SUBJECT AND AUTHOR CATALOGUE -OF THE- GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY, 1893. E. A. HALL & CO., Printers, GREENFIELD, MASS. fr sia LIBRARY RULES. Rile i. A library card entitling the holder to draw books subject to such rules and other provisions relative to the library as may from time to time be established by the Town of Greenfield or the directors, and subject to cancellation and recall as provided by such rules or provisions, shall be signed and issued by the librarian, subject to the order of the directors, to any permanent resident of Greenfield over twelve years of age applying therefor and furnishing such proof of residence as may be required, and de- positing in exchange for such card a memorandum signed by the applicant acknowledging the receipt of the card, stating its number, the age of the applicant if a minor, and the applicant's street and number or other de- scription of residnce, in which memorandum the applicant shall promise in consideration of the privileges given the holder of such card, and not- withstanding any termination of such privileges, to conform to the rules of the library in its use and to be responsible for an) - books drawn upon such card or upon any card given in renewal thereof or substitution therefor, and to pay all fines, damages and charges accruing from the loss, deten- tion or injury of such books, as provided for by the rules of the library, and to return such card to the librarian as soon as it shall become void under the said rules. Provided, that no card shall be issued to a minor unless the parent or guardian of such minor, or some other responsible person shall, by an additional memorandum, promise, for the above named consideration, to be responsible for all books taken from the library on presentation of the card of such minor, and to pay, on demand of the librarian, all fines and charges accruing against such minor under the rules of the library now or hereafter established, demand for loss or damage to be made within one month from the time when it shall be ascertained; or unless such minor shall furnish other security satisfactory to the directors. Any demand upon a signer of either of the above named memoranda may be made by the librarian verbally or by mailing postpaid a written statement of the demand directed to such signer at Greenfield, Mass. Each library card issued shall state the name of the holder and be duly numbered and charged by the librarian. If a card shall be lost, a substitute card, having the same number, but endorsed "duplicate," may be issued therefor by the librarian after fifteen days' notice. Rt'l.K 2. Every lost card for which a substitute has been issued, every card the holder of which shall become a non-resident of Greenfiel I, and every card which the trustees shall by vote declare void on account of non- payment of any amount due under the rules, or on account of violation of the rules by the holder, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the directors, shall be considered void and cancelled, and the libiarian shall take up and retain such card whenever presented. The librarian may sus- pend the issue of books on any card until the next meeting of the directors, and shall issue no book on the account of any person in arrears. LIBRARY RULES. Rule 3. No book shall be delivered except on presentation of a library card and a receipt (for which blanks will be furnished by the librarian) des- ignating the date, the number of the card and the title, volume (if of a set) and number of the book taken, and signed by the person to whom the book is delivered, or by the holder of the card, which receipt shall charge the card-holder with the book and all fines, damages and cost of re- placement (including cost of replacement of the set to which it belongs, if necessary) which may arise under the rules from the loss, detention or in- jury of the book. One book only shall stand charged upon the account of one card. Any book, except the current magazines and new books which have been called for by other parties while out, may be once renewed as provided on the library label pasted inside the cover, but only once until it shall have remained over one library day in the library. Rule 4. Every book shall be returned within fourteen days after be- ing taken and within such shorter time as may be designated in the regula- tion pasted inside its cover and a fine of two cents a day shall be imposed upon the card-holder to whom it stands charged, for such time as it shall be longer detained. Such person shall, if required, also account for and pay for as lost any book taken upon his or her card, when such book shall be one month overdue, or when previously shown to be lost, together with the fines accruing on the same before payment, but not exceeding in all the fines accruing in one month. Card-holders shall pay for all damages done to books drawn on their cards, and replace injured books, if required by the librarian, subject to appeal to the directors. The price to be paid for any book lost or required to be replaced shall be the cost of replacing the same, and if it cannot be replaced, then the full value of the book and of the set (if any) to which it may belong. All books shall be promptly returned when called in by order of the directors by notice published in one of the Greenfield papers. Rule 5. No person shall enter the alcoves or remove a book from the shelves without permission of the librarian or a director. Rule 6. During library hours gentlemen will remain uncovered while in the library room, and all persons therein will demean themselves properly and avoid loud or unnecessary conversation. Rule 7. No person shall, without due authority from the directors or librarian, write upon, injure, deface, tear or destroy any book, and the librarian shall report any person, maliciously and without cause violating this rule, to the directors, for prosecution, under Sec. 79 Ch. 203, of the Public Statutes. Rule 8. The library shall be open during the following hours; viz.: Every afternoon from 3 to 9 p. m.; Sundays from 2 to 6 p. m. Rule 9. These rules may be amended by the directors, subject to existing provisions established by the town of Greenfield. CATALOGUE. FICTION. Abandoned Claim. Longhead, Flora H 823-2469 Abbess of Jouaru. Renan, Ernst S42-1 Achor. Clark, Mrs. S. R. G 823-697 Across the Chasm. Anon 823-1003 Adventures of a Widow. Fawcett, Edgar 823-843 Adirondack Stories. Deming, P 823-958 Adam Hepburn's Vow. Swan, Annie S 823-1 185 Admirable Lady Biddy Fane. Barrett, Frank 823-1523 Adopting an Abandoned Farm. Sanborn, Kate S23-2410 After Many Days. Reid, Christian 823-933 After His Kind. Coventry, John S23-1101 After Dinner Stories. Balzac, Honore 43-35 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, H. B 823-876 Agatha's Husband. Craik, D. M 823-1349 Alroy. Disraeli 823-889 Aliens. The. Keenan, Henry F 823-1136 Allen Quartremain. Haggard, Rider 823-1247 Alma. Marshall, Emma 823-1489 Alpine Fay. Werner, E S33-64 Alien from the Commonwealth S23-15S1 Albrecht. Bates, Arlo S23-2202 Alec Forbes. Macdonald, Geo 823-2340 American Politician. Crawford, F. Marion 823-752 Among the Chosen. Anon 823-768 Amelia. Fielding, H S23-899 Amos Kilbright. Stockton, Frank R 823-1324 Antonia. Collins, Wilkie 823-1074 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi 899-7 An I. D. B. in South Africa. Sheldon, L. V S23-1573 Antoinette. Chuet, Geo 823-1607 2 FICTION. Anglomaniacs, The. Harrison, Mrs. Burton 823-2297 An Indian Man. Armstrong, Le Roy 823-2301 Annie Kilburn. Howells, W. D 823-1454 An Imperative Duty. Howells, W. D 823-2513 Angelic Woman, That. Ludlow, James M 823-2470 Annouchka. Turgenef, Ivan 843-25 Another's Crime. Hawthorne, Julian 823-1301 An Eye for an Eye. Trollope, Anthony 823-1372 Apostate, The. Daudet, Ernst 843-63 April Hopes. Howells, W. D 823-2512 Artemas Ward's Works. Landon, Melville 828-12 Arthur Erskine's Story. Anon S23-871 Aristocracy. Anon 823-1479 Around the Golden Deep. Reedes, A. P 823-1517 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant, Walter 823-2205 Ardis Claverden. Stockton, Frank R 823-1676 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G 823-2484 Archibald Malmaison. ' Hawthorne, Nat 823-912 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte, Bret S23-1 406 Asphodel. Anon S23-1012 As it was Written. Luska, Sidney 823-1040 Astray. Yonge, C. M 823-1232 Aspern Papers, The. James, Henry S23-1509 Aspasia. Daudet, Ernst S33-71 Ascutney Street. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-22S4 Asaph's, Ten Thousand. Bennet, Mary C 8.23-2339 At Odds. Tautphaeus, Baroness .S23-251 1 At Daybreak. Sterling, A S23-6S4 At Any Cost. Garrett, E 823-761 At Bay. Alexander, Mrs S23-726 At Love's Extremes. Thompson, Maurice S23-1024 Atlanta in the South. Howe, Maude S23-1 134 At the Councillor's. Marlitt S33-S0 Aulnay Towers. Howard, B. Willis 823-1008 Aunt Diana. Carey, Rosa N 823-1519 Aunt Anne. Clifford, Mrs S23-2505 Average Woman, The. Balestier, Walcott 823-2530 Average Man, The. Grant, Robert S23-684 Averil. Carey, Rosa N 823-1 52 1 Awakening of Mar)' Fenwick. Whitby, Beatrice 323-169S Ayal's Angel. Trollope, Anthony S23-1387 Aztec Treasure House. Janvier, Thomas S23-2224 Baby's Grandmother. Walford, L. B S23-725 Basil. Collins, Wilkie 823-1066 Baldine and Other Stories. Edler, Karl 833-^5 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. Bar Harbor Days. Harrison, Mrs. Burton 823-1229 Baldy's Point. Walworth, Mrs. J. VV S23-1580 Baffled Conspirators. Norris, W. E 823-2269 Barracks Bivouacs and Battles. Forbes, Archibald 973-126 Bagpipers, The. Sands, George 843-66 Baypath. Holland, J. G. .. 23-1488 Bar Sinister, The. Anon 823-1062 Bee Man of Orn. Stockton, Frank R 823-1241 Belton Estate, The. Trollope, Anthony 823-1377 Behind Closed Doors. Green, Anna K 823-1512 Between Two Loves. Barr, Amelia 823-1495 Between the Lines. King, Capt. Chas 823-1590 Begum's Daughter. Brynner, Edwin 823-1690 Betty Alden. Austin, Jane 823-1645 Bertrams, The. Trollope, Anthony 823-1379 Beatrix Randolph. Hawthorne, Julian 823-842 Beauchamp. Simms W. Gilmore 823-965 Bessie's Fortune. Holmes, Mary J 823-1037 Beverly. Walworth, Mansfield 823-1157 Bethesda. Elbon, B S23-74 Ben-Hur. Wallace, Gen. Lew 823-1 192 Bishops Cranworth. Marshall, Emma 823-1490 Biscayne Bay, In. Rockwood, Caroline . . 823-2456 Black Forest Village Stories. Arlach, Berthold 833-50 Blind Lead, A. Bates, Josephine 823-1400 Black Arrow. Stevenson, Robert Louis S23-1419 Blind Musician. Korolenko, Valdemir S99-22 Black Beauty. Sewall, A S23-2261 Border Beagles. Simms, W. Gilmore S23-966 Bonnyborough. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T S23-1093 Bostonians, The. James, Henry 823-1143 Border Lances. Anon 824-1139 Border Land. Fothergill, Jessie 823-1196 Border Shepherdess. Barr, Amelia S23-1232 Bonaveniure. Cable, Geo. W 823-12S1 Bow of Orange Ribbon. Barr, Amelia 823-1497 Box of Monkeys. Grace L. Furness 823-2414 Bowsham Puzzle. Halberton, John 823-909 Bound Together. Fargus, F. J .S23-731 Bread Winners. Anon S23-7S5 Bride of the Nile. Ebers, Geo 833-54 Broken Vow, The. Little, W. J. Knox S23-1228 Brave Lady, A. Craik, I). M 823-1345 Broken Sword. Taylor. Minnie I S23-1394 Brownstone Boy, The. Bishop, William II 823-1422 Brotherhood. Cruger, Mary S23-2465 4 FICTION. Brownslows, The. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1329 But a Philistine. Townsend, Virginia 823-803 Buz. Noel. Maurice 823-1180 Button's Inn. Tourgee, Albion 823-1255 By Fire and Sword. Archer, Thomas 823-1178 Carola. Stretton, H 823-762 Capt. Davy's Honeymoon. Caine, Hall 823-2531 Carpet Knight. Fleming, H 823-813 Cakes and Ale at Woodbine. Coffin, Robt. B 823-957 Cabin on the Beach. Winchester, M. E 823-989 Cardinal Sin. Fargus, F. J 823-1102 Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow, James M 823-1164 Capt Macdonald's Daughter. Campbell, A 823-1264 Capt. Trafalgar. Lawrie, Andre 823-1296 Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks. Stockton, F. R 823-1321 Carita. Oliphant. Mrs 823-1335 Castle Richmond. Trollope, Anthony 823-1365 Can You Forgive Her. Trollope, Anthony 823-1376 Castle in the Air. Evving, Hugh 823-1395 Captain's Dog. Enault, Louis 843-56 Captain of the Wight. Cowper, Frank 823-1538 Captain. Manteuil, Madame 843-65 Caesar Birroteau. Balzac 843-81 Captain Blake. Capt., Chas. King 823-2318 Caged Lion. Yonge, C. M 823-1046 Children of Issachar. Anon 823-753 Choy Susan. Bishop, William H 823-781 Chantry House. Yonge, C. M 823-1162 Chantry Priest of Barnet. Church, Rev. A. J 823-822 Christmas in a Palace. Hale, E. E 823-827 Christmas at Narragansett. Hale, E. E 823-913 Child of the Revolution. Anon 823-1210 Child of the Century. Wheelbright, John 823-1211 Christmas Wreck. Stockton, Frank R 823-1320 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1366 Christian's Mistake. Craik, D. M 823-1366 Chata and Chinita. Haven, Louise P 823-1627 Chita. Hearn, Lafcadio 823-1653 Chronicle of Conquest. Sparhawk, F 823-1666 Chicot the Jester. Dumas, Alexander 823-2238 Child's Romance. Lote, Pierre 843-79 Cheering up Business, In the. Lee, Mary C 823-2380 Chas. Auchester. Berger, E 823-2472 Charlemont. Simms, W. Gilmore 825-966 Chevalier de Maison Rouge. Dumas, Alexander 823-2236 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. Circuit Rider, The. Eggleston, Edw 823-823 Cigarette Maker's Romance. Crawford, F. Marion 823-1445 Ciphers. Kirk, Ellen Olney 823-2431 Clytie. Taylor, G ; 833-24 Clever Woman of the Family. Yonge, CM 823-1049 Cleopatra. Greville, Henry 843-36 Club of One. Anon 823-1195 Country Doctor, A. Tewett, Sarah Orne 823-691 Commercial Trip, A. Bartlett, G. H 823-754 Coningsbv. Disraeli 823-892 Constance. Disraeli 823-893 Conspiracy. Badeau, Adam 823-1089 Col. Cheswick's Campaign. Shaw, Flora L 823-1167 Cousin Henry. Trollope Anthony 823-1386 Counsel of Perfection. Malet, Lucas 823-1483 Cousin Bette. Balzac 843-52 Countess Eve. Shorthouse, J. H 823-1539 Commodore Junk. Fenn, Manville 823-1142 Constance and Cabot's Rival. Hawthorne, Julian 823-1302 Consuelo. Sands, Geo 843-64 Countess Lorely. Menger, Rudolf 823-1652 Color Studies. Janvier Thomas 823-2529 Col. Starbottle's Client. Harte, Bret 823-1561 Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court. Clemens, S. L 828-23 Cosette. Macquoid Katherine 823-1684 Countess Irene. Fogerty, James 823-1685 Countess de Charny. Dumas, Alexander 823-2235 Conspirators, The. Dumas, Alexander 823-2243 Come Forth. Ward, Elizabeth and H. D 823-2246 Colonel's Opera Cloak. No Name Series 823-2294 Countess Gisela. Marlitt, E 833-78 Colonel's Christmas Dinner. King, Capt. Chas 823-2316 Col. Carter of Cartersville. Smith, F. Hopkinson 823-23S4 Confession. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-966 Common Chord. Elliot, Henry 823-1199 Crime of Henry Vane. J. S. of Dale. 823-820 Cracker Joe. No Name Series 823-1224 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte, Bret S23-1240 Cressy. Harte, Bret 823-1556 ('rooked Path. Alexander, Mrs 823-1600 < Kiss Currents. Dickens, Mary Angela 823-2538 ("rime of Sylvester Bonnard. France, Anatole 843-71 < ' rusaders and Captives. Merrill, Geo. E 823-2400 Crystal Button. Thomas, Chauncey 823-2377 Cranford. Gaskell, Mrs 823-2471 Cruise of the Mystery. Houghton, Louise 823-2492 * FICTION. Cupid M. D. Swift, Augustus M 823-249 Curate in Charge. Oliphant, Mrs 823-749 Daisy Chain. Yonge, CM 823-1052 Daughter of Bohemia. Reid, Christian 823-930 Daughter of an Empress. Mulback 833-77 Daughter of Fife. Barr, Amelia E 822-1 166 David Alden's Daughter. Austen, Jane 823-1647 Daniel Cortiss. Fogazzaro, Antonio 853-2 Dawn. Haggard, Rider 823-1248 David Poindexter's Disappearance. Hawthorne, J 823-1283 Daphne. Rita 823-1425 Daughter of Eve. Kirk, Ellen Olney 823-1565 Danvers Jewels. Anon 823-1699 Day and Night Stories. Sullivan, F. R 823-2223 Darkness and Dawn. Farrar, Frederick 824-2422 Dark Days. Fargus, F. J 823-733 David Elginbrod. Macdonald, Geo 823-2341 Day at La Guerre's. Smith, F. Hopkinson 823-2489 Daughter of the South. Harrison, Mrs. Burton 823-2500 Dearly Bought. Burnham, Clara Louise 823-693 Deephaven. Jewett, Sarah Orne 823-797 Deeds of Daring. Kelsey, D. M 973 - 52 Dead Secret. Collins, Wilkie 1 13-1068 Desperate Chance. Kelley, Jerrold 823-1174 Deserter, The. King, Capt. Chas 823-1236 Deemster. Caine, Hall S23-1277 Debutante in New York Society. Buchanan, Rachel 823-1414 Devout Loves. Mameron, Mrs. Lovell S23-1501 Despot of Broomsedge Cove. Murfree, M. N 823-1548 Derrick Vaughn. Lyall, Edna 823-1598 Deluge, The. Sienkiewicz, Henryk 823-2464 Diana Coryral. No Name Series 823-696 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, Mrs. E 823-1167 Divorced. Dahlgren, Madeline S22-1272 Diana of the Crossway. Meredith, George 823-2415 Dorcas. Kouns, N. E S23-783 Down the Ravine. Murfree, M.N 823-1023 Dosia's Daughter. Greville, Henry S43-34 Domesticus. Butler, William Allen S23-1092 Double Life, A. Chase Herbert S23-129S Doctor Thorne. Trollope, Anthony 823-1066 Doctor Grattan. Hammond, W. H 823-759 Doctor Sevier. Cable, Geo. W S23-769 Doctor Ox and Other Stories. Verne, Jules S23-1134 Doctor Le Baron and His Daughters. Austen, Jane 823-1643 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. Doctor's Dilemma, The. Stretton, Hesba 823-2310 Doctor Johns. Mitchell, D. G 823-902 Doctor Worth's School. Trollope Anthony 823-1373 Donald Ross. Black, William 823-2353 Doctor Lamar. Anon 823-2424 Dosia. Greville, Henry 843-31 Dusantes, The. Stockton, Frank R 823-1322 Dukes' Children. Trollope, Anthony 823-1391 Duchess de Langeais. Balzac 843-58 Dwellers in Five Sisters Court. Scudder, H. E 823-593 Dragon of the North. Oswald, E. J 823-1537 Dream of a Modest Prophet. Leggett, M. D 823-2333 Dynevor Terrace. Yonge, CM 823-1054 East and West. Hale, E. E 823-14S1 Earth Trembled, The. Roe, Rev. E. P 823-1079 Ebb Tide. Ried, Christian 823-932 Eleanor Maitland. Clement, Clara Erskine 823-1026 Elect Lady, The. Macdonald, Geo 823-1441 Elsket. Page, Thos. Nelson 823-2391 Eli Perkins. Landon, Melville 82S-3S Emma. Austen. Jane 823-2216 Entailed Hat, The. Towsend, G. A 823-782 Enthralled and Released. Raphael, Or 33-39 Entire Stranger, An. Bailey, Rev. T. L 823-2423 Endymion. Disraeli 823-894 Erlach Court. Schubin, Ossip 833-65 Esther. Sergeant, Adeline 823-977 Esther Dennison. Kingslake, A. W 823-1464 Eutaw. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-964 European Relations. Dalin, Talmage 823-2461 Eve. Gould, S. Baring 823-142S Farming. Munkitrick S2S-37 False Start. Smart, Hanley S23-1413 Farnell's Folly. Trowbridge, J. T 823-526 Fair God, A. Wallace, (Jen. Lew S23-1009 Fallen Leaves. Collins, Wilkie S23-107S Far Awav and Long Ago. Kemble, F. A S23-1465 Family Tree. Matthews, Brander S23-2255 Faith Doctor, The. Eggleston, Edward S23-2454 Fated to he Free. Ingelow, Jean S23-2453 Family Feud. Wistar, Mrs. A. I S33-66 Fai nails of Tipton. Johnson, Virginia W S23-S07 Fair Emigrant, A. M ulholland, Rosa 823-1555 Felicitas. Dahu, Felix 833-35 8 FICTION. Fellah. About, Edmond 843-39 Feud of Oakfield Creek. Royce, Josiah 823-1193 Felicia. Murfree, M. D 823-2372 Fellowe and His Wife, A. Howard and Sharpe 823-2482 First Violin. Fothergill, Jessie 823-2280 First Family of Tasajara. Harte, Bret 823-1560 Flag on the Mill. Sleight, Mary B 823-1274 Flight of the Shadow. Macdonald, Geo 823-2343 Flute and Violin. Allen, James Lane 823-2407 Flower de Hundred. Harrison, Mrs. Burton 823-2334 Forayers, The. Simms, VV. Gilmore 823-963 For a Woman. Perry, Nora 823-1031 Forced Acquaintances. Robinson, Edith 823-1221 Forging the Fetters. Marston, Phillip 823-1224 Fools of Nature. Brown, Alice. , 823-1267 Four Ghost Stories. Molesworth, Mrs 823-1282 Four and Five. Hale, E. E 823-1447 For Fifteen Years 843-55 For God and Gold. Corbett, Julian 823-1596 Forsaken Inn. Green, Anna K 823-1662 Fortunes of Rachel. Hale, E. E 823-914 For Love and Life. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1333 Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas, Alexander 823-2239 Frederick The Great. Mulbach 833-49 Frontier Stories. Harte, Bret 823-1243 From Moor Isles. Fothergill, Jessie 823-1530 From the Earth to the Moon. Verne, Jules 823-2394 From Timber to Town. An Early Settler 828-36 Fragoletta. Rita 823-1552 Friend Olivia. Barr, Amelia 823-1499 From Flax to Linen. Conklin, Mrs 823-1562 Gayworthys, The. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-938 Gallegher and Other Stories. Davis, Richard H 823-2403 Gallant Fight. Harland, Marion S23-1514 Gertrude's Marriage. Heimburg, W S23-63 Giant's Robe. Austey, F S23-401 Glorinda. Dodd, Anna B 823-1513 Gold Hunters in Europe. Tomes, William H 823-1081 Gold That Did Not Glitter. Dabney, Virginia 823-1626 Gold Elsie. Marlett, E 823-79 Golden Spike, The. King, Edward S23-1084 Golden Gossip. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-22S5 Gray and The Blue. Roe, Col. E. R 823-S17 Great War Syndicate. Stockton, Frank R 823-1675 Ground Arms. Suttnor, Bertha Von 833-83 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. Group of Noble Dames. Hardy, Thomas 823-1567 Guide, Philosopher and Friend. Martin, Mrs 823-1285 Guy Rivers. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-967 Gun Maker of Moscow. Cobb, Sylvanus 823-1452 Hard Heart, A. Raimund, C 833-22 Haunted Hotel. Collins, Wilkie 823-1076 Haunted Adjutant. Quincy, Edmund 823-1105 Hannah. Craik, D. M 823-1347 Harry Heathcote. Trollope, Anthony 823-1381 Hard Won Victory. Litchfield, Grace D 823-1417 Hardy Norseman. Lyall, Edna 823-1622 Hazard of New Fortunes. Howells, W. D 823-1455 Heritage of Dedlow Marsh. Harte, Bret 823-1557 Heart of Steel. Reid, Christian 823-38 Henrietta Temple. Disraeli 823-895 He That Will Not When He May. Oliphant, Mrs 823-744 Heathercliffe. Marshall, Emma 823-981 Heir of Redcliffe. Yonge, CM 823-1057 Hearts Ease. Yonge, C. M 823-1056 Head of the Family. Craik, D. M 823-1346 Hero and Other Stories. Craik, D. M 823-1355 Her Great Idea. Walford, L. B 823-1462 Headlong Hall. Peacock, T. Love 823-2447 Hester. Oliphant, Mrs 823-743 He Knew He Was Right. Trollope, Anthony 823-1374 Heir Presumptive. Oliphant, Mrs 823-2485 Her Title of Honor. Lee, H 823-826 Helen Treveryan. Roy, John 823-2547 Helen Brent. Anon 823-2503 Hertha. Eckstein, Ernst 833-84 Heresy of Mehitable Clark. Slosson, Annie T 823-2502 Her Washington Season. Lincoln, J. G 823-844 Hitherto. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-946 History of a Week. Walford, L. B S23-727 Hidden Hand. Southworth, Mrs 823-1500 History of David Grieve. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey 823-244S Holy Rose. Besant, Walter. S23-2206 Household of McNeil. Barr, Amelia 823-2272 Hotel d'Angleterre. Falconer, Lanoe 823-2368 House of Martha. Stockton, Frank R 823-1679 How to Make a Saint S23-1225 Huckleberries. ( 'ooke, Rose Terry S2 3-243 7 Idiot, The. Dostoiefl'sky, Fedor 899 [6 In the Wiregrasv Pendleton, Louis S23-2252 10 FICTION. In Partnership. Matthews, Brander 823-784 In Pursuit of Happiness. Tolstoi 899-12 In War Time. Mitchell, Weir 823-751 Ingoldsby Legends. Barkham, R. H 828-10 In the East Country. Marshall, Emma 823-840 Indian Summer. Howells, W. D 823-149 Inquirendo Island. Genoue, Hud or 823-1104 In the Golden Days. Lyall, Edna 823-1131 In Four Reigns. Marshall, Emma 823-1206 In Old Virginia. Page, Thos. Nelson 823-1216 In All Shades. Allen, Grant 823-1413 Into Morocco. Lote, Pierre 843-85 In the Stranger People's Country. Murfree, M. N 823-2495 In Hot Haste. Hullah, Mary E 823-1436 In Far Lochaber. Black, William 823-1458 In the City of Flowers. Marshall, Emma 823-1491 In His Name. Hale, E. E 823-1475 Inside Our Gate. Brush, Christine 823-1586 In the Club Corner. Russell, A. P 823-1697 In the Heart of the Storm. Grey, Maxwell 823-1660 In Durance Vile. Argles, Margaret 823-435 In the Tennessee Mountains, Murfree, M. N 823-974 Inchfawn. Meade, L. T 823-1408 In Wiclife Days. Stebbing, Grace 823-979 In the Vestibule Limited. Matthews, Brander 823-2469 Is He Popenjoy. Trollope, Anthony 823-1370 Ivan Ilyitch. Tolstoi 899-13 Jack's Courtship. Russell, W. C 823-788 Jan Vedder's Wife. Barr, Amelia 823-717 Jackanapes. Ewing, Juliana 823-1146 Jabez Easterbrook. Hocking, Joseph 823-2295 Jack. Daudet, Alphonse 843-82 John Rantoul. Nelson, Henry Loomis 823-780 John Bodewin's Testimony. Wilson, Abba Gould 823-1172 John Halifax. Craik, D. M S23-1352 John Ward Preacher. Deland, Margaret 823-1396 Joshua. Ebers, George 833-69 Jess. Haggard, Rider S23-1207 Jesuit's Ring. Hayes, Augustus S23-1212 Jupiter Lights. Woolson, C. F 823-1650 Judith Shakespear. Black, William 823-896 Katherine Walton. Simms, W. Gilmore S23-96S Khaled. Crawford, F. Marion S23-1446 King's Men. The. Grant, R S23-772 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 11 Knight of the Black Forest. Litchfield, Grace D 823-949 King of Folly Island. Jewett, Sarah Orne 823-1416 Kitty's Conquest. King, Capt. Chas 823-1594 King of Tyre. Ludlow, James M 823-2425 King Solomon's Mines. Haggard, Rider 823-1249 Kit and Kitty. Blackmore, R. D 823-1640 Knitters in the Sun. Thanet, Octave 823-1245 King Arthur. Craik, D. M 823-1351 Knight Errant. Lyall, Edna 823-1625 Lai. Hammond, W. H 823-758 Lady or the Tiger. Stockton, F. R 823-695 Lady Bell. Tyler, Sarah S23-714 Laird of Norlan. Oliphant, Mrs S23-1325 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1326 Laurel Bush. Craik, D. M 823-1356 La Vendee. Trollope Anthony. 823-1367 Lady Anna. Trollope, Anthony 823-1368 Laramie. King, Capt. Chas 823-1591 Last Assembly Ball. Foot, Mary Hallock 823-1630 Ladies' Gallery. McCarthy, James 823-2290 Lady Nicotine, My. Barrie, J. M S23-2396 Lance of Linwood. Yonge, C. M 823-916 Lady Hester. Yonge, CM 824-1045 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood, Mary H S23-2246 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton, F. R 825-1160 Last of the McAllister's. Barr, Amelia E 823-1496 Land of the Sky. Reid, Christian . 823-937 Last Meeting, The. Matthews, Brander S23-101S Law and the Lad}'. Collins, Wilkie 823-1072 Les Miserables. Hugo, Victor S43-24 Leon Pontifex. Green, Sarah P. M 823-2257 Leon Roch. Galdos S63-7 Life in the East Indies. Tomes, W. H S23-10S5 Life of a Prig. By One 823-1188 Life Interest. Alexander, Mrs S23-1291 Life for a Life. Craik, I). M S 23- 1350 Life's Mistake. Cameron, Mrs. ILL 823-1397 Little Mother. Shephard, Mrs. M. 1 823-1405 Life's Morning, A. ( iissing, George .823-1530 Lil. Anon 823-1654 Little Journey in the World. Warner, ("has. I) 823-1686 Little Moorland Princess. Marlett, E 33-76 Library of 1 1 umor. Clemens, S. 1 82S-23 Little Venice. Litchfield, Grace D 823-2378 Life in the Eagle's Nest. A. L. O. E S23-983 12 FICTION. Little Minister. Barrie, J. M 823-2519 Love or a Name. Hawthorne, Julian 823-1013 Louise of Prussia. Mulbach 833-48 Lost Name. Dahlgren, Madeline 823-1173 Lovely Wang, The. Parr, Mrs 823-1197 Looking Backward. Bellamy, Edward 823-1574 Lord Mayor. Holt, Emily Sarah 823-941 Lotta Schmidt. Trollope, Anthony 823-1382 Lord of the Marches. Holt, Emily Sarah 823-992 Lucy Crofton. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1327 Lucky Lover. Habberton, John 823-2544 Maid of Killeena. Black, William 823-2543 Magnum Bonum. Yonge, CM 823-1044 Man and Wife. Collins, Wilkie 823-1077 Marsh Island. Jewett, Sarah Orne 823-1 130 Major and Minor. Norris, W. E 823-728 Man who was Guilty. Longhead, Flora H 823-1258 Major Lawrence, F. L. S. Lawless. Hon. Emily 823-1260 Marzio's Crucifix. Crawford, F. Marion 823-1270 Master of His Fate. Barr, Amelia E 823-1284 Martin's Inheritance. Sumner, E. Van 823-1290 Madam. Oliphant, Mrs .... 823-1337 Macdermonts of Ballyclorn. Trollope, Anthony S23-1363 Marahuma. Watson, Mariot S23-1401 Magic Skin, The. Balzac 843-51 Maiwa's Revenge. Haggard, Rider S23-1251 Man's Will, A. Fawcett, Edgar 823-1448 Master of Bathkelly. Smart, Hawley 823-1518 Madcap Violet. Black, William 823-218 Master of the Magicians. Ward, Elizabeth S23-1696 March in the Ranks. Fothergill, Jessie 823-1532 Mansfield Park. Austen, Jane 823-2218 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, Alexander 823-2237 Man Without a Country. Hale, E. E 823-1476 Mademoiselle Ixe, Falconer, Lanoe 823-2348 Marjorie Daw. Aldrich, T. B 823-952 Marion's Faith. King. Capt. Chas 823-1593 Martha Carey. Bois, Constance de 823-2298 Magnificent Plebeian. Magruder, Julia 823-1206 Martyr of Golgotha. Eserich, Enrique S63-6 Merrymen. Stevenson, Robt. Louis S23-1209 Metezerott, Shoemaker. Anon 823-1636 Memoirs of a Millioniare. Ames, Lucia T 823-1635 Memoirs of a Physician, Dumas, Alexander 823-2232 Merry Chanter. Stockton S23-1677 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 13 Merivale Eastman. Tourgee, Albion 823-2304 Merry Tales. Clemens, S. L 828-39 Michael and Theodora. Barr, Amelia E 823-2275 Miss Wilton. Warren, Cornelia 823-2532 Miss Bagg's Secretary. Burnham, Clara Louise 823-2539 Newport, Aquarelle. Anon 823-853 Newport. Laihrop, Geo. Parsons 823-908 New Stories. Dickens, Chas 823-1109 New Magdalen. Collins, Wilkie 823-1071 New Timothy. Baker, W. H 823-1154 New England Nun. Wilkins, Mary E 823-2358 Newfound River. Page, Thos. Nelson 823-2393 New Judgment of Paris. Lafargue, Phillip 823-1080 New Priest at Conception Bay. Lowell, Robert 823-1648 Nero. Eckstein, Ernst 833-68 Nevermore. Boldrewood, Rolf. 823-2293 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge, J. T 823-1962 New Harry and Lucy. Hale, Edw. E . . .823-2494 Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris, Joel Chandler 828-14 Nina Gordon. Stowe, H. B 823-878 Nina's Atonement. Reid, Christian 823-934 Norwood. Beecher, H. W 823-905 Noble Life, A. Craik. D. M 823-1108 Northanger Abbe}-. Austen, Jane 823-2217 Not Like Other Girls. Carev, Rosa N 823-1520 No. 19 State Street. Graham, David 823-1427 Novels and Tales. Goethe, J. W 833-29 Odd or Even. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-940 Odds Against Her. McFarlane, Margaret, 823-1437 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow, Jean 823-2450 Oglivies, The. Craik, D. M 823-1342 Old and New Friends. Oliver, Marie 823-801 Old Creole Days. Cable, Geo. W S24-1316 Oldbury. Keary, Annie S23-810 Old Town Folks. Stowe, H. B 823-874 Old Mark Langston. Johnston, Richard 823-916 Old Fritz and the New Era. M ulbach 833-51 Olive. Craik, I). M S23-135S Olivia Delaplaine. Fawcett, Edgar S24-14] 2 Old Mamse lie's Secret. Marlett, E 833-74 Old Factory, The. Westall, William 823-1040 Only an Incident. Litchfield, Grace I) 823-689 One Among Many. Goodwin, Mrs. 11. B S23-715 One Little Rebel. Smith, Julia B 823-982 14 FICTION. One of the Duanes. Hamilton, Alice K 823-1007 Only a Fiddler. Anderson, Hans Christian 899-1 Only the Governess. Carey, Rosa N 823-1286 On Land and Sea. Thomas, W. H 823-1083 On the Banks of the Ouse. Marshall, Emma.. 823-1273 One Voyage. Palmer, Julius A 823-1606 One Summer. Howard, Blanche Willis 823-2362 Only Human. Winter, John Strange 823-2468 On the Frontier. Harte, Bret 823-409 Open Door, The. Howard, Blanche Willis 823-2461 Opening the Oyster. Marsh, Chas. L 823-2203 Orley Farm. Trollope, Anthony 823-1369 Orion the Gold Beater. Cobb, Sylvanus, Tr 823-141 1 O. T. Anderson, Hans C 899-4 Out of the Fashion. Meade, L. T.. 823-2528 Out of Town. Coffin, Rob't Bangs 823-954 Our Little Ann. Anon 823-736 Our New Mistress. Yonge, C. M 823-1468 Our Uncle and Aunt. Martin, A 823-1505 Our Phil and Other 'Stories. Davis, Richard H 823-2262 Our Bessie. Carey, Rosa N 823-2474 Owl's Nest. Marlitt, E 833-60 Pagans, The. Bates, A 823-767 Palace Prison. Anon 823-765 Partisans. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-940 Parson O'Damford. Fenn, Geo. Manville 823-1029 Paul and Christina. Barr, Amelia E 823-1239 Path to Fame. Ruben, Edward 823-1261 Passe Rose. Hardy, Thomas 823-1568 Pactolus Prime. Tourgee, Albion 823-2268 Passing the Love of Woman. Needell, Mrs 823-2541 Penniless Girl. Heimburg, W 833-26 Pearl of Orr's Island. Stowe, H. B 823-877 Pere Corot. Balzac 843-31 Pen. Anon 823-739 Perilous Secret. Reade, Chas 823-472 Phcebe. M. C. H 823-687 Phineas Redux. Trollope, Anthony 823-1389 Phineas Finn. Trollope, Anthony 823-138S Phillipa. Ella 823-2367 Pique. Anon 832-201 Pillars of the House. Yonge, C. M 823-1051 Picked up in the Streets. Schobert, H 833-58 Pilot Fortunes. Reid, C S23-950 Poganuc People. Stowe, H. B 823-879 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 15 Poor Miss Finch. Collins, Wilkie . .823-1065 Potiphar Papers. Curtis, Geo. William 823-2420 Princess Napraxine. Rame, Madame de la 823-72 Prof. Conant. Huntington, Hon. L. S .' 823-686 Pretty Lucy Merwyn. Lakeman, M 823-711 Price She Paid. Benedict, F. L 823-814 Prince Otto. Stevenson, Rob't Louis 823-1175 Princess of Java. Higginson, S. J 823-1244 Prince of the Blood. Payne, James 223-1265 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, T. B.... 823-130S Primrose Path. Oliphant, Mrs ...823-1332 Prime Minister. Trollope, Anthony 828-1390 Pretty Sister of Jose. Burnett, F. H S23-1305 Priest and Puritan. Griswold 823-1056 Prince and Pauper. Clemens, S S28-32 Pride and Prejudice. Austen, Jane 823-2220 Prue and I. Curtis, Geo. William 823-2419 Prince Fortunatus. Black, William 823-1649 Pris. Anon 823-227 1 Preacher's Daughter. Barr. Amelia E 823-2274 Puritan Pagan. Gordon, Julian 823-2443 Queen of Hearts. Collins, Wilkie 823-1080 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich, T. B 823-1301 Quaker Girl of Nautucket. Lee, Mary C 823-1564 Quality of Mercy. Howells, W. D 823-1461 Question of Love. Combe, T 823-24S0 Queechy. Warner, Susan 823-23S0 Queen's Body Guard. Vandegrift, M S23-S69 Queen's Necklace. Dumas, Alexander 823-2233 Quits. Tautpholus Baroness S23-2522 Ramona. Jackson, Helen Hunt .... S23-760 Ralph the Heir. Trollope, Anthony S23-1371 Rachel Ray. Trollope, Anthon}' S23-13S0 Ralph Norbeck's Trust. Westall, William 823-1100 Reahnah. Helps, A 823-821 Real Folks. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-941 Recollections of Anton I louse Happen, A S 2 3-1 149 Reputed Changling. Yonge, C. M S 23- 1634 Reproach of Annesley. Gray, Maxwell 823-1659 Regent's Daughter. Dumas, Alexander S23-2244 Recollections of a Married Man. Grant, Rob't S23-2537 Red House in the Suburbs. O'Reilly, Mrs S23-2376 Redemption of Kdw, Strahan. Dawson, W. | S23-2460 Reverberator, The. lames, 1 lenry 8231431 16 FICTION. Recoiling Vengeance 823-1508 Remember the Alamo. Barr, Amelia E ..823-1494 Right Honorable, The. McCarthy, J 823-1263 Rise of Silas Lapham. Hovvells, W. D 823-147 Roman Singer. Crawford, F. Marion 823-73 Roxy. Eggleston, Edward 823-830 Robbery Under Arms. Boldrewood, Rolf 823-2342 Rosa Von Tannenburg. Schmidt 833-31 Round About Rio. Carpenter, F. D 823-861 Roland Blake. Mitchell, Weir 823-2222 Romance of the Antipodes. Campbell, Helen 823-2227 Romance of Dollard. Catherwood, Mary 823-1632 Rose and Lavender. Anon 823-2440 Romance of Roland. Hurst, H. B 821-21 Romance of a Poor Young Man. Feuillet, Octave 843-48 Rogue, The. Harris, W. E 823-729 Romance of a Canoness. Heyse, Paul 843-57 Rudder Grange. Stockton, F. R 823-1323 Rudder Grangers Abroad. Stockton, F. R. 823-1678 Russian Proprietress. Tolstoi 899-4 San Rosario Ranch. Howe, M 823-790 Sam Lawson's Stories. Stowe, H. B 823-873 Sam Slick. Haliburton, Thos. C 828-16 Sabina Zembra. Black, William 823-1227 Saracinesca. Crawford, F. Marion 823-1222 Saprano, The. Kingsford, Jane 823-1576 Sage of Sixteen. Walford, L. B 823-1467 Sant Ilario. Crawford, F. M 823-1444 Salt Master of Luneburg. Wolff, Julius 833-70 Samantha Among the Brethren. Holly, M 828-34 Sappho of Green Springs. Harte, Bret 823-1559 Scout, The. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-968 Seba's Discipline. Oliver, Marie 823-60 Seven Stories. Mitchell, D. G 823-903 Serapis. Ebers, Geo 833-26 Sebastopol. Tolstoi 99 - 9 Section 558. Hawthorne, Julian .823-1300 Sense and Sensibility. Austen, Jane 823-2219 Sea Change, A. Hovvells, W. D 823-1453 Seraphita. Balzac 843-43 Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey, Rosa N 823-1520 Secret of Fontaine la Croix. Field, Margaret 823-2253 Seven Dreamers. Slosson, Annie Trumbull S23-2326 Seamy Side. Besant, Walier 823-2208 Second Son. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1283 Sevenoaks. Holland, J. G 823-2509 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 17 Shadow of John Wallace. Clarkson, L ...823-1000 She. Haggard, Rider 823-1250 Shocking Example, A. Taylor, Frances 823-1564 Shadow of a Dream. Howells, W. D 823-1460 She Loved a Sailor. Barr, Amelia E 823-2273 Shadow of the War. Anon 823-867 Silverado Squatters. Stevenson, R. L 823-706 Sir Tom. Oliphant, Mrs 823-745 Sights and Insights. Whitney. Mrs. A. D. T 823-948 Simply a Love Story. Orne, Phillip 823-1010 Silken Threads. Afterem, Geo 823-1006 Sir Harry Hotspur. Trollope, Anthony S23-1385 Silence of Dean Maitland. Grey, Maxwell 823-1658 Sidney. Deland, Margaret 823-2292 Sibyl Knox. Hale, Edw. E 823-2497 Snare of the Fowler. Alexander, Mrs 823-1602 Social Silhouettes. Fawcett, Edgar 823-1014 Southern Silhouettes. Walworth, Jeanette 823-1257 Somebody's Neighbors. Cooke, Rose Terr} - S23-2406 Sons of the Soil. Oliphant, Mrs 823-746 Sons of the Soil. Balzac 843-57 Society Rapids. By One in the Swim 823-1429 Soldiers Three. Kipling, Rudyard 823-228S Springhaven. Blackmore, R. D S23-1203 Sphinx in Aubrey Parish. Chamberlain, M. II 824-1578 Sphinx's Children. Cooke, Rose Terry 823-2513 Spanish Galleon. Seeley, Chas. S S23-2452 Squire Arden. Oliphant, Mrs 823-1330 Squire of Sandal Side. Barr, Amelia E . . .823-1498 Story of a Country Town. Jewett, Sarah Orne S23-691 Story of Witeau. Stockton, F. R 823-794 Stratford by the Sea. Anon S23-766 Stories by American A uthors 920 to 927 Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, R. L. . . .823-2312 Stories and Romances. Scudder, II. E 823-951 Stories Holme, Saxe 823-10 1 J Story of Catherine. Owen, Ashford S23-109S Strike in B. Mill 823-1200 Story of Valentine. Oliphant. Mrs .823-1334 Stray Leaves from Newport. Wheeler, Esther 823-1402 Strange Manuscript, A. Gaul, Gilbert 823-1407 Strange Adventures of a House Moat. Black, William 82S-1457 Story of an African Farm. Iron, Ralph S23-1442 Stiff Necked Generation. Walford, L. B S23-1463 Sieadfast. ('(joke, Rose Terr}' S23-1563 Story That the Keg Told Me. Murray, W. II. II 823-1582 18 FICTION. Starlight Ranch. King, Capt. Chas 823-1592 Story of Keedon Bluffs. Craddock, Chas. E 823-1288 Story of the Gadsbys. Kipling, Rudyard 823-2260 Strange True Stories of Louisiana. Cable, Geo. W 823-1317 Story of Eleanor Lambert. Brooke, Magdalen 823-2349 Stand Fast Crag Royston. Black, William 823-2352 Stories of Old and New Spain. Janvier, Thomas A 823-2416 Story of Colette. Colette. La Neuvaine 843-81 Strange Elopement, A. Russell, W. Clark 823-2494 Story of Roland. Baldwin, James 823-917 Stories and Tales. Anderson, 899-5 Story of Anthony Grace. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1275 St. Katherine by the Tower. Besant, Walter 823-2209 Standish of Standish. Austen, Jane 823-1642 Summer in a Canon. Wiggin, Kate Douglas 823-939 Such is Life. Kendall, Ma)' 823-1633 Sweet Mace. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1030 Swanee River Tales. Bonner, S 823-736 Tale of Two Cities. Dickens, Chas. 823-367 Tangles Unraveled. Johnson, E. K 823-712 Tarantella. Blind Mathilde 823-S15 Tancred. Disraeli 823-891 Tangled Tales. Carroll, Lewis 823-1099 Tale of a Lonely Parish. Crawford, F. M S23-1140 Taken by Siege. Anon 823-1201 Tales of all Countries. Anon 823-1364 Tales of Woman's Trials. Hall, Mrs. E. S S23-1618 Tales of New England. Jewett, Sarah Orne S23-1692 Taking the Bastile. Dumas, Alexander, S23-2234 Tales of Three Countries. Zagoskin, Michael 823-2402 Ten Thousand a Year. Warren, S S23-832 Tenting at Stony Beach. Poole, Maria Louise S23-1424 Ten Times One is Ten. Hale, E. E S23-860 Teacher of the Violin. Shorthouse, H 823-1399 There was Once a Man. Newell, R. H S23-702 Thicker than Water. Payne, James S23-7S7 Three Villages. Howeils, W. H 823-146 Thorns in the Flesh. Floyd, N J S23-870 The Improvisator. Anderson S99-2 The Trial. Yonge, C. M 823-1053 Three Brides. Yonge, C. M S 23-1 048 The Coquette 823-1 156 Thekla. Armstrong, William S23-1237 Through Green Glasses. Allen, F. M S23-1262 The Invaders. Tolstoi S99- 1 1 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 19 The World Went Very Well Then. Besant, Walter 823-1516 This Mortal Coil. Allen Grant 823-1546 Third Miss St. Quentin 823-1614 Three Men in a Boat. Jerome, Jerome K 823-1667 Three Musketeers. Dumas, Alexander 823-2240 The Kelleys and the O'Kelleys. Trollope, Anthony 823-1362 Thai Frenchman. Gunter, A. C 823-2401 There and Back. Macdonald, George 823-2342 This Wicked World. Cameron, Mrs. L 823-1540 That Angelic Woman. Ludlow, James M 823-2470 Three Fates. Crawford, F. M 823-1449 Tinkling Cymbals. Fawcett, Edgar 823-703 Times of Alchemy. Topeline, Z 898-10 Times of Gustave Adolf. Topeline, Z 898-8 Times of Linnaeus. Topeline, Z 898-Ti Times of Frederich. Topeline, Z 898-12 Times of Battle and Rest. Topeline, Z 898-9 Tompkins and Other Folks. Deming, P 823-798 To Leeward. Crawford, F. Marion 823-975 Too Curious. Goodwin, E. J 823-1410 Tory's Daughter, The. Riddle, A. J. 823-1547 Tony the Maid. Howard, Blanche Willis 823-1259 Told After Supper. Jerome, Jerome K 823-3328 Trafalgar. Galdos, B. P 863-4 True and Other Stories. Lathrop, Geo. Parsons 823-910 Troubled Waters. Warner, Beverly 823-1019 Tragedy of Brinkwater. Moody, Martha L 823-1194 Truth About Clement Ker. Fleming, George 823-1567 Trials of a Staff Officer. King, Capt. Chas 823-2317 Tragic Comedians. Meredith, George 823-2473 Trumps. Curtis, Geo. Williams 823-2418 Two Old Men's Tales. Anon S23-1193 Two Baronesses. Anderson, Hans C 899-3 Two Sides of a Shield. Yonge, C. M 823-1042 Two Destinies. Collins, Wilkie 823-1073 Twenty Years Ago. Craik, D. M 823-1340 Two Marriages. Craik, I). M 823-1344 Two Men. Stoddard, Elizabeth 823-1418 Two Chiefs of Dunboy. Froude, J. A 823-1575 Two Modern Women. Wells, Kate Gannett 823-2300 Two Soldiers. King, Capt. Chas 823-1595 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Jules Verne 823-2395 Undine. Fongue, F 833-32 l.'nder the Mendips. Marshall, Emma 823-1097 Unkind Word. Craik, D. M 823-1357 20 FICTION. Ursurper, The. Gautier, J 843-22 Van Bibber and Others. Davis, Richard Harding 823-2407 Vagabondia. Burnett, F. H 823-199 Valerie Alymer. Reid, Christian 823-935 Vascouselos. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-961 Vain Forebodings. Oswald, E 833-40 Valentino. Astor, William Waldorf 823-1090 Vanity Fair. Thackeray 823-25 Vagrant, The. Korolenko, Valdimir 899-15 Venetia. Disraeli 823-897 Vestigia. Fletcher, Miss J S23-856 Vivian Grey. Disraeli 823-898 Vicar's People, The. Fenn, Geo. Manville 823-1141 Victorious Defeat. Balestier, Wolcott 823-1 1 10 Vicar of Bullhampton. Trollope, Anthony 823-1386 Vicomte de Bragelonne. Dumas, Alexander 823-2242 Virginia Inheritance. Rives, Amelie 823-1434 War and Peace. Tolstoi 843-80 Walford. Kirk, Ellen Olney 823-2299 Waif of the Plains. Harte. Bret 823-1558 Wenderholme. Hamerton, Philip .823-812 Wearyholme. Holt, E. S 823-990 We and Our Neighbors. Stowe, H. B 823-881 Wensley and Other Stories. Quincy, E. 823-886 White Feather, The. Tasma 823-2548 Where the Battle was Fought. Murfree, M. N 823-757 Wheels and Whims. Anon ... .823-833 Wheel of Fire. Bates, Arlo 823-1022 What's Mine's Mine. Macdonald, Geo 823-1138 Wheat and Tares. Cunningham, Hon. H. S 823-2398 Whaleman's Adventures. Tomes, W. H 823-1082 Widow Wyse. Cupples, Upham 823-713 Widow Bedott Papers. Witcher, M 828-11 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Goethe, }. W 833-28 Wilhelm Meister's Travels. Goethe, J. W 833-27 Without a Compass. Vorst, V. Von. . 823-1012 Wizard's Son. Oliphant, Mrs 823-748 With the Immortals. Crawford, F. M 823-1443 Wide Wide World. Warner, Susan S23-23S9 Will and the Way Stories. Fremont, Jessie B 823-2417 Witch of Prague. Crawford, F. M S23-1447 With My Friends. Matthews, Brander ...823-2483 Wigwam and Cabin. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-962 Winterborough. White, Eliza Orne... 823-2549 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 21 Wooing O't. Hector, Annie F 823-1601 Womankind. Yonge, CM 823-1043 Woman in White. Collins, Wilkie 823-1064 Woman's Kingdom. Craik, D. M . . .823-1354 Won By Waiting. Lyall, Edna .823-^23 Woodland Wooing. Putnam, Eleanor 823-1587 Woodman, The. Glouvet, Jules 843-83 Wreckers, The. Dawling, George 823-1167 Yemassee. Simms, W. Gilmore 823-969 Young Stepmother. Yonge, CM 823-1056 Young Musgrave. Oliphant, Mrs 823-747 Young Mrs. Jardine. Craik, D. M 823-1353 Youma. Hearn, Lafcadio 823-2225 Zachary Phips. Bynner, Edward L 823-2541 Zeph. Jackson, Helen Hunt 823-1095 Zoroaster. Crawford, F. Marion 823-1021 Zoe. Anonymous 823-2291 JUVENILE. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Neely, Kate 823-1720 A Wrong Confessed is Half Redressed. Bradley, Mrs. 823-1725 Adventures of David Vane. Trowbridge, J. T 823-1829 Adirondack Cabin, An. Sidney, Margaret 823-1978 Against Heavy Odds. Bo3'esen, Hjalnrar 823-1956 Archie's Find. Stredder, Eleanor 823-1986 Another Flock of Girls. Perry, Nora 823-1934 Battlefields of '61. Coffin, Chas. C 973-118 Battlefields and Campfires. Abbott, Willis J 973-126 Behind Time. Lathrop, Geo. Parsons 823. 1712 Betty Leicester. Jewett, Sarah Orne 823-1877 Bedtime Stories. Moulton, Louise C 823-1941 Betty a Butterfly. Plympton, A. G 823-2005 Birds' of a Feather, etc. Bradley, Mrs 823-1722 Biding His Time. Trowbridge, J. T 823-1838 Birds Christmas Carol. Wiggin, K. Douglas 823-1834 Blue Jackets of '76. Coffin, Chas. C 973-1 n Boys of '61. Coffin, Chas. C 973~39 Boys of Grand Pre School 823-1742 Boy Travelers on the Congo. Knox, Thomas 916-28 Boy Travelers in Mexico. Knox, Thomas 917-122 Boys of '76. Coffin, Charles C 973-1 11 Boys Town, A. Howells, William Dean 823-1925 Bound in Honor. Trowbridge, J. T 823-523 Boys of Carey Farm. Smith, Minna 823-1762 Brownie Sanford. May, Mrs. Carrie L 823-1717 Brown Smith's Boy. Fenn, G. Manville S23-1791 Brownies, The. Cox, Palmer 823-2025 Bryda. Field, Mrs. M. N 823-1837 Bunyip Land. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1822 Burr, Junior. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1S54 By England's Aid. Henty, G. A 823-1814 By Right of Conquest. Henty, G. A 823-1815 By Pike and Dyke. Henty, G. A S23-1816 Cat of the Burbustes. Henty, G. A 823-1813 Campmates. Munroe, Kirk 823-1981 Captain January. Richards, Laura A 823-1918 Cadets of Fleming Hall. Ray, Anna Chapin S23-2047 Changing Base. Everett, William 823-1727 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 23 Charles Lorraine. Sherwood, Mrs 823-1734 Chrystal, Jack & Co. Munroe, Kirk 823-1836 Chriss)''s Endeavors. Pansy 823-1847 Chuck Purdy. Stoddard, W. 823-1951 Chase of the Meteor. Bynner, Edward 823-2031 Christmas Posy. Molesworth, Mrs 823-1835 Christmas with Grandma Elsie. Finley, Martha 823-181 1 Clover. Coolidge, Susan 823-1820 Cloud and Cliff. Allen, Willis Boyd 823-1849 Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton, F. R 823-2051 College Days at Oxford. Adams, Rev. H. C 823-807 Columbia. Musick, John 823-2041 Crown of Success. A. L. O. E 823-T751 Crowded Out of Crowfield. Stoddard, W. O 823-18S4 Cruise of a Land Yacht. Baxter, Sylvester 823-2023 Crystal Hunters. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1805 Cupid and Chow-chow. Alcott, L. M 823-1898 Days and Nights on the Battlefield. Coffin, Charles C 973-5S Daddy Jake, the Runaway. Harris, Joel C 823-1909 Devon Boys. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1800 Deb and the Duchess 823-1SS0 Dear Daughter Dorothy. Plympton, A. G 823-1924 Dethroned. Seymour, Mrs 823-1218 Dick O' the Fens. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1801 Down the West Branch. Farrar, Capt. Charles 823-1179 Double Play. Everett, William 823-1946 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge, Mary Mapes S23-196S Driven Back to Eden. Roe, Rev. E. P 823-1038 Drummer Boy, The. Trowbridge, J. T S23-1751 Drumbeat of the Nation. Coffin, Charles C 973-122 Eastward Ho. Farrar, Capt. C. A. ] S23-777 Echoes from Story Land. Brine, Mary D 823-1792 Edwin, the Boy Outlaw. Hodges, Frederick. . S23-1781 Editha's Burglar. Burnett, F. H 823-1889 Esther's Fortune. Lilly, Lucy C 823-1619 Estevan. Musick, John 823-2042 Eunice. Robertson, Margaret 823-2040 Every Boy's Annual 823-1004 Eye Bright. Coolidge, Susan 823-1916 Faith Gartney's Girlhood. Whitney, Mrs. A. I). T S23-94S Fame and Fortune. Alger, Hoi alio 823-1746 Fairy Hook. Craik, D. M 823-1 34S Faith While's Letter Book. Anonymous S23-1 s, 66 24 JUVENILE. Fair Haven Fourteen. Tallman, Mariana 823-1952 Firelight Stories. Moulton, Louise C 823-855 Five Mice in a Trap. Richards, Laura E . . .823-1915 Five Little Peppers. Sidney, Margaret 823-1910 Five Little Peppers Midway. Sidney, Margaret 823-1911 Flaxie Growing Up. Clark, R. S 823-718 Floating Prince. Stockton, F. R 823-918 Flock of Girls. Perry, Nora 823-1704 Footprints in the Forest. Ellis, Edward S 823-1701 For Honor's Sake. Lillie, Lucy C 823-2016 Freshman and Senior 823-1906 Free Lances. Reid 823-598 Garland for Girls. Alcott, L. M 823-623 Gilly Flower. A nonymous 823-740 Gid Granger. Stoddard, W. O 823-1885 Golden Book of Tales. Cathcart, Win. S 823-1060 Good Fight, The. Palmer, Lynde 823-1731 Golden Days of '49 823-1615 Grandmother's Recollections. Rodman, Ella 823-1029 Greek Heroes. Kingsley, Charles 823-1145 Grade's Misssion 823-1740 Grettir, the Outlaw. Gould, Parry 823-1870 Handsome is, etc. Bradley, Mrs 823-1721 Harry Bradford's Crusade. Matthews, James 823-1150 Harty, the Wanderer. Owen, F 823-824 Hans Brinker. Dodge, M. M 823-995 Hard Tack and Coffee. Billings, John D 973-109 Happy Prince. Wilde, Oscar R23-1790 Harry Treverton. Broome, Lady M. A 823-1793 Half a Dozen Boys. Ray, Anna Chapin 823-1948 Hartley Brothers. Tincker, CM 823-1987 Her Benny. Hocking, S. K S23-862 Held Fast for England. Henty, G. A 823-1856 His Father. Hocking, S. K 823-S63 His Own Fault. Trowbridge, J. T S23-1704 History of My Pets. Greenwood, Grace . S23-1992 Hildegard's Holiday. Richards, Laura E 823-1917 How the Rain Sprites were Fed. Coit, D 823-S34 How They Went to Europe. Sidney, Margaret S23-S18 Horace Welford. Warren, Alice S23-1752 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie, Lucy C 823-1S31 Honor Bright. Anonymous S23-1S46 Howling Wolf. Champney, Lizzie S23-1953 Holidays at the Grange. Higgins, Emily S 23-1 761 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. $5 Hunter Cats of Connorlon. Jackson, Helen H 823-841 Hunters of the Ozark. Ellis, Edward S 823-1702 Hurstleigh Dene. O'Reilly, Mrs 823-1950 Hassein, the Hostage. Norway, G 823-1979 In the Dashing Days of Old. Stables, Gordon 823-1780 In Search of a Son. Lawrence, Uncle 823-1863 In the High Valley. Coolidge, Susan 823-1822 In the Reign of Terror. Henty, G. A 823-1817 In the Days of Mozart. Watson, Lilly 823-2026 Isle of Palms. Newell, C. N 823-1844 Ivy. Hocking, S. K 823-865 I will be a Gentleman. Tuthill, Mrs ... .823-1753 Jack Archer. Henty, G. A 823-854 Jed. Goss, W. L 823-1859 Jimmy's Cruise. Alcott, L. M 823-1900 John Angles at the Water Color Exhibition. Champney, Lizzie. . .823-816 Jo's Boys. Alcott, L. M... ....823-624 Joe Wayring at Home. Castlemon, Harry S23-1700 Jolly Good Times. Smith, Mary P. W 823-1874 Jolly Good Times at School. Smith, Mary P. W 823-1875 Jolly Good Times at Hackmatack. Smith, Mary P. W 823-1999 Jolly Rover. Trowbridge, J. T 823-1963 Jolly Fellowship. Stockton, Frank R 823-1770 Jo Boat Boys. Cowan, Rev. J. T 823-2009 Just Sixteen. Coolidge, Susan 823-1821 Just His Luck. Trowbridge, J. T 823-544 Kelp. Allen. Willis Boyd 823-1430 Kent Hampden. Davis, R. Harding 823-2056 Kelp Gatherers, The. Trowbridge, J. T 823-1960 Kitlyleen. Clark, R. S 823-719 Kibboo Ganey. Wentworth, Walter 823-1872 King Tom and the Runaways. Pendleton, Louis S23-1974 Knockabout Club in Spain. Ober, Fred A 914-137 Knockabout Club in the Antilles. Ober, Fred A 917-108 Land of Fire. Reid, Capt. Mayne 823-596 Last of the Peter kins. Hale, Lucretia 823-1706 Lady of the Forest. Meade, L. T 823-162S Left Behind. Otis, J 823-839 Little Men. Alcott, L. M 823-615 Little Captain Dick S23-819 Little Schoolmaster Mark. Shorthouse, [ S23-829 Little Master. Trowbridge, (>. T 823-1 710 26 JUVENILE. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett, F. H 823-1713 Little People. Hook, Stella Louise 823-1809 Little Joe. Otis, James 823-1810 Little Miss Wheezy's Brother. Shirley, Penn. 823-1826 Little St. Elizabeth. Burnett, F. H 823-1888 Little Foxes. Stowe, Harriet B 823-1954 Little Giant Boat. Lockwood, Ingersoll 823-1955 Little Jarvis. Seawell, Molly Elliot 823-1970 Little Smoke. Stoddard, W. O. . 823-1886 Little Capt. Dopplekop. Lockwood, Ingersoll 823-2015 Little Ladies. Milman, Helen 823-2022 Lion City of Africa Allen, Willis Boyd 823-1928 Lost City. Ker, D 823-859 Lost in the Fog. Mille, James De .823-1726 Loss of John Humble 823-1858 Lost Jewel. Spofford, Harriet P .823-1949 Lost Hero. Ward, E. S P. & H. S 823-1973 Log of the Maryland. Frazer, Douglas 823-1954 Log School House on the Columbia. Butterworth 823-1975 Loyal Little Red Coat. Ogden, Ruth 823-1976 Luke Walton. Alger, Horatio. ... 823-1860 Lulu's Library. Alcott, Louise M 823-1867 Mary Jane Papers. Plympton, A. G 823-792 Margaret's Secret. Brock, Mrs. Carey 823-1741 Making the Best of it. Rand, E. W 823-1782 Maori and Settler. Henty, G. A 823-1853 Middy and Ensign. Fenn, G. Manville 823-833 Miss Matilda Arrhambeau Van Dorn. Cumings, Eliza S23-2037 Miss Tommy. Craik, D. M 82S-847 Mother Bunch. Austin S 823-831 Montezuma's Gold Mines. Ober, Fred 823-1791 Mother Carey's Chickens. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1803 Mother of the King's Children. Cowan, Rev. J. C 823-2034 My Girls. Alcott, Louisa M 823-1899 My Boys. Alcott, Louisa M 823-1896 My Grandmother's Picture. Marshall, Emma 823-980 New Year's Tangle. Pansy S23-69S Nelly's Silver Mine. Jackson, Helen Hunt ....S23-99S New Senior at Andover. Ward, H. D 823-1972 New Mexico David. Longfellow, II. W 823-2012 New Robinson Crusoe. Alden, W. L S23-1779 Nelly Milton's Housekeeping. May, Mrs. Carrie L S23-1714 Norman and Elsie. Brodie. Emily S23-993 No Quarter. Reid, Capt. Mayne 823-597 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 27 Ocean Tramp, An. Heyward, Phillip 823-1420 Odd or Even. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823-940 Old Fashioned Thanksgiving. Alcott, L. M 823-1901 Old Times in the Colonies. Coffin, Charles C 973-40 Old Quinnebasset, In. Clark, R. S 823-2427 OliverOptic's Annual. Optic, Oliver 823-1866 Only Girls. Townsend, Virginia 823-805 On the Banks of the Amazon. Kingston 823-884 One Good Turn Deserves Another. Bradley, Mrs 823-1724 One Little Mustard Seed. Lind, Beth 823-2254 On the Plantation. Harris, Joel Chandler 823-2032 One of the 28th. Henty, G. A 823-1851 Our Base Ball Club. Brooke, N S23-701 Our Helen. Clark, R. S 823-490 Our Street 823-1845 Our Town. Sidney, Margaret S23-1607 Our Boys in China. Knox, T 915-25 Pards. Merriam, Effie 823-1985 Patience Wins. Fenn, Manville 823-1799 Phil and His Friends. Trowbridge, J. T 823-525 Phil and the Baby. Lillie, Lucy C 823-1977 Play Days. Jewett, Sarah Orne 823-795 Plucky Boys. Craik, D. M 823-828 Pocket Rifle. Trowbridge, J. T 823-522 Professor Johnny 823-1705 Prentice Hugh 823-1769 Princess Liliwinkins. Wright, Henrietta 823-1923 Princess Girlikins. Nichol, Ida P 823-2013 Princess Use. Cronise, Florence F 833-82 Oueen Hildegard. Richards, Laura E 823-1913 Queer Little People. Stowe, Harriet B 823-1737 Ralph, the Drummer Boy. Rousslet, L S43-23 Rainy Days in the Nursery. Gorham, Elsie 823-1754 Red Ml. of Alaska. Allen, WiNis Boyd 823-1834 Rectory Children. Molesworth, Mrs 823-1878 Red Mustang. Stoddard, Wm. 823-1883 Redskin and Cowboy. Henty, (J. A 823-1854 Robbers' Cave 823-1760 Rose and Thorne. Bates, Katherine 823-2227 Rob. Sidney, Margaret 823-1993 Rough and Ready. Alger, Horatio 823-1745 Rollo on the Atlantic. Abbott, Jacob 914-72 Rollo in Paris. Abbott, Jacob 914-73 28 JUVENILE. Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott, Jacob 914-74 Rollo in London. Abbott, Jacob 9i4 - 75 Rollo on the Rhine. Abbott, Jacob 914-76 Rollo in Scotland. Abbott, Jacob 914-77 Rollo in Geneva. Abbott, Jacob 914-78 Rollo in Holland. Abbott, Jabob .914-79 Rollo in Naples. Abbott, Jacob 914-80 Rollo in Rome. Abbott, Jacob 914-81 Ruth Lovell. May, Mrs. Carrie L 823-1716 Ryle's Open Gate. Moore, Susan T 823-2397 Sara Crew. Burnett, Frances H 823-1766 Scotch Caps. Jak 823-1832 Sea Change, A. Shaw, F. L 823-868 Sea Waif. Hocking, S. K 823-776 Self Conquered. Heldman, T 823-882 Shifting Winds. Ballantyne, R. M 823-1735 Shawl-straps. Alcott, Louisa M 823-1897 Silver Chimes. Marshall, Emma 823-988 Sir Alymer's Heir. Breen, E. E 823-1922 Silver Cross. Ingersoll, Ernest 823-2338 Snug Harbor. Adams, W. T 823-775 Snagged and Sunk. Castlemon, Harry 823-1777 Spinning Wheel Stories. Alcott, Louisa M 823-621 Sparrow, the Tramp. Wesselhoeft, Lilly ... .823-1819 Squire's Daughter. Lillie, Lucy C 823-1620 Square and Compasses. Adams, W. T 823-776 Story of a Bad Boy. Aldrich, T. B 823-1310 Stories of Many Lands. Lippincott, J. B 823-1736 Stories About Animals. Brine. Mary D 823-585 Stories and Tales. Andersen, Hans C 899-5 Story of Dick. Parry, Major 823-2031 Stories for Boys. Davis, Richard H 823-2405 Stories Told at Twilight. Moulton, L. C 823-1940 Story of a Mountain. Laurence, Uncle 823-1862 Steel Horse. Castlemon, Harry 823-1831 Stories of my Childhood. Greenaway, Grfice 823-1991 Sunday School Stories. Hale, Edward E 823-1838 Sure. J. B. P 823-1732 Sweet Brier. Sherwood, M. E. W 823-1599 Sylvia and Bruno. Carroll, Lewis 823-18S2 Sylvia's Burden. May, Mrs. Carrie L 823-1715 Tales Out of School 823-1776 Teetotaler Dick. Knox, Thomas 823-1957 That Queer Girl. Townsend, Virginia 823-S06 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 29 Their Cano? Trip. Champney, Lizzie S23-1873 Thine and Mine. Everett, William S23-1947 Three Little Maids S23-1898 Three Vassar Girls in the Tyrol. Champney, Lizzie 914-155 Three Vassar Girls in Russia. Champney, Lizzie 914-133 Three Vassar Girls at Home. Champney, Lizzie 917-101 The Mine 823-1759 Three Greek Children. Church, Rev. A. f 823-1 S33 Titled Maiden. Mason, Caroline S23-2226 Timothy's Quest. Wiggin, Kate D S23-1930 Tip Cat. Anon S23-737 Tom Sawyer. Clemens, S. L 823-647 Turns of Fortune. Hall, Mrs. S. E S23-1728 Two Elsies. Finley, Martha S23-1007 Two College Girls. Brown, Helen Dawes S23-108S Two Thousand Years Ago. Church, Rev. A. J S23-1 147 Two Little Confederates. Page, T. N 823-1824 Two Runaways. Edwards, Harry S S23-1951 Uncle Rutherford's Nieces. Matthews S23-1S30 Under Mother's Wing. L. C 823-SS8 Uncle Peep and I. Clark, Mary S S23-1711 Up North in a Whaler. Rand, E. A S23-17S3 Violet Douglas. Marshall, Emma S23-1739 Wanneta, the Sioux. Moorehead, Warren S23-1927 We Girls. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 823 947 We All. French, Alice S23-201 1 What Katy Did. Coolidge, Susan 823-1707 What Katy Did at School. Coolidge, Susan 823-170^ What Katy Did Next. Coolidge, Susan 823-1709 Who was Paul Grayson. Habberton, John S23-663 Wild Woods Life. Farrar, Capt. A. J S23-694 With Lee in Virginia. Henty, G. A 823-1852 Witch Winnie. Champney, Lizzie 823 1871 Wikkey. Yam. 823-1920 Winifred's Journal. Marshall, Emma 823-2455 Work. Alcott, L. M 823-620 Wrecked on Labrador. Stearns, Winfred 823-1796 Y ork and Lancaster Rose. Keary, Annie 823-81 1 Young Franc Tireurs. Henty, G. A 823 839 Young Lucretia. Wil kins, Mary E 823 2033 Young Prince of Commerce. Selden, Hopkins 823 1788 30 . JUVENILE. Yours and Mine. Everett, William 823-1629 Yussef, the Guide. Fenn, G. Manville 823-1798 Zigzag Journeys in the Antipodes. Bulterworth, H . 915-57 Zigzag Journeys in India. Butterworth, H 915-53 Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. Butterworth, H 914-50 Zigzag Journeys in Arcadia. Butterworth, H 917-45 TRAVELS. Aalesund to Tituan. Corning, Charles R 914-12S Across Russia. Stoddard, Charles E 914-153 Across Thibet. Bounalet, Gabriel 915-74 Adventures of Kit Carson. Peters, De Witt C 917-70 Afloat and Ashore on the Mediterranean. Meriwether, Lee 916-50 All Aboard for Sunrise Land. Rand, E. A 910-20 Al-sa-ra-ka or Wyoming Opened. Carrington, Henry B 917-130 Among the Alaskans. Wright, Julia McNair . . .917-6S Among the Holy Hills. Field, Henry M 915-32 Among the Cannibals of New Guinea. McFarlane, Rev. S 919-26 An Actor"s Tour. Bandman, Daniel E 910-7 Ancient Rome. Lanciani, Rodolfo 914-165 Appleton's Hand-Book of American Travel. Appleton 717-80 Appleton's Illustrated Book of American Travel. Appleton 917-85 Apache Campaign, An. Bourke, [ohn G 917-72 Arctic Boat Voyage. Haves, Isaac 919-15 Around the World. Carnegie, Andrew 910-25 Arctic Exploration. Kane. Elisha Kent 919-18 Around the World on a Bicycle. Stevens, Thomas 910-42 Arabistan. Fogg, William Perry 915-60 At Home In Italy. Bianciardi, E. D. R 914-67 At Home and Abroad. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller 91023 Bermuda. Dorr, Julia C. R 917-45 Bohemian Days. Tad lock, Clara M 910-50 Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Frin, W . C 916-17 Boots and Saddles. Custer, Elizabeth 917-67 Britons and Muscovites. Guild, Curtis 914-122 Bright Skies and Dark Shadows. Field. Henry M 917-124 Caucasus, Persia and Turkey. Thechuan, Baron. 91 535 Canadian Pictures. Campbell, J. 11. E 91 7-65 Camping and Cruising in Florida. Hen shall, | . A 9 1 7-43 Camping Among Cannibals, [ohnston, A. St 91 9-1 3 Captivity Among the Indians of North America. Hunter, |ohn D..910 12 Castilian Days. Hay, [ohn 914-142 California and Alaska. Webb, Willard S <) 1 7- 1 3S Carl's Tour on Main Street. Knowlton, | . S C 917-118 China and I a p.m. | ohnston, |ames I ) . . 915 36 ( "hi na and the Chinese. N* evens, Rev. | ohn I 915-45 China, Pictorial and Descriptive. Corner, Miss 1)15-49 32 TRAVELS. Children of all Nations 9 IO_ 36 City of the Saints. Burton, Richard 9 I 7-9 8 Cottages from the Alps 914-104 Crest of the Continent. Ingersoll, Ernest 917-79 Cruise of the "Alert." Coppinger, R. W 9 I 9 -2 3 Cruising Around the Cascade. Shields, G. O 917-115 Danube, The. Millet, F. D 9*4-163 Daylight Land. Murray, W. H. H 917-111 Days near Paris. Hare, J. C 914-124 Diary in North America. Marryat, Captain 917-96 Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin. McClintock, Capt. . .919-20 Down the Danube. Bigelow, Poultney 914-163 Due North. Ballou, Maturin 914-118 Due West. Ballou, Maturin 910-26 Eastern and Western States of America. Buckingham, S. J 9 J 7 _ 33 Earth Delineated with Pen and Pencil. Ainsworth, W. F 910-38 Egyptian Sketch Book. Leland, Charles 916-23 Emin Pasha in Central Africa. Pasha, Emin 916-32 English Woman in Russia. A Lad}' 914-101 England as seen by an American Banker 914-98 English Pharisees and French Crocodiles. Blouet, P 914-159 Equatorial America. Ballou, Maturin 918-13 Europe, Past and Present. Ungewitter, F. H 914-107 European Life and Manners. Coleman, Henry .... . ...914-113 Exploration of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Stanbury, Howard 917-83 Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mt's. Parker, Rev. Samuel . . . .917-42 Familiar Letters from Europe. Felton, Cornelius 914-102 Far West Sketches. Fremont, Jessie B 917-132 Face to Face With the Mexicans. Gouch, Fanny C 917-107 Farthest North. Laman, Charles 919-17 Five Thousand Miles in a Sledge. Gowing, Lowel 915-61 Florida Days. Deland, Margaret 917-126 Florence. Hare, A. J. C 914-46 Forty Years Among the Zulus. Tyler, Rev. Josiah 916-47 Footprints of Travel. Ballou, Maturin 910-44 Forbidden Land. Op print, Ernst 915-38 Four Years in the French West Indies. Hearn, Lafcadio 917-128 Frenchman in America. Blouet, P. . . . 917-142 Free City of Bremen. Buchanan, Dr. Franz 914-97 Fresh Fields. Burroughs, John 914-69 From Paris to Pekin, Meignan, Victor 915-55 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. Giant Cities of Bashan. Porter, Rev. J . L 91 5-50 Girdle Round the Earth. Richardson, D. N 910-41 Gibraltar. Field, Henry M 914-145 Girl's Winter in India. Carpenter, Mary Thorne 915-76 Glimpses of Three Coasts. Jackson, Helen Hunt 910-37 Glimpses of Old English Homes. Batch, Elizabeth 914-146 Glimpses of Italian Society. Piozzi, Mrs 914-156 Greek Islands and Turkey. Field, Henry M 914-37 Grandmother's Girls in Mexico. Champney, .Elizabeth 917-109 Heart of Merry England, Stone, Rev, J. L 914-120 Hellas, Her Monuments and Scenery. Chase, Thos 914-106 Her Majesty's Tower. Dixon, Wm. Hepworth 914-63 Historic Waterways. Reuben Gold Thwaites 917-102 Home Life on an Ostrich Farm. Martin, Annie 916-45 How W r e Went and What We Saw. Reeve, Chas. M 916-44 How I Found Livingstone. Stanley, Henry M 916-27 Home Life in Africa. Hare, Augustus J. C 916-22 Home Life in Russia. A Russian Noble 914-S8 Hunting in the Jungle. Kellogg, Warren F 916-32 Iberian Reminiscences. Gallinga, A 914-147 Inland Voyage, An. Stevenson, Robert Louis 914-52 In Spain. Andersen, II. C 914-82 In the Lena Delta. .Melville. G. W 917-44 India and the Hindoos. Waid, F. De W 915-48 Incidents of a Collector's Rambles. Denton, Sherman 919-25 In and Around Berlin, Norton, Minerva B 914-141 In the Western Levant. Sessions, Francis C 914-143 In Darkest Africa. Stanley, Henry M 916-36 In Brightest Asia. Mabie, Henry C 915-72S In Cairo. Fullerton, Wm. Morton ' 916-4 In and Out of Three Normandy Inns. Dodd, Anna B 914-148 In the Heart of Africa. Baker, Samuel W 916-1S Ireland under Coercion. Hurlbert, William II 914-136 Island of Nantucket. Godfrey, E. K ( ^ 1 7 5 1 Italy, Rome and Naples. Taine, H 914-S9 Italian Byways. Symonds, J. A 914-58 Italy. Hare, Augustus J. C 924-1 1 [aponica. Arnold, Sir Edwin 915-67 Japanese Girls and Women. Bacon, A 1 ice Mabel 91 5-64 Japan. McFarlane, (has 915-47 [apan in History, Folk Lore and Art. Grilfis, Win. E 91 5 7 ^ Japanese Boy, A. By Himself ((15-63 Jerusalem and Its Vicinity. Odenheimer, \V. II 915-42 34 TRAVELS. Jonathan and His Continent. Blouet, P 917-112 John Bull and His Island. Blouet, P 914-62 John Bull and His Daughters. Blouet, P 915-42 Journal of Three Years in Abyssinia. Gobat, Samuel 916-25 Journeys in Persia. Bishop, Mrs 9!5 - 77 Journey on Plank from Kier to Eaux Bonnes. Pepys, Lady Char- lotte 914-115 Khedive's Egypt. De Leon, E gi6-i2 Lancashire. Grindon, Leo H 914-162 Land of the Lamas. Rockhill, Wm. W 915-68 Lake Champlain and Its Shores. Murraj-, W. H. H 917-125 Land of the Montezumas. Crawford, Cora II 917-121 Land of the Book. Thompson, W. M 915-41 Letters from High Latitudes. DufFerin, Lord 919-27 Letters from the Mountains. Anonymous 910-31 Letters from New York. Childs, Lydia M 917-76 Letters of a Traveler. Bryant, W. C. 9 IO_ 33 Letters from Italy, lleadley, J. T 914-105 Letters from Three Continents. M 910-39 Life in the Old World. Bremer, Frederika 9^-95 Life In Ancient Egypt and Ass)-ria. Maspero, G 916-49 Library of Universal Adventure. Howells, William D 910-41 Life Among the Iroquois Indians. Caswell, Mrs. II 917-146 Life Among the Pi utes. Hopkins, S. W 917-63 Life at Puget Sound. Leighton, C. C 9 1 755 Life in Hudson Bay Territory. Robinson, H. M .917-61 Little Manx Nation. Caine, Hall 914-51 Little Tour in France. James, Henry 914-4S London of to-day, Pascoe, Chas. Eyre 914-144 Maine Woods, The. Thoreau, Henry D. , ... qi 757 Mexico and the Mexicans. Conkling, II 9*7-53 Month in England, A. Tuckerman, Henry T 914-103 Mountains and Mountain Climbing. Nelson 910-24 Mountain Adventures. Headier, f. T 910-25 Moto, an Unfrequented Corner of Japan. Lowell, P 915-65 Mountaineering in Colorado. Chapin, F. U 917-23 Mutineers of the Bounty. Belcher, Lady ...919-19 My Canadian [ournal. DufFerin, Lady 1)17-141 National Gazetteer. Colange, L. De 910-45 Narrative. Head. Sir Thomas B 91 7-93 New England . A nonymous. . . 91 7-1 3S New Eldorado. Mall 011, Maturin 917-120 GREENFIELD FREE LIBRARY. 35 New Lands Within Arctic Circles. Payer, Julius 919-20 Newfoundland. Griswell, Rev. Wm. P 917-137 Nineveh and its Remains. Layard, Austin H 9 I 5~43 Nine Years in Nipon. Fauld, Henry 91558 Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Baker, Sir S. W 916-16 Notes of a Military Reconnoissance. Emory, W. H 917-88 Notes on England. Taine, H 914-114 Norse, Lapp and Finn. Vincent, F 914-53 Old Landmarks of Boston. Drake, S. A 917-54 Old Landmarks of Middlesex. Drake, S. A . . .917-56 Old Spain and New Spain. Field, Henry M 914-126 Old Rome and New Italy. Castelar, Emilio 9 r 4 _I I2 Old Sights with New Eyes. 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