California ,egional acility I LIBRARY j UNIVERSITY OF C)*UFON1* F SfcN DIEGO \ THE PRAYER-BOOK QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Ancient and Modern Library of Theological Literature. I of THE PRAYER-BOOK \lo QUEEN ELIZABETH 1559 TO WHICH ARE APPENDED SOME OCCASIONAL FORMS OF PRA YER ISSUED IN HER REIGN THE WHOLE PRINTED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND OTHER PUBLIC LIBRARIES QClitb an Historical introduction LONDON GRIFFITH FARRAN & CO. NEWBERY HOUSE, 39 CHARING CROSS ROAD HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. WITH the death of King Edward VI., the Reformed Liturgy of the Church of England came, for the time being, to an end. The elections which followed the accession of Mary were favourable to her party ; Cardinal Pole was invited to England as Papal Legate, two members only of the House of Commons, out of 360, voted, and that silently, against his proposal of reunion with Rome. On St Andrew's Day 1 554, the reconciliation was formally made at West- minster, and the Roman Mass was restored. The history of the Reformed Liturgy is continued indeed in the " History of the Troubles at Frankfort," the controversy which was carried on abroad among the English refugees and the Continental Refor- mers. Within both these were those on one side who were bent on still further Protestantising the Prayer-book, and on the other the moderates. This chapter in the history of Religion, however, forms no part of our present subject. Worse troubles followed in England. Mr Froude holds that in spite of the apparent sponta- neousness of the English reunion, the people were at least indifferent on the subject and that the whole proceeding was hollow (Froude, v. 416-500). The indifference was changed into a more active feeling by the Marian persecution, the result of which has been that from that day to this the Roman Catholic religion has been associated in the popular English mind with tyranny and revolting cruelty. The death of Mary (Nov. 17, 1556) was felt as a relief by the nation, and the accession of her sister Elizabeth was hailed with joy. Elizabeth's first efforts were all directed towards the mainten- ance of peace in religion. The Mass, as by law established, was celebrated at her coronation, though the Londoners had already shown unmistakably their hatred for it, and the Protestant clergy, coming out of their hiding places, began to read the Edwardian service again, and an English Litany was used in the Royal Chapel. That Litany is given in the present volume, pp. 1-6. Cecil put forth enquiries among the leaders of the different parties as to the course to be taken with respect to the National Religion (See Froude, vi. 124-5). The result showed that there was no longer such hope as there had been of unity. Gardiner and even War- ham before him had consented to the doctrine of the Royal supremacy, combined with Roman dogma, and the policy of Henry VIII. had rested on this. But now the Marian bishops viii THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. were uncompromising in their desire to maintain things as they were, and the Protestant divines were for the most part hot Zwinglians. They had passed beyond Luther and even Calvin. But there was a large secular party, who agreed with neither, and of these the greater number would have preserved the Roman system, simply on the ground that the people, at any rate in the country, would prefer this. " The Catholics," they said, " are in a majority in every county but Middlesex and Kent." The Queen herself was opposed to both extremes. Her views were probably like those of her father, and she certainly would have preferred her brother's first Prayer Book to the second (Froude, vi. 115). She was bent now on setting the religion of the country on a basis which should be national and not Zwinglian. Cecil's queries had pointed to the restoration of the book of 1549, but the answers of the Protestant divines were hostile. Thus Dr Guest, afterwards Bishop of Rochester, one of the most moderate, who took the lead in consequence of Archbishop Parker's illness, even proposed to leave open the posture of the communicants at reception. The steps taken all indicate the caution with which the Queen and her Council found it needful to proceed. Thus on December 27, 1558, a Proclamation was issued, addressed to the Lord Mayor of London, in which all preaching was forbidden. It allowed the Gospel, Epistle, and Ten Commandments to be read in English, but without exposition, and commanded that no other form of public worship should be used except that by law received, or the Litany at present used in her Majesty's Chapel, and the Lord's Prayer and Creed in English, until consultation may be had by Parliament. Nevertheless, it is certain that the zealous Protes- tants continued to preach in churches [Zurich Letters, pp. 21, 57], and to use the Edwardian Prayer Book. The result of the queries of Cecil and the deliberations of the divines appointed to consider the great question, was that the second Book of Edward was adopted as the basis of the new Liturgy. When it was sent up by them to the Queen's Secretary, Guest wrote an explanatory letter explaining why. Ceremonies once taken away, he said, ought not to be restored. If a surplice was sufficient for baptizing, preaching, and praying, it should suffice for the Communion. Non-communicants ought to depart before the consecration. Prayers for the Dead should not be used, because it appears to make for sacrifice. The Prayer at Consecration, " Hear us, O merciful Father," &c. [A. and M. L. Edition, p. 203], was omitted, because Petition is no part of Con- secration, Christ in instituting having made no petition but only a thanksgiving. The old use of the Church was to stand at recep- tion, but kneeling was lawful, and therefore the posture should be left to men's own choice. This indicates the principles upon which the Protestant party acted. But these did not, as we have seen, commend themselves HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. ix to the Queen. Nor in all probability did they to Archbishop Parker. Had they been carried out, there would have been no chance of their acceptance with those, who, though they were no friends of the Papal power, were also not prepared to cast in their lot with the destructives of Geneva and Zurich. The result was a compromise. The book was accepted, but with certain significant and important modifications. Mr Gladstone has admirably put the matter as follows : " Had the divines had their way, there might at once have been a conflict with the whole Roman Catholic party, a crisis in the foreign policy of the country, possibly a war, both civil and foreign. Apart from any ritualistic and theological leanings of the Queen, she did what the national safety and unity evidently required. The spirit of nationalism, generally dominant under Henry VIII., had given way first in one direction under Edward VI., apparently without reserves, then in the other direction with some reserves, to political interests and passions. In her it found a restorer and a champion. Elizabeth admitted the Protestant claim in the gross, but admitted it with serious discounts. Yet those discounts were adjusted with extraordinary skill." (Nineteenth Cent., Nov. 1888, p. 767). The book thus modified was presented to Parliament, and a new Act of Uniformity, passed April 28th, 1559, enacted that it should be used from and after St John Baptist's Day. The Queen, in her zeal, so far broke the law, that she anticipated this date, and ordered it to be read in her chapel on Sunday, May 12. And on the day appointed, out of the whole body of 9,400 clergy, only 189 refused to conform. This book is presented to the reader in the present volume, but with this slight difference from those of King Edward in the same series, that the Epistles and Gospels are not given in full. They will be found in the preceding books, and the printing of them at length would have necessitated enlarging the size and price of the volume. We have now to note the differences between the Second Book of King Edward and that before us. Less than two pages of print will cover them all, and yet, as we have said, they are of great importance. The first, and by far the most weighty, wiU be found on page 41, the famous " Ornaments Rubric." The reader comparing this with that at page 29 of 2 King Edward, will see the vast difference. The " accustomed place of the Church, chapel, or chancel," is substituted for the place where " the people may best hear." And the prohibited vestments, " alb, vestment and cope," are restored. Mr Gladstone, remarking on the drawing up of this measure, is of opinion that it was intended to conciliate the rural districts, where there is every reason to suppose it would at the time be popular. And he adds, with a moderation and straight- forwardness which will commend themselves to all unprejudiced minds, " I am not aware of any evidence to show that it was ever x THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. enforced against unwilling clergymen, or that it supplied a pro- minent topic for the controversies of the day. In the matter of clerical habits, these turned mainly on the use of the surplice. It was as much as the Queen and Government could do to hold this narrower ground with success against the determined opposition of the Puritans in mass, and the leanings of a large proportion of the bishops. But they did hold it ; and the experience of the Cromwellian and Restoration periods shows that they rightly gauged the general tendencies of the nation, which did not favour a naked Protestantism, they suffered the ornaments rubric to lie partially dormant, but they kept it in force, and they sternly re- sisted all attempts to alter the Prayer Book in the sense of the Swiss Reformation." The next change to note is the omission of the petition in the Litany against " the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome and all his detestable enormities." Compare 2 Edward, p. 42, and present vol., p. 55. No doubt the devout feeling of Christian people would acquiesce in this omission. There are also a few additional words in the suffrage for the Queen. The addition of the prayers for the Queen and Clergy at pp. 59 and 60, and a few other varia- tions, are also to be noted. More important is the difference in the words of administration in the Holy Communion. The words in the first book of Edward had been totally different from those in the second. Elizabeth's book took them both (p. 103), and to this day they so remain. And lastly, in this service the " kneeling rubric " of 2 Edward (p. 172) was omitted in Queen Elizabeth (p. 106). In the Ordinal, " the Oath of the King's Supremacy (2 Edward, p. 223) becomes "the Oath of the Queen's Sovereignty" (Elizabeth, 165), and the alteration of the opening words of the oath itself has much signifi- cance as indicating the desire for peace and charity. Before the new Prayer Book was two years old some alterations were made in the Calendar, not of great importance (cf. pp. 21-40 with pp. 185-205). The Puritans were from the first eager to bring the book into fuller harmony with their own views, and in 1566 a Bill was brought into Parliament with that intention. It was frus- trated by the Queen laying it down that such a bill cannot pass without approval of Convocation. But so much was conceded to them that certain "Advertisements" were issued in 1566. The Act of Uniformity, after repeating the Ornaments Rubric, had gone on to say, " until other order shall be therein taken by authority of the Queen's Majesty with the advice of her Commissioners ... or of the Metropolitan of this realm." And now these Advertise- ments declared that the surplice was sufficient, and, by conse- quence, the alb, vestment, cope were so far set aside. They were not abolished, for the Ornaments Rubric remained. And the Advertisements did not become law ; the Queen connived at them, but they had no statutory authority, and they did not satisfy the HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. xi Puritans. But they went far to lead to the disuse of the vest- ments, though certainly in a few cases there are proofs of their continuance. Following the Prayer Book will be found in the present volume a collection of " Godly Prayers " (p. 147). So far back as the days of Henry VIII. the Reformers had provided books of private devotion for the people, following herein the Hotce of previous days. The Primers of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. were such volumes ; there were many editions varying more or less in detail. And the Godly Prayers before us are one form of these. They were not, therefore, a part of the Liturgy, but almost from the beginning were bound up with some editions of it ; not with the folios, which were specially prepared for church use, but with smaller editions. At a later date was added another collection of private prayers, composed by the exiles abroad at the time of the Marian persecution. And with these were bound up the Metrical Psalms of Sternhold and Hopkins ("The Old Version") with musical notation. The Appendices to the present volume require a few words. After the New Calendar of 1561, of which we have already spoken, they comprise Occasional Forms drawn up for special occasions in the course of Elizabeth's reign, and are of great historical interest. There are many more of these, which are little more than repetitions with variations ; we have selected the most characteristic, and those connected with the most important events of this wonderful reign. That at p. 206 is the commonest of all the forms which were drawn up at the visitation of the Plague which in the i6th and 1 7th centuries desolated England from time to time. The form before us was drawn up by Grindal, Bishop of London, in 1563. The plague of that year was brought hither by the English Army from Havre, the French Protestants having put us in. possession of that district. Appendix IV. (p. 217) owes its origin to the attack upon Malta by the Turks, who, it will be remembered, were then the terror not only of Eastern Europe, but of the Mediterranean. Malta was at this time in possession of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem, and, one might almost say, the fate of Southern Europe depended on their being able to hold it. There is another form, which we have not given, of thanksgiving for their success against the invaders, and also for the defeats of the same barbarians in Hungary. Appendix V., " The Prayer " was occasioned by the rising of the Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland, on behalf of the Queen of Scots, in November 1569. (See Froude, ix., ch. 52.) A homily was put forth " against disobedience and wilful rebellion," to which this prayer was appended. The form of prayer for the anniversary of the Queen's Accession, p. 227, is interesting as being the first of the kind which we have. xii THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Such forms were begun at the Reformation and have been continued until now. It is noteworthy that James II. commanded the bishops to compose one for his accession, which was founded on this. It is said that the first of these services was drawn up by Cooper, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, afterwards Bishop of Win- chester, in 1567. Appendix X. was written at a time when the nation was dreading the Spanish Invasion, and also afflicted with a dearth. Appendix XI. marks the period when the Armada was almost in sight. The form was originally drawn up in 1572, but was reissued by the Archbishop (Whitgift) with alterations and additions on July roth, 1588. Nine days later the great fleet was visible off the Lizard. This form is appropriately followed (p. 254) by the Thanksgiving for the defeat of the Armada. Probably there was never before, or since, such a burst of joy and devout thanksgiving as that which England poured forth then. The first public service was held at Paul's Cross, August 2oth. They followed everywhere in a few days. Appendix XIII. (p. 258). Henry IV. of France was fighting the League. Elizabeth sent four thousand men to his assistance, as well as " a greater sum than, as he declared, he had ever seen be- fore." There are two or three of these forms of prayer belonging to the year 1589-90. The present is of the latter date. There is another form for the Plague which was again heavy in 1 593, twenty thousand persons dying in London. Appendix XIV. Occasioned by Spanish machinations against the Queen's life, and the treasons of her fugitive Roman Catholic subjects in the Netherlands. Appendix XV., XVI. Philip II. was making fresh preparations against England, in consequence of which the English Govern- ment took the aggressive, and a powerful fleet was sent to Cadiz in 1596, and captured it on the 2ist June. Appendix XVII. Philip next planned a descent on Ireland, and the fleet which Elizabeth sent against him is the subject of this service. Much of the information given in this Introduction is taken from Mr Clay's admirable edition of the Elizabethan Liturgy, published by the Parker Society, but is supplemented from later works on the same period. Every form, however, here given, has been collated with the originals in the libraries of the British Museum, Lambeth Palace, and Cambridge University. W. B. January 1890. THE LITANV AND SUFFRAGES I558- IT The Litany and Suffrages. O GOD, the father of heauen : haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners. O God the father of heauen : haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners. O God the soonne, redemer of the worlde : haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners. O God the sonne, redemer of the worlde : haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners. O God the holy ghoste, procedyng from the father and the soonne : haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners. O God the holy ghost, procedyng from the father and the soonne : haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners. O holie, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one God : haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one God : haue mercie vpon vs miserable synners. Remembre not lorde our offences, nor the offences of our forfathers, neither take thou vengeaunce of oure synnes : spare vs good Lorde, spare thy people, whom thou hast redemed with thy moste precious bloud, and be not angry with vs for euer : Spare vs good lorde. From all euill and mischief, from synne, from the craftes and assaultes of the deuill, from thy wrathe, and from euerlastyng damp - nacion : Good lorde deliuer vs. From al blindnes of hart, from pride, vanglorie, and hipo- crisy, from enuie, hatred, and malice, and all vncharitablenes : Good Lorde delyuer vs. 2 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. From fornication, and al other dedly sinne, and from al the deceites of the worlde, the fleshe, and the deuill : Good Lorde delyuer vs. From lightnyngs and tempests, from plague, pestilence, and famine, from battaill, and murder, and from sodain death : Good Lorde deliuer -vs. From all sedition and priuie conspiracie, from the tiranie of the bisshop of Rome, and all his detestable enormities, from al false doctrine and heresie, from hardnes of harte, and contempte of thy worde and commaundemente : Good Lorde deliuer -vs. By the misterie of thy holy incarnacion, by the 1 holy natiuitee and circumcision, by thy baptisme, fasting and temptacion : Good lorde deliuer vs. By thyne agonie and bloudye sweate, by thy crosse and passision, by thy precious death and buriall, by thy glorious resurrection and ascention, and by the cominyng of the holie ghost : Good lorde deliuer vs. In all tyme of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth, in the houre of death, and in the daie of iudgement : Good Lorde deliuer vs. We sinners dooe beseche thee to heare vs, O lorde God, and that it maie please thee to rule and gouerne thy holie churche vni- uersall in the right waie : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it may please the to kepe Elizabeth thy seruaunte our Quene and gouernour : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please the to rule her harte in thy faithe feare and loue, and that she maie alwayes haue affiaunce in thee, and euer seke thy honor and glorie : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to be her defender and keper, giuing her the victory ouer al her enemies : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to illuminate al bisshops, pastours and ministers of the Churche, with true knowledge and vnderstandyng of thy worde, and that bothe by their preachyng and liuing thei may set it forth and shewe it accordingly : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. P Most probably, a misprint for, thy ] THE LITANY AND SUFFRAGES. That it maie please thee to endue the lordes of the counsaill, and al the nobilitie with grace, wisedome, and vnderstanding : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to blesse and kepe the magistrates, giuyng them grace to execute Justice, and to maintain truth : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to blesse and kepe all thy people : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it may please the to give to all nacions vnitie, peace, and Concorde : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it may please the to giue vs an harte to loue and dreade thee, and diligently to Hue after thy commaundementes : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it may please the to giue all thy people encrease of grace, to hear mekely thy woorde, and to receiue it with pure affection, and to bryng forthe the fruites of the spirite : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to bryng into the waie of truthe all soche as haue erred, and are deceiued : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to strengthen soche as do stande and comfort and helpe the weake harted, and to raise vp them that fall, and finally to beate doune Sathan vnder our fete : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please the to succoure, helpe, and comforte all that bee in daunger, necessitee and tribulation : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please the to preserue all that trauaill by lande or by water, all women laboring of child, al sicke persons and yong children, and to shew thy pitie vpon all prisoners and captiues : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to defende, and prouide for the father- lesse children and widowes, and al that be desolate and oppressed : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please thee to haue mercie vpon all men : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. Tha it maie please thee to forgiue our enemies, persecutors and sclaunderers, and to turne their hartes : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. A 2 4 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. That it maye please thee to giue and preserue to our vse the kindly fruites of the earth, so that in due tyme we maie enioye theim : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. That it maie please the to giue to vs true repentaunce, to forgiue vs all our sinnes, negligences and ignoraunces, to and * endue vs with the grace of thy holie spirit, to amend our liues accordyng to thy holy worde : We beseche thee to heare vs good lorde. Sonne of God : we beseche thee to heare vs. Sonne of God : we beseche thee to heare vs. O lambe of God, that takest awaie the sinnes of the worlde : Graunt vs thy peace. O lambe of God, that takest awaie the sinnes of the worlde : Haue mercie vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Our Father whiche art in. &c. And suffer vs not to be led into temptation. But deliuer vs from euill. Amen. Versicle. O lorde deale not with vs after our sinnes. Answere. Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities. Let vs praie. O GOD merciful father, that despisest not the sighing of a contrite hart, nor the desire of soche as be sorowful, mercifully assist our praiers, that wee make before the in al our troubles and aduersitees, whensoeuer thei oppresse vs : and graciously heare vs, that those euils, whiche the craft and subtiltee of the deuill or man worketh against vs, be brought to nought, and by the prouidence of thy goodnes thei maie bee dispersed, that we thy seruaunts beyng hurte by no persecutions, maie euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holy churche : through Jesu Christ our Lorde. Amen Lorde arise \ helpe vs, and deliuer vs for thy names sake. P Misprint for, and to.] THE LITANY AND SUFFRAGES. O God, wee haue heard with our eares, and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes, that thou didst in their dayes, and in the old time before them. O Lorde arise, helpe vs, and deliuer vs for thyne honour. Glory bee to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy ghost. As it was in the beginnyng, is now, and euer shall be, worlde without ende. Amen. From our enemies defende vs, O Christ. Gratiously lake -upon our afflictions. Pitifully beholde the doloure of our harte. Mercifully Jorgiue the sinnes of thy people. Fauourably with mercie hear our praiers. O Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie -upon vs. Bothe now and euer vouchesafe to heare vs, O Christ. Graciously heare vs, O Christ. Graciously heare vs, O lorde Christ. Versicle. O Lorde let thy mercie be shewed vpon vs. Awwere. As we do put our trust in thee. IT Let vs prate. WE humblie besech thee, O father, mercifully to looke vpon our infirmitees, and for the glorie of thy name sake tourne from vs those euilles that we moste righteuosly haue deserued. And graunt that in all our troubles, wee maie put our whole trust and confi- dence in thy mercy, and euermore seme the in holines and purenes of liuyng, to thy honoure and glorie through our onely mediatoure and aduocate Jesus Christ, our Lorde. Amen. O GOD, whose nature and propertie is, euer to haue mercie and to forgiue, receiue our humble peticions : and though we be tied and bound with the chaine of our synnes, yet let the pitifulnes of thy greate mercie lose vs : for the honour of Jesus Christes sake, our mediatour and aduocate. ALMIGHTIE and euerlastyng God, whiche onely workest greate marueiles, sende doune vpon our Bisshops and curates, and all congregations committed to their charge, ye helthfull spirite of thy grace, and that thei maie truely please thee : Poure vpon them the continuall dewe of thy blessyng : graunt this, O Lorde for the honour of our aduocate and mediator Jesus Christ. Amen. GRAUNT we beseche thee, O Almightie God, that we in our trouble put our whole confidence vpon thy mercie that wee against all aduersitie bee defended vnder thy protection : graunt this, O lorde God, for our onely mediateur and aduocate Jesus Christes sake. Amen. THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. ^if A Prater of Chrisostome. ALMIGHTIE God, whiche hast giuen vs grace at this time with one accorde, to make our common supplications vnto thee, and doest promise that when twoo or three bee gathered together in thy name, thou wilte graunte their requestes : fulfill now, O Lorde, the desires and peticions of thy seruauntes, as maie be moste expedient for them : grauntyng vs in this worlde, knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to cum, life euerlasting. Amen. C THE BOKE OF COMMON PRAIER, AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENTES, AND OTHER RITES AND CEREMONIES IN THE CHURCHE OF ENGLAND. Londini in Officina Richardi Graftoni Cum prinilegio Regie Maiestatis. Anno. 1559. THE CONTENTES OF THIS BOOKE. i. An act for the uniformitye of Common Prayer. ii. A Preface. iii. Of Ceremonies, why some bee abolished, and some re- tayned. iiii. The order howe the Psalter is appointed to be read. v. The table for thorder of the Psalmes to bee sayde at Morn- nynge and Euenyng prayer. vi. The order how the rest of holy Scripture is appointed to be read. vii. Proper Psalmes and Lessons at Mornynge and Euening prayer, for sondays, and certaine feastes and dayes. viii. An Almanacke. ix. The table and Kalender for Psalmes and Lessons, with necessarie Rules, apperteyning to the same. x. Thordre for Mornyng prayer and Euening prayer, through- out the yere. xi. The Letanie. xii. The Collectes, Epistles, and Gospels, to bee used at the ministracion of the holy Communion, throughoute the yeare. xiii. Thorder of the ministracion of the holy Communio. xiiii. Baptisme both publique and priuate. xv. Confirmacion, where also is a Cathechisme for children. xvi. Matrimonie. xvii. Visitation of the sicke. xviiii. The Communion of the sicke. xix. Buriall. xx. The Thankesgeuing of women after childebyrth. xxi. A Comminacion againste synners, wyth certayne prayers to be vsed diuerse tymes in the yeare. * AN ACTE FOR THE UNIFORMITIE OF COMMON PRATER, AND SERUICE IN THE CHURCH, AND THE ADMINIS- TRACION OF THE SACRAMENTES. WHERE at the death of oure late Soueraigne lord King Edward the sixt, there remained one vniforme order of common seruice and prayer, and of the administracion of Sacramentes, Rites, and Ceremonies, in the churche of Englande, whiche was set furth in one booke entituled : The booke of comon prayer, and administra- cion of Sacramentes, and other Rites and ceremonies in the churche of Englande, aucthorised by Act of Parliament, holden in the fift and sixt yeres of our saied late Soueraigne lorde kyng Edward the sixte, intituled : An acte for the vniformitie of Common prayer, and administracion of the Sacrametes, the which was repealed and taken away by acte of parliament, in the first yere of the raygne of our late Soueraigne Ladye Quene Marye, to the great decaye of the due honour of God, and discomfort to the professours of the trueth of Christes religion : Be it therefore enacted, by the aucthoritie of this present par- liament, that the sayde statute of repeale, and euery thing therein conteined, onely concerning the sayde booke, and the Seruice, administracion of Sacramentes, Rites, and Ceremonies, conteined or appoyncted, in, or by the saide booke shalbe voyde and of none effecte, from, and after the feaste of the Natiuitie of S. John Baptist, next commyng. And that the sayde booke, with the ordre of seruice, and of the administracion of Sacramentes, Rites and Ceremonies, with the alteracion, and addicions, therein added and appoynted by this estatute, shall stande, and be from and after the sayde feaste of the Natiuitie of Sainct John Baptist, in full force and effect, according to the tenour and effect of this estatute, any thing in the aforesayde statute of repeale to the contrary notwith- standing. And further be it enacted by the quenes highnes, with the assent of the lordes and commons, in thys present Parliament assembled, and by aucthoritie of the same, that all and synguler ministers, in any cathedrall, or paryshe church, or other place within thys realme of Englande, Wales, and the marches of the same, or other the quenes dominions : shall from, and after the feaste of the Natiuitie of Saynct John Baptist next comming, be bounden to saye and use the Matins, Euensong, celebracion of the Lordes supper, and administracion of eche of the Sacramentes, and all io THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. their Common and open prayer, in suche ordre and fourme, as is mencioned in the sayde booke, so aucthorised by Parliament in the sayde .v. and sixte yere of the raygne of king Edward the sixt, with one alteracion or additio of certayn Lessons to be vsed on euery Sonday in the yere, and the fourme of the Letanie altered and corrected, and two Sentences onely added in the deliuery of the Sacrament to the comunicantes, and none other, or other wyse. And that if anye maner of persone, 1 Vicare, or other, whatsoeuer minister that ought or shoulde syng or saye common prayer mencioned in the sayde booke, or minister the Sacramentes, from and after the feaste of the Natiuitie of Sainct John Baptiste nexte commyng, refuse to vse the sayde common prayers, or to minyster the Sacramentes in suche Cathedrall or paryshe Churche, or other places, as he shoulde vse to minister the same, in such ordre and fourme, as they be mencioned and set foorth in the sayde booke : or shall wilfully or obstinately standynge in the same, vse anye other Ryte, ceremonye, ordre, fourme, or maner of celebrating of the Lords supper opely or priuely, or Mattins, Euensong, adminis- tracion of the Sacramentes, or other open prayers, then is men- cioned and set foorth in the sayd booke [Open -prayer in and throughoute this Acte, is mente that prayer ivhiche is for other to come vnto, or heare, eyther in Common Churches, or priuie Chap- pelles, or Oratories, commonly e called the Seruice of the Churche\ or shall preach, declare, or speake any thyng in the derogacion or deprauing of the sayd booke, or any thyng therein conteyned, or of any part thereof, and shalbe thereof lawfullye conuicted, according to the lawes of this realme, by verdicte of .xii. men, or by hys owne confession, or by the notorious euidence of the facte, shall lose and forfeyte to the Queenes hyghnesse, her heyres and successours, for hys fyrst offence, the profile of all his spiritual benefices or pro- mocions, comming or arysyng in one whole yere next after this conuiction. And also that the persone so conuicted, shall for the same offence suffer imprisonment by the space of .vi. monethes, without baile or mainpryse. And if any suche persone, once conuicte of anye offence, concernyng the premysses, shall after hys fyrst conuiction eftsones offende, and be thereof in fourme afore- sayd lawfully conuict : that then the same person shall for his second offence suffer imprisonment by the space of one hole yere, and also shall therefore be depriued, ipso facto, of all his spiritual promotions. And that it shalbe lawfull to all patrons or donors of all and singuler the same spirituall promocions, or of any of them, to present or collate to the same, as though the person and persons so offending wer dead ; and that if any such person or persons, after he shalbe twise conuicted in fourme aforesayd, shal offend agaynst any of the premysses the thyrd time, and shalbe thereof in fourme aforesayd lawfully conuicted : That then the person so offending, and conuycted the thyrd tyme, shalbe depriued, ipso [ J Person or parson : rector.] AN ACT FOR THE UNIFORMITY OF COMMON PRAYER, i r facto, of all his spirituall promocions, and also shall suffer imprison- ment during hys lyfe. AND if the person that shall offend, and be conuicte in fourme aforesayde, concernyng any of the premisses, shall not be bene- ficed, nor haue anye spirituall promotion : That then the same- person so offending and conuict, shall for the fyrst offence suffer imprisonment during one hole yere next after his sayde conuiction, without bayle or maynepryse. And yf anye suche person, not hauynge anye spirituall promotion, after his firste conuiction, shall eftsones offende in anye thynge concernynge the premysses, and shal in fourme aforesayd be therof lawfully conuicted : That then the same person shall for his secode offence, suffer imprysonment durynge hys lyfe. And it -is ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie abouesayde, that yf any person or personnes whatsoeuer, after the sayde feaste of the Natiuitie of Saincte John Baptyste nexte commynge, shall in any Enterludes, Playes, Songes, Rymes, or by other open wordes, declare or speake anye thinge in the derogation, deprauynge or despysynge of the same booke, or of anye thynge therin conteyned, or anye parte thereof, or shall by open facte, deede, or by open threatnynges compell or cause, or otherwyse procure or mayntayne anye Pars,Vonycar,or other Mynister,in anye Cathedrall or paryshe Churche, or in Chappell, or in anye other place to synge or saye anye commen and open prayer, or to minister anye Sacramente otherwyse, or in anye other maner and forme then is mencioned in the sayde booke, or that by anye of the sayde meanes shall vn- lawfully interrupt or let any parson, vycar, or other minister, in anye Cathedrall, or paryshe Churche, Chappel, or anye other place to synge or saye common and open praier, or to minister the Sacramentes or anye of them, in suche mane* and fourme, as is mencioned in the sayde booke : That then euerye suche parson l beynge thereof lawefully conuicted in fourme aboue sayde, shall forfeyte to the Ouene oure Soueraygne Ladye, her heires and successours, for the fyrste offence a hundredth markes. And yf any parson or parsons, beynge once conuicte of anye suche offence eftsons offende againste anye of the laste recyted offences, and shal in fourme aforesayde be thereof lawfullye conuicte. That then the same parson so offendinge and conuicte, shall for the seconde offence forfeyte to the Quene oure Soueraigne Ladye, her heyres and successours, foure hundredth markes. And yf anye parson after he, in forme aforesayde, shall haue bene twyce con- uicte of anye offence, concernynge anye of the laste recyted offences, shall offende the thyrde tyme, and be thereof in forme abouesayde lawefully conuicte : That then euery parson so offendynge and conuicte, shall for his thyrde offence, forfeyte to oure Soueraygne Lady the Quene, all his goodes and catelles, and shal suffer im- prysonment duryng his lyfe. And yf anye person or persons that for his fyrste offence, concernynge the premysses, shall be conuicte [1 " Parson" often stands in this Act for person.] 12 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. in forme aforesayde, do not paye the somme to be payde by vertue of hys conuiction, in such maner and forme as the same oughte to be payde, within syxe wekes nexte after hys conuiction, that then euery person so conuicte, and so not payinge the same, shall for the same first offence, instede of the sayde somme, suffer imprison- mente by the space of syxe monethes, withoute bayl or maynepryse. And yf anye person or persons, that for his seconde offece cocern- ing the premisses, shalbe conuict in forme aforesayde, do not pay the sayed somme to be payed by vertue of his conuiction, and this estatute, in suche maner and forme as the same oughte to be payde, within .vi. wekes nexte after hys said seconde conuiction : that then euery person so conuicted and not so 1 paiyng the same, shall for the same seconde offence, in the stede of the sayde somme, suffer imprisonment during .xii. monethes, withoute bayle or mayne- pryse. And that from and after the sayde feaste of the Natiui- tie of S. John Baptyst next commynge, all and euery person and personnes, inhabiting within this Realme or anye other the Quenes Maiesties dominions, shall diligentlye and faythfully, hauynge no lawefull or reasonable excuse to be absente, en- deuoure themselues to resorte to their paryshe Churche or Chap- pel accustomed, or vpon reasonable let thereof, to some vsual place where common Prayer, and suche Seruice of GOD shalbe vsed in suche tyme of let vpon euerye Sondaye, and other dayes ordayned and vsed to be kepte as holye dayes. And then and there to abyde orderly, and soberly durynge the tyme of the common prayer, prechinges, or other seruice of GOD, there to be vsed and ministred, vpon payne of punyshmet by the cen- sures of the church. And also vpon payne that euerye persone so offendynge shall forfete for euery suche offence .xii. d. to be leuyed by the Churchewardens of the paryshe, where suche offence shalbe done, tc thuse of the poore of the same paryshe, of the goodes, landes, and tenementes of suche offendour, by waye of distresse. And for due execution hereof, the Quenes moste excellente Maiesty, the lordes Temporal!, and all the commons in this present Parlyament assembled, dothe in Goddes name earnestly requyre and charge all the Archebyshoppes, Bishopes, and other ordin- aries, that they shal endeuour themselues to the vttermost of their knowledges, that the due and true execution hereof may be had througe houte their diocesse, and charges, as they wyll answere before God, for suche euylles and plages, wherewith almyghty God maye iustlye punyshe his people for neglecting this good and holsome lawe. And for theyr aucthoritie in this behalfe, be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde, that all and singular the same Archebyshopes, byshopes, and all other their officers, exercising ecclesiasticall iurisdiction as wel in pjace exempt as not exempt, within their diocesse, shall haue full power and aucthoritie by this acte, to reforme, correcte, and ponyshe by censures of the churche, all and singuler persons, which shall offende wythin any t 1 Misprints in both editions of 1559 for, so not.] AN ACT FOR THE UNIFORMITY OF COMMON PRAYER. 13 theyr iurisdictions or diocesse, after the sayde feaste of the Natiuitye of Sainct John Baptyst nexte commynge, againste this acte and statute. Any other lawe, statute, priuiledge, lybertie, or prouision heretofore made, had, or suffred to the contrarye notwithstandinge. AND it is ordeyned and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde, that all and euerye Justices of Oyer and determiner, or Justices of Assyse, shall haue ful power and aucthoritye in euery of their open and general Sessions, to enquire here and determine al, and all maner of offences that shalbe committed or done contrary to any article conteyned in this present act, within the lymites of the Commission to them dyrected, and to make processe for thexecutio of the same, as they may do againste any personne beinge indited before them of trespasse, or lawfully conuicted thereof. PROUIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritye afore- sayd, that all and euery Archbishoppe and Bishoppe, shall or may at al time and times at his libertie and pleasure, ioyne and associate himselfe, by vertue of this acte, to the said justices of Oyer and determiner, or to the said justices of assise, at euery of the sayd open and general Sessions, to be holden in any place within his diocesse, for and to the enquiry, hearing and determining of the offences aforesayde. PROUIDED also and be it enacted by thaucthority aforesaid, that the bokes cocernyng the sayd Seruices, shall at the costes and charges of the paryshioners of euerye paryshe, and Cathedrall Church, be attained and gotten before the sayd feast of the Natiuitye of Saint Jhon Baptist next folowing, and that all suche paryshes and Cathedral Churches or other places, wher the said bokes shalbe attained and gotten before the said feaste of the Natiuitye of Sainct Jhon Baptist, shal within three wekes next after the said bokes so attained and gotten, vse the said seruice and put the same in vre l accordyng to this acte. AND be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid, that no parson or parsons shalbe at any time hereafter empeched or otherwyse molested of, or for any of the offences aboue mencioned, hereafter to be committed or done contrary to this act, onles he or they so offendynge, be therof indited at the next generall Sessions, to be holden before any such Justices of Oyer and determiner, or Justices of assise, next after any offence committed or done con- trarye to the tenor of this act. PROUIDED alwayes, and be it ordeined, and enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid, that al and singuler Lordes of the Parliament for the third offence aboue mencioned, shall be tried by their peres. PROUIDED also, and be it ordeined, and enacted by thauctho- ritie aforesaid, that the Maior of London, and all other Maiors, Bayliffes, and other head officers of al, and singular Cities, Boroughes, and Townes Corporate within this Realme, Wales and P Ure ; use, practice.] i4 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. the marches of the same, to the which Justices of Assise do not commonly repayre, shall have ful power and aucthority by vertue of this acte, to enquire, here, and determine the offences aboue- said, and euery of them yerely, within .xv. daies after the feast of Easter, and S. Mighel tharchaungell, in like maner and fourme as Justices of Assise and Oyer and determiner may doo. PROUIDED alwayes and be it ordeined and enacted by thauctho- ritie aforesayd, that al and singuler Archbishops and Byshops, and euery of their Chauncellours, Commissaries, Archdeacons, and other ordinaries, hauynge any peculier ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction, shal haue ful power and aucthority by vertue of this act, as wel to enquire in their visitation, Synodes, and elsewhere within their iurisdiction at any other time and place, to take occasions l and informations of al and euery the thinges aboue mencioned, done, comitted, or perpetrated within the limits of their Jurisdictions and aucthoritie, and to punish the same by admonicion, excomunica- tion, sequestration, or depriuation and other censures and processe in like fourme as heretofore hath ben vsed in like cases by y e Oueenes ecclesiastical lawes. ~ PROUIDED alwayes and be it enacted, that whatsoeuer person offending in the premisses, shall for the offence firste receyue ponishment of the ordinary, hauing a testimonial therof vnder the said ordinaries scale, shal not for the same offence eftsones be couicted before the Justices. And lykewise receiuynge for the sayd fyrst offence ponishment by the Justices, he shal not for the same offence eftsoones receyue ponishment of the ordinary. Any thinge conteyned in this act to the contrary notwithstandyng. PROUIDED alwayes and be it enacted, that suche ornamets of the Churche, and of the ministers therof, shalbe reteined and be in vse as was in this Churche of England, by aucthority of Parlia- ment, in the second yere of the raygne of Kyng Edward the vi. vntil other order shalbe therm take by thaucthority of the Quenes Maiestie, with the aduise of her Comissioners appointed and auctorized vnder the great Scale of England, for causes ecclesiastical, or of the Metropolitan of this Realme. And also that if there shal happen any contempte or irreuerence to be vsed in the ceremonies or rites of the Church, by the misusinge of the orders appointed in this boke : The Quenes Maiestie may by the like aduise of the sayd commissioners, or Metropolytan, ordeine and publish such further ceremonies or rites as may be most for the aduauncemet of Gods glory, the edifiyng of his Church, and the due reuerence of Christes holy mysteries and Sacramentes. AND be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid, that al lawes, statutes and ordinaunces, wherin or whereby any other Seruice administration or Sacramentes or Common prayer, is limited, established, or set forth to be vsed within this Realme, or any other the Quenes dominions or Countryes, shall from heris- forth be vtterly voyde and of none effect. P Misprint in both editions of 1559 for accusations.] THE PREFACE. THERE was neuer anye thynge by the witte of man so well deuised, or so sure established, whiche (in continuaunce of tyme) hath not been corrupted : as (emong other thynges) it may plainly appeare by the Common prayers in the churche, commonly called diuine seruice : the firste originall and ground wherof, if a man woulde serche out by auncient fathers, he shall fynde that the same was not ordeyned but of a good purpose, and for a greate aduauncemente of godlines. For they so ordred the matter, that all the whole Byble (or the gretest part therof) should be red ouer ones in the yere entending therby, that the clergie and specially suche as wer Ministers of the congregacion, should (by often reading and meditacion of Gods word), be styrred vp to godlines themselues, and be more able also to exhorte other by holesome doctrine, and to confute them that wer aduersaries to the truth. And further that the people (by daily hearynge of holy scripture read in the Churche) should continually profite more and more in the knowelege of God, and be the more enflamed with the loue of his true religion. But these many yeres passed, thys godly and decent ordre of the auncient fathers, hath been so altered, broken, and neglected, by planting in vncertain Stories, Legendes, Respondes, Verses, vain Repeticions, Commemoracions, and Sinodalles, that commonly when any booke of the Bible was begon, before thre or foure Chapiters wer red out, al the rest wer vnredde. And in this sort the booke of Esay was begon in Aduent, and the boke of Genesis in Septuagesima : but they were onely begonne, and neuer red through. After lyke sorte wer other bokes of holy scripture vsed. And moreouer, wheras Sainct Paule woulde haue such language spoken to the people in the Churche, as they might onderstande, and haue profite by hearing thesame, the seruice in this churche of Englande (these many yeres) hath been redde in Latine to the people, whiche they understoode not, so that they haue heard with their eares only, and their hartes, spirite, and mynd, haue not been edified therby. And furthermore, notwithstandyng that thauncient fathers haue devyded the Psalmes into seuen porcions, wherof euery one was called a Nocturne, now of late tyme, a fewe of them haue been daily sayd (and oft repeated) and the rest vtterly omitted. Moreouer, the nombre and hardnesse of the rules, called the Pye, and the manifolde changeinges of the seruice, was the cause, that to turne the boke onely, was so harde and intricate a matter, that many tymes there was more businesse 16 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. to find out what should be read, then to reade it when it was found out. These inconueniences therefore considered, here is set furthe suche an ordre, whereby thesame shalbe redressed. And for a readinesse in this matter, here is drawen out a kalendre for that purpose, which is plain and easy to be vnderstanden, wherin (so muche as may be) the reading of holy scriptures is so set furth, that all thinges shalbe doen in ordre, without breaking one piece therof from another. For this cause be cut of Anthemes, Res- pondes, Inuitatories, and such lyke thinges, as dyd breake the con- tinual course of the reading of the scripture. Yet because ther is no remedy, but that of necessitie there must be some rules, there- fore certayn rules are here set furth, which as they be fewe in nombre, so they be plain and easy to be onderstanden. So that here you haue an ordre for prayer (as touching the reading of holy scripture) much agreable to the mynd and purpose of thold fathers, and a great deale more profitable and commodious, then that which of late was vsed. It is more profitable, because here are left out many thinges, whereof some be vntrue, some vncertayn, some vain and supersticious, and is ordeyned nothing to be readde but the very pure woord of God, the holye scriptures, or that which is euidently grounded vpon the same, and that in such a language and ordre, as is most easy and playne for the vnderstandyng bothe of he readers and hearers. It is also more commodious, bothe for the shortnesse therof, and for the playnesse of the ordre, and for that the rules be fewe and easye. Furthermore, by thys ordre, the Curates shall nede none other bookes for their publique seruice, but this booke, and the Bible, by the meanes wherof, the people shal not be at so greate charge for bookes, as in tyme paste they haue been. And where hertofore there hath been greate diuersitie, in saying, and singyng in churches within thys realme, some folowing Salis- burye vse, some Herford vse, some the vse of Bangor, some of Yorke, and some of Lincolne : now from hence furth, all the whole realme, shall haue but one vse. And if any would iudge this way more paynfull, because that all thynges must be readde vpon the booke, wheras before by the reason of so often repeticion, they could say many thinges by heart ; if those men will weigh their labour, with the profite and knowledge, which daily they shall obteyne by readyng vpon the booke, they will not refuse the pein, in cosideracion of the great profite that shal ensue therof. And forasmuche as nothyng can almost be so playnly set furth, but doubles may ryse in the vse and practising of the same : To appease all such diuersitie (if any aryse), and for the resolucion of all doubles concerning the maner howe to vnderstand, do, and execute the thinges conteined in this boke : the parties that so dout, or diuersly take any thing, shal alway resort to the Bishoppe of the dyocesse, who by hys discrecion shall take ordre for the THE PREFACE. 17 quyeting and appeasing of the same : so that the same ordre be not contrary to any thyng conteyned in this booke. And yf the the Byshoppe of the Dyocesse be in any doubte, then may he sende for the resolucion therof vnto the Archebishoppe. Though it be appoyncted in the afore written Preface, that all thynges shalbe readde and song in the Church, in the Eng- lishe tongue, to the ende that the congregacion may bee thereby edifyed : yet it is not meant, but when men say Mornyng and Euening prayer priuately, they may say thesame in any language that they themselues do vnderstande. And all Priestes and Deacons, shalbe bounde to say dayly, the Morning and Euenyng prayer, eyther priuately or openly, except they be letted by preaching, studying of diuinitie, or by some other urgent cause. And the Curate that ministreth in euery paryshe Churche or Chapell, beyng at home, and not beyng otherwyse reasonably letted, shall say thesame in the Parishe Church or Chapell where he ministreth, and shall toll a belle therto, a convenient tyme before he begyn, that such as be disposed may come to heare Goddes woorde, and to praye with him. OF CEREMONIES, WHY SOME BE ABOLISHED, AND SOME RETAYNED. OF suche Ceremonies as be vsed in the churche, and haue hadde their beginning by the institucion of man : Some at the firste were of Godlye entent and purpose deuysed, and yet at length, turned to vanitie and supersticion : some entered into the Churche, by vndiscrete deuocion and suche a zeale as was withoute knowledge : and for because they were winked at in the beginning, they grue daily to more and more abuses, which not only for their vnprofit- ablenes, but also because they haue muche blynded the people, and obscured the glorye of God, are woorthy to be cut away, and cleane reiected. Other there be, which although they haue been deuysed by manne, yet it is thought good, to reserue them still, aswel for a decent ordre in the churche (for the which they wer first deuised) as because they pertaine to edificacion : wherunto all thinges doen in the Churche (as the Apostle teacheth) ought to be referred. And although the kepyng or omitting of a Ceremonye (in it selfe considered) is but a small thyng : yet the wilfull and contempteous transgression, and breakyng of a common ordre, and discipline : is no small offence before God. Let all thynges be doen emong you (saith S. Paule) in a semelye and dewe ordre. The appoynctment of the which ordre, per- teyneth not to priuate men ; therefore no man ought to take in hande, nor presume to appoincte or alter any publique or com- mon ordre in Christes Church, excepte he be lawfully called and aucthorised therunto. And wheras as in this our tyme, the mindes of menne are so diuerse, that some thinke it a great matter of conscience, to de- parte from a piece of the least of their Ceremonies (they be so addicted to their old customes) and again on the other side, some be so newe fangled, that they would innouate all thing, and so do despise the olde, thai nothing can like them, but that is newe : it was thought expediet, not so muche to haue respect how to please and satisfie either of these parties, as how to please God, and profile them bothe. And yet lest anye man shoulde be offended (whom good reaso might satisfie) here be certain causes rendered why some of the accustomed Ceremonies be put away, and some retained and kept still. Some are put away, because the great excesse and multitude of OF CEREMONIES. 19 them, hath so encreased in these latter days, that the burthen of them was intolerable ; whereof S. Augustine in his tyme com- plained, that they were growe to suche a nombre, that the state of Christian people was in worse case (cocerning that matter) then wer the Jewes. And he counsailed that such yoke and burthen shoulde be taken away, as tyme woulde serue quietly to doe it. But what woulde sainct Augustine haue sayde, if he had seen the Ceremonies of late dayes vsed emong vs ? wherunto the multi- tude vsed in his time was not to bee compared. This our exces- siue multitude of Ceremonies was so greate, and many of them so darke, that they did more confounde and darken, then declare and set furthe Christes benefites vnto vs. And besides this, Christes Ghospell is not a Ceremoniall lawe (as muche of Moses lawe was) but it is a religion to serue God, not in bondage of the figure, or shadowe, but in the fredome of spirite, beyng content onelye with those Ceremonies, which doe serue to a decent ordre, and godlye discipline, and suche as be apte to styrre vp the dull minde of manne, to the remembraunce of his duetie to God, by some notable and speciall significacion, whereby he might be edified. Furthermore, the moste weightie cause of the abolishement of certain Ceremonies was, that thei wer so farre abused, partly by the supersticious blindnesse of the rude and vnlearned, and partly by the vnsaciable auarice of such as sought more their owne lucre, then the glorye of God : that the abuses could not well be taken awaye, the thing remaining still. But now as cocerning those persones, whiche peraduenture will bee offended, for that some of the old Ceremonies are retained stil : if thei consider, that without some Ceremonies it is not possible to kepe anye ordre, or quyet discipline in the Churche, they shall easely perceiue iust cause to refourme their iudugementes. And if they thinke muche that anye of the olde dooe remain, and would rather haue all deuysed newe : Then such men graunting some Ceremonies conuenient to be had, surelye where the olde maye be well vsed, there they cannot reason- ably reproue thold onely for their age without bewraying of their awn foly. For in such a case, they ought rather to haue reuerence vnto them, for their antiquitie, if they will declare themselfes to be more studious of vnitie and concord, then of innouacios and new fanglenesse, whiche (asmuch as maye bee with the true settyng furth of Chrystes Religion) is alwayes to be eschewed. Further- more, such shall haue no iust cause with the Ceremonies reserued, to be offended : For as those bee taken away, whiche wer moste abused, and dyd burthen mennes consciences without any cause : so the other that remain are retained for a Dysciplyne and ordre, whiche (vpon iust causes) maye bee altered and chaunged, and therfore are not to be estemed equall with Goddes lawe. And moreouer thei be neither darke nor dombe Ceremonies, but are 20 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. so set furthe, that euerye marine may vnderstand what they dooe meane, and to what vse they dooe serue. So that it is not lyke, that they in tyme to come, shoulde bee abused, as the other haue been. And in these oure doynges, we condempne no other nacions, nor prescribe any thing, but to our awne people onelye. For wee thinke it conuenient that euery countrey should vse such Ceremonies, as they shall thinke best, to the setting furth of Goddes honour, or glorye, and to the reducyng of the people to a moste perfect and Godly liuyng, without errour or Supersticion. And that they should put away other thynges, whiche from tyme to tyme, they perceyue to bee moste abused, as in mennes ordinaunces, it often chaunceth diuersely in diuers countreys. THE TABLE AND KALENDAR EXPRESSYNG THE ORDRE OF THE PSALMES AND LESSONS, TO BEE SAID AT THE MORNING AND EUENING PRAYER THROUGHOUT THE YERE, EXCEPTE CERTEIN PROPRE FEASTES, AS THE RULES FOLOWYNG MORE PLAYNELY DECLARE. THE ORDER HOW THE PSALTER IS APPOYNTED TO BE READDE. THE Psalter shalbe readde through, ones euery moneth, and because that some Monethes bee longer then some other be ; It is thought good, to make them euen by this meanes. To euery moneth shalbe appointed (as concerning this purpose) iust xxx dayes. And because January and Marche hathe one daye aboue the sayed nomber, and February, which is placed betwene them bothe, hath onely xxviii dayes, February shall borow of either of the monethes (of January and Marche) one day, and so the Psalter, which shalbe redde in February, must begin the last daie of January, and ende the first daie of Marche. And where as May, July, August, October and December, hath xxxi dayes a pece, it is ordred that the same Psalmes shalbe redde the laste day of the sayed Monethes, which were redde the daye before, so that the Psalter may beginne againe the first daie of the next Monethe ensuyng. Now to knowe what Psalmes shalbe redde euery daie, looke in the Kalender, the nomber that is appointed for the Psalmes, and then fynde thesame nomber in this Table, and vpon that nomber shall you see, what Psalmes shalbe sayde at Morning and Euening prayer. And where the cxix Psalme, is deuided into xxii porcions, and is ouerlong to be redde at one time : it is so ordred, that, at one time, shal not be readde aboue foure or fyve of the sayd porcions, as you shall perceiue to be noted in this Table folowyng. And here is also to be noted, that in this Table, and in all other partes of the seruice, where any Psalmes are appoyncted, the nombre is expressed after the greate Englyshe Bible, whiche from the ix Psalme, vnto the cxlviii Psalme (folowing the deuision of the Hebrues) doth vary in nombres from the common Latine translacion. THE TABLE FOR THE ORDER OF THE PSALMES, TO BE SAIED AT MORNING AND EUENING PRAIER. IT Morning Praier. IT Euening Praier. i. 1, 11, 111, IV, V. vi, vii, viii. ii. ix, x, xi. xii, xiii, xiv. iii. xv, xvi, xvii. xviii. ' iv. xix, xx, xxi. xxii, xxiii. V. xxiv, xxv, xxvi. xxvii, xxviii, xxix. vi. xxx, xxxi. xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv. vii. xxxv, xxxvi. xxxvii. viii. xxxviii, xxxix, xl. xii, xiii, xliii. ix. xliv, xlv, xlvi. xlvii, xlviii, xlix. X. 1, li, Hi. Hii, liv, Iv. xi. Ivi, Ivii, Iviii. lix, Ix, Ixi. xii. Ixii, Ixiii, Ixiv. Ixv, Ixvi, Ixvii. xiii. Ixviii. Ixix, Ixx. xiv. Ixxi, Ixxii. 1 xxiii, Ixxiv. XV. Ixxv, Ixxvi, Ixxvii. Ixxviii. xvi. Ixxix, Ixxx, Ixxxi. Ixxxii, Ixxxiii, Ixxxiv, Ixxxv. xvii. Ixxxvi, Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii. Ixxxix. xviii. xc, xci, xcii. xciii, xciv. xix. xcvi, xcvii. xcviii, xcix, c, ci. XX. cii, ciii. civ. xxi. cv. cvi. xxii. cvii. cviii, cix. xxiii. ex, cxi, cxii, cxiii. cxiv, cxv. xxiv. cxvi, cxvii, cxviii. cxix. Inde. iv. XXV. Inde. v. Inde. iv. xxvi. Inde. v. Inde. iv. xxvii. cxx, cxxi, cxxii, cxxiii. cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxviii, cxxiv, cxxv. cxxix, cxxx, cxxxi. xxviii. cxxxii, cxxxiii, cxxxiv, cxxxvi, cxxxvii, cxxxviii. cxxxv. xxxix. cxxxix, cxl, cxli. clxii, cxliii. XXX. cxliv, cxlv, cxlvi. clxvii, clxviii, cxlix, cl. THE ORDER HOWE THE RESTE OF HOLY SCRIPTURE (BESYDE THE PSALTER) IS APPOINTED TO BE READDE. THOLD Testament is appointed for the fyrst lessons, at Morning and Euening prayer, and shal be read through, euerye yere once, excepte certaine bokes and Chapiters, whiche be leaste edifying, and mighte beste bee spared, and therefore bee lefte vnread. The newe Testament is appointed for the seconde Lessons, at Mornyng and Euenyng prayer, and shalbe read ouer orderly euery yere thryse, besyde the Epistles and Gospels : except the Apoca- lips, out of the which there bee onely certayne Lessons appointed, vpon diuerse proper feastes. And to knowe what Lessons shalbe readde euery daye : fynde the day of the moneth in the Kalender folowing ; and there ye shal perceyue the bokes and Chapiters that shalbe read for the Lessons, both at Mornynge and Eueninge prayer. And here is to bee noted, that whensoeuer there bee any proper Psalmes or Lessons appointed for the Sondayes or for anye feaste moueable or vnmoueable : then the Psalmes and Lessons, appointed in the kalender shalbe omitted for that tyme. Ye must note also that the Collect Epistle and Gospell, ap- pointed for the Sondaie shal serue al the weke after, except there fall some feast that hath his proper. This is also to bee noted, concernyng the Leape yeares, that the xxv daye of February, which in Leape yeare is coumpted for two dayes, shal in those two dayes, alter nether Psalme nor Lesson : but the same Psalmes and Lessons, whiche be sayde the first daye, shall also serue for the second daye. Also, wheresoeuer the beginnyng of any Lesson, Epistle or Gospel is not expressed : there ye muste beginne at the beginning of the Chapiter. And wheresoeuer is not expressed howe farre shalbe read, there shall you reade to the ende of the Chapiter. IT Proper lessons to be read for the first lessons, both at mornyng prayer and Euenyng prayer, on the Sondayes throughout the yeare, and for som also the seconde Lessons. Mattens. Euesong. Mattens. Euesong. Sondayes of Sondaye after Advent. Ascesion daie. Deut. xii. xiii. The first Esa. i. Esa. ii. ii. V. xxiiii. Whitsondaye. iii. XXV. xxvi. i Lesson Deut. xvii. Deut. xxiii. iiii. XXX. xxxii. | ii Lesson Act x. Actes xix. Then Peter It fortuned Sondayes after Christmas. opened his. &c. whe Ap- pollo went The first xxxvii. xxxviii. to Corinth. ii. xli. xliii. &c. vnto after these Sondayes after the thynges. Epiphany. The first xliiii. xlvi. Trinitie Sondaye. ii. Ii. Iiii. i Lesson Gen. xviii. Josue i. iii. Iv. Ivi. ii Lesson Math. iii. iiii. Ivii. Iviil V. lix. Ixiiii. Sodaies after the Trinitye. Gen. i. Sexagesi. iii. vjen. 11. vi. The first ii. Josue x. ud. iiii. Jos. xxiii. Jud. v. Quinqua. ix. xii. iii. iiii. i Kyng ii. xii. i Kyng iii. xiii. Lent. vi. XV. ii Kyng xii. XV. ii Kyng xxi. . q , VI 1. xxii. xxiv. l oonoay xix. xxii. viii. iii King xiii. iii King xvii. 11. xxvii. xxxiiii. ix. xviii. xix. iii. xxxix. xlii. X. xxi. xxii. iiii. V. xliii. Exod. iii. xlv. Exod. v. xi. xii. iiii King v. x. iiii King ix . xviii. V ix. X. xiii. xix. xxiii. xiiii. Jere. v. Jere. xxii. Ester daye. XV. xvi. XXXV. Ezech. ii. xxxvi. Eze. xiv. i Lesson xii. xiiii. xvii. xvi. xviii. ii Lesson Rom. vi. Act ii. xviii. XX. xxiiii. Sondayes after Easter. The first Nu. xvi. Nu. xxii. xix. XX. xxi. xxii. Dan. iii. Joel ii. Abacuk ii. Prouer. ii. Dan. vi. Mich. vi. Prouer. i. ii. 11. xxiii. XXV. xxiii. xi. xii. iii. Deut. iv. Deut. v. xxiiii. xiii. xiv. iiii. vi. vii. XXV. XV. xvi. V. viii. ix. xxvi. xvii. xix. LESSONS PROPER FOR HOLY DAYS. Lessons proper for holy dayes. Mattens. Euensong. Mattens. Euensong. S. Andrew. Prouer. xx. Prou. xxi. Annunciation of our Ladye. Eccle. ii. Eccle. iii. S. Thomas the apostle. xxiii. xxiiii. Wensday afore Easter. Osee xiii. Ose xiiii. Natiuitie of Christ. i Lesson Esaie ix. Esaie. vii. Thursday before God spake Easter. Dan. ix. Jere xxxi. ons again to Achas. &c. Good Frydaye. Gene. xxii. Esaie Iiii. ii Lesson Luk ii, vnto Tit. iii. and vnto | The kynd- Easter Eue. Zach. ix. Exod. xiii. men good ! nes and wyll. loue. &c. Moday in easier S. Steue. weke. i Lesson Pro. xxviii. Eccle. iiii. i Lesson Exod. xvi. xvii. ii Lesson Actvi.&vii. Act. vii. And ii Lesson Matthew Act. iii. Stephen ful when .xl. xxviii. of faith and yeres were Twesday in powre,&c., expired, Easter.2 vnto And there ap- i Lesson Exod. xx. Exo. xxxii. when .xl. yeres, &c. pered unto Mouses.&c. ii Lesson Luke xxiiii. vnto And i Corinth.xv. vnto Steph beholde.ii.of full of the them. holy. &c. S. Marke. Eccle. iiii. Eccle. v. Sainct Jhon. i Lesson Eccle. v. Eccle. vi. Philippe & Jacob. vii. ix. ii Lesson Apoc. i. Apoc. xxii. Ascension daye. Deut. x. Deut. xi. Innocets. Jere. xxxi. WysdO i. vnto More- Mondaye in ouerlhearde Whytson weake. XXX. xxxi. Ephraim. Circumcision daye. Twesday in i Lesson Gen. xvii. Deut. x. Whytson weake. xxxii. xxxiiii. and nowe Israel. &c. Sainct Barnabe. ii Lesson Rom. ii. Colloss ii. i Lesson Eccle. x. Eccle. xii. ii Lesson Act. xiiii. Ac. xv. Epiphanie Daye. vnto. After i Lesson ii Lesson Esa. Ix. Luk iiS.,and Esa. xlix. John ii. after S. John Baptiste. certein dayes it fortuned. this he went i Lesson Mala. iii. Mala. iiii. &c. to Caper- ii Lesson Math. iii. Mathew xiiii. Conuersio of nau. vnto, When S. Paule. Sainct Peter. Jesus heard. i Lesson Wisedo.v. Wisdo. vi. 1 i Lesson Eccle. xv. Eccle. xix. ii Lesson Act. xxii.. Act. ii. ii Lesson Actes iii. Actes iiii. vnto they hearde him. Sainct James. Eccl. xxi. xxiii. Purification of ye virgin Mary. Wisdo. ix. Wysed. xii. Sainct Bartholo- mewe. XXV. xxix. Sainct Mathie. Wisdo. xix. Eccle. i. Sainct Mathew. XXXV. xxxviii. P Misprint for xxvi.] [2 Week omitted.] 26 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. Lessons proper for holy days. Mattens. Euensong. Mattens. Euensong. Sainct Michael. Eccl.xxxix. Eccl. xliiii. All Saintes. i Lesson Wised, iii. WisdO. v. Sainct Luke. li. Jobi. vnto bless- vnto hys ie- ed is rather lousy also. Sainct Simon & the baren. Jude. i Lesson xxiiii. 1 xlii. ii Lesson He. xi.,xii., Apo. xix. ii Lesson XXV. Sainctes by vnto And I fayth vnto sawe an an- If you en- gell stande. dure chast- ening. Proper Psalmes on certain dayes. Mattens. Euensong. Mattins. Evensong. Christmas day. Psal. xix. Psal. Ixxxix. Ascension daye. Psal. viii. Psal. xxiiii. xlv. ex. XV. Ixviii. Ixxxv. CXXXll. XXI. CVlll. Easter daie. ii. cxiii. Witsondaye. xlviii. ciiii. Ivli. cxnii. Ixvii. cxlv. CXI. cxviu. Both chapters should have been assigned for the first lesson. See New Calendar J C A BRIEFE DECLARATION WHEN EUERY TERME BEGINNETH AND ENDETH. BE it knowen that Easter Terme beginneth alwaies, ye .xviii. daie after Easter, rekening Easter daie for one. And endeth the Mondaie next after the Ascention daie. Trinitie Terme beginneth alwaie the Fridaie next after Trinitie Sondaie, and endeth the .xxviii. daie of June. Michaelmas Terme beginneth the nynth or tenth daie of October, and endeth the .xxviii. or .xxix. daie of Nouember. Hillarie Terme beginneth the .xxiii. or .xxiiii. daie of Januarie, and endeth the .xii. or .xiii. daie of Februarie. In Easter Terme on the Ascention daie. In Trinitie Terme, on the Natiuitie of Sainct John Baptist. In Michaelmas Terme, on the feast of All Sainctes. In Hillarie Terme on the feast of the Purification of our Lady. The Quenes Judges of Westminster dooe not vse to sit in Judgemente nor vpon any Sondaies. C AN ALMANACK FOR .XXX. YERES. 11 The yeres of our Lorde. IT The Golden Nomber. The Epacta. IThe Side of he Sunne. )omini- call letter. Easter daie. M.D.LIX ii xxii xxviiii A. xxvi Marche. M.D.LX iii iii i G. F. xiiii Aprill. M.D.LXI iiii xiv ii E. vi Aprill. M.D.LXII V XXV iii D. xxix Marche. M.D.LXIII vi vi iiii C. xi Aprill. M.D.LXI III vii xvii V B. A. ii Aprill. M.D.LXV viii xxviii vi G. xxii Aprill. M.D.LXVI ix ix vii F. xiiii Aprill. M.D.LXVII X XX viii E. xxx March. M.D.LXVIII xi i ix D. C. xviii Aprill. M.D.LXIX xii xii X B. x April. M.D.LXX xiii xxiii xi A. xxvi Marche. M.D.LXXI xiiii iv xii G. xv Aprill. M.D.LXXII XV XV xiii F. E. vi Aprill. M.D.LXXIII xvi xxvi xiiii D. xxii Marche. M.D.LXXIIII xvii vii XV C. xi Aprill. M.D.LXXV xviii xviii xvi B. iii Aprill. M.D.LXXVI xix xvii A. G. xxii Aprill. M.D.LXXVII i xi xviii F. vii Aprill. M.D.LXXVIII ii xxii xix E. xxx Marche. M.D.LXXIX iii iii XX D. xxix Aprill. M.D.LXXX iiii xiv xxi C. B. iii Aprill. M.D.LXXXI V XXV xxii A. xxvi Marche. M.D.LXXXII vi vi xxiii G. xv Aprill. M.D.LXXXIII vii xvii xxiiii F. xxxi Marche. M.D.LXXXIII viii xxviii XXV E. D. xix Aprill. M.D.LXXXV ix ix xxvi C. xi Aprill. M.D.LXXXVI X XX xxvii B. iii Aprill. M.D.LXXXVII XI i xxviii A. xvi Aprill. M.D.LXXXVII xii xii i G. F. vii April. THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. C JANUARY HATH .XXXI. DATES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesson. i Lesson. ii Lesson. iii A Kalend. Circum- i Gen. xvii Roma ii Deut. x Collos ii b iiii No. \cision ii Genesis i Math, i Gene ii Roman i xi c iii No. iii iii ii iiii ii d Prid. No. iiii V iii vi iii xix e Nonas. V vii iiii viii iiii viii f viii l&.Epiphanie. vi Esay Ix Luke iii Esa. xlix Jhon ii g vii Id. vii Genesi ix Math, v Gene xi Roma v xvi A vi Id. viii xii vi xiii vi V b vld. ix xiiii vii XV vii c iiii Id. X xvi viii xvii viii xiii d iii Id. Sol in Aqua. xi xviii ix xix ix ii e Prid. Id. xii XX X xxi X f Idus. xiii xxii xi xxiii xi X g xix Id. Februarii. xiiii xxiiii xii XXV xii A xviii kl. XV xxvi xiii xxvii xiii xvii b xvii kl. Terme be- xvi xxviii xiiii xxix xiiii vii c xvi kl. [gin. xvii XXX XV xxxi XV d xv kl. xviii xxxii xvi xxxiii xvi XV e xiiii kl. xix xxxiiii xvii XXXV I Corin. i iiii f xiii kl. XX xxxvi xviii xxxvii ii g xii kl. xxi xxxix xix xxxix iii xii A xikl. xxii xl XX xii iiii i b xkl. xxiii xiii xxi xiiii v c ixkl. xxiiii xliiii xxii xlv vi ix d viii kl. Con.Paule. XXV xlvi Actes xxii xlvii Acte xxvi e vii kl. xxvi xlviii Mat. xxiii xlix i Cor. vii xvii f vikl. xxvii 1 xxiiii Exodi i viii vi g vkl. xxviii Exodi ii XXV iii ix A iiii kl. xxix iiii xxvi V X xiiii b iii kl. XXX vi xxvii vii xi iii c Prid kl. i viii xxviii ix xii THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. FEBRUARY HATH .XXVIII. DAIES. 1 MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. i Lesson. ii Lesson. d Kalend. ii Exod. x Marke i Exodi. xi i Cor. xiii xi xix e f iiii Puri. Mary. iii No. iii iiii xii xiiii ii iii xiii XV xiiii XV viii g Prid. No. V xvi iiii xvii xvi A Nonas. vi xviii V xix ii Cori. i xvi b viii Id. vii XX vi xxi ii V c vii Id. viii xxii vii xxiii iii d vi Id. ix xxiiii viii xxxii iiii xiii e vld. x xxxiii ix xxxiiii V ii f iiii Id. Sol. in xi XXXV x xl vi x 8 A iii Id. [Pisces Prid. Id. Terme xii xiii Leu. xviii XX xi xii Leui. xix Nume. x vii viii xviii b c Idus. [end. xvi kl. Marche. xiiii XV Nume. xi xiii xiii xiiii xii xiiii ix x vii d xv kl. xvi XV XV xvi xi e xiiii kl. xvii xvii xvi xviii xii XV iiii f g A xiii kl. xii kl. xikl. xviii xix XX xix xxi xxiii Luke, di. i di. i ii XX xxii xxiiii xiii Galath. i ii xii b xkl. xxi XXV iii xxvi iii c ixkl. xxii xxvii iiii xxviii iiii d viii kl. xxiii xxix V XXX V ix e vii kl. xxiiii xxxi vi xxxii vi xvii vi f g A vi kl. S. Mathias. vkl. iiii kl. XXV xxvi xxvii xxxiii XXXV Deut. i vii viii ix xxxiiii xxxvi Deut. ii Ephesi. i ii iii b iii kl. xxviii iii x iiii iiii xiiii c Prid. kL xxix V xi vi V THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. MARCHE HATH .XXXI. DAIES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesson. i Lesson, ii Lesson. iii d Kalend. XXX Deut. vii Luke xii Deut. viii Ephe. vi e vi No. i ix xiii X Philip, i xi f v No. ii xi xiiii xii ii g iiii No. iii xiii XV xiiii iii xix A iii No. iiii XV xvi xvi iiii viii b Prid. No. Ho. 5. V xvii xvii xviii Colloss. i c Nonas. [Mi. 42. vi xviii xviii XX ii xvi d viii Id. vii xxi xix xxii iii V e vii Id. viii xxiii XX xxiiii iiii f vi Id. ix XXV xxi xxvi i Thess. i xiii v Id. [tium. X xxvii xxii xxviii ii ii A iiii Id. Equinoc- xi xxix xxiii XXX iii b iii Id. Sol in Ari- xii xxxi xxiiii xxxii iiii X c Prid. Id. [ete. xiii xxxiii Jhon i xxxiiii V d Idus. xiiii Josue i ii Josue ii ii Thes. i xviii e xvii kl. XV iii iii iii ii vii f xvi kl. Aprilis. xvi iiii iiii iiii iii g xv kl. xvii V V V i Timo. i XV A xiiii kl. xviii vi . vi vi ii iii iiii b xiii kl. xix vii vii vii iiii c xii kl. XX viii viii viii V xii d xikl. xxi ix ix ix vi i e xkl. xxii X X xi ii Tim. i f ixkl. xxiii xii xi XX ii ix g viii kl. xxiiii xxi xii xxii iii A vii kl. Annunci- XXV xxiii xiii xxiiii iiii xvii b vi kl. \atio. xxvi Judic. i xiiii Judic. ii Titus i vi c vkl. xxvii iii XV iiii ii iii d iiii kl. xxviii V xvi vi Philem i xiiii e iii kl. xxix vii xvii viii Hebres i iii f Prid. kl. XXX ix xviii X ii THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. C APRILL HATH .XXX. DATES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRA1ER. EVENYNG PRATER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. i Lesson. ii Lesson. g Kalend. i Judic. xi Jhon xix Judi. xii Hebre.iii xi A iiii No. ii xiii XX xiiii iiii b iii No. iii XV xxi xvi V xix c Prid. No. iiii xvii Actes i xviii vi viii d Nonas. V xix ii XX vii xvi e viii Id. vi xxi iii Ruthi viii V f vii Id. vii Ruth ii iiii iii ix g vild. viii iiii V i Regu. i X xiii A vld. ix i Regu. ii vi iii xi ii b iiii Id. X iiii vii V xii c iii Id. xi vi viii vii xiii X d Prid. Id. Sol. in xii viii ix ix Jacob i e Idus. [Tauro. xiii X X xi ii xviii f xviii kl. Maii. xiiii xii xi xiii iii vii g xvii kl. XV xiiii xii XV iiii A xvi kl. xvi xvi xiii xvii V XV b xv kl. xvii xviii xiiii xix i Peter i iiii c xiiii kl. xviii XX XV xxi ii d xiii kl. xix xxii xvi xxiii iii xii e xii kl. XX xxiiii xvii XXV iiii i f xikl. xxi xxvi xviii xxvii V g xkl. xxii xxviii xix xxix ii Peter i ix A ix kl. S. George. xxiii XXX XX xxxi ii b viii kl. xxiiii ii Regu. i xxi ii Reg. ii iii xvii c viikl. MarkeEua. XXV iii xxii iiii i Jhon i vi d vikl. xxvi V xxiii vi ii e vkl. xxvii vii xxiiii viii iii xiiii f iiii kl. xxviii ix XXV X iiii iii g iii kl. xxix xi xxvi xii V A Prid. kl. XXX xiii xxvii xiiii ii iii Jho THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. 33 MAIE HATH .XXXI. DAIES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesson. i Lesson. ii Lesson. xi b Kalend. Phil, et i ii Reg. xv Acte viii ii Re. xvi Judas, i c vi No. [Ja. ii xvii xxviii xviii Roma, i xix d v No. iii xix Matth. i XX ii viii e iiii No. iiii xxi ii xxii iii f iii No. v xxiii iii xxiiii iiii xvi g Prid. No. vi iii Regu. i iiii iii Reg. i v V A Nonas. vii ii v ii vi b viii Id. viii iii vi iiii vii xiii c vii Id. ix v vii ix viii ii d vild. X ix viii X ix e v.Id.Sol.inGemi. xi xi ix xii X X f iiii Id. xii xiii X xiiii xi g iii Id. xiii XV xi xvi xii xviii A Prid. Id. xiiii xvii xii xviii xiii vii b Id. XV xix xiii XX xiiii c xvii kl. Junii. xvi xxi xiiii xxii XV XV d xvi kl. xvii iiii Reg. i XV iiii Reg. ii xvi iiii e xv kl. xviii iii xvi iiii i Corin. i f xiiii kl. xix v xvii vi ii xii i g xiii kl. AJ xii kl. XX xxi vii ix xviii xix viii X iii iiii b xikl. xxii xi xx xii v ix c xkL xxiii xiii xxi xiiii vi d ixkl. xxiiii XV xxii xvi vii xvii e viii kl. xxv xvii xxiii xviii viii vi f vii kl. xxvi xix xxiiii XX ix g vikl. xxvii xxi xxv xxii X xiiii A v kl. xxviii xxiii xxvi xxiiii xi iii b iiii kl. i xxix j xxv xxvii xxv xii c iii kl. xxx i Esdra i xxviii i Esd. ii xiii xi |d Prid. ki. i xxx iii Marke i j iiiii xiiii 34 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. JUNE HATH .XXX. DAIES. 1 MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. i Lesson. ii Lesson. e Kalend. i i Esdraiiii Marke ii i Esd. v i Cor. xv xix f iiii No. ii vi iii vi xvi viii g iii No. iii vii iiii vii ii Corin. i xvi A Prid. iiii viii V viii ii V b Nonas. V ix vi X iii c viii Id. vi ii Esdra i vii iii iiii xiii d vii Id. vii iiii viii v v ii e vi Id. viii vi ix viii vi f v Id. ix ix X xiii vii X g iiii Id. X Hester i xi Hester ii viii A iii l&.BarnabeAp. xi iii Acte xiiii iiii Actes xv xviii b Prid. Id. xii V Mark xii vi ii Cor. ix vii c Idus. Julii. Sol. in xiii vii xiii viii X d xviii kl. [Can. xiiii ix xiiii Jobi xi XV e xvii kl. XV Job ii XV iii xii iiii f xvi kl. xvi iiii xvi v xiii g xv kl. Terme xvii vi Luke i vii Galath. i xii A xiiii kl. [begin. xviii viii ii ix ii i b xiii kl. xix X iii xi iii c xii kl. XX xii iiii xiii iiii ix d xi kl. . xxi xiiii V XV v e xkl. xxii xvi vi xvii, xviii vi xvii f ixkl. xxiii xix vii XX Ephesi. i vi g viii kl. Jhon xxiiii Mala, iii Math, iii Mai. iiii Math, xiiii A vii kl. [Baptist. XXV Job xxi Luke viii Job xxii Ephesi. ii xiiii b vikl. xxvi xxiii ix xxiiii, xxv iii iii c vkl. xxvii xxvi, xxvii X xxviii iiii d iiii kl. xxviii xxix xi XXX v xi e iii kl. S. Peter Ap. xxix xxxi Actes iii xxxii Actes iiii f Prid. kl. XXX xxxiii Luke xii xxxiiii Ephes. vi THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. 35 C JULY HATH .XXXI. DATES. Psalines. MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. z Wesson. n Lesson. t Lesson. u Lesson. xix g Kalend. i Job xxxv Luke xiii lob xxxvi Philip, i viii A vi No. ii xxxvii xiiii xxxviii ii b v No. iii xxxix XV xl iii xvi c iiii No. iiii xii xvi xiii iiii V d iii No. [ende. v Prouer i xvii Prou. ii Coloss. i e Prid. No. Terme vi iii xviii iiii ii xiii f Nonas. Dogdaies vii v xix vi iii ii g viii Id. viii vii XX viii iiii A vii Id. ix ix xxi X i Thessa. i X b vi Id. X xi xxii xii ii c v. Id. xi xiii xxiii xiiii iii xviii d iiii Id. xii XV xxiiii xvi iiii vii e iii Id. xiii xvii Jhon i xviii v f Prid. Id, Sol. in xiiii xix ii XX ii Thess. i XV g Idus. [Leo. XV xxi iii xxii ii iiii A xvii kl. Augusci. xvi xxiii iiii xxiiii iii b xvi kl. xvii xxv v xxvi i Timo. i xii c xv kl. xviii xxvii vi xxviii ii, iii i d xiiii kl. xix xxix vii xxx iiii e xiii kl. XX xxxi viii Eccles. i v ix f xii kl. xxi Eccles ii ix iii vi g xikl. xxii iiii x v ii Tim. i xvii A xkl. xxiii vi xi vii ii vi b ixkl. xxiiii viii xii ix iii c \\\\\i\.JamesApc. xxv X xiii xi iiii xiiii d vii kl. xxvi xii xiiii Jerem. i Titus i iii e vi kl. xxvii Jere. ii xv iii ii, iii f v kl. xxviii iiii xvi v Philem. i xi g iiii kl. xxix vi xvii vii Hebres i A iii kl. j xxx viii xviii ix ii xix b Prid. kl. xxx X xix xi iii B 2 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. C AUGUST HATH .XXXI. DAIES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRATER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. i Lesson. it Lesson. viii c Kalend Lammas. i Jere. xii Jhon xx Jer. xiii Hebr. iiii xvi d .iii No. ii xiiii xxi XV V V e iii No. iii xvi Actes i xvii vi f Prid. No. iiii xviii ii xix vii viii cr t> Nonas. V XX iii xxi viii ii A viii Id. vi xxii iiii xxiii ix b vii Id. vii xxiiii V xxv X X c vild. viii xxvi vi xxvii xi d vld. ix xxviii vii xxix xii xviii e iiii Id. S. Laur- X xxx viii xxxi xiii vii f iii id. [ence. xi xxxii ix xxxiii Jacobi. i g Prid. Id. xii xxxiiii X XXXV ii XV A Idus. [bris. xiii xxxvi xi xxxv ii iii iiii b xix kl. Septem- xiiii xxxviii xii xxxix iiii c xviii kl. Sol in XV xl xiii xii V xii d xvii kl. [Virgo. xvi xiii xiiii xiiii i Peter i i e xvi kl. xvii xliiii XV xlv, xlvi ii f xv kl. xviii xlvii xvi xlviii iii ix g xiiii kl. xix xlix xvii 1 iiii A xiii kl. XX Ii xviii Iii V xvii b xii kl. xxi Lameet. i xix Lame, ii ii Pet. i vi c xi kl. xxii iii XX iiii ii d xkl. xxiii V xxi Ezech. ii iii xiiii e ixkl. BarthoApo xxiiii Ezech. iii xxii vi i Jhon i iii f viii kl. XXV vii xxiii xiii ii g vii kl. xxvi xiiii xxiiii xviii iii xi A vikl. xxvii xxxiii xxv xxxiiii iiii b vkl. xxviii Daniel i xxvi Dani. ii V xix c iiii kl. xxix iii xxvii iiii ii, iii Jho. viii d iii kl. xxx V xxviii vi Jude i e Prid. kL xxx vii Matth. i viii Roma THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. 37 C SEPTEMBER HATH .XXX. DATES. 1 ts MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesson. i Lesson. // Lesson. xvi f Kalend. i Daniel ix Math, ii Danie. x Roma, ii v cr iiii No. ii xi iii xii iii A iii No. iii xiii iiii xiiii iiii xiii b Prid. No. iiii Ozee i v Oze ii, iii v ii c Nonas.Dog daies v iiii vi v, vi vi d viii Id. [end. vi vii vii viii vii X e vii Id. vii ix viii X viii f vi Id. viii xi ix xii ix xviii g vld. ix xiii X xiiii X vii A iiii Id. X Joel i xi Joel ii xi b iii Id. xi iii xii Amos i xii XV c Prid. Id. xii Amos ii xiii iii xiii iiii d Idus. xiii iiii xiiii v xiiii e xviii kl. Octobris. xiiii vi XV vii XV xii f xvii kl. Sol in XV viii xvi ix xvi i g xvi kl. [Libra. xvi Abdias i xvii Jonas i i Corin. i A xv kl. xvii Jonas ii, iii xviii iiii ii ix b xiiii kl. xviii Miche i j xix Mich ii iii c xiii kl. xix iii XX iiii iiii xvi d xii kl. XX v xxi vi v vi e xi kl. S. Matthew. xxi vii xxii Naum i vi f xkl. xxii Naum ii xxiii iii vii xiii g ixkl. xxiii Abacuc i xxiiii Abacu. ii viii iii A viii kl. xxiiii iii XXV Soph, i ix b vii kl. XXV Sopho ii xxvi iii X xi c vikl. xxvi Agge. i xxvii Agge. ii xi d vkl. xxvii Zachari. i xxviii Zach. ii, iii xii xix e iiii kl. xxviii iiii, v Marke i vi xiii viii f iii kl. S.Michaell. xxix vii ii viii xiiii g Prid. kl. XXX ix iii X XV THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. C OCTOBER HATH .XXXI. DAIES. i MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. / wesson. ii Lesson. xvi A Kalend. i Zachari xi Mark iiii Zacha xii i Cor. xvi V b vi No. ii xiii v xiiii ii Cor. i xiii c v No. iii Malach i vi Mala ii ii ii d iiii No. iiii iii vii iiii iii e iii No. v Tobyi viii Toby ii iiii X f Prid. No. vi iii ix iiii v g Nonas. vii v X vi vi xviii A viii Id. viii vii xi viii vii vii b vii Id. Termebe- ix ix xii X viii c vi Id. [gin. X xi xiii xii ix XV d vld. xi xiii xiiii xiiii X iiii e iiii Id. xii Judith i XV Judit ii xi f iii Id. xiii iii xvi iiii xii xii g Prid. Id. Sol. in xiiii v Luke di. i vi xiii i A Idus. [Scorpi. XV vii di. i viii Gala, i b xvii kl. Novem- xvi ix ii X ii ix c xvi kl. [bris. xvii xi iii xii iii d xv kl. Luke Euan. xviii xiii iiii xiiii iiii xvii e xiiii kl. xix XV v xvi v vii f xiii kl. XX Sapien i vi Sapi ii vi g xii kl. xxi iii vii iiii Ephesi i xiiii A xi kl. xxii v viii vi ii iii b xkl. xxiii vii ix viii iii c ixkl. xxiiii ix X X iiii xi d viii kl. XXV xi xi xii v e vii kl. xxvi xiii xii xiiii vi xix f vikl. xxvii XV xiii xvi Philip, i viii g v kl. Simon and xxviii xvii xiiii xviii ii A iiii kl. \Ju. xxix xix XV Eccls. i iii xvi b iii kl. XXX Eccle. ii xvi iii iiii V c Prid. kl. XXX iiii xvii v Colloss. THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. 39 NOUEMBER HATH .XXX. DATES. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesson. i Lesson. ii Lesson. xiiii d Kalend. All i Sapie. iii Heb.xi,xii Sapi. v Apoc. xix ii e 1 No. \Sainctes. ii Eccls. vi Luk. xviii Eccl. vii Collo. ii f 1 No. iii viii xix ix iii g Prid. No. iiii X XX xi iiii X A Nonas. v xii xxi xiii i Thes. i b viii Id. vi xiiii xxii XV ii xviii c vii Id. vii xvi xxiii xvii iii vii d vi Id. viii xviii xxiiii xix iiii e v Id. ix XX Jhon i xxi v XV f iiii Id. X xxii ii xxiii ii Thes. i iiii S iii Id. xi xxiiii iii XXV ii A Prid. Id. xii xxvi iiii xxvii iii xii b Idus. Sol. in Sag. xiii xxviii v xxix i Timo. i i c xviii kl. Decem- xiiii XXX vi xxxi ii, iii d xvii kl. [ber. XV xxxii vii xxxiii iiii ix e xvi kl. xvi xxxiiii viii XXXV v f xv kl. xvii xxx vi ix xxxvii vi xvii g xiiii kl. xviii xxxviii X xxxix ii Timo. i vi A xiii kl. xix xl xi xii ii b xii kl. XX xiii xii xiiii iii xiiii c xikl. xxi xliiii xiii xlv iiii iii d xkl. xxii xlvi xiiii xlvii Titus i e ix kl. 5". Clement. xxiii xlviii XV xlix ii, iii f viii kl. xxiiii 1 xvi Ii Phile. i xix g vii kl. XXV Baruch i xvii Baru. ii Hebre. i A vikl. xxvi iii xviii iiii ii viii b v kl. [ende. xxvii v xix vi iii c iiii kl. Terme xxviii Esay i XX Esay ii iiii xvi d iii kl. \Apo. xxix iii xxi Iiii v V e Prid. kl. Andrew XXX v ; Actes i vi vi iiii. iii. omitted.] THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. C DECEMBER HATH .XXXI. DATES. Psalmes. MORNVNG PRAIER. EUENYNG PRAIER. i Lesson. ii Lesso. i Lesson. ii Lesson. f Kalend. i Esay vii Actes ii Esa viii Hebr. vii xiii g 1 No. ii ix iii X viii ii A iii No. iii xi iiii xii ix X b Prid. No. iiii xiii V xiiii X c Nonas. V XV vi xvi xi xviii d viii Id. vi xvii di. vii xviii xii vii e vii Id. vii xix di. vii xx, xxi xiii f vi Id. viii xxii viii xxiii James i XV g vld. ix xxiiii ix xxv ii iiii A iiii Id. X xxvi X xxvii iii b iii Id. xi xxviii xi xxix iiii xii c Prid. Id. Sol in xii XXX xii xxxi V i d Idus. [Capri. xiii xxxii xiii xxxiii i Peter i e xix kl. Januarii. xiiii xxxiiii xiiii XXXV ii ix f xviii. kl. XV xxxvi XV xxxvii iii g xvii kl. xvi xxxviii xvi xxxix iiii xvii A xvi kl. xvii xl xvii xii V vi b xv kl. xviii xiii xviii xiiii ii Peter i c xiiii xl. xix xliiii xix xlv ii xiiii d xiii kl. XX xvi XX xlvii iii e xii kl. Thomas Ap. xxi xlviii xxi xlix i Jhon i f xikl. xxii 1 xxii Ii ii xi g xkl. xxiii Iii xxiii Iiii iii A ixkl. xxiiii liiii xxiiii Iv iiii xix b viii kl. Christmas. XXV Esay ix Luke xxii Esay vii Titus iii viii c vii kl. S. Stephen. xxvi Ivi Act vi, vii Ivii Actes vii d vi kl. 5 . Jhon Eua xxvii Iviii Apocali. i lix Apoc. xxii xvi e v kl. Innocentes. xxviii Jere xxxi Acte xxv Ix i Jhon 5 V f iiii kl. xxix Esaie Ixi xxvi Ixii ii Jhon i g iii kl. XXX Ixiii xxvii Ixiiii iii Jho i xiii A Prid. kl. XXX Ixv xxviii Ixvi. Jude i iiii. omitted.] THE ORDRE WHERE MORNING AND EUENING PRAYER SHALBE VSED AND SAYDE. The Morning and Evening prater shalbe vsed in the accustomed place of the churche, chapel, or Chauncell, except it shalbe otherwise determined by the ordinary of the place : and the chauncels shall remain, as they haue done in tymes past. And here is to be noted, that the Minister at the time of the comunion, and at all other tymes in hys ministracion, shall vse suche ornamentes in the church, as wer in vse by aucthoritie of parliamet in the second yere of the reygne of king Edward the . VI. according to the acte of parliament set I \in the beginning of thy s booke. AN ORDRE FOR MORNING PRAYER DAYLY THROUGHOUT THE YERE. At the beginning both of Morning Prayer, and lykewyse of Euening Prayer, the Minister shall reade with a lowde voyce, some one of these sentences of the Scriptures that folowe. And then he shall say that, which is written after the said sentences. AT what tyme soeuer a synner doth repent him. of his sin from the bottome of hys harte ; I wil put al his wickednes out of my remembraunce sayeth the Lord. Eze. xviii. I do know mine awne wickednes, and my syne is alwaies against me. Psalm 1L Turne thy face awaye from our sinnes (O lorde) and blotte out all our offences. Psalm li. A sorowful spirite is a sacrifice to God : despise not (O Lorde) humble and contrite hartes. Psalm 1L Rende your hartes, and not your garmentes, and turne to the Lorde your God, because he is gentle and mercyful, he is pacient and of muche mercie, and such a one that is sory for your afflictions. loelii. To the, O Lorde God belongeth mercies and forgeuenes : for we haue gone away from the, and haue not barkened to thy voice, whereby we myght walcke in thy lawes, whiche thou hast appoincted for VS. Daniel ix. Correct vs, O Lorde, and yet in thy iudgement, not in thy furie, least we shoulde be consumed and brought to nothyng. Iere - " Amende your Hues, for the kyngdome of God is at hande. Math. iii. 42 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. I will go to my father, and say to him, father, I haue sinned against heauen, and againste the, I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne. Entre not in to iudgement wyth thy seruaunts, O Lorde, for no fleshe is rightous in thy sight. If we saye that we haue no synne, we deceyue ourselues, and there is no truthe in vs. DERELY beloued Brethren, the Scripture moueth vs in sondry places, to acknowledge and confesse our manifolde sinnes and wickednes, and that we should not dissemble nor cloke them be- fore the face of almighty God our heauenly father, but confesse them with an humble, lowly, penitent and obedient harte to the ende that we may obtaine forgeuenes of the same by his infinite goodnesse and mercie. And although we ought at all tymes humbly to knowledge our synnes before God, yet ought we moste chiefly so to doe, when we assemble and mete* toguether, to rendre thankes for the greate benefites that we haue receiued at his handes, to sette furth his moste worthie praise, to heare his moste holye worde, and to aske those thynges whiche be requisite and neces- sarie, aswel for the bodye as the soule. wherfore I praye and beseche you, as many as be here presente, to accompany me wyth a pure harte and humble voice, vnto the throne of the heauenly grace, sayeng after me. A general! confession, to be saide of the -whole congregation after the minister, knelyng. ALMIGHTIE and most merciful father, we haue erred and straied from thy waies, lyke lost shepee we haue folowed to much the deuises and desires of our owne hartes. We haue offended against thy holy lawes : We haue left vndone those thinges whiche we ought to haue done, and we haue done those thinges which we ought not to haue done, and there is no health in vs, but thou, O Lorde, haue mercy vpon vs miserable offendours. Spare thou them O God, whiche confesse their faultes. Restore thou them that be penitent, accordyng to thy promises declared vnto mankynde, in Christe Jesu our Lorde. And graunt, O most merciful father, for his sake, that we may hereafter lyue a godly, ryghtuous, and sobre life, to the glory of thy holy name. Amen. The absolution to be pronounced by the Minister alone. ALMIGHTY God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which de- sireth not the deathe of a sinner, but rather that he maye turne from his wickednesse and lyue : and hath geuen power and com- maundement to hys Ministers, to declare and pronounce to his people beyng penitent, the absolution and remission of their synnes : he pardoneth and absolueth all them which truly repent, and vnfeinedly beleue his holy gospel. Wherefore we beseche MORNING PRAYER. 43 him to graunt vs true repentaunce and hys holy spirite, that those thynges may please hym, whych we doe at thys present, and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure and holy : so that at the last we may come to his eternall ioye, through Jesus Christe our lorde. The people shal aunswere, Amen. Then shall the Minister beginne the Lordes Prayei wyth a loude -voice. OUR Father, whiche arte in heaue, hallowed be thy name. Thy kyngdo come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaue. Geue vs this day our dayly breade. And forgeue vs our trespasses, as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptacion. But deliuer vs from euil. Amene. Then likewise he shall saye. O Lord, open thou our lippes. Aunswere. And our mouthe shall shewe furth thy prayse. Prieste. O God, make spede to saue vs. Aunswere. O Lord, make haste to helpe vs. Prieste. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holye Ghoste. As it was in the beginning, is nowe and euer shalbe : worlde without ende. Amen. Praise ye the Lorde. Then shalbe sayde or song, this Psalme folowyng. O COME let vs syng vnto the lord : let vs hartely reioyce in the strength of our saluacion. Let vs come before his presence wyth thankesgeuinge : and shewe oureselfe gladde in hym wyth Psalmes. For the Lorde is a great god : and a greate Kynge, aboue all goddes : In his hand are al the corners of the earth : and the strength of the hilles is his also. The Sea is his, and he made it and his handes prepared the drie lande. O come, let vs worshippe and fal doune : and knele before the lorde our maker. For he is the Lord our god : and we are the people of his pas- ture, and the shepe of his handes. 44 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. To day if ye wyl heare his voyce, harden not your hartes : as in the prouocacio, and as in the daie of temptacio in the wilder- nesse. When your fathers tempted me : proued me, and sawe my workes. Fortie yere long was I greued with this generacion, and saide : it is a people that doe erre in their hartes : for they haue not knowen my wayes. Vnto whom I sware in my wrath that the shoulde not enter into my rest. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : &c. As it was in the beginning, is now, &c. Then shal folowe certeyn Psalmes in order, as they bene appoincted in a table made for that pourpose, excepte there be proper Psalmes appointed for that day, and at thend of euerye Psalme throughout the yere, and likewise in thende 0/"-Benedictus, Benedicite, Magnificat, and Nunc Dimittis, shal be repeated. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c. Then shalbe redde two lessons distinctly with a loude voyce, that the people may heare. The first of the aide Testament, the seconde of the newe, Lyke as they be appointed by the Kalender, except there be proper Lessons, assigned for that daye : the Minister that readeth the Lesson, standyng and tutning him so as he may best be heard of all such as be present, And before euery lesson, the Minister shal saye thus. Thefyrst, second, thyrd, or fourth chapiter of Genesis or Exodus, Mathewe, Marke, or other like, as is appoincted in the Kalender, And in thend of euerye chapiter, he shall saye, IF Here endeth such a Chapiter of suche a Booke. And (to the ende the people maye the better heare} in suche places where they do synge, there shall the lessons be songe in a plaine tune after the maner of distinct readinge: and likewise the Epystle and gos pell. After the firste lesson shall folowe, Te deum laudamus in Englyshe dayly throughe the whole yere. Te Deum. We prayse the, O God, we knoweledge the to be the Lorde All the earth doth worship the, the Father euerlastynge. To the al Aungels crye aloude, the heauens and all the powers therein. To thee Cherubin, and Seraphin, continually do crye. Holy, holy, holy, Lorde God of Sabaoth. Heaue and earth are ful of the maiestye of thy glery. The glorious company of the Apostles prayse the: The goodly felowship of the Prophetes prayse the. The noble armye of Martyrs, prayse the. MORNING PRAYER. 45 The holye Churche through out al the worlde dothe knowledge the. The father of an infinite Maiestye. Thy honourable true, and onely sonne. Also the holy ghost the comforter. Thou art the kyng of glory, O Christe. Thou arte the euerlastynge sonne of the father. When thou tokest vpon the to deliuer man, thou diddest not abhore the virgins wombe. Whe thou haddeste ouercome the sharpnes of death thou diddest open the kyngdome of heauen to al beleuers. Thou syttest on the rygbt hand of God, in the glorye of the father. We beleue that thou shalt come to be our iudge. We therefore pray the, helpe thy seruats whom thou hast redemed wylh thy precious bloude. Make them to be numbred with thy saintes, in glorye euerlast- ing. O Lord saue thy people : and blesse thine heritage. Gouern theme and lifte them vp for euer. Day by day we magnifye the. And we worshyp thy name euer world without ende. Vouchsafe, O Lorde, to kepe vs thys daye withoute synne. O Lorde, haue mercy vpon vs, haue mercie vpon vs. O Lorde, let thy mercy lyghten vpon vs : as our trust is in the. O Lorde, in the haue I trusted : let me neuer be confounded. Or this canticle, Benedicite omnia opera Domini domino. O ALL ye worckes of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnify him for euer. O ye Aungels of the Lord, blesse ye the Lorde : praise ye him, and magnifye him for euer. O ye heauens, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifye him for euer. O ye waters that be aboue the firmamente, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifye him for euer. O all ye powers of the lord, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse hym, and magnine him for euer. O ye Sonne, and Mone, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse hym, and magnine him for euer. O ye starres of heauen, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnine him for euer. O ye showers, and dewe, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye windes of God, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifye him for euer. O ye fyre and heate, blesse ye the Lord : praise him, and mag- nifie him for euer. 46 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. O ye Winter and Sommer, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnifye him for euer. O ye dewes and frostes, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye froste and cold, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye Ice and Snowe, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye nightes and daies, blesse ye the Lord : praise him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye light and darknes, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifie him for euer. O ye lyghtenynges and cloudes, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifie him for euer. O let the earth blesse the Lorde : yea, let it praise hym, and magnifie hym for euer. O ye mountaynes and hills : blesse ye the Lorde, prayse hym, and magnifie hym for euer. O al ye grene thynges vpon the earthe, blesse ye the Lord : praise him, and magnifie hym for euer. O ye welles, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and magnyfie hym for euer. O ye Seas, and fluddes, blesse ye thl Lorde : praise hym, and magnifie hym for euer. O ye whales, and all that moue in the waters, blesse ye the Lorde : prayse him, and magnifie him for euer. O all ye foules of the aire, blesse ye the lord, praise him, and magnifie him for euer. O all ye beastes, and cattell, blesse ye the Lorde : praise him, and maignifye him for euer. O ye children of men blesse ye the Lord : praise him, and mag- nifye him for euer. O let Israel blesse the Lorde : praise him, and magnify him for euer. O ye prestes of the lord, blesse ye the Lord : prayse hym, and magnifye him for euer. O ye seruauntes of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord : prayse him, and magnifye him for euer. O ye sprites and soules of the righteous, blesse ye the Lord : prayse him, and magnify him for euer. O ye holy and humble men of herte blesse ye the Lord : praise him, and magnifye him for euer. O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, blesse ye the -lord : prayse him, and magnifye him for euer. Glory be to the father, and to the Sonne : and to the holye Ghoste. As it was in the begynninge, is nowe, and euer, etc. MORNING PRAYER. 47 And after the second lesson shalbe vsed and sayde Benedictus, in Englyshe t as foloiveth, BLESSED be the Lord God of Israeli : for he hath visited and Bencdictu redemed his people ; And hath raised vp a mighty saluacion for vs : in the house of hys seruaunt Dauid ; As he spake bi the mouth of his holy prophetes : which haue benne sence the worlde began ; That we should be saued from our enemyes : and from the handes of al that hate vs ; To performe the mercy promised to our forfathers : and to remember his holy couenant ; To perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our forefather Abraham : that he would geue vs ; That we beyng deliured out of the handes of oure enemies : might serue him withoute feare ; In holynesse and ryghtuousnesse before hym all the dayes of our lyfe. And thou Chylde, shalt be called the Prophete of the hyghest : for thou shalt go before the face of the Lorde to prepare hys wayes ; To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto hys people : for the re- mission of theyr synnes, Through the tender mercie of our God : whereby the day spring from on hyghe, hath visited vs ; To geue light to them that sitte in darckenes, and in the shadowe of death : and to guyde our feete into the waye of peace. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy Gost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and euer shalbe : worlde wythout ende. Amen. Or the . C. Psalme, Jubilate. O be joyfull in the Lorde (al ye landes :) serue the Lorde wyth gladnes, and come before hys presence wyth a song. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God : it is he that hath made vs, and not we ourselues ; we are hys people, and the shepe of his pasture. go your way into his gates wyth thankesgeuing, and into his courtes wyth prayse : be thanckefull vnto hym, and speake good of hys name. For the Lorde is gracious, his mercy is euerlastyng : and his truth endureth from generacion to generacyon. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the, &c. Amen. Then shal be sayd the Crede, by the Minister and the people, standyng. 1 BELEUE in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth. And in Jesus Christ hys onely sonne our Lorde, which was 48 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. concerned by the holy ghoste, borne of the Virgen Mary. Suffred vnder Ponce Pylate, was crucified dead and buried, he descended into Helle. The thirde daye he rose agayn from the deade. He ascended into heauen, and sitteth on the ryghte hande of God the Father almightie. From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade. I beleue in the holy Ghoste. The holy Catholique Churche. The comunion of sainctes. The forgeuenesse of sinnes. The resurrectio of the body. And the life euerlasting. Amen. And after that, these prayers folowyng, as-well at Euenyng praier as at Mornyng prayer : aldevoutlye knelyng. The Minister firste pronounc inge with a loude voyce. The Lorde be with you. Answer. And with thy spirite. The Minister. Let vs praie. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Then the Minister, Clarkes, and people ; shall saye the Lordes praier in Englyshe, with a loud voice. Oure father Which, &c. Then the Minister ; standing vp shal say. O lorde, shewe thy mercy vpon vs. Aunswere. And graunte vs thy saluacion. Prieste. O Lorde saue the Queene. Aunswere. And mercifully here vs when we call vpon the. Priest. Endue thy ministers with rightuousnes. Aunswere. And make thy chosen people ioyful. Ptiest. O Lorde saue thy people. Aunswere. And blesse thyne enheritaunce. Priest. Geue peace in our tyme, O Lorde. Attnswere. Because there is none other that fyghteth for vs, but onely thou, O God. Priest. O God make clene our hartes with in vs. Aunswere. And take not thy holy spirite from vs. Then shalfolowe three Collectes. The firste of the daye, whiche shall be the same that is appoincted at the Communion, The seconde for peace, The thirde for Grace to Hue wel. And the two leaste Collectes shal neueraltre, but dayly be sayde at Mornyng praier, throughoute al the yere, as foloweth. IT The seconde Collecte for Peace. O GOD, whiche art authour of peace, and louer of cocord, in know- ledge of whom standeth our eternal lyfe, whose seruice is perfect ircdom; defend vs thy humble seruauts in al assaultes of our enemies MORNING PRAYER. 49 that we surely trusting in thy defence, may not feare the power of any aduersaries : through the might of Jesu Christ our lord. Amen. The thirde Collect e for Grace. O LORDE our heauenly father, almightie and euerlastyng God, whiche hast safely broughte vs to the begynnyng of thys day : de- fende vs in the same wyth thy myghtye power, and graunte that this daie we fall into no synne, nether rune into any kinde of daunger : but that al our doinges may be ordred by thy gouern- aunce, to doe alwayes that is rightuous in thy sighte : through Jesus Christe our Lorde, Amen. AN ORDER FOR EUENING PRATER THROUGHOUT THE YERE. The Priest shal sate. OUR Father, which, &c. Then likewise he shal saye. O Lord open thou our lippes. Aunsivere. And our mouth shall shewe furth thy prayse. Priest. O God make spede to saue vs. Aunswere. Lord, make haste to helpe vs. Priest. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holy ghoste. As it was in the beginninge, is nowe, and euer shal be : worlde wythout ende. Amen. Praise ye the Lorde. Then Psalmes in ordre, as they be appoincted in the Table for Psalmes, except there be proper Psalmes appointed for that day. Then a Lesson of the aide Testament, as is appointed likewise in the kalender, except there be propre lessons appointed for that day. After that, Magnificat in Englishe, as foloweth. My soule doeth magnifie the Lorde. And my sprit hath reioysed in god my sauiour. For he hath regarded the lowelines of his handmaiden. For beholde from hencefurth al generacions shall call me blessed. For he that is mightie hath magnified me : and holy is his name. 50 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. And his mercy is on them that feare him : throughout all generations. He hath shewed strength with his arme ; he hath scatered the proude in the imagination of their hertes. He hath put downe the mightye from theyr seate : and hath exalted the humble and meke. He hath filled the hungry with good thinges : and the ryche he hath sent empty away. He remembring his mercy, hath holpen his seruaunte Israel : as he promysed to our forefathers, Abraham and his sede for euer. Glory be to the Father, and to the sonne, and to the holy Ghoste. As it was in the beginninge, is nowe, and euer shalbe, world with- out ende. Amen. Or the xcviii. Psalme Cantate domino canticum nouum. O SINGE vnto the Lorde a newe songe : for he hath done mar- ueilous thinges. With his owne right hande, and with his holy arme : hath he gotten him selfe the victorye. The Lord declared his saluacion : his righteousnes hath he openly shewed in the syght of the Heathen. He hath remembred his mercy and truthe towarde the house of Israel : and all the endes of the worlde haue sene the saluacion of our God. Shewe your selfes ioyfull vnto the Lorde, all ye landes : synge, reioyce and geue thankes. Prayse the Lorde vpon the harpe : synge to the harp with a Psalme of thankesgeuing. With trumpettes also and shawmes : O shewe your selfes ioyfull before the Lord the kynge. Let the Sea make a noyse, and all that therein is : the rounde worlde and they that dwell therin. Let the floudes clappe their handes, and let the hylles be ioyful togyther before the Lord : for he is come to judge the earth. With righteousnes shal he judge the worlde : and the people with equitie. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghoste. As it was in the beginninge, is nowe, and euer shalbe, worlde without ende. Amen. Then a lesson of the new testament. And after that (Nunc dimittis) in Englyshe, as foloweth. LORDE, nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace : accord- ing to thy worde. For myne eyes haue sene thy saluacion. EVENING PRAYER. 51 Whiche thou haste prepared before the face of all people ; To be a lyght to lyghte the Gentiles : and to be the glorye of thy people Israeli. Glorye be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy ghoste. As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shall be, worlde withoute ende. Amen. Or els thys Psalme, Deus misereatur nostri in Englyshe. GOD be merciful vnto vs, and blesse vs : and shew vs the light of his countenaunce, and bee mercifull vnto vs. That thy way male be knowen vpon earth : thy sauinge healthe amonge all nacions. Let the people praise thee O God : yea, let all the people praise thee. O let the nacioas reioyce and be glad : for thou shalte iudge the folke righteouslye, and gouerne the nacions vpon earth. Let the people praise thee, O God : let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth bringe foorth her increse : and God, euen our owne God, shall geue vs his blessinge. God shall blesse vs : and all the endes of the worlde shall feare him. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. Then shal folvw the Crede, with other prayers, as is before appoynted at Morning prayer, after Benedictus. And with the Collectes : Fyrste of the day, the seconde of peace, the thyrde for ayde agaynste all peryls, as hereafter foloweth, whiche two last Collectes shalbe daylye sayde at Euenyng Prayer wythout alteracion. The seconde Collecte at Euenynge Prayer. O GOD, from whome all holy desires, all good counsailes, and all iust woorkes do precede : geue vnto thy seruauntes that peace, whiche the worlde cannot geue : that bothe our hertes may be set to obey thy commaundemetes, and also that by thee, we beynge defended from the feare of our enemies, may passe our time in rest and quietnes. Through the merites of Jesus Chryste our sauiour. Amen. The thyrde Collecte for ayde, against all peryls. LYGHTEN oure darckenesse, wee beseche thee (O Lorde,) and by thy greate mercye defende vs from all perils and daungers of this nyghte, for the loue of thy onely sonne oure Sauioure Jesus Christe. Amen. 52 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. In thefeastes of Christmas, the Epiphany, S. Mathye, Easter, the Assen- cion, Pentecost, S. John Baptyst, S. James, S. Bartholomew, S. Mathew, S. Simon, and Jude, S. Andrew, and Trinitie Sonday : Shalbe songe or sayde immediatly after Benedictus, thys confession of our Christen faythe. WHOSOEUER wyll be saued : before all thynges it is necessarye that he holde the catholyke faythe. Whiche Faithe, excepte eueryeone dooe kepe holy, and vndefyled : withoute doubt he shall perysh euerlastingly. And the Catholyke Faythe is this : that we worshyp one God in Trinitie, and trinitie in vnitie. Neyther confounding the persons : nor deuidinge the substaunce. For there is one persone of the Father, an other of the Sonne : and another of the holy ghost. But the Godhed of the Father, of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost, is al one : the glory equall, the maiesty coeternall. Suche as the Father is, such is the sonne : and suche is the holy ghost. The father vncreate, the sonne vncreate : and the holy ghoste vncreate. The Father incomprehensible, the sonne incomprehensible : and the holy Ghoste incomprehensible. The father eternall, the sonne eternall : and the holye Ghoste eternall. And yet they are not thre eternalles : but one eternall. As also there be not thre incomprehensibles, nor thre vncreated : but one vncreated, and one incomprehensible. So likewyse the Father is almighty, the sonne almighty : and the holy ghoste almighty. And yet are not there thre Almighties, but one almighty. So the father is God, the sonne is God : and the holye Ghoste is God. And yet are they not thre Gods : but one God. So lykewyse the father is Lord, the sonne Lorde : and the holy ghoste Lorde. And yet not thre Lordes : but one Lord. For like as we be compelled by the Christian verity : to acknowledge euery person by hym selfe to be God, and Lorde. So are we forbidde by the Catholique Religion : to say there be thre Gods, or thre Lordes. The father is made of none : neyther created, nor begotten. The sonne is of the Father alone : not made, nor created, but begotten. The holye Ghoste is of the Father, and of the Sonne : neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but preceding. So there is one father, not thre fathers, one sonne, not thre sonnes : one holy Ghost, not thre holy Ghostes. EVENING PRAYER. 53 And in this trinitie, none is afore, or after other : none is greater, nor lesse than other. But the whole thre persons : be coeternall toguether and co- equall. So that in all thinges as is aforesayde : the Unitye in Trinitie, and the Trinitie in vnitie is to be worshypped. He therefore that wil be saued : must thus thincke of the Trinitie. Furthermore, it is necessarye to euerlasting saluation : that he also beleue rightlye in the Incarnation of oure Lorde Jesu Christ. For the right Faythe is, that we beleue and Confesse : that oure Lorde Jesus Christe the sonne of God, is God and Man ; God of the Substaunce of the father, begotten before the worldes : and man of the substauce of his mother, borne in the worlde. Perfect god, and perfect man of a reasonable Soule, and humaine flesh subsistynge. Equal to the father as touchyng his godhead : and inferior to the father, touchyng his manhode. Who although he be God and man : yet he is not two, but one Christ. One, not by conuersion of the Godhead into fleshe : but by taking of the manhode into God ; One altogether, not by confusion of Substaunce : but by vnitie of person. For as the reasonable soule and flesh is but one man : so God and man is but one Christ. Who suffred for our saluation : descended into hell, rose againe the thirde day from the deade. He ascended into heauen : he sitteth on the ryghte hand of the father, God Almighty, from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead. At whose comming all men shal rise againe with their bodies : and shall geue accompt for their owne worckes. And they that have done good, shall go into life euerlasting : and they that have done euel, into euerlastyng fyre. This is the Catholike faith, whiche except a man beleue faith- fully, he can not be saued. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne : and to the holy Ghoste. As it was in the beginninge, is nowe, and euer shalbe : worlde without ende. Amen. Thus endeth the order of Morning and Eueninge Prayer through the whole yere. HERE FOLLOWETH THE LETANI TO BE VSED VPON SODAIES, WEDNESDAIES, AND FRIDAYES, AND AT OTHER TYMES, WHEN IT SHALBE COMMAUNDED BY THE ORDINARYE. O GOD the father of heauen : haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners. O God the Father of heauen : etc. O God the sonne redemer of the worlde : haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners. O God the sonne redemer of, etc. O God the holye Ghoste, preceding from the father and the Sonne : haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners. O God the holy ghoste, preceding from, etc. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinitie, three persons and one god : haue mercy vpon vs miserable synners. O holy, blessed, and glorious trinity e thre persons, etc. Remember not, Lorde our offences, nor the offences of our fore- fathers, neyther take thou vengeaunce of oure synnes : spare vs good Lorde, spare thy people whome thou haste redemed with thy moste precious bloude, and be not angry with vs for euer. Spare vs good Lorde. From all euil and mischief, from synne, from the craftes and assaultes of the Deuil, from thy wrath, and from euerlasting dampnation. Good Lorde delyuer vs. From all blyndnes of herte, from pride, vayne glorye, and hypocrisy, from enuy, hatred and malice, and all vncharitablenes. Good Lorde delyuer us. From fornicacion and all other deadly synne : and frome all the deceiptes of the worlde, the Fleshe and the Deuill. Good Lorde delyuer vs. THE LITANY. 55 From lightninges and tempestes, from plague, pestilence and famine, from battayle and murther, and from soudeine death. Good Lorde delyuer vs. From all sedicion and priuey conspiracye, from all false doctrine and heresy, from hardnes of harte, and cotempte of thy worde and commaundement. Good Lorde delyuer -vs. By the misterye of thy holye Incarnacion, by thy holy Natiuitie and circumcision, by thy Baptysme, fastynge and temptacion. Good Lorde delyuer vs. By thyne agonye and bloudy sweate, by thy crosse and passion, by thy precious deathe and buriall, by thy glorious resurrection, and ascencion, and by the commynge of the holy Ghoste. Good Lorde delyuer vs. In al tyme of our tribulacion, in al tyme of our welth, in the houre of death, and in the daye of iudgement. Good Lorde delyuer vs. We synners do beseche the to heare vs (O Lord God,) and that it may please the to rule and gouerne thy holy Churche vniuersally, in the right way. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to kepe and strengthen in the true worshipping of the in righteousnes and holynes of lyfe, thy seruaunt Elizabeth our most gracious Quene and gouernour. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to rule her harte in thy faith, feare, and loue, that she may euermore haue affiaunce in the, and euer seke thy honoure and glory. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to be her defender and keper, geuing her the victory ouer al her enemyes. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to illuminate all Byshoppes, Pastours, and ministers of the Church, with true knowledge, and vnder- standing of thy words, and that both by their preaching and liuinge, they may sette it furth and shewe it accordingly. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please thee to endue the Lordes of the Counsayle, and all the nobilitie, with grace, wisedom, and vnderstanding. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please thee to blesse and kepe the Magistrates, geuing them grace to execute iustice, and to maynteyne truthe. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. 56 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. That it may please the to blesse, and kepe al thy people. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please thee to geue to all nacions, vnitie, peace and concorde. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to geue vs an harte to loue and dread the, and diligetly to lyue after thy comaudemetes. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to gyue all thy people encrease of grace, to heare mekely thy worde, and to receyue it wyth pure affeccion, and to bring furthe the fruites of the spirit. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to bring into the way of truth all suche as haue erred, and are deceyued. We besech the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please thee to strengthen suche as dooe stande, and to comforte, and helpe the weake-harted, and to rayse theym vp that falle, and finally to beate downe Sathan vnder our feete. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to succour, helpe and comforte all that be in daunger, necessitie, and tribulation. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please thee to preserue all that trauayle, by lande or by water, al women labouringe of chylde, all sycke persons and yonge chyldren, and to shew thy pitye vpon all prisoners and captiues. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to defende, and prouide for the fatherles children and widowes, and all that be desolate and oppressed. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to haue mercy vpon all men. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to forgeue our enemyes, persecutours and slaunderers, and to turne theyr hertes. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to geue and preserue to our vse the kindly fruites of the earth, so as in due tyme we maye enioye them. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to geue us true repentaunce, to forgeue vs all our sinnes, negligences, and ignoraunces ; and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite, to amende our lyues according to thy holy worde. We beseche the to heare vs o-ood Lorde. THE LITANY. 57 Sonne of God : we beseche thee to heare vs. Sonne of God : we beseche thee to heare vs. O Lambe of God, that takest away the synnes of the worlde. Graunt vs thy peace. O Lambe of God that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde, Haue mercy upon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christe heare vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our 1 father whiche art in heauen. &c. And leade vs not into temptacion. But delyuer vs from euyll. Amen. The Versycle. O Lorde deale not with vs after our synnes. The Anns-were. Neither rewarde vs after our iniquities. Let vs praye. O GOD merciful father, that dispisest not the syghing of a contrite hart, nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull, mercyfully assiste our praiers that we make before the, in all our troubles and aduersities, whensoeuer they oppresse vs. And graciouslye hear vs, that those euilles, whiche the crafte and subtiltie of the deuel, or man worketh against vs, be broughte to noughte, and by the prouidence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed, that we thy Seruauntes, beyng hurt by no persecucions, may euermore geue thanckes to the, in thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. O Lord aryse, helpe vs, and deliuer vsfor thy names sake. O GOD we haue hearde with our eares, and our fathers have declared vnto vs the noble worckes that thou diddeste in their dayes, and in the olde tyme before them. O Lord aryse, helpe vs, and deliuer vs, for thyne honoure. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holye Goste : [! This mode of arranging the Lord's Prayer occurs six times, and may be explained from a rubric in the Salisbury Breviary: Nttandum est, g-uod niinquam in ecclesia Sarisburiensi incipitnr Pater noster a sacerdote in audientia ad aliqutd seruitium, nisi ad missam tantum. fit postea dicat sacerdos in aitdientia. Et ne nos. Cliorvs. Sed libera. Dominica Prima Adventus, Ad Matutinas, Noct., i.] 58 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. As it was in the beginninge, is nowe, and euer shalbe : worlde without ende. Amen. From our enemyes defende vs, O Christ. Graciously lake vpon our afflictions. Pitifully beholde the sorowes of our harte. Mercifully for geue the synnes of thy people, Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers. O sonnc of Da^^id haue mercy vpon vs. Bothe now and euer, vouchesafe, to heare vs, O Christe. Graciously hear vs, O Christ, Graciously heare vs, O Lorde Christ. The Versycle. O Lorde let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. The Aunswere. As we do put our trust in the. Let vs praye. WE humbly beseche the, O father, mercifullye to loke vpon cure infirmities, and for the glory of thy names sake, turne from vs all those euilles that we moste righteously haue deserued : and graunte that in all oure troubles we maye put our whole truste and confydence in thy mercye, and euermore serue the in holy- nes and purenes of liuing, to thy honotfr and glory : throughe our onely mediatoure and aduocate Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. [A Prayer for the Queenes Majesty. O LORD our heuenly father, high and mighty king of kynges, Lorde of lordes, the onely ruler of princes, which doest from thy throne beholde all the dwellers vpo earth, most hartely we beseche the with thy fauoure to beholde our mooste gracious soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth, and so replenyshe her with the grace of thy holy spirit, that she may alway incline to thy wil, and walcke in thy waye : Indue her plentifully wyth heauenly gifts : Graunt her in health and wealthe longe to liue : stregth her that she may vanquish and ouercome al her enemies : And finally after this life she may attaine euerlasting joye and felicitie, thorowe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. ALMIGHTY and euerlastinge God, whiche onely workest great mervailes, sende downe vpon our Bishoppes and Curates, and al congregacions committed to their charge, the healthful spirit of thy grace, and that they may truely please thee, Powre vpon them the continuall deawe of thy blessinge : Graunte this, O Lorde, for the honour of our aduocate and mediatoure, Jesus Christ. Arnen. IF A Prayer of- Chrisostome. ALMIGHTY God, which hast geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accorde, to make our common supplications vnto thee, and THE LITANY. 59 doest promyse that whe two or three be gathered together in thy name thou wilt graunt their requestes : fulfyl nowe, O Lorde, the desyres and peticions of thy seruauntes, as may be most expediet for them, graunting vs in this world knowledge of thy truthe, and in the world to come lyfe euerlasting. Amen. IT ii. Corin. xiii. THE grace of oure Lorde Jesus Christe, and the loue of God, and the felowship of the holye ghoste, bee wyth vs all euermore. Amen. IT For rayne, yf the tyme requyre, O GOD heauenly father, whiche by thy Sonne Jesus Christe, haste promysed to all theim that seke thy kingdome and the righteousnes therof, all thinges necessary to their bodelye susten- aunce : Sende vs, we beseche the, in this oure necessitie, such moderate raine and showers, that we may receyue the fruytes of the earthe to our comforte and to thy honoure, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. 1T For fayre weather. O LORDE God, which for the synne of man diddest ones drowne al the world, excepte eyght persons, and afterward of thy great mercy diddest promise neuer to destroy it so againe : we humblye beseche the, that althoughe we for our iniquities haue worthely deserued this Plague of raigne and waters ; yet vpon oure true repentaunce, thou wilt sende vs suche wether, wherby we may receyue the fruites of the yearth in due season, and learne bothe by thy punishment to amende our Hues, and for thy clemency to geue thee prayse and glorye, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT In the tyme of dearth and famyne. O GOD heauenly Father, whose gyft it is that the rayne dothe fall, the earth is frutefull, beastes encrease, and fyshes do multiply : Behold, we beseche thee, the afflictions of thy people, and graunte that the scarcitye and dearthe (which we do now moste iustly suffer for our iniquitye) maye through thy goodnes be mercifully tourned into cheapnesse and plenty, for the loue of Jesu Christ our Lorde, to whome with thee and the holye Ghoste be Prayse for euer. Amen. IT In the tyme of Warre. O ALMIGHTY God, king of al kinges, and gouernoure of al thinges, whose power no creature is hable to resiste, to whome it belongeth iustly to punyshe synners, and to be mercyfull vnto them that truely repente, Saue, and deliuer vs (we humbly beseche thee) 60 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. from the handes of our enemyes, abate their pryde, aswage theyr malyce, and confounde theyr deuyses, that we beynge armed with thy defence, maye be preserued euermore from all peryls to glorifye thee, whiche art the onely geuer of all victory, throughe the merites of thy onely sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. 11 In the tyme of any common plague or syckenesse. O ALMIGHTYE God, whiche in thy wrathe, in the tyme of king Dauid didst slea with the plague of pestilence, thre score and ten thousande, and yet remebringe thy mercy, diddest saue the rest : haue pitie vpon vs miserable synners, that nowe are vysited with great sicknesse, and mortalitie, that like as thou diddest then commaunde thyne angel to cease from punishing ; So it may now please thee to withdrawe fro vs this plague, and greuous sycke- nesse, throughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde. Amen. O GOD, whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercy, and to forgeue, receyue our humble peticions : and thoughe we be tyed and bounde with the chayne of our synnes, yet let the pitifulnes of thy great mercy lose vs, for the honoure of Jesus Christes sake, our mediatoure and aduocate. Amen.] THE COLLECTES, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELLES, TO BE VSED AT THE CELEBRACION OF THE LORDES SUPPER, AND HOLY COMMUNION, THROUGHE THE YERE. IT The i Sondaie of Aduent. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, geue vs grace that we maye caste awaie the woorkes of darkenesse and put vpon vs the armour of lyght, nowe in the tyme of this mortall lyfe, (in the whiche thy sonne Jesus Christe, came to visite vs in great humilitie) that in the laste daye, when he shall come agayne in his glorious Maiestie, to iudgebothe the quicke and the dead, we may ryse to the lyfe immortall : through hym, who lyueth and reigneth wyth thee and the holy ghoste nowe and ever. Amen. The Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8-end. OWE nothing . . . fulfyl the lustes of it. The Gospell. Matt. xxi. 1-14. AND when they drew nigh . . . denne of theues. The seconde Sondaie. The Collecte. BLESSED Lorde, whiche haste caused all holye Scriptures, to bee written for our learninge : Graunte vs that wee maye in suche wyse heare them, reade, marke, learne, and in wardly digest theim, that by paciece and comforte of thy holye worde we maye embrace, and euer holde faste the blessed hope of euerlasting lyfe, which thou hast geuen vs in oure sauiour Jesus Christe. Amen. The Epistle. Rom. xv. 4-13. WHATSOEUER thinges . . . through the power of the holy gost. The Gospell. Luc. xxi., 25-33. THERE shalbe signes . . . but my worde shall not passe. The Hi Sondaie. The Collect. LORDE we beseche thee geue eare to oure praiers, and by thy gracious visitacion, lighten the darknesse of oure harte, by our Lorde Jesus Christ. Amen. 62 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Epistle. \ Cor. iv., 1-2. LET a man this wise esteme vs, . . . haue prayse of God. The Gospel. Matt, xi., 2-10. WHEN John beyng in prison . . . prepare thy waye before thee. ^T The iiii Sondaie. The Collecte. LORDE, raise vp, we praie the, thy power, and come emog vs, and with great might succour vs, that whereas through oure sinnes and wickednesse we be sore let, and hyndred, thy bountifull grace and mercy, throughe the satisfaccion of thy sonne our Lorde may spedely deliuer vs, to who with thee and the holye ghost, be honour and glory, worlde without ende. Amen . The Epistle. Philipp. iv. , 4-7. REIOYCE in the LORD alway, . . . through Christ Jesu. The Gospel!. John i., 19-28. THIS is recorde of John, . . . where John dyd baptyse. On Christmas date. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, which haste geuen vs thy onely begotten sonne, to take oure nature vpon hym, and this daie to be borne of a pure virgine, graunte that we being regenerate, and made thy children by adoptio and grace, may daiely be renued by thy holy spirit, through the same our Lorde Jesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy ghost, now and euer. Amen. The Epistle. Heb. i., 1-12. GOD in tymes past . . . and thy yeares shal not fayle. The Gospel. John i., 1-14. IN the beginnynge was the word, . . . ful of grace and trueth. IF S. Stephenes Daye. The Collect. GRAUNT vs, O Lorde to learne to loue our enemies, by thexample of thy Martir sainct Stephen who praied for his persecutours : To thee, whiche lyuest, and reignest, etc. IT Then shal folow a Collect of the Natiuitie, which shalbe sayd continually vnto newe yeares daye. The Epistle. Acts vii., 55 -end. AND Stephin, beyng ful of the holy ghost ... he fell aslepe. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 63 The Gospell. Matt, xxiii., 34-end. BEHOLD, I send vnto you prophetes, ... in the name of the Lorde. IT Sainct Jhon Euangelistes daye. The Collects. MERCIFUL Lorde, we beseech thee, to cast thy bryght beames of lyght vpon thy Churche, that it beyng lightened by the doctrine of thy blessed Apostle and Euangelist John may attaine to thy euerlasting gyftes through Jesus Christ our lorde. Amen. The Epistle. I John i.-end. THAT which was from the beginnyng . . . and his word is not in vs. The Gospel. John xxi., 15-end. JESUS sayde vnto Peter, Folowthou me . . . bookes that should be wrytten. The innocentes daye. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE god, whose praise this daie the yonge Innocentes, thy witnesses haue confessed and shewed furthe, not in speakynge, but in diyng mortifie and kill all vices in vs, that in our conuer- sacion, our life maie expresse thy faith, which with oure tongues, we doe confesse, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Apoc. xiv., 1-5. I LOOKED, and lo, a lambe . . . the throne of God. The Gospel. Matt, ii., 13-18. THE Angel of the Lord appeared . . . because they were not. IT The Sondaye after Christmas daye. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, whiche hast geuen vs, thy onely begotten sonne to take our nature vpo hym, and thys daye to be borne of a pure Virgine : graunt that we beyng regenerate, and made thy chyldren by adopcion and grace, may daily be renued by thy holy spirite throwe the same our Lorde Jesus Christ, who liueth and reygneth, etc. Amen. The Epistle. Gal. iv., 1-7. AND I saye, that the heyre . . t hevre of God through Christ. 64 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospel. Matt, i., I -end. THYS is the booke of the generacion of Jesus Christ . . . and called his name JESUS. IT The Circumcision of Christe. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, whiche madest thy blessed sonne to bee Cir- cumcised, and obedient to the lawe for man, graunt vs the true Circumcision of the spirit, that our hartes, and al members, beyng mortified fro al worldly and carnall lustes, may in al thynges obey thy blessed wil, through the same thy sonne Jesus Christ our lorde. The Epistle. Rom. iv., 8-14. BLESSED is that man . . . and the promyse of none effect. The Gospel. Luc. ii., 15-21. AND it fortuned . . . before he was conceyued in the wombe. IT If there be a Sondaie, betwene the Epiphanie and the Circumcision, then shalbe vsed the same Collect, Epistle and Gospell at the Comunion, whiche was vsed vpon the daie of Circumcision. IT The Epiphanie. The Collect. O GOD, which by the leadynge of a starre, diddest manifest thy onely begotten sonne to the Gentiles, mercifully graunt that wee, whiche knowe thee now by faithe, maie after thys lyfe haue the fruicyon of thy gloryous Godhed, through Christe our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Ephes. iii., 1-12. FOR this cause I Paul am a priesoner of Jesus Christ . . . which is by faith of hym. The Gospel. Matt, ii., 1-12. WHEN Jesus was borne in Bethlee . . . returned into their own countrey another waye. The i Sondaie after the Epiphanie. The Collect. LORDE we beseche thee, mercifully to receiue the prayers of thy people, whiche call vpon thee, and graunt that thei maie both per- ceiue and knowe what thynges they ought to doe, and also haue grace and power, faithfully to fulfill the same, through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 65 The Epistle, Rom. xii. 1-5. I BESECHE you therfore brethre, . . . one anothers membres. The Gospel. Luke ii. 42-52. THE father and mother of Jesus wente to Jerusalem . . . fauoure with God and men. IT The ii Sondaye after the Epiphanie. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE and euerlastynge God, whiche doest gouerne all thynges in heauen and yearth, mercifully here the supplicacions of thy people and graunte vs thy peace all the dayes of our lyfe. The Epistle. Rom. xii. 6- 16. SEING that we haue dyuers gyftes, . . . but make youreselues equall to them of the lower sorte. The Gospel. John ii. i-n. AND the third daye was there a mariage in Cana, . . . and his dysciples beleued on him. IT The iii Sondaye. The Collect. ALMYGHTIE and euerlastyng God, mercyfully loke vpon our infirmities, and in all our daungers and necessities, stretche furth thy right hancle, to helpe and defende vs ; through Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Rom. xii. 16-21. BE not wyse in youre own opinions. . . . ouercome thou euill with goodnes. The Gospel!. Matt. viii. 1-13. WHEN he was come downe from the mountaine, . . . And his seruaunt was healed in the selfesame houre. IF The iiii Sondaye. The Collect. GOD whiche knowest vs to be set in the middest of so many and greate daungiers, that for mannes frailnesse, wee can not alwr.ies stande uprightely : Graunt to vs the health of body and soule, that all those thinges, whiche wee suffer for synne, by thy helpe we may well passe and ouercome, through Christ our Lorde. C 66 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. Tiie Epistle. Rom. xiii. 1-7. LET euery soule submytte hymselfe . . . honoure, to whom honoure pertayneth. The Gospel. Matt. viii. 23-34. AND when he entred into a ship, . . . that he would departe out of their coastes. IT The v Sondaye. The Collect. LORDE we beseche the to kepe thy Churche and housholde cotinually in thy true religio, that thei which doe leane onely vpon hope of thy heauely grace, may euermore be defended by thy myghtie power, throughe Christe our Lorde. The Epistle. Coloss. iii. 12-17. PUT on as the electe of God, . . . geuing thankes vnto God the father by hym. The Gospel. Matt. xiii. 24-30. THE kyngdome of heauen is lyke . . . but gather the wheate into my barne. The vi Sunday (if there be so many) shal haue the same Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, that was vpon the v Sondaie. IT The Sondaie called Septuagesima. The Collect. O LORD, wee beseche thee fauourably to heare the prayers of thy people, that wee whyche are iustly punyshed for our offences, maie be mercyfully delyuered by thy godnes, for the glory of thy name, throughe Jesu Christe our Sauiour, who liueth and reygneth, etc. The Epistle. I Cor. ix. 24-27. PERCEIUE ye not, how that they which runne ... I myselfe shoulde be a cast-awaye. The Gospel. Matt. xx. 1-16. THE kyngdome of heauen is like vnto . . . For many be called, but few be chosen. H The Sondaie called Sexagesima. The Colled. LORDE GOD, whiche seest that we put not our truste in any thyng that we doo : mercifully graut that by thy power, we maie THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 67 be defended agaynst all aduersitie : through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. 2 Cor. xi. 19-31. YE suffre fooles gladly, . . . knoweth that I lie not. The Gospel. Luke viii. 4-15. WHEN much people were gathered together, . . . and brynge orth fruite through pacience. IT The Sondaie called Qiiinquagesima. The Collect. O LORD whiche doest teache vs that all our doynges without charitie, are nothyng worthe, sende thy holy ghoste, and powre in our hartes that moste excellent gift of charitie, the verie bonde of peace and all vertues, without the whyche whosoeuer liueth is compted dead before thee : Graunte thys for thy onely sonne Jesus Christes sake. The Epistle. I Cor. xiii. THOUGHE I speake with the tongues of men and of aungels , . . but the chiefe of these is loue. The Gospell. Luke xviii. 31-43. JESUS toke vnto him the xii, and sayde vnto them : . . . gaue prayse vnto God. IF The i daie of Lent. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE and euerlastyng god, whiche hatest nothyng that thou haste made, and doest forgyue the synnes of all the that be penitent ; create and made in vs newe and contrite hartes, that we worthely lametyng our synnes : and knowledgyng our wretched- nesse, maie obtain of thee, the God of all mercye, perfect remissyon and forgiuenesse, throughe Jesus Christ. The Epistle. Joel ii. 12-17. TURNE you vnto me with all youre hertes, . . . Where is now their God ? The Gospell. Matt. vi. 16-21. WHEN ye fast, be not sad as the Hipocrytes are, . . . there wyl youre hertes be also. The i Sondaie in Lent. The Collect. O LORDE, which for our sake diddest fast fourtye dayes and fourty nightes : geue vs grace to vse suche abstinence, that, our C 2 68 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. fleshe beyng subdued to the spirite, we maye euer obeye thy godly mocions in ryghteousnesse and true holynesse, to thy honoure and glorye, whiche liuest and reignest, c. The Epistle. 2 Cor. vi. i-io. WE, as helpers exhorte you, . . . and yet possessinge all thinges. The Gospell. Matt. iv. i-n. THEN was Jesus ledd awaye of the spyrite into wildernes, , . . the aungels came and ministred vnto hym. IF The it Sondaie. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, whiche doest se that we haue no power of oureselues, to helpe oureselues ; kepe thou vs bothe outwardly in cure bodies, and inwardely in our soules, that we may be defeded fro all aduersities whiche maye happen too the bodye, and frome all euell thoughtes, whyche maye assaulte and hurte the soule : through Jesus Christe, &c. The Epistle. I Thess. iv. 1-8. WE beseche you brethren, and exhorte you . . . which hath sent his holy spyrite amonge you. The Gospell. Matt. xv. 21-28. JESUS wente thence, and departed . . . And her daughter was made whole euen the same time. IT The Hi Sondaye. The Collect. WE beseche thee almightie God, loke vppon the hartie desires of thy humble seruauntes : and stretche furthe the right hande of thy maiestie, to be oure defence agaynst all our enemies : through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Ephes. v. 1-14. BE you the folowers of God as dere children, . . . and Christe shal geue thee lyghte. The Gospell. Luke xi. 14-28. J ESUS was casting out a deuell that was dumme . . . yea, happy are they that here the worde of God and kepe it. IT The iiii Sondaye in Lent. The Collect. GRAUNTE we beseche the Almighty God, that wee which for our euil dedes are worthely punished by the comforte of thy grace, may mercifully be releued. Through our Lorde Jesus Christ. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 69 The Epistle. Gal. iv. 21-31. TELL me, ye that desire to be vnder the lawe, ... we are not children of the bonde-woman, but of the free-woman. The Gospell. John vi. 1-14. JESUS departed ouer the see of Galilee, . . . This is of a trueth the same Prophet that shulde come into the worlde. If The v Sondaye in Lent. The Collect. WE besech the almighty God, mercifully to loke vpo thy people, that by thy great goodnes thei mai be gouerned and preserued euermore, both in bodie and soule, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle. Heb. ix. 11-15. CHRIST beynge an hie Priest of good thinges to come, . . . mighte receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce. The Gospell. John viii. 46-59. WHICH of you can rebuke me of synne ? . . . but Jesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple. If The Sondaye next before Easter. The Collede. ALMIGHTY and euerlasting God, whiche of thy teder loue towardes man, haste sente oure sauioure Jesus Christ to take vpon him our flesh, and to suffer death vpon the crosse, that al man- kynde should folowe the example of hys greate humilitie, merci- fullye graunte that we both folowe the example of his pacience, and be made partakers of hys resurreccion, throughe the same Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Philipp . ii. 5-11. LET the same mynd be in you, that was in Christe Jesu : . . . vnto the prayse of God the father. The Gospell. Matt. xxvi. xxvii. to ver. 56, AND it came to passe, whe Jesus had fynished . . . and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedes children, If Monday before Easter. The Epistle. Isaiah Ixiii. WHAT is he this, that cometh from Edom, with stayned reade kolored clothes of Bosra ? ... for they haue not called vpon thy name. 70 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospell. Mark xiv. AFTER two dayes was Easter, and the dayes of svvete bred. . . . Before the cocke crow twyce, thou shalt deny me thre tymes. And he began to wepe. IT Tuesdaye before Easter. The Epistle. Esai. 1. THE Lorde God hath opened myne eare, . , . namely that ye shall slepe in sorowe. The Gospell. Mark xv. AND anone in the dawning, the hye prestes . . . And Mary Magdalene, and Mary Joses behelde, where he was layed. IT Wednesday before Easter. The Epistle. Heb. ix. 16-28. WHEREAS is a Testament, there must also . . . shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion. The Gospell. Luke xxii. THE feast of swete bread drew nye, . . . For we ourselues haue heard of his owne mouth. IT At Euensong. The First Lesson, Lamenta. i. vnto the ende. IT Thursday before Easter. The Epistle. \ Cor xi. 17-34. THIS I warne you of, and commende not, . . . Other thynges will I set in order when I come. The Gospell. Luke xxiii. THE whole multitude of them arose, . . . But rested on the Sabboth daye, accordyng to the commaundement. On good Friday. The Collects. ALMIGHTY god, we beseche the graciouslye to beholde this thy familye, for the whyche oure Lord Jesus Christ, was contented to be betraied, and geuen vp into the handes of wicked me, and to suffer death vpon the crosse, who lyueth and reygneth, with thee and the holy ghoste now and euer, etc. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 7 1 ALMYGHTY and euerlastynge God, by whose Spirite the whole body of the churche is gouerned and sanctifyed : receyue oure supplications and praiers, whiche we offer before thee, for all estates of menne in thy holye congregation, that euerye membre of the same, in hys vocation, and ministerye, maye truely, and godlye serue thee : thoroughe our Lorde Jesus Christe. MERCIFUL God, who haste made all men, and hatest nothinge that thou haste made, nor wouldest the deathe of a synner, but rather that hee should be conuerted, and liue : haue mercy vpon all Jewes, turkes, infidels, and heritikes, and take from them all ignoraunce, hardnes of herte, and contempte of thy worde : and so fetche them home blessed Lorde, to thy flocke, that they may be saued emonge the remnaunte of the true Israelites, and be made one folde vnder one shepeherde, Jesus Christ our Lord ; who lyueth and reigneth, &c. The Epistle. Heb. x. 1-25. THE lawe (whiche hathe but a shadowe . . . because ye see the daye draweth nye. The Gospel. John xviii. xix. WHEN Jesus had spoken these wordes, ... for the sepulcre was nye at hande. Easter Euen. The Epistle. I Peter iii. 17-22. IT is better (if the wyll of God be so) ... and myght subdued vnto hym. The Gospel, Matt, xxvii. 57-66. WHEN euen was come, there came a riche man of Arimathia . . . and sealed the stone. IF Easter Daie. IT At mornyng praier in stede of the Psalme, O come let vs, &c., these Anthemes shalbe song or saide. CHRIST risyng againe from the ded, now dieth not. death from hencefurth hath no power vpon him. for in that he died, hee died but once to put awaie sinne, but in that he liueth, he liaeth vnto God. And so likewyse accompt yourselues deade vnto sinne, but liuing vnto God in Christ Jesus our Lorde. Amen. CHRIST is risen again, the first fruites of them that slepe, for seing that by man came death, by man also commeth the Resur- reccion of the ded, for as by Adam al men do die, so by Christe al men shalbe restored to lyfe. 72 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, whiche through thy only begotten sonne Jesus Christe, haste ouercome deathe, and opened vnto vs, the gate of euerlasting lyfe wee humbly beseche thee, that, as by thy speciall grace preuentyng vs, thou doest put in our mindes good desires, so by thy continual! helpe we maye bryng thesame to good effect : through Jesus christ our lord who, &c. The Epistle. Coloss. iii. 1-7. IF ye be rysen agayne with Christ, . . . some tyme when ye lyued in them. The Gospell. John xx. i-io, THE first daye of the Sabbathes . . . Then the disciples went awaye agayne to theyr owne home. IF Mondaie in Easter weke. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, whiche through thy only begotten sonne Jesus Christe, haste ouercome deathe, and opened vnto vs, the gate of euerlastyng lyfe : wee humbly beseche thee, that as by thy speciall grace, preuentyng vs, thou doest put in our mindes good desires, so by thy continuall helpe we may bryng the same to good effect ; through Jesus christ our lord, who, &c. The Epistle. Acts x. 34-43. PETER opened hys mouth and sayde ; . . . shall receyue remissio of synnes. The Gospell. Luke xxiv. 13-35. BEHOLDE two of the disciples wente that same daye . . . and howe they knewe him in breakyng of bread. IT Tuisday in Easter wieke. The Collect. ALMIGHTY father, whiche hast geuen thy onelye sonne to die for our sinnes, and to rise again for our iustificacion : graunt vs so to put away the leauen of malice, and wickednes, that we may alwaye serue thee in purenesse of lyuynge and trueth, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Acts xiii. 26-41. Ye men and brethren, Children of the generacion of Abraham, . . . thoughe a man declare it vnto you. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 73 The GospelL Luke xxiv. 36-48. JESUS stode in the myddes of his disciples . . . And ye are wytnesses of these thynges. If Thefyrst Sondaye after Easter. The Collect. ALMIGHTYE God, &c., as at the Communion on Easter daye. The Epistle. \ John v. 1-12. AL that is borne of GOD ouercommeth the world. . . . and he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not lyfe. The GospelL John xx. 19-23. THE same daye at nyghte . . . And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne, they are retayned. IT The ii Sondaye. The Collecte. ALMIGHTY God, whiche hast geuen thy holie sonne to be vnto vs bothe a sacrifice for synne and also an ensample of Godlye lyfe : geue vs the Grace that wee maie alwaies mooste thanckefully receiue that his inestimable benefite, and also dayly endeuour our selues to folowe the blessed steppes of his most holy lyfe. The Epistle. I Peter ii. 19-25. THIS is thanckworthy, yf a man . . . vnto the shepeherde and Bisshoppe of youre soules. The Gospel. John x. 11-16. CHRISTE sayed to his disciples, I am the good shepeheard, . . and there shalbe one folde, and one shepeherde. The in Sondaie. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, whiche shewest to al men that be in errour the light of thy truth, to thentent that thei may returne into the waie of rightuousnes Graunt vnto al them that be admitted into the felowship of christes religio, that thei may eschew those thinges that be contrarye to their profession, and folowe al such thinges as bee agreable to the same, through our Lorde Jesus Chryst. The Epistle. I Peter ii. 11-17. DEARLY beloued, I beseche you . . . Honoure the kynge. 74 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospel. John xvL 16-22. JESUS sayed to his disciples ; After a litle whyle . . . and your ioye shall no man take from you. The iiii Sonda ie. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, whiche dost make the mindes of all faithful menne to be of one wil, graunt vnto thy people, that they may loue the thyng which thou commaundest, and desire that which thou dost promise, that emong the sondry, and manifolde chaunges, of the worlde, cure hartes may surely ther be fixed wheras true ioyes are to be found, through christ, c. The Epistle. James i. 17-21. EUERY good gift, and euery perfect gift, . . . whiche is able to saue youre soules. The GospelL John xvi. 5-14. JESUS sayed vnto his disciples ; Nowe I goe my waye ... he shall take of myne, and shewe vnto you. IT The v Sondaie. The Collect. L0RD, from whom all good thinges do come, graute vs thy humble seruautes, that by thy holy inspiracio we may thinke those thinges that be good, and by thy mercifull guiding, may performe the same, through oure Lorde Jesus Christe. Amen. The Epistle. James i. 22-27. SEE that ye be doers of the worde, . . . and to kepe hym selfe vnspotted of the worlde. The GospelL John xvi. 23-33. VERELY, verely, I saye vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye shall aske . . . but be of good cheere, I haue ouercome the worlde. 1T Assencion daye. The Collecte. GRAUNTE we beseche the, almighty God, that lyke as we do beleue thy onelye begotten sonne our Lord to haue ascended into the heauens : so we maye also in harte and mynde thether ascende, and wyth hym contynually dwell. The Epistle. Acts i. i-ii. In the former treatise (deare Theophilus) . . . euen as ye haue sene him goe into heauen. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 75 The Gospel. Mark xvi. 14-20. JESUS appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meat . . . and confirming the worde with miracles folowynge. IF The Sonday after the Ascencion daye. The Collect, O GOD the Kynge of glorye, whyche haste exalted thyne onely sonne Jesus Christe, wyth greate triumphe, vnto thy kyngedome in heauen, we beseche thee leue vs not comfortlesse, but sende to vs thyne holye ghost, to comfort vs, and exalt vs to the same place, whether oure Sauioure Christe is gone before, who lyueth and reigneth, &c. The Epistle, i Peter iv. 7-11. THE ende of all thinges is at hande ... to whome be prayse and dominion for euer and euer. Amen. The Gospell. John xv. ver. 26, 27 ; xvi. 1-4. WHEN the comforter is come ... ye may remembre then that I tolde you. H" Whitsundayc. The Collecte. GOD whiche as vpon this day, hast taught the hartes of thy faithful people, by the sendynge to the the lyghte of thy holye spirite : graunte vs by the same spirite, to haue a righte iudge- mente in all thinges, and euermore to reioyce in his holy comforte, throughe the merites of Christ Jesu oure sauiour, who lyueth and reigneth with the, in the vnitie of the same spirit, one God, world without ende. Amen. The Epistle. Acts ii. i-n. WHEN the fiftie dayes were come to an end, ... we heare them speake with our owne tongues the great workes of God. The Gospell. John xiv. 15-27. JESUS sayde vnto his disciples ; Yf ye loue me ... And as the father gaue me commaundement, euen so do I. IT Mondaye in Whitsontveeke. The Collect. IT God, which, hast geuen, &c. As vpon Wytsonday. The Epistle. Acts x. 34-48. PETER opened his mouth and sayde. Of a trueth . . . Then prayed they him to tary a fewe dayes. 76 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospel. John iii. 16-21. GOD so loued the worlde, that he gaue . . . how that they are wrought in God. IT The Tuesday after Wytsondaye. The Collect. GOD whiche hast geuen, &c. As vpon Wytsonday. The Epistle. Acts viii. 14-17. WHEN the Apostles whiche were at Jerusalem . . . and they receaued the holy ghoste. The Gospett. John x. i-io. VERELY, verely I say vnto you ; He that entreth not . . . and that they mighte haue it more abundauntly. IT Trinite Sondaie. The Collect. ALMIGHTY and euerlastynge God, which haste geuen vnto vs thy seruauntes, grace (by the confession of a true faith) to acknow- ledge the glory of the eternall Trinitie, and in the power of the deuyne Maiesty, to worshyppe the vnitie : we beseche thee, that through the stedfastnes of this faith, we maye euermore be de- fended from al aduersitie, which liuest and reignest one God, worlde without efide. Amen. The Epistle. Apoc. iv. AFTER this I looked, and behold, a dore . . . and for thy wylles sake they are, and were created. The Gospel. John iii. 1-15. THERE was a manne of the Pharises, . . . perishe not, but haue euerlastyng lyfe. IT The first Sonday after Trinitie Sonday. The Collect. GOD, the strength of al them that trust in thee, mercyfully accept cure praiers. And because the weakenes of our mortal nature can do no good thing wythout thee, gruunt vs the helpe of thy grace, that in kepyng of thy commaundementes, we may please thee, both in wil and dede ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle. \ John iv. 7-21. DEARLY beloued, let vs loue one another : . . . that he whiche loueth God, shulde loue his brother also. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 77 The Gospell. Luke xvi. 19-31. THERE was a certayne riche man, . . . though one rose from death againe. IT The ii Sonday. The Collect. LORD make vs to haue a perpetual feare and loue of thy holy name, for thou neuer failest to help and gouerne them whom thou doest bryng vp in thy stedfast loue : graunt this s &c. The Epistle. \ John iii. 13-24. MARUAYLE not my brethren though the worlde hate you. . . . euen by the spirite whiche he hath geuen vs. The Gospel. Luke xiv. 16-24. A CERTAINE man ordeyned a great supper, . . . shal taste of my supper. IF The iii Sonday. The Collect. LORD, we beseche the mercifully to heare vs, and vnto whome thou haste geuen hartye desyre to praye : graut that by thy mighty ayde we may be defeded throughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde. The Epistle. I Peter v. 5-11. SUBMYTTE yourselues euery man one to another . . . To hym be glory and dominion for euer and euer. Amen. The Gospell. Luke xv. i-io. THEN resorted vnto him all the Publicans . . . ouer one synner that repenteth. IT The tiii Sondaye. 7^he Collect. GOD the Protectour of al that trust in thee, without who nothing is stronge, nothing is holye : encrease and rnultiplye vpon vs thy mercy ; that thou being our ruler and guyde, we may so passe throughe thinges teporal, that we finallye lose not the thinges eternall : Graunte this heauenly father, for Jesu Christes sake oure Lorde. The Epistle. Rom. viii. 18-23. I SUPPOSE that the affliccions off this lyfe, . . . euen the delyuer- aunce of our bodies. 78 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospel. Luke vi. 36-42. BE ye mercifull as youre father also is mercyful. . . . the mote that is in thy brothers eye. 1" The v Sonday. The Collect. GRAUNT Lord, we beseche the, that the course of this worlde maye bee so peasebly ordered by thy gouernauce ; that thy con- gregacio may ioyfully serue the in al godly quietnes, through Jesus Christe oure Lorde. The Epistle. I Peter iii., 8-15. BE you all of one mynde and of one hearte, - . . but sanctifie the Lorde God in your hertes. The Gospel. Luke v. i-u. IT came to passe that (when the people . . . and forsoke all, and folowed him. IF The vz Sondaye. The Collecte. GOD which hast prepared to the that loue the such good thinges as passe al mas vnderstadig : powre into our hartes such loue to- warde thee, that we louyng the in al thinges may obteyne thy promises whiche excede al that we can desire, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Romans vi. 3-11. KNOWE ye not, that all we whiche are baptysed . . . but are alyue vnto God, through Jesus Christe our Lorde. The Gospell. Matt. v. 20-26. JESUS sayed vnto his disciples ; excepte youre ryghteousnesse . . . till thou haue payed the vttermoste farthyng. IT The vii Sonday. The Collect. LORD of al power and might, which art the auctoure and geuer of al good thlges : graffe in our hartes the loue of thy name, en- crease in vs true religio, nourishe vs with al goodnesse, and of thy great mercy kepe vs in the same, throughe Jesus Christ oure Lorde. The Epistle. Rom. vi. 19-23. I SPEAKE grosly, because of the weaknes of your fleshe. . . . but eternall lyfe is the gifte of God ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 79 The Gospel. Mark viii. 1-9. IN those dayes, when there was a verye great companie, . . And he sent them awaye. IT The viii Sonday. The Collect. GOD, whose prouidence is neuer deceiued, we hublye beseche the, that thou wilt put away fro vs al hurtfulthinges, and geue to vs those thinges, which be profitable for vs, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Rom. viii. 12-17. BRETHREN, we are detters, not to the fleshe, . . . that we may be also gloryfied together with hym. The Gospeil. Matt. vii. 15-21. BEWARE of false Prophetes, ... he shall entre into the kyng- dome of heauen. IT The ix Sonday. The Collect. GRAUNT to vs Lord we beseche the, the spirit to thlke and do alwaies suche thinges as be rightful, that we which cannot be with- out the, may by the be able to liue accordyng to thy wil, through Jesus Christ oure Lorde. The Epistle. \ Cor. x. 1-13. BRETHREN, I would not that ye should be ignoraiit, . . . that ye may be hable to beare it. The Gospel. Luke xvi. 1-9. JESUS sayd vnto his disciples ; There was a r.ertaine riche man, . . . they may receaue you into euerlasting Habitacions. The x Sondaie. The Collect. LET thy mercifull eares, O Lorde, be open to the prayers of thy humble seruauntes, and that they may obtain their peticions, make the to aske suche thinges as shalplase thee, throughe Jesus Christe. our Lorde. The Epistle. I Cor. xii. i-n. CONCERNYNG spirituall giftes (brethren) I would . . . deuvdyng to euery manne a seuerall gifte, euen as he will. 8o THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospell. Lake xix. 41-47. AND when he was come nere to Hierusalem, . . . And he taught daylie in the Temple. The xi Sondaie. The Collect. GOD, which declarest thy almighty power, moste chiefly in shew- yng mercie and pitie : geue vnto vs abudauntly thy grace, that wee running to thy promises, maie be made partakers of thy heauenly treasure ; throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde. The Epistle. \ Cor. xv. i-n. BRETHREN, as perteyning to the Gospell, ... so we preached, and so haue ye beleued. The Gospell. Luke xviii. 9-14. CHRISTE told thys parable vnto certayne . . . And he that humbleth himselfe shalbe exalted. The xii Sondaie. The Collect. ALMIGHTYE and euerlastynge God, whiche arte alwayes more ready to heare, then we to praye, and arte wont to geue more, than eyther we desyre, or deserue : Powre doune vpon vs the aboudaunce of thy mercy, forgeuyng vs those thinges wherof our conscience is afrayed, and geuyng vnto vs that that our praier dare not presume to aske, through Jesus Christ cure Lorde. The Epistle. 2 Cor. iii. 4-9. SUCRE trust haue we through Christ to God-ward . . . the ministracion of righteousnes excede in glory. The Gospell. Mark vii. 31-37. JESUS departed from the coastes of Tyre and Sydon, . . . and the dumme to speake. The xiii Sondaye. The Collect. ALMYGHTY and merciful God, of whose onely gift it commeth that thy faythful people do vnto the true and laudable seruice : Graunte we beseche the, that we may so runne to thy heauenly promises, that we fayle not finally too attayne thesame, thorowe Jesus Christ our Lorde. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 81 The Epistle. Gal. iii. 16-22. To Abraham and his sede were the promyses made. . . . should be geuen vnto them that beleue. The Gospell. Luke x. 23-37. HAPPY are the eyes whiche see the thinges that ye see. . . . Goe, and doe thou lykewyse. The xiiii Sundaye. The Collect. ALMIGHTY and euerlastynge God, geue vnto vs the encrease of faythe, hope, and charitie, and that we maye obtayne that whiche thou doest promyse : Make vs to loue that, whiche thou doest com- maunde, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle. Gal. v. 16-24. I SAVE ; Walke in the spirite, . . . haue crucified the fleshe with the affections and lustes. The Gospell. Luke xvii. 11-19. AND it chaunced as Jesus went to Jerusalem, . . . thy fayth hath made the whole. The xv Sondaye. The Collect. KEPE, we beseche the, O Lorde, thy church with thy perpetuall mercy, and because the frailtye of man withoute the, can not but fall : Kepe vs euer by thy helpe, and leade vs to all thynges profit- able to our saluation, throughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Gal. vi. 11-18. YE see howe large a letter I haue writte vnto you . . . Brethren, the grace of our Lorde Jesu Christ be with your spirite. Amen. The Gospel. Matt vi. 24-34. No manne can serue two Masters, . . . Sufficient vnto the daye is the trauayl thereof. The xvi Sondaye. The Collect. LORDE wee beseche the, lette thy continuall pitie dense and de- fende thy congregacion, and, because it can not continue in saufetie without thy succour, preserue it euermore by thy helpe and good- nese, throngh Jesus Christe our Lorde. 82 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Epistle. Ephes. iii. 13-21. I DESIRE that you faint -not because of my tribulacions . . . throughoute al generacions from tyme to tyme. Amen. The Gospel. Luke vii. 11-17. AND it fortuned, that Jesus went into a Citie called Nairn, . . . and throughout all the regions which lye round about. The xvti Sondaye. The Collect. LORDE we pray the, that thy grace maye alwaies preuente and folowe vs, and make vs continuallye too be geuen to all good workes, thorough Jesus Christe our Lorde. The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 1-6. I (WHICH am prisoner of the Lordes) exhorte you, . . . whiche is aboue all, and through all, and in you all. The Gospel. Luke xiv. i-n. AND it chaunced that Jesus went into the house . . . and he that humbleth hymselfe, shalbe exalted. *IF The xviii Sondaie. The Collect. LORDE we beseche the, graunte thy people grace to auoyde the infectyons of the deuyll, and wyth pure harte and mynde to folowe thee, theonely God, throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde. The Epistle. \ Cor. i. 4-8. I THANKE my God alwaies on your behalfe, ... in the daye of the comyng of oure Lorde Jesus Christ. The Gospell. Matt. xxii. 34-46. WHEN the Phariseis had herde, that Jesus . . . aske hym any more questions. The xix Sonday, The Collect. O GOD, forasmuche as without the, we are not able to please the : graute that the worckinge of thy mercie, maye in all thynges directe and rule our hertes ; throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde. The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 17-32. THIS I saye, and testifie through the Lord, . . . euen as God for Christes sake hathe forgeuen you. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 83 The Gospell. Matt. ix. 1-8. JESUS entred into a shippe and passed ouer, . . . whiche had geuen suche power vnto men. The xx Sondaie. The Collect. ALMIGHTYE and merciful God, of thy bountifull goodnes, kepe vs, fro all thinges that may hurt vs, that we being ready, bothe in bodye and soule : may with fre heartes, accomplishe those thinges, that thou woldest haue doen : through Jesus Christ our lord. The Epistle. Ephes. v. 15-21. TAKE hede therfore, howe ye walke circumspectlye : . . . sub- mittyng yourselues one to another, in the feare of God. T^i? Gospell. Matt. xxii. 1-14. JESUS sayde to his disciples ; The kyngdome of heauen . . . For many be called, but fewe are chosen. IT The xxi Sondaye. The Collect. GRAUNTE we beseche the merciful Lorde to thy faythful people, pardon and peace, that they may be clensed from al their synnes, and serue the with a quyet mynde, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Ephes. vi. 10-20. MY brethren, be strong through the Lord, . . . that therein I maye speake frely, as I oughte to speake. The Gospel. John iv. 46-54. THERE wasacertaine ruler, whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum. . . . when he came out of Jewry into Galilee. IT The xxii Sondaye. The Collect. LORDE we beseche the to kepe thy housholde, the churche in cStinual godlines, that through thy protection, it may be free from all aduersities, and deuoutlie geuen to serue thee in good workes, to the glory of thy name-: Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. Philipp. i. 3-11. I THANKE my God with all remembraunce of you . . . vnto the glory and prayse of God. 84 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospell. Matt, .xviii. 21-35. PETER sayde vnto Jesus ; Lorde how oft shall I forgeue my brother, . . . yf ye from your hartes forgeue not euery one his brother their trespasses. IF The xxiii Sondaie, The Collate. GOD our refuge and strength, whych art the aucthour of all godly- nes, be redy to heare the deuout prayers of the churche, and graut that those thynges, whyche we aske faithfullie, we may obteine effectually. Throughe Jesu Christ our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Philipp. iii. 17-21. BRETHREN, be folowers together of me, ... is hable also to subdue al thynges vnto hym selfe. The Gospell. Matt. xxii. 15-22. THEN the Pharises went out and toke counsayle, . . . they meruayled, and left hym, and wente their waye. The xxiiii Sondaie. The Collect. LORDE wee beseche thee assoyle thy people from their offences, that thoroughe thy bountyfull goodnesse we may be delyuered fro the bandes of al those sinnes which by our frailtie we haue committed : graunte this, &c. Amen. The Epistle. Coloss. i. 3-12. WE geue thankes to God, the father of our Lorde Jesus Christe, . . . which hath made vs meete of the inheritaunce of sainctes in lyght. The Gospel. Matt. ix. 18-31. WHYLE Jesus spake vnto the people, beholde, there came a certaine ruler, . . . And thys noyse was abrode in all that lande. IT The xxv Sondaye. The Collect. STYRE vp we beseche the, O Lorde, the wylles of thy faithfull people, that they, plenteously bringyng furthe the fruicte of good workes,may of the be plenteously rewarded. Through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Jer. xxiii. 5-8. BEHOLD, the tyme commeth, . . . and they shal dwel in theyr owne lande agayne. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 85 The Gospell. John vi. 5-14. WHEN Jesus lift vp his eies, and sawe a great companye . . . This is of a trueth thesame Prophete that shoulde come into the worlde. IT If there be any mo Sondayes before Aduent Sondaie, to supply the same shalbe taken the seruice of some of those Sondayes, that were omitted betwene Thepiphany and Septuagesima. S. Andrewes daie. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God whiche diddest geue suche grace vnto thy holy Apostle saincte Andrewe, that hee redily obeied the callyng of thy Sonne Jesus Christe, and folowed him without delaie, graunt vnto vs all that we beyng called by thy holie worde, may furthwith geue ouer our selves obediently to folowe thy holy commaundemetes, through thesame Jesus Christ our lord. Amen. The Epistle. Rom. x. 9-21. IF thou knowledge with thy mouthe, that Jesus is the Lord, ... a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynst me. The Gospel. Matt. iv. 18-22. As Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee, . . . And they immediately left the ship and their father, and folowed hym. Sainct Thomas the Apostle. The Collect. ALMIGHTY euerlyuyng God, which for the more confirmacion of the fayth, diddest suffer thy holy apostle Thomas, to be doubtful in thy sonnes resurreccion, graunt vs so perfectly, and withoute all double to beleue in thy sonne Jesus Christe, that oure faith in thy sight neuere be reproued. Heare vs, O Lorde, throughe thesame Jesus Christ, to whome with thee, and the holy ghoste, &c. The Epistle. Ephes. ii. 19-22. Now are ye not straungers nor foreiners, ... an habitacion of God through the holy goste. The Gospell. John xx. 24-31. THOMAS one of the twelue, which is called Didimus, . , . and that throughe beleuing ye myght haue lyfe through hys name. IT The Conversion of Sainct Paule. The Collect. GOD, whyche haste taught all the worlde, through the preach- inge of thy blessed Apostle sainct Paule : Graunte, we beseche 86 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. thee, that we whiche haue hys wonderfull Conuersion in remem- braunce,maye folowe and fulfyll thy holy doctrine that he taughte; Throughe Jesu Christ our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle, Acts ix. 1-22. AND Saul yet breathyng out threatnynges, . . . affirming that thys was very Christe. The Gospell, Matt. xix. 27-36. PETER aunswered and said vnto Jesus; . . . But many that are first shalbe last, and the last shalbe first. IT The ptirification of saincte Marie the virgine. The Collecte. ALMYGHTIE and euerlasting God, we humbly beseche thy maiestie, that as thy onely begotten sonne, was this daye pre- sented in the Temple, in the substaunce of our fleshe, so graunte that we maye be presented vnto the with pure and cleare myndes ; by Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle, IF The same that is appointed for the Sondaye. The Gospel, Luke ii. 22-27. WHEN the tyme of their purificacion . . . And he came by inspiracion into the temple. IT Saint Mathies daye. The Collect, ALMYGHTIE god, whiche in the place of the traitoure Judas, diddest chose thy faythfull seruaunt Mathie to be of the nomber of thy twelue Apostles : graunte that thy Churche beyng alwaye presented from false Apostles may be ordered and guided, by faithful and true Pastours ; through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle, Acts i. 15-26. IN those dayes, Peter stode vp in the middes . . . and he was coumpted with the eleuen Apostles. The Gospel, Matt. xi. 25-30. AT that tyme Jesus aunswered, and sayde : I thanke thee, . . . for my yoke is easie, and my burden is light. The Annunciation of the Virgine Marie, The Collect. WE beseche thee Lorde, powre thy grace into our hartes, that, as we haue knowen Christe thy sonnes incarnacion, by the message THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 87 of an Angell : so by his crosse and passion, we maye be brought vnto the glory of his resurreccion : through thesame Christ our Lord. The Epistle. Isaiah vii. 10-15. GOD spake once agayne vnto Ahaz, saying ; . . . that he maye knowe to refuse the euill, and choose the good. The Gospel. Luke i. 26-38. AND in the sixth moneth the Angell Gabriell was sente . . . And the Angell departed from her. IT S. Markes dale. The Gollecte. ALMYGHTIE God, which haste instructed thy holy Churche with the heauenly doctrine of thy Euangelist sainct Marke : geue vs grace so to be established by thy holy Gospell, that we be not like chyldren, caried awaie with euery blast of vain doctrine : Through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7-16. VNTO euery one of vs is geuen grace, . . . vnto the edifying of itselfe through loue. The Gospel. John xv. i-n. I AM the true Vine, and my father is an husbandman. . . . and that your ioy might be full. H S. Philip and James. The Collecte. ALMIGHTYE God, whom truely to knowe is euerlasting life: graunt vs perfectly to knowe thy sone Jesus Christ to be the waie, the truthe, and the life, as thou hast taught sainct Philippe, and other the Apostles, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. James i. 1-12. JAMES the seruaunt of God, and of the Lorde Jesus Christe, . . . which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue hym. The Gospel. John xiv. 1-14. AND Jesus sayde vnto hys disciples, Let not your hertes be troubled . . . If ye shall aske any thyng in my name, I will doe it. St Barnabie Apostle. The Collect. LORDE almightie, whiche hast endued thy holy Apostle Barna- bas, with synguler gyftes of thy holye Ghoste : let vs not be desti- 88 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. tute of thy manifolde gyftes, nor yet of grace to vse them alwaye to thy honor and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Acts xi. 22-30. TYDINGES of these thinges came vnto the eares of the congrega- cion . . . and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul. The Gospel. John xv. 12-16. THIS is my commaundemente, that ye loue together, ... of the father in my name, he may geue it you. IT S. Jhon Baptist. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE god, by whose prouidence thy seruaunte Jhon Baptist, was wonderfully borne, and sente to prepare the waye of thy sonne our sauiour, by preachynge of penaunce : make vs so to folowe hys doctrine, and holy lyfe, that we maie truly repent, accordyng to his preachyng, and after his example, constantlye to speake the truthe, boldly rebuke vice, and paciently suffer for the truthes sake : through Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Esai. xi. i-u. BE of good chere my people, O ye Prophetes, . . . and shall kyndely entreat those that beare yong. The Gospel. Luke i. 57-80. ELIZABETHES tyme came that she should be deliuered, . , . when he shoulde shewe himselfe vnto the Israelites. IT Sainct Peters daye. The Collects. ALMIGHTIE God, which by thy sonne Jesus Christ, haste geuen to thy Apostle S. Peter many excellente gyftes, and commaundeste him earnestly to fede thy flocke. Make we beseche thee, all Byshoppes and Pastours diligently to preache thy holy worde, and the people obediently to folowe thesame, that they may receyue the Crowne of euerlasting glory, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. Acts xii. i-n. AT the same tyme Herode the kynge stretched furthe his handes . . . and from all the waityng for of the people of the Jewes. The Gospell. Matt. xvi. 13-19. WHEN Jesus came into the coastes of the citie . , . and what- soeuer thou losest in earth, shalbe losed in heauen. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 89 1T Saincte James the Apostle. The Collect. GRAUNTE, O merciful God, that as thy holy Apostle sainct James, leauynge his father, and al that he had, without delay, was obedient vnto the calling of thy sonne Jesus Christe, and folowed him : so we, forsakyng al worldly and carnal affeccions, may euer- more be ready to folowe thy commaundemetes, throughe Jesu Christ oure Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Acts xi. 27-30; xii. 1-3. IN those dayes came prophetes fro the citie of Jerusalem vnto Antioche. ... he preceded further and toke Peter also. The Gospel. Matt. xx. 20-28. THEN came to him the mother of Zebedes children, ... to geue his life a redempcion for many. S. Bartholomewe. The Collect. O ALMIGHTY and euerlasting God ; whiche haste geuen grace to thine Apostle Bartholomew, truely to beleue, and to preache thy woorde : Graut, wee beseche the, vnto thy church, both to loue that he beleued, and to preache that he taughte, throughe Christe oure Lorde. The Epistle. Acts v. 12- 1 6. BY the handes of the Apostles were many signes . . . and they were healed euery one. The Gospett. Luke xxii. 24-30. AND there was a strife among them, . . . and sytte on seates iudging the twelue tribes of Israel. IT Saincte Matheive. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God whiche by thy blessed sonne dyddest call Mathewe from the receipte of Custome to be an Apostle, and Euangelist : Graunt vs grace to forsake all couetous desyres, and inordinate loue of ryches, and to folowe thy sayde sonne Jesus Christe, who liueth and reigneth, &c. The Epistle. 2 Cor. iv. 1-6. SEYNG that we haue suche an office, . . . knowlege of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christe. 90 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. The Gospell. Matt. ix. 9-13. AND as Jesus passed forth fro thence, ... for I am not come to cal the righteous, but synners to repentaunce. IF S. Michael and all Aungelles. The Collecte. EUERLASTYNGE God, whiche haste ordeined, and constituted the seruices of all Aungelles, and men, in a wondreful order : merci- fully graunte that they whiche alway do the seruice in heauen, may by thy appoinctmente succour and defende vs in earth, through Jesus Christe oure Lorde, &c. The Epistle. Apoc. xii. 7-12. THERE was a great battayl in heauen : . . . because he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. The Gospell. Matt, xviii. i-io. AT the same tyme came the disciples vnto Jesus, . . . beholde the face of my father, whiche is in heauen. Sainct Luke the Euangelist. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE God, which calledst Luke the phisicion, (whose praise is in the Gospel) to be a Physicion of the soule, it maye please the by the wholesome medicines of his doctrine, to heale all the diseases of our soules, through thy sonne Jesu Christ our Lorde. The Epistle. 2 Tim. iv. 5-15. WATCHE thou in all thinges, . . . For he hath greatly with- stande our wordes. The Gospel. Luke x. 1-7. THE Lorde appointed other seuenty . . . For the labourer is worthy of his reward. IT Simon and Jude Apostles. The Collecte. ALMIGHTY God, which haste builded thy congregacion vpon the foundacio of the Apostles, and Prophetes, Jesu Christ him selfe being the head corner-stone : graunt vs so to be ioyned together in vnitie of spirite by their doctrine, that we may be made an holye teple acceptable to the, through Jesu Christe our Lorde. Amen. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. 91 The Epistle. Jude i. 1-8. JUDAS, the seruaunte of Jesus Christe, . . . and speake euell of them that are in auctoritie. The Gospel, John xv. 12-27. THIS commaunde I you, that ye loue together. . . . because ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge. IF All Sainctes. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, which hast knit together thy elect in one communion and felowship, in the misticall body of thy son Christ our Lord : graunt vs grace so to folowe thy holy sainctes in all vertues and Godly liuing, that we may come to those inspeake- able ioyes whiche thou haste prepared for them that vnfainedly loue the, through Jesus Christ oure Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Apoc. vii. 2-12. BEHOLDE, I John sawe another Angell ascende . . . and might, be vnto our God for euermore. Amen. The Gospell. Matt. v. 1-12. JESUS seeing the people, went vp into the mountaine : . . . For so persecuted they the Prophetes whiche were before you. THE ORDRE FOR THE ADMINISTRACION OF THE LORDES SUPPER, OR HOLY COMMUNION. So many as entend to be partakers of the holy Comunion, shall signifie their names to the Curate otter night ; or els in the mornyng, afore the begin- ning of morning prayer or immediately after. And if any of those be an ope and notorious euil liuer, so that ye congrega- cio by him is offended, or haue done any wrong to hys neighbours by word or dede : ye Curate hauyng knowledge therof, shalcal hytn, and aduertyse hym, in any wise not to pnesume to the Lordes table, vntil he haue opely declared him self to haue tritely repented, and amended his former naughty lyfe, that the Cogregacion may therby be satisfyed, which afore were offeded, and that he haue recopensed the parties, who he hath done wrong vnto, or at the least declare him selfe to be in full purpose so to doe, as sone as he coueniently may. Thesame order shall the Curate vse with those, betwixt whome he perceyu- eth malice and hatred to raigne, not suffering them to be partakers of the Lordes table, vntyll he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance, be content to forgeue from the bottome of hys hart, all that the other hath trespassed agaynste him, and to make amends for that he hym self hath offended : and the other party e wyll not be per- swaded to a godly vnitye, but remain stil in his frowardnes and malice : The Minister in that case, ought to admit the penitent person to the holy Communyon, and not hym that is obstinate. The table, hauyng at the Communion tyme a fayre whyte linnen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the churche, or in the chauncell where mornyng prayer and euenyng pray our be appointed to be sayd. And the priest, standyng at the Northe syde of the table, shal say the Lordes prayour wyth this collecte followyng. ALMIGHTY God, vnto whom al hartes be open, al desires knowe, and from whom no secretes are hyd : clese the thoughtes of our hartes by the inspiracion of thy holy spirite, that we may perfectly loue the, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Christe our Lorde. Amen. THE COMMUNION. 93 Then shal the Priest rehearse distinctly al the .x. Commaundementes, and the people knelyng, shal after euery Commaundemete aske Goddes mercye for theyr transgressyon of the same, after thys sorte. Minister. God spake these wordes, and saide, I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt haue none other Goddes but me. People. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe. Minister. Thou shalt not make to thy self any grauen ymage, nor the likenes of any thyng that is in heauen aboue, or in the earth beneth, or in the water vnder the earth. Thou shalt not bow doune to them, nor worshyppe the, for I the Lord thy God am a gelous God, and visite the synne of the fathers vppon the children, vnto the thyrde and iiii. generacyon of them that hate me, and shew mercie vnto thousandes in theim that loue me, and keepe my commaundementes. People. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe. Minister. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine, for the Lorde wil not holde hym giltlesse that taketh his name in vaine. People. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs, and encline our, &c. Minister. Remembre that thou kepe holy the Sabboth daie : .vi. dayes shalt thou laboure, and doe all that thou haste to do, but the .vii. day is the Sabboth of the lorde thy god. In it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou ad thy sonne and thy daughter, thy man seruaunt, and thy mayd seruaunt, thy Catel, and the straunger that is within thy gates : For in ,vi. daies the Lord made heauen and earth, the Sea and all that in them is, and reasted the seuenth daye, Wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye and halowed it. People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, and encline our. &c. Minister. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy daies may be long in the lade which the Lord thy God geueth the. People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, and encline. &c. The Minister. Thou shalt not do murther. People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, and encline. &c. Minister. Thou shalt not committe adultery : People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, and encline, &c. Minister. Thou shalt not steale. People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, &c. Minister. Thou shake not beare false wytnesse agaynste thy neyghboure. People. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs, and encline our hartes to kepe this lawe. Minister. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house, Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife, nor his seruaunt, nor his maide, nor his oxe, nor his asse, nor any thing that is his. 94 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. People. Lord haue mercy vpon vs, and write al these thy lawes in our hartes we beseche the. 1T Then shall folonve the Colled of the day with one of these two Collectes folowyngfor the Quene, the Priest standyng zip and saying. Let vs praye Priest. ALMIGHTY God, whose kyngdom is euerlasting, and power infinite, haue mercy vpo the whole congregacion, and so rule the heart of thy chose seruant Elizabeth our Ouene and gouernoure that she (knowing whose minister she is) may aboue all thinges, seke thy honoure and glorye : and that we her subiectes, (duly considering whose aucthority she hath) may faithfully serue, honour, and humblye obey her in the and for the, according to thy blessed worde, and ordinance, Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with the and the holye ghost, lyueth and reygneth euer one God, worlde without ende. Amen. ALMIGHTY and euerlastinge God, we be taughte by thy holy word, that the hartes of Princes are in thy rule and gouernauce, and that thou doest dispose, and turne them as it semeth best to thy Godly wysedome : we humbly beseche thee, so to dispose and gouerne the harte of Elizabeth, thy seruaunte, our Quene and gouernour, that in all her thoughtes, wordes, and workes she may euer seke thy honoure and glorye, and studye to preserue thy people committed to her charge, in welth, peace and godlynes. Graunt this O merciful father, for thy deare sonnes sake Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. Immediately after the Collectes, the Priest shall reade the Epystle begynning thus. The Epystle written in the. Chapiter of. And the Epystle ended, he shal say the Gospel, beginnings thus. The Gospell wrytten in the. Chapiter of. And the Epistle and Gospel being ended, shalbe said the Crede. I BELEUE in one God, the father almighty maker of heauen and earthe, and of all thynges visible and inuisible : And in one Lorde Jesu Christe, the onely begotten sonne of GOD, begotten of his father before al worldes, god of God, lyghte of lyghte, verye God of verye God, gotten, not made, beynge of one substance wyth the father, by whome all thinges were made, who for vs men, and for our salvacion came doune from heauen, and was incarnate by the holy Ghoste, of the Virgine Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for vs, vnder poncius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the thyrde clay he rose againe accordinge to the Scrip- tures, and ascended into heauen, and sitteth at the right hade of THE COMMUNION. 95 the father. And he shal come againe with glory, to judge both the quicke and the deade, whose Kyngdome shall haue none ende. And I beleue in the holye Ghoste, The Lorde and geuer of life, who procedeth from the father and the sonne, who with the father and the sonne together is worshipped and glorified, who spake by the Prophetes. And I beleue one catholicke and Apostolicke Churche. I acknowledge one Baptisme, for the remission of synnes. And I loke for the resurreccion of the dead : and the lyfe of the worlde to come. Amen. After tho Crede yf there be no sermon, shall folowe one of the Homelies alredy setfurth, or hereafter to be setftirth by commune aucthoritie. After suche Sermon, homely, or exhortacion, the Curate shall declare vnto the people, -whether there be anye holy dayes or fastynge dayes the iveke folowyng, and earnestly exhorte theim to remembre the poore, saying one, or moe of these sentences following, as he thinketh most conuenient by his discretion. LET your light so shyne before men, that they maye see your Math. v. good workes, and glorifye youre father whyche is in heauen. Laye not vp youreselues treasure upon the earthe, where the ruste Math. vi. and mothe doeth corrupte, and where theeues breake through and steale : But lay vp for youreselues treasures in heauen, where neyther rust, nor motthe doeth corrupt, and where theeues do not breake thorowe and steale. Whatsoeuer you wo.ulde that menne shoulde do vnto you, euen Math. vii. so doe vnto them, for this is the lawe and the Prophetes. Not euery one that sayeth vnto me Lord, Lord, shall entre into Math. vii. the Kingdome of heauen ; but he that doeth ye wyl of my father whiche is in heauen. Zache stode furth, and sayde vnto the Lord, beholde Lord, the Luk. xix. halfe of my goodes I gyue to the poore, and yf I haue done any wronge to any man, I restore foure folde. Who goeth a warefare at any tyme of his owne coste ? Who i. Cor. ix. planteth a vyneyarde, and eateth not of the fruicte thereof? Or who feedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke ? If we haue sowen vnto you spiritual thinges, is it a great matter, i. Cor. ix. yf we shal reape your worldly thinges ? Do ye not knowe, that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges, Cor. ix. lyue of the sacrifyce ? whyche wayte of the aultare, are partakers with the aultare. Euen so hath the Lorde also ordeyned : that they whiche preache the Gospell, shoulde lyue of the gospel. He which soweth lytle shal reape lytle ; and he that soweth ii. Cor. ix. plenteously, shal reape plenteously. Let euery man doe accord- ynge as he is dysposed in his harte, not grudgynglye or of necessitie : for God loueth a cherefull gyuer. Let hym that is taughte in the woorde, minister vnto him that Gala. vi. teacheth, in all good thinges. Be not deceiued, God is not mocked : for whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall he reape. g6 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. Whyle we haue tyme, let vs do good vnto al men, and specially vnto them, whiche are of the householde of faythe. Godlynes is great ryches, yf a man be contente with that he hath : for we brought nothynge into the worlde, neyther may we cary any thing out. Charge them whyche are ryche in thys worlde, that they be ready to giue, and glade to distribute, laying vp in store for them selues a good foundacion, against the time to come, that they may attayne eternal lyfe. God is not vnrighteous, that he wil forget your workes and laboure that procedeth of loue, whiche loue ye haue shewed for his names sake, whiche haue ministered vnto sainctes, and yet do minister. To do good, and to distribute, forget not, for with such sacri- fices God is pleased. Whoso hath thys worldes good, and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his copassyon from hym, how dwelleth the loue of God in hym ? Geue almose of thy goodes, and turne neuer thy face from any poore man, and then the face of the Lorde shall not be turned away from the. Be mercifull after thy power. If thou hast muche gyue plente- ously, if thou hast litle, doe thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle, for so gatherest thou thy selfe a good revvarde in the day of necessitye. He that hath pitye vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lorde : and looke what he layeth out : it shalbe paied him agayne. Blessed be the man that prouydeth for the sycke, and nedy, the Lorde shall deliuer him, in the time of trouble. ' Then shal the Churchewardens, or some other by them appoyncted, gather the deuocion of the people, and put the same into the poore mens boxe, and vpon the offeryng 1 dates appoincted, euery man and woman shal pay to the Curate the due and accustomed offerings, after whiche done, the Priest shal saie. Let vs pray for the whole estate of Christes Churche militant here in earth. iftherbe ALMIGHTYE and euerliuing God, whych by thy holye Apostle "eu^nto kast tau hte vs to make prayers and supplicacyons, and to geue the poore, thanckes for all men: We humbly beseche thee moste mercifully then shall j (t o accepte our almose) and to receyue these our prayers whyche accepting we offer vnto thy diuine maiestie, beseechyng the to inspire con- cur almes tinually, the vniuersal Churche wyth the spiryte of truthe, vnitye, vnsayd' 6 Ut an ^ Concorde : And graunt that all they that do confesse thy holy P These had originally been Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, and the feast of the dedication of the parish church : but in 1536 Henry VIII. commanded the feast of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, and that of Saint Michael, to be substituted for the last two.] THE COMMUNION. 97 name, may agree in the truthe of thy holy woorde, and lyue in vnytye and godlye loue. We beseche thee also to saue and defend alle Christyane Kynges, Prynces, and Gouernours, and specially thy seruaunt, Elyzabeth our Quene that vnder her we may be godly and quietly gouerned : and graunt vnto her whole Counsaill, and to all that be put in aucthoritye vnder her, that they may truely and indifferently minister iustice, to the punishement of wyckednes and vice, and to the maintenaunce of goddes true religion and vertue. Giue grace (O heauenly Father) to al Bishopes, Pastours and Curates, that they may bothe by theyr life and doctrine set furth thy true and liuely worde and rightely and duely administer thy holy Sacramentes : and to all thy people gyue thy heauenlye grace, and especially to thys congregacion heare present, that with meke harte and due reuerence, they may heare ad receiue thy holy worde, truely seruyng the in holines and ryghtuousnes all the dayes of theyr lyfe. And we moost humbly beseche the of thy goodnes (O Lord) to comfort and succoure all theym whyche in thys transi- tory lyfe bee in trouble. Sorowe, nede,sicknes, or any other aduersity. Graunt this, O father, for Jesus Christes sake our onely Mediatour and aduocate. Amen. Then shal foloive this exhortation, at certayne tytnes when the Curate shal see the people negligent to come to the holy Communyon. WE be come together at thys tyme, derely beloued brethren to fede at the Lordes supper, vnto the whyche in Goddes behalf I bydde you all that be heare present, and beseche you for the lorde Jesus Christes sake, that ye wyll not refuse to come thereto, beyng so louingly called, and bidden of God him selfe. Ye know howe greuous and vnkynde a thing it is, when a manne hath prepared a riche feaste : decked his table with al kynde of prouisyo, so that there lacketh nothinge but the gestes to sitte downe : and yet they whych be called wythout anye cause, mooste vnthankfully refuse to come. Whyche of you in suche a case woulde not be moued ? Who woulde not thyncke a greate iniurie and wrong done vnto hym ? Wherefore moste derely beloued in Christe take ye good heade, lest ye, wythdrawyng your selues fro this holy supper, and prouoke Goddes indignation against you, it is an easy matter for a man to say, I will not communicate, because I am otherwise letted with worldly busynes, but suche excuses be not so easily accepted and allowed before god. If any man say, I am a greuous sinner, and therefore am afrayed to come. Wherefore the do ye not re- pet and amede? Whe god calleth you, be you not ashamed to say ye wil not come ? when you should returne to god, wil you ex- cuse your self and say that you be not redy ? Cosidre ernestly with your selues howe litle such feined excuses shall auaile before God. They that refused the feaste in the Gospell, because they had bought a farme, or would trie their yokes of oxen, or because they were maried, were not so excused, but copied vnworthy of the D 98 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. heuely feast. I for my part am here present and according to myne office, I bid you in the name of god, I cal you in Christes behalf, I exhort you, as you loue your owne Saluation, that ye wil be partakers of this holy Communion. And as the sonne of God, did vouchesafe to yelde vp his soule by death vp5 the crosse for your healthe, euen so it is youre duety to receyue the Comunion to- gether in the remembraunce of his death as he hymselfe com- maunded. Nowe, yf ye wyll in no wise thus do, consider with your selues, how great iniury ye doe vnto God, and howe sore punishment hangeth ouer your heades for thesame. And where- as ye offende God so sore in refusing this holy banquet, I ad- monishe, exhorte, and beseche you, that vnto this vnkyndenes ye wyll not adde any more. Whiche thing ye shall doe yf ye stand by as gasers and lokers of them that do Communicate, and be no partakers of the same your selues. For what thing can this be accompted els, the a further contempt and vnkindenes vnto God ? Truly it is a greate vnthankefulnes to saye naye when ye be called, but the faulte is muche greater, when men stande by, and yet wyll neyther eate, nor drincke this holye Communion with other. I praie you what can this be ells but euen to haue the misteries of Christ in derision : it is sayde vnto al : Take ye and eate, take and drincke ye al of this, do this in remebraunce of me. With what face then, or with what countenance shal ye here these wordes ? what wyl this be els, but a neglecting, a despisyng, and mockynge of the Testament of Christ ? wherfore rather the you shold so do, departe you hence, and geue place to them that be Godly dysposed. But when you departe, I beseche you pondre with yourselves, from whome ye departe : ye departe from the Lordes Table : ye depart from your brethren, and from the banket of most heauely foode. These thynges (yf ye earnestly consydre) ye shall by Goddes grace, returne to a better mynde, for the ob- teining wherof, we shall make our humble peticions while we shal receiue the holy Communion. And some tyme shalbe said this also, at the discretion of the Curat. DERELY beloued, for asmuche as our dutye is to rendre to almighty God our heauenly father most harty thanckes for that he hathe geuen his sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ not onely to die for vs, but also to be oure Spirituall fode. and sustenaunce, as it is declared vnto vs, aswel by Goddes worde, as by the holy sacra- metes of his blessed body and bloud, the which being so comfort- able a thing to them whiche receiue it worthelye and so daunger- ous to them, that wil presume to receyue it, vnworthely. My duty is to exhorte you to considre the dignitie of the holy mistery, and the great peril of the vnworthy receiulg therof, and so to searche and examine youre owne conscieces, as you shold come holy and cleane to a moste godly and heuenly feast, so that in no w se you come but in the mariage garment, required of God in holy scrip- THE COMMUNION. 99 ture, and so come and be receyued as worthye partakers of suche a heauenly Table, the wayc and meanes therto is. First to examine your Hues and conuersation by the rule of Goddes commaundementes and wherinsoeuer ye shall perceyue your selues to haue offended eyther by wil, worde, or deede, there bewayle your owne synfull Hues, confesse your selues to almighty God, with ful purpose of amendement of life. And yf ye shal perceiue your offences to be such, as be not only against God, but also against your neighbours. Then ye shal reconcyle youre selues vnto them, ready to make restitucio and satisfactio according to the vttermost of your powers for all iniuries and wroges done by you to any other, and likewise being ready to forgeue other that haue offended you as you would haue forgeuenes of your offeces at Goddes hande. For otherwyse the receiuing of the holy Comunion doth nothing els, but encrease your dampnation. And because it is requisite that no manne shoulde come to the holye Communion, but with a ful trust in goddes mercy, and with a quiet conscience : therfore yf there be any of you, which by the meanes aforesaid canot quiet his owne conscience, but requireth further comforte or counsail, then let him come to me, or some other discrete and learned minister of gods word, and open his griefe, that he may receiue suche ghostly counseil, aduise, and comfort, as his conscience may be releued, and that by the minis- tery of Gods word, he may receyue comfort, and the benefyte of absolution, to the quieting of his conscience, and aduoiding of all scruple and doubtfulnes. IT Then shall the Priest say this exhortation. DERELY beloued in the Lorde : Ye that mynde to come to the holye Communion of the bodye and bloude of oure sauioure Christe, must consyder what saincte Paule writeth vnto the Cor- inthiens, howe he exhorteth all persones diligentlye to trye and examyne them selues, before they presume to eate of that breade, and drincke of that cuppe. For as the benefyte is greate, yf wyth a trulye penitente herte and lyuely faith we receiue that holy sacra- ment (for then we spiritually eate the fleshe of Christ, and drincke his bloude, then we dwell in Christe and Christe in vs, we be one wyth Christ, and Christe with vs) so is the daunger great, if we receyue the same vnworthely. For then we be gilty of the body and bloud of Christ our sauiour. We eate and drincke our owne dampnation, not cosidering the lordes bodye. we kindle Gods wrath against vs, we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers diseases, and sundrye kyndes of death. Therfore if any of you be a blas- phemer of god, an hinderer or slaunderer of his worde, an adul- terer, or be in malyce or enuye, or in anye other greuous crime, bewaile your Shines, and come not to this holy table, lest after the taking of that holy sacrament, the deuil enter into you, as he entred into Judas, and fil you full of al iniquities, and bring you to D 2 ioo THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. destruction both of bodye and soule. Judge therefore your selues (brethren) that ye be not iudged of the Lord. Repet you' truly for your sinnes past, haue a liuely and stedfast faithe in Christ our sauiour. Amende your Hues, and be in perfect charitie wyth all men, so shal ye be mete partakers of those holy misteries. And aboue al thinges ye must geue most humble and herty thankes to God the father, the sone, and the holye ghost, for the redemption of the world by the deathe and passion- of our sauiour Christ, bothe God and man, who did humble him selfe, euen to the deathe, upon the crosse, for vs miserable sinners which lay in darckenes, and shadowe of death, that he mighte make vs the children of God, and exalte vs to euerlasting life. And to thende that we should alwaie remembre the exceadinge greate loue of our master and onelie sauiour Jesu Christ, thus diyng for vs, and the innumerable benefites (which by his precious bloudsheading) he hath obteined to vs, he hath instituted and ordeined holy misteries, as pledges of his loue, and continuall remembraunce of his death, to our great and endles comfort. To him therfore with the father and the holye Ghost, let vs geue (as we are moste bounden) continuall thankes, submitting our selues wholy to his holie will and pleasure, and studiyng to serue him in true holines and righteousnes, al the daies of our life. Amen. Then shall the Priest saye to them that come to receyue the holy Communion. YOU that do truly and ernestly repente you of youre sinnes, and be in loue, and charite with your neighbors and entende to lede a newe lyfe, (blowing the commaundementes of God, and walkynge from hence furthe in his holy waies : Draw nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte make your humble confession to almighty God, before this congregation here gathered together in his holye name, mekely knelynge vpon your knees. IT Then shall this generall confession be made, in the name of all those, that are mynded to receyue this holy Communio, either by one of the, or els by one of t fie ministers, or by the priest him selfe, all kneling humbly vpon their knees. ALMIGHTY God, father of oure Lorde Jesus Christe, maker of all thynges, Judge of all menne, we acknowledge and bewayle oure manifolde synnes and wyckednesse, whiche we from tyme'to tyme moste greuously haue committed, by thoughte woorde and deede, against thy diuine Maiestie, prouokynge mooste iustlye thy wrathe and indignation againste vs : we do earnestly repente, and bee hartely sorye for these oure misdoinges, the remembraunce of them is greuous vnto vs : the burthen of theim is intollerable : haue mercy vpon vs, haue mercye vpon vs, mooste mercyfull father, for thy sonne oure Lorde Jesus Christes sake, forgeue vs all that is paste, and graunte that we may euer hereafter serue and THE COMMUNION. 101 please the, in newenes of lyfe, to the honour and glorye of thy name throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT Then shall the priest or the Bishop (beyng present] stande vp, and turning himself to the people shall say thus. ALMIGHTYE God, oure heauenly father, who of his great mercy hathe promised forgeuenes of sinnes, to al them, whiche with hartye repentaunce and true faithe turne to hym : haue mercye vpon you, pardon and deliuer you from all your sinnes, confirme and strengthen you in all gooclnes, and bring you to euerlastyng lyfe ; through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. Then shall the Priest also saye. Here what comfortable wordes our sauiour Christ saithe to all them that truly turne to him. IT COME vnto me all that trauaile and be heauy laden, and I shal refreshe you. So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne, to thende that al that beleue in him, should not perishe but haue life euerlastyng. Heare also what S. Paule saithe. IT This is a true saieng, and worthy of all men to be receyued, that Jesus Christ came into the worlde to saue synners. Heare also what S. John saieth. IT If any manne sinne, we haue an aduocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propiciation for our sinnes. IT After the whiche the priest shall precede saying. Lift vp your hartes. Aunswere. We lyfte them vp vnto the Lorde. Priest. Let vs geue thanckes vnto our Lorde God. Aunsiuere. It is mete and right so to do. IT Priest. It is very mete, right, and our bounden duety that we should at al times, and in all places, geue thanckes to the, O Lord holy father, almighty euerlasting God. Here shall folow the proper prefaces, according to the tyme, yf there be any specially appointed, or els immediatly shalfolow : Therfore with aungelles &c. IT PROPER PREFACES. Upon Christmas day and seuen dayes after. BECAUSE thou dyddest geue Jesus Christ, thyne onely Sonne, to be borne as this daye for vs, who by the operation of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the virgin Mary his mother, and that without spot of synne, to make vs clene from al sinne. Therefore with aungels &c. 102 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. Upon Easter daye, and vii dayes after. BUT chiefly are we beude to praise the for the glorious resur- rectio of thy sonne Jesus Christ our lord, for he is the very paschal lambe, whiche was offred for vs, and hath take awaye the sinne of the world, who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his rising to life againe, hath restored to vs euerlasting life. There- fore with aungels Upon the Ascencion day, and mi dayes after. THROUGH thy most deare beloued sone, Jesus Christ our Lorde, who after his moste glorious resurrection, manifestly appered to al his Apostles, and in their sight ascended vp into heaue, to prepare a place for vs, that where he is, thether might we also ascende, and reigne with him in glory. Therfore with aungels &c. Upon Wytsonday, and vi daics after. THROUGH Jesu Christ our Lord, according to whose mooste true promyse, the holye ghoste came downe this daye from heauen, with a soddine greate sounde, as it had bene a mighty wynde, in the lykenes of fiery tonges lyghtinge vpon the Apostles, to teache them, and to leade them to all truth, geuing them bothe the gyfte of diuers languages, and also boldnes with feruent zeale, constantly to preache the gospel vnto all nacions, whereby we are broughte out of darcknes and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of the, and of thy sonne Jesus Christ. Therefore with Aungels &c. Upon thefeaste of Trinitie onely. IT is very mete right, and our bounden dutie, that we should at all times, and in all places, geue thankes to the, O Lorde, al- mightie and euerlasting God, which art one god, one lord, not one only person, but thre persos in one substauce, for that whiche we beleue of the glorye of the father, the same we beleue of the sonne, and of the holy ghost, without any difference or inequalitie. Therefore &c. IF After -which preface, shall folow immediatly. THERFORE with Aungelles and Archangelles, and wyth all the company of heauen, we laude and magnify thy glorious name, euermore praising thee, and saying : Holy, holy, holy, lord god of hostes, heue and earth are ful of thy glory, glory be to the, O Lord most hyghe. IT Then shall the priest knelynge downe at Gods borde, say in the name oj all them that shall receyue the communion, this prayer folwuing. WE do not presume to come to this thy table (O merciful Lorde) trustinge in oure owne rightuousnesse, but in thy manifolde and greate mercies, we be not worthy so muche as to gather vp the THE COMMUNION. 103 cromes vnder thy Table, but thou arte the same Lord, whose property is alwaies to haue mercy. Graut vs therefore gracious Lorde, so to eate the fleshe of thy deare sonne Jesus Christ, and to drinke his bloude, that oure synful bodies may be made cleane by his body, and our soules washed through his most precious bloud, and that we may euermore dwell in him, and he in vs. Then the priest standing vp, shal say asfoloiveth : ALMIGHTY God our heauenly father whiche of thy tender mercye, diddest giue thine onely Sonne Jesus Christ, to suffer death vpon the Crosse for our redeption, who made ther (by his one oblation of himself once offered) a ful, perfect and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the synnes of the whole worlde, and didde institute, and in his holy gospel commaunde vs to continue a perpetual memory of that his precious deathe, vntyll his comminge againe : Heare vs O merciful father, we besech the, and graunt that we receiuyng these thy creatures of breade and wine, accordinge to thy sonne our sauiour Jesu Christes holy institution, in remembrauce of his death and passion, may be par- takers of his moste blessed body and bloude, who in the same night that he was betraied, toke bread, and when he had geuen thankes, he brake it, and gaue it to his disciples, saying : Take, eate, this is my bodie, which is geuen for you. Doe this in remembraunce of me. Likewise after supper he toke the cuppe, and when he had geuen thankes, he gaue it to them, saying : Drinke ye all of this, for this is my bloude of the new Testament, whiche is shedde for you and for many, for remission of sinnes : doe this as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembraunce of me. IT Then shall the minister fyrste receyue the Communion in bothe kyndes him selfe, and next deliuer it to other Ministers (yf any be there present, that they may helpe the chief minister} and after to the people in their handes knellg. And -when he deliuerelh the breade, he shall saye. THE bodie of our lord Jesu Christ, which was geuen for the, pre- serue thy body and soule into euerlastinge life : and take and eate this in remembraunce that Christ died for thee, feede on him in thine heart by faith, with thankesgeuynge. And the minister that deliuereth the cuppe shall saye. THE bloude of our lorde Jesu Christ, which was shedd for the, preserue thy body and soule into euerlasting life : and drinke this in remembraunce that Christes bloude was shedde for thee, and be thankeful. Then shall the priest say the Lordes prayer, the people repetynge after him euery peticion. IT After shalbe sayde as foloweth. O LORDE and heauenly father, we thy huble seruaun'cs, entierly desire thy fatherly goodnes mercifully to accept this our Sacrifice 104 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. of praise and thankesgeuing moste humblye besechynge thee to graunte, that by the merites and death of thy sonne Jesus Christ, and throughe faith in his bloude, we (and all thy whole church,) may obteine remissid of our sinnes, and al other benefites of his passion. And here we offer and presente vnto the, O Lord, our selves, our soules, and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and liuely sacrifice vnto the, humblye beseching the, that al we which be par- takers of this holye coinunion, may be fulfilled with thy grace, and heauely benediction. And although we be vnworthye throughe our manifolde sinnes, to offer vnto the any sacrifice, yet we beseche the to accept this our bounden duty and seruice, not weighing our merites, but pardoning our offences, throughe Jesus Christ our Lord, by who and with whom, in the vnitie of the holy ghoste, all honour and glorye be vnto the, O father almighty, world without ende. Ame. Or this, ALMIGHTY and euerlastinge God, we moste hartely thacke the, for that thou doest vouchsafe to fede vs, whiche haue duly receiued these holy misteries, with the spiritual fode of the moste precious body and bloude of thy sonne, our sauiour Jesus Christ, and doest assure vs therby of thy fauour and goodnes towarde vs, and that we be very mebres incorporate in thy mistical body, whiche is the blessed copany of al faithful people, and be also heyres through hope of thy euerlastlg kingdo, by the merites of the most precious death and passio of thy deare sone. We now most humbly be- seche the, O heuenly father, so to assist vs with thy grace, that we may cotinue in that holy felowship, and do all suche good workes as thou hast prepared for vs to walke in, throughe Jesus Christe our Lord ; to who with the and the holy ghost be all honour and glory, world without ende. Amen. Then shcdbe sayde or songe. GLORYE be to God on hyghe. And in earthe peace, good wyll towardes men. We prayse thee, we blesse thee, we worshyppe thee, we glorifye thee, wee geue thanckes to thee, for thy greate glorye. O Lorde God, heauenlye Kynge, God the father Almightie. O Lorde the onely begotten Sonne Jesu Christ. O Lord God, Lambe of God, Sonne of the father, that takest awaye the sinnes of the worlde, haue mercye vpon vs : Thou that takest awaye the Sinnes of the worlde, haue mercy vpon vs. Thou that takest away the synnes of the worlde, receiue our praier. Thou that syttest at the right hande of God the Father, haue mercy vpon vs. For thou onely art holy : Thou only art the Lorde, thou only O Christe with the holy Ghost, art most highe in the Glory of God the father. Amen. Then the Priest or the Byshop, if he be present, shal let them depart with this blessing. THE peace of God, which passeth all vnderstanding, kepe youre THE COMMUNION. 105 hartes, and mindes in the knowlege and loue of God, and of his Sonne Jesu Christe, cure Lorde. And the blessing of God almyghty, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, be among you, and remayne with you alwaies. Amen. IT Collectes to be sayd after thoffertory -when there is no Communio ; euery suche daye one. And thesame maye be sayde also as often as occasion shall serue, after the Collectes, either of Morning and Evening Praier, Comimmion, or Letany, by the discretion of the minister. ASSIST vs mercifully, O Lorde, in these our Supplications and Praiers, and dispose the way of thy seruauntes towarde the attaine- ment of euerlasting saluation, that emong al the chaunges, and chaunces of this mortal lyfe, thei may euer be defeded by thy moste gratious, and redy helpe. Through Christ our Lorde. Amen. O ALMIGHTY Lorde and euerliuyng God, vouchesafe we beseche the, to direct, sanctifie, and gouerne bothe oure heartes, and bodies, in the wayes of thy lawes, and in the worckes of thy commaunde- mentes, that through thy most mighty protection, both here and euer, we maye bee preserued in bodye and Soule : throughe oure lorde and Sauioure Jesus Christe. Amen. GRAUNT we beseche the almighty God, that the wordes which we haue herd this daye with our outward eares, may through thi grace be so grafted inwardly in our hartes, that they may bring furth in vs the fruite of good liuing, to the honour and praise of thy name : throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. PREUENTE vs O Lorde in all our doynges, with thy most gratious fauoure, and further vs with thy continuall helpe, that in al our workes begonne, continued, and ended in the : we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy, obteine euerlasting lyfe, Through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. ALMGHTY God, the founteine of all wisedom, which knowest oure necessities before we aske, and our ignoraunce in asking, we beseche the to haue copassiS vpon our-innrmities, and those thinges which for our vnworthiness we dare not, and for oure blindenes we cannot aske, vouchesafe to geue vs for the worthines of thy sonne Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. ALMIGHTY God, whiche haste promysed to here the peticions of them that aske in thy sonnes name, we beseche the mercifully to encline thine Eares to vs that haue made nowe nowe our praiers and supplications vnto the, and graunt that those thinges which we haue faithfully asked, according to thy wil, may effectually be obteined to the relief of our necessitie, and to the setting furth of thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT Upon the holy dates (yf there be no Communion, ) shalbe said al that is anointed at the Communion, vntyll the ende of the homely, concluding ro6 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. with the gener all prater, for the whole estate of Christes ChurcJie militant here in earth, and one, or moe of these Collectes before rehersed, as occa- sion shall serue. IT And there shalbe no celebration of the lordes supper except there be a good number to Communicate wyth the Priest, accordinge to his dys- cretion. IF And yf there be not aboue xx persons in the Parish, of discretion to receyue the Communio, yet there shalbe no communion except foure or thre at the least comunicate with the priest. And in Cathedral and col- legiate churches, where be many Priestes and Deacons, they shall all receytie the communion with the minister euery Sonday at the leaste, except they haue a reasonable cause to the contrary. IT And to take awaye the superstition, whiche any person hath, or myghte haue in the breade and wyne, it shall suffice that the breade be suche as is vsual to be eat en at the table, with other meates, but the besle and purest wheate breade, that conueniently may be gotten. And yf anye of the breade or wyne remaine, the Curate shall haue it to hys owne vse. IT The bread and wyne for the Communion shalbe prouided by the Curate, and the church wardeines, at the charges of the Par y she, and the par y she shalbe discharged of suche summes of money, or other duties, which hitherto they haue payed for the same by order of their houses euery Sondaye. IT And note that euery Parishioner shall communicate, at the leaste thre tyines in the yere, of whiche Easter to be one : and shall also receytie the sacramentes, and ot Iter rytes, accordinge to the order in this bokeappoincted. And yerely at Easter, euery Parishioner shall recon with his Person, Vicar or Curate, or his, or their deputie or deputies, and paye to them or hym, all ecclesiastical duties, accustomably due then and at that tyme to be payed. C THE MINISTRACION OF BAPTISME TO BE VSED IN THE CHURCHE. // appeareth by aiiciet writers, that the Sacrament of Baptisme in the old old tyme, was not coWionly Ministred, btit at two times in the yeare, at Easter aud Whytsontide, at which tynies it -was opely ministred in the presence of al the congregation : which custome (now being growen out of use, ) although it can not for many considerations bee well restored agayne, yet it is thought good to folow the same as nere as coueniently may be. Wherfore the people are to be admonished, that it is most conuenient that Baptisme should not be ministred but vpon Sondayes, and other holy dayes, when the most nombre of people may come together, aswel for that the congregation there present maye testifie the receyuing of them that be neivly Baptized into the nomberof Christes Church, as also because in the Baptisme of Infants euerye man present may be put in remem- braunce of his awne profession made to God inhys Baptisme. For which cause also, it is expedient that Baptisme be ministred in the English tongue. Neuertheles (if necessitie so require) children may at altymes be Baptized at hame. IT When there are children to be baptized vpon the Sonday, or holy day, the parentes shal geue knowledge otter nighte, or in the morning, afore the beginning of Mornyng prayour, to theciirate. And then the Godfathers, Godmothers, and people with the children, must be ready at the Fonte, eyther immediatly after the last Lesson at Morning Praymir, or els imme- diatly after the last Lesson at Euening Praiour, as the Curat by his discretion shall appoincte. And then standinge there, the, Priest shall aske whether the children be Baptized or no. If they aunswer, No. Then the priest say thus. DERELYbeloued, forasmuche as al me be conceiued and borne in synne, and that our sauiour Christ saith, none ca entre into the kingdom of God (except he be regenerate, and borne a new of water and the holy gost) I beseche you to cal vpo God the father, throughe our lord Jesus Christ, that of his bouteous mercy, he wil graut to these childre, that thing which by nature thei can not haue, that they may be baptized with water and the holy Ghost, and receiued into Christes holy churche, and be made liuely mem- bres of the same. Then the Priest shall say. Let vs praye. ALMIGHTI and euerlasting God, whiche of thy great mercy diddest saue Noe and his familie in the Arcke, fro perishing by i of? THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. water, and also diddest saufly lead the children of Israel, thy people, through the redde Sea, figuring therby thy holy Bap- tisme : and by the Baptisme of thy welbeloued sonne Jesus Christe, diddest sanctifye the floude Jordane, and al other waters, to the mistical washinge away of synne : We beseche the (for thine in- finite mercies) that thou wilte mercifully loke vpon these children, sanctify them and washe the with thy holy gost, that they beyng deliuered from thy wrath, may be receiued into the Arcke of Christes churche, and beyng stedfast in faithe, ioyfull throughe hope, and roted in charitie, may so passe the waues of this trouble- some world, that finally they may come to the lade of euerlasting life, there to reigne with the, worlde without ende, through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. ALMIGHTY and immortal God, the aide of al that nede, the helper of al that fly to the for succour, the life of the that beleue, and the resurrectio of the deade, we cal upo the for these infates, that they, coming to thy holy Eaptisme, may receyue remission of their sinnes by spiritual regeneracion, receiue them (O Lorde) as thou haste promised by thy welbeloued sonne, saynge : Aske and you shall haue ; seke, and you shall fynde : knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you : So geue now vnto vs that aske. Let vs that seeke, fynde open thy gate unto vs that knocke, that these infantes enioy the euerlastig benediction of thy heauely wasshing, and may come to the eternal kingdome whiche thou haste promised by Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT Then shall the Priest saye Heare the words of the Gospel, written by Sainct Marke in the tenth Chapiter. Marke x. AT a certayne tyme they brought children to Christ that he should touche theim, and his Disciples rebuked those that brought the. But when Jesus sawe it, he was displeased, and sayde vnto them. Suffre lytle children to come vnto me, and forbydde them not ; For to suche belongeth the Kyngdome of God. Verely, I saye vnto you ; whosoeuer doeth not receiue the kingdome of God, as a lytle chylde : he shall not entre therin. And when he had taken the vp in his armes : he put his handes vpon them, and blessed them. 1T After the Gospel is redde, the minister shal make this briefe exhortation vpon the wordes of t lie Gospell. FRENDES, ye heare in this Gospell the woordes of our sauiour Christe, that he commaunded the chyldren to bee broughte vnto him : howe he blamed those that woulde haue kepte theym from hym, how he exhorted all men to folowe their innocencye. Ye per- ceiue how by his outward gesture and dede he declared his good wil towarde the. For he embraced the in his armes, he laied his PUBLIC BAPTISM. 109 hands vpon them, and blessed them, doubt not you therfore, but ernestly beleue that he wil likewise fauourably receiue these present infats, that he wil embrace the with the armes of his mercy, that he wil geue vnto them the blessing of eternal life : and make them partakers of his euerlasting kingdome. Wherfore we being thus perswaded of the good wyl of our heauely father, towardes these enfants declared by his son Jesus Christ, and nothing doubting, but that he fauourably alloweth this charitable woorke of ours, in bringing these children to his holye Baptisme : let vs faithfully and deuoutly geue thakes vnto him, and saye ALMIGHTY and euerlasting God, heauenly Father, we geue thee humble thakes, that thou haste vouchedsaufe to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and fayth in the, encrease this knowledge, and confirme this faith in vs euermore : Geue thy holy spirit to these enfantes, that they may be borne againe, and be made heyres of euerlasting saluacion, throughe our Lorde Jesus Christ, who liu- eth and reigneth with the, and the holy spirite, nowe and for euer. Amen. Then the Priest shal specke vnto the Godfathers and Godmothers, on this ivyse : WELBELOUED frendes, ye haue broughte these children here to be baptised, ye haue praied that our lord Jesus christ, would vouchesaufe to receiue them, to lay his hades vpon them, to blesse them, to release them of their sinnes, to geue theim the kingdom of heauen, and euerlasting lyfe. Ye haue heard also that our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised in his Gospel, to graut all these thlges that ye haue praied for : which promise he for his part wil most surely kepe and performe. Wherfore after this promise made by Christ, these infants muste also faythfully for their part promise by you that be their sureties, that they wil forsake the divil and al his woorkes, and constantly beleue Gods holy word, and obediently kepe his commaundements. Then shal the Priest demaunde of the Godfathers and Godmothers thes questions. DoEST thou forsake the deuil and all his workes, the vaine pompe and glorye of the world, with al couetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, so that thou wilt not folow, nor be led by them ? Aunsivere. I forsake them al. The Minister. Doest thou beleue in god the father almighty, maker of heaue and earth ? And in Jesus christ his only begotten sonne our Lord, and that he was coceiued by the holy Ghost, borne of the virgin Mary : that he suffred vnder Poncius Pilate, was crucifyed, dead and buried, that he went doune into hel, and also did rise againe the thirde day : that he ascended into heauen, and no THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. sitteth at the right had ot god the father almighty ; and fro thece shall come againe at the ende of the worlde, to iudge the quicke and the dead ? And doest thou beleue in the holy Ghoste the holy Catholicque Churche, the comunion of sainctes, the remission of synnes, the resurreccion of the fleshe, and euerlasting lyfe after death ? Aunswere. All this I stedfastly beleue. Ministre. Wylt thou be baptised in this fayth ? Aunswere. That is my desyre. 11 Then shal the Priest say. O MERCIFUL God, graunte that the olde Adam in these children maye be so buried, that the newe man may be raysed vp in them. Amen. Graunte that all carnal affeccions maye dye in them, and that all thinges belonginge to the spirite may liue and growe in them. Amen. Graunte that they may haue power and stregth to haue victory, and to triumphe against the Divil, the worlde, and the flesh. Amen. Graunt that whosoeuer is here dedicated to thee, by our office and ministerie, may also be endued with heauely vertues, and euerlastingly rewarded through thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who doest liue and gouern al thinges worlde without ende. Amen. ALMIGHTY euerliuing God, whose most derely beloued son Jesus Christe, for the forgeuenes of our sinnes, did shed out his moste precious syde bothe water and bloude, and gaue comaunde- ment to his disciples that they should go teache al nacions, and baptise them in the name of the father, the sonne, and of the holy Ghost : Regard, we beseche the, the supplicacions of thy congre- gacion, and graunt that al thy seruantes whiche shalbe baptised in this water, may receue the fulnes of thy grace, and euer remaine in the nombre of thy faithful and elect chyldren, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Priest shal take the Childe in his handes, and aske the name ; and naming the Childe, shal dippe it in the -water, so it be discretely and warely done, saying, N. I Baptise the in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. IT And yf the Childe be iveake, it shall suffice to powre water -upon it, saying the foresaid ivordes. N. I Baptize the in the name of the Father, and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. PUBLIC BAPTISM. m Then the Priest shall make a Crosse vpon the Childes forehead, saying : WE receiue this Childe into the cogregacion of Christes flocke, and do sygne him with the signe of the crosse, in token that hereafter he shal not be ashamed to confesse the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his baner against sinne, the worlde, and the deuyll, and to continue Christes faithful souldiour and servaunt vnto his Hues ende. Amen. Then shal the Priest say, SKYING now, derely beloued brethren that these children be regenerate and graffed into the bodye of Christes cogregacion, let vs geue thankes vnto God for these benefites, and with one accorde make our praiours vnto almighty God, that thei may lead the reste of their lyfe according to this beginning, Then shal be sayd. Our Father which art &c. Then shal the Priest say, We yelde the harty thankes most merciful father, that it hathe pleased thee to regenerate this enfant with thy holy spirite, to receyue him for thine owne childe by adoption, and to incorporate him into thy holy congregacion. And humbly we beseche thee to graunt that he being dead vnto sinne and lyuing vnto righteous- nes, and being buried with Christ in his death, maye crucify the old man, and vtterly abolyshe the whole bodye of synne, that as he is made partaker of the deathe of thy sonne, so he maye be partaker of hys resyrreccion, so that finally with the residue of thy holy congregacio, he may be inheritour of thine euerlasting king- dome. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. IT At the laste ende, the Priest calling the Godfathers and Godmothers together, shal say this shorte exhortation foloiving. FORASMUCHE as these children haue prornysed by you to forsake the Deuil and his woorkes, to beleue in God, and to serue hym, you must remember that it is your parts and duties to see that these enfants be taughte, so sone as they shalbe able to learne, what a solempne vowe, promyse, and professio they haue made by you. And that they may know these thinges the better ; ye shal cal vpon theim to heare Sermos, And chiefly you shal prouide that they may learne the Crede, the Lordes praier, and the Ten Commaundementes in the English togue ; and al other thinges which a Christian ma ought to know and beleue to his soules health. And that these childre may be vertuously brought vp, to leade a Godly and a christia life, remembrlg alwaies that Baptisme doeth represent vnto vs our profession, which is to folow the exaple of our sauiour Christ, and to be made like vnto ii2 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. hym, that as he died and rose again for vs : so should we (whiche are Baptised) dye from sinne, and ryse again vnto rightuousnes, continually mortifiyng al our euyll and corrupt affections, and dailye procedynge in all vertue and godlynes of liuing. IT The Minister shal commaunde that the chyldren be bronght to the Byshop to be confyrmed of him, so sone as they can saye in theyr vulgar e tongue the articles ofthefaythe, the Lordes prater, and the x. Commatmdementes, and be further instructed in the Catechisms set furth for that purpose, accordyngly as it is there expressed. OF THEM THAT BE BAPTISED IN PRIUATE HOUSES, IN TYME OF NECESSITIE. IT The Pastours and Citrates shal oft admonish the people, that they deferre not the Baptisme of enf antes any longer then the Sonday, or other holy day, next after the childe be borne vnlesse vpon a great and reasonable cause declared to the Curate, and by him approved. And also they shal ivarne theim that without great cause, and necessity, they baptize not children at home in their houses. And when great nede shall compelle theim so to doe, that theti they minister on thisfassion. Fyrste let theim that be present cal vpon God for hys grace, and say the Lordes prayour, yf the time wil suffre. And then one of them shall name the childe, and dippe him in the water, or powre v;ater vpon him, saying these wordes. N. I Baptise the in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoste. Amen. And let them not doubte, but that the childe so Baptised, is lawfully and sufficiently Baptised, and otight not to be Baptised agayne in the Church. But yet neuerthles, if the child whyche is after this sorte Baptised, do afterwarde Hue, it is expediente that he be broughte into the Churche, to the entent the Priest may examyne and trie, whether the child be law- fully Baptised or no. And yf those that bryng any childe to the Churche do answers that he is already Baptised : then shal the Priest examine them further. IT By whome the childe was Baptised ? IT Who was present when the childe was Baptised? IT Whether they called vpon God for grace and succour in that necessitie ? IT Wyth what thing, or what matter they did Baptyse the Chylde ? IF Wyth what wordes the childe was Baptised ? IT Whether they thinke the childe to be lawfully and perfectly Baptised ? IT And yf the Minister shall proue by the aunswers of suche, as brought the childe, that all t hinges were done as they oughte to be: Then shal not he Christen the childe againe, but sJw.ll receyue him, as one of the flocke of the true Christian people, saiynge thus. I CERTIFY you, that in this case ye haue done wel, and ac- cording vnto due ordre concerning the Baptising of this childe, ii4 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. whiche beyng borne in Originall sinne and in the wrathe of God, is nowe by the lauer of regeneracion in Baptisme, receiued into the nober of the childre of God, and heires of euerlasting life, for our Lorde Jesus Christ doeth not deny his grace and mercy vnto such infates, but most loulgly doth cal the vnto him : as the holy gospel doth witnes to our cofort on this wise. Marke x. Ax a certaine time they brought childre vnto Christ that he should louche them, and his dysciples rebuked those that brought the. But when Jesus saw it, he was displeased, and said vnto the : Suffre litle children to come vnto me, and forbid theim not, for to such belongeth the kingdome of God. Verely I say vnto you, whosoeuer doth not receiue the kingdom of God as a litle child, he shal not entre therin. And when he had take the vp in his armes, he put his handes vpo them, and blessed them. IF After the Gospel is redde, the minister shal make this exhortation vpon the ivordes of the Gospel. FRENDES, ye heare in this Gospell the wordes of cure saviour Christe, that he commaunded the chyldren to bee brought vnto hym : howe he blamed those that woulde haue kepte theym from him, howe he exhorted all men to folowe their innocencye : Ye perceiue how by his outward gesture in dede he declared his good wil'toward the. For he embraced the in his armes, he laied his hands vpon the, and blessed the, doubt not you therefore, but earnestly beleue, that he hath likewise fauourably receiued this preset infant, that he hathe embraced hym wyth the armes of hys mercy, that he hath geue vnto him the blesslg of eternal life, and made him partaker of his euerlastlg kingdo. Wherfore we beyng thus perswaded of the good wil of our heeuely father declared by his sonne Jesus Christ towards this infat, Let vs faithfully and deuoutly geue thakes vnto him, and say the praier, which the lord him self taught, and in declaracio of our faith, let vs recite the articles conteined in our Crede. IT Here the Minister with the Godfathers, and Godmothers shall say. OUR Father which c. II Then the Priest shal demand the name of the child, which beyng by the Godfathers, and Godmotliers pronounced, the Minister shall say, IT DOEST thou in the name of this child orsfake the deuil, and al his workes, the vaine pompe, and glory of the world, with al the couetous desires of the same, the carnal desires of the fleshe, and not to folowe and be ledde by them ? Aunswere. I forsake them al. 1" The Minister. Doest thou in the name of this childe professe this faith, to beleue in God the father almighty, maker of heaue and earth And in Jesus Christ his only begotten son our Lord, and that he was conceiued by the holy ghost, borne of the virgin PRIVATE BAPTISM. 115 Mary : that he suffered vnder poce Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried, that he wet doune into hel, and also did rise again the iii daye : that he ascended into heaue, and sytteth at the ryght hande of God the father almightye : and from thence he shal come again at the ende of the world, to iudge the quicke and the dead ? And do you in his name beleue in the holy gost the holy Catholicque church, the comunio of sainctes, the remission of sinnes, resurreccion of the fleshe, and euerlasting life after death Aunswere. All this I steadfastly beleue. Let vs pray. ALMIGHTY and euerlasting God, heauely father, we geue thee humble thanckes, for that thou hast vouchedsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faythe in thee : increase this know- ledge, and confyrme this faythe in vs euermore : Geue thy holye spirite to this infante,that he beynge borne agayne and beynge made heyre of euerlastynge saluacio, through our Lord Jesus Christ, may continue thy seruat, and atteine thy promise, through the same our Lorde Jesus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with the in the vnitie of the same holy spirit euerlasting. Amen. Then shal the Minister make this exhortation, to the Godfathers and Godmothers. FORASMUCHE as this childe hath promised by you to forsake the deuil and al his workes, to beleue in God, and to serue him : you must remebre that it is your part and dutie, to see that this enfante be taught (so sone as he shalbe able to learne) what a solepne vowe promise, and professio he hath made by you. And that he may know these thlges the better, ye shal call vpon him to hear sermos. And chiefly ye shal prouide that he may learne the Crede, the Lordes praier and the x Commaundemetes in the English tongue, and al other thinges which a Christian ma ought to know, and beleue to his soules health, and that this chyld may be vertuously brought vp, to leade a godly, and a Christian lyfe. Remebring alway that Baptisme doeth represet vnto vs our pro- fession, which is to folow the example of our Sauiour Christ, and be made like vnto him, that as he died and rose againe for vs, so shoulde we which are Baptized, dye from sinne, and rise againe vnto righteousnes, continually mortifying all our euil and corrupt affec- tions, and daily preceding in al vertue, and godlines of liuing, etc : IT As in Publique Baptisme. H But if they which bring the enfantes to the Church, do make an vn- certeine aunswere to the Priestes questions, and say that they cannot tel what they thought, didde, or said, iny' great fear e, and trouble of minde : (as of ie times it cha^mseth) the let the Priest Baptise him in forme aboue written, cocernig publique Baptisme, sailing that at the dipping of the chylde in the Fonte, he shal vse this forme ofvvordes. . If thou be not Baptized al ready. N. I baptise the in the name of the father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoste. Amen. C CONFIRMACION, WHEREIN IS CONTEINED A CATECHISME FOR CHILDREN. To thende that confirmacio may be ministred to the more edifying of suche, as shal receiue it (according tinto S. Paules doctrine, -who teachcth that al things should be doen in ye Church, to the edification of the same} it is thought good that none hereafter shalbe cofyrmed but snche as al sate in their mother tongue the articles of the faith, the Lordes praier, and the x Commaundementes : And can also answere to suche questios of this short Catechisme, as the Bishop (or suche as he shal appoinct] shal by hys discretion appose theim in. And this order is most conuenient to be absented for diuers considerations, First, because that when children come to the yeres of discrecion, and haue learned what their godfathers and godmothers promised for the in Baptisme, they may then themselues wyth their owne mouthe, and wyth their awne consent, openly before the Churche, ratifie and confyrme the same, and also promise that by the grace of God, they shall euermore endeuour themselfes faithfully to obserue and kepe suche thynges, as they by theyr owne mouth and confession haue assented vnto. Secondly, forasmuche as Confirmacion is ministred to theym that be Baptised, that by imposition of handes and prayer, they may receiue strenghte 1 and defence agaynst all temptacions to synne, and the assault es of the worlde and the Deuill : it is most mete to be ministred when children come to that age, that partely by the frailty e of their aivne fieshe, partely by the assaultes of the worlde and the Deuil, thei begyn to be in daungcr tofal into sondry kyndes of synne. Thirdly, for tliat it is agreable wyth the vsage of the Churche, in times paste, ^vherby it was ordeined that Confirmacion shoutde be ministred to them that were of perfects age, that they, beyng instructed in Christes religion, should openly professe their awne faithe, and promise to be obedient vnto the wyl of God. And that no man shal thyncke that any detryment shall come to children by deferring of their Confirmacion ; he shal knowe for truth, that it is certeine by Goddes worde, that children beyng baptised, haue all thynges neccssarie for their sahiacion, and be undoubtedly saued, t 1 Evidently a misprint for strengthe.] THE CATECHISM. 117 A CATECHISME, THAT IS TO SAY, AN INSTRUCTION TO BE LEARNED OF EUERY CHILDE BEFORE HE BE BROUGHT TO BE CONFIRMED OF THE BISHOPPE. Question. WHAT is your name ? Aunswere. N. or M. Question. Who gaue you this name ? Aunswere. My Godfathers and Godmothers in my Baptisme, wherein I was made a membre of Christe, the childe of God, and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen. Question. What did your godfathers and godmothers the for you ? Aunswere. They did promise, and vowe iii thinges in my name. First, that I should forsake the deuil, and all his workes and pompes, the vanities of the wicked worlde, and al the sinful lustes of the fleshe. Secondly, that I should beleue al the articles of the Christian faith. And thirdely, that I should kepe Goddes holy wil and Commaundemetes, and walke in the same al the daies of my lyfe. Question. Doest thou not thynke that thou art bounde to beleve and to do, as they haue promised for the ? Answer. Yes verely, and by Goddes helpe so I wil. And I hartely thanke our heauenly Father, that he hath called me to this state of saluatio, through Jesus Christe our sauiour. And I pray God to geue me his grace, that I may continue in the same vnto my lyues ende. Question. Reherse the Articles of thy belefe. Aunswere. I beleue in God the Father almighty, maker of heauen and of earth. And in Jesus Christe his onely Sone our Lorde. Whiche was conceiued of the holy Ghost. Borne of the Virgine Mary. Suffered vnder Ponce Pylate, was crucifyed, deade and buried, he descended into hell. The thyrd day he rose agayne from the dead. He ascended into heuen, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead. I beleue in the Holy ghost. The holy catholike Churche. The Communion of saynctes. The forgiuenes of synnes. The resurrection of the body. And the lyfe euerlastinge. Amen. Question. What doest thou chiefly learne in these artycles of thy beliefe ? Aunswere. Firste, I learne to beleue in God the father, who hath made me and al the worlde. Secondlye, in God the sonne, who hath redemed me and all mankinde. n8 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. Thirdly, in God the holy Ghost, who sanctifieth me and all the elect people of God. Question. You said, that your godfathers and godmothers, dyd promise for you, that you shoulde kepe Gods commaundementes. Tell me how many there be ? Aunswere. Tenne. Question. Whiche be they ? Aunswere. The same which God spake in the .xx. cha of Exodus, saying : I am the Lord thy God whyche haue brought the out of the lad of Egypt, oute of the house of bondage. Thou shalt haue none other goddes but me. II. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the lykenes of any thyng that is in heauen aboue, or in the earthe beneth, nor in the water vnder the earthe : thou shalt not bow doune to them nor worship them. For I the Lorde thy God, am a gelous God, and visyte the sinnes of the fathers vpon the chyl- dren, vnto the iii and fourth generacion of them that hate me, and shewe mercye vnto thousandes of them that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine, for the Lorde will not holde hym guiltles that taketh his name in vaine. IIII. Remember thou kepe holy the Sabboth day. Syxe daies shalt thou laboure, and do all that thou hast to do : but the vii day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no maner of worcke, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy man seruaunt, and thy maydseruaunt, thy cattel, and the straunger that is wythin thy gates : for in sixe daies the Lord made heauen and earth, the sea, and al that in them is, and rested the vii day, wherfore the Lorde blessed the vii day, and halowed it. V. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy daies may be long in the lande, whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the. VI. Thou shalt do no murther. VII. Thou shalt not committe adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steale. IX. Thou shalt not beare false wytnes agaynste thy neighbour. X. Thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours house, thou shalt not couet thy neyghboures wyfe, nor hys seruaunt, nor hys mayde, nor hys oxe nor hys asse, nor any thyng that is hys. Question. What doest thou chiefly learne by these commande- mentes ? Aunswere. I learne two thynges. My duty towardes God, and my dutye towardes my neighbour. Question. What is my duety towardes God ? Aunswere. My dutye towardes God is, to beleue in him, to feare him, and to loue hym with all my harte, with al my mynde, with al my soule, and with all my strengthe. To worship hym. To geue hym thanckes. To putte my whole truste in hym. To call THE CATECHISM. 119 vpon hym. To honour hys holy name and hys woorde, and to serue hym truely all the dayes of my lyfe. Question. What is thy dutye toward thy neighbour ? Aunswere. My dutye towardes my neyghbour is to loue hym as my selfe : And to do to all men as I would they should do vnto me. To loue, honour, ad succour my father and mother. To honour and obey the Kyng, 1 and his minysters. To submitte my selfe to al my gouernours, teachers, spiritual Pastours and Maisters. To order my selfe lowly and reuerently to all my betters. To hurte no body by worde, nor dede. To be true and iuste in all my deal- yng. To beare no malice nor hatred in my harte. To kepe my handes from pickyng and stealyng, and my tongue from euil speak- yng, liyng and slaunderyng. To kepe my body in temperaunce, sobernes, and chastitie. Not to couet nor desire other mennes goodes. But learne and labour truely to get myne awne liuyng, and to do my dutye in that state of life, vnto whiche it shal please God to cal me. Question. My good child know this, that thou art not able to do these thinges of thy self, nor to walke in the commaundementes of God, and to serue hym, wythout hys specyall grace, whyche thou must learne at al tymes to cal for by diligent prayer. Let me heare therfore, if thou canst saye the Lordes praier. Aunswere. Our Father whiche art in heauen ; Hallowed be thy name. Thy kyngdom come. Thy wil be done in earth, as it is in heaue. Geue vs this day our daily bread. And forgeue vs our trespasses, as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptacion. But deliuer vs from euil. Amen. Question. What desirest thou of God in this praier ? Aunsivere. I desire my Lord God our heauely Father, who is the geuer of al goodness, to send his grace vnto me, and to all people, that we may worship hym, serue hym, and obeye hym as we ought to doe. And I pray vnto God, that he will sende vs all thynges that be nedefull, bothe for our soules and bodies. And that he will be merciful vnto vs, and forgeue vs our sinnes : and that it wil please him to saue and defende vs in al daungers ghostly and bodily : and that he will kepe vs from all synne and wikednes, ad from our ghostly enemy, and from euerlastyng death. And this I trust he wil do of his mercye and goodnesj throughe our lord Jesu Christ. And therefore I say. Amen. So be it. IT So sone as the children can saye in theyr mother tongue, the articles of the faith, the Lordes prayer, the ,x. commaundementes, and also can aunsurere to such (juestyone of thys shorte Catechisme, as the Bishoppe (or suche as he shall appoinct) shal by hys discretyon appose them in, then shal they be brought to the Byshop (by one that shalbe his god- father or godmother, that euery childe may haiie a witnes of his Con- firmacyon. P Both editions of 1559 have this manifest misprint for queen and her.] THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. IT And the Bishoppe shal confirme them on this wise. CONFIRMATION.' OUR helpe is in the name of the Lorde. Aunswere. Whiche hath made bothe heauen and earth. Minister. Blessed is the name of the Lorde. Aunswere. Hencefurthe worlde without ende. Minister. Lorde heare our prayer. Aunswere. And let our crie come to the. IT Let us pray. ALMIGHTYE and euerliuyng God, whyche hast vouchedsaufe to regenerate these thy seruauntes by water and the holy Ghost ; and hast geuen vnto them forgeuenes of al theyr synnes : strengthen them we beseche the (O Lorde) with the holy Ghoste the com- forter, and daiely encrease in them thy manifolde giftes of grace, the spirite of wisedome and vnderstanding : the spirite of counsail and ghostly strength, the spirite of knowledge and true godli- nesse, and fulfyll them (O Lord) with the spirite of thy holy feare. Amen. IT Then the Bishop shal laye hys hande vpon euery childe severally, saying, DEFENDE, O Lorde, this childe with thy heauenly grace that he may continue thine for euer, and daiely encrease in thy holy spirite more and more, vntill he come vnto thy euerlastyng kingdome Amen. If Then shal the Bishop saye, Let vs praie. ALMlGHTfE euerlyuyng God, whiche makest vs bothe to will, and to do those thynges that be good, and acceptable vnto thy Maiestie, we make our humble supplications vnto the for these children, vpon whome (after the example of thy holy Apostles) we haue laied our handes, to certifie theim (by thys signe) of thy fauour, and gracious goodnes toward them, let thy fatherly hande we beseche the euer be ouer them, let thy holy spirite euer be with them, and so leade them in the knowledge ad obedience of thy worde that in the ende they may obtaine the euerlasting lyfe : through our Lorde Jesus Christe, who with the and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth one God, worlde without ende. Amen. H Then the Bishop shal blesse the children, thus sayin. THE blessing of God almightye, the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy ghoste, be vpon you, and remayne with you for euer. Amen. IT The Ctirate of euery par y she, or some other at his appoinctmet, shal dili- gently vpon Sondayes and holy dayes, tiaulfe an houre before Eveyng CONFIRMATION. prayer, opely in the Churche instruct and examyne so many children of his parish sent vnto him, as the time wil serue and as he shal thinke conuenient, in some part of this Catechisme. IT And al fathers, and mothers, maisters, and dames, shal cause theyr children, seruaunts, and prentises (whyche haue not learned theyr Catechisme to come to the Churche at the tyme appoyncted, and obediently to heare, and be ordred by the Curate, vntyll suche time as they haue learned all that is here appoincted for theim to learne. And -whensoetier the By shop shall gene Knowledge for chyldren to be brought afore him to any conuenyent place, for their confirmation: then shal the Curate of euery Paryshe eyther bryng or sende in uirytyng the names of all those children of hys Paryshe, whiche can say the Articles of their fayth, the Lordes prayer, and the x Commaundementes, and also how many of them can ansivere to thother questions conteined in this Catechisme. 1T And there shall none be admitted to the holy communion ; vntil suche tyme as he can saye the Catechisme and be confirmed, THE FOURME OF SOLEMPNIZACION OF MATRIMONYE. First, the banes must be asked thre seuerall Sondaies or holy dates, in the tyme of seruice, the people beyng present, after the accustomed matter. And yf the persons that would be maryed dwell in diuerse Paryshes, the banes must be asked in both Parishes and the Curate of the one Paryshe shall not solempnize matrimonye belwyxt the, wythout a certify cate of the banes beyng thryse asked, from the Curate of the other Parysh. At the daie appoincted for solempnizacyon of Matrimonye, the persones to be maryed shal come into the body of the Churche, wyth theyr frendes and neighbours. And there the Pryest shall thus saye. DEARELY beloued frendes, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of his congregacion, to ioyne together this ma and this woma in holy matrimony, which is an honorable state, instytuted of GOD in Paradise, in the time of manes inno- cencie, signifiyng vnto vs the mistical vnion that is betwixt Christ and his Churche : which holy state Christe adourned and beautified with his presence and firste myracle that he wrought in Cana of Galile, and is commended of sainct Paul to be honourable emong all men, and therfore is not to be enterprised, nor taken in hande vnaduisedly, lightly or wantonly, to satisfye mennes carnall lustes and appetytes, lyke brute beastes that haue no vnderstandyng ; but reuerently, discretely, aduisedly, soberly, and in the feare of God, duely consideryng the causes for the which matrimony was ordeined. One was the procreation of children, to be brought vp in the feare and nurtoure of the Lorde, ad praise of God. Secondly, it was ordeined for a remedy agaynste sinne and to auoide fornication, that suche persones as haue not the gifte of continencie might mary, and kepe themselues vndefiled membres of Christes body. Thirdly, for the mutual societie, helpe, and comfort, that the one ought to haue of the other, bothe in prosperity and aduersitye, into the whiche holy state these two persones present, come nowe to be ioyned. Therefore if any man can shewe any iust cause, why thei may not lawfully be ioyned together let hym now speake, or els hereafter for euer holde his peace. And also speakynge to the persons that shalbe maryed, he shall saie. I REQUIRE and charge you (as you wil aunswere at the dreadful day of Judgement, when the secretes of all hartes shalbe disclosed) MATRIMONY. 123 that if either of you doe knowe any impedyment, why ye may not be lawfully ioyned together in Matrimony, that ye confesse it. For be ye well assured, that so many as be coupled together, other- wyse than Goddes vvorde doeth allowe, are not ioyned together by God, neither is their Matrimonye lawfull. At whyche day of Mary age, if any man do allege and declare any impedi- ment, why they may not be coupled together in matrymony by Gods law, or the lawes of thys realme, and wyll be bound, and sufficient sureties with him to the parties, or els put in a cautyo to the ful vahie of suche charges, as the persons to be maryed do susteine to prone hys allegation : the the solempnization must be deferred vnto suche tyme as the truthe be tried. If no impedyment be alledged, then shall the curate saye -vnto the man, N. WILT thou haue thys woman to thy wedded wyfe, to lyue together after Goddes ordynaunce in the holye estate of Matrimony? Wylt thou loue her, comforte her, honour, and kepe her, in sicke- nes, and in healthe ? And forsakyng al other, kepe the onely to her, so long as you both shall liue ? The man shall aunswere, I will. Then shall the Priest saye to the woman, N. WILT thou haue this man to thy wedded housband, to lyue together after Goddes ordynaunce in the holy estate of matrimony ? wilt thou obey hym and serue him, loue, honour, and kepe him, in sycknes and in health ? And forsakynge al other, kepe the onely to him so I5g as ye bothe shal liue The woman shall aunswere, I will. Then shall the Minister sate, Who geueth this woman to be maried vnto this man ? *k And the Minister receitiyng the woma at her father or frendes handes, shall cause the man to take the woman by the right hand, and so either to geue their trouth to other, the man first saying. I. N. take the. N. to my wedded wyfe, to haue and to hold from thys day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for porer, in sickenes, and in healthe, to loue and to cheryshe, tyll death vs departe ; according to Gods holy ordinaunce, and therto I plight the my trouth. Then shall they louse their handes, and the woman takyng aaine the man by the right haiidc, shall sate. I. N. take the. N. to my wedded husbande,to haue and to holde, from this day for ward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, 124 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. in sickenes, ad in health, to loue, cherish, and to obey, till death vs departe, accordynge to godes holy ordinaunce : and therto I geue the my trouth. Then shall they again louse theyr handes, and the man shal geue vnto the womd a ring, laying thesame vpo the booke, with the accustomed dutie to the Priest and Clerke. And the Priest taking the ryng, shal delyuer it vnto the ma, to put it vpon the fourth finger of the womds left had. And the ma taught by the Priest, shal say. WITH this ring I the wed : with my body I the worship : and with all my worldly goodes, I the endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Sone, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. Then the man leauyng the ryng vpon the fourth finger of the woman: left hande, the Minister shall saye. O ETERNALL God, creatoure and preseruer of all mankynd, giuer of all spirytuall grace, the aucthour of euerlastyng life : send thy blessyng vpon these thy seruauntes, thys man and this woman, whom we blesse in thy name, that as Isaac and Rebecca lyued faithfully together : So these persons may surely performe and kepe the vow and couenaunt betwixte them made, wherof this ring geuen, and receiued, is a token and pledge, and may euer remain in perfect loue and peace together, and liue according vnto thy lawes, thorough Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT Then shal the Priest ioyne their right handes together and say. Those whome God hath ioyned together, let no man put a sender. Then shall the Minister speak unto the people. FOR asmuche as .N. and .N. haue cosented together in holy wedlocke, and haue witnessed the same before God, and thys company, and therto haue giuen and pledged, their trouth eyther to other, and haue declared the same by geuyyng and receiuyng of a ryng, and by ioynyng of handes I pronounce that thei be man and wife together. In the name of the father, of the sone and of the holy Ghost. Ame. And the Minister shal adde this blessyng. GOD the Father, God the Sonne, God the holy Ghost, blesse, preserue, and kepe you, the Lorde mercifully wyth his fauour loke vpon you, and so fil you with al spiritual benediction, and grace, that you may so lyue together in thys life, that in the world to come, you may haue life euerlastyng. Amen. IT The the Ministers or Clerckes goyng to Ihe Lordes table, shall saie, or syng this Psalme folowyn Beati omnes. Psal. cxxviii. BLESSED are all they that feare the Lorde, and walke in his waies. MATRIMONY. 125 For thou shalt eate the labour of thy handes, O wel is the, and happy shalt thou be. Thy wife shalbe as the fruitfull vine vpon the walles of thy house. Thy children like the Oliue braunches rounde about thy table. Lo thus shall the man be blessed : that feareth the lorde. The Lordc from out of Sion shal blesse the : that thou shalt see Hierusalem in prosperitie, al thy life long : Yea, that thou shalt see thy childres children, and peace vpon Israel. Glory be to the. &c. As it was. &c. Or elles this Psalme folowyng Deus misereatur. GOD be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs : and shewe vs the lyght Psai. UviL of his countenaunce, and be merciful vnto vs. That thy waie maie be knowen vpon the earth : thy sauyng healthe among al nacions. Let the people prayse the (O God) yea, let all the people praise the. O let the nacions reioyce and be glad, for thou shalt iudge the folke ryghteously, and gouerne the nacions vpon the earth. Let the people praise the (O God) lette all the people praise the. Then shall the earthe bryng furthe her encrease, and God, euen our God, shal geue vs his blessyng. God shall blesse vs, and al the endes of the worlde shall feare him. Glory be to the Father. &c. As it was in the be. &c. The Psalme ended, and the man and the woman kndyng afore the Lordes table : The Priest standyng at the Table, and turnyng hysface towarde them, shal saie, Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Aunswere. Christe haue mercie vpon vs. Minister. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. OUR FATHER WHICHE ART. &c. And leade vs not into temptation. Aunswere. But deliuer vs from euil. Amen. Minister. O Lorde, saue thy seruaunt, and thy handmaide. Aunswere. Whyche put their trust in the, Minister. O Lorde sende them helpe from thy holy place. Aunswere. And euermore defende them. Minister. Be vnto them a towre of strength. Aunswere. From the face of their enemie. Minister. O Lorde heare our praier. Aunswere. And let our crie come vnto the. 126 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. IF The Minister. O GOD of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, blesse these thy seruauntes, and so\ve the sede of eternal life in their mindes, that whatsoeuer in thy holy worde they shal profitably learne, they may in dede fulfil the same. Loke, O Lorde mercifully vpon theim from heauen, and blesse them. And as thou diddest send thy blessing vpon Abraham and Sara to their greate comforte : so vouchesaufe to sende thy blessing vpo these thy seruauntes, that they obeiyng thy will, and alway beyng in saufetie vnder thy pro- tection, may abide in thy loue vnto their liues ende, throughe Jesu Christe our Lorde. Amen. IT This prayer next folowyng shal be omitted where the woman is past childe birth. O MERCIFULL Lorde, and heauenly Father, by whose gracious gifte mankynde is encreased, we beseche the assiste with thy blessyng these two persones, that they may bothe be fruitefull in procreation of children, also liue together so long in godly loue and honestie, that they may see their childers children, vnto the thirde and fourthe generacion vnto thy praise and honour : through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. O GOD whiche by thy mightie power hast made all thinges of naught, which also after other thinges set in ordre, diddest appoinct that out of ma (created after thyne owne ymage and similitude) woma should take her beginning, and knitting the together, diddest teache that it shoulde neuer be lawfull to put a soder those, whome thou by matrimonie haddest made one : O God which haste cosecrated the state of matrimonie to suche an excellent misterie, that in it is signified and represented the spiritual mariage and vnitie betwixte Christe and his Churche : Loke mercifully vpon these thy seruauntes, that both this man may loue his wife, accordyng to thy worde (as Christe did loue his spouse the Churche, who gaue himselfe for it, louyng and cherishing it, euen as his owne fleshe). And also that this woman may be louyng and amiable to her housband as Rachel, wise as Rebecca, faithfull and obedient as Sara, and in all quietnes, sobrietie, and peace, be a folower of holy and Godly matrones, O Lorde blesse them bothe, and graut them to enherite thy euerlastyng kyngdome : throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. 1 Then shall the Priest save, ALMIGHTIE God, which, at the beginnyng did create our firste parentes Adam and Eue, and did sanctifie and ioyne them together in mariage, powre vp5 you the richesse of his grace, sanctifie, and blesse you, that ye may please hym both in body and soule, and liue together in holy loue, vnto your liues ende. Amen. MATRIMONY. 127 Then shal begyn the Communion, and after the Gospel shalbe sated a Sermon, wherin ordinarily (so oft as there is any manage) thoffice of a man and wife shalbe declared, accordyng to holy Scripture, or if there be no sermon, the Minister shal reade this that foloweth. AL ye which be maried, or whiche entend to take the holy estate of Matrimonie vpon you : heare what holy scripture doth say, as touching the dutie of housbandes towarde their wiues, and wiues toward their housbades. Saincte Paul (in his Epistle to the Ephesians, the v Chapiter) doeth geue this commaundement to all maried men. Ye housbandes loue your wiues, euen as Christ loued the Churche, and hath geuen hymselfe for it, to sanctifie it, purgyng it in the fountaine of water, throughe the worde, that he might make it vnto hym selfe a glorious congregacion, not hauyng spot or wrincle, or any suche thyng, but that it shoulde be holy and blameles. So men are bounde to loue their owne wyues, as their ovvne bodies. He that loueth his owne wife loueth hym selfe. For neuer did any man hate his owne fleshe, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, euen as the Lorde doeth the congregacion, for we are mebres of his body : of his flesh and of hys bones. For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother, and shalbe ioined vnto his wife, and thei two shalbe one flesh. This mistery is great, but I speake of Christe and of the congregacion. Neuer- thelesse, let euery one of you so loue his owne wyfe, euen as hym selfe. Likewise the same sainct Paule (wrytyng to the Collossians) Collos iii. i. speaketh thus to all me that be maried. Ye men, loue your wyues, and be not bitter vnto them. Heare also what saincte Peter Thapostle of Christe, whiche i. Pet. iii. was him selfe a maried man (saith vnto al men) that are maried. Ye housbandes, dwel with your wyues according to knowledge. Geuynge honour vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell, and as heires together of the grace of lyfe, so that your praiers be not hyndred. Hetherto ye haue hearde the dutie of the hoiisbande toward the wyfe. Now likewise ve wyues heare and learne your dutie toivarde your hous- bandes, euen as it is plainely settefurth in holy scripture. Saincte Paule (in the forenamed Epistle to the Ephesians) Ephe. v. teacheth you thus : Ye women, submit youre selfes vnto youre ovvne housbandes as vnto the Lorde : for the housbande is the wyues headde, euen as Christe is the headde of the Churche. And he is also the sauioure of the whole bodye. Therefore as the Churche or congregacion, is subiecte vnto Christe. So likewyse lette the wyues also be in subiection vnto their owne housbandes in al thinges. And againe he sayeth : Let the wife reuerence her housbande. And (in his Epistle to the Collossians) Sayacte Paule Col. iii. 128 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1558. geueth you thys shorte lesson. Ye wyues, submitte youre selues vnto youre owne housbandes, as it is conuenient in the Lorde. i.Pet. iii. Saincte Peter also doeth instructe you verye godly thus, saiynge. Let wyues be subiecte to their owne housbandes, so that if anye obey not the woorde, they may be wonne withoute the woorde by the conuersacion of the wyues, whyle they beholde your chaste couersacion coupled with feare, whose apparell let it not be out- ward, with broided haire and trymmyng aboute with golde, eyther in puttinge on of gorgeous apparell, but let the hidde manne, whiche is in the harte, be without all corruption, so that the spirite be milde and quiete, whiche is a precious thynge in the sighte of God. For after thys maner (in the olde tyme) did the holy women whiche trusted in God apparell them selues, beynge subiect to their owne housbades : as Sara obeyed Abraham, call- ynge hym Lorde, whose daughters ye are made, doynge well, and beyinge not dismayde with any feare. The newt maried persones (the same day of their mariage) must receyue the holy Communion. C THE ORDER FOR THE VISITACION OF THE SICKE. The Priest entryng into the sicke persones house, shall saye. Peace be in this house, and to all that dwel in it When he commeth into the sicke mannes presence, he shall saye knelynge doune. REMEMBRE not Lorde oure iniquities, nor the iniquities of our forefathers. Spare vs good Lorde, spare thy people, whome thou hast redemed with thy most precious bloude and bee not angry with vs for euer. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. U" Our father whiche art in heauen. &c. And leade vs not into temptacion. Aunsivere. But deliuer vs from euel. Amen. IT Minister. O Lorde saue thy seruaunt. "IF Aunswere. Whiche putteth his trust in the. IF Minister. Sende him helpe from thy holy place. IF Aunswere. And euermore myghtely defende him. IF Minister. Let the enemy haue none aduauntage of him. II Annsinere. Nor the wicked approche to hurte him. IF Minister. Be vnto him O Lorde a strong Towre. ^Aunswere. From the face of his enemy. IF Minister. Lorde heare our praiers. IF A^tns'were. And let our crie come vnto the. IF Minister, O Lorde loke doune from Heauen, beholde, visite, and releue this thy seruaunt. Loke vppon him with the eies of thy mercye, geue him comforte and sure confidence in the, defende him from the daunger of the enemy, and kepe him in perpetual peace, and saufety : Through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. HEARE vs almighty, and most mercifull God, and sauiour, extend thy accustomed goodnes, to this thy seruaunt whiche is greued with syckenesse, visit him O Lorde, as thou diddest visit, E 130 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Peters wifes mother, and the capiteines seruaunt. So visit and restore vnto this sicke person his former health (if it bee thy wil) or els geue him grace so to take thy visitation, that after this painful life ended, he may dwell with the in life euerlastyng. Amen. IF Then shal the Minister exhorte the sicke person after this forme or other lyke. DERELY beloued know this, that almighty god is the lorde of life and death, and ouer al thinges to theym perteinyng, as youthe, strength, helthe, age weaknesse, and sicknes, wherfore, whatso- euer your syckenesse is, knowe you certainlye, that it is Goddes visitacion. And for what cause soeuer this sicknes is sent vnto you : whether it bee to trie youre patience for the example of other, and that your faith may be founde in the dai of the lord laudable, glorious, and honorable, to the encrease of Glory, and endles felicitie : Or els it be sent vnto you, to correct, and amende in you whatsoeuer dothe offende the eies of our heauenly father : knowe you certeinly, that yf you truly repent you of your sinnes, and beare your sickenes patiently, trustyng in Gods mercy for his dere sonne Jesus Christes sake, and rendre vnto him humble thankes for his fatherly visitacion, submittyng your selfe wholly to his will, it shall turne to your profite, and helpe you forwarde in If the perse the right waye that leadeth vnto euerlastyng life. Take therfore visited be j n good worthe, the chastemente of the lord, for whom the lord then the Cu- loueth he chastiseth. yea, as S. Paul saith, he scourgeth euery rate may sonne which he receiueth : If you endure chastisement, he offereth hortadorfiri himself vnt o you as vnto his own children. What sonne is he thys place, that the father chastiseth not ? If ye be not vnder correction (whereof all true children are partakers) then are ye bastardes, and not children. Therfore seying, that when our carnal fathers do correct vs, we reverently obey the, shal we not now muche rather be obedient to our spiritual! father, and so liue ? And they for a few daies do chastise vs after their owne pleasure, but he doth chastise vs for our profit to thentent he maye make vs par- takers of his holines. These wordes good brother, are Gods wordes, and written in holy Scripture for our comforte and in- struction, that we sholde paciently and with thankesgeuing, beare our heaueuly fathers Correction, whensoeuer by any maner of ad- uersitie it shal please his gratious goodnes to visite vs. And there shoulde be no greater comforte to christien persons, than to be made like vnto christ, by sufferyng patiently aduersities, troubles, and Sickenesses. For he him selfe went not vp to ioye, but firste he suffered paine : hee entred not into his glorye, before he was crucified : So truly our way to eternall ioye, is to suffer here with Christe, and our doore to entre into eternall life : is gladly to die with Christ, that we may ryse againe from death and dwell with him in euerlastynge life. Nowe therfore, taking your sickenesse, whiche is thus profitable for you paciently : I exhorte you in the THE VISITATION OF THE SICK. 131 name of God, to remembre the profession whiche you made vnto GOD, in your Baptisme. And forasmuche as after this lyfe there is accompte to be geuen vnto the rightuous iudge, of whome all must be iudged without respect of persons : I require you to examine your selfe and your state, bothe towarde God and man, so that ac- cusynge and condempning your self for your owne faultes, you may fynde mercy at our heauenly fathers hande, for Christes sake, and not be accused and condempned in that fearful iudgement. Therfore I shal shortly rehearse the Articles of our faith, that ye may know whether you do beleue as a Christien man shoulde, or no. IT Here the minister shall reherse the articles of the faith saiengthus DOEST thou beleue in God the father almighty. And so furth, as it is in Baptisme. IT Then shal the minister examine whether he be in charitie, with all the worlde : exhortyng hym to forgiue from the botome of his hart, al persons that haue offended hym, and if he haue offended other, to aske them for- geuenesse ; And wher he hathe done iniury or wrong to any man, that he make amendes to the -vttermost of his power. And if he haue not afore disposed his goodes, let him the make his wil. (But me must be oft ad- This may be monished that they set an order for their temporall goodes and landes, done before when they be in health. ) And also declare his debtes, what hee owcth, and * he . mi ".'ster what is owyng vnto him, for discharging of his conscience, and quietnes of prf;",^ g S s j, e his executours. The minister may not forget, nor ornitte to moue the shal se cause sicke person (and that most earnestly) to liberalitie towarde the poore. IT Here shall the sicke persone make a speciall confession, if he fee le hys con- science troubled with any weighty matter. After whiche confession the priest shall absolue him after this sorte. OUR Lorde Jesus Christ who hath left power to hys Churche to \ absolue all sinners, whiche truly repente, and beleue in him : of hys greate mercie forgeue thyne offences, and by his aucthoritie committed to me, I absolue the from al thy synnes. In the name of the father and of the sonne &c. Ame. IT And then the priest shal say the Collect folonuyng. IT Let vs praie. O MOST merciful God, whiche according to the multitude of thy mercies, dost so put awai the sinnes of those whiche truly repent, that thou remebrest them no more, open thy eie of mercy vpon this thy seruaunt, who most earnestly clesireth pardon, and for- geuenes. Renue in him most louying father, whatsoeuer hath been decaied, by the fraud, and malice of the deuel, or by his owne carnall will, and frailnes, preserue, and continue this sicke membre in the vnitie of thy churche, consider his contricion, ac- cept hys teares, asswage his paine, as shalbe sene to thee most expedient for him. And forasmuche as he putteth his full trust 2 132 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. only in thy mercy, impute not vnto him his former sinnes, but take him to thy fauour, through the merites of thy moste derely beloued sonne Jesus Chriest. Amen. IT Then the Minister shal sate this Psalm. in u, dotni- IN the, O Lorde haue I put my trust, let me neuer bee put to Psa?*xxi i confusion, but ridde me, and deliuer me into thy ryghtuousnesse, encline thine eare vnto me and saue me. Be thou my strong holde wherunto I may alway resorte : thou hast promysed to helpe me, for thou art my house of defence, and my Castel. Deliuer me o my God out of the hande of the vngodly : out of the hande of the vnrightuous and cruell man. For thou O lorde God art the thyng that I long for : thou art my hope euen from my youth. Through the haue I ben holden vp euer sence I was borne : thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wobe, my prayse shall alway be of the. I am become as it were a monster vnto many : but my sure truste is in the. let my mouth be filled with thy praise : (that I may sing of thy glory) and honor all the daie longe. Cast me not away in the tyme of age : forsake me not when my strength faileth me. For myne enemies speake againste me, and they that laye wayte for my soule, take their counsail together, saiynge : God hath for- saken hym, persecute hym, and take hym, for there is none to deliuer hym. Go not farre from me, O God : my God, haste the to helpe me. Let them be confounded and perishe, that are against my soule : let them be couered with shame and dishonoure that seke to do me euill. As for me, I will pacietly abide alwaie : and wil praise the, more and more. My mouthe shall dayely speake of thy righteousnes, and salua- cion : for I knowe no ende therof. 1 will go furth in the strength of the Lorde God : and will make mencion of thy righteousnesse onely. Thou (O God) haste taughte me from my youthe vp vntill nowe : therefore I will tell of thy wonderous workes. Forsake me not (O God) in myne olde age, when I am gray headed : vntil I haue shewed thy strength vnto this generacion, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come. Thy righteousnesse (O God) is very hygh, and great thinges are they that thou haste done : O God, who is lyke vnto the ? O what great troubles and aduersities hast thou shewed me ? t 1 A misprint for Ixxi.] THE VISITATION OF THE SICK. 133 and yet diddest them turne and refreshe me, yea, and broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayne. Thou hast broughte me to great honour : and comforted me on euery side. Therfore will I prayse the and thy faythefulnes (O God) plaiynge vpon an instrument of Musicke : vnto the will I synge vppon the Harpe, O thou holy one of Israeli. My lippes will be faine, when I sing vnto the : and so will my soule whome thou hast deliuered. My tongue also shal talke of thy righteousnesse al the day long : for thei are confounded and brought vnto shame, that seke to do me euill. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghoste. As it was in the begynnynge, is nowe and euer shalbe worlde without ende. Amen. Addyng tfiys. O SAUIOUR of the worlde, saue vs, whyche by thy crosse and precious bloude hast redemed vs, helpe vs we beseche the, O God. IT Then shal the Minister saye. THE almightie Lorde, whiche is a moste strong tower to all them that put their trust in him, to whom all thinges in heauen, in earthe, and vnder the earthe doe bowe and obey, be nowe, and euermore thy defence, and make the knowe and fele, that there is no other name vnder heauen geuen to man, in whome, and throughe whome thou mayest receyue healthe and saluacion, but onely the name of oure Lorde Jesus Christe. Amen. <[THE COMMUNION OF THE SICKE. Forasmuche as al mortal men be subiecte to many soubdein perilles, diseases, and sicknesses, and euer vncertaine what time they shal departe out oj this lyf, Therfore to thentent they may i>e alwaies in a readines to die, whensoeuer it shal please Almightie God to cal them : The Curates shal diligently from tyme to tyme, but specially in the plague time, exhort their Parishioners to the oft receiuyng in the Churchc, of the holy Com- munion of the body and bloude of our saviour Christ. Whiche (if thei do) thei shal haue no cause in their soubdeine visitation to be vnquieted for lacke of the same. But if the sicke persone be not able to come to the Churche, and yet is desirous to receiue the Communion in his house, then yee must giue knowledge ouer night, or elles early in the Mornig to the Curate, signifying also how many be appoincted to communicate with him. And hauyng a couenient place in the sicke mans house, where the Curate may reuerently minister, and a good nomber to receiue the Com- munion with the sicke persone, with all thynges necessary for the same, he shal there minister the holy Communion. The Collect. ALMIGHTIE euerliuyng God, maker of mankynde, whiche doest correcte those whom thou doest loue, and chastisest euery one whome thou doest receiue, we beseche the to haue mercie vpon this thy seruaunt visited with thy hande, and to graunt that he may take his sickenesse paciently, and recouer his bodily helth (yf it be thy gracious wil), and whensoeuer his soule shal depart from the body, it may bee without spot presented vnto the : Throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. The Epistle. Hebr. xii. MY sone, despise not the correction of the Lorde, neither faint when thou art rebuked of hym. For whome the Lorde loueth, him he correcteth : yea, and he scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth. The Gospel lohn v. VERELY, verely I say vnto you, he that heareth my worde, and beleueth on hym that sent me, hath euerlastyng life, and shall not come vnto dampnacion. but he passeth from death vnto lyfe. THE COMMUNION OF THE SICK. 135 IT At the time of the distribution of the holy Sacrament, the Priest shal first receiue the Communion hymselfe, and after minister vnto them that be appoincted to communicate with the sicke. IT But if any man, either by reason of extremitie, of sickenes, or for lacke of warnyng in due time to the Curate, or for lacke of company to receiue with hym, or by any other iust impediment, do not receiue the Sacramet of Christes body and bloud, then the Curate shall instruct hym, that if he do truely repent hym of his synnes, and stedfastly beleue that Jesus Christe hath suffred death vpon the crossefor him, and shed his bloud for his redemption, earnestly remembryng the benefites he hath therby, and getting him hartie (hakes therfore, he doth eate and dryncke the body and bloude of our sauiour Christe, profitably to his soules health, although he doe not receiue the Sacrament with his mouthe. IT When the sicke person is visited, and receiueth the holy Communion al at one time, then the Priest, for more expedicio, shal cut of 'the fourme of the visitation at the Psalme, In the, O Lorde haue I put my trust, and go streight to the Communion. H In the time of plague, Swette, or such otlier like contagious tymes of sicke- nesses or diseases, whe none of the Paroshe or neighbours can be gotten to communicate with the sicke in their houses, for feare of the infection, vpon speciall request of the diseased, the minister may alonly communi- cate with hym. THE ORDER FOR THE BURIALL OF THE DEAD. IT The prieste metyng the corpse at the Church style, shal saye, Or els the priestes and clerkes shall syng, and so go eyther vnto the churche, or towardes the grauc. I AM the resurrection and the life (saith the Lord) he that beleueth in me : yea, thoughe he were dead, yet shall he liue. And whosoeuer liueth, and belieueth in me, shall not dye for euer. I KNOWE that my redemer lyueth, and that I shal rise out of the earth in the last daye, and shal be couered agayne with my skinne, and shall se God in my flesh : yea, and I my selfe shall beholde hym, not with other, but with thesame eyes. WE brought nothinge into this worlde, neither may we cary any thyng out of this worlde. The Lord geueth, and the Lorde taketh awaye. Euen as it hath pleased the Lorde so commeth thynges to passe : Blessed be the name of the Lorde. IT When they come to the graue, whyles the corps is made redy to be layd into the earth, ye priest shal say, or the priestes, and clerkes shal sing. MAN that is borne of a woman hathe but a shorte tyme to lyue, and is full of miserye . he commeth vp. and is cut doune lyke a floure, he flyeth as it were a shadow, and neuer continueth in one staye. In the middest of life we be in death, of whom mai we seke for succour but of the, O Lorde, whiche for our sinnes iustly arte displeased : yet O Lorde God most holy, O Lorde moste mightye, O holy, and moste mercifull Sauiour, deliuer vs not into the bitter paynes of eternall death. Thou knowest Lord the secretes of our hertes, shut not vp thy mercifull eyes to our prayers. But spare vs Lorde moste holy, O God moste mighty, O holy and mercifuil Sauiour, thou most worthy iudge eternall, suffer vs not at our last houre for any paines of death to fall from the, IT Then tuhyle the earth shal be cast vpon the body by some standing by, the priest shall saye. FOR asmuche as it hath pleased almightie God of his great mercy to take vnto hym selfe the Soule of oure deare brother, here P Misprint for Job xiv.] AT THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 137 departed, we therfore committe hys bodye to the grounde, earthe, to earthe : ashes, to ashes, dust, to dust, in sure, and certein hope of resurrection to eternall lyfe, throughe oure Lorde Jesus Christe, who shall change oure vyle body that it may be lyke to his glorious body, according to the mighty workynge whereby he is able to subdue al thynges to hym selfe. Then shalbe sayde, or songe. I HEARDE a voyce from heauen saiyng vnto me, wryte from hencefurth, blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde. Euen so sayeth the spirite that they reste from their labours. Then shall folowe this lesson, taken out of the .xv. Chap, to the Corin. the first Epistle. CHRIST is rysen from the dead, and become the fyrst frutes of them that slept. For by a man came deth, and by a man came the resurreccio of the dead. For as by Adam al die, euen so by Christ shal al be made aliue, but euery manne in his owne order. The fyrste is Christe, then they that are Christes al his comming. Then commeth the ende when he hathe deliuered vp the kynge- dome to God the father, when he hath put doune all rule, and all aucthoritie and power. For he must reygne till he haue put hys enemies vnder hys fete. The laste enemye that shalbe destroyed is deathe. For he hath putte all thynges vnder his feete. But when he sayeth, all thynges are putte vnder hym, it is manifeste that hee is excepted, whyche dyd putte all thynges vnder hym. When al thinges are subdued vnto him, then shall the sonne also hym self be subiecte vnto him that put all thynges vnder hym, that God maye be al in all, elles what do they whyche are baptised ouer the deade, if the dead rise not at all ? Why are they then baptised ouer them yea, and why stande we alway then in ieopardye ? By our reioysinge which I haue in Christ Jesu our Lorde, I dye daily. That I haue foughte wyth beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men, what auautageth it me, if the dead ryse not agayne? Lette vs eate and drincke, for to morow we shall dye. Be not ye deceyued ; euil wordes corrupt good maners. Awake truly out of slepe, and sinne not. For some haue not the know- ledge of God I speake this to your shame. But some manne wyl say how aryse the dead ? with what body shal they come ? thou foole, that whiche thou sowest is not quickened except it dye. And what sowest thou ? thou sowest not that body that shalbe ; but bare corne, as of wheate, or some other: but God geueth it a bodye at hys plesure, to euerye sede his owne bodye. All fleshe is not one maner of flesh : but there is one maner of flesh of menne, an other maner of flesh of beasts, an other of fishes, an other of byrdes. There are also celestial bodyes, and there are bodies terrestriall. But the glory of the celestiall is one, and the 138 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one maner glory of the Sonne, and another glory of the Mone, and another glory of the starres. For one starre differeth from another in glory: so is the resurrection of the deade. It is sowen in corrupcio, it riseth againe in incorrupcio. It is sowen in dishonoure, it riseth againe in honoure. It is sowen in weaknes, it ryseth againe in power. It is sowen a natural body, it ryseth againe a spirituall bodye. There is a natural body, and there is a spirituall body: as it is also wryten, the fyrst man Adam was made a lyuynge soule, and the laste Adam was made a quickeninge spirite. How be it that is not fyrst whyche is spirituall : but that whiche is naturall and then that whiche is spirytual. The first man is of the earth, earthye : The seconde manne is the Lord from Heauen (heauenlye). As is the earthy, suche are they that be earthy. And as is the heauenly, such are they that are heauenly. And as we haue borne the ymage of the earthye, so shall we beare the ymage of the heauenly. Thys saye I brethren, that fleshe and bloude cannot enherite the kyngdome of God, neyther doth corruption enherite incorruption. Beholde, I shewe you a mystery, we shall not all slepe : but we shall al be chaunged, and that in a momente, in the twynkelynge of an eye by the last trumpe. For the trumpe shall blowe, and the deade shall rise incorruptible, and we shall be chaunged. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortall must put on immortalitye. when this corruptible hath put on incor- ruptio, and this mortall hath put on immortalitye: then shall be broughte to passe the sayinge that is wrytten, Deathe is swallowed vp in victory : Deathe, where is thy stinge ? Hell where is thy victory? The stynge of deathe is sinne, and the stregthe of shine is the lawe. But thankes be vnto God, whyche hathe geuen vs victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therfore my deare brethren, be ye stedfast and vnmouable, alwaies rich in the worke of the lorde, forasmuch as ye knowe, howe that your laboure is not in vayne in the Lorde. IF The Lesson ended, the Priest shall saye. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Christe haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Our Father whiche arte in heauen. &c. And leade vs not into temptacion. Aunswere. But deliuer vs from euil. Amen. IT The Priest. ALMIGHTIE God, with whome do Hue the spirites of the that depart hece in the lorde and in whome the soules of the that be elected, after they be deliuered from the burthe of the flesh, be in ioye and felicitie. We geue the hearty thankes for that it hath AT THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 139 pleased the to deliuer this .N. cure brother, out of the miseries of thys synneful worlde beseching the that it may please the of thy gracious goodnes, shortelye to accomplishe the numbre of thyne electe, and to haste thy kyngedome, that we with thys oure brother, and all other departed in the true fayth of thy holy name, may haue our perfect consummacion and blisse, both in bodye and soule in thy eternall and euerlastynge glorie. Amen. IT The Collect. O MERCIFULL God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christe, who is the Resurrection and the lyfe, in whom whosoeuer beleueth shall liue, thoughe he dye, and whosoeuer liueth, and beleueth in hym, shall not dye eternally, who also taughte vs (by hys holy apostle Paule), not to be sory as men without hope, for them that slepe in hym : We mekely beseche the (O Father) to rayse vs from the deathe of sinne vnto the lyfe of righteousnes, that when we shall depart thys lyfe, we may rest in hym, as our hope is thys oure brother doeth, and that at the general! resurrection in the laste daye, we maye be founde acceptable in thy syghte, and receiue that blessing which thy welbeloued sonne shall then pro- nounce to all that loue and fear the, saiynge : Come ye blessed children of my father, receyue the Kyngedome prepared for you frome the begynnynge of the worlde. Graunte thys, we beseche the, O mercifull father, throughe Jesus Christe our mediatoure and redemer. Amen. IT THE THANKESGEUINGE OF WOMEN AFTER CHILDE BYRTHE, COMMUNELYE CALLED THE CHURCHYNGE OF WOMEN. The woman shall come into the Churche, and there shall knele downe in some co nuenient place, nyghe vnto the place where the table standetk, and the priest standing by her, shal sate these wordes, or suche lyke, as the case shal require. FORASMUCHE as it hath pleased almyghtye God of hys goodnes to geue you safe delyueravice, and hath preserued you in the great dauger of childbyrth : ye shal therfore geue heartye thankes vnto God and praye. IT Then shall the priest saye this Psalme. I HAUE lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the hylles, from whence com- meth my helpe. My helpe cofneth euen from the Lord: whych hath made heauen and earth. He wyll not suffre thy foote to be moued : and he that kepeth the, wil not slepe. Beholde, he that kepeth Israeli : shall neyther slomber nor slepe. The Lorde hym selfe is thy keper : the Lorde is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande. So that the sonne shall not burne the by daye, neither the moone by night. The Lorde shal preserue the from al euil : yea, it is euen he that shal kepe thy soule. The Lorde shal preserue thy goinge out, and thy commynge in : from thys tyme forth for euermore. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sonne &c. As it was in the beginynge, is now &c. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Christe haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon us. OUR FATHER WHIHE ARTE &C. And leade vs not into temptacion. THE CHURCHING OF WOMEN. 141 Aunswere. But deliuer vs from euil. Amen. Priest. O Lorde saue this woman thy seruaunt. Aunswere. Whiche putteth her trust in the. Priest. Be thou to her a strong Towre. Aunsuere. From the face of her enemy. Priest. Lorde heare our praier. Aunswere. And let our crie come vnto the. Priest. Let vs praie. O ALMIGHTY God, which hast deliuered this woman thy seruaunte from the great paine and peril of childe birthe : Graunt we beseche the most mercifull Father, that she through thy help may bothe faithfully Hue, and walke in her vocation, accordyng to thy wil, in this lyfe present, and also may be partaker of euer- lastyng glory in the lyfe to come, throughe Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. The woman that commeth to giue her thanckes, muste offer accustomed offerynges, aud if there be a Communion, it is conuenient that she receiue the holy Communion. A COMMINATION AGAINST SINNERS, WITH CERTAINE PRAYERS, TO BE VSED DIUERS TIMES IN THE YERE. After Mornyng prayer, the people beyng called together by the ringyng oj a Bel, and assembled in the Ckurche, theglish Letany shalbe saide after thaccustomed maner, whyche ended the priest shal go into the pulpit and sate thus, BRETHREN, in the Prymatyue churche there was a godly disci- pline, that at the beginyng of Lent,suche personnes as were notoryus Synners, were putte to open penaunce and punyshed in thys world, that their soules might be saued in the daie of the lord. And that others admonyshed by theyr exaple myght be more afrayde to offende. In the stede wherof (vntill the sayde Discypline maye be restored agayne, whyche thynge is muche to be wyshed) it is thought good that at this time (in your presence) shoulde be redde the general sentences of goddes cursyng agaynst impenitent Syn- ners, gathered out of the .xxvii. Chapiter of Deuteronomye, and other places of Scripture. And that ye shoulde aunswere to euery sentence. Amen. To thyntent that you being admonished of the great indignation of God against Synners : may the rather be called to earnest and true repentaunce, and maye walke more warely in these daungerous daies, flieing from suche vices, for the whyche ye affirme wyth your owne mouthes, the Curse of God to be due. CURSED is the man that maketh any carued, or molten Image, an abhomination to the Lorde, the worke of the handes of the craftes man, and putteth it in a secrete place to worship it. IT And the people shal aunswere and saie Amen. Minister. Cursed is he that cursethe his father, or mother. Aunswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed is hee that remoueth away the marcke of hys neyghbours lande. Aunswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed is he that maketh the blynde to go oute of hys way. Aunswere. Amen. A COMMINATION. 143 Minister. Cursed is he that, letteth in iudgmet, the right of the straunger, of them that be fatherles, and of widdowes. Aimswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed is he that smiteth his neighbour secretlye. Aunswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed is he that lieth with his neighbours wife. Aunswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed is he that taketh rewarde to slea the Soule of innocent bloude. Aunsivere. Amen. Minister. Curseth is he that putteth hys trust in manne, and taketh manne for hys defence, and in hys harte goeth from the Lorde. Aunswere. Amen. Minister. Cursed are the vnmerciful, the fornicatours, and adul- terers, and the couetous persones, the worshippers of ymages, slaunderers, dronkardes, and extorcioners. Aunsivere. Amen. The Minister. Nowe seyng that all they be accursed (as the Prophete Dauid Psa. cxviiL beareth wytnesse) whyche do erre, and go astraye from the com- maundementes of God, let vs remembring the dreadful iudgemente hanginge ouer our heddes, and beyng always at hande returne vnto oure Lorde God, with all contricion and mekenes of hearte, bewailynge and lamenting our synful lyfe, knowledging and cofessing our offences, and sekynge to brynge furth worthie fruictes ot penaunce. For nowe is the Axe put vnto the roote of the trees, Mat j! ^ so that euery tree which bringeth not furth good fruict, is hewen downe and cast into the fire. It is a fearfull thing to falle into the Heb. x. handes of the lyuinge God-: he shal poure doune raine vpon the p sa j. x . synners, Snares, fyre, and brimstone, storme and tempeste, thys shalbe their portion to drincke. For lo, the Lorde is comen out Esai. xxvi. of his place, to visite the wickednesse of suche as dwel vpon the earth. But who may abyde the daye of his comming ? Who Mai. iii. shalbe able to endure, when he apereth? His fanne is in his Math. iii. hande, and he wyll pourge hys floore, and gather his wheate into the barne, but he wyl burne the chaffe with vnquenchable fyre. The daye of the Lord commeth as a thefe vpon the night, and L Thes. v. when men shall saye peace, and all thinges are saufe, then shal Rom. ii. soubdenly destruction come vpon them, as sorowe commeth vppon a woman trauailyng with childe, and they shall not escape. Then shall appeare the wrathe of God in the day of vegeace, which obstinate sinners, throughe the stubburnnes of theyr hearte, haue heaped vnto them selfe, whyche despysed the goodnes, pacyence, and longe sufferaunce of God, when he called them continually to repentaunce. Then shall they call vpon me, sayeth the Lorde, Prouer L but I wyll not heare : they shall seke me early, but they shall not 144 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. fynde me : and that because they hated knowledge, and receyued not the feare of the Lorde, but abhorred my counsail, and dispised my correcyon, then shall it be to late to knocke, when the dore shalbe shutte, and to late to crye for mercye, when it is the tyme of Justice. O terryble voyce of most iust indgement, whiche shalbe pronounced vpon them, when it shalbe sayde vnto them : Go, ye cursed, into the fyre euerlastynge, whyche is prepared for the deuill and hys Aungeles. Therfore brethren take we hede by tyme, whyle the daie of saluacion lasteth, for the nyght commeth when none can worke : but let vs whyle we haue the lyght, beleue in the lyghte, and walke as the children of the lyght, that we be not caste into the vtter darckenes, where is wepyinge and gnasshynge of teeth. Lette vs not abuse the goodnes of God, whyche calleth vs mercyfully to amendement, and of hys endelesse pytye promysed vs forgeuenesse of that whyche is paste : If (wyth a whole mynde and true hearte) Esay. i. we returne vnto hym. For though our synnes be red as scarlet, they shalbe as whyte as snowe, and thoughe they be lyke purple, xxviin el y et s ^ a ^ tne y be as whyte as wolle. Turne you cleane (sayeth the Lorde) from all your wickednes, and your synne shal not be your destruction. Cast awaye from you all your vngodlynes that ye haue done : make you newe heartes, and a newe spiryte : wherfore wyll ye dye, O ye house of Israeli? Seiyng that I haue no pleasure in the deathe of hym that dyeth (sayeth the Lorde God.) Turne you then, and you shall lyue. Although we haue synned, yet haue we an aduocate with the Father, Jesus Christe the ryghteous, and he it Esai. Hi. j s ^at obteyneth grace for our synnes, for he was wounded for our offences, and smytten for our wyckednesse. Let vs therfore returne vnto hym, who is the mercifull receyuer of all true penitent sinners, assuring oure selfe that he is ready to receyue vs, and most willyng to pardone vs, yf we come to him, with faythfull repentaunce. Yt we will submit our selues vnto him, and- from hencefurthe walke in Math. xi. his W ayes. Yf we will take hys easy yoke, and lighte burthen vpon vs, to folowe hym in lowlines, pacience, and charitie, and be ordered by the gouernaunce of hys holy spirite, seking alwayes his glorie, and seruyng hym duely in our vocation with thankes geuynge. This yf we do, Christ wil deliuer vs from the curse of the law, and from the extreme malediction, which light vpon theym, that shalbe set Math. xxv. on t h e left hand, and he wyll set. us on hys ryght hande, and geue vs the blessed benediction of hys father, commaundynge vs to take possession of his gloryous kyngdome, vnto the whiche he vouche- saufe to brynge vs al, for hys infinite mercye. IT Then shall they all knele upon theyr knees: And the Priest es and Clerckes knelynge (were they are accustomed to saye the Letany) shall say thys Psalme. Miserere mei Deus, Psal. HAUE mercy vpon me, O God after thy great goodnes, accord- ing to the multitud of thy mercyes, do away myne offences. [! Misprint for xviii.] A COMMINATION. 145 Washe me throughly fro my wyckednes and dense me from my synne. For I acknowledge my faultes, and my synne is euer before me. Against the onely haue I synned, and done this euyll in thy sight, that thou mightest be iustyfyed in thy sayeng, and cleare when thou art Judged. Beholde, I was shapen in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceiued me. But lo, thou requirest trueth in inwarde parties, and shalt make me to vnderstande wisedome secretlye. Thou shalte purge me with hysoppe, and I shall be cleane, thou shalt washe me, and I shall be whyter then Snowe. Thou shalt make me here of ioy and gladnesse : that the bones whiche thou hast broken may reioyce. Turne thy face from my sinnes : and put oute all my misdedes. Make me a cleane hearte (O God :) and renue a right spirite within me. Cast me not away from thy presence : and take not thy holy spirite from me. O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne : and stablysh me with thy free spirite. Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked : and sinners shalbe conuerted vnto the. Deliuer me from bloude giltines (O God) thou that art the God of my healthe : and my tonge shall synge of thy ryghteousnes. Thou shalte open my lyppes (O Lord) my mouth shal shewe thy prayse. For thou desirest no sacrifice, els woulde I geue it the : but thou delightest not in burnt offerynge. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirite : a broken and a contrite hearte O God, shalte thou not despise. O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sio : builde thou the walles of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightuousnesse, with the burnt offerynges and oblations : then shall they offer yong bullockes vpon thine aultare. Glory bee to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the holy Ghoste. As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world without ende. Amen. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father which arte in heauen. &c. And leade vs not into temptacion. Aunswere. But deliuer vs from euil. Amen. Minister. O Lorde saue thy seruauntes. Aunswere. Whiche put their trust in the. 146 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Minister. Sende vnto them helpe from aboue. Aunswere. And euermore mightely defende them. Minister. Help vs, O God our sauiour. Aunswere. And for the glorye of thy names sake deliuer vs, bee mercyfull vnto vs synners, for thy names sake. The Minister. Lorde heare my praiers. Aunswere. And let our crie come vnto thee. Let vs praye. O LORD, we beseche the, mercifully heare our prayers, and spare al those which confesse their sinnes to the, that they (whose consciences by sin are accused) by thy merciful pardon may be absolued, throughe Christ our Lorde. Amen. O MOSTE mighty God, and mercyfull father which haste compas- sion of al men, and ha test nothing that thou haste made : whiche wouldest not the deathe of a synner, but that he should rather turne from synne, and be saued : mercifully forgeue vs oure tres- passes, and comforte vs, whiche be grieued and weryed with the burden of oure synne. Thy propertye is to haue mercy, to the onlye it apperteineth to forgeue synnes : spare vs therefore good Lorde, spare thy people whom thou haste redemed. Enter not into iudgement wyth thy seruauntes, whiche be vyle earthe, and miserable synners, but so turne thyne yre from vs whyche mekely knowledge oure vylenes, and trulye repente vs of our faultes : so make haste to helpe vs in this worlde, that we maye euer Hue wyth thee in the worlde to come, throughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde. Amen. Then shall the people saye this that folmaeth after the Minister. TURNE thou vs, O good Lorde, and so shall we be turned : be fauourable O Lorde bee fauourable too thy people, whyche turne to the, in wepynge, fastyng, and prayinge, for thou art a mercifull God, full of compassion, longe sufferynge, and of a great pitie. Thou sparest when we deserue punishment, and in thy wrathe thynkest vpon mercye, spare thy people good Lorde, spare theym, and let not thy heritage be brought to confusion : heare vs O Lorde for thy mercy is greate, and after the multitude of thy mercies, loke vpon vs. 1 P Some impressions of the Prayer Book by Jugge and Cawode have on the reverse of the last leaf : This boke of praiers is to be so'.de as foloweth, and not aboue. In Queers vnbounde, ii. s. iiii. d. In parchement bounde, iii. s. In paste or Borde bounde, iii. s. viii. d.J GODLY PRAYERS. IT CERTAINE GODLY PRAYERS TO BE VSED FOR SUNDRY PURPOSES. A general! confession of sinnes, to be said euery morning. O ALMIGHTIE God, our heauenly Father, I confesse and know- ledge, that I am a miserable and a wretched sinner, and haue manifold waies most grieuouslie transgressed thy most godly commaundements, through wicked thoughts, vngodly lusts, sinfull words and deeds, and in my whole life. In sinne am I borne and conceiued, and there is no goodnesse in mee ; inasmuch as if thou shouldest enter into thy narrowe iudgement with me, iudging me according vnto the same, I were neuer able to suffer or abide it, but must needes perish and be dampned for euer : So little help, comfort, or succoure is there either in me, or in any other creature. Onely this is my comfort (O heauenly Father), that thou diddest not spare thy onely deare beloued sonne, but diddest giue him vp vnto the most bitter, and most vile and slaunderous death of the Crosse for me, that hee might so pay the ransome for my sinnes, satisfie thy iudgement, still and pacific thy wrath, reconcile me againe vnto thee, and purchase me thy grace and thy fauour, and euerlasting life. Wherfore, through the merite of his most bitter death and passion, and through his innocent bloodshedding, I beseech the, O heauenly Father, that thou wilt vouchsafe to bee gracious and mercifull vnto me, to forgiue and pardon me al my sinnes, to lighten my harte with thy holy Spirit, to renue, con- firme, and strengthen me with a right and a perfecte faith, and to inflame mee in loue toward thee and my neighbour, that I may hencefurth with a willing and a glad harte, walke as becommeth me, in thy most godly commaundements, and so glorifte and praise the euerlastingly. And also that I may with a free conscience and quiet hert, in all manner of temptations, afflictions, or necessities, and euen in the verie pangs of death, crie boldly and merily vnto thee, and say : I beleue in God the Father Almightie, maker of heauen and earth, and in lesus Christ, &c. But, O Lord God heauenly father, to comfort myselfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Christian faithe, it is not in my power, for faith is thy gift : and forasmuch as thou wilt bee prayed vnto, and called vpon for it, I come vnto thee, to pray and beseech the, both for that and for all my other necessities, euen 148 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. as thy deare beloued Sonne our Sauiour lesus Christ himselfe hath taught vs. And from the very bottome of my heart I cry, and say : Our Father, which art in heauen. &c. IT Prayers to be said in the Morning. O MERCIFULL Lord God, heauenly Father, I render most high laudes, praise, and thankes vnto thee, that thou hast preserued me both this night, and all the time and daies of my life hitherto, vnder thy protection, and hast suffered mee to liue vntill this present houre. And I beseech thee hartily, that thou wilt vouchsaufe to receiue me this day, and the residue of my whole life, from hencefurth into thy tuition, ruling and gouerning me with thy holie Spirit, that all maner of darknes, of misbeleefe, infidelitie, and of carnall lusts and affections, may be vtterly chased and driuen out of my harte, and that I may be Justified and saued both bodie and soule through a right and a perfect faith, and so walke in the light of thy most godly trueth, to thy glorie and praise, and to the profile and furtherance of my neigh- bour, through lesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour. Amen. ALL possible thankes that wee are able, wee render vnto thee, O Lord lesus Christ, for that thou hast willed this night past to bee prosperous vnto vs ; and we beseech thee likewise to prosper all this same day vnto vs for thy glorie, and for the helth of our soule : and that thou which art the true light, not knowing any going downe, and which art the Sunne eternall, giuing life, foode, and gladnes vnto all things, vouchsaufe to shine into our minds, that we may not any where stumble to fall into any sin, but may thorow thy good guiding and conducting, come to the life euerlast- ing. Amen. O LORD lesus Christ, which art the true Sun of the world, euermore arising, and neuer going downe, which by thy most holesome appearing and sight, doest bring foorth, preserue, nourish, and refresh all things, as well that are in heauen, as also that are on earth : we beseech thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into our hearts, that the night and darknesse of sins, and the mists of errors on euery side driuen away, thou brightly shining within our harts, we may all our life space go without any stumbling or offence, and may decently and seemely walk, (as in the day time,) being pure and cleane from the works of darknes, and abounding in all good works which God hath prepared for vs to walk in : which with the Father and with the holie Ghost liuest and reignest for euer and euer. Amen. O GOD and Lord lesus Christ, thou knowest, yea, and hast also taught vs, how great the infirmitie and weakenesse of man is, and how certaine a thing it is that it can nothing doe without thy godly helpe. If man trust to himselfe, it cannot bee auoyded, but GODLY PRAYERS. 149 that hee must headlong runne and fall into a thousand vndoings and mischiefs. O our Father, haue thou pitie and compassion vpon the weakenesse of vs thy children, bee thou prest and readie to helpe vs, alwaies shewing thy mercie vpon vs, and prospering whatsoeuer we godly go about : so that, thou giuing vs light, wee may see what things are truely good in deede ; thou encouraging vs, wee may haue an earnest desire to the same ; and thou being our guide, wee may come where to obtaine them : for wee hauing nothing but mistrust in our selues, doe yeeld and commit our selues full and whole vnto thee alone, which workest all things in al creatures, to thy honour and glorie. So be it. A prayer against temptation. O LORD lesus Christ, the only stay and fence of our mortall state, our onely hope, our onely saluation, our glorie, and our triumph, who in the flesh (which thou hadst for our only cause taken vpon thee) diddest suffer thy selfe to be tempted of Sathan, and who onely and alone of all men diddest vtterly ouercome and vanquish sinne, death, the world, the diuell, and all the kingdome of hell : and whatsoeuer thou hast so ouercommed, for our behoofe it is that thou hast ouercommed it : neither hath it been thy will to haue any of thy seruants to keepe battel or fight with any of the foresaid euils, but of purpose to rewarde-vs with a crowne of the more glorie for it. And to the intent that thou mightest likewise ouerthrow Sathan in thy members, as thou haddest afore done in thine owne person, giue thou (wee beseech thee) vnto vs thy souldiers (O Lion most victorious of the tribe of luda) strength against the roring Lion, which continually wandreth to and fro, seeking whom he may deuoure. Thou being that same Serpent, the true giuer of health and life, that were nailed on high vpon a tree, giue vnto vs, thy little seelie ones, wilinesse against the deceitfull awayting of the most subtile serpent. Thou being a Lambe as white as snow, the vanquisher of Satans tyranie, giue vnto vs thy little sheep the strength and vcrtue of thy spirit, that being in our owne selues weake and feeble, and in thee strong and valiant, wee may withstand and ouercome all assaults of the diuell, so that our ghostly enemie may not glorie on vs, but being con- quered through thee, we may giue thankes to thy mercie, which neuer leaueth them destitute that put their trust in thee : who liuest and reignest God for euer without end. Amen. A prayer for the obtaining of wisedome. O GOD of our fathers, and Lord of mercie, thou that hast made Sap'-n. all things with thy word, and ordeined man through thy wisdome, that he should haue dominion ouer the creatures which thou hast made, that he should order the world according to equitie and righteousnesse, and execute iudgement with a true heart : giue me wisedome, which is euer abou*- thy seate, and put me not out 150 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. from among thy children : for I thy seruant and sonne of thy handmaid am a feeble person, of a short time, and too young to the vnderstanding of thy iudgementes and lawes : yea, though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisedome be not with him, he shall be nothing worth. O send thy wisedome out of thy holie heauens, and from the throne of thy maiestie, that she may be with me and labour with me, that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight ; for she knoweth and vnder- standeth all things, and she shall conduct me right soberly in thy workes, and preserue me in her power : so shall my workes be acceptable. Amen. A prayer against worldly earefulnesse. O MOST deare and tender father, our defender and nourisher, endue vs with thy grace, that we may cast off the great blindnesse of our mindes, and earefulnesse of worldlie things, and maye put our whole studie and care in keeping of thy holie law ; and that wee may labour and trauaile for our necessities in this life, like the birds of the ayre, and the lillies of the field, without care. For thou hast promised to be carefull for vs, and hast commaunded that vpon thee we should cast al our care : which liuest and reignest, world without end. Amen. A prayer necessarie for all persons. O MERCIFULL God, I wretched sinner reknowledge myselfe bound to keepe thy holie commaundements, but yet vnable to per- forme them, and to bee accepted for iust without the righteousnesse of lesus Christ thy onely Sonne, who hath perfectly fulfilled thy law, to iustifie all men that beleeue and trust in him. Therefore graunt me grace, I beseech thee, to be occupied in doing of good workes, which thou commaundest in holie scripture, all the daies of my life, to thy glorie, and yet to trust onely in thy mercie, and in Christes merites, to bee pourged from my sinnes, and not in my good workes, be they neuer so many. Giue me grace to loue thy holie word feruently, to search the Scriptures diligently, to reade them humblie, to vnderstand them truly, to liue after them effec- tually. Order my life so, O Lord, that it be alwaye acceptable vnto thee. Giue me grace not to reioyce in any thing that dis- pleaseth thee, but euermore to delight in those things that please thee, be they neuer so contrary to my desires. Teach me so to pray, that my petitions may be graciously heard of the. Keepe me vpright among diuersities of opinions and Judgements in the worlde that I neuer swarue from thy trueth taught in holie Scrip- ture. In prosperitie, O Lord, saue me, that I waxe not proude. In aduersitie helpe me, that I neuer despaire nor blaspheme thy holie name, but taking it patiently, to giue thee thankes, and trust to be deliuered after thy pleasure. When I happen to falle into sinne through frailtie, I beseech thee to worke true repentance in GODLY PRAYERS. 151 my heart, that I may bee sorie without desperation, trust 'in thy mercie without presumption, that I may amend my life, and be- come truely religious without hypocrisie, lowly in heart without faining, faithfull and trustie without deceit, merie without lightnesse, sad without mistrust, sober without slouthfulnesse, content with mine owne without couetousnesse, to tell my neighbour his faults charitably without dissimulation, to instruct my household in thy lawes truely, to obey our Kyng 1 and all gouernours vnder him vn- fainedly, to receiue all lawes and common ordinances (which dis- agreeth not from thy holie word) obediently, to pay euery man that which I owe vnto him truely, to backbite no man, nor slander my neighbour secretly, and to abhorre all vice, louing all goodnesse earnestly. O Lord, graunt me thus to doe, for the glorie of thy holy name. Amen. A prayer necessary to be said at all times. O BOUNTIFUL Jesu, O swete sauiour, O Christ the sonne of God, haue pitie vpon me, mercifully heare me, and despyse not my prayers. Thou hast created me of nothing, thou hast redemed me from the bondage of sinne, death, and hel, nether with golde nor siluer, but with thy moste precious body once offred vpon the crosse, and thine own bloud shed once for al for my raunsome : therefore cast me not away, whom thou by thy great wisdom haste made : despise me not, whom ye hast redemed with such a precious treasure. Nor let my wickednes destroy that, which thy goodnes hath builded. Nowe whiles I Hue, O Jesu haue mercy on me, for if I dye oute of thy fauour, it wil be to late afterward to cal for thy mercy : whiles I haue time to repent, loke vpon me with thy mer- ciful eyes, as thou diddest vouchsafe to loke vpon Peter thine Apostle, that I may bewaile my sinfull lyfe, and obteyne thy fauour, and die therin. I reknowledge, that if thou shouldest deale with me according to very iustice, I haue deserued euerlasting death. Therefore I appele to thy high throne of merci trusting to obtaine Gods fauoure, not for my merites, but for thy merites, O Jesu, who hast geuen thy self an acceptable sacrifice to thy father, to appease his wrath, and to bring all sinners, (truly repenting and amending their euyl lyfe) into his fauour again. Accept me, O lord, among the numbre of them that shal be saved, forgeue my sines, geue me grace to leade a godly and innocent life, graunt me thy heauenly wisdom, inspyre my heart with fayth, hope, and charitie ; geue me grace to bee humble in prosperitie, pacient in aduersitie, obedient to my rulers, faithful vnto them that trust me, dealing truely with al men, to Hue chastely in wedlocke, to abhorre adultery, fornicacion, and al unclennes, to doe good after my power vnto al men, to hurt no man, that thi name may be glorified in me, during this present life, and that I afterward may obteine euerlasting life, thorow thy merci, and ye merites of thi passion. Amen. [ 1 So it stands even in the edition of 1567.] 152 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. IT Certaine prayers, taken oute of the seruice doyly, vsed in the quenes house. dunday. ALMIGHTIE God, the Father of mercie, and God of all comfort, the which onely forgiuest sinne, forgiue vnto vs our sinnes, good Lorde, forgiue vnto vs our sinnes \ that by the multitude of thy mercies they may be couered, and not imputed vnto vs, and by the operation of the holy Ghost, we may haue power and strength hereafter to resist sin by our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. ruesday. O LORD GOD, which despisest not a contrite hart, and forgettest the sins and wickednes of a sinner, in what houre soeuer hee doth mourne and lament his olde maner of liuing : graunt vnto vs (O Lord) true contrition of hart, that we may vehemently despise our sinfull life past, and wholy be conuerted vnto thee, by our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. Vednesday. O MERCIFULL FATHER, by whose power and strength wee may ouercome our enemies both bodily and ghostly : graunt vnto vs, O Lord, that, according to our promise made in our baptisme, we may ouercome the chief enemies of our soule, that is, the desires of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, and the suggestios of the wicked spirit ; and so after leade our Hues in holines and righteousnes, that we may serue thee in spirit and trueth, and that by our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. [Thursday. O ALMIGHTY and euerlasting God, which not onely giuest euery good and perfite gift, but also encreasest those gifts that thou hast giuen : we most humbly beseech thee, (mercifull God) to increase in vs the gift of faith, that we may truely beleeue in thee, and in thy promises made vnto vs ; and that neither by our negligence, nor infirmitie of the flesh, nor by grieuousnesse of temptation, neither by the subtill crafts and assaults of the diuell wee bee driuen from faith in the blood of our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. "riday. GRAUNT vnto vs, O mercifull God, (wee most heartily beseech thee), knowledge and true vnderstanding of thy word, that all ignorance expelled, we may know what thy will and pleasure is in all things, and how to doe our duties, and truely to walke in our vocation, and that also we may expresse in our liuing, those things that we doe knowe, that we be not only knowers of thy worde, good Lord, but also bee workers of the same : by our Sauiour and Lorde lesus Christ, Amen. Saturday. O ALMIGHTY God, which hast prepared euerlasting life to all those that be thy faithfull seruaunts : graunt vnto vs, Lord, sure hope of the life euerlasting, that we, being in this miserable world, may haue some taste and feeling of it in our hearts : arid GODLY PRAYERS. 153 that not by our deseruing, but by the merits and deseruing of our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. O MERCIFULL God, our only aide, succour, and strength at all times ; graunt vnto vs, O Lord, that in the time of prosperitie we be not proude, and so forget thee, but that with our whole power and strength wee may cleaue vnto thee ; and in the time of aduersitie, that wee fall not to infidelitie and desperation, but that alwaies with a constant faith we may call for helpe vnto thee : graunt this, O Lord, for our aduocates sake, and Sauiour lesus Christ. Amen. O ALMIGHTIE and mercifull Lord, which giuest vnto thy elect Sunday, people the holy Ghost, as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kingdome : Graunt vnto vs, O Lord, thy holie spirit, that he may beare witnesse with our spirit, that wee be thy children, and heires of thy kingdome, and that by the operation of this thy spirit we may kill all carnall lusts, vnlawfull pleasures, concupiscences, euill affections, contrarie vnto thy will, by our Sauiour and Lord lesus Christ. Amen. A prayer for trust in God. THE beginning of the fall of man was trust in himselfe. The beginning of the restoring of man, was distrust in himselfe, and trust in God. O most gracious and most wise guide, our Sauiour Christ, which doest lead them the right way to immortall blessed- nesse, which trulie and vnfainedlie trusting in thee, commit them- selues to thee : Graunt vs, that like as we be blind and feeble in deed, so we may take and repute our selues, that we presume not of ourselues, to see to ourselues, but so farre to see, that alway wee may haue thee before our eyes, to followe thee, being our guide, to bee readie at thy call most obediently, and to commit our selues wholy vnto thee ; that thou, which only knowest the way, maist leade vs the same way vnto our heauenly desires ; to thee with the Father and the holie Ghost be glorie for euer. Amen. A prayer for the concorde of Christes church. ARYSE Lorde, let thine enemies be scattered, thy haters put to flight, the righteous and Christes disciples make pleasaunt and mery, let them sing prayses and pleasaunt songes vnto thee, let them blowe abrode thy magnificence, let them moste highly auaunce thy maiestie, let thy glorye grow, let the kingdom of Christ from heauen among the chosen be enlarged : bee thou the father of the fatherles, the iudge of the widowes, and the protec- tour of them, namely 1 whom the world forsaketh, whose consci- ences be troubled, whom the world pursueth for Christes sake, whiche be nedy and wrapped full of misery. In thy house O lord, let vs dwel in peace and concord, gene vs al one heart, one minde, p Namely: especially.] i54 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. one true interpretacion vpon thy word. Pluck of the bandes, aswell from the consciences as from the bodies of the miserable captiues, and of them also whiche as yet bee hedged in within the lystes of death, and vnaduisedly striue against grace. How drye (lord) is the flocke of thyne heritage ! I praye thee, powre downe largely the showres of thy graces, lette a more plenteous fruiteful- nes chaunce, let thy people be strengthened with thy spirite : Graunt vs lord thy word aboundantly, so that there may be many preachers of thy Gospel, which maye within them selues holily conspire and agree. Lette the church, the spouse of Christ, deale large spoyles of the conquered Sathan. All that beleeue in thee, by Christe (O lorde God of health), mought lyft thee vp with prayses, might renoume thee and extolle thee. We bee entered into the voyage of saluacion. Conducte vs luckelye vnto the porte, that beeynge delyuered by thee from the verye death, we maye escape and come to the verye lyfe. Finishe the thinge that thou hast begon in vs, make vs to increase from faith to faith, leaue vs not to our own wil and choise, for it is slippery and redy to fal. To the thunderboltes of thy word put violence, that we may geue the glory to thee alonely. Geue to thy people courage and power to withstande synne, and to obeye thy worde in all thinges : O Lorde God most glorious and excellent ouer all. A prayer agaynst the enemies of Christes trueth. DELYUER me O Lorde, from the vngodly and stiffenecked per- sons, for thou seest how in theyr hartes they ymagine mischiefe, and haue great pleasure to picke quarelles, theyr tongues bee more sharpe than any adders sting, and vnder theyr lippes lurketh poison of adders. But, O merciful Lord, let me not fal into theyr handes, that they handle not me after theyr owne lustes. Thou onely art my God, thou must heare my pieteous plaint : Lord, that rulest al together, that art the strength and power of my defence, bee thou as a sallet l on my head whensoeuer the vngodlye shal as- sault me : neyther suffre thou not the wicked thus to prosper in their matters. Suffre not their croked and malicious stomackes to encrease, and spitefully reuyle thee. Loke vpon thy poore wretches cause, and ridde me oute of these dayly greuaunces, then shall I with a right vp heart and pleasaunt countenaunce extoll and magnifye thy holye name. Amen. A prayer for patience in trouble. How hast thou (O Lord) humbled and plucked me downe. I dare now uneths 2 make my prayers vnto thee, for thou art angrie with me, but not without my deseruing. Certainly I haue sinned, Lord, I confesse it ; I will not deny it ; but, oh my God, pardon my trespasses, release my debts, render now thy grace againe vnto me, stop my wouds, for I am all to plagued and beaten : yet Lord this [l Sallet : a kind of helmet.] [2 Uneths : scarcely, hardly.] GODLY PRAYERS. 155 notwithstanding I abide patiently, and giue mine attendance on thee, continually waiting for reliefe at thy hand, and that not with- out skill ; for I haue receiued a token of thy fauour and grace to- wards me, I meane thy word of promise concerning Christ, who for me was offered on the Crosse for a ransome, a sacrifice and price for my sins : wherefore, acccording to that thy promise, de- fend me Lord by thy right hand, and giue a gracious eare to my requests, for al mans stales are but vaine. Beate downe therefore mine enemies thine owne selfe with thy power, which art mine onely aycler and protector, O Lord God almightie. Amen. A prayer to be said at night going to bed. O MERCIFULL Lorde God, heauenly Father, whether we sleepe or wake, Hue or die, we are alwaies thine. Wherefore I beseech thee hartily that thou wilt vouchsafe to take care and charge of me, and not to suffer me to perish in the workes of darknesse, but to kindle the light of thy countenaunce in my heart, that thy godly knowledge may daily increase in mee, through a right and pure faith, and that I may alwayes bee found to walke and Hue after thy will and pleasure, through lesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour. Amen. IF A prayer to be said at the houre of death. O LORD lesus, which art the onely health of all men lining, and the euerlasting life of them which die in faith : I wretched sinner giue and commit my self wholy uvto thy most blessed will. And I being sure that the thinge cannot perish which is committed vnto thy inercie, willingly now I leaue this fraile and wicked flesh, in hope of the resurrection, which in better wise shal restore it to me againe. I beseech thee, most mercifull Lord lesus Christ, that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule against all tempta- tions, and that thou wilt couer and defend me with the buckler of thy mercie against al the assaults of the diuell. I see and know- ledge, that there is in myselfe no helpe of saluation, but all my confidence, hope, and trust, is in thy most mercifull goodnesse. I haue no merites, nor good workes, which I may alleage before thee. Of sinnes and euill workes (alas) I see a great heape, but through thy mercie, I trust to bee in the number of them, to whom thou wilt not impute their sinnes, but take and accept me for righteous and iust, and to bee the inheritour of euerlasting life. Thou, mercifull Lord, was borne for my sake, thou diddest suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake, thou diddest preach and teach, thou diddest pray and fast for my sake, thou diddest all good workes and dedes for my sake, thou sufferedst most grieuous paines and tormentes for my sake : And finally thou gauest thy most precious bodie to die, and thy bloud to bee shed on the crosse for my sake. Now most mercifull Sauiour, let all these things profit me, which thou freely hast giuen me, that hast giuen thy 156 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. selfe for me. Let thy blood cleanse and wash away the spots and foulenes of my sinnes. Let thy righteousnesse hide and couer my unrighteousnesse. Let the merites of thy passion and blood, bee the satisfaction for my sinnes. Giue me Lord thy grace, that my faith and saluation in thy blood wauer not in me, but be euer firme and constant, that the hope of thy mercie and life euerlasting neuer decay in me, that charitie waxe not cold in me. Finally, that the weakenesse of my flesh bee not ouercome with the feare of death. Graunt me, mercifull Sauiour, that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my bodie, yet that the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke vpon thee : that when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue and speech, yet that my heart may crie and say vnto thee, In mamis tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum (that is to say) O Lord, into thy hands I giue and commit my soule : Domine lesu, accipe spiritum meum : Lord lesu, receiue my soule vnto thee, Amen. Amen. forme and maner of and consecrating Ipriestes and 2>eacons. Snno a salutifero Wirgfnfs pactu. 1559. THE PREFACE. IT is euident vnto all men diligently readinge holy scripture, and auncient autours, that from Thapostles tyme there hathe ben these orders of ministers in Christes churche, Bishoppes, Priestes, and Deacons : Whyche Offices, were euermore had in suche reuerente estimacion, that no man by his owne pryuate Aucthorytye, mighte presume to execute any of theim, excepte he were fyrst called tried, examined, and knowen to haue suche qualities, as were requisite for the same : And also by Publique prayer, with imposition of handes, approued and admitted there- unto. And therefore, to thentent, these orders should be con- tinued, and reuerently vsed, and estemed in this Churche of Englande, it is requisite, that no man not beynge at this present, Bishop, Priest, nor Deacon shall execute any of them, excepte he be called, tried, examined, and admitted, accordynge to the forme, hereafter folowinge. And none shalbe admitted a Deacon, excepte he be .xxi. yeares of age at the leaste. And euery man whiche is to be admitted a Priest, shalbe full foure and twenty yeares olde. And euery man whiche is to be consecrated a Bishoppe, shalbe fullye thyrtye yeares of age. And the Bishoppe, knowynge (eyther by hym selfe or by sufficient testimony) any person to be a man of vertuous conuersation, and without crime, and after examina- cion, and tryall, findynge hym learned in the Latine tongue, and sufficyently instructed in holy scripture, maye vpon a Sondaye, or holye daye in the face of the Churche, admitte hym a Deacon, in suche maner, and forme, as hereafter foloweth. C THE FORME AND MANER OF ORDERYNGE OF DEACONS. Fyrste, when the day appointed by the byshoppe is come, there shalbe an exhortacion declarynge the dutie, and office, of such as come to be admitted ministers, how necessary such orders are in the Churche of Christ, And also, how the people ought to esteme them in their vocation. After thexhortacion ended, the Archedeacon, or his deputy shal presente such as come to the Bishop to be admitted, saiynge these wordes. REUERENDE father in God, I present vnto you these persones presente, to bee admitted Deacons. The Bishoppe. Take hede that the personnes whom ye present vnto vs, be apt, and mete for their learninge and godly couersation, to exercise their ministry duely to the honour of God, and edifying of hys church. The Archedeacon shall aunswere. I haue enquired of them, and also examined them and thinke them so to be And then the Bishop shall say vnto the people. BRETHREN, if there be any of you, who knoweth any impedimet, or notable cryme, in any of these persons presented to be ordered deacos, for the which he ought not to bee admitted to the same let hym come forthe in the name of GOD, and shewe what the crime or impediment is. And if any great crime or impediment be obiected, the Bishop shal surcease from Orderynge that person, vntitt such tyme as the party accused shall trie hym selfe clere of that cryme. Then the Bishop commendynge suche as shalbe founde mete to be ordered to the prayers of the congregation, with the Clerkes and people presente^ shall saye, or singe the Letany, as foloweth with the prayers. ^[ The Letany and Suffrages. O GOD the father of heauen : haue mercye vpon vs myserable synners. O God the father of heauen. 160 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. O God the Sonne, redemer of the worlde : haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners. God the Sonne redemer of the etc. O God the holye Ghoste, procedynge from the Father and the Sonne : haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners. O God the holy Ghoste, procedynge from etc. O holy, blessed, and glorious trinitie, three persons and one God : haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners. O holy blessed, and glorious Trinitie^ thre persones etc. Remembre not Lorde our offences nor the offences of our fore- fathers, neyther take thou vengeaunce of our synnes : spare vs good Lorde, spare thy people whome thou haste redemed with thy moste precious bloude, and be not angrye with vs for euer. Spare -us good Lorde. From all euill and mischief, from synne, from the craftes and assaultes of the deuill, from thy wrath, and from euerlastinge dampnacion. Good Lorde deliuer vs : From all blyndnes of harte, from pryde, vayneglorye, and hypocrisye, from enuye, hatred, and malice, and all vncharitable- nes. Good Lorde deliuer -vs. From Fornication and all other deadly Synne, and frome all the deceiptes of the worlde, the fleshe, and the Deuyll. Good Lorde deliuer vs. From lightninges and tempestes, from plague, pestilence and famine, from battayle, and murther, and from sodayne deathe. Good Lorde deliuer vs. From all sedicion and priuey conspiracye, frome all false doctrine and heresy, from hardnes of herte, and cotempte of thy worde and commaundement : Good Lorde deliuer vs. By the misterye of thy holy Incarnacion, by thy holy Natiuitye and circumcision, by the Baptisme, fastynge, and temptacion. Good Lorde deliuer vs. By thine agonye and bloudy sweate, by thy crosse and passion, by thy precious deathe, and buryall, by thy glorious resurrection and Ascension, and by the commying of the holy Ghoste. Good Lorde deliuer vs. In all time of our tribulacion, in all time of our welth, in the houre of death, and in the day of iudgement : Good Lorde deliuer vs. THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. 161 We synners do beseche the to heare vs (O Lorde God), and that it maye please the to rule and gouerne thy holy Churche uniuer- sally, in the right waye. We beseche the to hectre -vs good Lorde. That it maye please the, to kepe and strengthen in the true worshippinge of the in righteousnes, and holynes of lyfe, thy seruaunte Elizabeth our most gracious Quene and gouernour. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the, to rule her herte in thy faythe, feare, and loue, that she may euermore haue affiance in the, and euer seke thy honoure and glory. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to be her defender and keper, geuyng her the victory ouer all her enemyes. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to illuminate all Bishoppes, Pastours, and Ministers of the Churche, with true knowledge and vnder- standing of thy worde, and that both by their preachynge and liuynge, they may set it furthe, and shewe it accordingly. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to endue the Lordes of the Cousayll and all the nobilitie, with grace, wisedome, and vnderstandinge. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to blesse and kepe the Magistrates, geuynge them grace to execute iustice, and to maynteyne truthe. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to blesse, and kepe all thy people. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to geue to all nacions, vnitie, peace and concorde. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to geue vs an herte to loue, and dreade the, and diligently to lyue after thy commaundements. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the to geue all thy people encrease of grace, to heare mekely thy worde and to receyue it wyth pure affeccion, and to bringe furth the fruites of the spirite. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to bring into the way of truth all suche as haue erred, and be deceyued : We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. 1 62 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. That it maye please the, to strengthen suche as dooe stande, and to comforte, and helpe, the weake herted, and to rayse theym vp that falle, and finallye to beate doune Sathan vnder our feete. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to succour, helpe, and comforte all that be in daunger, necessitie, and tribulation. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to preserue all that travayle, by lande, or by water, all women labouringe of chylde, all sicke persones and youge chyldren, and to shew thy pytie vpon all prysoners and captyues. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to defende and prouide for the father- lesse chyldren and widdowes, and all that be desolate and oppressed. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the, to haue mercy vpon all men. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it may please the, to forgeue our enemies, persecutours and slanderers, and to turne their hertes. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to geue, and preserue to oure vse, the kindely frutes of the earthe, so as in due tyme we maye enioy them. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. That it maye please the to geue vs true repentaunce, to forgeue vs all our sinnes, negligences and ignoraunces, and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite, to amende oure lyues accord- inge to thy holy worde. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. Sonne of God, we beseche the to heare vs. Sonne of God, ive beseche the to heare vs. O Lambe of GOD, that takest awaye the sinnes of the worlde. Graunte vs thy peace. O Lambe of GOD, that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde. Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christe heare vs. O Christe heare vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Christe haue mercye vpon vs. Christe have mercye vpon vs. THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. 163 Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Oure father whiche arte in heauen. &c. And leade vs not into temptacion. But de litter vs from euell. IF The Versicle. O Lorde, deale not with vs after our sinnes. "IT The Aunswere. Neyther rewarde vs after our iniquities. IT Let vs praie. O GOD mercifull father, that despisest not the sighinge of a contrite hert, nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull, mercifully assiste oure prayers, that we make before the, in all oure troubles and aduersities, whensoeuer they oppresse vs, and graciouslye heare vs, that those euelles, whiche the crafte and subtilty of the deuel or man worketh agaynst vs, be broughte to noughte, and by the prouidence of thy goodnesse, they mai be dispersed, that we thy seruauntes, beynge hurte by no persecutions, maye euermore geue thankes to the, in thy holy Church, through Jesu Christ our Lorde. O Lorde aryse, helpe vs, and deliuer vs for thy names sake. O GOD, we haue hearde with our eares, and oure fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble worckes that thou diddest in their dayes, and in the olde tyme before them. O Lorde aryse, helpe vs, and deliuer vs,for thyne honours. Glorye be to the father, and to the Sonne, and to the holye Ghoste. As it was in the beginnynge, is nowe, and euer shalbee, worlde without ende. Amen. From our enemyes defende vs, O Christe. Graciously lake vpon otir afflictions. Pitifully beholde the sorowes of our herte, Mercifully for geue the synnes of thy people. Fauourably with mercy, heare our prayers. O sonne of Dauid, haue mercye vpon vs. Both now and euer, vouchsafe to heare vs, O Christe. Graciously heare vs : O Christ. Graciously heare vs : O Lorde Christ. The Versicle. O Lorde let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. The Aunswere. As we do put our trust in the. IF Let vs praye. WE humbly beseche the O Father, mercifully to loke vpon our infirmities, and for the glory of thy names sake, turne from vs all F 2 164 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. those euilles, that we moste righteouslye haue diserued, And graunt that in all our troubles, we maye put oure whole truste and confidece in thy mercy, and euermore serue the in holines and purenes of lyuing, to thy honour and glory : through oure onely mediatour, and aduocate, Jesus Christe oure Lorde. Amen. ALMIGHTY God, whiche hast geuen vs grace, at this tyme with one accorde to make our comon supplications vnto thee, and doest promise, that whe two or thre be gathered in thy name, thou wilt graut their requestes, fulfill nowe O Lorde, the desires, and peticions of thy seruauntes as maye be most expedient for them, graunting vs in this worlde knowledge of thy truthe, and in the worlde to come, lyfe euerlastynge. Amen. Then shalbe sayde also this that foloiveth. ALMIGHTYE God, whiche by thy diuine prouidence haste appointed diuers orders of ministers in the churche, and diddest inspire thyne holy Apostles, to chose into this ordre of Deacons the fyrst martir S. Stephen, with other, mercifullye beholde these thy seruauntes, nowe called to the like office, and administracio, replenishe them so with the truthe of thy doctrine, and innocencie of life, that both by worde and good example, thei mai faithfully serue the in this office to the glorie of thy name, and profile of the cogregaciS, through the merites of our sauiour Jesu Christ, who lyueth and reygneth with the, and the holy Ghoste, nowe, and euer. Amen. Then shall be songe or sayde the Communion of the date, sailing Thepistle shalbe redde out of Timot/ie, asfoloweth LYKEWISE, muste the Ministers be honest, not doble tonged, not geuen to muche wine, neither gredy of filthy lucre, but holdynge the mistery of the fayth, with a pure conscience. And let them first be proued, and then let them minister, so that no man bee able to reproue them. Eue so must theyr wiues be honest, not euel spekers, but sobre, and faythful in all thinges. Let the Deacos be the housbades of one wife, and such as rule their childre wel, and their owne housholdes. For they that minister well, get them selfes a good degre, and a great liberty in the fayth, which is in Christ Jesu. These thinges write I vnto the, trustyng to come shortly vnto the, but and if I tary long, that then thou mayst yet haue know- lege, how thou oughtest to behaue thy self in the house of God, which is the cogregation of the liuing God, the piller and ground of truth, And without doubt, great is that mistery of godlines, God was shewed in the flesh, was justified in the spyrit, was sene among the augels, was preched vnto the Gctiles, was belued on in the worlde, and receiued vpjn glory. THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. 165 Or eh this out of the vi of the Actes. THEN the xii called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayd, it is not mete that we shulde leaue the word of God, and serue tables. Wherfore, brethre, loke ye out amoge you vii men of honest report and ful of the holy Ghoste, and wysedome, to whome wee may comit this busines, but we will geue our selues continually to prayer, and to thadministration of the worde. And that saiyng pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Stephen (a man full of faythe and full of the holy Ghost) and Philippe, and Procorus, and Nichanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicholas a conuert of Antioche. These they set before the Apostles, and when thei had prayed, they layde their handes on them. And the worde of God encreased and the nombre of the disciples multiplied in Hierusalem greatly, and a great companye of the priestes were obedient vnto the faythe. IT And before the Gospell the Bisshop sittyinge in a chayre, shall cause the Othe of the Quenes Soueraintie, and against the power and authoritye ofallforeyn pontetates, to be ministred vnto euery of them that are to be ordered. IT The Othe of the Quenes Sotierainte. I A. B. do utterly testifie and declare in my conscience that the quenes highnesse is the onely supreame Gouernour of this Realme and of all other her hyghnesse dominions and countreyes, aswell in all spirituall or ecclesiasticall thinges or causes : as tem- porall, and that no forrayn prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate, hath or ought to haue any jurisdiction, power, superioritie, pre- heminence or aucthoritie ecclesiasticall or spiritual within this realme, and therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all forayn jurisdictions, powers, superiorities, and aucthorities, and do promyse that from henceforth I shall beare fayth and trewe allegyaunce to the Quenes hyghnes, her heyres and lawfull successours, and to my power shall assiste and defende all jurisdictions, priuileges, pre- heminnces, and aucthorities graunted or belonginge to the Quenes hyghnesse, her heyres and successours, or vnited and annexed to thimperiall Croune of thys realme, so helpe me God, and the con- tentes of thys boke. IF Then shall the Bishoppe examine eziery one of them that are to bee ordered, in the presence of the people, after thys manerfolowynge. IT Then shall the by shop examine euery one of them, that are to be ordered, in the presence of the people, after this maner folowinge. 1 Do you trust that you are inwardly moued by the holy ghost, to take vpon you this office and ministracio, to serue God, for the promotynge of his glory, and the edifying o his people ? Aunswere. I trust so. 1 [The repetition of this rubric is curious. It is evidently an oversight.] 1 66 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Byshop. Do ye thinke that ye truly be called according to the wyll of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the due order of this realme to the ministery of the Churche ? Aunswere. I thinke so. The Byshop, Do ye vnfeynedly beleue al the canonical scrip- tures, of the olde and new testament ? Aunswere. I do beleue. The Byshop. Wyl you diligently read the same vnto the people assembled in the Churche, where you shall be appoyncted to serue ? Aunswere. I wyll. The Byshop. It perteineth tG. the office of a Deacon in the Churche where he shalbe appoincted, to assiste the Priest in diuine seruice, and speciallye when he ministreth the holye com- munnion, and to helpe hym in distribution thereof, and to reade holy Scriptures and Homelies in the congregation, and to instructe the youthe in the Catechisme, to Baptyse and to preache, yf he be admytted thereto, by the Byshoppe. And furthermore, it is his office where prouision is so made, to serche for the sycke, pore, and impotent people of the Parysh, and to intimate their estates, names, and places where they dvvel, to the Curate, that by his exhortation they may be releued by the Parishe, or other con- uenient almose : will you do this gladly and wyllinglye ? Aunswere. I wyll so do by the helpe of God. The Byshop. Wyll you apply al your diligence to frame and fashio your owne Hues, and the lyues of all your family accord - inge to the doctrine of Christe, and to make bothe yourselues and them (as much as in you lyeth) wholsome examples of the flocke of Christe ? Aunswere. I wyll so do, the Lorde beynge my helper. The Byshop. Wyll you reuerently obey your Ordinary and other chiefe ministers of the Churche, and theim to whome the gouerne- met and charge is committed ouer you, folowing with a glad minde and wyl their godlye admonicions ? Aunswere. I wil thus endeuour my selfe, the Lord being my helper. II Then the Bishop, laying his handes seuerally vpon the head of euery of them, shall saye. Take thou aucthoritie to execute thoffice of a Deaco in the churche of God committed vnto the : in the name of the father, the sonne, and the holy Ghoste. Amen. Then shall the Byshop deliuer to euery one of them the New Testament, saying. Take thou aucthoritie to reade the Gospell in the churche of God, and to preache the same, if thou be therunto ordinarily commaunded. THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. 167 Then one of them appoyntcd by the byshoppe shall reade the Gospell of that daye. Then shall the Byshop precede to the commtmion, and all that be ordered, shall tary and receyue the holy communion the same daye with the byshop. The Communion ended, after the last collect, and immediately before benediction, shalbe said this Collecte folmvynge. ALMIGHTIE God geuer of all good thynges, whiche of thy great goodnes hast vouchedsaufe to accepte, and take these thy seru- auntes vnto the Office of Deacos in thy church make them, we beseche the, O LORDE, to be modest, humble, and constant in their Ministracion, to haue a ready wil to obserue al Spiritual discipline, that they hauyng alwaies the testimonie of a good consciece, and contmuyng euer stable and strong in thy sonne Christ, may so wel vse them selues in this inferiour Office, that they may be founde worthy to be called vnto the higher ministeries in thy Churche : through the same thy sonne our Sauiour Christe, to whome be glory and honour, worlde without ende. Amen. IT And here it must be shewed vnto the Deacon, that he must continue in that Office of a Deacon, the space of a whole yere at the leaste (exceptefor reasonable causes, it be otherwise seen to his Ordinary} to thentet he may be perfecte, and wel expert in the thynges apperteinyng to the Ecclesi- astical administration : in executyng whereof, if he be founde faithful and diligent, he may be admitted by his Diocesan to the order of Priesthode. THE FOURME OF ORDERYNG PRIESTES. IVhen the exhortation is ended, then shal folowe the Communion. And for the Epistle shalbe red out of the twentieth Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles, as foloweth. FROM Mileto Paule sent messengers to Ephesus, and called the elders of the cogregacion. whiche when they were come to him, he said vnto them, ye know that fro the first daie that I came into Asia, after what maner I haue been with you at all seasons, seru- yng the Lord with al humblenes of mind, and with many teares and temptacions, whiche happened vnto me by the layinges awayt of the Jewes, because I wold kepe back nothing that was profit- able vnto you, but to shew you and teach you openly, throughoute euery house : wytnessinge both to the Jewes, and also to the Grekes, the repentaunce that is towarde God, and the faythe whiche is to- ward our Lorde Jesus. And nowe beholde, I go bound in the Spirite vnto Jerusalem, not knowinge the thinges that shall come on me there, but that the holy ghost witnesseth in euerye citye-, sayinge : that bandes and trouble abide me. But none of these thinges moue me, neither is my life deare vnto my self, that I might fulfyll my course with joye, and the ministration of the word which I haue receyued of the lord Jesu, to testifye the gospell of the grace of God. And nowe behold, I am s,ure that henceforth ye all (through whom I haue gone preachinge the kingdome of God) shall see my face no more. Wherfore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the bloud of all men. For I haue spared no laboure, but haue shewed you all the counsaill of God. Take hede therfore vnto your selues, and to all the flocke emong whom the holy Ghost hath made you ouerseers, to rule the congre- gation of God whiche he hath purchased wyth hys bloude. For I am sure of this, that after my departing, shal greuous wolues enter in emong you, not sparing the flocke. Moreouer of your owne selues shall men aryse, speakynge peruerse thynges, to drawe disciples after them. Therfore awake, and remembre that by the space of three yeres I ceassed not to warne euerye one of you nyght and daye with teares. And now brethren, I comende you to God, and to the word of his grace, whyche is able to builde further, and to geue you an in- heritaunce emong al them whych are sanctified. I haue desired THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. 169 no mans siluer, golde or vesture, yea, you know your selues, that these hades haue ministered vnto my necessities, and to them that were wyth me. I haue shewed you all thynges, how that so labour- ing, ye ought to receiue ye weake, and to remebyre the wordes of the Lorde Jesu, how that he said : It is more blessed to geue, than to receyue. IF Or elhe this thirde Chapiter ofthefyrste Epistle to Timothe. THIS is a true saiyng : If any man desyre the office of a Byshoppe, ii. Tim. iii. he desireth an honest worcke. A Bishop therfore must be blame- lesse, the housbande of one wife, diliget, sober, discrete, a keper of hospitalitie, apte to teache, not geuen to ouermuche wyne, no fyghter, not gredy of filthy lucre : but gentle, abhorryng fightyng abhorring couetousnes, one that ruleth well his owne house, one that hath children in subjectio with all reuerence. For yf a man can not rule his owne house, how shall he care for the congregacion of God ? he may not be a younge skoler, least he swel, and fal into the judgement of the euil speaker. He must also haue a good reporte of them which are without, least he fal into rebuke, and snare of the euil speaker. Likewise must the ministers be honest, not doubletogued, not geuen vnto much wyne, neyther gredy of fylthy lucre, but holding the ministery of the faithe, wyth a pure conscience, and let theim firste be proued, and then let them minister, so that no man be able to reproue the. Euen so must their wiues be honest, not euilspeakers : but sobre and faithful in all thinges. Let the Deacons be the housbades of one wife, and such as rule their children wel, and their owne housholdes. For they that minister wel, get them selues a good degre, and great libertie in Faith whiche is in Christe Jesu. These thinges write I vnto the, trusting to come shortly vnto the : but and if I tary long, that then thou maiest haue yet know- ledge, how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God, whiche is the congregacion of the liuing God, the piller and ground of truth. And wythout doubte, greate is that mistery of Godlynes : God was shewed in the fleshe, was justifyed in the Spirite : was seen among the Aungelles, was preached vnto the Gentiles, was beleued on in the world, and receyued vp in glory. IT After this shalbe redde for the Gospell a piece of the laste Chapiter of Mathe-iue, asfoloweth. JESUS came and spake vnto them, saying : All power is geuen Mat. xxviii. vnto me in heauen, and in the earthe. Go ye therfore and teache al natios, Baptisyng theim in the name of the father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghoste. Teachinge theim to obserue all thynges, whatsoeuer I have commaunded you. And loo, I am with you alway, euen vntyl the ende of the worlde. P Misprint for i Tim. iii.] 170 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. IT Or elks this that folouueth of the .x. chapiter of /a/in. VERELY, verely, I say vnto you : He that entereth not in by the doore into the Shepefolde, but climbeth vp some other way, the same is a thefe and a Murtherer. But he that entreth in by the doore is the Shepeherde of the Shepe, to him the porter openeth, and the Shepe heareth his voyce, and he calleth his owne Shepe by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath sent furth his owne Shepe, he goeth before the, and the Shepe folowe hym, for they knowe his voice. A straunger wil they not folowe, but wyll flye from hym, for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. This Prouerbe spake Jesus vnto theim, but they vnderstode not what thynges they were, whiche he spake vnto theim. Then sayde Jesus vnto theim againe, verely verely, I say vnto you, I am the doore of the Shepe. All (euen as many as come before me) are Theues and Murtherers : but the Shepe did not heare them. I am the doore, by me yf any man enter in, he shalbe saufe, and go in and oute, and finde pasture. A thefe commeth not but for to steale, kylle, and to destroy. I am come that they mighte haue lyfe, and that they might haue it more aboundantly. I am the good shepeherde : a good Shepeherde geueth his lyfe for the Shepe. An hired seruaunt, and he whiche is not the Shepeherde (neither the Shepe are his owne) seeth the vvoulfe comming, and leaueth the Shepe and fleeth, and the woulfe catcheth, and skattereth the shepe. The hired seruaunt flieth, because he is an hired seruaut, and careth not for the Shepe. I am the good Shepeherde, and knowe my Shepe, and am knowen of myne. As my Father knoweth me, euen so knowe I also my father. And I giue my lyfe for the Shepe, and other Shepe I haue, whiche are not of this folde. Them also muste I bryng, and they shall heare my voyce, and there shalbe one folde and one Shepeherde. Or elks this, of the .xx. Chapiter of John. THE same day at night, which was the first day of the Sabbothes, when the dores were shut (where the disciples were asseblecl to- gether for feare of the Jewes) came Jesus, and stode in the myddes, and said vnto them : Peace be vnto you. And whe he had so said, he shewed vnto theim his handes and his syde. Then were the Disciples glad, when they sawe the Lorde. Then sayd Jesus vnto them againe : Peace be vnto you. As my Father sent me, euen so sende I you also. And when he had sayde those wordes, he breathed on them, and saied vnto them : Receyue ye the holy Ghoste, whosoeuers synnes ye remitte, they are remitted vnto theim, and whosoeuers synnes ye retayne, they are retayned. When the Gospel is ended, then shalbe said, or song. COME holy ghoste, eternal God, preceding fro aboue. Bothe from the Father and the Sonne, the God of peace and loue. THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. 171 Visite our myndes, and into vs, thy heauely grace inspyre. That in all truthe and Godlinesse, we may haue true desire. Thou art the very comforter, in al wo and distresse. The heauenly gyft of God moste highe, whiche no tongue can ex- presse. The fountaine and the liuely spring, of ioye celestial. The fyre so brighte, the Loue so clere, and Vnction spirituall. Thou in thy gyftes art manyfolde, wherby Christes Churche doeth stande, In faythfull hartes wryting thy la we, the finger of Goddes hande According to thy promes made, thou geuest speche of Grace, That throughe thy helpe, the prayse of God, maye sounde in euery place. O holye Ghoste, into oure wittes, sende doune thine heauenly lyght, Kyndle our hartes with feruent loue, to serve God daye and night. Strengthe and stablyshe al oure weaknes, so feble and so frayle That neyther fleshe, the worlde, nor Deuyll, against vs do preuayle Put backe our enemy farre from vs, and graunt vs to obtayne, Peace in our hartes with God and man, wythoute grudge, or dys- daine And grante, O Lorde, that thou beyng our leader and our guyde, We maye eschewe the snares of synne, and from thee neuer slyde. To us suche plentie of thy grace, good Lord graunt, we the praye, That thou maiest bee oure comforter, at the last dreadfull daye. Of all stryfe and dissencion, O Lord dissolue the bandes, And make the knottes of peace and loue, througheout all Christen landes. Graunt vs O Lorde, through the to knowe, the father moste of might, That of his dere beloued sonne we maye attayne the syghte And that wyth perfyghte Faythe also, we may acknowledge the. The spirite of them bothe, alway one God in persons thre. Laude and prayse be to the father, and to the sonne equall. And to the holy spirite also, one God coete.rnall. And praye we that the onely Sonne, vouchesaufe his spirite to sende, To all that do professe his name, vnto the worldes ende Amen. II And then the Archedeacon shall present unto the By shop, all them that shall receyue the order of Priest hode that day, the Archdeacon sayinge REUEREND father in God, I present vnto you these persons presente, to be admitted to the order of Priesthode Cum interrogatione et responsione, "vt in Ordine Diaconatus. And then the Bishop shall saye to the people. GOOD people, these be they whom, we purpose God wyllyng, to receyue thys daye vnto the holy offyce of Priesthode. For after due examination, we find not the contrary, but that, they be law- 172 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. fully called to their function and ministerye, and that they be persons mete for the same : but yet if there be any of you which knoweth any impediment, or notable crime in any of the, for the whych he oughte not to be receiued into this holi ministery, now in the name of God declare the same. And if any greate cry me or impediment be objected. &"c. Vt supra in ordine Diaconatus vsque ad finem Litanie cum hac Collecta. ALMIGHTY God, geuer of al good thynges, vvhyche by thy holy spirite hast appoyncted diuers orders of Ministers in thy churche, mercifully behold these thy seruaiites, now called to ye office of priesthode, and replenish them so wyth the truth of thy doctryne, and innocencye of lyfe, that both by worde and good example, they may faithfully serue the in this office, to the glory of thy name, and profile of the congregacion, through the merites of our Sauiour Jesu Christe, who liueth and reigneth with the and the holy Ghoste, worlde without ende Amen. IT Then the Bishoppe shal minister vnto euery one of them, the Othe con- cernyng the Kynges~*- Supremacie as it is set out in the order of Deacons. And that doen, he shal saye vnto them, tvhiche are appoincted to receiue the said office, as hereafter foloweth. You haue heard brethre, aswel in your priuate examinacion, as in the exhortacion, and in the holy lessons taken out of the Gospel, and of the writynges of the Apostles, of what dignitie and of howe great importaunce this Office is, wherunto ye be called. And now we exhorte you, in the name of our Lorde Jesus Christe, to haue in remembraunce, into how high a dignitie, and to how chargeable an office ye be called, that is to say, to be the messengers, the watchmen, the Pastours, and the Stewardes of the Lorde, to teache, to premonishe, to fede, and prouide for the Lordes familie : to seke for Christes shepe that be dispersed abrode, and for his children whiche be in the middest of this naughtie worlde, to be saued throughe Christe for euer. Haue alwaies therfore printed in your remembrauce, how great a treasure is committed to your charge, for they be the shepe of Christe, whiche he bought with his death, and for whome he shed his bloud. The Churche and congregacion who you must serue, is his spouse and his body. And if it shal chaunce the same churche, or any membre therof to take any hurte, or hinderaunce, by reason of your negligence, ye knowe the greatnesse of the faulte, and also of the horrible punishment whiche wil ensue. Wherefore, consider with your selues the ende of your ministery, towardes the children of God, toward the spouse and body of Christe, and see that you neuer cease your labour, your care and diligence, vntil you haue doen al that lieth in you, according to your bounden duty, to bringe al suche as are, or shalbe com- P Misprint for Queen's.] THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. 173 mitted to your charge, vnto that agrement in faith and knowledge of god, and to that rypenes aud perfectnes of age in Christe, that there be no place left emonge them, either for erroure in religion, or for viciousnes in lyfe. Then, forasmuche as youre office is bothe of so greate Excellencie, and of so greate difficultie, ye see wyth howe greate care and study ye ought to apply your selues as wel that you may shew your selues kinde to that LORDE, who hath placed you in so highe a dignitie, as also to beware that neither you your selues offende, neither be occasion that other offende. Howebeit, ye can not haue a mynde and a wil therto of your selues, for that power and abilitie is geuen of God alone. Therfore ye se howe ye ought and haue nede, earnestly to pray for his holy spyrite. And seeing that you can not by any other meanes copasse the doing of so weighty a worke perteining to the saluation of man, but with doctrine and exhortation take out of holy scripture, and wyth a lyfe agreable vnto the same : ye perceyue how studious ye ought to be in reding and in learnlg the holy scriptures, and in framlg the maners, both of your selues, and of them that specially per- teine vnto you, according to the rule of the same scriptures. And for this self same cause, ye se how you ought to forsake and set aside (as much as you may) al worldly cares and studies. We haue a good hope, that you haue wel weighed and pondred these thinges with your selfes, long before this tyme, and that you haue clearly determined by Goddes grace to giue your selues wholy to this vocation, wher vnto it hath pleased God to cal you, so that (as muche as lieth in you) you applye your selues wholye to this one thing, and dravve all your cares and studies this waye, and to this ende. And that you wil continually pray for the heauenly assistence of the holy Ghoste, from God the father, by the mediation of our only mediatoure, and sauiour Jesus Christe, that by dailye readinge and weighing of the scriptures, ye may waxe riper and stronger in your ministery. And that you may so endeuour your selues from time to tyme to sanctifie the lyues of you, and yours, and to fashion them after the rule and doctrine of Christ. And that ye may be wholsome and godly examples and paternes, for the rest of the congregacion to folowe. And that this present congregacion of Christ here assembled, may also vnderstande your myndes and willes in these thinges, and that this youre promes shall more moue you to do your duties : ye shall aunswere playnely to these thinges, whyche we in the name of the congregation, shal demaunde of you, touching the same. Do you thincke in your hart, that you be trulye called according to the wil of cure Lorde Jesus Christ, and the order of this Churche of Englande, to the ministerye of Priesthode ? Aunswere. I thynke it. The Byshop. Be you persvvaded that the holy Scriptures coteine sufficiently all doctrine requyred of necessitie for eternall 1 74 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. saluacion, throughe faythe in Jesu Christ? And are you deter- mined wyth the sayde scriptures to instructe the people commytted to your charge, and to teache nothing (as requyred of necessity to eternall saluation) but that you shall be perswaded maybe con- cluded and proued by the scripture ? Aunswere. I am so perswaded, and haue so determined by Goddes grace. The Byshop. Will you then giue your faythfull diligence alwaies, so to minister the. doctrine and sacramentes, and the dyscipline of Christe, as the Lorde hathe commaunded, and as this Realme hathe receyued the same, accordynge to the com- maundementes of God, so that you maye teache the people com- mytted to youre cure and charge wyth all dilygence to kepe and obserue the same ? Aunswere. I wyll so do, by the helpe of the Lorde. The Byshop. Will you be ready with all faithful diligence, to banishe and driue away al erronious, and strange doctrines, con- trary to Goddes worde, and to vse bothe publique and priuate monitios and exhortacios, as wel to the sicke, as to the whole within your cures, as nede shall requyre, and occasion be geuen ? Aunswere. I wyl, the Lorde beying my helper. The Byshop. Will you be diligent in prayers, and in readynge of the holy Scriptures, and such studies as helpe to the know- ledge of the same, laying aside the study of the worlde and the fleshe ? Answer. I wyl endeuor my self so to do, the lord being my helper. The Byshop. Wil you be diligent to frame and fashio your awne selues and your families, according to the doctryne of Christ, and to make both your selues and them (as muche as in you lieth) wholsome examples, and spectacles to the flocke of Christe ? Answer. I wil so apply myselfe, the Lorde beyng my helper. 7 'he Byshop. Wil you maintaine and set forwardes (as muche as lieth in you) quietnesse, peace, and loue emonges al Christian people, and specially among them that are, or shalbe, committed to your charge ? Annswerc. I wil so do, the Lorde beyng my helper. The Byshop. Will you reuerently obey your ordinarie, and other chief ministers, vnto whome the gouernemet and charge is commytted ouer you, folowing wyth a glade mynde and wil, their Godly admonicion, and submitting your selues to their Godly iudgementes ? Answer. I wyl so do, the Lorde beyng my helper. Then shall the, Byshop saye. ALMIGHTY God who hath geuen you this wyl to do all these thinges, graunte also vnto you strengthe and power to perfourme THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. 175 the same, that he may accomplyshe his worke, which he hath begon in you, vntyll the tyme he shall come at the latter day, to judge the quicke and the deade. IT After this, the congregation shalbe desired, secretly in theyr praters to make humble supplications to God for the foresaid t hinges, for the which praiers there shalbe a certain space kept in silece. That doen, the By shop shall pray e in this wyse. IF Let vs praye. ALMIGHTY God and heauenly father, whyche of thy infinite loue and goodnesse towardes vs, hast geuen to vs thy onely and moste dere beloued sonne Jesus Christ, to be our redemer and aucthor of euerlasting lyfe : who after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heauen, sent abrode into the worlde hys Apostles, Prophetes, Euangelistes, Doctours, and Pastours, by whose labour and ministery he gathered together a greate flocke in al the partes of the worlde, to set furth the eternal praise of thy holy name. For these so great benefites of thy eternal goodnes, and for that thou hast vouchedsaufe to cal these thy seruautes here present, to the same office and ministerye, of the saluacion of mankynde, wee render vnto thee most hartie thankes, we worshyp and praise the, and we humbly besech the by the same thy sonne, to graunt vnto al vs, whiche either here, or elles where, cal vpon thy name, that we may shewe our selues thakeful to thee, for these and al other thy benefites, and that we may daily encrease and go forwardes in the knowledge and faithe of the, and thy sonne, by the holy spirit, so that aswell by these thy ministers, as by theim to who they shalbe appoincted minis- ters, thy holy name may be alwaies glorified, and thy blessed kingdome enlarged, throughe the same thy sonne oure Lorde Jesus Christ, whiche liueth and reigneth with the, in the vnitie of the same holy spirite, worlde without ende. Amen. IT When this praier is doen, the Bishop with the Priestes present, shall laye their handes setter ally vpon the heade of euery one that receyueth orders. The receiuers humbly kneling upon their knees, and the By shop saying. RECEIUE the holy Ghoste, whose synnes thou doest forgeue, they are forgeue : and whose synnes thou doest retaine, they are retained : and be thou a faithful dispensour of the worde of God, and of his holye Sacramentes. In the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. IT The Bishop shal deliuer to euery one of them, the Byble in hys hande, saying. TAKE thou aucthoritie to preache the worde of God, and to minister the holye Sacramentes in the congregacion, where thou shalt be so appoincted. 176 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. When this is doen, the congregation shall synge the Crede, and also they shall go to the Communion, which all they that receiue orders shall take together, and remayne in the same place -where the handes were layed vpon them, vntyl suche tyme as they haue receyued the Communion. The Communion beyng doen after the last Collects, and immediately before the benediction, shalbe sayde this Collecte. MOST merciful father, we beseche the so to sede vpon these thy seruautes thy heauenly blessing, that they may be cladde aboute with all Justice, and that thy worde spoken by theyr mouthes may haue suche successe, that it may neuer be spoke in vaine, Graunte also that we may haue grace to heare and receiue the same as thy most holy word, and the meane of our saluation, that in all our wordes and dedes we may seke thy glory, and the increase of thy kyngdome, through Jesus Christe our Lorde. Amen. IT And yf the orders of a Deacon and Pries thod, be geuen hot he vpon one daye, then shall all thynges at the holye Communion be vsed as they are appoyncted at the Orderyngc of Priestcs. Sauynge that for the Epystle, the whole thirde chapiter of the fyrste to Timothe shalbe red, as it is set out before the Order of priestes. And immediately after the Epistle, the Deacons shalbe ordered. And it shall suffice the Letany to be sayed ones. THE FORME OF CONSECRATYNG OF AN ARCHEBISHOPPE OR BYSHOPPE. The Epistle at the Communion. THIS is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a Byshoppe, i- Tim. iii. he desyreth an honest worke. A Bishop therfore must be blamelesse, the housbande of one wife, diligente, sober, dis- crete, a keper of hospitalitie, apte to teache, not geuen to ouer muche wyne, no fighter, not gredy of filthi lucre : but getle, abhorring fighting, abhorrlg couetousnes, one that ruleth wel his awne house, one that hath childre in subjectio, with all reuerence. For yf a man cannot rule hys awne house, how shal he care for the cogregacio of God ? He may not be a younge scholer, lest he swel, and fal into the judgement of the euyl speaker. He muste also haue a good reporte of them which are without, lest he fal into rebuke, and snare of the euil speaker. The Gospell. JESUS sayde to Simon Peter : Simon Johanna, louest thou me J ohnxxi - more than these ? He sayde vnto him : Lord thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde unto him : Fede my lambes. He sayde to hyme again the seconde tyme : Simon Johanna, louest thou me ? He sayde vnto hym : yea, Lord thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto hym : fede my shepe. He sayde vnto hym the thirde tyme: Simo Johanna louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto him the thirde time, louest thou me, and he said vnto him : Lorde, thou knowest all thinges, thou know- est that I loue the. Jesus said vnto him : fede my shepe. Or els out of the x Chap, of John, as before in thorder of Priestes. After the Gospel and Credo ended, first the elected Bishop shalbe presented by two Bishoppes vnto the Archebishoppe of that Province, or to some other byshoppe appoincted by his commission: the Byshoppes that present him, saying : MOST reuerende father in God, we presente vnto you this Godly and well learned man, to be consecrated Byshop. Then shal the Archebishop demand the Quenes Mandate for the Consecra- tion, and cause it to be red. And the othe touching the knowledging of the Queenes Soueraintie shalbe ministred to the person elected, as it is set out in the order of Deacons. And then shalbe ministred also, the othe of due obediece vnto tharchbishop, as foloweth. 178 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. IF The Othe of due obedience to the Archebyshoppe. IN the name of God, Amen. I N. chosen Byshop of the churche and sie of N. doe professe and promes all due reuerence and obedience to the Archebishop and to the Metropoliticall Churche of .N. and to their successours, so helpe me GOD, through Jesus Christe. IT This othe shall not be made, at the consecration of an Archebishop. Then the archebishop shal moue the congregation present to praye : saying thus to them. BRETHREN, it is written in the Gospel of Sainct Luke, that our sauiour Christ continued the whole night in praier, or euer that he did chose and sende furth his .xii. Apostles. It is written also in the Actes of the Apostles, that the Disciples whiche were at Antioche did fast and praie, or euer they laied haudes vpon, or sent furth Paule and Barnabas. Let vs therfore folowing the example of our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, first fal to praier, or that we admyt and sende furth this persone, presented vnto vs to the worke wherunto we trust the holy Ghoste hath called him. And then shalbe said the Letany, as afore in the Order of Deacons. And after this place. That it may please the to illuminate all Byshoppes, &c. he shall saye. THAT it may please the to blesse this our brother elected, and to sende thy grace vpon him, that he may duely execute the office whereunto he is called, to thedifying of thy Church, and to the honor, praise, and glory of thy name. Aunswere. We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde. Concluding the Letany in the ende, with this prayer. ALMIGHTY God, geuer of all good thynges, whyche by thy holy spirite hast appointed diuers orders of ministers in thy church, mercifully beholde this thy seruaunt, now called to the worke and ministery of a Byshoppe, and replenish him so with the truth of thy doctrine and innocencie of life, that bothe by worde and dede he may faithfully serue the in this office, to the glorye of thy name, and profite of thy congregacion : through the merites of our sauior Jesu Christ, who lyueth and reigneth with the and the holy Ghost, worlde without ende. Amen. IT Then the Archebyshop sytting in a ckaire, shall say this t him that is to be consecrated. BROTHER, forasmuche as holy Scripture and the old Canons commaudeth, that we should not be hasty in laying on handes, and admittyng of any person to the gouernement of the congre- CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. 179 gacio of Christ, which he hath purchased with no lesse price, then theffusion of his awne bloud, afore that I admit you to this administracion whereunto ye are called, I wyll examine you in certaine articles, to the ende the congregacion presente, may haue a trial, and beare witnesse, howe ye be mynded to behaue your selfe in the Churche of God. Are you perswaded that you be truely called to this ministra- cion, according to the wyll of oure Lorde Jesus Christe, and to the order of this Realme ? Aunswere. I am so perswaded. The Archebyshoppe. Are you perswaded that the holy scriptures coteine sufficiently al doctrine, required of necessite for eternal saluacion, throughe the Faithe in Jesu Christ? And are you de- termined with the same holy scriptures, to instructe the people committed to your charge, and to teache, or mainteine nothing as required of necessitie to eternal saluacion, but that you shalbe perswaded may be concluded, and proued by tbe same ? Aunswere. I am so perswaded and determined by Goddes grace. The Archebyshoppe. Will you then faithfully exercise your self in the said holy Scriptures, and cal vpon God by praier, for the true vnderstandinge of the same, so as ye maye be able by them to teache and exhorte with wholsome doctrine, and to withstande and conuince the gainsaiers ? Aunswere. I wyl so do, by the helpe of God. The Archebyshoppe. Be you redy with all faithfull diligence, to banishe and driue away al erronious and straunge doctrine, cotrary to Goddes worde, and bothe priuately and opely to cal vpon and encourage other to the same ? Aunswere. I am redy, the Lorde beyng my helper. The Archebyshoppe. Will you deny all vngodlines and worldly lustes, and lyue soberly, righteouslye, and Godly in thys world, that you may shewe your self in all thinges an exaple of good workes vnto other, that the aduersarie may be ashamed, hauing nothing to lay against you ? Aunswere. I wil so do, the Lorde beyng my helper. The Archebyshoppe. Wil you mainteine and set forwarde (as muche as shal lie in you) quietnes, peace and loue, emog al men ; Ande such as be vnquiete, disobedient, and criminous within your diocesse, correct and punish, according to suche aucthoritie as ye haue by Goddes word, and as to you shalbe comitted by the ordi- naunce of this Realme ? Aunswere. I wyl so do, by the helpe of God. The Archebyshoppe. Will you shewe your self gentle, and be merciful for Christes sake to poore and nedy people, and to all straungers destitute of helpe ? Aunswere. I wil shewe so my selfe, by Goddes helpe. The Archebyshoppe. Almighty God our heauenly father, who 180 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. hath geuen you a good wyll to do all these thinges, graunt also vnto you, strength and power to performe the same that he accomplishyng in you, the good worke which he hath begon, ye may be foude perfect, and irreprehensible at the latter daye through Jesu Christ our Lorde. Amen. Then shalbe song or sated : Come Holy Ghoste, &c. as it is set out in the Order of Priestes. That ended the Archebyshop shall saye. Lorde heare our praier. Aunsivere. And let our crye come vnto the. IT Let vs praye. ALMIGHTIE God, and mooste mercifull father, whiche of thy infinite goodness, haste geuen to vs thy onely and moste dere beloued sonne Jesus Christ, to be our redemer and aucthor of euerlasting lyfe, who after that he had made perfecte our redemp- tion by his death, and was asceded into heauen, powred doune his giftes aboundantly vpon men, makynge some Apostles, some Prophetes, some Euagelistes, some Pastours and Doctours, to the edifying and making perfect of his congregacion : graunte we beseche the, to this thy seruante, suche grace that he may euer- more be ready, to sprede abrode thy Gospel, and glad tidinges of recocilement to God, and to vse the aucthoritie geuen vnto him, not to destroye, but to saue, not to hurt, but to helpe, so that he as a wise and faithfull seruaunt, geuing to thy family meat in due season, maye at the last day be receiued into joye, through Jesu Christ our Lorde, who with the, and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth one God, worlde without ende. Amen. Then the Archebyshop and Bysshoppes present shall laye theyr handes vpon the heade of the elected By shop, the Archebyshoppe saying. TAKE the holy ghost, and remember that thou stirre vp the grace of God, whiche is in the, by imposicio of handes : for God hath not geuen vs the spirit of feare, but of power, and loue, and of sober- nesse. Then the Archebyshoppe shal deliuer him the Byble, saying .- GEUE hede vnto reading, exhortacion and doctrine. Thinke vpon these thinges conteyned in this booke, be diligent in them, that the encreasing comming thereby, may be manifest vnto all me. Take hede vnto thy selfe, and vnto teaching, and be diligent in doing theim, for by doing this, thou shalt saue thy selfe, and theim that hear the. Be to the flocke of Christ a shepherd, not a woulfe, fede theim, deuoure them not, holde vp the weake, heale the sycke, binde together the broken, bring againe the outecastes, seke the lost. Be so merciful, that you be not to remisse, so minister Discipline, that you forget not mercy, that whe the chief CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. 181 shepeherde shal come, ye may receiue the immercessible croune of glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ameru Then the Archbyshop shall precede to the Communion, luyth whome the newe consecrated Byshoppe with other, shal also communicate. And after the last Collect e immediatly before the benediction, shalbe said this praier. MOST mercifull father, we beseche thee to sende doune vpon this thy seruaunt, thy heauenly blessynge, and so endue him with thy holy spirite, that he preachinge thy worde, maye not onely be earnest to reproue, beseche ard rebuke with all patience and doctrine, but also maye be to suche as beleue, an wholsome ex- ample in worde, in conuersacion, in loue, in faithe, in chastitie, and puritie, that faythfully fulfyllyng his course, at the latter daye he may receyue the crowne of righteoutnesse layde vp by the Lorde the ryghteous judge : who lyueth and reigneth, one God with the father and the holy Ghoste, world without ende. Amen. Richardus Graf- tonus, Typographus, Regius excudebat. Anno Domini 1559. Cum Priwelegio ad Imprimendum solum. APPENDICES. CONTENTS. PAGE i. The new Calendar, 1561, 185 ii. A Form of Prayer to be used twice a week during the plague, 1563, 206 iii. A thanksgiving to God for withdrawing and ceasing the plague, 1563, 216 iv. A Form of Prayer for preservation from the Turks, 1566, 217 v. The Prayer, 1569, 225 vi. A Thanksgiving for the suppression of the last rebellion, 1570, 226 vii. A Form of Prayer for the Queen's Accession, 1576, . 227 viii. A Prayer for all kings who profess the gospel, 1585, . 236 ix. Thanksgiving for the deliverance of her Majesty from the murderous intention of D. Parry, 1585, . . 239 x. A Prayer to be used in the Province of Canterbury, 1586, 241 xi. A Form of Prayer for deliverance from the Spanish Armada, 1588, 245 xii. A Thanksgiving for deliverance from the Spanish Armada, 1588, 254 xiii. Prayers for the success of the French King, 1590, . 258 xiv. Prayer for the safety of the Queen, 1594, . . . 262 xv. A Prayer made by the Queen at the departure of the fleet, 1596, 271 xvi. A Prayer of Thanksgiving, and for continuance of good success of her Majesty's Forces, 1596, . . 272 xvii. Prayers for the success of her Majesty's Forces and Navy, 1597 274 I. THE NEW CALENDAR. 1561. C THE ORDER HOW THE REST OF HOLY SCRIPTURE (BESIDE THE PSALTER) IS APPOINTED TO BE READ. THE Old Testament is appointed for the first Lessons at Morn- ing and Euenyng prayer, and shalbe read through every yere once, except certayne Bookes and Chapters, whiche be least edifying, and myght best be spared, and therefore be lefte vnread. The newe Testament is appoynted for the seconde Lessons at Morning and Euening prayer, and shalbe read ouer orderly euery yere thrise, besyde the Epistles and Gospels : excepte the Apoca- lips, out of the which there be onlye certayne Lessons appoynted vppon diuers proper feastes. And to knowe what Lessons shalbe read euery day : Fynde the day of the moneth in the Kalendar folowyng, and there ye shal perceaue the Bookes and Chapters that shalbe read for the Lessons both at Mornyng and Euenyng prayer. And here is to be noted, that whensoeuer there be any proper Psalmes, or Lessons appoynted for the Sundayes, or for any Feast, moueable or vnmoueable : Then the Psalmes and Lessons ap- poynted in the Kalendar, shal be omitted for that tyme. Ye must note also, that the Collecte, Epistle, and Gospell, ap- poynted for the Sundaye, shall serue all the weke after, except there fall some Feast that hath his proper. When the yeres of our Lorde may be deuyed into foure euen partes, which is euery fourth yere : then the Sunday letter leapeth, and that yere the Psalmes and Lessons whiche serue for the .xxiii. day of February shalbe read agayne the day folowyng, except it be Sunday, whiche hath proper Lessons of the olde Testament, ap- poynted in the Table seruyng to that purpose. Also, wheresoeuer the begynnyng of any Lesson, Epistle, or Gospell, is not expressed, there ye must begyn at the begynnyng of the Chapiter. 1 86 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. And wheresoeuer is not expressed howe farre shal be read : there shall you reade to the ende of the Chapiter. Item, so ofte as the first Chapiter of Saint Mathie is read eyther for Lesson or Gospell : ye shal begyn the same at : The byrth of Jesus Christ was on this wyse. &c. And the thirde Chapiter of Saint Lukes Gospell shal be read vnto : So that he was supposed to be the sonne of Joseph. THE NEW CALENDAR. 187 C Proper Lessons to be read for the first Lessons, both at Mornyng prayer and Euenyng prayer, on the Sundayes throughout the yere, and for some also the seconde Lessons. Sundaies of Advent. Mattens. Euensong. The Fyrst ii iii iv Esay i V XXV XXX Esay ii xxiiii xxvi xxxii Sunday after . Assention day. Deut. xii Deut. xiii Whitsunday. Mattens. Euensong. Sundaies after Christmas Mattens. Euensong. i Lesson ii Lesson Deuter. xvi Actes x Then Peter opened his. &c. Wisdome. i Acts xix It fortuned whenApollo went to Cor- inth.&c.vnto After these thynges. The First ii xxxvii xli xxxviii xliii Sundaies after the Epiphany. Mattens. Euensong. The First ii iii iv V Septuages. Sexagesim. Quinquage. xliiii 11 Iv Ivii lix Genesis i iii ix xlvi Iiii Ivi Iviii Ixiv Genesis ii vi xii Trinity Sunday. Mattens. Euensong. i Lesson ii Lesson Gene, xviii Math, iii Josue. i Sundayes after the Trinitie. The Fyrst ii iii iv v vi vii Josue. x Judic. iiii i Kyng. ii xii XV ii King, xii xxii Josue. xxiii Judic. v i Kyng. iii xiii xvi ii King, xxi XXIV Lent. Mattens. Euensong. First Sunday. ii iii iv V vi xix xxvii xxxix xliii Exod. iii ix xxii xxxiv xlii xlv Exod. v X Vlll ix X xi xii xiii xiv XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xx i xxii xxiii xxiv XXV xxvi iii King, xiii xviii xxi iiii King, v x xix Jerem. v XXXV Ezech. ii xvi XX Daniel ifi Toelii Abacuc ii Prouer. ii xi xiii XV xvii iii King.xvii xix xxii iiii King, ix xviii xxiii Jerem. xxii xxx vi Ezech. xiv xviii xxiv Daniel vi Miche. vi Prouerb. i iii xii xiiii xvi xix Easter day. Mattens. Euensong. i Lesson ii Lesson Exod. xii Roma, vi Exod. xiiii Actes ii U Sundayes after Easter. The Fyrst ii iii iv V Num. xvi xxiii Deuter. iiii vi viii Num. xxii XXV Deut. v vii ix i88 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Lessons proper for holy dayes. Mattens. Euensong. Mattens. | Euensong. S. Andrew. Prouer. xxi Prouer. xxi Purification of the S. Thomas virgin Mary. Wisd. ix Wisdom xii thapostle. xxiii xxiiii Saint Mathie. Wisdomxix Eccle. i Natiuitie of Christ. Annunciation of Eccle. iii i Lesson Esay ix sai. vii God our Lady. Eccle. ii spake once Wednesday afore agayne to Easter. Osee. xiii Osee. xiiii Achas, &c. ii Lesson _,uke ii vnto. Titus iii The Thursday afore And vnto kyndnesse Easter. Daniel ix Jere. xxxi men of good and loue,&c. wyll. Good Fryday. Gen. xxii Esay Iiii S. Steuen. i Lesson Prou. xxviii Eccle. iiii Easter Euen. Zachari. ix Exod. xiii ii Lesson Act vi & vii Actes vii Steuen full And when Mundaye inEaster. of fay th and xllyereswere weke. power, &c. expired, i Lesson Exod. xvi Exo d. xvii vnto. And there ap- ii Lesson Mat. xxviii Actes iii when fortye yeres, &c. peared vnto Moses, &c. Tuesdaye in Easter vnto Ste- weke. uen full of i Lesson Exod. xx Ex od. xxxii the holy, &c. ii Lesson Luk xxiiii i Cor in. xv Saint John. vnto And i Lesson Ecclesi. v Eccles. vi behold two ii Lesson Apocal. i Apoca. xxii of them. Innocentes. Jerem xxxi, Wisdom i S. Marke. Eccle. iiii Eccle. v vnto More- ouer I hard Philippe & Jacob Eccle. vii Eccle. ix Ephraim. Circumcision day. Assention Day. Deut. x. iiii King ii i Lesson Gene, xvii Deu. x And now Mundaye in Israel. Whitson weke. ii Lesson Rom. ii Coloss. ii i Lesson Gene, xi Num. xi Epiphany. vnto, These Gather vnto i Lesson ii Lesson Esay Ix. Luke iii vnto Esay. xlix Joh. ii are the ge- neration oi me 70 men, &c. vnto So that he vnto After Sem. Moses and was sup- this he went the elders posed to be to Caperna- returned. the sonne of um. ii Lesson i Cor. xii Joseph. Conuersion of Tuesdaye in S. Paul. Whitson weke. i Kyng xix Deuter zxx i Lesson Wisdom v Wisdom vi David came ii Lesson Actes xxii Actes xxvi to Saule in vnto They Ramatha, harde hym. &c. THE NEW CALENDAR. 189 Mattens. Euensong. jj Mattens. Euensong. S. Barnabe. Saint Mathew Eccle. xxxv Eccle.xxxviii i Lesson* Eccle. x Eccle. xii ii Lesson Actes xiiii Actes xv Saint Michael. xxxix xliiii vnto After certayne S. Luke. Ii Jobi days. Saint John Bap- S. Simon & Jude. i Lesson Job xxiiii, xxv xlii tist. i Lesson Mala, iii Mala, iiii Al Saintes. ii Lesson Math, xiii Math, xiiii i Lesson Wisd. iii Wisdom, v vnto When vnto Blessed vnto His Jesus harde. is rather the ielousy also. baren. Saint Peter. i Lesson Eccle. xv Eccle. xix ii Lesson Hebr. xi, xii Apoca. xix ii Lesson Actes iii Actes iiii Saintes by vnto And I fayth, vnto sa we an S. James. Eccle. xxi Eccle. xxiii If ye en- A n g e 1 1 dure chas- stande. Saint Bartylmew. XXV xxix tenyng. Proper Psalmes on certayne dayes. i flattens. Euensong. Mattens. Euensong. Chrystmas day. Psalme xix Ixxxix Assention day. viii xxiiii xlv ex XV Ixviii Ixxxv cxxxii xxi cviii Easter day. ii Ivii cxiii cxiiii Whit sonday. xlv Ixvii ciiii cxlv cxi cxviii igo THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Almanack. The Yeres of our Lorde. The Golden Number. Dominical Letter. Septua- gesima. The yrst daye of Lent. Easter day. Rogation Weke. Ascen- tion. Whyt- sonday. Advent Sunday. 1561 iiii E. 2 Februa. 19 Febru. 6 April 12 Mali 25! Maii 15 Maii 1 30 Nouem. 1562 V D. 25 Janua. ii 29 March 4 7 i? 29 1563 vi C. 7 Febru. 24 ii April i? 20 3 28 1564 vii B A. 30 Janu. 16 2 8 II 21 3 Decem. 1565 viii G. 18 Febru. 7 March 22 28 31 10 June 2 1566 ix F. 10 27 Febru. 14 20 23 2 i 1567 X E. 26 Janu. 12 30 March 5 8 1 8 Maii 30 Nouem. 1568 xi D.C. 15 Febru. 3 March 1 8 April 24 27 6 June 28 1569 xii B. 6 23 Febru. 10 16 '9 29 Maii 27 157 xiii A. 22 Janu. 8 26 March i 4 14 3 Decem. I57i xiiii G. ti Febru. 28 15 April 21 24 3 June 2 1572 XV F. E. 3 20 6 12 IS 25 Maii 30 Nouem. 1573 xvi D. 18 Janua. 4 22 March 27 April 30 April 10 Maii 29 IS74 xvii C. 7 Febru. 24 ii April 17 Maii 20 Maii 30 28 1575 xviii B. 30 Janua. 16 3 9 12 22 27 IS76 xix A.G. 19 Febru. 7 March 22 28 31 10 June 2 Decem. 1577 i F. 3 20 Febru. 7 13 16 26 Maii i 1578 ii E. 26 Janu. 12 30 March 5 8 18 30 Nouem. 1579 iii D. 15 Febru. 4 March 19 April 25 28 7 Junii 29 1580 iiii C. B. 31 Janua. 17 Febru. 3 9 12 22 27 1581 V A. 82 8 26 March i 4 14 3 Decem. 1582 vi G. ii Febru. 28 15 April 21 4 3 Junii 2 1583 vii F. 27 Janu. '3 31 March 6 9 19 Maii I 1584 viii E.D. 16 Febru. 3 March 19 April 25 28 7 Junii 29 Nouem. 1585 ix C. 7 24 Febru. ii J 7 20 30 Maii 28 1586 X B. 30 Janu. 16 3 9 12 22 27 1587 xi A. 12 Febru. i March 16 22 25 4 Junii 3 Decemb. 1588 xii G. F. 4 Febru. 21 Febru. 7 13 16 26 Maii i 1589 xiii E. 26 Janu. 12 Febru. 30 March 5 8 18 30 Nouem. 1590 xiiii D. 15 Febru. 4 March 19 April 25 28 7 June 29 [1 These two have evidently been misplaced.] THE NEW CALENDAR. 191 Note, that the supputation of the yere of our Lorde in the Churche of Englande, beginneth the .xxv. day of Marche, the same day supposed to be the fyrst day upon whiche the worlde was created, and the day when Christe was conceyued in the wombe of the virgin Mary. 1578. IT Of the Golden number. The Golden number is so called, because it was written in the Kalender with letters of golde, right at that daye whereon the Moone changed : and it is the space of 19. yeeres, in the which the Moone returneth to the selfe same daye of the yeere of the Sunne : and therefore it is also called the Cycle of the Moone, in the which the Solstices and Equinoctials doe returne to all one point in the Zodiaque. To finde it euerie yeere, you must adde one yeere to the yeere of Christ (for Christ was borne one yeere of the 19. already past) then diuide the whole by 19, and that which resteth is the Golden number for that yeere ; if there be no surplusage, it is then 19. IT The Epact. Epactcz hemera in Greeke, doeth signifie in Englishe, dayes set betwene, and therefore the II. dayes and 3 houres, that are added to the yeere of the Moone, are called Epactce, and are added to make the yeere of the Moone, which is but 354. dayes, iust with the yeere of the Sunne, which hath 365. dayes and a quarter. To finde out the Epact of eche yeere, .doe thus. To the Epact * of the yeere that last went before that yeere for which you would finde the Epact, adde II. and the summe of these two make the Epact. If it sur- mount 30. then take 30, out, and that which resteth aboue 30. is the Epact you desire. IT The vse of the Epact. To knowe howe olde the Moone is at any time for euer by the Epact, doe thus : Adde vnto the dayes of your moneth, wherein you woulde knowe this, the Epact, and as many dayes moe as are moneths from March to that moneth, including both moneths, out of the which Substract 30. as often as you may, the age remaineth : if nothing remaine, the Moone changeth that day. IT For the more ease of the Reader, we have placed hereouer an Almanacke, inclusively comprehending, not onely howe to finde the Epact for the space of xxxii. yeeres to come, but also the Golden number afore specified, together with the Dominicall letter, Leape yeere, and vii. other moueable feastes, or dayes in the yeere, during the same time, as may appeare. Note, that the Golden number and Dominicall letter doeth change euery yeere the first day of Januarie, and the Epact the first day of March for euer. Note also, that the yeere of our Lorde beginneth the xxv. day of March, the same day supposed to be the first day vpon which the worlde was created, and the day when Christ was conceiued in the wombe of the virgin Marie. P The Epact for 1878 was xxii.] 192 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. To fynde Easter for euer. Golden Number. A B C D E F G I Apryl ix X xi xii vi vii viii II March xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX xxxi Apryl i III Apryl xvi xvii xviii xix XX xiiii XV IIII Apryl ix iii iiii V vi . vii viii V March xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxiii xxiiii XXV VI Apryl xvi xvii xi xii xiii iiii XV VII Apryl ii iii iiii V vi Mar. xxxi Apryl i VIII April xxiii xxiiii XXV xix XX xxi xxii X Apryl ix X xi xii xiii xiiii viii X Apryl ii iii Marc xxviii xxix XXX xxxi Apryl XI Apryl xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii XII Apryl ix X xi V vi vii viii XIII March xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX xxxi XXV XIV Apryl xvi xvii xviii xix xiii xiiii XV XV Apryl ii iii iiii V vi vii viii XVI March xxvi xxvii xxviii xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV XVII Apryl xvi. X xi xii xxiii xiiii XV XVIII Apryl ii iii iiii V Mar. xxx xxxi Apryl i XIX Apryl xxiii xxiiii xviii xix XX xxi xxii When ye haue founde the Sunday Letter in the vppermost lyne, guyde your eye downewarde from the same, tyll ye come ryght ouer agaynst the pryme, and there is shewed both what moneth, and what day of the moneth, Easter falleth that yere. THE NEW CALENDAR. 193 Septuagesima -\ Sexagesima Quinquagesima j Quadragesima J Rogations "j Whytsunday >- Trinitie Sunday J before Easter -j after Easter -{ viii 1 V vi/ v "\ vii J- viii J wekes. wekes. IT T'Afji? to be obseruedfor holy dayes, and none other. That is to say : All Sundayes in the year. The dayes of the Feastes of the Circumcision of our Lorde Jesus Christ. Of the Epiphanie. Of the Purification of the blessed virgin. Of S. Mathie thapostle. Of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin. Of Saint Marke the Euangelist. Of Saint Philip & Jacob the Apostles. Of the assencion of our Lorde Jesus Christe. Of the Natiuitie of S. John Baptist. Of Saint Peter the Apostle. Of Saint James the Apostle. Of Saint Bartholomew Apostle. Of Saint Mathew the Apostle. Of Saint Michaell the Archangell. Of Saint Luke the Euangelist. Of S. Simon and Jude the Apostles. Of All Saintes. Of Saint Andrewe the Apostle. Of Saint Thomas the Apostle. Of the Natiuitie of our Lorde. Of Saint Stephan the Martir. Of Saint John the Euangelist. Of the holy Innocentes. Monday and Tuesday in Easter weke, Monday and Tuesday in Whitson weke. IT A brief declaration when euery Term begynneth and endeth. Be it knowen that Easter Terme begynneth alwayes the .xviii. day* after Easter, reckenyng Easter day for one : and endeth the Munday next after the Assencion day. Trinitie Terme begynneth .xii. dayes after Whitsunday, and continueth .xix. dayes. Michaelmas Terme begynneth the .ix. or .x. day of October, and eudeth the .xxviii. or .xxix. day of Nouember. Hyllary Terme begynneth the .xxiii. or .xxihi. day of January, and endeth the .xii. or .xiii. day of February. IT In Easter Term, on the Assencion day. In Trinitie Terme, on the Nativitie of Saint John Baptist. In Michaelmas Terme, on the feaste of All Saintes. In Hyllary Terme, on the Feast of the Purification of our Lady: theQuenes Judges of Westminster do not vse to syt in iudgemente, nor vppon any Sundayes. 194 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. JANUARY HATH XXXI. DAYS. {ryseth| ( vii mi. 3 Sunne -j > houre < (falleth) (iiii mi. 37 Psalmes- MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. iii xi xix viii xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i 1 ix xvii vi xiiii iii A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas. viii Id. vii Id. vild. v Id. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xix Kl. xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xiiKl. xiKl. xKL ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. vi Kl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. Circumcision . i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX i i Lesson. Gen. xvii Gene, i iii V vii Esay Ix Gen. ix xiii XV xvii xix xxi xxiii XXV xxvii xxix xxxi xxxiii XXXV xxxviii xl xiii xliv xlvi Wisd. v Ge. xiviii 1 Exod. ii iiii vii ix ii Lesson. Rom. ii Math, i ii "iii iiii Luk. iii Math, v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii Act. xxii Ma. xxiii xxiv XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii i Lesson. Deut. x Gene, ii iiii vi viii Esa. xlix Gen. xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxvi xxviii XXX xxxii xxxiiii xxxvii xxxix xii xiiii xlv xlvii Wisd. vi Ge. xlix Exod. i iii v viii X ii Lesson. Colo, ii Rom. i ii iii iiii Joh. ii Rom. v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi i Cor. ii iii iiii v vi Act. xxvi i Cor. vii viii ix X xi xii Epiphanye.... Lucian SolinAquario Hyllarii Februarii Prisca .... Fabian Agnes. Vincent Cornier Pauli. 1578. JANUARIE. i. The first day of this moneth, Noah, after he had bene in the Arke 150 dayes, began to see the toppes of the high mountaines. Gene. 7. 24. and 8. 3, 5. Also as vpon this day, Christ was circumcised according to the Lawe. Luke 2. 21. 6. The Magians as vpon this day (hauing ben guided vnto Beth-lehem by the direction of a starre) worshipped Christ, and offered vnto him golde, mirrhe, and frankensence. M&tth. 2. i. usque 13. Also as vpon this day, Christ was baptized by John in Jordan, being about xxx. yeeres of age. Matth. 3. 13. Luke 3. 21, 23. Also Christ as vpon this day, wrought his first miracle, in turning water into wine, at a marriage in Cana of Gallic. John 2. 2, n. 10. Nebuchad-nezzar the king of Babel as vpon this day, besieged the Citie of Jerusalem. 2 Kings 25. i. Jere. 52. 4. 17. The good Prince Scanderbeg king of Epyrus, a scourge to the Turke, as vpon this da}', died. 1466. 22. The Duke of Somerset as vpon this day, was beheaded. 1552. 25. Caius Caligula, his wife and daughter, as vpon this day, were slaine. Anno Do. 42. 27. Saint Paul, as vpon this day, of a persecuter was conuerted, as he iourneyed vntp Pamascus. Actes 9. 3. THE NEW CALENDAR. 195 C FEBRUARY HATH XXVIII. DAYS. ( ryseth) f vii mi. 14. Sunne < / houre < (falleth) (iiii mi. 46. Psalmes MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xi xix viii xvi V xiii ii X xvii vii XV iiii xii i IX xvii vi xiiii d e f K A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vi Id. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii KL xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. Fast Purifi Mary.. Blasii ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix i Lesson. Exod. xi Wisd. ix Exo. xiii XV xvii xix xxi xxiii xxxii xxxiiii Leui. xix xxvi Num. xii xiiii xvii xxi xxiii XXV XXX xxxii xxxvi Deut. ii iiii Wisd. xix Deut. vi viii X xii ii Lesson. Mark i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi Luke di. i di. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi i Lesson. Exod. xii Wisd. xii Exo. xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxxiii Leuit. xviii XX Num. xi xiii xvi XX xxii xxiiii xxvii xxxi XXXV Deut. i iii V Eccle. i Deut. vii ix xi XV ii Lesson. i Cor. xiii xiiii XV xvi 2 Cor. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii Galat. i ii iii iiii V vi Ephes. i ii iii iiii V Agathe [bus. Sol in Pisci- Valentine Martii Fast S. Mathias ... 1578. FEBRUARIE. 2. As vpon this day, Christ our Saviour was offered ynto the Lord in the Temple at Jerusalem, and his mother, the Virgin Marie, was purified according to the law. Luke 2. 22. 8. As vpon this day, the Romanes began their spring, after Plinie. 9. As vpon this day, Noah (fourtie dates after he had scene the toppes of the mountaines) sent out of the Arke the Rauen, and after the Doue of the which only the Doue returned. Gene. 8. 7, 8. 14. The Jewes, as vpon this day, slewe three hundreth of their enemies, in Shushan, but yet on the spoyle they layd not their hand. Ester g. 15. 15. The Jewes kept this day for a feast, because nowe the sappe riseth in the trees. / 16. The learned Clerke, Philip Melanthon, as vpon this day, was borne. Anno 1497. 17. Noah, as vpon this day, sent out of the Arke againe the Doue, which returning vnto him brought an Oliue branche in her bill, whereby he knewe, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. Gene. 8. 10, n. f 18. Martin Luther, the seruant of God, died as vpon this day. Anno 1546. 22. Martin Luther his body, as vpon this day, was translated to Witemberg, and buried in the >' chappell of the Castell there. 25. Noah, as vpon this day, sent the Doue out of the Arke the third time, and she returned no more. Gene. 8. 12. G 2 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. C MARCHE HATH XXXI. DAYES. fryseth J (vi mi. 18. Sunne < Whoure < (falleth ) (v mi. 42. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. iii xix viii xvi xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii d e f i b c d e f g A b c d e f i b c d e f i b c d e !f Kalend. vi No. v No. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Dauid XXX i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xi: xii xiiii XV xvi * Lesson. Deu. xvi xviii XX xxii XXV xxvii xxix xxxi xxxiii Josue. i iii v vii ix xxiii Judg. i iii v vii ix xi xiii XV xvii Eccle. ii Judg. xix xxi Ruth ii iiii i Kyng. i i iiii ii Lesson. Luk. xii xiii xiiii XV xyi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii John i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii i Lesson. Deu. xvii xix xxi xxiiii xxvi xxviii XXX xxxii xxxiiii Josue ii iiii vi viii X xxiiii Judg. ii iiii vi viii X xii xiiii ii Lesson. Eohe. vi Phil, i ii iii iiii Coloss. i ii iii iiii i Thess. i ii iii iiii v ii Thes. i ii iii i Tim. i ii. iii iiii v vi Cedde Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. v Id. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKI. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl Perpetue Gregory' Sol in Ariete. Aprilis Edwarde xvii xviii xix XX XX xxi xxii xxiii XXV XXV xxvi xx vii xxix XXX Benedict XVI xviii Eccle. iii Judg. xx Ruth i iii i Kyng. i iii v ii Tim. i ii iii iiii Titus i ii. iii Phile. i Hebr. i ii Fas Annun. of Ma 1578. MARCH. 3. As vpon this day, the Temple of Jerusalem was finished and holied, 597. yeeres before Christ his birth. Ezra 6. 15. and I Esdr. 7. 5. 10. As vpon this day, Christ being on the other side of Jordan, was aduertised of the sicknesse of Lazarus. John ii. 3. 13. As on this day, was the fast of Es_ter. Ester 3. 12. and 4. 16. 16. As vpon this day, Lazarus was raised from death. Jthn ii. 44. 20. As vpon this day, Christ entred into Jerusalem. John 12. 14, 15. 22. Mane Magdalen, as on this day, annointed Christ with precious oyntment. John 12. 3. Matth. 26. 7, 12. 24. Christ held his last supper, as vpon this day, and was taken. Matth. 26. 20. 25. Christ was crucified, dead and buried, as vpon this day. Luke 23. 33. Mark 15.25. Mat. 27. 35. This day also, was the day of preparation. John 19. 31, 42. 26. Christ as on this day, lay in the Sepulchre. Matth. 27. 62. 27. As vpon this day, was the resurrection of Christ. Matth. 28. i, 2. Luke 24. i. Also as vpon this day, Jehoachin, king of Judah, was deliuered out of prison, by Euil Mero- dach King of Babylon, who after had his allowance at the Kinges table, all the dayes of his life, ii King 25. 27, 29, 30. THE NEW CALENDAR. 197 APRYLL HATH XXX. DAYES. fryseth) (vi mi. 17 Sunne < > houre < (falleth) (vi mi. 43 Psalmcs. MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. XI xix viii xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f b c d e f g A Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas. viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. viiKl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iiiKl. Prid. Kl. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xx vi i Lesson. i king, vi viii X xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxvi xxviii XXX ii King, i iii V vii ix xi xiii XV xvii xix xxi Eccle. iiii ii king 23 - ii Lesson. John xix XX xxi Actes i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii i Lesson. iking, vii ix xi xiii XV xvii xix xxi xxiii XXV xxvii xxix xxxi ii king, ii iiii vi viii X xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii Eccle. v ii King 24 ii Lesson. Hebr. iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii Jacob, i ii iii iiii V i Pet. i ii iii iiii V ii Pet. i ii iii i Joh. i ii iii iiii V ii, iii John Richard Ambrose Sol in Tauro. . Mali Alphege S. George Mark Euang. XXVll xxviii xxix XXX iii king, i iii V vii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii iii King. 2 iiii vi viii 1578. APRIL. i. In this first day, Noah opened the couer of the Arke. Gene. 8. 13. Also as vpon this day, Moses reared the Tabernacle. Exod. 40. a, 17. 4. Christ, as vpon this day, which was eyght dayes after his resurrection, appeared to his disciples, Thomas also being present. John 20. 26. 6. Joshua and the Jewes camped before Jordan, the space of three dayes. Joshua 3. i. 10. The Israelites as vpon this day, passe Jordan with a great multitude, the yeere before the Natiuitie of our Lord Jesus Christ 1457. Joshu. 3. 17. and 4. i, n. 11. Joshua circumcised the people nigh Jericho. Joshua 5. 3. 13. King Ahashuerosh as vpon this day, commanded all ye Jewes to be slaine. Ester 3. ri, 13. 14. The Israelites vpon this day kept passouer, and Man ceased. Joshua. 5. 10, 12. 15. Moses, as on this day, brought the Israelites out of Egypt. Exod. 12. 37, 41. 16. As on this day, they departed from Succoth into the desert of Etham. Exo. 13. 20. Nom. 33. 6. 17. As on this day, they passed into the mountaines and daungerous places. Exodus 14. 2. Noinb. 33. 7. 18. As on this day they went through the red Sea. Exod. 14. 29. Nomb. 33. 8. 19. As on this day, they wander in the desert of Shur, and came to Marah. Ex. 15. 22. Nom. 198 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. C MAY HATH XXXI. DAYS. fryseth ^ fv mi. 48 Sunne-C Vhoure-t Ualleth J \_vii mi. 13 1 1 MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xi xix viii xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d Kalend. vi No. v No. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas. viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xviiKl. xvi Kl. xv KL xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xiiKl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. Philp &Jaeo. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX XXX i Lesson. Eccle. vii iii King, ix xi xiii XV xvii xix xxi iiii King, i iii V vii ix xi xiii XV xvii xix xxi xxiii XXV i Esd. iii V vii ii Esd. i iiii vi ix xiii Hester ii iiii ii Lesson. Acte. viii xxviii Math, i ii iii iiii V vi i Lesson. Eccle. ix iii King, x xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii ii Lesson. Judas i Rom. i ii iii iiii V vi vii Inuen. of ye [cross John Euang.. Vll viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV XVI xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii Mark i iiii King, ii iiii vi viii X xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii i Esd. i iiii vi ix ii Esd. ii V viii X Hester i iii V Vlll ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi i Cor. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii Sol in Gemini Dunstane Augustine 1578. MAY. i. As vpon this day, Moses and Aaron numbred the people of Israel, the second yeere after eir comming out of Egypt. Nont. 3 and 4 Chapters. 5. As vpon this day, Christ ascended into heauen, in the sight of his Apostles, and many others. Mark 16. 19. Actes i. 9. 10. God commaunded Noah, as vpon this day, to:carrie foode into the Arke for himselfe his oushold, and for such as were preserued with him. Gene. 6. 21. 14. Those that had not kept the feast of Passeouer the first day of the first moneth, kept it as pon this day of the second moneth. Nomb. 9. n. and so did Hezekiah. 2 Chron. 30. 15. 15. As vpon this day, y e Jewes kept their Whitsontide. And also as vpon the same day, God ent the Jewes Quailes for their foode. Exod. 16. 13. Nomb. n. 31. 16. God, as vpon this day, rained y e foode Man from heauen. Exod. 16. 13, 14, 15. 17. Noah, as vpon this day, at Gods commaundment entred the Arke. Gen. 7. 7, ii. 20. As vpon this day, ye Israelites departed from Sinai. Nomb. 10. ii, 12. 22. As vpon this day, part of the Israelites, for their murmuring, were consumed with fire. Nomb. n. i. 27. Noah, as vpon this day, was commaunded by God, to go forth of the Arke. Gene. 8. 14, 16. THE NEW CALENDAR. 199 C JUNE HATH XXX. DAYS. f ryseth"^ f iiii mi. 34 SunneK j-houre-f i,fallethj I. viii mi. 26 Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xix viii xvi V xiii r; xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi iiii iii xi e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX i Lesson. Hester vi viii Jobi iii V vii ix xi xiii XV Eccle. x Job 17. 18 XX xxxii 24. xxv xxviii XXX xxxii xxxiiii xxxvi xxxviii xl xiii Mala, iii Prou. ii iiii vi viii Eccle. xv Prou. x it Lesson. Mark ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix x xi Act. xiiii Mar. xii xiii xiiii XV xvi Luk. i ii iii iiii V vi vii Mat. iii Luk. viii ix x xi Act. iii Luke Aii i Lesson. Hes. vii ix Job ii iiii vi viii x xii xiiii xvi Eccle. x Job xix xxi xxiii xxvi, 27 xxix xxxi xxxiii XXXV xxxvii xxxix xii Prou. i Mai. iiii Prou. iii V vii ix Eccle. xix Prou. xi ii Lesson. i Cor. xv xvi ii Cor. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii Act. xv ii Cor. ix x xi xii xiii Galat. i ii iii iiii V vi Eph. i Math. 14 Ephe. ii iii iiii V Act. iiii Ephe. vi Nichomede . . . Boniface Barnab apo... Sol in Cancro Solstitium es- Julii....[tiuum Edwarde Fast John Baptist. Fast S. Peter apo.. 1578. JUNE. i. The people of Israel, as vpon this day, came vnto ye mount Sinai, which afterward was called the hill of Casius, and there taried almost a yeere, as apeareth, Exod. 19. i. Nomb. 10. ii. Deut. i. 19. 6. J 9- The Temple of Diana in Ephesus, which amongst all Panims Temples was the most magnificent and renoumed, as vpon this day, was consumed with fire liiii yeeres before the Natiuitie of Jesus Christ. 20. Godfrey and Baldwine with their Christian armie, as vpon this day, ouercame the Persians at Antiochia, in a memorable conflict. Benedic. de Aculf. 23. The King Ahashuerosh, as on this day, sent forth a proclamation throughout all his countrey and prouinces, in y e favour of the Jewes, and against Haman and his conspiration, as apeareth. Ester. 8. 9. &c. 25. As on this day, was the conflict at Mersbrough, betweene the Emperour Henrie the fourth and Rodolfe duke of Sueuia, stickled forth by the Pope. Anno 1080. 27. After the flood had been fourtie dayes vpon the earth, the waters were so increased, that Noahs arke was lifted vp as vpon this day, aboue the earth. Gene. 7. 17. THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. [ JULY HATH XXXI. DAYS. fryseth "j f iii mi. 18 Sunne < >houre-< ( falleth ) ( viii mi. 42 Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xix viii xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi xix S A b c d e f g A b c d e f I b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b Kalend. vi No. v No. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii KL xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvi: xx viii xxix XXX XXX i Lesson. Pro. xii xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxvi xxviii xxxi Eccle. ii iiii vi viii X xii Jerem. ii iiii vi viii X xii xiiii xvi Eccl. xxi Jer. xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxvi xxviii ii Lesson. Luk. xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii ' xxiii xxiiii John i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix i Lesson. Pro, xiii XV xvii xix xxi xxiii XXV xxvii xxix Eccle. i iii V vii ix xi Jerem. i iii V vii ix xi xiii XV xvii Eccle.xxiii Jer. xix. xxi xxiii XXV xxvii xxix ii Lesson. Philip, i ii iii iiii Coloss. i ii iii iiii i Thes. i ii iii iiii V ii Thes. i ii iii i Tim. i ii, iii iiii V vi ii Tim. i ii iii iiii Titus i ii, iii Phile. i Hebre. i ii iii Visitati. Mar. Martin Dogge dayes. Sol in Leone. Swithune Augusti Margaret Magdalen Fast James apostl Anne. . 1578. JULY. l 6. The vi. day of this moneth, the Josias of our age, Edward the sixt, King of England, dyed. Anno. 1553. 8. John Hus was burnt as on this day, at the councell holden at Constance for professing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Anno 1415. 9. As on this day, Jerusalem was besieged by the king of Babel, the space of eighteene moneths, and at length was taken. 2 Kings 25. 3. and Zedekiahs son slayne before his face, and after had his owne eyes put out. Jeremi. 39. 2, 7. _I2. As on this day was the birth of C. Julius Csesar, the first Emperour of Rome, of whome this moneth is so called. 15. About this time the great Sweat began in England. Anno 1551. 17. As on this day, Moses in his anger, being thereunto prouoked by the Idolatrie of the people, brake the two Tables of stone, which hee had receyved of the Lorde in the mount. Exod. 32. 19. f 19. As on this_day, the great hurt by fire began at Rome in Neroes reigne. 23. As on this day, Pope Alexander the third treadeth upon Frederick Barbarossa the Emperour. 27. As vpon this day, the Athenians receyved a great ouerthrowe in Sicilia, of the Syracusians. THE NEW CALENDAR. 201 C AUGUST HATH XXX. DAYS. (ryseth) ("vii mi. 34 Sunne < ) houre-< (falleth ) (. iiii mi. 26 1 MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. viii xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi xix viii c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d c Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xix KL xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. Lammas i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX XXX i Lesson, Jer. xxx xxxii xxxiiii xxxvi xxxviii xl xiii xliiii xlvii . xlix Ii Lamen. i iii V Ezech. iii vii xiiii xxxiii Dani. i iii V vii ix Eccl. xxv Dani. xi xiii Osee. i iiii vii ix xi ii Lesson. John xx xxi Actes i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii Math, i * Lesson. Jere. xxxi xxxiii XXXV xxxvii xxxix xii xiiii xlv, xlvi xlviii 1 Iii Lamen. ii iiii Ezech. ii vi xiii xviii xxxiiii Dani ii iiii vi viii X Eccl. xxix Dan. xii xiiii Ose, ii. iii v, vi viii X xii ii Lesson. Heb. iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii Jacob, i ii iii iiii V i Pet. i ii iii iv V ii Pet. i ii iii i Joh. i ii iii iv V ii, iii Jo. Jude i Rom. i Transfigu The Name of ...FTe. Laurence SolinVirgine 1 Septembris ... Fast Bart ho. apo... Augustine Behead. of Job P This and the following should each be three places higher.] 1578. AUGUST. i. Aaron as vpon this day, being 123 yeeres olde, dyed vpon the moantaine Hor, 40 yeeres after the children of Israel's coming out of Egypt. Nomb. 20. 25, 28. and 33. 38, 39. 7. Nebuzar-adan, as on this day, setteth ye citie and Temple of Jerusalem on fire. 2 King 25. 8, 9. 8. Henrie the 4. Emperour, as on this day dyed with sorowe, constrained thereunto by the / Pope's iniuries. 10. Titus soldiours, as on this day, set the Citie and Temple of Jerusalem on fire, sithens which time neither of them haue euer bin reedified. Joseph, lib. 6. Chap. 26. As on this day also, Ezra the Scribe entreth into Jerusalem with a great multitude of the Jewes, and is honorably receaved of those that about 50 yeeres before, came thither with Zerubbabel before the Incarnation of Christ, 596 yeeres. Ezra. 7. 9. 26. Darius being slaine Alexander, as vpon this day, obtameth the Empire of Ask, and the same day, y e monarchie was translated from the Persians vnto the Greekes. i. Macca. i. i. 27. Religion, as on this day, was reformed, according to God's expresse truth, in the most / renoumed citie of Geneva. 1535. 29. The citie Buda in Hungarie, as on this day, yeelded vnto -e Turke in the yeere of our Lord God, 1526. 2O2 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. C SEPTEMBER HATH XXX. DAYS. ( ryseth) (v mi. 36 Sunne ! > houre < (falleth) (vi mi. 24 1 MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xvi V xiii ii ' X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi xix viii f g A b c d f 1 b c d e f i b c d e f R A b c d e f g Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. v Id. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ix Kl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKL vKl. iiii Kl. iiiKl. Prid. Kl. Gyles i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii i Lesson. Ose xiii Joeli iii Amos ii iiii vi viii Abdias i Jo. ii, iii Miche i iii v vii Naum. ii Abacuc i iii Soph, ii Agge i Zach. I iiii, v Eccle. 35 Zach. vii ix xi xiii Mala, i iii Toby i Eccle. 39 Toby iii ii Lesson. Math, ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii Mark i ii iii i Lesson. Ose xiiii Joel ii Amos i iii v vii ix Jonas i iv Miche ii iv vi Naum. i iii Abac, ii Soph, i iii Agge ii ii Lesson. Rom. ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi i Cor. i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV Dog days end Nati. of Mary Sol in Libra.. Holy crosse . . Equinoctium. Autumnale. . . . Lambert xii: xiiii XV XV xvi: xviii xix XX XX xxi xxii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX Za. ii, iii vi Eccle. 38 Zach. viii X xii xiiii Mala, ii iiii Toby ii Eccle. 44 To. iiii Fast. S. Mathewe... Ciprian... . 6". Michael.... Hierom 1578. SEPTEMBER. 2. Augustus Csesar this day, ouerthrew Antonius and Cleopatra, in a battel by sea at Actium, 28 yeeres before Christ was borne. Dion. 7. Our Soueraigne Lady QUEENE ELIZABETH, was borne as vpon this day, at Greene- wich. Anno. 1532 [1533]- 8. Jerusalem was as upon this day, sacked with fire and sworde, and vtterly rased, 73 yeeres after the birth of Christ : who prophesied the same 40. yeeres before. Matth. 24. 2, 34. Joseph, lib. 7. chap. 26. 13. Titus the Emperour, sonne to Vespasian, as vpon this day died, after Christes birth 83. yeeres. / 14. Chrysostome being chased out of his Church of Constantinople, as vpon this day, died. 18. Domitian the Emperour as vpon this day, was slaine, by ye treason of his wife and seruaunts. 20. The noble Oratour L. Crassus, as vpon this day, died of a pleurisie. Cicero, lib. 3. de Orat. 23. Octauius Cesar, as vpon this day, was borne 60. yeeres before the Natiuitie of Christ. Gel. lib. 15 chap. 7. 24. Angelus Politian, as vpon this day, died, Anno. 1509. 25. As vpon this day, Nehemiah finished the walles of Jerusalem, 444. yeeres before Christ. Nthe. 6. 15. 30. As vpon this day, Pompeius surnamed the great, was borne, before Christ, 103. yeeres. THE NEW CALENDAR. 203 OCTOBER HATH XXXI. DAYES. ( ryseth ) fvi. mi. 35. Sunnex > houre < ( falleth ) (v. mi. 25. Psalntes. ' MORNYNG PRAYER. i EUENYNG PRAYER. xvi V xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi xix viii xvi V A b c d e f 5 A b c d e i g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c Kalend. vi No. v No. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xi Kl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. Remige i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xx i xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX XXX i Lesson. Toby v vii ix xi xiii Judit. i iii v vii ix xi xiii XV Wisd. i iii v vii Eccle. Ii Wisd. ix xi xiii XV xvii xix Eccle. ii iiii vi Job 24, 25 Eccl. viii X xii ii Lesson. Mar. iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi Luk. di. i di. i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii i Lesson. Toby, vi viii X xii xiiii Judit. ii iiii vi viii X xii xiiii xvi Wisd. ii iiii vi viii Jobi Wisd. x xii xiiii xvi xviii Eccle. i iii v vii Job xiii Eccle. ix xi xiii ii Lesson. i Cor. xvi 2 Cor. i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii Galat. i ii iii iiii v vi Ephes. i ii iii iiii v vi Phil, i ii iii iiii Coloss. i Fayth Dennis Edwarde Sol in Scorpio Novembris. ... Etheldrede ... Luke Euan... Crispine Fast. Simon&Jude Fast. 1578. OCTOBER. i. The feast of Trumpets was kept this day. Leuit. 23. 24 Jere. 41. i, 2. :d by God, was kept. Leuit. 23. 27. ii. As on this day was the first conflict of the Tigurines with ye fiue Townes of Heluetia, wherein Zwinglius was slaine. Anno. 1532. 15. As on this day, the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was kept, lasting 7. dayes. Leuit. 23. 34. 17. As on this day, Noahs Arke, after 160. daies, rested on the mountaines Ararat, in Armenia. Gene. 8. 4. 21. As on this day, the Jewish great feaste of palmes was kept. 22. This day, y e feast of holy conupcation was kept. 23. As on this day, the Jewes which returned from the captiuitie of Babylon, made a riewe couenant with God. Nehe. 9. i. Also Titus, sonne to Vaspasian, after the destruction of Jerusalem, slaieth 3000. Jewes on the birth day of his brother Domitian. An. 73. 31. This day, in the yeere of pur Lord God 1517. & CI. yeeres after yc death of John Huss Martin Luther gaue his propositions in y e Uniuersitie of Witemberg, against y e Popes pardon. 204 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. C NOUEMBER HATH XXX. DAYES. (ryseth} (vii. mi. 34. Sunne < > houre { (falleth ) (iiii. mi. 26. Psalmes. MORNYNG PRAYER. EUENYNG PRAYER. xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii vi xiiii iii xi xix viii xvi V d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas. viii Id. vii Id. vild. vid. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xviii Kl. xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKl. ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. All Saintes . . . i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX i Lesson. Wisd. iii Eccl. xiiii xvi xviii XX xxii xxiiii xxvii xxix xxxi xxxiii XXXV xxxvii xxxix xii xiiii xlv xlvii xlix Ii Baruc. ii iiii vi Esay ii iiii vi viii X xii Prou. xx ii Lesson. He. xi, xii Lu. xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii John i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi Actes i i Lesson. Wisd. v Eccl. xv xvii xix xxi xxiii x xxv xxviii XXX xxxii xxxiiii xxxvi xxxviii xl xiii xliiii xlvi ii Lesson. Apo. xix Coloss. ii iii iiii i Thess, i ii iii iiii V ii Thess. i ii iii i Tim. i Leonardo S. Martin .... Sol in Sagit- Brice [tario Decembris.... Machute 11, in iiii V vi Hugh Init. reg. [Elizabet. Edmund King xlviii 1 Baruc. i iii V Esay i iii V vii ix xi xiii Pro. xxi ii Tim. i ii iii iiii Titus i ii iii Phile. i Hebr. i ii iii iiii V vi Cycelie Clement Katharine Fast. Andrew Apo.. t 1 Note, that the begynnyng of the xxvi. chapter of Ecclesi. (vnto) But when one is, &c., must be read with the xxv. chapter.] 1578. NOUEMBER. 10. This day happened the woful slaughter of Varna, where Ladislaus king of Hungarie was slaine by the Turke Anno. 1444. Also as vpon this day Martin Luther was borne. Anno. 1483. 15. Jeroboam, after that he had turned the people from y e obedience of Rehoboam their king vnto him self, deuised and ordained this day to be kept holy of the people, and because they should not goe vnto Jerusalem to worship, he caused two golden calues to be set vp, the one at Dan, and the other at Bethel, and so he & the people committed Idolatrie. i Kings. 12. 32, 33. 16. As vpon this daye Tiberius Cesar was borne, before the birth of Christ 39 yeeres. 17. As vpon this day, began most prosperously our most Soueraigne Ladye QUEENE ELIZABETH, to reigne ouer vs, anno. 1558. whom we beseech God long to continue in that gouernment. 18. Titus as vpon this day, vsed no lesse crueuie against the Jewes his prisoners, in the citie of Beryte in Syria, keeping the birth day of his father Vespasian, then he did on the birth day of his brother Domitian. Joseph. Lib. 7. Chap. 20. THE NEW CALENDAR. 205 C DECEMBER HATH XXXI DAYES. /"ryseth"| f viii mi. 12 Sunne-f Vhoure-L UallethJ Uiimi.48 Psalms. MORNYNG PRAYER. EVENYNG PRAYER. xiii ii X xviii vii XV iiii xii i ix xvii xiiii iii xi xix viii xvi V xiii f g A b c d e f (T A b d f A b d f cr t> A b d f g A Kalend. iiii No. iii No. Prid. No. Nonas, viii Id. vii Id. vild. vld. iiii Id. iii Id. Prid. Id. Idus. xix Kl. xviii Kl. i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii XXV xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix XXX XXX i Lesson. Esa. xiv xvi xviii xx, xxi xxiii XXV xxvii xxix xxxi xxxiii XXXV xxxvii xxxix xii xiiii xlv xlvii xlix Ii Iiii Prou. 23 Esai. Iv Ivii lix Esay ix Prou. 28 Eccle. v Jer. xxxi Esay Ixi Ixiii Ixv n Lesson. Actes ii iii iiii V vi di. vii di. vii viii ix X xi xii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii xviii xix XX xxi xxii xxiii xxiiii Luk. xxii Ac. 6, 7 Apoca. i Act. xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii i Lesson. Esay xv xvii xix xxii xxiiii xxvi xxviii XXX xxxii xxxiiii xxxvi xxxviii xl xiii xliiii xlvi xlviii 1 Hi Hiii Prou. 24 Esay Ivi Iviii Ix Esay vii Eccle. iv Eccle. vi Wisd. i Esa. Ixii Ixiiii Ixvi ii Lesson. Heb. vii viii ix X xi xii xiii James i ii iii iiii V i Pet. i ii iii iiii V ii Pet. i ii iii i Joh. i ii iii iiii Tit. iii Act. vii Apo. xxii i Joh. v ii John i iii Joh. i Jude i Nicholas Concept Ma.. Sol inCapricor Lucie Januarii xvii Kl. xvi Kl. xv Kl. xiiii Kl. xiii Kl. xii Kl. xiKl. xKL ixKl. viii Kl. vii Kl. viKl. vKl. iiii Kl. iii Kl. Prid. Kl. O Sapienc.... Fast. Thomas Apo. . Fast. Christmas St. Stephen ... Saint John. ... Innocentes .... Syluester 1578. DECEMBER. 9. In the yeere of our Lord God, 1437 Sigismund King of Hungarie, and Emperour of Rome, as on this day dyed. 15. Antiochus Epiphnes, as on this day, placed the Idole of Jupiter vpon ye Altar of God in Jerusalem, i Macca. i. 57. 16. Ezra as on tnis day, commaundeth y e Israelites to leaue their strange wiues. Ezra. 10. ii. and i. Esdr. g. 8, 9. 25. Christ borne as on this day, of the Virgin Marie, in the yeere from the worldes creation 4018. Antiochus Epiphanes entred also as vpon this day into Jerusalem, with a great armie, and spoyled it. Joseph, lib. 12. chap. 6. Also he caused sacrifice on this day to be made vpon the Altar, which was in the steade of the Altar of sacrifices, looke i. Macca. i. 62. 26. Steuen was stoned to death by the Jewes, for professing Christ, in the yeere after Christ his ascension. Acts. 7. 58, 59. 27. As vpon this day Saynt John the Euangelist, being of the age of Ixxxix. yeeres, died at Ephesus, in the reigne of Traiane the Emperour, xxx. yeeres after the destruction of Jerusalem. 28. This day Herod slewe the Innocents, two yeeres after the birth of Christ, among whom he had thought to haue murthered Christ. Mat. 2. 16, 17, 18. 206 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. APPENDIX II. A FOURME to be vsed in Common prayer twyse aweke, and also an order of publique fast, to be vsed euery Wednes- day in the weke, duryng this tyme of mortalitie, and other afflictions, wherwith the Realme at this present is visited. Set forth by the Quenes Maiesties speciall commaundment, expressed in her letters hereafter folowyng in the next page. xxx. July 1563. By the Quene, MOST Reuerende father in God, ryght trusty and ryght wel- beloued, we grete you well. Lyke as Almyghtie God hath of his mere grace committed to vs, nexte vnder hym, the chiefe gouerne- ment of this Realme and the people therein : So hath he of his lyke goodnes, ordered vnder vs sundry principall ministers, to serue and assist vs in this burden. And therefore consideryng the state of this present tyme, wherein it hath pleased the most hyghest, for thamendment of vs and our people, to visite certayne places of our Realme with more contagious sicknes than lately hath ben : For remedy and mittigation thereof, we thynke it both necessary and our bounden duetie,that vniuersall prayer and fastyng be more effectually vsed in this our Realme. And vnderstandyng that you haue thought and considered vpon some good order to be prescrybed therin, for the which ye require thapplication of our aucthoritie, for the better obseruation therof amongest our people, we do not onlye commende and allowe your good zeale therin ; But do also commaunde all maner our Ministers Ecclesiastical! or Cyuill, and all other our Subiectes, to execute, folowe, and obey such Godly and holsome orders, as you, beyng Primate of all Englande, and Metropolitane of this prouince of Canterbury, vpon Godlye aduise and consideration, shall vniformely deuyse, prescribe, and publyshe, for the vniuersal vsage of Prayer, Fastyng, and other good deedes, duryng the tyme of this visitation by sicknes and other troubles. Yeuen vnder our Signet, at our Manour of Richmond, the first day of August the fifth yere of our reigne. To the moste Reuerende father in God our ryght trusty and ryght wel- beloued, Tharchbyshop of Canterbury and Primate of all Englande. IT The Preface. WE be taught by many ajid sundry examples of holy Scriptures, that vppon occasion of perticuler punyshementes, afflictions, and A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 207 perylles, whiche God of his most iust iudgement hath sometymes sent amonge his people, to shewe his wrath agaynst sinne, and to call his people to repentaunce and to the redresse of theyr lyues, the Godly haue ben prouoked and styrred vp to more fer- uencie and diligence in prayer, fastyng, and almesdedes, to a more depe consideration of theyr consciences, to ponder theyr vnthankfulnes and forgetfulnes of Gods merciful benefites to- wardes them, with crauyng of pardon for the tyme past, and to aske his assistaunce for the tyme to come, to lyue more Godly, and so to be defended and delyuered from all further peryls and daungers. So king Dauid in the time of plague and pestilence, which ensued vpon his vayne numbryng of the people, prayed vnto God with wonderfull fervencie, confessyng his fault, desiryng God to spare the people, and rather to turne his yre to hymwarde, who had chiefely offended in that transgression. The lyke was done by the vertuous kynges, Josaphat and Ezechias in theyr distresse of warres and foreygne inuasions. So dyd Judith and Hester fall to humble prayers in lyke perylles of theyr people. So dyd Daniell in his captiuitie, and many other moe in theyr troubles. Nowe therfore callyng to mynde, that God hath ben prouoked by vs to visite vs at this present with the plague and other greuous diseases, and partlye also with trouble of warres : It hath ben thought meete to set foorth by publique order some occasion to excite and stirre vp all godly people within this Realme, to pray earnestly and hartely to God, to turne away his deserued wrath from vs, and to restore vs aswell to the health of our bodyes by the holsomnes of the ayre, as also to Godly and profytable peace and quietnes. And although it is euery Christian mans duetie, of his owne deuo- tion to pray at all tymes : yet for that the corrupt nature of man is so slouthfull and negligent in this his duetie, he hath nede by often and sundry, meanes, to be styrred vp and put in remem- braunce of his duetie. For the effectuall accomplyshement wherof, it is ordered and appoynted as foloweth. Fyrst, that all Curates and Pastours, shall exhort theyr Parys- shioners to endeuour them selues to come vnto the Churche, with so many of theyr families as maye be spared from theyr necessary busynes, (hauyng yet a prudent respecte in such assemblyes to kepe the sicke from the whole, in places where the plague reigneth) and they to resorte, not onely on Sundayes and holydayes : but also on Wednesdayes and Frydayes, duryng the tyme of these present afflictions, exhortyng them, there reuerently and Godly to behaue them selues, and with penitent hartes to praye vnto God to turne these plagues from vs, whiche we through our vnthank- fulnes and synfull lyfe haue deserued. Secondly, that the sayd Curates shall then distinctly and playnely read the generall confession appoynted in the boke of Seruice, with the residue of the Mornyng prayer, vsynge for both the Lessons the Chapters hereafter folowyng. That is to saye : 208 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. For the first Lesson, one of these Chapters, out of the olde Testament. The 2. Kinges. Cap. 24. Leuiticus. 26. Deuteronom. 28. Hieremy. 1 8. vnto these wordes : Let vs. &c., and 22. 2. Para. Cap. 34. Esay. i. Ezechiell. 18. and .19. Joell. 2. 2. Esdras. 9. Jonas the .2. and .3. Chapter together. Whiche Chapters would be read orderly on Sundayes, Wednesdayes, and Frydayes. And for the seconde Lesson, one of these Chapters, out of the ne'we Testament. Mathewe. 3. 6. 7. 24. 25. Luke. 13. Actes. 2. begynnyng at these wordes : Ye men of Israeli, heare these wordes. To the ende of the Chapter. &c. Rom. 2. 6. 12. 13. Galath. 5. Ephesians 4. 5. i. Tim. 2. Apoca. 2. The order for the Wednesdayes. If On Wednesdayes (which be the dayes appoynted for generall fast, in suche fourme as shall hereafter be declared) after the Mornyng prayer ended, as is aforesayde, the sayde Curates and Ministers shall exhort the people assembled, to geue them selues to theyr priuate prayers and medi- tations. For which purpose a pawse shalbe made of one quarter of an houre and more, by the discretion of the sayde Curate. Duryng which tyme, as good scilence shalbe kept as may be. That done, the Letany is to be read, in the myddest of the people, with the additions of prayer hereafter mentioned. Then shall folowe the ministration of the Communion, so oft as a iust number of Communicants shalbe therto disposed, with a Sermon, yf it can be, to be made by suche as he aucthorised by the Metropolitane or Byshop of the Diocesee, and they to entreate of suche matters especiallye as be meete for this cause of publique prayer : or els, for want of suche Preacher, to reade one of the Homylyes hereafter appoynted, after the readyng of the Gospell, as hath ben accustomed. And so the Minister commendyng the people to God with thaccustomed benediction, shall dimysse them. If there be no Communion, then on euery of the sayde Wednesdayes after the Letary, the .x. Commaundments, the Epistle, Gospell, the Sermon or Homylye done : the generall vsuall prayer for the state of the whole Church shalbe read, as is set forth in the booke of Common prayer. After whiche shall folowe these two prayers : Almyghtie God, the fountayne of all wysdome. &c. And, Almyghtie God, which hast promysed. &c. With the accustomed benediction. IF The Order for Frydayes. IT On Frydayes shalbe onely the Mornyng prayer, and the Letany, with the prayers nowe appoynted to be annexed to the same. IF Homylyes to be read in order on Wednesdayes. I. First, an Homyly intituled, an Homyly concernyng the Justice of God in punyshyng of impenitent sinners. &c. Newly nowe set forth for that purpose. A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 209 2. The .viii. Homylye of the fyrst Tome of Homylies, entituled, Of the declynyng from God. 3. The .ix. Homyly of the same Tome, entituled: An exhortation agaynst the feare of death. 4. The Homyly of Fastyng, in the seconde Tome of Homylyes. 5. The Homyly of Prayer, in the same Tome. 6. The Homyly of Almes dedes, in the same Tome. 7. The Homyly of repentaunce, in the same Tome also. When these Homylyes are once read ouer, then to begyn agayne, and so to continue them in order. After the ende of the Collect in the Letany, whiche begynneth with these wordes : We humbly beseche thee, O father. &c. shall folowe this Psalme, to be sayd of the Minister, with the aunswere of the people. IT The Psalme to be sayde in the Letany, before one of the prayers newly appoynted. W her of one -verse to be sayde of the Minister, and an other by the people, clarke, or clarkes. O COME, let vs humble our selues, and fall downe before the I. Lord, with reuerence and feare. Psal. 95. For he is the Lords our God : and we are the people of his 2. pasture, and the sheepe of his handes. Come therefore, let vs turne agayne vnto our Lord ; for he hath 3. smytten vs, and he shall heale vs. Osee 6. Let vs repent, and turne from our wickednes : And our sinnes 4. shalbe forgeuen vs. Actes 3. Let vs turne, and the Lord wyll turne from his heauy wrath, 5. and wyll pardon vs, and we shall not peryshe. jona. 3 . For we knowledge our faultes : and otir sinnes be euer before vs, 6. We haue sore prouoked thine anger, O Lorde : thy wrath is Psal " SI> waxed hotte, and thy heauy displeasure is sore kyndled agaynst vs. lament Thou hast made vs heare of the noyse ofwarres, and hast troubled g. vs by the vexation of enemies. Thou hast in thine indignation stryken vs with greuous sicknes, 9. and by and by we haue fallen as leaues beaten downe with a Esay 64. vehemente wynde. In deede we acknowledge, that all punyshementes are lesse than 10. our deservynges : But yet of thy mercy, Lorde correct vs to Judith 8. amende ment, and plague vs not to our destruction. Sap.Vi. For thy hande is not shortened, that thou canste not helpe : 1 1. neyther is thy goodnes abated, that thou wylt not heare. Thou hast promysed, O Lorde, that afore we crye thou wylt heare 12. vs : whylest we yet speake thou wylt haue mercy vpon vs, Esay e<-. For none that truste in thee shalbe confounded : neyther any 13. that call vpon thee shalbe despised. For thou arte the only Lorde, who woundest, and doest heale 14. agayne, who kyllest, and reuiuest, bryngest euen to hell, and^ ^?!- bryngest backe agayne. Osee 5 & 2io THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. 15- Our fathers hoped in thee, they trusted in thee, and thou dyddest Psal. 22. delyuer them. 1 6. They called upon thee, and were helped: they put theyr trust in thee, and were not confounded. 17. O Lorde, rebuke not vs in thine indignation : neyther chasten vs Psal. 6. in thy heauy displeasure. 1 8. remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth : but accord- Psal. 25. yng to thy mercy thynke thou vppon vs, O Lorde, for thy goodnes. 19. Haue mercy vpon vs, O Lord, for we are weake : O Lorde heale vs for our bones are vexed. And nowe in the vexation of our spirites, and the anguyshe of our soules, we remember thee, and we crye vnto the : Heare Lords, and haue mercy. 21. For thine owne sake, and for thy holy name sake, inclyne thine Dani. 9. eare, and heare, O mercifull Lord. 22 For we do not powre out our prayers before thy face, trusting in our owne righteousnes : but in thy great and manyfolde mercies. 23. Washe vs throughly from our wickednes : and dense vs from our sinnes. 24. Turne thy face from otir sinnes, and put out all our misdedes. 2 c. Make vs cleane hartes, O God : and renewe a ryght spirite within vs. 2 g Helpe vs, O God of our saluation, for the glory e of thy name : Psal ' O delyuer vs, and be mercifull vnto our synnes for thy names sake. 27. So we that be thy people, and sheepe of thy pasture, shall geue ' thee thankes for euer, and wyll alwayes be shewyng foorth thy prayse, from generation to generation. Glory be to the father. &>c. IT After this Psalme, shalbe sayde by the Curate or Minister openly and with an hygh voyce, one of these three prayers foloivyng. And after that, orderly the rest of the Collectes appoynted in the Letany. At which tyme the people shall deuoutly geue eare, and shall both -with mynde and speache to them selues, assent to the same prayers. IF A Prayer, conteynyng also a Confession of synnes. Which is to be sayde after the Letany, aswell vpon Sundayes, as Wednesdayes and Frydayes. O ALMYGHTIE, most iuste and mercifull God, we here acknow- ledge our selues moste vnworthy to lyfte vp our eyes vnto heauen ; for our conscience doth accuse vs, and our synnes do reproue vs. We knowe also that thou Lorde, beyng a iuste iudge, must needes punyshe the synnes of them which transgresse thy lawe. And when we consider and examine all our whole lyfe, we fynde nothyng in our selues, that deserueth any other thyng but eternall dampna- tion. But because thou, O Lorde, of thy vnspeakable mercye, hast commaunded vs in all our necessities to call onlye vpon thee, and hast also promised, that thou wylt heare our prayers, not for any our deserte (which is none) but for the merites of thy sonne A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 211 our onlye Sauiour Jesus Christe, whom thou hast ordeyned to be our only mediatour and intercessour : we lay away all confidence in man, and do flee to the throne of thy onlye mercye, by the intercession of thy only sonne our Sauiour Jesu Christe. And fiyrste of all, we do moste lament and bewayle, from the bottome of our hartes, our vnkyndnesse and vnthankfulnesse towardes thee our Lorde, consideryng, that besydes those thy benefytes which we enioy as thy creatures, common with all mankynde, thou hast bestowed many and singuler speciall benefites vpon vs, which we are not hable in harte to conceaue, muche lesse in wordes worthelye to expresse. Thou hast called vs to the knowledge of thy Gospell. Thou hast releassed vs from the harde seruitude of Sathan. Thou hast delyuered vs from all horrible and execrable Idolatry, wherein we were vtterly drowned, and haste brought vs into the moste clere and comfortable lyght of thy blessed worde, by the whiche we are taught howe to serue and honour thee, and howe to lyue orderly with our neyghbours in trueth aud veritie. But we, moste vnmyndfull in tymes of prosperitie of these thy greate benefites, haue neglected thy commaundmentes, haue abused the knowledge of thy Gospell, and haue folowed our carnall libertie, and serued our owne lustes ; and through our synfull lyfe haue not worshypped and honoured thee as we ought to haue done. And nowe, O Lorde, beyng euen compelled with thy correction, we do most humbly confesse that we haue synned, and haue most greuously offended thee by many and sundry wayes. And yf thou, O Lorde, wouldest now beyng prouoked with our disobedience, so deale with vs as thou myght, and as we haue deserued, there remayneth nothyng els to be loked for, but vniuersall and continuall plagues in this worlde, and hereafter eternall death and dampnation, both of our bodyes and of our soules. For yf we shoulde excuse our selues, our owne consciences woulde accuse vs before thee, and our owne dis'obedience and wickednes would beare witnesse agaynst vs. Yea, euen thy plagues and punyshementes, which thou dost nowe laye vppon vs in sundry places, do teache vs to acknowledge our synnes. For seying, O Lorde, that thou art iust, yea, euen Justice it selfe, thou punyshest no people without desert. Yea, euen at this present O Lorde, we see thy hande terrybly stretched out to plague vs and punyshe vs. But although thou shouldest punyshe vs more greuouslye then thou hast done, and for one plague sende an hundreth ; yf thou shouldest powre vpon vs all those the testimonies of thy most iust wrath, which in times passed thou powredst on thy owne chosen people of Israeli : yet shouldest thou do vs no wronge, neyther could we denye but we had iustly deserued the same. But yet, O mercifull lord, thou art our God, and we nothyng but duste and ashes : Thou art our creatour, and we the worke of thy handes : Thou art our pastor, we are thy flocke : Thou arte our redeemer, and we thy people redeemed : Thou art our heauenly father, we are thy 212 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. chyldren. Wherfore punyshe vs not, O Lorde, in thyne anger, but chasten vs in thy mercy. Regarde not the horror of our synnes, but the repentuance therof. Perfyte that worke whiche thou hast begonne in vs, that the whole worlde may know, that thou art our God and mercifull delyuerer. Thy people of Israeli often tymes offended thee, and thou most iustly afflicted them : but as oft as they returned to thee, thou dyddest receaue them to mercy. And though theyr synnes were neuer so great, yet thou alwayes turned away thy wrath from them, and the punishment pre- pared for them, and that for thy couenaunt sake, whiche thou made with thy seruauntes, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thou hast made the same couenaunt with vs (O heauenly father), or rather a couenaunt of more excellencie and efficacie, and that, namely, through the mediation of thy deare sonne Jesus Chryste our Sauiour, with whose moste precious bloud it pleased thee that this couenaunt should be, as it were, wrytten, sealed, and confirmed. Wherfore, O heauenly father, we, now castyng away all confidence in our selues, or anye other creature, do flee to this most holy couenaunt and Testament, wherein our Lorde and Sauiour Jesus Chryst, once offeryng hymselfe a sacrifice for vs on the crosse, hath reconciled vs to thee for euer. Loke therfore, O mercifull God, not vppon the synnes which we continually commit : but vppon our mediatour and peace-maker, Jesus Chryst, that by his intercession thy wrath maye be pacified, and we agayne by thy fatherly countenance relieued and comforted. Receiue vs also into thy heauenly defence, and gouerne vs by thy holye spirite, to frame in vs a newnesse of lyfe, therein to laude and magnifie thy blessed name for euer, and to lyue euery of vs accordyng to the seuerall state of lyfe whervnto thou Lorde, hast ordeyned vs. And although we are vnworthy (O heauenly father), by meanes of our former foule lyfe, to craue any thyng of thee : yet because thou hast commaunded vs to praye for all men, we moste humbly here vpon our knees beseche thee, saue and defende thy holye Churche, be mercifull, O Lorde, to all common weales, Countres, Princes, and Magistrates, and especially to this our Realme, and to our moste gracious Quene and Gouernour Quene Elizabeth, increase the number of Godly Ministers, indue them with thy grace to be founde faithfull and" prudent in their office, defende the Quenes Maiesties Councell, and all that be in aucthoritie vnder her, or that serue in any place by her commaundement for this Realme. We commende also to thy fatherly mercy all those that be in pouertie, exyle, imprisonment, sicknes, or any other kynde of ad- uersitie, and namely those whom thy hande nowe hath touched with any contagious and daungerous sicknes, whiche we beseche thee, O Lorde, of thy mercy (when thy blessed wyl is) to remoue from vs, and in the meane time graunt vs grace and true repent- aunce, stedfaste fayth, and constant pacience, that whether we lyue or dye, we maye alwayes continue thyne, and euer prayse thy A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 213 holye name, and be brought to the fruition of thy Godhead. Graunt vs these, and all other our humble petitions (O mercifull father) for thy deare sonnes sake, Jesus Chryste our Lorde. Amen. Or els in the steade of the other ; this Prayer may be vsed, and so to vse the one one day and the other another. O ETERNALL and euerlyuing God, most mercifull father, whiche of thy great longsufferyng and pacience hast hytherto suffred and borne with vs most miserable offenders, who haue so long strayed out of thy way, and broken all thy lawes and com- maundementes, and haue, neyther by thy manyfolde benefites bestowed vppon us vnworthy and vnthankfull synners, nor by the voyce of thy seruauntes and preachers, by continuall threatnynges out of thy holye worde, hytherto ben moued, eyther as thy chyldren, of loue to returne vnto thee our moste gracious father, eyther for feare of thy iudgementes, as humble and lowley ser- uauntes to turne from our wickednesse. And therefore, moste ryghteous iudge, thy pacience beynge (as it were) ouercome at the laste with oure obstinate vnrepentaunce, thou hast most iustly executed those thy terrible threates nowe partly vppon vs, by plaguying vs so (with moste dreadfull and deadlye sicknes) (with ^.^1^1^ troubles of warres) (with penury and scarcenes of foode and vyt- any of these tayle), wherby great multitudes of vs are dayly afflicted and con- p J ages , a ?, sumed. We beseche thee, O most mercifull father, that in thy | uch S ys. wrath thou wylt remember thy old great mercies, and to correct vs in thy iudgementes, and not in thy iust anger, lest we be all con- sumed and brought to nought. Loke not so much vpon vs and vpon our deseruynges, O moste ryghteous iudge, to take iust ven- geaunce on our synnes : but rather remember thy infinite mercies, O moste mercifull father, promysed to vs by thy dearely beloued sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christe, for whose sake, and in whose name, we do earnestly and humbly craue mercye and forgeuenes of our synnes, and delyueraunce from this horrible sicknes, being thy iust punyshment and plague for the same. And as thy holy worde doth testifie, that thy people of all ages, beyng iustlye plaged for theyr synnes, and yet in theyr distresse vnfaygnedly turnynge vnto thee, and suyng for thy mercye, obteyned the same : So lykewyse we, most worthely now afflicted with greuous and dreadfull plagues for our iniquities, pray thee, O most mercifull father, to graunt vs thy heauenly grace, that we maye lykewyse both truely and vn- faignedly repent, and obteine thy mercy, and delyueraunce from the same, which we beseche thee, O father of all mercies, and God of all consolation, to graunt vs, for the same Jesus Christes sake, our only Sauiour, mediatour and aduocate. Amen. This Prayer may be sayde euery thirde day. IT had ben the best for vs, O most ryghteous Judge, and our moste mercifull father, that in our wealthes and quietnes, and in 2i4 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. the myddest of thy manyfolde benefites continually bestowed vppon vs most vnworthy synners, we had of loue barkened to thy voyce, and turned vnto thee our moste louyng and gracious father : For in so doing, we had done the partes of good and obedient louyng chyldren. It had also ben well, yf at thy dreadfull threates out of thy holy worde continually pronounced vnto vs by thy seruauntes our preachers, we had of feare, as corrigible seruauntes, turned from our wickednes. But alas we haue shewed hytherto our selues towardes thee, neyther as louyng chyldren (O moste mercifull father) neyther as tollerable seruauntes, O Lorde most myghtie. Wherfore nowe we feele thy heauy wrath, O most ryghteous Judge, iustly punyshyng vs with greuous and deadly sicknesse and plagues ; we do nowe confesse and acknowledge, and to our most iust punyshment do fynde in dede, that to be most true, whiche we haue so often hard threatned to vs out of thy holy scriptures, the worde of thy eternall veritie : that thou arte the same vnchaunge- able God, of the same iustice that thou wylt, and of the same power that thou canst punyshe the lyke wickednes and obstinacie of vs impenitent synners in these dayes, as thou hast done in all ages heretofore. But the same thy holy Scriptures, the worde of thy trueth, do also testifie, that thy strength is not shortened but that thou canst, neyther thy goodnes abated but that thou wylt, helpe those that in theyr distresse do flee vnto thy mercyes, and that thou art the same God of all, ryche in mercy towardes all that call vppon thy name, and that thou dost not intende to destroy vs vtterly, but fatherly to correct vs ; who hast pitie vppon vs, euen when thou doste scourge vs, as by thy sayde holy worde thy gracious pro- mises, and the examples of thy saintes in thy holy Scriptures ex- pressed for our comfort, thou hast assurred vs. Graunt us, O moste mercifull father, that we fall not into the vttermoste of all mischiefes, to become worse vnder thy scourge, but that this thy rodde maye by thy heauenly grace spedelye worke in vs the fruite and effecte of true repentaunce, vnfayned turnyng and conuerting vnto thee, and perfect amendement of our whole lyues, that, as we through our impenitencie do nowe moste worthely feele thy iustice punyshyng vs, so by this thy -correction we may also feele the swete comfort of thy mercies, graciously pardonyng our synnes, and pitifully releassing these greuous punyshementes and dreadfull plagues. This we craue at thy hande, O most mercifull father, for thy deare sonne our Sauiour Jesus Chrystes sake. Amen. IT A short meditation to be sayde of suche as be touched in affliction. O FATHER, doubtlesse our owne wickednes do rewarde vs : but do thou, O Lorde, accordyng to thy name. Our oft transgressions and sinnes be many. Agaynst thee haue we synned, yet art thou the comforter and helper of thy humble subiectes in the tyme of theyr trouble. For thou O Lorde art in the myddes of vs, and thy name is called vpon vs. Forsake vs not, O God, forsake vs not A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 215 for themerites of thy only sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ, to whom, with thee and the holy ghost, be all honor and glory. Amen. IT Psalmes which may be song or sayd before the begynnyng, or after the endyng of Publique Prayer. 123456 13 15 25 26 30 32 46 51 67 79 84 91 IO2 IO3 IO7 123 I3O 143 H7 // The Order for the generall Fast. IT It is moste euident to them that reade the Scriptures, that both in the olde Church vnder the lawe, and in the Primitiue Church vnder the Gospell, the people of God hath alwayes vsed generall Fastyng, both in tymes of common calamities, as Warre, Famine, Pestilence. &c. and also when any wayghtie matter, touchyng the estate of the Churche or the com- mon wealth, was begon or intended. And it can not be denyed, but that in this our tyme, wherein many thinges haue ben reformed accordyng to the doctrine and examples of Gods worde, and the PrimitiUe Church, this part for fastyng and abstinence, beyng alwayes in the Scripture, as a necessary companion, ioyned to feruent prayer, hath ben to much neglected. Wherefore, for some begynnyng of redresse herein, it hath ben thought meete to the Queenes Maiestie that in this contagious tyme of sicknes, and other troubles, and vnquietnes, accordyng to the examples of the Godly king Josaphat, and the kyng of Niniue, with others, a generall Fast should 2 Par. 20. be ioyned with generall Prayer, throughout her whole Realme, and to be Jonas. 3. obserued of all her godlye Subiectes, in maner and fourme folowyng. Fyrst, it is ordeyned, that the Wednesday of euery weke shalbe the day i. appoynted for this generall Fast. Secondly, all persons betwene the age of .xvi. yeres and .lx. (sicke folkes 2. and labourers in haruest or other greate labours, only excepted) shal eate but one only competent and moderate meale vpon euery Wednesday. In which sayd meale shalbe vsed very sober and spare diet, without varietie of kyndes of meat, dyshes, spyces, confections, or wynes, but only such as may serue for necessitie, comelynesse, and health. Item, in that meal it shalbe indifferent to eat fleshe or fysh, so that 3. the quantitie be small, and no varietie or delycacie be sought. Wherein euery man hath to aunswere to God, yf he in such Godly exercyses eyther contempne Publique order, or dissemble with God, pretendyng abstinence, and doyng nothyng lesse. Item, those that be of wealth and habilitie, ought that daye to abate 4- and diminishe the costlynesse and varietie of theyr fare, and encrease therwith theyr liberalitie and almes towardes the poore, that the same poore, whiche eyther in dede lacke foode, or els that which they haue is vnseasonable and cause of sycknes, may therby be relieued and charitably succoured, to be mainteyned in health. Last of all, this day, beyng in this maner appoynted for a day of 5 generall Prayer and Fastyng, ought to be bestowed by them, which may forbeare from bodyly labour, in Prayer, studye, readyng or hearyng of the 216 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Scriptures, or good exhortations. &c. And when any dulnesse or wery- nesse shall aryse, then to be occupyed in other godly exercyses : But no parte therof to be spent in playes, pastymes, or ydlenesse, muche lesse in lewde, wicked, or wanton behauyour. When there is a Sermon, or other iust occasion, one of the Lessons may be omitted, and the shorteste of the three prayers appoynted in the Letany by this order may be sayd, and the longest left of. Forasmuch as diuers Homylyes, appoynted before to be read in this fourme of Common prayer, are conteyned in the seconde Tome of Homylyes nowe lately set foorth by the Quenes Maiesties aucthoritie : Therefore it is ordered, that the Churchwardens of euery paryshe shall prouide the same seconde Tome or booke of Homylyes with all speede at the charges of the Paryshe. APPENDIX III. Thanksgeuing to God for ivithdrauing and ceasing the plage. 1563. WEE yield the hartie thankes, O most mercifull father, that it hathe pleased the in thy wrayth to remember thy mercie, and partlie to mittigate thy severe rodde of this terrible plage, wher- with thowe hast hitherto most iustly scourged vs for our wickednes, and moste mercifully revoked vs from the same. Callinge vs (who in healthe and prosperitie had cleane forgotten bothe the and our selves) by sicknesse and adversitie to the remembrance bothe of thy iustice l and iudgmente and of our owne miserable fraylenes and mortalytie : and nowe leaste wee by the heavines of thyne indignation, shulde have utterly despeyred, comfortinge vs aigayne by the manifeste declaration of thy fatherly inclynation to all compassion and clemencie. Wee beseche the to perfecte the worke of thy mercie gratiously begone in vs : and forasmoche as trewe healthe is, to be sownde and 2 troow in that parte, which in vs is moste excellent, and like to thy godheade ; wee praye the throughly to cure and heale the woundes and diseases of our sowles, 3 grevously wounded and poysoned, by the 4 deyly assaults and in- fections of ye olde serpente Saitan, with the deadly plages of synne and wickednes : By 5 the which inwarde infection of our myndes G these outwarde diseases of our bodyes have by ye order of thy justice, O Lord, issued and followed, 7 that wee by thy fatherly goodnes and benefytt, obteyninge perfecte health bothe of our myndes and bodies, maye render vnto the therefore contynewall and moste hartie thankes, and that, by flyenge from 8 sinne, wee p terrible justice. These notes shew the original readings of the manuscript copy.] P and well att ease.] [3 s i c kly sowles.] [ 4 the great murtherer and old serpente.] [5 from.] [6 myndes, as it were out of a moste corrupte synke, these.] [7 have issued and flowed.] [8 o f sin from henceforthe. A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 217 maye avoyde thyne anger 9 and plages, and ever hereafter, in innocencie and godlynesse of lyffe studienge to serve and please the, maye bothe by our wordes and works allwayes glorifye thy holly name. Which wee besech the to graunt vs, O father of mercies and godde of all consolation, for thy deare sonne, our only saviour and mediator, Jesus Christs sake. Amen. APPENDIX IV. A FOURME to be vsed in common prayer, euery Sunday, Wednesday, and Fryday, through the whole Realme : To excite and stirre all godly people to pray vnto God for the preseruation of those Christians and their Coun- treys, that are nowe >inuaded by the Turke in Hungary, or elswhere. Set foorth by the most Reuerende father in God, Mathewe, Archbyshop of Canterbury, by the authoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. 1 566. The Preface. WHERE as the Turkes the last yere moste fiercely assaylyng the Isle of Malta, with a great armie and nauye 5 by the grace and assistaunce of almightie God (for the whiche we with other Chris- tians at that tyme by our hartie prayers made moste humble sute) were from thence repelled and dryuen, with theyr great losse, shame and confusion : they beyng inflamed with malice and desyre of vengaunce, do nowe by land inuade the kyngdome of Hungary (whiche hath of long tyme ben as a moste stronge wall and defence to all Christendome) farre more terribly and dread- fully, and with greater force and violence, than they dyd eyther the last yere, or at any tyme within the remembraunce of man : It is our partes, whiche for distaunce of place, can not succour them with temporall ayde of men, to assist them at the least with spirituall ayde, that is to say, with earnest, hartie, and feruent prayer to almightie God for them, desiring him, after the examples of Moses, Josaphat, Ezechias, and other godly men, in his great Exod, xvii. mercy to defende, preserue, and delyuer Christians, professyng his \\._Para.xx. holy name, and to geue sufficient myght and power to the Emper- "" ** xlx ' ours exellent Maiestie, as Gods principall minister, to represse the rage and violence of these Infidels, who by all tyrannye and cruel- tie, labour vtterly to roote out not onlye true religion, but also the very name and memory of Christ our only Sauiour, and all Chris- [ 9 anger, and ever.] 218 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. tianitie. And forsomuch as if the Infidels, who haue already a great part of that most goodly and strong kyngdome in theyr pos- session, shoulde preuayle wholly agaynst the same (whiche God forbyd) all the rest of Christendome should lye as it were naked and open to the incursions and inuasions of the sayde sauage and moste cruell enemyes the Turkes, to the moste dreadfull daunger of whole Christendome, all diligence, hartinesse, and feruencie is so muche the more now to be vsed in our prayers for Gods ayde, howe farre greater the daunger and peryll is nowe, then before it was. And although it is euery Christian mans duetie, of his owne deuotion to pray at all tymes : yet for that the corrupte nature of man is so slouthfull and negligent in this his duetie, he hath neede by often and sundry meanes to be styrred up, and put in re- membraunce of his duetie. For the efFectuall accomplyshment wherof, it is ordred and appoynted as foloweth. Fyrst, that all Parsons and Curates shall exhort theyr parys- shioners to endeuour themselues to come vnto the Church, with as many of theyr famyly, as maye be spared from theyr necessary busynes : And they to resort thyther, not only vpon Sundayes and holydayes, but also vpon Wednesdayes and Frydayes, duryng this daungerous and peryllous tyme : exhortyng them there reuerently and godly to behaue themselues, and with penitent mindes, kneelyng on theyr knees, to lyft up theyr hartes, and pray to the mercyfull God to tourne from vs, and all Christendome, those plagues and punyshmentes, which we and they through our vnthankfulnesse and sinnefull lyues haue deserued. Secondly, that the sayde Parsons and Curates shall then dis- tinctlye and playnely reade the generall confession appoynted in the booke of Seruice, with the residue of the Mornyng prayer, vnto the first lesson. Then for the first Lesson shalbe read one of the Chapters here- after folowyng, or so muche therof as is appoynted. Exod. xiiii. Exod. xvii. begynnyng at these wordes : Then came Amelech and fought with Israeli. &c. losue x. Unto these wordes : And lay ed great stones on the Canes mouthy which remayne vntyll this day. Iitdges vii. i kyng xvii. iiii kyng vii. iiii kyng xix. The second of the Chronicles, or Paralepomenon xx. Unto these wordes : And his God gaue hym reste on euery syde. Act. xii. After that, insteade of Te Deum laudamus, that is to say : We prayse thee O God : shalbe sayde the li. Psalme : Haue mercy vpon me O God. &c. Then immediatly after, vpon Wednesdayes and Frydayes, shalbe sayde the Crede. I beleue in God. &c. And after that the accus- tomed prayers folowyng, vnto the ende of the Mornyng prayer. And upon Sundayes, the seconde Lessons shalbe read, as they are ordinaryly appoynted, with the rest of the Mornyng prayer. That done, the Letanie shalbe sayde in the myddes of the people, A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 219 vnto the ende of the Collect in the same Letany, which beginneth with these wordes : We humblye beseche thee O father. &c. And then shall folow one of these Psalmes in theyr order, to be sayde of the Minister acdordyng too the order of the dayes, with the aunswere of the people. IT The Psalmes. HEARE our prayer O Lord, consider our desire : harken vnto Psai. cxliii. vs for thy trueth and righteousnes sake. Oh harken then to the voyce of our callyng, our kyng and our p s al. \. God: for vnto thee wyll we make our prayer. O God, the Heathen are come into thine inheritaunce : thine p sa i. ixxix: aduersaries roare in the middes of thy congregations, and set vp & ixxiiii. their banners for tokens. They haue set fyre upon thy holy places, and haue defiled the p sa i. ixxiiii dwelling place of thy name : and destroyed them euen unto the grounde. The dead bodyes of thy seruauntes haue they geuen to be meate Psal. ixxix. unto the fowles of the ayre : and the fleshe of thy saintes unto the beastes of the lande. Theyr bloud haue they shedde lyke water on euery syde of p sa l. ixxix. Hierusalem : and there was no man to bury them. And so we are become an open shame to our enemies : a very p sa i. ixxix. scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde about vs. Lord, howe long ivylt thou be angry ? shall thy gelousy burne p sa i, i xx ; x . lyke fyre for euer f O God, wherefore art thou absent from vs so long ? why is thy /> JB /. ixxiiii. wrath so kyndled agaynst the sheepe of thy pasture ? Oh remember not our old synnes, but haue mercy -upon vs, and Psai. ixxix. that soone : for we are come to great miserie. But thynke vppon the congregation : whom thou hast purchased Psai. ixxiiii. and redeemed of olde. Helpe vs, O God, of our saluation,for the glory of thy name: O p sa l. ixxix. delyuer vs, and be mercy full vnto our synnes, for thy names sake. Wherefore do the Heathen saye : Where is nowe their God ? Psai. ixxix. Make haste that thou mayst vtterly destroye euery enemie : p sa i. ixxiiii. which hath done euyll in thy sanctuarie. Aryse O God : mayntayne thyne owne cause : remember howe Psai. ixxiiii. the wicked man blasphemeth thee dayly. Powre out tJiyne indignation vppon the Heathen that haue not Psal. Ixxix. knowen thee : and vpon the kyngdomes that haue not called vpon thy name. O let the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloud that is shedde : be Psal. xxxv. openly shewed vpon the Heathen in our syght. 220 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Psai. lix. Delyuer vsfrom our enemies, O God: defende vsfrom them that ryse vp agaynst -vs. Psal. ixxix. Lette them be confounded and put to shame : let them be tourned backe and brought to confusion, that imagyne mischiefe agaynst vs. Psal. ixxix. So we that be thy people, and sheepe of thy pasture, shal geue thee thankes for euer : aad ivy II alwaye be shewyng foorth thy prayse jrom generation to generation. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy ghost. As it was in the begynnyng, is nowe, and euer shalbe, worlde 'without ende. Amen. Or this Psalme. Psai. ii. THE Heathen do furiously rage together, and the Kynges of the earth stand vp, and rulers take councell together : agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst his annoynted. Psal. xi. The ungodly bende their bowes, and make redy theyr arrowes within the quyuer : that they may shoote at those that call vpon the name of the Lorde, Psai xciiii. They smite downe thy people, O Lorde : and trouble thyne heritage. Psal. iii. Lord, howe are they encreased that trouble vs / many are they that ryse agaynst vs. Psai. iii. Many one ther be, that say of our soules : there is no helpe for them in theyr God. Psal. x. The ungodly are so proude, that they care not for God : neyther is God in al their thoughtes, nor his iudgementes in theyr syght. Psai. x. They haue sayde in theyr hartes tushe God hath forgotten : he hydeth awaye his face, and he wyll neuer see it. Psai. xxv. For thy names sake, O Lorde, be mercy full vnto our sinnes : for they are great. Psai. xxv. Turne thee vnto vs and haue mercye vpon vs : for we are desolate and in great misery. Psal. x. Stande not so farre of, Lorde : neyther hyde thy face in the nedefull tyme of trouble. Psai. xxvii. Harken vnto our voyce O Lorde, nowe when we crye vnto thee : aryse, O Lorde God, and lyft up thyne hande, and forget not thy people. Psal. x. Wherefore should the wicked blaspheme God ? whyle he doth say in his hart, tushe, thou God carest not for it. Psal. x. O take the matter into thy hande : thy people commit them- selues vnto thee, for thou art theyr helper in theyr distresse. Psal. x. Breake thou the power of the wicked and malicious : smyte all A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 221 our enemies vpon the cheeke bone, and breake the teeth of the PS**. ungodly. Rayne snares, fyre and brimstone, storme and tempest vpon Psal. xi. them : and let this be theyr portion to drynke. Recompcnce than theyr wyckednesse, and destroy them in their Pscd. xciiii. oivne malice : yea, the Lord our God shall destroy them, and delyner vs. And we shal geue thankes vnto the lorde accordyng to his great Psal. vii. mercies : and wyll praise the name of the lord the most hygh. We will declare thy name vnto our brethren : in the myddes of Psal- xxii. the congregation wyll we prayse thee, and magnifie thy saluation world without ende. Glory be to the father. &c. As it was in the begynnyng. fs^c. IF Or this. O LORD many doggs are come about vs : and the councell of p s ai. xxii. the wicked layeth siege agaynst us. Many Oxen do compasse vs : fat bulles of B as an close vs in on Psal. xxii. euery syde. They gape vpon us with theyr mouthes : as it were rampyng p sa i. xxii. and roaryng Lyons. Our enemies are dayly in hande to swallowe vs vp : for they be Psal. Ivi. exceedyng many that fight against vs, O thou most hygh. O remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth and tymes Psal. xv. paste : but accordyng to thy mercye thinke vpon vs O Lorde for thy goodnes. For thou, O Lorde, art our defender, thou art our health, and Psal. \\\. our saluation. O Lorde our God, in thee haue we put our trust : saue vs from p sa i, v ii. all them that persecute vs, and delyuer vs. Lest they deuour our soules like Lions, and teare them in peeces: p S al. vii. whyles there is none to helpe. Saue us from these Lyons mouthes : and from among the p s al. xxii. homes of the Unicornes. O delyuer not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto the multitude of p sa i. | xx iiii. the enemies : and forget not thy poor e congregation for euer. And our prayses shalbe of thee in the great congregation : our p sa ^ xx ;;. vovves wyll we perfourme in the sight of them that feare thee. And all the endes of the worlde shall remember themselues, and p s al. xxii. be turned vnto the Lord : and al the kynredes of the nations shall worshyp before hym. Glory be to the father. &c. As it was in the begynnyng. &*c. 222 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. After the Psalme, the prayer folowyng shalbe sayde by the Minister alone, with a hygh voyce. At saying wherof, the people shall deuoutly geue eare, and shal both -with mynd and 'speache to themselues assent to the same prayer. The prayer. ALMYGHTIE and euerlyuyng God our heauenly father, we thy disobedient and rebellious chyldren, nowe by thy iust iudgement sore afflicted, and in great daunger to be oppressed, by thyne and our sworne and moste deadly enemyes, the Turkes, Infidels, and miscreantes, do make humble suite to the throne of thy grace, for thy mercie and ayde agaynst the same our mortall enemies. For though we do professe the name of thy only sonne Christ our Sauiour,yet through our manifolde synnes and wickednesse we haue moste iustly deserued so much of thy wrath and indignation, that we can but say : O Lorde correct vs in thy mercie, and not in thy furye. And better it is for vs to fall into thy handes, then into the handes of men, and especially into the handes of Turkes and Infidels, thy professed enemies, who now inuade thyne inherit- aunce. Agaynst thee (O Lorde) haue we synned, and transgressed thy commaundements : Agaynst Turkes, Infidels, and other ene- mies of the Gospell of thy deare sonne Jesus Christe haue we not offended, but only in this, that we acknowledge thee, the eternall father, and thy only sonne our redeemer, with the holy ghoste, the comforter, to be one only true, almightie, and euerlyuyng God. For yf we woulde denye and blaspheme thy most holy name, forsake the Gospell of thy deare sonne, embrace false religion, commit horrible Idolatries, and geue ourselues to all impure, wicked, and abhominable lyfe, as they do, the deuyll, the worlde, the Turke, and all other thyne enemies woulde be at peace with vs, accordyng to the saying of thy sonne Christ : If you were of the worlde, the worlde wold loue his owne. But therefore hate they vs, because we loue thee, therefore persecute they vs, because we acknowledge thee God the father, and Jesus Christ thy Sonne, whom thou haste sent. The Turke goeth about to set vpHo extoll, and to magnifie that wicked monster and damned soule Mahumet, aboue thy dearely beloued sonne Jesus Christ, whom we in harte beleue, and with mouth confesse to be our only sauiour and redeemer. Wherfore awake O Lorde our God and heauenly father, and with thy fatherly and mercyfull countenaunce loke vpon vs thy chyldren, and all such Christians, as are now by those most cruell enemies inuaded and assaulted, ouerthrowe and des- troye thyne and our enemyes, sanctifie thy blessed name amonge vs, which they blaspheme, establishe thy kingdome, which they labour to ouerthrowe : suffer not thyne enemies to preuayle agaynste those that nowe call vpon thy name and put theyr trust in thee, least the Heathen and Infidels say, where is nowe theyr GOD ? But in thy great mercy saue, defende, and deliuer all thy afflicted A FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 223 Christians, in this and all other inuasions of these infidels, and geue to the Emperour thy seruaunt, and all the Christian army now assembled with hym, thy comfortable myght and courage, that we and they that delyght to be named Christians, may enioy both outwarde peace, and inwardly laude, prayse, and magnifie thy holy name for euer, with thy onlye sonne Jesus Christ, and the holye Ghost, to whom be all laude, prayse, glorie and empire for euer and euer. Amen. IF This prayer to be said at Euenyng prayer, immediately after the Collect of the daye. O LORDE God of hostes, most righteous iudge, and most mercyful Father : These dreadfull dangers and distresses wherin other Christian men our brethren and neyghbours doo now stande, by reason of the terrible inuasions of moste cruel and deadlye enemyes the Turkes, Infidels, and miscreantes, do set before our eyes a terrible example of our owne worthy 1 desertes, by our continuall sinnyng and offendyng against thy great maiestie and most seuere Justice: and do also put vs in remem- braunce, here in this our Realm of England, of our most deserued thankes for our great tranquillitie, peace, and quietnes, whiche we by thy hygh benefite, and preseruation of our peaceable Prince, whom thou hast geuen vs, do enioye. Whyles others in the lyke or lesse offences then ours are against thy maiestie, are by thy righteous iudgementes so terribly scourged, this thy fatherly mercies do set foorth thy vnspeakable pacience whiche thou vsest towardes vs thy ingrate chyldren, as well in the same thy gratious benefites of suche our peace and tranquillitie, as in the whol- some warninges of vs by thy iuste punishments of others, lesse offenders then we be. For the whiche thy great benefytes be- stowed vpon vs without al our deseruing, as we prayse thy fatherly goodnes towardes vs: so beyng stryken in our myndes with great dread of thy iuste vengeaunce, for that we do so lytle regarde the great ryches of thy fatherly goodnes, and pacence towardes vs: we most humble beseche thee to graunt vs thy heauenlye grace, that we continue no longer in the takyng of thy manyfold graces and goodnes in vayne. And vppon deepe com- passion of the dreadfull distresses of our brethren and neighbours the Christians, by the cruell and most terrible inuasions of these most deadlye enemies the Turkes ; we do make and offer vp our moste humble and hartie prayers before the throne of thy grace, for the mitigation of thy wrath, and purchase of thy pitie and fatherly fauour towardes them : and not only towardes them, but to vs also by them; forsomuch as our daunger or safetie doth folowe vppon successe of them. Graunt them and vs thy grace, O most mercyfull Father, that we may ryghtly vnderstande, and p un written in.] 224 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. vnfaynedlye confesse our synnes agaynst thy maiestie, to be the very causes of this thy iust scourge, and our miserie : graunt vs true and hartie repentaunce of all our synnes agaynst thee, that, the causes of thy iuste offence being remoued, the effectes of these our deserued miseries maye withall be taken awaye. Geue to thy poore Christians, O Lorde God of hostes, strength from heauen, that they, neyther respectyng theyr owne weakenes and paucitie, nor fearyng the multitude and fiercenes of theyr enemies, or theyr dreadfull crueltie, but setting theyr eyes and onlye hope and truste vpon thee, and callyng vppon thy name, who arte the geuer of al victorie, maye by thy power obteyne victorie agaynst the infinite multitudes and fiercenes of thine enemies, that al men vnderstandynge the same to be the acte of thy grace, and not the deede of mans myght and power, maye geue vnto thee all the prayse and glory: and specially thy poore Christians (by thy strong hand) beyng deliuered out of the handes of theyr enemyes, we for theyr and our owne safetie with them, may yelde and render vnto thee all laudes, prayses, and thankes, through thy Sonne, our Sauiour Jesus Christe, to whom with thee and the holy ghost, one eternall God, of most sacred maiestie, be all prayse, honour and glorie, world without ende. Amen. IF Or this Collect of the Letanye folowyng, O ALMIGHTJE God, King of all kinges, and gouernour of all thynges, whose power no creature is able to resiste, to whom it belongeth Justly to punishe sinners, and to be mercyful to them that truly repent : saue and delyuer vs (we humbly beseche thee) from the hands of our enemies, abate theyr pryde, aswage theyr malice, and confounde theyr deuises, that we beyng armed with thy defence, maye be preserued euermore from all perylles, to glorifie thee, which art the onely geuer of al victory, through the merites of thy onlye sonne Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen. IT Psalmes which maye be songe or said before the begynnynge or after the endynge of publique prayer, or before and after Sermons. ii. iii. vii. x. xi. xxii. vnto the ende of these ivordes : In the myddes of the congregation wyll I prayse thee. xxvii. xlvi. Iii. Ivi. Ixx. Ixxiiii. Ixxxiii. Ixxxxi. Ixxxxiiii. cxxi. cxxiii. cxL IMPRINTED AT L O N- don in Poivles Churchyarde by Ri- charde lugge, and lohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regtcz Maiestatis. THE PRAYER. 225 APPENDIX V. IT The Prayer. 1569. O MOST myghtie God, the Lorde of hoastes, the gouernour of all creatures, the only geuer of all victories, who alone art able to strengthen the weake against the myghtie, and to vanquishe infinite multitudes of thyne enemies with the countenaunce of a fewe of thy seruauntes callyng vppon thy name, and trusting in thee : Defend, O Lord, thy seruaunt and our gouernour vnder thee, our Queene Elizabeth, and all thy people committed to her charge. O Lorde withstande the crueltie of all those whiche be common enemies as wel to the truth of thy eternall worde, as to theyr owne naturall prince and countrey, and manifestlye to this crowne and Realme of England, which thou hast of thy diuine prouidence assigned in these our dayes to the gouernment of thy seruaunt our soueraigne and gratious Queene. O moste mercyfull father (if it be thy holy wil) make soft and tender the stonye heartes of all those that exalt them selues against thy truth, and seeke eyther to trouble the quiet of this Realme of Englande, or to oppresse the crowne of the same, and conuert them to the knoweledge of thy sonne, ye only sauiour of the worlde, Jesus Christe, that we and they may ioyntlye glorifie thy mercyes. Lyghten, we beseche thee, their ignoraunt heartes, to embrace the trueth of thy worde : or els so abate theyr crueltie (O most mightie Lord) that this our Christian region with others that confesse thy holy gospel, may obtaine by thine aide and strength, suretie from all enemies, with- out shedding of Christian blood, whereby all they whiche be op- pressed with theyr tyrannic, may be releeued, and they which be in feare of theyr crueltie, may be comforted : and finally that all Christian Realmes, and specially this Realme of England, may by thy defence and protection continue in the trueth of the Gospell, and enioy perfect peace, quietnes, and securitie : and that we for these thy mercies, ioyntly all together with one consonant heart and voyce, may thankfully render to thee all laude and prayse, that we knyt in one godly concorde and vnitie amongst our selues, may continually magnifie thy glorious name, who with thy sonne our sauiour Jesus Christe, and the holy ghost, art one eternal, almightie, and most mercifull God : To whom be all laude and prayse, worlde without ende. Amen. 226 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. APPENDIX VI. IT A thankesgeuyng for the suppression of the last rebellion. O HEAUENLY, and most merciful father, the defendour of those that put theyr trust in thee, the sure fortresse of all them that flee to thee for succour : who of thy most iust iudgementes for our disobedience and rebellion agaynst thy holy worde, and for our sinfull and wycked lyuing, nothing aunswering to our holy, pro- fession, whereby we haue geuen an occasion that thy holye name hath ben blasphemed amongst the ignoraunt, hast of late both sore abashed the whole Realme and people of Englande with the terrour and daunger of rebellion, thereby to awake vs out of our dead sleepe of carelesse securitie ; and hast yet by the miseries folowyng the same rebellion more sharply punished part of our countreymen, and Christian brethren, who haue more neerely felt the same ; and most dreadfully hast scourged some of the seditious persons with terrible executions, iustly inflicted for theyr dis- obedience to thee, and to thy seruaunt their Soueraigne to the example of vs all, and to the warnyng, correction, and amende- ment of thy seruaunts, of thyne accustomed goodnesse turnyng alwayes the wyckedness of euyll men to the profite of them that feare thee : who, in thy iudgmentes remembryng thy mercye hast by thy assistaunce geuen the victorye to thy seruaunt our Queene her true nobilitie and faythfull subjectes, with so little, or rather no effusion of Christian blood, as also myght iustlye have ensued, to the exceedyng comfort of all sorrowfull Christian heartes ; and that of thy fatherly pitie and mercyfull goodnesse only, and euen for thyne owne names sake, without any our desert at al. Where- fore we render vnto thee most humble and heartie thankes for these thy great mercies shewed vnto vs, who had deserued sharper punishment ; most humbly beseching thee to graunt vnto all vs that confesse thy holy name, and professe the true and perfect religion of thy holye Gospell thy heauenly grace to shewe our selues in our liuing, accordyng to our profession : that we, truely knowyng thee in thy blessed word, may obediently walke in thy holy commaundmentes, and that we, being warned by this thy fatherly correction, do prouoke thy iust wrath agaynst vs no more; but may enioy the continuaunce of thy great mercyes towarde vs, thy right hande as in this, so in all other inuasions, rebellions, and daungers, continually sauing and defendyng our Churche our Realme our Queene and people of England : that all our pos- terities ensuyng, confessing thy holy name, professing thy holy Gospell, and leading an holye life, may perpetually praise, and magnifie thee, with thy onlye Sonne Jesus Christ our Sauiour, and A FORM OF PRAYER. 227 the holy ghost : to whom be all laude, praise, glory, and Empire for euer and euer. Amen. APPENDIX VII. A 1 FOURME of PRAIER WITH THANKES GIUING, to be vsed euery yeere, the 1 7 of Nouember, beyng the day of the Queenes Maiesties entrie to her raigne. 1576. i. Tim. 2. Chap. Verse i. IT I exhort you therefore, that first of all, prayers, supplications, inter- cessions, and giuing of thanks be made for all men : for Princes, and for all that are in authoritie, that we may Hue a quiet and peaceable life, in all godlynesse and honestie, for that is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour. A 2 fourme of prayer. Morning prayer is to bee begun as in the booke of Common prayer, vnto the ende of the psalme beginning, O come let -vs. &*c. vision lor, ai lease, me religious ceieurauou 01 uiai uay. Whereas therefore euery yeere, when that day commeth, we resort to the Church ,e fol- are more able; it mignt De ame to gro\y in tne enae. j [2 In, and from, 1578 the whole Service was printed according to the tenor of th following rubric. This note shews how it then commenced. JllUWllig 1UUI1U. i 11IS UWM 311CYV3 ll^TY Ik Lll\-ll V,U11L1J1*-11V,\.U. An order for morning prayer, to be vsed the 17. of Nouember. i Tim. 2. vers. i. I exhort you therefore, &c., as above. | You shall vnderstand, that euery thing in this booke is placed in order, as it shall be vsed, without turning to and fro, sauing the three lessons taken out of the old Testa- ment, of which you may chuse anie one, as you thinke best, for the first lesson at this morning praier. And in Cathedrall Churches, the minister may vse either of the other two for the first lesson at euening praier. me uuier iwu iur me iirbi. icasLm *IL tutmug |MUW. First tJte Minister shall, -with a loude voyce, pronounce some one of these three sentences, as in tlie booke of ctmmon prayer, At what time soeuer a sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his Ezech. if heart, I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance, saith the Lord. Rent your hearts and not your garments, and turne to the Lorde your God, because Joel j. hee is gentle and merciful!, he is pacient, and of much mercy, and such a one that is sorie for you afflictions. If we say that we haue no sinne, we deceive ourselues, and there is no trueth in vs. Dearely beloued brethren, &c.] H 2 228 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Then shall follow these special psalmes. Psalmes xxi. Ixxxv. cxxiiii. IT The first Lesson, taken out of the xvii. xviii. xix. and xx. Chapters of the seconde Booke of Chronicles. 2 Chro. ch. JEHOSAPHAT the sonne of Asa reigned ouer J uda. And the 3 ? &&i & a ' Lorde was with him, because he walked in the former wayes of his father Dauid, and sought not Baalim : But sought the Lorde God of his father, and walked in his commaundementes, and not after the doings of Israel. And ye Lord stablished the kingdome in his hand, and all Juda brought him presents, so that he had abund- ance of riches and honour. And he lift vp his heart vnto the wayes of the Lord, and he put downe yet more of the high places and groues out of Juda. In the thirde yeere of his reign e, he sent to his lordes, euen to Benhail, Obadia, Zacharia, Nethanel, and to Michaia, that they should teache in the cities of Juda : And with them he sent Leuites, euen Semeia, Nethania, Zebadia, Asael, Semiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonia, Tobia, and Tobadonia, Leuites ; and with them Elisama and Joram, priests. And they taught in Juda, and had the booke of the law of God with them, and went about throughout al the cities of Juda, and taught the people. And the feare of the Lord fel vpon al the kingdomes of the lands that were round about Juda, and they fought not agaynst Jehosaphat 2 chron. ch. And when Jehosaphat, taking part with Achab in his warres & i Crs I: a a g amst the king of Syria, was in great danger to be slaine, he cried vnto the Lord, and the Lord helped him, and chased his enemies away from him : but wicked Achab, king of Israel, was there slaine. 2 Chron. ch. And Jehosaphat came home againe in peace to Hierusalem, and 19 &c 5rs a * dwelt there. And Jehosaphat went out to the people from Beer- seba to mount Ephraim, and brought them againe vnto the Lorde God of their fathers. And he set Judges in the land, throughout all the strong cities of Juda, citie by citie, and saide to the Judges, Take heede what ye do : for ye execute not the Judgments of man, but of God, which is with you in the iudgment. Wherefore now let the feare of the Lord be vpon you, and take heed, and be doing the thing that pleaseth him : for there is no vnrighteousnesse with the Lord our God, that he should haue any respect of persons, or take rewards. Moreover, in Hierusalem did Jehosaphat set of the Leuites, and of the priests, and of the ancient fathers ouer Israel, in the iudgement and cause of the Lord, and they returned again to Hierusalem. And he charged them, saying, Thus shal ye do in the feare of the Lord faythfully, and with a pure heart : What cause so euer come to you of your brethren, that dwel in their cities, betweene blood and blood, betweene lawe and commaund- t 1 These references are to the Bishop's Bible which, in its earlier editions, had always both letters and figures, to mark the divisions of chapters.] A FORM OF PRAYER. 229 ment, betweene statutes and ordinances ; ye shall warne them that they trespasse not against the Lorde, and so wrath come vpon you, and your brethren : thus do, and ye shall not offende. And be- holde, Amaria the high priest is among you in al matters of the Lord, and Zebadia the sonne of Ismael, a ruler of the house of Juda, for all the kinges matters : there be officers of the Leuites also before you, take courage to you therefore, and bee doing manfully, and the Lorde shalbe with such as be good. After this there came an exceeding great armie of the Moabites 2 Chron. ch. and Ammonites agaynst Jehosaphat. And Jehosaphat feared, and ao - vers - * * set himself to seeke the Lorde, and proclaymed fasting thorowout 2 ' all Juda. And he, with all Juda, and the inhabitants of Hieru- a . 5- c. 18. salem praied, and fel before the Lorde, worshipping the Lorde. a. 22. &c. And the enemies fel out amongst themselues, and slue one another, vntil they were al destroyed. And Jehosaphat and his people had the spoyle of goodes, raiment, and iewelles, more then they coulde carie away. And they blessed the Lorde, and called the place the valley of blessing vnto this daye. And they returned to Hieru- salem with great ioy and gladnesse. And the feare of God fell on the kingdomes of all landes, when they had hearde that the Lord fought agaynst the enemies of Israel. And so the Realme of Jehosaphat was in tranquillitie and his God gaue him rest on euery syde. The hystorie of King Hezekia, taken out of the fourth booke of Or this may Kings, the 18. 19. and 20. Chapters. be the first Lesson. HEZEKIAH the sonne of Ahaz reigned ouer Juda, and hee did 4 R eg .ch.i8. that which is right in the sight of the Lorde, according to all as vers - * 3- did Dauid his father. Hee putte awaye the high places, and brake 4 . the Images, and cut downe the groues, and allto brake the brasen serpent that Moses had made : for vnto those daies the children of Israel did burne sacrifice to it, and he called it Nehustan. He s . trusted in the Lorde God of Israel, so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Juda, neither were there any such be- fore him. For he claue to the Lorde, and departed not from him, g but kept his commaundementes which the Lorde commaunded Moses. And the Lord was with him, so that he prospered in all B. 7. things which he tooke in hand : and he resisted the King of Assyria, and serued hym not. Therefore in the fourteenth yere of King B. 13. Hezekia, did Sennacherib King of Assyria, come vp against al the strong cities of Juda, and tooke them. And he sent worde to King c. 17. is. Hezekia by his captain Rabsakeh, who sayde, Tel Hezekia, thus c. 19. sayth the great King, euen the King of Assyria, What confidence is this thou hast ? or on whome doest thou trust, that thou rebellest against me ? If ye say, Ye trust in the Lord our God, is not that hee, whose high places and whose aulters Hezekia hath put downe ? And Rabsakeh stoode, and cryed vnto the Jewes that stoode vpon E. 38. the walles, with a loud voyce, saying, Heare the woordes of the 230 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. ig. great King, euen the King of Assyria, Thus sayth the King, Let not Hezekia beguile you, for he shall not be able to deliuer you out 3 o. of my handes : Neither let Hezekia make you to trust in the Lorde, saying, The Lord shall surely deliuer vs, and this citie shall not bee 3 2. giuen ouer into the handes of the King of Assyria. Hearken not vnto Hezekia, for he beguileth you, saying, The Lorde shall deliuer 33. vs. Hath euery one of the gods of the nations deliuered his lande 34 . out of the hande of the King of Assyria ? Where is the God of Hamath, of Arphad, and where is the God of Sepharuaim, Hena, 35. and lua? did they deliuer Samaria out of mine handes? And what god is among all the gods of the nations, that hath deliuered his land out of mine hand ? Shal the Lord deliuer Hierusalem out of mine hande ? 4 Reg. 19. When king Hezekia heard of these wordes, he rent his clothes, cha. ver. i. a. anc } p u t on sackcloth, and came into the house of the Lorde, and sent Eliakim, which was the Steward of the householde, and Sobna the Scribe, and the Elders of the priests clothed in sacke, to Isai 3- the Prophet, the sonne of Amos : And they sayde vnto him, thus sayeth Hezekia : This day is a day of tribulation, and of rebuke 4- and blasphemie. Peraduenture the Lorde thy God will heare all the wordes of Rabsakeh, whom the King of Assyria his master hath sent to raile on the liuing God, and to rebuke him with woordes which the Lorde thy God hath heard : and lyft thou vp 5. thy prayer for the remnant that are left. So the seruaunts of King 6. Hezekia came to Isai. And Isai sayd vnto them, So shall you say to your master, thus sayeth the Lorde, Be not afrayed of the wordes which thou hast hearde, with which the yong men of the king of B. 7. Assyria haue rayled on me. Beholde, I will put him in another mind, and he shall heare tydings, and so returne to his owne land, and I will bring to pass that he shall fall vpon the sword, euen in 9. his own land. And when Sennacherib had worde that Thirhaka, King of Ethiopia, was come out to fight agaynst him, hee departed, 10. and sent messengers vnto Hezekia, saying, Thus speake to Heze- kia, king of Juda, saying, Let not thy God deceiue thee, in whom thou trustest, saying, Hierusalem shal not be deliuered into the ii. hande of the king of Assyria. Beholde, thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria haue done to al landes, how they haue vtterly 14. destroyed them : and shalt thou escape? And Hezekia receiued the letter of the hande of the messengers, and read it : and Heze- kiah went vp into the house of the Lord, and layde it abrode be- 15. fore the Lorde. And Hezekia prayed before the Lord, and sayd, O Lorde God of Israel, which dwellest betweene the Cherubims, thou art God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth, thou hast 16. made heauen and earth. Lord, bow downe thine eare, and heare : open Lord thine eyes (I beseech thee) and see, and heare the wordes of Sennacherib which hath sent (this man) to rayle on the 17 liuing God. Of a trueth Lord, the kings of Assyria haue destroyed 18. nations, and their landes, and haue set fyre on their goddes : for A FORM OF PRAYER. 231 they are no goddes, but the worke of the handes of man, euen of wood and stone : and they destroyed them. Now therefore, O 19 . Lord our God, I beseeche thee, saue thou vs out of his hande, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe that thou onely art the Lord God. And Isai the sonne of Amos sent to Hezekia, saying, 20. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel : That which thou hast prayed me concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria, I haue heard it. Wherefore thus saith the Lorde concerning the king of Assyria, E. 32. He shal not come to this citie, nor shoote an arrowe into it, nor come before it with shielde, nor cast a bancke against it, but shall 33. goe backe againe the way he came, and shal not come into this citie, sayth the Lord. For I will defend this citie to saue it, for 34. mine owne sake, and for Dauid my seruants sake. And the selfe 35. same night the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the hoast of the Assyrians, an hundred foure score and fiue thousande ; and when the remnant were vp early in the morning, behold, they were al dead coarses. And so Sennacherib, king of Assyria, auoided 3 g. and departed, and went againe and dwelt at Niniue. And as hee 37. was in a temple worshipping Nisroch his God, Adramelech and Saresar, his owne sonnes, smote him with the sworde, and they escaped into the lande of Armenia, and Asarhaddon his sonne raigned in his stead. About that tyme was Hezekia sicke vnto 4 R e g. 2 death, and the prophet Isai the sonne of Amos came to him, and vers. a. i. saide vnto him, Thus sayth the Lorde, Put thine householde in an order, for thou shalt dye, and not liue : and Hezekia turned 2 . his face to the wall, and prayed vnto the Lorde, saying, I beseeche 3. thee (O Lorde) remember nowe howe I haue walked before thee in trueth, and with a perfect heart, and haue done that which is good in thy sight, and Hezekia wept sore. And afore Esai was 4. gone out into the middle of the court, the worde of the Lord came to him, saying, Turne againe and tell Hezekia the captain of my $ people, Thus sayth the Lord God of Dauid thy father, I haue hearde thy prayer, and scene thy teares, and beholde, I will heale thee, so that on the thirde day thou shalt goe vp to the house of the Lorde. And I wil adde vnto thy dayes yet fifteene yeres, 6. and I wil deliuer thee and this citie, out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and will defend this citie, for mine owne sake, and for Dauid my seruaunts sake. And Esai said, Take a lumpe of dried 7. figs : and they tooke and laid it on the sore, and he recouered, and had exceding much honour and riches. The summe of the historie of king losia, taken out of the fourth Or this may booke of the kings, the 22. and 23. Chapters, and the 2. of the b ^' ^ rst Chronicles, the 34. Chapter. IOSIA raigned in Hierusalem, and he did that which was right 2 Chron. ch. in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the waies of Dauid his 34- vers. a. i. father, and bowed neither to the right hand nor to the left. In the 2 ' 232 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. eight yeere of his raigne, when he was yet a childe, he began to seeke after the God of Dauid his father : and in the twelfth yere he began to purge Juda and Hierusalem from the high places, 4. groues, carued images, and images of metall. And they brake downe the altars of Baalim, euen in his presence, and other images that were in greater honour then they, he caused to be destroyed : and the groues, carued images, and images of metall he brake, and made dust of them, and strawed it vpon the graues of them 5. that had offred to them. And he burnt the bones of the Priestes 4 Reg. 22. ch. vpon the altars of them, and cleansed Juda and Hierusalem. And vers. a. 3. 4. j n th e eighteenth yere of his raigne, when he had purged the lande and the temple, he sent Saphan the Scribe to Helkia the high priest, that he should see the decayed places of the temple repaired with such money as the keepers of the porche of the house of the a. 5. 6. Lorde had gathered of the people. B. 8. 9. 10. And Helkia, as he was about the kings commaundement, fbunde in the temple the booke of the lawe of the Lorde and deliuered it vnto Saphan, who brought it vnto the king, and read [B. ii. 12.] in it before him. When the king had hearde the words of the book of the law, he rent his clothes, and commanded Helkia the priest, [B. 13.] with certaine others, saying. Goe ye, and enquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for all Juda, concerning the wordes of the booke that is founde, for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against vs, because our fathers haue not hearkened to the wordes of this booke, to doe according to all that which is written therein for vs. 14 . So Helkia the high Priest, with others, went vnto Hulda, the 15. Prophetisse and they communed with her. And she answered them ; Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel, Tell the man that sent 16. you to me, Thus saith the Lorde, Beholde, I will bring euill vpon this place, and on the inhabiters thereof, euen al the wordes of the 17. booke, which the king of Juda hath reade, because they haue for- saken me, and haue burnt incense to other gods, to anger me with al the workes of their handes : my wrath therfore is kindled against 18. this place, and shall not be quenched. But to the king of Juda, 19. which sent you to aske counsell of the Lord, so shal ye say, Thus saith ye Lord God of Israel, Because thine heart did melte, and because thou hast humbled thy selfe before the Lorde, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the in- habiters of the same, howe that they should be destroyed and accursed, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before me, that I 20. also haue hearde, sayth the Lorde. Behold therfore, I will receyue thee vnto thy fathers, and thou shalt bee put into thy graue in peace, and thine eyes shall not see all the euill which I will bring vpon this place : And they brought the king worde againe. 4 Reg. ch. 23. And then the king sent, and there gathered together vnto him vers. a. i, 2. a ]j ^g Elders o f j u da and of Hierusalem. And the Kyng went vp into thejhouse of the Lorde, with all the men of Juda, and all A FORM OF PRAYER. 233 the inhabiters of Hierusalem, with the Priests and Prophets, and all the people, both small and great : and he read in the eares of them all the wordes of the booke of the couenant, which was founde in the house of the Lord. And the king stoode by a piller, and 3. made a couenant before the Lorde, that they shoulde walke after the Lorde, and keep his commaundements, his witnesses, and his statutes, with all their heart, and with all their soule, and make good the wordes of the saide couenant that were wrytten in the foresayde book : and all the people consented to the couenant. And the King commaunded Helkia, the hygh Priest, and the 4. inferior Priestes, and the keepers of the ornaments, to bring out of the temple of the Lorde, all the vessels that were made for Baal, for the groues, and for all the hoast of heauen : and he burnt them without Hierusalem in the fieldes of Cedrone, and caried the ashes of them into Bethel. And he put downe the Priestes of 5. Baal, whome the Kings of Juda had founded to burne incense in the high places and cities of Juda, that were rounde about Hierusalem, and also them that burnt incense vnto Baal, to the Sunne, to the Moone, to the Planets, and to all the hoast of heauen. And 24 . moreouer, all woorkers with spirites, and soothsayers, images, idolles, and all the abominations that were spyed in the land of Juda, and in Hierusalem : these did Josia put out of the waye, to performe the wordes of the lawe, which were written in the booke that Helkia the Priest found in the house of the Lorde. Like vnto 25. him was there no king before him, that turned to the Lorde with all his heart, with all his soule, and all his might, according to al the lawe of Moses, neyther after him arose there any such as he. In Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, one of the former Lessons omitted at Morning prayer may bee read for the first Lesson at Euening Prayer. Then, We praise thee, O God. &c. The second Lesson. The xiii. to the Romanes. Then the Psalme, O be ioyful. &c. with the beleefe and the Lordes prayer, as is in the booke of Common prayer. Then shalbe sayde. Minister. O Lord, shew thy mercie vpon vs. People. And graunt vs thy saluation. Minister. O Lorde, saue the Queene. People. Who putteth her trust in thee. Minister. Sende her helpe from thy holy place. People. And euermore mightily defend her. Minister. Let the enimies haue none aduauntage on her. People: Let not the wicked approche to hurt her. Minister. Indue thy ministers with righteousnes. People. And make thy. c. as in the booke of Common prayer. 234 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Then the Collect for the Queene, beginning, O Lord our heauenly Father, high and mightie. &*c . as it is in the Letanie. It is ordered, that the Letanie shall not be omitted the seuenteenth day of Nouember, though it fall vpon Munday, Tuesday, Thttrsday, or Saterday. And that immediately after the collect beginning, We humbly beseech thee. &"c. this Psalme and prayer folo^ving be said. Psai.66.c.i4. O COME hither, and hearken, all ye that feare God : and we will tell you what he hath done for our soules. Psal. 59. a. 3. When men of power were gathered against ys, and lay in waite &7i.b.g. 10. f or our soules : they tooke counsel together, saying, God hath for- saken them, persecute them, and take them, for there is none to deliuer them. Psal.22.b.i2. Our enemies closed vs in on euery side : they gaped vpon vs & 56. a. i. 2. w ; t ] 1 their mouths, as it were ramping and roaring Lions, seeking to deuoure vs, and to swalow vs vp. We were counted euen as sheepe appointed to be slaine : manye of vs were for thy sake killed all the day long. Psal.io7.a.4. And many went astray in the wildernes, wandring hungrie and & 44. d. 22. thirstie in strange landes : our soules fainted in vs, and were brought low, euen vnto the very dust. Psal.i8.a.3.4. For why ? The snares and sorowes of death compassed vs : and the overflowinges of vngodlinesse made vs afraid. Psal. 18.3.5. Then we made our complaint vnto our God, and cryed vnto the & 107. b. 12. Lorde in our trouble : and he heard the voyce of our prayer out of his holy temple, and deliuered vs out of our distresse. Psal. 107.3.3. He gathered vs home againe out of the landes : from the East, and from the West, from the North, and from the South. Psai.n6.b.8. He delyuered our soules from death, our eyes from teares, and & 4. a. i. & our feete from falling : he hath set vs at libertie, he hath light our 18. d. 27. candle ; the lord our God hath made our darknesse to be light. Psal.i8.g.47. Wherefore we will giue thanks vnto thee, O Lorde, and sing & 59. c. 16. prayses vnto thy name : we will sing of thy power, and prayse thy mercie betymes in the morning ; for thou hast beene our defence and refuge in the time of trouble. Psal. n8. O giue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is gracious : and his mercie endureth for euer. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy ghost. As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shall be, worlde without ende. Amen. Let us pray. O 1 Lorde God, most mercifull Father, who as vpon this day, placing thy seruant our Souereigne and gracious Queene Elizabeth [1 As an accompaniment to this prayer, may be added from the Bibl. Lans. 116. art. 24, ' The prayer for the Q. on her byrthe daye ' (September the 7th), though both its date and author are unknown : O Lorde, the hope and strengthe of Israeli, the onely planter and preseruer of Princes, and the rocke of sure defence for all that trust in thee : wee thine vnworthy seruants A FORM OF PRAYER. 235 in the kingdome, diddest deliuer thy people of England from daunger of warre and oppression, both of bodyes by tyrannic, and of conscience by superstition, restoring peace and true religion, with libertie both of bodies and mindes, and hast continued the same thy blessings, without all deserte on our parte nowe by the space of these * eighteen yeres : we who are in memorie of these * Encrease thy great benefites assembled here together, most humbly beseech this nqmber, thy fatherly goodnesse to graunt vs grace, that we may in worde, *he yewf c* deed, and heart, shew ourselues thankful and obedient vnto thee her Maies- for the same : and that our Queene through thy grace may in all ties rei s ne - honour, goodnes, and godlines, long and many yeeres reigne ouer vs, and we obey and enioy her, with the continuance of thy great blessings, which thou hast by her thy minister powred vpon vs : This we beseech thee to grant vnto vs, for thy deare sonne Jesus Christes sake, our Lord and Sauiour. Amen. For the Epistle of the day, read i Pet. 2. beginning at the n -verse, Dearely beloued, I beseeche you. &c. to the 18 verse, ending with these wordes : Fear God, honour the king. For the Gospel, read Math. 22. beginning at the 16 verse. And they sent out vnto him their disciples with the Herodians. &*c. to the 23 verse, accepted in him, in whome thowe arte well pleased, do offer vp o* sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing for all the daungers wee haue escaped hauing soe iustlye deserued them, and for all the good thinges receiued, being so vnworthye of them. Among all other and aboue the reste, w th tearful hartes and humble handes lifted vp wth reuerence toward thy mercy seat, wee blesse and praise thy holy name, for that precious Jewell of inestim- able price, to witt the blessed spirit and being of thine humble seruant, our moste gratious Soverayn, whose sacred person according to thy word we doe reuerentlye repute and call the Breath of our nostrils, the Annoynted of the Lord, by whose breath we Hue, and by whose Life we breathe. And now, Lorde, since it hathe pleased thee, in thy foresee- ing prouidence, for the safety and comfort of so many thousands to giue to thine an- noynted a princely birth and being, and by the right hand of Loue, by soe many dangers to lead the same along to that place of regall dignity, of wch thowe haste saide, Euen I haue sett my Kinge^upon my holy mount of Sion ; wee most humbly and earnestly entreat thy heauenly Maty that our woorkes may not impare thy woorkes, nor of sinnes impeach her safety. But [as] there is a plante w ch thine owne right hand hath planted, so lett the eye of thy prouidence continually watch ouer her, and the arme of thy protection mightely defend her, that the Boars out of the forest, nor the Lyon out of the wood, nor any subtle Leopard out of the way of Ashur, may haue anie power to hurt the smallest Leafe of this thy princelye Plant. But so shadow her and compasse her w"' the wings of thye Cherubims, that her highthe and State may be as the Cedars of Lebanon, her strength and long continuance as the Okes of Bashan, her perpetuall flourishing as the Palme tree, and her glorie as the Rose plantes in the Vale of Jericho. And lett those riuers that runne out of the Sanctuary, euermore flowe and ouerflowe round about her, as doth the Riuer Jordan at the tyme of haruest. And soe, O heauenly Father, to conclude our thankful prayer, we most humbly besech the in thy beloued, to pleade her cause with them that striue wth her, and to fight against those that fight against her, and by the sure and secret motions of thy most holy Spirit to saye vnto her Soule, I am thy Sauiour, Bless them that blesse her. Curse them that curse her. Lett the day of her birth be as the sweet influence of the Pleiades, and the day of their birth, as Arcturus and Orion. Lett the day of her birth be as the Sunn when he riseth in his mighte, and the day of their birth as the Moone in her way. Lett her rise. Lett them fall. Lett her flourish, Lett them perish. That the rude world may see and saye, thy promise is performed. Them that honor me, I will honor ; and they that despise me, shall be despised. Theis things, O heauenly Father, we besech thee graunte to vs and to thy whole Church, for Jesus Christ his sake or Lord and onely Saueour. Amen.] 236 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. ending with these wordes, They marueyled, and left him, and went their way. The xxi. Psalme in Metre before the sermon, vnto the ende of the mi. verse. And the c. Psalme after the sermon. Finis. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barkar dwelling in Pater- noster rowe, at the figure of the Tygres head. APPENDIX VIII. J A PRAYER for all Kings, Princes, Countreyes, and people, which doe professe the Gospel : And especially for our soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, vsed in her Maiesties Chappell, and meete to be vsed of all persons within her Maiesties Dominions. O LORD God of hostes, most louing and mercifull father, whose power no creature is able to resist, who of thy great goodnesse hast promised to graunt the petitions of such as aske in thy sonnes name : we most humbly beseech thee to saue and defend all Princes, Magistrates, kingdomes, countreyes, and people, which haue receiued and doe professe thy holy word and Gospel, and namely this Realme of Englande, and thy seruant Elizabeth our Queene, whome thou hast hitherto wonderfully preserued from manifolde perils and sundry dangers, and of late reuealed and frustrated the trayterous practises and conspiracies of diuers against her : for the which, and all other thy great goodnesse towardes vs, we giue thee most humble and heartie thankes, beseeching thee in the name of thy deare sonne Jesus Christ, and for his sake, still to preserue and continue her vnto vs, and to giue her long life and many yeeres to rule ouer this lande. O heauenly Father, the practises of our enemies, and the enemies of thy worde and trueth, against her and vs, are manifest and knowen vnto thee. Turne them, O Lord, if it be thy blessed will, or ouer- throwe and confounde them for thy names sake : suffer them not to preuaile : take them, O Lord, in their craftie wilinesse that they haue inuented, and let them fall into the pit which they haue digged for others. Permitt them not vngodly to triumph ouer vs : discomfort them, discomfort them, O Lorde, which trust in their owne multitude, and please themselues in their subtill deuices and A PRAYER. 237 wicked conspiracies. O louing Father, wee haue not deserued the least of these thy mercies which we craue : for we haue sinned and grieuously offended thee, we are not worthy to bee called thy sonnes : we haue not bene so thankful vnto thee as we shoulde, for thy vnspeakable benefits powred vpon vs : we haue abused this long time of peace and prosperitie : we haue not obeyed thy worde : we haue had it in mouth, but not in heart ; in outward appearance, but not in deede : wee haue liued carelessly : wee haue not knowen the time of our visitation ; we haue deserued vtter destruction. But thou, O Lorde, art mercifull, and ready to forgiue. Therefore wee come to thy throne of grace, confessing and acknowledging thee to be our onely refuge in all times of perill and daunger : and by the meanes of thy Sonne wee most heartily pray thee to forgiue vs our vnthankefulnesse, disobedience, hypocrisie, and all other our sinnes, to turne from vs thy heauie wrath and displeasure, which wee haue iustly deserued, and to turne our hearts truely vnto thee, that dayly we may encrease in all goodnesse, and continually more and more feare thy holy name : so shall we glorifie thy name, and sing vnto thee in Psalmes and Hymnes, and spirituall songs : and thy enemies and ours, shall knowe themselues to be but men, and not able by any meanes to withstande thee, nor to hurt those whome thou hast receiued into thy protection and defence. Graunt these things, O Lorde of power, and Father of mercy, for thy Christes sake, to whome with thee and thy holy spirite be all honour and glory for euer and euer. Amen. IT A prayer and thankesgiuing for the Queene, vsed of all the Knights and Burgesses in the High Court of Parliament, and very requisite to bee vsed and continued of all her Maiesties louing subiectes. O ALMIGHTIE and most mercifull God, which dost pitch thy tents round about thy people, to deliuer them from the handes of their enemies, we thy humble seruants, which haue euer of olde scene thy saluation, doe fall downe and prostrate ourselues with praise and thankesgiuing to thy glorious name,who hast in thy tender mercies from time to time saued and defended thy seruant Eliza- beth, our most gracious Queene, not only from the hands of strange children, but also of late reuealed and made frustrate his bloody and most barbarous treason, who being her natural subiect, most vnnaturally violating thy diuine ordinance, hath secretly sought to shed her blood, to the great disquiet of thy Church, and vtter dis- comfort of our soules : his snare is hewen in pieces, but vpon thy seruant doeth the crowne florish. The wicked and bloodthirstie men thinke to deuoure Jacob, and to lay waste his dwelling-place : But thou (O God) which rulest in Jacob, and vnto the endes of 238 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. the worlde, doest dayly teach vs still to trust in thee for all thy great mercies, and not to forget thy mercifull kindnes shewed to her, that feareth thy name. O Lorde, wee confesse to thy glory and praise, that thou only hast saued vs from destruction, because thou hast not giuen her ouer for a pray to the wicked : her soule is deliuered, and wee are escaped. Heare us now, we pray thee, (O most mercifull father) and continue foorth thy louingkindnesse towards thy seruant, and euermore to thy glorie and our comfort keepe her in health, with long life and prosperitie, whose rest and only refuge is in thee, O God of our saluation. Preserue her, as thou art wont, preserue her from the snare of the enemie, from the gathering together of the froward, from the insurrection of wicked doers, and from all the traitorous conspiracies of those, which priuily lay waite for her life. Grant this, O heavenly father, for Jesus Christs sake, our onely mediatour and aduocate. Amen. lo. Th. ^^ A Prayer vsed in the Parliament onely. O MERCIFULL God and Father, forasmuch as no counsell can stande, nor any can prosper, but onely such as are humbly gathered in thy name, to feele the sweete taste of thy holy spirite, we gladly acknowledge, that by thy fauour standeth the peaceable protection of our Queene and Realme, and likewise this fauorable liberty graunted vnto vs at this time to make our meeting together : Which thy bountifull goodnes we most thankefully acknowledging, doe withall earnestly pray thy diuine Maiestie so to incline our hearts, as our counsels may be subiect in true obedience to thy holy worde and will. And sithe it hath pleased thee to gouerne this Realme by ordinary assembling the three estates of the same : our humble prayer is, that thou wilt graffe in vs good mindes to conceiue, free libertie to speak, and on all sides a ready and quiet consent to such wholesome lawes and Statutes, as may declare vs to be thy people, and this Realme to be prosperously ruled by thy goode guyding and defence : so that we and our posteritie may with cheareful hearts wayte for thy appearance in Judgement, that art onely able to present vs faultlesse before God our heauenly Father : to whome with thee our Sauiour Christ, and the holy Spirit, bee all the glory both nowe and euer. Amen. Imprinted at London by C. B. Cum pritiilegio. A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING. 239 APPENDIX IX. A PRAYER OF THANKSGEUING for the deliuerance of hir ma Ue from ye murderous intention of D. Parry. 1588. O ETERNAL God and mercifull father, we thy vnworthy Crea- tures most humbly doe confesse that wee are not able with owre tongues to vtter, nor in owre hartes to conceave, the exceading measure of thine infinite goodnes, graces, and fauours in this later age shewed to this Noble Realme, in that thou (O Lord) hast in most dangerous times, a few yeres past, by thy goodnes and pro- uidence, beyond expectation of man, directed and preserued the tender and noble parson of owre now Souereigne Lady Elizabeth, by thy grace, according to hir right, to cum to this kingdome and Roiall seate of hir noble father, and by hir, being thearein stab- lished, as thy deare beloved chosen servant, 1 to deliuer us thy people, that weare as Captiues to Babilon, out of Bondage and thraldome, 2 and to restore vs againe to the free fruition of the Gospell of thy Sonne owre Sauiour Christ ; for the enioyeng wherof now these 3 manie yeres, wee doe confesse and acknow- ledge that beyond all owre desartes, yea trewly, O Lord, whan wee by owre daily vnthankefulness for 4 the benefitt of thy Gospell and by owre sinfull Hues, contrarie to owre bold profession, haue most iustlie prouoked thee to withdrawe thy fauour from vs, thow, O Lord, with thy mercifull fauor and mightie power did 6 strength thy good blessed servant owre most gratious Quene, constantly against the roaring and threateninges of the mightie of the world, to persist in maintenaunce of vs hir subiectes and thy unworthie servants to drawe oivt owre dates in all manner of prosperity, peace, and wealthe ; But most singularlie, in a peaceable fredome, to enioie the blessed benefittes of thy holy worde, against the mightie roaring of Bulls and Tigres, the Enemies of thy Churche, dailie conspiring rownd abowte vs, and partly emongest owre selues against this Realme, and spetially against the Roiall person of owre blessed Quene thy humble servant and trewe Handmaide, whose Estate being in the expectacion of the nombre of wicked persons manie times in great and secrett dangers, yet thow Lord that art the Lord of Lordes, and king of kinges of thy heauenly goodnes hast alwaies preserued and defended hir by manie mirac- ulous meanes : And as wee haue good cause to thinke, by manie other meanes, and at manie other times, than to vs are yet knowen, P minister. These notes shew the readings of the uncorrected manuscript.] [ 2 thraldome of the Enemies of thy trewe Churche.] [ 3 now many.] [ 4 of.] [ 5 hast strengthened.] 240 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. but yet of late time wee haue fullie felt thy mervailous goodnes by the discouerie of sum Attemptes most apparantlie taken in hand against hir parson, by certaine wicked vnnaturall subiectes, the stale wherof onlie hath proceaded good Lord by thy most con- tinuall tender and fatherly Care over hir, thy deare beloued Daughter and servant, and not by the witt, prouidence, or strengthe, of any wordlye Creature, as was most notably to bee seen the last yere to haue been attempted by one malitious and Sommervile.i furious parson resolutlie prepared, by persuasion of others, wicked Traitors, to haue committed a bloody fact uppon her parson, but mervilously by thy ordonance (o Lord God) discouered, by the trowbled desperat conscience of the very Malefactor, and so most happelie staied, for the which thy blessed fauor than showed, if wee weare not soe thankefull to thee, O Lord, as wee owght to haue been, yet, Lord God, wee are nowe most vrgentlie stirred upp to acknowledge owre most bownden dueties of praise and thankesgiuinge, by a verie late manifestacion of thy singuler fauor soe largelie aboue that former, as all wonderfull circum- stances considered, wee maie compare it with anie Example of thy most wonderfull kindnes shewed to any Kinges or Nations of old time, testified to us in thy Holy scriptures: for Lord God what can be added to this thy secrett fauor nowe lastlie shewed to hir, whan neither she being the Quene of the whole Realme, nor wee being in nombre an exceeding multitude of hir subiectes, could imagin, or once thinke of the same, much lesse haue withstanded it, 2 in that a miserable wretched vnnatural borne subiect, A man in trewth of noe Religion (as nowe ap- peareth), vnder color seaking to be a diligent and most carefull servant to our gratious Quene, and pretending to discouer to hir, by his owne priuitie howe hir parson was in danger of murdering, and howe the same might be withstood, he himself did of longe time, euen whilest he had gotten creditt with hir Ma Ue , and with hir Court, determin verie often most desperatlie and resolutelie to haue with his owne cursed hand distroied hir Ma tie sacred parson ; and if Lord thy mightie and vnsearcheable power had not at manie times diuerted his desperat Hart, and his bloodye hand, by reuerence of the Maiestie of hir parson, as by his owne volun- tarie confession is declared ; Wee doe nowe perceiue, with tremb- ling of our Hartes, that shee could not at sondrie times by the space of one whole yeare 3 and more haue escaped the danger of violence, 4 w t ickedly and reasolutelie by him intended. Wherefore wee nowe thy humble creatures, acknowledging our vnworthines of thes great graces, beeseche thee, O Lord, that thow wilt without regard of our former vnthankefulnes, shew thy mercie to vs, and continew thy blessinges over vs, that wee maie for thes so un- speakeable benefittes be more thankefull than wee haue been, not P For an account of this man see page 265, note 2.] p the same.] P togeather.] [* violent death.) A FORM FOR PUBLIC PRAYER. 241 onelie in wordes, but in deades also, according to the direction of thy Holy worde, wheoofwee -under the protection of our gratious Quene, by thy ordonance haue by the Ministerie of manie thy good servants had plentifull instrucion : And wee doe firmelie hope in thy great goodnes, that our Soueraigne Lady the Quene thy humble servant, hauing soe notable proofes of thy spetiall prouidence in hir whole lief, besides thy vnknowen workes of favor towardes hir farre aboue that which thou showest to manie other Princes, shall by hir continuall thankefulnes, and by constancie in serving of thee, and maintaining of thy Holy Word, procure to hir self and vs the continuance of thes thy fauorable graces, still to preserue hir, from all manner of open or secrett perills, which the Enemies of thy word are knowen to entend against hir, whearebie hir yeares maie be prolonged, as farre as it maie please thee, to grawnt by the course of nature, to anie other prince in this worlde, for the main- tenance of the glorie of thy Sonne Jesus Christ, and of his Gospell, and for continuance of vs thy people hir naturall subiectes in the due feare and service of thee, and in owre naturall obedience to hir, wheareby wee and our posteritie maie enioie such peace, as wee haue had thes manie yeres, vnder hir Ma ties gouernement, farre aboue anie like example, in anie age by past, either in this our naturall Cuntrie, or anie other within the limittes of Christendome : Grawnt this, grawnt this, O Heauenlie father for Jesus Christes sake, thy onelie Sonne owre Sauiour, to whome with thee and the Holie Ghost be geven all Honor and glorie, world withowt end. Amen. APPENDIX X. AN ORDER FOR PUBLiKE PRAYERS to be vsed on Wednes- dayes and Frydayes in euery Parish Church within the Prouince of Canterburie, conuenient for this present time : 1586. Set forth by authoritie. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Cum gratia &" Priuilegio. Regiae Maiestatis. 242 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Preface. THE fatherly care and goodnesse, which Almightie God by his Prophetes in many places declared vnto his people, neuer appeared more abundantly toward any nation, then of late yeeres it hath done toward this Realme of England. For when we were in thraldome and captiuitie vnder the tyrannic of Rome, and carried away with the false worshipping of God, he, by our gracious Souereignne, deliuered vs : he planted the elect and chosen vine of his gospel among vs, by law and authoritie : he raised vp seruants to digge and delue about his vineyard that it might prosper : he hath continually fenced vs from our enemies on all sides, by his gracious and mightie prouidence : beyond the reache of mans policie he hath reuealed their conspiracies, de- feated their purposes, and made frustrate their counsels and deuices : he hath erected a watch-tower of wise and godly gouernment : he hath shed downe from heauen, and blessed vs with his manifold graces, aswel of spiritual gifts, as of all plentie of earthly creatures. And for these his manifolde benefites he hath looked for some fruites at our handes according to our dueties, that his name by our good doings might be glorified : but, as the worlde seeth, and our owne consciences accuse vs, we haue yeelded little other than sower and vnsauorie grapes, vnpleasant vnto God, and mouing him to wrath towarde vs, that is, con- tempt of his word, worldlie securitie, infidelitie, hipocrisie, vsing religion only for a shewe, and dishonoring the name of God and profession of the Gospell in deede, with the practice of all maner of wickednesse. Seeing therefore his mercie and goodnes wil not allure vs, the Arme of his iustice will be stretched out against vs : For he can abide nothing lesse than the contempt of his worde and mercifull calling. Remember the wordes of God vttered by 13-] Jeremie the Prophet in the 7. Chapter, Because you haue done all these workes, and I rose vp early and spake -unto you, but when I spake, you woulde not heare, neither when I called would ye answere : Therefore will I do vnto this house, whereupon my Name is called, wherein also ye trust, euen to the place which I gaue to you and to your fathers, as I haue done to Silo ; and I wil cast you o^lt of my sight, as I haue cast out all your brethren, &c. Let vs therefore remember ourselues in time, and call vpon God with earnest repentance, before he turne his face cleane from vs : let vs ap. lv. followe the good counsell of the blessed Prophet Esay, Seeke the Lord while he may be founde, call vpon him while he is nigh vs : let the wicked man forsake his wicked wayes, and the euill man his naughtie cogitations, and returne vnto the Lord, and he will haue mercie vpon vs. Let vs returne vnto God: for he is ready to for- lii. 12.] giue. Yea, God himselfe calleth vs by the Prophet loel : 7^urn vnto the Lorde (saith he) with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning ; rent vour hearts and not your A FORM FOR PUBLIC PRAYER. 243 clothes ; and turne -vnto the Lord your God: For he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindnes, and repenteth him of the euill that he hath purposed. Let vs therefore imbrace the mercie of God while it is offred : he hath not yet stretched out his arme against vs : only as a merciful father he hath shaken the rod of his Justice toward vs, to wake vs out of the deepe slumber of our securitie. The Lord God graunt, that in time we may take warning thereby, and not harden our hearts, and make stiffe our neckes against our gracious God ! These are therefore in the feare of God to charge the watchmen of the Lords citie, diligently and carefully to sounde the Trumpet in Sion, to gather the people together, to teach them in sackcloth and ashes to repent, to will them inwardly to rent their hearts, and not out- wardly their garments onely : sanctifie the congregation, assemble the elders, cal the yong ones, and euen those that sucke the breast. Let the bridegrome and his spouse, let them that Hue in delicacie and pleasure of this life, in what state or condition so- euer they be, high or low, cast away their mirth and solace, and come and weepe and crie with bitter repentance before the mightie God, saying, Spare thy people (O Lord) and giue not thine heri- tage and beloued vineyard into reproch, that the wicked seed of Antichrist rule ouer it. Let not the enemies of thy truth say among themselues, Where is now their God, in whom they haue put their trust ? Then vndoubtedly will the Lord be ielous ouer this land, and spare his people, yea, the Lord wil answere, and say vnto his people, Beholde I wil send you corne, and wine, and oyle, and you shall be satisfied therewith, and I wil no more make you a reproch among mine enemies, and I wil remoue farre from you the Northerne armie, that is, the Antichristian power, and I wil driue him into a land barren und desolate, with his face toward the East sea, and his ende to the vttermost sea, and his stinke shal come vp, and his corruption shall ascende, because he hath exalted himselfe against the truth of God. Feare not (O land), but be glad and reioyce, for the Lord wil doe great things for thee. This godly admonition was giuen to the prince, priests, and people, with great zeale and earnestnes by loel the prophet, in the dayes of that good king Ezechiah, and is the only way to turne away the wrath of God from vs, and to obtaine the continuance of his gracious goodnes toward vs, and his diuine protection ouer vs in al our difficulties and distresses. That therefore this admonition or exhortation may take the better effecte in mens hearts, it is ordered and streigtly charged, that in euery parish where there is a preacher allowed by the Ordinarie, that euery Sunday in some publike Sermon he shall put the people in remembrance of Gods exceeding benefites and bless- ings bestowed vpon vs these many yeres, and of our vnthankful receiuing and vsing of the same ; and exhort them to sincere and 244 T HE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. true repentance, and that in such sort, as they declare the inward affection of their hearts with the outward exercises of prayer, fast- ings and almes deedes, that the world may testifie and see that they truely returne to their Lord God. In other places, where such sufficient and discreete preachers be not, the Ministers vpon the same days shal reade some part of these Homilies folowing, dis- tinctly and reuerently, that the people may be moued thereby to the effect of that which is before mentioned. Moreouer, vpon the Wednesdayes and Frydayes the Ministers in euery Parish shal say Diuine seruice morning and euening, in such sort as hereafter foloweth. At which Seruice one of euery house in the parish shall be present. And if either the Ministers shalbe negligent in doing their dueties appoynted vnto them in this seruice, or the people disobedient in comming or resorting to this godly exercise, the Churchwardens and other discreete men of the Parish are required to complaine thereof vnto the Ordinary, that the slacknesse of eche partie may be corrected. The people also at eche time of assem- blie would be admonished to make their charitable contributions to the reliefe of the poore, at the least according to the order of the Statute. The order of this booke. First, the Confession, as it is in the Booke of Common prayer, with some one or two of the sentences of Scripture set before the same. Then two or three of these Psalms following in order. Psalm vi. x. xxv. \ / xxxi. xxxiiii. xxxvii. xxxviii. xli. li. / \ cxii. cxliii. cxlv. Then some one of these Chapters following : Esai. v. Iviii. lix. Ixv. Ezechiel xvii. Zechar. vii. Joel i. ii. Jonas iii. Luke xvi. xxi. Matthew xxv. i John iii. Then the Letanie with the prayer appoynted to be sayde in the time of dearth and famine : and the next Prayer following for the time of Warre. And if there be a conuenient number of hearers vpon any of the workedayes in the Church, then one of these Homilies may be read, if there be no Sermon. An Homilie of repentance, and of true reconciliation -unto God. THERE is nothing that the Holy Ghost doeth so much labour in, &c. An Homilie of fasting. THE life which wee Hue in this worlde, &c. A PRAYER. 245 An Homilie of Almes-deedes and mercifulnesse towarde the poore and needy. AMONGST the manifolde dueties that Almightie God requireth, &c. The second part of the Sermon of Almes-deedes. YE haue heard before (dearely beloued), &c. The third part of the Homilie of Almes-deedes. YE haue already heard two parts, &c. APPENDIX XL A FOURME OF PRAYER, necessary for the present time and state. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1588. The Preface WE be taught by many and sundrie examples of holy Scrip- tures, that vpon occasion of particular punishments, afflictions and perils, which God of his most iust iudgement hath sometimes sent among his people, to shewe his wrath against sinne, and to call his people to repentance, and to the redresse of their Hues, the godly haue bene prouoked and stirred vp to more feruencie and diligence in prayer, fasting and almes-deeds, to a more deepe con- sideration of their consciences, to ponder their vnthankfulnesse and forgetfulnesse of Gods merciful! benefits towards them, with crauing of pardon for the time past, and to aske his assistance for the time to come, to Hue more godly, and so to be defended and deliuered from all further perils and dangers. So king Dauid in the time of plague and pestilence, which ensued vpon his vaine numbring of the people, prayed vnto God with wonderfull feruen- cie, confessing his fault, desiring God to spare the people, and rather to turne his ire to him-warde, who had chiefly offended in that transgression. The like was done by the vertuous kings losaphat and Ezechias in their distresse of wars and forrein inua- sions. So did ludith and Hester fall to humble prayers in like perils of their people. So did Daniel in his captiuitie, and many other moe in their troubles. Nowe therefore, calling to minde, 246 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. that God hath beene prouoked by vs many and sundry wayes, and doth after a sort threaten vs with wars and inuasion : it behoueth vs to pray earnestly and hartily to God, to turne away his deserued wrath from vs, and as well to defend vs from the fiercenesse and furie of our enemies, (which combine and conspire together against vs,) as also from all other plagues and punishments, which our vnthankfulnesse and contempt of his worde hath iustly deserued. And although it is euery Christian mans dutie, of his owne deuo- tion to pray at all times : yet for that the corrupt nature of man is so slouthfull and negligent therein, he hath need by often and sundry meanes to bee stirred vp, and put in remembrance of the same. It is therefore meete and requisite : First, that all Curates and Pastors should exhort their Parishioners to endeuour themselues to come vnto the Church, with so many of their families as may bee spared from their necessary businesse, and they to resort not onely on Sundayes and Holidayes, but also on Wednesdayes and Fridayes, and at other times likewise during the time of these imminent dangers, exhorting them there reuerently and godly to behaue themselues, and with penitent hearts to pray vnto God to turne these plagues from vs, which wee through our vnthankful- nesse and sinnefull life haue deserued. Secondly, that the sayd Curates then distinctly and plainly read the general confession appointed in the booke of Seruice, with the Letanie and residue of the Morning prayer, vsing according to their discretions some of the Psalmes and prayers hereafter folow- ing, and for the first lesson some of these Chapters : Exodus 14. Exodus 17. begin at the 8. verse. losua 10. vntill the 28. verse, ludges 7. I Samuel 17. 2 Kings 7. 2 Kings 19. 2 Chron. 20. vnto the verse 30. Finally, it is very requisite, that in their Sermons and exhorta- tions they should mooue the people to abstinence and moderation in their diet, to the ende they might bee the more able to relieue the poore, to pray vnto God, to heare his holy worde, and to doe other good and godly workes. A ^ prayer for the forgiuenesse of sinnes. [1572.] O COME, let us humble our selues : and fall downe before ye Lorde our maker, with reuerence and fear. Lin the summer of 1588, Christopher Stile ' Collected and gathered togither,' whilst Wolfe printed, four Psalmes of Inuocation vpon God, To preserue her Maiestie and the people of this lande, from the power of our enemies.' They were followed by 'A Godly Prayer, Wherein is desired aide of God against his enimies, forgiuenesse of sinnes, and to turn his plagues, as well of the sword, as penurie, which be due for sinne, farre from this land.' The subjoined passage from a copy in archbishop Harsnet s library, will shew the spirit of the publication : "We the people of England are thy people, O Lord, and thou art our God : we are thy flocke, and thou art our shepeheard : we are thy children, and thou art our Father. Be merciful vnto vs thy children : tender vs thy flocke, and defend vs thy English nation. Turne thy wrath vpon the nations that haue A PRAYER. 247 Let vs repent and turne from our wickednesse, and turne againe osee 6. vnto our Lord : and our sinnes shall be forgiuen us. Act* 3. Let vs turne, and the Lord will turne from his heauy wrath : he j onas ^ hath smitten vs, and he will heale vs, he will pardon vs, and we Osee 6. shall not perish. We acknowledge ourfaultes, O Lord : and our sinnes are euer p sal ^j before our sight. We haue sore prouoked thine anger, O Lord : thy wrath is waxed Lamen. 51 hot, and thy heauie displeasure is sore kindled against vs. H- But rebuke vs not, O Lorde, in thine indignation : neither chasten Psa i f 6i vs in thy heauie displeasure. Indeede we acknowledge that all punishments are lesse than our ju&th 8. deseruing : but yet of thy mercy, Lord, correct vs to amendment, Job 11. and plague us not to our destruction. Sa t*' " O remember not the sinnes and offences of our youth, and times past, but according to thy mercie think vpon vs, O Lorde, for thy goodnes. Stande not so farre of, O Lorde : neither hide thy face in the p sa i.\o. nedefull time of trouble. Turne thee vnto vs, and haue mercy vpon vs : for ive are desolate p sa i. 25. and in great misery. And nowe in the vexation of our spirites, and the anguish of oure saruc. 3. soules : we remember thee, and we cry vnto thee ; hear, Lorde, and Jonas a. haue mercie. For -we do not poure out our prayers before thy face, trusting in DaHt g< our own righteousnesse : but in thy great and manifolde mercies. For thine own sake, and for thy holy names sake, incline thine p sa i. 25 . eare and heare : and be merciful to our sinnes, for they are greate. Helpe vs, O God of our saluation, for the glory of thy name : O p sa l. 79. deliuer vs, and saue vs for thy names sake. So we that be thy people, and sheep of thy pasture, shal geue Psa i. 79 . thee thankes for euer : and wyll be always shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation. Glory be to the father, &>c. As it was in the, &*c. A prayer to be deliuered from our enemies. [1572.] O HEARKEN to the voyce of our prayer, our King and our God : /> ja /. .. for vnto thee do wee make our complaint. not Icnowne thee, and that doe not call vpon thy name : and turne it we pray thee vpon the Antechristians host, send forth thine angel stil to scatter them, as sometime thou didst in the host of Senacherib for Ittdah and Hezechiah in his time. Let the blast of the trumpets blowne by our Gedeon stil strike a terror in the harts of the Antechristian Madianites, with their combined powers, and let be hard the sounding of thy host in the aire to the amasing of the Spanish Assyrians, that they and theirs may be a pray for our Elizabeth, and our English host : or sinke them in the sea, as thou didst Pharao and his host in pursuing thy Israel, to bring them into their seruitude, that so our Elizabeth and all her faithfull subjects may sing the songes of triumph to thy diuine maiestie, that giuest victorie to Kinges."J 248 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. O Lord, the counsaile of the wicked conspireth against vs : and our enemies are dayly in hand to swallow vs vp. They gape vpon vs with their mouths : as it were ramping and roaring lions. But thou, O Lord, art our defender : thou art our health and our saluation, We do put our trust in thee, O God : saue vs from all them that persecute vs, and deliuer vs. O take the matter into thy hande, thy people commit themselues vnto thee : for thou art their helper in their distresse. . Saue vs from the Lions mouths, and from the homes of the Unicornes : least they deuoure vs, and teare vs in pieces, while there is none to helpe. O deliuer not the soule of thy Turtle doue vnto the multitude of the enemies : and forget not thy poore congregation for euer. Deliuer vs from our enemies, O God : defende and saue vs from them that imagine mischiefe, and rise vp against vs. And we shal giue thanks vnto thee, O Lord, according to thy great mercies : and will praise the name of the Lord most high. Psai. 22 We wil declare thy name vnto our brethren : in the mids of the congregation will we prayse thee, and magnifie thy saluation world without ende. Glorie be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shall be, world without ende. Amen. A prayer for deliuerance from enemies. [1572.] Psai. 143. HEARE our prayer, O Lorde, consider our desire : hearken vnto vs for thy trueth and mercies sake. Psai. 3. Lorde howe are they increased that trouble vs : many are they that rise agaynst vs. Psai. ii. The vngodly bende their bowes, and make readie their arrowes within the quiuer : that they may shoote at those that call vpon the name of the Lord. Psai. 104. They smite downe thy people, O Lord: and trouble thine heritage. Psai. 79. The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to bee meate vnto the foules of the aire : and the flesh of thy saintes vnto the beastes of the land. Psai. 79. Their blood haue they shed like water on euery side of Hieru- salem : and there was no man to burie them. Psai. 79. And wee that Hue are become an open shame to our enemies : a verie scorn and derision vnto them that are round about vs. Psai. 74. & O Lord, why is thy wrath such agaynst the sheepe of thy pasture? A PRAYER. 249 how long wilt tJwu be angry ? shall thy iealousie burne like fire for euer? Wherefore shoulde the vngodly say, Where is now their God ? p sa i. 79. there is now no more helpe for them in their God. Oh remember not our old sinnes, bitt haue mercie vpon vs, and p sa i. 79 . that soone : for wee are come to great miserie. O let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee, p sa i. ;g. according to the greatnesse of thy power : preserue thou those that are appointed to die. O Lord, thinke vpon the congregation of thy people, \whome p sa ^ 74 . thou hast purchased and redeemed of aide : O deliuer vs and saue vs,for the glorie of thy name. And our prayses shall be of thee in the great congregation : our p sa i. 22 . vowes will we perfourme in the sight of them that feare thee. And all the ends of the world shal remember themselues, and be p sa ^ 22 . turned vnto the Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before him. Glorie be to the father, and to the, &c. As it was in the beginning, is now, &c. Prayers for true repentance and mercie. [i 572.] MOSTE mercifull father, who hast in thy holy worde, the worde of trueth, promysed mercy vnto sinners that doe repent and turne vnto thee, and hast by thy terrible examples of thy iust anger, being executed vpon people and countreyes round about vs, called vs, and most mercifully moued vs to repentance, and by thy patience and long suffering of vs hitherto hast graciously graunted vs time and space to repent : graunt also, we beseech thee, both to them and vs, grace truely to repent, and vnfeignedly to turne vnto thee 1 with amendment of life, and to trust in thy mercies, and safely to rest vnder thy continual! protection from all enemies and euils, both bodily and ghostly, through our Sauiour Jesus Christ, who with thee and the holy ghost liueth and raigneth one God worlde without ende. Amen. Another for the same. WE haue sinned Lorde we haue sinned grieuously, wee haue done vniustly, we haue liued wickedly ; wee are sorie therefore, O Lorde, yea, we are most sorie that we are no more sorie for our sins : but thou Lord God, father of all mercies, we humbly be- seech thee, be not angry with vs for euer for our great and mani- fold sinnes, neither deale with vs according to our desertes, neither reward vs according to our wickednes; but euen for thy selfe, O Lorde God, and for thy holy names sake, for thy most gracious assured promises made vnto penitent sinners in thy holy 250 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. word, the worde of trueth, for thy infinite mercies which are in thy dearely beloued Sonne Jesu Christ our Sauiour, for his sake, for his death and precious blood, bee mercifull vnto vs sinners; and so we, who haue most grieuously offended thy diuine Maiestie, shal continually magnifie thy great and infinite mercie, through our sauiour Jesus Christ, to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. Another prayer, to be deliuered from our enemies. O LORDE God of hostes most louing and merciful father, we thy humble seruauntes prostrate our selues before thy diuine Maiestie: most heartily beseeching thee, to grant vnto vs true repentance for our sinnes past, namely for our vnthankfulnesse, contempt of thy word, lacke of compassion towards the afflicted, enuie, malice, strife and contention among ourselues, and for all other our iniquities. Lord deale not with vs as we haue deserued, but of thy great goodnesse and mercy doe away our offences, and giue vs grace to confesse and acknowledge, O Lord, with all humble and heartie thanks, the wonderfull and great benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon this thy Church and people of England, in giuing vnto vs without all desert of our part, not onely peace and quietnesse, but also in preseruing our most gracious Oueene thine handmaid so miraculously from so many conspir- acies, perils, and dangers, and in granting her good successe against the attempts of her aduersaries : for the which so wonder- full and great benefites we humbly beseech thee to stirre vp our dull mindes to such thankfulnesse and acknowledging of thy mercies as becometh vs, and as may bee acceptable vnto thee. We doe instantly beseech thee of thy gracious goodnesse to bee mercifull to thy Church militant here vpon earth, many wayes vexed and tormented by the malice of Satan and his members, and at this time, as it were, compassed about with strong and subtill aduersaries. And especially O Lord, let thine enemies know, and make them confesse that thou hast receiued England (which they most of all for thy gospell sake do maligne) into thine own protection. Set we pray thee (O Lord), a wall about it, and euermore mightily defend it. Let it bee a comfort to the afflicted, a helpe to the oppressed, a defence to thy Church and people per- secuted abroad. And forasmuch as thy cause is now in hand, we beseech thee to direct and goe before our Armies both by sea and land, blesse and prosper them, and grant vnto them, O Lord, so good and honorable success and victories, as thou didst to Abra- ham and his company against the foure mightie kings, to Josua against the fiue kings and against Amalech, to Dauid against the strong and mightie armed giant Goliah, and as thou vsest to do to thy children, when they please thee. Wee acknowledge all power, strength, and victorie to come from thee : some put their A PRAYER. 251 trust in charets, and some in horses, but we will remember thy name, O Lord our God. Thou bringest the counsell of the heathen to nought, and makest the deuises of the people to be of none effect. There is no king that can be saued by the multitude of an host, neither is any mightie man deliuered by much strength. A horse is but a vain thinge to saue a man : therefore wee pray vnto thee, O Lord, thou art our helpe and our shield. O Lord, giue good and prosperous successe to all those that fight thy battell against the enemies of thy Gospell, shewe some token con- tinually for our good, that they which hate vs may see it and bee confounded ; and that we thy little and despised flocke may say with good King Dauid, Blessed are the people whose God is the Lorde Jehouah, and blessed are the folke that he hath chosen to be his inheritance. These and all other graces necessary for vs, graunt O heauenly Father, for Jesus Christes sake our onely mediatour and redeemer. In the time ofwarre. O ALMIGHTIE God, King of all kings, and gouernor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it be- longeth iustly to punish sinners, and to be mercifull to them that truly repent : saue and deliuer vs (we humbly beseech thee) from the handes of our enemies : abate their pride, asswage their malice, and confound their deuices, that wee being armed with thy defence, may be preserued euermore from all perils, to glorifie thee, which art the onely giuer of all victorie, through the merites of thy onely sonne Jesus Christ our Lord. A prayer for the same, [i 572.] O MOST righteous GOD, and most mercifull father, who as well by the dreadfull plagues aud afflictions of nations round about vs, as by long suffering and sauing of vs, and by manifolde benefites bestowed vpon vs, hast shewed thy seueritie in punishing, or try- ing of them, and thy mercie in sparing and blessing of vs : we most humbly and heartily beseech thee, in thy iustice to remember thy mercie towardes them, and to saue them, and to graunt vnto vs grace not to despise the riches of thy patience and goodnesse towards vs, neither by hardnesse of heart and impenitencie to heape vpon ourselues vengeance in the day of vengeance ; but that wee being taught by the example of their punishment to feare thy iustice, and moued by thy long suffering and blessing of vs to loue thy goodnes, may by true repentance for our sinnes, and with all our soules, hearts, and minds, vnfeinedly turning vnto thee in new- nesse of life, both escape thy wrath and indignation, and enioy the continuance and increase of thy fauour, grace, and goodnesse, through our sauiour, Jesus Christ, thy only sonne, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, one God of most glorious maiestie be all honour and glory world without ende. Amen. 252 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Another prayer for the same. [1572.] O LORDE our God and heauenly father, looke down we beseech thee, with thy fatherly and mercifull countenance vpon vs thy people, and poore humble seruants, and vpon all such Christians as are any where persecuted, and sore afflicted for the true acknow- ledging of thee to be our God, and thy sonne Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent, to be the onely Sauiour of the world : saue them, O mercifull Lord, who are as sheepe appointed to the slaughter, and by hearty prayer do call and crie vnto thee for thy helpe and defence, heare their crie, O Lord, and our prayer for them, and for our selues, deliuer those that be oppressed, defend such as are in feare of crueltie, releeue them that be in miserie, and comfort all that be in sorow and heauinesse, that by thy aide and strength they and we may obtaine suretie from our enemies, without shedding of Christian and innocent blood. And for that, O Lord, thou hast commaunded vs to pray for our enemies, we do beseech thee, not' only to abate their pride, and to stay the furie and crueltie of such as either of malice or ignorance do persecute them which put their trust in thee, and hate vs, but also to mollifie their hard heartes, to open their blinded eyes, and to lighten their ignoraunt minds, that they may see and vnderstand, and truly turne vnto thee, and em- brace thy holy word, and vnfeignedly bee conuerted vnto thy sonne Jesus Christ, the only sauiour of the world, and beleeue and loue his Gospel, and so eternally to be saued. Finally, that all Chris- tian Realmes and specially this Realme of England, may by thy defence and protection, enioy perfect peace, quietnesse, and security, and all that desire to be called and accounted Christiaus may answere in deed and life to so good and godly a name ; and ioyntly all together in one godly concorde and vnitie, and with one consonant heart and minde, may render vnto thee all laude and praise, continually magnifying thy glorious name, who with thy sonne, our Sauiour Jesus Christ, and the holy Ghost, art one eternal, almightie, and most mercifull God, to whome be all laude and praise, world without end. Amen. A Prayer. BE 1 mercifull (O Father of all mercies) to thy Church vni- versall, dispersed throughout the whole world : and grant that all P There is considerable similarity, as to its tenor, between this prayer, and one of which Bancroft has preserved an early manuscript copy in his volume marked 3. 4. 30. What the archbishop deemed worth preserving, it has been thought right to reprint. The prayer, which is undated, commences somewhat abruptly. Increase owr fayth, O Lord, and strengthen yt : graunt that we never distrust in thy mercies, nor decline from thy truth, nor fear the power of anie adversarie, nether anie vaine feare: but that we put our whole trust and confidens in the, and depend vppon the wholie and onelie, not vppon man, nether anie kynde of creature. Mollifie owr hard hartes, work in vs true repentans : forgyve vs all owre synnes : clensse owr hartes and thowghtes frome all filthinesse, vanities, worldlinesse, and incline the same to thi lawes and testimonies. Continew, O Lord, thy most holie word and gospell in this realme of A PRAYER. 253 they that confesse thy holy name, may agree in the truth of thy holy worde, and Hue in godly concord and vnitie. And specially bee mercifull to such as are vnder persecution for the testimonie of their conscience, and profession of the gospell of thy Sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ. Represse (O Lord) the rage and tyrannic of such as are bent to bloodshed, and mind nothing but murther : and saue and deliuer those silly soules, which (as sheepe) are ap- pointed to the shambles and slaughter. And namely bee merci- full to thy Church and realme of England : to thy seruaunt our Souereigne and gracious Queene ELIZABETH, whose life (O Lord) long and long preserue from all the conspiracies and euils, which the craft and malice of the deuill, Antichrist, or other wicked men hath or can deuise against her (as hitherto most graciously thou hast done). Bee mercifull (O Lorde) to the Queenes most honourable Counsell, giuing them grace to counsel and to execute that which may be to thy honour and glory, to the edifying of the Church of thy sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ, and to the benefit and safetie of the realme. Be mercifull also (O Lord) to the clergie, nobilitie, Judges, magistrates, people, and communaltie of this realm, granting to euery one thy heauenly grace, that they may in their vocation doe their dueties, to the honour and glory of thy name, the benefite of this church and realme, and to the saluation of their owne soules. Grant this (O Lord) to vs most vnworthy sinners for the worthines of thy deare sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ, to whome with thee and the holy ghost bee all honour and glory world without ende. Amen. A thankesgiuing and prayer for the presentation of the Queene, and the Realme. [1572.] O GOD, most mercifull father, who in thy great mercies hast both giuen vnto vs a peaceable princesse, and a gracious Queene, and also hast very often and miraculously saued her from sundry England, graunt that we may trulie and thankfullie embrace yt Convert the ennemies of yt (yf yt be thy wyll) dissipate there cownsailles, confound there devices. Preaserve Eliz. owr Quene, gyve her long life, and manie yeares to rule over vs. Govern her, O Lorde, and her whole counsail wt thy holie Spirite, that thorowt they may be directyd to thy glorie, and profyte and peace of this church and commonwealth. Gyve peace to thy church frome externall trebles and persecutions (yf yt be thy blessed wyll) and from domesticall discord and dissention : kepe yt from the spoyler, frome oppression and wrong, and vs that be the ministers of yt, deal not wt ys as we have deseryyd : but graunte that we may more faythfullie and more diligentlie walk in owr vocations, and do our duties then heatherto we have done. Discomforte, O Lord, confownd, or ells convert, all such as maling [malign] owr state wch are the ministers of thy word, desyer owr spoyle and seke our discreadite : all Simonites, wch bye and sell, or vnfytlie bestow livings and offices ordeynyd for the ministers and preachers of thy word : all spoylers and oppressors of thy people, by what color and preatens soever they do yt : all vniust Judges and wickyd magistrates, wch take bribes and rewardes, and have respect of per- sons and all such as hinder Justice and discorage those wch trulie and faythfulli execute the same : all papists and haters of thy word and gospell. Finallie, O Lord, we vmblie besech the to graunt that those w<=h professe thy word and gospell may have the same, as well in hart as in mouthe, in dede as in outward apparens : for thy name sake and for thy Christes sake. Araen.] 254 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. great perils and daungers, and by her gouernement hast presented vs and the whole Realme from manifold mischiefes, and dreadfull plagues, wherwith nations round about vs haue bene and be most grieuously afflicted : haue mercy vpon them, O Lorde, and graunt vs grace we beseech thee, for these thy great benefites, that we may be thankefull and obedient vnto thee, to flie from all things that may offende thee, and prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs, and to order our Hues in all thinges that may please thee ; that thy seruant our soueraigne Lady, and we thy people committed to her charge, may by thy protection be continually preserued from all deceipts and violences of enemies, and from all other daungers and euils both bodily aud ghostly, and by thy goodnesse may be mainteined in all peace and godlinesse : graunt this, O mercifull father, for thy dear sonnes sake our sauiour Jesus Christ, to whom, with thee and the holy ghost, one God immortall, inuisible, and onely wise, be all honour and glory for euer and euer. Amen. APPENDIX XII. A PSALME AND COLLECT of THANKESGiuiNG, not vnmeet for this present time : to be said or sung in Churches. At London. Printed by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Quenes most excellent Maiestie. 1588. A Psalme of Thankesgiuing. Psal, 66. c. O COME hither, and hearken, all yee that feare God, and we M- 1 will tell you what he hath done for our soules. Psal. 78. a. 4. For we may not hide his benefites from our children, and to the generation to come, and to all people we will shew the prayses of the Lord, his power also, and his wonderful workes, that he hath done for vs. Psal. 2. a. i. When the Kings and Rulers of the earth, and Nations round about vs, furiously raged, and tooke counsell together against God, and against his anoynted. Psalm.b 7 . When men of another deuotion than we be, (men bewitched by Ma &.' I0 i) d ' ^ e fi mz ' s h Antichrist}, men drowned in idolatries and supersti- i^.' ' ' *' tions, hated vs deadly, and were maliciously set against vs for our /w.ns.a.4. profession of the word of God, and the blessed Gospel of our Psal. 55 . a. 3 . Sauiour Christ. Psal. 83. a. They cast their heads together with one consent, they tooke their 3- 5- Thecouncill . .1 I/-VT j/-^j of Trent, against thy people, O Lord God. and the holy league. ' See note to P a e A PSALM AND COLLECT OF THANKSGIVING. 255 They secretly layd way t, they priuily set snares and netts, they Psai. ss-b. 7. digged pittes for our soules, thinking that no man should see & s 6 - b - 6 - & them. gtj They communed of peace, and prepared for most cruel warre : p s al. 12. a. i. for they thinke that no faith nor trueth is to be kept with vs, but 2 - 3- & M- that they may feine dissemble, breake promise, sweare, and for- ^ 5 ', 6 ' , j j.i i Psal, so. b. 7. sweare, so they may deceme vs, and take vs vnwares, and oppress c. 12 & 120. vs sodainely. a. <* & J 4- And indeede innumerable multitudes of these most subtle and /j^ 3 ,.^.^. cruell enemies, and too mightie for vs, came sodainely vpon vs, by Psai.22.c.i2. sea and by land, when we looked not for them. ^- & 59- a. 3- They came furiously vpon vs, as it were roaring and ramping p ja /' T7 . b . I2 . Lions, purposing to devoure vs, and to swallowe vs vp : they /W-M-US. approached neare vnto vs, euen to eate vp our flesh. & 56- a. i. 2. Psal. 27. a. 2. They said in their hearts, Let vs make hauoc of them altogether, Psal b 8 let vs roote them out that they be no more a people, and that the & 83! a. V name of England may be no more had in remembrance. Israel. And surely their comming was so suddaine, their multitude, Psal. 27.0.15. power, and crueltie, so great, that had we not beleeued verely to see p p s< ^- & * the goodnes of God, and put our trust in his defence and protection, x .*a. &c. 4 * they might haue vtterly destroyed vs. Ao/. 94.0.17. But though we had great cause to be afrayd, yet we put our Psal. 56.3.3. whole trust in God : we cryed vnto the Lord in our trouble and & I0 7- b. 6. distress ; we said, Helpe vs, O Lord our God, for vaine is the help of man. We said, We commit ourselues wholly vnto thee ; according to /w.6o.c.n. the greatnes of thy power preserue vs, O Lord, who are appointed " & Io8 * c - to die. And the Lord enclyned his eare and heard vs, and gaue courage P*I- Si.b.?. to the hearts, and strength to the hands, of our captaines and ^. I !l d ' ^ souldiers, and put the enemies in feare. Psal. 48.3. The Lord arose, and tooke the cause (which indeede was his 5 ' 6 ' oivne) into his ovvne hands, and fought against them, that fought L z?i' ' against vs. &** 35- * * The Lorde scattered them with his windes, he confounded and Psal. n.b.e. disapointed their deuises and purposes of ioyning their powers ^*^8.c.n.. together against us. "' ' 3 ' The Angel of the Lord persecuted them, brought them into ftfee. Q. dangerous, darke, and slipperie places, where they wandering long Ps< g- ss- * to and fro, were consumed with hunger, thirst, colde, and sickness : ^kx'od. 15. a. the sea swalowed the greatest part of them. 4- s- And so the Lord repressed the rage and furie of our cruel ^ aL 7 ' c> IS ' enemies, intending nothing but bloodshed and murther, and turned Psai.^.}).^. the mischiefe which they purposed against vs vpon their owne ^? rt/ - 9- <= 15- heads ; and deliuered and saued vswho were as sheepe appointed psa/.'g^b-g. to the shambles and slaughter. d. 32, 256 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Psai. 107. f. This was the Lords doing, and it is marueilous in our and in 42- 43- our enemies' sight, and in the eyes of all people ; and all that see Psai. us. d. it shall say) This is the Lords worke /W.74.c.i3. God is our king of olde : the helpe that is done by sea and by '"2' J & ' d ' land > is his> Psai. '144.' b. It is God that giueth deliuerance vnto Princes, and that rescueth J - ., our QUEENE from the hurtfull sword, and saueth her from all David. , ** , ., dangers and perils. Psai. 107.3.2. We will therefore giue thankes, whom the Lord hath redeemed, and deliuered from the hand of the enemie. Psai. 107. d. We wil confesse before the Lord, and prayse him for his good- nes : and declare the woonders that he doth for the children of men. d. 22. We will offer vnto him the sacrifice of thanksgiuing : and tell out his works with gladnesse. Psai. 107. e. We will exalt him also in the Congregation of the people, and 3 2 - prayse him in the presence of the Elders. Psai. 98. a. i. O sing vnto the Lord a new song : for hee hath done marueilous things, a- 2. With his owne right hand, and with his holy arme : hath he gotten himselfe the victorie. Psai. 105.0.1. O giue thanks vnto the Lorde, and call vpon his name : tell the people what things he hath done, a. 2. O let your songes be of him, and prayse him : and let your talking be of all his wonderous workes. a. 3 . Reioyce in his holy name : let the hearts of them reioyce that seek the Lord. Psai. 35. b. 9. And thou, my soul, be ioyful in the Lord : let it reioyce in his saluation. b. 10. All my bones shal say, Lord, who is like vnto thee, which deliuerest the oppressed from them that be too strong for them : yea, and them that are in distress from them that seeke to spoile them. /W.72c.i8. Blessed be the Lord God, euen the God of Israel : which onely doth wonderous things. c. 19. And blessed be the name of his maiestie for euer and euer : and all the earth shall be filled with the glory of his maiestie. Amen. Amen. Glorie be to the Father, and to the Sonne : and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and euer shall be : world without end. Amen. A 1 Collect of thankesgeuing. WE cannot but confesse, O Lord God, that the late terrible intended inuasion of most cruell enemies, was sent from thee to P In 1610 Thomas Sorocold, rector of St Mildred's in the Poultry, gave to the world a ' handfull of flowers, picked, sorted, and tyed up into a bundle,' entitled ' Supplica- A PSALM AND COLLECT OF THANKSGIVING. 257 the punishment of our sinnes, of our pride, our couetousnesse, our excesse in meats and drinks, our securitie, our ingratitude, and our ynthankefulnesse towards thee, for so long peace, and other thy infinite blessings, continually powered vpon vs, and to the punishment of other our innumerable and most greeuous offences continually committed against thy diuine maiestie. And indeed our guiltie consciences looked for (euen at that time) the execution of thy terrible iustice vpon vs, so by vs deserue. But thou O Lord God, who knowest all thinges, knowing that our enemies came not of justice to punish vs for our sins committed against thy diuine maiestie (whom they by their excessive wickednesse haue offended, and continually do offend, as much or more than we), but that they came with most cruell intent and purpose to destroy vs, our cities, townes, countrie and people, and vtterly to root out the memorie of our nation from off the earth for euer ; and withall, wholly to suppresse thy holy word and blessed gospell of thy deere sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ, which they (being drowned in idolatries and superstitions) do hate most deadly, and vs likewise, onely for the profession of the same, and not for any offences against thy diuine maiestie, or iniuries done to themselues. Where- fore it hath pleased thee, O heauenly father, in thy iustice to remember thy mercies towards vs, turning our enemies from vs and that dreadfull execution which they intended towards vs into a fatherly and most mercifull admonition of vs, to the amendment of our Hues ; and to execute iustice vpon our cruell enemies, turn- ing the destruction which they intended against vs vpon their owne heads. For the which the same^thy most gracious protection of vs, and all other thy graces, without all our desert, continually, and most plenteously powred vpon our Church, our QUEENE, our tions of Saints.' The book contained also three prayers by Queen Elizabeth, 'carying in matter pithe, in stile maiestie, and in words true deuotion,' one of which will not be inappropriately placed here. Queen Elizabeths Prayer of Thanksgiving, for the overthrow of the Spanish Navy, sent to invade ENGLAND, Anno 1588. MOST omnipotent Creator, Redeemer, and Conseryer. When it seemed most fit time to thy worthy Providence to bestow the workmanship of this world's Globe : with thy rare judgment, thou didst divide into four singular parts the form of all this Mould, which aftertime hath termed Elements : all they serving to continue in orderly Govern- ment of all the mass. Which all, when of thy most singular bounty, and never yerst seen care, thou hast this year made serve for instruments to daunt our foes, and to confound their malice ; I most humbly, with bowed heart, and bended knees, do render my humblest acknowledgments, and lowliest thanks : And not the least, for that the weakest Sex hath been so fortified by thy strongest help, that neither my people need find lack by my weakness, nor Foreigners triumph at my ruin : Such hath been thy unwonted grace in my DAYS, as, though Sathan hath never made Holy-day in practising for my life and state, yet thy mighty hand hath overspread both with the shade of thy wings, so that neither hath been overthrown, nor received shame, but abide with blessing, to thy most glory, and their greatest ignominy. For which, Lord, of thy mere goodness, grant us grace to be hourly thankful, and ever mindful. And if it may please thee to pardon my request, give us thy continuance in my days of like goodness ; that my years never see change of such grace to me, but especially to this my kingdom : which, LORD, grant (for thy Son's sake) may flourish many ages after my end. Amen.] I 258 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Realme and people of England, we beseech thee, adde, and powre also the grace of gratitude and thankefulnesse into our hearts : that we neuer forgetting, but bearing in perpetuall memorie, this thy most mercifull protection and deliuerance of vs from the malice, force, fraud, and crueltie of our enemies, and all other thy benefits, most plenteously powred vpon vs, may inioy the con- tinuance of thy fatherly goodnes towards our Church, our QuEENE, our Realme and people of England, and continually magnifie thy holy and most glorious name : which we doo beseech thee, O heauenly Father, to grant to vs most vnworthy sinners, for the woorthinesse of thy deere sonne our Sauior Jesus Christ, to whom with thee, and the Holy ghost, one God of most glorious maiestie, be all honour and glorie, world without end. Amen. FINIS. APPENDIX XIII. CERTAINE PRAIERS to be vsed at this present time for the good successe of the French King, against the enemies of Gods true religion and his State. . Imprinted at London, by the Deputies of Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Anno Domini 1590. A Prayer to be vsed in euery parish church at Morning and Euening prayer during the time of these present troubles in France. O LORD God of hostes, most mightie and merciful Father, who in thy vnspeakeable wisedom and mercie, hast gathered vnto thy selfe a Church truly professing thy holy name and Gospell : We doe here most humbly acknowledge, that through our manifold sinnes and offences against thy heauenly maiestie, committed by vnthankfull receiuing of thy holy word, and by wicked led liues, we haue made ourselues vnwoorthie of the least of these and other thy singular blessings hitherto very aboundantly powred vpon vs. Neuerthelesse (O heauenly Father) with an assured confidence, relying vpon thy promises, we make bold to draw neere vnto the throne of thy grace, humblie crauing forgiueness of our sinnes, and the continuance of thy blessings vpon vs, and vpon all princes, countries and common wealths that haue receiued and do embrace thine holy Gospel, and that at this time fight thy battels against A PRAYER. 259 the aduersaries of thy Gospell, and those that vphold the kingdome of Antichrist. Therefore being cast downe in soule, we doe be- waile our iniquities, setting the bitter death and precious blood- shed of thy deare sonne Christ Jesus betwixt vs and thy iust wrath concerned against vs and them. Turne (O Lord) thy wrathfull indignation from vs and them : And forasmuch as it is not for our sinnes that our enemies in their purpose haue thus banded them- selues against vs, but for the sincere profession of thy word and Gospel : With thy mightie arme confound and bring to nought the deuises, power, and strength of all such as set themselues against ye same. Thou knowest (O Lord) how the heathen and such as hold of superstitious vanities, euen at this present, in France and elsewhere, doe rushe into thine inheritance to make thy chosen Jerusalem, euen thy Church, a desolate heape of stones, to lay waste thy holy sanctuarie, yea euen to giue vp the flesh of thy deare children to the birdes of the aire, and the slaine carcasses of thy Saints to the beasts of the field. Wherefore (most mightie God of hostes) which art the Lord of glorie and power, that canste arm the most base and meanest of thy creatures to the ouerthrow of all the mightie of the world that bee enemies for thy trueths sake : aduance thy selfe, like a mightie Giant, with a swift and terrible iudgement against them ; frustrate the counsels of all their Achitophels, breake them down with an iron rod like an earthen vessell, send an hoste of Angels to scatter their armies, confound them as thou diddest the host of the Assyrians, let thine owne sword fight for thy seruants, and deuoure vp their enemies : be thou as fire vnto them, and let them be as a stubble before thee. Finally, let them be as Oreb and Zeb, yea like vnto Zebah and Salmanah, and be made as dung on the face of the earth. Send (good Lord) vpon them the spirite of feare and trembling, that they may flee before the hoste of thine Israel, as chaffe before the wind, to the ende they may bee discomfited and ouerthrowen by thy mightie hand ; neither giue thy seruants (O Lord) to be a praie vnto their teeth, or a by-word and reproch to such as hate the true profession of thy Gospell. For we doe onely rest assured vnder the shadow of thy wings. Protect in mercy as the apple of thine eie, and mercifully powre vpon those armies that fight against ye enemies of the Gospell, the spirit of wisedom, foresight, counsel, strength, and courage, that, in full assurance of thine heauenly helpe fighting ror them, ten of them may chase an hundred, and an hundred of them put to flight a thousand of their aduersaries. Be thou (O Lorde) their continuall refuge and strong rocke of defence, let thy holy Angels pitch their tents round about them, that they may know thy holy hand both stretched out for their helpe, and strongly set against their and our enemies. Teach their hands to warre, and their fingers to fight : prosper that which they take in hand, O prosper thou their handie worke, and make them alwaies to reioice in thy 260 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. saluation and deliuerance ; that so all such as loue not the trueth of thy Gospel, hearing thereof, may bee discomfited, and that thy feare may fall vpon thine enemies to the perpetuall glory of thy holy name, and that we, escaping the rage and furie of those which seeke after our liues and the ouerthrow of thy trueth, may in thy holy Church here militant, and after in the Church triumphant in heauen, eternally sing praises to thee our heauenly Father, the onely giuer of all victorie. Grant these things for thy Sonne Christ Jesus sake, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, three persons, and one eternall, immortall, inuincible, and onely wise God, be all honour, prayse, glory, and dominion, now and for euer. Amen. A prayer. O MOST mightie God and mercifull Father, forsomuch as thou hast promised to maintaine and defend the cause of thy Church so deerely purchased and redeemed, euen with the precious blood of thy deerely beloued Sonne : We thy humble seruants, confessing our owne vnworthinesse, through the infinite number of our wilfull transgressions, doe at this time prostrate our selues here before thy diuine maiestie, and wholy relying vpon thy promises, most heartily beseech thee through the merites of Jesus Christ our Sauiour, to protect and strengthen thy Seruants our brethren in France, that are now readie to fight for the glory of thy name. Thou knowest (O Lord) how the aduersaries that come to fight against them, haue entred into a league, and combined themselues together, neuer to desist vntill they haue destroied all such as pro- fesse thy Gospell, and laid the glory of thy Sion and Temple in the dust. And although both our and their offences doe most iustly deserue, that both they and we should bee deliuered to the edge of the sword : yet seeing that these conspirators and rebel- lers doe hate thy seruants onely for the cause of thy trueth, and that they are noted in the world for such as outwardly professe thy name, and the true doctrine of the Gospell of thy Sonne our Sauiour Christ ; Saue them in thy mercy (O heauenly Father) from the crueltie of their enemies, cast a feare and trembling into the hearts of their aduersaries, take the cause of thy Gospel into thine own hands : go before them, fight the battels of thy children, and subdue their enemies : so shal that proud generation haue no cause to insult ouer thy true Church, and ouer thy seruants, nor to say with thy old enemies, Where is now their God? And we thy penitent and most humble suppliants, that doe here at this time make intercession both for our brethren and for ourselues, will from hencefoorth declare thy name with cheereful hearts in the midst of the congregation ; we will euer praise thee and magnifie thy saluation, world without end. Graunt this (O mercifull Father) for thy deare sonnes sake, our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christ, to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, three persons and A PRAYER. 261 one God, bee all honour, glory, power and dominion, now and for euer. Amen. Another. O MOST mightie Lord God, the Lord of hostes, the gouernour of all creatures, the onely giuer of all victories, who alone art able to strengthen the weake against the mightie, and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine enemies with the countenance of a fewe of thy seruants calling vpon thy name, and trusting in thee : Defend O Lord, thy seruant the most Christian king, the French King, and specially at this time giue him power to withstand the crueltie of all his enemies, as well forreners, as notorious rebels to his crowne and Realme, which thou hast of thy diuine prouidence assigned vnto him in these our dayes. O most mercifull Father, (if it be thy holy will) plucke downe those ambitious and rebellious heartes, that exalt themselues against their naturall Lord and King. Con- uert them to the knowledge of their offences, that in so iust a cause for so noble a King, a friend to our soueraigne Lady & Queene, both these realmes may Hue in amitie, and bee ioyned in strength to withstand the rage and crueltie of such as, not content with their own, aspire to depriue others of their kingdomes. Abate therefore their crueltie, (O most mightie Lorde,) that such Christian Regions as desire the peace of thy Church, may obtaine by thy aide and strength surety from their enemies without shed- ding of Christian and innocent blood, whereby all they that be oppressed with their tyrannie may bee releeued, and all which be in feare of their cruelty may be comforted. And finally, that all Christian Realmes, and specially this Realme of England, may by thy defence and protection enioy perfect peace, quietnesse, and security. And that we for these thy mercies ioyntly altogether, with one consonant heart and voyce, may thankfully render to thee all laude and prayse, and in one godly concorde and vnitie amongst our selues may continually magnifie thy glorious name, who with thy Sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ, and the holy Ghost, art one eternal, Almighty, and most mercifull God, to whom be all laud and prayse, worlde without end. Amen. 262 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. APPENDIX XIV. AN ORDER FOR PRAYER AND THANKSGIUING (necessary to be vsed in these dangerous times) for the safetie and presentation of her Maiesty and this realme. Set forth by Authoritie. LONDON. Printed by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1594. An admonition to the Reader. There haue bene sundry, but heathen men (as Plato and others), being no better instructed then the lame reache of reason coulde guide them, nor any clearer enlightened, then by the dimmed glimpse of nature, who neuertheles arriued thus farre, as to know and acknowledge that God, who is aboue all, extendeth his care- full prouidence ouer all, and especially in preseruation of King- domes, and of other politique societies, and of their Gouernours and Rulers. For that which may bee ktwwen of God, is manifest Rom. \. ver. (saieth Saint Paul) among them : for God hath opened it vnto 19. 2 - them. For his inuisible thinges beeing -vnderstoode by his woorkcs through the creation of the worlde, are seene : that is, both his etemall power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Then howe much more must all Christians, to whome the Day- starre hath in greater brightnesse and measure appeared, and the treasures of God the Father in his sonne Christ Jesu bene opened, acknowledge this his prouidence, and reuerently adore and magni- fie that good God, which to the heape of all other his mercies towardes them addeth this blessing and protection of Magistrate and gouernment, whereby men hue peaceably with all honesty in this life ! But if euer any nation, yea, if all the nations in the worlde be- sides, haue cause with thankefulnesse to acknowledge this kinde of benefite, surely wee the people of England haue most iust and abundant occasion, of all others, to performe this duetie vnto God. First, for placing ouer vs our most gratious dread Soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth, by whose happie gouernement wee haue so long breathed from the burden of intolerable miseries of scarcity, bloodshed, and spirituall bondage, vnder which afore wee laye groue- long, and pitifully groned. Then, for preseruing these her Realmes and dominions so long in the true profession of the Gospel, and in peace and tranquillitie notwithstanding the sundrie priuie con- spiracies and open hostilities practised, both inwarde and outwarde, for the interruption of our quiet repose and holy profession. Thirdly, for protecting so long and so often her sacred royall AN ADMONITION TO THE READER. 263 person from the cruell and bloodie handes of such and so many seuerall detestable and treacherous Conspirators. And likewise for the Lordes prouident and watchfull eye ouer her and vs, and for the woonderfull happie discoueries of so manifolde cruell designements so closely plotted against her innocent life, and so dangerously against her Highnesse Realmes and dominions. Which mis- chieuous deuises as they haue all flowed from none other fount- aine, than from that citie of seuen hills, the See of Rome,z.v& seate A p oea i I3> of the Beast, not in regarde of any desert of ours, but because wee & 17. haue abandoned the cuppe of spirituall abhominations, wherewith these haue long intoxicated the Kings of the earth : So haue they beene continually proiected, caried forwarde, and managed by idolatrous Priestes and Jesuites his creatures, the very loathsome Locusts that crawle out of the bottomlesse pitte. Howebeit they haue beene and are mightily seconded by certaine (Potentates of the earth, 1 ) who doe nothing els but serue themselues of that idolatrous Romish religion, as of a Maske and stalking-horse, therewith to couer the unsatiable ambition, wherewith they are possessed, of vsurping 2 other mens kingdoms. For if we will first particularly cast our eyes vpon the variable conspiracies that haue beene entred into but against her Highnesse realmes : shal we not find the treason of the two Pooles? of Felton* and of the late Duke of Northfolk\*> of Throgmorton? of T 1 The two other editions mentioned in the next note have not these four words, " Potentates of the earth."] P There exist three editions of this Order, but only one has the following long enumeration of conspirators. The other two (which are in the University library, Cambridge, and at Lambeth) differ from each other merely in the arrangement of the type, and in the number of pages, one containing C in fours, the other D iii. In both the Admonition goes on thus, " of vsurping the kingdoms of other Princes. Which their most dangerous and desperate plots and enterprises, God of his great mercie hath hitherto most happily discouered to his infinite glorie, and our vnspeakeable comfort. So that it may aptly, &c."] [ 3 In Ocotber, 1562, Arthur Pole, and his brother Edmund, (great grandsons of George, duke of Clarence, Edward the fourth's brother,) with others, were apprehended on a charge of conspiring, by means of a French army landing in Wales, to depose Elizabeth, and set on the throne Mary, queen of Scots, who was to marry Edmund, and create Arthur duke of Clarence They were tried on the 26th of February, 1563, but, though found guilty, were all pardoned. Carte, Vol. in. p. 408. Zurich Letters, second edition, p. 172.] [ 4 Pope Pius V., he who even desired to 'shed his blood in an expedition against England,' issued, February the 25th, 1570, a bull, excommunicating the heretic Eliza- beth, and absolving her subjects from their oaths of allegiance. This ^bull one John Felton affixed to the gates of the bishop of London's palace in St Paul's church-yard. May the 25th, and on the 8th of August was hanged for his offence before the same gates. Camden, p. 428. Foulis, p. 433- Zurich Letters, pp. 341, 349.] [5 Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk, a protestant since he ' knew what religion meant.' the pupil of John Foxe, the martyrologist, to whom he left ' Twenty pound a yeare,' was beheaded on Tower hill, the 2nd of June, 1572, five months after condemnation, for a second time intending to marry Mary, queen of Scots, and thereby further her designs on the English throne. Camden, pp. 437-440. Wright's Elizabeth, Vol. I. pp. 402, 406. Zurich Letters, p. 320. Two warrants for his execution had first been signed and revoked. Lingard, Vol. vin. pp. So, 90.] [6 John Throckmorton of Norwich was hanged the joth of August, 1570, for having endeavoured, about a month before, to raise a rebellion in the county, in order, amongst other things, to set the duke of Norfolk at liberty on his first imprisonment. Camden, pp. 428, 429- Zurich Letters, p. 342. Perhaps, howerer, the Throckmorton alluded to 264 THE PRAYER-BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. Englefield, x of Paget, of Shelly, and Stanley, 2 and Yorke, 3 and of all the seminary Priestes, 4 and Jesuites, to haue beene tickled vp by Romish busses and practices, and to haue bene caried for- ward by their own gross dotage vpon that absurd religion ? As for those other attempts against her dominions, which haue not staied themselues in the bare termes of conspiracie only, but haue also broken further into open rebellion and hostilitie ; they likewise haue no les? beene blown vp by that broode of Mass- ing Priests, being vnnaturall subiects (for the most part) of these kingdomes. For was not Moreton 5 a Priest sent from the Popes own side to stirre vp the two Earls and others vnto the Northern rebellion ? Did not Saunders* second his bookish treasons euen was rather Francis, a gentleman of Cheshire, apprehended November the yth, 1583, and put to death at Tyburn in the usual manner the loth of July, 1584, nearly two months after conviction, because he had striven to bring about an invasion of England by the Catholic powers, so that Mary might be delivered from prison, and Elizabeth deposed. Thomas lord Paget, engaged in the same plot, fled into -France. Camden, pp. 497, 498. The ship, wherein this nobleman escaped, William Shelley provided, who, being thus connected with the conspiracy, was cast into prison, and in 1586 condemned for treason. beginning of 1587, "upon a principle of conscience,' he thenceforth became a pension oi.Philip the second. Carts, Vol. in. p. 599. Lingard, Vol. vin. p. 264, note.] P Rowland Yorke, ' a Man of a loose and dissolute Behaviour,' whom the earl of Leicester had appointed governor of a fort near Zutphen, not only turned traitor him- self, but was the cause why his neighbouring commander, Sir William Stanley, did the same. Soames's Elizabethan Religious History, pp. 350-353.] [* The English clergy, who had withdrawn from their own country on account of religion, were formed into a society after the manner of a college, first at Douay, in 1568, :h Ranke's History of the Popes, Book v. chap. 7.] BUUM^WWUU V* "" mliluua Ufull/ ivy tuv kvrv fl"n-lp