! UNIVERSITY FARM Minnesota Plant Life. MINA IT PL JFK by v Mac Mil Ian R e p u r t of the S u r v ey Botanical Scries III 8 nivoI.s>bBn>. aisrl w ,IUB<1 .13 "issn snivel A (.sasiqaiJno-rt) .1 .id '{d rlqetsoloriq e moil .arnorl -liarlJ sdum PLATE I. (Frontispiece.) A ravine near St. Paul, where shade-loving plants make their home. From a photograph by Dr. Francis Ramaley. MI N N E SO PLAINT LIFE by Con way Mac Mill an Report of the Survey Botanical Series III Saint Paul, Minnesota October 30, \8gg PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR THE PEOPLE OF MINNESOTA Edition, 10, 000 copies Preface* |T has been well said that the main difficulties with the book on popular science are that, if popular, it will not be scientific, and, if scientific, it will not be popular. Yet, notwithstanding the truth thus epigrammatically expressed, I am venturing to put forth Minnesota Plant Life as a book certainly meriting the designation of popular, in so far as it is addressed to an audience not composed of botanists, and at the same time scientific, to the extent at least of choosing for its field one of the two great realms of living things the king- dom of plants. While to be out of fashion is to be out of the world, I have, nevertheless, resisted the impulse to designate this volume as a suitable text-book for the "secondary schools." On the contrary, such a use of it would be, in my opinion, distinctly un- fortunate. It is not written in pedagogical vein, nor does it pre-suppose an acquaint- ance with teachers and laboratories. It would, however, be disingenuous to deny that the author has a definite educational purpose in view. Since this volume is to be distributed in every county and perhaps in every school district in Minnesota, it should, especially among the young, stimulate an interest in the study of plants. With a minimum of technicalities, sentimentalities, unavoidable inaccuracies or cum- bersome details, it seeks to accomplish the following ends: 1. The plant world is presented as an assemblage of living things. 2. The different kinds of plants in Minnesota, from the lowest to the highest, are briefly reviewed in their natural order. 3. Some plant structures and behaviors are elementarily explained, as adapta- tions to surrounding nature. 4. Certain plant individuals and societies are brought before the reader as hav- ing life problems of their own, not as mere material for economic, anatomical or classificatory industry. In short, I have recognized that there are in Minnesota a number of intelligent men and women, boys and girls, who wish to know more about plants, and in the pages of this book I have sought to bring together what, from my own experience as a student of plants, and as an instructor of the young, seems to me a sufficiently adequate and compact presentation of the subject. Errors of judgment and of fact no doubt exist, as in many works of mere human construction. I hope that they will not prove harmful. In some matters, indeed, the point of view has shifted since cer- tain chapters were in type. For example, experiments recently completed by the United States Department of Agriculture tend to modify the German and Danish ex- vi Minnesota Plant Life. planations of bacterial relation to dairy industries and to the curing of tobacco. Other new facts have been elicited by investigators studying the red and purple coloring substances in plants, so that, if prepared to-day t various chapters would undergo slight alteration* In a subject developing so rapidly as is modern botany, it is diffi- cult to be always absolutely abreast of the current. A large number of the illustrations in the volume are from photographs of Min- nesota vegetation, some of them made by myself, or under my direction, others selected from the collections of friends, acquaintances and dealers. Many figures, too, have been obtained in other ways. I have particularly to thank Dr. N, L. Britton, of the New York Botanic Garden, for the cuts from his splendid Illustrated Flora of North America, here credited to Britton and Brown. I am also much in- debted to Professor G. F. Atkinson, of Cornell University, for permission to use nu- merous engravings from his excellent text-book, Elementary ^Botany, and likewise express my thanks to the United States Department of Agriculture, to Professor Francis Ramaley, of the University of Colorado, Mr. C. G. Lloyd, of Cincinnati, the Botanical Gazette, Meehan r s Monthly, Professor L. H. Bailey, of Cornell Univer- sity, Professor B. D. Halsted, of Rutgers College, Professors Hall and Appleby and Instructors Mackintosh, Mills and "Wheeler, of the University of Minnesota, Professor Bruce Fink, of Fayette College, the late Warren W. Pendergast, and several others, all of whom have assisted me in collecting illustrations. Tarn also greatly obliged to my father, Dr. Geo. McMillan, for much valuable assistance with the proofs, and to Miss Josephine E. Tilden for the preparation of the index. I am particularly indebted to President Cyrus Northrop for suggestions and assistance, without which, in all probability, this volume would have been neither prepared nor published. Among many books that I had occasion to consult during the preparation of manuscript the Illustrated Flora of Britton and Brown, Sargent's magnificent Sil e ua, Kerner's 'Plant Life, "Warming's Ecology, Schimper's 'Plant Geography, Lafar's Technical Mycology and Upham's Catalogue of the Minnesota Flora, deserve especial mention. Yet I should not give the impression that cMinnesota Plant Life is wholly a product of the study; it is much more the offspring of the woods, the prairies, the rivers and the lakes. In every part of the state, during the past twelve years, I have visited them, and this book, with whatever merits and demerits it may have, received an inspiration from such excursions among the plants themselves. If, by the distribution of this volume a broader knowledge, a deeper interest, a truer appreciation and a better understanding comes to those in whose hands its pages open, the writer will feel well repaid for the labor of preparation. An intelligent study of nature is one of the foundation stones of useful citizenship. The University of Minnesota, October 2, 1899. Table of Contents* PREFACE ............................................................ v CHAPTER I ........... Plants in their Societies ...................... I CHAPTER II .......... Plant Wanderings and Migrations ............. 18 CHAPTER III ......... Slime-moulds and Blue-green Algae ......... ; . 26 CHAPTER IV ......... Bright-green Algae ........................... 33 CHAPTER V .......... Brown Algae and Red Algae .................. 39 CHAPTER VI ......... The Lower Sorts of Fungi ................... 43 CHAPTER VII ........ Smuts and Rusts ............................. 48 CHAPTER VIII ....... Trembling Fungi, Club-fungi, Shelf-fungi and Mushrooms ............................... 55 CHAPTER IX ......... Carrion-fungi and Puff-balls ................... 66 CHAPTER X .......... Yeasts, Morels, Cup-fungi and Truffles ...... ." . 72 CHAPTER XI .......... Blights, Black-fungi and Root-fungi ......... 80 CHAPTER XII ........ Lichens and Beetle-fungi ...................... 91 CHAPTER XIII ....... Various Kinds of Bacteria .................... 101 CHAPTER XIV ....... Mosses and Liverworts as Links between the Algae and Higher Plants ................... 122 CHAPTER XV ........ Liverworts of Minnesota ...................... 132 CHAPTER XVI ....... Mosses of Minnesota ......................... 144 CHAPTER XVII ...... Christmas-green Plants or Club-mosses ....... 156 CHAPTER XVIII ..... Ferns and Water-ferns ........................ 161 CHAPTER XIX ....... Scouring-rushes and Horse-tails ............... 175 CHAPTER XX ........ What Seeds Are and how they are Produced. . . 180 CHAPTER XXI ....... Ground-hemlocks and Various Pines .......... 185 CHAPTER XXII ...... From Cat-tails to Eel-grasses ................. 197 CHAPTER XXIII ..... Grasses and Sedges ........................... 204 Vlll Minnesota Plant Life. CHAPTER XXIV From Callas to Water-star-grasses 217 CHAPTER XXV Rushes, Lilies, Blue Flags and Orchids 224 CHAPTER X XVI Poplars and Willows 233 CHAPTER XXVII From Bayberries to Oaks, Elms and Nettles.. . 243 CHAPTER XXVIII . . . From Sandalwoods to Buttercups 256 CHAPTER XXIX From Barberries to Witch-hazels 274 CHAPTER XXX Roses, Peas and the Relatives 286 CHAPTER XXXI From Geraniums to Maples and Touch-me-nots 305 CHAPTER XXXII From Buckthorns to Prickly Pears 319 CHAPTER XXXIII. .. From Leatherwoods to Dogwoods. 332 CHAPTER XXXIV ... High Types and Low Types of Flowers 343 CHAPTER XXXV .... From Wintergreens to Chaffweeds. 350 CHAPTER XXXVI . . . From Ash Trees to Verbenas 360 CHAPTER XXXVII . . From Peppermints to Plantains 375 CHAPTER XXXVIII . From Bedstraws to Lobelias 388 CHAPTER XXXIX. .. Dandelions, Ragweeds and Thistles CHAPTER XL Adaptations of Plants to their Surroundings.. CHAPTER XLI Hydrophytic Plants CHAPTER XLII Xerophytic Plants CHAPTER XLHI Halophytes and Mesophytes 473 CHAPTER XLIV Maintenance of the Plant Individual 483 CHAPTER XLV Maintenance of the Plant Species 509 399 417 442 463 List of Plates. PLATE I. A ravine near St. Paul, where shade-loving plants make their home. From a photograph by Dr. Francis Ramaley Frontispiece. PLATE II. In the black oak country. Near the Chisago lakes. From a photograph by Dr. Francis Ramaley 248 PLATE III. Pond with lilies. Ramsey county. Around it are growing oaks, willows, sumacs and blue flags, milkweeds and smartweeds. From a photograph by Williams 312 PLATE IV. Roadside vegetation near St. Paul. The most conspicu- ous plants are hemp, wormwood, squirrel-tail grass and daisies. From a photograph by Dr. Francis Ramaley. . . 456 Index to Illustrations* FIG. i. In the forest district. Growth of white pines and spruces upon a rocky island. Steamboat channel, Lake of the Woods. After photograph by the author ............................ 7 FIG. 2. Prairie scene on the Coteau. Sunflowers line the roadway on either side. After photograph by Mr. R. S. Mackintosh ..... 9 FIG. 3. Roadside vegetation. Grasses and pulses. An elm tree in background. Cedar lake. After photograph by Williams... 10 FIG. 4. Spruces forming a zone around a peat-bog. Farther back are tamaracks and pines. The shrub in the foreground is the bog-willow, while the flowers are those of an orchid, Pogo- nia. Near Grand Rapids. After photograph by Mr. Warren Pendergast ................................................ 1 1 FIG. 5. Zones of aquatic vegetation. In the center pond-lilies; at the edge smartweed; farther back cat-tails, blue flags, sweet flags and sedges; still farther back soft turf with grass, moss, sedge and milkweed. After photograph by Williams ........ 12 FIG. 6. Island in the Mississippi above St. Paul. The center is occu- pied by elms while the rim is fringed with willows. An ex- ample of a "minor tension." After photograph by Professor W. R. Appleby ............................................ 14 FIG. 7. Lake border vegetation of cat-tails, grasses, reeds and sedges. Lake of the Isles. After photograph by Williams ........... 18 FIG. 8. Portion of a board which had been standing in the tank shown in Fig. 10. It is encrusted with limestone deposited by a colony of blue-green algae. After photograph by Miss Jos- ephine E. Tilclen. From the Botanical Gazette ............... 31 xii Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 9. Portion of a pond-scum thread, showing how it is made up of transparent-walled cells with a coiled green ribbon in each, much magnified. After Atkinson 34 FIG. 10. Patches of pond-scum floating in a tank. A lime-encrusting alga grows on the boards up to high-water mark. Near Minneapolis. After photograph by Mr. R. W. Squires 35 FIG. ii. Patches of wheat-rust, natural size and enlarged. The red rust stage. After Atkinson 51 FIG. 12. Patches of wheat-rust, natural size and enlarged. The black rust stage. After Atkinson 51 FIG. 13. Wheat-rust in its barberry-leaf stage; to the left a barberry leaf with diseased spots; in the middle, a single spot with cups; to the right, two of the cups, in top view slightly mag- nified. After Atkinson 52 FIG. 14. Magnified section through a cluster-cup of the wheat-rust in its barberry-leaf stage. Shows chains of spore-cells. The large cells at the sides are those of the barberry leaf much magni- fied. After Atkinson 53 FIG. 15. Growth of club-fungi on decaying wood. After Lloyd 56 FIG. 16. Shelf-fungus growing on dead stump of oak tree. After pho- tograph by Hibbard 57 FIG. 17. Upper and under sides of mushroom-like pore-fungus. After Lloyd 59 FIG. 18. A pore-fungus lying flat upon a decaying branch. After Lloyd 60 FIG. 19. Deadly variety of mushroom. After Atkinson. Bulletin 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station. This is sometimes known as the "poison cup" 61 FIG. 20. Under side of two mushroom-fruits. After Atkinson. Bulletin 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 62 FIG. 21. Common edible mushroom. After Atkinson. Bulletin 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 6 3 Minnesota Plant Life. xiii FIG. 22. Development of mushroom-fruits on their underground vege- tative tract. After Atkinson. Bulletin 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 64 FIG. 23. Warty puff-ball. After Lloyd 68 FIG. 24. Tufted puff-ball. After Lloyd 69 FIG. 25. Pocket-fungus on sand-cherry. After Bailey. Bulletin 70, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 74 FIG. 26. A morel fruit-body. After Lloyd 75 FIG. 27. Cup-fungi growing on decaying twig. After Lloyd 76 FIG. 28. Leaf-spot disease caused by fungus. After Halsted 82 FIG. 29. Leaf-spot fungus growing on pear leaves. After Duggar. Bul- letin 145, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 83 FIG. 30. Fungus spot-disease of strawberry leaf. After Bailey. Bulletin 79, Cornell Univ. Ag. Exp. Station 84 FIG. 31. Fungus spot-disease on leaf of false Solomon's seal. After Halsted 85 FIG. 32. Fungus spot-disease on pear. After Duggar. Bulletin 145, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 86 FIG. 33. Fungus spot-disease of bean pods. After Halsted 87 FIG. 34. Twig-fungus on currant canes. After Durand. Bulletin 125, Cornell Exp. Station 88 FIG. 35. Rock-lichens growing profusely in a glacial pot-hole. Near Taylor's Falls. After photograph by Mr. E. C. Mills 92 FIG. 36. "Old man's beard." A lichen growing attached to the twigs of tamarack. Lake Superior, north shore. Natural size, six inches in length. After photograph by Professor Bruce Fink 93, FIG. 37. A lichen growing upon a rock, and covered with the charac- teristic saucer-shaped fruits of its fungus component. After Atkinson 95 xiv Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 38. A tuft of "reindeer moss." Natural size, 2.y 2 feet in diameter. Age, probably over one hundred years. North shore of Lake Superior. After photograph by Professor Bruce Fink 97 FIG. 39. A male moss plant. The spermaries are produced in clusters at the end of the stem. After Atkinson 125 FIG. 40. A female moss plant. The egg-organs are inclosed in the tuft of leaves at the tip of the stem. After Atkinson 125 FIG. 41. The club-shaped spermary of a moss, much magnified, and two spernitozoids, very highly magnified. After Atkinson 126 FIG. 42. Tip of a leafy moss plant, sectioned lengthwise and magnified. The flask-shaped egg-organs, one with an egg in place, are shown. These bodies are barely visible to the naked eye. After Atkinson 127 FIG. 43. Mud-flat liverwort, showing method of growth and branch- ing. After Atkinson 132 FIG. 44. The umbrella-liverwort; showing the prostrate vegetative body, and the upright branches on which the egg-organs are borne, and where later the capsular plants will be found perching. After Atkinson ^5 FIG. 45. Stem of the umbrella-liverwort, showing the little cups with bodies inside, which are employed by the plant for purposes of propagation. After Atkinson j^g FIG. 46. Road across a peat-bog; tamaracks and birches in background. Near Grand Rapids. After photograph by Mr. Warren Pen- dergast I45 FIG. 47. Peat-moss leafy-plants with capsular-plants imbedded at the tips of short leafless erect branches. After Atkinson 147 FIG. 48. A moss leafy-plant, with prostrate propagative branch and erect female reproductive branch. On the latter two egg- organs have developed their eggs into capsular plants, one of which is ejecting spores. The two round bodies are spores much magnified. After Atkinson. . 153 Minnesota Plant Life. xv Fir,. 49. Branch of a club-moss plant, hearing two cones; with a single leaf of the cone, showing the spore case and one of the spores, the latter much magnified. After Atkinson 156 FIG. 50. Flat-branched club-moss. After Britton and Brown 158 FIG. 51. Smaller club-moss. To the left a plant with three cones, next a single cone dissected to show the spore cases, next a single large-spore-case with four spores revealed, and on the right a small- spore-case with the small spores sifting out. After Atkinson 159 FIG. 52. Adder's-tongue fern. After E. N. Williams, in Meeharis Monthly 162 FIG. 53. Virginia grape-fern. After Britton and Brown 163 FIG. 54. A quillwort plant. After Atkinson 164 FIG. 55. Clayton's, or interrupted fern. After Britton and Brown 164 FIG. 56. Bed of ferns. Sensitive fern in middle of foreground. After photograph by Williams 165 FIG. 57. Cliff-brake. After Britton and Brown 166 FIG. 58. The interrupted fern (in background) and shield-ferns (in fore- ground). After photograph by Williams 167 FIG. 59. Four-leaved water-fern. After Britton and Brown 168 FIG. 60. A sexual fern-plant somewhat magnified. Its natural size is about a quarter of an inch across. The round bodies are spermaries, the chimney-shaped ones are egg-organs, seen from below. After Atkinson 168 FIG. 61. A fern-plant embryo imbedded in the enlarged egg-organ, where it arose by segmentation of an egg. S, tip of rudi- mentary stem ; L, tip of first leaf; R, tip of primitive rootlet; F, nursing foot. Much magnified. After Atkinson 169 FIG. 62. Portion of maiden-hair fern leaf, showing marginal pockets, which serve to protect the clusters of spore-cases under each Map. After Atkinson 170 xvi Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 63. A patch of spore-cases on the back of a common polypody- fern-leaf. Magnified. After Atkinson 170 FIG. 64. Spore-cases of the common fern, much magnified, showing how the spring back reverts and then snaps shut again, throwing the spores as from a sling. After Atkinson 171 FIG. 65. A walking-fern climbing down a hillside. Buds form at the very tips of the slender leaves and grow into new plants. After Atkinson 1 72 FIG. 66. Maiden-hair ferns and lady ferns. After photograph by Wil- liams 173 FIG. 67. A fruiting stem of the horse-tail. The shield-shaped spore- bearing leaves are aggregated in a cone. After Atkinson.. . . 176 FIG. 68. Scouring-rush spores; to the left a spore with appendages curled up, in moist air; to the right a spore with appendages extended, in dry air. After Atkinson 177 FIG. 69. Diagram of an ovary, with one seed-rudiment, in a higher seed-plant, s, the stigma, where two pollen-spores have germinated; o, wall of ovary; f, stalk of ovule; ai and ii, rudimentary seed-coats; n, spore-case, with single large spore, which has germinated to produce the reduced female plant; k, the egg; e, the body which forms the albumen; b, other cells of the female. The male plant is shown as a tubu- lar thread growing towards the egg. After Atkinson 181 FIG. 70. White pines on the rocks at Taylor's Falls. After photograph by Williams 187 FIG. 71. Jack pine. After Britton and Brown 188 FIG. 72. Rock-vegetation near Duluth. White pines, white cedars and junipers. After photograph by Williams 189 FIG. 73. Tamarack swamp with sedge border. After photograph by Williams 191 FIG. 74. Red cedars on the banks of a Minnesota lake. After photo- graph by Williams 193 Minnesota Plant Life. xvii FIG. 75. Rock on the St. Croix river, near Taylor's Falls. Shows zonal distribution of trees. White pines stand on top of the rock, and birches and poplars on the sides. After photograph by Mr. H. C. Cutler 195 FIG. 76. Bur-reed. After Britton and Brown 198 FIG. 77. Lakeside vegetation. Just off shore is a growth of the floating pondweed, then of arrowheads, while farther out are reeds and rushes. After photograph by Williams 199 FIG. 78. Clasping-leaved pondweed. After Britton and Brown. ....... 200 FIG. 79. Evening scene in Minnesota. Arrowheads, bulrushes and wil- lows in foreground. After photograph by Williams 201 FIG. 80. Arrowhead. After Britton and Brown 202 FIG. 81. Eel-grass. After Britton and Brown 202 FIG. 82. Wild rice and pond lilies. After photograph by Williams 204 FIG. 83. Beard-grass. After Britton and Brown 205 FIG. 84. Barnyard grass. After Britton and Brown 205 FIG. 85. Minnesota Muhlenberg grass. After Britton and Brown 206 FIG. 86. Beckman grass. After Britton and Brown 206 FIG. 87. Indian corn in the shock. After photograph by Williams 207 FIG. 88. Wild rice in a Minnesota lake. After photograph by Williams 208 FIG. 89. Wild rice. After Britton and Brown 209 FIG. 90. Kalm's brome-grass. After Britton and Brown 209 FIG. 91. A cluster of sedge-flowers (Carex-type), a single pistillate flower with one fruit rudiment, and a staminate flower with three stamens. After Atkinson 210 FIG. 92. Cyperus-sedge. After Britton and Brown 211 FIG. 93. Cotton-grasses growing in a bed of peat-moss. Near Grand Rapids. After photograph by Mr. Warren Pendergast 212 FIG. 94. Lake border vegetation. Bulrushes and reed-grasses. After photograph by Williams 213 xviii Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 95. Bulrush-sedge. After Britton and Brown 214 FIG. 96. Carex-sedge. After Britton and Brown 215 FIG. 97. A skunk-cabbage in early spring, before the leaves have un- folded. The purple hood covering the flower cluster is shown on one side. After Atkinson 218 FIG. 98. Sedges and rushes. After photograph by Williams 224 FIG. 99. Dog's-tooth violet in flower. After Atkinson 225 FIG. 100. Clintonia. After Britton and Brown 225 FIG. 101. Blue flags. After photograph by Williams 226 FIG. 102. Stream-side vegetation. Blue flags in foreground. After pho- tograph by Williams 227 FIG. 103. Yellow lady-slipper. After photograph by Mr. R. S. Mackin- tosh 229 FIG. 104. Wild orchis. After Britton and Brown 230 FIG. 105. Cottonwoods on the Minnesota. After photograph by Wil- liams 235 FIG. 106. Poplar vegetation of burnt district. Near Rat Portage, Ont. After photograph by the author 237 FIG. 107. Cottonwood. After Britton and Brown 238 FIG. 108. Peach-leafed willows on shore of stream. After photograph by Williams 239 FIG. 109. Clusters of willow flowers; on the left the pistillate flowers and on the right the staminate. Each pistillate flower con- sists principally of a single fruit-rudiment, and each staminate flower of two, or sometimes a larger number of stamens. After Atkinson 240 FIG. no. Beach vegetation, Garden Island, Lake of the Woods. The long-leafed willow forms the outer zone, and the black willow the inner. After photograph by the author 241 FIG. in. Hickory trees. Lake Minnetonka. After photograph by Wil- liams 244 Minnesota Plant Life. xix FIG. 112. Ironwoods and oaks. The smaller trees are ironwoods and hop-hornbeams. Lake Calhoun. After photograph by Hib- bard 245 FIG. 113. The paper or canoe birch. After photograph by Williams. .. . 247 FIG. 114. An Indian encampment, Lake of the Woods. The vegetation is principally the canoe birch, and the canoes and tepees illus- trate the uses to which birch-bark is put by the aborigines. After photograph by Wright. From Minnesota Botanical Studies 248 FIG. 115. An oak twig with leaves and both sorts of flowers. The one with three prongs is the pistillate flower; the other, with five stamens, is the staminate. The staminate flowers grow in drooping clusters. After Atkinson 249 FIG. 116. Oaks and blue flags. A marshy place in the oak-woods. After photograph by Williams 250 FIG. 117. American elm. After Britton and Brown 251 FIG. 118. American elm. Lake Minnetonka. After photograph by Wil- liams 252 FIG. 119. Roadside vegetation of nettles and vines. Winter aspect. After photograph by Williams 254 FIG. 120. Glasswort. After Britton and Brown 259 FIG. 121. Pokeweed. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag 260 FIG. 122. Carpetweed. After Britton and Brown 261 FIG. 123. Spring-beauty in flower. After Atkinson 262 FIG. 124. Water-shield. After Britton and Brown 264 FIG. 125. Water-lilies. After photograph by Williams 265 FIG. 126. Marsh-marigold or cowslip. After Britton and Brown 268 FIG. 127. False rue-anemone growing in pots. University plant house. After photograph by Dr. D. T. MacDougal. From Minne- sota Botanical Studies 270 FIG. 128. White water-buttercup. After Britton and Brown 271 xx Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 129. Early meadow-rue. After Britton and Brown 272 FIG. 130. May-apple, or mandrake, in flower. After Atkinson 275 FIG. 131. Clammy-weed. After Britton and Brown 276 FIG. 132. Blood-root. After Britton and Brown 276 FIG. 133. Water-cress. After Britton and Brown 277 FIG. 134. Pitcher-plant. After Britton and Brown 278 FIG. 135. Sundew. After Britton and Brown 280 FIG. 136. River-weed. After Britton and Brown 281 FIG. 137. American alum-root. After Britton and Brown 282 FIG. 138. Marsh Parnassia. After Britton and Brown 283 FIG. 139. Hawthorn. After Britton and Brown 287 FIG. 140. Apple-blossoms. After photograph by Williams 288 FIG. 141. Marsh fivefinger. After Britton and Brown 289 FIG. 142. Roses. After photograph by Williams 291 FIG. 143. Sand-cherry in fruit. After Bailey. Bulletin 70, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station 292 FIG. 144. A cluster of choke-cherry flowers and a single flower dis- sected. After Atkinson 293 FIG. 145. Kentucky coffee-tree. After Britton and Brown 296 FIG. 146. Wild lupine. After Britton and Brown 298 FIG. 147. Sweet-clover bushes. After photograph by Williams 299 FIG. 148. White clover. After photograph by Williams 300 FIG. 149. Tick-trefoil. After Britton and Brown 303 FIG. 150. Sumac bushes, with golden-rods in foreground and maples in background. After photograph by Williams 309 FIG. 151. Poison-sumac. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag 310 FIG. 152. Poison-ivy. After .Chesnut F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag 311 FIG. 153. Leaves and flowers of the sugar-maple. After Atkinson 314 FIG. 154. A grove of sugar-maples. Near Lake Minnetonka. After photograph by Mr. E. C. Mills 315 Minnesota Plant Life. xxi FIG. 155. Moosewood maple. After Britton and Brown 316 FIG. 156. Touch-me-not. After Britton and Brown 317 FIG. 157. Tree covered by grape-vine. After photograph by Williams. . 320 FIG. 158. Virginia creeper on tree trunks. After Schneck in Meehan's Monthly 322 FIG. 159. Basswood trees. Shore of Lake Calhoun. After photograph by Hibbard 324 FIG. 160. Beach heather. After Britton and Brown 327 FIG. 161. Sweet white violet. After Britton and Brown 328 FIG. 162. Western prickly-pear cactus. After Britton and Brown 330 FIG. 163. Ginseng. After Britton and Brown 337 FIG. 164. Water-parsnip. After Britton and Brown 338 FIG. 165. Wild parsley. After photograph by Williams 339 FIG. 1 66. Water-hemlock. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag.. . 340 FIG. 167. Dwarf cornel. After Britton and Brown 341 FIG. 168. Wintergreen plant in flower. After Atkinson 351 FIG. 169. Kalmia flowers. After Atkinson 354 FIG. 170. Moss-plant. After Britton and Brown 355 FIG. 171. Small cranberry. After Britton and Brown 357 FIG. 172. Yellow gentian. After Britton and Brown 362 FIG. 173. Swamp milkweed. After Britton and Brown 365 FIG. 174. Brookside vegetation. Milkweeds in foreground. After pho- tograph by Williams 366 FIG. 175. Dodder in flower; the parasite is seen to be clutching tightly the stem of its host plant. After Atkinson 368 FIG. 176. Virginia water-leaf. After Britton and Brown 37 FIG. 177. Blue verbena. After Britton and Brown 373 FIG. 178. Wild mint. After Britton and Brown 375 FIG. 179. Clump of horse-mint (in middle of picture). After photo- graph by Williams 376 xxii Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 180. Horse-mint. After Britton and Brown 377 FIG. 181. View in Minnesota lake district. Shows in center two mullein plants in characteristic positions. After photograph by Wil- liam s 380 FIG. 182. Monkey flower. After Britton and Brown 381 FIG. 183. Lousewort. After Britton and Brown 382 FIG. 184. Bladderwort. After Britton and Brown 383 FIG. 185. Cancerroot. After Jellett in Median's Monthly 385 FIG. 186. Rugel's plantain. After Britton and Brown 386 FIG. 187. Bedstraw. After Britton and Brown 389 FIG. 188. Partridgeberry. After Britton and Brown 389 FIG. 189. High bush cranberry. After Britton and Brown 390 FIG. 190. Snowberry. After Britton and Brown 392 FIG. 191. Blue-bells. After Britton and Brown 395 FIG. 192. Blue lobelia. After Britton and Brown 396 FIG. 193. Chrysanthemum in flower. After Miller. Bulletin 147, Cor- nell Ag. Exp. Station 400 FIG. 194. Dandelions in flower. Lake Calhoun. After photograph by Hibbard 401 FIG. 195. Dandelions in fruit. After photograph by Williams 402 FIG. 196. Wild lettuce, a compass-plant; the fruits stand in heads, and each fruit is provided with a parachute of bristles. After Atkinson 403 FIG. 197. Rattlesnake-root. After Britton and Brown 404 FIG. 198. Cocklebur. After Britton and Brown 404 FIG. 199. Ragweed. After Britton and Brown 405 FIG. 200. Autumnal vegetation of marsh border. Thoroughwort or joe- pye weed. After photograph by Williams 406 FIG. 201. Boneset or thoroughwort. After Britton and Brown 407 FIG. 202. Blazing-star. After Britton and Brown 407 Minnesota Plant Life. xxiii FIG. 203. Autumnal composite vegetation. In foreground golden-rods, sunflowers and asters; in background, on brow of cliff, wormwood or sage-brush. After photograph by Williams.. . 408 FIG. 204. Early golden-rod. After Britton and Brown 409 FIG. 205. Asters a'nd golden-rod. Banks of the Mississippi. After pho- tograph by Williams 410 FIG. 206. Rosinweed compass-plant. After Britton and Brown 411 FIG. 207. Cone-flowers. After photograph by Williams 412 FIG. 208. Prairie cone-flower. After Britton and Brown 413 FIG. 209. Water bur-marigold. After Britton and Brown 414 FIG. 210. Corn-flower. After Britton and Brown 414 FIG. 211. Bur oak and bracken fern. Illustrates relation between strength of stem and the weight to be borne. After photograph by Hibbard 419 FIG. 212. Willows and bulrushes. The latter are typical surf-plants. After photograph by Williams 421 FIG. 213. Elm tree growing in the open. Light is received on all sides. After photograph by Williams 429 FIG. 214. Two-leafed wood-lilies. These plants have the broad leaves of shade plants and the white, conspicuous flowers. After pho- tograph by Hibbard 430 FIG. 215. Jack-in-the-pulpit. A shade plant. After photograph by Hib- bard 431 FIG. 216. Leaves of the sensitive fern, a shade-loving variety. After photograph by Hibbard 432 FIG. 217. The Virginia creeper on the walls of the old round tower, Fort Snelling. This plant does not turn towards the sun, but clings to the shaded wall. After photograph by Williams. . . . 433 FIG. 218. "Gallery woods," near Minnesota Falls, valley of the Minne- sota, in the prairie district. Dependence of trees upon mois- ture is illustrated by their grouping in declivities. After pho- tograph by Professor R. D. Irving 434 xxiv Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 219. Dandelion fruiting in shady spot. Shows the slender stems and erect root-leaves of the shady habitat, and fruits adapted for wind distribution. After photograph by Hibbard 441 FIG. 220. Vegetation of ravine. The home of mosses and liverworts. The plants in front are touch-me-nots. After photograph by Williams 447 FIG. 221. Stream-side vegetation. Ironweeds, thoroughwort, mullein, sedge, speedwell and shrubbery. Hydrophytic vegetation in water's edge. After photograph by Williams 448 FIG. 222. Birch trees along a lake shore. Bar vegetation in background. After photograph by Williams 449 FIG. 223. Trees along a river bank. Soft maple and cottonwood. Min- nesota river. After photograph by Williams 452 FIG. 224. Marshy place at the edge of a wood. After photograph by Murdock 454 FIG. 225. Ferns in tamarack swamp, Lake Calhoun. After photograph by Hibbard 455 FIG. 226. Swamp saxifrages. The large root-leaves are adapted to the shade of the swamp. The whole plant is hairy. Tamarack swamp, Lake Harriet. After photograph by Hibbard 456 FIG. 227. A marsh-loving sedge, showing fruit clusters. After photo- graph by Hibbard 458 FIG. 228. A pitcher plant in flower; tamarack swamp. The leaves are converted into insect-traps. After photograph by Hibbard. . . 461 FIG. 229. Rock vegetation, Lake of the Woods, near Keewatin, Ontario. Junipers, bellworts, pines, ferns, poplars and grasses predom- inate. After photograph by Wright 466 FIG. 230. Growth of hardwood trees upon a rocky island. Northwest angle, Lake of the Woods. After photograph by the author. . 468 FIG. 231. Vegetation of sand dunes, Isle aux Sables, Lake of the Woods. In the foreground is the sand cherry and scrub poplar, in the center a juniper bush and in the background plums. After photograph by the author 470 Minnesota Plant Life. xxv FIG. 232. The valley of the Minnesota river in the prairie district. Abun- dant grass vegetation. After photograph by Professor R. D. Irving 471 FIG. 233. Cottonwood trees on the Minnesota river. After photograph by Williams 474 FIG. 234. A Minnesota meadow bordered by shrubbery and deciduous forest. After photograph by Mr. W. A. Wheeler 475 FIG. 235. Roadside vegetation in summer. After photograph by Wil- liams 477 FIG. 236. Roadside vegetation in winter, St. Anthony Park. Oaks, sun- flowers and goldenrods. After photograph by Williams 477 FIG. 237. Autumnal underbrush, Mississippi river, between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Golden rods, asters and sumac. After photo- graph by Williams 478 FIG. 238. Neglected corner in the Minneapolis manufacturing district. Weeds and shrubbery. After photograph by Williams 479 FIG. 239. Modern hardwood forest of the St. Croix valley, near Osceola. After photograph by Professor W. R. Appleby 480 FIG. 240. View of Fort Snelling, showing midsummer vegetation. After photograph by Williams 481 Chapter I. Plants in their Societies* Purpose of this book. In the pages of this book I hope to give the reader an idea of the diversified plant life which occupies the air, the soil and the waters of Minnesota. First of all, it must be remembered that plants although passive creatures are quite as truly living beings as are the more active animals. Just as men and women, either themselves or their ancestors, have entered the state from some other region, so also have plants, according to the nature of each, found their way and selected their abodes. It is no easy problem to de- termine why some family has chosen one village rather than another. This may have been from causes which are too subtle or too remote for analysis, but it is recognized that people have not come to make their homes without some reason which seemed sufficient to them or to their forefathers. So, too, there is always some reason for the appearance at a particular spot of one kind of plant rather than another, and it is possible ir i general way to explain the vegetation of the hills and meadows of the state. Minnesota geography. A glance at the map will show that the State of Minnesota lies between the 43rd and 49th paral- lels of north latitude and between the 8gth and 97th meri- dians west, and that it is centrally located in the North Ameri- can continent. Within its domain rises the Mississippi and by this great river the surplus rain-fall of the state is in large measure carried away to the Gulf of Mexico. The northwest- ern portion, by the Red river and its tributaries, is drained through Lake Winnipeg into Hudson bay, while a few streams flow in the valley of the St. Lawrence to the Atlantic ocean. Minnesota, therefore, is not only geographically but hydro- graphically central. Hence it might be supposed that its plants 2 Minnesota Plant Life. would have immigrated equally from all directions. Such, how- ever, is bv no means the fact and it is needful to inquire further into the conditions which regulate plant distribution before the true situation can be understood. Minnesota climate. Connected with the geographical posi- tion of the state, and to a very great degree dependent upon it, is that combination of average winds, average temperature, average precipitation of moisture, and average illumination by the sun to which is given the general name of climate. Min- nesota enjoys what is known as a mid-continental climate, characterized by warmth in the summer and cold in the winter. There are no prevailing winds from years end to year's end as there are at some places by the sea. The sun never shines with equatorial directness, nor are there ever weeks or months of twilight, or of darkness, as in the regions of the poles. There are no great mountain ranges to cool the clouds as they move across the sky and to force them to yield their moisture in the eternal snows; and during the year there may always be ex- pected an average rain-fall of about twenty-five inches. Through the spring and summer there is always a rise in temperature to stimulate growth, but there is never that fervent, damp heat which favors the rank and luxuriant vegetation of the tropics. Consequently there are to be found in Minnesota, plants adapted to the rhythm of the seasons, to the oblique illumination of the sun, to the average moisture of the air and of the soil, and to the winds which sometimes sweep over the prairies with an almost resistless force. As an illustration of the adaptation of plants to seasonal rhythm may be mentioned the autumnal habit of most trees in Minnesota of shedding their leaves. Indeed, this is so common a fact of experience that it is scarcely realized to be a definite reaction of the plant to its environment. Yet leaves do not fall merely because the nights are growing cold, but because there is formed at the base of each leaf-stalk a little layer of cork which, when complete, cuts the leaf from the twig as if by a pair of shears. Certainly such is not everywhere a necessary habit, for it is known that in the tropics many trees do not lose their leaves each year, but retain them for varying periods of time until their usefulness is past a character shared also by some Minnesota Plant Life. 3 trees of temperate regions. Apparently, then, the habit of rejecting leaves that would be killed by the winter's cold and would become burdensome another summer may be directly connected with the geographical position of the state. Again, trees with enormous, delicate leaves like those of many palms or bananas, are not found upon the prairies of the Red river, because, clearly, if trees with such thin, large leaves were exposed to the wind they would be blown to pieces and their life would be destroyed. Large delicate-leaved forms are more characteristic of regions where the wind is slight or where it is broken by masses of surrounding vegetation. Furthermore, in a state so well watered as Minnesota there is no development of those curious desert types which are seen in Arizona, in the Sahara, or in the arid regions of South Africa and Australia; for where it is arid those plants only can grow that by structure and habits are fitted to utilize the relatively small quantities of moisture. The strange columnar cacti of the Gila, standing leafless and rigid vegetable pillars of the desert would be out of place wherever the rain-fall permits the production of ordinary leaves and branches. Thus in survey- ing the vegetation of the world one is impressed with the influ- ence of climate upon the plant population of every district. The physical history of Minnesota. A knowledge of its geography and climate does not, however, afford all the data for comprehending the vegetation of any region, since it is not alone the climate of to-day, but even more strongly the climate and other conditions of the past, that are reflected in the forms and structures of the plants. Therefore, a knowledge also of the geological history of the state and of its various soils is essential to an understanding of its vegetation. There is strong reason to suppose that about ten thousand years ago much of the surface of North America was covered by a thick sheet of ice which advanced slowly from the north and later as slowly retreated. The period of ice-advance is known to geologists as the glacial period, and throughout Minnesota are to be found the traces of glacial action. The clays, pebbles and bowlders so abundant throughout the state are believed to have been depos- ited either upon the front of a glacial mass, or underneath, or from the waters caused by its melting. When such a move- 4 Minnesota Plant Life, ment of ice took place there must have been a great modifica- tion of drainage conditions over all the invaded district. Streams were dammed, hills were levelled, valleys were filled, lake bot- toms were hollowed out or covered with confused masses of rocks and clay ground into pow^der by the powerful action of the ice, continuing, as it did, through more than a thousand years. It is clear, too, that the ancient vegetation must have been almost wholly swept away by this invasion from the Arctic zone. It is true that plants are sometimes found growing close to the edge of glaciers in the Alps, in Greenland and in Alaska. Sometimes even masses of soil are so borne upon the surface of the glacier that plants of hardy habit may continue their exist- ence there. Yet, with a due regard to these well-known facts, it is not conceivable that for so long a period of rigorous cold the old pre-glacial plant-population of the state could have held its ground. It must be supposed, rather, that as the glacier steadily advanced from the north, year after year plants flung their seeds into air-currents moving southward or attached them to the fur of animals seeking a warmer clime and thus gradu- ally season by season themselves migrated toward the south. Evidently those plants provided with seeds, buoyant, winged, barbed or hooked were best fitted by such contrivances to leave the snows and ice of a thousand years, while the plants with smooth and heavy seeds either migrated more leisurely and more sparingly or were quite extinguished by the cold. When the glacial period came finally to an end and the ice- sheet moved north beyond the confines of the state, there opened to the immigrants from the south a new Minnesota. Great lakes formed by the waters of the melting ice now lay where before there was land. Rivers were flowing in new direc- tions and were carving for themselves new gorges through the rocks. A fertile soil was deposited upon the hill-sides not, indeed, a rich leaf-mould, but capable of supporting many kinds of plants. Into this land of promise the southern plants began to come. Winds from the south, animals ranging toward the north and water-fowl in their annual migrations, brought back in some instances no doubt the very same varieties which hun- dreds of years earlier had fled before the ice, and in others, new kinds born and bred in the south and seeking new homes where Minnesota Plant Life. 5 they might obtain a foothold for themselves and their descend- ants. When one contemplates for a moment this epitome of plant-wanderings he is impressed by its similarity to the history of his own race. It is known how peoples have moved from one country to another, not usually en masse but individually, quite as did the plants and under very much the same impelling forces. For it is those plants which were able to leave the region of increasing cold that later continued their kind under more favorable circumstances, as it is also the hardy race of men who migrate from the worn out farm, or congested city to some new country in which they may find prosperity and happiness for themselves and for their children. Laws of plant distribution. There are, then, three paths along which to seek the general laws of plant distribution. First, as regards an area, one must inquire what is its geographical position? second, what is its climate? third, what is its soil and physical history? The answers to these three questions ex- plain in large degree what must be the plant population of that area. With respect to the vegetation of Minnesota the most impressive fact is that it is an immigrant vegetation. It mani- fests the characters of a new community quite as truly as does the American Republic, in its social and political organization, the characters of a new country. This can be illustrated clearly if one compare the Minnesota forest with the ancient forest of the tropics in India, in Venezuela, or about the sources of the Nile. When one enters the dark solitudes of an equatorial for- est his first thought is, from the sounds that reach his ears, that the life of the forest must be above his head. Few animals are seen, almost no insects and scarcely a green leaf or plant upon the forest-floor, but there, rather, are dead and decaying trunks of trees which have fallen and massive columns of trees that are standing, while arching overhead are interlaced branches that intercept the light and make the scene like that in some dim cathedral. But if from a balloon one could look down upon the immemorial crowns he would see spread out beneath him a world alive with birds and insects, brilliant with flowers and rich with the verdure of vines and air-plants. It would be much as if the tree-tops had taken the place of the turf and shrubbery of more northern climes. Many orchids and other plants of that 6 Minnesota Plant Life. nature would be seen perched upon the branches, dangling their roots into the damp air below; climbing and twining plants would be abundant and especially would there be observed a much greater variety over a particular area than could be expected in temperate regions. This peculiarity of the tropical forest, this exuberant development of tree-top life is a natural result of age. It is because the forest has been standing for countless centuries, unmodified by changes of climate, unin- vaded by glacial sheets, that it includes so many different kinds of individuals. For the same reason there have arisen depen- dencies between different varieties of plants, and some have learned to perch themselves upon the branches of others or have entwined themselves around the stems of their neighbors. Just so, in an old societv like that of India or wherever there is not the democracy and equality which exists under a newer social order, is caste developed. People are born to be dependent and it is fore-ordained in the social system that they and their de- scendants shall not rise above this position. In the forests of Minnesota all is very different. When one enters the pine-woods of the north, or the elm and maple-woods of the south, he is not impressed with the silence and solitude of the forest-floor, nor does he discover that the tree-tops have become a special soil for the development of peculiar plants. Perching plants are rare ; vines and lianas do not form so large a proportion of the total population. There is nearly always a well-developed underbrush, and many sorts of little heaths, asters, gentians and golden-rods display their flowers and ripen their fruits under the shadow of the trees. They are not com- pelled by the umbrageous growth of larger plants to climb the trunks or hang themselves upon the topmost branches in order to obtain their share of sunlight and of rain. Nor is the number of kinds in an acre nearly so great as in the tropics, for there has not yet ensued that long period of competition which, in the tropical forest, has reduced what might once have been social clumps of trees to the lone survivors of to-day. Forest and prairie. There are two principal vegetation- regions in Minnesota, the forest and the prairie. The forest occupies the northern portion of the state extending south to Minnesota Plant Life. j the valley of the Minnesota river. The prairie comprises the southern portion of the state and a strip along the western boundary in the valley of the Red river of the North. These two regions, so different in their appearance, are inhabited by plants which are not altogether dissimilar to each other. Most of the plants at home on the prairie are not entirely absent from the forest, while the greater number of forest plants may be encountered, possibly not so abundantly, but at least casually, on the prairie. The difference between the two regions does FIG. 1. In the forest district. Growth of white pines and spruces upon a rocky island. Steamboat channel, I,ake of the Woods. After photograph by the author. not lie in differences in the kinds of plants so much as it does in the different character of the dominant plants. Among the pines and spruces of the forest occur many of the grasses, vetches and asters of the prairie. Along the borders of prairie sloughs and streams there will be growing the same varieties of arrow- heads, milkweeds and willow-herbs that form a characteristic vegetation in similar places in the forest. But the dominant plants of the forest are trees, lifting up their erect, perennial stems, struggling with each other for light and air and giving to the whole formation an upright effect, while the prairies are 8 Minnesota Plant Life. dominated by grasses with prostrate underground stems woven together into a solid and matted turf, thrusting into the air only their side-branches and thus giving to the whole a flat and level character. It is not very well known precisely why the prairie type of vegetation has established itself over such large areas of the world. Some have attributed it to fires, others have thought that climate and soil are responsible for the difference between prairie and forest. Perhaps all that need be said is that there are these two principal methods of developing plant-stems. When the dominant plants of an area are such as have acquired the habit of trying to avoid each other's shade by elongation of their stems, that region is a forest. When, on the other hand, an area is occupied by plants that have learned to elbow each other beneath the surface of the soil, that region is a prairie. It is a mistake to suppose that the lofty tree is in every sense stronger than the modest grass, for the two have simply devised different means of accomplishing the same result. A prime necessity of most plants is sunlight, since without it they are unable to construct their food from the gases of the atmosphere and the water of their sap. Therefore, they must have light, and to obtain it they adopt instinctively the methods of growth which will enable them to do their own life-work regardless of their neighbors. The pine tree may be described as a plant which for ages has been solving the problem of better illumina- tion by a progressive increase in height. The grass, by copious ramification of a protected underground stem upon which lat- eral leaf-bearing branches are produced, in its way strives to obtain illumination, nutriment and persistence. Another difference which exists between the forest and prairie of Minnesota is in the direction from which the plants have come. The forest is, in large part, composed, so far as its domi- nant plants are concerned, of northern forms, while the prairie is inhabited rather by immigrants from the south. So on a map illustrating plant distribution in the northern hemisphere it will be found that the prairies in Europe, in Asia and in America lie south of a forest belt. It is true that in the tropics around the world a forest region exists, broken only by deserts like those of the Sahara, or northern Australia ; but in regions beyond the tropics it would seem that in both hemispheres there Minnesota Plant Life. g are intermediate forest zones between the prairies of temperate regions and the tundras about the poles. Minnesota is situated between the forest and prairie regions of the North American continent and includes a representation of each. A careful study of the populations in these regions will show that each is striving to extend itself; thus wherever a stream flows from the forests of the north down through the prairies of the south, forest plants advance along the banks and reach more southern latitudes. In Minnesota the pine trees that in the north form so characteristic a growth are found in isolated patches, fewer in numbers, down the Mississippi even FIG. 2. Prairie scene on the Coteau. Sunflowers line the roadway on either side. After photograph by Mr. R. S. Macintosh. beyond the confines of the state, for the white pine exists upon the Mississippi bluffs in Iowa. Similarly, along the open which a river produces, there is chance for southern winds to distribute the seeds of prairie plants, and characteristic vegetation of the prairie, such as sunflowers and golden-rods, has pushed its way up into the forest, leaving the larger streams along their tribu- taries, and finding a path even into depths of the pine-woods where the soil is favorable. It would be a great mistake to count plants quiet, unenterprising creatures, not alert to make use of every opportunity for growth and development. The forest must rather be regarded as composed of plants eager to compete with those of the prairie upon their own ground, and equally must the prairie plants be regarded as ambitious on their 10 Minnesota Plant Life. part to try conclusions with those of the forest, if they obtain an opportunity to penetrate between the interstices of the more northern erect formation. Plant populations, then, in the two great vegetation regions of the state, are in a state of tension, and the line between them is necessarily slowly shifting and irregular. Some little change in the topography, some slight modification of the drainage, the drying up of a lake or the erosion of a deeper gorge by a stream, may give an opportunity for one formation or the other to extend its limits at the expense of its neighbor. This gen- eral state of tension exists not only between the forest and the FIG. 3. Roadside vegetation. Grasses and pulses. An elm tree in background. Cedar lake. After photograph by Williams. prairie, but also between plants on the tops of hills and those at the base, between plants in the center of swamps and those at the circumference, or between plants at the edge of a lake or stream and those farther inland. Plant zones. The result of such competition is seen in the pretty general appearance of plant zones wherever the topog- raphy permits them to be developed. A simple and well-known example of this tendency of plants to grow in zones or lines may be seen along any road, path, ditch or trail in the state. It is well known that certain kinds of plants particularly select the road-side as a favorite place for growth. Such are usually Minnesota Plant Life. 1 1 robust, enterprising plants of modern structure, and the pick of the whole world for growing ability for nowhere is there so great a proportion of what are called weeds and introduced plants as beside a road. There one finds the knot-grasses, rag- weeds, thistles, cockscomb-grasses and other imported species, many of them belonging to types which by sheer vegetable enterprise and ability have found their way with man around the whole northern hemisphere, and some of them are common even to Australia and Africa as well. As might be expected FIG. 4. Spruces forming a zone around a peat-bog. Farther back are tamaracks and pines. The shrub in the foreground is the bog-willow, while the flowers are those of an orchid, Pogonia. Near Grand Rapids. After photograph by Mr. Warren Pendergast. from their distribution along paths or other works made by man, they have been assisted in their wanderings by human agencies rather than by the ministrations of the winds, the water-fowl or the beasts of the field. Such plants appear also in door-yards, in neglected meadows, in pastures, along railway lines and in short wherever man has gone. Another kind of zonal distribution, not influenced by human agencies, may be seen around the lakes of the state, especially where beaches have been formed. Here special beach-rows of 12 Minnesota Plant Life. plants will be found, consisting among others of certain sand- loving grasses, cockleburrs, pinks and fumitories, and clearly distinct from the plants farther back upon the shore. Nor will these plants develop so vigorously under any other conditions. Again in the swamp region of the north, where a peat-bog is slowly filling with moss and encroaching upon the forest, beau- tiful illustrations of this zonal arrangement can be observed with the tamarack and spruce trees becoming gradually smaller and smaller toward the center of the bog. In meadows, too, FIG. 5. Zones of aquatic vegetation. In the center pond-lilies; at the edge smartweed; far- ther back cat-tails, blue flags, sweet flags, and sedges; still farther back soft turf with grass, moss, sedge and milkweed. After photograph by Williams. formed by the drying-up of lakes, are sometimes found en- croachments of the meadow plants upon such knolls as were originally islands surrounded by water. The meadow, as it were, washes up upon the knoll and upon the banks of the old lake, so that mingled with the dogwoods, willows and other shrubs of the knoll or bank one will observe the grasses and sedges of the meadow. Zonal distribution is a characteristic arrangement not only of land, but also of water plants, and as one pushes his canoe from the shore of a Minnesota lake he will doubtless find that he Minnesota Plant Life. i 3 passes over distinct zones of aquatic vegetation. First, there will be the sedges at the water's edge, then the reed-grasses, or wild rice in a little deeper water, then the bulrushes with their cylindrical, leafless stems rising from submerged rootstocks below, and exposing as small a surface as possible to the action of the surf. Next will come the pond-lilies and water-lilies, the water-shields, and sometimes the lotus with its circular leaves rising from or floating upon the water and presenting every- where their arched margins to the waves. Then come the pond- weeds and milfoils with their stems and submerged leaves ascending through the water but not reaching the surface, and finally the bass-weeds with their lime-encrusted stems and leaves lying upon the bottom at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. Whether one climbs a hill, rows out into a lake, walks from the margin of a stream back to the prairie or the woods; whether one steps from his house and across the road into a field, or strolls from a meadow up to a wooded bank, he will find that he is traversing zones of vegetation. The occasion for such a distribution of plants in zones is to be sought generally in the topography of the region, and where there is great irregu- larity in the topography there is irregularity in the zones, while sometimes over a level no zones appear. Sometimes, also, where the topography is favorable to the development of plant zones special conditions of distribution serve to obliterate them or prevent their occurrence. The same general causes which tend to separate the forest from the prairie, defining their limits, are seen to mark also the boundary between one portion of the forest and another. Just as the great prairie group of plants strives as a whole to en- croach upon the forest, so the plants at the base of a knoll strive to climb it and establish themselves over its surface, and mean- while quite as vigorously the plants on the knoll attempt to make their way into the gullies and sloughs. The plant on drier soil may be regarded as always endeavoring to accommo- date itself to moister soil, and that on moist soil as always strug- gling to gain a foothold where the moisture is not so great. So there are often seen at the margin of ponds the pond-lilies emerging as far as they are able upon the mud, exerting them- selves to the full limit of their structural qualities to maintain 14 Minnesota Plant Life. a terrestrial life, and in the same pond may be found land-plants pushing down to the very water's edge or beyond it until they can go no farther because of the limitations of their structure. The tension between the forest and prairie, because it extends so widely, may be called a continental tension. The other ten- sions, between knolls and ravines, between banks and meadows, between beaches and pond edges, may be called minor tensions, but the law of the two cannot be very different. Indeed, there may be gained a fair idea of the fundamental difference between prairie and forest by observation of an area so limited as a road- FIG. 6. Island in the Mississippi above St. Paul. The center is occupied by elms while the rim is fringed with willows. An example of a "minor tension." After photograph by Professor W. R. Appleby. side or path. The principal difference between the two is the duration of the causes at work. Between the prairie and the forest the tension has been in existence possibly for thousands of years, while between the knoll and the ravine possibly for but a few decades or centuries. As a result there have come to exist in the old warring formations structural peculiarities char- acteristic of each, so that, to the eye of the observer, they pre- sent very different appearances. Where the struggle is of more recent origin and of more limited extent the differences are not so great and, therefore, not so evident. Forests of Minnesota and of the world. We cannot well consider forest as it exists in Minnesota apart from the general forest which covers the northern part of the continent. From Minnesota Plant Life. 15 the plant's point of view, Minnesota is not a province, for, to the plant, political boundaries as established by man, have slight significance. Nor does the prairie, which occupies the south- ern part of the state, exist as a special Minnesota prairie. Rather is it the northeastern extension of the great plains which occupy the whole central area of the continent from the foothills of the Rockies back to the forests of Kentucky, Tennessee, Indi- ana and Wisconsin. The question then arises how did the for- ests come to consist of the plants which dominate them, and how did the prairie come to have its particular inhabitants rather than others? If a census be taken of all the kinds of plants in the forests of North America and be compared with a similar census taken in the forests of Europe and Siberia there will be perceived a great similarity between the plants of the two regions. But if in like manner the plants of the prairies of the United States be compared with those growing upon the steppes of Russia and Siberia it will be discovered that the similarity is not by any means so great. A very much larger number of plants are common to the forest districts of Europe, Asia and North America than are common to the steppes and prairies of the two hemispheres. Yet, in this latter instance, there are many groups which are similar and not a few identical species. Sup- pose, further, that the forests of the northern hemsiphere, of which the Minnesota forest is but a portion, be compared with the deciduous forests of the southern hemisphere, including those of the Transvaal Republic, Chili and the Argentine, New Zealand and Tasmania, it would be noticed that almost no com- mon species, and but few common groups of species can be found. Or if the pampas of the Argentine be compared with the prairies of the United States, again would it be discovered that the common species are exceedingly scarce. It would seem, then, that the greatest differences which exist between plant populations of the world are between those of the north temperate and the south temperate regions. The occasion of this will be understood if it be remembered for a moment what are the opportunities for the expansion of plant- life in the tropics and under the equator. There for countless thousands of years plants have been developing and competing 1 6 Minnesota Plant Life. with one another amid favorable conditions of temperature, moisture and illumination. The equatorial region of the world is at once the cradle and the crucible of plant-life. In that tre- mendous struggle for existence many of the modern improve- ments and refinements in plant structure began to originate. During the centuries, forms unfavorable were eliminated and destroyed, leaving the stronger in a condition to migrate north or south as rapidly as they accommodated themselves to the increasing obliqueness of the sun. Evidently, then, the great- est differences should be expected not between the plants of North America and Europe, both of them tenanted by north- bound immigrants from the equatorial region, nor even between the north temperate regions and the tropics, since the plants in the former are but the traveled relatives of those at home in the latter region. But the greatest difference should be expected to exist, as it does, between those plants which have left the tropics and have slowly made their way, changing their form and habits as they wandered, some to the far north and others to the south. North American flora. If the North American continent were quite flat, without differences in elevation above the sea, and were connected with the tropics by a continuous stretch of land, it could be imagined that the forest region might have extended directly across the northern half of the continent. It is, however, not such a level plain, for two great mountain ranges run from north to south and the continent is connected with the tropics by a narrow isthmus, so that there are factors which prevent an even division of forest and prairie. Mountain ranges extending from north to south are not, as mountain ranges extending from east to west would be, barriers against plant distribution from the tropics toward the poles. This is the reason why North America has what the botanists call a "richer flora" than Europe and Asia. In the Old World the principal mountain ranges, such as the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Appenines, the Carpathians, the Caucasus and the Himalayas are transverse, extending in a generally east-and-west direction. For this reason when the glacial period came on, unfortunate European or Asiatic plants as they migrated south, found them- selves compelled to climb some mountain range in order to Minnesota Plant Life. 17 make their escape to the temperate climate beyond the influ- ence of the ice, and under these conditions most of them must have perished as wretchedly as did so many of the troops of Hannibal when they crossed the Alps. Moreover, when the gla- cial period came to an end in Europe and Asia it was difficult for plants to return over the mountain-passes, and as a result, these continents are tenanted by a less diversified vegetation than that of North America. The longitudinal mountain ranges of the New World have rather aided the movements of plants than hindered them, for they have assisted northern plants to find their way along high altitudes to constantly lower latitudes, while at the various stages of their journey such plants have enjoyed the opportunity of climbing down the mountain sides and out upon the plains, if they were able to accommodate themselves to the higher tem- perature. This movement has taken place not only on the western side of the continent, but also along the Alleghenies. Yet owing to the greater height of the western range it is found that northern genera of plants like some of the roses and willows have developed more abundantly toward the southwest than toward the southeast, simply because they have followed an easier path along the cool high ridges of the Rockies than along the warmer, lower Appalachian range. By these two mountain ranges, lying one to the east and the other to the west of Minne- sota, some slight influence has no doubt been exerted upon plant migration, both in the prairie and in the forest region of the state. But this effect must have been stronger in the prairie region ; for the forest plants from the east and north could enter as easily from the north and would not need to depend upon any lateral movement. From the west, however, where the plains rise gently to the mountains, many plants which had found an asylum on the sides of peaks and escarpments must have, in the last ten thousand years, slowly crept down into the plains and there developed habits and structures which persist to this day. 3 Chapter II. Plant Wanderings and Migrations. *T Habits of birds and animals. The habits of birds and ani- mals are of much importance in any study of plant distribu- tion ; for the plant, but rarely provided with independent meth- ods of locomotion, is forced to depend upon other agencies for dissemination. To the waterfowl especially, with their well- FIG. 7. I^ake border vegetation of cat-tails, grasses, reeds and sedges, After photograph by Williams. the Isles. known habit of flying south in the autumn and north in the spring, do many plants owe the widening of their range. Their seeds are ripened and fall upon the mud at the border of some lake or pond where they are picked up on the feet or plumage of migrant birds and are carried hundreds of miles north or south of the point where they were produced. That is one rea- Minnesota Plant Life. 19 son why throughout Minnesota the lake-shore vegetation is so homogeneous. Every bay is visited at some time during the year by wild fowl and in the mud on their feet they carry about the seeds of a variety of plants. It is therefore, those water- edge plants which have seeds not too large to be thus trans- ported that are the more widely distributed. Especially if the seed is of a kind attractive to the bird is it likely to be removed. Thus ducks, though they eat hundreds of thousands of young wild-rice plants encased in their seed-coats, nevertheless from their very habit of using these plants for food distribute them more widely than if they were not thus agreeable to their taste. Migrating animals, like the bison which once roamed in enor- mous herds over the whole prairie region, must have picked up in their fur, as they wallowed in the sand or on the banks of streams, countless seeds of a great variety of plants and carried them to all parts of their range. In this way, plants having seeds provided with attachment-prongs, like the tick-trefoils, beggars'-lice, burdocks and cockleburrs must have obtained through the agency of animals far greater opportunities for travel than were enjoyed by species the seeds or fruits of which were hard and smooth. The fancy of animals and birds for certain sleeping places has also influenced plant distribution, and their habits of wan- dering in the woods and by the water have been utilized by cer- tain kinds of plants, and some remarkable adaptations exist, such as the curious explosive seed-pods of the touch-me-not. This common plant, when brushed against, explodes its fruits, throwing out the seeds where they may be caught in the fur of a passing animal and carried away. Certain exotic gourd-plants too, have explosive fruits which when agitated by a slight touch shoot out the seeds and these, provided with a viscid membrane, readily adhere to the passing bird or animal. Other plants have their seeds enclosed in edible areas, as for example the gooseberries, currants, apples, peaches, raspberries, junipers and a host of others. In such fruits the seeds are themselves protected by hard coats which resist the digestive processes of the animal or bird and they can thus pass through its body with- out injury. Sometimes the instincts of animals benefit the plant, as when a squirrel carries off an acorn and buries it from 2o Minnesota Plant Life, some dim notion of secretiveness or possibly of providence. On account of the rhythm of the seasons in Minnesota the principal migrations of birds and land animals have not been from east to west but from north to south, and the principal tension-line runs in general from east to west. Insects and worms. A few seeds are peculiarly modified for insect distribution, as for example, those of some spurges and other small plants, which have little crests or grooves just fitted to receive the jaws of ants, thus making them easily porta- ble by these busy toilers. Others are assisted in their distribu- tion by burrowing worms, but this always within narrow limits. Inanimate agencies. Allusion has already been made to the inanimate agencies which are employed by plants as aids in distribution. Among these are currents of wind, currents of water and in a slight degree translocations of soil. The latter, best observed in mountainous regions where avalanches exert a considerable influence, is of slight importance in Minnesota, though upon the hillsides and cliffs along some of the northern lakes, this method of distribution exists. Wind currents. In plant distribution the most important inanimate agency is doubtless the wind. The alertness with which plants make use of it in seed-dissemination is well exem- plified by the new population which appears after a fire and covers burnt places in the forest. When the pines or spruces are destroyed by fire it is a fact of common observation that poplars, maples, elms, willow-herbs, milkweeds and other light- seeded plants spring up. The well-known fire-weed with its purple panicle of flowers ripens seeds that are provided with tufts of delicate hairs, and when thrown out of the pods in which they are produced the wind may catch them and whirl them away over the tree-tops for many miles. The poplars, too, and cottonwoods are famous for their winged seeds and succeed in entering promptly a burnt tract, so that within a year or two they have established themselves while there are yet to be found probably none of the heavy-seeded plants, like hickories, wal- nuts and oaks, and but few of the plants with adhesive seeds or pulp-inclosed seeds fitted for animal distribution. It is not the seeds alone but often the fruits of plants which are trans- ported by the wind, as for example, the maple-fruits, the elm- Minnesota Plant Life. 2 i fruits and the fruits of a great variety of dandelion-like and sun- flower-like plants. Sometimes the whole plant is distributed by the wind and examples of this are especially striking upon the prairie where the wind has free sweep. Thus, tumbling plants like the Russian thistle, the tumbling mustard and the tumbling grass, when their fruits are ripe separate all or the greater part of the stem from its attachment and curve their branches so that the whole takes the shape of a ball rolling freely for miles over the level prairies before the wind. Some- times the wind acts indirectly in the distribution of plants, as for instance, when a portion of the boggy shore of some lake breaks loose and is blown away to be anchored possibly under new conditions across the lake. Water currents. Though the agency of currents of water in transporting seeds is scarcely so universally employed as that of the wind, it should not be overlooked. This agency is par- ticularly important for heavy-seeded plants as their seeds are often borne along a stream in its currents and eddies to find a lodgment possibly miles below the point where they were intro- duced. Other seeds, to facilitate their floating, are provided with buoyant apparatus which adapts them also for wind distri- bution. Man. One very important agent in plant distribution re- mains to be considered, namely, man. Unlike the birds and animals, man in his migrations is not so strongly regulated by the changing rhythm of the seasons. On the contrary the prin- cipal lines of migration of men since the advent of Caucasians upon the continent have been from east to west, rather than from north to south. Roads and trails have been beaten across the plains and through the forests; railway lines have been built, binding distant portions of the country together, and to connect with them steamships cross the seas. Freights are car- ried from one hemisphere to another, and along with that for which there are invoices and bills of lading comes often a con- signment of seeds of fruits, unrecorded yet none the less im- portant. In this manner some harmful weeds as well as some useful forage-plants have reached the fields of Minnesota. With the immigration of men and women from Russia has come the Russian thistle ; from France and England the cockles of the 22 Minnesota Plant Life. wheat; from Italy some mustards; indeed, from all the coun- tries of Europe plants have found their way in company with man. Some of them are later immigrants than others. Those which crossed with the pilgrim fathers are now as much at home as those to the manner born. Others, the advent of which dates from yesterday, have not yet shown all their capabilities, and doubtless even now the dangerous new weeds of the next decade are some of them precariously existing as little colonies upon ballast-heaps or along the lines of eastern or western rail- ways. Associations between migrating plants. When plants travel they do not always travel alone, but in company as man does, who when he migrates brings with him his horses, oxen, sheep, fowls, dogs, and other domestic animals which have become attached to him. So the plant when it migrates often takes with it other plants. Thus where the maples go, there go also those curious fungi that grow upon the leaves, looking like little drops of tar. With the willow as it is uprooted and floats down a stream, perhaps finding a foothold for its twigs somewhere below, go the lichens and mosses upon its bark. There is something about the proximity of certain kinds of plants which is very agreeable to other varieties, so that gen- erally with pine trees one finds wintergreens associated, and with peat-mosses, cranberries. The latter are not associations like the associations between the maple and the fungus upon its leaves, but are rather indications of kindred tastes in habita- tions. The establishment of one kind of plant over an area may be the natural and, perhaps, the necessary pre-requisite for the development of another plant which has formed the habit of attaching its fortunes to those of the first one in the field. Plants, also, by their position and attitudes strongly influence the distribution of other plants. If plants, which are accus- tomed to depend upon winged seeds for their distribution, find themselves gradually enclosed by the foliage of strong-growing neighbors it will be difficult, perhaps, for them to extend farther the range of their seeds. Or, possibly, the berries which were attractive during a season when neighboring plants were not in fruit may not be so attractive another year when the adjacent forms are ripening their own larger, more highly colored, more highly scented or sweeter fruit. Minnesota Plant Life. 23 Where the story of plant migration is recorded. It is im- possible to mention except in a more extended account the many and various ways in which plants influence the distribu- tion of each other or receive influence from outside sources, but enough has been said to indicate the general laws under which the State of Minnesota has received the plants which now inhabit its territory. They have come from all points of the compass, from all parts of the world, bringing with them habits acquired through countless generations of struggle and adapta- tion. To the enlightened eye, the form of a plant tells a story of its life and of the experiences it must have undergone to develop one type of structure rather than another. Just as in the formidable defensive armor of an extinct armadillo may be read somewhat of the story of its struggle with its enemies, so in the three hundred feet of solid trunk and in the massive girth of a living Big-tree in the Sierras one may read the story of its struggle in the ancient forests when its allies and com- petitors were perhaps more numerous and more vigorous in their aspiration for light than are the neighbors of to-day. In the Minnesota valley, not far from New Ulm, there are found upon rocks exposed in the river-bed by the erosion of the waters, some specimens of the little prickly-pear cactus, a desert plant which has found its way from the plains of Arizona and New Mexico. By all its characters it indicates how it must have been trained in a school of life different from that in which the plants around it receive their education. Its solid, leafless, flattened stem with a resistent rind is fitted to withstand the evaporation of moisture a character much needed in the des- ert, but less necessary in the valley of the Minnesota. Its strong root system extending out a yard or more on every side was indispensible to collect what little moisture there might have been in the arid soil of the southwestern desert; with a smaller root system it could do very well in its northern home. The sharp thorns and spines with which it is covered were a necessary protective armor where vegetation was sparse and grazing animals hungry ; without this armor it could live very well on the hills of New Ulm, for there dwell other plants, with- out armor nor do the herds destroy them. Such a plant, evi- dently a wanderer from another land, is like a man of mediaeval 24 Minnesota Plant Life. times who should be reincarnated in a modern society and should insist upon wearing the coat of mail and carrying the rapier which were necessary in another age, but would be rec- ognized as altogether out of place in the life of the present day. The pine trees, with their needle-shaped leaves fitted to trans- pire water but slowly and with their strong branches able to carry the weight of the snow which is piled upon them in their northern home, when they find their way down the river to the comparatively genial climate of Iowa cannot at once abandon the structures which they developed under the stern necessity imposed by the severer climate of their native land. The mat- plant, such as a purslane or carpet-weed, adapted to life on a flat plane where it is not shaded by surrounding plants but spreads out all its prostrate branches in a discoid body, cannot erect itself into the slender wand of the aster, taught to assume this shape by centuries of existence in the underbrush above which it had to lift its leaves that they might catch the sun. The aspiring spruce telling in its form a story of other spruce trees close beside it crowding each other as they all reached upward for the light, if it is planted in one's dooryard with noth- ing near to shade it cannot abandon the character which it developed of old. Plants when they migrate from place to place must take with them those structures and habits which are fitted best to the whole history of their species. In their migrations they select places which resemble as closely as pos- sible those to which they are accustomed. They allow them- selves a certain freedom just as men do, but even as regards men it is well-known that they prefer to migrate along the same parallel of latitude, so that the inhabitants of Minnesota have come rather from the forests of New England and New York, from Canada, from Scotland, and from Scandinavia, than from the highlands of Mexico, from Italy, Africa, or Brazil. Struggles of migrating plants. It must be apparent from all that has been said that the laws governing the migration of plants are substantially the same as those that govern the migra- tion of other living beings. It is an instinct with all living creatures to maintain their own existence as long as they can and to do this they wrest from others, weaker or less fortunate, the right to food and sunshine which they in their turn demand Minnesota Plant Life. 25 of nature. It is even so with men ; the dervishes of the Soudan must give way before civilized England. Thus also must the feeble plants of a meadow's edge yield before the onslaught of trained roadside plants, brought in from other parts of the world and fitted to cope with the conditions of existence in a stronger and better way. As one looks at a placid meadow, its grasses bending in the breeze, he should remember that under- neath the calm serenity of the scene there is a bitter struggle, a relentless internecine warfare between the plants that are already in the meadow and those that are striving to enter from without. Comparison of plants with animals. Next to and even stronger than the instinct to exist is the instinct to persist, and plants sacrifice their own lives for their offspring just as readily in their sphere of life as will a human mother give up her life for her child. In dealing with plants the mind must be rid of the mistaken notion that they are dull, stupid things which stay where they are set without ability to better themselves and their offspring. On the contrary the plant should be regarded as a living organism with definite necessities and definite in- stincts. Plants are quite as much alive as animals, and, indeed, they are greater ground-gainers on the surface of the earth than animals are, for if all the plants of the world should be weighed in one scale pan of a gigantic balance with all the ani- mals in the other it would be seen that as organizers of dead matter into living substance the plants far outrank the animals. In dynamic force, in the ability to apply energy in some definite direction, the animal is indeed superior, but in those purely con- structive vital powers no organisms are so skillfully adapted and so perfectly organized as the plants. They are not altogether of a lower type of life than animals, for they do their work in the world after their fashion, and that is all that animals can do. They are rather to be viewed as other kinds of living things, and are to be regarded not as merely subservient to the needs of animals, not solely as a food-supply for grazing cattle or roving birds, but of interest for their own sake and possessing an indi- viduality to be respected. Chapter III. Slime-Moulds and Blue-green Algae. Number of plants in the world. In the whole world there are now living about 300,000 different kinds of plants, and it is possible that nearly as large a number of forms are extinct. The relics of past plant life in Minnesota are not very abundant, but in the older rocks there are a few fossil sea-weeds deposited on the mud flats of an ancient ocean which covered the region now occupied by the land, and in the red sandstone which oc- curs in the Minnesota valley in limited quantities, there have been found imprints of leaves belonging to by-gone genera. For example, in those days palm trees flourished in the state and have left their replicas along with the remains of red-woods, big-trees, cycads, magnolias, tulip-trees and other varieties, which are not now found within hundreds of miles of Minnesota. From old peat deposits and from soil masses lying under the glacial clays, fragments of charred wood and vegetable debris are sometimes exhumed. Such fossils often show that the dis- tribution of plants before the glacial period was quite different from that of to-day. Number and sorts of plants in Minnesota. At the present time, of the 300,000 living species of plants, about 7,500 are probably to be found growing without cultivation in Minnesota. The figures are in the nature of an estimate, for by no means so considerable a number has yet been discovered. But it must be remembered that the larger proportion of these plants are not the conspicuous objects which are usually in mind when the word "plant" is used, but are rather the insignificant micro- scopic forms, difficult to discover and often of such slight differ- ence from each other that they would be recognized as distinct varieties only by the most trained observers. Minnesota Plant Life. 27 An estimate of the distribution of these 7,500 species of Min- nesota plants among the different groups is approximately as follows: slime-moulds 150; bacteria and algae 1,000; fungi and lichens 3,250; liverworts and mosses 500; ferns and flowering plants 2,600. It is evident then, that most plants of the state belong to the lower orders of vegetation. There may now be given a general account of the Minne- sota vegetation, avoiding the use of technical terms and describ- ing where it is possible certain common forms of each group, so that the reader may have within small compass a comprehensive view of the classes just named, as they are represented in the state. Slime-moulds. The plants (or more probably animals) known as slime-moulds constitute a very peculiar group of organisms. It is by no means certain that they are plants at all, although they have some vegetable characters. In other respects they resemble the lower animals, and botanists and zoolo- gists have often debated to which of the two great realms of life they really belong. One of them, which is known to occur in Minnesota, may possibly have come under the observation of some of the readers of this book. The roots of cabbages and turnips, when pulled from the ground, are sometimes found to be covered with a curious irregular growth of little spherical tubers, about the size of hazel nuts, sometimes larger, though often very much smaller. The occasion of the appearance of such tubers is the development of singular little slime-moulds too small to be seen by the naked eye but sufficiently active to cause gall-like swellings in the tissues of the root. Because of the ruptured appearance which the root has when affected by these tiny organisms, the whole structure, root and slime-mould, is known as a root-hernia or as club-root. Most slime-moulds do not, however, live thus as parasites on other plants, but are found on decaying leaves, rotten twigs, fallen logs and other debris of the forest-floor in shaded places. They sometimes grow up from a mucilaginous base, forming little brown, cylindrical plumes, not more than half an inch in height and clustered together, a score or more, in a group. The brown plumes are found upon careful examination to be deli- cately woven masses of threads, between which is a fine brown 28 Minnesota Plant Life. dust which can be shaken out upon the hand or upon a piece of paper. This brown dust, under the microscope, is seen to consist of innumerable tiny spheres, the spores of the plant. If the spores be placed in water, after a time their shells break and out of each comes a little mis-shapen drop of jelly-like substance, which oozes away with a slow and viscid movement. If several of these tiny bits of jelly find themselves close together per- haps after a rain upon the bark of some rotten log they crawl towards each other and fuse into a common patch. The patch then moves imperceptibly over the wood, increasing in size as it extracts nourishment from the decayed material. Sometimes the jelly-masses grow to the size of a man's hand. A common sort is found in tan yards and often upon railway ties resembling very much a piece of ordinary thin jelly and generally cov- ered with a sulphur-colored powder. After the jelly-mass has increased in size to a certain point it breaks up into little clusters which afterwards develop fruit-bodies more or less like the brown plumes spoken of above. Another kind of slime-mould crawls up the stems of various plants in meadows and deposits itself upon the leaves in little foam-patches looking very much like drops of spittle. There are some insects which make similar spittle-masses on leaves and an expert investigation is necessary to determine whether such objects are insect products or the plant bodies of slime-moulds. Some slime-moulds have the power of incrusting their tiny fruit-bodies with lime which they extract from their soil or from rain-water that falls upon them. Such forms are often observed in Minnesota upon dead wood, or fallen leaves, generally in moist shady places in the. deep forest. Sometimes the fruit- bodies are almost round, resembling the familiar pills of the homeopathist. In other species they are worm-like, coiled like loose snail-shells, but very much smaller, yet not so small that they cannot easily be discovered if searched for in the places that they have chosen. A few slime-moulds will be encountered among mosses, forming little brown scurfs upon the moss tuft or displaying themselves as yellowish patches around the bases of the leaves. None of these plants have any economic import- ance. The most conspicuous one in Minnesota occurs upon dead logs as pink, hemispherical bodies, about the size of the nnesota Plant Life. 29 end of one's finger. Usually these fruit-bodies are seen in clus- ters of a dozen or more. If one of them is cut into it will be discovered that the interior consists of a brown moist powder, which when dry blows away in an impalpable dust. In a single fruit-body such as one of these, millions of spores originate which, washed away by the rains or blown about through the atmosphere, may fall upon suitable decaying substances, open and liberate each its tiny bit of living jelly that by itself or with the assistance of others gradually builds up a new r plant-body. Algae. The plants known as algae secure their best develop- ment in the sea, where under the name of sea-weeds they are universally known and many of them admired for their beauty of color and gracefulness of form. Of the algae there are five principal groups; i, bacteria; 2, blue-green algae; 3, bright- green algae; 4, brown algae; 5, red algae. The red algae and brown algae are chiefly marine, although a few varieties of at least the red group are found in the fresh w r aters of Minnesota. Most of the algae in fresh waters belong to the blue-green or bright-green groups, while those lowly and most extraordinary of plants, the bacteria, are of such various occurrence in soil, water, air, and the bodies of other organisms that I shall con- sider them in a special chapter. Blue-green algae. The plants of this group may generally be recognized by their bluish-green color, approaching some- times the hue' of verdigris and never the pure grass-green which distinguishes the bright-green group. One of the most com- mon of them is the so-called "water flower" which in summer develops in such vast quantities in the lakes of Minnesota. The tiny, bluish, jelly-ball of the water-flower, ordinarily not larger than a pin-head, if examined closely will be found to have a bub- ble of gas at the centre, by means of which it floats. If this bubble is analyzed by chemical methods it will be ascertained to be more highly oxygenized than the atmosphere. It is pro- duced by the growth-activities of the plant and incidentally serves the important purpose of keeping it near the surface of the water where it may obtain the light. At Lake of the Woods I have seen these plants in such enormous numbers that the water looked more like green paint than lake-water and at Lake Minnetonka the cottagers often complain of the abundance of 30 Minnesota Plant Life. the water-flower and inquire for methods of exterminating it. There is, however, no practicable way of destroying it, for if the water should be poisoned enough to kill the water-flower other living things, pond-lilies, bulrushes and bass would also disap- pear. Structure of the water-flower. A microscopic examination of the water-flower will show that each tiny jelly-ball consists of a number of delicate algal threads intertwined and imbedded in a common mass of jelly which they secrete. When a jelly- ball becomes sufficiently large it commonly breaks in two and the pieces continue growing as before. If the jelly be dissolved hundreds of tiny coiled threads escape from it and multiply, developing hundreds of new jelly-balls. In the autumn these little creatures drop to the bottom of the lake, or remain in a dormant condition frozen in the ice until the warmth of another season stimulates them into renewed activities. Larger jelly-balls, in appearance very much like green plums, but with the characteristic bubble of gas at the centre are often found floating in ponds. These belong to another species of blue-green algae but they are closely related to the water-flower and their structure and life-habits are not essentially different. Still another variety of blue-green algae is common as little hemispherical lumps an eighth of an inch in diameter attached upon the stems of bulrushes, just beneath the surface of the water. Still other kinds form tufts and stringy masses several inches in length floating near the surface of stagnant pools. A curious form which has lost the blue-green color, and may be classed also as a bacterium, is sometimes found growing in the outlets of springs, where it resembles a mass of iron rust dis- solved in water. The red color is not a deception for it is ac- tually due to iron oxide extracted from the water by the micro- scopic filaments of the plant. Rock-forming algae. Some of the blue-green algae have the power of encrusting themselves with lime, and in watering- troughs and tanks there sometimes occurs a calcareous forma- tion reminding one of the deposit in old tea-kettles. Such a crust is true limestone extracted from the water by the chemical activities of the algae. Upon a large scale the blue-green algae play their part in the formation of rock. The best place in Minnesota Plant Life. America and, indeed, in the world, to observe their action is at the Yellowstone National Park, where great masses of traver- FIG. 8. Portion of a board which had been standing in the tank shown in fig. 10. It is en- crusted with lime stone deposited by a colony of blue-green algae. After photograph by Miss Josephine E. Tilden. From the Botanical Gazette. tine and sinter are formed, covering acres around the hot springs in which the blue-green rock-forming algae find a congenial home. Travertine is a kind of limestone; sinter is a kind of 32 Minnesota Plant Life. silica or sand rock and it therefore appears that not only can some blue-green algae extract lime salts from the water, but other varieties can form quartz as well. No doubt very much of the limestone and even of the granite that occurs in ledges over the continent was begun in ancient warm seas by the action of organisms similar to the blue-green algae, while at the Yel- lowstone Park, or upon a smaller scale in one's watering trough, the same rock-forming processes are still going on. Skin-algae. Still another variety of blue-green alga produces broadly expanded membranes, or skins, along the bottom of springs, and on pebbles in streams or lakes. In general the plants of this group may be recognized by their color and they are among the lowest of the algae. Chapter IV. Bright-green Algae* By far the greater number of Minnesota algae belong to this group. Pond-scums. Probably the most easily recognized is the familiar pond-scum, which is by many people regarded with aversion and is supposed to be in some mysterious way con- nected with the presence of frogs. If the slimy bright-green scum.be lifted from the pool, taken upon the fingers and closely examined, it will be seen to consist of long delicate unbranched hairs., .not much thicker than a spider's web. As it dries in the hand it curls and sh-rivels, but under the microscope the hairs are beautiful objects. They are jointed and in each joint lie coiled one or more green bands, like ribbons in a glass jar. By means of the green bands the plant can construct starch out of the carbonic-acid gas in the bubbles of air scattered near it through the water, using also the water itself in the process. By the breaking of the threads between their joints the plant abund- antly propagates itself throughout the summer. When autumn arrives a very remarkable breeding-habit comes into play. Two of the pond-scum threads extend them- selves close together in the patch and from the joints of each, little protuberances arise which become blended into tunnels, uniting ordinarily the joints of one filament to the neighboring joints of an adjacent filament. Through such tunnels the entire living contents of one joint creep over and combine with the living contents of a neighboring joint. The fused-body then contracts like a sponge, expressing much of its sap and secreting about itself a firm clear membrane. After such a process, repeated throughout the patch of algae, the walls of the old joints may slowly break or dissolve, and the hundreds or thou- sands of oval fused-bodies, inclosed in their special membranes drop to the bottom of the pool, where they lie dormant until the 34 Minnesota Plant Life. following spring. Then each membrane dissolves or breaks and the fused-body extends itself into a new pond-scum thread, becoming jointed as it grows and elaborating in each of the joints the green ribbons by means of which it pro- duces its food from water and carbonic-acid gas just as did its parents the preceding season. By the breaking in pieces of this filament in the way that has been described and by the subsequent growth of the pieces a large patch of scum, enough to cover the surface of a small pool, will be produced before the summer is at an end. Desmids. Related to the pond-scum are a large number of tiny crescent-shaped and star-shaped plants called desmids. These are often particularly well-developed in the water of peat-bogs, so that if one goes to the nearest tamarack swamp and brings away a tumbler full of water which he has squeezed out from among the peat-mosses, and sets the tumbler in the window, within a few hours a green film of desmids will be likely to form upon the side of the glass turned toward the light. Like the pond-scums these little plants have their breed- ing habits and like them they are able to maintain and distribute themselves throughout the water of their pool. If in the autumn, the pool becomes dry, the little eggs of the desmids lying among the particles of soil may be caught up by the wind and carried to distant pools where they continue developing as before. Rolling algae. Not uncommon in Minnesota is another bright-green alga which appears in quan- tity in pools as green globules somewhat smaller than pinheads. If placed in a saucer of water and observed closely one of these green globules will be seen to roll over and over in the water and make its way from one side of the saucer to the other. It does this because its surface is covered with tiny contractile threads, which lash about in the liquid like so many little whip- cords and roll the whole ball from one point to another as the FIG. 9. Portion of a pond-scum thread, show- ing how it is made up of transparent- walled cells with a coiled green ribbon in each, much magnified. After Atkin- son. Minnesota Plant Life. 35 needs of the plant may determine. Because of its rolling habit this little plant is called Volvox, or the rolling alga. Flower-pot algae. Somewhat related to the Volvox, but by no means so interesting an object, is the bright-green alga which forms a scurf on flower-pots in green-houses, upon curbstones near hydrants, upon the foundation stones of houses standing upon damp places, upon damp soil, and often upon fallen trees in the deep forest. A microscopic examination of the green FIG. 10. Patches of pond-scum floating in a tank. A lime-encrusting alga grows on the boards up to high-water mark. Near Minneapolis. After photograph by Mr. R. W. Squires. scurf on a flower-pot would show that it is made up of countless very tiny green spheres, fifty of which could be laid side by side across the dot over a lower case "i" on this page. The way in which these little plants multiply is as follows : While they are finding food in plenty in the moisture about them, the con- tents of each of the spheres will be seen to divide into two, four or eight smaller balls. The membrane of the old sphere then dissolves and the little balls tumble out and grow to the size of 36 Minnesota Plant Life. the one which produced them. This process .is rapidly repeated and in a few days such a geometric progression will bring into existence an enormous number. A variation of the process sometimes occurs when there is an unusual abundance of mois- ture, as after a heavy rain. Each of the little balls formed under these circumstances is provided with a pair of extremely delicate lashes by means of which it propels itself through the water with a curious rotating and wabbling movement, something like that of a rifle-ball, only, of course, very much slower. It takes some moments to travel an inch, yet, on account of the very small size of the plant, its movements viewed under a microscope seem fairly agile. Red snow. The famous red-snow plant, which is found upon mountain heights in the Alps, in Bolivia^ or in the Selkirks, is a relative of the green-slime so common upon flower-pots in the Minnesota conservatories. The color of the red-snow plant is adapted, no doubt, to the cold region which it has chosen for growth, and, in general, red coloring substances in plants have been described as warining-up colors thus the autumn leaves turn red not because they are dying but for very much the same reason that men wear overcoats and woolens. Redness may be regarded as one of the plant's ways of protecting itself against a low or falling temperature. Water-nets. Among the bright-green algae a conspicuous but not extremely common form in Minnesota is the water-net. This plant grows in quiet pools and resembles very much a piece of green mosquito-bar rolled up in an irregular cylinder, three or four inches long, and an inch or more in diameter. Each side of a mesh in the net is a joint or cell of the plant, and in each cell the living contents have the power of arranging them- selves into a tiny net. When the wall of an old cell dissolves the tiny net begins to grow, enlarging all of its mesh-sides equally, until it has become as large as its parent. Besides this propagative process the water-net has the power of breeding somewhat as does the pond-scum, and produces curious little microscopic jackstone-shaped fused-bodies which remain dor- mant at the bottom of pools during the winter months. A great variety of bright-green algae are found growing upon peb- bles, upon the stems of submerged vegetation and upon twigs or Minnesota Plant Life. 37 branches which have fallen into the water. Their characters are all more or less similar to those which have been already de- scribed. Leaf-dwelling algae. One remarkable alga, very rare in Min- nesota, is found in a peculiar habitat. On the leaves of the jack-in-the-pulpit there may occasionally be noticed watery blis- ters, in which, under the epidermis of the leaf, slender green threads branch and grow, giving a pale green tint to the central portion of the blister. Here is an example of a parasitic alga, forms similar to which are more frequent upon leaves in tropical forests than in temperate regions. Sphere-algae. Another bright green alga which appears to be uncommon in Minnesota, but sometimes forms floating tufts of slender green threads in the waters of overflowed meadows, is remarkable for its production of true eggs and spermatozoids. As in the pond-scum, each thread of the body is an unbranched row of joints or cells all of which are shaped like long glass cylinders closed at each end. In some of these cells the living contents break up into a dozen or more spherical green eggs, which lie close against the wall of the mother-cell and, by fer- ments which they secrete, make little punctures. Other cells of the filament convert their contents into thousands of motile spermatozoids which dart about in the cell-cavity in a compli- cated dance which finally results in some of them perforating the wall, and through the apertures all escape into the water. After swimming about for a time many of them find their way through the pin-holes which the eggs had made in the walls of their mother-cells. They enter the egg-mother-cells and one of them buries itself in the substance of each egg. When the eggs in a tube have been thus fecundated each encloses itself in a spiny membrane, assumes an orange color, and after the wall of the mother cell has broken or dissolved each fused-body escapes into the water and divides internally into a little group of spores. The spores in turn escape and develop new filaments of the alga. This alga is called the sphere-alga on account of the tubes full of spherical eggs which characterize it. Green felts. Among the other algae of this group should be mentioned the green-felts which form plush-like masses in springs and ditches. They are remarkable for the unjointed 38 Minnesota Plant Life. character of their filaments and their breeding habits remind one in some respects of the sphere-alga, for they form true eggs and spermatozoids. Bass-weeds. Of all the algae of Minnesota, the largest and most conspicuous are the bass-weeds. These plants are familiar to fishermen because tufts of them are commonly entangled by trolling-hooks which have been dragging along the bottom out- side the bulrushes. The bass-weeds have stems the thickness of a knitting needle, with distinct nodes and internodes. Upon the nodes whorls of branches are produced and upon the branches subsidiary leaflets. The whole plant, in the more common form, is encrusted with a limestone deposit, which gives it a brittle and stony feeling to the touch. Hence these plants are also called stone-worts. Many of them have the habit of forming diminutive bulbs which separate and serve to propa- gate the plant, and they also produce near the bases of their leaflets very definite oval, brown eggs, not much larger than a pin-point and inclosed in a little spirally twisted jacket of cells leaving an opening at the top through which the spermatozoids can enter. The spermatozoids are derived from curious little spherical organs of a reddish color, and each spermary, not larger than a small pin-head, forms as many as 30,000 actively moving spermatozoids, thousands of which are destined to be lost in the water, but enough are produced so that the eggs are reasonably certain of fecundation and may then, after a dormant period which extends over the winter months, develop into new bass-weed plants. During the cold weather the eggs and many of the propagative bulbils lie safely at the bottom of the lake too deep to be injured by the frosts. Some varieties of bass-weeds, slenderer than the others, are not provided with the limestone sheath which characterizes the more common form, but may be recognized by their general similarity of structure. When taken out of the water they are limp, though not slimy like the pond-scums. Bass-weeds form an extremely abundant vegetation, generally distributing them- selves in the deeper waters of a lake, outside the zone of pond- weeds, or of bulrushes. Sometimes they are very common in shallow waters, and I have seen them in Glenwood lake, and in some of the northern lakes of Minnesota, growing vigorously in water only a few inches deep. Chapter V. Brown Algae and Red Algae* Brown algae. Almost all of the true brown algae are marine and they are remarkable as comprising the longest plants in the world. It is a popular impression that the big-trees of Cali- fornia, the Eucalypti of Australia and the Rotang palms of Java and the Orient are the longest-stemmed plants in existence. This, however, is a mistake for some of the gigantic seaweeds of the Antartic ocean extend their stems for over a thousand feet, making them nearly three times as long as the trunk of the tallest big-tree in Calaveras county, California. Such huge brown algae are not unknown along the sea-coast of the United States, and the giant kelp of Puget sound sometimes reaches a length of more than three hundred feet. By means of its long cable- like axis, it attaches itself to the rocks and floats its immense leaves many fathoms out upon the surface of the sea. Other brown sea-weeds develop enormous strap-shaped leaves in tufts, attached by hold-fasts to the rocks. Some of them have their leaves perforated with numerous holes, an adaptation to prevent them from being torn by the waves. In the fresh waters of Min- nesota no such forms as these are to be found and the most abundant ones are doubtfully to be classed as brown algae at all, but from their brownish or olive-green color they may here be considered as if certainly members of the group. Diatoms. In the early spring, in rivers, one often finds olive- green membranous masses as large as one's closed fist floating idly at the water's edge. An examination of them would show that they consist of great numbers of microscopic boat-shaped bodies, with clear glassy walls and olive-green or brown con- tents. Such algae are known as diatoms. They sometimes occur in great fossil deposits, and in this condition are much prized for polishing powder. The walls of the diatom cells 4O Minnesota Plant Life. have the power of depositing in their interstices, silica, and it is this which gives the polishing quality to the fossil powder. Some diatoms are provided with slender gelatinous stalks, by means of which they attach themselves to objects under the sur- face of the water, but many of them are free-swimming organ- isms. The exact mechanism by which they swim has long been a puzzle to students of the group, for they are not, like the switn- ming cells of the green-slime which grows on flower-pots, pro- vided with conspicuous lashes by means of which they roll them- selves through the water. Most of them seem to have, how- ever, extremely small apertures in their walls through which the living substance probably protrudes itself and sets up an agitation in the water, so that the tiny boat moves mysteriously across the field of view of the microscope like some infinitesimal electric launch. Red algae.. This group like the brown algae is essentially marine and but few forms are found in the fresh waters of Min- nesota. In rapidly flowing streams or under cataracts certain kinds display their red bodies, appearing as delicate plumes a few inches in length or as little pink or purple plates an eighth of an inch or less in diameter. Their structure is more compli- cated than that of any of the algae which have been considered. They are supplied with egg-cells from which long cylindrical protuberances are developed. The spermatozoids, unlike those of the sphere algae, have no swimming lashes and are, therefore, carried to the protuberances of the eggs by currents of water, or by the ministration of aquatic insects, recalling in this latter adaptation the extraordinary relation which exists between insects and flowers. When, however, a little spherical spermato- zoid comes in contact with the slender cylinder developed on the egg-cell, it adheres and fuses and, as a result of its stimula- tion, from the egg are thrust out branches which finally develop spores, and thus the plant persists from one generation to another. Some kinds of red algae are so faintly red that they would be mistaken for brown algae, if color alone determined the classi- fication. Such are certain rather stiff, wire-like plants, spar- ingly branched and preferring for the most part the same rapid foaming water which the easily recognizable varieties select as Minnesota Plant Life. ^ r an habitation. Yet on account of their various structural pecu- liarities botanists assign them to the group of red algae. General remarks about algae. The account that has been given is very elementary and the reader must remember that it covers perhaps as many as a thousand varieties, most of which, are species of bright-green algae and diatoms. None of the fresh-water algae has any great economic importance. Some sea-weeds are employed in the manufacture of iodine, others, especially the kelps, as fertilizing material for farms near the sea-shore. The "Irish moss," as it is called, is a red alga and is used for food ; when cooked it is a kind of blanc-mange. In China several other kinds of sea-weed are regarded as edible. The Indian fishermen in Alaska use the stem of the giant kelp as siphons and for fishing lines. In Minnesota the algae are sometimes rather noxious than useful. Blue-green algae in decaying masses are known to give to the water a characteristic pig-pen odor which is very offensive. It is at times a difficult problem to prevent them from vitiating aqueducts and reser- voirs, and cattle are reported to have been poisoned by drinking water which contained their rotting remains. It is, therefore, not the water which contains the bright grass-green pond-scums that is so objectionable, though on account of the slimy charac- ter of these plants they are more repugnant to most people than the verdigris-colored water-flower. Cattle should not be allowed to drink from pools in which the algal vegetation is of a blue- green shade, but no injury is likely to result if the scums are bright-green. In past time it should be remembered that certain lime- secreting-algae and silica-secreting algae have no doubt done their part in creating the building-stones of the state. Even the quartzites and the granites may be the modified sinter deposits from some hot-water algal vegetation of former ages. In the sea, to-day, countless millions of algae are busy building coral- reefs similar to those produced by the coral polyp, while nearer home, in Lake Michigan, limestone pebbles have been found to be produced by the concretionary growth of lime-secreting algae. I have not yet found any of these algal pebbles in the lakes of Minnesota, but it is probable that they occur. If any one should chance to find calcareous pebbles the size of an egg, 42 Minnesota Plant Life, which upon being broken have a moist bluish-green interior or are hollow, he will doubtless have discovered a growth of rock- forming algae. Algae the oldest kinds of plants. The great group of algae is of peculiar interest to students of nature because it includes the oldest types of plants living upon the earth. There is reason to suppose that life originated in the sea, and that all the terrestrial forms are descendants of those which in distant epochs learned to leave the ocean and establish themselves upon the land. One reason for supposing this is that in distant peri- ods of the earth's history there was very little land in existence, and almost the whole surface of the globe was covered by the waters of the ocean. No doubt, at first, before the ocean had cooled, when the world was still young, warm-water algae, among which the rock builders are so prominent, came into being and began their work perhaps among the very first living creatures of all the hosts that now exist. Some varieties of land- plants at present, as for example the mosses and liverworts, show clearly in their structure their relationship to the algae, and serve as connecting links between the great primal flora of the ocean and the modern flora of the land. The algae, then, are the forms from which all other plants are supposed to have orig- inated. The history of life upon the earth is one of constant improvement, and as land appeared improved forms of algae tenanted it, and may have given rise to all the myriad higher species of forest and prairie as they are now exhibited over the continents of the world. And finally there are very many excel- lent reasons for regarding the continents themselves to have arisen largely through the activities of living organisms a proc- ess that may be observed continuing even in these days if one should visit the coral-islands of the south seas, those enchanted atolls of the Pacific. Chapter VI. The Lower Sorts of Fungi. Number of fungi in Minnesota. While there are nearly 200,- ooo known species of flowering plants in existence, there have been described only about 50,000 species of fungi. Yet in Min- nesota, while there are but 2,500 or 2,600 flowering-plants grow- ing without cultivation there are probably not less than 3,000 fungi, so that the state furnishes a field for the development of a greater comparative proportion of fungi than of flowering plants. Like the mosses and liverworts, the fungi are believed to have arisen from primitive algal types and students recognize two principal series. The lower series known as the algal fungi, the structure of which is more directly suggestive of algae, is much poorer in forms than the higher series of true fungi in which all the peculiar fungal structures and characters have had an opportunity to be unfolded. Black moulds. Of the algal fungi a very widely distributed group is that of the moulds. Among these the black mould is omnipresent, and easily cultivated. If a slice of bread be dipped in water, placed in a saucer, a tumbler inverted over it and then set in a warm place, perhaps behind the kitchen stove, in a few days the tumbler will be filled with a white cloud of fungus threads and presently little black, spherical spore-cases will arise at various points on the fungus network. The white threads are the vegetative plant-body of the mould; the black knobs (white when young), smaller than a pin-head, are the fruit-bod- ies. The black color of each fruit-body is occasioned by the presence, in a swollen cell, of some hundreds of little black spores, which have developed by the division of the living con- tents of their mother-cell or spore-case. When the spore-cases are broken and the living powder is disseminated, it is caught in air currents and is held suspended in the atmosphere to such 44 Minnesota Plant Life, an extent that in the dust of the air in every living' room in Min- nesota, hundreds of such spores are already floating. It is nec- essary, therefore, only to dip the slice of bread in water and set it aside, for the spores which have fallen upon it in the process to begin their development. It would be a mistake to suppose that moulds originate spontaneously. A mould plant can no more come into existence without the cooperation of some mould-spore than could an oak-tree without the assistance of an acorn. It is because of the presence almost everywhere of incal- culable numbers of mould spores floating invisibly in the atmos- phere that this seeming spontaneity of development impresses one. There are, however, many places where bread will not quickly mould if set out in a saucer, for example, if carried to some high mountain top where the air is pure and free from spores, or if exposed in a chamber which has been purified and sterilized by a spray of carbolic acid. The black moulds have a breeding habit reminding one of the pond-scums. Two of the white threads close together or touch- ing each other, may develop little side branches the ends of which blend and gradually convert themselves into a black fused-body with very much the character of a fecundated egg and capable of growing into a new mould thread. Other kinds of moulds. There are several other varieties of moulds belonging to this group of algal-fungi, but the well- known blue-moulds, or green-moulds, with their verdigris col- ored fruit-bodies are classified in a higher group. Some of the moulds have curious habits. One, called the pill-throwing mould, produces a mass of spores upon the end of a filament, then underneath this mass there develops a swollen cell in which pressure is exerted, so that after a time the mass of spores is shot off into the air by the explosive mechanism of the stalk-cell. Moulds on moulds. Still another mould has the peculiarity of attaching itself to the vegetative body of .the black mould. It lives as a kind of mould-louse, extracting its nutriment from the body of the larger and more vigorous black mould. A plant which thus fastens itself upon another living creature and absorbs nutriment from it to the injury of the host is called a parasite. Minnesota Plant Life 45 Fly-cholera fungi. Related to the moulds are the singular fly-cholera fungi. Many persons will have noticed sticking to the window-panes in autumn the dead bodies of flies surrounded for some distance by a faint yellowish film upon the glass. This film consists of spores of the fly-cholera fungus which have been shot into the air by a mechanism similar to that described for the pill-throwing mould. The vegetative body of the fly-fungus lives within the body of the fly where, growing luxuriantly, it interferes with the life-processes of the insect, kills it, and con- verts a large portion of its body into food for its own use. Other flies approaching the infected individual are peppered with the tiny spores of the fungus, or they receive the contagion while walking upon an infected window pane or in a spore-strewn cor- ner. In this way every autumn unnumbered millions of flies are killed. A closely related cholera-fungus Attacks the Rocky mountain locust and is of great economic importance because it keeps this dangerous insect in check. Still other varieties attack other insects, but these two will serve as examples. Cell-parasites. There are a large number of microscopic algal-fungi of very curious behavior. Some of them find their way into the skin-cells of flowering plants and there live as para- sites, while others insinuate themselves into the eggs of algae and devour them. Some of them are found in the soft sub- stance of swamp plants ; some may be discovered in pond-scum filaments where they consume the cell-contents ; some find their way into desmid cells and destroy them ; some enter the pollen- grains of flowering-plants, notably of the pines, and feed upon the living contents. They invade the diatoms and various algae ; they infect the spongy tissues of the peat-mosses ; they penetrate the wall of fish-mould eggs and by their omnivorous habits impress it upon us that no organism is too small or incon- spicuous to escape its enemies. Fish-moulds. Related to the fungi which sometimes injure their eggs are those surprising organisms, the fish-moulds, that are often found forming gray fur coats on the bodies of dead minnows or dead frogs. They are especially unwelcome in fish hatcheries where they attack the eggs of the fish and destroy them. Some varieties are found upon the dead bodies of aquatic insects and others grow upon decaying substances when sub- 46 Minnesota Plant Life. merged in the water, although the majority are parasitic upon living plants or animals, or make the dead bodies of these their habitat. The life of a fish-mould differs from that of the black mould in some important particulars from its being an aquatic organism. Its spores are not mere passive spheres of micro- scopic size like those of the black mould, but are provided with swimming lashes, so that they may propel themselves through the water in search of other fish or insects upon the bodies of which they may be fortunate enough to obtain a lodgment. One fungus related to the fish-moulds, not yet discovered in Minne- sota, but possibly occurring somewhere within the state, is noteworthy in botanical annals as being the only fungus known to produce motile spermatozoids like those of the algae and, as will be seen later, of the ferns and mosses. Mildews. Closely related to the fish-moulds are the mildews. These are fungi which live as parasites upon land plants. A striking example of the group is the mildew of mustards, which occasions a rotting of the stems and leaves in the shepherd's- purse. Another causes a rotting of potato tops and is one of the most serious diseases of the potato with which cultivators have to contend. Still another which occurs in Minnesota is the mildew of the grape-vines, inducing the leaves to wither and decay. The lives of mildews are in many respects similar to those of the fish-moulds, but with certain differences owing to their non-aquatic habits. For example, the mildew of the vine when it attacks the leaves goes about the task somewhat in this fashion. From the air, into which from other mildewed leaves the spores have been projected, certain spores come to fall upon the surface of a healthy leaf. They lie upon the skin of the leaf and extend little infecting tubes which crawl around upon the surface of the leaf until they find one of the air-pores with which the leaf is provided for respiratory and vapor-excretory pur- poses of its own. Into such apertures the fungus insinuates itself, and as its infection-tube crawls beneath the skin of the leaf among the soft cells filled with leaf-green and starch, it finds there plenty of food material. Into each cell it drives a little sucking organ and extracts the nutritive substances and converts them into its own body. Going thus from cell to cell it finally saps the life of so many of them that the usefulness of Minnesota Plant Life. 47 the leaf is destroyed, and thus the vigor of the whole vine is defi- nitely impaired. When the mildew has accumulated in this manner sufficient nutriment for its needs it puts forth a branch which grows out through one of the air-pores of the leaf and here, in the open air, spore cells are formed. These are sepa- rated from the branch which produced them and are carried away by wind-currents to other vine leaves. Moreover the mil- dew within the tissues of the leaf breeds after its fashion, form- ing little spherical eggs which after they have been fecundated divide up internally into a considerable number of tiny motile bodies, provided with lashes, so that, when the rotting mass of the leaf has broken down after some rain, these motile cells can be washed out and swim to fresh parts of the leaf or fall with the rain drops to other leaves upon the same plant. Such egg- cells of the mildew serve to bridge over the winter season, and it is, therefore, important, if potatoes, vines, or lettuce should be in the habit of mildewing, that all dead leaves in the autumn should be burned. This diminishes for the following season the danger from fresh infection. Chapter VII. Smuts and Rusts. Higher fungi. The plants already described may suffice as examples of the algal fungi. The higher or "true" fungi con- stitute a very large group of various forms, some of which are parasitic, attaching themselves to the bodies of plants or of animals, while others live upon decaying organic matter. No fungus has leaf-green and consequently no fungus can manu- facture starch out of carbonic-acid-gas and water, but its nutri- tion is rather animal-like, in that there must be provided more -complex food-substances. A fungus cannot live on a diet prin- cipally of air, salts and water as do the algae, mosses, ferns and most flowering plants. Smuts. Among the higher fungi the smuts are a well-known group. Every one is familiar with the smut of Indian corn which occasions the appearance of great distorted kernels, many times as large as the ordinary ones, composed almost entirely of smut threads and a very copious black mass of smut spores. Other kinds of smut are found upon oats, upon wheat, upon millet-grass, upon sedges, and upon sand-burrs. Generally the smut spore-masses develop themselves in the seed-areas of plants, and substitute for the seed their own fruit-bodies. Hence the smut fruit-body in the Indian corn takes the form of a greatly enlarged corn kernel and the stinking smut of wheat fills the wheat grain with a mass of spores, allowing the wheat to produce only the shell of the fruit while the interior is a solid mass of smut. Sometimes a whole flower-cluster is infected as in the sand-burr smut. In a few plants the stamens are attacked by smut fungi and an example is furnished by the corn-cockle, a weed belonging to the pink family and to be met with in cul- tivated fields. Here the stamens, when mature, open in the or- dinary way to cast out their pollen, but if the smut that some- Minnesota Plant Life, 49 times affects them has gained a foothold, they might as well save themselves the trouble, for all the pollen grains will have been destroyed and in their place will be the spores of the smut. Peat-moss smut. Still another kind of smut develops its spores in the capsules of the peat-moss, and under such condi- tions when the capsule opens to eject its spores there are no moss-spores present, but only the smaller black reproductive cells of the smut. Until recently this condition of things caused bot- anists to labor under a misappreherlsion concerning the life- history of the peat-moss and in most of the books peat-mosses are described as producing two kinds of spores, some large and others small. The supposed small spores of the peat-moss are, however, not peat-moss spores at all, but are developed on a par- asitic plant which has the interesting habit of forming them in exactly the same little round capsule which the peat-moss had been to the pains of developing for its own spores. The life of a smut. A large number of plants in Minne- sota are affected by smuts and sometimes two or more va- rieties will be attacked by the same kind. More often, how- ever, the smuts which are found on different kinds of higher plants are themselves specifically distinct. The life of a smut is interesting because it is typical of the manner in which many parasitic fungi develop. There may be selected for description the stinking smut of wheat. Inside the affected kernels clusters of spores are formed which upon the breaking of the kernels, during the threshing o f the wheat or while it is being shovelled about in bins or while it is standing in its head, are liberated and fall upon the ends of other uninfected kernels. There they are caught in the little hairs which are present at the germinal end, and when the wheat kernel is sown and germinated the smut spores germinate also and their delicate threads grow in the tis- sues of the wheat plant keeping pace with the host as it extends higher and higher into the air. When the wheat flowers are formed and the rudiments of the fruits begin to appear some of the smut filaments grow into the young kernels and, as these develop, the smut filaments begin dividing themselves into spore-cells, exerting a disintegrating effect upon the interior of the kernel, so that finally one thus infected becomes filled with thousands of spores of the smut. The process may then be re- 5 50 Minnesota Plant Life, peated and thus smut is perpetuated from year to year. On account of the habits of the smut it is a disease of grain which can be eradicated by the intelligent farmer, if he will take the trouble to kill all the smut-spores which are clinging to the hairy ends of his seed-wheat kernels. This can be done by "blue- stoning," or by immersing the seed-wheat for five minutes in wa- ter of 132 degrees Fahrenheit. By such means the vitality of the smut spores is destroyed, for they are exposed at the end of the grain while the wheat plantlet itself inside the kernel is pro- tected by the firm fruit-wall and is not injured by the poison or by the heat. By such methods if generally and continuously employed, it would be possible to terminate the enormous finan- cial losses which farmers in Minnesota and the Northwest sus- tain from the various cereal smuts. Rusts. Related to the smuts are a variety of plants which may for convenience be grouped under the general name of rusts. Of these a great many different kinds exist in Minne- sota. They infest the leaves of numerous species of plants, the Labrador tea, the pines, spruces, and tamaracks, the golden- rods, asters, thistles, bellworts and poplars, the flax, willows, horsemints and sunflowers, the junipers, pears, apples, beans, violets and a great number of others. Wheat-rusts. The forms of greatest economic interest are the three sorts of rusts which attack wheat. There are over 700 different kinds of rusts belonging to the wheat-rust type, many of which occur on grasses, but the majority on numerous other varieties of plants. The wheat-rusts are among the most remarkable of fungi from the singular custom which they have of changing periodically their habitation from wheat to other plants. Not only do they change their place of abode, but they change their form and structure as well, so that it would be im- possible, unless one knew, to recognize the wheat-rust after it had migrated to one of the other plants upon which it has ac- quired the habit of developing. The three sorts of wheat-rust which occur in Minnesota alternate on different plants, one de- veloping on barberry leaves and probably also on the leaves of some other species which has not been identified, another re- appearing on buckthorn leaves, and a third on borage leaves. It must be remembered that these are three different varieties Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 11. Patches of wheat-rust, natural size and enlarged. The red nist stage. After Atkinson. of wheat-rust. They cannot convert themselves into each other but are independent plants as distinctly as are oats and rye. It is well-known that there are two stages of wheat-rust, one of which develops in the early summer and autumn and is known as the red rust, the other developing in late summer and autumn and known as the black rust. The char- acteristic colors of the two stages are given by masses of spores grow- ing in layers upon the plant-body of the rust which in turn consists of a network of parasitic threads living in the tissues of the wheat plant, the skin of which is burst by the fungus. It is the same plant body which produces the red spores forming red streaks on the wheat leaf that afterwards produces black spores in equally enormous numbers occasioning the black rust stage. The red or "summer" spores are ovoid, spiny bodies, properly described as single cells. Their walls are thinner than those of the black rust. The black, or "autumn" spores have smooth walls and are divided into two cells by a cross partition situated near the centre of the somewhat elongated and pointed or rounded body. Red- rust spores, when separated from their stalks by the wind, may be carried throughout the summer to other wheat plants, and thus the infection spreads possibly over a whole field. The black-rust spores remain dor- mant during the winter upon the stub- ble and debris of the field. In the spring each of the two cells of the black-rust spore develops a tiny jointed body upon which four very small thin-walled, colorless spore-cells are produced. Now is the time selected by the wheat-rust for the periodic change of habitation. It is known that the small spores thus produced do not so readily germinate if blown upon wheat plants, but FIG. 12. Patches of wheat-rust, nat- ural size and enlarged. The black rust stage. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. may find their way to the leaves of the barberry. When they fall upon the epidermis of such leaves they develop infection tubes, penetrate the skin and form a filamentous plant body within the soft inner tissues. At their time of fruiting they form two sorts of fruits, one upon the under side of the barberry leaves, known as cluster cups, the other, peculiar bottle-shaped fruits, upon the upper side. In the cup-shaped fruits large numbers of spherical orange-colored spores are produced which if blown away to a wheat field will infect the wheat. In the bottle- shaped fruits smaller elongated spores are formed, but it is not known how these germinate nor what becomes of them in the natural order of events. Barberries are by no means abundant in Minnesota, only a few of them existing in hedge rows, and while it is by no means inconceivable or absurd, on account of the winds which blow over the wheatfields of the Northwest, to suppose that barberries in the east might infect the wheat in Minnesota or the Dakotas, yet it is more probable, I think, that the wheat-rust passes its cluster-cup stage on some common Minnesota plant which has not yet been identified as maintaining this particular kind of rust, or that it omits altogether its cus- tomary migrations to other plants. It is apparent that such a disease as the rust offers difficulties to the economic farmer desirous of protecting his crop, far in excess of those presented by the smut, for while smut spores caught in the ends of the wheat kernels can be killed there by hot water, no practicable method exists of policing the atmos- phere and preventing rust spores from finding their way to the young wheat. Therefore, the most feasible plan for combatting wheat rust is by the development of so-called "rust proof" va- FiG. 13. Wheat-rust in its barberry -leaf stage; to the left a barberry leaf with diseased spots; in the middle, a sin- gle spot with cups; to the right, two of the cups, in top view slightly magnified. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. 53 rieties. While smut is, upon the whole, the easiest of the wheat- diseases to control, rust is the most difficult. The remarkable migratory habit of the wheat-rust and its allies coupled with the extraordinary change in form which the fungus assumes upon the different habitats gives rise to some very surprising conditions in rust life-histories. For after the migratory habit had been formed it would appear that some- times one or the other of the phases became extinct, so there are varieties of rusts which exist only in the cluster-cup phase, FIG. 14. Magnified section through a cluster-cup of the wheat-rust in its barberry-leaf stage. Shows chains of spore-cells. The large cells at the sides are those of the barberry leaf much magnified. After Atkinson. and others only in the red and black-rust phases. For a long time students of the fungi thought that the cluster-cups were entirely different from the rust, and it was only because people noticed more than a century ago that "barberry bushes," as the saying was, "blasted the wheat," that a hint was given to mod^ ern research, in consequence of which the astonishing behavior of the rust fungi is now more thoroughly understood. Relatives of the wheat-rust. Among the relatives of the wheat-rust there are some forms in Minnesota characterized by little peculiarities which enable botanists to classify them in dif- ferent genera. For example, the black-rust spores formed on 54 Minnesota Plant Life. some blackberries are three-celled instead of two-celled, and the cluster-cup masses on some gooseberries are developed upon protuberant filament-aggregates. Perhaps the three most re- markable forms are the pine-knot fungi which form knots some- times as large as bushel baskets upon the branches of pine trees, the so-called "cedar-apples," which occur as curious bunches, the size of one's thumb and armed with orange horns, on the junipers, and the witch's brooms on balsam trees. These latter are immense, disordered tangles of branchlets forming masses sometimes several feet in diameter. The disordered branching is caused by the growth of a rust-fungus of the cluster-cup sort in the substance of the twigs. When this fungus fruits it pro- duces its reproductive structures upon the leaves of the balsams, where they recall strikingly the rust produced on barberry leaves. The witch's broom is a notable object in the swamps of Minnesota. When large ones are developed on the balsam trees they look like great crows' nests up in the branches and very often birds and animals use the thick tangle of twigs to conceal their own dwelling places. On the spruce trees there is a similar tangle of branches produced by the agency of insects, but there is of course no development of the characteristic clus- ter-cup fruit-bodies upon the leaves. The related pine-knot fungus does not commonly fruit every year, but sometimes the whole surface of the knot will be found covered with the little orange pustules of the rust. Chapter VIII. Trembling Fungi, Club-fungi, Shelf-fungi and Mushrooms, Trembling fungi. Somewhat related to the rusts, although one would hardly suppose it from their appearance, are the sin- gular gelatinous yellow or pink wrinkled masses which are often found upon decaying logs in shady places. These cannot be mistaken for the plant-bodies of slime-moulds, because they are of a firmer cartilaginous texture. They are capable of produc- ing over their surface a layer of spores which when separated by the wind or rains may propagate them upon other suitable sub- strata. From their tremulous character these plants are some- times called "trembling fungi." Rather more highly organized but in the same general order of development are the leather- like gray skins which are often found upon the under sides of decaying twigs. Related forms are sometimes provided with little stalks and grow up cornucopia-like from the bark. Club fungi. Another family of fungi which includes forms not so very different from these skin-fungi, comprises also those which stand up on the forest-mould like little yellow Indian- clubs, an inch or two in height. The upper end of such club- fungi is swollen, and it is there that the spore-bodies are partic- ularly developed. Not all of the club-fungi are unbranched; but some of them are divided like the antlers of a deer, and yet others in which the branching is more copious grow in pearl- gray, yellow, white or pinkish tufts, several inches high, and covering spaces as large as a dinner plate. They may be rec- ognized by the generally erect habit of all the branches, so that their forms remind one of the branching of certain night-bloom- ing cereuses of the New Mexican desert. Commonly the branches are more or less cylindrical and blunt, but one form, which is not uncommon in hard-wood forests along river bot- toms in the southern part of the state, has all its branches 56 Minnesota Plant Life. shaped somewhat like clam shells, so that the whole plant-body, often several inches in diameter, seems to be composed of nu- merous white shells overlapping each other and all attached to a common base. Prickle-fungi. The prickle-fungi at least some of them might be mistaken for much branched forms of club-fungi ; but they can be distinguished by the general downward tendency of the branches, so that in a well-known species not uncommon in the valley of the St. Croix where it grows upon decaying tree- trunks, there is a coral-like aspect to the whole plant-body. This variety is generally white, or slightly yellowish, or yellow- HHHHHH||HHHHH|| I WHHHHHBnHHHHMHMaHH^ * , ., FIG. 15. Growth of club-fungi on decaying wood. After I y loyd. ish-brown in color, often as large as a man's head, and made up of a group of thick, irregular branches upon the under sides of which great numbers of prickles half on inch or more in length grow downward. Not all of the prickle fungi have exactly this kind of a plant-body. Some of them outwardly resemble toad- stools, and might be mistaken for them if one did not look upon the under side where he would discover instead of the radiating gills of the toadstool the whole under surface of the cap cov- ered with a growth of prickles. Upon the surface of these prickles the spores of the plant are developed, and by their co- operation the fungus is able to maintain itself from year to year. Minnesota Plant Life. 57 In these forms, however, and in many of those to follow, the conspicuous part of the plant is really nothing more than its highly developed fruit-body, while the vegetative portion con- sisting of a spongy or cottony substance lies imbedded in the decaying timber. Shelf-fungi. Related to the prickle-fungi are the well-known pore-fungi, or shelf-fungi, which are such familiar objects in the woods of Minnesota. Often they seem to be growing upon liv- ing trees, but it will be found upon examination that they have FIG. 16. Shelf-fungus growing on dead stump of oak tree. After photograph by Hibbard. attacked some wounded or dead portion of the trunk, for these fungi are none of them truly parasitic. They are more com- mon, indeed, upon dead timber, either prostrate or standing. Very pretty examples of shelf-fungi are abundant upon the birch-trees of Minnesota, and this particular species is known as the birch-tree pore-fungus. The fruit-bodies hang down somewhat like bells, are of a white color, not \voody but with much the consistency of. punk or cork. They grow larger from year to year, the new growth covering that of former summers, and every season a new layer of pores is produced upon the 58 Minnesota Plant Life. under side. In the Minnesota woods there are a great number of different kinds of pore-fungi which show characteristic dif- ferences of shape, size, thickness, color, texture, and endurance. One of them, called the sulphur-colored pore-fungus, which grows in very large masses is edible when young, but the great majority of them while not poisonous, are too tough, leathery and woody to be very appetizing. Some of them, indeed, no- tably the great shelves a foot or more across which occur upon oak trees, are almost as solid as the wood of the tree itself. Upon one occasion I noticed that in the pores of the under side of one of these fungi, a large number of mosquitoes had been caught by their legs and had afterwards been covered by a growth of cottony filaments of the fungus, and I wondered whether the plant might not derive some benefit from its ap- parent capture of insects and digestion of their bodies. It is not at all clear, however, that such a fungus should be included in the great category of flesh-eating plants, because it is a com- mon habit of the fruit-body to inclose small objects which chance to be in its way. Sometimes when these shelf-fungi grow near the ground they will be found with grass leaves pen- etrating them and in such cases it is not to be supposed that the grass leaf has grown through the fungus, but rather that the fungus has grown around and has enclosed the leaf. The pores of these interesting fungi are of different sizes and shapes. In some varieties they are almost invisible, they are so small. Other sorts have the pores much larger. In some the pores are circular, in others they are hexagonal or irregular in shape. In one kind which is common upon willows, form- ing fruit-bodies not more than two or three inches across, the pores are labyrinthine in shape, like the passages in the puzzle- gardens which are sometimes laid out in parks. There is con- siderable difference too in the upper surface of pore-fungi. Some of them are white and smooth as in the birch-tree form, while others are fuzzy. Some are hard and marked by annual rings showing where the growth of each year has jutted out beyond the growth of the previous year. Some are sticky, but rarely slimy in texture ; some are cartilaginous or horny to the touch, and many are spongy and soft. Minnesota Plant Life. 59 Different genera of shelf-fungi are established by botanists, principally upon the character of the pores. A genus which contains numerous highly poisonous species, is recognized by the readiness with which the pore-layer can be separated from the under side of the sterile portion of the fruit-body. One va- riety of these poisonous fungi is abundant in tamarack swamps throughout the state. The general shape of the plant is quite exactly like that of a toad-stool, a short thick stem rises from the ground, and on top of this a red cap is borne, from two to Pic,. 17. Upper and under sides of mushroom-like pore-fungus. After I_loyd. five or even more inches in diameter. The top is of a dull crim- son or maroon-red tint, with scale-like markings resembling a serpent's skin. Upon the under side will be seen a layer of large yellowish pores, separated from each other by thin parti- tion walls in which the coloring substance is developed. If one pulls off the cap of this fungus and breaks it in two he will find that the whole layer of pores is very easily peeled away from the rest of the cap. Suppose now that one of these pores was magnified until it was as large as an ordinary 6o Minnesota Plant Life. well. Then if one could enter it he would see the whole wall covered with ovoid spores, now apparently as large as ap- ples. Since the pores all open downwards it is easy to see that if the spores fall from their supports they will gradually if not immediately tumble out through the opening and may then be distributed by wind or water. It is altogether best never to eat any kind of a pore- fungus in which the pore- layer is readily separable from the rest of the fruit- body, although there are a few harmless varieties even in this generally dangerous group. Some shelf-fungi are not truly pore-fungi, but the under side is perfectly smooth or marked at best with 1 o w, longitudinal wrinkles. These may, per- haps, be considered as forms in which the pores have either not yet come to develop, or as varieties in which for some reason the pores have become shallower until finally they have been com- pletely lost. FIG. 18. A pore-fungus lying flat upon a decaying branch. After lyloyd. Minnesota Plant Life. 61 Mushrooms and toadstools. Related to the pore-fungi, and especially to those in which the pores are elongated or laby- rinthine, are the well-known mushrooms and toadstools. There is little systematic difference between mushrooms and toad- stools. People are in the habit of calling an edible toadstool a mushroom, and a poisonous mushroom a toadstool. The fact is that some of the species of the great mushroom ge- nus are edible while others are not, and it is often ex- tremely difficult even for an expert to distinguish be- tween edible and poisonous varieties. The following are very good rules to follow if one feels an uncontrollable inclination to experiment with mushrooms as an arti- cle of diet : Never eat a mushroom that is highly colored. Never eat a mushroom that has pink gills. Never eat a mushroom that seems to grow out of a little cup at the base. Never eat a mushroom that has a milky juice. Never eat a mushroom that changes color shortly after its substance is broken. Never eat a mushroom with a pungent odor. Never eat a mushroom with a sticky or slimy cap. Never eat an immature mushroom unless absolutely certain what sort of a form it will be when mature. None of these rules is absolute. There are exceptions to all of them, to some more than to others, but, together, they con- stitute a safe code and one cannot go far wrong in observing it. FIG. 19. Deadly variety of mushroom.' After Atkinson. Bulletin 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. vStation. This is sometimes known as the "poison cup." 62 Minnesota Plant Life. Yet a single rule, which I believe to be the best, is to eat no mushrooms of any sort unless quite sure that they are edible, for some of the deadliest poisons known to students of plant chem- istry are contained in the plants of this genus. One in partic- ular, which grows from a little cup at the base and spreads out a rather thin cap is so fatal that a small portion of it is sufficient to cause death. Still on the other hand, it is true that a great many edible species are to be obtained in the woods and fields of Minnesota, and it seems a pity that such excellent food should go to waste when there are many people who would be glad to avail themselves of this form of nature's bounty. FIG. 20. Under side of two mushroom-fruits. After Atkinson. Bull. 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station. All true mushrooms are characterized by the presence on the under side of the cap, of radiating gills or plates, hanging down like the ornamental tissue-paper decorations which are fancied by proprietors of butchers' shops. Except for this general char- acter their forms are various and some of them with long slender stalks and thin conical or expanded caps present a very different appearance from those with short, massive stalks and broad hemispherical caps. A few are devoid of definite stalks and protrude sideways from dead logs recalling quite exactly the shelf-fungi in their general habit of growth. The largest mush- rooms are found in pastures and along roadsides, lifting them- Minnesota Plant Life. 63 selves sometimes nearly a foot into the air, and provided with basin-shaped caps, six inches or more in diameter. Another overgrown form is common on decaying timber and has no central stalk but stands out somewhat like a bracket-shelf. Deliquescent mushrooms. Not all of the fungi with radiat- ing gills on the under side are classed by botanists as true mush- rooms. One sort, which comes up in the autumn, late in Sep- tember or in October, oozes into a black and filthy slime as it matures. When young the fruit-body is elongated, an inch or so in diameter, sometimes four inches in length, white in color, with blackish scale markings. In its early stages when properly FIG. 21. Common edible mushroom. After Atkinson. Bull. 138, Cornell Ag. Exp. Station. cooked this is one of the most delicious of edible fungi; but after it has begun to decay it is neither appetizing nor healthful. The habit that these mushroom-like fungi have of decaying is a device for scattering their spores. They are visited by insects and the spores are picked up in the general slime to which their presence gives the black color, and are then carried away to be deposited elsewhere. Miniature mushrooms. Another relative of the true mush- room is a very delicate little plant an inch or less in height growing upon decaying leaves in the forest or in wooded ra- vines. It has a shiny black cartilaginous stem like that of the maiden-hair fern and upon the top of this a white cap displays Minnesota Plant Life. a small number of loosely arranged gills on the under side. The diameter of the cap is often no more than one-eighth of an inch. P c I .2 Milk mushrooms. Still another close relative of the mush- room is the milk-mushroom. The various species of this genus are supplied with a milky juice, white or variously colored, Minnesota Plant Life. 65 which oozes out if the flesh, is broken. One kind with bluish gills and juice, gives off, when broken, a distinctive odor some- thing like that of prussic acid and is very deadly. It is not un- common under white pine trees in the northern part of the state. A considerable difference in durability exists among the mushrooms and their near relatives. Some of them are delicate and watery in texture, lasting but a few hours after they are mature. Others are spongy, or of a texture like punk, while those found for example on railway ties become hard and woody even before they are altogether mature. The true mushrooms are classified into five principal groups, depending upon the color of the spores, i. Forms with black spores. 2. Forms with dark-brown spores. 3. Forms with brown spores. 4. Forms with red or reddish-yellow spores. 5. Forms with white spores. Among the dark-brown spored forms are a number of edible species. Here is included the or- dinary edible mushroom which is cultivated for the market. It is an easy matter to determine the exact color of mush- : room spores by cutting off the cap close to the stem and laying it down on a piece of paper with the gills towards the paper. Within a few hours hundreds of thousands of spores will -fall to the paper, tracing there the gill-arrangement and demonstrating the precise color of the spores. If with the point of a pen-knife a few thousands of these spores be lifted and placed under a microscope, they will be found to be somewhat egg-shaped or spherical cells usually with smooth walls and provided each with a bit of living substance in the interior. They are produced in ' clusters of four all over the surface of the gills. The gills them- selves are made up of interlaced threads, which, when they come to the surface turn and grow perpendicular to it. Some of the threads expand their ends, upon which four little ears are pro- duced. The tip of each of these bulges out into a tiny egg- shaped spore. A very narrow neck connects each spore with its stalk and when ripe the spore drops off of itself. Chapter IX. Carrion-fungi and Puff-balls* Carrion-fungi. Another group of fungi not very closely re- lated to the mushrooms but properly to be considered at this point includes the stinkhorns or carrion-fungi. These are among the most remarkable of all plants. During summer and au- tumn they spring up in door yards from a subterranean vege- tative body which resembles a tangled mass of white rootlets. Upon some of these rootlets little knobs the size of a pin head will be found to arise just as in mushrooms. These grow rap- idly until they become almost as large as hens' eggs, when sud- denly the top of an egg is burst by the pressure of the grow- ing parts within and in a surprisingly short time there is pushed out a cylindrical stalk appearing very much as if it had been cut out of a loaf of bread, for it has the peculiar spongy texture of the well-raised loaf. This stalk is hollow and upon its top is borne a wrinkled cap perforated in the middle by an aperture. The surface of the wrinkled cap is covered with a slimy green- ish-black mass of spores and mucilage. Once seen this plant will never be forgotten. It may perhaps be described picto- rially as a vegetable confidence-game, for if there were any im- moral plants certainly this would be one. It has almost pre- cisely the odor of carrion and upon such an imitation of decay- ing flesh it bases its extraordinary method of distributing its spores. Attracted and deceived by the stench, various flies and burying beetles visit it and walk upon it apparently believing it to be what its odor indicates. They are even said to lay eggs upon it and to withdraw feeling no doubt that they have made that due provision for their young which their parental instincts suggest. During their investigations, however, they have in- advertently covered themselves with the sticky slime of the cap in which the spores of the plant are embedded and these they Minnesota Plant Life. 6 7 carry away and distribute, thus performing a work for the plant. But in a few hours the whole fruit-body decays and the eggs, if any had been entrusted to it under the apparently mistaken notion that it would be a good place for maggots to develop, all miserably perish. There seems to be no other way to describe such behavior except as obtaining service from the in- sect under false pretences, and if plants were really respon- sible creatures these carrion-fungi would doubtless find them- selves in some plant-penitentiary. Even more remarkable is the behavior of a Brazilian relative of the stinkhorn, which, in addition to all the devices that are employed by the Minnesota species, adds a conspicuous white veil, hanging down from the cap around the stalk. The veil is reported by travelers to be faintly phosphorescent at night and, if so, adds to the attractive influence which the plant might have upon night-flying insects. There are several species of stinkhorns in the northern United States, but up to the present time I have seen only three in Minnesota, one of which has a veil. It is quite certain, however, that others occur. The only way of eradicating them from a lawn, where they are offensive objects if produced in large numbers, is to dig up carefully and remove the underground portion, for if this is not done the plant will offer its repulsive fruits year after year. Truffle puff-balls. Some plants, not very distant relatives of the carrion fungus, produce their fruit-bodies entirely under- ground. Such forms may be described as subterranean puff- balls. They are not unlike the well-known truffle of the mar- kets in outward appearance, but are widely different in struc- ture. A few of them have been found growing in Minnesota woods. Dogs or pigs can be trained to dig them, finding them by their odor, and, indeed, this is the method which is used by truffle-hunters in the woods of Europe. Puff-balls. More familiar by far to the ordinary observer than these underground forms are the puff-balls which are so common in fields, pastures, woods and meadows throughout the state. A very considerable number of varieties of puff- balls may be found by any one who looks for them and is a close observer. One variety abundant in plowed fields, where it grows among the stubble after a corn or wheat crop has ripened, 68 Minnesota Plant Life. is the stalked puff-ball. This plant is distinguished by a gray stalk a quarter of an inch in diameter and two or three inches high. At its top is developed a little flattened spherical blad- der, perforate in the middle, within which are innumerable brown spores. If the skin is squeezed the spores puff out at the top like so much brown smoke, hence the common name, puff-ball, which is applied to this plant and its relatives. Other puff-balls have not the same slender stalk that has just been described. Several kinds are more or less pear-shaped, standing with the small end downward and variously marked in the different species. One variety is nearly smooth while another is covered with ._, tiny warts of different sizes, sometimes arranged in patterns over the sur- face. In others the sur- face is spiny and some- times the spines occur in little clusters, with their tops drawn together like the stems of corn when in the shock. If one of these puff-balls be cut lengthwise it will be seen that the lower part is spongy in texture and does not produce spores, so that this portion may be regarded as a short, thick stem. The upper portion, however, produces an abundance of spores which are ejected through an aperture in the ordinary manner. Still other puff-balls have no stalks, but the whole fruit-body is a bladder filled with spores and some of the commonest of all Minnesota puff-balls belong to this division. They are found abundantly in fields and pastures and, when ripe, are flat- tened dark purplish or plum-colored bodies from a quarter of an inch to an inch in diameter. The whole inside of one of these fruits consists of a fluffy mass of spores and threads the dried- up stems upon which the spores develop. In the woods a stem- less puff-ball is found of a lighter color, growing often as large FIG. 23. Warty puff-ball. After I^loyd. Minnesota Plant Life. 69 as a turkey's egg. Both this and its smaller relative of the pas- tures open somewhat irregularly at the end away from the ground, or perhaps at the side. Among the short-stemmed puff-balls two or three large varieties are found ; one, the giant puff-ball, occurs larger than a man's head and almost spherical in shape, while another is in outline somewhat like a dinner bell with the mouth closed and mound-like. Earth-stars. An interesting variety of puff-ball is the earth- star. This has an outer skin that splits radially, as one peels an orange, revealing the inner skin that encloses the spores. The little mouths of the earth-stars are nicely protected by a group of bristles which, by their sensitiveness to moisture, as- sist the distribution of the spores under conditions which are favorable for their germination. Apparently the use to the plant of splitting back the outer skin is the additional height that it attains from which its spores can be dis- tributed. The points of the sec- tions which have split bend under and lift the central ball a half inch or more into the air, and the spores have an added opportunity of catch- ing some wind current, which, if they were closer to the ground, FlG - 24 - Tufted P uff - ba11 - After Uoyd. might not distribute them so far. Slitted puff-balls. A rather large puff-ball with a short stalk and a white egg-shaped head is sometimes found in fields and door yards, the small end of the egg pointing upward and the large end hanging down over the stalk which seems to grow up into a depression there. These puff-balls open by slits close down to the stalk, and the interior is found to be occupied by irregular, broken, brown plates, radiating vaguely from the stalk-region somewhat like the gills of the mushroom. BircTs-nest-fungi. Among all the puff-balls few are more in- teresting objects than the little bird's-nest-fungi. There are three sorts of these common in Minnesota. None of them is very large for they do not exceed a quarter to a half inch in diameter. They are often seen growing on the planks of old 70 Minnesota Plant Life. sidewalks, in the cracks, or they may be found attached to twigs or bits of decaying wood. Each fruit-body is shaped like a vase or bowl, at the bottom of which half a dozen white or purple egg-like bodies are lying, so that it has the appearance of some tiny nest with eggs, hence the popular name which has been applied. If one attempts to pull out the "eggs" it will be found that each of them is flattened like two watch crystals placed together and is attached by a delicate cord growing from the "nest" and fixing itself upon the middle of one side of the eggs. It must be understood that the term "egg" as used here, and as used also for the young stinkhorns, should not suggest that such bodies have any of the real meaning of an egg, since it is applied solely on account of their shape. In the bird's-nest-fungus each "egg" is a miniature puff-ball, with spores enclosed within its membrane, and the whole bird's-nest-fungus fruit-body might be described as comparable to a little group of stemless puff- balls enclosed in a common vase or urn. Hard-skinned puff-balls. Yet another sort of puff-ball is readily distinguished by its hard nut-like shell. Such plants are called hard-skinned puff-balls and some kinds of them grow to be larger than an ordinary coffee cup. They are white or brown in color and almost spherical in shape. When they open to eject their spores the whole top splits by four or five radiating clefts, and the sections of the shell curve back from the centre some- what as did the outer skin of the earth-star. As they separate, the fluffy spores and threads of the interior are exposed as an umber mass upon which the wind has an opportunity to play, thus carrying off the spores to other favorable regions for devel- opment. Ball-tossing puff-balls. In some respects more remarkable than any of the others is the ball-tossing puff-ball. This is a small variety, not larger than an ordinary pill, but a little larger than the pellets of the homeopathist. It occurs in clusters upon decaying wood and looks somewhat like slime-mould fruit only it has a more leathery skin, and would be recognized upon close observation to be different from the slime-mould fruits in out- ward appearance as well as in inward structure. The ball-toss- ing puff-ball has three layers of skin, one outside of the other. The two outer skins become perforate at the end of the ball, Minnesota Plant Life. 7 i exposing the third and innermost skin which remains intact. The hole enlarges so that there comes a moment when the in- ner skin lies like a base ball in a tea cup, surrounded by the two outer skins which have taken a vase-like form. Very suddenly the middle skin separates from the outer skin everywhere ex- cept at the edges and inverts itself with explosive force. It is as if the lining of a porcelain kettle should turn inside out. By this means the little ball at the centre may be projected several inches into the air as if shot out of some tiny catapult. In this way the whole mass of spores enclosed in the inner skin is thrown to some distance from the point where the parent plant developed, thus adding to the favorable chances of the species in distribution. Chapter X. Yeasts, Morels, Cup-fungi and Truffles* All of the higher fungi which have been described, enjoy one character in common ; their spores are produced upon stalks. No matter how various the form of the fruit-body may be, in this one respect all the different varieties agree. The group of higher fungi now to be considered is marked by the production of spores in sacs, hence they all pass under the gen- eral name of sac-fungi. Yeasts. One of the most simple forms is the yeast plant, familiar to housewives and brewers the world over. Yeast, as most people know, is a culture of fungi developed upon malt and hops and then transferred to various substances for purposes which differ in the different arts. In bread-making the value of the yeast lies in its power of liberating carbonic- acid-gas while it is growing in the dough. When a cupful of yeast is placed in a baking of bread and the dough is set away in a warm place beside the stove, the yeast-plants feed upon the substance in the dough and as they grow and reproduce they create among other waste products, carbonic-acid-gas and alco- hol. When the bread is kneaded and allowed to stand again before placing in the oven, the kneading serves to distribute the yeast-plants evenly through the loaf and they continue to grow, forming bubbles of gas and small amounts of alcohol. When the lightness of the bread is assured the loaves are placed in the oven and the heat which is applied kills all the yeast plants, but the bubbles of gas have done their part in leavening the loaf. In brewing, it is not the gas which is deemed so desirable, but the alcohol, and the yeasts are permitted to develop until the proper percentage of alcohol has been introduced. The hardening of cider, the fermentation of wine, and a variety of other processes are equally the result of fungus growth. Yeasts Minnesota Plant Life. .- are sometimes impure or "bad" as the saying is. This is owing to the mixture with the genuine yeast of other fungal organ- isms, which liberate other and often undesirable substances. For example, certain acids are produced through the activity of yeast-like plants, and if such acid-forming yeasts are present in sufficient quantity, the bread or the beer becomes sour. Hence the cultivation of pure yeast is a prime necessity and when the housewife or the brewer finds by experience that yeasts in use are no longer pure, a fresh supply must be obtained from a neighbor or in the market. Yeast is a widely distributed plant and will often appear as if spontaneously, just as black mould does when a substance suitable for its development is exposed to the atmosphere for a sufficient length of time. The yeast-plant itself consists of thin- walled, egg-shaped cells which have the power of budding. Somewhere the wall bulges and the bulge enlarges until it is the size of the parent cell. Thus a branching body can be built up, but the branches and buds readily separate from each other and in a favorable condition of temperature and food supply the growth of the plant is extremely rapid. When the yeast- plant forms spores, which it does not do very abundantly under ordinary conditions of growth, the contents of one of the egg- shaped cells will be seen to divide into four portions each of which becomes spherical in form and secretes about itself a wall of its own. Then, when the wall of the mother-cell breaks down, the spores separate from each other and may be distinguished from the ordinary yeast-cell by their smaller size, spherical shape and thicker wall. It is on account of their thicker wall, and probably, too, in consequence of some difference in the structure of the living substance within that they are able to re- sist the harmful influence of extreme temperatures much better than the ordinary yeast-cell. If the conditions favorable to rapid growth become for any reason unfavorable, the yeast plant is likely to undertake the formation of spores. The particular substance that yeast attacks is cane-sugar. This it splits up, during its life-processes, into carbonic-acid-gas and alcohol. Such a process is called fermentation, or more pre- cisely, alcoholic fermentation, because there are various kinds of fermentation which go on under different circumstances 74 Minnesota Plant Life. through the activity of different organisms. The peculiarity of the yeast plant is its capacity for setting up alcoholic fermenta- tion and no other kind. Besides the common yeasts a number of others exist. One kind which grows in cabbage, after it is cooked, produces the substances which give the flavor of sauerkraut. Another kind when introduced into milk causes it to ferment, and in the re- gion of the Caucasus is used by the Tartars to change goat's or camel's milk into an intoxicating liquor. Plum-pockets. Very closely related to the yeasts is a group of parasitic fungi capable of attacking a va- riety of plant-tissues. One kind, when it infects the young fruits of the plum or cherry produces what is known as plum-pocket. When such a fungus grows upon a plum it distorts it and gives it a singular, ir- regular baggy appearance which is easily recognized. The poplar trees in Minne- sota are very often attacked by a pocket-fungus, which changes their green pods into yellow sacs distinctly larger than the ordinary pod. On cherry trees, a witch's broom formation in which the growth of the twigs is disordered, results from the presence of a fungus of this group, and upon alders another witch's broom arises under sim- ilar conditions. Morels. In the sac-fungi which have been described no conspicuous special body is developed ; but in the higher forms large bodies, rivalling the mushrooms in size, and of a great variety of form and structure may be produced. Of such, one FIG. 25. Pocket-fungus on sand-cherry. After Bailey. Bull. 70, Cornell Ag. Kxp. Station. Minnesota Plant Life. 75 of the best known is the morel. This superficially resembles, to some degree, the stinkhorn. It grows upon the ground and the fruit-body consists of a hollow, cylindrical stem, some- times three or four inches in height and an inch in diameter. The texture, however, is much firmer than that of the stink- horn stem and the cap upon the end, though wrinkled like the stinkhorn cap, is continu- ous with the stem and not slimy nor vile-smelling. Mo- rels are edible and are said to be especially prized in Bohe- mia. They are often found growing in Minnesota woods and upon Minnesota hillsides, where their fruit-bodies, unlike those of the stinkhorn, ripen in the spring. If one should ex- amine under a microscope a thin section cut through the wrinkled surface of the cap, it would be perceived that it con- sists almost entirely of sacs, in each of which eight oval spores are produced in a row. Each sac is cylindrical in form and not much larger in diameter than the spores which fill it. When ripe the ends of the sacs break or dissolve and the spores pour out one after an- other, but they are not, as was the case in the stinkhorn, uni- versally carried away by insects, for they depend rather upon the wind and the rains for their distribution. A number of plants closely related- to the morel may be dis- tinguished by the different shapes of their caps. In one the cap FIG. 26. A morel fruit- body. After I^loyd. 76 Minnesota Plant Life, is saddle-shaped ; in another somewhat urn-shaped ; in a third the whole fruit-body is club-shaped and closely resembles some forms of the club-fungi which have been described above. In some the cap is peculiarly coiled and twisted, looking like a knot of angleworms. The colors of these plants are various white, brown, slate-colored, yellowish, pinkish or red. They occur sometimes upon much decayed logs, but the majority of them are terrestrial. A few are of an almost gelatinous con- sistency but a greater number have, to the touch, rather the feel- ing of cartilage. Several of them besides the morel are edible FIG. 27. Cup-fungi growing on decaying twig. After I^loyd. and I do not know of any that are violently poisonous, although from their texture, a number of them would scarcely be attrac- tive. Cup-fungi. Not a distant relative of the morel is the cup- fungus, which in its numerous varieties is doubtless familiar to many of the readers of this volume. A dark slate-colored spe- cies of cup-fungus is abundant in Minnesota woods in early spring and produces cups an inch or more in diameter. If one cuts such a cup in two and looks at the cut surface it will be found that the whole fruit-body has a distinct lining like a por- Minnesota Plant Life. 77 celain kettle. The lining-layer is made up entirely of sacs and accessory threads running parallel with them. All of the sacs are cylindrical, slender and arranged perpendicular to the inner surface of the cup, while in each sac there are eight spores, ovoid in shape and developed in a row just as in the morel. Another kind of cup-fungus is scarlet, almost as large as the one just described and equally familiar to most persons who go into the woods with open eyes. Besides such large cup-fungi there are a great number of smaller kinds, some of them grad- ing down to the size of a pin-point, while between these and the large ones are all sorts of intermediate sizes. They differ too in color and in form and many of them are saucer-shaped, or merely flat discs, circular in outline. Such small discs of a bright yellow, or bright red color, are abundantly produced upon decaying wood and leaves. In distinguishing the different kinds of cup-fungi the char- acter of the margin should be observed. This is sometimes furnished with bristles or scales ; sometimes it is smooth ; some- times it is rolled back, or it may be rolled in over the centre of the cup, disc or saucer. It is not possible, however, to recog- nize exactly all the different cup-fungi without an examination of their spores, for special sorts develop special kinds of spores in their sacs. Sometimes the spores are without partitions, while in other instances they are divided into little chambers. They may be smooth or provided with knobs, spines or emer- gences. Growing in the same layer with the sacs are com- monly to be found much slenderer threads, which help to keep the sacs moist while they are developing their rows of spores. When the cup-fungus has matured its spores, the ends of the sacs which all lie at the same level in the surface of the cup- lining open or dissolve, and the spores are then thrown out. One kind of cup-fungus which is common on manure-piles has a special explosive method of ejecting its spores. If such a cup is taken between the finger and thumb, held to the light and pressed gently, the sacs all open at once and violently eject their spores, so that for an instant a little wreath of smoke seems to fly from the top of the cup. This phenomenon is caused by a cloud of several thousand spores escaping simultaneously. The spores in certain species are net individually shot out from the 78 Minnesota Plant Life. surface of the cup, but rather the sacs themselves with the spores enclosed. A particular variety of cup-fungus, very abundant in the woods of Minnesota, grows upon the ground and produces a hard, black underground tuber, as large as the end of one's thumb. This tuber has a firm skin, but when it is cut open the interior is softer and white. A bud forming under the skin of such a tuber develops a fruit-body, cup-like in shape, and provided with a slender stalk. A relative of this fungus produces on the twigs of tamaracks nut-like swellings from which little cups arise. Maple-leaf tar spots. A great variety of cup-fungi and disc- fungi are parasitic upon the leaves of growing plants. Possibly the most conspicuous one in Minnesota is the tar-spot fungus of the maple, often seen developed on the upper surfaces of maple leaves as one or more black shiny bodies, a quarter of an inch or so in diameter, and of an irregular roundish shape. These are the fruit-bodies of the tar-spot fungus, and while the vegetative portion of the fungus is growing within the tissues of the leaf, the reproductive portion, consisting of a layer of sacs with spores enclosed, destroys the epidermis of the leaf and produces the conspicuous spot. Truffles. The fruit-bodies of a few sac-fungi are developed underground and here belong the truffles, which may be de- scribed in a general way as underground cup-fungi, in which the cups have closed up into irregular egg-shaped bodies. Upon the rotting of the truffle the labyrinthine sac-layers are exposed and the spores escape. Truffles are among the most esteemed delicacies of the gourmet. Green and blue moulds. Curiously enough the green and blue moulds which occur on bread, leather, decaying fruits and other objects of that sort are rather close relatives of the truffles. As was observed during the description of the rust-fungi, a fungus often has the power of producing more than one kind of fruit-body. The blue mould if for a sufficient time left to itself will form in addition to the ordinary patches of blue spores arranged in chains on swollen terminal cells of some of its threads, also certain miniature yellow truffles, not much larger than a pin-point. These little truffle-like fruits, just as Minnesota Plant Life, 79 happened in the study of the rust-fungi, were supposed orig- inally, by botanists, to characterize entirely independent plants, but it is now known that the blue moulds and their relatives the green moulds can, under suitable conditions of growth and nutriment, produce the sac-fruit-bodies. Thus it is apparent that in the ability to form such tiny orange-colored "truffles" they are quite unlike the black mould which had no such ca- pacity. The general plant-bodies of the different sorts of moulds and their general life-habits are, however, very similar, so that popularly they are all included under the same name. Botanically, black moulds and blue moulds are quite distinct. Chapter XI. Blights, Black Fungi and Root-fungi* Blights. There remains to be considered a large group of sac-fungi, which from the color of their fruit-bodies are classed together under the name of black fungi. Very good examples of the black fungi are furnished by the blights which occur on the leaves of the higher plants. As a type, may be selected the lilac-blight, which in autumn forms a white scurf on lilac leaves. This scurf is the vegetative body of the blight and consists of a cobwebby mass of delicate, white, branching filaments, some of which penetrate the tissues of the leaf, while others spread themselves over its surface. If one, in the autumn, looks closely at a blighted lilac leaf it will be discovered that there are pres- ent on its surface a great number of tiny black specks which by the naked eye can be seen to have a spherical shape. These are the fruit-bodies of the blight. Within the black skin of each, sacs are formed, much as in the truffle, and in the sacs spores are produced. The fruits of the blights are many of them re- markable for their development of peculiar anchor-like append- ages which grow out from the surface. In the lilac-blight these appendages are branched in a regular fashion forming at the ends a series of curved prongs. The willow-blight, on wil- low leaves, has the ends of its fruit-appendages hooked and such blights are called hooked blights. The blights common on grass leaves in autumn and causing portions of the turf to look as if a little whitewash had been spilled upon it are supplied with fruit-appendages which are not hooked or branched at the end. In another sort of blight the appendages are sharply pointed like thorns. Toadstool-blight. A few of the so-called black fungi belie their name, for instead of black, their color is rather yellowish Minnesota Plant Life. 81 % or red. Here may be included a curious fungus which is par- asitic on toadstools. When a toadstool is affected by this par- asite the gills are all destroyed and the area they occupied pre- sents a pimply red surface. The pimples are small, about the size of a pin-head, and in each of them is developed a mass of spore-sacs. Such a plant illustrates the tendency of what were independent fruit-bodies in the truffles, the blights and the blue moulds, to aggregate themselves into layers. Such layers are in higher forms of black fungi variously disposed over branch- ing or swollen bases, so that a large compound fruit-body is developed. Ergots. A good example of an interesting black fungus with a compound fruit-body is the well-known ergot of rye. Ergots occur, however, upon other plants than the rye, and, for instance, a very interesting kind is found in the fruiting panicles of the wild rice. The life-history of an ergot is about as follows : The plant-body develops within the tissues of the grass and when the grass is ready to set its fruits, the ergot plant, somewhat after the manner of smuts, produces in some of the .kernels, a dense network of filaments, occupying the place of the grain. The ergot does not here, however, form its spores as the smuts do, but gives rise rather to a tuberous propagative body, consisting of a softer white interior, with a black shell and exactly comparable to the underground tubers formed, as mentioned above, by one kind of cup-fungus. Such ergot tubers take about the same shape as the rye kernel, finally falling out from between the chaffy scales of the rye and lying dormant over winter. In the spring, buds arise under the skin of the tuber and grow out into little slender threads and at the end of each a more or less spherical swelling appears. The sur- face of the swelling is occupied by a layer of ergot fruit-bodies, in each of which a group of slender sacs, with long jointed spores, is developed. It should be added that other sorts of spores, ovoid in form, are produced upon wrinkles at the surface of the propagative tuber, so that as in so many other fungi, there are here two kinds of spore-cells. Either variety of spore falling upon the proper host plant will infect it and initiate the development of a new ergot plant-body. 7 82 Minnesota Plant Life. Ergot is of considerable commercial importance on account of its tubers, which form certain alkaloids used in medicine. Of fungus alkaloids there is a considerable group, of which those in poisonous mushrooms, poisonous pore-fungi and er- got-tubers are examples. Ergot in rye sometimes occurs in sufficient quantities to poison persons or animals that eat the grain and where rye-bread is a staple article of diet it is neces- sary to remove the ergot-tubers before the rye is ground into flour. Caterpillar fungi. Very closely related to the ergot is a small group of fungi which live parasitically in caterpillars and other insect larvae. Some- times on mossy banks one will notice a little reddish-yellow, pimply, club-shaped body ris- ing up among the mosses and an inch or more in height. If this is carefully pulled out from between the moss-plants it will be found to spring from the body of some dead caterpillar or other in- sect. The plant-body of the caterpillar-fun- gus grows within the tissues of the insect and forms there a tuber-body similar to that of the ergot. From this a bud develops into the club- shaped stem over the end of which, and covering the sides, a layer of somewhat bottle-shaped fruit-bodies is produced. One kind of caterpillar-fungus has its compound fruit-body branched, so that the unfortunate caterpillar seems to be carry- FlG. I,eaf-spot disease caused by fungus. After Halsted. Minnesota Plant Life. 83 ing upon its head an elkhorn-like protuberance three or four inches long. A remarkable variety of caterpillar-fungus has a slender tongue of sterile tissue projected beyond the end of the fruit-body area. Leaf-spot-fungi. Among the black fungi a considerable number form what are known as leaf-spots. Very often on leaves little pale areas develop, not infrequently surrounded by a reddish circle. This red circle is caused by a secretion of red coloring matter by the leaf, owing to the irritation occasioned FIG. 29. I^eaf-spot fungus growing on pear leaves. After Duggar. Bull. 145, Cornell Ag. Kxpt. Station. by the spot fungus. The pale centre of the red circle is the in- jured portion of the leaf, where the fungus has destroyed the cells and devoured the particles of leaf-green. If in autumn one looks very closely at a leaf-spot he will generally be able to see the tiny black fruit-bodies of the fungus. Usually they are separate from each other as in the blight, but a considerable proportion of them are blended together in layers, as was de- scribed for the much larger fungus, parasitic on the toadstool. 84 Minnesota Plant Life. There must be at least a thousand different kinds of leaf-spot fungi growing in Minnesota. Not all leaf-spot fungi are cer- tainly black fungi; but the great majority of them belong to that group. Neither do all leaf-spot fungi develop fruit-bodies, for some of them are able to form only a simpler sort of spore- cluster. Yet in most instances it is believed that this is because the fungus has abandoned for some reason the formation of true fruit-bodies. As already observed in the account of the wheat rust a most instructive object of study a fungus may acquire the habit of developing one kind of fruit-body upon one leaf and another kind upon another. It is very probable, FIG. 30. Fungus spot-disease of strawberry leaf. After Bailey. Bull. 79, Cornell Univ. Ag. Expt. Station. v/here leaf-spot fungi fail to develop their ordinary fruit-bod- ies and provide themselves with spore clusters, that they may on other plants develop the true fruit-bodies, or that they have, as is often probable, ceased altogether to produce them. Not only do these spot-fungi find pasture upon the tissues of living leaves but closely related forms browse upon old pieces of paper, upon straw, leather, decaying cloth, the shells of nuts and seeds, and even upon such curious fields as the inner sur- face of roasted chestnuts, the feathers of fowls, the hair and hoofs of cattle, and, in short, wherever they can find food-ma- terials suitable for their growth. Minnesota Plant Life. Twig-fungi. A large group of black fungi grow upon twigs and these may be known generally as twig-fungi. One of the most prominent forms is the black knot of plum and cherry twigs, a plant which is very common upon various species of wild plums in Minnesota, and upon the wild choke-cherry. It forms black swollen bodies, half an inch or so in height! and two or three inches or more in length, distorting the twig where it grows, and bursting the bark to display its layers of black fruit-bodies. A close examina- tion of a black knot mass will show that its surface is covered with little round emergences or pustules, and each emergence marks the point where a bottle- shaped fruit-body is imbedded in the general layer. As before no- ticed, each fruit-body contains its lining of sacs in which the black knot spores are found for the elaboration of which the plant- body derives sufficient s u s t e- nance from the cells of the twig which it robs of its sap. The black knot is but a single exam- ple of a large group of black twig-fungi. Some of them like the black coin-fungus form coin- shaped discs. Others develop a few little gourd-shaped fruit- bodies in a group. One curious kind of which there are in different parts of the world about 400 species known, forms on twigs little black patches in which three or four fruit-bodies are imbedded, one of the group being entirely different from the rest. The central one, in its bottle-shaped cavity, produces spores displayed on stalks, while the others produce spores de- veloped in sacs. The spores produced on stalks are much FIG. 31. Fungus spot-disease on leaf of false Solomon's seal. After Hal- sted. 86 Minnesota Plant Life. smaller than the others. An explanation of this peculiarity may be obtained from the behavior of the blue mould. It will be remembered that in the latter kind of mould, spores were ordi- narily formed on branches loosely distributed over the plant, while at other times tiny orange truffle-like fruit-bodies arose after the method of sac-fungi. Now if it can be imagined that the loosely formed spores of the blue mould are aggregated to- gether in a bottle-shaped structure, they lining the interior of the bottle, there would arise a fruit-body like the peculiar cen- tral one of the plant in question. The name of a plant, which forms these two kinds of fruit- bodies is Falsa. Plants somewhat related to the Val- sas are found on butternut twigs where they form little low black mounds. Staghorn-fungi. The last black fungus that needs consideration in this general survey of the im- portant types is sometimes called the staghorn-fungus. It grows upon stumps, decaying timbers, sometimes on rafters in cellars, or in damp places about barns or granaries, and is a very curious looking object indeed. It is often three or four inches in height and shaped much like one of the antlers of a moose. Its whole surface is warty and black, each pustule marking the position of a fruit-body The interior of the plant is white and consists of a very densely tangled skein of threads. A smaller species is unbranched but stands up like FIG. 32. Fungus spot-disease on pear. After Duggar. Bull. 145, Cornell Ag. E)xpt. Station. Minnesota Plant a little black Indian club an inch or more in height and a quar- ter to half an inch thick through the thickest part. The life of a fungus. There have now been passed in re- view a sufficient number of fungi to give a fair idea of the group as a whole. But the great variety of different species, and the almost innumerable peculiarities of structure, form and function which are possible, can scarcely be comprehended by any but a careful student of the group. Some general observations concerning their lives de- serve to be made. Regarding their nutrition this may be said that they are animal-like. Not one of them has the power of mak- ing starch out of gas and water, as green plants have, and all of them must obtain organic substances from which to construct their bodies. In a great majority the vegetative area is incon- spicuous because it is con- cealed in the sub-stratum upon which the fungus lives. The sub-stratum may be the soil, a rotting log, a living twig or leaf, a piece of pa- per, the hair or feathers of an animal or bird, a bit of dung, or, for aquatic fungi, various similar objects submerged in lakes, streams, pools or springs. Concerning the reproduction of the fungi, it may be noted that the higher forms commonly develop at least two kinds of spores, one being entirely disconnected with the breed- ing-habits of the plant, the other dependent upon the breeding act a process which often takes place upon areas concealed in the sub-stratum. The rudiments of all true fruit-bodies, such as those of the cup-fungus, the morel, the ergot, the cater- FlG. Fungus spot-disease of bean pods. After Halsted. 88 Minnesota Plant Life. pillar fungus, the black knot and all the other sac-fungi, arise as a necessary consequence of some fusion of cells, equivalent to that which took place in the black moulds. In the stalk- fungi, to which group the mushrooms, puff-balls, club-fungi and all their relatives belong, it is not so certain that a breeding-act is always the necessary precursor of the fruit-body, but there is much good evidence in favor of such a supposi- tion. All of the fungi which have been considered up to this point may be re- garded as derived from certain of the lower algse, while the bacteria yet to be discussed are very closely related to the blue-green algae. The al- gal fungi seem, for the most part, to be connect- ed with the pond-scums, leading over to such forms as the black mould, or with the green felts, leading over to mildews and fish-moulds. It is reasonable to suppose that all of the higher fungi which have thus far been passed in review are derived, by a continuous series of improvements, from the algal fungi. Root-fungi. There are a few rather remarkable types of fungi which should be treated separately. One of these is not commonly known to make fruits of any sort, and, since botan- ists depend upon fruit-bodies as the basis of their classification, it is difficult to say where these fungi about to be considered should be placed in the general system. They will be found FIG. 34. Twig-fungus on currant canes. After Durand. Bull. 125, Cornell Expt. Station. Minnesota Plant Life. 89 encircling the roots of many kinds of trees or herbs, and some- times developing within the outer tissues of roots or under- ground stems belonging to plants growing in very rich soil. An example of the first kind is to be met with on rootlets of the tamarack. Another is found upon the rootlets of the oak, and, often, too, upon the young roots of birches. Such fungi form rather thin, felted masses inclosing the roots as in sheaths. The sheaths become of a dark brown color as they grow older, but at first they are almost white. So constant is the association of the fungi with the roots or subterranean stems of some plants that they may be regarded as necessary concomitants of these higher plants. It is probable that they play a very important part in the nourishment of roots which they inclose or infest. It would seem that they have something to do with the conver- sion of the food materials in the soil into a condition in which they are the more easily absorbed and assimilated by the roots themselves. If this suggestion, which is generally accepted among botanists, is the correct one, there is presented the inter- esting fact that all the tamarack trees in a swamp and all the oak trees by the road-side are largely dependent for their life and prosperity upon the little sheaths of fungi which feed their roots. In a considerable number of plants the fungal threads do not form a sheath around the outside of the root but grow in mi- croscopic tangled masses resembling skeins of yarn, one mass in each of certain outside cells of the root. The orchids of Min- nesota are provided with such structures in their roots and the Dutchman's pipe, the Pyrolas, and a number of other plants which live in humus soil, resemble the orchids in this respect. Sometimes underground stems among the orchids are, through the irritation of the fungus in their outside cells, peculiarly knot- ted and distorted into structures quite different from the ordi- nary forms of growth. A very good example of this is the coral-root orchid. Really this variety of orchid has no roots at all and the underground portion is a curiously modified branch- ing root-stock, which from its resemblance to coral, gives occa- sion for the common name of the plant. There is good reason to suppose that some of such underground fungus-masses which enclose the roots of trees, or develop themselves in the roots of humus plants, were originally the vegetative bodies of truffle- 90 Minnesota Plant Life. like plants, and that on account of long association with the roots they have abandoned their fruiting habits. Seemingly they are able to maintain themselves without going to the trouble of fruiting, and in a sense they may be regarded as form- ing a partnership with the higher plants to which they have at- tached themselves. They can scarcely be called parasites be- cause their presence is not harmful to the higher plant, but, rather, as has been explained, beneficial, because they enable it to use substances in its nutrition which would otherwise be be- yond its power to absorb from the soil. Among the bacteria there are similar partnerships with higher plants, and they will be considered in their place. Ear-fungi. There are some other obscure forms of fungi, such as the curious little necklace-like bodies, which sometimes live in the ears and throats of birds and animals. They may be considered as truly parasitic, but it is not easy to say exactly where they belong in an orderly classification. Sometimes they attack men and women and the bad habit of dropping sweet-oil in the ear as a remedy for ear-ache may stimulate their growth. Chapter XII. Lichens and Beetle-fungi. The life of a lichen. The group of plants known as lichens is familiar to all observers. Some varieties are called gray or hanging moss by persons who do not discriminate accurately between these plants and the very different forms which are rightly known as mosses. A still greater error is made in com- mon speech, when the little hanging, gray, flowering plant, so abundant in the south upon tree-branches, is given the name of ''Spanish moss." Lichens are found in a great variety of posi- tions. They are exceedingly prevalent all over the world on rocks, making characteristic patches on weathered cliffs, walls, boulders, and pebbles, provided there be not some constant agi- tation upon the surface of the rock, as by drifting sand or surf, which might prevent their growth. They are seen very com- monly upon the trunks of trees, usually preferring the side toward the north. One characteristic lichen hangs from the branches of tamaracks everywhere in Minnesota, and is some- times called "old man's beard" from its gray color and thread- like texture. Other varieties produce little patches on tree trunks and they may be distinguished by their generally circular form, by their flat habit of growth, and by their greenish, red, yellow or gray color, which is very rarely a pure leaf green, but varies more or less toward the other shades. Stone-corroding lichens. Lichens upon stones are very often so firmly attached that they cannot be removed, having eaten their way into the stone by means of acids which they secrete for that purpose. Curiously enough, a lichen which can live upon limestone is not always able to live upon sandstone, because it takes a different kind of acid to corrode limestone from that which eats away the quartz of a granitic rock. A great many of the lichens upon stones are not, however, firmly 9 2 Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 35. Rock-lichens growing profusely in a glacial pot-hole. Near Taylor's Falls. After photograph by Mr. E). C. Mills Minnesota Plant Life. 93 attached, and such kinds may often, too, be found upon tree- trunks, fence-rails, twigs or the roofs of houses. A true rock- lichen does not commonly occur upon wood, so that different series of forms will be found if one examines the different hab- itats where these plants are wont to display themselves. Structure of lichens. Lichens are very extraordinary plants, or rather pairs of plants, for a lichen is essentially a partner- ship between a fungus and an alga. Several different groups of algae are employed in the building up of lichen bodies, especially the blue-green algae such as the water-flower and the bright-green algae. I do not know of any lichens which employ red or brown al- gae in their partnership. Sev- eral varieties of blue-green and bright-green algae are con- cerned, but a particular species of lichen rarely exhibits more than one kind of alga and one kind of fungus in its partner- ship-structure. As will be ex- plained, such partnerships are self-perpetuating, and the part- nership comes to have the ap- pearance and very much the character of a plant-unit, so much so, indeed, that for con- venience lichens are generally viewed as independent unit- plants rather than as the double organisms which in reality they are. If one makes a very thin slice through the plant-body of a lichen it will be found to consist of certain algal cells or fila- ments quite able to propagate after their kind, and these en- closed in a tangle of fungus filaments which are equally capable, FIG. 36. "Old man's teard." A lichen growing attached to the twigs of tam- arack. IS s^s^WAte^ 1 : / -'- ~^ - N ^ *> -* - .- *- N \ \ N i, \^ !'!<'. >4. Spore-cases of the common fern, much magnified, showing how the spring back reverts and then snaps shut again, throwing the spores as from a sling. After Atkin- son. ordinary fern-leaf compares only with the fertile lobe of the adder's-tongue fern-leaf. This fertile lobe has greatly enlarged and assumed the function of starch-making. At the same time the spore-cases have come to be developed from special cells at its surface, not from mounds of cells as in the lower form. \Yhat, now, has become of the sterile segment of the adder's- tongue fern-leaf? The most reasonable reply to this question that can be offered is that it has undergone steady reduction and 172 Minnesota Plant Life. FIG. 65. A walking-fern climbing down a hillside. Buds form at the very tips of the slender leaves and grow into new plants. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. 173 has finally disappeared. In a family of tropical ferns not rep- resented in Minnesota are found traces of this sterile segment as stipular plates at the bases of the leaves. Therefore, we arrive at the interesting and remarkable hypothesis that the entire fern-leaf compares with a much elaborated and improved club- moss spore-case. It will be remembered that the fertile seg- ment of the adder's-tongue leaf was believed to be an over- grown chambered spore-case arising from some club-moss-like FIG. 6(3. Maiden-hair ferns and lady ferns. After photograph by Williams. ancestral condition. Therefore, among true ferns the common type of leaf in which both starch-making and spore-production are combined, is the primitive one. By a division of labor, some leaves quite abandoned the habit of producing spore-cases and others in the same plant intermitted the production of leaf- green. Thus are explained the two sorts of leaf in the ostrich- fern and the same explanation serves for the cinnamon fern and its allies and for the four-leaved water fern. 174 Minnesota Plant Life. In a word, the most distinctive feature of the ferns is this: They loosened that cone-arrangement of leaves which had arisen in the club-mosses and greatly developed the spore-case-area of each leaf until such an area became itself a leaf-like structure, while the original blade of the leaf deteriorated and disappeared. The pine trees, also related to the club-mosses, pursued a very different course of development and retained the cone as a struc- tural unit. From bodies somewhat similar to pine-cones it is probable that the flowers of all higher plants arose. The club-mosses then have originated two great lines of improve- ment, one in which the cone was abandoned as a structural fea- ture, giving rise to the ferns, the other, in which the cone was retained as a structural feature, leading to the flozvering plants. Chapter XIX. Scouring-rushes and Horse-tails. The peculiar family of plants known as scouring-rushes or horse-tails was very much better developed during the age when coal was being deposited than it is to-day. Most of its species are extinct, but there remain, widely distributed over the world, some forty different varieties, of which ten occur in Minnesota. They are not very closely related either to the ferns or to the club-mosses, although they clearly belong in their general vicin- ity. The unbranched forms are known as scouring-rushes on account of the usual deposit of silica in their outer layers. This mineral is useful for scouring tinware, and rushes are actually thus employed by some housewives in the country. The branched forms are known as horse-tails from their peculiar aspect as they stand in fields, in the woods or along the road- side or railway tracks. Each variety of scouring-rush or horse-tail is distinguished by an underground rootstock which shows much the same struc- ture as the above-ground portions. Sometimes on the root- stocks tuber-like propagative swellings are formed. Both the erect and subterranean branches are divided into very distinct joints which may be separated from each other like sections of stove-pipe, hence the plants are also called joint-rushes. In some species the plant produces only one kind of erect stem and at the tip of this, or more rarely at the tips of lateral branches, firm and solid cones are borne, each made up of little shield-shaped leaves with central stalks. The leaves are ar- ranged in circles about the axis, not in spirals as in the cones of club-mosses. On the under side of each of the shield-shaped leaves a ring of spore-cases is developed, commonly about eight in a group. The cones bear the leaves so close together that from their mutual pressure they assume a more or less hexagonal outline. 176 Minnesota Plant Life. Scouring-rushes with two sorts of erect stems. In a few of the species there are formed two kinds of erect stems. One is pale or reddish in color, softer to the touch, provided with longer leaves below the cone, devoid of leaf-green and de- voted to the work of spore-production. The other is repeat- edly branched, the branches arising in circles at the top of each joint of the stem. Upon such erect stems no cones are ordinarily displayed, but the whole plant-body is green and starch-producing. Both kinds of erect branches are, however, very similar in internal struc- ture. They are hollow and their wood-threads are ar- ranged in a circle, usually with air-canals between them and within them. At the top of each joint a group of leaves arises in a ring. These are not used for starch- making but are reduced and scale-like and commonly blended together by their edges into a collar closely enveloping the lower part of the joint immediately above. On the special spore-producing branches the leaves are often larger and less completely fused to- gether. Sometimes the leaves are black in color with gray tips, as in a well-known joint rush of Minne- sota. In all the varieties the starch-making is done not by the leaves but by the branch-system, so that in this respect the plants resemble the well-known aspar- agus, to which they bear, however, no close botanical relation. When the spore-cases on the shield-shaped leaves open to eject their spores, the spores may be shaken out into the hand as a green dust. If one watches this dust as it lies upon the hand immediately after JIG. 67. A fruiting stem of the horse-taii. having been shaken from the cone, it will be s e re-a e rtagtTe d s seen that within a couple of seconds after its are aggregated in a deposit it fluffs and becomes of 3. lighter cone. After Atkin- . . son. color. By warming it gently with the breath it regains its darker hue and more solid ap- pearance, but in a couple of seconds it fluffs again as it did before. This remarkable behavior is explained if the spores be examined under a good microscope. It will then be observed that apparently attached to each of them are four delicate spoon- Minnesota Plant Life. 177 shaped appendages which are very sensitive to moisture. These, when dampened, contract around the green spherical spores, hugging them tightly, but as they dry they straighten, loosen- ing the spore-mass in the process. This is why the moistened dust seems more solid than the same dust when dry. The spoon-shaped appendages originate by the splitting of the outer wall of the spore into two ribbons, as if a couple of peel- ings had been removed. An idea of the arrangement can be obtained by imagining the cover of a base-ball unsewed and laid back. The two pieces of cover would then occupy much the same position with reference to the ball as do the four longer and slenderer spoon-shaped appendages with reference to the spore. Germination of spores. Although all the spores are of the same size and appearance, yet it is the nature of some of them upon germina- tion to develop little green, prostrate male s, some- tlllllP' like Small FIG. 68. Scouring-rush spores; to the left a spore with appendages i 1 i curled up, in moist air; to the right a spore with appendages ex- n O r 11 6 Q liver- tended, in dry air. After Atkinson. wort plants, while others develop females, slightly larger than the males but in general closely resembling them. Both the male and the fe- male scouring-rush plants are provided with leaf-green, emerge from the spores, strike their root-hairs into the soil and lead an independent existence. The males produce microscopic spherical spermaries in which arise spermatozoids with large numbers of swimming threads. The females produce a few egg-organs of the characteristic bottle-shape, at the bottom of each of which a single egg is formed. After the fecundation of the egg during rains, or when in some other way plenty of water is available as a medium for the locomotion of the sperms, the embryo of the scouring-rush begins to grow very much as did that of the fern. An erect stem is first produced, then from its base a rootstock. If at the end of the year the erect stem dies, buds on the rootstock remain to form the stems of the succeeding year. By means of its underground stem the 13 178 Minnesota Plant Life. spore-producing generation of the plant is perennial, but the sexual plants die after they have performed their functions. Male and female plants. It is now possible to understand the meaning of the curious sensitive appendages of the spores. The spores when ejected are separated from each other into little groups by the writhing of their appendages. The individual spores are not, however, entirely isolated, and that degree of moisture which is favorable for germination impels the append- ages to pull the neighboring spores close together, so that when they germinate, male and female plants shall not be too far apart for the convenience of the swimming sperm. This is a very good example of the extraordinary adaptive relations which come to exist between sexual and spore-producing plants of the same species. The appendages of the spores have seemingly no mean- ing in the life-history of the spore-producing plant itself, but they function in such a way that the task of the sperm-producing plant is made easier and thus the development of fecundated eggs is insured, for the perpetuation of successive generations. Upon clay banks, where there are shade and moisture, one will often find among the young scouring-rushes or horse-tails some of the tiny sexual plants looking very much like diminutive liver- worts as they lie more or less prostrate upon the soil. Different sorts of horse-tails and scouring-rushes. The dif- ferent kinds of horse-tails and scouring-rushes in Minnesota are distinguished by slight structural peculiarities that need not be discussed in detail. The rigid, jointed, unbranched forms, three or four feet in height, which grow along shaded banks are per- haps, in their tissues, the richest in silica or sand, and are the ones which have particularly merited the name of scouring- rushes. The very much branched variety which is such an abun- dant weed in neglected fields, along roadsides, and in the edges of woods, is a different species. A third species, in which the lat- eral branches curve downward in a characteristic way, is abun- dant in northern woods and is named the forest horse-tail. Still another kind is often found growing at the edges of ponds and streams, now and then forming great patches in bays and occu- pying the same general position that is ordinarily selected by bulrushes. This, which may be termed the water horse-tail, is commonly not very much branched although under certain Minnesota Plant Life. 179 growth-conditions it is capable of branching almost as abun- dantly as the field horse-tail. A curious dwarf variety two or three inches high is sometimes found growing in tufts in deep woods. It is reported from the St. Croix river valley, but I have not seen authentic specimens of it from Minnesota. Underbrush habits of horse-tails. When the branched va- rieties of horse-tails grow in the edges of woods they often be- come very much taller than in fields. This they accomplish by thrusting out their rigid side-branches in every direction and permitting them to rest upon the twigs of surrounding shrubs or herbs. Thus they can distribute their weight in such a way that the main stem is relieved and the axis may extend itself vertically farther than otherwise. Plants which lean in such fashion upon surrounding plants are known as braced-plants. They are not exactly dependent for their well-being upon the presence of other plants as are the climbers and twiners, but they do derive some advantage from their habit of letting a portion of their weight rest upon plants near them. It is really, if one stops to think of it, quite as much of an engineering problem to erect a slender stem as to build an Eifel tower, and it is no less impossible to extend a leaf into the air without due regard to the strength of materials than it would be to build a cantilever bridge from wet paper. Plants mani- fest architectural design and the problems of structural engi- neering are not at all unlike those requiring solution by the human architect or bridge-builder when he enters upon the plans of a new .structure. So it is obvious that the bracing of the side branches of horse-tails, thus diminishing the strain upon the main axis, might enable it under the same general type of structure, to reach a greater elevation into the air. In South America, by bracing devices scouring-rushes grow to a height of twenty or thirty feet, though they are not thicker than an ordinary walking-stick. Where the forest is dense and dark such a plan is seen to be highly advantageous and perhaps even necessary, but in the lighter, thinner forests of Minnesota there is no need of such extreme length. Chapter XX. What Seeds are and how they are Produced. About 150,000 different kinds of plants produce seeds. A seed may be defined as a young plant and its reserve-food- material enclosed within a normally protective layer. Some- times the food-material is deposited beside or around the plantlet, as in the seeds of Indian corn and wheat. Again the food-material may be collected in the plantlet itself, giving to it a white, meaty appearance, and pumpkin and bean seeds are of this structure. It is a mistake to say that plants grow from the seed, or rather it is a half-truth, for the question is whence did the plantlet come that is already present in the seed and needs only to renew its development when the seed germinates? This can be answered in a word. Leaving out of considera- tion some abnormal or peculiar conditions of development, it may be said that all plantlets in seeds arise from eggs. The next question is whence comes the egg from which the plantlet in a seed develops? The reply is, that the egg, as in all other in- stances, is produced in the body of a female plant. Still an- other question where is one to look for the female plant of a rose or willow, or any other seed-producing species? To this inquiry the answer is, the female, like all other females in the great series of terrestrial plants, develops from a spore. Again, one inquires, where is the spore to be sought? To this is the response that it is formed in the young ovule or rudimentary seed, occurring as a more or less oval, cylindrical or elongated cell in the centre of the seed-rudiment. What then is the seed-rudiment? It is a spore-case which produces at its centre the single, large, thin-walled spore. In seed-plants such a spore is called an embryo-sac and it may easily be found by opening young pine-seeds in cones not more than twelve months old. Unlike the large-spores of the smaller Minnesota Plant Life. 181 club-moss, these seed-plant spores are not ejected from their spore-cases, while, just as in the smaller club-moss, they de- velop females which are retained within the spore-wall and upon the bodies of these females egg-cells are formed. How is it possible for such an egg, developed and retained within the tissues of a spore-case, to ob- tain fecundation? Here comes into play an adaptation on the part of the male-plants of the seed - producing varieties. Where is one to look for the male cottonwood tree? Like other male plants it originates from a spore, not, however, the large-spore, enclosed in the rudimentary seed, but the small-spore known as the pol- len-grain, developed in large numbers upon special leaves known as stamens. What sort of a plant arises when a pollen spore germinates? Before re- plying to this question another must be asked. Where does a pollen-spore germinate? Not Upon the Soil, Or in the Water, FlG - Diagram of an ovary, with one seed- rudiment, in a higher seed-plant, s. The as did the small-spores of ferns stigma, where two pollen-spores have germi- nated; o, wall of ovary; f, stalk of ovule; ai and ii, rudimentary seed-coats; n, spore- case, with single large spore, which has germinated to produce the reduced female plant; k, the egg; e, the body which forms the albumen; b, other cells of the female. The male plant is shown as a tubular thread growing towards the egg. After Atkinson. and smaller club-mosses, but upon a certain portion of the body of a spore-producing plant of its own species, a part usually in close proximity to the rudimentary seeds. This area upon which a spore of the smaller kind is able to germinate is known as the stigma in higher flowering plants, but in the lower families the pollen-spores fall immediately upon the im- mature seeds. Breeding habits of seed-plants. Returning now to the ques- tion, what sort of a plant arises when a pollen-spore germinates, 1 82 Minnesota Plant Life. the reply is, a delicate thread, like a cobweb, comes into exist- ence and grows much as a parasitic fungus filament would grow through the tissues of the immature fruit down to the surface of the large-spore, imbedded in the rudimentary seed. By this time the female has developed within the large-spore and has produced her egg. The end of the pollen-tube, as the male is termed, penetrates the wall of the large-spore and transfers a male nucleus, or sperm, which fuses with the egg and thus fecundation is accomplished. Then the egg becomes an embryo which grows and produces a short stem, one or more seed- leaves (in most plants) and a root. While the embryo is devel- oping, the tissues of the spore-case and the membranes sur- rounding it become modified into the outer layers or seed-coats. When the embryo pauses in its growth and passes into a tem- porary dormant condition the seed is said to be ripe. It may not, however, be able at once to germinate. If the reader has closely followed this explanation he will be aware that is is improper to call a pollen-producing plant a male and he will understand that there is no comparison at all between the sowing of pollen-spores on a stigma where they are to germinate and a breeding habit, although the older botanists supposed that such analogy existed. It is found that seed-producing plants, like the smaller club-mosses, have two sorts of spores, small-spores producing males, and large-spores, females. As in the lower type, so also in the seed-plant, there is a retention of the female within the wall of the spore from which she originated. Unlike the smaller club-mosses, the male plant is not retained within the wall of the small-spore, but pro- trudes in the form of a thread of miscroscopic minuteness. The retention of the large-spore within its spore-case, together with the adaptation of the male plant so that fecundation may take place without the opening of either the large-spore or its case, lays the foundation for that compound and complex body, the seed. By these devices the embryo is kept in close proximity to the vegetative areas of its species and in a pine seed there are represented three successive generations. The coats of the seed and sometimes a portion of the food-supply, as in water-lilies, belong to the older spore-producing generation, for they are Minnesota Plant Life. 183 parts of the same plant that produced the large-spore. The meat of the seed, or albumen, belongs to the female, for it is produced within the large-spore as it germinates. The embryo plantlet of the seed belongs to the new spore-producing genera- tion and arises by the segmentation of an egg. After it has renewed its development when the seed has germinated and the plantlet has become old enough it will be able in its turn to produce spores. Therefore, the life-history of a cottonwood, for illustration, is twice as complex as that of a man. While there are only two kinds of individuals in the human species, there are four in the cottonwood: first, the pollen-producing tree or staminate cottonwood; second, the seed-rudiment-pro- ducing tree or pistillate cottonwood; third, the male cotton- wood or pollen-tube arising from the pollen-spore and growing as a parasite upon the tissues of the young cottonwood fruit; fourth, the female cottonwood, a microscopic plant inclosed in her spore deep within the rudimentary seed. Indeed there may even be five kinds of cottonwoods, for in higher seed-producing plants there is strong reason to suppose that the albumen of the seed is in reality a degenerate plantlet a twin brother of the embryo produced from an egg, rather than, as in the pines, a portion of the female plant-body. From this discussion it will be seen how inaccurate is the common statement that higher plants grow from seeds while lower plants are produced by spores and it is understood how erroneous is the phrase, so general, especially in popular works, that the spores are the seeds of the fungi or ferns. The higher plants produce spores just as truly as do the lower plants, but in the former a peculiar relation of dependence has come to exist, precisely the reverse of that which was observed in the liverworts. In the latter the capsular plants, that is, the spore- producing plants, were dependent upon the sexual plants for their food-supply and remained perched upon their bodies all through life. In the club-moss group these little perched plants learned how to maintain an entirely independent existence and put forth leaves and roots of their own. In the seed-plants they have become so important and powerful that they do all the vegetative work of their species while the once stronger and larger sexual plants are reduced to microscopic structures of 184 Minnesota Plant Life. an altogether dependent life-habit. A few definitions may not here be out of place and will be given in as tmtechnical language as possible. Definitions of certain words. Pollen is a dust consisting of small spores, capable, upon germination, of producing male plants. The embryo-sac is a large-spore developed in the rudi- mentary seed and capable of producing a female. The pollen- spores are produced in special spore-cases situated on leaf-like organs called stamens. The embryo-sacs are commonly pro- duced singly in bodies called ovules borne upon leaves known as carpels. An axis upon which stamens or carpels or both are generated is called a flower. An ovule which has matured, normally as the result of a breeding act, is called a seed. The carpel, or carpels of a flower with the enclosed seeds, is called a fruit. Two series of seed-producing plants. There are two series of seed-producing plants, the lower, in which the pollen-spores fall directly upon the immature seeds and germinate, and the higher, in which the carpels close around the immature seeds and the pollen-spores fall and germinate upon a special portion of the carpel or carpels known as the stigma. Chapter XXI. Ground-hemlocks and various Pines, if Of lower seed-plants there are five living and at least two extinct families. In Minnesota but two of the five living fam- ilies are represented. These are the yews and the pines. Ground-hemlocks. The yews are represented by a single species, the ground-hemlock, a well-known plant of wooded banks and forests throughout most of the state. In England a species of yew exists which becomes a large tree, but of the four species in America none reaches any very great size, and the ground-hemlock is the smallest of the group. It is an ever- green shrub with leaves much like those of the balsam, and rec- ognized by its crimson berries the size of small gooseberries. The berry of the yew, however, is not a fruit but a seed, sur- rounded by a red pulp-cup which may be regarded as a basal outgrowth. Of all seed-producing plants in the state the yew gives its seeds the least protection. In pines the seeds are en- closed by the scales of the cone, and in all higher seed-plants the seeds are developed within fruits and are never, from the first, exposed, as in the ground-hemlock. The red pulp which en- circles the yew seed makes it attractive to birds and it is dis- seminated by their agency. Besides the seed-rudiments on the branches, the yew produces little round cones consisting of axes upon which are borne a few shield-shaped leaves. Each of these resembles the spore-producing leaves of the scouring- rush and on the under side of each a circle of pollen-spore-cases are developed. The yew plants, of all Minnesota seed-bearing forms, produce the largest number of pollen-spore-cases on a single stamen. Usually the number is four, often but two, while in the yew the number may be six or even more. The micro- scopic male and female yew plants are short-lived, but the spore- producing plant, beginning as an embryo in the seed, then after 1 86 Minnesota Plant Life. the germination of the seed achieving independence, is a long- lived shrub of somewhat prostrate habit, and with dark-green leaves and tough-fibred wood in which resin does not occur, while it does in plants of the related pine family. Pines of different sorts. The pine family includes 13 or 14 Minnesota species out of a total of about 300 distributed over all parts of the world. In these the rudimentary seeds are pro- duced upon the inner sides of scales or carpels which, like the stamens, are aggregated into cones. The pines and their allies may therefore be said to produce two kinds of flowers, stami- nate and pistillate. Among the members of the pine family in Minnesota may be mentioned the tamarack, a deciduous tree of social habit; the pines of which three varieties, the white, the jack and the red or Norway, grow within the borders of the state and are dominant species of the northern forest; the spruces, of which there are three varieties, the black, the white and the muskeg; the balsam or fir, common in swamps; the white cedar or arbor-vitae, a tree that flourishes best in the northern part of the state; the hemlock, very rare in Minnesota, but occurring in two isolated patches in St. Louis county and Carlton county ; and the junipers, of which there are four species, one tree-like in habit and known as the red cedar, the others low shrubs and called savins or junipers. The white pine. Among all these plants the white pine, the most important timber tree of -the state, is of especial interest. Its wood is light, resinous and easily worked. It is used in the manufacture of lumber, laths, shingles, matches, sashes, doors, blinds, woodenware, telegraph poles and the masts of ships. Many millions of dollars are invested in mills for its manu- facture into lumber, and in railways for the transportation of the logs. This tree often grows over a hundred feet in height with a trunk sometimes more than three feet in diameter. Its bark is rough and deeply divided by clefts. When growing in the open, as sometimes upon hills, for example, near lake shores in Cass county, the lower branches are much prolonged and the whole tree has a broadly conical form. But when a native of the forest the lower branches become shaded out of existence and the tree has the well-known compressed slender appear- Minnesota Plant Life. ance. The topmost branches usually dispose themselves in a flamboyant manner, which makes it possible to recognize this variety of pine as tar as it can be seen. The leaves are slender prismatic needles, borne in groups of five, on special short branches. They are of a somewhat bluish-green color, and dur- ing their first winter are inclosed in small bright green buds. The staminate cones are light-brown, egg-shaped, about a third of an inch long and mature in a single season. The pistillate cones are somewhat smaller at first, of a purplish color and borne on the topmost branches of the tree, while the staminate cones are usually developed on the lower branches. Originally the pistillate cones are erect, but during the first year of their lives they become heavier and take a hori- zontal position. At this time they are nearly an inch in length. The next year they grow rapidly, become pendu- lous, and reach their full size in mid-summer. They are now six inches in length and seven-eighths 0f an inch or thereabout in diameter. During the autumn of the second year, they open and scatter their brown seeds, each of which is furnished with a del- icate wing by means of which it is disseminated by the wind. Within the seed will be found an edible albumen, with, however, a strongly resinous odor, and in the centre of this stands the straight young pine with from eight to ten seed-leaves growing in a crown about the short apex of its stem. The root, before it issues from the seed, is already provided with a root-cap and the stem-area below the seed-leaves is short. The white pine contains more resin than any other variety, yet it is not ordi- narily used in the manufacture of turpentine as is the pitch pine of the south. FIG. 70. White pines on the rocks at Taylor's Falls, graph by Williams. After photo- 1 88 Minnesota Plant Life. Pine trees do not spring up again after fires with nearly the vigor possessed by a number of hardwood trees. In Minne- sota hundreds of thousands of young trees are annually de- stroyed by fire and their place is occupied by plants which are comparatively worthless in the commerce of the state. The Norway or red pine. The other commercial pine of Minnesota is a somewhat smaller tree, averaging fifty to eighty feet in height. This is commonly called the Norway pine by log- gers, though a more correct name would be red pine. The bark is of a reddish tint and much smoother than that of the white pine. When standing in groves the tops of the red pines are round, not irregular and crested as are the tops of the white pine. The leaves are produced in pairs on short special branches. They are dark-green, five or six inches in length and shaped somewhat like half-cylinders. The stami- nate cones are longer and slen- derer than those of the white pine, grow in more elongated clusters and are of a purplish color. The pistillate cones are at first almost spherical, red in color and a quarter of an inch or more in length. Like cones of the white pine these pistillate flowers take two years to mature and finally drop from between their scales the smaller, darker seeds with wings shaped differ- ently from those of the white pine seeds. The seedling plant has fewer seed-leaves and is limited to eight, while five, six or seven are more common numbers. The \vood is not so easily worked as that of the white pine, nor do the logs float so well in drives. The timber is, however, abundantly em- ployed in the manufacture of buildings, trestles and sometimes in railway construction. The jack pine. The third species of pine in Minnesota, the jack pine, is very prevalent in sandy soil throughout the north- ern part of the state. It is a smaller tree than either of the FIG. 71. Jack pine. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 189 others, but may in groves reach the height of seventy or eighty feet. The top is more pointed or spire-like than that of the red pine and the bark is rather thin and irregularly divided, a little like elm bark. The leaves arise in pairs and are much shorter than those of the red pine, varying from three-quarters of an inch to one and a quarter inches in length. The staminate cones are produced in clusters much like those of the red pine, but smaller. The pistillate cones are nearly spherical in shape, FIG. 72. Rock-vegetation near Duluth. White pines, white cedars and junipers. After pho- tograph by Williams. purple in color and appear on the topmost branches of the tree. When the pistillate cones mature during the second season of their lives they are generally curved to one side, by which char- acter they may be recognized and distinguished from the short cones of the red pine. The seeds are small, winged, and black- ish in color and the embryo plantlet has only four or five seed- leaves. There is no difficulty in discriminating even between the seedlings of the three species. The wood of the jack pine 190 Minnesota Plant Life. is not strong and is little used as lumber, though it is cut for firewood in some parts of the state and occasionally employed in the manufacture of posts or ties. This pine is particularly abundant in the region around Brainerd, where it covers hun- dreds of square miles in an almost unbroken forest. The white cedar. The white cedar or arbor-vitse is a tree fifty or sixty feet high with a short, thick trunk. It is especially abundant in the far northern region of the state, not coming south so readily as the pines. It is prominent along lake shores on the international boundary and its branches jutting out over the water make picturesque scenery on the shores of most lakes east of Rainy lake. The leaves are large and remote on older shoots, but on the younger, which are arranged in flat, fern- like groups, they are short and tightly lapped over each other like shingles. The flowers, opening in the spring, are purple in color and the fruits ripen in a single year. The seeds are winged along both margins, thus differing from the pines in which the wings are principally terminal, and are only an eighth of an inch long. Seedling plants of the white cedar have but two seed-leaves, in this respect resembling most higher seed- plants. The wood is very light and peculiarly durable, sweet- scented and brown in color. It is highly prized for railway ties, shingles and fencing lumber and is used by the Indians in the manufacture of paddles and as ribs for their canoes. They em- ploy also the inner bark in the manufacture of mats, cutting it up into strips which they dye and plait elaborately in quaint and traditional patterns. Young arbor-vitae plants are used in Minnesota for hedges. The hemlock. The hemlock is a tree sometimes no feet in height with a trunk four feet in diameter, but in Minnesota, in the two small patches where it is known, it does not reach this size. The lower branches are generally drooping and the leaves are short and flat, dark-green above and lighter below. The cones are slightly longer than the leaves. The wood is soft and light, brown or white in color and the general appearance of the twigs with their foliage is quite similar to that of the ground-hemlock hence the common name of the latter. The two plants, however, are really members of different families. Hemlocks are of much economic importance from their bark, Minnesota Plant Life. 191 to the exclusion of other varieties, being employed in tanning. The substance known as tannin is abundant in hemlock bark and by its action upon hides they are cured and converted into leather. The tamarack. The tamarack differs from the other Min- nesota pines in its habit of shedding its leaves in autumn. The leaves are never of the dark rich green of the spruces, firs or pines, but are of a paler color. In autumn they turn golden yel- low before they fall and after the severe frosts of November FIG. 73. Tamarack swamp with sedge border. After photograph by Williams. they separate from the twigs by means of cork layers and the tree passes the winter in a leafless condition. Tamaracks oc- cupy wet ground, forming by their growth the well-known feature of the landscape known as the tamarack swamp. The cones of the tamaracks are small. The wood is hard, resinous and durable, weighing twice as much as that of white cedar, and is used in the manufacture of railway ties, as fence poles and for fire-wood. Occasionally, too, it is manufactured into tele- graph poles. 192 Minnesota Plant Life. The spruces. The spruces are known for their spire-like habit of growth and serve as the Christmas trees of the children. They do not grow to any great size in Minnesota although the white spruce under suitable conditions may reach a height of 150 feet. In Minnesota the black spruce seems to be rather more frequent and together with tamaracks, or to their exclu- sion, forms characteristic swamp growths, the trees standing very close together. A slightly different variety, the muskeg spruce, with peculiar drooping branches is particularly abundant in such localities. Spruce leaves are short and four-sided, spreading in all directions from the twig. The cones are small and plump, with shell-shaped scales closely lapping over each other. In the white spruce the cones are oblong and some- what cylindrical in form, while in the black spruce and muskeg spruce they are egg-shaped in general outline. When the leaves of the black spruce die they fall, leaving little hummocks on the twigs. None of these plants except the true pines has special leaf-bearing branches which separate as a whole when the leaves have finished their work. The balsam. The balsam or fir is a slender tree growing in somewhat drier soil than that preferred by the tamaracks and black spruces. In Minnesota it rarely exceeds a height of 40 feet. The leaves are flat and sessile, arranged apparently in rows right and left on the twig, but really in spirals. The twigs have a much flatter look than the twigs of spruces. Only one species occurs in Minnesota and this has a smooth bark in which resinous blisters are formed. The whole plant is sweet-scented and the wood is .soft and light. From the resin blisters is de- rived the product known as Canada balsam. The balsam tree may be known from the spruces by its erect cones as well as by the flat branch systems, for in spruces the cones are pendu- lous. The junipers and red cedar. There remain to be men- tioned the junipers, a group of evergreens remarkable for trans- forming their pistillate cones into little round blue berries. The scales of the cone become fleshy, inclosing the seeds. They are fragrant and an extract of juniper is used in the flavoring of gin. Birds pick the berries, thus providing for the distribution of the seeds. Therefore, as one would expect, the seeds are not winged Minnesota Plant Life. 193 as in most of the other pines. One of the junipers, the red cedar, grows in Minnesota as a tall tree. It is not very com- mon in the state, but is found at Redwood Falls and on lake shores and bluffs at a few isolated localities in the southern part. The leaves are short and broad with sharp points and are developed in four rows. The red cedar is the most widely distributed plant of its family in North America. The wood is light, perfumed, of a reddish color, except in the outer layers, where it is white. It is largely used in cabinet making, in the FIG. 74. Red cedars on the banks of a Minnesota lake. After photograph by Williams. manufacture of lead pencils, and is believed to be so particularly distasteful to moths that closets in which woolen clothing and furs are to be hung during the summer months are sometimes lined with it. The other junipers of the state are low shrubs. One is char- acterized by spreading awl-shaped leaves arranged in whorls of three, and this form sometimes growls into a low tree. The others are prostrate shrubs creeping over the rocks or sand, and are abundant in the northern part of the state where they form a distinctive vegetation on some of the islands in Lake of the 14 194 Minnesota Plant Life. Woods and Rainy lake. Their leaves, like those of the red cedar, lap over each other, are short and slightly pointed. They stand in four rows, giving the branch upon which they are borne a square appearance. Characters of lower seed plants. There are a number of features in which the yews and pines agree. The seeds of each are produced in such a way that when young the pollen spores may fall close to their ends, so that the only tissues through which the pollen-tube must grow to reach the female plant are the cells of the spore-case that surrounds the large-spore in which the female plant is situated. For this reason the lower seed-plants are sometimes called the naked-seeded plants. While the seeds are maturing they are enclosed, except in the ground hemlock, quite as truly as are those of higher forms. In the juniper-berry, for illustration, when it is full grown, the scales which constitute the little fleshy cone are blended at their edges in such a manner that the seeds are entirely enclosed and can- not at all be termed naked. In the pines proper, too, the young cones appress their scales so tightly that the seeds are quite as effectually protected as they would be in the closed fruits of higher types. At first, however, even in the junipers, the scales of the immature cone are open and it is possible for pollen- spores to fall between them, thus reaching the ends of the young seeds growing upon their inner surfaces. A character in which the lower seed-plants all agree is the production of albumen in the seed before the egg of the female is fecundated by the sperm-nucleus of the pollen-tube. In the higher seed-plants the albumen of the seed, when present; does not form until the egg which is to produce the embryo has re- ceived its fecundation. The albumen of the seed may be re- garded as the body of the female plant and the young embryo nurses upon it during its life within the seed just as the young spore-producing plants of a liverwort or moss nurse upon the vegetative body of the sexual plants of their species. In still another respect the lower seed-plants agree and differ from all the higher seed-plants. In them, on the body of the female plant produced within the large-spore, true egg-organs are formed, each enclosing an egg and provided with a short neck the end of which is near the inner surface of the spore- Minnesota Plant Life. '95 wall. In higher seed-plants there is no definite egg-organ, but the egg lies loosely among the other cells of the extremely re- duced and degenerate female. Relation between lower seed-plants and primitive seedless plants. A very remarkable character, which shows clearly the connection between smaller club-mosses and lower seed-plants, is not known to be presented by either of the Minnesota fam- ilies of the latter group, though it is now described for two that are exotic. It is, however, a fact of such extreme interest that it should be mentioned at this point. FIG. 75. Rock on the St. Croix river, near Taylor's Falls. vShows zonal distribution of trees. White pines stand on top of the rock, and birches and poplars on the sides. After photo- graph by Mr. H. C. Cutler. In the sago-palms and ginkgo trees the pollen-spores fall as in other naked-seeded plants, upon the ends of the immature seeds, then germinate and produce their pollen-tubes. In the end of each pollen-tube in these plants there develop a pair of motile spermatozoids provided with swimming lashes. In the cycad family to which the sago-palm belongs, are a few Amer- ican species finding their home in Florida. In these when the pollen-tube comes close to the egg a motile spermatozoid swims into it, peeling off its swimming-lashes in a spiral coil 196 Minnesota Plant Life. and leaving them at the edge of the egg just inside its wall. The remainder of the sperm-nucleus finds its way to the centre of the female cell. In higher forms of naked-seeded plants, of which the yews and pines are examples, the swimming-lashes of the spermatozoids seem to have been quite abandoned. They are indeed no longer necessary, for the old algal type of aquatic reproduction has been finally outgrown. It is a most remark- able and impressive fact that in all the terrestrial forms, from the liverworts up to the cycads, including all the ferns, club- mosses and their allies, the primitive aquatic nature of the plant reasserts itself during the reproductive phase and one finds such plants as the granite-mosses, accustomed to life upon bare, dry rocks, quite unable to bring their sperms and eggs together except immediately after heavy rains, when the surface of the rock is flooded with water, thus enabling the aquatic sperms to use their swimming threads. This long persistence, ages after the aquatic habitat had been abandoned by the ancestral algae from which the higher plants are supposed to have arisen, is a striking example of the really profound inertia of living struc- tures. Chapter XXII. From Cat-tails to Eel-grasses. if Higher seed-plants. The characters of this group are as follows : the rudiments of the seeds are protected by the fusing together of the specialized leaves upon which they are borne into a fruit-rudiment known as the ovary. The leaves which thus fuse are called carpels. In some types the ovary consists of a single carpel, in others, of several carpels blended into a single fruit-rudiment, while the number of carpels in a flower varies in the different families. The female plant, produced in the large-spore of the seed-rudiment, consists of a few cells, commonly eight in number, near the time that the egg is fecun- dated. The albumen of the seed is not of the nature of a female plant, but is rather to be considered as the twin of the embryo, and does not form until after the sperm and egg have fused. In the latter characters it will be seen that the higher seed-plant differs from the lower. The lower class of higher seed-plants. There are two prin- cipal classes of higher seed-plants. The lower class is distin- guished by the production of embryos with but a single seed- leaf. In such plants the stem develops fibrous or woody threads which become entirely mature and do not blend into a cylinder from which to form a layer of growing tissue between the wood and the bark. Hence the stems of perennial plants of this class do not show "annual rings" of growth like those of the other and higher class. For the most part the leaves have parallel veins although some, such as those of the jack-in-the-pulpit, the smilax and the skunk-cabbage have netted veins. The flowers are ordinarily made up of five whorls of leaves, the two lower and outer whorls constituting the perianth, then two whorls of stamens and, in the centre, one whorl of carpels. The number of leaves in a whorl is generally three, but in certain types *the number varies, especially in the three inner whorls, so that water-plantains, for example, produce a large number of sep- 198 Minnesota Plant Life, arate carpels at the middle of a flower while grasses produce but one. A variety of plants belonging to this division of the vegetable kingdom exist in Minnesota. The class is divided into orders of which eleven are recognized, and the orders are divided into families. Cat-tails. The cat-tails belong to a small order, including also the bur-reeds and the screw-pines, the latter of which are not represented in the state. Cat-tails, however, are common enough at the edges of marshes, swamps and lakes, and a single species, the broad-leaved cat-tail, is familiar in such localities. It is provided with a creeping rootstock which lies imbedded in the mud. The leaves are slender and flat, sheathing the upright branches of the rootstock by their bases. The flowers are of two sorts, some containing only carpels and others only stamens. The two kinds are produced in the same spike-like cluster, the staminate aggregated above and the pistillate below. The brown cyl- inder or "cat-tail" is the compact mass of pistillate flowers. The little fruits are provided with cottony hairs and burst when they have been lying in water for a short time. Each seed consists of a hard shell within which is considerable albumen surrounding a single embryo plantlet. Bur-reeds. There are at least six sorts of bur-reeds in Min- nesota. They occupy similar habitats to those preferred by the cat-tails. Their prostrate creeping rootstocks are rooted in the mud and from them erect branches arise. On these are developed grass-like leaves. The flowers are of two sorts as in the cat-tails, and are gathered in globular heads, varying in size from a pill to a large marble. The staminate heads are FIG. 76. Bur-reed. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 199 smaller and higher on the stem than the pistillate. The fruit has but a single cavity. The seeds are furnished with con- siderable albumen and within this the embryo stands nearly straight. These plants are sometimes mistaken for sedges, but are easily recognized by their globular flower-heads of two sorts on the same general branch. Sometimes the heads are pro- vided with stalks ; in other varieties they are sessile. The second order in the ascending series includes seven fam- ilies, of which five are represented in the Minnesota flora. FIG. 77. lyakeside vegetation. Just off shore is a growth of the floating pondweed, then of arrowheads, while further out are reeds and rushes. After photograph by Williams. Pondweeds. These are for the most part submerged plants growing in ponds, lakes and slow streams throughout the state. About twenty Minnesota species are known to exist in such localities. They all root at the bottom of the water. Their stems are slender, often branching, and when taken out of the water are limp, owing to their poor development of woody tis- sue. The flowers are commonly collected in spikes which in spring are barely thrust above the water in order that the wind may carry the pollen from the stamens to the stigmas. These spikes are the little objects upon which lake-flies like to perch 2OO Minnesota Plant Life. as must often have been observed by every one who has fished in Minnesota lakes. The different species of pondweeds may be distinguished by their leaves. In one common variety leaves of a somewhat oval shape float upon the surface of the water, but besides these there are present upon the submerged portions of the plant short, reduced, grass-like leaves. In another with leaves some- what similar, but crowded together and altogether submerged, there w r ill not be found the special grass-like leaves. Still an- other has clearly two very different sorts of leaves, some finely dissected and others elliptical in outline. In yet another the leaves are all delicate and thread- like. A great variety in the shape and size of pondweed leaves may be observed upon looking down through the clear water upon s u b me r g e cl bars where they grow so luxuriantly. In all these plants the seeds are curved or straight and the embryo has no encasement of al- bumen. The fruit, in which are the seeds, consists of four little bodies much like diminutive peaches. Very closely related to FIG. 78. Clasping-leaved pondweed. After the pondweeds are the naiads Britton and Brown. ". i- -111 which may be distinguished by the solitary pistil which forms the fruit. They grow in exactly similar localities and one species is common in Minnesota. Arrow-grasses. A third family is known as the arrow-grasses. Four species are described from Minnesota localities and are to be found in some abundance in tamarack swamps, especially in the northern part of the state. The leaves are rush-like and the flowers, arranged in terminal, loose spikes, produce stamens and pistils upon the same axis, while from three to six carpels fuse together to make the fruit. One variety of arrow-grass is discriminated by the small number of flowers in the spike. All of these plants are perennial and some of them are to be pretty generally met with in all portions of the state, while others are Minnesota Plant Life. 201 rare. They should be sought in rather moist peat-bogs or in marshes at the edges of lakes. Water-plantains and arrowheads. A fourth family includes the water-plantains, the arrowheads and a few related plants in which the flowers are similar though the leaves are of differ- ent appearance. The common water-plantain is known by its large oval leaves, two or three inches in length and with several strong longitudinal ribs. The flowering stem is much branched, bearing a number of pretty flowers each with three round white petals, from six to nine stamens and usually several separate FIG. 79. Evening scene in Minnesota. Arrowheads, bulrushes and willows in foreground. After photograph by Williams. carpels which form, as the structure matures, a little fruit- cluster. The embryo in the seed is curved like a horse-shoe and there is no albumen. These plants produce large masses or colonies in favorable localities. They are abundant in ditches and pools and along railway tracks, as well as in pond margins and in marshes, but they do not commonly occur in peat-bogs or tamarack swamps, except at the edges. Related to the water-plantains are the arrowheads, plants of similar habitats and generally to be distinguished by their broad leaves, shaped like spear-heads. The arrowheads, like the pondw 7 eeds, frequently put forth two kinds of leaves, and if a 2O2 Minnesota Plant Life, FIG Arrowhead. After Britton and Brown. plant is pulled up by the roots it will be discovered very possibly that there are broad or slender grass-like leaves submerged in the water. In one Minnesota va- riety the arrow-headed leaves float upon the surface of the water like those of the pond-lilies, but more commonly they are not natant. In some species all of the leaves are grass-like or slender, while the plants must be recognized rather by their characteristic flowers. A large number of separate carpels are pro- duced in each flower and when it ripens the group of carpels become a more or less spherical head. In each of the closed carpels or ovaries is a single erect seed slightly curved. In Minnesota there are at least six species of arrowheads. Eel-grasses. A fifth fam- ily in this second order in- cludes the well-known eel- grass, the plant which gives so delicate a flavor to the flesh of the canvas-back duck, which is very fond of pulling it and eating the soft parts of the leaves and stems. There is something very remarkable about the way in which this plant pro- duces its flowers. The gen- eral plant-body consists of a (short stem rooted in the mud on the bottoms of lakes near their edges. The leaves FIG. 81. Eel-grass. After Britton and Brown. are long, graSS-Hke and of a diaphanous translucent green, rarely floating at the surface, more generally submerged and ascending. The pistillate flow- ers are produced at the end of a very long, slender spiral stem Minnesota Plant Life, 203 which rises in sinuous coils through the water, bringing the flower just to the surface. The staminate flowers are in clus- ters on a short stem deep down in the water. When they are nearly ripe they separate from the stem and rise to the surface, where they open, revert their perianth leaves and are free to be blown about on the quiet surface of the pool like so many min- iature boats. Some of them thus approach the pistillate flowers and the pollen-spores can fall upon the stigmas where they ger- minate. After pollination the long, coiled stem contracts and pulls the pistillate flower down into the depths where it may ripen its fruit in safety. The fruit itself is a cylindrical capsule with numerous seeds. In near affinity to the eel-grass is a little plant which is some- times called ditch moss or water weed and is known by its short leaves of a crisp texture when taken from the water. The leaves are opposite, rather close together and commonly not more than half to three-quarters of an inch in length. Their points are often turned back so that a characteristic appearance is given to a branch. Chapter XXIII. Grasses and Sedges* The third order is not represented in Minnesota, but the fourth order, which includes the grasses and sedges, is abun- dantly represented by a large variety of forms. There are in the state about 160 different species of grass and about the same number of sedges. Grasses. Grasses are characterized by their habit of forming the sort of fruit which is termed a grain. They are, in Minnesota, all of them annual or perennial herbs, but in In- dia and the Orient some va- rieties become large trees, in which condition they are termed bamboos. The stems are for the most part hollow, the leaves slender and sheath- ing, though some panic grass- FIG. 82. Wild rice and pond lilies. After photograph by Williams. CS have broad leaves Ol" CVCU ovate leaves in certain foreign species. The flower clusters are generally spikes composed of little spikes known as spikclets. In the flower clusters and flowers, the leaves are developed as chaffy scales and the flowers themselves lack any colored perianth. There are usually three stamens and the ovary has but one cavity producing but a single seed. The ovary is conceived to consist of one carpel, the other two having disappeared. The branched stigma on top of the rudimentary fruit is feather-like, and for its pollination the chief agent is the wind. The ripened fruit inclosed in its chaffy scales is called a grain. The seed inside the grain is not sep- arate but fills up the fruit-cavity so that the whole is one solid Minnesota Plant Life. 205 FIG. 83. Beard-grass. After Britton and Brown. body. There is always albumen in the seed and the embryo lies toward one side, nursing on the albumen by its peculiar sucker-shaped seed-leaf. This may be seen when one carefully removes the embryo or germ from a corn fruit or from a wheat kernel. It will then be noticed that the embryo has on one side a flattened disc which presses itself against the albu- men, and by it the plantlet nurses as the seed begins to germinate. There are several tribes of grasses recognized : the maizes, to which Indian corn belongs; the bluejoints, including also the sugar-cane ; the panic-grasses, with which the barnyard grass, the sand-burrs and their allies are grouped ; the rices, of which the Minnesota representative is the well-known wild rice or Indian rice; the canary-seed grasses; the timothies and millets, in- cluding also some sand-bind- ing grasses and tumbling- grasses; the oats, comprising the well-known wild oats and a number of kindred genera; the fescue grasses, with blue- grass and reed-grass as types; the buffalo-grasses, and the barleys with which tribe are also grouped both wheat and rye. Only two of the large tribes of grasses are unrepre- sented in Minnesota by native varieties. These are the maizes and the bamboos; but Indian corn, one of the maizes, is so abundantly cultivated that it may rightfully be regarded as a Minnesota plant. FIG. 84. Barnyard grass. After Britton and Brown. 206 Minnesota Plant Life, FIG. 85. Minnesota Muhlenberg grass. After Britton and Brown. Varieties of grasses. It is not possible in the space at com- mand to give any adequate idea of the various species of grasses which grow within the borders of the state. The majority of them are turf-forming plants and are marked by strong underground rootstocks which branch and creep beneath the surface of the soil, sending lateral offshoots into the light. A great many different types of flower clus- ters are to be met with, varying from the solid spikes of the timothy or millet to the very loose and straggling clusters of the tumble- grasses and blue-grasses. A few grasses are aquatic, permitting their leaves to float on the surface of the water. These may be recognized, when in flower or in fruit, by the characteristic grass-like aggregates which they produce. Some are semi-aquatic, finding their homes on the edges of lakes or swamps, as, for ex- ample, the reed-grasses and the wild rice. A number of varieties are found only in tamarack swamps and marshes or where there is an abundance of shade. A few, with sparsely clustered flowers and rather broad, thin leaves, frequent the depths of the forest, but the great majority are to be looked for in meadows and on the prairie. Some of them, like the buffalo grass, with their shriv- eled aspect and vigorous root- system, indicate a strong adap- tation to dry regions or deserts. Indian corn. Sometimes in the grasses the flowers are sep- arated so that the staminate flowers occur in different clusters FIG. 86. Beckman grass. After Britto and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 207 from the pistillate, just as in the cat-tails. It is so with the Indian corn, where all the staminate flowers normally develop in the area known as the tassel, where all the pistillate flowers are gathered together on a thick stem and form the ear. In the Indian corn the process which connects the stigma with the ovary is long and slender and is known as the silk. Surround- ing the cluster of pistillate flowers on their thick stem or cob is a group of somewhat modified protective leaves known as the husks of the corn. Since the plant depends upon the wind for carrying the pollen-spores to the stigma, the silk threads protrude in a little tuft at the end of the ear. By selectin g ears which have not yet opened to expose their silk and inclos- ing them in a gutta-p e r c h a bag it would be possible to pre- vent the devel- opment of the kernels. A number of cultivated vari- eties of Indian corn are recognized, differing in minor peculiar- ities. Hybrids between different varieties are interesting and sometimes red and white corn are crossed ; in that instance tinted kernels may develop upon the cob. Or if red, white and black varieties are grown together in the same field some kernels may be fecundated by male plants arising from one kind of pollen while others depend upon males developed from other pollen, so that the ears contain kernels of each color. Wild rice. Another grass which is of interest from its im- portance as an economic plant among the aborigines of the state, is the wild rice or Indian rice. The Chippewas call this plant manotnin and gather it in the autumn of the year for food. FIG. 87. Indian corn in the shock. After photograph by Williams. 208 Minnesota Plant Life. It occurs in large quantities, especially in narrows between lakes, in outlets or inlets, but not so commonly in bays or stagnant water. It is not so frequent in lakes without an outlet. The FIG. 88. Wild rice in a Minnesota lake. After photograph by Williams. grain is longer and thinner than the rice of the orient, but when boiled is quite as agreeable to the taste as the cultivated form. The Indians collect it in September, beating it into their canoes, Minnesota Plant Life. 209 FIG Wild rice. After Britton and Brown. and after harvesting it is winnowed by hand. Under the crude manipulation of the Indian much chaff is usually left with the grain, so that the wild rice cake or porridge which the In- dian makes is not always so ap- petizing as one might desire. The wild rice, when it flowers, behaves somewhat like Indian corn, but both varieties of flower- clusters are rather broad panicles. The spikelets contain one flower each and the pistillate spikes are borne higher on the stem than the staminate, thus reversing the relative position in the Indian corn. Each staminate flower con- tains six stamens. The pistillate flower consists of a single ovary with two divergent feathery stig- mas. Wheat. More important to man than any other grasses in Min- nesota are the wheats, which form the principal agricultural prod- uct of the state. In the wheat the flowers are perfect, not separated as in the corn or wild rice. Sur- rounded by its own cluster of stamens each pistil is normally sure of pollination. When the fruit develops it forms an ovoid grain with the embryo basally and laterally disposed. A large number of varieties of cultivated wheat are known, the hybridiza- tion and selection of which are of the utmost importance to the agriculture of the future, since by such intelligent methods will it eventually be possible to produce varieties which are rust-proof and far richer in flour-making sub- stances than are the wheats of to-day. 15 FIG. 90. Kalm's brome-grass. After Britton and Brown. 210 Minnesota Plant Life. Distribution of grass grains. A few grasses in the state have interesting special methods of distributing their fruits. The sand-bur, for example, encloses its fruits in bur-like scales. If carefully examined, the points on the burs will be found to have barbs directed backwards along their sides, so that a bur sticks very closely to the fur of an animal or to clothing and thus brings about the dissemina- tion of the fruits within. An- other grass known as spear-grass, or to children as "fairy's spears," is remarkable for the "self- planting attachment" of the grain. In this variety the grain is enclosed in a chaffy scale, the end of which is prolonged into a slender awn, while the base is sharply pointed, hard, and pos- sessed of hairs pointing back- wards. When such grains fall upon the soil the tips penetrate a little, owing to the heaviness iof the seed. The slender bristle then begins to coil and uncoil under the stim- ulus given to it by changes in the moisture of the air. Since the grain holds all the ground that it gains on FIG. 91. A cluster of sedge-flowers (Carex-type), a single pistillate flower with one fruit rudiment, and a stami- nate flower with three stamens. After Atkinson. account of its backward-pointing hairs it is slowly driven into the soil and thus enjovs a certain advantage over varieties which have not such self-planting mechanism. Grasses are not alone in apparatus of this sort, for the fruits of the clematis and of some geraniums are similar to a degree. Other species of grass are provided, upon their fruits, with expansions or tufts of cottony hairs, by which the wind assists them in their dis- Minnesota Plant Life. 21 I tribtition, while tumbling grasses after they have ripened their seeds separate their flower-clusters, bring them together into balls and permit the wind to roll them over the plains or meadows. Mat-grasses and dune-grasses. A few grasses take the form of what are known as mat-plants or carpet-plants. These are found in waste fields and the plant-body has a marked prostrate appearance, lying flat upon the ground and producing, if unin- terfered with, a circular disc a foot or more in diameter. Such vegetation-forms could not very well arise in the forests or in marshes, but are charac- teristic of open, sandy fields. Peculiar varieties of grasses are usually found on sand-d u n e s . These, of which the wild rye is a conspicuous ex- ample, have a luxuriant subterranean body made up of rootstocks and roots by which they bind the sand together hence they are known as sand- binding grasses. The planting of grasses of this sort where sand-dunes show a tendency to en- croach inland, is Often FIG. 92. Cyperus-sedge. After Britton and Brown. sufficient to stay the ad- vance of the dune. In France such grass-planting is employed by the inhabitants along the coasts of Brittany to prevent the beach sand from being blown continuously in shore. In north- ern Indiana, between Chicago and Elkhart, there is an area where the sand of Lake Michigan has been blown inland for many miles, covering the soil and by its thick drifts making val- uable farms worthless. In such positions considerable growths of wild rye would serve to bind the sand and raise a barrier to its farther encroachment. 212 Minnesota Plant Life. Sedges. The sedges are a family of plants closely akin to the grasses and with them constituting the fourth order. They are mostly grass-like in appearance, though some, like the bul- rushes, are singular in aspect owing to their special habitats. As compared with the grasses they present some differences which may be kept in mind and should enable one to distin- guish the two families at a glance. The stems are slender, gen- erally solid, instead of hollow as in almost all the grasses. Very often the sedge stem is triangular or quadrangular, a character FIG. 93. Cotton-grasses growing in a bed of peat-moss. Near Grand Rapids. After photo- graph by Mr. Warren Pendergast. not at all common among grasses. Some sedges, however, like grasses, have cylindrical stems. The leaves are, when present, altogether grass-like. The flowers resemble those of grasses, except that the number of stamens is rarely more than three. The ovary is one-chambered, develops a single seed and in gen- eral resembles the ovary of the grass. The stigma is often three-cleft but sometimes simple or two-cleft. The fruit is ordinarily a three-cornered nutlet with mealy albumen and minute embryo. Minnesota Plant Life. 213 Cyperus-sedges. Here are included the Cyperus plants. To this genus the familiar umbrella-plants of window gardeners belong and here, too, is to be placed the papyrus of Egypt, famous in ancient days as a substitute for paper. The papyrus stems were pounded out into flat plates which, matted together, furnished the papyrus rolls upon which so many ancient manu- scripts are written. In Minnesota the Cyperus sedges are found principally along the muddy borders of ponds and streams, in marshes, ditches and wet places. In many of them the stem is triangular with most of the leaves clustered at the base. The spikes are often borne in the kind of cluster known as an umbel, FIG. 94. L,ake border vegetation. Bulrushes and reed-grasses. After photograph by Williams. of which the parsley family furnishes such good examples. Sometimes these umbels are loose and compound, in other spe- cies they are compacted into almost globose heads, while in still others they are lax and simple. Cotton-grasses. In this family are the cotton-grasses, such characteristic plants of the tamarack swamps and peat-bogs of the state. The fruits of the cotton-grasses are clothed with white bristles growing up from under their bases so that the head of a cotton-grass looks much like a tuft of cotton at the end of a slender stem. There are several varieties in Minne- sota. 214 Minnesota Plant Life. Bulrushes. Here are also the bulrushes and their allies, a number of which are natives of the state. The most common bulrush is the one that forms beds at the margins of many Minnesota ponds and lakes, This plant has stout creeping rootstocks which branch underneath the soil of the bottom. Lateral branches of the main stem arise into the air, growing sometimes from seven to nine feet tall, with a few sheathing leaves at the base and a leaf or two at the point where the flower- cluster branches originate. The erect stem as a whole is a slender green cylinder, whip-shaped and beautifully constructed to withstand the wind and surf of its habitat. The bulrush is an example of a small adapta- tional group known as surf- plants. The leafless character of the stem may be regarded as the result of experience in surfy water, for in such a posi- tion the leaves, if they had existed, would probably have been torn away and the plant has therefore learned how to exist without any leaves over the principal portion of its sur- face. There are a variety of rea- sons why different p 1 a n t s abandon their leaves. Some- times the leafless habit is an adaptation to very dry atmospheres ; therefore a number of desert plants are leafless, because if they had leaves they would tend to transpire moisture more rapidly than they could absorb it. Again, the absence of leaves may be an adaptation to strong winds ; thus the switch-plants on the islands of the Adriatic may be regarded as varieties which have abandoned their leaves because of the frequency of violent blasts that would be likely to tear or destroy them. In the bulrush, however, the leafless habit is partly a response to the prevalence of surf in places where the plant is accustomed to make its home. FIG. 95. Bulrush-sedge. After Brittou and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 2 I Many bulrushes have three-cornered stems and grow in marshes or even upon prairies, but these are to be connected with the ordinary cylindrical bulrush of lakeshores because of the exact similarity of their flowers and fruits. Indeed, the three-cornered stem was probably primitive and the cylindrical, adaptational. Carex-sedges. The largest genus of plants in Minnesota after the rusts belongs to the sedge family, and there are about no species of Car ex in the state. The Carices are grass- like sedges, for the most part small and slender plants and per- ennial by underground rootstocks. Each pistillate flower de- velops a sac-shaped leaf which incloses the rudimentary fruit, so that when ripe it stands in a little bladder, reminding one somewhat of the ground- cherry, only very much smaller. These sacs may be either pa- pery or hard and they may be either smooth, furrowed or winged. Usually the stigmas are protruded far beyond the top of the sac which itself takes the form of a bottle, and through the neck of this the stigmas are thrust. Some- times the stigma is two-lobed, while in other species the number of the lobes is three. A con- siderable variety exists in the shape of the sac in which the fruit is formed. Sometimes it is slender, while again it is swollen or even globose. In many sedges the pistillate flowers their fruit-rudiments inclosed in the sacs are displayed in special spikes or heads, while the staminate flowers stand in other spikes above or below the pistillate if the two occur on the same general axis or entirely separate from them. Among the Carices the flower clusters, in their general shape and in their position on the plant-body, show great variety. Sometimes they are cylindrical and pendulous, again cylindrical and erect or ascending, again globose or loosely aggregated. In still FIG. Carex-sedge. After Britton and Brown. 216 Minnesota Plant Life. other instances they form long clustered groups made up of numerous spikes of flowers. One of these little sedges is an extremely common flower of early spring, dotting the prairies with its little yellow spikes of staminate flowers below which whitish spikes of pistillate flowers are formed. The yellow color is given by the stamens themselves. Some of the sedges are robust, strong plants, almost like bul- rushes in their general aspect, while others are very delicate, low-tufted plants, bringing to mind the smaller sorts of grasses. In the classification of this large genus of plants a variety of characters are taken into consideration the number and posi- tion of the flowers, the character of the sac which incloses the fruit, the distribution, shape and color of the scales, the width, length and texture of the leaves, the number of branches of the stigma and the general distribution of the flowering tracts upon the axis where they develop. Economically, sedges are by no means as important as grasses; neither are their stems so val- uable as fodder, nor do their fruits serve to feed mankind as do those of the rice, wheat, rye and maize, all of which belong to the other family of the order. Yet a considerable industry is being developed in the manufacture of matting from one com- mon Minnesota variety and the plants are not without their uses. Chapter XXIV. From Callas to Water Star-grasses. if The fifth and sixth orders the palms and cyclanthuses are not represented in Minnesota, but the two families of the seventh order are, by a few well-marked species. Here come the plants of the arum family, comprising in Minnesota the jacks-in- the-pulpit, the calla, the skunk-cabbage and the sweet-flag. These are of somewhat different habits and structure, but they agree in producing their flowers upon fleshy spikes subtended or surrounded by peculiar leaves known as spathes. The com- mon jack-in-the-pulpit, for instance, develops such a fleshy spike of flowers and the spathe encircles the cluster as a cu- rious hood. The spathe in the calla lily of greenhouses forms a white, vase-like chalice beneath the fleshy spike, while in the skunk-cabbage it becomes a livid purple cowl open at one side. In the sweet-flag the spathe is prolonged straight above the apparently lateral fleshy spike and seems like a con- tinuation of the flattened stem. In most of these plants the rootstocks are commonly short and solid and contain a very acrid sap. The unpleasant taste of the Indian turnip is given in part by crystals of lime oxalate enclosed in certain cells of the bulb. The fruit of the arums is a berry. In the jack-in-the-pulpit the berries are scarlet and mature in the autumn. In the sweet-flag they are crowded together and gelatinous often failing to mature. All of these plants have special peculiarities of growth that would be interesting to follow in detail and a few points are particularly worthy of attention. If in the curi- ous flower clusters of the skunk-cabbage a thermometer be in- serted, and after fifteen or twenty minutes it be removed and read, it will be found that the temperature may be from five to fifteen degrees higher than that of the surrounding air, showing 2l8 Minnesota Plant Life. the power of the purple substances in the spathe, together with the respiratory activity of the fleshy spike, to increase the tem- perature. In the jack-in- the-pulpit flower the pecu- liar little club-shaped sterile end of the spike is probably a respiratory organ and to- gether with the special col- oring substances does its part in raising the tempera- ture. Small insects learn that these flower clusters offer them comfortable shelter and seek them, and as a result pollination is se- cured. The flowers of most of the arums depend upon this ability to furnish heat rather than upon perfumes, gaudy colors or the secre- tion of nectar to attract their insect visitors. Burrowing bulbs. An- other curious feature in the lives of many arums is the burrowing habit of the young bulbs. If a flower pot about six inches tall is filled with rich loam and some seeds of the skunk- cabbage or jack-in-the-pul- pit are planted about half an inch below the surface and permitted to germinate, the plantlets when they burst forth will at once be- gin the formation of bulbs by expanding the lower portions of their stems into FIG. 97. A skunk-cabbage in early spring, be- fore the leaves have unfolded. The purple hood covering the flower cluster is shown on one side. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. 219 round and solid bodies. In a week or so after such a bulb has been formed, if sought where it first appeared, it cannot be found, for by this time it will have burrowed to the bottom of the pot. In this manner the erect rootstocks of skunk-cab- bages sink a foot or two into the soil as any one who attempts to dig up a perfect plant will soon discover. The way that this is accomplished is by the development of contractile roots on the young nodes. Four or five of these roots are sent obliquely down into the soil on different sides of the stem. When they are long enough they produce some short lateral branches near their tips, thus anchoring themselves. They then contract and the bulb or stem the base of which may be sharply pointed is pulled down into the earth. By this means the plant estab- lishes its stems sometimes twenty inches below the point where they began to form. The contractile roots, differing consid- erably from the ordinary absorptive roots, may be recognized by their large size and by the wrinkles on their surface. Although the berries of most of the arums are exceedingly unpleasant to the taste, some birds seem to fancy them and their bright red color in the jack-in-the-pulpit, calla and skunk-cab- bage is no doubt in the nature of an advertisement to attract the attention of such as will eat them. All of these plants except the sweet-flag grow in rich soil, in deep woods, ravines or swamp borders. Like most shade- loving plants, they have large leaves of thin texture. The jack- in-the-pulpit is a typical shade plant in structure. Unlike most of its class, its leaves are netted veined and the broad, thin blades are fitted to catch as much sunlight as possible. The flowers in this plant are commonly of two kinds. The staminate may occur either upon the same fleshy axis with the pistillate, and just above them, or upon a separate axis. The peculiar club- shaped elongation of the flowering axis in the jack-in-the-pulpit is not characteristic of the calla, the skunk cabbage or the sweet flag, for in the latter plants the flowers cover the axes to their tips. The sweet-flag occupies a different habitat from the oth- ers preferring the edges of streams and swamps. Its rootstocks are used in pharmacy and are often collected and chewed by children, for they have not the acrid taste and are harmless. The leaves of the sweet-flag are similar to those of the blue flag 22O Minnesota Plant Life. or iris and quite different from the great oval leaves of the skunk-cabbage, the small heart-shaped leaves of the calla, or the three-parted leaves of the jack-in-the-pulpit. Duckweeds. The duckweeds are small natant or submerged plants which form green scums on pools and puddles. They have no foliage-leaves but develop little flat, oval or triangu- lar stems which float upon the surface of the water. Some of them have roots which hang down as counterpoises, but others are without roots and appear suspended in the water as tiny green ovoid balls not as large as a pin-head. The latter are the smallest of all flowering plants and are marvels of reduc- tion. When the duckweeds flower, which they very seldom do, the stamen and pistil stand together in a little depression on the surface. For the most part these plants depend upon propagation for their persistence and do not reproduce by seeds. In Minnesota there are five or six species. The two kinds of duckweed which are most abundant are the ivy-leaved or three- cornered duckweed and the smaller duckweed. In the latter the floating discs are about an eighth of an inch in diameter and of nearly circular shape. In the former the plant-body is branched more abundantly and builds up a group of three-cor- nered or arrowhead-shaped branches. In each of these plants a single root hangs down from the middle of the plant-body. Another somewhat larger duckweed, with discs a quarter of an inch or so in diameter is easily distinguished by the forma- tion of tufts of roots on the under side. In these plants there are traces of an original terrestrial existence, although they have become so much modified by their aquatic life that they now resemble some forms of algae. Nevertheless the roots in all the species which produce these organs are supplied with root-caps, structures of value to all terrestrial plants, because they protect the young roots as they penetrate the soil. They are, however, of no value to aquatic plants and some aquatic plants shed their root-caps. The little floating fern of Minne- sota is interesting from its general habit of dispensing with the root-caps shortly after the roots have begun to extend into the water. But when plants like the floating fern or the duck- weed develop roots with caps and afterwards drop these caps, now become useless, into the water, it may be assumed that they Minnesota Plant Life. 221 are, by this action, indicating their original terrestrial habits and proclaiming as distinctly as possible that they were not al- ways floating plants. Of the duckweeds the one most per- fectly adapted to the aquatic habitat is at the same time the most simple of all flowering plants. One must carefully distinguish between that simplicity of structure which is rudimentary and the similar simplicity which comes from reduction. Low types of plants like some of the algae are simple in form, like the smallest duckweed, but their simplicity need have no com- plexity behind it. Sometimes these tiniest of duckweeds, mere little green specks in the water, lie at the surface and produce each on its upper side a neat little stamen and pistil quite in the style of their earlier terrestrial days. The eighth order includes eleven families, of which but four are represented in Minnesota, the yellow-eyed grasses, the pipe- worts, the spiderworts and the pickerel-weeds. Yellow-eyed grasses. There is one species of this family in Minnesota. It is not very common but occurs in the vicinity of the Twin Cities. The general appearance of the plant is grass-like and a few little yellow flowers, each with three dis- tinct petals, are formed in the axils of a group of scales which stand in a more or less ovoid head at the tip of a slender erect stem. The most favorable place to seek these plants is near the edges of a tamarack swamp where the country is somewhat open, or on banks near the shores of lakes. The size of the plant and its general appearance reminds one a little of the blue-eyed grass, a common plant of the iris family, but the color of the flowers at once serves to distinguish it. Pipeworts. Related to the plants last described are the curi- ous little forms known as pipeworts, of which a single species has been found on the muddy shores of some Minnesota lakes near St. Paul, in Chisago county, in Douglas county and in Cass county stations indicating a wide distribution over the state. The pipeworts have very short stems on which little tufts of grass-like leaves are borne. From the centre of the tuft rises a slender stem one to six inches in height. At the end of this is formed a spherical head of minute flowers. If the plant grows beneath the surface of the water, as it often does, the erect stem 222 Minnesota Plant Life. may be several feet in length, coming up like a wire from the bottom of the pool and bearing the little head at the surface of the water. The name pipewort is given on account of the hol- low stem which bears the flowering head. Blue-eyed-Marys. The spiderwort family includes two Min- nesota species, the common spiderworts or blue-eyed-Marys frequent on banks, along roadsides and railway tracks and at the edges of meadows. The plants are mucilaginous and when broken excrete a viscid slime. The leaves are rather thick, grass-like in form, and arise from a simple or branched stem. The flowers are produced in generally terminal umbels and are of a bluish-purple color an inch or so in diameter. There are three purple petals and three green calyx leaves below. There are three carpels fused together to form the fruit rudiment, sur- rounded by six stamens. When the ovoid fruit is mature it splits by three longitudinal lines equi-distant from each other, as does also the iris fruit. The stamens in these plants possess tufts of interesting purple hairs which are very beautiful objects for microscopic study. Pickerel-weeds. A somewhat common green-house member of the pickerel-weed family is known as the water-hyacinth and is similar in its flowering clusters to the rather rare native pick- erel-weed of Minnesota. Any one who has seen the flowers of the water-hyacinth will recognize the pickerel-weed if he chances upon it at the edges of a marsh or in tamarack swamp. The leaves are thick, shaped somewhat like those of the arrow- head, and arise from a prostrate rootstock. The flowering stem stands erect, bearing one large heart-shaped leaf, with some sheathing bracts at the base. The whole flowering stem varies from one to four feet in height, while the large leaf may be ordinarily as much as six inches long. The flowers are pale blue and delicate in texture like the flowers of the water-hya- cinth. They occur in clusters on a somewhat fleshy spike at the base of which is a small thin spathe. Water star-grasses. Related to the pickerel-weed and a member of its family is a little mud-flat plant known as the water star-grass. When growing in water the stem of this plant is two or three feet in length, no thicker than a knitting- Minnesota Plant Life. 223 needle, branching frequently and possessing short, very slender leaves with rather sharp points. The flowers are of a lemon- yellow color and one or two are produced at a time. This form is, however, rare in Minnesota and usually the water star-grass appears on mud-flats as a plant two or three inches long with characteristic lemon-yellow flowers, each with six equally col- ored portions. To this order belong also the pineapples and Spanish mosses of the south and several tropical families not represented in the United States. Chapter XXV. Rushes, Lilies, Blue Flags and Orchids, The ninth order includes the rushes, the lilies, and their allies, the bloodworts, the amaryllises, the yams, and the blue flags or irises. These all unite in the general character of the flower which is made up of the six portions belonging to the perianth, three or six stamens and three fused carpels. The flower of the familiar Easter lily is, in its structure, typical of the whole order. Rushes. About twenty species of rushes occur in Minne- sota. They are for the most part perennial grass-like herbs, com- mon upon sand beach- es, in prairie sloughs and back a little way from the borders of marshes or 'swamps. The flowers are ordi- narily clustered and are characterized by the inconspicuous chaffy appearance of the six perianth leaves. They are not, however, subtended by scales and arranged in spikelets as are the grass and sedge flowers; and rushes need not be mistaken for any of the lower families if their flowering tracts are carefully observed. The fruit in rushes is a small capsule which splits at the sides like the much larger fruit of the iris. The seeds vary in number from three to several. There are usually three or six stamens in each flower. FIG. 98. Sedges and rushes. After photograph by Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. 225 Two genera of rushes, the wood rushes and the bog rushes are found in Minnesota. The wood rushes are recognized by their habitat and by the position of the bractlets beside the flowers. The bog rushes, while of the same general appearance, commonly produce more seeds in each capsule than do the wood rushes. No little variety exists among the rushes in the shape of their flower-c lusters. Generally they are rather flat-topped, but some spe- cies exhibit the flowers in globular heads and Otll- FIG. 99. Dog's-tooth violet in flower. After Atkinson. ers in loose panicles. Lilies and their allies. About forty species of plants be- longing to the lily family are known to occur in Minnesota. Among them may be men- tioned the trilliums, or wake- robins, the hellebores, the asphodels, the bellworts, the clintonias, the false and true Solomon's seals, the asparagus, the tiger-lilies, the dog's-tooth violets and the wild onions. These plants occupy a variety of habitats. Some, like the asphodels, are to be sought in tamarack swamps; others, like the bellworts and Solomon's seals, in the edges of the woods; others, like the clin- 1'ic.. UK). Clintonia. After Britton and Brown. tOniaS and trilHlimS, ill the 16 226 Minnesota Plant Life. depths of the forest. One interesting form, known as alkali- grass, grows on the high prairies in the western part of the state. The onions are found in six different varieties and are best de- veloped in the prairie region of Minnesota, but they occur also in the forests. The hellebore is notable as the source of the alkaloid ver ci- trine, a valuable medicinal compound. The bellworts, of which there are three varieties, are common and attractive flowers of the middle spring. The onions, with their characteristic bulbs, smooth in some species, in others fibrous or reticulated; the tiger lilies of three sorts with their showy flowers, the dog's- tooth violets of three varieties with their peculiarly spotted leaves and white or yellow flowers are all familiar and common forms. The peculiar habit of the Solomon's seals which separate the erect stems of the year from the strong perennial subterra- nean rootstocks in such manner as to give rise to circular scars, has occa- sioned the common name. Asparagus which grows wild in Minnesota differs from the rest of the family in being largely devoid of leaves, the fine green foliage consisting of small starch-mak- ing branches rather than true leaves. Smilax. Among the lilies may be included also the green briars or smilaxes, noticeable for their netted leaves and, in most varieties, tendril-bearing stems. Five spe- cies of smilax are known to occur in Minnesota. The flowers in these plants stand in umbels and the fruits mature as berries of a red or blue color, shading towards purple or black. The stems, which twine or climb upon the vegetation near them,, arise from large swollen underground rootstocks. One variety of smilax common in Minnesota is quite destitute of tendrils and exists as an erect herb a foot or so in height. Some of the smilaxes are very bristly with prickles upon the stems or edges of the leaves, whik others are smooth. FIG. 101. Blue flags. After pho- tograph by Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. 227 Yams. A single species of yam is common in woods through- out the southern part of Minnesota. The body of the plant is herbaceous or slightly woody. Underground rootstocks are produced from which slender twining vine-like stems arise, bearing heart-shaped broad leaves with elongated pointed tips. The flowers are small and borne in elongated clusters. When the plant fruits, deeply three-furrowed papery capsules are formed in each of which from three to six very flat thin seeds are enclosed. The rootstock is fleshy and some of the tropical varieties are of commercial value as articles of food. The sweet potato, sometimes confused with the yam, is an entirely differ- ent plant. Blue flags. In Minnesota the iris family includes three species. O n e, the blue flag or iris or fleur-de- lis, is a familiar object in swales and mar s h e s and is common throughout the state. The large blue flowers are borne on erect steins with leaves similar in appearance to those of the cat-tail. The stems arise from woody tuberous rootstocks. The three-celled ovary matures into a capsular fruit in which the seeds are very much flattened by mutual pressure. Blue-eyed grasses. The other plants of the iris family are known as blue-eyed grasses. Of these, two species, by some botanists combined into one, occur in Minnesota. They are but diminutive blue flags, being tufted grass-like plants with small blue flowers about a quarter of an inch in diameter. They are to be found in meadows and upon wooded slopes. Star-grasses. One species of star-grass is fairly common in the southern part of Minnesota. In general appearance it is grass-like with a swollen solid bulb of rather oblong shape FIG. 102. Stream-side vegetation. Blue flags in foreground. After photograph by Williams. 228 Minnesota Plant Life. and usually about half an inch in diameter. Upon a somewhat short erect stem, generally surpassed in length by the leaves, are borne three or four yellowish flowers, of small size, in a flat topped cluster. This plant cannot be mistaken for the yellow- eyed grass because it has not the spherical scaly head from which originate the flowers in the latter variety. Besides the families of the ninth order which have been men- tioned there are four others not represented in the state. Nor are the plants of the tenth order found so far beyond the tropics. It is to this order that the bananas and the zingibers, the cannas and the arrow-roots belong. Cannas, however, with their un- symmetrical red flowers and large leaves are planted for orna- ment in many Minnesota lawns and parks. Orchids. The eleventh order includes but two families, one of which is not found in Minnesota, while the other, the orchid family, presents a number of interesting varieties. Of orchids there are about 45 species in the state, including the rein orchids in a number of forms, the tress orchids, the Arcthusas, the Pogonias, the Calypsos, the coral-roots, the putty-roots, and the lady's slippers or moccasin flowers, together with some others. Orchids differ from the rest of their class, so far as Minnesota is concerned, by developing flowers with bilateral symmetry, while the flowers of lilies, irises, yams and the rest are radially symmetrical like a star-fish. Orchid flowers have a distinct upper and under side like snap-dragon or pea flowers. This is probably because for ages they have stood laterally on their stems and long ago in response to this habit came to show a dif- ference between the side toward the ground and the side toward the skies. Many orchid flowers display a long spur, as do the larkspurs. Others produce boat-shaped or slipper-shaped bags as does the moccasin flower. In none of them has the flower the even, radial symmetry possessed, for example, by the tulip or the tiger lily. Not only for the presence of flowers of this type, a character which they share with the cannas and bananas, are the orchids noted, but also for the immense number of very small seeds which they produce. In numerous orchid flowers a peculiar reduction of some of the stamens takes place, so that in many of them there remains Minnesota Plant Life. 229 but a single functional stamen out of the group, the others be- ing reduced to mere vestiges. In the lady's slipper, however, two stamens of the group remain functional. The curious shapes of orchid flowers are connected with insect pollination and the orchid flower may be regarded as a machine, or tread- mill, in which some definite species of insect, different for the different species of orchids, is temporarily captured and forced to work for the purposes of the flower. In the com- mon r o u n d - leaved orchid of Minnesota, which has but a single stamen, if a pin be in- serted into the spur of the flower, passing along a groove between the two pollen- pouches of the stamen, a couple of cir- cular adhesive discs spring out and attach themselves to each side of the pin. On each of these discs is a stalk at the end of which a mass of pollen- spores is collected. The two little masses stand up like dimin- utive Indian clubs for an instant and then droop forward. Here one sees the mechanism designed for the moth that pollinates the flower. When the insect comes to the plant it finds attractive perhaps only one flower of the two or three which are finally produced. It stands in a definite posi- tion, generally upon the portion of the flower turned toward the ground, and introduces its bill into the spur where a little FIG. 103. Yellow lady-slipper. After photograph by Mr. R. S. Macintosh. 230 Minnesota Plant Life. honey is secreted. In order to obtain the honey it must thrust its bill along the groove where the two adhesive discs are sit- uated. When the insect has sipped the drop of honey which it seeks, having been drawn to it by the perfume and color of the flower, it flies away, carrying with it the two pollen- masses, one on each side of its bill. Immediately after the insect leaves the flower the two pollen-masses bend forward and the next flower visited receives these pollen-masses fairly on the sticky end of the stigma, where the pollen-spores ger- minate and give rise to the male orchid plants. From this sec- ond flower the moth carries away a fresh pair of pollen- masses. Such very wonderful and perfect devices secure what is termed cross-pollination. The pollen is taken from one flower and carried to the stigma of another upon another plant, thus apparently insuring a greater vitality and breadth of experience in the embryo plantlets which are to be de- veloped in the seeds. A va- riety of such mechanical de- vices are employed by plants. Those of the orchids with their automatic adhesive discs and curving-stalked pollen-masses be- ing among the most marvelous in their perfection. Yet it may be said that the orchids are over-refined and almost too per- fect. The exactness of the machine is indeed so great that the chances against its working are apparently infinitesimal. The seeds, however, are so small and the embryo plantlets are pro- vided with so little nutriment with which to enter upon their independent life that the great majority of them must certainly perish. The orchids, in their development, have given their at- tention, so to speak, to the elaboration of highly complicated methods of cross-pollination, but have at the same time neg- FIG. 104. Wild orchis. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 231 lected the proper nutrition of the plantlet in the seed. For this reason orchids are everywhere rare plants. One scarcely ever finds them in great beds such as those in which many other sorts of plants habitually occur, and possibly their infrequency may be attributed to the failure on their part to produce sufficiently virile seeds. The habitat of Minnesota orchids is somewhat various. The moccasin flowers which, especially in their fruiting season, are poisonous to the touch like poison ivy, are to be met with in tamarack swamps or drier localities throughout the state. There are six varieties in Minnesota, differing in the size, shape and color of the flowers. One of them, the yellow moccasin, is the legal "state flower." About a dozen varieties of rein- orchids may be found, and in these several flowers are produced in a spicate cluster. The flowers in some of the rein-orchids are fringed like those of the fringed gentians, and one, with rather large purple flowers, is not uncommon in damp places both north and south. Another variety with fringed petals is found in tamarack swamps. In this the flowers are greenish or almost white. Still another type of orchid, not very com- mon anywhere except in the woods north of Lake Superior, is the rattlesnake plantain. In this the leaves are shaped much like those of the common plantain and are curiously mottled with different shades of green. The tress-orchids are delicate, slender plants, six inches or so in height, not uncommon in pine woods near the bases of old stumps. They may be distin- guished from the other orchids by their somewhat spirally twisted spikes of flowers. Perhaps the most ornamental native orchid, when seen un- der favorable conditions, is the Calopogon or grass-pink. This is most prettily conspicuous in northern peat-bogs, where it grows among the cranberries and kalmias, often forming patches of considerable size. The flowers are of a beautiful shade of purplish pink and are visible for some distance on account of their brilliant color. The coral-roots have very small and poorly developed leaves. They are humus plants, deriving their nutriment to a large extent through the cooperation of fungus filaments in the super- ficial layers of their rootstocks, and the singular coral-like ap- 232 Minnesota Plant Life. pearance of the infected rootstocks has occasioned the popu- lar name of the plant. There are three varieties, rather more common in northern woods than in the southern part of the state. In several of the orchids bulbs are produced, and in the little putty-root, not very rare in hard-wood timber where the ground is covered with decaying vegetable mould, the bulb is well-formed and about the size of one's thumb. The only Minnesota orchids known to be poisonous to the touch are the lady's slippers, and, especially in the autumn, it is advisable to avoid handling these plants. The leaves and stems are furnished with two kinds of hairs, some pointed and apparently harmless, others with globular tips which secrete small quantities of oil. Either the oil itself or substances in solution may irritate the skin, and careless handling of a plant is frequently the beginning of much discomfort. In the early spring, when they have first come above the ground, their se- cretions do not seem to be so virulent. The seeds of the lady's slipper are very light and after the pods containing them have opened they depend upon the wind for distribution. That the plant should be more poisonous while the seeds are matur- ing is possibly a device to discourage grazing animals from attacking it at this time. Chapter XXVI. Poplars and Willows. There have now been passed in review the principal Minne- sota types of higher seed-plants in which a single embryonal leaf is produced. In all such forms the first leaf springs from the tip of the nascent plant in the seed, and the rudiment of the stem arises as a lateral protuberance of the young embryo. Plants with two-leaved seedlings. The plants included in the lower class are not so numerous as the species which be- long to the other and highest group of the vegetable kingdom. The latter produce a pair of seed-leaves by bulgings at the end of the young spherical embryo shortly after it has begun to form from the fecundated egg. The two seed-leaves are devel- oped opposite to each other and between them is situated the growing point of the stem, so that when seedlings of plants of this group come above ground they may generally be recog- nized by the pair of seed-leaves between which the little bud of the stem gradually unfolds itself. There are, however, some exceptional cases which need attention before passing on. In a few forms the growth of one of the seed-leaves is at a very early stage arrested, so that when in a ripe seed the plantlet is observed it may seem to have but a single seed-leaf. This is true of some bladderworts. Another irregularity is to be no- ticed in the embryos of certain parasitic plants like the mistletoe or dodder. In these the seed matures without the develop- ment of any seed-leaves whatever, and the embryo, upon dis- section of the seed, will be found to exist as a tiny, more or less spherical body near one end. Here, too, it may be recalled that some members of the pine family produce a pair of seed- leaves, yet they would not on that account alone be included in the class now under consideration. In all instances of irreg- ularity it is conceived that special influences must have been 234 Minnesota Plant Life. brought to bear upon the embryo plantlet to modify it from the ordinary type; but when the other structures of the plant are taken into account there is usually no difficulty in assigning it to its proper class. Stem structure. A very constant character of plants of the highest class is the presence in the stem of fibres in which a longitudinal layer of cells remains without finally maturing. In trees, the seedlings will be found to have at first a little circle of such fibres, which by mutual pressure upon each other be- come blended together around the central pith. The layer of cells known as the cambium in each of the fibres thus joins with the layer of a fibre next to it and a cylinder of cambium origi- nates, inclosing the young wood and inclosed by the young bark. This layer of cells ordinarily gives rise, during every year, to new wood tissue and new bark tissue. The oldest parts, there- fore, of a tree-trunk, are the outside where one can lay one's hand, and the heart-wood. The bark is younger as one cuts from the outside toward the wood, but the wood is younger as one cuts from the centre toward the bark. In a tree there are just as many bark rings as there are wood rings, but the outer bark is constantly sloughing off, being cracked by the ex- pansion of the wood within and by exposure to the disintegrat- ing effects of the weather. Besides this, the ring of bark that is formed by the cambium during a year is commonly not so thick as the ring of wood. For these reasons bark may be only an inch or more thick, while the wood from circumference to cen- tre may measure even several feet. Herbs and trees. To non-botanical observers it is sometimes difficult to explain that there is no very essential difference in structure between an herb and a tree, providing they both belong to the same general family of plants. The elm is so very much larger than the nettles which grow in its shade that upon any one who considers the two together it naturally makes a very different impression. Yet, nevertheless, the general plan of structure in the two is very similar. In the nettle there is a disposition of woody tissue inside, with bark tissue outside, just as in the elm, but the tree persists possibly for hundreds of years, thickening its trunk with every season, while the stem of the nettle dies at the end of the first season of growth. The proper Minnesota Plant Life. 235 way to compare trees and herbs in order to understand their sim- ilarity is this: Let an herb be pulled up by the roots and laid down before one. Then let a fresh leaf-bearing twig of a tree, such as a willow or poplar, be selected and removed from the last year's branch upon which it is standing. Let one of the young roots of the tree, if it is found, be attached to the end of the twig that was broken from its support. Let the two specimens be placed side by side and their fundamental resemblance will be- come apparent. The same fact will be understood if one com- FIG. 105. Cottonwoods on the Minnesota. After photograph by Williams. In pares the seedlings of trees with the seedlings of herbs, essential respects they will appear altogether similar. Other characters of plants with two-leafed seedlings. The plants included in the highest class ordinarily produce leaves with netted veins and the flowers are built generally upon the plan of four or five rather than upon the plan of three. That is to say, while one finds three sepals, three petals, six stamens, and three carpels forming the fruit-rudiment in many flowers of lower-class plants, one would more probably find four or five sepals, four or five petals, four, eight or some other number 236 Minnesota Plant Life. of stamens, and five carpels, or more, fused together to make the fruit-rudiment in the flower of a plant belonging to the higher class. In both classes of higher seed-plants there are many variations from the rule and in some plants of the highest class, flowers very similar in general plan to those of the lily might be observed. Yet the differences which have been pointed out are fairly general and in most instances serve to distinguish the proper class of a plant in question. The highest class, comprising over 120,000 species, is by far the richest in forms of any in the vegetable kingdom. Two sub-classes are recognized, in each of which are grouped a number of orders. The higher sub-class comprises all those forms in which the petals are normally fused together by their sides to make a corolla-tube a structure of which the honey- suckle, or the morning-glory affords typical examples. When, however, the petals are distinct from each other or are quite reduced and insignificant, the flower is regarded as typical of the lower sub-class. Casuarina trees. The first and lo\vest order of the highest class includes a curious family of trees, the casuarinas, not rep- resented in North America. In appearance their branches would remind one of those of the horse-tail. They are abun- dant in northern Australia and the Malay archipelago, and differ from most other seed-producing plants in forming more than one large-spore in the ovule, so that in a single seed more than one female plant may arise. Another odd habit of the casu- arinas which appears, however, in some of the other families of the class is the penetration of the seed-rudiment by the pollen-tube, not through a canal at its tip, as is the rule, but through a cleft in the base. Therefore the seed-rudiment, which, it must be remembered, is equivalent to a spore-case in the ferns, may be regarded, in these plants, as splitting open and partially exposing the spores inside a behavior recalling very strikingly the ordinary opening of spore-cases in lower forms. Lizard's-tails and peppers. The second order includes four families of which the pepper family is the most important. Here belong the peppers and cubebs from which spices are obtained. They are nearly all tropical and none of them occur in Minnesota. Minnesota Plant Life. 237 A single curious little plant, the lizard's-tail, belonging to a related family, is found in far northern Minnesota. The lizard's- tail is an herb with heart-shaped leaves and flowers arranged in little spikes like those of the dooryard plantain. There are no petals or sepals and the stamens grow from the base of the ovary, which consists of three or four carpels, sometimes fused and sometimes almost separate. From four to eight seeds are formed in the fruit and in each seed there is an abundant albu- men. The embryo is small and located near the end of the FIG. 106. Poplar vegetation of burnt district. Near Rat Portage, Ontario. After photograph by the author. seed, imbedded in the albumen. These plants are to be sought in swamps or near the edges of small woodland lakes. Willows and poplars. The third order includes but a single family the willow family to which the willows and poplars belong. About eighteen species of willow and seven species of poplar grow without cultivation in Minnesota. The willows are wind-pollinated plants with rather slender leaves. The poplars are insect-pollinated and have generally broad, trian- gular or heart-shaped leaves. This family of plants is charac- terized by separate flowers, the staminate and pistillate occur- Minnesota Plant Life. ring in different clusters, and both kinds are arranged in erect spikes or drooping catkins. The fruit is an oblong or rounded capsule containing small seeds with numerous white silky hairs instrumental in distribution of the plantlets in currents of air. There is no albumen in the seeds. Poplars. The poplars in Minnesota are represented by the very common white poplar, the large-toothed poplar, the cot- tonwood, the balsam-poplar, the balm of Gilead, the silver- leafed poplar sometimes called silver-leafed maple and the Lombardy poplar. The last two are not native plants, but occur spontaneously, having escaped from cultivation in some parts of the state. Of them all, the white poplar is the most abundant tree through- out the northern part of the state, and is not uncommon in the southern counties. This, indeed, is the most widely distributed tree in North America. It often reaches a height of seventy-five or one hundred feet, but in the region of the Great Lakes does not apparently grow so large. The wood is soft and is of great importance, together FIG. 107. cottonwood. After Britton and with spruce, as the variety em- ployed in making wood-pulp, from which paper is manufactured. It is used also for fire- wood, and is a most prominent plant in burned districts, readily reaching them by its buoyant air-distributed seeds. The leaves are hung upon stems of peculiar shape and tremble in the slight- est breeze. The large-toothed poplar has much ampler leaves with broad teeth upon their margins. By these characters it may be dis- tinguished from the white poplar. It prefers soil damper than does its relative and is generally found upon the more sheltered banks of lakes. Its wood is also of value in the manufacture of paper. Minnesota Plant Life. 239 The balsam-poplar has longer, sticky leaves and the balm of Gilead a variety with more spreading branches is culti- vated as a shade tree in some parts of the state. The leaves are dark green on one side and dirty brown or white on the other, and are considerably longer than those of any other Min- nesota species. The cotton wood, which may be distinguished from the white poplar by the glistening paler green of its leaves, is an abund- ant tree throughout the state, and is found along streams where it often forms considerable forests. Under favorable FIG. 108. Peach-leafed willows on shore of stream. After photograph by Williams. conditions it may grow to the height of a hundred feet with a trunk seven or eight feet in diameter, but I have seen none in Minnesota to exceed five feet in thickness. The wood is of little value save for pulp and fuel. In the older towns and vil- lages of Minnesota the cottonwood has been freely planted; but it is not regarded as the most desirable of shade trees, for it is always dropping something from its boughs either stam- inate flower-clusters, cotton, scales or leaves and it litters a lawn or street throughout the spring and summer. The stam- inate flowers of the cottonwood are crimson in color, borne in 240 Minnesota Plant Life. rather dense drooping catkins. The pistillate flowers, produced on other trees, are green in color, and likewise gathered in pendent clusters. The capsule opens by three clefts and is regarded as composed of three carpels. A considerable num- ber of silky-tufted seeds are produced in each capsule. The other poplars need no special mention since they are not indigenous to the state. One of them, the Lombardy pop- lar, with its spire-like habit of growth, is an attractive and val- uable ornamental tree. It is propagated by cuttings and seems to have lost the power of fruiting. No doubt almost all the I: FIG. 109. Clusters of willow flowers; on the left the pistillate flowers and on the right the staminate. Each pistillate flower consists principally of a single fruit-rudiment, and each stamiiiate flower of two, or sometimes a larger number of stamens. After Atkinson. Lombardy poplar trees in America might be traced back to a single poplar egg. The tree which developed from the em- bryo plantlet was originally propagated by cutting the twigs and planting them in the soil. The process was repeated and in this way a vast number of Lombardy poplars have come to exist a very odd thing, indeed, when one thinks of it and com- pares it with the behavior of animal eggs. Willows. The willows of Minnesota are not all trees like the poplars. The majority are shrubs some of them low bushes like the myrtle-leafed willows in peat-bogs and tamarack Minnesota Plant Life. 241 swamps. A few, however, are trees and of goodly size. The distinctive habitat of willows is along the banks of streams and around the shores of lakes or marshes. Their twigs are used in the manufacture of wickerware ; and bushed-willows or pol- larded willows, are favorite plants for hedge-rows in the east and in England, but are not so frequent in Minnesota. The two most conspicuous willow trees of the state are the black willows with their slender leaves bearing conspicuous stipules at the base, abundant in the north, and the peach-leafed wil- r FIG. 110. Beach vegetation, Garden Island, lyake of the Woods. The long-leafed willow forms the outer zone, and the black willow the inner. After photograph by the author. lows, with much broader leaves and devoid of stipules on ma- ture twigs, more common in the south. The hoary willow, the gray willow, the pussy-willow, the heart-leafed willow, the myrtle-leafed willow and the long- leafed or sand-bar willow are encountered ordinarily as low shrubs up to ten or twelve feet in height. The familiar "pussies" of early spring are the spicate flower-clusters of some willow from which the bud-scales have opened or fallen, revealing the branch covered with bractlets in the axils of which the flowers will open. The edges of the bractlets have silky hairs which '7 242 Minnesota Plant Life. serve to protect the flower-buds during the cold nights or oc- casional freezing weather of early spring. As beach plants, the long-leafed willow, the hoary willow, the heart-leafed willow, the shining-leafed willow and a few others are common, especially along sand-bars, where there is considerable spray from the surf. At Lake of the Woods some very interesting willow-clothed beaches have been observed. Different species of willows on such beaches often arrange them- selves in zones, one variety nearer the water, and another far- ther back. Some of the willows, notably the hoary willow and the heart-leafed willow, along the shores of northern lakes, grow 7 in a very regular more or less hemispherical fashion, re- sembling the trimmed shrubs of some city park. The bark of the willow is bitter and is sometimes used as a febrifuge in place of quinine, but it is not particularly efficacious. Chapter XXVII. From Bayberries to Oaks, Elms and Nettles. if Bayberries. The fourth order includes but a single family, of which two species grow in Minnesota the bayberry, found on lake shores along the international boundary, and the sweet- fern, rather abundant in the northern part of the state and ex- tending south to the vicinity of Minneapolis. These plants are shrubs, their leaves dotted with resin glands, and the name "sweet-fern" is given on account of the scent which arises from the glands. The two sorts of flowers are separate and in cat- kins somewhat like those of the willows but shorter and plumper in appearance. The fruit is a nut or stone fruit, differing in this respect from the willow fruits, which are capsules. The leaf of the sweet-fern is especially characteristic, resembling in shape a willow leaf with deep narrow incisions along the margin. The fifth and sixth orders are not represented in Minnesota. One of them contains a few species of New Caledonian plants, the other, one species found in the southern United States. Walnuts and hickories. The seventh order comprises but a single family, in which are classified the walnuts and hickories, both represented in Minnesota. There are present two species of walnuts the black walnut and the butternut and three species of hickories the white hickory or shell-bark, the pig- nut hickory, and the swamp hickory. The walnut family is a group of trees with compound leaves and separated flowers. The staminate flowers stand in catkins and are furnished with a perianth. The pistillate flowers are solitary or in small groups. The ovary is one-chambered and contains a single seed-rudiment. The fruit is similar to that of a peach in which the fleshy part should split and separate as three or more husks. The seed is large, inclosed in the stony inner layers of the fruit, the whole constituting the well-known walnut, hickory-nut or 244 Minnesota Plant Life. pecan. There is no albumen in the seed and the two seed- leaves are large, wrinkled and oily, forming the "meat" of the nut. The black walnut occurs in the southern part of Minne- sota, where it is found in low glades along streams. Almost all the large trees have been cut for their very valuable wood, useful in cabinet making. This is of a rich, dark brown color and takes a high polish. The butternut is more abundant and is a frequent inhabitant of groves in the river valleys, especially through the southern part of the state. It is not commonly more than forty or fifty feet high in Minnesota, though it is known to grow twice as tall. The wood is of a light brown color, easily polished and of much value in the manufacture of furniture and cabinet work, though by no means the equal of the black walnut. Hickories. The three kinds of hickories in the state may be recognized by their leaflets, nuts and buds. In the shell- bark hickory the leaflets are from five to seven in number, with hairy margins. The nut is four-angled, pale or whitish in color. In the pig-nut hick- ory, with the same number of leaflets, these are USUally , , . , - smooth or slightly furry, but not hairy at the margin. The nut is oblong, with a slightly bitter kernel. In the swamp hickory the leaflets are from five to nine in number, the nut thin-shelled and short. The buds in winter are yellow. The wood in all these plants is very heavy, strong and tough, and is used in the manufacture of wagon-tongues and plow-handles, while the young saplings of the swamp hickory are split and bent into barrel-hoops. The nuts are common in markets, but are not so agreeable to the FIG. 111. Hickory trees. l,ake Minnetonka. After photograph by Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. 2 45 taste as the pecan nuts, which are derived from a species of hickory that does not grow in Minnesota. Hickories are often a hundred feet in height, with tall trunks two feet in diameter FIG. 112. Ironwoo d oaks. The smaller trees are ironwoods and hop-hornbeams. l,ake Calhoun. After photograph by Hihhard. at the base. They are among the most valuable of the hard- wood timber trees of the state. The eighth order comprises two families, one including the hazels, ironwoods, hop-hornbeams, birches and alders; the other 246 Minnesota Plant Life. the beeches and chestnuts, not represented in Minnesota, and the oaks which form a large and characteristic portion of the hardwood forest of the state. Ironwoods. Of ironwoods there is a single species in Min- nesota, known also as the water-beech or hornbeam. This plant is a small tree with very strong, tough wood. It is found principally along streams. It has the leaves of a birch, but when in fruit displays each of its little nuts at the base of a large three-lobed bract shaped somewhat like a spear-head. By means of these bracts and also by the rough bark, quite unlike birch-bark, the ironwoods may be distinguished. Re- lated to them are the hop-hornbeams, the fruit clusters of which look very much like hops, while the general appearance of the tree is similar to that of the ironwood. An examination of such an hop-like fruit cluster will show that it is an axis upon which little nuts are formed, each one inclosed in a membranous sac structurally equivalent to the spear-shaped bract of the iron- wood. The hazels. The hazels, of which there are two varieties in the state, are shrubs with broad notched leaves. They pro- duce their staminate flowers in catkins and the pistillate flowers in very inconspicuous little buds from which the stigmas of the pistils protrude as red threads. In the common hazelnut, which is so abundant as underbrush in the woods, the nuts, when mature, are inclosed in ragged scales not prolonged very much beyond the ends of the nuts. In the beaked hazelnut, a some- what larger bush, ten or fifteen feet in height, the nuts are in- closed in scales which grow out into a long tubular beak, a structure by which this plant is easily distinguished from the more common variety. The nuts of the hazels are much larger than those of the ironwoods and hornbeams, are edible and are gathered in quantities in the autumn. Birches. Of birches there are six species in Minnesota, the black birch, the canoe or paper birch, the river or red birch, the yellow or gray birch, the low birch or tag-alder, and the scrub or glandular birch. These plants range in size, in the different species, from large trees to low bushes, but may be recognized in most instances by their bark, which peels off in thin layers, most easily in the canoe birch, but with very little Minnesota Plant Life. 247 difficulty in the others. Of the trees, the canoe birch will be known by its white bark, the river birch by the stems of the fruiting catkins and the brown or greenish-brown bark, the black birch by the sessile fruiting catkins and the leaves of shin- ing green, the yellow birch by the dull green color of the leaf, otherwise like the black birch. All of these just mentioned are trees, while the rest are shrubs. In the low birch the twigs are not covered with glandular pimples, but such are present on the twigs of the glandular birch. Of all the birches the FIG. 113. The paper or canoe birch. After photograph by Williams. canoe birch is the most interesting, on account of the peculiar bark that plays so important a part in the domestic arts of the Indians who employ it in the manufacture of a great variety of useful objects. Their canoes and the houses, dishes, bas- kets, drinking-cups and scrolls for writing are produced from birch-bark; while from the wood they manufacture a variety of tools, snow-shoe frames, sledge-runners and tepee-poles. By the whites, birch wood is employed in cabinet making, for spools, for shoe-pegs and for lasts. The wood of the red birch or river birch is of particular value in the manufacture >f fur- 248 Minnesota Plant Life. Minnesota Plant Life. Minnesota Plant Life. 249 niture, being utilized as an imitation of mahogany. For this purpose, too, the wood of the black birch is even more excel- lent. This species, however, occurs but sparingly in Minne- sota and is found only in the extreme northern part of the state. It is from this species that birch-oil and the extract used in flavoring birch beer are manufactured. Of the shrubby birches the most abundant is the low birch which is found in peat-bogs pretty commonly through- out the state. Alders. Related to the birches are the alders, of which two varieties occur in Minnesota, the green alder and the black alder. These may be distinguished from the low birch, which they resemble, by their more en- tire leaves and short, com- pact, cone-like clusters of nutlets. The low birch has rather more elongated spikes of pistillate flowers, two and a half times as long as they are thick, while the alder spikes are about half - as long again as thick. The alders are to be looked for in tamarack SWampS Or in FIG. 115. An oak twig with leaves and both sort-* j i of flowers. The one with three prongs is the Open WOOdS, Where, eSpe- pistillate flower; the other, with five stamens, daily in damp places, they is the rtaminate. The *aminate flowers grow 3 in drooping clusters. After Atkinson. may form an underbrush. Oaks. There are in Minnesota sev^n species of oaks, the red, the scarlet, the black, the white, the bur, the chestnut and the scrub chestnut-oak. Oaks form a large genus of plants, comprising some three hundred species and well distributed throughout the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and at high altitudes in the tropics. There are some species in North America. They are distinguished by the fru: known as the acorn, consisting of a nut or one-seeded fruit. 2 5 Minnesota Plant Life. inclosed within, or standing in a cup composed of numerous bractlets ordinarily grown together and woody. In some oaks the fruit matures within a year, but in other varieties a longer time is required. Oaks are employed for a variety of purposes as firewood, in the manufacture of timbers in which great durability is demanded, and as plants from which tan-bark may be procured. The acorns are eaten by domestic animals, and the various species are prized as shade-trees. FIG. 116. Oaks and blue flags. A marshy place in the oak-woods. After photograph by Williams. The different varieties in Minnesota may be thus distin- guished : Of those forms in which it takes the acorn two years to mature, the red oak has leaves green on both sides and the acorn cup much broader than high, while in the scarlet oak the cup of the acorn is about as high as broad, the leaves are smooth on each side, and the inner bark gray. In the black oak, which is much like the scarlet oak in appearance, the leaves on the under side develop a few hairs where the veins branch, and the inner bark is orange in color. In all three species which have been mentioned the acorns do not mature until the autumn of Minnesota Plant Life. 251 the second season. In the scarlet oak the foliage turns scarlet red in autumn, while in the black oak the leaves turn brown. In this way the three related species may be distinguished. In some instances, it should be mentioned, the inner bark of the scarlet oak is red rather than gray. The other Minnesota oaks mature their acorns in the autumn of the first year. Of these the white oak is distinguished by its deeply lobed leaves and shallow cups, while the bur-oak has the cup deep and com- posed of scales which form a bur-like growth different from the smooth hard cup of the white oak. In the remaining native oaks the leaves are notched but are not lobed in the char- acteristic oak fashion, and in both of them the acorns are sessile on the branches. The chestnut-oak is a tall tree with grey bark and has a chestnut- like aspect. The scrub chest- nut-oak is a shrub with the leaves considerably broader than in the chestnut-oak proper. Some of the oaks, notably the black oak, cling to their leaves for a long time after the frosts have killed them, some- times even throughout the winter. This habit is possibly the indication of an original southern range for the black oak and a late extension of its range to the north, so that it has not fully learned how to cut its leaves from the twigs as the other more northern varieties are able to do. The bur-oaks in Min- nesota, together with the black oaks, form oak-barrens. These wastes, covered with grotesquely branching trunks, form pic- turesque forests in the central part of the state. The ninth order includes three families, the elms with the hackberries, mulberries and Osage oranges; the India-rubber trees, figs, hemps and hops, and the various kinds of nettles. FIG. 117. American elm. After Britton and Brown. 252 Minnesota Plant Life. Elms. Of the elms there are represented in Minnesota three varieties, and one species of hackberry. The elms which are present in the state are the white or American elm, the slippery or red elm, and the rock- or cork-elm. Their flowers are small, clustered or solitary, quite devoid of petals. The ovary is one or two-celled, with a solitary seed. The fruit of the elm is winged. In the hackberry it is a berry-like nut. The seeds have little albumen. The three varieties of elm which occur in Minnesota may be distinguished by the following characters : When the young fruit is very hairy and the branches are without FIG. 118. American elm. L,ake Miunetonka. After photograph by Williams. corky wings, the tree is the white elm. When the fruit has no hairs, is larger and the twigs are not supplied with corky wings the tree is the slippery or red elm. When the fruit is hairy and the branches are provided with curious flat cork wings, especially prominent on the young twig, the tree is the rock- or cork-elm. All of these occur in similar regions and, together with the basswoods, maples and oaks, form the most abundant growths in the hardwood forests of the central part of the state. Elms are generally to be recognized by the uneven bases of their leaves, by the strong development of the terminal buds Minnesota Plant Life. 253 of their branches, and by the little, oval, flattened fruits with wings on each side or extending entirely around the middle. The wood of the elm is tough and is employed for ox-yokes, the handles of tools and portions of farm machinery. The inner bark of the slippery elm is mucilaginous and is thought to have some medicinal virtue. It is frequently gathered by children. Hackberries. The hackberry, which in its flowers and foli- age much resembles the elms, is distinguished by the produc- tion of a berry-like nut. It is abundant throughout the south- ern part of the state and occurs in a few localities far to the north ; as for example, on Sable island, Lake of the Woods. The trees are valuable shade trees and are common along the streets of towns and villages. Mulberries and hops. The mulberries are represented in Minnesota by the red mulberry a species reported from the southern part of the state. It is a tree with fruits superficially resembling those of the red raspberry. These are not, however, like those of the raspberry, produced from a single flower, but are rather aggregates of fruits like the spikes of the birch, or the catkins of the poplar. The foliage of a mulberry is not unlike that of the elm. The fruit-clusters are edible and the tree is both ornamental and valuable in cultivation. The com- mon hop, related to the mulberries, is a twining vine with rough stem and foliage, and found in thickets and woodsides through- out the state. It is more abundant in the central and northern portions of the state than southward. The general appearance of the fruiting area is like that of the hop-hornbeam, but the floral structure is in most of the essential details like that of the mulberries. Hops are of value in the manufacture of yeasts and have besides a distinct medicinal value. They are gathered as herbs in Minnesota but not, so far as has been learned, on a commercial scale. Hemp. The hemp, introduced from Asia, is a very abund- ant roadside weed and a denizen of waste fields throughout the state. It is a robust annual herb, growing to a height of more than ten feet, forming thickets, and really becoming a sort of herbaceous tree. The inner fibrous bark is exceedingly tough and is pounded out of the stem by special machinery and con- verted into rope and mattings. It is not generally employed 254 Minnesota Plant Life. in Minnesota for these purposes, though it is evidently capable of producing as strong a fibre here as elsewhere. The hemp leaves are divided into from four to eight or nine slender lobes arranged in palmate fashion. The staminate flowers are ar- ranged in panicles, while the pistillate stand in short leafy spikes. Nettles. The nettles are represented in Minnesota by the stinging and the slender nettles, the wood-nettles, the clear- weeds, the false nettles and the pellitories. The first two va- rieties of nettles, one of which is introduced, are distinguished by the different shape of their leaves. In the stinging nettle FIG. 119. Roadside vegetation of nettles and vines. Winter aspect. After photograph by Williams. the leaves are ovate in outline, while in the slender nettle they are lance-shaped and slender pointed. Both of these plants are provided with peculiar stinging hairs, consisting of cells with very sharp points and swollen bases around which a group of cells comes up like a cup. Hairs of this sort are found on both the leaves and stem. Upon being brushed against, the ends of these hairs break, forming a chisel-like point which penetrates the flesh and the cup of cells around the base of the hair con- tracts and injects irritating poison, very much as if from a syr- inge. The peculiar stinging sensation which arises when one touches a nettle is a result of this injection of acid into the flesh. Minnesota Plant Life. 255 The wood-nettles, from their name to be looked for in the forest, have tall stems as much as four feet in height, stinging hairs like the ordinary nettles, and flowers disposed in axillary compound clusters. The leaves are thin, shaped much like those of the stinging nettle, and provided with a solitary stip- ule which often falls off. The clearweecls have no stings. The leaves are opposite and the stems are translucent and succulent, resembling the stems of the touch-me-not. The leaves are del- icate and thin. The flower clusters are borne on short stems in the axils of the leaves. The clearweed is a shade-plant, preferring deep woods where there is an abundance of moisture. The false nettles resemble the true nettles in outward appear- ance and are found in similar localities. They have, however, no stinging hairs. The pellitories have willow-shaped leaves, are devoid of stipules and develop the flowers in little clusters at the bases of alternate leaves. The flower clusters are of the general nettle type. The tenth order is best developed in Australia and South Africa and has no native forms in Minnesota. Chapter XXVIII. From Sandalwoods to Buttercups* Toad-flaxes. The eleventh order includes six families, one of which, the sandalwood family, is represented in Minnesota by three species of toad-flax. In this same order are included the mistletoes and other curious parasitic forms of vegetation. The toad-flaxes belong to a group known as root parasites. They seem to be independent plants, but if their roots are care- fully dug up it will be found that they have attached themselves to the roots of other plants growing near them, and that from these other plants they are sucking their food. They are, in Minnesota forms, slender herbs with leaves shaped like those of a willow and with flowers in corymb clusters, or cymes. The fruits are drupes or nuts. There is abundant albumen in the seed, but the embryo is small and imbedded near one end. The berries of one of the toad-flaxes are of red color and are edible. These plants occur in dry or moist soil, and one variety is very common throughout the state. They ordinarily have a rather peculiar brownish-green foliage except the pale toad-flax, of which the leaves are lighter green. Some exotic sandalwoods occur as trees, and from them the highly scented sandalwood of jewel-boxes is obtained. Wild gingers. The twelfth order comprises three families, two of which are remarkable aggregations of alien parasitic forms, while the other includes the wild ginger and pipe-vine or Dutch- man's-pipe of Minnesota. The parasitic Rafflesias, which be- long to this order, are among the most extraordinary of plants. One, which is found in the island of Sumatra, is famous for having the largest flower in the world, over a yard in diameter, of the color of livid flesh, and of a very penetrating, unpleasant odor. These flowers originate as buds, resembling cabbage heads, upon the exposed roots of certain Sumatran trees or vines. The vine or root has, however, no structural connec- tion with the cabbage-head bud. This is developed upon a curious parasitic plant-body that lives within the tissues of the Minnesota Plant Life. 257 vine, bursting its way out when about to flower. The flower is much more conspicuous than the rest of the Rafflesia plant- body. Some small relatives of the Rafflcsias are found on certain pod-bearing trees in the southern states. Their little flowers burst through the bark of the twig in which the plant-bodies are growing, thus apparently producing the remarkable phe- nomenon of twigs with flowers growing in the crevices of the bark. Here, however, as in the Sumatran variety, the twig is only the host-plant and the flower is a portion of the internal parasite. The two Minnesota members of the order are not parasites, but are independent green plants. The wild ginger, of which several species are known to exist in the United States, is met with in Minnesota on shaded banks of ravines where the root- stocks of the plant, branching and scented, send up short erect stems usually with a pair of large kidney-shaped leaves and pro- ducing single, purplish-brown flowers very close to the ground. The calyx of the flower has three leaves with slender pointed tips. These are recurved in the Minnesota variety. The calyx is fused with the surface of the six-chambered fruit-rudiment which develops numerous seeds in two rows in each chamber. When ripe, the fruit is a capsule inclosed in the calyx, and it bursts irregularly. Pipe-vines. The pipe-vines are twining vines with alternate leaves in the Minnesota species heart-shaped. Curious irreg- ular tubular flowers are formed, destitute of petals and with the calyx adhering to the base of the ovary. The edge of the tubu- lar calyx is divided into three lobes and the flower is curved into a horse-shoe shape. These remarkably shaped flowers are insect-traps. Insects are induced to enter them and are forcibly detained as prisoners until they can be covered with pollen. They are then released to visit some other plant. The pipe-vine is found only in the southeastern counties of Minnesota, -while the wild ginger is abundant throughout the state. The thirteenth order includes a single family in which are gathered the true sorrels and docks, the rhubarbs, the buck- wheats and the smartweeds. Docks and smartweeds. In Minnesota there are ten vari- eties of docks and about twenty five of knotweeds or smart- 18 258 Minnesota Plant Life. weeds. The smallest of the docks has spear-head shaped leaves and is known as sorrel. The other docks are some of them large-leaved plants most luxuriant in marshes or swamps. Among them are the water-, the swamp-, the yellow, the golden, the red-veined, the pale, and the curly-leaved docks, differing principally in leaf characters. The only one in Minnesota with sour leaves is the sorrel, and on account of this pleasant acid taste the leaves are often picked and eaten. These sorrels are not to be confused with the sheep-sorrel, in w r hich the leaves are shaped like clover leaves, an entirely different kind of plant. The different species of dock, besides by their leaf characters, are to be distinguished by the wings on the fruits. The smartweeds, knotweeds, or bindweeds fall into three groups of species; some, in which the leaves are shaped like those of the willow, others, in which the leaves are small and slender, and still others with heart-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves and twining or climbing stems. The forms with willow- shaped leaves are known under the general name of smartweeds ; those with the small leaves are called knotweeds, jointweeds, knot-grass or doorweeds, while those with arrow-shaped or heart-shaped leaves are termed bindweeds, false buckwheat or tear-thumbs. They are all similar in the structure of their flow- ers and fruits. One variety, the water-smartweed, produces its stem under the water and sends its leaves to the surface, where they float like the leaves of the pond-lily. The flowers are clustered in bright pink spikes thrust above the surface of the water. Another kind with similar habit is found as a surf-plant in northern lakes. The ordinary smartweeds grow in moist soil and ditches, where their bright pink or red spikes of flowers are conspicuous objects. The knotweeds are common mat- plants of dooryards. In most of the varieties stipules at the bases of the leaves coalesce and form tubular sheaths around the stem. The bindweeds or false buckwheats occur either as twining vines with heart-shaped leaves and flowers like those of the buckwheat, or they grow with slender erect stems reclin- ing against the vegetation near them and supporting them- selves by sharp recurved prickles. These. are known as tear- thumbs, and belong to a small adaptational group of hook- climbing plants. Minnesota Plant Life. 2 59 The fourteenth order includes the goosefoots or pigweeds, and the amaranths, known also as pigweeds, redroots or tumble- weeds, including the coxcombs and one variety of water hemp. Here also are the fotir-o'clocks, pokeweeds, ice-plants, carpet- weeds, purslanes and portulacas, pinks, cockles and catchflies, besides some other families not represented in Minnesota. Pigweeds. The goosefoots are represented in Minnesota by about fifteen species, many of which are introduced. Here are the common, scurfy-leaved, pale pigweeds of farm-yards and roadsides. Several sorts of these pigweeds occur in the state. Here are also to be placed the winged pigweeds, plants found on lake shores, espe- cially upon sandy beaches in the central part of the state, and the bugseeds, abundant on the beaches of Mille Lac and near Duluth also the blites on the shore of Lake Superior, and two salt-marsh plants very rare in Minnesota, but reported from salt marshes in the Red river valley. Glassworts. One of these salt-marsh plants, the glass- wort, is a curious, leafless, suc- culent organism, resembling some slender cactus-forms. In color it is green during the summer, but turns red in autumn. The stem is from six inches to two feet tall, repeatedly branched and provided with tiny scales at the nodes of the fleshy branches. These scales are all that remains of the leaf-system. Glassworts are abundant in salt marshes along the Atlantic ocean and occur at various points inland. Such leafless, succulent plants seem to have a peculiar reason for reducing their evaporative surface. It is not on account of the scarcity of moisture, as in the instance of the cacti, nor of surf, to which bulrushes are adapted, nor of high winds, in response to which the switch-plants have taken FIG. 120. Glasswort. After Britton and Brown. 260 Minnesota Plant Life. their peculiar forms; but rather on account of the presence in the soil of salt in such quantities that, if the plant had a large evaporative surface, it would absorb so much salt-water from the soil to meet the evaporation that its tissues would become surfeited with saline deposits. The other saline plant, known as the western blite, occurs in the Red river valley, in the region of Pembina and St. Vin- cent. It is a fleshy herb, with thick or cylindrical leaves quite sessile upon the twigs. It maintains the same generally suc- culent character that characterizes the glasswort, but has not undergone so great a reduction of its leaf-tract. FIG. 121. Poke-weed. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag. Russian thistle. Another variety of pigweed, not native to the state, but introduced in large numbers, has excited a great deal of attention on account of its rapid development in the wheat fields of the Red river valley. This is the Russian thistle, a tumbling weed, succulent when young, but turning hard, dry and thorny when older. A variety of plant very similar to the Russian thistle is found along the Atlantic seacoast. It has not, however, the bushy branches of the thistle. Coxcombs. The amaranths or coxcombs also include a very common tumbleweed which grows in globular form, two or Minnesota Plant Life. 261 three feet across. The common coxcombs of the country flower-garden are relatives of this, and the redroot pigweed, a familiar barn-yard plant, is another closely related form. Still another amaranth grows flat upon the ground in dooryards and. along the roadside, in its appearance somewhat resembling purs- lane. Water-hemp. The water-hemp which grows in swamps has flower clusters reminding one of the common amaranth of the dooryard. The leaves are slender and willow-shaped, while the habitats selected by the plant are preferably the gravelly shores of lakes or rivers in the southern part of the state. Pokeweeds. The poke- weed family is represented in Minnesota by a single species that occurs in the southern part of the state rather rarely. In this plant the fruit is a black berry with from five to fifteen chambers, one seed in each chamber. The root is poi- sonous, and the whole plant has a strong, unpleasant odor. It may always be recognized by the division of its stem-pith into disks separated from each other by cavities. Four-o'clocks. The four-o'clocks are represented by three species known as umbrella-worts, and remarkable for the in- volucre which stands below the pink or reddish flowers. Three to five flowers occur in a single circular involucre which, when the fruits develop, becomes enlarged and papery. The flower- ing area in this order is more ornamental than that of former families ; yet there are no petals, the colored portion being of the nature of calyx. Carpetweeds. The carpetweed family is represented in Min- nesota by the common carpetweed, a mat-plant forming pros- trate disks of vegetation, made up of the much branching, flat, FIG. 122. Carpetweed After Britton and Brown. 262 Minnesota Plant Life. plant-body. The leaves are in whorls, a character by which this plant can be distinguished from other mat-plants of waste fields. The flowers are small, borne in the axils of the leaves, .and without petals. The carpetweed grows in the same re- gions that many mat- grasses, mat-knotweeds, purslanes and mat-spur- ges select. Purslanes and spring- beauties. Of the purs- lanes three genera are na- tive to the state : the com- mon purslane or "pus- ley," a prevalent weed in \ dooryards and gardens, the rock purslane, ap- pearing upon ledges of granitic rock in the Min- nesota valley, at Taylor's Falls and at Duluth, and the spring-beauties or Claytonias, of which there are three varieties. In the state there are two species of purslane : the common garden form with leaves round at the end, and the notched purslane with leaves notched at the end. The latter plant is doubtless a native of Min- nesota, while the former is a recent immigrant. Purslane is one of the most common of the mat-plants and is remarkable for the numerous flowers which it produces in a sea- son and for the little pods which open by a lid, revealing a large number of small seeds within. The rock purslane is a dimin- utive herb found growing in the crevices of granitic or eruptive rocks, especially in the Minnesota valley between New Ulm and Big Stone lake. The stem bears at the base a few alternate, FIG. 123. Spring-beauty in flower. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. 263 almost cylindrical leaves, from among which rises a slender peduncle, four to twelve inches high, upon which the small portulaca-like flowers are arranged in flat-topped clusters or cymes. The spring-beauties are succulent herbs with delicate flowers of a pinkish color, developed in terminal cymes on short slender stems. In two of the species the roots are tuberous, while in the third they are fibrous. In each flower are two sepals, five petals and five stamens. The fruit is a three- to six-seeded cap- sule opening by three clefts. The two varieties with tuberous roots may be distinguished by the leaves on the stem. In the ordinary form the leaves are narrow and linear, while in the rarer variety they are lance-shaped. They are not uncommon plants in the southeastern part of the state, flowering in spring. Corn-cockles, chickweeds and carnations. The pink family contains about twenty five Minnesota species. Herein are the corn-cockles, the campions or catchflies, the pinks, the soap- worts, the chickweeds, the stitchworts, the pearlworts and the sandworts in their different varieties. The plants of this family are all small herbs with opposite entire leaves, both sepals and petals present and a single ovary ripening into a capsule or unopened nut. The corn-cockles are not native to the state, but have been introduced into the wheat fields of the Red river valley. They have red flowers which are very ornamental. The catchflies are so named from the very sticky calyx of the flowers. The chickweeds, sandworts and stitchworts are dimin- utive, generally white-flowered herbs of no particular impor- tance, but rather abundant in woods, along the beaches of lakes and in low places on the prairies. The cultivated pink or car- nation belongs to this family, and while its flowers are doubled and distorted by the selection which has been given to them by horticulturists, yet they preserve the general type of their family, and may serve as comparative plants when some of the wild forms are under investigation. All the families of the fourteenth order unite in one pecu- liarity, that of having the embryo in the seed coiled around the albumen. In some seeds the embryo is curved almost like a snail-shell, while in others it is not bent more than a horseshoe. The albumen lies inside the coils of the embryo, which are 264 Minnesota Plant Life. appressed to the seed-coat layers. The lower families of the order are devoid of perianth, while in the higher families, such as the pinks, both calyx and corolla are well developed. Almost all the families hitherto mentioned with the ex- ception of the pinks and portulacas are characterized by the quite general failure of the flowers to develop two kinds of perianth leaves. When only one layer or whorl of perianth leaves is present in the flower, this group of parts is regarded as the calyx, hence the great majority of plants in the families that have been under examination are considered to be devoid of petals. In the remaining families both calyx and corolla are for the most part present, al- though there are numerous exceptions, especially in the lower families of the series. The fifteenth order in- cludes the water-lily family and a curious little related plant known as the horn- wort, also of aquatic habit. Here, too, is placed the \vell- known crowfoot family, to which the anemones, lark- spurs, peonies, buttercups, aconites, columbines, marsh- marigolds or crocuses, gold- Fm.124. Water-shield. After Britton and Brown, threads, mCadoW-FllCS and clematis belong. In this order, also, are included the barberries and their allies, the moon- seeds, the magnolias, the pawpaws, the laurels and a few small exotic families not represented in the United States. Water-shields. The water-lilies in their various forms are familiar inhabitants of the lakes and ponds for which Minne- sota is so justly famous. There are a number of varieties, some more common than others. One of the most inter- esting is the water-shield, which alone has perfectly shield- shaped leaves that always float upon the surface of the water. The leaves of the Indian lotus are also truly shield-shaped; however, many of them do not float upon the top of the water, Minnesota Plant Life. 265 but rise above it. Besides, the leaves of the water-shield are oval and not more than four inches in length, while those of the lotus are circular and much larger. Water-shield flowers are purple, less than an inch in diameter, and the whole plant is easily distinguished from any other kind of water vegetation that might be mistaken for it by a very abundant deposit of transparent jelly over the stems, buds, flower pedicels and the under sides of the leaves. The leaves are commonly purple FIG. 125. Water-lilies. After photograph by Williams. below and dark green, shaded with purple above. The pres- ence of the purple dye on the under sides of floating leaves is not uncommon. It will be found to some extent in water- lily and pond-lily leaves and in the leaves of the floating pond- weed. The purple substance is a heat-producing color, and apparently such sunlight as the plant does not utilize in starch- making may be converted into heat by the lower layers of the leaf and employed as a source of energy in various growth- processes of the plant. The stem of the water-shield is some- 266 Minnesota Plant Life. times several feet in length, and it creeps at the bottom of the pond as a slender rootstock. In the flower there are from twelve to twenty stamens and from four to eighteen carpels, separate from each other, forming in the fruit a cluster of one or two-seeded nuts. Pond-lilies. The pond-lilies may be known by their broadly arrow-shaped leaves with rounded bases, their yellow flowers, and their fruits, consisting of a number of carpels united to- gether in a compound body. There are two varieties in Min- nesota : the common yellow pond-lily, abundant throughout the state, and the small yellow pond-lily, of which the flowers are less than an inch in diameter when open. The latter species is limited to the northern district between Duluth and Lake of the Woods. The pond-lilies have thick cylindrical rootstocks, which show conspicuous scars where the leaves break off. In the large pond-lily there are sometimes submerged leaves which are thin and almost circular in shape. These submerged leaves are always present in the smaller pond-lily. Water-lilies. The water-lilies, of which three species occur in the state, may be recognized by their white flowers, rounder leaves and almost globular fruit. The form known as the tuber- bearing lily is probably more common than the sweet-scented lily, though both are found growing side by side in the same ponds. In the tuber-bearing lily the rootstock is thick, with an abundant production of short lateral branches that readily sep- arate and serve to propagate the plant. In the sweet-scented lily the rootstock is thick and but sparingly branched. Fur- thermore, the flowers of the sweet-scented lily are very fragrant, while those of the tuber-bearing lily are either scentless or but slightly fragrant. These two varieties are the abundant ones. In a few lakes along the international boundary may be found the small white water-lily, with its flowers scentless and scarcely two inches wide. In this variety the petals are generally in but two rows instead of being disposed in numerous whorls as in the common forms. The leaves are considerably smaller but of the same general shape. The great pale rootstocks of the water-lilies and pond-lilies are often torn up by the ice and cast ashore in early spring. Minnesota Phnt Life. 267 They are spongy, and when released from the bottom of the lake float to the surface. Indian lotus. The largest flowered and most interesting of the native water-lilies is the Indian lotus not very frequent in Minnesota, and confined to a few localities. It occurs in the Mississippi river at Red Wing, Mendota and La Crosse; also in Lake Pepin and at the extreme north end of Halstead's bay, Lake Minnetonka. The leaves are shield-shaped with central stem, and from one to two feet broad. Some of them are raised above the water and become slightly vase-shaped, while others float upon the surface. The flowers, which may be ten inches in diameter, though not commonly reaching this size, are of a pale cream-color, and differ from those of the other water lilies. The fruiting area is quite remarkable. The top of the flower stem is flattened out into a biscuit-shaped body in which the little nuts, the size of an acorn, are imbedded. They loosen as the fruit matures and rattle about so that the lotus in some districts goes by the name of "rattlebox." This plant belongs to the same genus in which the famous lotus of the Nile and the Orient is classified. The true oriental lotus is also known in the east as Indian lotus because it grows in India. Such a fact is illustrative of the confusion that sometimes arises when only popular names are employed in the designation of plants. The water-lilies, like very many aquatic flowering plants, dis- play their flowers at the surface of the water, and, after pollina- tion has been effected, close the flower into a bud again and retract it beneath the surface, ripening the seeds beyond the reach of aerial dangers. The lotus, however, ripens its fruits in the air. Hornworts. The hornworts are apparently very rare plants in Minnesota, but are known to grow in the vicinity of St. Paul and Minneapolis in White Bear lake and Lake Calhoun ; and in the western part of the state in Lakes Osakis and Alexandria. They are submerged plants with slender stems, and the leaves are arranged in whorls and are finely dissected into thread-like filaments. The flowers are produced singly in the axils of the leaves and are less than half an inch in length. There are numerous stamens in each staminate flower, while the pistillate flower develops a single one-chambered ovary, containing a 268 Minnesota Plant Life. solitary seed rudiment. The fruit is like a miniature lotus nut. There is no albumen, and the embryo is remarkable for having four seed leaves instead of two. This, however, may be re- garded as due to a forking of the seed leaves as they develop. Magnolias. Magnolias do not occur in Minnesota. Their flowers are very much like those of the water-lilies, and they may be regarded as terrestrial, tree-like water-lilies, or con- versely, water-lilies might be considered as magnolia-like plants which at an early time went into the water and adapted them- selves to the aquatic life. Re- lated to the magnolias are the tulip-trees or whitewoods which are such noble forms in the for- ests of Indiana and Ohio. The pawpaws, abundant south- ward, constitute a family of the fifteenth order, but are not known to occur so far north as Minne- sota. Crowfoots. The crowfoot family is abundantly represented in Minnesota where there are to be found one species of golden root, two of marsh-marigolds, one of goldthread, one of false rue-anemone, two baneberries, the red and the white, one colum- bine, three larkspurs, seven or eight anemones, two hepaticas, one rue-anemone, one pasque flower or gosling, two clematises, one mousetail, twenty buttercups and their allies, and three meadow-rues. Many of these are common flowers of the spring and summer. The marsh-marigolds, termed also crocuses, are abundant throughout the state, their yellow flowers blooming in early spring. A peculiar form, known as the floating marsh-marigold, occurs among the northern lakes. It is much like the ordinary variety except that its leaves float upon the surface of the water and the plant is generally small. The goldthreads are little three-leaved plants with white, buttercup FIG. 126. Marsh-marigold or cowslip. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 269 flowers and slender, bright yellow rootstocks, by which they may be recognized. They are abundant in tamarack swamps. The baneberries are erect herbs with large compound leaves. The flowers are small, white and arranged in terminal racemes. One variety produces red berries and the other white. The columbines are particularly abundant upon rocky hillsides, on cliffs and along river gorges. The flowers are recognized at once by the spurs on the petals, and stand with their mouths directed downward. The spurs are supplied with honey glands at the tip, and the whole contrivance is a machine for obtaining cross-pollination through the agency of insects. Larkspurs. The larkspurs are the first type of two-sided flowers that have been encountered in the discussion of plants with pairs of seed-leaves. Their flowers stand in terminal clus- ters, are loosely arranged and shaped so that there is no diffi- culty, even when they are separated, in determining how they stood upon the stem. One of the petals is provided with a spur as in the columbines. This again is an apparatus to utilize some insect for the advantage of the plant. Anemones and Hepaticas. Anemones are herbs with rather characteristic flowers and fruit-bodies. In one type the nutlets of the fruit are massed in cylindrical clusters, clothed with woolly hairs. In others the clusters of 'nutlets are more nearly spherical. Closely related to the anemones are the Hepaticas, known by their three-lobed, shining leaves and their purplish flowers put forth in early spring. One kind of Hepatica has its leaves rather round-pointed while the other shows much sharper lobes. Akin to the Hepaticas is the rue-anemone, which devel- ops three-parted leaves, each lobe of which is again divided into three. The stem, four to seven inches in height, arises from a little cluster of small tuberous roots shaped like diminutive beets. This plant may be distinguished from the false rue-anemone, which resembles it superficially to a marked degree, by the character of the tuberous roots. In the false rue-anemones the tubers do not form a little cluster near the base of the stem, but develop, in many instances, two or three of them on the same root and often some distance from the base of the stem. Be- sides, the fruits of the true rue-anemone are aggregated as nutlets at the tip of the fruiting stem, while in the false the 270 Minnesota Plant Life. fruits are not strictly nuts but capsules, opening along one side to release the seeds. There are several seeds in each cap- .5 Si sule of the false rue-anemone, but only one seed in each nutlet of the true. Both plants are abundant in the woods through- out the state. Minnesota Plant Life. Pasque flowers and clematis. The pasque flower or gosling is known to the children of Minnesota as the first flower to bloom in early spring. There are several kinds of flowers which really open before the pasque-flower, but they are either rare or inconspicuous, so that the pasque flower may be popularly regarded as the earliest flower of the year. The sepals are of a pretty light purple color, and the whole flower is an inch or more across. Around its base is a group of hairy involucral leaves. At the center is a circle of separate carpels which ma- ture into a head of nutlets, each of which has a long plume-like appendage, recalling the similar structures in the fruiting heads of clematis. In this latter plant, which in Minnesota occurs as a climbing vine, the same general appearance of the fruiting heads is to be observed, and conse- quently the pasque flower is also termed the ground-clematis. The true clematises are not always climbing vines throughout the United States, but the Minnesota varieties both belong to the vine division of the genus. They have an odd way of climbing, for, not being provided with true ten- drils, they twine their leaves around such supports as come in their way, thus using the stems of the leaves just as a squash vine uses its tendrils. This habit of the clematis gives an idea of how, in some instances, tendrils may have originated. After the leaves of a plant acquired the habit of turning themselves about twigs or other supports that came in their way, there arose a division of labor, in consequence of which some leaves devoted themselves to their new function and gradually aban- doned their starch-making, thus becoming converted into true tendrils, while others assumed no tendril functions, but contin- ued as the starch-makers of the plant. FIG. 128. White water-buttercup. Britton and Brown. After 2 7 2 Minnesota Plant Life. Mousetails. The mousetail is a little herb three or four inches in height, known to occur in the extreme southwestern part of the state. The center of the flower is prolonged into a spike-like axis upon which the nutlets are arranged in spirals. From the resemblance of this axis or receptacle of the flower, to the tail of a mouse has arisen, the common name. Buttercups. Buttercups are well-known plants, usually with yellow flowers by which they may be distinguished from anem- ones, the flowers of which are pale. There are a number of sorts characterized by the different forms of the leaves, the sizes of the flowers and the shapes of the nutlets or groups of nutlets in the fruiting state. Three buttercups in the United States are aquatic, and two of these occur abundantly in Minnesota. Owing to their aquatic habit the water-buttercups have finely dissected leaves con- sisting of thread-like fila- ments, and their flowers are white. The two varieties may be distinguished from each other by the rigidity of their stems when with- FIG. 129. Early meadow-rue. After Britton and c [ rawn f rom t h e water. The Brown. white water-buttercup col- lapses into a flabby bundle when lifted from the water, while the stiff water-buttercup does not, but maintains the ends of its stems in a rigid position. The water-buttercups are interesting plants to observe on account of the automatic curvatures of the flowering pedicels. The flowers are exposed above the sur- face of the water and after pollination the stems bend over, as if aware of what was needed, and thrust the flowers into the water, so that the fruits are matured below the surface. Such beneficial habits are ordinary among water plants, which are generally compelled to expose their flowers for wind or for in- sect pollination, but afterwards derive advantage from ripening Minnesota Plant Life. 273 their fruits under less dangerous conditions. Thus the flowers of the water-lilies, of the pondweeds, or of the eel-grass are in a variety of ways retracted. What the eel-grass secured by a spiral contraction of the flowering stem is accomplished by the water-buttercup through an automatic curvature. Such curv- atures are sometimes employed by terrestrial varieties for the insertion of their fruits into the soil. Thus the peanut plant flowers above the ground and then thrusts its young pods into the soil, where they mature underground. Meadow-rues. The meadow-rues are robust perennial herbs with leaves compounded repeatedly on the plan of three. The flowers are small, whitish-green and aggregated in large pan- icles or racemes. In one variety, the most common in Minne- sota, there are two sorts of flowers, staminate and pistillate, borne on different plants, so that all the flowers on a plant will be of one kind or the other. The other two species have each on the same plant three kinds of flowers, some producing only stamens, others producing only pistils, and others in which both stamens and pistils occur. One variety is often glandular or waxy in the texture of its leaves, while the other is smooth or slightly hairy, but not glandular or waxy. The former blooms earlier than the latter and is usually shorter, reaching in favor- able positions three to seven feet in height, while the latter attains a height of from ten to eleven feet. Although the species in which the flowers are always separated, and a single plant produces only one kind, is easily identified, the other two are hard to distinguish. Most of the plants in the crowfoot family have pungent juices, and from some of them highly poisonous substances, such as aconite, are obtained. 19 Chapter XXIX. From Barberries to Witch-hazels. Barberries. The three plants of the barberry family which occur in Minnesota are of quite different appearance. One, the common barberry, introduced from Europe, grows as a wild plant in the southern part of the state, but is by no means abundant. It is a smooth shrub with ovate saw-tooth-mar- gined leaves and flowers produced on drooping racemes in the axils of some the leaves. The flowers are yellow and unpleas- antly scented. The fruit clusters are racemes of scarlet sour berries, somewhat oblong in shape and about half an inch in length. Many of the leaves are reduced to three-pronged thorns. This is the plant which is famous as the host of the cluster-cup stage of the wheat rust, and for this reason it is a dangerous shrub to cultivate. The other members of the barberry family are herbs. One of them, the blue cohosh, is found in shaded woods, growing a foot or more in height and resembling, to some extent, the meadow-rue. But when the cohosh fruits it produces clusters of blue berries which are in reality seeds, for they burst the thin fruit wall when young and mature outside of it. The other, known as the may-apple or wild mandrake, has, at the base, large shield-shaped leaves almost a foot in diameter, while the upper leaves are deeply lobed, lighter green above than below. The flowers are white, somewhat butercup-like, nodding from the axils of the leaves and one or two inches wide. A true fleshy berry of a yellow color is pro- duced, two inches long and edible. This plant occurs in damp woods along the flood plains of streams flowing into the Mis- sissippi, in the extreme southeastern portion of the state. Moonseeds. The moonseeds, represented in Minnesota by a single form, are characterized by the disk-shaped or coin- shaped seeds, hence the popular name. The Minnesota moon- Minnesota Plant Life. 275 seed is a common vine,with leaves shaped a little like the leaves of the wild grape, though not so deeply angled. The underground portion is yellow and Indians use it for medicine. The flowers are of two sorts, developed on different plants. The fruit con- tains a stone which is curved into a circle, marked by clefts and strongly flattened on the sides. The bunches of fruits are blu- ish-black in color and resemble a little the fruits of the wild grape. They are easily distin- guished, however, by the pres- ence in each of the flat stone, very different from the pear- shaped seeds which are found in the berries of the grape. Calycanthuses and laurels, where the sassafras, bays and spice-bushes are grouped, do not pro- duce any Minnesota varieties. The sixteenth order includes the poppy fam- ily, where the blood-roots, Dutchman's breeches and fumitories are classified; the mustards, among which may be mentioned the water cresses, rock cresses, whitlow-grasses, pepper- grasses and shepherd's purses ; the caper family, with the clammy-weeds and spider-flowers; the mignonettes, and two other families not repre- sented in the United States. Blood-roots. Besides the common poppy, which in some parts of the state has escaped from cultivation, the blood-root is a common form throughout the greater portion of Minne- sota. Blood-root flowers are to be seen in the spring in open woods, where their white petals and great abundance make them attractive ob- jects. The plant is named from the red juice which exists in its horizontal underground rootstock. On the latter, branches arise, bearing leaves those at the base scale- shaped and the upper ones large, heart-shaped or kidney- shaped, with several lobes. The flowering stem displays usually but a single flower in which there are two sepals that early fall FIG. 130. May-ap- ple, or mandrake, in flower. After Atkinson. FIG. 131. Clammv-weed. After Britton and Brown. 276 Minnesota Plant Life. to the ground. The pet- als, eight to twelve in number, inclose the nu- merous stamens. At the center the rudimentary fruit appears as an ob- long, narrow, one-cham- bered pod, made up of two carpels and ripening into a .capsule with nu- merous seeds. The later leaves of the year grow much larger than those formed at the time of flowering and by their ac- tivity create considerable reserve food material which is packed away in the underground part ready for use by the buds of the next season. Dutchman's-breeches. The Dutchman's-breeches or squirrel- corn, of which two species occur in Minnesota, are delicate and in- teresting plants of the woodland, where they grow on shaded banks. The leaves are com- pounded repeatedly on the plan of three and the slender flowering stem bears several nodding flow- ers flattened laterally in a peculiar manner. The shape of the flower gives occasion for the common name. Below the ground, in the Dutchman's-breeches, a number of bulbous scales may be discov- ered. When fresh they are speck- led with red dots. In the squir- rel-corn, the flowers of which are not so bifurcated as those of the FIG. 132. Blood-root. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 277 Dutchman's-breeches, the slender rootstocks bear a number of little spherical tubers. The common bleeding-heart of flower- gardens is a relative of these two native species. Fumitories. The fumitories, with yellowish or pinkish, two- sided flowers, occur in Minnesota in four different forms. Among the more common is the pale fumitory with whitish-green leaves compounded on the plan of three. This plant is most abun- dant in the northern part of the state, where it grows often on sandy beaches. The golden fumitory, frequent in the southern part of the state along railway embankments and in woods, is a smaller, darker green plant, with golden yellow flowers ar- ranged in terminal ra- cemes. Another variety, the yellow, not so com- mon as the golden fumi- tory, may be recognized by its paler leaves, like those of the pink-flow- ered northern form; but this species has yellowish flowers, not so bright as those of the golden fumi- tory, and quite different from the pinkish type of the pale fumitory. Still another, found at the ex- treme southern edge of FIG. 133. Water-cress. After Britton and Brown. 111 11 C smaller flowers than the others and foliage much like that of the pink species. Mustards. The mustard family is distinguished, for the mos part, by a pungent peppery sap, so that after one has tasted water-cress or pepper-grass he can usually determine, by c ing the foliage, the relationship of other plants of the fam A variety of mustards occur in Minnesota, about fifty spe in all. Besides this, several are cultivated, such as the cabl the cauliflower, the radish and the turnip. Mustards are : ognized botanically by their pods, flattened lengthwise or en wise to the partition which runs along them. In some po 278 Minnesota Plant Life. the partition is evanescent, as in the garden radishes. Very common forms are the pepper-grasses with little circular pods, the shepherd's purses with heart-shaped pods, the hedge-mus- tards with their long and slender pods, the rock-cresses grow- ing upon cliffs and along gorges, the water-cress abundant in cold streams issuing from springs, and the other cresses, some in the fields, some in the woods and others in marshes or swamps. In a great many of the mustards of Minnesota the leaves are narrow and deeply lobed along the sides. A number bear, at the surface of the ground, rosettes of leaves from which the slender flower-bearing axis arises. The flowers are usually arranged in racemes and are commonly white or yellow in color, constructed on the plan of four. Four sepals, four petals, six stamens and two carpels, united into a single pod, constitute the parts of the normal mustard flower. One of the smallest of the land-flowering plants in Minnesota is the whitlow-grass, a cress which produces a tiny rosette of leaves and a little stem an inch or two in height, on which a few minute white flowers are borne. Pitcher-plants. The seventeenth order includes the pitcher-plants, FlG - 134 - etcher-plant. After Britton and Brown. grouped in two families, to one of which belongs a common Minnesota variety, and the sundews and Venus' fly-traps. All of these plants are carnivorous and are very remarkable for the skillful devices by which they catch the insects that form a part of their food. The Venus' fly-trap, which in conservatories is sometimes cultivated, from its Car- olina home, is a little herb with leaves built upon the general plan of a steel trap. The base of the leaf is somewhat elongated and provided with wings of green tissue. Above the middle there is a strong constriction, and the end of the leaf is almost round, with a longitudinal rib separating it into two halves. Minnesota Plant Life. 279 On the upper side are some sharp-pointed hairs, and when an insect alights upon a leaf and irritates the hairs a couple of times the two sides of the leaf snap together with a movement suffi- ciently sudden to catch the insect, after which its body is di- gested by the plant. A little less sensational but none the less accurate are the fly-catching habits of the common Minnesota pitcher-plant which grows in abundance throughout the tama- rack swamps of the state. The leaves of this plant are hol- lowed out as vase-like structures, and are usually half full of water. The margin of each pitcher is protected by a flap on which are arranged a number of hairs pointing downwards. Within, the surface of the pitcher is very smooth. Inquisitive insects which alight upon the flap find it easy to walk in the direction in which the hairs are pointed, but difficult to move in the other direction. Thus they are guided to the smooth rim of the vase and tumble in. Digestive ferments are secreted by the action of glands or of bacteria which inhabit the water in the pitcher, and the bodies of the insects are converted into food-material for the bacteria, and directly or indirectly find their way into the tissues of the pitcher-plant itself. The flower of the pitcher-plant, standing on its slender, erect stalk, is con- spicuous by its purplish petals and by a very extraordinary um- brella-shaped stigma which arches over the short stamens, pro- tecting their sensitive pollen-spores from the cold of the bog where these plants select their abode. Besides, this umbrella- shaped stigma serves as preventive against the flower being pollinated by its own pollen. The pollen spores germinate on the points at the angles of the umbrella. The fruit is made up of five fused carpels and contains numerous small seeds. Sundews. Related to the pitcher-plants are the sundews, which are found throughout the state in deep tamarack swamps or peat-bogs. There are four varieties, distinguished by the shapes of their leaves, to be looked for in Minnesota. The round-leafed sundew is as common as any. In this the leaves are almost round, on slender stems, spreading out in a little circle at the base of the delicate, erect flowering axis. The leaves are half an inch or so broad and covered over with prom- inent red glandular hairs. Another variety has the leaves ovate or spoon-shaped. In still another, the leaves are long-ovate, 280 Minnesota Plant Life. four or five times as long as broad, while in yet another the leaves are shaped almost like grass leaves, one to three inches long and slightly spoon-shaped toward the tip. In all the dif- ferent species the glandular hairs are present. When a small insect alights upon one of the leaves the sticky secretions of the hairs interfere with its movements, while the hairs at the edge of the leaf bend inward and push the insect down into a helpless position. The whole leaf then seems to close around the unfortunate ant or fly, and after a time, by means of di- gestive ferments, its body is converted into nutriment for the plant. In Portugal and Spain a variety of sundew is by the inhabitants com- monly employed in place of fly-paper. Another foreign variety lives in the wa- ter, has leaves much like the Venus' fly- trap and snaps up little water insects. These plants do not depend for food en- tirely upon the insects they catch. They are all provided with leaf-green and de- vour insects only in an incidental way. The eighteenth order includes the riverweeds; the orpines; a family of West Australian pitcher-plants ; the sax- ifrages, to which the hydrangeas, goose- berries and a number of herbs belong; the witch-hazels ; the sycamores ; and the roses. In the last-named family are in- cluded the spiraeas, apples, quinces, mountain-ashes and June-berries, the roses, strawberries and a number of related herbs, the raspberries, blackberries and bram- bles and the plums, almonds, peaches and apricots. Further- more, in this eighteenth order is included the great pulse family with the acacias, the sensitive plants, the tamarinds, the red- buds, the sennas, the honey-locusts, the lupines, brooms, la- burnums, clovers, indigo-plants, locust-trees, ground-peas, pea- nuts, beans, peas, and all the allied varieties in which the type of pod known as the legume is formed. Besides, there are some smaller families classified here, so that this is one of the largest and most important of all the orders of flowering plants. Minnesota Plant Life. 281 Riverweeds. Of the rivenveed family there is a single Min- nesota species which grows attached to stones under water in strong rapids or cataracts. The riverweed belongs to a family of herbs best developed in the tropics and very remarkable for marvelously perfect adaptation to the submerged life. The plant-body of many of the riverweeds resembles that of an alga, the leaves being poorly distinguished from the stem on which they are borne. The flowers and fruits are produced entirely under water and are surrounded by involucres resem- bling the spathes of the arum family. In the Minnesota va- riety the only one common in North America the flowers are sessile, there is no perianth and there are two stamens united together at the base. The fruit- rudiment is ovoid, with two short stigmas. The general appearance of the plant is that of a dense tuft of finely divided leaves attached to the stones at the bottom of the water. The flowers are small and easily recognized by the two partly fused stamens, standing like a little fork beside the ovary. In the fruit arise a number of small seeds with straight embryos and without albumen. The riverweed has been collected in Brown. Minnesota on the International boundary, in the Granite lake rapids, at Minnehaha falls and at Lake Pepin. The most interesting thing about the riverweed is its entire abandonment of terrestrial methods of flower-pro- duction and pollination. While pondweeds are compelled to lift their spikes of flowers above the surface of the water to accommodate themselves to the persistence of ancient methods of wind-distribution in vogue during the days when their an- cestors were dwellers on the land, the riverweeds have freed themselves from this necessity and have the ability to main- tain themselves quite submerged in deep water, as if they wei algae Some other varieties of flowering plants flower under FIG. 136. River-weed. After Britton and 282 Minnesota Plant Life. water, as, for example, the marine eel-grass, so common along seashores around the world. This plant is famous for its de- velopment of thread-shaped pollen-spores a form more favor- able for aquatic pollination than the ordinary round spores common in most other plants. There are no flowering plants, however, which are so strongly adapted to the aquatic life as are the riverweeds. Even the tiny duckweeds, floating like green specks at the surface of quiet pools depend upon the wind for the distribution of their pollen and produce their pollen sacs and stigmas in the air as did their terrestrial progenitors. Stone-crops. The orpine family is represented in Minnesota by the native stone-crop and the introduced u hen- and-c hick ens." The stone-crop, which grows in ditches and swamps, is a slender, erect plant with smooth leaves and stem. The flowers are produced, at the tip of the stem, in cymes on recurving branches from one to three inches in length. The flowers have five se- pals, ten stamens, usually no petals, and five rather imperfectly fused carpels in each of which a num- ber of seed-rudiments are produced. Many of the orpine fam- ily are rock-dwelling plants and belong to the adaptational group known as leaf-succulents. The "hen-and-chickens" is an example of this group. Its leaves are very fleshy and thick, often grayish-green in color and arranged in rosettes, from the centre of which the erect, central flowering stems are developed. Such plants inhabit little crevices in cliffs, and the fleshy character of the leaves is doubtless in response to the difficulty of obtaining sufficient moisture for the roots. The ditch stone-crop, how- ever, prefers moist places, and has leaves of quite ordinary ap- pearance. FIG. 137. American alum-root. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 283 Saxifrages. The saxifrage family includes in Minnesota the gooseberries and currants, of which there are nine species ; the saxifrages, with four species, one of which, the swamp saxifrage, is found in peat-bogs and tamarack swamps throughout the state; a single species of Sullivantia; two species of alum-root; two miterworts ; one false miterwort ; and one golden saxifrage. The swamp saxifrage has large, rather whitish green, long ovate leaves and a central hollow stem, somewhat thick at the base, upon which cymes of flowers are arranged in an open pan- icle. Another saxifrage found on dry rocks along the north shore of Lake Superior, has rather succulent leaves, forming a thick rosette at the base of the flowering stem* This plant propa- gates by little offsets like the hen-and-chickens. Alum-roots. The al- um-roots, common on dry hills or rocks, have leaves shaped somewhat like those of the gooseberry and erect panicles of flow- ers at the end of a slender axis. The flowers are whitish-green or purplish and inconspicuous. There are five stamens. The ovary is one chambered, with numerous seed-rudiments and ripens into a two-valved pod which splits from the end, curving the tips away from each other. The two varieties in Minnesota are distinguished by the appearance of the flowers. In the American alum-root the calyx of the flower is bell-shaped and regular. In the rough alum-root the calyx is bell-shaped and very oblique with un- equal lobes. Both plants are sometimes found in dry woods but are more abundant as rock plants on high ledges or as crevice plants on barren islands. The miterworts and golden saxifrages are delicate little herbs with leaves shaped some- FIG. 138. Marsh Parnafsia. After Britton and Brown. 284 Minnesota Plant Life. what like those of the gooseberry and with the general saxifrage type of flower. In the common miterwort or bishop's cap the five petals are shaped like tiny feathers. Parnassias. The Parnassias, of which one species is com- mon throughout the state while the other two grow especially on the north shore of Lake Superior, are swamp plants with entire, broadly spoon-shaped, strongly ribbed leaves and ter- minal solitary flowers of a white or creamy yellow color, aris- ing at the end of a slender erect axis. Usually a single sessile heart-shaped leaf is displayed one-third of the way up the flowering axis. The flowers of Parnassia may be recognized by the little clusters of imperfect stamens produced at the base of each of the five petals. Gooseberries and currants. The largest genus of saxifrages in Minnesota is the one to which the gooseberries and cur- rants belong. There are probably six gooseberries in the state, and the different sorts are recognized by the shape of the leaves and the character of the fruit. One, the prickly gooseberry, is common everywhere, and in this species the fruits are covered with prickles. Of smooth gooseberries there are four or five sorts distinguished by characters of the flowers and leaves. Of currants there are four sorts, among which, one, the flowering-currant, is not native. The other three are the skunk currant, with its prostrate branches and disagreeable odor, com- mon in the northern part of the state; the wild black currant, abundant throughout the state; and the red currant, most abundant north of a straight line connecting Fergus Falls with Duluth. The gooseberries have the flowers arranged for the most part in small clusters or they are solitary, while the cur- rants produce racemes of flowers ripening into bunches of fruit. The fruits are spherical berries, having a somewhat different taste in the gooseberry division of the genus from that char- acteristic of the currants. Each berry contains a few seeds with slimy or gelatinous outer and hard inner coats. The flowering-currant, with its bright yellow flowers, is a native of the western plains and is abundantly introduced in Minnesota. Witch-hazels. The witch-hazel family is represented in Min- nesota by a single species, the well-known witch-hazel of the southern part of the state. This is a shrub superficially re- Minnesota Plant Life. 285 sembling the hazel in some respects, but with bright yellow flowers in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are remarkable for blooming during the autumn of the year as the leaves are falling. The petals are very slender and elongated, and there are four perfect and four imperfect stamens, while the capsule opens by two valves. The witch-hazel is much used in the production of an extract reputed to have healing virtues similar to those of arnica, but by some believed to have no medicinal value whatever. Sycamores. Sycamore trees scarcely occur spontaneously in Minnesota, the state being too far north for their development. Chapter XXX. Roses, Peas and their Relatives, The rose family is represented in Minnesota by from sixty- five to seventy species, among which are herbs, shrubs and trees, while all unite in the general character ot the flower. Meadow-sweets. Here are to be grouped the Spiraeas, meadow-sweets or ninebarks, of which there are three varieties in the state. The most common is the willow-leafed Spiraea a frequent and abundant meadow plant in every district. All of them are shrubs with alternate leaves in the ninebark some- what lobed and shaped a little like the leaves of the currant, but in the meadow-sweet or Spiraea, with the outline of willow leaves. The flowers are borne in terminal panicles, or large clusters, and in two of the species are of a white or slightly purplish color, while in the third they are of a handsome pink. The meadow-sweets are common plants in swamps and swales as well as in meadows, and one variety is very abundant on the rocky shores of northern lakes, growing often partly submerged under water. While much smaller, the flowers of the Spiraeas are in their general appearance much like apple blossoms. Crab-apples and chokeberries. The apples and mountain- ashes, with the June-berries and hawthorns, constitute a very clearly defined series of the rose family. Of apples and quinces, which together with the pears form a characteristic series, there are five sorts in Minnesota three wild crab-apples and two va- rieties of chokeberries. There is no difficulty in recognizing these plants, because they have the typical apple fruit. The common crab-apple is a small tree with ovate to triangular leaves, distinguishable from the western crab-apple or chokeberry, which also occurs in the state, by the general outline of the leaves. In the western crab-apple the leaves are oblong or ovate, but not so triangular. Still another form of crab-apple has somewhat larger oval leaves with shallow notches at the margin. Minnesota Plant Life. 287 The chokeberries are shrubs ordinarily to be looked for in swamps or damp woods. The flowers are considerably smaller than those of the crab-apples, but decidedly similar. The fruits, too, are not different in essential particulars from those of the crab-apples, but are not so large, averaging about the size of a well-grown gooseberry. In one of the chokeberries the fruit is bright red when ripe, while in the other it is almost black. June-berries. Of June-berries there are four or five species growing in Minnesota. These are all shrubs or trees with flow- ers resembling those of the apple, but with more berry-like fruits, smaller on the whole than the fruits of the apples. In the common June-berry the fruit is spherical, sweet to the taste and of a reddish color. The shad-bush, a variety of' June-berry, may be dis- tinguished by the white, woolly appearance of the foliage when young, changing to smooth when older. In both of these varieties the leaves are somewhat elongated, like plum leaves. In the round-leaved June-berry, the leaves, as the name indicates, are almost round, while in the alder June-berry the leaves are oval, notched more deeply towards the tip than towards the base. In all the varieties so far discussed the fruits are more less apple-shaped. One other, which occurs at the extreme northern edge of the state, in cold bogs, is a low shrub, smooth throughout, with a purple pear-shaped fruit, half an inch or s in length. Hawthorns. Neither the apples nor the June-ben thorny, and by this character they may be distinguished fron FIG. 139. Hawthorn. After Britton and Brown. 288 Minnesota Plant Life. the hawthorns, which have somewhat similar fruits. Haw- thorns are commonly furnished with slender, pointed branches, giving to the twigs a peculiar spurred appearance. Between the different varieties it is exceedingly difficult to discriminate. About six species exist within the state, and they are to be class- ified by the shapes of the leaves and the outlines and surfaces of the fruits. The flowers are borne in flat-topped clusters, reminding one of the flat-topped elder inflorescences. The fruits are never large, being in all the species about the size of choke- berries. Sometimes hawthorn trees fail to produce thorns or form them but sparingly. It is not then easy to dis- tinguish them from the June-berries or choke- berries; but in such instances the flower clusters are usually dis- tinctive, for while those of the hawthorn are, for the most part, flat- topped, the lower flow- ers having longer stems than the upper, the clus- ters in June-berries and chokeberries are pan- icled or but slightly flat- topped. Mountain-ashes. The mountain-ashes are very close to the apples and hawthorns. Indeed, they may be regarded as apples with diminutive fruits and compound leaves. Two sorts of mountain-ash may be looked for in the Minnesota woods. They are both low trees with compound, feather- shaped leaves and small white flowers in terminal, compound, flat-topped cymes. The fruits are little red berries, quite like the apple fruits, except that the core has not the papery walls FIG. 140. Apple-blossoms. After photograph by Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. 289 of the apple. They may be distinguished from all the other apple-like plants by their compound leaves. The American mountain-ash is discriminated from the western mountain-ash by the shape of the leaflets. In the first named species they are slender and willow-like, while in the other they are elon- gated-oblong and not so sharply pointed. The fruits in the two varieties are very similar but average larger in the western mountain-ash. Both varieties are very ornamental as lawn trees, but the western mountain-ash is more desirable for culti- vation in Minnesota than the other, on account of the larger and handsomer flat-topped clusters of fruits. Strawberries and fivefingers. A group of herbs, including the strawberries, fivefingers and avens, should be men- tioned here. There are a num- ber of varieties of them, some sorts abundant in meadows and fields, others distributed in swamps and along the shores of lakes. The straw- berries in particular are abun- dant and easily recognized by their three-compounded leaves, by their habit of producing runners for propagation and by their clusters of little seed- like fruits upon the swollen conical axis of the flower. This axis becomes red and fleshy as it matures, and is the edible portion of the strawberry. The other herbs, such as the fivefingers, closely resemble the straw- berries in the character of the flower, but do not form fleshy axes for their fruits. The avens is an erect herb, rather easily mistaken by the casual observer for some kind of anemone in fruit. One sort which is common in Minnesota produces fruit clusters quite similar in appearance to those of the clematis, having the same plumy appendages on the nutlets. None of these herbs, except the strawberry, is of any particular economic importance. They are all, however, throughout the state, com- FIG. 141. Marsh fivefinger. After Britton and Brown. 290 Minnesota Plant Life. mon objects in open woods and along the edges of moist meadows. The way to distinguish an anemone from a five- finger or avens is this : the flowers of the fivefingers have appar- ently a double calyx formed by the uniting in pairs of the stip- ules at the bases of the calyx leaves. The anemones have no such double calyx. Besides, the stamens in the anemones and buttercups are arranged in spirals, while those of the fivefingers and avens are arranged in whorls. Agrimonies. Two curious little herbs, known as agrimonies, have leaves resembling rose leaves, the flowers in narrow, spike- like racemes and the calyx swollen up around the fruit and fur- nished with a number of hooked bristles. The little fruits which become attached to one's clothing in the woods in autumn, if they are conical in shape and if the base of the cone is barbed, are those of the agrimony. The bristles do not really belong to the fruit, but arise from the calyx, illustrating how the plant may use the same areas for different purposes. In apples, mountain-ashes, June-berries, and chokeberries the calyx grew up around the fruit and became fleshy. That is to say, the real fruit of the apple is the core, the flesh which is eaten being the outer portion of the flower and not the central ovary or group of ovaries. The agrimony fruits, like those of the apples, pears, quinces and hawthorns, are adapted to animal distribution ; but the method of distribution is different. In the apples, calyx- leaves become an inducement to animals to eat the fruits and thus the seeds, remaining uninjured, are distributed. But in agrimonies the calyx is so constructed that with its inclosed fruit and seeds it attaches itself to the fur of animals and in this manner obtains dissemination. Raspberries and blackberries. Very closely related to the fivefingers and strawberries are the brambles, including here the varieties with edible fruits known as raspberries and black- berries. About ten species occur in the state. The different flavors in the fruits give occasion for the classification into rasp- berries and blackberries, and there are no important structural differences, since both plants belong to the same genus. They are shrubs or herbs with characteristic fruitlets like miniature plums aggregated together upon a fleshy swollen axis devel- oped from the centre of the flower, and somewhat like the conical base of the strawberry nutlets. One difference between Minnesota Plant Life. 291 blackberries and raspberries is in the texture of this axis In raspberries it becomes drier and the cluster of fruitlcts sepa- rates from it, but in blackberries it remains fleshy and there 3 no separation of the fruit cluster from the receptacle Of raspberries there are in Minnesota five varieties, including the red and black raspberries, two dwarfed species, and the sour raspberry, in which the fruit is less pleasantly flavored than in the others. Of blackberries there are four sorts, two varieties of high blackberry, one low blackberry and one swamp black- berry. In all these plants the stems are shrubby. In the Arctic dwarfed raspberry the plant-body is herbaceous, unarmed, and only three to ten inches in height, but not creeping. Another peculiar little creeping raspberry, seldom found in Minnesota, has leaves like those of the violet, and might even be mistaken for a violet un- less seen in flower or fruit. Rose-bushes. The roses are shrubs with large and conspicu- ous flowers which cannot well be mistaken for those of any other variety. The different sorts in Minnesota may be distinguished by the shape of the leaflets, the presence or absence of prickles, the shape of the fruit, and the stipules on the leaves. The common prairie rose, for example, has distinct stipules and the leaves are disposed along a prickly stem. There are usually from seven to nine round-ovate leaf- lets in each leaf. The smooth, or meadow rose, is at once known from the prairie rose by the scarcity of prickles, only a few of which ever occur upon the stem. Neither of these varieties climbs. A climbing rose is found, however, in thick- ets in the southeastern portion of the state. In this there are often three or five leaflets to the leaf. Yet another sort is rec- ognized by the prickly midribs of the leaves. The swamp rose and the pasture rose may be known by the presence of a pair FIG. 142. Roses. After photograph by Williams. 2Q2 Minnesota Plant Life. of extra large prickles just below the stipules at the base of each leaf. This description does not extend over all the wild roses of the state, but without going into technical details gives an idea of their differences. All the roses are marked by a special type of fruit which may be compared, perhaps, to a strawberry turned inside out ; that is to say, the nutlets or fruits are aggre- gated not upon a convex, but upon a concave receptacle. The calyx grows up around this concave end of the flower, and the FIG. 143. Sand-cherry in fruit. After Bailey. Bull. 70, Cornell Ag. Kxpt. Station. nutlets are inclosed within its red and fleshy substance. Some roses have the fruits, or hips, as they are called, protected by a growth of prickles, while in others they are smooth. Plums, peaches and cherries. A well-marked sub-family of roses includes the plums, cherries, peaches, apricots and al- monds. These are all trees or shrubs with bitter bark and foliage. The bark, leaves, and seeds contain small quantities 'of prussic acid, a substance which has, when chemically pre- pared, about the same odor as the kernel of a peach stone. The flowers are of the ordinary rose type, except that there is only Minnesota Plant Life. 293 a single carpel instead of five or more as in other roses. Thi> single carpel, or pistil, at the centre of the flower, contains one or two seed-rudiments and the fruit matures as a stone fruit. The outer wall of the pistil becomes fleshy, while the inner grows hard and produces the stone. Inside, the one or two seed- rudiments mature into the kernels. Plums have a smooth or waxy outer surface for their fruits, while peaches and apricots have this surface downy. In almonds the fleshy tract does not de- velop and the nuts may be described as peaches with dry pulp. Of plums there are two principal varieties, the plums proper and the cherries. In Minnesota there are one or two species of plum, including the very common wild plum, a tree ten to twenty feet in height, with red, purplish or yellow fruits. The stone is flat- tened, with one edge sharp and the other grooved. Be- sides this common variety, at the extreme northern edge of the state are trees of the Canada plum, aver- aging somewhat larger than the ordinary sort, with broader leaves and larger, longer fruits. In addition to these two varieties of true plums there are six sorts of cherries. Almost the only difference between the plums and the cherries is the flavor of the fruit, though cherries as a class have rather more globular fruits than plums. The Minnesota varieties are the dwarfed or sand-cherry, common on sandy beaches, especially in the northern part of the state ; the wedge-leafed cherry with fruits four or five lines broad; the western sand-cherry, resembling the wedge-leafed cherry in its foliage but with fruits nearly twice as large, found on prairies in the western part of the state ; the pin-cherries with sour small fruits, without bloom, with 144. A cluster of choke-cherry flowers and a single flower dis- sected. After Atkinson. 294 Minnesota Plant Life. spherical stones and arranged in clusters of three or four; the choke-cherry, with fruits of a red color or sometimes nearly black, in clusters like those of the currant ; and the black cher- ries, forming their fruits in clusters similar to the last men- tioned, but always dark purple or black in color and somewhat flattened vertically. The choke-cherry can be distinguished from the black cherry by the very astringent taste it possesses. The fruit of the black cherry is sweet and not so astringent. Comparison of different types of rose fruit. The fruits in the various sorts of roses appear to be quite dissimilar, while in reality they are but different elaborations of the same gen- eral types. It may serve to explain them if they are briefly compared with each other and described as modifications of some common fundamental form. In the first place it should be noticed that the number of carpels in the flower varies from one in the plums and peaches to fifty and more in the strawberries. These carpels are generally separate from each other, forming independent pistils; but in the spiraeas, apples, mountain-ashes and their relatives, the small number of carpels, ordinarily four or five, are produced close together, so that they seem almost to blend in one body. In other instances the carpels are quite distinct and separate, as in the strawberry. An apple may be compared to five almond nuts placed close together and surrounded by a thick fleshy layer. Each seg- ment of the apple core is a ripened carpel containing one or two seeds. A strawberry may be compared to an apple core with the flesh removed and the number of carpels increased to fifty or more, very much diminished in size and situated on the surface of a swollen fleshy axis. A plum, or cherry, or peach, may be compared to one segment of an apple core with the papery membrane greatly thickened and converted into two layers, the outer soft and pulpy, the inner hard and stony. A blackberry may be compared to a strawberry in which all the nutlets have matured after the fashion of plums or cherries. A raspberry may be compared to a strawberry with a dry pulpy centre and plum-like nutlets which separate from their axis in a group. The curious bur-like fruit of the agrimony may be compared to an apple of conical shape with the fleshy part modified into a layer on which are arranged numerous prickles Minnesota Plant Life. 295 with hooked ends. The clematis-like fruit of the avens may be compared to a strawberry in which the pulpy part is dry and the ends of the nutlets are prolonged into plumes, enabling each nutlet to be distributed by the wind. The majority of the rose fruits are adapted to animal distri- bution, but the fivefingers and the avens depend rather upon the agency of the wind. The rose hip, as has been said, may be compared to a strawberry turned inside out, with an apple- like pulp growing up around it. One can easily see at the end of an apple opposite the stem, and at the end of the rose hip more clearly still, the five points of the five calyx leaves, which have become fleshy and assist in the distribution of the seeds. The colors, perfumes, essences and sugars of the ripe fruiting areas, whether these areas be the axis of the flower, as in the strawberry, the swollen calyx leaves, as in the apples, haw- thorns, pears and rose hips, or the ovary walls, as in the plums and cherries, are in all instances adaptations for the attraction of birds and animals. So that, in being eaten, such fruits accomplish their own ends and are not to be regarded as un- fortunate, like the fruits of wheat and corn that never "intended" themselves to be eaten, but stored up their food materials en- tirely for the benefit of their own enfolded plantlets. From this point of view it is apparent that there are two classes of edible fruits, those made edible by the plant for animal distri- bution, and those adapted to the nourishment of the seedlings, but seized by animals contrary to the well-being of the plant. Of the former class apples are examples, of the latter, the cereal grains. The pea family. Related to the roses is the great pulse family in which the pod-bearing plants of the world are classi- fied. ' The lower genera of pulses have more or less regular flowers with radial symmetry, but the higher genera form but- terfly-shaped flowers like those of the sweet peas, and of a shape distinct from that of any other flowers in the plant kingdom. There is never any doubt whatever about the classification of a plant if it shows the butterfly-shaped blossom. The pulse family as a whole, however, is a group based rather upon fruit than upon flower structure, for all the species are marked by the production of pods or legumes. The legume is a fruit 296 Minnesota Plant Life. developed from a single carpel, with from one to many seed- rudiments produced in a row along one side, in the interior. The forms of pods are very various. Sometimes they are shaped quite like the familiar pea-pods or bean-pods. Again they are broken up into joints, each joint containing a single seed. Often the pods are coiled like snail shells. Some varieties have small pods, reminding one, in their appearance, of the nutlets of the strawberry, but differing in their almost universal habit of opening down both edges to release the seed. About 7,000 species are included in the pulse family, making it al- most three times as large as the rose family. The lower division of pulses, in which the flowers are not of the true butterfly shape, though sometimes approaching it, is represented in Minnesota by two trees the redbud and the Kentucky coffee-tree and four herbs, including three sennas and a desman- thus. Redbud trees. The red- bud, or Judas-tree, is re- ported as occurring in the extreme southern portion of the State, but the Only Speci- FlG - 145 - Kentucky coffee-tree. After Britten and . , T , Brown. mens that I know of are cultivated, and it is probably not native to Minnesota. The flowers have the look of the butterfly flowers of the higher genera, but the broad petal, known as the standard, is inclosed by the wings in the bud. In the true butterfly flowers the reverse condition obtains. The leaves of the redbud are heart- shaped and the flowers are pink and borne in short lateral clus- ters. The fruit matures into a flat, oblong pod which opens like the pod of a locust. The wood is heavy, coarse-grained, dark brown or red, with lighter colored sap-wood. Minnesota Plant Life. 207 Kentucky coffee-trees. The Kentucky coffee-tree is a large forest tree indigenous, but somewhat infrequent, in the southern part of the state. It is especially abundant near Mankato, in Nicollet county. The leaves are doubly pinnate and the flow- ers are produced in racemes and are regular in appearance. Some of them are staminate, others pistillate, while still others are provided with both stamens and pistils. The pod when fully grown is from five to ten inches long and two inches wide, somewhat flattened, of a dark brown color, with several seeds. These pods hang unopened on the branches throughout the winter. In the following spring they split along the edges and reveal the large brown beans, which are remarkable for their exceedingly hard coats, their albumen and the orange-colored seed-leaves of the embryo. The wood of the tree is light brown tinted with red and of some value in cabinet-making. The coffee-trees select rich deep woods as their habitat, and are beautiful forms under cultivation. They cannot be mistaken for any other of the native Minnesota varieties, since their large, thick pods are altogether distinctive. Sennas. The sennas are also known as sensitive pe.as or wild sensitive-plants. The three varieties which grow in Min- nesota produce yellow flowers, almost regular, that is, rose- like and not two-sided in appearance. The American senna has curved, rather smooth pods, three to four inches in length. The large-flowered sensitive pea has for the most part straight and slightly hairy pods, while the small-flowered has shorter straight pods and flowers considerably less than half the size of the other. The desmanthus is one of the pod-bearing plants in which the pods are clustered together in heads. It is a small herb with doubly pinnate, fern-like leaves, regular flowers aggregated in spherical heads, and short curved pods clustered together in dense heads, each pod containing from two to five seeds. These plants would not be mistaken for clovers, in which the pods are also clustered, on account of their fern-like leaves and regular flowers. Besides, the pods are very much larger. Of the pulses, with butterfly-shaped flowers, there arc be- tween 75 and 80 species in the state, including the false indigos, the wild peanuts and wild beans, the vetches, prairie clovers 298 Minnesota Plant Life. and tick-trefoils, the wild licorices, the ground-plums, locust trees, pommes de terre, sweet clovers, lucernes, alfalfas, red, white and yellow clovers, lupines and rattle-boxes. Most of these are herbs. A few, like the false indigos or lead-plants, are shrubs, and one, the locust, is a well-known tree. Herbaceous false indigos and rattle-boxes. There are two different kinds of plants belonging to different genera, known under the general name of false indigo. Some of them are herbs with creamy or white flowers in conspicuous racemes. Three kinds of herbaceous false indigos are known to occur in Min- nesota. The pods in these plants are inflated and ovoid in shape. The flowers of the white false indigo turn black in drying. The leaves consist for the most part of three leaf- lets and the plants are large, averaging from two to four feet in height. Related to these false indigos are the rat- tle-boxes. The Minnesota species has apparently simple leaves with prominent stipules at the base of some. The pods are ovoid and inflated and the seeds rattle in them, giving the occasion for the common name. Lupines, sweet clovers and clovers. Lupines, of which one species is common in Minnesota, have the flowers arranged in terminal, conspicuous racemes like the herbaceous false indigo flowers. The leaflets, however, are seven to eleven in number, growing out in radial fashion from the tip of their common stem. The flowers are generally blue and the whole plant is of an erect habit, from one to two feet in height. The pods are not much inflated, but flattened and leathery. By means of the leaves there is no difficulty in distinguishing these plants from other pulses. The lucerne, or alfalfa, has violet or purple flowers aggregated in loose clover-like heads or racemes. The pod in this variety is twisted up like a snail shell. FIG. 146. Wild lupine. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 299 The sweet clovers are represented in Minnesota by two varieties, the white sweet clover and the yellow. These are bushy, branching herbs sometimes eight or nine feet in height. The small flowers are arranged in slender racemes. The pods are short-ovoid, and often unlike most legumes fail to open. The peculiar fragrance of the flowers indicates adaptation to insect pollination. Six or seven kinds of clover, only one of which is native, occur throughout the state. These are plants with leaves com- posed of three leaflets, and flowers aggregated on short pedicels in more or less globular or elongated heads. The flowers at FIG. 147. Sweet-clover bushes. After photograph by Williams. the edge of the head mature first, and, as they are pollinated, often curve downwards, leaving the field clear to the unpol- linated flowers to attract insects. The pods of the clovers, like those of the sweet clovers, often fail to open, and, when they do, separate along only one of the margins. If it were not for the butterfly-shaped flowers such plants might escape classification as pulses. The three most common clovers in the state are the prostrate, with branches lying upon the ground, the common white, and the red clover. The flowers of the prostrate clover are yellow. Besides these, there are a few other introduced clovers, one of which may be known by its oblong heads 3 Minnesota Plant Life. Rather closely connected with the clovers are the little herbs known as lotuses no relatives, however, of the water-lily lotuses, for this is an instance where common names are con- fusing. In these plants the pods are more elongated. They occur singly and hang down in a limp position when mature, while the flowers are small, rose colored and with darker stand- ard. The leaves are for the most part made up of three leaflets. A lotus may be known by its solitary drooping pods. Indian turnips. The pomme de terre, or prairie-turnip, or Indian turnip, is an herb somewhat branched, of robust habit, and arising from a tuberous root. The flowers are in hairy ovoid spikes and the leaves are made up of five radiating leaf- lets. The pod is oblong, smooth and inclosed in the calyx. Two other plants of this genus are abundant in the state. One is conspicuous for its silvery leaves and is known as the silver-leafed prairie- clover. The silvery appear- ance, as in the buffalo-berries, is given by hairs on the sur- face of the leaves. There are from three to five leaflets to each leaf and the flowers are of a blue color, sessile and in small clusters. Another variety, the many-flowered prairie-clover, has leaves similar in form to the silver-leafed variety, but without the hairs which give them the metallic lustre. In this variety there are a number of small blue flowers aggregated in loose racemes. Shrubby false indigos. The shrubby false indigos occur in Minnesota in three varieties. These plants are remarkable for the modification of the butterfly-shaped flower, for all of the five petals, except the standard, have disappeared, so that the flower has but one petal. This is of a purplish, violet or blue color. The leaves are pinnate with from twenty to fifty leaflets, arranged opposite each other on their common midrib. The large false indigo is from five to twenty feet in height, with FIG. 148. White clover. After photograph bv Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. -oi spike-like purple racemes of flowers from three to six inches in length. The pods are short, usually with two seeds, and the surfaces are covered with little oil glands. It is common along the shores of lakes. The low false indigo is a smooth shrub, not over a foot in height. The flowers are arranged in spicate racemes, usually solitary. They are of a purple color and sweet- scented. The plant is at home in the southwestern districts, preferring the prairie to the forest. The lead-plant, which is one of the most abundant prairie shrubs in the Minnesota valley, is covered with white hairs and averages from one to three feet in height. The leaves develop twice as many leaflets as in the other varieties, sometimes twenty or more on each side of the common midrib. Several blue racemes of flowers generally occur close together. The pods are hairy and not markedly glandular. Prairie-clovers. Of the true prairie-clovers there are three Minnesota species, the purple, the white, and the silky. These plants have leaves made up, in the silky variety, of from ten to twenty leaflets, and in the other two, of from five to nine. The purple prairie-clover has commonly from three to five leaflets and in all the varieties they are small and slender. The flowers are arranged in dense spikes, and very often such spikes will be found with girdles of flowers blooming around their middles, while above the buds are still unopened and below the fruits have set and the petals withered. By this habit, together with their other characters, they may be recognized. Locust-trees. The locust, or false acacia, is a handsome tree and is noted for its beautiful pendulous racemes of large white flowers, very fragrant and opening in the late spring. The trunk, farther south, is sometimes three or four feet in diameter, but rarely exceeds a foot in the colder climate of Minnesota. The leaves are made up of from eleven to fifteen leaflets pin- nately arranged. The pods are much flattened, with winged edges, and the seeds ripen in separate chambers, and, when the pod opens, remain adherent, some of them to one side of the pod and others to the other. The halves of the thin pod serve the seeds as wings for their distribution by the wind. Young twigs of the locust tree have thorns at the bases of the leaves, but the older branches are unarmed. 302 Minnesota Plant Life. Ground-plums. The common ground-plum of the prairies is one member of a little group of pulses including about ten species in Minnesota. Most of them have slender, purplish, lilac or whitish flowers in rather loose racemes. The leaflets are much like those of the smaller shrubby false indigos ; that is, they are composed of numerous small oval leaflets on each side of a slender axis. In the ground-plum the pod, when it matures, is fleshy and may be eaten when cooked. Not all of the Minnesota varieties of ground-plum have this fleshy pod. In others the pod is quite dry. Two plants closely related to the ground-plum may be dis- tinguished from it by the longer, more conspicuous racemes of showy flowers. One of them in particular, which grows in the western part of the state, has bluish-purple flowers on a tall, central, erect stalk and is a very prominent flower of the prairie. This plant is sometimes called loco-weed or loco-vetch. The other member of its genus is of a beautiful silvery lustre, owing to the soft white hairs that cover the leaflets and their axes. In neither of these loco-weeds is there a branching plant-body above ground, but the leaves seem to spring in a tuft from the roots, while in the centre the erect flowering axis lifts itself above their tips. The pods are incompletely divided into two chambers by a deep partition extending lengthwise through the pod almost to the back. Wild licorice. A common herb of the Minnesota prairie is the wild licorice. This plant may always be recognized when in fruit by the ovoid pods covered with hooked bristles. No other Minnesota pulse has just this sort of pod, which is, indeed, not unlike a small cockle-bur head. The flowers, produced in rather dense spikes, are of a cream color varying to white. In these plants the roots are thick and sweet to the taste and are sometimes used as a substitute for licorice. The flavor, how- ever, is different from that of the true licorice and is scarcely so agreeable. The leaves are of the same general character as those of the last plant mentioned, except that they are not sil- very in color, and are marked by minute glandular dots. Tick-trefoils. The tick-trefoils are characterized by their pods which are constricted between the seeds and separate into Minnesota Plant Life. 303 pieces, each pod appearing to be made up of joints. One kind. rare in Minnesota, and limited to the north shore of Lake Superior, has the flowers in rather dense, violet-colored, ter- minal racemes. The pod consists of from three to five smooth joints shaped somewhat like eggs. The other tick-trefoils, of which there are eight or nine reported to grow within the con- fines of the state, have much less noticeable flower clusters, and the flowers are small and loosely arranged on their axes. Some- times they are terminal and sometimes produced in the angle above the leaves. The pod is very flat and usually separat- ed into a number of joints. Sometimes the pod is straight along one edge, while the other edge is in- dented like the teeth of a saw ; but in other instances both sides of the pod are indent- ed. The different kinds of tick-trefoils cannot be dis- tinguished from each other without a critical examina- tion ; but it may be said that their principal differences are in the shapes of the leaf- lets, the arrangements of the FIG. 149. Tick-trefoil. After Britton and Brown, pods in clusters, the SlirfaCCS of the pods and their methods of jointing. They are found for the most part in woodlands and usually stand up from two to six feet in height. In most of them the pods are provided with hooked bristles, by means of which they cling, either as a whole, or broken up into their joints, upon the fur of passing animals, or upon the clothing of their human visitors. Bush clovers. Seven species of bush clovers are reported from Minnesota. Several of these are known as wand plants ; that is, plants which stand up slim and tall without any lateral branches. One of them, the bushy headed or round headed bush clover, is a common object with its brown, pod-bearing 304 Minnesota Plant Life. heads aggregated in coffee-colored clusters at the top of a slender stem from two to five feet high. The stems bear a number of three-compounded leaves in which the leaflets are shaped somewhat like those of the willow. One of these bush clovers has a creeping stem and might be taken for a true clover were it not for the egg-shaped pods which are larger and dis- similar to those of the true clovers. Vetches and beach peas. The vetches and beach peas may be recognized, wherever they occur, by the formation of tendrils at the tips of their leaves. There are about ten species in Minnesota. They are found in woods and swales and one variety is very conspicuous on sandy and gravelly beaches throughout the northern part of the state, being particularly abundant at Lake of the Woods and Red lake. This variety, which is known as the beach pea, is seen at its best on the sea- shore. The differences in the vetches lie in the shapes of the leaves and pods, the colors and sizes of the flowers and the development of the tendrils. In general, however, they are supplied with pinnately compounded leaves with one or two tendrils taking the place of the terminal leaflet or pair of leaflets. Wild peanuts and wild beans. Not far removed from the beach peas are the groundnuts, wild peanuts and wild beans. In these there are commonly from three to five broad leaflets to each leaf. The stems are slender and twine or climb over the vegetation near them. The flowers are small, blue, pink or violet, and are generally gathered together in rather small clusters. These plants are abundant in the edges of woods. The wild peanut forms two kinds of flowers, small purple or white, ordinary butterfly-shaped flowers on lateral racemes, and peculiar little flowers without petals, on certain slender pros- trate stems which trail along the ground. By means of these two kinds of flowers there is no difficulty in recognizing the wild peanut. The wild beans resemble the wild peanut in their general appearance, but are devoid of the curious inconspicuous flowers. The groundnut usually displays five leaflets in each leaf instead of three, but has the same slender vine-like habit of growth that characterizes the others. All these plants will be found in thickets and underbrush, trailing or climbing over the bushes and thus exposing their own foliage to the light. Chapter XXXI. From Geraniums to Maples and Touch-me-nots. if The nineteenth order includes the geraniums, the wood- sorrels, the nasturtium vines, the flaxes, the rues and prickly ashes, the polygalas, the spurges, castor-beans, and tapiocas, the water-starworts and several families not represented in North America. A variety of interesting plants in this order are cultivated, or are employed for various economic purposes. For example, the coca tree, from which the well-known anes- thetic, cocaine, is manufactured, should be grouped here; also the oranges, limes and lemons, and the ailanthus tree, introduced from China. To the spurge family, too, of this order, there belong a number of singular cactus-like plants most abundant in South Africa. Several of the families are represented in Minnesota, but most of them by only a few species. Geraniums. Four varieties of geranium occur wild in Min- nesota. These all have regular flax-like flowers and slender capsules which open by five clefts running lengthwise of the pod. A peculiarity of the geranium pod is that, when it opens, it does so suddenly, splitting from the base upward. Five pieces, each carrying a seed at its lower end, split off in this manner from a central column and the seeds are projected some distance into the air as if thrown from a catapult. The differ- ent kinds of wild geraniums may be distinguished by their leaves. The common spotted-leafed geranium has rose-colored flowers and leaves palmately divided and spotted. The red- robin has much smaller leaves without the conspicuous spots. The Carolina geranium has its leaves cut up into finer seg- ments than the others and the flowers are of a pale, whitish hue. Wood-sorrels. The wood-sorrels are well-known for their three-leafleted leaves, not unlike those of the white clover, but with a distinct acid taste. There are at least three varieties 21 306 Minnesota Plant Life. in Minnesota and probably a fourth. In one, the white wood- sorrel, found only in the northern part of the state, the flowers, in general appearance like those of the flax, are white and the flowering stems and leaves arise from a slender, scaly rootstock. At the base of the plant are borne, on recurved pedicels, curi- ous small flowers which do not open, but mature their fruits, after close-pollination, from stamens developed side by side with the fruit-rudiment. The other w r ood-sorrels have violet flowers in one species and yellow flowers in the other. The violet-flowered wood-sorrel comes from a brown bulb not un- like the bulbs of certain lily-like plants. For some reason bulbs are but rarely produced by plants belonging to the high- est class. The violet wood-sorrel is, however, one of the excep- tions. The yellow wood-sorrel is much more branched above ground than the others. Its leaflets are sensitive to the touch and if rubbed for a moment with the fingers they will close. The yellow wood-sorrel forms slender pods; the white wood- sorrel produces short and rounded pods, while the pods of the violet wood-sorrel are ovoid. Flax. Of flax there are in Minnesota three wild species not very easy to distinguish from each other. In one, the flowers are blue like those of the cultivated flax, which sometimes escapes as a weed. The wild blue flax may, however, be known by the capsule which in fruit is much longer than the calyx. Besides this variety there are two wild flaxes in which the flow- ers are yellow. They may be distinguished by the length of their capsules. In the grooved yellow flax the capsules are from one to one and a half lines long, while in the stiff yellow flax they are from two to two and a half lines long. Further- more, in the grooved yellow flax the upper part of the stem is clearly grooved, while in the stiff yellow flax the grooving is not distinct. Flax is cultivated for fibre and for seeds. From the seeds linseed-oil is manufactured, and from the fibre linen is made. Nasturtiums. Nasturtiums, with their pretty, round, shield- shaped leaves, are favorite plants in borders and window-gar- dens in all parts of the state. The plant, however, is not a native. Perhaps the most interesting thing about it is the great sensitiveness of its leaves to the direction from which they are Minnesota Plant Life. illuminated. A plant placed in a window will within a short time incline all its leaves so that their surfaces are perpendic- ular to the rays of sunlight. If the pot is now turned around, in a short time the leaves will slowly swing back and accom- modate themselves to the new direction from which the light is shining. Prickly ashes. The rue family is represented in Minnesota by two shrubs. One, the prickly ash, is abundant throughout the southern part of the state, extending as far north as Leech lake. The other, known as the three-leaved ash, three-leaved elm or hop tree, is reputed to occur in southeastern Minnesota. The prickly ashes sometimes grow into small trees. Their leaves are alternate, resembling those of the common ash trees, and there are from five to eleven leaflets in each leaf. The flowers are borne in little clusters, appearing in the early spring before the foliage, or while the leaves are beginning to emerge from the buds. The flowers are green and of small size. They mature into black, egg-shaped capsules, each containing one or two black and glistening seeds. The twigs of this plant are armed with thorns. Prickly ashes are common on hillsides, along rivers and at the edges of oak woods. Three-leaved elms. The three-leaved elm has a fruit very similar in appearance to that of the slippery elm, though the plants are not particularly related to each other. The leaves are made up of three leaflets, and the fruit has a decidedly bitter taste, quite different from that of a true elm fruit. Milkworts. The polygala family produces some small herbs known as polygalas, milkworts and snakeroots. The Seneca snakeroot is gathered in quantities on account of the medicinal value of the rootstock. These plants may be recognized by their flowers, generally in racemes or spikes, but in some in- stances becoming condensed into heads, and by the three petals united into a tube which is deeply cleft on one side. Two of the sepals are larger than the other three and there are usually eight stamens. The fruit is a small capsule and the seeds have peculiar appendages. Spurges. Fifteen species of spurges occur in Minnesota. Most of them are mat-plants, forming disks of much branched vegetation similar in appearance to the carpetweeds and purs- 308 Minnesota Plant Life. lanes. Some of them, however, are erect, as, for example, the very beautiful "snow-on-the-mountains," famous for the pure white borders of the leaves. This is also known as the white- bordered spurge. Many of the mat spurges which have been alluded to are common along railway tracks and roadsides. All of them have a milky juice, and in Minnesota, a mat-plant with a milky juice is pretty certain to be a spurge. The different kinds of spurges are marked by the different sizes and shapes of the leaves, the smoothness or hairiness of the stem, and the surface of the seeds. One erect type, rather common in the western part of the state, is known by its red seeds sculptured over with a fine network marking. Another, the flowering spurge, is a very deceptive plant to the amateur botanist. It seems to have clusters of flowers about the size of flax flowers, arranged in loose, flat-topped terminal clusters. But each of the flower-like areas is in reality itself a cluster of flowers and the four or five white petal-like leaves are not really parts of the flower, but are bracts surrounding the clusters. Like the other spurges, this plant may be recognized by its milky juice. It cannot well be mistaken for other milky-juiced forms, such as milkweeds or wild lettuce, but it might be mistaken for one of the dogbanes, from which it differs, however, in the whorl of leaves standing at the base of the flowering area of the stem. Besides, the real structure of the flowers is altogether different, as may be learned by close observation. Water-starworts. The water-starworts or water-fennels are very small, insignificant herbs found growing on mud-flats, or submerged in flowing water, or in ponds. Three varieties occur in Minnesota, all of them with low slender stems and opposite leaves with flowers in their axils. In one kind, which grows in flowing water, the leaves are linear and about half an inch long. In another, which may grow in the water or upon the mud, the leaves are ordinarily spoon-shaped, while in still another they are ovate. In all of them, however, the linear type of leaf may prevail and it is then very difficult to tell them apart. Tiny green plants found growing on mud-flats or submerged in the water may be classified as water-starworts, if they have opposite leaves with an inconspicuous bud-like flower in the axil of each. Minnesota Plant Life. 309 The twentieth order includes the crowberry family; the sumacs, poison-oak and poison-ivy; the false mermaids; the horse-chestnuts, maples, box-elders; and the touch-me-nots, together with the hollies, bittersweets, wahoos and bladdernuts besides some other families not represented in Minnesota. Crowberries. Crowberries are heath-like shrubs and re- semble diminutive yews. Their branches are generally not more than eight to twelve inches in length. Each branch is covered with densely crowded leaves of an evergreen as- pect and with the margins rolled over toward the under side. The plants generally grow in tufts, forming large mats. The crowberries are rather rare in Minnesota, but are known to occur on the north shore of Lake Superior and in Aitkin county and along the in- ternational boundary. The flowers are in- co nspicuou s, developed in the axils of some of the leaves toward the tips of the branchlets. The fruit is a black stone-fruit, less than half an inch in diameter. This curious little shrub is unlike any other in the state. It cannot be mistaken for a yew because in that the fruits are scarlet. False mermaids. The false mermaids are odd little herbs with pinnate leaves and deeply lobed fruits cleft into from two to five nutlets. They are marsh plants and grow as slender, more or less prostrate herbs, with solitary white flowers, trian- gular in shape. No other plant in Minnesota resembles the false mermaid. FIG. 150. Sumac bushes, with golden-rods in foreground and pies in background. After photograph by Williams. 3io Minnesota Plant Life. Sumacs and poison-elders. The sumacs include seven va- rieties and are met with pretty commonly throughout the state. With one exception the fragrant sumac they are abundant. They are shrubs with pinnate leaves and invite attention by their large panicles of small stone-fruits, bright red in color in some of the varieties, and gray or white in others. The innoc- uous varieties of sumac, of which there are four or five in the state, may be recog- nized when in fruit by the massive red clusters. The leaves are made up of from nine to thirty one leaflets, except in the fragrant su- mac, which bears three- leafleted leaves and much smaller clusters of stone- fruits. The poisonous va- rieties may be avoided by noting their gray or white stone-fruits. There are two of these, the poison-elder (poison-sumac, poison-dog- wood, poison-ash or poison- oak) and the poison-ivy, both extremely unpleasant to come in contact with. The poison-elder grows for the most part in swamps and is pretty abundant among tamarack through- out the northern and central FIG. 151. Poison-sumac. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, portions of the State It U. S. Dept. Ag. . ' becomes more rare in the southern and western districts. When in fruit it is easily rec- ognized by the production of panicled currant-bunch-shaped clusters of gray stone-fruits. The leaves are composed of about seven leaflets arranged in pinnate fashion. From the shape of its leaves this plant is also called the poison-ash, and it is known Minnesota Plant Life. in some localities as the poison-dogwood. Farther south the plants reach a height of twenty to twenty five feet and are small trees, but in Minnesota the poison-elder rarely exceeds from eight to twelve feet. This plant is much more irritating than the poison-ivy and is the cause of many of the severe cases of skin-inflammation in the autumn the season when it is most virulent. Poison-ivy. The poison-ivy, with currant-bunch clusters of gray fruit, like those of the poison-elder, differs from the latter in being a low bush or woody vine, in one variety climbing, but bushy in another. The leaves are made up of three leaflets, resembling somewhat the leaves of the wake-robin or trillium. Poi- son-ivy in fruit should not be mistaken for any other Minne- sota plant, but careless observ- ers sometimes take for it the woodbine, a member of the vine family in which the leaves are made up of five leaflets. Both the poison-elder and the poison-ivy secrete a highly poisonous volatile oil which rises in an invisible mist from the foliage of the plant. It is often not even necessary to have handled the plant for symptoms of poisoning to de- velop. Merely approaching within a few feet of it will often suffice. One can understand how this is possible by noticing the distance at which he can smell the perfumes arising from sweet-scented foliage or flowers, as for example, from the worm- woods or the magnolias. Just as the air is permeated in the one instance by the perfume, may it in the other be filled with the poisonous exhalations. Among the antidotes for ivy or elder FIG. 152. Poison-ivy. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dcpt. Ag. 312 Minnesota Plant Life. poisoning are the acetates of lead or zinc, made into concen- trated solutions and applied with a cloth or sponge as a wash for the affected parts. Salol is also a specific. The ordinary innocuous sumacs are, from their brilliant autumnal tints, very beautiful shrubs of the Minnesota copses and hillsides. The poisonous varieties do not show the rich hues of their harmless relatives. Hollies. One sort of holly bush is not uncommon in the state. It is a shrub, usually six to twelve feet in height in Min- nesota, with leaves shaped like plum leaves, but rather thick, dark green and smooth above, turning black in autumn. Hence the bush is sometimes called black alder. In late autumn, clus- ters of red stone-fruits, spherical in shape, are found at the bases of the leaves. The flowers are of two sorts, staminate flowers devoid of pistils and perfect flowers with both stamens and pis- tils. The Minnesota variety of holly has not the spiny leaves of the Christmas holly, but its stone-fruits are of the same brilliant red, though rather smaller. Another kind of holly, the mountain holly, with grooved stone-fruits or capsules and smaller smooth-margined leaves, occurs in the southeastern part of the state. The deep longitudinal grooves in the fruit serve to distinguish it from the swamp holly. Hollies and poison- elders very commonly grow close together among the trees of tamarack swamps, and those gathering holly berries in the au- tumn will do well to observe any suspicious elder-leafed shrubs that are near by, and avoid them. Climbing bittersweets and wahoos. One species of bitter- sweet and two wahoos represent their family in Minnesota. The bittersweet is a twining vine, often climbing up the trunks of small trees in the woods and displaying its stem along their branches twenty feet or more from the ground. The leaves are alternate and shaped somewhat like plum leaves. The flow- ers are produced in racemes and mature their fruits as orange- colored, spherical capsules, half an inch or less in diameter. These fruits split open by three clefts in autumn and show a red, pulpy structure inside. The wahoo or spindle-tree, sometimes known also as burn- ing-bush, is a shrub from six to twelve feet in height in Min- nesota. The leaves are plum-shaped, the flowers are purple, 512 Plant Lif ll 00, 3 Str l II Oj cr^ S-S ft- 1 S E fr a e cr e a Ba n is als< -lie. e, from their ibs of the Minnesota poisonous varieties do not show the tnless relatives. e sort- of holly bush is not uncommon in lally six to twelve feet in height in . ves shaped like plum le ather t' smooth above, turns; times called black a ... , fruits, spherica' The flowers are of t aate flo- and perfect flo\vers with both stamens and ; a variety of holly has not the spiny leaver . but its stone-fruits are of the same 1, thougl. uller. Another kind of holly, iin holly, wii :its or capsules >oth-margine< . The deep ish it from i common bittersweets e species of bitter- nt their family in Minnesota. e, often climbing up the tru displaying its stem along their i'rbm the ground. The le; :at like plum lea sture their fruits as orange- inch or less in diameter. in autumn and she n also as bv heigfht in Iv; Minnesota Plant Life. ->,-, borne in axillary cymes, the fruits are singular, deeply-lobed, three or four-parted capsules. When the capsules split along the sides, a red, fleshy mass is shown within similar to that observed when the bittersweet capsules open. The cliinl .in- habit of the bittersweet serves, however, at once to distingui>h it from the common wahoo. A rare species of wahoo is a trailing shrub. Bladdernuts. Bladdernuts are branching shrubs with pe- culiar, large, deeply three-lobed bladdery capsules. The leaves are made up of three leaflets and the clusters of flowers arise in their axils. These plants may be readily recognized by the capsules which resemble three small pea-pods blended together by their backs and separate at their tips. They are not uncom- mon in the southern part of the state, where they inhabit the edges of woods. Maple trees. Seven kinds of maple, including the box-elder, occur in Minnesota. These are the soft maple, the red maple, the sugar or hard maple, the black maple, the moosewood maple, the mountain maple, and the ash-leaved maple or box- elder. All of these plants may be known by their production of two-lobed fruits provided with wings. The fruits separate into halves when ripe and each half, furnished with its wing, obtains distribution by the wind. The box-elder is the only Minnesota maple with pinnate leaves. In this plant each leaf is made up of from three to seven leaflets. The other maples, in which the leaves are simple, may be distinguished by their flowers, leaves, bark and fruits. The soft maple and the red maple display their flowers before the leaves emerge from the buds and are among the earliest flowering Minnesota species. The flowers of the common soft maple have no petals and are, therefore, rather inconspicuous, while the flowers of the red maple have showy red or yellow petals. The sugar-maple, or hard maple, and the black maple form the flowers on long drooping stalks and at the same time that the leaves unfold. The leaves of the sugar-maple are smooth on the under side, while in the black maple they are hairy below, usually over the whole surface and always on the veins. The moosewood maple and mountain maple open their flowers in terminal racemes after the leaves have unfolded. In the moosewood maple the ra- cemes are drooping, while in the mountain maple they are erect. 3*4 Minnesota Plant Life. Of these plants, the soft, red, hard and black maples are large and handsome trees, while the moosewood and mountain maples are small trees or shrubs. The black maple has a rough black bark. The sugar-maple is utilized in the manufacture of sugar, obtained by boiling down its copious sap in the springtime. The red maple has scarlet or crimson bark on the younger trees. The soft maple has whitish bark with leaves more notched than in the hard or black varieties. The moosewood maple has leaves with two deep notches making three sharp lobes toward the end. All the lobes are about equal in size. The mountain maple has leaves similarly three- lobed,but the middle lobe is much the largest. Soft maples. The soft maples are abundantly planted in Minnesota for shade trees, for which purpose, how- ever, they are not so valuable as hard ma- ples. Under favor- able conditions they grow to be large trees, over a hun- dred feet in height. The branches are brittle and many of them are markedly pendulous like the branches of the weeping wil- lows. The leaves are five-lobed, bright green above and whit- ish or silvery below. In autumn they turn yellow. The flowers are produced in little heads on short lateral branches, and there are two kinds, staminate and pistillate, often borne on the same, but sometimes on different trees. The fruits hang on slender, drooping stems, and very often one side of the fruit fails to mature. As soon as the seeds fall to the ground, or the next season, they may germinate, and the seedlings develop their first leaves and terminal bud during June. Maple wood, from this species, is hard and is used in the manufacture of FIG. 153. lyeaves and flowers of the sugar-maple. After Atkinson. Minnesota Plant Life. 315 woodenware or furniture. Soft maples are abundant through- out the southern part of Minnesota and extend north to Bel- trami county. Red maples. The red maple commonly occurs in Minne- sota as a bush or low tree, but may, under the best conditions, reach a height of over a hundred feet. The bark is of a dark gray color. The leaves are whiter below than above, and in autumn exhibit beautiful hues of scarlet and orange. The flowers are borne much as in the soft maple and the fruits some- Fio. 154. A grove of sugar-maples. Near I^ake Minnetonka. After photograph by Mr. E. C. Mills. what resemble those of the latter species, though the wings are more incurved. The red twigs, brilliant autumnal color, and more conspicuous flowers distinguish easily this maple from the soft maple. Its wood is heavy and one variety of it, known as curly maple, when polished is very beautiful. In Minnesota the red maple is one of the earliest trees to assume the autumn tints, and, with the sumacs, gives a vivid color to hillsides before the deep red of the scarlet oaks appears. Sugar-maples. The sugar-maple is a large, round-headed tree, sometimes growing in Minnesota to a height of seventy Minnesota Plant Life. five or eighty feet, and, under the most favorable conditions, to nearly twice this height. On the trunk the bark is of a light gray color, while on young twigs it is orange or yellow-brown. The leaves are darker green than those of the soft maple and assume a variety of colors in the autumn, some trees turning scarlet, others crimson, others yellow, If a particular tree is yellow one year it will be yellow the next, the tint of the autumn foliage being apparently an individual habit. The pistillate flowers are more commonly borne towards the tips of their branchlets, while the staminate flowers are on the sides, and lower down. The wood is strong and tough, more valuable than that of any other common maple. It is useful for fuel and is employed in the manufacture of flooring, furni- ture, tool-handles and portions of machinery. Bird's-eye maple and a form of curly maple are obtained from diseased trunks of the sugar- maple. It is this species which sup- plies the greater part of the maple sugar, though that is also made from the black maple and from the moosewood by the Indians of north- ern Minnesota. The sugar obtained from the sugar-maple is of a some- what better quality, however, than that derived from the other species. Black maples. The black maple is very closely related to the sugar-maple and is possibly only a variety of it. Moosewood maples. The moosewood maple occurs in Min- nesota as a small and bushy tree with red-brown twigs and striped bark of a brown color. The leaves are smooth on both sides, turning yellow in autumn. The flowers open in late spring, the sterile and the fertile being produced on the same plant, but in different clusters. The wood is light and soft. The name "moosewood" is applied from the habit which the moose have of chewing the young twigs on account of their sweet juices. FIG. 155. Moosewood maple. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. 317 Mountain-maples. The mountain-maple in Minnesota is a rather low shrub. The leaves turn scarlet or orange in autumn and the flowers are of two sorts, generally produced in the same cluster, the staminate towards the tips and the pistillate toward the bases. The wood is soft, light, and of little commercial value. Box-elders. The box-elder grows as a small tree, thirty or forty feet in height, though farther south it becomes larger. The bark is of a brown or gray color; the twigs are purplish with a white bloom. The leaves do not show any brilliant autumn coloration. There are two kinds of flowers, staminate and pistillate, always borne on separate trees. The staminate flowers hang in clusters on thread-like stalks, while the pistillate droop in loose ra- cemes. The fruits mature in autumn and often cling to the trees throughout the winter. When they fall in autumn, as they more com- monly do, the stems on which they were produced remain until the succeeding spring, attached to the twigs that bore them. The wood is soft and weak, but is em- i i ,1 f FIG. 156. Touch-me-not. After Britton and Brown. ployed in the manufacture of some woodenware and for wood-pulp. This is a favorite shade tree along the streets of Minnesota towns. When grow- ing wild it is to be looked for especially beside streams and in low woods. Buckeyes. The horse-chestnut family is represented in Min- nesota by the buckeye, a plant which is probably introduced into the state by the agency of man and is nowhere abundant, though it occurs as if native in a few southeastern localities. It is a small tree with long-stemmed leaves made up of about five willow-leaf-shaped leaflets. The flowers, borne in terminal panicles, are of a yellow color, not so striking in their appear- ance as those of the horse-chestnut. The fruit is a spiny, spher- 318 Minnesota Plant Life. ical capsule, an inch or so in diameter, becoming smoother with maturity. The seeds, of which one or two are produced in a fruit, are large and have glistening coats. The wood is soft and white and, in Ohio and Indiana where the tree is more abundant than farther northwest, is used in the manufacture of woodenware. Touch-me-nots. There are two species of touch-me-nots in Minnesota. Both of them are shade-loving plants, and grow in swamps, damp woods and ravines, where the light is not too strong. Their stems are translucent and one can see the fibrous threads through the skin. The leaves are very thin, of ovate shape, and with toothed margins. They wilt almost immediately if removed from their stem. The flowers are colored in one variety, orange speckled with brown, in the other pale yellow and two-sided, looking a very little like snapdragon flowers, to which, however, they are not related. The fruit is an ob- long or slender capsule of a bright green color and succulent when ripe. If pressed gently between the thumb and finger, or if brushed against, the fruit splits violently into strips which coil together, ejecting the seeds with explosive force. The touch-me-nots are perfect examples of the adaptational group of plants known as shade plants. They are pale in color throughout, with thin, rather large leaves and an abundance of moisture in their tissues. They do not secrete purple coloring substances in marked quantities either in their leaves or in their stems. They are very abundant in Minnesota near rivulets, in wooded ravines, in tamarack swamps and around springs. Chapter XXXII. From Buckthorns to Prickly-pears. The twenty first order includes two families, the buckthorns, of which there are two species, and the vines, with four grape- vines and one Virginia creeper. Dwarf alders. The alder-leafed buckthorn, or dwarf alder, is a shrub found growing in swamps and recognized by its plum-shaped alternate leaves, in the axils of which small flowers arise. There are no petals, and the calyx is urn-shaped with four or five teeth at the margin. The stamens are borne on the calyx between its notches. The fruit is berry-like, contain- ing three nutlets within. The character of the fruit and the structure of the flower easily distinguish this shrub from others which might be mistaken for it. New Jersey teas. Besides the buckthorn, there are two varieties of New Jersey tea or redroot, one of which is pretty abundant throughout the state, while the other is less com- mon. These plants are small shrubs, the two species be- ing distinguished by the shapes of the leaves. One, the American redroot, has ovate, while the other produces lance- head-shaped oblong leaves. In both varieties the flower is very similar to that of the buckthorn. The calyx-parts are fused together at their base and have five notches at the margin. Between these notches the stamens are borne, five in number, while under each stamen arises a curious ladle-shaped petal of a white color. The black fruits are dry and deeply three- grooved, and when mature they separate longitudinally into three hard nutlets. The American redroot is more abundant in dry woods, while the smaller redroot prefers rocky places, barren soil, dry hillsides or bluffs, or the tops of knoJls in the rolling prairie. The name, "New Jersey tea," arises from the use of the plant in place of tea by American soldiers during the Revolution. 20 Minnesota Plant Life. Wild grapes. The wild grapes can scarcely be mistaken for any other plants, except, perhaps, the moonseeds, from which they are known at once by their more or less pear-shaped seeds. FIG. 157. _Tree covered by grape-vine. After photograph by Williams. They are all of them tendril-bearing, climbing, shrubby vines, with characteristic maple-like leaves. The flowers are either altogether separated, or of two sorts on the same plant. It Minnesota Plant Life. is not usual to find among grapes what are known as perfect flowers, with both stamens and pistils. The fruit is a spherical berry of a blue or purplish-black color, edible and containing from two to four seeds. The four varieties of grapes in Min- nesota are the fox-grape, the summer grape, the frost-grape, which is the common one, and the riverside grape, which is likewise abundant except along the north shore of Lake Supe- rior. The different grapes may be discriminated from each other by certain structural characters. The fox-grape and the summer grape have leaves with cottony under sides. The other varieties have leaves with smooth, or only slightly hairy under sides. In the fox-grape the berries are rather large, with a strong musky fragrance, and the cotton on the under sides of the leaves is of a brownish color. The summer grape has small berries without the musky fragrance; and the cotton on the under side of mature leaves is almost white. The riverside grape may be distinguished from the other smooth-leafed va- iety by the bloom on its berries and by its trailing or low habit of growth, while the frost-grape climbs high, often swinging itself on the branches of trees, and produces black shining berries, ripening after frost and not possessing the distinct bloom of the riverside grape. In all of these vines the fruits hang in panicles and droop from the weight of the berries. Virginia creepers.. The Virginia creeper or woodbine, is an abundant plant in most sections of the state. The tendrils of this vine often form little sucker-like disks by which they attach themselves to walls or fences, making the plant a desir- able climber in dooryards and about houses. The leaves are composed of from five to seven leaflets, five being much the more common number. The fruits are grape-like, with from one to four seeds, and are borne in forking clusters that stand erect owing to the strong pedicels and smaller weight of the whole as compared with a bunch of grapes. The berries are not edible. The twenty second order includes six families not represented in Minnesota, and in addition to these the basswoods, and the mallows to which the hollyhock of country gardens belongs. Basswoods. One variety of basswood, known also as the American linden or whitewood, is native within the borders of 22 3 22 Minnesota Plant Life. the state. It is a handsome tree, reaching a height of seventy feet or more, very abundant in the hardwood belt throughout Minnesota, and only less common along streams and on hill- sides in the northern woods. Its range extends to Thunder bay, Lake Superior, and along the international boundary to Lake of the Woods. The trunk is rather slender, not more than two feet in diameter in the northern portions of its range. The leaves are large and broad, unevenly heart-shaped at the base and turning yellow in autumn. The flowers are produced in cymes upon a stem that bears at the base a remarkable FIG. 158. Virginia creeper on tree trunks. After Schneck in Meehan's Monthly. wing-shaped bract which is coherent until about its middle with the flowering stem. The fruit is a hard berry, and within it are one or more seeds. Two or more of the berries are ma- tured in a cluster and the stem of the cluster with the adher- ent wing-shaped bract separates from the tree. The centre of gravity of the cluster and the shape of the wing are so exactly coordinated that the whole affair whirls through the atmos- phere, making of itself a little parachute. By this means the berries are often distributed to a considerable distance. The wood is pale brown in color, light, and rather weak. It is Minnesota Plant Life. 323 employed principally in the manufacture of wood pulp or paper and in the production of some kinds of furniture and wooden- ware. The inner bark, which is papery, is used by nur-< men to tie buds into scions. The basswood is a very desir- able shade tree and is frequently planted in dooryards and along streets. The European basswood or linden, which ^ives the name to the famous street ''Untcr den Linden" of the Ger- man capital, is sometimes planted in the United States, but is not particularly abundant in Minnesota. Unlike the Amer- ican species, it has no scales at the base of the petals in the flow r er. Mallows. The mallow r family includes a little group of herbs, mostly introduced from Europe, such as the hollyhock, the creeping-charley or cheese plant, the velvetleaf, the ketmias or rose-mallows and some others. There are a few native species, none of which is very common. Among them are the Collir- rhoe and false mallow of the southwestern corner of the state, the glade-mallow r , a rare plant of the southwestern section, and the halberd-leafed rose-mallow, found occasionally along the Mississippi river in the vicinity of the Twin Cities. Mallows may be distinguished from other plants by the devel- opment in the flower of large numbers of stamens all blended together by their bases into a tube which surrounds the fruit- rudiment. The latter has several compartments and encloses one or two seeds in each. The embryo is curved and con- tains albumen. Sometimes the flowers are large and shuwy. as in the hollyhock, while in other varieties they are rather small. The common round-leafed mallow or creeping-charley, also known as cheese plant, from its disk-shaped little fruit- bodies, sometimes eaten by children, is a common plant in dooryards and waste places. The flower is like that of the hollyhock, only much smaller and of a pale blue color. The high mallow is an erect plant of biennial growth, with fruits quite similar to the creeping variety and leaves shaped like those of currants. The crisp mallow has the margins of the leaves crisped like some varieties of lettuce, while the general shape of the leaves reminds one very much of the high mallow. The Cul- lirrhoes, of which at least one variety, and probably two. are to be found in Minnesota, are known also as poppy-mallows. They 324 Minnesota Plant Life. are herbs of the prairies and should be looked for particularly in the far southwestern portions of the state. One of them is occasionally found along railways as far east and north as Minneapolis. The two varieties of Callirrhoe are distinguished FIG. 159. Basswood trees. Shore of L,ake Calhoun. After photograph by Hibbard. by the shape of their leaves. The triangular-leafed poppy- mallow has the lower leaves somewhat halberd-shaped, while the other puts forth deep-lobed round leaves. The flowers in each of these varieties are rather large and showy, purple in Minnesota Plant Life. o D color, verging towards red. The prairie mallow resembles closely in general appearance the poppy-mallows, but may be distinguished by the silvery foliage and the red flowers. 'The glade-mallow displays rather small white flowers in terminal clusters. The leaves are shaped very much like those of the soft maple, only smaller. The whole plant is an erect, slender herb from four to eight feet in height. It has been found in damp woods in Goodhue county, and occurs in such localities as far west as Mankato. The native rose-mallow is an herb, three to five feet in height, with leaves heart-shaped or three- lobed on the upper side, velvety to the touch. The flowers are large and of a pretty pink tint, growing darker toward the centre. In fruit, the calyx is inflated into a bladdery sheath not unlike that of the ground-cherries. The ketmia is a low herb with deeply-cleft leaves. The flowers are large and yellow, with purplish centre, and remain open but a few hours ; hence the plant is also known as the flower-of-an-hour. Like that of the halberd-leafed rose-mallow, the calyx in this variety inflates itself into a little balloon-shaped bag around the fruit. Another name for this plant is black-eyed Susan. It is rather abundant in waste fields and vacant lots in the vicinity of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Velvetleafs, The velvetleaf, which is sometimes encountered in the southern part of the state, is a large herb, often six feet in height, with leaves in size and shape like those of the linden. They are, however, of a soft velvety texture ; hence the common name applied to the plant. The flowers are yellow and are borne in the axils of small leaves toward the ends of branches. The twelve or more carpels which make up the fruit are sep- arated from each other by deep longitudinal grooves, and the appearance of the whole fruit-body is something like that of a circle of milk-pitchers set close together with their lips point- ing outward. None of the mallows is of any particular economic impor- tance. The hollyhock and the ketmia are cultivated for orna- ment, and it is in this family that the marshmallow a plant with mucilaginous root, used in the manufacture of a popular con- fection is grouped. The twenty third order includes twenty six families of plants without any Minnesota representatives and but three families 326 Minnesota Plant Life. of which Minnesota species are known. Many of the families are small exotic groups of plants, but among them are some important economic varieties. The tea-plant, a member of the tea family, cultivated in Japan, China and Ceylon, is classified here, also the camphor plant, the marcgravias, the tamarisks, the passion-flowers and the begonias. The families represented in Minnesota are the St. John's-worts, with about a dozen species, the rock-roses, with three or four species, and the vio- lets, with about twenty species. St. John's-worts. The St. John's-worts are herbs with oppo- site leaves, which are always marked with glandular dots or small black specks. The flowers are borne in panicles or cymes at the apex of slender stems. In each flower there are five sepals and five petals, with a number of stamens sometimes united into clusters. The ovary is one-chambered, with from three to five interior longitudinal ridges, along which the numerous seed- rudiments are attached. At the top of the capsule, which is generally pyramidal-ovoid in form, from three to six separate stigmas are borne. In some of the Minnesota varieties the longitudinal interior crests of the fruit-rudiment project clear to the centre, thus making a three- to five-chambered capsule. The flowers are regular in appearance. The different varieties of St. John's-worts may be recognized by their general habit of growth ; by the sizes and shapes of the leaves ; by the char- acter of the flower-cluster, which, as has been said, is either flat-topped or panicled; and by the cross section of the fruit, which is, when mature, in all instances a dry capsule some- times one-chambered, sometimes three-chambered and some- times five-chambered. In all these the leaves are ovate, slender or elongated. One variety, the marsh St. John's-wort, is found only in swamps. It may be recognized by its three-carpeled red capsule. Rock-roses. The rock-roses include three or four plants, of ledges or barren soil, known as frostweeds, Hudsonias, pin- weeds, beach heathers or false heathers. The frostweed, which is a pretty common plant throughout the state, is a woody herb one or two feet in height with two kinds of flowers, some with petals and clustered in terminal cymes, the others much smaller, without petals, almost sessile in the axils of the leaves. The Minnesota Plant Life. 327 leaves are shaped like small willow leaves and are covered with a gray growth of hairs. The petaled flowers are light yellow, with hoary sepals. The fruit is a capsule ovoid in shape and divided into three chambers, in each of which is a lar-e number of seeds. Beach heathers. The Hndsonia, or beach heather, is a plant of local occurrence in Minnesota, abundant on rocky islands at Rainy lake ; on Sable island at Lake of the Woods ; on sand dunes in Ancka, Sherburne and Wright counties ; and on rock ledges in the Minnesota valley, along the St. Croix and lower Mississippi. It is a densely tufted herb, with very small, oval leaves, covering each other like shingles on a roof. The flowers are small, yellow and sessile, produced in clus- ters towards the ends of the branches. The whole plant has a hoary aspect, from the minute white hairs with which its stems and leaves are cov- ered. It is an abundant dune and crevice plant along the international boundary, more frequent north than south, but found on high rocks even to the southern border of the state. Pinweeds. The pinweeds grow in great abundance along the St. Croix river, in open woods or by the roadside, but are less common elsewhere in the state. Minnesota has one or two varieties, which may be known by their small simple leaves, in most instances less than half an inch in length, and by their large numbers of green or purple flowers gathered in terminal panicles. The common Minnesota variety is about a foot in height, slender and usually unbranched below the region of the flowers. The fruits, when they mature, are capsules with three longitudinal furrows marking the three carpels of which they are constructed. FIG. 160. Beach heather. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. Violets. Violets, of which there are several species in Min- nesota, are well-known as flowers of the springtime and are remarkable for a number of structural peculiarities among which may be mentioned the development of their flowers singly upon slender, almost leafless stems; for the upper- and under- sidedness of the flower, which in this respect superficially re- sembles the flowers of larkspurs or of orchids; and for the production in many varieties of small flowers, close to the sur- face of the ground, incapable of opening, and, therefore, pol- linated by their own pollen. The violets of Minnesota may be divided into the stemless and stemmed varieties. Actually they all have stems, but in the so-called stemless sorts the leaves and flower-bearing axes arise from short, erect or prostrate underground stems, so that the leaves seem tufted at the root, while in the stemmed varieties, so named, there is more or less branching of the above-ground portion of the plant-body. The stemless varieties have, for the most part, purple, lilac or white flowers, while in the stemmed FlG " 16L Sweet ^ B.^*' After Britton violets, yellow, white or cream- colored flowers are also to be found. Among the violets of the state, which are abundant and easily distinguished, are the larkspur-leafed or prairie violet, with deeply-cut leaves, appar- ently made up of seven or eight incised leaflets; the meadow violet, with heart-shaped leaves; the arrow-leafed violet, with leaves shaped like arrow-heads; the bird's-foot violet, similar in general appearance to the prairie violet, but distinguished from it by the beardless petals; the round-leafed violet, with abundant closed flowers, developed later in the year than the open ones; the marsh-violet, with its pale lilac petals marked with darker veins; the sweet violet, with small, white, sweet- Minnesota Plant Life. scented flowers, abundant in two varieties in the tamarack swamps of the state ; the kidney-leafed violet, with leaves of a broad kidney shape and longer than the flowering stem; the lance-leafed violet, with leaves shaped like those of the wil- low. All these belong to the stemless group. Among the stemmed forms are Nuttall's violet, a prairie variety, with elon- gated, lance-shaped leaves; the halberd-leafed violet, with leaves shaped like arrow-heads and yellow flowers like those of the preceding species. Here, also, is the common yellow violet of the woods, with heart-shaped and kidney-shaped leaves and hairy stems, usually solitary. Very similar to this is the smooth, yellow violet, with narrower heart-shaped leaves, smooth stems and foliage, and clustered growth. Related to these yellow- flowered species is the Canada violet of rich woods, with its violet or whitish flowers and heart-shaped leaves, and the very similar striped violet, with cream-colored, white or blue flowers. Both the latter have stems five to fifteen inches in height and not tufted. The Labrador violet, with smaller heart-shaped leaves and purple or white flowers, may be distinguished by its tufted growth and its production of closed flowers later in the season than the ordinary open ones. The sand violet is known by the strongly notched, slender stipules of the leaves. The flowers are of violet color, the stems are tufted and the leaves are kidney-shaped or heart-shaped, on stems longer than their blades. The long-spurred violet of the Isle Royale and Grand Marais region may be recognized by the slender spur of the flower, in length equaling or exceeding the petals. Besides the native forms the common pansy has escaped from flower- gardens in the southern part of the state and sometimes occurs as a dooryard weed. Violets show in their two-sided flowers an adaptation similar to that seen lower in the series in the two-sided flowers of the pulse family and of the larkspurs, dr, still lower, in the flowers of orchids. Prickly-pears. The twenty fourth order includes but a single family, the cacti, to which belong three species of prickly-pears and the purple cactus rock-plants of southern Minnesota. The cactus family is a very extraordinary group, in which stems have become fleshy and consolidated, while leaves have been 330 Minnesota Plant Life. modified into a defensive armor. These plants indicate a strong adaptation to desert life. Their massive, leafless stems leaf- less in the sense of producing no ordinary foliage leaves sug- gest the scantiness of the soil-moisture which they are able to absorb, and because it is so- hard to obtain, they have abandoned, as far as possible, their evaporating surfaces. Some of them, like the melon-cacti, have not only lost their foliage, but have shortened their stems into spherical or ovoid melon-shaped bodies. They have large roots, usually extending to a con- siderable distance in all directions from the base of the stem. The strong defensive armor of spines, which most varieties possess, suggests a danger to which the plants of an arid region are exposed, owing to the absence in such districts of abundant forage for herb-eat- ing animals. The three Min- nesota species of prickly-pear are all of them wanderers from the southwestern plains, where they developed their peculiar characters, and now that they have entered the more favor- able northern region they re- tain the organization best adapted to their original home. After They are not infrequent in the Minnesota valley, on ledges of rock near New Ulm and Redwood Falls. One variety occurs at Taylor's Falls, in the valley of the St. Croix, while two are abundant on the rocks in Pipestone county, in the vicinity of the old Indian quarry. Perhaps the Indians have had some- thing to do with their introduction from the southwest. The three species may be distinguished by their spines and fruits. The western prickly-pear produces a fleshy edible fruit, free from spines, from one to two inches long, shaped somewhat like a pear, borne upon the flat, sinuous joints of the stem. In this variety the spines on the stem are not numerous. They occur Minnesota Plant Life. in groups of from one to four. The flowers are yellow with a red centre. The other two prickly-pears have smaller fruiu. covered with spines and drier in texture. The many-spined prickly-pear bears on the flattened stems little masses of bristles in tufts, with from five to twelve spines in a group. They are slender, from half an inch to two inches in length. The brittle prickly-pear produces, on the more egg-shaped joints of the stem, from one to four central spines, varying from a half to one and a half inches in length. Each group of central spines is surrounded by from four to six lateral shorter prongs. The spines in this species are gray, becoming black toward the tips, while in the many-spined prickly-pear the thorns are whitish and not black toward the tips. The purple cactus is known by its almost globular, warty and thorn-covered stem, from one to five inches in height, arising either singly or in tufts. The flowers are terminal and solitary, and are purple or purplish-red. This species is re- ported only from the vicinity of Ortonville, and probably does not grow elsewhere in the state. Chapter XXXIII. From Leatherwoods to Dogwoods. The twenty fifth order comprises eleven families that are not represented in Minnesota and five that are. Among the exotic species are the pomegranate, the mangrove, the myrtles and eucalypti, the melostomas, the Brazil-nuts and a number of forms peculiar to South Africa. In Minnesota there are found one species of the leatherwood family, three species of buffalo- berries and silverberries, four species of the loosestrife family, eighteen or twenty evening primroses and about six varieties of water-milfoil. Leatherwoods. The leatherwood is a shrub from two to six feet in height, not uncommon along streams in woods and thickets throughout the greater part of the state. It is most abundant from Duluth to Lake of the Woods and is not to be expected in the southwestern portion of the state, although it extends to New Ulm and Blue Earth county. The leather- wood has yellowish-green twigs, with alternate, broadly oval, entire-margined leaves. The flowers are disposed in clusters of three or four, appearing while the leaves are emerging from the bud. The perianth is bell-shaped, with eight stamens borne upon its inner surface and protruding from the mouth. Every alternate stamen of the group is longer, while the intermediate ones are shorter. The fruit is oval in outline, red in color, and about half an inch in length. The bark is poisonous, acting as a violent emetic. This shrub may be known by the yellow- ish color of the flowers and bark, the stamens alternately longer and shorter, and the red stone-fruits. Buffalo-berries. The three species of buffalo-berries are sil- very shrubs, particularly abundant in the Red river valley, in one variety extending as far east as the north shore of Lake Supe- rior. They may all be recognized by the curious scurfy growth Minnesota Plant Life. - on the leaves, which gives to them a silvery lustre upon both sides in the silverberry and silver buffalo-berry, but upon the under side alone in the Canada buffalo-berry. In this latter species a few scurfy shield-shaped hairs develop on the upper sides of the leaves. The silverberry has alternate, oblong leaves, while buffalo-berries have opposite oblong leaves. The flowers are bell-shaped, without corolla. The stamens are four or eight in number, borne on the inner surface of the perianth. The silverberry, which is a most attractive and beautiful shrub, is silver-colored, not only with respect to the leaves, but over the young twigs as well. The fruit is oval in shape, silvery in color, with a grooved stone. It ripens in August and is edible. The two varieties of buffalo-berries have the same general appearance as the silverberry, but are distinguished by their opposite leaves. In the Canada buffalo-berry the leaves are green on the upper side, silvery below, and the twigs are not thorny. In the silver buffalo-berry the leaves are bright silver- colored on both sides and the twigs are generally thorny. The fruit of the Canada buffalo-berry is harmless, but flat and taste- less, and is either of a red or yellow color. The fruit of the silver buffalo-berry is of a delicious flavor and is used by house- wives in the Red river valley in the manufacture of jellies and preserves. Loosestrifes. The loosestrife family includes some insignifi- cant herbs with opposite leaves and small axillary flowers, soli- tary in the Rotala, aggregated in axillary clusters in the swamp loosestrife, solitary again in the true loosestrife. The Amma- nias and water-purslanes strongly resemble the water-starworts in their superficial characters, but may be distinguished by their flowers. They are, like the water-starworts, small aquatic or mud-dwelling herbs, with opposite leaves and axillary flowers. The water-purslane, indeed, has often been mistaken for the water-starwort or water-fennel. In the water-purslanes and Ammanias the calyx is bell-shaped with four notches at the margin, but in the water-starwort there is no perianth what- ever. The fruit of the water-purslane is a globular capsule with two chambers, but that of the water-starwort is flattened and deeply grooved on the flattened surfaces, dividing it into two distinct portions. The Ammanias are larger herbs than the 334 Minnesota Plant Life. water-purslane, but resemble the latter variety in general char- acters. One variety of Ammania occurs in the state, and it may be recognized by the opposite linear leaves, with clasp- ing bases and sharp tips. From one to five flowers, the petals of which soon fall from the bell-shaped calyx, are produced in the axils of each leaf. In the water-purslane the flowers are solitary in the axils of the tiny, opposite, slender leaves and are very small, green and inconspicuous. The Rotala resembles an Ammania in its larger size, varying from two to six inches in height, but has the small axillary flowers of the water-purslane. Unlike those of the water-purslane, they are furnished with four small petals between the four lobes of the bell-shaped calyx. The swamp loosestrife, which occurs in the St. Croix valley, has stems from three feet to ten feet in length and with whorls of willow-shaped leaves. The flowers are nearly an inch in breadth and are clustered in purple cymes in the axils of the whorled leaves. The Ly thrum, or purple loosestrife, is a plant of low moist ground, with alternate, stem- less, lance-shaped or oblong pointed leaves and purple flowers, solitary in the upper axils. These plants are not uncommon along low lake shores throughout the southern part of the state. A most remarkable peculiarity of the loosestrifes is the formation of very extraordinary structures in the cells of the outer seed-coats. In some of the varieties each cell of the layer which makes up the surface of the seed is provided with a curious cork-screw-like apparatus, developed in its cavity and capable of being turned out into the ground, where, together with hundreds of other bodies of the same nature, it assists in drawing the seed into the soil. Evening-primroses and fireweeds. The evening-primroses the family to which the cultivated fuchsia belongs include two species, known as false loosestrifes, from their resem- blance to the true water-purslanes. They have the same op- posite leaves, axillary flowers and general habits of growth. There are, however, four stamens, and capsules with four com- partments instead of two. These false loosestrifes are rather unusual plants of ditches, swamps and muddy banks in the southern part of the state. To the evening-primrose family belongs also the fireweed or willow-herb, abundant in two va- Minnesota Plant Life. 335 rieties, especially in the northern part of the state on burnt-over tracts. The fireweed is an erect herb, with purple flowers in broad terminal racemes and willow-shaped leaves arranged alter- nately upon the stem. The capsules split into four sections and release the numerous seeds, covered with cottony hairs, by means of which they are distributed abundantly in the wind. Closely related to the fireweeds are three or four species of willow-herbs with slender capsules packed full of small tufted seeds. Here, too, should be classified the evening-primroses and Ganras, with their fuchsia-like yellow flowers. Five or six varieties of evening-primroses occur in different parts of the state. The white evening-primrose is limited to the western portion. The shrubby prairie evening-primrose is common over the prairie district. The most abundant is the ordinary evening-primrose of roadsides, known by its yellow flowers, with four large petals and calyx growing up around the fruit- rudiment and adherent to it The Gauras are rare herbs, or half-shrubs, not abundant except in the southwestern districts. They may be known by the fuchsia-like flowers, red in one species the scarlet Gaura and pink in the other. The flow- ers are smaller than those of the evening-primroses, but rather larger than those of the willow-herbs. Enchanter's nightshades. Two herbs of woodland districts, known as enchanter's nightshades, are grouped in the evening- primrose family. They are low herbs with the habits and appearance of shade plants. Their leaves are opposite and are more or less triangular. The small white fuchsia-like flow- ers are borne in loose terminal racemes, and the capsules, when they mature, are covered with hooked prickles. The little pear-shaped burs that are found upon one's clothing after an autumnal ramble in the woods will probably be the fruits of the enchanter's nightshade. The two varieties of nightshade may be distinguished by their size, one of them varying from a foot to two feet in height, while the other is seldom over five inches tall. Water-milfoils. The plants known as water-milfoils include five or six Minnesota species, of which the so-called mare's tail or jointweed is the most striking in form. It is a slender, erect, unbranched plant, found growing on wet mud or in the water. 336 Minnesota Plant Life. and has a stem composed of joints like those of the well-known scouring-rushes. At each joint, however, is a whorl of from six to twelve green, lance-shaped leaves. The plant cannot, therefore, be mistaken for a scouring-rush, for it has functional foliage leaves. Another kind of water-milfoil is the mermaid- weed, with two sorts of leaves. If the plant has grown partly submerged, the leaves below the surface of the water will be like feathers, while the leaves above will be oval and only slightly notched. The flow r ers are borne in the axils of the leaves above the water and the fruit is triangular in cross section, with three deep grooves. The true milfoils are exceedingly abundant in the lakes and ponds of Minnesota. They may be recognized by their jointed pale-reddish stems, with whorls of feather- shaped leaves each with fine thread-like dissected lobes. The flowers are borne in the axils of small, oval leaves, toward the end of the stem, where it emerges from the water. The flow- ering stem protrudes above the surface like the spike of a pond- weed. No pondweed, however, has these whorls of feather- shaped leaves. Three or four different varieties of water-mil- foils occur within the state, and the plants need not be confused. For the most part milfoils prefer deep water and are found grow- ing along with pondweeds outside the lily-pad zone and on bars or sandy bottoms. The twenty sixth order includes three families, each of which is represented by Minnesota forms. These are the ginsengs, the parsleys and the dogwoods. The Minnesota forms of the ginsengs and parsleys are all herbs, while the dogwoods are all of them shrubs one, the dwarf dogwood or cornel, being only three or four inches high. The others, however, are shrubs of good size. Spikenards, wild sarsaparillas and ginsengs. To the ginseng family belong five Minnesota species the spikenard, the wild sarsaparilla and wild elder, together with the ginseng or "sang" and the dwarf ginseng or groundnut. The first three are char- acterized by leaves made up of leaflets arranged as in the ash, that is, the leaflets are pinnately grouped. In the last two the leaflets are arranged as in the Virginia creeper that is, pal- mately grouped. The spikenard is a large herb, from three to six feet high, with thick, sweet-scented root. The leaflets, ar- Minnesota Plant Life. 337 ranged in pinnate groups, are developed in such manner as to form one large three-branched leaf, of which there are several upon the branching stem. The flowers are arranged in the kinds of clusters known as umbels, characteristic also of the parsley family. In the spikenard the umbels are massed to- gether into a large panicled inflorescence. The fruits, forming very large and ornamental bunches when ripe, are of a red- purple color, globular in shape and not edible. The wild sarsaparilla is not furnished with an erect, branch- ing stem, but the leaves and flowering axes arise from a long, underground rootstock. The flowers are produced at the apex of the flowering axis in a group consisting usually of three umbels, arranged so as to form a flat-topped cluster. The fruit is purplish-black, nearly spherical, and long- itudinally grooved. The wild elder has leaves like those of the elder bush. The umbels are numerous and simple, aggregated to- gether in groups towards the end of the leafy, erect stem, and the fruits are dark purple, five-grooved when FlG " 1( dry. The whole plant is more or less beset with slender bristles. The two varieties of ginseng may be distinguished by their leaves. In the true ginseng the leaves are made up of five stalked leaflets, while the leaflets in the dwarf ginseng are ses- sile and vary from three to five in number. In both plants the leaves are arranged palmately, and in each there is a swollen root almost globular in the dwarf ginseng, and ovoid-tuberous and sometimes branched in the true ginseng. The dwarf gin- seng rarely exceeds six inches in height, but the true ginseng may reach the height of a foot and a half. The flowers and fruits are arranged in small umbels. In the true ginseng the fruit is crimson, while in the dwarf ginseng it is yellow. Gin- seng roots are commercially valuable on account of the use which the Chinese make of the plant in their pharmacopoeia. 23 338 Minnesota Plant Life. By American or European physicians the plant is not consid- ered to be of any medical value whatever. The parsley family. The parsley family in Minnesota in- cludes about thirty-five species of herbs, very difficult to dis- criminate without a technical examination of their peculiari- ties. In all of them the flowers are produced in compound or simple umbels, with the exception of the curious button- snakeroot, which resembles in its appearance a one seed-leafed plant much more than it does the other members of the pars- ley family. In this the leaves are parallel-veined and grass- like and the flowers are clustered in heads. Among the varie- ties of parsley found in Minnesota are two sorts of pennyworts, two sorts of black snake-roots, the cow-parsnip, the hog- fennel, the cowbane, the w a t e r-h e m 1 o c k , the meadow-parsnips and wa- ter-parsnips, the hone- worts, poison-hemlocks and the sweet cicelys. The plants have in this family, for the most part, compound leaves, but in a few species the leaves are simple, as in the button-snakeroots, the introduced hare's- ear, the Zizias, and the pennyworts. In most of the forms the leaves are compounded like those of the well-known water- parsnips or wild parsnips. In all the varieties the fruit is dry and consists of two carpels, which are at first united but finally separate from each other along their faces, so as to produce two half-fruits, in each of which a single seed is inclosed. There are usually oil-tubes in the fruit, so that the odor of caraway seeds is a peculiarity of most of the fruits in the family. It is upon the characters of the mature fruit that the specific descrip- tions are based, rather than upon those of the flower or of the vegetative tract ; for the flowers, and to some extent the plant- bodies, are very similar throughout great numbers of species and genera. FIG. 164. Water-parsnip. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. In the sweet cicelys the fruits are adapted for animal distri- bution. They are elongated, pointed, armed with barbed hairs and grouped in very loose umbels. These are common plant, in the woods throughout the state, and the slender, pointed seed, which attaches itself to one's clothing during a forest ramble, is generally the half-fruit of one or the other species of Minnesota sweet cicely. The snakeroots form little bur- FIG. 165. Wild parsley. After photograph by Williams. like fruits in loose, few-flowered umbels. These are, like those of the sweet cicelys, intended for animal distribution ; but most parsley fruits have smooth or ribbed surfaces and do not attach themselves to animals. In some the fruits are winged to a degree, and probably obtain distribution through the agency of the wind. The roots of certain plants of the parsley family are very poisonous, and to children eating those of the poism- 340 Minnesota Plant Life. hemlock or of the wild parsnips or cowbane, they often prove fatal. To the parsley family belong some garden vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips. Here, also, are the plants fur- nishing coriander and caraway seeds. The perfume, myrrh, is obtained from a European variety. Dogwoods. There are eight varieties of dogwood in Min- nesota, all of them rather closely related. In dogwoods the flowers are rather incon- spicuous and borne in heads, to be regarded as compact umbels. In some of the varieties about four large white, petal-like leaves are produced just below the head of flowers, so that, as in the sunflower family, the whole head resembles a single flower. Two Minne- sota species have these handsome white leaves be- low the flower heads. One, the dwarf cornel, or bunch- berry, is a little shrub from two to eight inches in height, with the upper part of the stem herbaceous. The above-ground branch, which is generally simple, arises from a prostrate, slender rootstock. The leaves are ovate, with several strong longitudinal ribs, and are clustered in a whorl below the pedicel of the flower-head. In fruit the dwarf cornel produces from each flower a little ovoid or spherical stone-fruit of a scarlet color. The fruits are aggregated in heads as the flowers were, and form characteristic red bunches, giving occasion to one of the common names. The other dogwood, in which conspicuous, white petal-like leaves are clustered below the flowering head, has these leaves very large, an inch or more in length, strongly notched at the tip. Sometimes in this variety, known as the flowering dog- FIG. 166. Water-hemlock. After Chesnut. F. B. 86, U. S. Dept. Ag. Minnesota Plant Life. 34i wood, the petal-like leaves are pinkish, but more commonly they are white. The bush occurs rather sparingly along the Mississippi river, from Stearns county to the Iowa line. Its fruits are very similar to those of the dwarf cornel but are a little more elongated. They have the same scarlet color ami cherry-like structure. In the rest of the Minnesota dogwoods, including the shrubs known as red osiers and kinnikinics, the flowers are larger and looser, cymose or paniculate, and not pro- vided with the large, petal-like bracts beneath. The shrubs are distinguished from each other by their foliage, the shape of their flower clusters, the color of their twigs and the stones of their fruits. The round-leafed dog- wood, very abundant through- out the state, is a bush from three to ten feet in height, much branched and furnished with broadly ovate, entire-mar- gined leaves. The fruit is of a light blue color and has an al- most globular stone. Closely related to the round-leafed dogwood is the silky cornel or kinnikinic, distinguished by its silky-haired twigs, quite differ- ent from the green, smooth twigs of the round-leafed dog- wood. The fruit is of the same light blue color, but the leaves are somewhat slender, approaching in their shape ordinary plum leaves. The rough-leafed dogwood grows a little larger than either of its relatives which have been mentioned and may be recognized by the reddish-brown, hairy twigs, the rough, hairy upper surfaces of the leaves and the spherical, white fruits, in which the stone is but slightly furrowed and not much flattened. Bailey's dogwood is very similar in appearance, but has rather narrower lance-shaped leaves and white fruits, in which the stone is flattened and furrowed along the edge. The red osier or kinnikinic is one of the most frequent varieties through the northern and central portions of the state. It is a shrub from three to fifteen feet in height, with bright red or purple. >mooth FIG. 167. Dwarf cornel. After Britton and Brown. 342 Minnesota Plant Life. twigs, sometimes slightly hairy towards the tips. The leaves are broadly ovate and the fruits are white, with stones of a generally globose shape. This variety, together with the silky cornel, is utilized by the Indians under their name of kinniki- nic as an adulterant of tobacco. The inner bark of the twigs is collected and dried, mixed with the tobacco and believed by the Indians to improve its flavor. It should be mentioned that the Indians apply the same name to other materials which they use in a similar manner, as for example, sumac leaves. The name of the Redwood river is said to be derived from the red osier. The panicled dogwood is, perhaps, the most abundant species in the southern and through the central portions of the state. It is, like its relatives, a branched shrub, and has smooth, gray twigs. The leaves are lance-shaped, with slender tips. The fruits are white in color and have slightly furrowed stones. All the dogwoods which have been described are character- ized by opposite leaves. One other kind, the alternate-leafed cornel, is not uncommon in Minnesota, except in the region of the international boundary. As its name indicates, the leaves are alternate. The fruit is of a blue color and has a channeled stone. In the southern portions of its range this variety some- times becomes a small tree, but in Minnesota it remains of shrubby habit. The wood is heavy, close-grained and of a reddish-brown color. Most of these varieties of dogwood grow best in damp woods or thickets and along the shores of lakes. The dwarf cornel, however, is by preference an inhabitant of tamarack swamps, where it is found along with wintergreens and lady's-slippers. It is abundant, too, in the pine woods, particularly in shaded places. The dogwoods are exceedingly beautiful shrubs when disposed along broad lake beaches, where they select the back- strand or mid-strand and often form handsome hemispherical plant-bodies ten feet or more in height and fifteen feet in breadth, growing regularly and looking as if they had been trimmed by some careful gardener. Together with certain va- rieties of willows which have the same habit of growth, they are among the most noticeable plants of level lake shores, especially in the northern part of the state. They abound, too, around meadows and in the edges of woods or along streams. Chapter XXXIV. High Types and Low Types of Flowers. There have now been passed in review the twenty-six orders of two seed-leafed plants which agree in showing no fusions of the petals of the flower into corolla tubes. Indeed, some of them have no petals. But in such forms as produce flowers with petals, the typical honeysuckle tube or morning-glory funnel is not developed. A number of differences in flowers and fruits have been recorded, and it may not be amiss, before passing to the consideration of succeeding orders, to note briefly the general law under which flowers vary from lower types to higher. There is a distinction, pretty clear in the mind of the botanist, between lower or simpler sorts of flowers and higher or more complex kinds. The distinction does not, however, consist in showiness, size, color, perfume or abundance. Con- sidered botanically, some large and beautiful blossoms are lower in type than other tiny, inconspicuous flowers that might almost escape the observation of the amateur. In order to understand the distinctions which have weight with botanists it is necessary to remember from what sort of structures flowers are believed to have developed. A proto- type of all flowers is the pine cone an aggregate-body is fore- shadowed even among flowerless plants, notably by the club- moss cones. It will be recollected that in club-mosses the ends of many of the stems gathered their leaves more closely together than elsewhere, and on the upper side of each of such leaves was placed a little spore-containing sac. The cone of the club-moss is an axis upon which spore-bearing leaves are distributed. As has already been suggested, in the discussion of the club-mosses, the primitive type of spore-bearing leaf had also, as part of its duty in the plant economy, the starch-making work of an ordinary leaf. But by a division of labor, some 244 Minnesota Plant Life. leaves, especially toward the tips of branches therefore raised higher from the ground devoted themselves particularly to spore-manufacture, leaving the starch-making to lower leaves on the stem. Naturally it was more important for the plant to use, for spore-production, those leaves farthest from the ground, because if produced at a height the spores could be distributed over a wider area. When the habit of making two kinds of spores became fixed among the distant ancestors of modern seed-bearing plants, the clusters of spore-bearing leaves or cones came, in the pines and their allies, to be specialized, so that one cone devoted itself to the manufacture of the small-spores while another produced only large-spores in the little cases on its leaves. Thus there originated the very different pollen-bearing and seed-bearing cones, which may be observed in such plants as the white pine, tamaracks and junipers. Probably, however, in some varieties there was not this separation, upon their special axes, of the two sorts of leaves; but one sort arose toward the tip of the axis, while the other appeared lower down, so that mixed cones, with carpels or large-spore-bearing leaves toward the tip, and stamens or small-spore-bearing leaves toward the base of the axis, originated. After the seed-habit had become fixed, it is apparent that the same advantage which club-mosses de- rived from having their spore-producing leaves highest on the stem, would now be derived from having the seed-rudiment- producing leaves, or carpels, highest on the stem. The advan- tage of height above the substratum which was manifest in the distribution of spores would be retained as favorable to the dis- tribution of seeds. The primitive higher flowering plants no doubt had their seeds distributed by the wind, and it was, therefore, important, from the plant's point of view, that the carpels should stand higher in the flower than the stamens. This will account for the central position of the pistil and the peripheral position of the stamens. The crowding together of the leaves of the flower, which became possible when they abandoned their starch-making functions, may be seen foreshadowed even in the cones of the club-mosses. It becomes still more marked in the pines, while in flowering-plants the great majority have the cone or flower- Minnesota Plant Life. ~*c axis so short that it is actually flat or even depressed in the centre, as in roses. To this rule, however, there are a number of important exceptions, as for example, the little mousetail, a member of the crowfoot family, with its elongated axis, upon which the nutlets are produced. The anemones, also, and some of the rose family, like the strawberry, have conical or cylindrical floral axes upon which the carpels are distributed. These elongated axes may not, indeed, in such instances, be really primitive, but may rather be secondarily adaptive. Yet the highest types of flowers do not have such long axes, but are flat, with the carpels central and the stamens in encircling rings. If, now, one can imagine a pine cone, the tip of which is com- posed of seed-bearing scales, while at the base are disposed the pollen-scales or stamens, and then imagine further that the tip of this axis is pressed down with the thumb until the whole becomes flat and saucer-like, it is apparent that the seed-bearing scales will now be at the centre, while the pollen-bearing scales will form a ring around the outside of the saucer. Precisely such change in shape of the ancestral cone is believed to have taken place in the plant world under the slow workings of structural improvements through the ages. Many advantages in flowers might be derived by the passage from the elongated to the flattened type of axis. If, for example, the flower came to depend for pollination upon insects, the flattening of the axis might make the work of the insects surer, or if the flower depended upon its own pollen for pollination, the bringing of the stamens and the stigmas into the same plane would, per- haps, facilitate the process. Of course the ancient prototypes of flowers could not be expected to have these flattened axes, because in them the division of labor between spore-producing and starch-making leaves had not arisen, and each leaf on the axis had to stand in such a position that it could get light for itself from the sun without shading too much the other leaves near by. Elongated flower-axes, like those of the pines, remind one of earlier days, in which such axes had, in addition to their production of spores, also a starch-making work to perform. Any flower which retains in its structure the marks of earlier, less improved conditions, is conceived in this respect to be of lower type than one which has lost these marks, and this is the true Minnesota Plant Life. criterion of rank among flowers. Precisely the same thing is apparent in human society, for a civilized man who retains char- acteristics which may have been valuable to the savage but have been outgrown during the progress of civilization, is regarded as of lower grade than his fellows. The flattening of the axis of the flower into a disk is pos- sibly the most fundamental evidence of improvement; that is, of passage from a lower to a higher type. Connected with this flattening arose a rearrangement of the parts of the flower. In the pine cone the scales are arranged spirally, just as if they were foliage leaves, but in apples the stamens and carpels are produced in whorls. A spiral arrangement of stamens and carpels, because it is more like the fundamental grouping of foliage leaves upon a stem, is believed to indicate a lower type of flower than when whorls are substituted a grouping not so common among foliage leaves, but quite unobjectionable for spore-producing leaves. Even among the pines the tendency to gather the leaves of the flower into more compact clusters may be seen in such plants as the junipers and red cedars. Again, as flowers came to be blocked out as definite spore- producing tracts, made up of leaves arranged on a shortened axis, the leaves below the stamens became modified from their proximity to the true floral parts. Thus the area known as perianth came into existence. By a further specialization peri- anth came to consist of outer perianth that is, lower perianth, or calyx, and inner that is, upper perianth, or corolla. Under such conditions what may be known as a typical flower ap- peared, and such a typical flower may be described as an axis, bearing essential leaves, viz., carpels and stamens, surrounded by the accessory leaves of the calyx and corolla. In all the four regions of the typical flower modifications and improvements are possible. The carpels, for example, may blend together into a single fruit-rudiment or pistil. Thus the fruit of the lily is regarded as made up of three carpels blended together. Such a blending would be regarded as an improve- ment over the separate condition of the scales in the cones of the pine. It is certainly farther removed from that primitive arrangement in which, on account of their starch-making duties, the leaves were necessarily separate. After having thus be- Minnesota Plant Life. come blended, conditions might arise, when, by the deep groov- ing of the pistil, the carpels would again be separated and such 'a secondary separation won 1 - 1 , mark a higher type than the orig- inal blended condition. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether a separation of the carpels is primitive or secondary. In the region of the stamens the separate leaves indicate a primitive type, while the blending of the stamens into a tube, as in the mallows, is regarded as an improvement, and consequently indi- cates a higher type. Likewise the blending of the parts of the calyx into a tube .is regarded as a modification of that original condition in which the calyx leaves were separate. Not only may parts of the same group blend with each other, but they may also blend with the group next to them. Thus the production, in orchid flowers, of stamens apparently springing from the surface of the pistil is regarded as evidence of the blending together into one body of what were originally sepa- rate stamens and pistils. For this reason the orchid flower, in which such a condition has arisen, is regarded as higher in type than the lily flower, for in the latter the blending of stamens and pistil has not been effected. A great many such blend- ings exist. Sometimes the stamens are produced upon the petals or upon the calyx leaves. Sometimes both the petals and stamens seem to arise from the calyx, indicating a fusion into one body of all three regions of the flower a condition evidently remote from the primitive type, and, therefore, indica- tive of higher rank. Especially is the blending of the calyx with the surface of the pistil regarded as an improvement over the condition in which these two areas are quite distinct. Apple flowers, for example, develop petals and stamens upon the calyx and the latter is blended with the surface of the carpels, giving an additional protective layer to the seeds and permit- ting the important function of assisting in seed-distribution to be borne by a part of the flower below the essential organs. In willow-herbs, too, or fireweeds, the calyx is blended with the pistil, and when the capsule is mature it consists of two protective layers around the seeds instead of one. All these blendings of parts indicate higher rank. Another way in which flowers become modified from prim- itive forms is by the development of differences between the 348 Minnesota Plant Life. parts of the same area. The violet flower, with one of its petals spurred, is conceived to be higher in rank than the linden flower, in which all the petals are alike. Irregularity of the flower marks some improvement over regularity, and it should always be remembered that the irregular flower is irregular for a pur- pose. The irregularity may be, and usually is, an adaptation to the habits of the insects which effect pollination. There- fore, the strongly irregular flowers of orchids, beautifully adapted to the sizes, shapes, weights and feeding-habits of bees or moths, are improvements over the regular flowers of tulips, blue flags and trilliums. Irregularity may arise in a variety of ways. A very common type is two-sidedness of the flower and the substitution of the two-sided symmetry for the radial sym- metry. Just as man, whose body can be divided into approxi- mately equal halves by only one plane, is on this account a higher structural type than the starfish, the body of which may be divided into several approximately equal portions by planes radially disposed, so the two-sided flower of an orchid, or that of the pea or larkspur, must be regarded as structurally higher than related radially-symmetrical forms, such as lilies, acacias, lindens or buttercups. Along with the development of upper- and under-sidedness in the flower go a number of changes in the shapes, positions, numbers and sizes of the floral organs. Thus in the pea flower, one petal is larger than the others, and forms the so-called standard. The other four petals, grouped in pairs, constitute the so-called wings and keel of the flower. The stamens are blended together into a tube, but one stamen in the plane of symmetry stands distinct from the rest. The carpels, too, in the pea flower become reduced in number and the pod is often flattened in the plane of the symmetry. There should be no difficulty in comprehending how a flower that manifests in its whole structure a great departure from the primitive type should be considered as higher than a flower that approximates in its structure more closely to the early conditions. It must be observed, moreover, that the different orders of flowering plants do not constitute a single series of advancement. One order may show improvement along one path, while another shows improvement in quite a different Minnesota Plant Life. 349 direction. In the same order the lower families may have reg- ular flowers, while the flowers of the higher families have acquired more specialized irregular shapes. The proper ar- rangement of the orders is not one of sequence, but rather the kind of arrangement that is seen in genealogical charts, or in the trunks, main branches, secondary branches and twigs of a tree. Grasses and sedges, for example, represent the perfection of certain lines of development. Orchids represent the per- fection of another line of improvement, and dogwoods occupy relatively another terminal position. Yet it is possible in a general way to regard the plant with two-leafed seedlings as showing a higher type of embryo-structure than the plant with one-leafed seedlings, and when the orders of plants are discussed in sequence, the former group is considered, as a whole, subse- quent to the latter. On this account, however, it should not be supposed that willow flowers are of higher structural type than orchid flowers, for orchids are among the most perfected of plants with the lower type of embryo, while willows are among the least perfected types with the higher kind of embryo. In general, that higher class in which the petals are blended into corolla tubes marks, in this respect, an advance over those plants in which such blending does not exist. But it would be a mistake to suppose that the flower of the cranberry is struc- turally more complicated than the pea or the violet flower. As in the case of the willows and the orchids just compared, the cranberry belongs to one of the lowest orders of corolla- tube-producing plants, while the peas and violets are relatively high types of the generally lower series, in which no corolla tubes are formed. With this explanation of a somewhat difficult point look- ing toward an answer to the question, why is one flower con- sidered of higher type than another? there may now be dis- cussed the eight remaining orders of two-seed-leafed plants in which corolla tubes rather than separate petals are almost universally the rule. Chapter XXXV. From Wintergreens to Choffweeds. The twenty-seventh order includes six families, two of which, the wintergreens and the heaths, are represented in Minnesota. About twenty two species of heaths are native to the state. Here are classified the huckleberries, cranberries, blueberries, snowberries, bearberries, trailing arbutuses, checkerberries, leatherleafs, Cassiopes, rosemarys, laurels, Menziesias, and Lab- rador teas. To this family belong also the azalias, rhododen- drons and heathers. Wintergreens. The wintergreen family in Minnesota com- prises nine or ten species of true wintergreens; the one-flow- ered wintergreen, two pipsissewas or spotted wintergreens, the pine-drops, the Indian-pipe or corpse-plant, and the pine-sap or false beechdrops. The last three plants named do not exhibit leaf-green but absorb their food from the humus of the forest floor, taking up organic substances and manufacturing no starch of their own. The others are green plants with somewhat the appearance of the heaths, except that they are not so shrubby. The wintergreens, from branched under- ground rootstocks, produce upright stems usually less than a foot in height. The flowers are commonly grouped in a single slim terminal raceme, each flower nodding or erect in the axil of a small bract or scale. In some of the varieties the flow- ers have the stigmas and stigma-stalks bent down, while in others the stigma projects in the centre of the flower. The round-leafed wintergreen, very abundant in pine woods, throughout the northern part of the state, has rounded or broadly oval leaves, of a leathery texture, shining and ever- green, and spreading out at the base of the straight, tall flower- bearing axis. The flowers are white, rather large and sweet- scented and are arranged, eight or ten together, in their ra- Minnesota Plant Life. 35I cemes. The green-flowered strongly resembles the round- leafed wintergreen, except that the leaves are of a dull green color above and the flowers are greenish-white with slight fragrance. The shinleaf, unlike the two preceding species, has papery rather than leathery leaves, and these are broad and rounded with blades rather longer than their stems. The flowers in this variety are greenish-white and very sweet- scented. The bog wintergreen, found in cold peat-bogs, has the leaves of the green-flowered wintergreen that is to say, they are broadly oval, leathery and of a dull green. The flow- ers, however, are purple, thus easily distinguishing this variety. The pink-flowered or heart-leafed wintergreen is very similar to the bog wintergreen, but may be recognized by the heart-shaped bases of the leaves. The flowers are rose-pink or some- times purple. All the wintergreens mentioned have the stigma depressed towards the under side of the flower. The remaining varieties have central stig- mas. The lesser wintergreen resembles in most of its characters the green-flow- ered, but has the thin leaves of the shin- leaf wintergreen. The stamens do not, as in the previous varieties, diverge from the fruit-rudiment, but close around it in the open flower. The serrate-leafed win- Fic.ies. wintergreen plant n in flower. After Atkin- tergreen has flowers very much like those son. of the lesser wintergreen, but the leaves are almost plum-leaf shape with teeth along the margin. Besides the forms already noted, there are two others that are but slightly different from the typical varieties. The round- leafed wintergreen sometimes produces leaves red-veined or red instead of shining green, and in this form it is known as the red-leafed wintergreen. The serrated wintergreen, which is usually from four to ten inches in height, with a number of flowers in a one-sided raceme, may exist as a low plant, less than four inches high, with from three to eight flowers and rounded leaves. It is then known as the low serrated wintergreen. The leaves of all the species are rather pleasant 352 Minnesota Plant Life. to the taste. The fruits they mature are five-grooved spherical capsules which split into five sections to release the small seeds. The one-flowered wintergreen has the same evergreen leaves that characterize the ordinary varieties, but is peculiar for the production at the end of a slender axis of a single, rather large, drooping, white or pink flower, about six inches or less in height. The leaves are almost round, with short stems, and are gathered in tufts at the base of the flowering axis. This variety of wintergreen is limited to the northern portion of the state, where it occurs among the moss in deep balsam, spruce or tamarack woods. Pipsissewas. The two kinds of wintergreen known as pip- sissewas or spotted wintergreens, if they are found in fruit can be distinguished at once from the preceding forms. In the other wintergreens, when the capsules open, the clefts are woolly at their edges, but in the pipsissewas the clefts in the capsules are not at all woolly. The rarer variety of spotted wintergreen may also be known by its more willow-shaped leaves with remote notches in the margins and by the disposition of the white or pinkish flowers in cymes rather than in racemes. The leaves in this variety are spotted with white along the veins, but the commoner pipsissewa has bright, shining leaves without spots, considerably shorter and broader than those of the rarer kind. The flowers are clustered four or five in a group, in a somewhat flat-topped inflorescence at the tip of their axis. Both of these plants prefer drier woods and are sometimes abun- dant under the pines. They appear also in hardwood timber, but rather more sparingly. Pine-drops. The pine-drops is a rare herb of the northern part of the state. It forms an upright, unbranched slender stem from six inches to three or four feet in length. This stem is of a reddish or brown color, with a few scaly leaves which are not green, since they make no starch. At the end of the stem are numerous, nodding, bell-shaped white flowers, each arising in the axil of a little scale. Each seed has a small thin wing on the end. The root area is unusually small. Indian-pipes. The Indian-pipe, otherwise called the corpse- plant, is of very striking appearance. Several stems usually Minnesota Plant Life. 353 grow together in a tuft, and the whole plant-body is commonly of a snow-white color, with yellowish or reddish scales. At the tip of each stem is a single, nodding flower, around which the bracts are white. This variety is not uncommon throughout the state and is to be looked for in deep woods where a rich layer of decaying leaves has collected. Pine-saps. The pine-sap, more abundant in the pine woods and extending south to Gull lake and Taylor's Falls, resembles the Indian-pipe or corpse-plant in almost all particulars, but it may at once be identified by its having several flowers clustered at the tip of each stem, instead of the single flower of the more common variety. The three plants last mentioned are quite fungus-like in their habits of food-collection. Unlike most flowering plants, they do not produce leaf-green. They may be described as plants which have lost the power of making their own starch, and have learned, through the cooperation of root-fungi, to take their food in complex form from the decaying remains of other vegetation. Structurally they are not very different from the wintergreens, and so must be classed with them rather than with the fungi, which physiologically they resemble. Winter- greens are not the only kind of flowering plants that have given rise to such types of fungus-like forms. Among the orchids it will be remembered that the coralroots showed the same tendency to take their food "ready-made" rather than to manufacture it independently from carbonic-acid gas and water. Labrador teas. An abundant variety of Minnesota heath growing in bogs, especially through the northern part of the state, is the Labrador tea. It is an evergreen shrub with leaves shaped very much like those of the willow, green upon the upper side and covered with a soft, rust-brown wool below. The margins of the leaves are somewhat curled over toward the under side. The flowers, borne in umbels, are white, and each matures a five-chambered, oblong dry capsule, that splits from the base into five segments. The plant abounds especially in spruce swamps and among tamaracks. It is scarcely ab- sent from a single spruce swamp in the state. A form, known as the narrow-leafed Labrador tea, with much slenderer leaves than the common species, grows along the Pigeon river in 24 354 Minnesota Plant Life. Cook county. From this plant, which is fragrant if crushed, the oil known as Leduin oil is manufactured. Menziesias. The Menziesia is a small shrub, three or four feet in height, with obovate deciduous leaves and pretty, nodding umbels of bell-shaped, purplish flowers. The calyx and corolla are generally four-lobed and there are eight stamens, while the fruit is a spherical or ovoid capsule, splitting into four segments. Kalmias. The laurel or Kalmia, occurs in cold peat-bogs as far south as Gull lake. It is a little shrub, usually not more FIG. 169. Kalmia flowers. After Atkinson. than eighteen inches high, with opposite, linear, evergreen, pale green leaves. The flowers, borne in terminal umbels, are purple and broadly bowl-shaped, with five marginal notches and ten stamens. The shape of the flower will serve to distinguish this plant from the rosemary, which somewhat resembles it. On the under side the leaves are white. Moss-plants, The Cassiope or "moss-plant," is found along the palisades north of Duluth, extending, doubtless, to Grand Portage. It looks like a moss, being densely tufted, evergreen, and only from one to three inches in height. The leaves are very small and crowded, and the flowers are borne singly at the ends of leafless pedicels arising from the tips of branches or Minnesota Plant Life. 355 from the axils of the leaves. The flowers are white and nod- ding, and each matures a spherical capsule with a large number of small seeds. No other plant in Minnesota resembles, in general habit, this tiny shrub. Rosemarys. The rosemary, found in cold peat-bogs through- out the northern part of the state, is a shrub one or two feet in height, with few branches. The leaves are slender, willow- shaped, darker above than those of the Kalmia, but with the same white under sides and incurved margins. The flowers, however, are nodding and vase-shaped, rather than erect! spreading and bowl-shaped, as in the Kalmia. The capsule is more nearly spherical than that of the Kalmia. Trailing arbutus. The trailing arbutus is a rare plant in Minnesota, occurring, however, near Duluth and on the Kettle river and in the valley of the St. Croix. It is a pros- trate, trailing, branching shrub, with alternate, ob- long, leathery, evergreen, entire leaves. The blos- soms are pink, borne in clusters toward the ends of the branches. They are sweet-scented and mature into spherical, furry, five-cham- bered capsules. Checkerberries. The checkerberry, an abundant plant in the pine woods throughout the northern part of the state rarely extending, also, as far south as Lake Pepin is a little shrub with slender, prostrate or underground stems, from which erect branches arise to a height of from two to six inches. Its leaves are oval, slightly toothed, evergreen and shining, dark above and paler beneath. The flowers nod in the axils of the leaves and are white, broadly vase-shaped, and with five mar- ginal teeth. The fruit is bright red and of a distinctive agreeable flavor. This plant is also known in Minnesota as wintergreen and partridgeberry. Bearberries. The bearberry, growing best on sandy soil, is abundant through the northern part of the state and extends FIG. 170. Moss-plant. After Britten and Browi 356 Minnesota Plant Life, south very sparingly to Winona county. It is a little trailing shrub, with leathery entire, evergreen, spoon-shaped leaves and a few small, white, vase-shaped flowers in terminal racemes. The berries are red and rather tasteless. Leatherleafs. The leatherleaf occurs in cold bogs from the north shore of Lake Superior to Lake of the Woods, and south into the valley of the St.. Croix. It is a branching shrub, usually about two feet in height. The leaves are evergreen, oblong, ovate in shape, and when young provided with scurfy hairs or scales on both sides. The flowers are produced in large numbers towards the ends of the branches. Each flower nods in the axil of a leaf, is white and urn-shaped and produces a spherical, deeply five-grooved fruit. Blueberries and cranberries. The blueberries and cranber- ries, of which there are about eleven varieties in the state, include some well-known forms. Here are to be classified the bog huckleberry, the dwarf bilberry, the thin-leafed bilberry, the tall bilberry, the tall blueberry, the Canada blueberry, the low blueberry, the mountain cranberry or cowberry, the deer- berry, the small and the large cranberry. Most of these are found only in the northern part the state, especially along the international boundary and the north side of Lake Superior, extending, as so many northern plants do, down the valley of the St. Croix, through which in early days Lake Superior drained into the Mississippi river. Blueberries. The different kinds of blueberries or bilberries are to be discriminated by their foliage and by the flavor of the berries. The one most common is the dwarf or low blueberry, gathered in large quantities for the market. Its fruits are blue with a whitish bloom and are of very pleasant flavor, enjoyed alike by the Indians and the whites. The plant is a low shrub, with pale green leaves, not evergreen. Its flowers are vase-shaped, small, and white or pink. The deerberry, which resembles the blueberry in some re- spects, is considerably larger three or four feet in height. The berries, shaped like the blueberries, are greenish or yellow and not edible. This variety is also called the squaw huckleberry. The Canada blueberry, found growing in much moister soil than the ordinary form, has smaller berries, of a blue color, with Minnesota Plant Life. 357 a bloom. It may be distinguished by the entire margins of the leaves, quite different from the notched margins of the low blueberry. The bog blueberry has pink flowers and small ovate leaves. The cowberry may be recognized by the sour red berries and the evergreen leaves. The flowers and fruits are in structure altogether similar to those of the blueberries. Cranberries. The two kinds of cranberries found in the state are both bog plants, with very slender creeping stems, having small thick evergreen leaves apparently disposed in two rows along the branches. In the small cran- berry the berry is almost spherical, while in the large cranberry an oblong or ovoid berry is produced. In the flowers the corolla lobes are turned backward toward the stem. By this character the cranberries can be dis- tinguished from the cow- berry, which has a bell- shaped flower. Both spe- cies of cranberry are red or spotted, and acid to the taste. Snowberries. The snow- berry has a plant-body which reminds one of that of the cran- berries, but the flowers are ovoid vase-shaped, and the fruit is of a pure white color. Like the cranberries, they are found in cold peat-bogs and in tamarack swamps. This plant is partic- ularly abundant in the region about Duluth. Huckleberries. One variety of huckleberry is found between the Kettle river, Cass lake, and the international boundary. The plant-body reminds one of the blueberry, but the fruits are black, without a bloom, sweet to the taste and clustered in erect or nodding racemes. Primroses. The twenty-eighth order comprises three fami- lies of plants, of which only one, the primrose family, is repre- sented in the state. Of primroses there are fourteen or fifteen FIG. 171. Small cranberry. After Britton and Brown. 358 Minnesota Plant Life. Minnesota species, including two varieties of primrose, one An- drosace, one water-pimpernel, two loosestrifes, the curious little sea-milkwort, the poor man's weather-glass, and the chaffweeds. Besides, there is a plant known as the starflower and another as the shooting-star, both to be classed in this family. The true primroses are found only along the north shore of Lake Superior. They are small plants, with a tuft of rather long, willow-shaped leaves, from the centre of which a stem arises, bearing at the tip a little umbel of pink flowers. The Androsace is a tiny plant, often not more than an inch in height. It is of about the same size as the little whitlow- grass of the mustard family. The leaves are produced in rosettes. From these slender flowering axes arise, usually more than one, and at the end of each of them is an umbel of small white flowers. This plant may be distinguished from the whit- low-grass by its umbels in place of racemes. It is more com- mon on prairies in the western part of the state. The water-pimpernel grows near springs and in the edges of brooks. It is from six to eighteen inches in height, some- what branched, with membranous oval leaves. The flowers are tiny and bell-shaped, produced numerously in loose racemes. The calyx is blended with the base of the fruit-rudiment and the seeds are very small. The loosestrifes and the false loose- strifes grow for the most part in wet places or in fields, and may be recognized by their bright yellow, primrose-like flow- ers. In some of the varieties the leaves are in whorls, while in others they are opposite. The flowers in some sorts are solitary in the axils of the leaves, but in others they are in terminal racemes or flat-topped clusters. In one kind, the tufted loosestrife, a swamp plant abundant throughout the state, the yellow flowers are grouped in dense racemes which stand in the axils of the opposite, willow-shaped leaves. The starflower grows in deep woods along with the dwarf cornel and the wintergreens. It is a little plant with prostrate rootstock from which a slender stem rises to a height of about six inches or less. Two or three white star-shaped flowers are produced from the tip of this stem and directly under them are from five to ten willow-shaped, slender leaves, all standing in a circle. Minnesota Plant Life. The sea-milkwort is found in some saline marshes in the Red river valley. It is a small, branched herb, with opposite, fleshy leaves, in the axils of which small, stemless, pink or white flow- ers are produced. Each flower is broadly bell-shaped. The poor man's weather-glass or scarlet pimpernel is intro- duced from Europe, in some waste fields. It has the opposite leaves and open tubular flowers of its family, but the color of the flowers, which are produced singly on the stems in the axils of the leaves, is scarlet or pink with a darker centre. They open only in the sunshine, hence the common name. The chafrweed, to be met with at the Pipestone quarry in Pipestone county and probably elsewhere on rocks in the Min- nesota valley, selects moist depressions and grows as a little branched, insignificant herb with small, alternate entire leaves, in the axils of which little pink, stemless flowers are produced. The capsule, when it matures, splits by a circular cleft, cutting off its upper portion as a lid, recalling the purslanes. The shooting-star may be recognized at once among all the other flowering plants of the state by the curious position which the petals take in the open flowers. The young flowers are erect, but as they grow older the flower is inverted. When they open the petals turn completely back, so that while the stamens point downward, the petals, which are of a purple or whitish color, have their tips directed upward. When this plant begins to set its fruits, the stems of the flowers straighten again, so that the tips of the young capsules point upward. The petals of the open flower are often twisted, giving to the plant a peculiar and characteristic appearance. Chapter XXXVI. From Ash trees to Verbenas* The twenty-ninth order includes four families, none of which is native to Minnesota. Here are grouped the persimmon trees of the south, the benzoin gum trees, the gutta-perchas and the butter seeds, and the ebony tree, the hard black wood of which is capable of taking a high polish and is much prized. The thirtieth order includes the ashes, the gentians, the dog- banes and the milkweeds, all represented in the Minnesota flora. There are also two other families without Minnesota represent- atives, in one of which is classified the strychnine plant. The ash family, besides the common ash trees, comprises also the lilac bushes, the olive trees and the jasmines. Lilac bushes, with their handsome panicles of fragrant tubular flowers, are well known as dooryard shrubs throughout the state. They are not, however, natives of North America. Of ashes there are five species in Minnesota, namely, the white, the red, the green, the blue and the black. Ash trees, botanically considered, are noteworthy as being the highest type of trees native to the state. In all of them the leaves are compound, consisting of several leaflets arranged pinnately upon a common axis. The fruit in all the varieties has a strong terminal wing, by means of which it is distributed in air cur- rents. The different kinds of ashes may be known by the foliage, the character of the wing on the fruit, and the appear- ance of the young twigs. White ashes. The white ash is a tree, reaching under fa- vorable conditions a height of 120 feet, but not growing so strongly in Minnesota. The bark is dark brown and the wood is heavy, firm and tough, universally employed in the manu- facture of tool handles and agricultural machinery. The leaves are composed usually of seven leaflets, somewhat broadly willow- Minnesota Plant Life. shaped, dark green above and light green and often hairy below. The body of the fruit is cylindrical and the wing is terminal, not at all or but very slightly extended down the sides. Green ashes. The green ash is a smaller tree than the white ash, and its wood is somewhat inferior in quality, though strong. The leaflets are similar to those of the white ash, but rather broader. The fruit is commonly winged down the sides. The twigs and the flower stems are smooth or only very slightly hairy. Red ashes. The red ash is a tree of about the same height as the green ash, not exceeding thirty or forty feet in Minne- sota. The twigs and flower stalks are covered with velvety hairs and the fruit is generally winged down the sides. Blue ashes. The blue ash may be recognized by the four- sided young twigs, the smooth foliage and the leaflets num- bering from seven to eleven, slender and of a more willow- shaped outline than in the preceding varieties. The fruit is broader, shorter and heavier in appearance than that of the white ash, and is winged down the sides. Black ashes. The black or elder-leafed ash, unlike the oth- ers, is a swamp tree, occasionally growing also in low, wet woods along streams. There are from seven to eleven leaflets in each leaf, but the twigs are cylindrical, not four angled. Both the blue and the black ash are large trees, sometimes reaching a height of a hundred feet or more. The bark in both varieties is of a gray color. The wood of the black ash is heavy but not very strong, and the tree is noticeable for the stemless character of the lateral leaflets, in which respect it differs from all the other ashes. This tree is often affected by an insect which pro- duces large "witches-brooms" or galls. Ash flowers are rarely perfect. Usually they are separated, the staminate flowers blooming on one tree and the pistillate on another, though in other instances both separated and per- fect flowers are found on the same tree. The calyx is small, or it may be altogether wanting. The corolla, too, is some- times lacking. There are usually two stamens inserted below the fruit-rudiment, or on the base of the petals when they are present, and the stigma is two-cleft, so that the fruit-rudiment has two chambers, in each of which a couple of seed-rudiments Minnesota Plant Life. are produced. Only one of the seed-rudiments ripens, so that when the fruit is mature it ordinarily contains but a single seed, supplied with albumen, and inclosing the straight embryo plant- let. The flowers are borne in panicled clusters and are of a greenish color. All five varieties, except the blue ash, are pretty common in Minnesota. The white ash and the green ash are the most abundant. The red ash abounds particularly down the upper Mississippi to the White Earth reservation, and on the Rainy river. The blue ash is found only in the far northern portions of the state along the international boundary and near the sources of the Mis- sissippi. Gentians, The gentian family includes in Minne- sota about ten species of gentian, one spurred gen- tian, one buck-bean and one f 1 o a t i n g-heart. The two plants last named are either aquatic or denizens of wet bogs, but the others are terrestrial. The gentians proper are noted for their beautiful blue flowers, blooming late in the year. Two of the ten varieties are known as fringed gentians, because the edges of the lobes of the corolla tubes are frayed out into a blue fringe. The larger fringed gentian has opposite, stemless, broad-based leaves. The smaller fringed gentian has leaves slender at the base and narrower, of willow-shaped or linear outline. The other gentians are not fringed. In some the flowers open into little blue bells, but in one, known as the closed gentian, the corolla does not open at all, or only by a small pore. Of those that open, the northern gentian may be recognized by the row of ragged threads which arise just below and in- side the notches of the corolla tube. The leaves are oppo- site and lance-shaped. The stiff gentian and the oblong-leafed FIG. 172. Yellow gentian. After Britton and Brown. Minnesota Plant Life. gentian are very similar, but have not the shredded filaments in a circle within the lobes of the corolla. The oblong-leafed gentian has between each of the five notches of the corolla tube a little ragged, toothed appendage. The plant-body is smooth. The downy gentian is quite similar to the oblong- leafed, but may be known by its solitary stems, while those of the oblong-leafed gentian are clustered. In all the sorts that have been mentioned the stamens are distinct and spreading. In the remaining varieties the stamens bend together and co- here by their tips into a ring around the fruit-rudiment. The soapwort gentian is a form with the flowers of the closed gen- tian and opening but slightly at the tip. The leaves are oppo- site, but in the closed gentian they are in whorls around the clustered flowers. The yellow gentian produces its bell-shaped flowers at the ends of stems or in the axils of upper leaves, quite after the mode of the closed gentian, but they are of a greenish or yellowish white instead of blue. The narrow-leafed gentian somewhat resembles the downy variety, but may be distinguished by the coherence of the stamens in a tube. The leaves are slender and willow-shaped. The red-stemmed gen- tian is like this, with broad-based, lance-shaped leaves. Many of the gentians are found in bogs or in moist meadows. In the autumn of the year, together with Parnassias, they form extensive beds in the low wet meadows along river valleys. The spurred gentian has a spur at the base of each of the corolla lobes, making the flower somewhat of the shape of a colum- bine. They are rather smaller, however, and of a purplish or white color. This plant is found along the north shore of Lake Superior and throughout the northern part of the state to Lake of the Woods. Buck-beans. The buck-bean is a pretty common plant on floating bogs and among the reed-grasses along the shores of lakes. From a thick, scaly rootstock stems arise, bearing leaves in shape somewhat like large clover leaves and of a pale green color. The flowers are borne in panicles and are white or purple, decidedly attractive in appearance. This plant is fre- quent in the Chisago lakes and generally throughout the state. In the northern lakes it becomes very abundant and is often 364 Minnesota Plant Life. found growing luxuriantly in great beds almost to the exclu- sion of other vegetation. Floating-hearts, The floating-heart is an odd little water plant with a rootstock that creeps in the mud at the bottom of ponds. There are two sorts of leaves. Those which are submerged are grass-like and clustered around the base of the stems, which are thread-like and sometimes ten feet in length. At the surface of the water there is borne a single broadly heart- shaped floating leaf, a little umbel of yellow flowers, and a clus- ter of curious tubers. No other plant in the Minnesota flora is anything like the floating-heart in appearance. The grouping of a bunch of tubers, an umbel of yellow flowers, and a single, broad heart-shaped floating leaf at the end of a slender stem aris- ing from the bottom of a pond will serve at once to designate it. Dogbanes, Three species of dogbanes exist in the state. One of them is known as Indian hemp. All of them have a milky juice, so that they are often mistaken for milkweeds. They may be recognized, however, by their flowers, which are somewhat bell-shaped and do not have the five singular, horn- like appendages of the petals distinctive of most milkweed- flowers, and connected with the remarkable pollination-con- trivance of that family of plants. One of the dogbanes more abundant in the northern part of the state has a spread- ing, generally forked stem, with opposite broad leaves, and, in loose terminal cymes, white flowers which mature slender cylindrical pods. In these are enclosed a large number of seeds with tufted flying-hairs at their ends. The Indian hemp sends up erect branches, but not broadly forked at the summit like those of the spreading dogbanes. The flowers are produced in rather thick clusters at the apex, or arise from the axils of the leaves. Still another variety of dogbane, with clasping leaves, occurs in the southern part of the state. Milkweeds. The milkweeds form a family of plants with pods and seeds like those of the dogbanes, but with most extraordi- nary flowers, gathered in most instances in umbels, and fitted for pollination by insects. These are captured by the flowers, as if in a trap, after which pollen masses shaped like the old-fashioned saddle-bags are attached to their legs. In Minnesota there are a dozen species of ordinary milkweeds and five green milkweeds. Minnesota Plant Life. 365 Each milkweed flower consists of a five-parted calyx, usually small. Within, there appear the five corolla lobes, turned back around the pedicel of the flower when it opens. Next are five curious hood-shaped appendages of the corolla, known as the corona. Inside of each hood is a horn-shaped process, while the stamens fuse together into a tube around the central fruit-rudiment. When an insect visits the flower in search of honey, it catches its legs in grooves between the hoods of the corona, and in attempting to escape must drag its feet over a part of the stamen where a viscid forked body is located, and this with a couple of pollen-masses attached to it is pulled out of the flower. By means of a bit of silk thread any one can, with proper care, extract the little saddle-bag, thus imitating the work which the flower exacts from its insect visitor. Often bees are not strong enough to jerk their legs free from the cleft in which they are caught, and they may sometimes be seen hanging head-downward from the milkweed flower, de- spondent or dead. The different sorts of milk- weeds in Minnesota may be identified by the shapes of their leaves, the colors of their flowers and the surfaces of their pods. One milkweed, com- mon on prairies, has bright orange flowers, and this sort is known as the butterfly-weed. Its leaves are alternate and hairy and the pods stand erect and are covered with fine hairs. Another group of milkweeds has the flowers purple and the leaves opposite. Here are classified the purple milkweeds, with stout, smooth stems two feet or more in height and leaves of an elongated, pointed oval shape. They are found in dry fields. The swamp milkweed is similar in appearance, but has smaller clusters of flowers and slenderer willow-shaped leaves. usually quite smooth. It is to be looked for in swamps or FIG. 173. Swamp milkweed, and Brown. After Britton ;65 Minnesota Plant Life. marshes. The hairy milkweed is similar to the swamp milk- weed and is found in similar stations, but has very hairy leaves. In all varieties the umbels of flowers are crowded toward the top of the plant and are erect, as are the pods. Sullivant's milkweed and the blunt-leafed milkweed are smooth, pale green plants with stout stems and rather broad, blunt leaves. The capsules in Sullivant's milkweed are borne on straight erect stems, but in the blunt-leafed milkweed the downy, slender capsules stand on stems curved downward like the letter "S." The tall milkweed, or poke milkweed, has lance-shaped leaves and the capsules stand erect upon pedicels which grow diagonally downward. The four-leaved milkweed is recognized by the leaves toward the mid- dle of the stem, standing in whorls of four. Two m i 1 k - weeds, known as the common milkweed and the showy milk- weed, are dis- tinguished by the pods, the surfaces of which are covered with short, soft, somewhat elongated tufts or warts. The common milkweed has oblong leaves, while the showy milkweed, named on account of the large purplish-green flowers, has broad, ovate leaves. Both these are very prolific in fields along roadsides and in damp places throughout the state. The oval-leafed milkweed is a plant of the southern and western prairies. It is recognized by its smaller, greenish flowers arranged in few or in solitary umbels toward the tip of the stem. The leaves are rather broadly willow-shaped and cottony on both surfaces. When quite mature the upper sur- faces of the leaves become smooth. The whorled milkweed has very narrow leaves in whorls of from three to seven. The pods are slender, two or three inches long, and smooth. FIG. 174. Brookside vegetation. Milkweeds in foreground. After photograph by Williams. Minnesota Plant Life. 36? The green milkweeds may be distinguished by this character: The hoods of the corona do not inclose spur-like projections. Otherwise the flowers, flower-clusters and pods are very much like those of the true milkweeds. Here are classified the broad- leafed green milkweeds, with lance-shaped or broad willow- shaped leaves; the Florida milkweed, with slender, willow- shaped leaves, difficult to distinguish from the two varieties of the broad-leafed form in one of which the leaves are really grass-shaped, while in the other they are lance-shaped. The broad-leafed milkweed and its varieties have, however, sessile umbels of flowers, while the Florida milkweed displays each umbel on a stem of its own. Besides the varieties of green milkweed which have been mentioned, there is another known as the woolly green milkweed. It is characterized by a solitary terminal umbel and woolly or hairy leaves, and is found on prairies. The thirty-first order includes a number of families, most of which are represented in Minnesota. Here are the morning- glory family, to which the morning-glories, sweet potatoes and dodders belong ; the phloxes ; the waterleafs ; the borages ; the verbenas; the mints; the nightshades, including the ground- cherries, capsicums, potatoes, tomatoes, tobaccos and petunias ; the figworts, with the snapdragons, mulleins, hyssops and fox- gloves ; the bignonias, with the catalpa trees ; the broom-rapes, a curious group of parasitic plants ; the Gesneras, to which the Gloxinias belong; the bladderworts ; the Acanthuses; and the lopseeds. Several families, including some of those mentioned, have no species native to Minnesota. The following, however, present Minnesota forms : The morning-glories, phloxes, wa- ter-leafs, borages, verbenas, mints, nightshades, figworts, broom- rapes, bladderworts and lopseeds. Morning-glories. The morning-glory family is represented in Minnesota by three species of morning-glory or bindweeds and five species of dodder. The morning-glories are recog- nized at once by their familiar funnel-shaped flowers. In two of the varieties the stem is twining or trailing, while in the erect morning-glory it stands independently and does not twine. except sometimes very slightly at the tip. One of the climb- ing morning-glories has arrow-head-shaped leaves and pink 368 Minnesota Plant Life. flowers about two inches long. The other variety has ovate, blunt-pointed leaves, often very large and somewhat heart- shaped at the base. The form with the arrow-head-shaped leaves is much more common and is found trailing over shrub- bery in thickets or in the edges of woods. Dodders. Dodders are very curious parasitic plants, closely related to the morning-glories. They may be considered as twining morning-glories which have acquired the habit of suck- ing up their food from the bodies of the plants upon which they climb. As a consequence of this habit their leaves have been reduced to tiny scales, being no more employed in starch-mak- ing, and their stems, no longer green, have be- come yellow or white in color. Dodder often produces great FIG. 175. Dodder in flower; the parasite is seen to be clutching tightly the stem of its host plant. After Atkinson. of threads, like so much yellow yarn, looping over the herbs or shrubs from the tissues of which they extract their nutriment. Another variety of dodder that grows on the stems of sunflowers, goldenrods and asters, looks like three or four turns of rope around the axis of the host plant. The relationship of the dodders to the morning-glories may be seen in their capsules and seeds which strongly bring to mind the well-known pods of the ordinary cultivated morn- ing-glory. In Minnesota the following varieties of dodder may be distinguished: The field dodder, with sepals of the calyx Minnesota Plant Life. 369 united into a tube, sessile flowers, fringed corolla scales and obtuse calyx lobes, the stems pale yellow and thread-like, with the flowers in little clusters ; the smartweed dodder, most abun- dant on smartweeds, similar to the field dodder, but with the thread-like stems of an orange-yellow color and the calyx lobes acute; Choisy's dodder, developing stemmed flowers with dis- tinct corollas, the lobes of which are curved in over the capsule ; the hazel dodder, growing mostly upon hazel bushes, with cap- sules capped by the shriveling corolla ; the button-bush dodder, with corolla lobes spreading, not curved over the capsules, and the capsule flattened and globular in form ; and Gronovius' dodder, found, like the button-bush dodder, on a variety of herbs and shrubs, but with pointed capsules. In all these dod- ders the flowers are in rather loose clusters, when compared with the remaining variety, known as the massive dodder. In this species, occurring mostly on goldenrods, asters, sunflowers and other herbs of the composite family, the flowers are borne in very large numbers and very close together, quite concealing the stem. The little dodder flower-clusters, therefore, give the appearance of a coil of rope, turned three or four times around the axis of the host-plant. The stems of all the dodders have sucking organs which are driven through the skins of their host-plants and expose their surfaces in the soft tissues. Through them the juices of the host-plant are absorbed for the benefit of the dodder. This kind of parasitism is derived from the habit of twining orig- inated by those prototypes of the dodders, the morning-glories. It is interesting to notice just how the parasitic habit probably arose in this instance, because, in others, parasitism began in quite different ways. Phloxes. The phlox family includes the Greek valerians, phloxes, Gilias and Collomias. In all the Minnesota varieties the flowers are tubular, with the lobes of the corolla spreading. The fruit-rudiments are three-chambered, maturing into three- chambered capsules. Four sorts of phlox occur in Minnesota: The wild sweet-william, the downy, the blue, and the smooth phlox. They are distinguished by the shapes and textures of their leaves and by the colors of the flowers. 25 370 Minnesota Plant Life. In the blue phlox the flowers are blue and each petal lobe is notched at the end. The other phloxes have pink, white or purple flowers. Of them, the downy phlox is soft, velvety, hairy or downy to the touch. The smooth phlox is quite smooth with pink flowers and the lobes of the corolla are longer than the tube. The wild sweet-william, or common phlox, looks like the smooth phlox, but has flowers in which the lobes of the corolla are considerably shorter than the tube. In all the phloxes the leaves are simple, not lobed. The Polemonium has the flowers of a phlox, blue in color; but the leaves are pinnately compound like those of the ash. It is an herb about a foot high, with weak ascending stem arising from a short rootstock. The Collomia has flowers of the phlox type, a g"g re " a ted in clusters at the tips of the stem. They are purplish or white, but the leaves are alternate, not oppo- site as in the phloxes. The little Gilia of the western edge of the state, where it is found on high prairies near Lake Benton, is a tufted plant with flowers in dense heads, each provided with a calyx, the lobes of which are awl-shaped and come up around the co- rolla like five stiff bristles. The leaves are small, pinnate and spiny. Waterleafs, The waterleaf family includes two waterleafs, one Ellisia and two Phacelias. The waterleafs are herbs with large, pinnately cleft leaves and violet or purplish flowers devel- oped in umbels or cymes. They are exceedingly abundant on the level, damp floors of woods along streams through the south- ern part of the state. The Virginia waterleaf has the stamens a good deal longer than the corolla and the stamen-stalks are hairy. The other waterleaf, called the appendaged waterleaf, has stamens but very little longer than the corolla. Another FIG. 176. Virginia water-leaf and Brown. After Britton Minnesota Plant Life. . way of distinguishing the two varieties is by the calyx which in both is five-notched, but in the appenclaged waterleaf a little scale grows out of each of the calyx notches, while this scale is absent in the Virginia waterleaf. The Ellisia is an herb, four inches or so in height, with leaves a couple of inches long, deeply pinnately-lobed, shaped some- what like those of the shepherd's-purse. The flowers are borne singly on their stems, and are white and bell-shaped. In fruit the calyx enlarges and looks like a small paper star, in the middle of which the globular capsule is attached. The two Phacelias, both very rare plants in Minnesota, have leaves some- what like those of the Ellisia, but with purple or blue flowers in clusters. One sort has them in terminal racemes, on both sides of which the flowers are borne. In the other kind the flowers are all grouped on one side of the raceme. Borages. The borage family includes the comfreys, false gromwells, puccoons. lungworts, forget-me-nots, stickseeds, hound's-tongues and mudworts. Several of the varieties are introduced from Europe. There are, in all, about twenty-five varieties growing wild within the limits of the state. Borage flowers, in outward appearance, are a good deal like those of the phlox, though often very much smaller. The stamens are borne upon the tube of the corolla and the fruit-rudiment, made up of two carpels, is deeply grooved, so that when the fruit matures it has the appearance of four one-seeded nutlets stand- ing close together within the calyx. The leaves are generally alternate. The stems are rarely square, but in almost every in- stance cylindrical. The whole plant-body is commonly hairy, sometimes very much so. Plants with the sort of tubular, flaring- topped flowers, found in the sweet-william, and accustomed to ripen four little hard nutlets from each flower, may pretty safely be put down as borages, unless their stems are square, in which instance they should be looked for in the mint family. Hound's-tongues. The hound's-tongue is a weed of waste places and woods, with stems from one to three feet in height. The flowers are blue or reddish-purple and occur in somewhat flat-topped clusters. Another sort of hound's-tongue, with much slenderer, almost willow-shaped leaves, is an immigrant from Europe. Its flowers are arranged, in most instances, in 372 Minnesota Plant Life. one-sided racemes, and these clusters show a tendency to bend over like a shepherd's crook. Stickseeds. The stickseeds are very abundant plants in the Minnesota woods. Four or five varieties exist, distinguished by the shapes of their leaves and the character of the flower- clusters. In all of them the four nutlets, which constitute each fruit, separate from each other, and on their backs carry a num- ber of barbed hairs, or thorns, by which they attach themselves to the fur of animals, or to the clothing of man, thus obtaining distribution. Among the various little fruits and seeds which anchor themselves to one's clothing, in the woods, those of the stickseeds may always be known because they are shaped something like the quarter of an apple and come in groups of four. The tip of each of the thorns along the backs of these nutlets is barbed just like a harpoon, so that when the burs affix themselves to clothing it is difficult to remove them. Of the Minnesota varieties, two are very rare and are known to occur only in the extreme northwestern corner of the state. The others, however, are abundant throughout all portions. Lungworts. The lungworts are also called bluebells, but they are not to be confused with the Canterbury-bells, which belong to quite a different family. They are erect, smooth or downy herbs and have blue, bell-shaped flowers with somewhat narrowed tubes. The flowers are borne in large terminal, hemispherical clusters, sometimes flattened out and loose in appearance. The tall lungwort possesses rough leaves, while the Virginia lungwort has its foliage quite smooth. Forget-me-nots. Two sorts of forget-me-nots occur in the state. They are little, low, rough-leaved plants, in one variety with small blue flowers, and in the other with white. They are annual or biennial and produce tufts of leaves near the base, from which the leafy flowering stem arises. The flowers are borne in one or two-sided racemes, often bent over like a shep- herd's crook. Puccoons. The puccoons are known by their yellow flowers, varying towards orange or white. One of the commonest early spring flowers the hoary puccoon is classified here. In this plant, at the end of the stem, six inches or more in height, a little cluster of orange yellow flowers is developed. When it Minnesota Plant Life. 373 fruits, four white, hard, smooth and shining nutlets are pro- duced, protected by the five-lobed, green and hairy calyx. The yellow puccoon, a form that is abundant on prairies, has trum- pet-shaped flowers of a lemon or bright yellow color. Its leaves are slenderer than those of the hoary puccoon and have not the same white-hairy appearance, though they are rough to the touch. This plant, later in the season, produces much smaller, pale yellow, closed flowers, which, after pollination by their own pollen, mature fruits. The broad-leafed puccoon has ovate or ovate-lanceolate leaves and may be thus distinguished. Its flowers are yellowish-white or yellow. The European puc- coon has yellowish-white flow- ers scattered along the ends of its branches, but it matures the same white hard nutlets that characterize its American relatives. False gromwells. The two species of false gromwell may be known by their extra- ordinarily rough and hairy foliage, strong-veined leaves and inconspicuous white or greenish flowers, produced in leafy one-sided racemes. There are four nutlets begun in the flowers of the false gromwell, but only one of them is likely to mature, so that if ripened fruiting specimens alone were at hand, it would be difficult, at first sight, to include these plants in the borage family. The nutlets are white and hard, like those of the puccoons. Bonesets. The comfrey or boneset has purple or yellow flow- ers, brown nutlets, lance-shaped leaves, hairy foliage and thick roots. Verbenas. The verbena family includes, in Minnesota, six varieties of wild verbena and one variety of fogfruit, or These are all herbs, with, ordinarily, opposite leaves and very much like those of the borages, but collected in spikes or FIG. 177. Blue verbena. After Britton and Brown. 374 Minnesota Plant Life. heads, and not in one-sided racemes. The fogfruits have two- lipped flowers, and it is doubtful whether any of them actually occur in Minnesota. The fruits of the verbenas, when mature, separate into four nutlets, just as do the fruits of the borages. If there is any question whether a plant is a verbena or a borage it may generally be decided by opening the corolla tube and counting the stamens adherent to its inner surface. If there are four, the plant is a verbena ; if there are five, it is a borage. Of course there are a great many other kinds of plants with four stamens, but the combination of four stamens on the corolla tube, flowers in racemes, spikes or heads, and fruits consisting of four nutlets, pretty distinctly indicates a verbena. The six verbenas of Minnesota may be distinguished as follows : One of them is a mat plant, growing in waste fields along roadsides and on prairies. The whole plant-body is prostrate and often spreads out over a circle a yard in diameter. The flowers are purplish-blue and borne in spikes. The leaves are of various shapes, but some of them, at least, are likely to be cut, from the margin toward the midrib, by deep notches. The hoary verbena is recognized by the soft, hairy leaves, of an ovate form, almost stemless, with the edges sharply notched. The blue flowers stand in dense leafy spikes. No other verbena has this soft hairy leaf-surface. The nettle- leafed verbena and the wild blue verbena also have ovate cr oblong leaves, but in these varieties each leaf has a distinct stem. The nettle-leafed verbena has usually white flowers or pale blue, while the blue verbena, as its name indicates, produces bright blue flowers. The other two verbenas have different foliage from the erect forms that have been mentioned. The narrow-leafed verbena ~has very slender, or at most, willow- shaped leaves with blue flowers in slender, dense spikes. The European verbena, with an erect habit, has, at least on the lower part of its stem, leaves deeply toothed to the midrib, like those of the prostrate verbena. The flowers are purple or white, produced in numerous, very slender spikes, three to six inches in length. Chapter XXXVII. From Peppermints to Plantains. if The mint family in Minnesota includes about forty species, among which are the pennyroyals, mints, peppermints, bugle- weeds, basils, calamints, horse- mints or bergamots, Blephilias, catnips, anise plants, hyssops, dragon's-heads, skull- caps, hedge-nettles and dead-net- tles. Mints may be recognized by characters as follows: Their stems are almost always four- sided with opposite leaves and aromatic foliage. The flowers are usually strongly two- \ lipped, though in some Minne- sota varieties they are nearly regular. The stamens, borne on the inner surface of the corolla tube, are generally four in number, two of them longer than the other two; but sometimes the short ones become reduced to thread-like appendages. The fruit, as in borages and verbenas, consists of four one-seeded nutlets. It is almost always possible to identify a mint by rubbing a little of the foliage between the fingers and noticing the fragrant odor, like that of catnip or peppermint. The presence of the scent, even if the flowers are regular instead of two-lipped, will serve to indicate the mint, especially if its stem is four-sided. Wood-sages. Among the mints some varieties may be iden- tified by characters not too minute. The wood-sages and FIG. 178. Wild mint. Aftei Briitou and Brown. 376 Minnesota Plant Life. false pennyroyals have the fruit-rudiment lobed into four sec- tions, but not fairly divided into four nutlets as in the rest of the mints. The wood-sage is a slender herb from one to two feet tall, and is to be looked for in thickets through the southern part of the state and in the Red river valley. The flowers are distinctly two-lipped. The false pennyroyal is of similar habit, six inches or more in height. The flowers are small, blue, almost regular, and disposed in flat-topped clusters arising from the axils of the leaves. Skullcaps. Of those mints which separate their fruit-rudi- ment into four nutlets, the skullcaps may be known by the curious lit- tle bulging pro- tuberance upon the back of each flower. Skull- caps are, for the most part, small herbs, with leaves of vari- ous shapes, and strongly two-- lipped flowers, generally Ol a FlQ 17g clump O f horse-mint (in middle of picture). After blue COlor. photograph by Williams. Four kinds occur in Minnesota. The rest of the mints may be divided into two series. In one the corollas are two-lipped, and the upper lip is con- cave. Here are included the catnips, the dragon's-heads, the heal-alls, the false dragon's-heads, the hedge-nettles and hemp-nettles, in all of which there are four stamens with pollen pouches. The sages, horsemints and Blephilias have the same kind of corolla but only two of the stamens produce any pollen pouches. The other series of mints includes those forms in which the corolla tube is nearly regular, or, if two-lipped, has the upper lip flat or but very little concave. Here are to be Minnesota Plant Life. 377 grouped the pennyroyals, the basils, the hyssops, the mountain- mints, water-hoarhounds and peppermints, in all of which the flowers are clustered in small dense whorls in the axils of the leaves. Sometimes, when many of these whorls arise close to- gether, near the end of the stem, they become confluent into a spike. Horsemints and dragon's-heads. Of the various mints several are decidedly handsome plants. The horsemint, for example, with its heads of two-lipped flowers, is an abundant and beau- tiful herb of the woods. There are two sorts in Minnesota, one with a yellowish flower and the other with pinkish or purplish heads. The dragon's- heads, with their light blue flowers in close clusters and the false dragon's-heads with rose-colored flowers are inter- esting plants of the northern and central portions of the state. The water-mints, found in great abundance in springs and along the edges of brooks, present a variety of forms, many of which, except by mi- nute characters, are difficult to distinguish from each other. Some mint flowers are very interesting mechanisms for the utilization of insects in the work of pollination. In the sages, for example, the two stamens are hung on levers and rest under the arched upper lip of the flower. When a bee visits the flower it stands upon the lower lip and thrusts its bill down towards the base of the flower, as it does so, striking with its head the short arms of the levers. The two long arms bearing the pollen pouches are thus brought down on the back of the insect like hammers, leaving there a couple of patches of pollen spores, several hundred spores in each patch. After this mechanism of the flower has been set in motion by the visit of a bee, the slender stigma-stalk of the pistil drops down FIG. 180. Horse-mint. After Britton and Brown. 378 Minnesota Plant Life. from the hood where it was resting and takes such a position that its end will be dragged across the back of a bee that sub- sequently visits the flower. In this way bees going from flower to flower commonly carry pollen from one plant to stigmas of another. Mint extracts, as is well known, are of considerable excel- lence for a variety of purposes. They are used in perfumery and confectionery, and in some medical preparations. Many of them are gathered as household remedies. Ground-cherries. The nightshade or tobacco family includes about fifteen Minnesota varieties, of which only eight are native. Here are the ground-cherries, plants known also as ground tomatoes, and recognized by the much inflated bladdery calyx, which incloses the little tomato-like berry. The name ground- cherry is given because, in the common species, the berry is about the size of an ordinary cherry. Several different kinds occur in Minnesota. The various sorts may be known by the presence or absence of underground stems, by the smoothness or hairiness of the leaves, and also by the shapes of the leaves, by the color and sizes of the flowers, and by the shape of the calyx in fruit. The most common species in Minnesota are the clammy, the leaves of which are clammy and viscid to the touch ; the Virginia, with smooth leaves, sometimes more or less hairy ; the prairie ; the long-leafed, and the Philadelphia ground-cherry, all of which have underground rootstocks. Besides, there occur the low, and the cut-leafed, in the first of which the leaves are ovate and entire, while in the second the margins are strongly notched. In neither of these plants is there any underground rootstock and the plants are therefore annual, springing up each year from the seed. Nightshades. Besides the ground-cherries there are three varieties of nightshade herbs with flowers resembling those of the potato and arranged in cymes. The black or deadly nightshade is an annual, smooth, unpleasant-smelling herb, with entire or slightly notched ovate leaves, and black, spherical, smooth berries, without a bloom, hanging on nodding stems. The cut-leafed nightshade, which in its fruits resembles the or- dinary variety, may be known by the pinnately-lobed leaves and the greenish-black or green colored fruits. The prickly night- Minnesota Plant Life. 379 shade, or potato-bug plant, is covered over with prickles both upon the leaves and upon the stem. Even the berry is very prickly. This plant, having been introduced from the west, is sometimes found along railway tracks, and it has the unen- viable distinction of being the original food of the potato-bug. From it, a few decades ago, when potato cultivation began to be undertaken in Iowa and Nebraska, this destructive insect migrated to the fields. The climbing nightshade has stems from two to eight feet long. The leaves are heart-shaped, often with two leaflets at the base. The flowers are bluish in appear- ance and like those of the potato or tomato, while the berry is red and as large as the end of one's thumb. Jimson-weeds. The jimson-weeds, which occur sparingly as introduced forms in the southern part of the state, are tall, unpleasant-smelling herbs, usually three or four feet high. The flowers are large, sometimes two inches broad, shaped rather like morning-glory flowers, but more deeply notched along the edge. The capsule, an inch in length, is prickly and bursts irregularly. Wild tobacco. Wild tobacco is found in the vicinity of In- dian reservations, having escaped from their fields. The flow- ers are petunia-like and the leaves are broadly ovate and smooth along the edge. A many-seeded capsule, splitting longitudi- nally into two halves, forms the fruit. Figworts. Nearly fifty different varieties of figworts are known to occur in Minnesota. Here are classified the mulleins, the toad-flaxes, the turtle-heads, the monkeyflowers and snap- dragons, the false pimpernel, speedwells, Gerardias, Indian pinks, cow-wheats, louseworts and yellow-rattles. Figworts may be dis- tinguished from mints, for which they might be mistaken, by their generally cylindrical stems and their two-chambered, or rarely one-chambered capsular fruits, different in appearance from the deeply four-lobed, or four-nutleted fruits of the mints. Mullein fruits are, in their structure, typical of the figwort family. The flowers, however, are, for the most part, strongly two-lipped, recalling those of the mints, but the aromatic, minty odor is absent. Mulleins. Mulleins common plants in fields and pastures are well-known on account of their woolly leaves, which 380 Minnesota Plant Life. have much the feeling of flannel. A careful examination of a mullein leaf will show that its surface is covered with little, much-branched hairs, standing close together like so much miniature shrubbery. In the spring of the year the leaves form dense rosettes at the surface of the ground, and later an erect, tall flowering axis is developed, from two to six feet in height. At the end of this a spike of yellow, almost regu- lar flowers is borne. In each flower there are five stamens. FIG. 181. View in Minnesota lake district. Shows in center two mullein plants in character istic positions. After photograph by Williams. The leaves are alternate. In these characters the mulleins differ from the rest of the figworts, in none of which are there five pollen-bearing stamens, and in most of which there are two-lipped flowers and opposite leaves, though the latter char- acter is by no means universal. Toad-flaxes. The toad-flaxes are recognized at once by their snapdragon-shaped yellow or blue flowers, provided with a spur like that of a larkspur flower. The common toad-flax of roadsides and fields blooms in the summer and autumn. Minnesota Plant Life. 381 The flowers are yellow and are arranged in a 1* carpels, with a single cham- ber in which a single seed matures. The calyx is always fused with the surface of the fruit-rudiment, and in a great many varieties the calyx pro- duces a bristly or scaly series of appendages for distribut- ing the fruits in air currents. The well-known parachutes of the dandelion are such areas, with the margins frayed out into circles of little bris- tles. Sunflower fruits are provided with a pair of scales similarly derived from the calyx. When the fruits are enclosed in burs, the calyx sometimes, as in the cockle- burs, develops this flying ap- paratus but poorly, while in other instances, as in the bur- docks, flying appendages are produced upon each fruit, probably reminiscences of an earlier condition when the bur-method of distribution had not been perfected. The modified, aeronautic calyx of FIG. 193. Chrysanthemum in flower. After 4-U e r n m n O m' t P flower k Miller. Bull. 147, Cornell Ag. Expt. Sta- tion - known as pappus. Minnesota Plant Life. 401 There are in Minnesota between 240 and 250 species of composites, including the ironweeds, the blazing-stars, the thor- ough worts or bonesets, the asters, the fleabanes and Boltonias, FIG. 194. Dandelions in flower. I