UCSB LIBRARY CONDITIONS THAT WILL GOVERN THE SELECTION OF AN OFFICIAL EMBLEM FOR THE 1904 SAINT LOUIS, U.S.A. To J\vt CUopkens. Jin Emblem Desired E Directorate of the World's Fair, to be held 11 in 1904, at St. Louis, U. S. A., commemo- rative of the Louisiana Purchase, an act which added to the United States, in 1803, a territory greater in extent and in natural resources than that of the original thirteen States, desiring to obtain an emblem expressive of the importance of this event, invites artists to submit designs to this end, either in relief or in color, for the con- sideration of a jury empowered to make choice, from all the designs offered, of that one seeming most artistic, appropriate and effective for the purpose. lt$ Character 'nf^ 15 Emblern design or device is to be appli- 11 cable for use as the official seal of the Exposition, or for a medal, or as a letter-head for stationery, or for a poster, or any other pur- pose in connection with the dignified exploitation of the Exposition. !f colors be employed sym- bolically, these colors should be red, blue, yellow and white the colors involved in the national flags of the countries in which the ownership of this territory at various times has been vested. [f=?OR the best design submitted a jury to be $2,000.00 for composed of seven members two painters, . . Desian two sculptors, two architects and a historran will award a prize of $2,000 (two thousand dollars), and the design receiving the award will, in con- sideration thereof, become the property of the Exposition. E following named gentlemen have been appointed to serve as members of this jury : MR. FREDERICK DIELMAN, New York, President National Academy of Design. MR. JOHN LAFARGE, New York, President of the Society of American Artists. MR. J. Q. A. WARD, New York, President of the National Sculpture Society. MR. LORADO TAFT, Chicago, President of the Society of Western Artists. MR. CHARLES F. MCKIM, New York, President of the American Institute of Architects. MR. WILSON EYRE, Philadelphia, President Philadelphia Chapter American Institute of Architects. PROFESSOR ALCE'E FORTIER, New Orleans, President of the Louisiana Historical Society. Conditions u ~ir'HE design, if in relief, must have a diame- 11 ter, or if not circular, a greatest dimension, of twenty inches. It must show the style of lettering and date; and, recognizing its employ- ment for one side of a medal, it is recommended that the design for the other side accompany it. If the project submitted be in the form of a poster to be reproduced in color, the drawing must be upon canvas or carton, and must cover a space of 24x36 inches with a clear margin outside the design. The full size of the canvas or carton should be 28x42 inches. Designs may be mounted upon stretchers, but should be without cover-glass or frame. The greatest freedom may be exercised by the artist in the treatment of the subject, the only conditions being that the completed work shall be artistic, appropriate, effective and sus- ceptible of employment in various modified forms, as before stated, and that it shall symbolize that great historical event which the Louisiana pur- chase is to commemorate the acquisition from France in 1803 of territory which insured to the United States the control, forever, of the greatest natural waterway on earth, the Mississippi River. In the history of the United States this event is second only, in importance, to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Its centenary is to be commemorated in St. Louis, the leading city of the Purchase. x?j|LL designs in competition must be delivered /Til (carriage prepaid), at the ware- rooms of Messrs. Budworth & Son, 424 West Fifty-second Street, New York City, between Saturday, November 1, and Wednesday, November 5, 1902. Competitors residing outside of New York City should forward their designs, securely packed (carriage prepaid), to the above address. After their examination by the jury, Messrs. Budworth & Son will repack and return to the owners such designs as prove unavailable the expense therefor to be paid by the owners of the designs except as hereafter provided. All exhibits should be forwarded in good time to allow for possible delays in transit. Hou> $ lUhcn to Submit Designs [j^ESIGNS submitted must be marked NOT ik^ by the artist's name, but by a device and motto, and Exhibits (Harking Of Packing Cases Dote /qjLL packing cases, forwarded to the agents, [fli should be marked as follows: W. F, EMBLEM i (D^ MOUO) Messrs, W, S. Budwortti & Son, From 424 West 52d Street, New York City. JM1O designs will be received, under any U 11 circumstances, by the Exposition authori- ties at St. Louis. Dote N every event, whether the design be person- ally delivered at the place of examination or be sent through an agent, a letter should be mailed at once to Mr. Walter B. Stevens, Secretary Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis (marked on the envelope "Emblem Competi- tion"), advising him of the submitting of the design, and enclosing to him, in a sealed envel- ope, a card giving the artist's name and address and the device and motto by which the design is signed. UCSB LIBRARY /q|LL the designs sent will be examined by the [Til Jury of Selection, and of these a number will be placed on public exhibition for a short period. /?j|LL designs except that one receiving the [ni award, or such as may be purchased by the Exposition authorities, will be designated in the exhibition simply by the devices and mottoes by which they are signed unless any artist may agree otherwise in which event his name and address will be attached to his design. /?j|T the close of the examination by the jury, /Til all designs not available for exhibition will be returned to the owners promptly, at the expense of said owners. All designs exhibited which may not become the property of the Exposition, will be returned at the close of the exhibition at the expense of the Exposition authorities. Secretary.