COMPANY MANUAL TRAINING IN THE GRADES BY FRANK HALSTEAD * * Supervisor of Manual Training and Mechanical Drawing in the Schools of East Orange, N. J. D. C. HEATH & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO Copyright, 19/3, by D. C. HEATH & COMPANY INTRODUCTORY NOTE The following courses in Manual Training-for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades were prepared after eight years of careful study, during which time the author visited over 250 cities and towns in the New England States, New York and New Jersey. The courses are arranged progressively and presented in as clear and simple a way as possible, the drawings them- selves being self-explanatory. For the many teachers who are obliged to follow a required course, but who are allowed to introduce supplementary or optional models, as well as for those instructors who have more liberty and who are able to make such changes as they see fit, these courses will be found readily adaptable to any schedule already in use. The instructor's outlines have been included, as the author has found it most advantageous to give his assistants an outline to work by. The author has provided four different models for each progressive step in the courses that is, four models which illustrate the different tools under each principle, thus giving the pupil a wider choice where desirable, and the instructor who has to teach the same grade of pupils during an entire year most practical assistance. FRANK HALSTEAD. East Orange, N. J., September, 1913. 397561 MANUAL TRAINING IN THE GRADES GENERAL OUTLINE OF WORK FIFTH GRADE FIRST WEEK MODEL No. i. THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Object of hand work in wood. 2. Tools used in making first exercise. 3. Measuring, the use of the rule, knife, and pencil. 4. Use of the try-square. PRACTICE. Sawing out stock. NOTE: Draw outline on both surfaces. SECOND WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes'). 1. Tools. (a) Smoothing plane. (b) Block plane. (c) Marking gauge. (d) Backsaw. (e) Bit and bit "brace. 2. Use of compass and dividers. PRACTICE. 1. Planing a square edge of wood. 2. Use of carpenters' marks. 3. Drawing, gauging, and planing stock to dimen- sions. THIRD WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Use of coping saw. PRACTICE. 1. Draw outline, using compass. 2. Using coping saw, cut to line. FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Discussion of grain of wood. 2. Cutting with and across grain. PRACTICE. 1. Finish sawing wood. 2. Cut to line with knife. FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Methods of securing and getting out lumber. 2. Sandpaper; its uses and abuses. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper stock, with or without the use of a sandpaper block. 2. Finish model. Glue on sandpaper. SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 2. THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Discussion of wood. Bass wood. Linden tree. 2. Discussion of the ripsaw. PRACTICE. Saw stock, using carpenter's square. SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of wood. White wood, tulip tree. PRACTICE. Plane model square and true to dimensions. EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of saws. Crosscut saw. PRACTICE. 1. Draw outline of model 2. Saw with back- and ripsaw to gauge and knife line. NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Short discussion of stains and shellacs. PRACTICE.. 1. Finish model. 2. Sandpaper and shellac. TENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3. THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Pines, white, etc. PRACTICE. Saw out stock. ELEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Discussion of planes, smoothing and jack. 2. Woods. White oak. PRACTICE. Square stock to dimensions. TWELFTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of drills and countersinks. PRACTICE. 1. Lay out and mark center lines for holes. 2. Drill holes and countersink. 3. Draw lines for chamfer, using finger-gauge. THIRTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of planes. Block. PRACTICE. 1. Chamfer edges. 2. Plane and sandpaper model. FOURTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4. THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Hard and soft. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock. 2. Plane to dimensions. FIFTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Mahogany. PRACTICE. 1. Draw design, using compass. 2. Cut to line with knife. 3. Whittle edges of blade. SIXTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. Products. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper model. 2. Stain and finish. SEVENTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 5. THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. PRACTICE. Saw out stock. EIGHTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. Pith. PRACTICE. Plane model square and true to dimensions. NINETEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Structure of wood. Layer of wood. 2. Use of miter box. PRACTICE. 1. Draw outline of model. 2. Cut edges. TWENTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Structure of wood. Bark. 2. Use of auger bit. PRACTICE. File curved corners. TWENTY-FIRST WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. Annual rings. PRACTICE. 1. Lay out center lines. " 2. Bore holes. TWENTY-SECOND WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. Sap wood. PRACTICE. Sandpaper and finish model. TWENTY-THIRD WEEK MODEL No. 6. THEORY (ten minutes). Structure of wood. Heart wood. PRACTICE. 1. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. 2. Sandpaper same. TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Structure of wood. Medullary rays. 2. Use of gouge. PRACTICE. 1. Chamfer edges of wood. 2. Gouge out hole for wax. TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). "HEORY (ten minutes.) Food for trees. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper model. 2. Shellac model. 3. Glue on asbestos and emery cloth. TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 7. THEORY (ten minutes). Density of wood. PRACTICE. Plane stock square and true to dimensions, using jack plane and spokeshave. TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 7, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Growth of wood. PRACTICE. 1. Draw ellipse on both surfaces. 2. Using turning saw, saw outside of line. TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 7, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Cutting of wood. 2. Use of spokeshave. PRACTICE. 1. Cut to line with spokeshave. 2. Nail stock together. 3. Round edges with spokeshave. TWENTY-NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 7, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). 1. Moisture in wood. 2. Air drying. 3. Kiln drying. PRACTICE. Sandpaper and finish model. THIRTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 8. THEORY (ten minutes). Shrinkage in wood. PRACTICE. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. THIRTY- FIRST WEEK MODEL No. 8, (continued). THEORY Use of brads. PRACTICE. 1. Finish planing slats. 2. Draw outline of two legs, using knife and mark- ing gauge. 3. Saw and cut to line with chisel. THIRTY-SECOND WEEK MODEL No. 8, (continued). THEORY. Sizes of brads. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper wood. 2. Nail slats and legs together. 3. Stain and finish. THIRTY- THIRD WEEK MODEL No. 9. PRACTICE. Saw out stock. THIRTY-FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. 9, (continued). PRACTICE. Plane pieces to dimensions. THIRTY- FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 9, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Saw bevel on back, round edge and smooth, using plane and spokeshave. 2. Cut bevel on sides. '3. Bevel front, and nail pieces together. FIRST WEEK MODEL No. i THEORY (ten minutes). Uses of bench hook. Why glued together. PRACTICE. Saw out stock for model. SIXTH GRADE SECOND WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Birches; sweet birch. PRACTICE. 1. Square stock, plane two large pieces to dimen- sions. 2. Bore holes for use of screws. In base piece and rest (upper and lower). THIRD WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Birches; red birch. PRACTICE. 1. Finish planing larger pieces for base. 2. Glue together, using hand clamps. FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued}. THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Birches; white birch. PRACTICE. 1. Plane and square two small pieces to dimen- sions. 2. Lay out center lines for screws. FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Pine; white. PRACTICE. 1. Drill holes for screws. 2. Countersink same. 3. Screw on upper and lower arms. SIXTH WEEK -MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Pine; red. PRACTICE. 1. Bore hole for hanging purposes. 2. Chamfer outside ends. 3. Sandpaper model. SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued.} THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Pines. PRACTICE 1. Finish sandpapering model. 2. Shellac model. EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 2. THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Gum; sweet. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock and plane square to dimensions. 2. Draw outline of plan view. NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Gum; sour. PRACTICE. Saw outside at line using turning saw. 10 TENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Discussion of woods. Sycamore. PRACTICE. 1. Cut with spokeshave to line. 2. Draw outline at front elevation. ELEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1 . Saw outside of line, using turning saw. 2. Cut to line, using spokeshave. TWELFTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Round edges, using spokeshave. 2. Sandpaper model. 3. Screw in hook. 4. Shellac. THIRTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3. PRACTICE. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. FOURTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued}. PRACTICE. 1. Draw outline, using knife and gauge lines for corners. 2. Saw out corners, using hacksaw. 3. Cut with chisel. 4. File to lines. FIFTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Bore hole with expansion bit. 2. Smooth model, using plane, file, and sandpaper. SIXTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock. 2. Plane stock for sides square and true to dimen- sions. SEVENTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Plane stock for ends square and true to dimen- sions. 2. Draw outline of handle. EIGHTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Rotten stone. How obtained, used, etc. PRACTICE. 1. Cut handle to dimensions. 2. Sandpaper sides, ends, and handle. 3. Nail together. NINETEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Fit bottom to box. 2. Nail on sides. Shellac and polish same. 3. Set nails with nail set. ii TWENTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper model. 2. Stain, shellac and polish. TWENTY-FIRST WEEK MODEL No. 3. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock for model. 2. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. TWENTY-SECOND WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued'). THEORY (ten minutes). Dowel joints. PRACTICE. 1. Joint stock. 2. Fit together, using dowels. TWENTY-THIRD WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Finish jointing stock. 2. Glue together, using iron clamps. TWENTY- FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Draw curves cut to outside of line. 2. Cut to line using spokeshave. 3. Round edges. 4. Sandpaper. TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 6. PRACTICE. Saw out stock for model. TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued'). PRACTICE. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued}. PRACTICE. 1. Plane stock for roller. (a) Plane stock square. (b) Plane stock octagonal. (c) Plane off edges. 2. Scrape and sandpaper. TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Draw outline for ends. 2. Cut outside of lines. 3. Cut slit in arms. TWENTY-NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued*). PRACTICE. 1. Cut ends in roller to fit slit in arms. 2. Drill all holes. THIRTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Screw together. 2. Sandpaper. 3. Stain. 4. Varnish. The remainder of the time may be used for unfinished work, or for any extra work that the student may wish to do. 12 SEVENTH FIRST WEEK- MODEL No. i. PRACTICE. 1. Plane stock square. 2. Gauge width and thickness. SECOND WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Using knife line and dividers, draw outline of model. 2. Scrape and finish same. Gouge tray. THIRD WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). PRACTICE. Finish gouging model. FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Scrape and sandpaper pen-tray. 2. Finish pen-tray. \ Students at this time must decide on the model which they wish to make for the coming year, and as far as possible the student must make sketch of same. FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 2. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock. 2. Plane working surface and edge on wood. SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. i. Square and true all stock to dimensions. GRADE 2. Nail three vertical uprights of holder together. 3. Draw outline of model on same. 4. Cut, using turning saw. 5. Cut sides by same method. SEVENTH WEEK- MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Finish outline. 2. Chamfer edges. Cut same, using back and turning saws. EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Chamfer edges, using (a) Chisel. (b) Spokeshave. (c) File. 2. Make covers for same. NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. Gouge out pen-tray. Cut hole in brush-broom- holder. TENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Bore holes for thimble and spool-holder. Cut pegs for same, or 2. Cut outline of brush-broom-holder, using (a) Saw. (b) Chisel. (c) File. ELEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Finish all parts. 2. Sandpaper same. TWELFTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Glue together model. 2. Stain and shellac same. THIRTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3. PRACTICE. Cut and square stock to dimensions. FOURTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). THEORY. Use of Plow. No. 46 Plane. PRACTICE. 1. Cut and dado edges. 2. Miter corners, using miter box. FIFTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). PRACTICE. i. Glue and paste together, using (a) Corrugated fasteners. (b) Miter clamps. SIXTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, continued). PRACTICE. Sandpaper and stain in mission. The remainder of the year may be used in constructing special models;!, e., tie-racks, clothes-driers, stationery-holders, tabourets, book-racks, etc. FIRST WEEK MODEL No. i. THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. Design. EIGHTH GRADE SECOND WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. Size for strength. PRACTICE. 1. Saw out stock to approximate dimensions. 2. Begin squaring stock true to dimensions. PRACTICE. 1. Finish planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. 2. Draw outline of ends. Lay out mortises. THIRD WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. (a) Wood used (best for staining). (b) Staining (application). PRACTICE. 1. Cut mortises in ends. 2. Draw outline, lay out tenons for shelf, and cut. 3. Make keys. FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. i, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. Finishing, filling, wax, varnish. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper stock. 2. Assemble the parts. 3. Stain, fill, varnish. FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 2. THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. Special tools and machinery. PRACTICE. 1. Saw the stock for model. 2. Begin planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talks on practical furniture construction. Various methods of making glued joints. (a) Doweling. (b) Tongue and grooving. (c) Rubbed joints. (d) Thickness of layer of glue. PRACTICE. 1. Finish planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. 2. Chamfer edges if necessary. Lay out and cut ends. 3. Lay out and bore mortises and tenons. SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Making out a lumber order. Terms used. PRACTICE. 1. Finish cutting joints. 2. Sandpaper model. EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 2, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talk on cabinet design. PRACTICE. 1. Stain model. 2. Fill 3. Wax NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 3. THEORY (ten minutes). Talk on building construction. Frame work. PRACTICE. 1. Saw stock for model. 2. Begin planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. TENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Talk on building construction. Rafters and roof. PRACTICE. i. Finish planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. 2. Lay out and cut mortise and tenon joints. ELEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued}. THEORY (ten minutes). .Talk on building construction. (a) Boarding in. (b) Floor, timbers, etc. PRACTICE. 1. Finish cutting joints. 2. Lay out and cut curve. File same. TWELFTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued.) THEORY (ten minutes). Talk on building construction. Interior finish. PRACTICE. 1. Sandpaper and scrape model. 2. Bore holes for screws. 3. Glue joints. . THIRTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 3, (continued.) THEORY (ten minutes). Talk on building construction. Lath and plaster. PRACTICE. 1. Stain. 2. Fill and varnish. FOURTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4. THEORY (ten minutes). Staining. (a) Kinds. (b) Application. PRACTICE. 1. Saw stock for model. 2. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. FIFTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Filler. (a) Kinds. (b) Application. PRACTICE. 1. Lay out and cut curves on sides. File same. 2. Bore holes on sides for screws. SIXTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued^. THEORY (ten minutes). Shellac. (a) White. (b) Yellow. 16 PRACTICE. 1. Scrape and sandpaper stock. 2. Screw together. SEVENTEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Varnish. (a) Kinds. (b) Uses. PRACTICE. 1. Stain. 2. Fill. 3. Varnish. EIGHTEENTH WEEK -MODEL No. 4, (continued). > THEORY (ten minutes). Pumice. (a) How obtained. (b) How used. PRACTICE. 1. Saw stock for model. 2. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. NINETEENTH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Rotten stone. (a) How obtained. (b) How used. PRACTICE. 1. Lay out and cut mortise and tenons, where neces- sary. 2. Bore holes for screws. TWENTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). THEORY (ten minutes). Review of previous questions. PRACTICE. 1. Finish boring holes. 2. Scrape and sandpaper stock. 3. Cut curves if necessary. TWENTY-FIRST WEEK MODEL No. 4, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Stain model. 2. Fill 3. Shellac " 4- Wax TWENTY-SECOND WEEK MODEL No. 5. PRACTICE. 1. Saw stock for model. 2. Joint stock for doors and back. TWENTY-THIRD WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Plane stock square and true to dimensions. 2. Curve edges where necessary. TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Bore holes for screws. 2. Scrape and sandpaper stock. TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Screw model together. 2. Place hinges on door. TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK MODEL No. 5, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Stain model. 2. Fill TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK MODEL No. 6. PRACTICE. 1. Saw lumber for model. 2. Plane, etc. TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Finish planing stock square and true to dimen- sions. 2. Lay out and cut joints. TWENTY-NINTH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Finish cutting joints. 2. Lay out curves where necessary. 3. Scrape and sandpaper. THIRTIETH WEEK MODEL No. 6, (continued). PRACTICE. 1. Stain model. 2. Fill 3. Shellac " Extra models to be used in course: Model No. 7, smoker's cabi- net, two designs. 18 MANUAL TRAINING IN THE GRADES r o a a o s lis 2 *f a & K o 5 SS coQ T3 O 03 i|s|l 1 PH a, o o -s o o m i M , c c a S5 s|S ! S 3 B2 2 co O O a -g . - a c w ^ a 3 a to 2l 8 5 t: a> 3 3 S 2 w 3 co Q O "H !S 55^ ||1 3 3 I*'* O w v rt 4) Q 2 " 2 2 a S tH O cb CO . rt IN 1 22^ B 2 a "O s'5* g 2 M M a a |s s JT ^ M C3 ;3 ^. w 3 3 3 2 o OT O O ^-i N CO * g S ca w M S I a '3 CO O OF EXERC1 true stock. 1 a "o fl o a a ca QJ '2 indpaper an ORDER Sauare and Draw outli surfaces. i 3 Sandpaper Glue on s: a oj CO 10 9 O fl M O gj 5 tn E-| 3 s s M 0) ^ OJ 6fl S s IS Q, r* Q a > 3 1 '3 S (2 o5 O O ""* CM' CO " H M CQ | a " U) E *; C3 w H !u +J to ? s s a a! 1- I S en tn O to a '3 o So O O j oi CO o x> g 2 :s S SH 23 03 Q cJ S II I! 2 Q * c O 03 |sS 5 Hi gs g 03 O oi TO IL *3 *3 s 2 3 1* 5*1 ss M " eo r " i i-j H . * I 1 O T3 V C 3 Bo^ O j co irj co c-' M C ' & s o o g 333 0-39 o) ^5 3 Jiii n si SM o c s o a EXERCISE o O w 3 countersin ilder with k d shellac. ^ 13 _; o c u 3 ORDER Square an o g Bore hole i Gauge too: "3 Sandpaper O N CO in a o a tr TOOLS I a a i 1 M e c M 0, ijuare and bit ch auger dril tersink O '5 3 !^ B C! 1 '5 d a 1 S i-t g O M CJ CO m 10 M "H g a CO 3 w CJ H s 3 to e w M W M c c3 U a 5 Z o I 3 m rH d CO ^ in F\_ 1 I U-fl s nOAfi , knife, and Jack plane Pencil, rul dividers Block and Bench hook 1-8 inch and 3-16 inch and bit brace Rosecountersink Marking gauge and try I-H N CO *] iO t> &VV S3 o M a ill! o I o CO j O o H g o -o a * 8 IB " gss co o n (>i a s eg 3 O [A a c .3 a 3 "^ 3 ^ a _, o o S SS-355S-2 S-2 g5 < m -i 3 10 ' STEPS MA M cs fl a c * 2" " a fl.g O ~ 3 a) a o o a w w o o .2 3 S * *"* M < T3 "O -S a * , 5 cj *^ ^^ i o^i S a 1.3 5s3 CO O I* 'H Cvi CO <) ^ S 3 a ^^ a 2 ll-n a a - S a liilla o> ^* ^i a) 0*7 RAOib oi co T}< tri Pe iill M jt W "C S o2^ Sac O M 3 SSr^ i o o tl ll s I r* g * M S w I W 0' S c ft oi g a) -a .sg tn O W co ^H W CO -fl B T3 o) * c 2 .2 * aj "ft *J s i, 2 g S 3 S -S 0L< W W ^H W ,-i w co Tji 10 M a -' r , $ "V i 1 1 - 1 ( \ t V (V N k L * T- sp^ *\ ),^ t ^ i ' hi * .0 \ 1 ; 3 ^ ^ ^ fl i N fl ^ ii 'v j R < \l } *trn TT *S n 1 '1 | {1 y 0} M K ^ | 1 3 1 o n ~s> o a O *J o a) 5 +J 1 S 3 3 S, ** 9 1 o S *3 a o s O 3 g 2 c CQ q W ra CO O CO ^> CO 9 4-> V C 4> C3 S ^ Q TOOLS 5 2 i a v ft dividers +J J3 o> o A o a S 4d ID o M o m Marking gauge Try-sauare i-t M n * id | 3 > c E-< s CO | M D 3 & M M 1 J cvi CO 1 I I o 3 co i" in to t-' fi B Aa *-* a 3 a * a B ai 5 I ' CQ W CQ ' N CO ^ 0> g! 3"! - * S; 3 ^g s O > Z eSo _(B T Q s 1 f 333i oj ro j>' xri co !i a " la - 4_! o : fe PQ i co a a a a 3c if a iff I I ill I 2 S * " IgJIH ll|li l!!l! 33,3! a ^ , 1 3 M > ' C *-< 2 !l!i. r-t W CO ^ k a- og II A Oi f< 05 6 I a ? *i ! in O 3 . al f l CO^f* iOcct> !la! 0*5 -^ i iljt ' gT*rt- r m NKJ tl t f j l& * JHH : jil': r Am nmrr i r 1 t- fl fr E s su .28 Ihsfi (^M P Q gj^ cnQOncot/i 3 2 o iii . W 1 CO B 3 a H J "^ 3 g 1 d " 13 '* H s w a W a O od . *M "O S S 2 4 5 fi < o> O X ^ "^ J3 ** g o oJ 3 ^ tu 3 3 2 S 3 "" . ^a 8 * 3'0!( o . S3 u M M r os >X * s, O o fl d , - i* IM- 1 2 ill 1 i I 1 E f H ^ sj cj] yj . IS ^ ?a"^2? . ^ ./ \ a| III s ^ l . ' i c3* a w ' k ^ OJ CO* V to . . V "I f H t y fl v 'H t f 1 CO Sa ' P-, i H S 8 9 -i. CO w *c -S \ i ; > T *J ^ 9 M bfl ^ W ^ fl fl S " G ' 3 ? o o "2 2 > M M B O O M M O A - W CO *J* lO w a W C CO EXERCI ^ u o *J Q) round shellac. a E*H tH C/5 a t/i o 4J M a o 9 ORDER Square and Chamfer ed ~o dowels. s o B o 5 Sandpaper s * w CO TP lO S O S a- n * CO J ,d 13 *> ^ vV> S & ? ^1 a a +* t> iJSli i* A CQO[f COCQ M 3 3 M 1 c s m a 5 "S 1 a > a i l PQ t-i oi co -r id cd I 1 r_ _. Nl II J * n u TJ "O a 2) H 5 Q> o> a S o Q 3*0 Cfl H Qi *O 3 S SJ cj iM 6 3 to O M co *H OJ CO TjJ o I a i-j o Q M ej 1 ^ ^ 3 o3 -H nJ MAM -3 w "-ll^S ^ "> w 5 2 3 g> S o a 4* 94 H H M s|SB|5 W C3 .^ ^ rj 8 2 o a o j o w w w O X sis ER OF EXERCISE md true stock, tline on both surfac ig T saw and spokes edges and sandpal e. si*! 3 a e r 9 g WOO O M ' c I 1 s a 3 S a g o 9 o H Pencil, rule, dividers Spokeshave 3-16 inch dr Marking eau >-> o Ii n -^ M m o M E w ig o > 3 Q OHM -i ei ri ' . 1 '1 ' 1 iijj o s w CO 1 * EXEBC ll 1 h O il 1 s d 2 *" S & *j fl 3 S g g w Q S ^H W CO 1 B 1 TOOLS Pencil, rule, knife, i dividers Spokeshave 3-16 Inch drill Marking gauge and cd "ft M 1 o S ^^ N CO ^ CO E 3 o O (A all H) 1 ill -* N 00 I *s- K- "o|3S - iHlM NiilSi s 1 !!!? 1 gs^iiagS COO C0% OQ li I! to a i ^ ^ i II II a TJ ! K O I 4? +S 3 CO ' N TO ' S I a a I l rt M CO Tf id W I a ^ I II . o rt H 01 r-* Cvj n ^1" in CO H fj CO a l "oJ "T * oWo H ci co a^-TJ ;- .. --JL-' "Wo ~ s .a 1 ^CjtOOJMi^ OJCQP^i pH J2 & 15 MI * -I liii^ Piiiiii (LI Wf-iMg pq i-< M CO V ' CO +J *J CO S5g ilii "'a ft o i3 X l--i I , u .JJ '. :uv 4 i n?Mi! _C ' i V* "V T s g 4 -i a "a fl B - 22 *-* w bo 3 ^3 d -o w _O^rf C 60 < oi V id so SCO 'SoS ssS Cd 8i ^ U Ul . I ^ 1 . \ \ 2 A N Y 1 ^ :' ^if .-' ' ' ..^1" ~ -- 9| 4*. 1 | H m M 2 .2 q -3 3 ^ ^rri'^ _ _ r : L~ i 1 N j | M a o M ii :. - n( 8 wl slill'Sii TT-=-^ : i > 't O ri 3 S ' 'S MH ! Pi 8 1 2 s 1 s j !M P * I g a S H , O * 3 IS 1 " a OJ ae SSE5 q F h- 1 | [ 1 i H K- 3 ? i - ' o >, i s S T3 >< y $ 1 i "I a ^ *' J B ^ o 11 III, i m N ;nv 5 ^ SI 9 8 ^ 5 a Cfl ;3 m n -> S 3 Z S T3 " :-i^i|il li|!!|l o< - w w S - PLATE ! t 1 4. < w n * o II i "T" ^ 1 t i i! l|] i I i 1 i ,tr-- -L- J T -i- H STEPS O 3 M X s? > gs s M{2 M M C C .S3 og 1 ffiffl i [( 55 fo H ci 1 NM ! i'~i- if ~ i 4.4 -i - i ^ ' V. lfc * # 1 1 vi 1 T38 BTJ a x2 o So2 ^H N pi ^J* lO ". a ^s ^H' w ro V 10 CD sa A| M K 5 1 pilffl toO o S firt y c -< ^fi Q ill ^3 1 1 8 a 5 > Jd w to 11 1 ! O .J-^ O S 3 II S2* W Sal igS //////ly///// "*" f f o _\ ny. i '*' I**' 1 V T Jill"' -^'*TVT 1 .1 '$ 1 g5^'2So ffiviis mi 'l? ' 1 . . J o Sao in O ' -^ * at^==^^^3E u 1 o V 1 ^ & k . . 'Wn ^ *OTJ o<3 4= P T 4 Jf m IFlfe-^Pii HM W;T^ P rr . LV*^^ vT m w ^ o g ^CJ "^ tt> S O CO ^ llllfcslll D-l UOO r-ILC^ PQ A^JJl ^s^>- fe$f ;^s>,^. ^l^piPE^v | ^n-tf'iif.-^f* br^ .-.:^^; 4-^ T-VI^^ ^ ysjp^ rt Q 'A O I a, a a 3 S i B rt s cj rt a wQP Q 3 1- m ^ a aj *" g -5 E 5 "3 oo ^' oj m s^g J.CSQ !? on '2 " S 5 2 S OlS - at a as ^ ., C 5 3 o a a en i-i m in co -;wm^^ H a So 2 I TOOLS 1.^11 1 I ^oJjSyCJ-jQj^ &4 - M CQ H W - e*i ^" iri to CO E Sd H 85 CD III -Xt- 1 ! w orners. counter- corners. 9 o 1 EXERCI e stock. ! o G 53 o G C3 CO o G e and cut o I m O 3 t- *j C/3 OJ o G "o J3 e a o fl '*"' o cd C r^ S _3 a M Square a , Draw ou "o s n G . Bore cen . Sandpap M w n tj> S 3 c3 > S. 3 fc o C c 3 CD to cd oj E a S e O 'S X ^ c C3 o c M a H a 3 M nchdri 'S a t G quare a a) >-> a "o a CC >-H G aj S in i u o & N H H s m M * 10 CO 8 STEPS ng square :al boring I 1 o > a M CO 1 .a 'o EXERC1 4J a e 0) e c3 a a c C3 a ta g OJ M '3 S a ^ 1 "S j_J H Q M o o OJ O Q w CO II Jl VI j I t(i g a i I 4>1. 3 o o a 1 i^ss .8 l3 g-S j>=j| 2 sfii Ma* o S a i Tf *" flP1 U!l J g-ags. 3 -rt * l ^^'Ejcj+^^su O>*>S afl tn a ta M !z; CM to w en -! w eo TJ! id to i> s o S y I i! 1 lilH i-H W CO * lO O t- OS CBS p -I W CO * '4 r - p ',, i - 1N8) r i T^^T" jtr !! lib'*-;. !' '! 1 1 ( ^ ll II no. m -.OJ CO f'lO !0 1 I ? s IS J < o rtM CO Q * H .O CO o EXERCI o en o> s a o O *-> 0) a & O a J3 h O a 3 b T3 .t curve -1 "oi o "3 O, a a Q O quare : 3 .* ^ ca 3 a 3 3 S GJ a M 'S CO S en t/1 S -' ci CO f en S s a 3 OJ M CO a 13 c cd *j 3 fj ft VI w rt ;_, CO 3 S 2 'o o 3 Jj -o 03 T3 3 o K '55 3 d cj o h 3 3 S 2 a "a 1 O 3) H T) d 03 3 w 4J> d a S 2 S O auare 0) ^ 0) 2 ! o i d 0. ! CO ^ s in CO ,-H M cd ^ in 2 0) W) o 2 S 1 1 o 0) s 1 ^ d TOOLS d rfl a 0) 1 1 a a cj 'a x o 03 to ^ c 5 Q> l-s 3 S3 a S O Pencil, i Coping ! u I 1 i K g m 1 a A) O S CO M M w CO t- d 1 CO i 1 S! o Q rH B I g M ri JL~*9 O t, 3 M 2j 3 o "3 e o o as 2 rf illfi b m eu g ^ J O a H S^w IP "HO l*li gin - CGl-jO rH CM CO *< lO O t- o a a 3 rt O fl 0) 1 Hi o op *l 1 .go S MS a> O O -i M "Q -O Jlr! a i 3 H i3 o oc^ S o *" K 3 o S^ -H CMCO fll 10 50 i 5 i 33 i 13 MM *-< -a oo c S M-3 2 ^ cE S S a S5 o g fl O w ^ H 2 1! -H W ^ lO CD t 3s Illl S Em o g t-- SA % o G Q * 05 sJ ^ P3 o (-1 o A! OJ o t-l M In a M (0 O & 3 M 13 2 X _ 3 y screw td a" 3 bfl oSSS c c a a B a a 2 o> s*:l 3 03 ^" 2 5 H Pfl CQ Q 5 a s MO 5 a . SS3 I! O K ss en o3 *f S5 E a o !! 1 i a 3 *s o !.i 2s STS S Q w d S I "g w -^ 3 ft illilli Pissii frl rH W CO PP (2) PQ PH oi co ^ in* CD t> !I In -R p XI > ^i OS o O o 1 O v, S-S 5-1 ;ggf s iHlli i n a o> p 3 I H P3 tS M 2 II 3a o e o ^ s? o y a3 S 5 &S llilii 5!i!U mill ialll gopS 3 3 2 KAm&mm 3 m I"H N "3 a ^ w o t3 2 B d fl ^ o ^ a> e ft B 8 a M In *o s o> *-> "o 0) en J3 2 1 > ORDER o I I 1 o a Q Chamfer ed Make joints 3 Sandpaper, -; oi m ^ id B -, 0) o g 2 3 ^ t/3 * 13 ^ I b TOOLS 'a 8 *-> T5 d o (3 S auge and 1 Jack plan 1 S S? Ol sc |rt tc M 30 a "a c 3 .9 0$ "o _2 '3 ^ u c ^ *J cd o Ol P4 i H 5 s s i CJ CO iO CO o O) CO o 1 H 8 5 CO ^5 9 Qfl 3 fl ~.y.- , 1 u " ^ >t I ) 1 i i & H ! | 1 J | . -- t; i~*i i i -[... -i c ^ 2 sS ^; -C u tn o> f! o a 1 I C O C3 5 ji Ifl H a c a! o c c o a I p o a a> rt O t-. V S 3 ^> 3 a> c 2 S 3 CO a , 5 2 1 a> a C CJ g 00 1 irews 0) I O 8 fl CJ 3 aj fl ci t- o 1 1-1 1 I to C ^! CJ 6 > c V 1 B a) S S ^H 1 *-< c 4) o cvi a CO Tf in CS *" C Q y CO | 1 CO w S .S *> 3 s i 5 I N w rn EXERCIi 3 2 CO Q> % & 4J t-i O> 2 t C! 0) a CJ s J) _G o | 3 0} Q 05 O . Square "o x: '3 Gouge : Mortise 1 TT 2 s 3 1 w t jH s 3 O O 'c i C cd A 3 a c 3 3 tfl T3 B 0) o Jj G" 3 M o M C3 2 '3 o a t/3 ^ o o w In ORDER 1 I G 0) (H 0) a s a c I H 1 M ea CO 2 a b > 2 > 3 (J3 h a ej) "? a) c aj 3 C S !H ol S S 3 ^ TOOLS 1 3 a "" s s Soli a* S 8t> J|L,a :ilps ^-^asld isss^^g* 2^2: ^cvim^io R I S] +-* 4^ t O ^J I o . . 3 OH is " q ;- IJII 3*TJi*' 3 g g s WQ ^Q ' rHCl CO t-i BC * 2 o 2 . - CM CO ^ to CO w 0) S j CQ *-l "S QJ (H X3 1 O H H X H c O Pt H Q o wl 3 O c 0) 0} ft o "o Q) Q o t-i o> g 3 4-) 3 o C | a a C8 S fl O Q a 1 '3 i M 9 g M O OJ 3 O CO I 6 O S CO $ Q) -M 5 a a a a CQ g CM n 2 lO a> 2 a rf c 3 3 a a *-> ul a a i-H w & a> TOOLS a jj 3 saw and ha] S a G cd a o C C3 0) b 3 o! bC scraper a a a o Pencil, r Turning a CD CO Marking Cabinet M 3 o l-H 0> CO 10 <0 i CQ M S fl fl 3 m O i &C bo I I 3 4) 4J 3 a> PH O ^ w CO k. g gS . a& S ^ o * H B h 9 ^ !j oj *> WO 3 03 03 ^ -rj 3 Q j^ 03 ^H M u > C 3 cS 5 3 T3 a 1 ^ 3 m c M n K DO 3 M d -; c S 5 s Is^ll S 3 oj 3 O ^ H W S S V a NN 5 M 3 O .X O "2 M H M l aJ tn Vj H o> o at h "O ,O rt BS B c O 3 aj M 53 j^ c< a o o) a tteno 5 1 ^s ? d o s e 4J g (73 4J a a 3 o g g'S ll 0> <5 a cJ 33 ^ 1- gauge f-round a! fifl M a a i-a T3 a N M o 12 -j '3 03 a 2 8 -H CM 1 CO 01 *> i w H M M a 01 M r^ O 2 *3 O c 2 H 2 5 J oi X a s *> M 1 ID a .0 . . .S j ^ .2 y) - Ills _ a a fi. 3 3 o G g d OJ rt a s 3 o a o c a a 8 s S 3 * 3 M w M -0 H inxta fad W) 11 > -* II El -2 5 r^ O CO - H < "3 yi M H CO a G OJ a O H o o fl CD M O ij w !/) a H 0) 3 o c CS M C o o O * > G 03 ORDER o C ni 2 a 3 y out cur ; braces i r.dpaper a '3 en oJ 3 on CO (* 173 O 01 CQ CO " 10 QJ O QJ s > M 3 3 cd ul o Ul ^ TOOLS a s a .M a> | ul d G G cd 3 raper a a 03 at 03 Jack plane "3 3 w a 8 a tc M a . o G o OJ G rf a 5 G O) CM c\t Turnl ~a W G B oi 3 L< td a 3 O s O OI CO *i " CO t- si a STEPS gh mort 'o sawing aperlng 3 o 0) a a B .G QJ 1-. 3 G H en H oi CO X X h^ St^S" g o> e3 d 2 ** *j * +* OSS.: I a ?!* S2 2 S PI d pa o a S 5 o o o! w 3 n < O M - Q ! t-i o) > "H 3 * ' ^ 5 M 03 ( OA to n j COWCQ C J3 '> w o a tS o) as g 2 ^ S O M m |1 S m -J3 >- "^ o QJ o C - C'7 M 4'8 (^ CM a> X kl 1-1 a gS a o a o gS^^x w Q-3 OB o IS1K Ss|35 '3 .S -~ 3 ils|i HOmS rH CM CO 3< IO CO t- a M \ I h G tn H 03 I 1 D S ^^ a X 1 T3 i W B id a W t/1 a JM aj g 03 . Cut mortises in ] . Cut mortises in tenons. . Clamp together . Sandpaper, and 2 CM n C3 in ^ 3 3 T3 O Ul a J= o 1 03 1 C CO a i c O o '5 o -c 01 M M c 3 o .t^ (0 a *~s 3 X3 0) tsfl o Uj a C "o O C i u C 2 a g CM m a S _o S ) W* TO ^ in a o 03 E H a ^4 S CO a S' i2 ' S O o S I ^IfJ v|M .0 J S o w h R Q a 8 5 o illfi CO CO CO CO a a > H fi 2 ' f" O $ = c S 3 ft Mb OM I ^ CM' m ^' i ? a o a -a M > "*"* 0> ft Ihil O o h? ,cj oj 5 oo ' "13S a S -g V 3 d< o H W 3 3 H oi co TP o o o ^ S Sss 1 2 o - 9 " . s ?, S s*l !a.- a u a "^ v .; a a, z -a Q S E I K a I a o ja u ^ a <- co to co CO co ^ N n * A s ,Q qj "C IS fl rt e3 ^ ' gg 2S . O o w a S O aJ -3 3 3 8 fe iSlsH J oo3 Q ^ IM co TI* d (o > S 2 8 |i o o 1 EXERCISE C . B M " QJ 03 n M JH OJ S a o, . (^ ^ ^ rt xo oj o, S o B Q-O a o a QC s ** -^ T ^ ^ := g s r~~- 7 ^--=! =-? p j ' to 2= ^- is 1 I 5S i ^ !; t- * t 1 ORDER C o g oj c a S- 2 ^ I? 3o1 - ga ." g *> w *' 2 OJ G 2303*5 ; 3 goj 25 I tj! 1 *< l^-^ \ I '4 1 c ! S < t 1 co J^OO'^co w ^ OJ ! si I *O 'S 2 m X \> ti-r , 1_- i J a ^" ^S y 1 K t > 2 o o 03 Q) Q T3 _ Cj 3^ g^ P3 bo G o o ' x _ ^s M i S | N ~r4* S'sSll i^ Crf^uSfMtAH sj|ii|i" a vi is F-- -H -u -!Nf i 1 ^ *<*\ i S^ai^S^s h^rnHH Sn i ' . f 5 ;5 : _.----$> -.* 4 i i J >*j | ^ t ,i ..TJ* 1 . ^ OH i 1! 0) *o o 03 ^ .2 -M rl ^ CJ s ^5 t" 1 ^ w \ il I II I Si * . 9 2 I * S B 2S g * 1 '8 a 3 * a * e s 5 Ss CO OQ M f3 QQ S S S^ ? C *J a) ca o t. a 3* a a, 13 ^S 3*0 flj "O M f^ :-la| 3 2 i s d< m H W W a a O> o M a a ^ M 13 S a S3 a o ss 111 V) _0 yj ^ "~* G I I 3 . ft t3 'S Q || II 2 g ta g-2 3 .SS9 W 0! o => o> 3 a -5 > l&ifSa CJ CEj *J C3 W *" s s" 2 I 2s Sa & H *3 -y ^ a I a a " 3 w 42 o a "^ ^ M rj 3 3 M g - 3 " a 2 S o a .S M ^i, ^ o 5 IM *J a 2 Pi H ^ W S 32 o |3 I > 3 a .3 S S r-J W CO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW NOV 17 19J6 JUl 14 1917 16 1918 JUL 14 1919 s 9 1919 30m-l,'15 01810 S97561 ti- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY