GIFT OF on the Renewal and the Physical Body, ns for use in the "Vl . , C^-?<-*t*-^L A TREATISE ON THE Renewal and Rejuvenation of the Physical Body WITH AFFIRMATIONS For Use in the Work BY JESSIE MILLARD ENGLISH GEORGE P. SIKES, Publisher . 1367 Fifth Street %,, San Diego, California Copyright By JESSIE MILLARD ENGLISH 1919 Three JESSIE M1LLARD ENGLISH A mocking' bird lilts on the tree-top yonder. And thus I interpret the carol he sings, As he tilts there trilling and thrilling with gladness The oneness of Infinite Life in all things. His body sways with his bliss ecstatic, While with head uplifted and vibrant throat He sings of his oneness with all things living And flings forth his joy in exultant note. A humming bird poised o'er the honeysuckle With wings a-shimmer and breast aglow, Gives forth a chirp of satisfaction, m Which but echoes the thought of the other, I know. The ocean thunders and rants and tumbles, And sobs and moans in the lap of the land ; And seems ever bent on imparting a message To those who will listen and understand. 415861 Four THE ONE MESSAGE The rivers, the rills and the brooks all sing it; Wherever you hear them just listen and see. The lesson of Life they're forever repeating The oneness of all with you and with me. The birds all sing it. The bees they hum it, As they dip for sweets in each blossom's throat. The katydids and the crickets shrill it Each in its own peculiar note. The leaves of the trees and the bushes, the flowers, The grasses that lean and dip with the breeze, They all seem telling the one sweet story To me that / am at one with these. The beautiful message replete with meaning, A blessing brings to each weary soul. It tells of Infinite Love and Wisdom That binds and holds the Universe whole. Five WILL explain this Treatise as an exhaustive dissertation upon Body Renewal with affirmations for use in the same. I will also explain that while to some, especially so to beginners, they may seem lengthy and to needlessly repeat, I have considered all that. Being a graduate of several of the best schools of suggestive healing and having done much spiritual healing through suggestive therapeutics, I am exceedingly well acquainted with its methods, and perfectly well aware that in all suggestive treatment, by auto-sug- gestion or other, this axiom holds good: "Reiteration is the price of success;" hence the apparently needless repetitions. I will also add that by use of the methods herein given, I have demonstrated completely over the results of serious physical injur- ies of long standing, besides, the failure of sight, which caused me to wear glasses for the period of five years, during which I could not, without their aid, see to read a single line of a newspaper col- umn. I used, absolutely, no other treatment, and I have ever since, been able to read and sew ; often if I feel like doing so, into the early morning hours, without the use of glasses, which I laid off Thanks- giving morning, 1909, and which I have never worn since. Many of my friends know of this and can attest to the truth of these statements. When you have made the contents of this little volume your own, by study and by practice, you will have found the value of its methods. Seven Sinttmsttts r (fitc. I am an individualized Spirit or Soul( designing and building my own body, which is continually undergoing change. My body is not /. It is mine. I am not body. I am Spirit. My body is the outer expression of myself of the individualized Spirit or Soul which is /. My body is ever changing. It has undergone continuous change ever repairing, renewing, renovating, recreating, at the rate of a complete body for every year, ever since I began to express by means of a body. It will continue to renew, just so long as I occupy it. / ant an ever renewing, ever unfolding expression of Life, Wis- dom and Power. My body is the garment, the outer expression of the /, the Ego, the Self, the Soul, who designs it, builds it, uses it, occupies it. .My body is my manifestation it is that by means of which I manifest, make myself known to the physical senses of those who are manifesting upon the physical plane. If I had no body, I should be a discarnate, a disembodied Spirit Eight AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. Spirit with no means of making myself seen, heard or felt, by those who sense by the physical senses, only. As 7 am the Life of my body, I can truly affirm 7 am Life. As I 'am the Health of my body, I can truly affirm 7 am Health. As 7 am the Strength of my body I can truly affirm 7 am Strength. 7 am Life, Health, Strength, now this minute. If 7 were gone from my body, it would be an inert mass, a lifeless lump So I .am its Life, Health, Strength. Being an individualized Spirit or Soul, I am wow, all that the words imply. As Spirit is never ill, as Spirit is never weak, 7 am now, what I can truly claim for Spirit. 7 am all that Spirit is. 7 am Life, Health, Strength, Ambition, Activity, Energy, Force, Vitality, Vigor, Vim, Intelligence, Intellect, Wisdom, Power. And what 7 am I express literally ex-press press out. into form the form which is my body. Thus do I express a body, for my use. As 7 am the designer, as well as the builder of my body, 7 am going to build it over, with better conditions than it has had before. I have no power to keep my body at a standstill. It always has been changed, all through, each year in less than one year. So, as it changes, 7 am going to see that the change is for the better. 7 know that this is possible. I know that 7 can do this. My body shall improve with each successive renewal. 7./7M BODY RENEWAL Nine I have a good skeleton. / will clothe it in beautiful new flesh. As my flesh renews more rapidly than my bones, I shall expect it to become perfect, at an early date. That which I expect to achieve, will come true. I, the Self, am perfect, as I am Spirit My body is / expressed in other words, it is the expression of the Spirit, which is 7, and must express perfection. As within, so without. My body of next Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter (as the case may be) is not yet builded. It will be a far better body than is this one of today. It will be the best body that I have yet worn. I have always rebuilt my body; but have done so unconsciously. I did not recognize my own part in the work of my body-building. Now that I am conscious that it is / who design the work, and / who supervise it, 7 will see that I do a better job, each time, than ever before I will see that my body grows more symetrical each time it is repeated. I will see that my body grows more erect, more elastic, more re- silient, each time it is renewed. I can round out my face, throat and limbs more each time I rebuild them, thus perfecting more and more, each time, as I rebuild. Ten AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. I will do away with all scars, all blemishes, all evidences of past injuries. I know this can be done. They are neither useful nor or- namental and I positively refuse to perpetuate them. I will not carry forward, in my body building such useless marks. I will not build wrinkles, nor any disagreeable facial expressions. I will build for symmetry, for beauty, for elegance, for refinement of expression. / am not subject to parental limitations, imposed at birth. I can and I will rise superior to them. They grow less, as I increase my power to overcome. It is by determined and never yielding effort, that 7 am forming habits in correct body-renewal. Heredity has no power to impose limitations upon me, for 7 am deathless Spirit. 7 am a Soul, superior to any limitations, through my consciousness of my oneness with The Infinite The Limitless The Absolute. This Infinite, Limitless Source is the Life of my life, and I recognize it as ever springing up within me ever renewed and renewing. Hence the Fountain of Eternal Youth is irithin me. (Think of a fountain ever up springing, ever rising, ever gushing forth anew, ever refreshing, ever renewing.) 7 am, or the 7 am of me, is a fountain of Eternal Youth. I receive by Divine influx or Divine up-rising, by Divine out-flow the process never ceases. 7 am / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Eleven ever f.r-pressing, or out-pressing or putting forth into outer expres- sion a newly built body. My body is in a fluidic state. It yields to my thought. My body is plastic and easily molded to my plan. (Think of a mason or plasterer working with cement or plaster, shaping it to suit his own ideas.) As the cement or plaster responds to the trowel which shakes it, even so does my body yield to my thought. The workman directs his trowel by his will, to mold his material. So do I direct my tli ought by my -will to shape this fluidic, plastic body of mine, to conform to my ideal, or plan, or pattern, of what I wish it to be. As the loaf of dough yields to the shaping of my hands, so does my body yield to the shaping of my thought, and thus is it pressed out into form or expressed. 7 by my will direct my thought to ex- press my body so my body is my expression. As I think so I build. My thought is the agent used by my will, to fashion my body. Just as 1 can, by willing my hands, cause them to mold wax, putty or day, to ccnfcrrn to my design, held in my Subconscious, so can 1 will my thought to mold my body to my plan or pattern held in my Subsconscious. As the flesh of my face, throat and bust, is most easily molded, be- Twelve AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS. ETC. cause its muscles are less tensed and so are softer, so are they more readily changed. They are more impressionable and thus do they undergo more rapid change than do the more highly tensioned parts. Hence, also, is their change more noticeable. So 'tis there that I look for quick- est results. It is by vibration that I produce changes in my body. By thought, I vibrate at will, my body-substances to effect the change I desire. I cannot cause the renewal of my body, nor can I check it. It always has been and always is it to be, so long as I remain in my body. But by using my thought understandingly, directing it by my will, I can consciously so vibrate my body-substance as to produce the conditions which I wish to externalize. My body is not /, and yet it is by my body that / am recognized. Hence my body must be the product of the Self, the Ego, the 7. In the past, and not so long ago, I was ignorant of all this. I supposed that, like Topsy, I "jes growed. " I had no idea that I could control the conditions of my body. I thought I had to submit, to endure, to put up with adverse conditions; never dreaming that I had anything to do with my body renewal. / JIM BODY RENEWAL / AM Thirteen I did not know that by using the right kind of thought, I could overcome and transmute and transform. Now, I know that I can do so! "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" in his heart, mind you, in his innermost Self in his Subconscious Self the Self that is under the Conscious mind under the threshold of Consciousness sometimes called the Subliminal or, the mind beneath the threshold of consciousness. Now I know that I can build my body to suit myself, in accord- ance with my plan, which I hold in my Subconscious the plan or ideal which I desire to copy, to manifest, in the outer or physical. And so, I literally think my body into objectivity. And / am an ever renewing ever unfolding expression, of the Self within. / am my finer Self. / am my higher Self. / am my better Self. There is more of me than I have ever yet expressed. 7 must- and I will express more. My body, which is 7 expressed or pressed out into form, must express perfection ; as the 7 the Ego the Self is perfect. My body is all renewed in less than one year. So it is less than one year old. Some portions of it renew within a few days, some within a few weeks: others within a few months: but the body, as a whole, Fourteen AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. is completely renewed with exception of enamel of the teeth, within less than one year. So, it should be like a child's body; and it will be, when re- newed with the right kind of thought vibrations. I think my body into Health. I think my body into Form. I think my body into Symmetry. I think my body into Power. As I think, so I build. No one can see what I think, only as he can judge by the results. Look around you at the people, and it is easy to guess the charac- ter of the thought that has molded their bodies. Look at the dress, worn by anyone ,and 'tis not difficult to real- ize that someone's thought planned it. Everyone knows that whether you make an apron, or build a barn, you first have to have in your mind, a plan, a concept, an idea, a pattern of what you are going to make. One instinctively recognizes that, no matter what the object built. You will hear comments like the; following: ''The person who planned that house, certainly had very little idea of conven- ience," or, "I wonder what dressmaker designed that fright," or, "The soul who conceived of that work of art was certainly a line artist," etc., etc. Showing that we instinctively recognize the master back of his work, or the mind that gave concept to the matter. BODY RENEWAL / JIM Fifteen "Back of the canvas that throbs, the painter is hinted and hidden. Into the statue that breathes the soul of the sculptor is bidden." I will build no ugly, cross, unpleasant thoughts into expression. 1 will not repeat the mistakes nor the blemishes of the past. Just as plainly does the body show forth the thought that molded it. As I think so I build. So I must be very careful as to the kind of thought I project into objectivity. / am accountable for tke body I build. My thought thrills my body. My thought thrills my nerves and sets free the elixirs of rejuvenation. My body responds to the thrill and grows finer and more youthful and more beautiful. I must think beautiful thoughts to thrill and beautify my body. In ordinary conversation we hear remarks like the following : "He has a villianous countenance." "She has a madonna cast of features." "lie looks like a minister," or, "He looks like a bloated bond-holder." "She looks as if she had led a dizzy life," or, "She looks like an old maid." Do not remarks of that kind show that IK <>ple in general recognize that the body typifies the character of thought which was habitual with the builders of the bodies in ques- tion ? What is it that fashions face and form ? Not alone the shape of the body the expressions of countenance, the pose, the poise, the carriage, the gait, the voice, the gestures, the hand-clasp; even the Sixteen AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS. ETC. way he wears his hat, or treads his shoes, reveals much of the inner man, the Self. My body being continually renewed, is new and sweet and fine and wholesome and fragrant, like a little child 's. I bathe my whole person every morning with cold water or with hot water followed by cold, and soap; and followed by a thorough rub-down with a Turkish towel, starched for friction; at the same time, holding the thought of renewal that this is the beginning of a new day, that all old conditions are bathed away; that I am mak- ing a new start that it is the beginning of new conditions. Every hour is a fresh beginning. Every year does your body renew. Consider this, ye who are aged by sinning, Herein lieth a hope for you. Your body is ever constructed anew, And the Self who directs this work is you. I eat with the thought that my food is just what I need to pro- duce the kind of body I want. As I eat no fish, flesh nor fowl, no animal fats using only vegetable oils in cooking my body is less dense, less clogged, less toughened-in-texture, than are the bodies of those whose food is corpses of creatures, that have suffered the shock of a violent death, thus transmitting the vibrations of tragedy thus BODY RENEWAL / JJM Seventeen acquired, the fright and horror, dread and fear, the shrinking; the agony of the violent death, all culminating in intensest emotional vibrations, to be passed on to those who devour. No tragedy vibrates my food. As I eat only such foods as I agree with, my food always agrees with me, so I get good results from what I eat. I drink plenty of water, as liquids are needed in my body-building. My body is large- ly composed of liquids and requires that I drink, to supply to the various organs sufficient to enable them to secrete the juices necessary to their perfect performance of their work; also, for the flushing and remftval of waste from the system ; and to increase my circulation. I drink for cleanliness, purity, fairness of flesh and freshness of complexion. ]\y breathing and bathing, by eating and drinking, with ever the purpose in view, of the betterment of my bodily conditions, so do I bring my thought to bear upon my body-substance, and so vi- brate its atoms as to cause in my body, the desired conditions of perfection. As I think, so do I vibrate. As I think, so do I change my body-material. As I think 9 so do I mold my body-substance, to accord with my plan or pattern, or ideal of that which I desire to ex- ternalize in my body. My body is vibrant with health and radiant with joy. T sleep with plenty of ventilation, recognizing that I could live Eighteen AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. for a long time without food, for less time without drink but that air I must have that 'tis Life's great essential. I sleep with but light covering, as I recognize the fact that heavy covers enclose and hold in the emanations of the body. It is better, if necessary, for warmth, to have a heated iron, brick or soapstone, or a jug, or can of hot water or a hot water bottle in the bed, rather than covers, that prevent the escape of waste thrown off dur- ing sleep; for the body breathes and there is ever an insensible per- spiration always passing out, through the pores of the skin, whether one wakes or sleeps. If these pores are clogged, so the body can not cast out these poisons, the whole system becomes surcharged with waste matter. During a pageant in Rome, it was deemed de- sirable to cover a child's body with a coating of gold, to make a little golden angel, and as soon as applied, the child died. Trees and plants breathe through their leaves and we breathe, not alone by our lungs. I sleep with no pillow, as I breathe more freely than with head raised. Also, there is better circulation of air about head and neck. Besides, sinking the face into a pillow pushes the soft flesh for- ward, causing wrinkles. Japanese sleep on a small, hard pillow under the neck how often do you see a wrinkled Jap ? As I breathe freely and deeply, I recognize the Breath as the / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Nineteen Life. I recognize Breath as Spirit. Every inspiration (analyze the word) is literally and truly an intake of Spirit; from in, and spira- tus, Latin for breath; and spirare to breathe. Ghost, used inter- changeably with Spirit, is from the Anglo Saxon gheist, meaning Breath. The Greek Pneuma, meaning Spirit, we find in such de- rivatives as pnuemonia, disease of the organs of breath; and pneu- matic, air-inflated, as a pneumatic tire, etc., etc. Air is atmosphere, and atmosphere is the Atmos, ether, vapor, mist or Breath of our planet or sphere. We inspire, in breathe the Breath or Spirit of our sphere. Spirit is the highest rate of vibration. Spirit is the one Sub- stance from which is created everything that is created. Mind holds the pattern, Spirit is the Substance. Thought vi- bration does the work. As I think, so do I vibrate my body-Substance, which is a lower, slower rate of Spirit. My body is not a dense solid. It is Spirit vibrating vibrated by thought. 1 must be careful how I think. As I think I vibrate, so I build. Thought controls. According to my plan or design, my ideal or pat- tern, held in my Subconscious mind, so do I build. Each of us does this unconsciously. The trouble is that many yes, most individuals Twenty AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. are reproducing year after year, bodies, built after the same old pattern of disease, infirmities, decrepitudes. They need to get new patterns. If you were going to buy a pattern for a new gown, would you select one of the styles of years gone by? One always selects a new style, an up-to-date pattern, for making a garment. But in body-building, most people go 'on, year after year, perpetuating old conditions in their bodies. Why hold an ' old stoop-shouldered, stiff -jointed^ weak-kneed, toothless, hairless, ugly pattern? Don't go on, building after that horrid, old pattern, which you really detest and which is a perfect bug-a-boo to you, scaring you half out of your wits, as you see it externalizing in your body. Get a new pattern ! Think, 0, think how much better looking you would be. Then put out of your mind that stoop-shouldered ideal. Think how you would look if you were erect. Keep thinking of it. Take some physical exercises to help, and while exercising, keep on thinking how you are going to look. And each day notice that you are making a little progress. It grows easier to perform. Keep on thinking. Keep on recognizing each little bit of gain. Do you trundle around, on the front of you, a great load of obesity? Isn't it tiresome besides bein<* ugly to look at? Why not jret rid of it? / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Twenty-one You can accomplish wonders in working a change, if you only recognize that you can, and set yourself about it. You're too old? No you are not. It's all in the way you think. You may have to reform before you can transform. You may have to exercise more and eat less of rich foods. And you surely will have to think more and be faithful to your work. An occasional spurt, in effort, will not avail. It must be regular and continued. Think how long you've been acquiring the habits your are aiming to eradicate. But is it not worth the effort?. Don't give up. Nothing worth while is attained, without effort. To encourage you, right here, I will digress to relate a bit of personal history. Years ago, twenty-five yes and more, the author had the misfortune to meet with three seri- ous accidents, being twice thrown from a horse and once from a buggy within one year; each time sustaining serious hurts resulting in spinal injuries that completely wrecked her health. A few years since she began to work to overcome these conditions and today she is quite rid of them, having attained to normal conditions of health through these very rules which she is giving, in this treatise. I must state that the cure has its price. Eternal vigilance is the price of success, in this, as elsewhere. But is it not worth it? If injured so that it is necessary, go to a good Osteopath, for re- adjustment ; and then work, work, WORK faithfully, for health Tlcnllh, from the Anglo Saxon "Wholth", meaning wholeness. Twenty-two AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. Never allow yourself to complain and pine and mope and whine and pity yourself. It does you no good. It only weakens you and interferes with your better work in rebuilding. Every time you say or think ' ' poor me ! ' ' you are giving yourself poor material to work with. Know that your are not 1 1 poor me ! " Your are an individual- ized Spirit or Soul, with the Divine birthright which comes to you through your oneness with the Infinite the Limitless. Being at one with the Omnipotent, all power is yours, when you recognize it. You are in the process of becoming don't you want to progress, to overcome, to become more and more, to achieve more and more? Then quit " pooring " "yourself . Keep affirming / am at one with Omnipotence or All Power. Recognize live in consciousness of your Divine heritage. You can appropriate all that you can recog- nize. So keep on affirming or giving yourself the auto-suggestion (or self-suggestion) that you are strong in the strength of Omnipot- ence or All Power; and wise with the wisdom of Omniscience (which is analyzed, Omni, meaning all, and Science, meaning knowledge or wisdom. Keep on claiming this for yourself until your consciousness grasps it, and you become filled with its truth. Know that 'tis truth that you are affirming. Once having become conscious of this indwelling Power, I recognize that by and through it, / am capable of controlling my health and my affairs. / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Twenty-three When I fully recognize this, nothing can harm me, for I live in consciousness of my power to overcome. If conditions which are adverse to me, seem to have attached themselves, like barnacles, to me, I will use the Power of which I am conscious to disperse and drive them away. As continued repetition of an act forms a habit, I by repeatedly thrilling the nerves of my body with the beauty of my thought, pro- duce a renewed and ever renewing and beautiful body. Each body I build, is finer, fairer and more elastic than the one I last builded. My features grow more beautiful more nearly perfect as they re- peatedly renew. My flesh is becoming very fine. I will try to live more and more in consciousness of my union with the Infiinite, the Limitless, the Omnipotent. My consciousness of the presence of this indwelling Power, en- ables me to transmute it into Health, Strength, Force, Energy, so that I can truly say : "It matters not how strait the gate, ITow charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate. / am the captain of my soul." Twenty-four AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. I am is captain. I am is master. I will keep this ever in mind- ever in my consciousness. That which one affirms, believing, will come true or, in other words, one's subconscious faith, his innermost belief, is sure to ob- jectify in his body. One must believe that which he affirms. Hence, the necessity of repeating the affirmations. It is by repeating them again and again, and again, recognizing at the same time, the truth which you affirm that the subconscious at last fully grasps and makes the truth its own; or, the subconscious records it, or registers it, as a truth, after which it works out shows forth, in the outer. Verily 'tis true, that "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he". By patiently and faithfully affirming, one may change or overcome a belief to the contrary. For instance, one may have a belief that she has a disease, but by recog- nizing that she is truly a spirit at one with the Divine Source, and affirming that truth, and recognizing that Spirit cannot be ill, but that Spirit is Life, Health and Strength ; and that, as she is Spirit she can truly claim for herself all that Spirit implies as she sees the truth of this, her affirmations of Life, Health and Strength get hold and register in the Subconscious and produce the desired results. Ella Wheeler Wilcox savs : / JIM BODY RENEWAL / .//M Twenty-five Words are great forces in the realm of life; Be careful of their use. Who talks of hate, Of poverty, of sickness, but sets rife These very elements, to mar his fate. When love, health, happiness and plenty hear Their names repeated over, day by day, They wing their way, like answering fairies near, Then nestle down, within our homes to stay. Who talks of evil, conjures into shape That formless thing, and gives it life and scope. This is law ; then let no word escape That dees not breathe of everlasting hope. The power of the thought voiced in words, produces a thrill or vibration in the body-substance raising its rate of vibration, and thus ejecting the disease; which, after all, is only an inharmonious vibra- tion a lack of equilibrium or a case of unbalance in the organism. Harmony is health. When harmony is secured, health is restored. The Z the Ego, the Self of me is at one with the Infinite Source. Hence I have all of that Source to depend upon, to draw upon, to rely upon to recognize as my Power "Underneath are the everlasting arms." The steady influx of this invisible Power is ever in operation in my body, ever vibrating- its Substance ever tearing down and Twenty-six AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS. ETC. renovating ever removing the material which, has been used, and as continually using the new material supplied by me, reproducing a new body. And if my body is new, and is built after a plan that is ever held in the treasure-house of my Subconscious, then sure it is that I shall have a beautiful body. I direct the dynamic power of my thought upon the work of my body renewal. It is like directing a stream of water from a hose to cut down an old adobe wall. That the wall must dissolve and go down is a foregone conclusion. So the old conditions must dissolve and go. Treat your old conditions as a tree treats its old leaves. The tree withdraws the sap and the leaves thus lose their power to hold on. So they shrivel, and dry up, and drift away, on the breeze. Withdraw from your undesirable conditions your recognition of their power over you. Recognize your power over them and you withdraw from them their power to hold to you. When your recognition or your fear of them is gone, they cannot hold on ; they must drift away. Vibration is Nature's Greatest Law. It accounts for every con- dition. It can be made to completely change all conditions. Raising the vibrations of any substance transmutes the substance or changes it; thereby changing its conditions. All that differentiates substances is the difference in their rates of vibration. If all substances could be made to vibrate alike there would then be but one substance. When one becomes aware of this BODY RENEWAL / JIM Twenty-seven truth, then is he awakened to the differences existing between things. Also he may by this recognition, learn to overcome conditions by this knowledge. Here is a point to note, viz: A change effected in the vibration changes the physical conditions. Often one feels sad, blue, depressed and miserable, when along comes some cheery person who tells him a joke, makes him laugh and brings an instant change into his body. Or cne is out of sorts, has aches and pains, of which he is aware ; and some friend proposes that he go on a pleasure trip. They go and his vibrations are changed and he loses his disagreeable feel- ings. Now, knowing this, why should you not seek something that will change the rate of your vibration ? To one who loves music, there is no surer way of throwing off ill feelings, than to go where he can hear good music, and then resign himself for the time, entirely to its power. Place yourself in harmony with the music, and let it vibrate your body, until you come into accord with it. You know when there are two pianos, in the same room and one is played, the other vibrates with it. Let your body vibrate with the music, and it Avill harmonize it and restore you to harmony which is Health. Sometimes viewing an inspiring scene w T ill have the same effect ; or beholding a work of art which thrills you and raises your rate of vibration will do likewise. For the purpose of being healed, just as you'd go to take any Twenty-eight AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. treatment, it might be well to seek such music as you love. Music has great healing power to those who are alive to it. (Query. Do you suppose Edison has ever recognized the healing which he has made possible to so many?) I recognize the power of Thought to heal. At the same time, I direct the dynamic power of my thought to rebuild, to renew and to do the work acceptably perfectly. As by an electric shock the atoms are awakened, vitalized, ener- gized, readjusted, rearranged, until the work spells Regeneration Rejuvenation. I am one with Infinite Power Infinite Love is near. Limitless Possibility lies before I have no fear. Because I recognize my oneness with Infinite Power, I can be and do what I will. I can draw as heavily as I will upon my Source. Nor can I draw enough, to defraud anyone else. The Source is Limitless, and all have the same right as I, and the same power to draw, when they come to recognize the Power and their right to it. Each of us is in the process of becoming, and the rate of vibra- tion of each, accounts for difference of appearance. As an instance. / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JJM Twenly-nine take two extremes in animals take the heavy, full-bodied, large- legged, big- footed, stowly-plodding dray horse, patiently, faithfully doing his work, and the light-built, slender-legged, impatient, high tensioned, alert, fine, high-spirited, race horse, with uplifted head, arched neck, flaring nostrils, fairly spurning the earth beneath his light feet. Again, note the difference between the slowly-hopping, cold-blood- ed toad, a creature of the earth, with no power to get above its surface, and the intensely animate, quickly moving, highly vibrating humming bird, keenly alert, as it darts among the flowers and sends its bill into each blossom's throat in search of its nectared fare. From these, turn your attention to people begin to note the differences in them. Some, like the ox, or dray horse or toad are slow, dense, heavy, obtuse, plodding ; others, like the racehorse and the humming bird, are alert, keen, fine, quick, acute, eager, light of movement, spirited, with intense vibrations, alive to everything, keenly feeling the things and conditions about them emotional, responsive, awake. When one becomes accustomed to noting these differences he has no trouble in placing those whom he observes, as easily as he distin- guishes between the dray horse and the race horse; or between the toad and the humming bird. Words vibrate with power so have a care as to how you use them. Once spoken, you have turned them loose and can never bring Thirty AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. them back. Form a habit of recognizing this. Tones of voice vibrate with power. Did you never hear the expression- ' ' he swore till the air was blue?" That, however, I believe, arose from comparison to the blue of burning sulphur. However, each and every sound, each tone of voice, each note of an instrument, vibrates into color, as it ascends. If you have any doubts of the power of the vibrations produced by sound, take your Bible and read the sixth chapter of Joshua. The fall of the city of Jericho. I will thrill my being with thoughts of youth and activity, until every nerve is free and vigorous, and every cell glows witli life and youth. I will not dwell on the dreary things, the dismal things of my past. I will gather together the bright things, the lovely things and incidents and be glad. I will remember every enjoyable incident of my life. I will affirm my soul powers until I vibrate my body substance, in harmony with my thought and word. No nerve-pressure for me ! No sluggish conditions for me! / am alive to the tips of my fingers and toes. I thrill with energy, activity and youth. Just as the strings of the Aeolian Harp quiver and vibrate with the sweep of the breeze, so do my nerves vibrate and cause the cells of my body to arouse, to awake, to stir, to vibrate with the thoughts which T constantly hold, of energy, activity, vigor, vim. / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Thirty-one Life ! Life ! more Life ! Youth, Stir, Activity ! Ambition, Vital- ity, Force, Power more Power ! There is not a lazy bone in my body. There is not a dormant cell. There is not a sluggish atom. All is Life, Youth, Alertness, Energy, Power? As the sunshine warms and vivifies, so do these affirmations quick- en and electrify, until my whole being responds and is thrilled with thoughts of Life Youth Stir Vitality, Vigor, Vim, Energy, Activ- ity, Alertness. For verily of a truth, as a man thinketh in his heart mind you in his HEART, so is he; in his HEART in his innermost SV// in his Soul, so is he! And so I form a rosary I string together these words, so vibrant with power. Life, Vitality, Vim, Vigor, Energy, Activity, Youth, and I say them over and over recognizing the vibrations which they set into activity thrilling my very being with their potency, until my whole person glows with Youth until every cell responds and every atom thrills. So I build Youth into my being. So I renew Youth. I am potentially, no-w, this minute, all that I ever can be. I am the indwelling Spirit of Life the essential Spirit; the Essence The Source of Life, Health, Strength, Wisdom and Power is the / of me. / am Life marfifest, Life expressed, Life objectified. / am Health expressed ! / am Wisdom personified. I am Power made manifest. The Life that is the life of my life the Essential Spirit is the Source individualized. thirty-two AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS. ETC. As the branch of a tree, when cut from the tree, is powerless, so am Z, if severed from the Source unable to be or to do. It is only through my recognition of my oneness with the Source the Spirit that I can be and do. In so much as I live in constant recognition am I enabled to come into realization. As a tree is alive throughout its trunk and limbs, its branches, its twigs and its leaves, so am / alive throughout my bones and flesh, my nerves and sinews, my cells and atoms. My body is alive to the uttermost. It is awake, alert in all its cells. I am thankful that I have the knowledge that my body is undergoing change. I am thankful that I have evidence that my body renews. I am thankful that I know how to control the renewal of my body. Recognition ever precedes realization. Just so much as you recognize as truth, that much you can appropriate to your needs. But you must first recognize. To illustrate, if you were sitting in a room darkened by drawn shades, and you desired lig-ht, you would first recognize that you could get the light by raising the shades, after which, you would get the light, your realization. Or, sitting in a darkened room, if you did not know there was an electric light and where to find the switch, you might go on longing fof 1 the light which would not come, without you recognized that you could press the button and so, realize. Or, you might stand at a kitchen sink, sadly needing water, which / JJM BODY RENEWAL / AM Thirty-three you would fail to get until you recognized that it was there, on tap, and liberated it by a turn of the faucet and behold, your realization. So much as you can recognize, that much you may realize; but one must recognize first. Recognize first who and what your are not body; but an indi- vidualized Spirit a Soul, differentiated from all other souls, by your experiences ; a Soul owning a body by means of which you are enabled to express or manifest to all other souls; a body which is the vehicle of your expression. So much as you can recognize that much you can realize. Recognize your power to be and to do, as solely through your oucit ess with The Infinite, The Devine. I am thankful that I live in consciousness of my renewal. I am thankful that I know how to bring my thought to bear upon the re- newal of my body. I am thankful that I have a new, strong active healthy, youthful body. Not one cell, one atom of my body is at a standstill. My body thrills with renewal. My body throbs with renewal. My body vibrates with renewal. My body glows with renewal. My body tingles with renewal. I feel the warmth and strength of renewal permeating my whole body. I am ever conscious of the renewal of my body. Thirty-four AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. I recognize the newness of my body. I realize the newness of my body. I exult in the neivness of my body. The newness of my body is felt by me. The newness of my body is seen by me. The newness of my body is noticed by my friends. The newness of my body is apparent to all. Those who know me remark upon the changes for the better in my body. To all, I carry the appearance of Vitality, Vigor, Vim, Newness, Alertness, Poise, Power. My expression in every respect, suggests to others the soundness, cleanliness, newness, force, vigor, energy, activity, alertness, ease and ability of my body. My expression in every way is a perfect expression of the 8. elf within. My expression suggests to all, Purpose, Power, Perfect Poise in short, a body that is under the will of the individual who owns it. / am an individualized expression of the one Life which is the Life of all Life. The Life which is / is the same Life which mani- / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Thirty-five fests variously, as the bee, the bird, the butterfly, the horse, the ele- phant, man. The Life which is / manifests upon many planes, or in many grades or degrees, from the mineral up, through the varying forms of plant, tree, insect, brute, human. The person which is individualized is the persona , (Latin for mask). Players on the stage in ancient times wore masks, through which or from behind which, they spoke to the audience. So each of us plays to the world through or from within a persona or mask or person, by means of which we express or manifest ourselves. The person which is my persona or mask is the highest type of manifesta- tion. So my body or person is worthy of consideration. It is the ves- sel of the Spirit. It is the vehicle of my expression, hence I must re- cognize my body as worth preserving, worth renewing. As cloud, mist, vapor, rain, frost, hail, snow-crystal, icicle are all one substance, varying only in manifestation ; so are Spirit, Breath, Life Blood, Muscle, Brain, Brawn, the same in substance; varying only in density of manifestation in other words, rates of vibration. In each case, the rate of vibration governs. As Thought is the Power which controls the vibrations of the cells of my body ; and as I can think as I will, then is it evident that I by directing my thought by choosing just the kind of thought which I wish to objectify, can vi- brate my atoms at will, to renovate, to rejuvenate my body. Thirty-ax AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. This, then, is the K E Y to the problem of my consciously renew- ing my body. As the loaf of dough is passive, negative, subject, to my will- so is this fluidic, elastic, resilient responsive body of mine negative and passive to my positive thought guided and directed by my Will. So I renew so I rebuild at Will. As the vibrations of heat, beneath my tea-kettle send the steam forth distilled, so do the vibrations of my Thought, thrilling my body substance project my body into objec- tivity. Verily, verily, as one thinketh in the depths of his being doth he put forth into manifestations a body, molded by his thought guided and directed by his will. Those among whom I live and move and manifest, cannot see the process of this. They judge only by the results which I can show them. Hence added incentive, as the better the results I present to them, the bet- ter will be their recognition of my ability to renew at will. I must show them that / can, before they will give me the recognition I seek. St. Paul says "Ye are living epistles known and read of all men." In other words, those whom we meet, sometimes consciously, though more often unconsciously to themselves, "size us up." And often "Ye are weighed in the balances and found wanting." If your manifestation is first class, their recognition will be the better for it. BODY RENEWAL / AM Thirty-seven If they "size you up" with approval, you recognize it and it helps you to do better and better. I will be careful to give expression to such affirmations only as I wish to put into expression. I will not take the name of the Lord in vain. I mean the I am. I will not say / am sick, or poor, or weak, or worthless, or stupid, or foolish, or old, or ugly. I will not attribute to the / am anything which I do not want externalized. I recognize that the / am of me is perfect. So, if I make such untrue affirmations, I am stating un- truths and doing great injustice to myself. Also, I will never say to another that he is sick or weak or that she looks pale or miserable, or that anything in her appearance in- dicates an undesirable physical condition. In this I will remember the golden rule. I recognize that the Subconscious of each is recep- tive of suggestion and that I must be careful of the suggestions I plant. I have no right to affirm of another that which will harm his expression. Whatsoever I really and truly think of myself is bound to ob- jectify in my expression. So I dare not think negative, injurious, weakening thoughts, lest I cause them to externalize in the structure I am building all the time every day, hour, minute. It is not for me to chocse whether or not I shall build my body. So long as T remain in it 1 liavc to build whether I like it or not. Thirty-eight AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. So if I would not live in an old tumble-down shack, it behooves me to take care .of my thoughts and words, as I build. I will have a body that truthfully expresses me; expresses the 7, or Ego, or Soul, which is the real / of me. I am Life. Notice I do not say I have life, because the I or Self of me is the Life of me. So, I am Life. I, am Health. / am Strength. I am Energy. 7 am Activity. 7 am Intelligence. 7 am Intellect. 7 am Wisdom. 7 am Power. The 7 am of me is the Life, Health, Strength, Energy, Activity, Intelligence, Intellect, Wisdom, Power of me. Think of this. With- out the 7 am of you, which is the indwelling Spirit, the Divine Spark which relates you to the Infinite, what could you be or do? There is nothing which I may not claim for myself for my Self, through my Divine heritage. St. Paul said "The Spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak." If he had said "The flesh is nothing. excepting of, or by, or through the Spirit," he would have stated it more exactly. I recognize my Source. I recognize my oneness with that Source. I am like the branch of a tree, connected to my Source, living through and by my union with that Source. If the branch is cut off, the life is cut off. So with me, if I am cut off from or separated from my Source, for as the. branch draws its sustenance from the tree, so do 1 live and move and have my being in and of and by my Source. / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Thirty-nine It is through that Source only that I am*. I live by Spirit. / am a Spirit, owning a body, by means of which I manifest myself on the physical plane. / am at one with the All Spirit. My breath is the vehicle of Spirit. It is that outer vibration containing the finer, subtler, rarer Essence or Essential Spirit, or Life. Spirit is the highest rate of vibration. It is the Breath within the breath, which we, in common with all creatures, breathe. ' In this Breath I live and move and have my being. / am a spirit existing in Spirit surrounded by Spirit inspiring or inbreath- ing Spirit at one with Spirit. The Sculptor Boy, chisel in hand, stands before the rough block of marble. As he looks upon the shapeless bulk, he sees what no other individual can sec in that marble. He sees the potentialities, within that shapeless mass. For "as a man thinketh in his heart" he in his heart, in his Subconscious 8 elf in his Soul, holds an ideal, a design, a plan a pattern, an image, a symbol, which he hopes to bring forth into expression. So he goes to work and chips away, ever with his thought upon his inner vision. On-lookers see but the rough stone, the shapeless form, the uneven surface, the meaningless bulk, but the Artist Soul, the Dreamer, the Visionary sees deeper. He sees within the marble, the Angel form, which he is to liber- ate. And every hammer stroke, every incision is directed, by his Ihoughl toward the liberation of that angelic form. Forty AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. Others may doubt and deride, what cares he? He knows, for he has the vision. So Will 7 work away with untiring zeal, and never flagging energy, toward the achievement of my concept the expression of my real Self which others cannot see, until I succeed in molding by my conscious thought, directed by my never tiring Will, my fluidic, responsive body. What matter though others fail to understand? What matter, if they doubt and flout? I will not be discouraged! I will not give up the work! Verily as a man tliinketh , so he buildeth. A change in one's emotions produces a change in his vibrations, thus causing a chemical change. in his body-substance. This is a very important Point to remember. As an instance, intense anger on the part of a mother, will so vibrate her body-sub- stance as to cause a chemicalization of its secretions so poisonous, as to cause the death of her nursing child. The emotion of deep sorrow often produces by lowering the vibrations, a chemicalization of the bodily material, that undermines and destroys health and in many instances causes death. A great fright vibrates the body-substance, to so rechemiealize, in a single night, as to turn one's hair white. Even at table, a sad story related, often produces emotions that / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Forty-one through the chemicalization caused by change in vibrations, produces indigestion and throws the system out of order. A cross word from one whom we love is sometimes so potent, as to destroy the appetite. A telegram bringing shocking news, some- times causes the recipient to faint through disturbance of the sys- tem, by sudden change of vibration which rechemicalizes the secre- tions so as to poison the body. The maintenance of a grievance, and the continued emotion of hatred or sense of indignation, carried in the heart, will so depress and lower the vibrations, as to cause the body by chemicalization to stiffen in the joints and they call it rheumatism or to lose use of certain members and then 'tis called paralysis. Joy, happiness, good cheer, good humor warm and vitalize and cause the secretions to flow and the excretions to escape. Even the meeting with a good friend, who gives one a hearty hand shake and a cheerful greeting, will change one's vibrations, and set the currents of life in motion, and do one a vast amount of good by changing the condition of the whole organism. It has often been said that a cheerful physician's presence is of more benefit to the patient, than all his medicine. The domestic animals that are associated with our lives, feel keenly cur attitudes of mind. How a faithful dog will grieve and cringe, if reproved and scolded by the master he loves. Forty-two AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. Who has not seen a sorry old horse or mule that drudges, ever under the curses and revilings of a brutal master, and never gets one word of encouragement or kindness never a word of cheer! How unkind, how wicked it is, to destroy the happiness, the joy to close up the very life springs of another's life of husband or wife of parent or child, of dependent even of a dumb creature that can say no word back, but only droop and shrink and slink when abused. What right has one being to depress and disease another? Let us then, bear these things in mind, and register in the Subcon- scious a vow to be careful of our thouglits and words, lest their vi- brations cause suffering and damage health. The Subconscious is a Master Chemist. It takes the suggestion offered it by others, or by one 's own subconscious registers them ; and then by chemicalization they show forth in the outer. It is not safe to say, "O, I am tired to death!", "I am growing old," "I am on the downhill side of life," "At my age, I must- ex- pect to feel old and weak," etc., etc. The Subconscious is a great impersonator, but does not discrimi- nate. It registers adverse as well as beneficial suggestions; and puts them into effect in your body. Whatever the suggestion, the Sub- conscious takes and records, it is bound to express in the outer. To say a thing, you must, in some measure think it, and the Subcon- scious puts it forth in your body building. If you have a desire to BODY RENEWAL / ^M Forty -three look well and young and attractive and who has not? it behooves you to look well to your statements. Besides, it is very necessary that you understand the Law of Suggestion every cne needs to understand it, in order to be on the defensive, against the suggestions of others. Some there are, and not a few, who think of themselves as your friends, who would damage you by their ignorance of the workings of this law. For instance, you meet one of them. You had not thought of yourself as being particularly ill, but this is the greeting you receive under I he belief that she is showing you her friendship. "Why, my dear! how -wretchedly ill you look!" You'd better begin to look after yourself, or you'll be down sick in bed." And you feel worse and worse, all day, after it, perhaps give up and go to bed sick, when if left alone, you'd have thrown off the condition that was depress- ing you. Why will friends deem it necessary to tell one how ill he looks, under the impression that it is the proper caper, in order to appear friendly? In some instances, it is done purposely by "catty" women, who irant to hurt the one addressed, and who happen to know something of suggestion. If you can not tell another how well she is looking, tell her that the style of her new hat becomes her ; or, re- mark upon how nicely she has dressed her hair; or, how beautifully she has made her dress, or O, talk about the weather, or any- Forty-four AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. thing rather than her looking ill. Give her a chance to look well! Never tell anyone how ill he looks, or the likelihood of his having rheumatism, the Grippe, fatty degeneration of the heart, or that he is old and consequently susceptible to disease. Never, no never! Cut it out! If you can't think of any cheerful remark to make remember you have no more right to poison his mind, than you have to poison his coffee. An instance, related to me by a witness is pertinent to the above, viz. : In a certain village where she lived, fourteen persons organized a club for the purpose of study and research, along psychological lines. At one of their meetings Charlie, one of the members, was missing. Another member said, "Well, I have my doubts as to the certainty that Suggestion will cure. If it cures, won't it kill? It's a poor rule that won't work both ways. I propose that we test it. Now there's Charlie. As he's not here tonight, I propose that we try it out on him. Let's all go to him tomorrow and see if we can make him believe that he is sick." The tendency toward inves- tigation being strong with some, others treating it as a joke, all fi- nally assented to his plan and it was arranged that they go in cer- tain order and successively suggest to Charlie that he was sick, and watch the results. Charlie, by the way, was employed as clerk in a country store. Next morning, the one who had proposed the test, went to the / JIM BODY RENEWAL I AM Forty-five store and this conversation took place: "Hello, Charlie! Why were you not out last night, were you sick? 0, I sec you are sick. You show it in your looks." Charlie firmly denied the charge, saying that he never felt better. But the other insisted that there must be something wrong with him, or his looks would not betray it. After he left another called who repeated the above program. Then another followed and another, and another, until at noon eight had called and urged upon him that he must be sick, because his looks showed it. He then looked in the mirror and said, "I won- der if I am sick! I do look kind o' pale. Maybe I am going to be sick and they can see it." When the others five more, had followed out the proposed plan, Charlie was sick had to be taken home, put to bed ; and for weeks lay sick of Suggestion the rule works both ffflj/.s- and the fellow who had planned the test, nursed him in an agony of fear, lest he die, and his death be laid to him. He had sat- isfied himself that "the rule would work both ways." An almost identical case occurred in a village in Canada, and was described to me, also by one who witnessed it. A friend told me this of her own experience I will, so far as I can, quote her words, exactly, "My mother would be horrified if she knew of my saying this, but she is accountable for sister Rose's condition Sister Rose, by the way, was a confirmed invalid. I know 'tis her love for us, that has made her do so, and her mistaken idea that she is showing her love by the way Forty-six AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. she does. She has always told us that we were delicate that we could not stand what other girls could, that we must take extra care of our health, as we were not strong.. She has always tried to lead us to expect ill health, instead of being well. I always laughed at it and said, * Nonsense ! I can stand what others can ! Nothing hurts me ! I 'm strong as strong as anyone. ' But poor Rose she listened to Mother, and believed all she said and look at Rose today, lying in bed, unable to walk, having to be waited on. And Mother waits on her and poors her and treats her like a baby and tit inks she is doing the best thing for her." How many mothers are doing the same thing destroying by their suggestions the individuality and power of their children, by their fondly-foolish fears, and lack of knowledge of the Laws of Suggestion ? Children are largely subconscious and open to Suggestion. They accept much that is said by those whom they love and trust, as gos- pel truth. So they learn to believe themselves constitutionally weak and subject to disease. The writer relates these incidents from the fullness of an aching heart. It comes very close home to her, as she saw for years her only brother struggle under the adverse suggestions of doctors and sup- posed friends, who, because his heart action was weak and defective, constantly kept it before his notice, ever alluding to his health and BODY RENEWAL / JIM Forty-seven relating to others, in his presence, that his heart was defective and- that he could never get well as it was deformed or mal-formed and could not recover. He finally succumbed to it, after a weary struggle and a constant protest that he could be better if people would "leave him alone" and not everlastingly think of him as unable to endure. To urge upon another that he is ill, that he cannot recover is positively a crime! The writer had a neighbor who had cherished a secret fear of cancer, because her mother had died from the effects of cancer. After living in an adjoining flat for a year, I found out that she had a tiny lump hardly that a rough spot on her lower lip, so small, so insignificant that she herself was the only one who knew it. She had, at the time of this occurrence, a brother who had a little excrescence on the rim of one ear; and as he, too, lived in fear of cancer, they went to see a doctor about it. Her husband had opposed her going, so she went without his knowledge. When shown the spot on her lip, the doctor said very impress- ively, ' ' That, madam, is a well-defined cancer ! ' ' That night she wor- ried all night, walking the floor most of the night. Next day when the writer heard about it, she told her she did not believe one word of it that she had seen her every day for over a year and had never even noticed the spot in question ; that doctors do not always know Forty-eight AFFIRMATIONS. STATEMENTS, ETC. that they often make mistakes that she must not think of it as any- thing serious; and she must control herself and stop worrying and use her judgment about it, that it had not increased in size, nor changed in appearance in a year, etc., etc. That occurrence 'was in the year 1904, and thirteen years later that woman was enjoying good health and the spot on her lip had never enlarged nor given her any trouble in fact she had almost forgotten it herself. It is criminal to sow seeds like that in the minds of others. Never allow anyone to plant in your Subconscious a suggestion that is detrimental. If someone says to you that you look ill, reply verbally or mentally I am not ill. I am quite well ! Because the / of you which you speak of as / is always well being Spirit it cannot be sick. If someone says that you look tired, just reply that it does not matter, as you can easily rest ; or else, plainly say, / am not tired. If my body is tired, it will soon become rested. Of course that is likely to involve you in an argument, but probably it is good that you argue. It will help you to more clearly understand every time you have to explain your position to another. So do not hesitate to defend your position. There are so many who delight in trying to overthrow one's argument, that you will have to learn to state your views, sooner or later, and it is well that you learn at once. When onco you have absorbed those ideas, when / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JJM Forty-nine they have filtered through the consciousness into the Subconscious and become truth to you, you will never turn back. There was a time when you learned that two and two make four. You know it as a truth and never can you un-know it. We have in the Scriptures this promise of change by the renewal of mind. "Ye are changed by the renewing of your mind." An eminent author wrote "Soul is form and doth the body make, For of the Soul the body form doth take." The fear of illness, the anxiety about their health seems to so engross the minds of the majority of people, that the principle theme of their conversation, wherever they assemble, is their state of health ; someone's operation; the doctor's verdict and his bill; their chief symptoms, the last fever they had and what was done for them, etc., etc. And again, if one halts near a group ; especially so if of elderly persons, one hears remarks like the following, "Well, I get around pretty well, considering my age." Don't you think I'm holding my <> ten pretty well?" "I'm not so spry as I used to be, but that's to be cx/H'clcd at my lime of life,' etc., etc. No wonder they grew old. No wonder their joints stiffen they expect it. What one believeth in his heart is sure to externalize in hodihi conditions. Why not think of something else? Why not talk health, instead of disease? Why not thrill the body and vibrate the Fifty AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. nerves, and chemicalize the body-substance with hope, and expecta- tion of good conditions'? Every thought, every word, makes its mark on the outer expres- sion. Why does one look cross when he is angry? Because he think* cross and feels mad and vibrates his body accordingly. And it leaves its mark. It externalizes. If one is a grouch, he shows it in his walk, in his carriage, in the very way he wears his hat, and treads his shoes. Not only does his scowl abash you, his growl chills you ; and you feel like getting out of his neighborhood or swearing back. His whole person is permeated and poisoned by his thought-atmos- phere, and everyone hates to see him approach. He knows and feels it, and in time the pressure upon his own system will cause his body to refuse to go, and to topple into the grave. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!" The writer knew this incident as a fact. One of her acquain- tance became so alarmed through the remarks of another woman, who told her that she looked ill, that she actually went into a sani- tarium for treatment, at an expense which she could ill afford, from fear that she might get down sick in the apartment where she lived. Another, a friend of the writer, has recently been pestered almost beyond endurance by another woman, in her lodging house, who tells her every day how miserable she looks and says, "O, if I could only get you to call my doctor! lie would do wonders for you." The / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Fifty-one friend in question, who has not been very strong, because of over- doing in the nursing of two members of her family, and their deaths, has had difficulty to keep from breaking down under this persistent adverse suggestion. By the writer's help, through the renewing of her mind, she has succeeded in overcoming and is now very well. Be careful what you say! As the 1 am the Self of me has always existed as it has always been as it had no beginning and will have no end ; and as my body as a whole, undergoes complete change complete and entire renewal with the exception of the enamel of the teeth within less than one year, then of a truth, I hare no age. If I have no age, then verily / am youth. Then it appears that I should put forth or manifest youth in my expression. Having ar- rived at this conclusion, then comes the question why do people show evidence of age? Replying to this question, I should say it comes of the race belief, the settled and almost universally prevalent be- lief, handed down from bygone generations, who did not think re- garding these things; but, who, like sheep, followed without question; and dreaded and feared and expected and constantly affirmed sick- Hfxx, old age and death. Who has not heard remarks like the follow- ing while standing near a group of people who are thinking of them- selves and others, as growing old? I am getting old and all stiffened up, but at my age, I must expect that. Expect it, mind you! No wonder it comes to him ! "Don't you think T get around pretty well. Fifty-two AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. considering my age?" There it is again a case of those conditions being expected. "The doctor says I must not expect to get well, at my age." If he does not expect, he won't. It is the constant topic of conversation, and with few exceptions, the belief, the expectation voiced, is that one must fail as the years go by, and "enjoy" old age and decrepitude. If one has his own teeth, everyone exclaims about it in wonder. If one can read without glasses, he occasions remarks of surprise even in some instances of scorn, as "You'd better put on your glasses to do that." It is always expected of us that we grow old and ugly, gray and bald, toothless and decrepit. And what- soever a man thinketh in his heart" is going to show forth in the body he builds. Whatsoever I really and truly think of myself that I am bound to externalize. So I do not dare think negative thoughts, injurious thoughts, weakening thoughts, lest I objectify or externalize, express or manifest them in the structure that / am all the time building. It is not optional with me whether or not I build my body. If I stay in a body I have to rebuild that body, whether I want tj or not. But it is optional with me, whether or not I build in good conditions whether I vibrate my body-substance with the right kind of thoughts, as I rebuild. It is a fact that I cannot think two different thoughts at once. So I can be careful to think the right kind of thought, to the excin- / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Fifty-three sion of any other; and thus vibrate my body-substance at will, to produce good conditions in building. So my physical condition is a matter of my own creation. If 7 am dissatisfied with it / am the one who can alter it. So my body- building is in my own hands. The Subconscious reasons deductively. It is the store house of memory, receives and holds all impressions, all knowledge never forgets; but does not reason, save deductively. It will, if it receives an impression, go on, indefinitely, objectifying that impression. So do not put into words your age, unless you wish to grow old, as fast as the Subconscious can build you. If you say I am forty years old, or fifty, or sixty, or seventy, or eighty, your Subconscious will make your words come true. It will objectify in flesh and blood and bones j H si u'hat you say. So be careful of your words. The following is a well known incident, long since published in annals of the medical fraternity, viz. : A sixteen-year-old bride to be, rn her wedding day, clad in bridal robes, awaited the coming of her lover who was accidentally killed on his way to be married. The terrible news so shocked her as to cause insanity, and from that day she lived on day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, always expecting her lover ever at her window, robed in bridal array, expectantly smiling and waiting for him to come. She had no sense of time beyond that one day; no sense of anything but the Fifty-four AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. one all-engrossing event. So she ever smiled as she awaited his com- ing and at seventy-six she had the same unchanged girlish face and form. To all appearances she was still sixteen. Prof. Elmer Gates of Washington, D. C., experimented with men to ascertain the effect of different emotions upon the physical body. He had them breathe through a glass tube packed in ice, so the breath would be condensed. If a person of normal mind breathed into the tube, there would be no precipitation; but make that person angry, and in five minutes after he had breathed into the tube, there would be a brown powder precipitated. Prof. Gates proved that an- ger, malice, hate and fear produce chemical changes in the body that are poisonous. He gave this powder to animals and also to people, and watched its effect. It produced in both a condition of irritation and excitement. Jesus says, "This is life eternal, to know life;" therefore, one having a correct knowledge of the powers of adhesion, cohesion, attraction, of gravitatioji, of growth, will be environed by life. It becomes a power within him, and it is a power surrounding him. "I in the Father and the Father in me." Prof. Gates says, "Bad and unpleasant feelings create harmful chemical products in the body, which are physically injurious. Good, pleasant, cheerful feelings create beneficial chemical products which are physically healthful. These products may be detected by chemi- cal analysis, in perspiration and secretions of the individual. More / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Fifty-five than forty of the good and as many of the bad have been detected. Suppose six men in a room ; one feels depressed, another remorseful, another ill-tempered, another jealous, another cheerful and benevo- lent. Samples of their perspiration are given to a psycho-physicist. He can detect all these emotions distinctly, and unmistakably. There is a corresponding chemical change in the body, which is life-depress- ing and poisonous. Every good emotion makes a life-promoting change. Every thought is registered. How long does it take a thought to register? How long does it take a thought to externalize? Watching the faces of people in conversation, we may see their thoughts fairly rippling over their faces in accord with their humor whether they are pleased or displeased. Individuals vary in the rapidity with which they receive and register; but even in those of slow vibrations, thought is marvelously quick. Notice when cne is angered, it does not take long for the thought to manifest, as an expression of displeasure. It may take quite a long time to externalize in eradicating a habit of long standing in body-renewal. With some, habit is harder to eradicate than with others. The beauty cf it is, that a seed thought once caught by the Subconscious, goes on germinating and growing while the conscious Fifty-six AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. mind wakes, sleeps, is otherwise occupied and entirely forgets the thought sown. The writer will cite an instance in evidence of this: At the age of ten or eleven in trying to hold a strong, frightened cat, which no one else had ever captured, her left arm was deeply torn from the base of the thumb to the elbow one long, deep scratch which laid the flesh open. It healed, leaving a scar the whole length that was as heavy as a twine string and about as white. This she accepted as belonging to her, for all of forty years. One day she happened to think as she noticed the scar, ' ' wonder why I build that ? I don 't want it. It is neither useful nor ornamental and I will not have it. I refuse to keep that scar. It can not build there any longer. I will refuse it nourishment. She then addressed the scar thus. "You've got to go! Now git!" She then forgot about it. Paid no more at- tention to it for some months, possibly a year, when, she must ac- knowledge, to her surprise, it had grown shorter that is, it had dis- appeared from both ends and only the middle was visible; since which the portion left has gradually shortened, until she can, herself, with difficulty discern a very faint two-inch length of scar. In this especial instance, she hardly considered that she was giving a treat- ment; she was more in jest than in earnest, and did not even recog- nize that she could eradicate a scar especially one of so long stand- ing. However, she has since, in less time, completely dene away / JIM BODY RENEWAL / JIM Fifty-seven with several others, but with more attention and repeated efforts. One, the sca-r of a burn of perhaps ten years' standing, left, leaving no evidence of its ever having been, inside of three months. While relating this, it may be well to add that she has repeatedly overcome serious burns by insisting that she will not be burned. In two in- stances she has overcome very serious burns, once in case of her pick- ing up a kettle full of boiling substance, beans or fruit, by a bail which had been in the flame on a gasoline stove. As the liquid was 'boiling, she dared not drop it, but waited to set it down. It left a hollow where the bail lay across her fingers. She treated it by thought and by the spoken word. After the first pang, there was no hurt and there was no evidence of a burn left. Another time, she attempted to pour boiling fat from a frying pan into a small can, held in fingers of left hand, and deluged her whole hand with the boiling fat. Within five minutes the pain was gone, and it left no mark on the hand. Nothing was done in either case, excepting to use her thought with the recognition that she was drawing her power to heal from the one great Source the Infinite. In photography it does not take long to make an image. The plate is sensitized by being submitted to a solution com- posed of Collodion or Gelatine (in early times white of egg was used), and Nitrate of Silver or Chlorides; 1 -2000th part of a second's expos- ure was enough to catch and register the image, although at first the Fifty-eight AFFIRMATIONS, STATEMENTS, ETC. photographer himself could not see it was there, though latent. In each individual Soul is the latent image of the Almighty. Spirit directs me. Spirit enfolds. Spirit protects me. Spirit upholds. Spirit enlightens. Spirit defends. Spirit illumines. Spirit befriends. Fifty-nine toitit JESSIE MILLARD ENGLISH As I lie at ease in my hammock, Rocked by the gentle breeze, And look at the skies' cerulean, Through the waving boughs of the trees, Each leaf, as it flutters and rustles And dips, with a friendly nod, Seems telling to me a message Of the oneness of all with God. And a message comes in whispers From the field of corn nearby, And notes sound out from the corn leaves As the breeze goes whirling high. I list to a whole field of wind-harps ; And I fancy as they nod That I hear in soft refrain from them "The oneness of all, with God." Sixty THE ONENESS OF ALL WITH GOD The palm trees ; in solemn grandeur, Lift their leaves, like hands, in prayer. The scent of the rich-hued roses Hangs on the vibrant air. As the grasses bend and rustle, And softly sigh and nod, I'm sure I hear them whisper, of The oneness of all with God. A humming bird hangs poising, With throat and breast aglow, Above the honeysuckle blooms, Whose depths he longs to know. His chirp of satisfaction I interpret, as I nod, To mean that he knows his oneness With me and all, and God. THE ONENESS OF ALL WITH GOD The bees come near me buzzing In quest of their nectared fare. The butterflies float o'er me, On the jasmine-perfumed air. A hum of insect toilers Is rising from bush and sod. And I hear, in concerted sweetness, "The oneness of all with God." As I lie here, fanned by zephyrs, Swaying under the trees, This universal chanson Comes vibrating on the breeze. The mocking bird is singing While from sky and tree and sod, The anthem sweet comes ringing "The oneness of all with God." < =*+&^7 Jo dlt^UJMO cj-