .499 -.04 .008 o .11 .38 .16 113 Tauri 1308 -56 13 41.44 77-4 +3.476- .160 .02 + .040 o .12 .59 .23 17 G Pictoris B. A. C. has 1 1354 + 23 5822.84 68.1 + 2.643- -53 -.04 -.031 o .IO .42 .20 121 Tauri 1355 -383458-84 76.9 + 2.656- .293 .02 .005 o .12 .59 .23 24 G Columbae 1356 -35 12 29.38 72.6 + 2.611 .312 .02 -.045- I .13 .63 .27 25 G Columbae 1357 + 9 52 1.74 68.4 + 2.638- .478 -3 .on o .06 .27 .13 S738. 6 M o 4 "4S 1358 -3422 23.37 73-9 + 2.661- .314 .02 + .015 o .I S .63 .27 26 G Columbae 1359 + 10 10 24.66 91.1 + 2.637- .480 -03 .006 o .12 .77 .19 OS 1 1 1. io M 3" 3 52 1360 + 85 849-75 77.1 + 2.6282.706 + .004- 2 .06 .30 .12 1361 1362 - 6 433- 02 - 6 4 6.68 85.8 82.2 + 2.609- .425 + 2.609- .425 .02 .02 + .004 o + .006 o .10 .57 .17 .09 .52 .17 }S 747 . 36" 223 1363 - 5 27 20.37 71.9 + 2.589- .427 .02 + .004 o .07 .30 .13 In " Trapezium."* 1364 - 4 54 14.52 72.4 + 2.575- .429 .02 .002 o 08 .33 .15 42 Orionis c 1 * 1365 - 5 28 54.35 80.8 + 2.591- .427 .02 + .015 o .08 .41 .14 SApp. 6 M 5 52" 93 1366 - 5583i-9i 74-4 + 2.566- .425 .02 .004 o .06 .25 .10 2752. 7?7 n" 141 1367 + 56 18 10.06 59-4 + 2.427- .734 -.09 -.134- I .11 .36 .21 22 Camelopardi 1368 - 4 55 16.91 76.2 + 2-555- -429 .02 + .OOI O .IO .42 .17 45 Orionis 2 1374 -33 851-28 73-9 + 2-575- -320 .OI + .095 o .17 1. 10 .43 28 G Columbae 1375 + 21 453.60 73-2 + 2-444- -S 11 ) -03 .028 o .04 .18 .08 1376 - 6 7 39.12 85.8 + 2.444 -425 .02 .024 o .12 .49 .I? 2754. io M s"288 1377 -5458 7-50 76.8 + 2.468- .173 .OI + .004- I H -55 -23 23 G Pictoris 1378 + 3025 59.16 54-6 + 2.416- .558 -.04 .009 o .09 .35 .21 26 Aurigae * 1379 -2846 13.36 8i-5 + 2.429- .341 .OI + .008 o .12 .49 .l8 30 G Columbae 1380 + 65 38 36.59 77-3 + 2.384- .870 -13 - .023 o .06 .42 .15 1381 -64 17 37.13 82.4 + 2.376- .048 -3 .028 I .14 .69 .24 28 G Doradus 1382 - 5 59 56-37 97-4 + 2.391- .425 .02 -.003 o .14 .96 .18 1383 + 7 28 54.88 92-3 + 2.368- .471 -3 - .023 o .13 .73 .18 1384 62 33 18.26 78-5 + 2.391- .076 .02 + .014 o .IO .51 .19 1385 + 53 26 26.12 71.2 + 1.827- -75 -.O? .510 o .10 .41 .19 1386 -27 5546.65 77-2 + 2.269- .344 .OI - -059 o 13 -55 -22 34 G Columbae v 1 1387 -47 2230.03 76.9 + 2.301 .236 .OI .027+ I .14 .69 .27 25 G Pictoris 1388 + 255027.32 55-4 + 2.278- .539 -3 -.031 o .09 .30 .19 125 Tauri 1389 - 2 39 27.95 74-7 + 2.294- .437 .02 + .001 .05 .24 .10 01032. 4 1'o-s'Cs o"2 329* 1390 - 28 44 58.69 77-6 + 2.331- .340 .OI + .048 o 13 -57 -23 34 G Columbae v 3 1391 + 43 52-45 67.6 + 2.280 .460 -03 + .OO2 O .11 .38 .20 1392 - 7 16 6.68 60.7 + 2.218 .421 .02 - .047 o .10 .34 .20 49 Orionis d 1393 1394 + 5631 45.23 + 61 25 36.58 61.6 66.6 + 2.250- .738 + 2.187- - 800 -.08 -.09 + .028 o .000 o .11 .30 .l8 .10 .34 .18 24 Camelopardi 23 Camelopardi 1395 -4045 47.66 81.2 + 2.154 .280 .OI + .016 o .I 3 .58 .21 37 G Columbae 1396 + 16 2855.28 67.7 + 2.IIO .503 .02 .028 o .IO .40 .20 126 Tauri 1397 + 544858.79 66.8 + 2.103 .720 -.06 .018 o .11 .39 .20 25 Camelopardi 1398 - i 59 43-72 67.8 + 2.II3- .440 .OI .007 o .04 .17 .08 2774. 54 2'/6 156 1399 - i 1053.20 89.0 + 2. 1 08 .442 .OI .008 o 09 -57 -iS 1400 76 24 44.18 80.0 + 2.410+ .343 .11 + -3 01 - 4 .10 .52 .18 1378 ft 1240. 6^3-6^7 %& 8 50.481 73-8 +3. 62 20 +.0005 .014 - .0045 o .03 .16 .07 1562 Arm 1402 8.0 8 54.166 86.3 +4.0464 .0005 .024 .0025 o .16 .86 .26 1563 Br 904 7-4 8 54.680 84.1 +4.0439- .0005 .024 -.0051 o .12 .46 .17 1564 Br 911 5-3 8 57.826 75-2 + 3.5302 + .0003 .on .0069 I .09 .39 .16 1565 K Aurigae 4-5 9 -372 61.3 + 3.8241 .0004 -.018 .0049 2 .07 .32 .17 1566 v Doradfis 5-3 9 22.764 83-4 0.3852 .0008 + .005 .0109+ 2 .14 .69 .23 1567 Pulks, 1005 6.0 9 28.053 99-3 + 3.4050+. 0008 .009 + .0027 o .12 .72 .15 1568 Br 9 i3 5-4 9 39-I38 79-4 + 3.4600+. 0007 .010 + .0004 o .12 .38 .16 1569 Pulkjs 1007 6.0 9 40.067 96.1 + 2. 9663 + .00 1 4 .004 .OOOO .14 .90 .19 1570 Br 920 4.2 9 58.699 77-i + 2. 9260+ .OOI5 .004 .0003 o .07 .32 .12 iS7i Brgos 6.9 10 7.456 75-8 + 4.4728 .0019 -039 .0044 o .11 .42 ,l8 1572 Br 916 5-6 10 7.956 62.9 + 3.37i2 + .ooo8 -.008 + .0008 o .11 .39 .21 1573 Br 914 6.4 10 12.431 70.1 + 3.6656 + .OOO2 .014 .OOI2 O .15 .48 .24 1574 Pulk M 1015 5-9 10 29.136 96.1 + 3.0503+. ooio -.005 .OIIO I .13 .98 .19 1575 Br 902 4-5 10 48.024 79-9 + 5. 2976- .0054 -.086 .0007 o .05 .26 .09 1576 Br 908 6.7 10 49-458 78-3 + 4.4751-. 0025 -039 + .OOO9 2 .IO .40 .16 1577 Br 919 5-3 10 49- 6 97 72.5 + 3.3694+. ooio -.008 + .OO60+ I 08 .33 .15 1578 Brgi? 6-S 10 52.693 82.6 + 3.66i3 + .oooi .014 + .0009 o .12 .39 .16 1579 i} Doradfis 4-9 ii 2.057 75-3 + 0.1298 + .0004 .OOI .0044+ 4 .14 .68 .27 1580 Pulkjj 1 020 5-i ii 9.981 96.7 + 2.7478 + . 0016 .002 + .0005 o .14 i.oo .19 1581 Br 921 5-5 " 3S-845 77-7 + 3 -37 4 +-0007 -.007 + .OOO2 O .10 .34 .15 1582 Pi 49 6.0 ii 58.268 85.6 + 3.i764+.ooi2 .006 -.0158+ I .14 .96 .27 1583 Pi 43 7.0 12 4.781 62.4 + 3.7606- .0004 .016 + .0009 I .15 .60 .32 1584 Br 922 6.9 12 48.813 84.2 + 3.6564- .0001 -.013 .0001 o .13 .40 .16 1585 Br 906 7-5 12 52.499 72.2 + 5-5636- -0087 .107 + .0021 3 .11 .48 .21 1586 Br 9 27 7.2 12 53.050 83-7 + 2.8196 + . 0015 -.003 .0009 o .08 .46 .15 1587 K Columbae 4-5 12 59.646 74-7 + 2.I336 + .OO2I .OOI .0007+ I .IO .48 .20 1588 Br 910 m 6.2 13 11.100 68.8 + 5. 3301 -.0070 -.089 + .0003 o .12 .54 .26 1589 a Mensas 5- 2 13 "-994 87-3 -1.7838- .0144 + .054 + .0273-19 .15 .86 .24 1590 Br 923 7-3 13 H-OSS 81.8 + 3-653 1- -0002 -.013 + .0004 o 13 -39 -i? i59i Lai 12060 5-5 13 14.728 97.6 + 2.6692 + .0016 .002 .0009 o .14 1.08 .19 1592 L 2217 5-7 13 37-050 87.6 + 2. 0408 +.OO2 1 .OOI .0004+ I .15 .75 .22 1593 Br 915 5-5 13 38-685 78.6 + 4.8785-. 0052 -059 + .0034- 2 .10 .44 .17 1594 Lai 12085 5-5 13 54.824 9 6 -3 + 2.5876+. 0017 .002 .OOI I O 15 I-5 -21 1595 Pulkj, 1032 5-8 14 5- 2 5 6 94-7 + 2.8536+. 0014 -.003 + .0009 o .13 .86 .19 1596 Pulk M 1030 6.0 14 22.039 92.0 + 3. 42 1 3 + .0003 -.009 .0008 o .13 .72 .18 1597 Paris 7598 5-9 14 42.600 9 6 -3 + 2. 5628+. 0017 .002 .0007 o .14 I.I4 .21 1598 Br 928 5-3 1453-779 74.0 + 2. 8896 +.00 1 3 -.003 .0005 o .11 .51 .21 1599 Pulk M 1034 5-3 1459.127 94.6 + 3.0041 + .001 1 .004 .0006 o .13 .88 .19 1600 L 2228 6.0 6 16 4.837 85-9 + 2.i6i6+.ooi9 .OOI + .0005 o .15 .88 .26 1588 S 881. 8 M o'.'g 104, slow. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3, |i' and ioo Ap. Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 1551 o / // -27 755-05 80.0 - 0.623 -.347 n .00 n .046 o it it n .13 .6l .22 loo G Leporis 1552 + 60 I 36.49 63.5 0.606 .787 +.03 .021 I .09 .28 .16 40 Camelopardi 1553 40 20 6.85 85-2 - 0.554- .281 .00 +053+ I .11 .50 .I? 82 G Columbae 1554 - 6 31 38.93 83-4 0.622 .425 + .01 .010 o .10 .56 .18 1555 -45 15 34.93 82.4 0.680 .250 .00 + .OOI O .11 .51 .18 9 G Puppis 1556 + 69 21 18.57 76-3 - 0.794- .964 + .06 .109 o .04 .26 .IO 22 H Camelopardi 1557 + 86 45 36.42 67.0 0.8003.894 -.097- 4 .08 41 .19 1558 - 54 56 46.96 76.9 - 0.738-. 169 .00 .008 o .10 47 .18 1559 + 17 56 4.79 93-7 0.782 .510 + .01 .027 o .12 .75 .17 1560 + 61 32 51.69 61.1 0.763 .806 + .04 -.003 o .09 .23 .14 i Lyncis 1561 + 22 32 9-OI 69.6 - 0.790- .526 + .01 -.017+ I .03 .18 .08 3 1008. gM i"2Qi; slow binary 1562 + 36 10 32.41 81.5 - 0.796- .589 + .02 .017 o .13 .79 .26 I >> ft T 1 T T " T 1 O 1563 + 36 10 41.94 72-5 - 0.779- .588 + .O2 .000+ I .09 .33 .16 [ 2t 072. II 217 J 1564 + 19 II 25.21 74-7 - 0.985-. 513 + .01 .201+ I .08 42 .17 71 Orionis I56S + 2932 5.81 57-2 - 1.054- .556 + .01 -.266+ I .06 .25 .14 1566 68 49 18.94 85.0 - 0.788+. 058 .00 + .032+ 2 .12 .63 .20 1567 + 13 52 50.76 93-9 0.817 .496 + .01 + .OII O .13 .60 .16 1568 + 16 10 26.11 74-9 0.864 .504 + .01 .020 o .11 .34 .16 72 Orionis/ 2 1569 - 4 32 20.51 90.7 - 0.833-. 432 + .01 + .OI2 O .13 .69 .19 566 II M i '.'8 210 1570 - 6 14 38.87 76.6 0.893 -.426 + .01 .02 1 o 07 -35 -i4 5 Mon., Gould has y 1571 + 46 27 26.44 71.7 0.872 .651 +.03 +.013+ I .10 .37 .17 42 Aurigae 1572 + 12 34 56.41 60.4 0.898 .491 + .01 .012 o .09 .34 .19 73 Orionis (k 1 ) 1573 + 24 o 8.12 65-5 - 0.916- .533 + .02 .024 o .13 45 -24 8 Geminorum 1574 o 28 27.80 92.9 1. 1 2 1 .442 + .01 .204+ 2 .12 .79 .l8 1575 + 59 2 49.75 72-4 - 0.923-. 771 +.05 + .O2I O .05 .18 .08 2 Lyncis 1576 + 46 23 57.73 74-2 - 1.079- .652 +.03 -133 o .09 .34 .15 43 Aurigae 1577 + 12 18 0.38 68.1 - 0.754- .491 + .01 + .193- I .08 .29 .14 74 Orionis k (and k 2 ) 1578 + 23 46 28.97 76.1 - 0.955-. 533 + .02 .004 o .11 .32 .15 9 Geminorum 1579 -65 33 56-48 79.1 0.857 .018 .00 +.108+ I 13 -63 -23 40 G Doradus if 1580 - 13 41 7.67 - 0.977-. 400 + .01 .001 o .14 .90 .21 1581 + 9 58 44.17 73-3 1.077 .481 + .01 -.063 o .09 .28 .14 75 Orionis I 1582 + 57 52.47 83-5 0.890 .460 + .01 + .157+ 2 .12 .75 .23 1583 + 27 14 56.26 54-0 - 1. 132-. 547 + .02 .076 o 13 -52 .32 1584 + 233831.07 73-3 + .02 -.015 o .11 .30 .l6 10 Geminorum IS8S + 61 48 20.96 69.1 - i. 228- .810 + .06 .102 o .IO .37 .l8 3 Lyncis 1586 10 41 17.76 78.8 1.147 .410 + .01 .021 o .08 4O .15 6 Monocerotis 1587 -35 625.76 69.2 1.061 .310 + .01 + .075 o .10 .43 .20 1588 + 59 2453-7I 58.0 - I-H7--775 + .06 + .006 o .10 .33 .20 4 Lyncis * 1589 -7443 7.40 87.0 - 1.370+. 256 + 03 -.215- 4 .12 .71 .20 1590 + 23 3032.07 77-7 - 1. 167-. 531 + .02 .010 o .12 .36 .17 ii Geminorum 1591 16 46 42.85 92.7 - 1. 167-. 388 + .01 .009 o .16 .93 .23 Cord 7588 1592 -37 42 9.57 82.0 1.117 .296 + .01 + -073 o .13 .56 .20 36 G Columbae 1593 + 53 2951.40 71.4 1.287 .710 +.05 -.094 o .09 .28 .14 45 Aurigae 1594 -1955 41.29 96-7 - 1.215-. 376 + .01 + .OOI O .17 1. 2O .23 13 G CanisMin 1595 - 9 20 57.81 92.8 - 1.273-415 + .01 .042 o .13 .75 .18 1596 + 1441 36.05 88.4 - 1.271-497 + .02 .015 o .12 .58 .I? IS97 -2053 5.16 93-7 - i. 283- .372 + .01 + .003 o .15 I.O3 .22 1598 - 7 46 51.45 70.8 - 1.304-420 + .01 .002 o .09 .37 .17 7 Monocerotis 1599 - 2 54 7.69 91.0 - 1.309-436 + .O2 + .OOI O .12 .71 .18 1600 34 21 12.08 74.0 - 1410-. 314 + .01 .005 o .13 .6l .26 88 G Columbae 66 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo)i a 10 M h m s s s s s // // // 1601 f Canis Maj 3- 6 16 28.474 80.6 + 2. 3027+. 0019 .OOI + .0006 o .06 .28 .10 1602 L 2233 7.0 16 30.274 86.4 + 1.9762 + .OOI9 .OOI + .0004 o .13 .75 .22 1603 Pulkjs 1039 5-7 16 45-095 93-o + 2.7939+. 0014 -.003 .0018 o .12 .84 .19 1604 ft. Geminorum 3- 16 54.661 69-5 + 3.6306 .OOOy -.013 + .0044 I .03 .15 .07 1605 L 2234 5-8 16 59.168 86.1 + 2. 1699+. OOI9 .OOI .OOOI 15 -84 -25 1606 Br 926 5-o 17 11.826 83.1 + 4.6252 .OO50 -045 + .0013 o .06 .28 .IO 1607 Groomb 1149 5-7 17 59-379 84.0 + 5.0717 .0080 .070 .0013 o .15 .50 .20 1608 Br 925 5-5 18 5.123 78.2 + 5-2445- -0094 .082 + .0004 o .08 .45 .l6 1609 /3 Canis Maj 1.8 18 17-755 75-7 + 2.6414+. OOl6 .002 .0005 o .04 .20 .08 1610 8 Columbae 3-9 18 27.507 84.2 + 2.i9i4+.ooi8 .OOI .0030 o .10 .51 .17 1611 Br 931 4-5 18 28.143 85-9 + 3- 1797 + .0006 .006 .0008 o .05 .40 .11 1612 Pi 78 6.7 18 34-174 75-7 + 3.6970 .001 1 .014 + .0006 o .15 .62 .26 1613 L 2252 7-9 19 28.288 91.0 + 2.2742 + .OOI8 .OOI .0014 o .13 .75 .20 1614 Pulkjs 1045 5-5 19 30-453 93-5 + 2.7985 + .ooi2 -.003 - -0035 o .12 .86 .19 1615 Br 934 6.9 19 42.623 82.4 + 3.6018 .0009 -.013 .0004 o .12 .39 .16 1616 L 2250 6.0 I952-I75 96.4 + 2. 4368 +.0017 .001 + .0002 o .14 1.23 .22 1617 L 2265 5-8 20 32.874 86.9 + 2. 0796+. OOI9 .001 .0022 o .10 .57 .17 1618 Pi 112 7.0 20 38.072 91.4 + 2.0795 + .0018 .OOI .0026 o 13 -75 -19 1619 v Pictoris S-9 21 8.772 84.1 + i.o7o6 + .ooo2 -.003 -.0052- I .15 .70 .24 1620 L 2276 6.5 21 29.805 85.6 + 1.9460 +.00 1 8 .OOI .0008 o .15 .72 .23 1621 Lai 12343 6.0 21 35-734 98.6 + 3.0391 + .0007 .005 + .0004 o .14 1. 12 .19 1622 a Carinse 0- 21 43-93 65-4 + 1.3313 + .0009 -.003 + .0017 o .05 .27 .13 1623 Br 940 6.8 21 48.985 69.0 + 3-5771- .ooii .012 .0020 o .11 .46 .22 1624 Br 941 6.4 21 59.818 78.2 + 3.5691 .0010 .012 .002 1 o .11 .45 .18 1625 Br 945 7.2 22 3.688 72.2 + 2.9737 + .0008 .004 + .0013 o .14 .68 .29 1626 Br 943 5-4 22 5.66l 87.0 + 3. 0808 + .0006 -.005 + .0001 o .12 .45 .16 1627 Br 930 6.1 22 6.079 73-4 + 5.2196 .0130 -.080 .0012 8 .08 .30 .13 1628 Pulkss 1053 5-9 22 6.607 93-7 + 3. I 3 8 3 + .oo4 .006 .0030 o .13 .82 .19 1629 Br 93 8 Var. 22 8.423 70-3 + 3.857 1 -.0023 .018 .0005 o .10 .48 .22 1630 Br 944 6.0 22 8.856 65-9 + 3.0677 + .0006 -.005 + .0004 o .13 .52 .27 1631 L 2284 7-3 22 34.432 85.3 + I.9I95 + .OOI7 .OOI .OOOI O .15 .70 .23 1632 Br 935 6.2 22 34.799 66.7 + 4.4866 .0060 .040 + .0005 o .12 .57 .28 1633 L 2290 7-5 23 0.309 88.2 + 1.8908 + .0017 .OOI .0019 o .16 .75 .23 1634 Br 948 5-i 23 1.283 86.6 + 2. 9628+. OOO9 .004 .0002 o .05 .44 .11 1635 v Geminorum 4.1 23 I.536 77.0 + 3.563- - 0011 .012 .0006 o .05 .26 .IO 1636 L 2297 6.1 23 4.712 83-4 + i.5872 + .ooi2 .002 .0023 o .15 .84 .27 1637 Pi 42 6.9 23 5- 6 44 71.4 + 10.3760 .0968 1.167 + .0044+ 3 .12 .45 .21 1638 L 2340 5-7 23 34-937 82.0 -0.5639- .0093 + .007 + .OO2 2 O .13 .72 .24 1639 Br 9S 2 l 4-5 23 58.028 71.0 + 2. 9074+ .0009 .003 .0025 o .12 .44 .21 1640 Br 95 2 2 m 5-o 2 3 S 8 -55 83.8 + 2. 9073 + .0009 -.003 .0025 o .15 .93 .28 1641 A Canis Maj 4-5 24 27.739 81.2 + 2. 2230+. OOl8 .OOI .0022 o .09 .48 .17 1642 L 2300 6.0 24 55-972 83.0 + 2.23II + .OOI8 .OOI .OOII 15 -75 -25 1643 Groomb 1151 6.0 24 56.916 75-4 + 9.3694 .0806 -.805 + .0062 o -7 -44 -17 1644 L 2328 S-9 25 29.178 79.6 + 0.9490 .OOO8 .004 .0030 I .16 .69 .27 1645 Br 953 6.6 25 52.322 78.2 + 3.4519- .0010 .010 .0006 o .12 .34 .16 1646 Pi 126 6.1 25 55-7i 69.2 + 3.9179- .0033 .020 .0013 o .12 .58 .27 1647 Pulkjj 1065 5-2 26 13.706 91-5 + 3.3466- .0005 -.008 + .0014 o .11 .8l .18 1648 L 2368 S-S 26 19.846 85.6 -0.5089- .0083 + .006 .0050+10 .12 .68 .20 1649 Br 955 7-4 26 27.646 78.4 + 3.5029 .OOI2 .on + .003 1 o .15 .68 .26 1650 Br 956 6.6 6 26 28.367 66.3 + 3. 5025-. 0012 .Oil + .0025 o .13 .42 .22 1602 8 M fols. 27, N 25". 1617 h 3857. 8*8 13" 255 1611 S 900. 7*?2 14' 25 1623 9 " 20 4 . CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1 900 6 7 No. Decl. 1 900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p.' and i oo Ap.' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioop/ Sio Remarks. 1601 Of tf -30 I 8.07 77-5 // // -1.439- -334 // + .01 it + .OOI O // // tr .06 .30 .12 1602 -39 2632.61 81.8 -1.457- -287 + .01 -.015 o .13 .56 .20 89 G Columbae * 1603 -" 43 37- 26 89.6 -1.477- -405 + .02 -.013 o .12 .80 .20 2 3116. 9** 4" 24 1604 + 22 33 53-9 67-3 -1.591- .528 +.03 -.113^- I .03 .14 .06 1605 -34 5 57-17 74-2 -1.459- -3*5 + .01 + .025 o .14 .63 .27 90 G Columbae 1606 + 49 20 20.40 77.0 1.508 .672 +.05 .005 o .05 .21 .09 46 Aurigas ^ 1607 + 56 20 18.01 80.7 -1.554- .736 + .06 + .018 o .14 .40 .l8 1608 + 58 28 18.76 70.8 -1.591- .762 +.07 .on o .08 .26 .13 5 Lyncis 1609 -17 54 22.48 71.2 -1.599- -383 + .01 .000 o .05 .24 .10 , 1610 -33 23 8.63 76.0 1.666 .317 + .01 - -053 o .10 .43 .18 1 91 G Columbse 8 (3 Canis Maj) 1611 + 43837.16 80. i 1.617 .461 + .02 - .003 o .05 .26 .09 8 Monocerotis * 1612 + 25 6 4.12 74-4 -1.639- -536 + .03 .017 o .13 .56 .24 1613 -3053 38-07 79-7 -1.716- .329 + .01 -.015 o IS -75 -27 1614 -ii 2834.37 90.4 -1-753- -405 + .02 - .047 o .11 .71 .18 1615 + 21 42 1.51 71.2 -1.740- .522 +.03 .018 o .11 .30 .16 14 Geminorum 1616 -25 31 24.48 92.0 -1.767- .353 + .01 -.031 o .15 1. 12 .25 29 G Canis Maj 1617 -3639 19.23 79-4 -!-747- -3 01 + .01 + .048 o .10 .46 .17 90 G Columbae * 1618 -3638SS-OS 82.2 1.808- .301 + .01 .006 o .12 .52 .19 94 G Columbae 1619 -56 I857-57 82.7 -1.872- .154 .00 .025+ I .12 .6l .21 1620 4O 13 4O.OO 79-8 -1.884 -282 + .01 .006 o .12 .54 .20 96 G Columbae 1621 - I 26 53.32 98.2 1.916 .440 + .02 - .030 o .14 i.io .19 Cord 7815 1622 -52 38 27.73 69.1 1.888 .192 .00 + .OIO O 05 .28 .13 Canopus. a Argus 1623 + 2051 2.59 60.2 1.961 .518 +03 .056 o .09 .31 .18 15 Geminorum * 1624 + 2033 23.01 80.2 -1.925- .517 +.03 .004 o .08 .38 .I 4 1 6 Geminorum 1625 - 4 17 45- 6 3 70.4 -1.929- .431 + .02 .002 o .11 .46 .21 9 Monocerotis 1626 + o 21 33.16 83.8 -1.941- .446 + .02 .on o lo .35 .13 77 Orionis 1627 + 58 14 10.54 67.8 2.260 .756 + .09 --330 o .07 .23 .12 6 Lyncis 1628 + 2 58 4.14 91.0 -1.941- .454 + .02 .010 o .13 .69 .18 1629 +333 I 7- I 68.8 -1-957- -558 + -03 - -023 o 08 .35 .17 48 Aurigae 5 to 6 M 1630 - 12 57.67 68.9 -1.944- .444 + .02 .010 o .11 .45 .22 78 Orionis 1631 -40 54 59.42 81.3 -1.984- .278 + .01 -.013 o .14 .57 .22 Cord 7852 * 1632 + 46 44 56.94 57-6 -1.967- .650 + .0 S + .005 o .11 .35 .21 47 Aurigas 1633 -4i 3438-74 80.3 -2.014- -273 + .01 .005 o .14 .55 .22 1634 - 4 42 i. ii 85.0 1.996 .429 + .02 + .014 o .06 .38 .11 10 Monocerotis 1635 + 20 16 31.57 72.9 2.032 .516 + -03 .021 o .05 .20 .09 1636 -48 7 1.66 81.9 -2.043- - 22 9 .OO .028 o .12 .69 .23 15 G Puppis G* 1637 + 794032.87 69-4 2.0021.505 + -45 + .016 I .11 .36 .18 1638 -69 55 44-69 81.8 2.051+ .082 + .02 + .008 o .11 .6l .20 41 G Doradus Tr 1 1639 - 658 8.23 65-4 2.093- -420 + .O2 .000 o .10 .34 .18 1 1 1 Monocerotis * 1640 - 6 58 13.72 84.0 2.091 .420 + .O2 + .OO2 O 13 -75 -23 1 1 2 Monocerotis * 1641 -3231 1.46 76.2 2.I2O .321 + .01 + .016 o .09 .41 .17 753- 7 M i"a 39 1642 32 18 24.03 76-3 2.l68 .322 + .01 + .009 o .14 .64 .26 6 G Canis Maj 1643 + 78 43 -7o 74-7 -2.179-1.357 +.38 .001 I .07 .36 .15 c 1644 -57 56 18.00 80.2 -2.254- .136 + .01 .029 o .14 .63 .23 59 G Pictoris 1645 + 15 58 24.53 72.6 2.280 .499 + .04 .022 o .11 .32 .16 19 Geminorum 1646 + 32 31 33.68 71 .8 -2.294 .566 +.05 -.031 o .11 .58 .25 1647 + 11 36 50.10 91.2 2.252 .484 +.03 + 037 o .10 .75 .17 1648 -6937 59.01 81.4 2.IOI+ .076 +.03 +.197+ I .10 .56 .19 42 G Doradus it 3 1649 + 17 5059-9 8 73-9 -2.277- .506 + .04 + .032 o .12 .58 .24 |5 924 1650 + 17 51 17.15 62.5 2.289 .506 + .04 + .O2 1 O .10 .36 .20 j 2O 2 Geminorum 1631 9 M 8" 229. 1639 2 919. 5^0 4 '.'6 328 ; 14"" 26" 55 1636 Innes. 9 M i" 134 1640 Comp. of 2 919. s 106 68 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IpOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M b m s s s s s // // // 1651 Pulkjs 1071 5-5 6 26 44-447 93-4 + 2.7842 + .OOH - .003 + .0018 o .13 .82 .19 1652 Pi 148 6.0 26 48.743 86.5 + 2.3759+.ooi6 .001 + .0004 o .12 .75 .21 i6S3 Bt957 6.7 27 0.825 63-9 + 3.1850 .0000 .006 .0018 o .14 .52 .28 1654 Paris 7841 5-7 27 1.748 92.8 + 2. 8838 +.0008 - .003 .0000 o .13 .80 .19 1655 L 2333 m 5-4 27 21.584 80.6 + 1.4762 + .0006 .002 -.0053- I .16 .78 .28 1656 Pulk M 1075 5-9 27 29.346 94.4 + 2.9372 + .ooo6 .004 .0005 o .13 .88 .19 1657 Br 9S 8 4.8 27 29.799 72.9 + 3. 2450- .0003 .006 + .OOO2 O .10 .39 .17 1658 Br 947 6.9 27 3 6 -3 8 67.0 + S- ? ?--^ 2 .069 -.0035- I .12 .56 .27 1659 L 2319 5-9 27 39-379 80.6 + 2.i343 + .ooi6 .001 .0025 o .16 1.16 .38 1660 Canis Maj 4.4 27 41-384 82.6 + 2. 5003 + .0015 .001 + .0006 o .10 .68 .21 1661 L 2343 5-3 27 44-487 85.4 + 1.0416 .0006 .004 .0046 o .14 .70 .22 1662 L 2326 6.4 27 47-429 87.0 + i. 9244+. 0016 .001 .0010 o .15 .70 .22 1663 Pi 144 5-7 27 55-433 72.8 + 3.4073- .001 1 .009 .0015 I .15 .72 .31 1664 L 2324 6.4 28 7.124 87-5 + 2.0760+. 0018 .001 -.0015+ I .13 J2 .21 1665 Br 946 6.2 28 33.158 78-5 + 5.4946 .0200 .IOI -.0272- 7 .05 .28 .IO 1666 Pulk H 1080 5-i 28 33.316 89.4 + 3-435 + .o3 .004 - .0023 o .11 .72 .19 1667 Br 960 7-3 28 45-163 60.8 + 3.5417- -0017 .OI2 .0003 o .20 .68 .38 1668 Br 959 5-3 28 54.185 76.9 + 3-7799- -3 .Ol6 .0004 o .09 .44 .17 1669 L 2330 6.0 28 54-423 83-4 + 2.2455 + .ooi7 .OOI + .0002 o .12 .80 .24 1670 L2334 5-3 28 55.694 89.2 + 2.0552 + . 0015 .OOI + .0047 I .15 .78 .22 1671 L 2349 5-8 28 58.119 81.4 + i. 3986 +.0007 .002 + .0084+ 2 .18 .88 .31 1672 Br95i 6.0 29 8.417 68.7 + 5. 1097-. 0141 .072 + .0008 o .14 .58 .28 1673 Pi 75 5-7 29 10.280 80.0 + 10.3216 .1464 1.142 .0257121 .04 .32 .10 1674 Br 961 6.7 29 21.416 63-6 + 3. 2 495-. 00 S - .007 .0009 o IS -69 -35 i675 Br 949 7.2 29 25.363 67.2 + 5.5219 .0192 .100 + .OO22 O .12 .52 .26 1676 Groomb 1190 5-9 29 40.371 71-5 + 4.1283- .0055 .026 + .0008 o .15 .72 .32 1677 L2 33 8 6-5 ^48.571 91.4 + 2.0I75 + .OOI5 .OOI + .OOII O .13 .88 .21 1678 Paris 7921 5-9 30 6.380 OI.O + 3.953 + - 0001 - .005 + .0005 o .10 1.05 .14 1679 Br 966 7-i 30 14-695 62.8 + 3-4757- -0016 .010 + .0014 o .16 .60 .33 1680 L 2341 5-5 30 19.144 87.2 + 2.IO29+.OOI8 .OOI .0014+ I .n .66 .19 1681 H Pictoris 5-9 30 28.954 82.2 + 0.8955 .0018 .004 .0000 I .18 .70 .27 1682 Br 9 72 4.6 3 5L897 81.8 + 2.5I37 + .OOI5 .OOI + .0004 o .07 .36 .12 1683 L 2347 5-8 30 52.850 85-2 + 2.2239+.OOI7 .OOI .0003 o .15 .87 .26 1684 L 2350 m 7-i 3i 5-I96 86.2 + 2. 1804+ .0017 .OOI .OOI I O .15 .90 .26 1685 Br 954 7-2 31 16.564 74.0 + 5.5600 .0208 .104 -.0034+ I .09 .54 .22 1686 Pi 171 5-7 3i 39-976 80.2 + 2.9537 + .0005 - -003 + .0002 .16 .88 .31 1687 Br 9 6 3 5-9 3i 43-796 85-5 + 4.1606 .0064 .026 .0021 I .05 .30 .09 1688 Br 964 5-3 3i 5i- 2 94 68.0 + 4.1812 .0064 .027 -.0013 o .13 .50 .24 1689 L 2359 m 5-8 3i 5S-637 88.3 + 2.0844+. 0016 .OOI -.0015 o .13 .69 .20 x 1690 y Geminorum 1.8 3i 56-131 73-7 + 3.4671-. 0017 .010 + .003 1 o .03 .16 .07 1691 Pi 178 8.0 3i 58.873 83-6 + 2. 6244 +.OOI3 .002 .003 1 o .13 .84 .26 1692 Br 975 6.1 32 o.ioo 71.4 + 2.6259+. OOI3 .002 .0016 o '.08 .38 .17 1693 Br 967 5-9 32 2.523 77-8 + 3.8068- .0037 - .017 .0012 o .11 .54 .21 1694 Br 9 6 S 5-o 32 11.406 76.2 + 4.2887-. 0075 - .031 + .0005 I .10 .40 .17 1695 v Canis Maj 4.2 32 19.328 68.0 + 2.6l7O+. OOI2 .002 + .0047 o .08 .36 .17 1696 L2 3 8 3 4-4 32 46.362 79-2 + 1.3220 .0000 - .003 .0016 o .13 .58 .22 1697 Br 970 m 6.1 33 14-761 69.4 + 3.78SI- -0037 .016 .0008 o .IO .42 .20 1698 Br 979 4.7 33 29-523 66.5 + 2.6379+.OOI2 .OOI .OOIO .IO .45 .22 1699 L 2375 6.0 33 38.143 85.0 + 2.0366 + . 0016 .OOI .0005 o .15 .69 .23 1700 L 2376 6.0 6 33 45-947 89.7 + 2.0785 + .0016 .OOI .OOI I O .12 .75 .20 1653 In a cluster. 1669 S M prec. i!88, S. 6'/ 4 . 1655 Sellors. 1674 S 938. 8f6 13" 315 II M 10" 210. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 69 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H/ and i oo A (i/ Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 1651 / // -12 IQ 15.30 90.2 // // -2.351- .402 // + .02 // .017 o .13 .77 .20 1652 -27 41 59.81 81.8 -2-33 8 ~ -343 + .01 + .OO2 .11 .51 .18 42 G Canis Maj 1653 + 4 55 40.04 62.1 2.361 .460 + .03 .004 o .12 .48 .26 12 Monocerotis* 1654 - 8 5 11.34 89.6 2.381 .416 + .02 .022 o .12 .69 .l8 1655 -50 10 6.53 79.8 2.458 .212 .OO .070+ I .13 .65 .24 1 6 G Puppis (Z) * 1656 - 5 47 42.71 90-5 -2.438- .424 + .O2 - -039 o .12 .73 .19 1657 + 7 24 22.34 70-5 -2.409- .469 + .0 3 .OIO .09 .33 .16 13 Monocerotis 1658 + 56 27 53.47 54-8 -2.464- .732 + .09 - .056 o .IO .31 .20 9 Lyncis 1659 -35 ii 16.72 72.6 -2.438- .307 + .01 .025 o .17 1.24 .49 191 G Columbae 1660 -23 2047.85 77-4 2.415 .361 + .01 + .OOI O .10 .43 .17 4 Canis Maj ' 1661 -5647 3.78 83-5 -2.407- .149 + .01 + .014+ I .11 .57 .19 6 1 G Pictoris 1662 -405043.67 81.5 -2.437- .277 + .01 .012 o .14 .56 .21 102 G Columbae 1663 + 14 13 55.21 69.9 -2.530- .492 + .04 .094 o IS -65 -30 1664 -36 52 n.oi 83.0 -2.392- .299 + .01 + .062 o .12 .57 .20 103 G Columbae 1665 + 61 34 8.62 72.0 -2.772- .790 + .12 -.281+ 4 .06 .23 .11 8 Lyncis 1666 - i 8 40.14 87.4 -2.528- .439 + -03 - -037 o .11 .6l .18 1667 + 19 30 21.62 56.2 -2-52I- .511 + .04 -.013 o .l6 .50 .31 22 Geminorum 1668 + 28 6 0.87 71.2 -2.545- .545 + .05 - .023 o 08 .33 .15 49 Aurigae 1669 -31 57 21.64 80.0 -2.521- .324 + .01 + .OOI O .IO .6l .21 47 G Canis Maj * 1670 -37 37 13-53 83.6 2.604 - 2 97 + .01 -.080- I .13 .59 .20 104 G Columbae 1671 -51 45 21.05 76.6 -2.435- .202 .00 + .092 I .14 .65 .26 9 G Cannae 1672 + 56 56 17-38 62.4 -2.531- .738 +.11 + .OII .13 .40 .23 ii Lyncis 1673 + 79 40 22.28 81.6 -3.161-1.488 +.56 -.616+ 4 .04 .26 .08 23 H Camelopardi 1674 + 7 39 0.64 59-5 -2.570- .469 +.03 .009 o .12 .41 .24 1 4 Monocerotis* i6?S + 61 33 38.92 64.2 -2-577- -798 +13 .OIO O .11 .41 .22 10 Lyncis 1676 + 383! 34-iQ 65.0 2.623 -59 6 +.06 - -35 o .14 .56 .29 1677 **ij8 32 54.32 85-1 2.624 -291 + .01 .024 o .13 .67 .21 105 G Columbae 1678 + o 58 9.67 99-5 2.609 -446 +.03 + .017 o .IO .89 .14 1679 + 16 52 40.62 50.8 -2.674- .501 + .04 - .036 o .12 .42 .28 23 Geminorum 1680 -36 925.62 82.5 -2.550 .302 + .01 + .094 o .10 .49 .17 106 G Columbae 1681 -584042.17 80.2 2.684- -128 + .01 .026 o .14 .6l .23 h 3874. 8 M 2" 236 1682 -2253 7.67 82.7 2.678 .362 + .02 + .013 o .06 .34 .11 5 Canis Maj ^ 1683 -32 38 13.69 76.2 2.685 -3 2 + .02 + .008 o .13 .6l .24 50 G Canis Maj 1684 -33 55 50-1 76.4 -2.662- .313 + .01 + .049 o IS -73 -29 107 G Columbse* 1685 + 62 032.42 69.4 2.703 .801 +.13 + .024 o .09 .29 .15 41 Camelopardi 1686 - 5 7 41-09 77-4 -2.772- .425 +.03 .on o .12 .6l .23 1687 + 39 28 44.46 79-7 -2.883- -599 +.06 .116 o .05 .28 .IO 51 Aurigae 1688 + 3959 i7-3i 61.8 2.809 .602 +.06 - .032 o .12 .41 .23 52 Aurigae ^* 1689 -3641 57.03 83-9 2.781 .300 + .01 + .003 o .12 .58 .19 * 1690 + 1629 4.78 72.1 -2.831- .500 + .04 - .047 o .03 .15 .06 1691 - 18 34 42.39 80.4 -2.769- .377 + .02 + .019 o 13 -73 -25 i W. H. 17" 263 1692 - 18 34 40.17 71.8 -2.785- .378 + .02 + .005 o .09 .36 .17 J 6 Canis Maj v 1 1693 + 29 4 12.01 73-8 -2.819- -548 +05 .025 o .12 .47 .21 53 Aurigae 1694 + 42 34 3 6 -95 68.8 -2.867- -618 +.07 .061 o .10 .33 .17 50 Aurigae ^ 1695 -19 10 13.85 73-5 -2.888- .377 + .02 .070 I .09 .37 .16 7 Canis Maj v 2 1696 -52 53 38-60 80.2 2.866- .189 + .01 .009 o .10 .53 .19 ii G Carinas N 1697 + 2821 5.17 66.0 -2.921- .545 + 05 - -023 o .09 .41 .20 54 Aurigae* 1698 -18 9 3.17 70.6 -2.926- .379 + .O2 .007 o .11 .40 .19 8 Canis Maj V s 1699 -38 3 44.20 79-7 2.895 .292 + .01 + 037 o .13 .52 .20 no G Columbae 1700 -3654 18.50 83-7 2.928 .298 + .01 + .015 o .12 .56 .19 112 G Columbas 1684 p 754. o'.'9 35 1689 h. 12" 22" 301; ft 755 7 M i" 260. 1697 OS 152. 8 M o'.'S 38; fixed. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t M- and 100 A jx Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo(i aio M h m s s s s s tr n tt 1701 L 2374 5-3 6 34 2.919 83.6 + 2. 2463 + .OOI7 .OOI + .0081+ i .15 .82 .26 1702 v Puppis 3442.U3 70.2 + 1.8358+. OOI 2 .002 + .0001 o .09 .34 .16 1703 Pulk M 1096 5.1 34 42-485 93-2 + 2.74i7 + .ooo9 .002 + .OOOI O .12 .78 .l8 1704 Br 977 6.8 35 2.779 64.2 + 3.7838 .0040 .Ol6 + .0006 o .13 .45 .24 I70S Pi 206 7-3 35 15-092 86.5 + 2.0451 + .0014 .OOI + .OOII O .14 .72 .22 1706 S Monocerotis >$? 35 28.259 80.9 + 3.3051 .0012 .OO7 + .0002 o .04 .26 .08 1707 Br 973 5-2 35 48.372 66.4 +4.3716 .0092 -033 .0036 o .09 .36 .18 1708 L2 3 88 5-9 35 52-804 91.6 + 2.2974+.OOI2 .OOI .OOI2 2 .12 .96 .22 1709 L 2402* 7-2 35 56-798 87.6 + 1.6001 + .0007 .002 + .0004 o .20 .80 .26 1710 Pi 203 5-9 35 56-932 88.4 + 3.0854- .0002 .004 .0005 o .08 .56 .14 1711 L 2402* 5-2 35 57.639 80.4 + 1.5984 +.0007 .002 .0012 o .l6 .69 .26 1712 Br 968 7-8 36 1.026 66.6 +5-3175- -0205 -.084 + .OOOI+ I .12 .57 .28 1713 L 2397 7-o 36 32.493 85-3 + 2.043 1 + .0014 .001 + .0041 o .14 .70 .22 1714 Br 982 5-3 36 34.976 70.4 + 3-4955- -0024 .010 + .OOIO I .10 .42 .19 I7i5 Pulkja noo 5-6 37 9-950 93-2 + 2. 863 7 + .0005 -.003 + .0019 o .13 .78 .19 1716 Br 971 m 4.9 37 24.146 65-7 + 5.3129- .0214 -.084 .0020 o .IO .48 .24 1717 t Geminorum 37 46.820 74-8 + 3.6936- .0038 .014 .0000 o .03 .15 .06 1718 L 2411 ^3 37 58-569 84.7 + 1.9542 + .0014 .OOI .0021 o .15 .69 .23 1719 Brisb 1331 6.9 38 4-253 90-3 + 1.63 1 7 + .0007 .002 .0009 o .15 .8l .22 1720 Br 976 5-6 38 18.080 66.7 + 5.1266 .0194 -.071 + .0036 I .12 .56 .27 1721 Br 987 4-7 38 20.994 56.1 +3.3848- .0019 .008 + .0002 o .14 .36 .24 1722 Br 986 5-7 38 25.274 69.2 + 3.8046 .0047 .016 .0003 o .11 .40 .20 1723 L 2418 7.0 38 53-303 87.5 + 2. 0303 + .00 1 4 .OOI .0017 o .13 .72 .21 1724 Br 985 5-6 393L940 79-6 +4.3302 -.0094 -.032 + .0007 + 2 .06 .30 .11 1725 i Geminorum 3-3 39 40.629 80.3 + 3.3686 .0022 -.008 .0078 I .03 .20 .07 1726 Radcl 1805 6.9 39 51-562 80.6 + 5.0180 .0189 .064 + .0078 2 .n .68 .23 1727 Radcl 1806 6-7 39 52-160 80.6 + 5.0180 .0189 .064 + .0078 2 .11 .68 .23 1728 Br 984 5-4 40 2.135 63.6 + 4.5799- .0128 -.043 .0009 o .15 .54 .29 1729 L 2430 6.8 40 3.025 82.8 + 2.0016 + . 0014 .OOI .0015 o .16 .86 .28 1730 Br 974 5- 1 4031.541 74-8 + 6.2787 .0412 .169 + .0014 o .09 .42 .17 1731 L 2429 5-3 40 40.181 85.8 + 2.2825 + .OOI5 .OOI .0004 o 14 -75 -23 1732 a Canis Maj c.g 2.O 40 44-613 71.0 + 2.6441 .0008 .002 .0366- 9 1733 Br 991 6.1 41 5.188 82.3 + 3.2729 .0014 -.007 - .0005 o 13 -39 -17 1734 Paris 8170 5-4 41 26.703 97-5 + 2. 7259+. OOO8 .002 .0018 o .14 i. ii .20 1735 L 2437 6.1 41 38.420 87.7 + 2. 2439+. OOO8 .OOI -.0173- 3 .12 .78 .21 1736 L 2438 6.1 41 42.448 84.9 + 2. 2883+. OOI5 .OOI + .0009 o .15 .80 .25 1737 Br 993 5.0 41 54-043 78.4 + 3.2590- .0014 .007 .0014 o .10 .54 .20 1738 Pulk M 1 112 5-8 4i 55-oi7 95-3 + 2. 8398 +.0004 -.003 .0008 o .13 .88 .19 1739 Br 996 5-3 42 17-433 72.4 + 2-7377 + -0008 .002 + .0007 o 13 -54 -24 1740 Br 995 4.8 42 38.805 88.0 + 3.1298 .0008 .005 .0004 o .04 .54 .13 1741 Br looi 6.2 42 44-5 rl 75-6 + 2. 57O2 + . OOI I .OOI .0005 o .15 .68 .28 1742 L 2447 6-3 42 46.354 86.9 + 2.0581 + .OOI4 .OOI .0004 o 15 -75 -23 1743 Pulk M 1118 5-5 42 50.533 94-5 + 2. 8646 +.OOO3 -.003 .0024 o .13 .90 .19 1744 Br 980 42 55418 80.6 + 6.4958-. 0487 -.191 + .0019 o .06 .33 .11 1745 Pulkss 1113 6.0 43 10.366 93-8 + 3.9123 .0066 -.018 -.0035 o .13 .86 .19 1746 Paris 3198 5-9 43 14-907 97-5 + 3.0427 .OOO4 .004 .0020 o .13 .94 .18 1747 L 2471 5-9 43 36-396 88.4 + I.372I .OOO7 .002 .0021 o .20 .92 .28 1748 Br 992 5-2 43 41-734 63.2 + 4.2481 .OIO3 .029 .OOl6 2 .11 .51 .26 1749 L 2455 5-4 43 56.080 81.6 + 2.0525 + .0013 .OOI -.0015 o .10 .48 .17 1750 L 2469 7-3 6 44 1-545 87.2 + 1.6298 +.OOO4 .002 .0010 o .11 .69 .19 1706 1716 S 948. 2950. 9 M 3"2i2. 6*3 i '.'6 119; 7"?6 8'/4 306. 1709-11 Dunlop. 13" 318. 1718 9 fs fols. ifoo, S. s'/3. CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and ioo A(i Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo(i' Sio Remarks. 1701 -32 15 17.26 76.1 - 2.907-. 324 + .01 a + .060 I // a n .14 .67 .27 59 G Canis Maj 1702 -43 629.85 70.2 - 3.044-. 263 + .01 .020 o .08 .32 .15 1703 - 14 3 22.40 88.6 - 3-035 --394 . +.02 .Oil O .12 .67 .19 1704 + 28 17 20.29 63.8 - 3.069- .544 + .06 -.015 o .12 .53 .27 25 Geminorum 1705 -37 54 21.38 86.0 - 3.099- .294 + .01 .028 o .14 .63 .21 1706 + 9 59 17-68 79-6 - 3.097-475 + .04 .007 o .04 .26 .09 15 Monocerotis ^ 8c??f 1707 + 4437 !3-9 6 53-o - 3.158- .628 +.08 - -039 o .10 .36 .23 55 Auriga: ^ 1708 -3022 25.81 87.2 - 3-3I7--329 + .02 .192 o .14 1 .08 .28 63 G Canis Maj 1709 48 7 40.48 88.0 - 3.I37-.229 + .01 .006 o .I? .75 .24 * 1710 + o 35 18.80 84.9 - 3-135- -443 + .04 -.003 o 09 -47 -J5 1711 -48 7 50.07 81.6 3.125 .228 + .01 + .008 o .13 .67 .23 21 G Puppis* 1712 + 59 32 48.87 58-7 - 3. 1 14- .764 +.14 + .024 o .IO .37 .22 S 946. 9* 4" 130 1713 -38 3 56-06 78.6 - 3. 210- .293 + .01 .027 I .12 .50 .20 22 G Puppis 1714 + 17 44 34.93 60.5 - 3. 284- .502 +.05 .098 o .08 .29 .17 26 Geminorum 1715 - 9 4 13.84 89.0 - 3.26I-4II +.03 .024 o .12 .65 .18 1716 + 59 3 2 34-68 56.3 - 3. 256- .762 + .14 + .OOI O .09 .29 .l8 12 Lyncis* 1717 + 25 13 48.48 69-3 - 3-3IO--530 + .06 .020 o .03 .16 .07 1718 -40 15 16.35 78.1 - 3.308-. 279 + .01 .001 o .13 .51 .21 23 G Puppis* 1719 -47 31 35.64 90.0 - 3.304- .233 + .01 + .OII O .13 .71 .19 24 G Puppis 1720 + 57 16 22.94 58.8 - 3-377- -736 +13 .042 o .11 .36 .21 13 Lyncis 1721 + 13 1943-56 60.2 - 3.415-485 +.05 .076 o .12 42 .24 30 Geminorum 1722 + 29 4 19.50 55-8 - 3-374- .546 +.07 .029 o .09 .29 .18 28 Geminorum 1723 -3818 3-25 80.5 - 3-39 I -- 2 9 + .01 .006 o .12 .52 .19 26 G Puppis* 1724 + 43 40 37.14 71.4 - 3. 283-. 620 + .09 + .158 o .06 .23 .11 56 Aurigae \jf 1725 + 13 o 12.39 78.2 - 3.654-481 +.05 .201+ I .04 .22 .08 1726 + 55 48 47.95 72.4 - 3-577- -720 +.13 -.108- I .IO 41 .18 lx ne a r" T OC1 1727 + 55 48 49.05 72.4 - 3-578- .720 +13 -.108- I .IO 41 .18 f " 95 6> 5 . 1 257 1728 + 48 53 42.76 52-8 - 3482-. 656 +.11 + .OO2 O .12 .40 .26 57 Aurigae ^' 1729 -39 531.49 78.0 - 3-499- -286 + .01 .014 o .13 .63 .24 27 G Puppis 1730 + 67 40 56.16 68.9 - 3.52i-.ooo +.23 + .005 o .08 .26 .13 42 Camelopardi 1731 -3058 3.98 79-o 3-5 2 5 -326 + .02 + .014 o .12 .59 .22 67 G Canis Maj 1732 - 16 34 43-66 69-3 - 4-75I--372 + .02 1.206 + 5 Sirius. See Appendix 1733 + 8 41 35.29 78.6 - 3.578-468 + .04 -.003 o .12 .35 .16 1 6 Monocerotis 1734 -1441 24-79 94-4 - 3-637- -389 + 03 -.031 o .14 .99 .21 1735 -31 40 47.15 83-4 - 3-9SI- .318 + .O2 -.329+ 2 .11 .58 .19 72 G Canis Maj 1736 -305037-57 75-8 - 3-627-. 326 + .02 + .OOI .13 .58 .24 74 G Canis Maj * 1737 + 88 42.85 71.9 - 3-659- -465 + .04 .014 o .09 .37 .17 17 Monocerotis 1738 10 o 1.78 9i-3 - 3 -647 --405 + 03 .001 o .12 .71 .18 1739 -14 19 7-39 73-2 3-67 1 - -39 1 + .0 3 + .007 o .11 46 .20 ii Canis Maj 1740 + 2 31 17.74 83.2 - 3-734- -447 + .04 - .025 o .05 .28 .09 18 Monocerotis 1741 20 54 26.36 75-5 - 3-7I9- -366 + .O2 .002 o .14 .50 .22 12 Canis Maj (p) 1742 -3740 5.86 82.3 - 3-733- -293 + .01 -.013 o .13 .57 .20 30 G Puppis 1743 - 8 53 21.64 92-3 - 3.728-408 +.03 .002 o .12 .79 .18 1744 + 69 o 16.64 72.6 - 3-724- -929 +.27 + .009 o .06 .23 .11 43 Camelopardi 1745 + 32 43 !2.09 91.4 - 3.806- .558 +.07 - .052 o .12 .75 .18 1746 I 12 26.70 96-4 - 3-795- -434 + .04 - -034 o .12 .88 .17 1747 -52 18 7.12 84.8 - 3-805-. 194 + .01 .014 o .15 .71 .23 14 G Cannae 1748 + 4i 53 56-42 53-o - 3.934- .606 +.09 -135 o .11 40 .25 58 Aurigae ^ 7 1749 -3749 9.51 75-4 3.847 .292 + .01 .028 o .10 44 .18 31 G Puppis x 1750 -47 4i 43-67 86.9 - 3-830- - 2 3 2 + .01 -.003 o .10 .64 .18 1723 Dunlop. 8 M 8" 277 1 736 h 3891. 8*5 5" 220. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 n a 10 M h m s s s s s " // n 1751 Br 997 6.0 6 44 4.469 64-3 + 3-455 I -- 002 8 .009 .0013 o .12 .54 .27 1752 Lai 13143 5-9 44 14-225 99-o + 3-0235-- 000 3 .004 + .0006 o .14 I.I? .19 1753 Br 988 m 5-5 44 16.033 77-7 + 5.3050- .0257 -.081 .0000 I .09 .38 .15 1754 Pulkss ii2i m 5-4 44 25.696 95-i + 2.7 199 + .0007 .002 .0003 o .13 .86 .18 1755 L 2478 5-4 44 28.556 87.4 + 1.4432 .0006 .002 .0009 I .20 1.41 .37 1756 Br 1002 6.0 44 46-854 81.4 . +3-3874- -0024 -.008 .0004 o .12 .39 .16 1757 L 2490 5-8 45 21.764 83.6 + 1.1700 .0019 -.003 .0008 o .14 .80 .25 1758 Pi 201 4.9 45 29.161 78.2 + 8.8203 .1254 .602 + .0250- 4 .05 .28 .10 1759 Br 1004 5-4 45 33-458 67.0 + 3.5978 -0041 .012 .0007 o .11 .44 .22 1760 Bruss 2819 5-9 45 55-742 92.8 + 3.6449- .0045 -.013 .0029 o .12 .80 .18 1761 K Canis Maj 3-8 46 6.355 78.6 + 2. 24O7 + .OOI4 .001 .0008 o .08 .38 .14 1762 Br 999 6-3 46 8.687 64-3 + 4.1328 .0093 .025 + .0005 o .12 .58 .29 1763 6 Geminorum 3-6 46 11.932 78.2 + 3.9588- .0075 .020 + .0005 o .04 .22 .08 1764 Br 1000 6.6 46 21.959 74-1 + 4.1187 .0096 .024 + .OO26 2 .11 .50 .21 I76S L 2479 6.1 46 36.581 81.4 + 2. 2671 + .OOI4 .001 .0003 o .15 .72 .26 1766 Pi 262 7-4 46 39.625 87.4 + 2. 2670+. OOI4 .001 .0006 o .18 .96 .28 1767 L 2492 5-i 47 5-320 81.2 + 1.6917 + .0015 .002 -.0015+ 5 .18 .69 .27 1768 Br 1005 6.6 47 5-805 69.7 + 4.II72 .0094 .024 .0006 o .11 .54 .24 1769 a Pictoris 3-2 47 9-907 75-6 + 0.6176 .0050 -.005 .0114+ 7 .09 .40 .17 1770 L 2486 S-o 47 14-163 82.3 + 2.i829 + .ooi4 .001 + .OOI2 O .11 .52 .18 1771 Pi 257 6.0 47 23.020 73-7 +3. 2658- .0019 .006 .OO2I O .20 .72 .33 1772 T Puppis 2.7 47 27.297 79-4 + 1.4886 -.0006 .002 + .OO26 I .11 .60 .22 1773 L 2511 4-4 47 41.007 85-4 + 1.3050 .0012 -.003 + .0002 o .15 .66 .22 1774 L 2493 6.2 48 10.837 85-7 + 2.II44+.OOI2 .001 .0046 I .12 .64 .20 1775 Mensae 5-8 48 22.338 76.1 4.9210 .1546 + 355 .0061 + 17 .07 .66 .23 1776 Br 998 m 4-5 48 37-153 76.1 + 5.2096 .0269 -075 + .0007- 3 .05 .24 .09 1777 Paris 8336 5-8 48 56.648 94-7 + 2.6222 + . 0009 .001 .0027 o .14 .84 .19 1778 Br 1009 4.8 49 0.177 62.7 + 3. 3862 -.0029 -.008 + .0050 I .11 .40 .22 1779 Radcl 1841 6.0 49 8.469 94-o + 4.4461 .0141 -.036 + .0024 o .14 .68 .18 1780 Br 1007 S-9 49 9-705 61.8 + 3. 692 2 -.0054 -.013 .0030 o .13 .50 .27 1781 Br 1012 4-7 49 13.498 76.8 + 2. 5947 + .0010 .001 + .0002 o .11 .51 .20 1782 Paris 5347 5-6 49 I9-7I9 95-3 + 3.0501 .0008 .004 + .0006 o .13 .86 .18 1783 6 Canis Maj 4-3 49 32-637 73-6 + 2. 7876+. 0003 .002 - .0093 o .04 .22 .09 1784 Pi 278 6-3 49 35-147 82.2 +2.3885 +.0006 .001 + .02 20 3 .IO .60 .20 I78S Br 1014 4.1 49 58.950 71.8 + 2.4889+.ooi2 .001 .0009 o .10 .36 .17 1786 Br 1006 5-o 50 19.291 73-2 + 4.3846- .0136 -.033 .0024 o 09 -33 -IS 1787 Br 1016 6.0 50 43.662 72.7 + 2. 5910+. OOO9 .001 + .0004 o .15 .57 .26 1788 Pulk M 1134 6.0 50 55-653 95-7 + 3. 3025 -.0024 .006 .0017 o .14 .78 .18 1789 Br 1018 4-7 51 17.294 74-1 + 2.6oi8 + .ooio .001 + .0040 o .09 .39 .17 1790 L2S 3 o 6.2 51 17.784 91.7 + 1. 8903 + .00 1 o .001 + .OOI2 O .13 .78 .19 1791 /t Canis Maj 5-3 5i 3 J -724 64.2 + 2. 7501 + .0005 .002 + .0005 o .08 .36 .18 1792 Grw 72 674 5-5 51 34-480 95-3 + 2-5228+.OOII .001 .0016 o .14 .84 .18 1793 i Canis Maj 4-4 51 40.647 62.3 + 2. 67 59 +.0007 .001 .OOOI O .07 .39 .20 1794 Br 1010 6-3 5 2 14-097 67-3 +4-0935- -0105 -.023 .0029 I .11 .39 .20 1795 i Volantis 5-6 52 35-63I 86.9 0.6747 .0272 + .003 .0017+ 2 .15 .82 .24 1796 Br 1013 6.4 52 37-632 71.1 +3. 7011-. 0059 .014 .0120+ I 08 -33 .15 1797 Pi 273 7.0 53 i-9!6 85-7 +4.9304- .0236 -057 + .0006 I .12 .48 .l6 1798 Br 1015 6.6 53 I7-476 67.6 + 3.7069 .0061 -.013 .OOI I .12 .42 .22 1799 Pi 300 S-6 53 26.345 86.0 + 2.4762 + .0013 .001 .0036+ I .14 .69 .22 1800 L 2557 4-9 6 53 36.210 77-3 + 1.5975-. oooi .002 .0008 o .16 .80 .31 1753 S 963. 7*1 o'.'s 76, slow. 1776 OS 159. s^i-efz o'/7 12. 1762 S 974. IO M 22" 224. 1778 2 982. 7 M 6" 160, slow. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 73 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |j.'and ioo A(i Prob. Errors. SEp. icon' Sio Remarks. 1751 o r n + 16 18 59.27 59-i -3-845- -492 It + .05 - .013 o .12 .49 .28 33 Geminorum 1752 - 2 9 32.58 95-6 -3.817- .431 + .04 + .029 o .13 .89 .18 1753 + 5934 1.28 68.5 -3-895- -757 + -I7 - .047 o .08 .25 .13 14 Lyncis* I7S4 -i5 I55-24 90.9 -3.88!- .387 + .03 .019 o 13 -75 -19 A. Clark. 7o i" 290 1755 -51 9 9.92 86.8 -3.946- .205 + .01 .080 o .16 1.29 .34 150 Cannae 1756 + 13 31 41.03 76.8 -3.904- .482 + .05 .Oil O .11 .35 .16 35 Geminorum 1757 -55 25 44-53 80.8 -3.947- .166 + .01 .005 o .12 .60 .21 176 Carinae 1758 + 77 6 17.44 78.6 -3.967-1.263 + 59 -.014- 4 .05 .25 .09 24 H Camelopardi 1759 + 21 52 44.75 63.1 4.000 .512 + .06 .041 o .10 .40 .21 36 Geminorum d 1760 + 23 43 11.83 94.1 -4.007- .519 + .07 .016 o .12 .90 .19 1761 -32 23 34-55 75-9 -4-005- .318 + .02 + .OOI .08 .39 .16 1762 + 38 59 18.52 60.6 -4.004- .589 + .09 + .005 o .10 .42 .23 59 Aurigae * 1763 + 34 454-59 76.6 4.068 .564 + .08 - -054 o .04 .23 .09 1764 + 3 8 33 46.14 61.2 -4.210- .587 + .09 -.182 o .11 .43 .24 60 Aurigae \ff 1765 -31 35 22.18 73-3 -4.038- .322 + .O2 + .OII O .13 .60 .26 } 1766 -3 1 35 4-48 80.6 -4.050- .322 + .02 + .003 o .19 .75 .2 9 |83GCamsMaj 1767 46 30 29.06 81.4 -3-733- -240 + .0! + 357 o .14 .63 .23 38 G Puppis 1768 + 38 37 39.24 63.1 -4.118- .586 + .09 .027 o .11 .39 .21 6 1 Aurigae I7 61 50 1.87 77-8 -3.837- .085 + .02 + .260+ 2 .09 .46 .l8 1770 -34 i45 6 -9 73- 1 4.100 .310 + .02 + .003 o .11 .49 .21 37 G Puppis 1771 + 8 30 7.06 70.4 4.148 .464 + .0 5 - -033 .17 .60 .29 1772 -502943.72 79-9 4.207 .211 + .01 - .086 o .10 .55 .19 1773 -5330 19.48 79-8 4.116 .184 + .01 + .025 o .13 .58 .22 18 G Carinae A 1774 -36 629.56 82.4 -4.253- .299 + .01 .070+ I .11 .52 .l8 40 G Puppis 1775 -80 42 29.43 76.7 4.128+ .704 +.46 + .072+ I .06 .56 .20 1776 + 58 33 13.90 72.8 -4-355- -741 +.17 -.134 o .05 .19 .09 15 Lyncis* 1777 - 18 54 34.92 92.9 -4.249- .371 +-03 .000 o .15 .87 .21 1778 + 13 18 17.49 57-8 -4-339- -481 + .06 -.085- I .09 .33 .19 38 Geminorum e* 1779 + 46 24 3.44 90.8 4.260 .632 + .12 + .006 o .13 .58 .I? Aurigas ^* 1780 + 25 30 2.71 58.0 -4-254- -524 + .0 7 + .013 o .IO .41 .24 37 Geminorum 1781 20 6 2.01 77-7 -4.266- .368 + .02 + .007 o .IO .41 .17 15 Canis Maj 1782 - i o 6.73 93-i -4.290- .433 + .04 .008 o .13 .77 .18 1783 -n 5447-94 76.2 -4-3I5- -394 + -03 -.015+ I .05 .28 .11 1784 28 24 12.08 78.9 -4.741- .341 + .O2 -437- 3 .11 .53 .20 90 G Canis Maj 1785 -24 332.32 75-8 -4-330- -352 + .O2 + .007 o .10 .35 .16 92 Canis Maj o ' 1786 + 45 13 26.96 65.8 4.368 .622 + .11 .002 o .09 .28 .15 Aurigae <{/ V 16 Lyncis 1787 20 16 38.26 74.0 -4.411- .367 + -03 .010 o .13 .48 .22 17 Canis Maj 1788 + 10 5 9.82 91.8 4.429 .468 + .0 5 .Oil .14 .60 .l8 1789 -20 032.44 77-2 -4.413- .369 + -03 + .036- i .09 .43 .I? 19 Canis Maj (IT) * 1790 -42 14 19.91 84.4 -4-433- -267 + .02 + .017 o .11 .51 .17 44 G Puppis 1791 - 13 54 50.85 65-9 -4.470- .389 + .04 .001 o .08 .35 .18 2997. 8* 3" 340 1792 -22 48 44.27 96.1 -4.465- .356 + -03 + .008 o .15 I.I5 .22 * 1793 - 16 55 28.48 63-4 -4.471- .378 + -03 + .OII O .08 .34 -l8 1794 + 38 ii 22.41 59-i -4.658- .579 + .10 -.128 o .11 -40 .23 62 Aurigae 1795 70 50 19.60 83-4 -4.532+ .098 + .06 + .028 o .11 .64 .20 1796 + 26 12 44.87 68.1 -4-477- -522 + .08 + .086+ 2 .06 .29 .14 39 Geminorum 1797 + 545941-66 78.7 -4.635- .698 + .16 - -037 o .11 .37 .16 1798 + 26 2 59.73 61.2 -4.634- .524 + .08 .014 o .11 .40 .22 40 Geminorum 1799 - 24 30 0-57 77-8 -4-539- -349 + .03 + -093 o .12 .51 .20 102 G Canis Maj 1800 -4835 21.17 74-4 4.642 .224 + .02 + .004 o .13 .61 .25 47 G Puppis I789W. H. IO M n" 1792 Br 1019 a, or Br 3236. 97 G Canis Maj. 74 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. 100 (i aio M h m s S S s s " // // 1801 51 H Cephei 5-4 6 53 44.29- 71-5 + 29.657- -2.634- .047- 80 .03 .15 .06 1802 Pi 33 5-8 54 30.021 87-9 + 2.4577+ -O 012 .OOI --.0013 o .08 .64 .16 1803 Br 1020 6.2 5431.004 65-0 + 3.4492- .0038 .009 .0009 o .12 .40 .22 1804 e Canis Maj i-5 54 41-756 70-4 + 2.3575+ .0013 .OOO + .OOOI O .03 .20 .08 1805 L 2554 5-2 54 45-450 81.6 + 2.1957+ .0013 .001 .0016 o .12 .72 .24 1806 10 Geminorum 5-4 56 19-233 67-7 + 3.6589 .0060 .012 .0003 o .11 .33 .18 1807 L 2570 6.0 56 59.287 91.9 + 2.4644+ .001 1 .OOI .0018 o .12 .75 .18 1808 Pulkw 1144 5-5 57 1-978 94-6 + 2.9463- .0005 -.003 + .0005 o .13 .87 .19 1809 P' 3S 6.1 57 9-*3o 85-5 + 3.8173- .0091 --015 + .0121 7 7 -45 -13 1810 and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m s s s s 8 // // // 1851 Pi 285 6-3 7 6 24.221 74.0 + 11.5837- .3776 -1.405 + .0033- 8 .07 .36 .15 1852 Br 1039 7.2 6 40-394 85-4 + 3.6944- .0078 .OI2 .0000 o .12 .40 .16 1853 Br 1047 4.2 6 45.486 72.2 + 3.0652 .0016 .004 + .0002 o .07 .28 .13 1854 Br 1031 5-4 7 11.049 65.0 + 5. 2605- .0399 .072 -.0115- 6 .09 .32 .16 1855 Paris 8843 6.0 7 22.809 95-8 + 2.5879+. 0007 .001 .0005 o .15 .98 .20 1856 Br 1046 5-3 7 37-756 74-i + 3.4478- .0051 - .008 + .0008 o 06 .33 .13 1857 L 2673 5-i 8 6.339 83-7 + 1.6118 .0001 .002 -.0023+ 3 .18 i. 06 .33 1858 Br 1053 6.1 8 6.716 78.0 + 2.4547 + .0010 .001 .0006 o .11 .46 .19 1859 Br 1048 7-2 8 20.440 84-3 + 3.6647-. 0077 .012 .0001 o .12 .51 .18 1860 Groomb 1281 5-7 8 24.663 65.0 + 4.4661 .0209 - -034 + .0038- 2 15 -66 .33 1861 Br 1049 6.2 8 35.060 73 - + 3 -673 * --0079 .012 + .0037- I .10 .48 .20 1862 L 2668 6.1 8 52.694 91.0 + 2.I3OI + .OOII .001 .0019 o .13 .72 .19 1863 L 2672 5-5 8 57.087 85-7 + 1. 9866 +.0008 .001 .0021 o .11 .57 .18 1864 BD + i2 1469 6.0 8 58.161 OI.2 + 3-3463- -0042 .007 .0041 o .11 .90 .14 1865 Pi 29 5-6 9 5-693 83-4 + 3.1475-. 0024 .004 + .OO2O O .16 .90 .29 1866 / Volantis 5-3 9 33-547 83-9 - 0.4924- .0324 .007 + .0040+ 5 .18 .84 .28 1867 y 2 Volantis 3-8 9 35-892 76.2 0.4916- .0323 .007 + .0050+ 6 .09 .48 .18 1868 Br 1050 6.1 9 42-483 79-6 + 3.75 io- .0090 .014 .0014 o .08 .34 .13 1869 L 2687 4-5 9 42-539 75-i + 1.7100 .0000 .001 -.0143+ i 13 -57 -23 1870 L 2676 6.9 9 56.347 84.0 + 2.3082+. OOI2 .000 .0009 o .14 .78 .25 1871 Pi 292 5-3 10 3.203 70-5 + 12.8945- .5213 1.961 + .002918 .05 .21 .IO 1872 Br 1059 4-7 10 10.650 71.0 + 2.4453 + . ooio .000 .0005 o .10 .34 .17 1873 Br 1055 6.8 10 12.325 63-3 + 3-0715- -oo^ - -003 "^OII 15 -54 -29 1874 L 2690 5-i 10 13.870 81.4 + 1.7958 .0001 .001 -=- .OO2O 2 .13 .64 .23 1875 L 2691 Var. 10 29.162 82.7 + i. 8309 +.001 1 .001 + .0093+ 4 .16 .90 .30 1876 Br 1040 8.0 10 31.648 72.1 + 5. 2283-. 0396 .069 + .0104 I .13 .54 .24 1877 CD Canis Maj 3-8 10 45.267 78.8 + 2.4345 + .0010 .000 ^".0003 o .14 .48 .20 1878 Br 1061 6.0 10 48.727 84-9 + 2.4249+. ooio .000 -r .OO26 O .14 .81 .25 1879 Arm 1649 4.9 10 56.142 82.7 + 4.5698- .0237 - -037 -.0005 o .12 .75 .24 1880 Br 1052 6.0 ii 5.062 80.3 + 4.1800 .0160 .024 .OOIO O .05 .27 .09 1881 Br 1043 7-i ii 12.461 71.8 + 5. 2293-. 0402 - .068 + .0024 I .11 .57 .24 1882 L2688 5-5 ii 28.880 89.6 + 2.32O5 + .001 2 .000 .0022 o .14 .86 .22 1883 Paris 8971 5-6 ii 42.697 97-4 + 2.7i69+.ooo2 .001 .0050 . o .14 1.05 .19 1884 L 2711 4.9 ii 52.712 83.6 + 1.6566 .0005 .002 + .0010 o .16 .84 .28 1885 L 2710 6.0 ii 53.682 83.8 + I.72H .0002 .001 - .0034 o .20 i.io .35 1886 X Geminorum 3-5 12 20.797 79-6 + 3.4507-. 0057 - .008 - -0033 o .03 .16 .06 1887 Lai 14200 5-i 12 23.892 92.4 + 2. 5294+. OOO8 .000 .0001 o .12 .82 .19 1888 Lai 14202 6.9 12 25.612 94-5 + 2.5264+. 0009 .000 .003 2 O .13 .96 .20 1889 K 59 4.8 12 34.488 85.2 + 2.4O39+.OOH .000 .0015 o .13 .64 -21 1890 L27I3 5-9 13 4-355 88.4 + 2.0735 + .OOIO .000 .0023 o .15 .80 .23 1891 L 2714 5-2 13 15-825 88.0 + 2.i36i + .oon .000 .0004 o .13 .82 .22 1892 L 2732 5-6 13 22.388 88.2 + 1.7301 .0001 .001 .0009 o .20 .88 .27 1893 Grweo 564 8.0 13 25.282 79-3 + 3-5891- -0073 .010 .OOI I O .IO .42 .l6 1894 Br 1051 6.6 13 3*-7SS 72.8 + 5.2779- .0428 .070 + .OOII .10 .39 .18 1895 Cord 9286 8.2 13 33-6i4 95-7 + 2.ii69+.oon .000 .0021 o .18 1.23 .25 1896 * Puppis 2-5 13 36.678 75-9 + 2.ii89+.oon .000 .0007 o .07 .28 .12 1897 Groomb 1295 5-8 14 3.207 70.2 + 4.3546- .0202 - .028 - .0034 o .16 .64 .30 1898 8 Geminorum 3-4 14 9.098 68.8 + 3-5873- -0074 .010 .0013 o .02 .l6 .07 1899 Br 1067 S-o 14 30.530 82.8 + 2. 497 5 + .0008 .000 .OOIO .09 .46 .l6 1900 Br 1035 7-3 7 14 32.446 70.8 + 7.2948 .1228 - -253 + .0083 o .11 .45 .21 1861 Hough 343. i2 M 23" 263. 1873 ft 1268. II M 4" 310; 02 169? 1862 8 M 3" 65. 1875 3 I ?4 to 6*2. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 77 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t P' and 100 A p.' Prob. Errors. 5Ep. ioop' Sio Remarks. 1851 + 81 26 21.62 71.6 It H -5.755-I.6l7 H + 1.58 .028 o ;/ it n 07 -33 -H Groomb 1255 1852 + 25 545 6 - 8 79-5 -5.768- .513 + .10 .018 o ii -35 -IS 49 Geminorum 1853 - o 19 37-38 72.7 -5.746- .426 + .06 + .011 O .07 .29 .13 22 Monocerotis (8) 1854 + 594856.53 60.7 -6.051- .730 + .24 -.258+ 2 .07 .23 .13 1 8 Lyncis 1855 -2043 2.29 93- 6 -5.782- .358 + -03 + .027 o .15 .99 .22 130 G Canis Maj 1856 + 16 19 43.17 67-3 -5.880- .478 + .08 - .050 o .06 .24 .12 51 Geminorum 1857 48 46 17.48 79-7 -5.675- .222 + .02 + .195 o .14 .75 .27 68 G Puppis 1858 - 25 46 30.37 79.0 -5.868- .340 + .03 + .OO2 O .12 .54 .21 26 Canis Maj 1859 + 2452 55-42 83.0 -5.906- .508 + .10 .016 o .11 .54 .18 1860 + 47 25 3-i7 64.1 6.076 .62O + .16 .180 o .12 .51 .26 1861 + 25 331-35 69-3 6.002 .510 + .10 .092 o .09 .45 .20 52 Geminorum* 1862 -36 22 32.45 87.9 -5-939- -294 + .02 .004 o .12 .69 .19 69 G Puppis* 1863 -40 19 46.93 77.0 -5.964- .274 + .02 -'.023 o .11 .48 .19 70 G Puppis E 1864 + 12 17 16.31 98.8 -5.954- .463 + .07 .012+ I .12 .83 .15 BBVl3obsns. 1863 1865 + 3 16 58.25 77-8 -5-953- -436 + .06 .000 o .14 .65 .25 1866 1867 -70 20 4.73 70 20 11.31 82.0 80.2 -5.905+ .070 -5.901+ .070 + .08 + .08 + .086- I + .094 I .15 .67 .24 .08 .54 .18 JDunlop. 13" 300 1868 + 28 4 16.98 76.0 -6.013- .519 + .10 .009 o .O? .31 .13 53 Geminorum 1869 -4635 32-3 76.4 -5.915- .233 + .02 + .089+ 2 .IO .51 .20 7 1 G Puppis / 1870 - 30 54 43.05 74-6 6.026 .318 + -03 -.003 o .13 .56 .24 137 G Canis Maj 1871 + 82 36 16.00 71.0 6.078 1.790 + 2. II - .045 o .04 .20 .09 25 H Camelopardi 1872 26 10 48.08 75-4 -6.037- .337 + -03 + .006 o .09 .36 .l6 27 Canis Maj 1873 + 00 44.41 68.8 -6.055- -424 + .06 .010 o .10 .43 .20 24 Monocerotis* 1874 -45 032.17 79.6 -6.158- .247 + .02 .III O .IO .51 .18 72 G Puppis Z, 1 1875 -44 2836.93 77-7 -5-754- -253 + .02 +315- I 13 - 6 7 -25 73 G Puppis D * 1876 + 59 18 17.69 66.6 6.100 .726 + .24 .028 2 .12 .39 .21 45 Camelopardi 1877 -2635 56.92 77.8 -6.099- -330 + -03 .008 o .13 .54 .22 28 Canis Maj, 140 G, 5 + 55 28 22.03 80.0 -6.447- -676 + .22 .029 o .09 .49 .17 S 1062. 14" 314 1906 + 55 28 11.52 72-5 -6.458- .676 + .22 - .038 o .06 .19 .09 ' 19 Lyncis 1907 -3633 6.12 84.1 -6.436- .292 + -03 -.013 o .11 .52 .17 83 G Puppis v l 1908 26 24 10.67 91.1 -6.420- .334 + .04 + .006 o .14 I.O5 .24 154 G Canis Maj 1909 16 12 26.57 94.2 -6.543- .374 + -04 .IO4 2 13 i-33 - 2 5 Cord 9325. 5*9 to 6 7 1910 -3633 35-05 82.2 -6.463- .292 + -03 -.013 o 13 -53 -20 84 G Puppis w 2 1911 -39 ! 38-73 79-i -6.457- .280 + -03 .OOI .12 .54 .21 87 G Puppis F 1912 + 36 56 54.99 63.2 -6.515- -551 + -13 .041+ I .10 .38 .20 65 Aurigae* 191*3 -33 3 2 33-3 2 79-7 -6.499- -305 + .03 -.013 o IS -85 -30 86 G Puppis 1914 + 2037 56.54 66.5 6.564 .484 + .10 -033+ I .08 .27 .14 56 Geminorum 1915 -14 10 23.23 97-4 -6-543- -3?6 + .05 + .015 o .16 I.O5 .21 156 G Canis Maj 1916 + 81 559- 11 73-2 -6.567-1.532 + 1.65 -.003 o .07 .32 .14 Groomb 1278 1917 67 46 26.97 77-4 6.605 + .006 + .06 .006 o .09 .49 .18 1918 -25 42 13.25 76.2 -6-575- -336 + .04 + .031 o .12 .54 .22 159 G Canis Maj 1919 + 4051 54.08 56.6 6.651 .570 + -15 .024 o .12 .43 .26 66 Aurigae 1920 - 8 47 25.01 83-7 -6.631- .394 + .06 .002 o .08 .67 .19 1921 + 25 14 33.86 65.1 6.664 -5 + -II -.023+ I .09 .37 .19 57 Geminorum A 1922 + 23 8 15.70 66.0 -6.693- -493 + .11 .046 o .12 .45 .23 58 Geminorum 1923 - 5 47 3 2 -34 78.0 6.672 .402 + .06 .020 o .10 .57 .21 1924 - 18 49 33.23 94.6 -6.681- .360 + -04 .004 o .14 I.OO .21 1 60 G Canis Maj 1925 -51 53 48.31 87.1 -6.713- .198 + .02 .004 o .l6 1.29 .34 40 G Carinae 1926 + 27 49 52.28 65-1 -6.705- .511 + .12 + .015 o .11 .44 .23 59 Geminorum 1927 -56 626.31 81.1 -6.681 .160 + .02 + 043+ l .14 .63 .23 41 G Carinae 1928 + 49 24 36.18 72.4 6.837 .620 + .20 .049 o .07 .28 .13 21 Lyncis 1929 -31 43 5I-65 77.2 -6.793- -312 + -03 -.003 o .11 .57 .22 161 G Canis Maj 1930 + 11 51 55.27 70.9 -6.826- .454 + .08 .018 o .Og .37 -I? i Canis Min 1931 + 27 5948-65 72.9 6.907 .508 + .12 -.090+ I .04 .l8 .08 1932 -32 028.94 79-8 -6.825- .311 + -03 + .008 o .12 -54 .20 163 G Canis Maj 1933 -29 54I-5 8 82.7 -6.843- -321 + .03 + .007 o .12 .67 .22 1934 -29 628.75 73-4 6.864 .322 + -03 + .004 o .06 .27 .12 1935 16 o 17.85 77-6 -6.879- -368 + .05 .010 o .13 .60 .23 165 G Canis Maj 1936 + 9 28 24.06 58.6 6.890 .446 + .08 .019 o .13 .47 .28 1937 + 68 40 12. 20 76.4 -6.940- .857 + -44 .044 o .04 .24 .09 1938 - 13 33 18.01 96.9 -6.896- .372 + .05 + .005+ 2 .15 I.IO .21 169 G Canis Maj 1939 -31 3644.42 77-3 -6.924- .311 + -03 + .006 o .12 .55 .22 171 G Canis Maj 1940 + 21 44 7.64 71.8 -6.975- .480 + .10 -.042+ 3 .16 .65 .30 1941 + 20 27 26.21 68.9 -6.966- .481 + .10 .024 o .12 .43 .21 61 Geminorum 1942 -25 i 10.83 88.2 -6.951- .337 + .04 + .OIO O .13 .87 .23 1 73 G Canis Maj 1943 + 48 23 14.03 60.6 7.030 .610 + .19 - .058 o .14 .47 - 2 7 /3 758. 10*? 17" 91 1944 + 8 29 27.19 75-7 -7.041- .441 + .08 - .043 o .03 .18 .07 1945 + 21 3859.25 58-2 -7.127- .484 + .10 .122 .O? .29 .I? 63 Geminorum 1946 -31 32 23.08 76.1 -7.005- .312 + .03 + .005 o .12 .53 .22 174 G Canis Maj 1947 -86 52 11.36 82.4 -7.015 + 2.709 + .007 o .05 .49 -U 7 G Octantis 1948 + 49 52 44.70 54-3 -7.134- .622 + .20 -.085- 2 .IO .31 .20 22 Lyncis 1949 -58 17 52.09 84.0 6.921 .136 + .02 +.135+ 2 .15 .67 .23 4-5 G Carinae /i' M // .G 1950 + 78 44.72 78.8 -7.119- .437 + .08 - -045 .10 .37 .15 ft 21. II 4 26 1912 901. i2 M n"8. 8o PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, a 10 M h m s s s s s a i, a iQSi Paris 9166 5-8 7 22 40.596 94-2 + 2.6737 + .0002 .000 .0005 o .11 .94 .19 IQ52 p Geminorum 4-3 22 40.818 81.0 + 3.8649 .0124 -.015 + .0117+ I .05 .30 .10 1953 y Canis Min 4-5 22 43-IIO 77-o + 3.2689 .0044 -.005 - .0043 o .10 .54 .21 I9S4 Paris 9170 5-7 22 45.068 95-9 + 2. 5448 + .0007 .000 + .OO02 O .12 I.O4 .19 1955 L 2810 6.2 22 59.370. 84.2 + 2.228O+.OOII .000 - -0033 o .15 .84 .26 1956 Br 1080 5-2 23 6.703 63-7 + 3-7434- -oiio .012 .0024 o .14 .52 .28 1957 Pi 116 m 6.1 23 9-S96 79-8 + 2.8210 .0006 .001 .0005 o .08 .45 .16 1958 Lai 14578 5-9 23 27-853 98.0 + 2.5522 + .0007 .OOO + .OOII O .15 I. II .20 1959 Br 1082 5-i 23 35-600 69.8 + 3-7375- -ono .OI2 .0021 o .11 .42 .20 1960 L 2829 5-2 23 47-9M 83-5 + 1.5405 .0018 .OO2 .0006 o .14 .60 .21 1961 Pi 122 5-7 24 0.955 83.6 + 2.3804+. ooi i .OOO .0017 o .14 .57 .20 1962 Br 1085 4.9 24 13.847 71.2 +3.3425-. 0054 .OO6 + .0002 o .09 .27 .14 1963 BD-i 1738 6.0 24 I5-34I 96.7 + 3.0360 .0022 -.003 + .0007 o .12 1. 12 .19 1964 Pi 120 6.2 24 34-153 77-8 + 2.9158 .OOIO .OOI + .0042+ I .l8 .72 .29 1965 Dpt 887 6.2 24 48.810 89-9 + 2.7306- .0005 .OOI .0129 2 .12 .62 .17 1966 L 2821 7.0 25 0.701 82.3 + 2. 3046+. OOI I .000 .0002 o .13 .78 .25 1967 L 2823 6.1 25 13.269 81.8 + 2.3i46+.oon .000 .0022 o 13 -75 -25 1968 SD-22 1897 4-9 25 36-542 96-3 + 2. 5497 + .0007 .000 + .0008 o .13 1.23 .21 1969 L 2832 5-7 25 38.003 85-9 + 2. 0783 + .O009 .000 .0006 o .14 .72 .22 1970 U Monocerotis Var. 26 I.27O 95-7 + 2.8603 .0009 .001 - .0025 o .13 I.O2 .19 1971 Pulk M 1217 5-7 26 2.483 92-5 + 3.4622 .0071 -.008 + .0026 o .11 .68 .16 1972 o- Puppis 2-9 26 3.528 76-3 + 1.903 1 + .0008 .000 .0058+ 2 .10 .48 .19 1973 L 2 8 34 4.8 26 49-3 01 80.9 + 2. 3309 +.001 1 .000 .0027 o .12 .70 .24 1974 Br 1088 5-3 26 54-316 68.0 + 3.1182 .0031 -.003 .0002 o .14 .56 .27 1975 Br 1089 7.0 27 42.650 68.2 + 3- 4242 -.0067 .006 .0002 o .14 .66 .31 1976 L 2850 6.9 27 s^a 83-4 + I.5747-. 00l6 .002 + .0006 o .15 .94 .29 1977 Br 1091 5-3 27 54.099 71.1 + 3.4277 .0068 .006 .OOIO .07 .38 .16 1978 Br 1092 5-8 27 57-145 85.8 + 3- I 477--oo34 -.003 .0005 o .13 .42 .16 1979 a Geminorum m 28 13.079 71.1 + 3.8361 .0137 .014 -0135- I 1980 Groomb 1330 6.2 28 38.718 90.9 + 4. 9047 -.0402 .046 .0009 I .14 .56 .17 1981 Br 1090 m S.6 28 47.547 79-6 + 3.8186- .0131 -.013 .0025 o .11 .40 .17 1982 SD 19 1944 6.0 28 55.222 98.9 + 2. 6438 +.0002 .000 + .0022 .l6 1.24 .22 1983 L 2844 6.0 28 58.918 86.1 + 2. 5078+. 0008 .000 .0009 o .15 i.oo .28 1984 Br 1095 6.0 29 i.ioo 81.0 + 3-I493-. 0035 -.003 .0006 o .13 .38 .17 1985 Pulk M 1226 5-2 29 12.348 90.9 + 2. 7563-. 0003 .OOI .0007 o .13 .69 .18 1986 Radcl 1986 5-9 29 16.193 86.7 + 4.3698- .0254 .027 .OOOg I .12 .56 .18 1987 v Geminorum 4-2 29 45-691 66.0 + 3. 7029- .0114 .on .OO2O I .O? .33 .16 1988 Lai 14810 4.6 29 46.320 92.1 + 2. 5665 + .OOO6 .000 .0048 o .09 .98 .20 1989 Pi 147 5-8 30 5-050 78.7 + 2.5349+. 0007 .000 .0069 o .IO .56 .20 1990 Pi 149 6.2 30 5.672 83-3 + 2.5327 + .0007 .000 .0091 o .11 .62 .20 1991 L 2860 5-7 30 13-9*5 85-5 + 2. 1694+. OOIO .000 .0022 o .12 .68 .20 1992 Pi i54 6.9 30 21.651 82.0 + 2.4725 + .0009 + .OOI .0007 o .13 .69 .23 1993 e Mensae 5-5 31 8.213 86.3 -3-2i35-- l8 i6 -.003 - -0143 .14 .72 .22 1994 Pi 163 4.6 31 22.025 84.2 + 2.4082 + . ooio + .OOI -.0052 o .14 .68 .22 1995 Br 1086 7-5 31 22.460 70-7 +5. 1874- .0510 -057 .0002 o .15 .44 .23 1996 Cape. w 1263 5-7 3* 28.055 90.0 + 2. 7583-. 0003 .000 .0008 o .12 .68 .18 1997 Br 1097 5-9 31 59.116 7i-3 + 3-9457- - 01 6i -.015 + .0032 o .09 .28 .15 1998 Paris 9396 5-8 32 I7-34I 97-9 + 2. 6365 + .OOO4 .000 .0009 o .l6 1. 12 .21 1999 Br 1102 5-2 32 18.380 87.8 + 2.9841 .OO20 .002 .0047 o .05 .51 .12 2000 Br 1093 6.4 7 3 2 33-331 76.4 + 4.9866 .0448 .048 .0008 o .09 .40 .17 S78. IO M 2'.'3 46. 1957 S 1097. 20" 313; II M 23" 157; I2 M 32" 43. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 8l No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t HI' and ioo A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo(i' 810 Remarks. 1951 t II -17 3948.15 92.0 // // 7.080 .362 + .05 a .004 o n it n .12 1.08 .23 i76GCanisMaj* 1952 -f 3 1 59 o-42 72.5 - 6.893-. 526 + .12 + .l8 3 - 2 .06 .25 .11 1953 + 97 40.74 73-9 - 7. 07 1 -.442 + .08 + .008+ I .09 .40 .17 1954 -2253 4.38 94.8 - 7-075- -344 + .04 + .007 o .12 .94 .19 177 G Canis Maj 1955 -33 5622-46 73-o - 7. no-. 300 + .0 3 .008 o .14 .67 .28 91 G Puppis 1956 + 28 19 27.46 62.5 - 7-I7I--5Q7 + .12 - .059 o .11 .47 .25 64 Geminorum b * 1957 II 21 14.18 74.8 - 7-ii6-.38i + .06 .001 o .08 .37 .15 f 33. 6*f3-8^2 o'.'g 169 * 1958 -22 39 21.57 97-9 - 7. 132-. 345 + .04 + .008 o .15 1.16 .21 92 G Puppis 1959 + 28 7 20.29 66.0 7.191 .506 + .12 .040 o .09 .39 .19 65 Geminorum b 2 * 1960 -5049 0.15 82.0 7.171 .207 + .O2 - .003 o .11 .50 .18 44 G Cannae 1961 -2857 7.03 79.0 - 7.178- .321 + .0 3 + .007 o .13 .51 .20 93 G Puppis 1962 + 12 12 48.34 71.1 7.222 .452 + .09 .019 o .09 .30 .15 6 Canis Min 1963 - i 4i S7-3 8 97.6 7.200 .410 + .0 7 + .005 o .11 I.I3 .l8 1964 - 7 20 54.55 78.2 - 7-!oi--394 + .06 + .130- I .14 .63 .24 1965 1447 8.28 79-4 - 7. 514-. 366 + .0 S .263+ 2 .11 .42 .I? Si 104. 8 M 3 2'.'3 332 1966 -313832.88 76.0 - 7. 276- .310 + .03 .009 o 13 -63 -25 7*2 fols.o 8 6o,N6'.'s 1967 -31 1459-09 75-Q - 7.288- .311 + .03 .004 o .12 .6l .24 96 G Puppis 1968 - 22 4 8 58.83 95-o - 7-3I3- -343 + .04 + .OO2 .14 I.I4 .22 97 G Puppis 1969 -38 36 19.62 83.1 - 7-3 9- - 2 79 + .0 3 + .008 o .13 .60 .21 98 G Puppis y 1970 - 934 3- lS 94.8 - 7-3S2-- 385 + .06 .002 o .12 .99 .19 Lai 14658 5?9 to 8l"o 1971 + 17 17 55.69 89.6 - 7. 43 1 -.467 + .10 - .081 o .11 .55 .16 1972 -43 556.18 73-5 - 7.I72-.254 4.0 3 + .180+ I .09 .39 .17 Dunlop. 8 M 22" 73 1973 -3045 7.14 74-4 - 7.410-. 312 + -03 + .004 o .11 .58 .23 100 G Puppis 1974 + 2 7 35.04 68.4 - 7.434- .419 + .0 7 -.013 o .11 .44 .21 7 Canis Min 8 1 1975 + 15 51 13.20 63-4 - 7 -493 --460 + .10 .007 o .12 .49 .26 67 Geminorum 1976 -502353.64 81.6 7.486 .210 + .02 + .OI2 O .13 .69 .24 102 G Puppis 1977 + 16 2 29.85 68.2 7.528 .460 + .10 -025 o .06 .30 .14 68 Geminorum 1978 + 3 30 12.42 77-2 - 7.472-. 422 + .08 + .034 o 12 -35 -I? 8 Canis Min S 2 1979 + 32 6 26.78 69.9 - 7-637- -513 + 13 .IIO+ 2 Castor. See Appendix. 1980 + 55 58 30.60 88.8 - 7.606- .659 + .26 .044 o .13 .45 .16 1981 + 31 10 41.08 76.4 - 7-575- -5" + 13 .OOI O .10 .37 .16 02 175. e^i-a 1 *? o'.'; 330 1982 19 ii 42.17 98.4 - 7-653- -354 + .0 S .069 o .18 1.47 .25 105 G Puppis 1983 - 24 29 44.83 78-5 - 7-583- -335 + .04 + .006 o .14 .91 .32 106 G Puppis 1984 + 3 35 19.01 76.1 7.605 .422 + .08 -.013 o .12 .34 .I? 9 Canis Min (8 3 ) 1985 -14 1827.59 87-3 7.620 .368 + .06 -.013 o .12 .67 .19 1986 +46 24 2.42 84.0 - 7-659- -586 + .19 .046 o .12 .52 .l8 1987 + 27 7 4.81 61.0 - 7.768 7 .495 + .12 .116 o .06 .26 .14 1988 22 4 48.14 89.2 - 7.608-. 342 + 05 +.045+ I .10 i.oo .23 108 G Puppis 1989 -23 15 20-35 78.2 - 7.680- .337 + .0 S .002 + I .09 .50 .18 1 in G Puppis w 1 * 1990 -2 3 I S 23.74 80.0 - 7.699-. 337 + -5 .020+ I .IO .51 .18 J 112 G Puppis w 2 * 1991 -36 7 15.30 74-8 7.700 .289 + -3 .010 o .13 -60 .25 115 G Puppis z, Z 1992 - 25 53 50-98 76.3 - 7.724- -330 + .0 5 - .023 o .12 -55 .22 114 G Puppis 1993 -7853 4-98 87.9 - 7-747 + .437 + -47 + .OI6+ 2 .11 .71 .19 1994 -28 853.96 76.7 - 7. 808 -.3 20 + .04 .026+ I .12 .51 .21 119 G Puppis p 1995 + 5947 21.07 61.1 - 7-773- -694 + 31 + .009 o .12 .30 .19 48 Camelopardi 1996 14 16 16.49 87.8 - 7.780- .367 + .06 + .OIO .12 .71 .20 122 G Puppis* 1997 + 35 16 21.05 72.8 7.814 .526 + 15 + .018 o 09 -33 -IS 70 Geminorum 1998 -192845.77 94-2 - 7-847- -350 + .0 5 + .009 o .16 i.oi .23 1999 - 3 53 iS-6i 83.0 - 7. 840-. 396 + .0 7 + .018+ I .06 .36 .12 25 Monocerotis 2OOO + 57 18 39.62 69.9 - 7. 895 -.665 + .2 7 .017 o .08 .29 .14 23 Lyncis 19590 "94- i2 M i3"289. 1989-00 South. 9" 109 199621120. 9^520" 36 82 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p. and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m s s s s s n n it 2OOI o Geminorum 5-i 7 32 38-375 66.1 + 3.9246 .0161 -.015 .0022 I .10 .38 .20 2O02 Abo 157 8.7 33 9-468 73-o + 3.1874 .0042 -.003 + .OOI2 O .IO .50 .21 2003 L 2902 4.9 33 "-292 86.7 + 1.4850 .0028 .002 + .0014 o .14 .80 .23 2004 L 2890 4-7 33 40.084 89.6 + 2.2I89+.OOI2 + .OOI .0029 o .10 .81 .20 2005 Br 1103 5-4 33 42.123 69.9 + 3.4688- .0079 -.007 + .0003 o .08 .36 .16 2OO6 Pi 156 5-8 33 49-205 72.0 + 4.4463 -.0292 .028 -.0053- 2 .15 .57 .26 2007 L 2904 6.0 33 55-9 J 3 86.3 + 1.6807 .OOIO .001 .OOIO O .20 1.28 .36 2008 aCanisMinc.g. 0.2 34 4-io8 70.6 + 3- 1 433--oo5S .004 .0466 6 2OO9 Pi 173 4-7 34 8.282 82.8 + 2.4964+. 0008 + .OOI .OOIO O .14 .64 .22 2OIO Br 1096 5-o 34 32-9 7 85-7 + 5.1016 .0502 -.052 -.0039- I .05 .32 .09 2OII Pi 175 4-5 34 43-454 81.9 + 2.4593 + .0010 + .OOI .0008 o .12 .68 .22 2OI2 Pi 177 4.6 34 43-974 82.2 + 2.4579+.OOIO + .001 .0022 o .12 .68 .22 2013 Br 1107 m 6.2 34 48.323 72.2 + 3.1886 .0042 -.003 .0007 o .10 .32 .15 2OI4 L 2903 6.0 35 6.459 88.4 + 2.I74I + .OOH + .OOI .0009 o .12 .78 .21 2015 L 2918 5-8 35 28.601 81.9 + 1.6956 .0009 .001 .0015 o .18 .98 .33 2Ol6 Capeso 1281 5-3 35 48.8o6 93-o + 2. 7429- .0003 .000 .0014 o .13 .78 .18 2017 L 2909 S-o 35 55-931 85.0 + 2.H37 + .OOIO .000 .0019 o .13 .72 .22 2018 L 2912 6.0 36 11-776 80.7 + 2.II98+.OOIO .000 .0021 o .l8 1.02 .35 2019 L 2913 6.0 36 16.150 86.0 + 2. 1159+. OOIO .000 .0020 o .13 .72 .22 2O2O Lai 14961 6.0 36 24.949 97-3 + 3-3855- -0069 -.005 .0010 .10 .81 .14 2O2I y Monocerotis 4.1 36 28.181 82.7 + 2.8671 .0013 .001 .0051 o .06 .42 .13 2O22 Br 1104 5-5 36 29.796 7i-3 + 4.5596- -0330 -.031 .0014 o .11 .44 .20 2023 a- Geminorum 4-3 37 3-798 69-3 + 3.7565- -0135 .on + .0053- 2 .09 .32 .15 2O24 Br 1098 6.2 37 6.727 73-4 + 5.7769- .0791 -.084 + .007 1 o .10 .'38 .17 2025 Br noo 6.8 37 24.382 66.9 + 5.4646 .0664 .067 .0047 I .10 .32 .17 2O26 L 2924 5-7 37 44.819 86.4 + 2. IO94+. OOIO .000 .0020 o .14 .70 .22 2O27 Pi 182 7-3 37 56-102 90-7 + 3.6238 .0110 .009 .0024 o .13 .52 .17 2028 Br 1109 5-6 38 0.977 69-3 + 3.6645-. 0117 .009 .0015 o .10 .39 .19 2O2Q K Geminorum 3-5 38 24.701 76.6 + 3.6280 .0111 .009 .0016 o .04 .21 .08 2030 Br 1116 6.0 38 40.424 84.1 + 2.4763 + .0009 + .00 1 .0007 o .11 .68 .21 2031 j8 Geminorum i.i 39 11.882 65-9 + 3.6776 .0128 .010 .0471+ I .02 .11 .05 2032 Br 1118 4-9 39 30-185 82.8 + 2.4225+.OOII + .00 1 .0005 o .14 .64 .22 2033 L 2939 5-8 39 32-370 80.0 + 2.I946+.OOII + .OOI .0030 o .14 .78 .27 2034 Pi 132 6.8 39 45-838 75-5 + 10.1346-. 4255 -.625 .1920+60 .06 .33 .13 2035 Br i i 20 4.1 39 47-63I 82.6 + 2.4o83 + .oon + .OOI .0002 o .08 .40 .14 2036 L 2950 5-i 39 5^466 86.0 + 1.8574- .0013 .000 .0068 7 .16 .92 .27 2037 Pulk M 1248 5-5 39 58.973 90.6 + 4.0126 .0192 .016 + .OO2I O .12 .70 .18 2038 L 2943 6.7 40 10.315 87-3 + 2.I253 + .OOIO .000 .0023 o .14 .69 .21 2039 L 2945 5-i 40 17.620 82.5 + 2. 042 7 + .0005 .000 + .OII2 2 .11 .56 .19 2O4O Br 1115 5-2 40 20. 1 2O 69.2 + 3.4785-. 0088 .006 .0048 o .07 .32 .15 2O4I L 2979 6.7 40 20.192 84.4 + I.IO22 .Oo8l -.005 .0032 o .18 .78 .27 2O42 L 2940 5-7 40 21.944 90-9 + 2. 52OI + .OOO8 + .OOI .0024 o .13 .72 .19 2043 L 2944 6.0 40 30.423 80.2 + 2.I9I6+.OOI2 + .00 1 - .0073 o 15 -75 -27 2044 L 2982 7-5 40 3 I - l6 4 84-5 + 1.1035 .0081 -.005 + .0004 o .18 .80 .27 2045 Br 1117 5-4 40 45.982 64-3 + 3.3063 .0061 .004 .0014 o .13 .48 .26 2046 Pi 204 7.0 4052.724 82.4 + 2.7603 .0004 .000 .0006 o .13 .81 .26 2047 Br ii2i 6-3 40 SS^S 8 73- + 2.7598 .0004 .000 .OOIO O .11 .50 .22 2048 L 2954 6.1 4i 0.530 81.9 + 2.I358 + .OOH .000 .0022 o 13 -75 -25 2049 TT Geminorum 5-4 41 3.610 85-1 + 3.8775- .0165 -.013 + .0003 o .05 .38 .11 2050 Pulks, 1253 6.0 7 4i 8.559 93-o + 2.9379- .0019 .001 + .0038- I .12 .66 .17 ' 318. 2018 limes. 9 M i'.'s 152 '. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. * |i' and too A|i' Prob. Errors. SEp. i oo (i' Sio Remarks. 2001 / // ^+34 48 49.22 68.0 // if 8.006 .522 + -i5 .122 O // a n .10 .59 .27 2002 + 5 18 0.85 75-o -7.997- .424 + .08 .071 o .09 .57 .22 2003 -52 1837.90 83.2 -7.949- .196 + -03 .021 o .11 .56 .19 50 G Carinae Q 20O4 -34 44 36.82 83.6 -7-953- - 2 93 + -04 + .014 o .11 .6l .20 127 G Puppis/ 2005 + 17 54 8.32- 61.1 7.968 .460 + .11 + .002 o .07 .27 .15 74 Geminorum / 2OO6 + 48 21 54.04 66.1 -8.113- -591 + .21 - -134+ I .13 .45 .24 2007 -48 36 18.85 78.1 7.982 .221 + -03 + .006 o .14 .69 .26 1306 Puppis (F 1 ) 2008 + 5 28 53.38 67.7 9.029 .409 + .08 1.030+ 6 Procyon. See Appendix 2009 -25 8 15.69 80.3 -8.013- -33 + .05 .008 o .13 .60 .22 128 G Puppis m 2OIO + 58 56 39-7 2 75-8 8.099 -678 + -31 .061 o .06 .22 .09 24 Lyncis 201 1 26 34 26.62 75-8 -8.028- .325 + .04 + .024 o .11 .54 .22 133 G Puppis* 1 ! 2OI2 -263434-88 75-2 -8.038- .324 + .04 + .014 o .11 .51 .21 133 G Puppis k*\ 2013 + 5 27 40.45 68.4 8.087 -422 + .08 .029 o .09 .29 .15 Siu6. jfo-jfi i" 144 slow 2014 36 16 6.62 82.6 -8.091- .286 + .04 .009 o .12 .56 .19 138 G Puppis 2015 -48 22 23.38 79.1 8.113 -222 + .03 .001 o .14 .73 .27 142 G Puppis ( F 3 ) 20l6 "IS I 55-30 86.8 -8.159- -3 62 + .06 .020 o .12 .65 .19 140 G Puppis 2017 -38 441.64 79-8 8.154 .278 + -03 .006 o .11 -51 .19 143 G Puppis d l 20l8 -37 543 2 -54 82.1 -8.172 .278 + .03 .002 o .13 .63 .22 144 G Puppis d 2 * 2019 -38 i 47.82 80.7 -8.178- .278 + .03 - .003 o .11 .54 .19 145 G Puppis d* 2O2O + 14 26 32.50 96.0 8.181 .447 + -II + .006 o .11 .80 .16 2021 - 9 19 4.19 77.6 -8.215- -377 + .O? .024+ I .06 .32 .12 Br mo 26 F and o Mon. 2022 + 50 40 13.21 65.8 -8.236- .603 + .23 .042 o .09 .34 .18 2023 + 29 732.22. 65.6 8.476 .496 + .14 - -237- 1 .08 .32 .l6 2024 + 65 41 40.31 67.2 -8.231- .765 + -42 + .012 I .09 .27 .14 51 Camelopardi 2025 + 63 4 i8.ii 63.6 -8.328- .722 + -37 .062+ I .09 .33 .18 49 Camelopardi 2O26 -38 17 59.24 81.3 8.289- - 2 7 6 + -03 + .004 o 13 -55 -20 150 G Puppis 2027 + 24 28 53.89 83-5 -8.334- .477 + - X 3 .026 o .12 .42 .l6 2028 + 26 i 19.99 63.0 -8.342- .482 + I 3 .027 o .10 .40 .21 76 Geminorum c 2029 + 24 38 16.07 69.8 -8.408- .477 + I 3 .062 o .04 .18 .08 02 179. 9 M 7" 236 2030 -26 648.87 82.6 -8.394- .324 + -05 .027 o .11 .57 .19 154 G Puppis 2031 + 28 16 4.01 63.9 -8.466- .477 + .14 - .058 +6 .02 .11 .06 Pollux 2032 28 10 23.27 78.8 -8.421- .317 + .04 + .012 o 13 -57 -22 155 G Puppis 2033 -35 4844-19 72.6 8.444 .286 + .04 .008 o H -75 -3i 156 G Puppis 2034 + 80 30 58.59 74.2 -8.392-1.312 + 1.78 + .062 + 25 07 -35 - J 4 Groomb 1339 2035 -28 42 56.63 81.6 8.466- .314 + .04 .010 o .08 .44 .15 157 G Puppis / (T) 2036 -4455 9.87 78.8 9.029 .241 + -3 - .568+ I .12 .59 .22 159 G Puppis 2037 + 37 45 34-45 88.6 -8.454- .527 + - J 7 + .017 o .12 .60 .l8 2038 -37 57 45-94 81.7 -8.493- -277 + -03 .007 o .12 .56 .20 1 60 G Puppis 2039 40 41 21.61 82.8 -8.685- .268 + -03 - .189- 2 .10 .51 .17 162 G Puppis (W) 2040 + 1845 14.27 65.0 -8.568- .455 + -12 .069+ I .06 .26 .13 8 1 Geminorum g 2041 -58 23 35.15 84-4 8.504 .142 + -03 .005 o .15 .69 .23 55 G Carinae 2O42 - 24 26 0.73 85.0 -8.489- .329 + .05 + .012 o .12 .69 .21 161 G Puppis 2043 -35 49 28.12 73-6 -8.450- .285 + .04 + .062+ I IS -75 -3 1 164 G Puppis 2044 -5825 53.80 79-8 8.524 .142 + -03 .Oil O .13 .6l .22 h 4000. ii i'/s 236 2045 + 11 043.40 64.9 -8.550- .432 + .10 .017 o .12 .45 .24 1 1 Canis Min 2046 14 26 36.29 79-7 -8.576- .360 + .06 - -034 o .11 .6l .22 1*1138. 17" 339 2047 -14 26 51.92 68.3 -8.576- .360 + .06 - -034 o .10 .36 .18 J2 Puppis 2048 -3742 6.78 81.2 -8.552- .278 + -03 .000 o .12 .59 .21 174 G Puppis 2049 + 33 39 40.03 78-4 -8.596- .507 + -IS .040 o .06 .28 ,IO 21135. ii 22" 212 2050 - 6 31 36.29 91.8 -8.657- -384 + .08 - .094 o .11 .73 .I? PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R, A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3*1 H and 100 A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo(i aio M h m 8 s s s s n /f it 2051 Br 1122 5-2 7 41 20.581 75-1 + 2.7628 .0004 .000 .0012 o .08 .39 .16 2052 L 2958 3-2 4i 4I-503 80.9 + 2.I365 + .OOH + .00 1 .0021 o .10 .45 .16 2053 L 2957 5-5 41 S 1 ^ 2 ! 91.2 + 2. 2387 + .0040 + .OOI .0205+14 .12 .86 .20 2054 Br 1119 6-5 42 34.926 60.4 + 3-5925- -0109 .008 .0009 o .13 .46 .27 2055 Abo 161 6.1 42 54.682 85-4 + 2.5785 + .0006 + .OOI .0007 o .12 .75 .22 2056 Volantis 3-8 43 3-078 79-o 0.7121 .0614 .029 + .O02O O .10 .64 .22 2057 Pi 199 6-3 43 13.211 69-3 + 4-7493- -0418 -.036 -.0023+ I 13 -52 -25 2058 Br 1124 S* 6.0 43 iS-733 7-5 + 2.8104 .0008 .000 .0074 o .12 .48 .22 2059 5 Puppis Var. 43 49.760 81.2 + 1.7416 .0007 .001 .0025 o .16 i.oo .33 2060 L 2991 5-3 43 52-670 88.3 + 2.I258+.OOII + .OOI + .OOII O .15 .75 .22 2061 o Puppis 4-7 43 55-765 81.4 + 2.4935 + .0009 + .OOI .0009 o .09 .62 .20 2062 L 3 oo3 5-4 44 30.208 84.4 + 1.8118 .0003 .000 .0023 o .18 1.04 .32 2063 L 2995 7-i 44 47-693 88.5 + 2-3397 + -ooi2 + .OOI .0016 o .14 .84 .23 2064 Br 1130 5-5 44 49-674 75-o + 2. 5190+. OOO8 + .OOI .0028 o .11 .57 .23 2065 Puppis 3-4 45 5-3 1 ? 78.3 + 2. 5229+. OOO8 + .OOI - .0005 o .04 .22 .09 2066 Br 1129 5-7 45 10.176 64-7 + 2.7104 .OOO2 .000 + .0038- I .12 .44 .23 2067 1.3017 4-7 45 21.617 89-7 + 1.7866 .OOO7 .000 .0092 2 .l8 I.O2 .27 2068 Pi 228 6.0 45 22.294 82.6 + 2.8849 .OOI4 .001 + .0008 o .15 .75 .26 2069 L 3006 5-9 45 46.259 94-2 + 2.2899 + .ooi3 + .OOI .0042 o .16 1.18 .25 2070 L 3022 4-2 46 11.492 77-4 + 1.8280 .0001 .000 .OOI I O .12 .62 .23 2071 Canis Min 5-2 46 30.814 87.0 + 3. 1129- .0038 .002 .0016 o .12 .39 .15 2072 L 3046 5-6 46 57-8i5 86.2 + 1.2898-. 0058 .004 .0025 o .18 .86 .27 2073 Br 1133 6.8 47 -3 I 3 73-i + 2.8070 .0008 .000 + .0006 o .16 .52 .25 2074 Br 1127 7-4 47 4-7 l8 73-8 + 3.5689 .0110 .007 + .OOOI O .12 .54 .23 2075 Br 1134 m 5-5 47 8.465 77-5 + 2.7789 .0010 .000 .OO4I 2 .06 .27 .10 2076 Br 1125 6-5 47 12.930 72.0 +4-3790- .0313 -.023 .0017 o .10 .33 .16 2077 Paris 9649 6.0 47 21.714 94-3 + 2. 6l22 + .OOO4 .000 - .0043 o .13 .75 .18 2078 Geminorum 5-i 47 22.692 73-o + 3.6784- .0133 .009 .0022 o .05 .21 .09 2079 Br 1126 5-8 47 25.928 83.1 + 4.3842 -.03 1 6 -.023 .0042 o .06 .24 .09 2080 L 3060 6.0 47 33-73 2 90.4 +0.9946 .0100 .007 .0104+ 3 .18 .92 .26 2081 L 3043 6.0 47 40.720 93-7 + 1.6327 .0019 .001 .0067 I .16 .99 .23 2082 Br 1136 5-9 47 42-761 67.8 + 2.7617 .0005 .000 .0005 o 13 -57 -27 2083 Pi 242 5-9 47 5 I - 6 3 78.4 + 2.9630 .0022 .001 .0016 o .16 .70 .28 2084 Groomb 1374 5-7 48 13.889 81.5 + 7.2722 .1848 -.167 .OO2O 2 .04 .34 .11 2085 Br 1123 6.9 48 20.589 59-7 + 4.8898- .0496 -.038 + .0014 I 1.3 -39 -23 2086 L 303S 5-i 48 31-593 82.4 + 2. 2399+. 0017 + .OOI .0164+ 2 .13 .78 .25 2087 n Piipii>iflC3<+4 3-6 48 46.772 85-7 + 2.O620+. OOO9 .000 .0016 o .10 .60 .17 2088 Pi 187 5-4 49 4.386 73-9 + 9.6322-. 4073 .406 .0115 8 .07 .40 .16 2089 L 3049 4.6 49 6.307 79-3 + 2.I233 + .OOII + .OOI .0007 o .11 .50 .19 2090 L 3 os2 5-6 49 22.903 89.8 + 2.2055 + .OOI3 + .OOI .OOI I O .14 .72 .20 2091 Br 1137 5-5 49 49.812 66.3 + 3.5067 .0102 -.006 .0007 o .11 .39 .20 2092 Pi 249 6.0 So 5-539 65-5 + 3.2621 .0061 .004 .0007 o .15 .68 .34 2093 L 3074 6.0 So 6.573 86.3 + 1.4335-. 0041 -.003 .OOI I O .20 .81 .27 2094 L 3069 4.8 50 14.607 82.8 + 1.6909 .0012 .001 .0014 o .16 I. II .34 2095 L 3068 4-3 50 21.876 79-2 + 1.7639- .0007 .000 .0002 o .11 .57 .21 2096 L 3S9 5-6 50 28.584 84.4 + 2.2236+.OOI2 + .O02 .0005 o .15 .81 .26 2097 L 3063 6-3 50 54-302 88.4 + 2.2539 + .OOI2 + .OO2 .0028 o .12 .75 .20 2098 Br 1138 6.1 Si 18.833 67-4 + 3.4106 .0086 -.005 .0019 o .08 .34 .17 2099 Br 1141 4.4 52 33-557 80.2 + 2. 5786+. O007 + .00 1 .0029 o .07 .33 .12 2100 L 309? 5-6 7 52 48.917 84-3 + 1.2443 .0068 .004 .0118 o .14 .70 .23 2054 ft 1062. I3 M 4" 34" 2058 2 1146. 7*8 3" 13. 2060 Innes. IO M n" 86. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO So. Decl. i goo Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and ioo AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 2051 01 ft 14 19 14.46 76-5 // // -8.576- .360 + .06 + .003 o .08 .37 .15 4 Puppis, also 167 G 2052 -37 43 33-4 75-8 8.614 - 2 77 + .04 .008 .09 .39 .16 175 G Puppis c 2053 -33 S83 2 -S6 87.8 -6.928- .288 + .04 + 1.691 + 3 .12 .80 .22 171 G Puppis 2054 + 23 23 17.62 55-8 -8.691- .468 + -13 - -015 .11 .42 .25 82 Geminorum * 2055 22 16 24.42 83-4 -8.700- .335 + .06 + .002 .12 .87 .26 178 G Puppis 2056 -72 21 57.23 82.2 -8.711+ .097 + .14 + .002 o .IO .69 .21 Dunlop. IO M 17" 115 2057 + 54 22 43.25 6i-3 8.679 -619 + .27 + .048 o .12 .43 .24 2058 -II 5649.63 69.0 8.669 -364 + .07 + .061+1 .09 .43 .20 5 Puppis * 2059 -47 Si 57-oi 78.9 8.762 .224 + -03 + .012 o .12 .77 .27 L 2999. 72 to 9"" 2060 -38 15 49.17 80.7 -8.788- .275 + .04 .010 o 13 -53 -20 185 G Puppis * 2061 -25 41 20.13 79.2 -8.789- -323 + -05 .007 o .IO .50 .18 2062 -46 21 37.00 80.8 -8.835- -233 + -03 .007 o .15 .8l .28 187 G Puppis 2063 -31 22 4.88 82.2 -8.838- .302 + .04 + .012 o .12 .6l .21 2064 -243943.72 70.2 -8.833- -325 + -05 + .020 o .11 ,6l .27 1 88 G Puppis 2065 -243631.33 79-3 -8.872- .326 + -05 + .001 o .05 .24 .09 1063. 14" 5" 190 2066 -1658 24.91 69.0 -8.994- .351 + .06 .114 o .11 .41 .20 6 Puppis 2067 -464931.06 80.8 -8.981- .228 + -03 - .086+1 .14 .60 .22 196 G Puppis Q 2068 - 8 55 52.09 79-9 -8.889- -373 + -07 + .007 o .12 .55 .20 2069 -33 2 i 2 -74 90.2 -8.909- .295 + .04 + .018 o .15 i.io .26 197 G Puppis 2070 -46 7 16.85 75-3 -8.969- .234 + -03 .009 o .IO .51 .20 199 G Puppis P 2071 + 2 i 19.56 79-8 8.991 .402 + .09 .006 o " -33 -15 2072 -56 928.04 82.8 -9.013- .164 + -03 + .007 o .14 .71 .24 60 G Carinas 2073 -12 33 49.02 75-7 -9.045- .362 + .07 .022 O .12 .64 .25 8 Puppis 2074 + 22 35 29.65 69.8 -9-053- -461 + -13 .024 o .12 .46 .22 84 Geminorum 2075 -1337 57-6o 75-3 -9-373- -357 + .07 - -339 o .06 .26 .11 9 Puppis * 2076 + 47 3 8 41-23 68.4 9.044- .566 + -23 .004 o 09 -33 .16 25 Lyncis 2077 -2055 6.84 92.6 -9.041- .335 + .06 + .010+1 .13 .77 .19 2078 + 27 i 28.75 66.0 -9.090- .474 + .14 - -37 o .05 .23 .11 2079 + 47 49 26.10 76.4 -9.065- .566 + -23 .008 o .06 .23 .IO 26 Lyncis 2080 60 2 3.11 85.6 8.912 .124 + -03 + -155+1 .14 .65 .21 6 1 G Cannae 2081 50 15 11.62 89.6 9.125 .208 + -03 .049+1 .13 .69 .19 208 G Puppis 2082 -1435 21.34 69-3 -9.096- .355 + .06 .017 o .12 .42 .21 10 Puppis 2083 5 10 10.63 77-o 9.109 .381 + .08 .019 o -13 -65 -25 2084 + 74 ii 6.52 78.9 -9.152- .940 + -83 - -033 o .05 .30 .10 2085 + 5646 2.65 56.8 -9.153- .631 + -31 - .025 o .11 .36 .22 52 Camelopardi 2086 -34 27 14.01 73-2 -8.885- -285 + .04 + -257+2 .12 .65 .27 212 G Puppis * 2087 -40 19 4.47 80.8 -9.170- .263 + -03 .008 o .09 .47 .16 2088 + 79 45 10.84 65-5 9.245-1.243 + 1-65 .060+2 .08 .36 .18 Groomb 1368 2089 -38 36 14.12 73-6 9.201 .271 + -04 .014 o .11 .42 .19 214 G Puppis b * 2090 36 6 14.95 82.4 9.221 .282 + .04 .012 o .12 .54 .19 215 G Puppis 2091 + 20 8 52.97 63.0 -9.290- .450 + -13 .046 o .IO .38 .20 85 Geminorum 2092 + 97 42-33 64.0 9.351- .418 + .11 .087 o -13 -63 -32 2093 -54 627.21 88.8 -9.281 .181 + -03 .016 o .16 .85 .24 62 G Carinae 2094 -49 21 10.36 78-3 9.270 .214 + .04 + .006 o 13 -75 -27 216 G Puppis 2095 -47 503I-74 79-6 -9.303- .224 + -04 .018 o .09 .51 .18 218 G Puppis J (R) 2096 -353655-65 764 -9.331- .283 + .05 - -037 o IS -75 -29 217 G Puppis 2097 -3435 0.32 80.4 -9.363- .286 + -05 - .036 o .14 .67 .24 220 G Puppis 2098 + 16 3 26.68 66.9 -9.407- .436 + .12 .049 o .07 .34 .16 i Cancri 2099 -22 3647.46 81.0 -9.447- .327 + .06 + .008 o .08 .33 .12 ii Puppis (e) (j) 2IOO 57 2 17.66 83-2 -9.452- .154 + -03 + .022 + 2 .11 .59 .19 64 G Carinae 2075 /3 ioi. 6*0-6$ < 1 "> binary, 23 yrs. . 2086 Howe. 8 M 3" 28i c 2089 Lowell. n M n"82 86 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t (i and 100 A n Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 )i a 10 h m s 5 S s s 1, n 2IOI Groomb 1385 6.0 7 52 57.864 80.8 + 5-0595- -0589 .041 + .0028 o .12 .48 .18 2IO2 L3 9 ii 8.1 53 1-56- 73-3 44.246- 16.886 -043- + 3 5 -3 2 -13 2103 Groomb 1359 6-5 53 1-67- 78.6 + 14.961- 1.260 .004- 15 .06 .32 .11 2104 Br 1139 5-5 53 9-570 68.1 + 3.1129 .0041 .001 .0106 o .11 .38 .20 2105 Br 1135 6-3 53 10.088 83-9 + 5.1587-. 0638 -045 .0019 o .06 .42 .13 2106 Groomb 1386 6.2 53 33-i82 76.8 + 5.4162 .0762 -053 .0005 I .11 .42 .18 2107 Pi 251 7-i 53 3 8 -322 74.8 + 5.2176 .0664 .046 + .OOII+ I .13 .48 .22 2108 L 3 o8i 4.9 53 40-934 80. i + 2.3QII + .OOI3 + .OO2 .0008 o .IO .62 .21 2IOQ L 3 o8 7 5-6 53 41-164 92.1 + 1.9682 + .0007 + .OOI + .0009 o .20 I.I7 .29 2110 L 3089 5-2 54 4-069 83.7 + 1.9443 + .0006 + .OOI .0003 o .l6 .72 .25 2III X Cannae 3-5 54 I4-I97 72.0 + 1.5270 .0030 .OO2 - -0037 o .09 .36 .l6 2112 Groomb 1392 6.8 54 27.254 74-0 +4.9152-. 0541 -.036 .0023- I .13 .44 .20 2113 L 3"3 5-7 54 37-342 89.4 + I.OI74 .OII2 -.007 .0024 o .18 1.06 .28 2114 L 3099 5-i 5443-I70 85-2 + I.8844+.OOO2 + .OOI .0028 o .l8 I.O2 .31 2115 Br 1145 5-i 54 44-423 83.6 + 2.9992 .0028 .001 - -0033 o .08 .48 .15 2116 Br 1150 5-4 5448.412 82.2 + 2.5736 +.0007 + .OOI .0002 o .11 .54 .18 2117 Br 1140 6.2 54 52-877 79.1 + 3.6366- .0133 -.008 + .OOIO .08 .36 .14 2118 Br 1143 5-9 55 3-530 65-1 + 3.4435 -.0094 -.005 .0001 o .09 .45 .22 2119 V Puppis Var. 55 21.906 84-4 + 1.7240 .0011 .001 .0029 o .18 .84 .28 2I2O Cape< 3 2 4-7 55 23-163 85-1 + 2.6886 .0000 + .OOI -T-.OOO6 .11 .54 .l8 2121 Br 1144 6.6 55 41-934 75-7 + 3.6260 .0132 .007 .0009 o .12 .48 .21 2122 Br 1146 6.1 55 48-353 68.1 + 3-4243- 9 I .004 + .0004 o .10 .52 .24 2123 L 3122 5-8 55 56-069 9-5 + 1.1116 .0092 -.007 + .0670+ 8 .l8 .99 .26 2124 Pulk H 1290 5-8 55 56-592 94-7 + 3. 1763-. 0051 .002 .0015 o .14 .72 .18 2125 L3 I0 3 5-3 55 56.608 86.6 + 2.ii69+.oon + .OOI .0080 i .15 .78 .24 2126 Br 1151 4-9 56 8.109 71.2 + 3-0533- -0034 .001 + .0037 o .12 .45 .21 2127 L 3112 6-5 56 22.962 86.9 + 1.6935-. 0014 .001 .0016 o .20 .8l .27 2128 Ta X 3359 6.8 S 6 24.131 87.9 + 1.6937-. 0013 .001 .0017 o .20 .84 .27 2I2Q Pi 269 7-3 57 0.058 72.8 + 4.93 2 7 -.0566 -035 .0098 I .15 .51 .24 2130 Br 1153 4.6 57 3-794 68.8 + 3. 1229- .0043 .002 .0026+ I .10 .39 .19 2131 X Geminorum 5-2 57 22.656 77.8 + 3.6922 .0150 -.008 -.0015 o .03 .21 .07 2132 L 3140 5-i 57 54-973 82.7 + 1.0297 .0113 -.007 .0020 o .16 .8l .28 2133 Br 1152 7.2 57 56-305 75-9 + 3-5479- - 0118 .006 .0028 o .13 .50 .21 2134 L 3 n8 6.0 57 57-941 87.0 + 2. 1924+. OOI4 + .OO2 - .0032 o .14 .87 .24 2I3S Groomb 1119 7-3 58 2.65- 75-4 + 65.491 32.886- -.035-+22I .04 .l8 .07 2136 L 3i54 5-o 59 4-2i6 84-4 + 0.7648- .0175 .012 .0019 o .18 .78 .27 2137 Brisb 1872 5-8 59 18.458 86.2 + 2.o6i9+.oon + .OOI .0015 o .l6 .90 .27 2138 Br 1156 5-2 59 30-296 72.3 + 3 -3463 -.0082 .004 --.OO22 O .09 .32 .15 2139 Groomb 1400 6.8 7 59 58.664 72-4 + 6.2878-. 1312 -.078 + 0335 o .11 .57 .24 2140 Abo 164 7.0 8 o 1.576 75-7 + 2.7105 .0001 + .OO1 + .0605 o .13 .64 .26 2141 Puppis 2.0 o 4.189 76-4 + 2. 1079+. 0013 + .00 1 .0030 o .07 .30 .12 2142 Br 1155 6-5 14-347 67.4 + 4.1722 .0287 .016 + .0004 o .14 .50 .25 2143 L 3131 5-4 o 22.316 85.8 + 2.3394+. 0015 + .OO2 + ,0007 o .15 .87 .26 2144 Br 1157 6.4 o 22.873 63-7 + 3-5599- -0124 .OO6 .0014 o .11 .42 .22 2145 Br 1154 4.9 o 56.252 85-3 + 4.5336- -0417 -.023 .0058 o .04 .26 .08 2146 /* Cancri 5-5 i 52-833 69.9 +3-5365- - OI2 o .006 + .0018 o .09 .38 .17 2147 L 3162 5-6 2 28.178 90.2 + 1.5572-. 0030 .OO2 + .0013 o .20 I.O4 .28 2148 Br 1159 6.7 2 3I.20O 62.4 + 4.1355- .0282 -.015 + .OOII I 15 -57 -3 1 2149 Br 1162 7-2 2 42.666 77-7 + 3.6767-. 0153 -.008 .0009 o .11 .34 .16 2150 Br 1148 5-6 8 2 51.896 71.4 + 6.0305 -.1199 -.065 + .0008 o .06 .28 .12 2109 7 M fols. , N 64'' 2H9 Var. 4*4 to $ M 2. 9 39" 40; IO M 7" ; II M 19" 50 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 87 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i'andiooA(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 2IOI / // + 59 19 7-78 81.2 // // 9.462 .646 // + 35 m + .024 o it n a .10 .39 .15 2IO2 -883424.83 75-6 9.481 + 5.690 + .009+ 6 .05 .29 .11 A Octantis 2103 + 84 20 49.77 84-3 - 9-5I9-I-9I6 -.028+ i .07 .39 .12 2IO4 + 2 29 29.11 61.9 - 9.406- .394 + .09 + .095+ i .11 .42 .23 14 Canis Min 2105 + 6035 52.34 75-i - 9.524- .658 + 37 .022 o .07 .26 .11 53 Camelopardi 2IO6 + 63 21 53.78 71.1 - 9.552- .691 + .41 .021 o .10 .30 .15 South 8 M 47" 82 2IO7 + 61 16 1.18 72-3 - 9.500- .665 + .38 + .038 o .11 .42 . .19 2108 -3 355-77 75-2 - 9-533- -302 + 05 + .008 o .10 .44 .18 225 G Puppis 2IOQ -43 13 55-63 91.0 - 9.525- .248 + .04 + .016 o .16 1.05 .26 227 G Puppis * 2IIO 43 50 26.86 79-9 - 9.565- .245 + .04 + .006 o .13 .58 .22 228 G Puppis AT 2III -52 42 50.64 75-o - 9-567- -191 + -03 + .017 o 08 .35 .14 2112 + 5733 1-61 70-9 - 9.673- .625 + 33 - -073 o .10 .33 .16 54 Camelopardi 2113 -60 15 28.85 82.4 9.614 .126 + -03 .001 o .14 .67 .23 66 G Cannae 2114 45 18 28.46 79-4 9.610 .236 + .04 + .OII O IS -73 -27 231 G Puppis O 2115 - 3 24 25.04 76.1 - 9.621- .379 + .09 + .OOI O .08 .37 .15 27 Monocerotis 2116 -23 2 18.99 81.9 - 9-637- -325 + .06 .009 o .12 .51 .19, 12 Puppis 2117 + 253959-76 76.1 - 9-634- -461 + .14 .001 o 07 -33 -!3 2 Cancri u> l (o>) 2118 + 17 3457-73 58-9 - 9.662- .436 + .14 -.015 o .08 .31 .18 3 Cancri 2IIQ 48 58 25.09 80. i 9.676 .216 + .04 .006 o .14 .64 .24 1^31052336 Puppis* 2I2O 18 7 29.17 78-3 - 9.717- .339 + .07 - -045 o .11 .57 .21 232 G Puppis 2121 + 25 21 53.09 74-o 9.684 .458 + -I5 + .OI2 O .12 .44 .20 4 Cancri to 2 2122 + 1643 5 1 -? 2 65.0 - 9-7I3- -433 + 13 .009 o .08 .40 .20 5 Cancri 2123 6O 2 5-22 84.0 - 9-594- -146 + .03 + .120- 8 .13 .59 .20 69 G Carinas 2124 + 59 J7-49 91.7 - 9.704- .401 + .ii + .OII O .13 .67 .18 2125 -39 i 20.43 82.2 - 9-753- -265 + .04 -.038+ I .12 .55 .19 234 G Puppis 2126 i 6 54.00 73-i 9.808- .386 + .09 - .079 o .09 .36 .l6 28 Monocerotis 2127 -4942 12.53 88.1 - 9.753- .211 + 04 -.005 o .16 .8l .24 236 G Puppis 1 2128 4942 i.io 91.2 - 9.738- .211 + .04 + .OI2 O .17 1.03 .26 237 G Puppis} 2I2Q + 58 3 23.27 62.9 - 9.886- .622 + -34 .091+ I 14 -45 - 2 5 2130 + 2 36 33.34 68.2 - 9-701- .392 + .10 + .099 o .09 .34 .17 2131 + 28 4 29.04 75-3 - 9.876- .465 + .16 .052 o .04 .22 .08 Br 1149 6 Cancri 2132 60 18 41.30 81.8 9.849 .126 + .03 + .016 o 13 -73 -24 73 G Cannae 2133 + 22 21 3.74 69.9 9.887 .446 + .14 .020 o .12 .43 .21 7 Cancri 2134 -37 021.45 83.8 - 9.870- .274 + .04 .001 o .13 .71 .23 241 G Puppis 2135 + 88 55 59.22 84-5 - 9.868-8.302 + .007+ 4 .04 .25 .08 4 B Ursae Min 2136 -63 17 24.77 82.8 - 9.938- .092 + .04 + .015 o .15 .67 .24 77GCarinaeZ>(Z') 2137 41 i 47.10 83-5 - 9.967- .256 + .04 + .004 o 13 -71 -23 L 3128? 246 G Puppis* 2138 + 13 24 II. 12 69.2 10.064 -4 J 8 + .13 .078 o .08 .30 .15 8 Cancri 2139 + 70 039.02 67.2 - 9.920- .794 + .63 + .102- 4 .IO .41 .20 2140 17 22 56.07 75-4 -10.045- .338 + .07 .020 o .12 .65 .26 2141 -3943 17-03 72.8 IO.O22 .26l + .04 + .007 o .07 .30 .13 2142 + 43 32 51.10 60.6 -10.073- -522 + .22 - .031 o .11 .36 .21 28 Lyncis . 2143 -32 23 30.90 77.2 10.061 .291 + -5 .009 o .13 ..63 .24 250 G Puppis 2144 + 22 55 15.85 53-5 10.068 .444 +15 -.015 o .08 .30 .19 9 Cancri (fi ') 2145 + 51 47 41.87 80.3 IO.IO2 .566 + .28 -.008+ I .04 .20 .07 27 Lyncis 2146 + 21 52 19.60 69.4 10.247 -44 +.14 .081 o .07 .35 .16 Also i o Cancri /A a 2147 -52 4917.91 84.8 10.232 .191 +.03 .022 o -15 -73 -24 78 G Carime 2148 + 42 43 24.64 62.5 10.286 .515 + .22 .072 o .12 .53 .28 2149 + 27 46 16.92 69.2 10.262 .456 + .16 - -034 o .09 .29 .15 ii Cancri * 2150 + 68 46 6.85 68.9 -10.235- -752 + .58 + .005 o .05 .24 .11 55 Camelopardi 21 37 9 M pr. 0^63, N 2&". 2149 IO M 3" 218. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 n a 10 M h m s s s s s // // // 2151 Capejo 1405 5-4 8 2 53.302 90-3 + 2.6474+. 0004 + .00 1 .0007 o .12 .78 .20 2152 Br 1165 6-5 3 7-i6s 63.8 + 3-3574- -0085 .004 + .0002 o .11 .44 .23 2153 p Puppis 2.8 3 I 7-i23 73-o + 2.5545 + .OOIO + .001 .0065 o .03 .16 .07 2154 L 3163 4.9 3 27.800 83.1 + I.9253 + .0005 + .OOI .0008 o .l6 .70 .25 2155 Br 1168 4-5 3 34-089 74-8 + 3.0168 .0031 .000 .0016 o .IO .40 .17 2156 Br 1166 7.0 4 10.525 71.2 + 3.6334- -0145 .006 .0008 o .11 .40 .19 2157 Br 1167 6.1 4 25.855 68.6 + 3. 6207-. 0147 .006 .O05I 2 .07 .28 .14 2158 Br 1174 4-4 433-782 73-6 + 2.6785 + .OOO2 + .OOI .OOIO .11 .45 .20 2159 Cape M 1414 5-7 4 54-085 93-4 + 2.7461 .0003 + .OOI + .0005 o .13 .8l .19 2160 Groomb 1391 6.4 5 12.532 71.0 + 12.0350 .8422 .322 .0019 10 .08 .39 .17 2161 Pi 321 7-2 5 22.609 74-9 + 3-7707- -0198 .009 -.0364- 4 .09 .44 .l8 2162 Pi 311 6.0 5 52-252 58-2 + 4.8126- .0555 .027 + .0015 i .13 .42 .25 2163 Br 1176 5-8 6 i-757 70-3 + 2.7829 .0008 + .00 1 .0158 o .10 .38 .18 2164 L 3 i8i 6.0 6 10.664 83.8 + 1.7890 .0005 .000 .0009 o .16 .84 .28 2165 L 3180 5-3 6 18.127 89.4 + i. 9803 + .0008 + .OOI + .0009 o .18 i. io .29 2166 y 1 Velorum 4.8 6 24.477 75-4 + 1.8488 .0000 .000 .0007 o 13 -54 -23 2167 y 2 Velorum 1.6 6 27.084 67-3 + 1.8496 .0000 .000 .0004 o .08 .33 .16 2168 t ' Cancri m 4-7 6 28.653 71.9 + 3.4456 .0106 .004 + .0046 I .06 .30 .13 2169 f 2 Cancri 6.1 6 28.981 70.1 + 3.4469 .0106 .004 + .0059- I .11 .87 .36 2170 Br 1177 4.8 6 34-803 72.8 + 2.8157 .0009 + .OOI .0017 o .11 .40 .19 2171 L 3 i8 7 5-5 6 40.745 854 + 1.8240 .0002 .000 .0008 o .20 I.I7 .35 2172 Pulk 1319 5-6 6 41.072 94-o + 2.9195 .0021 .000 .0036 o .13 .87 .19 2173 Br 1173 5-8 6 57.09S 72.7 + 3-7275 -O 1 ? 2 .007 + .0001 o .11 .45 .20 2174 Br 1147 5-9 6 59.198 80.0 + 7.6585-. 2580 .109 + .0067 o .04 .28 .IO 2175 L 3 2o8 5-9 7 I3-9SO 83-9 + 1. 4036- .0052 -.003 + .0019 o .18 .78 .27 2176 L3i83 6-5 7 I9-978 87.4 + 2.2i49+.ooi6 + .OO2 .0020 o .14 .75 .22 2177 L 3222 4.8 7 21.141 84.4 + i. 0033- .0143 -.008 .0209 9 .18 .86 .28 2178 Br 1164 6-5 7 24.824 65.8 + 5.0917-. 0697 -.032 .0021 o .12 .46 .24 2179 e Volantis 4.4 7 3 6 -5 6 77-2 + 0.2147-. 0367 .025 .0032 o .15 .66 .26 2180 1,3191 4.2 7 47.188 87.2 + 2.i435 + .ooi5 + .OOI .0000 o .15 .78 .22 2181 L3*97 4-9 8 3-179 85-4 + 2.O27O+.OOII + .OOI .0001 o .16 .75 .25 2182 Br 1169 7.0 8 42-157 68.0 + 4.9936- .0657 .029 + .0013 I .IO .46 .22 2183 Br 1179 5-2 8 44.191 82.9 + 2.7580 .OOO4 + .00 1 .0009 o .05 .28 .09 2184 L 3213 5-8 8 5I-233 83-4 + 1. 8833 +.0002 + .OOI - .0039 o .l8 1 .08 .34 2185 Br 1171 5-6 9 32.122 67.2 + 5.0l8l .0673 .029 + .0005 o .10 .30 .17 2186 Br 1160 6.4 9 39-370 70.1 + 6.6993-. 1788 .070 + .OOO7 2 .09 .39 .18 2187 L 3212 4.8 9 43-029 82.6 + 2.2648 + .ooi7 + .OO2 .0000 o .12 .54 .19 2188 1,3219 5-2 10 12.967 87.2 + 2. 2539+. 0018 + .OO2 + .0006 o 15 -75 - 2 3 2189 Brisb 1942 6.2 10 13.436 89.1 + 2.2539+. 0018 + .OO2 + .0011 o 15 -9 - 2 4 2190 1,3217 6.3 10 13.731 84.1 + 2.37i5 + .ooi7 + .003 .0014 o .12 .66 .21 2191 1,3228 5-3 10 28.416 85-7 + 1.8766+. OOO2 + .OOI .0017 o -20 1-35 .38 2192 L3223 4-3 10 29.862 86.4 + 2. 13IO+. OOI5 + .OO2 + .0046 o .14 .69 .22 2193 Br 1172 5-9 1035-154 71.6 + 5.2611 .0811 -034 .0024 o .09 .39 .18 2194 1-3236 5-5 10 40.480 91.7 + 1-7375- -o 010 .000 + .0008 o .20 I.I4 .28 2195 j8 Cancri 3-7 II 5.563 76-5 + 3.2568- .0072 .002 -0035 o .03 .18 .07 2196 L 3237 6.2 II 11.154 84.8 + i. 9269+. 0006 + .OO2 .OOIO O .16 -75 .25 2197 Br 1178 6.1 12 2I.6lO 57-8 + 4.8753-. 0616 .025 + .0072 o .11 .36 .22 2198 Br 1184 6.6 12 48.032 66.3 + 2.7510 .0003 + .O02 .0012 o .13 .44 .22 2199 Pulk M 678 6-3 13 39-i85 89-4 + 2.8483 .0020 + .OOI + .0191- 5 .O? .75 .17 22OO L-3275 5-3 8 13 45-076 83-3 + 0.9150 .0162 .Oil .0052 I .16 .82 .28 2155 2 iioo. i2 M 32" 105; 67" 245. 2170 /3 1064. I2 M 2" 245. 2178 S 1192. IO M 3" 257. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t n' and ioo A (i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 2151 -20 15 55.57 86.8 10.267 -3 2 7 + .07 it .026 o // // tt .11 .75 .21 252 G Puppis 2152 + 1355 54-73 62.7 10.292 .416 + -13 - -033 .10 .43 .23 12 Cancri 2153 -24 057.37 73-7 10.226 .314 + .06 + .045+ I .04 .19 .08 15 Argus, iNavis, etc. 2154 -445838.57 81.8 10.297 -236 + -04 .012 o .12 .60 .21 3 G Velorum 2155 - 2 41 33.45 69.4 -10.299- .373 + .10 .007 o .08 .29 .14 29 Monocerotis () * 2156 + 26 8 19.23 66.2 -10.376- .449 + -15 - .038 o .09 .34 .17 13 Cancri i^ 1 2157 + 25 4839- 10 59-6 -10.711- .447 + -15 -354+ i .06 .25 .14 14 Cancri ^ (/-) 2158 -1857 8.05 73-i -10-375- -330 + .07 .008 o .10 .36 .17 1 6 Puppis 2159 -1557 19.52 87.0 -10.404- .338 + .07 .012 o .13 .75 .22 257 G Puppis 2160 + 82 44 26.46 70.1 10.446 1.494 + 3- 10 -.031 o .11 .41 .20 2161 + 32 46 16.50 70.6 11.092 .461 + .18 -.664+ 4 .08 .34 .16 2162 + 5645 7-3 53-6 -10.504- .594 + -33 - -039 o .12 .45 .28 2163 - 13 30 18.49 72.2 -10.432- .339 + .08 + .045+ 2 .08 .34 .15 18 Puppis 2164 -48 23 24.16 80.4 -10.505- .218 + .04 .017 o .13 .64 .23 6 G Velorum 2165 - 43 49 40.30 87-5 10.517 .242 + .04 .020 o 14 -95 -26 7 G Velorum 2166 -47 3 2-Si 73-6 10.520 .225 + -04 -.015 o .10 .44 .19 8 G Velorum Bb 1916 2167 -47 2 30.71 69.9 -10.511- .225 + -04 -.003 o .07 .30 .14 2168 + 17 5657-54 69.7 10.650 .424 + -14 .140 I .05 .25 .11 1 ? ' is binary, 1 2233 -59 ii 15.44 68.6 11.518 .142 + .03 + .014 o .08 .32 .15 2234 + 7 53 25-78 66.8 -11.543-. 379 + 13 .005 o .14 .57 .28 2235 -22 4947-32 95-2 -i i. 495 -.306 + .07 + .044 o .14 I. IS .22 2236 + 45 59 24-76 77-5 -i i. 905- .495 + .26 .361 o .09 .47 .l8 2237 - 3 34 48.57 81.4 -H.57I--352 + .10 - -025 o .04 .25 .08 30 Monocerotis 2238 + 24 51 46.60 71.9 -11.637-. 421 + 17 .087 o .09 .32 .15 1 24 Cancri (u 1 ) 2239 + 2451 51.33 83-7 -11.634- .421 + -I7 .084 o .11 .49 .17 J2 1224. 6" 43 2240 + 27 I539-70 75-5 -11-559- -428 + -I7 .008 o .08 .30 .13 1 23 Cancri <- 2241 + 27 IS 44-H 72.0 11.560 .428 + -i7 .009 o .08 .31 .14 JS 1223. 5" 216 2242 -23 43 18.26 79-2 -i i. 524-. 303 + .07 + .028 o .IO .49 .l8 j 302 G Puppis 2243 -23 43 16.14 84.9 -11.552-. 304 + .07 + .003 o .14 .67 .22 } South, 41" 87 2244 -76 36 12.68 79-4 -11.463 + . 178 + -3i + "5- 3 .09 .49 .l8 2245 + 12 59 4-52 69.4 -i i. 697 -.390 + .14 -.113 o .11 .44 .21 27 Cancri 2246 - 3 39 30-36 72-3 -11.648- .351 + .10 - -045 o .10 .39 .18 2 Hydras 2247 + 61 3 9.21 70.1 -11.752-. 589 + .42 .114+ 2 .03 .14 .06 2248 12 12 21.52 92.0 i i. 670-. 330 + .09 -.030+ I .12 .75 .18 2249 -41 49 33.60 80.4 11.670 .244 + .05 -.003 o .14 .55 .22 309 G Puppis 2250 51 24 i.oi 90.2 -11.699-. 197 + .04 .010+ I ,l6 I.O2 .26 28 G Velorum * 3350 IO M pr. iJ8, S 18". PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H and 100 A H. Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop, a 10 M h m s s s s s // n 2251 Br 1198 6.2 8 22 41.105 67.6 + 3-5646- .0150 .004 .0020 o .IO .40 .20 2252 q Volantis 5-5 22 58.611 82.4 0.4991 .0785 .067 .0065 o .14 .70 .24 2253 Br i 200 6.2 23 2.563 68.0 + 3-3527- -0098 .002 .0009 o .08 .40 .19 2254 Pi 81 m 6.6 23 26.279 77-3 + 3.0295-. 0037 + .OOI .0015 o .18 .72 .30 2255 0Chamaeleontis 4.2 23 38.679 79-7 1.7221 .1648 -159 -.0447- 9 .07 .50 .16 2256 Pi 58 7.6 23 41-285 73-2 + 5.6952 .I2IO .024 .0069 i .18 .64 .30 2257 L 3336 6.0 24 7.180 83-5 + 2-3I64+.0022 + .003 .0052 o .20 1.36 .41 2258 ft Volantis 3-5 24 38.964 82.4 + 0.6644 .0266 .Ol8 .0067 6 .11 .64 .21 2259 L 33S9 5-2 24 52.022 85.8 + 1.6441 .OO2I .OOI .0099 i .l8 .82 .27 2260 Pi 78 6.7 25 3-340 71.4 + 4.5284- .0516 -.013 + .OO22 2 .12 .52 .23 2261 Groomb 1418 7-7 25 20.80- 72.4 + 16.3982.155- .079 12 .07 .40 .17 2262 L 33S3 7.0 25 22.646 93-5 + 2.092 I + .OOI9 + .OO2 - .0023 o IS 1-05 -23 2263 Br 1201 6.0 25 35-791 7i-5 + 3-5545- -0152 .004 .0062 o .08 .34 .16 2264 Br 1195 5-4 25 39.084 67.2 + 5.4223-. 1041 .020 .0086 I .09 .33 .16 2265 6 Cancri 5-8 25 53-704 56-3 + 3.4268 .0119 -.003 -.0037 o .09 .39 .23 2266 L3367 5-6 25 55-279 86.2 + i. 8945 + .0006 + .OOI .0012 o .15 .80 .24 2267 L 3366 5-4 26 5.406 83-2 + 2.0206+. 0016 + .OO2 .0003 o .18 .78 .28 2268 Groomb 1450 6.2 26 25.024 88.4 + 3.9124 .0268 -.007 .0090 I .05 -44 .11 2269 L 3356 5-7 26 27.926 94-8 + 2. 4045 + .OO2 1 + .003 .0021 o .16 1.23 .25 2270 L 3 38 6-3 26 29.662 91.0 + i-9577 + .oou + .OO2 .0041 o .15 .80 .21 2271 i) Cancri 5-7 26 55.619 77-o + 3.4762-. 0132 .OO2 .0026 o .03 .21 .08 2272 Br 1204 6.4 26 56.923 83.2 + 3.8612 .0249 -.007 .0116 o .11 .45 .16 2273 P 95 5-6 27 1.311 81.6 + 2. 6964+. OOO5 + .OO2 .0022 .09 .62 .20 2274 L 3424 5-6 27 2.605 89-4 + O.l626 .0460 -.038 .0058+ 2 .20 I.O2 .29 2275 Br 1205 6-5 27 5-482 71.6 + 3-5538- .0153 -.003 .0047 o .IO .44 .20 2276 Br 1209 6.7 27 13-343 80. i + 3.2685 .0082 .OOI .0003 o .11 .36 .l6 2277 Br 1208 5-9 28 18.478 70.8 + 3.8666 .0252 .006 .0023 o .12 .52 .24 2278 Groomb 1446 6-5 2835.712 80.7 + 6.7781 .22l6 -.003 .0042 6 5 -39 -13 2279 L3386 6.7 28 57.247 86.1 + 2. 3409 +.002 7 +.003 -.0875+ 2 .11 .82 .23 2280 Pulk M 1360 5-8 28 58.174 93-9 + 3 -3 6 5 --0038 + .OOI .0022 .12 .75 .17 2281 L 3410 5-9 29 18.333 92.6 + 1.6641 .0019 + .OO2 - .00415 .20 1.22 .29 2282 Br 1210 6.9 29 34-579 70.8 + 3.4545-. 0128 .OO2 .0029 o .11 .39 .19 2283 L3S37 5-7 30 15.696 79-8 - 3.3842-. 3450 .441 .0670+18 .07 .66 .21 2284 Br i 202 5-8 30 19.266 69.7 + 5.3801-. 1043 .OI4 .0020+ 3 .10 .33 .17 2285 Pi 108 6-3 3 32-037 80.3 + 3- I 933~-oo7o .OOO .0084 i .10 .38 .15 2286 Lai 16896 7-3 30 32-33 90.8 + 3.1927 .0070 .OOO .0091 i 13 -57 -17 2287 Br 1212 5-8 30 35.410 83-4 + 2.9288 .0021 + .OO2 .0016 o .08 .48 .15 2288 L 3408 6.2 3042.516 92.1 + 2. 2668 + . 0025 + .003 .0007 o .13 .92 .21 2289 Groomb 1458 6.0 3 54-369 79.1 + 4.5065- .0533 .Oil .0075 o .IO .42 .l6 2290 JT Ursae Maj 4.8 31 28.592 66.4 + 5.2946 .1000 -.013 .0074+ 2 .08 .30 .15 2291 1,3428 4-9 3 1 40.378 85.5 + 1.8333 + .0002 + .001 .0002 o .18 .84 .27 2292 Br 1213 6.1 31 40.560 62.1 + 3. 2565-. 0082 .000 .0018 o .11 .50 .26 2293 Pi 105 6-3 3i 53- I 97 86.2 + 4.4710 .0518 .Oil .0026 o -05 -39 -II 2294 Br i2ii 6-3 32 4-303 69.1 + 3-7587- -0221 .004 .0013 o -13 -45 -23 2295 8 Hydra 4.2 32 21.769 75-o + 3.1790 .O066 .000 .0049 o .06 .27 .11 2296 Br 1218 6.8 32 40.212 86.2 + 3. 2534- .Oo8l .000 .0028 o .13 .42 .16 2297 L 3443 6.1 32 52-910 86.1 + 1.7923 .OO02 + .OOI .0008 o .14 .69 .22 2298 1,3452 5-5 32 56.148 88.8 + i -3943 --0065 .004 .0060 o .20 .99 .29 2299 L 34Si 4.8 32 57-937 90.1 + 1.4181 .0060 -.003 + .0038+ I .15 .98 .24 2300 Pi 118 8.0 8 33 21.601 80.5 + 3.4527-. 0131 .002 .0017 o .08 .36 .13 2254 Z 1233. n 18" 329; Aitken. ^4-^5 o'?2 60. 2266 h 4104. 8" 4" 241; 9 M 19". 2257 IO M fols. i'3, S 20". 2267 Dunlop. 7 M 4"6 349. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 93 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andioo Afi' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 H.' Sio Remarks. 2251 9 t II + 24 28 36.24 66.6 // // 11.761 .417 // + -I7 .07 1 o a a a .10 .36 .18 28 Cancri (w 2 ) 2252 -73 434-64 79-8 1 1. 692 + .065 + .15 + .019+ i -II .57 .20 2253 + 143230.87 68.3 -11-733- -392 + .14 .018 o .07 .33 .16 29 Cancri 2254 2 II 8.79 69.8 -11.765-. 353 + .11 .022 o 13 -47 -23 * 2255 -77 942.83 78.9 -ii. 736+. 214 + 35 + .022+ 5 .06 .44 .15 2256 + 67 37 48.9 67.1 -11.813-. 666 + -58 -.052+ I J 5 -53 -27 2257 -3446 57-S 2 78.6 -ii. 783-. 268 + .05 + .009+ I .19 2.35 .76 4G Pyridis* 2258 65 48 10.97 80.9 -11.995-. 072 + .06 -.166+ I .09 .51 .17 2259 -52 45 26.91 79-9 11.844 .187 + .04 .000+ I 14 -59 -23 30 G Velorum F 2260 + 53 27 12.62 65-3 -i i. 944- -526 + 32 .086 o .12 .45 .23 2261 + 85 24 29.56 78-3 -11.963-1.911 -.085+ 9 .07 .40 .15 2262 -42 15 15.45 89.7 11.874 .241 + .05 + .006 o .12' .69 .18 31 G Velorum 2263 + 24 25 6.12 72-3 - ii.959-.4ii + -I7 -.063+ I .08 .35 .15 30 Cancri * 2264 + 65 20 10.14 66.9 -i i. 963 -.630 + 52 -.063+ I .07 .27 .14 2 Ursa Maj A 2265 +182556.53 50-7 -i 1.986-. 396 + 15 .069 o .07 .30 .19 2266 -473541.78 8i-5 11.924 .217 + .04 -.005 o .12 .57 .20 33 G Velorum A * 2267 -44 23 25.52 86.5 -11.943- .232 + .04 .012 o .IS .79 .24 34 G Velorum * 2268 + 382133.73 84-4 -12. 129-. 453 + .22 -175+ I .06 .38 .11 2269 -3 1 49 2 4-5 88.0 11.987 .276 + .06 .030 o .17 1.16 .31 7 G Pyridis 2270 -455948.63 85-6 -11.974- .223 + .04 -.015 o .12 .55 .18 35 G Velorum 2271 + 20 46 51.24 73-6 12.044 .401 + .16 - .054 o .03 .18 .07 2272 + 36 46 32.13 75-4 -i i. 999- .444 + .21 -.008+ I .10 .34 .16 32 Lyncis 2273 19 14 22.69 79.2 -12.003-. 309 + .08 .007 o .09 -SO .18 9 G Pyxidis 2274 -694539.98 81.2 -11.940- .013 + .09 +.058+ I .15 .63 .24 30 G Volantis 2275 + 2425 29.76 7i-3 12.066 .409 + .17 -.065+ I .IO .41 .IQ 32 Cancri (o 1 ) 2276 + 10 24 17.91 73-8 I2.O2O .376 + 13 .010 o .10 .31 .15 34 Cancri 2277 + 3 6 45 4S-48 68.0 -12. 136- .444 + .22 .050 o .11 .41 .20 33 Lyncis 2278 + 735845.66 80.8 12. 211 .782 + -93 -.105 o .06 .43 .14 2279 -31 10 52.46 84-4 -1 1-394- -256 + .06 + 737 + " .12 .92 .26 ii G Pyxidis 2280 - i 4837- 12 92.8 -12. in-. 347 + .11 + .O2I O .11 .65 .16 33 G Hydra 2281 -52 52 19.82 88.0 -12.166-. 187 + .04 .OIO .15 .87 .24 39 G Velorum * 2282 + 1956 2.33 68.3 -12. 192-. 394 + .16 .018 o .IO .36 .l8 35 Cancri 2283 -8035 10.60 82.1 12.006+ .404 + -79 + .216+ 8 .07 .63 .19 6 G Chamaeleontis 2284 + 65 21 59.27 68.1 12.141 .616 + 52 + .085 o .IO .26 .15 3 UrsaeMaj 2285 + 6 58 8.04 73-8 -12.391-. 362 + 13 -.150+ I .09 .29 .14 V M ft O \ 2 124?. 7-3 10 25 2286 + 6 58 17.70 95-7 -12.389-. 362 + -I3 -.148+ I .13 .84 -18 ~+J t *J */ 2287 - 7 38 16.87 77-3 -12. 234-. 333 + .10 + .011 .08 .40 .16 3 Hydrae 2288 -37 16 2.69 84.8 12.242 .256 + 05 + .011 .15 .89 .27 44 G Velorum * 2289 + 534458-64 74.0 -12. 293-. 514 + 33 .026+ I ii -35 -17 2290 + 644038.23 67.7 12.286 .603 + 5 + .02O+ I .06 .27 .13 2291 -4935 58-93 79-2 12.318 .206 + .04 + .OO2 O .13 .58 .22 46 G Velorum C 2292 + 10 o 10.43 60. i -I2-342-. 369 + .14 .022 o .11 .43 .24 36 Cancri c 2293 + 53 3 43-48 82.8 12.366 .508 + .32 - -032 o .06 .34 .11 2294 + 33 9 3- 61 66.4 -12.364- .426 + .20 .017 o .12 .45 .23 2295 + 63 8.93 73-9 -12.378- .359 + 13 .011+ I .05 .25 .10 2296 + 9 55 26.69 80.8 -i 2. 397 -.367 + .14 .009 o .12 .37 .16 37 Cancri 2297 -5037 21.41 82.1 12.414 .200 + .04 .on o .11 .51 .18 47 G Velorum E 2298 -57 52 41.51 81.0 -12.399-. 154 + -3 + .007+ I .15 .6l .23 95 G Carinae e * 2299 -573947-28 85.8 -12.399-. 158 + -03 + .009 o .12 .64 .20 96 G Carinae e * 2300 + 20 i 40.71 78.0 -12.455-. 389 + .16 .019 o .07 .29 .12 2281 Sellers. 8 M o'.'6 297. 2288 Innes. IO M 2" 42. 94 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M h m s s s s s tt H n 2301 Pi 119 8. 9 8 33 24-777 86.2 + 3.45H-.OI30 .002 .0015 o .10 .42 .14 2302 a- Hydrae 4.6 33 31-882 78-3 + 3.1388- .0058 .000 .0012 o .09 .38 .15 2303 T) Pyxidis 5-3 33 3S-896 83-4 + 2. 5627 + .OOI8 + .003 .0010 o .12 .62 .20 2304 Br 1216 7.2 33 42-220 72-5 + 3-7527--0222 .004 .0017 o .l6 .63 .29 2305 Br 1220 6.9 33 S 8 - 011 76.3 +3-4535- -0131 .002 .0023 o .09 .51 .20 2306 Br 1214 5-6 34 6.534 69.7 + 4.1649 .0380 .007 + .0028+ I .11 .45 .21 2307 L 3446 4-i 34 7-679 77-2 + 2. 1084+. 0023 + .003 - .0013 o .14 .8l .30 2308 Br 1222 6.7 34 21.348 69.2 + 3-4573-- I 33 .002 .0027 o .09 .46 .21 2309 Br 1223 6.9 34 26.475 65-7 + 3.4569- -0133 .002 .0023 o .11 .52 .26 2310 Pi 129 6.8 3437-723 73- 2 + 3.4502-. 0131 .002 .0025 o .IO .50 .21 2311 Br 1225 6-5 34 42-942 74-6 + 3-4478- -0131 .002 .0022 o .11 .54 .22 2312 Paris 10648 m 5-3 34 45.264 88.8 + 2.6271 + .0017 +.003 .0169+ 2 .11 .86 .21 2313 Br 1226 7-i 34 58.841 73-7 + 3.4520- .0132 .002 .0012 o .12 .75 .30 2314 Br 1227 7-i 35 12-197 78.2 + 3.4474- .0131 .001 .0027 o .11 .64 .23 2315 Br 1229 5-3 35 I7-I9 1 79-3 + 2.8428 .0010 + .OO2 .0059 o .07 .44 .15 2316 L 3475 5-5 35 32-337 84.8 + 1.0726 .0147 .OIO .0012 I .18 .88 .29 2317 Pyxidis 5-2 35 33-484 84-3 + 2.49OI + .OO22 + .004 .0007 I .11 .68 .21 2318 /J Pyxidis 3-9 36 11.251 81.2 + 2.3472 + .0027 + .004 + .0004 o .11 .46 .17 2319 I>3472 5-7 36 35-005 89.9 + 1.6890 .0014 .000 .0036 o .20 I.O2 .29 2320 L 3463 5-3 36 38.961 88.0 + 2.2OOI + .OO27 + .004 - .0055 o .12 .68 .19 2321 Br 1234 5-i 37 4-952 73-i + 2. 7835-. 0002 +.003 .0003 o .15 .68 .29 2322 L 347 6 5-4 37 6.491 86.2 + 1.7095 .OOI2 .000 .0048 o .18 .88 .28 2323 L 34 68 5-6 37 10.771 84.6 + 2.0446+. 002 1 + .003 + .0006 o .18 1.24 .36 2324 L 347 3-6 37 18.520 81.4 + 1.9901 + .0018 + .003 .0007 o .11 -57 .20 2325 o Velorum 3-5 37 25-759 76.6 + 1.7206 .0009 .000 .0018 o .12 .51 .21 2326 L 3484 5-8 - 37 26.072 88.7 + 1.7145 .0010 .000 - .0033 o .20 .98 .28 2327 y Cancri 4-7 37 3- OI 6 72.1 + 3.4788- .0143 .002 - .0073 o .04 .21 .09 2328 Br 1232 5-8 37 41-766 70.0 + 3.3121-. 0097 .001 + .0007 o .IO .50 .22 2329 L347 4.8 37 56-352 85-2 + 1.9650+. 0016 + .003 .0028 o .20 1.24 .37 2330 17 Hydrae 4-4 37 59-86i 64-8 + 3. 1384- .0058 + .OOI .0015 o .12 .44 .23 2331 L 3504 4.4 38 24.388 83-5 + 1.3277 .0082 -.005 .0032 o .14 .66 .22 2332 L 34 86 5-2 38 32-746 85-3 + 2. 0405 +.OO2 2 + .003 .0007 o .20 1.18 .35 2333 Grwjo 633 8.5 38 34-527 73-8 + 3.9765- .0334 .004 -.0241- 5 .09 .60 .24 2334 Volantis 5-3 3 8 43-165 82.2 + 0.2462 .0477 -043 + .0044 I .15 .78 .26 2335 Br 1238 4-7 38 45-764 74-9 + 2.9488 .O024 + .OO2 + .0004 o .12 .54 .22 2336 8 Cancri 4.1 39 - I 94 74-4 + 3.4154- .0128 .001 .0012 I .03 .16 .07 2337 L 3492 5-6 39 2.020 86.1 + 1.9370+. 0014 + .002 .0047 o .20 1.32 .37 2338 Br 1233 6.4 39 13-405 83.1 + 3.6909 .O2IO .OO2 + .OOO2 O .12 .44 .17 2339 Br 1237 5-8 39 19-435 83-9 + 3.2605 .OO86 .OOO .0010 o .12 .40 .l6 2340 L355 5-8 39 26.979 86.4 + I.72OO .0009 .000 - .0037 o .l8 .92 .28 2341 L357 5-i 39 33-372 87.4 + I.72O7 .OOO9 .000 .0029 o .l8 .94 .28 2342 o Pyxidis 3-6 39 34-457 85.5 + 2. 4IOO+. O028 + .004 .0009 o .07 .44 .13 2343 Br 1240 6-3 39 43-567 84.6 + 3.l8ll-. 0068 + .OOI + .0003 o .12 .40 .16 2344 Pi 137 6.4 39 46.222 75-3 + 5-4947-. 1226 + .OO2 .0004 I .IO .51 .20 2345 Pi iS9 8.0 40 17.300 82.6 + 3-0305- -0038 + .OOI .0019 o .18 1.08 .34 2346 Pi 1 60 6.8 40 17.724 76.1 + 3. 03 20- .0038 + .OOI .0004 o .16 .69 .29 2347 L35H 5-2 4032.468 93-2 + 1.8793 + .0010 + .OO2 + .0016 o .16 .98 .23 2348 i Cancri 4-2 40 38.843 81.4 + 3-6399- - OI 95 .002 - .0015 o .04 .27 .09 2349 L 3 5o8 3-9 40 49-653 89-9 + 2. 1435 + .0028 + .004 .0005 o .18 .84 .25 2350 Groomb 1463 7.8 8 40 51.485 71.4 + 9.1014 .5688 + 334 .OO72+ 2 .08 .40 .17 23U0 208. < i '/s, binary. 2316 114125. io M 8"234. 2320 8 M 4 "6o. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 95 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and iooA|i Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' 819 Remarks. 2301 Of It + 195637.07 78.9 -12.458-- 389 n + .16 .019 o '/ // it .09 .32 .13 2302 + 3 41 33.11 75-2 -12.467-. 353 + .12 .020 o .08 .32 .14 2303 -25 54 I7-I3 78.3 12.464 .287 + .08 .012 o .10 .41 .16 (Mali g) 2304 + 33 448.68 68.3 -12.506- .423 + .20 - .047 o .13 .54 .26 2305 + 20 7 50.74 75-8 -i 2. 493 -.388 + .16 .016 o .08 .42 .17 38 Cancri 2306 + 46 ii 5.01 61.4 12.410 .470 + .27 + .077 o .10 .33 .19 34 Lyncis 2307 42 38 21. 16 78.6 -12.494-. 235 + -05 .006 o .10 .47 .18 48 G Velorum e 2308 + 2O 21 38.89 68.2 -12.526-. 388 + .16 .022 o .08 .41 .19 39 Cancri 23<>9 + 2O 19 27.62 64.6 -12.527-. 388 + .16 .017 o .09 .46 .23 40 Cancri 2310 + 2O I 24.67 66.2 -12.544-. 387 + .16 .022 o .IO .42 .21 21254. 9 M 2o"53 2311 + 19 53 54.63 69.1 -12. 546-. 387 + .16 .018 o .09 .40 .19 41 Cancri (e) 2312 22 19 18.47 9-3 12.115 -29 1 + .08 + .4I6+ 2 .11 i.or .23 * 2313 + 20 424.74 71.0 -12.558- .387 + .16 .012 o .11 .51 .23 42 Cancri + 1956 5.67 74.0 -12.578- .386 + .17 .016 o .11 .49 .21 2315 -12 7 18.58 76-4 -12.571-. 317 + .10 -.004+ I .07 .41 .l6 6 Hydrae 2316 -62 30 5.78 82.1 12.613 .116 + .04 .029 o .14 .69 .24 97 G Carinae * 231? 29 12 l8.2O 79-9 12.682 .277 + .07 .096 o .IO .52 .19 Mali/ 2318 -3457 12.04 74-8 12.648 .260 + .06 .019 o .IO .44 .l8 Mali b 2319 - 53 5 IO -7 84.2 -12.637-. 185 + .04 + .019 o .14 .71 .23 51 G Velorum 2320 -395432-44 80.3 -12.672-. 243 + .05 .012+ I .12 .51 .19 50 G Velorum * 2321 -1535 2.40 72.6 -12. 788-. 309 + .09 .099 o .12 .47 .21 9 Hydrae 2322 -5242 0.90 78.7 12.696 .187 + .04 .005 o 13 -59 -23 54 G Velorum * 2323 -4450 7.07 81.0 12.692 .225 + .05 + .004 o .14 .87 .29 52 G Velorum 2324 -46 17 34.76 79.0 12.718 .219 + .05 - -013 o .09 .45 .17 53 G Velorum 6 2325 -5 2 34 0.44 78.2 I2.7OI .188 + .04 + .OI2 O .10 .47 .18 Cluster 2326 -523937-2I 83-4 12.697 .187 + .04 + .016 o .15 .67 .23 55 G Velorum 2327 + 21 4941-23 70.2 -12.768-. 386 + .17 -.050+ I .04 .20 .09 2328 + 13 2 22.2O 68.3 -12.735- .368 + .15 .004 o .09 .42 .20 45 Cancri A 1 2329 -465736.88 79.1 -i2.75i-.2is + .05 .004 o .15 .75 .28 58 G Velorum n 2330 + 3 45 27-76 65.8 -12-753- -347 + -I3 .002 o .09 .36 .18 2331 -59 24 14.82 81.6 -12.785- .143 + .04 .006 o .10 .53 .18 99 G Carinae d 2332 -45 3 8.64 80.8 12.796 .224 + .05 .008 o .15 .81 .28 59 G Velorum 2333 + 42 3 4.76 72.8 -13-439- -438 + 25 -.649+ 3 .08 .53 .21 21263. 9 M 55"20* 2334 -70 147.12 82.0 12.842 .023 + .09 .042 o .13 .64 .22 2335 - 6 52 25.02 72.9 -12.806-. 325 + .ii -.003 o .IO .45 .20 31 Monocerotis 2336 + 18 31 18.81 67.! -13.058-. 377 + .16 -.239 o .04 .17 .08 2337 -47 44 23.74 77.1 12.832 .211 + .04 .on o .13 .69 .26 60 G Velorum 2338 + 31 3 35.44 74.6 -1 2. 854- .408 + .20 .020 o .11 .34 .16 46 Cancri 3755 4-7 ii 44-945 86.1 + 2.3996+. 0051 + .006 + .0019 o .13 .64 .20 2492 Br 1308 5-7 ii 47-393 71.8 + 2.9386 .0016 + .004 .0027 o .12 .51 .23 2493 ft Carinae !-5 12 6.214 67.0 + 0.6750- .0358 -037 -.0313- 2 .06 .32 .15 2494 Dpt noi w 12 16.071 93-3 + 3.7124 .0276 + .O02 -.0037 o .15 .66 .19 2495 Br i3S 3-9 12 37.411 74-9 + 3-7476- -0294 + .003 .0021 I .04 .22 .09 2496 Br 1311 7-7 12 40.410 72.1 + 2. 8882 -.0005 + .004 .0021 o .15 .70 .31 2497 L 3764 5-o 12 41.192 87-5 + 2.2I35 + .0052 + .OO6 .0027 o .18 I. II .31 2498 Br 1302 7-8 12 50.427 73-6 +4-6333- -0837 + .O20 +.0057- I .11 .38 .18 2499 L 3765 5-3 13 I.82I 83-4 + 2. 3500 +.OO5 2 + .OO6 .0023 o .18 .94 .31 2500 L 37 8 2 4.1 9 13 22.621 86.8 + 1.6945 .0005 + .OO2 .0036 I .18 .86 .27 2459/8410. 8*6 2460 h 4183. 9?5 i'/8 i8" 162 is7. 2469 Lai 18115. 2475 h 4188. 7 2'.'7 284 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO IOI No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'andiooA|i ; Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. 100 n' 6 10 Remarks. 2451 Of ft - 8 ii 6.52 81.4 // it 14.426 .291 // + .11 rt .017 o // // // o? -37 -13 19 Hydrae 2452 -43 * 43-75 71.6 -I4-435- -217 + .0 S + .005 o .07 .30 .13 2453 -US? 9-3 89.6 -14.470-. 285 + .11 .024 o .12 .85 .21 2454 -17 ss 25.83 98.2 - 14-449- -273 + .10 .001 o .13 .8l .16 2455 + 22 24 8.89 61.2 -14.462 -.343 + .18 .005 o .09 .42 .22 79 Cancri 2456 - 8 22 54.15 71-5 14.482 .290 + .12 .019 o .11 .39 .19 20 Hydrae 2457 -7 8 9-33 83-9 -14.465 -.045 +.08 + .005 o .15 .69 .23 115 G Carinae E 2458 72 12 0.79 78.8 14.482 .012 +.11 -.008+ I .IO .51 .19 i i6G Carinae G 2459 - 25 2 3 48.79 78.7 -14.500- .259 + .09 + .004 o .12 .60 .22 54 G Pyxidis * 2460 -2957 25.26 75-4 14.562-. 249 + .08 .038 o .11 .44 .19 tMali* 2461 + 73 21 35-52 76.1 -14.598- -608 +.87 -.066+ 2 .08 .42 ,l6 2462 + 18 27 13.45 68.9 -14.592-. 332 + .18 - .030 o 07 -31 -IS 80 Cancri 2463 + 61 50 7.18 67.2 14.600 .474 + .46 - .032 o .08 .27 .14 1 6 Ursae Maj c 2464 + 15 23 56.42 68.9 -14.356- .319 + .16 + .235+ 4 .08 .31 .15 8 1 Cancri (ir l ) 2463 +43 37 48.00 75-6 -14.664-. 387 + .27 - .047 o .06 .27 .11 36 Lyncis 2466 19 20 2O.2O 83.2 -14.594- .267 + .09 + .031 o .10 .73 .22 107 G Hydrae 2467 -4427 31.25 79-6 14.628 .210 + -05 .000 o .13 .56 .21 103 G Velorum 2468 - 641 59.14 70.7 14.606 .289 + .12 + .025 o .10 .38 .18 1 06 G Hydne 2469 + 53 653.10 86.1 -15. 231-. 388 + 34 -.596+16 .08 .57 .16 1 2 1321. Slow binary* 2470 + 53 7 1-38 84.0 -I5-3I7- -389 + 34 -.680+16 .10 .55 .17 J Parallax o'/2o 2471 + 21 41 42.42 70.9 -14.681-. 335 + .18 .025 o .08 .40 .l8 2472 46 10 26.39 82.6 14.668 .204 + 05 .006 o .l6 .91 .30 105 G Velorum 2473 -583326.38 78.6 14.686 .150 + .04 .005 o .09 .47 .18 117 G Carime a 2474 + 57 922.18 64.2 -14.722-. 438 + .38 - -035 o .09 .27 .15 17 Ursae Maj 2475 -43 12 7.52 84.2 14.718- .213 + .06 -.008 o .15 .71 .24 1 06 G Velorum * 2476 + 54 26 5.79 56-4 14.661 -.425 + 35 + .060- i .07 .27 .l6 1 8 Ursae Maj e 2477 -61 54 23.64 78.6 14.716 .128 + .04 + .005+ i .IO .49 .l8 119 G Carinee i 2478 + 35 2 45-87 65.6 - 14.693- .358 + .23 + 034+ i .09 .40 .20 2479 + 2 44 10.39 78.4 -15.042-. 304 + .14 -.312- i .04 .19 .07 2480 + 15 21 22.67 65-3 14.781 .321 + .16 - .018 o .08 .35 .I? 2481 -465531.25 84.0 -14-795- -201 + .05 .Oil O .13 .80 .24 1 10 G Velorum 2482 59 o 4.28 81.5 14.802 .148 + .04 .004 o .14 .64 .23 121 G Carinae 2483 42 48 47.68 81.6 14.821 .213 + .06 .001 o .14 .60 .22 1 1 2 G Velorum z * 2484 + 47 14 2.86 56-3 -I4.820-. 391 + .29 + .008 o 13 -51 -3 2485 -37 ii 12.13 81.0 14.851 .228 + .07 .014 o .12 .51 .19 113 G Velorum 2486 85 15 46.89 79-8 -I4.820+. 786 + .033+10 .05 .37 .12 2487 -55 919-21 82.6 14.845 .168 + .04 + .014 o .13 .6l .21 114 G Velorum 2488 -32 5425.56 83.1 -14.897-. 238 + .08 - -033 o i? 1-05 -33 2489 -38 911.15 76.7 -14.879- .224 + .07 .001+ I .11 .43 .18 115 G Velorum / 2490 - 5 56 9.28 69.1 14.882-. 285 + -I3 .000 o .10 .40 .19 23 Hydrae 2491 -365946.33 80.0 14.885-. 228 + .07 .002 o .12 .49 .19 117 G Velorum k 2492 - 8 19 38.66 72.1 -14.886- .280 + .12 .001 o .10 .40 .18 24 Hydrae 2493 69 18 18.94 70.7 14.806 .056 + .07 + .098+ 3 .06 .29 .13 2494 + 35 47 1.89 76.6 -14.949- .355 + .23 - .036 o .10 .39 .16 2495 + 37 13 32-78 73-8 -15.069- .358 + .2 4 -135 .04 .21 .09 38 Lyncis * 2496 -ii 32 31.71 69-S -I4.992-. 274 + .11 - -055 .12 .44 .22 25 Hydrae 2497 -43 5052.98 82.7 -14.954- .208 + .06 .016 o .15 .88 .28 1 1 8 G Velorum 2498 + 6O 12 9-IO 72.6 - 14-974- -445 + .42 .027 I .08 .32 .15 20 Ursae Maj 2499 -38585S-67 83-3 15.009 .222 + .0 7 -.051 o .15 .80 .26 1 20 G Velorum 2500 -57 722-31 79-5 I5.OOO .157 + .04 .022 o 14 -59 -23 125 G Carirue g 3483 h 4191. 5'/6 12 2494 2 1333. 61'6-6 I !*9 i '.'6 45, very slow. 2495 2 1334- 6*6 2 '.'8 235 IO2 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A \L Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop a 10 M h m s s s s s // // n 2501 Br 1309 6. 9 9 13 24.061 75-9 +3-3551- .0135 + .O02 .0081, o .03 .21 .08 2502 Br 1306 6.4 13 47-407 66.3 +4.1901 .0536 + .007 .OO4I+ 2 .11 .40 .21 2503 i Carinae 2.O 14 24.802 68.4 + 1.6065 .0023 .OOO .0034 o 06 .33 .15 2504 L 37 86 5-4 14 46.194 85.6 + 1.9934+. 0040 + .005 .0038 o .14 .64 .21 2505 Pi 52 6.1 14 49.906 87.8 + 2.8326+. 0007 + .005 + .0034 o .16 I. II .30 2506 Br 1314 S-o I457-4H 69.0 + 2.8908 .0004 + .004 .0014 o .12 .40 .20 250? a Lyncis 3-3 14 57.899 75-i + 3.6676 .0265 + .003 .0176+ I .03 .18 .07 2508 Br 1313 7-5 15 21.723 76.8 + 3-4977- - Ol8 6 + .003 + .0041 I .10 .39 .16 2509 L 3794 6.0 15 24.094 87-7 + 1.9745 + .0038 + .006 .0064 I .20 1.42 .37 2510 Br 1316 7.2 15 28.193 75-7 + 2.9296 .0012 + .004 .0006 o .15 .70 .28 25" Br 1317 S-o 15 36-059 7i-5 + 2.9297 .0012 + .004 .0014 o .13 -SI .24 2512 Br 1310 7-5 15 43-215 73-2 + 4.1162 .0501 + .008 .0014 o .IO .44 .19 2513 L 3 8n 5-5 IS 53-420 88.0 +0.8493 - O2 9i .027 -.0222- 5 .20 .93 .28 25H L 3809 6.0 16 8.372 90.1 + 1.0432 .0204 .019 -.0015 o .20 i.oo .28 2515 L 3790 1 7.6 16 30.272 82.8 + 2.5376+. 0046 + .OO6 .0022 o .14 .75 .24 2516 6 Pyxidis 5-o 17 3-944 80.2 + 2.6541 + .0035 + .006 .0015 o .07 .38 .13 2517 L 3846 m 5-5 17 36.067 84.0 0.0634 .0878 -.118 - -0055 .18 .78 .27 2518 Br 1318 6.7 17 44.676 65.S + 3-4797- -0185 + .003 .0092 o .15 .51 .27 2SI9 L 3 8o 3 5-8 18 0.446 93-4 + 2. 3006 + .0058 + .007 + .0034 o .16 1.17 .25 2520 Br 1319 7-i 18 18.756 71.6 + 3.5024- .0192 + .003 + .0009 o .10 .44 .19 2521 L 3 82 3 4.8 18 32.734 91.2 + 1.445 1 -.0065 .OO4 .0009 o .18 1. 06 .27 2522 Br 1315 8.0 18 33-079 6S-3 + 4.2816 .0620 + .013 .0017 o .12 .39 .21 2523 I>38i3 5-8 18 47-3 2 5 88.5 + I.8247+.OO22 + .004 .0089 o .16 .98 .27 2524 Leonis 4-7 18 49-9 J 9 77-3 + 3-S3 I -- OI 94 + .003 .0023 o .08 .28 .12 2525 X Pyxidis S-o 18 52.487 83-9 + 2-5933 + -0042 + .006 .0117 o .09 .60 .18 2526 K Velorum 2.4 19 i.on 78-3 + 1.8558 + .0026 + .004 .0023 o .10 .45 .17 2527 Br 1321 6.9 19 7.702 73-8 + 3.3840- .0149 + .003 .0062 o .09 .48 .20 2528 Pi 74 6-5 20 0.227 63-5 + 3-3299- -o i2 8 + .003 - .0053 o .13 .62 .32 2529 Br 1326 6.0 20 24.026 68.2 + 3.0007 .0027 + .004 .0014 o .13 .40 .21 2530 Br 1325 5-6 22 6.842 67.9 + 3-9530- .0427 + .008 .0003 I .09 .33 .16 2531 Pi8i 8.1 22 9.289 89.8 +3-95I3- -0425 + .008 .0012 o .11 .54 .16 2532 Br 1327 6.8 22 20.656 73-8 + 2.9379 .0012 + .004 .0032 o .15 .57 .26 2533 a Hydrae 2.O 22 40.427 66.7 + 2.9488 .0014 + .004 .OOI I O .02 .11 .05 2534 Lai 18639 5- 22 43.794 93- + 2. 7456+. O028 + .005 + .0138 o .10 .81 .17 2535 Abo 196 S-6 22 49.560 72-5 + 2.9740 .OO24 + .004 .0148 o .IO .51 .22 2536 i H Draconis 4.6 22 SI.27S 72.6 + 8.9178- .7756 + 1-358 -.0043- 3 .03 .18 .08 2537 L 3854. 5-3 23 2.691 93-4 + 1.947 9 +.004 1 + .005 .0048 I .21 1.22 .29 2538 a) Leonis m S-6 23 6.l66 63-4 + 3.2172 .0088 + .003 + .0036 o .IO .46 .24 2539 Br 1329 6.1 23 9-733 71.2 + 3. 1985- .0084 + .003 .0020 o .14 .51 .24 2540 Br 1323 3-6 23 39.006 7i-3 + 4.7794-. 1033 + .040 + .OI7O 2 .04 .20 .09 2541 Br 1334 4.9 24 4.394 77-3 + 3.0465- .0036 + .004 + .0084 o .11 .52 .21 2542 L 3890 6-5 2434.126 77-7 + 1.3041 .0108 .009 .0106 o .15 .68 .26 2543 Br 1331 6.1 24 40.732 74-4 + 3.6390 .0264 + .005 .0006 o .12 .75 .29 2544 e Antliae 4.6 25 7.071 89.0 + 2-4735 + -0059 + .007 .0022 o .10 .75 .19 2545 Pi 101 7.0 25 14.666 81.4 + 2.6556 + . 0040 + .006 .0065 o .12 .70 .24 2546 Br 1333 5-6 25 27.364 84.8 + 3.6638- .0279 + .005 .0047 o .12 .45 .16 2547 Br 1322 6.0 25 28.017 66.6 + 5.7608 .2116 + -IS3 + .0177- 7 .11 .57 .27 2548 Pi 105 5-9 25 28.196 84.7 + 2. 6604 +.OO4I + .OO6 .0023 o .11 .68 .20 2549 Br 1324 4-7 25 38.814 78-4 + 5.3853-. 1680 + .104 -.0113+ 5 .04 .26 .09 2550 X Leonis 4-S 9 26 0.993 60.9 + 3.4309- .01 7 1 + .004 .0016 o .08 .38 .20 2502 OS 199. IO M 6" 121. 2512 2 1340. 9 M 6" 320. 2517 Star A, 6*0-6*6 o'/3 264; h 4206 IO M 7" 341. 2522 2 1346. 9*0 5" 312. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 103 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 fl t l*'andiooA|i' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' 8 10 Remarks. 2501 / // + 18 7 45.63 75-o // // -I5.ii7-.3i8 // + .18 // -.138+ i .03 .22 .08 83 Cancri 2502 + 51 41 2.65 56.8 -14.867 -.398 + -33 + -I3S o .10 .31 .19 Ursa Maj (37 Lyncis) * 2503 -58 51 20.46 7i-5 15.040 .148 + .04 .002 o .06 .31 .13 2504 - 5 37 49-03 82.4 -15.054-. 185 + -05 + .005 o .11 .51 .18 122 G Velorum K 2505 -15 2439.91 86.4 15.119 .266 + .11 -.057 o .13 .75 .22 121 G Hydras 2506 -ii 33 10.26 72.0 15.066 .272 + .12 + .004 o .10 .38 .18 26 Hydrae 2507 + 3448 55-57 73-6 -15.060-. 344 + -23 + .OIO+ 2 .04 .20 .08 40 Lyncis 2508 + 25 35 2 7-36 78.! -15.243-. 330 + .20 -.150 o .09 .40 .l6 2509 -51 8 19.88 87.0 15.101 .182 + -05 .006+ I .16 1.30 .34 123 G Velorum 2510 - 9 ii 10.14 75-3 -15. 138- .274 + .12 - .039 o .12 .59 .24 Doo. IO M 10" 197 2511 - 9 7 53-0 2 69.0 -15. 132-. 274 + .12 - -025 o .10 .37 .18 27 Hydras 2512 + 49 58 12.46 59-5 -i5.i22-. 3 88 + -31 .008 o .09 .27 .l6 Ursa Maj (39 Lyncis) * 2513 -68 16 3.30 85-4 -15. 147-. 073 + .06 -.024+ 2 .15 .77 .24 128 G Carinae 25U -6637 45.70 86.7 -15. 119- .093 + -OS + .019 o .16 .8l .25 129 G Carinae 2515 -31 20 9.44 78.2 15. 172-. 236 + .09 .014 o .12 .63 .23 h 4200. 8?3 3" 72 2516 -25 32 23.21 77-3 -15. 199- .246 + .09 .009 o o? -35 -13 (Mali K) 2517 -74 28 20.58 83.2 -I5.i89+.oi3 + .14 + .032 o .15 .67 .23 131 G Carinae * 2518 + 25 3 6 3 6 -93 61.8 -15.232-. 323 + .20 -.003+ I .12 .50 .27 2519 41 46 0.96 89.6 15.285 .212 + .07 .041 o .12 .73 .19 126 G Velorum 2520 + 26 20 52.61 67.2 -i5.3ii-.325 + .20 .050 o .08 .35 .I? 2521 61 58 42.49 83.1 -15. 290-. 130 + .04 -.015 o .13 ,6l .21 132 G Carinae k 2522 + 54 2646.57 50.8 -15-302- -398 + -35 .027 o .10 .31 .21 21 UrsaeMaj * 2523 -55 5 2 3- I 9 84.9 15.242 .165 + .04 + .046+ I .13 .71 .22 128 G Velorum 2524 + 26 36 46.09 75-7 -15-344- -3 2 4 + .20 - -053 o .07 .28 .12 /3 105. II M 3" 205 2525 28 24 22.30 82.0 -15.272- .237 + .09 + .O22+ I .09 .46 .16 2526 -5435 0.99 75-4 - 15.306-. 168 + .04 -.005 o .08 .37 .15 2527 + 2013 9.33 73-5 -15.429- .312 + .18 .121+ I .08 .42 .17 2528 + 17 i 1.36 60.4 -15-377- -305 + -17 .020 o .12 .60 .32 2529 4 41 10.08 69.7 -15.389- .274 + -i3 .OIO .11 .39 .19 28 Hydrae (A) 2530 + 46 2 23.15 61.8 15.611 .360 + .29 -.136 o .07 .26 .14 41 Lyncis 2531 +46 I 6.89 84.8 -I5-530- -360 + .29 - -053 o .10 .45 .15 2532 - 8 47 23.46 72.2 -15.499- .265 + .12 .Oil .12 .46 .21 29 Hydrae * 2533 - 8 13 30.38 66.2 -15.475-. 266 + .12 + .031 o .02 .11 .05 2534 -2i 54 18.37 92.0 15.670 .248 + .10 .161 I .11 .85 .19 141 G Hydrae G 2535 - 5 38 3-40 70.1 -15.588- .266 + -13 -.074+ I .08 .41 .18 2536 + 81 46 6.91 80.0 - 15.541-. 816 + 2.30 -.025 o .03 .19 .06 Pi 37. Groombi537 2537 -52 5643.90 84.6 -15.541-. 173 + .05 .014 o IS -7 1 -23 136 G Velorum / 2538 + 9 2931.97 Si-7 -15.543-. 290 + .16 -.013 o .07 .29 .18 * 2539 + 8 37 28.81 64.7 -15. 561-. 288 + .16 .028 o .13 .42 .23 3 Leonis * 2540 + 63 29 57.05 70.9 -15-535- -434 + .48 + .025- 2 .04 .19 .09 23 Ursae Maj h* 2541 - 2 19 54.72 73-3 15.602 .274 + .14 .019 I .09 .39 .17 31 Hydrae r 1 2542 -64 2946.31 79-4 -i5.55i-.ii2 + .04 + .059+ I .13 .60 .22 137 G Carinae 2543 + 34 5 42-73 68.3 15.682 .326 + .23 .065 o .10 .48 .22 7 Leonis Min 2544 -35 3050-28 79-3 15.660 .219 + .08 .019 o .11 .51 .19 2545 -26 9 19.73 77.0 -15.688- .235 + .09 .040+ I .11 .55 .21 2546 + 35 3 2 43-34 75-3 -15.776- .326 + .23 .117 o .10 .35 .16 8 Leonis Min 2547 + 72 3 8 59-44 58-7 -15.729- .519 + .78 .069 2 .12 .36 .22 22 UrsaeMaj 2548 26 9 5.19 81.1 -15.671-. 235 + .09 .on o .10 .55 .19 3 G Antliae 2549 + 70 16 11.94 76.0 15.600 .482 + .66 + .070+ i .05 .22 .09 24 UrsaeMaj d 2550 + 23 2432.18 59-o -15.741-. 305 + .19 .051 o .06 .31 .I? 059- i2 M n"i74. 2539 W. H. II M 25" 80. 2538 2 1356. 6*?2-7o i", binary, 116 yrs. . 2540 S 1351. 9" 23" 270. iO4 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. 100 (i a 10 M h m s s s S s ff n // 2S5I L 3914 5-5 9 26 7.215 89.1 +0.6103 -.0443 -.051 -0243- 3 .18 .93 .27 2552 6 Ursae Maj 3- 2 26 10.336 70-3 +4.0387-. 0550 + .014 .1026+ 5 .03 .14 .06 2553 L 3880' 7.2 26 28.754 82.2 + 2.5621 +.0053 + .006 .0027 o .16 1.38 .42 2554 L 3880* 6.9 26 29.145 83-6 + 2.5652 +.0053 + .006 + .0003 o .13 .78 .24 2555 Leonis 5-2 26 33-399 69.0 + 3. 2383-. oioo + .003 .0065 o .06 .30 .14 2556 Br J 339 S-S 26 35.991 65.3 + 3.2204 .0092 + .004 .0005 o .09 .45 .22 2557 L3894 5-7 26 40-413 85.0 + 2.0438+. 0056 + .007 .0021 o .20 no .34 2558 tfi Velorum m 3-5 26 45.687 82.6 + 2.3599+. 0065 + .007 .0164 i .08 .42 .14 2559 Br 1341 4.6 26 53-057 84.2 + 3.0604 .OO42 + .004 .0012 o .08 .50 .15 2560 L 3 88 4 6.2 27 iS-537 84.8 + 2.5640+. 0054 + .006 .0034 o .11 .72 .21 2561 Br 1337 6.6 27 22.217 68.2 + 3.6962 .0296 + .005 + .0032 o .14 .51 .26 2562 L 3904 5-9 27 28.185 90.! + 1.7483+. 0014 + .004 .0074 o .20 I. II .29 2563 iChamaeleontis 5-5 27 29.285 81.8 1.8421 .3029 -.628 .0590 8 .10 .68 .22 2564 Lai 18792 6.0 27 41.611 97-6 + 2. 7897 + .0023 + .005 + .0005 o .12 .92 .17 2565 Br 1336 4-7 2? 58-S7 1 58.3 + 4.1383-. 0569 + .014 .0063 o .13 .40 .25 2566 Br 1340 4 .8 28 5-955 85-9 + 3.6896 .0295 + .005 + .001 1 .05 .28 .08 2567 L 3910 2.8 28 11.000 80.0 + I.82I3 + .0027 + .005 .0048 o .10 .54 .19 2568 1,3900 S-S 28 21.057 90.2 + 2.3783 + .0068 + .007 + .OOOI O .12 .70 .l8 2569 Arm 2 i 02 5-3 28 36.193 89-5 + 2. 7610+. OO28 + .005 .0019 o .09 .92 .21 2570 Pi us S-o 28 49.605 64.8 + 3-7585- -334 + .007 .0027 o 15 -57 -3 2571 Paris 11778 6.1 28 52.941 91.2 + 2. 7318+. 0033 + .006 .0027 o .14 1. 12 .25 2572 Br 1344 5-9 29 33-255 69-3 + 2.9943- .0023 + .004 .0000 o .11 .40 .20 2573 Br 1343 5-6 29 39.811 65-1 + 3.6121 .0284 + .005 .0582+ 2 .08 .30 .l6 2574 R Carinae Var. 29 43-7 l8 88.1 + 1.5 1 1 4- .0044 .002 .0059 I .l8 1.O6 .29 2575 L 3917 m 5-4 3 9-253 84-3 + 2.i5ii + .oo67 + .008 .0005 o .l6 .84 .27 2576 Br 1345 6.6 30 25.032 67.2 + 3.2845- .0117 + .004 .0027 o .10 .38 .19 2577 L 3925 5-2 30 40.743 84.0 + 2.0758+. 0062 + .007 .0025 o l8 1 .08 .33 2578 Pi 124 5-8 30 46-952 84-5 + 3.5718- .0240 + .005 + .OOIO .11 .46 .16 2579 1,3968 5-6 30 5i-43i 88.0 + 0.4762-. 0558 -.071 .0068 2 .15 .78 .23 2580 Br 1347 6.2 31 31.606 73-5 + 3-3 l6 5--oi29 + .004 .0007 o .09 .36 .16 2581 L 3949 4-i 3i 32.594 77-i + 1.7398+. 0014 + .003 .0018 o .12 .51 .21 2582 Br 1349 5-4 3i S5-923 65.2 + 3. 1 708- .007 7 + .004 .0044 o .08 .39 .19 2583 Br 1348 6.9 32 6.621 70.0 + 3.4415- .0184 + .004 .0077 o .08 .39 .18 2584 Br 1346 5-4 32 7-251 80.2 + 3. 7617-. 0344 + .007 .0017 o .08 .36 .14 2585 1,3928 6.1 3 2 3 -34i 88.2 + 2.6959+. 0042 + .007 .005 1 o .11 I.OS .26 2586 Br 1350 6.9 32 33-9I9 80.2 + 3.279i-.oii7 + .004 .0050 o .12 .36 .16 2587 L3939 5-8 32 5I.6S4 82.0 + 2.s8n + .oo59 + .007 + .0036 o .11 .58 .20 2588 Br 1353 6.7 3 2 57-351 71.9 + 2.9423 .0008 + .005 - .0037 o .10 .34 .16 2589 Br 1352 4.9 33 14-360 70.2 + 3.1326 .0066 + .004 .OIIO O .08 .33 .15 2590 L39S2 4-4 33 I4-79 2 82.0 + 2. 1 443 + .0069 + .008 .0125 I .11 .75 .24 2S9I Groomb 1564 6.0 33 41.602 81.0 + 5.2129 .1608 + .108 .0115 o 05 -44 -14 2592 Br 1342 5-6 33 45-173 72-7 + 5.6242 .2108 + -I73 -.0053 o .08 .33 .14 2593 L 3961 m 5-6 33 51-864 90.4 + 2. 0006 +.005 8 + .007 -.0075- I .20 I.O2 .28 2594 L 3956 5-6 34 7.018 92.2 + 2.3407 + .0075 + .008 + .0024 o .13 .82 .20 2595 i Hydrae 4.1 34 44.968 78.2 + 3.0659- .0041 + .005 + .0031 o .06 .28 .11 2596 Br 1358 6-S 34 54.387 7i-3 + 2.9284 .0004 + .005 .0028 o .12 .52 .24 2597 Groomb 1569 7.6 35 10.808 86.0 + 3-7275-. 0330 + .008 + .0066 I .12 .44 .16 2598 Groomb 1562 6-3 35 27-145 63-6 + 7-3587- -5045 + .772 .0060 o .11 .51 .26 2599 Br 1361 6-5 35 27-276 74-2 + 2.9286 .0003 + .006 -.0003 o .09 .39 .17 2600 K Hydrae 5-i 9 35 3 -738 80.3 + 2.8759+. 0009 + .006 .0018 o .08 .39 .14 9 M 37"74- 3574 4*"3 toio M ; CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t ji'and ioo A(i' Prob. Errors. S Ep. 100 p.' 8 10 Remarks. 2551 1 It 71 10 2.82 84.8 // // 1 5- 6 33-'4<5 gg + .07 // + .062+ 2 .14 .67 .22 138 G Carinae 2552 + 5 2 7 S9-4 6 67.9 -16.247-. 351 + -33 -549+ 9 .03 .13 .06 ft 1071. 14*" 5" 180, slow 2553 -31 27 3.12 73-3 -15. 740- .225 + .09 - .025 o .l6 I.O7 .42 jDunlop. 8" 211 2554 -31 26 56.03 76.9 - I 5-745-- 22 5 + .09 - .030 o .12 .71 .26 J9G Antliae f 1 2555 + 11 4433- 6 4 62.5 -15.806- .286 + .16 -.087+ i .06 .24 .13 2556 + 10 9 24.06 60.2 -15. 744- .285 + .16 - .023 o .08 .36 .19 6 Leonis h * 2557 -51 441.00 79.2 -15.717-. 178 + .05 + .009 o 15 -73 -27 141 G Velorum 2558 40 i 44.06 80.8 15.664 .205 + .07 + .066+ 2 .08 .40 .14 Copeland 3*^-S^ o"8 257 2559 - 04437.37 80.0 -15.756- .270 + .14 .019 o .08 .36 .13 32 Hydrae r 2 2560 -31 25 50.99 79.2 -15. 741-. 224 + .09 + .016 o .12 .58 .22 10 G Antliae 2 2561 + 36 55 48.72 65-9 -15.808- .326 + .24 - -045 o .11 .47 .23 9 Leonis Min 2562 -57 55 20-41 88.7 -15. 742-. 150 + .04 + .027+ I .15 .97 .26 143 G Cannae 2563 80 21 17.78 82.4 -15.644+. 178 + .50 + .126+ 5 .09 .58 .18 2564 -18 57 32.01 97.6 -15. 789- .244 + .11 .008 o .14 1.03 .19 156 G Hydrae 2565 + 52 2946.44 50.2 -15.840-. 364 + -33 -.044+ i ii -33 -23 26 Ursae Maj 2566 + 36 50 29.80 76.1 -15-829- .324 + -24 .027 o .05 .21 .09 10 Leonis Min 2567 -S^SS 35-40 77-5 -15.803-. 156 + .04 + .004 o -09 -43 -I? 144 G Velorum N 2568 40 12 25.03 85-3 -15.835-. 206 + .07 .019 o .IO .49 .l6 143 G Velorum 2569 - 20 40 23.25 89.8 -15.832-. 240 + .10 .002 o .08 .80 .18 2570 + 40 3 55.29 60.7 -15.842-. 329 + -25 .000 o .12 .46 .26 2571 -22 25 19.27 91.4 -I5-79 - - 2 37 + .10 + .054 o .14 I.I9 .26 162 G Hydrae 2572 - 5 28 6.77 67.2 -15-937- -260 + -13 -.057 o .09 .37 .18 33 Hydrae A 2573 + 36 15 44.74 64.0 16.152 .310 + .24 -.266+ 5 .07 .30 .16 1 1 Leonis Min 2574 -62 2045.93 85-4 -15.873-. 127 + .04 + .017 o .14 .85 .25 145 G Cannae * 2575 -4833 38.30 80.8 -15.898-. 184 + .06 + .014 o .13 .64 .23 145 G Velorum * 2576 + 1449 33- 8 64.4 15.940- .284 + .17 .014 o .08 .30 .l6 7 Leonis 2577 -5048 36.23 79-9 -15.959-. 176 + .06 .019 o .14 .73 .26 146 G Velorum L 2578 + 31 36 35.90 80.5 -15.988-. 309 + .22 .042 o .11 .42 .I? 2579 -72 38 .14.39 85.8 -15.960- .034 + .0 9 .010+ I .12 .63 .19 146 G Carinas H 2580 + 1653 9.25 71.8 16.004 .285 + .18 .019 o .08 .34 .15 8 Leonis 2581 -5847 1.44 76.6 -15.975-. 146 + .04 + .OI I .IO .44 .l8 147 G Carinae h 2582 + 7 17 2-7i 58-4 16.013 .271 + .16 .007 o .07 .26 .15 10 Leonis (i Sextantis) 2583 + 25 7 10.59 67.2 -16.043-. 294 + .20 .027+ I .07 .32 .16 9 Leonis 2584 + 4041 19.33 76.1 16.023-. 323 + -25 .007 o .07 .29 .12 42 Lyncis 2585 -245056.88 88.2 16.007 .229 + .10 + .030 o .12 I. II .27 1 6 G Antliae 2586 + 1447 56.32 77.1 -16.135-. 279 + .18 - -095 o .11 .35 .16 ii Leonis 2587 -31 4344-55 76.8 16.079 .219 + .09 .024 o .10 .47 .18 17 G Antliae 2588 - 8 58 29.64 71.8 -16.053-. 250 + -13 + .007 o .08 .31 .14 34 Hydrae 2589 + 56 3.04 66.0 16.138 .265 + .16 -.063+ I .08 .31 .16 2 Sextantis 2590 -48 5424.71 81.2 -16.053-. 179 + .06 + .023+ I .10 .65 .21 148 G Velorum M 2591 + 69 4i 33-97 79.2 -16.170- .445 + -63 .071+ I .06 .40 .14 2592 + 7242 25.55 68.7 16.136 .481 + .76 - -034 o .07 .24 .12 27 Ursas Maj 2593 -53 *3 6 - 01 79.2 16.131 .166 + .05 -.023+ I .14 .58 .23 150 G Velorum * 2594 42 44 22.28 87.1 16.165 .196 + .07 .044 o .12 .59 .18 151 G Velorum y 2595 - o 41 19.77 75-3 16.226 .258 + -IS .072 o .06 .27 .11 2596 -10 7 4.90 72.1 -16.163-. 245 + -13 .001 o .11 .42 .19 37 Hydrae 2597 + 39 24 26.37 74.2 -16.323-. 315 + -25 -.147- I .10 .32 .15 S 1374. 9o 3" 285, slow 2598 + 7935 43-97 64.4 16.214 .625 + I. 5 I .024 o .12 .49 .25 2599 -10 1857.79 7i-5 16.196 .245 + -13 .006 o .08 .31 .14 2600 -13 52 42.77 75-8 16.209 .240 + .12 .016 o .07 .34 .14 2573 h 4220- 2593 Lowell. o"6 170, binary. io6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 |i a 10 M h m s S S S s // a n 2601 Br 1354 5-6 9 35 48.706 68.0 + 3-7321-- 0338 + .008 .005 1 o .14 .50 .25 2602 o Leonis 3-7 35 48.865 72-5 + 3.2061 .0092 + .005 .0098 o .03 .18 .07 2603 Br I3S7 6-5 35 53-374 66.8 + 3.4611 .0196 + .005 .0009 o .12 .48 .24 2604 L397 4.6 36 34-850 79-4 + 1.6626 .0001 + .002 .0047 o .14 .70 .26 2605 Lai 19034 4-9 36 43- 22 93-2 + 2.7370+. 0039 + .006 .001 1 o .10 .92 .18 2606 Chamasleontis 5-3 36 49-947 78.3 1.6117 .2984 -659 -.0173- 7 .06 .54 .l8 2607 L 3990 5-4 37 37-757 86.5 + 1.8439+. 0038 + .006 .0061 i .15 .82 .24 2608 Br 1365 5-8 37 41.603 76.6 + 3.5270- .0231 + .006 .0021 o .11 .50 .20 2609 Lai 19093 5-2 37 43-637 94-o + 2. 7051 + .0041 + .007 .0298 o .10 1. 08 .20 2610 L 399 2 6.0 37 5 2 -438 92.6 + 1.8958 +.0048 + .007 + .0105+ I .18 1.23 .28 2611 Br 1355 6.7 38 14.007 78.5 + 4.6683-. 1073 + .056 .0010 I 07 -34 -13 2612 \l/ Leonis 5-8 38 I7-I95 71.2 + 3.2722-.OII5 + .005 .0002 o .08 .33 .15 2613 L3983 6.7 38 28.224 89.8 + 2. 5291 + .0070 + .008 .0005 o .14 1.08 .26 2614 Br 1364 5-4 39 26.944 67-5 + 4-2843-. 0735 + .030 + .0005 o .12 .32 .18 2615 Antliae 5-i 39 44.616 83.0 + 2. 6714+. OO52 + .007 - .0045 o .10 .52 .17 2616 L3998 6-7 39 54-059 77-5 + 2.i297 + .oo77 + .009 .0032 o .15 .86 .32 2617 Br 1363 7.2 39 54.890 73-9 + 4.6070 .1044 + .055 .0180 o .09 .40 .17 2618 Leonis 3-i 40 10.598 72-5 + 3.4140- .0179 + .005 .0030 o .02 .14 .06 2619 L 4003 5-8 40 18.549 87-5 + 2. 03 1 4 +.0068 + .008 -.0095- I .20 .86 .27 2620 Br 1367 7.2 40 18.790 79.1 +3. 8586- .0426 + .OI2 + .0056 2 .10 .32 .14 2621 Abo 205 6.2 40 53-577 72.8 + 3.1689 .0076 + .005 + .0007 o .09 .51 .21 2622 Br 1370 6.1 41 0.147 68.5 +3.2369 .0102 + .005 .OOI I O .09 .39 .19 2623 Pi 171 5-9 41 14-031 90.9 + 3-0987- -0053 + .005 - .0035 o .13 .56 .16 2624 Br 1372 6.6 42 3-4I3 76.1 + 3.2293 .0100 + .005 - .0043 o .11 .33 .16 2625 Pi 173 7-9 42 6.720 85-3 + 3.3700- .0157 + .005 + .0063 o .10 .39 .14 2626 Br 1369 5-3 42 8.500 64-4 + 3. 8902 -.0444 + 013 + .0213- 3 .08 .28 .15 2627 R Leonis Var. 42 10.823 67.4 + 3-23 I 3-- 01 o + .005 .0003 o .10 .57 .26 2628 L 4033 Var. 42 29.937 79.8 + 1.6472 .0002 + .OO2 .0032 o .12 .54 .20 2629 L 4022 6.0 42 3 6 -4i6 90.2 + 2-3357 + -0086 + .009 .0010 o .14 .80 .21 2630 L 4016 7.8 42 42.223 93-4 + 2.4690+. 0080 + .008 + .0039 o .14 .99 .22 2631 Br 13 76 7-3 43 14-562 70.9 + 2.9808 .0014 + .005 .0022 o .12 .56 .25 2632 v Ursae Maj 3-8 43 52.972 73-9 + 4.3045 -.0809 + .037 -.0380+ 3 .03 .l6 .07 2633 Br 1374 7.0 44 5-445 67.0 + 3.7024- .0338 + .OIO + .OOI2 O .11 .46 .23 2634 Br 1377 6.2 44 14-374 59-5 + 3-3654- -0160 +.005 .003 i o .13 .44 .26 2635 Cannae 2.9 44 36-125 71.4 + 1.5009 .0047 -.003 .0031 o .08 .36 .16 2636 Br 1380 6.4 45 17-904 75-8 +3.1248 .0064 +.005 .0099 o 09 -32 -14 2637 < Ursae Maj m 4.6 45 18.318 66.0 +4.1124 .0630 + .025 .0000 o .O? 26 .13 2638 Br 1379 7-i 45 26.498 86.8 + 3. 2330- .0102 +.005 .0009 o .13 .44 .16 2639 Br 1381 6.9 45 37-339 7i-5 + 3.2520 .0109 +.005 + .0017 o .14 .58 .27 2640 L4047 5-4 46 4.142 83-4 + 2.3252 + .OO9I + .OIO .0030 o .18 .94 .31 2641 Br 1385 6.2 46 n.688 88.1 + 3.0246 .0025 + .005 + .0009 o .05 .48 .12 2642 Br 1382 5-4 46 12.527 78.2 + 3.4149- .0185 + .006 + .OOII I .08 .36 .14 2643 v Chamaeleontis 5-4 46 17.618 88.0 +0.0538-. 1023 -.171 + .0038- 3 .20 .94 .29 2644 Br 1378 7.0 46 18.095 68.4 +3.6511-. 0316 + .009 .0044 o .13 .46 .23 2645 v Hydrae 4-3 46 40.070 73-9 + 2. 8850 +.001 6 +.006 + .0009 o .10 .38 .17 2646 L 4046 8.6 46 40.397 90.0 + 2. 63 2 1 + .OO68 +.008 + .0017 o .14 1. 10 .26 2647 Br 1386 6.2 47 2.680 70.4 + 3-0975- -0054 + .005 .0122 o .10 .36 .17 2648 H Leonis 4.1 47 4-669 72.6 + 3.4208 .0196 + .006 .0163 o .03 .18 .07 2649 L 4055 5-7 47 27-397 85.0 + 2. 3 1 89 +.0093 + .OIO .0041 o .20 1.16 .35 2650 Br 1389 m 5-3 9 47 33.404 73-5 + 2.9702 .0009 +.006 - .0043 o .12 .44 .21 2628. 3*7 to 2637 OS 208. sfi-sfj < o'.'s, binary, 100 yrs. . CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO I0 7 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p/andioo A(i Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 2601 O / It + 40 12 49.36 63-2 n n -16.258- .313 // + .25 // .049 o /' ft ff .11 .37 .20 43 Lyncis 2602 + 10 20 50.27 71-3 16.248 .267 + 17 -.039+ i .03 .15 .06 2603 + 26 22 4.70 68.8 16.260 .290 + .20 - .047 o .11 .45 .22 13 Leonis 2604 60 52 30.91 76.2 -16.229-. 135 + .04 + .019 o .11 .51 .20 150 G Cannae m 2605 -23 8 12.52 94-3 16.248 .226 + .10 + .007 o .11 I. II .21 174 G Hydrae 7 2606 -802931.17 79-3 16.254+. 146 +.46 + .007+_..2 L .06 .48 .l6 2607 -57 3i 43-5 2 82.4 -16.307-. 149 +.05 .005 o .11 .55 .19 152 G Carinas 2608 + 30 26 3.12 73-8 16.414 .292 + .21 .109 o .10 .38 .17 15 Leonis/ 2609 - 23 28 0.54 92-7 l6.07I .220 + .10 + .236+ 2 .12 .99 .21 175 G Hydras 2610 -5648 11.19 90.7 -16.366-. 154 + .05 .052 I .14 1.03 .24 153 G Carinae 2611 + 64 648.56 71.6 -16.375- .388 + .47 - .043 o .06 .24 .11 28 UrsaeMaj 2612 + 14 28 44.91 68.2 -16.349- .270 + .18 .014 o .08 .33 .16 2613 -35 241.56 81.6 16.344-1- .2O6 + .09 .000 o .16 1.00 .33 22 G Antliae 2614 + 57 35 14-06 65-9 -16.369- .352 + -38 + .025 o .11 .25 .16 2615 27 18 42.06 80.7 -16.385- .216 + .10 + .023 o .09 .41 .15 2616 50 46 ii. 21 75-8 l6.4l8 .171 + .06 .002 .13 .65 .26 153 G Velorum 2617 + 63 42 45.39 78.0 -16.567-. 377 + .46 -.150+ 2 .09 .44 .17 2618 + 24 14 4.93 69-5 -16.454-. 278 + .20 .024 o .02 .14 .06 2619 -53 25 59-97 80.0 16.428 .162 + .05 + .009+ I IS -59 -23 154 G Velorum O 2620 + 45 34 43- 6 7 74-2 16.580 .316 + .28 -.143 o .10 .29 .14 14 Leonis Min 2621 + 7 10 12.36 68.9 -16.505-. 256 + .16 - -039 o .08 .42 .19 2622 + 12 16 14.26 65-3 16.468 .262 + .17 + .004 o .08 .36 .18 1 8 Leonis 2623 + 2 14 52.77 84.0 -16.529-. 250 + -i5 .046 o .11 .42 .16 2624 + 12 150.71 71.6 16.521 .259 + 17 + .003 o .10 .32 .16 19 Leonis 2625 + 21 4 3-43 78.4 -16.543- .272 + .19 .016 o .08 .30 .13 2626 + 46 29 13.10 60.9 16.627 .316 + .29 .099 2 .07 .26 .15 15 Leonis Min 2627 + 11 53 34.16 68.0 -16.563-. 259 + 17 -33 o .09 .58 .26 Bri 373- S^toio 1 * 2628 62 247.47 77-2 16.525 .128 + .04 + .O2 1 O .09 .42 .17 157 G Carinae / * 2629 -44 17 33-53 84-3 -16.551-. 185 + .07 .000 o .11 .51 .17 157 G Velorum 2630 -38 51 39.11 90.4 16.651 .196 + .08 - -095 o .15 .84 .22 2631 - 6 46 53.25 68.8 16.603- .237 + .14 .021 o .IO .40 .19 3 Sextantis 2632 + 59333-4 64.1 -16.773- .341 + 39 -159+ 3 .04 .16 .08 O552I. I2 M Il"295 2633 + 40 5 49.91 58.2 16.631-. 295 + 25 .007 o .11 .39 .23 1 6 Leonis Min 2634 + 21 3843.23 58-4 16.654 .266 + .19 - .023 o .12 .48 .28 20 Leonis 2635 -643628.83 7i-3 -16.643 -.114 + .04 + .006 o 7 -33 -15 h 4252. 7*5 5" "6 2636 + 4 48 42.38 71.0 -16.747- .245 + .16 .064+ i .07 .26 .12 4 Sextantis 2637 + 5431 53.64 62.6 -16.674-. 325 + -34 + .009 o .07 .25 .14 02 208 * 2638 + 12 18 34.21 78.4 16.696 .254 + 17 .006 o .12 .36 .17 21 Leonis 2639 + 1332 0.91 66.0 -16.725-. 255 + .18 .027 o .12 .47 .24 23 Leonis 2640 -45 1557-74 76-5 16.732 .180 + .07 .012 o .13 .64 .25 1 60 G Velorum 2641 - 34628.85 85.2 16.756 .236 + .14 - .030 o .06 .35 .10 6 Sextantis 2642 + 2452 6.45 73-8 16.920 .267 + .20 -.193 o .07 .30 .13 22 Leonis g 2643 -761835.38 81.3 16.792 + .002 + .14 .061 o .15 .63 .24 2644 + 3823 1.18 61.7 16.761 .286 + .24 - .030 o .11 .40 .22 17 Leonis Min 2645 14 22 38.92 72.7 16.776 .224 + .12 .027 o 9 -33 -15 39 Hydras v 1 2646 -31 230.85 84.4 16.724 .204 + .09 + .025 o .15 .91 .28 2647 + 2 55 14.14 63-7 -16.677- .239 + .16 + .090+ I .08 .30 .16 7 Sextantis 2648 + 26 2840.55 73-9 16.832 .265 + .20 -.063+ I .03 .19 .08 2649 -45 4333-95 81.7 -16.768-. 178 + .07 + .019 o .15 .88 .29 162 G Velorum 2650 - 7 38 2.86 76.2 -16.833-. 229 + .14 .041 o .10 .38 .16 8 Sextantis * 2650 Clark. < i", binary, 100 yrs. . io8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. zoo (i a 10 h m s s s s s It /r n 2651 L4057 4-5 9 47 48.855 86.7 + 2.3I29+.0093 + .OIO .0027 o .14 1.08 .29 2652 L 4061 5-9 48 5.016 93-1 + 1.8634 +.005 2 + .007 .0003 I .21 1.18 .29 2653 L 4066 5-7 48 6.908 85.2 + i.687i + .ooi2 + .004 .0013 o .18 .86 .28 2654 Br 1390 7.2 48 53.109 73-8 + 3.1389 .0066 + .005 .0021 o .11 .32 .16 2655 Br 1387 5-4 49 ".434 75-4 + 3.94I3- -5 l8 + .019 -.0005 o .10 .36 .16 2656 Pi 187 6.2 49 27.086 83.2 + 5.4684 .2208 +.225 .0148+ 2 .04 .36 .10 2657 L 4059 5-i 49 40-397 82.7 + 2. 7 145 + .0053 +.008 .0152 o .12 .66 .21 2658 Paris 12190 5-3 50 9.216 9-3 + 2.8302 + .0032 + .007 .0016 o .10 .90 .20 2659 L 4070 6.1 50 10.103 81.3 + 2. 1957 + .0096 + .OIO .OOI I O .18 .88 .31 2660 Pi 201 6.2 50 15.400 63.6 + 4.2182 .0748 +.036 +.0034- I 15 -56 -3 2661 L 4068 6.0 50 21.269 82.1 +2.3586+. 0097 + .OIO .0021 o .16 1.02 .33 2662 Br 1391 6.8 So 39.56i 80.6 +3-5309- .0254 +.008 .0031 o .11 .39 .16 2663 Br 1393 6.2 5i 7-93 71-5 +3.1843- .0085 +.006 .0061 o .10 .38 .18 2664 L 4075 6.0 51 8.090 83.8 +2.2253 +.0097 + .OII -r .0048 O .20 i .00 .33 2665 Br 1392 5-2 Si 33-7I7 80.5 +3.6913- .0357 + .012 .0102 o .05 .28 .10 2666 L 4077 6.1 52 13.428 88.1 + 2. 6l62+. 0078 + .009 + .OQ2I O .15 .88 .24 2667 L 4139 6.8 52 29.112 85-5 0.7717 .2092 .461 .0024+ I .18 .75 .26 2668 Br 1383 7.2 52 38-963 79-5 + 5.733I-. 2685 +.324 -.0149+ 3 .08 .45 .16 2669 L 4085 6.7 52 40.834 78.1 + 2. 2053 + .0099 + .011 .0009 o .20 i. 02 .38 2670 Br 1394 7-7 52 45-571 66.9 + 3.2679 .OI2I +.006 .0024 o .10 .38 .19 2671 Br 1396 6-4 52 49.802 69.2 + 3.l8l8- .0082 +.006 + .0006 o .12 .44 .21 2672 v Leonis 5-5 52 50.662 67.8 + 3^2318 .0105 +.006 .00.21 O .07 .28 .14 2673 Groomb 1594 5-8 52 58.878 73-4 + 4.1636- .0721 +.035 - .0039 o .13 .40 .20 2674 Velorum 3-5 53 21.075 80.6 + 2.IOIO+.OO94 + .OII .0025 o .09 -SI -17 2675 Pi 221 6.0 53 50-246 85.2 +3-4703- .0227 +.008 .0377 o .12 .48 .17 2676 L 4092 6.7 53 52-405 92.2 +2.2954+. 0103 + .OIO .0024 o .13 .90 .21 2677 L 4089 7-7 54 14-500 88.7 + 2.6885 +.0068 + .008 .0002 o .14 .98 .25 2678 Pi 223 6.9 54 31-864 80.2 +3.1143- .0057 + .006 .0050 o .08 .51 .I? 2679 17 Antliae 5-3 54 34-8i5 85-5 + 2.5703 + .0085 + .009 .0076 o .IO .62 .18 2680 IT Leonis S-o 54 55.778 76-3 +3.1740 .0080 + .006 .0023 o .03 .16 .06 2681 Br 1397 5-8 55 14-867 67.1 +3.4709- .0249 +.008 .0409 o .08 .30 .15 2682 Pi 230 5-8 57 H-493 67.4 +3-3526- .0165 + .007 .0013 o .11 .63 .29 2683 Pi 232 7.2 57 42-317 71.8 + 2. 9098 +.001 5 + .007 .0079 o .13 .58 .26 2684 Pi 229 6.0 57 57-78i 64.0 +4.0175 .0622 + .029 .0017 o .13 .54 .28 2685 Br 1400 6.7 58 57-613 58.3 +3.1106 .0056 +.006 -.0052 o .11 .38 .22 2686 Lai 19684 7.2 59 i5-42i 02.7 +2.8579+. 0034 +.008 .OOI I O .13 1.24 .16 2687 Dpt 1175 6.4 59 16.922 98.7 +2.8590+. 0034 + .007 .0000 o .12 .68 .14 2688 L 4126 6.1 9 59 43-797 89.8 + 2. 7668 +.OO55 + .008 .0102 o .12 I.I7 .27 2689 L 4i3S 6-5 10 o 10.955 91.9 + 2.5i95 + .oioi + .OIO .0029 o .14 .93 .22 2690 Br 1402 4.8 o 15-295 83.6 + 2-92IO+.OOI5 + .007 .0025 o .06 .33 .10 2691 L 4143 7-i i 16.764 83-6 + 2.6811 + .0078 + .009 .0029 o .12 .69 .22 2692 Br 1401 4-5 i 31.996 72.0 + 3-55 I 9--284 + .OIO + .0044 o .09 .36 .l6 2693 Br 1404 6-5 i 33-694 78.8 +3.1406 .0066 + .006 .0023 o .10 .38 .15 -*694 77 Leonis 3-5 i 52.916 75-o + 3. 2768- .0129 + .006 .0001 o .04 .21 .08 2695 L4I58 5-3 2 I3-679 85-5 + 2.3740+. 01 16 + .OI2 + .0032 o .15 1. 06 .30 2696 Br 1405 4.6 2 35-868 68.8 + 3. 1872- .0090 +.006 .0064 o .09 .50 .22 2697 Br 1407 4 .6 2 49.181 75-3 + 3.0718- .0037 + .006 .0019 o .11 .52 .21 2698 a Leonis 1.2 3 2.854 66.6 + 3.1996 .0100 + .006 .0169 o .02 .11 .05 2699 juChamaeleontis 5-7 3 24.222 78.1 1.4240 .3466 -979 -.0173- 6 .06 .56 .19 2700 Br 1409 7.0 10 4 0.500 70.2 + 3. 1471- -0069 + .006 .0009 o .11 .52 .23 2661 Dunlop. Si's S'.'S *37- 2686-7 21" 274; 1072. 6I-I2 M n" 44 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 109 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 Hydra 5-2 33 42-560 75-0 + 2. 9205 + .0048 + .009 .0076 o .08 .34 .14 2837 y Chamaeleontis 4.0 34 17-342 83-2 +0.7440- .0693 - -U9 -.0136- 5 .11 .58 .20 2838 Groomb 1669 6.1 34 41-774 79-4 +4.3302- -1347 + .146 .0060+ i .09 .50 .17 2839 Br 1480 7-3 34 48.993 63.6 + 3-3309 -o 200 + .Oil .0000 o .15 .48 .27 2840 L 4396* 4-9 34 56-647 82.0 + 2. 2769+. 0198 + .021 + .0006 o .16 .78 .27 2841 Br 1476 5- 2 35 7-6i6 65.7 + 4.1444 .IIO6 + .107 .0267+ 4 .IO .42 .21 2842 L 4398 4-3 35 i9-54i 88.0 + 2.3787 + .oi96 + .020 .0023 o .15 .80 .23 2843 Brisb 3136 6.9 35 25-439 85-4 + 2.3805+. 0197 + .020 .0011 .18 .78 .26 2844 Pi 126 5-3 35 54-754 80. i + 4.3600 .1409 + -159 .0014 o 05 -34 .12 2845 L 4399 6.8 36 17-537 89-3 + 2.7323 + .OI30 + .013 .003 1 o .14 I.O2 .26 2846 Br 1482 6.8 36 18.959 82.6 + 3.0528- .0019 + .008 .0094 o .05 .28 .09 2847 Pi 131 6-5 36 35-200 86.7 + 3.3722-. 0236 + .013 .0000 o .11 .54 .17 2848 L 4418 5-9 3 6 43-546 89-3 + 2.0712 + . 0184 + -023 .0018 o .20 i.oo .28 2849 L 4510 7-i 36 55-i6- 86.2 -3-053-- 1-078- .004- 10 .07 .63 .16 2850 Br 1481 5-9 10 37 24.643 57-2 + 3.8206- .o636 + -049 + .OO2I I .13 .40 .25 2803 h 4329. 8 M 3i"83; Comp. has little p.m. 2805-7 14" 218. 2814 pw fols. i'i S 38". CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. i goo Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/ and 100 A \L Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 HI' 8 10 Remarks. 2801 O t It + 59 3- 6 9 75-9 n ft -18.395-. 171 + .16 r + .028 o // If It 9 -33 -IS 32 Sextantis 2802 + 40 56 24.51 54-6 -18.440-. 193 + .24 .007+ I .13 .64 .38 h2534. I2 M 23"322 2803 -53 12 26.70 81.0 18.253 - 122 + .08 + .182+ 3 .12 .56 .20 215 G Velorum* 2804 + 9 49 l6 -35 69.9 -18.444-. 173 + -17 .006 o .03 .16 .07 2805 -4433 !9-n 76.6 -18.433-. 138 + .09 + .009 o .14 .67 .26 216 G Velorum s 1 * 2806 + 49 41 51.27 85.0 18.321 .206 + .27 + .121 2 .08 .36 .12 2807 -4433 8.60 77-5 - 18.450-. 138 + .09 .008 o -14 -58 .23 217 G Velorum s 2 * 2808 + 35 3 !3- 2 3 67.8 - 18.467-. 188 + .22 .021 o .08 .32 .15 34 Leonis Min 2809 -71 28 41.86 83-3 18.480 .079 + .04 - -033 o .14 .69 .23 202 G Carinae K 2810 16 26 30.01 80.2 -i8.537-.is8 + .14 .090 o 13 -65 -23 (43 Hydra $') 2811 61 10 15.16 77-6 18.462 .112 + .06 + .007 o .09 .45 .17 203 G Carinae p 2812 72 42 26.25 83.6 18.485 .072 + .04 .008 o .15 .69 .24 204 G Carinae 2813 + 57 35 5i-76 66.9 -18.447-. 213 + -32 + .031 o .06 .22 .11 37 Ursae Maj 2814 46 29 17.64 79-8 -18.488- .135 + .09 .010 o .13 .58 .22 219 G Velorum t * 2815 -23 13 47.70 81.5 -18.488-. 152 + -13 + .008 o .08 .36 .13 44 Hydras 2816 + 7 28 6.58 53-7 -I8.455-. 167 + -17 + .052 o .08 .29 .18 48 Leonis 2817 + 9 10 1.45 58.4 - 18.525-. 168 + -17 .Oil .09 .35 .20 49 Leonis * 2818 -22 3937.17 79-2 18.486 .150 + -13 + .042 o .11 .75 .26 231 G Hydrae 2819 + 3 6 5 43-41 67.1 -18.585-. 184 + -23 - -043 .10 .45 .22 35 Leonis Min 2820 -39 243.40 83.6 -18.543-. 139 + .11 + .004 o .14 .71 .23 71 G Antliae 2821 - 15 49 35-38 70.8 -18.569-. 153 + .14 .002 o .11 .44 .20 (tf Hydra) 2822 -ii 41 36.19 87.8 -19.257-. 157 + .14 -.684- I .08 .73 .18 236 G Hydrae 2823 -57 223.46 83-4 -i8.593-.ii8 + .07 -.013 o .11 .58 .19 208 G Carinae r 2824 + 3435 50-65 76.2 -18.593-. 178 + .22 + .001 O .11 .35 .16 36 Leonis Min 2825 26 53 40.06 82.1 18.602 .144 + .12 + .003 o .11 .47 .17 241 G Hydrae 2826 - 59 2 40.98 81.1 18.672 .113 + .0 7 - .065 o .15 .6l .23 210 G Carinae t 1 2827 -12 51 51.69 78.6 18.622 .153 + .14 .015 o .10 .71 .24 240 G Hydras* 2828 + 54 ii 24.95 58.2 18.697 .194 + .29 -.081 o .12 .46 .27 2829 + 32 29 44.52 64-5 18.626 .175 + .21 -.003 o .08 .35 .18 37 Leonis Min 2830 47 42 22.20 77-8 -18.653-. 127 + .09 -.030+ I .09 .44 .17 222 G Velorum p* 2831 + 38 25 52.63 63-3 18.679 .176 + -23 .046+ I .06 .24 .13 38 Leonis Min 2832 + 1638 52.48 57-5 -18.666-. 165 + .18 .029 o .13 .47 .28 50 Leonis 2833 -75 47 26.43 83.2 -18.635- .052 + .05 + .003 o .12 .60 .20 22 G Chamasleontis 2834 + 80 56 56.29 69.1 -18.627-. 323 + I.IO + .013 o .06 .28 .13 2835 -58 12 50.51 80.6 -18.653-. 114 + .0 7 -.013 o .15 .60 .23 2 1 1 G Carinae 2836 16 21 26.63 74-7 -18.623-. 148 + -14 + .020 o .06 .29 .12 ( 3 Hydra) 2837 -78 5 20.95 81.7 18.645- .031 + .0 7 + .016+ I .IO .51 .l8 2838 + 68 57 57.32 81.4 18.692 .221 + -44 .018 o 07 -39 -13 2839 + 28 2 46.99 61.9 - 18.691-. 168 + -21 - -013 o .13 .50 .27 39 Leonis Min 2840 -583945.01 76.1 18.695 .112 + .07 -.013 o 13 -56 -23 213 G Carinae < 2 * 2841 + 66 14 25.07 58-4 18.761 .2IO + -38 -.073+ I .08 .31 .18 38 Ursae Maj 2842 -55 456-87 84.7 -18.713-. 117 + .08 .019 o .12 .6l .20 225 G Velorum x 2843 -55 5 10.43 84-4 l8.7I2 .117 + .08 .015 o .15 .69 .23 2844 + 6935 57-29 74.0 -18.735-. 220 + -44 .022 .05 .24 .10 * 2845 -35 13 n-43 81.4 -18.708-. 134 + .12 + .016 o .17 1.09 .36 76 G Antliae 2846 - i 12 57.46 77-8 -18.854-. ISO + .16 .129 o .05 .25 .IO 33 Sextantis 2847 + 32 13 12.65 82.6 18.764 .167 + .21 - .030 o .10 .45 .16 2848 -643442.54 87.7 - 18.738- .099 + .06 .000 O .15 .87 .25 2170 Carinae 2849 -85 34 20.94 86.7 -18.758 +.165 .014 o .06 .57 .15 10 G Octantis 2850 + 53 43 27-62 52-7 -i8.8i6-.i88 + -31 - -057 o .11 .34 .22 39 Ursae Maj 2817 S 1430. 2830 Lowell. 2'/4 157. 5-s'! l o o'.'7 261 2840 Dunlop. 6*C9 15" 19. 2827 4*! I 5 to 6*2 Pulkss 1654. 2844 Groomb 1673. 35 H Ursae Maj. n6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A ji Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop aio M h m s - S 5 S s // // // 2851 Br 1484 6. 9 10 37 27.649 70.4 + 3. looo- .0045 + .008 .0062 o .05 .24 .11 2852 Br 1483 5-6 37 32-56 67.4 + 3.3027 .0188 + .OII .0079 o .09 .33 .16 2853 Pi i3S 5-3 37 40-397 76.8 + 3-5443- -0415 + .025 .O27I+ 2 .08 .42 .16 2854 Br 1485 5-i 37 58-810 82.8 + 3.2697 .0164 + .011 .0083 o .05 .32 .10 2855 Br 1489 7.2 38 4.470 77-8 + 2. 87 26 + .008 1 + .610 .OOIO O .13 .68 .26 2856 L 4415 5-9 38 5-059 85-5 + 2-7773 + .OI20 + .012 .0007 o .12 .78 .22 2857 Pi 137 7-7 38 8.405 78-7 + 3-5420- .0415 + .02 5 -.0268+ 2 .IO .51 .19 2858 Br 1487 6.6 38 9-507 63-4 + 3. 1174- .0051 + .008 + .0020 o .11 .42 .22 2859 L 4440 5-2 3841.177 80.4 + 2.I2O3 + .OI98 + .024 -.0025 o .15 .69 .25 2860 1,4435 5-5 38 48.600 87.0 + 2.3099+. 021 1 + .023 .0002 o .l6 .99 .28 2861 L 4426 7-5 39 4.980 94-2 + 2. 7065 + .0148 + .014 + .OO22 O .1*4 I.O5 .22 2862 Carinas 2.8 39 23.294 68.9 + 2. 1303 + .0202 + .025 - -0033 o .09 .36 .17 2863 L 4446 4.4 39 43-7S 2 92.4 + 2.27I8+.O2I3 + .024 .0049 x .l6 I.I7 .26 2864 Br 1491 6.7 40 0.328 68.8 + 3.0932-. 0039 + .008 ^-.0032 o .09 .44 .20 2865 Br 1488 6.7 40 6.571 66.0 + 3. 7941 -.0685 + .051 .0058 o .11 .42 .22 2866 Br 1490 5-4 40 18.359 84.4 + 3-3463-. 0225 + .OI2 .0020 o .04 .28 .08 2867 L4455 5-i 40 29.800 82.6 + 2.l6l5 + .O2IO + .025 .0020 o .18 .75 .27 2868 Br 1493 6.6 40 53-312 72.9 + 3.1266 .0058 + .008 .0005 o .06 .28 .12 2869 Br 1492 5-9 4i 1-343 67.0 +3-2377- -0133 + .OIO + .0062 o .11 .45 .22 2870 Br 1494 5-8 4i 7-545 70.2 + 3.1818 .0103 + .009 .0090 o .09 .40 .l8 2871 ri CarinEe Var. 41 10.817 66.4 + 2.3181 + .O22O + .024 + .0005 o .06 .33 .16 2872 Brisb 3200 7.2 4i 57-603 87-3 + 2. 8463 + .0093 + .OIO .0129 o .13 .90 .24 2873 Br 1496 5-7 41 58.111 69.1 + 2.9370+ .0056 + .009 .0009 o .11 .46 .22 2874 Br 1495 7-8 42 7-153 75-2. + 3. 1229- .0058 + .008 -.0031 o .08 .27 .12 2875 p. Velorum 2.6 42 28.033 78.2 + 2. 5692 + .0196 + .019 + .0052 o 09 -39 -15 2876 L 4471 5-6 42 39.210 88.6 + 2.I628+.O2I7 + .027 .0027 I .20 .96 .28 2877 Pi 159 8.0 42 41.691 93-7 + 2.9450+. 0048 + .009 .0080 o .13 .63 .16 2878 L 4473 5-5 42 50.986 84.6 + 2.I776+.O22O + .026 .OOOI .18 .82 . .28 2879 L 4468 5-5 42 55-342 89.8 + 2-4II6+.O22I + .023 .0012 o .20 1.05 .29 2880 L-4475 5-i 43 12.752 88.8 + 2.I759+.022I + .027 .OOI I O .20 .96 .28 2881 Br 1497 6-5 43 26.396 80.4 + 3.3180 .0212 + .OI2 .0068 o .11 .39 .16 2882 Br 1502 7-4 43 57-213 72-3 + 3. 007 2 + .001 9 + .009 + .0005 o .13 .68 .29 2883 Br 1500 5-5 44 o.ioi 77-7 +3. 1574- .0080 + .008 .0001 O .03 .18 .06 2884 L 4469 7.2 44 12.736 92.6 + 2.8422 + .0104 + .OII - -0053 o .14 1.22 .26 2885 Br 1503 s * 7.2 44 I3- 42 67.4 + 3.0424 .0004 + .008 - -0035 o .12 .46 .23 2886 L 4509 m 5-6 44 19.000 80.0 +0.6180 .0967 .250 .0112 8 .13 .70 .25 2887 Br 1501 6-3 44 24.054 7i-3 +3.3072-. 0199 + .OI2 .0002 o .09 .39 .18 2888 v Hydrae 3-3 4441.423 69-9 + 2.9578 +.0054 + .009 + .0065+ I .05 .24 .11 2889 SChamaeleontis 4.6 44 50.818 76-3 +0.6097 .0980 -.254 .0183 10 .06 .50 .18 2890 Br 1499 6.0 45 I -3 I 4 65-3 + 3.7280 .0648 + .048 -.0085+ I .13 .42 .23 2891 Br 1498 5-9 45 6.717 66.3 +3.8069- .0745 + .060 .0040 o .10 .33 .17 2892 Br 1505 6.0 45 I7-044 82.7 + 3. 0087 + . 0019 + .009 .0007 o .08 .44 .14 2893 L 4483 5-9 45 I7-778 84.2 + 2.7838 + .OI33 + -OI3 .0050 o .15 .88 .27 2894 Br 1507 6.9 . 46 12.311 76-3 + 2.9336+. 0063 + .010 .0029 o i4 -54 -23 2895 Pi 170 7.0 46 30.420 65.2 + 3.6323-. 0538 +.038 .OOIO O .11 .52 .26 2896 Pi 171 6.8 46 32.203 69.0 + 3.6247-. 0535 +.038 .0072+ I .11 .48 .22 2897 Groomb 1697 6-3 46 40.188 81.4 + 4.1731-. 1393 +177 .0789+19 .08 .54 .18 2898 Br 1506 5-5 47 3I-245 78.0 + 3-66d2 .0585 + .042 .0083 + I .09 .36 .15 2899 Br 1509 3-9 47 43-269 75-5 + 3.3674- .0258 + .015 + .0074- I .04 .22 .09 2900 Ep. loop' Sio Remarks. 2851 + 46 20.28 69-5 // // 18.740 .151 + 17 + .02 1 o // it it .05 .24 .11 34 Sextantis 2852 + 2651 2.57 64.6 - 18.828-. 161 + .20 .065 o .08 .31 .16 40 LeonisMin* 2853 + 46 43 45 - 88 73-7 18.841 .172 + .25 -.074+ i .07 .34 .14 2854 + 23 42 42.91 79-6 -18.772-. 159 + .20 + .005 o .04 .23 .08 41 LeonisMin 2855 -23 130.85 77-o -18.758-. 138 + 13 + .022 o 13 -9 1 -34 2856 -32 ii 31.81 80.2 -18788-. 134 + .12 .008 o ii -55 -20 78 G Antliae 2857 + 46 43 56.99 73-2 -18.853-. 171 + .2 5 -.071+ i .09 .44 .19 2858 + 5 16 20.66 56.8 -18.815-. 151 + 17 - -033 o .IO .36 .22 35 Sextantis* 2859 -63 s63S- 2 7 76-5 -18.791-. 099 + .06 + .007 o .12 .53 .22 221 G Cannae 2860 -5841 31.37 78.0 18.822 .109 + .0 7 .020 .12 .57 .22 222 G Carinae 2861 -3832 4.03 89.4 -18.814-. 128 + .11 .004 o .15 .77 .22 2862 -6352 13.88 71.9 18.811 .099 + .06 + .009 o .08 .34 .l6 2863 -60 231.72 82.6 -18.837-. 105 + .0 7 .007 o .12 .57 .20 224 G Carinae w 2864 + 3 049-97 62.3 -18.863-. 146 + -I7 - .025 o .09 .43 .22 36 Sextantis 2865 + 57 53 36-31 49.1 - 18.908-. 180 + -30 .067 o .ii -35 -24 41 Ursae Maj 2866 + 31 12 32.41 83-1 -18.888-. 158 + .21 .041 o .04 .26 .08 42 LeonisMin 2867 -63 26 10.31 84.8 18.848 .099 + .06 + .005 o 15 -73 -24 229 G Carinas 2868 + 6 54 0.81 66.2 18.902 .146 + 17 - .038 o .06 .22 .11 37 Sextantis 2869 + 1925 7.50 63.0 18.916 .152 + .I 9 .048 o .IO .42 .22 51 Leonis m 2870 + 1443 21.34 64-3 18.950 .148 + .18 - .079 o .08 .33 .I? 52 Leonis k 2871 -59 93i-3 2 67.9 - 18.871-. 106 + .07 + .OO2 O .06 .31.. 14 jM to ^M^ 2872 -25 31 22.67 85-1 -18.863-. 130 + 13 + .033+ I .13 .82 .24 250 G Hydrae 2873 16 46 10.45 7i-3 -18.915- .135 + .14 .019 o .11 .46 .21 Hydra; b 1 2874 + 6 52 26.32 66.4 -18.927-. 143 + -I7 .027 o .06 .20 .11 38 Sextantis 2875 - 48 53 3 -48 79-9 18.970 .116 + .09 - -059 o .08 .37 .14 Russell 7"" 2" 63 2876 -63 59 16.79 88.9 18.949 .096 + .06 - -033 o .16 .87 .24 236 G Carinse 2877 -15 554-00 83-7 -18.973-. 134 + .14 .056 o .11 -41 .15 2 1473- 9 M 3i" 10 2878 -63 44 n- 22 85-4 18.922 .097 + .06 .000 o 15 -75 -24 237 G Carinae 2879 -56 13 48.10 81.4 18.945 .108 + .08 .021 O .14 .63 .23 230 G Velorum 2880 -63 51 23.09 88.6 18.944 .096 + .06 .012 o .16 .86 .24 238 G Cannae 2881 + 29 56 42.66 75-o 18.992 .150 + .21 - -53 o .10 .35 .16 43 LeonisMin 2882 - 8 34 15.66 7-3 -18.982-. 135 + 15 .029 o .11 .46 .21 39 Sextantis 2883 + 11 4 2 7-5 6 74-8 -18.988-. 142 + 17 - -033 o .03 .20 .08 53 Leonis I 2884 27 23 23.02 88.1 18.954 .126 + 13 + .007 o .14 .98 .26 253 G Hydrae 2885 - 3 29 42.74 65.8 -18.974-. 136 + -IS -.013 o .09 .34 .17 40 Sextantis* 2886 -79 5629-51 73-o * 18.993 .020 + .08 .029+ I .10 .49 .21 25 G Chamasleontis 8 * * 2887 + 2830 6.81 67.0 18.945 .148 + .21 + .O2 1 O .O? .31 .15 44 Leonis Min 2888 - 15 40 13.30 70.8 -18.781-. 131 + .14 + .193 .05 .27 .12 2889 80 o 46.05 76.4 18.983 .020 + .08 -.004+ I .06 .42 .15 26 G Chamaeleontis 8 2 2890 + 57 6 42.01 52-3 - 18.987-. 166 +.28 -.003 o .12 .33 .22 43 UrsaeMaj 2891 + 5951 4.08 60.8 19.042 .170 +.30 - .056 o .08 .28 .16 42 Ursae Maj 2892 - 8 22 4.64 77-8 19.009-. 132 +15 .018 o .08 .40 .15 41 Sextantis* 2893 -3331 45-05 74.1 18.987 .122 +.M + .004 o .14 .60 .26 80 G Antliae 2894 -I 74 8 8. 37 77-2 19.009 .127 + .14 + .008 o .12 .47 .20 2895 + 53 5 48.41 58.0 -19.046-. 159 + .26 .021 o .12 .45 .26 2896 + 53 2 8.26 61.3 -19.088-. 158 + .26 .062 o .12 .44 .24 2897 + 7023 12.72 79-6 19.100 .180 + .41 -.071+ 3 07 -43 -i5 2898 + 55 7 o- 22 67.1 -19.070- .157 + .27 .018 o .09 .27 .15 44 Ursae Maj 2899 + 3445 14.23 72.9 -19.348-. 144 + .22 .290 o .04 .23 .09 46 Leonis Min 2900 + 43 43 20.41 60.4 19.107 .148 + 23 - -035 o .06 .24 .14 2892 h 838. n8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 BTo. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. a Ep. ioo(i a, 10 M h m s s s S s it // it 2901 L 4S7 5-6 10 48 24.999 88.8 + 2.4462 + .0239 + .025 .0007 o .20 .94 .28 2902 Br 1513 5-4 48 35.927 77-9 + 2. 9320+. 0072 + .OIO + -0055 o 07 -33 -i3 2903 Pulk w 1694 6.0 48 38.208 85-9 + 3.0546- .001 1 + .008 .0063 o .10 .50 .16 2904 Br 1512 6-3 49 I 6-355 80.2 + 3. 2657-. 0176 + .OI2 .0048 o .12 .34 .16 2905 Brisb 3272 6.9 49 18.709 87.7 + 2.41 1 1 + .0247 + .026 .0028 o .16 .86 .25 2906 Lai 20978 6.0 49 19-865 99-4 + 2.9776+. 0044 + .009 + .0006 o .15 1.05 .19 2907 Br 1511 5-9 49 24.727 77-3 + 3-3467-. 0252 + .015 .0048 o .11 .34 .16 2908 L 45iS 3-8 49 2 5-79i 77-5 + 2.4237 + .025I + .026 + .0078- I .11 .52 .20 2909 Br 1515 4-5 50 12.005 71.0 +3. 2561-. 0170 + .012 - -0055 o .08 .32 .14 2910 Br 1514 5-2 50 12.189 76-9 + 3-3347- -0245 + .015 .0084 o .13 .69 .26 2911 L 4518 6-5 50 28.834 87.0 + 2.7i33 + .oi78 + .OI6 -.0031 o .13 1.18 .30 2912 Pi 191 6-3 5032-235 71.7 + 3-4394- -0345 + .021 + .0010 .20 .62 .31 2913 Br 1517 6.1 So 33-720 60.6 + 3.0880 .0025 + .009 + .0068 o .10 .46 .25 2914 Br 1516 7-6 50 36.366 85.8 + 3.2024 .0124 + .OIO .0047 o .12 .45 .16 2915 Br 1519 6-3 50 49.960 66.5 + 3.ii77-.oo53 + .009 .0014 o .14 .46 .25 2916 Br 1520 7.2 51 2.811 60.4 + 3.0792-. 0023 + .009 + .0002 o .14 .52 .29 2917 T Carinaa Var. 5i I7-530 87.7 + 2. 3876+. 0260 + .028 .0015 o .18 .93 .27 2918 Br 1508 6-5 51 57.802 79-7 + 4.9362-. 3082 + .660 .0249+10 .05 .32 .11 2919 i Antliae 4-7 52 3-423 81.8 + 2. 7897 + .0156 + .014 + .0073 o .09 .42 .15 2920 Br 1522 5-3 53 5 2 - 78 63.2 + 3-3745- -0315 + .O2O .O28O+ 2 .08 .27 .15 2921 Pi 203 6.4 53 58.092 74-3 + 3.3611 .0271 + .OI6 + .0064 I .13 .90 .34 2922 Groomb 1722 5-7 54 30.228 63.1 + 3 -4647 --0392 + .025 + .0014 o .16 .69 .36 2923 L 4540 6.0 54 30.489 86.0 + 2.8280+. 0142 + 013 + .OO22 O .12 .82 .23 2924 Groomb 1723 6-3 54 40-536 78.2 + 3-4i85- -0352 + .O2 2 .0099 o .11 .54 .20 2925 o Crateris 4.2 54 54.099 76.9 + 2.9197 + .0067 + .OIO .0326 I .06 .30 .12 2926 Br 1524 5-2 55 I4-3 12 61.6 + 3-3765- -0304 + .019 .0057 o .14 .39 .24 2927 Br 1526 5-i 55 23-783 74-3 + 3.0999- .0037 + .009 + .0006 o .04 .27 .10 2928 Br 1527 5-2 55 33-826 63-9 + 3. 1119- .0051 + .009 .0036 o .09 .39 .20 2929 L 455 4.6 55 33-9ii 85.8 + 2. 7442 + . Ol86 + .OI6 + .O02I .12 .75 .22 2930 j8 Ursae Maj 2.2 55 48.619 74-9 + 3.6497- .0624 + .049 + .OIO2 I .03 .15 .06 2931 Br 1530 5-i 56 43-632 80.9 + 3.o6l2 .OOO6 + .009 + .OOI2 o? -39 -13 2932 Br 1529 4-4 56 59-S3 8 71.6 + 3- 2o8 5--oi34 + .OIO .ooxi o .10 .39 .18 2933 a Ursae Maj i-7 57 33-64I 66.8 + 3 -7403 -.0805 +075 -.0168+ 2 .03 .12 .06 2934 Br 1531 6.4 57 33-89 1 82.1 + 2.8991 + . on i + .OII + .0044 o .10 .50 .17 2935 Lai 21185 7-8 57 52-396 83.8 + 3.2916 .0286 + .017 .0469 8 .08 .52 .16 2936 Pi 225 6.4 58 7.630 81.8 + 3.0708 .0014 + .009 .0002 o .IO .44 .l6 2937 Par 13527 5-8 58 14-758 97-o + 2.9995 + .0037 + .009 .0052 o .14 I.O4 .29 2938 Br 1533 6.2 58 29.493 74.2 + 3.0713- .0017 + .009 .0044 o .10 .39 .17 2939 L 4S7i 6.8 58 30.088 83-5 + 2.853i + .oi37 + .OI2 .0028 o .13 .69 .22 2940 Br 1532 6.1 58 57-749 74.0 + 3.3488- .0289 + .OI8 .0061 o .10 .34 .16 2941 Pi 228 7-8 59 10.411 87-3 + 3.3466- .0288 + .OI8 .0074+ I .12 .48 .l6 2942 X Leonis 4-7 59 5J-549 75-6 + 3.0970- .0055 + .009 -.0233 o .03 .l6 .06 2943 Br 1534 7.8 10 59 55-3M 76.8 + 3.2096 .0166 + .OI2 .0297+ I .08 .28 .12 2944 j; Octantis 6.4 ii o 1.18- 78.6 - 0.291 --.330- .042- 40 .06 .56 .18 2945 L 4584 6.1 o 1.228 85.6 + 2.6875 + .O22I + .O2O .0122 I .l8 1.32 .37 2946 L 4580 5-7 o 10.744 80.9 + 2. 8269+. 0159 + .014 -^.0015 o .16 .99 .33 2947 X 1 Hydrae 5-2 o 30.769 75-2 + 2.8841 + .0115 + .OII -.0153- I .IO .38 .16 2948 X 2 Hydras 5-9 i 6.575 78.4 + 2.9O29+.oii7 + .OII + .0017 o .12 .54 .21 2949 Br !537 7-i i 42.426 86.6 +3. 2322-. 0170 + .OI2 .0047 .11 .39 .14 2950 Br 1539 S-8 ii i 48.192 74-4 + 3.0619 .0026 + .009 .0251 o .06 .27 .11 2908 7?6 fols. 1*8, N 62". 2913 /3 1076. IO M o"8 32, slow. 2009 S 1487. 2917 6"C2 7 M 6" 106 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i' and 100 A|i/ Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. Of ft // // L" // n it 290 1 -5642 32.46 80.9 19.071 .102 + .08 + .006 o .15 .60 .23 244 G Cannae 2902 1936 1. 12 73-7 -19.323-. 123 + .14 .241 o .08 .39 .16 Hydra 6 s 2903 - I 3552-I5 83-7 19.079 .128 + .16 + .004 o .09 .42 .14 2904 + 26 I 23.11 75-7 19.106 .136 + .20 .006 o .11 .35 .16 48 Leonis Min 2905 58 21 41.26 85-9 19.104 .098 + .08 - .003 o .14 .71 .22 245 G Carinee 2906 - J 3 J 3 33-39 97-9 -19.073-. 124 + 15 + .028 o .16 1.15 .21 2907 + 3434 6.59 75-6 19.172 .140 + .21 - .068 o .10 .35 .16 47 Leonis Min 2908 -58 19 19.37 74-8 19.082 .099 + .08 + .022 o .09 .42 .17 246 G Cannae w* 2909 + 25 1659.35 69-3 -19.141-. 134 + .19 .017 o .06 .26 .12 54 Leonis* 2910 + 34 2 26.51 67-3 -19.169-. 137 + .21 - -045 .11 .43 .21 2911 -41 43 4-9 8 87.2 19.148 .no + .11 .016 o .12 I.I7 .29 235 G Velorum 2912 +42 32 38.98 7i-3 - I 9- 2 33-- I 42 + 23 .100 o .14 .45 .22 2913 + I l6 12. 2O 52-8 19.145 .126 + .16 .on o .08 .33 .21 55 Leonis* 2914 + 1841 8.85 79-9 -19.125-. 131 + .18 + .010 o .11 .37 .16 (49 Leonis Min) 2915 + 6 43 8.47 51-2 19.151 .127 + -I7 .010 o .10 .30 .20 56 Leonis 2916 + o 57 59.48 55-5 -19.153-. 125 + .16 .007 o .11 .46 .27 57 Leonis 2917 -59 59 9- 02 83-8 - 19-079- -95 + .08 + .074 o .15 .71 .24 249 G Cannae* 2918 + 78 18 21.40 81.3 19.197 .201 + .64 - .027+1 05 -33 " 2919 -3636 0.55 79-3 -I9.3II-. Ill + .12 - - J 39 o .09 .41 .16 2920 + 40 57 51.47 63-5 19.168 .131 + .22 + .050+1 .07 .27 .14 47 UrsaeMaj 2921 + 36 37 48.76 67.9 -19.276-. 131 + .21 .056 o .13 .67 .31 2922 + 46 3 44-39 60.2 -19.229-. 134 + .23 + .005 o 15 -58 -33 2923 -33 12 0.95 78.0 19.287 .IO8 + 13 - -53 o .12 .52 .21 259 G Hydras* 2924 + 43 27 4.51 74-5 -19.380-. 132 + -23 .142 o .IO .42 .l8 2925 -1745 58.53 75-9 19.123 .no + .14 + .121+1 .06 .25 .IO 2926 + 394456.88 62.4 19.283-. 129 + .22 - -031 o .11 .40 .22 49 Ursae Maj 2927 + 49 !5- 8 3 71.6 -19.277-. 117 + 17 .021 o .04 .21 .09 58 Leonis d 2928 + 6 38 19.26 54-o 19.290 .118 + 17 - .030 o .07 .29 .l8 59 Leonis c 2929 41 41 22.42 82.6 -19.267-. 103 + .12 .007 o .10 .56 .18 239 G Velorum i 2930 + 5655 6.48 71.9 -19.238-. 139 + .27 + .028 o .03 .15 .07 2931 - i 56 46.52 73-9 -19.325-. 113 + .16 - -037 o .07 .34 .14 6 1 Leonis p* 2932 + 20 42 58.28 75-5 19.270 .119 + .18 + .024 o -07 -33 -14 60 Leonis b 2933 + 62 17 27.18 61.7 -19.381 .138 + .3 - .074+1 .02 .12 .06 (3 1077. IO M o"6 284, slow 2934 26 17 24.80 78.8 19.432 .106 + .14 -125 o .10 .45 .17 2935 + 363824.53 81.3 24.061 .118 + .21 -4.746+2 .07 .46 .15 Pulk M 1720 * 2936 O 12 39.86 77.2 -19.433-. in + .16 .112 O .09 .39 .16 2937 - 10 45 43.99 94.6 - 19.435-. 108 + -i5 .112 O .13 .86 .18 2938 + 032 15.31 70.4 - 19.329-. no + .16 .000 O .08 .38 .17 62 Leonis p s 2939 31 25 18.00 75-6 19.360 .102 + -I3 - .031 o .13 .61 .25 263 G Hydrae 2940 + 38 46 48.46 69.9 -I9.345-. 120 + .21 .005 o .09 .32 .16 51 UrsaeMaj* 2941 + 3847 8.ii 84-5 -I9.332-. 120 + .21 + .013 o .12 .46 .17 2942 + 7 52 35-91 72.4 19.407 .IO8 + -I7 - .047+1 .03 .16 .07 2943 + 25 44 34-29 73-i -19.444- .112 + .I 9 - .082 + 1 .07 .26 .12 51 Leonis Min 2944 -84 3 21.32 82.0 I9-378 + .O2I .014+2 .05 .40 .12 2945 -47 827.09 82.5 - 19.349- -93 + .12 + .015 o .I 4 .95 .30 247 G Velorum 2946 -35 iS 55-48 75-4 -19.363-. 098 + 13 + .005 o .17 1.27 .47 85 G Antliae 2947 -2645 13-95 78-5 - 19.388- .099 + .14 - .013 + 1 9 -37 -IS X Hydrae. Br 1536 2948 - 26 44 50.93 73-5 19.418 .099 + .14 .029 o .11 .48 .21 Br 1538 2949 + 26 4 40.48 80.4 -I9-433 - 110 + .19 - -031 o .10 .34 .14 52 Leonis Min 2950 + 2 29 54.10 7i-3 -19.491 -.103 + 17 - .087+1 .06 .24 .11 65 Leonis (f, p 3 , ft) * 2923 Innes. 2940 Hough. I2 M 8" 247 2935 Parallax. o'/5o. 22 H Camelop. 2 95 ft 599- Ia "" 2 " 9> ver y s ' ow - I2O PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3t H and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 (i aio M h m s s s s s ir /' n 2QSI Br 1540 6. 7 II 2 18.642 69-5 +3-2194- -0154 + .OI2 .0002 o -IS .58 -28 2952 L 4611 4-7 2 26.366 84.6 + 2.4474+.03H + -35 -.0033- i .16 .88 .28 2953 Radcl 2612 7-5 2 29.98- 85.8 +8.014- 1.832- -.031- +44 .08 .51 .14 2954 L 4603 5-4 2 39.161 89.0 + 2. 7678+. 0198 + .017 .0055 o .14 .87 .23 2955 L 4625 5-9 3 13-187 91.4 + 2.I488+.03I4 + .048 .0064 2 .15 .98 .24 2956 Br 1541 5-8 3 27.230 70.7 + 3.2261 .0163 + .OI2 + .0002 o .IO .44 .20 2957 Br 1544 5-6 3 53-591 75-3. + 2.8973 + .OI22 + .OI2 .0061 o .IO .40 .18 2958 tj/ Ursae Maj 3- 4 2.627 75-i + 3-394--03 6 4 + .024 - -0055 o .03 .14 .06 2959 Br 1543 7-i 4 7-346 69.4 + 3.0638 .0008 + .009 .0041 o .11 .56 .25 2960 L 4627 3-9 4 19.007 89-5 + 2. 5466+. 0301 + .032 -..0024 o -15 -98 -25 2961 L 4629 5-5 4 24.151 92-3 + 2. 4788 + .03 1 7 + 035 .0046 I .20 I.I7 .28 2962 L 4623 6.0 5 4-9 2 8 81.6 + 2.8766+.OI46 + .013 + .0011 o .13 .8l .26 2963 Pi 257 6.9 5 43- 012 86.7 + 3.5089- .0539 + .042 .0062 + I .09 .48 .15 2964 ft Crateris 4.6 6 44-345 79.0 + 2.9463 + .0099 + .OII + .OOOI .05 .22 .09 2965 L 4649 5-8 7 59-626 83.6 + 2-7I98 + .0247 + .022 .01 20 I .18 .98 .32 2966 L 4652 4-7 8 18.541 90.0 + 2. 5607 + .03 26 + 035 + .0013 o .20 I.O4 .28 2967 Pi 9 m 7.2 8 25.857 69.6 + 3-I577--OI25 + .OIO .0272+ I .IO .48 .22 2968 L 4651 6.0 8 34.917 87.9 + 2. 7869+. O2I9 + .020 .0000 o .18 1.23 .33 2969 L 4657 5-6 8 36.872 89.4 + 2.4690+. 0349 + .041 -.0041 I 15 -93 -24 2970 Br 1547 5-6 8 38.444 71.2 + 3.0723-. 0012 + .009 - .0025 o .08 .36 .16 2971 Dpt 1287 maj. 7-9 8 38.817 69.8 + 4.OI44 .1650 + .280 -.0947+33 .09 .45 .20 2972 8 Leonis 2-5 8 47.479 70-5 + 3- 1970- .0132 + .OII + .0106 I .03 .14 .06 2973 Pi 12 6.2 8 50.054 73-4 + 3.II97-. 0055 + .009 + .0026 o .09 .46 .20 2974 Leonis 3-3 8 59.611 80.4 + 3. 1525-. 0098 + .OIO - .0043 o .04 .24 .08 2975 L 4656 6.0 9 9-594 89-9 + 2.6870+. 0279 + .O26 + .0005 o .20 I.O5 .29 2976 Br 1549 4.8 9 53.216 67.6 + 3.1981 .0148 + .OI2 .OOI I .10 .39 .19 2977 Groomb 1755 6.8 10 18.916 77-4 + 3-4770- -OSes + .039 + .0188- 2 .10 .45 .18 2978 Br 1550 5-7 10 38.054 7i-3 + 3.1422 .0084 + .OIO .0006 o .09 .30 .14 2979 Pi 22 7-0. 10 44-396 76.4 + 3-I377- - 8i + .OIO - .0025 o .IO .51 .20 2980 Pi 19 6.1 II 3-834 84.8 + 3.4009- .0432 + .032 -.0093+ I .05 .38 .11 2981 L 4673 7-4 II 23.437 92.6 + 2.8293 + .O2O2 + .017 .0030 o .15 .90 .22 2982 < Leonis 4.6 II 34-655 70.6 + 3. 0496 + .0008 + .009 - .0075 o .06 .28 .13 2983 Br 1552 5-6 12 8.626 62.9 + 3.0879 .0021 + .009 + .0032 o .09 .33 .18 2984 Ursae Maj e.g. 12 51.015 73-3 +3.2103 .0209 + .015 -.0333+ I 2985 v Ursae Maj 3-5 13 4-744 77-o +3. 2513- .0225 +.016 .0018 o .04 .l8 .07 2986 Pi 32 7-7 13 11-498 81.9 +3. 1039+. 0016 + .009 + .0530 o .10 .68 .22 2987 Br 1555 4.8 13 40.982 57-9 +3. 2826- .0275 + .019 .0049 .12 .39 .23 2988 Br 1556 6.2 13 46.998 65-7 + 3.0792 .0018 + .009 - .0034 o .11 .36 .20 2989 8 Crateris 3-8 14 20.437 69-5 + 2.9967 + .0065 + .OIO .0085 o .03 .l6 .07 2990 rr Leonis 4-2 15 58-830 74.0 + 3- 955--40 + .009 .0063 o .03 .18 .07 2991 L 4724 6-5 16 0.312 86.9 + 2. 1392 + . 0416 +.079 -.0078- 3 .15 .90 .26 2992 IT Centauri 4.2 16 26.720 73-8 + 2. 72l6+. 0307 + .029 .0040 I .12 .46 .21 2993 Pi 43 6.1 16 54-992 83-4 + 3.6042 .0849 +.093 .0007 o .05 .39 .11 2994 Arm 2465 7-3 17 15.016 89-3 + 3-1457- - OI 5 + .OII .0071 ' o .09 .58 .15 2995 Br 1559 5-i 17 20.437 57-3 + 3-3087- -334 + .024 .0027 o .12 .39 .24 2996 L 4728 5-i 18 22.036 84.4 + 2.8969+. 0182 + 015 .0025 o .15 .86 .27 2997 A Crateris 5-3 18 24.360 68.2 + 2. 97IO+. OO86 + .OII .0219 I .09 .36 .17 2998 L 4734 6.2 18 35-554 87.1 + 2. 7101 + .0333 +033 .0031 o .15 .87 .25 2999 i Leonis 4.0 ;8 42.706 72.4 + 3.1297 .0064 + .OIO + .0105 o .04 .20 .08 3000 Br 1562 5-7 ii 18 54.404 70.0 + 3.0784 .OOI4 + .009 .0021 o .09 .40 .19 2954 h 4409- 9 M 2" 27- 2966 h 4414. IO M 22" 275 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 121 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and loo A H.' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo|i' Sio Remarks. 2951 o / // + 23 51 51.12 65-3 // n 19.418 .109 + .19 - .003 o .13 .44 .24 64 Leonis 2952 -61 53 1.60 77-4 19.414 .080 + .08 + .004 o .12 .58 .22 257 G Carinae z 2953 + 86 10 57.97 81.2 19.421 .281 .002+ I .10 .57 .19 2954 -42 556.05 83.8 -19.378- .091 + .12 + .044 o .11 .DO .19 4 G Centauri * 2955 70 20 13.22 89.1 19.449 .068 + .06 .014 o .12 .73 .19 259 G Carinae 2956 + 25 ii 59.25 70.7 -19.442-. 107 + .19 .002 o .08 .35 .16 67 Leonis, 53 Leonis Min 2957 -2732 18.78 78.9 - I 9-475--94 + .14 .026 o .IO .41 .16 271 G Hydrae 2958 + 45 2 27.88 71-3 19.490 .in + .22 - .038 o .03 .15 .07 2959 o 47 28.81 69.1 19.460 .100 + .16 .006 o .IO .41 .20 66 Leonis 2960 -58 25 59.90 84-3 19.460 .081 + .0 9 .002 o .12 .6l .20 260 G Carinae * 2961 61 24 19.89 81.2 -I9-459- -078 + .09 + .OOI .15 .63 .24 261 G Carinae 2962 -31 49 28.67 76.9 -19.528- .091 + 13 - -054 o .12 .71 .26 272 G Hydrae 2963 + 5441 27.87 84-5 -19.457-. 112 + .24 + .030 o .09 .39 .13 2964 22 l6 47.50 80.4 19.609 .091 + .14 .IOI .05 .25 .09 2965 -4833 29.65 77.1 19.509 .081 + .12 + .024 o .14 .65 .26 9 G Centauri 2966 -594625.33 79-8 - 19-544- -075 + .10 -.005 o -14 -59 -23 263 G Carinas y * 2967 + 204034.36 66.0 19.688 .094 + .18 -.147+ I .08 .32 .16 3 1517. 8Mo-8Mo o'.'s 375, alow 2968 -43 49 41.69 87.6 19.578 .082 + .12 -034 o .15 1.17 .30 ii G Centauri 2969 -63 37 33-20 86.3 -19.551-. 072 + .09 .006 o .12 .6l .19 264 G Carinae 2970 + o 28 28.15 69.8 -19-557- -091 + .16 .on o .07 .30 .14 69 Leonis /> 5 2971 + 74 i 0.42 74.6 -19.439-. 119 + 39 + 107+ 3 .08 .41 .I? * 2972 + 21 4I7-57 68.5 -19.693-. 095 + .18 -.145 o .02 .13 .06 2973 +j8 36 28.25 71.1 -19.673-. 093 + -I7 .124 o .08 .40 .18 2974 + 15 5834.05 74-8 - 19.638- .093 + .18 - .086 o .04 .20 .08 2975 52 41 18.20 84.1 19.522 .078 + .11 + -034 o .14 .71 .23 13 G Centauri 2976 + 23 38 26.09 61.0 19.580 .092 + .19 .010 o .08 .33 .18 72 Leonis 2977 + 53 18 59-85 68.6 - 19.530-. 101 + .24 + .048- I .08 .32 .l6 S 1520. 8" 13" 345 2978 + 13 51 10.48 67.8 19.610 .090 + .18 .026 o .09 .28 .15 73 Leonis n 2979 + 13 23 29.22 76-3 19.665 .089 + .18 - .079 o .IO .52 .20 2980 + 50 i 19.20 79-2 19.611 .096 + .22 .019 o .06 .32 .12 2981 -40 28 33.23 87.2 19.622 .078 + 13 .024 o .16 .75 .23 176 Centauri 2982 - 3 6 17.88 68.3 - 19.645 .085 + .16 .044 o .06 .31 .14 2983 + 2 33 37.25 57-8 -19. 763- .085 + 17 .152 o .08 .28 .16 75 Leonis 2984 + 32 5 30-34 70-7 20.222 .086 + .20 -.598+ I See Appendix 2985 + 33 38 23-53 70.9 19.613 .088 + .20 + .015 o .04 .20 .09 S 1524. IO M 7" 146 2986 - 43059-97 81.4 -19.772-. 085 + .16 .142 2 .09 .54 .18 2987 + 3844 2.47 53-o -19.723-. 088 + .20 .084 o .10 .39 .24 55 UrsaeMaj 2988 + 2 ii 55.32 55-i 19.697 .081 + 17 .056 o .09 .28 .18 76 Leonis 2989 -14 14 14.58 70.4 -19.455- .078 + .16 + .195 o .03 .16 .07 2990 + 63438.48 71.4 -19.693-. 078 + .17 .015 o .03 .17 .07 ' 2991 -74 35 42.02 82.5 -19.687-. 051 + .06 .008 o .12 .6l .21 2 GMuscae 2992 -53 5635-I9 72-4 19.704 .066 + .12 .018 o .09 .38 .17 2993 + 64 52 40.06 78.3 19.658 .090 + .27 + .036 o .05 .31 .11 2994 + 17 59 8.39 85.6 19.722 .076 + .18 - .023 o .07 .51 .14 71 Leonis 2995 + 44 i 52.47 54-8 - 19.725-. 081 + .21 .024 o .10 .34 .21 56 Ursae Maj 2996 -35 36 58-24 71.1 19.749 .068 + .14 - .032 o .14 .64 .29 26 G Centauri 2997 -18 13 49-52 69-5 -19.758- .069 + 15 .040+ I 09 -35 -17 2998 -56 13 50.75 82.2 - I 9-735-- 62 + .12 .014 o .12 .59 .20 27 G Centauri 2999 + n 448.15 75-8 19.807 .074 +.17 -.085 o .04 .19 .08 S 1536. 7 M 2'.'6 55, binary 3000 + i 57 23.93 58-5 -19.724- .072 +17 + .OO2 O .08 .27 .l6 79 Leonis 2971 S 1516. 8*2 19" 98; I2 M 7" 302. 122 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M h m s 3 S S s a it H 3001 L4737 2 5-6 II 19 2.O27 88.0 + 2.5752 + .04I3 + -049 .001 1 o .18 .96 .28 3002 t Crateris 5-2 19 33-5I3 71.8 + 3.0273 + .0048 + .010 .0024 o .10 .39 .18 3003 L 473 6 6.7 19 34-962 92-5 + 2.8583 + . 0226 + -019 .0020 o .14 .94 .22 3004 Pi 60 6.2 I947-758 64-4 + 3.1141 .0068 + .010 .0077 o 15 -63 -32 3005 y Crateris 4-2 I9S3.II6 72.8 + 2.993 1 + .0083 + .010 .0075 o .06 .30 .13 3006 L 4744 5.8 20 11.856 79-7 + 2.3682 + .0481 + .077 .0056 2 i5 -75 -27 3007 Pi 59 6.0 20 18.795 76-5 + 3.4117-. 0545 + .048 .O072+ I .09 .40 .16 3008 Br 1565 6.0 20 23.584 63.8 + 3.1327-. 0097 + .010 .0099 o .12 .54 .28 3009 Br 1566 7-i 20 31.053 66.2 + 3.0869 .0024 + .009 .0009 o .13 .48 .24 3010 L4739 5-5 20 38.467 87.8 + 2.8992 + .0184 + .015 .OIOI I .10 .68 .18 3011 Br 1567 6.7 20 41.711 73-8 + 3.0848 .0026 + .009 .0051 o .11 .32 .16 3012 L4752 7.0 .21 17.629 87.4 + 2.3149+. 0492 + .085 .0188- 5 .18 .82 .26 3013 L4747 5-4 21 23-335 85.8 + 2.578o+.o397 + .048 .0464 9 .20 .78 .27 3014 Br 1568 6-7 21 41.623 69.2 + 3.0380 .0020 + .009 . .0482 Q 1 .06 .24 .12 3015 Pi 71 7-5 21 42.639 69-3 + 3. 0383 -.0020 + .009 .0478 o .IO .44 .20 3016 L 4751 . 5-6 22 5.366 82.2 + 2. 6780+. 0387 + .042 .0044 I .16 .8l .28 3017 K Crateris 6.2 22 7.248 78.0 + 3.0192+. 0057 + .010 .0072 o .07 .28 .11 3018 1,4748 6.0 22 7-734 87-9 + 2.78n + .O3ii + .028 .0036 o .20 .87 .27 3019 L 4749 7-i 22 40.423 86.4 + 2. 9646+. 0128 + .012 - -0053 o .13 .88 .25 3020 Pi 77 6.6 22 47-083 68.2 + 3. 065 2 + .0004 + .009 .0028 o .15 .57 .28 3021 T Leonis 5-3 22 47.692 7i-5 + 3.0865 .0020 + .009 + .0013 o .04 .21 .09 3022 Pi 74 6.0 23 21.914 77-4 +3.4617 .0706 + -073 .0162+ 4 .09 .46 .17 3023 Br 1571 5-4 23 41.101 73-i + 3. 2442-. 0276 + .020 .0044 o .09 .36 .16 3024 L47S4 5-5 23 46.073 87.0 + 2.8793 + .0232 + .020 .0028 o .16 .75 .24 3025 Br 1573 6.2 24 29.348 60.4 + 3.1292 .0089 + .010 .0022 o .12 .45 .26 3026 L4757 5-9 24 40.169 93-8 + 2.9776 + .OI22 + .012 -.0037 o .12 I.O4 .21 3027 Groomb 1782 6.2 24 47-934 73-7 + 4.4049-. 3770 + 1.256 -.0652+44 .06 .34 .14 3028 Br 1574 6.0 25 6.535 83-5 + 3. 2613-. 0319 + .024 .0048 o .06 .30 .10 3029 Br 1576 5-i 25 12.312 72.8 + 3. 0650 +.OO 1 2 + .009 + .0013 o .06 .27 .12 3030 Br 1575 5-9 25 15-995 69.7 + 3.1361 . 'CIO? + .on - -0055 o .08 .34 .16 3031 X Draconis 4.0 25 28.342 69.6 + 3.6126 .IO93 + .151 -.0074+ 2 .03 .15 .07 3032 Br 1577 6.6 26 35.178 67-3 + 3-IOII .Oo8l + .010 .0230 o .08 .27 .14 3033 Groomb 1 797m 5-6 26 41.031 68.2 + 3 -434- -067 7 + .069 .0005 o .ii .66 .30 3034 Pi 94 7-i 26 51.400 71.0 + 3.0507 + .0030 + .009 .0017 o .10 .40 .19 3035 o 1 Centauri 5-o 27 8.602 87.2 + 2. 7562 + .0390 + .040 + .0003 o .16 .78 .24 3036 o 2 Centauri 5-3 27 11.358 86.3 + 2. 7524+. 0390 + .040 -.0030- I .18 .84 .27 3037 Pi 95 6.2 27 18.624 78.9 + 2. 9676+. OI52 + -013 .0007 o .12 .50 .20 3038 Pi 96 5-7 27 18.954 79-4 + 2.9655+. 0152 + -013 .0028 o .12 .56 .21 3039 Pi 98 6.4 27 42-523 74-7 + 3- 473 + -0038 + .010 .OOI I O .10 .51 .21 3040 1,4778 5-7 2? 55-927 87.9 + 2. 9098+. 0222 + .018 .0068 o .15 .81 .23 3041 Br 1579 5-3 27 57-264 79-8 + 2.9590+. 0163 + .013 - -0035 o .14 .68 .24 3042 Hydra 3-6 28 4-953 80.5 + 2. 9436+. Ol66 + .014 -.0159- I 07 -39 -13 3043 L 4785 m 5-7 28 44.789 91.2 + 2-9I25 + .O224 + .018 .0072 I .12 .72 .l8 3044 Br 1582 6.0 29 14.871 69.0 + 3.0713-. 00l8 + .009 -.0123 o .07 .28 .14 3045 Br 1583 6.0 29 30.232 73-o + 3.1270 .0094 + .on .0007 o .10 .30 .15 3046 Groomb 1800 5-9 29 34-492 64.0 + 3-3295- -499 + .044 + .0013 o .14 .62 .32 3047 Br 1584 6-3 29 37.866 81.7 + 2.9074+.oi7i + .014 -0533- 2 .12 .75 .24 3048 L 4794 4.8 30 1.093 86.1 + 2.8270+.0342 + .032 -.0073- I .20 .8l .27 3049 L 4795 5-6 3 9-520 90.6 + 2.8576 + .O292 + .025 .Ol8o 2 .18 1.22 .30 3050 Br 1581 5-5 ii 30 11.392 69.9 + 3.5683-. 1071 + -147 + .0228 7 .08 .30 .14 3001 h 4432. i 2'.'4 294. 3026 Jacob. 8 M 8" 79 3023 S 1543. 8 M j'.'s 3 very slow. 3032 2 1547. 3024 Dunlop. 8?6 16" 324. 8 M 14" 168 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 123 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andioo AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo n' Sio Remarks. 3001 of tt 64 24 21.52 82.3 // // -19.739-. 058 n + .10 .Oil .14 .65 .23 4 GMuscas* 3002 -io 1838.97 69.4 -19.713- .069 + .16 + .023 o .09 .34 .16 3003 42 7 12.08 89.9 -19-754- -065 + .14 .018 o .12 .73 .I 9 28 G Centauri 3004 + 11 58 46.40 64.8 19.766 .071 + 17 .027 o .12 .52 .26 3005 -17 8 5-25 72.9 -19.744- .067 + .16 -.003 o .06 .30 .13 h 840, io" 5" 97 3006 -71 42 25.63 78.0 -19.754- .051 + .08 .009 o .12 .6l .23 5 G Muscae 3007 + 56 23 55.14 68.6 -19.705-. 077 + 23 + .042 o .08 .31 .15 3008 + 17 o 21.94 61.1 -19.771-. 070 + .18 - -023 o .08 .36 .20 8 1 Leonis 3009 + 3 5i 6.98 65-5 19.804 .069 + 17 - -054 o .12 .43 .23 82 Leonis 3010 - 35 3 50-45 78.8 -19.745- .064 + .14 + .007 o .11 .51 .19 29 G Centauri 3011 + 4 24 38.53 67.8 19.802 .068 + 17 .049 o .10 .30 .16 80 Leonis 3012 -73 5 2-24 83.2 -I9-7I5- -048 + .07 + .047 o .14 .63 .22 3013 -63 25 14.58 83-7 -19.842-. 053 + .10 -.079+ I IS -65 .23 31 G Centauri 3014 + 3 33 28.93 67.0 -19.594- .064 + 17 +.173+'! .06 .24 .12 183 Leonis 3015 + 3 33 3-58 7i-3 19.603 .064 + 17 +.165+ I .10 .50 .22 J2 1540. 29" 150 3016 -6033 54.29 80.8 19.780 .056 + .ii .007 o .13 .67 .24 33 G Centauri 3017 ii 48 26.04 76.1 19.761 .064 + .16 + .013 o 07 -34 -14 3018 -52 3636.55 86.2 -19.760- .058 + 13 + .014 o .16 .75 .24 32 G Centauri 3019 -25 18 40.56 85-2 -19.755-. 062 + 15 + .027 o .13 .8l .24 280 G Hydrae 3020 - i 8 58.48 7-3 19.786 .064 + 17 - .003 o .13 .49 .23 3021 + 3 24 25.01 69-5 19.802 .064 + 17 .019 o .04 .19 .09 3022 + 62 19 21. OO 68.0 -19.549- -072 + .24 + .242 o .08 .39 .18 3023 + 39 53 U-37 64-5 19.787 .066 + .20 + .009 o .08 .28 .15 57 UrsaeMaj* 3024 -42 7 25.13 78.6 -19.797-. 058 + .14 + .OOI O .13 -SI .21 34 G Centauri * 3025 + 15 57 55-87 62.4 19.865 .062 + .18 .058 o .12 .47 .25 85 Leonis 3026 -23 5448.26 92.0 -19.794- .058 + -I5 + .015 o .12 .93 .21 33 G Crateris* 3027 +81 40 40.08 74.0 19.772 .088 + .50 + .039+ I .08 .37 .16 3028 + 43 43 19-72 77-7 -19.744- .064 + .20 + .071 o .06 .29 .11 58 Ursae Maj 3029 2 27 6.40 66.4 -19.833-. 059 + 17 .017 o .05 .22 .11 87 Leonis e 3030 + 185737.39 69.1 19.815 .060 + .18 + .OO2 O .07 .30 .14 86 Leonis 3031 +69 52 58.80 72.0 19.844 .070 + .27 .024 o .03 .14 .06 3032 + 1455 17.31 64.2 -20.030- .05 7 + .18 .196 o .O? .27 .14 88 Leonis* 3033 + 61 38 10.62 65-3 19.914 .064 + 23 -.079 o .11 .54 .26 * 3034 - 5 54 59-28 71.2 -19.930- .056 + .16 .092 o .08 .35 .16 3035 -5853 24-58 83-2 - 19.859- .049 + .12 .018 o .13 .57 .20 L4774* 3036 -58 57 49.81 84-9 19.860 .049 + .12 .018 o .l6 .69 .24 L 4775 3037 28 42 54.60 75-2 -19.705-. 053 + 15 + .138 o .12 .48 .21 1 284 G Hydras 3038 -28 42 47.14 74-9 - 19-709- -053 + 15 + .134 o .11 .47 .20 JW. H. 9" 210 3039 7 16 31.62 76.0 -19.857-. 054 + .16 .009 o .09 .47 .18 3040 -3953 8.39 83.1 19.802 .051 + .14 + .049 o .13 .6l .21 39 G Centauri 3041 -3032 6.60 73-o 19.850 .052 + 15 + .001 .12 .51 .22 287 G Hydrse 3042 -31 18 15.52 77.0 -19.904- .05 1 + 15 .051 o 07 -34 -13 3043 4O 2 6.09 83.0 19.846 .049 + .14 + .015 o .11 .47 .17 41 G Centauri* 3044 + 3 36 55-86 67.! -19.978- .051 + .17 .III O .07 .29 .14 89 Leonis 3045 + 17 2058.74 67.8 19.874 .052 + .18 .004 o .09 .28 .15 90 Leonis * 3046 + 55 20 16.03 58.5 19.874 .056 + .21 .004 o i2 -55 -3i 3047 -32 18 5.92 76.1 19.058 .046 + 15 +.813+ I 13 -63 -25 289 G Hydrae 3048 -53 42 42.74 79-2 -19.879- .045 + 13 -.003 o .14 .58 .23 42 G Centauri A 3049 -4835 18.43 88.2 -19.716- .045 + .14 + .161 o .15 .99 .26 43 G Centauri 3050 + 69 52 45.57 67.4 20.008 .060 + .26 -.130 o .07 .26 .13 2 Draconis 3033 OS 235. sl'9-71'2. < i"; binary, 66 yrs. . 3035 h 4445. IO M 15" 126. 3043 Innes. 6*4-6*$ x'.'i 92. 3045 2 1552. 1*3 3" 212. 124 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO no. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1000 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M b m s 6 8 s s '/ // // 3051 L 4796 5-7 II 30 23.783 85-3 + 2.8789+. 0278 + .024 .OIOO I .20 1. 12 .34 3052 Pi in m 6.0 31 2.289 69.6 + 3- 1654- .0167 + .014 + .OO22 O .10 .48 .22 3053 Brisb 3663 5-5 31 4-659 94-0 + 2. 8940 +.0285 + 023 + .0026 o .13 I.O8 .22 3054 X Centauri 3-i 31 10.023 77-o + 2. 7447 + .045 1 + .030 .OO60 I .IO .45 .18 3055 6 Crateris 4-9 3 1 36.53 1 77.6 + 3.0413 + .0050 + .OIO .0041 o .06 .27 .11 3056 Br 1587 ' 6.0 3i 37-293 84.8 + 2.9684+. 0182 + .015 + -0033 o .14 .8l .25 3057 L 4810 6.0 31 42.246 93-i + 2.7779+.0427 + .044 -.0035- I .21 I.l8 .29 3058 v Leonis 4-5 31 49-?!6 76.2 + 3. 07 1 6 +.0004 + .OIO .0000 o .03 .18 .07 3059 Pi 118 7.0 3i S9-o65 89.2 + 3.0005 + .01 20 + .OII .0047 o .14 -88 .23 3060 L 4808 6.8 3 2 3-494 84.6 + 2.9677 + .oi79 + .015 .0014 o .15 .93 .28 3061 L 4816 5-2 32 22.933 88.4 + 2.7567 + .0424 + .046 .0290- 5 .l8 .96 .27 3062 1,4815 5-5 3 2 43-119 85-7 + 2.8933 + .0287 + .024 -.0077- i .20 .78 .27 3063 Br 1588 5-7 33 0-962 75-7 + 3.2115- .0312 + .024 -.0134+ i .10 .32 .14 3064 wChamaeleontis 5-8 33 8.215 83-6 + 2. 4497 + .0680 +-136 .0250 10 .11 .93 .27 3065 L 4826 6.0 33 i6-549 90.9 + 2. 6901 + .053 1 + .069 .0148 4 .20 I.O5 .28 3066 Pi 126 6-5 33 17-489 65-7 + 3.0645 + .001 3 + .OIO .0027 o .13 .52 .27 3067 w Virginis 5-7 33 18.224 75-o + 3-0953- -0042 + .OIO .0008 o .IO .40 .17 3068 Brisb 3689 5-4 33 26.958 82.7 + 2.7819+. 0444 + .048 -.0086- 2 .16 .82 .28 3069 Groomb 1812 6.7 33 29-141 81.7 + 3-1747- -0321 + .026 -.0555+ 6 .08 .50 .16 3070 i Crateris 5-8 33 35-290 63-5 + 3. 0438 +.0069 + .OIO + .0060 o .13 .44 .24 3071 L 4843 5-i 34 5i-46i 85-5 + 2. 7560+. 0507 + .061 .0048 i .20 .8l .28 3072 Groomb 1816 6-5 34 59-289 82.9 + 3.3091-. 0556 + .054 .0010 o .12 .52 .l8 3073 o Hydrae 4.9 35 H-?" 88.3 + 2.972i + .oi94 + .015 .0024 o 09 -56 .15 3074 Br 1592 5-4 35 35-125 71.9 + 3.1248 .0119 + .OI2 .0047 o .IO .40 .l8 3075 Br 1593 5-5 35 47-I52 72.2 + 3.1695 .0216 + .017 .0007 o .08 .30 .14 3076 L 4856 4-9 36 9-925 90.9 + 2.8i7i + .O463 + .050 + .0007 o .20 i.oo .27 3077 1,4845 6.8 36 10.369 88.8 + 2.97i8 + .oi58 + .014 .0248 i .14 .94 .24 3078 Br 1596 5-9 36 22.046 68.5 + 3.1320- .0190 + .016 -.0273+ 2 .09 .33 .16 3079 L 4 8 S 2 5-8 36 24.546 87.6 + 2.9348+. 0254 + .021 .0115 I .16 1.26 .33 3080 L457 5-3 36 44-294 82.6 + 2.9877 + .oi8i + .015 .0002 o .12 .62 .21 3081 Br 1595 5-6 36 53-893 80.9 + 3.3861 -.085 1 + .108 .0077+ 2 05 -33 -II 3082 L4866 6.8 37 49-7io 85.6 + 2.6107 + .0767 + .141 + .0093+ 3 .13 .78 .23 3083 Pi 146 7.0 3 8 19-663 77-o + 3.1892 .0285 + .O2 2 + .OO2 1 O .09 .50 .18 3084 1-4863 6-3 38 28.329 88.6 + 2.9791 + .0214 + .017 .0000 o .12 .64 .l8 3085 L4868 5-2 38 44.809 83-5 + 2.8387 + .0480 + .052 .0015 o .18 .78 .27 3086 Pi 148 6-5 38 48.63! 67.6 + 3.0634+. 0038 + .OIO + .0043 o .11 .54 .26 3087 Crateris" 5-o 39 41.609 79-6 + 3.0368+.OIOI + .OII + .0024 o .06 .26 .10 3088 ( Virginis 5-o 40 7.800 69.1 + 3. 0945 -.0040 + .OIO + .0042 o 09 .34 -16 3089 v Virginis 4-3 40 43- l8 3 62.3 + 3.085 1 -.0030 + .OIO .0012 o .06 .26 .14 3090 X Ursae Maj 3-9 40 46-312 75-4 + 3.1846- .0352 + .030 .0136+ 2 .03 .15 .06 3091 L 4878 5-5 40 46.883 84-3 + 2 -9535 + - 028 4 + .023 .0064 I .18 .94 .30 3092 XMuscae 3-7 40 53.098 85-6 + 2. 8041 +.0566 + .071 .0161- 3 .13 .78 .23 3093 Groomb 1825 5-6 41 34-586 75-9 +3-2345- -0484 +.045 + .0019 o -13 -45 -20 3094 L 4885 4.1 41 40.468 87.1 + 2.8791 + .0471 + .049 .0036 I .14 .78 >23 3095 L 4887 5-i 41 44.960 85-9 + 2.8506+. 0223 + .019 -.1327-10 .14 .81 .24 3096 L 4892 5-5 42 25.937 91.9 + 2.9097 + .0422 + .040 .0042 I .20 1.16 .28 3097 Br 1602 5-4 42 46-674 67.6 +3.0845- .0038 + .OIO - .0034 o .11 .40 .20 3098 Br 1603 4.6 42 49-659 66.4 +3-0993- -0106 + .OI2 .OIIO O .09 .32 .16 3099 /i Muscae 4-7 43 25-687 86.9 + 2.8538 + .059I +.073 + .OOIO .18 .94 .28 3100 Pi 161 5-6 ii 43 42.011 85-2 + 3.0249+. 0152 + 013. .0007 o .10 -75 .21 3052 S 1555. Triple. 6*6-1*0 i", slow; II M 21" 147. 3071 Innes. II M 12" 340; II M 15" 210, 3056 h 4455. Q M 4" 244. 3080 h 4465. IO M 26" 344; 8 M fols. 3V, N 48" CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO 125 No. Decl. igoo Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i'andiooA|i' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo|i' Sio Remarks. 3051 o / // - 46 49 10.45 77-3 // // -19.91 1 -.045 + .14 // -.031 o it n ii .15 .69 .27 44 G Centauri C 1 3052 + 28 20 1.67 65-9 -19. 907-. 050 + .18 .020 o .08 .41 .20 * 3053 -47 5 13.84 88.4 19.942 .045 + .14 - -055 o .10 .58 .16 45 G Centauri C 2 3054 -62 27 59.53 78-3 19.910 .042 + .12 .022 o .09 .41 .l6 3055 - 9 14 57.24 74-3 19.892 .046 + .16 + .OOI .07 .32 .13 3056 -33 057-1 74-4 -19.941 --045 + .15 .048 o .14 .60 .26 291 G Hydrae* 3057 -60 29 57.03 89.1, 19.883 .041 + .12 + .OII .17 .87 .25 50 G Centauri 3058 o 16 18.10 72-5 19.861 .046 + 17 + .035 o .03 .16 .07 3059 -22 23 46.31 88.4 -19.865-. 045 + .16 + .032 o .11 .59 .17 39 G Crateris 3060 -32 25 56.93 76.6 -19.977-. 044 + 15 - .079 o .14 .64 .26 292 G Hydrae 3061 - 60 43 47.80 87-3 -19.905 -.039 + .12 -.003+ I .l6 .80 .24 526 Centauri 3062 -47 ii 39.48 82.4 19.889 .042 + .14 + .017 o .15 .6l .23 53 G Centauri C 3 3063 + 44 10 47.46 68.8 19.960 .046 + .20 - -052 o .09 .27 .14 59 Ursas Maj 3064 -75 20 34.83 83-4 -I9-9J3- -33 + .09 .024 o .10 .73 .22 3065 -67 359.00 88.5 -19.944- .037 + .12 - -033 o -15 -94 -25 1 1 G Muscae 3066 - i 52 S7-89 65-5 19.914- .044 + -I7 -.003 o .10 .38 .19 S 1560. IO M 5" 280 3067 + 8 41 I5-85 7i-3 -19.917-. 044 + 17 .006 o .09 .34 .16 3068 61 16 23.15 80. i - 19.908- .038 + 13 + .004 o .13 -65 -23 54 G Centauri 3069 + 45 39 42.03 76.7 19.894 .044 + .2O + .019+ I .08 .36 .14 2 1561. 8"?5 10" 259 3070 -12 39 5-33 66.9 19.810 .043 + .16 + .104 o .11 .42 .21 3071 -645036.78 80.9 -19.947 .034 + .12 .021 o .15 .6l .23 12 GMuscae* 3072 + 58 31 26.94 79-o 19.910 .044 + .21 + .018 o .11 .42 .I? 3073 -34 ii 25.45 84.6 -19.929- .038 + 15 + .OOI .IO .49 .l6 3074 + 21 54 29.41 71.8 19.988 .040 + .18 - -055 o .08 .35 .16 92 Leonis 3075 + 3445 59-38 68.9 - 20.325- .040 + .18 - -390 o .06 .28 .13 61 UrsaeMaj 3076 -61 32 8.03 80.9 - 19.936- .034 + -I3 + .OO2 .15 .60 .23 58 G Centauri 3077 -2838 52.09 85-5 - 19.736- .036 + 15 + .203 o .14 .93 .27 294 G Hydrae 3078 + 32 17 58.51 65.0 -19.929- .038 + .18 + .OII O .08 .33 .17 62 UrsaeMaj 3079 -42 32 29.17 89.1 -I9-975- -3 6 + 15 - -034 o -15 1-47 -34 59 G Centauri 3080 -31 5638.71 76.2 2O.OIO .036 + .16 .066 o .11 .47 .19 295 G Hydrae * 3081 + 67 17 54.17 74-4 19.909 .041 + -23 + .036 o .05 .25 .10 3 Draconis 3082 74 40 20.50 82.7 19.956 .028 + .10 -.003 o .10 .57 .19 136 Muscae (ir 2 Cham.) 3083 +42 1638.72 74-2 -19.978- .035 + .19 .021 o .08 .38 .16 3084 -3638 4.33 87.! -19.991 -.032 + 15 - -033 o .13 .67 .20 60 G Centauri 3085 -61 56 3.88 78.5 -19.971-. 030 + -I3 .010 o -14 -57 -23 6 1 G Centauri 3086 - 6 7 15.97 69.6 20.014 -033 + -I7 -053 o .IO .47 .22 3087 -17 47 41.21 77-o 2O.O07 .031 + .16 - -039 o .06 .25 .10 3088 + 8 48 50.25 60.8 -1 9.999- .03 1 + .17 .027 o .07 .24 .14 3089 + 7 5 23.06 65.2 20.163 .029 + 17 -.187 o .05 .20 .IO 3090 + 48 20 1.82 71.8 19.960 .030 + .19 + .016 o .03 .16 .07 3091 -45 8 5.69 75-4 19.976 .028 + 15 .000 o .14 .60 .25 64 G Centauri 3092 66 10 27.67 82.3 -19.949 .025 + 13 + .028 o .IO .56 .l8 3093 + 56 ii 4.07 74-4 2O.O22 .029 + .20 .040 o ii -35 -17 3094 -60 37 20.74 84.1 -T2O.OI2 .025 + .14 .029 o .11 .56 .18 65 G Centauri 3095 -3957 21.89 86.4 19.596 .022 + 15 + 387+ 3 .13 .77 .22 66 G Centauri 3096 57 8 29.06 88.8 -19.985 -.0.24 + .14 + .003 o .16 .85 .24 68 G Centauri 3097 + 8 48 4.26 66.5 - 19.989- .025 + -I7 + .OOI .09 .39 .19 4 Virginia A* 3098 + 20 46 28.41 62.5 2O.OIO .025 + 17 .020 o .07 .29 .l6 93 Leonis* 3099 -66 15 31.01 77-7 20.023 .022 + .14 .029 o -13 -58 -23 3100 -26 ii 37.70 81.1 2O.O22 .023 + .16 .026 o .09 .41 .15 298 G Hydrae 3098 Z App. 74" 355. 126 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 (i aio M h m 8 s s s s " ft it 3101 /8 Leonis 2.2 ii 43 S7-S83 67.0 +3. 0634- .007 1 + .OII -.0342+ I .02 .11 .05 3102 Pi 164 6.0 44 30.010 88.9 + 3.I27I .0210 + .017 .0096+ I .13 .52 .17 3103 L 4903 4-5 44 48.987 87.9 + 2.8949+. 0533 + .059 .0020 o .20 .87 .27 3104 L 4907 4-9 45 9-363 86.2 + 2.8367 + .0692 + .099 .0022 I .20 .82 .28 3105 /8 Virginis 3-6 45 29.181 69.7 + 3- I2 53 - 0002 + .OIO + .0495 o .03 .13 .06 3106 L 4908 5-8 45 33-397 84.8 + 2.9i32 + .o5i6 +055 .0002 o .18 .86 .28 3107 L 4905 6.9 45 34-oi7 83-9 + 3.0240+. 0156 +.013 .0060 o .14 .87 .27 3108 Pi 167 6.0 45 55-479 70.1 + 3. 065 9 +.003 5 + .OIO + .0004 o .08 .54 .23 3109 L 4910 4-5 46 8.622 87-3 + 2.9835 + .0288 +.023 .0092 I .15 .99 .27 3110 1,4913 6.2 46 38.071 85-3 + 3.0247 + .01 79 + .014 .0022 o .13 .72 .22 3"! L 4920 5-i 46 57.666 83-3 + 2.9063 + .0573 +.067 .0056 I .18 .78 .28 3"2 Groomb 1830 6.7 47 12.990 73-9 + 3.4720- .0300 + .031 + 3405-35 3"3 L 4922 5-8 47 13-389 83-9 + 2.9455 + .0424 + .040 .0146 2 .18 .75 .27 3"4 Pi 170 7.2 47 37.062 84.4 + 3-0957- -0075 + .OII + .0027 o .12 .44 .16 3"5 /? Hydrae m 4-4 47 5i-3 68 75-i + 3-02I3+.0202 +.016 .0045 o .09 .39 .16 3116 L 4926 6-5 48 23.755 82.3 + 3.0164+. O2IO +.016 .OO94 I .l6 .80 .28 3"7 y Ursse Maj 2-3 48 34.380 69.2 + 3- I 756-.043o + .040 + .OIO7 I .02 .11 .05 3"8 Pi 179 7-7 48 45- 201 72.6 + 3.0665 + .0029 + .OIO .0022 o 14 -75 -3i 3"9 L4933 5-7 49 37-oiS 76.4 +3.047i + .oi5i +.013 + .0032 o .11 .48 .19 3120 Br 1609 6.8 49 53-69 1 58.1 +3.1362 .0321 +.028 + .0006 o .12 .39 .23 3121 Br 1611 5-8 49 55-345 75-3 + 3.0796- .0035 + .OIO .0020 o .11 .30 .15 3122 Br 1610 7-i 49 59-403 65-9 + 3- I 365--032i + .027 + .0015 o .14 .51 .26 3"3 Br 1613 5-7 50 32-037 68.2 + 3.0901 .0074 + .OII + .0017 o .12 .57 .27 3124 Br 1614 6-3 So 34-9 21 83.0 + 3-0433 + .oi68 + .014 + .0001 o .13 .6l .21 3"5 Br 1612 6.2 50 45.082 61.8 + 3- I 574--0475 + .046 + .0015 o .13 .52 .28 3126 17 Crateris 5-3 SOSS-"? 77-2 + 3-533 + .0101 + .OII - .0033 o 09 -36 -15 3"7 L 49Si 5-8 5 2 38-446 86.8 + 2.9910+. 0544 +.058 .OOIO .l8 .94 .28 3128 Br 1616 7.2 53 6.368 75-i + 3.0755- -o 006 + .OIO + .0003 o .10 .34 .16 3"9 L4959 5-7 53 "-855 86.8 + 3.0126+. 0436 + .040 .0015 o .15 .78 .24 3130 L 4963 5-7 53 44-879 88.0 + 2.9992 + .0593 + .066 + .0009 o .18 .94 .28 3i3i L 4961 6.6 53 48.242 79-8 + 3-0526+.OI55 + .013 .0026 o .11 .58 .21 3132 Pi 207 6.7 53 56.394 78.8 + 3.0685 + .0010 + .OIO .0045 o .08 .40 .15 3i33 L 4966 6-3 54 6.146 84-3 + 3.027I + .0375 + .031 .0026 o .20 1.04 .33 3134 cChamaeleontism 5-i 5439-4H 82.1 + 2.9171 + . 1243 +.284 -.0128- 6 .09 .54 .17 3135 Br 1617 5-5 54 49.604 66.1 + 3-0735- -oo6 + .OIO .OOI I .07 .28 .14 3136 Groomb 1845 6-5 55 5-627 72.4 + 3-2354- -2172 +725 .0263 + 17 .07 .42 .17 3137 Pulkjj 1811 5-8 55 36.495 84.2 + 3 -7 53 + -0068 + .OIO + .0074 o .07 .69 .19 3138 Br 1619 5-4 55 44-28o 69-4 + 3.oo23 + .oii9 + .OI2 .0014 o .14 .52 .26 3139 IT Virginis 4-7 55 44-9 2 4 73-9 + 3.0752 .0022 + .OIO .0003 o .04 .24 .10 3140 Pi 213 6.7 55 54-556 68.3 + 3.0708 + .0023 + .OIO .OOIO .12 .48 .23 3141 Pulk M 1813 5-8 56 32-487 81.4 + 3.0794 .0206 +.018 .0079+ I .IO .69 .22 3142 Br 1620 6.8 56 37-023 73-5 + 3.0778 .0108 + 013 .0028 o .08 .34 .15 3U3 Br 1621 5-2 57 2.240 67.6 + 3-0597- -0265 + .023 -.0291+ 3 .08 .30 .15 3144 L 4991 6.0 57 18.87- 78.4 + 2.839- +.296- -.051- -58 .06 .66 .22 3145 Pi 218 7.0 57 24-738 79-7 + 3.0542-. 0264 + .023 -0325+ 3 09 -57 -20 3146 Crucis 4.4 57 55-866 80.8 + 3.0277 + .os8i +.063 .0212 4 .12 .68 .23 3U7 Pi 221 7-4 58 28.470 76-7 + 3. 0664 +.0043 + .OIO .0052 o .15 .80 .30 3148 L 4992 5-4 58 28.741 88.9 + 3.0930+. 0289 + .021 + .0286+ 2 .15 .78 .22 3H9 Pi 222 6.7 58 38-199 69.1 + 3-0635- .0014 + .010 .0097 o .IO .40 .20 3150 Br 1622* 6.2 ii 59 9.422 74-2 + 3-0773- .o io 3 + .OI2 + .0030 o io -33 -IS 3iii 8 M i'.'s 170. 3115 h 4478. 3120 2 1579. 9" 4" 38; see also No. 3123. i'.'7 35. slow binary. CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR 1 900 127 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. st P/ and ioo A^ Prob. Errors. |SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 3101 / // + 15 751.62 65.2 // // 20.121 .022 + -I7 n - -123 o // // // .02 .11 .05 3102 + 35 2 9 J 4-i6 78.8 2O.OI3 - 022 + .18 .012 o .11 .40 .17 3103 -63 13 57-42 81.9 2O.OI7 - 020 + .14 - .014 o IS -63 -23 69 G Centauri j 3104 69 40 10.65 80.6 20.006 .Ol8 + -I3 .001 .15 .6l .23 17 GMuscae 3105 + 2 19 41.51 68.0 2O.286 .O2I + -I7 - .279 o .03 .12 .06 3106 -62 535.82 78.8 20.025 - OI 8 + .14 .018 o 13 -59 -23 70 G Centauri 3107 -2643 19.19 80.2 -19.993-. OI 9 + .16 + .014 o .14 .89 .30 299 G Hydrae 3108 - 44638-38 70.4 2O.O2I .Oig + -I7 .012 o .07 .48 .20 3109 -4437 1.14 81.1 20.0IO .Ol8 + .16 .000 o .12 .60 .21 41 G Centauri B 3110 30 16 14.22 82.4 20.322 .017 + .16 - -39 .13 .82 .26 300 G Hydrae 3"i - 64 38 58.05 80.9 2O.O29 OI 6 + .14 .015 o .14 .63 .23 1 8 GMuscae* 3"2 + 38 26 9.93 72.8 -25.817-. 045 + .25 5.80126 See Appendix 3"3 -5625 56.78 80.6 -20.003 -.01 5 + -I5 + .013 o .14 .61 .23 74 G Centauri 3"4 + 15 5939.67 70.2 20.082 .Ol6 + .17 .064 o .10 .31 .16 W. H. IO M 39" 14 3iiS -33 21 6.30 68.8 -20.025-. 015 + .16 .006 o .09 .37 .18 * 3116 -343034.24 71.1 -20.057-. 014 + .16 - .036 o .15 .63 .29 302 G Hydrae 3"7 + 5415 2 -7 2 63-9 20.019 .OI5 + .19 + .003 o .02 .11 .06 3118 - 3 13 9.66 73-4 20.082 .013 + 17 - -059 o .12 .60 .25 3"9 -25 934-49 76.4 -19.959- .012 + .16 + .067 o .11 .50 .20 303 G Hydrae 3120 + 47 i 58.90 55-8 20.034 .OI2 + .18 .007 o .09 .37 .22 65 Ursae Maj* 3121 + 8 59 59.55 74-o 20.024 .on + -I7 + .004 o .10 .32 .15 6 Virginis A 3 3122 + 47 i 33-9 61.2 20.047 - OI1 + .18 .019 o .12 .46 .25 33 + 16 12 11.49 63-5 20.037 .010 + -I7 .007 o .11 .51 .26 95 Leonis o 34 -27 55 11.14 83-3 20.062 .010 + -I7 - .032 o .12 .50 .l8 304 G Hydrae 3125 + 57 918.89 52.4 20.027 .010 + .18 + -003 o .12 .36 .24 66 Ursae Maj 3126 -163538.88 74-7 20.050 .009 + -I7 .019 o .08 .36 .15 3"7 -61 53 30.45 84-5 20.054 .006 + -I5 .018 o -IS -75 -24 i G Crucis 3128 + 42 19.88 74-7 20.046 .005 + -I7 .008 o .10 .32 .15 3129 -554538.45 81.6 20.064 -005 + .16 .026 o .11 .52 .18 2 G Crucis 3130 -634657-83 87.1 20.03 1 .004 + .16 + .008 o .15 .84 .24 3 G Crucis 3i3i 25 21 6.01 78-5 20.079 4 + -I7 .040 o .11 .58 .21 308 G Hydras 3132 + i 5 11.46 75-6 20.022 .003 + 17 + .018 o .07 .32 .13 3133 -5i 823.57 76.6 - 20.055- 3 + .16 - -015 o .14 .65 .26 85 G Centauri 3134 -77 3953-86 78-3 20.058 .001 + .14 .017 o .08 .42 .16 h 4486. 5^6-^5 2" 186 3135 + 4 12 43-37 63-4 20.060 .002 + -I7 .018 o .06 .28 .14 7 Virginis b 3136 + 81 2439-57 68.8 20.076 .001 + .20 - -034 o .07 .36 .16 3137 - 95 2 34-15 80.8 20.522 .000 + -I7 - -479 o .O? .67 .21 3138 -19 6 8.59 67.2 20.039 00 + 17 + .004 o .12 .40 .21 31 Crateris 3139 + 7 10 18.80 70.9 20.076 .000 + 17 - -033 o .04 .19 .09 3140 - I 12 33-74 7i-3 20. 1 20 .000 + 17 .076 o .10 .43 .19 3MI + 3636 3-37 80.4 2O.I42 + .OO2 + 17 - .097 o .10 .55 .19 3U2 + 2239 4.78 70.9 2O.O64+. OO2 + 17 .019 o .06 .30 .13 i Comae Ber 3M3 + 43 3 6 i-iS 62.4 19. 982 +.OO3 + 17 + -063 o .06 .26 .14 67 Ursae Maj 3144 -85 429.70 78.2 2O.O47 +.OO4 .001 o .06 .55 .18 12 G Octantis* 3145 + 43 39 17-83 75-3 20. 566 +.OO4 + .17 - .520 o .08 .43 .I? 3H6 -62 45 22.36 78-7 2O.O54 +.OO4 + 17 .008 o .09 .52 .19 6 G Crucis 1 3M7 - 4 55 21.02 74.0 20.O68 +.006 + 17 .022 o .12 .56 .24 3148 -41 52 26.83 83-7 2O.I7I + .006 + -*7 .125 o .12 .56 .19 88 G Centauri 3H9 + 67 O.2I 66.8 2O.I37 + .OO6 + -i7 .091 o .08 .34 .17 3150 + 22 057.85 66.4 2O.O59 +.OO7 + -i7 .012 o .09 .27 .15 2 Comae Ber* 3144 h 4490. 9 M 25" 146. 3150 2 1596. 7*5 4" 238. 128 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p. and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. icon aio M h m a S E s s // // // 3151 L 4999 S-o ii 59 10.175 83-7 + 3-o622 + .o59i + .063 .0008 o .16 .82 .27 3152 L 5000 5-5 59 29.268 86.8 + 3-05 8 3 + -742 + .096 .0067 2 .18 .87 .27 3153 K Chamaeleontis 5-2 59 36.084 87.2 + 3.0409+. 1 188 + .241 .0221 9 .15 .78 .23 3154 Groomb 1850 6-5 ii 5942-78- 70.2 + 3.038- -.431- -.052-+85 .07 .39 .17 3ISS o Virginis 4-3 12 o 6.933 79-2 + 3-0575 -003 + .OIO .0147 o .03 .16 .06 3156 Groomb 1852 6.1 o 10.326 83.1 + 3.ii2i-.i359 + .306 + .0443-20 .05 .50 .14 3157 Groomb 1853 6.4 o 36.748 81.4 + 3.0586- .0574 + .068 .0066+ i .08 .45 .15 3158 Pi 230 6.9 o 52.546 84.2 -1-3. 0698 +.OO3 2 + .OIO .0028 o .07 .50 .15 3159 L 5021 7.0 i 28.938 90.8 + 3- 743+ -0247 + .018 .0046 o .13 .69 .19 3160 17 Crucis 4.2 i 39.624 73-o + 3.0923+. 0641 + .070 .0000 o !3 -5i -23 3161 L 5028 5-2 2 33^60 86.3 + 3. 104I + . 1142 + .203 .0232 8 .14 .88 .25 3162 L 5029 4 .8 2 54.424 81.4 + 3.0894 +.038 1 + .030 .0031 o .16 .68 .25 3163 L 5031 5-7 3 3-935 86.1 + 3. 0894 +.03 5 7 + .028 .0029 o .16 .87 .27 3i64 L 5034 7-i 3 10.310 85-3 + 3.0794+. 0224 + .017 - .0055 o .12 .66 .20 3i65 8 Centauri 2.7 3 io-473 73-8 + 3.0904+. 0382 +.030 .0041 o .09 .36 .16 3166 a Corvi 4.2 3 15-238 72.6 + 3.0867 + . 0156 + 013 + .0058 o .07 .27 .12 3167 L 5036 6.1 3 43-333 89.0 + 3-o872 + .03io + 023 - .0059 o .15 1.05 .27 3168 L S37 5-9 3 44-192 90.2 + 3.0890+. 0280 + .O20 .OCL2I O .20 I.O5 .28 3169 Br 1625 6-3 4 33- 8 54 66.6 + 3-O742 + .ooo8 + .OIO + .0030 o .06 .28 .14 3170 L S43 6-3 4 52-59 1 83-9 + 3. 0874 +.02 26 + .017 .0042 o .14 .84 .26 3171 Br 1627 5-9 4 57-5 8 2 66.9 + 3.0580 .0012 + .OIO .OI-II O .11 .46 .23 3172 t Corvi 3- 1 4 58- 8 49 74-2 +3.0794+. 0143 + .OI2 - .00.47 o .04 .24 .09 3173 Br 1628 6-5 5 25-859 80. i + 3.0617 .0071 + .OII .0007 o .IO .48 .17 3174 Br 1629 5-6 5 54-834 78.7 + 3.o822 + .oi5o + .OI2 .0048 o .10 .48 .18 3175 Brisb 3951 7.0 6 14.986 89.0 + 3.ii99+.03i6 + .023 + .0127+ I .16 .98 .26 3176 p Centauri 4.2 6 25.421 80.9 + 3-II52 + .04I2 + .034 .0047 I .11 .54 .20 3177 Groomb 1858 6.4 630.421 72.4 + 2. 7836-. 1762 + .6 S 2 .0094+ 6 .07 .36 .15 3178 Pi 6 7.2 633.316 74-8 + 3.0690 .0002 + .OIO .0003 o .14 .64 .26 3179 Br 1631 6.7 6 45- 8 79 66.0 + 3.0114 .0429 + .045 + .OOI2 O 09 -33 -17 3180 Br 1630 6.0 6 46.779 74-9 + 3.0490- .01 23 + .013 - .0037 o .11 .42 .18 3181 Br 1632 5-9 7 4-207 64-5 +3-0556- .0091 + .OI2 .0008 o .12 .48 .25 3182 Br 1634 5-2 7 3I-095 71.0 + 2.8662 .I2IO + .296 + .OO32 2 .03 .18 .08 3183 Br 1635 6.0 8 20.423 63-5 + 3.0569- .0033 + .OIO .0061 o .11 .40 .22 3184 L 5069 5-3 8 48.942 86.4 + 3.n 9 2 + .0333 + .024 .0048 o .16 .82 .26 3185 Brisb 3962 6.9 9 31.46- 87.2 + 4-486- + I.534- .072- 186 .11 .90 .24 3186 Br 1636 6-5 9 46.060 66.8 + 2. 9929- .0365 + .036 .OOI I O .12 .57 .27 3i87 8 Crucis 2.9 9 49.980 73- 2 + 3-i593 + -53 2 + .049 -.0055- I .IO .40 ,l8 3188 Brisb 3977 6.8 9 55-239 85.8 + 3.ioi5 + .oi9o + .014 - .0025 o .12 .72 .21 3189 Groomb 1863 6.1 10 22.577 75-i + 2.8921 .0729 + .116 .OO7O+ 2 .11 .63 .25 3190 8 Ursae Maj 3-3 10 28.743 71.0 + 2.9899 .0420 + .044 + .0137- 2 .03 .16 .07 3i9i y Corvi 2.6 10 39.749 75-o + 3.0801 + . 0116 + .011 .OII2 O .04 .22 .09 3192 Br 1639 5-3 10 55-554 74-o + 3.0497-. 0056 + .OIO .0050 o .IO .44 .19 3193 Br 1640 6.1 1 1 6.963 81.6 + 3-0175- -0227 + .O2O + .0019 o .06 .40 .13 3194 Br 1641 5-2 ii 17.011 76.8 + 3.0408 .0108 + 013 .0016 o .09 .45 .18 3195 Pi 29 5-2 ii 28.596 69.4 + 3.0242 .0167 + .015 .0036 o .14 .72 .32 3196 Br 1642 7-2 ii 52.158 65-5 + 2.6618 .1305 + 399 + .OIH 7 .IO .40 .20 3197 t Muscae 4.1 12 9.911 85-2 + 3.2022 + .0802 + .IO2 -.0405- 9 -14 -75 -23 3198 PulkjB 1842 5-9 12 28.370 85-9 + 3.0277-. 0138 + .014 - -0035 o .11 .57 .18 3199 /JChamaeleontis 4-3 12 28.434 69.0 + 3.4218+. 1865 + .460 -.0163- 8 .05 .32 .14 3200 Crucis 4.2 12 13 0.972 84-3 + 3-2i72 + .o678 + .073 .0069 I .18 .84 .28 3170 Jacob. 9 M a"5 20 3184 Rumk. 7 M 3" 242, slow binary. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO I2 9 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and looAji' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 H.' 8 10 Remarks. 3151 o / // 62 36 32.01 78.7 // // 20.045 + .007 // + 17 // + .002 o // // // .13 .60 .23 7 G Crucis 6* 3152 -67 46 18.98 80.3 20.073 + .008 + .17 .026 o .14 .60 .23 25 G Muscae 3153 -75 S748.SI 86.6 20.004 + .008 + 17 + -043 o .11 .60 .18 3154 + 86 8 28.70 77.2 19. 959+. 008 + .088 o .06 .38 .14 3155 + 9 17 18.01 75-5 20.009 +.009 + 17 + .038 o .03 .16 .06 3156 + 77 27 54.03 79-7 20. 136+. 009 + 17 .089 o .06 .40 .14 3157 + 63 2930.40 77-4 2O.I22 + .OIO + .17 - .075 o .06 .34 .13 3158 - 2 34 27.80 80.5 2O.O7O + .OIO + 17 - .023 o .08 .49 .17 3159 37 18 12.02 89.2 20.048+. on + 17 .002 o .15 .77 .22 91 G Centauri 3160 -64 3 21.38 76.2 2O.O92 + .OI 2 + .17 .046 o .12 .50 .21 3161 - 74 48 39.00 82.8 -20.035 + .014 + -I7 + .OII O .11 .63 .20 29 G Muscae 3162 50 6 15.25 79.8 20.050+. 014 + 17 -.005 o .13 .59 .22 92 G Centauri 3i63 -48 8 8.41 82.4 20.079+. 015 + 17 - -034 o .14 .65 .23 93 G Centauri E 3164 -34 7 5-97 76.1 20.052 + .OI5 + 17 .007 o .12 .56 .22 44 G Hydrae 3i65 -50 955.66 72.9 20.062 + .015 + .17 .017 o .08 .33 .14 3166 24 10 16.04 72.4 20.094+. 015 + 17 .049 o .08 .29 .13 3i67 -4346 5-64 81.3 20.III + .OI6 + 17 .067 o .11 .57 .20 95 G Centauri 3168 40 40 29.04 86.0 20.061 + .016 + 17 .017 o IS -75 -23 96 G Centauri 3169 + 2 27 33.70 69-3 20.227 + . 018 + 17 .184 o .05 .27 .12 10 Virginis 3170 -34 852.77 70-3 20.070+. 018 + 17 .028 o .14 .6l .28 315 G Hydrae * 3171 + 6 21 46.65 65.0 20.025 + .018 + .17 + .017 o .10 .43 .22 ii Virginis 3172 -22 348.97 74-i 20.035 + .018 + 17 + .007 o .04 .24 .IO 3173 + 17 21 56.39 74-9 20.050+. 019 + 17 .009 o .09 .36 .16 3 Comae Ber 3174 -23 243-4I 78.4 2O.O59 +.020 + 17 .019 o .IO .42 .17 3 Corvi 3I7S -434331-59 84.9 20. 104 +.02 1 + .18 - .065 o .12 .67 .21 99 G Centauri 3176 -51 48 41.98 79-9 2O.o6l + .O2I + .18 .022 o .IO .49 .l8 3177 + 82 15 58.34 76.7 2O.04O+. O20 + 13 .001 o .10 .55 .21 3178 + 4 36 43.17 70-3 20.043 + .02 1 + -i7 .004 o .12 -SI .24 3179 + 57 36 40.09 66.4 20.055 + .02 1 + .!6 .017 o .09 .26 .14 68 Ursse Maj 3180 + 26 25 38.46 71.0 2O.O76+. O22 + .17 - .038 o .08 .35 .16 4 Comae Ber 3181 + 21 55548 73-o 2O.O68 +.O22 + -i7 -.031 o .IO .40 .l8 5 Comae Ber 3182 + 78 10 18.82 76.8 2O.OI8+.O22 + .14 + .018 o .03 .19 .07 4 H Draconis 3183 + 10 49 6.68 59-o 20.067 + .025 + 17 - -033 o .10 .40 .23 12 Virginis 3184 -45 10 "4.70 77.8 2O.O47 + .O26 + .18 .015 o 13 -53 -22 103 G Centauri D * 3185 -87 51 33.64 84.9 -20.030+. 035 .000 o .11 .73 .21 13 G Octantis 3186 + 53 59 2 7-72 59-i 20.050+. 027 + .16 .021 o .10 .34 .20 i Canum Ven 3i87 -58 n 33.57 74.0 2O.O47 + .O28 + .18 .019 o .08 .37 .16 3188 28 40 50.16 84.6 20.069 +.O28 + -I7 .041 o .13 .94 .27 3i8G Hydrae 3189 + 7045 23.93 68.0 2O.O49 +.O28 + .14 - -023 o .08 .42 .20 3190 + 57 35 i7-6i 66.7 2O.O23 +.029 + 15 + .003 o .03 .14 .07 3191 -16 59 12.30 69.7 2O.OI4+ .029 + -I7 + .011 o .05 .22 .IO 3192 + 15 27 20.63 72-4 -20.05 7 + .030 + .16 - -033 o .08 .31 .14 6 Comae Ber 3193 + 41 13 0.38 74-4 20.069 +.030 + .16 .046 o .06 .27 .11 2 Canum Ven * 3194 + 2430 4.46 70.3 20.04 1 + .030 + .16 .018 o .07 .32 .14 7 Comae Ber 3195 + 3337 13-37 65.6 -20.138 + . 031 + .16 .116 o .11 .6l .29 3196 + 80 40 52.03 53-8 20.014 +.029 + .ii + .006 o .11 .44 -27 21625. 9 M i4"2i9 3197 -67 2415.88 82.2 -20.063 + .033 + .19 .044 o .11 .57 .19 3198 + 29 29 30.19 80.6 -19.987 + .033 + .16 + .030 o MO .47 -17 02245. io M 8"279 3199 -7845 25.02 7i-5 20.005 + .036 + .23 + .OI2 .05 .30 .13 3200 -63 26 49.94 78.6 -20.033 + .035 + .20 .019 o 13 -59 -23 3193 2 1622. 8 M n" 259- PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A n Prob. Errors. a Ep. looji aio M h m s a s s s // // // 3201 K 33 6.8 12 13 1.716 74-9 + 3.0761 + .0044 + .OIO .0007 o .14 .64 .27 3202 Br 1643 6.1 13 32-658 65-7 + 3.0743 + .0028 + .009 + .0016 o .08 .34 .17 3203 L 5092 5-o 13 39-742 85.0 + 3. 1 749 +.0473 + .040 - .0094 i .18 .78 .27 3204 Br 1656 6-5 13 55-74" 59-8 + 1. 794 --.092 + .266 491 .08 .27 .16 3205 Br 1644 7.2 14 II-372 73-3 + 3-0853 + .007 1 + .OIO + .0008 o .09 .46 .20 3206 Br 1645 6.4 14 16.127 64-5 + 3.0338- .0100 + .OI2 .0022 o .14 .51 .27 3207 Br 1650 5-5 14 20.913 73-2 + 2-737- -0887 + .l8 4 - .0069+ 3 .07 .32 .14 3208 Br 1672 6-5 1423.17- 73-8 +0.248- +.818- -.074- + 209 .04 .18 .08 3209 Br 1646 6.7 14 29.084 72-4 + 3.0110 .0130 + .014 - .0151+ i .09 .39 .17 3210 rj Virginis 4.0 I447-372 73-o + 3.0684+. 0028 + .009 .0041 o .03 .16 .07 3211 Br 1651 5-7 14 53-273 64.1 + 2.9708 .0299 + .029 + .0002 o .14 .44 .24 3212 Groomb 1867 7.0 15 14-797 63-9 + 2.9970 .0197 + .OI8 - .0048 o .16 .64 .34 3213 Br 1652 5-i 15 16.236 70-9 + 3. 0465 + .0008 + .OIO .0198 o .07 .28 .13 3214 Pulkjj 1852 5-9 15 18.089 89-3 + 3.0214 .0120 + 013 .0052 o .13 .58 .18 3215 Corvi 5-5 15 22.871 82.3 + 3.ioi9+.oi48 + .OI2 .0060 o .14 .57 .21 3216 Br 1654 4-9 15 39.906 65-5 + 3.0340- .0069 + .OII .0081 o .10 .36 .19 3217 Pi 54 5-5 15 45.862 82.8 + 3-0935 + -0097 + .OIO .OOOI .08 .51 .16 3218 t Crucis 3-4 IS 57-647 77-3 +3. 2081 + .0585 + .056 - .0243- 4 .13 .48 .20 3219 Br 1655 5-9 16 0.241 64.8 + 2.9262 .0410 + .044 + .0055- i .12 .48 .25 3220 L 5112 5-3 16 33-766 84.4 +3.2984+. 0831 + .IOO .0009 o .16 .87 .28 3221 LS"3 6.0 16 36.736 90.1 + 3.3087 + .0868 + .108 .0002 o .20 I.O5 .28 3222 L 5120 5-7 17 24.232 80.8 + 3-2228 + .0534 + 047 .0064 I .l8 I.O2 .35 3223 Br 1657 6.7 17 26.931 63-9 + 3. 0505 -.0002 + .OIO .0114 o .09 .32 .17 3224 Br 1658 4-9 17 28.773 73-i + 3.0212 .0114 + 013 .0006 o 7 -34 -15 3225 1,5107 6.7 17 37.00- 81.4 +4.388- +.720- .016- 20 .14 .78 .26 3226 Br 1659 6.0 18 8.855 77-o + 3.n85 + .oi67 + 013 .0015 o .11 .50 .20 3227 L 5129 5-5 18 19.821 85-4 + 3. 1438 + .0246 + .017 .0029 o .14 .88 .26 3228 L5i3i 7.0 18 33.265 82.9 + 3-i343 + -02o6 + .014 + .OOOI O .13 .66 .22 3229 Br 1660 6.2 18 51.883 63.0 + 2.9619 .0229 + .02 1 .0076+ I .13 .42 .24 3230 Br 1662 5-2 19 10.003 73-7 + 2.9298 .0317 + 031 + .OOIO .10 .39 .17 3231 Br 1661 5-3 19 17.562 63.2 + 3.0142 .0114 + .013 .0017 o .11 .44 .23 3232 L 5142 m 6.0 20 5.491 89-4 + 3-I499+.0246 + .017 - -0033 o .11 .78 .19 3233 Pi 75 6-3 2O 13.289 81.6 + 3.0226 .0101 + 013 + .0039 o .11 .46 .17 3234 Br 1663 6.2 2O 16.423 68.3 + 2.8864 .0377 + .040 .0018 o .11 .44 .21 3235 Br 1664 5-3 20 55.410 82.4 + 2.9650 .0198 + .019 .0066 o .05 .28 .09 3236 L 547 5-2 20 57.193 75-7 + 3-3022 + .o688 + .070 .0052 I .16 .58 .26 3237 a 1 Crucis 1.4 21 2.O2I 68.8 + 3. 3030 +.0688 + .070 .0051 I .06 .32 .15 3238 a 2 Crucis 1.6 21 2.673 66.6 + 3. 3016+. 0687 + .070 .0066 I .09 .39 .19 3239 L 515 5-i 21 7.478 82.8 + 3. 2164+. 0430 +033 - .0073- I .20 .98 .33 3240 Br 1665 5-2 21 24.056 57-2 + 3.0049 .0119 + .014 .0017 o .12 .48 .28 3241 L 5154 5-8 21 35-405 85.6 + 3.i5o8 + .O228 + .015 .0009 o .12 .62 .19 3242 y Comae Ber 4.6 21 57-296 73-4 + 2.9954 .0124 + .014 .0066 o .06 .30 .12 3243 L5I57 5-5 21 58.065 94-6 + 3- 2 7 8 4+-0579 + .052 .0022 o .21 I.4I .30 3244 Br 1667 5-i 21 59-365 59-6 + 3.0061 .0116 + 013 + .OOOI .12 .45 .26 3245 53o 6-5 46 26.444 80.8 + 3. 2880+. 0315 + .019 .0032 o 15 -75 -27 3346 Br 1714 6-3 46 31.448 60.4 + 3.0532 + .0026 + .009 .0022 o .11 .45 .25 3347 Br 1715 5-i 46 49.701 79- + 2.9264 .0096 + .013 .0012 o .05 .34 .12 3348 Br 1716 6.7 47 i3- 8 74 80.3 + 2.9848 .0042 + .OII .0007 o .11 .39 .16 3349 L 533 6.0 47 24.011 86.9 + 3. 542 1 + .0698 + .060 .0015 o .13 .90 .25 3350 Br 1717 7-i 12 47 24.280 81.0 + 2.9868 .0043 + .OII + .0018 o .11 .40 .16 3302 h 4539. 2*9-2*9 i'.'s binary, of about 88 yrs. 3310 p 924. 4" 30 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 135 No. ' Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t ji'andioo A|i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 3301 / // -45 35 53-88 78.6 It It -19.764+ .083 + .20 + .038 o // // // 13 -55 -22 133 G Centauri 3302 -48 2438.13 74.0 -19.815 + .083 + .20 -015 08 .35 .15 * 3303 3304 -12 27 54.83 -12 27 58.54 73- 76.0 -I9-797 + .079 19.800+. 079 + 17 + 17 + .002 o .001 .10 .36 .17 .11 .38 .17 JSi66 9 . 6" 305 3305 -59 8 12.73 78.6 19.810+. 087 + -23 .012 .14 .55 .22 39 G Crucis 33<>6 + 10 58 29.89 70.2 -19.795 + . 078 + .10 .002 o .08 .26 .13 27 Virginis 3307 - 054 3-77 68.9 -19.788+. 078 + 17 + .004 I See Appendix 3308 - 6 57 1.69 68.0 - 19.838+. 081 + 17 .049 o .08 .35 .16 28 Virginis 33 + 10 47 11.90 72.6 19. 890+. 079 + .16 .IOI .06 .32 .14 33io + 7 21 20.08 76.2 19.801 + .079 + .16 ~ -013 .10 .35 .16 31 Virginis d 1 * 33" -48 15 49.92 77-9 -19.833 + . 086 + .20 .048 o .13 .69 .26 136 G Centauri w 33" -55 2 3 53-75 78.9 -19.81 7 + .088 + .22 - -033 .13 .54 .21 41 G Crucis 3313 + 63 15 43.31 76.6 19.802 + .07 1 + -II .019 o .05 .23 .09 76 Ursae Maj 3314 -55 37 39-68 77-4 19.807 + .089 + .22 .027 o .14 .56 .23 42 G Crucis 3315 -3937 46.29 84-5 -19.808+. 087 + .2O - .036 o .15 .67 .23 137 G Centauri 33i6 -37 9 16.21 88.1 19. 996 +.084 + .I 9 -.230- I 13 -95 -25 3317 i i 37.66 68.6 -19.855 + .084 + .16 .090 o .09 .69 .30 33i8 -27 4630-59 80.2 -19.816+. 086 + .18 - -054 o .10 .42 .16 330 G Hydrae 3319 60 25 55.98 77-4 -19.825 + .097 + .24 - .079 o 13 -57 -23 h 4547- 8 M 20" 37 3320 -67 3338.41 79.2 I9-769+.IOI + .27 .029 o .09 .45 .16 Russell. 3?o-4"! l 2 i'/3 343 3321 +39 49 19.66 62.4 19.608+. 080 + .14 + .130- I .07 .26 .14 io Canum Ven 3322 + 45 59 12.74 72.9 -i9-733 + -8i + 13 + .003 o .08 .40 .17 3323 + 8 13 12.45 70.8 - I 9-733 + -86 + .16 + .OOI O .10 .29 .15 32 Virginis d 2 3324 -555629.47 79.0 -I9-772 + .096 + .23 .040 o .14 .58 .23 45 G Crucis 3325 89 15 i. 08 76.7 -19.738 + . 556 .Oil 2 .06 .53 .19 3326 + 10 555.90 62.3 20. 1 78 + .089 + .16 - -456 .08 .31 .17 33 Virginis 3327 + 17 7 25.07 67-3 i9-722 + .o87 + .16 .005 o .10 .47 .22 27 Comae Ber 3328 -59 831.66 73-2 -19.741 + . zoo + .23 .028 o .06 .27 .12 3329 + 12 30 17.08 73-4 -19.734+. 089 + .16 .026 o .08 .34 .15 34 Virginis 3330 - 5 45 l6 -42 81.2 -19-755 + -9 2 + .i7 - .050 o .08 .52 .17 3331 + 47 7-J9 7i-5 I9.7H + .09I + .16 .012 O .06 .30 .13 35 Virginis 3332 + 63 19 36.66 74-7 -19.704+. 079 + .10 .010 o .09 .40 .17 3333 -27 259.96 75-6 -I9-776+.095 + .18 -.083 o .14 1.03 .38 333 G Hydrae 3334 + 14 558.16 75-7 -19.736+. 090 + .16 - -045 .10 .34 .15 28 Comae Ber 3335 71 26 26.60 85-5 19.704+. 114 + -3i -.013 o 15 -75 -24 52 G Muscae 3336 + 67 20 10.45 71.6 -19.693 + .076 + .09 .006 o .07 .29 .13 7 Draconis 3337 + 1440 6.27 70.2 i9.7i6 + .092 + .16 - .036 o .09 .30 .15 29 Comae Ber (36 Virginis) 3338 + 49 042.63 51.0 19. 674+. 086 + .12 + .003 o .12 .37 .25 ii Canum Ven 3339 + 28 548.66 68.4 19.661 + .090 +.14 + .011 .08 .34 .16 30 Comae Ber 3340 -843448.87 77-9 19.661 + . 173 + .OIO+ I .05 .46 .16 3341 -52 1432.66 78.6 - 19.686+. 106 + .22 .028 o .14 .56 .22 142 G Centauri 3342 -33 27 14.88 81.2 19.693 + .101 + .I 9 .036 o .JO .52 .l8 143 G Centauri p 3343 + 38 3 39-47 63.2 19.640+. 090 + .14 + .014 o .IO .50 .26 3344 - 9 47 3 8 -43 69.7 19.661 + .099 + 17 .020 o .10 .39 .19 5 1682. 9 M 32" 3 o S 3345 -39 8 9.08 81.0 -19.675 + .105 + .20 - .038 o -13 -65 -23 145 G Centauri 3346 + 3 36 0.91 59-6 19. 623 + . 098 + .16 + .OI2 .10 .37 .21 37 Virginis 3347 + 28 5 5.20 76.8 -19.656 + .095 + .14 .026 o .05 .29 .11 31 Comae Ber 3348 + 1737 4.20 77-o 19.644+. 097 + 15 .021 o io -35 -15 32 Comae Ber 3349 -5947 6.06 86-3 -19.633 + . 114 + .25 -.013 o .11 .80 .22 48 G Crucis, Cluster 3350 + 1739 10.85 74-8 19. 662 + .098 + .15 .042 o .11 .36 .I? 33 Comae Ber 136 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A (i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m s i S s s // // // 3351 L5308 4-3 12 47 27.276 83.6 + 3-37I8 + .0437 + .029 .0099 i .16 .78 .26 3352 L S3 12 4-3 47 53-791 85-4 + 3-3078 + .0323 + .019 + .0058+ i .08 .45 .14 3353 Br 1718 6-4 48 3.879 65-5 + 3. 0695 + .0060 + .009 -.0175 o .07 .34 .17 3354 32 ' H Camelopardi 6.1 48 15.64- 74-9 + 0.416- + .207- .015. +12 .06 .26 .11 3355 Br 1719 5-i 48 22.343 70-9 + 2.9568 .0062 + .OII .0036 o .09 .45 .20 3356 32 * H Camelopardi 5-5 48 2J.I6- 75-2 + 0.409- +.208 -.018. +15 .05 .21 .09 3357 X Crucis 4-9 48 42.779 91.1 + 3-53 02 + .0665 + .054 .0041 o .16 1.06 .26 3358 fi 1 Crucis 4.2 48 42-839 75-2 + 3.4965 + .o6io + .0 4 8 .0040 o .14 .60 .25 3359 /i 2 Crucis 5-5 48 44.104 87.8 + 3.4979+. 0610 + .047 .0026 o .18 .93 .27 336o Br 1720 6-5 48 48.682 79-6 + 3.0113 .0019 + .OIO + .0040 o .10 .39 .16 336i Pulkjj 1941 6.2 49 6 -259 91.7 + 3. 1184+. 0104 + .009 .0097 o .13 .69 .18 3362 Virginis S-o 49 9.099 73-2 + 3-H58+.0093 + .009 .0016 o .05 .28 .12 3363 e Ursae Maj 1.6 49 37.896 73-9 + 2.6523 .0272 +.031 + .0139- 2 .03 .15 .06 3364 L 5322 5-5 49 44-429 87-9, + 3-3303 + -0356 + .O2 2 > .0045 o .16 .90 .26 3365 L53i8 6.0 49 50.602 86.6 + 3-937I + -I4I? + .197 -.0043- I .18 .8l .26 3366 L532I 5-7 5 3-451 85-4 +3.5020+. 0604 + .046 - .0044 o .l8 .84 .27 3367 8 Virginis 3-6 5 33-957 74-3 + 3. 0205 + .002 7 + .009 - -03-17 o .03 .18 .07 3368 L5332 7-2 51 7.416 86.5 + 3-2I75 + .O2OI + .OII + .0015 o .12 .88 .24 33<59 L S33i 5-4 51 18.742 83-4 + 3. 4304 +.0483 +033 -.0039 o .20 .99 .33 3370 a'Canum Ven 5-4 51 19.810 72.9 + 2.8134 .0148 + .017 *-. 01.98+ I .06 .36 .15 3371 a 2 Canum Ven 2.9 51 21.075 68.2 + 2.8132 .0148 +.017 -.01-99+ J .03 .15 .07 3372 Br 1727 5-4 Si 29.751 82.1 + 2.4036- .03 19 + .045 -.0005 o .06 .38 .12 3373 Br 1726 6.2 5i 54-733 65.8 + 2.6408 .0246 + .029 -.0086+ I 09 -33 -17 3374 Br 1728 S-o 53 58-765 74-o + 2.9692 .0039 + .OIO .0021 o .09 .42 .18 3375 Br 1729 6.0 54 30-395 72.1 +3.0885 + .0065 + .009 .0019 o .09 .38 .17 3376 LS3S7 6-3 55 4-057 80.2 + 3. 2730+. 0261 + .014 .0056 o .13 .75 .26 3377 SMuscae 3-5 55 23-265 77-7 + 4.0554+. 1427 +.183 + .0536+15 .09 .51 .19 3378 Br 1732 6-3 55 26.920 71.2 + 3.0862 + .0063 + .009 .0020 o .10 .40 .18 3379 Br 1733 5-2 55 29-371 70.6 + 2.8752 .0104 + 013 .0021 o .10 .42 .19 338o Br 1737 5-8 56 8.407 67-9 + 2.2782 .0279 + .045 .0255+ 6 .09 .51 .23 338i Br 1734 6-3 56 12.931 78.2 + 2.9686 .0036 + .OIO .0004 o .11 .36 .16 3382 Br 1736 S-i 56 26.296 75-6 + 2.5845-. 0251 + .029 + .OI20 2 .10 .38 . .16 3383 Virginis 2.8 57 "-949 79-3 + 2.9867 .0006 + .009 .0185 o .03 .18 .06 3384 L537 S-o 57 45-9 11 79-2 + 3 -453 + -0463 +.030 - .0053 o .15 .69 .26 3385 Pi 255 6.2 57 52.548 75-9 + 2-3563-. 0266 +037 .0269+ 5 .09 .48 .19 3386 L5376 7-5 58 14.927 84.6 + 3. 2948 + .0270 +.015 .0017 o .12 .57 .19 3387 Paris 16057 m 5-9 58 24.694 88.1 + 3. 2053 + .0164 + .OIO + .0100 .09 .86 .21 3388 Br 1738 m 6.9 12 58 45.184 69.8 + 3.0878+. 0066 + .009 .0030 o .08 .38 .17 3389 L 5369 6.9 13 o 17.429 89.6 + 4.6797 + .2800 +.582 .0152 6 .14 .88 .23 3390 L 539 5-o o 28.840 80.8 + 3.4546+. 0449 + .028 - .0039 o .16 .69 .26 3391 LS397 5-9 o 55.064 84.6 + 3. 3808 + .03 5 2 + .O2O + .0027 o .16 i. ii .33 3392 Br 1739 5-3 3.962 60.8 + 2.8114 .0123 + .015 .0021 o .09 .44 .23 3393 Centauri 4-4 4.209 75-8 + 3-4789 + -0475 + .030 .0036 o .13 .54 .22 3394 Pi 262 7.6 10.302 68.4 + 3.i6o4+.oi29 + .009 -.0023 o .13 .54 .26 3395 L 5400 5-8 20.144 76.4 + 3.3247 + .0289 + .015 + .0019 o .18 .94 .37 3396 Groomb 1956 5-9 22.443 65.6 + 2.7090- .0173 + .019 + .0004 o .13 .64 .32 3397 Br 1740 6-3 28.817 65-4 + 2.9262 .0051 + .OIO .0052 o .11 .50 .25 3398 Br 1741 6.2 30-594 67.2 + 2.9231 .0058 + .OII + .0023 o .12 .48 .24 3399 6 Muscae 5-7 39-675 83.0 + 3.8248+. 0959 + .092 .0015 o .15 .78 .26 3400 L5398 6.1 13 i 41.651 88.2 + 3-5379+ -0547 +037 . .0048 o .14 .78 .22 335S 2 i68 7 - 3375 r 8" i'/i 81, slow; 9" 29" 126. iiMjt" 53. 3378 Clark. 9" i'/ 4 153. 3370-1 Z 1693. 20" 227. 3379/81081. 13*5" 341" CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IpOO 137 Ko. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/andioo A(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 3351 o / // -48 23 56.94 79.8 19.648 + . 109 it + .22 - .030 o // tt tt .13 .59 .22 149 G Centauri e 3352 -3938 6.24 80.5 19. 649+. 109 + .20 - .038 o .08 .37 .14 150 G Centauri w 3353 - 3 035-37 68.1 I9.62i + .ioi + .1? -.013 o .06 .25 .12 38 Virginis 3354 + 83 5741-53 73-6 19. 590+. 020 + .014 o .06 .24 .10 Br 1730 3355 + 21 47 18.89 63.8 -19.633 + .099 + .15 -.031 o .07 .29 .15 35 Comae Ber * 3356 +83 5723.40 73-2 19.587+. 020 + .015 o .05 .20 .09 Br 1731. 2 1694 3357 -5836 12.87 82.8 -19.635 + . 117 + 25 - -039 o .13 .57 .20 3358 -5638 5-21 74-2 I9.6o9+.n6 + .2 4 .013 o .11 .51 .21 } Dunlop 34" 17 3359 ~56373 I -5 6 79.8 i9-6i2 + .ii6 + .2 4 .017 o .14 .60 .23 jBrisb 4238 336o + 12 5743-35 76-3 i9.627 + .ioi + .16 - -033 o .10 .35 .16 41 Virginis 336i ii 6 22.47 86.0 -19.589+. 105 + .17 .001 o .11 .54 .17 3362 - 8 59 45.14 67.6 19. 609 + . 105 + -I7 .021 o .05 .22 .IO 3363 + 5630 9.29 71.2 -19.590+. 092 + .10 .on o .04 .l6 .07 3364 -42 22 23.57 83-7 19.609+. 113 + .21 -.032 o IS -77 -25 152 G Centauri 3365 -7 1 3 8 34-5i 89.1 19.606 + . 132 + -34 -.031 o .15 .87 .24 53 G Muscae 3366 -56 1737-39 79-4 -19.597 + . 119 + .24 .026 o H -59 -23 54 G Crucis 3367 + 3 56 26.80 7 2 -4 19.625 + . 104 + .16 .064 I .03 .16 .07 3368 -2555 5-28 83-7 -19.569+. 112 + .19 .019 o .11 .82 .24 336 G Hydra 3369 -5039 25.29 75-6 -19.583 + . II 9 + .23 -.037 o .14 .63 .26 156 G Centauri H 3370 + 38 51 16.45 68.9 19.498+. 099 + -I3 + .048- I .06 .32 .14 Br 1724 * 3371 + 38 51 29.86 68.2 -19.503 + .099 + -I3 + 043- I .03 .14 .06 12 Canum Ven 3372 + 65 58 Si-33 75-7 -19.578+. 086 + .08 - -035 o .06 .31 .12 8 Draconis 3373 + 54 3 8 26 - 26 60.2 -19.541 + .094 + .ii .006 o .08 .30 .I? Si 195- 8 M 3'.'528 4 3374 + 175654.17 69.1 -19.474+. 109 + .14 + .019 o .08 .33 .16 36 Comae Ber 3375 3 16 21.60 67.8 19.487+. 114 + 17 .004 o .07 .31 .15 44 Virginis k * 3376 -32 5749-86 74-4 -I9.544+. 122 + .20 -.073 o .12 .65 .26 162 G Centauri 3377 - 71 o 34.06 77.1 -I9.494+. 152 + 35 .030+ 2 .07 .42 .16 3378 2 49 51.16 69.8 - 19.417+. 116 + 17 + .046 o .08 .33 .16 46 Virginis * 3379 + 31 19 27.42 66.5 19. 486+. 109 + -I3 .024 o 09 -35 -l8 37 Coma; Ber. (13 Canum Ven)* 338o + 67 8 12.01 64-3 19.462 +.088 + .07 .014 I .07 .32 .16 9 Draconis 338i + 173944.54 76.4 -I9.479+. 113 + .14 .032 o .11 .35 .16 38 Comae Ber 3382 +565418.87 66.8 19.465 +.101 + .09 .023 o .08 .34 .I? 78 Ursae Maj * 3383 + 11 2947.55 76.0 -19.409+. 1 15 + -I5 + .017 I .03 .17 .07 3384 -48 59 22.45 76.6 -I9442 + . 133 + -23 .029 o 13 -55 -23 165 G Centauri ' 3385 + 64 8 50.74 71.9 -19.387 + .093 + .08 + .024 I .09 .39 .18 3386 -33 42 46.78 76.9 19. 4IO+. 129 + .20 .007 o .13 .51 .21 3387 -20 247.30 89.0 -19.392 + . 126 + .18 + .007 o .09 .77 .18 )834i.6V7"oo'.'73i2 3388 - 3 7 30-96 69.7 19.432 + . 122 + 17 .040 o .07 .32 .15 48 Virginis * 3389 -77 5436-95 87.1 -i9-376+.i85 + 55 .019 I .11 .63 .18 43 G Chamaeleontis * 3390 -47 5537-95 78.1 -19.397 + .140 + .23 .044 o 13 -55 -22 171 G Centauri/* 339i -41 3 9-48 82.4 -I9-379+.I38 + .21 - .036 o .13 .85 .27 172 G Centauri 3392 + 36 20 1.83 58-2 19.329+. 116 + 13 + .OIO O .08 .41 .23 14 Canum Ven 3393 -49 22 14.55 73-4 -19.364+. 142 + .24 .024 o .10 .42 .18 173 G Centauri 2 * 3394 -14 22 52.04 70.1 -19.332 + . 130 + .18 + .005 o .13 .48 .23 3395 -35 1928.78 70-3 -19.432 + . 136 + .20 -.099 o .16 1.18 .49 176 G Centauri 3396 + 45 48 11.99 60.9 -19.303 + .113 + .ii + .029 o .12 .52 .28 930. I2 M 2'.'8lI9 3397 + 21 41 23.44 64.1 -19.383 + . 121 + .14 - -053 o .09 .36 .19 39 Comae Ber 3398 + 23 9 9.12 64.9 19.386+. 121 + .14 - -057 o .11 .44 .23 40 Comas Ber 3399 64 46 16.70 79-2 -I9-350+.I56 + -3I .024 o .11 .59 .21 Dunlop. 8 M 5" 185 3400 -52 55 27.46 84.9 -I9-357 + -I45 + 25 .032 o .12 .58 .19 177 G Centauri 3382 jS 1082. IO M i'/3 94, slow. 3390 h 4567. II M 20" 90. 3388 ft 929. 7?7-7?7 o'/6 219. 3389 h 4566. I2 M 30" 228. 3393 Dunlop. IO M 35" 101. 138 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |x and 100 A p Prob. Errors, o Ep. 100 (i a 10 M b m s s s 5 s . " " H 3401 Br 1743 5- 13 2 22.844 60.9 + 2.8819- .0081 + .OI2 + .0019 o .10 .50 .26 3402 Pi 278 6-5 2 25.933 73-6 + 2.3806 .0249 + .0 3 6 + .0013 o .10 .48 .20 3403 Br 1742 5-4 239.411 69-5 + 3.i383 + .oio6 + .009 + .OOIO O .08 .33 .16 3404 Abo 292 5-9 3 I9-S46 75-8 + 3.i242 + .oo97 + .009 -r- .0023 .09 .50 .19 3405 \f/ Hydrae 5-2 3 39-999 73-5 + 3.2228+.oi84 + .OIO .0020 o .10 .36 .16 3406 Paris 16164 6.0 4 11.912 99-3 + 3.0047 + .0003 + .009 + .OOI2 .12 .90 .15 3407 Groomb 2006 7-7 4 30-28- 63-5 -8.665- + 6.022- -.OI3-+I7 .08 .33 .17 3408 Br 1746 6-5 431.187 71.8 + 3- I 3 6 3 + -o i S + .009 .0001 o .09 .45 .20 3409 Virginis 4.4 4 46.289 76.7 + 3. 1024+. 0079 + .009 .0026 o 03 .15 .06 34io L 54i3 6-5 5 0.938 88.6 + 3-5469+-0533 +035 -- .0048 o .20 .90 .27 34" Br 1749 6-5 S 5-941 76.1 + 2. 7671-. 0132 + .016 -T.OOI2 O .10 .38 .16 3412 o Comae Berw 4.4 5 7-419 71.1 + 2.9199 .0030 + .010 -.0303+ I .07 .27 .13 3413 Br 1750 7-5 5 25-739 70.8 + 2.7611 .0132 +.016 -.0037 o .10 .34 .17 34H L 5420 6.0 5 26.934 86.3 + 3-3992 + -0362 + .O2O -.0086- I .15 .90 .26 3415 Br 1751 6.2 5 27.73 8 82.0 + 2.7608 .0130 + .0l6 .0063 o .06 .28 .IO 34i6 K 3 8-3 5 36-31 78.0 + 3-I336 + .OI04 + .009 .0024 o .13 .54 .22 3417 L 5422 5-3 5 40.075 80.6 + 3-4UO+.0376 + .O2 1 .0116 I .13 .70 .25 34i8 L 5406 5-9 s 57-856 85-9 + 4.8426+. 2927 + 594 .0019 o .09 .88 .23 3419 L-S4I8 4-7 6 2.826 88.6 + 3-7076+.0736 + 057 .0067 I .15 .90 .24 3420 5428 6.8 6 12.829 86.4 + 3-2529+.02IO + .OII - .0053 o .13 .80 .23 3421 L 5429 4.9 6 28.494 86.1 +3-3305 + -0307 + .016 -.0327- 2 .10 .52 .16 3422 Br 1752 5-2 6 44.146 68.8 + 3.i862 + .oi4i + .009 + .0063+ I .07 .32 .15 3423 Br 1753 7-S 6 56.286 63-1 + 2.7315-. 0140 + .016 .0025 o .14 .50 .27 3424 ft Comae Ber 4-3 7 12.444 79-7 + 2.8032 .0076 + .OI2 .0604+ I .03 .20 .07 3425 L5438 7.0 7 13-708 83-2 + 3. 2906+. 0254 + -OI3 .0170 o .l8 I. O6 .34 3426 LS435 6.2 7 27-376 82.7 + 3-5329+ -0498 + .030 - .0043 o .16 .84 .28 3427 L S437 5-i 8 3-547 91.0 + 3-6795 + -0706 + 053 -.0327- 4 .16 I.O2 .25 3428 Br 1754 7-i 8 5-983 71.7 + 3.I996+.OI57 + .009 .0021 o .13 .48 .23 3429 i;Muscas 5-o 8 28.086 85.0 + 4.0112 + . 1154 + .121 .0045 I .12 .75 .22 3430 Br 1756 5-8 8 49.723 63-0 +3. 2029+. 0163 + .OIO .0087 I .14 .42 .24 3431 Pi 21 7.0 85I-777 67-5 + 3 -0545 + -0046 + .009 .0041 o .l6 .62 .31 3432 Pi 27 5-i 9 !0-959 76.2 + 2. 7269- .0133 + .015 .0039 o 09 -45 -17 3433 Br 1757 7-S 9 30-530 69-9 + 3.i39i + .oio7 + .009 .0025 o .15 .52 .26 3434 Paris 16232 6.0 9 31-944 83-4 + 2.9934 .0001 + .009 + .0049 o .12 .48 .17 3435 Pi 25 7-4 9 41.670 80.7 + 3- I 3S3 + -on4 + .009 .0136 o .IO .52 .18 3436 Pi 26 8.2 9 45-4io 80.6 + 3- I 495 + - OII 3 + .009 + .0006 o .14 .82 .28 3437 L 54Si 4.8 10 28.520 87.4 + 3-9905 + -1087 + .107 .0014 o .20 .86 .27 3438 Br 1758 5-5 10 34-223 71.2 + 3. 2360+. 0167 + .009 db229+ i .09 .33 .16 3439 Br 1759 5-9 ii 2.203 61.6 + 2.7028 .0132 + .016 .0104+ i .14 .45 .26 3440 L 5466 5-3 ii 19-769 85-0 +3.3201 + .0254 + .OI2 + .OO2 1 O .08 .52 .16 3441 L 5464 6.0 ii 25.876 91.2 + 3.4602 + .0392 + .O2 1 .0005 o .16 i. 20 .28 3442 Groomb 1977 6-5 ii 31.721 69.2 + 0.4838+. 1296 -.378 + .OO26 2 .09 .40 .19 3443 Br 1760 5-4 ii 48.709 70-4 + 2-9775 + -OOIO + .008 .0226 o .08 .27 .14 3444 Br 1761 7-S 12 12.740 71.7 + 3. 1392+. 0109 + .008 .0063 o .08 .42 .18 3445 Pi 41 S-6 12 18.858 69.8 + 2.9680 .0010 + .009 + .0006 o .13 .69 .30 3446 er Virginis S-o 12 33.280 84.8 + 3.0277 + .0028 + .008 .0009 o .09 .32 .12 3447 Br 1765 4.8 13 3-S65 83.1 + 2.6959 .0128 + .015 .OIII+ I .05 .26 .09 3448 Br 1763 4.8 13 10.339 71.4 + 3- I 3 I 3 + - OI 5 6 + .009 -.0754 o .06 .27 .12 3449 y Hydrae 3-2 13 29.041 84-9 + 3.2529+.oi89 + .OIO + .0048 o .05 .27 .08 3450 Br 1767 S-2 3 13 59-378 58-3 + 2. 5605-. 0167 + .019 .0028 o .12 .39 .23 3412 2 1728. < i", binary; 26 years . 3415 /3 608. IO M I'.'i 282 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 139 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H.' and 100 A p' Prob. Errors. SEp. looji' 810 Remarks. 3401 o / // + 28 9 40.60 61.0 // // -19.394+. 121 // + -I3 n -.085 o .09 .44 .23 41 Comae Ber 3402 + 62 3440-41 71.7 -I9.352 + . 102 + .08 .044 o .09 .38 .17 3403 IO 12 2I.OO 62.4 -19.320+. 132 + .17 .018 o .07 .25 .14 49 Virginis (g) 3404 ~ 82655.55 73-5 -I9-357 + -I3 2 + 17 .07 1 o .08 .40 .16 3405 -2235 0.43 76.6 -i 9 .333 + .i37 + .19 -055 o .08 .34 .14 3406 + 1033 20.83 97.1 -19.273 + . 129 + .15 .008 o .11 .77 .15 3407 + 88 ii 11.52 61.3 - 19.246- .343 + .OI2 .10 .45 .24 3408 - 9 47 45.64 7i-5 -19.281 + . 135 + 17 - .023 o .08 .39 .17 50 Virginis 340Q - 5 o 18.83 72.6 -19. 294+. 134 + -I7 .042 o .03 .15 .06 21724. 9 M 7"344 3410 52 2 2.15 78.7 -19.279 + . 153 + 25 - -033 .14 .56 .22 179 G Centauri 34" + 39 3 59-70 59-o 19. 248+. 121 + .12 .004 o .12 .39 .23 15 Canum Ven 34" + 18 3 29.61 68.4 19.121 + . 126 + .14 + .122 I .O6 .25 .12 Br. 1748. 42 Comae Ber* 3413 + 39 *5 22.78 67-3 19. 251 + . 121 + .12 .016 o .08 .30 .15 1 6 Canum Ven 3414 41 42 0.16 84.0 19.269+. 147 + .22 - -034 o .14 .79 .25 181 G Centauri 3415 + 39 * 48.79 70.0 19. 2O7 + . 121 + .12 + .028 o .06 .26 .12 17 Canum Ven* 34i6 - 9 34 14-58 76-5 -19.243 + . 137 + 17 ,OI2 .11 .47 .19 3417 -42 50 9.34 71.6 -19.273 + . 148 + .22 - -043 .11 .50 .22 182 G Centauri 34i8 -77 54 59- 10 85-5 19.249+. 208 + .60 .027 o .09 .71 .20 44 G Chamaeleontis 3419 -5923 18.19 85.0 -19 254+. 161 + .28 - -034 o .11 .64 .19 183 G Centauri* 3420 26 I 12.12 85-1 -19.225 + . 143 + .I 9 .009 o .13 .88 .26 342 G Hydrae 3421 -37 16 22.05 80.9 19.180+. 146 + .21 + .030- I .11 .48 .18 185 G Centauri 3422 -15 3933.11 72.2 19.503 + . 142 + .18 - .300 o .06 .28 .12 53 Virginis 3423 + 41 19 27.10 57-6 19.212 + . 123 + .12 .014 o .12 .39 .24 1 8 Canum Ven 3424 + 2823 5.71 74.6 18.316+. 124 + 13 + 875- 3 .04 .21 .08 43 Comae Ber 3425 -31 20 I.I3 74-4 19. 502 + . 146 + .2O -.312- i .16 .83 .34 188 G Centauri 3426 50 10 6.76 82.4 -19.214+. 157 + 25 .029 o .14 .73 .24 189 G Centauri 3427 -5834 7.36 83-5 -19.344+. 164 + .28 -175- I .12 .58 .20 191 G Centauri 3428 -18 17 44.71 70.4 -19.193 + . 145 + .18 .025 o .12 .46 .22 54 l Virginis* 3429 -67 21 52.57 81.9 19.178 + . 180 + -34 .019 o .10 .55 .18 3430 19 24 20.08 66.4 18.996+. 146 + .18 + .154 o .12 .40 .21 55 Virginis 3431 + i 59 15.06 68.3 19.221 + . 140 + .16 .072 o .13 .54 .26 X 3432 + 40 40 56.06 70.1 19. 141 + . 126 + .12 .001 o .08 .32 .15 3433 - 9 50 22.67 68.1 -19.180+. 145 + -I7 .048 o .13 .41 .22 56 Virginis 3434 + n 5145-55 81.4 -19.185 + . 139 + 15 - -054 o .12 .43 .I? 3435 - 10 49 53.66 77-o -19.454+. 144 + 17 -.327- I .08 .36 .15 3436 10 49 8.78 82.1 19.132 + . 146 + -I7 .007 o ii -73 -23 3437 66 15 18.20 81.8 19. 140+. 184 + 34 - .034 o .15 -63 -23 62 G Muscae 3438 19 24 40.98 72.7 -19.232 + . 152 + .19 -.128+ I .10 .37 .17 57 Virginis 3439 + 41 22 59.10 57-6 19.093 + .128 + .ii .001 o .12 .39 .24 19 Canum Ven 3440 -305837.06 81.6 19.148 + . 156 + .20 .064 o .09 .50 .17 195 G Centauri r 3441 -4327 5-33 89.0 19.112 + . 163 + .23 -.031 o .13 .89 .23 196 G Centauri 3442 + 81 o 1.74 63.2 19.072 + .030 + .10 + .006 o .10 .40 .21 3443 + 9 56 47.76 73-o -18.885 + .141 +.15 +.186- I .07 .25 .11 59 Virginis e 3444 10 i 9.81 72.0 -19.051 + . 150 +17 + .009 o .08 .36 .16 58 Virginis 3445 + 14 12 6.84 64.8 -19.032 + . 142 + .14 + .025 o .12 .59 .29 3446 + 5 59 47-90 82.0 19.042 + .146 + .15 + .009 o .08 .29 .12 3447 + 41 5 56.04 77.0 -19.033 + . 131 + .11 + .004 o .06 .27 .10 20 Canum Ven 3448 -17 45 18.52 74-3 2o.n8 + .i48 + .18 -1.084-3 .06 .27 .11 6 1 Virginis 3449 -22 38 38.42 85-4 19.076 + . 158 + .19 .051 o .06 .29 .09 3450 + 5O 12 28.20 46.2 19.003 + .126 + .10 + .008 o .12 .34 .25 21 Canum Ven 3419 Innes. 8 M a" 346. 34S8W.H. 8 M s" 3 s. 140 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 a t |iand too A (i Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 HI a 10 M h m s s s S 8 // // // 3451 L 5484 5-8 13 J 4 33- 02 4 84.4 +3.6201 + .055 1 + 034 - .0033 o .18 .75 .26 3452 i Centauri 2.8 14 58-453 80.2 + 3-35 8 4+-03Q3 + .015 .O28l 2 .07 .30 .12 3453 L S4 8 9 6.0 15 3-763 88.8 + 3-5087 + -0442 + .024 .OI44 I .21 1. 6O .40 3454 Br 1766 7-i 15 4.762 61.3 + 3-I454+.OII4 + .008 - .0088 o .13 .40 .24 3455 Br 1769 5-8 15 50-113 77-6 + 2.6941 .0123 + .014 .0051 o .09 .30 .13 3456 L 5490 6.7 16 7.804 85-2 + 3. 8387 + .0802 + .061 .0023 o .18 .86 .28 3457 L 5492 4.6 16 10.090 85.6 + 3- 8 373 + -o8o2 + .061 .0046 o .18 .90 .28 3458 LS498 6.2 16 11.176 95-6 +3.6207 + . 0541 + 033 - .0031 o .l6 1.20 .24 3459 Paris 16337 5-8 16 36.555 86.6 + 3. 0478 + .0046 + .008 - .0045 o .12 .56 .18 346o Pi 62 7-5 1 6 50.946 76.8 + 3.1668+. 0123 + .009 + .0005 o .16 .69 .28 346i LS57 6.7 17 4.021 95-2 + 3.5622 + . 0471 + .026 .0006 o .15 I.I? .23 3462 Br 1770 6.0 i? 7-I38 75-0 + 3. 023 7 + .003 2 + .008 .0047 o .11 .32 .l6 3463 1,5486 S-o i? I3-763 86.9 + 4. 6171 + . 2080 + -3" -0339- 7 .l8 .82 .26 3464 L 55 4-5 17 17.096 87-7 + 3.9841 + .0977 + .084 + .0047 + I .20 .87 .27 3465 Br 1771 5-6 17 39.641 65-7 + 3.2o6o+.oi54 + .009 .0040 o .13 .44 .23 3466 Pi 71 6-5 17 41.450 82.2 + 2.6297-. 0135 + .016 .0070+ I .12 .58 .20 3467 Br 1772 6.1 18 7.918 74-7 + 3. 105 1 + .0082 + .008 .0016 o .11 .46 .20 3468 L559 5-5 18 32.226 88.0 + 3. 9685 + .0968 + .084 -.0231- 4 .20 .90 .28 3469 L 5506 6.0 18 33-3 2 3 88.7 + 4.3304+. 1469 + .166 + .0168+ 5 .20 .98 .28 3470 Groomb 2007 7-5 18 38.94- 77-8 -2.475- +.895- .104- + 107 07 -34 -13 3471 Br 1773 6.0 19 20.817 76.2 + 3. 1 191 + .0084 + .008 + .0100 o .09 .48 .19 3472 L 5504 7-i 19 21.416 83.0 + 4. 6601 + .2069 + .302 -.0120- 3 .18 .75 .27 3473 L5452 7-4 19 43.02- 74-7 + 8.618-+ 1.580- .004- 2 .IO .72 .27 3474 [ 1 Ursae Maj 2.2 19 54-032 70.6 + 2.4242 .0172 + .02 1 + .0148 2 .04 .18 .08 3475 2 Ursae Maj 4-3 19 54.938 74-9 + 2.4248 .0172 + .02 1 + .0155- 2 .08 .42 .l6 3476 o Virginis 0.9 19 55-444 66.0 +3.i553 + .oii6 + .008 .0028 o .02 .11 .05 3477 L553 1 5-2 20 19.711 88.4 + 3 -463 1 + -0347 + .017 + .Ol6l+ 2 .15 .84 .24 3478 Pi 77 5-9 20 20.552 70.0 + 2.8644 .0048 + .OIO .0000 o .13 .72 .32 3479 L5S43 5-8 21 6.830 89.2 +3.4723 + . 0366 + .017 .0024 o .16 1.53 .36 3480 Br 1779 4.0 21 13.257 67.0 + 2.4116 .0168 + .02 1 + .0143- 2 .07 .27 .14 348i Br 1775 5-7 21 26.127 69.9 +3.i636+.oi25 + .008 .0092 o .08 .32 .15 3482 Br 1778 5-o 22 7.059 69-3 +3.i932 + .oi44 + .009 .0087 o .13 .48 .23 3483 Pi 96 6.8 22 34-854 78.0 + 2.0571 .0132 + .023 -.0587+ 8 .09 .48 .18 3484 Pi 87 7-7 22 56.879 86.7 + 3. 2846+. 0207 + .OIO - -0053 o .14 .72 .22 3485 Pi 89 7-8 23 9-351 79.8 +3. 0885 + .0065 + .008 + .0136+ i .09 .62 .21 3486 LSSS2 5-4 23 I7-358 87.0 + 3. 6494 +.05 28 + .030 .0023 o .l6 I.I7 .32 3487 Br 1780 5-2 23 32-33I 67.6 + 2.9341 + .0001 + .009 .0167+ 2 .07 .26 .13 3488 Pi 109 6-3 23 35-07I 82.8 + 1.5275 + .0075 .006 + .0056 I .05 .36 .11 3489 Pi 93 7-3 24 5.O2O 71.1 + 3-2325 + .oi63 + .009 + .0024 o .15 .64 .29 3490 Pi 95 6.8 24 6.910 72.6 + 3.0765 + .0066 + .008 .0029 o .12 .51 .25 3491 R Hydrae Var. 24 14-765 79-5 +3.2686+. 0193 + .009 -.0053 o .11 .50 .19 3492 Br 1781 5-9 24 15-745 75-3 + 2.9720+. ooi i + .008 .0040 o .10 .33 .15 3493 K Octantis 5-7 24 42.12- 78-4 + 8.838-+ 1. 606- -.073- -72 05 -39 -!3 3494 Pi no 5-5 24 46.915 78.8 + 2.2082 .0149 + .02 1 .OII4+ 2 .06 .36 .13 3495 Br 1782 6-3 25 12.631 77-o +3. 1256+. 0092 + .008 + .0026 o .07 .34 .14 3496 L 5569 3-8 25 14.622 78.4 + 3.4628 + .0342 + .016 .0013 o .10 .44 .17 3497 Pi 133 6.1 26 5-559 69.7 +0.4643 + .1083 -.244 -.0473+21 .08 .45 .20 3498 Br 1783 6.1 26 39.186 75-7 + 3. 2284+. 0163 + .009 .0063 o .09 .39 .16 3499 Br 1784 5-o 26 45-903 70.0 + 3- II 53 + - 00 9 2 + .008 .0067 o .07 .26 .12 3500 Groomb 2008 6-3 13 26 55.484 61.8 + 2.6086 .0113 + .014 .0084+ I -13 -68 .35 3457 6*?S P r ec. 3*3, N 57" 3491 4$ to IO M . CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 141 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p.' and 100 AH Prob. Errors. 8Ep. looji' 8 10 Remarks. 3451 of // -52 13 20.13 78.1 // // -19.044+. 177 II + .26 .048 o // // It .14 .56 .23 202 G Centauri 3452 -36n 5-57 77-8 19.078 + . 164 + .21 -.094- i .07 .29 .12 3453 46 21 2I.O9 84.6 -18.997 + . 172 + .24 .016 i .16 .99 .30 205 G Centauri 3454 10 46 43.61 64-5 -19.000+. 155 + 17 .019 o .12 .38 .21 62 Virginis V 3455 + 4 4 30.96 69-5 -18.979+. 136 + .11 .020 o .IO .31 .l6 23 Canum Ven 3456 -602652.73 82.3 18.974+. 190 + . 3 - .023 o .14 .67 .23 207 G Centauri 3457 60 27 50.82 78.5 18.969 + . 190 + -30 .019 o 13 -59 -23 208 G Centauri / * 3458 -51 3932.36 92.4 18.947 + .180 + .26 + .OO2 O .13 .82 .19 209 G Centauri 3459 + 2 36 45.66 82.6 -18.990+. 154 + .16 - -53 o .11 .47 .17 3460 -12 321.32 81.1 18.956+. 160 + .17 .026 o .14 .63 .23 346i 48 2 21.89 92.8 18.916 + . 179 + -25 + .008 o .12 .84 .19 210 G Centauri . 3462 + 5 40 45.19 73-8 -18.962 + . 153 + -i5 - -039 o .10 .33 .16 64 Virginis 3463 74 21 42.86 85-5 19.069+. 229 + 53 .I5O 2 .15 .67 .22 66 G Muscae i 1 3464 64 o 44.60 84.7 18.957 + . 200 + -34 - -039 o 15 -73 -24 214 G Centauri m 3465 17 12 4I.7O 72.9 -18.948 + . 163 + .18 .041 o 13 -5 -23 63 Virginis . 3466 + 44 25 34.01 76.2 -18.906+. 135 + .10 .000 o .10 .43 .18 3467 - 4 24 5.00 71.2 -18.913 + . 159 + .17 .020 o .09 .38 .17 65 Virginis 3468 -63 57 46.22 85-2 I8-92O+.2OI + 35 -.039- I 15 -75 -24 2156 Centauri 3469 70 6 20.84 89.1 18.905+. 219 + .42 .024+ I .16 .94 .25 67 G Muscae v 3470 + 85 16 38.46 74-8 18.852 .119 + .026 5 .08 .36 .15 3471 - 4 38 29.45 71.4 -18.897+. 163 + .17 .040 o .08 .35 .16 66 Virginis 3472 -74 10 14.79 83-3 -18.884+. 238 -+53 .027 i 15 -65 -23 68 G Muscae i 2 3473 85 18 26.18 74-4 -18.853 +.436 .007 o .08 .65 .25 17 G Octantis 3474 + 55 26 51.03 65.0 18.871 + . 129 + .08 -.030+ i .04 .15 .08 1 Mizar ,' 3475 + 55 2638.69 65.8 -i8.8 7 5 + .i 3 i + .08 -35+ i .07 .27 .14 I 21744. 14" 150 3476 10 38 22.04 65-1 -18.876+. 165 + -I7 - .036 o .02 .11 .05 Spica 3477 -39 13 59-73 78.0 -18.907 + . 182 + .23 -.079+ I .12 .49 .20 21 7 G Centauri '. 3478 + 24 22 31.69 62.8 -18.842 + . 151 + -I3 .014 o 14 -59 -3i 3479 40 58 40.03 84.4 -18.841 + . 183 + 23 - -037 o .14 .85 .26 221 G Centauri ' ' 348o + 55 3 32-33 63.8 -18.825 + . 131 + .08 .024+ I .07 .22 .12 80 Ursae Maj g 348i 12 II 14.41 64.0 - 18.817 + . 168 + .17 .022 o .07 .23 .13 68 Virginis i 3482 -15 27 18.45 67.7 18.761 + . 171 + .18 + .013 o .11 .37 .19 69 Virginis 3483 + 63 46 28.53 75-3 18.545 + . in + .06 + 215- 3 .08 .37 .15 3484 24 41 40.96 87.0 18.762 + . 177 + .19 .014 o .12 .56 .18 3485 o 18 38.41 78.2 -19.157 + . 168 + .16 -.415+ I .08 .53 .19 3486 - 50 38 49.39 78.8 -18.757 + . 197 + .26 .019 o .12 .59 .22 224 G Centauri K 3487 + 14 18 45.92 69.8 19.316 + . 160 + .14 -.586- I .06 .27 .12 70 Virginis 3488 + 725438-53 79-4 -18.745 + . 088 + .04 .017 o .05 .31 .11 Groomb 2001 3489 18 12 40.08 76.0 -18.733 + . 177 + .19 .020 o 13 -59 -24 3490 - o 50 42.91 76.4 -i8-773 + .i68 + .16 .061 o .11 .41 .18 3491 -22 45 52.42 84.7 18.704+. 179 + .19 + .004 o .10 .49 .16 347 G Hydrae * J 3492 + 11 20 I2.O5 74-7 18.750+. 164 + 15 - -043 o .10 .31 .15 71 Virginis 3493 -85 16 24.65 79-9 -i8-7i7 + .469 -.024 4 .05 .37 .12 3494 +6027 43.93 74-8 -18.657 + . 124 + .07 + .034- i o? -33 -13 3495 - 557 I5-I7 68.5 -18.666+. 174 + -I7 + .OII O .07 .31 .15 72 Virginis /* * 3496 -3853 27.10 74-9 18.701 + . 191 + -23 - .025 o .09 .38 .16 227 G Centauri d '.. 3497 + 79 937-55 66.6 18.627 + .030 + .10 + .O22 2 .08 .40 .19 Groomb 2012 3498 18 12 48.41 73-6 - 18.654+. 181 + .19 - .023 o .09 .36 .16 73 Virginis 3499 - 5 44 22.56 65.6 -18.676+. 175 + 17 .049 o .06 .23 .12 74 Virginis / (/') 3500 + 42 37 13.90 54-7 -18.603 + .148 + .10 + .019 o .10 .49 .29 3495X1750. i2 M 3o"i6. 142 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag R. A. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t liand 100 Ap Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop aio M b m s s s s s " ft tt 3501 Pi 112 6.8 13 26 59.062 77-7 + 3-34I5 + -0243 + .OII - .0059 o .10 .51 .20 3502 L558o 5-9 27 1.631 87.0 + 3-3294+ -0236 + .OII .0083 o .11 .66 .19 3503 Br 1785 5-8 27 30.997 70-3 + 3.1999+ .0142 + .008 - .0045 o .IO .50 .22 3504 Br 1786 5-5 27 4I-9 8 7 71.2 + 3.I552 + .OH3 + .008 .0020 o 7 -33 -H 3505 Br 1787 7-5 28 n.ooo 67.2 +3. 1293 + .0099 + .008 .0056 o 13 -54 -27 3506 Br 1788 S-o 29 3-845 65.6 + 3. 0382 + .0045 + .008 + .0028 o .08 .32 .16 3507 Pi 126 m 6.0 29 21.376 77-i + 3.i826 + .oi3i + .008 .0042 o .10 .62 .23 3508 Virginis 3-3 29 35.827 74-2 + 3. 0540 +.0064 + .008 .0191 o .03 .15 .06 3509 'Br 1792 5-8 30 16.663 64.0 + 2.3138- .0138 + .019 .0020 o .11 .44 .23 3510 Br 1790 6.0 30 19.102 72.5 + 3 .ii75 + .oo88 + .007 + .0013 o .09 .40 .18 35" Pi 136 S-i 30 19.946 85-1 + 2.6828 .0092 + .013 + .0070 o .05 .34 .10 3512 Br 1791 4.8 30 22.153 70.1 + 2.4586 .0127 + .OI6 .0120+ I .07 .27 .13 3513 L 5589 m 5-7 30 25.225 84.4 + 4.O226 + .o874 + .062 + .0167+ 4 .16 .90 .28 35H L 5S77 6.6 30 38.201 89-5 + 5.0096+. 2413 + 358 .0078 i .15 .86 .23 3515 Pi iJS 5-6 31 15.480 83-2 + 3-3I82 + .0220 + .OIO .0067 o .10 .58 .18 3Si6 Br 1793 m 7-4 32 20.805 67.0 + 3.1388+. 0102 + .007 .0012 o .11 .48 .24 3517 Pi 143 7-3 32 45-436 83.0 + 3.3672 + .0248 + .OII .0008 o .14 .66 .22 35i8 Dpt 1544 S-o 33 i-"7 79-2 + 2.6690 .0084 + .OI2 .0086 o .07 .44 .15 3519 Pi 146 6.2 33 4-8i5 79-o +3-3592 +.0246 + .OIO .0064 o .11 .54 .20 3520 L 5609 5-9 33 10.597 92-3 +4.1513+. 1023 + .080 .0079 I .20 1.17 .28 3521 Centauri 2 -3 33 32-974 71-4 +3-7719+ -0592 + -33 - .0034 o .09 .36 .17 3522 Groomb 2022 8.1 33 41-201 86.1 + 2.6122 .0090 + -OI3 .OI92+ 2 .08 .45 .14 3523 Pi 156 m 6.9 33 42.590 70-5 + 2.4093-. 0125 + .017 .0016 o .13 .48 .23 3524 L 5622 5-8 33 48.839 85.6 + 3. 6807 + .05 10 + .025 -.0132 I .18 1.22 .35 3525 L5625 5-7 33 55-983 92.8 +3.5090+. 0355 + .015 .0030 o .l8 1.19 .27 3526 Pulk w 2035 m 5-7 34 38.733 80.8 + 2.9580+. 0016 + .007 .0076 o .11 .46 .l8 3527 Groomb 2029 5-8 34 46.831 83-3 + I.4355 + .OI28 .OI2 .OO8O+ 2 .05 .44 .12 3528 L 5632 5-5 35 20.359 87.8 + 3-8i23 + .o622 + 035 .0048 o .18 .92 .27 3529 1,5627 5-6 35 22.928 87-4 + 3.9415 + .0755 + .047 .0050 o .20 .87 .28 3530 Br 1799 5-5 35 38-326 66.0 + 2.3262 .0120 + .017 .Ol6l+ 2 .12 .40 .21 3531 Br 1797 5-8 35 53-909 60.4 + 2.8664 .0020 + .008 - -0033 o .09 .40 .22 3532 Pi 161 7.6 35 54-341 88.1 + 2.8663 .0021 + .008 .0028 o .11 .51 .16 3533 Br 1798 5-9 36 18.520 65.2 + 2.8397- .0030 + .009 .0012 o .11 .54 .27 3534 Br 1796 5-3 36 21.739 77-o + 3.i440+.oio8 + .007 .0069 o .04 .21 .08 3535 L 5640 6-5 36 23.792 84.2 + 3. 8880 +.0689 + .040 .0014 o .18 .75 .26 3536 Br 1802 S-o 36 56.749 77-4 + 2.2804 .0119 + .017 .0029 o 8 -33 -13 3537 Br 1800 5-7 38 2.IO2 70.7 + 3.0136+. 0050 + .007 -.0195 o .07 .26 .12 3538 Pi 171 7-3 38 19.261 70.8 + 3.io75 + .oo86 + .007 .0015 o .18 .64 .31 3539 Pi 184 6.0 3 8 23.170 70-4 + 1.8709- .0055 + .012 + .0095 2 .09 .45 .20 3540 Pi 174 6.8 38 4L9 8 3 76.7 + 3.1179+. 0092 + .007 .0032 o .IO .45 .18 3541 Abo 310 6-5 39 1-723 75-o + 2.8365 .0029 + .009 + .0041 o .IO .62 .24 3542 Br 1801 5-9 39 6.003 72.4 + 3.230o+.oi5i + .007 + .0005 o .09 .42 .18 3543 Pi 179 7-4 39 42-301 67-7 + 3. 1404+. 0104 + .007 .0024 o .14 .58 .28 3544 Br 1803 4-3 4O O.2II 78.8 + 3-3959+-0277 + .OII -.0368- 2 .08 .38 .14 3545 Pi 180 5-9 40 1.951 83.0 + 3-3375 + -0220 + .009 - .0057 o .11 .54 .18 3546 Br 1804 6.4 40 11.927 71.1 + 3-2242 + .OI49 + .007 .0026 o .09 .44 .19 3547 L 5664 4-7 40 19.446 84.2 + 3.7704+. 0550 + .027 + .OOO2 O .13 .69 .22 3548 Br 1805 5-7 40 36.506 70.9 + 3. 1907 + .0130 + .007 .0016 o -08 .33 .15 3549 1,5676 5-3 41 6.505 81.1 + 3-48i4+.03i4 + .012 .0018 o .16 .75 .27 3550 i L 5674 5-6 3 4i 22.330 91.4 + 3-7332 + - 0524 + .024 .Ol66 2 .20 1.18 .29 3S7 ft 93 2 - 6f6-i*o o'.' 4 89, very slow; i2 M 25" 154. 3515 W. H. 7*0 10" 192. 3518 2 1768. 8?5 I'.'i 133; binary, 200 yrs. . 3513 Innes. 6*2-6'?'; o'.'4, rapid binary. 3516 S 1763. 7*!'o-7""3 2'/7 42, fixed. 3522 2 1769. IO M 2'/4 27; 8"*s S 6 " 259 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 143 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and iooA|i' Prob. Errors. SEp. too i*' Sio Remarks. 3501 o / // -29 3 2.98 80.3 // // -18.621 + . 188 n + .20 .001 o // // // .11 .49 .18 349 G Hydrae 3502 28 10 39.12 88.2 -18.640+. 187 + .20 .021 .11 .87 .22 350 G Hydrae 3503 -I4S055-SO 67-7 - 18.614+. 181 + .18 .Oil O .09 .45 .21 75 Virginis 3504 - 9 38 59-59 70-3 18.641 + . 179 + -I7 .044 o .06 .33 .14 76 Virginis h 3505 -76 33-04 66.7 -18.590+. 179 + -I7 .009 o .12 .41 .22 77 Virginis 3506 + 4 10 20.93 63.0 -18.583 + . 176 + -I5 -.031 o .08 .32 .I? 78 Virginis o 3507 -1242 5.99 75-9 -18.569+. 184 + .18 .027 o .09 .51 .20 * 3508 - o 5 5.11 72.9 18.500+. 176 + .16 + .034- I .03 .15 .06 3509 + 55 5i 39- 8 53-5 18.522 + . 137 + .07 .010 o .10 .40 .23 81 UrsaeMaj 35io - 4 53 12.84 69.8 -18.438 + . 182 + .!6 + .072 o .08 .33 .16 80 Virginis 35" + 37 4i 40.46 78.9 -18.529+. 158 + .10 .019 o .06 .31 .11 35" + 493I 37-85 63-1 -18.493 + . 145 + .09 + .015- I .07 .23 .! 3 24 Canum Ven 3513 61 10 40.47 80.9 -18.639+. 230 +.34 -.132+ I .13 .67 .23 235 G Centauri * 35H -75 1025.61 90.0 -18.5364-. 289 +.63 - .036 o .12 .82 .20 49 G Chamasleontis 3515 - 25 59 6.07 83.0 -18.463 + .195 + .20 + .015 o .08 .46 .15 351 G Hydraa * 35i6 - 7 21 42.37 63.8 -18.448+. 187 + 17 .007 o .09 .36 .19 8 1 Virginis * 3517 29 19 48.16 76-3 18.399+. 201 + .20 + .028 o .12 .52 .21 353 G Hydrae 35i8 + 36 48 12.29 74-1 i8.4O4+.i6i + .11 + .014 o .06 .32 .13 25 Canum Ven * 3519 -29 3 0.25 76.8 18.494+. 201 + .20 .078 o .10 .47 .19 354 G Hydrae 3520 -64 4 7.12 90.7 -18.458+. 247 + -37 - -045 o .17 I.O2 .26 243 G Centauri 3521 -525728.78 75-3 18.427 + . 226 + .28 .027 o .08 .37 .15 3522 + 3941 27.24 81.0 -18.558+. 158 + .10 -.163- I .07 .34 .12 * 3523 + 51 13 24.66 58.3 18.401 + .147 + .08 .007 o .IO .39 .22 51770. 6V8"i2"i2i 3524 -492633.93 81.5 -18.397 + .220 + .2 7 .006 I .14 .84 .28 246 G Centauri 3525 -393232.68 92.4 -18.466+. 211 + .2 4 - .079 o .15 1.07 .24 248 G Centauri 3526 + 11 15 14.67 78-5 -!8.37 3 + .i8o + .14 .Oil .IO .42 .17 * 3527 + 71 45 3.68 81.7 18.364+. 091 + .04 .007 o .05 .39 .12 3528 -54 3 9- 2 6 82.4 -18.391 + .232 + .29 - -054 o .15 .64 .23 250 G Centauri Q * 3S2Q -58 1651.16 86.0 18.362 + . 240 + .32 .026 o .16 .77 .24 251 G Centauri 3530 + 53 25 36-02 53-2 18.271 + . 144 + .0 7 +055- I .11 .34 .22 82 Ursae Maj 3S3I + 20 27 40.80 62.5 -18.308+. 177 + 13 + .009 o .07 .35 .18 i Bootis * 3532 + 20 31 9.62 84-5 -i8.2 9 5 + .i77 + 13 + .O22 O .11 .42 .15 3533 + 23 o 8.31 63-9 18.340+. 176 + .12 - -037 o .10 .44 .23 2 Bootis 3534 - 8 ii 54.50 71.7 18.265 + . 194 + 17 + .036 o .04 .20 .09 82 Virginis m 3535 -56 15 46.19 80.2 -18.321 + . 239 + 31 .021 o .15 .60 .23 253 G Centauri 3536 + 55 ii 15.61 69-5 -18.293 + . 144 + .0 7 -.013 o .07 .25 .12 83 Ursae Maj 3537 + 42 38.07 65-9 18.319+. 189 + 15 -.078- I .06 .22 .12 84 Virginis o * 3538 3 46 12.62 64.6 18.260+. 196 + .16 - .030 o .14 .43 .24 21775. io M 28"335 3539 + 65 1938.57 66.3 I8.24I + . 122 + .05 -.013+ I .08 .38 .18 3540 - 4 59 43-04 76-3 -I8.242 + . 197 + .16 .026 o .09 .40 .l6 3541 + 23 12 16.38 71.2 - 18.247 + . 181 + .12 - -043 .08 .47 .20 3542 -15 4034-15 72.1 18.207 + . 205 + .18 .005 o .09 .36 .l6 83 Virginis 3543 - 7 7 56.00 68.3 i8.i75 + .2oi + .16 + .005 o .12 .48 .23 3544 -32 32 16.92 73-6 -18.321 + . 215 + .22 --I53- 2 09 .37 -16 i Centauri i 3545 -253650.74 79-7 -i8.i87 + .2i2 + .2O .020 o .09 .37 .14 357 G Hydrae 3546 - 15 15 54.68 68.5 -18.198+. 206 + .18 -.037 o .08 .36 .17 85 Virginis 3547 -505551.23 83.0 18.189+. 241 + .28 .032 o .11 .60 .20 266 G Centauri M 3548 -" 5531-73 65-6 18.146+. 205 + -I7 .000 .07 .28 .14 86 Virginis * 3549 -35 45 3-86 7-4 18.141 + . 224 + .22 .014 o .16 .69 .32 267 G Centauri z 3550 -4949 13-99 88.9 18.144+. 240 + .28 .026 I .15 .99 .26 269 G Centauri 3526 /3 612. i < i"; binary, 30 yrs. . 3S28Dunlop. s""8-7 M i 5" 163. 353! 2 1772. 9" 5' 3548 S 1780. IO M x','6 298; II M 27" 164; CD: 274 144 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag R. A. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t M. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M b m s s s s s " // // 3551 Grw> 1093 6-5 13 41 56.249 76.8 + 3.i664+.oii5 + .007 + .0008 o .IO .62 .22 3552 Groomb 2044 6.0 4 I 58.817 70-7 + 2.5521 .0086 + .OI2 -.0097+ i - 12 -57 -25 3553 Br 1806 5-9 41 58.879 66.4 + 3-2556+.oi6 3 + .007 + .0034 o .10 .40 .21 3554 Pi 194 6-5 42 0.043 80.0 + 2.9707 + .0040 + .007 -.0326+ i 10 .63 .22 3555 Br 1808 6.2 42 4.731 74-5 + 2.7876 .0037 + .009 .0014 o .10 .44 .18 3556 Pi 192 7-3 42 11.783 74-o + 3-I293 + .0099 + .007 -.0057 o .14 -7 -29 3557 Groomb 2053 6-3 42 13.271 72.8 + 0.1989+. 1235 -.263 .0232+ 7 .09 .52 .21 3558 r Bootis 4.6 42 30.607 78.6 + 2.8510 .0005 + .008 .0340+ i .03 .20 .07 3559 Groomb 2047 5-8 42 41.108 66.3 + 2.593 1 -.0078 + .OI2 -.0097+ i .14 .72 .34 356o L 5680 7-i 42 49-5 Sl 92-4 + 3.5061 + .0324 + .013 + .0028 o -13 .88 .20 356i Br 1812 5-8 42 51.792 65-7 + 2.2450 .0104 + .015 .0012 o .12 .57 .28 3562 L 5633 5-9 42 52-355 82.4 + 7.2957 + .7402 + 2.043 + .0056+11 .11 1.44 .41 3563 Br 1809 6.8 43 4.017 76-5 + 3- I 339+- 0100 + .007 .0030 o .11 .46 .19 3564 v Centauri 3-5 43 30.281 82.8 + 3-5798 + . 0380 + .015 .0030 o .10 .54 .18 3565 p. Centauri 3-3 43 35-446 83-4 + 3-5955 + -0392 + .016 .0020 o .12 .57 .19 3566 17 Ursas Maj 1.8 43 36-072 69.7 + 2.3691 .0100 + .014 .OI2I+ I .02 .11 .05 3567 Br 1807 4-3 43 39.010 84.8 + 3.4619+. 0295 + .011 - .0037 o .11 .51 .17 3568 Groomb 2051 6.9 43 51-825 78.8 + 2.5382-. 0088 + .013 + .0029 o .12 .54 .20 3569 1-5678 5-9 44 0.838 84.9 + 4-5941 + -I449 +134 + .0029+ I .18 .84 .28 3570 Pulkjj 2063 5-9 44 8.004 89-S + 2.7087 .0056 + .OIO .0016 o .13 -57 .18 3571 Br 1811 5-2 44 26.200 74-5 + 3. 2524+. 0164 + .007 .0069 o .06 .30 .12 3572 v Bootis 4.2 44 39.236 74-3 + 2. 893 1 + .OOO I + .008 .0070 o .08 .32 .14 3573 Br 1816 5-2 44 59-095 71.4 + 2.8376 .0019 + .008 + .OOI2 .10 .46 .21 3574 Pi 263 6.3 45 i-4i ' 77-2 -I.QII- +.519- + .0219 6 .06 .32 .12 3575 LS702 6.0 45 3S-39 8 83.0 + 3- 6944 +.0463 + .O2O .0020 o .18 .94 .31 3576 L 5700 5-5 45 3 8 - 11 ? 86.3 + 3.8365 + .0586 + .029 - .0054 o .16 .78 .25 3577 Br 1814 4.6 46 3-153 77.0 + 3. 4488 +.028 1 + .OIO .0036 o .10 .40 .17 3578 Pi 217 6-3 46 3.816 76.8 + 3. 447 1 + .028 1 + .011 - -0053 o .15 .60 .25 3579 L 5712 6.4 46 16.557 81.8 + 3-4277 + .0268 + .OIO .0056 o T 5 -93 -30 358o Pulkj, 2066 6.9 46 39.746 83.8 + 2.6502 .0064 + .OIO + .OO2O O .10 .63 .19 358i Pulk w 2067 6.2 46 44.461 74.8 + 2.6491 .0063 + .OIO .0005 o .12 .78 .30 3582 Pi 233 6-5 47 1.440 74-3 + 2.0664 .0079 + .013 - .0032 o .10 .44 .18 3583 L 5696 5-8 47 12.493 92.2 + 4.4979+. 1287 +.106 .005 1 o .20 1.16 .28 3584 jrwgi 1610 5-i 47 22.854 89.8 + 2.6488- .0062 + .OIO .0019 o .12 .66 .18 3585 Pi 225 6-3 47 24.469 68.6 + 2.9391 + .001 7 + .007 + .0023 o .16 .69 .33 3586 Br 1817 4.8 47 27.088 83-3 + 3. 4400 +.02 7 1 + .OIO .0014 o .10 .51 .17 3587 L, 5726 m 5-8 47 41-949 85-1 + 3-49i3 + .o3o8 + .OII - .0075 o .16 .88 .28 3588 Br 1818 6.0 48 26.221 59-4 + 2.8667 -0005 + .008 .0027 o .14 -39 -24 3589 Br 1823 4.8 48 30.689 76.7 + 1.7528 .0004 + .007 + .0004 o .05 .27 .10 3590 Pi 230 6-5 48 36.893 81.1 + 3.3846+. 0241 + .009 -.0131 o .12 .57 .21 3591 Pi 235 6.1 48 38.193 71.7 + 2.7232 .0042 + .009 .0090 o J5 -78 -33 3592 L 5727 6.0 48 45-023 90.0 + 3-8395 + -0572 + .027 - .0052 o .20 1.04 .28 3593 ', Centauri 2.6 49 17.974 75-i + 3.7 195 + .047 1 + .019 .0060 o .09 .38 .16 3594 3r 1819 5-4 49 33-991 83-3 + 3-775 + -oo77 + .007 .0057 o .07 .44 .14 3595 Br 1820 6-5 49 43.418 73-8 + 3.i43i + .oio8 + .007 .0110 o .IO .50 .20 3596 tj Bootis 2.7 49 55-402 7i-3 + 2.8567 -.0003 + .008 -.0045+ I .02 .14 .06 3597 Br 1824 S-8 50 10.334 65-3 + 2.2125 -0086 +013 .0023 o .11 .48 .24 3598 jroomb 2066 6.9 5 21.324 72.1 -0.2804+. 1773 -405 -.0167+ 8 .09 .51 .21 3599 L 5733 4-7 50 24.530 86.0 + 4. 2927 + . 1008 +.068 - -0053 o !5 -75 -23 3600 Br 1822 6.1 3 51 22.161 79-5 + 3 -0533 + 0065 + .006 .0023 o .11 .34 .15 3576 Rttmk. 7YS 1 8" 289. 3579 P 343- 8 M i'/a 120, slow. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t n' and i oo AH-' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 |i' Sio Remarks. 3551 O / It - 9 12 30.29 73-4 n it 18.136 + . 206 // + -17 // .040 o // // // .08 .47 .19 3552 + 4i 35 2 4-34 64.8 -18.153 + . 167 + .10 -.058- i ,IO .40 .21 3553 -17 21 33.54 68.8 -18.138+. 212 + .18 - -043 o .11 .41 .20 87 Virginis 3554 + 6 51 11.87 75-5 I8.2O9+. 192 + -IS .115 2 .09 .49 .19 3555 + 26 12 13.74 71.4 -l8.I S 8 + . l8 3 + .12 .067 o .08 .36 .16 3 Bootis 3556 - 6 12 19.88 71.6 i8.ioi + .2O4 + .16 .014 o .12 .52 .23 3557 + 7 8 33 54-34 68.6 18.046 + . 019 + -13 + .040 I .O? .39 .18 3558 + 17 57 18.07 76.4 18.049 + . 185 + -13 + .026 2 .04 .20 .08 02270. n M 8'.'s 356, slow 3559 + 39 2 33-57 65.0 i8.ioi + .i7i + .10 -33- ! .12 .55 .28 356o -3637 43-iS 83.8 18.067 + .230 + .22 .004 o .16 .89 .28 270 G Centauri 356i + 5455 56-42 57-7 18.072 + . 150 + .07 .on o .11 .41 .24 84 Ursas Maj 3562 82 10 14.99 82.9 -I8.H3 + .470 + 1.62 .052 o 10 i-SS -43 50 G Chamaeleontis 3563 6 20 18.09 74-4 -18.082 + .206 + .16 .028 o .09 .36 .16 88 Virginis (n) 3564 41 ii 21.62 78.2 -18.062 + .235 + .24 .025 o .08 .41 .16 3565 -41 58 31.70 77-3 18.052 + . 236 + -24 .018 o .09 .39 .16 3566 + 49 48 44.24 64.8 18.054+. 158 + .08 .021 i .02 .10 .05 3567 -3357 4.80 77-2 -i8.o86+.228 + .22 - -055 o .11 .44 .18 274 G Centauri g 3568 + 42 32 50.10 75-7 18.091 + .170 + -09 - .068 o .10 .43 .18 3569 -68 54 17.43 86.3 18.029+. 302 + .48 .012 o .15 .87 .25 i G Circini 3570 +31 41 13.10 83-4 - 17.975 + . 181 + .11 + .038 o .12 .47 .17 3571 17 38 10.02 74-o 18.044+. 216 + .18 - -043 .06 .32 .13 89 Virginis 3572 + 16 1737-74 72.2 -17. 960+. 193 + -13 + .033 o .06 .25 .11 3573 + 21 45 37-47 70.9 -17.977 + . 191 + -13 + .003 o .IO .42 .19 6 Bootis e 3574 + 83 15 15.34 80. i 18.020 .114 -.047+ I .06 .35 .12 Groomb 2063 3575 46 24 IO.I2 77.2 -17-995 + -247 + .26 - -039 o .15 .67 .27 278 G Centauri 3576 52 18 56.11 81.4 i8.ooo+.256 + .29 - .045 o .12 .53 .19 277 G Centauri N * 3577 -32 2953.41 69-5 -I7-977 + .232 + .22 - -039 o .11 .42 .20 } 280 G Centauri k 3578 -32 2956.56 70.9 -I7-975 + .232 + .22 -.037 o .15 .58 .27 I 8" 109 3579 -31 7 23.20 73-8 -i 7 .988 + .2 3 i + .21 - .058 o .14 .71 .29 282 G Centauri * 358o +35 16 3-86 80.3 - 17.937 + . 181 + .10 .022 o .09 .53 .18 358i + 35 938-89 74.0 - 17.984+. 181 + .10 .072 o .10 .73 .28 3582 + 59 2 3.45 73-i -17.897 + . 143 + .06 + .003 o .09 .39 .I? 3583 -67 932.02 90.4 -i7-945 + -33 + -45 .052 o .17 i.oo .26 2 G Circini 3584 + 34 56 21.98 87.4 17.923 + . 182 + .10 - -37 o .12 .6l .18 3585 + 123933.38 61.7 I7-9O2 + .2OI + -13 .017 o 14 -59 -32 3586 31 26 1.70 74.1 -17.905 + . 234 + .21 .021 o .10 .42 .18 284 G Centauri h * 3587 -35 10 14.01 73-o 17.910+. 238 + .22 - .036 o .16 .67 .30 286 G Centauri y * 3588 + 18 25 31.91 62.6 -i 7 .8 S 7 + .i98 + -13 .013 o .13 .42 .24 7 Bootis 3589 + 65 13 2.05 73-4 -17.845 + . 124 + -05 .003 o .05 .22 .09 10 Draconis * 359 -28 43 T - 6 4 81.3 -I7-9I4+.232 + -21 -.077- I .11 .49 .l8 361 G Hydra 3591 + 29 8 24.22 66.0 - 17.822 + . 188 + -II + .014 I -14 -67 -33 3592 -5140 7.05 82.3 17.862 + . 263 + .29 - .032 o .14 .65 .23 288 G Centauri 3593 -4647 45.79 74-7 -17.863 + . 256 + -2 7 - -053 o .08 .35 .15 3594 - i 040.13 75-2 17.829+. 214 + .16 - .030 o .07 .32 .13 90 Virginis p 3595 - 7 34 0.06 76.4 -17.824+. 218 + .16 .030- I .09 .49 .19 Si 788. 8 M 2'.'778,slow 3596 + 1853 55.90 -,0.2 -18.152 + . 199 + -13 -.367 o .02 .13 .06 3597 + 54 13 13-03 57-S -17.791 + . 156 + .07 .016 o -09 -33 -20 86 Ursae Maj 3598 + 79 2 9 2I-3 1 72.1 -17. 767-. 013 + .20 .000 I .09 .41 -l8 3599 -63 ii 47-3 1 87.2 -i7-8i7 + .2 9 7 + -39 .052 o .13 .75 .22 3600 + i 32 22.84 75- 2 -I7-7I4+.2IS + -i5 + .012 .09 .30 .14 92 Virginis 3586 W. H. 8 M 14" 185. 3587 Howe. 6?5-6 M 7 i" 87. 146 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 fl t HI and 100 A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M h m a 8 3 s 3 " &" 3601 Br 1826 5-2 13 52 0.244 74-4 + 2. 7413- .0036 + .009 + .0023 o .08 .34 .15 3602 Centauri 4-0 52 H-44S 78-5 + 3.6281 + .0389 + .014 .0024 o .11 .48 .19 3603 Centauri 4.0 52 30.055 83.2 + 3.6844+ .0430 + .016 .003 1 o .10 .51 .17 3604 Br 1825 5-3 52 54.396 82.1 + 3.3566+. 0214 + .008 .0*36 o .07 .36 .12 3605 Pi 264 6-3 53 5- 26 2 72.8 + 2.8960+. ooi i + .007 .0040 o .12 .63 .26 3606 Br 1828 5-8 53 57-8o 2 76-4 + 2.8I2I .OOI4 + .007 .0003 o .10 .32 .15 3607 Br 1827 6.0 54 24.019 75-3 + 3-349+-02i4 + .007 .0152 o .11 .45 .19 3608 Pi 269 6.6 54 38-331 70.4 + 3. 1052 + . 0088 + .006 .0014 o .14 .52 .25 3609 Pi 270 7.0 54 48.367 72-9 + 3.I57I + .OIH + .006 .0017 o .12 .48 .22 3610 L S7 82 4-4 55 29- 79 79-7 + 3.7 191 + .0444 + .016 .0012 o .16 .80 .29 3611 6 Apodis Var. 55 34-48i 80.2 + 5.6981 + .2975 + -416 .0261 7 .08 .64 .21 3612 T Virginis 4-3 56 33-401 74-2 + 3. 0506 +.0065 + .006 + .0013 o .03 .18 .07 3613 Br 1830 6-3 56 38.421 84-4 + 2.7220 .0031 + .009 .0060 o .04 .27 .08 3614 Pi 274 5-9 56 41-438 79-5 + 3.4004+. 0234 + .008 .0031 o .11 .54 .20 3615 ft Centauri o-S 56 45.821 71.1 + 4.1929+. 0848 + .047 - -0035 o .05 .24 .11 3616 Pi 286 6.7 59 2-073 74-9 + 3.24I2 + .OI48 + .006 .0026 o .IO .48 .20 36i7 Pi 287 6.9 v69 3-673 73-2 + 3.I72I + .OH7 + .006 .0027 o .12 .50 .22 3618 L5797 6-5 59 4-633 88.8 + 3-9835 + -o644 + .029 -.0085- I .15 .75 .22 3619 Pi 296 6.4 59 !6-435 85.2 + 2.2353 -.0070 + .Oil .0030 o .08 .44 .13 3620 Pi 306 6.7 59 3 8 -329 76.7 + i.3i7i + .oi79 - .017 .0046+ I .09 .45 .18 3621 X Centauri 4.6 13 59 56-368 85-4 + 3^453 + .03 78 + .OI2 -^.0016 o .IO .50 .16 3622 tr Hydrae 34 14 o 40.512 80.9 + 3.4059+. 0230 + .007 + .0031+ I .06 .30 .11 3623 6 Centauri 2.O o 47-745 79-3 +3-5 I 5 +- 3 l8 + .009 - .0436 o .07 .32 .12 3624 Br 1833 6. 9 o 59.962 74-9 + 3.I7I4+.OH5 + .006 .0005 o o? -33 -13 3625 Br 1834 5-7 i 25.410 74-3 + 3.i676+.oii7 + .006 .0097 ' o .07 .30 .12 3626 o Draconis 3-5 i 40.894 73-i + 1.6227 + . 0050 .OOO -.0081+ _._!_ 03 -13 -05 3627 L S 82 S 6.9 3 0.820 86.3 + 3.9ii7 + .o56 3 + .022 .0055 o .20 .82 .28 3628 1,5827 4.8 3 I5-323 86.8 + 3-9624+.o6ii + .025 .0172 I .20 .86 .28 3629 Br 1835 6.9 3 40.830 72.8 + 3.I9I4+.OI23 + .006 .0003 o .10 .39 .18 3630 Pi 316 5-6 3 55-886 67-3 + 2.4007 .0062 + .Oil + .0004 o .09 .56 .26 3631 Br 1838 5-6 4 33.200 60.4 + 2.2456 .0061 + .010 - .0052 o .10 .44 .24 3632 Pi 317 5-4 5 22.715 75-5 + 3.2705 + .oi57 + .006 + .OOII .06 .36 .14 3633 77 Apodis S-o 5 39-336 80.7 + 7-2354+-575I + 1.128 .0170+ I .11 .81 .26 3634 Groomb 2082 6.7 5 40-293 85-4 + 1.8597 .0010 + .006 .OI5I+ 2 .09 .54 .16 3635 Br 1839 4.9 5 50-304 85-5 + 2.7370- .0017 + .008 .0017 o .04 .32 .09 3636 Pi 27 6-5 6 8.999 77-8 +0.4370+ .0770 .119 .0142+ 4 .09 .48 .18 3637 L 5840 5-6 6 32.442 85-2 + 4.oo75 + .o6i9 + .024 .0017 o .18 .81 .27 3638 Br 1837 5-4 7 2.155 74-9 + 34263 + .0233 + .007 .0012 o .11 .42 .18 3639 Pi 12 5-i 7 12.040 67.4 + 3-0335 + -0065 + .006 -t .0034 o .09 .42 .20 3640 Br 1841 7-4 7 13.621 65.0 + 3-I92I + .OI22 + .005 + .0028 o .14 .52 .27 3641 Br 1840 6-5 7 30-076 79-o + 3.4190+. 0228 + .006 +..0003 o .11 .57 .21 3642 K Virginis 4.2 7 33-6i3 72-3 + 3-I949 + .OI23 + .005 + .0005 o .03 .18 .08 3643 LsSso 5-3 7 59.060 86.8 +4.1430+. 0725 + .031 - .0040 o .l8 .87 .27 3644 Paris 17453 6.0 831.271 95-6 + 3. 0904 +.0080 + .006 H.oi34 o .12 .72 .16 3645 L 5860 6.0 8 31.978 88.2 + 3 .68 S 6+.0387 + .on -'.0128 I .18 1.29 .33 3646 Brisb 4811 6.0 8 44-438 89-4 + 4. 6780+. 1240 + .079 .0024 o .15 I.O4 .26 3647 Br 1843 6.6 9 8.736 69-3 + 3.I2O3 + .OIOI + .006 .0206 o .09 .36 .17 3648 L 5869 6.2 9 13.727 76.7 + 3.4627 + .0250 + .007 .0026 o .10 .66 .24 3649 Br 1859 5-i 9 x 3-996 78.1 0.3021 + . 1510 - .288 .0089+ I .04 .20 .07 3650 Br 1844 5-7 14 9 16.586 71.1 + 2. 8839 +.0026 + .006 .0178 o .08 .27 .13 3627. fols. 45' CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO '47 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t ^'andiooAp' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 3601 1 It + 27 5856.27 71.9 // // -17.757 + . 195 It + .11 // -.057 o // // // 08 .33 .15 9 Bootis 3602 -41 36 44.11 79-9 -17. 712 + . 256 + .24 .020 o .10 .47 .17 3603 -44 18 55.85 80.6 17. 712 + . 260 + -25 -.032 o .09 .40 .15 297 G Centauri v 1 3604 -24 29 2.79 84.2 -17. 704+. 238 + .20 .041 o .07 .40 .13 47 Hydrae 3605 + 15 8'i4-99 71.7 -17.689 + . 208 + -13 - .065 o .09 .49 .21 3606 + 22 II 2.50 72-5 1 7. 670+. 203 + .12 .051 o .09 .30 .14 10 Bootis 3607 -2431 20.41 77-8 17. 712 + . 240 + .20 .III I .11 .43 .18 48 Hydra 3608 - 3 3 45-73 76.6 17.660+. 224 + .16 .069 o .12 .50 .21 3609 - 7 40 30.66 74-4 -17. 643 + .228 + -17 - -059 o .11 .44 .19 3610 -45 7 8.82 72.9 -17. 594+. 269 + .26 - -039 o .12 .54 .23 303 G Centauri v 2 3611 -761850.77 80.7 -17.591 + .407 + .84 .040 2 .07 .63 .20 5 M 5 to 6s 3612 + 21 42.IO 75-4 -I7-535 + -224 + -IS .025 o .03 .21 .08 3613 + 27 52 10.04 79.6 17. 503 + . 200 + .10 + .003 o .05 .24 .09 ii Bootis 3614 26 56 48.92 79-2 -I7-52I + .249 + .20 .017 o .11 .51 .19 367 G Hydrae 3615 -5953 26.09 73-8 -i7-533 + -35 + -37 - .032 o .05 .25 .11 ;6i6 14 29 28.09 77.1 -17.432 + . 242 + .18 .029 o .10 .49 .19 3617 - 8 46 38.28 76.4 -17.409+. 237 + -i7 .007 o .IO .46 .l8 3618 -54 ii 22.35 79-3 -17.448 + . 295 + -3i -.047- I 13 -S3 -2i 309 G Centauri 3619 + 51 27 9.33 76.8 17.407 + .169 + .07 .014 o .08 .32 .13 3620 + 69 9 36.23 68.2 -17.375 + . 103 + -05 + .OO2 .08 .37 .17 3621 40 42 2. 1 1 79-4 -17.398 + . 273 + .24 - -034 o .09 .37 .14 3622 26 12 2.46 82.7 -I7-49I + .257 + .20 .160 o .06 .33 .11 3623 -35 52 40-98 74-8 -17.854+. 262 + -23 -.528- 3 .07 .32 .13 3624 - 8 24 52.30 73- 17.308 + . 240 + -i7 + .009 o 07 -33 -14 94 Virginis 3625 - 8 50 11.34 72-7 17.294+. 240 + -i7 + .004- I .06 .26 .11 95 Virginis 3626 + 6451 13.52 70.1 17. 272 + . 126 + .04 + .015- I .03 .13 .06 3627 -51 147.81 80.7 - I 7- 2 53 + - 2 9 8 + -3 - .025 o 15 -60 .23 320 G Centauri* 3628 -52 5744-75 81.0 -I7. 3 25 + . 3 02 + -3i -.108- I 15 -61 - 2 3 321 G Centauri 3629 - 95i 39-i8 71.9 17. 182 + . 246 + -i7 + .016 o 09 -33 -IS 96 Virginis 3630 +44 19 47-93 65.6 -17. 224+. 187 + .08 -.037 o .08 .42 .20 3631 + 49 55 49.68 54-8 17.112 + . 176 + .07 + .046 o .10 .32 .20 13 Bootis 3632 -15 4947-14 73-9 -I7-I43 + .255 + .18 .022 o .06 .36 .14 3633 80 32 19.92 So. i -I7.i86 + -5s6 + 1.51 -.078- I .08 .69 .22 3634 + 59 48 40.76 83-3 -17. 134+. 148 + -05 .026 I .08 .42 .14 3635 + 25 33 54.84 82.0 -17. 172 + . 215 + .11 .072 o .04 .30 .IO 12 Bootis d 3636 + 75 4 2.46 70.4 -17.078 + . 039 + .10 +.008- I 07 -34 -IS Groomb 2085. 3 Ursae Min 3637 -53 n 44-7 6 78.9 -I7-IQ5 + -3I4 + -3i - -037 o .14 .58 .23 324 G Centauri 3638 26 47 26.42 78.8 17.100+. 270 + .20 -55 o .10 .40 .16 50 Hydrae 3639 + 2 52 48.25 69-3 17.069+. 240 + .14 -.031 o .10 .40 .19 3640 - 9 25 47-91 66.7 -17.065 + . 252 + -17 .029 o .11 .42 .21 97 Virginis 3641 -26 833.08 80.3 17-025 + .270 + .20 .001 o .11 .64 .22 371 G Hydrae 3642 - 9 48 30.13 73-8 -16.891 + .253 + -I? + .130 o .03 .13 .06 3643 -5637 4.14 78.6 -I7.0I5 + -327 + -34 .014 o -14 -57 -23 328 G Centauri 3644 22 24.76 97.6 17. 109 + . 248 + -15 --I33+ 1 .10 .94 -15 3645 41 22 IO.6l 87.7 17.020+. 292 + -25 -.044- I .15 1.20 .31 330 G Centauri 3646 66 7 17.67 86.2 -I6.975 + .370 + .48 .009 o .12 .73 .21 8 G Circini 3647 - 5 28 58.25 70.1 -16.868+. 248 + .16 + .079- 2 -08 .33 .15 3648 -2848 53.39 75-6 16.982 + . 277 + .21 .038 o .12 .71 .27 372 G Hydrae 3649 + 78 i 2.45 80.3 16.917 .017 + .20 + .026 I .05 .24 .08 4 Ursae Min 3650 + 13 25 41.65 7i-5 -17.003 + . 231 + -13 .062 I .O? .28 .13 14 Bootis 148 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1000 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p. and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. IOO|1 aio M h m s 8 S S s // // // 3651 R Centauri Var. 14 9 21.794 93-5 + 4.28I3 + .0836 + .039 - .0023 o .20 1.34 .29 3652 K 1 Bootis 6.2 9 52-849 76.6 + 2.I5I7 .OO48 + .OIO + .0062 o .16 .82 .32 3653 Pi 22 5-7 953-351 73-3 + 3.2990+. Ol69 + .005 .0028 o .08 .45 .18 3654 K 2 Bootis 4.9 9 54-031 74-7 + 2.1524 .OO49 + .OIO + .0071 I .09 .38 .16 3655 Br 1845 5-5 9 S7-030 65.8 + 2.9367 + .0036 + .006 -.0017+ I .12 .51 .26 3656 Groomb 2091 5-5 10 12.414 64.0 + I.IOI5 + .O284 -.030 -.0056+ 3 .11 .52 .26 3657 c Apodis 5-3 10 16.470 75-2 + 7.0037 + .4972 + .852 .0068 o .14 .68 .27 3658 Groomb 2089 6-5 10 21.636 66.7 + 2.4241 .0049 + .009 .0004+ i .14 .66 .32 3659 L S 8 7 2 6.9 10 23.115 79-7 + 3-5375 + -0287 + .007 + ;ooi6 o .16 i .00 .35 3660 t Virginis 4.1 10 46.174 79-4 + 3.i4O9 + .oio6 + .005 .OOI2+ 2 .04 .20 .07 3661 8 Octantis 4.1 10 51.70- 70.8 + 9.087- + 1.043- -.052- -32 .06 .36 .15 3662 a Bootis o.o II 6.023 66.3 + 2.7352 + .0025 + .006 .0781 + 11 .02 .11 .05 3663 Br 1848 6.2 II 22.060 73-6 + 2. 8200+. O006 + .006 + .0026 o .12 .30 .16 3664 Ls88 3 6.8 12 28.630 84-4 + 3-535 7 + -0286 + .007 .0065 o .12 .70 .22 3665 L575 5-4 12 31.233 92.0 + 4-3570+ -0898 + 043 .0228 2 .20 I.I7 .29 3666 A. Bootis 4.2 12 34-949 77-6 + 2.2831 .0049 + .009 .0179 o .04 .18 .07 3667 t Bootis 4.8 12 37.486 75-0 + 2.1268 .0042 + .009 -.0157+ I .04 .21 .09 3668 t Lupi 3-8 13 0.003 83-4 + 3.8196+. 0454 + .013 .0009 o .12 .63 .21 3669 Capes, 2538 6.0 13 6.369 90.2 + 3-3I02 + .OI73 + .005 .0040 o .10 .68 .17 3670 v Centauri 4-4 13 20.250 88.0 + 4.I552 + .0703 + .027 .0029 o .14 .84 .23 3671 L 5892 6.1 13 20.279 82.8 + 3-39 I 7 + -2i6 + .006 ^0288- 3 .14 1 .06 .32 3672 X Virginis 4.6 13 41-845- 70-7 + 3-2396+.OI4I + .005 .0015 o .04 .22 .IO 3673 Pi 45 S-o 13 46.138 73-2 + 2.5365-. 0037 + .008 - .0013 o .11 .66 .27 3674 Br 1856 6.4 13 47-834 75-o + 2.1348 .0041 + .009 .0024 o .12 .36 .17 3675 Dpt 1608 m 8.8 13 51-059 90.0 + 3.oi3i + .oo6i + .005 .0031 o .11 .56 .16 3676 Stgoeo 1187 5-8 13 52-715 87.8 + 3.7472 + . 0406 + .OII .0028 o .l8 I.4I .36 3677 1,5891 5-o 14 19.517 83.6 + 3.8056+. 0441 + .OI2 +, .001 1 + I .18 .99 .32 3678 v Virginis 5-2 14 23.255 76.1 + 3.0876+ .0087 +.005 .0080 o .10 .42 .17 3679 Br 1853 5-5 14 25.889 76.4 + 2. 9026+. OO27 + .006 + .0074 o .10 .34 .15 3680 Centauri 4.2 14 28.389 84.8 + 3.6327 + .0336 + .008 - .0059 o .10 .51 .16 3681 Br 1855 5-i 15 1-247 73-2 + 2.8384+. 00l6 + .006 .0102 o .08 .28 .13 3682 L5893 5-2 15 27.213 88.0 + 4.2579 + .0777 + .031 .0063 I .18 .92 .27 3683 Brisb 4865 7.0 15 27.631 94-5 + 4.2604+. 0777 + .031 .0040 I .21 I.l8 .28 3684 Groomb 2100 6-3 15 41-391 66.3 + 2.4647 .0041 + .008 + .0018 o .12 .63 .30 3685 L 597 5-9 16 19.979 83-7 + 3.5804+. 0301 + .007 - .0034 o .14 .86 .27 3686 L 5890 5-8 16 48.550 82.6 + 4.9054+. 1396 +.089 .0024 o .13 .70 .23 3687 Br 1858 7-i 16 49.267 71.1 + 3.0879 + .0086 +.005 - .0045 o .10 .40 .18 3688 Ls 9 n 4.6 16 52-439 87-3 + 3.6797 + .0356 + .008 -~ .0024 o .10 .54 .16 3689 Br 1857 5-o i? 19-934 75-i + 3.4466+. 0237 +.006 .0147 o .10 .42 .18 3690 Groomb 2105 7- 1 17 56.720 83-7 + i.i7i8 + .0234 .022 .0048+ I .08 .50 .15 3691 Br 1860 6.6 18 2.687 76.4 + 3-222I + .OI33 + .004 .0010 o 06 .33 .13 3692 Pi 69 5-2 18 27.649 59-5 + 2.9488 + .0045 + .005 -r- .0046 o .11 .52 .29 3693 L 592*1 7-5 18 30-545 94-3 + 3-7I28+.0373 + .008 .0036 o .15 1. 20 .24 3694 Pi 71 8.0 19 1.864 85.8 + 2.9849+. 0054 +.005 -r- .0036 O .11 .52 .17 3695 Pi 68 5-5 19 6.151 78.4 + 3-4H9+.02I4 + .005 - -0055 o .09 .46 .17 3696 1,5908 5-9 J 9 7-754 90.1 + 4.7301 + . 1186 + .064 .0051 o .20 1.14 .30 3697 Pi 73 5-2 19 12.721 67.9 + 2.9830+. 0054 + .005 - .0055 o .11 .57 .26 3698 Br 1861 6.8 19 18.287 73-8 + 3-2I90+.OI32 + .004 .0047 o .12 .51 .22 3699 T* Lupi 4-7 19 42.978 80.9 + 3 -8305 + .0440 + .OII .0009 o .IO .51 .l8 3700 T 2 Lupi 4-4 14 19 44.840 86.0 + 3.8361 + .0442 + .OII + .0003 o .10 .54 .16 3671 jS 1246. 13" 3" 189. 3676 h 4672. IO M 4" 304. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 149 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t p'and 100 A ji' Prob. Errors. SEp. i oo(i' Sio Remarks. 3651 / // -592651.78 93-4 // ft -I6.953 + .34I // + .38 // .016 o // // // .18 1.16 .26 6*"tOIO M . 1 2 M 28" 2l8 3652 +52.15 19.67 68.1 -16.945 + . 176 + .06 -.032 o .13 .63 .29 5 1821. See No. 3654 3653 -17 44 3.39 74-4 16.930+. 265 + .18 .018 o .08 .46 .18 3654 + 52 15 26.97 63.0 -16.927 + . 176 + .06 -.015+ I .07 .26 .14 S 1821. 6*2 13" 237, v. slow 3655 + 10 34 16.80 63.6 17.080+. 237 + -13 .170 o .12 .47 .25 15 Bootis 3656 + 6954 6.37 58-9 i 6.960 +.093 + .05 .062 o .08 .40 .22 3657 - 79 38 50.48 77-9 -I6.925 + .556 + i-37 -.031 o .12 .63 .24 3658 + 41 59 16.78 62.2 17.012 + . 198 + .08 .122 O .12 .50 .27 3659 -32 4634-83 72.7 -16.903 + . 285 + .22 .014 o .16 .87 .36 333 G Centauri 3660 - 5 3 1 2 4-44 74-7 -17. 298 + . 254 + .16 -.427 o .04 .22 .09 3661 -83 12 35.12 72-3 -i6.88o+.7i9 -.013- 4 .06 .34 .14 3662 + 19 42 10.43 64.8 -i8.8s8 + .2i7 + -II 2.0036 .02 .IO .05 Arcturus 3663 + 19 22 38.22 74.0 -16.884+. 230 + -II .041 o .10 .35 .16 3664 -32 45 25.25 80.7 -16.830+. 288 + .22 .040 o .14 -77 -27 335 G Centauri 3665 -6048 33.05 86.8 -i6.8 9 3 + . 35 2 + 40 -.105- 2 .l6 .82 .25 334 G Centauri 3666 + 46 32 50.57 73-6 - 16.634+. 188 + .07 + .151- I .04 .I? .07 3667 + 51 49 42.20 69.8 -16.697 + . 175 + .06 + .086- I .04 .18 .08 23124- 7*5 38" 33 3668 -45 3547-72 78.0 -i6.773 + -3i2 + .27 - .008 o .09 .41 .l6 3669 18 15 10.98 87-3 i6.8oi + .272 + .18 .041 o .IO .71 .19 3670 -55 55 32-9 83.0 -i6.77o+-340 + -34 .021 o .11 .56 .19 3671 -25 21 49.85 79-9 16.380+. 276 + .20 + .369- 2 .14 1.16 .38 374 G Hydrae * 3672 -12 54 39.13 67.6 16.708 + .267 + .17 + .023 o .04 .20 .10 3673 + 35 58 14-33 68.8 16.732 + . 211 + -09 .004 o .10 .52 .24 (Bootis 4) 3674 + 51 46 10.32 70.4 -i6.7 3 8+.i78 + .06 .Oil O ii -33 -17 3675 + 4 21 15.33 82.8 -16.779 + . 249 + -14 - -55 o .10 .40 .15 2 1832. g^s-9^5 '/7 132 3676 -4235 57-32 87.6 -16.778+. 308 + .26 -055 o 14 i-3 8 -34 L (5887)* 3677 -4443 31.59 76.0 -I6.79I + .3I4 + -27 .090 o .13 .64 .25 3 G Lupi 3678 i 48 12.03 73-4 -I6.777 + .256 + -IS -.079- I 08 .33 .15 3679 + 13 27 56.02 72.4 -16.734+. 242 + .12 -.038+ I .10 .31 .15 18 Bootis 3680 -37 25 31-55 78-5 16.710+. 300 + -2 4 .016 o .11 .46 .18 3681 + 16 45 53.44 .71-8 16.617 + . 236 + .12 + .050- I .06 .27 .12 20 Bootis 3682 58 o 7.60 83.0 -16.640+. 352 + -37 + .006 o .14 .65 .22 1 340 G Centauri 3683 -58 o 16.88 9i-3 -16.638 + . 353 + -37 + .008 o .17 .92 .24 [Dunlop. g'.'s 161 3684 + 39 15 12.37 64.2 -16.656 + . 208 + .08 .021 .11 .52 .26 3685 -34 1947.18 73-6 i6.6oo+.299 + .23 + .003 o .14 .63 .27 341 G Centauri 3686 -67 44 25.56 83-7 16.602 + .409 + -S3 .022 o .12 ,6l .20 10 G Circini 368 7 - i 31 51.72 71.4 16.592 + .260 + .14 -.013 o .09 .35 .16 103 Virginis (u 8 ) 3688 -39 3 18.27 81.2 16.617 + .308 + -24 .040 o .10 .44 .16 342 G Centauri a 3689 27 17 42.10 78-5 16.677 + . 289 + .20 -.123- I .IO .40 .l6 51 Hydra (*) 3690 + 68 14 23.35 79-2 16.520+. 103 + .05 + .004 o .O? .32 .12 S 1840. 9" 27" 223 3691 ii 15 26.52 72-5 -16.583 + . 273 + .16 .064 o .06 .30 .13 2 Librae 3692 + 8 54 5-35 56-4 -16.523 + . 251 + -13 .025 o .10 .43 .25 3 1835" 6? S 6'/S 19* 3693 -40 18 3.04 93-o -i6.538 + . 3 i4 + -25 .042 o .12 .97 .20 344 G Centauri 3694 + 6 1635.14 88.4 -I6.457 + .255 + -14 + .013 o 12 -S3 'I? 3695 24 21 9.08 77-8 16.497 + .290 + .20 -.031 o .08 .36 .14 3 G Librae 3696 -65 22 10.15 87.2 16.490+. 400 + -49 .025 o -15 -9 - 2 5 13 G Circini 3697 + 6 16 25.11 62.1 -16.461 + . 255 + -14 .000 o .12 .58 .30 3698 -II 12 56.77 66.1 -16.499+. 274 + .16 - -043 o .10 .33 .18 51837. 81*71" 302, slow 3699 4446 8.78 78.2 -i6.465 + -327 + .27 .029 o .09 .40 .15 L S9 28 3700 -4455 38.08 82.8 -i6-4S4+-3 2 7 + -27 .020 o .09 .42 .14 L 5927 3692. The comp. is a rapid binary, < o'.'s. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H- and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. IOO|i a 10 M h m s s s S // it n 3701 Pi 78 6.8 14 20 1.333 83-3 +3. 4504 +.0230 + .005 .0025 o .14 .80 .25 3702 L 5934 6.0 20 45.302 87-9 +3-8477 +-0454 + .OI2 -.0133 o .18 I. O2 .29 3703 Groomb 2109 6-5 21 24.319 60.6 + 2. 4495 -.0034 + .008 .OOOI J 3 -75 -39 3704 6 Bootis 4.2 21 47-559 75-8 + 2.0430 .001 1 + .008 .0260+ 7 .03 .15 .06 3705 Br 1864 5-6 21 48.268 78-4 + 2.790O+.OOIO + .OO6 .0052 o .05 .30 .11 3706 Br 1863 6.4 22 9.372 65-5 + 3. 1449+. 0106 + .005 .0046 o .12 .44 .23 3707 Br 1862 5-i 22 18.905 75-3 + 3.5022 + .025I + .O06 .0019 o .09 .40 .16 3708 Pi 85 7.0 22 19.880 7S--9 + 3.2447 + .oi4i + .004 - .0059 o .15 .72 .29 3709 Brisb 4918 5-9 22 55-245 82.6 + 4-939 2 + -i358 + .0 77 + .0039+ 3 .16 .78 .27 37io Virginis S-o 23 2.948 78.2 + 3.0877 + .0088 + .005 .0089 o .04 .24 .09 37" Br 1866 5-9 23 25.173 72.1 + 3- I 593 + - OI 9 + .005 .0016 o .09 .40 .18 3712 L59SO 5-6 23 4I-I7 1 83-6 + 3-97I9 + .0520 + .013 .0047 o .18 .75 .27 3713 L S9Si 5-8 23 41.482 84.7 + 3.8489 + .0440 + .010 .0041 o .16 .75 .25 3714 Pi 95 7.2 24 47-75 72-7 + 3-ii8i + .oo97 + .005 .0067 o .16 .64 .29 3715 Br 1868 S-8 25 9.090 66.9 + 2.0879 .0018 + .007 -.0320+ 4 .07 .24 .12 37i6 Ep. loop.' 6 10 Remarks. 3751 O / It 32 20 20.24 80. i tt // -i5-7" + -33<5 // + .22 // -.143- I // // // .15 .71 .26 370 G Centauri 3752 + 14 9 25.67 69-5 -15. 586 + . 270 + .11 .027 o .04 .22 .10 X 1865. 4ft-4V Octantis 6.0 49 22.12- 79.0 + I2.256-+I.578- + .012- +30 .18 1.89 .6l 3807 L 6146 5-5 49 36.320 85-3 + 3.6693 + .0283 + .OO2 + .0016 o .11 .72 .21 3808 L 6141* 6-3 49 44-45 87.6 + 4.0530+. 0473 + .004 .0025 o .18 .87 .27 3809 ft Ursae Min 2.O 5 59-597 67.1 0.2205 + . 1005 -.128 .0074+ 2 .03 .11 .06 3810 Br 1903 5-8 51 20.434 73-4 + 3. 2490+. 0130 + .OO2 .OOOI O .04 .21 .09 3811 Pi 221 6.1 5i 29.995 87.8 + 2. 8299 +.0036 + .004 - .0013 o .04 .46 .11 3812 Bruss 5978 7-3 5i 3 6 -3 28 83-9 + 3.4887 + .0205 + .OO2 + .0678+10 .11 .90 .26 38i3 Pi 212 6-3 5i 37-493 82.4 + 3.4952 + .0207 + .OO2 + .0742+11 .06 .36 .12 3814 Br 1905 4.6 5i 57-623 76.8 +3.i284+.oioo + .OO2 .0067+ I .10 .46 .19 38i5 /8 Lupi 2-7 51 58.810 72.9 + 3. 9099 +.0392 + .OO2 - .0043 o .10 .39 .17 3816 Br 1908 5-8 52 25.540 74-4 + 3. 07 2 7 + .0083 + .OO2 + .0041 o .11 .44 .19 38i7 Pi 226 6.0 5231.911 65-5 + 2. 7980+. 0031 + .004 + .0014 o .14 .63 .31 3818 K Centauri 3-2 52 39-243 74-8 + 3.8855 + .0377 + .OO2 -.0015 o .11 .42 .19 3819 Br 1904 m 5-8 52 44.029 81.1 + 3.5401 + .0228 + .OOI - .0034 o .11 .51 .18 3820 Br 1907 6.8 52 48-I57 71.9 +3. 2444+. 0129 + .O02 .0017 o .14 .50 .23 3821 L6i78 6.8 52 54.982 88.9 + 3-77I7 + .0323 + .OOI .0025 o .12 .66 .19 3822 Pi 235 5-9 53 3-888 73-3 + 1.9907 + .0016 + .004 + .OII4+ 2 .08 .42 .17 3823 Br 1909 6.2 53 28.975 68.8 + 3-2393 + -OI29 + .O02 .0072 o .10 .38 .18 3824 L 6186 6.0 54 52-699 89.8 + 3-7865 + .Q325 + .OOI + .0013 o .18 1.04 .28 3825 8 Librae Var. 55 37-69I 74-4 + 3.2ooo+.on6 + .OO2 .0046 o .06 .26 .11 3826 Br 1914 5-7 55 46.88o 76-5 + 2.3006 .0002 + .004 .0028 o .08 .40 .16 3827 Pi 260 5-i 55 59-495 82.0 + 0.9420+. 0280 .022 .0124+ I .05 .34 .11 3828 Pi 239 5-8 56 8.087 74-9, + 3-H3I + .0092 + .OO2 + .0025 o .13 .66 .27 3829 Br 1910 6.0 56 8.659 83.6 + 3.5660+. 0231 + .OOI + .0067 o .14 .60 .21 3830 17 Circini 5-3 56 26.538 81.0 + 4.9678 + . 1042 + .O2O + .0183+ 3 -l8 .70 .27 3831 Br 1912 5-9 56 41.621 84.6 + 3. 0690 +.0083 + .OO2 + .0008 o .11 .38 .14 3832 L 6198 5-6 56 51.962 74-2 + 3.6574+. 0268 .OOO .0030 o ,l6 .92 .37 3833 Groomb 2196 5-9 57 3-H8 73-9 4.3510+. 6859 + .0897 + 20 .06 .44 .17 3834 0) Bootis 4.9 57 43-657 73- 1 + 2.6275 + .0014 + .004 .0005 o .10 .38 .17 3835 Br 1915 4-7 57 50-839 67.4 +3. 0284 +.007 5 + .OO2 - -0033 o .13 .48 .24 3836 ft Bootis 3-6 58 10.746 76.8 + 2. 2596+. 0001 + .004 .0040 o .03 .18 .07 3837 tr Librae 3-4 58 12.929 76.0 +3.5018+. 0209 .OOO .0036 o .05 .24 .10 3838 rr Lupi m 4.0 58 18.442 81.6 +4.0641 + .045 1 + .OOI .0022 o .09 .48 .16 3839 L 6209 5-3 58 49- I0 7 87.9 + 3.88i8 + .o 35 o .000 + .0015 o .11 .64 .18 3840 Groomb 2182 6.1 59 6.510 79.2 + I-3982 + .OI24 .006 - .0037 o .08 .48 .17 3841 Pi 263 5-8 14 59 6.513 69.6 + 2.3946+. 0002 + .005 3^0039 o .15 .68 .31 3842 *l> Bootis 4.6 15 o 9.634 72.2 + 2-57O2 + .OOI2 + .004 -0133+ I .03 .21 .09 3843 Pi 2 6.9 o 18.997 80.0 + 0.048 1 + .07 2 2 -075 -.0845+14 .08 .50 .17 3844 Pi 262 7-5 o 23.446 79.8 +3.4700+. 0194 .000 .0029 o 13 -57 -2i 3845 L 6217 6.0 o 28.280 90.9 + 4.I535 + .0487 + .OOI + .0032 o .20 1.04 .28 3846 Grwjs 1 2 20 6.2 o 29.3- 69.8 + I-9764+.OO2O + .003 -.0426+ 3 .13 .94 .40 3847 Br 1923 5-2 o 29.8- 68.6 + i.98o3 + .oo2o + .003 -.0386+ 3 .07 .32 .15 3848 L 6197 5-9 o 36.239 88.5 + 5. 2695 + . 1263 + 025 .0028 o .18 1.04 .28 3849 v Librae 5-4 i 2.816 64-9 + 3-3389+ -0153 + .OOI - -0033 o .08 .36 .18 3850 Br 1920 6.9 i 14.038 70.2 + 3-3420+.OI54 + .OOI .0045 .09 .36 .17 3808 h 4715. 2 77 3819/8239. 6*C5-6"! I 6 i" 318, very slow. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 155 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and 100 A n Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. loop'S 10 Remarks. 3801 / // -24 13 59.77 76.6 // // -14.903 + .346 It + .19 it - .036 o H It II 9 -37 -15 12 Librae 3802 62 22 28.75 79-4 -14.868+. 475 + -45 .010 o .14 .60 .23 3803 + 5942 0.73 74-o -I4-7I9+.I53 + .04 + .126 2 .06 .28 .12 3804 -II 29 25.65 73- 2 -I4.864+.325 + .16 .022 o .08 .34 .15 13 Librae ( l 3805 -52 24 13.43 80.7 -14.841 + .423 + 33 .012 o .14 .6l .23 36 G Lupi c 3806 -84 23 40.36 78.2 14.863 + 1.211 .046 + I .15 2.13 .69 3807 -33 2659.10 80.3 14.816+. 367 + .22 -.013 o .IO .49 .l8 381 G Centauri 3808 -47 28 23.74 84.8 14.822 + .405 + .29 .027 o .15 .71 .23 37 G Lupi * 3809 + 7433 S 1 -" 64.6 14.716 .016 + 17 + .005- I .02 .11 .06 3810 ii o 22.34 70.0 -14.703 + .328 + .16 .002 o .05 .21 .IO 15 Librae (* 3811 + 1451 0.96 85-1 -14.707 + . 287 + .10 .016 o .05 .37 .10 3812 - 20 57 44.64 81.5 -16.349+. 359 + .18 -1.664+7 .11 1.03 .31 1W.H. 1 7" 294 3813 -2057 51.96 84.2 -16.438 + .360 + .18 -1-754+8 .06 .39 .12 I Parallax '/i 7 3814 - 3 56 21.61 73-7 -i4.828 + -3i6 + .14 .164 i .08 .33 .14 1 6 Librae 3815 -42 43 52.04 71.9 -I4-7I4+.395 + .26 -.051 o 08 .33 .15 3816 + o 14 7.02 74.1 -14.667 + . 313 + -I3 -.031 o 9 -35 -i5 i Serpentis 3817 + 16 47 25.86 62.6 14. 650+. 285 + .10 .020 o .11 .59 .30 3818 41 42 10.50 75-2 -14.653 + .393 + .25 -.032 o .09 .39 .17 3819 -27 15 21.34 80.7 -I4.632 + .359 + .20 .014 o .10 .47 .17 59 Hydrae * 3820 10 45 11.42 71.8 -14.628 + . 330 + .16 -.015 o .10 .41 .19 17 Librae 3821 -37 2848.31 83.0 14.614+. 383 + .23 .007 o .16 .87 .28 386 G Centauri 3822 + 50 2 14.34 68.0 14.830+. 206 + .05 -.232+ I .08 .36 .17 3823 -10 44 32.16 59-9 14.649 +.330 + 15 .076 I .08 .27 .16 1 8 Librae * 3824 -373937-62 88.2 -i4. 53 i + . 3 88 + -23 - -43 o .16 .85 .24 388 G Centauri 3825 - 8 7 19.97 69.2 -H-454+ -329 + 15 .Oil .06 .29 .13 S M to 6" 3826 + 393941.98 71.4 14.410+. 238 + .06 + .024 o .09 .30 .14 40 Bootis 3827 + 66 19 50.46 78-5 14.389+. 100 + .06 +.032- I .05 .28 .10 3828 2 21 3O.6l 73-i -14.441 + .321 + .14 .029 o .11 .49 .21 3829 -27 3952.33 78.1 14.466 +.368 + .20 -0-54+ I 13 -53 -2i 60 Hydrae 3830 63 38 20.00 78.4 -I4-399+-5I2 + .48 -.005+ 2 .14 .56 .23 3831 + o 15 18.24 81.8 14.406 + .318 + .13 .028 o .09 .34 .13 2 Serpentis * 3832 -32 1456-74 65.1 -I4-4I9 + .378 + .21 .051 o 14 -77 -37 45 G Lupi 3833 +825521.55 73-2 -14.599- .427 -.243+ 9 .07 .41 .17 3834 +25 24 11.55 71.4 -I4-373 + .274 + .0 9 .058 o .09 .36 .16 3835 + 2 29 1. 60 64.7 -I4-3IO+.3I5 + 13 .002 o .09 .34 .18 no Virginis 3836 + 4047 5-37 72.8 -I4-330+-237 + .06 - -043 o .03 .19 .08 3837 -2453 20 -5 8 76.2 -14.340+. 364 + .19 -055- I .05 .25 .10 20, 45 G Librse, y Scorpii, etc. 3838 -463935-S3 78.3 -i4-3 I 3 + -422 + .28 - -033 o .08 .36 .14 h4Ja8. 4 l y 1 7-4"8i" 87, si. binary 3839 -40 40 37.20 82.8 -14.257 + .404 + .2 4 .009 o .10 .49 .17 3840 + 6035 50.34 78.6 -14.213 + . 149 + .04 + .017 o .08 .42 .15 3841 +35 35 49-6i 61.5 -14.243 + . 251 + .0 7 -.013 o .12 .60 .32 3842 + 27 20 14.51 74-8 I4.i8s + .270 + .09 .020 I .04 .21 .08 3843 + 72 921.79 79.0 14.070+. 002 + .12 + .086- 9 .08 .38 .I 4 9 Ursas Min 3844 -22 56 4.23 84.6 -14.191 + .364 + .18 .040 o .11 .51 .I? 3845 -4842 6.97 85-5 -I4.I29+.435 + .29 + .017 o 15 -73 -23 54 G Lupi 3846 + 48 2 34- 66.4 14.120+. 206 + .05 + .025- 4 .11 .69 .32 1 See Appendix 3847 +48 237- 60.6 14.114+. 206 + .05 + -031- 4 .06 .25 .14 1 44 Bootis i 3848 -6641 56.54 87-5 -I4.I50+.550 + .56 .012 o .15 .93 .26 2 G Trianguli Aust 3849 -1552 9.24 58.6 -I4.I44+.35I + .16 - -034 o .07 .29 .16 Also v l 3850 16 5 50.07 72.6 I4.I23 + .352 + .16 .024 o .08 .32 .14 22 Librae (v 2 ) 3823 2 1894. IO M ao" 40 3831/8348. 8" o'.'fi 116. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A p Prob. Errors. o Ep. ioO|i a 10 M b m s s s s 8 /' // n 3851 Groomb 2213 7.2 15 I 40.86- 79.1 6.538-+!. 122- .OIO- + 2 .08 .48 .17 3852 X Lupi m 4-4 2 6.353 75-2 + 4.0202 + .041 7 .001 -.0023 o .14 .68 .27 3853 Br 1925 5-7 2 7.119 70-5 + i.9868+.ooi8 + .003 .0062 o .08 .36 .16 3854 Pulkjj 2195 6.4 2-4O.O22 84.1 + 2.35o8 + .ooo4 + .005 - .0053 o .12 .69 .21 3855 Br 1924 5- 2 54-S3 6 72.4 + 2. 6346 +.001 7 + .004 +.0138+ I .O? .32 .14 3856 Radcl 3328 5-5 3 25-3 12 78.8 + 1.7108 + . 0056 .000 + .0051 o .12 .72 .25 3857 L 6236 5-8 3 48.559 80.3 + 4.4418 + .0639 + .OOI .0006 o .l6 .69 .26 3858 Pi 282 7-i 4 1-183 80.7 + 3.4904+. 0197 .000 .0020 o .10 .57 .19 3859 Br 1926 6.1 4 4-742 70.0 + 2. 5890+ .0015 + .004 .0000 o .11 .42 .20 3860 Pi 291 6.2 4 14.106 63-5 + 2. 6123 + .OOI6 + .004 .0012 o .12 .66 .33 3861 L 6222 5-9 4 43 -9 8 82.3 + 5.6792+. 1580 +.037 .0002 o .18 .72 .27 3862 K 1 Lupi 4.0 4 5 8 -79 79.8 + 4-I479+. 0475 .001 .OIOI O .10 .54 .19 3863 K 2 Lupi 6.2 5 0.420 87.4 + 4.I478+.0475 .001 .0106 o .18 .88 .27 3864 Lupi 3-4 5 5-949 79-6 + 4. 2846+. 0548 .001 -.0115 o .11 .52 .20 386S L62S7 S-o 6 6.443 82.9 + 4.0093 + .0401 .002 .0036 o .16 .88 .29 3866 t Librae 4-7 631.188 71.8 + 3.4i2i + .oi7i .000 .0026 o .04 .26 .11 3867 Pulk B 2201 6.1 7 3 I - 2 44 78.2 + 2.7294 + .0029 + .004 .0003 o .12 .75 .27 3868 Br 1928 6-3 7 37-296 70.1 + 3. 4099 +.01 69 .000 .0036 o .10 .40 .19 3869 Pi 5 7-4 7 37-937 87.4 + 3.497 1 + .0204 .001 .0289 o .10 .70 .19 3870 Groomb 2198 8.6 8 12.118 87.9 + 1.9464 +.0026 ' + .OO2 + .OO2I 13 -Si -i? 3871 Br 1929 5-i 8 29.673 76.4 + 3-6645 + .025I .001 + .0003 o .11 .48 .20 3872 L 6259 6.1 831.919 83.8 + 4.8o32 + .o84i + .003 .0028 o .18 .75 .27 3873 Pi 14 7.0 8 48.844 70-3 + 3-384i + .oi62 .000 .0079 o .16 .62 .30 3874 8 Circini 5-4 8 51.502 84.1 + 4. 8102 + .0844 + .003 .0018 o .18 .75 .27 3875 Br 1930 6-5 8 55.068 74-7 + 3 . 3 78i + .oi58 .000 .0016 o .12 .44 .20 3876 t Circini 4-9 9 11.807 87.1 + 5.0199+. 0986 + .005 .0002 o .20 .84 .27 3877 Groomb 2283 7-3 9 20.50- 84.8 -20-557-+7.003- .008- 41 .04 .28 .08 3878 L 6280 5-3 9 29.197 86.7 + 3-93 3 + -0355 .002 .0004 o -15 -86 .25 3879 y Trianguli Aust 2.9 934-155 73-i + 5.5340+. 1397 + .O2O .0114 I .09 .39 .16 3880 /3 Circini 4.2 9 40-927 82.0 + 4.661 1 + .0750 .001 .0126+ I 13 -57 -2i 3881 Groomb 2201 ' 6-5 947.118 67-3 + 2. 2859+. 0009 + .004 + .0006 o 14 -75 -35 3882 Br 1932 5-6 10 13.054 80.6 + 2.9793 + .0066 + .OO2 .0014 o .06 .40 .13 3883 \ Bootis 5-4 10 18.258 80.2 + 2.5O76+.OOI3 + .003 .0058 o .11 .36 .15 3884 Pi 19 5-8 10 35.082 80.3 + 3.4689+. 0184 .001 -.0031 o .09 .54 .18 3885 Br 1933 5-7 10 43.419 69.8 + 3.0523 + . 0081 + .OOI .0072 o .10 .33 .16 3886 L 6272 S-6 10 45-739 88.2 +4.7904+. 0818 + .OOI .0027 o .18 .99 .28 388 7 8 Bootis 3-4 ii 28.270 74-8 + 2.4i88 + .ooi2 + .004 + .0071+ I .04 .22 .09 3888 1* Lupi m 4-5 ii 34.466 79-4 +4.i5i6+.0452 .004 .0031 o .14 .63 .24 3889 Brisb 5261 6-5 ii 36.263 90-5 + 4.I536+.045I .004 .0014 o .20 I.O4 .28 3890 Librae 2.6 ii 37.488 70-3 + 3.2230+.on8 + .00 1 .0067 o .03 .15 .07 3891 Br 1931 4.4 ii 44.651 79.1 + 3.6386+. 0238 .002 __ .0015 o .11 .48 .18 3892 L 6303 5-9 12 22.805 86.2 + 3-9 I 73 + -344 -.003 .0022 o .12 .84 .24 3893 Groomb 2214 5-3 13 29.327 82.9 + 0.6716+. 0393 -.031 + .0382+ 7 .05 .40 .12 3894 Pi 36 5-9 13 55-426 62.7 + 2.6873 + .0028 +.003 .0022 o .12 .57 .29 3895 Br 1937 5-2 14 12-433 69.8 + 3-0594+ -0081 + .00 1 + .0246+ 3 .07 .28 .14 3896 8 Lupi 3-4 14 48-395 84.1 + 3.9228+. 0340 .004 .0006 o .IO .50 .16 3897 L 6324 5-9 IS 3-403 87.0 + 4.0234+. 0437 -.005 -.1631- 9 .l6 I.O2 .29 3898 L 6309 5-8 IS 4-053 89.9 + 4.8233 + .0815 -.003 .0109 I .20 I.O5 .29 3899 L 6322 5-3 15 10.204 78.2 + 4. 1 584 +.0448 -.005 .0136 o .15 .70 .2/ 3900 Br 1938 6-5 !5 15 I3-372 76.4 + 3-3939+ - OI S9 .001 .0012 o .09 .44 .17 3853 ft 1086. i3 M 6" 251, slow binary. 3873 W.H. 8" 47" 140. 3 8 S7 h 4734- 12" 3886 limes. 13"" Il"2 4 6 ?" 1 1 8. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO J57 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/and looAfi' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 3851 / // + 84 20 13.57 76-3 - 14-059- -674 " n + .OI2 I // // // .09 .47 .18 3852 -4453 4I-96 72-4 14.064+. 424 + .27 .020 o ii -53 -23 Lowell, 4*0-5*? 5 Lupi 3-5 15 2 7-525 86.1 + 3-79 2 7+-029i -.003 .0082 o .10 .64 .18 3904 Cord 20813 5-8 15 50.540 96.8 + 3- l6 37 + -o 102 + .OOI -.0051 o .14 I.O4 .20 3905 e Lupi m 3-5 15 53-329 81.4 + 4.0557 + .0393 .005 .0015 o .11 .54 .I 9 3906 1,6327 7.2 IS 53-510 94-8 + 4-33 2 3 + -o525 -.005 .0020 o .l6 I.I7 .24 39<>7 Br 1940 5-7 IS 56.493 66.8 + 3. 0498 + .008 1 + .OOI .0036+ I .09 .34 .17 3908 o Coronae Bor 5-8 16 0.305 73-5 + 2. 4808+. 0017 + .003 .0096+ I .08 .36 .16 3909 Pi 56 7.8 16 19.777 69-5 + 1.843 7 + .0040 + .00 1 .0002 o .15 .57 .28 3910 L6349 4.8 16 45.890 82.8 + 3.8i9o+.0294 .004 .0018 o .IO .44 .16 39" Radcl 3360 5-9 17 8.713 77-2 + 1.7626+. 005 1 .000 + .0018 o .10 .56 .21 39" Br 1954 5-3 17 10.415 67.6 0.0762 + .0732 .072 + .0044 I .08 .36 .17 3913 Br 1941 6.9 17 27.037 72.2 + 3-339 8 +-oi42 .001 .0001 o .06 .28 .12 39H Br 1943 6-5 17 39.071 68.0 + 2.8394 + .0046 + .OO2 .0000 o T 3 -5 1 -25 3915 Br 1946 5-6 17 48.324 70.7 + 2.4oi4 + .ooi4 + .003 .0041 o .12 .44 .21 39i6 v Lupi 5-7 18 12.955 86.6 + 3.9026+. 0325 .004 .0038 o .14 .70 .21 3917 Pi 54 6.0 18 22.938 77-5 + 3-2863 + .OI29 .000 .0026 o .09 .50 .18 39i8 Br 1945 6-3 18 34-331 80.5 + 3.0887 + .0085 + .00 1 + .0045 o .08 .46 .16 3919 t Librae 5-2 18 46.579 68.1 + 3.246o+.oi2i .000 -.0054+ I .09 .34 .17 3920 L6 33 6 6.0 18 50.242 94-6 + 5- 1746+. 1020 .004 .0045 o .21 I.4I .30 3921 L636i 4-7 18 5I-034 88.1 + 3.8749+.03I2 .005 .0049 o .12 .62 .18 3922 Groomb 2221 5-9 18 55.3 8 o 62.4 + 2.2I82 + .OOI4 + .003 .0004 o .18 .72 .39 3923 i/Coronas Bor m 5-2 19 4.386 71.1 + 2.4779 + .ooi8 + .003 + .OIOI+ I .07 .26 .12 3924 p Octantis 5-8 20 11.55- 77-4 + 13. 130- + 1.404- + .089- +15 .05 .40 .14 3925 1*6323 5-7 20 36.582 87.4 + 6.4371 + . 2073 + .024 .0003+ I .15 .8l .24 3926 /a Bootis 4-4 20 42.741 74-o + 2. 2656+. OOI4 + .003 .0126 o .04 .18 .07 3927 Pi 74 m 6.8 2044.135 67-3 + 2.2668 + .OOI4 + .003 .0122 o .11 .48 .23 3928 y Ursae Min 2-9 20 53.05 67-5 -O.I273 + .0739 -.071 .0026 o .03 .15 .07 3929 L6 37 6 5-7 20 53.812 89.8 + 3.8299+. 0290 .004 .0002 o .13 .75 .20 3930 Radcl 3381 6.0 20 58.159 77-9 + 0-99I2 + .0234 -.015 -.0025+ 3 .IO .58 .21 393i Br 1948 S-5 21 9.077 80.7 + 2. 7804 +.0040 + .OO2 .0014 o .06 .36 .12 3932 Groomb 2230 7-i 21 53-458 64.0 + 1.9469 +.0033 + .002 -.0039+ I 18 -75 -39 3933 Pi 81 6.2 22 22.414 91.7 + 2.3491 + .0015 + .003 .0086 o .13 .57 .16 3934 L 6380 5-3 22 26.572 87-3 +4.1549 + .0417 .OO7 .0015 o .18 .80 .26 3935 Br 1949 6.0 22 36.931 74-3 + 3-377+- OI 48 .OO2 + .OOII O .04 .26 .10 3936 i Draconis 3-4 22 42.246 77.1 + i.3294+.oi32 .OO7 .0006 o .04 .22 .08 3937 L 6395 m 7-5 22 54-203 79-4 + 3-63H + .O22O -.003 - .0034 o .15 .84 .30 3938 Pi 83 6.4 23 20.798 74-8 + 2.5794+. 0024 + .003 + .0002 o .14 .78 .31 3939 Br 1952 5-4 23 35-139 77.1 + 3.0272 + .0076 + .OOI - .0055 o .10 .38 .16 3940 ft Coronae Bor 3-7 23 42.355 78-7 + 2.4732 + .0019 + .003 -0133 o .04 .22 .08 394i Br 1951 7-5 23 55-249 70.8 + 3.3866+. 0150 .002 -.0051 o .14 .46 .23 3942 Br 1953 6.0 25 1.807 72.6 + 3-3776 + -QI46 .002 + .OOII O .09 .36 .l6 3943 Pi 96 5-6 26 51.981 77.1 + 3-43 8 9 + - 0101 .002 .0014 o .10 .52 .20 3944 Br 1956 5-7 27 16.157 66.7 + 3.3829+. 0146 .002 .0009 o io -33 -i7 3945 v ' Bootis 5-3 27 20.215 80.0 + 2.I542 + .OO2I + .003 + .0009 o .04 .22 .08 3946 Br 1961 6.4 2 7 33-I85 69.4 + 2. 7633 + .0040 + .OO2 + .0003 o .14 .57 .27 3947 eTrianguliAust 4.2 27 33-861 73-2 + 5-4355 + - II2 6 -.013 + .0034+ 3 .11 .48 .21 3948 Br 1959 5-8 27 48.825 70.9 + 3.0873 + .0085 + .OOI .0006 o .11 .38 .18 3949 v 2 Bootis 5-i 28 12.160 69.0 + 2.I465 + .OO22 + .003 .0020 o .06 .36 .16 3950 y Lupi 2.8 15 28 28.522 74-8 +3. 9824+. 0330 -.007 .0014 o .08 .34 .15 3901 h 4757. s^4-55 J " 81, slow binary. 3907 p 32. 3905 Copeland. 36-6 M o'/8 280 172 CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO '59 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i' and ioo A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo|i.' 819 Remarks. 3901 01 n -585738.20 76.4 -i3- 2 33 + -5 26 + 39 .042 o // // // 13 -S3 - 22 * 3902 15 II l6.47 75-3 -I3-I77 + -373 + 15 + .OI2 O .08 .31 .13 29 Libras (o l ,o) 3903 -35 S3 55-2 73-4 -I3-283 + .42I + .21 -.095- I .12 .56 .24 88 G Lupi< 1 3904 - 5 27 50.09 97.0 -I3.I86+.353 + 13 .O24 I .14 I.I7 .21 39<>5 -44 1947-46 76-3 -I3-I82 + .45I + .26 - - 2 3 o .09 .39 .16 * 3906 -51 22 37.58 91.2 -13. 182 + . 482 + 31 - .023 o .13 .80 .20 3907 + 14 43.82 67.0 -13. 269+. 341 + .12 -.113 o .08 .31 .l6 6 Serpentis * 3908 + 295843.38 69-4 13.210+. 278 + .0 7 -.058- i .07 .29 .14 3909 + S03433-S7 57-8 -13. 123 + . 209 + .04 + .007 o .12 .45 .26 3910 -362959.53 76.9 -13. 132 + . 427 + .22 -.031 o .11 .42 .l8 92 G Lupi < 2 39" + 52 19 6.70 77-3 -I3-075 + - 200 + .04 + .OOI .IO .56 .21 39" + 72 II 12.26 66.0 13.069 .002 + .14 + .005 o .06 .29 .14 ii UrsaeMin 3913 - 14 46 38.05 75-o -I3-055 + -375 + 15 + .OOI O .06 .29 .12 30 Librae (o 2 ) 3914 + 12 55 31.21 69.8 -i3.o64+-320 + .09 .022 .11 .42 .20 7 Serpentis 3915 + 33 17 28.79 67-7 -13.038 + . 271 + .06 .006 o .IO .44 .21 50 Bootis 39i6 -39 21 13.56 82.0 -i 3. 063 + .438 + - 2 3 - .058 o .12 .52 .19 3917 12 45.85 77-4 -I3.042 + -370 + .14 .048 o .08 .45 .17 39i8 - o 39 57.01 78.5 -I3-OI6+-349 + .12 - -035 .08 .44 .l6 8 Serpentis 3919 - 9 57 46.52 70.2 -I3-I27 + .366 + .14 -.159- I .08 .33 .16 3920 64 10 44.22 9 J -5 12. 987 + . 580 + 49 - .023 o .17 1.08 .26 9 G Trianguli Aust 3921 -382245.38 81.4 -1 2. 983 +.436 + .23 .020 o .12 .50 .19 97 G Lupi k 3922 + 39 56 17.20 55-6 12. 985 + . 252 + .06 .027 o 15 -58 -35 3923 + 303855-38 67.8 13. 146+. 282 + .07 -.198+ I .06 .24 .12 See Appendix 3924 -84 7 54.79 79-9 -12.792 + 1.483 + .081+10 .05 .38 .12 3925 -73 232.81 84.2 -I2.868+-726 + .84 - .023 o .12 .58 .19 29 G Apodis K l 3926 + 37 43 39-65 68.1 12. 760+. 258 + .06 +.078- I .04 .20 .09 I/* 2 Bootis * 3927 + 37 41 52.85 63-1 -I2.743 + .258 + .06 +.093- I .09 .37 .20 3928 + 72 ii 23.27 67.7 12.814 .009 + .14 + .OI2 O .03 .13 .06 Also y 2 3929 -3 6 2 4 59-9 85.0 -I2.867 + .435 + .22 .041 o .13 .58 .20 100 G Lupi 3930 + 6341 53-87 78.8 12.934+. 116 + .0 5 -.113 o .10 .59 .21 3931 + 15 46 46.03 77-6 -I2.835 + -3I7 + .09 .026 o .06 .33 .12 9 Serpentis r l 3932 + 47 24 46.60 56-4 12.800+. 224 + .0 5 .041 o .13 .47 .28 3933 + 3441 2.56 82.2 12. 669+. 269 + .06 +.057- I .11 .41 .16 3934 -4623 8.87 84.8 -I2.737 + .473 + .26 .015 o .13 .63 .21 102 G Lupi 3935 l6 22 4.69 74-i -I2-753 + -386 + 15 - -043 .04 .28 .11 32 Librae {* 3936 + 59.1858.52 73-8 -12.695 + . 155 + .04 + .009 o .03 .16 .O? 3937 28 31 6.42 72.0 -I2.737 + .4I5 + .18 - .047 o .15 .8l .34 # 3938 + 25 26 58.04 70.1 12. 699+. 297 + .08 - -039 o .14 .64 .29 3939 + 2 II 21.72 72.6 -12.690+. 347 + .12 .046 I -to .31 .15 10 Serpentis 3940 + 29 27 0.84 75-8 12. 560+. 284 + .0 7 + .076- 2 .04 .23 .09 394i -i7 545-53 68.0 -12.620+. 388 + 15 + .OOI I .12 .42 .21 33 Librae ( 2 ) 3942 -16 15 59.24 74.2 -I2.556+-389 + 15 .010 o .09 .42 .l8 34 Librae 3 3943 -19 1947.82 77-o -I2.463 + -398 + .16 - -043 o .10 .47 .18 3944 - 16 30 49.64 60.2 -I2.4I7 + .393 + 15 - .025 o .09 .28 .l6 35 Librae {' 3945 + 41.1025.59 76.4 -12.403 + . 252 + .06 .015 o .04 .24 .09 3946 + 16-23 41-65 64-5 -I2-389+.322 + .08 .016 o .13 .46 .25 12 Serpentis r 2 3947 -65 5850.27 76.2 12.444+. 629 + -S 2 .072 o .10 .43 .18 3948 - 05049.77 74-7 1 2. 404 +.360 + .12 .049 o -09 -34 -IS ii Serpentis A 1 3949 + 41 14 18.94 72.8 -i2-343 + - 2 5 2 + .05 .015 o .06 .36 .15 3950 -404950.17 73-o -i 2.345 + .463 + - 2 3 - .036 o .08 .32 .14 * 3927 2 1938. 7?3-7?9 i" , binary, 250 yrs. . 393? P i"4- 8 M -8s o'/7 322; 9*5 9" 5. 3950 h 4786. 3*5 -3"! 1 ; o'/6 91, binary? i6o PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch/ An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t M. and 100 A p Prob. Errors. a Ep. ioo(i aio M b m s s s s s // a a 3951 Br 1958 5-4 15 28 33.466 78.2 + 3-6272 + .O2II .004 + .0007 o .12 .52 .20 3952 Br 1960 4-9 28 42-673 76.2 + 3-2734+-oii9 .001 + .O2O2+ 2 .05 .24 .10 3953 6 Coronae Bor 4-3 28 53.820 7-56 + 2.4l8o+. 0020 + .003 .0020 o 5 -33 -13 3954 L 6424 4.8 29 O.O22 83-4 + 4-ii47 + .038i .OOg .0006 o .16 .98 .31 3955 Pulk H 2237 5-3 2 9 2.436 85.0 + 3- 2 35 8 + -oii2 .OOI .OOIO O .11 .52 .17 3956 L 6390 6.1 29 IS-637 83-6 + 6.5533 + .2034 .OO6 -.0037 o .18 .75 .27 3957 L 6427 5-7 29 21.036 90.8 + 4.09I5 + .0372 -.008 .OO47 .20 1.05 .28 3958 Pi 136 6.0 29 3 J -3 8 4 80.3 + O.83I5 + .0262 -.018 .0170 o .08 .51 .17 3959 y Libra 4.1 29 S5-86S 75-3 + 3-350I + .OI36 .OO2 + .0045 .04 .21 .08 3960 o Serpentis N * 4.2 3 i-5i9 70.4 + 2. 8641 + .0052 + .OO I .0046 o .07 .38 .16 396i a Coronae Bor 2.2 30 27.232 66.7 + 2.539I + .0024 + .OO2 + .0090 o .02 .11 .06 3962 t> Librae 3-7 3057-ii4 79-2 + 3.6325 + .0209 .OO4 .0007 o .09 .39 .15 3963 Br 1974 6.3 31 0.893 68.0 + 2. 72l6+. 0038 + .OO2 - -0053 o .12 .51 .25 3964 a Lupi 4-3 31 18.860 85.6 +4.0249+. 0341 -.008 .0144 I .14 -84 .25 3965 L 6437 5-5 31 23.492 92-3 +4.4342 + .05 13 .OI2 .0036 o .16 i.oo .24 3966 Br 1971 6.8 31 25.760 69.0 + 3-745 + -oo82 .OOO .0021 o .12 .52 .25 3967 fi. Coronae Bor 5-5 3i 34-737 63.0 + 2.2OIO+.OO2I + .002 + .0024 o .11 .36 .20 3968 Pi 126 5-6 31 41.207 68.6 + 2.8797 + .0055 + .OOI + .OO2O+ I 15 -63 -30 3969 Br 1976 7-i 31 50.201 73-7 + 2-7773 + -0042 + .OO I .0006 o .09 .36 .16 3970 Br 1977 6.1 3 1 52.752 68.7 + 2. 7617 + .0040 + .OOI + .0044 o 13 -57 -27 3971 Yarn 6539 6.0 3i 55-i83 96.8 + 3.5i8 9 +.oi78 -.003 .0022 o .12 .99 .18 3972 Groomb 2254 7-7 32 I4-7 02 64.2 + I-7973 + .0051 .OOO .0006 o .20 .69 .37 3973 T Librae 3-7 32 3 -758 76-5 + 3-6742 + .0220 -.005 .0018 o .09 .39 .16 3974 Br 1975 5-7 33 9-9 80.4 + 3-4473 + - OI 5 6 -.003 + .0066+ I .09 .51 .17 3975 Paris 19426 7.0 33 16.056 94-6 + 3.2334+.OHO .001 + .0015 o .12 .90 .19 3976 Dpt 1736 6-7 33 16.153 86.0 + 3.2334+.oiio .001 + .0016 o .12 .45 .16 3977 Groomb 2257 6.0 33 22.784 87.4 + I -5393 + - oo8 7 -.003 .0041+ I .13 .50 .17 3978 L 6463 4-7 33 24-814 80.7 + 3-79 8 9+-0255 .006 + .OOIO O .09 .48 .17 3979 Bootis 5-4 34 14-102 76-3 + 2.I538+.O022 + .OO2 + .0055- I .05 .28 .11 398o L 6464 4.8 34 18.798 82.6 + 4.I057 + .037I .OIO .0172+ 2 .11 .68 .22 398i Br 1978 5-2 34 22.075 75-6 + 3-5383 + -0180 .OO4 .0016 o .07 .32 .13 3982 Ursae Min 5-4 34 22.538 74-4 -1.8674+. 1898 -195 -.0137+ 3 .05 .30 .12 3983 Groomb 2275 6.9 34 58-9I9 67.4 -3- 6 572 + .3739 -447 -.0899+ 8 .08 .38 .18 3984 Groomb 2258 7-i 34 59-401 83.1 + 2.0340+. 0030 + .00 1 .0001 o .12 .44 .17 3985 Pi 153 6.0 35 4-029 68.8 + 1.9194+. 0042 .000 + .0082+ I .IO .46 .22 3986 Groomb 2276 7-7 35 "-628 71.8 -3.6568+. 3737 -.446 -.0840+ 7 .09 .52 .22 3987 L 6470 6-3 35 22.881 94-8 + 4.3 183 + .0445 -.013 .0027 o .l6 I.I7 .24 3988 2 Coronae Bor 5-i 35 36-720 73-3 + 2.2589+.OO22 + .002 .0009 o .05 .30 .12 3989 L 6486 5-4 36- 8.213 85.6 + 3.8857 + .0280 -.008 .0048 o .13 .63 .20 3990 K Librae 5-i 36 11.007 72.6 + 3-4492 + .OI57 .004 .0032+ I .06 .26 .11 3991 Br 1980 4-9 36 iS.SSS 81.3 + 3-8io5 + .0255 .007 .0026 o .12 .62 .21 3992 Br 1983 6.2 36 23.255 77-7 + 2. 7565 + .0041 + .001 + .0017 o .09 .40 .l6 3993 X Serpentis 5-3 37 5-020 81.0 + 2.8210+. 0048 + .OOI + .0025 o .11 .38 .16 3994 i Serpentis m 4.6 37 5-48i 69.1 + 2.6725 + .0036 + .OO2 .0051 o .09 .34 .16 3995 Br 1988 6.1 37 24.688 68.2 + 2.6974+. 0036 + .OO2 .0056 o .10 .36 .18 3996 Br 1987 6.8 37 48.353 61.1 + 3-3570+-OI34 -.003 .OOII+ I .12 .64 .34 3997 1} Librae 5-7 38 26.771 70-3 + 3. 3 688 + .oi 3 6 -.003 .0027 o .06 .26 .12 3998 y Coronae Bor 3-8 38 32.593 72.2 + 2.5i88 + .oo26 + .O02 - -0075 o .05 .28 .12 3999 L 6477 m 5-9 38 45-970 87.7 + 5.4231 + . 1015 .028 .0019+ I .20 .88 .28 4000 $ Serpentis 6.1 15 39 o.ooo 64.0 + 3.oi26+.oo73 + .OOI -.0057+ I .14 .51 .27 3954 h 4788. 8 M 2 " 4 359. 3978 Br 1972. n9 G Lupi <}/, 3 Lupi y, etc. 3956 8 M fols. 2 3983-6 S 1972. 4, S 89". 31" 81 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 161 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 fl t (i'and looAp.' Prob. Errors. SEp. ioo(i' Sio Remarks. 3951 t ft -27 42 36.69 75-3 ft ft -12.349+423 It + .18 // - -045 o // // it .12 49 .21 36 Librae 3952 - 9 43 18.87 73-6 -I2.54I + .384 + -I3 -.248+ 2 .06 .26 .11 37 Librae 3953 + 31 41 47.26 76.0 12. 306+. 284 + .06 .026 o .05 .32 .12 3954 -4437 24.74 79.6 -I2-3I2 + .479 + 25 - -039 o .13 .73 .26 114 G Lupi d* 3955 - 8 50 49.17 83.0 -I2.294+.378 + 13 .024 o .IO .50 .17 3956 -73 658.49 82.4 -i2.273 + -76i + .84 .018 o IS -63 -23 33 G Apodis Serpentis 5-8 52 37-73 66.6 + 2. 7668 +.O044 + .OOI .0077 o .15 .64 .32 4061 L 6609 5-2 jtffe 52 4nBiS 86.0 ,O?0 Ursae Min 5-2 20 25.384 77.0 -1.8030+. 1133 -.045 .018222 .04 .22 .09 4182 a) Herculis 4-6 2O 48.022 82.2 + 2.7669+. 0045 .000 + .0030 o .06 .46 .14 4183 X Ophiuchi 4-8 21 13.629 69.2 + 3.4720+.ou8 .007 .0003 o .08 .36 .17 4184 Br 2093 5-7 21 50.391 81.8 + 2. 1357 + .0035 .000 + .0003 o .08 .42 .14 4185 L6824 5-4 21 56.014 86.6 + 5.3024+. 0616 .061 .0013 o .14 .80 .23 4186 Groomb 2347 5-6 22 2.l82 62.6 -o.i 586 +.0445 .022 -.0054+ I .14 .69 .35 4187 Groomb 2343 5-8 22 14.064 82.5 + i.3o84+.oioi .004 + .0019 o .05 .32 .10 4188 Cape, 3035 5-5 22 20.056 88.6 + 3. 2321 + .0086 .004 + .0024+ I .12 .64 .18 4189 v Ophiuchi 4-7 22 23.577 72.8 + 3. 2409+. 0086 .004 .0057 o .11 .50 .21 4190 L 6841 5-6 22 27.458 87.9 + 4-3323 + -0295 -.025 .0015 o .15 .80 .23 4191 Groomb 2345 m 5-8 22 27.581 66.4 + 0.7854+. 0188 .OIO .0050 o .12 .54 .26 4192 i; Draconis 2.7 22 38.143 68.0 + 0.8046+. 0183 .010 .0025 I .03 .18 .08 4193 o Scorpii 0.8 23 16.507 69.2 + 3-6720+.OI49 .OIO -.0005 o .03 .15 .07 4194 L 6809 5-6 23 16.824 89-5 + 6.5590+. 1203 -.142 .0089+ I .20 I.O4 .29 4195 Pulk M 2356 5-7 23 28.243 89.8 + 3. 053 2 + .0066 .002 .0002 o .11 .58 .16 4196 L 6545 6-3 23 34.61- 76.3 + 2I.343-+2.353- + .007- + 6 .05 .42 .15 4197 Pulk 2358 5-9 24 7.720 92.6 + 3.3869 + . 0103 .006 + .0016 o .13 .70 .18 4198 Br 2092 4-9 24 7.858 80.6 + 3.6387 + .0142 .009 .0004 o .09 .38 .14 4199 L68 S4 5-6 24 44-754 91.8 +4.I575 + .0244 .020 .0004 o .18 1.95 .40 4200 L 6859 4-4 16 24 50.783 82.8 + 3-9H7 + .OI92 -.015 .0007 o .09 .50 .16 4176 W. H. 9 M 34" 18. 4191 2 2054. , slow. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 169 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 a t H.' and 100 A ji' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 4i5i 01 II + 76 7 45-75 75-6 // tt - 8.964 .226 // + -30 it + .007 o // it a .05 .22 .09 19 Ursae Min 4152 + 66 37 29.28 60.9 - 8-954 +.043 + .08 -.008 o .12 43 .24 4153 -47 5 6 5 2 - 00 87.4 - 8. 97 2 + . 5 78 + .22 - -034 o .11 .61 .18 51 G Normas 4154 + 26 8 23.81 76.2 - 8. 9 34+. 3 28 + -0 5 .009 o .11 .35 .16 19 Herculis 4155 -23 5542-47 71.7 - 8.937 + 474 + -13 .040 o 09 -33 -IS 19 Scorpii (o) 4156 - 49 20 0.83 79-8 - 8.898 + .588 + -23 -.031 o .14 .73 .26 52 G Normae 4157 + 75 27 3-46 69.8 - 8.838-. 202 + .2 7 + .025 I .10 .35 .17 20 Ursas Min 4158 25 21 IO-49 73-o - 8.890+. 480 + .12 - .032 o .05 .23 .10 W.H. 8 M 2l"272 4159 + 595950-75 60.1 - 8.8oi + .i34 + .04 + .020 o .10 44 .24 4160 + 73 38 21. ii 74-9 - 8.755-. 131 + .19 + .018 o .09 .34 .15 4161 + 39 56 51.40 61.4 - 8.766 + . 272 + .04 .017 I .12 47 .26 4162 + 4633 4.92 73-2 8. 700+. 240 + -03 + .030 o .03 .15 .06 4163 + i 15 49.84 64.8 - 8.666 + .401 + .08 + .043- I .10 .34 .18 4164 -3 8 57 32-95 89.2 - 8.709 + .537 + -17 .019+ I .11 .61 .17 62 G Scorpii 4165 + 19 23 15.98 72.4 - 8.630+. 351 + .06 + -039 o .04 .20 .08 4166 -6951 31.68 89.0 - 8.5S3 + .8 5 i + -55 + .100+ 5 .12 .77 .20 4167 -37 1956-97 84.6 8. 664 + . 529 + .16 .022 o .13 .69 .22 66 G Scorpii 4168 78 40 20.97 76.6 8.699+1.190 + 1-31 -077- 5 .07 42 .l6 4169 + 31 7 25-5 65.6 - 8.522 + -3IO + .04 + .092 i .09 .37 .19 4170 19 48 12.65 64.9 - 8.674 + . 465 + .11 .063 o .07 .31 .16 4171 29 28 7.21 75-o - 8.7 1 7 + .499 + .14 .117 o .17 .84 .34 1 h 4850. 6'.' S 350 4172 -29 28 13.48 80.6 - 8.685 + .499 + .14 -.085+ I .12 .52 .19 J 67 G Scorpii 4173 + 34 2 3.39 61.1 - 8.633 + .301 + .04 .049 o .11 .57 .30 4174 -63 49 5-5 8 79-7 - 8-570+.735 + -39 +.008+ I .13 .64 .23 Dunlop. 9" 22" 20 4175 + 3356 9.80 62.3 - 8.5I9+-30I + .04 + .055 o .IO .60 .30 4176 + 3233 58-17 70.7 - 8.56i + -307 + .04 .018 o .08 .30 .14 23 Herculis * 4177 + 7 10 44.95 63-7 - 8.519+. 389 + .07 + .008 o .12 .46 .24 21 Herculis o 4178 -23 12 59.21 76.8 - 8.526+. 478 + .12 .021 o .08 .27 .12 See Appendix 4179 58 22 20.89 85-3 - 8.540+. 668 + .29 - -53 o .16 .73 .24 55 G Normae 4180 -47 I934-9I 67.0 - 8.492 + .583 + .20 -.008 o .17 I.O5 .48 114853- 7 M 23"335 4181 + 75 59 8.97 75-4 - 8.i87-.2 3 7 + .2 9 + .252 2 .05 .23 .09 4182 + 14 15 47.80 78.8 - 8.474+. 370 + .06 - .065 o .06 .33 .12 /3 625. I2 M 2" 183 4183 -18 13 46.14 67.9 8.406+463 + .11 -.031 o .09 .34 .17 4184 + 37 37 17-5 75-3 - 8-3S2 + .287 + .04 .026 o .08 .33 .14 25 Herculis 4185 -61 2443.07 85-1 - 8.322 + .707 + -33 -.003 o .12 .65 .20 33 G Trianguli Aust 4186 + 69 20 26.11 60.7 - 8.324- .018 + .10 .014 I .14 .58 .32 4187 + 55 25 56.64 78.0 - 8.279+. 177 + -03 + .016 o .06 .31 .12 4188 7 22 I0.5O 84-3 8.459+433 + .09 .172 o .10 .55 .17 4189 - 8 8 52.76 71.4 - 8.274+433 + .10 + .009 I .09 .38 .17 4190 46 i 16.62 87.7 - 8.287 + . 578 + .20 .010 o .12 .71 .20 59 G Normae 4191 + 61 55 26.36 63.1 - 8.245 + . 107 + .05 + .032- I .11 44 .23 * 4192 + 61 44 25.81 66.5 8. 204+. no + -05 + .059 o .03 .14 .07 OS 3 i2.8 M S '-'4i43 4193 26 12 36.80 71.0 - 8.245 + 492 + .12 - -033 o .04 .18 .08 Antares * 4194 70 46 19.10 89.6 - 8.248 + . 875 + -57 -.037- I .16 .97 .25 45 G Apodis 4195 + o 53 19.44 88.2 8.272 + 410 + .oS .076 o .11 47 .15 4196 -86 1042.86 79-9 - 8.189+2.845 .001 + I .05 .38 .12 26 G Octantis 4197 -14 1953.37 88.6 - 8.135 + 455 + .10 + .008 o .13 .64 .19 4198 - 24 53 42.46 81.2 - 8.171 + 488 + .12 .028 o .10 43 .16 22 Scorpii 4199 -4i 35 59-75 9-5 - 8.068 + .558 + -17 + .026 o .14 1.50 .32 71 G Scorpii 4200 -34 29 11.62 77.1 - 8.IIO+.525 + .15 .024 o .09 43 .17 72 G Scorpii N etc. 4193 Mitchell. 7 M 3" 278. 170 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 Ap Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m s s s s s // // // 4201 Br 2102 Var. 16 25 21.421 75-3 + 1.9682 + .0040 .OOI + .0020 o .08 .33 14. 4202 Ophiuchi 4-4 25 24.845 71.2 + 3.4287 + .0109 .OO6 .0038 o .06 .28 .13 4203 X Ophiuchi m 4.0 25 S2-I36 76-3 + 3. 02 20 +.0063 .OO2 .0032 o 4204 ft Herculis 2.6 25 55-239 78.8 + 2.5770+. 0036 .OOO - .0075 o .03 .21 .07 4205 (JTrianguli Aust 5-5 26 6.944 84.2 + 5-74I5 + .0766 -.087 + .0059+ 2 .l8 .78 .27 4206 32 .000 .0007 o .09 .38 .16 4287 L 7016 5-i 46 56.390 85.0 + 4.2234+.O2OI -.025 + .0005 o .11 .72 .21 4288 L7oi7 5-4 47 o-774 86.4 + 4. 2005 + .01 97 -.025 .0003 o .l6 .70 .23 4289 L 7019 6.1 47 23-075 87-5 + 4.2287 + .0201 .026 + .0003 o .16 .75 .24 4290 Pi 214 6.1 47 30-9 12 74-5 + 3-537 2 + .oioo .009 -.0037 o 13 -56 .23 4291 Br 2144 6.7 47 3 I - 6 36 85-3 + 2. 7292 + .0039 .001 + .0006 o .04 .33 .09 4292 Scorpii 3-5 47 32-754 85.6 + 4.2 1 28 + .0204 .026 .OIO9+ 2 .12 .63 .19 4293 Groomb 2391 6-3 47 32-905 76-5 2. 7292 + . I2O7 + 037 + .017630 .07 .46 .17 4294 Br 2147 5-3 47 36-538 80.2 +2.4859 +.0033 .000 + .OOI2 O .11 .39 .16 4295 L733 6.6 48 13.108 84-4 + 3-8223 + .OI34 -015 + .0033 o 13 -75 -23 4296 L 7024 6.8 48 25.942 92.9 + 4.6i4o+.0274 -39 .0019 o .15 .98 .22 4297 L 7038 7.6 48 45-365 88.8 + 4.U45 + .OI78 -.023 .0009 o .15 .78 .22 4298 Br 2143 7-4 48 48.155 77-7 + 3.62ii + .oio8 .Oil -.0005 o .10 .44 .17 4299 L 6989 6.2 48 49.569 79.8 + 6.403 1 + .0802 -.161 -.0034+ I .16 .75 .28 4300 Br 2151 5-6 16 49 10.506 67-5 + 2. 2734+. 0033 .000 - .0075 o .07 .28 .14 4266 2 2096. 9^3 23" c 4284 /S 627. IO M i'/8 318. CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO 173 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'andiooA|i Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 (i' Sio Remarks. 4251 o / // 28 19 24.09 78.6 ft It - 6.950+. 514 // +.11 + .009 o it ft tt .12 .51 .20 90 G Scorpii 4252 - 46 20 46.45 92.0 6.998 + .603 +17 .041 o .13 .83 .20 10 G Arae 4253 -58 927-I3 83.8 6.999 +.698 + .24 - -045 o .15 .69 .24 9 G Arae 4254 -22 5951.85 77-2 - 6.952 + 495 + .10 .024 o .11 .47 .19 15 Ophiuchi 4255 + 39 644.01 68.1 - 6.995 + .285 + .03 - -095 o .04 .l6 .08 4256 -39 IJ 36-61 91.4 - 6.889+. 563 + .14 .029 o .l6 I. II .26 91 G Scorpii 4257 + 6 16 47.06 69.4 - 7-I23 + .40I + .06 -.277- 2 .08 .34 .l6 41 Herculis 4258 + 34 13 22.56 70.6 - 6.792 + .305 + .03 + .050 I .12 .52 .24 4259 + 64 46 42.88 64.0 - 6.855 + .058 + .05 .017 o .06 .27 .14 1 8 Draconis g 4260 + I 12 12.56 73-4 6. 822 + .420 + .06 .000 o .11 .33 .16 1 6 Ophiuchi 4261 25 20 47.20 77-7 - 6.815 + .506 + .10 .019 o .09 .40 .l6 25 Scorpii 4262 + 155547.67 81.9 - 6.82 7 + . 37 6 + .05 .040 o .11 .47 .I? 4263 + 55 52 25.64 71.2 - 6.703 + . 171 + .03 +.077+ I .09 .36 .I? 4264 + 8 45 53.38 64.2 - 6.7 5 6+.3 9 8 + .05 + .016 o .09 .32 .I? 43 Herculis i 4265 58 51 46.08 77-8 6.807 + . 712 + -25 -.045+ I .09 .43 .16 4266 + 2 14 40.52 58-5 6. 701 + . 418 + .06 .019 o .11 .40 .23 19 Ophiuchi * 4267 24 20 52.03 81.2 - 6. 694 +.504 + .10 .015 o .11 .56 .20 Magns. discordant 4268 65 12 3-12 82.7 6. 699+. 800 + 33 .022 o .13 .63 .22 44 G Trianguli Aust 4269 + 5 25 33-3 74-2 - 6. 667 + .409 + .06 - -45 o .11 .34 .16 45 Herculis / 4270 + 56S737-67 75-6 - 6.520+. 160 + .03 + .056 o .06 .36 .14 4271 -24 27 54.16 80.7 - 6.578+. 505 + .10 -.023 o .IO .51 .l8 1 8 Ophiuchi 4272 -34 642.37 72.4 - 6.8n + .53o + -I3 -.258- 7 .07 .31 .14 4273 IO 36 22. 6l 7-5 6. 604 +.46 1 + .08 .102+ I .06 .29 .13 20 Ophiuchi 4274 -41 331.06 80.6 - 6.480+. 579 + .14 .002 o .12 .51 .19 97 G Scorpii 4275 + 5535 13.21 77-5 - 6.463 + . 173 + .03 -.003+ I .10 .45 .18 4276 + 13 26 8.01 70-5 - 6.475 + .385 + .05 .028 o .10 .34 .17 22103. io M 5"39 4277 -37 52 32-75 74-2 - 6.466+. 563 + 13 - .030 o .08 .33 .14 4278 l6 22 29.02 73-6 - 6.4S5 + .478 + .07 .026 o .11 .44 .19 4279 + 30 8 io.ii 76.8 - 6-339+-324 + .04 +.075- I .IO .36 .l6 48 Herculis 4280 + 7 25 12.93 66.7 - 6.413 + .405 + .05 .008 o .10 .33 .17 47 Herculis k 4281 -37 5049.19 75-o - 6.425 + .563 + 13 .028 o .09 .36 .16 4282 63 6 12.29 77-8 - 6. 3 77 + .774 + .28 .023 o 13 -57 -23 17 G ATX 4283 -25 25 51.86 75-4 - 6.374+.5io + .09 .024 o .14 .77 .30 See. 13" a S 5 4284 + 46 9 25.83 64.2 6.408 + .246 + .03 -.073 o .08 .26 .15 52 Herculis * 4285 + i 23 9.95 57-6 - 6.358 + .423 + .06 .026 o .09 .39 .22 21 Ophiuchi * 4286 + 295837.15 74-5 6.306 + . 326 + .04 .007 o .07 .32 .13 50 Herculis 4287 -42 ii 44-51 81.3 - 6.302 + .588 + 13 .019 o .09 .54 .18 103 G Scorpii l * 4288 -41 38 24.22 83-1 - 6.289+. 584 + .14 .012 o .14 .6l .22 101 G Scorpii, Cluster 4289 -42 18 48.39 81.1 - 6.25 9 +. S 88 + .14 -.013 o 13 -57 -21 105 G Scorpii, Cluster 4290 -20 1454-22 76-3 - 6.273 + .492 + .08 - .038 o .12 .51 .21 4291 + 15 830.60 80.5 6.241 + .381 + .05 .007 o .05 .28 .IO 49 Herculis 4292 42 ii 24.02 82.6 - 6.470+. 585 + .14 -.237- 2 .10 .51 .17 104 G Sc. 3 . Cluster 4293 + 77 41 11.20 77-8 - 6.026-. 373 + 33 + .2O6+ 2 .06 .37 .14 Kustner. IO M 3" 190 4294 + 2449 27.73 73-9 - 6.22S + .347 + .04 + .O02 .10 .34 .16 51 Herculis 4295 -30 25 22.95 83.0 - 6.I74+-533 + .10 + .003 o .12 .58 .20 107 G Scorpii 4296 - 50 30 44.60 89.2 6. 184+. 642 + .16 - .025 o 13 '67 -19 21 G Arae 4297 -392033.21 81.8 - 6.I50+.574 + 13 .018 o .13 .54 .20 io8GSc.(B. A. C. hasp) 4298 -23 20 53.79 83-9 - 6.159+. 505 + .09 -.031 o .11 .58 .19 22 Ophiuchi 4299 69 636.48 78.7 6. 151 + . 891 + 39 .025 o 14 -59 - 2 3 45 G Trianguli Aust 4300 + 31 52 1.30 66.5 6.I2O+-3I7 + .03 -.023- I .06 .27 .13 53 Herculis 4285 OS 315. 8 M o'.'S 159. 4287 See. s1C7-6*2 o'/2 175, Cluster. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo)i a 10 M b m 5 8 S S s // rt n 4301 Br 2146 5-5 16 49 14.967 66.2 + 3. 203 7 + .0066 -.005 .0023 o .IO .44 .21 4302 t Ophiuchi 4-3 49 16.561 70.8 + 2.8365 + .0044 .002 .0038 o .07 .30 .14 4303 Pi 232 6.9 50 15.438 76.8 + 3-4593 + -0087 -.008 + .0057 o .08 .46 .17 4304 Arae 3- 50 20.572 78.4 + 4.9483 + .0342 -055 -.0027+ I .09 .48 .l8 4305 Groomb 2389 7.0 50 22.685 84.1 + 1.893 7 + .0049 .001 + .0104+ 4 .09 .52 .l6 4306 L 74S 5-8 5 34-857 86.7 + 4-6i84+.o267 .040 .0004+ i .20 .80 .27 4307 Pulk 2414 5-8 50 36.607 87.0 + 2. 5838 + .0034 .001 + .0042 o .11 .58 .17 4308 Pi 228 5-7 50 39-991 88.4 + 3. 903 2 + .01 42 -.017 .0008 o .15 .84 .24 4309 Br 2148 m 5-7 50 46.097 84.2 + 3.6i32 + .oio4 .Oil .0005 o .07 .45 .14 43io Br 2154 6. 4 5 56.557 76.6 + 2. 4538 + .0033 .001 + .0009 o .IO .36 .l6 43" Br 2152 5-6 50 58.482 72.6 + 2-6355 + . 0036 .001 .0075 o .10 .38 .17 43 Pi 236 6.7 51 11.389 75-8 + 3. 5 207 + .0094 .010 .0008 o .IO .48 .20 4313 e Arae 4.1 51 36.712 76.8 + 4-7675 + .0293 -.047 .0004 o .IO .48 .19 4314 Groomb 2390 7.2 52 40.183 62.3 + 0.8150+. 0137 .006 + .0057 o .14 .62 .32 4315 K Ophiuchi 3-2 52 56.074 74-4 + 2.8376+. 0043 .002 .0199 o .03 .l6 .06 43i6 Br 2157 6.7 53 24.686 73-o + 2. 4620 +.OO3 2 .001 + .0006 o .11 .50 .21 4317 Groomb 2393 7-4 53 46.326 78.8 + o.59i2 + .oi67 -.007 -.0454+ 4 .10 .57 .20 43i8 Br 2153 6.1 53 50- 2 78 75-i + 3.6678+. 0107 .012 .0003 o .IO .46 .19 4319 Br 2155 5-9 54 1-905 75-9 + 3. 6690+. 0107 .OI2 + .0035 o .IO .48 .19 4320 L?73 5-5 55 9-276 80.8 + 4-7797 + -0286 -.048 .0010+ 3 .16 .75 .27 4321 L 7089 5-3 55 24-576 85-1 + 3.8734+.OI30 -.017 .0009 o .10 .66 .20 4322 Br 2169 S-o 55 28.679 66.5 + 0-322I + .O2O4 -.008 + 0394- 4 .08 .40 .20 4323 Br 2159 $-1 55 47-i6o 82.0 + 3.1602 + . 0060 .OO5 -.0036+ i .07 .40 .13 4324 L 7072 6.0 55 53-649 84.2 + 5.092 1 + .0346 -.063 .0018 o .18 .78 .27 4325 Br 2170 m 6.8 55 55-490 67.8 + O.2862 + .O2O8 -.008 .0072 i .10 .54 .25 4326 Br 2158 6.7 56 0.182 73-9 + 3 -SOS +-0087 .O09 .0031 o .08 .44 .18 4327 e Ursae Min 4-5 56 12.208 66-5 -6-3039 + -3I5I + .516 + .0072 i .03 .15 .07 4328 Herculis 3-8 56 27.799 75-8 + 2. 2941 + .003 1 .OOI .0036 o .03 .18 .07 4329 Pulk M 2420 6.0 56 44-767 87.5 + 2.5314+. 0033 .OOI .0010 o .12 .58 .18 4330 Pi 291 6-3 57 3i-4i6 7i-5 + 1.097 1 + .0095 -.005 -..0057 o 00 -38 -I? 4331 Pi 269 7.0 57 5i-5i6 76.7 + 3-6875 + .OI03 -.013 .0005 o .12 .51 .21 4332 Br 2165 5-4 57 54-842 79-3 + 2.2I3I + .0032 .OOI .OOSO .06 .39 .14 4333 L 7111 6.9 58 9-596 88.0 + 3-77 6 3 + -on6 -.015 + .0065+ 2 .13 .98 .25 4334 L 7109 S-o 58 14-564 80.2 + 3-94I3 + .OI32 -.018 + .0006 o .11 .45 .17 4335 L 7069 7-i 58 29.028 83-7 + 6.3781 + .0682 -.166 .OOII+ 2 .l6 .84 .28 4336 Br 2163 5-3 58 32-939 74-8 + 2. 7467 + .0038 .OOI + .0013 o .11 -44 -19 4337 Br 2160 7.0 58 34-363 79-3 + 3-6853 + -0103 - -013 .0018+ I .12 .58 .22 4338 Pi 273 6.4 58 49.814 75-o + 3.5501 + .0088 .010 .0005 o .13 .51 .22 4339 Pi 277 7-3 59 0.906 68.9 + 3.3216+. 0068 .006 .0002 o .11 .51 .24 4340 Br 2164 6.1 59 3-522 71.0 + 2.7547 + .0038 .OOI .0022 o 09 -36 -17 4341 Br 2166 6.4 59 21.881 66.7 + 2.7585 + . 0039 .OOI + .OOIO+ I .12 .42 .21 4342 Paris 21575 8.0 59 50-947 80.4 + 3.i2i8 + .oo72 -.005 .0611+ 7 .12 .98 .31 4343 Br 2168 6.8 16 59 54.833 77-8 + 2. 1530+. 0034 .OOI + .0032 o .11 .68 .24 4344 Br 2162 6-5 17 o 13.481 76-5 + 3-577+ -009 .on .0021+ I .11 .48 .19 4345 Pi 289 5-7 o 22.987 72-5 + 3. 0890 +.005 2 .004 .0004 o .11 .48 .21 4346 Br 2167 4-9 o 44.441 78.2 + 2. 7805 +.0038 .OOI + .0036 o .06 .28 .11 4347 L 7102 6.8 o 58.667 86.5 + 5.4565 + -0399 -.088 .0005 o .20 .8l .27 4348 Dpt 1898 6-5 I 41.740 78.3 + 3.io86 + .oo53 .004 + .0019 o !3 -75 -27 4349 Pi 307 6.7 2 2.128 69.1 + 1.8243 + .0042 .002 .0008 o .14 .57 .27 4350 Pulkjj 2434 6.0 I? 2 4.175 87.4 + 2. 5358 + . 0034 .OOI .0080 o .12 .58 .18 4309/81117. 4310 S 2110. IO M 18" 92 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 175 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andiooAn' Prob. Errors. 5Ep. 100 M.' 810 Remarks. 4301 / // - 5 59 25-99 65-7 - 6.I20+.447 ft + .06 .029 o .09 .39 .20 23 Ophiuchi 4302 + 10 19 47.30 74.1 - 6.I34+-396 + .05 - .046 o .06 .28 .12 4303 - 16 38 49.21 77-8 - 5. 974+. 484 + .07 + .034+ i .08 .47 .I? 4304 -55495S- 88 77-2 6. 04 1 + .690 + .20 .041 o .08 .40 .15 43<>5 + 42^948.24 81.9 - 6.327 + . 267 + .02 - -33+ 2 .08 .41 .14 4306 -50 28 58.54 79-2 - 6.03 1 + .645 + .16 - -051 o .14 .57 .22 4307 + 21 7 9.60 83.0 - 5-983 + -3 6 3 + .03 .006+ i .11 .47 .I? 4308 -33 6 3.47 81.6 - 5. 982 + .546 + .11 .010 .15 .69 .25 113 G Sc. (also 27 F) 4309 -22 59 29.37 84.2 - 5.968 + . 505 + .09 - .004 o .08 .48 .15 24 Ophiuchi * + 25.53 29-67 72.7 - S-979 + -344 + -03 .029 o .IO .32 .l6 56 Herculis * 43" + 183534.43 69.5 - 5-939+ -368 + .04 + .008- I .09 .34 .16 54 Herculis * 43" -19 22 53.95 76.3 - 5. 948 + .493 + .08 .019 o .11 .42 .l8 South 8 M 5" 232 4313 -53 024.06 75-4 - 5. 893 + .667 + .18 + .001 o .09 .39 .16 25 G Arae t 1 43H + 60 31 20.42 5S-i - 5.817 + . 117 + .03 .012+ I 13 -55 -33 4315 + 931 49-4 73-6 - S-797 + -39 6 + .04 - -014- 3 .03 .16 .06 43i6 + 25 30 25.04 75-8 - 5. 744+. 346 + -03 .001 o .08 .37 .15 57 Herculis 4317 + 62 15 31.86 75-7 - 5-763 + -07 8 + .04 - .050- 6 .09 .44 .18 24 56 25.86 74-3 - 5-729+-5I5 + .09 .022 .10 .43 .18 66 G Ophiuchi 4319 24 50 11.82 78.1 + .09 - .065 o .09 .39 .16 67 G Ophiuchi 4320 -53 5 12.94 72.6 - 5.748+. 672 .151 o .12 .51 .23 31 G Arae i 2 4321 -31 594I-67 82.7 - 5-637 + -545 + .09 .062 o .10 .53 .18 117 G Scorpii 4322 + 65 17 15.17 60.4 - 5.520+. 053 + .05 + .049+ 5 .06 .24 .13 19 Draconis h 4323 4^4 22.20 78.9 - 5-632 + -444 + .05 - .088 o 07 -34 -13 30 Ophiuchi 4324 -57 34 3-7 84-9 5. 563 + . 716 + .20 .029 o 15 -75 -24 32 G Arae 4325 + 65 ii 28.30 61.8 - 5.502 + .042 + .05 + .030- I .09 .32 .18 20 Draconis h* * 4326 18 44 18.67 70.7 - 5-5S2 + -493 + .07 .027 o .08 .35 .16 29 Ophiuchi 4327 + 82 12 7.66 75-5 5.510 .880 + 94 .001+ I .03 .13 .05 4328 + 31 4 24.46 71.1 - 5.466+. 323 + -03 + .021 o .04 .21 .09 4329 + 22 4645.88 83-4 - 5-489+ -357 + -03 .026 o .12 .48 .17 4330 + 5650 6.61 64-3 - 5-37I + -I56 + -03 + .026 I .08 .31 .16 4331 -25 33 !9-5 2 76.2 5-396 + -520 + .08 .027 o .12 .51 .21 28 Ophiuchi 4332 + 33 42 46.10 73-i - 5-376 + -3J3 + .02 .012 o .06 .31 .13 59 Herculis d 4333 - 28 26 3.49 88.1 - 5.622 + . 534 + .0 9 - .278+ I .14 1.07 .27 73 G Ophiuchi 4334 4335 -33 5856-31 - 68 42 38.96 70.0 79.0 - S-336+- 556 - 5.358+ .898 + .10 + -34 + .001 o .042 o .IO .42 .20 .12 .6l .22 120 G Scorpii k 46 G Trianguli Aust 4336 + 14 14 8.73 72.8 - 5.378+. 388 + .04 .067 o .09 -37 .17 (32 Ophiuchi) 4337 -2530 9.77 76.8 - 5-393+ -520 + .08 - .084 o .12 .51 .21 31 Ophiuchi 4338 2O 21 I5.O2 79.0 5-3 2 5 + -5oi + .07 - -037 o .12 .58 .22 4339 -iS6 53-5 72.1 - 5. 287 + .469 + .06 -015 o .IO .48 .21 4340 + 13 4449-59 62.3 - 5-3I2 + -389 + .04 .044 o .09 .32 .l8 (33 Ophiuchi) 4341 + 13 42 40.49 54-9 - S-376+- 390 + .04 - -134 o .12 .49 .30 (34 Ophiuchi) 4342 - 4 5$ 48.38 79-2 - 6.348+. 433 + -5 -1.147- 9 .11 .87 .29 4343 + 35 33 l8 -9! 72-3 - 5-239+ -36 + .02 - -043 .IO .42 .19 61 Herculis (c) 4344 -2i 25 33.63 75-o 5. 254+. 506 + .07 - .085 o .10 .39 .17 79 G Ophiuchi 4345 - o 45 17.96 74-4 5.161 + . 437 + .05 .005 o .09 .40 .17 4346 + 12 52 40.64 77-o - 5-143 + -394 + .04 .017 o .05 .24 .IO 60 Herculis 4347 61 32 38.62 79.0 - 5.106+. 771 + .22 .000 o -14 -57 -23 74 G Arae U ,, ft ft 4348 - i 31 17-74 75-4 5.092 + .441 + .05 - .047 o .09 .46 .18 2 2122. 9 M 20" 280 4349 + 43 5652.17 56.4 - 5.030+. 259 + .02 - .014 o .13 .46 .28 4350 + 22 13 9.39 83.6 - 5.065 + .359 + .03 - .052- I .12 .49 .l8 4311/8954. io M 3"i75 4323 S 2118. 7*| I 3-71( I 8 < i"i probably binary. i 7 6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H. and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M h m s 9 5 S s ft // // 4351 Pi 310 6. 4 17 2 10.575 84.7 + 1. 5902 +.0056 - .003 + .0036+ i .12 .62 .20 4352 Pi 297 6. 4 2 26.384 77-9 + 3-4799+. 0078 .009 .0000 o .10 .50 .19 4353 Pi 303 6.2 3 4-iio 73-9 + 3. 0930+. 005 I .004 .0008 o .11 .51 .22 4354 /i Draconis m 5.1 3 15-765 65-2 + 1. 2407 + .OO74 .004 .0083 i .09 .40 .20 4355 L 7147 5-2 3 27.471 82.6 + 4.3396+. 0176 - -031 .0031+ i .15 .78 .26 4356 Radcl 3658 5-7 4 16.207 91.8 + 3.3i57 + .oo6s .006 + .0055+ i .12 .78 .18 4357 Br 2173 7-2 4 25.507 82.0 + 2.4776+.0032 .001 .0003 o .12 .38 .16 4358 Pi 3 5-6 4 29.333 70.2 + 2.I258+.0033 .001 .0016 o .10 .54 .23 4359 Groomb 2415 6.4 4 30.992 83-3 + I-9559+.0038 .001 .0025 o .06 .46 .14 4360 17 Ophiuchi m 2.4 4 38.550 72.6 + 3-4372 + -007I - .008 + .0025 I .03 .16 .07 4361 i) Scorpii 3-3 4 59.418 73-3 + 4.2896+. 0169 .029 + .0022+ 4 .09 .40 .l8 4362 L 7159 m 5-8 5 21.714 85.8 + 4.1366+. 0144 .024 -.0018+ I .12 .66 .20 4363 Pi 3" 7-2 5 57-549 84.4 + 3.7278+. 0097 .014 -.0043+ ! .14 .78 .24 4364 Pulk w 2441 5-3 6 18.780 87.9 + I-94I5 + .0037 .001 .0047 o .12 .60 .18 4365 Br 2177 6-5 654.712 73-9 + 2. 4822 + .003 I .001 .0012 o .09 .58 .23 4366 Br 2178 5-6 "7 44.924 64.8 + 2.8261 + .0038 .002 .0001 o .13 .48 .26 4367 Br 2174 7-2 8 0.497 78.4 + 3-73I2 + .0094 .014 .0008+ I .IO .46 .18 4368 Draconis 3.1 8 29.787 74.1 + o.i66i + .oi9O .006 .0021 I .04 .21 .08 4369 L 7179 5-7 8 45-355 85.2 + 3-9333 + -OI" .019 + .0006 o .13 .78 .23 4370 Br 2176' 5-4 9 11.823 77-o + 3.6860+. 0107 .014 -.0351+ 8 .08 .42 .l6 4371 Br 2176 2 5-4 9 n-944 73-4 + 3.6845+. 0107 .014 -.0366+ 8 .08 .38 .16 4372 Br 2179 7-o 10 4.424 75-o + 3. 6840+. 0106 .014 -.0361+ 8 .IO .44 .l8 4373 o 1 Herculis Var. 10 5-245 66.7 + 2. 7340+. 0034 .002 .0008 o .02 .12 .06 4374 a 2 Herculis 6-5 10 5-555 74-8 + 2.7344 + .0034 .002 .0004 o .09 .62 .24 4375 L 7202 5-7 1033.285 82.9 + 3.8979+. 0106 .019 -.0077 o .IO .52 .l8 4376 8 Herculis 3.1 10 55-435 79.4 + 2. 4628+. 0033 .001 .0018+ I .04 .20 .07 4377 i Apodis 5-8 10 56.465 80.7 + 6.66i4+.o6i4 .209 -.0025+ I .12 .62 .22 4378 L 7194 5-7 n 27.710 89.2 + 4.5427 + -0163 - .036 + .0919 I .20 1.98 .46 4379 Br 2184 4-9 ii 28.609 83.8 + 3.0781 + .0046 .004 .0018 o .07 .45 .14 438o i Apodis 4.8 ii 32.304 82.9 + 6. 2467 + .0498 - .163 -.0063 I .l6 .8l .27 438i IT Herculis 3-2 ii 33-834 78.6 + 2.0883 + .0033 .001 .0021 o .03 .21 .08 4382 Pi 61 5-6 ii 40.778 72.9 + 0.5I03 + .OI35 .006 + .0015- 2 .IO .51 .22 4383 Pi 31 6.9 ii 54-651 85-4 + 3-6536+ -0081 .014 - -0055 o .12 .69 .21 4384 Br 2181 5-5 n 54.696 78.8 + 3. 6544 +.008 1 .014 .0048 o .11 .42 .17 4385 Br 2182 7.0 12 0.613 80.8 + 3. 6601 + .0082 - .013 + .0068+ I .11 .50 .l8 4386 L 7215 m 6.0 12 8.746 81.2 + 4.0796+. 0116 .020 + .0959+ 3 .15 1.16 .37 4387 L 7088 6.1 12 45.067 78.4 + ii.i2o8+.2378 -1.387 + .0017 + 11 .07 .57 .19 4388 Br 2194 Var. 13 37.883 76.1 + 2.2I38+.003I .001 .0016 o .07 .34 .14 4389 Br 2191 5-3 13 54-856 71.0 + 2.8i82 + .oo37 - -003 .0002+ i .10 .42 .19 4390 Pi 43 6.2 14 4-057 77-7 + 3. 4888 +.0066 .010 .0003 o .09 .46 .18 4391 Br 2195 4.8 14 13.288 52.2 + 2. 0676 +.OO3 1 .001 - .0034 o .09 .36 .23 4392 L 7199 6.0 14 37.638 91-3 + 5-62I2 + .0337 - -105 + .0030 o .20 I. II .28 4393 4394 Pi 64 i Ophiuchi 6.0 4-5 14 53.185 15 0.623 73-9 68.6 + 2.35I2 + .0030 + 3. 5928+. 0074 .001 .on + 0932 o + .0171+ 2 .15 .69 .29 .06 .28 .13 4395 v Serpentis 4.4 IS 12.130 64-3 + 3-37 I 4+-oo58 - .008 + .0025 o .09 .38 .19 4396 Groomb 2433 6.7 15 16.590 72.8 + 0.7227 + .0108 - -005 .0060 o .12 .58 .25 4397 Br 2188 6.9 IS 33-510 78.8 + 3-6753 + -0078 .014 -.0031 o .IO .52 .19 4398 t Aras 5-5 15 45.658 87.1 + 4.4979+. 0158 - -038 + .0007+ I .18 I.I? .32 4399 Ophiuchi 3-2 15 52.060 73-2 + 3.6811 + .0078 .014 .0001 o .03 .21 .09 4400 Pi 68 5-3 17 15 54.425 75-9 + 2. 6426 +.003 2 .001 + .0005 o .16 .72 .30 4362 See. 6"| I 3-6*! I 9 o'.'6 294 4378 8 M 2" 69, binary. 4363 ft 125- 4384 W. H. 71*2-9" 5 " 355- CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR IQOO 177 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t I/ and i oo AH Prob. Errors. SEp. IOOH' Sio Remarks. 4351 of ft +48 56 30.21 80.4 // // 5.086+ .227 // + .02 n .082 o // it n .10 .47 .17 4352 -17 2835.65 77.6 -5.004+ .493 + .06 .022 o .10 .46 .18 4353 - 056 51.38 79.8 -4.959+ .439 + .05 - .030 o .11 .46 .18 4354 +5436 7.04 56.2 -4.831+ .176 + .02 + .081- I .06 .24 .14 S 2130. 5*18-5*19 a //j 141, s | ow 4355 -44 25 42-78 77.6 -4.950+ .615 + .11 - -054 o .12 .56 .22 125 G Scorpii 4356 -10 23 34.14 91.6 -4.939+ .472 + .06 .112+ I .12 .75 .18 4357 + 243 6 59-79 78.0 -4.872+ .353 + .0 3 .058 o .11 .36 .l6 62 Herculis 4358 + 36 3 53.46 67.7 -4.831+ .303 + .02 - .023 o .08 .45 .21 Hough. i2 M 20" 142 4359 + 40 38 47.75 79-4 -4.834+ .278 + .02 .028 o .06 .38 .13 4360 - 15 36 4.36 73-2 -4.709+ .489 + .06 + .086 o .04 .l8 .08 1118. 3*10-3*15 o'.'s 351, slow 436i -43 626.35 72.0 5.060+ .610 + -II - .294 o .08 .34 .15 4362 -3922 53.94 83.6 -4.810+ .588 + .10 .076 o .13 .67 .22 127 G Scorpii * 4363 -2655 2.13 77.2 -4.768+ .530 +.07 - .085- I .12 .55 .22 93 G Ophiuchi * 4364 + 40 54 7.24 84-5 -4.656+ .277 + .02 - .003- I .12 .51 .18 4365 + 24 21 34.45 71.4 -4.588+ .354 + -03 + .014 o .09 .47 .20 63 Herculis 4366 + 10 42 22.00 59-5 -4.567+ .403 + .04 - .036 o .12 .43 .25 37 Ophiuchi 4367 -2651 53.11 80.5 -4.583+ .532 + .0 7 - .074 o .IO .42 .l6 99 G Ophiuchi 4368 + 65 50 15.89 73-o -4.447+ .025 + .04 + .020 o .04 .19 .08 4369 -33 25 S7-58 79.8 -4.441+ .561 + .08 + .004 o .13 .60 .22 134 G Scorpii 4370 26 27 21.71 72.2 -5-550+ -521 + .0 7 -1.142- 5 .08 .37 .16 HSh. 4" 192, slow binary 437i 26 27 16.71 74.0 -5-S29+ -521 + .0 7 -1. 122- 5 .IO .44 .19 4372 26 24 7.12 74-8 -5.456+ .521 + .0 7 -1-123- 5 .10 .45 .19 (30 Sc.) 106 G Oph. 4373 + 1430 14.87 65-2 -4.304+ .391 + -03 + .027 o .02 .11 .06 Var. 3 1 !! 1 ! to 3"9 4374 + 14 30 12.60 72.0 -4.300+ .391 + -03 + -031 o .08 .49 .20 JS 2140. 5" 114, v. slow 4375 -3232 59-53 78.8 -4.347+ .556 + .08 - -055- I .10 .45 .17 139 G Scorpii 4376 + 2457 24.95 74.1 -4.423+ .352 + .O2 - -163 o .04 .22 .09 See Appendix 4377 70 i 4.11 79.8 -4.276+ .950 + . 3 .017 o .11 .50 .19 4378 -4631 55-39 86.4 -4.007+ .663 + .11 + .207+14 .16 1.24 .33 41 G Ara * 4379 - o 19 56.88 77-3 -4.272+ .440 + .04 - .059 o -08 .33 .13 41 Ophiuchi 438o -673957-33 80.8 -4.195+ .891 + .26 + -013- I .13 .67 .24 438i + 36 55 17-93 76-5 4.207+ .299 + .O2 .002 o .04 .27 .IO 4382 + 62 59 18.21 66.0 -4.149+ .075 + .0 3 + .046 o .09 .38 .19 4383 -24 1030.15 78.0 -4.185+ .522 + .06 - .008- I .12 .49 .20 1 113 G Ophiuchi 4384 24 10 41.10 74-3 -4.191+ .522 + .06 - -015- I .10 .39 .17 J 39 Ophiuchi (112 G)* 4385 -23 5744-87 78-5 -4-244+ -5 2 5 + .06 - .077+ I .11 .49 .19 114 G Ophiuchi 4386 -34S239-88 73-4 -4-335+ -598 + .08 - .179+14 .l6 1.27 .49 142 G Scorpii * 4387 -8045 58.37 78.6 -4.147 + 1.589 + 99 - .043 o .06 .51 .I? 59 G Apodis 4388 + 33 12 27.40 75-o -4.041+ .318 + .02 - -013 o .07 .32 .13 68 Herculis u * 4389 + 10 58 21.51 65-4 4.103+ .404 + .03 .099 o .09 .32 .17 (66 Here.) (Oph. e) 4390 -1739 6.67 77-7 4.012+ .500 + .05 .021 o .10 .47 .18 * 4391 + 37 23 45-77 62.3 -3.925+ .297 + .02 + -053 o .O? .27 .14 69 Herculis e 4392 62 45 56.18 86.7 -3.954+ .806 + .18 .Oil .15 .8l .24 46 G Arae 4393 + 28 55 38.21 66.2 -3-936+ .338 + .02 -015 o .I 3 .58 .28 4394 21 O 2O.O2 66.0 -4.117+ .518 + .05 .207+ 2 .06 .30 .15 4395 -12 44 43.94 64.1 -3.892+ .484 + .04 + .002 o .08 .29 .15 W.H. 9 "S 47" 3 4396 + 604635.97 68.7 -3.876+ .104 + .02 + .Oil I .IO .41 .20 4397 24 48 18.12 78.2 -3.902+ .527 + .06 - -039 o .10 .49 .19 4398 47 22 12.29 79.2 -3.890+ .645 + .10 .044 o .14 .65 .24 _ 4399 -2453 59-3 72.6 -3.867+ .528 + .06 - -031 o .04 .22 .09 4400 + 18 935.64 68.2 -3.884+ -380 + .03 .051 o .15 .60 .29 4386 |3 416. 6"Co-8"Co < 2", binary, 46 yrs. ; h 4935. IO M 30" 130, fixed. 4388 4 C6-5* I 4. OS 3 a8. 10" 4" 60. 4390/8126. S2 a" 262; 12*" n" 139. i 7 8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p Prob. Errors. a Ep. 100 [i aio M h m s s s s s // // it 4401 Pi 71 5-6 i? 16 5-255 76.7 + 2.4440+. 0030 .001 + .0014 o .14 .84 .31 4402 Br 2197 5-5 1 6 47.049 62.5 + 2.4700+. 0029 .001 .0013 o .09 .39 .21 4403 Br 2199 5-5 16 55.050 77.1 + 2. 2427 + .0048 .001 + .0099+ 9 .06 .27 .IO 4404 L 7247 5-3 16 58.090 87.6 + 4-34IO+. 0136 -033 .0022 o .15 .99 .27 4405 y Arae 3-4 16 58.550 71.4 + 5-395 + -0225 -.065 -.0003 o .IO .40 .19 4406 ft Arae 2.7 16 59-153 72.0 + 4-9763 + .02I7 .062 -.0018+ I .IO .44 .19 4407 Br 2192 5-5 17 3.927 76.6 + 3-7723 + -o83 .016 + .0004 o .IO .48 .19 4408 Br 2203 5-8 1731.617 70.4 + 1.6928 + . 0041 .002 .0031 o .08 . 3 8 .I 7 4409 Groomb 2437 7-i 17 46.136 74-6 -0.9495 + .033 1 + .009 .0030+ I .08 .57 .22 4410 K Arae 5-3 18 12.073 85-2 + 4.6674+. 0169 -.047 .0017 o .18 .88 .28 4411 Groomb 2435 5-7 18 26.712 76-7 + 1.9670+. 0035 .001 + .0005 + I .10 .48 .19 4412 Pi 79 7-8 18 29.044 95-5 + 3.284I + .005I .007 .0027 o .13 .63 .16 4413 Pi 76 6.2 1843.131 80.0 + 3.5843 + .0068 .012 .0019 o .09 .45 .16 4414 Br 2196 6.9 18 59.422 71.6 + 3. 6624+. 0072 -.013 + .0003 o .11 .40 .19 4415 L 7267 m 5-8 19 28.963 78.6 + 4-42i8 + .oi38 -035 .0012+ I .20 1. 10 .39 4416 Br 2204 5-9 19 55-496 69.0 + 2. 5089+. 0030 .001 - .0034 o .09 .45 .21 4417 L 7265 6.0 19 59.862 9-3 + 4-7705 + .OI76 .052 + .0009+ I .20 I.O4 .28 4418 Pi 95 5-9 20 2.775 76.4 + 2. 6870+. OO3I .002 + .0019 o .15 i.oo .37 4419 p Herculis 4.6 2O 13.961 69.7 + 2. 0686 +.003 1 .001 .0032 o .05 .26 .12 4420 Br 2198 4.2 20 15.738 75-8 + 3.6603 + .0073 -.013 -.0005+ I .05 .26 .IO 4421 Br 2200 4-3 2O 58.098 81.5 + 3.8274+. 0083 -.017 + .0014+ I .06 .34 .12 4422 Br 2208 6.7 20 59.264 80.3 + 2. 07 50 +.0030 .001 - -0033 o .11 .45 .17 4423 Pi 99 4-6 21 19.489 83.8 + 3- l8l4+. 0045 -.006 .0062 o .07 .51 .15 4424 Br 2202 6-5 21 25.286 68.6 + 3. 3642 + .0053 .008 + .0016 o .12 .50 .24 442S Scorpii 2.7 23 57-875 86.1 + 4.0746 +.0094 .024 .0002 o .08 .45 .14 4430 Br 2211 6.0 24 5.170 79-6 + 1.5884 +.0044 -.003 .0000 o .06 .28 .IO 4431 o Arae 2.7 24 6.644 68.6 + 4.6309+. 0146 -045 -.0034+ I .09 .38 .18 4432 Radcl 3714 5-7 24 23.761 78-3 + 0.7 73 2 + .0086 -.005 .0000 I .09 .50 .l8 4433 Dpt 1949 m 5-4 25 14.911 79-8 + 3. 0866 +.004 1 .004 .0083+ I .08 .56 .19 4434 Br 2209 4.9 25 18.834 73-7 + 3-6575 + -0064 -.013 + .OOOI O .06 .26 .11 4435 Pi 117 6.1 25 3I-79I 80.3 + 3. 7220+. 0067 -.015 .0003 o .11 .52 .19 4436 L 732S 6-3 26 4.316 87.1 + 4.2271 + .0100 .029 + .0017 o -15 -88 .25 4437 Pi 127 5-8 26 2O.4O8 60.2 + 3. 0054 +.003 5 .004 .0023 o ii -57 -31 4438 X Herculis 4-7 26 41.800 67-5 + 2. 4232 + .OO28 .001 + .OOII .07 .30 .15 4439 X Scorpii i-5 26 49.072 80.4 + 4.0697 + .0087 -.023 - .0003 o .07 .30 .12 4440 Pi M3 6.0 27 8.156 73- + 2. 2708 + .0028 .001 + .0006 o .16 .80 .34 4441 Br 2214 5-9 27 53-914 62.3 + 2.355 1 + .0027 .001 + .0007 o .12 .46 .25 4442 Pulk.,5 2481 5-8 28 9.508 89.9 + 3. 200Q+. 0042 .006 .0029+ I .12 .66 .18 4443 ft Draconis 2.8 28 10.381 67.7 + 1-3537 + -0050 -.003 .0015 o .03 .14 .06 /l/l/l/l Brisb 6125 5-9 28 10.431 84.0 + 3-9 I 5 2 + -oo74 .019 .0008 o .11 .81 .24 4445 Draconis S-o 37 32.126 73-4 - 0-3557 + -0106 + .003 + .0018 16 .05 .27 .11 4484 Groomb 2458 m 7.2 38 5.004 86.2 + 1.8858 + .0030 .001 .001 1 o .13 .46 .17 4485 Pi 195 7-o 38 22.130 73-4 + 3.6152 + . 0044 -.013 + .OOI2 .12 .45 .20 4486 Br 2232 5-9 38 22.313 68.8 + 2. 4582+. OO27 .001 .0046+ I .09 .38 .18 4487 j8 Ophiuchi 2.9 3 8 3!-943 73-2 + 2. 9623 + .OO27 .004 .0028 I .03 .16 .07 4488 Br 2235 6.1 39 iS-SH 68.0 + 2. 4610+. OO24 .001 .0084 o .09 .33 .16 4489 Br 2231 6-S 39 32.708 80.4 + 3.OII2+.002Q .004 .0002 o .12 .39 .16 4490 Pi 216 6.9 39 34-ii3 92.6 + 3.0II8+. OO29 .004 + .0004 o .13 .63 .17 4491 L 7413 6.4 40 17.808 86.8 + 4-9957 + .OI04 -.066 - .0043 o .20 .87 .28 4492 i Scorpii 3-o 4035-43 1 76.1 +4.1935 +.0062 -.028 + .0003 o .08 .34 .14 4493 X Sagijarii Var. 4i I5-938 72.8 +3.7740+. 0045 .016 .0004 o .06 .30 .13 4494 Pulk M 2510 S-8 4i 53-909 83-9 + 1.2519+. 0044 .004 + .0028+ I .09 .63 .19 4495 Pi 223 6-5 42 12.582 78-9 +3. 7484+. 0043 .016 .OOI I .13 .57 .22 4496 L 7426 6.0 42 2O.III 89-3 +4.8780+. 0088 .060 .0003 o .20 .98 .28 4497 fi Herculis 3-4 42 32.657 75-5 + 2.3460+. 0038 .001 .0244+ 6 .03 .15 .06 4498 L 74Si S-o 42 40.697 82.1 + 3.8946+. 0047 .019 + .0002 o .11 .57 .19 4499 Pulkjs 2509 5-8 42 43-!59 79-4 + 2.6454+. 0025 .002 .0008 o .13 .80 .27 4500 y Ophiuchi 3-8 17 42 52-693 71.0 + 3.0067 + .0029 .004 .0018 o .04 .21 .09 4451 S 2184. II M 22" 74. 447 ft 9 6 2. i M i". binary. 4484 S 2203. 78-8^i o'.'7 322, very slow. 449* > 4975- i M '" 9 ? CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 181 No. Decl. 1000 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3. H-'andiooAp.' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 |i' Sio Remarks. 4451 o / // + 13 13 45-72 64.2 -2.673+ .400 19 + .02 - .036 o .08 .33 .17 54 Ophiuchi * 4452 + 93834.28 89.0 -2.633+ .413 + .02 .004 o .12 .49 .l6 ISApp. 41" 191 4453 + 9 39 J 4-62 58.6 2.643+ -4 12 + .02 -.015 o .09 .33 .19 J53 Ophiuchi/ 4454 -5425 59.50 83.8 -2.778+ .712 + .08 .151 o .12 .60 .20 4455 + 41 18 50.14 71.6 -2.694+ .275 + .O2 .072 I .10 .36 .17 4456 -&5 1034.13 82.8 -2.748 + 2.707 -.131- 4 .08 I.O4 .29 29 G Octantis ^45T -42 56 2.92 73-6 2.616+ .624 + .06 .on o .09 .37 .16 4458 + 55 i5 8.90 69.2 -2.550+ .174 + .01 + .049+ 2 .05 .21 .IO Seec'SApp. 62" 31 2 4459 + 1237 57.46 67.1 -2.826+ .405 + .02 -235+ I .02 .11 .05 4460 + 55 1427.47 69.0 -2.541+ .175 + .01 + -051+ 3 .06 .22 .IO See v l 5 App. 4461 + 21 335.50 61.7 -2.492+ .372 + .01 - .025 o .11 .44 .24 S 2190. IO M io"24 4462 15 20 8.65 77-o -2.526+ .497 +-03 .071 o .06 .28 .11 4463 -15 3036.I5 64.7 2.470+ .498 +.03 -.015 o .12 .44 .23 4464 + 68 ii 55.60 73-6 -2.275- -035 + .04 + .137 o .04 .22 .09 27 Draconis/ 4465 - 8 3 28.54 67-3 -2-433+ -473 +.03 - .025 o .08 .26 .13 4466 -49 21 13.53 77-6 -2.564+ .673 +.07 -.179+ 2 .13 .67 .25 4467 21 51 12.91 81.0 -2.399+ -522 +.03 .020 o .11 .51 .l8 158 G Ophiuchi 4468 + 24 22 9-II 57-5 -2.325+ .358 + .01 -.003 o .12 .39 .24 79 Herculis 4469 - 32 8 40.48 75-o -2.321+ .567 + .04 -.008 o .12 .63 .25 Cluster 4470 + 61 57 3.89 71.7 -2.781+ .095 + .02 -.508+ 5 -07 -34 -15 26 Draconis * 447i +48 38 36.78 50.6 2.215+ -228 + .01 + .053 o .11 .34 .23 82 Herculis y 4472 + 2 5 7.76 58.6 -2.279+ -440 + .02 .018 o .11 .43 .25 4473 + 74 17 21.07 62.8 2.109 - 2 44 + .07 + 035- 3 .11 .30 .18 29 Draconis 4474 -38 5842.20 75-9 2.159+ -602 + .04 .026 o .08 .31 .13 4475 12 49 19.00 73-4 2.170+ .489 + .O2 .056 I .06 .28 .12 4476 -644032.84 78.0 -2.158+ .853 + .10 - -055 o .09 .42 .l6 4477 -365342.53 82.2 -2.131+ .591 + .04 .041 o .11 .51 .l8 1 66 G Scorpii 4478 -51 4650-42 87.4 2.279+ -69! + -05 .201 o .12 .67 .19 4479 + 46 3 33-66 75-3 2.042+ .246 + .01 .002 o .03 .15 .06 4480 + 2433 44.98 55-5 -1.961+ .358 + .01 + .049 o .11 .40 .24 S 2194. 8"?s 16" 8 448i -2138 4-78 61.9 2.025+ -5 21 + .02 -.054- I .07 .32 .17 58 Ophiuchi 4482 + 15 5954-05 77-3 -1.870+ .391 + .01 + .096 o .08 .36 .14 181251. ii M i'/ 3 6 7 4483 + 68 48 15.17 70.7 -1.635- .050 +.03 + .327 o .04 .21 .09 4484 + 41 42 13.92 75-3 1.902+ .274 + .01 + .OI2 O .10 .34 .16 * 4485 -22 858.99 75-2 -1.905+ .526 + .02 .016 o .12 .47 .20 i G Sagittarii 4486 + 243651.40 64.0 -2.004+ -357 + .01 -.115- I .08 .34 .18 83 Herculis 4487 + 43631-88 75-8 -1.724+ .430 + .01 + .152 o .03 .I? .07 4488 + 24 22 15.82 65.8 -1.748+ .357 + .01 + .064 I .08 .31 .16 84 Herculis 4489 + 2 37 20.97 67-4 -I-773+ -438 + .01 + .014 o .IO .29 .16 |6i Ophiuchi 4490 + 2 37 19.77 87.8 -1.771+ .438 + .01 + .014 o .13 .50 .I? JS 2202. 2l"94 4491 -55 21 54.13 80.0 1.699+ .726 +.05 + .O22 I .14 .60 .23 76 G Are * 4492 -40 5 17.48 76.2 1.694+ .610 + 03 + .OO2 O .08 .36 .14 169 G Scorpii t 1 4493 -27 47 34.18 74-6 -1.659+ -549 +.03 .022 o .06 .30 .12 L 7440. 4 to 6" 4494 + 53 5 36-42 84.1 -1.617+ .183 + .01 - -035 o .09 .6l .l8 4495 26 56 21.27 79-3 -1-575+ -545 + .02 .020 o 13 -53 -2i 4 G Sagittarii 4496 -53 3444-27 86.4 -1.531+ .710 + .04 + .013 o .15 .77 .24 77 G Arae * 4497 + 27 4644.36 72-4 -2.276+ .338 + .01 --750- 4 .03 .18 .07 S 2220. 9"5 32" 244* 4498 -3140 7.88 78.1 -1.538+ .567 +.03 .024 o .10 .43 .17 170 G Scorpii 4499 + 17 44 i. 21 75-3 -1-537+ -385 + .01 .027 o .11 .64 .25 52215. 5*?9-7*l l 9o'.'7296 c ' 4500 + 2 44 40.99 73-i -1-575+ -437 + .01 -.079 o .04 .22 .09 4496 h 4978. IO M 12" 276. 4497 Comp. is Clark 7 , binary, < 2" 44 yrs. . 182 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 (i aio M b m s s s s s if it n 4501 L 7449 3-i I? 43 3-076 84.1 + 4.0825 + .005 1 .024 + .0054 o .10 .48 .16 4502 L 7428 6.7 43 5-677 88.7 +4.8463 +.0084 -.059 .001 1 o .20 .92 .28 4503 L 7447 5-o 43 11.480 91.7 +4.1934+. 0056 -.028 + .0004 o .12 .75 .18 4504 \l> Draconis 5-o 43 42.952 73- 2 1. 0761 + .0194 + .02 1 + .0032 + 18 .03 .20 .08 4505 Br 2252 6.1 43 44-672 74-7 1.0768 + . 0196 + .02 1 + .0045 + 19 .06 .28 .12 4506 Riimker 6035 6.0 44 7-323 87.2 + 2. 5726+. 0025 .002 + .0014 o .10 .66 .18 4507 Groomb 2467 6-5 44 27.000 79-3 + 1.6084 +.003 2 -.003 - .0013 o .12 .51 .20 4508 Br 2239 5-3 44 45- 8 33 67.0 + 2. 4310+. OO25 .001 .0008 o .10 .36 .18 4509 Pi 245 6.1 45 33-492 82.2 + 3-9974+. 0044 .022 .0010 o .14 .72 .24 45io Pulka 2519 5-8 46 30.286 88.5 + 2.3243 + .0024 .001 + .OO2I O .12 .62 .18 45" Br 2243 5-2 46 40.999 69-5 + 1.4308 + . 0028 -.003 -.0054- 3 .07 .24 .12 4512 Pi 254 m 5-8 46 42.964 85-6 + 4.001 1 + .0042 .022 .0010 o .14 .82 .25 4513 L 747 8 6.2 47 I4-736 89.4 + 3. 9980+. 0040 .022 + .0007 o .12 .86 .21 45H Br 2244 6.9 47 26.329 64.2 + 1.5679+. 0032 -.003 .0003 o .IO .38 .20 4515 Pi 265 6.5 47 30.191 73-3 + 3-3326+. 0029 -.007 + .0039 o .11 .56 .23 45i6 Pi 271 6.0 48 21.978 70-7 + 2.92I7 + .OO22 .004 -.0075 o .14 .68 .30 4SI7 Br 2241 6.4 48 44.702 72.5 + 3.6899+. 0032 .014 .001 1 o .09 .34 .16 45i8 Br 2245 6.2 48 49.480 73-i + I.95IO+. 0025 .001 .OOI I .08 .45 .18 4519 L74S 5- 49 29-573 85-9 + 4.3742 +.0044 -035 .0021 o .18 1.17 .33 4520 L 7494 6.9 49 43-664 82.3 + 3.92i6+.oo34 .020 + .OOOI O .15 .98 .31 4521 Pi 277 6.6 50 2.043 84.8 +3-5276 + .0028 .on + .OOII O .07 .63 .17 4522 Br 2248 5-2 50 2.737 65.2 + 1.95 20 +.002 5 .001 + .OOII O -II -45 -23 4523 L 7508 5-9 50 23.004 80.6 + 3. 7866+. 0031 -.017 + .0028 o .12 .8l .27 4524 Pi 281 6.0 50 33.864 64.2 + 3.4484+. 0028 .009 .0017 o 12 -54 -27 4525 L 7497 S-o 5041-413 85.6 + 4.2607 + .0039 -.032 .0015 o .15 .8l .25 4526 Br 2242 7-2 51 0.777 77-7 + 3. 6650+. 0028 .014 + .0002 o .12 .52 .21 4527 Pi 291 5-8 51 12.652 81.1 + 3.0567 + .0024 -.005 + .0003 o .11 .56 .19 4528 Br 2249 S-8 5i 23-"5 72-5 + 2.4192 + .0023 .001 + .OOOI O 05 -34 -14 4529 Pi 293 5-6 51 30.889 70.6 + 3.1661 + .0024 .006 .0012 o -13 -56 -25 4530 Pulk H 2527 6.0 51 38.722 88.5 + 2.5197 + .0023 .002 .0000 o .12 .62 .l8 4531 Draconis 3-8 51 47-966 74-9 + 1.0364 +.0033 .004 + .0119 2 .04 .l8 .07 4532 L 7SI3 6.0 52 8.066 88.1 + 4.0743 + .003 1 -.025 + .OOIO .15 .84 .24 4533 L 7519 6.1 52 iS-373 82.6 + 3 -8053 + .0028 -.017 + .0002 o .13 .92 .28 4534 L 7521 5-4 52 39-9 22 79-2 + 3. 8506 +.0028 -.018 - .0005 o .09 .40 .l6 4535 6 Herculis 3-8 52 49-404 78.8 + 2. 0564 +.OO25 .001 + .0003 o .04 .24 .09 4536 v Ophiuchi 3-4 53 31-271 74-o + 3. 301 4 +.002 5 -.008 -.0008+ I .04 .24 .10 4537 Br 2246 4-9 53 41.220 66.2 + 3. 6619+. 0026 .014 + .OOOI .07 .28 .14 4538 ( Herculis 4.0 53 52-722 73-2 + 2.3305 + .0023 .001 + .0066 o .06 .38 .15 4539 Br 2287 5-2 53 55-536 73-4 2. 6894 +.0080 + .I2O + .0141-31 .05 .27 .11 4540 Br 2247 7-i 54 3.680 72.0 + 3.6769+. 0025 -.015 + .0020 o .11 .44 .20 4541 y Draconis 2.2 54 17.043 66.3 + i.39i8+.oo3i .002 .0009 o .03 .11 .05 4542 v Herculis 4.6 54 40.572 80.0 + 2. 2949+. 0023 .001 + .OOOI O .11 .39 .16 4543 Groomb 2493 7-i 54 55-759 79-8 + 1.8065 + .0026 .002 .0012 o .11 .51 .19 4544 Serpentis 4.6 55 ".9 80 70.8 + 3.i68o+.oo22 .006 + .0096 o .11 .38 .18 4545 Br 2257 S-o 55 18.622 81.7 + 2. 9696 +.OO2 2 .004 .0005 o H -38 -IS 4546 Br 2253 6.8 55 34.480 76.2 + 3.4848+.OO22 .010 .0000 o .12 .42 .18 4547 Br 2262 4.8 55 36-308 61.7 + 2. 6695 + .O02 2 .002 .0005 o IS -57 -3 2 4548 Br 2259 4.0 55 38-193 80.3 + 3. 003 9 + .002 1 .004 + .OOOI O .04 .27 .09 4549 Pi 312 6.0 55 50-865 79-9 + 3-6329+.0022 .OI4 .0005 o .11 .50 .19 4550 \ Octantis 5-4 17 56 4.68- 78.0 +35-738-+ -369- -.096 -+504 .05 .40 .14 4512 See. 4522 ft 130. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1 900 183 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i/ and 100 AH Prob. Errors. SEp. loo n' 8 10 Remarks. 4501 o / // -37 041.04 79-8 // tt -1.461+ .595 tt + .03 // + .O2O+ I // " it .10 .40 .15 172 G Scorpii G 4502 -53 SS6-3S 81.9 -1.493+ -70S + .04 .016 " o .15 .61 .23 78 G Arae v 2 4503 -40 3 29.07 88.0 1.483+ .610 + .03 .014 o .10 .51 .15 173 G Scorpii i 2 4504 + 72 ii 52.61 74-i 1.691 .156 + .04 .267 o .04 .19 .08 |3i Draconis ^' 4505 + 72 12 22.22 69.9 -1.699- -155 + .04 -.278+ I .06 .23 .11 JS 2241. 31" 15 4506 + 203554.87 87.9 -1.396+ .375 + .01 .008 o .11 .65 .18 4507 + 47 3847.36 75-6 -1.362+ .234 + .01 - .003 o .10 .41 .17 4508 + 253921.31 64.4 -I-377+ -354 + .01 - .045 o .08 .35 .18 87 Herculis 459 -34 46 19.50 73-2 -1.274+ .582 + .02 .012 o .16 .71 .31 L (7464) Cluster 45io + 29 2O 55-68 83-4 -1.140+ .339 + .01 + .040 o .12 .48 .18 45" + 5O 48 16.32 65.6 0.962+ .208 + .01 + .2O2 I .06 .20 .11 30 Draconis 4512 -3452 15.15 75-9 -1.179+ -583 + .O2 .oi8_ o .14 .69 .27 179 G Scorpii Cluster* 4513 -3443 46.76 77-8 -1.116+ .582 + .02 .001' o -13 -58 -23 Cluster 4514 + 48 25 15.63 60.6 1.090+ .229 + .01 + .008 o .09 .33 .19 88 Herculis z 4515 - 10 52 30.50 76.8 -1.135+ -486 + .01 -.042+ I .11 .51 .20 4Si6 + 67 18.16 66.4 -0.944+ .425 + .01 +.073- I .14 .63 .31 4517 -2452 2.05 82.9 -0.992+ .537 + .01 .008 o .10 .45 .16 63 Oph 8 G Sagittarii 45i8 + 40 o 13.67 65-7 0.928+ .284 + .01 + .049 o .09 .35 .!8 4519 -44 19 30.78 83.8 -0.936+ .637 + .02 .017 o .13 .86 .26 181 G Scorpii 4520 -32 27 28.64 80.3 -0.898+ .572 + .O2 .000 o .14 .97 .32 182 G Scorpii 4521 - 18 47 4.49 83-7 -0.892+ .514 + .01 .02 1 o .07 .55 .16 9 G Sagittarii 4522 + 40 i 36.15 62.5 -0.823+ .285 + .01 + .047 o .10 .37 .20 90 Herculis/* 4523 28 257.67 75-7 -0.875+ .552 + .01 - -034 o 14 .92 .35 10 G Sagittarii 4524 15 47 40.80 68.5 -0.881+ .502 + .01 .056 o .11 .51 .24 h 2814. gl's 21" 157 4525 -41 42 7.42 78.8 0.842+ .621 + .01 .028 o .12 .56 .21 183 G Scorpii 4526 -2355 29.71 78-5 -0.787+ .534 + .01 .001 o -13 -55 -22 4527 + 041 7.52 82.6 0.765+ .446 .00 + .004 o .10 .48 .17 4528 + 26 3 56.73 7-5 -0.751+ .353 .00 + .OO2 O .06 .32 .14 89 Herculis 4529 - 4 4 3-5 8 74-2 0.767+ .461 + .01 .025 o .11 .51 .21 4530 + 22 28 45.64 83-4 -0-733+ -367 .00 .002 o .IO .49 .16 4531 + 56 53 17.69 68.3 -0.642+ .153 + .01 + .075+ 2 .04 .16 .08 4532 -365052.19 83-4 0.661+ .594 + .01 + .027 o .12 .65 .21 12 G Sagittarii * 4533 -2844 52.75 78.0 -0.679+ -555 + .01 .006 o .15 1.06 .37 13 G Sagittarii 4534 -30 14 34.50 70.1 0.666+ .561 + .01 .025 o .10 .38 .18 h 5003. 5"4-7"i 5" 105 4535 + 37 15 48.88 73-9 0.624+ -30 .00 + .004 o .05 .24 .10 4536 - 9 45 4I-07 78.6 -0.685+ -481 + .01 -.118 o .04 .26 .09 4537 -23 48 25.25 70-3 -0.610+ .534 + .01 .058 o .08 .26 .13 4 Sagittarii (15 G) 4538 + 29 15 30.29 72.4 -0.562+ .341 .00 .027+ I .06 .29 .12 4539 + 76 58 34.06 75-2 0.292 .390 + .04 + .239+ 2 .05 .22 .09 35 Draconis 4540 -24 1633.87 79-9 -0.550+ .536 + .01 -.031 o .12 .52 .20 5 Sagittarii 4541 + 51 30 1.74 64-5 0.526+ .203 .00 .026 o .03 .11 .06 4542 + 30 ii 50.78 72.1 -0.462+ .335 .00 + .004 o .09 .30 .14 4543 +43 2 5 3 2 - 6 80.9 -0.441+ .263 .00 + .003 o .11 .44 .17 4544 - 3 41 1.94 69.7 0.472+ .463 .00 -.052+ I .09 .34 .17 4545 + 4 22 27.IO 74-4 -0.427+ .433 .00 .017 o .11 .31 .16 66 Ophiuchi 4546 -17 911.27 70.2 -0.399+ -508 .00 .012 o .11 .36 .l8 6 Sagittarii 4547 + 16 45 23.10 57-4 -0.394+ .389 .00 .010 o .12 .43 .26 93 Herculis 4548 + 2 56 IO.42 76.8 0.396+ .438 .00 .014 o .04 .23 .09 67 Ophiuchi 4549 22 46 39.26 79.8 -0-373+ -529 .00 .010 o .12 -47 .19 21 G Sagittarii * 4550 -87 39 5M9 78.6 -0.474+5.197 -.131-14 05 -35 -12 4532 85 pr. 3-8, S 5' 4549/8283. 12" 8" 238. 1 84 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and lo-j A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 (i a 10 M h m a S 8 S S // // // 4551 Pi 323 7-i 17 56 39-33 77.0 + 3-5779+ -o 020 .012 .0004 o .11 .56- .21 4552 Br 2264 4-5 56 40.778 76.1 + 3. 0423 + .002 1 .005 + .0005 o .11 .38 .16 4553 Br 2255 5-6 56 43-405 77-7 + 3.675I + .002I -.015 .0001 .10 .42 .16 4554 Br 2285 5-8 S^SS-iSS 66.6 1.0422 + . 0059 + .02 1 + .0019 o .08 .33 .16 4555 Pi 353 6.0 57 4-809 69-3 + i.7ii6+.oo27 .002 .0006+ I .12 .52 .24 4556 Br 2268 5-3 57 15-43 65.2 + 2.5444+. 002 1 .002 + .OOIO O .IO .45 .22 4557 Br 2268 2 5-3 57 15-867 65.2 + 2. 5444+. 0021 .002 + .OOIO O .10 .45 .22 4558 L 7473 5-8 57 16.304 90.4 + 8.3886+. 01 19 -553 .0015 + 29 .15 .96 .24 4559 rOphiuchi m 5-o 57 38-185 70.6 + 3.2658 + .OO20 .007 + .0014 o .11 .48 .22 4560 Br 2260 6.1 57 44-538 78.2 + 3- 6 775 + - OOI 9 --015 .0000 o .10 .48 .18 456i L 7542 6.0 58 6.384 81.2 + 4.0376+.0020 .024 .0023 o .l8 1.46 .46 4562 Br 2269 5-4 58 6.542 69.2 + 2.5637 + .0021 .002 .0001 o .11 .50 .23 4563 Br 2270 6-5 58 19.304 59-3 + 2. 5067 + .OO2 I .001 .0005 o .13 .48 .27 4564 W Sagittarii Var. 58 37-938 81.1 + 3-83i8 + .ooi8 -.018 + .0007 o .09 .45 .l6 4565 Arae 3-8 58 50.802 80.4 + 4. 6694 +.0018 .048 .0012 o .10 .45 .17 4566 ir Pavonis 4-4 5857-i7i 78.0 + 5-7755 + .0028 .126 + .0024+ 6 .11 .58 .22 4567 Pi 342 7-i 59 2.544 79-7 + 3.6794+.ooi8 -.015 + .0007 o .11 .51 .19 4568 y Sagittarii 2.8 59 2 3-36 82.1 + 3.8526+.OO2O .018 .00'46+ 2 .05 .32 .10 4569 L 7550 m 5-2 59 35-983 81.8 + 4-337o+-o I 7 -034 .0005 + I .14 .70 .24 4570 L 7507 6.0 i7 59 52-I57 92.2 + 7. 6220+. 0038 --387 .0148+18 .16 1.16 .26 4571 7oOphiuchic.g. 4-3 18 o 24.110 75-9 + 3-33 + - 00 33 .004 + .0169+ 7 4572 Groomb 2502 6.6 o 32.165 70.8 + 1.5662 + .0024 .002 + .0023 o .10 .38 .18 4573 Pi 357 6.0 o 40-535 77.0 + 3-2695 + .ooi8 .OO7 + .0014 o 18 -82 .33 4574 Paris 23339 6.0 55-751 97-5 + 3-i93i + .ooi8 .OO6 + .0095 o .15 .88 .19 4575 t Pavonis 5-5 I 8.410 84.1 + 5-5765- -0014 .IO9 -.0117- 7 .18 .80 .27 4576 Pi 356 6-5 I 11.467 72.7 + 3-5965 + - OOI 5 -.013 .OOIO .11 .44 .20 4577 Pi 359 4-7 I 44.956 78.9 + 3-7983 + - OOI 3 -.017 + .00.13 .08 .52 .18 4578 Br 2274 5-6 i 49- l6 7 65-4 + 2.5254+.002I .OO2 .0013 o .09 .39 .20 4579 Paris 23365 5-8 2 O.4II 95-4 + 3.4774+.ooi4 .OIO .0078 o .14 .84 .l8 4580 Br 2273 4.8 2 3 I -4Q5 63-7 + 2. 8673 + .0018 -.003 .0000 o .11 .40 .22 458i Br 2275 3-7 2 36-5I3 77-3 + 2.8433 + .0018 -.003 .0042 o .03 .22 .08 4582 Br 2278 5-2 3 13-764 67.2 + 2.27<54+.002O .OOI -.0073- I .09 .34 .17 4583 L 7588 6.8 3 26.711 89.4 + 3-9305 + - 0! ! .O2I .0008 + I .11 1. 10 .25 4584 o Herculis 3-8 3 38-494 78.8 + 2-3395 + -OQ2I .OOI + .OOO2 O .04 .24 .08 4585 L 759 5-7 3 38-858 82.9 + 3. 8666+. 0009 .019 .0006 o .13 .72 .23 4586 Br 2279 6.2 3 47-6i2 65.8 + 2-4l8o+.OO2O .OOI .0002 o .12 .51 .26 4587 Br 2280 6.2 3 47-633 74.2 + 2.4i65 + .oo2o .OOI .0016 o .13 .70 .28 4588 e Telescopii 4-7 3 48-413 80.3 + 4-453 1 + .0002 -.039 .0016 o .IO .50 .18 4589 Groomb 2517 5-2 4 28.038 62.5 + 1.8079+. 0024 .002 + .0013+ I .12 .69 .35 4590 Br 2282 4-4 4 28.892 .67.6 + 2-5647 + .OO2O .002 .0001 o .14 .50 .25 4591 8 Ursae Min 4-3 4 32.80- 68.8 19.486 .144- + .02 1- 89 .03 .12 .05 4592 Br 2283 5-2 4 34.120 67.8 + 2-585O+.OO2O .002 .0002 o 13 -57 -27 4593 Pulkjs 2555 5-7 4 34-159 82.7 + 2. 0803 + .OO26 .OOI .OO72+ 2 .11 .98 .29 4594 Br 2277 m 5-9 435-537 70.9 + 2. 9820+. OOI7 .004 + .0025 o .10 .30 .15 4595 Pulkjj 2554 6.0 4 53-792 90.8 + 3.OOIO+.OOI9 .004 + .OOI2+ I .13 .62 .18 4596 Br 2276 5-3 5 37-219 78.8 + 3.66i2 + .ooo9 .014 + .0018 o -ii -51 -!9 4597 Lai 33376 5-8 5 40.525 96-5 + 2. 997 1 + .0016 .004 + .0019 o .14 .98 .19 4598 L 7605 7-5 6 2.738 93-8 + 4.1661 + .0003 .028 + .0049+ 2 .14 1.17 .24 4599 Cord 24763 5-8 6 7.818 91.4 + 4. 2436- .0002 -.031 .0049 o .18 1.94 .40 4600 L 7577 5-8 18 6 10.865 82.5 +5.6940- .0037 -.119 .0095 + I .13 .87 .27 4552/81125. IO M i" 18. 4564 4*8 to sfS. 4559 S 2262. 5 l y l 5-6"f l 2 2" 256, binary, 200 yrs. . 4569 h 5014. 6fo-6fo i'.'6 242, binary. 4570 Innes. 9*" a'/6 232 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t n'andioo A(i Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' Sio Remarks. 4551 Of II 20 44 12.02 75-o // // 0.291+ .521 a .00 // + .002 o // it .11 .48 .20 4552 + I 18 26.11 69-5 -0.315+ .444 .00 .025 o .09 .32 .16 68 Ophiuchi * 4553 -24 1653.79 78.4 -0.303+ .536 .00 .016 o .10 .44 .17 7 Sagittarii 4554 + 72 o 52.89 68.2 -0.273- -152 + .02 - .003 o .09 .28 .15 34 Draconis (^ 2 ) 4555 + 45 30 20.81 63-4 0.299+ -25 .00 .044 o .11 .42 .22 4556 + 21 35 44.83 53-9 -0.213+ -37 1 .OO + .027 o .12 .43 .27 J95 Herculis 4557 + 21 35 45.94 53-9 0.212+ .371 .00 + .027 o .12 .43 .27 \See Appendix 4558 -75 S3 36-85 91.0 -0.504+1.223 + .01 .266 o .11 .92 .21 66 G Apodis 4559 - 8 10 48.82 65-7 -0.247+ ^76 .00 - .040 o .08 .34 .17 * 4560 -24 21 45.92 76.9 -0.203+ .536 .00 .006 o .IO .42 .17 9 Sagittarii 456i -35 54 15.21 74-4 -0.221+ .588 .00 - -055 o .l6 1.24 .47 25 G Sagittarii 4562 + 2049 59.20 64.1 -0.183+ -374 .00 .018 o .10 .37 .20 96 Herculis 4563 + 22 55 20.86 60.2 -0.148+ .365 .00 .001 .12 .49 .27 97 Herculis 4564 -2935 4-3 2 75-3 -0.132+ .559 .00 .012 o .09 .44 .l8 y 1 Sagittarii * 4565 50 5 52.60 79-3 0.129+ .680 .01 .028 o .08 .39 .15 4566 63 40 20.50 80.2 -0.283+ -842 .00 .191 o .10 .56 .20 4567 - 24 24 13.44 80. i -0.100+ .536 .00 .016 o .11 .54 .20 27 G Sagittarii 4568 -30 25 31.06 80.7 0.248+ .561 .00 - .194-1 .05 .32 .11 Also y 2 4569 -43 25 47-94 80. i 0.142+ .632 .01 .107 o .12 .65 .23 i G Coronae Aust * 4570 -73 4049-25 92.0 -0.233+1.109 .02 .2212 .13 I.OO .22 67 G Apodis * 4571 + 2 31 21.58 74-7 -i-o6l+^,444 .00 I.IO2 + 2 See Appendix 4572 + 48 27 33.70 64.8 +0.053+ - 22 9 .00 + .006 o .09 .31 .16 3 2277. 8?5 27" 121 4573 - 8 19 54.37 78.0 + 0.044+ -477 .00 - -015 o 15 -63 -25 4574 - 4 45 32.88 90.0 + 0.045+ -467 .00 .036+1 .13 .60 .18 4575 62 i 20.56 82.6 +0.339+ -8n .01 + .239-2 .14 .69 .24 4576 21 27 14.61 77-i + 0.107+ -524 .00 + .003 o .11 .46 .19 4577 -2828 5.61 78.6 + 0.120+ .554 .00 - -33 o 09 -44 -I? 31 G Sagittarii 4578 + 22 12 34.03 66.4 + 0.145+ -368 .00 .014 o .09 .37 .19 98 Herculis 4579 17 10 4.20 93-4 + O.224+ -56 .00 + .0491 .15 I.OO .22 458o + 8 43 15.55 59-i + 0.246+ .418 .00 + .025 o .12 .42 .24 71 Ophiuchi 458i + 9 32 58.07 77.0 + 0.310+ .414 .00 + .082-1 .04 .22 .08 72 Ophiuchi * 4582 + 30 32 50.64 63.8 + 0-345+ -331 .00 + .063-1 .08 .31 .16 99 Herculis b * 4583 -3243 54-76 86.2 + 0.161+ .573 .01 .140 o .12 I.OI .27 36 G Sagittarii 4584 + 284454.74 74-9 + 0.320+ .341 .00 + .002 o .04 .26 .IO 4585 - 3 44 40-69 78.4 + 0.280+ .563 .00 - -039 o .13 .60 .23 37 G Sagittarii * 4586 + 26 4 56.12 64-3 + 0.360+ .352 .00 + .028 o .10 .34 .18 1 zoo Herculis 4587 + 26 5 10.19 68.6 + 0.352+ .352 .00 + .020 o .12 .47 .23 jS228o. 14" 2 4588 -45 58 17.89 77.2 +0.296+ .649 .02 - -037 o .09 .38 .15 4589 + 43 2655.97 56-9 +0.327+ .264 .00 .064 o -15 -60 -35 4590 + 20 47 54.47 68.1 +0-375+ -374 .00 .017 o .12 .45 .22 102 Herculis 4591 + 86 36 47.61 74.0 +0.446-2.837 + .048+3 .02 .11 .05 4592 + 20 i 45.80 68.8 + 0-373+ -377 .00 .027 o .IO .48 .22 101 Herculis 4593 + 36 23 27.59 81.0 + 0.206+ .302 .00 - .194-1 .11 .75 .24 4594 + 3 58 34.47 66.3 + 0.390+ .435 .00 .012 o .08 .27 .14 73 Ophiuchi * 4595 + 36 25.32 93-3 + 0.224+ -437 .00 .204 o .14 .64 .l8 /3 637. 12" 7" 193 4596 -23 43 17.68 78.2 + 0.464+ .534 .01 .028 o .11 .47 .19 40 G Sagittarii 4597 + 3 18 16.10 95-4 + 0.498+ .437 .00 + .002 o .13 .94 .19 4598 -39 1051.85 92.9 +0.372+ .608 .02 - -157+1 .15 I.I4 .25 4599 -4i 21 34-35 89-5 + 0.522+ .618 .02 .014 I 15 i-54 -35 3 G Coronae Aust 4600 -63 452-36 81.0 + 0.509+ .828 -03 - -0321 .12 .69 .23 21 G Pavonis 4581 OS 342? 4585 |3 245. 5*9-8*0 4" 35 2 - 4582 Clark 15. IO M , binary, < 2", 64 yrs. . 4594 2 3281. 6*1-1*6 < i", binary. i86 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 jo. a 10 M h m s s s s s // // rt 4601 Pulk 2558 6.0 18 630.185 88.7 + 2.0865 +.OO2 1 .OOI + .0007 o .12 .63 .18 4602 Br 2318 6-3 7 31-614 62.2 -4-4735- -0223 + 367 + .020226 .06 .27 .14 4603 Br 2321 6.0 7 37-683 60.2 -4.4788- .0223 + .368 + .0173-24 .06 .22 .13 4604 H Sagittarii 4.0 7 46-989 67-4 + 3-5876+ -0007 -.013 + .0003 o .03 .18 .08 4605 Br 2417 6.0 7 47-52 67.6 22.296' .291- + .068- -II .07 .26 .13 4606 Br 2291 5-i 8 8.384 71.8 + 2.257I + .OO2O .OOI .0006 o .07 .30 .I 4 4607 Br 2286 5-8 8 15.416 79-6 + 3- 6038 +.OOO6 -.013 .OOI I .13 .48 .19 4608 Groomb 2528 7.6 8 15.662 82.0 + i.o763 + .ooi6 -.003 + .0023 I .12 .50 .18 4609 Groomb 2527 6.2 8 28.661 67.8 + 1.2301 + .0009 -.003 + 0134- 5 .08 .36 .17 4610 L 7621 5-5 8 35-524 86.1 + 4.3782 .0012 -035 + .0055 o .18 1.06 .31 4611 L 7608 5-6 8 42.043 87.4 + 5.0517-. 0032 .070 .0047 o .15 .82 .24 4612 Br 2288 5-5 9 14.966 63.8 + 3.5786+. 0005 .012 + .OOOI O .09 .32 .17 4613 Br 2289 6.2 9 i5-9 2 9 73-o + 3.5694+. 0005 .012 .0000 .12 .42 .20 4614 Groomb 2530 6.2 9 44-605 65-7 + 1.998 7 + .002 1 .OOI .0022 14 -68 .33 46i5 < Octantis 5-7 10 9^55 75-8 + 8.0828- .0225 -.480 .0024 2 .13 .69 .27 4616 Br 2290 7-4 10 37.880 64.1 + 3. 5740+. 0004 .012 + .0005 o .14 .54 .28 4617 if Sagittarii 3-o 10 51.659 84.2 + 4.0592 .0006 .024 .0115+ 2 .08 .42 .13 4618 Br 2293 6-3 ii 38.591 7i-3 + 3.i440+.ooi4 .OO6 + .OOO9+ 2 .12 .8l .34 4619 Pi 24 4-7 ii 47.628 77-9 + 3-7553- - 0002 .Ol6 + .0006 o .10 .48 .18 4620 Groomb 2533 5-6 12 32.129 84.2 + I.865O+.OO2O .OOI .0005 o .05 .38 .11 4621 Dpt 2074 m 6.8 12 50.846 65.2 +3. 5224+. 0002 .on .0005 o .15 .82 .40 4622 Groomb 2539 6.8 12 55-993 70.4 + I.O523 + .OOIO -.003 + .OOOI I .16 .57 .28 4623 Br 2309 5-i 13 19.223 70-5 +0.3454- .0007 -.003 + .0532 o .05 .20 .09 4624 Groomb 2538 6.4 13 56.455 72.0 + 1.9020+. 0018 .OOI .0149 I .10 .50 .21 4625 ( Pavonis 4-3 14 0.648 85-4 + 5-5322--oo88 .104 .OOIO .14 .72 .22 4626 Pulk 2573 5-7 14 19.369 69-4 + 2. 8992 + .00 1 3 .004 .0042 o .16 I. O2 .45 4627 Br 2296 5-7 14 23.280 67.2 + 3-4534+. 0003 .009 + .0018 o .10 .51 .24 4628 8 Sagittarii 2.7 i4 35-549 77-5 + 3.8412 .0009 -.018 + .0028 o .06 .27 .IO 4629 Br 2300 5-7 IS 3-783 73-3 + 2. 4685 + .00 1 8 .OOI + .OOI2 O .11 .34 .17 4630 L 7681 6.8 15 21.998 87-3 + 3.6936 .0006 .014 + .0006 o .14 1. 12 .29 4631 1,7671 5-3 15 24-915 88.6 + 4.I375-. 0021 .026 .0032 o .15 .80 .23 4632 Y Sagittarii Var. 15 30.020 95-5 + 3-5295- -oooi .on + .0005 o .14 1.05 .21 4633 L 7682 6.4 15 40.480 84.6 + 3.7964 .OOIO -.017 + .0009 o .13 1.04 .29 4634 Br 2316 6-3 15 52.006 78.0 - -3479- 35 + .004 + .0029+ 3 .07 .30 .12 4635 Br 2299 4-9 15 52.482 66.8 + 2.9937 + .001 1 .004 .0010 o .10 .39 .19 4636 Br 2301 5-2 16 4.045 62.8 + 2. 5366+. OOl8 .002 + .0007 o .12 .46 .25 4637 L 7677 5-7 16 6.516 88.6 + 4.0675 .0020 .024 + .0009 o .12 .70 .20 4638 i) Serpentis 3-3 16 8.117 77-9 + 3.io29+.ooi7 .006 -.0376+ 4 .03 .l6 .06 4639 K Lyrae 4-5 16 21.410 69.8 + 2.IOI3 + .OOI9 .001 .0018 o .11 .45 .21 4640 Br 2304 6.8 1631.681 87.4 + 2 -3345 + .0018 .OOI .0008 o .13 .44 .16 4641 L 7684 5-8 16 43-752 89.7 + 4.0530- .002 1 .024 + .OO2O O .13 .72 .20 4642 L 7680 5-5 17 1.742 77.1 + 4-3675- -0036 -035 + .0009 o 15 -75 -29 4643 Br 2307 5-7 17 5-949 81.4 + 2. 3092 + .OOl8 .001 + .0005 o .11 .40 .l6 4644 Br 2306 5-2 17 6.975 80.2 + 2.3394+. 00l8 .OOI + .0004 o .12 .34 .16 4645 < Sagittarii i-7 17 32.095 75-i + 3.9823 .00l8 .022 -.0035+ I .06 .27 .11 4646 Br 2322 7-o 17 33-883 63.1 O.3522 .OO4O + .004 .0064+ 4 .11 .44 .23 4647 Groomb 2549 6-5 i? 35-524 58.8 + 1.4054 +.001 5 .OO2 -.0035+ I .09 .46 .26 4648 Paris 23820 5-9 17 36.441 99.2 + 3-3553 + -0002 -.008 .0018 o .15 1. 10 .19 4649 Br 2308 5-9 17 58.477 67.6 + 2.soi5 + .ooi6 .OOI + .OOII I .11 .52 .25 4650 Pulkjj 2584 4-9 18 18 10.878 92.6 + 3. 2859+. 0002 -.007 + .0029 o .13 .72 .18 4602-3 2 2308. so" 234. 4604 h 2822. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1 900 I8 7 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'and 100 A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 4601 01 // + 36 26 45.16 85.6 // // + 0.571+ .304 .00 // + .002 // // ft .12 .52 .18 4602 + 7959 16.60 59-2 + 0.780 .649 -.04 + .122+ 3 .08 .33 .18 1 40 Draconis 4603 + 79 59 28.12 59-9 + 0.781 .650 -.04 + .114+ 2 .08 .32 .18 1 41 Draconis * 4604 -2i 5 6.33 68.8 + 0.676+ .522 .01 -.005 o .04 .20 .09 Also p. 1 * 4605 + 86 59 38.66 67-5 + 0.688-3.240 + .006+10 08 .31 .15 24 UrsaeMin 4606 + 31 22 48.73 66.9 + 0.728+ .328 .00 + .016 o .07 .27 .13 104 Herculis A 4607 -2i 44 23.77 78.8 + 0.695+ .524 .01 .027 o .12 .45 .l8 14 Sagittarii 4608 + 56 I437-85 72.8 + 0.762+ .157 .00 + .040 o .10 .34 .16 4609 + 54 15 23- 6 5 67-4 + 0.988+ .181 .00 + .247+ 2 7 -35 -i7 4610 -44 14 11.50 81.9 + 0.770+ .638 -03 + .019+ I .15 .81 .27 4 G Coronas Aust 4611 56 3 16.02 85-2 + 0-735+ -735 -.04 .O26 I .12 .64 .20 6 G Telescopii 4612 20 45 29.02 63.2 + 0.804+ -521 .01 .005 o .09 .30 .17 15 Sagittarii 4613 20 25 4.21 69-4 + 0.800+ .519 .01 .010 o .12 .37 .19 1 6 Sagittarii * 4614 + 38 44 43.21 64-3 + 0.851+ .290 .00 .001 o .12 .54 .28 46i5 -75 5 9-22 80.2 +0.912 + 1.177 .12 + .024 o .13 .69 .24 4616 -203438.39 72.9 +0.911+ .520 .02 .019 o .14 .51 .24 17 Sagittarii 4617 -36 47 30.22 78.2 +0.783+ .589 .02 .167 2 .08 .34 .13 ft 760. IO M 4" 102 4618 - 3 2 4.39 71.4 +0.744+ .457 .OI -.274 o .11 .6l .26 4619 -27 443- 6 75-5 + 1.037+ .546 .02 + .006 o .10 .47 .19 51 G Sagittarii 4620 + 42 7 30.09 79-6 + 1.089+ -27 1 .OI .007 o .06 .36 .12 4621 - 18 39 28.81 63-3 + 1.125+ -5 12 .02 + .OO2 15 -75 -38 Sh 8 M 17" 52 * 4622 + 5633 14.56 58.2 + 1.165+ ^53 .00 + .034 o 13 -45 -27 4623 + 64 21 48.08 64.1 + 1.193+ -57 .00 + .029+ 8 .05 .22 .11 36 Draconis 4624 + 40 53 49-3 i 63-7 + 1.285+ .274 .OI + .066- 2 .08 .37 .19 4625 -61 32 20.93 85-2 + 1.233+ .804 -.O? + .008 o .11 .64 .19 Sellers 10" 3" 151 4626 + 7 13 8.50 65-9 + 1.258+ .421 .01 +.006- I .16 i.oo .48 4627 -15 52 21.47 71.4 + 1.219+ -5 2 .02 - -039 o .11 .65 .27 4628 -29 52 14.32 76.0 + 1.240+ .558 -03 - .036 o .06 .32 .13 4629 + 2424 15.53 65-4 + 1.313+ .359 .01 .004 o .10 .29 .16 105 Herculis 4630 -2457 36.57 82.7 + I-335+ -537 .02 .008 o .13 .98 .30 56 G Sagittarii 4631 -3842 7.12 84.2 + 1.310+ .601 -03 - -037 o .13 .58 .20 7 G Coronas Aust 4632 -18 54 16.67 91.0 + 1.344+ .513 .02 .on o .15 .80 .21 Also 57 G. 5*8 to 6f6 4633 -28 2832.25 81.6 + 1.369+ .552 .02 .001 o .13 1.05 .33 5^G Sagittarii 4634 + 68 43 10.81 76.4 + 1.327- .051 .01 .060 o .07 .25 .11 37 Braconis 4635 + 3 J 9 55-38 65.6 + 1.385+ .434 .01 -.003 o .09 .36 .l8 74 Ophiuchi 4636 + 21 55 7.44 60.3 + 1.343+ -368 .01 .061 o .12 .49 .27 1 06 HercuKe 4637 -3642 58.22 85.0 + 1.387+ .591 -03 .021 o .11 .54 .17 59 G Sagittaniv 4638 - 2 55 29.86 73-3 +0.711+ .445 .02 -.699- 5 .03 .I? .07 "Xj. 4639 + 36 i 9-33 63-3 + 1.461+ .305 .01 + .031 o .09 .33 .18 4640 + 28 56 20.10 84-5 + 1.441+ .339 .01 -.003 o .12 .42 .l6 4641 -36 I? 13.00 85-3 + 1.454+ .589 -03 .008 o 13 -57 -19 60 G Sagittarii 4642 -44 935- 01 74-6 + 1.475+ -634 -.04 - .013 o .12 .63 .25 8 G Corona; Aust 4643 + 29 48 40.64 75-2 + 1.551+ .335 .01 + .057 o .10 .34 .16 1 08 Herculis 4644 + 28 49 20.30 76.4 + 1.542+ .340 .01 + .046 o .12 .34 .I? 107 Herculis t 4645 -34 25 54.81 72-3 + 1.400+ .578 -3 -.132 o .07 .29 .13 4646 + 68 42 7.68 56.7 + 1.445- -53 .01 .090 I .10 .34 .21 38 Draconis 4647 + 51 18 13.01 64-5 + 1.485+ .203 .00 .052 o .09 .40 .20 4648 - 349-55 93-7 + 1.508+ .487 .02 -.031 o .14 .86 .20 4649 + 2 3 14 3-33 66.4 + 1.646+ .363 .01 + .075 o .IO .46 .22 4650 - 8 59 10.77 87.9 + 1.634+ .477 .02 + .045 o .12 .58 .l8 3 G Scuti Edin*, 2515 4613 jS 286. I2 M 6" 217 4621 Princ. Star, ft 639. 7"?3-7 l ?8 < o'/S, rapid binary. i88 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo|i a 10 M h m s 8 S s s // H It 4651 Pulkss 2587 5-4 18 18 23.894 82.0 + 2.6497 + .0015 .OO2 + .0045 o .IO .69 .22 4652 L 7698 5-7 18 35.760 87.7 + 3-85S4 -00l6 .019 .OII2+ I .13 .80 .22 4653 Groomb 2555 5-3 18 59.225 61.8 + 1.5342 + .0013 .OO2 .OO22 I .12 .60 .31 4654 L 7690 5-8 19 18.225 89.6 + 4.5629- .0053 -043 + .0026 o .20 1-77 . 4 I 4655 Br 2303 4-9 19 23.688 73-8 +3-5734- -0007 .OI2 + .0006 o .O? .38 .15 4656 Br 2311 4.0 19 26.192 80. i + 2.5556+. 002 1 .OO2 + .0138+ 2 .04 .21 .07 4657 a Telescopii 3-6 19 33-544 80.0 + 4.4514- .0047 -.038 .OOIO+ I .11 .57 .21 4658 L 7642 6.0 20 4.926 88.1 + 7. 7250- .0359 -397 + .0014+10 .14 -75 -22 4659 Br 2331 7-4 20 39.847 70.1 0.9116 .0108 + .016 -.0132- 2 .IO .42 .20 4660 Pulk 2591 6.0 20 50.133 88.0 + 2.8856+. ooi i -.003 .0003 o .12 .58 .17 4661 H Lyrae 5-i 20 56.145 74-9 + 1.9752 + .0018 .001 .0018 o .08 .28 .13 4662 Telescopii 4.2 21 7.752 79-4 + 4.6247 .0056 -045 + .0147+ 4 15 -93 -32 4663 L, 7696 6.0 21 19.756 90.6 + 5.1710 .0104 .076 + .0031+ i .16 1. 06 .26 4664 L 7712 5-9 21 32.099 89.7 + 4.1521-. 0036 -.027 + .0002 o .18 1.04 .28 4665 \ Sagittarii 2.7 21 47-976 76.2 + 3.7028 .0012 .014 -.0035+ 2 .04 .21 .08 4666 v Pavonis 4-7 22 2.IO4 75-5 + 5.6096 .0149 .109 .OOIO+ I -15 -S8 -25 4667 Br 2312 Var. 22 5-5I3 66.7 + 3. 0684+. 0006 -.005 .0008 o .09 .28 .15 4668 Grwu 1603 6. 4 22 6.395 65-9 + 3.5008 .0008 .on .0002 o 13 -7 -34 4669 Pulk M 2594 5-9 22 7.341 94-o + 2-3I22 + .OOI8 .001 + .0008 o .14 .66 .17 4670 Draconis m 4.2 22 11.533 76-3 0.8549 .OII4 + .014 .OOO8 2 .04 .24 .09 4671 Br 2328 5-i 22 27.OI4 83-7 + 0.8768- .0008 .004 -.0043- I .05 .28 .09 4672 X Draconis 3-6 22 51.627 70.1 1.0779 .O086 + .024 + .II66+29 .03 .16 .08 4673 Paris 24011 5-9 23 5-746 91.8 + 2. 9296 +.OOO9 .004 + .OOOI .12 .78 .18 4674 Br 2313 4-7 23 29.882 77-7 + 3.4196 .OOO6 .009 + .OOO2 O .06 .34 .13 4675 Br 2314 6.4 24 4.6l2 68.7 + 3. 4207 -.OOO? .009 + .OOIO .11 .51 .24 4676 Pi 82 6.0 24 19.207 77-8 + 3-5279- - 0010 .on + 0033+ ! .12 .60 .23 4677 S 1 Telescopii 5-2 24 20.975 75-6 + 4.4462 .OO62 -.038 .0014 o .15 .69 .28 4678 Br2 3 i7 5-6 24 28.711 65.0 + 3- I2I4+. OOO4 -.005 + .0015 o .13 .34 .20 4679 L 7746 5-6 243 I - 2 59 79-3 + 3 -9367 -.0030 .020 .0004 o .10 .48 .18 4680 S 2 Telescopii 5-3 24 38.211 77.1 + 4-4395 --0063 -.038 .0005 o .15 .60 .25 4681 L7737 5-8 24 42.855 93-2 + 4-3373- 56 034 + .0007 o .20 I.I? .28 4682 L77 4 8 5-4 25 23.468 95-6 + 4.1811 .0046 -.028 + .0032+ I -15 I-38 -25 4683 Pi 100 6.0 25 26.965 81.0 + 2.4868+. 0016 .001 + .0003 o .08 .44 .15 4684 Pi 88 7-4 25 27.031 74-2 + 3. 5186- .0010 .on .0104+ I .10 .57 .23 4685 Pi 92 5-2 2 5 34-733 72-5 +3-5153- - 0012 .on .0007 o .11 .50 .22 4686 Br 2336 5-i 25 41-857 72.4 +0.1741 .0046 .002 + .0161+ I .07 .32 .14 4687 Dpt 2100 6.0 25 52.926 96-9 +3.3269- .0004 .007 .OOI I O .15 .75 .18 4688 Groomb 2590 6.7 26 19.622 77-4 +0.8265 .0015 .004 + .0065 I .08 .46 .17 4689 Coronae Aust 4.6 26 21.753 84.1 +4.2875-. 0057 -.032 + .0035 o ,12 .68 .22 4690 Pi 90 6-5 26 29.322 90.6 +4. 1396- .0047 .026 + .OOO2 .14 .90 .22 4691 Pi 89 6.2 26 29.354 90.2 +4.1383-. 0047 .026 -.0013 o .14 .84 .22 4692 Pulk M 2607 5-8 26 37-561 89.0 + 2. 6666+. 0014 .002 - -0035 o .12 .62 .17 4693 Br 2325 6.1 26 47-174 62.3 + 3. 0980 +.0003 -.005 + .0008 o .12 -34 -21 4694 Br 2323 5-9 27 0.649 75-7 + 3. 4255-. ooio .009 .0009 o .09 .48 .19 4695 Br 2319 7-i 27 7-596 75-i + 3.6679 .0021 .014 .0004 o .12 .44 .19 4696 Pi 102 7-3 27 18.610 67.2 + 3-5I45- - OOI 4 .Oil .0003 o 15 -57 -29 4697 L 7761 5-5 27 24.173 75-4 + 3-9373- -37 .020 + .0003 o .12 -57 .23 4698 Br 2324 5-8 27 46.949 77-6 + 3. 665 7 -.002 2 .014 .0003 o .09 .42 .l6 4699 Br 2327 6.0 27 56.238 75-4 + 3.4278 .0010 .009 + .0018 o .09 .45 .18 4700 Br 2326 7.0 18 28 25.708 78.6 + 3.6707 .0023 .014 .0004 o .13 .52 .21 46SS Jacob. 4671 Z 2323. 8?5 2" 290. &*o 3'.'6 358 4667 to 22316. 7 M 84"3i7 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H' and 100 AH' Prob. Errors. BEp. 100 (i/ Sio Remarks. 4651 o / // + 17 4633-57 81.2 tt It + 1.615+ -385 // .01 + .007+ I // // // .10 .59 .20 4652 -3048 27.28 79-8 + 1.544+ .558 -3 -.081- 2 .14 .61 .23 4653 + 49 4 15.49 60.2 + 1.713+ .223 .00 + .054 .08 .46 .24 4654 -48 10 18.33 87.8 + 1.663+ -663 -.06 -.023 .17 1.42 .36 1 2 G Telescopii 4655 - 20 35 42.87 72.6 + 1.673+ -5i8 -3 .021 o 7 -34 -15 21 Sagittarii * 4656 + 21 43 26.44 78.4 + 1.437+ .372 .01 .26l+ 2 .04 .21 .08 109 Herculis 4657 46 i 24.52 76.8 + 1.657+ -646 -5 - .052 o .09 .44 .17 4658 - 74 i 38.04 87.7 + 1.634+1.121 .20 .120 o .12 .67 .19 30 G Pavonis 4650 + 71 28 6. 20 70.0 + 1.836- .135 .02 + .031- 2 .09 .38 .18 4660 + 7 58 32.94 83.0 + 1.819+ -4 l8 .02 .OOI O .11 .47 .17 4661 + 39 27 8.99 75-9 + 1.819+ -286 .01 .010 o .07 .28 .12 4662 -49 7 29.60 76.6 + 1.589+ .673 -.06 -.257+ 2 .12 .69 .26 4663 -5735 4.65 86.6 + 1.825+ .750 -.08 - .038 o .14 .94 .26 326 Pavonis 4664 -39 3 18.20 86.3 + 1.854+ .602 -.04 .027 o 15 -75 -23 9 G Corona? Aust 4665 -25 2837.25 73-4 + I-7I3+ -536 -3 .191 o .04 .21 .09 4666 62 20 29.95 76.2 + 1.891+ .813 .10 - -033 o .12 .53 .22 4667 + 08 11.28 67-5 + 1.923+ .444 .02 .006 o .07 .24 .12 59 Serpentis d * 4668 -17 51 40.23 63.6 + 1.925+ .507 -03 .006 o 14 -75 -3 8 4669 + 29 46 16.12 90.4 + 1.899+ -335 .01 - -33 o .14 .55 .18 4670 +71 17 4.56 76.9 + 1.970- .125 -03 + .032 o .04 .22 .08 OS 353- 4"4-6"5 o'-'4 53 4671 + 58 44 33-53 69-4 + 2.016+ .126 .00 +055- I .05 .21 .IO 39 Draconis b * 4672 + 72 41 22.27 73-6 + 1.627 I 4 I -3 -.369+16 .03 .16 .07 4673 + 6 7 58.03 92.0 + 2.008+ .424 .02 .009 o .11 .75 .I? 4674 -1437 47-02 72-3 + 2.044+ .495 -03 -.008 o .06 .32 .14 y Scuti 4675 -1438 52.05 69.0 + 2.119+ -495 -3 + .017 o .10 .45 .21 4676 - 18 47 32.48 79-3 + 2.O22+ .511 -3 .101 o .11 .57 .21 74 G Sagittarii 4677 -455855-62 76.1 + 2.089+ -644 -.06 - -037 o .12 .65 .25 L 7729 4678 - 2 3 0.30 68.4 + 2.I06+ .452 .02 -.031 o .IO .36 .l8 60 Serpentis c 4679 -33 3 19.28 77-o + 2.089+ .570 -.04 .052 o .10 .43 .17 75 G Sagittarii * 4680 -45 49 33-6 77-7 + 2.133+ -642 -.06 .018 o .12 .58 .22 L 7734 4681 -433432-74 91.4 + 2.156+ .628 -.06 .002 o .16 i.oi .25 12 G Coronae Aust 4682 -3946 22.83 93-i + 2.157+ .605 -5 - -059 o .l6 I.I5 .25 13 G Corona Aust 4683 + 23 47 58.20 81-5 + 2.217+ -359 .01 .005 o .06 .40 .13 4684 - 18 58 19.97 76.6 + 2.033+ -57 -3 .189 2 .12 .60 .23 4685 - 18 28 16.70 71.6 + 2.199+ .508 -3 -034 o .IO .45 .20 74 G Sagittarii 4686 + 65 30 5.59 68.2 + 2.216+ .026 .01 .027+ 2 .06 .26 .13 42 Draconis 4687 -1051 53.70 87.8 + 2.233+ .480 -3 .026 o .13 .49 .17 22325. 9 M i2"257 4688 + 59 28 56.72 72.7 + 2-333+ -"9 .01 + 035+ I .08 .36 .16 4689 -42 23 4.35 80.8 + 2.274+ .620 -S .027 o .10 .51 .18 4690 -38 47 31.08 85.0 + 2.284+ -598 -05 .028 o .14 .6l .21 1 6 G Coronae Aust u 1 * 4691 -3847 52.93 83-7 + 2.277+ -598 -05 - -035 .13 .58 .20 176 Coronas Aust K* 4692 + 1651 33.19 85-4 + 2.301+ .384 .02 - .023 o .12 .51 .I? 4693 - i 4 26.43 62.2 + 2-335+ -447 -3 -.003 o .10 .35 .20 6 1 Serpentis e 4694 - 14 56 16.85 77-7 + 2.358+ .495 -.04 + .OOI O .09 .47 .18 4695 -24 1056.76 79.2 + 2.363+ .530 -.04 .004 o .12 -55 .21 4696 18 26 29.62 72.7 + 2.366+ .508 -.04 .017 o 13 -54 -24 4697 -33 5 2 5-94 72.2 + 2.383+ .569 -5 -.008 o .11 .58 .25 77 G Sagittarii 4698 -24 624.95 79-9 + 2.406+ .530 -.04 .018 o .09 .36 .14 24 Sagittarii 4699 - 14 55 40.70 77.8 + 2.425+ .495 -.04 -.013 o .09 .49 .l8 4700 -2417 55.05 79-6 + 2.480+ .530 -.04 .000 o .13 .51 .20 25 Sagittarii 4679 Howe. II M 3" 200. 4690-1 Dunlop. 32" 358. 190 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M b m s s s s s tr tr it 4701 Pi 116 6.2 18 28 36.490 78.0 + 2.4952 + .OOI5 .001 + .0006 o .08 .42 .l6 4702 Pulk M 2612 5-6 29 0-542 78.6 + 2.292O+-OOI7 .OOI .0001 o .11 .98 .33 4703 Br 2329 5-4 29 28.920 80.8 + 3-3348 .0008 -.007 + .0035 o .08 .42 .14 4704 L7778 7-i 29 36.643 89.2 + 3.8319- .0034 -.018 + .OOI2 O .14 1. 08 .26 4705 Br 2330 4.0 _20. 45.912 76-9 + 3.2645 .0001 .007 .OOI5+ 2 .04 .22 .09 4706 Pulk M 2614 6.0 30 48.501 91.7 + 2.639O+.ooi3 .OO2 + .OOOI O .14 .63 .18 4707 Br 2340 S-o 3 5 I -54 68.8 + 1.0349 .0010 .004 .0005 o .10 .50 .23 4708 Pi 132 m 5-9 31 20.704 79-o + 2.4975 + .OOI5 .OOI + .0015 o .08 .42 .15 4709 Pavonis 4-1 31 21.174 76.4 + 7.0302 .0429 .272 .O022+IO .07 .42 .l6 4710 L 7780 6.1 31 40.203 89-4 +4-5436- -0095 .042 + .0013 o .13 .69 .I 9 47" Groomb 2612 5-5 31 40.617 76.6 + 1.3610+. OOO2 .002 .0003 o .09 .44 .17 4712 Pulk H 2616 5-6 31 41.618 90.1 + 2.86n + .ooo9 -.003 .0006+ I .12 .63 .18 4713 Pulk M 2617 5-6 31 47-258 88.5 + 2. 9166+. OOO8 -.003 .OO28+ I .12 .60 .18 4714 Br 2332 6.0 3i 55-159 74-5 + 3. 592I-. 0022 .OI2 .OOII+ I .11 .48 .20 47IS Br 2339 7-3 32 0.685 57-7 + 2. 0066 +.00 1 6 .OOI .0012 o .10 .39 .23 4716 Pi 128 7.2 32 3- 8 7 67.9 + 3.4841 .0018 .010 .0009 o .15 .57 .28 4717 L 7790 5-4 32 24.051 91.4 +4.3129- .0075 -.032 .0051+ I .20 I. II .28 4718 Br 2333 5-9 3 2 25.783 82.4 +3.6495-. 0027 -.013 .0006 o o? -39 -13 4719 Pulk 2619 5-9 32 27.637 78-5 + 3.0809 .0000 .004 .0005 o .12 .93 .32 4720 Br 2335 6.1 3 2 55-639 78.8 + 3.5781-. 0022 .012 -.0055+ I .10 .48 .18 4721 Dpt 2 1 20 5-6 32 57-225 87.9 + 2.i988 + .ooi6 .OOI .0019 o .11 .57 .16 4722 o Lyrae 0.0 33 33-i69 66.7 + 2.0309+. ooio .OOI + .0174- 3 .02 .11 .05 4723 Groomb 2630 8.0 34 29.228 83-3 +0.4028 .0040 -.003 --0055+ 8 .12 .64 .21 4724 Groomb 2655 6.0 34 34-900 79-2 -2.8732-. 0554 + .120 .0008+ i .05 .36 .12 4725 L7785 4-9 35 37-834 73-3 +5.8985-. 0284 -.132 -.0008+ 5 13 -57 -25 4726 Br 2338 6.4 35 45- 6 82 77-6 +3.6605- .0032 -.013 + .0024 o .11 .42 .l8 4727 Pi 173 6.2 35 54-408 83.0 +0.1907 .0084 -.003 + .0016 3 .06 .45 .14 4728 Pi 165 m 7-i 36 34-329 79-2 + 1.3693 + .0001 .002 + .0013 o .13 .54 .21 4729 Groomb 2634 7-9 36 34-333 74-9 + 1.1783 .0012 -.003 + .OOII I .10 .39 .17 4730 Pi 174 5-9 36 39-428 77.8 +0.5458- .0052 .OO4 + .OOIO I .12 .57 .22 4731 Br 2342 4.8 36 47-904 79.1 + 3.2856 .0012 -.007 + .0009 o 05 -33 " 4732 X Coronae Aust 5-2 36 55-379 89.0 + 4.1190 .0069 -.025 + .0004+ I .IO .64 .17 4733 Pi 170 6.0 37 34-965 58.4 + 1.3802 .0003 .OO2 + .0017 o .09 .48 .26 4734 L 7830 4-9 37 37-5 4 84.0 + 4.0212 .0062 .022 .0000 o .14 .8l .25 4735 L 7829 5-5 38 0.446 90.8 +4.1713- .0077 -.027 + .0013 o .16 .88 .24 4736 Br 2343 5-i 38 4.489 85.0 + 3.2677 .0012 .OO7 + .0013 o .06 .39 .12 4737 Pi iSS 6.0 38 40.748 80.5 +3. 6897 -.0038 .OI4 .0001 o .11 .56 .20 4738 9 Pavonis 6.0 38 48.120 74-6 +5.9158- .0319 --I33 -.0051+ 3 .11 .64 .25 4739 < Sagittarii 3-2 39 24-557 75-9 +3. 7496- .0044 -.015 + .0036 o .05 .22 .09 4740 Br 2346 5-i 39 47.099 68.6 + 3.0276 .0001 .004 + .0003 o .09 .27 .15 4741 Groomb 2646 7-4 39 59-on 65.6 + 1.7619+. ooio .OO2 .0023 o .16 .64 .33 4742 Pulk w 2632 5-8 40 6.215 89.7 + 2.2528+.OOI7 .001 .0026+ i .12 .64 .l8 4743 Br 2345 5-7 40 18.778 72.2 + 3.6192 .0036 .012 + .0019 o .11 .38 .18 4744 Dpt 2142 m 6.0 40 33.460 91.8 + 2. 9485 + .0001 -.003 + .0004 o .12 .58 .16 4745 Br 2360 5-i 40 41.744 65-9 + 1.1621 .0015 -.003 .0007 o .07 .27 .14 4746 ft. Coronae Aust 5-3 40 45- l8 2 87.4 + 4^1985 .0086 -.028 + .OO2 2 O .15 .90 .25 4747 l Lyrae s.p. S-o 41 1.566 68.0 + i.9865 + .ooi2 .OOI + .0008 I .05 .24 .11 4748 f l Lyra ./. 6.7 4i 1-635 91.9 + I.9858 + .OOI2 .OOI + .OOOI I .10 .63 .15 4749 e 2 Lyrae m 4.6 41 3.996 66.6 + i.9894+.ooi2 .OOI + .0014 I .05 .24 .12 475<> Pulkjj 2634 6.0 18 41 12.397 94-o + 3-3 95 -o 016 .007 .0002 o .13 .8l .18 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 191 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3., n' and TOO AH-' Prob. Errors. 8Ep. 100 n' 8 10 Remarks. 4701 / // + 2 3 3 2 3 I -5 6 75-9 + 2.504+ .360 .01 + .008 o 07 -40 .15 4702 + 30 2843.83 75.1 + 2-524+ -33 .01 .007 o .10 .73 .27 4703 -ii 3 19.21 82.8 + 2.564+ .481 -03 .008 o .07 .40 .13 4704 29 46 42.41 84.7 + 2-557+ -553 .05 .026 o .14 .97 -28 80 G Sagittarii 4705 - 8 1850.83 76.2 + 2.279+ .471 -03 --3I7 o .05 .24 .09 i Aquilae (a Scuti) 4706 + 18 7 23.80 85.0 + 2.692+ .380 .01 + .005 o .13 .49 .18 4707 + 5658 8.28 59-8 + 2.680+ .148 .01 .010 o .09 .29 .17 45 Draconis d 4708 + 23 31 28.09 75-5 + 2.732+ .360 .02 .001 o .07 .36 .14 02 359. 6 I ! I 5-6 II ! I 8 o'/4 342 4709 -7 1 3049-09 79.1 + 2.579+1.014 -.24 --I55 o .07 .49 .16 4710 -47 5945-54 88.7 + 2-785+ -655 -.09 + .024 o .11 .63 .17 22 G Telescopii 4711 + 52 16 26.32 7i-3 + 2.769+ .195 .OI + .007 o .07 .30 .14 2 2348. 8 M 25" 272 4712 + 92 36.69 85.4 + 2.636+ .412 -3 .128 o .12 .49 .17 4713 + 6 35 34.47 86.0 + 2.632+ .420 .03 .140 o .11 .54 -I? 47M 21 28 49.87 76.7 + 2.701+ .517 -.04 .082 o .11 .48 .19 83 G Sagittarii 47i5 + 38 48 47.31 53-i + 2.777+ .288 .01 .014 o .11 .52 .32 4716 -17 18 57.26 64.0 + 2.797+ .502 -.04 + .003 o .11 .44 .23 4717 43 16 18.36 9-3 + 2.776+ .621 -.07 -.049- I .16 .99 .25 1 8 G Coronae Aust 47i8 -23 35 24-97 80.8 + 2.798+ .525 .04 .029 o .07 .34 .12 84 G Sagittarii 4719 - o 23 37.47 81.4 + 2.805+ -443 -03 -.025 o .11 .73 .24 Edino 2562 4720 2i 8 4.60 81.5 + 2.717+ .514 -.04 -.154- I .10 .52 .18 86 G Sagittarii 4721 +33 23 5-i2 81.8 + 2.871+ .316 .01 .002 o .10 .45 .16 2 2349. n" 7" 205 4722 + 38 41 25.44 63-5 + 3.203+ .294 .01 + .279+ 2 .02 .11 .06 Vega 4723 + 6337 8.58 75-8 + 2.754+ .056 .01 -.251- I .10 .43 .18 2 2365. IO M 20" 24 4724 + 77 28 8.70 80.3 + 3.009- .416 -15 .005 o .05 .38 .12 4725 -6457 53-79 70.0 + 2.960+ .848 -.18 -.144 o .10 .46 .21 39 G Pavonis 4726 -23 5535-56 72.8 + 3.087+ .526 -05 .028 o .10 .38 .17 26 Sagittarii 4727 + 65 23 56.77 80.0 + 3.210+ .026 .02 + .082 o .06 .38 .13 Groomb 2640 4728 + 52 15 10.95 72.1 + 3.187+ .196 .01 + .OO2 .12 .42 .20 22368. 7"8-8?o2"327 4729 + 55 9 9-52 75-i + 3.244+ .168 .01 + .059 o .10 .35 .16 Br 2348 4730 + 62 26 7.02 71.1 + 3.224+ .077 .01 + .031 o .12 .47 .22 4731 - 9 853.75 75-6 + 3.201+ .471 -.04 .004 o .05 .26 .IO 2 Aquilae 4732 38 25 IO.22 83-3 + 3-157+ -591 -.07 - -059 o .10 .45 .16 - 4733 + 52 6 6.39 60.0 + 3.300+ .197 .01 + .027 o .11 .49 -27 4734 -35 44 25.35 81.4 + 3.223+ .577 -.07 --053 .14 .80 .27 91 G Sagittarii 4735 -3947 10.70 86.4 +3.298+ .599 -.08 .on o .14 .6l .20 20 G Coronae Aust 4736 - 8 22 26.83 82.2 + 3.325+ .469 -.04 + .OIO O .07 .36 .12 3 Aquilae (5 H Scuti t) 4737 - 25 6 40.55 80.2 + 3-34I+ .529 -.06 .026 o .11 .55 .20 94 G Sagittarii 4738 -65 10 51.96 74-o + 3.297+ .848 -.19 -.081- I .IO .49 .20 4739 -27 536.98 74.6 + 3.427+ .538 -.06 - .003 o .05 .25 .10 4740 + i 57 29.21 69.2 + 3.441+ .433 -.04 .022 o .09 .31 .16 4 Aquilae 4741 + 44 49 31.51 54-8 +3-455+ -251 .01 .025 o 13 -51 -31 22380. 8^526" 9 4742 + 31 49 42.70 86.3 + 3.348+ .322 .02 .142 o .12 .52 .17 4743 22 29 48.68 68.1 + 3-509+ -518 -05 + .001 o .10 .33 .17 28 Sagittarii 4744 + 5 23 45-49 79-9 + 3.515+ .422 -03 .014 o .11 .36 .15 22375. 6^6-7 fo 2" 1 14 4745 + 55 26 17.12 55-3 +3.563+ .165 .01 + .O22 .06 .21 .13 46 Draconis c 4746 -403045.54 85-3 + 3.518+ .601 -.08 .028 o 14 -75 -23 4747 4748 + 3933 54-75 + 39 33 58.33 62.9 85-5 + 3.621+ .284 + 3.627+ .283 .01 .01 + .051 o + .057 o .05 .21 .11 .09 .42 .14 J 22382. 3" 13 4749 + 39 30 28.55 61.2 + 3.635+ .284 .01 + .062 o .06 .24 .13 j J 3<>3- S 2 ~5 . 5 3 "9 4750 -10 13 52.48 91-3 + 3.589+ .473 -.04 + .004 o .12 .73 .18 192 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t HI and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. oEp. loop, a 10 M h m s 8 S s s // // ft 4751 Br 2349 6.0 18 41 18.749 68.0 + 3-0973- -0005 .004 .0005 o .11 .38 .19 4752 {'Lyrx 4.4 41 19.722 64.4 + 2. 0657 + .OOI4 .001 + .OO22 O .09 .34 .18 4753 Br 2351 4-3 41 21.474 75-8 + 2. 5806 +.001 6 .001 -.0015+ 2 .04 .22 .09 4754 2 Lyra 6.1 41 21.558 80.7 + 2.0655 + .0014 .001 + .0016 o II -3 8 -15 4755 1,7852 5-7 41 37-SIS 87.6 + 4-335- -0 I0 4 -.032 + .0026 o .13 .90 .24 4756 Br 2350 4-5 41 52.119 80.5 + 3-1833- .0010 .006 .0007 o .06 .26 .10 4757 Br 2347 7-4 41 56.382 76.0 + 3.5616- .0033 .on + .OOIO O .12 .66 .26 4758 Pulk w 2642 5- 42 2.683 83.1 + 2.4165 + .0013 .001 + .0009 o .10 .51 .17 4759 R Scuti Var. 42 8.614 80.6 + 3.2018 .0011 .006 - .0043 o .10 .48 .17 4760 L7S9 5-9 42 23-439 85.6 + 4.3219 .0104 -.032 + .OOIO .16 .72 .24 476i Br 2354 4-3 42 36.272 74-o + 2.6482 + .0008 .001 + .0044 I .08 .27 .13 4762 A Pavonis 4-3 42 57.141 76.0 + 5-57I3- - 02 94 .102 .0023 o .11 .51 .21 4763 Br 2370 6.4 43 7-565 77-2 + 0.7093 -.0050 .OO4 .0002 o .IO .40 .l6 4764 Br 2352 5-4 43 44.096 68.8 + 3. 5617-. 0036 .Oil + .0004 o .08 .33 .16 4765 Groomb 2671 5-9 44 29.022 82.2 + 1.3414 .0008 -.003 + .0016 o .08 .54 .17 4766 K Telescopii 5-5 44 43-637 87.9 + 4.7679 .0167 -.051 + .O04O + 2 .l8 .92 .27 4767 Br 2353 6-5 44 49- 8 3 83-4 + 3.6067 .0040 .OI2 .0027 o .08 .34 .12 4768 L 7878 5-7 45 I-I57 8j.a + 4.4653-. 0130 -037 + .0014 o 14 1-05 -32 4769 L 7881 6-7 45 7-955 90.4 + 4.2437-. 0103 -.030 -.0015 o 12 -75 -19 4770 Groomb 2677 6.2 45 37-875 71.6 + i.58i5 + .oooi .OO2 .0021 I .09 .48 .21 4771 Br 2361 7-3 45 50-785 72.1 + 3.1464 .0010 -.005 .0032 o II -52 -23 4772 Br 2367 6.0 46 2.607 80.4 + 2.23i8 + .ooi4 .001 + .OOOI O .11 .36 .15 4773 Br 2362 6-3 46 7-077 68.0 + 3. 1510- .0011 -.005 + .OOOI IS -45 -24 4774 Br 2359 7.0 46 7-941 70.6 + 3.6048 .0041 .012 + .0024 o .12 .45 .22 4775 Br 2368 5-4 46 8.838 65-1 + 2. 2383 + .0014 .001 .0019 o .13 .52 .27 4776 ft l Lyrae Var. 46 23.275 68.3 + 2. 2I44+. OOI4 .001 + .0003 o .03 .14 .06 4777 P* Lyra 7.6 46 25.112 67.0 + 2.2I33 + .OOI4 .001 .0012 o .07 .45 .21 4778 K Pavonis Var. 46 38.421 82.8 + 6.2091 .0462 -.158 .0012 o .13 .68 .22 4779 Br 2371 5-5 48 0.139 68.2 + 2.56i5 + .oon .001 .OOIO 14 -45 -23 4780 Br 2363 6.0 48 1.530 77-9 + 3. 5869- .0042 .012 + .OOOI O .11 .45 .18 4781 v 1 Sagittarii 4-9 48 7.947 71.4 + 3.6241 .0046 .012 + .0005 o .08 .34 .16 4782 Groomb 2719 5-5 48 16.380 70.8 -1.4743-. 0428 + .O22 + .0021 7 07 -34 -15 4783 Paris 24897 5-2 48 59.200 93-9 + 3- 4386 -.003 2 .OO9 -.0015 o .13 .70 .17 4784 Ep. loop' 8 10 Remarks. 4801 / // + 33 S 2 7- 21 67-7 // // + 4-449 + -3 10 a .02 // + .007 o // // // .09 .37 .18 * 4802 4803 + 44 23-76 + 44 18.17 71.8 56.9 + 4.472 + .422 + 4-466+.422 -.04 -.04 + .027 o + .018 o .04 .22 .IO .08 .32 .19 22417. 22" 103 4804 -2047 13.58 63.8 + 4.447 + .505 -.07 .on o .10 .30 .17 36 Sagittarii * 4805 + 41 28 27.97 80.8 + 4.474+. 271 .02 .007 o ii -37 -IS 4806 -357 23.38 78.1 + 4.48 1 + .546 -.08 .002 o .16 1.19 .41 4807 + 17 S 8 47-9 79-3 + 4-3IO+-374 -03 -173- ! 13 -77 -27 4808 - s 5833-77 66.4 + 4.453 + .455 -OS -.032+ I .09 .32 .17 9 Aquilae 4809 -2i 14 17.33 69.2 + 4.471 + .507 -.07 .018 o .07 .27 .13 37 Sagittarii 2 4810 -37 I4IS-73 83-3 + 4-4I5 + -57 2 -.09 -.093- 2 .10 .45 .16 4811 + 48 44 2.87 53-7 + 4.391 + . 222 .02 -.131- I .14 .51 .32 /3 1255. 12" i'.'6 89 4812 -25 035.72 82.4 + 4-5I5 + .520 -.08 .012 o .12 .8l .25 122 G Sagittarii 4813 + 2 24 13.53 60.2 + 4-5!3 + -427 -05 .018 o .10 .43 .24 64 Serpentis 4814 +43 48 50.94 73-2 + 4.606+. 258 .02 + .072 o .05 .27 .11 Br 2389. 4"o to 4*7 4815 + 32 46 22.68 78-3 + 4-458 + .3I9 .02 .l6o+ 2 .IO .38 .16 0648. 9*5-1" , binary 4816 -12 58 34.21 86.5 + 4.636+. 476 -.06 -.025 o .12 .64 .19 126 G Sagittarii 4817 + 17 1334-83 85-9 + 4.654+. 376 -.04 .008 o .12 .51 .17 Hough. 12"" 6" 132 4818 + 13 46 19.63 77-8 + 4.644 +.388 -.04 .052 o .11 .36 .l6 10 Aquilae 4819 -25 452.62 79-o + 4-742 + .520 -.08 + -039 o 15 -96 -33 127 G Sagittarii 4820 + 13 29 21.20 68.6 + 4.602 + .389 -.04 .120 o .09 .28 .15 n Aquilae * . 4821 + 3 8 7 50-47 88.0 + 4.731 + . 289 .02 .001 o 13 -Si -17 4822 + 574055-58 54-6 + 4.705 + . 141 .OI .065 I .07 .21 .13 48 Draconis 4823 + 145556.34 71.7 + 4.695 + .383 -.04 -.077- I .04 .21 .09 4824 + 32 33 7-78 7i-3 + 4-775 + -3i6 .02 .007 o .04 .21 .09 05544. I2 M I3"300 4825 + 71 948.86 7i-3 + 4.858-. 102 -.07 + .040+ 2 .05 .21 .10 4826 + 26 530.78 84-9 + 4.804+. 344 -03 -.019+ I .12 .50 .I? 4827 + 58 5 iS-43 59-8 + 4.881 + .139 .02 + .046 o .12 .42 .24 S 2438. iV2-if < i", binary 4828 -15 25 25.77 81.2 + 4.830+. 483 -.06 .007 o 09 -57 -19 129 G Sagittarii 4829 + 65 7 2 4-37 81.8 + 4.809 + .03 7 -3 .040 o .12 1.04 .32 4830 -42 14 13.22 83.0 + 4-796+.6oi .11 -.057+ I .14 .60 .21 4831 + 32 o 19.65 75-6 + 4 .8 7 7 + . 3 i8 -03 + .007 o .11 .33 .16 4832 -30 i 23.03 77-8 + 4 .87i + .s 3 8 -.09 .000 o .06 .32 .12 # 4833 + 62 15 40.36 70.8 + 4.83 1 + .084 .02 - -043 o .08 .35 .16 5 2440. 9" i7" 123 4834 5 52 48.00 79.1 + 4.842 + .45 1 -.06 - -037 o .08 .34 .13 12 Aquilae 4835 - 24 59 4.90 78.8 + 4-703 + -5I7 -.08 .176 o .12 .48 .19 131 G Sagittarii 4836 - 38 23 50.67 91.2 + 4 .8 9 6+.578 .11 + .006 o .14 1.09 .25 40 G Coronas Aust 4837 + 7539 8.60 88.4 + 4.915-. 282 -17 .012+ I .12 .65 .18 Is 2452. 6" 218 4838 + 75 39 i4-oi 68.0 + 4.952-. 282 "I? + .024+ I .09 .29 .15 4839 + 26 857.43 87.0 + 4.947 + .342 -03 .007 o .13 .51 .18 4840 o 51 8.06 63-7 + 4.867 + .433 -05 -.118 o .13 .41 .23 * 4841 - 3 50 38.29 68.0 + 4.996 +.444 -.06 + .007 o .11 .41 .20 14 Aquilae g 4842 + 50 23 29.58 89.0 + 4.983 + . 212 .02 .012 .12 .59 .17 4843 -31 ii 37.13 79-4 + 4.991 + .542 -.09 .028 o .12 .60 .22 134 G Sagittarii 4844 -52 29 14.75 82.8 + 4.937 +.670 -17 -.118 o .11 -55 .19 4845 + i 40 27.07 83-5 + 4.994+. 426 -05 .066 o .11 .46 .l6 4846 +46 47 34-3 2 70.6 + 4.982 +.238 .02 .089 o .09 .31 .15 1 6 Lyrae * 4847 -2i 53 17.03 64.8 + 5.01 1 + .506 -.08 -.067+ I .07 .33 .16 4848 + 5S3053-73 S3- 2 + 5-o73 + - l6 5 .02 .009 o .08 .23 .15 49 Draconis 4849 68 34 40.64 82.3 + 5.081 + .902 -34 -.047+ 4 .14 .69 .24 56 G Pavonis 4850 -48 27 1.13 88.0 + 5-I39+-637 -IS + .OO2 O .12 .63 .18 47 G Telescopii 4832 Winlock. 3l l 4-3 l y6 < i", binary, 21 yrs. . 4840 2 2434- 9 M 24" 129; BC: ios i'/3 54- 4846 h 1362. II M 43" 196 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQCO No. Designation. Mag R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and zoo A n Prob.'Errors. o Ep. ioo)i a 10 M h m s S 8 s s " ii u 4851 7 Coronae Aust m 4-3 18 59 39.564 82.1 + 4.0607 .OIO8 .021 + .0679+ 3 .11 .52 .19 4852 Br 2398 7-5 59 39-725 88.7 + 3.1668 .OOI9 -.005 .OOOI .12 .56 .17 4853 Br 2399 5-8 59 40.862 73- 1 + 3.1670 .OOI9 -.005 + .0003 o .09 .30 .14 4854 o- Octantis 5-5 5943.7I- 73-2 + I02.43738.8iq + .I09-+I24 .04 .26 .10 4855 Groomb 2753 6.7 59 45-87 61.8 + I.4IO8 .OOI4 .002 .0019 o .16 .64 .35 4856 Paris 25305 6.0 18 59 57.528 90.2 + 3-4373- -0042 .008 .0006 o .12 .62 .17 4857 r Sagittarii 3-3 19 o 41.860 78.7 + 3. 7484- .0072 .014 r ~!oo45+ 2 .06 .26 .10 4858 { Aquilae 3- o 48.839 69.8 + 2.7570+.0004 .001 .0096+ I .03 .15 .06 4859 X Aquilae 3-4 o 56.538 78.8 + 3.1842 .0021 .005 .0017+ I .04 .20 .07 4860 Bruss 7916 6.0 I 9.228 94-8 + 2. 2849+. 0013 .000 + -0055 o .13 .84 .18 4861 Pi 293 6.4 1 13.093 82.9 + 3.7809 .0081 .014 + .0002 o .12 .58 .20 4862 8 Coronae Aust 4.6 1 23.308 82.3 + 4.1820 .0135 -.025 + .0030 o .13 .58 .21 4863 Br 2440 6.7 2 9.221 72-5 - 2.4761-. 0873 + .051 - .0117+ 7 .07 .38 .16 4864 Y Aquilae Var. 2 16.163 61.4 + 2.8234 .0000 .002 .0006 o .13 .48 .27 4865 Br 2402 5-5 2 24.195 77.6 + 3-5269- - 00 54 .010 + .OOOI O .11 .62 .23 4866 Br 2409 5-9 2 28.239 74-5 + 2.5oo8 + .ooio .001 + .0041 o .13 .66 .27 4867 Pi 318 5-7 2 39.609 78-3 + 2.3799+.OOH .000 + .0054 o .11 .63 .23 4868 o Coronae Aust 4-2 2 40.214 83-7 + 4.0873 .0122 .022 + .0074+ I .10 .48 .16 4869 Br 2416 5-5 2 40.360 67.8 + 1.3490 .0022 -.003 .0006 o .07 .21 .11 4870 Groomb 2765 6.6 3 2 -587 67.0 + 1.9450+. 0009 .001 + .OOIO O .16 .70 .34 4871 /8 Coronae Aust 4.0 3 9-065 82.4 + 4.1322-. 0131 -.023 .0002 O -II .50 .18 4872 Br 2413 5-3 3 38-648 62.1 + 2.268O+.OOI2 .000 + .0095 o .13 .51 .28 4873 t Lyrae 5-3 3 43-98i 82.5 + 2.I4OO+.OOI2 .001 .0006 o .04 .28 .09 4874 v Sagittarii 3-o 3 49-043 74-9 + 3-5699- -0059 .010 .0004 o .04 .20 .08 4875 Br 2410 5-5 4 6.040 64-3 + 2.9382 .0006 -.003 .OOIO O .11 .36 .20 4876 Pi 8 7-8 4 23.331 71.9 + 2.0420+. ooio .001 + .OOIO O .16 .54 .26 4877 Pi ii 7.6 4 49-76i 84.7 + 2.0333 + .0010 .001 .0000 o .11 .52 .17 4878 Groomb 2777 7-i 6 0.007 61.1 + 1-5345- -ooio .002 + .0003 o .15 .72 .38 4879 PiS 7.8 6 13.827 65-5 + 3.4126 .0046 -.008 + .0030 o 15 -58 .30 4880 Pi 4 6.8 6 29.559 77.1 + 3.5873- .0065 .010 + .0021 O .IO .51 .20 4881 Pi 7 6.0 7 4-13 77-8 + 3.6970- .0079 .012 .0015 o .11 .50 .19 4882 L 7997 m 5-6 7 8.827 87.8 + 6.0626 .0624 -.130 + .0002 o .14 .84 .23 4883 Br 2415 5-5 7 15.261 81.8 + 3-255 I -.o32 .006 + .0005 o .05 .27 .09 4884 Paris 25568 5-7 7 40.117 91.4 + 3.3556- .0041 -.007 + .0009 o .13 .66 .18 4885 Br 2422 6.0 7 55-870 74.2 + 2.2999+.OOI2 .000 .0009 o .08 .33 .14 4886 4887 L 8040 Br 2419 K 8 I5.675 8 40.140 78.2 65-5 + 3.8119 .0096 + 3.0248- .0015 .014 -.003 + .0019 o .0002 o -15 -88 .32 .12 .36 .20 4888 L8o 3 7 5-5 9 4.873 80.4 + 4.3758- .0192 -.031 .0016 o .16 .87 .31 4889 L 8045 7-7 9 I4-854 86.7 + 3.9260 .0114 -.017 + .0026 o .13 .94 .26 4890 Br 2443 6-5 9 23-405 75-8 + 0.2326 .0177 -.008 + .0002 I .08 .36 .15 4891 tfi Sagittarii 5-i 9 24-567 76.6 + 3.6818 .0079 .012 + .0030 o .05 .24 .09 4892 Groomb 2789 7-i 9 29.605 80.4 + 1. 5523-. 0029 .002 .017810 .09 .58 .19 4893 Dpt 2258 6.8 9 30.270 73-7 + 1.5504 .0030 .002 .0196 10 .10 .57 .23 4894 Br 2433 5-4 9 47.100 55-2 + 1. 1369- .0047 .004 + .0047 I .08 .27 .17 4895 L8o S3 7.6 9 51-093 80.7 + 3.8290 .0101 .014 + .0017 o .18 I. II .37 4896 LSoss 7-7 10 2.748 82.2 + 3.6894 .0082 .012 .0002 o .13 .88 .28 4897 i) Lyrae 4-5 10 21.250 73-2 + 2.O4I7 + .OOIO .000 .0000 o .07 .28 .13 4898 Pulk 2723 5-8 10 46.705 91.7 + 2. 7335 + . oooi .001 h .0002 o .13 .63 .18 4899 Br 2425 5-8 10 58.836 57-4 + 2. 5853 + .OO06 .000 h .0030 o .14 .48 .29 4900 Pi 32 7-9 9 ii 18.488 86.8 + 3.5662 .0068 .010 .0009 o .15 .69 .22 4851 h 5084. 4^8-5^6 a" 142, binary, 200 yrs. . 4855 S 2450. 9^5 5" 301; BC: close double, o'/2 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 197 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andiooAji' Prob. Errors. iEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 4851 / If -37 12 25-3 75-7 // n + 4.874+ .571 n .11 n -.286+ I // tt tt .10 .41 .17 * 4852 - 4 ii 22.00 82.2 + 5.123+ .444 -.06 - -037 .10 .45 .16 Sh 37" 208 4853 - 4 10 49.06 66.1 + 5-!34+ -444 -.06 .028 o .08 .25 .13 15 Aquilae h 4854 -89 15 16.63 74-4 + 5.157 + 14.445 -.009+15 .04 .26 .10 4855 + 52 6 56.16 53-8 + 5.145+ .196 .02 .024 o .11 .42 .26 * 4856 -154839.75 86.4 + 5.172+ .482 -.07 -.013 o .14 .65 .21 138 G Sagittarii 4857 -27 48 59.99 77.0 + 4.987+ -525 -.09 .260 I .07 .30 .12 4858 + 13 42 52-56 68.9 + 5.155+ .386 -.04 .102 o .02 .13 .06 ft 287. I2 M 6" 57 4859 - 5 i 57-55 77.0 + 5.178+ .446 -.06 .090 o .04 .22 .08 4860 + 31 35 41-55 93-4 + 5.238+ .320 -03 -.048+ I .13 .77 .18 4861 -2847 27.41 75-2 + 5.278+ .529 -.09 -.013 o .12 .48 .21 140 G Sagittarii 4862 -4039 5-99 73-4 + 5.271+ .586 .12 - -35 o .11 .44 .20 4863 + 76 54 29.66 74.8 + 5-30I- .352 -24 .069 2 .07 .36 .14 4864 + 1055 i-79 55-6 + 5-353+ -394 -.04 .027 o .14 .45 .28 18 Aquilae 5^0 to 5*5 4865 19 26 49.09 77-9 + 5.391+ .493 -.08 .000 o .10 .58 .21 144 G Sagittarii 4866 + 24 S43-7 2 6 9-3 + 5.400+ .349 -3 +.003+ I .11 .58 .26 4867 + 28 28 15.82 72-4 + 5.481+ .333 -03 + .068+ I .10 .50 .21 4868 -38 336.66 75-2 + 5-309+ -572 .12 -.105+ I .09 .38 .l6 4869 + 53 H 34-75 60.8 + 5.435+ .187 .02 + .021 .06 .20 .12 51 Draconis 4870 + 41 15 31.47 63.2 + 5.434+ .271 .02 .Oil .15 .60 .32 4871 -39 2957-79 80.0 + 5.418+ .578 .12 - .036 o .11 .49 .l8 4872 + 3 2 2037.82 61.0 + 5-509+ -3 1 ? --03 + .013+ I .10 .40 .22 17 Lyrae * 4873 + 35 56 35-43 78-3 + 5-497+ -298 .02 .006 o .05 .29 .IO 4874 -2i 10 57.67 72.1 + 5.470+ .498 -.08 .040 o 05 -23 .10 4875 + 5 5457-17 62.5 + 5.460+ .409 -05 - .074 o .IO .36 .20 4876 + 3846 10.81 54-8 + 5.565+ .284 .02 + .007 o .14 .45 .28 S 2469. 9 M i'/3 122 4877 + 3 8 59 43- 21 83-3 + 5.602+ .282 .02 + .007 o .10 .44 .15 4878 + 50 12 8.21 56.6 + 5.698+ .212 .02 + .004 o 13 -54 -32 4879 - 14 45 0.07 71.2 + 5.727+ .475 -.07 + .014 o 14 -54 -25 4880 21 49 26.70 80.4 + 5.722+ .499 -.09 -.013 o .12 .57 .21 151 G Sagittarii 4881 26 4 27.87 79-2 + 5-777+ -513 .10 .006 o .11 .52 .19 152 G Sagittarii 4882 66 49 59.96 88.4 + 5.792+ .844 -.35 + .002 o .12 .79 .21 60 G Pavonis * 4883 - 8 6 24.53 78.1 + 5-783+ -452 -.07 .016 o .05 .25 .10 20 Aquilae 4884 12 27 1.62 87.0 + 5.800+ .466 -.07 - -033 o .13 .61 .19 153 G Sagittarii 4885 + 31 658.82 77-6 + 5.848+ .318 -03 .007 o 07 -35 -13 19 Lyrae 4886 -3 7-43 78.6 + 5.862+ .529 .10 .021 o i4 -95 -33 154 G Sagittarii 4887 + 27 24.39 65.0 + 5.911+ .419 -.06 .006 o .10 .35 .19 4P Aquilae 4888 -45 38 24.85 80.0 + 5.949+ .606 -15 .003 o .13 .79 .27 5 1 G Telescopii 4889 -33 42 12.76 85.6 + 5-97+ .544 .11 + .005 o .16 1.47 .39 4890 + 65 48 40.25 72-3 + 6.006+ .030 -.04 + .029 o .06 .31 .13 55 Draconis 4891 - 25 25 44.93 76.8 + 5.944+ .510 .10 - -035 o .06 .25 .10 4892 + 49 40 0.8 1 77.0 + 6.592+ .211 .02 + .606- 2 .08 .47 .18 }s 2486. 9" 218 4893 + 4940 8.67 67.0 + 6.613+ .210 .02 + .626 3 .09 .43 .20 4894 + 56*41 19.12 48.4 + 6.050+ .156 .02 + .040+ I .07 .25 .17 53 Draconis 4895 -3038 3-7 75-8 + 6.002+ .530 .IO .014 o .16 1.13 .42 158 G Sagittarii 4896 -25 5025.77 78.7 + 6.0I6+ .510 .IO .016 o 13 -95 -32 4897 + 38 58 25.35 64.7 + 6.055+ -Z8l -3 - .003 o .06 .22 .12 S 2487. 8 M 28" 83 4898 + 14 54 33.48 84.7 + 6.073+ -377 -5 .020 o .11 .48 .l6 OSApp. 7"?5 90" 268 4899 + 21 3 25.80 57-i + 6.121+ .357 -.04 + .011 O .12 .51 .30 i Sagittae 4900 -2i I456.9 1 78.7 + 6.120+ .492 -.09 .017 o .14 .49 .21 4872 S 2461. IOM 4" 312 4882 Gale. s?8-7?S o'.'S 4- 198 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t Hand ioo A (i Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop, aio M h m s 9 S s 5 // ,/ 4901 R 33 7-3 19 II 18.976 73-8 + 3-3327- -42 -.005 + .0096 o .16 .70 .30 4902 Br 2424 5-6 II 34.062 71.7 + 2.9693 .0012 .003 + .0006 o .11 .38 .18 4903 Br 2423 S-o II 47.081 77-4 + 3.5125-. 0062 .009 .0009 o .04 .21 .08 4904 L 8050 7.0 ii 49-963 96.1 + 4.6870 .0264 -043 + .0018+ I .16 1.18 .23 4905 Dpt 2262 5-7 ii 52.042 85-5 + 2.7475 .0000 .OOI + .0008 o .10 .52 .16 4906 Br 2428 4.8 ii 55.109 75-8 +2.5789+. 0007 .OOO .0000 o .09 .36 .15 4907 Br 2444 5-3 12 8.071 63-5 + 1-0735- -0052 -OOS .OOl6+ 2 .10 .44 .23 4908 Pi 39 7.2 12 20.069 65-9 + 3.5101 .0062 .009 .0008 o .15 .56 .29 4909 8 Draconis 3-i 12 32.OOI 66.4 + 0.0256 .0235 .009 + .0173- 2 .03 .14 .07 4910 Groomb 2802 6-5 12 42.847 87.4 + 1.5651 .001 1 .OO2 + .0003 o .13 .44 .16 49" Br 2466 S- 2 12 50.361 65.2 2.1596 .0897 + .O2O + .OI32+I6 .07 .26 .14 4912 flLyrae 4-5 12 53.804 85.8 + 2.0813+. ooio .OOO .0009 o .04 .30 .09 4913 L8o67 5-8 13 2.396 91.2 +3-9752-. 0130 .019 - .0059 o .20 1.88 .40 4914 Aquilae 5-3 13 7-352 78-5 + 2.8160 .0004 .OOI .OOOI .03 .21 .07 4915 Pi 50 6-5 13 17-993 75-8 + 3.4221 .0050 .OO7 .OO7I+ 2 .09 .42 .17 4916 Br 2430 5-4 13 27.204 64.0 +3.0525-. 0019 -.003 + .OOO2 .12 .44 .23 4917 Pulk H 2739 5-6 13 29.722 89.2 + 2 -5373 + -0008 .OOO .0007 o .13 .56 .17 4918 L 8034 6.8 I 3 39.690 82.7 + 6.2982 .0779 .146 .0029 o .18 .75 .27 4919 Br 2431 6.8 13 43-975 74-i + 3.0687 .0020 -.003 .0002 o .11 .42 .19 4920 Groomb 2809 6.2 13 59.267 73-6 + 1.7215 .0010 .OOI .0007 4 .12 .48 .21 4921 Pi 61 5-7 14 38.584 80.6 +3-5967- -0077 .010 .0024 o .11 .56 .20 4922 17 Telescopii 5-2 14 47.040 86.2 + 4.8562 -.03 1 7 -.048 + .0019+ i .18 .84 .27 4923 K Cygni 3-9 I447-523 74-4 + 1.3882 .0030 -.003 + .OO7I 2 .03 .16 .07 4924 Br 2441 5-6 I459-37I 73-8 + 2.7989 .0003 .OOI .OOOI O .IO .40 .l8 4925 Br 2442 6.2 15 10.885 77-5 + 2.8206 .0004 .OOI + .OO22 O .10 .39 .16 4926 Br 2435 5-2 15 12.595 83-4 +3.2034 .0032 .004 + .0069 o .07 .40 .13 4927 L 8081 7-4 15 19-258 80.0 + 3.8064 .0106 -.013 + .0099 o .15 i.oo .34 4928 Br 2439 5-7 15 26.098 73-2 + 3.0962 .0023 -.003 + .OOOI .12 .45 .20 4929 /8 1 Sagittarii 4.0 15 26.998 74.6 + 4.3214- .0199 -.028 .OOOI O .11 .50 .21 4930 Groomb 2812 7-i 15 37-465 64.7 + 2. OO45 + .OOO8 .000 - .0003 o .12 .63 .31 493i Pi 67 7-4 IS 45-558 70.6 + 3.5182-. 0067 .009 + .0002 o .13 .51 .24 4932 p Sagittarii 4.1 15 52-419 66.6 + 3.4822 .0063 -.008 .0017 o .06 .27 .13 4933 ft 2 Sagittarii 4-3 i5 59-7I7 83-7 +4-3457- -0203 -.028 + .OIO2 .13 .72 .23 4934 v Sagittarii 4-7 16 0.034 77-9 + 3-4379- -ooS 8 .007 .0002 o .07 .33 .12 4935 Br 2436 6.2 16 0.916 65-4 + 3.5016- .0064 -.008 + .0066 o 9 -33 -17 4936 o Sagittarii 4-1 16 57-551 83.8 + 4.1644 .0169 -.023 + .002^+ I .09 .56 .17 4937 Pulk M 2748 k6.i 17 13.008 86.5 + 3.0850 .0022 -.003 + .0029 o .09 .52 .15 4938 L 8090 7-3 17 14.617 88.3 + 3.9629- .0135 -.017 + .OO22 O .12 .78 .21 4939 Groomb 2822 6.6 17 23-973 71.6 + 1.3274- .0033 -.003 + .0028+ I 13 -57 -25 4940 r Draconis 4-7 17 28.704 72.4 1.1276 .0588 -.008 .0318 12 .03 .18 .08 4941 Pi 84 6.0 18 16.167 79.0 + 3.7432 .0102 .012 .0004 o .11 .52 .20 4942 Br 2450 5-2 18 45.132 78.6 + 2. 4565 + . OOIO .000 .OOO2 .10 .48 .18 4943 Br 2445 5-1 19 "-433 73-4 + 3.6546- .0088 .on + .0038 o .08 .32 .14 4944 Br 2446 5-6 19 26.542 77-2 +3.6346- .0087 .Oil .0015 o .09 .38 .16 4945 Bruss 8113 5-9 19 42.629 95-i +3.3926 .0056 .007 + .0048 o !3 -93 -19 4946 L 8091 5-7 19 46.184 90.2 +4.8295-. 0337 .046 - -0057 o .15 I.O2 .25 4947 Br 2453 6.2 19 52.621 70.2 + 2.6938 + .ooo2 .001 .0007 o .11 .46 .21 4948 IT Draconis 4.6 20 9.408 63.0 +0.3176- .0193 .010 + .0031 I .05 .26 .13 4949 Br 2456 S-o 20 10.967 81.4 + 2. 3649+. ooi i .000 + .0007 o .10 .34 .14 4950 Br 2452 5-4 19 20 12.117 75-7 + 2.8611 .0012 .OOI + .0494- 4 .06 .24 .IO 4901/3140. II M 37" 326; BC: 11*2 7" 210. 4916 2 2492. IO M 3" 10. 4908 W.H. 9 M 4o"iS9. 4924 W.H. 8 M 6o"i7s. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 199 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3* H'and ioo A(i' Prob. Errors. S Ep. 100 p.' S 10 Remarks. 4901 o / tr ii 8 56.01 75-9 rt // + 6.i52 + .46i -.07 n + .014+ I ft it it .14 .59 .24 * 4902 + 43929-71 73-3 + 6. 145 + .409 -.06 .014 o .10 .34 .16 22 Aquilae 4903 19 7 51.62 74-1 + 6. 1 58 + .484 -.09 .019 o .04 .22 .09 43 Sagittarii d 4904 -5 1 45 7- 6 92.8 + 6. 1 34 +.648 -.19 - .047 o .13 .80 .19 54 G Telescopii 4905 + 14 22 2.8o 77-3 + 6.i97 + . 37 8 -05 + .013 o 9 -37 -i5 22489. io M 8" 347 4906 + 21 12 49.14 72.6 + 6.i8 4 +. 3 55 -.04 .004 o .07 .32 .14 i Vulpeculas 4907 +57 3i S 6 - 66 58.8 + 6.131 + . 146 .02 - -75 o .08 .29 .17 54 Draconis 4908 -19 235.21 70.4 + 6. 203 + .484 -.0 9 .020 o .14 .49 .24 161 G Sagittarii * 4909 + 67 29 8.27 67.0 + 6.328 + . 003 -05 + .089+ 2 .03 .12 .06 4910 + 49 53 38-65 75-5 + 6. 240+. 214 .02 .014 o .11 .32 .16 S 2496. n M 2"79 4911 + 76 23 38.16 68.2 + 6.138-. 300 -.24 -.127+ 2 .08 .24 .13 59 Draconis 4912 +37 57 19-54 80. i + 6.266 + . 284 -03 - .003 o .05 .28 .10 4913 -35 36 12.02 81.8 + 6.265 + .547 .12 .Ol6 I .20 2.40 .71 162 G Sagittarii 4914 + " 2453.56 77-6 + 6.299+. 387 -5 + .011 .03 .22 .08 4915 -1542 37.78 73-8 + 6.037 + .470 -.08 -.266- I .08 .40 .17 163 G Sagittarii 4916 + 054 11.73 65-9 + 6.331 + .420 -.06 + .015 o .09 .30 .l6 23 Aquilae * 4917 + 22 50 42.86 83-9 + 6.310+. 348 -.04 .009 o .12 .47 .I? 2 Vulpeculae 4918 -68 3 3 3 1.8 9 80.2 + 6.337 + .868 -.41 + .004 o .14 .6l .23 62 G Pavonis 4919 + 09 24.OO 75-5 + 6.348 + . 422 -.06 + .009 o .10 .34 .15 24 Aquilae 4920 + 46 48 39.18 66.4 + 6.645 + .235 .02 + .285 o .IO .40 .20 4921 -2235 18.57 79-4 + 6.452 + .494 .IO + .038 o .11 .51 .19 165 G Sagittarii 4922 -543634.02 83-2 + 6.353 + .668 .22 -.073 o -IS -65 -23 4923 + 53 ii 1.69 70.6 + 6.544+. 190 .02 +.117+ I .03 .15 .07 4924 + 12 ii 23.35 69.7 + 6.461 + .384 -05 + .018 o .08 .29 .14 28 Aquilae A * 4925 + 11 20 57.98 74-3 + 6.480+. 387 -05 + .021 .10 .38 .17 29 Aquilae 4926 - 5 36 10.17 80.5 + 6. 500 +.440 -.07 + 039+ I .06 .33 .12 26 Aquilae/ 4927 -2947 31.85 75-4 + 6.468 + . 524 .11 .002 + I 15 -99 -37 170 G Sagittarii 4928 - i 441.94 68.3 + 6.479+-424 -.07 .001 .10 .33 .17 27 Aquilae d 4929 -443848.18 71.6 + 6.462 + .594 -17 .019 o .09 .39 .17 Dunlop. 7"" 28" 77 4930 + 40 10 32.91 67.4 + 6.505 + .274 -3 + .009 o .13 .52 .26 4931 -19 25 17.54 74-8 + 6.512 + . 482 .IO + .005 o .12 .51 .22 173 G Sagittarii 4932 -18 2 8.04 71-5 + 6.s 3 6+.477 .IO + .020 o .06 .31 .13 4933 -44 59 16.42 74-9 + 6.463 + .598 -.16 -.063+ I .IO .42 .l8 4934 - 16 8 34.07 74.0 + 6.523 + .47I -.09 .004 o .07 .34 .14 4935 -18 2937.94 69.8 + 6.435 + .481 .IO -093+ I .09 .36 .I? 45 Sagittarii p * 4936 40 48 14.87 80.8 + 6.48o+.57i -.14 .126 o .09 .51 .I? 4937 o 26 30.20 86.1 + 6.6oi + -422 -.07 .026 o .08 .49 .14 Br 3250 4938 -35 930-97 83.6 + 6.6i9+.S43 -13 .010 o 15 -75 -25 4939 + 54 ii 23-13 66.4 + 6.614+. 180 .02 .028 o .11 .47 .23 4940 + 73 10 11.64 74-9 + 6.759-. 162 -1J + .110 4 .04 .21 .08 4941 -28 333.20 79.2 + 6.712 + . 511 .12 .002 o .12 .57 .21 179 G Sagittarii 4942 + 26 4 13.00 75-6 + 6.739+. 334 -.04 -.015 o .08 .36 .15 3 Vulpeculae 4943 -2442 9.93 74.2 + 6.7 28 + .499 .11 .062 o .08 .30 .14 47 Sagittarii x l 4944 - 24 9 29.65 79.2 + 6.8io+.495 .11 .000 o .09 .39 .15 49 Sagittarii \ 3 4945 -14 542-84 93-7 + 6.883 + .463 -.0 9 + .050+ I .13 .95 .20 4946 -5431 28.63 86.4 + 6.853 + .658 -23 +.015- I .12 .69 .20 59 G Telescopii * 4947 + 16 4433-7 61.2 + 6.830+. 366 -OS .016 o .11 .40 .22 2 Sagittae 4948 + 65 31 18.94 61.3 + 6.910+. 041 -5 + .041 o .05 .l8 .IO 4949 + 29 25 32.18 75-i + 6.882 + .321 -3 + .OIO .10 .30 .14 2 Cygni 4950 + 11 43 48.72 72.9 + 7-503 + -395 -.06 + .630+ 7 .05 .22 .IO 31 Aquilae b 4946 h S"4. i M i" , binary? Last seen double in 1860. 2OO PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag R. A. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo|i a 10 M h m s 8 8 s s It n n 4951 Br 2454 7-i 19 20 15.672 70.8 + 2.6961+ .OOO .001 + .0018 o .12 .50 .23 4952 Br 2448 5-7 2O 21.319 77-2 + 3.5806- .008 .010 + .0018 o .11 .40 .17 4953 8 Aquilae 3-4 20 27.395 70.4 + 3- 02 53- - 001 -.003 + .0169 o .02 .14 .06 4954 Pi 107 5-8 20 29.715 72.0 + 3.4161- .005 .007 + .0016 o 13 -56 -25 4955 Pi 102 5-8 20 37-345 80.9 + 3-7959- -on -.013 + .0009 o .11 .51 .l8 4956 Pi no 6.8 20 44-255 68.3 + 3.4045- .0058 -.007 + .0019 o .15 .57 .28 4957 Pi 131 6.7 20 46.453 78.9 + 1.5732- .001 .002 .0003 o .11 .50 .19 4958 Groomb 2832 6.1 20 46.906 65.3 + 1.8970+ .000 .001 + .OO22 .14 .58 .30 4959 L 8078 6-3 20 46.941 85.6 + 6.2800- .0850 -.138 + .0009 o .15 .78 .24 4960 Br 2458 5-4 21 5.283 65.6 + 2.6313+ .0005 .000 + .0054+ I .12 .45 .23 4961 Br 2459 6.4 21 17458 67.0 + 2.4813+ .0017 .000 -.0137+ 4 .08 .32 .l6 4962 v Aquilas 4-9 21 24.217 80.9 + 3.0686 .0024 -.003 .0007 o .10 .39 .15 4963 Pulkjs 2765 6.0 21 45-270 89.6 + 2.7876 .ooo< .001 JJ^QQQ^ -ii .68 .18 4964 Paris 26114 7-6 21 51.074 80.7 + 3-4915- - 00 7 -.008 .OOIO O .12 .90 .29 4965 Br 2461 5-8 21 51.246 66.5 + 2.6186+ .0005 .000 .0005 o .l6 .46 .26 4966 Pi 140 7-4 21 55-398 73-o + 1.5770 .0014 .002 .OOIO 15 -54 -25 4967 Br 2462 6-3 22 6.179 82.2 + 2.6232+ .0005 .000 .0012 .12 .36 .15 4968 Capes, 3838 7-3 22 16.290 76.8 + 3-493 8 - -0071 -.008 + .0013 o .10 .57 .21 4969 L 8109 5-9 22 17.428 92.8 + 4.2760 .0204 -.025 + .OIO2+ I .15 2.00 .38 4970 L 8101 6.7 22 27.916 82.3 + 4.8842 .0362 -.047 + .0044 o .13 .72 .24 497i A. Ursae Min 6.8 22 29.27- 70.8 -67.82226.888- -.103- 421 .03 .15 .06 4972 Br 2464 5-2 22 33-049 66.9 + 2.1603+ -ooio .000 + .0005 o .10 .54 .25 4973 Pi 126 5-6 23 41.062 75-2 + 3.7146 .0104 .012 + .OOIO .09 .46 .19 4974 Br 2463 6.0 23 57-6I3 62.3 + 3.0336- .0021 -.003 .0007 o .11 .39 .22 4975 Pi 156 6.9 23 58.212 74-4 + 1.0874 .0064 -.005 .0016 o 15 -54 -24 4976 a Vulpeculae 4.6 24 32.653 72.3 + 2.4959+ .0010 .000 -.0093+ I .04 .22 .10 4977 Pulk M 2775 5-9 24 46.506 87.8 + 2.7551- .0002 .001 + .0025 o .11 .60 .l8 4978 Br 2470 6.1 24 46.649 64.0 + 2.5022+ .O008 .000 .0008 o .10 .38 .20 4979 Pi 138 6.2 24 57-932 76-9 + 3.5640 .0084 .009 + .0005 o .11 .45 .18 4980 Br 2476 5-9 24 59.041 66.9 + 1.4686 .002^] -.003 .0027 o .10 .38 .19 4981 Br 2469 6.8 24 59.062 60.7 + 2.6163+ -O005 .000 .0009 o .l6 .52 .31 4982 L 8115 6.0 25 0.199 85.0 + 4-7S3 2 - -0337 .042 + .0039 o .16 .75 .25 4983 Br 2465 5-3 25 26.035 80.4 + 3.1381 .0031 .004 + .0006 o .07 .32 .12 4984 L 8129 6.0 26 9.173 82.4 + 4-3343- -0233 -.027 .0023 o .18 .96 .32 4985 L8i 39 7-4 26 26.382 75-o + 3-7435- -0102 .on + .0046+ 6 .09 .52 .21 4986 ,8 'Cygni 3-o 26 41.308 76-4 h 2.4187+ .OOIO .000 .0002 o .03 .l6 .06 4987 ft 2 Cygni 5-6 26 43-447 75-2 '- 2.4180+ .0010 .000 .0008 o .06 .28 .12 4988 i Cygni 3-9 27 11.090 74-6 - 1.5135- .0026 .002 + .OO2I 2 .04 .l6 .07 4989 L8i 3 8 6.0 27 17.068 89.2 - 4.1222 .0189 .020 .0004 o .l6 1.64 .38 4990 Groomb 2900 6-3 2 7 44-997 83-4 - 3-5444- -1957 + .023 + .0091+ 8 5 -56 -15 4991 t Telescopii S-o 27 47-9 12 87.0 - 4.4619 .0270 -.030 -.0025+ I .14 I.O4 .28 4992 Br 2480 4.8 28 3-3I7 73-2 - 2.2288+ .0011 .000 .0002 .11 .51 .22 4993 Pi iS9 7.0 2831.787 81.5 - 3.6258 .0097 .010 + .0003 o .12 .57 .20 4994 Groomb 2865 5-7 28 40.492 71.2 - i-5 8 95 - OOI 7 .002 .0030 I .13 .68 .29 4995 p. Aquilae 4.8 29 12.264 70.2 - 2.9312 .0012 .001 + .0143+ I .05 .32 .14 4996 Br 2477 5-4 29 36.664 68.1 + 3-3078- -0053 -.005 + .0002 o .11 .44 .21 4997 Br 2475 5-8 29 57.421 . 7i-5 + 3-6475- -0102 .010 + .OOIO O .IO .42 .19 4998 Br 2483 5-i 3 n-375 67.9 - 2.6342+ .OOO3 .000 + .0003 o .12 .46 .23 4999 Br 2478 4.6 3037-376 74-i - 3-655S- -0104 .010 + .0053 o .04 .24 .09 5000 Br 2487 5-6 9 3 52-534 60.4 + 2 -3 8 35+ -ooio + .OOI + .0013 o .12 .57 .31 4960 h 2871. IO M 25" 106, relative motion. 4973 W. H. 9 M 8" 141 c CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1 900 201 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p.' and 100 AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 4951 o / // + 16 45 39.76 65.2 // n +6.856+ .366 // -5 // .022 O // n ft .IO .42 .21 3 Sagittae 4952 21 58 28.79 77-2 +6.887+ -487 .10 + .OOI O .11 .41 .I? 50 Sagittarii 4953 + 2 54 54.69 69.6 + 6.971+ .414 -.06 + .077+ 2 .02 .13 .06 4954 -IS i5 5-5 74.0 +6.895+ -465 -.09 .002 O .11 .49 .21 187 G Sagittarii 4955 -295627.74 80.0 + 6.853+ .517 .12 - -055 o .10 .45 .17 186 G Sagittarii 4956 - 14 44 58.90 67-5 +6.905+ .463 -.09 .012 O .13 .47 .24 188 G Sagittarii 4957 + 50 43 1 -? 6 74-2 + 6.930+ .212 .02 + .OIO O .10 .39 .17 4958 + 43 n 34.58 61.1 + 6.882+ .257 .02 - .039 o .12 .50 .27 4959 -6838 15.27 84.2 + 6.911+ .856 -44 .010 o .12 .67 .21 65 G Pavonis 4960 + 1936 8.18 63.2 + 6.873+ -358 -.04 -.073+ I .11 .46 .24 4 Vulpeculae * 4961 + 2 4 43 5S-5 8 66.0 + 6.331+ .334 -.04 -.631- 2 .07 .30 .15 OS 1 1" 31" 77, rel. mot. 4962 + 08 20.79 78.0 + 6.977+ -4 J 6 -.07 + .005 o .08 .34 .14 4963 + 12 49 20.36 87-5 + 7.066+ .378 -5 + .066 o .11 .59 .17 4964 -i833 5-27 77-4 + 6.990+ .474 .10 .018 o .11 -75 .27 4965 + 1953 56-51 67.8 + 6.970+ .354 -.04 - -039 o .14 .51 .26 5 Vulpecuke 4966 + 50 238.66 65.8 + 7.OOI+ .212 .02 -.013 o .12 .45 .23 4967 + 19 41 32.86 74.1 + 6-975+ -355 -.04 - .054 o .10 .33 .16 S 2521. IO M 25" 38, slow. 4968 -18 33 41.23 77-2 + 7.035+ .474 .10 .008 o .10 .63 .23 190 G Sagittarii 4969 -43 38 44.92 91.4. + 6.903+ .582 -.16 .141+ I .12 1.50 .30 189 G Sagittarii 4970 -55 18 53.76 79.1 + 7.050+ .664 -23 .009+ I .11 .54 .20 61 G Telescopii (^) 4971 + 88 59 15.82 72-5 + 7.071 9.272 + .OII 14 .02 .14 .06 Br 2795 4972 + 36 7 1.60 60.4 + 7.072+ .292 -3 + .006 o .10 .47 .25 4Cygm 4973 27 ii 25.46 76.9 + 7.110+ .503 .11 .048 o .09 .41 ,l6 193 G Sagittarii * 4974 + i 44 45.79 71.6 + 7.145+ .410 -.07 - .036 o .09 .35 .16 35 Aquilae c 4975 + 574931.58 67.! + 7.179+ .145 .02 .003 o .13 .46 .24 4976 + 2 4 27 43.99 7i-5 + 7-II5+ -335 -.04 -113- I .04 .21 .09 Br 2467. 6 Vulpeculae 4977 + 14 23 24.18 83-5 + 7.214+ .372 -5 - -033 o .11 .49 -17 4978 + 24 33 43-48 68.4 + 7.243+ .337 -.04 -.005 o .10 .56 .25 8 Vulpeculae 4979 -21 31 12.34 78-9 + 7.248+ .481 .11 .015 o .12 .49 .19 197 G Sagittarii 4980 + 52 659.52 61-5 + 7.232+ .196 .02 -.032 o .08 .33 .18 7Cygni (t 1 ) 4981 + 20 424-39 58.6 + 7-245+ -352 -.04 .019 o 15 -51 -3 7 Vulpeculae 4982 - 53 2 3 46.49 81.4 + 7.246+ .643 - 2 3 .020 o .13 .58 .21 62 G Telescopii 4983 2 59 50.62 76.1 + 7.288+ .423 -.O? -.013 o 7 -33 -13 36 Aquilae e 4984 -45 2 9 -79 80.3 + 7.327+ .584 -.18 - -033 o .14 .80 .28 63 G Telescopii 4985 28 12 4O.IO 73-o + 6.644+ -55 -13 -739+ * .10 .65 .26 4986 4987 + 27 44 58.03 + 2745 17-88 74.0 75-8 + 7-394+ -324 + 7-398+ .324 -.04 -.04 .009 o .008 -o .04 .20 .08 .08 .45 .17 J2A PP . 35" 55 4988 +.51 3059.54 71.1 + 7-567+ -202 .02 + .124 o .04 .15 .07 Br 248i(i 2 Cygni) 4989 40 14 58.02 89.1 + 7.440+ .554 -.16 .012 o 15 i-53 -35 201 G Sagittarii 4990 + 79 2 4 8.79 82.2 + 7.452- .481 -.52 -.037+ I .06 .45 .14 4991 -48 18 52.81 84-3 + 7-455+ -600 .20 - .038 o .12 .75 .23 4992 + 34 14 24-43 70-3 + 7.511+ .298 -.3 .003 o .09 .38 .17 SCygni 4993 - 24 4 30.84 80.0 + 7. SSI + .486 .12 .002 o .12 .56 .21 202 G Sagittarii 4994 + 5 5 3 r - 8 4 67.1 + 7.602+ .211 .02 + .038 o .12 -55 .26 4995 + 79 59-40 66.5 + 7-455+ -394 -.07 .152+ 2 .06 .28 .14 4996 -104643.87 68.8 + 7.638+ .442 -.09 .002 o .09 .33 .16 37 Aquilae k 4997 -24 56 17.74 75-i + 7.643+ -488 .12 -.025 o .IO .40 .17 51 Sagittarii h l 4998 + 1933 17.29 66.4 + 7.685+ .352 -5 .002 o .10 .38 .19 9 Vulpeculae 4999 -25 .615.75 71.2 + 7.697+ .489 .12 .025+ I .04 .23 .10 52 Sagittarii h 2 * 5000 + 29 I434-IO 58.4 + 7.760+ .318 -.04 + .018 o -13 -67 -37 9 Cygni 4999 654. io?s 3" l6 4- 202 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H- and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 n aio M b m s a s a 8 // // n 5001 Pi 1 80 5-9 1931 15.237 70.6 + 3.4843-. 0078 -.008 + .0009 o .14 .56 .26 5002 Groomb 2877 5-5 31 25.616 62.3 + 1. 9558 + . OO06 .OOO .OOOI O l6 -75 -39 5003 K Aquilae 5-i 3 I 30.720 76.9 + 3.2292 .0045 .004 + .0002 O .04 .24 .09 5004 i Aquilae 4-5 3 1 32-893 70.1 + 3. I 45-.3 I .OO2 - .0003 o .10 .32 .16 5005 Pi 211 5-9 31 44-446 69-3 + 1-5543- OOI 4 .002 + .0031+ 3 .10 .54 .24 5006 PuLka 2791 5-7 31 56.280 93- + 3.3828 .0064 .OO6 .0082+ I .13 .70 .18 5007 Br 2491 6.2 32 12.679 65.3 + 2.I55I + .OOH .OOO + .OOOI O .12 .46 .24 5008 Br 2485 5-6 32 29.035 71.8 + 3- l8 39--039 -.003 + .0068 o .10 .42 .19 5009 Aquilae 6.4 39 55-65 54-7 + 2.7908 .OOO6 .000 .0005 o .14 .36 .24 5043 Groomb 2925 6.1 40 24.816 85-5 + 2.ooi8 + .ooo7 .000 + .0014 o 13 -57 -19 5044 Br 2504 S-i 43i-775 69.6 + 3-533--9 I -.007 .0095+ I .06 .27 .12 5045 Br 2514 5-i 40 40.189 84.2 + 2.I629+.OOII + .001 + .0057 o .06 .44 .13 5046 v Aquilae 6.1 40 48.059 66.9 + 2.9195 .0016 .OOI + .0036 o .l6 .56 .29 5047 y Aquilae 2.8 4i 3-34i 67-5 + 2.8523 .0011 .OOI + .0009 o .02 .IO .05 5048 8 Cygni 2.8 41 50.979 74-4 + 1.8755 + . oooi .000 + .0050 o .04 .20 .08 5049 Pi 278 6.4 42 7-595 65.6 + 2.2352 + .OOI2 + .OOI .0000 o .18 .69 .36 5050 L 8207 m 5-6 1942 15.779 91.0 + 5. 1 167- .0550 -.048 + .0023 o .15 .98 .24 5015 See. 7?i-7>?6 o'.'ij 332. 5050 Innes. o'.'6 89 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 20 3 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and zoo AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop' Sio Remarks. 5001 o / rf 18 27 11.99 76.8 // // + 7-747+ -465 // .11 a .026 o It n II 13 ^6 -23 209 G Sagittarii 5002 + 42 ii 36.24 66.6 + 7.766+ .260 - -3 .021 o .12 .46 .23 5003 - 7 14 59.66 74-5 + 7.792+ .430 - .08 .002 o .05 .28 .11 5004 - i 3 3- 2 3 74-2 + 7-779+ -414 - .08 .017 o .08 .29 .13 5005 + 51 i 18.46 63.0 + 7.609+ .206 - -3 -.203 o .10 .45 .23 5006 -U3 1 : 7-43 91.1 + 7.693+ .450 .10 -135- I .14 .69 .19 5007 + 36 43 20.71 62.9 + 7.844+ .286 - -03 .006 o .IO .41 .22 n Cygni 5008 - 452 iS-i? 73- + 7.813+ .424 - .08 -.059+ I .09 .36 .16 42 Aquilae 5009 + 69 29 27.73 62.8 + 6.122 .OO4 - .08 -1.754+14 .05 .22 .12 Parallax o'/24 5010 + 16 14 16.88 60.8 + 7.907+ .361 - .06 + .013 6 .08 .33 .18 5011 + 50 050.97 65-7 + 7.966+ .212 - -03 + .032 o .08 .31 .l6 5012 + 44 28 23.64 59- 6 + 7.845+ .244 - -3 .in i 14 -57 -3 2 5013 + 63 12 42.OI 81.8 + 7-977+ -083 - .04 + .007 o .09 .43 .15 SOU + 495921.57 67.1 + 8.221+ .211 - -3 + .247 o .04 .15 .07 5015 -23 39 18.38 75-7 + 7-949+ .479 .12 .030 o .11 .44 .19 53 Sagittarii * 5016 -23 39 28.10 81.4 + 7-999+ -479 .12 -.003 o .10 .42 .15 218 G Sagittarii SOI7 + 49 58 28.81 66.7 + 7-993+ -212 - -03 .on o .14 .64 .31 Groomb 2896. 5l"9 to > 14" 5018 + 5 10 11.13 61.0 + 8.014+ -39 2 - .07 .000 o .09 .34 .19 5019 16 31 21.52 74-9 + 8.019+ -456 .10 -.054+ I .07 .32 .13 54 Sagittarii e 1 5020 + 71 22 59.31 74-9 + 8.035- 8 4 .11 -073- 3 .08 .45 .18 Kustner 9 M i" 267 5021 + 29SS 2I -3 2 67.1 +8.143+ -3 12 - .04 + .035 o .08 .35 .17 5022 - 051 11.03 66.4 + 8.130+ .409 - .08 + .OIO O .11 .40 .21 45 Aquilae 5023 + 1747 1.16 70.2 + 8.092+ .354 - .06 - .032 o .06 .29 .13 5024 + 42 35 12.92 59- 6 + 8.193+ -257 ~ -3 + .024 o .08 .35 .20 14 Cygni 5025 -37 4025.93 92.1 +8.146+ .532 - .16 .027 o .15 1.06 .24 5026 + 54 44 21.62 66.9 + 8.359+ .177 - -03 +.170+ I .09 .47 .22 5027 + 17 I438-97 7i-5 + 8.160+ .355 - .06 .038 o .O? .29 .13 5028 16 21 30.48 65.2 + 8.201+ .454 .11 -.017+ I .O? .30 .15 55 Sagittarii i? 5029 + 11 57 30.03 77.6 +8.267+ -370 - .06 .008 o .11 .35 .16 46 Aquilse 5030 81 36 0.64 79-4 +8.293+1.499 -2.15 + .OII .07 .60 .20 44 G Octantis 5<>3i + 45 17 15.88 77-i +8.398+ .244 - -03 +.105+ I .11 .35 .16 5032 - 15 42 6.88 75-5 + 8.120+ .452 .11 .182+ I .IO .45 .l8 226 G Sagittari 5033 + 11 35 27.01 61.2 +8.289+ -371 - .O? -.013 o .IO .40 .22 02380. sV&-iVoo'.'6i4 5034 -72 4449- 61 86.2 +8.325+ .924 - .6 9 + .O2O O .12 .67 .20 70 G Pavonis 5035 + 40 i 1.90 68.2 +8.367+ .268 - -3 + .OII O .13 .49 .24 5036 -31 834.48 75-2 +8.380+ .500 - .14 .019 o .IO .44 .l8 227 G Sagittarii 5037 + 50 17 34.92 79-5 +8.253+ -206 - -03 .152 2 .06 .18 .08 1 16 Cygni c 1 5038 + 50 17 7.94 55-9 + 8.253+ -206 - -03 -.156- 2 .08 .33 .20 f C 2 2App. 3 8"i35 5039 + 25 31 56.50 75-o +8.450+ .326 - -5 + .013 o .09 .36 .15 10 Vulpeculae 5040 -32 859.29 81.4 +8.416+ .503 - -IS .028 o .10 .51 .18 228 G Sagittarii 5041 56 36 10.46 84.9 +8.312+ .648 - .29 -.149+ I .12 .65 .20 5042 + 13 345-38 60.5 +8.451+ .365 - .06 -.015 o .13 .45 .26 5043 + 41 31 58.28 81.6 +8.512+ .261 - -03 + .007 o .12 .45 .l8 5044 20 o 6.08 71.2 + 8.418+ .457 .12 .096 I .06 .27 .12 56 Sagittarii/ 5045 + 37 645.41 77-3 + 8.559+ -282 - .04 + .034+ I .06 .29 .11 15 Cygni 5046 + 7 22 13.89 57-4 +8.527+ .382 - .08 .009 o .14 .47 .28 5047 + 10 22 9.76 65-5 + 8.587+ .372 - -07 .004 o .02 .11 .05 5048 + 44 53 11.40 68.5 + 8.656+ .244 - -03 +.037+ I .04 .l6 .08 S 2579. 8 M < 2", slow binary 5049 + 3446 7.42 55-9 + 8.628+ .290 - .04 .012 o .12 .47 .28 W. H. 8*Cs 38" 27 5050 -59 2 634-39 87.9 + 8.666+ .670 - -33 + .015 o .12 .71 .20 74 G Pavonis * 2O4 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t p. and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. 1OC|1 a 10 M h m s 8 S s s ft ft n 5051 x c yg ni 5-2 19 42 37-794 72.6 + 2.276O+.OO2O + .00 1 + .0009+ 4 .07 .30 .13 5052 8 Sagittae 3-8 42 5S-727 80.8 4-2. 6746+. oooi .000 + .0001 o .04 .22 .08 5053 Br 2515 6.4 43 3 I -3 8 9 74-9 + 3-3 I0 7-- oo6 3 .004 + .OO2O O .10 .56 .22 5054 Arm^ 2511 6.0 43 54-806 OI.O + 2.I296+.OOII .000 + .0013 o .12 .96 .15 5055 v Aquilas m 5-9 43 59-3 71.4 + 2.8271 .0009 .OOI + .0006 o .10 .34 .17 5056 Capeso 3903 7.8 44 I4-I57 86.6 +3.6838- .0128 .OIO + .0006 o .12 .64 .19 5057 Groomb 2952 6.0 44 27.059 70.7 0.0665 .0376 .O2I + .0026+ I .09 .57 .24 5058 Sagittae m S-o 44 32-320 67.0 + 2.663I + .OO02 .OOO + .0013 o .10 .50 .24 5059 L 8227 5-8 44 39-596 67.8 +4.7984- .0442 -.036 .0014 o .28 2.02 .90 5060 L82 39 5-6 45 3-219 86.1 + 4.0851 .0222 .Ol6 + .0025 o .13 .86 .24 5061 Br 2519 5-7 45 16.714 84.0 + 3- 3040- .0064 .OO4 .0016 o .08 .40 .13 5062 a Aquilae 0.6 45 54-273 68.8 + 2.9274 .OOl8 .001 + .0361 2 .02 .10 .05 5063 Br 2529 6.4 45 55-125 79-7 + 2.I224+.OOI2 + .OOI + .0002 .10 .36 .15 5064 L 8226 6-3 45 56.773 88.1 + 5.27I7-. 0638 -.053 + .0028 I .15 .84 .24 5065 o Aquilae 5-3 46 14-199 71.0 + 2.8737 .OOIO .OOI + .0157+ I .10 .36 .17 5066 Br 2522 6.2 46 23.362 73-9 + 3.4908- .0094 .006 .0000 o .08 .38 .16 5067 dM*Pi|UM Var. 46 43- l8 7 77-7 + 2. 3008+. OOI3 + .00 1 .0060 o .l6 1.24 .44 5068 Br 2527 5- 46 45-752 67-9 + 2. 5829+. OOO6 + .OOI + .0016 o 13 -50 -25 5069 Br 2534 5-5 47 i-39 62.3 + 2.I252 + .OOIO + .OOI + .0009 I .11 .48 .26 5070 Groomb 2950 5-8 47 ii-4i5 62.6 + 2.0598 + .0010 .000 + .0008 o .15 .64 .34 5071 i} Aquilae Var. 47 22.752 72-5 + 3-0573- -0032 .002 + .0005 o .05 .30 .12 5072 Arm*, 2524 5-8 47 49.146 89.8 + 2. 5224+. O008 + .OOI .OOI I O .IO .80 .19 5073 Br 2532 6-5 47 54-143 86.8 + 2. 6754+. OOOI .000 .0004 o .13 .39 .16 5074 Paris 27025 5-8 48 4-5" 90.2 + 3- I 434--oo43 -.003 + .OOIO O .12 .66 .18 5075 Br 2542 5-2 48 7.181 62.7 + 1.5058 .0028 .002 .0019+ I .08 .26 .14 5076 L8262 6.4 48 18.499 89.8 + 3-5975- -0112 -.008 -.0094+ 3 .10 .69 .17 5077 L 8224 6.0 48 21.542 86.4 + 6.2580-. 1153 -.098 + .0158+ 2 .18 .88 .28 5078 t Sagittarii 4-i 48 21.841 83.2 + 4.1494- .0249 -.017 + .0008 o .10 .68 .21 5079 Draconis 3-9 48 30.842 71.8 0.1821 .0442 -.025 + .0158 o .03 .20 .08 5080 L 8260 6.7 48 40.647 81.6 + 3.8522-. 0173 .012 .0014 o .14 .72 .25 5081 L824S 5-4 48 42.374 89-3 + 5-0653-. 0567 -.043 + .0014 o .16 .80 .23 5082 Br 2530 6.2 48 42.739 70.4 + 3.2570- .0058 - -003 .OOOI O .13 .51 .24 5083 Pulk M 2847 5-8 48 58.294 89.8 + 1.8090 .0003 .000 + .0006 o .12 .66 .18 5084 t Pavonis 4.0 49 !- 8 59 78.8 + 7.0172 .1646 -.144 + .0162+ 7 .09 .57 .20 5085 Groomb 2962 6.0 49 iQ-393 70.1 + 1.7667 .0006 .000 .0016 o .12 .62 .28 5086 Br 2537 4-7 49 12.650 74-7 + 2. 55O2 + .OOO7 + .001 + .OO2I O .11 .45 .20 5087 Br 2531 6.0 49 12.874 67-3 + 3.2500 .0058 -.003 + .0004 o .10 .33 .17 5088 Pi 3H 6.7 49 13-259 73-8 + 3- 25I2-. 0058 .003 + .0014 o .18 .68 .30 5089 f Aquilae S-o 49 24.101 75-5 + 2.9076 .OOI5 .OOI + .0064 o .09 .28 .14 5090 Br 2535 5-7 49 37-43 1 73-i + 3.0742-. 0034 .002 + .OO2I .13 .48 .22 5091 <) Sagittarii 4.8 49 42.908 73-7 + 3.68lO .OI34 .009 + .0156 I .09 .40 .17 5092 Br 2541 5-7 5 i6.474 87.7 + 2. 545 1 + .0008 + .00 1 + .0016 o .12 .48 .l6 5093 |8 Aquilae 3-8 50 24.071 67.2 + 2.9469 .0015 .OOI + .0023+ 3 .02 .11 .05 5094 /A 1 Pavonis 5-8 50 39.206 83.8 + 5.8872-. 0966 -.077 -.0028+ 8 .l6 .8l .27 5095 Br 2533 4.6 50 48.721 72.8 + 3.6870- .0138 .009 + .0004 o .08 .28 .13 5096 Yarn 8793 6.0 51 9.056 92.7 + 2. igOl + .OOI3 + .OOI + .OOOI .12 .90 .20 5097 Br 2552 5-i 51 14.269 70.7 + 1.2346 .0070 .004 + .0008 o .10 .33 .16 5098 S Sagittae Var. 51 28.718 69.4 + 2.7255 .OOO2 + .OOI + .OOO2 .13 .44 .22 5099 56 -2658 1.65 1.1 + 8.809 + .479 -.14 + .003 o .12 .65 .22 5057 + 69 5 33-64 69.0 + 8.799 .012 -.08 .024 o .08 .49 .22 5058 + 185327.86 56.2 + 8.855 +.345 -.06 + .025 o .09 .34 .20 22585. 9" 9" 312 * 5059 -55 13 32.00 66.9 + 8.8i8+.624 -.28 .022 .19 1.35 .61 71 G Telescopii * 5060 - 40 7 40.39 82.9 + 8.847 + .530 -.18 .024 o .12 .69 .22 235 G Sagittarii 5061 -ii i 2.53 73-4 + 8.924+428 .10 + .036 o .08 .32 .14 51 Aquilas 5062 + 8 36 14.56 64-7 + 9.3 1 7 + .383 -.07 + .380+ 5 .02 .11 .06 Altair Parallax, o"23 5063 + 38 27 29.48 72.4 + 8.923 + . 273 -.04 .016 o .09 .31 .15 5064 -61 25 44.18 87.2 + 8.956+. 684 -36 + .015 o .12 .73 .20 75 G Pavonis 5065 + 10 954-94 65-7 + 8.8i8 + . 373 -.07 -.145+ 2 .09 .31 .16 5066 -19 17 56.57 73-o + 8.917 + 451 -13 - .058 o .09 .36 .l6 57 Sagittarii 5067 + 32 39 39.20 72-3 + 8.947 + .295 -.04 -.054- I .15 .96 .39 Pulkjs 2836 4oto i3"?5 5068 + 22" 2 1 20.35 64.2 + 8.985 + .333 -.06 .019 o .12 .51 .26 12 Vulpeculas 5069 + 38 27 53.34 59-i + 9.122 + . 273 -.04 + .097 o .11 .39 .23 19 Cygni 5070 + 40 20 41.93 60.5 + 9.016 + . 264 -3 .022 o .11 44 .24 5071 + o 44 55.79 70.6 + 9.043 + .394 -.08 .009 o .05 .29 .12 3? I 5 to 4?7 5072 + 2444 6.99 90.6 + 9.106+. 324 -5 + .019 o .11 .82 .19 5073 + 18 24 53.00 81.8 + 9.091 + .344 -.06 - .003 o .12 .37 .16 9 Sagittas 5074 - 3 22 24.97 87.8 + 9.113 + 404 .10 + .006 o .11 .60 .17 5075 + 52 44 2.66 52.2 + 9.040+. 192 -3 .070 o .08 .24 .l6 20 Cygni d 5076 24 ii 23.02 86.3 + 8.714+. 462 -.14 411 I .10 .73 .20 242 G Sagittarii * 5077 -6925 33.05 83-7 + 9.039 + .81 1 -.58 .090+ 2 .14 .73 .24 76 G Pavonis 5078 -42 7SI-58 80.5 + 9.i8i + .535 .20 + .052 o .09 .52 .l8 5079 + 70 047.67 69-7 + 9.172-. 025 .10 + .031+ 2 .04 .17 .08 52603. 7*63" 3 5080 -33 18 26.90 77.0 + 9.160+. 496 -.16 + .006 o .13 .67 .26 244 G Sagittarii 5081 -59 95i-6i 84.4 + 9-I37 + -653 -34 .019 o .13 .56 .19 80 G Pavonis 5082 - 8 50 2.50 68.6 h 9.134+418 .11 .022 o .12 .39 .20 56 Aquilae 5083 + 46 46 8.72 86.0 + 9.163+. 231 -3 .014 o .12 .52 .17 5084 -73 1027.28 76.6 + 9.049 + .908 -77 -.132+ 2 .08 43 .16 5085 + 47 40 24.62 71.6 + 9.190+. 225 -3 .002 .09 42 .18 5086 + 2349 6.38 71.6 + 9.223 + .327 -.06 + .028 o .09 .36 .16 13 Vulpeculae 5087 8 29 16.17 64.8 + 9.175 + 417 .11 .021 o .08 .29 .16 }57 Aquilse 5088 8 29 51.29 75-6 + 9.176+418 .11 .020 o .14 .63 .26 122594. 36" 171 5089 + 8 12 9.24 69.8 + 9.I27 + .373 -.08 -.083+ I .09 .27 .14 5090 + o 043.84 70.2 + 9-2I4+-394 -.09 -.013 o .11 .38 .19 58 Aquilas 5091 -2633 53.13 70.8 + 9.317 + 474 -.14 + .083+ 2 .09 .38 .17 5092 + 24 3 25.26 77-i + 9.269 + . 325 -.06 .009 o io .35 -15 5093 + 69 24.45 66.2 + 8.805 + .377 -.08 - -483 o .02 .11 .05 OS 532. II M 12" 14, v. slow 5094 67 12 46.48 82.3 + 9- I0 3 + -756 -Si .204 o .14 .69 .24 L 8244 5095 27 26 6.09 73-8 + 9.302 + 472 -15 .018 o 08 .35 .15 59 Sagittarii 6 5096 + 36 43 54.62 93-i + 9-3S4+.278 -.04 + .008 o .13 .88 .20 5097 + 57 15 40.40 65-4 + 9.362 + . 155 -3 + .010 .08 .26 .14 23 Cygni < 5098 + 16 22 ii. 18 66.3 + 9.368 + .347 -.07 -.003 o .11 40 .21 Br 2544. io Sagittae * 5099 + 11 9 29.11 53-8 + 9.381 + .362 -.08 + .008 o .13 .45 .28 Sioo 67 12 5I.l8 77-9 + 9-347 + -7S5 -Si .076+ I 13 -55 -22 L825i 5076. IO M 17" 125, rectilinear relative motion. 5098. to 64 2O6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, a 10 M h m s 8 S s 5 /* tt it 5101 Br 2540 5-i 19 52 16.767 72-5 + 3.4055- .0084 .004 + .OO04+ I .08 .36 .16 5102 Br 2547 5-i 52 17.278 72.8 + 2.i432 + .ooi3 + .OOI .0005 o .09 .28 .14 5103 i? Cygni 4.1 52 33- 26 5 77-6 + 2.2499+. 0014 + .O02 .0028 o 9 -39 -15 5104 Br 2539 S-o 52 51.691 73-9 + 3.6604- .0135 -.008 + .0018 o .09 .38 .16 5105 Cygni S-o 53 2.670 76.7 + 1.5518 .0026 .OO2 .0044 o .04 .22 .09 5106 Groomb 2992 7-6 53 5-76i 71.9 + 0.9862 .0116 -.008 .0008 o .11 .60 .26 5107 Br 2545 5-6 53 1 2.994 47-8 + 2.7236 .0002 + .OOI + .OOO2 O .14 .40 .20 5108 6 Sagittarii 4-4 53 13-745 88.1 + 3.9144- .0195 .012 + .0013 o .12 I.O5 .26 Slog L 8269 5-3 53 19-308 86.5 + 5.0828 .O60I .042 + .0015+ I .20 .82 .27 5110 L 8292 5-6 53 21.861 85-3 + 3.9019 .0190 .012 + .0069 o .16 .86 .27 S"i Cape M 3942 7-i 53 38-633 81.3 + 3.5587- -0115 .007 .0001 o .13 .60 .22 5"2 1,8285 6.0 53 43-428 87-4 + 4.2639 .0296 .019 + .0003 o .18 1.14 .32 5"3 Groomb 2984 5-6 53 45-529 62.8 + 2.o849+.oon + .00 1 + .OO2I .12 .68 .34 5"4 Br 2566 7.2 53 49-248 77-7 + 0.6139 .0204 -.013 .0000 o .10 .51 .19 S"S L 8296 5-8 53 53-688 92.9 + 3.8745 .0180 .012 + .OIO7+ 2 .16 i .00 .24 5116 Pi 371 5-2 54 0-954 67.0 + 1.1490 .0086 .006 .0009 o .09 .26 .14 5"7 Groomb 2990 6.7 54 1.080 64-4 + 1.6413 .0018 .001 + .0005 o .14 .60 .31 5118 y Sagittae 3-7 54 18.589 78.8 + 2.6674+.OO02 + .001 + .0042 o .04 .20 .07 5"9 Grwj 1789 6.0 54 21.106 88.4 + 3.2646 .0061 - -003 .0193+ 2 .10 .58 .16 5120 Pi 339 8.6 54 3 -675 87.2 + 3.5260 .0110 .006 + .0003 o .15 .78 .23 5121 Groomb 2989 6.9 54 34-439 64-3 + 2.0165 + .0009 + .OOI .0001 o .16 .64 .34 5122 Pulk 2861 5-6 54 40.042 89.1 + 2.3780+. 0014 + .OO2 + .0023 o .12 .64 .18 5123 Br 2553 5-8 54 53-093 67.6 + 2.5737 + .ooo6 + .OOI - -0053 .12 .45 .22 5124 Pi 351 6.2 55 27-3 8 i 80.2 + 3.5709- -0119 .OO6 + .0014 o .10 .48 .18 5125 Br 2555 5-8 55 32-343 69.1 + 2.7089 .0000 + .OOI .0002 O .09 .27 .15 5126 Groomb 3001 6.0 56 12.089 62.2 + 1.8870+. 0003 + .OOI + .0035 o .16 .70 .38 5127 Br 2557 5-4 56 I5-I47 56-9 + 2.i995 + .ooi4 + .OO2 + .0001 o 13 -45 -27 5128 Br 2551 5-8 56 22.522 79-7 + 3-3639- -o 81 .OO4 + .OO22 O .07 .33 .12 5129 Br 2549 4.6 56 30.632 78.2 + 3-6955- -0148 .009 + .0027 o .04 .22 .09 5130 Groomb 3004 6.2 56 36-397 62.2 + 1.5923- .0024 .OO2 + .OO22 O .11 .39 .22 5i3i L 8310 4.8 56 54-942 88.4 + 3-997 I --223 -.013 + .0064+ I .11 .66 .18 5132 Br 2558 4-9 56 58-913 71.7 + 2.4698 + .ooi2 + .OOI + .0039 o 08 .33 .15 5133 Br 2559 6.0 57 30-472 74.8 + 2. 5415 + . 0009 + .OOI + .0005 o .10 .44 .18 5134 Br 2561 5-5 57 46.886 62.9 + 2.5440+. 0009 + .OOI + .0059 o 13 -51 -27 5135 Pi 369 6.9 57 48.795 81.8 + 3.5606 .0121 .006 .0027 o .08 .54 .17 5136 L8 3 22 5-2 57 59-187 76-5 + 3.8115- .0178 .009 + .0028 o .10 .52 .20 5137 Br 2570 5-3 58 31.829 71.6 + 1.6983 .0013 .001 + .0019 o .09 .27 .14 5138 8 Pavonis 3-6 58 55-002 77-5 + 5.9258- .0933 .060 + .1924+24 .09 .52 .20 5139 Br 2565 5-6 58 55-477 81.4 + 2. 7456- .0003 + .OOI + .0006 o .10 .45 .17 5HO Groomb 3402 8-5 59 o-77' 82.1 -53.181 25.977- +.356386 o? -45 -15 5i4i Pi 377 7-4 59 5-072 81.3 + 3-5355- -on6 .006 + .0040 o .11 .62 .21 5H2 Br 2562 6.0 59 14.068 64.4 + 3.0918- .0039 .001 .0005 + I .13 .46 .25 SH3 T Aquilae 5-9 59 15-267 77-4 + 2.9309 .0020 .000 + .0009 o .06 .33 .12 5144 Pulk M 2884 5-9 59 30.7" 77-3 + 2. 4647 + .0024 + .OO2 + 0515+ 5 .10 .87 .30 Si45 Br 2560 6.7 59 34-121 67.8 + 3-3I55- -0075 -.003 .0006 o .12 .48 .24 5146 Br 2568 5-9 59 36-663 68.3 + 2.6945 + .0003 + .OOI .0281+ 2 .08 .27 .14 5M7 Telescopii 5-i 59 43-545 87.9 + 4.6160 .0443 -.025 .0027 o .15 .75 .22 5H8 Br 2563 6.6 !9 59 52.777 65-4 + 3-3387- -0078 .004 + .0002 o .13 .42 .23 5H9 Br 2578 5-6 20 o 25.101 68.6 + 0.6454 .0209 .014 +~Iboi4 o .06 .24 .12 5i5o Polks, 2887 5-9 20 o 40.901 88.3 + 2.352I + .OOI5 + .OO2 .0001 o .12 .63 .18 5121 OS 1*0-9*0. o'/33o6; AC: = 2 2607. &*8 3"! 291. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 20 7 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/ and 100 A ji' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' Sio Remarks. 5101 / // - IS 45 2 4-5 6 70.4 // // + 9-343+ -434 It .12 .090 o // // // .08 .36 .17 61 Sagittarii g 5102 + 3 8 J 3 M-46 71.1 + 9.424+ .272 -.04 .010 o .09 .30 .14 22 Cygni 5103 + 34 49 2.84 73-o + 9.415+ -285 -5 - -039 o 08 .35 .15 5104 -26 27 58.80 76.0 + 9.507+ .466 -.14 + .029 o 9 -35 -i5 60 Sagittarii A 5105 + 52 10 23.97 77-8 + 9.461+ .195 -3 -.031- i .04 .20 .08 2 2605. 7 M 5 3" 181 "5106 + 60 33 29.36 72-7 + 9.486+ .122 -3 .010 o .10 .47 .20 5107 + 16 31 10.67 54-4 + 9-5 l6 + -346 -.07 + .OII O .13 .49 .30 ii Sagittae 5108 -353 2 48.S2 82.7 + 9.462+ .499 -17 .044 o .11 .65 .21 256 G Sagittarii l Siog -593854.45 86.4 + 9-473+ - 6 49 -35 .040 o .16 .75 .24 85 G Pavonis SIID -3458 1.68 74-8 + 9.438+ .498 -I? -.079+ I IS -73 -3 257 G Sagittarii 0~ S"i 22 28 56.13 78.1 + 9-549+ -45 2 -13 + .OII O .15 .73 .28 261 G Sagittarii 5"2 -45 23 9.25 82.0 + 9-525+ -543 .22 .019 o .15 .79 .27 259 G Sagittarii S"3 + 40 5 56.06 57-2 + 9.546+ .264 -.04 .001 12 -53 -3 5"4 + 64 27 18.40 80.6 + 9-551+ .075 -5 .001 o .IO .58 .20 5U5 -3358 3-89 89.0 + 9-247+ -494 -I? -.310+ I .l8 1.26 .32 262 G Sagittarii 5116 + 583443-20 55-8 + 9.543+ -143 -3 .024 o .08 .23 .15 5"7 + 5038 0.18 57-9 + 9-567 + -206 -.04 .000 o .13 .49 .29 5118 + 19 13 13.01 76.5 + 9.605+ .338 -.07 + .016 o .04 .20 .08 SiiQ IO 13 IO.22 83.8 + 9.198+ .411 .11 -395- 2 .09 .46 .15 5120 -2i 747-53 83.6 + 9.600+ .447 -13 .005 o .14 .6l .21 5121 + 41 5925.34 60.3 + 9-595+ -254 -.04 .015 o .12 .45 .25 * 5122 + 3d 42 44.17 85-4 + 9.608+ .300 -5 .009 o .12 .53 .18 5123 + 22 4944-25 69-5 + 9.646+ .324 -.06 + .OI2 I 09 -37 -18 14 Vulpeculae 5124 -23 044.13 82.2 + 9.656+ .452 -.14 .021 o .10 .51 .17 264 G Sagittarii 5125 + 17 14 34.88 64.8 + 9.669+ .342 -.07 .015 o .09 .26 .15 13 Sagittae 5126 + 45 29 57-14 56.6 + 9.712+ .237 -.04 .022 o 14 -57 -33 57 + 3646 6.90 57-7 + 9-749+ - 2 7 6 -05 + .OII O .12 .54 .31 25 Cygni 5128 -!3 545 I -26 76.7 + 9.76,7+ .425 .12 + .019 o .08 .35 .14 63 Sagittarii 5129 -27 59 16.63 81.2 + 9.768+ .467 -.16 + .OIO .05 .26 .09 62 Sagittarii c 5130 + 51 4653-43 66.0 + 9.768+ .199 -3 + .003 o .IO .42 .21 5i3i -38 13 2.24 83.8 + 9-697+ -SOS .20 .092+ I .12 .54 .19 268 G Sagittarii 5132 + 27 28 37.16 69.8 + 9.800+ .310 -05 + .006 o .08 .32 .15 15 Vulpeculae 5133 + 24 31 21.92 72.6 + 9.828+ .319 -.06 .006 o .08 .35 .16 5134 + 2439 27.89 62.2 + 9.914+ -319 -.06 + .059+ I .11 .49 .26 16 Vulpeculae 5135 -22 52 34.78 84.9 + 9.882+ .448 -15 + .025 o .08 .51 .15 269 G Sagittarii 5136 -32 20 12.83 76.4 + 9.867+ .480 -17 -.003 o .10 .51 .20 270 G Sagittarii 5137 + 494934.07 60.9 + 9.910+ .211 -.04 .002 o .08 .22 .13 26 Cygni e * Si38 66 26 12.15 79.8 + 8.795+ -772 -51 1.146+26 .08 .45 .l6 5139 + 1545 1.64 76.4 + 9-934+ -343 -.07 .008 o .09 .36 .15 14 Sagittae SMO + 88 49 32.94 76.8 + 10.041 6.690 +.092+45 .08 .46 .I? SHi -2i 35 44.82 79-4 + 9.939+ .444 -.14 .015 o .11 .56 .20 273 G Sagittarii 5M2 - o 59 18.03 66.4 + 9.846+ .387 .IO .119 o .IO .40 .20 62 Aquilae SH3 + 6 59 44.31 73-5 + 9.988+ .367 -.09 + .O2I O .06 .30 .12 5144 + 2937 47.01 76.6 + 9.458.+ .314 -05 -.528+ 6 .10 .73 .26 5145 -ii 52 56.51 68.3 + 9.978+ .415 .12 -.013 o .11 .38 .19 64 Sagittarii 5146 + 16 47 56.87 66.4 + 9-581+ .333 -.07 -413- 4 .07 .28 .14 15 Sagittae SH7 -53 I0 i-35 87.2 + 10.002+ .579 -.29 .001 o .12 .67 .19 5148 12 56 52.12 72.6 + 9.970+ .417 -13 .044 o .11 .48 .21 65 Sagittarii 5H9 + 64 32 27.10 67-5 + 10.043+ .077 -05 .012 o .06 .20 .IO 64 Draconis e SiSo +31 56 5-72 84-7 + 10.063+ -292 -5 .012 .12 .51 .l8 h 1471. ii M 2 9 "4 3137 W. H. 8rs 42" 147; BC: 12" 9" 75- 208 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS POR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |i and 100 A \i Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M b m 5 s s s s ii a n SiSi ij Sagittae 5-2 20 o 43-354 71.2 + 2.66O2 + .OOO2 + .OOI + .0016 o .10 .27 .14 5152 Br 2580 6.7 i 13.669 80.2 +0.6764 .0204 .014 + .0071 o .11 .44 -17 5iS3 p Draconis 4-7 2 22.179 69.7 + 0.285 7 -.0330 .022 + .0029 2 .06 .27 .13 5154 Br 2604 6.6 2 25.209 67.2 1.6177 .1278 -.087 .0061+ 4 .08 .30 .15 5155 Pi 402 7-3 2 26.426 80.3 + 3.4729 .0106 .005 + .0024 o .15 .78 .28 5IS6 Br 2572 5-i 2 35-566 69.2 + 2. 577 1 + .0008 + .001 + .0005 o .08 .33 .16 5157 Br 2573 5-7 2 38.876 70.6 + 2.2274+.0022 + .O02 -.0190+ 3 .08 .26 .13 5158 Paris 27500 7-i 2 46.355 91.6 +3. 2156- .0059 .OO2 + .OOII O .07 .70 .15 5159 Br 2571 6-5 2 51-995 65.2 +3.0987 .0040 .OOI + .0070 o .10 .34 .19 5160 Pi 406 6.4 3 3-29 66.8 + 3.2821 .0071 -.003 .0000 o .15 .58 .29 5161 Groomb 3041 6. 4 3 5-i5i 73-6 + 1.3660 .0059 .OO4 .0006 I .10 .62 .24 5162 Groomb 3051 6-5 3 29.280 73-2 + 0.7632 .0187 .OI2 + .0019 I .12 .54 .23 5i63 Groomb 3042 5-9 3 35-840 74-3 + 1.5819 .0034 .002 + .0242+ 2 .08 .46 .18 5i64 Pi 410 7.6 3 42.860 74-9 + 3.5I22-.OH5 -.005 + .0025 o .15 .70 .29 5165 Br 2586 5-7 3 57-455 63-2 + 0.9618 .0140 .009 + .0177 .08 .27 .15 5166 1,8362 5-5 4 37-789 82.4 +3.9501 .0194 .Oil + .0360+13 .09 .51 .17 5167 Pi 13 7-8 5 27-969 83.6 + 2. 643 1 + .0005 + .OOI .0003 o .13 .50 .18 5168 Pulk re 4483 8-3 5 3 I -3 82 92.7 + 2. 6466 +.OOO4 + .OOI + .0036 I .14 i.io .24 5i69 Br 2579 7.0 5 3!-86o 77-3 + 2. 6470+. 0004 + .OOI + .0039 o .10 .27 .13 5170 Br 2582 5-o 5 42-77 72.9 + 2.22(>9+.OOl6 + .OO2 .0004 o .08 .38 .16 5i7i Aquilae 3- 2 6 8.746 74-6 + 3.0967 .0042 .001 + .O02I .03 .18 .07 5172 Pi 12 7-5 6 10.717 72.2 + 3.0814 .0040 .OOI + .0007 o .16 .63 .29 5173 Br 2583 5-6 6 22.988 52.1 + 2.5O2I + .OOI2 + .OO2 .0000 o .15 .46 .31 5174 Br 2575 6.8 6 25.434 63-9 + 3.3276- .008I -.003 .0010 o .12 .44 .23 5175 L8 3 6 7 6.0 6 44.203 91.6 + 4.5702-. 0452 -.023 + .0026+ I .20 I.O4 .27 5176 Br 2577 6.2 651.590 65-7 + 3-3457- -o8i -.003 + .0128+ I .10 .34 .18 5177 Br 2585 5-9 7 37-247 72.7 + 2. 5069+. OOI3 + .O02 + .0005 o .10 .38 .17 5178 Br 2588 6.0 7 49.070 65-7 + 2.5I46 + .OOI2 + .O02 .0003 o .11 .51 .25 5179 Br 2584 5-7 8 4.051 62.4 +3. 0994- .0043 .001 + .OOI2 O .15 .39 .24 5180 Pi 29 5-9 9 3-169 81.7 + 3-7497- -0159 .OO6 +.0933- I .08 .50 .16 Si8i L8 3 86 6-7 9 37-946 78.4 + 3-7353- -0177 -.007 + .0034 o .10 .66 .23 5182 p Aquilae S-o 9 38-982 70.9 + 2-7759- - 00 5 + .001 + .0036 o .07 .28 .13 5183 Groomb 3087 6-5 9 44-838 64.4 + 1.6706 .0016 .OOI .0007 o .11 .52 .27 5184 Br 2610 5-9 9 56-721 70.3 +0.9908 .0142 .010 + .0188 o .10 .46 .21 5185 Br 2594 5-4 10 7.974 66.5 + 2.4638 + .0015 + .OO2 + .0005 o .14 -57 .28 5186 o l Cygni 4-9 10 9.448 68.4 + 1.8860 +.0004 + .OO2 + .0014 o .09 .44 .20 5187 o 2 Cygni 3-9 10 28.958 73-6 + 1.8889 +.0004 + .002 + .0002 o .04 .27 .11 5188 Br 2598 5- 10 47-333 78.6 + 2.2455 + .ooi7 + .003 + .0054 o .08 .32 .12 5189 Br 2589 6.8 10 50.645 58.2 + 3.3248- .0083 .003 + .0002 o .13 .38 .2 4 5190 Pulk w 2920 4-9 ii 1.618 87.0 + 2-54I2 + .OOI2 + .002 .0002 o .12 .57 .18 5191 Br 2611 4-4 ii 4.405 75-6 + 1.3970- .0058 -.003 + .0073- I .06 .24 .IO 5192 Br 2596 5-5 ii 11.063 88.4 + 2. 5901 + .0009 + .O02 .0007 o .13 .44 -16 5193 Pulk w 2925 6.0 ii 30.752 91.7 + 2.3279+. OO20 + .003 .0036+ I .13 .66 .18 5194 Br 2615 6.2 " 37-415 76.6 + I.IO85 .OII4 .OO7 + .0061 I .10 .42 .17 5195 Br 2602 4.8 " 37-479 76.5 + 2. 4849 +.00 1 4 + .OO2 -.0032 o .09 .40 .16 5196 Br 2600 6-3 ii 56.127 83.6 + 2. 6355 +.0007 + .OO2 + .0001 o .13 .39 .16 5197 a 1 Capricorn! 4-5 12 6.353 67.2 + 3-3 283 -.0085 -.003 + .OOIO .03 .15 .07 5198 Br 2591 6.1 12 8.942 81.0 + 3-5300- .0128 .OO4 + .0023 o .08 .38 .13 5199 K Cephei 4-4 12 15.767 73-7 -1.9388-. 1676 -139 +Too38- 2 .03 .20 .08 5200 Br 2612 4.2 2O 12 22.854 65.6 + I.8549+.OOOI + .OOI + .0005 o .10 .38 .19 5166 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 209 No. Decl. i goo Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H-' and i oo AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 5151 or ft + 1942 15-33 72.8 // ft + IO.I58+.33I // -.07 it + .080 o // // // .10 .30 .15 5152 + 64 21 6.89 69.2 + IO.I26+.O82 -05 + .OIO+ I .09 .27 .14 65 Draconis 5153 + 67 35 18.02 62.6 + I0.250+.032 -.07 + .048 o .05 .18 .10 5154 + 76 12 8.84 65-5 + 10.152 .208 -.29 -055- I .08 .25 .13 69 Draconis 5155 -19 5 3S-3 6 79-o + 10.205 + .432 .14 -.003 o .12 .57 .21 5156 + 23 1933-47 70.1 + io.2i6+.3i9 -.06 - .003 o .06 .30 .14 17 Vulpeculae 5157 + 35 4i 48.35 68.8 + 9 .785 + .272 -05 -.438- 2 .07 .26 .13 27 Cygni 6 l 5158 - 7 3 2.44 91.2 + io.2i6+.399 .11 .017 o .08 .69 .15 5159 - o 57 57-99 67.9 + IO.I7I + .385 .10 .069+ I 09 -35 -17 64 Aquilae 5160 -10 21 7.93 69.0 + io.2i6+.4O7 .12 - .038 o .12 .51 .24 5161 + 56 3 7-i3 68.2 + 10.334 + . 166 -03 + .078 o .09 .45 .21 5162 + 63 36 8.04 64.2 + 10.332 + .091 -05 + .046 o .12 .39 .22 S 2640. IO M 5" 21, v. slow 5163 + 52 52 11.54 73-9 + 10.547 + . 196 -03 + 252+ 3 .08 .40 .l6 51/54 -2053 2.23 73-4 + I0.222 + .435 -.14 .081 o .14 .56 .25 5i65 + 61 42 18.28 57-8 + 10.394+. 118 -.04 + .072+ 2 .06 .19 .12 66 Draconis 5166 -36 21 8.80 78.4 + 8.807 + 493 -.19 -I-565 + 5 .09 .51 .19 279 G Sagittarii * 5i67 + 2036 7.31 80.4 + I0.425 + .324 -.07 .OIO .11 .54 .19 S 2637. 78" 224 AB 5168 + 20 37 13.80 87.4 + IO-55I + .325 -.07 + .112 O .13 I.O2 .27 S 2637. 12" 328 AC 5i69 + 2037 3.92 69.1 + I0.535 + -326 -.07 + .096 o .08 .25 .13 i7Sagittae(0') A 5170 + 36 32 41.97 70.4 + 10.462 + . 272 -05 + .009 o .07 .31 .14 28 Cygni b* 5171 - i 7 5-73 75-5 + 10.488 + . 381 .10 + .003 o .03 .18 .07 5172 o 25 20.04 65-7 + I0.475 + -378 .IO -.013 o .11 .40 .21 W.H.8 M 5s"2o6 5173 + 26 36 26.53 55-o + 10.496 + .306 -.06 .007 o .11 .49 .29 1 8 Vulpeculae 5174 12 41 22.56 64.0 + 10.482 + .409 -13 .024 o .IO .38 .20 i Capricorn! * 5175 -52 44 40.58 84-5 + 10.479 + . 563 -3 - .050 o .15 .65 .22 81 G Telescopii 5176 -12 54 38.10 72.2 + 10-345 + .41 2 -13 -.193+ 2 .08 .35 .16 2 Capricorn! 2 5177 + 263037.75 7i-3 + I0.576+. 306 -.06 .019 o .08 .34 .l6 19 Vulpeculas 5178 + 26 10 47.80 62.6 + IO-594+. 307 -.06 .016 o .11 .51 .27 20 Vulpeculae 5179 - i 18 32.75 64.2 + I0.604+. 378 .10 .024 o .11 .40 .21 66 Aquilae 5180 -27 1953.66 82.5 + I0.509+. 470 -.16 .192 + 12 .09 .50 .l6 5 G Capricorni 5i8i -30 1837.84 78.0 + 10.731 + .456 -17 .013 o .11 .80 .28 282 G Sagittarii 5182 + 145333-7 69-5 + I0.796+-337 -.07 + .051 o .06 .26 .12 5183 + 5i 9 44-50 65-5 + 10. 728 + . 201 -.04 .024 o .10 .47 .23 Clark. II M 4" 81 5184 + 61 4632.38 63-7 + IO.847 + .I2O .04 + .080+ 2 .08 .29 .l6 68 Draconis 5i85 + 28 23 29.82 63.2 + 10.756+. 298 -.06 - .025 o .12 .52 .27 21 Vulpeculae 5186 + 46 30 46.45 64-5 + 10.774+. 227 -.04 .009 o .07 .27 .14 Br 2601. 30 Cygni 5i87 + 46 26 16.25 73-4 + 10.808+. 227 -.04 + .OOI O .04 .20 .08 S App. 107" 174 5188 + 36 29 59.04 72-5 + 10.897 + . 272 -5 + .068+ I .07 .27 .12 29 Cygni b 3 5189 -12 3835-96 66.1 + io.8i8+.4O4 -13 -.015 o .12 .39 .21 3 Capricorni 5190 + 25 17 11.29 81.2 + 10.845 + .307 -.07 .002 o .10 .47 .17 983. io M i" 151 5191 + 56 I542-07 66.7 + io.932 + .i68 -03 +.082+ I .06 .20 .IO 33 Cygni 5192 + 23 12 10.86 79- + I0.845 + .3I3 -.07 -.013 o .12 .35 .16 22 Vulpeculae 5193 + 33 25 33-6i 86.6 + 10.758 + . 281 -05 .124 o .12 .51 .17 5194 + 60 20 4.57 75-i + 10.948 + . 132 -.04 +.057+ I .10 .36 .16 5195 + 27 30 26.13 74.1 + 10.897 + .299 -.06 + .006 o -07 -33 - J 4 23 Vulpeculas 5196 + 21 17 29.99 80.2 + io.88 3 + .3i8 -.07 -.031 o .12 .36 .l6 1 8 Sagittae 5197 -1249 2.55 66.3 + 10. 932 + .402 -13 + .006 o .04 .l6 .08 h 607. 9 M 45" 221 5198 -22 7 8.13 82.7 + 10.895 + .427 -15 - .034 o .07 .35 .12 4 Capricorni 5199 + 77 2437.15 72.8 + 10.964 .241 -.38 + .026 o .03 .19 .08 2 2675. 8 M 7" 123 5200 + 47 24 24.80 52.0 + 10.948 + . 222 -.04 + .OO2 .IO .29 .20 32 Cygni 210 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. a Ep. 100 n a 10 M h m s 3 8 3 s it n n 5201 Br 2606 5-7 20 12 30.332 87.7 + 2.5668+.ooii + .OO2 + .0013 o .05 .42 .10 5202 a 2 Capricorn! 3-7 12 30.422 65.8 + 3-33 l8 --oo85 -.003 + .0040 o .03 .13 .06 5203 Groomb 3110 6.1 12 46.128 71.8 + i. 9434 +.0009 + .OO2 + .OOO2+ I .14 .63 .28 5204 Br 2620 7.6 12 58.811 71.0 + 0.7285 .0213 -.015 .0049 2 .14 .50 .24 5205 Br 2613 5-7 13 21.792 71-5 + 2.I338 + .OOI7 + .OO2 + .0002 o .10 .42 .19 5206 a- Capricorni 5-5 13 37-479 73-7 + 3.4663-. 01 15 .OO4 + .0004 o .08 .27 .12 5207 Groomb 3212 7-i 13 59.68- 79-6 8.256- 1.061- .OO8- + 20 .IO .40 .16 5208 Br 2614 5-i 14 6.031 79-8 + 2. 2096+. OOI9 + .OO2 .0010 .09 .38 .15 5209 L 8400 6.7 14 25-347 95-4 + 4.3721 .0408 .Ol6 .0413+ 6 .l6 1.22 .24 5210 Br 2618 6.2 14 34-445 62.7 + 2.I25I + .OOI7 + .O02 + .0003 o .12 .56 .29 5211 Br 2617 5-8 14 43- 801 59-8 + 2.2467 + .OOI9 + .OO2 + .0029 o 20 .54 -33 5212 Abo 465 7-8 14 43- 8 49 86.4 + 3.0912 .0044 .OOO + .0002 o .10 .46 .15 5213 Br 2616 5-3 14 48.672 72.1 + 2.3045 + .ooi9 + .003 + .OOI2 O .12 .46 .21 5214 v Capricorni 4-9 IS 7-052 61.0 + 3-33o8- -0087 .OO2 + .0005 o .12 .36 .22 5215 Br 2607 6.7 IS 9-493 66.8 + 3-3749- -09 6 .OO2 + .0029 o .07 .30 .15 5216 /? Capricorni 3- 2 15 23.622 69.7 + 3-3742-- 0096 .OO2 + .0024 o .04 .20 .09 5217 L8 4 i S -5-8 15 40.257 89.6 + 4.0897 .0297 .Oil + .0059+ I .13 .96 .24 5218 Groomb 3142 6.2 IS 56.595 55-2 + 1.4840 .0043 .002 .0008 o .16 .68 .40 5219 Groomb 3150 6.2 16 32.406 74.2 + 0.6035- .0285 .021 + .0792 o .08 .52 .20 5220 Groomb 3140 6.5 16 37.741 65-9 + 2.i733 + .ooi9 + .OO2 .0007 o .10 .56 .27 5221 L8 33 i 6.0 16 38.905 76.6 + 10.2856- .6305 .OI4 .0082+ 5 .n .68 .25 5222 L 8417 5-8 J 7 5-332 87-7 + 4.0920- .0305 .on .0010 o .15 .99 .27 5223 a Pavonis 1.8 17 44-3 2 9 66.5 + 4-7738- -0595 .020 + .0005+ 2 .06 .33 .16 5224 Br 2622 5-7 17 45-428 56.2 + 2.5778 + .ooi2 + .OO2 .0009 o .13 .44 .27 5225 Br 2628 5-8 17 56.614 67.6 + 1.0069 .0144 .OIO + .OOII I io -33 .17 5226 Pulkjj 2949 5-5 18 13.406 70.0 + 2.9736- .0027 + .OOI .0020 o .11 .82 .35 5227 L 8427 7-3 18 34-223 79.1 + 3.6926 .0178 .005 + .0007 o .10 .57 .20 5228 L 8430 7-3 18 36.361 83.8 + 3.6150- .0157 .004 + .0027 o .11 .57 .19 5229 y Cygni 2.2 18 38.355 75-6 + 2.I52I + .OOI9 + .OO2 + .OOOI .03 .12 .05 5230 Groomb 3151 5-9 18 49-546 69.8 + 1.9586+. 0009 + .OO2 + .0032 o .13 .66 .30 5231 Groomb 3154 6.3 19 12.364 65-4 + 2.I29O+.OOI9 + .OO2 + .0008 o -15 -63 -3 2 5232 L8 433 6.2 19 19.546 86.0 + 3.6819- .0177 -.005 + .0009 o .10 .75 .21 5233 Pi 116 6.4 19 31.808 76.4 + 3-0583- -0040 .OOO + .0002 o .14 .57 .24 5234 Br 2636 6.0 19 39.481 79-9 + 0.285 1 -.0388 -.030 + .0035- I .07 .39 .14 5235 Br 2625 4-7 19 51.994 77-3 + 2.3947 + .0020 + .003 + .0032 o io .33 .15 5236 Pulka 2957 6.0 *9 59-9I7 89.2 + 2.2426+.OO2I + .003 .0002 o .12 .64 .18 5237 L 8438 m 6-5 20 24.374 87.6 + 3.8974- .0248 -.008 .O2O8+ 2 .IO .64 .17 5238 Pulk 2959 5-9 21 15.230 88.5 + 2. 6523 + .OOO8 + .O02 + .0004 o .12 .60 .18 5239 L 8360 6.0 21 24.752 79-4 + 10.4723 .6892 + .106 -.0057+ 7 .08 .92 .29 5240 ir Capricorni 5-3 21 35-879 75-7 + 3.4384- .0116 -.003 + .0007 o .04 .22 .09 5241 L8 4S 7 6.9 22 1.653 85.6 + 3.6020- .0159 .OO4 + .0005 o .15 1.05 .30 5242 Pi 140 7-o 22 16.315 76.0 + 3.H3I-.0050 .OOO - .0054 o .15 .68 .27 5243 L8 4 S3 6. 4 22 21.841 82.4 + 3.8611 .0236 .OO7 + .0013 o .14 .81 .27 5244 p Capricorni S-i 23 9-455 71.7 + 3.4266 .0115 -.003 .0010 o .03 .22 .09 5245 Br 2629 6.2 23 10-743 72.1 + 3- I 44i--oos5 .OOI + .0019 o .12 .44 .20 5246 K 145 7.2 23 I7-43I 73-i + 3.4202-. 01 13 -.003 + .0007 o .14 .56 .25 5247 Br 2627 7-i 23 18.088 71.1 + 3-43 I 5--"4 -.003 + .0028+ I .09 .50 .21 5248 Pi 146 6-S 2 3 39-357 79-9 + 3.5265 .0140 -.003 + .0009 o .09 .45 .l6 5249 Br 2634 5-8 23 51.962 68.3 + 2.2222 + .OO23 + .003 .0016 o .12 .52 .25 5250 Groomb 3191 6.7 20 23 58.613 54-4 + 1.4532-. 0051 -.003 + .0027 o 13 -51 -31 5202 h 608. II M 8" 149; BC: 5217 h 5190. 13" 30" 307. 5215 Barnard. II M i" 105 5222 ft 763. 8 M i" 213. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 211 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H-' and TOO AH Prob. Errors. 8Ep. loop.' Sio Remarks. 5201 / II + 24 21 46.21 81.4 // ft + 10.935+ -39 // - -7 // .020 o // // // .06 .31 .11 24 Vulpeculse 5202 -12 51 17.78 63-6 + 10.961+ .403 - -13 + .005 o .03 .13 .06 * 5203 + 45 l6 22.02 66.0 + 10.917+ .232 - .04 .058 o 13 -54 - 2 7 5204 + 64 27 27.09 65.6 + 11.032+ .084 - -5 + .042 I 13 -43 - 2 3 5205 +40 3 19.20 70.0 + 11.006+ .255 - -5 .012 .09 .41 .19 ft 661. i2 M 13" 66 5206 19 25 50.80 65-7 + 11.028+ .417 - -15 .009 o .08 .25 .14 W.H. 9 M 5 6"i78 5207 + 84 22 38.07 75-2 + II.O22 I.OO9 .042 I .11 .37 .17 5208 +37 43 18.33 77-o + II.o6l+ .264 - -5 .Oil O 09 -35 -IS P Cygni. Nova 1600? 5209 50 18 29.40 9 2 -5 + 10.837+ -5 21 - .28 - 2 58- 5 .13 .81 .19 86 G Telescopii 5210 +4025 11.95 So-9 + 11.095+ - 2 53 - -5 .on o .12 .39 .26 S 2666. 8"?4 2'.'8 245 5211 + 36 41 12.12 57-i + 11,147+ - 2 68 - .5 + .029 o 14 -56 -33 36 Cygni 5212 - o 57 35-35 81.0 + 11.118+ .370 .11 + .OOI .09 .37 .I 4 5213 + 34 40 12.04 72.0 + 11.117+ - 2 75 - -5 .007 o .09 .43 .19 35 Cygni 5214 13 4 26.08 61.4 + 11.129+ -399 - -14 .017 o .10 .34 .19 5215 15 6 i. 06 7i-3 + 11.151+ .404 - -14 + .OO2 O .08 .34 .15 5216 -15 550-3 6 71.2 + 11.167+ -44 - .14 + .OOI O .04 .20 .09 jS 1 Capricorn! * 5217 -42 21 53.32 86.7 + 11.082+ .491 - - 2 3 -.104+ I .11 .71 .20 292 G Sagittarii K ' * 5218 + 55 5 3-37 46.2 + 11.186+ .175 - -3 .020 o i 2 -Si -35 S 2671. 7 I ? S 3" 339 5219 + 6631 55.51 74-7 + 11.542+ .077 - .06 + 293+ 9 .08 .45 .18 5220 +39. 5 15-55 61.4 + 11.236+ .257 - -05 .020 o .09 .45 .24 2 2668. 9 ?2 3" 288 5221 -81 17 37.20 78.0 + 11.249+1.235 -2.34 .008- I .IO .60 .22 47 G Octantis 5222 -42 443 8 -55 84.2 + 11.298+ .488 - .24 + .009 o .13 .77 .24 294 G Sagittarii 2 * 5223 -57 3 J 9-74 69.4 + 11.250+ .569 - -36 - .086 o .06 .32 .14 5224 + 24 736.88 60. i + 11.324+ .305 - .07 -.013 o .12 .47 .26 25 Vulpeculae 5225 + 61 56 23.34 56.1 + 11.381+ .116 .04 + .030 o .09 .30 .19 71 Draconis 5226 + 5 i 23.51 7-3 + 11.326+ .352 .10 - -045 13 -71 -31 S227 -29 23 56.96 79.0 + 11.338+ .438 - .18 .058 o .11 .64 .23 5228 -26 921.35 82.3 + 11.372+ .429 - -17 .026 o .13 .67 .23 5229 + 39 56 10.96 71.4 + 11.398+ .253 - -5 .003 o .03 .14 .06 5230 + 45 28 24.50 65.0 + 11.446+ .230 - .04 + .032 o .14 .55 .28 5231 + 4042 21.23 60.2 + 11.388+ .250 - -5 - -053 .12 .50 .28 5232 -2859 15.52 85-2 + 11.455+ -436 - ^.18 + .005 o .12 .85 .24 296 G Sagittarii 5233 + o 44 40.80 71.2 + 11.472+ .361 .11 + .007 o .10 .35 .17 S 2677. 10^5 33" 29 5234 + 683337.51 76-3 + 11.511+ .030 - .08 + .037 o .07 .28 .12 5235 + 3 1 52 1-54 72.2 + 11.487+ .282 - .06 .002 o .09 .29 .14 39 Cygni 5236 + 37 9 11.90 85-5 + 11.495+ - 26 3 - -5 .003 o .12 .52 ,l8 5237 -37 4335-98 84-3 + 11.407+ .457 .21 .120 2 .IO .56 .l8 297 G Sagittarii * 5238 + 21 5 0.66 84-3 + 11.572+ .310 - .08 .016 o .12 .50 .l8 5239 -81 3736.80 79-9 + 11.578+1.239 -2.51 .021 I .07 .79 .25 49 G Octantis 5240 18 32 22.98 74-7 + 11.600+ .404 ~ -15 .013 o .05 .25 .10 Mitchel. 9 M 3" 145 5241 25 56 11.78 81-3 + 11.669+ -423 - -17 + .026 o -14 1-05 -33 1 8 G Capricorni 5242 - 2 25 49.21 67-4 + 11.595+ .364 .11 .066 I .12 .41 .21 South. 7 I ?3 60" 190 5243 -35 5532-79 75-8 + 11.639+ -453 .20 .028 o .14 .73 .29 2 G Microscopii 5244 -18 839.73 70.6 + 11.702+ .400 - -15 .022 o .04 .25 .10 W.H. 7 I ?5 3" 172 5245 - 3 41 17.82 70.8 + 11.705+ .367 .12 .020 o -09 -35 - 1 ? 68 Aquilae 5246 -1745 56-78 76.1 + 11.695+ -399 ~ -IS - .038 o 14 -55 -23 5247 -18 12 13.81 72.7 + 11.604+ -4 O1 - - 1 5 .130 o .10 .47 .20 5248 -2243 23.43 83-2 + 11.733+ -411 - .16 .026 o .08 .43 .14 24 G Capricorni 5249 + 38 641.81 68.7 + 11.703+ .257 - -05 .071 o .09 .39 .18 40 Cygni 5250 + 56 1831.71 52.0 + 11.788+ .167 - -03 + .006 o .10 .40 .25 S 2687. 85 26"ii8 3237 Russell. 8"Cs o'.'S 100. 212 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R, A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t |x and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo(i aio M h m s 5 S s s // // // 5251 Br 2639 5-9 20 23 58.938 60.7 + 1.8336 .OOOO + .OOI + .0074 o .07 .28 .16 5252 Br 2630 7-3 24 8.625 73-5 + 3.4442 .OIl8 -.003 + .0015 o .12 .42 .19 5253 o Capricorn! 6.1 24 9-954 71.2 + 3.4437-. 0118 -.003 + .001 1 .11 .34 .17 5254 Br 2633 S-i 24 25.439 70.1 + 3-1373- -0054 .000 + .0042 o .10 .33 .16 5255 Br 2637 4.1 25 18.579 77.2 + 2.4505 + .0020 + .003 + .0007 o 7 -33 -13 5256 Capes, 4S9 6. 4 25 28.200 83.6 + 3-3 6 58- .0102 .002 .0028 o .11 .50 .17 5257 Br 2635 m 6.1 25 3- 6 75 55-i + 2.8728 .OOI4 + .OOI + .OOII O .14 .48 .30 5258 Br 2640 6.1 25 3 I -SS9 64.6 + 2. 2880+. 0023 + .003 + .0009 o .12 .48 .25 5259 Pi 177 m 7.8 26 25.488 73-7 + 2.8638- .0013 + .OOI .0015 o .12 .68 .27 5260 Br 2638 7-3 26 26.542 68.9 + 2. 8653 -.00 1 3 + .OOI .0000 o .12 .51 .24 5261 Br 2655 7-5 26 45.816 80.4 + 0.3651-. 0377 -.031 + .0042 o .10 .58 .20 5262 Pi 170 6.4 2655.191 74-9 + 3-5789- -0157 -.003 + .0007 o .08 .48 .19 5263 Pi 174 6.0 26 55-463 82.9 + 3. 2855-. 0082 .001 + .0205 I .06 .45 .14 5264 Pulkw 2978 6.0 26 57-253 83.1 + 1.5009 .0044 .002 + .0005 o .12 .52 .19 5265 a) Cygni 5-i 26 57.697 60.6 + 1.85 7 8 +.0004 + .001 + .0009 o .09 .33 .19 5266 v Microscopii 5-3 27 2.877 86.8 + 4.1389- .0349 .009 + .0013 o .18 1.20 .33 5267 Br 2643 6-5 27 11.315 77-4 + 2.2777 + .0024 + .003 + .OOOI .11 .46 .19 5268 < Pavonis 4.8 27 18.059 86.3 + 5.0029- .0771 -.015 + .0071+ 3 .14 .80 .23 5269 Pi 199 6.8 27 47.760 61.0 + 1.8489 + .0003 + .001 .0001 o .14 .48 .27 5270 Cephei 4-3 27 54.282 69.8 + 1.0140 .0152 .on + .0066+ I .03 .l6 .08 5271 Br 2647 5-6 28 13.648 54-2 + 1.85 1 5 + .0004 + .OOI + .OOIO O .10 .34 .22 5272 f Delphini 4-1 28 26.140 75-8 + 2.8665 .0013 + .OOI + .0006 o .03 .18 .07 5273 Pi 187 6.4 28 37.741 75-4 + 3-3442-. 0099 .002 + .0050 o .08 .45 .18 5274 p Pavonis S-o 29 12.405 85.0 + 5.0678- .0828 -.015 + .0067+ I .14 .78 .24 5275 17 Delphini 5-5 29 i3- 2 5 8 70.9 + 2.8380 .0009 + .OO2 + .0049 o .10 .38 .18 5276 Groomb 3221 6-5 29 19.885 64.2 + 1.4679 .0049 .002 .0025 o .14 .57 .29 5277 L8 435 6-3 29 42.021 84-3 + 7-5576- -3031 + .027 + .0540 12 .12 .63 .20 5278 Pi 194 6.4 29 52.757 74-4 + 3. 3994- .0112 .002 + .0054 o .11 .46 .20 5279 Br 2650 S-o 30 0.800 64.4 + 2.3323 + .0025 + .003 .0002 O .12 .50 .25 5280 Br 2673 6.6 30 26.617 75-5 0.2239 .0677 .061 .0002 + I .06 .32 .12 5281 a Indi 3- 1 30 32.104 74-4 + 4.2369 .0402 .009 + .0039 I .09 .36 .l6 5282 f Delphini 4-7 3 37-985 61.7 + 2.8047 .0005 + .003 + .0026 o .09 .36 .20 5283 Groomb 3226 5-8 30 38-407 62.2 + 1. 9660+. 0014 + .003 + .0028 o 15 -75 -39 5284 Br 2649 5-3 31 31.214 80.3 + 3. 1262-. 0054 .000 + .0005 o 07 -39 - X 4 5285 Br 2646 7.2 31 44.801 69.9 + 3.3691-. 0106 .002 + .0046 o .11 .45 .21 5286 L 8490 5-5 3i 45-751 83.1 + 5.0056- .0772 .012 + .0409+ 8 .18 .75 .27 5287 Br 2653 6.6 31 5I-I49 61.4 + 2.57O4+.ooi8 + .003 + .0014 o 15 -52 -30 5288 v Pavonis 5-4 32 46.798 74-5 + 5.5620 .1200 .009 + .0016 o i5 -57 -25 5289 Br 2660 5-8 32 48.682 78.8 + 2-5586 + .ooi8 + .003 + .OOII O .09 .45 .17 5290 Br 2682 5-3 3 2 49-873 80.4 0.7406 .1021 .102 + .OO27+ 2 .04 .26 .09 5291 ft Delphini m 3-7 32 5L59I 77-o + 2.8131 .0004 + .003 + .0074 o .04 .20 .08 5292 < Delphini 5-5 33 2.101 57-6 + 2.8708 .0012 + .002 + .0030 o 18 -57 -35 5293 Br 2701 7-i 33 9-253 79-9 -3.6044-. 3970 -542 + .0178+ 6 .06 .39 .13 5294 Br 2654 4-5 33 10.448 70.6 + 3.0998- .0049 + .OOI + .0008 o .11 .40 .19 5295 Br 2665 6.6 33 27-811 68.2 + 2.437I + .0024 + .004 .0001 o .10 .39 .20 5296 Br 2666 6.8 33 28.967 70.1 + 2.4344 + .0024 + .004 .0040 o .10 .38 .18 5297 L 8509 7-6 33 2 8-974 93-7 + 3.8509- .0253 .006 + .0065 o .13 I.o6 .22 5298 T Capricorni 5-4 33 40.912 71.1 + 3-3594- -0106 .001 + .0005 o .06 .33 .14 5299 Delphini 6.1 34 0.789 62.1 + 2.8310 .0007 + .O02 .0006 o .12 .50 .27 5300 Br 2659 6.6 2034 1.114 76.0 + 3.1228 .0054 .OOO .0000 o .12 .72 .27 5257/863. 6"2-8?o i" 345. 5267 Clark. II M 2" 159 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1 900 2I 3 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and ioo A (i' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' 819 Remarks. 5251 / // + 49 3 5-49 53-o // // + 11. 839+. 212 .04 // + .057+ I >t // n .06 .24 .15 43 Cygni s s s // // 5301 Br 2664 4.8 2034 3.318 68.7 + 2.6782 + .OOIO + .003 + .0041 o .13 .54 .26 5302 L8 5 i7 5-7 34 3-542 87.8 + 3-775 I -. 22 9 .004 + .0031 o .12 .98 .25 S33 Br 2668 5-i 34 10-497 69.4 + 2. 6l 19+. OOI5 + .003 .0002 o .12 .52 .25 5304 K Delphini 5-3 34 16.342 82.2 + 2.9144 .0016 + .002 + .0213 o .06 .32 .11 5305 Br 2661 5-5 34 I7-392 60.2 +3.0761 .0044 + .OOI + .0062 o .12 .44 .24 5306 v Capricorni 5-4 34 21-485 75-8 + 3.4I97-. 0122 .002 .0020 o .05 .26 .10 5307 Br 2667 6-3 34 26.641 69.4 + 2.7829 .0001 + .003 .0001 o .07 .39 .17 5308 Br 2704 5-7 34 3 T -554 78.1 -3.5676-. 3968 -551 + .OI22+ 2 .06 .28 .11 5309 Pi 258 6.0 34 52.482 63-7 + 2.4674+. 0024 + .004 - -0033 o .18 .72 .38 5310 o Delphini 3-9 34 59-597 74-4 + 2.7865 .OOOI + .003 + .0044 o .03 .l6 .06 S3" L 8529 6.0 35 "-613 94-4 + 3-73 4- -0214 -.003 + .0084 o .14 1 .08 .22 S3" Br 2705 6.2 35 IS- ?* 67.6 -3. 2863-. 3706 -499 + .029631 .08 .32 .l6 5313 Groomb 3248m 6.2 35 53-766 62.2 + 2. 1945 + .0027 + .004 + .OOIO .15 -72 .38 53H Br 2671 7-i 35 55-83 77-4 + 2.7950 '.OO02 + .003 + .0066 o .13 .86 .31 5315 ft Pavonis 3-4 35 57-oi3 71.6 + 5.4607-. 1 163 -.005 -.0079+ I .08 .38 .16 53i6 Br 2674 6.8 36 0.790 83.0 + 2.O23I + .OO2I + .003 + .0007 o .13 .44 .18 S3I7 Br 2672 6.4 36 35-299 56.1 + 2.8089 .0004 + .003 .0007 o .13 .38 .24 S3i8 ij Indi 4-7 36 41.841 87.6 + 4.4271 .0508 -.008 + -OI53- I .14 .80 .23 5319 Br 2675 5-9 36 59-649 78.6 + 2. 4269+. OO26 + .004 + .OOOI O .09 .44 .16 5320 a Cygni I.O 38 1.361 65.7 + 2. 044O +.OO 2 2 + .003 .0000 o .03 .11 .06 5321 Groomb 3263 6.2 38 10.477 73-2 + 1.2773 .0101 .oo'6 + .0004 4 .10 .51 .21 5322 Groomb 3258 5.8 38 19-755 61.9 + 2.I669+.OO27 + .004 + .0013 o .18 .72 .39 5323 8 Delphini 4-5 38 47.420 76.5 + 2.8OO7 .OOO2 + .003 .0016 o .05 .24 .09 5324 Radcl 4976 6.4 39 5-25- 79-6 - 5.631--. 755- + .0128 + 17 .IO .72 .24 5325 Br 2683 5-5 39 7-675 61.8 + 1.8498 +.0006 + .002 + .0006 o 13 -57 -3 5326 L854S 5-8 39 49-193 84.0 +3.9229 .0295 .004 + .0042 o .14 .64 .22 5327 6 18 29 27.27 72-3 + 12. 483 + .384 -.16 .021 o .06 .27 .12 5307 + 15 29 11.93 71.0 + I2.485 + .3I2 -.09 .025 o .07 .39 .17 5308 + 81 4 49.93 73-8 + 12.528 .410 -.8 9 + .013+ I .05 .24 .10 75 Draconis 5309 + 29 59 0.89 63.8 + i2.46o+.275 -.07 - .079 o .17 .77 .40 5310 + i5333 2 -65 68.6 + I2.539+-3I2 -.09 .008 o .04 .18 .08 53" -3i 57 5-i8 92.0 + I2.505 + .4I9 .21 -.056+ I .15 1. 12 .25 170 Microscopii S3" + 80 44 29.48 63.0 + I2.78I--375 -.8l + .216+ 3 .08 .27 .15 74 Draconis 5313 + 40 13 32.16 59-4 + 12.595 + . 243 --5 .014 o 13 -58 .32 * 5314 + 15 17 13.83 75-3 + I2.657 + .3I2 -.09 + .046+ I .12 .69 .27 5315 -6633 44.71 73-6 + i2.625 + .6i3 -56 + .013- I 7 -37 -IS S3i6 + 45 18 47.19 79-5 + I2.6II+.224 -5 .006 o .12 .40 .17 5317 + 14 1336.56 62.3 + 12. 650+. 312 -.09 .006 o .12 .47 .25 10 Delphini 53i8 52 16 40.90 83-3 + i2.6i5 + -497 -32 -.048+ 2 .11 .56 .19 5319 + 3i 57 4-94 70.7 + 12.665 + .268 -.07 .018 o .08 .30 .14 49 Cygni * 5320 + 4455 22.17 64.8 + 12. 752 + . 224 ~-5 .001 o .02 .10 .05 5321 + 60 8 36.65 72.8 + I2-949+. 138 -.04 + .186 o .09 .44 .19 5322 + 41 21 31.23 61.2 + I2. 7 8 3 + .2 3 8 -OS + .009 o 15 -57 -32 5323 + 1442 56.27 77.1 + i2.754+-3 8 -.09 -.051 o .04 .25 .09 5324 + 83 16 44.22 69.7 + 12. 798- .635 .026+ 2 ii -75 -32 5325 + 49 58 50.64 46.6 + I2.827 + . 2O2 -.04 .000 o .12 .36 .26 51 Cygni 5326 -3933 43- 8 4 83-9 + 12.850+. 433 -.24 .024 o .13 .6l .21 5327 69 8 29.69 81.0 + I2.824+.635 -.66 .05 1 2 .IO .56 .19 5328 - 25 37 49-49 76.6 + I2-739+-39 1 -.18 -.159 o .06 .27 .11 5329 -2i 52 39.49 86.1 + 12.894+. 383 -I? .016 o .08 .37 .12 17 Capricorni 5330 + 245445.24 73-2 + 12. 740+. 283 -.08 -.182 o .08 .36 .16 30 Vulpeculae 5331 + 3021 15.79 63.0 + I3-OII + . 269 -.07 + .023 o .08 .31 .17 52 Cygni * 5332 -44 21 10.34 83-7 + 12.903 + 449 -.27 .097+ 2 .12 .58 .19 5333 + 66 17 37.92 7i-3 + I 3 .059+.079 -5 + .044 o .08 .31 .15 4 Cephei 5334 5335 + 15 45 49-59 + I 5 45 49-3 76.7 69.2 + 12.826 + .303 + i2.8i7 + .302 -.09 -.09 -.194 o .204 o .09 -SI .19 .05 .26 .12 122727. n"27i 5336 +33 35 43-67 70.9 + I3-352 + .267 -.06 + .322+ 3 .04 .17 .08 676. n M 39" 304, rel. mot. 5337 - 9 Si 43-iS 75-i + 13.003 + .354 -.14 - .034 o .04 .19 .08 5338 - 5 23 38.39 77-2 + i3.oii + .345 - J 3 - -039 o .O6 .28 .11 3 Aquarii 5339 -23 6 13.97 82.6 + 12.884+. 383 -.18 .170 o .10 .55 .18 5340 - 46 35 48.47 83-9 + I3-07I + .454 -.28 + .OI2 O .13 .58 .20 5341 5342 -1834 4.57 -1834 11.27 87.2 72.7 + 13.050+. 372 + 13.066+. 372 -.16 -.16 .018 o -.003 o .14 .90 .25 .12 .43 .20 Jh 2996. 16" 295 5343 + 5 38 26.96 76.9 + 13.081 + .323 .11 + .005 o .08 .30 .13 13 Delphini * 5344 + 57 13 14.70 74-9 + 12.845 + -158 -.04 -.232- I .06 .30 .12 5345 + 34 o 23.45 88.2 + 13.108+. 259 -.06 + .OIO O .11 .71 .19 Bruss 9083. 51*5 to 6" 5346 + 61 27 0.99 66.1 + 13.923 + . 131 -.04 + .820+ 2 .03 .13 .07 5347 -62 47 58.93 80.0 + 13.062 + . 552 -47 -.043+ I .16 .86 .30 1 114 G Pavonis * 5348 -6247 58.93 80.0 + 13.066+. 552 -47 .O4O+ I .16 .86 .30 I 115 G Pavonis * 5349 26 9 1.61 80.0 + 13.079+. 388 -.19 .030 o .13 .59 .22 526 Capricorni 5350 + 36 7 22.75 72.3 + I3.I09+.252 -.06 .OI I O .06 .25 .11 OS 413. 5*>o-6M3 o'/7 65, slow 5347-8 RUmker. a'/s 95- 2l6 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t jiand 100 Ap Prob. Errors. oEp. ioo|i a 10 M h m s s s s s // // // 53SI Pi 310 6.6 20 43 40.241 68.2 + 3.4084 .0126 .001 .0000 o .13 .54 .26 5352 a Microscopii 5-o 43 43-4i6 80.4 + 3-7574- -0240 -.003 + .0002 .11 .51 .19 5353 Pi 312 7-4 44 5-69 2 81.7 + 3.6031 .0186 .001 + .0005 o .13 .69 .23 5354 t Indi 5-3 44 16-413 86.0 + 4.3616- .0512 .004 + .0005 o .14 .68 .21 5355 Arg N 21126 5-9 44 3 J -743 94-7 + I-9772 + .OO2O + .003 + .OO20 .13 1.04 .20 5356 1,8582 5-8 44 35-505 83.8 + 3.8659- .0284 -.003 .0008 o .16 .75 .26 5357 L 8590 7.0 44 3 6 -570 81.6 + 3-5434- -0168 .001 -.0057+ I .12 .82 .26 5358 Br 2693 6.1 44 51.860 75-6 + 2.8597 .0009 + .003 + .0042 o .10 .32 .15 5359 Br 2691 6-3 44 54-13 61.2 + 2.9417 .0022 + .OO2 + .0015 o 15 -58 .32 536o Pi 325 6-3 45 11.088 78.9 + 3.3109 .0098 .OOO + .0083 o .09 .50 .18 536i Br 2699 5-2 45 S 1 -^ 74-7 + 2.0435 + . 0025 + .004 + .0003 o .09 .30 .14 5362 Dpt 2428 6.7 45 41.628 76-9 + 1.8130+ .0004 + .003 + .0023 o .11 .72 .26 5363 o) Capricorni 4.1 45 51-292 77-8 + 3.5885-. 0184 .OOI .0006 o 07 -36 .14 5364 Br 2694 m 6.1 46 7.612 66.3 + 3.1835-. 0068 + .001 + .0060 o .11 .46 .23 5365 Br 2702 5-i 463! -763 71.8 + 2. 1298+. OO29 + .004 + .0114 o .08 .27 .13 5366 Br 2695 5-7 46 51.432 60.8 + 3.1744 .OO68 + .OOI .0007 o 13 -44 -25 5367 /SIndi 3-6 46 59-787 75-i + 4.7223-. 0734 .000 + .0015 o .11 .48 .20 5368 Pi 339 6.6 47 9-340 81.0 + 3. 5260- .0163 .OOI + .0067 o .09 .52 .l8 5369 L 8606 5-6 47 9-893 87.6 + 3.9179- .0308 .002 + .0040+ I .12 .82 .22 5370 T Vulpeculse Var. 47 13-S 1 ^ 75-3 + 2.5459+. 0026 + .004 + .0005 o .16 .78 .32 5371 /* Aquarii 4-8 47 15-651 75-9 + 3. 2390- .0083 + .OOI + .0025 o .04 .20 .08 5372 Pi 351 6-7 47 37-447 70.4 + 3.2866 .0095 + .001 + .0037 o .11 .50 .23 5373 Br 2703 4.8 47 5 -8i3 75-7 + 2. 5664+. OO24 + .004 .0056 o .10 .32 .15 5374 Br 2700 6.1 49 8.869 73-8 + 3-3956 .0128 .000 .0038 o .08 .30 .13 5375 Br 2710 4.8 49 42.577 59-2 + 2.I2IO+.O032 + .004 + .0016 o .09 .38 .21 5376 Groomb 3319 5-7 49 49.026 62.5 + 2. 095 5 + .003 1 + .004 + .0024 o .14 .64 .34 5377 Br 2754 5-9 49 50.600 80.4 -4.0729- .5375 -.990 + .0163+ I .04 .24 .08 5378 Harv" 1009 5-9 49 50.796 91.2 + 2.4301 + .0032 + .004 .0006 o .11 .86 .19 5379 Br 2709 5-3 50 17.849 76.8 + 2.5554+. 0026 + .004 .0007 o .03 .20 .07 538o Br 2712 7.8 50 21.051 65.8 + 2. 1234+. 0032 + .004 + .0015 o 13 -50 -25 538i Pi 391 7-4 50 26.885 68.4 + I.7I43 .0013 .000 + .OO24 2 .08 .33 .16 5382 Pi 376 6.2 50 40.298 62.7 + 3.0053- .0032 + .OO2 + .0043 o .12 .54 .28 5383 Pi 370 6.0 50 50-877 79-3 + 3. 5724- .0182 .OOO + .0066 o .11 .56 .20 5384 Br 2707 5-6 50 52.306 69.0 + 2.8632 .OOO8 + .003 + .0029 o .IO .44 .21 5385 Br 2708 5-4 50 52.610 60.5 + 2.8404 .OOO4 + .003 + .0009 o .13 .44 .25 5386 Br 2706 5-8 51 29.768 60.5 + 3.2455- .0087 + .OOI .0010 o .13 .38 .22 5387 Pi 386 6.1 52 4.809 79-6 + 3-3643- - OII 9 .000 + .0040 o .IO .60 .21 5388 Br 2749 5-7 52 8.079 73-8 2.5800 .3166 -.502 .OIOI+ I .04 .22 .09 5389 Br 2720 5-9 52 27.213 75-8 + 2. 025 1 + .OO28 + .004 + .0002 O .IO .44 .l8 5390 o Octantis 5-3 52 36-493 76-7 + 7-4332--350I + .206 .0028+37 .07 .52 .19 5391 L 8624 6.0 53 i4-76i 93-3 + 4.2920 .0519 .001 .0098 I .16 .88 .22 5392 Groomb 3341 5-9 53 15-050 79-8 + 1.9026+. 0018 + .003 + .0034 o .13 .62 .23 5393 v Cygni 4.0 53 26.665 76.8 + 2. 2346+. 0038 + .005 + .0004 o .03 .18 .07 5394 Br 2727 6-3 53 36-580 68.2 + 1.6063 .O026 .000 + .OOII O .09 .34 .17 5395 Br 2716 5-6 53 36-928 58.0 + 2.8888- .0012 + .003 .0044 o .14 .52 .31 5396 L 8630 6.4 53 41-044 9i-3 + 3. 8002 -.02 73 .OOI + .0092 o .13 .87 .21 5397 Br 2719 5-6 53 48-120 75-o + 2. 6815+. 0017 + .004 .0000 o .10 .45 .19 5398 Br 2713 6.4 53 55-28o 69.0 + 3-4I55- -0136 .000 + .OOI2 O .11 .42 .20 5399 Br 2717 m 5-5 54 4-613 60.4 + 2. 9977- .0031 + .OO2 .0084+ I .11 .45 .25 5400 Br 2715 6.9 20 54 25.136 74-o + 3-3 OI 5--oio4 + .OOI .0021 o .11 .42 .19 5352 h 5224. 9 4 20" 166. 5364 2 2729. 6M 4 - 7 M 7 < i", binary. 5361 h 1581. n M 2i"i74 5368 h 3003. 9 M 2"2i7. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 21 7 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H' and too AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. looji' 810 Remarks. 5351 / // 18 24 17.78 71.6 // tt + I 3-95 + -37 // - -17 - -035 o // // it .12 .51 .23 5352 -34 8S9-47 73-4 + 13.095 + .408 .22 - -039 o .11 .51 .22 27 G Microscopii * 5353 -27 44 16.24 78.0 + I3.I26+-39I - .I 9 -.032 o .12 .56 .22 h 5226. 9" 19" 67 5354 -51 58 50.52 84.1 + I3.I33 + .474 - -3 2 - .037 o .11 .56 .18 5355 + 47 27 46.94 96.6 + 13. 173 + . 212 - -05 .014 o .12 .99 .l8 5356 -38 17 6.82 84.6 + I3-I64+.4I9 - -23 .027 o .14 .69 .22 28 G Microscopii 5357 25 21 6.58 77-2 + 13.067 + .383 - .18 -.125- I .12 .77 .28 54 G Capricorni 5358 + 12 IO l6.I5 73-4 + I 3-35 + -3 8 .IO + .096 o .0 9 .31 .15 15 Delphini 5359 + 7 293I-79 57-7 + I3.2i7 + . 3 i7 .11 + .006 o -14 -55 -32 14 Delphini 536o -12 54 55.78 80.4 + i 3 .iS8 + .358 ~ -IS .072+ I .08 .51 .17 536i + 45 4434-58 73-2 + 13. 249+. 218 - -05 .004 o .09 .26 .13 55 Cygni * 5362 + 51 32 21.02 68.4 + 13.274+. 193 - .04 + .011 .10 .46 .22 S 2732. 8?7 4" 74 5363 - 2 7 i? 35-99 80.6 + 13. 260+. 386 - -19 .014 o .07 .39 .14 5364 6 o 2.44 64.9 + 13. 281 + .342 - -13 .011+ I .08 .33 .I? 4 Aquarii * 5365 + 43 40 56.64 68.1 + 13.446+. 228 ~ -05 +.128+ I .06 .23 .12 56 Cygni 5366 - 5 52 56.58 63-7 + 13-335 + -340 - -13 .004 o .11 .39 .21 5 Aquarii 5367 - 5 8 49 53-05 79-5 + i3-3 2 3 + -58 - -41 .026 o .09 .48 .I? 5368 24 9 28.72 81.8 + 13-303 + -378 - .18 -.056+ I .09 .50 .I? 58 G Capricorni * 5369 40 ii 2.95 85-4 + 13. 264+. 420 - -24 .096 o .10 .6l .l8 33 G Microscopii 5370 + 27 52 31.63 67.9 + I 3-35 I + - 2 7i - .08 -.013 o -15 -63 -30 Pulk M 3038. 5 ?5 to 6?5 5371 - 9 21 31.37 71.8 + 13.331 + .346 - -14 - -035 o .04 .19 .08 5372 -ii 57 6.56 75-8 + i 3 .42 9 + .35i - -15 + .039 o .11 .51 .21 5373 + 2643 20.57 75-6 + I3-333 + -272 - .08 .071 I .08 .30 .13 31 Vulpecute 5374 18 18 8.16 68.5 + 13.469+. 360 - -17 .019 o .07 .26 .13 19 Capricorni 5375 + 44 030.50 54-4 + I3-53I + .223 - -05 + .006 o .08 .32 .20 57 Cygni 5376 + 44 48 9.86 62.1 + 13. 529+. 220 - -05 -.003 o .11 .50 .26 5377 + 82 9 40.04 82.6 + 13-559- -442 -1.16 + .026+ 2 .04 .20 .07 76 Draconis 5378 + 33 3 26.55 92.2 + i3.575 + .2 5 6 - -07 + .041 o .11 .87 .19 5379 + 27 4037-5 2 72.8 + 13.561 + .268 - .08 .002 o .04 .24 .10 32 Vulpeculas 538o + 44 o 23.34 71.9 + I3-579 + -222 - -05 + .013 o .11 .59 .25 538i + 54 8 0.79 65.1 + 13.750+. 178 - .04 + .178 o .08 .30 .l6 5382 + 49 J -33 55-6 + i3.58 9 +. 3 i7 .12 + .002 .11 .46 .27 2 2735. 7 Y 7 2" 285 5383 -264039.57 80. i + 13-534+ -378 - -19 .064+ I .11 .56 .20 63 G Capricorni 5384 + 12 II 9.28 71.0 + 13.612 + . 301 .10 + .OI2 .09 .35 .16 1 6 Delphini 5385 + 13 2O 23.12 63.1 + 13.581 + .298 .IO .019 o .12 .40 .22 17 Delphini 5386 10 4 51.82 66.4 + I3.626+.34I - -IS .014 o .11 .38 .20 7 Aquarii * 5387 - 16 24 59.30 76.0 + 13.680+. 353 - .16 + .003 o .10 .48 .19 64 G Capricorni 5388 + 80 10 38.39 74-4 + 13.650 .282 .64 -.030- I .04 .22 .09 5389 + 47 2 3.05 71.2 + i3.696+.2io - -5 -.005 o .09 .37 .I? 539 -77 24 17-99 76.5 + 13.349+. 784 -1.32 - .362 o .06 .40 .15 5391 -Si 39 26.50 88.9 + 13.878+. 448 - -33 + .127- I .13 .63 .19 8G Indi 5392 + 50 2039.51 76.2 + 13.734+. 196 - -5 .018 o .13 .50 .21 5393 + 40 46 54-75 73-4 + 13.740+. 231 - .06 .024 o .04 .21 .09 5394 + 56 30 8.64 64.2 + 13.781 + . 164 - .04 + .006 o .08 .27 .15 5395 + 10 27 10.96 57-i + 13. 722 + . 299 .11 - -053 -14 -55 -32 18 Delphini 5396 -3 6 3 59-09 91.6 + 13.743 + . 398 - - 2 3 -.036+ I .14 i.oi .23 37 G Microscopii 5397 + 21 56 20-37 74-7 + I3-782 + .278 - .09 - .005 o .08 .37 .15 33 Vulpeculae 5398 -1925 23.13 69-3 + I3-77I + -356 - .18 - .023 o .10 .37 .18 20 Capricorni 5399 + 3 54 35-47 57-2 + 13.660+. 310 .11 -.144- I .10 .35 .21 i Equulei (e) * 5400 13 26 26.01 73-o + 13.820+. 342 - -IS .006 o .10 .39 .18 8 Aquarii 5386/81034. n M 2"i66 S399 s 2737- ?S i" . Wnary, 7" n" 73. 2l8 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p Prob. Errors. . aEp. loop aio M h m s 8 S s s // // // 5401 Br 2726 5-9 20 54 44-673 76.4 + 2. 1462 + .0036 + .004 + .0098 o .IO .42 .17 5402 y Microscopii 4.8 55 9-546 84.4 +3.6911-. 0235 .001 + .0006 o .10 .68 .20 5403 Br 2718 6.7 55 14-155 70-3 + 3.3822 .0128 + .OOI .0020 o .09 .36 .17 5404 Br 2721 6.8 55 15-641 71.4 +3. 1715-. 0069 + .OO2 + .OOOI .13 .69 .30 5405 Pi 429 6.0 55 i7-89 68.2 + I.92IO+.OO2O + .004 + .0008 o .12 .57 .27 5406 Br 2723 6-5 55 I7-9I9 83.2 + 3.1616 .0065 + .OO2 + .0029+ I .06 .40 '.13 5407 Br 2722 7-i 55 37-685 73-4 + 3.3107-. 0106 + .OOI .0003 o .IO .44 .19 5408 Pi 411 6.1 55 49-227 80.8 + 3.5700- .0190 .OOO + .0017 o .13 .58 .21 5409 Pulk 3063 5-9 55 53-448 85-7 + 2.7399+.ooi2 + .004 .0024 o .12 .52 .17 5410 Br 2732 4-9 56 25.498 66.6 + 2.0392 + .0032 + .004 + .0007 o .06 .38 .17 54" Microscopii 5-5 56 34-685 86.0 +3.8478- .0302 .OOO .0017+ I O? -51 -14 54" Br 2738 5-9 56 57-495 72-9 + 1.4820 .0052 .003 + .0062+ I .09 .44 .19 5413 Br 2728 m 7.0 57 16.673 72.2 +2.9578- .0023 + .003 .0008 o .IO .32 .l6 54H Br 2735 5-5 57 4i-44o 63-9 + 2.0923 +.0035 + .005 + .0002 o .11 .45 .24 54IS /x Indi 5-5 57 53-030 88.0 + 4.4420 .0618 + .OO4 + .0014+ I .20 .93 .28 S4i6 Pi 452 6.7 58 30.788 81.0 + 2. 2985 + .OO42 + .005 .0005 o .IO .42 .l6 5417 17 Capricorni S-o 58 42.880 65.6 +3.4199- .0142 + .OOI .0030 o .06 .27 ' .14 5418 Br 2730 5-7 58 47-372 65-5 + 3.I77I-.007I + .OO2 + .OOI2 O .12 .46 .24 5419 L 8625 m 5-9 58 54-059 89.8 + 6.3875-. 2270 + .103 + .0963- 2 .l8 I. O2 .27 5420 Br 2740 6.4 59 "-974 69.8 + 2.3251 + .0042 + .005 + .0007 o .09 .34 .16 5421 Groomb 3378 m 6.0 59 23-719 60.0 + I-6555- -0016 + .OOI + .0025 o .15 .66 .36 5422 Br 2734 5-9 59 35-902 S5-o + 2.9891 .0028 + .003 + .0013 o 13 -52 -32 5423 n Microscopii 5-7 59 55-i6s 83-7 + 3.9182-. 0342 + .OOI + .OOII .13 .80 .25 5424 8 Microscopii 5-9 20 59 58.898 81-3 + 3.6308 .0217 + .00 1 +_.ooi3 o .14 .78 .26 S42S Pi 465 6.7 21 o 7.443 84.1 + 2. 2447 + .0043 + .005 + .OOO2 .08 .48 .15 5426 Br 2731 5-4 o 17.893 80. i + 3.6780 .0238 .000 .0012 o .14 .69 ,.25 5427 6 Capricorni 4.1 o 19.614 72.6 + 3-3779- -0128 + .OOI + .0057 o .04 .24 .10 5428 Br 2739 6.1 o 29.359 61.7 + 2.9736- .0025 + .003 .0069+ I -ii -45 -25 5429 L8678 7.0 o 59.149 93-2 + 4.1714- .0474 + .OO2 + .0036 o .16 .93 .23 5430 Br 2737 4.6 1 16.815 78-3 + 3. 5165- .0178 + .001 .0022 o .10 .40 .16 5431 ( Cygni 3-9 1 17.581 72-3 + 2. 1803 + .OO42 + .005 + .0006 o .04 .24 .10 5432 Pulk H 3078 6.0 2 18.479 87.0 + 2-5I43 + .0037 +.005 .0008 o .11 .62 .18 5433 6 1 * Cygni 5-5 2 24.858 69-5 + 2.6873 + .OIOO + .005 +.3523+60 5434 6 1 2 Cygni 6.1 2 26.385 71.8 + 2. 6863 + .0023 +.005 + 35"- 17 5435 X Capricorni 5-4 2 50.026 65-4 +3.4432-. 0152 + .OOI + .0014 o io .33 .18 5436 Br 2750 4.8 3 9-403 68.7 + 2.0654+. 0038 +.005 + .OOI I .09 .34 .17 5437 Br 2742 7-i 3 33-6i2 76-7 + 3.4229- .0147 + .OOI + .0009 o .18 .64 .28 5438 Br 2743 6-5 3 50-029 78.2 + 3.4369- .0148 + .OOI + .0087 o .11 .38 .16 5439 o Pavonis 5-3 3 57-98o 77-5 + 5-7043- I 74 +.067 + .0049 o .12 .62 .23 5440 L 8692 7-3 4 7-730 87.1 + 4.5002 .0689 + .009 + -0033 o .18 .92, .28 5441 v Aquarii 4.6 4 8.870 77-5 + 3.2721 .0098 + .OO2 + .0063 o .04 .21 .08 5442 Pi i 6.0 4 24.3" 76.2 + 2. 5433 + .0037 + .005 + .0017 o .09 .50 .19 5443 y Equulei 4-7 5 28.717 68.0 + 2.9178 .0011 +.003 + .0036+ I .08 .33 .16 5444 Br 2752 6-3 5 39-747 72-9 + 2.9153 .0013 +.003 .0005 o .11 .44 .20 5445 L8 7 is 6.1 5 48-472 81.4 +3.8687-. 0329 + .OO2 + .0051+ I .15 .75 .26 5446 L 8719 5-5 6 39-267 85-2 +3-8534- -0321 + .002. + .0160 o -13 -78 -24 5447 Pi 32 5-8 7 10.089 52.2 + I -8537 + -ooi9 + .003 + .0025 o .10 .39 .25 5448 Br 2753 5-7 7 21.614 76.8 + 3.5661 .0200 + .OO2 + .0071 o .10 .44 .18 5449 L8 734 7-8 7 29.223 92.8 + 3-5052-. 0179 + .002 + .0018 o .12 .80 .18 5450 Br 2777 6.1 21 7 30.291 81-3 1.1167 .1764 .270 + .0083- I .04 .22 .08 541 2 2743- 5414 02 426. p"" 20" 353. 10" 3" 162. 5413 2 2742. 78-7C8 3" 221. 5416 W. H. io M i9" 300; i2 M 26 250 CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 219 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t li'and iooA(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' 8 10 Remarks. 5401 Of II + 44 4S5- 10 76.5 // // + I3-9I4+.22I -05 a + .068+ I // // a .10 .44 .18 5402 -323 8 55-i7 81.9 + i3.877 + . 3 8 3 .22 + .004 o .09 > .55 .18 i Piscis Aust 5403 -i? 55 15-35 68.9 + 13.868+. 350 --I7 .010 o 09 -35 -17 21 Capricorn] 544 - 5 52 2.04 68.6 + i3.8 7 i + . 32 8 -.14 .008 o .11 .47 .22 10 Aquarii 5405 + 50 4 24.76 65-2 + 13.897 + .196 -.5 + .016 o .10 .44 .22 S 2741. 7*5 i'.' 9 30 5406 - 5 7 0-23 79-3 + I3-746+.327 -.14 - .136 o 7 -35 -13 ii Aquarii 5407 -13 55 16.31 73-3 + I3-905 + .342 -.16 + .003 o .09 .42 .l8 9 Aquarii 5408 -27 16 19.83 79-3 + 13.882 + .369 .20 - -032 o .12 .59 .22 67 G Capricorni 5409 + 18 56 25.69 83.8 + i 3 .852 + .28i -.09 - .067 o .12 .49 .l8 8?8 46" 333 5410 + 47 7 49-5 ! 59-5 + I 3-955 + -2o8 -05 + .003 o .06 .26 .14 SgCygni/ 1 5411 -39 i 18.98 82.2 + I3-842 + .396 -25 .120 o .08 .47 .15 54" + 59 2 51.22 77-7 + 13.990+. 149 -.04 + .004+ I .09 .40 .l6 5413 + 6 47 11.64 68.8 + 13.995 + .302 .12 .on o .10 .30 .16 2 Equulei * 54H + 45 45 46.25 56.6 + 14.035 + . 212 -5 + .003 o .10 .38 .23 60 Cygni * 5415 -55 721.23 84-5 + 13.994+ .456 -.36 - .050 o .15 .71 .24 54i6 + 39 651.78 77.8 + 14.077 + .232 -.06 .006 o .09 .35 .14 * 5417 2O 15 2.O2 64.0 + 14.052 + .348 -.18 - .043 .06 .26 .14 54i8 - 6 13 8.65 61.4 + 14.096+. 323 -.14 .004 o .0 9 .33 .18 12 Aquarii * 5419 -73 33 52-11 85.2 + 13. 776+. 666 -.89 - -331 + 10 .14 .77 .24 119 G Pavonis * 5420 + 38 15 42.75 73-3 + I4.H7 + .235 -.06 .009 o .08 .36 .16 5421 + 56 16 28.57 56.8 + 14.138 + . 166 -.04 .000 o .11 .46 .27 t 2751. 6?4-7*4 i'.'7 350 5422 + 56 19.66 53-i + i4.i5i + -33 .12 + .001 o 13 -52 .32 3 Equulei 5423 -4147 5.58 80.6 + I4.I52 + .398 -.26 .018 o .11 .65 .22 5424 -3031 20.34 78.4 + 14.080+. 368 .21 - .094 o .13 .69 .25 5425 + 4i 13 56-99 81.1 + 14.132 + . 225 -.06 - -051 o .07 .38 .13 OSApp. 8 M 57"i8s 5426 -32 44 29.86 77-5 + i4.i83 + .373 .22 .on o .13 .67 .25 2 Pise Aust 49 G Micros 5427 -17 37 49.39 71.7 + I4.I29+-342 -17 - .066+ I .05 .24 .10 5428 + 5 33 46.05 59-6 + 14.072 + .299 .12 - -134- I .IO .38 .22 4 Equulei 5429 -49 20 24.75 89.8 + 14.206+. 422 -31 - .030 o .13 .69 .19 14 G Indi 5430 - 25 24 20.43 81.8 + 14.203 + .354 -.I 9 - -051 o .09 .42 .15 24 Capricorni A * 5431 + 43 3i 43-34 70.6 + 14.252 + . 218 -05 - .003 o .04 .18 .08 5432 + 3047 0.78 91.0 + 14.320+. 250 -.08 + .003 o .12 .69 .l8 5433 5434 + 38 15 26.82 + 38 15 14.00 67.! 67.4 + 17. 566+. 300 + I7-398 + .326 -.06 -.06 +3.242+32 +3-073+58 >See Appendix 5435 -2i 35 43-75 60.9 + I4.2Q2 + .344 -.18 - .057 o .IO .31 .l8 5436 + 47 14 46.61 60.9 + 14.361 + .204 -05 .008 o .08 .27 .15 63 Cygni/' 5437 -2035 52.23 71.9 + 14.387 + . 341 -.18 .007 o .14 .46 .22 26 Capricorni 5438 -2057 29.13 80.7 + 14.284+. 343 -.18 .126+ I .09 .37 .14 27 Capricorni 5439 -7032 2.57 79-9 + 14.384+. 572 -.72 - -034 o .11 -57 .20 5440 -S^SS 25-46 83-4 + 14.412 + .450 -38 .016 o .15 .71 .24 5441 ii 46 36.18 75-2 + I4-4I7 + -326 -15 - .013+ I .04 .19 .08 5442 + 2948 4.98 71.6 + 14.429+. 251 -.08 .016 o OS .35 .15 22762. 8*o 3 "5 3 ii 5443 + 9 43 42.83 69.4 + 14.349+. 288 .11 .161 o .08 .32 .15 Knott. II M 2" 274 5444 + 9 38 27.46 68.8 + 14.538+- 287 . .II + .017 o .11 .38 .19 6 Equulei 5445 -4040 19.77 80.9 + 14.322 + . 383 -25 .208 o 13 ^5 -23 55 G Microscopii 5446 -394955-9 82.5 + 14.445 + .381 -25 - .136+ 2 .13 .67 .23 56 G Microscopii 5447 5448 5449 + 53 9 16.84 -28 i 38.56 -25.IS 23-83 45-2 81.8 90.8 + 14.609+. 179 + 14.485 + . 350 + 14.596 + . 343 -.04 .20 -.19 - .003 o - .138+ I - -035 o .10 .38 .27 .11 .47 .17 .10 .77 .18 (3 Piscis Aust 58 G Microscopii 5450 + 77 43 i5- 81.4 + 14.665-. 117 -3 + -033+ I .04 .22 .08 77 Draconis 54182,2745. 8 M 2'.'8 191. 5419 Innes. (iff 6-6*9 ', close double. 5430 See. i2 M 26"i86. 22O PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 a t H and 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M b m s s s s s " // // 5451 1,8727 6.0 21 8 37.430 86.3 + 4.3094- .0588 + .008 + .0009 O .15 .78 .24 5452 Cygni 3-3 8 40-793 70.6 + 2.5515+ .0040 + .005 .0002 o .03 .16 .07 5453 Pi 51 m 5-8 9 15.488 81.5 + 1.5290 .0042 .002 .0005 o .06 .28 .10 5454 L 8742 6.4 9 33-402 94.0 +3.7489- .0284 + .OO2 + .0040 o .13 1. 00 .21 5455 S Equulei m 4.6 9 36-613 67.9 + 2.9221 .0009 + .003 + .0028+ i .08 .30 .15 5456 Capricorni 5-4 9 56-445 72.7 +3.4207- .0152 + .OO2 + .0005 o 09 -33 -16 5457 Br 2759 5-6 10 12.789 64-5 +3.3252- .0118 + .OO2 + .OOI2 O .08 .28 .15 5458 Pi 61 7.2 10 14.500 71.8 + 1.5295 .0041 .002 r- .O004 .12 .56 .24 5459 Pi 50 m 7-4 10 28.687 75-i + 2.2994+ .0051 + .006 + .0028 o .12 .52 .22 5460 T Cygni 3-8 10 47.909 72.8 + 2.3925+ .0046 + .006 + .0133- 2 .04 .l8 .08 546i o Equulei 4.0 10 49.522 79-5 + 3.0001 .0027 + .004 + .0038 o .03 .21 .07 5462 Br 2763 7-i 10 55.701 70.8 + 3.2241 .0088 + .003 .0008 o .13 .51 .24 5463 L8743 7.0 II 4.002 93-2 +4.1073- .0476 + .006 .0033+ I .15 .96 .22 5464 Microscopii 4.8 II 52.574 83.8 +3.6488- .0243 + .OO2 + .0045 o .O? .44 .14 5465 Br 2765 5-5 12 20.858 66.7 +3-3704- .0135 + .OO2 + .OOIO O .12 .34 .19 5466 Br 2766 6.6 12 39-993 69.6 +3-3615- -0132 + .O02 + .0016 o .12 .56 .25 5467 fllndi 4.6 12 44.465 82.7 +4.3057- -0599 + .OIO + .0129 o .16 .78 .27 5468 Br 2768 5-9 12 56.345 64.7 +3.1501- .0067 + .003 + .0008 o .13 .48 .25 5469 a Cygni 4-4 13 29.242 71.7 +2.3536+ .0053 + .006 .0004 o .05 .21 .IO 5470 Pi 66 7.2 13 41.688 69.9 +3.3381- .0125 + .OO2 + .0014 o .l6 .60 .29 5471 v Cygni 4.4 13 48.363 64.8 + 2.4653+ .0050 + .006 + .0016 o .12 .48 .25 5472 Pi 86 6-3 14 14.874 67.6 + 1.7938+ .0014 + .003 + .0025 o .11 .48 .23 5473 6 Microscopii S-o 14 21.972 89.6 +3.8546- .0345 + .004 + .0075 o .13 .8l .21 5474 Br 2775 5-o 14 43-341 59-7 +2.2328+ .0055 + .006 ^.0014 o .11 .45 .25 5475 Pi 75 7-4 15 22.280 85-7 +3.4166- .0154 + .003 + .0023 o .11 .64 .19 5476 Br 2771 6.2 15 49-775 83-2 + 3.1472 .0066 + .003 .0017 o 07 -39 -13 5477 Pi 78 7.0 iS 53-009 84.2 +3.5726- .0217 + .003 + .OO2I O .11 .68 .21 5478 Groomb 3432 5-8 16 2.237 69.4 + 2.0622+ .0048 + .006 + .0014 o .12 .56 .26 5479 Br 2774 6.2 1 6 8.003 57-7 + 2.9686 .0020 + .004 + .0028 o 15 -50 -30 5480 a Cephei 2.4 16 11.598 65.6 + 1-4353- .0069 .OO5 + .O2I7+ 2 .03 .13 .06 548i Dpt 2590 5-9 16 29.628 76.7 + 1.6626 .0009 + .OO I + .0010 .11 .42 .18 5482 Arm 4628 6.0 16 33-055 80.2 + 2.7087+ .0032 + .005 + .0154+ I .11 .84 .27 5483 Br 2773 7-3 16 36.731 63-9 + 3.2243- .0089 + .003 + .0017 o .11 .51 .26 5484 i Capricorni 4-3 16 40.780 69-5 +3.3460- .0130 + .003 + .OO22 O .04 .27 .12 5485 Groomb 3436 n.p. 7-9 16 45-357 68.6 + 1.9313+ .0034 + .005 .0005 I .16 .54 .28 5486 Br 2796 6.4 16 47.883 71.9 -0.5859- .1342 .202 + .0049+ I .IO .44 .19 5487 Pi 87 5-9 17 16.629 83.1 +3.4468 .0167 + .003 + .0030 o III .56 .19 5488 Br 2788 5-3 17 17.708 70.8 + 1.2508 .0125 .on + .0004 o .10 .38 .18 5489 Br 2780 4-3 17 27.685 68.4 + 2-7734+ -0019 + .005 + .0072 o .04 .24 .11 5490 Br 2776 6.4 17 34-6ii 69-3 + 3.2188- .0089 + .003 .0029 o .11 .39 .20 5491 j3 Equulei 5-2 17 55.8oi 70-5 + 2.9788 .0021 + .004 + .0036 o .13 .44 .21 5492 L 8793 m 6.1 18 2.381 90.2 + 3-8405- -0349 + .005 + .O022 O .13 .78 .20 5493 y Pavonis 4-3 18 10.691 70.0 + 5.OI70 .1241 +.048 + .0134-23 .09 .40 ,l8 5494 Br 2778 5-6 18 29.375 78.9 + 3.4085- .0154 + .003 .OOIO+ I .09 .44 .l6 5495 Groomb 3441 6.0 18 31.990 68.1 + 2.O82O+ .OO50 + .006 + .0040 o .12 .57 .27 5496 Br 2781 5-6 18 43.658 72.0 + 3.2828 .0108 +.003 + .0059 o .IO .42 .19 5497 L 87,92 6.4 19 7-579 80.3 + 4.3089 .0642 + .015 .OOOI .12 .63 .22 5498 Pi 114 5-8 19 28.452 69.2 + 2.7OO6+ .OO32 + .006 + .0090 o .14 .69 .31 5499 Groomb 3548 '7-7 19 35-03- 85.1 11.498 3.286- + .O22- +12 .05 .28 .08 5500 Br278 3 6-7 21 19 38.958 70.4 + 3.1287 .OO6I + .003 .OOI2 iS -57 -27 5455 os 535- s"Ci-s"<5 < i"; 5-7 ys. ; 2 2777. io"? s 43" 19, rel. mot. 5471 02 433. IO M 15" 220; IO M 21" 180. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 221 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. ,', n'andioo Aji' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 n' 810 Remarks. 5451 O t H -53 4037-32 86.6 tr it + 14.657+ .421 -35 - .043 o .12 .73 .21 23 G Indi 5452 + 29 48 59-59 68.8 + 14.643+ .247 -.08 - -059 o .03 .16 .07 5453 + 593430.95 69.8 + 14.739+ -MS -.04 + .003 o .06 .26 .12 S 2780. 6*2-7^2 l'/2 225 5454 -3637 31-74 93-4 + 14.760+ .364 -23 + .006 o .15 1.07 .23 60 G Microscopii 5455 + 9 36 5-32 67.9 + 14.454+ -282 .11 - -303 o .06 .23 .12 * 5456 2i 4 0.82 70.6 + 14.775+ -331 -.18 .002 o .08 .26 .13 5457 -15 35 13-57 62.5 + 14.801+ .321 -.16 + .008 o .07 .26 .14 29 Capricorni 5458 + 5941 6.39 65.0 + 14.782+ .144 -.04 .012 .12 .47 .24 - 5459 + 4043 54-33 69.0 + 14.837+ .220 -.06 + .029 o .10 .42 .20 OS 432. 8*08^4 j"3 126 546o + 37 37 5-88 70.4 + 15.254+ -230 -.07 +.427+ I .04 .21 .09 Clark. sfS-^fs i" 45 yrs. 546i + 4 50 3-27 76.8 + 14.742+ .289 -13 .087 o .04 .17 .07 5462 - 9 37 52.92 68.4 + 14.833+ .310 -15 .002 o .11 .40 .20 14 Aquarii 5463 49 8 1.20 89.0 + 14.757+ -39 6 -3 - .086 o .12 .69 .19 24 G Indi 5464 -3 2 35 25-92 79.8 + 14.856+ .350 .22 - -034 o .08 .39 .14 4 Piscis Aust 5465 18 24 14.92 69.2 + 14.914+ .322 -.18 .004 o .12 .37 .19 30 Capricorni 5466 -17 52 54-48 73-o + 14.940+ .321 -.18 + .003 o .12 .49 .22 31 Capricorni 5467 -5352 6.37 81.4 + 14.867+ .414 -35 -.074+ I .14 .64 .23 h 5258. 7*2 4 " 282 5468 4 56 22.02 67-5 + 14.971+ .300 -15 + .018 o .11 .39 .20 15 Aquarii 5469 + 38 58 3I-I7 69.8 + 14.978+ .222 -.07 .006 o .06 .21 .IO 5470 - 16 35 58-90 71.0 + 14.973+ .317 -17 - .023 o 13 -50 -23 5471 + 342835.97 62.2 + 14.982+ .232 -.08 .021 .09 .36 .19 * 5472 + 55 22 39.72 65.1 + 15.040+ .167 -.04 + .OII O .09 .40 .20 5473 -41 13 56.25 87-5 + 15.035+ .366 -.26 .000+ I .12 .67 .19 L8773. 65GMicr0 l 5474 + 43 3i 29.37 64.1 + 15.034+ .208 -.06 - .023 o .09 .47 .24 68 Cygni A 547'5 -21 1435-33 79.1 + 15.031+ .322 -.18 .062 o .12 .47 .19 5476 - 4 59 - 4.82 74-7 + 15.128+ .295 -.15 + .008 o 08 .33 .14 1 6 Aquarii 5477 -2935 25.44 84.6 + 15.086+ .336 .21 - .037 o .10 .56 .17 66 G Microscopii 5478 + 49 5 i3- 2 5 63.8 + 15.128+ .191 -05 .004 o .11 .48 .25 5479 + 6 55 50.12 54-8 + 15.124+ .278 .12 -.013 o 13 -52 -32 9 Equulei 548o + 62 9 42.48 64.2 + 15.190+ .133 -.04 + .049+ 2 .02 .11 .06 548i + 58 12 0.69 69.6 + 15.147+ .152 -.04 .on o .10 .34 .17 2 2790. IO M 5" 46 5482 + 23 26 4.09 80.6 + 15.025+ .253 -.09 -.136+ I .08 .65 .21 34 Vulpeculae 5483 - 945 8.17 67.7 + 15.117+ .301 -.16 .048 o .10 .73 .32 5484 -17 I537-83 65-5 + 15.174+ .313 .17 + .006 o .05 .24 .12 5485 + 52 33 12-15 54-0 + 15.239+ .178 -.04 + .066 o .12 .42 .26 52789. 8"!"i6"ii7 5486 + 7635 28.31 70.5 + 15.185- .062 .22 + .OIO .10 .35 .17 5487 -23 545-50 82.6 + 15.208+ .321 -.19 + .005 o .11 .57 .19 87 G Capricorni 5488 + 64 26 51.89 61.8 + 15.205+ .112 -.04 + .001 o .09 .28 .l6 6 Cephei 5489 + 19 22 35.20 77.6 + 15.271+ .258 .IO +.058+ I .04 .21 .08 i Pegasi * 5490 - 94444-40 70.8 + 15.194+ .299 -.16 .026 o .IO .41 .19 17 Aquarii 5491 + 6 23 0.45 70.6 + 15.246+ .276 -13 + .006 o .11 .42 .20 5492 41 26 6.80 87.5 + 15.249+ .357 -.26 + .003 o .11 .64 .l8 67 G Microscopii 6 2 * 5493 -6549 6.76 70.8 + 16.065+ -4^9 -53 + .811+ i .08 .34 .15 5494 -2i 16 37.43 76.7 + 15.145+ .315 -.18 .127 o .09 .38 .15 33 Capricorni 5495 + 48 57 36.64 64.2 + 15-337+ .190 -05 + .063 o .11 .49 .25 5496 - 13 18 26.44 69.8 + 15.288+ .304 -.17 +.003+ I .09 .37 .18 18 Aquarii 5497 -55 532.6o 76.4 + 15.349+ .399 -36 + .041 o .10 .47 .19 34 G Indi y 5498 + 23 5039.56 67.6 + 15.345+ .248 -.09 + .018+ I .11 .58 .27 5499 + 86 37 24.54 88.3 + I5.346-I.085 + .013+ 2 05 -35 -09 5500 - 3 49 37-45 68.6 + 15.290+ .287 -15 - .047 o .12 .44 .22 20 Aquarii 5489 SApp. &6 3 6" 3 u\ 5492 p 766. 6*5-7'? 7 i" 290*. 222 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IpOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 H. aio M h m s 8 S S s '/ ff n 5501 1,8782 5-8 21 19 48.639 86.5 + 5-4423- - l6 42 + .089 + .0154- I .18 .88 .28 5502 Br 2782 5-9 I 9 50.639 74-8 + 3.2276 .0090 + .003 + .OOIO+ I .09 .38 .16 5503 Br 2784 5-8 20 4.p57 63-4 +3. 1305-. 0062 + .003 .0017 o H -45 -25 5504 Pi 120 5-9 20 7.576 63-8 + 2.66i2 + .oo37 + .006 + .0028 o .12 .69 .34 5505 L88o8 6.0 20 7.998 87.6 + 3. 7642-. 0310 + .005 + .0148 I .13 .64 .19 5506 L 8809 5-8 20 36.803 89.2 + 3 -8645 --031-3 + .006 .0058 o .11 .66 .18 5507 Capricorn! 3-8 2057-559 77-6 + 3-4325- -0166 + .003 .0000 o .05 .24 .09 5508 Groomb3477 m 7-7 21 31.390 68.5 -1.6635-. 2747 -539 + .0601 + 12 .13 .58 .27 5509 Br 2832 7.2 21 32.97- 71.6 -4.805 --.880- + .013- +13 .09 .39 .17 5510 Br 2787 6.2 21 34.712 74.1 + 3-4083- .0158 + .003 .0018 o .09 .36 .16 55" Br 2792 5-6 21 39-253 63-4 + 2.2OIO+.OO62 + .007 + .0193+ I .13 .50 .26 5512 Br 2791 6.1 21 4I.8I2 75-2 + 2. 4486 +.0058 + .006 + .0002 o .10 .33 .16 5513 Br 2790 4.6 23 I-356 70.2 + 3.4276- .0163 + .003 + .0095 o .09 .30 .15 55H L882S 6.9 23 5-349 83-6 + 3-5954- -0238 + .004 + .0016 o .12 .72 .22 5515 Br 2793 5-5 23 I5-586 79-4 + 2.6415 + .0042 + .006 + .0026 o 8 .33 .13 55i6 Pi 150 5-3 23 16.659 63.2 + 2.4433 + .0060 + .007 .0001 o .11 .62 .31 5517 Pulk 3131 5-3 23 18.576 87.4 + 2. 1284+. 0059 + .007 + .0069 o .11 .62 .18 55i8 Pi 156 6.1 23 27.163 60.7 + I.9770+. 0046 + .005 + .0026 o .12 .51 .28 5519 Pi iS3 5-9 23 5!- 8 42 73-6 + 2. 5601 + .OO52 + .006 + .0094 o .l6 .8l .34 5520 Pi i4S 6.8 24 22.872 76.9 + 3-3727- -0144 + .003 + .0017 o .13 .54 -22 5521 Pi iS4 7.2 25 11.807 66.2 + 3-2925-.OH5 + .003 + .0005 o .15 .56 .28 5522 Br 2798 4-7 25 25-050 71.6 + 2.7I58+.0034 + .006 + .OOI2 O .12 .52 .23 5523 Br 2799 5-4 25 45-5 02 83-3 + 2. 21 1 1 + .0064 + .007 + .0044 I .06 .28 .09 5524 { Gruis 5-5 25 46.107 86.2 + 3.8119- .0356 + .007 - .0005 o .15 .88 .26 5525 Br 2805 5-5 25 50.298 71.7 + 1. 1668 .0164 -.015 .0020 o .09 .34 .16 5526 Br 2794 6-3 26 11.744 89.0 + 3.6384- .0265 + .005 .0027 o .11 .78 .20 5527 |8 Aquarii 2.9 26 17.715 69.6 + 3.1608 .0071 + .004 + .OOIO O .02 .14 .06 5528 Groomb 3476 7-5 26 33-454 64.2 + I -9935+-5 I + .006 + .0019 o .14 .62 .32 5529 Pi 161 6.6 26 47.688 83.7 + 3.4642 .0184 + .004 + .0050 o .11 .62 .20 5530 1,8838 5-8 26 54.827 89.8 + 3.9063-. 0413 + .009 .0023 o .13 .88 .22 553i Groomb 3480 6.2 27 0.478 69.9 + 1.9958 + .005 1 + .006 + .0024 o .12 .56 .26 5532 /8 Cephei 3-3 27 22.311 65.6 +0.7909- .0351 -039 + .OO22 O .03 .13 .06 5533 Groomb 3511 6.2 27 46.807 71.8 1.6246 .2791 -574 + .0179+ 9 .06 .32 .14 5534 Pi 171 7-4 28 8.801 75-9 + 3.3200 .0126 + .004 + .0019 o .13 .62 .25 5535 Groomb 3489 5-7 28 14.515 78.4 + 1.6479 .0009 + .002 .0002 o .12 .48 .19 5536 Groomb 3508 7-7 28 54-497 59-9 0.1974 .1092 -.167 + .0048+ 3 .14 .58 .32 5537 Br 2800 6.0 29 14.184 77-7 + 3-3765- -0152 + .004 .0018 o io -33 -!5 5538 Br 2801 7-i 29 17-597 76.0 + 3.3815-. 0152 + .004 + .0006 o i5 -52 -23 5539 Arg N 22436 5-8 29 24.556 95-0 + 2. 1 191 + .0065 + .007 + .0036 o .11 .86 .17 5540 Pi 184 6.7 29 32.822 85-4 + 3-4393- -0176 + .004 + .0055 o .11 .62 .19 5541 L 8842 6-5 30 4.063 88.0 + 4.8407 .1158 + 057 + .0025 o .14 .84 .23 5542 Pi 190 6.1 30 4-397 74-4 + 3- I 343--o64 + .004 .OOIO .14 .72 .29 5543 p Cygni 4.1 3 13- 1 3 66.6 + 2. 2529+. 0073 + .008 .0026+ I .09 .34 .17 5544 v Octantis 3-7 30 21.778 87.6 + 6.8523-. 3826 + .466 + .0140+16 .12 .70 .20 5545 Br 2802 6.0 3 23.149 80.7 + 3.4870 .0196 + .004 + .0078 o .11 .48 .18 5546 Br 2809 5-i 30 41.408 69.8 + 2. 4470+. OO68 + .007 + .0098 o 08 .33 .15 5547 Br 2803 6-3 30 48.635 82.8 + 3.6162 .0259 + .006 + .0079 o .14 .78 .25 5548 Groomb 3500 6-3 31 0.662 83-2 + 2. 065 1 + .OO62 + .007 + .0007 o .10 .54 .18 5549 t Capricorn! 4-7 31 28.950 72.2 + 3-3652-. 0148 + .004 + .0006 o .06 .26 .11 5550 Dpt 2611 6-3 21 32 25.672 80.2 + 3.0828 .OO47 + .004 .0013 o .11 .48 .18 CATALOGUE OF 6l88 STARS FOR 1900 223 no. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n' and ioo Ap.' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. 5501 / // 69 56 14.76 84.4 // // + i5-279+-55 // - .66 .067+ i // // rr .14 -77 .24 129 G Pavonis 5502 10 10 28.08 72.9 + 15. 174+. 296 - .16 -.174 o .08 .34 .15 19 Aquarii 5503 - 3 59 8.42 65-4 + 15. 290+. 286 - -IS .070 o .11 .41 .21 21 Aquarii 5504 + 25 443 8 -4S 60.0 + I5-357 + .243 - .09 .007 o .12 .64 .34 5505 -38 iS39-7 87.6 + I5-35Q+-347 - .24 .014+ I .14 .69 .21 68 G Microscopii 5506 42 58 51.60 88.0 + 15.398+. 3>4 -27 + .007 o .10 .56 .16 ft 767- 8? 5 3" 145 5507 - 22 50 40.37 76-3 + 15-434+ -3 J 3 - -19 + .023 o .05 .21 .09 5508 + 79SS 25-75 65-7 + 15.540-. 156 - -47 + .098+ 6 .IO .39 .20 S 2801. 8?i-8*8 i '.'8 272 5509 + 83 50 ii. 10 61.4 + 15.432-. 452 .011+ i .12 .42 .24 5510 -2i 37 43-73 77.0 + I5.4i8 + .3io - -19 .027 o 9 -37 -iS 35 Capricorni 55" + 46 16 51.62 59-5 + 15.494+. 200 - .06 + .045+ 2 .11 .40 .23 55" + 36 14 6.81 69.2 + 15.441 + . 221 - .08 .Oil O .08 .27 .14 69 Cygni * 5513 -22 14 33.91 66.3 + I5-5I7 + -3IQ - .19 -.008+ I .10 .30 .16 36 Capricorni b 5SH -31 40 27.44 81.6 + I5.509 + -325 .22 .020 o .11 .60 .20 i G Piscis Aust 55iS + 27 10 22.70 78.6 + i5-56o+.237 - .0 9 + .O22 o? -34 -13 35 Vulpeculae S5i6 +364055.15 63-5 + 15.543 + . 218 - .08 + .004 o .08 .38 .20 70 Cygni 5517 +48 24 0.57 87.8 + 15.572 + . 190 - .06 + .031+ I .12 .60 .18 S5i8 + 52 27 50.60 56.7 + 15.560+. 175 - -05 + .OII .12 .46 .27 SSiQ + 31 47 13.68 63.0 + 15.634+. 229 - .09 + .062+ I .15 .64 .34 5520 -1935 3-J2 76-5 + 15.566+. 302 - .18 - -34 o .12 .51 .21 5S2I - U 43 44-9 1 68.4 + 15.607 + .293 - -17 - .038 o .13 .48 .24 5522 + 23 12 0.93 72.0 + I S-653 + - 2 4i .IO .004 o .08 .39 .I? 2 Pegasi 5523 + 46 5 58.24 71.2 + 15. 780+. 195 - .06 + .104 o .06 .24 .11 71 Cygni g 5524 -41 37 11.58 81.2 + 15.684+. 340 - .26 + .008 o .12 .64 .22 5525 + 66 22 21.92 68.1 + 15. 666 +.099 - .04 .014 o .08 .27 .14 7 Cephei 5526 -3423 7-33 81.1 + I5.672 + .322 - -23 .027 o .12 .63 .22 2 G Piscis Aust 5527 -60 40.41 66.8 + 15.698+. 280 - -IS .007 o .02 .13 .06 W.H. u"3 S " 3I 9 5528 + 52 29 40.44 57-8 + 15.730+. 174 ~ -5 + .OII O .11 .44 .26 S 2803. 9" 25" 288 5529 - 25 i 56.04 84.1 + 15.724+. 307 .20 .008 o .10 .51 .17 103 G Capricorni 5530 45 17 26.48 90.0 + 15. 726+. 346 - .28 .012 o .IO .80 .19 3 G Gruis 5531 + 523 1 3-4i 62.2 + I5-75I + .I74 - -05 + .007 o .12 .50 .27 f 5532 + 70 7 18.04 63-1 + 15.768 + .065 - .06 + .005 o .02 .12 .06 S28o6. 8 M /3"250 5533 + 80 5 20. 1 2 71.9 + 15.776-. 151 - .46 .OO9+ 2 .08 .38 .16 5534 -1638 27.76 72.8 + 15.698 + . 291 - .18 .107 o .12 .46 .21 5535 + 60 i 6.15 73-9 + 15.816+. 141 - .04 + .006 o .10 .39 .17 5536 + 755749-83 59-7 + 15.818 .024 - .16 .028 o ii -55 -3 5537 -2031 48.76 81.6 + 15.888+. 294 ~ -19 + .024 o 09 -35 -13 37 Capricorni 5538 - 20 41 45.42 69.6 + 15.802 + . 295 ~ -19 .064 o .12 .36 .19 38 Capricorni 5539 + 4932 1.98 96.8 + 15.896+. .182 - -5 + .023 o .12 .92 .17 5540 -23 53 57-42 86.1 + i5.877 + . 3 oo .20 -.003 o .09 .58 .I? 107 G Capricorni 5541 -65 16 17.91 87.1 + i5-9 5 + -423 - -51 - .003 o .12 .71 .20 40 G Indi 5542 - 4 25 44.13 74-i + 15.922 + . 271 - .16 + .014 o .11 .58 .24 5543 + 45 858.36 49.4 + 15.821 + . 193 - .O? - -095 o .08 .29 .20 5544 -775 J-94 88.0 + 15. 694+. 602 -[1.24 -.230+ I .IO .71 .19 5545 -2637 3.42 82.5 + 15. 895 + .303 .20 -.030+ I .IO .45 .l6 8 Piscis Aust (5 G) 5546 + 38 5. .7-77 67.8 + 16.032 + . 2IO - .08 + .091+ I .06 .28 .13 72 Cygni 5547 -33 2942.99 82.2 + 15.948+. 313 .22 + .001+ I .12 .60 .21 7 Piscis Aust (6 G) 5548 + 51 15 9.46 80.6 + I5-957 + .I76 - .06 .001 o .09 .44 .l6 5549 -19 54 51.22 70-3 + 15.981 + .290 - -19 .002 o .06 .26 .12 5550 o 50 19.80 79-3 + 16.015 + . 263 - -IS .017 o 09 -33 - J 4 22809. Si's 31" 163 224 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO no. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i and 100 A p Prob. Errors. a Ep. 100 |i a 10 M h m s s s s s // tt it 5551 Aquarii 4-8 21 32 25.743 75-6 + 3.1969 .0082 + .004 + .0075 o .04 .21 .08 5552 Br 2812 6-3 32 44.709 54-o + 2.9893 .0019 + .005 + .0035 o 14 -56 -34 5553 Br 2818 5- 2 3 2 S 6 -3 8 7 84.6 + 2. 40l6+. OO72 + .008 .0004 o .04 .28 .08 5554 Groomb 3513 9.0 32 58-560 64.8 + 1. 8485 + .0036 + .006 +.0087+ I .16 .64 .33 5555 Br 2814 5-5 33 4-629 71.1 + 2. 8062 + .OO25 + .006 + .0070 o .11 .51 .2 3 5556 Br 2813 5-9 33 3I-442 76.3 + 3.0057 .0022 + .005 + .0076 o .10 .32 .15 5557 Pi 228 7.0 33 45- 12 70.8 + 2. 4320+. OO72 + .008 + .0013 o .14 .60 .27 5558 Arm 4714 6.0 34 21.509 85-1 + 2. 7948+. 0029 + .006 + .0083 o .11 .58 .18 5559 Br 2816 m 7.2 34 22.227 67.9 + 3. 0950- .0046 + .005 + .0157 o '3 -57 -27 556o Br 2817 5-4 34 28.859 60.6 + 3-0455- -0035 + .005 .0020 o " -57 -3 1 556i Pi 241 7.2 34 30- 8 56 73-8 + 1.5980 .OO24 .OOO + .0069 I .14 .62 .26 5562 y Capricorni 3-7 34 33-098 67.8 + 3-3294- -0131 + .004 + .0131 o .04 .21 .IO 5563 Br 2830 4-9 35 14-269 68.4 + I.6lI7 .OOI5 + .OO I + .0007 o 09 -34 -17 5564 X Octantis 5-5 35 36-11- 75-8 + 9.685 1.076- + .030- -14 .06 .69 .24 5565 Pi 248 6.2 35 5 J -449 85-3 + 1. 8605 + .O040 + .006 + .0005 o .05 .32 .09 5566 Br 2820 5-4 36 6.690 66.9 + 3.2670 .OII2 + .005 .0083 + 2 .09 .32 .16 5567 Br 2826 5-4 36 iS-SS 2 73-7 + 2.3502 + .0078 + .008 + .0047 o .08 .40 .17 5568 Br 2819 5-4 36 I9-I35 78.6 + 3-4235- -Pi 74 + .005 + .0067 o .08 .39 .15 5569 Br 2822 6.0 37 4-155 64.6 + 3. 0607 -.0039 + .005 .0003 o 14 -45 -25 5570 K Capricorni 4.8 37 4.517 68.7 + 3-3560- .0145 + .005 + .OIOO O .08 .28 .14 5571 Pi 256 7-5 37 I5-233 64.8 + 1. 8606 +.0042 + .O06 - .0054 o .18 .57 .32 5572 Br 2824 5-6 37 iS-354 79.1 + 3.0025 .0022 + .005 + .0015 o .12 .36 .l6 5573 Br 2831 6.2 37 32-877 75-5 + 2.4103 + . 0078 + .008 .0009 o .11 .36 .16 5574 Br 2823 6.2 37 37-101 65.6 + 3. 2784- .0117 + .005 .0003 o .12 .40 .22 5575 Pi 243 6.4 37 37-979 77-2 + 3-3625- -0150 + .005 + .0058 o .12 .58 .23 5576 L 6460 6.7 37 38-82- 73- 2 +68.39188.544- + .017- +97- .05 .28 .12 5577 Br 2854 7-4 37 46.396 70.6 + 0.8545- .0337 .042 + .0210+ 8 08 .33 .15 5578 L88 9 6 6-5 38 20.361 94-2 + 3.7081 .0322 + .009 + .0085 o .14 1. 12 .23 5579 Br 3836 5-8 3 8 21.429 66.4 + 2. 4095 + .007 9 + .008 + .0014 o .13 .42 .22 558o Br 2845 4.8 38 32.614 61.4 + 2.I268 + .OO76 + .009 + .0006 o .08 .27 .15 558i Br 2828 6.2 38 33-386 72-3 + 3.2805 .0119 + .005 .0021 o .11 .36 .17 5582 t Piscis Aust 4.4 38 59-535 82.5 + 3-5855- -0259 + .007 + .0029 o -09 -SI .1? 5583 Br 2841 5-6 39 5-286 66.3 + 2. 4074 +.0080 + .008 .0019 o .15 .48 .26 5584 t Pegasi 2.4 39 16.479 71-5 + 2.9464 .OO05 + .OO6 + .0017 o .02 .15 .06 5585 Br 2843 5-8 39 17.496 84.8 + 2.4778 + .0076 + .008 + .0032 o .11 .46 .l6 5586 Br 2833 7-5 39 35-284 77-5 + 3.2043 .0088 + .005 + .0034 o .13 .69 .26 5587 H ' Cygni 4-9 39 40-165 76.4 + 2. 6803 + .0060 + .007 + .0214+ 2 .08 .27 .12 5588 /i 3 Cygni 5-9 39 40.366 82.8 + 2.6761 + .0059 + .007 + .0172+ 2 .13 .57 .20 5589 Br 2834 5-4 39 40.380 76.6 + 3.2022 .0088 + .005 + .0007 o .09 .39 .16 5590 Br 2837 4-5 39 46.579 71.4 + 2.8404+.OO22 + .006 + .OOI2 O .13 .52 .24 5591 Pi 267 7-7 39 52.976 70.8 + 2.6581 + .0056 + .007 .0008 o .13 .48 .23 5592 K Pegasi m 4.2 40 6.976 77-2 + 2. 7145 + .0047 + .007 + .0024 o .05 .34 .12 5593 fi Cephei Var. 40 26.829 69.0 + 1. 8335 +.0040 + .OO6 .0001 o .16 .70 .33 5594 Br 2856 4-9 40 27.485 78-5 + 0.8951-. 0334 .041 + .O24O+ 2 .04 .28 .10 5595 Br 2838 6.4 40 56.223 71.6 + 3. 2039- .0088 + .005 + .0008 o .13 .44 .21 5596 X Capricorni 5-6 41 9.161 78-3 + 3-2333- - OIO o + .005 + .0016 o .07 .32 .12 5597 Br 2846 7-4 41 18.686 75-7 + 3. 2379- .0100 + .005 + .0018 o .14 .62 .25 5598 Br 2851 6.8 41 24.481 69.7 + 2. 7170+. 0048 + .007 + .OOIO i5 -84 -37 5599 Br 2850 5-6 41 28.284 64-5 + 2. 7584+. 0040 + .006 + .0005 o .14 .56 .29 5600 8 Capricorni 2.8 21 4i 3 r -354 68.3 + 3-3 l6 3--oi25 + .005 + .0179+ I .04 .20 .09 5552 2 App. 7 4 39" 349. 5559 ft i 21 *- 7 I !'7-8 I ?2 o'.'s 2/0, slow binary. 5536 h 941. I2 M 26" 337, rcl. mot. 5565 2 2816. 8 M 12" 120; 8 M 20" 339 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IpOO 225 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t I/ and i oo AH/ Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. Of tl /t // // // // ft n 5551 - 8 18 10.08 73-5 + 16.009+ -274 -.16 .024+ I .04 .19 .08 5552 + 6 10 8.08 48.7 + 16.044+ -255 -3 - .005 o .11 .43 .29 3 Pegasi * 5553 + 39 57 S- 86 75-i + 16.068+ .203 -.08 + .008 o .06 .24 .10 74 Cygni 5554 + 57 i 20.63 56.6 + 16.065+ -155 -.04 + .004+ I .13 .47 .28 22813. g^s 10" 273 5555 + 1852 6.70 7i-5 + 16.081+ .238 .11 + .014+ I .09 .38 .I? 5 Pegasi 5556 + 5 19 13.09 72-3 + 16.116+ .255 -.14 + .026+ I .09 .30 .14 4 Pegasi * 5557 + 3852 0.87 66.8 + 16.098+ .204 -.08 .004 o .12 .48 .24 5558 + 19 48 50.24 85-4 + 16.136+ .236 .11 + .003+ I .12 .57 .18 5559 o 30 12.26 66.3 + 16.149+ -262 -15 + .015+ I .11 .41 .21 24 Aquarii * 556o + i 47 37-83 56.3 + 16.057+ -256 -.14 - .083 o 13 -53 -3i 25 Aquarii d 556i + 61 51 2.85 61.5 + 16.268+ .132 -.04 + .126+ I .11 .41 .23 5562 -i? 650.75 69.1 + 16.123+ -282 -.18 .021+ I .04 .20 .09 5563 + 61 37 S -? 1 63.2 + 16.181+ .132 -.04 + .O02 O .08 .28 .15 9 Cephei 5564 -83 1043.43 76.2 + 16.178+ .828 -.020+ 3 .05 .60 .21 h S 2 7 8. 7 "72"875 5565 + 57 2 12.15 75-2 + 16.213+ I 53 -5 + .002 o .06 .24 .10 1143. I4 M 2"325" 5566 -14 29 37.20 71.7 + 15.916+ .272 -.18 -.308- I .08 .30 .14 42 Capricorn! 5567 + 42 49 10.91 70.2 + 16.245+ .195 -.07 + .013 o .07 .31 .14 75 Cygni * 5568 -23 42 55.17 82.5 + 16.142+ .286 .20 -093+ I .08 .34 .12 41 Capricorni 5569 + o 49 46.78 72-3 + 16.259+ -254 -15 .014 o .10 .34 .16 26 Aquarii 5570 19 19 19.82 60.5 + 16.266+ .279 -.19 .007+ I .08 .26 .15 5571 + 57 7 38.73 73-6 + 16.263+ ^S 1 -05 .019 o .14 .45 .29 2 2819. 8*5 13" 58 5572 + 5 13 28.05 75-4 + 16.280+ .248 -.14 -.003 o .11 .34 .16 7 Pegasi 5573 + 40 21 3.56 66.0 + 16.247+ I 9 8 -.08 -.051 o .09 .26 .14 76 Cygni 5574 14 51 25.08 65-9 + 16.328+ .271 -.18 + .027 o .11 .37 .20 44 Capricorni 5575 -20 439- 2 5 76.4 + 16.280+ .279 -.19 .022 o .12 .54 .22 5576 -8 9 I 9 3.45 74.8 + 16.263 + 5.799 .041+ I .04 .28 .11 54 G Octantis B 5577 + 7051 25-40 69.6 + 16.211+ .067 -.06 -.098+ 2 .07 .31 .14 5578 -39 022-54 93-4 + 16.180+ .307 -25 -.158+ I .16 1.18 .25 ii G Gruis 5579 + 40 37 13.33 61.2 + 16.343+ .197 -.08 + .004 o .11 .38 .22 77 Cygni 558o + 5043 59.14 54-i + 16.347+ .173 -.06 .001 o .07 .23 .15 80 Cygni IT l 558i 15 12 28.OI 74-7 + 16.348+ .269 -.18 .001 o .IO .46 .19 45 Capricorni 5582 -33 2 8 55-35 75-i + 16.285+ .295 .22 -.086 o .09 .42 .17 5583 + 4041 51.57 59-8 + 16.362+ .195 -.08 .014 o .12 .40 .23 5584 + 9 24 58.88 70.1 + 16.384+ .240 - 1 3 .001 o .02 .14 .06 5585 + 37 4932-23 78.5 + 16.386+ .201 -.08 .000 o .10 .38 .15 79 Cygni 5586 - 9 29 46.59 76.2 + 16.418+ .262 -17 + .017 o .11 .54 .21 5587 + 28 17 26.98 66.0 + 16.165+ - 2I 9 -.09 .240+ 2 .06 .22 .12 1 2 2822. 2'/6 and diminish- 5588 + 28 17 25.28 74-8 + 16.179+ -219 -.09 .226+ I .12 .54 .22 J ing; slow binary. 5589 - 9 32 30.59 74-5 + 16.403+ .261 -17 .002 o -08 .35 .15 46 Capricorni c l 5590 + 1653 27.58 68.5 + 16.387+ .231 .12 .023 o .10 .39 .19 9 Pegasi 5591 + 28 19 26.21 65-4 + 16.356+ .215 -.09 .060 o .10 .41 .21 5592 + 25 ii 6.68 75-o + 16.429+ .220 .IO + .OO2 O .04 .25 .IO * 5593 + 58 19 16.65 60.9 + 16.442+ .146 -05 .002 o 15 -65 -35 4 M to 5 M ?* 5594 + 7051 3.26 74.6 + 16.541+ .070 -.06 + .097+ 2 .04 .24 .10 ii Cephei 5595 - 9 44 14-57 69.2 + 16.478+ .260 -17 + .010 o .10 .38 .18 47 Capricorni c * 5596 -ii 49 38.25 68.8 + 16.468+ .26l -17 .Oil .06 .24 .12 5597 12 9 21.61 74.0 + I( 5.355+ -262 -17 -.132 o .12 .46 .20 50 Capricorni 5598 + 25 720.99 65-4 + 16.493+ -218 .IO + .OOI 13 -77 -37 5599 + 2^-29 I4.8l 64-5 + 16.481+ .221 .11 .014 o .11 .47 .24 12 Pegasi 5600 -16 34 52.16 67.8 + I6.2O2+ .269 -.18 -.295+ 2 .04 .18 .09 5567 Clark. IO M a','6 325; 9*5 54" 255. 5592 /3 989. 5593 ft 9o- " M 19 4^7-5^4 < ".4, binary, n yrs. ; IO M 12" 299 226 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 |i a 10 M h in s 8 9 s " // 5601 L 8912 5-8 21 4i 45-593 88.0 + 3.9215 .046l + .OI4 + .0144+ I .12 .75 .20 5602 Br 2852 6.6 41 50.694 70.8 + 2. 7282 + .0049 + .007 + .0108 o !5 -75 -33 5603 Br 2861 5-5 41 51.128 64.2 +0.7495- .0414 --OS3 .0099 I .08 .28 .15 5604 6 Piscis Aust 5-2 41 52.129 78.1 + 3-53 I 3--0239 + .006 .0028 o .11 .54 .20 5605 Br 2849 5-6 42 9.732 76.9 + 3-0439- -03 2 + .005 + .0009 o .09 .30 .13 5606 L 8903 5-8 42 15.020 91.4 +4.7050-. 1 1 47 + .067 .0012 o .18 i. ii .27 5607 o Indi 5-6 42 19.844 82.0 + 5. 1500-. 1651 + .126 .0084+ 2 .12 .66 .22 5608 v Cephei 4-5 42 33-804 7-3 + 1.7302 + .0019 + .004 .0003 o .05 .22 .10 5600 Br 2855 4.4 43 5-870 83.6 + 2.2I27 + .0086 +009 + .0004 o .04 .26 .08 5610 Pi 290 7-i 43 47-575 69-5 +3.1454 .0068 + .005 .0038 o .15 .62 .29 5611 L 8934 7-3 44 7-891 85.8 + 3.4685 .0208 + .006 + .0013 o .13 .86 .24 5612 Groomb 3571 7-4 44 10.088 68.3 +2.4783 +.0082 + .008 .0004 o .11 .63 .29 5613 Pi 291 6.4 44 16.836 75-i +3. 2471-. 0107 + .005 .0001 o .13 .52 .22 5614 Br 2862 5-8 44 28.291 61.3 + 1.7691 + .0030 + .005 .0008 o .14 .50 .28 5615 Groomb 3590 6.7 45 I5-336 67.0 + 1.0688- .0236 .027 .OOI I O .09 .40 .19 5616 Br 2858 5-5 45 23-I57 72.4 + 2.8535 +.0024 + .006 + .0051 o .09 .30 .14 56i7 Br 2859 5-3 45 25-235 62.9 + 2. 6518+. 0064 + .008 + .0020 o .09 .42 .22 5618 Pi 33 6.4 46 8.629 80.9 +3-3368- .0143 + .006 + .0094 o .13 .80 .26 5619 Br 2865 6.7 46 23.293 79-5 + 1-7557 + .0029 + .006 + .OOO2 O .IO .51 .19 5620 Groomb 3591 6.8 46 49. 154 69.2 + 1 -3959- -0083 .OO7 -.0030+ I IS -54 -27 5621 Pi 312 5-9 46 52.497 75-4 + 2.8i7i + .oo33 + .007 + .0024 o .16 .72 .30 5622 Pi 3H 7-i 47 32.107 68.6 + 3.1302 .0061 + .005 + .0009 o .15 .62 .30 5623 p Capricorni 5-3 47 50-70 74-i + 3.2754 .0112 + .005 + .02 1 1 O .04 .20 .08 5624 y Gruis 3-i 47 52-562 82.0 + 3.6474- .0310 + .009 + .0093 o .07 .36 .12 5625 Br 2863 5-8 48 2.017 70.6 + 2. 6756+. OO62 + .008 - .0045 o .10 .34 .17 5626 Pulk M 3196 6.9 48 15-253 80. i + 3.2IO8 .0093 + .005 + .0001 o .08 .42 .15 5627 Br 2864 5-i 48 30.681 78.2 + 2-7272 + .0053 + .007 + .0001 o .03 .21 .07 5628 Groomb 3598 6.9 48 37-4I3 92.0 + 2.0296+. 0080 + .009 + .0049 IS -58 .18 5629 Br 2866 6.1 48 37-975 69.8 + 2.0264+. 0080 + .009 + .0018 o .11 .38 .18 5630 Pulk M 3200 5-8 48 55-031 84-7 + 2.82i6+.oo34 + .007 + .OOII O .11 .52 .18 5631 Pi 320 6.1 48 57.016 81.3 + 3.1352 .0062 + .005 + .0028 o .07 .52 .16 5632 Br 2868 7-i 49 44-8i7 62.5 + 2. 0194 +.0080 + .009 + .0032 o .08 .34 .18 5633 Br 2867 6.9 49 49.464 59-6 + 2. 0983 +.0088 + .OIO .0015 o .12 .52 .29 5634 L 8964 5-8 5021.773 85-4 + 3.6245- .0308 + .OIO .0020 o .13 .68 .21 5635 8 Indi 4.6 51 6.916 81.0 + 4.1143 .0660 + .029 + .0064 o .12 .63 .22 5636 L 8927 7.0 51 25.900 85.0 + 6.4502 .3910 +.596 .0080+ I .11 .78 .22 5637 L8 9 59 6-5 5i 25-989 77-6 + 4.2775 .0812 + .041 .0014 o .15 .70 .27 5638 Br 2871 7-i 51 26.314 67.2 + 2.I298 + .OO94 + .OIO + .0169+ I .12 .52 .26 5639 Br 2872 6.1 Si 3I-430 68.1 + 2.0125 + .0082 + .009 .0009 o .07 .26 .13 5640 Br 2880 6.9 Si 3 6 -9S2 76.1 +0.7267-. 0475 .069 + .OIO7+ 2 .05 .28 .11 5641 Br 2869 5-7 52 3-791 61.5 + 2. 9250+. OOO8 + .007 .0020 o .09 .34 .19 5642 Radcl 5481 6.0 52 53-689 92.6 + 1.5752 .0020 .000 + .0016 o .15 .82 .21 5643 Br 2870 6-5 52 58-792 69.6 + 3.1469 .OO66 +.006 + .0019 o .11 .46 .22 5644 Pi 344 7-4 53 0.914 68.2 + 3- 2372-. 0106 + .006 + .0007 o 15 -63 -30 5645 Pi 343 6.6 53 9-224 81.6 + 3-3523- -Ol6o + .006 + .OOIO .08 .57 .18 5646 L 8976 5-7 53 15-261 87.0 + 3.6419- .0322 + .OII + .0037 o .15 .78 .23 5647 Br 2894 7.0 53 18.668 76.6 0.5601 .1826 -385 + .0041 1 .10 .39 .16 5648 L 8982 7-3 53 39-48i 84.8 + 3-3932- -Ol8o + .006 + .0046 o .12 .84 .24 5649 L 8984 7-7 53 40.423 89.1 + 3-3793- -0172 + .006 + .0048 o .12 .64 .l8 5650 Pi 360 5-4 21 53 49.897 72.0 + 1.6899 +.0017 + .004 .0014 o .OQ .46 .20 5601 9 M 46" o, relative motion. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1 900 227 ffo. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andiooAp.' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 K.' Sio Remarks. 5601 o / // -47 45 30.65 87.0 // // + 16.202 + . 318 II ~ -3 // -.307+ I it ft it .10 .64 .18 13 G Gruis * 5602 + 25 5 59-79 67.6 + 16.527 + . 219 .10 + .013+ I 13 -75 -34 5603 + 71 51 42-11 62.6 + 16.483 + .054 -07 -.031- I .08 .28 .16 78 Draconis 5604 31 21 40.15 78.2 + 16.509 + . 285 .22 .006 o .11 .53 .20 115296. i I M 36" 339 5605 + 2 13 24.47 74-3 + 16.526 + . 244 - -IS - .003 o .08 .25 .12 27 Aquarii, n Pegasi 5606 -65 1033.76 86.6 + i6.5 3 2 + . 3 8i - . 4 8 .002 o .14 .75 .22 54 G Indi 5607 -70 540.31 84-3 + i6.538+.4i7 - .62 .000 I .11 .63 .20 5608 +603933.25 62.5 + 16.549+. 135 - .04 .000 o .05 .I? .09 5609 + 48 50 48.01 79.1 + 16.572+.. 174 - .06 - .003 o .04 .19 .07 81 Cygni v 2 5610 - 5 52 3- 2 5 70.8 + 16.565 + . 249 - .16 .044 o 13 -54 -25 5611 -27 52 10.45 86.2 + I6.595 + .276 .21 -.031 o .14 1.07 .29 17 G Piscis Aust 5612 + 38 29 29.44 65-6 + 16.622 + . 195 - .08 .006 o .11 .53 .26 5613 13 ii 21.09 77-7 + 16.645 + . 257 - .18 + .OI2 O .11 .48 .19 5614 + 60 13 42.54 54-7 + 16.645 + . 137 - .04 + .OO2 .11 .34 .22 12 Cephei 5615 + 6941 13.23 69-3 + 16.656+. 079 - -05 .025 o .O? .35 .16 5616 + 16 49 14.08 72.2 + 16.625 + . 224 .12 .062 o .08 .31 .14 13 Pegasi 5617 + 29 42 30.28 57-2 + 16.662 + .207 - .09 .027 o .09 .39 .23 14 Pegasi 5618 -19 5 21.03 78.2 + 16.638 + .262 - .19 -.086+ I .13 .57 .22 5619 + 604823.83 75-8 + 16.719+. 134 - .04 .017 o .09 .44 .I? 5620 + 66 19 36.50 59-4 + 16.685 + .104 - .04 .071 o .13 .42 .25 22836. 10"" n" 153 5621 + 19 21 27.16 64.6 + 16.773 + . 218 .11 + .014 o .14 .56 .29 W.H. loM ,o" 94; uM 34" 32a 5622 - 4 27 44.70 69.2 + 16.805 + .242 - .16 + .014 o .13 .50 .24 5623 14 i 21.44 72.2 + 16.814+. 255 - .18 + .009+ 2 .04 .20 .09 5624 -37 50 6.90 75-8 + 16.790+. 283 - .24 .017+ I .O? .30 .12 5625 + 28 19 30.64 67.4 + 16.740+. 205 - .09 -.074 o .10 .32 .17 15 Pegasi 5626 10 46 57.09 80.6 + 16.826+. 247 - -17 + .OOI .08 .44 .15 5627 + 25 27 i6.ii 76.0 + 16.838+. 209 .IO + .OOI .04 .22 .08 1 6 Pegasi 5628 5629 + 55 19 17-33 + 55 1935-86 81.6 62.3 + 16.859+. 154 + 16.842 + . 153 - -05 - -05 + .017 o .OOI O .13 .42 .18 .IO .28 .l6 J 52840. 19" 195 5630 + 19 ii 47.81 79-7 + 16.866+. 216 .11 + .OIO .11 .45 .18 5631 4 44 42.88 75-8 + 16.767 + . 240 - .16 .091 o .07 .42 .l6 5632 + 55 44 27.37 5-4 + 16.902 + . 152 - -05 + .007 o .09 .36 .23 5633 + 53 3i 32-92 57-8 + 16.886+. 157 - .06 - -013 o .10 .43 .24 5634 -37 4339-01 83.8 + 16.922 + . 276 - .24 .002 o .12 .6l .20 20 G Gruis 5635 -5528 5.19 78.8 + i6-936+.3i3 - -34 .024 o .IO .47 .l8 5636 -78 825.72 85.8 + 17. ooi + .492 -1.14 + .027- I .09 .73 .20 64 G Octantis 5637 59 29 20.19 79-2 + I7-003 + .324 - -38 + .029 o .13 .64 .24 61 G Indi ( l ) 5638 + 53 27 33-52 63-5 + 17.056+. 160 - .06 + .081+ I .11 .44 -23 5639 + 56 8 15.12 63.0 + 16.975 + . 149 - -05 .004 o .06 .26 .14 13 Cephei (p) 5640 + 73 13 45-o8 76.0 + I7-OI2 + .O5O - .07 + .029+ I .05 .25 .10 79 Draconis 5641 + 11 36 4.55 62.0 + 16.983 + . 218 - -13 .021 o .09 .36 .20 17 Pegasi 5642 + 64 50 44.95 92.8 + 17.045 + . 114 - .04 + .003 o .12 .69 .17 OS 457. 8?5 i'-' 3 246 5643 - 5 53 56-64 73-i + 16.934+. 234 - .16 .112 O .09 .42 .l8 5644 -13 836.21 69.4 + I7-U7 + .24I - .18 + .069 o .13 .49 .24 5645 -2i 3936.56 80.4 + 17.050+. 250 - .19 .004 o .08 .49 .17 134 G Capricorn! 5646 -38 52 22.30 83.1 + 17.048+. 272 - -25 .01 1 o .13 .58 .20 24 G Gruis 5647 + 79 441-63 76.7 + 17.087 .050 - -24 + .026 o .09 .32 .14 5648 -241837.39 87.0 + 17.073 + . 252 .20 .004 o .13 I.O2 .27 97 G Aquarii 5649 -2321 1.39 82.7 + 17.090+. 251 .20 + .OI2 O .11 .59 .20 5650 + 63 857-63 69.6 + 17.093 + . 122 - .04 + .008 o '.08 .36 .16 228 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. jd, H. and 100 A n Prob. Errors. aEp. loop o 10 M h ra a s s s s // // it 5651 Paris 31310 7-3 21 54 15.161 81.1 + 2. 6509+. OO7O + .008 .0295 o .08 .46 .16 5652 i] Piscis Aust m 5-6 55 5-609 76.2 +3.4564 .0217 + .008 + .OCM I O .07 .44 .16 5653 Br 2874 6.1 55 8.179 59-9 + 2.9969 .0012 + .006 + .0003 o .13 .40 .24 5654 e Indi 4.9 55 42.776 82.5 +4.6243-. 0763 + .036 + .4818-14 .08 .60 .18 5655 Br 2875 5-9 55 58-018 68.5 +3.0709- .0038 + .006 + .0001 o .12 .34 .18 5656 Br 2884 6.8 56 2.006 76.2 + 2.0061 +.0088 + .OIO + .0007 o .12 .45 .20 5657 Br 2877 6.0 56 11.398 53-o + 2.9770 .0006 + .006 -.0015 o 16 -54 -35 5658 Br 2879 5-8 56 13.014 82.0 + 2-92i8 + .ooi4 + .007 + .0036 o .05 .30 .10 5659 Pi 361 6.7 56 41-623 81.7 +3. 3074- .0137 + .006 + .0075 o .08 .69 .21 5660 Br 2878 m 6.9 56 58.207 72.9 +3.2875-. 0131 + .006 + .0004 o .08 .30 .14 5661 Br 2900 5-2 57 49-386 68.9 +0.8762 .0372 -OS .01-50+ 2 .06 .26 .12 5662 Br 2882 5-8 58 0.874 67-7 +3. 1581-. 0072 + .006 + .0024 o .08 .34 .17 5663 o Aquarii 4-7 58 8.527 68.3 +3. 1045-. 0050 + .006 + .0009 o .08 .27 .14 5664 Pi 383 5-9 58 10.603 64.8 + 2. 1925 + .OIO8 + .OI2 .0002 o .12 .57 .28 5665 Br 2885 6.0 58 24.625 54-9 + 2. 9430 +.OOO8 + .007 + .0009 o 16 .56 .35 5666 Br 2881 6.8 58 3 8 -39 81.9 + 3.4691-. 0230 + .009 + .0007 o .13 .78 .26 5667 Br 2892 5-6 58 42.866 74-9 + 2.OII7 + .0092 + .OIO .0008 o .09 .30 .14 5668 L 9001 5-9 58 49-685 84.1 + 4.2498-. 0834 + -047 +.0042 o .18 .78 .27 5669 Groomb 3655 5-7 58 54-498 73-4 + 2. 4169+. 0109 + .on .0010 o .11 .56 .23 5670 Pi 378 6.1 58 55-582 81.4 + 3.42OO .O2O2 + .008 .0001 o .13 .57 .21 5671 Br 2887 5-5 21 59 38.860 69.8 + 3- 875- 44 + .006 .OOI I O .11 .39 .20 5672 X Gruis 4.6 22 5.385 84-5 + 3.6304- .0335 + .012 .0028+ I .10 .54 .17 5673 Pulk w 3231 6.0 o 36-235 92.2 + 2. 7480+. 0064 + .008 + .0028 o .13 .70 .18 5674 v Pegasi 5-i o 38.191 68.8 + 3.0265 .OOl8 + .006 + .0073 o 13 -52 -25 5675 Br 2902 6.9 o 38-383 75-o + i.952i + .oo8s + .OIO + .OOII O .11 .46 .20 5676 a Aquarii 2.9 o 38.891 66.9 + 3.0826 .0041 + .006 + .0009 o .02 .12 .06 5677 l Cephei 6-5 o 52.699 65-6 + 1-7344 +.0034 + .005 + .0316+ 4 .08 .93 .42 5678 Br 2906 5-5 053-I35 67.4 + 1.7944+. 0051 + .007 + .0044 o .12 .57 .27 5679 I 2 Cephei 4-7 053-75 1 65.0 + 1.7358+. 0035 + .005 + .0328+ 4 .O? .48 .23 5680 i Aquarii 4.4 i 2.239 72.8 +3-2445- - 0112 + .006 + .0025 o .04 .21 .09 5681 Br 2895 5-7 i 2.804 67.6 + 2.7I5I + .0072 + .009 + .0024 o .12 .57 .27 5682 Br 2935 7-3 i 49.154 67.1 -1.9283-. 4388 -1.310 .0691 38 .IO .42 .21 5683 Groomb 3709 7-7 i 55-843 71.0 1.9260 .4390 -1.311 -.0703-40 .10 .54 .23 5684 a Gruis i-7 i 55-969 68.6 + 3.8011-. 0455 + .019 + .0116 o 06 .33 .15 5685 Br 2911 5-5 i 58.095 83.2 + 1.8203 + .0058 + .008 + .0016 I .06 .36 .11 5686 Pi 405 S-4 1^58.948 73-i + 2.4248 + .01 14 + .Oil .0001 o .12 .51 .22 "5687 or 2910 5-3 2 3.982 70.1 + 1.8476 + .0067 + .009 + .ooTo o .11 .44 .21 5688 i Pegasi 3-9 2 21.310 72-5 + 2. 7 903 + .0063 + .008 + .O22O+ I .04 .22 .09 5689 p. Piscis Aust 4.6 2 33.041 85.2 + 3.5114 .0260 + .OIO + .0057 o .IO .70 .20 5690 u Piscis Aust 5-2 2 34-918 80.5 +3-5243- -0271 + .OIO + .OOI2 O .16 1.05 .35 5691 Pi 406 6.0 2 42.795 97-4 + 2. 8556+. OO4I + .008 + .0084 o .15 .75 .18 5692 Br 2903 5-9 3 8.413 75-7 + 2. 8152 + .OO49 + .008 .0039 o .11 .44 .19 5693 Br 2898 5-9 3 29-979 65-9 + 3.2962 .OI4O + .007 .0002 o .11 .34 .18 5694 Pi 4 6.6 3 47-389 82.8 + 2.OI7O+.OIOI + .012 .0024 o .11 .46 .17 5695 L 9036 5-6 4 5-344 90.7 + 3.5145- .0270 + .OIO .0029 o .15 1.04 .25 5696 Br 2905 7-3 4 9.668 65.0 + 3- 1747-. 0080 + .006 + .0036 o .10 .36 .19 5697 Br 2904 6.9 4 I3-259 72.7 + 3- 1690- .0073 + .006 + .0055+ I .08 .40 .17 5698 r Piscis Aust 5-i 4 I7-336 84-7 + 3-5283-. 0259 + .OIO + 0355- 2 .13 .92 .26 5699 L 9040 6.8 4 18.156 81.2 + 3.4298- .0215 + .009 + .0023 o .16 .90 .31 5700 Groomb 3692 7-i 22 443-797 84.6 + 2-3737 + -OI22 + .012 + .0030 o .10 .52 .17 5660 South. 5675 OS 461. II M n" 298; others near. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 229 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t li'andiooAp' Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. 100 |i' S 10 Remarks. 5651 / It + 29 2043.57 79-9 n It + 16.726+. 192 tt .10 // -.378- 2 */ // // 07 -45 -15 5652 28 56 i.oi 76-7 + I7.I45 + . 254 .21 + .OO2 O .08 .47 .18 18276. 6?2~6?6l'!&ii$ 5653 + 6 14 16.41 57-i + 17. 140+. 219 -.14 .004 o .n .40 .24 18 Pegasi 5654 -57 ii 48.58 83-3 + i4.579+. 3 87 -35 -2.591+46 .07 .61 .18 Parallax o'/27 5655 + o 7 28.57 7i-3 + 17. 176+. 223 -IS .006 o .10 .32 .16 28 Aquarii 5656 + 57 1045-91 72.9 + 17. 170+. 144 -.06 .015 o .10 .32 .16 5657 + 7 46 35-02 52.6 + I7.i87 + .2i6 -.14 -005 o U -55 -35 19 Pegasi 5658 + 12 38 26.63 80.7 + I 7- I 37 + -2i2 -'3 - .056 o .05 .28 .09 20 Pegasi 5659 -1823 0.79 81.1 + 17. 152 + . 240 -.19 -.063 +1 .09 .61 .20 5660 -17 2647.55 71.4 + 17. 233 + . 238 -.18 + .006 o .08 .29 .13 29 Aquarii * 5661 + 7242 13.93 69.9 + 17. 105 + .056 -.06 .160 I .05 .21 .IO 1 6 Cephei 5662 - 7 o 20.65 68.0 + 17. 282 + . 226 -.16 + .009 o .07 .32 .15 30 Aquarii 5663 - 2 38 17.56 67.2 + 17. 268+. 222 -.16 .Oil .07 .24 .12 5664 + 52 23 59.68 57-8 + 17.284+. 155 -.06 + .003 o .11 .45 .26 5665 + 10 54 12.17 53-5 + I7-282 + .2IO -.14 .009 o .14 .50 .32 21 Pegasi 5666 -3024 3.59 76.7 + 17. 284+. 248 .21 .017 o .12 .60 .23 13 Piscis Aust 5667 + 573I 3-6? 71.2 + 17.301 + .140 -5 .004 o .09 .26 .13 14 Cephei 5668 60 7 10.97 83-4 + 17. 2&O+. 306 -.38 - .050 o .14 .71 .24 65 G Indi K 2 5669 +44 10 2.57 65-2 + 17.276+. 170 -.08 - .037 o .12 .49 .25 /36 94 . 5^8-8 l ?5o'.'63 54 5670 27 18 23.92 80.2 + 17. 296+. 244 .20 .018 o 13 -57 -21 25 G Piscis Aust 5671 - i 23 24.17 74-8 + I7.304+.2i8 -15 .042 o .10 .37 .16 32 Aquarii 5672 -40 i 33.42 82.0 + 17.245 + . 257 -25 .120 o .10 .49 .17 5673 + 26 ii 13.44 89-9 + 17.417 + . 192 .11 + .030 o .12 .69 .l8 5674 + 4 34 10.28 64-5 + 17.481 + . 213 -.14 + .092 o .10 .39 .20 5675 + 59 1947-15 64.6 + 17.399+. 134 -05 + .OIO O .10 .36 .19 15 Cephei * 5676 o 48 20.80 64.6 + 17.383 + . 216 -15 .006 o .02 .11 .06 5677 + 64 8 27.49 63.2 + 17.489+. 120 -.04 + .090+ 2 .09 .8l .39 Seel 2 5678 + 62 37 58.91 62.8 + I7-443 + . 123 -.04 + .043 o .IO .50 .25 18 Cephei 5679 + 64 8 25.72 Si-7 + 17.486+. 121 -.04 + .086+ 2 .07 .27 .17 See | ', 7" 282 5680 14 21 17.82 69.2 + 17.346+. 228 -.18 .060 o .04 .21 .10 5681 + 28 28 40.57 68.6 + I7.390+. 189 .10 .017 o .10 .49 .23 23 Pegasi 5682 5683 + 82 2 3 18.55 + 82 23 22.26 67.6 74.8 + 17.407-. 151 + I7.4I9-. 151 -57 -57 -033- 5 -.026- 5 .08 .32 .l6 .09 .59 .23 ) 22873. 14" 73 5684 -47 2643.14 69.6 + 17. 283 + . 266 -.28 .162+ I .06 .30 .13 5685 + 62 17 51.67 81.9 + 17. 5IO+. 123 -05 + .064 o .06 .27 .IO 20 Cephei 5686 + 44 3 i 39- 8 4 63.8 + 17.430+. 167 -.08 .017 o .12 .44 .24 5687 + 61 47 35.82 61.2 + I7.450+. 125 -05 .001 o .09 .31 .18 19 Cephei * 5688 + 2451 23.37 72.7 + 17.481 + . 194 .11 + .OI8+ 2 .04 .22 .09 5689 -33 2835-49 83-5 + I7.432 + . 244 .22 .040 o .IO .60 .19 5690 -3431 53-02 74.0 + I7.420+. 244 -23 - -053 .l6 1. 12 .43 5691 + 18 59 10.42 93-i + I7.52I + . 197 .12 + .043+ I .14 .60 .17 5692 + 21 12 57.19 73-i + I7.422 + . 193 .12 -.075 o .10 .37 .17 25 Pegasi 5693 -19 033.05 59-5 + 17. 496+. 226 -.19 .016 o .IO .30 .18 35 Aquarii 5694 + 58 21 9-12 74.1 + I7.50I + . 135 -5 - .023 o .10 .35 .16 5695 -3430 23.14 85-9 + I7.558+. 240 -23 + .02 1 o .16 1.28 .35 29 G Piscis Aust 5696 8 40 39.08 66.6 + i7-5 8 3 + - 2I 7 -I? + -043 o .09 .35 .18 36 Aquarii 5697 - 8 i 35.90 73-8 + 17.092 + . 216 -17 -.451 o .07 .44 .18 5698 33 2 22.68 77-6 + I7-552 + . 244 .22 + .006+ 3 .12 .65 .24 Br 2901. 15 Piscis Aust 5699 -2847 2.30 75-2 + I7-563 + .235 .21 + .017 o .17 1.05 .40 31 G Piscis Aust 5700 + 47 26 38.21 80.6 + i7-545 + .i6o -.08 .019 o 09 -39 -iS 5687 ft 697. 12" 20" 93. 230 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. loop, aio M h m s 8 S s s // // // 5701 Br 2915 5-8 22 447.716 73-o + 2.6547 + .0088 + .010 .0045 o 5 -32 -13 5702 Br 2912 6.4 S 9- I0 4 70.2 + 3- I2 3 2 --oo57 + .006 + .0016 o -II .54 .24 5703 Pegasi 3-7 5 9-337 77-2 + 3.0266 .001 1 + .006 + .0184 o .04 .20 .08 5704 Br 2908 7.2 S ii-77 75-3 + 3. 2039- .0094 + .006 + .0031 o .10 .40 .18 5705 Pi 12 7.6 5 I4-09 1 64.6 + 2.OI39+. OIO2 + .012 + .OOIO O .14 .68 .34 5706 Br 2909 S-6 5 16.758 73-o + 3-2II2 .0098 + .006 + .0018 o .08 .34 .15 5707 Br 2913 6.4 5 20.918 72.4 + 3. 1299- .0059 + .006 + .0042 o .11 .42 .19 57o8 Pi 419 6.4 5 2 9-495 84-4 + 3-3353- -0159 + .007 + .0078 o .10 .57 .18 5709 TT Pegasi 4-3 5 32-7io 78.6 + 2.66o6+.oo89 + .010 .0010 .04 .26 .09 57io Br 2916 6-5 5 46-519 70.4 + 2.8316+. 0048 + .008 .0021 o .14 .52 .25 57" Pi 15 6-3 7 1-525 75-8 + 2. 8954 +.0030 + .007 .0010 o .11 .54 .21 5712 Br 2919 6.4 7 2-251 69.6 + 3-2393- - 0112 + .007 + .OOI2 .11 .39 .20 5713 Groomb 3703 5-5 7 16.666 7o-4 + 2.3261 + .0131 + .013 + .0148+ I .09 .48 .21 57H Cephei 3-6 7 23.029 74-9 + 2.0758 + . 0115 + .013 + .0013 o .03 .16 .07 5715 Br 2920 6.8 7 3MH 76.0 + 3.1256 .0060 + .006 .0042 o .IO .44 .l8 57i6 Br 2932 5-o 7 53- l8 i 82.2 + 1.1628 .0223 - -030 + .OO6I+ 2 .05 .30 .10 5717 Br 2921 7-4 8 5-599 67-5 + 3.2121 .0099 + .006 + .0017 o .15 .51 .26 57i8 <]i Octantis 5-8 8 6.987 88.5 + 6.0098 .3665 + .622 --OI35+ 5 .l8 .90 .26 5719 A Cephei 5-3 8 7-030 65-4 + 2.0353 + .OHI + .012 + .0029 o .13 .42 .23 5720 Pi 19 5-7 8 7-397 79-5 + 3.3788- .0189 + .008 + .0051 o .IO .60 .21 5721 Br 2926 5-5 8 12.144 71.6 + 2.i6o3 + .oi27 + -014 + .0287+ 2 .10 .44 .19 5722 Br 2934 6.6 8 17.694 76.8 + 1.1869 .0206 - -025 rr Tooi8 o .OQ .50 .19 5723 Groomb 3719 5-9 8 21.919 72.2 + 1.3762 -.0103 .on .0106 3 .IO .50 .21 5724 Pi 29 5-6 8 22.279 72.0 + 2. 6502 + .0097 + .010 + .0016 o .15 .80 .34 5725 L 9061 6.7 8 32.087 87-5 + 3.6809- .0359 + -015 + .0489+ I .12 .68 .19 5726 X Piscis Aust 5-5 8 38-767 82.2 + 3.4097 .O2IO + .009 + .0018 o .10 .50 .17 5727 Radcl 5609 5-7 8 43-437 80.0 + i.9792 + .oio2 + .013 .0013 o .13 .57 .21 5728 Br 2923 5-7 8 46.677 79.2 + 3. 3198- .0158 + .007 + .OOIO .12 .48 .19 5729 e Octantis 5-3 8 49-305 87.9 + 6.9931-. 5926 +1-359 + .0137- 3 .12 .70 .20 5730 Pi 32 6.2 9 3-624 70.4 + 2.7435 + .0078 + .009 + .0034 o .11 .75 .32 5731 Pi 33 6.8 9 30.067 85.0 + 2. 8796+. 0036 + .008 .0069 o .11 .63 .19 5732 Pi 36 4 .8 935-137 71.6 + 2.57I2 + .OH3 + .Oil + .0042 o .07 .36 .16 5733 L 9069 4-9 9 35-584 82.8 + 3. 6311-. 0361 + -015 + .0043 o .11 .54 .18 5734 Groomb 3717 5-8 9 42.404 68.4 + 2.4631 + .0127 + .012 + .0082+ I .16 .69 .33 5735 Pi 35 8.1 9 5 8 -695 76-7 + 3-1393 -0064 + .006 + .OOI2 O .11 .50 .20 5736 Loo75 5-3 10 25.622 83-1 + 3.6281-. 0363 + .015 .0003 o .15 .66 .23 5737 Groomb 3725 5-9 10 32.262 82.8 + 2.5I5I + .OI23 + .on + .0049 o .11 .57 .19 5738 Br 2938 6.4 10 40.815 78.4 + i. 8812 + .0086 + .on .0041 I .11 .48 .19 5739 L 9071 7.6 10 42.877 88.0 + 3-9455- -0628 + .034 + .0030 o .18 .94 .28 5740 Pi 37 6.4 II 0.480 80.6 + 3.3788- .0193 + .008 + .0028 o .13 .60 .22 5741 Br 2942 6-3 II 4.201 70-3 + 1. 1006 .0270 - -039 + .0052+ I .10 .39 .19 5742 Cephei 4.2 II 21.140 63-3 + 2. 2034+. 0144 + -014 + .0544+ 7 .06 .26 .13 5743 Br 2928 5-7 II 26.845 71.0 + 3. 2185-. 0104 + -007 + .0017 o .09 .36 .17 5744 6 Aquarii 4-4 " 33-442 73-i + 3. 1684- .0075 + -007 + .0074 o .03 .15 .06 5745 Br 2930 6-3 II 35-845 74-7 + 3.1711 .0082 + -007 -.0035 o .IO .44 .l8 5746 Br 2933 4-3 II 36.614 63.6 + 2.6iii + .oio9 + .Oil + .0017 o .11 .48 .25 5747 a Tucanas 2,9 II 39.165 67.4 + 4.1482 .0845 + .056 .OIII+ 2 .09 .36 .17 5748 L 9076 5-6 II 42.372 89.0 + 3.9588- .0605 + .032 +.0459+ I .15 .88 .24 5749 Br 2931 6.2 II 53.284 75-o + 3-I347- -0063 + .007 .0003 o .10 .45 .19 5750 v Octantis 6.0 22 12 34.98- 72.2 + 12.836 3.200- -.040-+ 5 05 .32 .13 5705 S 2872. Sfa 23" 316; BC: 9fo-9fo o'.'j 320. 5728 W.H. 7?75"ii6. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR 1900 2 3 I No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H' and ioo AH' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' Sio Remarks. S70I or tf + 32 41 0.98 75-o /' // + 17.495 + . 179 .10 n .072 o // n n .06 .32 .12 27 Pegasi *' 5702 - 4 23 3.74 73-6 + 17. 526 + . 211 - .16 .056 o .IO .50 .21 5703 + 5 42 20.73 76-5 + 17.616+. 206 - -14 + .034+ I .04 .20 .08 5704 -ii 18 45.94 73- + i7-6i3 + .2i7 - -17 + .029 o 9 -33 -15 37 Aquarii (e 1 ) 5705 + 58 47 56.49 58-4 + 17.592 + . 134 - -5 + .006 o .11 .48 .27 * 5706 -12 3 25.02 75-4 + 17. 592 + . 217 -i? + .005 o .08 .34 .14 38 Aquarii (e or e 2 ) 5707 - 445 31.10 73-6 + I7.592 + . 212 - .16 + .OO2 O .10 .43 .19 5708 -2i 43 25.06 83-7 + I7.57I + . 226 - .19 .025 o .10 .56 .18 119 G Aquarii 5709 + 32 41 14.42 77.0 + I7-575 + . 178 .10 - -023 o .05 .25 .09 57io + 20 29 10.86 67.4 + I7-595 + . 190 .12 -.013 o .12 .43,.. 22 28 Pegasi 57ii + 1532 51.51 74-7 + 17.643 + . 192 - -13 .017 o .09 .46 .19 5712 -1441 11.27 69.2 + 17.615 + . 216 - .18 .046 o .10 .37 .18 39 Aquarii 5713 + 50 19 44.89 7-5 + 17.703 + . 154 - -7 + .032+ I .09 .44 .20 hi74i. n M 25"309, rel.mot. 57H + 57 42 29.53 70.6 + I7.632 + . 135 - .06 + .007 o .03 .14 .06 5715 - 5 12 49.76 75-o + 17.654+. 207 - .16 .027 o .09 .41 .17 S7i6 + 71 5054.61 77-2 + I7-700+.072 - -5 + .004 o .05 .24 .09 24 Cephei 5717 -12 25 13.81 68.4 + 17.681 + . 212 - -I? - .023 o .13 .44 .22 40 Aquarii 57i8 -78 033.50 86.4 + 17.706+402 - -99 + .001 I .14 .73 .22 5719 + 5855 16.27 55-7 + 17.699+. 132 - -5 .006 o .12 .36 .23 5720 -25 4034-7 2 83.8 + 17. 716+. 224 .20 + .OII .11 .52 .l8 34 G Piscis Aust 5721 + 56 20 30.99 69.4 + 17.836+. 142 - .06 + .127+ 2 .09 .38 .18 5722 +7137 7-25 74-9 + I7-682 + .073 - -5 - .030 o .08 .34 .14 5723 +6938 17.90 63.8 + i7.733 + .o86 - .04 + .018- I .09 .36 .19 S 2883. 8^2 15" 254 5724 + 34 641.30 60.4 + 17.673 + . 173 .IO - .043 o 13 -75 -39 5725 -41 51 19.40 83.8 + 16.940+. 247 ~ -25 -.782+ 3 .10 .50 .16 32 G Gruis 5726 -28 1545-53 84-4 + 17. 724+. 225 .21 -.003 o .10 .50 .16 5727 + 60 15 52.19 83.6 + 17.756+. 127 - -5 + .026 o .12 .51 .l8 5728 -2i 34 18.43 77-4 + i7.7 9 8 + .2i8 ~ -19 + .066 o .12 .45 .19 41 Aquarii * 5729 80 56 14.69 85-9 + 17. 699 + .468 1.44 -035+ I .10 .57 .17 5730 + 28 645-9 8 67.2 + 17. 742 + . 178 .11 .002 o .14 .6l .30 5731 + 16 41 44.75 76.! + 17.674+. 186 - -13 -.088 o 9 -37 -IS S 2877. io M i2"o,reI. mot. 5732 + 39 13 7-2i 67.2 + i7-77o+.i66 .IO + .005 o .06 .28 .14 hi7 4 6. n M 28"i8i 5733 -41 5039.37 80. i + 17.796+. 238 - .25 + .031 o .10 .45 .17 35 G Gruis ft 1 5734 + 44 56 40.07 66.6 + 17.763 + . 159 - .08 -.007+ I .14 .52 .27 5735 - 6 4 54.09 73-4 + 17.801 + .204 - .16 + .020 o .10 .39 .17 5736 42 7 29.22 82.2 + 17. 799 + . 236 ' -25 .000 o .12 .6l .21 36 G Gruis /i 2 5737 + 42 27 27.70 80.2 + 17.781 + . 161 - .09 .022 o .IO .46 .17 5738 + 62 39 58.10 76.5 + 17.811 + . 118 - -5 + .OO2 O .10 .53 .20 5739 -5449 9-17 83-5 + i7.76 3 + .257 - -32 .048 o .15 .69 .24 5740 -26 23 46.24 78.4 + 17.80^.218 .20 .021 o .12 .59 .22 36 G Piscis Aust 5741 + 724837.87 74-8 + 17. 845 + .066 - -05 + .O2O O .10 .37 .16 S 2 8 93 . 8 M 2 9 " 34 8 5742 + 5632 41.22 64.7 + 17.880+. 143 - .06 + .044+ 4 .05 .20 .10 5743 - 13 19 48.87 68.8 + 17.844+. 207 - .18 + .004 o .08 .31 .15 42 Aquarii 5744 - 8 16 52.77 71.0 + I7-825 + .203 - -17 .019 o .03 .16 .07 5745 - 9 32 18.43 75-5 + 17.837 + . 203 - -17 .009 o .10 .41 .17 5746 + 37 i5 i-78 62.0 + 17.842 + . 166 .10 .004 o .IO .42 .22 i Lacertas 5747 -60 45 28.68 7o-5 + I7.8I7 + .267 - -37 -.031- I .08 .34 .16 5748 -54 6 3!- 6 3 87.4 + 17. 169+. 258 - -32 -.681+ 3 .12 .75 .21 37 G Gruis 5749 - 5 53 12.08 7i-3 + 17.878 + . 200 - .16 + .020 o .09 .37 .17 44 Aquarii 5750 -862833.98 75-i + i7.952 + .8 3 5 + .067- 3 .04 .29 .11 232 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t tiand 100 A p. Prob. Errors. aEp. ioo(j> aio M h m a s s a s // tr it 5751 Pi 61 6.1 22 12 49.847 70.8 + 2.i6oo+.oi35 + .015 + .0055+ I .12 .56 .25 5752' Br 2936 6.4 13 38.775 68.2 + 3.2242 .0106 + .007 + .0049 o .09 .33 .16 5753 Groomb 3739 7-3 H I5-763 73- 2 + 1.7619+. 0058 + .009 + .0029 o .10 .58 .24 5754 Pi 65 6.4 14 33-133 66.2 + 2.6266+.OH3 + .OII + .0058 o .16 .63 .32 5755 p Aquarii 5-5 I 4 56.245 68.4 + 3- I 595--oo75 + .007 + .0006 o .08 .28 .14 5756 Br 2947 6.2 1456.919 74-7 + i.9523 + .oio9 + .014 + .0065 + I .09 .38 .l6 5757 Br 2941 S-6 15 25-677 75-3 + 3.0190 .0009 + .007 + .0012 O io -33 -15 5758 v Indi 5-6 l6 2.O2I 88.8 + 5-2441- -2075 + 235 + .2865-52 .13 .8l .22 5759 Br 2940 5-4 16 5-353 77-8 + 3. 3086- .0159 + .008 .0014 o .08 .38 .15 5760 Pi 68 7.8 16 9.829 80.8 + 3.1441 .0066 + .007 + .0026 o .16 .88 .31 576i y Aquarii 3-9 16 29.490 74-8 + 3.0998 .0041 + .007 + .0082 o .03 .15 .06 5762 Br 2944 5-i 16 35.724 81.5 + 2.95I9+.OOI9 + .008 + .0003 o .06 .34 .12 5763 Br 2946 4-9 16 42.214 69-3 + 2. 7654+. 0083 + .009 + .0004 o .11 .52 .24 5764 Br 2948 4.6 16 53.608 69.1 + 2.4717 + .0140 + .014 + .0019 o .10 .28 .16 5765 L 9108 6.0 16 59.526 9i-3 + 3-705I- -433 + .021 + .O223 2 .15 .94 .23 5766 L 9099 6.1 17 21.454 83-6 + 4.7690 .1676 + .I80 + .02 20 4 .18 .78 .27 5767 Groomb 3751 7-8 17 44-894 66.6 + 2.5297 + .OI34 + .013 .0003 o .14 .82 .39 5768 Br 2945 5-8 17 56.549 73-6 +3-3508- -0183 + .009 + .0067 o .13 .50 .22 5769 Pi 81 6-3 18 17.477 69.4 + 3. 1497-. 0070 + .007 .0002 o .12 .54 .25 5770 L 9112 5-i 18 17.919 85.6 + 4.0182 .0734 + .047 + .0170+ I -14 -75 -23 5771 Groomb 3760 7-3 18 46.627 70-7 + 1.7838 + . 0072 + .OII + .0068+ I .IO .48 .21 5772 Br 2951 6.4 1 8 50.804 71.6 + 2. 8846 + .005 7 + .009 + .0239+ I 08 .33 .15 5773 Br 2950 m 6.0 18 54.356 70-3 + 3.1274- .0058 + .007 + .0017 o -08 .33 .15 5774 Br 2949 6.1 19 5.708 80.4 + 3.2179 .0106 + .008 + .0032 o .06 .33 .11 5775 Pi 89 7.0 19 26.314 69.2 + 3.0962 .0040 + .007 + .007 1 o IS -63 -30 5776 |8 Lacertae 4.6 I937.57I 76.3 + 2.3523 + .OI56 + .015 .0016+ I .04 .l6 .07 5777 IT Aquarii 4.6 2O IO.2II 74-8 + 3. 0645 -.002 7 + .007 + .0007 o .05 .26 .10 5778 8 Tucanae 4.8 20 13.433 66.1 + 4.3183-. mi + .094 + .OIO6 2 .tl .50 .25 5779 Br 2958 4.6 2O 27.638 80.2 + 2.4253 + .OI52 + .015 .0008 o .08 .33 .12 578o Pi 91 6.4 20 38.951 81.2 + 3-3246- .0174 + .009 + .OOOI .11 .54 .19 578i Br 2953 6.7 21 8.374 71.2 + 3.2638 .0126 + .008 + .0180 o 09 -33 -!5 5782 Br 2954 6.4 21 8.807 70.6 + 3.2616 .0126 + .008 + .0157 o .09 .32 .15 5783 L 9117 5-8 21 l6.O26 84.1 + 4.4802 .1320 + .I2 5 + .0267 4 .15 .80 .26 5784 Br 2993 5-4 21 18.14- 79-o -4.1361.308- + .051- +36 .05 .27 .10 5785 Br 2955 7-3 21 23.040 63-3 + 3.1913- .0092 + .007 + .0031 o .12 .45 .24 5786 Br 2957 6.1 21 31.986 66.1 + 3.0541 -.001 2 + .007 + .0195 o .08 .33 .17 ~S78T Br 2997 7.0 21 41.24- 74-o -4.3161.383- + .038- +37 .07 .38 .15 5788 Groomb 3771 7.6 21 52.800 69.1 + 2.329O+.oi6i + .016 + .0013 o .16 .58 .29 5789 v Gruis 5-7 22 47-645 83-4 +3.5320- .0324 + .015 + .0040 o .IO .50 .16 5790 Br 2959 5-o 22 47.797 70.8 + 3.37i- < jO^|p--oo7 + .0051+ I .09 .36 .16 5791 S 1 Gruis 4.1 23 I7-675 79-2 + 3.6034 .0386 +.019 + .0024 o .11 .51 .19 5792 Pulk a 3296 5-8 2 3 25.697 83-2 + 1.5549- .0015 .001 + .0060+ I .11 .69 .22 5793 1 Aquarii 4-S 23 40.876 72.2 + 3.0889 .0032 + .007 + .0115 o .O? .40 .17 5794 2 Aquarii 4-3 23 41-045 68.2 + 3.0912-. 0033 + .007 + .0138 o .05 .24 .11 5795 8 2 Gruis 4-3 23 47-098 78.4 + 3.6015-. 0389 + .019 .0017 o .12 .66 .24 5796 Br 2969 5-8 23 52.242 61.3 + i.9258 + .oi2i + .015 + .0009 o .11 .48 .26 5797 Br 2962 5-9 24 8.525 64-3 + 2.9938 + . ooio + .008 + .0037 o .15 .60 .31 5798 Pi 120 6.0 24 29.043 74-3 + 2. 8073 + .0083 + .009 + .0018 o .14 .80 .32 5799 Br 2961 6.6 24 40.742 66.9 + 3.2136 .0101 + .008 + .0124 o .12 .58 .28 5800 Br 2965 m 5-8 22 24 54.623 77-4 + 3-0333-. o 10 + .007 .0021 o .09 .32 .14 S7S7 h 962. 12"" 6" 20; 12* n" 222. 5773 ft 172- 67-6!*9 o'/7 4, slow binary. 5772 S 2900. 9^2 i'/S 179, slow. 5781-2 W. H. 7" 309. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 233 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H.' and 100 A p' Prob. Errors. SEp. loop.' 8 10 Remarks. 57SI / // +5643 15-54 64.8 // // + 17.892 + . 135 // -.06 // -.003 o // n n 13 -47 -25 5752 - 13 48 20.79 69.0 + 17.908 + . 203 -.18 .019 o .08 .32 .15 45 Aquarii 5753 + 65 37 42-59 72.7 + 17.974 + . 107 -.04 + .023 o .09 .44 .19 5754 + 37 16 1.23 56-5 + 18.023 + . 163 .10 + .061 o .12 .46 .27 2 2894. 8*5 15" 193 5755 - 8 19 24.37 62.3 + 17.972 + . 196 -17 -.005 o .07 .24 .13 5756 + 62 18 11.00 63-4 + i8.ooi + .ii9 -5 + .023 o .08 .29 .16 25 Cephei 5757 + 5 17 12.83 70.0 + 18.001 + .186 -15 + .005 o .08 .28 .14 30 Pegasi * 5758 -72 44 29.22 86.3 + i7-3 2 5 + -348 -.61 .694+21 .11 .65 .19 5759 -22 558.02 81.4 + 17.934+. 204 -.19 .087 o .07 .33 .12 47 Aquarii 5760 - 6 44 46.72 77.0 + 18.028+. 193 -.16 + .004 o 13 -58 .23 576i - i 53 28.90 73-3 + 18.046 + . 190 -.16 + .009 o .03 .16 .07 5762 + 1142 4-3 77-6 + 18.046+. 180 -.14 + .005 o .06 .29 .11 31 Pegasi 5763 + 27 4935-85 69.0 + 18.043 + .168 .11 .002 o .07 .37 .17 32 Pegasi 5764 + 46 i 58.48 59- 2 + 18.052 + . 149 -.08 .000 .08 .26 .16 2 Lacertae 5765 -46 25 54.45 87.6 + I7-995 + .228 -.27 .061 + I .12 .65 .19 39 G Gruis * * (w) 5766 - 70 56 9.06 86.0 + i8.oi6 + .295 -54 -.054+ I .16 .75 .24 71 G Indi 5767 + 43 H 27.65 63.8 + 18.050+. 152 -.09 - .034 o 14 -65 -33 5768 -25 16 5.07 73-4 + 18.091 + .203 .20 .001 o .12 .46 .21 49 Aquarii 5769 - 7 42 1-43 73-2 + i8.no+.i89 -17 + .005 o .11 .46 .20 5770 -58 i? 39-41 84.6 + 17.763 + .245 -33 -342+ I .11 .64 .20 5 G Tucanae 5771 + 66 12 3.97 65-4 + 18.133 + . 104 -.04 + .OIO .08 .34 .17 22903. 8*2 4" 95 5772 + 20 2033.94 64.6 + 18.107 + . 173 -13 .019+ I .07 .26 .14 33 Pegasi * 5773 - 5 20 34.94 67.8 + 18.128 + . 187 -.16 .000 o .07 . 3 ! .15 51 Aquarii * 5774 14 2 IO.8l 75-9 + 18.151 + . 192 -.18 + .016 o .06 .31 .12 50 Aquarii 5775 - I 41 40.43 71.2 + 18.183 + . 184 -.16 + .035 o .14 .52 .25 5776 + 51 43 40.47 73-o + 17.965 + . 138 -.08 .190 o .04 .17 .08 5777 + o 52 11.43 70.2 + 18.178 + . 181 -.16 + .003 o .05 .23 .11 5778 - 65 28 30.36 69.0 + i8.i88+.258 -.41 + .011+ I .10 .45 . 21 h S3 34. 9*2 4" 283 5779 + 48 58 9.20 77.0 + 18.175-^.141 -.08 .01 1 o .07 .26 .11 4 Lacertae 578o 24 n 26.25 82.7 + 18.197 + . 196 .20 + .004 o .10 .47 .16 144 G Aquarii 578i -17 i45 8 -58 73-4 + 18.204+. 192 -.18 .006+ I .09 .40 .17 153* Aquarii/* 5782 -i? 15 3-5 70.6 + 18.215 + . 192 -.18 + .004+ I .09 .35 .16 J53 2 Aquarii/* 5783 -67 5948.38 85-4 + 18.137 + . 267 -.46 -.078+ 2 .13 .84 .24 72 G Indi 5784 + 85 36 17.27 81-3 + 18.265- .256 + .049+ 3 .05 .25 .09 32 H Cephei 5785 -ii 44 11.83 66.6 + i8.2i8+.i86 --I7 .002 o .11 .41 .21 54 Aquarii 5786 + 3 53 0-28 63.0 + 18.268+. 179 -IS + .043+ I .08 .30 .l6 34 Pegasi * 5787 + 85 43 8.40 77.1 + 18.246 .267 + .015+ 2 09 -37 -15 5788 + 53 18 27.60 63.2 + 18.243 + . 133 -.07 + .005 o .16 .64 .34 5789 -3938 16.37 84.6 + i8.ioi + .204 -.24 .170 o .10 .54 .17 5790 + 411 38.47 67.1 + 17.955 + . 175 -IS -.316 o .08 .34 .17 35 Pegasi 579i -44 023.24 77-4 + 18.289+. 207 -.26 + .OOI O .09 .41 .16 L 9 i 3 8 5792 + 70 15 41.15 87-5 + 18.31 1 + .085 -.04 + .018 o .11 .64 .18 5793 5794 - o 3 1 53-33 - o 3i 55-99 76.8 71.8 + !8.3i8 + .i76 + 18.347 + . 177 -.16 -.16 + .016+ I + .045+ I .07 .36 .14 .05 .25 .11 |2 2909. 3" 319, slow 5795 -44 15 39- 77-7 + 18.309+. 206 -.26 + .003 o .10 .55 .20 L 9140 * 5796 + 64 37 20.50 55-4 + 18.318+. 107 -05 + .009 o .IO .40 .24 5797 + 8 37 5-31 57-4 + 18.291 + . 170 -.14 .028 o 13 -55 -32 36 Pegasi 5798 + 26 15 6.26 68.9 + 18.314+. 158 .12 .018 o .13 .67 .30 5799 -13 25 38.10 68.0 + 18.331 + . 182 -.18 .007 + I .n .64 .29 5800 + 3 55 25-09 70.1 + 18.208+. 170 -15 -.138 o .08 .28 .14 37 Pegasi * 5786/8290. 12" 3" 218, very slow. 5 795 9 prec. 3^2, 851". 5800 2 2914. 6*1-1*4 '" > binary. 234 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 10. i A |i Prob. Errors. aEp. 100 jj, a 10 M h m > 5 S s s /' tf n 5801 Br 2963 6-5 22 24 55.849 71.8 + 3.2201 .0111 + .008 + .0025 o .11 .39 .18 5802 Pi 118 6.8 25 20.282 84-4 + 3-343- OI 9 I + .010 + .0022 O .12 .69 .21 5803 a- Aquarii 4-9 25 2I-35 2 70.4 + 3. 1784- .0087 + .007 .OOOO .04 .21 .09 5804 Br 2970 4.6 25 21.609 66.6 + 2.49i5 + .oi57 + .015 .0018 o .09 .44 .21 5805 Br 2972 7-5 25 26.388 79-3 + 2.22l6+.Ol69 + .019 + .0033 o .11 .45 .l8 5806 Br 2968 5-6 25 27-3I7 77-9 + 2. 7392 + .0107 + .Oil + .0025 o .09 .45 .17 5807 & Cephei Var. 25 27-389 66.5 + 2.2i96+.oi6p + .019 + .0015 o .04 .l6 .08 5808 y3 Piscis Aust 4-4 25 49-3 01 80. i +3.4218-. 0247 + .012 + .0046 o .09 .42 .15 5809 Br 2980 6.0 25 57-563 65-3 +0.5006 .0903 - -197 .0028+ I .O? .30 .15 5810 Br 2971 4-5 26 10.198 58.6 + 2.58i8 + .oi45 + .014 .0012 o .14 .42 .26 5811 v Tucanae 5-2 26 14.496 83-3 + 4.0961 .0909 + .071 + .0027 o .11 .69 .22 5812 Br 2967 6-7 26 23.228 71.0 + 3.1837-. 0088 + .007 + .0041 o .09 .36 .17 58i3 a Lacerte 3-8 27 10.218 73-o + 2. 4643 + .01 70 + .Ol6 + .0145+ I .04 .24 .IO S8i4 Br 2974 6-5 27 45.472 64.1 + 2.8954+. 0059 + .009 + .0106 o .11 .44 .23 S8i5 Groomb 3804 6.0 28 1.108 70.0 + 2.6470+ .0136 + .013 + .0015 o .IO .63 .27 5816 Pi 142 7-i 28 50.579 64.2 + 3.1639 .0080 + .007 .0009 o 14 -57 -3 58i7 Br 2977 6.2- 28 53-653 63.0 + 3.0930- .0038 + .007 + .0018 o .13 .48 .26 5818 p Cephei 5-6 28 59.917 70-5 + 0-5757- -0848 - .188 + .0015+ I .08 .30 .14 58i9 v Aquarii 5-5 29 13-483 73-2 + 3.2880 .0150 + .009 + .0155 o .07 .26 .12 5820 Pi US 7-4 29 28.965 73-4 + 3.0689 .0027 + .007 .0027 o M -57 -25 5821 Pi 156 5-9 29 47-827 82.8 + 2.3i83 + .oi84 + .OIQ + .0089+ I .11 .46 .17 5822 Pi 146 6-3 30 6.427 82.1 + 3-3 6 3--oi73 + .010 + .OOII .12 .68 .22 5823 Groomb 3826 m 6.2 30 8.950 73-6 + 1-7373 + -007 2 + .on + .0232+ 4 .09 .40 .17 5824 1] Aquarii 4-i 30 13.090 73-2 + 3.0840 .0030 + .008 + .0060 o .03 .16 .07 5825 Br 2978 7.0 30 25.810 66.2 + 3. 2349- .0127 + .009 .0027 o .15 .48 .26 5826 Groomb 3827 6-5 30 27.312 80.6 + 1.6960 +.0056 + .009 + .0113+ 2 .IO .44 .l6 5827 Groomb 3834 5-9 3 3 I -57 71.8 + 1.0709- .0347 .062 -.0043- 2 .04 .27 .11 5828 L 9181 6-5 3 38-965 91.6 + 3.5182-. 0339 + .018 + .0028 o .12 .72 .18 5829 L 9184 6.1 30 57.802 81.5 + 3.3876- .0238 + .012 - -0033 o .12 .70 .23 5830 Pi 158 6.9 31 O.202 84.0 + 2. 8906 +.OO62 + .010 .0000 o .12 .60 .20 5831 L 9 i8 3 6.0 31 8.795 89.0 + 3-5I73- -0339 + .019 + .0041 o .16 .84 .24 5832 Br 2981 6-7 31 25.124 80. i + 2.6622 + .OI40 + .013 .0006 o .14 .86 .29 5833 Br 2982 5-9 3 1 25-239 64.8 + 2.66i8+.oi4o + .013 .0009 o .11 .36 .20 5834 Groomb 3829 6-S 31 44.066 85.0 + 2.4847 + .01 76 + .017 + .0013 o .12 .56 .18 5835 Aquarii 5-4 32 34.658 76.7 + 3. 1084- .0050 + .008 .0052 o .06 .27 .11 5836 L 9 i 9 7 5-8 33 12.549 89.2 + 3.4014- .025 1 + -013 + .0008 o .12 I.IO .26 5837 Br 2987 4.8 33 15-831 75-2 + 2.4559+.oi83 + .018 .0060 o .09 .39 .16 5838 Br 2994 5-3 33 17-901 78-5 + 1.4843 -.005 1 .010 + .0391 + 11 .04 .28 .IO 5839 Br 2984 7-5 34 0.361 71.4 + 3.1606 .0081 + .008 .0029 o .08 .36 .16 5840 Br 2985 6.1 34 2.203 66.3 + 2.9003 + .0060 + .010 - .0034 o .11 .44 .22 5841 Pulkjs 1303 m 8.1 34 14.848 73-8 + 3- 20 37- -0096 + .008 + .0174 o .11 .50 .21 5842 L 9198 6.1 34 26.489 90.7 + 3.8579- -0700 + .050 + .0072 I .15 1.05 .25 5843 Groomb 3847 5-4 34 41-836 77-9 + 2.3503 + .0199 + .020 + .0061+ I .15 .66 .26 5844 Br 2990 5-o 34 46.369 85.8 + 2.6856 + .OI42 + -013 .OOOO .05 .32 .09 5845 L 9205 6.2 3447.624 82.8 + 3-3587- -0225 + .012 .0074+ I .13 .81 .26 5846 Pi 176 7-i 34 5i.47i 71.0 + 3.1680 .0077 + .008 + .OIII .11 .46 .21 5847 Br 2989 6-5 34 56.349 54-2 + 2.9042 + .0062 + .010 + .0003 o -16 .56 -35 5848 Br 2996 5-3 35 6.142 81.0 + 2.ii99+.oi87 + -023 .0002 o .06 .34 .12 5849 Piscis Aust 4.2 35 7-562 75-i + 3.3266 .0196 + .on + .0018 o .07 .32 .13 5850 )8 Octantis 4-3 22 35 50.926 70.4 + 6.4158- .6245 + 1.848 .0300+19 .06 .39 .l6 5805-7 S App. 41" 193 Princ. star is var., 3*?? to 4* S 8 3I /S 771. 10" 2" 265 CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 235 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t n'andioo A(i' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 ii' Sio Remarks. 5801 o / // - 15 5 49-4 70.7 ft ft + 18.306 + . 181 n - .18 // .041 o // // tt .09 .37 .17 56 Aquarii 5802 -2635 4.00 84.0 + 18.301 + . 188 .20 .060 o ii -55 -18 41 G Piscis Aust 5803 -ii ii 23-35 70.1 + i8. 33 2 + .i78 - -17 - .030 o .04 .18 .08 5804 + 41 ii 41.48 63-1 + 18.351 + . 138 - .09 .on o .09 .35 .18 5 Lacertae 5805 + 57 53 31-88 75-8 + 18.374+. 122 - -07 + .OIO O .10 .34 .15 See 8 Cephei * 5806 + 32 338-36 73-6 + 18.349 + . 152 .11 .016 o .08 .37 .16 38 Pegasi 5807 + 57 54 11-67 59-7 + 18.368 + . 122 - -7 + .003 o .04 .17 .10 See Br 2972 * 5808 -32 51 32.23 76.2 + 18.360+. 192 .22 .018 o .09 .39 .16 Dunlop. 7*l'53o"i72 5809 + 78 1633.79 66.6 + i8-346+.O2i - .09 - -037 o .07 .28 .14 28 Cephei p l 5810 + 42 36 38.36 49.0 + 18.388+. 142 .IO .002 o .10 .41 .27 6 Lacertae 5811 62 29 44.85 83-6 + 18.359+. 230 - .36 - -034 o .10 .64 .20 5812 -ii 25 5-3 72-3 + i8. 3 57 + .i76 - -17. .041 o 8 -35 -i5 58 Aquarii 5813 + 4946 5.67 71.7 + i8.438+.i 3 4 - .08 + .013+ I .04 .17 .07 Br 2975. 7 Lacertae 5814 + 1942 51.95 62.2 + 18.467 + . 158 - -13 + .022+ I .10 .39 .21 39 Pegasi 58i5 + 39 15 S4-9 6 67.6 + 18.445 + . 143 .IO .009 o .09 .51 .24 5816 -10 7 27.23 68.8 + 18.483 + .17 1 ~ -17 + .OOI O 13 -51 -25 5817 - 2 5 20.57 62.6 + 18.451 + . 167 - .16 - -33 o .11 .36 .20 60 Aquarii 5818 + 78 1839.81 70.7 + 18.474+. 025 - .09 -.013 o .08 .30 .14 29 Cephei (p 2 ) 5819 -21 13 13.96 73-3 + 18.347 + . 178 - -19 -.148+ I .08 .28 .13 5820 + 04 50.73 74-6 + 18.425 + . 164 - .16 - .079 o .12 .51 .22 5821 + 56 6 27.12 76.4 + 18.559+. 122 - -7 + -045 o .10 .36 .16 5822 24 30 29.28 80.2 + 18.518+. 176 .20 .006 o .11 .59 .21 162 G Aquarii 5823 + 69 23 44.73 69-5 + 18.596 + .090 - .04 + .070+ I .08 .33 .16 Z 2924. 6M7-7MJ o'.'j 271, slow 5824 - 37 5 8 -99 73-o + 18.474+. 164 - .16 - -054 o .03 .l6 .06 5825 -I75835-68 65.6 + 18.494+. 172 - -19 .041 o .12 .40 .22 61 Aquarii 5826 + 69 Si 25-99 73-8 + i8.559+.o87 - .04 +.023+ I .08 .30 .14 52923. 9?29'.'547 5827 + 75 42 39- 8 72-3 + i8.537 + .o5i - -5 .001 o .05 .28 .12 5828 -4i 5 55-25 89.1 + i8. 4 s8 + .i87 - .24 -.085 o .11 .58 .16 50 G Gruis 5829 32 10 50.88 77.0 + 18.501 + . 179 .21 -.052 o .12 .64 .24 47 G Piscis Aust 5830 + 1945 34-44 81.5 + 18.436+. 152 - -14 -.118 o .IO .51 .l8 5831 41 6 26.49 84.1 + 18.482 + . 186 - -23 -.077 o .14 .63 .22 51 G Gruis (972 + .oi8o + .016 + .0095 + I .10 .44 .22 5898 p Indi 6-3 47 42-250 82.4 + 4.2404-. 1447 + .182 .0099+ I .13 .68 .22 5899 Br 3038 5-i 47 52-955 75-o 0.1051 .2362 - -852 + .0176+ 6 7 -39 -15 5900 Pi 241 5-9 22 48 6.900 72.6 + 2. 9500+. 0058 + .010 .0017 o .14 .62 .27 586902479- n M i5"i29- 5879X2943. 9^2 26" 1 1 7, relative motion. 5881 Z 2944. 7^9 3" 258, very slow; 8 M 47" 130, relative motion. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 237 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i/ and i oo A p.' Prob. Errors. SEp. too n' 8 10 Remarks. S8SI Of It + 14 I 24.00 81.6 // // + 18.847 + . 148 M .14 // + -I34+ i a a it .08 .49 .16 Hough 296. t"8-6?8 o'.'3 72= 5852 + 43 45 U-Sa 65-5 + 18.728+. 129 .10 + .009 o .07 .27 .14 ii Lacertae 5853 + 10 18 33.15 68.4 + 18.718+. 148 -!5 .012 o .03 .14 .06 5854 -47 2427.40 77-8 + 18.716 + . 179 -25 .021+ I .08 .35 .14 5855 -2953 o-7S 78.6 + 18.727 + . 165 .21 .014 o .10 .51 .19 19 Piscis Aust 5856 + 39 42 10.26 59-9 + 18.739+. 130 .11 .007 o .11 .41 .23 12 Lacertae 5857 + 135938.36 72.2 + 18.722 + . 145 -.14 -.025 o .11 .49 .22 5858 + 284? 7-55 57-8 + 18.713 + . 137 .12 - -035 o .IO .42 .24 5859 22 IO 52.91 88.4 + 18.781 + . 160 -.19 + .016 o 12 1.03 .25 L 9221 5860 41 56 8.00 82.1 + 18.685 + . 171 - 2 3 .084 o 12 -77 -25 5861 - 10 37 35-83 69.2 + 18.783 + . 154 -17 + .013 o .12 .45 .22 65 Aquarii 5862 - 8 50 6.34 66.1 + i8.767 + .i53 -I? -.005 o .11 .40 .21 S2935. 8 M 2'.'6 3I 2 5863 - 7 29 11.71 76.4 + 18.757 + . 152 -17 .021 o 07 -33 -13 67 Aquarii 5864 -19 21 13.35 77-3 + 18.756 + . 157 -.19 .028 o .10 .39 .16 66 Aquarii (g l ) g 5865 + 29 41 52.99 75-z + 18.752 + . 135 .12 - -35 .04 .23 .09 5866 + 80 52 9.04 74-4 + 18.819+. 003 -13 + .005 o .08 .39 .16 5867 -54 133-9 69-5 + 18.840+. 178 -.28 + .017 o .11 .44 .21 12" 24" 185 5868 + 38 56 29.08 77-7 + i8.8n + .i27 .11 .014 o .09 .43 .16 S, 2942. 8T8 3" 280 5869 + 41 17 39.64 74-6 + 18.833 + .126 .11 + .006 o .07 .31 .13 13 Lacertas * 5870 47 4 21. 10 81.0 + 18.814+. 170 -25 .017 o .14 .82 .28 62 G Gruis 5871 -25 45 46.26 82.9 + 18.850+. 157 .20 + .OIO O .09 .48 .16 20 Piscis Aust 5872 + 18 50 20.86 63.0 + 18.905 + .136 -.14 + .049 o .08 .32 .17 45 Pegasi 5873 80 39 4.80 86.7 + i8.86i + .278 -. 9 6 .008 o .13 .80 .23 5874 + 11 3935-51 67-5 + 18.392 + . 139 -IS .496+ I .06 .25 .12 h 301. 12*" 12" 110 5875 + 23 2 21.34 75-i + i8.875+.i 33 -13 .014 o .04 .19 .08 5876 + 44 i 7.14 73-5 + 18.914+. 122 .IO + .025+ I .IO .40 .l8 5877 - 3 8 44 5-34 84-5 + 18.826+. 158 -23 - .074 o .12 .67 .21 67 G Gruis 5878 -20 8 6.38 66.4 + 18.694+. 148 -.19 .208 o .12 .40 .21 68 Aquarii (g 2 ) 5879 -1435 i-37 61.1 + 18.896+. 146 -.18 -.013 o .08 .26 .15 69 Aquarii r l * 5880 -51 5033.98 78.6 + 18.850+. 169 -.27 .062 + I .08 .37 .14 5881 - 444 52.28 63.6 + 18.623 + .140 -17 -.294- I .08 .29 .l6 * 5882 -ii 5 i-47. 74-9 + 18.941 + .144 -17 + .008 o 07 -33 -13 70 Aquarii 5883 + 57 57 18-81 73-9 + 18.943 + .IO6 -.07 + .005 o .10 .34 .16 5884 -14 7 i3- 8 3 70.7 + 18.927 + .142 -.18 - .036 o .05 .22 .IO 71 Aquarii r 2 5885 + 24 4 24.26 72.8 + 18.943 + . 127 -13 - -045 .04 .21 .09 5886 -3941 11.41 86.4 + 18.978+. 152 -23 .015 o .11 .63 .19 69 G Gruis 5887 + 55 22 20.19 54-5 + 19.039+. 107 -.09 + .038 o .14 .63 .38 5888 - 63 43 4*39 88.1 + 18.959+. 174 -34 - -043 .12 .71 .20 1 8 G Tucanae 5889 -3 357-55 78.6 + 19.005 +.146 .21 .001 o .14 .67 .25 60 G Piscis Aust 5890 + 4i 25 25.74 72-3 + 19.006+. 117 .11 .001 o .08 .27 .13 14 Lacertae 5891 + 65 40 27.88 68.8 + 18.893 +.090 -.06 .121 .03 .14 .06 5892 + 13 26 2.73 68.0 + I9.237 + .I3I -.14 + .214+ I .IO .46 .22 5893 -33 2421.23 76.9 + 19.006+. 145 .21 -.032 o .10 .47 .19 h 5367. 9" 4" 268 5894 + 9 18 12.29 64.8 + 19.091 + . 132 -15 + 043+ 2 .08 .27 .14 5895 - 8 642.53 72-5 + 19.085 + . 134 -I? + .036 o .03 .16 .07 5896 + 61 953-79 6i-5 + 19.093 + .098 -.08 + .042+ I .08 .32 .I? 52950. 6f2~jf^ 2" 308 5897 + 42 46 50.52 58-4 + 19.069 + . 115 .11 + .016 o .10 .39 .22 15 Lacertae * 5898 -7036 27.73 83-7 + 19.131 + . 183 -.42 +073 .11 .63 .20 5899 + 82 37 23.67 80.0 + 19.117 .012 -.18 + .054+ I .06 .31 .11 34 H Cephei * 5900 + 16 1837.66 70.4 + 19.047 + .124 -.14 .022 o .12 .53 .24 5897/8451. H M 29" 131 5899 02 482. io" 3'.'5 34- PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H and 100 A n Prob. Errors. a Ep. loop a 10 M h m s s s s s // n 5901 Br 3021 6.1 22 48 I2.8l8 75-7 + 3.1621 .0085 + .009 + .OOII O .07 .36 .14 5902 Br 3024 7-4 48 50.707 76.0 + 3.1673 .0088 + .009 + .0028 o .09 .57 .21 5903 Groomb 3918 m 5-9 49 11.562 65.0 + 2.6754+. 0188 + .017 .0015 o 15 -70 -35 S94 8 Aquarii 3-4 49 2- 6 33 66.9 + 3.1880 .0109 + .009 - .0033 o .05 .20 .10 5905 Br 3027 6.7 4921.711 75-8 + 3. 1258- .0059 + .008 .0016 o .10 .46 .19 5906 L 9295 m 7.2 49 26.550 94-7 + 3-S I 57--444 + .029 .O229+ 2 .14 .96 .20 5907 Br 3026 5-8 49 28.077 61.9 + 3- I 794--om + .OIO .0152+ I .12 .45 .25 5908 Br 3030 6-3 49 52.522 80.5 + 3.0700 .0016 + .008 + .0014 o .09 .38 .15 5909 Pi 250 m 6.1 49 S9-798 76.0 + 3. 1124- .0047 + .008 + .OOI2 .10 .54 .21 S9io p Pegasi 5-o 5 n-597 76.6 + 3.oi88 + .oo22 + .009 + .0048 o .11 .51 .20 59" 8 Piscis Aust 4-4 50 24.665 83-9 + 3-3344- -0237 + .014 + .0018 o .11 .78 .23 59" Pulk M 3358 S-8 51 4.896 87.0 + 2.788i + .oisi + .014 + .0015 o .11 .62 .18 5913 Br 3034 5-7 51 49.602 73-3 + 2.7305 + .oi77 + .015 .0005 o .09 .38 .16 59H Groomb 3930 5-i 52 2.885 63.1 + 2. 6202 + .02l8 + .021 + .0002 o .15 .70 .36 5915 Br 3033 6.6 52 6.602 84.8 + 3- I0 74--oo45 + .009 .0014 o .08 . 4 8 .I S 59i6 a Piscis Aust I.O 52 7-591 70.2 + 3-3239- -02H + .013 + .0250 I .03 .20 .09 5917 Br 3035 5-7 5233-I25 72.2 + 2. 9440 +.0080 + .010 + .0145 o 09 -33 -IS 59i8 Groomb 3933 5-2 52 39.271 75-2 + 2.64i8 + .O2i4 + .02O + .0016 o .09 .46 .19 5919 L 93 l6 6-5 53 r -44 84.6 + 3-3528- .0264 + .OI6 + .OOOI .11 .70 .21 5920 Abo 533 m 6-7 53 3-93 8 76.7 + 3-0395 + -o 2 7 + .009 + .0265+ I .11 .56 .22 5921 1,9321 5-8 54 7-672 79.1 + 3.2902 .0206 + .013 .0009 o .11 .69 .24 5922 Br 3037 m 6.0 54 ii-59i 60.2 + 2. 9991 + .0038 + .009 + .0017 o .14 .54 .30 5923 Pi 264 6.6 54 19-749 78-9 + 3.1630 .0090 + .009 .0008 o .09 .8l .27 5924 Br 3036 5-7 54 19.940 74-6 + 3. 0749- .0014 + .O09 + .0054 o .10 .38 .17 5925 Pi 267 6.0 54 40.964 85.0 +3-2539- - OI 7i + .OI2 + .0007 o .13 .78 .24 5926 Gruis 4-i 54 58.676 78-9 + 3.5667-. 0527 + .0 3 8 -.0074+ I .11 .58 .21 5927 Br 3058 5-i 55 12.84- 80.8 -0.302- .317- + .063 -+50 .07 .36 .13 5928 L 93 28 5-8 55 i4-94i 9-3 + 3-5478- -049 + 035 + .0073- I .20 I.O4 .28 5929 Br 3039 6.7 55 30-205 70.0 + 3.0770 .0018 + .009 + .0024 o .10 .36 .17 5930 L9333 5-9 55 5I-835 92.8 +3.2844 .0200 + .013 + .0041 o .14 .96 .22 5931 Radcl 5911 5-4 55 52-169 82.4 + 2. 5170+. 0262 + .026 + .0004 o .11 .48 .17 5932 Br 3040 6.7 56 11.828 74.0 + 3. 1196- .0055 + .009 .0017 o .09 .38 .l6 5933 o Andromedae 3-7 57 19-113 78.8 + 2.75i8 + .oi9o + .017 + .OO2I O .03 .20 .07 5934 Br 3042 % 6.7 57 21-115 70-3 + 3. 1174- .0052 + .009 .0000 o .11 .44 .21 5935 TT Piscis Aflst S- 2 57 57-9 5 80.8 + 3-3325- -0254 + .016 + .0072 I .13 .81 .27 5936 Br 3045 5-2 58 0.044 61.0 + 2.7538 + .oi94 + .017 + .0055 o .14 .44 .26 5937 L9337 5-7 58 15-638 87.7 + 4.0190 .1256 + -I53 + .OO24 2 .15 .80 .23 5938 K Gruis 5-4 58 44.898 81.4 +3-5722-. 0551 + .042 + .0050 o .15 .8l .28 5939 ft Piscium 4-5 58 47.276 61.3 + 3.0528+. OOO2 + .009 + .0007 o 07 -32 -17 5940 j8 Pegasi Var. 58 55-535 75-3 + 2. 9032 + .OII9 + .OI2 + .0144 o .04 .21 .08 5941 L 9359 7-2 59 25.646 90.0 + 3- 2 543- - Ol8 4 + -OI3 .OOI I -13 LOS -25 5942 Br 3052 4 .8 59 41-539 64.7 + 2.682I + .0238 + .O2 2 + .0169+ I .11 .38 .20 5943 Br 3054 5-6 59 44-225 65.8 + 2. 27I2 + . 0309 + .041 +.0043+ I .IO .44 .22 5944 a Pegasi 2.6 59 46.746 67.0 +2.9855 +.0058 + .OIO + .0040 o .02 .12 .06 5945 Br 3048 m 5-6 22 59 56.920 79-5 +3. 1306- .0057 + .009 + .0082 o .06 .30 .11 5946 Br 3049 7.6 23 o 6.356 75-o +3. 1237-. 0058 + .009 + .0010 o 13 -57 -24 5947 L 9332 6-3 o 14-915 86.1 + 5-0523- -3773 + .964 + .O22I 10 .12 .90 .24 5948 Br 3051 7-2 o 40.331 66.1 + 3. 1236- .0058 + .009 + .0003 o .15 .44 .24 5949 e Gruis 4.4 i 14.838 82.3 + 3.3960- .0353 + .023 - .0043 o .09 .45 .16 5950 Br 3053 4-7 23 i 18.630 81.1 + 3. 2301-. 0158 + .OI2 + .0050 o .10 .45 .16 5903 /3 382. s^ 5906 Innes. -if6-8>*6 o'.'s , 185. o'.'g 330, slow binary, II M 27" 354 5913 2 2960. II M 27" 345. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 239 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t H-'andiooAp.' Prob. Errors. SEp. 100 |i' Sio Remarks. 5901 O / It -12 854.18 75-3 rr // + 19.072 + . 134 // -i? + .OOI It tf It .06 .32 .13 74 Aquarii 5902 -12 43 17.14 74-4 + 19.039+. 133 -.18 .049 o .08 .44 .18 75 Aquarii 5903 + 44 13 2-89 61.8 + 19.098 + . no .11 .000 o .12 .56 .31 * 5904 16 21 9.77 68.6 + 19.081 + .133 -.18 .021 .05 .22 .10 5905 - 7 44 10.46 72.4 + 19.068 + . 130 -17 - -34 o .09 .35 .16 78 Aquarii 5906 -49 i 34.38 92.0 + 19.154+. 146 - 2 5 + .050- I .12 .73 .18 71 GGruis T 2 * 5907 16 48 7.64 69-4 + 19.024+. 132 -.!8 -.O8l- I .12 .42 .21 77 Aquarii 5908 + 031 54.83 75-6 + 19.123+. 127 -.16 + .007 o .08 .29 .13 i Piscium 5909 - 5 3i 14-32 75-8 + 19.116 + . 128 -17 -.003 o .09 .49 .19 178. 6V8*io'/833 3 e 59"> + 8 16 56.75 67.6 + 19.138+. 124 -IS + .014 o .11 .40 .20 59nl -33 426.53 79-4 + 19.158+. 137 .21 + .028 o .11 .59 .21 /J 77 2. 9 "5 5" 238 59" + 35 49 4.52 85-4 + 19.162+. 112 -13 + .015 o .12 .57 .18 5913 + 41 4 11.56 64.1 + 19.160+. IO9 .12 .006 o .09 .28 .l6 1 6 Lacertae * 59H + 49 ii 57.99 57-1 + 19.160+. IO4 .10 .012 O .13 .60 .34 5915 - 5 20 40.33 76-4 + 19.182 + . 124 -17 + .008 o .08 .35 .14 S9i6 -30 9 8.18 71-3 + I9.008+. 134 .20 -.166+ I .04 .23 .IO Fomalhaut. Par., o'.'i3 5917 + 20 13 56.83 70.6 + 19.236+. II? -.14 + .051+ I .O? .28 .13 51 Pegasi S9i8 + 48 858.77 73-4 + I9.I73+. 104 .10 -.015 o .09 .40 .I? 5919 -36 3 19.50 77.1 + 19.076+. 133 .21 .121 O .13 .71 .27 67 G Piscis Aust 5920 + 8 49 31.68 72.0 + 19.058+. 120 -IS -.151+ I .10 .43 .19 OS 536. 7j-77 o'/ 3 165, fiied 5921 -295954.28 77-7 + 19. 227 + . 128 .20 + .003 o .11 .65 .24 68 G Piscis Aust 5922 + 11 ii 38.99 59-i + I9.i85 + .n6 -15 .041 o .12 .45 .26 52 Pegasi * 5923 - 13 36 24.61 78.3 + 19.238+. 122 -.18 + .008 o .O? .65 .22 Br 30350 5924 + o 25 44.13 66.0 + 19.164+. 119 -.16 .066 o .11 .38 .20 2 Piscium 5925 -25 4i 53-77 80.0 + 19.162 + . 125 -.19 .076 o .13 .6l .22 69 G Piscis Aust 5926 -53 J 7 25-36 79-4 + 19.241 + . 137 -.26 .005 o .09 .50 .l8 5927 + 83 48 39.8! 81.3 + 19.281 .018 + .030+ 3 .06 .31 .11 36 H Cephei 5928 51 29 12.66 84.6 + 19.243 + . 136 -25 .009 o .15 .71 .23 78 G Gruis 5929 - 21 4.47 66.4 + 19.271 + . 116 -.16 + .013 o .08 .31 .l6 3 Piscium 5930 -29 23 25.52 89.2 + 19. 281 + . 124 .20 + .014 o .16 1.16 .29 71 G Piscis Aust 5931 +56 2431.82 88.6 + I9.275 + .093 -.09 + .008 o .12 .64 .l8 5932 - 7 35 53-41 72.0 + 19.265 + . 117 -17 .010 o .08 .32 .15 8 1 Aquarii 5933 + 41 47 18.06 73- 2 + i9.28i + .ioo .12 .021 o .04 .19 .08 5934 - 7 639.84 69.9 + 19.263 + . 114 -17 - .039 o .09 .37 .17 82 Aquarii 5935 -35 17 24.24 77.0 + 19.407 + . 122 .21 + .090 o .12 .71 .26 L935 5936 + 42 13 11.27 59- 2 + 19.3 1 1 + .099 .12 .007 o .11 .39 .23 2 Andromedae * 5937 69 21 39-2O 86.4 + 19.404+. 148 -36 + .080 o .12 .71 .21 80 G Indi 5938 -5430 4.03 80.4 + 19.216+. 130 -25 .119 o .12 .71 .24 5939 + 3 l6 53-54 59-6 + 19.328+. 109 -.16 .008 o .06 .26 .15 5940 + 27 32 24.72 69.0 + 19.472+. 104 -*3 +.133+ I .04 .18 .08 2*2 to 2*7 5941 -27 40 30.92 89-3 + 19.318+. 116 .20 - .033 .14 1.31 .30 75 G Piscis Aust 5942 + 49 30 29.82 54-4 + I9-5I8+.094 .11 + .161+ i .11 .35 .22 3 Andromedas 5943 + 66 40 12.50 65-5 + 19.378+. 078 -.07 + .020 o 07 -35 -i7 5944 + 1440 1.47 64-5 + 19.314+. 105 -15 - .045 o .02 .12 .06 Markab 5945 - 8 14 0.78 69-9 + 19.380+. no -17 + .017 o .05 .22 .10 83 Aquarii (h l ) h* 5946 - 8 17 39-13 70.9 + 19.368 + . 109 -17 + .OO2 O .11 .41 .19 84 Aquarii (h 2 ) 5947 80 i 12.69 86.2 + 19.351 + . 183 -.67 .018+ I .09 .71 .19 79 G Octantis 5948 - 8 28 35.30 54-8 + 19.383 + .108 -17 + .004 o .10 .30 .19 85 Aquarii (h ") 5949 -44 337-73 82.0 + 19.358+. 117 .22 - -034 o .08 .40 .14 Jacob. 8M i" 25, slow binary 5950 -2417 0.31 83.2 + I 9-393 + - 111 -.19 .000 o .09 .38 .14 86 Aquarii c 1 5922 OS 483. 6M2~7?7 i" 225, slow binary. 593 6 ft "47- 5045 Aitken 417. 6^4-6*4 o'.'a, rapid binary. slow. 240 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H. and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 |i a 10 h m s S i s s " // t> 5951 u Gruis 5-8 23 I 19.678 88.2 + 3-3552-- 0296 + .019 + .0046 o .12 .75 .20 5952 Br 3056 4.8 I 57-991 67.1 + 3. 0206 +.003 1 + .009 + .0005 o .10 .38 .19 5953 Br 3055 7-7 i S9- 8 3 2 70.1 + 3.1232 .0056 + .009 + .0024 o IS -57 -27 5954 Br 3057 4-9 2 14.421 67.4 + 2.9i74+.oi09 + .OII .0000 o .10 .45 .22 5955 Br 3061 4-9 2 23.062 73-9 + 2. 5229+- 0297 + 031 + .0013 o .09 .34 .16 5956 Pi 35 6.0 2 56.563 81.2 + 3. 2544- .0195 + -OI3 .0032 o .12 .58 .21 5957 Br 3063 5-6 3 4-885 76.0 + 2.7335 + -0222 + .O2O .0005 o 09 -33 -14 5958 Br 3064 6.0 3 12.713 71.1 + 2-7I36 + .024I + .O2 1 + .0150+ I .09 .34 .16 5959 Br 3059 5-7 3 33-583 70.8 +3. 07 24- .0005 + .009 + .0091 o .09 .26 .13 5960 Br 3062 3-8 4 6.941 82.2 +3.2041-. 0138 + .OII + .0033 o .05 .27 .09 596i L 93 8i 6.1 4 24.299 84.6 + 3-3443- -0336 + .023 -.0316+ 3 .15 .84 .26 5962 Br 3068 5-3 4 28.606 49-5 + 3.0267 + .0029 + .009 + .OOO2 O i5 -Si -34 5963 Br 3065 4-9 4 34484 80.7 + 3.2091 .0146 + .OII + .0009 o 9 -39 -i5 5964 L 9384 6.2 435.821 86.6 + 3-3545- -0312 + .O20 + .0027 o .14 .78 .23 5965 t Gruis 4.0 4 42.024 73-9 + 3.4138- .0376 + .025 + .OI32 I .11 .56 .23 5966 K Cephei 4.6 442.951 81.2 + 1.8964 +.0246 + .047 + .0030+ 2 .04 .22 .08 507 Br 3069 5-4 4 59-346 55-i + 3.0198+. 0035 + .009 .0006 o 15 -50 -31 5968 L 93 88 6.7 5 22.371 87.8 + 3. 2530- .0200 + .013 .0020 o .13 i.oo .26 5969 Br 3071 5-8 5 27-321 69-7 + 2-55i8 + .0307 +033 .0005 o .10 .38 .18 5970 Pi 2 7-4 5 28.943 7-5 + 3.1088 .0045 + .009 + .0006 o .14 .68 .30 5971 Pi 4 6.0 5 44-4o6 74-o + 2.9765 + .0073 + .OIO + .0003 o .12 .66 .27 5972 Br 3070 6.1 5 49- 82 4 67.0 + 2. 7621 + .0207 + .018 -.0183- I .08 .28 .15 5973 Br 3072 5-3 6 41.222 62.0 + 3. 02 70 +.0030 + .009 .OOI I O .IO .38 .21 5974 Br 3073 6-5 6 57.880 71.2 + 2. 9064+. OII9 + .OI2 .0144 o .07 .28 .13 5975 Br 3075 4.6 7 58-015 72.9 + 2-7375 + .025I + .O2 2 + .0095+ I .08 .27 .13 5976 Br 3077 5-7 8 27.920 82.8 + 2.8723 +.0375 + .030 + .2522+36 .04 .27 .08 5977 Dpt 2803 8.0 8 51.818 87-5 +3. 1592-. 0061 + .009 + 0375 o .09 .51 .15 5978 Aquarii 4-4 9 8.613 70.7 +3.1081-. 0043 + .009 + .0018 o .04 .20 .09 5979 L 9407 6.1 9 25-871 88.1 +3.3416- .0314 + .O2 1 + .0091 o .12 .68 .19 5980 Pulka 3405 5-6 10 25.171 76.2 +3.0914- .0030 + .009 .0012 o .10 .63 .23 598i Br 3078. 4-4 10 39.169 69.6 + 3.1456 .0060 + .OIO + .0248 o .05 .26 .12 5982 Br 3080 6.7 1053.175 81.2 + 2-9242+.OI3I + .OI2 + .OOII O 9 -33 -13 5983 L 9412 5-8 10 57.027 83-3 +3-6435- -0781 + .076 + .0248 4 .13 .69 .23 5984 Br 3085 5-9 II 3.777 73-i + 2.H70+.0373 + .06 S + .0123+ 4 .09 .51 .21 5985 y Tucanae 4.1 II 35-699 71.8 + 3.5299- .0636 + .056 .0048 o .IO .40 .18 5986 X Aquarii 5-3 II 39.976 69.2 + 3.1118 .0052 + .009 .0012 o .09 .34 .16 5987 Br 3086 5-7 II 46.245 77-7 + 2. 2932+. 0398 + .059 + .0024 o .IO .56 .21 5988 y Piscium 3-3 II 58.869 72.0 + 3. 1 093 +.0007 + .009 + .0502 o .03 .l6 .07 5989 Br 3084 5-8 12 8.706 72.0 + 2.72I8+.O29I + .027 + .0128+ 2 .08 .36 .16 5990 Groomb 4025 6.8 12 34-4I8 72.6 + 2.8iii + .0233 + .020 + .0097+ I -13 ^ -26 5991 Gruis 5-8 12 38.863 86.6 + 3-3259- -0308 + .O2O + .OI2I I 16 -75 -24 5992 Br 3083 4-5 12 42-399 68.7 + 3.1202 .0059 + .OIO + .0009 o .06 .27 .13 5993 Br 3089 S-o 13 6.395 74.2 + 2. 7696+. 0259 + .O22 + .0038 o .09 .28 .14 5994 T Octantis 5-7 13 9-35- 72.8 + 10.9795.236- + .015- -56 .04 .28 .12 5995 y Sculptoris 4-5 13 25-555 81.0 + 3.2500 .022O + .015 + .0020 o 07 -39 -13 5996 Br 3091 6.1 13 38.594 71.6 + 2.8363 + .021 1 + .OI8 .0008 o .11 .45 .21 5997 Br 3087 5-2 13 45-6i3 67.0 + 3- I2 35--oo6i + .OIO + .0032 o .06 .27 .13 5998 Br 3088 5-4 13 51.118 7i-3 + 3-I593- -84 + .OIO + .0203 o -07 -34 -IS 5999 Br 3090 5-8 14 12.877 72.2 + 3.1116 .0036 + .009 + .0129 o .06 .26 .12 6000 o Cephei 5-i 2 3 i4 3 -990 80.0 + 2. 4453 + -4i 6 +055 + .OIII+ 2 .06 .33 .12 5962 2 2982. io1"s"32" 198 5981 "2 App. 9 M 49" 312 < o'/5. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 241 No. Decl. 1900 ipoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3"t 'and TOO Ap.' Prob. Errors. >Ep. loop' Sio Remarks. 5951 or ft -39 2 5 58-45 83-7 // // + I9.4io+.n6 // .21 it + .017 o n II II .12 .58 .19 5952 + 8 52 9.03 57-4 + 19.394+. 102 -15 .014 o .08 .27 .l6 55 Pegasi 5953 - 8 14 2.55 69-4 + I 9-354+-io6 -17 - -054 o .12 .47 .23 87 Aquarii (h *) 5954 + 2455 42.03 65.6 + 19.376+. 098 -.14 - .038 o .08 .35 .17 56 Pegasi 5955 + 58 52 45.51 60.8 + 19.423 + .083 -.09 + .006 o .09 .28 .l6 i Cassiopeia 5956 29 21 49.96 78.1 + 19.396 +.109 .20 - -33 .12 .58 .22 2 G Sculptoris 5957 + 45 5 49-4 7i-5 + 19.402 + .090 .12 - .030 o .09 .28 .14 4 Andromeda 5958 + 48 45 3.22 67.4 + 19. 561 + .090 .11 + .126+ I .08 .31 .l6 5 Andromedse 5959 + i 34 59-98 7-3 + 19.552 + . 101 -.16 + .IIO O .07 .25 .12 5 Piscium A 5960 -2i 42 54.94 81.6 + 19.491 + .105 -.18 + .037 o .06 .28 ,IO 88 Aquarii c 2 596i -43 24 8.54 81.7 + 19.485 + .108 .22 + .025- I .12 .69 .23 88 G Gruis 5962 + 88 6.18 42.8 + 19.463 + .098 -15 + .O02 .12 .44 .32 57 Pegasi * 5963 22 59 58.22 80.4 + 19.459+. 104 -.19 .004 o 09 -39 -IS 89 Aquarii c* 5964 -4i 757-35 83-3 + 19.428+. 109 .21 - .036 o .12 .63 .21 89 G Gruis 5965 -45 47 18.56 76.0 + 19.426+. in .22 .040 o .09 -55 .21 5966 + 74 5048.56 78.6 + 19.441 + .058 -.04 .025 o .04 .20 .08 OS 489. 7" i", binary 5967 + 9 16 46.84 43-4 + 19.450 +.096 -15 .022 o .IO .36 .26 58 Pegasi 5968 -3 3 57-78 87-5 + 19.440+. 104 .20 .040 o .13 I.I? .29 4 G Sculptoris 5969 + 5847 25.61 58-3 + 19. 496+. 080 .10 + .014 o .09 .29 .l8 2 Cassiopeiae 5970 6 30 11.02 71.9 + 19.47 3 + .098 -17 .009 o 13 -51 -23 5971 + 17 3 8.24 73-4 + 19.455 + . 094 -15 - -033 13 -55 - 2 4 5972 + 43 o 25.05 63-7 + 19.302 + .085 .12 -.188- I .08 .27 .15 6 Andromedae 5973 + 8 10 37.11 57-2 + 19. 501 + .094 "IS .006 o .11 .39 .23 59 Pegasi 5974 + 26 18 25.24 72.1 + 19.390+ 088 -.14 .122 O .06 .27 .12 60 Pegasi 5975 + 48 51 35-37 62.8 + 19.628 + .082 .12 + .096 o .O? .23 .13 7 Andromedae 5976 + 563658.27 81.8 + 19.838 + .090 .10 + .296+ 5 .05 .27 .09 Parallax o'.'i3 5977 - 9 28 4.31 82.4 + 19.504+. 095 -17 .046+ I .08 .39 .14 S 2993. &*fs 25" i?? . fi*ed 5978 - 635 17.31 70.8 + 19.364 + . 092 -17 .191 o .04 .18 .08 5979 -41 38 49.98 86.6 + 19.441 + .099 .21 .120 .11 .57 .17 92 G Gruis 5980 4 2 29.64 74.6 + 19.580+. 088 -17 .000 o .09 .6l .23 598i - 9 37 57-57 67.2 + 19.571 + .090 -17 -.013+ I .05 .20 .IO 91 Aqua/ii ^ * * 5982 + 27 42 9.52 76.6 + 19.585 + .082 -.14 -.003 o .08 .31 .13 6 1 Pegasi 5983 62 32 46.48 84.0 + 19.555 + . 105 -.27 -035+ I .11 .63 .20 25 G Tucanae 5984 + 73 4i 9- 6 3 76.0 + 19.597 + .058 -.06 + .005 o .07 .36 .14 5985 -5847 2.51 73-2 + 19.682 + .099 -25 + .081 o .08 .38 .16 5986 8 16 19.22 60.0 + 19.590+. 087 -17 -.013 o .07 .26 .15 5987 + 70 2033.88 69.2 + I9.6i7 + .o62 -.07 + .012 .IO .36 .l8 5988 + 244 8.83 73-4 + 19.627 + .088 -.16 + .019+ 2 .03 .l6 .06 5989 + 52 40 26.79- 69.1 + 19. 367 + .074 .11 -.244 o .09 .33 .16 5990 + 44 37 10.63 66.0 + 19.545 + -076 -13 - .074 o .13 .50 .26 599i -41 22 2.56 83-9 + 19.496+. 092 .21 .124 o .14 .64 .22 5992 - 9 43 42-53 67.6 + 19.618 + . 085 -17 - .003 o .06 .23 .11 93 Aquarii ^ 2 5993 + 48 28 7.45 67.2 + 19.635 + .074 .12 + .006 o .08 .24 .13 8 Andromedae 5994 -88 i 52.93 74-8 + 19.643 + .3 1 7 + .013 o .04 .26 .IO 5995 -33 436-56 79-5 + 19.568 + .088 .20 .066 o .07 .38 .14 5996 + 41 13 38.72 64-5 + 19.632 + .075 -13 .006 o .10 .38 .20 9 Andromedas . . a ., 5997 -10 927.05 62.6 + 19.642 + .083 -17 + .OO2 O .06 .24 .13 95 Aquarii y 3 ' 5998 14 o 10.95 72.1 + 19. 536 + . 084 -.18 .I06+ I .06 .31 .13 94 Aquarii * 5999 - 5 4 i5- 6 64.4 + 19. 632 + .082 -17 .016 o .06 .21 .11 96 Aquarii * 6000 + 67 33 51.48 66.7 + 19. 670+. 062 -.08 + .017 o .05 .20 .10 2 3001. 7f8 3" 198, slow 5997 Hough. 12*" i" 210 , slow. 5998 S 2998. 347 5999 h 5394. II M 10" 20. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p. and 100 A p Prob. Errors, a Ep. 100 |i a 10 M h m s 3 S . i it it it 6001 Br 3093 5-5 23 1450.129 64.6 + 2. 7826+. 0259 + .022 + .0017 o .13 .48 .25 6002 Br 3094 6.6 14 59- 6 93 73-6 + 2. 8046+. 0262 + .023 + .O2O2+ 2 .09 .44 .l8 6003 Br 3095 6.0 15 6.674 78.8 + 2.8458+.o2i6 + .019 + .0038 o .11 .40 .l6 6004 Br 3092 5-3 15 14.884 54-6 + 3-55 6 +-ooi9 + .009 + .0052 o .13 .44 .28 6005 r Pegasi 4.6 15 41.197 84.0 + 2. 9643 + . Oil I + .OI2 + .0020 o .04 .27 .08 6006 Br 3098 6.0 IS SS-607 68.7 + 2.93I5 + .OI48 + -OI3 + .0059 o .14 .54 .26 6007 Pi 55 6.0 IS 55-867 85-2 + 3. 2034- .0172 + 013 .OO2I .11 .66 .20 6008 Br 3099 6.0 16 3-557 65.8 + 2.8857 + .0194 + .017 + .0097+ I .12 .51 .26 6009 Br 3103 5-6 17 1.929 75-8 + 2.92i8 + .ois6 + 013 + .0007 o .11 .45 .19 6010 Br 3102 m 5-4 17 24.727 73-8 +3.1488 .0091 + .OIO + .0076 o .09 .44 .18 6011 Br 3106 6-5 17 41-653 63-5 + 2. 9824+. 0098 + .OII + .0007 o .14 .50 .27 6012 Br 3105 4.2 17 43-183 68.1 + 3.1560 .0122 + .OII .0087 o o? -33 -IS 6013 Br 3107 6.9 17 47-599 73-5 + 3. 0058 + .0098 + .OII + .0226+ I .11 .48 .21 6014 Pi 64 7.8 i? 49-975 80.6 + 3. 1512- .0067 + .OIO + .0299 I .07 .90 .27 6015 Br 3108 5-3 18 1.917 76.0 + 3.0232 + .0055 + .OIO + .0016 o .10 .39 .17 6016 Br 3110 5-8 18 4.734 72.6 + 2.6584+. 0362 +.038 + .OOOI .11 .58 .25 6017 Pi 69 7.2 18 34.486 71.8 + 3.1096 .0052 + .OIO .0008 o .16 .62 .29 6018 L 9457 5-9 18 36.818 89.6 + 3.3838- .0465 +037 .0007 o .20 I.O2 .28 6019 Pi 70 6.9 18 48.014 80.9 + 3. 1652- .0132 + .OII .0052 o .12 .57 .21 6020 Br 3109 6.9 18 52.478 65.8 + 2.9414+. 0164 + .014 + .0180+ I .09 .34 .18 6021 Br 3112 m 7-i 19 35.030 67.0 + 2-7I50+.0345 + 034 + .0035 o 13 -70 -33 6022 L 9463 5-8 19 37-337 81-3 + 3.4489- .0577 + .051 + .0103 I .14 .69 .24 6023 Br 3111 5-7 19 57.029 73-9 + 2-9285 + .oi62 + .014 + .0004 o .10 .32 .15 6024 v Pegasi 4.6 20 23.234 78.8 + 2.9892 + .OH4 + .OI2 + .0137+ I .05 .21 .08 6025 Br 3 iis 5-2 20 23.606 80.9 + 2. 6466 +.03 94 + 043 + .0017 o .05 .26 .09 6026 Br 3 ii3 4-5 20 47.642 66.0 + 3. 1562-. 0124 + .OII .0043 o .10 .32 .17 6027 L 9470 5-7 21 0.859 86.1 + 3-3770- .0478 +.039 + .0014 I 14 -75 -23 6028 Pi 82 6.9 21 19.198 77-9 + 3.1670 .0132 + .OII + .0026 o .10 .46 .18 6029 L 9474 5-7 21 32.882 86.6 + 3.4493 .0616 +057 + .0051- I .18 .87 .27 6030 L 9476 6.6 21 36-357 89.4 +3.3467-. 0428 +034 + .OO2O O IS -75 -22 6031 K Piscium 5-o 21 48.367 74-7 + 3- 753 + - 0001 + .009 + .0057 o .03 .20 .08 6032 Br 3121 7-i 22 2.544 75-7 + 2.4693 + .0494 + .072 +.0068+ I .IO .56 .21 6033 Br 3117 6-5 22 7.425 73-9 + 3.0730 .0000 + .009 + .0029 o .09 .30 .14 6034 Br 3118 5-8 22 18.119 78.4 + 2.8808 + .0234 + .019 +.0080+ I .10 .32 .14 6035 L 9485 6.6 22 38.740 86.7 +3.2308 .0240 + .018 + .0003 o .10 .57 .17 6036 Br 3119 6.2 22 42.209 56.8 + 2.9749+. 0125 + .OI2 + .0018 o 15 -57 -34 6037 6 Piscium 4-5 22 53.700 72.4 + 3.0415 + .0028 + .009 .0088 o .05 .24 .10 6038 Br 3125 5-8 23 2.841 66.3 + 2.5i36+.o5io + 073 + .0247+ 6 .09 .40 .20 6039 L 9483 5-8 23 13.661 86.3 + 3.5080 .0768 + .082 + .0044 I .15 .78 .24 6040 Br 3122 4-7 2 4 5.796 84.7 + 3.0310+. 0061 + .OIO + .0038 o .04 .32 .09 6041 Br 3123 6.9 24 19.026 72-7 + 3.0796 .0014 + .009 .0012 o .09 .34 .16 6042 Pi 96 6-5 24 21.886 79-4 + 3.1022 .0028 + .009 + .0115 o .07 .39 .14 6043 Br 3124 7.0 24 22.594 73-4 + 3.0766 .0009 + .009 .0015 o 13 -39 -19 6044 Br3i3i 6.9 2 5 1-999 70.4 + 2. 3 275 + .os58 + .104 -.0037- I ii -57 - 2 5 6045 L 9499 7-8 25 23.850 88.2 + 3.1685 .0146 + .OI2 + .0035 o .14 1.05 .27 6046 Pi 101 5- 25 24-745 65.8 + 2.7539+.0375 + .038 + .0031 o .10 .39 .20 6047 L 9502 6-3 26 0.857 83-4 + 3-2739- -34 + .025 + .OOII O .15 .87 .28 6048 Pi 103 6.8 26 21.573 80.5 + 3.0996 .0024 + .009 + .0114 o .09 .60 .20 6049 Br 3128 5-3 26 22.232 67.2 + 2-94OO+.O2I7 + .017 + .O24I+ 2 .08 .28 .14 6050 Br 3126 6-5 23 26 27.519 81.6 + 3.1508 .0125 + .OII .0000 o .12 .50 .l8 6009/8718. 9 M o'.'6 87, fixed. 6010 Hussey. sfj-jfo o'/4 84. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR 1900 243 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t H/andiooA(i' Prob. Errors. S Ep. 100 |i' S 10 Remarks. 6001 / // + 48 4 36.42 56.2 // // + i9-7i6+.o7i // -13 // + .057 o .12 .37 .23 ii Andromedae 6002 + 47 49 58.23 70.8 + 19.693 + .072 .12 + .031+ i .09 .37 .I? 6003 + 41 31 49.74 73-5 + ig.672 + .o72 -13 + .008 o .09 .32 .15 10 Andromedae 6004 + 45 7-42 56.0 + 19. 603 + .078 -.16 - .063 o .12 .46 .28 7 Piscium b 6005 + 23 ii 34.26 80.4 + 19.652 + . 075 -15 .021 o .04 .26 .09 6006 + 2952 8.97 63-5 + 19.610+. 074 -.14 .067 o .13 .44 .24 63 Pegasi 6007 -2732 4.19 85-5 + 19.63 1 + .08 1 -.19 .046 o .10 .53 .16 ii G Sculptoris 6008 + 37 38 10.23 66.3 + 19.602 + . 072 -.14 .078 o .11 .46 .23 12 Andromedae 6009 + 31 15 51.70 72.4 + i9.675 + .o7i -.14 .021 o .09 .39 .17 64 Pegasi * 6010 -IS 35 i7-6o 72.8 + I9-723 + .077 -.18 + .O2 1 O .07 .37 .16 97 Aquarii * 60 1 1 + 20 16 49.97 64.1 + 19. 692 + .072 "IS .014 o .13 .44 .24 65 Pegasi 6012 -203847.34 72.1 + 19.614+. 076 -.18 - .093 o .08 .42 .18 98 Aquarii b 1 6013 + 20 038.38 7-5 + 19.689 +.O7 2 -IS .019+ I .09 .43 .19 53007. io M 6"82 6014 II 19 12.69 81.1 + 19.956+. 076 -17 +.248+ I .08 .65 .20 6015 + 11 45 56.08 74-2 + 19.693 +.07 2 -.16 .019 o .09 .35 .16 66 Pegasi 6016 + 5935 6.ii 67.4 + 19. 709+. 062 .11 -.003 o .10 .38 .19 6017 - 9 030-51 63.0 + I9-7IO+.073 -17 .010 o .12 .42 .23 2 3008. 8 M 4" 240, rel. mot. 6018 -52 26 21.15 82.7 + 19. 690+. 080 .22 -.031 o .14 .67 .23 1 06 G Gruis 6019 22 19 16.85 81.1 + 19.648 + .074 -.18 .076 o .11 .55 .19 233 G Aquarii 6020 + 31 5853.16 62.4 + 19. 768+. 069 .14 + .043 o .08 .36 .19 6021 + 5659 11.24- 64.8 + 19.737 + . 061 .11 + .OOI .11 .51 .26 OS 495. 7?8-8?o o'/3 128 6022 -57 23 52-87 80.3 + 19. 708+. 080 - 2 3 .029 o .11 .57 .20 29 G Tucanae 6023 + 31 50 7.67 70-3 + 19. 741 + .066 -IS .001 o .09 .31 .15 67 Pegasi 6024 + 22 51 12.33 73-8 + 19.776+. 067 "IS + .028 o .04 .21 .09 6025 + 61 44 1.50 76-5 + 19.740+. 058 .11 .008 o .04 .18 .08 4 Cassiopeia 6026 21 II 24.65 72-4 + 19. 696+. 070 -.18 - .058 o .10 .33 .16 99 Aquarii W 6027 -53 1630.75 84.6 + 19.875 + .075 .22 + .117 o .11 .65 .20 107 G Gruis o 6028 22 17 27.18 83.8 + 19.765 + .069 -.18 + .003 o .09 .45 .15 236 G Aquarii * 6029 -59 I4I-74 82.2 + 19.847 + .076 .24 + .082 o .14 .67 .23 32 G Tucanae 6030 50 42 27.98 85-7 + I9-753 + -Q73 .21 .013 o .12 .54 .18 i G Phcenicis 6031 + o 42 29.14 74-4 + 19.679+. 066 -17 .090 o .03 .18 .07 6032 + 70 8 5.07 70-7 + 19.812 + . 051 -.08 + .040 o .IO .40 .18 3 86. I2 M 20" 3 I 3 6033 + o 34 23.53 72.0 + 19.741 + .065 -17 - -033 o .08 .29 .14 9 Piscium 6034 + 42 21 40.42 69.6 + 19. 790+. 060 -.14 + .014 o .09 .27 .14 13 Andromedae 6035 -36 542.81 84-3 + 19.771 + .068 -.19 .010 o .11 .57 .18 13 G Sculptoris 6036 + 2437 3.80 55-2 + I 9-735 + - 6 2 -IS - .047 o -14 -57 -34 69 Pegasi 6037 + 5 49 46.58 69.8 + 19.742 + .063 -.16 - .043 o .04 .21 .10 6038 + 694834.54 65-9 + 19.786 +.05 1 -.09 .001+ I .07 .30 .15 6039 -63 39 40.14 86.4 + 19.789+. 073 -.24 .000 o .12 .71 .21 33 G Tucanae 6040 + 12 12 31.52 81.2 + 19.828+. 061 -.16 + .027 o .05 .27 .09 70 Pegasi q 6041 2 2O 3O.I2 7i-3 + 19.785 + .061 -17' .019 o .09 .34 .16 ii Piscium 6042 - 5 43 8 -93 78.4 + 19.579+. 062 -17 .226 o .06 -37 .13 6043 - i 35 9-49 71.0 + 19.788+. 061 -i7 .017 o .11 .35 .18 12 Piscium 6044 + 74 40 27.81 68.7 + 19.799+. 043 -.07 .015 o .11 .44 .21 6045 -244455.00 87-7 + 19.841 + .061 -.18 + .O22 O .13 1. 12 .28 6046 + 57 595I-52 52-5 + 19.832 + . 052 .12 + .013 o .08 .34 .21 02 49 6. ii M i" 3 43 6047 -45 23 41-05 83.0 + 19.812 + . 062 .21 .015 o .12 .80 .25 5 G Phcenicis 6048 - 438 1.86 80.0 + 19.651 + .058 -17 -.179 o .08 .50 .17 6049 + 38 41 12.42 65-3 + 19.749+. 055 -.14 .082 o .07 .26 .13 14 Andromedae 6050 -2i 55 17.24 78-3 + 19.830+. 058 -.18 -.003 o .12 .43 .18 100 Aquarii (6 s ) 6028 See. 244 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 Ho. Designation. Mag. R. A. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3it (i and 100 A p Prob. Errors. aEp. loop aio M h m t S 8 s s n n it 6051 Br 3129 6-7 23 26 49.692 61.3 + 3.0777-. 0008 + .009 .OOOI .14 .39 .24 6052 L 9494 6.0 26 52.129 89.9 + 3-9765 -2200 +.496 + .0032 I .13 .98 .24 6053 Groomb 4084 8-5 27 11.002 75-3 + 2.895I + .0247 + .O2O + .0023 o .16 .75 .31 6054 ft Sculptoris 4.6 27 36.642 82.9 + 3.2291 .0258 + .019 + .0077 I .08 .40 .14 6055 L955 8.4 27 43-888 87.5 +3.7488-. 1516 + .264 + .0098- 3 .15 .78 .23 6056 Br 3147 5-9 27 48.78- 79-9 -0.133- -.566- + .095-+ 157 .04 .21 .07 6057 Br 3130 4-7 28 2.683 68.6 + 3- 1449- .0121 + .OI2 .0005 o .07 .33 .16 6058 Br 3132 5-8 28 27.498 59-3 + 2-9979+.OH5 + .OII .0006 o .10 .44 .24 6059 Br 3134 w 5-2 28 59.429 83-3 + 2. 9690+. Ol66 + .014 + .0040 o .06 .44 .13 6060 Br 3133 6.2 29 0.517 73-7 +3.0851 .0008 + .009 + .0071 o .09 .32 .14 6061 Br 3136 5-9 29 41.487 62.4 + 2.9580+. 0180 + .015 .OOOI O .20 .62 .35 6062 i Phoenicis 4.8 29 41.827 78.6 +3.2399- .0307 + .023 + .0023 o .11 .54 .20 6063 Br3i37 5-8 29 43-92S 70.8 + 2-9252 + .O224 + .OI8 .OOII .10 .42 .19 6064 Br 3138 6.8 30 21.838 77-4 + 3. 0669 +.OOO6 + .009 -.0031 o .11 .32 .15 6065 Pi 126 6.7 30 22.557 84.0 + 3.0960 .OO4O + .OIO .0006 o .07 .44 .13 6066 Pi 130 6.8 3 54-554 82.0 + 3- I 577-. l6 o + .014 .0024 o .12 .64 .22 6067 Br 3139 5-9 31 17.091 72.8 + 3. 0603 + .001 1 + .OIO - -0075 o .08 .28 .14 6068 L 9S3S 4-9 32 28.084 85.6 +3-2447- -0339 + .026 + .0062 I .13 .8l .24 6069 Pi 133 6.0 32 28.486 66.6 +3.1129 .0070 + .011 + .0018 o .10 .51 .24 6070 Br 3141 6.4 3 2 35-731 58.6 +3.0341 + .0088 + .011 + .0083 o .16 .54 .32 6071 A. Andromedae 3-8 32 40.034 72.4 + 2-923I + .O282 + .023 + .0149+ 2 .04 .16 .07 6072 Br 3142 5-6 32 S3-796 70.7 + 3. 02 5 1 + .0096 + .OII + -0035 .10 .45 .20 6073 t Andromedae 4-3 33 J3-775 78.3 + 2.9309+. 0253 + .021 + .0024 o .04 .21 .08 6074 L-9543 6.7 34 5-907 73-4 +3.2373-. 0351 + .028 + .OO22 O H -57 -25 6075 Br 3146 5-4 34 17-455 78.7 + 2.8933 + .03i6 + .027 .0013 o .10 .32 .14 6076 Br 3145 5-2 34 35-9I5 69.7 + 3. 1152- .0076 + .OII + .0039 o .12 .40 .20 6077 i Piscium 4.2 34 48.387 71.0 + 3-o84i + .oo32 + .OIO + .0248 o .03 .15 .06 6078 y Cephei 3-4 35 I4-43 6 64.8 + 2.4266+.0753 +.169 .0179 10 .03 .13 .06 6079 /* Sculptoris 5-5 35 23-379 83-9 + 3. 1558- .0196 +.016 .0082 o .11 .69 .21 6080 Pegasi S-S 47 23.962 87.0 + 3.0466+. ono + .on .OOI I O .04 .36 .09 6128 Br 3177 5-5 47 3*-3 82.6 +3.0568 +.0066 + .010 .0022 o .12 .40 .l6 6129 Pi 218 6.7 47 31-863 83-4 + 2.8859+. 0989 + -I75 + .0845+30 .08 .51 .l6 6130 Br 3 i78 7.0 47 35-227 87.4 +3.0430+. 0125 + .012 .0013 o .13 .46 .17 6131 Paris 34389 6.0 47 41.800 98.0 +3.087 1 -.0039 + .OIO + .0027 o .12 I. O2 .17 6132 Br 3179 6-3 47 47-356 77-9 + 3.0817 .0008 + .OIO + .0047 o .09 .40 .16 6i33 Br 3180 6-5 47 57-423 66.5 + 3. 07 1 3 + .0020 + .OIO + .0008 o .11 .40 .21 6i34 Pi 222 6-5 48 10.639 86.6 +3. 1074- .0129 + .013 + .0032 o .11 .70 .20 6i35 p Cassiopeiae 4.9 49 23.085 81.8 +2.9767 +.0443 + .042 .0006 o .05 .30 .10 6136 L 9640 6.2 49 24.040 89.1 + 3- I 577~ -0260 + .021 + -0319- 3 .l6 .84 .24 6i37 Pi 227 6.2 49 39-491 77-2 + 3.0690+. ooio + .OIO .0038 o .09 .44 .17 6138 Groomb 4163 6.9 49 57-58i 74-9 + 2. 8674 +.0907 + .160 .0028 I .05 .44 .16 6139 Br 3183 6.3 50 0.776 69.8 +3. 0664 +.0047 + .OIO + .0007 o .09 .28 .15 6140 L 9643 6-3 50 6.387 85.0 +3. 1095-. 0182 + .016 + .0004 o .11 .78 .23 6141 Pi 231 7.0 5029.911 65.0 + 3.oo82 + .O382 + -032 + .0072+ I .15 .54 .28 6142 Br 3184 6.2 50 32.796 68.2 + 2. 9873 +.0445 + .042 .0006 o .14 .63 .30 6i43 L 9652 7-7 50 58.188 85.8 + 3.0954 .0112 + .013 + .0012 o .13 .92 .26 6144 V Cephei Var. 5i 45-553 78.2 + 2.7297 + .i8io + .669 + .0291 + 22 .07 .32 .12 6i45 Groomb 4172 6-3 5 1 59- I0 4 67.6 + 3-O298 + .O276 + .022 .0003 o .16 .70 .34 6146 y 2 Octantis 5-9 52 3-992 70.8 +3.4164 .2848 + I.II2 .0184+14 .06 .38 .16 6147 6148 1,9658 Br 3185 6.0 5-6 52 5-i4i 52 5-969 83.2 68.5 + 3- I 743--625 + 3. 0049 +.0424 + -072 + .038 + .0094 2 .0013 o .16 .84 .28 .O8 .40 .19 6149 r] Tucanae 5-2 52 20.276 80.8 + 3. 1817-. 0667 + .080 + .0142- 3 .15 .68 .25 6150 ^ Pegasi 4.8 2 3 52 39-703 72.6 + 3.0497 + .OI49 + -013 - .0031 o .09 .36 .16 6111 OS 508. 8 M i'.'7 197. CATALOGUE OF 6188 STARS FOR IQOO 247 No. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t (i'and iooAp' Prob. Errors. 8 Ep. loop' S 10 Remarks. 6101 / // + 45 Si 54-20 62.7 // It + I9-97I + .027 // -IS */ .018 o ft II II .08 .24 .14 6102 + 2 55 54-9 56.9 + 19. 960+. 028 -i? .020 o .08 .30 .18 19 Piscium 6103 -504653-3 1 83.2 + 19.973 + .028 -.19 .012 o .11 .71 .22 6104 12 27 SO.Sl 73-8 + 19.902 + . 027 -17 .084 o .08 .50 .20 6105 +565345-22 95-3 + 19.971 + .025 -.14 -.015 o .09 .75 .14 6106 + 58 5 41.46 58-1 + 20.042 + .025 -.14 + .056 o .08 .30 .17 6107 - 3 19 3-3 65.6 + 19.996+. 025 -17 + .006 o .06 .26 .13 20 Piscium 6108 + 6.7 15 .4-33 73-3 + I9.994+. 022 -.14 + .002 .04 .22 .09 41 H Cephei 6109 6 56 9.00 76.8 + 19. 968+. 024 -I? .026 o .09 .41 .16 6110 28 40 59.86 74-i + 19.895 + .024 -.18 .101 o 05 -32 .13 6111 + 61 39 31.06 59-7 + 19.994+. 02 1 -.14 .004 o .09 .28 .16 6 Cassiopeiae * 6112 + 58 24 26.87 73-3 + 19.981 + .O2I -.14 .019 o .12 .34 .17 6113 + o 31 15.20 72.4 + 19.974+. 022 --I7 .026 o .06 .28 .12 21 Piscium 6114 + 28 17 8.25 73-8 + 20.O2 1 + .O2 1 -.16 + .019 o 08 .34 .15 79 Pegasi 6115 + 61 39 29.90 63-9 + 2O.OO5 + .OI9 -.14 + .OOI O .15 .50 .28 6116 -1031 56.28 76.9 + 2O.IOO+.O2I -17 + .096 o .07 .50 .l8 6117 + 5i 3 57-82 67.6 + 19. 988+. 019 -15 .018 o .12 .49 .24 6118 -1457 25.36 78.2 + I9.98O+.O2O -17 .026 o .12 .56 .22 6119 -1927 54.87 79-8 + 20.OI8+. 019 -17 + .008 o .09 .40 .15 108 Aquarii (**) 6120 -82 34 28.48 72-4 + 20.003 + .023 -.29 -.008 o 05 -33 -H 6121 + 84532.21 61.1 + 19.953 + .0l8 -.16 .058 o .12 .43 .24 80 Pegasi 6122 -35 1449-7 82.6 + i9-987 + .oi8 -.18 .025 o .13 1.02 .31 30 G Sculptoris 6123 + 2 22 27.98 65-3 + 2O.OOI + .OI7 -17 - .013 o .09 .40 .20 22 Piscium 6124 +77 2 44-85 71.7 + 19.928+. 015 .12 .087 o 08 .33 .15 6125 + 21 653.07 61.9 + 19.994+. 016 -.16 .022 o .11 .40 .22 6126 14 48 26.78 70-5 + 20.O23 + .OI6 -17 + .007 o 13 -54 -25 6127 + 1833 53-49 83-4 + I 9-973 + - l6 -.16 .044 o .04 .30 .09 6128 + 10 23 27.28 77-o + 20.020 +.016 -.16 + .003 o 12 .35 .I? 82 Pegasi 6129 + 7459 i3-i7 80. i + 20.069 +.015 -'13 + .052 o .06 .36 .13 ft 996. 12"* 6" 71 6130 + 21 II 12.89 83.0 + 19. 992 + .016 -.16 - .025 o .12 .40 .16 83 Pegasi 6131 - 933 8.97 97-o + 20.002 + .016 -17 .016 o .12 .96 .17 6132 - 3 42 38.77 76.0 + I9-973 + .OI5 -17 - .045 o .08 .34 .14 24 Piscium 6133 + i 32 4-33 67.1 + 20.013 + .015 -17 .006 o .10 .39 .20 25 Piscium 6i34 -2447 7.27 89.6 + 20.019+. 015 -.18 .001 o .IO .71 ,l8 274 G Aquarii 6i35 + 5 6 5634-98 73-4 + 20.030+. 012 -15 + .005 o .06 .26 .11 6136 40 51 27.26 84-5 + 20.047 + .013 -.18 + .O22 O .14 .64 .22 27 G Phcenicis 6i37 o 26 48.79 79-3 + 20.02O+.OI2 -i? .006 o -09 .40 .15 6138 + 73 Si 13-7 70.6 + 2O.O2I + .OIO -.14 .007 o -06 .35 .15 6i39 + 63053.88 69.0 + 20.018 + . on -i? .010 o .09 .29 .15 26 Piscium 6140 -32 2841.43 81.2 + 20.029+. on -i? + .OOI O .12 .73 .24 35 G Sculptoris 6141 + 52 1042.51 62.2 + 20.057 + .010 -.16 + .027 o 13 -45 -25 6142 + 56 51 20.16 62.9 + 20.027 + .010 -15 -.003 o .12 .43 .24 6i43 -22 32 56.36 86.7 + 2O.O78 +.009 -17 + .047 o .12 .96 .25 6144 + 82 3 8 3.54 83-1 + 20.043 + 6 .12 + .009 o .08 .33 .12 Br 3187. 6?2 to 7?i 6i45 + 42 6 5.48 61.4 + 20.023 + .007 -.16 .012 o 15 -60 .33 6146 -824333.23 71.1 + 20.019+. 009 - 2 3 .016 o .06 .35 .15 L 9 6si 6147 - 63 30 49.98 82.4 + 20.054+. 007 -.19 + .019 o -13 -75 -24 42 G Tucanse 6148 + 55 8 57.53 61.4 + 20.019+. 7 -IS .016 o .09 .33 .18 6149 64 51 12.00 78-5 + 19.968 + .008 -.19 - .068 o .12 .55 .21 6150 + 2435 7-71 7i-3 + 20.000 +.006 -17 - -037 o .07 .32 .14 i 248 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO Ho. Designation. Mag R. A. 1900 Epoch An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p and 100 A ji Prob. Errors. aEp. I00|i a 10 M h m s 1 S 9 s it tt H 6151 Pi 242 7-0 23 53 2.984 79-7 + 3.01 77 + .0356 + .029 .0065 I .11 .48 .18 6152 Br 3188 6.6 53 "-573 72.1 + 3.0895-. 0074 + .OII + .0055 o .14 -54 -24 6iS3 Br 3189 5-2 S3 33-205 66.1 + 3.07 1 2 -.0007 + .OIO .0038 o .06 .27 .13 6i54 Phcenicis 5-2 53 44.900 83-8 + 3. 1 263 -.0400 +.037 + .0051- I .13 .78 .24 6i55 v Cassiopeiae 5-i S3 5 6 - I0 3 73-2 + 3.0228+. 0431 +.038 + .0013 o .09 .28 .14 6156 i Piscium 4.1 54 10.544 74.1 + 3.0787 + .0048 + .010 + .OIOI O .03 .16 .06 6i57 L9675 5-9 54 I9-5I3 82.8 + 3.0900- .0159 +.015 .0015 o .13 .80 .25 6158 Dpt 2861 m 6.0 54 23-498 88.5 + 3.0455 + .0207 +.016 -.0055 o .10 .50 .15 6i59 Pi 249 7-i 54 32-845 69.2 + 3.0782 .0018 + .OIO + .0023 o .10 .38 .18 6160 c Tucans 4.6 54 43-246 78.6 + 3. 1486- .0693 +.087 + .0067 2 .11 .51 .19 6161 Br 3194 7.0 5446.22- 69.1 + 2.657- +.325.' + .038- +54 .08 .32 .15 6162 Br 3192 6.7 55 16-844 63-4 + 3.0622 + .0163 +.013 + .0035 o .16 .66 .35 6163 T Phcenicis 5-8 55 56-410 85-1 + 3. 0987 -.0338 + .030 .0012 o .20 i. 06 .33 6164 L 9694 5-6 56 11-753 94-7 + 3.0982-. 0357 + .032 .0014 o .16 1. 10 .24 6165 Octantis 4.9 56 27.500 87-3 +3.1449-. 1407 +330 .0215 + 10 .12 .75 .21 6166 Br 3i9S 5-9 56 30.701 65-9 + 3. 0369 +.0536 +.054 + .0008 o .09 .39 .19 6167 L 9696 7-i 56 33-528 88.6 + 3.0929- .0244 + .02 1 + .0033 o .14 .90 .24 6168 Groomb 4199 6.4 56 36.860 61.8 + 3.0542 + . 0281 + .02 1 .0005 o .15 .64 .34 6169 Br 3 i96 5-2 56 41-942 67.0 + 3-0743- -002 + .OIO + .0008 o .07 .28 .14 6170 9697 7-3 56 47.809 90.6 + 3.0830 .O2l6 + .019 .0038 o .12 .90 .21 6171 Br 3197 4.6 56 49.878 7 1.6 + 3.0772-. 00l8 + .010 + .0027 o .05 .26 .11 6172 Br 3198 e.g. 6.0 56 56-705 72.1 + 3.i256+.oi7i + 013 + .0622+ 3 6i73 ^ Sculptoris 5-i 57 12.396 81.8 + 3.0838- .0158 + .015 + .0020 o .IO .64 .21 6174 Br 3200 6.6 57 16.824 57-4 + 3. 069 7 + .006 1 + .OIO -.0003 o .14 .58 .34 6i75 Br 3201 5-9 57 22.982 77-4 + 3-0637 + .0058 + .OIO .0065 o .10 .34 .15 6176 Br 3202 6.1 57 28.611 74-4 + 3. 042 7 + .066 1 +.079 + .0027+ I .IO .42 .18 6177 Radcl 6274 8.0 57 30-984 76.0 + 3.0443 + .0662 +.079 +.0038+ I .14 .60 .25 6178 Br 3203 7-5 57 34-525 71.1 + 2.9595 + .2096 + 773 -.0066- 5 .09 .34 .16 6i79 Br 3204 4.6 58 37-044 74.0 + 3.0762 .0079 + .OI2 + .0013 o .04 .24 .10 6180 Br 3205 6.1 59 4-497 69.2 + 3.0614+. 0569 + .060 .0009 o .12 .44 .21 6181 Cape., 4799 6.0 59 "-363 93-o + 3.0753- 74 + .OII + .0015 o .12 .69 .i; 6182 Br 3206 5-3 59 22.999 68.8 + 3.0724 .0040 + .OIO .0006 o .12 .45 .22 6183 Groomb 4219 6-3 59 28.282 73-6 + 3. 0702 + .0283 + .02 1 + .0006 o .16 .68 .30 6184 Groomb 4220 6.0 59 30.169 74-9 + 3.o8i5 + .o7i3 +.087 + .0159+ 4 .18 .78 .33 6185 L 9710 5-8 59 37-039 88.8 + 3.0857 .0908 +.149 + .0065 2 .14 .93 .24 6186 Br 3207 6.9 59 45-38i 64-4 + 3.07 23 + .0496 +.047 + .OO22 O .11 .54 .27 6187 Groomb 4222 6.0 59 55-950 66.5 + 3-0735 + -0552 +.056 + .0019 o .12 .68 .32 6188 Pi 270 6.6 59 56.179 74-7 + 3.0748+.ooi3 + .010 + .0025 o .10 .42 .18 61 S3 ft 73- 1 1 "a" 270 6158 2 3050. 6?S-6?S a'.'s 214, slow binary. CATALOGUE OF 6 1 88 STARS FOR IQOO 249 Ho. Decl. 1900 Epoch. An. Var. and Sec. Var. 3 d t p/and 100 A p.' Prob. Errors. > Ep. zoo ji' S 10 Remarks. 6151 / // + 49 53 2-57 75-6 It II + 20.275 + .005 II -.16 n + .237 o ft n n .10 .37 .16 6152 16 24 14.89 69.1 + 20.029 +.005 -17 .009 o .11 .42 .20 i Ceti 6i53 - 4 6 38.80 63.6 + 19.972 + .004 -17 .067 o -05 -25 -13 27 Piscium * 6i54 53 18 16.16 81.8 + 20.093 + .004 -.18 + -054 o .11 .6l .20 6i55 + 55 " 53-8i 63-4 + 20.035 + .003 -.16 .005 o .08 .23 .13 23049- 7*3 3" 326 6156 + 6 18 34.71 73-8 + 19.93 1 + .003 -17 .109 o .02 .14 .06 6i57 -30 231.10 78.6 + 20.038 + .003 -17 -.003 o .13 .64 .24 38 G Sculptoris 6158 + 33 1011.97 78.1 + 19.960 + .002 -.16 -.081 o .09 .31 .13 * 6i59 - 6 26 54.24 7-5 + 19.987 + .002 -17 - -054 o .08 .33 .16 6160 -66 8 0.26 79-8 + 2O.OI8 + .O02 -.18 .024 o .IO .49 .l8 6161 + 86 858.88 75-5 + 2O.O46 .OOO + .004 o .07 .38 .15 6162 + 26 21 46.67 57-i + 2O.OOO+ .OOI -17 - -043 IS -56 -33 6163 -49 21 59-74 81.0 + 2O.O42 .OOO -17 .002 o .14 .80 .27 6164 - 50 53 40.62 89-7 + 20.063 .001 -17 + .019 o .13 .67 .19 34 G Phcenicis 6165 -7737 3- 8 3 86.8 + 19.888- .001 -.19 .156 o .IO .64 .l8 6166 + 603957.67 64.8 + 2O.O47 .OO2 -.16 + .003 o 08 -33 -I? 6167 40 42 18.78 86.2 + 2O.O2 1 .OO2 -17 .024 o .12 .75 .22 35 G Phcenicis 6168 + 41 48 36.69 51.0 + 20.033- .002 -17 .012 o .12 .54 .34 6169 - 3 35 3-22 65.6 + 20.034 .OO2 -17 .Oil .b6 .23 .12 29 Piscium 6170 -3747 7-94 83-7 + 2O.OI2 .002 -17 - -033 o .12 .64 .21 40 G Sculptoris 6171 - 6 34 11.45 67.8 + 2O.OII .OO2 -17 -034 o .05 .23 .11 30 Piscium 6172 + 2633 9.74 73-2 + 19.059 .OO2 -17 -.986 o 85 Pegasi. See Appendix 6173 -30 1639.77 80.4 + 20.043 -.003 --I7 .002 o .10 .55 .19 6174 + 8 24 0.26 57-2 + 20.046 .OO3 -17 + .OOI O .12 .52 .30 31 Piscium 6175 + 7 55 47-90 76.4 + 2O.OO8 .003 -I? - .038 o .10 .31 .14 32 Piscium (c c") 6176 6177 + 65 3 2 3i-39 +65 32 36-37 71.6 81.6 + 2O.O4I .OO4 + 2O.OI4 .OO4 -.16 -.16 .005 o .032 o -09 .31 -15 13 -75 -25 J 2 3053- IS" 70 6178 + 82 24 59.51 64.4 + 20.046 .OO4 -'5 .000 o .11 .38 .20 6179 -i7 5333-79 72.0 + 20.038 .OO6 --I7 -.008 o .05 .25 .11 2 Ceti 6180 + 61 43 50.99 49-8 + 20.053 -.007 --I7 + .006 o .12 .36 .25 9 Cassiopeia 6181 -i7 5 3-53 00. 1 + 19.998 .007 -17 .049 o .13 .75 .20 6182 -ii 358-35 72.8 + 20.036 .OO7 -17 .01 1 o .10 .43 .19 3 Ceti 6183 + 41 32 9- 8 5 72.0 + 2O.O24 .OO8 -17 - -023 o 13 -53 -24 02 514. g 5 5-'5 168 6184 + 663632.57 72.0 + 20.083 .OO8 -17 + .036 o .16 .61 .28 6185 -7i 5935-93 87-5 + 2O.O32 .OO8 -17 .015 o .12 .75 .21 45 G Tucanae 6186 + 57 5831-09 64.9 + 2O.O22 .OO8 -17 .025 o .10 .57 .28 * 3057- 9*5 4" 3o 6187 + 6045 25.09 60.4 + 20.059 .OO8 -17 + .OI2 12 -57 -31 6188 - i 3 29-99 78-5 + 2O.OOO .OO8 -17 -.047 o -09 -39 -'5 APPENDIX I. EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. These ephemerides include in the first section all stars of the Catalogue that are north of + 83 of declination, with some others. The interval is five years for the more northerly stars and twenty-five years for the remainder. Usually the first date is 1900 and the last 1925. For o Ursse Min. and 8 Ursae Min. the ephemerides are given, at five-year intervals, from 1800 to The second section includes the southern circumpokr stars in like manner. The columns following a and 8, respectively, contain successively the Annual Variation, Secular Variation, the proper-motion, and the secular variation of the proper-motion. For suggestions regarding these ephemerides consult the Introduction, especially pp. xxrv and xxxra. 252 No. 185. Br 74 51*7 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. a A. V. S. V. M 100 A/i s A. V. S. V. M' TOO AM h m 8 s 8 8 s Of // H // // n 1900 o 45 29.70 + 5-302 + .002 + 031 + .002 + 83 9 5 2 -39 + 19-643 - .162 .OIO .001 1925 47 44.17 + 5-457 + .638 + .032 + .002 18 2.95 + 19.601 - -174 .OIO .001 No. 218. Brg2 4?6 43HCephei h m a s 8 8 8 Of// a // // // 1900 o SS !-57 + 7-396 + 1.482 + .077 + .OIO + 85 43 14-5 + 19.467 .267 -.005 -.003 '9S 55 38.74 + 7-471 + I-508 + .077 + .OIO 44 51.81 + 19-453 ~ -273 -.005 .003 1910 56 16.28 + 7-547 + 1-537 + .078 + .OIO 46 29.04 + 19.440 - .279 -.005 -.003 1915 56 54-22 + 7-625 + 1-565 + .078 + .010 48 6.19 + 19.426 - -285 -.005 .003 1920 57 32.54 + 7-74 + 1-595 + .079 + .010 49 43-29 + 19.411 - .290 .006 -.003 1925 58 11.26 + 7-785 + 1.625 + .079 + .OIO 51 20.31 + 19-396 .296 -.006 -.003 No. 219. Br 65 6fS h m s s 8 8 8 Of It // rf it // 1900 o 55 36.82 + 15.416 + 9-9I3 + .180 + .061 + 88 29 15.58 + 19-444 - -554 .Old -.006 i9S 56 55-i6 + 15.924 + 10.431 + .I83 +.063 30 52-73 + 19.415 - -585 .016 -.007 1910 58 16.11 + 16.461 + II.OI8 + .186 + .064 32 29.73 + 19-385 .619 -.017 -.007 1915 59 39-82 + 17.027 + 11.634 + .189 + .067 34 6.57 + 19-353 - -654 -.017 .007 1920 i i 6.43 + 17.625 + 12.200 + -I93 + .068 35 43-26 + 19-320 - -693 -.017 .008 1925 a 36.12 + 18.257 + 13.000 + .190 +.071 37 I9-76 + 19.283 - -734 .018 -.008 No. 232. Br 95 6f6 h m s s S 8 8 o / // // // // H 1900 o 59 6.10 + 8.891 + 2.337 + .059 + .009 + 86 36 47.45 + I9-367 - -341 -.017 .002 '9S 59 50-85 + 9.009 + 2.390 + .059 + .008 38 24.25 + I9-350 - -349 -.017 .002 1910 i o 36.19 + 9-130 + 2.446 + .060 + .008 40 0.94 + 19.332 - -359 -.017 .OO2 W i 22.14 + 9-254 + 2.503 + .060 + .008 4i 37-55 + I9-3I4 - .368 -.017 .002 1920 2 8.73 + 9-380 + 2.56l + -06l + .008 43 i4-8 + 19.296 - -377 -.017 .002 i9 2 S 2 5S-96 + 9-5 10 + 2.622 + .061 + .007 44 50-51 + 19.277 - -387 -.017 .002 No. 325. Polaris 19 2 93 9*5 18" 215 h m s s S 8 s O / ft // // // It 1800 o S 2 25.49 + 13-033 + 7-000 + .095 + .030 + 88 14 24.53 + 19-539 - -442 + .006 -.003 1805 53 31-55 + 13.396 + 7.419 + .097 + .031 16 2.17 + 19.516 - .464 + .006 -.003 1810 54 39-47 + 13-775 + 7.769 + .098 + .032 17 39.69 + 19.492 - .486 + .006 -.003 1815 55 49-33 +14-173 + 8.140 + .100 + 033 19 17.09 + 19.467 - .51 + .005 .004 1820 57 1-23 + 14.590 + 8.535 + .IO2 + 034 20 54.36 + 19.441 - .536 + .005 .004 1825 58 15-26 + 15.027 + 8.954 + .103 +035 22 31.51 + 19.414 - -563 + .005 .OO4 1830 59 31-53 + 15.486 + 9.401 + .105 +.036 24 8.50 + 19-385 - -592 + .005 .004 i83S i o 50.16 + 15.967 + 9.876 + .107 +.038 25 45-35 + '9-354 - -623 + .004 .004 1840 2 II.25 + 16.474 + 10.384 + .109 + .039 27 22.05 + 19.322 - -656 + .004 .OO4 1845 3 34-94 + 17.006 + 10.925 + .III + .040 28 58.57 + 19.289 .692 + .004 .OO4 1850 5 1-36 + 17-567 + 11.502 + .113 + .042 30 34-92 + I9.253 - -73 + .004 -.005 'fSS 6 30.66 +18.157 + I2.I2O + .115 + .043 32 11.09 + 19.216 - .771 + .004 -.005 1860 8 2.99 + 18.780 + I2.78I + .117 + .044 33 47-oS + 19.176 - .814 + .004 .005 1865 9 38-51 + 19.436 + 13.488 + .119 + .046 35 22.86 + I9.I34 - .861 + .003 -.005 1870 ii 17.41 + 20.129 + 14.246 + .122 + .048 36 58.42 + 19.090 .912 + .003 -.005 i7S 12 59.87 + 20.862 + !5-o59 + .124 + .049 38 33-76 + 19.043 - .966 + .003 ,OO6 1880 14 46.09 + 21.636 + I5-93I + .127 +.051 40 8.85 + 18.993 1.025 + .002 .006 1885 16 36.30 + 22.455 + 16.869 + .129 + .053 41 43.69 + 18.941 -1.088 + .002 -.006 1890 '8 30.73 + 23.324 + 17.877 + .132 + .055 43 18.25 + 18.884 ~ I - I 57 + .OO2 -.007 1895 20 29.63 + 24.245 + 18.962 + -I35 +.057 44 52-52 + 18.825 -1.231 + .OOI -.007 1900 22 33.27 + 25.222 + 20.131 + .138 + .059 46 26.49 + 18.761 -1.311 + .001 -.007 i9S 24 41-95 + 26.259 + 21.390 + .141 + .062 48 0.13 + 18.694 - 1-399 + .001 -.007 1910 26 55-97 + 27.363 + 22.749 + -I44 + .064 49 33-42 + 18.621 - 1.494 .000 -.008 *9*3 29 15-69 +28.537 + 24.217 + 147 + .066 Si 6.33 + 18.544 -1.596 .000 .008 1920 3i 41-47 +29.787 + 25.803 + .I S I + .068 52 38-85 + 18.461 1.708 .001 .009 !9 2 S 34 13-70 +31-119 + 27.522 + -I54 + .071 54 10.94 + 18.373 -1.830 .001 .009 No. 726. Br 402 s9 h m s 8 8 s 8 Of ft n // II II 1900 3 8 34.80 + 13.406 + I-637 + .051 .004 + 84 33 26.56 + 13-503 -1-444 -.132 .006 !9 2 5 14 15-" + 13.819 + 1.676 + .050 .004 38 59-54 + I3-I35 1.521 -133 -.005 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. No. 830. Groomb 642 6o 253 a A. V. S. V. M 100 AM 1 A. V. S. V. V-' IOO AM' IOOO 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 3 33 55-8 35 35-46 37 16-67 38 58-71 40 41.59 42 25.31 s + 19-993 + 20.159 + 20.325 + 20.492 + 20.660 + 20.828 s + 3-315 + 3-326 + 3-336 + 3-345 + 3-353 + 3-359 + .164 + .164 + .165 + .165 + .165 + .165 9 + .006 + .006 + .006 + .OO5 + .005 + .005 / // + 86 19 57.09 20 56.11 21 54-54 22 52-35 23 49-55 24 46.12 + 11.864 + 11-745 + 11.624 + 11.502 + ".378 + 11.252 // -2.367 -2.398 - 2.432 - 2.464 -2.498 -2-531 II -.066 .067 -.068 .069 .070 -.071 .019 .019 .019 .020 .020 .020 No. 957. Groomb 766 56 IOOO 1925 h m s 4 4 59.40 10 38.96 s + 13-459 + 13-705 s + -993 + -977 s .001 .001 + .001 + .001 Of It + 83 33 52.36 37 48.34 // + 9-657 + 9.219 // -1.725 -1.779 II + .014 + .014 a .000 .000 No. 958. Groomb 750 6"?8 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 4 5 5-70 6 32-5 7 59-75 9 27.45 10 55.60 12 24.18 s + 17.316 + 17.406 + 17-495 + 17-584 + 17-673 + 17.761 + -797 + -791 + -785 + .778 + -771 + .763 s + .015 + .015 +.015 + .016 +.016 +.016 9 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 O / // + 85 17 28.72 18 16.78 19 4.28 '9 Si-23 20 37.59 21 23.38 + 9.668 + 9-557 + 9-444 + 9-331 + 9.217 + 9.102 u 2.220 -2.239 -2.258 -2.277 2.296 -3-3I5 II + .033 +.033 +.033 + .033 + .033 +.033 II .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 No. 968. Groomb 774 5^9 1900 '925 h m 9 4 7 59-23 13 21.74 s + 12.794 + 13.007 + !86i + .846 s .030 .029 s + .003 + .003 Of It + 83 5 59.96 9 52-79 a + 9-521 + 9.104 It -1.647 1.694 u + .109 + .IIO + .OO4 + .OO4 No. 1191. Radcl 1311 6*J8 1900 I0 5 1910 1915 1920 '9 2 5 h m 3 4 S 6 17-83 58 1.63 59 45-78 5 ! 30-26 3 iS-o? S 0.18 s + 20.727 + 20.796 + 20.863 + 20.928 + 20.992 + 21.054 + 1.386 + L356 + 1-325 + 1-293 + 1.261 + 1.228 8 + .030 + .030 + .029 + .029 + .029 + .028 s -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 O / II + 85 49 46.36 50 13.16 50 39-23 Si 4.58 51 29.17 5 1 53-02 // + 5-434 + 5.288 + S-'4I + 4-993 + 4.845 + 4.696 // -2.913 -2.928 2.944 -2.958 -2.974 -2.988 it .067 -.067 -.067 -.068 -.068 -.068 .004 .004 .OO4 .004 .004 .OO4 No. 1360. Groomb 944 6*5 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m 9 5 29 54-49 31 28.02 33 1-68 34 35-45 36 9-33 37 43-3 1 a + 18.694 + 18.719 + I8.743 + 18.765 + 18.786 + 18.806 + "512 + .486 + .461 + -434 + -407 + -383 + .OI6 + .016 + .OI6 + .016 + .OI6 + .016 s + .001 + .OOI + .OOI + .000 + .000 + .000 01 II + 85 8 49-75 9 2.55 9 14.68 9 26.13 9 36-90 9 46.98 // + 2.628 + 2.493 + 2.358 + 2.222 + 2.086 + 1-949 n 2.706 2.711 -2.717 2.722 2.728 -S.732 11 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 11 .002 .002 .OO2 .002 .002 .002 No. 1557. Groomb 1004 6*9 1000 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m 9 6 8 2.87 10 16.31 12 29.64 14 42.84 16 55.89 19 8.77 + 26.698 + 26.678 + 26.654 + 26.626 + 26.595 + 26.558 9 - -351 - -434 - -517 - .600 - .682 - .764 S + .030 + .029 + .028 + .027 + .026 + .025 s .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 01 II + 86 45 36.42 45 31-93 45 26.47 45 20.03 45 "-63 45 4-27 H - .800 - -995 1.189 - 1-384 - L578 - I-77I II -3.894 -3.890 -3.884 -3-877 -3.869 -3.861 it -.097 -.097 -.097 .098 -.098 -.098 // -.004 .004 .OO4 .004. .004 .OO4 No. 1801. 51 H Cephei 5*4 Groomb 1141 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 6 53 44-29 56 12.24 S 8 39-5 1 7 i 6.08 3 3 I -9 I 5 56-99 s + 29.657 + 29-523 + 29.384 + 29.241 + 29.093 + 28.940 9 - 2.634 - 2.731 - 2.826 - 2.917 - 3-005 - 3.088 s -.047 -.047 .048 -.048 .048 -.049 s -.008 -.008 -.007 -.007 -.007 -.006 of n + 87 12 20.38 II 56.38 " 31-34 II 5.26 10 38.16 10 10.04 II - 4.696 - 4-905 - 5-ii2 - 5-318 - 5.522 - 5.724 II -4.197 -4.167 4.136 -4.104 -4.071 -4.038 II -.038 -.038 -.037 -.037 .036 .036 If + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 254 No. 2103. Groomb 1359 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. a A.V. S. V. V- ioo A/t 1 A.V. S. V. A*' 100 Aju' 1900 1925 h m 8 7 53 1-67 59 "-75 8 + 14.961 + 14.645 s 1.260 1.276 s .004 .004 s .002 .001 O / It + 84 20 49.77 16 45.89 II - 9-5 r 9 - 9.989 1.916 1.848 -.028 .028 II + .001 + .001 No. 2135. Groomb 1119 7l"3 4BUrsseMin 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 7 58 2.65 8 3 25-99 8 41.09 13 48.00 18 46.75 23 37-41 + 65.491 + 63.845 + 62.200 + 60.563 + 58.939 + 57-333 -32-929 -32.832 -32.630 -32.313 -31.908 s -.035 -.034 -033 -.032 -.031 .030 s + .022 + .022 + .021 + .O2O + .020 + .019 Of It + 88 55 59.22 55 8.86 54 16.50 53 22.22 52 26.10 51 28.23 tt - 9.868 -10.275 10.666 11.042 11.402 -11.747 -8.302 -7.982 -7.666 -7.360 -7.058 -6.760 tt + .007 + .007 + .007 + .008 + .008 + .008 tt + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 No. 2261. Groomb 1418 ffj 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 h m s" 8 25 20.80 26 42.52 28 3.70 29 24-35 30 44-47 32 4-05 + 16.398 + 16.290 + 16.183 + 16.076 + 15.970 + 15.863 - 2.155 - 2.149 - 2.143 - 2.137 - 2.130 2.122 s -.079 -.079 -.079 -.079 -.079 -.079 s .001 .001 .002 .002 .002 .002 O / // + 85 24 29.56 23 29.50 22 28.97 21 27.98 2O 26.52 19 24.62 -11.963 -12.059 12.246 -12-337 12.428 tt 1.91 1 1.891 1.869 -1.848 -1.828 -i. 808 -.085 -.085 -.084 .084 -.083 -.083 It + .009 + .009 + .009 + .009 + .009 + .009 No. 2415. Radcl 2218 6^5 1900 1925 h m s 8 54 32-25 59 59-22 + 12.874 s 1.669 1.611 s + 013 +013 s + .000 + .000 o / // + 84 34 58.63 29 8.99 -13-815 -I4-I54 tr -r-397 -1.322 a + .019 + .019 .001 .001 No. 2745. Br 1399 s"J6 29 H Camelopardi 1900 1925 h m s IO 15 9.27 19 0.16 s + 9.419 + 9-054 - 1*508 - I-4IS s -.090 -.088 s + .007 + .007 or tt + 84 45 37.18 38 4-72 II 18.026 18.170 - -593 - -550 .041 .040 + .006 + .005 No. 2762. Pi 22 5*3 30 H Camelopardi 1900 h m 8 10 18 54.87 22 5-II s + 7-720 + 7-501 - ?8o8 - -856 s -045 -.044 s + .004 + .004 e / // + 83 4 2.98 + 82 56 28.93 II 18.104 18.218 - .470 - -443 tt + .024 + .025 + .003 + .003 No. 2953. Radcl 2612 7*5 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s II 2 29.98 3 9-82 3 49-22 4 28.17 5 6.70 5 44-8o 8 + 8.014 + 7-924 + 7-835 + 7-748 + 7.662 + 7-579 - 1.832 - 1-794 - 1-758 - 1.723 - 1.688 - 1.656 8 -.031 -.031 -.031 -.030 .030 -.030 s + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 / // + 86 10 57.97 9 20.83 7 43-62 6 6.34 4 29.00 2 51.60 n -19.421 - 19-435 - 19-449 19.462 -19-475 - 19.488 tf - .281 - -275 - .268 - .262 - -256 .250 tt .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 tt + .00 1 + .OOI + .001 + .00 1 + .001 + .OOI No. 3154. Groomb 1850 6*5 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s ii 59 42.78 59 57-92 12 O 12.95 o 27.87 o 42.70 o 57-43 + 3-038 + 3-oi7 + 2.996 + 2.976 + 2.956 + 2.936 I - -43 1 - .422 - .413 - .404 - .396 - .387 -059 -059 .058 -.058 -057 -057 s + .009 + .008 + .008 + .008 + .008 + .008 O t II + 86 8 28.70 6 48.00 5 9-i2 3 29.33 i 49-54 o 9.76 n ~ 19-959 - 19-958 - I9-958 - I9-95 8 -19-957 - 19.956 + .008 + .008 + .009 + .009 + .010 + .010 OO 00 00 00 CO 00 I 00 00 00 00 CO CO ^ o o o o o o .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. 255 No. 3204. Br 1656 a A. V. S. V. *i ioo A/i 1 A. V. S. V. if ioo A// 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 12 13 55-74 14 4.70 14 13-63 14 22.55 14 31-44 14 40.31 5 + 1.794 + 1.789 + 1.785 + 1.780 + 1.776 + 1.772 s - .092 - .089 - .087 .084 .082 - .079 + .266 + .264 + .261 + 259 + .256 + .254 s .049 -.048 .047 .046 .046 .045 / It + 86 59 29.91 57 49-84 5>' loo AM' h no s s s S 8 O / // tf n tt a 1900 15 I 40.86 - 6.538 + 1. 122 .010 + .000 + 84 20 13.57 14-059 - -674 + .012 .001 1923 14 59 0.88 6.263 + 1.078 .010 + .000 14 20.03 -14.223 - -638 + .OI2 .001 No. 3877. Groomb 2283 7^3 h m s 3 s 9 s or n it // /; tt 1900 15 9 20.50 -20.557 + 7-003 -.008 .004 + 87 37 3.71 -13-567 -2.199 + .019 .001 I0 5 7 38-58 2O.2IO + 6.894 -.008 .004 35 55-6o -J3-675 -2.147 + .019 .OOI igio S S8-39 - 19.868 + 6.784 .008 .004 34 46.96 -13.781 -2.095 + .019 .001 1915 4 19.89 -I9-532 + 6.675 .OO9 .004 33 37-79 - 13-885 -2.047 + .0ig .OOI 1920 2 43.06 I9.2OI + 6.567 .009 -.003 32 28.11 - 13-986 -1.998 + .Oig .001 1925 I 7.88 -18.875 + 6.458 .OO9 -.003 3i 17-94 - 14-085 -1-951 + .019 .OOI No. 4065. Groomb 2315 7*7 h m 8 S 3 8 s / // // // tt 1900 15 53 46.94 - 6.540 + .706 + .009 .000 + 83 14 57.82 10.487 - .807 + .004 + .001 1923 5i S-64 ~ 6.365 + .696 + .009 .001 10 33-16 10.685 - -779 + .004 + .00 1 No. 4327. Ursae Min 4^5 h m s s 8 S S or n rt H // 1900 16 56 12.21 - 6.304 + ^15 + .007 .000 + 82 12 7.66 - 5-5io - .880 .OOI + .001 i9 2 S 53 35-60 6.224 + -323 + .007 .000 9 47-19 - 5-728 - .866 .OOI + .001 No. 4591. 8 Ursae Min 4^3 h m s s , S 8 O / // // tr it // 1800 18 36 38.30 -18.871 I-058 + .029 -.007 + 86 33 42.45 + 3-237 -2.714 + .044 + .004 1805 35 3-8i - 18.923 I.OI7 + .028 .007 33 58-29 + 3.101 -2.725 + .045 + .004 1810 33 2 9-o7 - 18.973 - -976 + .028 -.007 34 13-46 + 2.964 -2-735 + .045 + .004 1815 31 54-09 19.020 - -933 + .028 .007 34 27-93 + 2.827 -2-744 + .045 + .004 1820 30 18.87 19.066 - .890 + .027 .008 34 41-74 + 2.690 -2-754 + .045 + .004 1823 28 43-43 19.110 - -847 + .027 -.008 34 54-84 + 2 -552 2.762 + .045 + .004 1830 27 7.78 -19.151 - .803 + .026 .008 35 7-26 + 2.414 -2.770 + .046 + .004 1835 25 31.92 -19.190 - -758 + .026 -.008 35 18.98 + 2.275 -2.778 + .046 + .004 1840 23 55-88 -19.227 - -713 + .025 -.008 35 30-00 + 2.136 -2.786 + .046 + .004 1845 22 19.66 19.261 - .668 + .025 .008 35 40.33 + 1.996 -2.792 + .046 + .004 1850 20 43.27 -19.294 - .622 + .025 -.008 35 49-97 + 1.857 -2-799 + .046 + .004 1855 J 9 6.73 - 19-323 - -575 + .024 .008 35 58-90 + 1.717 - 2-805 + .046 + .004 1860 17 30.04 -^SS 1 - .528 + .024 -.008 S 6 7-i3 + 1.576 -2.810 + .047 + .004 1865 15 53-22 - 19.376 .481 + .O24 -.008 36 14.66 + 1-436 2.815 + 047 . + .003 1870 14 16.29 - 19-399 - -434 + .023 -.008 36 21-50 + 1.295 -2.820 + .047 + .003 i7S 12 39.24 -19.419 - -386 + 023 -.009 36 27.61 + 1.154 -2.824 + .047 + .003 1880 II 2.IO - 19-438 - .338 + .022 .009 36 33-03 + I.OI2 -2.828 + .047 + .003 1885 9 24.87 -19-453 .290 + .022 -.009 36 37-73 + .871 -2.831 + .048 + .003 1890 7 47-57 - 19.467 - .241 + .O22 -.009 36 41-74 + .729 -2.834 + .048 + .003 1895 6 IO.2I -19-477 - .192 + .021 .009 36 45-02 + .588 -2.836 + .048 + .003 1900 4 32-80 19.486 - -144 + .021 .009 36 47-6i + .446 -2.837 + .048 + .003 *95 2 55-35 - 19.491 .092 + .021 .OO9 36 49-48 + .304 -2.839 + .048 + .003 1910 i 17.89 - 19-495 -044 + .O2O .009 36 50-64 + .162 2.840 + .048 + .003 1915 17 59 40.41 - 19.496 + .005 + .O2O .OOg 36 51.10 + .020 - 2.840 + .048 + .003 1920 S 8 2.93 - 19-494 + -53 + .OI9 .009 36 50-85 .122 2.840 + .049 + .003 ^S S 6 25.47 -19.491 + -IO2 + .OI9 .OOg 36 49-88 .264 -2.839 + .049 + .003 No. 4605. Br 2417 6fo 24 Ursse Min h m s s , 8 S Of // // // // // 1900 18 7 47.52 22.296 .291 + .068 .001 + 86 59 38.66 + .688 -3.240 + .006 + .010 1905 5 56-00 -22.308 .219 + .068 .001 59 41-69 + -525 -3-242 + .006 + .OIO 1910 4 4-43 22.318 .148 + .068 .001 59 43-91 + -363 -3.244 + .007 + .010 J 9i5 2 12.82 -22.323 .076 + .068 .002 59 45-32 + .201 -3-245 + .008 + .010 1920 O 21. 2O -22.325 .OO4 + .068 .OO2 59 4S-9 2 + .039 -3-245 + .008 + .OIO 1925 17 58 29.58 -22.324 + .068 + .068 .OO2 59 45-71 - .124 -3-245 + .008 + .010 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. No. 4971. \UrsaeMin 6"J8 Br 2705 2 57 a A. V. S. V. V- ioo A/a 5 A. V. S. V. n' ioo A/t' 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 19 22 29.27 16 46.84 10 57.98 5 2.95 18 59 2.16 52 55-99 s 67.822 69.140 70.400 -71-594 -72.714 -73-744 - 26.888 -25.816 -24.57! -23.140 -21.534 -19.750 s -.103 -.105 -.107 .109 .III .112 s .042 .040 -.038 .036 -033 -.030 O / // + 88 59 15.82 59 50-01 + 89 o 21.81 o 51.17 i 18.01 i 42.30 // + 7-071 + 6.60 1 + 6.118 + 5.622 + 5- JI 4 + 4.596 It - 9.272 - 9-538 - 9-792 10.040 10.271 10.487 rt + .011 + .010 + .OIO + .009 + .008 + .007 -.014 --015 -.015 -.015 .016 .016 No. 5140. Groomb 3402 8"?5 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 19 59 0.77 54 31-62 49 55-97 45 J 3-84 40 25.27 35 30.33 -53 S i8i -54.480 -55-779 -57.072 -58-354 59.620 s -25.977 -25.996 25.928 -25.764 -25.496 -25.118 + 356 + 354 + -35I + .348 + 344 + 340 s -039 -.048 -059 .070 -.081 -093 O / // + 88 49 32.94 50 22.30 5 1 9-92 5 1 55-76 5 2 39-74 53 21.80 // + 10.041 + 9.700 + 9-348 + 8.983 + 8.606 + 8.217 t> 6.690 -6.930 -7-174 -7.420 -7.664 -7.908 tt + .092 + .095 + .097 + .099 + .102 + .104 // + 045 + .045 + 045 + .045 + .045 + 045 No. 5207. Groomb 3212 7^1 1900 1925 h m s 20 13 59.68 10 29.97 - 8^56 - 8.523 s 1.061 1.080 s .008 .008 s + .002 + .OO2 Of ft + 84 22 38.07 27 10.43 ft + 11.022 + 10.765 // 1.009 I.O52 it .042 .042 // .OOI .OOI No. 5324. Radcl 4976 6^4 1900 1925 h m s 20 39 5.25 36 42.09 S ~ 5-63I - 5-823 - - 3 755 - -776 s + 013 + .013 S + .002 + .002 Of It + 83 16 44.22 22 2.17 // + 12.708 + 12.636 tt ~ -635 - .662 tt .026 .026 ir + .002 + .002 No. 5499. Groomb 3548 7^7 1000 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 21 19 35-03 !8 37-13 17 38.40 16 38.81 15 38.37 14 37.06 s -11.408 11.663 -11.831 I2.OO2 -12.175 -"-SS 1 - 3-286 - 3-337 - 3.388 3-441 - 3-493 - 3-547 s + .022 + .022 + .022 + .O22 + .O22 + .022 s + .001 + .OOI + .001 + .001 + .OOI + .001 o / n + 86 37 24.54 38 41.14 39 57-45 41 13.49 42 29.25 43 44.70 // + 15-346 + 15.292 + 15-236 + 15.180 + 15.122 + 15.062 // -1.085 1.105 1.127 -1.149 -1.171 -1.194 // + .013 + .013 + -OI3 + .013 + .013 + .014 + .OO2 + .002 + .002 + .OO2 + .OO2 + .002 No. 5509. Br 2832 7^2 IOOO 1925 h m s 21 21 32.97 19 30.05 - 4.805 - 5-3 - !88o .920 S + .013 + .013 s + .001 + .OOI / // + 83 50 ii. 10 S 6 35-47 It + IS-432 + 15-316 // - .452 - .478 // .Oil .on + .001 + .OOI No. 5784. Br 2993 5^4 32 H Cephei 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 !9 2 5 h m s 22 21 18.14 20 57.30 20 36.13 20 14.61 19 52.76 19 30-54 s - 4.136 4.201 - 4.268 - 4.337 - 4.406 - 4.476 - 1.308 - I -33o - 1-352 - 1-375 - 1-398 1.422 s + .051 + .051 + .051 + .052 + .052 + .052 s + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 O / II + 85 36 17.27 37 48.57 39 '9-79 40 50-95 42 22.05 43 53-o8 // + 18.265 + 18.252 + 18.239 + 18.225 + 18.212 + 18.198 // - .256 .261 - .266 - .271 .276 - .282 + .049 + .049 + .049 + .049 + .050 + .050 + -003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 No. 5787. Br 2997 7"o 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 '925 h m s 22 21 41.24 21 19.49 20 57-39 20 34.92 20 12. 18 19 48.90 s - 4.316 - 4.385 - 4.456 - 4.528 4.602 - 4.677 - 1*383 - 1.407 - i-43i - 1.456 - 1.482 1.508 +.038 +.038 + .038 + .039 + .039 + .039 s + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 o / tt + 85 43 8.40 44 39.60 46 10.72 47 41-78 49 12.76 51 43-68 // + 18.246 + 18.232 + 18.218 + 18.204 + 18.190 + 18.176 tt - .267 .272 .278 - .283 .289 - -294 it + .015 + .015 + .015 + .015 + .016 + .016 tt + .002 + .002 + .002 + .OO2 + .002 + .OO2 258 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. NORTH. No. 5927. Br 3058 5*1 36 H Cephei a A. V. S. V. t* IOO A/x 1 A. V. S. V. ff IOO A/i' 1900 1925 h m s 22 55 12.84 55 4-2? - -3o 2 - -384 s - -3!7 - -339 + "063 4- .064 5 4- .005 4- .005 O / // 4-83 48 39.81 56 41-78 // 4-19.281 4-19.276 // -.018 .021 II 4- .030 4- .03 1 it 4- .003 4- .003 No. 6056. Br 3147 5*9 39 H Cephei 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 23 27 48.78 27 48.04 27 47.16 27 46.13 2? 44-94 27 43.60 s - -133 - .162 - .191 .221 - .253 - .285 - S 566 ~ - s !2 - -50 .612 - .628 - -645 4- .095 4- .096 4- .097 4- .097 + .098 4- .098 s 4- .016 4- .016 4- .016 4- .016 4- .017 4- .017 / // 4-86 45 20.98 47 0.32 48 39-65 50 18.98 5 1 5 8 -3i 53 37-63 // 4- 19.868 4- 19.867 4-19.866 4- 19.866 4- 19-865 4- 19.864 it .009 .010 .010 .on .012 .012 n 4- .018 4- .018 4- .018 4- .018 4- .018 4- .018 // 4- .002 4-.OO2 4- .002 4-.OO2 4- .002 4- .002 No. 6161. Br 3194 7^0 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 23 54 46.22 54 59-55 55 ".96 55 26.46 55 40.04 55 53-71 s 4- 2-657 4- 2.674 + 2.690 4- 2.708 4- 2.725 + 2 -743 + -325 + .332 + .340 + .348 + -355 4- .364 + .038 4- .038 4- .039 4- .039 4- .039 4- .039 s 4- .005 4- .006 4- .006 4- .006 4- .006 4- .006 O / II 4-86 8 58.88 10 39.11 12 19.33 13 59-56 IS 39-79 17 20.02 it 4- 20.046 4- 20.046 4- 20.046 4- 20.046 4- 20.046 4- 20.045 it 4-.ooo 4- .000 .000 .001 .001 .001 4- .004 4- .004 4- .004 4-. 004 4- .004 4- .004 4- .000 4-.ooo 4- .000 4-.ooo 4- .000 4-.ooo EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. SOUTH. No. 32 L 23 sfg 2 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 i9 2 5 h m s 9 31-59 9 43-32 9 55-01 10 6.64 10 18.23 10 29.77 + 2-351 4- 2.342 + 2.332 4- 2.322 + 2.313 + 2.304 S .200 - -197 ~ -193 - .189 - .186 - .182 s -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 s 4- .00 1 4-.OOI 4- .001 4-.OOI 4- .001 4-.OOI o / // -85 33 1-98 3 1 21.53 29 41.11 28 0.68 26 20.26 24 39.84 II 4- 20.089 4- 20.087 + 20.086 4- 20.085 + 20.084 4- 20.083 // -.023 -.023 -.023 .024 .024 .024 it 4- .059 4- .059 + 059 4- .059 4- .059 + 059 // .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 No. 47. o Octantis 7^5 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s o 12 29.84 12 26.29 12 23.28 12 20.79 12 18.78 12 17.14 - '768 - -654 - -548 - -45 - .358 - .272 + 2.376 4- 2.201 4- 2.040 4- 1.900 4- 1.772 4- 1.651 s 4- .019 4- .018 4- 018 4- .018 4- .01 7 4- .01 7 s .010 .009 .009 -.008 -.008 -.007 -88 55 8.38 53 28 - 2 7 51 48.16 50 8.05 48 27.95 46 47.84 // 4- 20.02 2 4- 20.022 4- 20.022 4-20.021 4- 2O.O2I 4-20.021 .002 -.003 .004 -.005 -.006 .006 it 4- .005 4- .005 + .005 4- .005 + .005 4- .005 II .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 No. 395. L 576 6^1 3 G Octantis 1900 1925 h m s I 40 33.84 39 49-73 - 1-830 1.701 + -533 + .504 s 4- .069 + .068 s .002 .002 / // 83 29 2.12 21 24.67 It 4- 18.286 4-18.311 It 4-.ioi 4- .093 It + .138 + .137 // .004 .004 No. 406. L 634 5"J8 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s I 43 8.09 42 48-53 42 29.26 42 10.27 41 SI'S 6 41 33-13 a ~ 3-942 - 3-883 - 3.826 - 3-77 - 3-714 - 3-659 1 4- 1.172 4- 1.154 + LI37 4- 1. 120 + 1.104 + 1.087 s 4- .019 4- .019 4- .019 4- .019 4- .019 4- .019 S .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 e / n 85 16 29.20 14 58.77 13 28.28 ii 57-73 10 27.13 8 56-47 4- 18.080 4- 18.092 4-18.104 4-18.115 4-18.127 4-18.138 It [+.241 + .237 + .233 + . 228 4-. 224 4-. 220 it 4- .029 4- .029 4- .029 4- .029 4- .029 4- .029 // .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 No. 1096. L 1707 7i 12 G Mensae 1900 1925 h m s 4 34 28.77 31 29.27 s 7.246 - 7.114 s + .527 + -532 s .Oil .on s 4-.OOI 4--OOI O / // -83 6 55.63 3 49-65 // + 7-3I7 4- 7-561 n 4- .982 + 959 it 4- .009 4- .010 // 4- .002 4- .002 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. No. 1547. L 2512 7^1 6 G Octantis SOUTH. 259 a A. V. S. V. M ICO Ait 1 A. V. S. V. rf ioo &n' 1900 1905 1910 i9'5 1920 1925 h m s 6 6 9.51 4 50.82 3 32." 2 13-38 o 54.62 5 59 35-89 s -15-735 -'5-741 -15-745 -15-747 -I5-748 -I5-748 s - -"7 .000 -063 .036 - .009 + .019 s .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 s .000 .OOO + .OOO + .000 + .000 + .000 or rr -85 55 52-97 55 55-37 55 57-20 55 58-45 55 59-12 55 59-23 // - .538 - -423 - .308 - -193 .078 + -37 rr + 2.297 + 2.208 + 2.299 + 2.300 + 2.300 + 2.299 rr + .OOI + .OOI + .001 + .OO2 + .OO2 + .OO2 M + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 + .004 No. 1947. L 3274 6^7 7 G Octantis 1000 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 7 22 1.53 20 22.13 18 42.07 17 1.36 15 20.02 13 38-04 s -19.815 - 19.946 -20.077 20.206 -20.333 20.458 s 2.648 2.621 - 2.592 2.561 - 2.529 - 2-495 s + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 s + .OO2 + .OO2 + .002 + .OO2 + .OO2 + .002 Or // 86 52 11.36 S 2 46-10 53 20.15 53 53-53 54 26.19 54 58-16 // - 7.015 - 6.879 - 6.742 6.604 6.464 - 6-323 + 2.709 + 2-734 + 2-759 + 2.784 + 2.809 + 2-833 // + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 // .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 No. 2102. L 3911 8"Ji A Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 7 53 1-56 49 18.22 45 30.69 4i 38.97 37 43-io 33 43- ! 4 s 44.246 -45.089 -45.928 46.761 -47-585 -48.399 - 16*886 16.824 -16.724 -16.581 16.390 16.151 s .043 -.043 .043 .043 -.043 -043 s + .OOO + .001 + .002 + .OO2 + .003 + 003 or tr 88 34 24.83 35 "-52 35 56.75 36 40.47 37 22.66 38 3-26 // - 9.481 - 9-193 - 8.896 - 8.592 - 8.280 - 7.960 // + 5.690 . + 5.848 + 6.008 + 6.168 + 6.327 + 6.485 rr + .009 + .009 + .OIO + .OIO + .010 + .010 + .006 + .006 + .006 + .006 + .006 + .006 No. 2486. J Octantis 5"?$ 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 9 II 14.45 1 34-95 9 55-3 9 I4-70 8 33-94 7 52.77 - 7.860 - 7.942 8.025 - 8.108 - 8.193 - 8.278 3 .629 .645 - .663 - .680 - .698 - ^IS s .101 .101 .102 .102 .IDS -.103 S .007 .007 .007 .006 -.006 -.006 o / r// -85 15 46.89 17 0.89 18 14.69 19 28.30 20 41.69 21 54.88 // 14.820 - 14.780 14.741 14.699 14.658 -14.617 // + .786 + .796 + .807 + .818 + .829 + .840 rr + .33 + .034 + 034 + 035 + .036 + .036 // + .OIO + .010 + .OIO + .OIO + .OIO + .OIO No. 2715. L 4342 7^6 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 10 8 41.07 8 5-96 7 30-25 6 53-93 6 16.99 5 39-43 3 6.964 - 7.082 7-202 - 7.32S - 7-45 - 7.578 - 2.338 - 2.383 - 2.430 - 2.479 - 2.528 - 2.578 -.048 .048 -.049 -.049 -.049 .050 s -.006 -.007 -.007 .007 -.007 -.007 O / // -86 25 32.65 27 1.22 28 29.67 29 57-99 31 26.18 32 54.23 * -17.726 -17.702 -17.677 -17.651 -17.625 -I7.S98 ft + -485 + -495 + -506 + -S'7 + .528 + .540 // + .002 + .002 + .OO2 + .OO2 + .003 + .003 rr + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .003 + .004 No. 2849. L 4510 7*?i 10 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 "9i5 1920 1925 h m s 10 36 55.16 3 6 39-76 36 24.09 36 8.14 35 Si-9 35 35-38 S - 3.053 - 3- J o7 3.162 - 3-219 - 3-276 - 3-334 s 1.078 - 1.097 1.116 - 1.136 1.156 1.176 s .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 -.004 s .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 Ot // -85 34 20.94 35 54-71 37 28.43 39 2.12 40 35-76 42 9-35 // -18.758 -18.750 -18.741 -18.733 -18.723 -18.714 // + .165 + .169 + -173 + .176 + .180 + -183 // -.014 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 .OOO .OOO .OOO .OOO .OOO .OOO No. 2944. i] Octantis 6*4 1900 1925 h m s II I.l8 10 59 52.86 s - .291 - .376 s - -33 - -354 3 .042 .043 s -.004 .004 / // -84 3 21.32 ii 25.71 // -19-378 -19-373 rr + .021 + .024 rr .014 .014 n + .OO2 + .002 2<5o EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. Ho. 3144. L 4991 6*Jo 12 G Octantis, h 4490 9" 25" 146 SOUTH. a A.V. S. V. M too A/i s A.V. S. V. M' loo A/t' 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s II 57 18.87 57 33-io 57 47-42 58 i. 80 58 16.27 58 30-81 + 2*839 + 2.854 + 2.870 + 2.885 + 2.901 + 2.917 + .296 + -301 + .306 + -3" + -317 + -322 s -.051 -.051 -.052 -.052 -.052 -.052 s .006 .006 -.006 .006 .006 .006 o / // -85 4 29.70 6 9-93 7 50.16 9 30.39 ii 10.62 12 50.85 // 20.047 20.046 20.046 20.046 20.046 20.045 // + .004 + .004 + .004 + -005 + .005 + .006 tt .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 it + .000 + .000 + .000 + .000 .000 .000 Ho. 3185. Brisb 3962 6^9 13 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 12 9 31.46 9 54.08 IO 17.11 10 40.55 ii 4.41 ii 28.73 + 4-486 + 4-564 + 4-645 + 4-73 + 4.818 + 4-910 s + J -534 + 1-596 + i. 660 + 1.728 + 1.800 + 1.877 s .072 -.073 -.074 -075 .076 -.077 s .019 .019 .020 .020 .021 .O2I o / // -87 5 1 33-64 53 13-78 54 53-91 S 6 34-04 58 14.16 59 54-26 20.030 20.028 20.026 20.024 20.022 20.020 tt + -035 + -037 + -039 + .040 + .042 + .044 // .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .001 .001 Ho. 3225. L 5107 6^7 14 G Octantis 1900 I00 5 1910 !9!5 1920 1925 h m s 12 17 37.00 17 59-04 18 21.25 18 43-66 19 6.25 19 29.05 + 4^88 + 4-425 + 4.462 + 4-50 + 4-538 + 4-578 s + .720 + -734 + .748 + .762 + -777 + .792 s .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 S .002 .OO2 .002 .OO2 .002 .002 O / ft -85 35 45-32 37 25.28 39 5-22 40 45.16 42 25.07 44 4-97 // - 19-994 -19.991 - 19.988 - 19.985 19.982 -19.978 ft + -057 + -059 + .061 + .062 + -063 + .064 tt .006 .006 .006 -.006 -.006 -.006 // .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Ho. 3325. 1,5235 7*1 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 12 40 59.58 42 49.16 44 46.75 46 53-35 49 10.08 5 1 38.27 s + 21.172 + 22.689 +24-388 + 26.292 +28.443 +30.881 + 28.711 + 32.081 + 35-908 + 40.441 + 45-730 + 51.976 s -.072 -.074 -.077 -.079 -.082 -.085 B -045 -.048 -.051 -054 -.058 -.061 / ft 89 15 1.08 16 39.70 18 18.16 19 56.45 21 34-54 23 12.41 // -I9.738 -19.709 -19.674 -19-638 -19.598 -I9.550 // + ^56 + .620 + .698 + .786 + .889 + I.OII ft .on .on .on .on .on .012 tl .002 .002 .002 -.003 -.003 -.003 Ho. 3340. t. Octantis 5^5 1900 1925 h m s 12 44 27.00 46 SS.S 6 + 5 S 83i + 6.056 + *866 + -933 B + .044 + .045 S + .004 + .004 Of ft -84 34 48-87 42 S9-83 tt I9.66l -I9.6I7 H + -173 + .100 tt + .OIO + .010 // + .OOI + .001 No. 3473. L 5452 74 17 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 13 19 43.02 20 26.31 21 IO.OO 21 54.09 22 38.60 23 23.55 + 8^618 + 8.698 + 8.778 + 8.861 + 8.944 + 9.029 + 1*580 + i. 606 + 1.632 + 1.658 + 1.684 + 1.711 S .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 S .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Of tf -85 18 26.18 20 0.39 21 34-49 23 8.48 24 42-35 26 16. ii // -18.853 -18.831 - 18.809 -18.786 - 18.763 - 18.739 ff + .436 + -444 + -452 + .460 + .468 + .476 -.007 -.007 .007 -.007 -.007 -.007 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 No. 3493. K Octantis 5*J7 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m 3 13 24 42.12 25 26.51 26 11.32 26 56.53 27 42.16 28 28.22 + 8 S 8 3 8 + 8.920 + 9.001 + 9-085 + 9.170 + 9-256 + i. 606 + 1-631 + 1.656 + 1.682 + 1.708 + 1-734 s -.073 -073 -074 -.074 -.074 -075 s -.007 -.007 -.007 -.007 .007 -.007 Of ff 85 16 24.65 17 58.18 19 31-58 21 4.87 aa 38.03 24 11.07 // -18.717 18.694 18.669 - 18.645 18.620 -18.595 // + .469 + .478 + .486 + -494 + -503 + .512 tt .024 .024 .024 -.025 -.025 .026 tt .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 Ho. 3661. 8 Octantis 4*i 1900 1925 h jm s 14 10 51.70 14 42.18 + 9o87 + 9-353 s + 1-043 + 1. 086 B -.052 -.052 s -.003 -.003 / '/ 83 12 35-12 19 34.82 tf - 16.880 - 16.696 tt + -719 + -759 // -.013 .014 tf .004 .004 EPHEMERIDES OF POLAR STARS. SOUTH. No. 3760. L 5823 68 2^0 G Octantis z 26l a A. V. S. V. /* ioo A/i s A. V. S. V. M' IOO A/i' 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 14 38 59-88 41 3.80 43 9-96 45 18.41 47 29.18 49 42.34 s + 24.564 + 25.007 + 25-459 + 25.920 + 26.392 + 26.872 + 8*762 + 8.948 + 9-137 + 9-328 + 9-520 + 9-7I4 s -.180 -.181 -.182 -.182 -.183 -.184 s -.017 .016 -.015 -.015 .014 -.013 / ft 87 44 30.62 45 47-73 47 4-26 48 20.18 49 35-48 50 SO-I3 // 15.480 -15-364 -15.246 -15-123 - 14.997 -14.867 + 2.279 + 2.346 + 2.414 + 2.484 + 2.557 + 2.632 It .067 -.068 .069 .070 .070 -.071 a -.017 -.017 -.017 -.018 -.018 .018 No. 3806. a Octantis 6o 1900 1925 h m s 14 49 22.12 54 33-S 1 s + 12.256 + 12.657 + 1*578 + 1.632 s + .012 + .013 s + .003 + .003 / It -84 23 40.36 29 48.09 ft - 14-863 ~ I 4-553 + 1. 211 + 1.281 It .046 .046 + .001 + .OOI No. 3924. p Octantis 5^8 1900 1925 h m s 15 20 II.S5 25 44-20 s + 13-130 + 13-483 s + 1.404 + 1-425 + .089 + .089 s + .OO2 + .001 / // -84 7 54-79 13 9.88 -12.792 -12.414 + 1.483 + !-552 ft + .081 + .083 + .OIO + .010 No. 4106. L 6545 6"?3 26 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 16 23 34.61 25 21.62 27 9.20 28 57-38 30 46.11 32 35-42 s + 21.343 + 21.460 + 21.576 + 21.691 + 21.805 + 21.917 s + 2.353 + 2.332 + 2.311 + 2.288 + 2.264 + 2.238 S + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 + .007 s + .OOI + .001 + .OOI + .000 + .000 + .000 O / // -86 10 42.86 ii 23.44 12 3.31 12 42.46 13 20.88 J 3 58.55 // 8.189 - 8.046 - 7.902 - 7-756 7.610 - 7.462 It + 2.845 + 2.870 + 2.895 + 2.920 + 2.945 + 2.970 H .OOI .OOI .001 .001 .OOI .OOI + .OOI + .OOI + .001 + .001 + .OOI + .001 No. 4456. L 7078 66 29 G Octantis 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m s 17 29 59.64 3' 33-44 33 7-37 34 41.42 3 15-59 37 49.86 + 18?747 +18.773 + 18.798 + 18.822 + 18.844 + 18.865 + "538 + .512 + .486 + .460 + -434 + .408 s -.026 -.025 -.025 .024 .024 -.023 s + .011 + .011 + .OII + .OI2 + .012 + .OI2 o / // -85 10 34.13 10 47-54 ii 0.26 ii 12.30 ii 23.66 ii 34-34 - 2.748 2.613 - 2.477 - 2.341 2.205 - 2.068 + 2.707 + 2.713 + 2.718 + 2.724 + 2.728 + 2-733 It -.131 -.131 -.131 -.132 -.132 -.132 // .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 No. 4550. x Octantis 5?4 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 h m 3 17 56 4.68 59 3-40 18 2 2.16 5 0.92 7 59-6o 10 58.16 +35.738 +35-750 + 35-753 + 35-745 + 3S-726 + 35-697 + -369 + -157 ~ -055 - .266 - -477 - .687 s .096 .094 .091 -.088 -.086 -.083 s + .050 + 051 + .051 + .052 + .052 + 053 O / // -87 39 5!-49 39 53-21 39 53-63 39 52-75 39 50-58 39 47-io n - -474 - -215 + .046 + -306 + -565 + -825 + 5-197 + 5.200 + 5.200 + 5-197 + 5-193 + 5.186 ft --I3I -.132 -.132 -'33 -134 -134 It .014 .014 -.013 -.013 .012 .012 No. 4854. etc., in the at or proper motion, of which the first, only, can have any sensible effect during the period of observa- tion thus far elapsed. In other words, we may assume that the proper motion varies uniformly with the time. This produces in the positions a term: , A^ /T- i8 75 V ' dt \ loo ) dlt, ~ fi , -jr may be resolved into its components ~T and -jr> and these latter may be determined from the results of meridian-observations. In the equations for determining the correction to the assumed place, the term, (rf, has been introduced to account for the perspective effect in right- dt ascension, so that the conditional equation becomes: 270 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 and similarly for declination. The unit of r is one century. We take as centennial /^,, 703^5 ; for p, + 399 "5 ; and for /*', S79'.'o, these being the instantaneous values assumed for 1875. Then the solution of the conditional equations gives: From R.A., | ^ (centennial) = -"0x584; ^? = - "0296 "0380 at at From dec!., i- ^- (centennial) = -"0173; ^ = + "0420 "0214 at at Assigning to these two results weights, one for R.A. and 3 for decl., in close accordance with their respective probable errors, we have as the value of -^' determined from the meridian-observa- dl tions: ^- =+'.'0241 '.'0190 m In the case of Groomb 1830, -^ may be found in another way. Let w be the annual parallax of a star, /v. its centennial proper-motion in arc, and / its radial motion in kilometers per second, then, after Seeliger (Ast. Nach., Bd., 154, s. 67): o -^ = - .00000205 Ipo IT If, now, for Groomb 1830 we put / = 96 km. from the result obtained at the Lick Observatory; /*'= 7O3'.'S> and ir = V'i2, we have, in good agreement with the value of the same quantity derived from meridian-observations. As there is some uncertainty in the determination of motion in the line of sight for so faint a star, and proportionately still greater uncertainty in a parallax so small, it may be assumed that a more probable result would be reached by adopting the mean of the values derived from the two dif- ferent sources or: Adopted = +"0204 at The resulting corrections to the secular variations computed in the ordinary way, as for other stars in the Catalogue, are: = -"0168 at at which have been adopted. It is probable that the adoption of these quantities may result in a smaller error of prediction than would have resulted from their rejection. No. 3307. y Virginis. 5 1670. 3*6-3*6. This is a celebrated binary system having a period of about 194 years according to See (Stellar Systems). See's orbit is here adopted in computing the relation of the separate stars to the center of gravity. Since the effective meridian-observations cover only about one-half of the orbital period, there is serious indetermination between the orbital and proper-motion. However, both of the stars have been well observed; and the comparatively equal brightness of components is prob- ably favorable to relatively small systematic errors of observation wherever the mean has been observed. Assuming the star which is now south -folio wing to be the principal star, the distance of the center of gravity from it in terms of the distance, p, between the two components is found to be as follows: From observations of /, R. A., 0.30 wt. i Decl., 0.56 wt. 2 From observations of y 2 R. A., 0.49 wt. i Decl., 0.65 wt. 2 Mean by weights 0.54 APPENDIX II 2 7 I The observed relative masses, calling the mass of the principal star unity, are : i to i.i, the com- panion being the more massive. But since the brightness of the two components is nearly the same, and the difference in observed relative masses is smaller than the probable error properly attaching to that difference, the masses are assumed to be equal. On that basis the following table has been prepared, giving quantities which must be added to the catalogue-place to get the place of the principal star. Reversing the signs of the table and adding, we derive the predicted place of the companion star, at the present time north, preceding. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. 1754 s + .146 n -4.32 1844 s .012 ft - -93 1888 s + .082 -2.49 1756 + 147 -2.30 1848 -.003 1.24 1892 + .088 -2-54 1758 + .148 2.26 1852 + .007 -1.48 1896 + .094 -2.56 1812 + .118 - -78 1856 + .016 -1.68 1900 + .IOO -2.58 1816 + .110 - .61 1860 + .026 -1.86 1904 + .106 2.60 1820 + .IOO - -43 1864 + .036 2.OO 1908 + .112 -2.61 1824 +.086 - -24 1868 + .044 2.12 1912 + .116 2.61 1828 +.069 - .04 1872 + .052 2.22 1916 + .121 2.60 1832 + .045 + .16 1876 + .060 -2.30 1920 + .126 -2-59 1836 .000 + .21 1880 + .068 -2. 3 8 1924 + 13 -2.58 1840 .020 - -5 1884 + .074 -2.44 No. 3735. a Centauri. The magnitudes are o^o and 1$, and the annual parallax may be taken as o"75. This is one of the most interesting stars in the sky on account of its large parallax, o"75, and its comparatively rapid orbital motion. In computing the place of the center of gravity, the orbit of Roberts (A.N., 133, 105) was adopted. This makes the period 81.185 years. The components are so widely separated that the observations of either should not be seriously affected in a systematic way by the presence of the other. In determining the position of the center of gravity, the two components are almost equally available. Following is a summary of results for the mass of the fainter compo- nent, that of the principal star being assumed as the unit : Mass 0.67 0.78 0.89 0.91 0.85 Wt. 8 55 14 70 Observations of fainter star, R.' A., Decl., Observations of brighter star, R. A., Decl., Adopted mean The center of gravity appears to be located at about 0.458 p, from the brighter toward the fainter star, p representing the entire distance. In computing the proper-motion, some of the observa- tions were corrected for parallax, according to a summary process, assuming the parallax to be "75. The following table gives the quantities which must be added to the Catalogue-prediction for the respective dates in order to derive the position of the brighter component. If the numbers of the table be multiplied by 1.183 an( i added to the positions computed from the Catalogue, we shall have the positions of the fainter component for the respective dates. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. 1830 s + .700 It + 7-3I 1868 s -.172 -4.42 1890 + .467 + 7-S4 1835 + .658 + 6. ii 1869 -.199 -4-47 1895 + .596 + 8.53 1840 + 592 + 4.70 1870 -.223 -4.46 1900 + .671 + 8.72 1845 + .498 + 3.06 1872 -.251 -4.09 1905 + .707 + 8-37 1850 + .406 + .76 1874 .246 -3-17 1910 + -73 + 7.61 1854 + .271 .21 1876 -.188 -1.60 1915 + .671 + 6.49 1858 + .150 -1.68 1878 -.097 + -25 1920 + .612 + 5.10 1862 + .019 -3-4 1880 + .017 + 2.12 1925 + 523 + 3-5 1866 .112 -4.11 1885 + .279 + 5.64 272 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO No. 3798. | Bootis e.g. "2 1888. The period of this binary is 148.46 years according to Biesbroeck (A.N., 3989), and the mag- nitudes of the components are 4""8 and 6^7. Although the position angle of the companion had described less than 180 within the period of accurate measurements, the orbits recently computed are apparently entitled to greater weight than is usual under such circumstances. However, the relative motion of the components has been slowly accelerating up to the present time; and this is a condition that makes for uncertainty in prediction. Yet it is probably better to make some attempt to determine the relation of the masses of the two stars, and then refer the motion of the components to the resulting center of gravity than it would be to assume that the motion of either star is rectilinear. For the distance of the brighter star from the center of gravity, reckoned in terms of />, the distance between the two stars, we have: From right-ascension, .60 p wt. 2 From decl., .41 p wt. 5 Adopted, .47 p Accordingly, putting the mass of the brighter star as unity, that of the companion would be .87. If the numbers of the following table be added to the catalogue-position of the corresponding dates, we shall have the places of the brighter star. Multiplying the tabular numbers by 1.15, and adding to the catalogue-place, produces the corresponding positions of the companion. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. 1824 5 + .094 n -3-13 1888 s + .IIO ft + .42 1908 -.028 ft + -94 1832 + .114 -2-95 1892 + .091 + .72 1910 -043 + .72 1840 + .131 -2.68 1896 + .068 + .98 1912 -S5 + -45 1848 + 144 -2.32 1900 + -39 + 1.15 1914 .062 + .14 1856 + .I S 2 -1.89 1902 + 023 + 1.18 1916 .067 - -I? 1864 + -IS4 -1.38 1904 + .006 + 1.16 1920 -.068 - -78 1872 + .149 - .82 1906 .012 + 1.09 1924 -.036 -1.28 1880 + -I3S .21 Nos. 3846 and 3847. Grw^ 1220 and Br 1923. 44 Bootis /. S 1909. The positions in the Catalogue are given to the nearest o?i and i" only because of the well- marked binary motion of the two components. In particular, the fact that the companion reached apastron about 1870 and is now well on its way toward periastron, with accelerating motion, tends to make future prediction unsafe, in view of the absence of knowledge as to the approximate ele- ments of the orbit. The magnitudes, about 51*2 and 61 I 2, do not appear to be sufficiently unequal to render marked inequality of masses probable. The center of gravity is likely to be near the mean between the two stars. Adopting the mean, we should have: R. A. = is h o m 29?537. Decl. = + 48 2' 3 $'.'65. /* = - 80406. /*' = + '.'028 No- 3923. i\ Coronae Bor. S 1937. A very well-known binary. The period is about 41.5 years; the distances never much exceed i"; and the magnitudes of the two stars are assumed to be about 5 I U I 7 and 6"?2. The meridian observers have necessarily pointed upon the general mass of light, and this can not have been very different from the center of gravity, to which the catalogue-position may be supposed approxi- mately to correspond. No. 3960. S Serpentis. S 1954. Among the meridian-observations employed in this discussion, none previous to 1850 refer to the south star. If the position for 1900 of that component is desired, it can best be obtained through the micrometer-differences, thus: South star, 5" i. R. A. = is h 3o m i?492. Decl. = + 10 52' IQ'.^O. /= 50041. ^' = '.'004 No. 3988. 2 Coronae Bor. S 1965. The companion is of magnitude 6i, and is very nearly fixed with reference to the principal star at a distance of 6". Meridian observers neglected the companion, however, until near 1860. Con- APPENDIX II 2 73 sequently the published material for computing the proper motion of ? is slender. Assuming the p.m. to be the same as that given for * in the Catalogue, and that Aa = 0^438 AS = + 3^40, for 1900 as computed from the micrometrical observations, we have for 1900: f 1 Coronae, R. A. = is h 35 36?a82. Decl. = 36 57' 40^49 A few good determinations of the position of >.' 5?5 Comp. I7 h 20 13^709 50036 + 37 14' i8'.'32 + '.'002. Nos. 4556 and 4557. 95 Herculis. S 2264. The position of the mean was computed with the probable errors indicated for each component. Then by means of the micrometrical measurements, assuming the stars relatively fixed, we have Aa= o?437; A8= i"u. From these differences the positions of the separate stars are derived. No. 4571. 70 Ophiuchi c.g.= Er 2271. S 2272. The annual parallax may be taken as o"is. This binary system has a period of 88.4 years according to See (Stellar Systems), whose orbit is adopted in determining the relation of the center of gravity of the two components, which are of magnitudes 4 M 3 and ^S. Both stars have been well observed; but it seemed well to reduce the observations of the fainter star to the places of the brighter star by means of the differences resulting from the adopted orbit. This done, it is found that the proportional part of the entire distance, p (reckoning from the brighter, toward the fainter star), at which the center of gravity is situated is, from meridian-observations of R. A., .48 .02 from meridian-observations of decl., .42 .03 The mean, .45 p, has been adopted as the most probable result, since the result from declina- tions, though having a larger probable error, is less likely to suffer from systematic errors due to the proximity of the two stars. Thus the mass of the fainter star in terms of that of the brighter is .82. It does not seem probable, in any case, that the fainter star has a larger mass than the brighter. The following table gives quantities which, added to the positions computed from the catalogue- place of the center of gravity, will give the predicted place of the principal star. Multiplying the tabular numbers by 1.22, and adding as before, gives the corresponding positions of the fainter component Date. Ao. AS. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. 1816 s + .011 it + .Si 1856 -?I 7 6 ft + I.IO 1892 + .036 It - .86 1820 -.027 + 1.24 1860 -.171 + .87 1896 + -S3 - -5 1824 .061 + I-53 1864 -.161 + .60 1900 + .047 + .16 1828 .091 + 1.70 1868 -.147 + -33 1904 + .014 + .76 1832 -.117 + 1.78 1872 -.128 + .04 1908 .024 + I.2I 1836 -139 + 1.80 1876 .104 - .24 1912 -059 + I.SO 1840 -.154 + 1.74 1880 -7S - -5* 1916 .090 + 1.67 1844 -.166 + 1.64 1884 .040 - -75 1920 -.116 + 1.76 1848 -.174 + i-S 1888 .002 - .90 1924 -.138 + 1.78 1852 -.177 + 1.32 276 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 Nos. 5433 and 5434. 61 Cygni. Br 2744-5. S 2758. The magnitudes of the components are assumed to be 5*5 and 6i. Although the micrometrical measures of this double star are numerous and accurate, the change in position angle is so small that it does not suffice for the computation of an orbit that is even fairly approximate. It might be assumed, however, with much plausibility, that the observed arc can be accurately represented by a parabola, following the precedent adopted with first orbits of comets. But in the present instance it has been found that not even this device would be of any service, since the direction of periastron is still indeterminate. Accordingly, as a last resort, and in order to provide more reliable means for predicting the positions of the two components, the combined effect of curvature of path and variation of proper-motion has been computed from the meridian-observations in each coordinate, assuming this effect to be proportional to the square of the time-interval, T, expressed in centuries, from the epoch 1875. We have for ^ : R. A. R. A. Decl. V) 61' Cygni (f 800389=) +'.'0460 -.0016! 6i 2 Cygni (.00129=) .0152 +.0204] Taking these as the basis of further computations, we may gain some idea of the relative masses of the component stars of this system in the following manner. Let the unit of mass be that of the brighter star, and a, the mass of the fainter star. Dr. Bergstrand determines the coefficient of the centennial term in r 2 for the differences in declination between the two stars to be +"0134; and the corresponding term in right-ascension, '.'0460. (Roy. Soc. Upsala, Ser. IV. Vol. I, No. 3.) These values are probably far more accurate than those which are derived from the meridian- observations, + "0220 and "0612 respectively. The ratio of Dr. Bergstrand's terms, 3.43, may be taken as a known quantity, therefore, so that if, for orbital effect alone, b denotes the coefficient of i 2 in declination-equations of the fainter star, then 3.43 b will be the corresponding coefficient for right-ascension. Further, let A/^, denote the centennial variation of the proper-motion upon a great circle, due to assumption of uniform rectilinear motion (see Introduction, as well as the note on Groombridge 1830, No. 3112), then we shall have the following equations: From 6I 1 R. A., 0.796 + 3.43 a b = + '.'0460 6i 2 R. A., 0.796 -p - 3.43 6 =- .0152 A 61 1 Decl., 0.605 _J-?_ i.ooa b = .0016 61 2 Decl., 0.605 + i. oo b = + .0204 The solution of these equations leads to the following values of the unknowns : Auo = + "0163 o = + 1.16 b = + '.'00841 ab = + '.'00975 Varying the assumptions adopted in the foregoing, values of a and ^ similar to these are 2 derived, and it is found that a value of a less than unity is not inconsistent with the data. One may rather confidently conclude that neither star has twice the mass of the other, and no great error will be committed if it be assumed that the masses are equal. The comparatively small differ- ence of magnitude of the two components is favorable to this assumption; and there is always a probability in such cases that the mass of the brighter star is not less than that of the fainter a probability which has been sustained in the computations for this Catalogue in every instance where the data were really adequate to a decision. Accordingly, the masses are here assumed to be equal. This being the case, one-half of the observed effect of perspective upon the proper motion of the center of gravity in a great circle will be found in the mean of the square-terms in right- ascension and declination respectively, already determined (A). APPENDIX II 277 + "046 - "01 from R. A., = ' 2 \ ^ = +'.'0194 - "002 + "020 from (fccl., = ; x 6og = + "0155 The mean is +"0174, which chances to agree very closely with that derived from the equa- tions (B). We may, therefore, adopt as the perspective effect observed in the meridian-observa- tions: A/UO = + "034, with a probable error of perhaps "020. A/XO may also be computed according to the formula of Seeliger (A.N., Bd. 154, s. 67. See also previous note on Groomb 1830). For this purpose let us assume: fi = s"2o; ir = '.'34; I = 62 km. The latter quantity is the result for motion in the line of sight derived at the Yerkes Observatory, in kind compliance with the author's request. This will give us A^, = + '022, in very fair agreement with that derived from meridian-observations. We may assume that this result is entitled to twice the weight of A^ from meridian-observations, and this leads to the value of A/* (the perspective effect) finally adopted: A^ = + "026 A/u = + "021 A^' = + "016 This means that the proper-motion of 61 Cygni is now increasing at about this rate ( + '.'026) per century, due to the perspective effect of approach upon the angular motion in a great circle of the projected uniform rectilinear motion of the point midway between the two stars. Combining this with the effect of orbital motion as determined by Dr. Bergstrand, on the assumption that one-half the effect is applicable to each star (and remembering that the effect on "secular variation" is twice this amount), we have: AM A/t' 61 1 Cygni, effect of perspective term + "0206 + "oi$8 61* Cygni, effect of orbital term + .0460 .0134 -I- '.'067 = + ^0056 + .002 61 2 Cygni, effect of perspective term + "0206 + "01 58 6i 2 Cygni, effect of orbital motion .0460 + .0134 .025 = '0022 + .029 It will be remembered that these quantities were determined directly from the meridian-observa- tions at the outset (equations A giving one-half these terms). We therefore have the following comparison between the values directly determined from the meridian-observations and those resulting from adjustment, as above, and adopted: Direct Adjusted 6I 1 Cygni. A^, = + '.'092 + '.'067 6I 1 Cygni. A/A' = .OO3 + .002 6i 2 Cygni. Ap, = .030 .025 6i 2 Cygni. Aii' = + .041 + .029 The agreement appears to be fairly satisfactory, and the secular variations and values of A/* and A/, as they would have otherwise appeared in the Catalogue, are corrected for perspective and orbital effects as herein adopted. Nos. 5832 and 5833. "Z 2922. For 1900 we have 5 M 9-6"7, 22", 185 for S 2922. There is a companion of B, 10" 28" 155. The two principal stars differ little in right-ascension. The meridian difference agrees badly with the result from micrometrical measures. In order to produce better agreement, the solution of the equations in right-ascension for No. 5832 (the fainter star, which is of 6^7) has been somewhat forced by the rejection of Br'y., Pi., Tay., and Paris tt . 278 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 No. 6172. Br. 3198. 85 Pegasi. p 733. This is a binary with a period of about 25.7 years, according to Burnham, whose orbit is here adopted for special discussion of irregular proper-motion. The magnitudes of the components are 6"o and nfo respectively. The meridian-observations have a total weight of only 22.5 in R. A., and of 25.2 in declination, much less than the weights for any other binary treated in these notes. They give for the proportional distance of the center of gravity to the entire distance from the bright to the faint star: From right-ascensions 0.51 .16 From declinations 0.84 .20 Mean by weights 0.64 .13 This corresponds to a mass for the faint star of 1.8 the bright star having been taken as the unit. The aspect of these numbers lends plausibility to the hypothesis of greater mass for the fainter star. But the meridian-observations are not entirely inconsistent with the hypothesis of equality of mass, as may be supposed from the probable error. There is no other instance in which it has been pos- sible to demonstrate with a strong preponderance of probability that the fainter component of a binary star has the greater mass, while the strong natural inference must be in favor of greater mass for the brighter component, especially when the discrepancy in brightness is very great, as in the present instance. Accordingly, it is here assumed that the two masses are sensibly equal and that the center of gravity is halfway between the two stars. The Catalogue gives the position of the center of gravity. Adding to this position quantities derived from the following table, we have for the respective dates the positions of the brighter star. In like manner the position of the fainter star is obtained from this table after reversal of signs. Date. Aa. AS. Date. Aa. AS. 1880 I90S-7 s + .024 .12 1895 1920.7 s + .004 It + .38 1881 1906.7 + .019 -.16 1896 1921.7 + .008 + .36 1882 1907.7 + .OI2 -.18 1897 1922.7 + .OI2 + -34 1883 1908.7 + .001 -.18 1898 i9 2 3-7 + .016 + 3 1884 1909.7 .006 .12 1899 1924.7 + .018 + .26 1885 1910.7 .014 -.04 1900 I925-7 + .022 + .21 1886 1911.7 .020 + .08 1901 + .024 + .16 1887 1912.7 .020 + .18 1902 + .026 + .10 1888 I9I3-7 .O2O + .24 1903 + .027 + .04 1889 1914.7 .OI9 + .30 1904 + .027 .02 1890 I9IS-7 .Ol6 + -34 1905 + .026 -.08 1891 1916.7 .OI2 + .38 1906 + .O22 -13 1892 1917.7 -.009 + 39 1893 1918.7 .O05 + .40 1894 1919.7 .OOO + .40 APPENDIX III. SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS AND WEIGHTS. APPENDIX III. SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS AND WEIGHTS. The principal points concerning the formation of the systematic corrections and weights con- tained in this Appendix have been explained in the articles upon these subjects contained in Volume XXIII of the Astronomical Journal (Nos. 534, 536, 540, 541, 545, 549, and 550). There has been frequent occasion to allude to these quantities in the Introduction to the present volume. The Systematic Corrections herein contained are the result of an extension and thorough revision of the tables contained in Nos. 549 and 550 of the Astronomical Journal. The tables which follow give : Aa a . Systematic corrections in right-ascension that vary with the argument, a, are given in the first table. Bracketed with Aa a is sometimes given A'a, the coefficient of a term of correc- tion, A'oatgS. The distinction between these quantities is that Aa a is a correction com- posed of a constant in combination with a term periodic with right-ascension. At any particu- lar value of a it is constant for all declinations. This may be termed the equinox-correction. But in some cases there is associated with this a term which might be called the A'a. term. It is not only periodic in a, but at the same time varies with the declination more commonly as tg 8. Among other causes the term in A'a a may be attributed to an annual periodic error in determining the polar point of the instrument, so that, in reducing transits there is an out- standing error in them of the form, n tgS, with n having an annual period. In some cases there may be a sensible error of annual period in determination of collimation. This would produce an error in the transits of the approximate form, A'a. (tg tg * ), in which p i \ 2 2j the polar distance of a given star, and P is the mean polar distance of the clock stars employed. Aos. Systematic corrections in right-ascension that vary with the declination alone are given in the table next following that for Aa a . They may be due to irregularities of pivots, personal errors of the observers, errors of illumination, and a variety of causes. For convenience of in- terpolation, Aaj cos 8 is given in the tables for declinations higher than 80. Between +80 and 80 Aaj is given, as it is to be applied to observed right-ascension^ without multiplica- tion by cos 8. Aa M . At the foot of the pages giving Aaj are given the systematic corrections for Magnitude- equations, Aa M , of the several catalogues. The values of Aa M are probably more reliable for stars brighter than 7^0 than they are for fainter stars; but they should still be good approxi- mations in most cases down to 8o, or fainter. Values of Aa M marked * are not the result of observation, but are mean values computed from !oo69 (M 3.5). The total correction to be applied to the right-ascension found in the original catalogues of observation is : Ao = Aa a + Aaj + Aa M , where Aa. may be taken as Aa a + A'a a tg 8, when- ever the latter term becomes sensible. Corrections to the right-ascensions of the Zones of the Astronomische Gesellschaft follow in the next table. These corrections were derived with very great care and are based upon more than 2,900 quasi-standards. In determination of Aa M beyond seventh magnitude, much assistance was derived from the comparisons of the A. G. zones with each other and with Pulk 75, instituted by Dr. Auwers. (Ast. Nach., Vol. 161, Nos. 3842-3-4.) 279 is 280 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 DECLINATIONS. AS.. Corrections in declinations that vary with the right-ascension alone as an argument are given next after the tables for A. G. zones right-ascension. Corrections of this form may be attributed to annual effects of temperature, etc., upon the instrument and its environment, neglected variation of latitude, and effect of faulty astronomical constants adopted in reduction from apparent place to epoch of catalogue, especially in earlier times. A8j. Systematic corrections in declination, with the argument declination, are found in the next table. In the case of Br 1755 the arguments 5 apart do not suffice. A special table of correc- tions, ASj, for Br 1755 appears under Remark (n) at the end of these tables. A8{ is easily accounted for through the effects of insufficiently corrected errors of graduation, flexure, refraction, etc. In some cases these curves have been analyzed and attributed to their probable sources (see, especially, Ast. Jour., Vol. XXIII, pp. 120-122, 126, 157-162, 210, etc.). Then follow corrections in declination of the Zone-Catalogues of the Astronomische Gesellschafl. The full systematic correction in declination is: AS = A8 a -f AS^. ^ ./i Next follow tables of weights that have been employed in the computations for this Catalogue. These were prepared from the probable errors of the residuals found in solution from the standard stars. For the catalogues of highest precision, only the principal standard stars were employed. In computing and successively revising the weights, particular attention was devoted to the pro- gressive relation of the weights to number of observations. It has been assumed that there is a probable error (b) that is not affected by the number of observations but is inherent in the instrument, observer, or environment; or what is much the same thing, this part of probable error may be considered to be due in part to the practical impossibility of determining all the minor peculiarities of curves of systematic correction. This amounts to the assumption that when a certain number of observations is reached in a series of observations, the probable error is no longer sensibly diminished by increase in the number of observations. Usually, the weaker the catalogue, the smaller this maximum number of observations will be. Combined with this is the ordinary probable error of observation (ei) which diminishes proportionally with :=, n being the number V n of observations. Obviously the probable error (e c ) of the catalogue-place will be: In the solution of such equations for determining eg and 1( it was customary to substitute for eo, in which r represents a trial ratio for fl, such as i, i 4, 5, 6 8. Then by o means of auxiliary tables that value of r is found which best harmonizes with the probable errors found for the residuals arranged in groups according to the number of observations. The adopted probable error of the unit of weight is '.30, repeatedly verified as the computation progressed. For convenience in the formation of normal equations for determination of Aoo and A/XO, etc., only the denominations of weight represented in the left-hand columns of these tables were used. This permits the formation of auxiliary tables in compact forms that greatly expedite the formation of the normal equations. When the zenith-distance of a star observed at a given observatory is more than 72, it has been customary in the computations for this Catalogue to multiply the weights for right-ascensions, as given in the tables, by certain factors presently to be given. In like manner factors are adopted for reducing the weights in declination, beginning with 65 of zenith distance. The adopted factors are: APPENDIX III 28l Z. D. FACTORS. Right-Ascension Declination Right-Ascension Declination Z. D. Factor Z. D. Factor Z. D. Factor Z. D. Factor 7* 0.9 65 0.9 78 0.6 73 0.6 73 0.9 66 0.9 79 o-S 74 -5 74 0.8 67 0.8 80 0.4 75 o-S 75 0.8 68 0.8 81 0.25 76 0.4 76 0.7 69 0.8 82 0.1 77 0.4 77 0.7 70 0.7 78 o-3 7i 0.7 79 O.2 72 0.6 80 O.I These weights can only be regarded as rough estimates. For many of the catalogues they are probably too large. For a few catalogues, indicated in the notes, special factors were employed. The body of the tables contains under the designation of each catalogue the number of observa- tions that corresponds to the weight found on the same line at the extreme left. It is scarcely necessary to say that these weights are relative only. They are based upon the assumption that the system of this Catalogue, in comparison with an individual catalogue of observation, is nearly absolute. Finally, come the Remarks, or Notes, which have been limited to the cases most in need of explanation. These are referred to in the tables by numerals inclosed in parentheses. 282 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT -ASCENSION. Aa fl Br 1755 R (i) Pi oo Groomb 10 Kon 15 Grwis DptisR(4) h s s s s s s s s s O .065 .019 tg 5* + .101 +.042 tgS + .035 -.027tgS -.082 -.025 + 034 I .079 .012 + .103 +.027 + .046 -.037 -.083 .022 + .034 2 .095 .005 + .106 +.009 + .054 - .045 .084 .018 + .032 3 .098 + .004 + .HO .013 + .058 - .049 -.084 -.015 + .027 4 .093 +.011 + .115 -.037 + .058 - .050 -.085 .Oil + .021 5 .087 + .020 + .119 .060 + .055 .048 -.085 -.007 + 013 6 .081 +.024 + .124 .083 + .047 .042 -.085 .004 + .004 7 -.077 +.027 + .128 .107 + .036 .034 -.085 .OO2 -.005 8 -.077 +.031 +.132 -.127 + .023 - .023 -.085 .000 .OI4 9 -.083 +.031 + .134 -.133 + .008 .010 .084 .000 .021 10 .091 +.029 +.136 -.129 .007 + .003 -.084 .001 -.027 ii .096 + .025 + .136 .107 .022 +.OI6 -.083 .002 -.032 12 .096 +.019 + .135 -.084 -.035 +.027 .082 -.005 -34 13 .090 +.012 + .133 .018 .046 +.037 -.081 -.008 034 14 .085 + .005 +.130 +.053 - .054 + .045 -.080 .OI2 -.032 IS .083 .004 + .126 +.065 .058 + .049 -.080 -.015 -.027 16 .081 .on + .121 +.O7O .058 + .050 -.079 .019 .021 17 .079 .020 + .117 +.071 - .055 + .048 -.079 -.023 -.013 18 .076 .024 + .112 +.071 .047 + .042 -.079 .026 .OO4 19 .071 .027 + .108 +.071 - .036 + .034 -.079 .028 + .005 20 .069 .031 + .104 +.071 - .023 + .023 -.079 .030 + .014 21 -.063 -.031 + .IO2 +.070 .008 +.010 .080 -.030 + .021 22 .059 .029 + .100 +.064 + .007 .003 .080 .029 + .027 23 - .059 - .025 + .100 +.042 + .O22 .Ol6 -.081 -.028 + 032 24 .065 .019 + .101 +.042 + .035 -.027 .082 -.025 + -34 - K6n20 Schw 28 Cape 30 Camb 30 Wrot 30 StH30 b s s s s s s s s 034 .000 .015 tgS + .022 + .031 + .038 + .010 tg S -059 I -034 .014 + .031 + .030 + .038 .014 -.058 2 -.034 -.023 + .039 + .028 + .038 -.043 .056 3 -034 -.025 + 045 + .025 + .038 .072 -054 4 -.034 -.025 + .048 + .023 + .038 .095 -.051 5 -034 .000 .023 + .050 + .020 + .038 -.108 -.047 6 -034 .000 .020 + .049 + .017 + .038 .107 -.044 7 --034 .016 + 045 + .014 + .038 .092 .040 8 -034 .010 + 039 + .012 + .038 .064 -037 9 -034 .004 + .032 + .010 + .038 .029 -3S 10 -034 + .003 + .023 + .009 + .038 + .007 -33 ii -034 .000 +.009 + .013 + .009 + .052 +.039 -33 12 -034 .000 +.015 + .004 + .009 + .058 + .062 -033 13 -034 + .014 -.005 + .010 + .058 + .073 -34 14 -034 + .023 -.013 + .OI2 + .SS +-74 -.036 J S 034 + .025 .019 + .015 + .050 + .066 -.038 16 -034 + .025 .022 + .017 + .042 + .054 .041 17 -034 .000 + .023 .024 + .O2O + .037 +.043 -4S 18 -034 .000 + .020 -.023 + .023 + .033 + .036 .048 19 -.034 + .016 .019 + .026 + .027 +.033 -.052 20 -034 + .OIO -.013 + .028 + .024 + .033 -S5 21 -.034 + .004 -.006 + .030 + .024 + .035 -57 22 -034 -.003 + .003 + .031 + .026 + .033 -59 23 -.034 .009 + .013 + .031 + .031 +.026 -59 24 -034 .000 .015 + .022 + 031 + .038 + .010 -OS9 * Applicable N. of J, + 60. APPENDIX III 283 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa a o Abo 30 Grw 30 Dptso Cape 33 Madr 35 Edinb 40 h s s s s 8 s s + .014 -.077 + .oi4tg .016 + .006 .089 + .009 tg S .012 I + .014 .070 +.014 .014 + .006 .082 +.003 -.023 2 + .015 .060 +.014 .on + .007 -.071 -.003 .026 3 + .016 .050 + .014 .010 + .008 .059 .009 .OI9 4 + .017 .044 +.014 -.009 + .OII .048 .014 .017 5 + .017 .044 + .014 -.009 + .014 .040 .019 .OI9 6 + .018 .050 +.QII .010 + .017 .037 .023 .026 7 + .018 .060 + .005 .on + .021 -.039 -.024 -.038 8 + .018 .072 .007 -.013 + .02 5 .044 .024 .048 9 + .018 .083 .022 .016 + .028 .050 .022 -.049 10 + .018 .090 .030 .019 + .031 .056 .019 -37 ii + .017 .091 .022 .022 + .034 -.059 -.015 .028 12 + .016 - .085 - .005 -.025 + -3S .OS9 .009 .022 13 + .015 .074 +.007 -.027 + -3S .056 .003 .019 14 + .014 .060 + .010 .030 + -3S -.051 +.003 -.017 IS + .013 .046 + .001 -.031 + 033 - .045 + .009 -.017 16 + .013 -.037 -.018 -.032 + .031 .042 +.014 .019 17 + .OI2 - -033 - -035 -.032 + .028 .042 +.019 -.023 18 + .OI2 .036 .042 -.031 + .024 .047 +.022 .027 19 + .OII .045 .038 -.030 + .020 .056 +.024 -.027 20 + .OII .056 .029 .028 + .016 .067 +.024 .023 21 + .OI2 - .068 - .018 -.025 + .013 .078 +.022 -.015 22 + .012 -.077 -.005 .022 + .OIO .086 +.019 .007 23 + .013 .080 + .008 .019 + .008 - .090 + .015 .007 24 + .OI4 .077 +.014 .Ol6 + .006 .089 + .009 .012 Arm 40 Cape 40 Grw 40 Grw 45 Radcl 45 Pulk 4 5 h s s s s s s s o + .054 .004 + .094 + .040 + .023 +.012 tgS + .019 I + -S3 -.007 + .086 + 035 + .015 +.oii + .019 2 + -53 .009 + .078 + .029 + .005 + .009 + .019 3 + .053 .on + .070 + .O22 .007 + .005 + .020 4 + -052 -.013 +.063 + .OI6 .020 +.002 + .020 5 + 053 .014 + .058 + .OI6 .034 .001 + .021 6 + .052 .014 + .054 + .005 .046 .005 + .022 7 + .052 .014 + .052 + .OOI .057 .008 + .023 8 + -S3 -.013 + .052 .001 .066 .OIO + .O24 9 + -53 .Oil + .054 .002 .072 .OI2 + .02S 10 + .054 -.009 +.058 .OOI -.074 -.014 + .026 ii + .054 -.007 + .064 + .OO2 -.073 -.013 + .026 12 + .054 .004 + .071 + .006 .068 .OI2 + .027 13 + -5S .001 +.079 + .OII .060 .on + .027 14 + .056 + .001 + .087 + .017 .050 .009 + .026 15 + .056 + .003 + .094 + .024 .038 .005 + .026 16 + .056 + .005 + .IOI +.030 .025 .002 + .025 17 + .056 +.006 + .107 +.036 .012 +.001 + .024 18 + .056 + .006 + .III + .041 + .001 + .005 + .023 19 + .056 +.006 +.113 +.045 + .012 +.008 + .O22 20 + -SS + .005 +.113 + .047 + .021 +.010 + .021 21 + -SS + .003 + .III + .048 + .026 +.012 + .020 22 + .054 + .OOI + .107 + .047 + .029 +.014 + .019 23 + .054 .001 + .IOI + .044 + .028 +.013 + .019 24 + .54 .004 + .094 + .040 + .023 +.012 + .019 284 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IpOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa a Paris 45 Stgoso GiZso Cape 50 Grwso Pulk 55 * h s s s s s 3 o +.027 + .012 .010 Sec. 8 +.026 + .OII + .007 I +.025 + .009 .009 + .026 + .007 + .007 2 +.023 + .007 -.008 + .024 + .002 + .007 3 + .022 + .004 .006 +.023 -.003 + .007 4 + .000 + .001 .004 + .O2O -.007 + .007 5 + .OIp .001 .001 + .OI8 .on + .007 6 + .018 .004 + .002 + .OI6 -.015 + .007 7 + .018 -.006 + .004 + .014 -.017 + .007 8 + .OI8 -.007 + .006 + .012 -.018 + .007 9 + .019 -.007 + .008 + .OII .018 + .007 10 + .02O -.007 + .009 + .010 -.017 + .007 ii + .021 -.005 + .OIO + .OO9 -.015 + .007 12 + .023 .004 + .010 + .010 .on + .007 13 + .025 .001 + .009 + .OIO -.007 + .007 14 + .027 + .OOI + .008 + .012 -.003 + .007 15 + .028 + .004 +.006 + .013 + .002 + .007 16 + .030 + .007 + .004 + .016 + .007 + .007 17 + .031 + .OIO + .001 + .018 + .OII + .007 18 + 032 + .012 .002 + .020 + .014 + .007 19 + .032 + .014 .004 + .022 + .017 + .OO7 20 + 032 +.015 -.006 + .024 +.018 + .OO7 21 + 031 +.015 -.008 + .02S + .018 + .007 22 + .030 + .015 -.009 + .026 + .017 + .007 23 + .029 + .014 .010 + .027 + .014 + .007 24 + .027 + .OI2 .010 + .026 + .OII + .007 Can- ss StgosS Wash 60 Cape 60 Grw6o Stgo6o b s 8 s s s s ooo +.065 +.030 +035 +.034 +.065 I +037 + .O22 +.031 + .032 +057 2 +.048 + .OI4 + .027 +.028 +.048 3 +.039 + .007 +-023 + .024 +.039 4 +.030 .001 + .019 + .019 +.030 5 +.023 -.007 +.016 + .014 +.023 6 000 +.016 .012 +013 + .OIO +.016 7 + .OH -.01$ + .OIO + .006 + .OI2 8 +.009 -.CIS + .009 + .003 + .009 9 + .009 .014 + .009 + .002 + .OO9 10 + .012 .on +.009 + .OOI + .012 ii +.016 .006 + .OII + .001 + .016 12 ooo + .083 .000 + .014 + -003 + .023 13 +.031 + .008 + .017 + .006 + 031 14 + .040 + .016 + .02 1 + .OIO + .040 IS +.049 + .023 + .025 + .014 + .049 16 + 058 + .031 + .029 + .019 + .0 S 8 J7 +.065 + -37 + 033 +.023 + .065 18 ooo +.079 + .042 + .036 +.028 + .078 19 + .076 + .045 + .038 +.031 + .076 20 +.079 + -04S + .039 +.034 + .079 21 +.079 + .044 + .040 +.036 + .079 22 +.076 + .041 + .039 +037 + .076 23 + .072 + .036 + -37 +.036 + .078 24 +.065 +030 + -3S +034 + .06 S * See special tables, remark (2). APPENDIX 285 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa a Radcl 60 Melb 60 Paris 60 Grw 64 Harv6s Cape 65 h s s s s s s s s o + .034 +.022 tg S + .062 + .o23tg6* + .050 + .042 -033 -.013 I + .O29 + .O2O + .053 +.028 + 045 + .039 -037 -.013 2 + .O24 +.OI5 + .045 +.031 +.039 + .036 .040 -.013 3 + .020 +.010 + .037 +.032 +.034 + 033 -043 .012 4 + .OI6 +.OO5 + .029 +.031 +.028 +.030 --045 .012 5 + .OI4 .OOI + .022 +.027 + .024 + .026 .046 .012 6 + .OI2 .OO8 + .0l8 +.022 + .O2O + .024 -045 .012 7 + .012 .013 + .01$ +.OI5 + .017 + .O22 -043 .OI2 8 + .OI4 .Ol8 + .OI4 +.OO8 + .016 + .020 .040 .012 9 + .Ol6 .O2I + .016 .001 + .016 + .020 -037 .012 10 + .020 .023 + .O2O .009 + .OI8 + .O2O -033 .Oil ii + .02S -.023 + .O25 .Ol6 + .021 + .021 -.028 .Oil 12 + .030 .022 + .032 -.023 + .025 + 023 .024 .Oil 13 + .035 .O2O + .041 .028 + .030 + .026 .020 .Oil 14 + .040 .OI5 + .049 -.031 + .036 + .029 .016 .Oil 15 + .044 .OIO + .058 -.032 + .041 + .032 -.013 .012 16 + .048 - .005 + .065 -.031 + .047 + -3S .012 .012 17 + .050 +.001 + .072 .027 + .051 + .039 .Oil .OI2 18 + .052 +.008 + .076 .022 + -55 + .041 .012 .012 19 + .052 +.013 + .079 -.015 + .058 + .043 -.013 .OI2 20 + .050 +.018 + .080 - .008 + .059 + .045 .016 .OI2 21 + .048 +.021 + .078 +.001 + .059 + -04S .020 .012 22 + .044 +.023 + .074 +.009 + -OS7 + .04S -.024 -.013 23 + .039 + .023 + .069 +.016 + 054 + .044 -.028 -.013 24 + .034 +.022 + .062 + .023 + .050 + .042 -33 -.013 Bruss 65 Pulk 65 Grw7a Melb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 h S 5 9 8 s s s + .067 - .003 tg 8 -.008 + .039 +.050 .001 + .021 (9) I + .057 +.005 -.008 + -37 + .041 .002 + .012 2 + .046 +.014 -.007 + .034 + .032 -.003 + .002 3 + .036 +.021 .OO6 + .031 + .023 -.003 -.008 4 + .026 +.027 -.005 + .028 + .014 .004 .018 5 + .OI8 +.031 .OO4 + .025 + .007 .OO4 .026 6 + .013 +.033 -.003 + .O22 + .002 -.004 -33 7 + .010 +.033 .OO2 + .020 .OOI .004 -37 8 + .009 +.031 .002 + .OI8 .OOI -.003 -039 9 + .012 +.026 .OOI + .017 + .001 .002 -39 10 + .OI7 +.O2O .OOI + .017 + .005 .OOI -3S ii + .O24 +.012 .001 + .017 + .012 .000 .030 12 + .033 +.003 .002 + .019 + .020 + .OOI .022 13 + .043 -.005 .002 + .O2I + .029 + .002 -.013 14 + .OS4 -OI4 -.003 + .023 +.038 + .003 -.003 15 + .064 .021 .004 + .026 + .047 + .003 + .007 16 + .074 .027 -.005 + 030 +.056 + .004 + .017 17 + .082 .031 .006 + -33 +.063 + .004 + .025 18 + .087 -.033 -.007 + -3S +.068 + .004 + .033 19 + .090 .033 -.008 + .038 + .071 + .004 + .036 20 + .091 .031 .OO9 + .040 + .071 + .003 + .038 21 + .088 -.026 .009 + .041 + .069 + .002 + .038 22 + .083 .020 .009 + .041 +.065 + .OOI + -3S 23 + .076 .OI2 .009 + .040 +.058 .000 + .029 24 + .067 .003 -.008 + .039 +.050 .001 + .02 1 * S. of -50 2 86 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Ada Madr 75 Pulk 75 Becker 75 Harv 75 Paris 75 AGZ75 h s s + .043 +.031 tgS s s .003 +.OI9X* Values of k s + .008 s -.013 s + .072 ~~ OO I +.OI2 + .008 J- ,060 2 ~r .043 -~v + .044 +.018 .OOO + .OO4 + .008 .Oil + 045 3 + .046 + .007 + .OO2 .OO5 -20 - .73 + .008 .010 + .030 ; 4 + .047 .000 + .004 .014 "IS - -52 + .008 -.008 + .017 I "3 5 + .048 .004 + .OO6 .O2O -io - -33 +.008 .006 + .008 1 O OO 4) 6 + .049 .005 + .OO8 .024 + 10 + .28 +.008 .004 + .003 8 7 + .050 .004 + .OO9 .024 + 20 + .51 +.008 -.003 + .004 j! 8 + .05 1 .002 + .010 .022 + 30 + .72 + .008 .001 + .OIO *? 9 + .051 .001 + .010 .019 + 40 + .91 + .008 .000 + .017 10 + .05 2 .OO2 + .010 .015 + 50 +1.09 + .008 + .00 1 + .025 B ii + .OS2 .007 + .009 .OIO + 00 +I.2S + .008 + .002 + .032 + 90 .013 Sec. S + .009 Sec. S .007 Sec. S 85 -.013 + .009 -.007 80 -.013 + .009 .008 + 80 -75 + .052 -045 75 + 035 -.032 70 + .015 -037 65 .008 .041 60 -.028 .046 +55 -.030 .046 5 -.023 -.044 45 .010 + .032 .040 40 + .016 + .O22 -37 35 + .024 + .012 -.032 3 + .017 + .004 .026 + 5 + .008 --003 .020 2O + .002 .OIO -.013 15 .001 .OIO .006 IO -.003 .004 .000 + 5 -.004 + .004 + .006 .010 .004 + .008 + .OII .010 - 5 -.015 .003 + .OIO + .013 -.015 IO .018 .002 +.008 + .014 -.018 IS .020 + .001 + .OO2 + .OI2 .020 20 .021 + .OO4 .002 + .007 .021 25 .028 + .OI2 + .003 + .004 -.028 -3 -.044 + .026 + .020 + .OO2 -.044 35 -073 + .025 + .030 -73 40 -093 + .024 + .039 -93 45 .100 + .044 .100 5 -093 + .051 -93 55 .046 + .059 .046 -60 .018 + .060 -.018 65 -.005 + .046 -.005 70 .000 + .030 .000 75 .000 + .OI8 .000 -80 .000 + .010 .000 -80 + .002 Sec. J 85 + .OOI -90 .000 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I s + .017* + .017* s +.008 + .026 + .015 s + .017* 4 -.003 -.003 .002 -.005 -.003 -.003 .010 .010 -.005 .016 .009 .OIO 6 -.017 -.017 .008 .026 -.015 -.017 7 .024 .024 .010 -37 .O2I .024 8 -.031 -.031 -.013 .048 -.027 -.031 APPENDIX 295 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa$ s Radcl 60 Melb 60 Paris 60 Grw 64 Harv 65 Cape 65 s s 8 s 8 " +90 .000 Sec. S .016 Sec. J .000 Sec. t .008 Sec. S 85 .006 .010 .000 -.008 So .012 -.002 .000 -.007 + 80 -.066 -.014 .000 .041 75 -.066 + .019 .000 .004 70 .067 + .029 .000 + 034 65 .062 + .028 + .005 + .045 60 -.049 + .017 + .008 + -4S + 55 .026 + .002 + .006 + .039 50 + 005 + .003 .004 + .031 45 + .014 + .OI4 -.013 + .022 40 + .011 -034 + .OI9 .020 + .018 35 + .004 .029 + .016 .026 + .016 3 -.003 .021 + .010 -.024 + .016 + .OI2 + 25 -.003 -.013 +.006 -.018 + .014 + .003 20 + .001 .006 + .004 -.008 + .OI2 .004 15 +.008 .002 + .004 .001 + .009 -.008 10 + .017 + .001 + .004 +.003 + .OO4 .Oil + S +.016 + .OO2 + .003 +.008 .001 .Oil o +.009 .000 .004 + .OII -.007 .OIO - 5 + .002 +.004 -.007 + .OII .OIO .008 10 .006 + .OII -.007 + .OIO .009 .OOI 15 -.OI? + .014 -.007 + .004 .012 + .010 20 -39 + .011 .on .000 .021 +.026 25 -59 + .OOI .019 .000 -33 + .042 -30 .076 -.006 -.018 .000 .046 + .051 35 .010 -.062 + .046 40 .016 +.030 45 .024 + .O2I 5 -.033 + .02$ 55 -039 + .046 -60 -.039 + .082 6S -.027 + .IO9 70 +.008 + .123 75 +043 + ."3 80 +.071 + .IO2 -80 + .012 Sec. $ + .018 Sec. 8S + .007 + .010 -90 + .003 + .006 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I s + .025 + .016 8 + .009 s + .020 + .028 8 + .032 4 -.005 -.003 .OO2 .004 -.006 -.006 s -.015 -.009 -.005 .012 -.017 .019 6 -.025 .016 .009 .020 .028 -.032 I -035 -045 .022 .028 .OI2 .Ol6 -.028 .036 .040 -.051 -.044 -057 296 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa 8 s Bruss 65 Pulk 65 Grw 72 Melb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 e s s s s s + 9 + .021 Sec. 8 .003 Sec. S + .010 Sec. 8 .000 Sec. 8 (9) 85 + .008 -.003 + .OIO .000 80 -.005 -.007 + .OIO -.003 +80 .029 -039 + .058 -.017 75 .069 -.032 + -39 -.023 70 -.091 .029 + .028 -.023 65 .102 .024 + .016 .026 60 -093 .020 + .008 .032 +SS .067 -.017 + .007 -.038 5 -034 .018 + .005 .036 45 .Oil .023 -.003 .025 40 -.008 .022 .016 +.018 .010 35 -*M .019 .020 + .OIO +.004 30 -.015 .OI3 -.018 +.007 + .010 -.008 + 25 -.013 .004 .013 + .009 + .OI2 .003 to .on .000 .006 + .OIO + .011 + .002 15 .on +.003 .OOI + .007 + .008 + .OO2 10 .010 +.005 + .OO2 +.003 + 003 .OOO + 5 -.003 + .007 + .006 .OOI -.005 .004 o +.005 + .011 + .009 -.007 -.008 .OO2 - 5 +.006 + .008 + .008 .OIO .on + .004 10 +.008 + .OOI + .003 .010 .013 + .OIO IS + .015 -.006 .OOO .009 -.009 +.016 20 +.023 .OIO .OOO -.008 .004 +.017 25 + .020 .OOO .009 .008 +013 -3 + .008 .OOO -.009 .016 +.003 35 .006 .018 .OIO 40 -.004 -.023 .020 45 .006 .024 5 .on -.025 55 .019 .026 -60 -.032 -.027 65 -.044 .028 70 -57 -.023 7S -.071 .OIO 80 -.089 .000 -80 .015 Sec. 8 .000 Sec. S S .on .000 -90 .006 .000 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I s + .OIO s + .O2O s + .020 s + .016 8 + .023 9 + .018 4 .002 .OO4 .004 -.003 .004 .OO4 -.006 .012 .012 .OIO -.013 .on o .OIO .O2O ,O2O .016 .022 -.018 I -.014 .Ol8 .029 -37 .028 .036 -.023 .030 -.030 -39 -025 -.033 APPENDIX III 297 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa s s Madr 75 Pulk75 Becker 75 Harv 75 Paris 75 AGZ75 3 s 9 s s +90 .000 Sec. S .012 Sec. S -.008 Sec. * .002 Sec. 5 .012 Sec. S 85 .004 .012 -.008 .002 -.006 80 -.013 .014 -.008 .002 .000 +80 -7S -.078 .046 .OI4 .000 75 -.077 -054 -.031 -.013 A 70 -39 -39 -.023 .Oil 4 65 -.007 .024 -.019 .004 00 + .016 .008 .016 +.005 + 55 + 032 .010 .021 + .007 +023 1 5 + .047 .016 -.025 + .003 + .029 45 + .048 -.017 .O2I +-003 + .031 40 + -33 .016 .012 + .003 +.028 3 35 + .018 -.015 .OO2 + .005 + .017 "8 3 + .009 -.013 -.005 + .007 + .007 1 + 25 + .004 -.009 .014 +.006 +.003 J 20 .000 .004 -.017 + .004 + .OO2 VJ IS .004 + .003 .on + .002 + .002 IO -.008 + .008 .006 .OOO + .OO2 + 5 -.013 + .010 .005 .OOO + .002 -.013 + .OIO .000 .OOI .002 - 5 -.007 + .OIO + .009 -.005 .OIO 10 + .OOI +.008 + .013 .008 .OI2 15 +.006 +.005 + .013 .006 .Oil 20 + .OII + .OO2 + .OIO .OOI .009 25 + .015 + .008 + .007 -.006 -3 + .024 +.005 + .017 .000 35 +034 +.026 40 + -39 45 + .038 5 + .031 55 + .017 -60 -.007 65 -.038 70 75 80 -80 85 -90 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I s +.030 5 + .OIO a + .O22 s + .016 9 + .014 4 -.006 .002 .OO4 -.003 -.003 .018 .006 -.013 .010 -.008 6 -.030 .010 .022 .016 .014 7 .042 -.014 -.031 -.023 .OI9 8 -054 -.018 .040 -.030 .024 298 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aas s Cape So (10) Grw 80 MelbSo Saff 85 Strassb 85 Cape 85 o 8 S s s s 5 8 +90 + .015 Sec. S .006 Sec. S .000 Sec. 8 85 + .015 .010 + .001 80 + .OIO -.013 + .004 +80 + .058 -07S + .024 75 + .029 + .038 70 + .023 + .042 65 + .019 + .038 60 + .OII + .033 +SS + .003 +.025 5 -.003 + .017 45 + .003 .006 .001 + .OIO .Ol6 40 + .003 -.009 .000 +.005 .Ol6 35 +.003 -.009 + .002 .000 .Ol6 30 + .003 -.008 + .005 -.003 -.015 + 5 + .OO3 .006 + .009 -.005 .013 .003 -.003 + .008 -.006 -.008 15 -.005 .000 + .004 .006 -.003 10 -.007 + .OO2 .OO4 -.003 .003 + 5 .004 +.004 .Oil +.003 -.003 o .000 +.005 .013 + .009 -.003 - s +.003 +.005 .008 +.008 + .OOI 10 + .007 +003 +.003 +.005 + .007 15 + .013 + .OOI + .016 + .002 +.016 20 + .023 + .001 + .029 .002 + .024 5 + .031 + .001 + .042 -.007 +.031 -3 + -34 + .OOI + .046 .010 +033 35 + .045 +.014 +.051 -.015 +.030 40 + .O24 +.056 +.028 45 + .053 +.034 +053 +025 So + .058 +.047 +.023 5S + .065 .029 + .029 +.018 -60 -.025 + .008 +.014 6S .OO3 .018 .on +.009 70 -.003 -.025 +.003 75 .003 .Ol8 -35 .000 80 .026 -.048 .000 -80 .005 Sec. * -.008 Sec. .000 Sec. 8 85 .005 .008 .000 -90 -.005 -.008 .000 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I s + .025 s + .019 s + .OII + .017* +.013 8 + .019 4 -.005 .004 .002 .003 -.003 -.004 -.015 .on -.007 .010 -.009 .on o -.025 .019 .Oil -.017 -.015 .019 7 -35 .026 .016 .024 .021 .026 8 -4S -34 .020 -.031 -.027 -034 APPENDIX 299 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IS RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa 8 s PulkSs Radcl 90 Cine 90 Cape 90 Grw 90 Berl 90 s s s s s 1 +90 + .005 Sec. S .000 Sec. J .013 Sec. S .006 Sec. 9 85 + .002 + .009 -.006 -.006 go .000 + .018 + .003 -.006 +80 .000 + .104 + .018 -036 75 .016 + .104 + .030 .027 7 .019 + .093 +.006 + .027 -.023 65 -.015 + .069 + .019 + .014 .022 60 -.007 + .024 +.028 -.004 .022 +55 + .OO3 .oos +032 -.015 -.023 5 + .003 .010 +034 -.015 .025 45 .002 -.008 +031 + .020 .008 .026 40 .004 -.005 + .022 +.016 -.007 .026 35 .OOI -.013 + .011 +.013 -.006 -.023 3 .001 -.028 + .006 + .009 -.006 -.018 + 25 -.006 -.031 + .006 + .004 -.006 -.013 20 -.008 -.028 + .008 + .OOI .004 -.008 15 .OO6 .020 + .OI6 + .001 .003 .004 IO -.003 -.013 + .014 .000 .000 .OOO + 5 + .OOI -.003 .OOI -.004 + .001 + .004 o + .004 + .007 .009 -.006 + .002 + .008 - 5 + .005 + .024 .010 -.006 +.004 + .OI2 IO + .004 + .041 .010 -.005 + .007 + .014 15 + .004 + .059 .010 .000 +.009 + .OIS 20 + .004 + .078 -.018 +.008 + .010 + .004 2 5 + .100 .028 +.019 + .OIO .OOO -3 + .124 .029 +.028 +.007 .OOO 35 .027 +034 40 +.038 45 +.039 5 +.039 x 55 +.038 -60 +037 65 +037 7 +035 75 +.036 80 + .040 -80 + .007 Sec. S 85 + .006 -90 + .005 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. I 1 +.019 + .OIO s +.018 s + .024 s +.013 s +.005 4 .004 .002 .004 -.005 -.003 .OOI 5 .on -.006 .Oil -.015 .008 -.003 6 .019 .010 .018 -.024 .013 -.005 7 .026 -.014 .026 -034 -.018 -.007 8 -034 .018 -033 -.044 -.023 -.009 3 oo PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aas d Madn 90 Lisb 90 Melb 90 Pulk 92 Lick 95 Berl 95 o s s s s s s +90 .000 Sec. S + .006 Sec. S + .OH Sec. + .000 Sec. S 85 .000 + .004 + .013 + .004 80 + .003 + .002 + .015 + .OII +80 + .019 + .010 + .086 + .064 75 + .022 .002 + .064 + .041 70 + .029 -.009 + .034 + .020 6S + .031 .000 .012 + .005 60 + .026 -.004 .014 .004 + SS + .019 -.006 .014 .010 5 + .011 -.009 -.015 .016 45 + .007 .009 +.006 .016 -.017 40 + .006 .008 + .008 .016 .008 .015 35 + .008 -.007 + .OIO -.015 .000 -.013 3 + .009 -.005 + .009 -.013 + .005 .Oil + 25 + .008 .002 + .008 -.008 + .007 .009 2O + .006 .OOO + .006 .004 + .008 -.007 IS + .OO3 + .O02 + .003 -.003 + .007 .004 10 .000 + .004 .000 .000 + .004 + .002 + 5 .OO2 + .005 -.003 + .004 .001 + .006 o .004 + .004 -.005 + .005 .005 + .008 - S -.OO? + .001 -.006 +.003 .008 + .009 IO -.009 .003 -.007 .001 .010 + .OII IS .on .006 .006 -.006 .012 +013 20 -.007 -.003 .014 +.016 25 -.007 + .003 .012 +.017 -3 -.007 +.006 .009 35 -.007 + .OOZ .004 40 -.005 +.006 45 .014 5 .025 55 -.038 -60 .056 65 -073 70 .100 II -135 -.196 -80 .034 Sec. S 85 -.028 -90 .021 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa Magn. I 8 + .029 s + .019 s +013 s + .OI2 s + .O2I 8 + .OIJ 4 -.006 .004 -.003 .OO2 -.004 -.003 5 -.017 .012 .008 -.008 -.013 -.009 6 .029 .OI9 -.013 .OI2 .021 -.015 7 .O4O -.027 .018 -.018 .030 .O2I 8 -.052 -35 -.023 .022 -.038 -.027 APPENDIX 301 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa$ s Alb oo Lick oo Mtin oo Cp Z oo Cape oo Cine oo I s s s > 8 +90 .000 + .006 Sec. S 8S .000 + .008 80 .000 + .010 + 80 .000 + .058 .000 + .161 75 +.038 + .079 70 +.049 + .026 65 +.049 -.005 60 + .040 .016 + 55 .000 + .024 .016 5 + .OI2 .014 45 + .004 -.014 40 .OOO .018 35 .OO2 .021 3 -.003 - .020 + 25 .000 .003 -.015 20 .003 -.004 IS .OOO + .OOI 10 + .003 + .OO2 + 5 + .004 + .001 o .000 +.003 + .002 .OOO - 5 .000 +.003 .OOI 10 + .OOI -.005 Rem. 15 .002 .on (25) 20 -.006 -.018 2 5 -.013 -3 .000 .019 .000 35 .024 .000 40 .029 .000 45 -.033 .000 So .000 55 .000 -60 .000 .000 65 .000 70 .000 7S .000 80 .000 -80 85 -90 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa M Magn. s 8 s 8 I .000 + .015 .000 .000 + .018 4 -.003 .000 .000 .004 5 .OO9 .000 .000 .Oil 6 -.015 .000 .000 -.018 I .000 .021 -.027 .000 .000 .000 .000 .026 -33 303 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Aa s s Bonn oo Cape 06 e + 9 ' ' 85 So +80 75 70 65 60 +55 -.004 5 -.006 45 -.008 40 .012 35 .Ol8 3 .021 +'5 .Ol8 ao -.014 15 .008 10 .002 + 5 + .006 o + .OI4 - 5 10 30 25 + .O2I _ 3 + .024 35 40 .000 45 .OOO 5 .OOO 55 .OOO -60 .OOO 65 .OOO 70 .OOO 75 .OOO So .OOO -80 85 -90 CORRECTION ON ACCOUNT OF MAGNITUDE EQUATION. Aa" Magn. s a I .000 + .015 4 .000 -.003 I .000 .000 + .003 + .008 I .000 .000 + .OIO + .OH APPENDIX HI 303 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Kasan Christiania Hels.-Gotha Harvard Bonn Lund i Ao, Aoj S An, S Aaj S Aa, 8 Aj s s s s s + 75 .000 + 65 -.032 + 55 +.009 + 50 -.038 + 40 .005 + 35 - 76 .000 66 .026 57 +-005 51 .028 42 -.005 36 .000 77 .000 67 -.017 59 -.002 52 -.012 44 .010 37 -ooo 78 .000 68 .000 61 .007 53 +.007 46 + .003 38 .000 79 .000 69 +.023 63 -.003 54 +.020 48 +.003 39 .000 +80 .000 + 70 +.052 + 65 - .002 + 55 +-027 +50 +.009 +40 .000 a Aa a o Aa^ a Aa a Aa. a Aa a a Aa a h s h s h > h s h s h s +.057 .030 o +.032 O +.002 .023 +.008 I +-OS3 I .030 * +-033 I +.002 I .023 I +.007 2 +.047 2 .030 2 + .032 2 +.002 2 .023 2 +.007 3 +-039 3 .030 3 +-030 3 +-003 3 -023 3 +.008 4 +.031 4 -030 4 +.027 4 +.005 4 -023 4 +-OII 5 +.023 S -030 S +.024 5 +.009 5 -023 5 +.016 6 +.014 6 .030 6 +.019 6 +.013 6 -.023 6 +.O2I 7 +.006 8 +.001 7 -030 8 .030 7 +.015 8 +.010 7 +.018 8 +.020 7 .023 8 .023 7 +.022 8 +.023 9 -.003 9 .030 9 +.006 9 + .020 9 .023 9 +.021 10 .005 10 .030 IO +.OO2 io + .019 io .023 IO + .016 ii -.006 ii .030 II .001 ii +.015 ii .023 II +.011 12 -.003 12 -.030 12 .002 12 + .009 12 -.023 12 +.008 13 +.001 13 -030 13 -.003 13 - .001 13 .023 13 +-009 14 +-007 14 .030 14 .002 14 .on 14 -023 14 +.015 15 +-OIS IS .030 IS .000 15 -.018 15 .023 15 +.023 16 +.023 io .030 16 + .003 IO .022 16 .023 16 +.031 17 +.032 17 .030 17 +.006 17 .022 17 -o3 17 +-033 18 + .040 18 .030 18 +.on 18 -.018 18 -.023 18 +.033 19 + .048 19 .030 19 +.015 19 -.013 19 -023 19 + .030 20 + -053 20 .030 20 +.020 2O -.008 20 .023 20 + .026 21 +.057 21 .030 21 +.024 21 -.003 21 .023 21 + .020 22 +.059 22 .030 22 +.028 22 .001 22 .023 22 +.014 23 +.060 23 .030 23 +-3' 23 +.001 23 .023 23 +.010 24 +-057 24 .030 24 +.038 24 +.002 24 .023 24 +.008 M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M s s s a s s 4 .000 4 .000 4 -.003 4 -.006 4 -.004 4 -.008 5 .000 6 .000 f.ooo .000 t .010 .017 S .018 O .030 S .on 6 -.018 5 --025 o .042 7 .000 8 .000 9 .000 7 .000 8 .000 9 .000 7 -.024 8 .031 9 -.038 7 --041 7-S -.048 8 -.058 7 .026 8 -.033 9 -.041 7 -.058 8 -.075 8.5 -.085 8.5 -.076 9 -.096 - 9 -.105 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Leiden Cambridge Berlin B. Berlin A. Leipsic I Leipsic II Aa, S Aa, S Aa, J Aa, S Aa, S Aa, s s s s s s + 30 +.001 + 25 .000 + 2O .000 + 15 .000 + 10 +.007 + 5 .000 31 --003 + 26 .000 21 .000 1 6 .000 ii +.005 6 .000 32 -.004 + 27 .000 22 .OOO 17 .000 12 +.003 7 .000 33 - + 28 .000 23 .000 18 .000 13 +.001 8 .000 34 +.003 + 29 .000 24 .000 19 .000 14 -.005 9 .000 +3S +.009 + 30 .000 + 25 .000 20 .000 + 15 .on IO .OOO a <\a a a Aa a a Aa a a Aa a a Aa a a Aa a h s h s h > h h s b s -.023 o .019 o +.003 O +.007 + .023 o .015 I .023 I .019 I +.003 I +.007 I .023 I .015 2 .022 2 .019 2 +.002 2 +.007 2 .023 2 .013 3 .021 3 -.018 3 +.001 3 +.006 3 -023 3 .012 4 -.017 4 -.017 4 +.001 4 +-S 4 .023 4 -.009 S -.014 5 -.017 5 .000 5 +.005 5 -023 5 --005 6 .01 1 6 .017 6 .001 6 +.004 6 +.023 6 .002 7 .010 8 .013 7 -.018 8 .020 7 .002 8 -.002 7 +.003 8 +.001 7 -023 8 .023 7 + .002 8 +.007 9 .018 9 .022 9 -.003 9 +.001 9 -023 9 +.010 10 .025 10 .023 10 .003 IO .OOO 10 .023 10 +.013 ii .028 ii .022 ii -.003 II -.001 ii .023 ii +.015 12 .028 12 -.021 12 -.003 12 .001 12 + .023 12 +.017 13 -.027 13 .Ol6 13 --003 13 .001 13 -023 13 +-017 14 .024 14 .on 14 .002 14 .001 14 .023 14 +.016 IS .021 16 .017 IS .002 16 + .004 IS .OOI 16 .001 15 .000 16 .000 IS .023 IO .023 15 +.014 16 +.QII 17 .016 17 +.005 17 .000 17 +.001 17 -023 17 +.007 18 .015 18 +.005 18 +.001 l8 +.002 18 +.023 18 + .004 19 -.017 19 + .002 19 + .002 19 + .003 19 -023 19 .000 20 .019 20 .002 2O +.OO2 2O +.OO4 20 .023 20 .005 21 .O2O 21 .007 21 + .003 21 +.005 21 .023 21 .007 22 .O2I 22 .OI2 22 +.003 22 +.006 22 .023 22 -.Oil 23 - .022 23 .016 23 +.003 23 + .007 23 .023 23 -.013 24 -.023 24 -.019 24 +.003 24 +.007 24 .023 24 -.015 M Aa__ M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M M Aa M M A M s s s s s s 4 .000 4 .002 4 .002 4 .000 4 .008 4 .006 5 .000 S -.006 5 .006 5 .000 5 -.023 5 -.017 6 .000 6 .010 6 .010 6 .000 6 -.038 6 .028 7 .000 8 .000 7 -.016 7-5 -.025 7 -.014 8 -.018 6.5 .000 7 .006 7 --053 8 -.068 7 .040 8 -.051 9 .000 8 -.038 9 .022 7-5 -.015 9 --083 9 .062 8.5 -.059 8 -.028 9 .091 8.5 -.047 9 -.067 APPENDIX in 305 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Albany Nikolaief Strassburg Wien-Ott. 5 An 5 Aoj * Aa { S Aoj s s o s 9 + I .000 2 ,OOO 6 .000 IO .OOO 2 .000 I .OOO S .000 9 .000 3 .000 O .OOO 4 .000 8 .000 4 .000 + I .OOO 3 .000 7 .000 + 5 .000 2 .OOO 6 .000 a Aa a a Aa ( o Ao a a Aa a h t h s h s h O +.O22 O .000 +.034 +.023 I +.019 I +.003 * +-034 I +.022 2 +.017 2 +.005 2 +.034 2 +.021 3 +.014 3 +.008 3 +.34 3 +.019 4 +.oii 4 +.010 4 +-034 4 +.018 5 +.009 S +.012 5 +-034 5 +-017 6 +.007 6 +.014 6 +.034 6 +.016 7 +-005 8 +.004 7 +.015 8 +.015 7 +.034 8 +.034 7 +.016 8 +.016 9 +.005 9 +.015 9 +-034 9 +.016 10 + .005 10 +.014 10 +.034 10 +.017 ii +.006 II +.012 ii +.034 ii +.018 12 + .008 12 +.010 12 +.034 12 +.019 13 +.010 13 +-007 3 +-034 13 +.020 14 +.013 14 +.005 H +-034 14 +.021 15 +.016 IS +.002 IS +-034 IS +.023 16 +.019 16 .000 16 + .034 16 +.024 17 +.021 17 -.002 17 +.034 17 + .025 18 +.023 18 .004 18 +.034 18 +.026 19 +.025 19 -.005 19 +-034 19 +.026 20 +.026 20 .005 20 + .034 20 +.026 21 +.026 21 .005 21 +.034 21 +.026 22 + .025 22 .004 22 +.034 22 +.025 23 + .024 23 .002 23 +.034 23 + .024 24 +.022 24 .000 24 +-034 24 +-023 M A M M A M M Aa M M Aa M s s s 8 4 -.007 4 .000 4 --005 4 .001 t .020 -33 5 .000 6 .000 5 --015 6 -.025 t .002 .OO3 7 .046 8 -.059 9 -.073 7 .000 8 .000 9 .000 7 -.035 7.5 -.042 8 -.055 7 --005 8 -.006 9 -.007 8.5 -.071 9 -.089 306 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 a Br 1755 R. (5) Qu. S. Qu. N. Pi oo Groomb 10 Grw 15 Kbn 20 Schw 28 h // O + .01 -.30 + .09 .00 -.09 + .05 -.09 I -.03 -.07 + 15 .01 -.07 .02 + .01 2 -.07 +.08 + .22 .01 -.04 -.09 + .11 3 .18 +.10 + .28 .02 .02 -.16 + .20 4 -.15 +.18 + 37 -3 + .02 .21 + .27 5 -.11 +.36 + .50 -3 + .04 -.25 + 33 6 -.02 +.51 + 59 -3 + .07 -.27 + 37 7 + .10 +.61 + .58 + .09 -.27 + 37 8 + .25 +.66 + .48 .02 + .11 -.26 + .36 9 + .41 +.62 + 25 .02 + .11 23 + .32 10 + 52 +-45 + .04 .OI + .11 .18 + .26 ii + .31 +-24 -.04 .01 + .10 .12 + .18 12 .00 +.15 -.07 .OO +.09 -OS + .09 13 .29 +.12 .00 + .01 +.07 + .02 .01 14 .42 +.12 ' +.07 + .01 + .04 + .09 .11 11 -34 +.12 .22 +.11 .01 .22 + .02 + 03 + .02 .02 + .16 + .21 .20 -.27 17 .11 +.02 -53 + .03 -.04 + -5 -33 18 + .04 .12 -.70 + .03 -.07 + .27 -37 19 + .26 .20 -75 + .03 -.09 + .27 -37 20 + .34 -.40 -75 + .02 .11 + .26 -36 21 + .30 -.47 -.62 + .02 .11 + .23 -32 22 + .17 -.49 -39 + .01 .11 + .18 -.26 33 + .08 -. 4S .12 + .01 .JO + .12 -.18 34 + .01 -.30 + .09 .OO -.09 + -5 -.09 o Brisb 25 Cape 30 Camb 30 St H30 Abo 30 Grw 30 h // ft -.08 + .06 -.19 + 52 .13 + .08 I + .07 + .12 -.19 + .50 05 +-I3 2 + .22 + .17 -.17 + 44 + .02 + .17 3 + 34 + .21 -.14 + 35 + .09 + .20 4 + 45 + 24 .11 + .24 + .16 + .22 5 + 53 + 25 -.06 + .12 + .21 + .22 6 + 57 + 24 .01 .02 +-5 + .21 7 + 57 + .22 + .04 .IJ + .27 + .18 8 + 53 + .18 +.09 28 +.28 + .14 9 + .46 + 13 + 13 -.38 +.26 + .09 10 + 35 + .07 + .16 -.46 +.23 + .04 ii + .22 .00 + .18 -55 + .18 .02 12 + .08 -.06 + .19 -.52 + .12 -.08 13 -.07 .12 + .19 -.50 +.05 -'3 14 .22 -.17 + .17 -44 .02 -.17 3 -34 -45 .21 -.24 + 14 + .11 -35 -24 -.09 -.16 .20 .22 7 -53 -25 + .06 .12 .21 .22 18 -57 -.24 + .01 + .02 -25 .21 19 -57 .22 -.04 + 15 -.27 -.18 20 -53 -.18 -.09 + .28 -.28 -.14 21 -.46 -13 + .38 -.26 -.09 22 -35 -.07 .16 + .46 -23 -.04 33 .22 .OO -.18 + 55 -.18 + .02 24 -.08 + .06 -.19 + 52 .12 + .08 APPENDIX in 37 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A6 a Dpt 30 Cape 33 Madras Edinb 40 Arm 40 h o -.02(6) -.16 -.19 -.09 (7) -.06 I + .02 -.17 -.19 .12 + .01 2 + .06 -.17 -.19 -.14 + .08 3 + .0 9 -.16 -.17 -is + 14 4 + .12 -13 -13 -15 + .20 5 + .14 .10 -.09 -.14 + 24 6 + -IS -.06 -OS .13 + .26 I + -!S + .14 .02 + .3 .00 -.09 -.06 + .27 + .26 9 + .12 + .07 + .10 .02 + 23 10 + .09 + .11 + .14 + .02 + .19 ii + .06 + 14 + .1? +.06 + 13 12 + .02 + .16 + .19 +.09 + .06 13 .02 + .17 + .19 + .12 .OI 14 -.06 + 17 + .19 + 14 -.08 15 -.09 + .16 + .17 + .13 -.14 16 .12 + -I3 + 13 + -IS .20 J7 -.14 + .10 + .09 +.14 -.24 18 -!5 + .06 + .05 + .13 -.36 19 .IJ + .02 .00 +.09 -.27 20 -.14 -.03 -s +.06 -.26 21 .12 -.07 .10 + .03 - 2 3 22 -.09 .11 -.14 .02 -.19 23 -.06 -14 -.17 -.06 -13 24 .02 -.16 -.19 -.09 -.06 Cape 40 Gr w 40 Grw 45 Radcl 45 Pulk 4 5 Paris 45 h tt tt // tt O + .02 -.18 -.07 + .05 (8) + .07 .12 I + .02 -.18 -.07 + .02 + .06 .12 2 + .02 .17 -.07 .02 + .S .11 3 + .02 .15 -.06 -.06 + .03 -.09 4 + .01 .12 -05 -.09 + .01 -.07 5 + .01 -.08 -3 .11 .01 -.04 6 .OO -.03 .02 -13 -03 .01 I .OO .OI + .O2 + .06 .00 + .02 -.14 -.14 -5 .06 + .02 + .05 9 .OI + .10 + .04 -13 -.07 + .08 10 .02 + .14 .11 -.08 + .10 ii .02 + .1? + .07 -.08 -.08 + .12 12 .02 + .18 + .07 -OS -.07 + .12 13 .02 + .18 + .07 .02 -.06 + .12 14 .02 + .17 + .07 + .02 -OS + .11 it .02 .01 + -IS + .12 + .06 + .05 + .06 + .09 .01 + .09 + .07 17 .OI + .08 + .03 + .11 + .01 + .04 18 .OO + -3 + .O2 + 13 +.03 + .01 19 .OO .02 .OO + .14 + 05 .02 20 + .01 -.06 .02 + 14 + .06 -05 21 22 + .01 + .02 .IO -.14 -.04 -.05 + 13 + .11 a -.08 .IO 23 + .02 -.17 -.07 + .08 +.08 .12 24 + .02 -.18 -.07 + 05 +.07 .12 308 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 fl Stgo 50 Grwso Gi Z 50 Cape 50 Pulkss Can- 55 h /, It // O .21 -.06 +.08 .01 +.04 .05 I -is -.07 .02 .03 + .04 .02 2 -.08 -.08 .12 .05 + .03 + .01 3 .01 -.08 .20 -.06 + .02 + .04 4 +.07 -.07 -.28 -.07 + .01 + .07 5 +.14 -.06 -33 -.07 .OO + .09 6 + .20 -5 -.36 -.08 .02 + .11 I + 25 + .28 .01 -37 --3S -.07 -.06 -.04 + .12 + .12 9 + .29 + .01 .31 -s -.04 + .12 10 + .28 + 03 -25 .03 .05 + .10 ii + .26 + .05 -17 .01 -OS + .08 12 + .21 + .06 -.08 + .01 -.04 + .05 13 + -IS + .07 + .02 + .03 -.04 + .O2 M + .08 + .08 + .12 + .05 -3 .OI 15 + .01 + .08 + .2O + .06 .02 -.04 16 -.07 + .07 + .28 + .07 .01 -.07 17 -.14 + .06 + 33 + .07 .00 -.09 18 .20 + .05 + .36 + .08 + .02 .11 19 --2S + 03 + 37 + .07 + 03 .12 30 -.28 + .01 + -3S + .06 + .04 .12 21 -.29 .01 + .05 + .04 .12 22 -.28 -03 + 25 + .03 + .05 .IO 23 -.26 + .17 + .01 + .05 -.08 24 .21 -!o6 + .08 .01 + .04 -s Stgo 55 Wash 60 Cape 60 Grw 60 Stgo 60 Radcl 60 h it n -.04 -.19 + .05 + .01 -.24 + .14 (8) I .10 .21 + .07 + .02 -.24 + .12 2 -'5 .22 + .09 + .03 .22 + .10 3 -.19 .21 + .10 + .04 -.19 + .07 4 .22 -.19 + .11 + .05 -is + .03 5 -.24 -i*J + .ii + .05 .10 .OO 6 -.24 .11 + .10 + .OS -.04 -.04 I .22 -.18 -.06 .OO + .08 + .06 + .04 + .04 + 03 + .09 -.08 .11 9 -.14 + .06 + .04 + .03 + 14 -13 IO -.09 + .11 + .01 + .02 + .18 -.14 ii -3 + 15 .02 .00 + .22 -.14 12 + .04 + .19 "OS .OI + .24 -.14 13 + .10 + .21 -.07 .02 + .24 .12 14 + -IS + .22 -.09 O3 + .22 .IO 15 + .19 + .21 .10 -.04 + .19 -.07 16 + .22 + .19 .11 -OS + -IS -03 17 + 24 + 15 .11 -.05 + .10 .OO 18 + .24 + .11 .10 -.05 + .04 + .04 19 + .22 + .06 -.08 -.04 -.03 + .08 20 + .18 .OO -.06 -.04 -.09 + .11 21 + .14 -.06 -.04 -03 -.14 + 13 22 + .09 .11 .01 .02 -.18 + .14 23 + .03 -'5 + .02 .OO .22 + .14 24 -.04 -.19 + -S + .01 -.24 +.14 APPENDIX III 309 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 Melb6o Paris 60 Grw 64 Cape 65 Brass 65 Pulk6s h /, it a -.09 -.09 + .04 .02 -.08 + .04 I -.04 5 + .03 .03 -.06 + .04 2 -.04 .01 + .02 -.04 -.04 + .04 3 -.07 + .04 + .01 -.04 .02 + .03 4 -13 +.08 .00 -.04 .OO + .02 5 -.17 + .11 .01 -.04 + .02 + .01 6 -.17 +.14 .02 -.04 + .04 .00 7 .11 + .16 .03 + .06 .01 I .00 + .16 -.04 .02 + .08 .02 9 + .16 + .16 -.04 .01 + .08 -.03 10 + 33 + 15 -.04 .00 + .09 -.04 ii + .47 + .12 -.04 + .01 + .08 -.04 12 + 55 + .09 -.04 + .02 + .08 -.04 13 + 55 + .05 03 + .03 + .06 -.04 4 + .46 + .01 .02 + .04 + .04 -.04 15 + .29 .04 .OI + .0 4 + .02 -.03 16 + .09 -.08 .00 + .04 .00 .02 17 .12 .11 + .01 + .04 .02 .01 18 -.29 -.14 + .02 + .04 -.04 .00 19 -.40 -.16 +.03 + 03 -.06 + .01 20 -.42 -.16 + .04 + .02 -.08 + .02 21 -.38 -.16 + .04 + .01 -.08 +.03 22 -.29 .IJ +.04 .00 -.09 + .04 23 -.18 .12 +.04 .01 -.08 + .04 34 -.09 -.09 + .04 .02 -.08 + .04 Grw72 Helb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 Madr 75 Pulk75 h n >/ ft o .00 .11 .02 -.01 (9) + 13 +05 I .00 .10 .02 .03 + .19 +.06 2 .00 -.09 .OI .05 + .24 + .06 3 .01 -.07 .00 -.07 + .27 + .07 4 .01 .00 -.08 + .29 + .06 5 .01 .02 + .01 -.09 + .28 +.06 6 .01 + .01 + .02 -.09 + .26 + -5 I .01 .01 + .04 +.06 + .02 + .02 -.09 -.08 + .21 + .16 + .01 9 .01 +.08 + .03 -.06 + .09 .00 10 .00 + .10 -.04 + .02 .02 ii .00 +.11 + .02 .02 -.06 -.04 12 .00 +.11 + .O2 + .01 -'3 _. os 13 .00 + .10 + .O2 + .03 -.19 -.06 14 .00 + .09 + .01 -.24 -.06 11 + .01 + .01 + .07 + .05 .OO .OO + .07 + .08 -.27 -.07 -.06 7 + .01 + .02 .OI + .09 -.28 -.06 18 + .01 .OI .02 + .09 -.26 -.05 19 + .01 -.04 .02 + .09 .21 .03 20 + .01 -.06 .02 + .08 -.16 .01 21 + .01 -.08 .03 + .06 -.09 .00 22 .00 .IO .03 + .04 .02 + .02 .00 .11 .03 + .02 + .06 + .04 34 .00 .11 .02 .01 + '3 + -5 3 io PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 a Becker 75 Harv 75 Paris 75 AGZ75 Cape So (Rem. 10) i n m rv h // n If n it n n O .05 .00 -.14 + .01 +- I S +- 11 .02 I -.04 -.07 + .02 +.16 +.10 .01 2 .02 + .01 + .03 +.15 +.09 .00 3 .00 + .08 + .03 +.14 +.08 .00 4 + .02 + .16 + .04 +.12 +.06 +.01 5 + .04 .00 + .21 + .04 +.08 +.03 +.01 6 +.06 .00 + .26 + .04 +.05 .OO +.02 7 +.07 + .28 + .04 +.01 .02 +.02 8 +.08 + .29 ,<** + .03 -.03 -.OS +.02 9 +.08 + .28 < + .02 .07 .07 +.O2 10 +.08 + 25 *0 + .OI .11 .09 +.02 ii +.07 .00 + .20 1 .00 .13 .10 +.02 12 +.05 .00 + .14 13 .01 .15 .11 +.02 3 + .04 + .07 .02 .16 .10 +.01 14 + .02 .01 .03 .15 .09 .00 IS .00 -.08 fl .03 .14 .08 .00 16 17 .02 -.04 .00 -.16 .21 4 .04 .12 .06 .OI .04 .08 .03 .OI 18 -.06 .00 -.26 .04 ~-5 - .02 19 -.07 -.28 .04 .01 +.02 .02 20 -.08 -.29 .03 +.03 +.05 .02 21 -.08 -.28 .02 +.07 +.07 .02 22 -.08 -.25 .OI +.11 +.09 .02 23 -.07 .20 .00 +- T 3 +.10 .02 24 .05 .00 -.14 + .01 +- 1 5 +- 11 .02 -3Sto-35 -35to-45 -45topole GrwSo MelbSo Strassb 85 Cape 85 PulkSs Radcl 90 h // It // + .06 -.Of +.03 + .12 + .02 +.06 I + .04 -.09 +.03 + .11 + .01 +.09 2 + .02 .10 + .02 + .08 + .01 +.11 3 + .02 .10 + .01 + .06 .OO + .12 4 + .02 .10 + .01 + .02 .OI + .12 5 + .04 -.09 .OO .OI .OI + .13 6 + .06 -.07 .OI -.04 .02 + .11 7 + .07 ~-5 .02 -.07 .02 + .09 8 + .07 .03 .02 .IO .03 + .06 9 + .04 .00 .03 .11 .03 + .03 10 .00 + .03 .03 .12 .03 .OO ii -.05 + .05 -3 -13 .02 -3 12 .10 +.07 _.0 3 .12 .02 -.06 13 -.14 + .09 O3 .11 .OI -.09 14 -.16 + .10 .02 -.08 .OI .11 15 -.16 + .10 .OI -.06 .00 .13 16 -13 + .10 .01 .02 + .01 .13 17 -.08 + .09 .OO + .01 + .01 .13 18 .02 + .07 + .01 + .04 + .02 .11 19 20 13 + .05 + .03 + .02 + .02 +.07 + .10 + .02 -.09 -.06 21 + .10 .00 + -3 +.11 + .03 .03 22 + .10 -03 + .12 + 03 .OO 23 +.08 + .03 + .13 + .02 + .O3 24 + .06 -.07 + 03 + .12 + .02 + .06 APPENDIX IH SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A6 fl Cine 90 Cape 90 Grw go Berl 90 Madn go Melbgo h tt // // // -.18 -.06 .00 + .06 .21 + .19 I -.18 -.06 + .01 + .05 .12 + '3 2 - J S -.06 + .02 + .04 -.04 + .26 3 .10 -S + .02 + 03 + .03 + .27 4 -.04 -.04 + .02 + .01 + .08 + .26 S .01 -3 + .03 .00 + .10 + -4 6 + .02 .01 + .03 .02 + .11 + .20 7 + .04 + .01 + .02 -.04 + .11 + .14 8 + .04 + .02 + .02 -5 + .11 + .08 9 + .04 + .04 + .02 -.06 + 13 + .01 10 ii + .04 + .04 + -5 + .06 + .01 .OO -.06 -.06 + -'S + .18 -.06 -13 12 + .05 + .06 .00 -.06 + .21 -.19 13 + .08 + .06 .01 -5 + .22 -.23 M + .11 + .06 .02 -.04 + .21 -.26 3 + -I7 + .20 + .o S + .04 .02 .02 -3 .01 + .17 + .10 -.27 -.26 17 + .19 + .03 -03 .00 .00 -.24 18 + -IS + .01 -03 + .02 .11 .20 19 + .09 .01 .02 + .04 .21 -.14 20 + .01 .02 .02 + .0 S -.29 -.08 21 -.07 -.04 .02 + .06 -33 .OI 22 -.14 -5 .OI + .06 -3 + .06 23 -.17 -.06 .OO + .06 -.28 + 13 24 -.18 -.06 .OO + .06 .21 + .19 Miin 02 Lick 95 [Berl 95 W-O97 Alb oo Lick oo h ft // // tf // ft O + .01 +.05 + .08 + .07 -.06 +.08 I + .01 + .06 + .07 + .13 -.07 +.09 2 .00 + .07 + .05 + .18 -.07 + .10 3 .00 + .07 + .03 + .21 -.07 + .10 4 .00 + .07 + .01 + -*3 -.06 +.09 5 .01 + .06 .01 + .24 -.06 +.08 6 .01 + 05 -.04 + '3 -.04 +.06 7 .01 + .04 -.06 + .20 .02 + .04 8 .01 + .02 -.07 + .16 .OO + .02 9 .01 .OO -.08 + .H + .01 .01 10 .01 .02 -.09 + -5 + .03 -03 ii .01 -.04 -.09 .01 + -OS -.06 12 .01 -S -.08 -.07 +.06 -.08 13 .01 -.06 -.07 -13 +.07 -.09 H .00 -.07 -S -.18 +.07 .10 15 .00 -.07 -3 .21 +.07 .10 16 .00 .07 .01 .23 +.06 -.09 17 + .01 -.06 + .01 -.24 +.06 -.08 18 + .01 -5 + .04 -3 + .04 -.06 19 + .01 -.04 +.06 .20 + .02 -.04 20 + .01 .02 +.07 -.16 .00 .02 21 + .01 .00 +.08 .11 .01 + .01 22 + .01 + .02 + .09 -OS -03 2 23 + .01 + .04 +.09 + .01 -05 +.06 4 + .01 +.05 +.08 +.07 -.06 +.08 312 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8. Cine oo Bonn oo Cape oo Cape 06 h // // tt // o .00 + .ii .00 (25) + .03 I .00 + .09 + .06 2 .00 + .07 + .09 3 .00 + .04 + .ii 4 .00 + .01 + .12 5 .00 .02 .00 + .12 6 .00 -5 .00 + .12 I -03 .10 -.08 .10 + .11 + .09 9 -.14 .11 + .06 10 -.17 ,ia + .03 XI -.17 .11 .00 .OO 13 -15 .11 .00 -3 '3 .10 -.09 -.06 H .02 -.07 -.09 3 +.05 + .12 -.04 .01 .11 .12 17 + .18 + .03 .00 .12 18 + .20 + .05 .00 .13 19 + .18 + .08 .11 30 MS + .10 -.09 n + .10 + .11 -.06 23 +.06 + .12 -3 33 +03 + .11 .OO 4 .00 + .11 .00 + .0 3 APPENDIX III 313 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 8 s Bri755 Pi oo Groomb 10 Grw 15 Kon 20 Schw 28 +90 H + 0.44 o.oo o.oo o.oo (12) 0.18 85 So + 0.43 + 0.36 + O.I2 +0.14 0.05 0.14 o.oo 0.00 0.18 -0.18 75 + 0.20 -0.18 0.26 o.oo o 19 70 O.O2 0.16 -0.37 +0.03 0.22 65 60 M H Jj -0.08 O.O9 0.09 0.04 -0.47 0.56 +0.08 +0.08 +55 So 1 M O.II -0.23 0.0 1 o.oo -0.63 -0.68 +0.04 0.03 45 40 J -0.45 0.76 + 0.04 + 0.08 -0.74 -0.78 0.04 O.OO 35 1.08 0.82 0.00 30 -1.31 0.81 o.oo + 25 -1.52 -0.77 o.oo 20 -1.89 0.72 0.05 IS -2.17 0.70 O.I2 IO 2.27 -0.71 0.09 + 5 -2.28 -0-73 O.OI 2.32 0.78 +0.05 - s 10 -2-39 2.39 0.84 0.92 +0.08 +0.05 15 2.22 I.OI + 0.01 20 25 -1.68 1. 10 1.20 -30 -1.51 - -1.30 35 -1.42 40 -i-39 45 1.40 55 -60 6S 70 75 80 85 -90 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A6 8 s Brisb 25 Cape 30 Camb 30 St HSO Abo 30 Grw 30 +90 // ft // +0.09 // // 0.00 // +0.40 85 +0.04 0.04 +0.28 80 0.0 1 -0.08 +0.15 75 0.06 0.09 +0.03 70 0.14 0.06 0.03 65 0.30 0.05 0.07 60 0.40 0.05 0.12 +55 -0-45 + 1.64 0.06 0.21 So -0-53 + 1.26 0.09 -o-37 45 -0.72 + 1.06 -0.13 0.62 40 -0.77 +0.98 0.18 -0.86 35 -0.74 + 0.99 0.24 -1.03 3 -0-55 + 1.09 -0.31 i. ii + 35 0.26 + i-3 -0.38 -1.18 20 O.2O + I-37 -o-43 -1.30 iS O.22 + 1.26 -0.47 -1.46 10 O.2O -0.25 + 1.02 0.50 -'53 + S 0.14 -0.27 +0.91 --S3 -i-SS o O.O6 0.40 +0.92 -o-SS -'S3 - 5 + O.O3 -0.68 + I.OI -0-59 -1.56 10 + O.IO -0-93 + I.OI 0.67 -1.70 15 +0.18 1. 12 +0.72 -0.77 2.IS 20 +0.24 -I.2S -0.03 0.91 -2-58 25 +0.28 -1.38 -0.35 -2-59 -3 +0.17 +0.30 -1.50 -0.18 -*-3 35 +0.08 +0.26 +o-33 40 +0.06 +0.18 + 0.52 45 +0.16 +0.04 +0.48 50 + 0.34 -0.14 +0.27 55 +0.56 0.30 +0.13 -60 + 0.97 -0.38 + 0.10 65 + I.2O 0.40 + 0.22 7 + 1.03 -0.32 +0-S5 7S +0.58 0.16 +0-75 80 +0.33 o.oo +0.73 85 + 0.13 -90 APPENDIX III 315 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IS DECLINATION. A8 8 s Dpt 30 Cape 33 (13) Madrss Edinb 401 Edinb 402 Arm 40 tt n // tt +90 o.oo + O.IO 0.16 -0.13 +0.23 85 0.04 +0.09 -o-5 (7) -0.04 (7) +0.24 80 0.09 +0.09 +0.05 +0.09 + 0.20 75 0.14 + O.IO +0.14 +0.16 + 0.09 70 0.20 +0.15 + 0.20 +0.15 0.07 65 0.26 +0.28 + 0.22 +0.07 -0.27 60 -o-33 +0.49 + 0.19 0.04 O.23 +S5 0.41 +0-73 + 0.14 0.09 O.26 5 -0-43 +0.77 + 0.06 o.io O.42 45 -0.38 +0.68 0.04 0.06 -0-54 40 -0.32 O.o8 +0.63 O.IO 0.03 0.61 35 -0.27 + 0.14 +0.60 -0.13 0.02 0.62 3<> 0.24 + 0.29 +0.44 -0.13 0.03 0.58 + 25 0.22 + 0.40 + 0.16 -0.13 0.07 -o-54 20 -0.25 + 0.38 0.05 O.II -0.13 -o-57 IS -0-34 -0.32 -0.19 0.05 O.I4 0.63 10 -0.51 0.22 0.26 0.06 O.II -0-75 + 5 -0.68 0.12 0.26 -0.17 0.06 0.89 -0-77 O.II 0.22 0.41 0.07 0.92 - 5 -0.83 0.21 O.II -0.66 - .17 -0.86 10 -0.88 O.I4 O.O2 0.91 - .38 -0.86 15 0.92 + O.2O + O.OS -i-iS - .62 0.83 20 -0.97 + 0-53 + 0.09 1.40 - .87 -0.36 2 5 + 0.73 + 0.17 0.12 -30 + 0.79 +-33 + 0.29 35 + 0.79 +o-75 40 + 0-51 + I.OO 45 O.o6 + 1.15 5 -0.25 + 1-23 55 -0.23 + 1.24 -60 -0.25 + I.2O 65 0.30 + I.I3 70 0.16 75 o.oa 80 o.oo 85 0.00 -90 0.00 316 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IS DECLINATION. A8 8 8 Cape 40 Grw 40 Grw 45 Radcl 45 Pulk 4 5 Paris 45 O + 90 a a O.O2 // O.IO +0.25 (8) a o.oo // 0.08 85 O.O7 O.OI +0.48 o.oo 0.07 So O.IO +0.04 +0.72 o.oo 0.06 75 O.II + O.O2 + 0.77 0.00 0.06 70 O.II 0.04 +0.36 + 0.04 0.06 6S 0.09 + O.OI + 0.29 + O.IO O.IO 60 0.07 +0.07 + 0.23 +0.17 O.I2 +55 O.O4 +0.03 +0.15 + 0.21 O.IO 5 O.O2 0.09 +0.03 +0.23 0.04 45 0.69 + 0.01 0.14 O.2I +0.26 +0.03 40 0.48 + 0-3 O.II 0.46 +0.32 + 0.06 35 -0.28 + 0.06 + O.OI O.OO +0.36 +0.06 3 -0.13 + 0.08 +0.09 -0.68 +0.36 + O.OI + *S -0.13 + O.II + 0.10 -0.80 +0-3S o.oo 20 O.20 +0.13 +0.07 -0.80 +0-34 o.oo IS O.2O + 0.12 + 0.01 0.62 +o-33 0.04 10 O.o8 + O.IS O.O2 0.36 +0.34 0.12 + 5 + 0.16 + O.22 O.O2 O.IO +o-3S -O.IS o +0.52 + 0.28 + 0.04 +0.19 +0.38 -O.I? - s +0.65 + 0.36 + 0.07 +0-3S + 0.42 0.16 IO +0.56 + 0.40 + 0.08 +0-3S + 0.47 -0.13 IS +0.31 + 0.42 + 0.04 +0.26 +o-S3 O.02 20 +O.2O +0.43 O.OI + 0.03 + 0.60 + 0.17 2S +0.18 +0.38 + 0.04 0.40 + 0.40 -30 +O.IO +0.18 + 0.40 +0.66 35 0.04 40 O.22 45 -0.38 5 -0.52 55 0.64 -60 -0.74 65 -0.79 70 -0.71 75 O.42 80 o.ai 85 0.07 -90 o.oo APPENDIX SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A5 8 s Stgo 50 Grw 50 Gi Z 50 Cape 50 PulksS Carrss +90 // // 0.02 // n // -0.31 rt 0.41 85 -0.03 0.26 0.85 80 0.04 0.16 -0.85 75 0.0(5 -0.03 70 0.08 o.oo 65 O.I2 0.00 60 -0.18 +0.05 + 55 0.21 +0.25 5 0.18 +0.04 45 O.II +0.18 40 +0.17 0.07 +0.32 35 +0.39 0.06 +0.41 3 +0.56 O.O2 +0.41 + 25 +0.69 +0.06 + 0.12 20 +0.78 + O.II +o-33 15 +0.84 + 0.12 +0.41 IO +0.82 + 0.08 +0.40 + 5 +0.85 0.00 +0.35 o + 0-93 0.07 0.28 +0.30 - 5 +0.99 0.08 -0-35 +0-32 10 + 1.02 0.05 0.29 +0.46 15 + 1.00 o.oa 0.09 +o-S7 20 +0.93 o.oo + 0.01 +0.58 25 +0.82 + O.O2 +0.05 -3 +0.56 +0.05 +0.03 35 +0.25 O.OI 40 +0.13 0.08 45 +0.27 -0.17 5 +0.36 -0.36 55 +0.36 - -0.38 -60 +0.19 -0.17 6S 0.00 + 0.10 -0.23 70 o.oo +0.13 -o-37 75 o.oo 0.07 -0.31 80 0.00 0.19 O.I2 8S o.oo +0.06 -0.03 -90 o.oo + 0.12 O.OO PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IpOO SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 8 s Stgo 55 Wash 60 Cape 60 Grw 60 Stgo 60 Radcl 60 + 9 // // o.oo a // o.oo // It + 0.46 (8) 85 +0.08 +0.06 +-75 80 + O.20 +0.13 + I.OI 75 + 0-3I +0.19 + 1.06 70 + 0.28 +0.25 +0.95 65 + 0.19 +0.29 +0.78 60 + 0.22 +0.31 +0.60 + 55 + 0.36 +0.30 +0.43 5 + 0.40 +0.26 +0.24 45 + 0.31 +0.15 +0.18 0.06 40 + 0.18 +0.05 +0.08 -0-45 35 +0.14 0.05 + 0.06 0.70 3 +0.14 0.16 + 0.14 o.oo 0.76 + 25 + 0.13 -0.24 +0.26 0.06 0.69 20 + O.20 +0.09 -0.28 +0.29 0.14 -0.49 15 + 0.14 O.OI -0.30 +0.28 0.28 0.29 10 + 0.10 O.20 -0.30 +0.23 0.46 -0.08 + S + 0.06 -0.27 0.29 + 0.18 0.56 + 0.12 o + 0.04 -0.25 0.29 + 0.04 -0.52 + 0.32 - 5 + 0.03 0.18 -0.31 + O.02 -0.30 +o-53 10 O.OI O.IO -0-34 + O.04 O.I2 +0-73 IS O.I I 0.04 0.26 + O.IO O.I4 +0.79 20 -0.25 o.oo -0.05 + O.2O O.2O +0.70 25 -0-35 +0.08 +0.04 + 0.32 0.12 +0.45 -3 -0.34 +0-30 + O.02 + 0.46 + O.2I + O.2O 35 0.19 +0.64 O.OO + 0.63 40 0.07 O.O4 + 0.83 45 0.04 O.O6 + 0.88 5 0.07 O.06 +0.76 55 -0.18 O.O4 +0-55 -60 -o-3S O.OO +0-37 65 +0.05 +0.25 70 +0.08 +0.15 75 +O.IO +0.08 80 -0.50 +O.IO +0.03 85 -0.38 +0.09 o.oo -90 o.oo APPENDIX 319 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 6 s Melb6o (14) Paris 60 Grw64 Cape 65 Bruss 65 Pulk6g +90 " o.oo o.oo " a + 0-34 o.oo 85 0.00 o.oo +0.44 0.00 80 o.oo o.oo +0.50 o.oo 75 o.oo 0.00 +0.54 o.oo 7o o.oo O.O2 +0-55 0.00 65 + 0.02 0.04 +0.52 0.00 60 +0.09 0.04 +0.42 +0.04 +55 +0.16 0.00 + 0.20 + O.II 5 +0.16 +0.06 0.00 + 0.21 45 +0.03 +0.06 + 0.22 O.IO +0.26 40 +0.38 O.IO +0.06 +0.17 0.12 +0.27 35 +0.34 -0.17 +0.06 + 0.12 O.OI +0.24 30 +0.30 O.2O + O.IO + 0.07 +0.08 +0.23 + 25 +0.28 -0.23 + 0.12 + O.02 +0.09 +0.24 20 + 0.28 0.26 + O.II 0.05 +0.07 +0.31 15 +o-35 -0.28 +0.09 -0.17 +0.04 +0.36 10 +0.50 -0.30 +0.05 -0.23 +0.03 +0.35 + 5 +0.78 0.29 o.oo -0.2S + O.OI +0.33 o +0.90 0.27 0.04 -0.27 O.OI +0-35 - 5 + 0.90 -0.23 0.05 O.29 O.OI +0.40 10 +0.76 0.18 o.oo -0.25 + O.OI +0.46 15 20 +0-55 +0.44 O.IO +0.08 + O.II +0.26 -0.15 + 0.01 +0.07 +0.16 +0.54 +0.64 25 +0.41 +0-37 +0.46 +0.07 +0.26 -3 + 0.40 +0.80 +0.66 o.oo +0.45 35 +0.38 0.03 40 +0.30 + O.O2 45 +0.16 + O.09 5 0.05 + 0.13 55 0.29 + 0.14 -60 -0.48 + 0.14 65 -0-54 +0.16 70 -0,52 +0.17 75 0.45 +0.19 80 -o-33 + O.2I 85 -0.17 +0.23 -90 0.00 +0.25 320 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 8 s Grw 72 Melb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 (9) Madr 75 (IS) Pulk75 o t H // // n + 9 0.00 0.07 +0.46 O.OI 85 0.04 0.04 +0.56 0.05 80 0.09 +0.05 +0.31 O.IO 7S 0.14 +0.09 0.05 0.05 70 O.2O + 0.09 -0.68 + 0.12 65 0.28 + O.II -0-75 o.oa 60 -0.36 +0.15 +0-55 + 0.02 +SS -0.44 + 0.18 O.2I + 0.07 5 -0.49 +0.18 -0.38 + 0.08 45 -0-53 + I.OO + O.II -o-39 + 0.09 40 -0.54 + o-73 O.IO -0.44 + 0.12 35 -0-54 + 0.44 0.25 -0.34 + 0.09 3 0.52 +0.16 0.30 0.90 +0.42 + O.O2 + 25 0.50 -0.13 0.29 0.82 + 0.56 O.OO 20 -0.52 -o-37 0.29 0.72 + 0.75 + 0.03 IS -0-S9 -0-43 0.29 -0.63 +0.29 + 0.09 10 -0.74 -0.34 0.28 -0.54 0.50 + 0.14 + 5 -0-95 O.I2 0.28 -o.4S 0.67 + 0.13 o -3 -0.13 0.27 -0.41 +0.58 + 0.07 - 5 1.26 -0.25 -0.28 0.41 0.16 + O.IO 10 -1.34 0.36 -0.31 0.40 0.23 +0.24 IS 1.46 0.41 -0.33 -0.32 -0.17 +0.43 30 -1.70 -0-43 -0.30 O.20 0.2O +0.65 S5 2.09 0.41 O.2I O.IO O.o8 -30 -2.53 0.42 O.o6 0.16 + 0.69 35 -0.47 + 0.22 0.26 + o-95 40 -0.63 + 0.71 -0.23 + i.ii 45 -0.63 -0.18 +0-75 5 -0.51 0.14 +0.13 55 -0.45 O.II +0.16 -60 0.46 0.08 ( + 1.60) 65 0.46 0.06 ( + 1.20) 70 0.42 0.04 ( + 2.00) -0.31 -0.03 80 0.18 O.O2 85 -0.08 O.OI -90 o.oo O.OO APPENDIX in 321 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A6 8 s Becker 75 Harv 75 Paris 75 AGZ 75 Cape So Grw 80 o +90 tt o.oo // o.oo +0.06 H H O.OO 85 +0.03 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 80 + 0.09 + 0.06 -0.03 + O.OS 75 + 0.18 + 0.10 O.O7 + O.II 70 +0.27 + 0.09 O.II +0.17 65 +0.30 +0.05 -0.15 + 0.21 60 +0.30 0.05 O.2O + O.2I + 55 +0.26 0.14 -0.25 +0.18 5 +0.19 O.II -0.34 + O.IO 45 +0.16 + O.IO 0.41 + 0.01 40 + 0.18 +0.26 -0.44 "S +0-53 0.04 35 + 0.21 +0.28 O.42 S +O.O3 0.06 3 + 0.22 +0.24 0.36 1 O.27 O.OI + 25 + 0.22 +0.23 -0.31 1 0.30 + O.II 20 + O.2I +0.31 0.27 s 0.23 +0.23 15 + 0.17 +0.29 -0.27 % 0.22 +0.28 10 + O.IO +0.06 -0.28 w 0.22 +0.26 + 5 + 0.06 o.oo 0.25 -0.17 +0.15 o + 0.06 + O.H O.2O 0.08 + O.II - 5 + O.II +0.25 -0.18 +O.OS + 0.22 10 + 0.2S +0.31 -0.17 + 0.08 + 0.34 15 + 0.39 +0.32 -0.15 + 0.08 + 0.44 20 + 0.53 + 0-33 0.04 + 0.06 + O.SI 25 + 0.65 +0.36 +0.19 O.OS +0.61 -3 + 0.79 +0.42 +0.55 0.22 +0.79 35 +0.51 0.29 40 O.26 45 O.IO 5 + 0.04 55 +O.I2 -60 +0.16 65 +0.17 70 +0.25 75 +0-43 80 +0.44 85 +0.26 -90 o.oo 322 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A5 8 MelbSo Strassb 85 Cape 85 PulkSs Radcl 90 Cine 90 + 9 ft rt O.OO // // O.OO rt -0.18 rt 85 0.00 0.00 0.07 So O.OO O.OO O.OO 75 O.O2 + 0.02 0.00 O.22 70 0.06 +0.04 O.IO 0.19 65 0.07 +0.05 -0.27 -0.18 60 0.07 +0.06 0.46 0.19 + 55 0.06 +0.04 -0.49 O.22 5 0.07 +0.04 -o-39 0.24 45 0.09 -1.03 +0.05 -o-39 O.2I 40 + 0.86 -0.08 -0.8 1 + 0.09 -0-45 0.12 35 +0.46 0.06 o.6a +0.14 -0.58 + 0.05 3 +0.06 0.05 -0.47 +0.18 -0.68 + O.IO + 25 -0.27 0.08 -o-37 + 0.22 -0.74 O.OI 20 -0.42 O.IO -0.31 + 0.24 -0-75 O.II IS -0.43 0.08 0.30 +0.25 -0.77 0.06 10 0.40 O.O2 0.29 +0.25 -0.77 + 0.07 + 5 0.26 0.00 -0.28 +0.24 -0.72 +0.17 -0.32 O.OO -0.27 + 0.22 0.62 +0.24 - 5 -0-53 O.OO 0.26 + 0.19 -0-57 +0.28 10 0.67 O.OO 0.26 + 0.15 -0.51 +0.32 15 0.69 -0.03 -0.27 + O.O6 0.45 +0.38 20 0.62 0.08 0.28 -0.14 0.40 +0-53 25 0.63 -0.13 -0.28 0.36 + 0.79 -3 -0.68 0.18 0.24 0.36 + 1.14 35 0.69 0.19 40 0.71 0.16 45 -0.71 -0.17 5 0.67 0.24 55 0.60 0.30 -60 -0-45 0.29 65 -0.28 O.2O 70 -0.17 o.ta 75 O.IO 0.06 80 0.05 0.03 85 O.O2 O.OI -go O.OO 0.00 APPENDIX 3 2 3 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A5 8 s Cape go Grwgo Berl oo Madngo Melbpo Miinga o + 9 " O.IO o.oo o.oo " 0.00 85 O.IO + 0.03 0.06 0.05 So O.IO + 0.07 O.IO -0.14 75 0.09 + 0.13 -0.13 -0.24 70 0.06 +0.16 0.14 -0.28 6S o.oi +0.15 -0.14 -0.25 60 + O.OI + 0.13 0.14 0.24 + 55 -0.03 +0.09 0.12 -0.32 5 0.09 +0.04 0.08 -0.44 45 -0.30 O.IO O.OI 0.02 0.63 40 0.07 0.08 0.06 + O.IO i.n -0.78 35 + O.O2 0.06 0.12 + 0.26 -1.07 3 O.OO 0.05 -0.14 + 0.32 1.09 + 25 0.05 0.04 O.II + 0.31 - .18 20 0.06 O.O2 -0.08 + 0.28 - .26 IS 0.04 0.00 0.06 + 0.29 - -3 0.70 IO 0.0 1 + 0.02 0.03 + 0.34 - .28 -0.74 + 5 O.O2 +0.03 o.oo + 0.38 - .18 -0.79 o O.O5 +0.04 +0.03 + 0.38 I.OO -0.84 5 0.09 +0.06 +0.05 + 0.34 0.90 -0.89 IO O.II + 0.12 + O.IO + 0.29 -0.83 -0.97 15 O.IO + 0.21 + 0.22 + 0.23 -0.83 -1.05 20 -0.08 + 0.34 + 0.42 +0.18 -0.86 2 5 O.OI + 0.50 +o-73 -0-93 -3 +0.04 + 0.70 f 1.16 I.OO 35 40 +0.05 + O.O2 -0-99 -0.88 45 0.02 -0.79 5 -0.03 -0-75 55 0.00 0.70 -60 + 0.02 0.60 65 + 0.04 -0.47 70 + 0.04 -0.31 11 + 0-03 + 0.01 0.18 0.09 85 O.OO 0.03 -90 o.oo o.oo 324 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1 900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 8 s Lick 95 Berl 95 W-Ott 97 Alb oo Lick oo Cine oo o + 9 o.oo +0.09 // o.oo -0.08 + 0.08 // o.oo 8S +0.05 + 0.07 0.00 + O.O2 + 0.08 +0-03 So +0.08 +0.06 o.oo + 0.18 +0.09 75 +0.07 +0.05 o.oo +0.31 +0.15 70 +0.05 +0.07 o.oo + o-37 + O.2I 65 0.00 + O.II + O.O2 + 0.36 + 0.26 60 + 0.15 +0.07 + 0.29 + 0.29 55 +0.14 + 0.06 +0.17 + 0.28 5 +0.07 -0.03 + O.IO + 0.24 45 +0.09 0.04 0.19 +0.06 +0.18 40 0.00 0.12 +0.06 +0.05 35 -0.17 -0.17 + 0.04 -0.13 3 -0.25 O.I9 -0.85 0.0 1 0.24 + 25 -0.23 -0.15 1 .01 0.06 -0-35 20 0.14 O.II -1.07 0.09 -o-39 IS 0.10 0.09 -1.05 O.IO -0.36 IO 0.09 o.io -0.98 0.09 -0.25 + 5 0.10 0.07 -0.85 -0.05 0.07 o 0.05 0.03 -0.72 + 0.01 O.2I + 0.12 - 5 +0.04 + 0.06 0.64 o.oo 0.24 IO IS +0.14 + 0.21 + 0.13 + 0.21 -0-59 0.56 0.05 -0.08 -0.27 0.26 20 + 0.26 + 0.29 -0.52 0.06 -O.IS 25 +0.32 +0-37 0.46 0.02 + 0.12 -3 +0.43 -0-35 +0.06 O.O4 35 +0.65 +0.15 + 0.13 40 + I.I2 +0.25 + 0.36 45 +0.6 1 5 55 -60 65 70 75 , 80 85 -90 APPENDIX III 325 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION. A8 8 s Bonn oo Cape oo Cape 06 o +90 it // 85 80 75 Rem. (25) 70 65 60 +55 + 0.20 5 + O.II 45 O.OI 40 0.14 35 -0.25 3 -0.31 + S -0.32 20 0.27 O.22 IS 10 0.19 0.12 O.O7 + 0.06 + 5 O.O6 + O.II o o.oa + 0.06 s O.O4 10 -0.08 15 O.O9 2O O.O7 25 0.02 -3 O.OO 35 0.19 40 45 0.29 0.36 0.29 0.36 5 0.40 0.40 55 0.40 0.40 -60 0.40 0.40 65 0.40 0.40 70 75 -0-39 0.36 -o-39 0.36 80 0.29 0.30 85 0.22 -90 326 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Kasan Christiania Hels.-Gotha Harvard Bonn Lund * AS 6 S AS* S A. J AS { * AS S a AS { s Ads 5 A5 r O // + 75 --25 o // + 65 +.22 o // + 55 --05 O // + 61 -.12 O // + 50 --37 // + 40 +.20 // +46 +.07 O ft + 35 --30 76 .25 66 +.22 56 +.ii 62 .02 5 1 --37 41 +.20 47 + -i<5 36 .22 77 -25 78 .25 67 +.22 68 +.22 57 +.12 58 +.04 63 + .06 64 +.06 52 -.37 S3 --37 42 +.18 43 +-I4 48 +-34 49 +-3 6 37 - 38 -.15 79 -25 69 +.22 59 -.10 + 65 -.01 54 --37 44 +-07 + 50 +.28 39 -.22 + 80 -.25 + 70 +.22 + 60 -.18 +55 --37 + 45 +-04 + 40 -.28 a A5 a a AJ a a AS. a AS, a Ad a A8 a b h h b h h o .00 o +.15 O +.13 O .01 + .02 o +.08 I +.06 I +.11 I +.08 i -.05 I + .05 I +.10 2 +.11 2 +.04 2 +.03 2 .09 2 + .07 2 +.06 3 +.15 3 -.06 3 .02 3 -.12 3 + .09 3 .00 4 +-18 4 -.19 4 -.07 4 -.14 4 + .10 4 --09 S +.20 5 -.28 S .12 S -.16 5 + .11 5 -.16 6 +.21 6 --37 6 -.16 6 -.16 6 + .11 6 .19 7 +.20 8 +.14 7 --46 8 -.51 I -.19 .20 7 -.15 8 -.14 7 8 + .10 +.08 7 -.17 8 -.10 9 +.02 9 -.52 9 .20 9 -.11 9 +.06 9 .02 10 .14 10 .51 10 -.19 10 .07 10 + .04 10 + .04 II .20 ii .46 ii -.17 ii -.03 ii + .01 ii +.07 12 .20 12 -.36 12 -13 12 +.01 12 .02 12 +.09 13 -.17 13 .21 13 -.08 13 +-05 13 5 13 +.10 14 .12 14 +.03 14 -03 14 +-09 14 -.07 14 +.09 IS --05 16 +.03 15 +.15 16 +.21 IS 16 + .O2 + .07 IS +.12 16 +.14 11 -.09 .10 15 +.07 16 +.05 17 +.07 17 +.22 17 + .12 17 +.16 17 .11 17 +-OI 18 +.10 l8 +.22 18 + .16 18 +.16 18 .11 18 -.03 19 +-05 19 +.22 19 + .19 19 +-15 19 .10 19 -.05 2O .01 2O +.22 20 + .20 20 +.14 20 -.08 20 .06 21 -.08 21 +.21 21 + .20 21 +.11 21 -.06 21 .05 22 .08 22 +.20 22 + .19 22 +.07 22 -.04 22 -.03 23 -.06 23 +.18 23 + 17 23 +.03 23 .01 23 +.02 24 .00 24 +-I5 24 + 13 24 .01 24 + .02 24 +.08 APPENDIX in 3 2 7 SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Leiden Cambridge Berlin B. Berlin A. Leipsic I Leipsic II J AS S S A5 S A5 * A*, S Ao * AS { O // + 30 --3 // + 25 -.28 o n + 20 +.24 O // + 15 ~ -3 2 ft + 10 .05 o // 31 .14 26 .00 21 +.13 16 .19 ii +.13 6 .05 32 +.01 27 +.22 22 +.02 17 - .30 12 +.29 7 --05 33 + - 10 28 +.32 23 -.08 18 + .14 13 +-4I 8 .05 34 +.08 29 +.31 24 .12 19 .10 14 +-44 9 .5 + 35 --5 + 30 +.22 + 25 -.10 + 20 .14 + IS +.38 + 10 .05 tt A5 a A a o AS a a AS a tt A5 a A a h h h h b h O +.11 o +.10 +.04 o .000 o +.34 O +.12 I +.09 I +.12 I +.02 I .000 I +-33 I +.13 2 +.06 2 +.13 2 -.01 2 .OOO 2 +.3 2 +.14 3 +.4 3 +-13 3 .04 3 .000 3 +- 2 5 3 +.15 4 .00 4 +.12 4 .7 4 .000 4 +.16 4 +-I3 5 -.3 5 +" 5 -" S .000 5 +-05 5 +-9 6 -.06 6 +.09 6 .14 6 .000 6 -.08 6 +.03 7 -.09 8 -.11 7 +.06 8 +.02 7 --17 8 -.18 7 .000 8 .000 7 -.23 8 -.32 7 ~ -3 8 -.10 9 -.12 9 .01 9 -.19 9 .000 9 --36 9 --IS IO .13 10 .04 10 .18 IO .OOO w> -.35 10 .19 II .12 ii -.08 n .16 II .000 ii .26 II .20 12 .11 12 .10 12 -.13 12 .000 12 -.14 12 .19 13 -.09 14 .06 IS -.04 16 .00 13 --I2 14 --13 is -.13 IO .12 13 -.08 14 .01 IS +-8 16 +.16 13 .000 14 .000 15 .000 16 .000 13 --07 14 .02 IS +.02 16 +.04 13 --I4 14 -.08 15 -.08 16 -.08 17 +-03 17 .11 17 +.19 17 .000 17 +.06 17 .08 18 + .06 18 .09 18 +.21 18 .000 18 +.09 18 -.08 19 +-09 20 +.11 19 .06 2O .02 19 +.21 20 +.18 19 .000 2O .000 19 +.12 20 +.17 19 .08 20 -.08 21 +.12 21 +.OI 21 +.14 21 .000 21 +.24 21 .06 22 +.12 22 + .04 22 +.10 22 .000 22 +.30 22 -.03 23 +.12 23 +.08 23 +.06 23 .000 23 +.32 23 +.04 24 +.11 24 +.10 24 +.04 24 .000 24 +-34 24 +.12 328 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS IN DECLINATION APPLICABLE TO A. G. ZONES. Albany Nikolaief Strassburg Wien-Ott. 8 Ao t 5 A6 8 A8 8 8 AS* // + I +.07 o // - 2 + .25 // 6 .05 // IO .OI a +.07 - I +.25 5 --4 - 9 +-03 3 +-7 o +.25 4 +.04 - 8 -.03 4 +-07 + I +-2S 3 +.1 - 7 --I5 + 5 +.CJ - 2 +.13 6 .30 ci A5 a A a A.. a A a h h h h o +.17 +.42 o +.17 O +.12 I +.21 I +.38 I +.16 I +.10 2 +.23 2 +.31 2 +.IS 2 +.07 3 +-24 3 +-23 3 +.12 3 +-09 4 +^23 4 +.12 4 +-08 4 +.16 S +-2I S +.01 S +-04 5 +.21 6 +.17 6 .10 6 .00 6 +.21 7 +.12 8 +.06 7 -.21 8 -.30 7 --04 8 -.08 7 +.14 8 .02 9 .00 9 --37 9 -.12 9 -.11 10 .06 10 .41 10 .15 10 .17 II .12 II --43 ii .16 II .20 12 .17 12 .42 12 .17 12 .21 13 .21 13 --38 13 .16 13 .20 14 -.23 14 --3I 14 --IS 14 -.18 IS --24 16 -.23 IS --23 16 .12 16 -.08 IS -.16 16 .14 17 .21 17 .01 17 -.04 17 .11 18 -.17 18 +.10 18 .00 18 -.07 19 .12 19 +-2I 19 +-04 19 -.03 20 .06 20 +.30 20 +.08 2O +.02 21 .00 21 +.37 21 +.12 21 +.07 22 + .06 22 +.41 22 +.15 22 +.12 23 +.12 23 +-43 23 +.16 23 +.13 24 +.17 24 +.42 24 +.17 24 +.12 APPENDIX III 329 A. G. ZONES. WEIGHTS IN RIGHT ASCENSION. Number of observations equivalent to " weight." wt. Kasan Chr H-G Harv Bonn Lund Leid Camb Berl B. Berl A. Leip Leip II Alb Nik Str Wien- Ott .1 i i 15 i i .2 2 i 2 i 25 i 2 i 3 3 3 2 i i 35 3 i 4 i 4 4 2 4 i 3 2 i S 2 2 5 4 i .6 3 3 6 5 2 2 3 + 7 3 2 4-5 4 2 7-9 i 2 6-7 3 3 2 I.O 4-5 3 6 + 5-6 3-4 10 + 3 4 4 3 2 -s 6-7 4 + 7-9 2 4 5-6 5-7 4 + 3-4 2.O 8-9 10 + 3 5 7 + 2 -S IO II 3-o 12-13 4 3-5 14-15 5 4.0 16 + 6 A. G. ZONES. WEIGHTS IN DECLINATION. Number of observations equivalent to " weight." Wt Kasan Chr H-G Harv Bonn Lund Leid Camb Berl B. Berl A. Leip Leip II Alb Nik Str Wien- Ott .1 i i '5 i i i .2 2 i 2 25 2 + 2 2 3 3 i i i i 3 + 35 2 3 3 i i 4 4 i i 5 5-6 3 4 + 4 + 2 i* .6 7 4 + 2 2 2 2 7 8-9 2 3 i 3-4 3 2 2 I.O 10 + 3-4 3-4 4-7 5 + 4 3-4 3-4 3 2 -s 5-8 8+- 2 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 3 2.0 9 + 3-5 5 + 4 + * The weight in declination for Wien-Ottakring is decidedly smaller for stars fainter than 8^5- 330 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO WEIGHTS IN RIGHT ASCENSION CORRESPONDING TO NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS IN RESPECTIVE CATALOGUES. Wts Bri75S Pi 00 Groomb 10 Konis Grw 15 Dptis Konao Schw 28 Cape 30 Camb Wrot 30 OS -3 8-23 i i i i .1 4-5 24 + 2 2 i I 2 i 2 15 6-7 3 3 2 i 2 4 2 3 .2 8-9 4 4-5 3 2 3 5 3 25 IO IZ S 6 3 4 7-8 4 6-8 3 13-14 6-7 7 4 2 4 5 9-n 5 9 + 35 15 16 >d 8 8-9 5 6 12 14 6-7 4 17 + J^ 9-11 1012 6-7 3 5 7-9 15 20 8-10 S E 12-15 13-15 8-9 4 6 1012 21-37 11 14 .6 in g 16 + 16 20 IO 12 5 7-8 13-17 38-74 15-24 7 o & 21 25 I3 I6 6 9-n 18-24 75 + 25-64 I.O I" 8 1 26+ 17 7-15 16 + 12 18 19-30 25 + 65 + 3.O u C *9 31-49 3-5 slJ 50-77 Wts StH 3 o Abo 30 Grw 30 Dpt30 Cape 33 Madr 35 Edinb 40 Arm 40 Cape 40 Grw 40 Grw 45 05 i i i i .1 i 3-4 i i 2 3 2 33 2 i i IS 2 i 5-6 2 4-5 4-5 3 3 .3 3 7-8 6-7 3 6-8 4 3 2 35 4 9-n 3 2 8 io 4 9-12 S 3 3 5 2 12-15 4 11-13 5 13-17 6 4 35 6 16 20 5 3 14 18 18-26 7 5 4 4 7 21-30 6 4 19-27 6-7 27 + 8 6-7 5 5 8 io 3 31-45 7-8 5 28 + 8 9-n 8-9 6-7 .6 11 14 4 46 + 9 6 9 10 12-13 1012 8 7 15-19 5-6 IO II 7-8 o . 11 14 14-18 13-14 910 I.O 20 + 7-9 12-25 9-i9 i 15-27 19-28 15-42 11 22 !-5 10-13 26 50 20-44 l 28-50 29-43 43 + 23-39 3.O 14-19 51 + 45 + "3 51-102 44 + 40-74 3-5 20 26 t/j *J 103 + 75 + 3- 27-34 -a tD 3-5 35-43 li 4.0 44-62 CJ 5-o 63 + jpg 6.0 + .c 7-o s 8.0 | 9.0 o 10.0 APPENDIX in 331 WEIGHTS IN RIGHT-ASCENSION. Wts Radcl 45 Pulk45 Paris 45 Stgo 50 GiZ 50 Cape 50 Grw 50 Pulkss S. + 60 N. + 60 S. of 6o Nof+ 60 S. of + 6o N. of + 60" .05 I .i I i i i i i 15 a i 2 I 2 2 i .2 3 2 3 2 2 25 4 I 3 3 3 5 3 4 2 4 3 + 4-5 3 3 35 6 S 4 7-9 3-4 6 3 5 6-9 4 4 5 10 12 56 a 7 6-7 10 14 5-6 5 3 * .6 13-15 7-9 i 8-9 4 8-9 15-24 7 6-9 4 7 l8 24 1012 3 IO 12 56 IO II 25 + 8-9 5 a I.O 25+ 13 + 4-5 2 13 22 7 10 12 25 10 16 10-19 3-4 1.5 6-8 23-38 11-16 26-54 17 26 20+ 5 + 2.0 9-12 3-4 39-63 17-24 55 + 27-40 2-5 13 15 5 64 109 2538 4160 M 3- 16 20 6 110+ 39-57 6190 a 3-5 21 26 7 58-94 91 + 1 1 4-o 27-36 8-9 95 + X 5-o 37-57 10-13 n 8 6.0 58+ 14-18 c w 7-o 19-24 o o' o 8.0 25-34 s> . a 9.0 35-47 + + + 10.0 48 + Wts Carr 55 Stgo 55 Wash 60 Cape 60 Grw 60 Stgo 60 Radcl 60 Melb 60 Paris 60 Grw 64 .05 i .1 i i i i i 15 2 i 2 2 i 2 I .2 i 3 2 i 3 3 3 a i 25 4 432 3 4-5 3 2 4-5 5 2 5 35 2 2 6 4 3 .4 6-9 4 3 6-9 7 6-7 5 2 -5 3 10 14 5-6 4 3 1014 8-9 3 8 6-7 4 .6 15 24 7 5 15-24 IO II 4 910 8 5 3 7 4 25 + 8 io 6-7 4 25 + 12 l6 5 11-13 9~io 6-7 I.O 5-7 it 16 8-n 5-7 17+ 6-9 14 22 ii ai 8 14 4-6 '5 8-12 17-27 12 16 8-12 10 13 23-51 22-51 15-51 7-9 2.0 2-5 13-17 18-23 28-40 4160 17-24 25-37 I3-I7 18-23 14-19 20-25 52-70 52-70 52-70 71+ 71+ 71 + 1012 I3 I6 3-o 24-31 61 90 38-56 24-31 26-33 17 21 3-5 32-41 42-64 91 + 57 + 32-41 42-64 34-43 44 + | 22-25 26-34 5- 65 + 65 + v> 35-49 6.0 3 50-74 7-o 3 75 + 8.0 "" & 9.0 + + + IO.O 332 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO WEIGHTS IN RIGHT ASCENSION. Weights Harv6s Cape 65 Bruss 65 Pulk6$ Grw 72 Melb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 S.of+6o N.of + 6o To + 60 N.of+6o 05 .1 i IS i i i .2 2 i i 25 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 35 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 I 2 I 3 3 5 .6 5 S 5-6 I 4 6-7 7 6 6 7 3 4 5 8 io I.O 7-14 7-n 8-27 2 4-S 2 5-7 6-8 11-27 1.5 15 + 12 19 28 + 3 2 6-8 3-4 8-n 9-12 28 + a.o 20 31 4-5 3 9-10 5 12 16 13-16 2-5 32-49 6 4 11-13 6 17-21 17-21 Oc 50 + 7-8 14-17 7-8 22 27 22 26 E Bfl 3-5 9 6 18 21 9 10 28-34 27-31 a 4.0 10-13 7-8 22 29 " 13 35-49 32-40 .a 5-o 14-17 9~" 30-38 14-19 50-77 4i-54 i 6.0 18-27 12-13 39-53 20-27 78 + 55-72 w 7.0 28-34 14-17 54-73 28-36 73-93 8.0 35-55 18-22 74+ 37-52 94 + 9.0 56+ 23-27 53 + IO.O 28 + Weights Madr 75 Pulk75 Becker 75 Harv75 Paris 75 AGZ75 Cape 80 Grw 80 To + 60 N.of + 6o To + 70 N. of + 70 S I 1 2 2 .1 2-3 3 3 I i i .15 4 4-5 4-6 .2 56 6 7 7 10 2 I I 2 25 7 9 8 ii 16 2 i 3 10 12 910 17 24 3 3 in 35 13 16 ii 12 2560 2 2 I o 3 3 4 17-22 13-15 61 + 4 4 5 23-45 16-19 S 3 i 3 5 3 4 2 .6 46+ 2023 6 4 6 5 7 24-33 7-8 4 5 2 7-9 1 6-7 3 I.O 34-6o 9-12 5-7 2-3 6-8 3 to 16 u 6 C/} 8-u 4-5 1.5 61+ TJ 13 17 8io 4-5 9-11 4-5 17-28 12 17 6-7 2.0 a 18-23 11-13 6 + 12-15 6-7 29-46 18 25 8 io 2-5 g 24-29 14-17 16 19 8 9 47-79 26-33 11-13 3- o "3 a O 3 30 35 18 20 20 24 10 ii 80 + 34-44 14-17 3-5 fc T s 36-42 21-24 25-29 12-13 45-56 18-22 4-0 "S 43-52 25-29 30-37 M-I7 57-82 23-29 5-o + o c 53-68 30-41 38-49 18-24 83 + 30-44 6.0 3 o o 69-85 42-53 50 64 2833 45-63 7.0 JJ a in 86+ 54-66 65+ 34-44 64 + 8.0 (2 + i 67-83 45-60 9.0 84 + 61-82 IO.O APPENDIX III 333 WEIGHTS IN RIGHT ASCENSION. Wts. MelbSo Saff 85 Strassb 85 Cape 85 Pulk 85 Radclpo Cine oo Cape oo Grw 90 o S. of - 60 To + 60 N.of+6o .i i 15 I i i i .2 25 2 2 I 2 3 2 2 i 35 3 4 i 3 3 3 5 4 4 2 I 4 4 3 2 .6 5 5 5-6 4 7 6 i 6 3 I 5-6 7-9 5 3 I.O 7-8 2-3 7-9 4-5 2 7-9 10 + 6-8 4 i-S 9-14 2 4 10 14 6 7 3 2 1014 9-12 5-7 2.0 15-22 3 5-6 15-18 8-10 4-5 3 15-19 13 16 8.9 2-5 23-34 4 7-8 19 22 11 13 6 4 20 24 17 21 IO II 35-49 5 9 10 23 27 14 16 78 5 25-30 22 26 12-14 3-5 5o-7i 6-7 II 12 28-32 17-19 9 6 3i-37 27-31 1 5~ J 7 4.0 72 + 8-9 I3-I6 33-39 20-26 10-13 7-8 38-48 32-39 18-23 5.0 1014 17-24 40-50 27-36 14-17 9-11 49-65 40-53 24-31 6.0 S~3 25-35 51-62 37-50 18-27 12 13 66 + 54-70 32-42 7.0 24-37 63-75 s 1 - 6 ? 28-34 14-17 71-90 43-56 8.0 38-69 51-79 76+ 68 + 35-55 18-22 91 + 57-76 9.0 70 + 80 + 56+ 23-27 77 + IO.O 28 + Weights Berl 90 Madn 90 Lisb 90 Melb 90 Pulk 92 Lick 95 Berl 95 Alb oo Lick oo Miin oo .1 00 H 15 .2 i i | 25 2 H 3 i 35 3 C/3 C/2 4 5 4 i I .6 5 i 7 i 6 I I.O i i 7-8 2 i 2 2 1.5 2 9-14 3 2 3 3 2.O 2 3 2 15-22 4-5 2 3 4-5 4 2-5 4 3 23-34 6 4 6 1 " 6 3 5 35-49 7-8 3 7-8 7 8 3-5 4 6-7 4 9 4 910 9 10 4.0 6*8 8-9 10 14 5-6 7-8 72 + 10-13 14-17 8 + 6-8 11 + 11-14 15-24 6.0 7.0 9-11 12 16 15-23 24-37 9-11 12-15 18-27 28-34 9 -ii 12 16 25 + 8.0 17-23 38-69 16 21 35-55 17-23 9-o 24-39 70 + 22-31 56 + 24-39 IO.O 40 + 32 + 40 + 334 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 WEIGHTS IN RIGHT ASCENSION. Weights Cape oo Cine oo Bonn oo Cape 06 ? 15 .2 i i 3 X 35 4 a 5 I i .6 3 7 4 i I.O 2 5 + a 1.5 3 2 3 2.0 4-5 3 4-5 2 -5 6-7 4 6-7 8-10 5 + 8-10 3-5 11 + 11-13 4.0 14+ e! 7.0 C n o.o 9.0 10.0 APPENDIX HI 335 WEIGHTS IN DECLINATION CORRESPONDING TO NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS IN THE CATALOGUE. Wts. Br 1755 Pi oo Groomb IO Grw 15 Kon 20 Schw 28 Brisb 25 Cape 30 Carab 3<> StH30 Xbo 30 Grw30 S i i-3 p i 2 10 i i .1 2-3 4 8 i be o 2-3 11 + i 2 ij 4 9-17 2 i 3 4-5 2-3 3-4 2 .2 5-7 18 + 3 6-7 4-6 i 5 25 8-10 4 2 w - 8-10 7-9 6-7 3 3 ii 16 5 11-13 10 + 2 8-10 4 35 17-27 6-7 % 14-18 11-14 5 4 28 + 8-10 3 t 19-27 15-22 i 6 5 ii 20 4 28 + 3 23 + 7-9 .6 21-49 5 8 4 10-13 7 50 + 6-7 V 5-7 2 14-25 A I.O 8-n | 8-18 3 26 + i-5 12 17 19 + 4-6 2.O 18-24 B 7-10 2-5 25-34 I ii 16 3- 35 + bO 17-29 3-5 y <^ 30-68 4- 69 + Wts. Dpt 30 Capeaa Madr 35 Edinb 40 Arm 40 Cape 40 Grw 40 Grw45 Radcl 45 Pulk45 Paris 45 S i .1 i 15 i a-3 2 J i .2 4-5 i i i i i u 25 6-8 3 K 3 2 9 + 4 2 2-3 I 2 35 2 5 2 4 i 6 2 4-5 3 5 3 3 7-9 3 3 6io 4 .6 4 4 1012 4 4 3 11-23 5 7 2 S 5-6 13 + 5-6 5-6 4 24 + 6-7 I.O 3 612 7-n 7-iS 7-n 5-8 I 8-12 i-5 4-6 13 + 12 22 16 + 12 21 9-14 13-22 2.O 2 -5 7-10 II IO 23-49 5 + 22-45 46 + 15 26 27-50 2 3 23-35 36-69 3- 17-29 5i + 4-5 70 + 3-5 30-68 6 4.0 69 + 7-ii 5- 12 + 336 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO WEIGHTS IN DECLINATION. Wts. Stgo SO Grwso GiZ 50 Cape 5 Pulk 55 Carr 55 Stgo 55 Wash 60 Cape 60 Grw 60 Stgo 60 Radcl 60 Melb 60 s i i i i .1 2 (21) i i 15 2 3 + 2 2 2 i .2 i i i 3 2 3 3 2 5 3 i 4 3 4 2 4 3 4 5 2 35 5 5-6 4 5-6 6-7 4 6 2 2 7-9 5 2 i 7-9 8-n 3 5 7-9 3 3 IO 12 6 IO 12 12 + 4 .6 10-13 4 4 3 13-17 7-8 3 !3-i7 5 7 1425 5-6 5 4 3 18-24 9-12 4 2 18-24 6-7 I.O 26 + 7-n 614 5-6 4-6 25 + 13-27 5-6 3-4 25+ 8-12 *-s 12 21 i5 + 7-10 7-8 28-79 7-10 5-6 13 22 2.0 22-45 ii 16 9-n 80 + ii 16 7-10 23-37 2-5 46 + 17 24 12-15 17-24 11 14 38-69 3- 2 5-37 16 20 25-37 15 22 7 + 3-5 38-60 21-25 38-60 23-37 4.0 61 + 26-39 en- 38 + S- 40 + 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Wts. Paris 60 Grw64 Cape6$ Bruss 65 Pulk 65 Grw 72 Melb 70 Wash 75 Cord 75 Madr 75 Pulk 75 Becker 75 5 i .1 2 IS i (22) 3 .2 i i 4 25 i i 5-6 3 2 i i 7 35 8-9 4 3 i 2 2 2 2 10-13 i 5 4 2 2 3-4 14-19 .6 5 3 3 3 5-6 20 29 7 6-7 2 4 3-5 4 3 4 7-10 30 + 2 i I.O 812 3-4 5-6 6 + i 5-6 4-6 5-7 n + 3 2-3 i-5 13-22 5-6 7-10 7-10 7-12 8-10 4 4-5 2.0 2 3-37 7-10 ii 16 2 ii 16 13-27 11 14 Jl 5-6 6 + 2-5 38-69 11 14 17-24 17-24 28+ 15-18 J 7-8 3-o 70 + 15 22 25-38 3 25-37 19-23 'u 9 10 3-5 23-37 39-6o 4 38-60 24-29 "o II 12 4- 38 + en- 5 61 + 30 40 g 13-17 5- 6-8 4160 3 18 23 6. 5" IO 61 90 24-33 7- 11 14 9i + P. 34-45 8. 15-18 1 46-65 9- 19 26 K 66 + 10.0 27 + APPENDIX III 337 WEIGHTS IN DECLINATION. Wts. Harv 75 Paris 75 AGZ75 Cape So Grw So Melb So Strassb 85 Cape 85 Pulk 85 Radcl go Cine oo Cape go Grw go 05 .i i (22) '5 i fl .2 2 3 ri 25 3 * i i i i 3 2 B i i i i i 35 4 fi 0. 4 5 3 2 2 5 6 4 R 2 2 2 .6 7-8 5 C/} 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 7 9-11 6-7 3 4 3 4 4 3 I.O 12 2O 8-12 3-4 4-5 5-7 3-4 4 I 5-6 5 + 4-5 3-4 1.5 21-35 13 22 5-6 6-7 8-12 5-6 5-7 7 10 6-8 5-6 2.0 2-5 3-0 16 60 61 + 23-37 38-69 70 + 7-9 10 13 14-17 8-10 11 14 13-21 22-35 36+ 7-8 9-n 12 14 8-n 12-15 16 21 2 3 11-15 16 21 22 29 9-11 12-15 16 20 7-8 9-n 12 14 3-5 18-24 18-22 15 18 22 29 4 30-41 21 26 15-18 4.0 25 + 23-32 19-24 30-49 5 42-75 27-39 1924 S-o 6.0 33-51 52-87 25-37 38-56 50 + 6-8 9 10 76 + 40-67 68 + 25-37 38-56 7-o 88 + 57-90 11 14 57-90 8.0 91 + 15-18 9.0 19 26 IO.O 27 + Wts. Berl go Madn go Melb go Miin 92 Lick 95 Berl 95 W-Ott 97 Alb 00 Lick 00 Cine 00 Bonn 00 Cape oo C oT 05 (23) (24) .i '5 to .3 i **** 25 i i i 3 M 35 4 2 2 2 5 i i 3 .6 3 3 4 i i 7 4 4 5 + I.O i 2 5-7 i 5-7 2 i i 2 2 i-S 3-4 812 8-n 3 2 3 3 2.O 2 5 13 21 2 i .> - 16 4-5 3-5 2 4 4 2-5 6-7 22-35 I, 22 6-8 6 + 3 5 5 3 8 36+ All 3 ?3~ 29 9 + 4 6-7 6-7 3-5 9 10 All 30-38 5 + 8-9 8-9 4-0 4-5 11 14 4-5 39-59 IO 12 IO 12 S-o 6-7 15 19 6-7 60 + 13 + 13 + 6.0 8-n 20 27 8-u 7.0 12-18 28-37 12-18 8.0 19-35 38-53 19-35 9.0 36 + 54-77 36 + IO.O 78 + 338 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900 REMARKS UPON THE TABLES OF SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS AND WEIGHTS. (1) Bradley 1755. The term in Aa a , depending on tgS, applies north of declination +60, and it is necessarily very uncertain. (2) Pulkowa 1855. The observations upon which this Catalogue is based extend over a long period, and were chiefly made in broad zones. The mean Aa a applicable to the entire Catalogue is not far from +^007. Taking the Catalogue by zones, the following corrections have been determined, and may be substituted for the uniform correction +foo7. -20 tO o to +30 +30 to +60 +60 to Pole h o s +.006 s .000 s .004 s a + .007 +.012 tgS I + .009 .000 -.003 + .007 +.010 2 +.013 + .001 .001 + .007 +.010 3 + .016 + .001 +.003 + .007 +.010 4 +.018 + .OO2 + .009 + .007 +.011 5 + .020 + .004 +.017 + .007 +.010 6 + .020 + .006 + .O20 + .007 +.007 7 + .020 + .007 + .O2O + .007 + .004 8 + .019 + .009 + .016 + .007 .001 9 + .017 + .OII + .011 + .007 .005 10 + .OIS + .012 + .OO6 + .007 .009 ii + .OI2 + .013 + .003 + .007 -.013 12 + .008 + .014 + .005 +.007 -.015 "3 + .OOS + .OI4 + .OIO + .007 .017 14 + .OOI + .013 +.015 + .007 .018 IS .002 + .013 + .016 + .007 .019 16 .004 + .OI2 +.013 + .007 .020 17 -.006 + .010 +.008 + .007 .020 18 .006 + .008 + .001 + .007 .016 19 -.006 + .007 .004 + .007 .006 20 -.005 + .005 -.006 + .007 +.010 21 -.003 + .003 -.007 + .007 +.019 22 .OOI + .002 -.007 + .007 +.021 2 3 + .OO2 + .OOI .006 + .007 +.017 24 +.006 .OOO -.005 + .OO7 +.OI2 (3) Pulkowa 75. The second term multiplied by "k" is computed under the hypothesis of a systematic error in adopted collimation, varying with the time of year (or with the temperature). The form of such a correction would be : P (a sin o + b cos o) i-tg- wherein P is the polar distance, and the unit factor corresponds to 45 of declination. The result of computation gives: : ^017 sin .002 sin : { ?oi7sin o+foi3coso ], .002 sin 2 a + .006 cos 2 a J wherein k = APPENDIX III 339 The corrections computed from this formula seem to be fairly well supported in the individual zones up to + 60. North of the Pulkowa zenith the observations do not seem to require this correction. (4) Dorpat 1815. The corrections for this Catalogue are applicable to a manuscript-catalogue compiled from Struve's observations of 1814-15 (Part II, Volume I, of the Dorpat Observations). Essentially the compilation was effected as follows : Constant corrections were applied to the results for each night in 1815 on account of a revision of the places of the adopted fundamental stars. These, with adopted corrections, are : 3 S Capella +0.17 a Persei +0.21 Vega +0.17 8 Cassiop. +0.24 o Cygni + 0.18 e Urs. Maj. + 0.18 The mean constant correction might have been taken as +o?i8 without serious loss of accuracy. In the observations are given, for each star, coefficients of correction to be required on account of any future revision of the star-constants adopted in the reductions. The present manuscript- catalogue was formed with adopted Aberration = 2o'.'5o and Nutation = 9^224, the formula being : ?044 v+ ?oi2 o, v and a having the signification given in the Observations. The results for 1814 require systematic correction to reduce them to conformity with the revised right-ascensions for 1815, as described in the foregoing. The adopted value of this correction is in the sense (1815-1814): + o?i8 - ?044 v + [ + s .oig + ^031 sin (268^5 + o)] sec 8. The right-ascensions thus revised for the two years (half weight for 1814) constitute the manuscript- catalogue to which is applicable the corrections given in the table for Dpt. 15. (5) Bradley 1755. These corrections, A8 a , are mean values applicable respectively to stars south and north of the Greenwich zenith ; their determination is liable to material uncertainty; and it is quite possible that they could be proved not constant in all zenith-distances. (6) Dorpat 30. " Correctiones Ultimae" of the "Positiones Mediae" must first be applied to the declinations. (7) The tabular values of systematic correction in declination for Edinb 40 are divided into two series. Corrections A8{ under Edinb 4o a apply to Edinburgh observations until the end of 1840 and under 4o s to observations, 1841-1844; but the value of A8. for the two periods is assumed to be the same. The difference in A8 { may be partly due to difference of computed refractions in the two periods. (8) Radcl 45. The Catalogue declinations should first receive corrections taken from p. viii of the Introduction. A similar correction is required for Radcl. 60. (9) Cordoba 1875. There are decided systematic differences in both coordinates between the results, Clamp E. and Clamp W. ; also in declination between the results obtained in different posi- tions of the circle, the corrections in the table require additional special corrections for the separate years. (See Astr. Jour. (No. 550), Vol. XXIII.) Thus we have the following additional corrections, Aoj, for right-ascensions, Clamp E. For Clamp W. the opposite signs must be employed. CORRECTIONS, CLAMP EAST. S Corr. S Corr. o o S -.006 O -45 S + .029 - 5 .001 5 + .030 10 + .004 55 + 030 15 + .009 60 + 030 20 + .014 65 + .030 25 + .018 70 + .030 3 + .023 75 + .030 35 + .027 80 + .030 40 + .028 -85 + .030 340 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO The clamp was east in 1872, 1875.67 to 1877.0, 1878, 1880 t% 1884. CORDOBA 75. A8 8 , TO REDUCE SEPARATE YEARS TO CATALOGUE-MEAN. Year S 72 73 74.0 to 75-67 75.67 to 77-o 77 78 70 So S o It + .72 // -.09 // .10 // + 33 -.29 H -54 // -.63 // + 59 o - 5 + .78 .10 -17 + .26 -32 -.38 -.62 + 54 - 5 10 + .83 .11 .20 + .18 -.38 .22 -59 + .48 10 15 + .87 -.14 - + .10 -44 -s -53 + .42 15 20 + .89 -17 -.06 + .02 -49 .11 -43 + 34 20 25 + .88 -.19 .00 .02 -S 2 .12 -.28 + .28 25 30 + .72 -.19 + .01 + .06 -Si -.14 -25 + .26 3 35 + 54 -17 + .01 + .19 -.40 -.18 -23 + .23 35 40 + .47 -- 1 ? + .01 + .2 7 -3 -24 .20 + .19 40 45 + .41 -'7 + .06 + 25 -32 -13 + 15 45 5 + 35 -i5 +13 + .22 .18 -.38 -.04 + .12 5 55 + .28 -*s + .16 + .2O -13 -.41 .00 + .07 55 60 + 23 -13 + 15 + .18 -.07 -.41 .00 + .0 S 60 65 + .18 .11 + .12 + .16 -.04 -36 .00 + .03 65 70 + -I3 -.09 + .09 + .12 .00 -.29 .00 .00 70 75 + .10 -.06 + .0 7 + .0 9 .00 .22 .00 .00 75 80 + .06 -.04 + .04 + .06 .00 -'5 .00 .00 80 85 + .03 .02 + .02 + .03 .00 -.07 .00 .00 85 -90 .00 .00 .OO ,OO .00 .00 .00 .00 -90 A8 a , TO REDUCE SEPARATE YEARS TO CATALOGUE-MEAN. R. A. 72 73 74-0 to 75.67 75.67 to 77.0 77 78 79 80 R. A. h H It // ft ft // n It h o .02 + .09 + .14 -.16 -.08 -.19 .01 + 37 12 I + .01 + .05 + .20 .12 -.09 -.24 .02 + .30 13 2 + .04 + .01 + .24 -.08 -.09 -.28 .02 + .21 14 3 + .06 -5 + .26 -3 .10 -.30 -03 + .09 15 4 + .08 -.09 + .2 7 + .02 -.09 -3 -.04 .02 16 5 + .10 .12 + .26 + .08 -.08 -.27 -03 -13 *7 6 +.11 -IS + .2 3 + 13 -.06 -23 -03 -23 18 7 +.11 -17 + .19 + .16 -.04 -.17 -03 -32 19 8 + .10 -.18 + .12 + .18 .02 .11 .02 -.40 20 9 +.09 -.1? + .06 + .20 + .01 -3 .OI -43 21 10 +.07 -.16 .01 + .20 +.03 + -5 .00 -44 22 ii + .o S -IJ -.08 + .19 + .06 + 13 + .01 -.42 23 12 + .02 -.09 -.14 + .16 +.08 + .19 + .01 -37 24 When the argument for AJ a is on the right, employ the opposite sign. (10) Cape 80. The values of Aoj for Cape 80 recognize the division into zones. The cor- rections vary abruptly at 35, 45, 55, 65, and 75 of declination. For instance, from 30 to 35 the correction is to be interpolated between + ^034 and +?045, while between 35 and 40 the correction is to be interpolated between + ^014 and + ^024. Aa a and A8 S are not supposed sensibly to depend upon the division into zones. Since the zones were completed one after another, beginning at the South Pole in 1871 and ending in 1878, it might be assumed that there would be a material difference in the AS a that should apply to the respective zones, due to the differing amounts of variation of latitude in the correspond, ing years. Accordingly the values of AS,, under I have been determined as applicable to the ob- servations from the northernmost to 25; II, from 25 to 35; III, from 35 to 45; and IV, from 45 to the South Pole, it having been regarded as impracticable to determine a special correction for each zone southward from 45, owing to lack of material. (n) Bradley 1755. On account of the abrupt changes in the curve (attributed to error of graduation) it becomes necessary to give the correction AS for every degree. The authority APPENDIX III 341 upon which this rests is a revision of the discussion published in No. 545 of the Astronomical Journal (Vol. XXIII, p. 157); also, Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars (p. 73). SPECIAL TABLE OF CORRECTIONS, A8 8 , FOR BRADLEY, 1755. South of Zenith North of Zenith Above Pole Below Pole S AS 5 * A 6 a AS 5 S AS S 8 A s A j * AS, O // // O // o // O // // + 53-5 + -9 + 27 + -59 - + -75 + 49-5 - -3 81 .40 + 45 +-i + 75 --56 S3 + -6 26 + .77 i + .61 5 ~ -3 82 -.43 46 +.25 76 -.48 52 + .08 25 +1.02 2 + .56 51 .02 83 --52 47 +-i 77 -.41 S 2 - .03 84 --59 Si + -13 24 +I.4I - 3 + -75 48 +.05 78 --35 50 + .18 23 +1.65 4 +1.14 53 - -4 85 --55 49 +-9 79 --39 49 + -27 22 +1.59 5 +1-32 54 - -8 86 .44 5 +-i5 80 -.43 55 - -4 87 -.46 48 + .22 21 +I-55 - 6 +1.29 51 +-22 81 -.44 47 + .4 20 +1-59 7 +1-25 56 - .24 88 -.51 S 2 +-33 82 -.34 46 + -33 19 +1.62 8 +1.19 57 - .26 89 -.5 53 +-4i 83 -.18 45-5 + -2i 58 - -15 90 -.44 18 +1.42 - 9 +1.14 54 +-47 84 .02 45 + -3 17 +1.16 10 +1.09 59 + .32 55 + -49 85 +-I3 44-5 - -32 16 +1.19 ii +1.06 60 + .02 56 +-51 86 +.24 44 - .84 61 .40 43-5 - -83 15 +1.39 12 +1.06 57 +-59 87 +.24 43 - -23 14 +1.48 13 +1-09 61 .61 58 +.67 88 +.21 42-5 + -32 13 + I-5 1 14 +I.I2 63 - -7 59 +-4 89 +.25 64 .80 42 + -63 12 +1.36 -15 +1.16 60 +.05 + 90 +.44 41.5 + -82 II +1-34 16 +1.16 65 - -95 61 .19 41 +1.04 10 +1.42 17 +1.28 66 - 1.08 62 - .35 40 + 1.31 67 -1.14 9 +i-5 -18 +1.62 63 - -5 39 +1.62 8 +1.36 19 +i-75 68 - .97 64 .61 38 +2.03 7 +1.16 20 +1.37 69 .82 65 --7i 37 +2.36 70 - .71 6 + .97 21 +I.O9 66 -.78 36 +2.52 5 + -74 22 + .94 71 - .68 67 -.82 35 +2-23 4 + -63 23 + .80 72 .62 68 -.82 34 + 2.08 73 - -38 3 + .66 24 + .60 69 -.80 33 + 1-86 2 + .78 25 + .45 74 - .20 7 --75 32 +1.87 i + .86 26 + .36 75 + -i 7i --65 31 +1.88 76 + .16 o + -75 -27 + .41 72 --49 30 + 1.64 28 + .67 77 + .06 73 --44 29 +1.29 29 +1.16 78 - .07 74 --52 28 + .87 79 - -3 -3 +I-9S 75 -> 2? + -59 (31 +2.67) 80 - .42 (32 +2.67) 81 .40 (12) Konigsberg 1820. These values of A.8j apply to the results of Dollen's reduction of Bessel's observations. (Recueil de Mem. des Astronomes de I'Obs. Cent, de Russie, Vol. 2, pp. 203- 232-) (13) Cape 1833. The A8 5 for Henderson's Cape declinations follows from a special discussion published in Nos. 540-541 of the Astronomical Journal, Vol. XXIII, p. 123; Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars, pp. 67-71. An important part of the correction is supposed to originate in an abruptly varying error of graduation. The correction is most effectively given for each degree, as in the following table. 342 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IQOO A8 8 FOR CAPE 33 (HENDERSON). s A8 8 AS{ 8 ASj S A8s o +40 // 0.08 O + 5 n 0.12 O -31 + 0.79 o -66 -0.30 39 -0.03 4 O.I2 32 + 0.79 67 -0.27 38 + O.O2 3 O.II 33 + 0.80 68 -0.25 37 + O.O6 2 O.I I 34 + 0.80 69 0.20 36 + O.II I O.IO 35 +0.79 70 0.16 + 3S + 0.14 O.II -36 + 0.78 -7i -0.13 34 + 0.18 37 + 0.77 72 O.IO 33 + 0.21 I -0.13 38 + 0.72 73 0.07 32 + 0.24 2 0.14 39 + 0.64 74 0.04 3i + 0.27 3 -0.17 40 + 0.51 75 O.O2 4 0.19 + 30 + 0.29 S 0.21 -4i + 0.36 -76 O.OI 29 + 0.32 42 + 0.22 77 o.oo 38 + o-34 - 6 O.22 43 + O.II 78 o.oo 27 + 0.36 7 0.22 44 + 0.01 79 o.oo 26 + 0.38 8 0.21 45 O.o6 80 o.oo 9 -0.17 + 25 + 0.40 10 0.14 -46 -0.13 -81 o.oo 24 + 0.41 47 O.I9 82 o.oo 23 + 0.41 ii O.O7 48 0.21 83 o.oo 22 + 0.42 12 + 0.01 49 -0.23 84 o.oo 21 + 0.41 13 +0.08 5 -0.2$ 85 o.oo 14 + 0.15 + 20 + 0.38 IS + O.20 -51 O.26 -86 0.00 19 + 0.24 S 2 -0.2$ 87 o.oo 18 + O.O2 -16 + 0.27 S3 -0.25 88 o.oo 17 -0.23 17 + 0.34 54 0.24 89 o.oo 16 O.29 18 + 0.40 55 -0.23 -90 o.oo 19 + 0.47 + 15 -0.32 20 + 0-53 -56 -0.23 14 -0.32 57 O.2I J 3 0.30 21 + 0-59 58 0.21 12 0.29 22 + 0.63 59 0.22 II -0.25 23 + 0.66 60 -0.2S 24 + 0.69 + 10 0.22 25 + 0.72 -61 -0.27 9 O.2O 62 -0.30 8 -0.17 -26 + 0.74 63 -0.30 7 -0.15 27 + 0.76 64 -0.30 6 -0.13 28 + 0.77 65 0.30 29 + 0.78 3 + 0.79 (14) Melbourne 1860. This series of declinations determined at Williamstown includes the application of the table of corrections found in the introduction of the Catalogue (p. XXI, Melb. Obs., Vol. I). (15) Madras 1875. The interpolation can be more accurately made from the table herewith having the argument for each degree. For the construction of the table see Astronomical Journal, Vol. XXIII, p. 210; also, Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars, p. 98. APPENDIX in SPECIAL TABLE OF CORRECTIONS, A8 8 , FOR MADR 75. 343 s AS S ASs S AS* 8 ASs 8 AS I +90 tt + 0.46 + 45 --39 + 10 // 0.50 -26 IP + 0.19 O -61 // (+1.70) 85 + 0.56 44 -o-45 9 -0.71 27 + 0.42 62 ( + i-?o) 81 + 0.36 43 -0-53 8 -0.88 28 + 0.54 63 (+1.60) 42 -0.63 7 -0.86 29 + 0.64 64 (+1.40) + 80 + 0.31 41 0.67 6 -0.79 3 + 0.69 65 (+1.20) 79 + O.2I 7 + O.IO + 40 0.44 + 5 0.67 -3i + 0.74 -66 (+I.IO) 77 + O.OI 39 -0.45 4 0.42 3 2 + 0.79 67 (+1.20) 76 0.07 38 0.56 3 0.08 33 + 0.84 68 (+1.40) 37 -0.58 2 + 0.28 34 + 0.89 69 (+I-70) + 75 74 0.05 0.08 36 -0-53 I + 0.39 35 + 0-95 70 (+2.00) 73 0.16 + 35 -0.34 O + 0.38 -36 + 1.09 72 -0.34 34 0.07 37 + 1.24 7i 0.50 33 + 0.14 I + 0.61 38 + 1-23 32 + 0.28 2 + o-57 39 + 1.16 + 7o -0.68 3i + 0.37 3 + 0.39 40 + I.H 69 -0.85 4 + 0.13 68 I.OI + 30 + 0.42 5 0.16 41 + 0.09 67 -0.97 29 + 0.46 42 + 0.89 66 -0.89 28 + 0.50 - 6 -0-35 43 + 0.80 27 + o-53 7 0.48 44 + o-73 + 65 -0-75 26 + 0.52 8 0.42 45 + 0-75 64 0.50 9 -o-33 63 0.14 + 25 + 0.56 10 -0.23 -46 + 0.72 62 + O.22 24 + 0.71 47 + 0.64 61 + 0.44 23 + 0.88 ii 0.14 48 + 0.46 22 + 0.88 12 0.09 49 + 0.30 + 60 + o-55 21 + 0.81 13 0.08 5 + 0.13 59 +0.58 14 O.I2 58 + o-53 + 20 + 0-75 15 -O.I? -5 1 0.04 57 + o-35 19 + 0.63 S 2 0.18 56 + 0.09 18 + 0.50 -16 -0.23 53 O.I2 17 + 0-39 '7 0.29 54 0.00 + 55 O.2I 16 + o-3 18 O.4O 55 + 0.16 54 -0.44 19 -0.43 53 0.56 + 15 + 0.29 20 0.20 -56 + 0.44 52 -0.51 14 + 0.22 57 + 0.82 5 1 -0.45 13 + O.O9 21 O.2I 58 + I.2I 12 O.IO 22 -0.31 59 + 1-45 + 5 -0.38 II -0.30 3 -o-33 60 (+1.60) 49 O.JO 24 0.28 48 O.26 25 0.08 47 0.28 46 -o-33 (16) The weights for Piazzi as used in the computations for this Catalogue were: No. Obs. Wt. No. Obs. Wt. 5-7 3 15- '9 .06 8-10 .04 2026 .07 11 14 5 27-34 .08 35 + .10 (17) Pulk 55. The weights in right-ascension for this Catalogue vary decidedly with the decli- nation. The first column may be applied to all observations south of + 30. Weights between + 30 and + 40, and between + 40 and + 70 may be interpolated; and north of + 70 may be taken as at 70. 344 PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR IpOO (18) Albany oo, Manuscript-catalogue. The weights in right-ascension, after a very careful discussion, were tabulated as follows: i obs. 2 obs. 3 obs. 4 obs. -2Ito 29 7 1-5 2.0 2-5 -30 .6 .0 2.O 2-5 31 .6 .0 2.0 2-S 32 .6 .0 1-5 2.0 33 5 .0 i-5 2.0 34 S .0 i-5 2.0 35 4 1.0 I.O 1-5 36 4 7 I.O I -5 37 3 .6 I.O I.O 38 3 S 7 I.O 39 .2 4 .6 7 40 IS 3 4 .6 4i .07 IS .2 3 These weights apply to observations in a single clamp, and were summed for the two clamps. Up to 4 observations, however, the table applies sufficiently well if the argument be total number of observations, irrespective of the number in each clamp. (ig) Lick 1900. These weights apply to the observations of Piazzi stars south of the Equator. For 16 observations of circumpolar stars the adopted weight is 5.0. (20) Pulk 45. From declinations + 55 to + 65, one half these weights in declination apply. Special Z. D. factors are employed as follows: At Decl. Multiply Weight by I + 10 IO -is .8 .6 -4 25 (21) Pulk 55. By far the most frequently occurring number of observations in this Catalogue is 4, and for this the weight in declination was computed to be .8. This weight was employed. (22) Pulk 65 and Pulk 85. For these two Catalogues the weights are modified in the same way. From declinations +55 to +65, the weights should be multiplied by .5; and as follows at the respective declinations : S Factor + 10 I.O o - s 0.7 0.6 10 -S -15 0.3 20 O.I (23) Wien-Ottakring 97. table. From 35 to 40 of declination the weight is one half that of the APPENDIX III 345 (24) Albany 1900. The following weights in declination, derived from special investigation, were adopted. I obs. 2 obs. 3 obs. 4 obs. 8 obs. 21 -5 0.9 i-3 i-5 3-5 -23 -4 0.8 1.2 1.4 3- ~ 2 5 0.4 0.8 I.I -3 3-o -27 -3S 0.7 I.O 1.2 3- -29 -3 0.6 0.9 1.2 2 -5 -31 -3 -5 0.8 I.I 2.0 -33 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 '5 -35 0.15 -3 -5 0.6 '5 -36 O.I 0.25 0.4 -5 i.i -37 O.I O.2 -3 0.4 0.8 -38 O.I 0.15 O.2 -3 0.6 -39 0.05 O.I O.2 -3 o-5 -40 0.05 O.I 0.15 O.2 0.4 The weights for each position were taken from this table, and the sum of the two weights, when observations were obtained in more than one of the four circle positions, AW, AE, BW, BE, con- stitutes the adopted catalogue-weight. In practice, the above table applies sufficiently well, with- out taking into account the separate positions, when the whole number of observations in the Catalogue is less than five. The last column under the caption "8 obs." refers to the numerous stars that were symmetrically observed twice in each of the four positions of the circles. (25) Cape oo. This includes the zone of reference stars for the astrographic chart, with mis- cellaneous observations outside the limits of the zone. The systematic corrections, and espe- cially the weights, are largely inferred from the corresponding quantities for Cape 06, since the material for an independent determination is very scanty. 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