v> ^\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/briefcourseinadvOOvelzrich A BRIEK COURSE IN ADVANCED ALGEBRA Being Course Two in Mathematics in the University of Wisconsin: CONTAINING I. Imaginaries. II. Discussion of the Rational Integral Function of x. III. Solution of Numerical Equations of Higher Degree. IV. Graphic Representation of Equations. V. Determinants. C. A. VAN VELZER and CHAS. S. SLIGHTER. EV.-VNSTON, ILL.: UNIVERSITY PRESS. -.i/X^ ADVANCED ALGEBRA. CHAPTER I. IMAGINARIES. I. Let us notice what is meant by Algebraic Quantity, and how the notion of it may originate. The primitive conception of number is used when we enumerate the marbles in a box, and say: o, I, 2, 3, 4, etc. Our simple scale \s, arithmetical quantity , and it runs down to a definite nothing, or zero, and stops. But let us attempt to apply this scale in the measurement of other things. Suppose we are estimating time. Where is the zero from which all time is to be measured in one direction, or sense? There is no such zero, as in the case of the marbles; for you can conceive of no event so far past but what other events preceded it. We are forced to select a standard event, and measure the time of other events with reference to the lapse bifore or afte7' that. The zero used is an arbitrary' one, and there is quantity in reference to it in two opposite senses, future and past, or, as is said in algebra, positive and negative. We are likewise obliged to recognize quantity as extending both ways from a zero in the attempt to measure many other things; in locating points along an east and west line, no point is so far west but what other points are west of it, hence could not be looted in the arithmetical scale; the same in measuring force, which may be attractive or repulsive; or motion, which maj- be toward ox from; etc. Thus our notion of algebraic quantity as we name this kind of number, has arisen. Because of the peculiar analogy between our notion of time •and of algebraic qunntity, algebra has been called the science of 2 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. pure time. All quantities are measured exactly as a past and future, or, graphically, along a line, in both directions from a zero point. But, with algebraic numbers, we never get out of the line. This kind of quantity, although more general than arith- metical number, is really quite restricted. We observe, at once, that there is an opportunity of enlarging our conception of quan- tity if we can only get out of our line, or one way spj'ead as .some say, and explore the region without. We may expect, then, an extension of our notion of quantity which will enable us to con- sider, along with the points of our Hue, those which lie without. 2. It is interesting to note that any number may be regarded as the symbol of an operation; and that thereby some original con- ceptions may be conveniently extended so as to contain a meaning of greater range. Thus lo may be regarded, not only as feji, but as denoting the operation of taking unity ten times ; to express this, we may write lo i. In the same way, 5 denotes the opera- tion of taking unity five times. Now we notice that an exponent will have an extended significance. It means to repeat the opera- tion designated; i- e., the operation designated is to be performed, and performed again on the result and performed again on this result ; and so on, equal to the number of times told by the expo- nent. Thus 10'' means to perform the operation of repeating unity ten times (told in 10) and then to perform the operation of repeating this result ten times, ?. e., loUo-i). Also lo'^ means io[io(ioi)]. Then, of course, the exponent zero can only mean that the operation on unity denoted by the quantity is not to be performed at all; i. e., unity is to be left unchanged; thus 10" or io"-i = i. An expression hke v/ 4 , looked upon as a symbol of an operation denotes an operation such that if the operation were to be performed twice the result would be the same as is indicated by the expression under the radical itself; /. e.,^'~^ stands for the opera- tion which must be repeated to be equivalent to quadrupling, which is indicated by the expre.ssion uader the radical (4); hence y/ 4 represents the operation oi doubling. The expre.ssion — 1 as IMAGINARIES. 3 a symbol of operation is a reverser, denoting the operation of changing from one sense to the opposite sense. 3. We remember that such expressions as 3 + \/^I^, <:+\/^, \/^, etc., were forced upon our notice in the solution of quad- ratic equations. It is customary to call such Imaginaries, be- cause of the presence in them of a term like\/^ which, evidently, does not correspond to any algebraic quantity whatever. But, re- membering the restricted nature of algebraic quantity, it is possible that such expressions are unreal only in an algebraic sense; that if the restriction can be removed by an extension of our concep- tion beyond a mere linear or past-and-future notion of quantity, the expression may, perhaps, become as real to us as algebraic numbers now are. While v/^ is not an algebraic number, yet we may give to it any definition as a symbol of operation which is consistent with this one condition: (v/^)'= — i; that is, two of the opera^ons must be a reversal.. So, as — i may be defined as such a symbol which operates to turn a straight b line through iSo°, in a similar way ^ we make this 1 7 4. Definition. Thisexpres- "^ sion \/^ is defined as that symbol (- (^zz'ya O which denotes the operation of turn- ^^^ ing a straight line through an angle A iT of 90° in the positive direction. It | 7 is customary in mathematics to con- "^ si Jer rotation opposite to that of the hands of a watch as positive rotation. In the figure, let a beany line. Then a operated on by^^, /. , or positively, through 90°. Now, of course, >/— i can operate on y/~i a just as well as on a. Then ■v/— i(-v/— i^) is v/— I turned positively through 90°; v^— |[n/— i(v/— I «";] is ^~i{y/^.a) turned through 90°; etc. As we are at liberty to consider two turns of 90° as the same as one turn of 180°, .•. v/_,(\/^^) = (— 1)«. Also nn= 4 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. (—i)OB,.-. On=— iV—ra), hut s/^i{- a )= on, .-.— (^"i-a) ^■/^. Then c-\-dy/—\ defines the position of the point Pwith reference to O. Then OA-\-AP, or OP, is a geometrical representation of c-\-d'y—\. In the same manner let c—d^^, — c—dy/~\, and —c-\-d>/—\ be con.structed. 9. The meaning of some of our conventions may now be il- lustrated. Let us construct c-\-dy/—i-\-c-{-fs/—i- e c 1 F I H G B T e P c / 1 T El i rf JD X ^ c i IMAGIXARIES. 7 The first two terms, c-\-dy/—i, give OA + AB, locating B. The next two terms, c+J\/—i, give BC+CP, locating P. Hence the entire expression locates the point P with reference to O. Now if the original expression be changed in any manner allowed by our conventions, the result is only a different path to the same point. Thus: c+c+dV-i+fV-i is the path OA, AD, DC, CP. {c+e) + [d-\-f)K/—i is the path OA, AD, DP. c^d^-x+c+tV-i is the path OE, EH, HC, CP. e+d^'^i+/s/~+c is the path OE, EH, HE, EP, etc. The student should consider other cases. Query. Arc there any methods of locating P with the same four elements, which the figure does not illustrate? 10. Definition. Two imaginaries are said to be Conju- gate when they differ only in the sign of the term containing ^_j. Such are c-\-ds/—\ and c — d^—i. 11. Theorem. Conjugate imaginaries have a real sum and a real product. For, r+ ds/—\ + c —dy/^i = c+c+d^:^i—d^-i. Art. 5, c. = 2c+{d-d)^~i = 2c _ Art. 5, d. And {c-\-ds/^i){c— dy/^), by distributing the second paren- thesis through the first, (Art. 5, d) equals c{c - dV~i ) + dV^i ( c - d>/—i ) =c--cd^~i_ + dy/~i c-ds/^^d^^i Art. 5, d. =r-\-d'+eds/^~cds/^. Art. 5, c. =r + d'+{ed—cd)s/—i=r^d' Art. 5,^/. Q. E. D. 12. Theorem. 7 he sum, product, or quotient of tii'o imagi- naries is, in general, an imaginary of the typical form , I,et the two imaginaries be c-\-d^y~\ and e-\-f\/—\. a. Their sum is {c-\-ds/~\)-\-{e^f^/~\) = { r+ e) + ( ds/—i +/\/~i ) Art. 5 , r and a . = (^-f^)-f («'+/) v/-i Art. 5, d. which may be written a-\-b\/^\. S ADVANCED ALGEBRA. b. The product is {c+ds/—Y){e+fV—i) = ce + c/^—i + ed^—i + df^—i ^~i Art. 5 , d and c. = (ce—d/) + (c/-\-ed)^—i Art. 5, a and d. which may be written a-^-d-,/—!. c. Their quotient is c->rd^-i _ (r+^v/-i)(g-A/-i) ^+/"x/-i {e+jV-x){e-fV-i) By the preceding, the numerator is of the form a'-\-b'\/—\. By Art. 11, the denominator equals e' -{-/'. Then the quotient equals ^'"^^'^-^ ^' +^A Art. 5,^. which is of the form a-\-b\/—i. Q. E. D. 13. ThEuREI.i. If an imaginary is equal to zero, the imagi- nary and real part are separately equal to zero. Suppose ) stands for what f{x) becomes, when {x-\-h) is put for x. 8. It is evident that a^x"-j-a^x"~^-\-a.^x"~'^-\-a.^x''~^-\- . . . -\-a^^_.^j(r-\-a^^_^x^a^^ stands for any rational integral function of -v, where ra is a whole number, and the symbols, a^, a^, «^, a.^, etc., stand for any coeffi- cients, positive or negative, integral or fractional, commensurable or incommensurable. We confine ourselves, for our purposes, to ?ral coefficients. If we suppose/(x) to be divided through by the coefficient of the highest power of .v, then the following will represent any /(a): .V"+/.,.v"-'+A-i:"-^+A-V"-'+ . . . -f-A-r^"""'"'+A-rl"'^'+A- If none of the above coefficients are zero, the function is said to be complete. The term, a,,, or A^. is called the absolute term. 9. Definition. The Degree of /(.v) is the exponent of the highest power of x. In general, the degree of a function is spoken of in the same way as the degree of an equation, and is determined in like manner. 10. Definition. An}^ real quantit}^ or any imaginary, which substituted for .i" in /(.a-) makes/(.t-) vanish, we will call a Root of/(.v}. 1 1 . Definition. A Rational Integral Equation containing one unknown is one Vv'hich can be placed in the form /(.r)=o; that is, in the form a^"-\-a^x''^^-\-a.pc"~''--\-a.p:"'''^-\- . . . -\-a^^_^x-\-a^=o (i) A rational integral equation may also be represented by .r"+/),.v—+A.-^"~"+A^'""H • • • ^-/'„-r^'+A=o (2) since equation (i; is unchanged if we divide through by the co- efficient of .r". When the equation /(-f)=o is written out in either of above forms it is commonly spoken of as the General Equation of the «th degree. RATIONAL INTEGRAL FUNCTION OF .r. ii Matty equations which are not in above form, that is. are not rational and integral, may take that form through the ordinary- processes of transformation, such as: I x' - 2 A" +2 \/ 20— 3-1- y/io — 3-r= X* — 4 20 — 3.v=.i-' — 8-V-+ 16 .1-^ — 8.v'4-3-v— 4=0 which is a rational integral equation of the fourth degree. Some equations, however, cannot be reduced to a rational integral equa- tion of finite degree by an}' process of transformation; such are I I log x-\-x'-^a; x-\-c^'=a; {x-\-a)'^-\-{x-^b)"'^=( ; etc. 12. Dep'inition. a Root of an equation is any value of the unknown which satisfies the equation. 13. When the final result in any investigation in applied or pure mathematics takes the form of a rational integral equation, the problem of finding a value of .v naturalh' arises, and it is one of the objects of the study of the subject of the Theory of Equa- tions to determine such. In order, then, to throw all the light possible on the.se equations of higher degree, we will begin by taking up the left member of such equation, considered as the function of a variable, and endeavor to reach a fair conception of the nature and properties of such functions in general. This method of procedure in itself might be a justification for speaking both of the roots of an equation and the roots of a function; but it is further observed that these expressions are reall}- the same, since the root of/ (a-), being defined as the value of .r which makes/(.r) \-anish, must also be the value which satisfies the equation, /(.r)=o. Nevctheless, when speaking of a root of/(.t-), the thoughts associated with the expression in our mind are different from the considerations uppermost when we speak of a root of /(x)=o; the first is the more convenient expression, when we are considering any function of x without reference to its history or application; the latter expres.sion is u.sed when we are considering an equation of which /(.i) is the left member; we have in mind, when using /"(a), .v as a variable, unrestricted in value; but in 12 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. /(.v)=o, .V appears under restrictions or conditions and is fixed in value, although unknown. 14. Theorkm. The difference between f{x) and /{a) is divis- ible by -V — '/.. We are to prove ^ =a quotient without a remainder. X 'I- Now/(a') is rt„.v" + ^?,.r"~' + <7.,.f"~-+ . . . +a^^_.,x--\-a^^_^.\-+a^^ Art. 8. and/('/) is a^^'i." + a ^'/■"~^ + a ,"."~- + . . . +a^^_./r-\-a^^_^"-\-a^^ Art. 7. _ j\x)— /{'>:) ^ X — '/ ^n( -^'" - "■") + a, (x—- «"-') + alx"--' - o"-') + + a„^lx'-o') + a„_, (x-a) X 'I. equals some quotient without a remainder, since difference of like powers is divisible bv the difference of the quantities them.selves. Q. E. D. 15. Examples. Divide each of these functions b}^ .v — '/. until the quotient does not contain .r, and notice the remainder: 1. .V-— 4A-+7. 3. 4-1"'— 3-^'' +5-1'— I- 2. x'' — .r-'+2. 4. bx' — ex'- — dx-^b. 16. Theorem. IVhenf^x) is divided by x—i, the remain- der, after the quotient does not contain .v, is equal to f {»■). Now, from Art. \x, -^^-''-'^^''^=.some qotuient x — « .-. ■'^l:^=some quotient +^^-^-^ x — "- X — '/ .•. /(a) is the remainder. Q. E. D. 17. Theorem. Any fix) is divisible by x minus a root. Let the root be '/. Now from Art. 1 4,-^-^-^^"-^^"^= some quotient. But /"('/) is X- a zero; (Art. \o.). -'-^= some quotient. n t? n 18. Theore.m. Conversely, If any fi^x) is divisible by x 7nimis »■, <>■ is root. Then/f.i") is (.V — «)Q, which will vanish when .r=«, .'• /) Cr—r+'V), or [(.v— ;')"+''']■ Let the RATIONAL INTEGRAL FUNCTION OF JC- i5 quotient l»e O and stop when the remainder is of the form S.v-\- T. Then /(.r) is Qlix-rf + '^'I^Sx^ T. Put .1=/' + ''/ Then, by hypothesis, f{j-\-oi)=o. Sr-\-S"-*+ . . . +R\x-^M^) Again, the third factor must have a root, suppose a.^, whence fix) is (.V— r/,)(A-— aJ(.r-aJ(a„.v"-^'+.9,.r"-'+ C,x"-'-\- -^K^x+M.^ and so on. Whence /(.v) IS (.V— ^/,)(.v-«,)(.v— «,)(-V--«J . . . .{x—".)a^^. It is obvious, therefore, that /'(.v) will vanish when x has any ©f the values '-(j, 'a„ "■.^, etc., and for no others. Q. E. D. In the above, if any of the supposed roots are imaginary, divi- sion by X — a would render some of the coefficients of the quotient, B, C etc., imaginary. This could be avoided, however; for having one imaginary root in hand, we know that there is another, and could divide by a quadratic factor, as in Art. 22. All the i6 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. coefficients in the divisor being real in this case, those of the quotient would be real also. 26. Corollary. Ajiv /(x) may be represented by {x~-/ 2- 29. Theorem. Multiplying or dividing J\x) by a constant does not affect the roots. f{x) is (.V— aj(.v— «,)Gv— '/J U-—'\.K Pffx) is p{x—a^){x—a^){x—L.^ (-V— '^.)«o /^-^is ' (.V— a.jC.r— 'Aj(-v-'.,j (-V— '^)«o All of these, obviously, vanish for the same value of .v. Q. E. D. 30. Corollary. Changing the signs of all the terms o/f{x) does not affect the roots. This is multiplying by — i. 31. Theorem. In any fix), the coefficient of the highest power being unity, the coefficients of the other powers are functions of the negatives of the loots. Since we know -v"+/i-r"~'+/),,i-"-'+A-^"""'++A-2-'^'"'+/'.-r'^'+A can be represented by (jr — '\){x — 'A,)(-V — /,) .... (-v — '-cj, it is evident that the values of A. A' A- etc., can be had in terms of the roots by forming the product of the binomial factors, as in the demonstration of the binomial theorem. Such product is: -^-i—'WV'—'W'^'—'W, ■ ■ ■ — '^.-/^,-.'^,)-^"+ • • +(^'^'^■/^:. • • «J- />,, or thefrst parenthesis, is the sum of the negatives of the roots. A, or the second parenthesis, is the sum of the products of the neg. atives of the root taken t7i'o at a time. A, or the third parenthesis, is the sum of the products of the nega- tives of the roots taken three at a time ; and so on. A, or the nth parenthesis, is the product of the negatives of all the roots. Q- E. D. RATIONAL INTEGRAL FUNCTION OF x. i; 32. Corollary. T/ic roofs 0/ /(x), the coefficient of the highest power being unity, are all factors of the absolute term. 2,2,- Theorem. If two numbers be substituted for x in fix), giving results with contrary signs, a)i odd )iumber of real roots lie betzveen the values substituted. Let 'ij, o._^, a,^, , . . . 't-y be all the real roots of /(.i"), arranged in the order of their magnitude, '/., being the greate.st and '/,• the least. Suppose /"(.v) to be divided by each one of the real roots and let ^{x) be the quotient, which, of course, is divisible by x niinus each of the imaginary roots. Then /I1-) is (.v-/.,)(.r— /.J(.v-'/.3) .... {x~u.,)c{x). Now, from what is known about imaginary roots (x\rt. 22) <{'yx) must be of the form [Ci - dY^e'\{x—ff^g'\ etc. and, since it is the product of the sum oi squares, must be positive, for all real values of .r. Now suppose -v to have a value greater than ,, p.,, />,,< ^^c, are fractions, let their common denominator be q. Put .v ==' , then f{.x) becomes q" 9" 9" ' 9 Multiply through by q'\ y"-VqP,y"~'^fP._y'~''^ ■ ■ ■ +/'~'A-,j'+/A where none of the coefficients can be irreducible fractions, since each is multiplied by q, their common denominator. Q.E. D. 37. Query. What relation exists above between the roots of/(.r) and '+//), or {y+h)"+p^{v+hy'-'+p.Av+h)"-'+p.^y+h)"-'+ . . . +A- Expanding the terms by binomial theorem, f{x+h)^= ,,..+ „/„.^-.+ "J»T_il ,.,,-.+ n(n-2}ip),,y..,^ P,r-'+ p'^-n^r-'+p!"-^^' >.y-+ .... p.,v"-"--{-pIn — 2)hv"-''+ .... Aj'"-''+ • • • • Collecting in terms of powers of r, we have/( ]'+//) = _,''■ + (;?//+/., )!■"-'+ I "^"^^^^'' +P,in—i)h+p.^^yv"--' I I-2-3 1-2 ^- ' ' ]- which may be called f ( )')• More terms can evidently be obtained by expanding further by binomial theorem. Since x^=y-\-h, y is always // less than .v, so the roots of t-'(j') must be h less than those of /"(.t). By originally taking .\-=i'+//, the roots of „_,.r+A' if '^ '"^^ e^*^^ X '. --i""+/>i-v"~'-/),.r"~--f/',a"~'- . --/^-r^'+A' if ^^ i^ °^^ ^ = (-i)"(.v+'/,)(.v+'/..;(x+'g . . ."U-+'/). (2). Multiplying this by — i , we will have f{x) with the signs of the even powers changed, or -/■(- _ ( - x"+p^x"- ^-p.,x" '+pyX" '•'-.. +p„-r'^'-p„ \in is even ( ( x" - p^x"~^ +Pt'^'"'''- Pt^"~''' + • • -'rpn-v^ ~J'n if '^ is odd i = (— i)"^'Cr+r/,)(x+'/.,)(x+'/,) . . . Cv+'.J (3). Now, by changing the odd powers in fix) we must obtain what is contained in brackets in (2), which equals f{ — x); and from the latter part of (2), it is evident the roots are the negatives of the roots of (i ) or/(x). By changing the even powers in/'(x) we must obtain what is in brackets in (3), which equals -f(-x); and from the latter mem- ber of the equation, it appears that the roots are the negatives of those of (i) orf(x). Q. E. D. 45. Theorem. fff(x) has r roots equal to '/., the derivative has r — i roots equal to a, the second derivative has r — 2 roots equal to <>., and so on. Suppose f{x) has r roots equal to «, then /(^) = (x-a)'-^(^) 22 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. where .r/(r) contains .r-'/. as a factor r- i times, it has r— i roots equal to '/•. Call the above derivative /(.r). Then, if . j»r= — a, and x= ^ 2 Similar solutions for the equations of the third and fourth degree, x'-\-ax''-{-bx+c=o and x'-\-ax'-\-bx''-ircx+d=o, have been obtained, but they are scarcely of value in the solution of numer- ical equations. These are called Algebraic Solutions, since they involve only the ordinary algebraic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and involution and evolution to commensurable powers and roots. Abel, a Norwegian mathe- matician, has proved that the algebraic solution of the general equation of fifth and higher degrees can not be obtained; that is, the result can not be expressed by means of the ordinary algebraic symbols of operation alone. The function of the known quantities which expresses the values of .i", is not within the range of alge- braic analvsis. 26 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. While it is true that an algebraic solution of the general equa- tions of high degree is impossible, j^et our knowledge of mathe- matical processes is sufficient to enable us to find the real roots of any numerical equation whatsoever. The means adopted for accomplishing this leads to a solution satisfactory in all respects, giving the values of the roots exactly, if commensurable, or to any desired degree of approximation, if incommensurable. It will be found that the mode of procedure depends upon the properties of f{x) established in the last chapter. We shall begin with an illustration of tlie general method by particular example and .shall afterwards summarize the process in a general statement of advice for any case. 3. Solution of the equation x'—\yix'—/^^—iy2x--\-^,y2x-\- =0. (I). a. Put.r=V2j', which transforms it into the following equa- tion (II. Art. 36), which has no root that is an irreducible frac- tion: (II. Art. 35). v'C j')=y— 3/— i6y-f 281-+ 72j'+ 32=0. ( 2). The real roots of this must be either integers or incommensur- able fractions. b. In seeking for integral roots, we need only search among the factors of the absolute term, (II. Art. 32) which are: =ti, ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16, ±32. We may now test by dividing (2)h\y minus each. (II. Art. 18). I -3 —16 -(-28 +72 +32 (+1 I —3 —16 +28 +72+ 32 ( + 2 _j_i _ 2 — 18+10+82 +2 — 2 — 36 — 16+112 r —2 —18 +10 +82 + 114 I —I —18 —8+56+144 + 1 not a root. +2 not a root. I —3 —16 +28 +72 +32 ( + 3 I —3 —16 +28 +72 +32 (+4 + 3 o —48 —60 +36 +4+4 — 48 — 80 —32 r o — 16 — 20+12+78 I +1 — 12 — 20 — 8 o + 3 not a root. +4 w a root. This last quotient gives us an equation of a lower degree containing the remaining roots: that is y +y — I iy- — 20) — 8 = o. (3) . SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 27 We need now tr}' only factors of 8, of which we have already tried +1, +2. +4. We will try the small negative numbers be- fore trying +8. Dividing byj'+i, corresponding to a root— i, we have: I -f I —12 —20 +8 (—1 — I 0+12 — 8 I o — 12 — 8 o — I is a root. The equation containing the remaining roots is J''— 12) — 8 = 0. (4). Using the untried factors of 8, we find no more integer roots. Hence the equation must have three incommensurable roots, or one incommensurable and two imaginary. c. It is now well to test for equal roots, for if two or three of these incommensurable roots are equal, we can find them very readily. But y''—\2y — 8 and the derivative 3^ — 12 have no common di^dsor, hence there are no equal roots. (II. Art. 46) d. We next attempt to locate the incommensurable roots, by assigning difierent values to j' and calculating the correspond- ing values of f(j'j. (II. Art. 33). If we put any value, a, ior y in f(ji'), we can compute the value of c{a) by the short method of division; for f(a) is the remainder when ^iy) is divided hy y — -a. (II. Art. 16). ) ''' -^- oy' — 1 2j' — 8 = 0. I +0 — 12 — 8 ( + 2 r +0 —12 —8 (-f3 + 2 -f4 —16 + 3 +9 —9 I -f2 —8 —2^=R=^{2) I +3 —3—17 = ^=^(3) I +0 — 12 — 8 ( + 4 I +0 —12 - 8 (-2 + 4 +16 +16 — 2 -f 4 +16 I +4 + 4 + 8 = A'=cr(4) I —2 — 8 +8=A'=f( — 2) etc. , etc. , etc. , etc. 28 ADVANCED ALGEBRA In like manner we find the values of ^ tedious, since each successive figure is determined from among several digits by actual trial. But it wnll be found that after one or two figures of the root are obtained as above, that a suggestion of the next figure can generally be obtained in a ver>' SOLliTlON OF NUMKRICAL EQUATIONS. 31 simple wa}-. To illustrate this, consider equation (7) in the last article: k''+ 1 1. 25)'' 4- 30. 1875J' — .265625=0. We know that v is some number of thousandths phis some- thing. We are determining the figures of the root one at a time, and at present merely desire the number of thousandths. By prop- er transformations in the equation it is evident that ^^ -265625 -f- 1 1.251'+ 30. 1875 Now, since 1' is known to be a fraction, and less than one hun- dredth, the most valuable lermin the denominator of the fraction is 30.1875; for, the higher the powers of y the less account they are when )' is a fi action. Hence !■= ■" ^:^ ^ nearlv= .000879-!- (8). 30.1875 Whence it is quite certain that 8 is the first figure of j', or the fourth figure of a root of (4). Therefore, in any case, when two or three figures of a root have been obtained, a suggestion of the next figure can be had by dividing the absolute term of the depre.s.sed equation by the coefiicient of j/. This is known as the principle of trial divisors. Of course as we find more figures of the root and continually depress the roots of the equation, the smaller r becomes and the more surely can we rely upon the .suggested value. Thus two figures of the ap- proximate value of 1' in (8) are really correct, as will be .seen. We now give a more elaborate arrangement of the work of Horner's method as used in the last article. The lines that ex- tend across the page are the divisions between the successive depressions. Follow each line across and the numbers beneath it are the coefficients of the equation with roots depressed. The fifth figure of the root was obtained by the method of trial divisor, i.e. I)y dividing .r)23404488 by 30.367756. 32 1 o _3 3 3 6 3 9.0 _-l 9-7 •7 10.4 ADV.^i SIC ED ALGKBRA — 12 9 <2, — 8 (3-7587 — 9 — 3 —17.000 18 15-253 15.00 6.79 21.79 7.28 — 1.747000 I-481375 — .265625000 .242220^12 29.0700 •5575 29.6275 . 5600 — .023404488 II. 10 05 1 1 . 1 5 •05 11.20 •05 30.187500 .090064 30.277564 .090192 30.367756 11.250 008 11.258 .008 11.266 .008 5- cedure 11.274 The example i bv which we 1 n nai Art. 3 illustrates the method of pro- / determine the real roots of any numerical equation. We briefly summarize it in the following statement of advice for any case: Any numerical equation being given: a. Transform the equation, if necessary, so that the coeffi- cient of the highest power in/ (.rj is unity and none of the rest irreducible fractions. Query: Why? b. Search among the positive and negative factors of the absolute term for integer roots, by dividingy"(.x ), or f ('.!'). by x, or r, minus each factor by synthetic division. Use the nunieri- SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONvS. 33 cally smallest values first. Depress the degree of the equation whenev'er a root is found. r. When all integer roots are found, test for equal roots, by noting whether the function and the derivative have a common divisor. d. Locate the incommensurable roots by II. Art. 33, and approximate them as desired by Horner's method. e. As soon as a quadratic is obtained, solve it in the ordi- nary way. /". Remember that if the number of the roots found does not equal the degree of the equation, that the rest may be imaginary. 6. Examples. Find the roots of the following: 1. a' — 9.1:'+ 23.1- — 15=0. 2. x*-{-2.\'' — 2 1.1"' — 2 2. r+ 40^0. 3- a'— 51-'— i3.v- + 53.r+6o=o. 7. .r' — 6.i-''+8.v' — 17-1-+ 10=0. 5. -i-* + 4.r' — 2.1"'' — i2.v"+9=o. 6. 2.r' — 7.1-* — 9.i"'+33-v'+ 17-r — 30=0. 7. .v' — 3 1 J .v'-+ 2.1-1- 2=0. 8. .v' — 3=0. By Horner's Method. 9- -v'— 15=0. TO, X' — 3.1-1-1=0. / / . 4.1"^ — 1 3.r^ -f- 1 2.r — 30= o. r2. 8.r — 25.v'-(- 24.1-— 75=0 7. ALCiEBRAic Solution of the Cubic, generally known as Cardan's. Suppo.se -r'-|-/>,.r'-f-/>,,i--|-/>3=o in the form r'-f ^7.1-1- /^=o. II. Art. 42. Let x=y+2, then That is, /-\-2'+{xv"+a)(y+3') + b=o. Now we will make another assumption with respect to r and z. namely that 3i'.e-|-a=o. We can do this, since the only re- striction placed upon the hvo unknowns, y and ,?, is that their sum equals a root of the equation; and upon two unknowns two conditions, not inconsistent, can be placed. 34 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. Therefore, /+z^+b=o. A 1 • ^ •< ( « ) '^ , And, since ^= , y+ -, .• +b=^o. Or f+h^—{yiaf=o. Whence, since this is a quadratic m terms of y, z'=—b—/= - 1 2 b^V{y2br + {haf Therefore, A-= { - 1/2 (5 + >/( i^/^)2 + ,.3«):^ } 'o + I _ I . ^— ^[.a)-+ [^af } -' Here jir is expressed as a function of the known quantities, a and b. See Art. 2. Now, if (ysaf is negative and greater than ( ^jl^f, the above function becomes the sum of the cube roots of two imaginaries. Since no arithmetical or algebraic method exists for finding the cube root of imaginaries, " the roots are in this case presented to us in a form which is very inconvenient for arithmetical pur- poses." For this reason the solution is of but little practical value. 8. Algebraic Solution of the Biquadratic, generally known as Descartes'. Suppose -r*+p^x'+p.,x'+p.^x-\-p=o in the form x*-\-a x'- -hbx-\-r=o. Suppose x'-\-ax'-\-bx+c=(x' + Ax + B)(x''+ Cx+D) where A, B, Cand D are undetermined coefficients. Then x' + ax- + bx+c =x'+{A + C)x'+(B+AC+D)x' + {AD+BC)x+BD. Equating coefficients: A + C=o whence A= — C B +AC+D=a " B+D—A'=a AD-^BC=b " A{D-B) = b BD=c " BD=c Therefore D+B=a + A'; D—B= ^ ; BD=c. A SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL EQUATIONS. 35 Finding B and D from the first two equations and substitut- ing in the third, Multiplying out, recognizing a product of sum and difference, which is a cubic in terms of A' . Therefore A can be found and then B, Cand D from the equations above. Finally, four values of X can be found by solving the two quadratics, .r- + .^r+^=o and .r+Ci-f /7=o. CHAPTER IV. GRAPHIC REPRESEiNTATION OF EQUATIONS. r . The Axes. Any point in a plane may be located by a sys- tem of latitude and longitude ; that is, by giving its distances from two fixed or standard lines of indefinite length. These Y + 3 X' -r=+4 ■ stands for the adsn'ss(7S or /on<^tV//(/f: stands for the on1i)iates or latitudes. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS. 37 Standard lines are called the Axes, and are distinguished as the .V axis and the y-ax/s. In geography they are not lines but arcs of circles and are known as the Equator and Standard Meridian. In the figure A'A'' is the .x--axis and W is the j'-axis. They are generally, though not necessarily, taken at right angles. Their point of intersection, O, is called the Origin. 2. Co-ordinates. The distances of a point from the two axes are called its Co-ordinates. The co-ordinate parallel to the .v-axis is called the Abscissa ; the co-ordinate parallel to the j'-axis, the Ordinate. These displace the words Longitude and Latitude. Abscissas are always represented by an x, and ordinates by a y. 3. Signs. Abscissas, when measured to the r?^/;/, are reck- oned positive, and when to the left, are negative. Ordinates, when measured ///» are positive, and when doivn, are negative. 4. Examples. Draw the axes and locate the following points. Use any convenient length as the unit of measure; for ex- ample, a half-inch. /. (.i-=-2,_i'= + 6) 2. (.v= + i,j=— 3) 3. (.r=o,j'=-2) i. (.v= — 4, )'= I2) 5. (-v=-|-5, j'=o) 6. Locate the follow- ing points and r(V?;/<'YY///<^v;/ /;/ order zcith lines: (-r= — 2, v= — 7) (.v=-i,j'=-5 ) (.r=o,j'=-3) (.r=-|-i,j'= - I) (.t-= + 2,_>'=-f i) ' » = + .v.i'= + 3) <-i"= + 4- J'= + 5) (-^"= + 5. J= + 7)- 5. When a number of points are to be located by x I y their abscissas and ordinates, these are best given in a tabular form as in the margin; each pair of values lo- cating a point. Those here presented are the same as the ones in the last example- Now, it will be noticed that if the different values of .V appearing in this table be assigned to x in the equation 2X — 3= r, that the values of j resulting, will be identical with those tabulated above. Hence we may look upon the above table, and the points located therefrom, as having come from this equation. In the same manner, other values could be asigned to x and the corresponding values of i' found, and the talkie therebv extended. Or, any number of fractional 2 — 7 1 —5 —3 + 1 — I + 2 + 1 + S + 3 + 4 + 5 + s + 7 38 ADVANCED ALCxERRA. values of A" might be interpolated and intermediate values of r obtained. In either case, all the points thus located by the pairs of values would be found to lie along the same line. For this reason the line is said to be a Graphic Representation of the Equation 2x — 3=1'. The student will now proceed to attempt the graphic represen- tation of each of the following equations. Enough values of .v and J' are to be tabulated, and enough points located, to satisfy the student in each instance of the character of the graphic repre- sentation of the equation. Each equation should be plotted on paper about 8 X 10 inches, marked with the equation and its num ber and kept for reference. Also 6. Equations. Plot Nos. 3 and 4 on same a Nos. 9 and 10. /. 7-^— 3=.i'- /• X-\-2 = _V. 2. 4.1 + 5=)'. 8 —3.1— 4= I' 3- 3-^'— 3= J'- 9- — 5-1— 4=.i' i- 3.1 +4= ]'. /n. — 5.v+3=j' 5- -\- — 3= 1'. //. 12.1-1-4 = 6. '2-V+5=J'. /2. ax+b=r. 7. Queries. These queries apply to the above equations of first degree, or to any other equations of the first degree in the form f{x)=-y. They are to be answered by studying the plots. Of course the first conclusions reached will be merely probable in- ferences leased upon the consideration of a limited number of cases; but the student should afterwards endeavor to find the rea- S071 why his statement is true, by which means he will probably detect a rigid proof for his former inference. This will be a valu- able course of discovery for the student. The numbers in parentheses following the queries refer to the equations and are intended to direct the student to such plots as will suggest the answers. /. What do equations of the first degree represent? 2. In case the absolute terms of several equations of the finst degree are alike, how do the ])lots compare? {/and ?). (S and 9), (./ and //). GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS. 39 J. What does the absolute term tell about the plot? ^. How do the lines compare if the coefficients of x are alike? (j and ^), ig and /o). 5. What effect has the sign of the coefficient of -V upon the direction of the line? (/ and S), (/, 2, j, /, 5, 6, and S, p, /o, 11). 6. What effect does increasing the numerical value of the coefficient of x have upon the direction of the line? (5, J, i), (8, g), (7, 6, 5, /, ^, /), (c?, g, 11). 8. Equations. Of course we might tabulate the values of .r and y from any equation containing these variables, such as .r'-f-.ri'+r"=i9, and attempt its graphic representation. It is our present purpose, however, to confine our attention to the repre- sentation of equations of the form /'(.r)= r, for then we will be able to discuss geometrically many of the properties of /(.r) which were considered algebraically in Chapter II. This is possible, since, in such equations, y is always the value of /'(.i) correspond- ing to a particular value of x, and, consequently, the ordinates in the plot are graphic representatives of the different values of /(-v) . As a consequence the assemblage of ordinates brings to our e>-e the changes in value which f {x) undergoes when x varies. This statement will be better appreciated as we proceed. ^3- .1"— 2.r — 3=)'. 18. .V-— 6.v+8=r. 14. .t"-4.r-5=i'. ig. .r' — 6-V+9=i'. rS- .r'— 6.v-7=r. 20. .r'-— 6.v+i3=r. 16. x' — bx =r. 21 . x'^-^.x—:^=y. 17- A-^-6.v+5=i'. 22. .i-Hox— 3=1'. g. Queries. 7. In what respect would you say the plots of all these equations of second degree are alike? 8. What relation is there between the position of the lowest point of the curve and the coefficient of .r? (/j, 21, 22). g. Changing the absolute term has what effect on the plot? {is— 20). 1 D. Equations- It will be fouud in plotting equations* of higher degree that many times the value of j' are very large com- *The wjrd " equation," unless the contrary is stated, is now being used for the com- plete expression " equation of the form /(.») -y." 40 ADVANCED ALGEBRA pared to the corresponding values of x. This would require a very long piece of paper for plotting. Such a requirement can be avoided, however, by using a smaller unit of measure for the j/'s than for the x's; for example, an inch as the unit for x and an eighth of an inch for j; or ten-sixteenths of an inch for x and one- sixteenth fori'; or an}^ such arrangement, the student exercising his judgment in each instance. By this means the essential prop- erties of the curves are retained; the effect is the same as if the curve was plotted properly on a long piece of paper and after- wards the paper shTiink a great deal in the direction of its length. A PLOT OF AN EQUATION OK THIRD DEGREE- 23- 2.r'— 7.v-' + 4.v-f 4=)'. 27- .v-'+2.i-+3 = i'. 2i- .r-h3.r-f2.r=i'. 28 . .1-'— 3.1 = 1'. 25- .1-'— 5.v-+i = r. 29. x + T,x^y. 26. .r' — 6.v-'+ I i.r — 6=j'. 3(^- .1'+ 2.r— 3.i'— 4.1+ 2=0 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS. 41 11. Definition. Any portion of a curve having the same direction as the .r-axis is called an Elbow of the curve. 12. Definition. Any point in a curve at which the curv- ature changes from convexity to concavity, or vice versa, is called a Point of Inflexion. The middle point of the letter S is such. 13. Queries. 9 In the plot of J\x)=y what represents the roots of /(.v), or/(.i-)=o? 10. How is it shown that if different values be substituted for -x-, giving results with contrary signs, that at least one real root lies between tho.se values? //. Can every curve of third degree be divided into two equal parts? 14. Equations. ji. x' — 4.r'-)-.i-'-j- 7.1- — 3= r. 32. x' — .r — 1 3.v-'+.i -f 1 2=y. 33. x' — ^2.v' — 7.1" — S.v-(- l6=J'. 34.. 2.r' — -x'' — 9.i" + 33.r-(- 1 7. r— 30=7. 33. X' — 3-1-* — 1 6.x -(-48= I'. 36. .r' — 5-1 = 1'. 3j. .r'+5.v=i'. 15. Queries. 12. What is the difference between the cur\'es of even and odd degree ? 13. What shows that every f\x) of odd degree has at least one real root ? //. How many times can a line parallel to the r-axis cross a curve representing any/(.v)=j'? 13. How manj' times can a line parallel to the .r-axis cross a curve of any degree ? if). What shows that imaginary roots enter in pairs ? (Note eqs. 15-20 and query 9.) 77. How are hvo equal roots indicated in the plot ? (19, 23, 24, 30). 18. How many elbows does a curve of given degree con- tain ? (Note 27, 29, 33, 35, 37. ) 16. Equations. In the following, the derivative of the J\x) taken from a preceding equation (de.signated b}^ number) is 42 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. first to be found. This is then to be placed equal to r and plotted on the same axes as the original curve, using also the same unit of measure as was used before. When speaking of the new plot with reference to the old one, it is called the Derivative Curve. Straight lines are to be drawn parallel to the j'-axis through the intersection of the derivative curve with the X-axis. Also, simi- lar lines are to be drawn through the elbovy^s of the derivative curve. j8. Derivative Curve to 17. jg. Derivative Curve to 26. 40. Derivative Curve to 30. 41. Derivative Curve to 32. 42. Derivative Curve to 36- 17. Queries, ig- What does the derivative curve tell about the original curve ? 20. How can you find the number and locations of the el- bows of any curve ? 18. Equations. 4J. x' — ]/^x=y. 46. {X — iY=y. 44. x'—.oix=y. 47. (.r— 1)^=1'. /5. X' — o.v^j'. 48. (x — I )•'=_)'. 19. Query. 21. What peculiarity of the plot where we have several equal roots ? 20. Equations. Take/(.r) from the equation designated, transform it as required, place it equal to r and plot on the .same axes with the original. 4g. Equation formed by decreasing roots of (26) by two. ^o. Equation formed by increasing roots of (34J by one. ^i. Equation formed by increasing roots of (32) by three. 21. Query. 22. What effect has increasing or decreasing the roots upon the curve ? 22. Equations, not in the form, f(x)=y, which the stu- dent may plot after tabulating the values of .v and )-. a. x'-\-y'=2=^. c. 36.a''+iooi''=36oo. b. .V-'— )-=i6. d. i'-' = 8.v. CHAPTER V. DETERMINANTS. I. lyCt US take two simultaneous equations of the first degree and, from tliem, find the vahies of jf andjv. a^x+b^y=c^ (i) a.A'~\-li,y^c., (2) Multiph' ( I ) by A, and (2) by /',, whence a^h.,x+b^b.,y^c^h., (3) a.,b^x+b^b,y=c,b^ (4) Subtracting (4) from (3) ( «| A, — a.,b^ )x=c^b., — c^b^ , " " c,b—c,b, ^ . hence x=~^ ^ (s) a^b.^—a.J)^ Now multiply (i) by a., and (2) by a^, whence a^a.,x+a.,b^y=a.f\ (6) a^a.y-\-a^b.,y=^a^c., (7) vSubtracting (6) from (7) («, A, — a.Jb^ ) )'= a/; — -a,/, , ax., — a.,c. hence r= / (8 ) It is to be noticed that the denominators in the values of .v and y (equations (5) and (8)) are just alike and contain only the co- efficients of .r and I in the given equations (ij and (2). This ex- l)ression a^b.,—a,b^ iscalled the Determinant of the four quantities, /-|-35'= ( - .r+ 3.r+4--= I (2.1-+ 5,'+8,c-=p 2. - .r+2r-f 5=33. (2.V+ y+ -=32. \ -^'+3J'+ 5~=4- ^. - 2.i-+5r+ 3-"=- 2. ( 3A--f 9_rH-io~= 5, There is no difficulty in extending the process above em- ployed to a greater number of equations, but, after these illustra- tions, we prefer to treat determinants by themselves, independent of their application to a set of linear equations. "^ We will, how- ever, return to the solution of a set of linear equations when we have obtained a number of properties of determinants. We have seen how a determinant of the second order, com- posed of four elements, is written: I «, b^ I I ''. ^ I and defined as being rt, A, — a.b^; also how a determinant of the third order, composed of nine clenienls, is written: Linear equations" are eqiiati.ms of first degr DETERMINANTS. 49 a., b.^ c a.^ b .^ c and defined as being the expression, Similarly a determinant of the 7zth order is composed of n^ quanti ties, called elements and naturally written: ! a, b, c, d^ . . /, a., b, c, d., . . /, a., h.. c. d.^ . . l.^ a, b, c, d, . . /, a^^ b^^ r, d^^ . . /_ The elements in a horizontal line are called a row and those in a vertical line, a column. This determinant is defined as being equal to the algebraic sum of all products that can be formed by taking one and only one element from each row and one and only one from each column, the sign + or — being written before each product or term according as the order of subscripts in that term is derived from the natural order by an even or an odd number of inter- changes of successive subscripts, it being understood that the let- ters preserve the natural order. The collection of terms written out according to this defini- tion is called the Expansion of the determinant. 6. It is to be noticed that the elements are here represented b}^ letters with various subscripts. Obviously other symbols might have been chosen to represent the elements, but the ad van tage of this notation c(msists in the fact that the position of each element is indicated. The letter shows the column and the subscript the row to which any given element belongs. Take for example the element, ,/■,//, — a , />./-, d., -\- a , bj .,d^ 5^^- iry^ I 9 3 4 I 2 4 3 I 4 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 2 I 3 4 2 3 I db:terminants. 51 In this expansion the signs are determined according to the definition by the order of subscripts. Take for example the term afi.,c,d^, where the subscripts appear in the order 4231. This order can be determined from the natural order as follows: Natural order First, interchange 4 and 3 Second, interchange 4 and 2 Third, interchange 4 and i Fourth, interchange 2 and i Fifth, inte: change 3 and i As 5 is an odd number, the sign before aj?.f.^d^ must be — . 8. The rule for determining the sign of an}' term in the ex- pansion of a determinant ma}' be simplified by noting that the interchange of any two numbers, however far removed, is the sime as an odd number of interchanges cf successive numbers. For suppose any number of numbers, 1234....//....;;/.... Let there be /' numbers between // and in. Then if we wish to interchange m and // we have to pass m to the left successively over the r intervening numbers, and then over the li: we have next to pass li to the right over the r numbers that originall}' sep- arated // and w. In passing in to the left we have made r-f i interchanges of successive numbers, and in passing h to the right we have made r interchanges, so in all there are 2r-\- 1 inter- charges of successive numbers, and this is an odd number what- ever be the value of r. We may then strike out the yNOx^siiccessive in the rule for determining the sign of any term in the expansion of a determinant. The order 4231, derived by five succesive interchanges, may be derived by a single interchange of 4 and i. 9. By using subscripted letters for the elements of a deter- minant it can be expanded with considerable ea.se, but how can the terms be written out when other symbols are used to denote the elements? vSuppose we wish the expansion of 52 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. a b c d e f (i). g h k Now we do know the expansion of a, K '-'■z (2). a., d^ q ! It is a^djC.^ — a^d^c, — a.,b^c.^-\-a.,b^c^ + a^l>^c^_ — a^b./^, and to obtain the expansion of (i) we must of course substitute for each of the elements in (2) that one which in (i) occupies the same position. The expansion of (i) then becomes aek — a/if- — dbk-\-dhc-\-gbf^get. A better method will be given further on. 10. Theorem. The expajisioji of a determinant of the n\\\. order contains 123. .n terms. From the definition the terms are obtained by taking the let- ters a, b, c, . . . in their natural order and the subscripts in every possible order. Whence the number of terms is the same as the number of ways of arranging n things taking all at a time, which is 123 . . n. 11. Theoreij. If in any determinant the rows are changed into colum7is and vice-versa , the determinant is not changed. Thus we have I fl, /;, (^ d. 1 '^■l b, c, d, • ^., b. c, d. ! ^4 b, c. d b. , , . , , I \ d, d] d.^ d^ i For convenience represent the first determinant by J and the second by J'. Now it is evident that J' involves the subscripts in the same way that J involves the letters and vice versa. J' equals the sum of all the products formed by taking one and only one element from each row and from each column, hence the terms in the expatision of J' are the same as those o^ J. More- over the signs are alike because the signs prefixed to the te-ms of -I' are determined by the number of interchanges of letters from natural order abed while the signs prefixed to terms of J are deter- mined by the number of interchanges of sub.scripts from the nat- DETERMINANTS. 53 ural order 1234, and it requires the same number of interchanges of letters to pass to a given order as it does of subscripts to pass to a corresponding order. Thus a.fi^c^d.^ or, what is the same thing, d^a,d./^, is a term of both determinants and it evidently requires the same number of interchanges of letters to pass from order adcd to the order bade as it does of subscripts to pass from order 1234 to order 2143. 12. From this it follows that any theorem that can be stated about the rows of a determinant can be stated about the columns, and z'ice versa.- for we may write side by side two deter- minants in which the rows of one are the columns of the other and any theorem about the rows of one is a theorem about the columns of the other. 13. Theorem If hvo nnvs or two columns of a determinant arc interchanged the sign of tJic determinant is changed. Consider the two determinants I «, /7, ,, d^ I a., d., c, d., I a'. /;■ c. f I ^^ ^ ,. (s). J=a,A., -f b.,B.+ c, C+d^n.,. (6). J=a^,Al + b,B: + 'c,,C,-^d,D,. (7). A = a^A^ + bJ^^ + r,C, + ., c, ( b. C| b. c„ I \ b, c^ I +;-.. I b, r, I ) b-, c, I I ^., C I ^' But the quantity in the first bracket is evidently equal to the determinant b. , b., . b, and the expression in the second bracket equals the determinant Hence I (^ + '^',) b, c, I («..+/5,) b,, c. K b. c /A, b., c, K K ^i '^ b^ ^> >\ ^ c. = "■; b^ C, + K b, C, a A, r. K b, c. DETERMINANTS. If the given determinant had been ('^.+,^.,4-;- J A, c. then, by what has just been given, this determinant («,+'5,) b^ r, /-, /', ^-, (S+/^J b. c, + /'. A, .; («.+/5^) ^ ^. ;-., b. c. and suppl3'ing the value of the first of these from above we have ("■, + /5, + r:) b^ i";+f^A-r^ b, ("■.+>',+rd b. c^ a, b^ i\ ^2 = "■■I b., c, c, 'h b-f, c.^ i:^ b, b, ?, b. r, A, ^1 + r, ^, ^-2 r, b., c. and so if all the elements of the first column were the sum of any number of quantities, then the determinant equals the sum of the same number of determinants, the forms of which are evident from the example here given. Evidently this peculiarity might have presented itself in any other column as well as the first or in any row. A precisely similar discussion would show that if all the ele- ments of any row or column were expressed as the difierence be- tween two quantities, then the determinant could be expressed as the difference between two determinants. 21. Example. Express the determinant 2 3 I 3 3 3 4 4 I as the sum of two determinants in three different ways; find the value of each of the resulting determinants and compare the sum with the value of the given determinant. Also express it as the sum of three determinants, find the value of each and add. 62 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. 22. Theorem. If all the elements of any row or column be multiplied by a common factor the determinant is rmdtiplied by that factor. Take the following determinant, which we represent by J : \ a b c \d e f \g h k and multiply all the elements in the first column by m and we obtain ma b c I 7nd e f ?no- h k Calling this J', express J and J' in terms of the minors corres- ponding to the first column and we get = <7 c f h k -d b c h k +^ b c e f -ma e f h k — md b c h k + mg b c c f from which it is evident J'=wJ Corollary i. If all the elements in any row or column contain a common factor that factor may be taken out of each of the elements and placed as a factor of the remaining determinant. Example. Verify the corollary in this determinant: I 2 3 3 3 3 r 4 4 Corollary 2. Multiplying any row or column by any number and dividing another row or column by the same number does not change the value of a determinant. DETERMINANTS. 63 23. Theorem. If the elements of any row or eolumn, each multiplied by the same number, be added to or subtraeted from, the corresponding elements of another rozv or column, the deter- minant is not changed.^^^ Take the determinant a b c \ d e f I g h k ; and add to the elements of the first column the corresponding ele- ments of the second column each multiplied by m and we get ( a-\-mb) b c I i^d-\-me) e f Ig+mh) h k Now, because each element in the first column is the sum of two quantities, therefore {a-\-mb) b c a b c {d-\-me) ef = d e f -f (g-\-mh) h k g h k b b c e h <^ f h k a b c b b c = d e f 4- e e f g h k h h k Taking out the factor m from the elements of the first column of the second determinant on the right side of the equation we get {a-\-mb) b c (d-j-me) e f {g-\-mh) h 'k But the last determinant in the equation has tv,^o identical columns and therefore vanishes, whence I (a-\-mb) b c I (d+me) e f ! [g+mh] h k *rhe wording of the theorem sliould be carefully noted, for if the elements of any row or column be added to or subtracted Irom the corresponding elements of another row or column multiplied by the same number the determinant is changed. If from the determinant ' a h <■ ' . d e f g h 'k we make another by adding the elements of the second column to 111 times the elements of the first column we get (;« +b) h c , I mil+e ) ,- f { mg^h \ li k , and this is just m times the first one. a b c = d e f g h 'k a b c b b c a b c = d e f — m e e f = d e f g h k h h k g h k ADVANCED ALGEBRA. Similarly {a — mb) b c {d — me) e f ig—mh) h k Scholium. — When dealing with a numerical determinant where the elements are large numbers we may combine rows with rows and columns with columns according to this theorem so as to reduce the elements to smaller numbers and thus obtain a determinant easier to compute. 24. Theorem. If all the elements but one in any row orcol- um.71 be zero the determinant is reduced to one of the next lower order. Take, for example, the determinant «, ^ d, a.. b., d. a.^ b\ < a. h^ e, d. fl, b. d, a.. b.. d., a^ b^ < a l\ d^ \ a J.. d., a '.K d. Express this in terms of minors corresponding to elements in third column and it equals a^ /;, d., a^ b^ d^ a, b^ d^ \ a, /', d^ a.^ b^ d.^ — o a^ b.^ d., -fo a, b.. d^ — r, | a., b., d, a^ b^ d^ a^ b^ d^ a. b. d. I a., b., d.. which equals a, b, d 25. To Compute the Value of a Numerical Deter- minant. If we have to compute the value of a numerical deter- minant it is well (i) to see if all the elements of any row or column contain a common factor so that as many common factors as pos- sible may be removed in order to reduce the elements to smaller numbers; then (2) to seek, by some combination of rows with rows or columns with columns, to still further re- duce the elements, especially aiming to transform the de- terminant so that in some row or some cohimn all DETERMINANTvS. 65 the elements but one shall be zero, when the determinant is reduced to one of a lower order. We then treat the new deter- minant in a similar way and thus by continual reductions we may find its value usually much more easily than by expanding. Let us compute the value of the determinant from last and we get Subtract two times first column from second column; also subtract fourth column from third; and subtract fourth column from fifth: 6 12 6 3 9 3 631 2 49412 5 i^ 3 2 5 12 24 6 4 12 Take factor 3 from first row and 2 fi 2 4213 3 6312 6 49412 5 10 3 2 5 6 12 3 2 6 2 o 3 o 4 I 1 I 2 2 I I 1 I I = —6 5012 ,601 2 4 I Subti'act fourth column from first: I o I 12] -6 ' ' ' '\ = 2 I 2 3 I I 2 I 2 4 I Subtract third row from fourth : I o I I 2 1 I 2 I I — 12 I I I 2 3 I O O O I Subtract first column from second; ! o I — 12 I I I 2 1 3 2 5 I 6 I I 2 1 I 2 3 2 4 I I 1 2 I I I I 1 1 I 2| 1 I I 2 3l 2 4l 1 1 1 2 I I I 2 I I I O 2 I 66 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. Subtract first row from second ; O I I I o o I o 2 I I O 2 H A^ A..=- li. c. d. J,„= i^: G < ^ ^\ < b^ r, ^, b., c. d.. b\ c\ d\ etc. whicli is the value of the determinant of the fifth order that we started with. 26. In article 16 eight different expressions were given for the determinant \ a^ /?, r, d^ 1 a., b., c, d., I a^ b.. r., d^ each in terms of the elements of some row or some column, and it was noticed that Keeping carefully in mind the meaning thus given to the cap- ital letters with various subscripts it is evident that b^A^ + b.^A.^+b.^^A.,_-^b^A^ I b, (\ d, I b^ r, < I I /;, r, ^, I -b., I b., q d.. I -\-b.. b.. c. d., -bA /'„ r, d., \ I b\ c^ d\ I ■■ b\ f] d\ ! I b.._ a d[ I and this is evidenth^ the expression of the determinant I /7, b^ r, d^ I b.. b., c. d.. I b, b.. <■.. d. I '''. ^', '\ < in terms of the minors corresponding to the elements of the first column. Now this determinant, having two identical columns, equals zero; hence b^ A^ + b.^A.^+ b.,A.^+ b^A=o. In the same wav we could obtain a relation connecting the ele- b.. c, d., =^ b., c. d.. b. c\ < DETERMINANTS. 67 ments of any row or column with minors corresponding to the ele- ments of some other row or column. There would be in all twen- ty-four such relations given by the determinant rt, l\ c^ < a., i c.. d. a.. Ik c. cl, '^^ ih r. d, In the same way if we were given the determinant of the ?zth order: a, b^ c\ . . . . /, ; «2 b., r, . . . . /, a., b., c, . . . . l. we could obtain 2;/ different expressions for it, each one as multi- ples of the elements of a row or a column and we could obtain 2n{,n — i) other relations connecting the elements of one row or column with the minors corresponding to the elements of another row or column. As samples we write two equations of each kind and leave the student to write others. a.,A.^+b.,B.,+c.,C., 4- a..A.,+ b.B.,+ cC + + a^A~A. a^B=o. l.L=o. Examples /. Write the six different expressions for and verify each expression. 2 Write the twelve other equations expressing the relation between the elements of one row or column and the minors corre- sponding to the elements of another row or colunui of the determi- nant in E.K. /. 68 ADVANCED ALGKBRA. J. Express the value of I a h r I I <^ ^ f I I K h k I in six different wa^-s. 4. Write the twelve other equations expressing the relation be- tween the elements of one row or column and minors correspond- ing to the elements of atiother row or column of the determinant in Ex. 3. 28. Application TO THE Solution OF Stmut.taneous Equa- tions OF First Degree. Let us take ?2 equations of the first degree containing « unknown quantities. a^.x-\-l\y-\-c^z-\- . . . .-f/|T'=w,. a.^x-\-b.^y-\-c.,s+. . . . -{- /-c>= ff/ ... Here we suppose that the determinant formed by the coeffi- cients of the unknown quantities, viz: a^ b, (\ . . . . /, i a.^ b, c, . . . . /,\ a., b., c, . . . . /., ! is not zero. «„ "„ ^„ • ■ • • ^„ Multiph- the first equation by A^, the second by A.,, and so on, and we have a.,A.^x^b..A,y+c.,A.,z^ .... -\-/.,A.,v=7n.,A,. a^,A^,x+li^A^y-\-cA,z-{- .... -j-LA..y=nL,A,,. a„ + Ax+b^A^y+c„A^2-^ . . +/^Av=w^A,,. Then adding we obtain for the coefficients of a- the determinant of the coefficients of all the unknowns, which we will represent by J; the sum of the coefficients of each of the other unknowns become zero (see Art. 25 >; and the right-hand meml)er is what J DETERMINANTS. 69 becomes when the a's are replaced by the n/'s, i. e., by the right hand members of the given equations. Let us represent this determinant by J,. Then •J, = -',; therefore .v= J, In the same way, if we multiply the first equation by B^, the second by B.,, and so on, and add the resulting equations, we get __ J.^ -' T' where J.^ means what J becomes when the d's are replaced by the right members of the given equations. Again, multiply the first by C,, the second by C, and so on, and add the resulting equations, and we get J where J., is what J becomes when the r's are replaced by the right members of the given equations. It is now evident that the value of an v unknown quantity in the given set of equations is the ratio of two determinants, in which the denominator is the determinant of the coefficients in the given equations and the numerator is what the denominator becomes when the right hand members are put in place of the coefficients of the <7A (?;////!■ -a'/iose value i^ soiio/il. 29. Another Method. Form the determinant I (rt,.i-f- /',.)'+ . . +/,'■—'",) ''', i\ ■ ■ A i (a.,x-\-h.,y-\- . . +l.,v-7n.,) A, C . • L, I (a^x+bj'-\- . . Iv—m^^) b^^ r^ . . /„ Each element in the first column is formed by transposing the right-hand members of the given equations, and hence each of these elements equals zero, therefore the determinant itself equals zero. Now each element in the first column is expressed as the 70 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. algebraic sura of ;/-|- I quantities, hence the deterrainant can be expressed as the sum of «+ i determinants. Whence I a^.v b^ r, . . /, I I b^y b^ c\ . . l^\ I w, b^ l\ . . /, I ^''2-^" ^-l ^l- ■ ^A _|_ I '''•-'J' ''•'2 "^2 • • "^2 I 1 I '^^2 ^2 ^-l- • ^' 1 ax b,^ r„ ..". /, I I b^j b] c[ . . /„ i I m„ 'b,^ r,. ." .' /„ I All these determinants, except the first and last, vanish; for after taking out the common factor from the first column we have left a determinant with two identical columns. Moreover after taking out the common factor x from the first column of the first deter- minant we have left the determinant J and the last determinant is evidently what we have called J,; hence J.v — -11=0, orJr=J,, or the same as before. Similarly the other unknown quantities may be found. 30. If the determinant called J should equal zero, we cannot obtain a definite, finite set of values of the unknown quantities. If all the numerators are also zero, the unknown quantities are indeterminate and the equations given are not independent. If however, some of the numerators are not zero then the equations cannot be satisfied by any finite set of values, or the equations are said to be incompatible. Thus the equations 2.1- -f j'4- 55-= 1 9. 3.r+2_r4- 42'= 19. 7 r+4j'+ 125=49. are independent and compatible and therefore form a solvable set of equations. In this example -1= — 9 J, = — 9, J,= — 18, J.,= — 27, whence .1= I, r=2, z=2)- The equations 2r+ _)'+ 52-= 1 9 3-V+2i'-f 4z=ig 7.1- 4- 4_v+ 145=57 DETERMINANTS. are compatible but are not independent, the third being derived from the other two by adding the second to twice the first. In this example J=o, -l,=o, -l.,=o, -';i=o, so that the values of each unknown quantity assumes the indeterminate form . o The equations 2.r+ 1'+ 5.3-= 1 9 5x-\-2j'-{- 45-= 1 9 7X+4J/+ 145=50 are incompatible with one another. If we add the second to twice the first we get 7.r+4j'+ 145=57 but this contradicts the third equation. In this example J=o, -I, =42. J.,= — 49, J.^=— 7, so that no finite values of x, y, 2 sat- isfy the equations. 30 IvCt us now take n equations of the first degree contain- ing « — I unknown quantities: a.x +b,v-\- c,3-\- .... 4-/,=o ^n^'+^ny+ ^n^+ .... +/ =0 The absolute term is written on the left-hand side of the equations because it is better for the method here pursued. It is to be noticed that the number of equations is one more than enough to enable us to find the values of the unknown quantities. Represent the deteirainant of the known quantities by J, whence \a,b,c^ . . . . /, i_ ^.. b., c^ . . . . l, I '^n ^n ^n ■ ■ ■ ■ ^„ Now if we add to the last column x times the first, jy times the second, z tiraes the third, and so on, the determinant is not changed in value; therefore b^ c^ . . {a^x-j-b^y-\-c^3-{- . .-(-/,) b^^ r, . . {a^x+b^^y-\-c^z-\- ■0 72 ADVANCED ALGEBRA. But from the given equations it is evident that every element in the last column equals zero. Therefore J=o. We have tacitly assumed that the given equations were compat- ible with one another and have shown that the determinant equals zero; whence the following theroem: If n equations of the first degree containing n—\ unknown quantities are compatible with one another the determinant of the known numbers equals zero. But this determinant may be zero ^^hen the equations are incom- patible, as in the set: 2.1-1- J'-f- 45- 16 = 3,1--!- J'-f 22 11=0 8X-I-3V+ 8.S-— 38 = 7X-|-3T'-|- \oz— 40=0 Here J= Subtracting twice the second row from the third we have three identical rows, hence J=o. But if two times the first equation be added to the second we get 7-i"+3)'-(- io5 — 43^0, which contra- dicts the fourth equation, whence the .system is incompatible. Let us see if we can tell when several equations are compat- ible. For the sake of definiteness in language let us take four equations, a.^x-\- b.^y-\- c,z-\- d.,=o a.p: -f k.^ y -\- c.z -{-d.=o a ^x-\- .\y-\- r^z+ d =0 and suppo.se three of the.se, as for instance the last three, are in- dependent and compatible. Then from these three we find the value of .r, )', z to be 2 I 4 — 16 3 I 2 — 1 1 8 3 8 -38 7 3 10 —40 DETERMINANTS. 73 < K c. \a.,-d,c.,_ a,b,-d. -d., b. c. a,-d,c. a,K-d. |-< b^ c, l«4-<^. «4 b, -d, . 'V = «. ^ ^2 a. b., ^3 1 a^ b^ c^ ' a., b.^ c^ \ <^-, b., r, a^ b^ c^ ' «. b,