IN Arthur Eaton PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE MECHANICAL STRUCTURE, MODE OF FORMATION, THE REPLETION OR FILLING UP, AND THE INTERSECTION AND RELATIVE AGE or MINERAL VEINS ; WITH THE APPLICATION OF SEVERAL NEW THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES TO THE ART OF MINING. BY JOHN LEITHART, the ve ^ n & of greater width in the soft strata, where it is more inclined than in the hard, where it has a more erect position. To distinguish these two kinds of fissuriferous veins the former, or those which are more capa- cious in the hard strata, may be called hard, or erect Capacious Veins ; and the latter, which are more capacious in the soft strata, may be called soft, or inclined Capacious Veins. This distinction is entirely new; and though, perhaps, of little consequence as regards geological science, it is of the utmost importance in mining. The hard, or erect capacious veins, are by far the most numerous, as well as the most productive of metallic ores ; the soft, or inclined capacious veins, being generally of a poor and deceitful nature, and when productive of ore, it is not found in the same strata as in the hard, or erect capacious veins. By a due attention to these facts, an immense amount STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. 9 of the capital which has been thrown away in useless trials might have been saved. The strata forming the sides of the vein or fis- sure are not only on a different level, but immedi- ately adjacent to the vein they have a different position, being bent upwards on the one side, and downwards on the other, as shown in Fig. 8. This may be called the bur of the vein. In some veins the bur is very conspicuous ; but in others it is partially or wholly obscured by the extensive chemical, and mechanical changes which have taken place in the rocks at the sides of the veins. It is to be observed, that the above illustrations apply only to the formation of the original fissure. Both its form and capacity are very considerably modified, as will hereafter be explained. The bur, and throw or displacement of the strata, as well as the capacity of veins, are found, with few exceptions, to be greatest at or near the surface, and gradually decrease in descending into the earth ; and though a vein may never have been traced so deep that the bur and throw wholly disappeared, yet, from their regular decrease, it is presumed there must be a point where they come to nothing : whether the vein may terminate at the same point, will probably for ever remain matter of conjecture. The bur and throw of veins, or the displacement of the strata, are not to be conceived as an absolute K shifting of them, but the effect of a mechanical 10 STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. agitation of the particles of the strata on the one side of the fissure different to that on the other, and also to a different degree of pressure. The structure of veins or fissures may be further distinguished from the position which the strata have near to them. When the vein, Fig. 8, has the strata on the un- derlying side rent upwards, and on the overlying side rent downwards, it may be called a bur vein. When the vein, Fig. 9 has the strata on the underlying side on a higher level, and inclined to it, as at H A and G F, and on the overlying side on a lower level, and declining from it, as at A I and F G, it may be called an overlying subsident vein. When the vein, Figs. 10 and 11, has the strata on the overlying side on a lower level, and inclined to it, as at I A and G F, and on the under- lying side on a higher level, and either having an inclined or horizontal position, as at W A, Fig. 10, and H A, Fig. 11, it may be called an under- lying subsident vein. When the vein, Figs. 12 and 13, has the strata on the overlying side on a lower level, and declining from it, as at A J and / g, and on the underlying side the strata on a higher level, and either horizon- tal or declining from it, as at A W, Fig, 12, and A H, Fig. 13, it may be called an underlying heave vein. When the vein, Figs. 14 and 15, has the strata on the overlying side on a higher level, STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. 11 and either horizontal or declining from it, as at F V, Fig. 14, and / g and a g, Fig. 15, and on the underlying side on a lower level, and having a posi- tion inclining to it, or horizontal, it may be called an overlying heave vein. In order to illustrate how this difference of width or distance between sides of veins in different strata takes place when they traverse an alternating se- ries of hard and soft strata, let the straight line A B C D E F, Plate 3, Fig. 16, be a rent, having an uniform inclination or hade in both the hard and soft strata. Then, if on the underlying side of the fissure the strata are bent up over the points H and G, and on the overlying side are bent down over the points I and J, in this case, the sides of the fissure will be in contact throughout ; that is, in both the hard and soft strata, or in other words will be mathematically divided. But if the vertical course of the vent be inflected, as in Fig. 24, and hav- ing the strata bent up on the underlying side, and bent down on the overlying side, then will the sides of the fissure be only in contact in those parts in which it has the greatest inclination, that is, in the soft strata. For if the point G be drawn into the position a A, then the point m will be drawn into b B ; the point n into c E ; the point o into e E ; and the point/* into/F; and hence in the hard strata A B, C D, and D E, will be formed the fissile cavities w and s. Again, if the fissure has a uniform inclination, as 12 STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. in Fig. 17, and the overlying side be moved down from v' to V, or (which is the same thing) from U' to U, in the line of direction of gravity, the sides of it will be in contact throughout, that is, in both the hard and soft strata, as has been shown in the case of Fig. 16. But if the vertical course of the fissure be inflected, as in Fig. 25, then the sides of the fissure will only be in contact in those strata in which it has the greatest inclination, that is, in the soft ; as has been shown in the case of Fig. 24. Again, if the fissures, as in Figs. 18, 19, 20, and 21, have a uniform inclination, and their over- lying sides on a lower level than the underlying, then the sides of the fissures will be in contact throughout ; that is, in both the hard and soft strata, as has been shown in the case of Fig. 16. But if the vertical course of the fissures be inflected, as in Figs. 26, 27, 28, and 29, then will the sides only be in contact in those strata in which the fissure has the greatest inclination ; that is, in the soft strata, as has been shown in the case of Fig. 24. Again, if the fissures, as in Figs. 22 and 23, have a uniform inclination, and the overlying side on a higher level than the underlying, then will there be formed between their sides the fissile gashes, or chasms, s s, of uniform width from top to bottom, provided the overlying side possesses such a degree of rigidness as not to crush. But if the vertical course of the fissures be inflected, as in Figures 30 and 31, then will the irregular formed cavity s w s, STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. 13 be produced between the sides of the fissures ; the cavities being much larger in those parts which have the greatest inclination, that is, the soft strata, than in the hard, or those in which the fissure has the most erect position. An important consequence deducible from the fact of veins having a more erect position in the hard strata than in the soft, when they traverse an alternating series of them, is, that in a homogeneous mass of rock (such as the primary rocks) the ver- tical course will be curvilineal. For the increase of induration and density in a homogeneous mass of rock cannot take place suddenly, but must gradually increase with the depth below the surface ; therefore veins in their downward course through the primary rocks are bent or deflected in each element of their route from the surface towards the perpendicular, and hence must be more or less cur- vilineal. So that if it be admitted that a difference of level of the corresponding parts of rocks on the opposite sides of the fissuriferous vein, be a gene- ral property of it, then will veins in the primary rocks have the following mechanical characters. In order to illustrate the mechanical structure of veins in the primary rocks, admitting the correspond- ing parts of the rocks to be on different levels on the opposite sides of them, and that their verti- cal courses are curvilineal, let A B, Fig. 32, be the vertical course of the vein ; then if the rock on the underlying side is bent up, and on 14 STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. the overlying side is bent down, there will be formed between the sides of the fissure the meniscous shaped cavity s, the sides of it being in contact at both the superior and inferior extremities of the fissure. Then if veins in the primary rocks have their corresponding parts on the overlying sides on a lower level than on the underlying side, as is the case with them in the secondary strata, there will be formed between the sides of the fissures the meniscous shaped spaces s s, &c., in each of the Figs. 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37, similar to that of s in Fig. 32. But in case the fissure has its overlying side on a higher level than the underlying side, as in Figs. 38 and 39, then will there be formed the concave-shaped chasms s and s, which are open both at the superior and inferior extremities. Having, in the foregoing remarks, pointed out the most obvious mechanical features of Fissuriferous Veins, I shall conclude this description by referring to a diagram which exhibits the phenomena which they present in traversing the strata in the mining district of Alston Moor. Plate 6 is a section of the strata in the above district, from the top of the Whin-sill to the top of the Fell-top limestone, in which is presented the vertical course and mechani- cal structure of a hard, or erect capacious vein, Fig. 40, and of a soft, or inclined capacious vein, Fig. 41, each having the strata on one side of it four yards higher than on the other. The phenomena which these veins present in traversing each stratum STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. 15 have been stated in treating of the general properties of this species of vein. Having described the structure of the fissuriferoirs vein, I shall now point out the mechanical structure of the common pipe or tulndar vein, the radiated pipe vein, and the lateral embedded, or fiat vein. In the common pipe or tubular vein, there are two species, the embedded and the disruptive. The former, or embedded, has a position conformable with that of the stratum in which it is found, as in Fig. 42 ; and the latter, or disruptive, has a position more or less vertical, so as to pass through the different strata, as in Fig. 43 : both this and Fig. 42, being longitudinal sections of the vein. The most prominent mechanical features which the common pipe vein presents, are its zig-zag longitudinal course and variable size, and also its leaping off from its preceding course first to one side and then to the other, in the most capricious manner. The usual form of the embedded pipe vein is an elongated ellipsoid, as in Fig. 44 ; and that of the disruptive an irregular cylinder, as in Fig. 45, both of which are sections across the veins. The next order of vein is the radiated pipe vein, Fig. 46. This vein appears to be composed of the two preceding orders of veins, viz., the fissur- iferous and the common pipe vein. It may either be the result of the intersection of several short fis- suriferous veins at one point, or it may be formed by the rending of the circumscribing rock at the 16 STRUCTURE OF MINERAL VEINS. time of the formation of the common pipe vein. The mechanical structure of this order of veins may be studied by referring to what has been stated with regard to the two preceding orders. The last order of veins is the lateral embedded, or flat vein. This vein is never met with but in connection with some fissuriferous vein, and has always a position conformable to that of the stratum (most commonly limestone) in which it is em- bedded. In order to illustrate the mechanical fea- tures and connection of the flat vein with the fissuriferous, let C D be a part of such vein traversing the limestone stratum M N, Fig. 4/7; then are the wedged-shaped cavities n o and p q on the one side of the fissuriferous vein, and r s and t v on the other, the lateral embedded, or flat veins, extending to a limited but variable distance from the fissuriferous vein. From what has been stated of the flat vein, it is plain that it is not a regular stratiform mass, as its length, breadth, and thick- ness are variable, as, likewise, from its not always being found to accompany the fissuriferous vein. SECTION II. ON THE FORMATION OF THE FISSURES, OR SPACES OF VEINS. HAVING examined the principal features of the me- chanical structure of veins, we are next, from these data, to enquire by what kind of force such effacts could be produced. It would not accord with the limits or the object of this work, to enter into a formal review of all the theories which have been proposed to account for the formation of veins, but it may be deemed necessary to notice a few of the most popular. Some geologists have entertained the idea, that the rocks traversed by veins were in a humid state, and that veins are cracks or rents formed by a dimi- nution of their volume in drying. That from desiccation and other causes of a dimi- nution of volume, the strata might be separated into blocks, or fragments, is beyond doubt. And it is found that they are so divided by cracks, called cutters, joints, or backs ; but the form and size of these block?, and consequently, the direction, as 18 FORMATION OF VEINS. well as the number of the joints, varies in the dif- ferent strata, each evidently following its own pecu- liar law of consolidation, and there does not appear to be any connexion between those which occur in one stratum and those of another. How, then, can we conceive that the cracks or joints in each stra- tum, should happen to come so exactly under those of the stratum immediately above, and should run exactly in the same direction for miles, so as to form a continuous fissure through a hundred beds of different strata ? Again, no crack or opening could take place in any stratum, until it had attained such a degree of rigidity, as would prevent it from yielding to the superincumbent pressure ; for it is impossible that a space could be formed in a mass under pressure, while the compressing force was capable of causing its molecules to move among themselves. And as the strata are all under pressure, increasing from the surface downwards, each stratum must have acquir- ed a certain degree of induration, according to its depth, before any space or open fissure could be formed in it. Hence, we might expect the rents to be much more numerous, and more open near the surface than below ; also larger and more numerous in the hard strata, than in the soft. And this condi- tion of the rocks corresponds exactly with that which they assume from the joints or backs FORMATION OF VEINS. 19 before mentioned, which are altogether distinct from the structure of mineral veins. But besides this, a mere cracking of the strata Jrom desiccation, or any other cause, will afford no explanation of the bur, the throw, and others of the more striking phenomena presented by mineral jveins. Another idea entertained respecting the forma- tion of veins, is, that they are cracks consequent upon the subsidence of a mass of the strata, either from the unequal yielding of the inferior parts, or the withdrawal of some other support from beneath them. Though the unequal resistance of the infe- rior strata to the superincumbent pressure, while the whole was in a humid state, might very naturally account for the inequalities in the thickness of beds, which so frequently occur, and also for their waved, or undulating positions, yet neither that, nor the sinking down of the strata from any other cause, will account for the phenomena which veins present in their mechanical structure. A subsidence might cause a mass of the surface to be detached, and to slide down, as is shown in Fig. 4 ; but in this case, the difference between the level of the strata on one side, and that of the same strata on the other, that is, the throw of the vein, would be the same from the top to the bottom of the vein ; but this is not the case ; see Fig. 5, a case of frequent occurrence, which could never be explained on this supposition. Another theory is, that by an expansion of the 20 FORMATION OF VEINS. interior parts of the earth, by heat or some other cause, the crust of the earth has been forced upwards, and thus cracked and broken. Then, as the mechanical action of this upward pressure is exactly the reverse of that considered in the last paragraph, the same arguments will apply to both. There are, indeed, fissures, or faults, which might rationally enough be referred to a simple sliding down of a mass of the strata on one side, or the forcing of it up on the other ; but no motion of a mass of the earth's surface, either upwards or down- wards, can account for the existence of a point (where the fissure lies in a stratum, see Fig. 5,) in a vein where is no throw, while there is a throw above and below that point. Seeing then that no mere cracking of the strata from desiccation, internal heat, or any other cause of expansion, or contraction ; nor yet any sinking down, or forcing up of the earth's. surface, will satis- factorily account for the formation of the fissures called veins ; the question arises, whether there be any known force sufficiently powerful to produce such, and the modus operandi of which corresponds with the complicated phenomena to be explained. Some of the phenomena, as the zig-zag nature of the downward course of veins, the bur, as also several others, and likewise the chemical changes which have taken place in the adjacent rocks, bear a striking analogy to the course and effects of a powerful Electrical discharge ; and it is the FORMATION OF VEINS. 21 object of the following pages to show that such an agency is competent to afford a fair and rational explanation of the phenomena detailed in the pre- ceding section, on the mechanical structure of veins. That the electric fluid pervades all material bodies, and is extensively concerned in the opera- tions of nature, has long been acknowledged. The most brilliant of modern discoveries in chemistry are those which have developed its influence in the atomic combinations of matter; and attributing to it the formation of the fissures or other spaces occu- pied by the contents of mineral veins, would be but another step in the generalization of its agency in the economy of nature. The way in which the electric fluid is accumu- lated in the interior of the earth, and its discharge effected, is an inquiry of great interest and import- ance ; and in an attempt to explain it, the structure of the earth's superficies must be first known. The earth's crust is, for the most part, composed of beds or strata, piled one over the other, of greater or less thickness; and at the divisions between them, or where one stratum ends and another begins, there is always a thin layer of some soft, tenacious, and flexible matter, having a laminated texture, the prevailing constituents of which are clay, talc, and mica, all of which are either very inferior, or non- conductors of electricity ; so that these thin layers will act as insulators to the dissimilar electric masses B 3 22 FORMATION OF VEINS. of strata, in -which strata, particularly those near to the surface, the electric fluid will be accumulated until its intensity becomes so great at some point as to burst asunder the insulating mediums. On the eruption first occurring, large areas, or even oceans, of the electric fluid would be sud- denly liberated and brought into action, which would rush through the rent with immense force and violence, not only tearing the strata asun- der, but also causing a violent vibration among their particles ; and as the opposite sides of the rent will be subject to a difference, not only of me- chanical agitation of their particles, but also of pressure, the one side will have its corresponding parts depressed below that of the other, the diffe- rence of level being greatest at the surface. Having shown the way in which electro-mechanical action may be brought into play in the interior of the earth, I shall now proceed to show the most striking analogies between the effects of a discharge of electricity, and the phenomena of mineral veins, considered in regard to their mechanical structure. The effects of an electric discharge through an imperfect conducting substance ar.e such as would be produced by a material agent being ^driven through it with great force and velocity, separating the particles of the body in the line of its course, thereby producing either a perforation, or a rent, or both, according to the nature of the discharge and of the substance. FORMATION OF VEINS. 23 The sides of veins, when undecomposecl, are not in a ragged state, as if the strata had been slowly and progressively torn asunder, but are, in general, well defined, as if they had been split by a sharp instrument, or by the instantaneous operation of an immense impulse. The course of an electric discharge through a sys- tem of bodies of different conducting powers is in a zig-zag direction, and leaping sideways at the se- veral surfaces of junction of the bodies. For as bodies of inferior conducting power oppose greater resistance to its passage through them than those of superior conducting power, therefore in passing out of a body of superior into one of infe- rior conducting power it will be deflected outwards from the line of its previous route when the plane of position of the bodies is not perpendicular to the route of the electricity ; but in passing out of a body of inferior into one of superior conducting power, it will be bent inwards from the line of its previous route: for the momentum of impulse of the discharge may be resolved into two forces one acting in the direction of the plane of separation of the compound conductor, the other perpendicular to that plane consequently the greater the differ- ence in the conducting power of the parts of the compound conducting body, the greater will be the inflections in the line of the route of the electricity. This property of electricity is exemplified in the crooked course of lightning through the air, and in 4 FORMATION OF VEINS. its irregular and seemingly capricious route when it strikes buildings, &c. To apply this to the course of veins. The cal- careous strata being earthy salts, are better con- ductors of electricity than the siliceous ; and the siliceous are in general better conductors than the argillaceous. And each of these species of strata have their conducting power increased in some cer- tain ratio to the increase of their induration. It has been observed, page 7> that in an alternating series of beds of limestone, sandstone, and shale, or plate, the veins have a more correct position in the limestone (hard), than in the sandstone (softer), and also more correct in the sandstone than in the plates (softest) ; it appears, therefore, that the zig- zag character of the vertical course of veins through an alternating series of strata of different conducting powers, is exactly similar to the course of electricity under similar circumstances. Another cause which would concur with the difference in the conducting powers of the strata to produce the inflected condi- tion of the vertical course of veins, is that of a dif- ference of their electric state the shales, or plates, being, for the most part, positive as regards the sandstones, and the sandstones positive as regards the limestones. Again, veins have a greater inclination in strata 'which are near the surface, than they have in the same, or similar strata at a greater depth ; and in a homogenous mass of rock of great thickness, such FORMATION OF VEINS. 25 as the clay, slates, &c., a vein in its downward course is deflected towards the perpendicular in each ele- ment of its route, its course being curvilineal : the nature of the curve depends on the increase of induration, which is in exact accordance with the law, that the conducting power of rocks increases in some certain ratio with their increase of induration and density. The passage of electricity produces an expan- sion of the parts of a body in the line of its route. When a discharge is sent through a card, the edges of the perforation are bent or burred, the part form- ing the margin of the perforation being expanded ; and, consequently, forced outwards, and the protru- sion is always greater on the side of the card next to the negative pole. If the discharge be sent through a quire of strong paper, the amount of the effect will be found to be different at different depths from the surface. One edge of the perforation being burred in one direction, and the other edge being burred in the opposite direction, as if it had been made by drawing two threads through in opposite direc- tions. These effects bear a striking resemblance to the bur of veins ; and a little further consideration will suffice to shew, that the throw and displacements of the strata, in the neighbourhood of veins, may be accounted for on this principle. It appears that the immediate effect of a discharge of electricity through a substance, is to excite a commotion among the 26 FORMATION OF VEINS. particles of the substance in the line of its route; and, consequently, to cause an expansion and displace- ment of the parts relatively to each other. The magnitude of the effects of this action from an equal discharge, will vary considerably in different sub- stances, being greatest in those of small conducting power. Suppose a violent commotion and expan- sion of this kind to have taken place in the rocks, forming the immediate walls of veins at their forma- tion, it is evident that the parts thus expanded, and occupying a greater space, must have been forced out of their former position in one way or another ; and this would necessarily give rise to a bending of rocks in opposite directions, they being raised up on the one side of the fissure, and thrust down on the other, which is in exact accordance with the phenomena they present. Another phenomenon, accompanying the pas- sage of electricity through bodies of low conduct- ing power, is the evolution of heat, which is a phenomenon that veins frequently present in their walls. In order to shew the relative proportion of the compressing force exerted on the overlying side, to that on the underlying side, when the fissure has not an erect position ; Let A B D C (see the accompanying Diagram,) be a fissure ; and A, b, d, f, and h, five points at dif- ferent depths in it ; then, at the point h the total pressure will be g h ; at the point f, ef; at the FORMATION OF VEINS. point d,cd; at the point &, a b ; and at A, no thing. p g e c a AC B//D But as the direction of the pressure is oblique to the vertical course of the fissure, it may be resolved into two forces, the one acting vertically, and the other horizontally ; or on the plane C D. Then, if there be drawn g q, e p, c o, and a n, each per- pendicular to the plane of the fissure A B, and there also be drawn q z, p y> ox, and n x, each parallel to A acting on 28 FORMATION OF VEINS. the underlying side at the point h ; and y e will be the part of the total pressure e f acting on it at the point f; and, likewise, will x c and w a be the respective parts of the total pressures c d and a b, acting on it at the points d and b. Consequently, if the total pressures g h 9 &c. be the diameter of a circle, the compressing force acting on the overlying side is to that acting on the underly- ing side, at any point, as the versed sines of the angles which the plane of the fissure makes with the horizon, viz., as the versed sine of the angle E C D is to that of the angle FAB. Hence, the reason why the strata on the overlying sides of veins, are (with few exceptions) on a lower level than on the underlying side ; also, why the throw of veins, or the difference of level in the correspond- ing strata on the opposite sides of them, are variable ; generally decreasing progressively as the depth in- creases. Having examined the most striking analogies between the effects of electricity, and the mechani- cal structure of the fissuriferous veins, the tubular or pipe veins are next to be considered. The difference of structure between the fissuri- ferous and tubular, or common pipe vein, may be explained from the nature of the electric discharge being different at their formation, the formation of the first being the result of the discharge taking place from a large surface ; the latter, to its taking place from a point. For when electricity is dis- FORMATION OF VEINS. 29 persed over a large surface, and a discharge takes place from it, the body is rent, and the direction of the fractures is generally rectangular to each other ; as for instance, when the electricity forces a passage for itself through the substance of an over-charged jar, or a plate of glass ; but if the discharge is effected by a point, a perforation is produced ; if, however, the discharge from the point be not effectually restrained from dispersion, (by some non-conduct- ing substance, as oil, resin, &c.) the perforation will have a number of small fractures proceeding from its margin. Therefore, according to the man- ner in which the discharge is produced, we will have, as the effect, a fracture, or the fissuriferous vein ; a simple perforation, or the common pipe vein ; or a splintered perforation, or the radiated pipe vein. Another phenomenon, which the two latter spe- cies of vein present in their structure, analogous to the mechanical effects of electricity, is the twisted character of their longitudinal courses, like that of a corkscrew. The last species of vein, the formation of which is to be considered, is the lateral, embedded, or flat vein. The position and connexion of this vein with the fissuriferous is strikingly analogous to what, in electrical science, is called the lateral dis- charge, viz., to the tendency which a high charge of electricity has to diverge, or spread out side-wise, when circumstances admit of it, from the direct line 30 FORMATION OF VEINS. of its route ; more particularly, when much ob- structed in its passage.* I have thus pointed out the most striking analo- gies which subsist between the mechanical effects of electricity, and the phenomena which mineral veins present in their structure, in both the second- ary and primary strata ; and the resulting pheno- mena in both are so exactly similar, or perfectly identical, to those of electricity, as to lead to the conclusion, that the formation of the spaces, which the contents of veins occupy, is the effect of elec- trical agency. But if any other argument were wanting to establish the electrical theory of the formation of mineral veins, it is furnished by the fact, that there is no other single known agent in nature, whose power and mode of action are competent to the production of the vast and complicated phenomena which veins present in their mechanical structure. It may not be amiss, in this place, to notice some other geological phenomena connected with the pre- sent inquiry, which may be explained in a more * In the limestone strata, at least at the random, or position in which the flats occur, the limestones in those parts are of a cavernous character and columnar texture, while above and be- low the flat beds they have always a laminated and compact texture. In those limestones in which this property is wanting, there have not as yet been any flats discovered ; but there are instances of this property in limestones where no flats occur. FORMATION OF VEINS. 31 satisfactory way from electrical agency, than from any other cause. The fact which first presents itself to notice, is the occurrence of the short, devious, and thin veins, so common in limestone and other strata. That these small calcareous sparry veins in limestone strata, may have been the result of a disturbance in the electrical equilibrium of the limestone in its progress of consolidation, is at least highly probable, and easily comprehended. And in no way can the crys- talline and sparry texture of veniform masses, en- veloped in rocks, be so satisfactorily explained as from electro-molecular action. Another fact worthy of notice is the broken, twisted, expanded, and bulged condition of the strata in particular parts, more especially the coal strata. This condition of the coal and accompanying strata, is, I believe, generally called by colliers a shake, or broken. This shake is not an actual breach or separation in the strata, but a kind of lineal space, of more or less width, in which the coal and other strata are 'in a bruized, expanded, and bulged state, and having the strata close to it fre- quently tilted out of their regular position. Another form of this shake is, that, for a limited circular space, the strata are in a twisted, broken, and mingled con- dition. In both these shakes, the condition of the strata in general very much resembles the effect produced in a piece of rather dry clay, through which an electrical discharge has been sent. Then, 32 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. since the lineal shake may be called a kind of im- perfect fissuriferous vein, so may the circular shake he called a kind of imperfect disruptive pipe vein. SECTION III. ON THE REPLETION, OR FORMATION OF THE CONTENTS OF MINERAL VEENS. Having, in the two preceding sections, explained the mechanical structure and formation of the spaces which the contents of veins occupy, the next subject of inquiry is, by what agency and modus operandi the repletion, or formation of the contents of veins has been effected. The contents of veins may be divided into two classes, the Transmutive and the Foreign. The first includes riders, douks, and other sub- stances, which appear to have been formed from the rocks formerly occupying the place where they are found, by a process of decomposition, or impregna- tion. The second includes clays, spars, metallic ores, and substances, the appearance of which denotes them to be the result of subsequent mechanical and chemical deposition. First, of the transmutive contents of veins, riders, douks, &c. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 33 By the term rider, is to be understood a part of the rock forming the sides or walls of veins ; the nature and appearance of which have been changed in consequence of its oxidation, and impregnation with some metallic oxide, or salt, or other substance, whereby both its colour and induration are rendered more or less different from that of the rock in its native state. The metal with which the rocks forming the walls of veins are most frequently im- pregnated, is the oxide and different salts of iron ; occasionally, however, a rider impregnated with zinc is found where that metal prevails. There are four different kinds of riders, the grey, the brown, the black, and the red, which difference of colour is probably owing to a difference in the oxidation of the iron, &c. The rocks most susceptible of being converted into riders, are those of a calcare- ous character ; next to them are the siliceous, and least of all, those of an argillaceous nature. In general, the dark grey rider is the hardest, viz., when the rock is impregnated with the silicate of iron ; next to it in hardness is the brown rider, when it is impregnated with oxide or salts of zinc ; then the black, when it is impregnated with the black oxide of iron ; the red always being the softest, is formed by the rocks being impregnated with the red oxide or carbonate of iron. By the term douks, is to be understood a part of the rock, forming the walls or sides of veins, which has been changed in its nature and appearance from c 4 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. decomposition, and is in such a soft state as will form a paste with water, without having to be pounded; therefore the douks will have various colours and character, according to the kind of rock of which they are formed* and the elements abstracted from it, which are generally siliceous. The rocks most susceptible of such decomposition, or of being converted into douk, are those whose base is of an argillaceous nature. Second, of the Foreign Contents of Veins, Clays, Spars, Metallic Ores, &c. By the term clay, is to be understood all those soft pasty substances which are the result of mecha- nical deposition ; of course this soil will differ in its character according to the nature of the deposition, &c. By the term spar, is to be understood all those earthy and alkaline mineral substances which assume some regular determined figure, and have a crystal- line texture. These mineral substances are very numerous ; the most common are quartz, calcareous and fluor spar ; the external characters of which are generally so well known, as to need no particular description in this place. By the term ore, is to be understood metals in a state of union with sulphur, carbon, oxygen, &c., which assume in general some regular figure, and have also a crystalline texture. There are not any mineral substances that exclu- sively belong to any particular species of vein, they being found indifferently in all. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 5 / It has already been shewn, that a discharge of electricity is the most rational mode of accounting for the phenomena which the spaces occupied by the contents of veins present, in regard to their me- chanical structure, &c. It will now be assumed that electricity, in its galvanic form, is the agent employed by nature in effecting the changes in the rocks by which the transmutive contents of veins are formed, and also that by which the foreign con- tents have been selected, carried to, and arranged in those spaces ; and the same systematic mode of proof will be employed as in the former case. The first fact assumed to account for the reple- tion of mineral veins, is, that the electric fluid per- vades and penetrates the earth, more particularly those parts near to the surface. It is an acknow- ledged fact in the science of electricity, that the electric fluid is capable of moving through either the pores or actual substance of all material bodies, with greater or less facility according to their con- ducting powers. And the fact of the magnetic effects resulting from the experiments of Dr. Bar- low, in coiling wires round an artificial sphere, and passing currents of electricity through them, being exactly similar to those of terrestrial magnetism, renders it highly probable that electrical currents do actually circulate in the different parts of the earth, more particularly in its external layers. In what way electrical currents are generated and set in motion in the rocky substances forming the c c > 36 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. crust of the earth, is an enquiry of great importance and difficulty ; and, consequently, various opinions have been advanced on the subject, but no very clear and satisfactory explanation has been given of it the opinion of some philosophers being, that they are generated by solar influence ; others, that they proceed from the rotation of the earth on its axis : and others, that they result from a chemical action going on in the interior of the earth, more particularly near to its surface. It being a fact that galvanic currents are gene- rated and set in motion by combinations of various substances, besides those of a metallic nature ; and as the external parts of the earth are disposed for the most part in beds, or layers of different kinds of rock, piled one over another ; it is there- fore assumed, that under this condition of its sur- face, the strata will form a galvanic pile or battery, giving rise to various local accumulations, and cur- rents of electricity, the energy of which will depend on the nature and superposition of the strata, and the conducting power of the medium uniting the poles of the battery. The order of superposition of the strata in Alston Moor and neighbourhood, being, with few exceptions, exactly similar to the arrangement of the elements in the galvanic pile of Volta, a sec- tion of this district, as the strata actually occur, is given in Plate 6. In this section, the hazles or siliceous strata may be taken to represent the THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 37 wetted card ; the limestone or calcareous and coaly strata the plate of one metal ; the plate beds or argillaceous strata the other plate of metal 5 and the water or other conducting substances filling the fissures, the uniting wire by which the circuit is completed. The electrical currents, in circulat- ing through the strata, will take their route through the fissures ; as, immediately on their formation, they would, at least near the surface, be filled with water, which is a much better conductor of electri- city than the strata. And it being a general law when the electric equilibrum is disturbed, and there are open for the fluid several different routes, that it always takes the best conductors, although the course through them be more circuitous. Therefore, from the positive pole, or strata which are in a positive electrical state, there will be a current of electricity flowing from them into the fissure ; and from the fissure into the negative strata or pole. Hence, wherever chemical decom- position is the result of the currents thus generated, and circulating through the strata and in the fissures traversing them, the elements in union with the currents will be deposited in such open parts of the fissure as are in accordance with the peculiar law of their relative electrical states. In referring the spaces which the contents of veins occupy to perforations, fissures, &c., it is to be borne in mind that, in their original condition of perforations and fissures, as in Plate 6, they were cS 38 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. mere fractures ; and that their present size, and the condition of the rocks forming their walls, are the result of the electric power communicated to the walls at their formation, from the rocks being forci- bly and suddenly torn asunder, and the electrical currents subsequently circulating in them, the effects of which would be the disintegnation, de- composition, or impregnation of the walls. The objection brought against the idea of veins having been perforations, fissures, &c., however nar- row they might be at their formation, from the impos- sibility of such perforations and fissures being kept open, may be answered by the fact that the strata, particularly the harder, are divided by joints or cutters into a multitude of blocks, and that in many cases, the joints or cutters are found quite as large in width as the original size of veins appears to have been where there has been no mechanical or chemical change effected in their walls. Those joints or cutters are always either empty, or only filled with a soft clay, which can be of no service as a support to their sides. It is also a fact, that veins appear only to have remained open in those strata, or parts of them, in which they have an erect position ; while in those strata or parts in which they have a great slope, or hade, the sides are always found to be in contact. It is not a necessary condition of the theory here advanced for the repletion of veins, that the spaces which their contents occupy were, in their primitive THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 39 state, of the size in which they are now found ; but that they were in their primary state fractures, in which the separated parts have not been re-united or healed up, whether the walls were in contact or not ; nor that they have, subsequently to their form- ation, been opened by any slow and progressive mechanical force to their present size, but their en- largement, and the changes which the rocks forming their walls have undergone, are the result of electro- chemical agency. From whence the metals and other substances filling veins were originally derived, is, like all en- quiries into the origin of things, inexplicable. But as the metallic ores occur disseminated in many rocks, particularly in those at a considerable depth below the surface, it is highly probable that the immediate source from which they are conveyed into the veins is the rocks in the substance of which they exist, either mechanically mixed or chemically combined. That the intermediate sources from which the metallic ores, &c. filling veins are derived, are the enclosing rocks, is to be inferred from the fact, that when veins traverse an alternating series of strata, the strata forming the sides of veins, in many cases, both above and below a stra- tum in which they have been found productive, appear to have always been in close contact, so as to prevent their having been filled, either by infil- teration from above, or by injection from below. It is also further to be inferred, from the fact of 40 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. strata in which veins are productive alternating with those in which they are completely barren they being generally productive in the strata in which they have an erect position, and barren in those in which they have a great inclination or hade : there- fore the contents of veins are either derived from, or very intimately connected with, the nature of the rocks which they traverse. Since every known substance, either aeriform, liquid, or solid, can be reduced in bulk by pres- sure,, it follows, that the particles or atoms of all bodies are not in actual contact, but are separated by pores or interstices, of greater or less size ac- cording to the state in which they exist ; then, as the particles, even of solid bodies, are not in actual contact, it is conceived that their pores, or the in- terstices, must be filled up with some highly elastic fluid (as caloric, or electricity, or both) ; for it is inconceivable how the molecules of matter can act upon each other without some medium of commu- nication to connect them together. From the mobility of gases and liquids, we are prepared to admit of their particles changing their relative positions among themselves, and situations in space ; their molecules being in perpetual mo- tion among themselves, not only from impressed forces, but also from their ever-varying state as to temperature and electrical condition. But it is not so easily to be conceived, that the like motions should be induced among the molecules of solid substances THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 41 by these agencies, where the particles appear (to the senses) to be absolutely fixed ; yet as the par- ticles of solids are not in actual contact, it must be admitted that even the molecules of solid sub- tances must be ever changing their relative posi- tions among themselves, and also their situation in space when operated on by forces such as those above stated, possessing a greater intensity. It is found in all subterraneous operations (as min- ing) where the rocks in which excavations are made are soft, but so tenacious as not to crush, that the excavations diminish very rapidly in size, so as to become a measureable quantity in a short time, and that even the hardest rocks through which subterraneous operations have been carried, are found to diminish in size in long periods of time. Now this gradual diminution in the size of excava- tions made in rocks, cannot take place except through an intestine motion among the particles of the rocks, changing not only their relative positions, but also their situations in space. The extent to which this motion in the particles of the rocks may be communicated, it would be difficult to assign limits to. Heat appears to have great influence in modify- ing the arrangement of the particles of solid bodies as it in many instances dissolves the existing ar- rangement of the particles, and gives to them a new one, without destroying the integrity of the bodies as a whole. It is "found that prismatic THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. crystals of sulphate of nickel, exposed to a sum- mer's sun in a close vessel, had their internal struc- ture so completely altered without any external change, that when broken open, they were compos- ed internally of octahedrons with square bases. Now the original aggregation of the internal particles had been dissolved, and a disposition given to arrange themselves in a crystalline form."* Crystals of sulphate of magnesia and sulphate of zinc, gradually heated in alcohol till it boils, lose their transparency by degrees, and when opened are found to consist of innumerable minute crystals, totally different in form from the whole crystals ; and prismatic crystals of zinc are changed in a few seconds into octahedrons by the heat of the sun. Other instances might be given of the influence of even moderate changes of temperature in modifying molecular attraction in the interior of substances. That the contents of veins and other mineral substances can be dissolved and transferred, may be inferred from the fact of substances being found in the moulds, and taking the form of the moulds whose crystallization is different to that of the substance of the models. There are many instances where the first-formed substance on the sides of the vein is fluate of lime, and the second quartz, and hence this second formation at its base, taking the form of crystallization of the first, or fluor spar, and vice * Connexion of the Physical Sciences, by M. Somerville. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS 43 versa. That where the spaces which the crystals of the first formation had occupied are found empty, and in others either partially or entirely filled with a third substance, having the form of the mould of the first, or removed substance, points out clearly the dissolution and transference of mineral sub- stances. Then, as we meet with cavities having a peculiar form in veins, but empty, and know that bodies having the form of these cavities do exist in the vicinity where the cavities are found, we natural- ly infer that the cavities are the result of these models ; but when it is considered that specimens are frequently found having exactly the same form- ation, but from which the model has not been removed, the inference is established beyond doubt. The dissolution and transference of material atoms is further proved from the various casts of animal and vegetable remains found in the rocks from which the animal and vegetable matter has been removed, and its place supplied by mineral matter. It has been proved by innumerable experiments on bodies, both in solution and fusion, that the chemical affinity is only a consequence of the electric condition of the particles, or atoms of bodies, and that their composition and decomposi- tion are the result of electrical agency. Therefore, it is highly probable that no portion of inorganic matter is in a perfect state of rest, but that its molecules are not only perpetually in motion among themselves, but are constantly chang- 44 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. ing their situations in space ; which perpetual molecular motion in matter, presents to us the con- stitution of solid bodies quite in a new light ; even the particles in them obeying the various laws of chemical affinity, electical attraction, polar concre- tion, &c. The immediate tendency of these chemical, electrical, and polar forces, is to occasion like particles to separate from the general mass, and to group together in more homogenous por- tions, such as regular crystalline masses, definite layers, nodular concretions, &c., assuming it as admitted that the strata, in consequence of their order of superposition, form a galvanic pile or bat- tery, in which there is a development of electricity, the currents of which traverse the fissures which cut through the rocks, and that mineral substances can be disolved, transferred, and recombined in various ways by electrical agency. I shall now proceed, from these data, to explain the mode in which the repletion of veins has been effected. It is not to be inferred, from what has been above stated, that the electric action is continued through a whole series of alternating strata ; for it may be confined to a small number of them. And I am strongly persuaded, from many observations on the conditions of veins in different strata, that in many cases certain classes of strata, and the parts of the fissures contained in them, have exclusively their own electrical conditions and currents circulating in them. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 45 It is a well attested fact, that the surfaces of sub- stances in general, from which electricity is evolved, or is positive, have their attraction of aggregation destroyed, or are chemically dissolved, as is the case with the zinc in our common batteries. It is also a well-attested fact, that the surfaces of substances in general into which electricity is entering, or is negative, are precipitating and aggregating surfaces, as is the case with the copper in our common bat- teries ; not even the most solid aggregates, nor firmest compound bodies, being capable of resisting the dissolving action of a current of electricity. Its operation may be slow, but the results are cer- tain ; and sooner or later, all compound bodies are, by its agency, resolved into their elemental form. That veins possess some peculiar power in de- termining to, and retaining the metals, spars, &c., filling them, may be inferred from the fact, that the joints, or cutters of the strata, never contain any of the vein substances, even when they are open, and directly communicate with the veins. Had not the veins possessed some attractive action for, and re- straint over, the substances filling them, we should certainly have met with some instance of the vein matter being deposited in the cracks or joints by which the strata are divided into blocks. Nor can it be said that these joints, &c. have been formed subsequently to the formation and filling up of the veins, as the nature and quantity of the contents 46 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. of veins are in many instances greatly modified by the joints, &c., at their junction with the veins ; while in some cases they pass straight through the veins, without suffering any interruption. In case any stratum, or class of strata, which a fissure traverses, is in a positive electrical state, or evolving electricity, and a contiguous stratum or class of strata is in a negative state, or absorbing electricity, and the fissure traversing them be filled with water or other conducting medium ; then, whenever electro-chemical action is in operation, the elements separated from the strata forming the positive walls of the fissure will be carried into that part of it in which the enclosing strata forming the walls are negative, and there deposited, and viceversa; then, as has been already observed, the plate beds being generally positive in regard to the sandstones, and the sandstones positive in regard to the lime- stones, hence the currents in general will be from both the plate beds and sandstones towards the lime- stones, and from the plate beds towards the sand- stones singly ; which direction of the currents, as a consequence of theory, is in exact accordance with the phenomena presented by the walls of veins in these strata; the walls of veins in the plate beds being generally in a decomposed or douky state ; the walls in the sandstones exhibiting the mixed conditions of impregnation and decomposition ; and the walls in the limestones most generally present- ing the condition of impregnation alone. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 47 As the plates or shales generally have dissemi- nated in them both iron and zinc, a portion of them will be eliminated ; and when they are in solution, will be strongly determined to the negative pole or rock ; hence the reason of the walls of veins in the limestones being in general impregnated with these salts, or converted into riders ; the walls of veins in the sandstones being occasionally the same. And as the metals in general are found dissemi- nated in the rocks, and when in solution are electro- positive, they will be determined to the negative rocks, and there precipitated, together with such other substances as may be eliminated along with them. In case the rock be highly electro-negative, the walls of the vein will be much ridered, and the metals, &c. more or less blended or disseminated in the rider : but if the rock be only moderately electro-negative, the walls will only be in a slightly ridered state, and the metals, &c. precipitated, ad- hering to them in plates or ribs. If one side of a fissure in any stratum be in a positive electrical state, or evolving electricity, and the other negative, or absorbing electricity, and the fissure be filled with a fluid, as water, with which the upper strata usually abound, then this arrangement is exactly similar to the simple galvanic circle, in which case chemical action would be brought into play. Should the water, &c. filling the fissure, hold alkaline, earthy, or metalic salt in solution, the so- lution would be decomposed, and the metal, &c., 48 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. precipitated on the negative wall, and the oxygen, &c. on the positive. With regard to the depth to which the walls of veins are changed in their nature from the enclosing rocks, it may be said generally to be from three to four feet, and very rarely to exceed ten. In the primary rocks the changes produced in the walls of veins appear to extend to greater depths into the rocks than in the secondary strata ; and where they are decomposed, the matter eliminated is generally the siliceous, the argill being reduced to douk, or clay. In order to illustrate, in as clear a manner as the complicated nature of the subject will admit, the seemingly-capricious disposition of the contents of veins, as presented to us in the operations of min- ing, I shall state a few general laws of electrical ac- tion by which the phenomena may be explained. First. That bodies electrified, either positively or negatively, repel those in the same electrical state, and attract those in the opposite electrical state. Second. That bodies either in a positive or nega- tive electrical state, attract those in a neutral state, by the law of induction. Third. That bodies in a highly-active electrical state, whether positive or negative, attract very small bodies, or the atoms of bodies, when in the vicinity of the highly-active electrified body, which are in the same electrical state, by the law of induction. THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. 4Q Then, as oxygen, chlorine, iodine, and fluorine, and the substances in which their properties predo- minate, are naturally in a negative electrical state, they will be attracted by positively electrified bodies, and repelled by those which are negatively elec- trified. And as the metals, and all other substances in their elementary state, are naturally in a positive electrical state, they will be attracted by nega- tively electrified bodies, and repelled by those posi- tively electrified ; but small bodies, or atoms of bodies, are attracted by large bodies in the same electrical state as themselves. From the above principles and laws of electrical action, may be explained, in a clear and rational manner, not only the intersection and arrangement of veins, but also the sudden and apparently capri- cious changes that occur in their nature and dispo- sition. For instance, suppose the rock forming the walls of a vein to be electrified negatively, in this case they will attract to them the electro-positive elements of matter, as the metals, &c. ; but when these electro-positive elements are accumulated on the walls to some certain thickness, the action of the rock will become null, and the positively polar- ized substances planting the walls will act as elec- tro-positive surfaces, and attract to them, or polarize, the electro-negative elements, as oxygen, fluorine, &c., or substances in which they predominate, as quartz, fluate of lime, &c.; these alternations being D 50 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. repeated till the vein is filled up, if the electrical action continue. Again, if the rock forming the walls of a vein be positively electrified, it will attract, or polarize, the electro-negative substances, as quartz, fluate of lime, &c., and when these substances are accumulated on the walls to some certain thickness, they will become the polarizing surfaces, and will attract to them, or polarize, the electro-positive sub- stances, as the metals, &c. ; these alternations being repeated in the inverse order to the former till the vein is filled up, if the electrical action is conti- nued. If, at the same time, one part or point in a vein be in an electro-negative state, while another is in an electro-positive state (which is no uncommon condition with simple substances), the one part will be attracting to it matter of a different nature to that of the other ; and in case these alternate posi- tive and negative states of the vein are only separat- ed by very short intervals, the contents of it must be disposed in a very mixed state, and present a seemingly capricious arrangement if arrangement it can be called at all, in the ordinary acceptation of the word ; yet the position of each particle is the result of the same definite agency as that by which the most exact chemical effects are produced. This law of differently electrified surfaces, or points, in collecting on them oppositely electrified particles, or atoms of bodies, is very elegantly and THE CONTENTS OF VErNS. -&1 clearly illustrated by an experiment devised by Pro- fessor Lichtenberg. With the knob of a jar charged with positive electricity, trace on the surface of a smooth plate of glass, or any resinous substance, various lines, at pleasure ; then, with the knob of a jar charged nega- tively, draw several other lines in the same way, and set the plate vertically on its edge ; by the friction, &c., produced by triturating red lead and sulphur together in a mortar, the red lead is rendered posi- tive and ,the sulphur negative ; then, if the powder be projected in its mixed state against the plate by a powder puff, or blown from the barrel of a quill, the sulphur will attach itself to the positively elec- trified lines, and the red lead to those negatively electrified, forming a series of yellow and red lines : there not being a particle of red lead attached to the positively electrified lines, nor of sulphur to those negatively electrified. When the ore contained in a vein is scattered through the vein substance in nodular masses, I am fully persuaded, from the most attentive observation, that this disposition of the ore in many cases is the result of a concretionary action or coalition of mi- nute particles previously disseminated through the vein substance. If it be admitted, as a principle in the repletion of veins, that all the mineral substances which consti- tute them, were originally disseminated through, and immediately derived from, the enclosing rocks, then, 52 THE CONTENTS OF VEINS. in this case, veins ought to be of the greatest mag- nitude, and most productive, at or near those points in which they cross each other, and also where there are a number of parallel contiguous veins, with small veins or strings falling into them from either side or both ; which consequence of theory is in exact ac- cordance with fact. It being conceived that the earth derives its mag- netism from electrical currents circulating in it, in a direction at right angles to the magnetic meridian, they will, in some cases, concur with the local cur- rents of the strata, and in others be antagonist to them ; from which concurrence or antagonism of the currents will result a variation in the internal condition of veins. In conclusion, it may be stated, that the electric currents will have their routes through the veins in various directions. In case they have a horizontal set, their route will be from and towards all points of the compass ; when they have a vertical set, their route will sometimes be from below upwards, but as the deep strata are in general negative in re- gard to the upper, the positive current will generally have a tendency downwards. It is not to be infer- red from these remarks, that currents of electricity traverse each fissure or vein throughout its whole extent in length and depth, but that their genera- tion and circulation are local, and not the result of general, but special conditions in the strata. SECTION IV, ON THE PHENOMENA OF THE INTERSECTION OF VEINS, AND THEIR RELATIVE AGES. HAVING, in the first section of this work, explained the mechanical structure of veins ; and in the se- cond, from these data, traced the formation of the spaces which contain the substances that constitute veins to a discharge of electricity, or fo electricity in its coerced form ; and, in the third, traced the filling up, or repletion of these spaces to electro-chemical agency, or to electricity in its free or galvanized form ; it is now intended, in the present section, to trace up, and explain from electro-dynamics, or the action of one current of electricity on another, the phenomena which veins present at their intersection ; and to deter- mine their relative ages. The correctness of the hypothesis here advanced to explain the phenomena of the intersection of veins, &c. must depend on, and be judged by, the agreement between the principles of the science of electro-dynamics ; as likewise, the agreement be- tween the theoretical deductions involving them, D 3 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. and the actual phenomena which veins present to us in traversing one another, &c. In no department of geology have the causes assigned by geologists, for the explanation of any particular class of phenomena, appeared to me to be so inadequate to it, as those proposed to explain the phenomena of the traversion of veins, and their relative ages ; nor in any are the facts more mis-stated, or the deductions more incorrect. The principles in the science of electro-dyna- mics on which it is proposed here to explain the phenomena of the traversion of veins, &c. are, that when two electrical currents are inclined to each other at any angle, they are always naturally repul- sive when one of them approaches to, and the other recedes from, the summit of the angle, OF point of intersection or coalescence. That, on the contrary, they mutually attract each other when they both approach to, or both recede from, the summit of the angle, or point of intersection or coalescence. And that the intensity of the action of each current on the other, is inversely as the square of the dis- tance, and is exerted in a direction perpendicular to their routes. It has been shown in the last section that cur- rents of electricity traverse veins in all directions. That when the set of the current is longitudinally through the vein, it may pass in either direc- tion through it ; for instance, if a vein have an east and west course or bearing, the current (positive) INTERSECTION OF VEINS. 55 may have its routes through the vein either from east to west, or from west to east ; and when the set of the currents is vertically through the vein, it may be either from below upwards, or from above downwards. Then, in order to render the application of electro-dynamic action to the explanation of the phenomena of the traversion of veins, &c., as intel- ligible as the complicated nature of the subject will admit ; let A B, Plate 8, Fig. 49, be the longitu- dinal course of a prior formed fissure or vein having a current (positive) of electricity moving through it from A to B, or from right to left ; and let C G H be a posterior formed vein, the discharge or coerced current by which it was formed having its origin in the point C, and its uninterrupted course being C G H. Then, since the current of electricity passing through the prior formed vein A B, is either hydro or hermo-electric, it will be a continuous current, and that of the discharged or coerced current originating at C, being a sudden electrical irruption, it will be a discontinuous cur- rent. Hence the discharge, or coerced current C, in its route from C to G, will be situated wholly on the one side of the continuous current A B, and in its course from G to H it will be wholly si- tuated on the contrary side of the continuous cur- rent A B. Therefore the effect produced by a prior formed vein, or one of posterior forma- tion, will be similar to the effect that a fixed 56 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. extended electrical current produces on an unstaid terminated current. Hence, according to the hy- pothesis here advanced to explain the phenomena which- veins present to us at their intersection, the supposition that all. veins were not formed at the very same instant of absolute time, must agree in all details with the electro-dynamic effects of a fixed extended electrical current on an unstaid terminated current. Then, in Fig. 49, let A G and B G be made equal to each other, let there be drawn A C and B C, and let the direction of the current moving in the fixed channel of the prior formed vein be from A to B. Then, since the part of the continuous fixed current moving in the prior formed vein A B from A to G, and the part of the discontinuous unstaid current of for- mation of the posterior vein C H, from C to G, are both approaching to the summit of the angle, or point G of intersection or coalescence of the veins ; hence, agreeably to the law of electro-dy- namics expressed at page 54, they will attract each other, which attractive action let C w represent. But, as the part of the continuous fixed current moving in the prior formed vein A B from G to B, is receding from the summit of the angle, or point of intersection or coalescence ; and that of the current C, from C to G, is approaching to it, they will repel one another ; which repulsion let C x represent. Then let w z and x z be drawn parallel to C x and C w 9 and then draw C z, which will be INTERSECTION OF VEINS. 57 the resultant of the attractive and repulsive action of the continuous fixed current moving in the prior formed vein A B, or the discontinuous unstaid cur- rent of formation of the posterior vein from C to G, which is perpendicular to the course of the vein, according to the law of electro-dynamics expressed in page 54. Then, let there be drawn parallel to C z the several arrows, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., which will repre- sent the direction of the force exerted by the con- tinuous fixed current moving in the prior formed vein from A to B, or the discontinuous unstaid current of formation of the posterior vein from C to G. Hence, the posterior, or traversed vein on the side C G, will, at and near to the point of intersection or coalescence, be more or less deflected and drawn along the channel of the prior formed, or traversing vein, in a direction contrary to that in which the current is flowing in at M towards A ; and it will intersect or be found at the point N instead of at G, in the traversing vein, and either pass straight through from N to P, or continue to follow the course of the traversing vein before leaving it, to some point, M, according to the intensity of the discharge at C. Then, as regards the effect of the prior formed or traversing vein, or the posterior or traversed vein, on its leaving the traversing vein on the other side, G H. We have in this case, according to the law of action in electro-dynamics, the current A M or 58 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. A P approaching to the point of intersection, or coalescence of the veins, and the current M D or P D receding from that point ; hence the action of the fixed continuous current A M or A P on the unstaid discontinuous current M D or P D will be repulsive, which repulsion let H of represent. Then, since the current M B or P B is receding from the point of intersection of the veins, and also as the current M D' or P D is also receding from the point of intersection, the action of the fixed continuous current M B or P B on the unstaid discontinuous current M D' or P D will be attrac- tive, which attraction let H w' represent. Then let there be drawn w' z' and x z r parallel to H x' and H w' ; and also draw H ^, then will H z be the resultant of the repulsive and attractive action of the fixed continuous current moving in the prior formed vein A B, from A to B ; on the unstaid discontinuous current M D or P D from M to D' or P to D, which is perpendicular to both, to the original and deflected course of the vein G H and M D or P D* which is agreeable to the law of electro-dynamics. Page 54. Then let there be drawn parallel to H z' the several arrows 10, 11, 12, 13, &c., which will re- present the direction of the power exerted by the fixed continuous current in the prior formed vein * The original course of the vein has been used in the dia- gram instead of the deflected one, for the purpose of uniformity, as the result is exactly the same. INTERSECTION OF VEINS 59 A B, on the unstaid discontinuous current C in its route of formation of the posterior vein, from M to D' or P to D. Therefore the posterior or tra- versed vein, on the side G H of the traversing vein, will, at or near its point of intersection with it, be deflected or curved in the direction in which the current in the prior formed vein is flowing, viz. towards B, as represented at V. A popular, but very apt, illustration of the influence which an electrical current passing along a prior formed vein longitudinally on the cur- rent of formation of a posterior vein, may be con- ceived by imagining the path or tract of a block of wood, or other light body, being projected along the surface of smooth water, obliquely to its banks, with great rapidity, and at the same time having a rope attached to it of which a person has hold, and so placed on the opposite bank as always to be at right angles to its projection, hauling or pulling the block towards him. This species of deflection in veins (or shift as it is generally called) being in the direction of the acute angles of the intersection of the veins ; there- fore it may be called an acuteangled deflection (or shift). Now, let the electrical current in the prior formed vein, instead of moving from A to B or from right to left, move from B to A or from left to right, as represented in Fig. 50. And let the discharge C, or current of formation of the posterior vein be the 60 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. same as in the last case from C to H. Then as has been demonstrated in the preceding case, Fig. 49*> C s will be the attractive action of the parts of the continuous currrent B G of the prior formed vein, on the part C G of the unstaid discontinuous current C in its route from C to G. And also will C P be the repulsive action of the part of the fixed continuous current of the prior formed vein G A, or the unstaid discontinuous current C, in its route from C to G. Then let p v and s v be drawn parallel to B C and A C, and join C v, so will C v be the resultant of the attractive and repul- sive action of the fixed continuous current moving in the prior formed vein from B to A, or the un- staid discontinuous current C in its route from C to G. Then if there be drawn parallel to C v the several arrows 15, 16, 17, 18, &c., which will represent the direction of the force exerted by the continuous fixed current moving from B to A, or the unstaid discontinuous current C in its route of formation of the posterior vein from C to G. Hence it will be deflected, or take the channel of the prior formed vein, in a direction contrary to the flowing of the current, viz., towards B. And it will intersect the * It is only intended to give the results of the electro-dynamic action of the fixed continuous current moving in the prior formed vein, or the unstaid discontinuous current of formation of the posterior vein, in the succeeding cases, the same chain of reasoning applying to all the cases. INTERSECTION OF VEINS. 61 prior formed vein at O instead of at G, and either pass straight through from O to R, or take the course of the traversing or prior formed vein for a geater or less distance, as to S, according to the intensity of the discharge at C. Then as regards the action of the current B A in the prior formed vein, or the current of formation of the posterior vein in its route from R to E' or S to E ; we have in this case H p' its repulsive action, and H s' its attractive action, and H v' the resul- tant of these repulsive and attractive actions. Then if there be drawn parallel to N v the seve- ral arrows, 21, 22, 23, 24, &c., they will represent the direction of the force exerted by the conti- nuous fixed current of the prior formed vein moving from B to A, or the unstaid discontinuous current C, in its route from R to E or S to E'. So shall the posterior vein on its receding side R E or S E of the prior formed or traversing vein near to its intersection with it, be more or less bent in the direction in which the current of the prior formed or traversing vein is flowing, as at v and V. This species of deflection in veins (or shift, as it is com- monly called) being in the direction of the obtuse angle of intersection of the veins, therefore it may be called an obtuse-angled deflection (or shift). In the preceding popular illustration, the person who was supposed to be hauling the block to him was placed on the opposite bank from which the block was projected, and hence giving to it a more 62 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. direct course to the bank. But in this case, the person is placed on the same bank from which the block is projected obliquely to the banks, and hence dragging it to the said bank, thereby increasing the obliquity of its course to the bank, from which cause, combined with the obliquity of the projec- tion, the deflection may become so great as that the path of the block may coincide with the channel of the water; hence, a posterior formed vein under these conditions may, at its junction with a prior formed vein, be so much deflected, that its course may coincide with the course of the prior formed vein, or deviate so slightly from it as to continue embodied with the prior formed vein, from such a distance as to set aside all identity of parts on the opposite sides of the prior formed or traversing vein. When the current of formation of a posterior vein, at its junction with a prior formed vein, unites with this current of the prior formed vein instead of passing through it, in mining language the posterior vein is said to be cut out, or off, by the prior form- ed vein. When the course of the posterior vein is at right angles to the course of the prior formed veins, as in Fig. 51, then, as has been demonstrated in the case Fig. 49, we will have C N P D, or C N M D', the course of the posterior vein, instead of the straight course C G H, when the current in the prior formed vein is moving from A to B, or from right INTERSECTION OF VEINS. 63 to left ; but when the current in the prior formed vein is moving from B to A, or from left to right, Fig. 52, the course of the posterior vein will be C O R E, or C O S E, as has been demonstrated in the case Fig. 50. The action of the fixed conti- nuous current moving in the prior formed vein on the current of formation of the posterior vein on the side C N, or when approaching to the point of in- tersection, is in a direction contrary to the motion of the current moving in the prior formed vein A B, viz., towards the right, as shown by the arrows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., which are parallel to C Z, the result- ant of the attractive and repulsive action of A B or C G ; but when the current in the prior formed vein is moving from B to A, its action on the cur- rent of formation of the posterior vein on the side approaching the point of intersection will be towards the left, as is shown by the arrows 15, 16, 17, 18, &c., which are parallel to C V, the resultant of the attractive and repulsive action of B A or C G. The action of the fixed continuous current, mov- ing in the prior formed vein, on the current of for- mation of the posterior vein, in receding from the point of intersection, or on the side G H, when the current in its moving from A to B will be in the di- rection in which the current is flowing, as shown by the arrows 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, &c., Fig. 51, which are parallel to H Z, the resultant of the repulsive and attractive action of A B, or P D, or M D', which will be bent at or near to the points P and M 4 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. inwards to the original course G H ; and the arrows 21, 22, 23, 24, &c., Fig. 52, which are parallel to H V', the resultant of the repulsive and attractive action of B A, when the current is moving from B to A, or R^E, or S E, which is also inwards to the original course H G. Should the prior formed vein A B, fig. 53, have no electrical current traversing it at the place which the current of formation of the posterior veins inter- sects it, then will the current of formation of the posterior vein pass straight through the prior form- ed vein, as shewn in Fig. 53, without interruption, let the angle of intersection be what it may. In Fig. 55, let A G B be the vertical course of the prior formed vein underlying to the right ; and C G H the vertical course of a posterior vein under- lying the same way, but with a much greater incli- nation. Should the current traversing the prior formed vein have a downward set, and the current of forma- tion of the posterior vein be also downwards, then will the fixed continuous current of the prior formed vein draw to it the current of the formation of the posterior vein so as to meet it at the point O instead of the point G, and will be deflected for a greater or less distance, as to S, and thence pro- ceed to E, the deflection O S being what is called the upheave. The effect will be the same when the veins underlie in opposite directions. But should the current traversing the prior INTERSECTION OF VEINS 65 formed vein have an upward set, as in Fig. 56, and the current of formation of the posterior vein a downward set ; then will the fixed continuous cur- rent of the prior formed vein push from it the cur- rent of formation of the posterior vein, so as not to meet it at the point G, but at -the point O, and then take the course of the prior formed vein from O to S, and from thence to E ; the deflection O S being what is called a down-heave. The effect will be the same if the veins underlie in con* trary directions. Therefore the phenomena which veins present at their intersections may be explained in a clear and satisfactory way, even in their most minute details, from the action of a fixed, extended, or continu- ous electrical current, or an unstaid terminated or discontinuous current. And all the theoretical conclusions deduced from the hypothesis are in exact accordance with the phenomena disclosed to us in mining. I am aware that in this hypothesis it is the poste- rior formed vein which is made the deflected or shifted vein ; whereas all Geologists who have no- ticed the subject (so far as I know) have inferred that the shift belongs to the prior formed vein, which has had its corresponding parts displaced by the movement which the rocks underwent at the formation of the posterior formed vein. But this view of the production of the displacement or shift is singularly unhappy, as it is in effect 66 INTERSECTION OF VEINS. asserting that the cause is a consequence of the effect. It is quite impossible to explain the fact of two prior formed veins in the vicinity of each other, and which both underlie the same way, Fig. 54, being shifted to different distances, in contrary directions, from any movement impressed on the rock, either sideways, downwards, or upwards. For whatever movement the rock may have had impressed on it, on the opposite sides of the posterior vein, at its formation, the prior formed veins must have both been moved in the same direction, and retain their relative distance on each side to one another. Nor can the fact of the union, or splitting of a prior formed vein be explained by a posterior vein cutting it in two ; or the fact of a prior formed vein changing its throw, or tilting down different sides on the contrary sides of a posterior vein by its being cut in two by the more recent formed vein ; with a number of others which the limits of this work will not admit of being noticed ; but all of which facts can be explained in the most clear and satisfactory manner by electro-dynamics. Since all prior formed veins, which have not a vertical position, but are inclined to the horizon; which are cut through by a posterior formed vein, which at its formation was accompanied with an elevation or depression of one side, must be re- moved out of their downward course, according to their inclination, and the elevation or depression of INTERSECTION OF VEINS. 67 the rock accompanying the formation of the poste- rior formed vein ; The effects resulting from a depression or eleva- tion of the strata in displacing the downward course of a prior formed vein according to its position to the horizon, may be observed and studied in Figs. 57? 58, and 59. But since the shift of a prior formed vein from any transverse lineal elevation, or depression of the strata, is as the tangent of the angle which its downward course makes, with a vertical line, when the elevation or depression of the line is made radius. And as veins in general have a to- lerably erect position, and the throw or difference of level of the strata on the opposite sides of them is generally only small, the effect of a posterior formed vein in shifting or displacing a prior formed vein must, in most instances, be quite inappre- ciable- The electro-dynamical hypothesis here advanced, to explain the phenomena of the intersection, and relative age of veins making the more recent formed vein the traversed or dislocated vein, and the traversing or uninterrupted vein the more an- cient, which is not in unison with the generally received opinion on the subject, it may not be amiss to notice a few facts which are not connected with the electro-dynamical theory, but which corro- borate the solution given by it of the relative age of veins. It is a rule to which there are very few exceptions E 2 68 INTERSECTION OF VEINS* thai those veins which have a great and uniform inclination traverse those that have a more inflected and vertical downward course. Now it is a very natural inference to suppose that the first formed fissures would, from the more uniform and less in- duration of the strata, have a greater and more uni- form inclination than those subsequently formed svhea the .conditions of .the strata were greatly changed. Again, with few exceptions, these veins whose contents are of the most mechanical nature traverse those whose contents are of a more chemical cha- racter. It is also very natural to suppose, as the strata were more soft when fissures begun to be first formed in them, they would also be less distinct in their chemical characters. Hence, mechanical deposition would prevail more than that of chemical, and give to the first formed veins their sedimentary character. Again, with few exceptions, those veins whose chemical contents are of a simple earthy or alkaline character traverse those whose contents are more compounded and metalliferous. From this fact it is very natural to suppose, as the strata approach more and more to their distinct chemical characters, their electrical action would become more intense ; and hence the fissures then formed, or remaining unfilled, as the substances carried to and precipitated from them, would be more numerous, that their con- tents would be more various and metalliferous. SECTION V, THE APPLICATION OF THE THEORETICAL CIPLES CONTAINED IN THE PRECEDING SECTIONS TO THE ART OF MINING. HAVING, in the preceding sections, explained the* mechanical structure, the mode of formation, the filling op, and the relative age of veins, I purpose, in the present, to apply the theoretical deductions propounded in each to the art of mining. It is a general rule, to which there are few excep- tions, that particular species of vein, and also particular parts of the same vein-, are more especially filled with some particular mineral substance than others. This position being admitted, it would be- desirable, for the interests of mining, if the circum- stances which influence, and are indicative of the prevalence of any particular mineral substance ins veins could be pointed out, more particularly those which influence, and are indicative of the prevalence of metallic substances viz., to point out in what respects the veins that are more metalliferous dif- fer from those whose contents are of a more earthy and alkaline nature. For any thing, how little so ever, that can be done in this respect, must be acceptable, as tending to advance the art of mining; the searching for, and the extracting of metals E 3 70 APPLICATION TO MINING. from veins, constituting the profession and business of the metalliferous miners. Veins in mining are divided into two classes, the metalliferous or quick, and the non-metalliferous or dead ; and the metalliferous or quick, into two species the rich and the poor. A rich vein being one, in which is found a considerable quantity of the ore of some metal, without any reference to the quantity of any other mineral substance it may con- tain. A poor vein is one in which the quantity of ore found in it is scarcely worth extracting, and has no reference to the quantity of the other mineral substances it may contain. Therefore, the chief business or object of the application of any theory of mineral veins to the art of mining must be, to explain^ from the principles of the theory, the peculiarities of those veins that are generally quick, or very fruitful, from those that are dead, or extremely barren, as fully and clearly as the complicated nature of the subject will permit. The first remarkable fact with respect to the dif- ference in the nature of the contents of veins, is> that those which have a north and south direction or bearing, or one slightly deviating from it, are, in general* less metalliferious or quick than those which have an east and west direction or bearing, or one slightly deviating from it. Both the me- chanical and chemical contents of the north and south veins being more generally of an earthy and APPLICATION TO MINING. ?1 alkaline nature, and having their walls in a more decomposed and disintegrated state than the east and west veins. A few other remarkable differences between the condition of the north and south and east and west veins are as follows : First, that the longitudinal courses of the north and south running veins are in general more straight, of greater length, have fewer strings or small veins branching from them, and in general have a greater and more uniform inclination than those having an east and west direction. Second, That the north and south veins present in their walls a more writhed, wither- ed character, and in general traverse and shift those having an east and west direction. Now the conclusion to which all those differences between the condition of the north and south, and east and west veins lead is, that at the time of the repletion of the north and south veins the strata were more soft, less distinct in their chemical cha- racters, less energetic in their electrical action, and more diffused in their effects. It has been demonstrated, in the last section, that the traversing veins are of prior formation to those traversed ; and as the north and south, in general, traverse the east and west veins, therefore, the north and south veins are of prior formation to the east and west. Hence the electrical currents circulating in the earth from east to west, to which it is supposed its magnetism is due, would pass transversely through 7 APPLICATION TO MINING. or cross the north and south veins in a feeble and diffused state. But after the formation of the east and west veins took place, these general currents would have a tenxlency to converge and form dis- tinct streams, and take the course of the east and west veins in rotating the earth, in which concen- trated condition of the general electrical currents would give full scope to the strata to develope their electric- action, the* result of which action would be the generation of numerous local currents in the strata ; and from the electro-dynamic law, that elec- tric currents moving the same way attract each other, the strata currents would be determined to the east, and fissures or veins rather than to those having a north and south direction. Therefore, if all the substances constituting veins were originally disseminated in the enclosing rocks, and have been conveyed into the veins from electro- molecular action ; then not only the metals, &c. contained in the rocks, but also those previously deposited in the north and south veins, would be de- termined towards the east and west veins. Whence the electrical theory of veins here ad- vanced, affords a rational and clear explanation why the east and west veins are more metalliferous than those having a north and south direction ; and also, why north and south veins are always more metal- liferous at and near their junction with an east and west vein, than in those parts which are distant from the coalesence. \.-PLlCATION TO MINING, 7$ By following out the theoretical consequences deduced already, they afford a clear and intelli- gible explanation why east and west veins are fre- quently more pioductive near their intersection by north and south, or cross veins; and also, where strings on, small veins are falling into them from either side, than in those parts which are not so circumstanced. In order to render these deductions complete, there is still wanting some rational explanation of the tendency of the first fissures or veins to a north and south, rather than to an east and west direc- tion ; and this can be done in the most satisfactory manner from electro-dynamics. The earth being an oblate spheroid, and the solar influence greatest under the equator, the elec- tro-magnetic currents rotating in it from east to west, would have the greatest intensity at the equa- tor then, as currents of electricity moving the same way, attract each other with a force in proportion to their intensity, the currents on each side of the equator would be attracted or determined to it in lines nearly coinciding with the terrestrial meridians. Therefore, where even an accumulation of electri- city might first be formed, the discharges, in the northern hemisphere, would be from north to south, and in the southern, from south to north ; the coer- cive force being least in these directions. After the earth's crust was thus torn into a number of thin slabs, the coersive force to the discharges 7 APPLICATION TO MINING. would then become least in an east and west direc- tion ; and hence, a second class of fissures or veins having a course transverse to the first formed, or in a direction from east to west. Hereafter, the fis- suring of the fragments would become so compli- cated, that no theory could be relied on to specify any exact order of precedency of formation that would generally prevail. Another remarkable fact, with regard to the dif- ference in the nature of the contents of veins is, that the hard capacious vein, Fig. 40, or that which overlies the side in which the strata are on a higher level, are more metalliferous, than the soft capa- ceous vein, Fig. 41, or which overlie the side in which the strata are on a lower level. The difference in mechanical structure, which distinguishes soft from hard capacious veins has never received, by miners, that attention which it ought to command, not only from the former being less metalliferous than the latter, but also from their being metahferious in different strata. Of the soft capacious species are, Crag Green North Vein, and Stow Crag Vein ; of the hard capacious species, are the small Cieugh, the Rani- gill, the Brownly Hill, the Grass Field, and the Hudgill Burn Veins, in Alston Moor. The strata, in which theory assignsthe soft capa- ceous vein to be productive, are thin hard shales or platen, and thin soft sandstones immediately under- lying a limestone. The strata, in which theory assigns APPLICATION TO MINING. 75 the hard capaceous vein to be productive, are thick beds of limestone, and sandstone immediately under- lying soft shales, or plates, which is in accordance with fact Another remarkable fact, with respect to veins (at least in the secondary strata) is, that they are not only less metaliferous, but the ores are of poorer quality in the deep strata, than those near to the surface. That this fact has been disputed by some geologists is known, but its truth has been proved in such a vast variety of circumstances and situations, to the great loss and discomforture of the adven- turers, that few, if any, practical miners, can now be induced to engage in a speculation, the object of which is a trial of a vein at a great depth below the surface, however productive it may have been in the upper strata. That there are occasionally to be found patches of metal, &c. at a great depth in veins, (generally disseminated in the enclosing rocks,) it is not intended here to question ; but, in general, the quantity is so small, as not to pay the expense of extracting, independent of the increased cost of working mines at a great depth. The explanation which theory offers of this condi- tion of veins, and the strata at a great depth below the surface, is, that the strata are highly electro- negative to the veins. A fact, worthy of notice, respecting the useful metals is, that they belong to particular formations of rocks, some of them being indigenous to certain 7(> APPLICATION TO MINING. rocks, while others are aliens to them. In general, gold and tin are found in the greatest quantity in granite, and the rocks immediately reposing on it , copper, in the various slate formations, which repose on the former series ; lead, in the mountain lime- stone formation 5 iron, in the coal strata 5 and silver,, in all these formations, it being in general found forming a natural alloy with the other metals r more particularly lead. Above the coal strata, not any of the metals, I believe, have been found m such quantity as to lead to any mining operations being established for their extraction. Another condition, which has considerable influ- ence on the productiveness of veins, is, that when a vein is quite insulated, viz. at a great distance from any other vein on either side of it, nor has falling into it any strings or small veins, (called by miners feeders) it will, in general, be unproductive. But when there are a number of parallel veins in the vicinity of each other, in general, one or more of them will be productive ; also, when a vein is inter- sected by another at an acute angle, or another vein falls into it from either side, either one or both will generally be productive at the point of junction. The relation in which veins thus stand to each other bears a striking resemblance to the galvanic appa- ratus ; and their being more productive when thus connected would appear to be the result of a more energetic electro-chemical action in the strata. The prevalence and productiveness of mineral APPLICATION TO MINING. 77 veins appear to be very intimately connected with the proximity or junction of dissimilar rocks, where it may be supposed the electro-molecular, and elec- tro-chemical actions are most energetic. In Corn- wall, I believe, it is at or near the junction of the killas (clay slate), with the granite, or of the killas, with the elvan courses ; or phorphyritic beds or dykes, that the veins are most productive. In Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham, Westmor- land, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire, in consequence of the limestones and sandstones being interstra- tified with basalt, chert, and shale ; and of the prox- imity of the rocks to, and having a position to the ast of the primary slate formations in these districts. In Flintshire and Shropshire, in consequence of the limestones and sandstones being interstratified with shale ; and of the proximity of the rocks to, and having a position in these districts to the east and north east of the primary slate formations, &c It has been noticed before when veins traverse an alternating series of strata, that in those in which they have a great inclination, the walls are in general in close contact, and their contents are composed of the rocks in a decomposed or douky state. But in the strata in which they have an erect position, the walls are separated from each other, and the cavities thus formed are in general filled with some foreign substances. In stratified districts, as in the north of England, the throw of veins, or the difference of level of the 78 APPLICATION TO MINING. corresponding strata on the opposite sides of them, is a matter of great importance, as it materially influences their productiveness. In Alston Moor, and neighbouring districts, the country is chiefly composed of limestone, sandstone, plate, or shale. In the two former, the veins pro- duce ore, but they are more productive in the lime- stones than in the sandstones; but in the plate beds or shales, they are in general unproductive. Hence the throw should not exceed three yards, so that the sides or walls of the veins should be of similar stra- ta ; viz., limestone facing limestone, and sandstone facing sandstone, and shale opposite to shale. When the throw is very considerable, as the limestones and sandstones are in general not more than from four to eight fathoms in thickness, the unproductive beds are brought in opposition to those which are productive, in which case the veins are generally unproductive, the hanging wall being composed of soft shale or plate, is in a crushed and decomposed condition, and hence in contact with the limestones, &e. Then, since the mechanical structure of the hard capacious vein, when its throw is only small, will have both its walls formed of the same strata, and also as the walls in the limestones and sandstones are more or less separated, and in the shales are in close contact, hence probably the reason why veins are more productive in the limestones and sand- stones, or those strata in which they have an erect APPLICATION TO MINING. 79 position, than in the shales, &c., or those strata in which they are much inclined to the horizon. When both the cheeks or walls of a vein are in a negative electrical state, there will in general be little, if any change, produced in the enclosing rocks ; and if they are filled with any foreign sub- stances, it will be either some metallic ore, or some mechanical deposition, as clay, or both in a mixed condition. But if both the cheeks or walls of a vein are in a positive electrical state, the enclosing rocks where they are in contact will in general be in a deconij- posed or douky state, and where they are separated from each other, the enclosing rocks will be in a ridered state, as the substances in which oxygen, &c. prevail (as the salts of iron, &c.) are always attracted by positively electrified surfaces, and re- pelled by those negatively electrified ; and the ore, when the vein is productive, will be disseminated or scattered through the rider forming the walls of the vein. In most cases where the sides or cheeks of veins are in a ridered state, they present very marked dif- ferences in their appearance and character; the rider when formed by the red oxide of iron being in general, in a soft, withered, and carious condi- tion, and having a reddish brown colour. And where it has crumbled to dust, it forms the mineral soil that so much resembles in appearance rappee snuff, which is considered by all miners as the most favour- able indication of a vein being productive. APPLICATION TO MINING. It is a fact that the contents of veins have been found in many instances to be partly or entirely mechanical, when the strata forming the cheeks or walls of veins were in such a soft and fragile state that on the smallest excavation being made in the veins, the rock would have tumbled into, and filled it up. Then, in what way, it may be asked, were the sides of veins in this case kept apart until the vein was filled ? In answer to this, it may be stated, that this condition of the rock forming the walls of veins is not its natural one, but has been the result of electro-chemical action, disintegrating and decom- posing the rock subsequently to the existence of the veins, as mere fractures or fissures. That the mechanical contents of veins are in many instances the result of the disintegration and decomposition of the rocks forming their walls, by electro-chemical agency, and that they have not in all cases been introduced into them by currents of running water, may be inferred from the condition in which they are placed in some cases. There are many instances of matter having a sedimentary cha- racter, being enclosed in cavities in the flat veins to which there was no egress for the sediment, but through the solid rock ; the cavities not having (sensibly) the most minute crack leading into them. Therefore it cannot be conceived that the sedimen- tary matter inclosed in these close cavities had been washed into them by water, but had been formed from the disintegration and decomposition of the rock forming the walls of the cavities. APPLICATION TO MINING. 81 When the cavities contain no loose matter, the rider forming their sides is in general in a very high state of induration ; and they have no regular form, but their appearance very much resembles the effect of a chemical solvent, on a solid differing much in its solubility ; and the foreign substances, when any, attached to the surface of the cavities are in a very perfect state of crystallization, and have a brilliant lustre. In some cases, large masses of rider, with the foreign substances on them, have been detached from the surface of the cavities, not only from the top, but also from both the bottom and sides. In other cases the detached masses are small, resembling the scales detached from hot iron in hammering it ; which scaly condition of the de- tachments is called by miners shiver. In this shivery condition of the cavities their internal surface in general very much resembles the leafy or scaly structure of the exterior of a wasp's nest when it is ruffled up. The way in which these close and insulated cavi- ties have been carved out, and the elements of the rock, either in part or entirely conveyed away, and other substances have been introduced into them, is, perhaps, not so easily comprehended as the in- troduction to, and filling up of, the fissuriferous vein with foreign matter ; yet their formation and repletion are equally consistent with the law and mode of action of electricity. That electricity in motion possesses the power to 82 APPLICATION TO MINING. select, and a momentum to convey, the elements and finer particles of matter through masses of other matter is fully established by many experiments. For we know nothing of electricity, except as it is presented to us in connexion with matter in a solid, liquid, or uniform state. And likewise, as we have no knowledge of matter separate or apart from elec- tricity, and as both analogy and observation lead to the conclusion that they are co-existent, there- fore, if electricity be the agent employed by nature in the reduction of compound bodies to their ele- ments, each particle of it will, in its most simple state, contain a portion of electricity. Hence, when the electrical equilibrium is disturbed, and a current of electricity is set in motion, the elements, or atoms of matter incorporated with it, will be carried to their respective polar stations, and there deposited. It is a fact established by many experiments in electro-chemical science, that elements or atoms of one chemical or electrical quality in solution may be passed through elements or atoms of a different chemical or electrical quality without interruption, or an union taking place between them ; and solid substances, as glass, sulphate of baryta, fluor spar, carbonate of lime, &c., when moistened and placed between surfaces connected with the opposite poles of a voltaic apparatus are decomposed, and their elements carried to their respective polar positions. That metallic ores of lead, copper, and iron, in the APPLICATION TO MINING. 83 state of sulphurets, are disseminated through the substance of the deep strata quite apart from veins in Alston Moor, has been fully established in the instance of Nentforce level, and some other deep drivings carried through them for discovery, &c., the lead and copper ores always occurring in thin leaves or scales, and the iron in cubes. Although the theory here advanced for the forma- tion, filling up, &c., of mineral veins has no con- nexion with the transmutation of matter, or that of a contemporaneous formation of veins with the enclosing rocks, or that of a deposition of the con- tents of them from solution, or that of their sublima- tion or injection into them from below, yet it embraces in it principles that which will supply all the conditions required in the above theoretical modes of explaining the phenomena of mineral veins. NEWCASTLE : PRINTED BY J, BLACKWELL AND CO. longitadinal i c L 18 ITT A y 1 ^ A 4 C * ^1 S A Lmm*_ PLATE4 PLATE 7 I'UTK.rL ''LIT KM. I'r'i. :> i- I 1 Vein, .V. ::>, :..::- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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