■*■"•'.■ '. ''i.'"''- OIV' >■■■ ■•>^--^mj^^:^.m i^ -I ..••■'li':,!*'-'-' 31 tfe m ■-y'SP^. '^':M^., #S^' .-,■?■■> ^ f*r:'r. ?M^ >y-*'W-i .^ ^1 rm" :MM ;SJ< p. A.D. 1403. Fragments of Genesis : pointed and accentuated Hebrew text, with the Arabic translation (Heb. char.) of Yefeth ben *Ali. xvth Cent. Karaite. Paper, ff. 63. Sm. 4°. Or. 2539. Fragments of the Pentateuch : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 56-132. Sm. 4°. xiih and xiith Cent. Or. 2540. Mrodus i. 1 — viii. 5 : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 21. 4°. xth Cent. Or. 2541. Frasjments of Genesis and Exodus : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 98. Sm. 4°. xth Cent. Or. 2542. Fragments of Genesis, and the whole of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. — Two fragments of Exodus, written in the same way, with an Arabic translation. Karaite. Paper, ff. 251. 4°. Prob. xth and xith Cent. Or. 2543. Fragments of Jei^emiah, Genesis, Leviticus, and Ezehiel : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, and (with the excep- tion of the fragment from Genesis) provided with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 119. 8°. xith and xiith Cent. Or. 2547. Two fragments of Judges : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 288-290. 4°. Prob. xth Cent. Or. 2548. A fragment of Isaiah (ch. xxvi. 15 — xxvii. 13) : Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Karaite. Paper, ff. 185-187. 4°. Prob. xth Cent. Or. 2558. An Arabic translation of Deideronomy xxii. 5 — xxv. 9. Paper, ff. 206-212. 4°. Prob. xiiith Cent. Or. 2581 A. Two fragments of Daniel : Hebrew text with vowel-points and accents, accompanied by an Arabic translation. Karaite. Paper, ff. 55-69. Sm. 4°. xith or xiith Cent. Or. 2585. Fragments of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in Sa'adyah's Arabic translation (Hob. char,). Paper, ff. 100. 4°. xivth Cent. EinLICAL MANUSCRTTTS. 13 Or. 2586. Fragments of Deuteronomy, in Sa'adyah's Arabic translation (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 1-62. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2626-2628. The Bihh; with vowel-points, accents, and both Masoras ; also containing a list of the 613 precepts, the treatise of T^i^^i \2. on the vowel-points and accent3, and a large number of Masoretic lists, including the differences between Ben Ashcr and Ben Naphtali on the Pentateuch and fragments of the ^7D^i n'?:3^^•|. Vellum, ff. 184, 273, and 186. Large 4°. a.d. 1483. Or. 2673. ^i^:n*Jt^n >jn rby:2, Avith an Arabic translation.— Tlie book of Esther. Paper, ff. 74-83. a.d. 1663. Or. 2703. Fragments of Genesis : Hebrew text and Targum with the simpler superlinear punctuation, and Sa'adyah's Arabic translation (Heb. char.). Vellum, ff. 73. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Or. 2704. Fragments of Numbers and Deuteronomy: Hebrew text and Targum Avith the simpler superlinear punctuation, and Sa'adyah's Arabic translation (Ileb. char.). Both Masoras to the fragment from Deuteronomy. Vellum, ff. 56. Sm. folio, xivth and xvth Cent. Or. 2786. The Pentateuch, the Haftdroth, and the five Megilloth, with vowel-points and accents. Vellum, ff. 256. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1427. Or. 4048. Fragments of Genesis and other Biblical portions (some being accompanied by the Targum), partly with the sublinear and partly with the simpler superlinear punctuation ; also a fragment of the l^nn mana. Paper, ff. I-I4. Sm. foUo. xivth-xvith Cent. Or. 4227. The Bible, with vowel-points, accents, and both ]\Iasoras. Copious Masoretic lists at the end. Vellum, ff. 279. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 4445. The Pentateuch (imperfect), with vowel-points, accents, and both Masoras. Vellum, ff. 186. Folio. Prob. ixth Cent. This is in all probability the oldest known MS. of any part of the Hebrew Bible. Folia 1-28 and 159-186, which are paper, Avere added a.d. 1540. r 14 BinLICAL MANUSCRIPTS. B.-COMMENTARIES (WITH OR WITHOUT THE TEXT) AND SUPERCOMMENTARIES. Harley 150. Rashi's Commentary on the five Megillotli (a.d. 1504). — Same author's Commentary on the former and latter Prophets (a.d. 1257). On the margin his Commentary on the Psahns (xvth or xvith Cent.). — Joseph Kara's Commentary on Job (xvth or xvith Cent.). Vellum, ff. 1-229. 4°. Harley 269. nniT' /iniD, a Commentary on the Pentateuch by R. Yehiidah ben Eliezer. — A Commentary on Paith by R. Tobiah ben Elazar. — Eashi's Commentary on the Lamentations and the Song of Songs. — Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Esther. — Various Medical pre- scriptions. Paper, ff. 227. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1451. Harley 1861. The Pentateuch, with the pointed Targum and Rashi's Commentary. — The five Megillotli, with Rashi's Commentary. — The Haftiiruth, partly accompanied by the Commentary of Rashi and the pointed and accentuated Targum. — Job, with Rashi's Commentary. — This MS. also contains DIDV^Jhi rhyo, provided with points. The Biblical text is pointed and accentuated through- out the MS. Vellum, ff. 309. 4°. Prob. xivth Cent. Harley 5503. The Commentary of Nahmanides on the Pentateuch. Paper and vellum, ff. 354. Folio, a.d. 1472. Harley 5504. The Commentary of Xahmanides on the Pentateuch. Paper, ff. 323. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 5518. An anonymous Commentary on Samuel (imperfect at the beginning) and Kings. — Eashi's Commentary on the latter Prophets (imperfect at the end). Paper, ff. 420, Sm. 4°. a.d. 1415. Harley 5526. The Commentary of R. Levi ben Gershon on Job. Vellum, ff. 121. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1399. Harley 5655. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 273. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 5703. The Commentary of Nahmanides on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ir. 357. Folio, xvth Cent. Harley 6708. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch (imperfect at the end). VeUum, ff. 124. Folio, xivth Cent. BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTS. 15 Harley 5709, The Pfntateuch with the Targum, the Tlaftdruih, and the five Megilloth, with vowel-points, accents, and Iliishi's Com- mentary. The unpointed Targum on the Song of Songs is appended, Tlie Haftilroth for Passover and Pentecost are accompanied by the pointed Targum. Vellum, ff. 323. Folio. Prob. xivth Cent. Harley 5772. The Pentateuch, with vowel-points and accents, accom- panied by the pointed Targum and Rashi's Commentary. The first two leaves contain also Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Genesis i. 1-16. Vellum, ff. 225, 4°. xivth Cent. Harley 5794. Two vellum leaves at the beginning and two at the end of this MS. contain fragments of the r\2VD, including part of 'Aboth. 4°. xiiith Cent. Harley 5797. Job, pointed and accentuated, with R. Levi ben Gershon's Commentary (a.d. 1415). — The Son(/ of Songs, with 'Immanuel ben Shelomoh's Commentary (a.d. 1412). — A frag- ment of R. Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon's Commentary on the Song of Songs (same date). Vellum, ff. 131. Sm, folio. Harley 7585. Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. — R. Levi ben Shabbathai's comments on parts of Maimonides' rn^Pi T\1'i)'!2 are annexed. Vellum, ff. 151. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 7621. The Pentateuch, with the Targum and Rashi's Com- mentary. — The Haftdroth, with Kimhi's Commentary. — Ruth, with an anonymous Commentary. — Ecdesiastes, with R. Joseph Kuru's and Rashi's Commentaries. — The Song of Songs, with R. Abraham ben Isaac's Commentary. — The Lamentations, with R, Joseph Karfi's Commentary. — Edher, with R. Levi ben Gershon's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 439. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 7622. Proverbs, pointed and accentuated, with R. Levi ben Gershon's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 109. Sm, 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 7638. The Commentary of Nahmanides on the Pentateuch. Paper, ff. 311. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Egerton 872. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch, the five Megil- 10th and the Haftaroth. Vellum, ff. 287. Large 4°. a.d. 1341. Add. 9407. The Pentateuch and Haftdroth, pointed and accentuated, with Rashi's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 273. 4°. xivth Cent. Add, 11,566. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch, with the Com- ments of the mSDin '•'^^l in the margin of Genesis. Vellum, IT. 193. Large 4°. xivth Cent. 16 BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTS. Add. 11,587. The book of Proverbs, pointed and accentuated, with the Commentary of E. 'Immanuel ben Shelomoh. Vellum^ ff. 14G. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 12,209. The book of Proverhs, pointed and accentuated, with R. Levi ben Gershon's Commentary. Three JT)J''p are prefixed. Vellum, ff. 87. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 14,759. The Commentary of R. Levi ben Gershon on the Penta- teuch, with the text in the margin. Vellum, fF. 479. 4°. a.d. 1430. Add. 15,978. □n\':D'?nn 17^12, a philosophical Commentary on the Pentateuch in the form of discourses on the "pericopes" by Jacob Anatolio. Vellum, flf. 251. Sm. folio, a.d. 1404. Add. 17,057. D''plH) T\2t2'l) of Maimonides and his Commentary on 'Aboth (imperfect), in the Hebrew translation of Samuel ibn Tibbon. Vellum, ff. 26-52. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 18,686. An anonymous Commentary on the former Prophets. Paper and vellum, ff. 55. Sm. folio, xivth Cent. Add. 18,731. The Commentary of Nahmanides on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 191. Sm. folio, a.d. 1491. Add. 19,653. E-ishi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 231. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1427. Add. 19,635. Eashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch (imperfect at the beginning and the end). Vellum, ff. 232. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 19,777. yv^ PI^T, a Commentary on the Pentateuch by R. N'athan ben Samuel ibn Tibbon. Vellum, ff. 155. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1426. Add. 19,946. A Commentary on the Pentateuch by R. Menahem Rekanati. Vellum, ff. 192. Large 8°. xvth Cent. Add. 19,970. A Commentary on the Pentateuch by R. Meyuhas bar Elijah. Paper and vellum, ff. 257. 4°. a d. 1469. Add. 22,091. The Supercommentary of Joseph ibn Kaspi on Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 85. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 22,092. DTf/hi p, an anonymous Supercommentary on Eashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Some small pieces, including miD m-'Vy! tht and nnn n'CryQ, are appended. Vellum, ff. 139. 4°. a.d. 1403. niBLIOAL MANUSCRIPTS. 17 Add. 22,093. mpB n:3"i, the Supercommentary of Shemtob ben Isaac ben Shafnit on Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Paper, ff. 186. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 22,122. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Yellum, ff. 176. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 24,896. Commentaries on the whole Bible, -with the exception of the Pentateuch, viz., Isaiah (the elder) of Trani on Joshua, Judges, Samuel, part of Kings and Ezra-Nehemiah ; Benjamin ben Tehudah of Rome on the remainder of Kings, the books of Chronicles, and the Proverbs ; Ibn Ezra on Isaiah, the twelve Minor Prophets, the Psalms, Job, the five Megilloth, and Daniel ; Menahem ben Simeon on Jere- miah and part of Ezekiel ; Rashi on the remainder of Ezekiel ; 'Immanuel bar Shelomoh on the Song of Habakkuk ; notes from various commentators on Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, etc. Vellum, fF. 422. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,878. The Pentateuch Avith the pointed Targum (imperfect), the five Megilloth, and the Haftdroth (imperfect at the end) : pro- vided with vowol-points and accents, and accompanied by Rashi's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 382. 4°. xivth Cent. The last small appended leaf contains Ps. cxix. 48-65. Add. 26,879. The former and latter Prophets, with voAvel-points, accents, both Masoras, the Targum of Jonathan, and Rashi's Com- mentary j imperfect. Vellum, ff. 268. Folio, xiiith Cent. Add. 26,880. Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 184. Folio. A.D. 1401. Add. 26,894. Commentary on Job by Xahmanides. Vellum, ff, 113- lo6. Large 4°, xivth Cent. Add. 26,900. n"n3 ]i, an anonymous Supercommentary on passages of Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. — Extracts from "IPf^D DHQND and ilD piDf, being a Commentary on the Pentateuch by Nathan K3")n ben Samuel. — 1'he Commentary of R. David Kiuihi on Gen. ii. 7 seq. (lii'^n tt'TT'S), and on Ezek. i. (n';:;^D tyVii r\12')r2). Vellum, ff. 31. Sm. folio, xivth Cent. Add. 26,902. Commentary on the Psalms by Joseph ben Abraham Hayyim. Paper, ff. 209. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Add. 26,917. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Vellum, ff. 1-237. 4^^. A.D. 1273. c 18 BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTS. Add. 26,924. Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch, and on the five Megilloth. Vellum, ff. 1-263. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,933. An abridgment of the Commentary of TTahmanides on the Pentateuch (imperfect at the end). Vellum, fF. 181. 12°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,939. Discourses on the Pentateuch, by Isaac Raphael Finzi. Paper, ff. 152. 4°. xixth Cent. Add. 26,960. Commentary on the Song of Songs and the Lamentations, by Isaac ^rrJH ben Hayyim ben Abraham ben Isaac ben Josef ^PTDn. Paper, ff. 218. Sm.* 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 26,981. DnjHD Jlb^iD, a Supercommentary by Samuel Motot on Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch, with marginal notes from Josef ibn Kaspi, etc. — Vhi~)v '•J'TK TID, another Supercommentary on Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch by Ezra ben R. Shelomoh ben rj^t0.1. Paper, ff. 110. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,987. ^3J mi< (i.e. the Desire of the Soul), a Supercommen- tary by Asher ben Abraham Crescas on Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the Pentateuch. Paper, ff. 69. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,033. n^t^^<1n ilW^ ■)^^<^, Commentary and discourses on Genesis i. and ii., and other portions of the Old Testament, by Yehudah ben Moses ben Daniel. Paper and vellum, ff. 77. 8°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,037. p1i< ]1^, a Commentary on the book of Numbers by Eliezer Nahman Foa (HKIS). Paper, ff. 88. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,038. Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Genesis, imperfect (ff. 69- 96), and on Exodus (ff. 107-160). Paper. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,046. The latter Prophets, pointed and accented, with the Commentary of David Kimhi in the margin. Vellum, ff. 178. Folio. A.D. 1448. Add. 27,069. The Commentary of Levi ben Gershon on the Penta- teuch (imperfect at the beginning and the end). Paper, ff. 402, Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 27,128. Notes upon Rashi's Commentary on the Pentateuch and the five Megilloth. — NT") HJ^H), a Commentary on the Pentateuch by Isaac ben Yehudah "•vH (imperfect at the end). Paper, ff. 53-254. 4'^. xvith Cent. BIBLICAL MANUSCniPTS. 19 Add. 27,159-27,166. The works of Moses David Valle of Padua, the greater part being Commentaries, simple and kabbalistic, on the Pentateuch, the Psalms, the Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ruth, Jonah, Malachi, Amos, Hosea, Haggai, Zechariah, Isaiah, etc. Paper, ff'. lOOO, 967, 896, 1075, 754, 645, 1032, 890. 4°. Written by the author himself between a.d. 1722 and 1766. Add. 27,172. D"":''jr r^"'^ homilies on the Pentateuch and the Haf taroth by Zechariah the physician (Yahya ibn Sulaiman) ; Hehreio and Arcibic (Heb. char.), xvth Cent. To it are appended fragments of the second book of Maimonides' HII/I r\yi}12. Paper, fF. 357. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2352. ^yiyr\ I^llD on Exodus ; a small fragment of the same Midrash by another hand is appended. Paper, ff. 151. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2353. St^H tlT\^ on Leviticus (imperfect). Paper, fF. 274. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2354. Si:in t^112 on Numbers. Paper, ff. 167. 4°. a.d. 1488. Or. 2355. bv^yn T^^llD on Deuteronomy (imperfect). Paper, ff. 246. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2356. Homilies on the Pentateuch in Hebrew and Arabic (Heb. char.), taken from ISTathanael ben Isaiah's dl'^'^ "112 (imperfect). Paper, ff. 288. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2378. byiyn ^IIQ on Genesis (imperfect); a fragment of the same Midrash by another hand is appended. Paper, ff. 261. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2379. bT\yr\ TI^IID on Numbers. Paper, ff. 112. Sm. folio. A.D. 1607. Or. 2380. ysnn Ti^llO, comprising Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. Paper, ff. 225. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2381. The same Midrash, comprising Genesis and the greater part of Exodus. Paper, ff. 238. 4°. a.d. 1532. Or. 2382. The same Midrash (imperfect). Paper, ff. 304. 4°. a.d. 1509. Or. 2383. Homilies on Genesis and part of Exodus, taken from the d^^btX "ni See Or. 2356. Paper, ff. 109. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2384. Fragments of the same work on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Paper, ff. 130. 4°. xivth and xvth Cent. Or. 2416. A Midrash on the Pentateuch (imperfect), ascribed to Jacob ben Asher (DmiDH bv^)- — A Midrash on Esther (imperfect). Paper, ff. 137. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1651. TALMUD AND HALAKUAH. 31 Or. 2482-2484. The Mukaddimdt, or liturgical introductions to the pericopes of the Pentateuch, by Samuel hJDin al-Maghribi ; Arabic (Heb. char.) and Hebrew. Paper, ff. 313, 257, and 289. Sm. 8°. xviitli Cent. Or. 2485. The same work, containing the Mukaddimdt on Genesis and parts of Exodus. Paper, ff'. 206. Sm. 8°. xviiith Cent. Or. 2785. Homilies on Exodus, being the second part of the nXJlJ 3^i-^D l''p")3'r'N by Sa'id ibn Da'ud al-'Adani ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, if. 103. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1482. III.-TALMUD AND HALAKHAH. Harley 62. IDB'^^OH '[■^U ")r.O and W^U WT)^ "II^O, the fourth and first division of R. Jacob ben Asher's DmiD ^Hl^ (imperfect). Paper, ff. 272. Folio, xvth Cent. Harley 1795. The Mislinah of l\t:n, NOV, iy\2\k, inimo, and /T)DD : pointed text, with the Latin translations of Robt. Sheringham, Francis Taylor, and Johannes Coch. Paper, If. 130. 8°. xviith Cent. Harley 5508. A volume of the Babylonian Talmud, containing r\^tr^ ^hj-i, \kiy\\ nyyn, n^^n, n'7JD, hdd, itop ipio, and D'^yVD. Vellum, fF. 236. 4°. Prob. xiith Cent. Harley 5529. miHlil DIDIl, the benedictions to be pronounced on the different kinds of fruit, by R. Meir ben Barfikh of Rothenburg (imperfect). — A small fragment of R. Isaac of Diiren's h^lH n^'»i^. — This fragment is continued on if. 153-155. — Commentary on some prayers.— Glossary on , Jeremiah, beginning with cli. xvii. 14. — rh^^r^ nop or p"DD {i.e. prop r\y\1t2 ISD) by R. Isaac of Corbeil, with additions. Vellum, ff. 158. Sm. 4°. The formularj'' of the bill of divorce is dated a.d. 1379. Harley 5584. A copy of the p"OD, with additions. Vellum, ff. 175. Sm. folio. Deed of divorce dated a.d. 1379. Harley 5585. Rashi's Commentary on ^<0p N33. Vellum, ff. 96. Sm. folio, xivlh Cent. 32 TALMUD AND HALAKHAH. Harley 5648. Hit^linn ")3D, Haliikhoth of R. Bfiriikh ben Isaac. Vellum, ff. 280, Large 8°. a.d, 1254. Harley 5698-5699. miD n2tD or Hp'inn T of Moses Maimonides. Vellum, fF. 300 and 435. P^olio. a.d. 1472. Harley 5700. J'DD (i.e. bM:i miiiQ 130) by R. Moses of Coucy (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 377. Folio, a.d. 1404. Harley 5702. Books iv.— vi. of Maimonides' min nyi)^, with glosses, and the JIOTI^JH of R. Meir ben Barukh of Rothenburg on U't2 "no (Book iv.). Vellum, fF. 200. Folio, xivth Cent. Harley 5705. JlO/n of R. Isaac Alfasi, comprising the treatises Jin^ (imperfect), V:mj7. D^nDB, KQV, HDD, etc. Vellum, fF. 233. Folio, xivth Cent. Harley 5716-5717. QmtD V2m of R. Jacob ben Asher. An ex- planation of the abbreviations and difficult words is prefixed, and Jliyi ri'\Dbr] (part of Maimonides' TMM"] HJ^I^D) is annexed. Vellum, ff. 270 and 266. Folio. a.d. 1475. Harley 5718. rr2V of R. Moses of Coucy. Vellum, ff. 193 and 208. Large 4°. xivth Cent. Harley 5719. Maimonides' n-lin HJ'i^D. Vellum, ff. 547. Folio. A.D. 1489. Harley 7198. DnVtO V21i^ of R. Jacob ben Asher, with part of the mi?l ^)^2bn of Maimonides embodied in the D'^'H m■|^^ 11^ (im- perfect). Vellum, ff. 377. xvth Cent. Harley 7553. Fragment of the nmi^^n mD^H, part of Maimonides' niin ^^y:}D. Paper, ff. S. 4°. xviiith Cent. The names and figures of the Hebrew accents are prefixed. Add. 11,438. Books iv.— vi. of Maimonides' ni^n H^tD, with glosses and the DUV^n of R. Mcir ben Barukh of Rothenburg on D^tl^J 11D (Book iv.). Vellum, ff. 204. Sm. folio, xivth Cent. Add. 15,421. J^nii^n 13D of Maimonides, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Moses ibn Tibbon. Vellum, ff. 140. 4°. a.d. 1421. Add. 15,437. rop'^H ""b^t, ritual decisions by Zedekiah ben Abraham ^^^"^^, with additions at the end. Vellum, ff. 363. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 17,049-17,050. D^^hn of R. Isaac Alffisi, viz. on J1)D12 i;nrj niD. D'^t^ IID, and ]^pnj "IID, with the Commentary of TALMUD AXD nALAKirA-H. 2'i Rishi and Samuel Schlettstadt's compendium of R. Mordekhai's glosses ; also the jnUVt^^D of R. Meir beu Barrxkh of Rothenburg on D'';:^^ ")1D and on ]'^b^Tl. The last three leaves of vol. ii. contain fragments of Asher ben Jehiel's U'pDzi. Vellum, flf. 232 and 331. Folio, xivth Cent. Add. 17,052. Samuel Schlettstadt's compendium of the glosses of R. Mordekhai or ]yn IID and U't^ "IID-— JlUV^^n, chiefly by R. Meir ben Bfirukh of Rothenburg, on ^^Dp i^22 and NyUQ ^^32. Vellum and a few paper leaves, ff. 177. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 17,053. mSDin on ^D by Moses ben Nahman. Vellum, ff. 1-112 and 156-272. Add. 26,901. Commentary of Yehudah nbv ben Benjamin lO")rf on part of the /niD/fl of Isaac al-Piisi (imperfect). Paper, ff. 102. Sm. folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 26,903. DpDE) of Isaiah (the elder) of Trani. Paper, ff. 125. Sm. folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 26,905-26,913. DmS nyn:), containing the opinions (D'^ll^) of Piuhas Hai 'Anaw ben Menahem of Ferrara. Paper, ff. 246, 248, 265, sis, 2.59, 273, 234, 207, 1.39. 4°. a.d. 1766. TALMUD AND HALAKHAH. 35 Add. 26.914. D^pDB of Isaiah (the elder) of Trani. Vellum, ff. 231. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,915. D^:t' mSDIj"! on DV^y and ]^tM'p. Paper, ff. 13G. i'^. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,918. "Ij-im "TID^^ mD^pn by Zedekiah 'Anaw. Vellum, i^. IGO. 4°. xivth Cent. , Add. 23,922. Commentary on JIUJ* ''p"'3 ^^Y ^^^ Josef ibn Shoshan. — A Commentary on the section D'^DDH 12^} by Shemtob ibn Shem- tob. — Commentary on /^^2^? ^p~)E), ascribed- to Bahya. Paper, ff. 99-286. 4°. A.D. 1534. Add. 26,923. D'T); "nSVO, Commentary by Josiah Pinto on part of Jacob Habib's Hp;?^ VP. Paper, ff'. 118. Sm. folio, a.d. 1731. Add. 26,935. JlUV^n of Moses Provinciale. Paper, ff. 36. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 26,940. DHDID ]^pr\ by Samuel Abo'ab ben Abraham.— "1^:2 Dnyj, a reply to the above, by Jacob Bellilos. — D''JpT I^ITiD, a reply to the latter, by Isaac Pacilico. Paper, ff. 44. 4°. ad. 1778. Add. 26,942. JlUVi>D of Isaac Levi Valle. Paper, ff. G8. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,943. A tract on the 2')')^ by E. Josef of Safed. Paper, ff 49. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,950. mai^n of Solomon ibn Adereth (imperfect). Paper, ff. 162. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 28,951. nnDt l^pb, collection of notes on the Pentateuch, Mishnah, and 'Arba' Turim, by Joshua Segre. Paper, ff. 33. Sm. folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 26,956. HDIlOT TM^iTtW D^jbn, with a marginal Commentary, by Yehudah ben Benjamin Rofe 'Anaw. Vellum, ff. 80. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,962. DmS JIDDD, copy of a printed edition. Paper, ff. 9. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1813. Add. 26,965. D'i:^n^n on mniJiD. mDn\ j^^p N^nn, and ^<;^'^^^ N^n. Paper, ff. 331. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,975. Jlim^Jl of David ibn 'Abi Zimra. Paper, ff, 157. 4° A.n. 1774, D 2 36 TALMUD AND HALAKHAH. Add. 26,977. Pi"W of Jacob Be-rab, Isaac al-Fasi, Hai, Sa'adyali, Sherlra, Moses ben Nahman, and others. — Tll'^hilL^ of Jacob ben Levi. Paper, ff. 151. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,982. A copy of the p"DD, with the additions of Moses of Ziirich (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 3G3. 4°. Date of deed of divorce A.D. 1391. Add. 26,983. JII^I^jI of Solomon ibn Adereth (imperfect). Paper and vellum, ff. 572. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,988. mSDin on ^2'\')y (imperfect), by Asher ben Yehiel, and on r)2\L7 by Samson of Sens. Paper, ff. 77. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 26,990. ^"^"in '•JpTI by Moses del Vecchio, part i. Paper, ff. 199. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,991. Abridgment of pHi^ miD (of Aaron ben Hayyim) by- Samuel ben Elisha Portaleone.— Del Vecchio's P)"""!?! '':i')pD, part ii. Paper, ff. 294. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,992. Del Vecchio's t^>"ir\ ^:pn, part i. Paper, ff. 117. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,005. U'^t^ /IISDin on mDO, HII^H ti^l, and HDD.— Commentary on mDD and nVi;/.— Compendium of the mH)Dl/1 of Samson of Sens on jmniDl by Isaac linan. Paper, ff. 154. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,016. D':n:ia for the whole year. Paper, ff. 77. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1554. Add. 27,024. U't^l'Tl on D^HDE), 1113 DV, r\2^, H'^Vn, and nV:iD, by Nissim Gerondi. Paper and veUuiu, ff. 322. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,025. D^II^ITPT on v'pin by Nahmanides. Paper, ff. 210. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add, 27,032. ]i)i^']r\ pOS "lliip, abridgment of the decisions of Asher ben Yehiel by his son Jacob ben Asher. Vellum, ff. 170. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,040. A copy of tlie yf2V of R. j\roses of Coucy (imperfect). V<;lluin, 0". -114. 4°. xivlh Cent. TALMUD AND HALAKHAII. 37 Add. 27,048. V^^^lTPr on Dmj, inj, and Jlion'' by Nalimanides (imperfect). Paper and vellum, fF. 256. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,019. bi^M2t ^JOS'^D, notes on D^yiT IID by Samuel ben Abraham of Fez. Paper, ff. 75. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,075. JHOSl of Isaac Fasi for the D'"X^J "11D and ]yn 11D, ■with Commentary (imperfect). Vellum, fF. 200. Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 27,081. 1J01D "TT'ilD b^ U'l£iYb. Paper, ff. 231. 12°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,083. Abridgment of IIDNI "IJIH JlO'^n and Hl^i'n^ mDSl. Paper, ff. 40. 8°. a.d. 1709-79. Add. 27,084. □'•Il^nTT on jmD?D and JTl^^Ul^^ by Nahmanldes, and on J"in n^n^n, i.e. Kevision of al-Fasl, on Nl/in ik22, by Del Yecchio. Paper, ff. 113. 4°. xviiith Cent, (author's autograph). Add. 27,124. Part of Samuel Portaleone's HDTli^ nT2}D on JTir:n\ Paper, ff. 12. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent, (author's autograph). Add. 27,125. Eashl's Commentary on 'Aboth. — Another Commentary on 'Aboth ascribed to Eashi, or to Isaiah (the elder) of Trani. — TM2 n^^bn, with marginal notes. — List of D'Kjn and D-NnDhi and of the sections of the Talmudic tracts. Paper, ff. 1-69. 4°. xviih Cent. Add. 27,127. jnnili^n of Nathanael ben Aaron Jacob Segre. Paper, ff. 137. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,130. D^'i^H^n on T^H^p.— Yellum leaf, containing frag- ment of Berakhoth of xiiith Cent, is prefixed. Paper, ff. 87. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,134. ?l^"in "'ilpn for D'm niD and ^^Sn^'DQ, by Del Yecchio. Paper, ti\ 217. 4°. xviith Century. Add. 27,135. D^::>n^n on N^iJ*^ i^22 by Nissim Gerondi. Paper, ff. 172. 8°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,137. 'i5ii-Dr2r\ ]tn mLD of Jacob ben Asher. Vellum, ff. 320. Sm. 4°. A.D. 13G0 (?). Add. 27,139. D'ti'n^n on D^t by Nabmanides. Paper, ff. 177. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,147. HpHin r^'i^^'TlW D'i^bn by Jacob Weil, with extracts from Maimonides, and from "IDIQ D3l^ and "JT1DT 1SD. Paper, ff. 37. 8°. About A.D. 1757. Add. 27,148. ni')n' ^pT, the opinions of Yehudah Arych of Modena. Paper, ff. 109. Sm. folio. Prob. about 1(>48. Add. 27,150. Jacob ben Asher'.s Q^'H HIN ni^ and n))l HIV IVtO. Vellum, IK 274. Folio, a.d. 1-192. TALMUD AND HALAKIIAII. 39 Add, 27,181. D^:\SJn nUVi^Jl (imperfect). Paper, ff. 50. xvth Cent. Add. 27,183. 2py' "•Slhi, the opinions of Jacob Castro. Paper, £f. 148. Folio, xviiitli Cent. Add. 27,185. D'?:^n^n on ^'iD'} hy Nahmanides (imperfect). Paper, tf. 45. Folio, xvriiith Cent. Add. 27,191. Commentary on the thirteen jmiD of R. Ishmael. Paper, ff. 34. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,194. Commentary of Pt. Hariancl on J^^p ii22, i^^^^'^D i^22, pinjD, nOD, and myU^ (imperfect). Paper, ff. 176. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,196. Rashi's Commentary on i^r^p i^22 and X^'^iiO i^^n.^ Commentary on J^ID^ i<32by Gershon ben Yehu.dah]pTrT. Vellum, ff. 355. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,197. Hananel's Commentary on V^ITy. Paper, ff. 158. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,212. D'pDS on part of n'A'2. Paper, ff. 8. Narrow folio, xviith Cent. Add. 27,293. Asher ben Yehiel's D^CH) on T^^ID "IID (imperfect). Two vellum leaves containing fragments of D2'^ (prob. xiith Cent.) are prefixed. Paper, ff. 265. 4°. a.d. 1366. Add. 27,294. Commentary on Maimonides' ^IDPT ~I3D by 'Ala ud- Din al-Mu\vakkit. Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 273. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27.295. ]^'?in niBDin. Vellum, ff. 106. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,296. jniDDID on yb)n. n3i>, V2M'X\ D^nDS, NQV, D'bp':} HDD, Hii^n, nji^^n z^ui, n':ivn, nb:^!^, p:op lyiD, and ny^n Paper and vellum, ff. 74. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,297. Abridgment of Isaac ben Moses' PTIT ")'l^*.— D':in2^ D^ni. — Notes on HT'^r^ Nil etc. — D'pDS. Vellum, ff. 153. Large 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,299. ^DD!1 "ITHii, a work relating to contracts, etc., by Hayyim ben Samuel ben David of Tudela. Paper, ff. 154. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,557. Asher ben Yehiel's D^CS) on KOp i^22, «;>^iiO K33, and Minn J^22 (imperfect). Paper, ff. 265. 4°. a.d. 1355. 40 TAL>rUD AND HALAKHAH. Add. 27,558. Maimonides' Commentary on "IPVO "IID (imperfect). Paper, ff. 168. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 43. Commentary on 1^1712 i^22 by Aaron "•vH ben Josef of Barcelona (imperfect). Paper, ff. 260. 4°. Prob. xvth Cent. Or. 44. Commentary on Hli*'! by Menahem Meiri ben Solomon. Paper and vellum, ff. 173. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 45. D^^HTf on Maimonides* nil/l r\yi}D by Meir Kolien (imper- fect). Paper, ff. 126. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 63. Makalat VI., VII. and VIII. of al-3Iurshid, by Samuel KSIIH al-Maghribi. Paper, ff. 244. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 73. Rashi's Commentary on ii);''^t2 i^22. Paper, ff. 138. 4°. A.D. 1190. Or. 851. Abridgment of Solomon ibn Adereth D"';:^')"!''!! on ]'*LD'':i. Paper, ff. 39. 4°. A.D. 1368. Or. 852. Commentary of Abraham ben David (the younger, of Pous- quih-es) on N^p i^22. Paper, ff. 150. 4°. xiiith Cent. Or. 1003. [Commentary on 'Aboth by Isaac ben Solomon ben Israel "ISIDH (composed A.D. 1367). Paper, ff. 131. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1046. jmiiDn "13D of Maimonides in the Hebrew translation of Solomon ben Josef ibn Ayyub mDDH. Vellum, ff. 134. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1057. Asher ben Yehiel's D'pDS) on ]^LD^J and /Tin").n3. Paper, ff. 229. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1068. D'pDB on ^P'O "IID by Isaiah (the elder) of Trani. Vellum, ff 130. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1081. Part of Moses of Coucy's y!2V. Paper and vellum, ff. 336. Sm. folio. A.D. 1390. Or. 1083. Rules on DVOinDT mniJIE) JlVtl^lS.— Various JlV'^.— Jn21U^n of Solomon ben Adereth and Mordekhai ben Solomon, — Letter of Abraham, son of Maimonides, in defence of his father's ■writings. — JTlJpn of Gershon Me'or hag-Golah. — Various excerpts. Paper, ff. 63. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1100-1101. IDIjn b2ti^ or dVbH ISD, an exposition of the com- mandments, arranged under the rubrics of the Decalogue, by Tehudah ben Elijah lladassi (imperfect), Karaite. Paper, ff. 333 and 387. 4°. xvith Cent. TALMUD AND HALAKHAU. 41 Or. 1421. Isaac al-Fasi's JTi^bn on D"Z^^ "IID, with Commentary. Vellum, flf'. 270. Folio. Or. 1486. Books I. and II. of Maimonides' nilD ny^D (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 118. 4°. xvtli Cent. Or. 2217. The HJi^O of D'y^T "11D, with Maimonides' Commentary, and Mukaddimah. Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 228. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2218. Same Commentary on lyiD "ilD. Paper, ff. 97. Sm. folio. A.D. 1652. Or. 2219. Same Commentary on TyiD IID. Paper, ff. 184. 4°. A.D. 1513. Or. 2220. Same Commentary on lyiD IID (imperfect). Paper, ff. 113. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Or. 2221. Same Commentary on 1J?VJ ")1D (largely defective). Paper, ff. 82. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Or, 2222. Part of Maimonides' Commentary on 'Aboth, preceded by the ''eight chapters" (imperfect); Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 83. Sm 4°. xivth and xvith Cent. Or. 2223. Maimonides' Commsntary on D''»^lp "11D ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Piiper, ff. 177. Folio, a,d. 1414. Or, 2224, Same Commentary on D'"^lp ")1D (imperfect) ; a.d. 1490. — Fragment of same author's commentary on miniD "IID, xvth Cent. Paper, ff 255, 4°. Or, 2225. Same Commentary on jmntO "llD (largely defective). Paper, ff, 169, 4°. xvth Cent, Cr. 2226. Same Commentary on DT"IT "IID (defective) ; xivth Cent. Prefixed is a fragment of a Commentary on Maimonides' nmn H^tt'D of the xvth Cent. Paper, ff, 138. 4°. Or. 2357. Book III, of Maimonides' min nr^^O, Paper, ff, 202. • 4°. A.D. 1383. Or. 2391. The Mishnah of D''y)T, with the Commentary of Maimonides (imperfect). Small fragments of the same on ^*yp N3ZI and /ll^inD are appended; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 134. Sm, folio, xvith and xviith Cent, Or. 2392. Same Commentary on D'ii'J "IID ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 211. 4°. xvith Cent. 42 TALMUD AND HALAKHAU. Or. 2393. Same Commentary on ]'^p''U ")1D. A fragment of same commentary on D'^Ii'J TID is prefixed. Paper, ff. 329. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2394. Part of same Commentary on ^''p^J "llD. Paper, ff. 252. 8°. xvith Gent. Or. 2395. mVi'Dn "13D of Maimonides ; Arabic in Hebrew cliaracter. Paper, ff. 168. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2405-2406. Al-MursUd of Samuel ^i3^~l^ al-Maghribi. Karaite ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 316 and 384. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1520 (with supplements by a later hand). Or. 2419. Tl^'?nn Jm"T:ihJ. Paper, ff. 140. Sm. folio, xviith Cent. Or. 2420. Maimonides' Commentary on Q^nilT, mnjl'::, and ybT^ (imperfect) ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 210. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2421. Book X. of Maimonides' r^')^^\ mi^D.- Vellum, ff. 169. 4°. A.D. 1205. Or. 2422. Book XI. of the same work ; a leaf containing the index of Book IX. is appended. Papeif, ff. 88, 4°. a.d. 1353. Or. 2456. The first Book (yirjH 13D) of Maimonides' .1-11/1 "HyDr:), with variant readings and some Persian glosses (Heb. char.) in the margin. Paper, ff. 143. 8°. xvth cent. Or. 2524. Two fragments of a mr.iD 13D, probably by Ya'kiib al- Kirkisani, containing refutations of the Christians, Muhamraadans, and of several individual writers, xivth and xvth Cent. — To these are appended a fragment of the same work of about the xiith Cent., and a small fragment of a similar work of the xivth Cent. All the frao-raents are Karaite and are written in Arabic (Heb. char.). Papei', ff. 100. Sm. 4°. Or. 2525. An abstract of the mi^iD "ISD of Abu Yfisuf Ya'kub al- Kirkisani ; Karaite, Arabic iu Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 110. Sm. 4°. xiiith or xivth Cent. Or. 2526. Portion of the ninth Makalah of the D'W^D "13D of Yefeth ha-Rofe ben Sa'ir,— Twelfth Makalah of Abii Yusuf Ya'kub al- Kirkisanl's r])r^r2 130 (transcript of Or. 2578, ff. 112-160).— Ab- stract of al-Kirkisanl's D^Tdt^ "13D (transcript of Or. 2525, made A.D. 1875). — Duplicate and supplementary leaves belonging to the TALMUD AND UALAKIUH. 4 3 first two pieces. Part of the fifth Makfilah of al-Kiikisani's "13D ri'\r^*2 (transcript from Or. 2579, ff. 1-18, 20-37). xixth Cent. Karaite, Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, fi". 233. 8"^. Or. 2528. AI-'AM'id as-Sitlah, by Israel had Dayyan and Samuel had-Dayyan hara-Ma'arabi.— Sliuriit ad-Dabahah, by Israel had- Dayyan; a.d. 1832.— Duplicate copies of preceding works, of tlie same age. — Fragments of an extensive treatise on ntDTT^i^ ; xvth Cent. — Fragment of same treatise, xivth Cent. — Fragment of another treatise on HLDTIZ^ ; xvilh Cent. Karaite, Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 99. Sm. 4°. Or. 2570. Masd'il wa-Jawd'ib, or /nnv^jm irbt^Z^ by YQsuf al- Basir; Karaite. Arabic. Paper, ff. 35. Sm. 8°. Prob. xiiilh Cent. Or. 2571. A similar work, probably by the same author. Paper, ff. 76. Sm. 8°. xivth Cent. Or. 2573. Arabic treatise on the points of difference and agreement between Abu Ali and Abu's-Sari in the interpretation of the JlllliD. A fragment of the same work ; Karaite. Paper, ff. 61. 8°. xiith Cent. Or. 2574. Comments on the law of uucleanness specified in Lev. xii.- XV., being an exposition of the difference of interpretation between Abii Ali and 'Abu's-Sari. — Comments on Gen. i. and ii. Karaite. Arabic. Paper, ff. 43. Sm. 4°. xith or xiith Cent. Or. 2575. A polemic work on the laws of inheritance, probably directed against Sa'adyah Gaon, and apparently part of the work contained in Or. 2523, if. 1-4G. Karaite. Arabic. Paper, ff. 42. Sm. 4°. Prob. xiiith Cent. Or. 2576. Kitdb ul-Istibsdr fVl FaraHd, a fragment treating on the laws of inheritance, a.d. 1018. — A fragment treating on the laws of uncleanness ; same age. — Comments on Gen. i. 14-19; A.u. 1027; Karaite, Arabic. Paper, ff. 08. Sm. 4°. Or. 2577. Makfdat V. and VI. of a n^lJD "IDD, treating on mnj? and the laws of inheritance ; also a small fragment of another Makfdah on the laws of food; Karaite, Arabic. Paper, ff. 167. 8°. a.d. 1024. Or. 2578. Portions of Makalat XI. and Xll. of the PCsri^ "ISD of Abii Ytisuf Ya'kub al-Kirkisani ; Karaite, Arabic. Paper, ff. 108. Sm. 4°. xii-xiiith Cent. 44 TALMUD AND HALAKHAH. Or. 2579. Portions of IMakahit V. and VI. of the same work. Paper, & 84. 4°. Prob. xith Cent. Or. 2580. Eight fragments of works similar to the preceding. Paper ff. 51. 4°. xii-xivth Cent. Or. 2591. lID'^nn miJi^, in alphabetical order. Paper, ff. 271. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Or. 2673. Book V. of Maimonides' r]1)n nyi)D (imperfect). Paper, ff. 178-225. A.D. 1663. Or. 2705. D^pD3 of E. Jacob ben K. Moses of Bagnols. Paper, ff. 215. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or.^ 2745. Commentary on Books I.-V. of Maimonides' miJl r\2U}D, in questions and answers (imperfect); Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 120. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2822-2824. Part of >d?U!^')'' ll^bjH, comprising D^;?~IT "IID and D vpt^ 'Di2, with a Commentary by E. Solomon ben E. Josef Syrillo. Paper, ff. 371, 368, and 180. Sm. folio and Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2855. ']1i''nrT 13D, a treatise on the 613 Precepts, attributed to R. Aaron ^Vh of Barcelona. Vellum, ff. 257. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2859-60. bn:in ynr -)1K, Halakh5th of E. Isaac ben Moses of Vienna. Vellum, ff. 291 and 216. Large folio. Prob. xivth Cent. Or. 2891. Eashi's Commentary on ]^tMp. Paper and vellum, ff. 130, Sm. 4°. A.D. 1385. Or. 3613. WpD'S of Isaiah (the younger) of Trani on mDl\ mnijID, r^o^j, vtMp, ntoiD, Dmj, jiiD-^a, vb^n, nii n'T^, vb^n, nn?a, and nmJl IDD. Vellum, ff. 317. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 3657. Exposition on the Talmudic tracts O^'MH and ini— Levi ben Gershon's exposition of the DMD mi^l? ^b^i). — TlD'^nrf i^^2D by Yehiidah Khalas. Paper, ff. 44. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Or. 4103. Books I. and II. of Maimonides' miJl H^X^Q (imperfect). Paper, ff. 155. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 4116. W'n l^pr2 IDD, on rules of n^D^n'i^, by Yahya ben Ya'kub Salih. Paper, ff. 44. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1845. Or. 4048> Fragment of the Commentary of Maimonides on the HJ'^D, in the original Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 17-34. Sm. folio. Or. 4597. '7"'"-|n^:n 13D, i.e. the ritual Avork compiled by E. Jacob Levi Molin. Paper, ff. 193. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1510, T.lTUnGIES. 45 IV.— LITURGIES. Harley 5530. "lltPlQ for the day of Atonement ; African rite (im- perfect). Vellum, fF. 268. Sm. 4°. xiiith Cent. Harley 5583. IlinD for certain Sabbaths, Easter, Pentecost, etc. It includes the Haftdruth for Easter and Pentecost (with Targum), and the Song of Songs, Ruth, and Lamentations-, Greek rite. Vellum, fF. 313. 4°. xivth Cent. Harley 5682. "nTHD for the New Tear and the day of Atonement ; Roman rite. Vellum, ff. 140. Large 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 5686. TlTriD for the whole year ; Roman rite. It embraces the jive Megilloth ; 'Ahdth with Maimonides' Commentary and his " eight chapters," in Samuel ibn Tibbon's translation ; and a large collection of miscellaneous works (including the "inDIl 13D, ny^ KIT) and m2l':'n mirr) are written in the margin. a.v>. 1466. — D'JIinJI, A.D. 1427. — The Psalms, xvth Cent. — niPf'^D, Roman rite, xvth Cent. Vellum, ff. 449. 4°. Harley 5701. llTrTD for the Xew Year, the day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles (imperfect) ; German rite. Vellum, ff. 309. Large 4°. xiiith Cent. Harley 5713. Various prayers, also book of Tobias, Megillath Antiochus, and r\\:i>n':i n^:hT^. Vellum, tf. 21. FoHo. ^.d. 1714. Harley 5714. JTn:iV for certain Sabbaths, Easter, and Pentecost; German rite. Vellum, ff. 195. Folio, xivth Cent. Harley 5794. "S^W^^ for the New Year; chiefly German rite. Paper, ff. 75. 4°. A.D. 1814. Harley 7618. "nTHD for the New-Year and the day of Atonement (imperfect) •, German rite. Vellum, ff. 106. Largo folio, xiiith Cent. Reg. 16, A. I. -nn^n ")^i:>.— nDi;?^n "IID of Elijah bcnMcnahem.— D'plDS n'J?.— n"l''i:^ V~'3-~"P'^ "'S^j ^^^ ethical work by R. Isaac ben Eliezer. — Various Prayers. — Solomon ibn Gabirol's P^J7^ ~\r\'2. — Prayers, passages from the Pentateuch and Psalms, — Table of weekly JIVZ^IS in leap year.— rr^V^^^m j-niJ«irT. ub^V l"nJ^.- etc. Vellum, ff. 288. 32°. xivth Cent. 4G LITURGIES. Sloane 3173. ni^n, with the Commentary of Isaac Abrabanel, and also an anonymous Kabbalistic Commentary ; illuminations. Vellum flf. 41. Sm. folio. A.D. 1740. Add. 8881. Jiy^ ''Jlpn, Sabbath Praj-ers with the weekly pericopes ; German rite. Vellum, ff. 1G9. 12°. xviiith Cent. Add. 10,456. mTiV for certain Sabbaths and D-lDVE) for the Passover ; Germanrite. Vellum, ff. 172. Large 4°. a. d. 1349. Add. 11,4S3. nnii; ''^PA Sabbath Prayers; Germanrite. Velliim, ff. 47. 12°. A.D, 1715. Add. 11,830. "nrna for the New Year ; German rite. Vellum, ff. 179. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 14,761. r\~\T\, with a collection of D'':0V3 at the en.l. Kich illuminations. Vellum, ff. 161. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 14,762. ni:in. Vellum, ff. 49. Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 16,577. "TITHD; Roman rite. It includes 'Abjth, with the "eight chapters" and Commentary of Maimonides in the Hebrew translation of Samuel ibn Tibbon ; also Eashi's Commentary on the "T'i^D ""Q^l p")3. Rich illuminations. Vellum, ff. 287. Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 16,916. *T)Tn;!3 for the N'cw Year and day of Atonement ; German rite (irmpevlect) . Vellum, ff. 142. Folio, xivth Cent. Add. 17^055. "nirT/^ for the New Year and day of Atonement ; German rite (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 188. Large 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 17,058. "nrCQ ; Roman rite, including 'Ahuth. Vellum, ff. 264. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Add. 17,867. lirnQ; German rite, including 'Ahoth. Vellum, ff. 198. Folio. A.D. 1720. Add. 18,229. "nmi:: ; iiJo«?«?j nVe, including AUtli. Vellum, ff. 315. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 18,230. ")1inro ; Roman rite, including AhGth. Vellum, ff. 252. 12°. xvth Cent. Add, 18,690. mbsn IID, Prayer-book acccording to the Spanish rite, beginning with Solomon ibn Gabirol's TloStD "MID, and including 'Ahfjth. Tables of the Calendar, and fragments from Maimonides' works are appended, and the Psalms are written in the margin. A\-llum, ff. 276. 12°, xivth Cent. LITL'RGIES, 47 Add. 18,691. D^b^n IID ; lialian rite, including lihdlh. Vellum, IF. 278. Sm. S\ xvth Coat. Add. 18,692. mbSjl ~11D ; Ilalian rite. Vellum, ff. 287. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1478. Add. 18,693. Psalms for various occasions.— pT?2n niDin.— D':0V3 for Sabbath-meals. Vellum, ff*. 1-49. 12°. a. d. 1478. Add. 18,695. "ntniO in a German translation (Ileb. cliar.). Paper, ff. 173. Sm. folio, a.d. 1504. Add. 18,724. ninn, Avith the Commentary of Isaac Abrabanel, and an anonymous Kabbalistic Commentary ; illuminations. Vellum, ff. 55. 4°. AA\ 1740. Add. 18,832. D^nn>*D, etc.— Jnin^'PD ; Rite of Worms. Paper, ff. 34. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 18,967. ■nTn,'^ for certain S:ibb:iths, Passover, and Pentecost ; German rite. The Song of Songs (imperfect) and Ruth are included. Vellum, ff. 135. Folio, xivth Cent. Add. 18,988. TlTna for the New Year, the day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles ; German rite. Ecclesiastes is included. Vellum, ff. 261. Large 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 19 064. "TlTni!2 ; Italian rite, beginning with Solomon ibn Gabirol's Jio'?!^ ")J1D, ■ and including Esther, Ruth, Lamentation?', and Ecdedastes, with a collection of JllDTTT (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 231. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Add. 19,663. D'':0V3 for the four special Sabbaths ; Rite of Car- pentras. Paper, ff. 50. Folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 19,664. Fragments of Prayers, including D''2''nj^D and a Provencal translation of two Evening Prayers for the New Year (Heb. char.) ; defective. Vellum, ff. 107. 4°. Calendar begins with A.D. 1291. Add. 19,666. "y^n^; Roman rite, including JIJJ//?. Vellum, ff. 281. 12°. xvth Cent. Add. 19,667. lyb^n ")1D; rite of Avignon. The Psalms and Moth in the upper and lower margins. Vellum, fF. 285. 12°. xvth Cent. Add. 19,780. n^l^iV ; rite of Algiers. Paper, ff. 189. 4°. xvith Cent. 48 LITURGIES. Add. 19,781. "IITHlD for the New Year and day of Atonement ; rite of Algiers. Paper, ff. 210. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 19,782. n^whu ; African rite. Paper, fF. 75. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 19,787. Solomon ibn Gabirol's DliriTi^, with the Commentary of Isaac ben Todros, preceded by another Commentary, and followed by some notes. Paper, ff. 1-105. Sm. 4°. Add. 19,789. Din^bv ; African rite. Paper, ff. 160. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 19,914-19,945. "nTHD ; lioinan rite, including 'Aboth, with the " eight chapters " and Commentary of Maimonides in the Hebrew translation of Samuel ibn Tibbon. Vellum, ff. 197 and 177. Folio. A.D. 1441. Add. 20,747. D'^'JVS, including some by Ibn Ezra and Yehudah hal- Levi (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 39. 12^. xivth Cent. Add. 22,094. D''iOV3 and epitaphs (with Commentary), by Mordekhai Dato. Paper, ff. 70. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 22,413. "T)Tni2 for Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles ; German rite, including Ruth and EccJesiastes, with Josef Kara's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 167. Folio, xivth Cent. Add. 26^883. Prayers and Psalms, some of the Prayers being ascribed to the prophet Elijah, Jehudah T'DnH, and Rabbenii Tam. Small vellum roll, xvth Cent. Add. 23,896-26,897. Iltna; German rite, including the Song of Songs, Ruth, and Lamentations. Vellum, ff. 404 and 380. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,954. "IIID, including D'2n;^Q, m^y'^irr, etc. ; German rite (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 249. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,955. Second part of a llTriD, Roman rite. Vellum, ff. 263. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,957. miD ; i2o?«a« n7e (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 113. 12°. A.D. 1269. Add. 28,967. r\T\'''!2'\ WVX compiled by Moses ben Michael hak-Kohen. Paper, ff. 187. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,968. "niD ; Roman rite, including Aboth. Illuminations. Vclhim, ff. 343. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1383. LITURGIES. 49 Add. 26,971. "IHD; Roman nVe (imperfect). Vullum, ff. 181. 12°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,978. "niD of R 'Amram Gaon. Paper, ff. 74. 4°. xviiith Cent. ; copied from a MS. dated a.d. 1426, which is now in the Bodleian Libraiy (Xo. 1095). Add. 26,986. "ntriQ for the New Year, day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles; GerwawnVe (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 222. 4"". xivth Cent. Add. 26,998. Second part of a "nrilQ ; lioman rite. Vellum, ff. 159. 4°. A.D. 1297. Add. 27,029. 1MD ; Ro}nan rite. Vellum, ff. 182. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1501-2. Add. 27,070. Parti, of a "TlTniD ; Soman rite, including MZ^J^//, with the " eight chapters " and Commentary of Maimonides, in Samuel ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation. It also contains the five Megilluth with Ibn Ezra's Commentary. Vellum, ff. 299. Large 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,071. Part I. of a Itni^S ; German rite, in German (Ileb. char.). It includes the five Megilluth in German. Vellum, ff. 309. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1482. Add. 27,072. IIID ; Roman rite, including Moth. Vellum, ff. 309, Sm. 4°. A.D. 1482. Add. 27,086. inD; (?erma;2 n7e, including !45y^^ (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 264. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,096. :2~iy p;^, hymns (with a Commentary) by Mordekhai Dato. Paper, ff. 58. 4°. Latter half of xvith Cent. (Cf. Add. 22,094.) Add. 27,126. Prai/er-hooJc ; S2}anish rite, Avith D'Z5V9 by David ben Bakada, Solomon ben Gabirol, Yehiidah hal-Levi, etc. (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 299. 16°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,156. Directions for the blowing of the 1BV2} on the New Year's feast, with passages for that and other occasions. Paper, ff. 17. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,184. Prayers recited in the cemetery of Padua. Paper, ff. 35. Folio. A.D. 181G. Add. 27,188. "iBVr nTpn niD.— Paper, ff 10. 4°. About a.d. 1749. E 60 LITURGIES. Add. 27,192. nH^n tiki IID, and l^W D^'pT) IIV, by Joshua Segre. Papier, ft'. 36. Large 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,195. ]l-|2"l bbDD DIB, a liturgical treatise on the Haftfiroth, by Moses Romaniii. Paper, fF. 88. Large 4°. a.d. 1777. Add. 27,200-1. ntOn "nTHD. originally compiled by R. Simhah, a pupil of Rashi. Vol. ii. also contains Dl^h^ ''pIS) with a Commen- tary (slightly imperfect). Vellum, fF. 182 and 268. Folio, xiii- xivth Cent. Add. 27,205, DIH^Vd ; German rite (imperfect). Vellum, fF. 185. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1179. Fol. 185 contains Jeremiah 1. 37 — li. 24. Folia 179 and 180 are palimpsest, the underlying text being that of a Latin MS. of the xth Century. Add. 27,208. Pra)jer-hooJc ; German rite, including !AhutJi, with a marginal Commentary on that tract, and on many other portions. Vellum, fF. 229. 16°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,210. rn:irT, accompanied by minm of Zerahya >lSl, and various liturgical pieces. Illuminations. Vellum, fF. 101. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,556. mbSD, including 'Ahotli, with the Commentary of Elazar ben Yehiidah of Worms (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 188. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 42. "ntrii'^i for the New Year, the day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles; German rite (imperfect). Vellum, fF. 163. Folio, xivth Cent. Or. 74. TlinJD ; Roman rite, translated into an Italian dialect (Heb. char.). Vellum, ff. 170. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1024. ITsHui ; rite of Fez. Paper, ff. 188. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1067. "niD of R. Amram Gaon. AhOth is included. Vellum, ff. 358. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1103. Services of the day of Atonement, with directions in Aralic (Heb. char.). — Fragment of a collection of JIlJ^p. — Three fragments of collections of poems. Karaite. Paper, fF. 185. 4°. Various hands of the xvth Cent., etc. Or. 1104. Services of the Feast of Tabernacles. Paper, ff. 266. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1525. Or. 1404. m:in; with illuminations. Vellum, ft", 50. 4°. xivth Cent. LITURGIES. 61 Or. 1424. nVi^*13, milOBn, miHTN, etc., for the Passover (imper- fect). Vellum, 11'. 30. 4^. xivth Cent. Or. 1427. mn'':'D ; Karaite. Paper, If. 22. Sm. 4°. xixtli Cent. Or. 1479. Prayer-hook ; Yemenite rite, Hehrein and Arabic (Ileb. char.). yiZ^o^/i and Fti/«a arc included. Paper, ff, 158. 4°. a. d. 1074. Or. 1480. Same as above. Paper, fF. 153. Sm. folio, xviitli Cent. Or. 2088. •y\\n^2 ; Italian rite. Vellum, fi'. 180. 4°. xvtli Cent. Or. 2227. rrayer-hook ; Yeme7iite rite, in Hebrew, with comments and directions in Arabic (Heb. char.). AbOth is included. Appended are Lamentations and Esther -with Arabic translation (Heb. char.), and Ps. cxxxvii., with the simple superlinear punctuation. Paper, tf. 249. 4^. A.D. 1540. Or. 2389. Prayer-hool- ; Yemenite rite, in Hebrew (partly provided with the simple superlinear punctuation) and Arabic (Heb. char.). !dbuth and Y'mia are included. Paper, ff. 213. Sm. folio, xviitli Cent. Or. 2390. Prayer-book ; Yemenite rite, with the simple superlinear punctuation. AbOtli and Yuma are included. Paper, ff. 124. Sm. folio. A.D. 1643. Or. 2417. Prayer-book ; Yemenite rite, for the most part simple super- linear punctuation. HbOih and several Biblical books (Lamentations, Job, Psalms, and Proverbs) are included. Paper, ff. 155. Sm. folio. A.D. 1650. Or. 2418. Prayer-book ; Yemenite rite, Avith simple superlinear punctuation. M/^rj//^ is included. Paper, ff. 111. Sm. folio, xviiith Cent. Or. 2443. llTni^ ; Roman rite, translated into an Italian dialect (Heb. char.). Vellum, ff. 149. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1383. Or. 2520. First part of a Karaite Prayer-book, containing the Prayers for the week-days, the Sabl)ath, ipiI^H b^^^, rr\'lV 'y^r^V, HH^t rrnn, several fast days, DHID, and ^in f^"). The directions for the use of the Prayers are in Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 358. 4°. xviith Cent. Or. 2531. A Karaite Prayer-book, containing an introduction on prayer, a list of Psalms and Haftaroth, and the Prayers for the week-days, the Sabbath, the New Moon, etc. To it is appended a fragment of another Prayer-book of the xviith Cent. The directions are in Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 223. 4°. a.d. 1700. E 2 62 LITURGIES. Or. 2532. Part of a Karaite Prayer-book, including the Prayers for the dead, and the day of Atonement. The directions are in Arabic (Heb. char,). Paper, if. 213. 4°. xvith and xviitli Cent. Or. 2533. A collection of Karaite D^DVB, by various authors. Paper, fF. 351. Sm. 8°. xviith Cent. (It contains some later supplements.) Or. 2534. Another collection of D'L3V3. Paper, ff. 143. Sm. 8°. xviith and xviiith Cent. Or. 2535. A collection of hymns by various authors ; Hebrew and ^m5/c (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 127. Sm. 4°. Partly a.d. 1744. Or. 2536. An introduction to the Karaite ritual, including treatises on the accents, and a Hebrew grammar, a.d. 1G84 and 1694. To it are appended a few fragments of hymn-books, one of which is dated A.B. 1809. The MS. is written in Htbrew and Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 126. 4°. Or. 2537. mn IJID Pt^^JlS, treatise on the Karaite ritual, by Caleb Afendopolo ben Elijah ben Yehudah. Modern transcript (a.d. 1869) made in Cairo from the author's autograph copy, which was finished A.D. 1497. Paper, ff. 118. 8°. Or. 2539. Two fragments of a Choral Service-book ; Hebrew in Arabic character, the instructions for the precentor being in Arabic. The second fragment consists mainly of a liturgical selection from Job (beginning with ch. xxvi. 8), followed by several other portions of Scripture. Paper, ff. 1-55. Sm. 4°. xiith and xivth Cent. Or. 2564. Latter part of a treatise on Prayer, by Abu Said Levi al- Basri, copied from his autograph MS., a.d. 1045. — Fragment of another treatise on Prayer, xith Cent. ; Arabic. Paper, ff. 11-24. Sm. 4°. Or. 2587. Fragment of a "TlTIlD, including two hymns by Ibn Ezra. Vellum, ff. 60. Sm. 4°. Prob. xivth Cent. Or. 2673. Prayer-book ; Yemenite rite : Hebrew, partly provided with the simple superlinear punctuation, with comments and direc- tions in Arabic (Heb. char.). 'Abdth and Yuma are included. Paper, ff 1-71 and 83-177. Sm. "folio, a.d. 1663. Or. 2733. "nrnQ for the New Year ; Italiati rite. Vellum, ff. 90. 4°. xiiith or xivth Cent. Or. 2734. "IVPID for the New Year and day of Atonement ; Italian rite. Vellum, ff. 165. 4°. Prob. xivth Cent. KAIiBALAfl. 53 Or. 2735. D^TI^Q and Jlli^'^in; also 'AbOtJi, with a commentary. Vellum, ff. 185. 8°. xivth Cent. Or. 2736. inD ; Italian rite, including 'AbOlh. The Psalms, Pro- verbs, Job, the five MegiUuth, and the Haftdrdth are written in the margin. Vellum, ff'. 479. 12°. a.d. 1390. Or. 2737. TT\T\, with illuminations. Vellum, ff". 93. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2772. "ntn^3 ; German rite, including 'Abuth. Vellum, ff". 310. Sm. 4°. Calendar begins a.d. 132G. Or. 2884. niJin» with 'illuminations. Vellum, ff. 64. 4P. xivth Cent. Or. 4113. Jim^^N 'b'hb rm'hD. Paper, ff". 17. xviith Cent. v.— KABBALAH. Hariey 1204. j^ii^jin 13D, and ^nj< nniaNi nvn^i^ -i3d.— Commentary on nT2i^ ")3D, attributed to Sa'adyah Gaon. — Revelation of Josef ben Uzziel. — A Prayer, with Commentary. — Commentary on daily Prayers. — y\'\^ D'Z^ "IDD, ascribed to R. Abraham of Cologne. — Ex- positions on the Tetragrammaton by Josef Gikatilia. — Expositions on the use of certain letters. — 7^^^7^^ /IDIi^D. There are many Latin notes in the volume. Paper, ff". 204. 4°. Written before a.d. 1541. Hariey 5515. n^<^'?3n -|3D. Paper, ff". 420. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1415. Hariey 5532. Various extracts from Ibn Ezra, the Zohar, etc. — D''J^3^ "inrn D''^<'731 Paper, ff". 29. Sm. 4°. xvih and xvith Cent. Hariey 5745. Extracts from the Bible, and from kabbalistic and astro- logical works. Hebrew and Latin. Vellum, ff". 70. 8°. xviith Cent. (Christian hand.) Keg. 16. A. X. rrTitk n^li^ of Josef Gikatilia.— TlSDn DV IID, etc.— rwrht^ jiDiya.— nt^D rr^tn (imperfect), m^ii^ i3d, with two 54 KABRALAH. Commentaries, — Expositions on tlie Tetragrammaton, etc. — "W^ Dnin (Expos, of Ps. xix.) of E. Todros. Exposition of JlU'ilJ 2"^. —Two J-nmi:^n. Paper, ff. 120. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Reg. 16. A. xiv. imt ^:npn.— nnn nriD (part of the Zobar). Paper, ff. 224. Sm. folio, xvith Cent. Add. 11,416. n:iJ^ r)^:> of R. Josef Gikatilia, with autograph notes by- John Reuchlin. Paper, ff. 206. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Add. 15,299. Expositions on Hl^ii^ 1S3D.— Text of the same.— Book of Enoch. — Commentary on the Song of Songs, usually ascribed to Nahmanides. — Symbolic meanings of letters — I'^Tl "1E)D, ]Vpn ")3D of Rab Hammai, niD D^ '^^\2, etc. Vellum, ff. 153. Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 16,407. pl^ nyi:^ of Josef Gikatilia.— "I\inn ")3D, ascribed to R. Kehunyah njpH ]!.— m~l I^^llitD.- Commentary on the daily Prayers. — Jlll^Qn "^DV^ of Menahem Rekanati. — Commentary on Prayers at meals. — Hi^J l^^'^ of Josef ben Abraham ben Wakkar. Vellum, fF. 135. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 17,745. "imTH IBD on Genesis. Vellum, ff. 183. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Add. 17,807. ^■TI^< ''l^^t of Josef Gikatilia (imperfect).— pl^i ^^Vt, i.e. ^npn mJlhJ of Nahmanides. — Various kabbalistic tracts, in- cluding answers of the Gaonim relating to the Kabbalah. Vellum, ff. 45. 8°. A.D. 1G78. Add. 18,228. D^^^pnr^ 1^D by Menahem 'Azaryah of Eano. Paper, ff. 12. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 19,788. Dn/ID n'^JQ ")SD, falsely ascribed to Maimonides.— ]V)?r] "IDDj ascribed to Rab Hammai Gaon. Fourth part of Hayyim Vital's ni^^np ny^^.— Extracts from J-nD':';::n ISD of a certain R. David. — Abridgment of the U^lTl imt of Moses Cordovero. Paper, ff. 64. Sm. 4°. xvith and xviith Cent. Add. 26,904. D^'7i:i':':jn -IDD.— Dmn^n "ISD.— Extracts from r)1^^^ ]n^, etc. Paper, ff. 223. 4"^. xviith Cent. Add. 26,919. mn':'i^n D^I);^ by Peres Gerondi, with an anonymous Commentary. Paper, ff. 14. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1549. Add. 26,920. pQ-in ISD, by Moses ben Shemtob of Leon. Paper, ff. 113. Sm. folio. A.D. 15G5. Add. 26,922. p'I}r\ "IDD, an anonymous kabbalistic work. Paper, ff. 1-98. 4°. A.I). 1531. KABBALAH. 55 Add. 26,927. T^nrr T^"1, by Moses Zakkuth. Paper, fF. 142. 4° xviith Cent. Add. 26,928. "T^"' Qli^ ")3D of Isaac Loiia, with marginal notes from other Kabbalists. Paper, If. 210. 4°. a.d. 1740. Add. 26,929. PT1T ~n^^ of David ben Jehudah Shcmtob, or Moses ben Sliemtob of Leon. — Extracts, including one from a treatise of Shem- tob ben Shemtob. — NIl-NH "IDD and other excerpts from the Zohar. Commentary on n"l''i»^ 13D (imperfect). Paper, ff. 216. Sm. folio, xvith Cent. Add. 26,930. "^^bn /in2 of Solomon ben Moses ben Solomon hal-Levi al-Kabis. — nmjDn /in2 of Abraham ben Isaac of Granada. Letter of Yehiidah Katzenellenbogen to Menahem Porto. Extracts from Solomon Molko. Paper, fF. 144. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1581. Add. 26,931. p*:ip Uli^ ^'^l^lll, etc., by Hajyim Vital. Paper, ff. 139. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,932. Isaac Loria's li:;^ Dli^, Db)ir\ ^p~l3 "11"^, IVli ^m m.'D^iprT, and ^21 ^^")T^* '^D. Paper, ff. 167. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,934. Jn^^^n TV ni:inn '^3.— a small kabbalistic fragment on divine names.— nvmsn '^32 "1^^^.— "I^Hin "I3D— Kabbalistic exposition of the prayer of D^in^i^, followed by a separate exposition of the m:)")2 r\T2!V nj?32/.— Kabbalistic epistle by E. Isaac bm Samuel ben Hayyim m3Dr7. — TTJnQn J^")J1^J of Elijah Hayyim ben Benjamin of Genozzano. — Fragment of the K~1^D ]2b K/T'^ NS'^h^, followed by a kabbalistic note, headed i^TV ]2 13D2 KliQJ HT-— D^QlJ^n "13D, attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra. Paper, ff. 161. 12°. a.d. 1531. Add. 26,937. D'!2Z^71 p DH':' "13D, by a disciple of Isaac Loria. Paper, ff. 41. 12^ xvith Cent. Add. 26,941. Commentary on SIDIT S■)■^^^< and N'JlU^^ili"! ^i^^D (parts of the Zohar), by Isaac Loria. Paper, ff. 96. 4°. xvii- xviiith Cent. Add. 26,944. Same Comments on Kmp'J^il K~)3D. Paper, ff. 22. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,946. Commentary on Prayers for the New Year. Paper, ff. 27. 4 ° xviith Cent. Add. 26,947. Dm^hi':' "IDPI, by Abraham Azulai ben Mordekhai; im- perfect at the beginning. Paper, ff. 98. Sm. folio, xviith Cent. 56 KABBALAH. Add. 26,949. ni^'b^n 13D. Paper, ff. 310. 4°. a.d. 1581. Add, 26,953. Isaac Loria's Commentary on ^in^;r^J:i^ i^IDD, fol- lowed by Dli^n r\r2t2 t^m of the same author. Paper, ff. 78. 12°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,958. ]D3 m■T)^JD, Commentary (part I.) on Isaac Loria's m:mD by Nathan Spiro ben Reuben. Paper, fF. 346. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,969. n:iV ^3:D of Menahem 'Azarlah of Fano. Paper, ff. 94. 12°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,972. n^irr ^'m'^ of Abraham Azulai ben Mordekhai. Paper, ff. 138. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1799. Add. 26,979. Isaac Loria's D^"?!:!^:!:! ")5D.— D^'^IJl^JH ^T^^^ of Mena- hem 'Azaryah of Fauo, and other kabbalistic tracts. Paper, ff. 174. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,980. Isaac Loria's U^t)')! on the nV^IS, etc. Paper, ff. 203. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,985. The same works as in Add. 26,979. Paper, ff. 211. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,993. Isaac Loria's TMDDnn r^^bnr^n ")E)D.— 'H r\')i^2)i IDK^ and other kabbalistic tracts of Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano. Paper, ff. 137. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,994. Dmsn IVt by Hayyim Vital. Paper, ff. 24. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,995. Short homilies, arranged alphabetically. Paper, ff. 123. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,996. Kabbalistic Comments on various DV^IB, % David Medina, of Aleppo. Paper, ff. 47. 4°. a.d. 1729. Add. 26,997. PD^: HDIl b')p, Commentary on the J^m iiT\>i^, by Jacob Scmah ben Hayyim. — DO^DH ''^TTT, by the same author and his disciple Gedalyah hal-Levi. Paper, ff. 156. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 26,999. IDJ jmJl, Nathan Spiro ben Reuben's Commentary on the Zohar. Paper, ff. 318. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,000. TElDn J1J17, Commentary on Genesis and Leviticus, in Aramaizc'd Heljrew. Paper, ff. 430. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,002. i:)t2'D ]y, Commentary on some /1Vi:^~l3.— "nn\~T 1SD, with Commentary (imperfect). Paper, ff. 180. 4°. xvith Cent. KABBALAH. 57 Add. 27,003. D^IOIp"? from the IHT, IHTn ^Jpn, n^lQJin -)3D, etc., in the form of a continuous mystic Commentary on the Pentateuch. Paper, ff. 214. 4°. a.d. 1546. Add. 27,006. ]V3ip DIJ^ ll^TTT, etc., by Hayyim Vital, with marginal notes by Moses Zakkuth and others. Paper, fF. 240. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,009. Jn'^DnH '^3.— mi ^lir^ from Z6har (imperfect). Paper and vellum, ff. 106. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,010. Isaac Loria's D^I^Ip'^rT ")3D (imperfect).— Israel Saruk's Commentary on Isaac Loria's Sabbath hymns. Paper, ff. 244. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,013. Moses Cordovero's rT'y^u)'? nVsn. — Commentary on the New Year's Prayers, by the same. Paper, ff. 281. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,014. m'73nn '^3 by Josef ibn Sheraga. — miliQ ^DV'^ minrr, by Menahem Eekanati (a.b. 1548).— 'n H^^IQ m'73n "ni^Q, by Josef ibn SheragJi. Paper, ff. 219. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,015. Isaac Loria's m'?3nn JIIJIO. Paper, ff. 50. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,019. Commentary on Moses Cordovero's D''J1?31 0113, by Aaron Berekhyah of Modena. — Notes on D''J'1D1 V^Vy, by the same author. — "imtn mnJ13?D, by the same. Paper, ff'. 140. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,020. V::>n^n on 2pT Vy, by Nathan Spiro ben Reuben, with extracts from his ]D2 Jimn, and other kabbalistic writers. Paper, ff. 117. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,021. Dl^< nn'^in, I'Vn ^<2p^J "'l^^m, and other kabbalis- tic treatises of Hayyim Vital. Paper, ff. 101. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,022. Isaac Loria's mJIIDH "13D ; also same author's Sabbath hymns, with a Commentary. Paper, ff. 232. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,026. Part of Moses Cordovero's "Ip^ -flK. Paper, ff. 212. 4°. a.d. 15'J3, Add. 27,027. Another part of the same work. Paper, ff. 248. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,028. Commentary on ^m "IHIT ^JIpD, by Moses Cordovero. — Exposition of various passages in the same work. — Exposition of the ten /n")''3D, and the ten corresponding names of God. Paper, ff. 322. 4°. xviith Cent. 58 KABBALAH. Add. 27,030. D'i^m and D^IOlp'?, by Moses Cordovero and other authors. Paper, ff. 304. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,035. Treatises on Jn'l':'^:i^<^T d'?!^ and Hh^nnn 0^1;^. — 1SD ^^a^ Dbvjn ^'n, by Abraham AbCi'1-Afia.— nilirn ^JIpD, by Abraham hal-Levi, discii^le of Moses Cordovero. — Some kabbalistic extracts. Paper, ff. 104. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,036. Anonymous U'tMl. Paper, ff. 87. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,041. Part of Moses Cordovero's 1p> IM^. Paper, ff. 241. 4°. A.D. 1584. Add. 27,042. Another part of the same work. Paper, ff. 219. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,043. ]t}l\) DH^D ]r2t, by Aaron Berekhyah of Modena. Paper, if. 211. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,044. U}lpr\ bpt, by Moses ben Shemtob of Leon. Paper, flf. 97. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,045. bl^tDH ")S)D or narjlin ^3^n nSD, by Moses ben Shemtob of Leon. Paper, ff. 1-43. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,050. jnti^ll of Mordekhai Date ; Italian in Hebr. character. Paper, ff. 206. 4°. xvith Cent. (Author's autograph.) Add. 27,052. D'^ni of Isaac Loria.— n"J^n miVin "IBD.— 130 m'^-njin, ascribed to Ahitofei ''ji'^Mrr.— /m^n:L^n /T.:Dn.— >:imD >-)"^n.-Hayyim Vital's JmiDn NIDH ''t^ni.— Dn^Z0"l3T D^'7i:i'7:irT, referring to another larger work on the same subject. Paper, ff. 281. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,054-27,057. ^Jlhi ^Ip^, Commentary on the Z6har, by Josef Hamis and Moses Zakhuth. Paper, ff. 1G8, 215, 271, and 212. Large 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,058-27,067. Parts of Moses Cordovero's np^ '^^^^. Paper, flf. 222, 240, 284, 242, 358, 156, 270, 269, 277, 113. Folio and 4°. A.D. 1581, 1587, etc. Add. 27,073. Isaac Loria's JniJUIDH ISD.— ISTotes on this work, by Meir Popcrs. Paper, ff. 197. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,074. mi:>"n of Nathan Spiro ben Reuben. Paper, ff. 305. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. KARliALAn. 59 Add. 27,076. Mcnahcm Rekanfiti'.'S Jlll^i^n ^OriO.— Commentary on ]'\^Dn nD")2,by the same.— niO Dt "I/ID, by Abraham of Cologne, — Questions and answers regarding the ten m")"'3D by 'Azriel. Paper, ff. 68. 4°. xvith Cent. Aid. 27,077. □"•TT /ITl^i'lJ^, by Isaac Loria, with the marginal notes of Moses Zakkuth and Benjamin ]nD. Paper, ff. 181. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,078. tipn Dl)2}^. a.d. 1567.— Three epistles of 'Obadyfih of Eartinoro.— VS^^< t|'7i^.— /IlllDn n~^M^ of Elijah ben Hayyim IMariciano. — m'lDpm n'^IUH n;?n^n '^3, by Reuben Sarfathi. — '7in\1 "13D. — Kabbalistic extracts. — Explanation of some words in Hammai Gaon's IT^H "ISD. Exposition of names and forms of vowel-points and accents. — On the Tetragrammaton, 'Azazel, etc. ; on feast of Atonement, etc., by ISTathan ben Abigdor. — Prayer of Yehiidah ben Josef Muscato, etc. Paper, ff. 308. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,079. Xathan Spiro ben Reuben's miSIBlDI D^I^^nn.— n^D^^ 7^jm byi^n y2 n^y\ and other tracts, by Moses Hayyim Luzzatto.— Jm':''::^,! ITD of Samson Baki. Paper, ff. 42. 4°. About A.u. 1734, etc. (Apparently Luzzatto's autograph.) Add. 27,090. Commentary on parts of the D'JIpn on the Zohar, by Samuel Portaleone. — D'^H^H /lJp/1 1'2D, by the some (imperfect). Paper, ff, 160. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1623. (Apparently author's autograph,) Add, 27,091. D^JIQI D^DP. Samuel Gallio's Compendium of Moses Cordovero's D'JIQI DIIS. Paper, ff. 96. 4°. a.d. 1588. Add. 27,093. 2p);'b 1J"I, by Jacob Semah ben Hayyim. Paper, ff. 120. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,097. ^DlID l^i^Q, kabbalistic Commentary on Esther, by Mordekhai Dato. Paper, ff. 35. 4°. xvith Cent. (Author's autograph.) Add. 27,099. ypin imt, Commentary on passages from the Zohar, by Isaac Loria and Hayyim Vital ; edited by Jacob Semah. Paper, ff. 101. 4°. xviith Cent. Aid. 27,110. Moses Hayyim Luzzatto's abridgment of Isaac Loria's □'•^Tll, etc. Paper, ff. 94. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1734. (Luzzatto's autograph.) 60 KABBALAH, Add. 27,114. Josef Gikatilia's n:ii< /i::i, much stained and torn. Paper, ff. 189. 4°. A.D. 1503. Add. 27,120. ptHH ")3D (different from that contained in Add. 26,922). — rrmjDn /ini of Abraham ben Isaac of Granada. — I'W^ D"?1^, a Scripture drama, by Moses Zakkuth. Paper, ff. 138. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,132. Kabbalistic treatises by Menahem ben 'Azariah of Fano, viz., jmmV nn^ "1Q^^D, ri^^i'^'vp hnq iqkq, D'^<')'?D^ -idkq, and D'JJ TV^ "IQi^Q. Paper, ff. 218. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,133. "IDIJ^n m''3D ")1D of Abraham Hai Sinigaglia of Modena. Paper, ff. 53. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1777. Add. 27,138. Moses Cordovero's D01D") D"nS3 (imperfect). Paper, ff. 456. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,140. nD^< D^TV, forming Part II. of Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano's TIDIH Plbs. Paper, ff. 1 29. Small 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,141. mK13-n m'7i:iD.— D^SlD t']!^!:}. Paper, ff. 114. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,142. Josef Gikatilia's Commentary on the Hllin.— milD from the bp^^H ISD of Moses de Leon, etc. (imperfect). — Abraham 'Abu'l-Afia's -^Bt nCR— DTOD '1 nil, by Menahem, disciple of Ela'zar of Worms. Paper, ff. 110. 4°. xvith and xviith Cent. Add. 27,143. m^lllin ")3D of Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano. Paper, ff. 271. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,151. "jnj milNQ of Nathan Spiro ben Reuben, with notes by Moses Zakkuth and Benjamin Kohen. Paper, ff. 303. 4°. xviith Cent, Add. 27,152. npy' nSlp of Isaac Loria. Paper, ff. 92. 4°, xviith Cent. Add. 27,154. Isaac Loria's DIKH DDU)^ ^Tll, apparently written by Moses Hayyini Luzzatto. Paper, ft". 14. 4°. About a.d. 1734. Add. 27,155. nm^Qn /T'"11 of Abraham ben Isaac of Granada. Paper, ff. 34. Sm. folio, a.d. 1787. Add. 27,171. r]M2tn ^^Dl^:} of Moses Zakkuth. Paper, ff. 51. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,175. Kabbalistic treatises by Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano, viz., ^:-Tj^ mnniir' idnd, d'':i:i r;^D "id^^d, 'n mN3:j ■i"n3Dn Dt, Paper and vellum, ff. 61. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 27,186. TM^f^ip Dli^ Eh-ll.— nmDI J^IJIID from the writings of Isaac Loria. Notes and extracts from works of Abraham Galante, INFoses Cordovero, and others. Paper, fF. 121. 4°. Before a.d. 1597. Add. 27,187. rilllD, sometimes ascribed to Nahraanides. — Extiact from r7hi'''?3rF ")SD. — Tracts, ascribed to Hammai Gaon. — Q'^ 1110 u^niDDH and ^nHjQH D"^^ iiD.— Dmrj '1 nm.— Hlin n/ID.— "nirrj "IBD of Sliemtob of Fano. — Tract on m'^li"' "I3D, ascribed to Nahmanides. — 1111% ascribed to Ela'zar of Worms. — Prayer of ^1 njliJi^n. — Fragment of a work by Solomon al-Kabis. — Other kab- balistic tracts. Paper, ff. 75. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,199. K^^l mD.-Hl^r 13D t:)11^3.— t^Qjn JnODl 13D of Ela'zar of Worms. Paper, AT. 601. 4°. a.d. 1515 (written by Elias Levita). Add. 27,202. ''JVi?, kabbalistic Commentary on the Pentateuch by Menahem ben Meir SionI of Speier. Vellum, ff. 151. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,211. D''tDp V from the Zohar, the writings of Isaac Loria, Hayyim Vital, and others. Paper, ff. 100. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Or. 62. Josef Gikatilia's mi^ JIJJ.— lUDH l]i1i< of Todros hal-LGvi ben Josef (imperfect). Paper, ff. 251. Sm. folio, xvith Cent. Or. 1055. Collection of kabbalistic works, viz., Extracts from Nah- manides' Commentary on the Pentateuch ; npJH /TinO ; DlpJ IID invDi Dtri; nnjion no; ii'^Min nvr\M^ 2"d t^ii^D; nbt^n nnM, ascribed to Nehunyah r\2pr^ p ; E. Asher's ^^l^^l "[^2 ; DmD '1 nni ; Preface to IIHM 13D ; bi^WH lyt tM'^ ; and D'^nn 13D. Vellum, ff. 178. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2457. ]tI}W D113 13D of Mordekhai Isban, a.d. 1740. Several small pieces and a letter of Israel ben Samuel to the ten tribes are appended a.d. 1831. Paper, ff. 139. 4°. Or. 2672. TOpH 130 or ^^<^'73^ 13D. Paper, ff. 262. Sm. folio. a.d. 15G2. Or. 2782. lUDH "1:^^^< of Todros ben Josef 'Abu'1-Afia ''iSl. Paper, ff. 185. 8°. A.D. 1400. Or. 3655. A kabbalistic Commentary on the Pentateuch, Paper, ff. 361. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 4115. r\Dbt Dn^ 13D of Solomon pD- Paper, ff. 168. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. 62 ETHICS. Or. 4536. D^:)^jnn tMl by Nathan of Gaza.— H^i?^ D^iiny IVIJT by Shabbetliai Sebhl, fullowed by several similar compositions. Paper, tf. 117. 8°.' A.D. 1701. VI.-ETHICS. Harley 340. jmiDH JlV^^D, by R. Jehiel ben Yekuthiel (imperfect). — Hebrew translation of INIaimonides' Commentary on the Mishnah pbn. — niDiin nSD, ascribed to Aristotle, and translated from Arabic into Hebrew by R. Abraham ben Hasdai (imperfect). Paper, ff. 116. 4°. A.D. 1489. Harley 5449. ")ni:)D ^b^D, copied from a MS. at Paris. Paper, fF. 66. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 18,226. D'::^:i3n nnnD of Solomon ibn Gabirol, in the Hebrew translation of Yelii^idali ibn Tibbon, accompanied by a Commentary (defective). Vellum, ff. 28. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 18,684. The same work, with a largely different Commentarj'. Vellum, fF. 322-355. Folio, a.d. 1392. Add. 19,779. ^DJ y'2}!2, treatise on penitence, by Menahem Meiri (imperfect). Paper, ff. 240. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1460. Add. 19,948. ]nn ]n^^ of Kalonymus ben Kalonymus.— dS^^H n^^Hl of Yeda'yah hap-Penini. — T'DDH DT£}p2 by the same author. — Jl-^ bi^ of Abraham Bedarshi.— The Prayer y^bn ^bii of Josef ben Sheshetb ibn Latimi. — P)DD DlVp of Josef "'^ITJ^Il and his epistle to Lis son. — Poem on the game of Chess, attributed to Ibn Ezra. — Tract on same subject by Bonsenior ibn Yahya. — mTiJ/inn 2DD, ad- dressed by Yeda'yah hap-PenIni to Solomon ben Adereth (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 159. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,917. U)^:in miQ ]^pJl 130, ethical treatise, composed in Arabic by Solomon ibn Gabirol and translated into Hebrew by Yeluulah ibn Tibbon (very imperfect). Vellum, ft\ 238-242. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,924. □^r:i3n "lUn^ "I3D of Solomon ibn Gabirol, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Yehudah ibn Tibbon. Velluln, ff 2G4-280. 4°. xivth Cent. Add. 26,963. ITTH hi"'^ of Abraham ben Jacob ; probably unique. ' Paper, ff. 128. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. PHILOSOPHY. C3 Add. 26,974. Jin^n D'byD. Vellum, ff. 145. Large 8°. xivlh Cent. (Composed a.d. 1287). Add. 27,177. nmt^nn V2Vr2 nn^S"*:, by Eliezer Menahem Foa. Paper, ff. 41. 12°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,1 89. "iBl^i n'fiyD, by Shemtob ibn Ardotiel (?).— JlVi^rjrQ linn. — Dnain mx^;^ bv n^'m't^.—nnt' no of Yeimdah 'Aryeh of Modena (imperfect). Paper, ff. 29. 4°. xviiitli Cent. Add. 27,190. N-|^D ]2 ")9D, with a Commentary.— ^3 by 1D1^ /m^nrr, Esop's Fables (only title left).— HTin n'y:a^u).— D^'^R mmhi of Eliezer hag-Gadol. Paper, ff'. 37. 12°. xviiitli Cent. Add. 27,204. nn,!2 13D, German in Heb. char, (imperfect). Paper, ff". 178. Sm. 4°. About a.d. 1500. Or. 1484. tp2r2n "ISD of Shemtob ben Josef ibn Palquera.— "IBD mSjirr.— pniN bt pb'^ ISD, ascribed to R. Bahya ben Asher. Vellum, ff". 113. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1485. D'n^n "inarj ISD.— *]'?Qn ]2^ Tnn "ISJD, i.e. "Bar- laam and Josafat," translated from the Arabic version into Hebrew by Abraham hal-Levi ben Hasdai. Vellum, ff". 37. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2396. Wii^n r]^l!2 ])pr] 13D of Solomon ibn Gabirol, in the Hebrew translation of Yehiidah ibu Tibbon.— Hi^lNI 1^D^ "ISD.— jin'Dn jm'^ya.— D^j^jsn ina:^ -i3d.— /imon no -idd, ascribed to Aristotle, and translated into Hebrew from the Arabic version of Yahya ibn al-Batrik. — '''^P^tt^M ""by m:l^^, translated from the Arabic of 'Ali the Ishmaelite into Hebrew by Yehiidah al-Harlzl. — mSnn ~IDD.— □^SIDl'^^Bn JlTbD IBD, translated from the Arabic of Honain ben Ishak into Hebrew by YeHidah al-HarizI. Vellum, tf. 160. 4°. A.D. 1382. VII.— PHILOSOPHY. Harley 5507. Samuel ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation of Mainionides* Dom: n-n^.— /inr n^br2 -n^^n of Samuei ibn Tibbon.— n-)'i>^ nt^D. — Ibn Ezra's HDi.^n 01131 r]DDnr\ Ji:n~iy.— |V:irT m'?rj, Logic of Maimonides. — ]n m") ")?D^}^0. — Latin explanations of some .logical terms. — Jll'^nrinn 130 of Abi!masr Alfarabi. Vellum, if. 245. 4°. xvth Cent. I 64 PHiLOSOPHr. Harley 5517. Ibn RasluVs intermediate Commentary on Porphyry's introduction to the Organon of Aristotle and on the first four books of the Organon itself, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Jacob Anatolio. Paper, ff. 213. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 5523. Ibn Eushd's intermediate Commentary on Porphyry's introduction to the Organon of Aristotle, and on the first two books of the Organon itself, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew by Jacob Anatolio. Abiinasr Alfarabi's abridgment of the third book of the Organon, in a Hebrew translation. — Ibn Rushd on the fourth book of the Organon, in Jacob Anatolio's Hebrew transla- tion. Paper, fF. 142. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 5525. Samuel ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation of the miD DOUJ with Harizl's nn^JlS to the same.— /im ^\^bD ■nr. 1384. Or. 1082. Josef Albn's Dnpi^n IDD. Paper, ff. 168. Sm. folio. A.D. 1483. Or. 1084. Works by Isaac lion Aljraham ibn al-I-atiP, viz., DIS^H JllDf, extracts from , Wr^tn "^^t, "t^Dn nj.l, D^' jllVi , and ll'jn inii . Paper, ff. 95. 4^ a. n. 1403. PHILOSOPHY. G7 Or. 1058. □l^^^ nnblD "ISD, I'y Josef Israel ben Abraham of Farli, Paper, ff. 232. Sin. 4°. xvitli Cent. Or. 1069. r\:2')r\ n:iV2i^n nSD of Abraham ben David hal-Levi, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew. A^ellum and paper, ff. 130. 8°. xvth Cent. Or. 1099. D'^TT \V) treatise on the philosophy of religion, by Aaron ben Elijah (imperfect). Karaite. Paper, il". 139. 4°. xvtli Cent. Or. 1102. DV^tn IV^ of Isaac ibn Latlf. Pai)er, IF. 102. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 1306. D'^n ]y, by the Karaite Aaron ben Elijah.— Til J-n:iJ< □''^nn, an index to the preceding work, by the Karaite Caleb Afondo- polo ben Elijah.— Hl^^D D'^tD 1DD of Kalonymos.— HIDnn IBD in tlie Hebrew translation of Abraham lien Hasdai. — The beginning of 0^9101^3^ IlTbD 13D. — ]n nn "IQi^O. Paper, ff. 181. 4°. A.D. 1543. Or. 1388. D'JSn UPib, Commentary on the DOIIJ HDD by Isaac ben Shemtob. Paper, ff. 343. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 1423. Dalalat al-Ha'irIn ; Arahic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 251. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 2423. Large fragment of the same work. Paper, ff. 177. Sm. folio, xvth Cent. Or. 2529. Large fragments of an extensive philosopbical work, and some small fragments of two similar works. Karaite, Arahic in Hebrew character. Paper, If. 103. Sm. 4^ xivth Cent. Or. 2568. ^D^ Dt^'Dnr^ "IDD, by Yusnf ben Abraham TM^^H (Yfisuf al-Basir), in the original Arahic, being an abridgment of his larger work entitled al-Muhtawi (nVJ'l^J 1SD). Karaite. Paper, ff. 30. Sm. 4°. xith Cent. Or. 2569. A large portion of an extensive philosophical work, possibly the Kitdb al-Isti'anah of Yusuf al-BasIr ; Arahic, Karaite. Paper, ff 190. Sm. 4°. xiith Cent. Or. 2572. A collection of philosophical tracts, by (1) 'All ben Sulai- man ; (2) Abii'l Fadl Sahl ben al-Fadl ben Sahl ad-Dustari, being extracts from works entitled " At-Talwih ila't-Tauhid wa'l-Adl," and " At-Taluir li-kitab Aristo fi mil ba'd at-Tabi'ah"; (3) by an anony- mous writer; (4) by Shaikh Abu Ya'kub Ynsuf iljn Ihrahim. Arahir. Paper, (f. 118. Hni. r. xi-xiilh Ceid. F 2 68 POETRY. Or. 2858. U. Yehudah Messer Leon's Commentary on Aristotle's Logic (imperfect). Paper, ff. 257. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2858. '•3V bb:iD by K. Samuel Sar§a. Paper, fif. 204, 4°. a.d. 1414. Or. 3812. Kitdb Ma'dnl an-Nafs, by Bahya ben Josef; Arahic in Hebrew character. Paper, fF. 60. 4°. a.d. 18S3 (copied from a I^IS. of the National Library at Paris). VIII.— POETRY. Add. 26,945. miH^ nm,!D {WU}T\ ^y\^) by Yehadah ben Shab- bethai ■'iSl. Paper, fF. 11. Sra. folio, a.d. 1818 (copied from a MS. of A.D. 1281). Add. 27,001. pn':'.'! "IV^ JII-I^J of Moses Eieti.— 100;^ t^ipD of the same author, partly accompanied by a Commentary. — JT)QniirT H^DND n^^lSnn "111 bv • •• /^Vnm . — Gedalyah ben Josef ibn Yahya's "^O'ti^QH "13D. The first work and part of the second were written by Almanzi, a.d. 1831 and 1837 ; the last is dated a.d. 1584. Paper, ff. 139. 4°. Add. 27,004. DmO^jn On, by Ephraim Luzzatto. -pnii^ mibin, by Isaac Luzzatio. — '7^<''J^^D DVJll^D, by the same. — mipn on Isaac Samuel Keggio's nN''31D1^^Dm T]^^M^T^ 13D, by Elishrimfi' Meir of Padua.— IVIOn^D inj bv ^ilD or r\tn '•jn Jl-):iN. Paper, fF. 89. 4\ A.D. 1827 and 1829. Add. 27,012. lo^Q tt^ipr.:. — "ti33bn -ly^ ni:i^^. — mi."ij<, m^p, JlVi^ll, etc., by various authors. Paper, £f. 212. 8°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,045. tlinn JIIXID").— '7D'irn "IDIQ, ascribed to Hai Gaon.— Two short poems by Abraham ibn Ezra. — A poem by Issakhar Simhah. — '^D3 iTiPp, an ethical poem by Josef ^2"lTi>i. — Two other short compositions. Paper, ff'^ 44-61. 8°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,112. ^:')^D^;^ of Yehudah al-HarlzI (imperfect). Paper, fF. 136. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,113. *'iV2Dnn.-nnn^ nmO of Yehudah ben Shabbethai *i'^T[. — Poem on ni^Tl^, by Abraliam hen Isaac ben Mordekhai ben Jacob ; Amine in Hebrew character, imi H^D bt D^D\"T nai- Paper, fF. 179. 4°. a.d. 1282. POETRY. G9 Add. 27,121. Moses Rieti's ^yr2 tlpr2, with Commentary.— Conso- latory epistle of Hananiah bea Solomon Finzi to relations of the deceased Moses Norzi. — Two poems on the marriage of Yehiidah Yedidyah. Rafael Sforno. Paper, fT. 72. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,168. JlV^pi (bearing the title bi^ D'^) of Yeda'yah hap- Peiilni ben Abraham Bedarshl. — Diwan of Abraham Bedarshi. — nn-^n '•Jn^< "IE)D of Samuel ben Josef ibn "iVir'^r.— Poems by Don A'^idal lienvenisto, Solomon ben Labi, Solomon Eonfed, Solomon da Piera, and others. Paper, fit". 143. 4°. About a.d. 1500. Add. 27,178. ^^DDH ^Dli^, Poems of Rafael Yehiel Sanguinetti of Reggio. xviiith Cent. (Author's autograph). — Article by the same on game at cards called Tre-sette. xixth Cent. Paper, ff. 154. 4°. Add. 27,193. ub'W nj'nn of Yeda'yah hap-Penini.— m^pn by the same. — Josef Ezobi's 5]DD m^p. — bliVr\ ID'ID, ascribed to Hai Gaon. — The Prayer y^^bl^ ^7i^ by Josef ben Shesheth ibn Latimi. Vellum, ff. 95. 16°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,206. Israel Nagara's bvr\^ rV^Vlt. Paper, ff. 211. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,207. ^l'7n m"l'Dt by Mattathyah ben Josef hal-Levi of Mon- dolfo. Paper, ff. 30. Sm. 4°. a.d. 1655 (Author's autograph). Or. 1002. /mUHD of 'Immanuel ben Solomon (imperfect). Paper, ff. 83. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2453. A fragment of Jaml's Yiisuf u Zulaikha, followed by another Masnawi poem (imperfect at the beginning) on the stories of Ruth, Samuel, and of Saul and David ; Persian in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 220. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2586. Fragments of poems in Hebreiv, partly accompanied by ex- planations in Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 63-86. Sm, 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2588. Makamfit and other poems in Hebrew, with headings in Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 30. Large 8°, xvth Cent. Or. 2589. n^T'p and mn^lD, by various authors ; imperfect. Paper, ff. 188. 4°. xviith Cent. Or. 4114. A collection of joyous poems, entitled D^Tf ysn ")3D. It was compiled, and partly composed, by Shalom ben Josef ^Dlt,'. Hebrew and Arabic. Paper, ff. 230. xviiith Cent. 7U IX.— PHILOLOGY. Harley 1743. " Observationes et AdJitiones aJ Buxtorflil Abreviaturas lit et ejusdem et reliquorum Bibliothecas Ebraeas coeptae 14 Aug., 1G94." Paper, ff. 20. 8°. Harley 5332, Hebrew-Latin Yocabulary, etc. Paper, ff. 83. 12°. A.D. 1656. Harley 5502. pi^bn bV2, Hebrew Dictionary of K. Josef Zavk. Paper and vellum, ff. 174. Folio, a.d. 1457. Harley 5531. Same work. Vellum, ff. 28(3. Sm. 4^. a.d. 1474. Harley 6480. ^' Compendious and easy Eules to read and pronounce l)y Accent the Hebrew ToiiLjue, both with Points and without." Paper, ff. 143. 8°. a.d. 1714. Harley 6529. Part of a Hebrew Grammar, written in Latin. Paper, tf. 33. Sin. 4°. xviith Cent. Harley 6530. Fragment of a Hebrew-Latin Dictionary, etc. Paper, if. 50. 8^ xviith Cent. "Reg. 16. A. ix. HQl nnS, anonymous Hebrew Grammar. — Fragment of Kimhi's "IDID l^]?. Paper, ff. 75. 8°. xvith Cent. Ar. Or. 51. DnjD /TI^HD of Menaliem ben Sariik.— K"ini:; "1 Pil^i^. — Dunash ibn Labrat's criticisms on Menahem ben Saruk (imper- fect). Vellum, ff. 207. 8°. A.D. 1189. Lansdowne 694. Short Hebrew Grammar, written in Latin. Paper, ff. 202-217. Sm. 4°. Paper, xviith Cent. Sloane 614. Short Grammar in Latin, with a Hebrew-Latin Vocabulary. Paper, fl". 129. 16°. xviith Cent. Sloane 626. Hebrew-Latin Vocabulary. — Analysis of Kuth. Paper, ff. 60. Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Sloane 2138. Grammatical rules. Paper, ff. 210-218. Sm. 8°, and 4° xviith Cent. Sloane 3385. Notes on Hebrew Grammar and Lexicography. Paper, ff. 55. 12°. A.D. 1678. Sloane 3582. A Tt2p, or amulet. Vellum, f. 100. PHILOLOGY. 71 Add. 4377. Fragments relating to Hebrew Grammar and Lcxicograiiliy. Tajjer, tY. 7. 8° and folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 4992. Hebrew-Latin Vocabulary. Paper, it 174-228. xviith Cent. Add. 7701. Fragment of an Arabic-Persian Vocabulary (Heb. char.). I'aper, ff'. 1-37. 8°. a.d. IGGG. Add. 12^083. Lcxici Hebraici Compendium. Paiior, IF. 53. 12''. xviiith Cent. Add. 16,388. I^ID bnii, a Dictionary of Hebrew synonyms, by II. iSolomon of Urbino. Paper, ff". 134. Sm. 4°. xvilli Cent. Add. 16,390. r\V2t )?2^ ~I3D, Concordance of Bible passages in wliich the seven divine names occur. — Maimonides' D^HD 'H- — 13D AS"*!") in an 7/fl?z'a /I translation. Paper, ff. 188. Sm. 4". xvith Cent. Add. 17,806. Kimlu's D''^"Hi^n "13D, with appendix on the Aramaic words. Vellum, ff. 30O. Sm. folio, a.d. 1384. Add. 18,688. Glossary of the Hebrew Bible, the explanations being partly in German (Heb. char.) ; imperfect. Paper, ff. 361. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 18,693. U}l^pn ]V^^ Oil ISD, or nyiH 'b'^t "[VlfD, the Hebrew Grammar of E. Moses Kimhi ; it is preceded by a small tract on the same subject. Vellum, ff. 50-88. 12°. a.d. 1478. Add. 18,970. ""l^l HjIS. — Treatise on Hebrew conjugations (imper- fect). Vellum, ff. 125. 8°. xvth Cent. Add. 19,893. Hebrew Glossary, the explanations being in Latin, and sometimes in German. Vellum and paper, ff. 92. 12°, xvith Cent. Add. 26,881. Nathan ben Jeliiel's lll^il 13D (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 400. 4°. Prob. xiith Cent. Add. 26,936. Short Hebrew Grammar in Italian (Heb. char.). Paper, ff- 59. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1781. Add. 27,047. Profiat Duran's ns^^ nT:;;i'!2-— TSH O'^IP, account of pestilence in Padua, by Abraham Catalano. Paper, ff. 117. Sm. 8°. A.D. 1850 and 1857. Add. 27,094. Yehudah Messer Leon's l^SDH ^'llb. Paper, ff. 163. 4°. Before a.d. 1 158. Add. 27,214. DnjJ jll^ri'J, Dictionary of Menahem ben Sariik, with 72 PHILOLOGY. tlic criticisms of Riinasli ben Labrat. — Criticisms of Dunash on Sa'adyah Gaoii. — Poem by jMenahem ben Sarfik. — Fragment of a Mahzor (nDi3'?i^ni:n). Vellum, ff. 237. 4°. a.d. 1091. Add. 27,555. David Kimhi's D'^i^li^H 1H3D, with the appendix on Aramaic words. — Hebrew Grammar of R. Moses Kimhl (imperfect). Yellnm, ff. 176. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 75. wby^ 21 , Grammar of Josef ben Yehiidah ben Isaac Zark. Paper, ff. 346. 4°. a.d. 1429. Or. 76. tii")^ ^')!2i< , Dictionary of Solomon ben Meshullam da Piera, consisting of three parts, entitled respectively □"'nn, D''3m^*.Dn Dv?D, and D'Sn^n D'^bD. Paper, ff. 206. 4°. xvtli-xvith Cent. Or. 853. i^l^pn ry of Yekuthiel han-Nakdan ben Yehiulah.— A treatise on the vowel-points and accents, by Moses han-Nakdan. Vellum, ff. 174. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1016. '^r^Dtn or D'lJpn ")"t2n, by Samson han-Nakdan. It is preceded by pTTpl' bt nnSD, and followed by extracts from Josef Kimhi's piDTn "1H)D, and by p'hnn "1DD (on synonyms), at the end. Vellum, ff. 94. Sm. folio, xivth Cent. Or. 1022. b^bDr::i of David Kimhi.— D''3:D to. Dictionary of rhymes, by Josef ben Hayyim (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 305. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 1045. Kimhi's b^y2_ and 131D m- Vellum, ff. 121. Folio. A.I). 1487. Or. 1264-1265. Nathan ben JeLiel's "jnyn 130 (imperfect). Paper and vellum, ff. 149 and 153. Folio, xivth Cent. Or. 1303. Abridgment of al-Murshid al-Kufi, or p'BDDn "I3D, a dic- tionary on the Mishnah, by R. Tanhum ben Josef ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 143. Sm. folio, xixth Cent, (copied from a MS. dated A.D. 1626). Or. 1425. Profiat Duran's 11E)X nm'D. Paper, ff. 116. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 1488. Kimhi's D'"^'IX'n ")3D, with the Aramaic appendix. Vellum, ff. 305. Largo r. xivth Cent. Or. 2397. ']MVr\ ~)DD (imperfect). Paper and vellum, fF. 346. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2454. Vocabulary of difficult words in the Bible, explained in Fcrsian (Hcb. char.). I'apcr, ff. 54. Sm. 4''. a.d. 1804-5. MATHEMATICS AND ASTK0N03IY. 73 Or. 2590. v:>Ni: nrj4^ of Solomon ben MeshuUam da Pieia (imperfect). I'apur, ir. 137. tSni. 4;°. xviith Cent. Or. 2592. Dictionary of Biblical verbal roots and their derivatives ; Arabic in Hebrew character (imperfect). Paper, fF. 86. Sm. 4°. xivlh Cent. Or. 2593. Lexicon of difficult words in the Bible and Mi.shnah •, Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 138. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2594. Fragment of a Talnuidic Dictionary. — Fragment of Dic- tionary contained in Or. 2592. — Two fragments of Ibn Janah's Kifiib ul-Usul. — Fragment of a Dictionary of Biblical verbal roots and their derivatives. — Fragment of R. Yehiidah Hayyuj's treatise on verbs containing feeble letters ; Arabic in Hebrew character Paper, fl". 68. Sm. folio. Various hands of the xiv-xviith Cent. Or. 2595. Kitiib ul-Luma' (Hebrew title : H/^plH 19D) of Abii'l-Walid Merwan ibn Janah ; Arabic in Hebrew character (imperfect). Paper, ff 98. Sm. folio, xiiith or xivth Cent. Or. 2596. pnplH pVn , by Yahya Salih. Paper, ff. 43. 4°. Prob. xviiith Cent. Or. 2857. ]t^^ mS, Hebrew Grammar of Pt. Moses ben Sliemtob ibn Habib. Paper, ff. 136. Sm. folio, a.d. 1487. Or. 4117. pnpin \bn (also styled D^^H Jm^<•i^n) of Yahya Sfdih. Paper, ff. 62. Sm. 8°. xviith and xviiith Cent. X.— MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Add. 7701. Works on Astronomy and tlie Calendar ; Persm?i in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 38-134. 8°. a.d. 1666. Add. 9005, -TllDn DVOmN^n 130, a Hebrew translation of Costa ben Luca's Arabic version of Theodosius' three books on the Sphere. The spaces for the mathematical figures are left blank (imperfect). I'aper, ff. 48. 8°. xv-xvith Cent. Add. 15,454. ^7^'h^t^ 3DD'J, treatise on Astronomy, by Elijah ben David Alfagi "I'pn. Paper, fi". 114. Sm. folio. Prob. beginning of xvith Cent. 74 MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Add. 15,977. ub)]; 1)D\ by E.Isaac Israeli ben Josef. Taper, iY. 200. Large 4°. xvtli Cent. Add. 20,746. The fifteen books of the Elements of Euclid, translated from Arabic into Hebrew by Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon. Paper and vellum, fF. 177. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,899. '^)^2V7^ ]'^2'Vn, by Abraham bar Hiyya. Vellum, ff. 65. 4°. A.-D. 1317. Add. 26,921. n^ib '2D^2 HV2^ ]Vjr, translation by Yehudah ben Samuel Shalom of '' Theorica Planetarum " of Gerard of Cremona. — mm7, by Levi ben Gershon. — ph^bv ^~)^^<, by Isaac ben Solomon ben Saddik ibn Al-Hadib has-Sefardi. — '^piS mO, by Jacob ben David hem Yomtob PG'cI. Vellum, ff. 65. Sm, 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 26,984. Tracts on the Astrolabe, including Abraham ibn Ezra's DVn^Tl vD. — Treatise on the quadrature of the circle, by a Jewish author bearing the name Alfonso. — An astronomico-astrological trea- tise by 'Immanuel ben Jacob; this work is sometimes called "^Hi* 5]l7n!l. — Astronomical fragment, headed ^^^^V ]1pn nw- — ^^1") 7J<~l'ii/"', treatise on the quadrant, by Jacob ben Makhir. Paper and vellum, ff. 231. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,017. r^^b~)^:^ IBD, attributed to Ibn Ezra. Paper, ff. 18. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,039. m:i;:3/:3 '•jn, treatise on Arithmetic, by Gad Astruk ben Jacob. — Extracts from " Summa Arithmeticae et Geometriae" of Erate Luca Paciolo (published at Venice, in 1494). Paper, ff. 184. 4°. Add. 27,101. Wlt^ ''3^3 or D''3:)D t'l), treatise on the Calendar, by 'Immanuel ben Jacob. A^'ellum, ff. 30. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,108. /nD^nr^il ]')2tn, by Abraham bar Hiyya.— 0^:3 'i^'2V!22, Solomon ben Abraham Abigdor's translation of "De judi- ciis Astronomiae," or " Capitula Astrologiae," by Arnaldus de Villa Nova. — Short commentary on 'Immanuel ben Jacob's D'"3^3 ^tV- — D""]331h? nhiltt, Solomon ben Abraham Abigdor's translation of " Tractatus de Sphera mundi," by Joannes de Sacrobosco (or John Holywood). Paper, ff. 130. 4°. a.d. 1459. Add. 27,107. nmDM Dir^, by Don Isaac Abrabanel.— IVjnn ^\^bD, Moses ibn Tibbon's translation of Maimonides' Logic. Description of a kind of quadrant called pBlNH "'^D, by Yehudah ibn Verga. — IT^p MATHEMATICS ANIJ ASTRONOMY. 75 "iSDrj^n, by the same. — Book II. of Mordekhai Cointino'.s Jl'^DH jmrjn. — short treatise on the two asymptotes, by Solomon ben Isaac. Another treatise on the same subject, by Moses Provinciale. — y■|^^ "1DD, Hebrew translation of the Apliorisms of Hippocrates. — Part of Yahya ibn Mesue's treatise on medicaments. Paper, ff. 164. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Harley 6680. Ibn Slna's Canon, books III. and V., translated into Hebrew. Paper, ff. 213. Large 4°. a.d. 1480. Harley 5707. Book III. of the same work. Vellum, ff. 243. Folio, xvth Cent. Ar. Or. 26. DOlirr Dl^^, Moses ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation of Ibn al-Jezziir's " Zad ul-Musafir" (imperfect). Paper, ff. 168. 8°. xvth Cent. SI. 3029. D''''nn bj, treatise on Zoology, by R. Samuel hal-Levi (imperfect). Paper, ff. 199. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 11,668. Book III. of Ibn Sina's Canon. Vellum, ff.'SOg. Folio, xivth Cent. Add. 15,455. nN13~in ]t'\t, Yekuthiel ben Solomon's Hebrew trans- lation of Bernard de Gordon's " Lilium Medicinae." Paper and vellum, ff. 210. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 16,389. Small medical tract of Arnaldus de Villa Nova. — Gerardus de Solo's commentary on book IX. of ar-Razi's " al-Mansuri," translated from Latin into Hebrew by Abraham ben MeshuUam Abig- dor ; A.D. 149G. — Small medical tract in the form of questions and answers. — Dni^JH N12Q of Gerardus de Solo, translated from the Latin into Hebrew. Paper, ff. 147. Sm. 4°. Add. 18,689. ''J:i""lD, Commentary of 'All ibn liidwan on Galen's "Ars Parva " : Hebrew translation of Samuel ibn Tibbon. Another work by Galen, with the commentary of 'Ali ibn Ridwan (imperfect). Paper, ff. 122. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Add. 19,943. ^^^n '"^^i, by Nathan ben Josef Palquera (imperfect). Vellum, ff. 278. Folio, a.d. 1447. Add. 18,939. 2'n2 "I^N^ "I3D, the Hebrew translation (made from Constautinus Africanub' Latin version) of ibn al-Jozziir's Viaticum, MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS. 77 ascribed to Isaac Israel sen. — Another medical work, entitled ~)3D Jn'i'yQn.— Vellum, iT. 171. Sm. 4°. xivtli Cent. Add. 21,967. Books I. and II. of Ibii Sina's Canon, translated from Arabic into Hebrew by Zerahyah ben Isaac ben Shealtiel has-Sefardl. Vellum, if. 29G. Folio, xvth Cent. Add. 27,018. "nj*^ 1DD, Hebrew translation of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. — iD^<~lp'l^^i /niD, short medical treatise ascribad to Hippocrates.— p3in m/Tlhi, taken from c^D^i "ISD-— D''^nn yy tSD, apparently also an extract from ^V^ ~)3D. Paper, ff. 22. 8°. xvth Cent. Add. 27,023. m^^DI mj^lD"! (imperfect). Paper, ff. 62. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,170. mS^^Sl "I3D. Paper, ff. 156. 4^. xvith Cent. Add. 27,562. Urjuzah of Ibn Sina, in the Hebrew translation of Hayyimben Israel ND"in (impeviect) .—DDi^bf^b 'piUH ^^^nQ^ ISD /T'^<1S)"in, by Honain ben Islifik, translated into Hebrew by Moses ibn Tibbon. Paper, ff. 57. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Or. 46. Yahya ibn Musawaih's (Mesue's) treatise on the simple medica- ments (imperfect). — Antidotary, by the same author. — De Unguentis (mnpiQn niD), by the same author. Paper, ff. 159. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1491. Or. 65. r\nr2b bi^ n^t2, ascribed to Elisha' ha-Eofe. Appended are a medical examination, and an almanac beginning with a.d. 1471. Paper and vellum, ff. 147. 8°. xvth Cent. Or. 2706. Part of al-Kunnash al-Mansuri, by Abii Eakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyfi ar-RazI (imperfect) ; Arabic in Hebrew character. Paper, ff. 163. 8°. xivth Cent. XII.— MISCELLANEOUS MSS. Harley 277. pTA n;^X> (also entitled n2Wn ny^) by K. Jonah ben Abraham (of Gerona). — A few short Prayers. — HiH mv "niO. the second of the four divisions of R.Jacob ben Asher's D^~niD iOIK; imperfect at beginning and end. Paper, ff. 175. Sm. 4°. xvtli Cent. 78 MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRITTS. Harley 3418. Latin translation of Don Isaac Abrabanel's ))'^D"^i2 il)?']t\— Taper, ff. 425. Large 4°. xviith Cent. Harley 3427-3428. A polemical work in Latin, bearing the title " Porta veritatis, sive oompendiaria via ad Beatitudinem. Autliore Jacob Aben Amram Judceo (forte Menasseh ben Israelis) Anno ab orbe condito 5394 " [a.d. 1G34]. Paper, fF. 269, 230. Folio. Harley 3429. Large portion of Latin translation of nvW"^ y^DVr^.— Passages from the works of Pbilo the Jew in Greek and French. — Extracts from E. Menahem Eekanati's Commentary on the Penta- teuch, with a Latin translation. — Fragments of d'?")^ TID'' by E. Isaac ben Israel ben Josef. Paper^ flf. 173. Folio, xvith and xviith Cent. Harley 6528. "jin^iJ "IDD of E. Lipmann of Miihlhausen. Paper ff. 154. Sm. 4°. A.D. 1525. Harley 7013. Letters, including one addressed by a certain Ephrem ben Asher to E. Simeon Ockley of Cambridge. Some of the letters are written in Jewish German, and one is in Sjmnisli (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 91-104. Folio. 1703, etc. Reg. 16. A. III. """^ r\'\'i2inb'!2, a poem on the contest between Bible and tradition, composed, according to the heading, by 7llIirT TlVii^Dil nniT' '12 ^DV '■) ; it is followed by a few epigrams and other short compositions in verse. — npHZ") nZJTTi^ JIIDSi, followed by a poem on the same subject. — The beginning of D''3')m':'''Sn Jnii^'StJ ~)DD DIDIDT □j~nim (published under the title D''H)1D'l':'''3n ^'^D^^ ~I3D) of Honain ben Ishak, translated from the Arabic into Hebrew Ijy Yeh'udah al-HarizI. Vellum, ff. 64. 12°. xvth Cent. Ar. Or. 50. Fragment of mrT^':'D. xvth Cent. — Fragment of a Hebrew Grammar in Latin (Heb. char.). — Latin treatise on the pronunciation of Hebrew letters. — Fragment of a medical work, xvith Cent. — Fragment of a work on the city of Aleppo. —Fragment of a Prayer- book. — Vellum and paper. 4°. xviith Cent. Ar. Or. 151. Letter on law of Levirate, addressed by Jacob Eafacl Feiro to Francisco Curtisni. Paper. >Sm. folio, a.d. 1490. Sloane 5242. A ]MS. entitled "Janua angusta ducens ad terram promissam, sive Elementa Eeligionis Polyglotta." It contains the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, the Ten Commandments, etc, in Latin, Greek, llehrcii; S//ri(ic, and several other ancient and nK.idcrn MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS. 79 languages. It was written and profusely illustrated by Henry Adrich, Dean of Christchurch, Oxford. The MS. bears the date 16G4. Paper, ff. 20. Folio. Add. 4710-11. Catalogue of the Hebrew MSS. (Add. 4707-4709) and printed books presented by Solomon da Costa to the British Museum in A.D. 1759 ; Hebrew and Latin. Paper, ff. 17 and 12. Folio. Add. 6946. Notes and extracts relating to the genealogy of the Patriarchs, including the Latin translation of the Targum of 1 Chronicles i., partly accompanied by the text of the Targum, from the edition of D. Wilkins, Amsterdam, 1715, and extracts in Latin from R. Abraham Zakkuth's ^DHV 13D. Paper, ff. 90-118. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 9403. Genesis i. 1 — xii. 15, partly pointed and partly unpointed, Avith the Targum and Eashi's Commentary. — Some short grammatical and masoretic tracts, including rules for scribes of "IDDhi ph^'O, nnra, and ybt^n. Vellum, ff. 213-230. Folio, xiiith and xivth Cent. Add. 11,639. Pentateuch Q\\di Haftdrdth.— n^r2^^\'D^ mm.n3 JIVI^^IS — jn*?:!^.— i,t'7j< -no.— m':'3ji with ni:in and jmij^. — jiidSi JHI^TlDT n'^-ni:^.— D''?a^^ mDia.— Forms of ro:i and other documents. — D'JI^lpn Jmjpn.— nniiV and n^JDlN.— mn^'^D and D'JJIDTE).— mnDlj") and mi^p^'.—D^IOVS.— Calendar.— p"DD.—D''^2Dn bt "IID. — Commentary on Aboth. — Commentary on /ITinTN of Elijah pM.— Commentary on D^^DVHJ.-nm^n /I'^.V:).— /Tn'tDSHm JlVi^-lDH nh^np. — tt^^i/IJin ~I3D of Moses ben Ezra. — Commentary on DTIiiV. — The following works are written in the margin : — Psalms, Proverhs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah. — Q''1E)1D "tpn. — Commentary on Jl'n'/D. — Anonymous treatises on Grammar and accents. — HID Hhi'^npn. — Poem on the accents. — List of the mnjuscnlar and minus- cular letters in the Pentateuch. — Jllinn ")1D. — □'K jrin DVO'^ir. — nn;? mD^i.-n^miD n'^r^.t:.— Poems. Veiium, ff. 775. Sm. 4°. xiiith Cent. Add. 19,638. ]V.:rj ntp2 of P. Yeda'yah hap-Penini, and prayers of P. Abraham Bedarshi and R. Josef ben Shesheth ilm Latimi. — Profiat Durfin's Tmih^D ^H/l b'ik J1-).1J^. — Ibn Ezra's n'^T^V HDT^n DTID1 n^Dnn.— Aristotle's "IDT'jrr niJN\ translated from the Arabic of All ibn Ridwi'in by Yehudah al-Harlzi. — A letter said to have been addressed by Aristotle to Alexander. — Ilm Ezra's poem 80 MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS. on the game of Chess. — Tract on the same suhjoct by Bon-senior il)n Yahj-a. — Jn7li2nil ^riD, epistle of Yeda'yah hap-Penlm to Solomon ibn Adereth. Vellum, fF. 211. 12°. a. d. 1450. Add. 19,971. History of the Ottoman Empire from Muhammad IF. to A.D. 1523 by Elijah ben Elkanah Capsoli of Caiidia; Avith appendices on the plague in Crete and the rebellion of Ahmad Pasha in Egypt ; also containing an elegy on the death of R. Saul ^HDn and other Eabbis. — History of the Ref)ublic of Venice by the same author, with an acconnt of his travels in Northern Italy. Paper, ff. 427. Sm. '4°. xvith Cent. Add. 22,095. V)lp D^m^, history of Shabbethai Sebhi, by an opponent. Paper, fF. 31. 12°. xviith Cent. Add. 22,096. bi^')'"!:'' "'Jin'? IIIDT, history of the same by a partisan named Barukh ben Gershon of Arezzo. Paper, ff. 44. 12°. xviiith Cent. Add. 22,911. A volume of correspondence of Dr. Jo?in Cavel (1638- 1722), Master of Christ's College and Vice-Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, including (1) "Some account of the Jewes Kara'ims and Rabana'ims," ff. 373-379, and (2) two copies of a list of Karaite works, written in a cursive Rabbinic character, with tran- scription in the square character, if. 470-473. Add. 26,899. Abridgment of mnnSl nmn in Yehiidah ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation. — tl^BJil DMD PpJl ~I3D in the same translator's Hebrew version. Vellum, ff. 66-97. 4°. a.d. 1317.^ Add. 26,916. mS^bnn n^tt^, books I.-Iir. of Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated into Hebrew by Shabbethai Marini of Padua from the Italian of Giovanni Andrea dell' Anquillara. Paper, ff. 108. Sm. folio, xviith Cent. Add. 26,926. Rules of D^:]^^ mm (founded at Mantua a.d. 1579). Paper, ff. 26. 4°. Prob. a.d. 1614 (the date On the cover). It is preceded by a short hortatory poem bearing the acrostic 7i<1D*Z^ Add. 26,948. Profiat Duran's Dn:in Dd^?2.—^^y^, disputation held at Ferrara between an unnamed author and the Jesuit Father Alfonso Carmeciolo. Vellum, ff. 26. Sm. folio, xviiith Cent. Add. 26,959. biii'i^' 'nb ]i')Di-'nb2pr\ r\^bD b]; w^Dit isd.— Abridgment of D'^QJl pH':* ~19D of Yeluidah Loel) ben Isaac. Pajjer, ff. 52. 12°. xviiitjj Cent. MISOELLANEOL'3 MAXUSCRIITS. SI Add. 26,961. Profiat Duran's D^JH Jl'^bj. Pap.M-, AT. 39. Sm. V. xviiith Cent. Add. 26.964. ]mn ]m of Sheratob ben Isaac ben Shafiut. Paper, ft'. 206. 4^. A.D. 1696. Add. 26,988. in^DI inD^ "ISD by Jacob ben Reuben. — D'J'i^l^ 'Dp^ selections from the marginal notes of Elijah ^"iSl on the "]Tiy ^^7•,t^ etc. Paper, ff. 132. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 26,970. "Tlin^, according to the German rite, including 'Abotli ; imperfect. To it are appended the hilTT ^"lyz^ of Isaac ben Meir of Diiren ; SliP of Rabbi Nahshon j a Table of the mSlpJH from a.m. 68 to 95 [p"2b] (a.d. 1308-1335) ; nVl^^lBn IID for the Avhole year ; and nyi}n bD b'l) D"'jnjD, ascribed to Isaac ben Meir of Diiren. Vellum, ff. 197. 4°. a.d. 1308. Add. 27,011. ^^b^ nnn of Solomon ben Moses al-Kabis.— Excerpts from Menahera Babli.— Several D'^ITI and a IDVH)— "imrrT HJIS^D, by Moses ben Mordekhai Galante. — 'Abridgment of ^17(1 71^12. — Prayers. — "'Tl^lil ^TT'S. — Reasons Avhy the miD begins with 2 and not with ^<. — Commentary on Ezek. i. — D''*T)T2 ItOli^, with Com- mentary, by Abraham Malvecchio. — Forms of contract of Betrothal. — Extracts from Samuel Archevolti's Dil'l!! DJ")^ (Grammatical treatise). — JllDI^rr TIIDD of Elias Levita. — Definitions of various words in alphabetical order. — D''')!"''). Paper, ff. 311. 4^ xviith Cent. Add. 27,034. ^'^^n^\ ^n^H) by Jacob ben Asher (DmLDH by2).— nOS b^ "IID of Solomon ibn Aderelh. — TlJlhJ "ISD and pm "ISD by E. Jacob ben Yehudah TTJ'?. — D''iDp7 from several writers. — Commentary on a portion of the Pentateuch, extending from vbii ^<■^"'^ to ^pV ^^bl£}''^ (originally carried on to a part of r\M2t nbi^^). Paper, ff. 398. 4°. a.d. 1526 and 1530. Add. 27,088. in ]2, and Dmj ns or n'^ii D^i:;, treati.ses against the Kabbala, by Yehudah 'Aryeh of Modena. — Mfl bi^ m.lN* T^ins:).— n'i>D m;2n'?D, by Moses Hayyim Luzzatto.— m^'ry D''"121, with a Commentary preceded by the Introduction of Isaac Samuel Reggio.— TH^ li:>.— D'JTiy mi, by Mordekhai Luzzatto.— □Ol 712 nyik, account of persecutions in Poland and Russia in a.d. 1648, by Abraham ben Samuel Ashkenazi, with a prefatory poem by IMoses Zakkuth, Paper, ff. 105. 4°. xixth Cent. Add. 27,089. HSIIli and m^^^^l 'IVt D^'^DH of Maimonides.— ^D21 riD^N, with partial Commentary, — Commentary on HT'ii' ISD- G 82 MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRlrTS. — Tlie following Midrashic tracts : Dvb^ IW' "^2^11 L^lin, IID nnij-i ]nr2, r^tD j-n^:D3, ibr^n nDb^v \Lni:2, n.ip^'^N "ii p~i3 Di^pmn ]2, mnio jnn,^ bu; niD, and do pj^k nD\— in*?::^ y^lK, ascribed to Babya ben Asher and to Moses ben Nahman. — Commentary on the rnjH by Josef Gikatilia. — Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela. — Extract from Don Isaac Abarbanel's Commentary on Isaiah.— IPD^ "^IID. Riper, ff. 169. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Add. 27,095. DTlD'^r pr\i2, poems by 'Immanuel Frances. — Poems by Jacob Frances, — rmi^ Oi£, tract against Shabbethai Sebhi, by 'Imma- nuel and Jacob Frances, — Extracts regarding Shabbethai Sebhi and Nathan of Gaza, Avith an epistle of tlie latter. — n/1!lD nilDIA, a dialogue against the Kabbalah by Simhah Calimani, To it are appended two poems by Ephraim ben Jacob of Modena, the second of which is entitled n2'pr\1 U'Tlbn^ ;?'ITn. Paper, ff. 85. Sm. 4^^^ xixtli Cent. Add. 27,098. Order of fasting for six successive days, by Kathan of Gaza. Paper, ff. 22, Sm. 4°. xviith Cent. Add. 27,103, rii-|^33 DBD by 'Immanuel Hai Kicchi. Paper, ff. 36. 4°. xviiith Cent. Add. 27,108. DHinN' pQ of Abraham Ferussol. Paper, ff. 173. 4°. xviiitli Cent. Aid. 27,116. Tj"1"1^^^2 'nn b^ niJJhi of Profiat Duran, with the Commentary of Josef ben Shemtob. Paper, ff. 17. Folio, a.d. 178G. Add. 27,122. NDin pDy by Josef hak-Kohen ben Joshua ; also poems, letters, and JlV^ll by the same and others. Paper, ff'. 105. 8m. 4°. xvith Cent, (autograph). Add. 27,128. mitO^. — Index to Bible passages expounded in the Talmud.— naV^Jin "nD\— Paper, ff'. 1-52. 4°. xvith Cent. Add, 27,129. WmiH on J"DD.— Index to maV^Jl of Josef Kolon (imperfect), — On some customs of Christians borrowed from other Diations. — '^SOT'D and other tracts of Hezekiah ben Abraham. — Sayings of the philosophers. Letter of Maimonides to R. Jonathan •[,-f3,-j. — Letter of Solomon ben Aderetli to synagogues of Provence. — nVJIDlp nV2in of Gershon ben Yehiidah IpTH.— HiDuirr V^i, letter of Samuel ben Meir and Isaac ben Meir. — ni2 p"lH) and HIJ pDH). — Letters of Maimonides to the learned of Montpellier, and to ,Iacol) ben Xathanael al-Fayyfimi. — Anonymous Commentary on the ^<(>7/(j- oj' Sungs ; imperfect at the beginning, ilSIIJi of Yehndah \^en MISCELLANEOUS MAXUSCIU I'TS. 83 Asher, and HnDljl of Jacob ]mi Asher. — Part of l^y:) ]l}lpr2 of Moses of Rieti. — Two letters of Don Isaac Abrabanel to Yehlel of Pisa. — Funeral discourse and elegies on the deatli of Yehiel of Pisa. — ni:^o*o Q'r2'n nni-— ^Jin n':'^< -idd.-s-i^d m ^':'^>Q.-KD'?^< ^nn for r)^D'^)2 and i^Dp i^22, composed by, and in . the handwriting of, Solomon ben Elisha' Portaleone. Paper, ff. 334. 4°. About A.D. 1640. Add. 27,179. ]n mi. — Commentary of Maimonides on the section pbrr. — Maimonides' D''JnDn /TTin JllJlN, translated by Samuel ibn Tibbon. — il^D Dli^D 13D.— Kimhi's Commentary on Genesis ii. 7, seqq. ; and Ezek. i. — HVlO D^ "IDD of Abraham of Cologne,— lOS)^ D''D''7pi.— index to /i")2^::>jn.~-mDna ^jn, etc. Veiinm, ff'. 00. 8ra. folio, xivth Cent. MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCBIPTS. 85 Or. 1434. Thiiteeu JimilD, dated London, 1801-181-4. Vullum, flf. 13. 4°. Or, 2455. Calendar for reading the min.— Ta'bir Nama, translatinn of Hai Gaon's JllDl'^n PIJIS- — A treatise on compound medica- ments, by Mu^affar ibn Muham. ul-Husaiui ush-Shifa'i, followed by several other medical tracts ; Persian in Heb. char. Paper, ff. 96. Sm. 8°. A.D. 1807. Or. 2458, a-c. A n2ir>D, and two deeds of divorcement from Persia. A.D. 1769 and 1754. Vellum and paper. Or. 2522. A Karaite polemic treatise directed against the Rabbanite interpretation of the Mosaic law ; Arabic in Heb. char. Paper, ff. 109. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2523. Two Karaite polemic treatises ; Arabic in lleb. char. Paper, ff. 88. Sm. 4°. xivth Cent. Or. 2527. Fragment of a Karaite work relating to Eschatology ; Arabic in Heb. char. Paper, ff. QQ. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent. Or. 2538. HDrDH Di:^2 n:\^')y^ nr^jnn ^2V2i di"i3 ~)3d, by Jacob ben Ela'zar. — niliTI P "1SD, ascribed to the same author. — Poems. — Story of the conversion of some Rabbanite Jews to the doctrine of the Karaites, which took place in Cairo, a.d. 1465. — Two rhymed compositions, the second being by Daniel ^{S^^ ben Mosheh l,^?;^n. — Forms of betrothal and divorce. — A Makamah by Moses al-Hakira al-Iskandari ; Hebrew and Arabic (Heb. char.). Paper, ff. 103. Sm. 4°. xixth Cent. Or. 2582. A collection of miscellaneous Karaite fragments, including portions of " Books of Precepts," philosophical works, and Prayer- books ; Arabic. Paper, ff. 92. 4°. xi-xiitli Cent. Or. 2746. Commentary on the "Dalalat al-Ha'irin ;" Arabic in Heb. char.— iiaJJi:D^?< ^"ll'7^<, Comments on yDHrr t^lD, by Yahya ibn Sulaiman ; Arabic in Heb. cliar. — Commentaries on Lamenta- tions. — Explanation on ^)^nr2^^ y2 Mi~)2i:) onni nii:^;^, by Moses ben R. Josef al-Balidah ; Arabic in Heb. char. — i«i~)DD:2 '^'"•KD^ i^lp**! "I3D bv and Jllinh} m'?i«JT:> ; Arabic in Heb. char.— Com- mentary on Maimonides' niMl nji^D; Arabic in Heb. char. — Mid- rash on -inn ion and 2'nD^ np.— inQ*?^ Vll p VlJ^pNI 'JSiO — Commentary on Maimonides' miD HJI^Q and miUDil 13D; Arabic in llcb. char. Paper, ff. 278. Large 4". xvth Cent. 86 CHARTERS. Cr. 2990. n^J27n "IW, treatise on the mode of fixing and consecratin<^ the New Moon, by Isaac ben Solomon ; Karaite. Paper, ff. 91. 4°. A.D. 1850. Or. 3656. nNait5>>* n^2 O^QT TX'Sl'^ ':ibr±> Q'DTi mi "IDD by Josef ben Joshua ]r\2H (fuller than the printed edition) , To it are appended hymns, enigmas, etc., by the same author. Paper, fF. 207. Sm. 4°. xvith Cent, (apparently the author's autograph). Or. 3659. ]7i2il Di^ ")3D, a philosophic treatise composed by Libu Falah of Saragossa for his disciple 'Abii Mas'iid of Sevilla (imperfect). Paper and vellum, ff. 10. Sm. 4°. xvth Cent. Gr. 3660. Three polemic tracts against the Christian religion, the third being a disputation in verse between two friends, and bearing the title r^:i')r:>ii ini. Paper, ff. 42. Sm. 4°. xviiith Cent. Or. 4048. Miscellaneous fragments of Hebrew MSS. from Yemen, comprising : (1) portions of Genesis and other biblical fragments, partly accompanied by the Targum, with the simple superlinear punctuation ; (2) fragments of the lhi,VJl7hi Jll^HQ ; (3) Midrashim ; (4) portions of Maimonides' Commentary on the Mishnah in the original Arabic (Ueb. char,). Paper, ff. 34. 4°. xiv-xvith Cent. CHARTEES. Cott. Chart, xxvi. 29. Acquittance by ^^pt'M^ Hhi^l^^lJ of Lincoln to the Abbot and Convent of Newhouse of certain land purchased by the Abbey, xiiith Cent. Cott. Nero. C. ill. Acquittance by Jacob Crispin, Elias Kohen, and D^^jn ]2 V^^'^3, to the Prior and Convent of S. Trinity, London, of claim to land purchased by tlie said Prior. Fol. 194a. Acquittance signed by Aaron ben Abraham, Aaron ]y?rf, Solomon Kohen, Samuel pSl, "lLD^-^':'lpl ':'''Z^-ni<, and DHinX ]2 m'^, declaring that they relinquish all claims to an inn in tlie parish of Id'7^3:1'^3 (Co. Essex), belonging to Philip 'iD^]V2. Fol. 195a. Bond signed by Hayyim of Lincoln, declaring himsL'lf willing to carry out the stipulations contained in a preceding Latin deed exe- cuted A.D. 1268. The bond is endorsed by ^^^np*?"! ]2 IH. Fol. 213«. xiiilh Cent. CHARTEUS. 87 Cott. Ch. Aug. ii. 107a. Acquittance by Batenian, son of ;:rnpyi, lo Sir Adaiu de Stratlon, of claim to certain land acquired by Sir Adam fri)ni Jolui Taylleboys ; dated a,d. 1286. Harl. Ch. 43. A. 54. Acquittance of debt by Jacob ben R. Moses aii< 12 Hq'p^D to the supposed Samaritan congregations in Europe. Samaritan and Arabic. Paper, ff. 90. Sm. folio, a.d. 1739. Add. 19,956. The " Book of Joshua son of I^Tun/' an abstract of the history of the Israelites, from the time of Joshua to that of Alexander the Great ; Arabic. Folio 96 contains the form of a " Letter of divorcement " in Samaritan. Paper, fF. 96. Sm. 4°. Mostly a.u. 1502. (See Catalogue of Arabic MSS., p. 520.) Add. 21,581. The Samaritan recension of the Hebrew text of the Pentateuch. Vellum, fF. 97. Folio, a.d. 1441-2. Add 22,369. The Samaritan recension of the Hehreic text of the Pen- tateuch. Vellum, iF. 154. Large 4°. a.d. 1359. Add. 25,880. Services for the " Sabbath of the Feast of Tabernacles, the festival of the seventh month, and the Sabbath of the ten days of penance;" imperfect. Paper, ff. 47. Sm. 4°. a.d. -1804-5. Add. 26,118. The Samaritan recension of the Hebreto text of Genesis; imperfect. Vellum, ff. 74. 12°. xvth Cent, (several portions being more recent). Add. 27,456. An amulet consisting of two pieces of vellum (much soiled and torn), and containing biblical verses, prayers, and mystical formulae. It is enclosed in an ornamental metal cage, on the edges of which are engraved, among other sentences, the words : — • ]ii:^nnji • DJni^i • dd"? • onb^ • mn> • nt ■ bi^ ■ Dt2 it is pro- bably of the xvth Cent. Or. 1381. Letter of the Samaritans of Nablous to the English Govern- ment ; dated a.d. 1875. Samaritan and Arabic. Paper. Folio. Or. 1441. A fragment of the Samaritan Pentateuch, viz., Genesis xxxii. 18 — XXXV. 11 ; xxxvi. 28 — xxxviii. 28; in three columns, con- SAMARITAN MANUSCRIPTS. 93 taining the ITehreio text with the Arabic and Samaritan versions, all three being written iu the Samaritan character. Vellum, ff. 8, Fulio. xiiith Cent. Or. 1442. A fragment of the Samaritan Ta7'f Isaac of Vienna). Or. 2859-60 (p. 44). -1,T "n^. Add. 27,026 (p. 57). . Add. 27,027 (p. 57). Add. 27,041-2 (p. 58). Add. 27,058—27,067 (p. 58) r\:2bn -nh<. Or. 2990 (p. 86). D'Ti n-iii*. See n>>n niMk n:a- r^b^bD niM^. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). U^3i n^i^. Add. 26,987 (p. 18). p^MH ^)^nM^. Add. 27,018 (p. 77). n^]i}Dri mmN. Or. 1054 (p. 84). D^D^n mmhJ. Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Or. 832 (p. 66). ')T2i^ Dni2i^l DVnM^. Harley 5510 (p. 53). miHTJ^ (of Elijah Zaken). [Coin- mentaryon]. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). (of Solomon ibn Gabiro!). Add. 19,787 (p. 48). ini^n 'D. Add. 27,038 (p. 66). Add. 27,153 (p. 83). nbDi^-i nbDi^. Or. 2626-28 (p. 13). ^Jin llbii v. Add. 27,129 (p. 83). ^Bi^Dbii INJ-ID. Add. 19.656 (p. 91). V^bii ^bii. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). (of Joseph ibn Latimi). Add. 19,948 (p. 62), (of Joseph ibn Latimi). Add. 27,193 (p. 69). i^TD ]2b iin'2 i^^bii. 26,934 (p. 55). 27,129 (p. 83). Add. Add. Add. 27,190 (p. 63). I'l^DH D>< 'D. Or. 3659 (p. 86). HDin njIQNH 'D. Or. 1069 (p. 67). /n^lDNH 'D (of Shemtob ben Shem- tob). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). tt>^<^i n^h^. Or. 76 (p. 72). ti^-): n^ik. Or. 2590 (p. 73). I^V naN (of Abraham 'Abu '1- Afia). Add. 27,142 (p. 60). "l^n?-n. Add. 26,997 (p. 56). j-iniDn SODH 'tMl. Add. 27,052 (p. 58). Q^J'jnn Z^Ml. Or. 4536 (p. 62). u 98 INDKX OF TITLES. "i^yn N^np^: ^i^hii. Add. 27,0-21 (p. 57). Dli^n DDtZ t)11- Add. 26,953 (p. 56). Add. 27,154 (p. 60). ■ niD'7iyn nvij t^iii- Add. 26,932 (p. 55). n^');'^^ "^ll (disputation on religion). Or. 3660 (p. 86). tl)pn ])tb oil- Add. 18,693 (p. 71). ^"nn mmn. See ^">-)n ^jpn. tzi^n ]V.")n. Or. 832 (p. 66.) J^lj'^n (of Isaac Alfa^l). Harley 5705 (p. 32). ■ (of Isaac AlfasI). Add. 17,019—50 (p. 32). (of Isaac Altasi) on D'^l^J ^nd Tp^^H- Add. 27,075 (p. 37). See also '^^J2bn — 0^03- ")j"im -nDS< no'?:) (of Zed.kai. 'Anaw). Add. 26,918 (p. 35). (of Rabbi Suss- manii). Add. 23,974 (p. 77). m-ioa j-n^Si. Add. 26,89 1 (p. 31). llDiST -Ijin niDSl- Add. 27,083 (p. 37). mj noSl. Add. 23,974 (p. 34). Add. 27,125 (p. 38). < ■ (of Nahmanides). Add. 26,894 (p. 34). Dm: iy\±>n. Add. 26,894 (p. 34). nny mD'?n. Add. n,639 (p. 79). niDTl'I^ J-IIdSi (of R. Samuel). Add. 19,784 (p. 33). Add. 27,083 (p. 37). r\p'''\'y\ n^Ti'^j no'^n. Reg. 16. A. iii. (of Jacob Weil). Add. 27,147 (p. 38). nsiioi ni^^rn:^ mD':'n. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). nsitoT r\^'r^t iy\'2br\ (of Yei.u- dahYa'aleh). Add. 26,956 (p. 35). (of Abra- ham hay-Yarhi). Add. 27,144 (p. 83). j-n'^n/inn 'D- Harley 5507 (p. 63). Add. 14,763 (p. 61). T\r22r\r\ nhnnr] 'd- Add. 26,993 (p. 56). D^ITT Add. 27,011 (p. 81). nD'i^jm b'^^r] v^ n^y^■ Add. 27,085 (p. 59). pr^y '^y\ nr\y p niD^i- Add. 27,203 (p. 84). -isi^DDbhJ i^^T. See DO"iin ni'i. imTil 'D (on Genesis). Add. 17,745 (p. 54). S-ll^^iT -I3D. Add. 26,929 (p. 55). (excerpts from). Add. 27,003 (p. 57). NJ^IT N">Tl^ and XISD ^Jn^J^"'Jii1 (Commentary on)- Add. 26,941 (p. 55). — rrn ^niQ. Add.27,oo9(p.57). Add. 27,173 (p. 83). ^:iM li^lpD (Commentary on nniT). Add. 27,054—7 (p. 58). ^^Jnl^^Jiil ^<■^3D (Commentary on). Add. 26,944 (p. 55). (Commentary on). Add. 26,953 (p. 56). — r^^^^\ nriD. Reg. le. a. xiv. (p. 54). — N*n-i ^^-^^^^ ""S. Add. 20,932 (p. 55). V^t^ nam b^'P (Common- lary on ^^n-) hi~n'J<)- Add. 26,997 (p. 5(5). tin -imr. Add. 19,788 (p. 54). INDKX OF TITLKS, 99 irp"in imr (Kabbalistic). Add. 27,099 (p. 59). DINH JDDt. Or. 1031 (p. (iG). ]nDr 'D (on n-^^nv). Add. 27,117 (p. 38). (of Josef Kiiubi). Or. lOlG (p. 72). nViS p-l3T. Add. 19,777 (p. IG). Add. 26,900 (p. 17) bi^')]D' 'nb pIDT. Add. 22,096 (p. 80). ■ Add. 26,959 (p. 80). nji;> D'^linp TQJ. Oi\ 4536 (p. 62). ""^bn nn^D?. Add. 27,207 . Or. 1054 (p. 84). It^n 'D (Kabbalistic). Add. 15,299 (p. 54). (theological and moral). Add. 27,174 (p. 84). n^^?^j'-^< ^m:i- Add.i9,657(p.92). D'nbi^ nUD (of Joseph ben Shem- tob). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). mjll^n 'D (of Isaac Loria). Add. 26,958 (p. 56). (of Isaac Loria). Add. 27,022 (p. 57). (of Isaac Loria). Add. 27,073 (p. 68). (of Menahem 'Azaryah). Add. 27,143 (p. 60). JmiDT JnJIlD (from Isaac Loria's writing). Add. 27,186 (p. 61). D^BIDI^Sn mjTlD. Add. 18,831 (p. 65). ■ Add. 18,971(p.6o). m'?Dnn m:ii:). Add. 27,015 (p. 57). nnDH 'D- Harley 5779 (p. 64). in^OI inDQ 'D. Add. 26,966 (p. 81). D'^nn bD- Sloane 3029 (p. 76). p^^^<^T 'by Add. 27,107 (p. 74). nvmn 'bj- Add. 26,984 (p. 74). Or. 3658 (p. 75). Dn.irr n:2by Add. 26,948 (p. 80). Add. 26,961 (p. 81). m:ij*j'?i< rxjD"?Nv Or. 2706 (p. 77). njV 'B^D (of Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano). Add. 26,969 (p. 06). IXDEX OF TITLES. 101 njV ^3^3 ('>f IMenaliem 'Azaryali of Fano). A.ld. 27,LU (p. 83). ant^ >3:d. Add. 27,101 (p. 74). Add. 27,106 (p. 74). niD bi^ DSnD. See H'^Vn "ID'Q- 2492 (p. 23). JiiVu^nnrrnriD. Add. i9,668(p.80). Add. 19,948 (p.62). p^^onDD im bj? ariD Add. 27,004 (p. 68). nUiriD (from Persia, a.d. 1769). Or. 2458a. (from Gibraltar, a.d. 1786). Add. Ch. 1998 (p. 89). jn21DD (London, a.d. 1804-14). Or. 1434 (p. 85). D^Dbr^ "IJID. Reg. 16. A. i. (p. 45). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Add. 18,690 (p. 46). . Add. 19,064 (p. 47). 2110 D^ "IJID (of Abraham of Cologne). Harley 5510 (p. 53). (of Abraham of Cologne). Add. 15,299 (p. 54). . (of Abraham of Cologne). Add. 27,076 (p. 58). (of Abraham of Cologne). Add. 27,179 (p. 84). n-^^n inD. Or. io98 (p. i9). n^SDil n^^'?- (Anonymous Commen- tary oa Genesis and Leviticus*). Add. 27,000 (p. 56). (of Yehudah Messer Leon). Add. 27,094 (p. 71). (of Yebudah Messer Leon). Add. 27,153 (p. 83). n^2'^\: yb- Reg. i6. a. x. (p. 54). Add. 27,180 (p. 61). Dm:i:m D^':iupn mS Or. 28(J6 (p. 75). nxyv ipn m"? Add. 26,984 (p. 74). n'pi'^D n-ni^ mm"?. Or. 280'3 (p. 75). D'D'Dn p on"? V- Add. 26,937 (p. 55). n!2b'2} Dn"? 'D (of Solomon Kohen). Or. 4115 (p. 61). nn'o':'':'^^ n^^nD. or. 65 (p. 77). vr^bbi^ 2iD ^na. Add. 27,039 (p. 82). nb^bi^ 1)1 Or. 2356 (p. 30). Or. 2383 (p. 30). mnvtD miD b-^ inD. Add. 27,089 (p. 82). miD ]nr2 iid- Add. 27,089 (p. 82). nvb^ 1^'y. Add. 27.089 (p. 82). r\Vr2 r\-)'IDB. Add. 27,089 (p. 82). Dijp-nrr m -iT;r>b>* '-n p-is- Add. 27,089 (p. 82). nn tiir^. Add. 16,407 (p. 54). Or. 1482—3 (p. 29). Or. 1490 (p. 29). Or. 2213—15 (p. 29). Or. 2216 (p. 30). Or. 2352—5 (p, 30). Or. 2378—9 (p. 30), Or. 2351—2380 (p. 30). (Comments on). Or. 2746 (p. 85). D'-y~T.2 'D- Add. 27,292 (p. 28). rann 'b'2t ']br^:2, See o-n u)i)pn ]wb. b^"inr2n 'D. Or. 4597 (p. 41.). bynr\ ID^D {ascribod to Hai Gaon). Add. 27,045 (p. 68). INDEX 01' TITLES. 103 bDi:^! "IDia (ascribed to Hai Gaon). Add. 27,1'Jo (p. 69). Jinnn ^3 bV 1D10(Ksop'8 Fables) Add. 27,190 (p. 63). DOin^n r^1M2- Ha.ley 5507 (p. 63). Harley 5625 (p. 64). ] larley 7586 A and B (p. 04). - Rpg. 16. A. xi. (p. 64). - Add. 14,763 (p. 64). - Add. 14,764 (p. 65). - Add. 27,068 (p. 66). Or. 1423 (p. 67). Or. 2423 (p. 67). — (Commentary on 25 propositions of). Add. 27,131 (]). 83). (Tract on the 25 pro- positions of). Or. 832 (p. 66). D^^HJn on':' (Com- mentary on nOiajn n^V2)- Or. 1388 (p. 67). (Commentaiy on). Or. 2746 (p. 85). □mr.: JTinnr:. Ar. or. 51 (p. 70). Add. 27,214 (p. 71). ^^J:^J-)'7^< ji-innD. Or. 1379 (p. 7). Or. 1471 (p. 7). Or. 2228-30 (p.20). Or. 2348-50 (p. 9). Or. 2364 (p. 9). Or. 2367 (p. 10). Or. 2414 (p. 11). ■ Or. 4048 (p. 13). n"i£)^T •^^^^:2■ Add. 27,200—1 (p. 50). ^/ID naOHD 'D- Or. 2568 (p. 67). ^innr^t'SV Or. 2568 (p. 67). nryx;n idvj. Add. 19,790 (p. 92). 1^V2^ inDD V- Add. 26,966 (p. 81). b^bjD. Or. 1022 (p. 72). Or. 1045 (p. 72). ■•SV 'p'^^D (of'YtdiuduL Cesser Lcoi.). Add. 27,087 (p. 66). (of Samuel Sarsa). Oi. 2858 (p. 68). ^nbi^ 2n2r2 (astronomy). Add. ] 5,454 (p. 73). Jinm r\3r2- Add. 27,103 (p. 37). DDD^n 'D. Add. 19,778 (p. 33). lV:n n^b:^- llarley 5507 (p. 63). Add. 27,107 (p. 74). jT^nt D^bD- See nnT D'hD "nh^a. n nV^n'^D (of Jacob ben Keubeii). Hee in'D") IflDr^ 'D- '•'"' ■HlDn'PD (by Josepb ben Yel.u- dah). Reg. 16. A. iii. n:}D D^nnbD. Add. 27,088 (p. 8i). JTID'^QH 'D. Add. 19,788 (p. 54). D^siDi^sn DTbr^ v- li^g. 16. A. iii. (p. 7«). Or. 1306 (p. 67). Or. 2396 (p. 63). bsO^,:^- Add. 27,129 (p. 82). □nr-jSnn ir^bD. Add.i5,978(p.i6). 'Ti^n \injro Add. 27,052 (p. 58). D^inj^- Add. 27,016 (p. 36). D^jm D"':irTjD. Add. 27,297 (p. 39). rij'irn bD bt DonjQ. Add. 26,970 (p. 81). TM^n' jnm^ (U't:ir\ N:}Vr). A.id. 26,915 (p. 6S). , Add. 27,113 (p. 68). ^t nn:it2. Add. 27,198 (p. 19). n'l:iJ•0'?^< IN^JID. Add.l6,389(p.76). Or. 65 (p. 77). See also nviroVN ^i^vJJD':'^. n\Sn:n b'i^Vr^ (by Yusuf al-BMsir). Or. 2570 (p. 43). N-I3DD yN'D*3. Or. 27'16 (p. 85). p''?DDn 'D- Or. 1303 (p. 72). ")3D*^n 'D (»!" Abraham ibn Ezra). Add. 27,153 (p. 83). 104 IKDEX OF TITLES. /TiiDrorf niDD- a-u. 27,011 (p. si). DmD HDDr2. am. 2G,962 (p. 35). dbjVk ^ji^V'2 nr^DD. Or. 3612 (p. 68). Or. 274G (p. 85). m'pyDn 'D {medical). Add. 18,969 (p. 77). ■ (of Shemtob ben Josef ibn ralqnern). Add. 26,925 (p. 65). Tin'On r\')bVD (of Yeblel ben Yeku- thiel). Harley 340 (p. 62). (of Yehiel ben Yeku- Iblcl). Add. 26,974 (p. 63). — (of Yeljiel ben Yi ku- tbiel). Or. 2396 (p. 63). ^^'\7^bik riDiyD- Harley 5510 (p. 53). Eeg. 16. A. X. (p. 53). . Add. 26,919 (p. 54). ■T^s^< nv)?D. Add. 27,047 (p. 71). Or. 1425 (p. 72). b:h:in inDn r]^)?Dn 'v. Add. 27,107 (p. 75). n^i:*Nnn rr'i^'j^Q. See n'^yt^ "n^< («f Samuel ha-Rufe). Or. 63 (p. 40). (of Samuel ha-Rofe). Or. 2405-6 (p. 42). ^3SD'7i^ 1I:'-ID':'^<■ See p^s)D^mH)D t^3J 2''^D (of Menahem Meirl). Add. 19,779 (p. 62). (of Menahem Meirl). Add. 27,174 (p. 84). i^-I^D p 'btD. Add. 27,129 (p. 83). D'T:y?r] D'tr^n 'btD (chapter of ^jr:)Dnjn). Add. i4,763 (p. 64). "injD "^bVD [i-e. SindLad]. Harley 5449 (p. 62). nyV^^ V'D^D- Harley 3418 (p. 78). Harley 3429 (p. 78). HDns nyvD. Add. 27,104 (p. 37). Add. 27,105 (p. 37). Add. 27,124 (p. 38). mi/1 r\y:):2. Harley 5698-9 (p. 32). Harley 5702 (p. 32). Harley 5719 (p. 32). Harley 7858 (p. 15). Add. 11,438 (p. 32). Add. 17,056 (p. 33). Or. 1486 (p. 41). min r\T2}:2 (ront.) Or. 2226 (p. 41). Or. 2351 (p. 30). Or. 2357 (p. 41). Or. 2421—2 (p. 42). Or. 2456 (p. 42). Or. 2673 (p. 44). Or. 4103 (p. 41-). n^yi ^)^:hn (part of min n:'i}:2)- Harley 5716—17 (p. 32). Harley 7198 (p. 32). nnvi'/i /tidSi (part of r\:v:2 TM^n). Harley 7553 (p. 32). (part of r):tD nnn). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). (□•'^IITI on). Or. 45 (p. 40). (Commentary on). Or. 2745 (p. 44). (Commentary on). Or. 2746 (p. 85). 7^<'':^:lD nrjr::. Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Dinn tOS*^^- Add. 26,894 (p. 34). D^t2^'7p^<^ nyn^ io3i:v:d. Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Add. 27,179 (p. 84). bi^^Dt 'i:^iitD- Add. 27,049 (p. 37). bptDr^ V. Add. 27,045 (p. 58). (JlllID from). Add. 27,142 (p. 60). r\tr2 r]'^\L'r2- Reg- 16. a. x. (p. 53). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Add. 17,057 (p. 65). Add. 27,179 (p. 84). Or. 1306 (p. 67). b'DTDH 'D. Add. 27,001 (p. 68). D^ID'^ pjir.3. Add. 27,095 (p. 82). in.1 13 DVS^J. Add. 27,144 (p. 83). Vp-iNM"'7N^ jnho: aNriD. Or. 2785 (p. 31). 106 INDEX OF TITLES. nw^-) i^:i;3. Add. 27,080 (p. 59). I'PDH p") "in:in 'D (i.e. Bar- laam and Josafat). Or. 1485 (p. 63). yt^r^' i^v r\D:- Or. 2564 (p. 26). D^DJn 'D- Or. 39 (p. 66). n")")''QT DTJ (of Moses ben Michael Lak-Koheu). Add. 26,967 (p. 48). nv2y^ V- See ^^nnDbi^. iD^^n 'V (attributed to Galen)- Add. 27,131 (p. 83). nr^Dnn w33n 'd. See isd bptr2r\. \M11i2 1SD (of YomtDb Lipmau). Harley 5528 (p. 78). J-lli^lD")') r\'b):iD- Add. 27,111 (p. 60). TI^-llB^n Di:^ "niD- Add. 27,187. (p. 61). in^bhi iiD (i.e. nD"ipi:Dn "itd of Elijah Zakeii). Reg. 16. A. i. , Add. 11,639 (p. 79). j-nS^:iN^n iid. Add. 27,035 (p. 59). r^)•^n^\ iiv. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). n»^i-|\-r -IID. Add. 19,947 (p. 34). nD"l>7jn 11D. See IH^'^K IID- riinp-iron "itd- Or. 46 (p. 77). Q^DDn bt "no. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). PDS bV "IID (*'f Solomon ibn Adereth). Add. 27,034 (p. 81). ri^-)'b '^li^ "no. Add. 26,981 (p. 18). 2")^^^^ "TID. Ilailey 5510 (p. 53). -nDDH DV llD. lieg. 16. A. X. (p. 53). Wit' no. Add. 27,189 (p. 63). invron ntn mp:i "iid- Or. 1055 (p. <;i)- n2V IID- Harlcy 5510 (p. 53). ^lID^n Dt llD. Add. 27,187 (p. 61). nnDIDH IID. Or. 1055 (p. 6\). mnon tid. Or. 2396 (p. 63). my^pnn mo- Add. 18,228 (p. 54). l^p^n JnmD- Or. 1055 (p. 61). N^nn niD. Add. 27,199 (p. 61). "IDipn n-|^3D. Add. 27,133 (p. 60). nanjD. See -inn^D '■htD. m^D- Add. 16,406 (p. 28). nSD. Add. 16,406 (p. 28). n'2p^ m^DD. Add. 26,940 (p. 35). nnn '^inV (ascribed to Nah- manides). Add. 27,173 (p. 83). (attributed to Nah- nianides). Add. 27,187 (p. 61). tlpn Jlinj^ (of Solomon beii Adereth). Add. 18,829 (p. 33). (without author's name). Add. 27,078 (p. 69). bm- Add. 26,970 (p. 81). m'7i:ii;n 'D- Add. 21,140 (p. 65). m'7^:i^^^ d'?!!^. Add. 27,035 (p. 5h). nt^nan D':'iir. Add. 27,035 (p. 58). 113n d"?!!;. Add. 27,047 (p. 71). Din -iry. Add. 27,144 (p. 83). ■)31D IDV (of David Kimhi). Reg. 16. A. ix. (p. 70). (of David Kimhi). Or. 1045 (p. 72). ]VJ?n 'D (attributed to Hammai Gaon). Add. 15,299 (p. 54). ■ (attributed to Hammai Gaon). Add. 19,788 (p. 54). (attributed to Hammai Caoii). Add. 27,078 (p. 59). r\Db UD1D n:^2t ]vv- Ad.i. 26,921 (p. 74). i^l^pn VJr (of Yekuthicl ban-Nak- daii). Add. 19,776 (p. 6). (of Yekuthiel han-Niik- duh). Or. 853 (p. 72). npy ]y (o£ Jacob Ilabib). Add. 26,923 (p. 35). INDEX OF TITLES. 107 3pr ]y (r^n^n on). Add. 27,0-20 (p. 57). ^^:2■:} ]y. Add. 27,002 (p. 56). Dnni nMy. Add. 27,088 (p. si). r]'7'):in n^y- See p^op jmi^^ isd. i^D2r\ p^V (of Josef ben Joshua liak-Kohen). Add. 27,122 (p. 82). □"''?1-"l'7:in "'J'^y (of Menahem'Azaryah of Fano). Add. 26,979 (p. 56). "iniTD Q'^%^ U'y^V- Harley5532 (p. 53). D'JVJl D'DP (Compendium of D"l~)3 D^3i('::n)- Add. 27,019 (p. 57). (Compendium of D~n3 D':m). Add. 27,091 (p. 59). D'^n ]y v. See D^^n /^n:i^^^. (meJical). Add. 27,018 (p. 77). (of Aaron ben El'jali). Or. 1099 (p. 67). (of Aaron ben Elijab). Or. 1306 (p. 67). DVJ^'yn 'D. Add. 26,934 (p. 55). A-ld. 27,038 (p. 66). nnD':'^ T^n^in 1:^11^3. Add. 27,011 (p. 8I). "im i:;T)''3. Add. 26,900 (p. 17). r\'7'\i:ir] npnM thi^B. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). rrjt^pn npn>ni:hT3. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). nnriii dvdm^ yj 1:^-1^3. Or. 1055 (p. 61). nnD"i:3 nm'o t^'\'B• Add. 26,900 (p. 17). Or. 832 (p. 66). D^K^nj mi'^. Or. 1263 (p. 19). HT'li'' V *ii^Tl'^3 (of Ela'zar of Worms). Add. 27,199 (p. 61). I^^nS-DH DV f)")'^- See ^^n ~I3D bi^r^Dn iv'^ ^n^3. Or. 1055 (p. 61). n'br\r\ 1:^11^3. Or. 1263 (p. 19). iTnJirr t^')''ii (of Jacob beu Ashci). Add. 27,034 (p. 81). ni'73nn '^:h"l''3 (without author's name). Add. 27,009 (p. -57). (of Josef ibn She- raga). Add. 27,014 (p. 67). mi:i2^n ^^?ti^3. Add. 27,173 (p. 83). prj-in n^3 (of Menahem Azaryah). Add. 27,140 (p. 60). nX^bsrr 'D. Harlej 5515 (p. 53). Add. 26,949 (p. 56). Add. 27,187 (p. 61). Or. 2672 (p. 61). vbzir] 'D- See -)3Dn bjDi^. tOS'I^On D'.33- Add. 27,106 (p. 74). NMI njyD. Add. 27,128 (p. 18). ^:N^i~)3'?i<. See 7^2■)2J^^^ D:22n. rt'Zr^n. Or. 2.538 (p. 8-5). 108 INDEX OF TITLES. D^^ir^l D1"I3 (of Moses Cordovero). Add. 27,019 (p. 57). ■ (of Moses Cordovero). Add. 27,133 (p. 60). ]tW DTIH). Or. 2467 (p. 61). ]tW mS (grammatical). Or. 2857 (p. 73). mmriDT mmns nvi:^i3. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). Or. 1083 (p. 40). nn rrnB. Reg. i6. a. ix (p. 70). Add. 18,970 (p. 71). D^f2^bn pins. See r\t2i^^ i'2vr\. nin nnD ]}tn^- Or. 2537 (p. 62). miD Ui:. Add. 27,095 (p. 82). D\tDn pn:i v. Add. 26,959 (p. so). HKnii (of Maimouides). Add. 27,089 (p. 81). (of Yehiidah ben Asher). Add. 27,129 (p. 82). n-nai -)-n •£. Add. 27,100 (p. 37). J^vj-n^<^ jn"n:i. See nir^ -n^a V^^^^ mi:: 'd. Or. 28O6 (p. 75). Or. 4597 (p. 76). mnD^n nl^^. Add. 27,107 (p. 74). D':'iy Jini:. Or. i084 (p. 66). D'Dlin JIT^li- Ar. Or. 26 (p. 76). Add. 27,542 (p. 84). ••JVii. Add. 27,202 (p. 61). D'21 nn -)V'^- Add. 27,088 (p. 81). mjl^B n2ii'I- Add. 22,093 (p. 17). n:OOT \^. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). ^DDH T)~12i (of Hayyim ben Samuel). Add. 27,299 (p. 39). m^n -in^i. Or. losi (p. 66). tlVin n^- Add. 19,943 (p. 76). npy rhilp (of Isaac Loria). Add. 27,162 (p. 60). r\^;)n 19D. See ni^'bBn isd- DpnD?o'7i< DJ^'JDp. Sec >JT4^r.2 eiDD TMVp. Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Add. 27,045 (p. 68). Add. 27,193 (p. 69). 13DQrr ITAp. Add. 27,107 (p. 74). ti^in ''pDS '^'):ip. Add. 27,032 (p. 36). mn Diip. Or. 4112 (p. 2). nODnn n^^J^-l (of Shemtob ben Josef ibn Palquera. Add. 26,925 (p. 66). D^'PPB 1") (of Josef Zark). Or. 75 (p. 72). bi^l'^D'^ yni. Add. 26,984 (p. 74). Or. 3658 (p. 75). ]n m"l. Harley 5507 (p. 63). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Add. 14,764 (p. 65). Add. 17,067 (p. 66). — Add. 27,179 (p. 84). Or. 1306 (p. 67). ny)v mi. Add. 27,088 (p. 8I). bi^'n 'D. Add. 16,390 (p. 71). llDin 'D. Add. 26,920 (p. 54). TQTirr V21. Add. 26,927 (p. 55). 2p}?^b i:n. Add. 27,093 (p. 59). mXlS-) 'D. Add. 27,170 (p. 77). mnn mKisi. Add. 27,045 (p. 68). r\')b^}v^ mj^iBi. Add. 27,023 (p. 77). HDpin 'D. Or. 2.596 (p. 73). n^li^ n.1J<^ (of Yehudah 'Aryeb o£ Modena). ^See Dmj) n^i ■ bi^'^'D^ nnN^. Add. 27,206 (p. 69). -)D)D ^2t- Add. 27,147 (p. 38). lOpSl ''b^^- Add. 15,437 (p. 32). nM2t V:it 'D- Add. 16,390 (p. 71). vjy nn i2t- Or. 4112 (p. 2). i^^<:l 12t (second part of 2'^tD t^2 q-v.). Add. 27,174 (p. 81). -)^n^ It- Add. 27,088 (p. 81). ^^<^D1^ ]tw. Add. 15,455 (p. 76). INDEX OF TITLES. loy DniTn IIO'I^. Add. 27,011 (p. 81). m-):D-I>. Add. 27,128 (p. 82). /T1D"''?nn ''l'"!} (i.e. Ovid's Meta- morphoses). Add. 26,916 (p. 80). yn-)>< ]nht. Add. 27,089 (p. 82). Or. 148i (p. 63). nn^ ^'^ty tbt- Or. 3057 (p. 44). Dli^ll 'D (of Abraham ibn Ezra). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). (of Abraham ibn Ezra). Add. 27,038 (p. 66). (of Abraham ibn Ezra). Add. 27,131 (p. 83). Vjii-non i:;-n3^n d*^- Add. 27,180 (p. 61). D'br\n t):2t. Add. 27,111 (p. eo). D^i^jnn n)D-i}. Add. 11,6.39 (p. 79). r\^D']2 nii:?;^ njD^. Add. 26,934 (p. 55). D'p"1H) ^^::2t■ Harley 5686 (p. 45). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). • Add. 16,390 (p. 71). ■ Add. 16,577 (p. 46). Add. 17,057 (p. 33). ■ Add. 19,944—5 (p. 48). ■ Add. 27,070 (p. 49). Or. 2222 (p. 41). tip nntr2 ]r2t- Add. 27,043 (p. 58). 21V ]^t (Hymns). Add. 27,090 (p. 49). ■•J^QtOn V^t (Commentary on). Or. 1053 (p. 75). '^2V:):2V- Or. 1016 (p. 72). jirmi^n '^sn ivt- Add. 26,931. (p. 55). -nn^n lyt- Or. 105 1 (p. 84). DmDH lyt. Add. 26,994 (p. 56). Dn~in IV't- Reg. 16. A. X. (p. 54). D'^'^l^n 1^^ (of Abraham ibn Ezra). Add. 27,038 (p. 66). D^:2tn IVt (of Gershon ben Solo- mon). Add. 26,925 (p. 65). (of Isaac ibn Latif). Add. 27,051 (p. 66). (of Isaac ibn Latif). Or. 1084 (p. 66). (of Isaac ibn Latif). Or. 1102 (p. 67). r\1'\i^ ""IV^- Harley 5510 (p. 53), Reg. 16. A. X. (p. 53). Add. 17,807 (p. 54). Kill "^l^t- Harley 5529 (p. 31). Harley 5686 (p. 45). Add. 18,685 (p. 33). Add. 26,970 (p. 81). pliJ ''IVt (of Jonah Gerondi). Harley 227 (p. 77). (of Josef Gikatllii)). Add. 16,407 (p. 54). (of Nahmanides). Add. 17,807 (p. 54). (of Nahmanide.'s). Add. 27,080 (p. 59). ntMp nVt- Add. 19,788 (p. 54). 7^2^t^i ^ivt- See pi:i n;?-ir of Jonah Gerondi. D'^Jin "pis ~)yt- Add. 26,932 (p. 55). JlQhJ j13'^ (PartlL of ]1D-)nn^3, q.v.). Add. 27,140 (p. 60). tlpn bpll) (of Moses de Leon). Add. 27,044 (p. 58). nn^ni^.^ ldii*^- Or. 2528 (p. 43). T:D^iD^<':'^< ns^iD niv- See n']r2tn 'vit- Add. 27,171 (p. 60). D""^Ti:^n 'D (of David Kimhl). Add. 17,806 (p. 71). (of David KimhT). Add. 27,555 (p. 72). (of David Kimlu). Or. 1488 (p. 72). 110 INDEX OF TITLES. nbnpn mbr^ bv wf^v v. Add. 26,959 (p. 80). D^BJD '^'^. See nnt: 'B^y nnnn I't?. Harley 5510 (p. 53). "11131 DVDmNjI 'D- Add. 9005 (p. 73). "innn V- Harley 5686 (p. 45). nnDIJl (of Jacob ben Ashei). Add. 27,129 (p. 83). nbi:irj nnDin (of Simliah Calimani). Add. 27,095 (p. 82). L)l^* n'\lb)n (of Hayyim Vital). Add. 27,021 (p. 57). (of Josef Israel ben Abrabam). Or. 1058 (p. 67). n■'^<^r mibiD. Add. 27,052 (p. 58). pTT':i'^ r\')lb'\r\ (of Isaac Luzzatto). Add. 27,004 (p. 68). V~)j^m D't2tn DMb^n Add. 27,107 (p. 75). D''n mh}"iin. See \)Mpin pbn. 7]ii''E>^D']b't)^\^ r\')')r]n v- Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Dl^i^ 71-Tin. Add. 26,894 (p. 34). n'-^:2n n'^Ml- Harley 7637 (p. 3). D'JHD min- See ^<-l^D. ]nj n-nj-1- Add. 26,904 (p. 54). Add. 26,999 (p. 56). . ■ Add. 27,020 (p. 57). "3r:5Dn/i. Add. 27,112 (p. 68). Add. 27,113 (p. 68). . See aho ''b^D, D'^uiH, D'Tr^bn. -in nbnn. Add. 27,109 (p. 66). ^mtD'?^< 1V2 i'?irT. Add. 27,295 (p. 39). Add. 27,296 (p. 39). 2^*^r. Add. 27,296 (p. 39). nhy2. Add. 27,296 (p. 39). lliOp T;*!^. Add. 27,296 (p. 39). HDD- Add. 27,296 (p. 39). r^n^- ^^^- 26,989 (p. 30). • Add. 27,296 (p. 39). D^nOD- Add. 27,296 (p. 39). n2Vn Vir\. Add. 27,290 (p. 39). nyi}. Add. 26,989 (p. 30). Add. 27,296 (p. 39). n-'bpt- Add. 27,296 (p. 39). D'2)?n Add. 27,296 (p. 39). mronv Add. 26,915 (p. 35). n^y^- Add. 27,005 (p. 36). HDD. Add. 27,005 (p. 36). V^hTp. Add. 20,915 (p. 35). r\TI}r\ tm. .Add. 27,005 (p. 30). S\*.:p S^na. Add. 20,905 (p. 35). Nr'ii*3 i^nn. Add. 26,965 (p. 35). Add. 27,084 (p. 37). Add. 27,092 (p. 37). Add. 27,118 (p. 38). ■ • Add. 27,135 (p. .38). nrn- Add. 27,021 (p. so). ^^•lO^J. Add. 27,185 (p. 39). ■ Or. 851 (p. 40). ]>b^^. Add. 27,025 (p. 36). nV2y- Add. 26,965 (p. 35). Add. 27,048 (p. 37). j^nijID- Add. 26,905 (p. 35). nbXD- Add. 27,021 (p. 30). -)^n- Add. 27,048 (p. 37). ntOID- Add. 19,786 (p. 34). D'nD3. Add. 27,024 (p. 36). rriip. Add. 27,130 (p. 38). ^\^V'^2t■ Add. 27,084 (p. 37). r)2t- Add. 27,024 (p. 36). Add. 27,139 (p. 38). n-Jl^n. Add. 27,024 (p. 36). On -r>"lD -)1D- Add. 27,293 (p. 39). On D^r: "nD. Or. 1421 (p. 41). On ]>p'n l-TD. Or. 1008 (p. 40). On ^^♦:p hinn. ^^;;^:iD ^:ipn. Add. 27,175 (p. 60). mjpn (of Gershon Me'or hag-Golah). Or. 1083 (p. 40), D':iD"fp.i mjpn. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). D'2tn JlJpn. Add. 27,090 (p. 59). bi^'W ]2 ]n^v Di:nn. Add. 27,031 (p. 6). ••J'^ Di:nin (on Esther). Or. 1476 (p. 8). Or. 2374 (p. 10). (p. 10). Or. 2375 Or. 2377 (p. 11). HDnJin 'D. Harley 5648 (p. 32). Add. 18,424 (p. 33). t't^nn 'D. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). \y'U}r\ (the decisions of Samson bea Sadok). Add. 18,424 (p. 33). (the decisions of Samson ben Sadok). Add. 18,685 (p. 33). — — — (decisions of Simon Buran ben Semah). Add. 27,117 (p. 37). D^:^^i:^ mm^n. Add. 27,181 (p. 39). Bible passages in the Talmud (Index of). Add. 27,128 (p. 82). De judiciis Asti'onomiae (cr Capitula Astrologiae). Add. 27,106 (p. 74). Elementa Religionis Poljglotta. Sloane 5242 (p. 78). Joshua son of Nun (Book of [Samari- tan]). Add. 19,956 (p. 92). Lilium Medicinae, Add. 15,455 (p. 76). Logic of Aristotle. Or. 2856 (p. 68). Meteorologies of Aristotle. See Organon (of Aristotle). Harley 5517 (p. 64). Harley 5523 (p. 64). Sloane 3265 (p. 64). Add. 18,687 (p. 65). Panegyric on Moses [Samaritan]. Add. 19,021 (p. 91). Parva Logicalia. Add. 18,227 (p. 65). Physics of Aristotle. Add, 17,051 (p. 65). Add. 25,879 (p. 65). Porta veritatis. Harley 2427—8 (p. 78). Samaritan Annals. Or. 1447 (p. 93), Or. 2080 (p. 93). Summa Arithmeticae et Geometriae. Add. 27,039 (p. 74). Tanna'Im and 'Amora'im (List of). Add. 27,125 (p. 38). Theorica Planetarum. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Tractatus de Sphera mundi. Add. 27,106 (p. 74). Add. 27,146 (p. 75). Yusuf u Zulaildui (of Jfimi). Or. 2453 (p. 69^. INDEX OF AUTHOKS. 4'«'» Aaron ben Asher [D''/:3PIDrT "13D]. Ada. 15,251 (p. 5). Aaron Berekhyali of Modena. Add. 27,019 (p. 57). . Add. 27,043 (p. 58). • Add. 27,102 (p. 37). Aaron ben Elijah of Nicomedia. Add. 22,069 (p. 34). Or. 1099 (p. 67). Or. 1306 (p. 67). Or. 1098 (p. 19). Aaron ben Hayyim ben Abraham of Fez. Add. 26,991 (p. 36). Aaron ben Josef (Karaite). Or. 1097 (p. 19). Aaron bal-Levi of Barcelona. Or. 48 (p. 40). Or. 2855 (p. 44). Aaron ben Meshullam. Add. 26,976 (p. 66). Abdallah ibn Muh. ibu es-Sid al- Batalyusl. Add. 21,140 (p. 65). Abis^dor (Abraham). Add. 16,389 (p. 76). . (Abraham). Add. 18,227 (p. 65). (Abraham). Add. 27,087 Abigdor (Solomon). Add. 27,106 (p. 74). (Solomon). Add. 27,146 (p. 75). Abo'ab (Samuel ben Abraham). Add. 26,940 (p. 35). Abrabanel (Isaac). Harley 3418 (p.78). Harley 3429 (p. 78). (p. 46). (p. 47). (p. 82). (p. 74). — Sloane 3173 — Add. 18,724 — Add. 27,089 — Add. 27,107 — Add. 27,129 (p. 66). (p. 83). Abraham Abigdor. See Abigdor (Abraham). Abraham 'Abu'1-Afia. See 'Abu'l- Afia (Abraham). Abraham of Cologne. Harley 5510 (p. 53). Add. 15,299 (p. 54). Add. 27,179 (p. 84). Abraham ben David, the elder. Or. 1069 (p. 67). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 115 Abraham ben David, the younger. Add. 26,894 (p. 34). . Or 852 (p. 40). Abraham ibn Ezra. Harley 269 (p. 14). Harley 5507 (p 6:3). Harley 5772 (p.15). Harley 7585 (p.l5). Add. 19,668 (p 79). Add. 19,948 (p.62). Add. 20,747 (p.48). Add. 22,091 (p.l6). Add. 22,093 (p. 17). Add. 24,896 (p.l7). Add. 26,880 (p.l7). Add. 26,900 (p.l7). (?) Add. 26,934 (p. 55). Add. 26,976 (p.66). Add. 26,981 (p.l8). Add. 26,984 (p.74). Add. 26,987 (p.l8). (?) Add. 27,017 (P- 74). Add. 27,038 (p.l8). ■ Add. 27,038 (p.66). Add. 27,045 (p. 68). Add. 27,070 (p.49). Add. 27,131 (p.83). Add. 27,144 (p.83). Add. 27,153 (p.83). Add. 27,298 (p.l9). Add. 27,561 (p.l9). Or. 1088 (p. 19). Or. 1432 (p. 20). Or. 1487 (p. 20). Or. 2587 (p. 52). Or. 2671 (p. 27). Or. 3658 (p. 75). Abraham ben Hasdai. Harley340(p.62). '. Or. 1306 (p. 67). Abraham ben Hasdai. Or. 1485 (p. 63). Abraham bar Hiyya. Add. 26,899 (p. 74). Add. 27,106 (p. 74). Or. 832 (p.66). Or.l056(p.75). Or.2806(p.75). Or.4597(p.75). Abraham ben Isaac of Granada. Add. 26,930 (p. 55). Add. 27,120 (p. 60). Add. 27,155 (p. 60). Abraham ben Isaac hal-Levi. Harley 7621 (p. 15). Abraham ben Isaac ben Mordekhai. Add. 27,113 (p. 68). Abraham ben Jacob [author of i>iO P^rn]- Add. 26,963 (p. 62). Abraham ben Jacob 'Anaw. See 'Anaw (Abraham ben Jacob). Abraham hal-Levi (disciple of Moses Cordovero). Add. 27,035 (p. 58). Abraham ben Menahem of Rovigo. Add. 27,209 (p. 84). Abraham ben Moses ben IMaimon [letters of]. Add. 27,131 (p. 83). . Or. 1083 (p. 40). Abraham ibn Miisa. Add.l9,786(p.34). Abraham ben Solomon. Or. 2387 (p. 20). Abraham del Vecchio. Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Abraham Yarhi. See Yarhi (Abra- ham). Abu'1-Afia (Abraham). Harley 1204 (p. 53). Add. 27,035 (p. 58). I 2 116 INDEX OF AUTHORS. 'Abu'1-Afia (Meir tal-Levi ben Tod- ros). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). 'Abul-Afia (Todros bal-Levi ben Josef). Eeg. 16. A. x. (p. 54). Or. 62 (p. 61). Or. 2782 (p. 61). 'Abu Falah of Saragossa. Or. 3659 (p. 86)'. 'Abu'l-Fath ibn 'Abu'l-Hasan. Or. 1447 (p. 93). Or. 2080 (p. 93). 'Abu Mas'ud of Sevilla. Or. 3659 (p. 86). 'Abu Nasr Alfarabi. See Mub. ibn Muh. ibn Tarkhan al-Farabi. 'Abu Sa'd ibn 'Abi Surur as Sawi al-Isra'Ili. Or. 65 (p. 77). 'Abu Sa'id (ar-Ea'is). Or. 2561 (p. 26). Or. 2562 (p. 26). 'Abu's-Sari. See Sabl ben Masliah al-Imam. 'Abu'l-Walld Merwan ibn Janab. See Jonab ibu Janab. Al-'Adani. See Sa'id ibn Da'iid al- 'Adani. Afendopolo (Caleb). Or. 1306 (p.67). Or. 2537 (p. 52). Africanus (Constantinus). Add.18,969 (p. 76). Ahmad ibn Ibrabim, called Ibn al- Jazzar. Ar. Or. 26 (p. 76). Add. 18,969 (p. 76). Add. 27,542 (p. 84). Abmad ibn Mubammad al-Farghani. Add. 27,107 (p. 75). 'Akiba (Rabbi) ben Josef. Harley 5610 (p. 53). •Ala ud-Din al-Muwakkit. Add. 27,294 (p. 39). Albo (Josef). Or. 1082 (p. 66). Aldricb (Henry). Sloane5242 (p. 79). Alemanno (Yohanan). Or. 2854 (p. 27). Alfagi (Elijah ben David). Add. 16,454 (p. 73). Alfonso (author of a mathematical treatise). Add. 26,984 (p. 74). 'All ibn Ridwan. Add. 18,689 (p. 76). Add. 19,668 (p. 79). 'All ben Sulaiman. Or. 2663 (p. 26). Or. 2572 (p. 67). ♦Amram Gaon. Add. 26,978 (p. 49). . Or. 1067 (p. 50). Anatolio (Jacob). Harley 6617 (p. 64). Harley 5523 (p. 64). Add. 16,978 (p. 16). 'Anaw (Abraham ben Jacob). Add. 27,203 (p. 84). 'Anaw (Pinhas Hai). Add. 26,905-13 (p. 34). Anquillara (Griovanni Andrea dell'). Add. 26,916 (p. 80). Archevolti (Samuel). Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Aristotle. Harley 340 (p. 62). ■ Harley 5517 (p. 64). Harley 5523 (p. 64). Or. 1484 (p. 63). Or. 2396 (p. 63). Arnaldus de Villa Nova. Add. 16,389 (p. 76). Add. 27,106 (p. 74). Asher ben David. Or. 1055 (p. 61). Asher ben Yehiel. Add. 17,049—50 (p. 33). Add. 26,989 (p. 36). Add. 27,032 (p.36). Add. 27,293 (p. 39). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 117 Asherben Ychlel. Add. 27,557 (p.39). Or. 1057 (p. 40). AshkenazI (Abraham bea Samuel). Add. 27,088 (p. 81). Astruk. See Gad Astruk ben Jacob. Auzoles Lapeyre (Jaques d'). Harley 5239 (p. 2). Averroes. See Muhammadibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rusbd). Avicenna. See Husain ibn 'Ab- dallah, called Ibn SIna. 'Azriel (ben Solomon ?) Add. 27,076 (p. 59). Add. 27,173 (p. 83). Azulai (Abraham). Add. 26,947 (p. 55). ■ Add. 26,972 (p. 56). Babli (Meuahem). See Menahem Babli. Bahya ben Asher. Add. 26,922 (p. 35). (?) Add. 27,089 (p. 82). Or. 1484 (p. 63). Bahya ben Josef. Harley 5686 (p. 45). . Add. 26,899 (p. 80). Add. 26,952 (p. 65). Or. 3612 (p. 68). Baki (Samson). Add. 27,085 (p. 59). Al-Balidah (Moses ben Josef), ^ee Moses ben Josef al-Balldah. Barukb ben Gershon. Add. 22,096 (p. 80). Barukb ben Isaac. Harley 5648 (p. 32). Add. 18,424 (p. 33). Basilea (Solomon). Add.27,157(p.75). Al-Batalyu»I. See 'Abdallah ibn Mull, ibn es-Sid al-Batiilyiisi. Bedarshi (Abraham). Add. 19,668 (p. 79). Bedarshi (Abraham). Add. 27,168 (p. 69). Bedarshi (Yed'ayah hap-Penlnl ben Abraham). Add. 19.668 (p. 79). Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Add. 27,168 (p. 69). Add. 27,193 (p. 69). Bellilos (Jacob). Add. 26,940 (p. 35). Benjamin Kohen. Add. 27,077 (p. 59). Benjamin of Tudela. Add. 27,089 (p. 82). Benjamin ben Yehudah of Eome. Add. 24,896 (p. 17). Benveniste (Vidal). Add. 27,168 (p. 69). Bonfed (Solomon). Add. 27,168 (p. 69). Bonsenior ibn Yahya. Add. 19,668 (p. 80). Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Calimani (Simhah). Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Cdpsali (Elijah ben Elkanah). Add. 19,971 (p. 80). Carmeciolio (Alfonso) [disputation of]. Add. 26,948 (p. 80). Cases (Moses). Add. 27,084 (p. 37). Castro (Jacob). Add. 27,183 (p. 39). Cavel (John). Add. 22,911 (p. 80). Coch (Johannes). Harley 1795 (p. 31). Comtino (Mordekhai). Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Concio (Josef ben Gershon). Add. 27,109 (p. m). Constantinus Afer. See Africanus (Constantinus). Cordovero (Moses). Add. 19,788 (p. 54). 118 INDEX OK AUTHORS. Cordovero (Moses). Add. 27,013(p.57). Add. 27,019(p.57). ■ Add. 27,026(p.57). . Add. 27,027(p.57). Add.27,028(p.67). Add. 27,030(p.58). Add. 27,041—2 (p. 58). Add. 27,058— 27,067 (p. 68). . Add. 27,091 (p.59). . Add.27,186(p.61). Costa ben Luca. See Kusta ibn Liika. Costa (Solomon da). Add. 4710—11 (p. 79). Crescas (Asher ben Abraham). Add. 26,987 (p. 18). Crescas (Hisdai). Or, 47 (p. 84). Curtisni (Francisco). Ar, Or. 151 (p. 78). Daniel ha- Role ben Moshe ham- Melammed. Or. 2538 (p. 85). Dato (Mordekhai). Add. 22,094(p.48). Add. 27,007(p.28). . Add. 27,0o0(p.58). Add. 27,096(p.49). Add. 27,097(p.59). David ben Abraham (grandson of Maimonides). Or. 66 (p. 28). . Or. 67—70 (p. 29). David ben Bakoda. Add. 27,126 (p. 49). David ben Bo'az. Or. 2403 (p. 21). David ben Levi. Add. 1 9,778 (p. 33). David Medina of Aleppo. Add. 26,996 (p. 56). David ben Yehudah [author of ~)")h^ iniT]. Add. 29,929 (p. 55). David ibn 'Abi Ziuna. Add. 26,975 (p. 35). Del Vecchio. See Abraham del Veccbio a>2d Samuel del Vecchio.' Dunash ben Labrat. Add. 27,214f (p. 72). Ar.Or.51(p.70). Duran (Profiat). Add. 19,668 (p. 79). Add. 26,948 (p. 80). Add. 26,961 (p. 81). Add. 27,047 (p. 71). Add. 27,116 (p. 82). Or. 1425 (p. 72). Duran (Simeon ben Semab). Add. 22,089 (p. 34). Duran (Solomon ben Simon). Add. 27,117 (p. 37). Ad-Dustari. See Sahl ben al-Fadl ben Sahl ad-Dustari. Efendopolo. See Afendopolo. Eliezer hag-Gadol. See Eliezer ben Isaac. Eliezer ben Isaac. Add. 27,190 (p. 63). Eliezer of Mainz. Or. 1054 (p. 84). Eliezer Nahman Foa. See Foa (Eliezer Nahman). Elijah Havjim ben Benjamin. Add. 26,934 (p. 55). Elijah ham-Melammed. Or. 1263 (p. 19). Elijah ben Menahem. Eeg. 16. A. i. (p. 45). Add. 11,639 (p. 79). Elijah ben Yehudah. Or. 2537 (p.52). Elijah Zaken. See Elijah ben Mena- hem. Elisha' ha-R6fe. Or. 2674 (p. 77). Elishama' Meir of Padua. Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Ephraim ben Asher. Harley 7013 (p. 78). Ephraim ben Gershou had-Darshan. Or. 1307 (p. 29). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 119 Ephraim ben Jacob of Modena. Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Euclid. Add. 20,746 (p. 74). Ezra bar Sheloraoh ben V^iD!!- Add. 26,981 (p. 18). Ezobi (Josef). Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Add. 27,045 (p. 68). Add. 27,193 (p. 69). Al-Farabl. See Mub. ibn Mub. ibn Tarkban al-Farabi. Al-Favgbani. See Ahmad ibn Mu- hammad al-Fargbanl. Al-FasI (Isaac). Harley 5705 (p. 32). Add. 17,049-50(p.32). Add. 26,901 (p. 34). Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Add. 27,075 (p. 37). . Add. 27,102 (p. 37). . ■ Or. 1421 (p. 41). Feiro (Jacob Rafael). Ar. Or. 151 (p. 78). Eerussol (Abraham). Add. 27,108 (p. 82). Eerussol (Moses Botarell). Or. 3658 (p. 75). Finzi (Hananiab ben Solomon). Add. 27,121 (p. 69). Finzi (Isaac Rafael). Add. 26,939 (p. 18). Foa (Eliezer Nahman)- Add. 27,037 (p. 18). . Add. 27,115 (p. 37). Add. 27,177 (p. 63). Frances ('Immanuel). Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Frances (Jacob). Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Furkau ('Abu 'l-Far.ij) ibn Asad. Or. 2491 (p. 11). Or. 2494 (p. 23). Furkan ('Abu'l-Faraj) ibn Asad. Or. 2496-8 (p. 23). Or. 2544—6 (p. 25). . Or. 2559—60 (p. 26). Gad Astruk ben Jacob. Add. 27,039 (p. 74). Galante (Abrabam). Add. 27,186 (p. 61). Galante (Moses ben Mordekhai). Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Galen. Add. 18,689 (p. 76). Gallico (Samuel). Add. 27,091 (p.59). Gedalyah ben Josef ibn Yahya. Add. 27,001 (p. 68). Gedalyah hal-Levi. Add. 26,997 (p. 56). Gerard of Cremona. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Gerondi (Nissim). Add. 22,090 (p. 34). Add. 27,024 (p. 36). Add. 27,118 (p. 38). Add. 27,135 (p. 38). Gerondi (Peres). Harley 5510 (p. 53). Reg. 16. A. X. (p.53). Add. 26,919 (p. 54). Gershon Me'or bag-Golab. See Ger- shon ben Yehudah haz-Zaken. Gershon ben Solomon. Add. 26,925 (p. 65). Gershon ben Yebudab haz-Zaken. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Add. 27,196 (p. 39). , Or. 1083 (p. 40). Ghazal ibn 'Abi's-Surur . . . al-Ghazzi. Add. 19,657 (p. 92). Al-Ghazzali. See Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Gbazzali. 120 INDEX OF AUTHOBS. Gikatilia (Josef). Hailey 5510 (p. 53). Eeg. 16. A. X. (p.53). ■ Add. 11,416 (p. 54). Add. 16,407 (p. 54). Add. 17,807 (p. 64). Add. 27,089 (p. 82). Add. 27,114 (p. 60). Add. 27,142 (p. 60). Or. 62 (p. 61). Gordon (Bernard de). Add. 15,455 (p. 76). Grimm (M. A.). Add. 16,915 (p. 6). Habib (Jacob). Add. 26,923 (p. 35). Hai Gaon. Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Hammai Gaon. Add. 15,299 (p. 54). Add. 19,788 (p. 54). Add. 27,078 (p. 59). Add. 27,187 (p. 61). Hamis (Josef). Add. 27,054-7 (p. 58). Hananel ben Hiishlel. Add. 27,194 (p. 39). Hanauel ben Samuel. Add. 27,197 (p. 39). Al-Harizi (Yehudah). Harley 5525 (p. 64). Keg. 16. A. iii. (p. 78). . Add. 14,763 Add. 19,668 Add. 27,112-13 Add. 27,131 Or. 2396 (p. 63). Harun ('Abu'l-Faraj). Or. 2498 (p. 23). Hayylin ben Israel ha-Rofe. Add. 27,562 (p. 77). Haj'ylm ben Samuel of Tudela. Add. 27,299 (p. 39). (p. 64). (p. 79). (p. 68). (p. 83). Hayyim benTSolomon' ■ liak-Kohen. Add. 27,125 (p. 28). Hayyim Vital. ? See Vital (Hayyim), Hayyuj (Yehudab). Or. 2549i(p. 73). Hayyun (Josef ben Abraham). Add. 26,902r(p. 17). Add. 27,560 (p. 19). Or. 1004 (p. 19). Hezekiah ben fAbraham. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Hippocrates. Harley 5527 (p. 76). Holywood (John). See Sacrobosco (Joannes de). Honain ben Ishak. Harley 5527 (p.76). Reg. 16. A. iii. Add. 27,562 (p. 77). Or. 2396 (p. 63). Hoogbt (E. van der). Add. 16,915 (p. 6). Husain ibn 'Abdallab, called Ibn Sina. Harley 5680 (p. 76). Harley 5707 (p. 76). Add. 11,668 (p. 76). Add. 21,967 (p. 77). Add. 27,542 (p. 84). Add. 27,559 (p. 66). Add. 27,562 (p. 77). Ibn Rushd. iS'ee Muhammad ibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rusbd. Ibn Sina. See Husain ibn 'Abdallah, called Ibn Sina. 'Iminanucl ben Jacob. Add. 26,984 (p. 74). INDEX OF AUTHOKS. 121 'Immanuel ben Jacob. Add. 27,101 (p. 74). . Add. 27,106 (p. 74). Add. 27,153 (p. 88). Or. 4598 (p. 75). 'Immanuel ben Shelomoh. 5797 (p. 16). 11,567 (p. 16). 24,896 (p. 17). Harley Add. Add. Or. 1002 (p. 69). Isaac Abrabanel. /S'eeAbraban el (Isaac). Isaac hab-Bahur. Add. 27,005 (p. 36). Isaac of Corbeil. Harley 5529 (p. 31). . Harley 5584 (p. 31). Add. 11,639 (p. 79). Add. 18,684 (p. 33). — Add. 18,685 (p. 33). . Add. 18,828 (p. 33). Add. 26,982 (p. 36). Isaac of Diiren. Harley 5529 (p. 31). . Harley 5686 (p. 45). Add. 18,685 (p. 33). Add. 26,970 (p. 81). Isaac ben Elie;:er. Eeg.l6. A. i.(p.45). Isaac ben Elijah hak-Kohen. Or. 2806 (p. 75). Isaac Al-Fasi. See Al-Fasi (Isaac). Isaac Israeli, the elder. See Israeli (Isaac ben Solomon). Isaac Israeli, the younger. See Israeli (Isaac ben Josef). Isaac hak-Kohen ben Hayyim ben Josef. Add. 26,960 (p. 18). Isaac ibn Latlf. Add. 27,051 (p. 66). . Or. 1084 (p. 66). Or. 1102 (p. 67). Isaac Loria. See Loria (Isaac). Isaac ben Meir [letter of]. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Isaac ben Moses of Vienna. Add. 23,974 (p. 34). Add. 27,297 (p. 39). Or. 2859—60 (p. 44). Isaac ben Nathan of Cordova. Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Isaac ibn Palquera. Add. 27,144 (p.83). Isaac ben Samuel of Akko. Add. 27,172 (p. 19). Isaac ben Samuel has-Sefardl. Add. 26,934 (p. 55). _ Or. 2388 (p. 20). Isaac ben Shemtob. Or. 1388 (p. 67). Isaac ben Solomon [author of ~)lji} n22b7M Or. 2990 (p. 86). Isaac ben Solomon ibn al-Hadib. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Or. 2806 (p. 75). Isaac ben Solomon ben Israel has- Sofer. Or. 1003 (p. 40). Isaac ben Todros. Add. 19,787 (p. 48). Isaac ben Yediidah hal-Levi. Add. 27,128 (p. 18). Isaiah of Trani, the elder. Add. 24,896 (p. 17). Add. 26,893 (p. 34). 26,903 (p. 34). 26,914 (p. 35). 27,125 (p. 38). Add. Add. Add. Or. 1068 (p. 40). 122 INDEX OP AUTHORS. Isaiah of Trani, the younger. Or. 3613 (p. 44). Isban (Mordekhai). Or. 2457 (p. 61). Ishmael [the Mishnah doctor]. Add. 27,191 (p. 39). Al-Iskandari. See Moses al-Hakim al-Iskandarl. Isma'il ibn Badr ibn 'Abu'l-'Izz ibn Eumaih. Add. 19,021 (p. 91). Israel ben Samuel. Or. 2457 (p. 61). Israel ben Samuel had-Dayyan ham- Ma'arabi. Or. 2528 (p. 43). Israeli (Isaac ben Josef). Harley 3429 (p. 78). Add.15,977 (p. 74). Israeli (Isaac ben Solomon). Add. 27,144 (p. 83). Issakhar (Simhah). Add. 27,012 (p. 68). Jacob Anatolio. See Anatolio (Jacob). Jacob ben Asher. Harley 277 (p.77). Harley 5716—17 (p. 32). ■ • Harley 7198 (p. 32). Add. 19,973 (p. 34). . Add. 26,892 (p. 34). • Add. 27,032 (p. 36). ■ Add. 27,137 (p. 38). Add. 27,150 (p. 38). Or. 2416 (p. 30). Jacob Castro. See Castro (Jacob). Jacob ben David [author of a treatise on the Calendar]. Or. 4598 (p. 75). Jacob ben Ela'zar. Or. 2538 (p. 85). Jacob he-Hasid ben R. Jacob. Add. 27,173 (p. 84). Jacob ben Levi. Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Jacob Levi Molin. See Moliu (Jacob Levi). Jacob ben Makhlr. Add. 26,984 (p. 74). Jacob ben Makhlr. Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Or. 3658 (p. 75). Jacob of Marseilles. Add. 17,057 (p. 65). Jacob ben Moses of Bagnols. Or. 2705 (p. 44). Jacob ben Nathanael al-Fayyumi [letter by Maimonides to]. Add: 27,129 (p. 82). Jacob Be-Rab, the elder. Add. 26,977. (p. 36). Jacob ben Reuben. Add. 26,966 (p.81>, Jacob Semah ben Hayyim. Add. 26,997 (p. 56). Add. 27,080 (p. 59). 27,082 (p. 59). 27,093 (p. 59). Add. Add. Add. 27,099 (p. 59). Jonathan (Rabbi), one of Maimonides' correspondents. Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Al-Jazzar. See Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, called Ibn al-Jazzar. Jonah ben Abraham of Gerona. Harley 277 (p. 77). Jonah Gerondi. See Jonah ben Abra- ham of Gerona. Jonah ibn Janah. Or. 2594 (p. 73). Or. 2595 (p. 73). Josef ben Abraham ben Wakkar. Add. 16,407 (p. 54). Josef ben Abraham Hayyun. See Hayyun (Josef ben Abraham). Josef Albo. See Albo (Josef). Josef Bekhor-shor. Or. 2853 (p. 27). Josef Concio ben Gershon. See Concio (Josef ben Gershon). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 123 Josef ben David ibn Yahya. Or. 1004 (p. 19). Josef Ezobi. See Ezobi (Josef). Josef ben Gorion. Add. 27,136 (p.83). Josef ben Hayyim [author of ^"^"2 U'^m Or. 1022 (p. 72). Josef Israel ben Abraham of Forli. Or. 1058 (p. 67). Josef ben Joshua hak-Koben. Add. 27,122 (p. 82). Or. 3656 (p. 86). Josef Kara. (See Kara (Josef). Josef ibn Kaspi. Add. 22,092 (p. 16). Josef Kohen. See Josef ben Joshua hak-Kohen. Josef (?) of Safed. Add. 26,943 (p. 35). Josef ben Shemtob. Add. 26,976 (p. 66). Add. 27,116 (p. 82). Or. 47 (p. 84). Josef ibn Sheraga. Add. 27,014 (p. 57). Josef ben Shesheth ibn Latimi. Add. 19,668 (p. 79). Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Add. 27,193 (p. 69). Josef ibn Shoshan. Add. 26,922 (p. 35). Josef Syrillo. Or. 2822—4 (p. 44). Josef ben Uzziel. Harley 5610 (p. 53). Josef ben Yehudah. Keg. 16. A. iii. (p. 78). Kafanton (Jacob ben Isaac). Or. 1053 (p. 75). Kalonymos, the author of DT^D Kalonymos ben Kalonymos. 17,051 (p. 65). Add. — Add. 19,948 (p. 62). Add. 25,879 (p. 65). Kanpanton. See Kafanton. Kara (Josef). Harley 150 (p. 14). Harley 7621 (p. 15). Add. 22,413 (p. 48). Add. 27,298 (p. 19). Katzenellenbogen (Yehudah). Add. 26,930 (p. 55). Kimbi (David). Harley 7621 (p. 15). Reg. 16. A. ix. (p. 70). Add. 17,806 (p. 71). Add. 26,900 (p. 17). Add. 27,046 (p. 18). Add. 27,179 (p. 84). Add. 27,555 (p. 72). Or, 832 (p. m). Or. 1018 (p. 19), Or. 1022 (p. 72). Or. 1045 (p. 72). Or. 1488 (p. 72). Or. 1489 (p. 20). Or. 2671 (p. 27). Kimbi (JoseQ. Or. 1016 (p. 72). Kimhi (Moses). Add. 18,693 (p. 71). Add. 27,555 (p. 72). Al-Kirkisani (Ya'kub). See Ya'kub ('Abu Yiisuf al-Kirkisani). Kohen (Benjamin). Add. 27,151 (p. 60). Kolon (Josef). Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Kusta ibn Liika. Add. 9005 (p. 73). Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Lampronti (Isaac). Add. 26,895 (p. 28). Laudan (Jacob). Add. 27,034 (p. 81). Leon (Yehudah, Messer). Sloane 3265 (p. 64). 124 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Leon (Yehudah, Messer). 27,087 (p. 66). ^1 II M I ^ 27,094 (p. 71), Add. Add. Or. 2856 (p. 68). Levi ben Gershon. Harley 5526 (p. 14). . . Harley 5797 (p,15). . Harley 7622 (p.l5). Add. 12,209 (p. 16). Add. 14,759 (p. 16). Add. 18,687 (p. 65). [mm"?]. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Add. 27,069 (p.l8). Or. 1053 (p. 75). Or. 3657 (p. 44). Levi (Abu Sa'id) ben al-Hasan ben 'All al-Basri. Or. 2564 (pp.26,52). Levi ben Shabbathi. Harley 7685 (p. 15). Levita (Elias). Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Lipmann (Yomtob) of Miihlhausen. Harley 5528 (p. 78). Loeb (Yehudah ben Isaac). Add. 26,959 (p. 80). Loria (Isaac). Add. 26,904 (p. 54). . . Add. 26,928 (p. 55). . Add. 26,932 (p. 55). . Add. 26,953 (p. 56). Add. 26,958 (p. 56). . Add. 26,980 (p. 56). . Add. 26,993 (p. 56). . Add. 27,010 (p. 57). . Add. 27,015 (p. 57). . Add. 27,022 (p. 57). Add. 27,052 (p. 58). Add. 27,073 (p. 58). Add. 27,077 (p. 59). . Add. 27,082 (p. 59). . Add. 27,099 (p. 59). Add. 27,110 (p. 59). Loria (Isaac). Add. 27,152 (p. 60). Add. 27,154 (p. 60). Add. 27,186 (p. 61). Add. 27,211 (p. 61). Ludolf (Job) [letter of Samaritans to]. Reg. 16. B. iii. (p. 90). Luzzatto (Ephraim). Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Luzzatto (Isaac). Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Luzzatto (Mordekhai). Add. 27,088 (p. 81). Luzzatto (Moses Hayyim). Add. 27,085 (p. 69). Add. 27,088 (p. 81). 27,110 (p. 59). Add. Add. 27,154 (p. 60). Maimonides. See Moses ben Maimon and Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon. Marciano (Elijah ben Hayyim). Add. 27,078 (p. 59). Marini (Shabbethai). Add. 26,916 (p. 80). Maslamah ben 'Abi Sukhuwwah (mDD n>< p iinbtn) [letter of]. Add. 19,791 (p. 92). Mattathya ben Josef hal-Levi, Add. 27,207 (p. 69). Meir ben Barukh of Rothenburg. Harley 6529 (p. 31). Harley 5702 (p. 32). Add. 11,438 (p. 32). Add. 17,049—50 (p. 33). Add. 17,052 (p. 33). TTTDEX OF AUXnORS. 12 Meir Kohcn. Or. 45 (p. 40). Meir hal-Levi ben Todros. See 'Abu'1-Afia (Meir hal-Levi ben Todros). Meirl (Menahem). Add. 19,779 (p. 62). Add. 27,174 (p. 84). Or. 44 (p. 40). Menahem (disciple of Ela'zar of Worms). Add. 27,142 (p. 60). Add. 27,187 (p. 61). Or. 1055 (p. 61). Menahem 'Azaryah of Fano. Add. 18,228 (p. 54). Add. Add. Add. Add. Add. Add. Add. Add. 27,175 (p. 60). Menahem Babli. Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Menahem Bonfos of Perpignan. Add. 18,971 (p. 65). Menahem Meirl. See Meiri (Mena- hem). Menahem Rekanati. See Rekanati (Menahem). Menahem ben Saruk. Ar. Or. 51 (p. 70). 26,969 (p. 56). 26,979 (p. 56). 26,993 (p. 56). 27,132 (p. 60). 27,140 (p. 60). 27,143 (p. 60). 27,144 (p. 83). Menahem ben Saruk. Add. 27,214 (p. 71). Menahem ben Simeon- Add. 24,896 (p. 17). Mesne. See Yahya ibn Masawaih. Meyubas bar Elijah. Add. 19,970 (p. 16). Molin (Jacob Levi). Add. 27,111 (p. 37). Or. 4597 (p.44). Molko (Solomon). Add. 26,930 (p.55). Mordekhai Dato. See Dato (Mor- dekhai). Mordekhai ben Hillel. Add. 17,049-50 (p. 83). Add. 17,052 (p. 33). Add. 19,972 (p. 34). Mordekhai ben Solomon. Or. 1083 (p. 40). Moses Botarell Ferussol. /S'ee Ferussol (Moses Botarell). Moses Cases. See Cases (Moses). Moses Cordovero. See Cordovero (Moses). Moses of Coucy. Harley 5700 (p. 32). Harley 6718 (p. 32). Add. 17,054 (p. 33). Add. 27,040 (p. 36). Or. 1081 (p. 40). Moses ben Ezra. Add. 11,639 (p. 79). Moses al-Hakira al-Iskandari. Or. 2538 (p. 85). Moses ben Josef al-Balidah. Or. 2746 (p. 85). Moses ben Maimon. Harley 5507 (p. 63). Harley 5525 (p. 64). Harley 5686 (p. 45). 126 INDEX OF AUTHORS. (p. 32). (p. 32). (p. 32). (p. 32). (p. 32). (p. 32). (p. 15). A. and B. (p. 64). (p. 64). (p. 32). (p. 64). (p. 65). (p. 32). (p. 71). (p. 46). (p. .33). (p. 46). (p. 48). (p. 65). (p. 66). Harley 56 98—9 Harley 5702 Harley 5716-17 Harley 5719 Harley 7198 Harley 7553 Harley 7585 Harley 7586 Keg. 16. A. xi. Add. 11,438 Add. 14,763 Add. 14,764 Add. 15,421 Add. 16,390 Add. 16,577 Add. 17,056-7 Add. 18,690 Add. 19,944—5 Add. 26,976 Add. 27,068 Add. 27,070 (p. 49). Moses ben Maimon. Add. 27,089 (p. 81 Add. 27,107 (p. 74). Add. 27,117 (p. 38). [letters of]. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). (p. 83). (p. 38). (p. 84). (p. 39). (p. 84). (p. 40). (p. 41). (p. 41). (p. 41). (p. 42). (p. 42). • Add. 27,131 - Add. 27,147 • Add. 27,179 • Add. 27,294 • Add. 27,542 • Add. 27,558 • Or. 832 (p. 66). Or. 1046 (p. 40). •Or. 1388 (p. 67). Or. 1423 (p. 67). Or. 1486 (p. 41). Or. 2217—21 Or. 2222—6 Or. 2351 (p. 30). Or. 2357 (p. 41). Or. 2391—2 Or. 2393—6 Or. 2420—2 - Or. 2423 (p. Q7). - Or. 2456 (p. 42). - Or. 2673 (p. 44). - Or. 2745 (p. 44). - Or. 2746 (p. 85). INDEX OP AUTHORS. 127 and 34). Moses ben Maimon. Or. 4048 (p. 44). Or. 4103 (p. 44). Moses ben Michael hak-Kohen. Add. 26,967 (p. 48). Moses ben Nahman. Harley 5503 — 4 (p. 14). Harley 5703 (p. 14). Harley 7638 (p. 15). Add. 15,299 (p. 54). Add. 18,731 (p. 16). Add. 26,894 (pp. 17 Add. 26,933 (p. 18). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Add. 27,025 (p. 36). Add. 27,048 (p. 37). Add. 27,080 (p. 59). Add. 27,084 (p. 37). (?) Add. 27,089 [letter of]. Add. 27,131 (p. 83). Add. 27,139 (p. 38). Add. 27,172 (p. 19). (?) Add.27,173(p.84). Add. 27,185 (p. 39). (?) Add. 27,187 (p. 82). (p. 61). Moses han-Nakdan. Or. 853 (p. 72). Moses of Narbonne. Add.l8,831(p.65). Add. 18,971 (p. 65). Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon. Harley 6797 (p. 15). Add. 20,746 (p. 74). Add. 21,140 (p. 65). Moses ben Shemtob ibn Hablb. 2857 (p. 73). Or. Moses ben Shemtob of Leon. Add. 26,920 (p. 54). Add. 27,044-5 (p. 58). Add. 27,142 (p. 60). Moses ibn Tibbon, Ar. Or. 26 (p. 76). Add. 15,421 (p.32). Add. 27,107(p.74). Add. 27,562 (p.77). Moses of Zurich. Add. 18,684 (p. 33). Add. 26,982 (p. 36). Moses Zakkuth. Add. 26,927 (p. 55). Motot (Samuel). Add. 26,981 (p. 18). Muhammad ibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rushd. Harley 5517 (p. 64). Harley 5523 (p. 64). Add. 17,051 (p. 65). Add. 18,687 (p. 65). Add. 25,879 (p. 65). Add. 27,559 (p. 66). Or. 1053 (p. 75). Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghaz- zali. Add. 18,831 (p. 65). Add. 18,971 (p. 65). Add. 21,140 (p. 65). Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Muh. ibn Muh. ibn Tarkhan al-Farabl. Harley 5523 (p. 64). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). Muhammad ibn Zakariyya, called ar-Razi. Add. 16,389 (p. 76). 128 INDEX OF AFTHORS. Muhammad ibn Zakariyya, called ar-EazI. Or. 2706 (p. 77). MuzaflFar ibn Muh. ul-Husaini ush- Shifa'i. Or. 2455 (p. 85). Nagara (Israel). Add. 27,206 (p. 69). Nahmanides. iSee Moses ben Nahman. Nahshon Gaon. Add. 26,970 (p. 81). Natban ben Abigdor. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). Natban of Gaza. Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Add. 27,098 (p. 82). . Or. 4536 (p. 62). Natban ben Samuel ibn Tibbon. Add. 19,777 (p. 16). Natban ben Yebiel. Add, 26,881 (p. 71). Or. 1264-5 (p. 72). . Or. 2397 (p. 72). Nathan ha-Rofe ben Samuel. Add. 26,900 (p. 17). Natbanael ben Isaiah. (p. 30). Or. 2356 Or. 2383 (p. 30). Nehunyah ben hak-Kanah. See "13D Nissim Geroudi. See Gerondi (Nis- sim). Nissim ben Moses. Or. 39 (p. 66). Norzi (Moses). Add. 27,121 (p. 69). Norzi (Solomon ben Abraham). Add. 27,198 (p. 19). 'Obadyah i^")'' of Bertinoro. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). Ockley (Simeon). Harley 7013 (p. 78). Pacifico (Isaac). Add. 26,940 (p. 35). Paciolo (Luca). Add. 27,039 (p. 74). Palquera (Nathan). Add. 19,943 (p. 76). Peres ben Elijah of Corbeil. Add. 26,988 (p. 36). Peres Gerondi. See Gerondi (Peres). Petrus Hispanus. Add. 18,227 (p. 65). Add. 27,087 (p. 66). Add. 27,153 (p. 83). Philo Judaeus. Harley 3429 (p. 78). Piera (Solomon da). Add.27,168(p.69). Or. 76 (p. 72). Or. 2590 (p. 73). Pinhas Hai 'Anaw. See 'Anaw (Pin- has 5ai). Pinto (Josiah). Add. 26,923 (p. 35). Poel (Jacob ben David). Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Porphyry. Harley 6517 (p. 64). Harley 5523 (p. 64). Sloane 3265 (p. 64). Portaleone (Samuel). Add. 26,991 (p. 36). Add. 27,090 Add. 27,104 Add. 27,105 Add. 27,123 Add. 27,124 Add. 27,182 (p. 28). Portaleone (Solomon ben Elisha' Por- taleone). Add. 27,176 (p. 84). Profiat Duran, See Duran (Profiat). Provinciale( Moses). Add.26,935(p.35). Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Ar-Razi. See Muhammad ibn Zaka- riyya, called Ar-RazT. Reggio (Isaac Samuel). Add. 27,004 (p. 68). Add. 27,088 (p. 81). (p. 69). (p. 37). (p. 37). (p. 28). (p. 38). INBKX OF AUTHORS. 129 Rekaiiati (Menahem). Harley 3429 (p. 78). . Add. 16,407 (p. 54). Add. 19,946 (p. 16). (p. 57). Add. Add. 27,014 27,076 (p. 59). Etfuben Sarfathl. Add. 27,078 (p. 59). Reucliliii (John). Add. 11,416 (p. 54). Kicchi ('Immanuel Hai). Add. 27,103 (p. 82). Rieti (Moses). Add. 27,001 (p. 68). Add. 27,012 (p. 68). • Add. 27,121 (p. 69). Add. 27,129 (p. 83). Romanin(Moses). Add. 27, 195 (p. 50). Sa'adyah Gaon. Harley 5510 (p. 53). Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Add. 27,298 (p. 19). Or. 1041 (p. 7). Or. 1302 (p. 20). Or. 1466 (p. 20). Or. 1469 (p. 7). Or. 1474 (p. 8). ■ Or. 1476-7 (p. 8). Or. 2211 (p. 8). Or. 2215 (p. 9). Or. 2228—30 (p. 20). Or. 2367—8 (p. 10). Or. 2374 (p. 10). Or. 2375 (p. 10). Or. 2377 (p. 11). Or. 2585 (p. 12). Or. 2586 (p. 13.) ■ Or. 2703-4 (p. 13). Sacrobosco (Joannes de). Add. 27,106 (P- 74). Add. 27,146 (p. 75). Sahl ben al-Fadl ben Sahl ad-Dustarl. Or. 2572 (p. 67). Sahl ben Masliah al-Imam. Or. 2498 (p. 23). ' Sa'id ibn Da'ud al-'Adani. Or. 2785 (p. 31). Salih (Yahya). Or. 2596 (p. 73). Or. 4116 (p. 44). Or. 4117 (p. 73). Salmon ben Yeruliam.Or.2515-7(p.24). Or. 2520 (p. 25). Samson ben Abraham of Sens. Add. 26,976 (p. 66). Add. 26,989 (p. 36). Add. 27,005 (p. 36). Samson BakT. See Baki (Samson). Samson han-Nakdan. Or. 101 G (p. 72). Samuel ben Abraham of Fez. Add. 27,049 (p. 37). Samuel hal-Levi [author of 73 D^^nn]. Sloane 3029 (p. 76). Samuel ben ]\Ieir [letter of]. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Samuel Motot. See Motot (Samuel). Samuel ha-Rofe al-Maghribi. Or. 63 (p. 40). Or. 2405—6 (p. 42). Or. Or. Or. 2489—90 (p. 23). Samuel ibn Tibbon. Harley 5507 (p. 63). Ilt^rley 5525 :l>2— 5 (p. 31). 2486—8 (p. 22). (p. 64). Harley 5686 (p. 45). K 130 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Samuel ibn Tibbon. Harley 7586 A and B (p. 64). Reg. 16. A. xi. Add. 14,763 Add. 14,764 Add. 16,577 Add. 17,057 Add. 18,689 Add. 19,944-5 Add. 26,976 Add. 27,068 Add. 27,070 Add. 27,179 (p. 64). (p. 64). (p. 65). (p. 46). (p. 33). (p. 76). (p. 48). (p. 65). (p. 66). (p. 49). (p. 84). [Samuel ?] del Vecchio. Add. 26,990-2 (p. 36). ■ Add. 27,119 (p. 38). ■ Add. 27,134 (p. 38). Sanguinetti (Rafael Yehiel). Add. 27,178 (p. 69). Sarsa (Samuel). Or. 2858 (p. 68). Saiuk (Israel). Add. 27,010 (p. 57). Saul hak-Koben [elegy on]. Add. 19,971 (p. 80). Scbepreus (Joannes). Reg. 16. A. ii. (p. 3). Scblettstadt (Samuel). Add. 17,049-50 (p. 38). Add.l7,052(p.33). Segre (Joshua). Add. 26,951 (p. 35). Segre (Joshua). Add. 27,100 (p. 37). Segre (Nathanael). Add. 27,127 (p. 38). Sforno (Rafael). Add. 27,121 (p. 69). Shabbethai Sebhi. Add. 27,095 (p. 82). Or. 4536 (p. 62). Shabbezi (Shalem ben Josef). Or. 4114 (p. 69). Shemaryeh of Negroponte [letter of]. Add. 27,131 (p. 83). Shemtob [author of a treatise on the Calendar]. Or. 4598 (p. 75). Shemtob ibn Ardotiel. Add. 27,189 (p. 63). Shemtob of Fano. Add. 27,187 (p. 61). Shemtob ben Isaac ben Shafrut. Add. 22,093 (p. 17). . Add. 26,964 (p. 81). Shemtob ben Josef ibn Palquera. Add. 26,925 (p. 65). Add. 27,144 (p. 83). Or. 1484 (p. 63). Shemtob ben Shemtob. Add. 26,922 p. 35). Add. 26,929 (p. 55). Add. 26,976 (p. 66). Sheringham (Robert). Harley 1795 (p. 31). Sherira Gaon. Add. 26,977 (p. 36). Simeon ben Yohai. See '^^^^]il 'V- Simbah of Vitry. Add. 27,200—1 *(p. 50). Sinigaglia (Abraham Hai). Add. 27,133 (p. 60). SiyyonI (Menahem ben Meir). Add. 27,202 (p. 61). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 131 Solo(Gerardusde). Add. 16,389(p.76). Solomon Abigdor. See Abigdor (Solomon). Solomon ben Adereth. Add. 18,829 (p. 83). Add. 2-2,089- Add. 26,950 Add. 26,983 Add. 27,034 Add. 27,092 90 (p. 34). (p. 35). (p. 36). # (p. 81). (p. 37). synagogues of 27,129 (p. 82). Pro (p. 83). [letter to the Add. 27,173 Or.851(p.40). Or.l083(p.40). Solomon da Costa. See Costa (Solo- mon da). Solomon ibn Gabirol. Eeg. 16. A. i. (p. 45). Add. 14,763 (p. 64). (p. 62). (p. 62). (p. 46). (P- ^i7). Add. 18,226 Add. 18,684 Add. 18,690 Add. 19,064 Add. 19,787 (p. 48). (p. 80). Add. 26,899 Add. 26,917 (p. 62). Solomon ibn Gabirol. Add. 26,924 (p. 62). Add. 27,126 (p. 49). Or. 1485 (p. 63). Or. 2396 (p. 63). Solomon ben Isaac [author of a mathe- n\atical treatise]. Add. 27,107 (p. 75). Solomon ben Josef ibn 'Ayjub has- Sefardi. Or. 1046 (p. 40). Solomon al-Kabis. Add. 26,930 (p. 55). Add. 27,011 (p. 81). Add. 27,187 (p. 61). Solomon Kohen [author of DH? "^30 r}:2bv:\ Or. 4115 (p. 6I). Solomon ben Labi. Add. 27,168 (p. 69). Solomon Yishakl. Harley 150 (p. 14). Harley 269 (p. 14). Harley 1861 (p. 14). Harley 5518 (p.l4). Harley 5585 (p. 31). Harley 5655 (p.l4). Harley 5708 (p.l4). Harley 5709 (p.l5). Harley 5772 (p.l5). Harley 7621 (p.l5). Eg. 872 (p. 15). Add. 9403 (p. 79). Add. 9407 (p. 15). Add.ll,566(p.l5). Add. 16,577 (p. 46). Add. 17,049—50 — Add. 19,653 (p.l6). — Add. 19,665 (p. 16). --^ Add. 22,092 (p.l6). — Add. 22,122 (p.l7). — Add. 24,896 (p. 17). K 2 (p. 33). 132 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Solomon YishakT. Add. 26,878 (p.l7). Add. 26,879 (p. 17). Add. 26,917 (p.l7). Add. 26,924 (p.l8). Add. 27,125 (p.38). Add. 27,128 (p.18). Add. 27,196 (p.39). Or. 1466 (p. 20). Or.2228— 30(p.20). Or. 2673 (p. 27). — Or. 2696 (p. 27). — Or. 2786 (p. 27). — Or. 2891 (p. 44). Spiro (Nathan). Add. 26,904 (p. 54). Add. 26,958 (p. 56). Add. 26,999 (p. 56). Add. 27,020 (p. 57). Add. 27,074 (p. 58). Add. 27,079 (p. 59). Add. 27,151 (p. 60). Sussman of Krems. Add. 23,974 (p. 34). Tarn (Jacob). Add. 26,883 (p. 48). Tanhum ben Josef. Or. 1303 (p. 72). Taylor (Francis). Harley 1795 (p.31). Tobiah ben El'azar. Hailey 269 (p.l4). Todros hal-Levi ben Josef. See 'Abu l-Afia (Todros hal-Levi ben Josef). Todros ben MeshuUam ben David Todros. See Todrosi (Todros). Todrosi (Todros). Add. 27,559 (p. QQ). Urbino (Solomon). Add. 16,388(p.71). Valle (Isaac Levi). Add. 26,942 (p. 35). Valle (Moses David). Add. 27,159— 27,166 (p. 19). Vital (Ilayylm). Add. 19,788 (p. 54). . \ Add. 26,904 (p. 54). Add. 26,931 (p. 55). Add. 26,994 (p. 56). . Add. 27,006 (p. 57). Vital (Hayyim). Add. 27,021 (p. 57). '- Add. 27,052 (p. 58). Add. 27,099 (p. 59). Add. 27,211 (p. 61). Weil (Jacob). Add. 27,147 (p. 38). Yahya ibn al-Batrik. Or. 2396 (p. 63). Yahya ibn Masawaih. Harley 5527 (p. 76). Or. 46 (p. 77). Yahya ibn Sulaiman. Or. 2351 (p.30). Or. 2380 (p. 30). Or. 2746 (p. 85). Yahya Salilj. See Salih (Yahya). Ya'kub (Abu Yusuf) al-Kirkisani. Or. 2192 (p. 23). Or. 2498 (p. 23). Or. 2524-6 (p. 42). Or. 2557 (p. 26). Or. 2578 (p. 43). Or. 2579 (p. 44). Yarhi (Abraham). Add. 27,144 (p. 83). Yeates (Thomas). Add. 11,659 (p. 5). Yefeth ben 'All. Or. 2399 (p. 21). . Or. 2400—2 (p.21). Or. 2404 (p. 21). Or. 2461— 6 (p. 21). Or. 2467— 80(p.22). Or. 2481 (p. 11). Or. 2491 (p. 12). (?) Or. 2494 (p. 23). Or. 2499—2500 (p. 23). Or. 2501—7 (p. 24). Or. 2510-4 (p. 24). Or. 2518 (p. 24). Or.2519-252l(p.25). INDEX OF AUTHORS. 133 Yefeth ben 'AH. Or. 2547— 53(p.25). Or. 2554 (p. 26). Or. 2556—7 (p. 26). Or. 2565 (p. 26). Or. 2581 A. (p. 27). Yefeth ha-Rofe ben Sa'Ir. Or. 2526 (p. 42). Yehiel ben Yekuthiel. Harley 340 (p. 62). Add. 26,974 (p. 63). Or. 2396 (p. 63). Yehiel DIT of Pisa. Add. 27,129 (p. 83). Yehudah (Rabbi) [translator of Aris- totle's "De Anima"]. Add. 27,173 (p. S3). Yehudah 'Arjeh of Modena. Add. 27,088 (p. 81). . Add. 27.148 (p. 38). Add. 27.149 (p. 83), Add. 27,189 (p. 63). Yehudah ben Asber [H^^ll^i of]. Add. 27,129 (p. 82). Yehudah ben Balaam. Or. 2375 (p. 10). Yehvidah Benjamin Rofe 'Anaw. See Yehudah Ya'aleh ben Benjamin ha-Rofe. Yehudah ben Benjamin ibn Ruksli. Add. 18,971 (p. 65). Yehiidah ben Eliezer. Harley 269 (p. 14). Yehudah ben Elijah Hadassi. Or. 1100—1101 (p. 40). Yehudah he-Hasid. Add. 26,883 (p. 48). Yehudah Khalas. Or. 3657 (p. 44). Yehudah hak-Kohen ben Elazar be- Ha.sld. Add. 27,118 (p. 38). Yehudah Leon of Modena. See Yehudah Aryeh of Modena. Yehudah hal-Levi. Harlej 5779 (p. 64). Add. 20,747 (p. 48). Add. 27,126 (p. 49). Yehudah, Messer Leon. See Leon (Yehudah, Messer). Yehudah Meir al-HakIm as-Safi. Or. 2517 (p. 24). Yehudah ben Moses al-Batini. Add. 19,783 (p. 33). Yebx^dah ben Moses ben Daniel. Add, 27,033 (p. 18). Yehudah al-Mundari. Add. 27,118 (p. 38). Yehudah ben Pinhas. Add. 19,784 (p. 33). Yehudah ben Samuel Shalom. Add. 26,921 (p. 74). Yehudah ben Shabbethai hal-Levi. Add. 26,945 (p. 68). Add. 27,113 (p. 68). Yehudah ibn Tibbon. Harley 5779 (p. 64). Add. 18,226 (p. 62). (p. 62). (p. 80). (p. 62). (p. &i). -- Add. 18,684 - Add. 26,899 - Add. 26,917 - Add. 26,924 - Add. 26,952 (p. 65). 134 INDEX OP AUTHORS, Yebudah ibn Tibbon. Or. 1485 (p.63). Or. 2396 (p. 63). Yehudab ibn Verga. Add. 27,107 (pp. 74, 75). Yebudah Ya'aleh ben Benjamin ha- Kofe. Add. 26,901 (p. 34). . Add. 26,956 (p. 35). Yebudab Yedidyab. Add. 27,121 (p. 69). Yebudab ben Yebiel Rofe. Add. 27,153 (p. 83). Yekutbiel ban-Nakdan ben Yebudah. Add. 19,776 (p. 6). Or. 853 (p. 72). Yekutbiel ben Solomon. Add. 15,455 (p. 76). Yusufal-BasTr. Or. 2568 (p. 67). . (?) Or. 2569 (p. 67). Or. 2570 (p. 43). Yusuf ibn Salamab (Mubaddib ud- Dln). Add. 19,656 (p. 91). Zakkutb (Abrabam). Add.6946 (p.79). Zakkutb (Moses). Add. 27,006 (p. 57). Add.27,054-7(p.58). Add. 27,077 (p. 59). Add. 27,088 (p. 81). Add. 27,151 (p. 60). Add. 27,171 (p. 60). Zark (Josef). Harley 5502 (p. 70). Harley 5531 (p. 70). Or. 75 (p. 72). Zecbariah bal-Levi. Add. 27,210 (p. 50). Zecbariah (the physician). See Yahya ibn Sulaiman. Zedekiah ben Abrabam ba-Rofe. Add. 15,437 (p. 32). Add. 26,918 (p. 35). Zedekiab 'Anaw. See Zedekiah ben Abraham ba-Rofe. Zerahyah ben Isaac. Add. 27,967 (p. 77). a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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