Zhc ^uboc ^Facsimile XEeyts i^lre teaming nf a ^Iireitr Date of Entry on Stationers' Register . May 2, 1594 Date of earliest known edition ^594 Date of this edition 1596 [B.M. Press-mark, 161, b. 8] Reproduced in facsimile (i) 1876 . . . . . . . . (2) 1912 f> )> Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Wa^ iJamtttg of a ^ftrp [1596] Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII ^\ft Canting ai a ^hnta. [1596] The only copy knovpn of the earliest (1594) edition of this play is in prtPate hands : the ofpner refuses permission to reproduce. The edition dated 1596, from 'which this facsimile is taken, y>aries but slightly and insignificantly {^myot-Hazlitt-Hopkinson) from the 1594 copy. ■Another edition appeared in 1607. The Shakespeare Society's reprint of the earliest impression included a collation of that text with that of the 1596 and 1 607 copies, and a reference to that reprint mil show bovp little the three varied one from the others. The " extra " title-page g^Pen herein is from the facsimile issued in 1876 by Mr. Ashbee and yphich is now as scarce as are copies of the original. The present facsimile is described as " exceedingly well done.'' JOHN S. FARMER. 253374 Pleafant Conceited Hiftorie^ called The taming of a Shrew. As it was fundry times SL&cihy the 2i/>fo honorable the Earle of Pcmbrook his feruan ts, * Printed at London by Peter Shortand are to he fold hy Cuthert Burbks at his (hop at theRoyall Exchange. ISP4. Pleafant Conceited Hiftorie,calIedTIie taming of a Shrew. As jt was fundric times aftcd by the '^ht honorable the Earie of Pembrook hisfcruancs. \ Imprinred at London by p. S. and are to 6c fold by CuchbcrtBurbicathis (hop at.thc Roy all Exchange -Sidk: 'T^r^ic-i yc'W^' ^ A Pleafant conceited Hiftorie^ called T'he ^amingo fa Shrew. Enter a Tapfter,bcating out of his doorcs 6//^ Droonken* Tapftcr; YOuwhorfon droonkcn ilauc,you had bed be gone, And empty your droonkcn panch foinc where clfc For in this houfc thou fhalt not reft to night. Exit Tapfter, Site, Tilly vally,bycrifcc Tapftcr'lle fefc you anon. Fils the tothcr pot and alls paid tor,lookcyou I doo drinke it of mine owne In fti cation, Omnc bene* Heere He lie a whilcjwhy Tapllcr liay, Fils a frefh cufhen heerc, Heigh hojhcers good warmc lying. Hcfalsailccpc. Enter a Noble m an and his men from hunting. Lord^ovf that the gloom ieftiaddow of the night. Longing to view Orions drifting lookes, Leapes from th'antarticke World vnto the skic And dims the Welkin with her pitchie breath, And darkefbme night orefhadesthechriftallheaucns, Here brcakc we offour hunting for to night, A a * Cuppel The taming of a Shre^. Cuppic vppe the hounds and let vs hif^ vs home, And bid mz huntfiiian fee them mcatcd well, For they, haue all deferu'd it well to dale- Bucfoft, whatfleepic fellow'is this lies hecrc? Or IS hejdcad,fee one what he dooeth lacke? Seruffigman. My lord,tis nothing but a drunken His head is too heauie for his bodie, (flcepc, And hehath drunkc fo much.that he can go no furder- Lord. Fie,how theflauidi villaine ftinkcs of drinkc. Ho.firha arifc. What fo found a fleepe? Go take him vppe and bcare him to my houfc, And beare him cafilie for fcare he wake. And in my faireft chamber make a fire, And fet a fumptuous banquet on the boord. And put my richeft garments on his backc,j Then fet him at the Table in a chaire: When that is doone againft he (hall awake, Let hcauenly muficke play about him fliU, Go two of you awaic and bcatc him hence. And then lie tell youwhat I haue deuifdc, But fee in any cafe you wake him not. Exeunt twomih. Site, *^ Now take my cloakc and giuc mconc of your?, Al fcUowes now^and fee you take me fo. For wc will waite vpon this droonkcn man. To fee his countenance when 'he dooth awake And find himfclfe clothed in fuch attire. With heauenly muficke founding in his cares, And iuch a banquet fet before his eics. The fellow fure will thinke he is in hcaucn. But we will about him when he wakes. And fee you call himlord,at cucry wordj' And offer thou him his horfe to.ride abroad^ And r The taming ofd Shrew. And thou his hawkcs and hoiindcs to hunt the dccrc, And I vvil askc what futcs nc mcancs to wcaic, And what fo ere he faith/ccyou doo not laugh, But lliU pcrlvvadc him that he is a Lord. ' Enter one. Mef, Anditpleafeyourhonouryourplaicr^ be com And doo attenci your honours plcaiurc here. Lord. The fittcft time they could haucchofcnout, Bid one or two ofthem come hither ftraightj Now will I fit mv felfe accordinglie. For they lliall play to him when he awakes. Enter two of the plaicrs with packs at their backs,andaboy. Now firs,wbat ftore of plaies haue yoii? San. Marry my lord you may haue a Tragicall Or a comoditiCjOr what you will. The other, AComediethoufliouldftray/ouris thoutOiamcvsall. Lord. A nd.whats the name of your Comedie? Sm, Marrie ray lord tis caldc The taming of a Shrew. Tis a good leflbn for vs ray Iord,for vs y are maried men Lord, The taming of a fhrcwjthats excellent furc. Go fee that you make you rcadic ftraight, * For you muft plaie before a lord to night, SayyouarehismenandlyqurfcUqiv, . Hees fomething foolifli,but what*fb ere he faks^ See that you be not da(ht out of countenance, >f nd firhajgo you make you,readie ftraight, ^nddreflcyour felfe like (bmelouelie ladic^ And when I call fee that you come to me> For I will fay to him thou an his wife. Dally with him and hug him in thine arracs, wind if he defire to goc to bed with tbce^ ^3 Then L Thetamng of a Shrew, 1 hen fainc fomc fcufe and fay thou wilt anon. Be gone I ray,and fee thou dooft it well. Boy, Feare not my Lord,lle dandell him well enough And make him thinke I loue him mightilie. Ex,hoy Lord. Now firs go you and make you ready to, Foryoumurt play aflboneashcdotn wake. San. O braue^fiiha Tomjwe muft play before A foolifh Lordjcome lets go make vs ready. Go get a difhclout to make deanc your fhooes, And He fpcake for the properties,My Lord,wc muft Haue a fhoulder of mutton for a propertic, And a little vincgre to make our Diuell rorc. Lord.V cvy wcll-firha fee that they want nothing. Exeuhtoffmcs, Enter two with a tabic and a banquet on it,and two othcrjwith S lie afleepc in a chair ejrichlic apparelled,&themufickplaicng. 0»f .So'firha now CO Vtall my Lord, And telhim thacall thmgs is ready as he wild it. ^w//& Entc; the Lord and his men. Lord HownoWjwhitTsjiUthingcsrcadie.? c?;;amyLord. - '^^ . rftraight, - Lord, Then found the mufick,and lie wake him And fecyou doo as carft I gaucin charge. My lord,My Idrd^he (lecpes foundly.-My lord. Site, Tapfter,gis a little finall ale, Heigh ho. Lord.Hccxs wine my Lord,thepurcft ofthc grape. Site. For \Vhich Lord? « £tfr<^ For your honour my Lord, The taming of a Shrew, site. Who I,am I a 1010? Icfus what fine appardl hauelgot. Lord. More richer far your honour hath to vvcarc, And ifit plcafe you I will (etch them ftraiglit. WiL And if your honour plcafe to ride abroad, He fetch you Uiftielkcdcs moicfwiftofpacc Then v\ inged Pcgaf»4 in all his pride, That ran fo fwiftlic oner Perfian plainest T^'w. And if your honour pleafc to hunt the dccrc. Your hounds (lands rcadie cuppeld at the doore, Who in running will oretake the Row, Andmakc the long breathdeTygre broken winded. Site, ^^ the mafic I thinkc I am a Lord indeed, Whats thy name? Lord. Simon and i^ it plcafe your honour. Site. Simon^ih^is as much to fay Si mi on or Simon Put forth thy hand and fill the pot. CJiue mc thy hand, Sim am I a lord indeed.*' Lord. I my gratious Lordjand your louely ladic Long time hath mourned for your abfcnce hecrc. And now with ioy behold where fhc dooth come To gratulateyour honours fafc rcturnc. Enter the boy in Womans attire, SUe, S;;«-Isthis{hc/* ior^, ImyLord. Slie. Mane tis a prcttic wcnch,whats her name? .Ktfj'. Oh that my louelic Lord would once vouchfafc To lookc on me,and leauc thefe frantikcfits, Or were I now but halfe fb eloquent. To paint in words what He performc in dccdcs, I know your honour then would pittic mc. 5//^ Harkeyou miftrclTcjwill you cat a pcccc of bread) Come Coni c fit dowhc on mylbicc, 6;w drinkc to hir S/wj For fhc and I will go to bed aiion. Lord, May it plcafc you jour honors plaicrs be come To offer your honour a plaic. 6//f . o^plaic Simfd brauCjbc they my plaiersf* Lord I my Lord. S//>. Isthcrcnotafooleinthcplaicr* ZWYcsmyLord. Bite. When will they plaie Sim? Lord, Eucn when kplcafeyour honor,thcy be rcadic. Boy, My Lord lie go bid them begin their plaie. fi/r>.Doo,but looke that you come againe. Boy^ I warrant you my lord,I will not leaucyou thus. £x//boy. Site, Come 8/W,whcrc be tlie plaiers? Sim (land by Meand wcele flouttheplaicrsoutof their cotes. Lord, lie ^all them my lord.Ho where arc you thcr e^ Soun<^ Trumpets. Enter two yoong Gcntlcmcn,and a man andabpy. Pol Wclcomctot^^^^^^rnybcloued friend, To?/4/tf^jfcho6icsandt-^n/o/wwaHcs, '[^^^...^ Welcome from C^y?«;f?mousforthcIouc : ""'^ Of good Lfander and his Tragcdie,' For whom the ////([^tfw/wecpcsbrinifhtcarcs, * " The greatcft gricfc is I cannot as I would Giue entertainment to my decreftfricnd. t^urcL Hh^wVts noble /'^//^rniyfeco'ndfclfei' :[ T'hcraithfnlHoue which I hauefbund'in thee ^' Hath made me leatrc my fathers princclie court,' The Duke of Cf/?//!^ thrife renowmed icate, To comclto t^tkm thus to find thee out. Which ■'T^iy^ The^dming of a Shnyv which fmce I haue To happily attaind, ■- ■ My fortune npvvi And yet I needs muft loue his (econda^ughtcr The image of honor and nobility, ^j^.i.uT . In whofe ^et perfbn is comprifde the fumm^ Of natures skill and heauenly maiefty/ PoL I like your choife,and glad you cho^ not mine, TJicnifyoiiliketo follow on your loue, -^ • ^ We muft d^uife rmcaiic«t6fiftd^fe^ bhe*^?'.<-'^ ^^' That wil attempt to wed this dcailifh iskouldsf^' • ' v! And I do know the misnu Comeliither boy ; ^ J Go your waics firha,to //r4»i#<^ houfe, Dcfire him to takethc paines to come to mc, For I muft fpeakb wi|h hiin immcdiatly . Soy^ I wU(ir,and fetch him prcfentfy. PoL A man I thinke wil fit hir humor right. As blunt in f peech as (he is (harpe in tongue, jSnd he I thinke wil match hir cuery way, Andyethcis amanoiweakbft^cient. And The taming of a Shrew And for his pcrfon worth as good as {he, And if he com pafTc hir co be his yvifc, Then may we freely vifit both our loues. jureL O might I fee the center of my (bulc Whofc facred teauty hath inchantcdmc. More fairc then was tne Grecian Hele;td For whofe (weet fake Co many princes didc^ That came with thoufand fliips to Tenedos, But when we come vnto hir fathers houfe, Tel him lam aMarchants (bnnc oiCeftuty That comes for traflficke vnto %^them here. And here (irha^I wil change with you for once, ^nd now be thou the Duke oi'Cefius (bnne, Reuei and fpend as if thou wert my fel^ For I will court my loue in this di^ift* Vol, My Lord,nowif the Duke your father fhould By fome meanes come to t^thens for to fee How you do profit in thefe publike fchooles. And nnd me clothed thus in your attire, How would he take it then thinke you my lord/* %^ureU TuQi fearc not VaUrk}tt me alone, Bui ftay,hcrc comes fbmc other company. Enter i^'^r^*^ and his man S/<»« A God fend mebctterlucke whcniflial woo. '? I k 8a;t. I warrant you matter and you take my couhcd. P^r4/;. Why firha,are you fo cunning? ^ Pol, I would thy!ttiiilftfef<>§ : r ;.; ' S4;?. I f^thrir,my maftcKjgcaogtb*thjsgdc«:enow. Pol, Whitlicrm4iiilh J«v4&*^td ■ • -• ! : f • t i i :> l And (lie an^Iunuft Vw3©.jvith sl»uldrng;ikc5^ « : »- 3 Andl willhotdibirtooTitilfhebcwcaridf . hi^ t:^(\ hn; Orelfe ile m^chdry«0ld toigfant m6 lou© i^rl-^roi; h:iK Fol. HoW hke,yoathisCi^«^f//W^lthinkchckncw:^ ': Our minds beforcvvcjfeht to him, .' .' • I; i Butl.t<;Jl nSpjwhctiido y«)u meancto^iafkc With faec?* J^r4». EaithprcfcnBtVido yott bntftan'> ^;i'>' '^ Andfhc,and I,^diie,wiltalke ajbii^. - ■ -> '» :: -o.-rn Kv • P^/. With^iourhcarMjComc'cJ^*'''^^/*^^'' •' •{ - • Let vs be goiic andicauc him herealonc.*. ^ A ^^ S^Exit* JFeran, Ho Seignior «.-^i5^;;y^5whorcwithiiithccci? -^ K^lfon, Seignior Ferahdo your welcome hartily, You are aikangeiiriiarvnui hji? Ikjuftfj'l loiriH Harke you rir,lookcsKhat.lffldjPtti>mifc you ^ lie p^tformciJfydu^thiyjdaapitersiteWKoH >^*\ JF/r^^^Theh whco 1 ihatK tal&iMV;(ai^or«W»with hir, ^ Doyouftcpinatidgiucherhandio^ifey-^'i"- / r :i v.oi 1 And tell hir whicntpcmariagc id^'fliaftbc,L"i*' *^'' • "^-^'-^ For I doknOfsrilwfiiTbiSldieTOartofi^feJn^^f^' ^' *^* ^°^ Alrf»(heii'om?nup«^lttfecbe^6nwptt*)jltod4;?^f^ • Let mc alone totamcfairHvcJlfiGaifihj-'^'y/'V^^' .avS-i Now cal facrfcichiiKtrl may =^^fowl A Ferim.%w\ yet his bil wil ferue^if the other £iilc« K^lfon. How now TeraneU^^\v^x. faies my daughter? Terdh, Shecs willing fir and loucs mc as hir life . » Kate. Tis for your skin thcn,but not to be your wife, Alfon^ Come hither X4/^ and let mc giuc thy hand To him that I haue chofcn for thy louc, And thou to morrow flialt be wed to him* Kate, Why father, what do you mcsin to do with mc> To giuc me thus vmo this branfick man, That in his mood cares not to murder mc? She turncs afide and (peaks. But yet I will con(ent and marry him. For I mcthinkcs hauc liude too long a maid, ti:; bt t ^ . And match him tOjOi' clfc his manhoods gobd. >\LX . Alfon^ Giuc mc thy hvn^^Verando loucsihec wcB[J.. ;. And wil vyith wealth and cafe maintainc thy ftatc^ Here tcrmifi take her for thy vvifc. ' L : ■ . 4 The taming tfa Shrew ^ And funday next Qial be our wedding day. Feran, Why fo did I not tclthec 1 (Iiould bcthc man? Father, I Icauc my loucly Kate with you, Prouidc your fclucsagainft our mariagc day. For I muft hie me to my countrcy houfc In had to fee piouiiion may be made, To entertaine nw Kdte when (he doth come. %^lfon. Do (ojcome iC4/f ,why doft thou Jookc So fad^be merry wench,thy wedding dales at hand. Sonne fare you weljand ftcyou kccpe your promilc, •; ~ . ; * Exit K^lfinfoTXi^ Kate, Fera$k So,al thus far goes wcl* Ho Sander* • Enter S^^r laughing San, Sander^ faith you arc a beaft, f crie God haitilic Mercv, my harts ready to run out of my belly with Laugning,! flood behind the doore al this while, c^nd heard what you faid to hir. (wel tohii? Feran, Why didft thou thinkc that I did not fpc^^l^c San, You ipokclike an afle to hir.ile tcl you what, o/hd I hadbm theerecohaue wooae hir,and ha^^his Cbke on that you haue,chud haiie had her before th^ Had gone a foot Eirder,and you taike of Woodcocks With hir,and I cannot td you vy hat. (for al this. Feran, Welfirhajand yet thou feed I hauc got her San, I marry twas more by hap then any good cunning 1 hope (heele make you one of cne head men of the parifbfhortlvi Feran, Wel firha Jcaiic your icfting and go tQ PoUdors The yon g gentleman that was here wit^ me, (h.oufe, ^nd tcl him the circumfliancc ofal thou knowft, Tel him on funday next we muft be maricd, ^nd if he askc thee whither I am gonci Tellhim into the countrcy to my lioufc, And vpon Sunday ilc be here againc. Ex^ Ferando^ !'r;,. ' San, The tamtttff of a Shrew, J'i* I warrantyou maitcr fcarc not mc Fordoingofmy Dufincfle. Now hang him that has not a liuciy cote Toflafh it out and fwafh it out amongft the proudeft On thcni. Why lookc you nowjile fcarce put vp Plaine Sdtf^r now at any of their hands/or and any Body hauc any thing to do with my maftcFjflraight They come crouching vpon rac, I bcfecch you good M. Sander fpcake a good wordfor mc^and then ami fb Stout and takes ic vpon mCjand ftands vpon my pantofles To them out of al crie,why I haue a lifelike a giant Nowjbutthat my mafter hath fuch apelUlenc mind To a woman now of late,and 1 haue a pcccy wench To my fiftcr,and I had thought to haue preferred jny Madcr to hir,and that would haue bin a good Deale in my way^ut that hees fped already. hntctPolidorshoy, ^^. Friend, wcl met S40« Souns^friend wel met« I hold my life he feces j Notmymaftersliucrycoate, j Plaine friend hop of my thum,know you who wc arc. B&y, Truft me fir it is the vfc where I was borne. To filutc men after this maner,yctnotwithflanding Ifyou be angry with me for caltng ofyou friend, lam the more forry for ic,hoping the ftijc I Ofafbolewil make you amends for id. ) Sa/t^ The flaue is forrie for his fauIt>now we cannot be | Angryjwel whats the m atter that you would do with vs« { &yi Marry fir ,1 heareyou pertainc to f eignior Ferando, , ' £ir/;. I and thou beefl not blind thou maift Icc^ Bccefigntim^^iz, 'Boy, Shal I intreat you to dome a meSage to your Maftcr. Thhamihg vf a Shrews' Qan» I,it may be, & youtel vs^romwhwiceyoq gk^. Boy. Marrie fir I fcriic y ong Pi'/i^wr [jtou^nj^ljecs ? • kv-| .friend .x .- \ri^^^;-i:ion:.:fifiriiti:i! ^ntiv^oM .y^^.DiayblW^mehirn^andMghattyblirnamc/ T^r-h \ Boy. Nf9M«ldfii:bai,i!tci.th€cfiiha is cald Gii^apk;; n" ^* ^4;?.MQj^ii mid{>iep tby:i;eEth vvaterjCQ hati? a |>€:e v-: : r S^M'BaW ch^i^ilvho vvoiiJdnot^acc^akftaftd)>i4 Why(€fe^h<*eb«camcsL' t :f( [ ritj/ - EnittPoiidor^Aurelim,2X\A'iydlerJ^-' Pol^ Comc(\veC(rL^ure/i/fs m.y faithW jrjipdi Now will we go to Ajc thofc louely dames Richer in beauty then the orient pcairlc>.',lji oh'' ' Whifct^tn i#this A]phieeimftalitu>iiVftr!l^5 : * : /r| ^ -. ^ That you riiUft bdt«fr f 1 Sm^, Faith I,you thinkclicikndcs i^bBg^t^i;^^jt'i$Q 'Pf'/i' WhiiHer iflrthy-jnaifta- gone^ovv? . v - i )w.Vr^;n^^ . To make al things in a rcadineflc againfV^y ncry ' Mifires comilifmther^UDHosbitoai^'ap^e ^ morrow. .-7-'' ^,..^^.:^^,^.^ P^/. ^hls'^sfi^M^yttlydifpafehtibelikeyr^ Wcl/irrha boy^takc Sumder'm with you , ^nd The taming of a %hrei». Andhatichimtotbcbuttwy pr^ftndic, ' jEx// Sander and the Boy: i^/^r^/. ^4/^4 ascribe we did dcuifc. Take thou thy httc and go to %^lfonfot houTc, And fay that Po/M^ red cap on his head. FerAff, God morrow mhtv^oUdor we! met, You wonder I know that I haue (laid fo long. K^lfin, I marry (on we were almoft periWadcd That we (hould f carle haue had our bridegroome here, Bus (ay, why art thou thus bafely attiroi^ Feran* Thus richly &ther you (hould haue faid,^ For when my wife and I am maried once, Shecs fuch a fhrcw,if we Qiould once fal out, Shccle pul my coftly futes ouer mine earcs, And therefore am I thus attired a while, For many things I tel you's in my head* And none muu know thereof but X ^nd the marchpaines outof al eric. Boy. Ijbut how wilt thou do now thy maifters Marled jthy miftces is fuch a diueljas flieele make Thee forget thy eating quickly jftiecle beat thcclb^ San ThetammgofaShrev^ 6d/t. Let my ma^ci: abiic with her for that,for Hccle make hir tame wel inough ere longi warrant thcc. For he's fiich a churlc waxen now of late,thatand he be Ncucr io little angry he thums me out of al cry, But in my mind firha the yongcft is a very Pretty wench,andif I though'tthy maftcr would Not haue hirjdc bauc a fling at hir My felfCjile fee foonc whether twil be a maccli Or no.-and it wil not ilcfet the matter ' " Hard for my fclfc I warrant thee. Soy. Soiins you flauc wil you be a Riuall with My mafter in his louc,{peake but fuch Another word and ilc cut off one of thy legs, S4;?. Oh,cruel iudgcmcntjnay then firha. My tongue fhal talkcno more toyou^arry my Timber {hal tel the tnifly mcffage of his maifter Eucn on the very forehead on thec,thou abufious ' Villainc^thereforc prepare thy felfc. ^^f .Come hither thou impetfedious flaue in Regard ofthy beg«cry,h6ld tnce thers T wofhillings fortneer' to pay for the Healing ofthy left leg which! mcanc FuriouUy to inuade or to maimc at thcleaft. Sdft, O (iipcmodical foole/wel ilc take your Two rhillings,butilc bar ftriking at legs. Bojf. Not I/or ile ftrike any where. Sa/t, Here take your two (hillings againCj lie fee thee hangd ere ile fight with thee, I gat a broken (bin the other day, Tis not whole yet,and therefore ilc not fight. Come come, why (hould we fal out/* Boy, VVel firha your faire words hath fomthing Alaied my Choller ; I am content for this once To put it vp and befiiends with thee, D But But fbftjfec wfegethty c^me a!ik)ifticfeiift:hy^-^ -^^^^ r^r4;?i^atheffiif«uft horn;: ^>^^f Sirha,gomakercadymy hotTcprtfefld^,** c '1 -j-^ -W tarrylumtefoitiUU^y;: AndnottotKUteTdnnm^wcddJngatei^.i'^ :'^ :-c x '^ ^ £4;?.Thc Oilier wilLndtltif m6tapMrti$yoiidWe t«t/ For his meat8,iand^4>efloejbs (kiidiagrinj^ffli^^ P^r4». Here villaindgogpity hkijTOigliA^ '•"^-> t^ '^^ -j;;/! ^4w. Shal I glue theman0tt|ci?}kick0of'la^hddr7'> '' > Feran, Out ilaue andbdi% chcm {)Ddientiy to the dOfe/ vf ^/i. Why fo^I hopearlcaftyoulfe dine with vf • ' 84;y J prayyou maiftal^tiilay til dinnerbcid6n» i^^r4/f. Sounsv^&iearctisounereyet^' £xiii4nder ComeXtf^jOurdinncrisppouididatname. ''• Kdte, Butnotfortnetforherclmeanctodine. >' lichauemywilinthisaswjd'asyou, - Though you in maddin^bod vrould katit^FOUr ti^ds Dcfpice of you ife tarry-withthcm(Hl;:j,i3V dc:. /noi: ?• t Feraft, I Kate (o thoufhdtbittattfollnjllcKbetttm^ - ^ When as thy fiftcrs here ibal be eiboufd^ ^ * ' ' ' Then thou and I wii keep e our wredding day, III better fort then now we can prouidc. For For here I piOBwtffc ih^cbcfoVc *em ^. ihr?l .\ vv»k Wc wil crelongremjroc tothca^agSMJsf^ ^ . v^lnbnA Come Kate ftand not on tern^c^c wjl awajMr o > 3j i ; 1 1 This is my dayjto morrow ihoq (halt ri>lbC:pa(lr; ;i 5ri buj;^ li bn\ Heele cprfe the Drieft that mvied hinMf^tH^ , ..v^T Andvetitmay.bc/h^wabcredain^:;: , . i..i:m v;/,! For mc is very patient erpwnc of toc^- . . * ; . ' a; h ^^». Godhdditthatum^yopp^Ufi^jof .< C, I would belothxhaj^thcy (hpuWdiS^ .,|, ^^ ^bui ^ri t But he I hope wil hold hir in a while. ^ ; ; , ;{,£ m r. - ;; Ptf/, Within this two daies I wil rjde tPehuiv/ ': : And fee how louingly they do agreic- . '■'^N :.-. > K^lfon. Now ,Atir4lm whajiay you to tfii%, ' What;}la^cyp^lenttoC//fttfa3youft«^.^^ ' i To cettifie your fjithet nitf your bue^ i>f ^ :?. Forlwoulddadly he would iikeofi«vvL^':!n;J:>^ And if he be the roan you tcl to mc, ^ ^i ^ i '// I gefle he is a marchant ofgreat wealth.* . ' I: v 1 And I haue icene him oftat K^th Itilccmc, 1 Iciic ccnfurc of ytidhC' '^'•'- '^ - Lookesasthouvviftbarftrt#felfc wklifattglifeg ' ' ^'>'i When thou reefthim;he'sicw*sfickHJa»ii ' ' '»"''^ Fbolcfor merandrficft vvhcfl tfieyihottld^ fo di'pncip HcmademefiiWJetheWf^dawayhccame^ ' ' ^' And nere ta^iedfdrdinhcf jifiif?beie«^ Gctfu{)per rWdjCftgaiftf^lKf e6ine;fSt*^' '^^ r^dJavl. ' • ' They The taming of a Shrew, They be hard at hand I am furc by this time. Tom. Sounes fee where they be already. Bfffer Ferdfuh OftdKate, FerMH. Now welcome IT^/r. wheres thefe villainei Herc,what>not fupperyct vpon the bord: Nor table rprcd.not nothing don at aJ, Whcres that villainc that I lent before. Smh, Now, Ufumfic, Fersn. Come hither vou villaine ile cut your note. You Rogucheipe me off with my bootes: wilt pleafe you to lay the cloth^uns the villainc - H urts my footc^ul eafily I fayjyct againe. Hehegfesthemdl, they ewer the herd Mndfetehm the mest^ Sounsfbumtand skorcht,whodreflthis meat^ ff^i/.Forfouthlohn cooke. He thtOwes downe the table and meat and al,and beates them. FerM. Go you viHaincs bring you me fuch meat, Out of my fignt I fay and beare it hence. Come Kate wecle naue other meat prouided. Is there a fire in my chamber firf Sdn, I forfooth. Exit Fenndo dndKate. (jManent ieruing men and cate Vp al the meat. Tom, Sounesj I thmke of my confaence my mafters Mad (ince he was maried. WiL I laft what a boxe he gauc Sattder ' For puliingoffhis bootes. Enter Ferdftdozgiiac. San. I hurt his foote for the nonce man. Feran, Did you fb you damned villaine. He beates them al out jigaine. This humoi- muft I hold me to a while. To With curbcs of o^ipyfj>;»tf;jand,wa^ pf VMifipc> t ' ' Nor flcepc,noi mcf^t^(i:ul Qie imoy^ta oigHt, lie mew her \p.^smai do mcvv ihfiir4iawkc5i< „- ., t. And maleliir^^y,bow^a^I^^ -J'u io W Aswcrc ther^r4^4fifJ&Qrfc^<9i4ji ^df^ .j^, ?r";''/y^ That king £f ^«^ fed witnlficifli dfnich, As bright as is the ntauen cruhnEnc, • As fairc as is the milkcv\y bite v\ray c^i Imic, Herdolipwwpii^cug;^ And m her bed tq breath xni^v/BC^Ql^tent, That J^tboukn^willqag^^mchauc tuxxed^c. Now yaltrU it re0s in iKcc to bclpc , • To compaflothii^ih^ J uiight gj^ijc qiYldwCj r " > Which cifify thoutoaiftpcr%w]ycat m^ V. 1 ^ r Jfthattbi^jnarchant which tHoii tcldlt fl^^pftf' > V' Wilashclai^goto-^iiijSij/JxJiQufc, . "-. \ ' And lay he iji iny fathcr>and thtt^i^J^fi^ Pas ouer ccrtaine deeds of land tQinc^ ,£..! ^h -. nh iy That /thereby nav^^yi^:^^^ , ^[f j Vv Andheispromifedrcwardjofr?^ j,i.-., .^ Vdl. Fcare not mjfjt-ord i|c fc{(^J^^ itraipittoyoSU, lorhecledoTO^thingih^^^^^ But tel me my Loroas FcrAf^.Jf^^iCQt^tQf Andhcmeancstdiwnj^^^grjjflpg^ ThcMmngof aShreiv > jiurel. Faith he's gon vnto the taming fchoolc. Vol. The taming fchoolc why is there fuch a placer Anrel. I;and Fersndo is the nnaftcr of the fchoolc. YaU Thati rare:butwhat< Kite, Why manthy inalter ftced^.neucr Joio w it. SiW. Youfay true iHdeedtwhylookc you miftris, What fty you to a peccc of bccffc and rauftard nQwf- Xi/^. Why I fay CIS excellent mc;it,canft tbou Helpemeoafeme.'^ Ban, I^/cQnld helpe you to fotne,butthat J doubt the tpulUrd is too cboilerickfi>ryou. But what fay you to a (heepes head and garlickc? Kae. Why any thingjT care not what it be. Ban. /but the garlickei doubt wilmake your breacii'i Stincke,andthen my matter w!il courfemc for hsittipg : Youcatc it^utwhatfayyou to afat Capon/* . . '^ Kau, Thats meat for a tang fwcct Bandtr^i£k^ Mctofbmeofit. S>An. Naybcrladythcatistcx)decrcforvs,wcmufl Not r Th taming of a Shrew. Not meddle with the Kings mcatc. . • . ' ■ , c Kaff, Out villainc doft thoumod^roe^ . • TakcthatforthyfawfincflS.- ' • rL;, ^ .„ ShcbcatcshifHi'V- San, Soiincsarc you fo light fbgred with a murrin, He keepe you faftine for it tnisicwadaics. ' iC<«/^ Itel thcc viilairteilck^arethe^dfhof Thy face and cacc ftjand thottpratos w mer thus* San. Here comes my mafteroow,heelecourie vou» , Enter Ferofuio yvizh a pcece of mcatc vpon his daggers point and P(>/r^r with him. Feran. Sec here Kate I haue prouided meat for thee. Here take it- what id not wonhy thanks^ Go firha,take it away againe,you fhalbe Thankeful for the next you haue. Kafe Whylthankeyouforit. Feran. Nay now tis not worth a'pin^o firha and take It hence I fay* . '• • . T SdH^ Yes lir ile cartle it bencc'Maiifccrkt hit. ' /;/ r lui Haue none,forfh«caf!fighias hungy tsibeb: a- ^ PoL I pray you firlct it ftand/or ifeeatc ) " r ^-^.^ - Some with her my felfe. Jfriw. Welfichalctitdownagainc. Kau, Nay nay I pray you let him take k hkact^i - 2 . , . Andkeepeitforyourowndlctforilcnobcfo'.J .^ ^. lie neare be beholding to toi forwir mear^ I tel thee flatly here vnto tny tectn Thou (halt not keepe me nor feedmeas thou lift> For I wil home agalne vnto nl>y fathers houfe. /^r4if.l;wbenyou^meekeaodgeiitdbt«(njocr Before,! know your ftftmaqkeis^notyct con^ dowh> Therefore no mantel thou canft not eat, And I wil go vnto your Fathers houfc, Comc7<&Ei)rlctvsfloiAagaiae, And kiki And iC4/^ come ill with i^ /know crciong, That thou «id 1 (hall louingly agree. Ex, Omnes^ EmCi ty^urelsMf, VaUrUMmiPfylof/u /thcMarchant. • AttreLHcm Scignibr PMi/«ir,wc wiljgo Vnto K^lfonfoi houfe jand be (iirc yciu fay As ) did tel you,conceming the man That d wcis in C/ry?*tf,wholc fon I Hiid I was. For you do very much cefemble him^ Ana fearc not:you may be bold to fpeake your mind. Phlo. I warrant you fir take you no care, He vie mv felfe fo cunning in the cau/e, As you mall (bone inioy your harts delight. %^ureL Tlianks (weet ThylotusJihcn (lay you hett, And I wiTpo and ^ch him hither ilra>ght. Ho, Seignior ^^Ifonfo:^ word with you.* Enter c^ifS»/S (matter Alfin^ Whole thcrc?what K^urelius whats the Thit you (land fo like a (Irangcr at the doorcf K^$ireL My father (ir is newly come to towne* And I haue brought him here to (peake witlwou, Concerning thofematters that I told you off. And he cancertifieyou ofthe truth. K^lfin, Is this yourfatherPyou are welcomefir* T/y/j.Thankes-rfJ^^i/Sjforthats your name I ge(!e, I vnderdand my (on hath fet his mind And bent his liking to yourdaughtersloue. And for becaufe he ismy only (on. And I would gladly that he fhoiild do well, I tel you fir,/not miflikc his dioife, Ifyou agree to giuc him your conlcnt. He (halhauc liuing to maintaine his ftacej H There Three hundre^poantkayedftj^I wil ^iffumuoj ^\j a ha \ 'Eoknfy anH to his heyrcs^idif chcy do foybe,' - ' / < : T And knit thcmfelues in hoiy wedlockc bandj A thoufandraasfie ingots x)fpure,gald> .. And twife as many hMSsoiftkiBltpmc, ^ 1 freely giiic hioi^and !».wjitiftgftrajgl^i?2 woM ViT,\\ /vvil confirmc wjidt Ihaue faid in wocdsi! i^v.vi { "k..' o-i :'■■ Alfintlm^ melmiiftcdninacndyQurlibecalmSid^ ^. And louingcatcvpilbeaic vmoyourfony. . \..j ; b ;. 1 ' And here /giuc nin^rii$dy:myicbnftt»j • : • -jy ob ijcv lol^ As fewtiy ^gbji»I;tlw1te He khowcs hCTinind,'.:,': r^- • r. And I wil inlarge-her fiowry foryourfaJkrii: . 1 .'.,' t4 And folcmiiife with ioy your nuptial ritesjj -i'?! '^m alv sil Butis thisgcntlfimanofC7(;/«^;too^ .: . '.,: ' .vc,-^ / ^ Kj^ift^(W^i^ t%^^,«^f Ci^Vcflpd jhnfowiioiJirmcdidn, Vvhofor thclwiisiw^jhondrfbwrejStDfnfer .. r. ii .v I-bii/. Hath thus accompanied mcto this place. , : - \ ^ ^i!(9». You were to blame you tolde me not before, Pard9n>me my Lord/or if I md Icnowrtc Your hooprhad bin here irt place with me, ' ^ ; K I would hauc^on my duty to your honor. . . : ' ~ r4/*Thankcsgood Atfonfo:h\M\ did come to fee , When as thefe mairiage rites fhouldi)C pcrformftd^ * And ifinthelc nuptials you vouchfafc, '■:'.. ^;*:mi.-i:f/.> To honor thus the prince of-Gf/f/iri feieo'4sJ .t^r:;.:) -j.; L:.'A Incelebratioiiofhis.fppttfel^tfe^i .;• ^'oY.'i^3''-l .v^ He ftial remaine a lafting friend CQy^ > .'!'•. - \ ' ^ / Whatfaiest^«r^fe&thcr. •'-;>'•: . T 'Phylo, I humbly tjis^rftc your honorjgoo^TO tod> . And ere we part before^ jiQUthonpt.h^r^f.iif,*: \. • ^:»A Shal articles of%{icor>i;^t;ipc dra\itVCj Ni o[i:o .•.• 1 hn A As twixt our hbufes and jX)fterities, . /;■ , ; , Z\ ,\\ ;:>>•{ h\ I Eternally this league pfpiacc (haj Jift^ . ^ a r- •.. -i ijoy-T inuiolateandpuwpi^/ji^hjsjppjfctt. M . ) jr- ;.il ou^luriVr.ri i tAlfanfi To walkc along with vs vnt6tny hd«f^ i > !i VV ;amV^ VVcwiiconfirmc theft leagues oflaftinfeloiic.' ;« ; VaL Come tben .4wfiW I wil go>vii:n yoa. Bx.tmrtfs^ Enter Ferd^dadndKAtfdjfdSMfnUr^: S4tf. Maftcr cheHabcrdaftier hiisbrought nty Miflris home hir cap licrcr . i :. f : '^^ ■: jFifrtfw. Come hitherfirha.what hauc yoqthcrcf ifrf^rr. Avduetcapfirandirpleafcyoiv . .: /^(rr*;?. Wholpokcforit?dkMtthouir4|«*4v ,^^rf j^..-. iC^/r* WhatitIdid,comeh«herrtrb^«pmflft ; : ^/ The cap, ilc fee if it wil]fit me. ' '\ ■ . Shcfctsitonbcchcad* .vi .v\-. . Ferd». O monftrous.why it b«:ohKiS «h ) ^-^ X.x this cap is out oi fafliion quite. . > ; K^tte. The fafliion is good inough;bclike you * ,.; , Mcanctomakcafooleofme. -i ;.;.:]{!: • J^eroff, Why true he mtanes to make afopkpf ?b^ To hauc thee put on fuch acunald cap, . . < ' : - Sirha be gone with it. Enter the Taylor with a gowne. ' Sdft. Here is the Ti^r. too witkroy tniftris gpwnc* Fer/w, Let me feeit r^rZtv^hat vyith cut? and iags? | Souncs you villainejthou haft fpoiled the gowne. (jdoa^ Tajlor, Whyfirl madeitas yourmao gauemcdircc- You may read the note here. ;;'...:;,: Feraa.Come hither firha:T4|ii4?f»iswdth : T^ion- Item a faircroUnd cooTpaft^capp^ io3 .u. v^\ S4W, I thats true. ^ ^ •;';>. ;fiO-Ii;.j-* jf^y^'r.Andalargctrunckefle^ilCi ?-" " •E2 Saffiier Thetdmit^cfaSbrew, fiWH^tia Kis ffiafllcr/fafdcvyotninckeflcetic^* JVr4/?. Wclfirgiofohvard* T4//or. Ittm a Joofc bodicdgowiTC. Si/j. Maiftcr ifciicr I (aid loofc bodies gownc, Sew me in a feame^and beate me to death With a bottomeof bfowticthrcd: rii/7tfr* Made it ap the note bad me*-).' ' ; ; San^ I fay the note lies in his throaic and thou too, Andthouwiftit, Tailor. Nayjiitty,ncre be fo hot {irha,fot 1 fcare you not. Aa-'V- X4/^ Cometoiyi^l likethe&fhionofkvt^Ilnough, Heeres more a do then needs^e haueit I, And if yott do hot lil»'ic hide your eies, I thinke I (hal haue nothingbyyoar wil« j^dliiGoMyaildndceitvpibryoiirmaftersyfe. . Sm, Souns.'viUainenMforthylifetoiifhitnm^il ' Souns^take vp my miftris gowne toius ' Maiftersvfe? lertM, Wcl firJwhaei your conceit ofitf / ; 52Ctf^ lAiMieadMp^irconeciei^itthdiyaii: ; v -^ Thffftitffev,tlk<^in2iiiiifai»9Mtf^ t). . r. J .\^t wi /«f^Mii^iMC^«»fii«l^hetirobffaisitifiiwrtakei^ Hence againe^and ilecontenrtiuiefbrciiyi^afiici^MT! uoY Terdn. ConrftfiniA^/M^iiiftv^wU^goMihsrifii^^ Eucn in theft honeft mcane abiUimeatsi : :. 1 j .v ' 3 Our pptfes (halbe rieb90Uc9§iaf«mQ(TpU&e^ i .-^^tl^^rt •i-^r.*'^ s;:; To I ThetdmmgofaShurp Tofhrowdourbodicsfromthcwintcrrage, And thats inough,whar (hould wccarc for more* Thy fiftcrs X4/r to morrow muft be wed, And I hauc promifcd them thou (houldft be there The morning is wcl vp lets haftc away, It wil be nine a clocke etc we come there, Kate, Nineaclock^why dsalreadvpafttwo In the afternoonc by al the clocks in the town. Ter/m^ I fay tis but nine a clocke in the morning* Kate, I fay ds two a clocke in the afternoonc* Ferdft, It rtial benine then ere we go to your Others, Come back againe,we wil not go to day* Nothing but crofsine of me ftil. He haue you fay as / do ere you go. Exenitt omnts EtMC^PoUdfiriEmiUdiAMrtUMdmdPhiUmAf ^ Po/. Fairc -Ewr/irf fbmmcrs b'righ t fun Queene, Brighter of hew then is the burning climr, Where Phcebm in his bright equator (its^ Creating gold and pretious minnerals, WhatwouldJSwr/wdoofif Iwercforft i / To leaue faire t^/it^w and to range tli« world* [ ' ^^ J ' • Jw^Shouldthou aflay tofi:alctnefeiiloflwofthcci ^^{^-^»/" '-^"^ Whatiftheduke«)f0^^onIyronnc/ -r^v ^^wn'if*.^ Which came with me vnto your fathdrSlibtili'J ^^l ^' ■ ^ Should fcckc to get P^y^/»4;^k)U€from iTic> '* -^V?^^ ^^"^ '" And And make t\iceDutcfacsa>£thatftatxlyt6wn/ %voifi: f>7' Woiuldft thou noyt then for (akc mc % hisioiK? r d ; f r h Phyle^ No£ for great N£piunc,v\omxjQGt hii6ftlftl,i Could hcinftal mc Eniprcs of the world, . v. Or make mc Qucenc andguidm of thchcaiicns^ >• ; *'. :'• Yet wouldl notexchange:my loucfochis,: tiK .'i :. A Thy company is poorcPi^/fW/whcauen, And without thec,hcaucn were hcl tohiic. Eme^ And (hould my loue as carfl did HercuUs Attempt to paflc the burning vualtcs<^Ehfel, i.^w.^i I would with pi^eQU^Iookesaiidpica{ing«ro£ciS|ci ^^ • ^^ As once did OrpheM6 with hb harmohyj * :j::j But I would follow the!C throughtitofe raging Hood^. WithIockesdini9VGr(d)SKidmybreftalib;u», .■ nuiW.' With b^dcdlcnees yponu.^dfi&«fhpai:^ii£i cijiisi of J wouM Yfkh f9^<^Ughsi aod btiniifartntefl^ < ' »^tr.u Importune Neptune 3:^ tiicwzvcy Godi^ :>.i gui;i.i(iol«l To fend a guard ^GimtCcikdDcf^itts^ : b' c r i> :1 • O With^o^D4il)g?Vfli^!»^l^iml»t|n^^ ; iiorr: c'-!' ^ Andt<>C^f)^ygJ5tfe^'vt¥NfHri^ VfnamnqbfiA Whilftl would hang abouctb^IbUcJyri^tkc,' r r. Hi-liO RedoubHng kiflIcop»wflC'Vpp» thv c^i^^ And with ourpaftjwfi iW tbfii&jdl«grti»ftfsi. 1 ■ .'ov- n.H Erne. Should ffiiajpr ^^aimt^it^kSm^liio:U \ \ I Oply4«jploy him^feift tpfblJpw*«ni^ei3.if jb Dff •'■ < 3£n'// Like to th^y«zx^]^M(mm»m^Q^tVifii ? ::• r: . r' oi:!'/ / PenthefeleiiHeikr>tf^^i^Pf\'r\^. -•>- r/^ -j'a'' bfrjor Who The tamiftg of a Shrew Wliofoild the bloudy PJrrhw inurxicrous Grccke, Ilcthnift my fclfc amongft the thickcft throngE, And with my vtmoft forccasfiftmy buc. FfyU, Let Eole ftormc : be mild and quiet ihou, Let Nfptwt€ fwcl, be %^unliM calmc and plcafcd, /care not Ijbctidc what may betide, Let fa tes and fortune do the word they can, Ireckc them notithcy not difcord with me, Whilft that my bue and I do wel agree. c^/^rf 4Swect ?>^/tfW4 bewties mincraD, From whence the fun exhales his glorious iihinej And clad the heauen m thy rede(5tcd raies. And now my licfcft louCjtne time drawcs nie, That Himen mounted in his fafFron robe, Miift with his torches waight vpon thy trainc. As Hellem brothcK on the homed moone^ ' — ' Now luno to thy number fhal I addc, The faircft bride that euer marchant had. ?oL Come £iire EmelU the prieft is gon. And at the church your father and the reft. Do ftay to fee our marriage rites pcrformd, And knit in fieht of heauen this Got dun knot. That te<*th offretting time may nere vntwift. Then come fairc louc and grarulate with me. This daies content and fweet folemnity. Exetmt omne$ • S//if. S/>»,muft they be marreid now? . LordAmyLotd^ 'EnitxTerando and Kxte and Sander^ -■ £//>. Locke S/w the foole is come againe now.' Feran. Sirha5go fetch our horfcs forthjand bring Them to the backe gate prfenily, -•'',. ^4«. J wil fir 1 warrant you. , Sx, Sander Tera»,ComtKAfc the mooncihincs citwc lo night metbinkes* X4/^ ThiiAming ofaShte^. i:4/f,ThemoDne?why husband you aredeceiud/ Itisthcfim. Ferm*'^tt agamc,comc backc againc, Itftud be The moone crc wc come at yoiir father*. K^f Why ilc iay as you fay ^t kxhc moonc. Feran, Icfus fauc the gbriousmooae. X4/r« Icfus fauc the glorious moonc. Farm, I am glad Kate your ftoniacke is come 6p^n\t^ I know it wel thou knovvcft it is the fiin, Bnt I did trie to fee if thou wrould A fpeake, And erode me now as thou haft done before, A nd truft me KMe hadft thou not namde the moone^ We had gone backeagaine as fure as death. But foft, whole this thats comminghere. Enter thfijD^^^of C^infaioae ': Duhe^ Thusatalone from Cf/2«v:aml come, And left my princely cou^tahdnoMefraiziey To come to Jd^Ms^iad in tfaisdifgui^^ ^ To ftc what courfe rtiy fon yi/i Thcnprctious Sardonix or purple rockcs, More amiahlcfcthcttis^thcpbin^ '^ ^ y Whcrc^iItiri^g(I^/&e)'«^fflucrfe6u«^S 1^? * Gafcthvpon the Giant i^^milbirM^lfjr^ SwiOfiLKttfif cntertaiae this louclW woman. jQMJir. liinidsbebemati is madhe 1^ Kite The taming of a Shrew» Kdte^ Pairc loucly Iady,bright andChriftallioc,** Bcwtcous and (lately as the cic-traind bird, • » - Asgloriousasthcmomingwafht with dew. Within whofc eies (he takes her dawning beames, And golden fommcrflecpcs vpon thy cheekcs, Wrapt vp thy radiations in fome cloud, Leaft that thy bewty make this {lately comie, Inhabitable like the burning ;((0;f^, With fwect rcflc(5Uons of thy loucIy face Duke, What is (he mad to?or is my fliape transform^ That both of them perfwade me I am a woman, But they are mad fure,and therefore ile begon. And leaue their com panies for fcare of harme, And vnto Athens haft to feeke my fbn. Term, Why fo KAte this was friendly done of chee. And kindly tooiwhy thus muft we two fiue. One minde,one heart,andone content for both. This good old man dos thinke that we arc mad. And glad he is I am furc,that he \s gon. But come (weet Kdtefoiwt wil after him, And now perfwade him to his (hapc againe. Ex,Qnmes. Enter Alfonfo MdPhylotui dndValerUy Polidor^EmelUtAt$relimand'PhyUmd. i^lfon. Come loucly fbnncs your marriage rites Performed, Lets hie vs home to fee what cheere we haue, I wonder that Fenmdo and his wife Come not to (cc this great folemnity. Pot^ No maruci iSFerando be away. His wife I thinke hath troubled fo bis wits, F Xhiit ThetamngofaShren^^ Thathcccraaines athomc to kecpe them warmej . For forward wcdlockc as the proucrbc faycs, :. , • o v.- .'x Hath brought him to his nightcap long ago, : Phylo, But Polidor k t my fon and you rake heed:. That Ferando fay not ere long as muchtoyou^ J And now Alfonfo more to (hcwi my lotie^ ij .; \ i- If vnto Ceftus you do fend your fbips^ -.)':. i V . -; '• i , ' My fclfe wil fraught th^m with ArabtAri fdkcs^ ' ' i " Rich affricke fpiccSj^^r^w counter poincs,. MuskcGasfia;fwectfiBellingA,mbcrgrcccCr / 'i Pearlc5Currcd,Chri{hUct,and iuory> r . . i? V' i yx 'sf''^ To eratulatc the faiiors of my font,, o 7? it !: : w vy.h m 1 Andfriendlylouethatyouhaueihownctohimjf v.hr - Vde. And for to honor him and this fairc bride. : Enter xh^Duke CiiCgfiu4. lie ycercly fend you from my fathers court, Chefts ofrcfind fugar feucraliy, . . ; . . ' ^^ "/ 1 . t ^^^ Tentunoftuoiswine/uckct^wcctdritgay 1 !..;•,!' ^rA To celebrate and folcmnize this day,, 1 r • '<>'-v\.r > And cuftome free your marchantsftial conlicfft: -^ And interchange the profits ofyour land, Sending you gold for bra(le,filucr for leaci^ . . ; ..." I CaiTes ot filke for packes of wolandcloth,i 5 -j v/on \}i. i v To bind thisfriendfhip and confirme this league. Buke. I am glad fir tnat y 6u would be fp franhc, Are you become the 'Dnke of Cefttt^ fpn, . ; i And rcuels with my treafure in the townc, Bafevillainethatthusdiihonorcftmc? ., J...;^;lo Vd. SounsitisthcZ)«^^5what(balIdo? ,\j'>n\\\ nV^i^X Difhonour thee why,knowft thdu what iihow faiftf \n^l Duke, Hefs no villaine •• he wil not know nHiioi^fx .v ■ But what fayyoufhaue you forgot me topf 1 -r :>t :< Vhylo. Why fir ^are yoii acquaintedw^h KWii^f ■y\ Ddc. With thy foni?ao tcuft mc if 1^ j^ ttsnc, . ; ?jtH I Th paminff of a Shrew. I pray you fir who am I? AttreL Pardon me fathcr;humbly on my knees, I do intreat your gt^icc to hearc me fpeake, Duke. Peace yillaincjlay hands on them, Andicndchcm tof rifonftraight, fhylotus and VderU runnes away. Thcn5/r>rpcakcs. , i S//>. / (ay wceic haue no fending co prifbn^ Lord, My Lord this is but the pby jthcyrc butin ieft. Site* I.cel thee Bim weele haue no fcndi ng, To prilbn thats flat: why Sim am not I Bon Chrijlo Varif Therefore I fay they (nail not goe to prifon* Zcr/^. No more they (hal not my Lord, They be runne away. S//>. Arc they run away S/w?thats wel, rhen gis fome more drinkejand let them play againc. X<>r"1 ^-' That kneeling cfaucyt)tt?«^tiblfefe)rh v^.i ^a >ol And if your grace m|:ivafte^nto my hbii(^ /^ z *-^ :> .cv^oa IwilinhumblcftmahcrIc:Ki,ftlOfif • ••- " 'T .u. v^VI The eternal feruice I do ovHtyofty gifaJcb/' 5 - ' ^ ? i "3 rii J^Y z>iv/^^. Thaiifecs]giMd;^{f^.^biKld;imeibllef '^^^ Andnocasdid:bcfc«*ejbC(rr/»i#Z>/(4K V'^ ^'j^^^K Nor would /haueiti»oMrnai#khMYtihiS^i^^^^ ^ '^ That I was hese and thus withoutttiy-enan^ ' K Bucas I came alone (b wil I go, ' • ' »H »\ii v^ Vj AndleauemvfonwiblemiiifeWsfedfti' y''// .«\v.*;i-v. And crc't bclongliecortfie tgiine ibyoHi'^'^^ (S{^hca\ luS And do him hbtiior aibtejftbiie^ the k^'^^^q bsibnudl A Of mighty lerobeltht Cipim Dttke^ -'::-!' '^^ '<'.:' n -/3;r;^i:iiy/rfikcpcit=^- i^rflf. WhofcwithinihefiK*o6mcWthcrfif$myLordi AflecpcagahiOgotakehimearilyvp, ' H -<^nd put him in his own appard agamc^ ^nd lay him in the place where we didfind himi^ -f^' ^"^^ luft vndemeath the alehoufc fide below. But fee you wake him not in any cafe. Boy. Itflialbedonmy Lord, come hclpccabcarc him hence. ^^if F3 Enter Enter Feran4i^^u€iirtl/m dndPoUdor .. ; 1 Fcran, Comegcntiemeojrio.wdthat fiippa5 donnc^ How dial wc fp5»dthcvli«Tei»fcc>gd to Dcdf Who wiTcome fooiicftijtftfitt Jfni$bttridM»| . ' Forhcmay ca)^irifefl|ith€bf wijaf^ii; ..;;::, .5 Before his wif^'^ji,iqm^hsif9M(htUik<. ■- f.ig i: ^. Feran, Tis vvcl for )jQHft?l*kb4ucfijch gchtic wines, I Yetinthistrial\yi^i-ijkg>^ife^lj|,(,Gl)Ij: u:3iL .;-::k t Itmay^l^Ci 1 ?ijvv I jc rl t^ureU How now Jf r-awi^^vouiiafic notlay.bdlikc. J«ig^iSbtaifi W^ slorrA'' .V^-^ ' Now what fay you?^i«iyp^wAiC«iWWgHi»*^- r or r : Pol. I weare it a^^lgl|^^^|(^lds Idurftprefuroc ' ^J^^. H-♦»♦-• ^ . > \ K«> Jlfi/t, Why thcniNfr4»6 hcisfuretoilofcii: : i'liflJ I I promife thee fbn thy wifewilvharldJy cooottj ui.\,] hrV. And cherefbroii wjbidd potvnfluheeia^^iniich.: T&r! T /^r4». Tufh father were it ten times more, I dtirft aduenturc on my Idatiy KatCyl But if I lo(c ilc pay,and lo fhal you. jlMtel. Vpon mine honor if Uofelitpiiy.^oVl Wl Pol^fimbiawiiilvpQh ray fiiith I^vow^ ^ r! o ! " . ?l JawloTiienfitwe(k>wn4ttdkry$ibiclf^^ JlfittA promife thee P^MrndtHzth afraid'^ wilt k>fe. GoljidyourmiiJresiroilictoiiKW"^ •'"^■^^^^' i';>dneH TiAIwilmyLcrdui >> llJ;^^:rl3ud•^mo'J^^iIiv'^fi ^^ I know /iliculd obtainc it by her Joue. . « -' '^ > jq -''«i cT ter*n* I pray God ybu baas nortaid coo mikfo^dfoidy* c^«A'^^ Truftmei?/*i»ij lam fure ybtthMiw^S ' ■ « ^ For you Id^epreitiibe babeJofl icaLv -^ ^ :>ir 1 r ir. 1 ic. i NowfirHa'whitfiJesyourmiftfijif fi'fjj* j- •'^ ^^^ '^ r^/. SJb6irlbmecfaingibuAcibut(llii!iete^<>dedhOrk i^fri/7. Why fo;di- Shemay bcbuficj»tflicf3fcs(liceltc<5rfi«t J m liLv. ?» ^ J^r.i«. WeW vbtPfliWflrfcady ou^ your Vvifcr Boy, 1 wil Qxi::^ oitii tJ ;/ ybcoilc ?3>li{:fri hyihi. Ex^Btiy P^r4». I,fa fo^jhc defifcs nir'to com^. ' K^lfon.Pol/dorlddxtpz^wsKiotihte^ i IthinkcthywifeMwlnotdcnictocomcv ; ^nd I do mmKhasin(AiJUtrf/m,'i: i r 1 . -i w :, i...;. . i Thatyouinvtfe C2n2CtK}tjvchenydn(on(ifor^i;iF(9>iiFJdidf|iyJfiue,lfimlbTt^ come, Come hither iCM<;Yvhat$ that vpodthy head. .^4/(f. Nothing husbandhdft nay c^Iithifidiie. .. Jcran. Pid itoffand treadit vndemyfeet^ ^ - - Tisfooli(hi)viliiothauetheev7ekeit;»' j She taicesoffhec capamitreMsottk*. T^lidior '^mmmm>r' ■■•>- p^/.OhvyondcrfulmrtamorphQfis.' ; , ; %^ttiU Xy $ is a ivjondcnalinoft pdft hdccfe FerM. This is a token of her true Iduc to me, And yet He try her further you rtiall fee, Come bichcr Kste where are thy f iftcrs. Kate^ Thjcy.beficting iathchridalchanabcn ; . FerAn, Fetch them hithcr^d if they wil not cpme,: • Bring them perforce andm.kkc them come With thee. ^4/^. Iwil." -^lyiji-^vv ••^jrir-):Iii K^lfon. I promifc thee Tertndo I wiould hauc (vvome, Thy wife would ncre haue done fb muchfor thee. J^r/t/!!. But you fhid fee {he wil do more then this. For fee where (he brings her fiflers forth by force. Enter Kdte thrufting Fhylema and EmelU before her, ' and makds them come vmo their hysbandscal^ ' Katfi, See husband,! haue brought than both. J^rjw* TisweldoncXi/^. £;»^. I fure and Ij^e alouing peece^your worthy To haue great praiiefor this attempt, ^^^jii- , P^/icaformaktngafooleofhcrfelfeandvs. t-^«r^ABcftircw thccPi^/^w4 thou haft Loft me a hundred pound tonight. Vox I did lay that thou wouldft mft hauc come. PoL But thou Umelu haft loft me a gr^at dcale more* £«/t it bettet then. Who bad you lay? Fcran, Nowlouely Kate before their husbands here, Iprethetelvntothelehcadftrongwomen, . What dcwtywiues do owe vnto their husbaiids. r. ir '. Kate. Then you that Hue thus by your panxpcrdd wils^ Now lift to me,and marke wliat I flial Ciy, Th'cccitul power that with his only toath. i Q Sb 1I lOi And lay my hand vnder niy husbandsieW^ ' • ■ ;i - .V'i i She laics her hand'vndfr hcriiiiibandsfeet. va ii _ FerM' Inough fwcet^thc wager thou haft won. And they I am idrc cannot deny the fame. Alfon^ I FerAtuk^^c wager thou haft won, ^ ^ AndfortofhewthechowiarapleafdinthiSy ^ // A hundrcdpoundsl freely giucthecmoK^u.; . A Another dowryfor another daughter, ^ . cj For (he is not tne fame £hc wasltefore* C-r'L Ter4H^ ir The taming of a Shrew ffraK.Thznkcs rwectfaih€r,gentlcmcn godnight, for K4te and / wil Icauc you for to night, Tis K4fe and I am wcd,and you are fped. Andfofarcwcljfor we wil to our beds. Exit FerandoyKAte And Sander, Alfon, Now K^ureltm what fay you td this.? AureL Bclccuc mc father I reioice to fee, Ferando and his witc fo louingly agree. Exitt^urelifi^sAnd'PhylctMaimA AlfonfoAnd VAleria, ♦ ^ Eme^ How now Polidor in a dump,what faift thoii - ^ • man? P^/. I fay thou art a Oircw. Erne. Tnats better then a (hccpc. Pol. Wei frnce tis don let it go,comc lets in. Exit Pelid^r ondEmeUa, Then enter two bearing of S//> in his Ownc apparel againe,and Icaiies him Where tney found him,and then goes out: Then enter the r^^^r. Tavjier, Now that the darkefomc night is OQCrpafl, And dawnine day appeares in criftal skie, < Now muft 7 naft abroad;butfoft whofethis? What Slie oh wondrous hath he lainc here al night, lie wake him,I thinkc he's flarued by this. But that his belly was fo fluft with aic> What now ^'//^jawakc for fliamc. Slie, Sim gis fome more winciwhat al the i PlaiersgomamnotlaLordf* 1 Tapfler, A Lord with a murrin;comc arcthou j drunken ftil.<* S//^ Whofcthis?r4^y?«f^,ohLordfirha,Ihi4Uchad The braucft drcame to night,that ciicr dhou £ HardcA / - The taming G/aShn^. Haidcflinalthylife. ... ■ I'apfiir. I marry but you had be ft get you home. For your wife wil courle you for dicaniingherc to night, Slicr Wil (he? / know now how to tame a fhrcvv, I dreamt vpon it al this night til now. And thou halt wakt me out of the beft drearac That cucr I had in my life,but ilc to my Wife prcfcntly and tame her too Andifflicangcrmc* Tapper i Nay tarry sHc for He go ho me wi ch thee, ' And hcarc the reft mat thou ball dreamt to night. . FINIS. h-^z^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IlDec5UW/i NOVlii^SO K..^^O -^ m^ NOV 7 19 1^0 JUN6 «65 ^eC'D LD ' 3'64-l\ ^ ^,^.^'''^'' '^^C'D LO *25S4.4P» HETD JAN 1 1 1982 LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146Bl6)476 YE 18002 ..•J.-Ji-iBERKELEY LIBRARIES C00fi7S0b03 2 S33V^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY