UC-NRLF $B ESfl asD ECCE Orienti! AX EPITOME OF THE History of the Aucieut Essenes, their Rites and Ceremonies; FOLLOWED BY THE RITUAL OF THE MODERN ORDER OF ESSENES. THIRn EDITION. Arranj»ed Strictly in Accordance witli the standard Formni£r>*, ^ BY > , i , ; ^ ■,-.'' M. WOLCOTT REDDING. • KEW YORK: RKDDINO & CO., Temple Building, 544 Broadway. 1870. ^ ^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by M. W. REDDING, In the OflBce of tlic Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. The E-itual adopted by the Modern Or- der of Essenes is so long that it can only be learned and retained by constant attend- ance at the meetings, and as many are so situated that they cannot regularly attend, they soon forget much that they have learned, and thus lose interest in the subject, until their connection with the Order becomes merely nominal, or is entirely severed in default of the payment of dues. From this state of things arises the need and demand for some means of refreshing and aiding the memory, outside of the ^, and for the want of an authentic w^ork on the subject, Essenes are availing them- IV PREFACE. selves of any means of information that comes within their reach ; hence the exten- sive sale of several open and highly errone- ous exposes, that are sold alike to membera of the Order and the public at large. To arrest this evil, and meet the demand for a work that is both accurate and legitimate, this volume has been prepared. The Autpioe. New York, 1870. THE ANCIENT ESSENES. -ORIGIN OF THE ORDER. EssENE from the Hebrew root, ^ffis) (Esan, to be strong), ^^'^id:si (Essene) because they exhibited strength of mind, in enduring suffering, and in subduing the passions ; the Essenes"^ were an order of the Jews, and the fact that they developed themselves gradually, and at first imperceptibly, through intensifying the prevalent religious doc- trines, renders it impossible to say precisely at what time they were detached from the general body. Josephus, however, speaks . of them as existing in the days of Jonathan tlie Maccabsean, b.c. 143 (Ant. xiii. 5-9) ; he also mentions an Essene who delivered a prophecy in the reign of Aristobulus I., b.c. ■ * See Josephus. — Kitto. 106 (War i. 3-5; Ant. xiii. 11-2), and as we find no reliable record of them pre - vious to B.C. 150, that is doubtless very near the date of the origin of the Order. When thej ultimately withdrew from the rest of the Jewish nation, the majority of them settled in Samaria, along the Jordan, and the rest lived in scattered commmiities throughout Palestine. Both Philo and Josephus mention them as being very numerous at this time. They were divided into two classes — the first devoting themselves to a life of con- templation, and studying the mysteries of nature and revelation ; the second engag- ing in some daily handicraft. They were ruled by a Eabban, assisted by a Pabbi and a Eab,'^ who were chosen by the whole body. In cases of trial, however, a majority was required to constitute a tribunal, and the brother who walked disorderly was * Eabban, from the Hebrew r^ly master. Rabbi, *' *' " h^a^, a teacher. Bab, " " " ^^, assistant teacher. excommunicated ; yet he was not regarded as an enemy, but was admonished as a brother, and usually received back, after due repentance. They divided the twenty-four hours into tln^ee parts : a portion of which was devot- ed to the service of God and the relief of the needy and distressed, a portion to their usual avocations, and a portion for refresh- ment and sleep. They rose at early dawn, and offered up the national prayer for the return of the light of day, after which they betook them- selves to their respective vocations and engagements, under the superintendence of the Eabbans and Overseers. At the sixth hour, or twelve o'clock, the labor of the forenoon terminated, and all reassembled, bathed in cold water, after which they put on their white garments, entered their refectory with as much solemnity as if it were the Holy Temple, and sat down together in mysterious silence to the common meal. When seated, the priest invoked God's bless- ing upon the repast, after which the baker placed before each one a small loaf of bread, and the cook a dish of plain food. At the conclusion of the meal the priest offered np thanks to the Bountiful Supplier of all our wants. This was the signal of their dismissal, when they withdrew, put off their white garments, and resumed labor again until the eleventh hour (or five o'clock,- as w^e reckon time). On the Sabbath they assembled in the synagogues, w^here they w^ere seated according to their age, the younger sitting below the elder in becom- ing attire, and listening with due attention Then one takes up the Sacred Volume and reads a portion, whilst a Kabbi expounds. But as they were completely esoteric in their doctrines, they omitted the most mys- terious portions, which were only taught in the Hadoth,"^ or place of secret meetings. As a sect they were distinguished by an aspiration after purity, and, like the Cha- sidim of earlier times, w^ere confounded in * Hadoth, from tlie Hebrew Ti^i^Jn? ^ place of secret meetingj or meeting by appointment. 9 tlie popular estimation with the great body of the zealous observers of the law. The growth of Essenism was a natural result of the religious feeling which was called out by the circumstances of the Greek domin- ion, and it is easy to trace the process by which it was matured. From the Maccabsean age there was a continuous effort among the stricter Jews to attain an absolute standard of Holiness. Each class of devotees was looked upon as practically impure by their successors, who carried the laws of purity still further; and the Essenes stood at the extreme limit of the mystic asceticism, w^hich was thus gradually reduced to shape. As an Order they were distinguished by the following principles and observ- ances : — A love of truth and sobriety; love to God and man, made manifest by religious zeal and kindly acts towards each other; always aiding the needy — and to this end they had stewards in every place where they dwelt, to supply needy brethren 10 with food and raiment, and as a means of recognition they had certain signs and pass- words, by which they presently recognized each other. They were divided into three grades, or ranks, and when a candidate applied for admission his character was scrutinized with the greatest severity, and if fonnd worthy, he was admitted to tlie first grade, when he was presented with a white gar- ment and girdle. He then remained in a state of probation and trial for one year, dnring which time, although he lived ac- cording to their customs, he was not ad- mitted to their secret meetings. At the termination of this period he was advanced to the second rank, with its consequent rights and privileges; but he was not ad- mitted to full fellowship with them until after another year of probation, when, if still found worthy, he was advanced to the third rank, and invested with all of the signs, pass- words, and privileges of the Order. On his admission he was required to 11 take upon himself a solemn oath or ob- lio-ation, the heads of which were as fol- lows : — To exercise piety towards God and justice towards men ; to slum the wicked and emu- late the good ; to show fidelity and obedience to those in authority ; to be a lover of truth and a reprover of falsehood; to keep his hands clean from theft, and his soul from un- lawful gains ; to conceal nothing from the Order, nor disclose any of their secrets to any one in any other manner than he receiv- ed them himself ; and, lastly, to carefully guard and preserve the Sacred Books and Symbols belonging to the Order. Modern Essenism. On the revival of Essenism and its intro- duction into this country, the principles of the ancient sect were adopted by the new Order here as a basis of their creed and government, together with the following Eitual,^ which is liere given to assist us * While the modern order has retained the name (Essenes) and principles of the ancient sect, still it 13 in hecoming hright and zealous workers on tliat symbolic structure here below, to the end that we all may be the better enabled to eventually enter that Spiritual Building — that 'House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Now, as in the ancient time, the candi- date for admission to the Order has to pass through a novitiate of two stages of twelve months each. On his admission to the first grade, the following rites and ceremonies are ob- served : — First. The Uabban ascends the dais and . calls the brethren to order, and commands the Rab to see that all of the approaches to the Iladoth are duly guarded, so that the profane may not gain admission. Then the Eabbi invokes the blessing of was found necessary to materially modify the ritual, in order to adapt it to the present state of civilization. The rites and ceremonies of this Order likewise essen- tially differ from those practised by a society of Essenes in this country, who are strictly a religious, sect. 13 Deity on their labors (during which time all in reverence bow), and closes with Amen, to which all respond, Amen. So mote it be. After which the liabban thus addresses the Sawai :- — Kaeban. — Br. Sawai. Sawai. — Wfl. Rabban. Eabb AN. — ^Where did our ancient brethren meet ? Sw. — lu Synagogues and in the Iladoth, or place of secret meeting. E.ABBAN. — ^What was the manner of teach- ing among Ancient Essenes ? Sw. — They taught their more important doctrines in secret, and philosophized on most tilings in symbols. Eabban. — ^Where do Essenes meet at the present day ? Sw.-^— In the Hadoth. * Many of the words in this Eitual have been abbre- viated. This has been done for two reasons. First, to present the subject in as condensed and conve- nient a form as possible. Second, as it renders the reading somewhat difficult, it will the better fix the va/riou8 rites and ceremonies in the memory. 14 Rabban. — How do we illustrate the impor. tant truths prtnng to our dctr'ns ? Sw. — By symbols. Eabban. — Wliy arewe assembled to-uight? Sw. — It was ihe custom among Ancient Essenes to meet at regTilar and stated peri- ods for instruction, also to initiate candi- dates into the msts. of Essenism. We are thus assembled to-night. Eabban. — How many const't a quorum in the Hadoth ? Sw. — ^Nine or more. Eabban. — ^Wlien cmpsd. of nine, of whom do they consist ? Sw. — The E-abban, Eabbi, Eab, Sawai, Jawaij Sadain, Jadain, S. M. C, and J. M. C. Kabban. — Have we a quorum to-night ? Sw. — I will call the roll of officers and as- certain (calls the roll). We have a quorum, Wfl. Eabban. — Br. Dj.j th. fs gt ca. o' Essenes, whn cnv'nd. Dj.— T' s'e tht th'y a'e dly td. Eabban.^ Atn. t' tht dty, an' infm th. 15 T. tht. I am abt. f op ths. ^ o' F. an' Acd. Essenes, i' th. thd. rank, an' drct. lim t' tk. d'e. ntc. thrf ., an' gvn. hmsl. ac'ly. 5d. W, Eabban, we a'e. dl. td. Wr. Hw. a'e. w-e td. Jd. B. a M. Esn wtht. ar'd. wth. th. prp. impl. o' hs ofe. Wr. Hs. dt. th'r. 5d. T' obs. th. aprh. o' ens an' edps, t' s'e. tht. nn. ps. or rps., xcp. sh. as a'e. dl. qlfd., an' hv. pmsn. fm. th. Wr. Wr. Ts. wl. Br. 8w. a'e. a'l. prsn. M. Esns. Sw. I wl. astn. thrgh m' prpr. ofcr. an' rpt- 8w. Br. Jd., u. wl. astn. if a'l. prsn. a'e. M. Esns. 6d. Br. Sw., a'l prsn a'e M. Esns. Sw. Wr., a'l prsn. a'e. M. Esns. Wr. As a fthr evdc. tht. a'l. prsn. a'e M. Esns, u. wl rev th. ps. wd f m th S. an' J. ds. wh'. wl. obt i't f m th. Brn on th. rt an' If. o' th ^ an' cmct i't t. th. E. 8w. Th. dns. wl. aprh. th. W. and gv. m-e th. ps, wd. u. wl. nw. rev. th. sm. f m 16 th. Brn. on th. rt an' If o' th. ^ an' cmct i't t' th. E. Wr. Br. Sw., th. ps. wd. i' rt. an' dl. red i th. E. A'e. n. a M. Esn. 8w. I 'm. Wr. Wt. indcd. ii. t' bcm. a M. Esn. 8w. Tht. 1 mt. obt. th. m's wd. trvl i frn. cntrs., wk. and rev. ms. wgs., an' b. thby. th. btr. enbld. t' supt msl. an' fmly. an' cntrbt. t' th. rlf. o' dstsd. wthy. M. Esns, thr. wds an' orphns. Wr. Wt. mks. n. a M. Esn. 8w. W obg. Wr. Whr. wr. n. md. a M. Esn. Sw. Wthn. th. bd. o' a js. an' dl. cnstd ^ o' M. Esns asmbd i a pie. rprstg. th. nnfnshd. Snc Snetm o' K. S's. T' frnsh. wth. th. H. B., sq. an' eps., tgthr wth. a ehtr. or dspnstn fm sm G. Bd. o' empt jsdctn emprng i't t' wk. "Wr. IIw mny cmps. a M. Esns ^. 8w. Thr. or mr. Wr. Whn. empsd. o' f v., o' whm ds. i't cnst. Sw. Th. Wr., S. an' J. Wns., S. an' Jds. Wr. Th. Jd's pie i th Hadoth. 17 8w. A' m-y rt. hn. Wr. Yr. dt. thr., Br. Jd. 5d. T' ca. msgs. fm. tli. Sw i tli. W. t' th. Jw. i th. S. or elswhr. abt. th f^, as li' m'y drct — atn. t' al'ms. a' th. outr. dr. an' rprt th sm. t'. th. Wr, als t' s'e tht. w-e a'e dly. td. Wr. Br. Jd, th. Sd's pic. i th ^ 5d. A' th. rt. hn. o' th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Yr dt. thr, Br. Sd. 6d. T' ca. ords. fm th. Wr. i th. E. t' th. Sw. i th. W. o'r elswhr. abt th. ^, as h' m'y drct., atn. t' al'ms. a't th. inr dr., wlcm. an' clth. Ystg. Brn., — als t' rev. an' cndt. cndts. Wr. Br. Sd., th. Jw's sta. 6d. I th. S. Wr. Wh i th. S., Br. Jw. 7w. T' obs. th. su. a' mrdn. wh. i' th. glry. an' bty. o' th. d'y, t' cl. th. eft. f m. Ibr. t' rfshmts., supntn thm drn th. hrs. thrf . an' cfly. t' obs. tht. th. mns. o' rfshmts. a' nt. pvtd. t' intmpe. an' xcs., t' s'e tht. th'y. rtn. t' thr. Ibr. agn. i d'e sesn., tht. th. Wr m'y rev. hnr., an' th'y plsr an' prft thby. 18 Wr. Th. Sw's. sta. 7w. Ith. W. Wr. Wh. i th. W., Br. 8w. 8w. As th. su. i' i th. W. a' th. els. o' th. d'y, s'o stns. th. Sw. i th. W. t' asst. th. Wr. i opg. an' clsg. th. ^, p'y. th. eft. thr. wgs. i-f an-y b. d'e, tht. nn. g'o aw'y. dstsf d, hrmny b.ig th. suprt o' a'l Insttns., espec'ly. th's o' ous. Wr. Br. Sw, th. Kabban's sta. 8w. I th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 8w. As th. su. rs. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. d'y, s'o rs's. th. Wr. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. ^^ St. th. eft. t' wk., gvg, thm. prpr. instns. f thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. Sw., i't i' m' ord. tht. — ^ — b. nw. opd. i. th. thd. rnk. an' stn. op. f th. trnsetn. o' sh. bsns. a's m'y. rgly. an' enst- tnly. b. brt. b.fr. i't, ths. u. wl. cmnet. t' th. Jw. i. th. S., an' h' t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th'y., hvg. d.e. ntc. thrf., m'y. gvn. thmsls. ac'ly. 8w. Br. Jw. Jw. Br. 8w. Sw. It i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i. th. E. 19 tht. — ^ — b. nw. op! i th. tlid. rnk. an' Btn. op. f th. trnsctn. o' sh. bsns. as m'y. rgUy. an' cnstnly. b. brt. b.fr. i't; ths. u. wl. cmnct. t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th.y, hvg. d'e. ntc. thrf .5 ni'y. gvn. thmsls. ac'ly. Jw. Brn., i't i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i th. E., cmnctd. t' m-e thrgh. th. Sw. i th. W., tht. — ^— b. nw. op. i th. thd. rnk. an' stn. op. f th. trnsctn. o' sh. bsns. as m'y. rgly. an' cnstnly. b. brt. b.fr. i't ; ths. I cmnct. t' n. tht. u., hvg, d.e. nte. thrf., m.y gvn. yrsls. ac'ly. Wr. Brn. obs. th. E. an' atn. t' p-vq:. th. sns. (sns. o' thd. rnk. a'e. nw. gvn. b' Wr. an' Brn.) Wr. I nw. d.clr. —^— d.l opd., an' in ord. fo' bsns. a', th. sm. tm. frbdng. al. idl. or othr. unessenic cndt. whby. th. pc. an' hmny. o' th. sm. m.y. b. dstbd. mid. no Is. a pnlt. thn. th. b'-ls. prscb. or a mjrty. o' th. Brn. m'y. s'e cse. t' inflc. Br. 5d., infm. th. T. Br. 6d.5 atn. t' th. al. an', dspl. th. thr. gt. Its. i Esnsm. Wr. Br. Sc, I wl. tlmk. u. t' rd. th. mnts. o' ou. 1st. cmctn. 20 Brn., n. wl. nw. pay atn. t' rdn. th. mnts. Sc. (rds.) At a rglr. mtg. of — f^ — ., sq. an' cps., tgthr. wth. a chrtr. o'r dspnstn. f m. sm. G. Bd. o' cmpt. jsdctn., emprng i't t' wk. Wr. IIw. niny cmps an E. P's ^. 8w. Sv. or mr. Wr. Wlm. cmpsd. o' sv o' whm ds i't cnst. 8w. Th Wr., S.an' J'ws., Trs., Sc, S. an' J'ds. Wr. Br. Sw., th. Jd's pic. i th ^. Sw. A' m' rt hn. Wr. Yr. dt. thr, Br. Jd. 5d. T' ca. msgs fm th. Sw. i th. W. t' th. Jw. i th. S. an' elswh. abt. th. ^ as h' m'j drct. ; atn. t' al'ms. a' th. outr. dr., an' 27 rprt. til. sm. t'. th. Wi\ ; als', t' s'e tlit. we a'e. dl. td. Wr. Br. Jd., th' Sd's. pic. i th f^. 5d. A' th. rt. hn. o' th. Wr., i th. E. Wr. Yr. dt. thr., Br. Sd. Sd. T' ca'. ords. fin. th. Wr. i th. E. t' th. Sw. i th. W., o'r elswhr. abt. th. ^ as h' m'y drct., atn. t' al'ms. a' th. iiir. dr.> wlcm. an' clth. vstg. Brn., als' t' rev an' condt. cndts. " Wr. Th. Sc. pic. 6d. A' th. If. hn. o' th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Yr. dty. thr., Br. Sc. Sc. T' obs. th. Wr.'s wl. an'plsr. ; rcrd. th. prcdgs. o' th. p^, trnsmt. a cpy. o' th. sm. t' th. Gnd. ^ if reqrd., rev. al mns. pd. int' th. ^ b'*th. Brn., p'y. th. sm. ovr t' th. Trs., an' tk. hs. ret. thfr. Wr. Th. Trs. pic. Sc. A' th. rt. hn. o' th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Yr. dt. thr., Br. Trs. Trs. T' rev. al mns. pd. i t' th. ^ f m. th. hns. o' th. Sc, kp. a rglr. an' js. act. o' 28 th. sm., an^ p'y. i't ou' b' ord. o' th. "Wr. an' th. cnsnt. o' th. ^. Wr. Th. Jw's. sta. Trs. I. th. S., Wfl. Wr. Wh. i th. S., Br. Jw. 7w. T' obs. th. su. a' mrdn., wh. i' th. glry. an' bty. o' th. d'a. ; t' cl. th. eft. fm. Ibr. t' rfshmts., an' supntnd. thm. drng. th. hrs. thrf., crfly. t' obs. tht. th. mns. o' rfshmts. a'e nt. pvtd t' intmpc. an' xcs., an' s'e. tht. th'y rtn. t' thr Ibr agn i d'e s'asn — tht. th. Wr. m'y. rev hnr. an' th'y pisr. an' prf t. thby. Wr. Br. Jw., th. Sw's. sta. 7w. I. th. W. Wr. Wh. i th. W., Br. Sw. 8w. As th. su. i' i th. W. a' th. els. o' th. d'a., so stns. th. Sw. i th. W. t' as't. th. Wr. i. opg. an' clsg. th. ^; p'yng. th. eft. thr wgs. i'f an'y b. d'e, tht. nn. m'y g-o aw'y. dstsfd., hrmny. bng. th. suppi*t. o' al insttns, espely. ths. o' ous. Wr. Br. Sw., th. Eabban's sta. Sw. I. th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 29 8w. As til. sn. rs's. i th. E. t' op. an' gYii. th. d'y., so rs. th. Wr. i. th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. f^ , st. th. eft. t' wk., gvn. thm. ppr. instctns. f o' thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. 8w. 8w. Wr. \ Wr. It is m' ord. tht. — ^ — be n'w op. i th. fs. rnk. i Esnsra, an' stn. op. f wk. an' insten. Ths. n. wl. emiiet. t' th. Jw. i th. S., an' h' t' th. Brn. prsn, tht th'y hvg. d'e. ntc. thrf . m'y. gvn. thmsls. ae'ly. 8\v. Br. 7w. Jw. Br. Sw. Sw. It i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. tht. — ^— b. nw. opd. i th. fs. rnk. i Esnsm, an' stn' op. f wk. an' instetn. Ths. u. wl. cmnct. t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th'y. hvg. d'e. nte. thrf. m'y. gvn. thmsls. ae'ly. Jw. Brn., it i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i th. E., emnetd. t' m-e thrh. th. Sw. i th. W., tht. — ^— b. nw. op. i. th. f s. rnk. f ' wk. an' instetn., th. sin. I emnet. t' u. tht. U. hvg. d'e. ntc. thrf. m'y. gvn. ysls. ae'ly. Wr. I nw. d.elr. — ^ — op. i. th. fs. rnk. Br. Jd., infm. th. T. so Sd. Th. T. i' infmd. Wr. Bro. Sd., atn. t' th. al. an' dspl. th. thr. gt. Its. in Esnsm.^ Sd. Thr. i' an al'm. a' th. inr. dr. Wr. Atn. t' th. al'm. an' astn. th. cs. thrf . 6d. thn. gvs. thr. nks. on th. dr i. ans., an', 'sks., Wh' cms hr. S. M. C — 1, J. II., a pr. bin. cndt. wh' hs. Ing. bn. dsrs o' hvng. an' rcvg. a prt. i. th. rts., It. an' bnfts. o' ths. wfi. |^, erctd. t' G., an' d'dctd t' th. mry. o' th. HI. Sts. J., as all Brs. an' ilws. hv. dn. wh' hv. gn. ths. w'y b.fr. hm. Sd. Mr. J. H.j i' ths. an ac. o' yr. o'n fr. wl. an' acd. Cand't. Iti'. 6d. Br. M-c, i' h. wthy. an' wl. qlfd. M-c. H. i'. Sd. Dl. an' trl. prpd. M-c. H. i'. 6d. B' wt. fthr. rt. ds. h. xpc. t' obt. ths. imptn. prvlg. M-c. B' b.ng a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfl. a'e an' wl. rcmnd. * See Appendix I. 31 6d. Sue. th. cnd't i' i. psn. o' a'l ths. nciy. qlfctns., h. wl. wai. iintl. th. Wr. i' inf md. o' lis. rqst. an' lis. ans. rtriid. (tli. Sd. nw. rtns. t' th. al., fcs. th. E., an' cmiics. th's dialg. wth. th. W. E.). Sd. Wr., thr. i' wtht. Mr. J. IT., a pr. bln^ cnd't, wh' lis. Ing. bn. dsrs. o' hvg. an' rcvg. a prt. i th. rts,. It. an' bnfts. o' ths. wfl. ^, erctd. t' G. an' ddctd. t' th. mmry o'. th. HI. Sts. J., as al. Brs. an' flws. hv. dn. wh. hv. gn. ths. w'y b.f re. lim. Wr. I. ths. an ae. o' hs o'n fr. wl. an', ae. 6d. It i'. "Wr. I. h. wthy. an' wl. qlfd. Sd. H. i'. Wr. Dl. an' trl. prpd. 6d. H. i'. Wr. B' wt. fthr li;. ds. h. xpc. t' obt. ths. imptt. prvlg. Sd. B' b.ng. a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfl ag' an' wl. rcmnd. Wr. Sne. th. cndt i' i. psn. o' a'l ths. ncsry. qlfctns. le. hm. ent. ths. wfl ^ o' F. an' Acd. Esns, i. th. nm. o' G., an' b. red i. d'e 32 an' anc. f'rm. — th. Sd. rtns. an' ops. th. inr. dr., sa'ng, Le'. Imi. ent. ths. wflp^.o' F. an' Acd. Esns. i. th. nm. o' G., an' b. red. i. d'e an' anc frm. Th. Sd. thn. condts th. cndt t' th. frnt. o^ th. Sw. i' th. W., an' brs. hs If. bs., sa'ng, Mr. J. 11., I 'ni comnd' t' rev n. on th. pt. o' a shp. instm. peg. yr. nd. If. bs. (h' hre pics th' instm), th. mraL o' wh. i' t' th. n. tht as ths. i' an instm o' trtr t' yr. fls. s'o shd. th. rcolctn. thrf. b. t' yr mnd an' encne. shd. n. evr prsm t' rvl. th. ses. o' F Esnsm nnlwfly. An ode i' nw sno; — th' cndt stl stnds^. — af wh th' Sd. cndts hm t' the nrth, whn th. E. stps. hm wth. a rp. fm. th. gvL, s'yng : "Le' no mn. ent. npn any grt or imprtnt nndtkng, wiht fst invkng th ai o' De ;"— thn ords th Sd. t' cndt. th cnd't t' th al an' cs. hm t' knl fo' th bnft o' pr'yr. Th' flwg wds m'y b' nsed, or any othr sntbl fo' th occasn: " Ynchsf e thne ai, Ahnht Fthr o' th Univrs, t' ths on' prsnt envntn, and grnt tht ths cndt fo' Esnsm m'y dedet an' d'vte hs Ife t' th' srvc, an' bcom a tni 33 an' fthf 1 br amng us ! Endu hm wth a cm- ptncy o' til' dvne wsdm, tht b' th sets, o' ou' a't h' m'y b bttr eiibd t' dsplay th bties o' b'thrly Iv rl'ef an' trth, t' th hn'r o' th eft. an' th glry o' th' HI Km. Amn. Espnd t' b' al, S-o mt. i't b. Wr. (t' end't) — I. whm d' n. pt yr. trs. Cndt. I. G. Wr. Yr trst. b.ng. i G., yr fth. i' wl. fnd. Ari., f'lw yr. endtr. an' fr. no dng. Th end't i' thn. endtd arou th. ^ t' th. S. whr. th. Jw. gvs. on' rp. ; thn. t' th. W. whr. th. Sw. gvs. on' rp., th. E. mn- tme rpting th f Uwng pssag o' Serptr : " Bhld hw gd an' hw plsnt it i's f o' brn t' dwl tgthr i unty. I't i' Ike th' pres. oi. npn th. hd. tht. rn. dwn npn th. brd., evn Arns. brd. ; tht. rn. dwn t' th skrts. o' hs grmnt as th. dw o' Hrmn. an' as th. dw. tht dend. npn th. mntn. o' Zi'n., fo' thr th Lrd em- nmdd th blsng, evn If e f o' evrmre ; " aft wh. th eand't. i. endtd. t' the S., an. endtr. gvs. thr. rps. wth hs stf. wlih i' rspnd. t' b' th Jw. wth on' rp. Jw. Wh cms. hr. 34 6d. J. EC., a pr. bin. cndt. wli' hs. Ing bn. dsrs. o' livg. an' recvg. a prt. i' th. rts., It. an' bnfts. o' tiis w&. ^, erctd t' G. an' ddctd t'. th. mmry. o' th. 111. Sts. J., as a'l brn. an' flws. hv. dn. \vh' hv. gn. th's. w'y. bfr. hm. Jw. Mr. J. H., i' ths. an ac. o' jr o'n f r. wl. an' ac. Candt. Iti'. 7w. Br. Sd., i' h' wthy. an' wl. qulf d. Sd. He i'. Jw. Dl. an' trl. prpd. 6d. He i'. 7w. B' wht. fthr. rt. ds. h' xpct. t' obt. ths. imptt. prvlg. Sd. B' bno*. a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfl. asr' an' wl. rcomnd. 7w. Snc. th. cndt. i' i possn. o' a'l ths. necsry. qnlf ctns., u. wl. cndt. hm. t' th. Sw. i. th. W., f o' hs xmnatn. (Sd. condts. th. cndt. t' th. W., an' gvs. thr. rps. wh. a'e. ans. b' on' rp» b' th. Sw.) 8w. Wh' cms. hr. Sd. Mr. J. H., a pr. bin. cndt. wh' hs. Ing. bn. dsrs. o' hvg. an' rcvg. a prt. i' th. rts.. 35 It. an' bnfts. o' ths. wfl. f^, erctd. t' G. an' ddctd. t' the mmry. o' th. III. Sts. J., as al' brn. an' flws. hv. dn. wh' hv. gn. ths. w'y bfr. hm. 8w. Mr. J. II., i' ths. an ac. o' yr. o'n. fr. wl. an' acd. Cand't. It i'. Sw. Br. Sd., i' h' wthy. an' wl. qlf d. 6d. He i'. 8vv. Dl. an' trl. prpd. Sd. He i'. Sw. B' wht. frthr. rt. ds. h' xpct. t' obt. ths. imptnt. prvlg. 6d. B. b.ng. a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfl. ag' an' wl. rcmnd. 8w. Snc. th. cndt. i' i pssesn. o' al' ths. ncsry. qnlfctns., n. wl. cndt. hm. t' th. Wr, i. th. E. fr. hs. xmnatn. (Sd. cndts. cndt. t' th. E. whr. rps. a'e gvn. an' ansd. as b.fr. AYr. Wh. cms hr. Sd. Mr. J. II., a pr. bin. cndt. wh' hs. Ing. bn. dsrs. o' hvg. an' rcvg. a prt. i' th. rts., It. an' bnfts. o' ths wfl ^., erct. to G. an' ddctd. t' th. mmry. o' th. hi. Sts. J., as al. 86 Brs. an' flws. hv. dn. wh' hv. gn. ths. w'y. b.fr. hm. Wr. Mr. J. H.j i' ths. an ac. o' yr. o'n f r. wl. an' acd. Cndt. Iti'. Wr. Br. 6d., i' h' wthy. an' wl. qlfd. 6d. H' i'. W. Dl. an' trl. prpd. Sd. H' i'. Wr. B. wt. fthr. rt. ds. h' xpc. t' obtn. ths. imptnt. prvlg. 6d. B' b.ng. a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfl. ag' an' wl. rcmnd. Wr. Wlmc. cm. n., an' wbthr. a'e. u. trvlg. 6d. Frm. th. W. an' trvlg. E. Wr. W'y d'd. n. Iv. th. W. an' trvl. E. Sd. r srh. o' It. i' Esnsm. Wr. Snc. th' cndt. i' i. possn. o' a'l. ths. ncSry. qlf ctns. an' i. srh. o' It. i. Esnsm, n. wl. rcndt. hm. t' th. Sw. i. th. W. wh' wl. tch. hm. hw. t' aprh. th. E. i. d'e. an' anc. frm. (Sd. rcondts can' t' th. W. an' s'ys) : Br. Sw., it i. th. ord. o' th. Wr. tht. u. tch. 37 ths. cndt. hw. t' aprch. th. E. i. d'e. an' anc. frm. 8w. n. wl. cs. th' cnd't. t' fc. th. E. (th' cndt. i' so plced, whn th' Sw. s'ys t' cnd't.), u. wl. tk. o'e stp. i' advnc. o'n yr. If. ft., brngng. th. hi. o' th. rt. t' th. hlw. o' th. If., thby. fmng. th. rt ngl. o' an obln. sq. Sw. Wr., th. cndt. i' i. ord. Wr. Mr. J. H., b.fr u. en prcd any fthr i. Esnsm it wl. b. ncsry. f n. t' tke. npn. yrsl. a slm., an' bndg. obg., an' I as E. o' ths. PP asr. n. thr. i. nthg. thrn. cntnd. wh. wl. cnflct. wth. yr. mral., socL, or civl. prvlgs. or dts. "Wth. ths. asrnc. on m' prt a'e u. wig. t' prcd. Cndt. I 'm. Wr. Thn. advc. t' th scrd al. o' Esn- sm an. thr. knl. on yr nd. If. kn., yr. rt fm'g. th. ngl. o' a sq., yr If. hn. suptng. a' yr rt. rstg. on th. H. B., Sq. an. Cps. (Th. Sd. pics cndt. i. postn.) Sd. Wr., th. cand't. i. in d'e frm. (Th. Wr. thn. els th. fl t' its ft. an' th. 38 dns. tk. thre status, o'n ea. sd. o' th. al., whn th. Wr. ss. t' th cndt.) Wr. Mr. J. H., i'f n. a'e stl. wig. t' tk upn ysl. th. slm. obg. prnc. yr nm i. fl. an rpt. af . m-e : I, J. H., o' m' o'n. f r wl. an' acd., i. prsnc. o' Ahn. G. an' ths. wfi. ^ o' F. an', acd. Esns., erct. t' G. an' ddctd t' th. mmry. o' th. HI Sts. J., d' hby. an' hrn. slml an' sncl. prms. an' swr. tht. I wl. kp. an' cnc. an' nv. rvl.- an'y o' th. sc. at. or ats., pt. or pts, pnt. o'r pnts. o' th. hdn. ms. o' anct. F Esnsm tht. I hv. red., 'm abt. t' rev., or m'y b. hrftr instcd i, t' an'y prsn xcp. i't shl. b. t' a wthy Br. E. P., o'r wthn. th. bd. o' a js an' dl. cnstd. ^ o' sh., an. nt. unt. hm. o'r thm. whm I shl. hr. s'o t' b., bt. unt. hm. o'r thm onl whm. I shl. fnd. s'o t' b. aft. d'e trl., stct. xmnatn., o'r Iwli. Esnc inf. Furth'mr. I d' prms. an' sw. tht. I wl. nt. wrt., ind., prn., pai., stm., stai., hw., cu., cv., mk., or engv. th. sm. upn any thg. mvbl. or imvbl., whby. o'r whrn. tli Is. wd., sb., It, or chrc. ma. b.cm. Igb. or intlgb. t' msl. o'r anthr., whby. th. scs. of F Esnsm. ma' b. unlwfly. obtd. 89 thrgli m' unwthns. T' a'l. o' wh. I d slml. an' sncl. prms. an' sw., wtht. an'y hstn., mnt. rsvtn., o'r set. evsn. o' nmd i. m-e whtvr., bndg. m'sl. und. n'o Is. a pnl. thn. tilt, o' livg. m' thr. cu. acs., m' tg. tn. on. an' bd. i. th. sns. o' th. s'a a' Iw. wt. mk. whr. th. td. 'bs. an' flws. twc i twnt.- fr. hrs., shd. I ev. knwnly o'r wlfly. vlte. tlis. my. slm. obn. o' E. P. S'o hp. m-e G. an' mk' m-e. stdfs. t' kp. an' pf m. th. sm. Wr. I tkn. o' yr. sncty. ks. th. H. B. o'n wh. yr. rt. hn. rs. Br. 6d., remv. th' c'to. a's w-e nw. hid. th. Br. b' a strngr. t'e. Wr. M' Br., i. yr. prsn. s'tiiiatn. wt. d' u. mst. dsr. Cnd.t (prmtd b' Sd.) Lt. i. Esnsm. Wr. Brn., strh. frth. yr. hns., an' as't. m'e e. i. brngn. ths. nw. md. Br. t' tr. Esnc. . It (Hr. th. Brn. surndg. th. al. pic. thmsls. und. th. dg. an' sn. o' E. P.8.) Wr. I th bgnng Gr creatd th hvns an' th eai*t. An' th eart ws witht f rm an' voij . 40 an' drkns ws iipn th f c o' the dp, an' G sd, Lt thr b It, an' thr ws It. An' nw, i hmbl cmmmortn o' ths grt an' augst evn, I s'y, Esncly., It thr. b. It. Wr. Br., on b.ng. brt. t' It. i. ths rnk. u. b.hld th. thr. gii:. Its. o' Esnsm, b' th ai' o' th. rprsntvs o' th. thr. Isr. Th. thr. grt. Its. a'e, th. H. B., Sq., an' Cps. Th. H. E. i' gvn us as th. r'le and gni o' ou f th an' prctce, th. Sq. t' sq. on' actns., an' th. cps. t' crcumscb. on. dsrs. an' kp. ou. psns. wthn. d'e bns. wth al. mn.knd., bt. mr. espcly. wth. a Br. Esn. Th. thr. Isr. Its. a'e th. Su., Mn., an' th. R o' th. ^, an' a'e ths. xphid. : as th. su. rls. th. d'y, an' th. mn. gvns. th. nt., s'o shd. th. Wr., wth. equl. rgkty., rl. an' gvn. th. ^. Th. rprsntvs. o' th. thr. Is. Its. a'e thr. brng. cndls. o'r taprs., pled. upn. cndl. stcs., o'r pdstls., an' situatd. E., W., an' S. abt. th. Al. (The Wr. thn. rtrs. an' agn. advncs. — th; Sd. adrsg. th. cndt. thus) : — 41 6d. 11. nw. bhld. th. Wr. aprhg. u. fm. tli. E. iipn. th. stp. imd. th. dg. an' sn. o' an E. P. "Wr. M' Br., an E. P. advncs on' stp. on hs. If. ft., brngng th. hh o' hs. rt. t' th. hlw. o' hs. If. — ths. i' th. dg. (gvng. it), an' al'ds. t' th. postn. i' wh. yr hns. wr. pled whl. tkng. upn yrsl. th. slm. obg. ; ths. i' th. sn. (gvs. it), an' al'ds. t' th. pnlt. thrf. ; ths. dg. an' sn. a'e alwys. t' b. gvn. t' th. R. o'n entg. o'r retrng. fm. a ^ o' E. P's. Wr. I nw. prsn. ii. m' rt. hn., i'. tkn o' frnshp an' bthly. Iv., an' wth. it wl. prcd. t' invs. u. wth. th. gp. an' wd., bt. a' 11. a'e uninstctd. h' wh hs. hthrto. ans. f o' u. wl. d' s'o a' ths. tm. O^r., t' cndt., Tk. m-e, Br., a' I tk. u. Sd. ansng f o' cndt.) Wr. I hai. 6d. I ccl. Wr. Wt. d' u. ccl. Sd. Al o' thl scs. o' Esns i Esnsm, t' wh, ths. tkn. al'ds. (li' gvs. th. gp.) Wr. Wt. i' tht. 42 6d. A gp. Wr. O' wt. Sd. O'anE.R. Wr. Hs. i-t a nm. 6d. I-t hs. Wr. Wl. u. gv. i-t. t' m-e. 6d. I d.d n.t s'o rev. i-t, nthr. wl. I s'o impt i-t. Wr. Hw. wl. a dsps. o' i-t. Sd. Lt. i-t, or hv. i-t. "Wr. Lt. i-t an' b.gn. 6d. u. b.gn. Wr. B.gn. n. (Th wd. an' mnnr of gvng mst be Irnd in th f^. ) Wr. (Hlpg. endt. t' ris. fm. th. AL). Eis, m' Br., and salu. th. J. an' Sw'ns, an' stsfy. thm. tht. u. a'e i. posn. o' th. stp., dg., sn., gp., an' wd. o' an E. P. (Sd. nw. tks. endt. b' th. rt. 'rm. an' preds. t' th. Jw's sta. i. th. S., sto's, an' gvs. thr. rps wtli. hs. stf. on th. flr., wh. 's rspnd'd t' b' the Jw. wth. hs gvl. one.) Jw. Wh. ems. hr. 43 6d. A wthy. br. E. P. Jw. Hw. m'y I knw. hm. t' b. sh. Sd. B' crtn. sns. an' a tkn. 7w. Wt. a'e sns. 6d. Kt. 'ngls., hztls.j an' ppdcls. 7w. Advc. a sn. (Sd. gvs. dg. o' E. P.) Jw. Hs. tht. an alsn. 6d. I-t hs. : t' th. pstn. i. wh. m' hns. wr. pled. whl. tkng. npn. msl. th sm. obg. 7w. Hy. n. a fthr. sn. 6d. I hv (gvs. sn. o' E. P.). Jw. Hs. tht. an alsn. Sd. I'ths.— t' th. pnlt. o' tht. obg. 7w. Wt. i' a. tkn. Sd. A crtn. frnly. or brthl. gp., whby. o'e Esn m'y. knw. anthr. i' th. dk. as i' th. It. 7w. Advc. an' gv. m-e a tkn. (Cndt. advncs. an' gvs. gp. o' E.P.) Jw. "Wt. i' tht. Cndt. Agp. 7w. O' wt. Cndt. O' an E. P. Essene. Jw. lis i-t a nm. 44 Cndt. I-ths. Yw. Wl. u. gv. i-t t' m-e. Cndt. I d'd nt. s'o recv. i-t, nthr. wl. I s^o impi-t. it. Jw. Hw. wl. u. dsps. o' i-t. Cndt. Lt. i-t. o'r hv. i-t. 7w. Lt. i-t, an' b.gn. Cndt. Wo, 11. b.gn. (jSTow see ^, fo' wd an' mnner of gvng it.) Jw. I 'm satsf d. th. wd. i' rt. ; condt. th. cndt. t'. th. S'w. i th. W. (Sd. cndts. cnd't. t' th Sw. i. th. W., where the same is repeated as at the Jw's. statn i th S., — thn twards th E., whn th. Wr. adves an' prsnts. th cnd't. wth. a 1. slv. or w^t. ap., s'yng) : — Wr. M'. Br., ths. i' an. mblm. o' inoc. an' th. b'g. o' an Esn, mr. anc. thn. th. gldn. flee, or Em'n. Eag. — mr. hnble. thn. th. str. an' grt. or an'y othr. ord. tht. en. b- cnfrd. npn. u, a' ths. o'r an'y futr. perd, b' kng., prnc, ptnt., o'r any othr. prsn. xcpt. h'. b. an Esn. It i hped tht n. ayI. wea. i' wth. plsr. t' yrsl. an' hnor t 45 til' Fr'ty. Ca. i-t t' th. Sw. i tli. W. wli' wl. tch. u. hw. t' wea. i't a's an E. P. Sd. cndts. end', t' th. W. an' s'ys., Br, Sw., i't i. th. ord. o' th. Wr. tht. n. tch. ths. nw. md. Br. hw. t' wea. hs. ap. as an E. P. Th. Sw. tks. th. ap. an' t's. it o'n th. Cndt. wth th. fl. tnd up, remkng t' th. cnd't. as h. ds. s'o, At th. bldg. o' K. S's. t'. th. dfnt. bns. o' w^kmn. w'r dstngshd by th. mnr. i' wh. th'y wor thei. aps. E.Ps. wor thrs. wth. th. fl. tnd. u'p t' prvnt. sing. th. elths ; Eseniely, t' prvnt. dbng. wth. nntmpd mrtr. ; an' thu' u. wl. eontnu. t'. wea yrs untl u. a'e frthr. advcd. Sd. nw. cndts. th. Cnd't. t' th. frnt o' th. Wr. i th. E. wh. thu' addrs hm. Wr. M' Br., agr'ably t' an anct estb- Ishd cstom, adpd i evry rglr an' wl govd P^ i' b.cms. m' d'ty a' ths. tm. t' dmd o' u. sm mtc sbs., nt so mh. o'n act. o' its in- trnc wrth. or vlu as tht. i't m'y. b. d'pstd i' th. archvs. o' th. ^ as a m'mrial. tht. u. wr. a' ths. tm an'd pic. md. an Essn. Cndt. I hv. nthg. Wr. Nt. evn a pny. t' com'rt on' o' th. 46 mst imptnt evns o' yr. If. M'. Br., ths i' t' tch u. tilt slid. u. evr mt a m'mbr o' th. h'mn. f mly., mr espcly an Esn, i Ik dst s'tuatn i't wl. b. yr dty. t' ciitrbt. a3 Ibly t' hs. rlf. as lis nests, m'y reqr. an' yr ablty pmt. Bng. clthd. as an. E. P. I nw prsn u wtli. th. wkg. tls. o' an E. P., wh. a'e., th. twnt.-fr. nch. gge. an' cmn. gv. Th. twnt.-fr. nch. gge i' an instm. md us' o' b'y optv. Esns t' msr'. an' I'y. ou' thr. wk., bt. w-e as F. an' Acd. Esns mk. ns' o' it fo' th. mr. nble an' glrs. prps. o' dvdg. ou' tm. ; i't b.ng. dvd'd int twnt.-fr. equl. pts. i' mblmatcl. o' th. twnt.-fr. hrs. o' th. d'y.j wh. we a'e. tau. t' dvd. int. thr. equl. pts., w^lirby. a'e. fnd. eglit. hrs. fo' th. srvc. o' G. an' a dstrd. WTth. Br., eglit. fo' ou' usl. voctns., an' eglit. fr. rfshmt. an' sip. Th. cmn. gv. i' an instm. md. us. o' b' optv. Esns t' brk. off th. crs. o' rgli. stns. th. btr. t' ft. tlim. f. th. bldrs. us'. ; bt. w-e as F' an' Acd. Esns a', tau. t' mk. us', o' i't. fo' th. m'r nbl. an' glrs prps. o' dvstng. ou' lirts an' cones, o' al' th. ves. an' suprflts. o' If., tliby 47 f tng. on' mnds. as Ivg stns. f '. tht. sprtiil. bldg., tilt. hs. nt. md. wtli. lins., etrnl. i' th Hvs. Wr. Br. 6d., u, wl. nw/cndt th Br. t' th. ]Sr. E. cor. o' th. ^. Wr. M' Br. u. nw stn. i th. IST. E. cr. o' th. Pfl anuprt. m'n. an' Esn, an' I gy. i't n strcly. i' chrg. evr. t' wlk. an' ac. as sh. b.fr. G. an' m'n. I als. prsn. n. wth. a nw. nra. wh. i' cantn. ; i't i' t' tch. n. t' b. cants, ovr. yr. wds. an' acns., mr espcly. on th. sbjc. o' Esnsm whn. i. th. prsnc. o' i'ts enms. Wr. Br. 6d., n. wl. nw. rcnd't. th. Br. t' th. pic whnc. h' cm., thr. in vs. hm. wth. tht. o' wh. h' ws. d' vsd., an. rtrn. hm. t' th. ^ fo'. fthr. instcn. Sd. an' Cndt. saki. th. AVr. b' gvn. th. dg. an' sn. o' E. P. an' retr., whn., aft. th. Cndt. i' clthd, th'y retrn, advnc. t' th. al., salu. th. Wr., whn. th. Sd. cndts. Cnd't. t' a sea' nr. th. Wr. wh. thn' adrs. hm. : FRST. LOT. Wr. M' Br., th. frms. an' crmns. thrgh. whh. w-e hv. psd m'y s'em. It. an' frvls. t 48 u., bt. I as'r. u. th'y hv. a dp. niral sgn- cnce. n. wl. thfr p'y prtcl atntn. t' th. sers. o' qsts. ail' ans. bet m'sl. an' th. Sd., as hs. ans wl. b. yrs. on a'l futr. ocsns. Wr. (to 6d.) Whnc. cm. n. 6d. Fm a ^ o' th. HI. St. J. a' Jrlm. Wr. Wt. erne. n. hr. t' d'. Sd. T' In. t' sbd. m' psns an' imprv. m'sl. i. Esnsm. Wr. Thn. n. a'e an Esn., I prsm. 6d. I 'm so tkn. an' ac'p. amg. Brs. an' flws. Wr. Hw. d' II. knw. ysl. t' b. an Esn. Sd. B' hvg. bn, trd. nvr. dnd. an' amrdy. t' b. trd. agn. Wr. Hw. m'y I kw. u. t'. b. an Esn. 6d. B' ctn. sns., a tkn., a wd. an' th. prfc, pnts. o' m' ntrnc. Wr. Wt. a'e sns. Sd. Kt., ngls., hzls., an' ppndls. Wr. Advc. a sn. (Sd. gvs. dg. o' E. P.) Wr. Hs. tht. an aisn. 6d. I' hs. : t' th. pstn. i wh. m' hns. wr. pled. will. I tk. npn. msl. th. slm. obg. o' E. P. 49 Wr. Hv. n. a fthr sn. 6d. I hv. (gvs. sn. o' E.P.) Wr. Hs. tht. an al'sn. Sd. r hs. : t' th. pnlt. o' tht. obg. Wr. Wt. i' a tkn. 6d. A crtn. frnly. or brthl knw. anthr. i gP- th. Avhb3\ dk. aa -e a tkn. (Sd. on' Esn m'y i th. It. Wr. Advc. an gv. m gvs. gp. o' E. P.). Wr. Wt. i' tht. 6d. Agp. Wr. O' wt. Sd. O' E. P. Wr. — Hs. i't a nm. 6d. rt hs. Wr.Wl. n. gv. i't t' m-e. Sd. I d'd. nt. s'o rev. i't^nthr. wl. I s'o impt. i't. Wr. Hw. wl. u. dsps. o' i'. 6d. Lt. o'r hv. i't. Wr. Lt. i't an' b.gn. Sd. n. b.gn. Wr. B.gn. 11. — See of gvng it. fo. wd and mnr 50 Wr. Whr. wr. n fs. prpd. t' b. md. an Esn. 6d. I. m' h'a. Wr. Whr. nx. Sd. I a roo. adjng. th. bd. o' a js' an' dl. cnstd ^ o' F. an' Acd. Esns. Wi\ Hw. wr. n. prpd. Sd. B' bno;. dvst o'' a'l. mtc. sbs., nthr. nd. 'or clthd., b.ft. nr. shd., If. kn. an' bs. br., hwkd. an' a c'to one abt. m' nk. i wh'. cndtn. I ws. cndtd. t' a dr. o' th. ^ an' csd. t' gv. thr. dstnt. nks., wh. w'r ans. b' thr. fm. wthn. Wr. Wt. ws. sd. t' u. f in. wthn. 6d. Wh. cms. hr. Wr. Yr. ans. Sd. A pr. bhi. cndt., wh. hs. hig. bn. dsrs. o' hvg. an' rcvg. a prt. o' th. rts., It. an' bnfts. o' ths. wfl. ^ , erct. t' G. an' ddctd. t' th. m'mryo' th. HI. Sts J., as al. brn. an' f'lws. hv. dn. wh' hv. gn. ths. w'y. bfr. hm. Wr. Wt. wr. n. thn. 'skd. Sd. If ths. ws. an ac. o' my 'n fr. wl. an' acd. — if I ws. wthy an' wl. qulfd. — 51 dl. an' trl. prpd. — a'l. o' wli b.ng. ans'. i' til. afmtv., I ws. thn. 'skd. b' wht. ftlir. rt. I xpc. t' obt. tlis. impt. prvlg. Wi\ Yr. aiis. 6d. B' b.ng. a mn. fr. brn. o' Iwfi. ag' an' wl. rcmnd'. Wr. ^Yht wr. u. thn. tld. 1 Sd. Snc. I ws. i' psn. o' al. ths. ncsry. qlfctns. I shd. wai. untl. th. Wr. hd. bn. infmd. o' m' rqs., an' lis. ans. retiid. Wr. Wht. ws. hs. ans. whn. rtnd. 6d. Le' hm. dnt. ths. wfl. ® o' F. an' Acd. Esns i' th. nme. o' G., an' b. red. i' d'e an' aiic. frm. Wr. IIw. wr. u. red. 6d. Upn. th. pt. o' a slip, iiistm peg. m' nkd. If. bs. Wr. IIw. wr. u. thn. dspsed. o'. Sd. Cndetd. t' th. entr. o' th. ^, an' thr. csed. t' kill, f o' th. bnf t. o' pra'r. Wr. Aft. pra'r. wa't. wr. u. thn. 'skd. 6d. I. wlim. I pt. m' trst. Wr. Yr. ans. Sd. L'^G. Wr. Wt. wr. u. thn. tld. 52 6d. M' trst. b.ng i. G., m' fth. ws. wL fnd'cl; I ws. thn. tkn. b' th. rt. hn., ord' t' ris., flw. m' cndtr, an' fr. no dn. Wr. Hw. wr. u. thn. dspsd. o'. Sd. Cndtd one. rglrly. aron' th. ^, and to th. Jw. i th. S., whn. th. sm. qsts. wr. 'skd. an' ans. rtnd. as a' th. di\ "Wr. Hw. d'd th. Jw. dsps. o' n. 6d. Drctd. m-e t' b. cndtd t' th. Sw. f th. W. whr. th. sm. qsts. wt. 'skd an' ans. rt'rnd. as b.fr. Wr. riw. dd th. Sw. dsps. o' n. Sd. Drctd. me t' b. endctd. to th. Wr. i' th. E. whr. th. sm. qsts. wr. agn 'skd. an' ans. rtnd. as b.f re. ; wh. als d.mnd. o' m-e whnc. I cm. an' whthr. I ws. trvln. Wr. Yr. ans. 6d. Fm. th. W., trvlg. E. Wr. W'y d'd. u. Iv. th. W. an' trvl. E. Sd. I' sch. o' It. i' Esnsm. Wr. Hw. dd. th. Wr. dsps. o' n. Sd. Ordd. m-e t' b. rcndtd. t' th. Sw. i. th. W. M^h' tght. m-e hw. t' apprch th. E L d'e an' anc. frm. 53 Wr. Wt. i' tht. d'e. an' anc. frm. 6d. Advcg. one stp. on m'y If . ft.jbrng'g th, hi. o' my rt. t' th hlw. o th. If., thby. f ing. th. rt. 'ngl. o'. an. obi. sq. ; bd. erct., f cng. th. E. Wr. Wht. dd. th Wr. thn d'. wth n. Sd. Md. m-e. an Essene. Wr. IIw. 6d. In. d'e frm. Wr. Wht. i' tht. d'e. frm. 6d. Knlng. upn. m' nd. If. kn., m' rt. fmg. th. ngl. o' a sq., m' If. hn. suptg. an' m' rt. rstg. o'n th. H. B., Sq., an' Cps., i wh. d'e. frm. 1 tk. npn. msl. th. sm. obg. o' an E. P. Wr. Hv. n. tht. obg. Sd. I hv. Wr. Kept. i't. 6d. (Rpts. th. obg.) Wr. Aft. tht. obg. wt. wr. n. thn. skd. Sd. Wht. I ms. dsrd. Wr. Yr. ans. 6d. Lt. i Esnsm. Wr. Dd. n. rev. i't. Sd. I d'do, b' ord. o' th. Wr., wth th. astnc. o' th. Briie 54 Wr. [Jpn. b.ng. brt. t'. It., wt. d'd. u. b.hld. 6d. Th. thr. grt. Its. i Esusm, h' th. ai. o' til. rpsntvs. o' th. thr. Is. Its. Wr. "Wt. a'e. th. thr. grt. Its. Sd. Th. H. B., Sq., an' Cps. Wr. Hw. a'e. th'y. xphid. 6d. Th. H. B. i' gvn, us as th. nil', an' gui. o' ou' f'th. an' prctc, th. sq. t' sq. on' actns., an' th. cps. t' crcmscb ou' d'srs. an' kp. ou' pasns. wthn. d'e. bus. wth. al. ninkn., espcly. wth. ou' brn. Wr. Wt. a'e. th. thr. Is. Its. Sd. Th. Su., Mn., an' wr. o' th. ^. Wr. Hw. a'e. th'y. xphid. 6d. As th. su. rls. th. d'y., an' th. mn. gvns. th. nht., so shd. th. Wr., wth. eql. reglty., rl. an' gvn th. |^. Wr. Wt. a'e. th. rprsntvs. o' th. thr. Isr. Its. Sd. Thr. brng. end's, or tprs. pled, i cndl- stks. or. pdstls., situ'td. E., W., an' S. Wr. Wt. d'd. u. nx. b.hld. 6d. Th. W. E. aprchg. m-e fm. th. E. upn. th. stp. und. th. dg. an' sn. o' an E. P., 55 wh' prsntd. m-e lis. rt. hn. i tkn. o' f rnshp. an' bthly. Iv., an' procd'. t' in vs. m-e wth. th. gp. an' wd., an' thn. ord'. m-e t' ris. an' salu. th. J. an' S'ws. an' satsf. thm. tht. I ws. i. possn. o' th. stp., dg., sn., gp., an'-wd. o' an E. P. Wr. Wt d'd n. nx. b.hld. 6d. Th. W. E. apprhng. m-e frm. th. E. a send, tm., wh' prsntd. m-e wth. a L. sk. or wt. ap., an' ord. m-e t' ca. i' t' th- Sw. i th. W, wh' tght. m-e hw. t' wea. i't as an E. P. Wr. IIw. shd an E. P. wea. hs ap. 6d. Wth. th. fl. tnd. np to prvnt. soilg. th. clths., or, Essenically, t' prvt. dbng. wth. untmpd. mrtr. Wr. "Wt. ws. thn. dmnd o' n. 6d. Sm. mtc. sbs., — nt so mh on act. o' i'ts intrnc wrth. or vlu. as tht. i't mght. b. d.pst. in th. archvs. o' th. ^ as a mmrl. tht. I ws. a' tht. tm. an' pic. md. an Esn, bt. upn. strc. srh. f nd. msl. ently dst. Wr. Wt. wr. u. nx. prsntd. wth. Sd. Th. wkg. tls. o' an E. P. Wr. Wt. a'e. thy. Cd. Th. twnt.-fr. nch. g'ge an' cm. gv. 56 Wr. Hw. a'e. tli'y xplnd. Sd. Th. twnt.-fr. nch. g'ge i'. an instm. md. us' o' b' optv. Esns. t' rasr. an' I'y. on tlir. wk., but w-e, as F. an' Acd. Esns, mk. us' o i't fo'. th. mr. nbl. an' glrus. prps. o' dvdg. ou' tm. ; i't b.ng. dvd. int. twnt.-fr. eql. prts. i' mblmat'cl. o' twnt.-fr. hrs. o' th. d'j., wh'h. we a'e. tght. t' dvd. int thr. prts., w^hby. w-e fnd. eght. hrs. fo'. th. srvc« o' G an' th. relf. o' a dstrsd. wthy br., eght. hrs. fr. ou' usl. avcatns., an' eght. f o'. rfshmt. an' sip. Th. com. gv. i' an instm. md. us. o' b' optv. Esns. t' brk. off th. supfls. crs. o' rgh. stns. th. btr. t' ft thm. fo'. th. bids, us' ; bt w^-e, as F. an' Acd. Esns, a'e. to'ht. t' mk. us' o' i't f. th. mr. nbl. an' o^l'r's prps. o' dvstg ou' hrts. an' concns. o' a'l. th. vcs. an' suprflts. o' Ife, thby fitg. us as Ivg. stns. fo'. tht. sprtu'l bldg., tht. hs. nt. md. w^th. hns., etrnl i' th. Hvns. Wr. Hw. wr. u. thn. dspsd o'. Sd. Pled i th. K E. cr. o' th. |^, wth. th. hi. o' m' r. ft. i' th. hlw. o' th. If. m' bd. ere, facg. th. Wr. i' th E., wh' thn. infmd. m-e tht. I std. an uprt. mn. an' 57 Esen. an' gav' i't m-e stctly. i. chg. evr. t' ac. an' wlk. as s'li. bfr. G. an' mn. Wr. Wt. wr. u. thn. prsntd. wth. 6d. A nw. nm. wli' ws. caut. I't i' t' tcli. m-e t' b. cants, ovr. m' wds. an' actns., mr. espcly. on th. sbjc. o' F Esnsm whn i' th. prsnc. o' i'ts enms. Wr. Hw. wr. n. thn dspsd o'. Sd. Ecndtd. t' th. pic. fm. whnc. I cm., in vs. wth. tht. o' wh' I hd. bn. dvs., an' i' d'e. tm. rtnd. t' th. ^ fo'. fthr. instrctn. Wr. M' Br., ths. 'nds. th. fs. let. n wl. agn. pa. atn. t' th. ans. o' th Sd. as th'y. xpln. th. prcdg. SECKD. LOT. Wr. Wh. wr. n. dvst. o' a'l. mtc. sbs. whn. md. an Esn. 6d. Fo' tw. resns., fs. tht. I mght. ca. nthg. ofnsv. or dfnsv. int. th. ^ ; secnd., a' th. bldg. o' K. S. T. thr. ws." nt. hrd. th. Bnd. o' an. X. hmr. or any mtc. tl. AVr. Hw. cd. an edfc. so stupnds. b. erct. wthut. th. ai. o' an'y mtc. tl. 58 6d. Th. stns. wr. hwd., sqrd., an' nnmb'd. i' th. qiirs. whr. ra'sd., th. tmbr. fld. an' prpd. i' th. f rst. o' L'bnon, cnvd., thnc. i' fits, b' s'a t' Jpa., an' fm. thnc. b' Ind. t' Jrlm., whr. th'y. wr. st. . up b' th. ai. o' wdn. instms. prpd. f o'. tht. prps. ; an' whn. til. bldg. ws. cmpltd. ea. prt. thr'of. fit'd. Avth. sh. xact. ncty. tht. it hd. inr. th. apprnc. o' th. hndy wk. o'. th. snpr'm. arch'tc. o' th. nnvrs. thn. o' humn. hns. Wr. Wh. w'r. u. nthr. nkd. nr. clhd. Sd. Esensm rgrds. no nin. fo'. hs wrldly with or hnrs ; it is the intrnl an' nt th xtrnl qulificns o' a mn tht rcmmnds hm t' Esns. Wr. Wh. wr. n. nthr. b.ft. nr shd. 6d. Agrably t' an ancit Isrlitsh cstom adptd amg Esns. We rd i th bk o' Eth cncrn- ng thr mnnr o' chnging an' rdemng, tht to cnfriXL al thngs a mn plkd off hs sho' an' gv i' t' hs nghbor ; tht ws tstimny i Isrl ; ths, thrfr, w'e d' tstfyng i th strngst mnnr pssibl th sincrity o' on' intntns i th wrk i wh we a'e enggd. 69 Wr. AVli wr. n. hwkd. an' a c'to. abt. yr. nk. 6d. Fo' tlir. rsns. : — fs., tlit. m' ha. mt. cncv. bfr. my e's. b'hld. th. b'ts. o' Es- nsm ; seen, tht. as I ws. i dkns. i't ws. t' tch. m-e tht. I sh'ld kp. th. whl. wrld 60 rspetg. th. scs. o' Esnsm, excp. sh. as wr. jstly enttld t' rev th. sm. as I ws. abt. t' bcm. ; thrd, hd. I nt cn- fmd t' th. eerrans. o' m' initn., thby. rvhig. msl. unwthy. t' b. tk'n. " b' th. hn. as an Esn, I cd. b' th. ai. o' th. c'to. hv. bn. Id. on' o' th. ^ wth't. hvg. bhld th. f rm. tlif . Wr. Wh' wr. u esd. t' gv. thr. dstne. 'nks. 6d. T' al'm th. ^, an' It th. Wr., Wns., an' Brthn. kiiw. tht. a pr. bin. endt. ervd. admsn. Wr. T' wt. d'. ths. thr. 'nks. al'd. • Sd. T' a ertn. psge. o' Serptr. wh. rds., 'sk. an' y'e shl rev., se'k an' y'e shl fnd., 'nk. an i't shL b. opd nnt. u. Wr. IIw. d'd u. ap'ly. ths. t' yr. thn. eitatn. i Esnsm. 60 6d. I 'skd. th. rcmnd'tn o' a frn. t' b md. an Essene ; tlirgh. hs. rcmnd'tn I sglit. initn. ; I 'nkd, an' th. dr. o' Esnsm ws opd. t' m'e. Wr. Wli wr. n. red. on th. pnt. o' a s'p. instm. peg. yr. nkd. If. bs. 6d. I't ws. t' teh. m-e tht. as tht. ws. an instm. o' trt. t' m' flh., so mt. th. relctn. thr'f. b. t' m' mnd. an' cnsnc. shd. I evr. presm. t' rvl. th. scs. o' Esnsm ulwfly. Wr. AVh. wr. u. esd. t' knl. fo'. th. bnft. o' pra — . Sd. ISTo mn. shld. 'ntr. npn. any grt. an' imptnt. undtkg. wtht. fs. invokng. th. ai. o' Dei. Wr. Wli' wr. u. 'skd. i whm. u. pt. yr. trs. 6d. Agrbly. t' on' ane. Iws. no Ath'st. en. b. md. an Esn ; i't ws. thrfr. nesry. tht. I shd. xprs. m' blf. i Dei., or no obg. wd. hv. bn. eonsd'. bndg. — Wr. Wh' wr. n. tkn. b' th. rt. hn., ord'. t' ari'.j flw. yr. end. an' fr. no d'ng. Sd. As I ws. i dkns. an', eld. nthr. frse. nr. avd. dng. i't ws. t' teh. m-e tht. I ws. 61 i til. hns. o' a ftlifl. frn. i whs. fdlty. I mt= wth. sfty. cnfd. Wr. Wh wr. u. cndtd one. arou. th. p^. 6d. Tht. th. Wr., Wns. an' Brn. mt. s'e. tht. I ws. dl. an' trl. prpd. Wr. Wh wr. u. csd. t' mt. wth. th. svrl. obstns. on yr. pssg. arou th. ^. 6d. Ths. an' evry. wl. regltd. f^ o' Essns i' or o't. t' b. a corct. rprsntatn. o' K. S's. T. wh. hd. grds. statnd. a' th. S., W., an' E. gts. t' prvnt. any. psng o'r rpsng xcp sh as wr. dl qulfd. an' hd. pmsn. fm. K. S. ; i't ws. thfr. ncsry. tht. I shd. mt. wth. ths. sevrl obstns. an' b. at ech. o' thse. statns. dl. xamnd. Wr. Wh wr. u. csd. t' knl. on yr. nd. If. kn. an' nt. yr. rt. or btli. Sd. Th. If. sde. hs. evr bn dmd. th. wkst. prt. o' th. hmn bd; i't ws. thrfr. t' tch. m-e tht. i't ws. th. wekr. prt, o' Esnsm tht. I ws. takn. npn msL, b.ng. tht. o' E. P. only. Wr. Wh wr. u. csd. t' pic. yr. rt hn. on th. h. B., Sq. an' Cps., an' nt. yr. If. o'r bth. 62 6d. Til. rt. hn. lis. i al. ags. bn. dmd. tli. s't. o' fdlty. ; th. ancts. wrslipd. a Dei. nmd. fds. or fdlty. sm'tms. rpsntd. b' t'o. rt. hns. jnd. togtlir., smtms. b' to. limn, figrs. lildiig. ech. otlir. b' th. rt. hn. The rt., thrf., w'e us'i ths. grt. an' imptnt. nndrtkng., tst- fing. thrby. i th. stngst. mnr. psibl. th. fidlity o' on' prps. i th. wk. i wh. we a'e eng'gd. Wr. Wh wr. n. prsntd. wth. a L. Sk or wt. ap. 6d. Th. L. hs. i al. ag's. bn. dmd. an 'mblm. o' moc. ; h'., thrfr., w' wrs. th. L. Sk. as a bg. o' an Esn i' thby. contnuly. rmnd. o' tht. purity o' If e. an' cndt. wh i' esentaly. necsry. t' gning adm'sn. int tht. clstl. ^ abv., whr. th. Suprm. Ar elite o' th. Unvrs. prsds. Wr. Wh ws. a dmnd. md o' n. fo'. sin. mte sbs. Sd. I't ws. t' tch. m-e tht. shld. I evr. mt. a mbr. o' th. h'mn. fmly., mr espely. a Br. Esn., i Ik. dst crcmstncs. I shd. contrbt. as librly. t' hs. rlf. as hs. nests mt. rqr. or nr ablty. print. 63 Wr. Wh wr. u. pled, i tli. IST. E. cr. o' 6d. I. al pblc. bldgs., espcly. ths o' an Esnc ntr.— th. fs. stii. i' Id. i. th. N.E. cr. ; I ws. tlirfr. pled. i. th. N.E er. t' rev. my fs. iii- stetns. whrn. t' bid. m' f iitr. mrl. an' Esnc edfc. Wr. Wli wr. u. prsntd. wth. a nw. nm. Sd. T' tell, m-e evr. t' b. eaiits. ovr. m' wds. an' aetns., espely on th. sbje. o' Esnsm whn. i. th. prsne. o' i'ts enms. Wr. Hw. wr. thn. dspsd. o' 6d. Eeendtd. t' th. pie. fm. whne. I em., in vs. wth. tht. o' wli. I hd. bn. dvs., an' rtnd. t' th. ^ f. fthr. instetn.— THRD SECN. Ths setn. f lly xplns th mnner o' ensttng, an' th prpr anthty fo' hiding a pf|. lire, als, w'e Irn whr Iladoths wr anetly hid ; thr frm, supprt, evrng, frnitur, ornmts, Its., an'd jls. Hw stuatd ctd, as wl i f rmr tmes as a' th prsnt. 64: Aff\ F an asmblg. o' Esns dL' cngrgt., hvg. th H. JB., Sq. an' Cps., an' a chrtr. or dspntn fm. sm. G. Bd. o' cmpt. jusdctn., authrzng. thm. t' wk. ^ metgs a' th prsnt da' a'e nsly hid i' upr. chms., prbably f o' th betr secty. wh'h. sh. pics. afrd. The cstm mght hv hd i'ts orgn i a prctc obsrvd b' th aiict Jws, o' bldng thei tmpls, schls, an' snaggues on hgh hlls, a prctic wh sems t' hv mt th aprbatn o' th Almhty, wh' sd nnt th prphet Ezkl: "Upn th tp o' th inntn, th whl Imt throf — rnd abt shl b mst hly." I'ts frm i' oblg., an' i'ts dmnsns. fm E. t' W., embracg evry elm btwn. N. an' S. — in fet, i'ts nnvrsl ehn o' frnshp en- crels evry prtn o' th humn fmily, an' bms whrvr cvilizatn xtnds. Ths dnot's th un- vrsalty o' F Esnsm, an' i' t' tech lis tlit an Esn's chrity shld b eqly as xtnsv. Th Esnc. ^ bnd'd onl b' th. xtrm pts. o' th. cmps. — ^th hghst. hvns. an' th Iwst. dpths of cntrl abs. — an' i' metaphri- cly supprtd. by thr. gt plrs, wh ar de- 65 nmnatcl, WscL, Striith., an' Bty, bc'use thr. shd. b. Wscl. t'. c'litrv, Strnth t'. siip- j)rt., an' Bty. t'. adrn. al. grt an' imptnt. un- drtkings. Th. nnivrs. i' th. tmpl o' tli. Dei. wlim ■w^'e srv. Wsdm, Strenh, an' Bty a'e abt Hs tlirne, as plrs o' lis wrk — fo' lis wsdm i' infnte, lis strnli omnptnt, an' lis bty shnes thrh al Hs creatn i symmtry an' ordr. Th. covrn. o' th. f^ i' no Is. thn. th. elded, cnopy., or strry. dkd. hvn, whr. al gd Esns h'pe a' 1st t'. arve b' th. ai. o' tht tholgicl Iddr wh Jcob i hs vson sw, xtndng f m th. Eart. t'. II vn — th. prncpl rnds o' wh a'e dnmintd, Fh, H'pe, an' Chrty, wh ad- mnsh ns t'. hv. Fh i G., H'pe i immrtlity, an' Chrty t'. al mnknd. ' Th. gratst o' ths. i' Chrty ;fo' ou. Fh m'y b. 1st i sght— H'pe ens i frutn; bt Chrty xtnds bynd th. grv., thrgh th. bndls rims o' eternity. TH. FENTUR. o' A ^ Cnssts o' th. H. B., Sq., an' Cps. Th. B. i ddctd t'. th. srvc. o' G. ; bcaus. i't i th. instmabl gft o' G. t'. mn^ an' on i't w-e 66 oblgt ou' nwly-mcl Brn. Th. Sq. t'. th. E., bees i't i th. prpr Esne. mblm. o' hs ofc ; an' th. Cps. t'. th. eft., bens, b' a d'e atntn. t'. thr. us' thy a'e tght t'. eremseb. thr. d'srs. an' kp. thr. psns. wthn. d'e bnds. TH. OENIVIS O' A ^ A'e th. Mse. Pvmt., th. idtd. tsL, and th. 131zn. Str. Th. Mse. Pvmt. i' a rprsnttn. o' th. gnd. fir. o' K. Ss. T. Th. Idt. Tsl. o' tht. btfl. tsltd. brdr, or skrtg. wh. snrnds. it. Th. Mse. Pvmt. i' 'mblmatel o' hnmn Ife, chqrd wth gd. an' evL Th. Idt. TsL, or tsltd brdr, o' th. manifld blsngs an' emfrts wh. enstntly sn-nd us, an' wh w'e h'pe t' enj'y, b' a frm rliane on.Dvin Prvdne, wh i' hierglphely rprsntd b' th Blzn. Str. i th entr. A p^ HS THR SYI^IBLC LTS., O'e i. th. E., o'e i. th. W., an' o'e i. th. S ; but nne i. th. IST., as K. S's. T'. ws. sit- atd so fr INT. o' th. eelptc. tht th. su. nvr. 67 pnetrd its r'ys on tht sd. ; w'e, thi'fr, Esn- icly, trm th. N". a pic. o' dkns. Thr mvbl. an thr. imvbl. ; th. imvbl. jls. a'e. th. Sq.j Lv., an' PL ; th. Sq. incl- cts mrlty, th. Lv. eqlty, an' th. PL rcttde o' cndt. Th. mvbL jls. a'e th. Eh. Alilr., th. Pr- f t Ahlr., an' Tsl. Bd. Th. Eh. Ahlr. i's a stn. tken. f m the qry. in its rde and ntral. stte, th. pfct. ahlr. is a stn. md rdy. by the hns o' the wkmn., to b. adjstd. b' th wkn. tls. o' a F. C. ; the Tsl. Bd. is f o'. th. m. wkmn t' drw hs. d'sns npn. B' the rgh. ahlr. w'e a'e rmndd o' or r'de an' imprfct stte b' natr ; b' th prf ct ahlr. o' th't stt o' prf ctn, a' wh w'e h'pe t' arrv, by a vrtuous edcatn an' th blssng o' Dei, an' as th optv. wkmn. crets hs tmprl bldg. i accrdnc wth th desns. Id dwn npn the tsl. bd. by th m. wkm'n, so shd w'e, bth optv. an' spectv., endvr t' erct on' sprtul bldg. i accrdnc wth th desns Id do'n b' th Suprm Arctct o' th nnvrs 68 i the grea bk o' natr an' rev^latn, wh i' ou sprtnl, mral, an' Esnc tsl. bd. s'tuatn. o' th hadoth. Hadotlis a'e s'tuat d'e. E. an. W. bcs. K. S's. T. ws so s'tiiat. Aft Mses hd sfly cndtd th clildrn o' Isii thrgh th Ed S'a b' dvin cmmnd, h' erct a tberncl t' G, an' pled i't d'e E. an' W.j wh ws t' cmmmrte t' th lats pstrty tht mracls E. wn tht wrht thei mhty dlvernc. Ths ws an xact mdl o' K. S's T., snc wh tme ever' wl rgultd an' gvd pf^ i., or onght to b., so sitatd. Iladoths wr anctly ddcatd t' K. S., as h' ws on' fs Mst xcUnt G. M., bt Esns prfsng Chrstanty ddcte thrs t' St. J. th Bpt., an' St. J. th Evngls., wh' wr tw' emnnt patrns o' Esnsm, an' snc thei tme thr i rprsntd i ever' rgulr an' wl-g^ald jp^ a crtn pt. wthn a ere., th pt. rprsntng an indvdul br., th crc. th bndry In o' hs cndct t' G an' mn, bynd wh h' i nvr t' suf r hs psns, prjdcs, or intrst t' btr'y hm on any ocasn ; th crc, embdd b' tw' prpnddr prll his 69 rprsntng ths S'ts, wh' wr prf ct prlls i Chis- tnity as wl as i Esnsm, an' upn th vrtx rsts til H Scrptrs, wh pnt ou' th whl dty o' mn. I goig arou th crc. w-e iicesrly tch iipii th tw' his as wl as npn th II Scrp- trs; an' w^hl an Esn kps hmsl thus crcm- scrbd i't i' impssble tht h' shd mterly er. Th tilts o' on' prfsn a'e thrfld, incldng th inclcatn an' prctc o' ths trly cmmndbl yrtiis, bthly Iv, relf , an' trth. BTIILY LV. B' th xrcse o' bthly Iv, w'e a'e tght t' rgrd th whl hmn f mily — th ligh, th Iw, th rch, th pr, wh', as cratd b' on' Almhty parnt, an' inhbitts o' th sme pliiet, a'e t' ai', suprt, an' prtc ech othr. 0-n ths prncipl Esiism units mn o' evi*' ciintry, set, an' oi)non, an' cncliats tru frn- slip amng thse wh' mt othrwse hv rmiid a' a prpetul dstnc. RLIF. T' rive th dstsd i' a dty icmbnt on al, prtculrly on Esns, wh' a'e Inkd tgthr b' 70 an indsolbl chai o' sneer af ctn ; t' stli tli nn- lippy; t' smj^athiz wth thei msfrtuns; t' cmpssonte thei msris, an' rstore pee t' thei trbld mnds i' th grea ai w'e hv i vw. On ths bass w' frm ou f rnshps an' estblsh ou' enetns. TKTH I' a dvin atrbnt an' th fundatn o' evr' A rtii. T' b gd an' trn i' th frst Isn w'e a'e tght in Esnsm ; on ths thnie w'e entmplte, an' b' i'ts detats endevr t' rgulte on' endet. Hne, whl influned b' th's prnepl, hypersy an' det a'e nnknn amng ns ; snerty an' phi-dhig dstngish us; an' th' hrt an' th' tiige jn i prinotng eae' othr's wlfre an' rejoieg i' eae' othr's prsprty. Wr. Br. 6d., hw. d'. u. knvv. tht. n. a'e. an Esn. 6d. B' etn. sns., a tk', a wd., an' th. prft. pts. o' m' ente. Wr. B' th. pfet. pts. o' yr. ente. w'e al'd t' th. fr. erdnl. vrtns, — wh. a'e., Frttud, Prudne, Tmpne, an' Juste. Frttud i' tht nobl an' stdy prpse o' th' 71 mnd, whrby w'e a'e enabd t' undrgo an'y pii, pril, or dug, wliii prudtly dmd xpednt. Tlis vrtu i' equally dstnt f m rshiis an' cwrdc, ian' shld b' dply imprsd upii tli' mnd o' e vr' lEsii, as a sfegrd or scurty agnst evey ilegl atck tht m'y be md, b' frc or othrws, t' extrt. fm. hin. an'y o' ths. scs. wth. wh. li' hs. bn. so shnly. entrstd. an' wli vrtu ws 'mbl- 'mticly rprsntd upn hs frst adnisin int th f^ on th pt. o' a' slip, instm. peg. hs. nkd. If. bs.— ths ahids t' th Petri. Prdne tehs ns t' rgulte on' Ivs an' aetns agrebly t' th detats o' resn, an' i' th't habt b' wh w'e wisly jdg, an' prdntly dtrmne, on al tlmgs rlatve t' on' prsiit as wl as futr hppins. Ths vrtu slid b' th peulr ehreterstio o' evey Esen, nt onl'y fo' th gvrnmnt o' lis cndct will i th jpf^, bt als wlin abrd i th wrld. I't slid b' prteulrly atndd t' i al strng an' mxd empns, nvr. t' le. fl. th. 1st. sn., tkn, or w^d wliby th. scs of F Esnsm. mt. b. unlwfly obtd. Espcly., Br. i Esnsm., u. slid alws. rmbr yr oa. as an E. P., whl. knlg. a' th. scrd al on yr. nd If kn., yr. If. hn suptg. th h B. Sq. an' Cps.j yr. rt. rstng thru. — wh al'des t' th 72 Mniil. Tmprnc i' tht d'e rstrnt iipn on' afctns wh riidrs th bd tme an' gvrnbl, aii' fre's th mnd fm th ah^mnts o' vce. Ths vrtu shld b th cnstnt prctc o' evey Esn, as h i' thby tght t' avoi' xcs, or cntrctng an'y Icntus or vcis hbit, th indlgnc o' wh mght Id hm t' dscls vluble. scs. wh. h hs. prmsd t' cncl. an' nvr. rvL, an' wh. wld. cnseqntly sbjc hm. t' th. cntmt. an' d'tstatn o' al. gd. Esns, — wh al'ds t' th Gtral. Jstc i' tht stndrd or bndry o' rht, wh enabs its t' rndr t' evey mn hs jst d'e wtht dstnctn. Ths vrtu i' nt onl' cnsstnt w^th dvine an' humn Iws, bt i' th vry cmnt o' cvl scity ; an' as jstc i a grt insure cnstts th rely gd mn, so shld i't b th invi^ibl prctc o' evey Esn nvr t' dvi'te f m th mnutst prnc- pls thrf., wh aids. t'. th. pdl. E. P.s dd, i ancit tmes, an' so th'y shld i mdern, srv. thr. m.s. wth frdm.. frvnc, an' zl., whch wr. reprsntd by chk., ch'cl., an' el'y. ; as thr i' nthng frer. thn ch'k., th. sltst. th. of wh. Its. a trl. ; nthng mr. fr^^lt thn ch'cl, fo' prprly. igntd. it wl. cse. th. mst obdii: mtls to yld. ; nthng mr. zls. thn cl' j. or ert. Ou' mtlir ert, alne o' al th elmnts, hs JWY prvd unfrnly t' mn; th bdes o' wter dlug hm with rn, oprs hm wth hai, an' drwn hm wth inndatns. Th' ai rshs i strms, prprs th tmpst, an' Ights up th vlcno ; bt th ert, evr knd an' indlgnt, i' fnd sbsrvnt t' hs wshs ; thgh cnstntly hrasd mre t' frnsh th Ixui^ thn th ncsrs o' If e, sh nvr rf uss her ac- stmd yld; sprdng hs pth wth flwrs, an' lis t'bl wth plnty. Thgh sh prducs p'sn, stll sh suplis th antdte, an' rtrns wth intrst evey gd cmmtd t' h'r cr ; an' a' 1st, whn h i' eld npn t' ps thrgh th drk vly o' th shdw o' dth, sh one' m're revs hm, an' piusly evrs hs rmns wthn hr bsm. Ths admnshs ns tht fm i't w'e eme, an' t'o i't w'e mst shrtly rtrn. CHRG t' th CNDT. Br : As n. a'e nw intrdued int th f rs. pmcpls o' Esnsm, I engrtult n. on bng acptd int ths anet an' hnrabl Ord — anet, as hvng sbsstd fm tme immrl ; an' hnrabl, as tndng 74 i evey prtclr so t' mdr al mn wh' wl b cnfrmabl t' i'ts prcpts. No insttn ws evr rsed on a bttr prncpl or m're s'lid f ndatn ; nr evr m're xclnt rles an' usfl mxims Id dwn thn a'e inclctd i th svrl Esnc Ictrs. Th grtst an' bst o' mn i al ags hv bn encragrs an' prmotrs o' th a't ; an' hv nvr dmed i't d'rogtry t' thr dgnity t' Ivl thmsls wth th Frtty, xtnd thr prvlgs, an' ptrniz thr asmbls. Thr a'e thr grt dts wh as an Esn u. a'e chrgd t' inclcte. T' G, yr nghbr, and ynrsl. T' G, i nvr mntnng Hs nme bt wth tht rverntl aw' wh i' d'e f m a cretr t' hs Cr'at'r ; t' invk Hs ai i al o' yr Iwfl nndrtkings, an' t' estm Hm as th chf gd. T' yr nghbr, i actng npn th sqr., an' d'ng unt hm as u. wd wsh h' shd d' unt n. An' t' yi'sl, i avoidg al irglrty an' intmpnc w^h m'y impr yr fcnlts, or dbsth dgnity o' yrprfsn. Azhis atchmnt t' thse dtis wl insur pblic an' privt estm. I th Stte, n a'e t' b a qiet an' pcfl ctizn ; tru t' yr gvrnmnt an' jst t' yr cuntry. n. a'e nt t' comitnnc dslylty or rbln, bt patntly sbmt t' legl authrty an' cnfrm wth chrflns 75 t' th g^Tnmt o' til entry i wh u. Iv. I. yr oiitwrd dmenr b prtculrly crfl t' avoi' ciisr an' rprch. Althgh yr f rqunt aprnc a' ou' mtngs i' ern- stly. solctd.j yt. i't. i'. nt. mnt. tht. Ensm. slid, intrfr. wth.yr. ncsry. vocatns ; nthr. a'e. n. t'. sfr. yr. zl. fo'. th. insttn. t'. Id. n. int' argint. wth. thse. wh'. thrgh. ignrnc. my. asli't. A', yr. Isure. hrs., tht. u. m'y imprv. i. Esnc. knwldg., u. a'e. t'. envrs. wth. wl-in- frmd. Brn., wh'. wl. alwy's, b. rdy. t'. gv., as u. wl. b. t'. rev., instetn. Finly, kp. saed. an', in^dolt. th. mstrs. o' th. Ord.j'as thse. a'e. t'. dstngsh. n. fm. th. rst. o'. th. cmmnnty., an', mrk. yr. cnsqnnc. amng Esns. If, i. th. crcl. o'. yr. acqn- tnc, n. fnd. a prsn. desrs. o'. bng. initd. int' Esnsm., b. prtculr. nt. t'. rcmmnd. hm. nnls. u. a'e. cnvncd. h'. will cnfrni. t'. on', rnls ; tht. th. hnor, glry., an', rpntatn. o'. th. insttn. m'y. b. frmly. estblshd., an', th. wrld. a'. Irg. cnvncd. o'. i'ts gd. efcts. Sch., m'. Br., i'. th. arrngmnt. o'. th. dfrnt. Bctns. o. th. Ictr., wh., wth. th. frms. adptd. 76 a', th. opnng. an', closg. o' a ^, cmprhnd. th. whl. o'. th. frst. riik. o'. Esnsm. Tlis. pin. hs. th. advntg. o'. rgidrty t'. rcmnd. i't — th. suprt. o'. prcdnt. an. authrty, an', th. snctn an' suprt wh flw f rm antqty. CLOSNG. Wr. Br. 5d.5 th. Is. as wl. as fs. gt. ca. o' Esns whn. convd. Jd. T' s'e. tht th'y. a'e. dl. td. Wr. Atn t' tht. dty. an' infm th. T. tht. I am abt. t' else ths ^ i th. f st. rnk. an' rsm. Ibr. in th. thd ; dret. hm. t' tk. d'e nte thrf. an' gvn. hmsl. ae'ly. — Br. Sd., atn a' th. al. an' els. th. gt. It.* 5d. Wr., th. T. i'. infmd. Wr. Ts. wl. Ae'ly. I d.elr. ths ^ elsd in th. fs. rnk. an' Ibr rsmd. in th. thd., wavn. a'l f rthr. eermns. Br. Jd., infm th T. ; Br. Sd., atn. at th. alt. an' dspl. the gt. Its. i Esnsm. * See Appendix. 77 "Wr. Br. 8w., d' u. knw o' anytli. frtlir. bf r. ths. ^ o' Esns x^revs. to closg ? Sw. (risg. t' hs. ft.) mhng, Wfl. Wr. Anyth. i. tli. S., Br. Jw. 7w. Nth., AVfl. "Wr. Bro. Sc, hv u. anythn on yr ds. Sc. mim, Wfl. Wr. lis. any Br. arou th. ^ anythn. t' ofr fo' th. bnft. o' Esnsm, bfr. we prcd. t' els. Wr. Th redng o' th. mnts o' th. prsnt. cmnetn. (Sc. rds mnts, &e.) Wr. Br. Sw., hv n. any altratns. or adns. t' mk t' th. mnts. 8w. I hv. nn. Wr. Br. Yw., hv. u. any t' mk. Jw. Nn, Wfl. Wr. Hs. any Br. prsn. any — nn. W. E. Th mnts wl. stn. aprvd if th're a'e no objns. (gvs on' rp. whn th. Jd. rs's t' hs. ft.) Br. Jd., th. Is as wl. as fs. gfc. ea. of Essns whn. cnvd ? 5d. T' s'e tht. th'y a'e dl. td. ! Wr. n wl. atn. t' tht. dty. an' infm th T, 78 tht. I 'mabt. t' els. ths. ^ an' d'rct. hm. t^ tk d'e ntc thrf. an' gvn hmsl. acly. Jd. Wr. we a'e. dl. td. Wr. 11 w a'e. w-e. td. 5d. B' a M. Esn. wtht a'rd. wth. th prp. implt. o' lis. of c. Wr. lis. dt'. thr. Jd. T' obs. th. aprh. o' ens. an' edps. an' s'e tht. nn ps. or rps. xcp. sh. as a'e dl. qlf d an' hv. pmsn. fm. th' Wr. Wr. Br. Sw., th. Jd's. pic. i th. ^. 8w. A', m' rt hn. Wr. (Two rps ; al o' th ofcs r's. t' thr ft.) Yr. dt. thr, Br. Jd. Jd. T' ca. msgs. f m. th. Sw. i th. W. t' th. 7w. i th S. or elswr. abt th. ^, as h' m'y drct. ; atn t' al'ms. a' th. outr. dr. an' rprt th. sm. t'. th Wr. ; als t' s'e tht. w'e a'e dl. td. Wr. Th. Sd's pic. i. th. ^. Jd. A' tb. rt. hn. of th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Tr. dt. thr, Bro Sd. 6d. T' ca. ords. frm. th. Wr. i th. E. t' th. Sw. i. th. W. or elswr abt th. M as h' 79 my drct. ; atn t' alms, a' th. inr. dr. ; wlcm. an' clth vstg. Brn. ; als t' rev an' cndt. cndts. Wr. Th. Jw's.sta. 6d. r th. S. Wr. AVh. i th. S., Br. Jw. 7w. T' obs. th. 8U. a', mrdn., wh. i'. th. gVry. an' bty. t' th. d'y., t' cl. th. eft. fm Ibr. t' rf shmts. ; supntn. thm. d'rng th. hrs. thrf, an' erfly. t' obs. tht. th. mns. o' rfsh- mts a'e nt prvtd t' intmpne. or xes. ; t' s'e. tht. th'y rtn t' th're Ibr agn i d'e sesn., tht. th' Wr. m'y rev. hnr. an' th'y plsr. an' prft. thby. Wr. Th. Sw's sta. 7w. I' th. W. Wr. Wh. ith.W., Br. Sw. 8\v. As th. su. i' i th. W. a' th. els. o' th. d'y, so stns. th Sw. i th W. to as'st th. Wr. 1 opg. an' clsg th ^, p'y. th. eft. thr wgs. i'f any b. d'e., tht. nn. m'y. go aw'y dstsfd.; hmny. bng. th. suprt. o' a'l. instns, espely. ths. o' oil's. Wr. Br. Sw., th. W. E.'s sta. Sw. I th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 80 8w. As th. sn. rs. i.th. E. t' op. an' gvn. tli. d'y, so r's's th. W. E. i th E. t' op. an' gvn. th. p^, st th. eft. t' wk.; gvg. thm prpr. instcn. f thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. Sw., i't. i's m'y ords. tht. — j^— b. nw. clsd. an' stn. clsd. nntl. ou'. nx. rglr. cmctn. nnls. espcly. cnvd., in. wh. cse. o'. emgrnc. d'e. an' tmly. ntc. wl. b. gvn. Ths. u. wl. cmct. t'. th. Jw. i. th. So., an', h'. t'. th. brn. prsn. tht. th'y. hvg. d'e. ntc. thrf. m'y. grn. thmsls. acdly. 8\v. Br. Jw., i't i'. th. ord. o'. th. Wr. i. th. E. tht. — ^ — b. nw. clsd. an' ^tn. clsd. untl. on' nx. rglr. cmctn. nnls. espcly. cnvd. in wh., cse. o' emrgnc. d'e an' tmly. ntc. wl. b. gvn. Ths. n. wl. cmct. t'. th. brn. prsn. tht. th'y hvg. d'e net. thrf m'y gvn thms. ac'ly. Jw. Brn., i't i' th. ords o' th. Wr. i thE. emctd. t' m-e thrgh. th. Sw. i th. W. tht. • — ^ — b. nw. clsd an' stnd clsd untl. on' nex. rglr. emcatn. nnls. espcly. cnvd., in wh. cse. o' emrgnc. d'e an' tmly. ntc. wl. b.gvn. Ths. I cmct t'. n. tht. n. hvg. d'e ntc thrf m'y gvn. yrsls acly. Wr. Brn., obs. th. E. an' atn. t' gvn. th. 81 sns. (th. dg. an' sns. o' ea. rnk a'e. nw gvn b' Wr. an' Brn., aft wh th Wr. gvs thr. rps. wth. hs. gvl. wh a'e rspnd t' b' th. S. an' Jw's. wth. thr. rps. ea.) Wr. Br. 8w.j hw. shd. Esns mt. 8w. 0-n th. Iv. Wr. An' hw ac', Br. Jw. 7w. B' th. pi. Wr. An' prt. o-n th. sq. So le' us evr int., ac', an' prt., whn th. Wr. tks. o' hs. ht. and repts th fUwng or sm. btbl. pra'r : M'y th blsing o' Hvn rst upn us an' al Esnes. M'y. bthly Iv. prvl. an' evry mrl an socil vrte cmnt us. Amn. Ksx^ns — So m't i't b. Brn., I nw dclr ths ^ clsd. Br. Jd., inf m th T. ; Br. 6d., atn. t' th alt. an' els. th. gt. It. i Esnsm. I jijPji I ji L tj. jj ! !l.i i I '' I I! ' i::;:i|| |iii SUCCOTH. When the Patriarch Jacob was on his way from Peniel to Shechem, he made booths for shelter during a halt in the Jordan valley, which gave the name to the place — • Succoth (booths). In the distribution among the Tribes, Succoth fell to the Tribe of Gad, and was therefore on the East side of the Jordan. The people refused to assist Gideon on his pursuit of the Midianite Sheiks Zebah and Zalmunna, and 77 of their chief rulers were killed by him on his return. (Judges viii.) The vessels of the Temple were cast in the clay grounds between Succoth 84 and Zeredathah ;* this place was not far from Jericho, in the valley of the Jordan {KiJckar), The deep clay banks are well adapted for moulding and casting large and fine work, and the clay is now carried away for such purposes to Jerusalem and other cities. The view is in the valley of Jordan, looking South towards the Dead Sea, from a point a few miles North of Jericho, where Zarthan is now located, at the hill of Kum Surtabeh. *■ 2 Chron., iv. 17, Zeredathah. 1 Kings, vii. 46, Zarthan. 85 SECTION 1. Wr. Br. 5d., th. fs gt ca. o' Esns. whn. cnv'd. Jd. T' s'e. tht. th'. a'e dly. td. Wr. Atn. t' tht dty, an' infm th. T. tht. I 'm abt. t' op. — f^— i' th. thd. rank, drct. hm. t' tk. d'e. ntc. thrf., an' gvn. hmsl. acly. 5d. Wr., w-e a e. dl. td. Wr. II w. a'e. w-e td. Jd. B' a M. Esn wtht. ar'd. wth. th. prpr. irapt. o' hs of c. Wr. Hs. dty. thr. 5d. T' obs. th. aprh. o' ens an' e'dps, t' s'e. tht. nn. ps. or rps., xep. sch. as a'e. dl. ql£d., an' hv. pmsn. fm. th. Wr. Wr. Ts. wl. Br. Sw.', a'e. a'l. prsn. M. Esns. 8w. I wl. astn. fm. m' prpr. of cr. an' rprt. Sw. Br. Jd., u. wl. astn, if a'L prsn. a'e. M. Esns. 5d. Br. Sw., a'l. prsn a'e. M. Esns. Sw. Wr., a'l. prsn. a'e. M. Esns* Wr As a fthr evdc. tht. a'L prsn. a'e 86 M. Esns, 11. wl. rev. th. pss.wd. fm. th S. ail' Jds. wh' wl obt i't. f m. th. Brii. on th. rt. an' If. o' th. ^ an' cmct. i't t' th. E'. 8w. Th. 'dns. wl. aprh. th. W. an' gv. m-e th. ps.wd. — n. wl. nw. rev. th. sm. fm. th. Brn. on th. rt an' If o' th. ^ an' cmet i't t' th. E. Wr. Br. Sw., th ps.wd. i'. rt. an' dl. red i' th. E. A'e. u. a M. Esn. 8w. I 'm. Wi\ Wt. indcd. n. t' bem. a. M. Esn. Sw. Tht. I mt. obt. th. m's wd. trvl. i' frn. entrs., wk. an' rev. ms. wgs., an' b. thby. th. btr. enbld. t' suprt mysl an' f inly, an' eiitrbt. t' th. rlf . o' dstsd. wthy. M. Esns, thr. wdws. an' orphns. Wr. Wt. inks. u. a. M. Esn. Sw. M' obg. Wr. Whr. wr n. md. a M. Esn. 8w. Wthn. th. bd. o' a js. an' dl. enstd j^ o' M. Esens, asmbd i a pic. rprstg. th. unfnsd. Sne Snetm o' K. S's. T'. frnsh. wth. th. H. B, sq. an' cps., tgthr wth. a chrtr. or dspnstn f m sm. . G. Bd. o' empt jsdetn emprng i't t' wk. 87 Wr. Hw mny cmps. a M. Esns. ^. 8w. Thr. or mr. Wr. Whn. cmpsd. o' f v., o' whm ds. i't cnst. Sw. Th. Wr. S. an' J. Ws., S. an' Jds. Wr. Th. Jd's. pic. i' tli ^. 8w. A' m' rt. hn. Wr. Yr. dt. thr, Br. 5d. Jd. T' ca. msgs. fm. th. Sw. i' th. W. t' th. Jw. i' th. S. or elswhr. abt. th. ^, aa h' ni'y drct— atn. t' al'ms. a th. outr. dr an' rprt th sm t' th. Wr., als t' s'e tht. w-e a'e dl. td. Wr. Br. Jd., th. 6d's pic. i th ^. 5d. A' th. rt. hn. o' th Wr. i th. E. Wr. Yr dt. thr, Br. Sd. 6d. T' ca. ords. fm th. Wr. i th. E. t' th. Sw. i th. W. or elswhr. abt th. ^, as h' m'y drct., atn. t' al'ms. a' th. inr dr., wlcm. an' clth. vstg. Brn., — als t' rev. an' cndt. cndts. Wr. Br. Sd., th Tw's sta. Sd. I. th. S. Wr. W'y i th S., Br. Jw. 88 7w. T' obs. th. sii. a' mrdn. wh. i'. th. glry. an' bty. o' th. d'y, t' cl. tli eft. fm. Ibr. t' rfshmts., supntn tlim drng th. hrs. thrf . an' crfly. t' obs. tht. th. mns. o' rf shmt. a'c. nt. pvtd. t' intmpc. an' xcs., t' s'e tht. th'y. rtn. t' thr. Ibr. agn. i d'e sesn., tht. th. Wr. m'y rev. hnor., an' th'y plsr an' prf t thby. Wr. Th. Sw's. sta. Jw. I. th. W. Wr. Wh. i th W., Br. Sw. 8w. As th. su. i' i th. W. a' th. els. o th. d'y, so stns. th. Sw, i th W, t' asst. th. W. E. i opn. an' elsg. th. ^, p'y. th. eft. thr. wgs. if any b. d'e, tlit. nn. go aw'y. dsstsfd, hmny b.ing th. supt 'f a'l Insttns., espely. th's o' on's. Wr. Bro. Sw., th. Eabban's sta. Sw. I th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 8w. As the su. rs. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. d'y, so rs. th. Wr. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. ^, St. th. eft. t' wk., gvg. thm. prpr. instetns. f o'. thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. Sw., i't i' m' ord. tht. — |^— b. 89 nw. opd. i th. tlid. rnk. an' stn. op. fo' th. trnsctn. o' sh. bsns. as m'y. rgUy. an cnsttnly. b' brt. b.fr i't. Ths. u. wl. cmnct. t' th. Jw. i th. S., an' h' t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th'j., hvg. d.e. ntc. thrf., m'y. gvn. thmsls. acly. 8w. Br. Jw. Jw. Br. 8w. Sw. It i'. th. ord. o' th. Wr. i th. E. tht — Pf^ — b. nw. opd. i th. thd. rnk, an' stn. op. fo*. th. trnstn. o' sh. bsns. as m'y rgly. an' cnsttnly. b. brt. bf're i't; ths. n. wl. cmnct. t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th.y, hvg. d'e. ntc. thrf ., m'y. gvn. thmsls. acly. Jw. Brn., i't i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i th. E., cmctd. t' m-e thrh; th. Sw. i th W. tht. — ^ — b. nw. op. i th. thd. rnk, an' stn. op. f . the trnctn. o' sh. bsns. as m'y rgly. an' cnstnly. b. brt. bfr. i't. Ths. I cmnct. t' n. tht. n., hvg d'e. ntc. thrf., m'y gvn. yrsls. a'cly. Wr. Brn. obs. th. E. an' atn. t' gvg. th sns. (sns o' thd. rnk a'e now gvn. b'y Wr an' Bra.) 90 Wr. I nw. d.clr. ths. ^ d.l. opd. fo' til. trnsctn o' sh bsns. as m'y rgly an' cnsttnly b. brt b.f're i't, a' tli. sm. tm. frbdg. a'l idl. or othr. unessenic cndct. wliby. th. pee. and hrmny. o' th. sm. m'y. b. dstbd. und. no Is. a pnlt. thn. th. b-lws. prscbe. or a mjrity. o' th. Brn. m'y. s'e cs. t' inflc. Br. 5d., infm. th. T. Br. Sd., atn. t'. th. al. an' dspl. th. thr. gt. Its. i Essenism. Wr. Br. Sc, I wl. thk u. t' rea. th. mnts. o' ou 1st. cmncatn. Brn., u. wl. nw. pay atntn. t' rdn. th. mnts. Sc. (rds.) At a rglr. mtg. o' — ^ — o' F. an' Acd. Esseiies, hid. Dec. the 15th, — a' 5868 (here give the place of nieet- Th. ^ ws opd. i d'e. frm. i th thd. rnk i Esnsm, th. mnts. o' th. 1st. cmnctn. wr. rd. an' aprvd. Lbr. ws. thn suspndd i th thd rnk an' a ^ o' E. P's opd. i. d'e. frm. Mr. James H., a cndt. fo'. initn. bng i watg. ws. dl. prpd.j brt. f wrd., an' initd. 91 as an E. P. Esn i d'e an' anc. frm., h' p'ying til. f thr sm. o' f v. dls. Th ^ ws thn clsd. i th. fst. rnkan'lbr. resmd i, th. tlid.,*whn., thr. b.ng. no fthr. bsns., th. ^ ws. clsd. i d'e. an' anc. f rm. Wr. Ths. a'e th. mnts. o' on 1st cmnctn. wh. wr rd an' aprvd., an' a'e. nw rd. fo' yr. infmatn. only. Ds. any Br. knw o' any Br. o' ths. ^ or any othr i sknss or dstrs. Wr. II V. u. anythg t' rprt. i th. S., Br. Jw. Tw. mhn i th. S., Wfl. Wr. Anyhg i th. W. 8w. Nthg i th. W., Wfl. Wr. Ds. any bd. knw. o' any o'e sk o'r i' dstrs. i or abt. th. bd. o' ths ^ ? i'f nt, I acly d.clr ths. bsns. clsd. Wr. Br. Sc.^ hv. u. any prpsts . Sc. Nn. Wr. Any nnf nsd. bsns. Sc. Nn. Wr. Any cmts. t' rprt. on prpsls. f o' nim- brshp. Sc. Nn. 92 1 Wr. Br. 5d., asctn fm th. T. if thr. a'e any cndts. i watg — if so, tlir. nmes. an' f o' wt. rnk. Jd. Wr., thr. i' one Br. E. P., J. H., i waig fo' th. send. rnk. "Wr. Brn., I am infmd tht. th're i' i wig. f o' th. send rnk Mr. J. H., wh' hs. bn. rgUy. initd an E. P., svd. a prpr. tm as seh. an' nw. wshs. fo' mr. It i Esnsm b' bng psd. t' th. rnk. o' F. C. ; i'f thr a'e. n'o objns, I w'l prcd. t' enfr. th sm npn hm. Thr bng. no objns. I wL s'o pred. Wr. Br. S. an J. M. C, hw. shd. an E. P. b. prpd. t' rev. th. send rnk i Esnsm. S. M. C. B' bng dvst. o' al. mte. sbs., nthr. nkd. nr. elthd., bft. nr. shd., rt. kn. an', bs. br.j hwkd, an' a e'to. twe. abt. hs. rt rm., elthd as an E. P. Wr. n. wl. rpr. t' th. prprtn roo., whr I nridstn. Br. E. P. J. H. i'. i watg. fo'. th. send rnk., an' whn thu' prpd. gv. th' nsl. al'm. at th. inr. dr. (M. C. rtrs. an' prprs. Cndt.) Wr. Br. 5d., th. Is. as.wl. as h, gt. ea. o' Esns whn. envd. 93 Jd. T' s'e tht. th'y a'e. dl td. Wr. Atn. t' tilt dt. an' infm. th. T. tht. 1 am abt. t' suspnd Ibr. i th. thd rnk., f o' th. prps. o' opng. i th. send, f o' wk. an' instcn. ; drctg. hm. to tk. d'e ntc. thrf . an' gvn. hmsl. acly. 5d. Wr., th. T i' infmd. Wr. I nw dclr. Ibr suspnd i th. thd. rnk., wavn. a'l. fthr crmny., fo' th. prps o' opg. i th. send, rnk f o' wk. an' instetn. Br. 5d., infm. th. T. Br. Sd.j atn. t'. th. al. an', els. th. gt. It. in Esnsm. Wr. Br. 5d., th. fs gt. ea. o' Esns whn envd. 5d. T' s'e. tht. th'y a'e. dl. td. Wr. Atn. t' tht. dt. an' infm th. T. tht. I am abt. t' op ths. Pf| i th. F. C's rnk fo' wk. an' insten. ; dret. hm. t' tk d'e nte. thrf. an' gvn. hmsl. ae'ly. 5d. Wea'edl. td. AVr. Hw a'e. w-e td. Jd. B. a M. Esn wtht. ar'd wth. th. prp. impl o' hs of e. Wr. lis. dt. thr. 5d. T' obs. th. aprh o' ens. an' edps. ; i| 94 B'e tilt. nn. ps. or. rps. xcp. sh. as a'e dl. qlf d. an' hv. pmsn. f m th. Wr. Wr. Br. Sw., a'e u. a Fc. 8w. I 'm, tr. m-e. Wr. Hw. wl. u. b. trd. 8w. B' th. Sq. Wr. Wh. b' th. Sq. 8w. B'cs. i't i' an 'mblm. o' narlty. an' o'e o' th. wkg. tls. o' a Fc. Wr. Wt i' a Sq. S\v. An 'ngl. o' nty dgs. or th. frth. prt. o' a ccl. Wr. Whr. wr u. md. a Fc. 8w. In th. bd. o' a. js an dl. cnstd. ^ o' Fc.'s., asmbd. i a pic rprsntg th. m dim. o' K. S's T., fnshd. wth. th. II. B., Sq. an' Cps., togthr wth a chrtr. or dspnstn. fin Bin G. Bd. o' cmpt. jsdctn. emprng i't t' wk Wr. II w. mny cmps. a Fc's J^. 8w. Fv. or mr. Wr. Wlm cmpsd o' f v. o' whin ds i't cnst Sw. Th. Wr., S. an' J. Ws., S. an' J'ds. Wr. Th. Jd's pic i th. ^. 8w. A' m' rt. hn. Wr. Br. Jd., th. Sd's pic. i. th. f^. 95 5d. A' th. rt. lin. o' th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Br. Sd., th. Jw's sta. 6d. I. th. S. Wr. Br. Jw., th. Sw's sta. 7w. I. th. W. "VVr. Br. Sw., th. Eabban's sta. Sw. I. th. E. Wr. AVh. i. th. E., Br. Sw. 8w. As th. sii. rs. i. th. E. t' op an' gm. th. d'y., so rs. th. Wr. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. ^, st. th. eft. t' wk., gvg, thm. prpr. instns. f o'. thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. Sw., i't i'. m'. ord. tht. —^ - b. nw opd. i' th. send rnk fo' wk an' instcn. ; ths n. wl. emnct t' th. Jw. i' th. S., an' h' t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. th'y, hvg. d'e ntc. thrf., m'y. gvn. tlimsls aedly. Sw. Br. Jw., i't i'. th. ord o' th. Wr. i' th. E. tht. — p^ _ b. nw op' i' th. sen rnk fo' wk. an' instn., ths u wl emnct t' th. Brn. prsn., tht. th'y hvg d'e nte. thrf ., my. gvn. thmsls. aely. Jw. Brn., i't i' th. ord o' th. Wr. i th. E., emnetd t' m-e thrgh th Sw. i. th. W., tht. — pf^ — b. nw. op i' th. send. rnk. f o' 96 wk. an' iiistcn., I cmnct. tli. sm. t' u., tlit. u livg. d'e. ntc. thrf m'y gvn. yrsls. ac'ly. W"r. Br., obs. th. E. an' atn t' gvg th. sns. (Wr. an' Brn. gv. dg an' sns., whn. th. Wr. .8>.:) Wr. I nw. dclr. tlis ^ op i' th. send, rnk. Br. Jd., infm. th. T. ; Br. Sd., atn. t' th. al an' dspl. th. thr gt. Its. i' Esnsm. 6d. Wr., thr. i'. an al'm. a' th. inr dr. Wr. Atn t' th. al'm. an' astn. th. cs. thrf. (Th. Sd. gvs. thr. rps. wh. a'e. rspnd. t' b' th. M. C— an' ans. b' on' rp. b' th. Sd., wh. ops. th. dr. an', s'ys, Wh. cms. hr.) M-c. Br. H., wh' hs. bn. rgly„ initd. an E.P., svd. a prp. tm. as sh. an' nw. wshs. mr. It. i' Esnsm b' b.ng. pssd. t' th. rnk. o' Fc. Sd. (to Cndt.) I', ths. an ac' , o' yr. ow'. f r. wl. an' acd. Cndt. I't i'. Sd. Br. S. M. C, i' h'. wthy. an' wl. qlfd. 97 M-c. n. i'. 6d. Dl. an' trl. prpd. M-c. H. i'. Sd. Hs. h. md. sutbl. prfccy. i. th. prcdg mk t' entl hm t' ths. M-c. H'. hs. 6d. B'. wt. fthr. rt. o'r bnft ds. h. xpc. t' obt. ths. impt prvlg. M-c. B'. til. bnft. o' th. ps.wd. Sd. Hs. h'. th. ps.wd. M-c. H'. hs. nt., I hv i't fo' hm. 6d. Advnc. an', gv. i't. (M-c. advcs. an', gvs. th. ps.wd.) 6d. Th. pss. wd. i' rt. Snc. th. br. i'. i psn o'. al' ths. ncsry. qlfctns. u. wl. wai' untl. th. Wr. i' infmd o' yr. rqst. an' hs. ans. rtnd. (Th. Sd. thn cls's. th. dr. an', rprs. t' th. cntr o' th. ^, bf'r. th. Wr. i th. E., an' snds hs. rd. twc. on th. flr., wh. i' rspnd'. t' b' th. Wr. wth. hs. gvL, whn. th. sm qustns an' ans a'e rpted as a' th. dr. ; th. Wr. thn. s'ys :) Wr.— Le' hm ent. ths. wfl. ^. o'. Fc. an' b. red. i d'e an' anc frm. 98 (Th. 6d. thn. tks. th. Sq. fm. th. al., rprs. t' th. dr., ops. i't an' s'ys :) Sd. Le' hm ent ths. wfl. ^ o' Fc an' b. red. i d'e. an', anc frm. (th. cndt advcs thrgh. th. dr. cndtd. b' th. M-c, whn. th. Sd. stps. thm. i frnt. o' th. Sw. fcg. th. E.) \ Sd. Br. H., whn u fs. entd. a ^ o' F. an'. Acd. Esns u. wr. red. on th. pt. o' a shp. instint. pcng. y-r. nkd. If. bs., th. mral. o'. \vh., I hv. no dt, ws. a. tht. tm xphid t'. u. I am nw emnd. t'. rev. u. on th. 'ngl. o' a. sq. apld. t' y-r. nkd. rt. brs., th. mral. o' wh. i' t' teh. u. tlit. th. sq. o' vrtu. shld. b. a rle. an' gd. fo' y-r. pretc. thrgh. Ife. (A hymn is now sung by the Brn. ; th. Sd' tks. th. endt. b' th. rt. 'rm., flwd b' th. M-e., an' endts. hm. twc arou. th |^, strtng. fm. th. Jw's sta. i th. S., diirng whieh time the Wr. rds th fllwng pssage o' Serptre:) "Thus h' shwed me, and bhld th Lrd std upn a wl mde by a pi. In., wth. a pi. In i hs. hn., an' the Lord sd unto me, 'Amos, wht sest thou' an' I 99 sd a pi. In. Thn sd th Lrd, ^Bhld I wl st a pi. In. in the radst of my pple Isl. 1 wl nt agn pss thm b' any mre.' " Whle. going arou. th. ^ as th. Condt. and Cnd't. ps. th. ofcs. statns. i th S., W., an' E., th. of c's rp. wth. th. gvl. as f 'Iws : th. fs. tm. going arou. o'e rp. ea ; th. send tm arou tw' rps ea ; b' th tm th Wr. hs finshd rdg th abv pssg o' Scrptr, th Cond. an' Cndt hv. psd. arou. th. roo two. an' arvd a' th Jw's. sta. i th S., whrupn th Sd. gvs. thr rps. wth. hs. rd. wh. a'e. rspnd t' b' th Jw. wth. on' rp wth. hs. gvl, wh' s'ys., Wh' cms. hr. Sd. Br. H., wh' hs. bn. rglly. initd an E. P., svd. a prpr. tm. as sh., an' nw wshs. mr It. in Essenism b' bng. pssd. t' th. rnk. o' Fc. 7w. (t' Cndt.) Br.' H., i' ths an ac' o' yr. ow' f r wl. an' acd. Cndt. It i'. Jw. Br. Sd., i' h'. wthy an' wl. qlfd. Sd. H'. i'. 7w. Dl an' trl prpd. 6d. H'. i'. 100 7w. Hs, h\ md sutbl. prfcnc. i th. prcdg rnk. t' enttl. hm. t' ths. Sd. H'. hs. Jw. B'. wht. fthr. rt. or bnft. ds. h'. xpc t' gn. ths imptnt. prvlg. ? 6d. B'. th. bnft. o' th. ps.wd. 7w. Hs. h'. th. ps.wd. Sd. H'. hs. nt. ; I hv. i' fo' hm. Jw. Advc. an' gv i't. (Sd. advcs. an' gvs th. ps.wd o' ths. rnk. a' Iw. brth.) 7w. Th. ps.wd i' rt. Snc. th. cndt. i' i pssn. o' all ths. ncsry. qlf ctns. cndt. hm. t' th. Sw. i th. W. fo' hs. xmnatn. 8w. Wh' cms. hr. Sd. Br. H., wh' h's bn. rglly initd an E. P., svd a prpr. tm. as sh., an' nw wshs mr It. i' Esnsm b' b'ng. psd. t' th. rnk. o' Fc. Sw. (t' Cndt) Br. H.,i' ths an ac' o' yr. ow' fr. wl. an' acd. Cndt. It i'. (The same questions are asked and answers given as at the Jw's. sta., whn th Cond. an' Cndt. a'e drctd b' th Sw t' ps. t' th "W. E's sta. i th E.) Wr. Wh. cms. hr. 6d. Br. II., wh' lis. bn. rglly initd an E. P., svd a prpr tm. as sh., an' nw. wshs. mr. It. i Esnsm b' bng. psd. t' th. rnk. o' Fc. Wr. Br. H.j i' ths an ac' o' yr. ow' fr. wl. an' acd. Cnd't. I't i'. Wr. Br. Sd., i' h' wthy an' wl qulfd. 6d. H'. i. Wr. Dl. an' trl. prpd. 6d. ir. i'. Wr. Hs. h'. md. stbl. prfncy. i th prcdg. rnk. t' enttl hm. t' ths. Sd. H'. hs. Wr. B'. wt. fthr. rt. or bnft. ds. h' xpc. t' obt. ths. imptnt. prvlg. 6d. B'. th bnft. o' th! ps.wd. Wr. lis. h' th. ps.wd. 6d. H'. hs. nt. ; I hv. i't fo' hm. Wr. Advc. an' gv. i't. 6d. advcs. an' cmncts. th. ps.wd. o' ths. r'nk. Wr. Th. ps.wd. i' rt. Whnc. cm. u. an' whthr. a'e. u. trvlg. Sd. Fm. th. W. trvlg. E. Wr. Wh. d'd. u. Iv. th. W. an' trvl. E. ^ " 102 6d. I srh. o' m're It. i Esnsm. Wr. Snc. th. cndt i' i posn. o' al tha necsry. qlf ctns., an' i srh. o' mr It. i. Esnsm, 11. wl. rcndt. lim. t' th Sw. in th. W., wli' wl. th. hm. hw. t' aprh. tli. E. i. d'e. an' anc. frm. Sd. (Cndts. Cndt. t' th. Sw. i th. W. an' s'ys,) Br. Sw., it i' th. ord. o' th Wr. tht. u. th. ths. Cndt hw. t' aprh. th. E. i' d'e. an' anc. frm. 8w. Cs. th. Cndt. t' fc. th. E. (To Cndt.) Advc. on yr. If. f-t. as E. P. — nw. tk. an adtnl. stp. wth. yr. rt. f-t., brngng. th. hi. o' yr. If. t' th. hlw. o' yr. rt., thby. frmg. th. rt. ngl. o' an ob. sq. ; bd. ere. f eg. th. E. 8w. Wr., th. Cndt. i' i. ord. Wr. Br. II., bf 'r. u en. mk. any fthr. adve. i Esnsm, u. wl. hv. t' tk. upn. ysl. anthr. slm., an' bndg. obg. aptng. t' ths. rnk., an' I a' E. o' ths. p^ as're. u. tht. thr. is nthg. thrn. cntd. wh. wd. enflet. wth. yr. mrl. soel., or evl. dties., b. th'y. wt. th'y. m'y. Wth. ths. asune. on m-y prt. a'e. u, wig. t' tk. th. ob. 103 Wr. Tim. advc. t' tli. scd. al. o' Esnsm an' knl. upn. yr. nkd. rt. kn., yr. If. frmg. th 'iigl. o' a sq., yr. rt. Im. rstg. npn. th. II. B., Sq., an Cps., yr.' 1ft rm, fmg. th. 'ngle. o' a sq., Avth. yr. Im. in vrtcl. pstn. (aft. b'n. thii' pled. th. Sd. s'ys. t' th. Wr., Th. Br. i' i d'e. f'rm.) Wr. Br., if u. a'e. stl. wig. t' tk. upn. ysl. th. obg. prnc. yr. nm. i f'l. an' rpea. aft. m-e : I, d. IT., o' m' o'n. fr. wl. an' acd., i th. prsc. o' Aim. G. an' ths. wfl. ^ ()'. F-c. erct. t' ITm. an' ddctd. t' th. mry. o' th. Hi. Sts. J., d' hby. an' h'on. slml. an' sncl. prms. an' sw. tht. I wl. kp. an' eel. an' nv. rvl. an'y o' th sets. blng. t' th. rnk o' Fe. tht. I hv. red., 'm abt. t' rev. o'r. m'y. hr:^r. b. insted. in, t' an'y psn. unls. i't shl. b. t' a wthy. Br. Fe. o'r wthn. th. bd. o' a js. an' dl. enstd.^o' sh; an' nt lint. hm. o'r thm. untl. b'. d'e. trl., stre. xmnat. o' Iwfl. infmat. I shl. fnd. hm o'r thm. jstl. entld. t' rev. sme. Fthrmr. I d' prms. an' sw. tht. I wl. ans. an' ob'y. a'l. d'e. sns. an' rgl. smns. snt. m-e. fm. th.. 104 bd. o'. a jst an', dl cnstd p^o' Fc. or hiid. m -e b'. a wthy Br. o' tht. rnk if wthn. th. liith. o' m' c'to. an' th. sq. an' 'ngl. o' m'y wk. Fthrrar. I d' prms. an', sw. tht. I wl hp., ai'., and a's'st. a'l. pr. dstrsd. br. Fes., th'y aplyg t'. m-e. as sh., I fndg thm wthy an', en. d'. so wtht injry t'. msl. an' fml. Frthr. I. do. prms. an', swr tht. I wl. nt. M'rng., cht., nr. dfrd, a Fc. ^ or a Br. o' ths. rnk. msl., or sufr. i't t' b. dn. b'. anthr. if i m' pwr. t' prvnt. To al. o' whh. I slmly. an', sncly prms. an sw. wtht. an'y hstn., mtl. rsvt., o'r se. evsn. o' mnd. i m-e wtvr., bndg. msl. und. no. Is. a pnlt. thn. o' hvg. m-y. If. bs. tn op., m-y ha. an. Ins. taen. fm. thnc. t'. th. vly. o' Jhspht. an' thr. If. a pr'y. t' th. vlts. o' th ai', shd. I evr knwly. or wlfly v'lat.e. ths. m-y slm. obg. o' Fc. S-o'. hp. m-e. G. an', mke. m-e stfs t' kp an.' prfm. th. sm. Wr. Br. H, i tstmy. o' yr. sncty. ks. th. H. B. on wh. yr. hn. rs. (Cndt. ks's th. B.) Wr. Br. Sd., rmv. th. c'to., a-s w'e nw hid. th. Br. b' a dbl. t'e. 105 "Wr. (t' Cndt.) I. yr. prsn. sitatn. wt d' ii ms. dsr. Cndt. (prmpd. b' Cndtr.) Mr. It. i. Esnsm. Wr. Lt. th. Cndt. b. brt. t'. It. (a' tlis. pnt. th. Cndtr. unts. th. hwk. an' Its. i't f 1. f m. th. Cadts e-s.) Wr. M'y Br., on b.ng. brt. t' It. i' ths. rnk. n, bhld th. thr. gt. Its. i. Esnsm. as i the prcdg. rnk., bt. wth. ths dfnc, on' pt. o' th. cps. i' elvf abv.. th. sq., wh. i'. t' th. n. tht. u. hv. red. an' a'e enttld t. rev. mr It. i Esnsm, bt. as on' pt. i'. stl. hdn. fm yr. vw. i't i'. als. t' th. u. tht. n a'e. on matrl. pt. i' th. drk. rspctg. th. sets, o' Esnsm. Sd. (to Cndt.) Behld. th. Wr. aprhng n. fm. th. E., upn. th. stp. un. th. dg. an' sn. o' Ep., upn. th. stp. un th. dgd. and sn. o' a Fc. Wr. M' Br., th Fc. adves. upn. th. r. f-t, brng. th. hi. o' th. If. t' th. hlw. o' th. rt., tliby. fmg. th. rt. 'ngl. o' an. obhi. sq., an' ths. i' th. dg. (mks i't) an' al'des. t' th. pstn. in wch. yr. hns. wre. pled, whl tkg. upn. 106 ysl. th. sm. obg. ; an' ths. (mkng i't) th. sn. an' al'ds t' th. pnlt. o'. tht obg. Ths. dg. an' sn. a'e. alws. t' b' gvn t' th. Wr. on entg. or rtrg. fm a |^ o' Fc. Bf'r rsng fm. th. al'. I wsh. t' cl. yr. atn. t' on' of th. t-s. i yr obg. whr u. swr. u. wd ans a'l. d'e. sns. an' rgh*. smns. i'f wthn. th. hith. o' yr. c'to., an' th. sq. an' ngl. o' yr. wk. Th. Inth o' yr c'to. rfrs. t' yr. ablty. t' d' i't, an' th. sq. and 'ngl. t' th. prprity. o' gvg. sh. sn. I n\v. prsn u. ni' rt. hn. i tkn. o' a cntnnc of frnsh. an' brthl. Iv. an' wl. prcd. t' invst n. wth. th. ps. gp., ps. wd., re'l. gp. an' wd. o' 'Fc, b't as u. a'e nninstctd. h' wh hs h'thrto ans. fo'. u. wl. d' so a' ths. tm'. (tkes Cndtb' gp. o' E. P.) Wr. Wl. u. b. o'. or. fm. 6d. Fin. Wr. Fm. wt. an. t' wt. 6d. Fm. th. gp o E. P. t' ps. gp. o' Fc. Wr. Ps., wt. iX tht. 6d. Th. ps. gp. o' Fc. Wr. Hs. i't a nm. Sd. Pt lis. Wr. Wl. u. gv i't t' me. 107 ' 6d. I dd. nt so rev. i't, nthr wl. I s' impt. ft. Wr. Hw. wl. u. dsps. o' i't. 6d. Lt. i't or sb. i't wth. u. Wr. Sb. i't an', bgn. 6d. N'o u. b.gn. Wr. Bgn. u. (See ^ fo' wd. an' mnr o' Wr. Ari., salu. th. J. an' Sw's, an' stsfy. tlim. tht. n. a'e. i pssn o' th. stp. dg., sn ps. gp., ps. wd., re'l. gp an' wd. o' a Fc. (Wr. nw. gvs. on' rp. wth. th. gvl. wh. s-ts th. ^, whn. th. Sd. cndts th Cndt. t' th. Jw's. sta. i th. S., an' gvs. an al'm. wth hs. stf.) 7w. Wh'. cms hre. Sd. A wthy br. Fc. Jw. Hw. m'y I knw. hm t' b. sh. 6d. B'. crn. sns. an' tkns. 7w. Wt a'e sns. Sd. lit. ngls., hzls., an' ppndls. Jw. Advc. a sn. (Sd. advcs. an' gvs. dg. o' Fc.) 7w. lis. tht. an al'sn. Od. I't hs. : t' th. pstn. i. wh ni' hns. 108 wr. pled, whl tkg. upn. msl. th. dbg. o\ Fc. i 7w. H'v 11. a fthr sn. Sd. I liv. (gvs sn. o' Fc.) Jw. Hs. tilt, an alsn. 6d. I't hs. : t' th. pnlt. o'. tht. dbg. Jw. Wt a'e tkns. 6d. Ctn. frnly or brthl. gps. whb. on' Esn. m'y knw. anthr. i. th. dk. as i. th. It. Jw. Advc. an' gv. m-e a tkn. (Sd. gvs. ps. gp. o' Fc.) Jw. Hs. i't a nm. 6d. I't hs. (Th. wds and gp. a'e nw. gvn.) Jw. Th. wd i' rt. ; I am satsfd. Cndt th Candt t'. th S'w. i. th. W. 6d. cndts. Cndt. t' Sw. i. th W., whr. th. sm. qiis. a'e agn 'skd an' th. sm. ans. gvn as i. th. S. Th. Sw. thn. drcs. thm. t' ps on t' th. "VVr. i. th. E. fo' hs. xmntn. As th'y aprh th. E's statn, an' whn nrly thr, th. R. sa's, Br. Sd., u. wl. rcndt. th. Cndt. t' th. Sw. i. th. S., wth m' ord. tht h' th. hm. hw. t' wea. hs. ap. as a Fc. Th. Sd. nw. cndts. th. Cndt. t' th. Sw's. fita.j wh. Ivs. hs. sea. an' aprhng. th. 109 Cndt. tns. th. flp. o' hs. ap. d'n. — a' tli. sm. tm. s'yng. : Br., a' th. bldg. o' K. S's T. th. Fc's. wo- thr. ap's. wth. th. flp tn. dn. an' th. cr. tkd up., an' thii'. u. wl wa- y'rs. untl. fthr. advcd. (tcs. th. If. cor. o' i't. und. th. strg.) Th. Sd. nw. rcntds. th. Cndt. t' th. Wr. i. th. E. Wr. Beng clthd. as a Fc. I nw. prsn. u. wth. th. wkg. tls. o' a Fc. wch. a'e, th. PL, Sq. an' Lv.— Th. PI. i' an instm. ind. US o' b'. optv. Esns t' tr'. pndls., th. Sq. t' sq. thr. wk., an' th. Lv t' prv. hzls. ; b't. w'e as F. an' Acd. Esns a'e tght. t' mk. us' o' thm. fo' mr. nbL an' glrs prps. Th. PI. admnshs. us t' wlk. uprhtly. i' ou'. sevrl. status, bfo'. G. an' mn., sqrg. ou'. actus, b' th. Sq. o' vrtu. an' evr. rembrng. that we. a'e. trvlg. upn. th. Lv. o' tm. t' tht. undscvd. entry, fm. whs. hour' no trvlr. evr. rtns. I als. prsn. u. wth. th. thr. prcs. jls. o' a Fc. wh. a'e th. atntv. ea., th. instctv. tug, an' th. f thfl brs., whh. tch. us ths. imptnt. Isn., th. atntv. ea. revs. th. snd. fm. th. instcv. tug., an' th. msts. o' Esnsm a'e. sfly. Idgd. i' th. rpsitrs. o' f thfl. bs'. no Bro Sd., u. wl. nw. rcndt. tli. Br. t'. th. pic. fm. whnc. li'. cm., in vs. hm. wth. tht. o' whh. h'. hs. bn. dvs., an' i d'e. tm. retn. hm. t' a pic. rprsntg. th. mdl. chm. o' K. S's. T. (th. Sd. thn. cndts. Cndt. t' th. al. an' gvs. th. dg. an' sn. o' a Fc, wh. th. Wr. rspnds. t' ; th'y. thn. retr. t' th. prpr. roo. an' whn. th. cndt. i' drs. th'y. retn. t' th. ^, whn. th. f llwng. i'. reptd. or rd. b'. th. Sd. :) Sect. ii. The secnd sectn o' ths rank has refrnc t' th orign o' th Instion, an' viws Esnsm und. two dnmnatns, Opt. and Spctv. Ths a'e seprtly consdrd, an' th. prncpls on whh both a'e f ndd prtclarly xplned. The' afnity i' pointd ou' b' alegricl fgrs an' tpical rpresntatons. Th per'd stplatd fo' rewrdng mrt i' fx'd, an' th inimtbl moral t' wlih tht crcmstnc al'ds i' xpland ; th creatn o' th wrld i' dscrbd, an' man'y othr prtclrs re- citd, al o' whh hv bn crfly prsrvd amng Essenes, an' trnsmt'd fom on' age t' anthr by orl tradtn. Ill Crcmstncs o' grea imprtnc t' th Frtty. a'e hr prtclrzd, an' mny tradtonl tnets an' cstms cnfrmd b' sacrd an' prfan recrd. Th clstal an' trstral gibs a'e cnsdrd wth a mnnte acu- rcy ; an' hr th accmplshd Cf tsm m'y dspl'y hs tahits t' advntg i th ehicdatn o' th Ords. of Arctotr,^ the Suss, o' humn natr, an' the librl Ats an' Seines^ whch a'e sevrly clsd i a rgulr ariigmt. I shrt, ths sectn cntns a stor o' vluabl knwldg, fndd on resn an' sacrd rcrd, both entrtning an' instrctv. Optv. Essenism. B' Optv. Essenism w'e all'd t' th prpr appl- catn o' th usf 1 rls. o' actctr^ whnc a strctr. wl derve. figr, strnh, an' bty, an' whnc wl rsult a d'e prprtn an' a jst crspndnc i a i'ts prts. I't f rnslis US wth dwlgs, an' cnvnient shits f m th visitds an' inclmncs o' th sesns ; an' whle i' dsplays th ef cts o' humn wsdm as wl i th choic as i th arngmt o' th sndry matrls o' whh an edf c is cmpsd, it demnstrts tht a f nd of seine an' indstry i' implntd i mn for th bst an' mst salutry an' T)enficnt prpsos. 112 B' Spctv. Essenism W-e Irn t' sbd th psns, ac' upn. th. Sq., kp a tng. o' gd rept., mantn s'cy. and prctc chrity. I't i' so f r intrwovn wtli relign as t' lay us und oblgatns to pay that ratnl hmage t' th Dei whh a' one cnsttuts onr dt an' oil' hapins ; it Ids th entmplatv to vw wth rvrnee an' admratn th glors wrks o' ereatn, an' insprs hm wth th mst xaltd idas o' th prfectns o' hs dvin Creatr. Oil' anct Bn wkd a' bth Optv. an' Spetv Essenisra; th'y wkd a' th bldg. o' K. S'. T., bsids othr Essenic edfs ; they wrght sx d'ys, bt dd nt wrk on th svnth, f o' i sx d'ys G cr'atd th hvns an' th eart, an' rstd on th svnth d'y ; thrfor ou' anct brn consecrtd ths d'y as a d'y o' rstfm thei Ibrs, thby enjoyngfreqnt oprtnits o' cntmplatg th glors wrks o' creatn, an' to adre thei Grea Creatr. A' the bldg. o' K. S's. T. thr wr egty thsn. Fc's. empld, a'l o' whm. wr imd. th. immedt drctn o' ou' anc optv G. M. II. Ab. On th evng o' th sxth d'y thei' wk. ws. inspc., an' al wh prvd themsls wrthy by strc atntn 113 fc' tliei dties wr invs. wth. ctn. instc. sns., gps. an' wds., t' enab. thm. t' gn. adiiis. int. th. M. Chm. o' K. S's. T. on th sm. d'y., an' hr. K. S., acmpnd. b' hs cnfdntl. ofcs., cnstng. o' hs Sc, S. an' Jw's., reprd. t' th. M. Chm. t' mt. thm. Th. Sc. h' pled. nr. h's. psn., til. Sw. a' th. inr dr., and th. Jw. a' th. outr dr., wth strc. injncns. t' sufr. nn. t' ent. xcp sch. as wr invs. wth. ctn. mstc sns., gps., an' wds. prevsl estblshd., so tht. whn. any dd. ent. h' knw th'y wre fthfl. wkm. an' hd nthg t' d' bt. enrll. thei' nms as snh, an' p'y. thr wgs. wh. thy. red i en., wn., an' oi., mblmatcl. o' nrshmt., rfshmt.j and j'y, an' aft admnshng thm o' th rvernc d'e th grea an' sacrd nm o' Dei, sufrd thm t' dprt i pee nntl th tme shd arri fo' emneg. anthr. wks. wk. Ths. n. wl. prev ws al aemplshd on th evng o' th Bxth d'y, i ordr tht no unnesary labr shd b perfrmd on th sevnth, thrby gviiig thm freqnt oprtnits to obs th gloris wrks o' natr an' t' ador th Grea Creatr. M' Br., w'e a'e nw. abt. endvrg. t' wk. on' w'y. int. a pic. rprsntg. th. M. Chm. 114 o' K. S's. T., an' shd. w-e suc'd. I hv no dbt w-e shl b alke red an' rwrded as wr they. I ord t' d' ths i't wl b necsry fo' us t' mk an advc. thrh. a prli., np a fit. o' wndg. strs., constg o.' thr., f v., an' svn. stps. thrh. an outr an' inr dr. I. mkg. ths. advc. w-e ncsrly. ps. b.twn. two elms, or ph^s. rpsn- tng. thse f amns elms, or plrs. se'. up at th. ente. t' th. prh. o' K. S's. T., th. on' on th. rt. hn. an' th. othr on th If. Th. n'me. o' th. on' on th. If. hn. i' Bz., denotg strnh. ; th. n'me o' th. on' on th. rt. hn. i' J' en., denotg. estblshmt., eoleetvly al'dng to sevrl prms. o' G. t' Dav'd, on' o' wh. rds. : Th' house an' th' kngdm shl b estblshd frevr befor' the. Th'y wr thrty-fv cubts hgh, surmnted wth chpitrs of f V cubts, makg thm i al fort'* cubts. Th'y wr mde o' mltn or cs. brss., the better to withstand indatn or cnfigratn, so tht th'y eld nt b destrd b' fid or consmd b' f r ; th'y wr hllw f o' th prps of entang th rlls an' rerds cnstttng th aehvs o' ou' anct brn. Th'y wr cas i th el'y grns on the bnks o' th' rvr Jrdn, btwn Sceth an' Zra- dtha. whr K. S. ord thm an' a'l othr scd 115 vs o' th. T. t' b cas. Th chptrs wr adrnd wth wrtlis o' Uy wrk, nt-wrk, and chns o' pmgrnts ; th lly, f om its extrme wliitns and the rtird stuatn i wlih i' grws, denthig pc ; th nt-wrk, fom th intimt conctn o' al it' prts, nnit ; an' th pmgrnt, fom the exubrnc o' its sd, pint. Th chapits a'e surmnted b' two artf cial sphrcal bds or gibs, on th cnvx srfc of whh a'e dlnatd the ciintrs, ses, an' varius prts o' th ert, th f c o' th hvns, th' plnetry rvlutns, an' othr imprtnt prtclrs. Th principal us o' th gibs, bsds srvg as naps t' dstngsh th outwrd prts o' th ert an' th stuatn o' th f xd strs, i' t' ilstrt an' expln th phno- mena arising fom th anual. revolution an', th. d'urnl rtatn o' th ert arou i'ts o'n axs ; th'y a'e th nobis instmts for imprvg th mnd an' gvng i't th mst dstnct idea o' any prblm or prpsitn as wel as enablg i't t' slve the same. Cntmplatng thes bds w'e a'e insprd wth a d'e revrnc f o' th Dei an' hs wrks, an' a'e indeed t' encrg th stds o' astnmy, geogrph, an' nvgatn, an' th ats dependent on thm, by wh sciety hs ben so mch bnfitd. u. wl. nw. advc. thr. stps. Thse thr. 116 stps. al'de t' th. tlir. prncpl ofcs. o' th. ^, nmly, th. ^Yr., S. an' Jw. ; thy als all'de. t' th. thr prcs jls o' a Fc wh hv siirdy bn xpLid t' u. W-e wl. nw. mk. a fthr. advc. o' f V stps., wh. al'des. t' th f v. ords. o' arctr., wh. a'e, th. Tscn., Drc, Inc., Cornthn, and Cmpst. B' ord. i arctr. is mnt a sstm o' al th mmbrs, prprtns, an' ornmnts o' clmns an' pilsts; or i't i' a rgh' arrangmnt of the prjctg prts o' a bldg whh, unitd wth ths of a chnn, frm a beutf ul, prf ct, an' cmplt whl. Frm th frst frmaton o' s'ciety ordr i arcttr m'y b trcd. Whn th rigor o' th sesns oblgd mn t' cntrv shltr f m th' indmnc o' th wther, w'e h*n tht th'y frst phitd tres on 'nd, an' thn lai' othrs acrs t' suprt a cvrng; th bnds whh connctd ths tres a' tp an' btm a'e sd t' hv gvn rs t' th ide o' th bas' an' cptl o' plrs ; an' f m th smpl hnt orgnly prcdd th mre imprvd a't o' arctr. 117 Th Tscn r til mst simpl an' sol'd o' tli fv. ords. It ws invntd i Tscny, whnc it d'rivs i'ts nme. I'ts clmn i' svn diamts hgh, an' i'ts captl, bas', an' entabltur hv bt few mould- gs. .Th simplcty o' th constrctn o' ths elm. rends i't elgbl whr ornmt wld b suprfls. Tn Dor'c, Wh i' plain an' natrl, i' the mst ancnt, an' ws invntd b' the Greeks. I'ts elm. i' eght diamts hgh, an'hs seldm any ornmts on bas' or captl xcpt rnldngs, though th frze i' d'stn- guishd b' triglphs an' metop's ; an' triglphs cmpose th ornmts o' th frze. Th solid empsitn o' ths ord gvs i't a prfrnc i Btrctrs whr strnth an' a nobl smplcty a'e chiefly requred. Th Dor'e. i' th bst proprtnd o' al th ordrs ; th sevrl prts o' whh i't i' cmposd a'e fnded on th natrl positn o' solid bds. I. i'ts f rst invntn it ws mr simpl thn i i'ts prsnt sta' ; i aftr-tmes whn i't bgn t' b' adrnd, i't gained th nme o' Dor'c; fo' whn i't ws cnstrctd i its prmitv 118 an' simpl frm th nme o' T'scn ws cnfred on it ; line th T'scn prcds th Dorc. i rnk on acnt o' its resmbhic t' tht plh' i i'ts orign] stae. Tu' Ion'c. Bears a knd o' mn prportn betwn th mre solid an' deliet ordrs. Its elm. i' nne diamtrs hgh ; i'ts captl i' adrnd wth v'lutes, an' i'ts eorncs hv dntls. Thr i' both dlieacj' an' ingnuit dspl'yed i ths plr., th invntn o' wh i' attrbutd t' th loni'ns, as a famus Tpl. o' D'ana a' Ephess ws o' ths ord. It i' sd t' hv bn frind aftr th modi o' an agrabl yng wmn o' an elgnt shpe dssd i her h-r ; as a contrst t' th Dorc Ord., whh ws frmd aftr tht o' a strng, robst mn. Tn' CORNTHN, Th rchst o' th f v, i' deemd a mstr pee o' A't. I'ts elm. i' tn diamtrs hgh, an' i'ts captl i' adrnd wth two rws o' Ivs, an' eght vluts wh sustn th aba'cs. Th f rze i' ornmntd wth curins dvies, th come wth dentls an' modlns. Ths ord is usd i statly an' suprb 119 strctrs. It ws invntd a' Crntli b' Calimachs, wh' i' sd t' hv takn th hnt o' th captl o' tlis plr fm th flwng rmrkbl crcmstnce. Acdntly psng b' th tmb o' a yng I'dy, h' prcvd a bskt o' toys cvred wth a tile placd ovr an acnths rt, havng bn 1ft thr b' hr nrs. As th brnchs grw up th'y en-cmpsd th bskt, untl arivng at th tie th'y mt wth an obstrctn an' bnt dwnward. Climachs, strck wth th objct, st abt imitatg th figr: th bas' o' th captl h' md to rprsnt th bskt ; th aba'cs, th t'le ; an' th vluts, th bndng Ives. Th Composi' Is cmpnded fom th othr ords., an' ws en- trived b' th E'mns. I'ts captl hs two rws o' Ives o' th Cornthn, an' th vhits of th lone. ; its elm. hs qurtr-ronnds, the sine as th Tscn an' Dorc ordr. ; it is tn diamtrs hgh, an' i'ts cornc hs dntls or simpl modlns. Ths plr. is genrly fnd i bldngs whr strnth, eigne, an' b'ty. are dspl'yd. Th anct an' orignl ords. o' arcttr rverd b' Esns ae no mre tlni thr, — th D'rc, lone, 120 an' Crnthn, whh wre invntd b' th Greeks. T' tlies' th Einns hve ad'd two, — tli Tcscn, wh th'y md plainr tlin th Drc, an' th Com- psi- wh ws mre ornmntl, if nt mre beau- tfl, thn th Crnthn. Ths thr ords alone, however, shw iiivntn an' prticlar chractr, an' esntialy difr fr ea othr; th two othrs hv nthng bt wh i' brrwd an' difr only acdn- tly. Th Tscn. i' th Dorc i i'ts earliest sta', ih. Compsi i' th Cornthn enrchd wth th lone : t' th Greeks, tlirfr, an' nt t' th Romns, w-e a're indtd fo' w^ht is grea, judics, an' distnct in arctr. Th'y als al'de. t' th. f v. humn. Sns, wch a'e, Ilerg, Se'ng, Fe'lng, Sm'lng, an' Tast'g, th fst thr o' wh hv bn deemed pr-emnntly ncesry t' bcm an Esn ; f o' b' herng. w'e hea. th. \vd., b' se'ng w'e s'e th. sn., an' b' fe'lng. w'e fe'l th. gp. whby. one Esn m'y knw. anthr. i th. dk. as i th. It. Th sns. w^-e a'e t' consder as th gf ts o' natr, an' though nt th acqiiisitn o' on' reasnng faclt, yt i th nse: of thm w-e a'e stl sbjct t' reasn. EeasnJ prprly empl'yd, cniirms th docmnts o'i * 121 natr wh a'e alw'ys true an' wliolsm ; she dstnguishs th gd. f. th bd ; rjcts th 1st wth mdesty, adliers t' th frst wth revmc. Th objcs o' hnmn knwldg a'e inniimrbl; th ehncs b' wh ths knwldg is cnveyd a'e f w ; amng ths th prcptns o' xtrnl thngs b' th snss, an' th infrmatn we rev fmhumn tstmny, a'e nt th least cnsdrabl ; th analogy btwen thm is obv'us. I th tstmny of natr gvn b' th snss, as wl as i humn tstmny gvn b' infrmtn, thngs a'e signfid b' sgns i one as wl as th other ; th mnd, eithr b' orignl prncpls or b' cstm, pses f m th sgn t' the cnceptn an' blief o' th thng signifd. Th sgns i th natrl Inguag, as wl as th sgns i on' orignl prceptns, hv th signifieatn i al climtes an' natns ; an' th ski of intrprtng thm is n't acqird bt in ate. Th Snss. Fst — ^Herng is that sns b' whh w'e dstn- gnish snds, an' a'e capbl o' enjoyig al th 122 £ibd t' enjoy til plesrs of socity, an' reciprcly to cmmunicat to eah other on' thghts and intntions, our prpses and desires ; an' thus our resn is rendrd capbl of xrting its utnist pwer and enrgy. Tli wse an' bneficent author of ntre intndd b' th frmatn o' this, sns tht we shd b social creatrs, and rev th greatst an' mst imprtnt prt of our knowledg fm social intercrs wth ea other. For ths prpss we are endwd wth herng, tht by a prper xertn of our ratnal pwrs our hapnesa may b cmplet. Se'ng i' tht sns by which w^e dstngsh objts in an inst. o' tme, wthout chng of place or stuatn, — vw armis in batle-array, figurs o' th mst statly structrs, an' al th agreabl varity dsplayd i th Indscap of natr. By th asstanc o' tha^ sns w'e fnd on' way on th pathls ocn, travrs th glob, dtrmine i'ts fgure and dimnsns, and dlinete any rgn or qurtr of it ; b' i't w^'e measr th planetry orbs, an' mke nw dscove- ris in th sphere o' th f xed strs ; nay, mre, b' i't w'e prcve th tmpers an' dspositns, th pasns an' affectns of ou' felw-creatrs ^vhn th'y wsh mst to cncel thm. So tht though 123 til tngue m'y b tght to I'e an' dssmbl, th countnanc wl dsplay th hypocrsy t' th dscrng e'e. In fine, th r'ys o' Ight whh admnstr t' ths sns a'e th mst astnshing prts of th anmatd creatn, an' rnder th e's. a peculr objc o' admraton. Of all th facltes sght i' th noblst. Th structr of th e'e an' i'ts aprtenancs evinc th admrabl cntrivnc of natr fo' prfrmng al it's varous xtrnal and intrnl motns ; whle th' varity dsplayed i th e's. of dfernt anmls, sitd to thei sevrl wa's of Ife, clerly dmnstrat ths orgn t'b th mstrpice of natr's wrk, an' tht thr i' a grea suprem architect tht forms al thngs arigt. Le'. us nw. mk. a stl. fthr advnc. o' svn. stps, wh. all'des. t' th. svii. Ibral. a'ts an' sci'ncs, wh. a'e., Grmr, Khtrc, Lgc, Arthmtc, G'mtryj Mus'c, ajid Astnmy. Grmae. I' th k'y b' whh alone th door en b opnd to th nndrstndng o' specli. I't i' grmr who reve'ls the adnn-abl art o' Inguag, and unfolds its various cnstituent prts, its names, defni- 124 tions, and rspectve offics ; it unravls, as it wer, th thrd o' wh th wb o' spch is com- posd. Thes rflectns seldm ocr to any one bf or thei acqaintnc wtli th art ; yet it is mst crtn tht wthoiit a knwledg of grmmr i't i's very dfficlt t'o spek wth prprity, prcisn, an' purity. E.HTRC. I't i's b' Rhtrc tht th art o' spkng elo- qntly i's acqird. T' b. an eloqnt spkr, i th prpr sns o' th wrd, i' f r f m bng eithr a emmon or an easy atainmnt. I't i' th art of being persuasive and commanding ; th art nt onl o' plesng th fncy, bt o' spekng both t' th undrstndng an' t' th hart. L'gic Is that seine whh drcts us hw t' form cler an' dstnct ides of things, and thrby prvnts u's fm bng msled by their simlitud or rsem- bine of all the human seines. That cncrnng man is crtnly mst wrthy of the humn mnd, and the prpr mnr of cndctng its several pwrs in the attainmt of trth and knwldg. 125 This seine ought to be cultvatd as a foundatn or groun-wrk of our inqires ; prtielrly in the pursuit of thse sblime ]3rneipls wh claim ou' atntn as Esns. Aethmto Is the at.' o' numbrng, or that part o' mthemtcs whh cnsders th prpertis of nmbers in gneral. We have but a vry imprf ct ide of thngs wthout quntity, and as imprf ct of quntity itslf, wthout th hip o' arthmtc. Al th wrks o' th Almghty a'e mde i number, wght, an' measre ; thrfor, to undrstnd thm rihtly we ouht to undrstnd arthmtical clcu- latns ; an' th greatr th advncmnt we mke i th mathmtcl seines, th mor capbl w'e shl b o' consdrng suh thngs as a'e th ordnary objcs of our cncptns, and be thrby Id t' a mor comprhnsv knwldg of ou' grea creat'r, and the works o' th creatn. Gmtky Trets o' th pwi^ an' proprts of mgnituds in gnerl, where Inth, bredth, and thkns are cnsidrd fm a point t' a In, from a In to a 126 suprfic, and f m a suprfic to a sol'd. A pnt is the bgning o' all gmtrcl mtter. A In is a cntinutn o' th sme. A suprfc is Inth an' bredth wthout a gvn thkns. A sol'd is lenth and bredth, wth a gven thkns, \vh frms a c'be, and cmprehnds th whol. Of th Adyntags of Gmtry. B' ths seine th areteti' enabd t' en- strct hs pins and xeeut hs dsins ; th genrl to arang hs soldrs ; th engneer t' mrk out grouns f o' encmpmnts ; th geogrphr to gv us th dimnsns of th wrld and all thngs thrin cntaind ; to dlinat th extent of ses, and speeify the divsns of empirs, kngdms, and prvnes. B' i't, als, th as- tmmer is enabd to mke hs obsrvatns, and to fx th duratn of tim's an' sesns years, an' cycls. I. fin', Gmtry is th foundtn o' arctctr, an' th root of mth- matcs. Mus'c I' tilt elvatd seine whh af ets th pasns by snd. There are iw wh' hv nt fit i'ts 127 chrms an' aeknwldgd i'ts xprsns t' b in- tligbl to the lirt. It is a Inguag of dlight- fl snsatns, far mor eloqnt thn wrds; it breths to th ear th clearst intimtns; it tiichs and gntly agitats th agreabl an' sub- lime pasns ; it wrps us i mlanehly an' elvats us i joy ; it dsolvs an' inflames ; i't mlts lis i tndrns, an' xcits us to w'r. Ths seine i' truly cngenial t' th natur o' mn, for by its pwrfl ehrms th mst dscrdant pasns may b hrmnizd an' brot int' prf et unisn ; bt it nevr snds wth suh sraphic hrmny as whn 'mployd in sngng hmns o' gratitud t' th Creatr o' th univrs. ASTNMT I' tht sblime seine whh inspirs th en- tmplatv mnd to so'r alof, an' read th wsdm, strenth, an' bty o' th grea Creatr i th hvns. Hw nobly eloqnt o' th Dei i' th cels- tial hmispher, spngled wth th mst mag- nficnt heralds of hs infnit glory ! Th'y spk t' the whle univrs^ for there is no 128 Bpch so brbarous but thei Ingiiag is undr- std ; nor nation so dstnt bt their voics a'e Lrd amng thm. Th lievns prclaim th gl'ry o' G ; th firma- mnt deelreth th wrks o' hs hnds. Asistd by Astnmy we asctn. th. Iws which gvn the hvnly bdies, and by wh thei motns a'e drectd ; invstigte th pwr by wh th' crcnlat i thei orbs ; dscovr thei siz, dtermin their distnce, xplain thei varous phenmena, and crrect th fallacy o' th' snss b' th Ight o' tru'h. Sd. M' Br., w'e a'e. nw. aprhng. a pic. rprsntg. th. oiitr. dr. o' th. M. Chin, o' K. S's. T., wh. w'e sill, f nd. prtly. opd.; bt. clsly. td. b' th. Jw., wh.' wl. dtls d.md. o'. ns th ps. an', tkn o'. th ps o'. Fc. ; le'. us advc. an' mke. th. r'glr. al'm. (Sd. mks. al'ra. wth. hs. stfe.) Yw. Wh'. cms. hr. Sd. Two Fc's. endvrng. t' wk. ou'. w'y int a pic rprsntg. th M. Chm. o' K. S's. T. 7w. Hw. d' u. xpc. t' gn. admsn. Sd. B' th. ps. an' tkn. o' th. ps. o' a Fc. Jw. Gv. m th. ps. 129 6d Sb. Jw. Wht. ds. tht. d'nt. Sd. Pint. Jw. Hw. i'. it rprsntd. 6d. Bj a shf . o' crn'^ sspnd. nr. a wtr. fd; wh. tchs. us tht. whl M^-e hv brd t'. ea an' pure rng wtr t'. drnk w-e hv. al. tht natr requrs. Jw. B' whm orgnatd. 6d. B' Jpth., Jg o' Isrl., i hs. btl. wth. th. Ephmts. Th Ephmts. h'd. Ing. bn. a stubn. an' rblious. p'ple. whm. Jpth. h'd. trd. t' subd. by mid. an' Inint. measrs., bt i vai'. — th'y. bing hghly incnsd fo' nt bng c'led t' fght an' sli're. i th. rch. spls. o' th. Amntsh. wr. — gthrd. togthr. a mghty. a'my. an' crssd th. rvr. Jn. to gv. Jpth. btl. ; bt h' bng. apprsed. o' thei'. apprh., died, tgthr. th. mn. o' G'ld an' gve. thm. btl. an' pt. thm. t' flht. ; an' t' mk. hs. vctry. mr. cmplt., h'ord. grds. t' b pled, a' th. dfrnt. frds. o' the rvr. Jn. an' commndd if th Eph- mts psd. tht. w'y t' s'y unt. thm., S'y. ye Sbh. ; bt. th'y bng. o' a dfrnt. tng. eld. nt. prnc. th. wd., bt prncd. i't sbl., wh. trflng. * In some Hadoths Whea. 139 dfct. prvd. thm. enms. an' est. tlim. thei'. Ivs., an' th'r. fl. tht. d'j. on th. btl.-M. an' a' th. dfnt. fds. frty. an' tw. tlisn. Ths wd. ws. als' ns'd. b' ou' anct. brn.t' dstngsli. a frn'. f'm. a fo, an' hs. snc'. bn. adpd. as a ps.wd. t' b. gvn. on entg evry wl. gvd. ^ o' Fc. 7w. Th. ps i' rt. I 'm satsf d. ; ps. on. Sd. M' Br., w'e a'e nw. apprhiig. a pic. rprsntng. th. inr dr. t' th. M. Chm. o' K. S's T. wh. w-e shl. als. fnd. prtly. opd., bt clslj. td. b'y th. Sw. wh'. wl. dtls d.md o' us til rel. gp an' wd. o'. Fc. Sw. Wh'. cms. hr. 6d. Two Fes. endvr'ng. t' wk. thei' w'y. into a pic. rprsntg. th. M. Chm. o' K. S's. T. Sw. Hw. d' u. xpe. t' gn. admsn. Sd. B'. th. gp. an' wd. o' a Fc. 8w. Gv. m-e th. gp. (Sd. gvs. th. rl. gp. o' a F— .) Sw. Wht. i' tht. 6d. Th. rl. gp. o' Fc. 8w. Hs. i't a nm. Sd. Ft hs. 8w. Wl. u. gv. i't t' m-6. 131 6d. I d'd. nt so rev. i't, iittir. wl. I sc impt. i't. Sw. Hw. wl. II. dsps. o' i't 6d. I wl. It. or liv. i't wtli. u. 8w. Lt. i't an' bgn. Sd. No, u. b.gn. Sw. B.gn u. (see ^ for wd. and mn- ner of gvng. it.) 6d. M' Br., u. a'e nw. i a pice, rprsntng. th. M. Clirn. o' K. S's. T. B.hld. th. It. G. siispd. i th. E. ; i't i' th. initl. o' Gmty, th. fst. an' nobis, o' scncs. ; i't i' th. basis npn wh th suprstrctr o' Esnsm i' erctd. B' Gmtry w-e m'y cnrisly , tree natr throuh hr varius windgs t' hr most eneeld reeses ; b'y i't we dsevr th pwr, th wsdm, an' th goodnss of the Gran Artfier of th Un- verse, an' vw wth dlght th prportns wh en- neet ths vast mehine ; b' i't we dsevr hw th plnets mve i thei dffernt orbts an' demnstrat thei varins revolnt'ns ; b' i't we acct fo' th rturn o' th sesns an' th varity o' scens wh ea ses'n dsplays t' th dseerng e'e. Numers wrlds a'e arou us, al frmd b' the sme Dvine A'tist, an' a'e al cnduetd b' th 132 sme unrng Iw o' natr. A srvey o' natr an' th obsrvatn o' hr beautf 1 prprtiis fst dtrmiid man t' imtate th dvine pin an' stdy symtry an' ordr. Ths gve rise t' socits an' brth t' evry usfl a't. Th arctct bgn t' dsgn, an' th phis wh h' Id dwn, bng imprvd b' tme. an' xperinc hv prducd wrks wh a'e the admratn o' evry age. Th' laps o' tme, th ruthls hn o' ignor- ance, an' th dvstatns o' wr, hv lai wste an' dstroyd mny vluabl mnumnts o' antquty on wh th utmst xrtns o' humn gens hv bn em- ploy d; evn th Tpl o' S., so spacs an' mgnificnt, an' cnstructd b' so many clebra- btd artsts, escpd nt th unspring rvags of br- bars fore, — Esnsm, ntwithstnding, hs stl sr- vivd. Th atntv ea revs th snd f m th instrctv tng., an' th msts of Esnsm a'e sfely Idgd i th rpositry o' f thfl. bs ; tls an' impmts of arcttr. are slectd by th Frtty. to imprnt on th mnd wis and serus truths, and thus thruh a succssn o' ags a'e trnsmtd unim- prd th xclnt tnts o' ou Insttn. Sd. Wr., I nw prsen t u. Br Fc. H, wh 133 hs md an advc thrh a prh. up a fit. o' wdng. strs., cnstng. o.' thr., f v, an' svn stps, thrgli an outr. and an inr dr., int a pice rprsnting the M Chm. o' K. S's. T. M'. br., I cngrtult. u. Tipn. yr. arriyl int. a pic. rfrsntg. th. M. Chm. o' K. S. T. I't. ws. thr. ou' anct brn. red thei wgs., cnstng o'. en., wn. an' oi, 'mblmatcl o'. nrhmt., rfshmt an' j'y. I't ws. thei als tht. th'y hd. thei nms rcrdd, as f thfl wkmn. ; i't. i'. hre. u a'e. enttld t'. hv. yrs. rcrd a's. sch. — Br Sc, mke th ncsry rcrd. — Ts dn, wfl. Wr. M' Bro., th It. G. t' wh yr. attntn hs bn drctd hs. a highr sgnfcatn., — i't all'ds t' th sac'd nme o' Gd (here gYS thr rps wtli th gvl. whn a'l in th ^ ris. t' thei'. ft.), t' whm w-e shd al, f m th yngst E. P. wh' stns i' th N. E. cr. t' th Wr. wh' prsids i th E., mst hmbly an rvrntly bw (h're al bw thr hds). Wr. Thr i' als a Lctr. cnctd. wth ths. mk. wh i't wl. b. ncsry. f o' u. t' Irn. b'f ore 11. en. rev yr. thd. rnk. 134 LCTE. Wr. Br. 6d., a'e. u. aFc. 6d. I 'm ; tr. m- -e. Wr. B' wht ' w'l u. b. trd. Sd. B' th. sq, AYr. Wh. b' 1 th. i ;q. 6d. B.cs. i't i' an mbhn. o' mrlity an' on' o' th. wkng. . tls . o' Fc. Wr. AVt. i' a sq. 6d. An ngl. o' nty. degs . or th. frth. prt. o' a crcl. " Wr . Whr. wr u prpd. t'. b. md. a Fc. Sd. I a roo adj l"g th bd o' a jst an' dl. cnstd P^ o' Fes. Wr. Hw. wr. u. prpd. 6d. B'. bng dvst. o' a'l mtc. sbs., ntlir nd. nr. cltd., bft. nr. sd., rt kn. an' bs. br.^ hwkd an'a c'to. twc. abt. m' rt. 'rm, clthd as an E. P., i wh. cndtn. 1 w's. cndtd. t' a 135 dr. o' th. 1^ an' csd. t' gv. thr. dstct. kns wli. wr. ans. b' thr. fm. wthn. "Wr. Wt. ws. sd. t' u. fin. wthn. Sd. Wh. cms. hr. Wr. Yr. ans. 6d. J. H., a rgly. initd. E. P., hvg. svd. a prpr. tme. as sh. an' nw. wshs. mr. It. i Esnsin b' bng. psd t' th rnk. o' Fc. Wr. Wt. wr u. thn. 'sk'd. 6d. If ths. ws. an ac' o' my o'n. fr. w'l .' acd. ; if I ws. wthy. an' wl qiilfd., dl. an.' trl. prpd., an' if I hd. md. sntbl. prfcnc i th. prcdg. rnk. t' enttl. m-e t' ths. ; a'l o' wh. bng ans. i th afrmtv., I ws 'skd. b' wht. fthr. rt. o'r bnft. I xpc. t' gn. ths. impt. prvlg. Wr. Yr. ans. Gd. B' th. bnft. o' th. ps.wd. Wr. Hd. u. th. ps.wd. Sd. I hd. nt. ; m' end. gv. i't fo'. m-e. Wr. Wt. wre u. thn. tld. 6d. Bng i psn. o' al. ths. necsry. qlfcatns., I shd. wai' nntl. th. Wr. cd. b, infmd. o' m' •reqst. an' hs. ans. rtrnd. Wr. Wt. ws. hs. ans. whn. rtrnd. 136 Sd. Le'. hm. ent. ths. wfl. ^ o'. Fc. an' b. red. i d'e an' anc. frm. Wr. Hw. wre. u. red. 6d. Upn th. 'ngl o' a sq. apld t' m' nd. rt. bs.j th. mral. o' wh^ ws. t' th. m-e tht. th. sq. o' vrtu shd b. a rle an' guid' fo'. m' practe thrb. If e. Wr. Wbt. ws. thn. dn. wtb u. Sd. I ws. endtd. twc rgly arou. tb. an' t' tb. Jw. i tb S., wbr tb sme qiies wr ask'd an' ans rtrnd as a't tb dr. "Wr. Hw. d'd. tb. Jw. dspse. o' n. 6d. D'retd. m'e t' b. endtd. t' tb. Sw. i th W., wbr tb sme qes wr 'skd an' ans rtrnd as bfre. Wr. Hw. d'd. th., Sw. dsps. o' u. 6d. Dretd m'e t' b. endtd. t' tb. Wr. i tb E., wbr tb. sme ques wr agn 'skd an' ans rtrnd as bfre. — wb' als' d.md'd o' m'e wbne. I eme. an' wtbr. I ws. trvlg. Wr. Yr. ans. Sd. Fm. tb. W., trvlg. E. Wr. Wb d'd. u. Iv. tb. W. an' trvl. E. 6d. I srb o' mr. It. i Esnsm. Wr. Hw. d'd. tb. Wr. dsps. o' u. 137 Sd. Ord. m'e t' b. rcndtd t' tli Sw. i th. W.y wh' tght. m'e liw. t' aprli. th. E. i' d'e. an' anc. frm. Wr. Wht. i. tilt d'e an' anc frm. 6d. Advncg. on th. nkd. r f-t. brngng. th. hi. o' th. If. t' th. hlw. o' th. rt., thby. fmg. th. 'ngl. o' an obi. sq. Wr. Wt. d'd. th. Wr. thn. d'. wth n. 6d. Md. m'e a Fc. Wr. Hw. 6d. I d'e frm. Wr. Wt. i' tht d'e. frm. Sd. Knlg. o'n m' nd. rt. kn., m' If. fmg. th. ngl. o' a sq., m' rt. hn. rstg o'n th. II. B., Sq. an' Cps., m' If. 'rm elevt. t' th. 'ngl. o' a sq., wth m' hn. in a vrtel postn., i wh. d'e frm, I tk. npn m'sl. th. sm. obg. o' Fc. Wr. Aft. th. obg. w^t. wr u. thn 'skd. 6d. Wt. I mst d.srd. Wr. Yr. ans. Sd. Mr It. i Esnsm. Wr. D'd. u. rev i't. 6d. I d'd, b' ord. o' th. Wr. Wr. On bng. brt t' It. wt d'd u. b.lild. Sd. Th. thr. gt Its. o' Esnsm, as i th. 138 prcdg. rnk, bt. wth. ths. dfrnc. : on' pt. o' th. cps. ws abv. th. sq., wh. ws. t' th. ni'e tilt. I lid. red an' ws. enttld t' rev. mr. It. i Esnsm ; bt. as on' pt. ws. stl. lidn. fm. m' vw. i't ws. als t' til. m'e tht. I ws. yt on' materlpt. i th. dk. rspetg. th. sets, o' F Esnsm. Wr. Wt d'd. u. nx b.lild. 6d. Th. Wr. aprling. m'e fm. th. E., npn th. stp. und. th. dg an' sn. o' E. P., npn th. stp. nnd. th. dg an' sn. o' Fe., wh' prsntd. m'e hs. rt. hii. i tkn. o a entnnnc. o' frnshp an' brtlil. Iv., an' predd. t' invs m'e wth. th. ps. gp., pswd., r'l. gp., an' wd. o' Fe., an' ord. m'e t' ari'. salu. th J. an' Sw's., an' stsfy. tlim. tht. I ws. i possn. o' th. stp., dg., sn ps. gp. ps.wd. r'l. gp., an' wd. o' Fc. Wr. Wt. dd th. Wr. thn d' wth n. Sd. Ord. m-e t' b. rcodtd. t' th Sw. i. th. W. w^h' tglit. m-e hw. t' wea. m' ap as a Fc. Wr. Hw slid a Fc wr lis ap. • Sd. Wth. th. If cr. tnd np thby fring a rcptcl fo' th sml tls o' th eft. Wr. Wh. ws. th. c.to. twc'. abt yr. rt. 'rm. Sd. T' dent tht. 1 ws. as a Fc, nnd. a dbl. t'e. t' th. Frtty. Wr. Wt. wr. u. thn prsntd wth. 139 Sd. Th wkg. tls. o' a Fc, wch a'e. th. pi., sq., an' I'vL, an' a'e. tlm' xplnd : th. pi. adranshs. us. t' Avlk. uprghtlj. i on 8vrl. statns. bfor G. an' mn, sqrg. ou' actns. b' tli. sq. o' vrtu. an' evr. rminbrng tht w'e are trvlng on th. IvL o' tm. t' tlit nndscvrd entry frm whse hour no trvh' evr rtund. Wr. Wt wr. u. nx. prsntd wth. Gd. Th. thr. prcs. jls. o' Fe., wh. a'e. an atntv. ea'.j an instctv. tng., an' a fthfl. bs., an' a'e. thn'. xphid : th. atntv ea'. revs. th. snd. f m. th. instctv tng, an' th. sets, o' Esnsm a'e. safly Idgd. i th. rpsitoris. o' fthfl bs. Wr. Wt. \vs. thn dn. wth u. Sd. I ws. ord. t' b. rcndtd. t' th. pic. whnc. I cme., b. in vs. wth. th. o' wh. I hd. bn. dvs., an' i d'e tm. rtnd t' th. ^ fo'. fthr instcn. CHRG. J3r.5 bng psd. t' secnd rnk i Esnsm w'e cn- grtult u. on yr prfmmt. Th intrnl an' nt th xtrnl qulif catns o' a mn a'e w^ht Esn- sm rgrds ; as u. incres i knwldg u. wl imprv 140 in socl intrcrs. I't i' unnecssry t' rcapitnlt th duts wli as a Fc u. a'e bnd t' ds- chrg, or t' enlrg on th necsitj o' a strct ad- herenc t' thm as yr own xperinc mst liv establshd thr yIu. Ou' 1-s an' rglatns u a'e strnusly t' supprt, an' b' alw'ys rdy t' ass't i seng thm d'ly exctd ; n a'e nt t' palli'te or aggrvat th ofncs o' ou' Brn ; bt i th decisn o' every trspss agnst ou' rles u. a'e t' jdge wth cndor, admnsh wth frnshp, an' rprhnd wth jstc. Th stdy o' th Iberal a'ts, tht vhiabl brnch o' educatn wh tnds so effectUy t' pol'sh an' adrn th mnd, i' ernstly rcomendd t' yr en- sderatn, espcilly th seine o' gmtry, wh i' es- tblshd as th b'sis o' on' art. Gmtry or Esnsm wr orignly snonymus trms, bng o' a dvin an' mral natr, i' enrchd wth th mst usfl knw^ldg ; whle i't prvs th wndrf 1 proprts o' natr i't dmnstrats th m're imprtnt tr'ths o' mrality. Yr pst bhavr an' rguh* dprtmnt hv inritd th hnor wh w^'e hv nw cnfrd ; an' i yr nw chractr i't i' xpctd tht u- wl cnfrm t' th prncpls o' th ord b' stdily prsverng i th 141 prctic o' evry cmmndabl vrtu. Sh i' th ntre o' yr engagmnts as a Fc, an' t' ths dutis u. a'e bnd b' th mst sac'd ts. CLOSNG. "Wr. Br. 5d.5 th. Is as wl. as fs gt. ca. o' Essenes whn. cnvd. 5d. T' s'e. tht th'y. a'e dl. td. "Wr. Atii t' tht. dt. an' infm. th. T. tht. I am abt. t' else i th. send rnk. t' rsme Ibr, i th. thd. ; drct. hm. t' tk d'e. ntc. thrf an' gvn. hmsl. ac'ly. Br. Sd., atn. a' th. al. an' else th. grt. It. 5d. Wr. th T. i infmd. Wr. Ts wl. Ac'ly. I d.clr ths ^clsd. i. th. send rnk. an' Ibr rsmd. i th. thd., wavn. a'l. frthr. cermns. Br. 5d., infm th. T. Br. Sd., atn a' th. al an' dspl. th. thr grt. Its. Wr. Br. Sw., d' n. knw o' anythg f thr b.f're ths. ^ o' Esns prevs t elsng. 8w. (rsng. t' lis. ft.) Nthg, Wfl. Wr. Anythg. i th. S., Br. Jw. 7w. .ISTthng, Wfl. Wr. Br. Sc.j hv. u. anythg on yr da. 142 Sc. ISrtlmg, Wfl. Wr. Any Br. arou. the ^ aiiythg t' ofr fo' th bniit o' Esnsm, b.fre. w'e prc'd t' els. Wr. Til. rdng o' th. mnts o' th. prsn cmctn. (Sc. rds. mts.) Wr. Br. Sw., hv u. any altratns or adtns t' mk. Sw. I hv. nn. Wr. Br. Jw., hv n. any t' mk. 7w. Nn, Wfl. AVr. lis. any Br. prsn any. Wr. Th. mnts wl. st. aprvd if th'ro a'e. no objns. (Wr. gvs on' rp whn th Jd. rss. t' hs ft.) Br. 5d., th. Is as wl. as fs gt ca. o' Esns, whn cnvd. 5d. T' s'e. tht. th'y. a'e. dl td. Wr. u. wl. atn t' that dt an' infm. th. T. tht. I 'm abt t' els ths f^, an' d'rct. hm, t' tk d'e ntc thrf . an' gvn hmsl. ac'ly. 5d. We a'e dl td, Wfl. Wr. Hw a'e w'e td. Jd. B' a M. Esn wtht a'rd. wtli. th. prpr. impmt. o' hs. of c. Wr. Hs. dt. th're. 143 5d. T' obs. th. aprh. o' ens. an' edps. an' s'e tht. nn ps. o'r rps. xcp. sh. as a'e. dl. qlf d an' hve. prmsn. f m. th. Wr. Wr. Br. 8w., th. Jd's. pic. i th ^. 8w. A' my. rt. hn. Wr. (Two rps, al o' th ofcs ri. to' thr ft.) Yr. dt. th're. Br. Jd. 5d. T' ca. m'sgs. fm. th. Sw. i. th. W. t' th. Jw. i th. S. or elswh abt th. ^, as h' m'y drct ; atn t' al'ms. a' th. outr. dr. an' rprt th s'm t'. th. Wr. ; als t' s'e tht. w'e. a'e dl. td. Wr. Br. 5d., th. Sd's. pic. i th |^. 5d. A' th. rt hn. o' th. Wr. i*th. E. Wr. Yr. dt. th're, Br. Sd. 6d. T' ca. ords. fm. th. Wr. i th. E. t' th. Sw. i th. W. or elswh abt th. ^, as h' m'y drdt. ; atn t' al'ms. a' th. inr dr., wlcm. an' clth vstg. Brn., als t' rev. an' endt. cndts. Wr. Br. 6d., th. 7w's sta. Sd. I th. S. Wr. Wh. i th. S., Br. Jw. 7w. T' obs. th. sn. a' mrdn., wh. i' th. 144: gl'ry. an' bty. o' th. d'y. ; t' cl. th. eft. fm Ibr. t' rfslimts, supntnd. thm. d'rng. th. hrs. tlirf., an' cfly. t' obs. tht. th. mns. o' rfshmt a'e nt prvtd t' intmpc. or xcs., t' s'e. tht. th'y rtn t' thei' Ibr agn i d'e sesn., tht. th. Wr. m'y rev. hnor. an' th'y plesr. an' prf t. thby. Wr. Th. Sw's sta. Jw. I. th. W. Wr. Wh. i th. W., Br. Sw. 8w. As th. su. i' th. W. a' th. els. o' th. d'y., so stns. th. Sw. i th. W. t' as'st. th. Wr. i opg. an' elsg. th. ^, p'y. th. eft. thr wgs. if any b. d'e., tht. nn. m'y go aw'y dsatsfd., hmny. bng. th. suprt. o' a'l insi'tns., espely. ths. o' ou's. Wr. Br. Sw., th. Wr.'s sta. 8w. I th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 8w. As th. su. rs. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. d'y so rs. th. Wr. i th. E. t' op. an' gvn. th. |^, st. th. eft. t' wk., gvg. thm. prpr. insten. f. thr. Ibr. Wr. Br. 8w., i't i' m'y. ord. tht.— ^— b. nw. elsd, an' stn. elsd. nntl. ou' nx. 145 rglr. cmcatn., imls espcly. cnvd., i wh cs. o' emrgnc. d'e. an' tmly. ntc wl. b. gvn. ; ths u. wl. cmnct t' th. Jw. i th. S., an' h' t' th. Brn prsn., tht. th'y., hyg d'e ntc thrf. m'y. gvn. thmsls ?lc'ly. Sw. Br. Jw., i't i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i. th. E. tht — ^ — b. nw clsd. an' stn. clsd.. untl. ou' nx. rglr. cmcatn., mils, espcly. convd., i wh. cs. of emrgncy. d'e an' tmly ntc wl. b. gvn. ; ths. u. wl. cmcte. t' th. Brn. prsn. tht. tli'y hvg d'e note. thrf. m'y gvn. thmslvs. ac'ly. 7w. Brn., i't i' th. ordrs. o' th. Wr. i' th. E. cmcatd. t' m thrh. th. Sw. i th. W., tht. — 7^ — b. nw. clsd. an' stn. clsd nntl. ou' nx. rglr. cmcatn., nnls espcly. cnvd, i' wh. cs o' emrgncy. d'e an' tmly ntc. wl. b. gvn. Ths. I comcte t' u. tht. n. hvg. d'e ntc. thrf. m'y gvn. yslvs. ac'ly. Wr. Brn., obs. th. E. an' atn. t' gvn. th. sns. (th. dg. an' sns. o' ea. rnk a'e. nw gvn b' Wr. an' Brn., aftr wh. th. Wr. gvs thr. rps. wth. hs. gvl., wch i' rspndd. t' b' th. S. an' Jw's. wth' thr. rps. ea.) U6 Wr. Br. Sw., hw. slid. Esns mt 8w. 0-n th. Iv. Wr. An' hw. ac', Br. Jw. 7w. B' th. pi. Wr. An' pt. o'n tR. sq. So le' ns evr mt.^ ac'., an' pt. (whn th. Wr. tks. o- hs. ht. an' rpts th. f Iwng, or sme suitabl. pra'r :) M'y th. blsng o' hvn. rest. upn. us, an' al Esns. ; m'y brthly Iv. prvail, an' evry mral an' soc'l vrtu cmnt ns. Amn. Kspons. So m't i't b. Wr. Brn., 1 nw declr ths ^ clsd. Br. 5d., infm. th. T. Br. *6d, atn. V th. al. an' els. th. gt. It. 147 THD RM. SECTION 1. Wr. Br. Sd., th. fs. gt. ca. o' Esenes whn. cnvd. 5d. T' s'e tht. th'y a'e dl. td. Wr. Atn. t' tht. dt. an', infm. th. T. tht. I 'm abt. t' op. — ^ — i th. thd. rnk. an' drct. hm. t'. tk. d'e ntc. thrf. an' gv. hmsl. acly. 5d. Wr., we a'e dl. td. Wr. Hw. a'e we td. Jd. B'. a M. Esn wtht. ar'd wth. th. prp. impt. o' hs. of c. Wr. Hs. dt. th're. 5d. T' obs. th. aprh. o' ens. an' edps ; t' s'e tht. nn. ps. or rps. xcp. sh. as a'e dl. qlfd. an' hv. pmsn. fm. th. Wr. Wr. 'Ts wl. Br. Sw., a'e a'l prsn. M. Esns. 148 8vv. 1 wl. astn. fm. the prp. ofc. an' rprt. Br. Jd., u. wl. astn. if a'l prsn. ao M. Esns. Jd. Br. Sw., a'l. prsn. a'e M. Esns. Sw. Wr.j a'l. prsn. a'e M. Esns. Wr. As a fthr. evdce. tht. a'l prsn. a'e M. Esns u. w'l. rev. th. ps. wd. fm th' S. an'. Jds., wh' wl obt. it fm. th. Brn. on th. rt. an' If. o' th. ^ an' cmct i't t'. th. E. 8w. Th. Ds. wl aprh. th. W. an' gv. m'e th. ps.wd. — u. w'l nw. rev. th. sm. fm. th. Brn. o'n th. rt. an. If. o' th. p^ an' cmct. i't t'. th. E. Wr. Br. Sw., th. ps.wd. i'. rt. an' dl. red. i th. E. A'e u. a M. Esn. Sw. I 'm. Wr. Wt. indcd. u. t'. bem. a M. Esn. 8w. Tht. I m't obt. th' m's wd., trvl in frn. entrs ; wk. an. rev. m's wgs. an' b. tliby th. bttr. enbld. t' suprt. mysl an' fmly. an' entrbt. t' th. relf. of dstrd. wtliy. M. Esns, thei'. wds. an' orph'ns. Wr. Wt. mkes. u. a M. Esn. Sw. M'. obg. Wr. Whr. wr. u. md. a M. E. » 149 8w. Wthn. til. bd. o'. a js. an' dl. cnst'd. ^ of M. Es. asmb'd i a pic. rprsntg. tli. iinfnslid. snc. snctm o' K. S's T., fnslid. wth. th. H. B., Sq., an' Cps., t'gthr wth. a chtr. or dspsatn. fm. sm. G. bd. o' cmpt. jsdctn. emprng it t'. wk. Wr. IIw. mny. c'mps. a M. Esns. jf^. Sw. Thr. or mr. Wr. Whn. cmpsd. o' fv., o' whm. ds. it cnst. 8w. Th. "Wr., S. an' J. Ws., S. an' Jds. Wr. Th. Jd's. pic. in th. ^. Sw. A' my rt. hn. Wr. Yr. dt. thr, Br. Jd. 5d. T' ca. msgs. fm. th. Sw. i th. W. t'. th. Jw. i th. S. or elswh. abt. th. pp, as h' m'y d'rct — atn. t'. al'ms. a' th. outr. dr. an' rprt th sill t' th Wr.; als t'. s'e tht. w. a'e dl. td. Wr. Br. 5d., th 6d's pic. i th. ^. Jd. A' th. rt. hn. o' th. Wr. i th. E. Wr. Yr. dt. thr, Br. 6d. 6d. T' ca. ords. fm. th. Wr. i th. E. t'. th. Sw. i th W. or elswh. abt th ^ as h' m'y 150 d'rct ; atn. t'. al'ms. a' th. inr. dr., wlc. an', clth. Ystg. Brn. ; als t'. rev. an', cndt. cndts. Wr. Br. 6d., tli. 7w's sta. 6d. I. th. S.,Wfl. Wr. Wh. i th. S., Br. 7w. 7w. T' obs. th. su. a' mrdn. wh. i' th. glry. an', bty. o' th. d'y; t'. cl th. eft. fm. Ibr. t' rfshmts, supntn. thm. durn. th. hrs. thrf., an' efly t'. obs. tht. th. mns. o' rfshmts. a'e n't. pvrtd. t'. intmpe. an', xcs ; t' s'e tht. th'y r'tn t'. thei' Ibr. agn i d'e se'sn tht. th Wr. m'y rev. h'nor an' th'y. plsr. an' prf t. thby. Wr. Th. 8w's sta. Jw. I. th. W., Wfl. Wr. Wh. i th. W., Br. 8w. 8w. As th. su. i' i th. W. a' th. els. o' th. d'y, so stns. th. Sw. i th. W. t'. as't th. Wr. i opg. an' elsg. th. ^; p' th. eft. thei'. wgs. i'f an- b. d'e tht. nn. m'y g-o aw'y dstsf d. — ^hmny. bng th. snpt. o' a'l institns., espcly ths o' on's. Wr. Br. Sw., th. Rabban's sta, Sw. I th. E. Wr. Wh. i th. E. 8w. As th. su. rs. i th. E. t' op. an' 151 gvn. th. d'y, so rs. th. Wr. i th. E. f op. an', gvn. th. ^ ; s't th. eft. t'. wk., an gv. thm. prp. instctns fo' thr. Ibr. Wr. Br 8w., ft i' m' ord. tht. — ^ — b. nw. opd. i th. th'd rnk. an', stn. op. fo' th. trnsctn. o' s'h bsns. as m'y rgl'y. an' cnst'nly b. brt. bfr i't. Ths. u. w'l cmnt t'. th. Jw. i' th. S., an' h t'. th. Brn. prsn., tht. th'y hvg d'e ntc. thrf. m'y gvn. thmsls. ac'ly. 8w. Br. Jw. Jw. Br. 8w. 8w. I't i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i' th. E. tht. — ^— b. nw. opd. i' th. th'd rnk, an' stn. op. fo' th. trns'ctn o' s'h bsns. as m'y rgl'y. an' cnsttnly. b. brt. bfr. i't. Ths u. w'l cmnct. t'. th. Brn. prsn., tht. th'y hvg. d'e ntc. thrf. m'y gvn. thmsl's acly. 7w. Brn., i't i' th. ord. o' th. Wr. i th. E., comncd. t' m'e thrh. th. Sw. i' th. W., tht.— ^— b. nw. opd.i' th. thd. rnk. an' stn. op. fo. th. trnsctn o' s'h bsns. as m'y rgly. an' eonstnly. b. brt. bfr. i't. Ths. I cmnct. t' n. tht. n. hvn. d'e ntc. thrf. m'y gvn. yrsls. ac'ly. 152 Wr. Brn., obs. th. E. an', atn. t.' gvn. th. sns. (sns a'e nw. gvn b' Wr. an'. Brn). I nw. dclr. ths ^ dl. opd. i' tli. thd rnk., a' tli. sm tin. frbdg. a'l idl. or othr. nnesnic cndt. whby. th. pc. an', hmny o'. th. sm. m'y b. dstbd, nn. no Is. a pnlt. thn. th. b'-lws. prscrb. or a mjrty. o' th. Brn. m'y s'e c'se t'. inflt. Br. 5d, infm. th. T. Br. 6d, atn. t'. th. al. an', dspl. th. thr gt Its i' Esnsm. Wr. Br. Sc, I wl. thnk u t'. r'd. th. mnts. o'. on' 1st cmctn. Wr. Brn, u. wl. nw. p'y. atntn. t'. rdg th mnts o'. on'. 1st cmnctn. Sc. (r'ds.) A' a rglr. mtg. o'. — p^— o'. F an' Acd. Essenes. hid Jan. f st (liere give place of meeting), a' 5869, th. p^ ws opd i d'e an' anc frm i th. thd rnk. i Esnsm. Th. mnts. o'. on'. 1st cmctii. wr rd an' ap- rvd. ; Ibr. ws thn snspnd i th thd rnk. an', a Fc.s ff^ opd i d'e. frm. E. P. Hirm bng i watg., ws. dl prpd., brt. fwrd., an', psd. t' th. rnk o' Fc. ; th p^ ws. thn clsd i th Fes rnk an'. Ibr rsnmd in th thd. whn., 153 tlir bng no fthr. bsns., tli. ^ ws clsd i d'e. an' anc frm. Wr. Thse a'e. th. mnts. o'. ou'. Is cmntn. wh. wr. rd an' aprvd., an' a'e. nw. rd. f o' yr. inf matn. ; ds. an-y Br knw o' any Br. o' ths ^ or an-y othr. i skns o'r dsts. Wr. Hv. n. anythg t'. rpt i tli. S., Br. Jw 7w. miig. i th S., Wfl. Wr. Anytlig. i th-. W. Sw. Nthg. i th. W., Wfl. Wr. Ds. an-y on' knw. o' an-y bd sk or i dstrs. i or abt th. bd o' ths ^ ; if nt I acly. d.clr. ths. bsns. clsd. Wr. Br. Sc, hv. u an'y prpstns. Sc. Nn. Wr. An-y unfnshd. bsns. 8c. Nn. Wr. An' cmmts. t' rpt. on prevs. prpsls fo' mmbshp. Sc. Nn. Wr. Br. 5d., asctn. fm. th. T. if thr a'e. an'y cndts. i watg. ; i'f s'o, thei' nms. an' fo' wt. rnk. 5d. Ther'. i. on' Mr. J. H. i watg. fo'. th. thd. rak. 154 Wr. Brn., I 'm inf md. tht. th're i. i watg. fo. th. thd. rnk. Mr. J. H., wh. hs. bn. rgly. initd. an E. P., svd. a prpr. tme. as sh., psd. t. th. rnk. o' Fc. an' nw. wshs.t'. rev. fthr. It. i Esnsm b'. bng. rsd. t'. th. sublm. rnk o' M. Esn. I-f th're a'e. n-o objns., I wl. prcd. t. cnfr. th. sm. upn. hm. Thr bng. no objns. I wl. s-o prcd. Wr. Brs. S. an' J. M. C. Sm-c. Wr. Wr. Hw. shd. a cndt. b. prpd. t'. rev. th. thd. rnk. i Esnsm. M-e. B'. bng. dvst. o'. al. mte. sbs., nthr. nd. nr. eltd., b.ft. nr. shd., bth kns. an' bs. br., hwkd. an' a e'to. thr. tms. ab. hs. bd'. Wr. n. wl. rpr. t'. th. prpratn. roo., whr. I nndstn. thr i. i watg. f o' tli. thd. rnk. Mr. J. H. an', whn. n. hv hm. thu'. prpd., mk. th. usl. al'm. (Whn. endt. i. prpd. al'm. i' gvn.) 6d. Wr., thr i' an al'm. a', th. inr. dr. Wr. u. wl. atn. t. th. al'm. an' asetn. th. es. thrf. Sd. Wli. ems. hr. 155 M-c. Br. 11.5 wh. hs. bn. rgly initd. E, P., svd. a prpr. tm. as sh., psd. t' th. rnk. o' Fc, an' nw. wshs. t'. rev. fthr It i. Esiism. b'. bng. rsd. t' th. sblm. rnk. o' M. Esn. 6d. Br. H.5 i' ths. an ac. o' yr. o'n fr. wl. an' acd. Cndt. I't i'. Sd. Br. M-c, i'. h'. wthy. an' wl. qulfd. M-c. IF. i'. 6d. Dl. an' trl. prpd. M-c. IF', i'. 6d. Hs. h' md. sutbl. prfcncy. i th. prcdg. rnk. t' enttl. hm. t' ths. M-c. IF. hs. 6d. B'. wt. fthr. rt. or bnf ds. h'. xpc. t' obt. ths. impt. prvlg. M-c. B'. th. bnft. o' th. ps. wd. Sd. Hs. h' th. ps. wd. M-c. H'. hs. nt., I hv. i't fo' hm. 6d. Advc. an', gv. i't. Mc. advs. an' comets, th. ps. wd. Sd. Th. ps. wd. i' rt. Snc. th. end t. i' i psesn. o' a'd thse. nesry. qulfetns., u. wl. wt. nntl. th. Wr. i'. infmd. o' yr. rqs. an' hs. ans. rtnd. 156 6d. Wr., tlir. i' wth't Br. H., wh'. hs. bn rgly. ini'd E. P., svd. a p'pr. tm. as s'h., psd- t' th. rnk. o' Fc, an' nw. wshs. t' rev. frtlir. It. in Esnsm b' bng. rsd. t'. th. snblrn. rnk. o'. M. Esen. "Wr. I' ths. an ac. o'. hs. o'n. f r' wl. an' acd. 6d. It i'. "Wr. I', h'. wthy. an' wl. qlfd. 6d. II. i'. Wr. Dl an' trl prpd. 6d. ir i'. Wr. Hs. h' md. sutbl. prfnc. i th. prcdg. rnk t' entl. hm. t' ths. 6d. W hs. Wr. B' wt. fthr. rt. or bnft. ds. h'. xpct. t' obt. ths. impt. prvlg. Sd. B' th. bnft. o'th. ps.wd. Wr. Hs. h'. th. ps.wd. Sd. H' hs. nt., I hv. it fo' hm. Wr. G-v. i't fo' th. bnft. o' th. eft. (Sd. gvs. ps.wd. o'. M. E.) Wr. Th. ps.wd. i'. rt. Snc. th. cndt. i'. i. psn. o'. al' thse ncsrj qlfctns, le' hm. enfc. ths. Wii. pf^o.' m. Esns. an', b. red. i d'e. an' anct. f 'rm. I r ' (Til. 6d. stps. t' th. al., tks. th. cps. an', rprs. t' th. dr., ops. i't an.' s'ys.) : — Sd. Le'. hm. ent. ths. Wfl. ^o.' m. Esns an. b. red i d'e. an', anc. f 'rm. (th. Cnd.t. advns. fllwd. b' M-c.s wth. rds., whn. th. Sd. stps. thm i frnt. o' Sw.) , 6d. Br. H, on yr. fs. ntrnc. inf. a ^ of I o.' r. an' acd Esns u. wr. red on th. p't o' a [ shp. instra. pc. yr. nd. If. bs. ; on ent'g th sen. tm. n. wr red. on th. 'ngl. o'^ a. sq. apld t'. yr nd rt bs., th. mrl. o' wh. ws. a', tht. tm. xphid. t' u. I nw. rev. u., on bth. p'ts. o' th. cps. xtndg. fm. yr. nd. If. t'. yr nd. rt. bs. (h'r h'. pies. th. instm.)^ wh. i' t'. th. n. tht as th. mst. vtl. prts. o' mn. a'e entnd. wthn. th. bs., so th. mst. xelnt. tnets. o' ou' institu- tutn a'e. entnd. btw. th. pnts. o' th eps. wh. a'e frnshp, mrlty, an' bhly Iv. (thn. preds. t'. eondt. Cndt. thr. tms. arou. th. ^ drng. wh. tm. th. Wr. rds th. f 'Iwing psag o' Serptr, wh is smtmes f llowd b' an ode) : — ■ Rmmbr nw thy Creatr i th d'ys o' th' y'uth, whle th evl d'ys em nt, n'r th yers drw nih, whn th'u shit say, I hve no plsnr 1 thm : whl th sn, or th. Ight, or the mn, or th 158 strs b nt drknd, nor th cl'ds rtrn af tr the ra'n : i th d'y when th keprs o' th hse shll trmbl, an' th strng mn shl bow themsls, an' th gr'ndrs ceas, bcaus th'y a'e f w ; an' thse tht Ik ou' o' th wndws b drknd, an' th drs shl b sh't i th str'ets ; whn th sond o' th' grndng i Iw, an' h' shl ris up a' th voic o' th b'rd, an' al th danhtrs o' mnsc shl b brouht Iw. Als whn th'y shl b afra'd o' that wh i' hi, an' f 'ars shl b i th w'y, an' th almnd-tre shl flursh, an' th grs-hpprs shl b a brden, an' dsir shl fail : bcaus mn go'th t' h's Ing h'me, an' th mo'rnrs go abut th strts : or evr th silv crd b loosd, or th gldn bwl b brkn or th ptchr be brkn a', th fountn, or th whl brkn a' th cstrn. Thn shl th dst rtrn t' th eart' as i't ws ; an' th sp'rt shl rtrn unt G wh gve i't. As th. 6d. an' Cndt. ps. th. dfrnt. status, th. ofcs. snd. thr. gvls. as flws : whn. th'y ps. th. Jw. i th. S. h'. gvs. o'e rp.,^ 8w. o'e. rp, Wr. o'e rp. Th. send, tni. arou Jw. tw., Sw. tw., Wr. tw. Th. thd tm. arou th. Jw. gvs. thr. rps., Sw. thr., an' Wr. thr. Th. Wr. tms. th. rd^ ng o' th. psag o' Scrptr so as t'. fnish 159 jus as th. prtis reali th. Jw's. stat. i th. S. on th. thd. tm. arou., wliri th'y hit. Jw. Wh' cms. h'. 6d. Br. H., wh' hs. bn. rgly. initd. E. P., svd. a prpr. tm. as sh., psd. t'. th. mk o' Fc, an' nw. wshs. t'. rev. frthr. It. i' Esnsm b'. bng. rsd. t'. th. subhn. rnk. o' M. Esn. 7w. Br. H., i'. ths. an ac. o' yr. o'n. fr. w'l an' acd. Cndt. rt i'. Jw. Br. 6d., i'. h. wthy an' w'l. qlfd. 6d. H. i'. Tw. Dl. an' trly prpd. Sd. II. i'. Jw. lis. h'. md. sutbl. prfcncy. i th. prcdg. rnk. t' entitl. hm. t'. ths. 6d. ir. hs. Jw. B'. wt frthr. rt. or bnft. ds. h'. xpct. t'. obt ths. impt. pvlg. Sd. B'. bnft. o'. th. ps.wd. 7w. lis. h'. th. ps.wd. 6d. H'. hs. nt., I hv. i't fo'. hm. Jw. Advc. an', gv. th. ps.wd. (Sd. ad- vncs an', gvs. ps.wd. o' M. Esn.) 160 7w. Th. ps.wd. i'. rt. Snc. th. Cndt i. i psesn. o'. a'l. ths. ncsry. qulfctiis. cndt. hm. t'. th. Sw. i. th. W fo' hs. xmiiatii. — whr th. sme ques a'e sked an' th. sm. ans. rtrnd as a' th. Jw's. sta., whn. th. Sw. drcts. thm. t'. ps. t'. th. Wr. i' th. E. whr. th. sme dilgue is agn rpeted, an' in addi- tion : — Wr. Fm. whnc. cme. u. an'. whthi\ a'e. u. trvlg. 6d. Fm. th. W. trvlg E. Wr. Wh d'. u. Iv. th. W. an', trvl. E. Sd. In srh. o'. fthr. It. i Esnsm. Wr. Snc. th. Cndt. i' i psesn. o'. a'l. thse. ncsry. qulfctns. an', isrh. o' fthr. It.i Esnsm, u. wl. recndt. hm. t' th 8w. i th. W. wh' wl. tch. hm. hw. t'. aprh. th E. i d'e an anc. f rm. Th. Sd. thn. cndts th. Cndt. t'. th. 8w. i th. W. an' rprts.— Br. 8w., i't. i'. th. ord. o' th. Wr. tht, u. tch. ths cndt. hw. t'. aprh. th. E. i d'e. an', anc. f'rm. — th. Sw. thn aprhs. th. Cndt. an', fcs. hm. twrds. th. E. an' s'ys : — Br., u. w'l. stp. p- wth yr. 1. ft. o'e fl. stp. an' brg.Jh. hi. o'. yr. rt. int'. th. hlw. o'. yr. 1. ft. ; nw. stp. o- wth. yr 161 rt. an', brg. tli. hi. o'. yr. 1. i tli hlw. o'. jr. rt. ft. ; nw. stp. o- wth yr. 1. ft. an', brg bth. his. tgthr. : ths. cnstts. th. f s. thr. stps i Esnsm. 8w. Th. Cndt. i'. i ord. Wr. Br. H., bfr prcdng. an'y frthr. i ths. rnk. i't wl. b. ncsry. fo'. u. t' tke upn. ysl. a bndg. obg. prtng. t' th. rnk. o' M. Es ; bt. I, as E. o' ths ^, as're. u. tht. thr. i' nthg. thrn cntnd. tht. wl. cnflc. wth. yr. mrl," socL, or cvl dts. or prvlgs., b. th'y. wh't th'y m'y ; wth. ths. asrnce. ou my prt. a'e. u. wing. t'. prcd ? Cndt. I 'm. Wr. Thn advc. t'. th. scd al. o' F Esnsm, thr. kill, o'n bth yr. nd. kns., bth hns. rstg. o'n th II. B., Sq. an'. Cps. 6d. Wr., th Cndt. i'. m d'e. frm. Wr. Br'. II., i'f u. a'e. stl. wig. t'. tke upn ysl. ths. obg., prnc. yr. nme. i. fl. an', rpt aft. m'e: I, J. II., o'. m'. o'n. fr wl. an' nrd., in th. prsnc o'. Almt. G. an', ths. Wfl '/^ o\ M. E., erct t'. hm., an. ddctd t.' th. mmry o'. th. hi. Sts. J., d' hrb' an', hrn mst SI Illy, an sncly. prms. an' swr. tht. I wl. 162 kp. an', ccl. an', nvr. rvL an'y o'. th. scs, b.lng t'. th rnk o'. M. E., tht. 1 hv. rev., 'm. abt. t'. rev, or m'y hrf t. b. instctd i, t'. an'y psn., unls. i't shl. b. t'. a wthy. Br. M. E. or wthn th. bd'. o' a js. an. dl. cnstd. ^ o'. s'h.j an', nt unt. hm. or thm. untl b'. d'e trl., strc. xmnatn., o'r Iwfl. Esnc infmatn. I shl. hv. fhd hm. o'r thm. jsly. entld t'. rev. th. sme. ; fth.mr. I do prms. an', sw. tht I wl. snprt'th cnstn o'. th G ^ o' th Sta. o'. N". Y. als. al. o' th. Iws. rls an', edcts o'. th. sme. or thse o'. any othr G ^ fm. whs jsdcn. I m'y. hrftr hai., tgthr wth th b.lws. rls. an', rglutns o'. ths. or any othr ^ o'. wh I. m'y hrftr bcm a', mbr. s'o f'r a's th sme shl. cme. t'. m'. knlg ; frthrmr I d'. prms. an. sw. tht. I wl. ans an', ob'y. a'l. d'e. sns., an' rglr. smnss. snt. t'. m'e fm. a ^ o' M. E., or hndd. m'e b'. a Br. o'. ths. rnk., i'f wthn. th. Inth of m'. c.to ; f rthmr. I d'. prms. an', sw. tht I wl. hp.j ai.j an', asst. a'l. pr. an', dsts. M. Es., thei'. wds. an', orphs., th'y aplyng. t'. m-e as s'h., I f ndg. thm wrthy. an', en. d' s'o wtht matrl injry t' msl. o'r fmly. ; fthmr I 163 d'. prms. an', sw. tht. I wl. kp. th. scs o'. a "wthy. Br. M. E. wliii. cmnctd. t' m'e as s'li. a's sfe. an', invilbl. i m'. brs. as tli'y. w're. i' h's. o'n, b.fr comnctd. ; frtlimr. I d'. prms. an' sw. tht. 1 wl. nt. gv. th. grn hail'g sn o'. dsts o'. M. E., xcp fo'. th. bnft o'. th. eft. whle. a', wk. or th. instcn. o'. a Br , unls. I 'm. i .re'l. dsts., an', shd I s'e. tht. sn. gvn., o'r hea'. th. wds. acmpg. th. sm., I wl. hstn. t' th. rlf. o' th. prsn. s'o gviig i't; fthmr. I d'. prms an' sw. tht. I wl. nt. gv. th. subst't. fo'. th. ms. wd. i an'y othr. w'y. o'r mnr. thn. tht. i wh. i. shl. rev i't ; wh. wl. b. o'n th. fv. pts. o'. flwsp. an', a'. Iw. brh. ; fthmr. I d' prms an' swr. tht. I wl. nt. wrng. eht. or d.frd m. m. j^ nr. a br. o' ths. rnk t'. th. vln. o.' anythng. kngly. msL, or sfr. i't. t'. b. dn. b.' anthr i'f i' m'. pwr t'. prvnt. ; fthmr. I d'. prms an. sw. tht. I wl. nt. vlte. th. ehst. o'. a M. E's wf ., wd, mthr., sst., o'r dtr.j o'r sfr. th. sm t'. b. dn. b'. anthr. i'f i m' pwr. t'. prvnt i't ; fthmr. I d'. prms. an', sw. tht. I wl. nt. b. prsn. a', th. initg., psng., or rsg., o'. an' ol'. mn. in dtge., a yiig mn. nnd. ag'., an irlgs. Ibrtn., an. athst. 164: a prsn o'. unsnd irnid., a eimc, or a wm.. I knwg. thm. to' b. sh. ; f thinr. I d' prms an' sw. tilt. I wl. lit. b. prsn. a', tli. iiiitg, psng., or rsg. o'. a ciidt. cliidstly, nr. hid Esnic intcs. wtli. a cludstn. Esii., o'r wtli. on' wh' hs. bn. suspnd. or xpld., I knwg. lim. t'. b. s'h., untl dl. r'st'red. ; T'. a'l o'. wh. I mst. smly. an', snclj^ prms. an', swr. wtht. an'y hsttn., mntl rsvatn., or sc. evsn o'. mnd. i m'e wtvr., bndg. msl. un' no Is. a pnlt. thn. tht. o'. hvg. m. bd. svd i twn., m'. bwls. ta'en. thnc. an', bnd. t'. a'hes, th. a'hes. thrf . sctd t . th. f'r. wns o'. hvn, tht. tli're mt. rmn nthr. trk., trc, nr. rmbnc. amg. mn o'r Esns. o'. so vl. an', pjd a wrh a's I shd. b., slid. I evr knwgly. o'r wlfly. vlte. ths. m\ slm. obg. o'. M. E. S'o hp. m'e G. an' mke m-e stdf s. t' kp an', prfm th. sm. Wr. M'. Br., i tstmny o'. yr snct ks. th. H. B. o'n wh. yr. hns. rs. Br. Sd., rmv. th. c'to ; w-e nw. hid. th. Br. b'. a trpl t'e. M' Br., i yr. prsn. stuatn. wlit. d'. ii. mg d.sr. Cand.t. Frthr It i Esiism. 165 Wr. Le'. til Br. b. brt. t'. It. (Wr. aprlia th al an' s'ys.) :— - Wr. M'. Br., on bng. brt t'. It i ths rnk, u. bhld. th. thr gr. Its o' Esnsm as i th. prcdg. rnks., wth. ths. dfnc. bth. pts o'. th. cps. a'e elevt. abv. th sq., wh i.' t'. tch. u. tht u. hv red an', a'e enttld t' rev a'l th It. tht. en. b. enfrd upn. u. i a M. E. ff|. 6d. Obs. th. Wr. aprhng. u. fin. th. E. npn. th. stp. un. th. dg an', sn o'. Ep., iipn th stp nnd th. dg an', sn. o'. Fc, upn th stp. nnd th dg. an' sn o'. M. E. Wr. M'. Br., a M. E. advcs thu'., bng.g. th. hi. o' . th. r ft. t'. th. hi. o'. 1. Ths. i'. th dg. (gvs it), an', al'ds. t'. th. psitn. i wh. yr. hns. wr. pled whl takg upn ysl. th. sm. obg. ; an', ths. th. sn. (gvs. it), an', al'ds. t' th. pnlt. o'. tht. obg. Ths. dg. an' sn'. a'e alws. t' b. gvn. t'. th Wr. on entg. an' rtrg. fm a ^ o'. M. E. On entg. ths. or an-y othr ^ u wl. adve t'. th al. an', obs. th. psitn, o'. th eps. : i'f bth pts. a'e b.nh. th. sq., u. wl. salu. wth. th. dg. an', sn. o'. E. P.; i'f on', pt i'. abve. th. sq., u. wl. salu. wth. th. dg an', sn. o'. Fe. ; i'f bth. pts. a'e abv. th. Sq., u. wl. salu. wth. h. dg. an'. I nw. prsnt. u m' rt. liii. i 166 tkn. o.' a cntnunc o.' frnshp an', bthlj' Iv. an', wl. prcd. t'. invs. u. wth. th. ps. gp an', ps.wd ; bt. as u. a'e uninstcd. h'. wh hs. hhrto ans fo'. u. wl. d'. so. a', tlis tm. Wr. Br. 6d., wl. u. b. o'. or fm. 6d. Fm. Wr. Fm. w.t. an', t'. w.t. 6d. Fm. th. rl. gp. o'. a Fc. t'. th. ps. gp, o'. aM. E. Wr. Ps. Wr. Wt. i' tht. 6d. Th. pss gp. o' a M. E. Wr. Hs. i't a nm. 6d. It hs. Wr. Wl. u gv. i't m'. 6d. I d'd nt. so rev. i't, nthr. wL I s'o, impt. i't. Wr. Hw. wl. n dsps. o' i't. 6d. I wl. It. i't or sb. i't wth u. Wr. Sib. i't an' bgn. 6d. Wo, n. bgn. Wr. Bgn. n. (For word see 1^.) Wr. (t' Candt.) u. wl. ari'. an' salu'. th J. an' Sw.j an' stsfy thm. tht. u. a'e i psesn. 167 o' th. stp., dg., sn., ps. gp. an' ps wd. (Aft. wh. th. cond. Ids. Cndt. t' th. eTw.'s. sta. i th. S., an' gvs. thr. rps. o'n th. fir. wth. hs. rd., th, Jw. rspndg. b' on' rp. wth. hs. gvl.) 7w. Wh. cms. hr. Sd. Br. II., a wthy br. M. Essene. 7w. Hw. shl. I knw. hm. t' b. sh. 6d. B' crtn. sns. an' a tkn. 7w. ^Yt a'e. sns ? Sd. Kt ngls., hz'ls, an', ppdcls. Jw. Advc. a sn. (dg. o'. M. E. i' g^Ti). 7w. Hs tht an al'sn. 6d. I't hs. : t'. th. psitn m wh. m'. hns. wr pled. will. tkng. iipn. msl. th. sm. obg. Jw. Hv. u. a fthr sn. Sd. I hv (gvs sn o'. M. E.) 7w. lis. tht an al'sn. 6d. It hs. : t'. th. pnlt. o'. tht obg. Jw. Wht i' a. tkn. Sd. A crtn. frnly. or bthly gp. whl)y. on' Esn. m'y. knw. anthr. in th. dk. as i. th. It. 7w. Advc. an', gv. m'e a tkn. (ps. gp. o'. M. E. i'. gvn.) Jw. Wt. i'. tht. 6d. Th. ps. gp o'. a M. E. 168 7w. Hs. i't a nme. Sd. I't hs. Jw. "Wl. u gv i't t'. me. 6d. I d'd. nt so rev. it, ntlir wl. I s'o. im]3t i't. 7w. llw. wl. u dsps o'. it. 6d. Lt. i' or slbl. i't wth. u. Jw. Sib. i't an', bg. 6d. K'o, 11. bg. 7w. Bg. u. (now see ji^.) Jw. Til. wd. i' rght. ; I am stsfd. ; cndt. hm. W". Tli'y thn ps. on to th. Sw's sta. i th. W. whr. th. sm. qstns. a'e 'skd. an' ans. rtnd. as a' th. Jw's sta. Th. Sw. thn. prmts. thm. t' ps. on t' th. Wr.'s sta. i' th. E. As th'y app'ch th. Wr.'s sta. h' s'ys :— Wr. Br. Sd., u wl recndt. th. Br. t' th. Sw. i' th. W. wh'. w'l te'h hm hw. t'. wea. hs ap. as a M. Esne. Th. Sd. thn trns. t' th. Sw. i' th. W. an' s'ys,— Br. Sw., i't i'. th. ord. o' th. Wr. tht. n. tch ths Br. hw. t'. wea. hs. ap. as a M Esn. Th. Sw. aprhs. th. Cndt. an' trns th cr dn. an' s'ys. : — M. Esns wea. thei. aps. wth th. flp t'nd dn. an', so', u. w'l cn'tnii. 169 to wea. yrs. Th. Sd. nw. cndts th. Candt. bck. t' th. Wr. i' th E. [ Wr. Bro. Hm., as u a'e clthd as a M. E. I nw. prsnt. u wth. th. wkg. tls. o' a M. Esen— (th. E. hs. ^ sml Trl. tht. h' shs t' Cndt. whn. h' gvs. hm. th. lllwng. explntn.) Th. wkg. tls. o' a M. Essn a'e a'l o' th. im- pmts o' Essnsm indiscrmntly., bt. m'r. ' espcly. th. Trl. Th. trl. i' an instmt. md. u'e o' b' Opt. Esns t' spr. th. cmnt. wh un'ts. a bldg. int. one comn. mss., bt w'e as F an' Ac. Esns a'e tght. t' mke u'e o' i't f o'. th. mr nobl. an' glor's prps. o' sprdg th. cmnt. o' bthly Iv an' afctn. Tht. cmnt wh. un't's. us int. one sac'd bnd. or s'city o' frnds an' brths. amng. whm. no cntntn. shd. evr xist., bt instd tht nobl emulatn o'f wh' bst en wk an' bst agre'. Wr. Br. Sd., u w'l nw. recndt. th. Cndt. t'. th. pic. f'm. whnc. h. cm. an' renvs hm. wth. tht. h'. hs. bn. dvs. o', and i d'e tme. retn. hm. t' th. ff^ fo'. frthr. instctn. (th Sd. thn. cndts. Cnd't. t'. th. al'. an' gvs. th d'g an' sn o' a M. Esn an', wth M-cs. rtrs t'. th. prpr rm.^ Whn. th. Cnd't. i' drsd. * See Appendix III. 170 M-c. gvs. al'm. a't tli. iiir. dr. wli i'. ans an' op'd b' th. Sd.) Sd. M'. Br., i yr. fthr. prgrs. i tlis. rnk. i't w'l b. ncsry. fo' u. t'. rprsnt. on', anc. opt. G. M. H. Ab, a wd's so, wli'. fo'. hs. intgrtj an' fdlity ws emnntly dstifirushed an' whs. nm. i' hid. i' ho^h vneratn b'. th. eft. I't ws. fo'. ths. reason u. wr invs. wth. ths. jl. as th. appro- prit bdg. or. 'mbhn o' hs. offc. u. w'l thrfr. prcv. tht. ii. a'e nt. yt. fuly invs. wth. a'l th. scs. o' a M. Esn, nor d' I knw. tht. u. evr. w'l b. ; fo'. Ik. hm. u. w'l hv. t'. gv. us a stsfctry. prf. tht u. mrit. th. cnfdnc. alrdy. repsd. i u. I. doig ths. yr. pth. ni'y b. b.st. wth dngs. an' dfclts., evn. yr. If. itsl. m'y b. thtnd. u. w'l thrfr. sumn. t'. yr. ai. al. o' yr. fort'ude., tht. trly Esnc crdnal vrtii, t'. enab. u. t'. end're. th. tri'ls. nw. bf r. u. Hnmn If e, in' Br., i' a cnstnt sc'ne o' trils — an' w"u we'k, frai' mrtls a'e tauht t'. pic ou' dpndnc upn th. Suprm Arctc. fo' suprt, prtctn, an' dlivrno. A' yr. initn. u. wre tght tlit bf r. entrng npn an'y grt. or iniprtnt undr- 171 takg u. shd. alwys invke th. ai' o' Dei., thn. u. lid a fthfi. frn t'. pr'j. fo' u. Is"w. u. mst. pr'y fo' yrslf. u. w'l agn. sfr. ysl. t'. b. liwkd an' repai. t'. th. sac'd Al. o' F. Esnsm, an' thr. pr'y or'ly or mntly. as u. chs an' whn. u. liv. cncld yr. dvtions s'y amn., audbly; thn ari'. an' prcd. i th' fthr. crmns. o' ths. rnk. Th. Cndt. i' thn. hwkd.— thn. knls. a' th. al. an' pr'ys. Wlm. h' hs. sai' amn. an' th. j^ hs. bn. drknd., th Cond tks hm. b'. th' rt 'rm. an', asst. hm t'. ari'. Whn th'y prcd., an' as th'y aprh. th Jw's sta. i th. S., h'. (as J a., fs. Kf.) stps slntly o't fni hs. sea' an', cnfrnts. th. Cndt, clchg. hm b'. th. cllr. i a rgh. mnr., a' th. sme tm. xclmg., G. M H A., I'm. gld t'. mt n. ths al'ne ; ths i'. an oprtnty I hv Ing. sght. : u. prmsd tht. whn th. T., shd. b. cmpltd t'. gv us th. sc wd o'. M. E., t'. enab us t'. obt. ms wgs. will trvlg i frn cntrs. Blild. ! th. T. i'. nw abt cmpltd, an'. I d.mnd th, sc. wd o'. M. E. Sd. Ths. i'. nthr. tm. n'r. pic t'. gv th. sc. wd. o'. ]\t. E. ; wai'. uiitl. th. T. i' 172 cmpltd. ; thiij i'f fnd. wtliy, u. wl. rev i't; othrwse u. emit. Ja. Cnnt. — tlk. nt t' me o'. tme. or pic, bt gv m-e th. set wd. o'. M. E. Sd. I wl. nt. Ja. Wl. nt. — ^gv m'e th se wd o'. M. E. ths. inst o'r I. wl. tk. yr. If. Sd. I sill. nt. Ja. Thn. d-. Sd. thn cndts Cndt. t'. th. W. whr th'y a'e. mt. b'. Sw. [as Jlo, send Ef] wh'. stps o't an', cnfi-ns. hm an', s'ys : G M H. A., gv m'e th. se. wd. o'. a M.E. Sd. I ennt. gv i't. Jlo. Cnnt gv. i't — ^gv m'e th. se. wd. o'. M.E. Sd. I wl. nt. Jlo. Wl. nt. !— gv m'e th. se wd. o'. M. E. ths. inst., o'r I wl. tk yr If. Sd. I shl. nt. Jlo. Thn d-. (Th'y thn ps. on t'. th E. whr. thV a'e. mt b'. th. thd Kf., Jm — ^usly th. Wr.) 173 Jm. G M. H A., gv. m'e th. sc wd. o'. M. E. Sd. I emit, gv i't. Jm. Cnnt gv i't! — I hrd. u. cvlg wth Ja a' th. S. gt, an'. Jlo. a' th W. gt. ; fm. thm u. hv. escpd., fm m'e u cnntj — ^gv m'e th. sc wd. o'. M. E. Sd. I wl. nt. Jm. Wl. nt. — I hid i m' hn an instt o'. dh. Gv m'e th. sc wd. o'. M. E. ths inst, o'r. wl tk. yr. If. Sd. M'. If. u m'y tb., m'. intgty nvr. Jm. Tim. d-. (whn Jla. xclms, Al's ! wt hv w'e dn. !) Jlo. Sin ou'. G. M. II A., an', nt. obt. th. sc. wd. o'. M. E. Jm. D' nt. stn. hr cvlg abt th. sc. wd o'. M. E., bt. le'. ns tk. np th. bd. an', b'ry. i't i th. rbs, an', mt. a'. Iw. twl. fo' coil si tn. Ja. & Jlo. — Agrd. (Th'y. tke up th. bd. an', ca. i't t'. th. mdl. o'. th. roo. an', thr. d.pst i't ; aft. a mom'ts silnc. th. hou'. o'. twl. i'. strk. o'n a gng. o'r bl. whn. th'y. mt. a', th bd.) 174: Jm. r. tht u Ja. Ts. r. tht. uJlo. Ts. I nw prps. tht. w-e tk up th. bd. an' ca. i't t'. th. brw. o'. a hi. whr. I hv a gr ah'dy. du'. fo' i't. Ja. & Jlo. Agrd. (Th'y. thn. tk up th. bd. an', ca. i't i' a wstly drctn. an'. I'y i't dn. i' frn. o'. th. Sw i' th W.) Jm. I nw. prps. tht. w-e. pic. ths. sp-g. o'. aca. a', th. hd o'. th. gr. shd. futr ocsn. reqr ns t'. fnd. itt. Ja. & Jlo. Agrd. Jm. 'Nw le'. ns mk on', escp fm'. th. T-lm. (Th'y thn. rtr. f m. th. bd. i' dfnt drctns.) A mnt's. sine. nw. ensu's, whn th. Brn a'l cmnc. creatg. cnfsn. an', a'e eld. t'. ord. b'. th. Wr. (wh'. is nw. stld. Mst E. K. S.), wh'. adrss. th. Sw. (wh'. is nw. stld. Br. H. K. o' Ty.) thu' :— Ks. Br, H. K. o' Ty, wlit. i'. th. cse o'. a'l. ths. cnfsn., an', wh a'e. nt. th. eft a' th'r Ibr. as usl. H. o' Ty. M. E. K S., th're a'e no dsns 175 iipn th. ts.bd, whby th. eft. en. prsu tli'r Ibr. ; an'. O. G M. H A. i'. msg. K. S. Ou'. O. G M H A. msg. Ths. i'. strng! h'. ws evr punctl in th. prfinne o' lis duts. — I fr. sm acdt. hs. b.fln. hm. Cse. strc. srh. t'. b. mde in an', abt. th. svrl. aprtmts o'. th. T. an', s-e. if h'. ennt. b. fnd. H. o' Ty. Cftmn. asmbl. ; mk. stre srh i' an', abt. th. svrl. aprtmts o'. th T. an'. 8-e. i'f on'. O. G. M H A. ennt. b. fnd. (F'r. cftmn. thn. trvl. arou. Cndt. an', 'sk. o'. ea. oth. th fling, qs.) Fs. Cf sm. Hv. u. s-n ou'. O. G M H A. Sen. Cfsm. Nt sne. hgh twl. ysdy. Hv. u. s-n. ou'. O. G M H A. Thd Cfsm. Nt. sne. hgh twl ysdy. Hv. u. s-n ou. O. GMHA. Frth Cfsm. JSTt. sne. hgh twl ysdy. Fs. Cfsm. Br. H. o' Ty., strc. srh. hs. bn. md. i' an', abt. th. svl. aptmts o'. th. T. an', ou'. O. G M. H A. ennt b. fnd. : h'. hs. nt bn. s-n. sne. hgh. twl. ysdy. H. K. o' Ty. Mst E. K. S., stre srh. hs. bn. md, an', ou'. O. G. M H A. ennt. 1). 176 fnd. ; V hs. nt. bn. s-n. snc. hgh. twl. ysdy (All al'm. i'. nw. hrd. a' tli iiir dr.) H. o' Ty. Mst E. K S., th're i'. an al'm. K. S. Atn t' th a'lm., an' asctn th cs. thrf. H. o' Ty.— Twl. Fc. s-k an audc wth K. 8,, an', s'y tht. th'y hv. an impt cmcatn. K. S. Admt tlim: Th. twl. Fc. a'e. nw admtd., an', prcd. t\ th. E., whr. th'y knl. b.f'r K. S., an', on' o'. thm. s'ys, Mst E. K. S., w-e twl., wth. thr. oths., ent. int a cnsprcy. t'. xtrt. fm oil' O. G M. H A. th. set wd. o'. M. E., o'r tk. hs. If. ; bt. w-e, rflctn o'n. th. enrmty o'. th. crm, hv. rcntd, an', nw. appr b.f'r. u., clthd i wht glvs an', aps., an', hmbly crv. yr. prdn. W-e. fr., hwvr., tht. th. oth. thr. hv. bn. so. b'se. a's. t'. ca. on' thei' mdrs. d.sn. K. S. Ari', rpr. t' yr Ibrs. ; yr. prdn. shl. d.pn. npn. yr. f utr cndc. K. S. Br. H. K. o' Ty., n wl cse. th. rl. o'. th. svrl. bns. o'. w.km. t' b. eld., an. 'se. wh'. if any a'e msg. H. o' Ty. Br. G Sc., n wl. el. th. rl. o'. th. 177 svrl. bns. o'. wkm., an', s-e. wh'. i'f an'y a'e msg. Se. thn prcds t'. cl. th. rl o'. th svrl. bns. o' wkm., an', fnds. tht. thr. a'e msg., an' rptst'. H. o'Ty. tliu'.:— G. Sc. Br. H. K. o' Ty., th. rl. o'. th svrl. bns. o.' wkmn. hs. bn. eld., an'. I fnd. thr. a'e. msg., nml. : Ja, Jlo, an'. Jm., brs. an' mn o'. Ty. H. o' Ty.— Mst E. K. S., th. rls o'. th. svrl. bns. o'. wkmn. hv. bn. eld., an', thr. a'e msg., nmly : Ja., Jlo., an'. Jm., brs. an' mn o'. Ty. K. S. Br. H. o' Ty., twl Fes. aprd b.f'r. m'e ths mrng., an' knit an', enfsd. tht. th'y twL, wth. thr. oth's, hd. entd int. a cnsprey t' xtrt. fm. ou'. O. G. M. th. sc. wd. o'. M. E., or tk hs. If. ; th'y. frd, hwevr., tht. th. oth. thr. hd bn. so. b'se as t'. ea. ou' thei'. mrds d.sns. U wl. selc. fm th. dfrnt bns o'. wkm.^ thse. twl an', divd. thm int'. prtis. o'. thr. eah., wth. instcns t' trvl. N., S., E., an' W., i srh o'. th. ab- snt's. H. o' Ty. — Cfsm., assmb. ; n twl. wh'. 178 apprd. b.fr K. S. an', knit. an', cnfsd., wL, divd. ysls. int'. prtis o' tlir. eah., an'. trvL JSr., S., E., an' W., i srh. o' th. absnt's— (th'y. thn. divd an', prcd t'. trvl). Fs Prty. Le'. us trvl a N. crs. Sen Prty. Le'. us trvl a S. crs. Thd Prty. Le'. us trvl an E. crs. Frth Prty. Le'. us trvl a W. crs. Th prty wh': prsud th. W, crs., nw mee'. a s'a. f. mn., whn thei'. leadr. s'ys., Brn., h're apprs t'. b. a s'a. f. mn. ; le', us 'sk. hm. if h'. hs. s-n an'y strngs. ps. ths. w'y, t' wh. th'y. agr-. Cfmn. Ilai'., strngr., hv. u. s-n an'j' strngs. ps. ths. w'y. S.f. Mn. Idd; thr.,ystrd'y. Cfmn. Cn. u. d.scrbe thm. S.f. Mn. Fm thei'. str'ng f'mily rsmblnc. th'y mst. hv. bn. brs., an' fm. thei' b.ng. clthd. i wht. glvs an' aps., m'st. hv bn. wkm fm th. T. Th'y w're endvng t' obt a pssge int'. Eth'op'a, bt. upn. b.ng infmd tht. K. S. hd isud. an edct. ahvng n'ne t'. Iv. th. rim. wtht. h^. ps., an', th'y nt. hvg. tht. ps,fa'ld t'. obt psg. an' rtrd int'. th. interr o' th. entry. 179 Cfmn. Ths no dt. wr. th. Ef 's ; le'. us go up an', rpt. — . Agrd (on arrving at th. E.). I Cfmn. Mst. E. K. S., w-e. thr wh'. prsd. a W. crs., on arrvg. nea'. th. coas'. o'. Jpa. fl. i wth. a s.f. mn., o' whm. w-e. inqrd if h'. h'd. s-n. any strngs. ps. tht. w'y. II'. rpl-d. tht. h'. h'd. s-n. thr. th. d'y. b.fr., wh' fm. thei'. str'ng f mily rsmblnc, m'st. hv. bn. brs., an'., fm. thei'. b.ng. clthd in wht. glvs. an', aps., m'st hv. bn. wkmn. f m. |th. T. Th'y wr endvrg. t'. obtn. a psg. lint'. Eth'op, bt. upn^ b.ng. infmd. tht K. S. h-d. isud. an edc. alwg, nne. t'. Iv. th. rhu. Iwtht. hs. ps., th'y nt. hvng. th. ps., fa'ld. t'. obt. psg., an' rtir'd int'. th. inter, o'. th. entry. ! K. S. Ths., n'o dt., wre th. Ef's., bt. ths. \i\ nt. satsfcty. Divd. ysls. as b.fr, an'. : trvl. as b.fr, wth. th. pstv. asurnc, tht. i'f ■u. d'. nt. seed, i fndg. th. Ef's., u. ysls. ^wl. b. d'md. th mrds., an', sfr. ac'ly. L Cfmn. Le'. u'. agn. prsu. a W. crs. — J Th'y prsu. a W. crs. untl. tli'y ariv. a', th. •pic. whr th. Cnd.t. 1-s, whn. on' o'. thm. Bto's. an', s'ts. d'n., s'yng, Cmpnns., I 'm 180 we'iy ; le'. ii-s. s't. dn. on tli. brw. o'. tlis. hi. t' rst. an', rfsh. ou'sls. Sen. Cfmn. No, cm o'n, w-e. liv. a'n imptnt. d'ty. t'. pfrm. Fs. Cfmn. Hai'., compnns., o'n atmptg. t'. ari' I acdtly. cght. hid. o'. ths. spg. o' aca., wh. s' easly. gv. w'j. tht. it xcits. m'. snspcns. (V'cs. a'e. nw. hrd. issu'ng. fm. tli. adjct. rks., th. fst. o'. wh. xclms. :) " O, tht. m'. th't hd. bn. cu. acs., m'. tng. tn. o-t. an'. brd. i th. sns. o'. th. s'a. a' Iw. wt. mk., wli're. th. td. 'bs. an', flws. twc. i twnt.-f'r. hrs., er'. I hd. bn. accsry. t'. th. mrd. o'. ou' G M. II A." Cfmn. Tht. i'. th. vc. o' Ja. Sen. Yc. O, tht. m'. If. bs. hd. bn. tn. op., m'. ha. an' lun's. ta'en thnc. t' th. vly. o'. Jlispht.j an', thr If. a pr'y t' th. vlts. o'. th. a'r, er'. I hd. bn. acsry. t'. th. mrd. o'. on'. G M. H A. Cfmn.— Tht. i'. th. vc o' Jlo. Thd. Yc. O, tht. m'. bd. hd. bn. svd. i twn., m'. bwls. ta'n. thnc. an' bnd. t' a'hes., th. a'hes. thrf. setd. t' th. foil', wns. o' hv., tht. thr mt. nt. rmai' amg. mn. o'r 181 Esns. trk., trc, o'r rinbrnc. o' so vie. an', prj. a wrh. a's I, wh'. hv. sin. ou'. G M. II A. Cfmn. Tht. i'. th. yc o' Jm. L'e. u-s rsh. i, sz., bnd., an', bea'. thm. bfr K. S. (Th'y tk. thm. b.f r K S. an', rept.) Cfmn. M E. K S., w-e. tlir. wh'. prcd. a W. crs., on arvg. a' th. brw. o'. a hi., I. felg. we'y, s't. dn. t' rst. an', rfsh. msl. On atmtg. t' ari'., I acdtly. cght. hid. o'. a spg. o'. aca., wh. s'o esly. gv. w'y. tht. i't xctd. m.' suspcns. Whl. cnvrsng. npn. th. singlty. o' th evnt, w-e. dstncly. hrd. vcs. isu'ng fm. th. clfs. o' th. ajct. rks., th. fst. o'. wm. w-e. rcnizd. a's th. yc o'. Ja., xclmg. : " O, tht. m'. th't. hd. bn. cu. acs.j m'. tng. tn. o't. an', brd. i th. Sns. o'. th. s'a. a'. Iw. wt. mk, whr th td 'bs an ilws. twc i twnt fr hrs. er. I hd. bn. acsry. t' th. mrd. o'. ou'. G M. H A." Th nx. w-e. rcnizd. a's th yc o' Jlo., xclmg. : " O, tht. m'. If. bs. hd. bn. tn. op., m'. h'a'. an', lun's tan. thnc. t' th. Yly. o' Jhspht., an', thr If. a pr'y t' th. yUs. o'. th. a'r, er'. I hd. bn. acsry. t'. th. mrd. o' ou'. G M. H A." JTh. thd. w-e recnizd. as th. vc o' 182 Jm., xclmg. : " O, tlit. m'. bd. hd. bn. SA^d. i twn., m'. bwls. ta'n. thnc. an' bnd. t'. a'hes., th. a'hes thrf. sctd. t' th. fou'. wns. o' hv., tht. thr mt. rmai'. nthr. trk., trc, or rmbriic. amg. mil. or Esns. o' so y1. an', prj. a wrli. as I, wh'. liv. mrd. ou'. G. M. H. A " Whrpn. w-e rshd. i, szd., bnd., an', hv. tlim. b.fr. n. Ks. Ja., u. st'd cligd. wth. bng acsry t\ th. mrd. o' on'. O. G M. H A. Wt. s'y. u. t'. th. ch., gl. o-r nt. gl. Ja. Gl. Ks. Jlo., u als'. st'd. chd. wth. bng acsry. t'. th. mrd. o' ou'. O. G M H A. Wt. s'y u., gl. o'r nt. gl. Jlo. Gl. Ks. Jm., u st'd. chd. wth. th. mrd. o' cu'. O. G M. H. A. Wt. s'v u., gl. or nt. Jm. Gl. Ks. Vie an' imp'us. wrhs., rflct. npn. th. enrmy o'. yr. crm., an' th. ami'bl chrc- tr. o'. hm. u. hv. sin. Lk. u'p an', rev yr. sntc, wh. i'., tht. ii. b. ciidtd. wth't. th. wis. o'. th. T., ar'. h. thr. xetd. agrbly 183 t' til. imprcatns. eld. dn. upn. yr. o'n lids. Bgn. Th. Ef s. a'e nw. cndtd. o't o' tli ^, an' th. cftsrnn rtrii. an', rpt. : — Mst. E. K S., th. Ef s. hv. bn. xctd. acdg. t'. yr. ord.s. Ks. u. wl. nw. divd. ysls. as b.fr., an', trvl. as b.fr, i srli o'. th. bd. o'. O. G M II -A., an' whn. fnd., mk. strc. srh. on an', abt. i't, an', s-e if anythg. en. b. fnd. t' clerly idntfy i't. Cfmn.' Le'. us agn. prsu. a W. crs. t' th. brw. o'. th. hi. whr I st. dn. t'. rst. an', rf sh. msl. Agrd. (Th'y thn. pred. W.) Cfinn. Compnns., ths. aprs. t' b. th'. pic. whr I s't dwn. t'. rst. an' rfsh. msl. ; i' prsnts. th. aprnc. o' a nw md gv. Le'. us rmv th'. ert. — ys, i't i' a. gv. ; an', hr i'. a bd., bt. in a mngl. an', putd. cndtn. Le'. u-s stn. asi'. untl. th. eflva. pss. o-. Nw le'. us rsm. th. srh. Ilr, compnns., aprs. t'. b. a jl. Le'. us remv. i't an', bea'. i't up. Agrd. (Th'y. thn. remv. th. jl. an' bea. i't t'. K. S.) 184 Cfmn. Mst. E. K. S., w-o thr. wh. prsd. a W, crs. rprd t' tli. brw. o'. th. hi. whr. I s't d-n t'. rst. an' rfsh. msL, whn. I dscvrd th. aprnc. o'. a n'w md. gv., an'., on rmvg. th. er., a bd., bt. i' so mngld. an', putrd. a cndtn., tht. i't csd n-s t'. pic. ou'. hns. i' ths. p'sitn (plcg. th. hns.i' th. p'sitn o'. dg. o' M. E.) t' grd on', nstrls. fm. th. ofnsv. eflva., an' on resmg. th. srh. fnd. ths. jh, wh. w'e bor'. u-p fo'. yr. inspctn. Ks. (Sot-to voce) Th're en. no Ingr. renin, a dt. as t'. th. dh. o' on'. O. Gr JVI. II A., or as t'. th. idnty. o'. hs. bd., as ths. i'. th. jl. wh. h' wr. Er. H. o' Ty., thr en. no Ingr. remn. a dt. a-s t' th dh. o'. on'. O. G M. H A., o-r a-s t' th. idnty. o'. th. bd., as ths. i' th jl. wh. he wr. Als, I fr. tht. th. ms. wd. i'. f rvr. Ist., fo'. a. rmnibr. tht. i't ws. agrd. betw. ysl., msl. an' H. A. tht. th. ms. wd. shd. nt. b. gvn. nnls. w'e thr. wr prsn.j an', on'. Br. H. A. i'. nw no mr. I nw. prps tht. we f 'rm th eft. i' f unrl. prcsn an', prcd. t'. th. grv. an', bea'. th. bd. np t\ th. T. fo'. mr d.cnt. intmnt. I als prps. tht. th. fs. sn gvn. on on', arivl a' th. grv. shl 185 b. th gn hlg sn o'. dsts and th fs. \vd. spkn aft th bd sill hv bii rsd. shl. b. th. subst. fo.' tht. wh. i'. 1st., untl. th. wsdm' o' futr. gnratns. sh'l. dscvr an' brng t' liht th tru on'. H. o' Ty. Mrshal, asmb. th. eft. an', f'nn thm. i' f unrl. prcsn. on th. K. sd o'. th. ^. Th. eft. thn. f rm i' presn., tw'. b. tw'., an', pred. t'. th. grv., sng'g th. funrl. dir'. On arvng a' th. gv., a'l frm a crel. arou' th. bd., K S. a' th. hea', an' H. o' Ty. a' th' f-t. K S. mks. sn. o'. dsts. o'. M. E. an' rpts. thr. tms. i' sncsn : O L. m'. G., ws. th're nne t'. hip. th. wds. so'. Ks. Br. II o' Ty., endvr t'. rs th. bd b' th. gp o' E. P. IT o' Ty. Mst E. K. S., ow'ng t'. th. hgh stte. o' putfctn. th bd. ennt b. so rsd. ; th. sk. sis. f m th flh. Ivs. Endvr. t'. rs. th. bd.b'. th gp o'. Fe. It o' Ty. Fo'. th. rsn b.fr ass'nd. th. bd ennt. b. so rsd. ; th. flh civs fin. th. bn. Ks. thn xelmd., Br. Ho' Ty., i' ths ou' cuirgne wt. shl. we' d'. II. o' Ty.— Le' us pr'y.— Th. Brn nw a'l ]