r\ X ARIZONA MINING LAW BANCROFT LIWAIY S' BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MINING El>> OF Tfl* ERRITORY OF ARIXONA, PRESCOTT : OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA MfNKK. 1864. OF THE REGISTRY AND GOVERNMENT OF MINES AND MINERAL DEPOSITS. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territonj of Arizona. SECTION 1. All mining rights on the public lands of the United S'ates as well as rights acquired by discovery on the lands of private individuals, are possessory in their charac- ter only, and such possessory rights shall be limited* regu- lated, and govern. das hereinafter provided. TITLE ONE. GENERAL PROVISIONS "RELATING TO THE REGISTRY OF MINES, MINING RIGHTS, AND CONVEYANCES OF THE SAME. 2. The Judges of the Probate Courts in their respec- tive Counties shall have jurisdiction over the registry and denouncement of all mines and all mineral and auxiliary lands, and the disputes and questions of whatsoever nature between all adverse claimants to mines or mineral, and aux- iliary lands, which he shall hear, and determine in a sum- mary manner according to the rules of practice as prescribed for the District Court in civil cases, and all proceedings and records therein shall be entitled " In the Probate Court. Judicature of Mines." 3. The Clerks of the Probate Courts shall be ex-officio Recorders of mines and all mineral and auxiliary lands in their respective Counties. 4. The County Commissioners of each County shall a t the expense of the County provide a suitable office for the Clerk of the Probate Court, at the seat of justice of his County, which shall be called the Recorder's Office, in which Ff A 3 MINING LAW. he flhall keep the books and papers of his office : they shall also provide rooms and cases for the preservation of miner- alogical specimens from each mine recorded, to be properly numbered, marked and registered by him, with the time when and the locality whence taken, and he shall also pre- serve in said rooms all rocks, fossils, earths, minerals, plants and other matters that may be useful or interesting for sci- entific, legal or practical purposes. 5. He shall provide three books of record, the expense of which shall be allowed by the County Commissioners, and paid out of the funds originating from the tax on mines, which he shall respectively mark as " Books of Mining Record," "A," B," and " C," which shall be kept in his office, and open to the inspection of the public at all times. 6. The Recorder of mines shall collect and record in Record Book A, all registrys, denouncements, and claims of mines, whether on public lands or private grants, by indi- viduals or companies, that were made prior to the passage of this chapter, and make complete indices of the same, and keep them for the inspection of the public. 7. He shall record all first or preliminary registrys and denouncements of mines, made after the passage of this chapter, in Record Book B, and all second registrys after the sinking of the shaft and complying with the law as here- inafter provided, in Record Book C, which shall be alike kept for public inspection. 8. The Recorder of mines shall keep a seal of office, to be provided by the County Commissioners of each Coun- ty, and affix the same to all official documents. 9. He shall be allowed and receive from the parties interested the following fees, and when the number of words contained in the papers to be recorded shall exceed one folio he shall receive in addition twenty cents per folio : For each record of former claim in Book A, $1. For each pre- liminary or first registry of a mine or auxiliary mining land, in Book B, $1. For each succeeding claim on the same de- posit, $1. For final record after sinking shaft, and certifi- cate, in Book C, $2. For final record of each additional claim of the same party on the same deposit, in Book C, $1. For recording each separate auxiliary tract, $1.' For record- MINING LAW. ing articles of co-partnership, $2.50. For recording charters of mining companies, $2. For recording notice required hy section 25-1, $1. For recording each conveyance, $ I. For any subsequent copy of the foregoing, one-half of the ahove rates ; and for all fees in litigated mining cases he shall re- ceive the same compensation as is allowed to Clerks of the District Courts in civil cases for like services, and for all ser- vices and fees not provided for in this chapter his fees shall be fixed by the Judge of Probate. 10. The charters of all mining companies and their officers, where they keep their office, and where their mines are situated, with a description of their machinery^ and a list of their property, shall be furnished by them, and re- corded m Record Book C of the Recorder, and they may procure certificates thereof, that shall at all times be good evidence in all courts of justice. II. The co-partnership agreements of all mining part- ners shall be recorded in the same manner and certificates thereof shall have the like effect, and the company or co- partnership failing to furnish the charter or agreement re- quired to be recorded by this chapter, after due notice by the Recorder, shall be deemed to stand in contempt of the law, and punished by the Probate Judge by fine in his discretion not to exceed one hundred dollars. 12. All mining claims shall be registered in the real names of the parties, and by persons legally authorized to- make such registry either in person or by power of attorney, to be exhibited to and filed and recorded with the Recorder of mines, or with the Recorder of the mining district as here- inafter provided, and no claims shall be registered in the names of fictitious persons, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit all right arid interest in the claim so registered, and the same shall be subject to registry and denouncement by another, on the same terms as newly discovered veins. 13. The property of all mines and mineral lands in descents and conveyances of property to heirs shall be con- sidered and regarded as real estate. 14. All sales of mining claims or mineral lands, or any interest in the same, shall be registered with the Recorder, 4 MINING LAW. by deed to be executed as provided for conveyances of real estate, and in a book to be kept by bim for that purpose, within three months from the date of the sale of the same, or shall be declared forfeited and subject to denouncement and registry by another ; aiad such conveyances when so registered shall be subject to the same rules which govern conveyances of real estate, and shall have the same effect in the courts. TITLE TWO. EXTENT OF MINING RIGHTS, AND MODE OF ACQUIRING AND RETAINING TITLES THERETO. 15. Every mining claim or pertenencia is declared to consist of a> superficial area of two hundred yards square, to be measured so as to include the principal vein or mineral deposits, always having reference to and following the dip of the vein so far as it can or may be worked, with all the earth and mineral therein. But any mining district organized in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, may pre- scribe the dimensions of said mining claim or pertenencia for such district, provided that in no case the dimensions so pre- scribed shall exceed the number of yards allowed by this sec- tion, and further provided, that no such mining district shall diminish the extent of the Territorial claim to one pertenencia as defined in this section. 16. Any person discovering or opening a vein or other mineral deposit in this Territory, not actually worked or legally owned by other parties, or registered in accordance with this chapter, shall by properly denouncing and registering the same be entitled to claim and hold a possessory right to a tract of land to the extent of two mining claims or pertenencias includ- ing the said vein or mineral deposit, and conforming as nearly as possible to the general direction thereof, each to be meas- ured two hundred yards long by two hundred yards wide, the direction of the lines to be determined by the person claiming. 17. If two or more persons are associated, and have formed a company for the exploration and working of mines, and one or several shall make discoveries of mineral deposits in consequence thereof, said company so engaged in exploration MINING LAW. shall be entitled to denounce and register one discovery claim only upon each lode. 18. It shall be lawful for the claimants of a mine or min- eral lands to locate and take possession of public lands for a mill site and other necessary works connected therewith, which shall not exceed one quarter section, containing a stream or other water suitable for the purpose. They shall have a right to place a dam or other obstructions on such stream, and to divert its waters for the above uses and purposes. They shall within the time and in the manner prescribed in this chapter for the registration and denouncement of mines, proceed to de- nounce and register the sam.3 with the Clerk of the Probate ( 'ourt, and they shall be known as auxiliary lands. And if within three years from the day their notice of claim is so re- corded, they shall expend in fitting the same for a mill, or in placing a mill or reduction works thereon, the sum of one hundred dollars, they may cause the record of such work to be made, anl proceedings for confirming their title to be insti- tuted as provided in section 29 of this chapter, with like effect, and receive a certificate of title as therein provided, conform- ing as nearly as they can to the requirements of that section. Instead of the work required by section 32 of this chapter they shall use the machinery or other works erected upon said land for mining purposes at least thirty days in each year. Such claims shall be subject to all the provisions of this chap- ter which are applicable to mining rights, and may be aban- doned and re-located. All rights to auxiliary lands acquired under the laws of any mining district before this act takes ef- fect shall be valid, and the owners of the same, upon comply- ing with the provisions of this section may take the like pro- ceedings to confirm their titles with a like effect. 19. It shall be the duty of all claimants of mining claims, mineral lands and auxiliary tracts, to at once define the extent j*ui boundary of them as nearly as possible, by good substan- :uneuts or other conspicuous marks, in the presence Recorder of the mining district, or of some witness ,-hall prove to the satisfaction of the Recorder that the same has been done, and to post up a public notice of their claim. ;it the opening of the principal vein, and to have them properly registered a< d recorded within three months from the time of first claiming them at the office of the mining district G MINING LAW. Recorder according to the provisions of this chapter. Such record shall give a faithful description of the veins, mineral deposits, and tracts of lands, the character and bearing of the veins or deposits and their connection with natural monu- ments or conspicuous objects in the vicinity. 20. No person shall change his original monuments or boundaries of mineral or other lands, but if a subsequent in- vestigation makes this convenient or necessary, and it can be done without prejudice to other parties, then such change shall take place by the sanction of the Judge of the Probate Court, provided they are properly recorded and the new boun- daries and monuments fixed at once when the original ones are removed. 21. All minerals, woods, waters, earths and vegetation found within the boundaries of any tract of land registered and claipied for mining shall be exclusively used by him or them who are legally entitled to the possession of the land wherein or whereon they are situated so long as they are used for mining purposes only, provided that no one shall have the right to prevent transient persons from using the waters along the public highways, where they were provided by nature in natural tanks, springs, streams, or otherwise, nor from making such equitable disposition of the waters as the Legislature shall prescribe. 22. No person shall have the right to impede or incon- venience travelling by fencing up the public roads, filling them up with rubbish or undermining them so as to endanger their safety, neither shall any one change their established direction without sanction of the proper authorities. 23. Whenever two or more persons or parties explore and prospect one and the same vein, and at or about the same time but at different places, and without 'knowledge of each oth- er, then he or they who shall prove first occupancy shall have the right of first location, taking the principal point of exca- vation as the centre of their claim or claims on each side along the general direction of such vein or deposit. The oth- er parties shall proceed by the same laws after the others have fixed their boundaries. Should there be left vacant ground between the different parties then it shall be at the option of the first discoverers so to change their boundaries a shall best suit them, and have them recorded accordingly. MINING LAW. Any other parties shall locate in the order of the time of their arrival on the vein or mineral deposit. 24. Whenever two or more parties shall select the same mine or mineral deposit for exploration, and the parties first on the ground, knowing the other parties to be at work, shall fail to give warning, either verbally or in writing, of their pri- ority claim on such vein or deposit, then that portion of the mine situated between the main excavations of the two par- ties shall be equally divided between them, irrespective of the number of members each company may have ; Provided, That the intervening portions shall not exceed the quantity of land allowed by the provisions of this chapter. 25. The laws and proceedings of all mining districts es- tablished in this Territory for the denouncement, registration, and regulation of mines, mining claims, mineral lands and auxiliary lands, prior to the day this act takes effect, are here- by legalized and declared to be as valid and binding in all courts of law, as if enacted by this Legislative Assembly, to the extent and under the conditions and restrictions herein contained. I. All rights, claims and titles to any veins, mineral lands, or mineral deposits, and auxiliary lands, acquired before this act takes effect, under, by virtue of, and in conformity to the laws of said mining districts, are hereby declared to be valid and legal, and shall be respected and enforced in all courts of this Territory, when sustained by the evidence herein provided; but no amount of work done thereon shall be construed to give a perpetual title thereto, but shall give such title only and such rights and privileges as is provided in section 29 of this chapter; and no person who was at the time of the location of his claim an inhabitant of this Territory shall forfeit his claim because he was not a resident also of the mining district in which hig said claim was located. And no such right, claim or title shall be considered as abandoned provided the claimants shall within six months from the day this act takes effect file with the Clerk of the Probate Court of the County in which his claim is situated a brief description of the same, giving the name of the district in which the lode is situated, and of the lode or lodes, and the extent of his claim thereon, with a declaration that he intends to retain and work the same 8 MINING- LAW. according to law, unless such claim has been forfeited, and subject to re-location under the laws of such^mhung fc district before this act takes effect. II, All records and all papers required by the laws of said mining districts to be deposited with the Recorders of said districts for record shall be received as evidence of their con- tents in all courts of this Territory, and shall not be rejected for any defects in their form, when their contents may be un- derstood, but shall be valid to the extent provided by said mining laws, except a* hereinbefore restricted; Provided, That such records and papers are deposited with or recorded by the Clerk of the Probate Court of the County in which said mining district is located, and within three months from the time this act takes effect ; and if said records or papers] are lost or mutilated, or if such Recorder of a mining district shall neglect or refuse to deposit the same as aforesaid, an affidavit of their contents made by any person interested therein, or certified or sworn copies thereof may be^so recorded, and shall have the like effect. III. All conveyances of mines, mining rights/ mineraFand auxiliary lands made prior to the time this act takes effect, shall be valid and binding to pass the title of the grantor thereof, although defective in form and execution, if their contents can be understood, and as such shall be received and regarded in all courts of this Territory ; Provided, That such conveyances shall be deposited with or recorded by the Clerk of the Probate Court of the County where said mines are sit- uated, within three months from the time this act takes effect, and if lost or mutilated, copies or affidavits of their contents, executed as aforesaid, may be recorded as provided above. 26. Every Recorder, Register, Clerk, or other recording officer, of every such mining district, or who has at any time ;icted as such recording officer, within three months after this act takes effect, shall deposit with the Clerk of the Probate Court of the County in which said district or greater part thereof is situated, all records which he has so kept, and all papers deposited in his hands for record, and papers so made or deposited with Ms predecessors in said office, which are in his hands as aforesaid, or he shall so deposit certified copies of the same. And such records and other papers shall besrecurely MINING LAW. kept by such Clerk open in office hours to public inspection . and copies of the same duly certified by him shall bo re- ceived in all courts of justice, and have the same effect as the originals. And any such Recorder, Register, or other recording officer of each mining district who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable in damages to the party injured thereby, and shall be liable to be punished by the judge of Probate of the County in which said mining district, or the greater part thereof, is situated, for contempt, by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than one year, and shall be incapable of holding any such office and mining claim. 27. Mining districts now existing may be continued or new mining districts may be established in the manner and for the purposes hereinafter provided. I. The Recorder of every mining district now existing shall at the same time that he deposits the records of said districts, with the Clerk of the Probate Court, as the lasr, preceding section requires, take an oath before the Judge of said Court that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office until another Recorder shall be elected and qualified in his place, which oath shall be recorded by the Clerk of the Probate Court. He shall record iu a book to be kept by him for that purpose all notices of claims or rights to veins, min- eral deposits, mineral lands, and auxiliary lands, which may be left with him to be recorded, and shall note on all papers which may be received by him to be recorded, the time when they were so received by him, and they shall be considered as recorded from that time. He shall when requested by any such claimant go with him to his claim and see that the same is measured by metes and bounds, and marked by substan- tial monuments on the surface of the earth, and shall make a record of the same, and of the time when it was don ; > and certify it to be correct, or shall make a record and certi- ficate of the same on the evidence of a credible witness, who was present when the same was done, and is cognizant