THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries «*y\i. Orchard Irrigation in Sutter-Yuba Area STATE OF CALIFORNIA EARL WARREN GOVERNOR PUBLICATION OF STATE WATER RESOURCES ROARD Rulletin No. 6 SUTTER YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION September, 1952 Additional copies of this publication may be obtained from Documents Section, Division of Printing, 1 lth and O Streets, Sacramento LIBRARY UNIVERSi i Y ( F CALIFORNIA UA\ .S TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD— 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 10 ORGANIZATION, STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD 11 ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 12 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Page Authorization for Investigation 13 Related Investigations and Reports 13 Scope of Investigation and Report 14 Area Under Investigation 15 Drainage Basins 15 Climate 15 Geology 15 Soils _ .16 Present Development 16 CHAPTER II. WATER SUPPLY Precipitation 19 Precipitation Stations and Records __ 19 Precipitation Characteristics 19 Quantity of Precipitation 21 Runoff 21 Stream Gaging Stations and Records _ 21 Runoff Characteristics 22 Quantity of Runoff 24 Imported and Exported Water 25 Underground Hydrology 25 Ground Water Geology 25 Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity 27 Ground Water Levels 27 Change in Ground Water Storage 29 Subsurface Inflow and Outflow 29 Yield of Wells— _ 30 High Water Table Areas 31 Safe Ground Water Yield- _ 31 Quality of Water— _ 32 Standards of Quality for Water __ __ 33 Quality of Surface Water 34 Quality of Ground Water— 34 Area of Degraded Ground Water 34 Source of Ground Water Salinity 35 CHAPTER III. WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Water Utilization _ . 39 Present Water Supply Development 39 Land Use _ 42 Past and Present Cultural Patterns 42 Probable Ultimate Cultural Pattern 42 Unit Use of Water 44 Past and Present Water Utilization 45 Probable Ultimate Water Utilization 46 Demands for Water 46 Application of Water 46 Gross Diversion of Water 47 Monthly Demands for Irrigation Water 47 Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Irrigation Water 48 Supplemental Water Requirements 48 Present Supplemental Requirement 48 Probable Ultimate Supplemental Requirement 49 CHAPTER IV. PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT The California Water Plan ! 51 Feather River Project 52 Other Major Projects Under Consideration 53 Plans for Initial Local Development 55 West Side Zone 55 Alternative Plans Considered 55 Peach Bowl Project 57 Northeast Zone 61 Alternative Plans Considered 61 South Iloncut Creek Project 63 East Central Zone 67 Alternative Plans Considered 67 Camp Far West Project 69 South Side Zone 72 Camp Far West Project 73 Coon Creek Project 74 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 79 Recommendations 81 (5) A B. APPENDIXES Page page Agreement, and Its Supplement, Between the C. Record of Monthly Precipitation at Robbins, Slate Water Resources Board, the Counties California 105 of Sutter and Yuba, and the Department of D R(1( . m . (ls ()f Da j ly R uno ff i„ Sutter-Yuba Area Public Works 83 Not Previously Published- 107 Geologic Features and Ground-Water Stor E. Records of Depth to Ground Water at Meas- age Capacity of the Sutter- Yuba Area, Cali- urement Wells in Sutter- Yuba Area 11:'. fornia, by (!. 11. Davis and P. II. Olmsted. p Records of Application of Ground Water to [Tnderthe Direction of .1. P. Poland, District Representative Crops in Sutter- Yuba Area 157 Geologist, Ground Water Branch, Water Re- r . T> . ,.. , , ,,, -,. .,,,-, sources Division, United states Geological r '- Reservoir Yield Studies.. ..161 Survey, Dated May, 1950 89 II. Estimates of Cost 165 TABLES Table 1 8. 9. HI. 11. 12. 13 11. No. r.'i so Mean, Maximum, and Minimum Seasonal Precipitation at Selected Stations in or Near Sutter-Yuba Area 20 Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Marys- ville, 1871-72 Through 1950-51_. - 21 Mean Monthly Distribution of Precipitation at Marysvi'lle _ 21 Estimated Weighted Seasonal Depth and Total Quantity of Precipitation on Sutter- Yuba Area 21 Stream Gaging Stations in or Near Sutter- Yuba Area 22 Recorded Seasonal and Estimated Natural Seasonal Runoff of Feather River at Oro- ville 23 Estimated Seasonal Natural Plow of Streams of the Peather River System, 1939-40 Through 1947-48 23 Estimated Mean Monthly Distribution of Natural Plow of Peather River at Oroville 24 Measured and Estimated Seasonal Surface Inflow io and Outflow From Sutter-Yuba Area. 1939-40 Through l!i4s-4!)^ 24 Estimated Specific Yield ami Ground Water Storage Capacity, Sutter-Yuba Area__ 27 Measured Pall Depths to (iroiind Water at Representative Wells in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 28 Estimated Average Pall Depth to Ground Water in Sutter- Yuba Area 28 Estimated Weighted Average Seasonal Changes in Fall Ground Water Elevation in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 29 Estimated Weighted Average Seasonal Changes in Ground Water Storage in Zones of Sutter-Yuba Area 29 Table 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 2::. 24. 25. 26. 28, No. Page Estimated Excess of Seasonal Subsurface In- flow Over Subsurface Outflow in Sutter- Yuba Area _ 30 Estimated Average Yield of Wells in Zones of Sutter-Yuba Area 31 Estimated Safe Seasonal Ground Water Yield in Sutter-Yuba Area.. _ 32 Complete Mineral Analyses of Representa- tive Surface Waters of Sutter-Yuba Area 34 Summary of Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Waters in Zones of Sutter-Yuba Area, Summers of RUM and 1949 . 35 Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Wa- ters in Area of Saline Degradation in and Adjacent to Sutter- Yuba Area, Grouped in Accordance With Total Anions-. _ 36 Average .Mineral ( 'ha racier and Constituents of Saline Ground Waters in and Adjacent to Sutter- Yuba Area 37 Ground and Surface Water Service Areas in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area ._ 40 Principal Water Service Agencies, Sutter- Yuba Area ___ 40 Past and Presenl Cultural Patterns in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 43 Classification of Lands in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 44 Probable Ultimate Cultural Pattern in Zones of Sutter-Yuba Area ___ 44 Estimated 1'nit Values of Seasonal Con- sumptive I'se of Water in Sutter-Yuba Area _ 45 Estimated Seasonal I'lilization of Water in Sutter-Yuba Area During Rase Period and Investigational Seasons : 15 (6) TABLES— Continued Table No. Page 29. Estimated Mean Seasonal Utilization of Wa- ter in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area Under Present Cultural Development 46 Estimated Seasonal Utilization of Ground Water in Sutter- Yuba Area 46 Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Utilization of Water in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 46 Measured Average Seasonal Application of Irrigation Water on Representative Plots of Principal Crops in Sutter- Yuba Area 47 Estimated Average Monthly Distribution of Demand for Irrigation Water in Sutter- Yuba Area 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. _ 48 Estimated Present Mean Seasonal Supple- mental Water Requirement in Zones of Sutter-Yuba Area ___ 49 Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Supple- mental Water Requirement in Zones of Sutter- Yuba Area 49 Summary of Estimated Capital Costs of Feather River Project 52 Estimated Monthly Distribution of Gross Demand for Water for Peach Bowl Project 57 Measured Monthly Flow of Feather River at Nicolaus During Irrigation Season, 1921 Through 1950 58 39. General Features of Peach Bowl Project 59 Table No. Page 40. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of South Iloncut Creek Reservoir With French Dry Creek Diversion, Based on ( iritical Dry Pe- riod From 1920-21 Through 1934-35 ._ - 63 41. Estimated Monthly Distribution of Demand for Water From South Iloncut Creek Project 64 42. Areas and Capacities of South Honcut Creek Reservoir 65 43. General Features of South Honcut Creek Project 66 44. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of Cam]) Far West Reservoir, Based on Critical Dry Pe- riod From 1920-21 Through 1934-35 __ _ 69 45. Estimated Monthly Distribution of Demand for Water From Camp Far West Project 70 46. Areas and Capacities of Camp Far West Res- ervoir 71 47. General Features of Camp Far West Reser- voir 72 48. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of Coon Creek Reservoir With Bear River Diver- sion, Based on Critical Dry Period From 1920-21 Through 1934-35 __ _ 74 49. Estimated Monthly Distribution of Demand for Water From Coon Creek Project 75 50. Areas and Capacities of Coon Creek Reser- voir 75 51. Genera] Features of Coon Creek Project 77 ( 7) PLATES Plates Nos. 1-23 Are Bound at End of Report Plate 1. 2 3. I. 5. (i. 9. 10. 11. v, Location of Sutter-Yuba Area Hydrologic Zones and Organized Water Agen- cies, 1952 Lines of Equal Mean Seasonal Precipitation Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Marysville, 1871-72 Through 1950-51 Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Precipitation at Marysville Estimated Seasonal Natural Runoff of Feather River at < >roville Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water, Fall 1947 Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water, Fall 1948 Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water, Fall 1949 Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water, Fall 1950 Lines of Equal Depth to ({round Water, Fall 1951 Plate No. 12. Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water, Fall 1949 13. Measured Fall Depths to Ground Water at Repre- sentative Wells 14. Average Fall Depth to Ground Water 15. Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Eleva- tion From Fall of 1947 to Fall of 1951 16. Lines of Equal Concentration of Chlorides in Ground Water, July 1949 17. Irrigated and Irrigable Lands, 1948 18. Potential Water Storage Developments 19. Plans for Development of South Fork of Feather River 20. Peaeh Bowl Project 21. South Honcut Creek Project 22. Camp Far West Project 23. Coon Creek Project Plates Listed Below Follow Appendix 8 Plate No. B-l. Geologic Map of Sutter-Yuba Area B-2. Geologic Cross Sections A-A'-A" and B-B' B-3. Geologic < !ross Sections C-C and D-D' B-4. Ground Water Storage Units in Sutter and Yuba Counties ILLUSTRATIONS Page Orchard Irrigation in Sutter- Yuba Area -Frontispiece Deep well and Turbine Pump Installation in Sutter- Yuba Area 26 Rice Field in Sutter- Yuba Area 41 Feather River in Vicinity of Starr Bend, Looking Upstream 56 Daguerre Point Weir on Yuba River- Page _ 60 South Honcut Creek Dam Site Viewed From Point Within Reservoir Site 62 Existing Camp Far West Dam and Reservoir 68 (8) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL EARL WARREN GOVERNOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING SACRAMENTO 5. CALIFORNIA C. A. GRIFFITH, Chairman, azusa B. A. ETCHEVERRY, VICE CHAIRN HOWARD F. COZZENS, SALINAS CLAIR A. HILL. Redding *N. BERKELEY August 27, 1952 R. v. meikle, turlock ROYAL MILLER, SACRAMENTO PHIL D. SWING, San Diego A. D. EDMONSTON. STATE ENGINEER SECRETARY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY Eonorable Earl Warkkw Governor, and Members of tin Legislature of the State of California Gentlemen : I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 6 of the State Water Resources Board, entitled " Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation," as authorized by Chapter l.">14. Statutes of 1945, as amended. Under provisions of the cited statute, an agreement dated October 7, 1947, was entered into between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, and the Department of Public Works acting through the agency of the State Engineer. The agreement provided for "... investigation and report on the underground water supply of the valley floor in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the problems involved . . .", and authorized funds to meet the costs of the investigation for one year. A supplemental agreement executed by the same parties on December 3, 1948, authorized funds to complete the investigation and report. The Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation was conducted and Bulletin No. 6 was prepared by the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works, under the direction of the State Water Resources Board. Funds to meet the cost of investigation and report were provided as follows : State of California (State Water Resources Board I . $20,000 ; County of Sutter, $10,000 ; and County of Yuba, $10,000. Additional funds provided by the Legislature have been expended by the State Water Resources Board in connection with the current State-Wide Water Resources Investigation, certain results of which were used in connection with the Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation. Bulletin No. 6 contains an inventory of the underground and surface water resources of the valley floor in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, estimates of present and probable ultimate water utilization, estimates of present and probable ultimate supplemental water requirements, and preliminary plans and cost estimates for water development works. Very truly yours, C. A. Griffith Chairman (9) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Valuable assistance and data used in the investigation were contributed by agencies of the Federal Government, cities, counties, public districts, and by pri- vate companies and individuals. Tins cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. Special mention is also made of the helpful cooperation of the Boards of Super- visors (if the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, the Sutter County Water Council, the Yuba County Water Development Association, the Yuba County Farm Advisor, tin' California Water Service ( !ompany, and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. I 10 . ORGANIZATION STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD C. A. GRIFFITH, Chairman, Azusa H. F. COZZENS, Salinas R. V. MEIKLE, Turlock B. A. ETCHEVERRY, Berkeley ROYAL MILLER, Sacramento CLAIR A. HILL, Redding PHIL D. SWING, San Diego A. D. EDMONSTON, State Engineer Secretary and Engineer SAM R. LEEDOM, Administrative Assistant (11) ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES F. B. DURKEE Director of Public Works A. D. EDMONSTON .. State Engineer T. B. WADDELL Assistant State Engineer This bulletin was prepared under the direction of W. L. BERRY Principal Hydraulic Engineer by J. M. HALEY Supervising Hydraulic Engineer and R. R. REYNOLDS Associate Hydraulic Engineer F. E. BLANKENBURG Assistant Civil Engineer J. W. McPARTLAND .... Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Principal Assistants F. Z. PIRKEY Senior Hydraulic Engineer R. T. BEAN Associate Engineering Geologist M. G. FAIRCHILD Associate Hydraulic Engineer J. H. JAQUITH Assistant Hydraulic Engineer D. W. SABISTON Assistant Hydraulic Engineer T. P. WOOTTON Assistant Hydraulic Engineer L. R. MITCHELL Junior Civil Engineer JOHN L. JAMES Senior Delineator W. F. GARDELLA Senior Delineator This report was reviewed by a staff committee composed of H. O. BANKS Principal Hydraulic Engineer I. M. INGERSON Supervising Hydraulic Engineer E. C. MARLIAVE Supervising Engineering Geologist FRANK ADAMS and PAUL A. EWING, Editorial Consultants HENRY HOLSINGER, Principal Attorney T. R. MERRYWEATHER, Administrative Officer ( 12 ) CHAPTER I NTRODUCTION In common with many other parts of California, the area under this investigation has recently experienced an increase in water utilization, and as a result is con- fronted with a need for more complete conservation of its water resources. An accelerated increase in ground water use in recent years, combined with pro- gressive lowering- of pumping levels and deterioration in quality of water at a number of wells, has brought about local concern regarding' the adequacy of the ground water resources of Sutter and Yuba Counties. AUTHORIZATION FOR INVESTIGATION In consideration of the adverse ground water situa- tion in Sutter and Yuba Counties, members of the Sutter County Water Council and the Yuba County Water Development Committee appeared before the State Water Resources Board at Sacramento on August 1, 1947, and proposed a state-county coopera- tive survey of ground water supplies of valley floor lands of the two counties. The Board referred the re- quest to the State Engineer for preliminary examina- tion and report on the need for such an investigation, and an estimate of its scope, duration, and cost. The State Water Resources Board on September 5, 1947, approved a recommendation by the State Engi- neer, based on findings of the preliminary examination, for a two-year cooperative investigation, and author- ized negotiation of an agreement with local agencies. The agreement, between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, and the State Department of Public Works acting through the agency of the State Engineer, was executed on October 7, 1947. It provided that the work under the agreement "shall consist of investigation and report on the underground water supply of the valley floor lands in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the problems involved." This agree- ment authorized the provision of funds to meet the costs of investigation for one year. A supplemental agreement executed by the same parties on December 3, 1948, authorized funds to complete the investigation and report. Funds to meet the costs of the investigation and report to the extent of $40,000 were provided as fol- lows : State of California ( State Water Resources Board), $20,000;; County of gutter, $10,000; and County of Yuba, $10,000. Additional funds have been expended in investigation of the Sutter-Yuba Area by the State Water Resources Board in connection with the current State-wide Water Resources Investigation, certain results of which have been used in connection with the Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation. Copies of the two agreements between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, and the Department of Public Works, are in- cluded in Appendix A. RELATED INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS The following reports of prior investigations, con- taining information pertinent to evaluation of ground water problems in Sutter and Yuba Counties, were re- viewed in connection with the current investigation : "Soil Survey of the Marysville Area, California, 1909." by A. T. Strahorn, W. W. Mackie, L. C. Holmes, H. L. Westover, and Cornelius Van Duyne. Bureau of Soils, United States Department of Agriculture. October 25, 1911. "Geology and Ground Water Resources of the Sacramento Valley, California," by Kirk Bryan. United States Geological Survey. Water-Supply Paper 495. 1923. "Preliminary Report on the Proposed Sutter Irrigation Dis- trict," by Milo B. Williams, Consulting Engineer. Type- written. March 12, 1931. "Report on Ground Water Conditions in the Proposed Sutter Irrigation District," by S. T. Harding, Consulting Engineer. Unpublished. November, 1931. "Sacramento River Basin," Bulletin No. 26, Division of Water Resources. California State Department, of Public Works. 1931. "Memorandum on Ground Water Conditions in Area of Pro- posed Sutter Irrigation District During 1932," by S. T. Harding. Consulting Engineer. Unpublished. February, 1933. "Sacramento Valley Water Investigations — Agricultural Aspects," Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. Mimeographed. March, 1944. "Salt-Balance Conditions of Reclamation District No. 1500 in Sutter Basin for the Year Ending December 31, 1946," by L. V. Wilcox. Mimeographed. June, 1947. "Salt-Balance Conditions of Reclamation District No. 1500 in Sutter Basin for the Year Ending December 31, 1947," by L. V. Wilcox. Mimeographed. April, 1948. "Water Resources of California," Bulletin No. 1, California State Water Resources Board. 1951. The Division of Water Resources is presently con- ducting surveys and studies for the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, authorized by Chapter 1541, Statutes of 1947. This investigation, under direction of the State Water Resources Board, has as its objective the formulation of The California Water Plan for full conservation, control, and utilization of the State's water resources to meet present and future water needs for all beneficial purposes and uses in all parts of the State insofar as practicable. Surveys and studies are also being conducted by the Division of Water Re- sources for the Survey of Mountainous Areas, author- ized by Chapter 30, Statutes of 1947. This investiga- tion, which is coordinated with the state-wide invest i- (13) 1 1 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION gation, lias as its primary objective the determination of probable ultimate water requirements of certain (•(unities of the Sierra Nevada, and the formulation of plans For projects which will meet those requirements. Results of both of the foregoing investigations will have direct bearing on solutions to the water problems of the Sutter-Yuba Area, particularly with regard to plans to meet supplemental water requirements of the area under ultimate conditions of cultural develop- ment. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT It lias been stated that under provisions of the au- thorizing agreements the general objectives of the Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation included investi- gation and study of the underground water supply of valley floor lands in the investigational area, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the water prob- lems involved. In attaining these objectives it was necessary that the scope of the investigation include full consideration of surface as well as ground water supplies, and that it involve determination of present and ultimate water utilization and supplemental water requirements. Field work in the investigational area, and office studies, as authorized by the initial and supplemental cooperative agreements, commenced in October, 1947, and continued into 1952. In the course of the investigation, available precipi- tation and stream flow records were collected and com- piled in order to evaluate water supplies available to the investigational area. Five new stream gaging stations were installed and maintained to supplement the available hydrographic data. These stations Avere on Pleasant Grove Creek at Lincoln Road, Auburn Ravine al Highway 99E, Coon Creek at Highway 99E, Dry Creek near Waldo, and South Honcut Creek at La Porte Road. In order to determine ground water storage capacity and yield, geologic features of the ground water basin underlying the investigational area were investigated and reported on by the Ground "Water Branch of the United States Geological Survey, under terms of a cooperative agreement with the Department of Public Works. This survey included the collection and study of about TOO well logs throughout the area. The report of the Geological Survey is included as Appendix B. The effects of draft on and replenishment of the ground water basin were determined by measurements of static ground water levels made at about 850 wells during each spring and fall of the period of investiga- tion. These wells were chosen to form a comprehensive measuring grid Over the entire area. In addition, measurements to determine monthly fluctuations of water levels were made at approximately 90 control wells. Present land use in the investigational area was determined by a complete survey of all culture on valley floor lands. This survey was conducted in 1948, and checked in 1949 to determine changes. The total area surveyed was about 327,000 acres. The cultural survey data were used in conjunction with available data on unit water use to determine total present water utilization in the investigational area. In order to determine future water utilization, all valley floor lands were classified with regard to their suitability for irrigated agriculture. This involved col- lection, field cheeking, and re-evaluation of land classi- fication data from the United States Bureau of Recla- mation, supplemented by data from field surveys con- ducted by the Division of AVater Resources. Current irrigation practices in the investigational area were surveyed in order to determine unit applica- tion of water to important crops on lands of various soil types. During the 1948 irrigation season records of application of water were collected at 35 plots, and dur- ing the following season at 21 plots. The data collected included records of pump discharge, acreage served, crops irrigated, number and period of irrigations, and amount of water applied. Studies were made of the mineral quality of surface and ground waters, in order to evaluate their suit- ability for irrigation use, and to determine the cause of degradation in their mineral quality during recent years. Data used in these studies included some 200 partial and 38 complete mineral analyses of ground water from wells. In addition, a large number of anal- yses of surface water supplies, covering the period since 1943, were collected and studied. Field reconnaissance surveys, including geologic ex- aminations, were made to locate and evaluate possible dam and reservoir sites for conservation of surface runoff. Reconnaissance surveys were also made of pos- sible routes for conveyance of water to areas of use. Results of the Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation are presented in this report in the four ensuing chap- ters. Chapter II, "Water Supply," contains evalua- tions of precipitation, surface and subsurface inflow and outflow, and imports of water. It also includes results of investigation and study of the ground water basin, and contains data regarding mineral quality of surface and ground waters. Chapter III, "Water Utili- zation and Supplemental Requirements." includes data and estimates of present and probable ultimate land use and water utilization, and contains estimates of present and probable ultimate supplemental water re- quirements. It also includes available data on demands for water with respect to rates, times, and places of delivery. Chapter IV, "Plans for Water Develop- ment," describes preliminary plans for conservation and ut ilizat ion of available water supplies to meet sup- plemental water requirements, including operation and yield studies, design considerations and criteria, and INTRODUCTION 15 cost estimates. Chapter V, "Conclusions and Recom- mendations," includes conclusions and recommenda- tions resulting' from the investigation and studies. AREA UNDER INVESTIGATION The area under investigation comprises those por- tions of the 'valley floor of Sutter and Yuba Counties which are in whole or in part served by ground water, and has been designated the "Sutter- Yuba Area." It includes the portions of Sutter County situated easl of Feather River, Sutter By-pass, and a north-south line through the center of Sutter Buttes. It includes the portion of Yuba County lying on the Sacramento Val- ley floor from Feather River on the west to a line mark- ing the approximate limit of the ground water service area near the base of the foothills on the east. The Sutter- Yuba Area is situated on the easl side of the central portion of the Sacramento Valley, and its southern boundary is about 10 miles north of the City of Sacramento. The area extends north and south for a distance of about 39 miles, varying in width from about 6 to about 19 miles. Its location is indicated on Plate 1, "Location of Sutter-Yuba Area," and the area is shown in greater detail on Plate 2, entitled "Hydrologic Zones and Organized Water Agencies, 1952." In order to facilitate reference to its several parts, the Sutter- Yuba Area was divided into four principal zones, based on geographical considerations and on respective types of water service and sources of water supply. These were designated "West Side Zone," "Northeast Zone," "Easl Central Zone," and "South Side Zone," and are shown on Plate 2. The West Side Zone embraces the area between the Butte-Sutter county line and Nicolaus, and west of Feather River. The Northeast Zone consists of lands between Honcut Creek and Yuba River, and east of Feather River. Sim- ilarly, the East Central Zone consists of lands between the Yuba and Bear Rivers, and east of Feather River. The South Side Zone comprises those lands lying between Bear River and the Sutter-Sacramento county line, and east of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers. As shown on Plate 2, the West Side Zone was further subdivided into the area generally devoted to orchards and served by ground water, herein designated the "Peach Bowl," and the remainder of the zone which is largely served by surface water. Drainage Basin The eastern portion of the Sutter- Yuba Area com- prises a gently rolling plain, which merges into nearly flat land over a large part of the central and western portions. The general ground surface slopes gently from east to west. Included valley floor lands lie below an elevation of about 100 feet. The Sutter Buttes, lo- cated in the northwest corner of the area, rise to 2,132 feet above sea level. All watersheds on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada that head between Donner and Fredonyer Passes are tributary to the Sutter- Yuba Area. Their combined drainage areas total about 5,600 square miles. In order of importance, the principal tributary stream systems are those of the Feather, Yuba, and Bear Rivers. Minor tributary streams include Honcut, Dry, Coon, and Pleasant Grove ('reeks, and Markham and Auburn Ravines. The extent of the various drainage basins is shown in the following tabulation: Area, in Drainage hash} square miles Feather River, above Oroville gaging station 3,611 Yuba River, above Smartville gaging station 1,194 Bear River, above gaging station near Wheatland 204 Minor streams, above valley floor, from Wyman Ravine to Pleasant Grove Creek 500 TOTAL 5.G00 The tributary watersheds are in a zone of relatively heavy precipitation, and their aggregate mean seasonal natural runoff during the 53-year period from 1894-95 to 1946-47 is estimated to have approximated 1,360 acre-feet per square mile. The Feather River traverses and roughly bisects the Sutter-Yuba Area from north to south, and joins the Sacramento River near Verona. The Yuba and Bear Rivers are tributary to the feather within this reach, as are Honcut Creek and Nigger Jack Slough. Reeds, Hutchinson, and Dry Creeks, drain the East Central Zone and are tributary to Bear River within the area. Coon and Pleasant Grove Creeks and Markham and Auburn Ravines drain into Sacramento River near Verona by way of the Cross Canal. Gilsizer Slough, which flows more or less parallel to the Feather River through the A\ 7 est Side Zone and into Sutter By-pass, and Nigger Jack Slough are important as natural sur- face drains. AVadsworth Canal and its tributaries, together with other minor channels, drain the portion of the West Side Zone outside the Peach Bowl, dis- charging into Sutter By-pass. Climate The climate of the Sutter-A r uba Area is characterized by dry summers with high daytime temperatures and warm nights, and wet winters with moderate tempera- tures. More than 80 percent of the precipitation occurs during the five-month period from November to March, inclusive. The growing season is long, the 40-year recorded average for Marysville, centrally located in the area, being 273 days between killing frosts. Tem- peratures at Marysville have ranged from 16° F. to 118° F., and the monthly average for the period from 1871 to 1948 ranges from 46.9° F. in January to 79.3° F. in July. Geology The geologic formations of the Sutter- Yuba Area include pre-Cretaceous metamorphic and igneous rocks it; SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION of tlie sierra Nevada block, which extends beneath the valley fill, overlain principally by TVrt iary sedimentary formations derived from these and other rocks which are exposed in the Sierra Nevada to the east. The sedi- mentary rucks are of both marine and continental origin and are frequently interbedded with tuff- breccias. Volcanic rocks are also represented in the area in and about the Sutter Buttes, which are ero- sional remnants of an extinct Pliocene volcano. Only the sedimentary rocks can be considered as being water-bearing to any appreciable degree. The principal aquifers are composed of continental sediments of Pleistocene and Recent age. These consist of as much as 100 feet of Pleistocene sands and gravels overlain by tip to 125 feet of Recenl alluvial fan, flood plain, and stream channel deposits. Soils SoiK of the Sutter-Yuba Area vary in their chemical and physical properties in accordance with differences in parent material, drainage, and age or degree of development since their deposition. The soils may be divided into two broad groups: I 1 ) those derived from recent alluvial depositions, and (2) those derived from old alluvial fans or terraces. The first group may be further divided into stream bottom soils and basin soils. Stream bottom soils occupy the flood plains imme- diately adjacent to stream channels generally through- out the area. They consist of unmodified to slightly modified alluvial deposits. These soils are highly pro- ductive and suited to a wide variety of crops, and have the highest agricultural value. Basin soils of the Sutter-Yuba Area occupy large flat basin-like areas in the southwest portion of the West Side Zone and western portion of the South Side Zone. These basin soils are derived largely from fine- grained depositions by flood flows, and have developed under | r drainage conditions. Those areas of basin soils that have been drained and protected by levees from flooding are suitable for production of rice and other shallow-rooted crops. Soils that have developed from old alluvial fans or terraces occupy most of the remainder of the Sutter- Yuba Area. These soils have undergone considerable physical and chemical change since their deposition and are entirely underlain by hardpan. They are re- stricted in their agricultural use by the depth of soil over the hardpan. and are only suited to the production of shallow rooted crops. Present Development Development of the eastern portion of the Sacra- mento Valley has centered in the Sutter-Yuba Area since the li ist settlements early in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. .Marysville became an important transportation center during the Gold Push period, being the head of river traffic to the mining areas. The Counties of Sutter and Yuba embrace a rich agricultural region, ami both irrigation and dvy farming are of major importance. The 1950 federal census showed that the population of Sutter County was 26,140, and that of Yuba County 24.240. The principal urban centers, Marysville and Yuba City, are situated only about two miles apart, near the confluence of the Yuba and Feather Kivers, and account for some 31 percent of the total popula- tion of the two counties. The 1950 census enumerated 7,856 persons in Yuba City, while 7,777 were counted in Marysville. Wheatland and Live Oak are the largest of a number of small communities, and the rural popu- lation is distributed generally throughout the area. Agricultural development in the Sutter- Yuba Area is said to have begun with the growing of grain abotit 1845 near the site of Captain John A. Sutter's Hock Farm, south of Yuba City. Early agriculture on the valley floor was stimulated by the influx of settlers during and after the gold rush, but for many years was largely restricted to the growing of dry-farmed grain crops and stock raising. By 1865, a large portion of the area was given over to the production of wheat. Irrigation developed slowly, but it is probable that the first lands on the east side of the Sacramento Valley to receive irrigation water were near the confluence of Honcut Creek and Feather River. Diminishing profits from grain farming, together with the development of more satisfactory pumping plants, gave impetus to the increase in irrigated acreage after 1910. The transition from dry farming to irrigated cropping has continued to this time. A survey conducted in 1949 as a part of the current investigation showed that irrigated lands in the Sutter- Yuba Area totaled about 149,000 acres, while approxi- mately 140.000 acres were dry-farmed or fallow. Prin- cipal irrigated crops, in order of acreage devoted to each crop, were deciduous orchard consisting largely of peaches, and rice, permanent pasture, beans, and alfalfa. Principal dry-farmed crops were barley and wheat. Industry in the Sutter - Yuba Area is supported largely by agricultural production. About 100 plants arc operated during the harvest seasons to can and dehydrate fruits and vegetables, and to dry fruits, nuts, rice, and seed crops. Packing houses for packing fresh fruits and melons, and cold storage and refrig- eration plants, have also been established. Several lumber reprocessing and molding plants near Marys- ville produce finished lumber and by-products. Sand and gravel works supply local demand for aggregates, while concrete pipe, generally used in irrigation dis- tribution systems, is manufactured locally. A large gold dredging field is situated near the edge of the valley floor at llammonton, south of Yuba River. Elec- tric energy is available from nearby hydroelectric installations. IXTHonrcTlnN 17 Water service agencies in the Sutter- Yuba Area are described in Chapter III. However, many public agencies have been organized in the area to deal with the problems of land reclamation and drainage. The provisions of California reclamation district laws have been used extensively to effect the unwatering of low lands and their protection from overflow. Active recla- mation districts in the area and data concerning them are listed in the following tabulation: Reclamation Year Gross urea of district organized County district, in acres No. 10 _ - 1913 Yuba 11.300 No. 777 _ - 1907 Sutter 12,500 No. 7S4 (Plumas Lake) __ 1908 Yuba 19,600 No. 803 (Rideout)— 1909 Sutter 2,000 No. SI 7 - 1910 Yuba 3,120 No. 823 (Marcuse)— 191] Sutter 2,800 No. Ktoo (Natomas) 1911 Sutter, Sacramento 55,100 No. 1001 (Natomas) 1!>11 Sutter, Placer 31,200 No. 2054 . _ 1021 Sutter, Butte 12.000 No. 2056 . 1921 Sutter, Butte 9,100 No. 2066 (Abbot! Lake)— 1924 Sutter 600 Portions of Sutter and Yuba Counties are within the boundaries of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Drain- age District, which comprises practically all swamp and overflow lands of both the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. This large district was formed in 1911. Two levee districts in Sutter County, organized during the period of early agricultural development, built levees to protect eastern Sutter Basin lands from floods and overflow of Feather River. These districts, Sutter County Levee District No. 1, organized in 1873, and Sutter County Levee District No. 2, organized in 1879, contain 44,000 and 17,500 acres, respectively. The Sutter By-pass, and levees of the Feather and Yuba Rivers, are parts of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project. The function of Sutter By-pass is to receive and convey excess flood waters of Sacramento River and Butte Basin through Sutter Basin. Areas included within the boundaries of the fore- going agencies, together with water service agencies in the Sutter-Yuba Area, are shown on Plate 2. CHAPTER II WATER SUPPLY The sources of water supply of the Sutter- Yuba Area are direct precipitation on overlying lands, tribu- tary surface and subsurface inflow, and imports by surface canals of water for irrigation. The water sup- ply of the area is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the general headings "Precipitation," "Runoff," "Imported and Exported Water." "Un- derground Hydrology," and "Quality of Water." The following terms are used as defined in connec- tion with the discussion of water supply in this report: Animal — This refers to the 1 2-month period from January 1st of a given year through December 31st of the same year, sometimes termed the "calendar year." Seasonal — This refers to any 12-month period other than the calendar year. Precipitation Season — This refers to the 12-month period from duly 1st of a given year through June 30th of the following year. Runoff Season — This refers to the 12-month period from October 1st of a given year through September 30th of the following year. Investigational Seasons — This is used in reference to the two runoff seasons of 1947-4S and 194S-49. dur- ing which most of the field work on the Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation was performed. Mean Period — This is used in reference to periods chosen to represent conditions of water supply and climate over a long period of years. Base Period — This is used in reference to periods chosen for detailed hydrologic analysis because pre- vailing conditions of water supply and climate were approximately equivalent to mean conditions, and because adequate data for such hydrologic analysis were available. In studies for the current State-wide Water Re- sources Investigation it was determined that the 50 years from 1897-98 to 1946-47, inclusive, constituted the most satisfactory period for estimating mean sea- sonal precipitation generally throughout California. Similarly, the 53-year period from 1894-95 to 194(5-47. inclusive, was selected for determining mean seasonal runoff. In studies for the Sutter- Yuba Area, conditions during these periods were considered representative of mean conditions of water supply and climate. Studies were made to select a base period for hydro- logic analysis of the Sutter-Yuba Area during which conditions of water supply and climate would approxi- mate mean conditions, and for which adequate data on inflow, outflow, and ground water levels would be available. Tt was determined that the nine-year period from 1939-40 to 1947-48, inclusive, was the mosl satis- factory in Hiis respect. Conditions during this chosen base period so closely approached conditions prevail- ing during tin 1 mean period that they were considered to be equivalent. For this reason, determined relation- sin ps between base period water supply and present and probable ultimate water utilization were assumed to be equivalent to corresponding relationships which might be expected under mean conditions of water supply and climate. PRECIPITATION The Sutter-Yuba Area lies within the southern fringe of storms which periodically sweep inland from the North Pacific during winter months. Although the rainfall resulting from these storms is moderate on the average, direct precipitation provides a substan- tial portion of the water supply of the area. Precipitation Station?: and Records Fifteen precipitation stations in or adjacent to the Sutter-Yuba Area have unbroken records of 10 years duration or longer. These stations are fairly well dis- tributed areally and their records were sufficient to provide an adequate pattern of precipitation. All of the records of precipitation have been published in bulletins of the United States Weather Bureau, with exception of the record obtained by the Sutter Basin Corporation for the station at Robbins. The Robbins record is included as Appendix C to this report. Loca- tions of the precipitation stations are shown on Plate 3, "Lines of Equal Mean Seasonal Precipitation," with map reference numbers corresponding to those utilized in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Wa- ter Resources of California." The stations and map reference numbers are listed in Table 1, together with elevations of the stations, periods and sources of rec- ord, and mean, maximum, and minimum seasonal pre- cipitation. In those instances where it was necessary, precipitation records were extended to cover the 50-year mean period by comparison with records of nearby stations having records covering this period. Precipitation Characteristics Because of the uniformity of the general precipita- tion pattern in the Sutter-Yuba Area, as indicated on Plate 3, and the central location of Marysville, pre- cipitation at Marysville was considered to be fairly representative of rainfall over the area. A record of precipitation at Marysville was available from a United States Weather Bureau station maintained since (19) 20 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 MEAN, MAXIMUM, AND MINIMUM SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SELECTED STATIONS IN OR NEAR SUTTER-YUBA AREA Map reference number Station Elevation, in feet Period ni record Source of record Mean seasonal precipitation, in inches Maximum and minimum seasonal precipitation Season Inches 5-76 5-73-. 5-82 .V74 5-70- 5-97. .VI (17 5-62 5-71 .Villi i .-, I .'I I 5-131 5-98. Biggs ( !ampton\ ille Chute < 'amp ( 'olgate ( !olusa Dobbins . Gridley. Marysville Nicolaus. - Oroville-- Palermo Bobbins Rocklin. Sacramento Wheatland '.IS 2,850 1 ,250 700 60 1 ,650 97 i,i 46 250 213 20 239 69 M IS'.t'.i I 1907-1951 1907-1940 1907-1951 L871-1 95 1 1904-1946 ISM I '.I.', I 1871-1951 1912-1951 1 SSI- 1951 1891-1914 1926-1951 IS7II-1951 1849-1951 1887-1945 I S\\ l( USWB USWB rsw b USWB USW'B rsw ii L7SW B USWB USWB USWB SBCo USWB USWB I S\\ It -•I 111 r.l 17 *54 . 71 *39 . 92 15 v.' ll ii.: 24.00 20.68 *18.32 27.27 *23.29 *16.81 23.14 16.37 *20.84 1913-1914 1911-1912 I9IIS-19II9 1923-1924 1937 I93S 1923-1924 1940-1941 1923-1924 1940-1941 1938-1939 1906-1907 1923-1924 1889-1890 1897-1898 1889-1890 1884-1885 1940-1941 1912-1913 1889-1890 1930-1931 1904-1905 1897-1898 1940-1941 1930-1931 1906-1907 1923-1924 1852-1853 1850-1851 1889-1890 1887-1888 21.20 12.29 ins :;u 30.13 78.17 23.87 18.51 31.65 6.78 64.28 20.13 47. (X) 12.34 38.91 8.15 32.46 7.07 19 64 14.71 32.77 10.94 31.93 9.51 38.63 10.42 36.35 4.71 33.69 11.07 • Estimated. SBCo — Sutter Basin Corporation. USWB United States Weather Bureau. 1S71-72. Recorded seasonal precipitation at this sta- tion is presented in Table 2 and shown on Plate 4. "Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Marysville, 1ST 1-72 Through 1950-51." Precipitation in the Sutter-Yuba Area consists al- most entirely of rainfall and snowfall is rare. It in- creases generally from wesl to east, as is shown on Plate 3, except on the Sutter Buttes where a sharp rise in elevation probably results in relatively heavy precipitation. Mean seasonal depth of precipitation ranges from about 18 inches along the western bound- ary of the area to about 23 inches at its extreme east- erly limit. At Nicolaus in the southern portion of the area mean seasonal precipitation is about 18 inches, whereas at Biggs, about eighl miles north of the area, it is approximately 21 inches. Precipitation varies over wide limits from season to season, ranging from less than 40 percent of the sea- sonal mean to nearly 200 percent. Maximum seasonal precipitation at Marysville occurred in 1889-90 when 38.91 inches of rain were recorded. Tn 1884-85, the minimum season at this station, precipitation was only 8.15 inches. Long-term trends in precipitation in the Sutter-Yuba Area are indicated on Plate 5, "Accumu- lated Departure Prom Mean Seasonal Precipitation at Marysville." More than 80 percent of the seasonal precipitation in the Sutter- Yuba Area occurs during the five months from November through March on the average, and the summers are dry. Mean monthly distribution of precipitation as recorded at Marysville is presented in Table 3. WATER SUPPLY 21 TABLE 2 RECORDED SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT MARYSVILLE 1871-72 THROUGH 1950-51 (In inches) Season Precipita- tion Season Precipita- tion Season Precipita- tion 1871-1872... 21.57 1899-1900 __ 28.07 1929-1930 _. 20.81 73 . - . 13.10 01 _. 24.02 31 .. 12.40 74... 27.74 02 _. 20.54 32 .. 17.35 03 __ 21.20 33 .. 12.64 1874-1875.. . 13.68 04 __ 22 . 50 34.. 14.10 76... 17.36 77... 12. 16 1904-1905 .. 26.50 1934-1935 .. 23.33 78--. 23.74 06 - . 27 . 76 36 . _ 22 . 79 79-.. 15.76 07 .. 32 . 25 37 .. 21.88 08 . . 16.91 38- 28.26 1879-1880... 18.93 09 __ 20.72 39 .. 9.76 81..- 17.43 82... 14.38 1909-1910 .. 19.48 1939-1940 .. 27 . 32 83. .. 15.25 11 .. 26.42 41 _. 33.28 84. __ 15.28 12 _. 1 1 . 76 42 _. 29.13 13 __ 13.76 43 .. 21.43 1884-1885. __ 8.15 14 __ 28.54 44 .. 20.02 86. __ 22.27 87. . . 12.86 1914-1915 _ 27 . 57 1(144-1945 .. 19.72 88.. . 14.28 16 .. 21.69 46 ._ 17.33 89..- 23.28 17 __ 16.17 47 - 15.21 18- 12.56 48- 1 7 . 60 1889-1890... 38.91 19 ._ 21.52 49 - 15.51 19.. . 15.72 92... 18.99 1919-1920 .. 12.90 1949-1950.. 16.96 93--. 22.93 21 __ 25.08 51 - 23.21 94. _ 10.27 22 ._ 23 21.02 22.20 Average for 9-year 1894-1895. __ 96... 26.83 19.61 24 .. 1 1 . 53 base period, 1939-40 through 1947-48: 97... 17.77 1924-1925 __ 25.82 22.31 98... 99... 12.74 16.53 26 . . 27 .. 28 .. 29 .. 21.26 26.59 17.28 14.04 Mean for 5 - y e a r period, 1897-98 through 1946-47: 20.68 Average for 80-y ea r period of record, 1871-72 through 1950-51: 1 9.82 TABLE 3 MEAN MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION AT MARYSVILLE Precipitation Month Precipitation Month In inches In percent of seasonal total In inches In percent of seasonal total July . _ August. September October November December 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.93 2.23 4.14 0.0 0.0 1.3 4.5 10.8 20.0 January February March... __ April . May. . June TOTALS 4.16 3.97 2.67 1.34 0.74 0.23 20.1 19.2 12.9 6.5 3.6 1.1 20.68 100.0 Quantity of Precipitation The mean seasonal quantity of precipitation in the Sutter-Yuba Area was estimated by plotting recorded or estimated mean seasonal depth of precipitation at stations in or near the area on a map. Lines of equal mean seasonal precipitation, or isohyets, were thru drawn, as are shown on Plate 3. By planimetering the areas between these isohyets, the weighted mean sea- sonal depth and total quantity of precipitation were estimated. In order to determine seasonal depth and quantity of precipitation during the base period and investiga- tional seasons, the foregoing estimates for the mean period were adjusted on the basis of recorded precipi- tation at Marysville. The results of the estimates are presented in Table 4, which also shows the precipita- tion index for the base period and each of the investi- gational seasons. The term "precipitation index" refers to the ratio of the amount of precipitation dur- ing a given season to the mean seasonal amount, and is expressed as a percentage. TABLE 4 ESTIMATED WEIGHTED SEASONAL DEPTH AND TOTAL QUANTITY OF PRECIPITATION ON SUTTER-YUBA AREA Precipita- tion index Precipitation Season Depth, in inches Quantity, in acre-feet 1947-48... 89 76 107 100 18.2 15.4 21.8 20.3 529,000 1948-49 448,000 Average for 9-year base period, 1939-40 through 1947-48 635,000 Mean for 50-year period, 1897-98 through 1946-47.. 592,000 RUNOFF Runoff from the highly productive watersheds of the Sierra Nevada constitutes the most important source of water supply available to the Sutter-Yuba Area. The Feather River, which traverses the area from north to south, is the principal tributary of the Sacramento River. The Feather River system, including the Yuba and Bear Rivers which join the Feather within the area, is largely unregulated and undeveloped and is a potential source of water to meet future requirements not only in the Sutter-Yuba Area but in water-deficient areas in other parts of California. Stream Gaging Stations and Records Available records of runoff of the principal streams of the Sutter- Yuba Area were sufficient in number, length, and reliability for purposes of required hydro- graphic studies. With respect to certain of the smaller streams, however, records of runoff were nonexistent or confined principally to measurements made during the investigational seasons. By comparison with records of nearby stations on major streams, adequate estimates were made of runoff of these smaller streams. SUTTEE YIT.A COUNTIES IX VESTIG ATK ).\ Talilc ."> lists those stream gaging stations pertinent to the hydrography of the Sutter-Yuba Area, together with their map reference numbers, drainage areas above stations where significant, and periods and sources of records. These stations are also shown on Plate 3. The map reference numbers for the firsl 11 stations listed correspond to those used iii State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resources of California." New map reference numbers were assigned to the remaining stations listed. The last five slat inns listed in Table ."> were installed, operated, and maintained as a part of the Sutter-Yuba Counties In- vestigal ion. Most of the runoff records listed in Table 5 have been published by the United States Geological Survey in its Water-Supply Papers or by the Division of Water Resources in its Reports of Sacramento- San Joaquin Water Supervision. The following records have not been published elsewhere and are included in Appendix 1) to this report : Coon Creek at Highway 99E -November, 1947— December, 1948 Auburn Ravine al Highway 99E — November, 1947— December, l'Jls Dry Crerk near Waldo— November, 1947-May, 1949 South Honcut Creek at La Porte Road — November, 1047- December, 1!I4S Runoff Characteristics An excellent cont innous record of flow of the Feather River at or near Oroville is available for the period since January, 1902, when a stream gaging station was established at Oroville by the United States Geo- logical Survey. The station was moved five miles up- stream in October, 1934, but without appreciable effect on characteristics of the record. Although this record does not provide an exact measure of flow of the Feather River into the Sutter-Yuba Area, it is the most important record of the Feather River system, and does reflect characteristics of tributary mountain run- off to the Sutter-Yuba Area. Flow of the Feather River to the valley floor is impaired by operation of Lake Almanor and several smaller upstream reservoirs, and by operation of hydroelectric power plants. An estimate of the natural runoff of the Feather River at Oroville. as it would be if unaltered by upstream diversion, storage, importation, and exportation, is included in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resources of California." This estimate, to- gether with recorded seasonal runoff of the Feather River at or near Oroville, is presented in Table 6. The TABLE 5 STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN OR NEAR SUTTER-YUBA AREA Map reference' number Stream Station Drainage area, in square miles Period of record Source of record nt i Iroville .- near Oroville . . 3,640 3,611 1902-1934 1934-1951 1944-1951 1921-1942 1943-195) 1944-1951 191 H951 1911-1951 1939-1951 1903-1911 1935-1951 1928-1951 L923 1951 1929-1951 1950-1951 en: 1951 19 17-1951 1947-1919 19 17-1949 USGS 5-191 -. USGS and DWR DWR 5 2 1 1 Feather River . USGS and DWR 5-234 DWR 5 194 Feather River DWR at Narrows Dam.... .. . . . . 1,110 USGS and DWR 5-233 USGS and DWR ■ 1,201 83.5 USGS 5-227 1 »eei < 'reek USCS and DWR - near Wheatland 1 Si IS and DWR Sutti i Butte < ' : 1 1 1 ,- 1 1 DWR SY-2 Wadsworth < anal DWR SY-3 1 2 . 5 :;i 6 82 . 5 69. 1 68.6 1>\\ 1! BY-4 ai Highwa; 99E DWR D\\ K SY-6 l>\\ 1! SY-7 _ DWR I'SGS United States Geological Survey. I>u l; Division (if Water Re DU WATER SUPPLY 23 estimate of natural flow is also shown graphically on Plate 6. "Estimated Seasonal Natural Runoff of Feather River at Oroville. " Estimates of natural flow of streams of the Feather River system indicate that average seasonal runoff dur- ing the nine-year base period approximated the sea- sonal mean during the 53-year period. For the Feather, Yuba, and Bear Rivers these estimates were obtained from State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1. Natural flow of minor streams, including those tribu- tary to the Sutter-Yuba Area but not in the Feather River system, were estimated during the current inves- tigation. The estimates of natural flow are presented in Table 7, together with runoff indices for the com- bined natural flow of the Feather River system. The term "runoff index" refers to the ratio of the amount of runoff during a given season to the mean seasonal amount, and is expressed as a percentage. Discharge of streams of the Sierra Nevada which are tributary to the Sutter-Yuba Area varies between wide limits from season to season, and within the sea- son. This is indicated by flow of the Feather River at TABLE 6 RECORDED SEASONAL AND ESTIMATED NATURAL SEASONAL RUNOFF OF FEATHER RIVER AT OROVILLE (In acre -feet) Season Recorded runoff at or near Oroville Estimated natural runoff at Oroville Season Recorded runoff at or near Oroville Estimated natural runoff at Oroville 1894 1895 7,093.000 7,786,000 5.440,000 2,304,000 2,872.000 6,788,000 6.281.000 4,048,000 4,555,000 9,451,000 4,606,000 6.833,000 9.504.000 3,651.000 7,527,000 4,651,000 7.136,000 2,276.000 2,785.000 6,928.000 5.422,000 6,156,000 4,637,000 2,684,000 3.621,000 2,231.000 5,940,000 5.040.000 3,112,000 1,317,000 1 924-1 925 2,780,000 2,870,000 5,000.000 3.650,000 2.010,000 3,590,000 1,490,000 2,810,000 1,640,000 1,840,000 3,864,000 4,079,000 2,821.000 8.175.000 1,773.000 5,275,000 6,116,000 6,258,000 5,296,000 2,622,000 3,412,000 3,996,000 2,273.000 3,368,000 2,495,000 3,465,000 .5,403,000 ear mean period , 3,114,000 1895-1896 L925-1926-. .. 1926-1927 . 3,126,000 1896-1897 ._ . 5,679,000 1897-1898 __-_.__ 1927-1928 ._ 4,142,000 1898-1899 1928-1929 . _ _ _ 1,910,000 1899-1900 1929-1930 . _ 3,984,000 1900-1901 1930-1931 1,485.000 1901-1902 ............... 1 932-1 933 1933-1934 3,351.000 1902-1903 . . ... ... . . 4,430,000 9,330,000 4,490.000 6,710.000 9,340,000 3,490,000 7,380,000 4,500,000 6,980,000 2,090,000 2,600,000 6,540,000 5.200,000 5.910,000 4,380,000 2,450,000 3,390.000 2,0.50,000 5,600.000 4,730,000 2,890,000 1.180,000 1,986,000 1903-1904 ._.___. 2,071,000 1904-1905 _ .. 1 934- 1935 1935-1936 1936-1937 4,253,000 1905-1906 .. 4,328,000 1906-1907 ...-....._._._ 3.175.000 1907-1908 . . 1937-1938 8,547,000 1908-1909 . . 1938 1939 1.912.000 1909-1910.. 1939-1940 5,672.000 1910-1911 ... 1940-1941 . 1941-1 942 ... 1942 1943 6,516,000 1911-1912.. 6,662,000 1912-1913. 5,638,000 1913-1914 . _ 1943-1944 2,830,000 1914-1915 1 944-1945 1945-1946 - -_- -- 1946-1947 3.767,000 1915-1916 4,185.000 1916-1917 2,579.000 1917-1918 .. 1 947-1948 1948-1949 3,401.000 1918-1919 2.590,000 1919-1920 1949-1950 3,837,000 1920-1921 1950-19 51 5.676,000 1921-1922 Mean seasonal natural runoff for 53-y 1946-47: 4,596,000 1922-1923. . 1894-95 through 1923-1924 TABLE 7 ESTIMATED SEASONAL NATURAL FLOW OF STREAMS OF THE FEATHER RIVER SYSTEM, 1939-40 THROUGH 1947-48 (In acre-feet) Season Runoff index Feather River at Oroville Yuba River at Smartville Bear River at Wheatland Minor streams Combined flow 1939-1640 124 142 145 123 62 82 91 56 74 100 100 5,672,000 6,516,000 6,662,000 5,638,000 2,830,000 3,767,000 4,185.000 2,579,000 3,401,000 4,583,000 4,596,000 2,860,000 3,209,000 3,407,000 3,133,000 1,395,000 2,112,000 2,401,000 1,365,000 1,510,000 2,377,000 2,415,000 406,000 I S3, OOO 502,000 464,000 191,000 289,000 323,000 170,000 216.000 339,000 356,000 293,000 339,000 355,000 328,000 141,000 211,000 239,000 131,000 156,000 244,000 248,000 9,231,000 1940-1941 10,547,000 1941-1942 10,926,000 1942-1943.. 9,563,000 1943-1944 4,557,000 1944-1945 6,379.000 1945-1946 7,148,000 1946-1947 4,245,000 1947-1948 5,283.000 Average for 9-year base period, 1939-40 through 1947-48-. Mean for 53-year period, 1894-95 through 1946-47 7,542,000 7,615,000 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION or near < >roville, where the iii;i\iniiini recorded seasonal runoff occurred in 1906-07 and amounted to more than 9,300.000 acre-feet. The minimum seasonal runoff re- corded a1 this station occurred in 1923-24 and was less than 1,200,000 acre-feet. Maximum recorded instan- taneous discharge was 230,000 second-feel on March 19, 1907, and the estimated minimum discharge was about 300 second-feet on November 9, 1931. Estimated mean monthly distribution of natural flow of the Feather River al Oroville is presented in Table 8. TABLE 8 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL FLOW OF FEATHER RIVER AT OROVILLE Month Runoff, in acre-feet Percent of sea si ins 1 total 101.000 188.000 290,000 423,000 556,000 722,000 873,000 744.000 368,000 152,000 101,000 78,000 2 2 4 1 6 3 9 2 12 1 March 15 7 19 May 16 2 s July 3 3 2 2 September 1 7 TOTALS. _ 1,596,000 100 Quantity of Runoff Available records of stream flow, including those obtained from measurements made in connection with I lie investigation, were sufficient to permit fairly re- liable determination of surface inflow to and surface outflow from the Sutter-Yuba Area during the nine- year base period and during the two seasons of the investigation. Surface inflow to the Sutter- Yuba Area from the Feather and Bear Rivers was directly measured at the stations near Gridley and near Wheatland, respec- tively. Inflow from Yuba River was determined by recorded flow at Sniartville until the season of 1940-41, after which season that station was discontinued and inflow was determined as the combined flow of Yuba River at Narrows Dam and Deer Creek near Smart- ville. For seasons when records of inflow from South Honcut Creek at La Porte Road and French Dry Creek near Browns Valley were not available, inflow was estimated by correlation with the combined flow' of Yuba River at Narrows Dam and Deer Creek near Smartville. Inflow to the area from Dry Creek near Waldo, Coon Creek at Highway 99E, Auburn Ravine at Highway 99E, and Pleasant Grove Creek at Lincoln Road, was estimated for seasons when records were not available by correlation with the flow of Bear River near Wheatland. Inflow to the area through the Sutter TABLE 9 MEASURED AND ESTIMATED SEASONAL SURFACE INFLOW TO AND OUTFLOW FROM SUTTER-YUBA AREA, 1939-40 THROUGH 1948-49 (In acre-feet) Season Average for 9-vear base Source L 939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 period, 1939-40 through 1947-48 Inflow Feathei Rivet Yuba River . Bear River Deer ( 'nil. South 1 toncut i ivi'k* French Dry freek 1 Dry Creek* Coon ( 'reek* Auburn Ravine* Pleasant < in, - 1 Snake Slough i 1,634,000 2,361.000 II 1 III Ml 125.000 IS. 000 39,000 35,000 71,000 9,000 19,000 i i 1,000 10,000 7,997,1 7,104,000 15,000 13,000 32.000 "..103.000 2,550.000 505.000 137.000 51 : 102,000 46.000 12 000 85 000 1 1 .000 19,000 L12 i 11,000 .".,581,000 2,778.000 516,000 162,000 57,000 108,000 IS, (100 43,000 SSI II III 12,000 55,000 13(1,00(1 12,000 4,326,000 2. 562.000 191,000 155,000 52,000 100.000 1 1 i ii ii i Hi nun 81,000 M i ii ii i IO,l 153.000 11,000 1,536,000 918,000 149,000 72,000 23,000 45,000 is nun 17.000 34,000 i m ii i 44,000 161,000 4,000 2,208,000 1,583.000 314.000 1 1 1 .000 35, i 67.000 .'SI 25.000 51.000 7.000 l'i nun 107.000 7.000 3,106,000 1,877,000 368 105,000 40,000 76,000 31,000 28.000 :,7.000 8.000 47,000 186.000 s, 1,724,000 924,000 151 mill 54,000 23.000 I I mm 16.000 15.000 30,000 4,000 39,000 163,000 1 000 2,7-51,000 1.503,000 208,000 52,000 25.000 48,000 21,000 19,000 38,000 5,000 38,000 136,000 5,000 1.742,000 1,063,000 197,000 50,000 29.000 35,000 18,000 36. 47,000 4,000 39,000 160,000 5.000 3,441,000 1,899,000 346,000 108.000 40,000 76,000 32,000 29,000 59.000 8,000 111 000 Sutter Butte Canalt Minoi I (rainai 147,000 8,000 mi U.S Outflow leather Br. I Wadsworth ('anal Drainage into Suttei B Pa - ... _ 8,806,000 9,827,000 119.000 18,000 35,000 9 5 90. 000 9.703.000 hi ., nun 19.000 37,000 8,069,000 7.268.000 72,000 17.000 34,000 3,055,000 3,326,000 93.000 1,652,000 5,026,000 106,000 7 18,000 5,937,000 5,999,000 102,000 10.000 25,000 3,191.000 2,784,000 67,000 4,849.000 4,737,000 53,000 3,425,000 3,234,000 62,000 6,239,000 6,197,000 90.000 9.000 Cross Canal 1 20,000 TOTALS , .1 1 000 9,999,000 9 864,000 7.391.000 ::. 119.000 5,157,000 6,136,000 2,851,000 4,790,000 3,296,000 6,316.000 * Partially estimated. t Estlms WATER SUPPLY 25 Butte Canal was estimated by adjusting measured di- versions from Feather River on the basis of acreages of crops served each season within and outside the area. Inflow to the area from .Snake Slough at Sanders Road during seasons of no record was estimated by correla- tion with flow in the Sutter Butte Canal. Inflow from minor unmeasured drainage areas was estimated by correlation with the How of Bear River near Wheat- land. Surface outflow from the Sutter-Yuba Area in Feather River and the Wadsworth Canal was directly measured during the nine-year base period and during the investigational seasons at the stations at Nicolaus and near Sutter, respectively. Estimates of the net amount of outflow as drainage to the Sutter By-pass were based on partial records of pumping to and from the by-pass at pumping plants operated by the Divi- sion of Water Resources. Outflow from the Cross ( 'anal was estimated by correlation with measured runoff of streams tributary to the canal, corrected for measured pumping diversions from the canal. Measured and estimated seasonal surface inflow to and outflow from the Sutter- Yuba Area during the base period and during 1948-49 are presented in Table 9. IMPORTED AND EXPORTED WATER Water is imported to the Sutter- Yuba Area through the Sutter Butte Canal system for irrigation of lands in that portion of the West Side Zone outside of the Peach Bowl. This water is diverted from the Feather River at a point about 14 miles upstream from the north boundary of the area, and is conveyed in unlined canals through a service area situated along the right bank of the Feather River both inside and outside the Sutter-Yuba Area, The estimated amount of the import was 160,000 acre-feet during the 1948-49 season, and the estimated seasonal average during the base period was 147,000 acre-feet. These estimates are shown in Table 9. For purposes of current studies the Sutter Butte Canal import was considered to be a part of surface inflow to the Sutter-Yuba Area. So far as was determined during the investigation, there is no record of export of water from the Sutter- Yuba Area. UNDERGROUND HYDROLOGY The Sutter- Yuba Area overlies a portion of the ground water basin of the Sacramento Valley, and water pumped from storage in the basin presently serves nearly two-thirds of the lands irrigated in the area. Percolation of rainfall, stream flow, and drainage from adjacent hills, and of the unconsumed portion of applied irrigation water, is the most important source of ground Avater replenishment. The term "free ground water," as used in this re- port, generally refers to a body of ground water not overlain by impervious materials and moving under control of the water table slope. "Confined ground water" refers to a body of ground water overlain by material sufficiently impervious to sever free hydraulic connection with overlying water, and moving under pressure caused by the difference in head between in- take and discharge areas of the confined water body. In areas of free ground water, the ground water basin provides regulatory storage to smooth out fluctuations in available water supplies, and changes in ground water storage are indicated by changes in ground water levels. Data and information collected during the Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation indicated that free ground water exists in present zones of pumping, al- though there may be some temporary or partial con- finement in certain depth zones. Study of historic fluctuation of the water table in the Sutter- Yuba Area, under varying conditions of draft and replenishment, permitted a determination of changes in ground water storage in the basin, and its safe yield of water under stated conditions. Underground hydrology is discussed in this section under the following headings: "Ground Water Geology," "Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity," "Ground Water Levels," "Change in Ground Water Storage," "Subsurface In- flow and Outflow," "Yield of Wells," "High Water Table Areas," and "Safe (i round Water Yield." Ground Water Geology Geologic features of the ground water basin under- lying the Sutter-Yuba Area were investigated by the Ground Water Branch of the United States Geological Survey, under terms of an agreement between that agency and the State Department of Public Works. Appendix B comprises a detailed report by the Geologi- cal Survey on ground water storage capacity, within given pumping lifts, and on geologic features of the Sutter-Yuba Area, with a general geologic map, four geologic cross-sections, and a map showing ground water storage units, prepared under the direction of Joseph F. Poland, District Geologist, by G. H. Davis and F. II. Olmsted. Portions of an abstract of the geologic report follow : "The Sutter-Yuba area occupies the east-central Sacramento Valley and part of the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The Sacramento Valley is a trough that has heen receiving sedi- ments from both sides since the middle part of Cretaceous time. Most of the sediments in the Sutter-Yuba area have been derived from the Sierra Nevada on the east, which is a block mountain range tilted about 11° westward. Evidence indicates that the block continues westward beneath the sediments of the valley trough. "The Sutter Buttes. erosional remnants of a Pliocene volcano, occupy a circular area about 10 miles in diameter near the center of the Sacramento Valley. "Rocks exposed in the Sutter-Yuba area range in age from pre- Cretaceous metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada block to Recent alluvium still undergoing deposition. The rocks may lie divided into two general categories: (1) the basement complex of the Sierra Nevada, which extends beneath the Sacra- mento Valley at depth, anil (2) the superjacent rocks; a sedi- mentary blanket of marine and continental deposits transported from the Sierra Nevada and deposited in the Great Valley trough. Deep Well and Turbine Pump Installation in Sutter-Yuba Area WATER SUPPLY 27 "The water-bearing deposits considered in Ibis reporl are in- cluded in the superjacent rocks, although weathered and fractured zones in the basement complex contain small quantities of ground water. The marine sediments of Cretaceous and Tertiary age are penetrated by water wells in only a few places in the Sutter-Yuba area. Where marine sediments are encountered they are generally impervious and contain water of poor chemical quality. "Volcanic activity in the Sierra Nevada during the Tertiary period produced tuff-breccia of mud-flow origin which are im- permeable and yield little water, but interbedded volcanic sands and gravels are moderately permeable and yield water to deep wells in the Marysville, Wheatland, Roseville, and Camp Beale districts. "Local volcanic activity at Sutter Buttes during the Pliocene epoch produced two principal groups of rocks: (1) intrusive rhyolite and andesite and vent tuffs of the central core; and (2) andesitic tuff-breccias that encircle the core. The core is hard and impervious, but sands and gravels interbedded with the tuff- breccias yield some water to wells in the Pennington and Sutter City district. "Following the close of volcanic activity in the- Sierra Nevada the streams deposited predominantly fine-grained sediments dur- ing the remainder of the Pliocene epoch. These old alluvial de- posits underlie the dissected uplands or 'red lands' along; the valley margin and extend westward beneath younger alluvial deposits. Poorly sorted alluvium composed of silt. clay, and ce- mented sand and gravel as much as 350 feet thick represent this time interval. Many wells penetrate thick sections of these ma- terials, but well yields are low to moderate. "Uplift of the Sierra block- at the beginning- of the Pleistocene epoch caused the deposition id' coarser materials. Alluvium of Pleistocene age as much as 100 feel thick underlies the low plains of the Sutter-Yuba area. These deposits are moderately permeable throughout and tongues of sand and gravel provide large sup- plies of water to irrigation wells. "Recent alluvium, defined as those materials undergoing depo- sition, falls into three general categories: (1) alluvial fans of the Sutter Buttes, (2) basin deposits, and t •". ) stream-channel deposits. Most of the alluvial-fan deposits of Sutter Buttes are poorly sorted and groundwater yields from them are low. Basin deposits consist of an accumulation of relatively impermeable clays and silts which have been laid down by overflow waters of the Sacramento and Feather Rivers. Generally these deposits produce little water. Stream-channel deposits of the major streams contain will sorted sands and gravels to depths of 125 feet. Well defined channels are found beneath the flood plains of the Feather. Yuba, and Rear Rivers. Wells penetrating these coarse deposits are highlj productive." Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity The term "specific yield." when used in connection with ground water, refers to the ratio of the volume of water a saturated soil will yield by gravity to its own volume, and is commonly expressed as a percent- age. Ground water storage capacity is estimated as the product of the specific yield and the volume of material in the depth intervals considered. In its investigation of the Sutter- Yuba ground water basin, the United States Geological Survey estimated specific yield of different depth zones after si tidy of some 700 well logs. The estimates were based on pre- viously determined characteristics of the various types of material classified in the well logs. Ground water storage capacity of the Sutter- Yuba Area was deter- mined by the Geological Survey for depth intervals from 20 to 50 feet, 50 to 100 feet, 100 to 200 feet, and for the entire interval from 20 to 200 feet below ground surface. However, in an area of saline ground water centered near the southern end of the AYest Side Zone, where storage capacity in the 100- to 200-foot depth interval was considered not usable tinder present con- ditions, the determination was limited to the 20- to 50-foot, and 50- to 100-foot depth intervals. Storage capacity of the ground water basin under- lying the Sutter-Yuba Area and the weighted average specific yield, as estimated by the United States Geo- Logical Survey, are shown in Table 10. TABLE 10 ESTIMATED SPECIFIC YIELD AND GROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY, SUTTER-YUBA AREA Depth interva , in feet from ground surface Weighted average specific yield. in percent Ground water storage capacity, in acre-feet 20 to 50 _ 50 to 100 7.-1 6.9 0.0 6.6 840,000 1 ,290,000 100 to 200 20 to 200 1,760,000 3.890,000 Ground Water Levels The first indication of a cone of depression in the water table in the Sutter-Yuba Area was found by Kirk Bryan and reported in 1913 in United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 495. At that time a small cone had developed along Gilsizer Slough southwest of Shanghai Bend. In 1931, in a "Report on Proposed Sutter Irrigation District," S. T. Harding described a study of ground water conditions in the eastern portion of Sutter County. A fully developed depression cone was found in the water table existing at that time. In discussing the growth of pumping draft in the Peach Bowl up to 1931, the author wrote: "Draft in 1920 was probably double that in 101.",, much of the orchards being young in 1020 less water would be used. From L920 there has been a continual increase in area and draft. Since 1924 the annual draft has probably varied more largely with variations in rainfall than of area. For the past five years there has been little new orchard planting and the existing orchards have been sufficiently mature to represent full draft. "These conclusions correspond generally with the ground water record. Some lowering occurred prior to 1920 but this was not sufficient to cause concern. Lowering appears to have attracted attention in 1924 and to have increased in below normal years since 1924 being particularly marked in the last 3 years." The Division of Water Resources has measured fall water levels at a series of control wells throughout the Sacramento Valley during most years from 1929 through 1940, and each year from 1947 to date. Forty of these control wells are in or adjacent to the Sutter- Yuba Area. The Sutter County Farm Adviser fur- nished data on water levels at 25 additional wells in the area which were measured several times annually from 1931 through 1941. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company has made frequent measurements since 1946 at approximately 25 wells in or adjacent to the Sutter- Yuba Area. This company also furnished records of 28 S I ITT B R-YUBA COT NT I ES I N V EST I ( i A T I < > X TABLE 11 MEASURED FALL DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT REPRESENTATIVE WELLS IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In feet) West Side Zone Northeast Zone East Central Zone South Side Zone Year \\ '11 number 17N/3E- 30F1 14N/3E- 3 PI 13N/31 1 H 12 16N/4E- 8A1 16N/4E- 27N1 14N/4E- 15C3 14N/4E- 28N1 13N/4E- 33R1 12N/4E- 33 L3 1929 4.7 3 . 3 6.2 :, 1 5.6 5 . 1 2s ; 32.4 33.8 32.4 33.4 34.1 28.4 26 . 2 20.4 24.0 33.8 34.2 36.0 39.1 32.0 1 5 . 4 15.6 15.4 15.2 16.3 10 . 7 13.4 11.8 1(1 s 8.2 14.8 14.2 1 ."> . 5 1 5 . 5 18.4 17.6 1 9 . ."> 19.2 19.6 19.8 18.1 17.8 15.7 16.8 18.1 21.0 22.1 23.6 23.0 10.4 7.8 10.8 15.4 14.9 15.4 14.7 10.0 10.5 10.4 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.0 9.2 10.9 13.1 13.4 15.5 14.6 20.7 20.1 20.8 20.1 20.5 20.5 22.7 24.8 19.0 15.4 1930- 16.0 1931. 16.4 1932 _ 12.7 [933 1 5 . (1 1934 16.3 1936 . ... . 9.7 14.8 11.1 14.3 23.2 24.3 28.2 29.7 33.1 12.5 1937 . . . 3.7 i; I 3.1 7.8 9.3 7.G 8.6 9.4 1938.. 8.9 1940.. 4.8 7.5 12.0 11.7 8.8 10.5 3.4 1947 1948.. . 1949 1950 1951 23.4 25.3 19.6 28.1 23.3 11.5 11.0 13.4 13.0 standing and operating water levels measured during pump tests, together with results of the tests. A complete series of measurements of static ground water levels at approximately 850 wells in the Sutter- Yuba Area was made in the spring and fall of each 3 ear during the period of investigation, beginning with the fall of 1 !)47 and continuing through 1951. The wells were chosen to form a comprehensive grid covering' the entire area. In addition, monthly measurements were made at approximately 90 control wells during the first half of 1948 and through 194!), in order to observe be- havior of the ground water table under conditions of drafl and recharge. Available records of depth to ground water at wells in or adjacent to the Sutter-Yuba Area are included as Appendix E to this report. Depths to ground water throughout the Sutter-Yuba Area, as measured each fall from 1947 through 1951, were plotted on maps and lines of equal depth drawn. are shown on Plates 7 to 11, inclusive, "Lines of Equal Depth to O round Water." Plate 12, "Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water, Kail 1949," was prepared from the data used for Plate 9, depths to ground water being subtracted from elevations of the measuring points above sea level to obtain elevations of the water table. Table 1 1 shows depths from the surface of the ground to the water table at selected representative wells in the several zones of the Sutter-Yuba Area during the fall of most years from 1929 through 1951. The measure- ments were made following the summer period of irri- gation pumping draft and prior to recovery in ground water storage resulting from winter rains. The wells are numbered in accordance with the system utilized by the United States Geological Survey, and described in Appendix B. Fluctuations in depth to ground water at a representative well in each zone of the Sutter- Yuba Area are depicted graphically on Plate 13, "Measured Fall Depths to Ground Water at Representative Wells." Prom study of all available well measurements, esti- mates were made of the approximate average depth to ground water in the Sutter- Yuba Area in the fall of each year from 1929 through 1951. These estimates, which constitute arithmetical averages of available measurements, are presented in Table 12 and are illus- trated graphically in Plate 14, entitled "Average Fall Depth to Ground Water." TABLE 12 ESTIMATED AVERAGE FALL DEPTH TO GROUND WATER IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In feet) Year Depth to ground water Year Depth to ground water 1929 1 5 . 9 id 1 17.7 16.6 17.(1 17.2 16.8 16.4 1 :, . 2 1 5 . 2 14.5 1940 12.3 1941 12.0 1930 1942 11.9 1931 1943 11.6 1 932 L945 13.1 1933 193 i 14.2 1 946 16.2 1935 1947 17.6 1936 1948. 18.3 1937 1949 19.8 1938 1950 1939 21.7 1951 21.8 WATER SUPPLY 29 It is indicated that a moderate lowering of the water table over the Sutter- Yuba Area occurred from 1929 until 1931, followed by a slight rise in 1932, and a lowering again in 1933. Although 1935 marked the end of a series of dry years, ground water levels rose in 1934 because of reduced pumping. The water table continued to rise during a generally wet series of years until 1943, and in that year the estimated average depth to ground water was the least during the entire period from 1929 through 1951. Since 1943, coinci- dental with dry years and expansion of irrigation, a continuous lowering of the water table has occurred, reaching its greatest average depth during the entire period in the fall of 1951. In order to estimate weighted average changes in ground water elevations in the Sutter- Yuba Area dur- ing the nine-year base period and each investigational season, maps were drawn showing lines of equal change in elevation during these periods. An example of these maps is presented as Plate 15, "Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Elevation from Pall of 1947 to Fall of 1951." By planimetering the areas between lines of equal change, the weighted average change in elevation of water levels was estimated for each zone of the Sutter- Yuba Area. The results of these estimates are presented in Table 13. TABLE 13 ESTIMATED WEIGHTED AVERAGE SEASONAL CHANGES IN FALL GROUND WATER ELEVATION IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In feet) Zone 1939-40 to 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 West Side Peach Bowl Outside Peach Bowl —0.7 + 0.1 + 0.1 —0.7 —0.6 —0.7 + 0.1 + 0.3 —1.2 —1.3 —1.5 — 2 Northeast _ — 1.0 — 2 3 South Side — 2 1 Change in Ground Water Storage In an area of free ground water, the volume of soil unwatered or resaturated over a period of time, when multiplied by the specific yield, measures the change in ground water storage during that time. Available data on fluctuations of water levels at wells in the Sutter- Yuba Area were sufficient to estimate the vol- ume of soil unwatered or resaturated during the base period, and during the two investigational seasons. Changes in ground water storage were estimated for each zone of the area by multiplying changes in elevation of ground water, presented in Table 13, by the area of each zone and by the average value of specific yield of 7.4 percent, found by the Geological Survey for the depth interval from 20 to 50 feet below ground surface. The results of these esti- mates are presented in Table 14. TABLE u ESTIMATED WEIGHTED AVERAGE SEASONAL CHANGES IN GROUND WATER STORAGE IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acre-feet) Zone Area, in ai'ii's 1939-40 to 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 West Side Peach Bowl _ Outside Peach BowL 61,400 62,370 42,800 77,870 82,460 —3,000 +500 + 300 —4,000 —4,000 —3,000 + 1,000 —7,000 —8,000 —7,000 —1,000 —3,000 East Central —13,000 —13,000 TOTALS 326,960 —10,200 —17,000 —37,000 It is indicated that an average seasonal net decrease in ground water storage in the Sutter- Yuba Area of about 10,000 acre-feet occurred during the nine-year base period, in which conditions of water supply and climate were approximately equivalent to condi- tions during the mean periods. The estimated net decrease in ground water storage during the two investigational seasons was approximately 17,000 acre-feet in 1947-48, and 37,000 acre-feet in 1948- 49. It may be noted that the decrease in storage was substantial in the Peach Bowl portion of the West Side Zone, and in the East Central and South Side Zones. In the high water table lands of the Sutter Butte Canal service area in the West Side Zone, and in the Northeast Zone, changes in ground water storage were of minor importance. Subsurface Inflow and Outflow Lines of equal elevation of ground water in the Sutter- Yuba Area in the fall of 1949 are shown on Plate 12. Slopes of the water table as defined by these ground water contours, together with information on the permeabilities of the various subsurface geologic formations, indicate that the greater portion of sub- surface inflow to the area probably came from the east, and a smaller amount from the north between Sutter Buttes and the eastern foothills. It is probable that about half of the subsurface inflow from the east entered from Placer County south of the historic Bear River flood plain, and that the other half moved across the investigational boundary from the east in Yuba 30 MTTKi; YI'llA Cor.VflES INVESTIGATION County, including the whole of the historic Bear River flood plain. The ground water gradients shown on Plate 1*2 indi- cate thai there was little subsurface outflow from the Sutter- Yuba Area during or immediately following t lie 1 949 season of heavy pumping draft. Sufficient data were not available to depict ground water contours in the area during the wet years from 1939 to 1943, when there was substantial ground water replenishment and when subsurface outflow may have been significant. Study of available data, however, does show that aver- age seasonal subsurface outflow from the Sutter-Yuba Area during the nine-year base period was probably small. The ground water contours shown on Plate 12 indi- cate tlie presence of a depression cone in the water table extending approximately north and south through the Peach Bowl during 1940. There was a general con- vergence of ground water around the perimeter of the depression and into the trough, showing that such ground water movement as may have occurred was inflow to the cone, rather than outflow. The northern and western portions of the West Side Zone, and adjacent areas outside of the Sutter-Yuba Area, are served with surface water supplies, and ground water levels have been fairly stable and close to the »round surface even in dry years. However, dur- ing dry years, ground water levels in the Peach Bowl have lowered as a result of increased pumping. These conditions have probably resulted in relatively greater subsurface inflow to the Peach Bowl during such dry years, owing to the steeper gradients existing in the water table. An indirect method was used to estimate the net effect of subsurface inflow to and outflow from the Sutter-Yuba Area. This involved evaluation of the difference between subsurface inflow and outflow as the item necessary to effect a balance between water supply and disposal. The sum of the items comprising the water supply of a given hydrologic unit or area must be equal to the sum of the items of water disposal. This is a statement of what is referred to as the "equa- tion of hydrologic equilibrium." In the case of the Sutter-Yuba Area, values for pertinent items other than the difference between subsurface inflow and out- flow, including surface inflow and outflow, precipita- tion, change in ground water storage, and consumptive use of water, were quantitatively measured or esti- mated. Determination of values for consumptive use of water is explained in Chapter III. Retention of sub- surface inflow, or the difference between subsurface inflow and outflow, was the remaining unknown quan- tity in the equation of hydrologic equilibrium. Table 15 sets forth this equation \'<>\' the Sutter Yuba Area. Certain of tic values in the equation of hydrologic equilibrium presented in Table 15 are of Large magni- tude as compared to the derived excess of subsurface inflow over' subsurface outflow. Small percentage errors in these larger quantities might introduce relatively large errors in the derived remainders. In this connec- tion, independent geologic analysis of the cross section of the perimeter of the Sutter-Yuba "round water basin, including consideration of the porosity of the aquifers, indicated that with existing slopes of the water table the derived values for net subsurface inflow might be excessive. However, study of disposal of water supplies in areas adjacent to the Sutter-Yuba Area tended to corroborate the derived values. TABLE 15 ESTIMATED EXCESS OF SEASONAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW OVER SUBSURFACE OUTFLOW IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acre-feet) Average for 9-year base [tern period 1939-40 through 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 WATER SUPPLY Precipitation 635,000 529,000 448,000 Surface inflow. _ 6,239,000 4,849.0(111 3,425,000 1 (eerease in ground water storage 10,000 17,000 37,000 TOTALS 6,884,000 5 395,000 3,910,000 w \ i i:r DISPOSAL Surface outflow. _ 6,316,000 4,790,000 3,296,000 Consumptive use of water 710,000 764,000 794,000 TOTALS 7,026,000 5,554,000 4,090,000 REMAINDER — EXCESS OF SUBSURFACE INFLOW OVER SUBSURFACE OUT- FLOW 142,000 159,000 180,000 Yield of Wells Yield of wells is an important factor in the use of ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area. In certain small portions of the area ground water is not utilized for irrigation because of inability to obtain wells of adequate capacity to meet the agricultural require- ments. On the other hand, throughout most of the area adequate agricultural wells can generally be obtained. Yield of wells in the Sutter- Yuba Area was analyzed by the United States Geological Survey, as reported in Appendix B, utilizing data obtained from well pump- ing tests made by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company during the period from 1933 through 1948. Results of the Geological Survey's analysis are summarized in Table Hi, which shows for each zone of the Sutter-Yuba Area the number of wells tested, and their average discharge, specific capacity, depth, and yield factor, 'fhe term "specific capacity" refers to the number of gallons of water per minute produced by a pumping well per font of drawdown. "Drawdown" refers to the lowering of the water level in a well caused by pump- ing; and is measured in feet. The "yield factor" reflects AVATER SUPPLY :;i the production of water per foot of depth of well, and is determined by multiplying the specific capacity by 100 and dividing by the depth of the well, in feet. TABLE 16 ESTIMATED AVERAGE YIELD OF WELLS IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA Zone Number of wells h-h-cl Average discharge, in gallons per minute Average specific capacity, in gallons per minute per foot of draw-down Average depth of wells, in feet Average yield factor West Side Peach Bowl 249 728 47 182 25.7 Outside Peach Bowl 48 878 54 320 16.8 Northeast 28 838 60 201 29.8 East Central 109 846 48 292 16.7 South Side 104 960 47 324 14.7 Insofar as may be determined from consideration of Table 16, it is indicated that the better wells of the Sutter-Yuba Area are located in the Peach Bowl and in the Northeast Zone. While wells of adequate capacity may generally be obtained throughout the remainder of the area, it is usually necessary to drill to greater- depths for equivalent yields. However, although not apparent from the foregoing data, it was determined during the investigation that in the southeastern por- tion of the East Central Zone there is an area of ap- proximately 3,400 acres of irrigable land upon which efforts to obtain wells of sufficient capacity to support irrigation demands have been unsuccessful. High Water Table Areas Under about 8,000 acres in the Northeast Zone, ground water was less than 10 feet from the ground sur- face continuously from November, 1947, through 1951, as was also the case under about 23,000 acres in the West Side Zone north of the East and West Intercept- ing Canals. Under about 1,000 acres of such lands in the Northeast Zone, and 4,500 acres in the West Side Zone, depth to the water table ranged from to 5 feet from the ground surface. The foregoing high water table lands were entirely irrigated by surface waters. It was indicated that the perennially high water table was largely caused by heavy applications of the abundant surface water sup- ply to crops of rice and permanent pasture. The geo- logic investigations showed that the lands overlie good water-bearing formations which are capable of being developed by wells of relatively high yield, and that increase in use of ground water would probably result in lowering of ground water levels. Studies indicated that the high water table lands would be suitable for a much wider range of crops than at present, if ground water levels were held at greater depths, and that an existing drainage problem would be eliminated. Furthermore, it is probable that con- sumptive use of water on these lands, as evidenced by heavy growth of native vegetation, is substantially in excess of such use on similar nearby lands where ground water levels are lower. The term ' ' consumptive use of water," as used in this report, refers to water consumed by vegetative growth in transpiration and building of plant tissue, and to water evaporated from adjacent soil, from water surfaces, and from foliage. It also refers to water similarly consumed and evapor- ated by urban and nonvegetative types of culture. Safe Ground Wafer Yield The term "safe ground water yield" refers to the maximum rate of extraction of water from a ground water body which, if continued over an indefinitely long period of years, will result in the maintenance of certain desirable fixed conditions. Commonly, safe ground water yield is determined by one or more of the following criteria : 1. Mean seasonal extraction of water from the ground water body does not exceed mean seasonal re- plenishment to the body. 2. Water levels are not so lowered as to cause harm- ful impairment of the quality of the ground water by intrusion of other water of undesirable quality, or by accumulation and concentration of degradants or pol- lutants. 3. Water levels are not so lowered as to imperil the economy of ground water users by excessive costs of pumping from the ground water body. Safe ground water yield, as derived in this report, was measured by net extraction of water from the Sutter- Yuba ground water basin, as differentiated from total pumpage from the basin. Since the Sutter- Yuba Area overlies a free ground water body, the un- consumed portion of total pumpage may return to the ground water body and become available for re-use. The net rate of extraction, therefore, was considered to be only that portion of total pumpage from the ground water basin which was consumptively used. Under natural conditions, ground water is expended by consumptive use from seep lands and from lands where the water table is close to the ground surface, by effluent stream flow, and by subsurface outflow. Arti- ficial development and utilization of ground water salvages all or a portion of such natural disposal, by lowering ground water levels. This, in turn, affords opportunity for additional replenishment of ground water. 32 S i TTEK-Y IT. A COT XT I ES I N Y EST I ( i A T I < > N Willi the present general patterns of water utiliza- tion in tin' Sutter-Yuba Area, the extraction of water from tlie ground water basin might be increased. Such increase in draft would undoubtedly be accompanied In recession of ground water levels in areas of pump- ing. However, this lowering of the water table would induce increased subsurface inflow to the areas of pumping and reduce natural disposal of the ground water, the probable effects of which would be to in- crease replenishment in an amount approximately equal to the increase in draft. This would probably hold true even in a series of dry years because of the continuous availability of large amounts of ground water in adjacent areas, maintained by percolation from relatively large surface water supplies. For this reason, i he first of the foregoing criteria for determina- tion of safe yield was not considered to be applicable in the Sutter- Yuba Area. Because of expressed local concern over recent progressive lowering of pumping levels and deteriora- tion in mineral quality of the ground water, the second and third of the foregoing criteria for determination of safe ground water yield were adopted as applicable to the Sutter-Yuba Area. It was therefore arbitrarily as- sumed that seasonal net extraction of ground water in l!>4S-49, with ground water levels prevailing at that time, defined the desirable limit beyond which net ex- traction should not be increased at the expense of further lowering of ground water levels. As previously stated, consumptive use of ground water was considered to be equal to net extraction of water from the Sutter- Yuba ground water basin. An est i mate of average seasonal consumptive use of ground water in the area during the nine-year base period is presented and explained in Chapter III. After cor- rection for average seasonal change in ground water storage, this value was considered to represent average seasonal replenishment of the ground water basin dur- ing the base period. When further corrected for the in- crease in replenishment during 1948-49, over and above the base period average, as measured by increase in subsurface inflow, the value was considered to be equal to safe seasonal ground water yield. The estimate of safe seasonal ground water yield is presented in Table 1 7. Certain of the items included in the estimate of safe ground water yield are based on the assumption that present practice of irrigation by surface water sup- plies in and adjacent to the Sul ter-Yuha Area will con- tinue indefinitely. Under such circumstances adjacent ground water basins will remain the sources of suffi- cient subsurface inflow to areas of ground water pump- ing in the Sutter-Yuba Area to meet increases iii pump- ing draft. While there is no assurance that surface irrigation practices will continue indefinitely as at present, there is reason t<> believe that any changes will TABLE 17 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL GROUND WATER YIELD IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA I tem Average seasonal consumptive use of ground water for 9-year base period, 1939-40 through 1947-48 Average seasonal decrement in ground water storage for base period Vverage ■.riiMiual replenishment "I g nd water basin for base period Increase in replenishment in 1948-49 over base period seasonal average SAFE SEASONAL GROUND WATER YIELD Acre-feet 158,100 10,000 148,100 38,000 186,100 not be of material significance to the estimated yield for many years in the future. The foregoing estimate of safe seasonal ground wa- ter yield may be considered to represent the net sea- sonal extraction from the ground water basin that might be maintained without permanent lowering of the water table and degradation of mineral quality of the ground water beyond conditions prevailing in 1948-49. Having so chosen the determining criteria, estimated safe seasonal ground water yield may be considered to be a property of the ground water basin, not affected by changes in irrigation efficiency, pat- terns, or practices. QUALITY OF WATER The surface water supplies of the Sutter- Yuba Area are of excellent mineral quality and well suited from that standpoint for irrigation and other beneficial uses. With respect to ground water supplies, however, salin- ity sufficient to impair use of the ground water for irri- gation, domestic, and many industrial uses has been observed at scattered wells throughout the area for many years. In the Peach Bowl, in the adjacent south- ern portion of the West Side Zone, and in the western portion of the South Side Zone this salinity of ground water has been general. The principal objectives of the water quality investigation, therefore, were to eval- uate these conditions and to determine the extent of the area presently affected and the source of the saline ground waters. It is desirable to define certain terms commonly used in connection with discussion of quality of water: Contamination — This refers to impairment of the quality of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which creates a hazard to public health through poisoning or spread of disease. Degradation This refers to any impairment in the quality of water due to causes other than disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. WATKIJ SCIM'LY :;:; Pollution — Tli is refers to impairment of the quality of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which does not create a hazard to public health, but which adversely and unreasonably affects such water for beneficial uses. Quality of Water — This refers to those inherent characteristics of water affecting its suitability for beneficial uses. The term "mineral analysis" refers to the quantita- tive determination of inorganic impurities or dissolved mineral constituents in the water. The complete min- eral analysis included a determination of three cations, consisting of calcium, magnesium, and sodium; four anions, consisting of bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, and nitrate; total soluble salts; boron; and computa- tion of percent sodium. The partial analysis included determination of chlorides and total mineral solubles only. With the exception of boron, the concentrations of cations and anions in a water sample are expressed in this report in terms of "equivalents per million." This was done because ions combine with each other on an equivalent basis, rather than on basis of weight, and a chemical equivalent unit of measurement provides a bet- ter and more convenient expression of concentration. This is especially true when it is desired to compare the composition of waters having variable concen- tration of mineral solubles. In the case of boron, con- centrations are expressed on a weight basis of "parts per million" of water. In order to convert equivalents ; per million to parts per million, the concentration, ex- | pressed in equivalents per million, should be multiplied by the equivalent weight of the cation or the anion in ' question. Equivalent weights of the common cations and anions are presented in the following tabulation : Equivalent weight Cut ion Calcium _ 20.0 Magnesium 12.2 Sodium 23.0 Equivalent Anion weight Bicarbonate 61.0 Chloride .",."i.."> Fulphate _ 4S.0 Nitrate C.2.0 Data used to determine the quality of water in the Sutter- Yuba Area included complete mineral analyses of eight surface water samples and complete mineral analyses of water samples collected from 38 Avells. The data also included partial analyses of water samples collected from 226 wells during the 1048 irrigation season and partial analyses of samples collected from 296 wells during the 1049 irrigation season. ( Ither data used during the course of the investigation included well water analyses that were obtained from the Fed- eral Land Bank in Berkeley and the Rubidoux Lab- oratory of the United States Department of Agricul- ture at Riverside, California. Standards of Quality for Water 1 1 1 vest i gal ion and study of the quality of surface and ground waters of the Sutter- Yuba Area, as reported herein, were largely limited to consideration of mineral constituents of the waters, with particular reference to their suitability for irrigation use. However, it may be noted that, within the limits of the mineral analyses herein reported, a water which is determined to be suitable for irrigation may also be considered as being either generally suitable for municipal and domestic use, or susceptible to such treatment as will render it suitable for that purpose. The major criteria which were used as a guide to judgment in determining suitability of water for irri- gation use comprised the following : ( 1 ) chloride con- centration, (2) total soluble salts, (3) boron concentra- tion, and (4) percent sodium. 1. The chloride anion is usually the most trouble- some element in most irrigation waters. It is not con- sidered essential to plant growth, and excessive con- centrations will inhibit growth. 2. Total soluble salts furnishes an approximate indi- cation of the over-all mineral quality of water. It may be approximated by multiplying specific electrical con- ductance (Ec X 10 6 at 25° C.) by 0.7. The presence of excessive amounts of dissolved salts in irrigation water will result in reduced crop yields. 3. Crops are sensitive to boron concentration, but require a small amount (less than 0.1 per million) for growth. They will usually not tolerate more than 0.5 to 2 parts per million, depending on the crop in question. 4. Percent sodium reported in the analyses is the proportion of the sodium cation to the sum of all cat- ions, and is obtained by dividing sodium by the sum of calcium, magnesium, and sodium, all expressed in equivalents per million, and multiplying by 100. Water containing a high percent sodium has an adverse effect upon the physical structure of the soil by dispersing the soil colloids and making the soil "tight," thus retarding movement of water through the soil, retard- ing the leaching of salts, and making the soil difficult to work. The following excerpts from a paper by Dr. L. D. Doneen, of the Division of Irrigation of the University of California at Davis, may assist in interpreting water analyses from the standpoint of their suitability for irrigation : "Because of diverse climatological conditions, crops, and soils in California, it has not been possible to establish rigid limits for all conditions involved. Instead, irrigation waters are divided into three broad classes based upon work done al the University of California, and at the Rubidoux, and Regional Salinity labora- tories of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. "Class 1. Excellent to (iood — Regarded as safe and suitable for most plants under any condition of soil or climate. "Class 2. Good to Injurious — Regarded as possibly harmful for certain crops under certain conditions of soil or climate, par- ticularly in the higher ranges of this class. 2— G3095 :;i SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION "('1,'isn .".. Injurious lo I nsatisfactory^RegBU'ded as probably harmful to most crops and unsatisfactory for all bul the most tolerant. ''Tentative standards for irrigation waters have taken into account four factors or constituents, as listed below. Quality of Ground Water Class 1 Class .' ('hiss 3 creel lent good lo injurious to to good injurious unsatisfactory Factor Conductance I Ke 111' ,M ■2~< C.) Less than 1000 1000-3000 More than 3000 Boron, ppm Less than o..~p 0.5—2.0 More than 2.0 Percent sodium Less than 60 iin 7-~> .Mure than 7"> Chloride, epm Less than •"> -",!(► .More than 10 I End of quotation ) Quality of Surface Water Analyses of surface water samples, collected in March, 194!). from the Feather River and four of its tributaries, showed that at that time the waters in these streams were of excellent mineral quality and well suited for irrigation and other beneficial uses. The waters were characterized by a very low content of total mineral solubles, chloride, and boron, and by low per- cent sodium. The occurrence of excellent quality water in the Feather River is also indicated by analyses of water from that stream which are presented in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervision Reports of the Division of Water Resources dating from 1946. Analyses of drainage water samples collected from Sntter By-pass and Snake Slough indicated that both drainage waters contain higher concentrations of min- eral solubles than waters of Feather River and its 1 ribu- taries, bnt that they are well within the limits of Class 1 irrigation waters. Analyses of representative surface waters of the Sutter- Yuba Area, sampled in 194!), are presented in Table 18. Although in the course of the present investigation surveys were made of the mineral quality of ground water throughout the Sutter- Yuba Area, particular emphasis was placed on those areas where saline degra- dation has been general, and of a degree sufficient to limit beneficial use of the ground water. Results of the surveys are presented and discussed in this section under the headings "Area of Degraded Ground Water" and "Source of Ground Water Salinity." Area of Degraded Ground Water. Two compre- hensive surveys of the average mineral quality of ground water in the Sntter- Yuba Area were made dur- ing the irrigation seasons of 1948 and 11)49. Roth sur- veys involved the partial analysis of water samples col- lected from numerous wells to determine total mineral solubles and chlorides. Results of the two surveys are summarized in Table 1!), and show that in 1948 and 1949 the mineral quality of native ground water sup- plies was excellent or good in all zones of the Sutter- Yuba Area, except in that portion of the West Side Zone south of Oswald Road where abnormally high concentrations of chloride were found in many of the well water samples. The 1949 survey embraced a larger area than the 1948, and included lands smith and west of Sntter By-pass. Results of this extended survey showed that high chloride salinity of ground water also occurred locally near the town of Robbins, some seven miles westerly from Nicolaus. The foregoing present areas of comparatively high chloride salinity are shown on Rlate Id. "Lines of Equal Concentration of Chlorides in Ground Water, July 1949." It may be noted that the concentration of chlorides in the ground water decreased progressively with distance from both of the affected areas, in the TABtE 18 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF REPRESENTATIVE SURFACE WATERS OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA Date oi sample Conilmt- ance, EcX 10« at 25 I ' Boron, in ppm Mineral constituents in equivalents per million Percent sodium (':. Mg Na HCOs +co 3 CI S0 4 NOa Tritiut.ii Stream Feather River at Rednal Road - 3/15/49 99 0.0 0.39 II 17 0.27 0.91 0.0G . 09 Trace 24 3/14/49 3/15/49 92 0.0 ii 13 n n; 0.40 0.77 0.03 . 20 0.09 31 South IloTirut Creek at La Porte Road 124 0.0 0.13 . 02 0.36 1.08 0. 12 L5 Trace 26 1 reel neai W aldo 3/21 I'.i 164 0.0 0.71 ii.s:, 0. Hi 1.37 0.13 0.31 Trace 20 3/14/49 3/14/49 175 0.0 0.70 (1 . 93 0.36 1 .51 0.16 0.32 0.06 18 143 0.0 . 54 0.69 0.39 1 .01 0. 16 0.28 0.10 24 Drainage Waters 7/19/49 400 0.09 1 . I'.i 1 ,7'.i 1 . 35 3.94 0.52 0.21 I'rai-r 28 7/19 I'.i ::sn 1 I.I I'.I 1 . 29 1 . 80 1.80 3.88 0.38 0.08 Ti:ir, 26 WATER SUPPLY 35 TABLE 19 SUMMARY OF PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATERS IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA, SUMMERS OF 1948 AND 1949 Chlorides, in equivalents per million Conductance, Ee X 10' Zone Average Range at 25° C. 1948 1949 1948 1949 1948 1949 1948 1949 West Side 41 [29 4 31 21 2.3 159 2 14 G 1.5 5.13 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.84 0.10 0.73 0.7 1.0 0.3- 4.8 0.3-28.7 0.3- 1.1 0.3- 1.7 0.6- 4.8 0.3- 2.1 0.3-62.5 0.3- 1.1 0.3- 1.7 0.:)- 2.0 600 1,010 340 300 .500 730 South of Oswald Road.. 1,300 Northeast _ - East Central 280 210 South Side 380 West Side Zone south of Oswald Road and near the town of Robbins. It may be inferred from this condition that, when hydraulic conditions are favorable, saline ground water from these two areas may move laterally, thus causing degradation in the mineral quality of remaining fresh ground water resources of surround- ing areas. The areas delimited by the lines of equal chloride concentration on Plate l(i indicate that at the present time wells on approximately 4,500 acres of land in the West Side Zone south of Oswald Road yield water containing chlorides in amounts exceeding 10 equiva- lents per million, which amount is considered to be the upper limit for safe irrigation use. When such saline waters are used for irrigation, quantities of water exceeding normal crop demands are commonly applied in order to dilute the soil solution and leach accumu- lations of excess salts away from the root /one. Source of Ground Water Salinity. The presence of saline ground waters in and adjacent to the Sutter- Yuba Area has been observed to exist for many years, and was remarked upon in reports of salt balance studies conducted by the Division of Soil Management and Irrigation of the United States Department of Agriculture. These studies, which were made in cooper- ation with the Sutter Mutual Water Company during 1931, 1932, 1933, 1946, and 1947, showed "that the amount of dissolved solids in water drained from lands adjacent to and west of the southern portion of the Sutter-Yuba Area greatly exceeded the amount brought onto the lands in irrigation water. The salt output during- each of the five years, expressed as a proportion of the input, is reported to have ranged between 248 and 655 percent, and the average was about 407 percent. The opinion was expressed in a report on the fore- going 1947 salt balance study that the salt in the drainage waters was probably derived from saline waters underlying' the area. Preliminary studies made by the Division of AVater Resources similarly indicated that the chloride salinity in many of the wells was due to admixture of deep-seated brines with native fresh ground waters. There is evidence that such brines may underlie aquifers of good quality water throughout large areas of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Val- leys, and that they may have originated during past geologic time when the floor of the valley was inun- dated by the ocean. Such brines sometimes appear in water pumped from the deeper wells in the two valleys, or from areas wherein tin 1 fresh ground water levels are markedly lowered through overdraft. In many instances these relatively deep-seated brines are under considerable pressure and readily rise to the surface through defective, abandoned, or improperly con- structed wells. A case in point is a natural gas well located near the town of Robbins which yields water under artesian and/or gas pressure, at a rate of about 200 gallons a minute. The water from this well, No. 12N 2E-18, has a conductivity of about 8,600, a chlor- ide content of about 100 equivalents per million, and about 10.8 parts per million of boron. A geochemical study was made to determine whether salinity of ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was caused principally by a common degradant, and whether the foregoing deep-seated brines constituted that degradant. The study to identify the degradant was made on the basis of complete mineral analyses of water samples collected from 38 scattered wells lo- cated in the West Side Zone south of Oswald Road and in adjacent lands to the west. These water samples were first classified into eight groups according to the range in concentration of total anions. For purposes of the study it was considered that native fresh ground waters contained total anions in amounts less than about 7 equivalents per million, chlorides in amounts less than about 2.5 equivalents per million, and that degradation had occurred if these amounts were ex- 36 SUTTER- V I ' B A ( !OUNT I ES I N V EST I ( i A T I < >.\ ceeded. A discussion of the characteristics of each group follows : droup 1. This comprised unaltered normal ground water. Pour analyses were available for ( I roup 1 water, The wells which yielded this water were located within the present /one of high chloride concentration, and the samples were taken and analyses made in 1!KH and 1935 prior to recent degradation of ground water in the zone. The water had total anions ranging from 4.7:2 to )i.:!1 equivalents per million, and chlorides from 0.85 to 2.0(i equivalents per million. Its mineral quality was excellent. Group 2. This group comprised waters containing a trace of salinity. Total anions ranged from 8.95 to 10.68 equivalents per million, and chlorides from 5.45 to 6.:>!) equivalents per million. Four analyses repre- TABLE 20 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATERS IN AREA OF SALINE DEGRADATION IN AND ADJACENT TO SUTTER-YUBA AREA, GROUPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOTAL ANIONS Ground water group Well location or number Date of sample Conduct- ance, EcX 10« at 25° C. Boron, in ppm Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Ca Mg Na HCO., + CO, CI so 4 N03 Percent sodium NJ^ Sec. 9, T13N, R3E..._ »Y 2 Sec. 10, T14N, R3E ___ XF.14 Sec. 15, T14N, R3E . NWM Sec. 28, T14N, R3E. Average 11N/3E-2B1-- 13N/3E-3D1- 14N/3E-28R1- 14N/3E-33A2_ Average.. 13N/3E-2P3-. 13N/3E-5K1 13N/3E-10A1- 14N/3E-27E1- 14N/3E-29Q1- 14N/3E-34J1. \\ erage 13N/3E-2E1.--. 13N/3E-11D1_- 13N/3E-14G1. I3N/3E-23H1 13N/3E-24D1_._ 14N/3E-33A1.-- Average 13N/3E-5C1 13N/3E-11F1. 13N/3E-14J1- 1 i\ 3E-28G2 14N/3E-32F1 1 i\ 31 3B1 I3N/3E-2N1 :;\ 31 14R1 ;l -16R1 1 -32L1 \ 1 n 1 6K1 [] 23B1 14N/3E-31J1 14N/3E-31R1 14N/3E 321 2 1 ' . .1 2 1 A 1 Average. 3] ', Sec 2, T12N, R21 SWM Sei - 1 12N, R2E ». veragi 5/31/34 1/ 2/35 1/15/35 4/30/34 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /49 7/ /-lit 7/ /•!(» 8/ 3/49 7/ 9/41) 3 I 1 17 I S3 543 515 635 544 '.Ml 1,000 1.037 'MO 1,317 1,353 1,190 1,361 1,390 1,087 1,283 1,503 1,408 1 .307 1,408 1,460 1 .460 1,425 1,835 1,710 1.710 1.653 1 .640 1,709 2,162 1,802 1,870 2,062 2,059 2,550 3,390 2,425 2,552 2.776 2,701' 2,732 10,000 8,600 9,300 1.40 1.70 1.50 2.10 1.81 1.97 2.13 2.30 1 .51 1.43 1.54 1.91 3.30 4.25 3.70 4.20 1.33 0.85 1.47 2.06 0.09 Trace Trace 0.05 0.16 0.09 0.12 0.0 1.67 2.80 3.59 2.71 2.98 2.05 1.59 4.31 2.05 2.58 3.32 3.86 3.02 4.20 3.94 5.09 1.43 5 . 90 6.39 6.38 5.45 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.13 0.03 0.0 0.0 Trace 0.0 (I on 0.17 0.07 0.05 0.0 0.14 0.0 3.02 3.13 3.70 4.40 4.51 4.14 4 . 05 0.07 0.49 0.06 0.06 0.03 1.64 0.0 3.99 0.36 0.21 0.85 0.31 0.0 0.24 I 36 0.32 0.93 0.07 0.72 0.03 0.21 4.58 1.63 5.71 5.35 5.96 5.27 0.39 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.07 0.27 I .71 5.38 6.62 1 I . S3 7.28 7.36 7. 10 in 7s 0.39 11 60 in s 5.7 8.55 30.37 19.83 25.10 4.29 3.39 5 . 53 5.83 5.94 5.33 5.76 3.06 6.46 4.07 2.13 3.38 4.47 2.57 4.00 3.23 6.84 6.03 9.21 9.14 8.06 7.86 10,15 3.40 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.22 0.45 0.02 2.01 Trace 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trace Trace 0.10 5.31 3.05 7.34 6.85 6.73 2.15 6.99 3.85 8.75 1.96 3.44 2.92 9.05 2.82 4 . 54 3.78 4.17 6.20 4.98 3.90 5.11 7.97 11.11 9.34 7.49 10.23 11.68 9.44 0.14 0.03 0.81 0.71 0.17 0.03 0.09 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.52 6.00 4.51 8.18 6.92 7.36 I S6 6.70 9.40 4.87 4.51 4.77 4.52 3 . 52 3.26 4.12 5 . 2 1 4.35 9.88 14.08 13.04 12.78 10.95 12.37 0.31 0.03 0.28 0.43 0.37 0.03 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.59 2 . 98 6.31 6.68 8.25 10.09 6.05 13 Ml 6.02 6.89 7.27 5 . 75 4.09 3. 12 4.63 4.88 4.24 2.64 12.64 18.08 13.61 1 1. or, 17.42 17 26 0.23 0.03 0, 15 0.26 0.03 0.30 0.0 0.0 Trace 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 86 1 1 33 16.80 1 1 .08 1 1 . 09 9.30 I. 17 7.97 8,81 6.71 6.20 6.97 9.84 12.60 3.95 5 1 is 5.50 5.06 1 98 2.82 I 72 16.09 20. 12 29.04 19.26 20.44 23.52 22.94 0.15 0.05 0.34 0.26 0.12 0.04 2.01 Trace 0.0 Trace Trace 0.0 0.0 Trace 10.63 35 . 30 7 . 22 2 1 . 26 8 52 39.90 76.12 5S.01 1. I '.I 4.10 2.71 3.40 22.60 1 99.92 99 '.7 0.47 11.1 15 0.08 0.06 Trace 0.0 32 28 30 30 30 46 19 24 31 30 50 31 17 24 32 21 29 59 13 23 19 63 19 33 38 55 27 27 28 35 65 33 36 34 27 39 33 19 25 27 37 46 31 38 74 WATER SUPPLY 37 senting wells yielding Group 2 waters were available. These waters were classed as of good mineral quality and suitable for general irrigation use. Group 3. This group comprised slightly saline ground waters. Total anions ranged from 12. Ill to 13.40 equivalents per million, and chlorides ranged from 3.40 to 10.15 equivalents per million. Six analyses were available for wells yielding Group .'! waters. These waters were considered to be generally satisfactory for irrigation use. . Group i. This group comprised moderately saline ground waters, with total anions ranging from 14.32 to 15.38 equivalents per million, and chlorides ranging from 7.49 to 11.68 equivalents per million. Six analyses were available for wells yielding Group 4 waters. These waters were classed as usable with caution for general irrigation under most conditions. Group 5. This group comprised saline ground wa- ters with total anions ranging from 16.53 to 17.63 equiv- alents per million, and chlorides ranging from 10.95 to 14.08 equivalents per million. Five analyses were available for wells yielding Group 5 waters. These waters would normally be considered usable for irri- gation only after dilution with water of better mineral quality. Group 6. This group comprised saline ground waters having total anions ranging from 18.35 to 21. (ill equivalents per million, and chlorides ranging from 13.61 to 18.08 equivalents per million. Five analyses were available for wells yielding Group 6 water. This water was classed as unsuitable for irrigation use. Group 7. This group comprised highly saline ground waters, having total anions ranging from 25.54 to 'A4.88 equivalents, per million, and chlorides ranging from 19.26 to 29.04 equivalents per million. Analyses were available for six wells yielding Group 7 waters. These waters were not considered usable for irrigation or domestic purposes. Group 8. This group comprised briny ground waters. Group 8 waters were yielded in June 1949 by a reputedly shallow well, and in April 1930 and March 1947 by a nearly 1500-foot abandoned gas well, both located near Robbins to the west of the Sutter-Yuba Area. These waters had total anions in excess of 100 equivalents per million. Chlorides accounted for about 95 per cent or more of the anions. Results of complete mineral analyses of ground waters in the zone of degradation, segregated into the foregoing groups, are presented in Table 20. The character formula of a water expresses the per- cent of each cation and anion of mineral constituents of the water with respect to their total, and is useful in comparing mineral quality characteristics of several waters. In order to compare the groups of saline ground waters in and adjacent to the Sutter-Yuba Area, the average equivalents per million of each cation and anion in unaltered normal ground water, represented by Group 1, were first subtracted from corresponding average mineral constituents in ground water of each of the other groups, with exception of those of Group 8. The character formulae of waters of ( i roups 2 to 7 were then derived as determined by use of these remainders. Both the character formulae of these differences and the mineral constituents are shown in Table 21. They may be considered to represent the mineral character- ist ics of the ground water degradant as they were prior to alteration through mingling of the degradant with fresh ground water, but after being subjected to base exchange during movement of the degradant from its source. It may be noted that both the concentration and composition of waters in Group 8 were taken di- rectly from the average analysis presented in Table 20. This was done on the assumption that the brines of that group were not significantly diluted with fresh water. TABLE 21 AVERAGE MINERAL CHARACTER AND CONSTITUENTS OF SALINE GROUND WATERS IN AND ADJA- CENT TO SUTTER-YUBA AREA (Corrected for effects of dilution with unaltered normal ground water) Ground water Mineral constituents in equivalents per million and character formulae in percent Ca Mg Na HCOs CI SO, 2 3__- 4 5 6 -. 1.35 13.3% 2.32 14.0% 2.69 14.3% 2.91 12.2% 3.71 13.7% 6.88 15.4% 25.10 21.0% 2.24 22.2% 3.26 20.8% 3.47 18.4% 1 . 54 19.1% 4.81 15.6% 8.58 19.1% 21.26 10.0% 1.47 14.5% 2.26 14.4% 3.27 17.3% 4 . 46 18.7% 6.38 20.7% 6.93 15.5% 58.01 28.0% 0.20 2.0% 0.68 4.6% 0.66 3.5% 0.23 1.0% 0.09 0.3% 0.33 0.8% 3.40 1.7% 4.00 47.6% 6.54 44.6% 8.45 45.0% 11.21 48.1% 14.66 49.3% 21.17 48.2% 99.67 IS II', 0.04 0.4% 0.11 0.8% 0.28 1.5% 0.20 0.9% 0.12 7 8 0.4% 0.44 1.0% 0.06 0.3% Table 21 shows that, irrespective of variations in concentration, the character formula of the degradant in each of the ground water Groups 2 through 7 is strikingly similar to that of the brines comprising Group 8. This is especially true of the anions which are not subject to base exchange reactions. This similarity in composition, together with apparent absence of any other like degradant, indicates that degradation of the native ground waters is due to admixture of deep- seated brines of the type exemplified by Group 8. 38 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Although the chloride content of water from wells in (lie area of saline ground water is generally high, it is quite variable with respect to the depth of wells. Ex- amination of analyses of water Prom 33 wells of known depth in the West Side Zone south of Oswald Koad did not indicate any correlation between chloride eon- lent of the water and depth. The wells studied for this purpose ranged in depth from about 50 to 300 feet, and the average depth was of the order of 14.") feet. The lack of any significant correlation in this matter can- not be fully explained on the basis of data compiled during the course of the present investigation. How- ever, it is probable that the explanation may lie in pre- cise identification of the aquifers "which contribute water to the respective wells. For example, wells pump- ing from both fresh and saline aquifers would probably yield water containing lower concentrations of chlo- rides than wells pumping only from saline aquifers. In this connection it is noted that additional more detailed investigation of the quality of the water resources of the Sutter-Yuba Area is in progress under the provi- sions of Section 229 of the Water ('ode. This work is being conducted by the Division of Water Resources in connection with its assigned responsibilities for a state-wide survey of quality of surface and ground waters, the results of which will be published at a later date. Studies to date of saline ground water conditions in the Sutter-Yuba Area indicate that the brines of Group 8 may migrate upward into fresh water aquifers both through permeable zones in the alluvium and through unplugged test wells and abandoned, defective, or im- properly constructed water wells. Furthermore, when the water table is lowered by heavy irrigation pumping, it is probable that upward movement of the brines is accelerated. Possible subsequent lateral movement of the brines may be inferred from the observed progres- sive decrease in ground water chloride concentrations with distance from the two areas of high chloride salinity, in the West Side Zone south of Oswald Koad and near Robbins. CHAPTER III WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS The nature and extent of water utilization and requirements for supplemental water in the Sutter- Yuba Area, both at the present time and under prob- able conditions of ultimate development, are considered in this chapter. In connection with the discussion, the following terms are used as defined : W(it< >■ Utilization — Tins term refers to the sum of con- sumptive use of water and those irrecoverable losses of water incidental to its beneficial use. Consumptive Use of Watty — This term refers to water consumed by vegetative growth in transpiration and building of plant tissue, and to water evaporated from adjacent soil, from water surfaces, and from foliage. It also refers to water similarly consumed and evaporated by urban and nonvegetative types of culture. Supplemental Requirement — This term refers to the amount of water, over and above the sum of safe ground water yield and safe surface water yield. which must he developed to satisfy water utilization. Ultimate — This term refers to an unspecified but long period of years into the future when cultural devel- opment will he essentially stabilized. ( Tt is realized that any present forecasts of the nature and extent of such ultimate cultural development, and resultant water utilization, are inherently subject to possible large errors in detail and appreciable error in the aggregate. However, such forecasts, when based upon best available data and present judgment, are of value in establishing long-range objectives for development of water resources. They are so used herein, with full knowledge that their re-evaluation .liter the experience of a period of years may result in considerable revision.) Present water utilization in the Sutter-Yuba Area was estimated by the application of appropriate unit consumptive use of water factors to the present cul- tural pattern. Probable ultimate water utilization was similarly estimated, by the use of an ultimate cultural pattern projected from the present pattern on the basis of land classification data, the assumption being made that under ultimate conditions of cultural de- velopment all irrigable lands would be irrigated. As indicated by the foregoing definition, supplemental requirements for water were estimated as the differ- ences between derived values of safe yield and utiliza- tion, under both present and ultimate conditions of cultural development. Water utilization is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the general headings "Present Water Supply Development," "Land Use," "Unit Use of Water," "Past and Present Water Utilization, " "Probable Ultimate Water Utilization," and "De- mands for Water." Supplemental water requirements are similarly treated under the two general headings "1'resenl Supplemental Requirements" and "Prob- able Ultimate Supplemental Requirements." WATER UTILIZATION Of the total amount of water presently utilized in the Sutter-Yuba Area, approximately 65 percent is consumed in the production of irrigated crops, while the remainder is consumed by dry-farmed crops and fallow lands, native vegetation, and miscellaneous cul- ture including domestic and municipal. It is considered probable that the predominant importance of irrigated agriculture, as related to utilization of water in the area, will continue to prevail in the future. Present Water Supply Development Approximately two-thirds of the acreage under water service in the Sutter-Yuba Area is presently supplied by wafer pumped from the underlying ground water basin. Irrigated lands utilizing ground water are generally served by individually owned wells and pumps. Because of this fact and the extensive ground water utilization, the amount of water developed for irrigation use by individuals is larger than by organ- ized agencies. As of April 1, 1949, there were 2,198 wells and pumping plants of heavy draft, powered with motors of more than five horsepower, and of this number 2,159 were used for irrigation. The 39 remain- ing wells supplied water for urban and industrial uses. A number of additional wells of light draft supplied limited amounts of water for noncommercial gardens and orchards, and for domestic purposes. Lands served principally with ground water comprise the Peach Bowl, the East Central Zone, and the portion of the South Side Zone adjacent to and south of Bear River. Surface diversions for irrigation in the Sutter-Yuba Area are made from the Sacramento and Feather Rivers and tributary streams, and from the Wadsworth and Natomas Canals, various surface drains, and the Sutter By-pass. The major diversions are made by irrigation companies and districts, with service to the lands being largely by means of open ditch trans- mission and distribution systems. Minor surface diver- sions are made for the most part by individuals whose lands are adjacent to the surface supplies. The Sutter Butte Canal Company is the principal diverter of water from Feather River, serving lands in the West Side Zone outside of the Peach Bowl. The joint diver- sion of the Hallwood Irrigation Company and the (39) It) Sl'TTEK-Yl'IJA COl'XTTES INVESTIGATION Cordua Irrigation District is the largesl of a number of irrigation diversions from Yuba River, and serves water to lands in the Northeast Zone. The Nevada Irrigation District supplies some surface water to lands in the Smith side Zone through ditches diverting from Auburn Ravine. Lands served principally by surface waters comprise the Northeast Zone, the West side Zone outside the Peach Bowl, and the west portion of the South Side Zone. Water used For municipal, industrial, and domestic purposes in the Sutter- Yuba Area is obtained almost entirely from wells. The greater part of such use is in the Cities of Marysville and Yuba City, and is scattered and of relatively minor significance throughout the re- mainder of the area. The City of Marysville is served by the California Water Service Company, a public utility which pumps water from wells into storage tanks, from which it is delivered to consumers by gravity. Water services are metered. The quantity of water pumped for use in Marysville in the calendar year 1948 was ."")()6,000,000 gallons, or 1.550 acre-feet. With an approximate popu- lation of 7.500 in July, 1948, the daily production aver- aged about 185 gallons per capita. Yuba City is served by the Yuba City [Municipal Water Works, which charges for water on a flat-rate basis. It was estimated that the quantity of water pumped for use in Yuba City in the calendar year 1948 was about 750,000,000 gallons, or 2,300 acre-feet. With an approximate population of (>,:{()() in March, 1948, the daily per capita production was about 330 gallons. In addition to the foregoing figures regarding ground water pumped in 1!)48 under the municipal systems of Marysville and Yuba City, it was estimated that ap- proximately 1.000 acre-feet was pumped and used by industries operating their own wells within the cities. Wheatland has a community water system that dis- tributes water from a storage tank supplied by two wells. The estimated amount of water pumped in Wheatland during the calendar year 1948 was approxi- mately 1200 acre-feet. Assuming that the per capita water production in remaining small towns and com- munities in tin' Sutter- Yuba Area was about 200 gal- Inns per day, it was estimated, on the basis of 1948 population estimates, that total annual pumpage from ground water for these communities was about 700 acre-feet. The respective areas within the several zones of the Sutter- Yuba Area served by ground water and sur- face water are shown in Table 22. The data presented for the two investigational seasons resulted from held surveys during the current investigation, while the averages lor the base period were largely based on records of crop surveys made by the Division of Water Resources in connection with the Sacramento-San Joa- quin Water Supervision, and on pumping power con- sumption records furnished by the Pacific Gas and Electric < lompany. TABLE 22 GROUND AND SURFACE WATER SERVICE AREAS IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acres) < irOUnd Water Surface water Zone 1948 1949 1948 1949 West Side _ 48.990 4-1,0.-0 18,750 21,590 Northeast.. .. . 6,050 8,240 11,540 11,850 East Central... 24,230 33,1-10 2,500 990 South Side ^ 11,280 10,770 15,420 1 8,070 TOTALS 90,550 96,800 48.210 52,500 A \ erages for 9-vear base period, 1939-40 tli -ough 1947-48 .. 68,490 V.' .810 Table 23 lists the principal water service agencies, together with notations on their sources of water sup- ply, locations of service areas within the Sutter-Yuba Area, and acreages within the area irrigated by water served by each agency in 1948. Areas included within the boundaries of these agencies are shown on Plate 2. TABLE 23 PRINCIPAL WATER SERVICE AGENCIES SUTTER-YUBA AREA \grnc.\ Source of water supply Service area, by zones Acreage irri- gated in 1948 California Water Service Company Ground water Northeast Municipal use in Marysville Camp Far West Irrigation District Bear River East Central- 1.580 Cordua Irrigation Dis- trict \ ulia River Northeast 4,736 Farm Lands Investment Company Feather River East Central. . 1,833 Feather River Water Company Feather River West Side Garden Highway Mutual \\ .iter Company Feather River West Side 2,075 Hallwood Irrigation Com- Yuba River Northeast 6,365 pany Natomas Central Mutual Water ( 'ompany Sacramento River South Side 11,298 Natomas Northern Mu- tual Water Company Sacramento River South Side * Nevada Irrigation Dis- trict Yuba and Bear Rivers South Side 1,240 Oswald Water 1 listrict Feathei River West Side 608 Sutter Butte Canal ( 'orn- 1 rather River West Side 12,840 pany Sutter Extension Water District Feather Ri\ er West Side-- - I' o r m e d in 1949 Yuba City Municipal Water Works Ground watei \\ est Side Municipal use * included in acreage ol Natomas Central Mutual Water (' ma ,\. Rice Field in Sutter-Yuba Area 11' SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Land Use As a tii-si step in estimating the amounl of water utilization in the Sutter-Yuba Area during the base period and investigational seasons, determinations were made of the nature and extent of land use pre- vailing during these periods. Similarly, the probable nature and extent of ultimate land use. as related to water utilization, was forecast on the basis of land classification survey data which segregated lands of the area in accordance with their suitability for irri- gated agriculture. Past and Present Cultural Patterns. In connec- tion with the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Super- vision, the Division of Water Resources for some 25 years lias made annual crop surveys of those lands in the Sutter- Yuba Area utilizing surface water. In 1946 the Tinted States Bureau of Reclamation made a com- plete crop survey of the area. A comprehensive cul- tural survey was made during the season of 1947-48 as a part of the current investigation. Additional data on culture were obtained in 1948-49 from a supple- mentary survey made in order to determine any changes in land use since the preceding season. Data available from the foregoing surveys were suffi- cient to estimate the average cultural pattern in the Sutter-Yuba Area during the nine-year base period. For purposes of this report, the cultural pattern exist- ing during the 1948-49 season was considered to re] ire- sent " present " conditions of culture and development in the area, and is so referred to in subsequent dis- cussion. Summaries of the results of the cultural surveys of 11)47- 1 - and 1M4S-49 and the estimated average cul- tural pattern for the base period are presented in Table 24. The Sutter Buttes, comprising some 22,300 acres of waste land in the West side Zone, are not included in the tabulation. Lands irrigated in the Sut- ter-Yuba Area during the 1947-48 season are shown on Plate 17. " Irrigated and Errigable Lands. 1948." The most significant indicated recent trend in irri- gated agriculture in the Sutter-Yuba Area is toward increased plantings of rice and permanent pasture. The data presented in Table 24 show that the area of rice increased from an estimated average of some 25,500 acres during the base period to over 44,000 acres in L948 I' 1 At the same time, permanent pasture in- creased from some 17.7)00 to 25,500 acres. Deciduous orchard, which had long been the largest irrigated crop in the area on an acreage basis, showed an in- crease of h'ss than 3,000 acres in 1948-49 over the base period average, and was surpassed by the acreage of rice during the latter season. The foregoing increases in irrigated agriculture were largely reflected by cor- responding decreases in acreage of dry-fanned and fallow lands. Table 24 shows that there was moderate increase in farmstead anil urban development in I'M- in over the base period averages, bu1 no very significant changes in remaining types of culture in the Sutter-Yuba Area. Probable Ultimate Cultural Pattern. Classifica- tion of lands of the Sutter-Yuba Area with respect to their suitability for irrigated agriculture was largely accomplished by other agencies prior to the Sutter- Yuba Counties Investigation. Many valuable data on land classification were available from and furnished by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. The avail- able data were supplemented and checked as required in the course of field surveys conducted as a part of the investigation. On the basis of their suitability for irrigation, agri- cultural lands of the Sutter-Yuba Area were segre- gated into the following five classes: Class 1. This class comprises lands that are highly desirable in every respect for continuous irrigated agri- cultural use, and capable of producing all climatically adapted crops. The soils are deep, with good surface and subsoil drainage, of medium to fairly fine texture, and of good water-holding capacity. The soil structure is such as to permit easy penetration of roots, air, and water, and the land surface is smooth and gently sloping. Class 2. This class comprises lands that are gen- erally limited in their use to climatically adapted crops of medium root depths. Restrictive features with re- gard to use of the lands are soil depth and. to so extent, topography or drainage. Class 3. This class comprises lands that are gen- erally limited in their use to climatically adapted shal- low-rooted crops, owing to deficiencies in soil depth, topography, or drainage characteristics. This class of lands is suitable for development under irrigation, but because of shallow soil depths, greater care and skill are required in the application of water than are neces- sary in the case of lands of Classes 1 and 2. Class i. This class comprises lands that fail to meet the standards of Classes 1. 2, and -'i, as to topog- raphy, drainage, and depth of soil. These lands are generally suitable only for permanent pasture or similar crops. Class <>. This (dass comprises all lands that do not meet the minimum requirements of suitability for irri- ga1 ion Use. In addition to agricultural lands. 5,550 acres in the Sutter-Yuba Area were classified as urban, and 22.270 acres comprising the waste lands of the Sutter liuttes were not otherwise idassilied. Results of the land classi- fication of the Sutter-Yuba Area, summarized by zones. are presented in Table 2."). By use of the land classification data a probable ulti- mate cultural pattern for the Sutter-Yuba Area was forecast. The general assumption was made that under WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 4:: < LU < < => >- 3 CO co LU z o M 5 2 < a < •— CD U l— z LU CO LU Q£ Q- o z < CO < a. ooooooooooooo = ~ c oooooooooo o o *i" OS o -r 'ro ~. -r -f co cc -. '^ -r -r ^r r I - CI CI IC 05 LC io r* 00 CO CI X O c T O f O M - 00 CO i: — ' C rc ?l CN CO 1^ O i— — '0 o- -r t- -r — — - — X OS S^ 00 CO-**ONi-H'*I-H^-t»-lr-, ^H CR OS co" CO' CO 'C CI Cl -r" co" a; ^ T T ?l H H — :: Cl ON t, os CO Oi -< * ooooooooooooo - r - oooooooooo c o 00 cc <~ -r *~ ■* ~ t- :c r. c i" — -j: !C CI CI 'C O- iO i" N « CO CI /. CO to f !N W T. C O CO CO CO r- Ci n :■) -M 1 - CO - — — >o z. -r r- -r — — — / OS "5 r- -*" OO CO* O" O" *V ■—" — " rH r^ 1 c r- O O '~. CI CI ■^r co" ^ M CN H H " '0 CN CN O OS CO H # •2*8 - Q OOOOOOOOOOOOO r - s oooooooooo o o CO (M 'f O N iC c m J. CI -h O *f c 'J co co x a «o to r- x co ci CO CD 4* ■— CU O --i uu ■*i ir be •<+ m ■-* O >C -t N O « »n tN 0_ 0_ CO CN rH CO q C10t^>0'-'t*t'^"H^'-HrH^H s OS 5 £ si 3 J o" >o r-." oi" oo" ^ f' ^" r-T fh r-I 01 Ol :- ■* t? -t CN CN co" a a S 2 o t •t tN rH 1 - CN CN .5 .. CD CO t- 't CO 43 7' > ~ jS O 1 * wi --" *"" OOOOOOOO i O i o o o - r o o o o o ' o '< o o *i OS OJCN'-ot-coco-r— i-rp ih^< — X c X X O". CO OS 'I- i i i ■tf CD C "f h o: iO 00 iO C: h -t i OJ r Oi — CO CO •-" rH CO 1 -"-*< ' 1 1 CN "-. w 00 CO -f CO rH CO 00 t~ ,-H t-^ rH tP CN O) — X t~ Os a o PL, ^H N CO OOOOOOOO i 'OO — c r o o o o o ! o ' c o -r NCOCOOhOSOJ ' i ' — »" c ?l = oo co os eo oa is i ' i •* CO 0> ■o l* CNCCCOCOCOO CO 1 ' ' CO 1 - ^H — CO CO rH ^h CO I "* ' 1 ' CN -CH CO « CO rH CO rH cc — — rH f-l — cn" c/3 2 1—1 III Oi IO X = tj*g . 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O i Js c cuas i '(o™ 33 ^) ' co lllillfli ll "ci o X! m k4 < o i; SPTTER-YUBA COl'NTIKS [NVESTIGATION TABLE 25 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acres) Zone Land classes 1 2 3 4 6 Urban Totals West Side 15.520 1,240 8,330 10,200 ll.illii 18,420 14,070 30,880 27,440 13,190 44,450 36,770 220 190 1,270 7,440 5,630 7,690 4,420 2,110 1 , 1 90 2,060 190 * 123.770 42,860 77,870 82,460 TOT \l - 08,290 104,410 121, 850 1,680 25,180 5,550 *326,960 * Excluding 22,270 acres of waste lands in Siittrt Buttes. an increasing pressure of demand for agricultural products all irrigable bul presently dry lands would eventually be provided with irrigation service. Provi- sion was also made for probable increase in lands de- voted to farmsteads, roads, urban, and other miscel- laneous purposes under conditions of probable ultimate development. The estimated ultimate cultural pattern of the Sut- ter-Yuba Area, summarized by general classes of cul- ture and by zones of the area, is presented in Table 26. I rrigable lands, as determined by the land classification survey data and as indicated by the probable ultimate cultural pattern, are shown on Plate 17. TABLE 26 PROBABLE ULTIMATE CULTURAL PATTERN IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acres) Class of culture West Side Zone North- east East < '.lit r :i 1 Zone South Side Zone Totals 1 1 1 Igated lands Dry-farmed lands Native vegetation 100,000 9,000 3,600 10.000 31,200 5,100 2,700 3,900 54.000 9,300 5,300 9,300 64,700 11,100 1,400 5,200 249,900 35,100 13,000 29,000 TOTALS * 123,800 42,900 77,900 S. J Mill *327,000 * Excluding ivaste lands in Suttei Buttes. Unit Use of Water The second step in evaluation of water ultization in- volved the determination of unit values of consump- tive use of water for each type of water consuming culture. Estimates of these unit values were largely based on the results of prior investigations and studies in other areas. A procedure suggested by Harry F. Blaney and Wayne I), ('riddle of the Soil Conservation Service. United states Department of Agriculture, in their reports entitled "A Method of Estimating Water Re- quirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatological Data." dated December, 1047, and "Determining Wa- ter Requirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatolog- ical and Irrigation Data," dated August, 1950, was generally utilized for adjustment of available data on unit consumptive use by irrigated crops in other localities to correspond with conditions existing in the Sutter- Yuba Area. This method involved correlation of the data on the basis of variations in average monthly temperatures, monthly percentages of annual daytime hours, precipitation, and lengths of growing season. It disregarded certain generally unmeasured factors such as wind movement, humidity, etc. Average monthly temperatures at Marysville were considered representative of the Sutter-Yuba Area. Monthly per- centages of annual daytime hours were determined for latitude 39° N., which passes approximately through the center of the area. The following is an outline of the procedure utilized for estimating unit values of consumptive use: 1. The unit value for each irrigated cultural type during its growing season was taken as the product of available heat and an appropriate coefficient of con- sumption, where: (a) the available heat was the prod- uct of average monthly temperature and monthly per- cent of daytime hours, and (b) the coefficient of con- sumption was one which had been selected as appro- priate for California by Harry F. Blaney as a result of his studies for the Soil Conservation Service. Certain exceptions involved the use of coefficients estimated from consumptive Tise data available from other sources. 2. The unit value for each irrigated cultural type during its nongrowing season was taken as the amount of precipitation available, but not exceeding one to two inches of depth per month, depending upon the type of culture and cover crop. 3. The seasonal unit value for each irrigated cultural type was taken as the summation of values determined under items 1 and L' for that type. 4. Unit seasonal values for native annual grasses were taken as equal to the available precipitation up to but not exceeding 1.3 feet in depth. WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 15 5. Unit seasonal values for native vegetation other than annual grasses were estimated on the basis of available data on corresponding consumptive use in similar localities, due consideration being given to density and type of vegetation and depth to ground water. 6. Unit seasonal values for free water surfaces were estimated from available records of evaporation at Gridley. 7. Unit seasonal values for remaining miscellaneous types of culture were estimated on the basis of avail- able data on corresponding consumptive use in similar localities. Estimated unit seasonal values of consumptive use of water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, including consump- tion of precipitation, are presented in Table 27. In view of the indicated water supply and climatological similarities of the mean and base periods, the estimated average unit seasonal values of consumptive use for the base period were considered to approximate cor- responding values for the mean period. TABLE 27 ESTIMATED UNIT VALUES OF SEASONAL CONSUMP- TIVE USE OF WATER IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In feet of depth) Average for 9-year base Class and type of culture period, 1939-40 through 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 Irrigated lands Deciduous orchard _ 2.7 2.5 2.7 Rice . - . - 5.0 5.0 5.0 Permanent pasture . 3.7 3.3 3.6 Beans. - - 2.0 2.0 1.8 Alfalfa 4.0 3.6 3.9 Truck 2.3 2.3 2.2 Tomatoes . „ . _ _ 2.3 2.3 2.2 Corn _ _ _ _ . 2.8 2.7 2.6 3.0 2.9 3.0 Sugar beets ... 3.1 3.0 3.0 Olives _ 2.7 2.5 2.7 Vines. .___ ... .... 2.0 2.0 1.9 Miscellaneous '. . 2.4 2.3 2.2 Dry-farmed and fallow lands 1.3 1.3 1.2 Native vegetation Heavy brush, tree?, grass 4.5 4.5 4.5 Medium brush, trees, grass. 3.8 3.8 3.8 Light, brush, grass 2.8 2.8 2.8 Sparse brush, grass . ... 1.3 1.3 1.3 Miscellaneous Farmsteads _ 2.0 2.0 2.0 Roads. _ . _ . ..... 1.0 1.0 1.0 Urban 2.0 2.0 2.0 Water surfaces . 5.0 5.0 5.0 Railroads, highways. . 1.0 1.0 1.0 Airfields. 1.3 1.3 1.3 By-pass overflow lands . - . 4.0 4.0 4.0 Tules . 5.0 5.0 5.0 By-pass levees _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 Waste lands . ... 0.5 0.5 0.5 Past and Present Water Utilization The total amount of utilization of water in the Sut- ter-Yuba Area was estimated by multiplying the acreage of each type of culture by its respective unit value of consumptive use of water. The results of the estimates of seasonal water utilization during the base period and investigational seasons are presented in Table 28, summarized by general classes of culture. These estimates include consumptive use of precipi- tation. TABLE 28 ESTIMATED SEASONAL UTILIZATION OF WATER IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA DURING BASE PERIOD AND INVESTIGATIONAL SEASONS (In acre-feet) Average for 9-year base Class of culture period, 1939-40 through 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 382,000 469,000 524,000 Drv-farmed and fallow lands 234,000 195,000 171,000 Native vegetation 49,000 1!) (Hill 49,000 45,000 51,000 50,000 TOTALS 710,000 764,000 794,000 Mean seasonal water utilization in the Sutter-Yuba Area was also estimated as it would be with present cultural development but under mean conditions of water supply and climate. The estimate "was based on the cultural pattern determined by the 1949 survey, and on estimated average unit seasonal values of con- sumptive use of water for the nine-year base period which were considered to approximate those for the mean period. The estimate, which includes consumptive use of precipitation, is presented in Table 29, sum- marized for the four zones of the area and segregated by general cultural classes. In order to facilitate certain phases of the analysis of ground water hydrology, presented in Chapter II, it was desirable to estimate seasonal utilization of ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area. Unit seasonal values of consumptive use of ground water were de- rived by subtracting the amount of available precipi- tation, up to but not exceeding 1.3 feet of depth, from the appropriate unit seasonal values presented in Table 27. The corrected values were then multiplied by the acreages of each cultural type served by ground water during the respective periods. These included native vegetation in high water table areas. The 1949 cultural pattern was considered representative of present con- ditions, and average unit seasonal values of consump- tive use for the base period were considered to be equal II. SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION to corresponding mean period values. The estimates of utilization of ground water are summarized by general classes of culture in Table :{(). TABLE 29 ESTIMATED MEAN SEASONAL UTILIZATION OF WATER IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA UNDER PRESENT CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT TABLE 31 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL UTILIZATION OF WATER IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acre-feet) Class of culture West Side Zone North- east Zone East ( Vntral Zone South Side Zone Totals Irrigated lands. Dry-farmed and fallow 219,100 57,300 13,600 20,700 73.400 21,600 10,400 7,100 125,500 10,400 20,000 15,300 120,100 62,400 5,300 5,900 538,100 181,700 Native vegetation Miscellaneous 49.300 49,000 TOTALS 310.700 112,500 201,200 193,700 818,100 TABLE 30 ESTIMATED SEASONAL UTILIZATION OF GROUND WATER IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acre-feet) With Average for 9-year base present culture under Class of culture period, 1939 in through 1947-48 1947-48 1948-49 conditions of water supply and climate Irrigated lands. 119,400 165,600 222,400 224,600 Native vegetation 31,900 31,900 31,900 31,900 6,800 8,200 8,200 8,200 TOTALS 158,100 205,700 262 ,500 264,700 Probable Ultimate Water Utilization The total seasonal amount of water utilization in the Sutter-Yuba Area was estimated as it would be under probable ultimate conditions of cultural development and under mean conditions of water supply and cli- mate. This was accomplished by multiplying acreages of cultural types derived in the Forecast of the ult imate cultural pattern by corresponding average unit sea- sonal values of consumptive use of water for the base period. It was considered thai unit consumptive use during the base period was equal to thai under mean conditions of water supply and climate. The estimate of probable ultimate water utilization is summarized in Table :il by general cultural classes and by zones of the Sutter-Yuba Area. The estimate includes con- sumpl ive use of precipitation. (In acre-f set) i 1 i ■ mI culture West Side Zone North- east Zone East ( 'cntral Zone South Side Zone Totals Irrigated lands. Dry-far 1 lands Native v eg eta- 336,300 12. loo 13,600 22,000 111,500 6,700 10,400 7,600 205,000 12.100 20,000 18,400 249,300 14,400 5,300 9,300 902,100 45,600 49,300 Miscellaneous 57,300 TOTALS... 384,300 136,200 255,500 278,300 1.054,300 Demands for Water The term "demands for water," as used in this re- port, refers to those factors pertaining to rates, times, and places of delivery of water, imposed by the con- trol, development, and use of the water for any and all beneficial purposes. Certain possible present or future noneonsumptive demands for water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, such as those for hydroelectric power generation, flood control, conservation of fish and wildlife, recrea- tion, etc., were considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Since they would have little significance in preliminary design of works to meet supplemental requirements for water in the Sutter- Yuba Area, they are not further discussed herein. Irrigation practice in the Sutter-Yuba Area, as de- termined by rates of application, gross diversions, monthly demands, and permissible deficiencies in appli- cation of water, must be given consideration in pre- liminary design of works to meet supplemental water requirements. These demand factors, which were not measured or considered in the foregoing estimates of water utilization, are discussed in the following sections. Application of Water. The term "applied water," as used in this report, refers to that water other than precipitation which is delivered to a farmer's bead- gate in the case of irrigation use, or to an individual's meter in the case of urban use. or its equivalent. Dur- ing each of the two seasons of the investigation measure- ments were made of the amount of water applied for irrigation of selected plots of principal crops grown on various soil types in the Sutter-Yuba Area. Records of such application of water pumped from wells were obtained for 35 plots during 1948, and 121 plots during 1949. For each well the pump discharge, acreage of each type of crop irrigated, number of irrigations, periods of irrigation, and amounts of water applied in each irrigation were recorded. From these data, monthly and total seasonal applications of water to WATER UTILIZATION AXD SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS IT each crop -were determined. Results of these studies, which may be considered representative of prevailing irrigation practice in the Sutter-Yuba Area, are sum- marized in Table 32. Detailed results of the plot studies are presented in Appendix P, and location of the plots is indicated on Plate 17. TABLE 32 MEASURED AVERAGE SEASONAL APPLICATION OF IRRI- GATION WATER ON REPRESENTATIVE PLOTS OF PRINCIPAL CROPS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Crop Alfalfa Almonds Beans Cherries Clover Corn Flax Hops Irrigated pasture Peaches Prunes Rice Sugar beets Walnuts Number of plots Hits lit lit Total 1 2 I 2 4 I I 5 6 I Applied water, in feet of depth I ills 5 . 69 1.07 1.21 .'..".i 4.29 2 . 62 0.87 0.92 2.18 2.46 1.04 5.14 1 15 2.04 1949 0.14 1.71 0.95 1 . 76 0.87 6.50 2.68 3.02 5.56 1.90 Weighted a\ erage for the two seasons 5.98 1 . 29 1.15 2.29 4 . 29 1.91 0.87 0.89 :,. hi 2 . 53 1 .21 5.36 1 .45 2.00 Studies were made to determine the approximate average irrigation efficiency realized from application of ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area during the 1947-48 season. "Irrigation efficiency" is defined as the ratio of consumptive use of applied water to the total amount of applied water, and is commonly ex- pressed as a percentage. In order to estimate the total amount of ground water applied for irrigation in the Sutter-Yuba Area in 1047-48, appropriate crop acreages, as mapped in the cultural survey, were multiplied by average sea- sonal values of depth of applied water for the several crops, as measured at the representative plots listed in Table 32. This computation resulted in an estimate of 347,000 acre-feet. As a check on this figure, the Pacific 'las and Electric Company furnished a corresponding estimate of 317,000 acre-feet based on records of electric power consumption for pumping. The company's esti- mate gave consideration to the relationship between pumping plant horsepower, drawdown, and power con- sumption per unit of water pumped at various lifts, as determined by pump performance tests conducted in the area by the company. In view of the nature of the basic data, the check furnished was believed to have been reasonably close. By dividing the estimated value of 165,600 acre-feet for consumptive use of ground water on irrigated lands in the Sutter- Yuba Area in 1947-48, presented in Table 30, by the foregoing estimated value of 347,000 acre- feet, it was estimated that the irrigation efficiency real- ized from application of ground water in the Sutter- Yuba Area during 1947-48 was approximately 48 per- cent. This efficiency may he considered to be indicative of average irrigation practice in the Sacramento Valley. It was impracticable to make a corresponding estimate of irrigation efficiency realized from use of surface water in the Sutter-Yuba Area because of lack of suffi- cient data regarding application of surface water for irrigation purposes. Gross Diversion of Water. The amount of the gross diversion for irrigation by ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was considered to be equivalent to the amount of applied ground water. As discussed in the preceding section, this was estimated to have totaled 347,000 acre-feet during 1947-48. The gross diversion for irrigation by surface water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was estimated to have totaled about 362,000 acre-feet during 1947-48. This estimate was based on records of measurement of all surface di- versions in the area, plus the estimate of importation by the Sutter Butte Canal system presented in Chap- ter II. By subtracting from total consumptive use of water on irrigated lands the corresponding consumptive use of ground water and precipitation, the approximate amount of consumptive use of applied surface water was estimated. An estimate of total consumptive use of water on irrigated lands of the Sutter- Yuba Area in 1947-48, in the amount of 469,000 acre-feet, was pre- sented in Table 28. Consumptive use of ground water on irrigated lands was estimated to have been 165,600 acre-feet in 1947-48, as shown in Table 30. It was fur- ther estimated that consumptive use of precipitation on the 138,700 acres of irrigated lands in the Sutter- Yuba Area in 1947-48 was equal to 1.3 feet of depth, or a total amount of ISO. 400 acre-feet. It follows that the estimated amount of consumptive use of surface water applied for irrigation in the area was approximately 123,000 acre-feet in 1947-48. It is indicated from the foregoing that only about 123,000 acre-feet, or about 34 percent of the estimated 362,000 aere-feet of gross surface diversion for irriga- tion in the Sutter-Yuba Area in 1947-48, was actually consumed in production of crops. It should be noted that this figure is not comparable with estimated irri- gation efficiency attained in connection with use of ground water in the area, evaluated in the preceding section, since it is based on the amount of gross diver- sion rather than the amount of applied water. Insuffi- cient data were available to permit evaluation of transmission and other losses encountered in connec- tion with use of surface water between points of diver- sion and places of use. Monthly Demands for Irrigation Water. Because of the wide variety of crops produced in the Sutter- Yuba Area there is considerable variation in both rate and period of demand for irrigation water. On the 18 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION average, the irrigation demand occurs during the months of April through October. Studies of irrigation practice in the Sutter-Yuba Area indicated that for certain crops the maximum monthly demand might he as much as 4.~> percent of the seasonal total. Based on these studies, and on similar studies made in other areas, the estimated average monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water in the West Side Zone and in the remainder of the Sutter-Yuba Area is set forth in Table •'!:'>. Because of the predominance of orchard and truck crops in The West Side Zone, monthly distri- bution in that zone varies somewhat from that in the remainder of the area. Early applications to rice and irrigated pasture account for the greater part, of the demand for water in April and May. TABLE 33 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR IRRIGATION WATER IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In percent of seasonal total) West Shir Remainder of Zi ine Sutter-Yuba Area April 10 May 13 21 27 10 17 July 22 August - 21 17 September - 12 11 < (ctober. 4 5 2 100 100 Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Irriga- tion Water. Studies to determine deficiencies in the supply of irrigation water that might be endured with- out permanent injury to perennial crops were not made in connection with the Sutter-Yuba Counties investi- gation. However, the results of past investigation and Study of endurable deficiencies in the Sacramento River Basin are believed to be applicable to the Sutter- Yuba Area. In this respect, the following is quoted from Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 26, •'Sacramento River Basin," 1931. ■■- A lull irrigation supply furnishes water net only for the consumptive use of tic plant but also for evaporation from the surface during application unci from the moist ground sur- face, and for water which is lost through percolation to depths beyond the reach of the plant roots. Less water can be used in years of deficiency in supply by careful application and by mere thorough cultivation i<> conserve the ground moisture. In these ways the plant can be furnished its full consumptive use with much smaller amounts of water than those ordinarily applied and the yield will not be decreased. If the supplj is too deficient to provide the full consumptive use, ihe plaid can sustain life on smaller amounts but the crop yield will probably lie less than normal. ■•|l is believed from a studj of such data as are available thai ,-i maximum deficiency of :',o per cent of the full seasonal require- ment can be endured, if Ihe deficiency occurs only al relatively long intervals. It is also believed that small deficiencies occurring at relativelj frequent intervals can be endured. * * * " SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENTS The previously presented data, estimates, and dis- cussion regarding water supply and utilization in the Sutter-Yuba Area indicate that present and probable future water problems of the area are largely limited to those connected with »round water and that their effects are largely related to irrigated agriculture. It is further indicated that ground water problems, in- cluding those created in various portions of the area by progressive lowering of water levels, degradation of mineral quality of ground water, and low yield of wells, may be eliminated or prevented if adequate supple- mental water supplies are developed and utilized in the area. The estimated present and probable ultimate re- quirements for supplemental water in the Sutter-Yuha Area are discussed and evaluated in the following sec- tions. As previously defined, requirement for supple- mental water refers to the amount of water, over and above the sum of safe ground water yield and safe sur- face water yield, which must be developed to satisfy water utilization. Water utilization in turn refers t:> the sum of consumptive use of water and those irr - coverable losses of water incidental to its beneficial us\ Present Supplemental Requirement The present requirement for supplemental water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was evaluated as the difference between safe yield of ground water and present con- sumptive use of ground water. It might be argued that this evaluation fails to give consideration to possible inadequacies in service of surface water to portions of the area. However, in the solution of the equation of hydrologic equilibrium, presented in Table 15, upon which the estimate of safe ground water yield was based, the unit consumptive use factors chosen assumed a full and sufficient application of water on all irri- gated lands whether from surface sources or ground water. It, follows that any possible present inadequacy in surface water service was taken into account and provided for in the estimate of safe ground water yield. It was estimated in Chapter 1 1 that safe seasonal ground water yield in the Sutter-Yuba Area amounted to 186,100 acre-feet. This was determined as the seasonal net extraction of water from the ground water basin that might be maintained, under mean condi- tions of water supply and climate, without further progressive lowering id' the water table below levels prevailing in 1948-49. Seasonal consumptive use of ground water in the area, with present culture and under mean conditions of water supply and climate, was estimated to be 2(i4,700 acre-feet, as shown in Table :!(). The estimated present requirement for supple- mental water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, therefore, is 78,600 acre-feet per season. This estimate is presented in Table 34, which shows distribution of the supple- WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 4!) mental water requirement among- the several zones of the area. The distribution was based on the assumption that lowering of water levels which occurred during the season of 1948-49 would have been proportionately the same had mean water supply and climatic condi- tions prevailed. TABLE 34 ESTIMATED PRESENT MEAN SEASONAL SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA Zone A ore-feet West Side l 1,900 2.1 (HI 0.400 East Central . __ _ -- 27.600 27.(100 TOTAL.. 78,600 It was shown in Chapter IT that an area of about 4,500 acres in the West Side Zone south of < >swald Road was irrigated in the summer of 1950 with ground water containing chlorides at or above the upper limit of safe use for irrigation. A substitute water supply is presently required for these lands, the amount of which may be determined by the required amount of applied water. This is true because any unconsumed portion of applied water woidd be so degraded after percolating to the underlying saline ground water as to preclude it; re-use. Seasonal application of water to the orchard and truck crops grown in the Peach Bowl aver- ages about 3.0 feet of depth, as determined by plot studies conducted during the investigation. However, if water of good mineral quality were substituted for the inferior ground water now used, leaching irriga- tions would not be required. It was estimated that under such conditions the seasonal application of water would be about 2.5 feet of depth, corresponding to average good [tract ice in the Sutter-Yuba Area for irri- gation of orchard and truck crops. On this basis the estimated amount of the substitute water supply pres- ently required in the West Side Zone in lieu of ground water of excessive salinity is about 11.300 acre-feet per season. This is less than the estimated present supple- mental requirement of 17,000 acre-feet per season re- quired to prevent progressive and permanent lowering of water levels in the West Side Zone. Therefore, by furnishing a supplemental surface water supply to the West Side Zone sufficient to prevent progressive and permanent lowering of the water table, the present problem with respect to inferior mineral quality of the ground water would be eliminated. Probable Ultimate Suoplemental Requirement The probable ultimate requirement for supplemental water in the Sutter- Yuba Area was evaluated as the difference between present and probable ultimate util- ization of water, plus the present requirement for sup- plemental water. Development and utilization of a supplemental water supply in the amount of this fore- east would assure an adequate supply of water for lands presently irrigated in the area, as well as for those irrigable lands not presently served with water. Fur- thermore, present problems resulting from progressive and permanent lowering of water levels, degradation of mineral quality of ground water, and low yield of wells would be eliminated. Estimates of present and probable ultimate utiliza- tion of water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, under mean conditions of water supply and climate, were presented in Tables 29 and 31, respectively, and a corresponding estimate of the present requirement for supplemental water was developed in the preceding section. Utilizing these estimates, the forecast of probable ultimate seasonal requirement for supplemental water by zones of the Sutter-Yuba Area, under mean conditions of water supply and climate, is presented in Table 35. TABLE 35 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN ZONES OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA (In acre-feet) 1 2 3 4 5 Zone Present water utilization Probable ultimate water utilization Probable increase in water utilization (2 — 1) Present supplemental water requirement Probable ultimate supplemental water requirement (3 + 4) West Side . . .. . 310,700 112. £00 201.200 193,700 384,300 136.200 255,500 278.300 73,600 23,700 54,300 84.600 17,000 6.400 27,600 27.600 90,600 Northeast - .. . ...... East Central 30.100 81,900 South Side 112.200 TOTALS 818,100 1,054.300 236,200 78.600 314,800 CHAPTER IV PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT It has been shown heretofore that the present basic water problems in the Sutter- Yuba Area are progres- sive and permanent Lowering of ground water levels and attendant degradation of mineral quality of the ground water. Elimination of these problems, preven- tion of their recurrence in the future, and irrigation of irrigable lands not presently served with water will require further conservation development of available water supplies. In the preceding chapter, estimates were presented as to the amount of supplemental water required for these purposes both at the present time and under probable ultimate conditions of cultural development. It has been shown that large surplus flows of water are presently available to the Sutter-Yuba Area from the highly productive watershed of the Feather River system, including the Yuba and Bear Rivers and minor tributary streams. This surface water is available during the snowmelt period of every season, and, in all but very dry seasons, flows sufficient to meet present supplemental requirements of the area are available into the summer months. Studies which are described in this chapter indicate that the surplus flows, if properly controlled and regulated, would more than supply the probable ultimate water requirements of the Sutter- Yuba Area. As was stated in Chapter I. the Division of Water Resources is presently conducting surveys and studies for the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, under direction of the State Water Resources Board. This investigation has as its objective the formulation of The California Water Plan, for full conservation, control, and utilization of the State's water resources, to meet present and future water needs for all beneficial purposes and uses in all parts of the State, insofar as practicable. Surveys and studies are also being con- ducted by the Division of Water Resources for the Sur- vey of Mountainous Areas. This investigation, which is coordinated with the state-wide investigation, has as its primary objective the determination of probable ultimate water requirements of certain counties of the Sierra Nevada, and the formulation of plans for projects which will meet those requirements. Although these investigations are still in progress, they are suffi- ciently advanced to permit tentative description of certain major features of The California Water Plan which would provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate requirements of the Sutter-Yuba Area. The projects would also provide supplemental water supplies for other water-deficient areas of Cali- fornia. In addition, benefits from the projects would include hydroelectric power. Hood and salinity control, mining debris storage, and incidental benefits in the interests of recreation and the preservation of fish and wildlife. In general, the major features of The California Water Plan, which were mentioned in the preceding paragraph, would be large multipurpose projects re- quiring relatively large capital expenditures. Their scope, with regard to both location of the works and benefits derived from their operation, would not be limited to the Sutter-Yuba Area, but would embrace other portions of California. Much additional study will be required to estimate costs and to determine possible means of financing these large projects. Under the Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation, therefore, numerous surveys and studies were made in order to estimate costs of supplemental water supplies for the Sutter-Yuba Area under more localized plans that might be suitable for current financing, construction, and operation by appropriate local public agencies. These plans for initial development generally are such that the works could be integrated into future major projects. Their purposes are largely limited to conser- vation of new water supplies sufficient to meet the present requirements of the Sutter-Yuba Area and to provide for limited future growth in water demands of the area. Major features of The California Water Plan which would be pertinent to solution of the ultimate water problems of the Sutter-Yuba Area are described in general terms in this chapter under the heading "The California Water Plan." These projects will be more specifically described in future reports of the State Water Resources Board. The several plans for possible initial local development of supplemental water sup- plies which were given consideration in connection with the Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation are described in this chapter under the heading "Plans for Initial Local Development." All such plans considered would lie subject to vested rights. Specific plans are presented for the more favorable of these local projects, together with estimates of capital and annual costs and unit costs of the developed supplemental water supplies. Location of the principal features of the several pos- sible plans, for both initial and future construction, are shown on Plate 18, "Potential Water Storage De- velopments." THE CALIFORNIA WATER PLAN The Feather River Project, an adopted feature of The California Water Plan, is described in the follow- ing section, where it is shown that it will provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate ( 51 ) SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION requirement of the Wesl side Zone. Several other major projects, which would involve multipurpose water resources developments on the Yuba and Bear Rivers and other tributaries of the Feather River, are briefly described in an ensuing section. These latter projects would provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate requirements of the Northeast, Easl ( Jentral, and South Side Zones, and are tentatively being considered as possible features of The California Water Plan. Feather River Project The probable ultimate supplemental water require- ment in the West side Zone could be met under a plan which would provide upstream regulatory storage on the Feather River to enhance and firm the summer flow of the stream. Such storage will be made available by construction of Oroville Dam and Reservoir, units of the Feather River Project, which are described in de- tail in a publication of the State Water Resources Board entitled " Report on Feasibility of Feather River Project and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects Proposed as Features of The California Water Plan." dated May. 11)51. These projects were author- ized and adopted by the 1951 Legislature in an act which authorized their construction, operation, and maintenance by the Water Project Authority of the State of California. Provision was made in the author- izing act for financing construction of the proposed works through issuance and sale of revenue bonds and through receipt of contributions from other sources. In May. 1!):>L>. the Legislature provided $800,000, by budgetary appropriation to the Division of Water Re- sources, for necessary investigations, surveys, and studies, and preparation of plans and specifications for the Feather River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects. The multipurpose Feather River Project contem- plates construction of a gravity concrete dam, 710 feci in height above stream bed, at a point on the Feather River 1.7 miles below the junction of the Xorth and Middle Forks and .1..") miles above the City of Oroville. The dam will have an overpour spillway. Tt will create a reservoir of 3,500,000 acre-foot storage capacity, and will provide a large measure of control of the runoff of the Feather River for purposes of conservation, flood control, hydroelect ric power generation, and other beneficial uses. Provision will be made for a power plant located at the dam. of 440,000 kilowatt capacity, and for an afterbay dam. and power plant of 25,000 kilowatt capacity, located four miles downstream from the main dam. The foregoing features of the Feather River Project are shown on Plate IS. 'Idle project also includes construction of a power transmission line from the Oroville power plants t" Bethany, near Tracy in San Joaquin County, and a switch yard at the ter- minal. A channel crossing of ihe Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta will be required to carry Oroville Reservoir releases from the Sacramento River to the San Joaquin River Delta for subsequent transmission to water- deficient areas in other parts of California. In studies for Ihe cited feasibility report of the State Water Resources Board, Oroville Reservoir was oper- ated to first meet the water requirements of the Feather River Service Area, shown on Plate 18. The West Side Zone of the Sutter- Yuba Area is contained within the described Feather River Service Area. Under the plan of operation of Oroville Reservoir described in the foregoing feasibility report, releases of water would be made sufficient to meet gross de- mands of the Feather River Service Area under ulti- mate conditions of irrigation development. The esti- mate of seasonal gross demand for water under such conditions was 970,000 acre-feet, which, with an as- sumed irrigation efficiency of 65 percent, would pro- vide for consumptive use of water, over and above effective rainfall, in the amount of 631,000 acre-feet per season. Of this estimated ultimate consumptive use of applied water in the Feather River Service Area. 311,000 acre-feet per season would be new water over and above present utilization. Studies indicate that the probable ultimate supplemental water requirement of the West Side Zone, estimated to be some 90,000 acre- feet per season, could readily be supplied from the fore- going 311,000 acre-feet of new water from Oroville Reservoir. Detailed estimates of cost of the Feather River Proj- ect are presented in the feasibility report. A summary of estimated capital costs of the project is given in Table 36. The estimates of capital cost were based on prices prevailing in 1951, and included allowances of 10 percent for administration and engineering, 15 per- cent for contingencies, and 3 percent for interest dur- ing one-half of the estimated construction period. TABLE 36 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS OF FEATHER RIVER PROJECT Oroville Dam and Reservoir Oroville Power Plant Oroville Afterbay and Power Plant Oroville Transmission Line Terminal Switchyard Delta Cross ( 'hannel TOTAL $342,626,000 64,509,000 14,146.000 17,124.000 2,610.000 3,798.000 S444.81 3,000 It was assumed in the cost analyses presented in the feasibility report that the Federal Government would contribute to the Feather River Project the sum of $50,000,000, without reimbursement, in the interest of fl 1 control. Substantial Hood control benefits to land PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 53 and communities along- the Feather River would re- sult from operation of the project. There is well-estab- lished federal policy for such financial participation in projects of this character. It was also assumed that the State of California would contribute to the Feather River Project the sum of $86,926,000 in the interests of flood control and water development. This contribu- tion would likewise be without reimbursement, and would be accomplished by assuming the costs of lands and improvements flooded and of necessary reloca- tion of utilities. Such financial participation by the State would be justified under the policy set forth in the State "Water Resources Act of 1045, as amended. If these federal and state contributions to the Feather River Project were forthcoming-, capital costs shown in Table 36 would be reduced to $307,887,000. Based on this estimated capital cost, it was further estimated that annual costs of the project would be about $14,- 791,000 based upon 2 percent interest, and about $16,272,000 based on 3 percent interest. The annual costs included interest, repayment, replacement, opera- tion and maintenance, insurance, and general expenses. In the cost analysis it was shown that annual costs based upon the 2 percent interest rate could be met under the schedule of revenues shown in the following tabu- lation, but that an annual deficit of some $1,426,000 would occur with the 3 percent rate. Unit Annua! Item charge revenue 311,000 acre-feet of new water delivered to Feather River Service Area (includes West Side Zone) $1.00 $?,11,000 2,8-15,000 acre-feet of new water delivered to Delta ._ 1.00 2,845,000 1,070,000,000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy at terminal substation 0.007 11,690,000 TOTAL $14,846,000 Based on the foregoing assumptions, the estimated cost of water from the Feather River Project to water users in the West Side Zone would be about $1 per acre-foot at the streamside. This estimate does not include costs for diverting the water from the Feather River and conveying it to and distributing it in areas of use in the West Side Zone. Studies indicate that a practicable means for diverting- the water from the river would be by pumping plants strategically located along the river, discharging into appropriate convey- ance and distribution systems. Diversion also could be made by gravity with construction of a diversion weir and heaclgates at a suitable upstream site. Other Major Projects Under Consideration Surveys and studies in connection with the State- wide Water Resources Investigation and the Survey of Mountainous Areas indicate that it would be feasible from the engineering standpoint to so regulate and conserve the relativelv large flood flows of the Yuba and Bear Rivers and other tributaries of the Feather River as to yield firm water supplies considerably in excess of the probable ultimate supplemental water re- quirements of the Northeast, East Central, an 1 South Side Zones. Existing water resources developments on these streams, together with tentative locations of possible future dams and reservoirs, are shown on Plate 18. In addition to the studies by the Division of Water Resources, the Oroville- Wyandotte Irrigation District is currently investigating a plan for multipurpose development of the water resources of the South Fork of the Feather River. Principal features of this project, which is in an advanced planning phase, are delineated on Plate 19, "Plans for Development of South Fork of Feather River." The district is considering the diversion of waters of both the South Fork of the Feather River and Slate Creek through tunnels to the proposed Lost-Sly Creek Reservoir, to be created by construction of a dam immediately above the flow line of the existing Lost Creek Reservoir on the stream of that name. Conservation and regulatory storage would be created on the South Fork by construction of Little Grass Valley Reservoir, and on Slate Creek by con- struction of the small Slate Creek Reservoir. Water released from Lost-Sly Creek Reservoir would flow into Lost Creek Reservoir, and then through a pro- posed pressure tunnel to the penstock of the proposed Woodleaf Power House, to be located on the South Fork about one mile below its junction with Lost Creek. From the afterbay of this plant the water would flow through another tunnel to the penstock of the proposed Forbestown Power House, also to be located on the South Fork. Construction of a canal is proposed from the Forbestown Power House afterbay along the left or south bank of the South Fork of the Feather River to a point about two miles west of Lake Wyan- dotte, to serve lands of the Oroville-Wyandotte Irri- gation District to the west of the canal. It is feasible from an engineering standpoint to extend the canal in a southerly direction a distance of some 25 miles to South Honcut Creek. As a possible alternative to the Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District's project, the Division of Water Resources is studying another plan for multipurpose development of the South Fork of the Feather River. This plan contemplates construction of the proposed Little Grass Valley Reservoir on the South Fork, and diversion of the conserved water at a point about H miles below the clam through a tunnel to Fall River. Water would also be diverted from South Branch of Middle Fork of Feather River to Fall River through a tunnel. A dam on Fall River would divert its own flows and water from the two foregoing diversions through a tunnel to the penstock of the proposed Lump- kin Power Hoxise on the South Fork of Feather River. A tunnel would convey the water from the afterbay of this plant to an enlarged Lost Creek Reservoir, which ..I SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION would be created by construction of a higher dam ap- proximately at the site of the existing structure. The plan also eon templates construction of a small reservoir on Canyon Creek, and a diversion tunnel to the pro- posed Slate Creek Diversion Dam. From this dam the Slate Creek water and water from Canyon Creek would be diverted through a tunnel to a point on Lost Creek above the proposed enlarged reservoir. Releases from Lost Creek Reservoir would be made through a tunnel to a diversion dam on Grizzly Creek and from this dam through a canal and siphons to the penstock of the pro- posed Golden Gate Power House, to be located on Golden Gate Canyon at the headwaters of French Dry ('nek. From the afterbay of this plant, a conduit, in- cluding canal and siphon sections, would lead to the penstock of the proposed Brownsville Power Ilonse, to be located on French Dry Creek at Brownsville. A canal would lead from the afterbay of the Brownsville plant to a saddle between the drainage areas of French Dry and South Honcut Creeks. At this point the canal would divide, with one branch bearing generally west- erly and discharging into the existing Forbestown Ditch and thence into Lake Wyandotte. The other branch would bear southwesterly and terminate at the penstock of the proposed Honcut Power Ilonse, to he located on South Honcut Creek below its confluence with Natchez Creek. From the afterbay of the Honcut Power House a canal would extend along the right bank of South Honcut Creek and then bear northerly. terminating east of Oroville. This canal would serve lands of the Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District and adjacent irrigable lauds lying to the west of the canal. Construction of a dam on South Honcut Creek is contemplated under the plan to create a reservoir the flow line of which would extend to the Honcut Power House afterbay. Water released from South Honcut Creek Reservoir would be diverted at appropri- ate downstream points on South Honcut Creek to serve Lands in Browns Valley and on the Sacramento Valley floor east of the Feather River. Other diversions for irrigation and other beneficial uses in remaining water service areas between the Feather and Yuba Rivers could be made from the system. Tentative plans for ultimate development of the Yuba River contemplate increasing the storage capacity of the existing Bullards Par Reservoir on the North Yuba River, or providing equivalent increased capacity upstream at Kellys Par, together with hydroelectric power development of the upper North Yuba River. Construction of a dam and reservoir on the Middle Yuba River at Granite Point is also under considera- tion, together with a diversion tunnel to the existing afterbay of the Bullards Bar Power House. Waters of the South Yuba River would be diverted a1 Edwards Crossing and Conveyed by a proposed tunnel to the Granite Poinl Reservoir. Both the Middle and South Yuba Rivers offer possibilities for construction of dams and reservoirs, principally in the interests of mining debris storage and Hood control. The State Water Plan, as adopted by the Legislature in 1941, contemplates a storage capacity in the Engle- bright Reservoir on the Yuba River of about 850,000 acre-feet, as compared to the 70,000 acre-foot capacity of the existing Englebright Reservoir. This additional capacity would provide substantial conservation, flood control, and hydroelectric power, but would inundate the existing Colgate Power House, recently enlarged by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. As a pos- sible alternative, construction of offstream storage for watei's of the Yuba River at the AValdo site, on Dry Creek, about nine miles northeast of Wheatland, is under consideration. This plan would involve con- struction of a conduit, diverting from Englebright Reservoir at the spillway elevation, to convey flood waters of the Yuba River to the proposed Waldo Reser- voir. Under the plan, AValdo Reservoir in turn woidd spill into the proposed enlarged Camp Far West Reser- voir on Bear River, which is hereinafter described. Consideration is also being given to possible construc- tion of one or more additional reservoirs at the Garden Par, Parker, or Rollins sites, upstream from the Camp Far West site on the Bear River, to effect more com- plete conservation of flood waters of that stream. Studies indicate that the Northeast Zone could be served with an ultimate supplemental water supply either from the South Fork of the Feather River under the plan of development hereinbefore described, or from the Yuba River. Service from the Yuba River could be made by enlargement of the existing Hall- wood-Cordua system or by diversion from the Yuba River at a suitable site in the vicinity of Parks Bar, and distribution by gravity from a main conduit bear- ing in a northerly direction roughly along the eastern boundary of the zone. It has been estimated that the amount of the probable ultimate mean seasonal supple- mental water requirement of the Northeast Zone will be about 30, (1(1(1 acre-feet. A water supply in this amount, under an appropriate schedule of demands, could be made available to the Northeast Zone by con- struction of one or more of the previously described major upstream projects. It is indicated that under ultimate conditions of development the East Central Zone could also be served with supplemental water from the Yuba River. It has been estimated that the amount of the probable ulti- mate mean seasonal water requirement of the zone will be about 82,000 acre-feet. A portion of the required supplemental supply could be diverted, under an ap- propriate schedule of demands, directly from the Yuba River above I lammoiiton, and conveyed in a southerly direction to Hutchinson Creek, by rehabilitation and extension of the abandoned Yuba River Ditch of the Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields. Conserved water of the Yuba River to meet the remainder of the ultimate PLAN'S FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT .).) supplemental water requirement of the East Central Zone could be released from the proposed Waldo Reser- voir for downstream diversion and conveyance to areas of use. Studies also indicate that under ultimate conditions of development the South Side Zone could be served with a supplemental water supply released, under an appropriate schedule of demands, from the proposed Camp Far West Reservoir. It has been estimated that the amount of the probable ultimate mean seasonal sup- plemental water requirement of the zone will be about 112,000 acre-feet. A supply in tins amount would be available in Camp Far West Reservoir, and would consist of waters of the Yuba and Bear Rivers and Dry Creek conserved jointly by the proposed Waldo Reser- voir, Camp Far West Reservoir, and upstream reservoirs on the Bear River. It could be conveyed to points of use in the South Side Zone by an enlarged system similar to that described hereinafter in connec- tion with the Camp Far West Project. PLANS FOR INITIAL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Possible plans for initial local development of sup- plemental water supplies for the Sutter-Yuba Area, together with cost estimates, are described in this sec- tion. Design of features of the plans was necessarily of a preliminary nature and primarily for cost estimat- ing purposes. More detailed investigation, which would be required in order to prepare plans and specifica- tions, might result in designs differing in detail from those presented in this report. However, it is believed that such changes would not be significant. Capital costs of dams, reservoirs, diversion works, conduits, pumping plants, and appurtenances, in- cluded in the considered conservation, conveyance, and distribution systems, were estimated from preliminary designs based largely on data from surveys made dur- ing the current investigation. Approximate construc- tion quantities were estimated from these preliminary designs. Unit prices of construction items were deter- mined from recent bid data on projects similar to those in question, or from manufacturers* cost lists, and are considered representative of prices prevailing in April, 1952. The estimates of capital cost included costs of rights of way and construction, and interest during one-half of the estimated construction period at 3 per- cent per annum, plus 10 percent for engineering, and 15 percent of construction costs for contingencies. Estimates of annual costs included interest on the capi- tal investment at 3 percent, amortization over a 50-year period on a 3 percent sinking fund basis, replacement, operation, and maintenance costs, and costs of electrical energy for pumping. Because of geographical considerations, and respec- tive types of water service and water supplies in the several zones of the Sutter- Yuba Area, possible plans for initial water development arc presented in this section separately for the West Side, Northeast, East Central, and South Side Zones. West Side Zone In Chapter III it was shown that the present require- ment for supplemental water in the West Side Zone is about 17,000 acre-feet per season. However, in the design of projects for initial local development to meet this requirement, it was considered desirable to provide some capacity for future growth in water demand which would occur through development of irrigable lands not presently irrigated. This additional capacity was estimated at about 7,000 acre-feet per season, giv- ing consideration to the extent of undeveloped irrigable lands that might readily be served, and to the available sources of water supply. For reasons hereinafter dis- cussed it was considered that the new water supply would be applied to about 7,000 acres of land in the Peach Bowl, of which about 4,500 acres are presently irrigated by ground water containing chlorides at or above the safe limit for irrigation use, and 2,500 acres are irrigable lands not presently served with water. These lands are contained within a service area lying generally to the south of Oswald Road, and delineated on Plate 20, "Peach Bowl Project." Three possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the AVest Side Zone were considered. For reasons hereinafter mentioned, after preliminary investigation and study the first two plans were given no further consideration for present cost estimating purposes, but may warrant future study. The third plan is described in some detail later in this section. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the al- ternative plans considered Eor initial construction in- cluded salvage of water in high water table lands of the Sutter Butte Canal service area, and its conveyance to and use in the Peach Bowl. This would involve the installation of batteries of wells in the high water table area, conveyance of the pumped ground water to the Peach Bowl either in conduits or in the channel of the Feather River, and distribution of the water in a strategically situated service area of heavy ground water pumping draft in the Peach Bowl. The new water supply would largely replace ground water pres- ently used in the Peach Bowl service area, thereby pre- venting progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels and attendant degradation of mineral quality of the ground water throughout the Peach Bowl and adjacent ground water service areas. However, preliminary investigation and study indicated that changes in the crop pattern and in irrigation practice in the Sutter Butte Canal service area, which would be necessary for consummation of this plan, would be diffi- cult to effect, and that cost of the salvaged water would be greater than for water yielded under the third plan Feafhe:- River in the Vicinity of Starr Bend, Looking Upstream PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 57 herein described. For these reasons, tins plan was given no further present consideration. Consideration was also given to the provision of a supplemental water supply to the Peach Bowl service area from the Feather River, by extension of the con- veyance and distribution system of the Sutter Butte Canal. As in the case of the first plan described, use of the new surface water supply would prevent pro- gressive and permanent lowering of water levels, and attendant degradation of mineral quality of ground water, in the area served and in adjacent areas. Pre- liminary investigation and study of this second plan for initial construction indicated that existing diver- sion facilities might be adequate for such purpose, but that conveyance facilities would require enlarge- ment. Furthermore, a canal to serve lands requiring supplemental water in the Peach Bowl would have to be constructed on a relatively flat slope over a long dis- tance through highly developed orchard lands. The canal would also pass through urban areas lying im- mediately south and west of Yuba City. It was indi- cated from investigation and study that cost of the new water supply would be greater than under the third plan hereinafter described. For these reasons, this plan was given no further present consideration. The third of the alternative plans considered for initial construction would provide for the present sup- plemental water requirement in the West Side Zone, and for growth in water utilization for a number of years in the future. It would include the construction of facilities for pumping water directly from the Feather River and for its conveyance to and distribu- tion in the service area in the Peach Bowl. As in the case of the two previous plans, use of the new surface water supply would prevent progressive and perma- nent lowering of ground water levels and degradation of mineral quality of the ground water, in the area served and in adjacent areas. This plan is hereinafter referred to as the "Peach Bowl Project," and its principal features are delineated on Plate 20. Peach Bowl Project. Satisfactory sites for a pumping plant to divert flow of the Feather River exist on the right or west bank of the river along the reach one-half mile north and south of the prolongation of Hutchinson Road. The site selected for cost esti- mating purposes is at a point about four miles south of Shanghai Bend, near the center of Section 26, Township 13 North, Range 3 East, M.D.B. & M. Con- veyance and distribution of water pumped from the Feather River to the area of use would be accomplished by means of a combination system including lined and unlined canals, and ditches, and the utilization of existing individual distribution systems insofar as pos- sible. The lands which would be irrigated with the new water supply comprise the aforementioned 7,000 acres within the service area shown on Plate 20, ranging in elevation from approximately 45 feet at the north boundary to approximately 30 feet in the southerly portion. Since the Peach Bowl constitutes a free ground water area, water losses in conveyance and distribution of the new water supply would largely percolate to the ground water. For this reason it was assumed that these losses, plus tin 1 unconsumed portion of the new water supply applied to irrigation would be effective in preventing progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels and degradation of mineral qual- ity of the ground water. The acreage to be irrigated by the supplemental supply would depend on the amount of the gross diversion, water losses encountered in con- veyance and distribution, and the requirement for application of water to the lands irrigated. For cost estimating purposes the Peach Bowl Project was designed to provide a gross seasonal supplemental surface water supply of approximately 24,000 acre-feet, of which about 17,000 acre-feet is necessary to meet the present supplemental requirement, and the re- mainder would be available for additional development of irrigable lands. An estimate of the monthly distribu- tion of demand for irrigation water in the West Side Zone was presented in Table 33. Based on these data, the monthly gross demand for water for the Peach Bowl Project would be as shown in Table 37. TABLE 37 ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS DEMAND FOR WATER FOR THE PEACH BOWL PROJECT Month April May June July August September October TOTALS Percent of seasonal total 100 Demand for water, in acre-feet 480 3,120 5,040 6,480 5,040 2,880 960 24,000 Based upon known soil characteristics in the Peach Bowl and upon irrigation experience elsewhere, it was assumed that water losses in conveyance and dis- tribution of a new surface water supply would amount to about 25 percent of the gross diversion, leaving about 18,000 acre-feet per season for application to irrigated lands. Lands in the Peach Bowl to be served with the new water supply and presently irrigated by ground water comprise about 4,500 acres of highly developed orchard. From results of the plot studies of water application described in Chapter III, it was estimated that these orchard lands would require a 58 si P K K- Y l'I i A COT XT I KS I X V EST I ( i A T I ( ) X seasonal application of irrigation water in an amounl lit' aboul 2.5 acre-feel per acre, or a total of about 11,000 acre-feet. The remaining 7.000 acre-feel of water per season available under the Peach Bowl Project, as designed, would serve about 2.500 acres of irrigable lands, presently nol served with water, lying to the west of the foregoing orchard lands, [f devel- oped, it was considered that these irrigable lands would probably largely be devoted to truck and general row crops, with limited amounts of rice and irrigated pas- ture. Based on results of the cited plot studies, it was estimated that these lands would require a seasonal application of irrigation water in an amount of about 2.8 acre-t'eet per acre. Xo record was available of flow in the Feather River at the proposed point of pumping diversion. However, records were available of monthly flow at Shanghai Bend some four miles upstream from the proposed diversion point, and at Nicolaus some 11 miles down- si nam therefrom. The Shanghai Bend record dated from 1940, while that for Nicolaus was continuous since 1921, although prior to 1939 records of stream flow at the latter station were obtained only during summer months of low flow. Studies were made of these records and of measurements of diversions from the Feather River in the reach between the two sta- tions. These studies indicated that during the irrigation season probable flow at the proposed diversion for the Peach Bowl Projecl was greater than recorded flow in the Feather River at Nicolaus. Therefore, the as- sumption that flows available for the pumping diver- sion were equal to thtose measured at Nicolaus was considered to be conservative. It was determined thai during the critical months of July, August, and September, tributary inflow to the Feather River from the Pear River was negligible. For this reason, any future conservation development on this tributary would not adversely affect the as- sumption as to How in the Feather River at the proposed point of diversion during the critical summer months. Furthermore, records of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervision indicated that the amount of exist- ing diversions from the Feather River between Nic- olaus and the confluence with the Sacramento River. during the critical summer months of low flow, is in- sufficient to materially affect the estimates of water supply available in the Feather River for diversion to the Peach Bowl. Available records of monthly stream ilow of the peat her River at Nicolaus during the irrigation season are presented in Table 38. Comparison of these re- corded tlows with the estimated monthly gross demands of the Peach Bowl Project, presented in Table 37. indi- cates that during the period from 1921 through 1950 ample water was available from the Feather River to meet demands of the project, as designed, except during the two seasons of 1924 and 1931. During these seasons irrigation deficiencies of approximately 40 and 25 percent, respectively, would have occurred. From past experience in the Sacramento Valley, it is con- sidered probable that such deficiencies could be en- dured without permanent damage. TABLE 38 MEASURED MONTHLY FLOW OF FEATHER RIVER AT NICOLAUS DURING THE IRRIGATION SEASON, 1921 THROUGH 1950 (In acre-feet) Year Runoff index April May June July August September October 1921 129 109 (17 28 67 67 122 no 10 8.-. 32 72 42 44 93 91 69 180 11 123 1 11 1 I.") 122 01 82 90 ."».") 71 .17 SI 61.870 181,000 111,000 1,780 55,600 2 1,900 99,000 .-,4,800 49,700 52,000 935 75,600 34,900 21,800 84,43(1 81,780 66,950 217,000 9,870 13 700 191.300 166,500 57,350 33,300 40,890 38 16,780 7,; 600 13,920 10.030 23.195 48,300 52,100 609 33.400 2 1.300 43.600 30,700 70.100 57.300 5,070 29,900 18,300 19,600 69,850 63,020 18,130 s ; ii.u 19,660 36,760 52,800 1 1,1 10 22,040 13,280 27.620 30,040 24.640 16.170 9,230 18,230 25,035 49,200 72,000 20,900 49,000 60.100 61,300 60,700 OH one 112,000 32,800 26,700 25. 100 39,200 70,070 82,050 38,780 90,100 :,7,700 92,230 54,500 67,200 32,360 32,190 53,160 53,690 10,820 48,190 27,480 71,500 49,140 19.200 ! 126,000 1924 6,780 '.13, .".Oil 19 !5 106,000 1926 57,500 109,000 1927 131,000 1928 89,300 160.000 183.000 17,700 453,000 :;:; 40,500 104,000 1929 371,000 :.::r. 68.900 904,000 118,000 1 1 1,000 132,000 9 ,ii 163,000 1931 68,200 1932 40,100 1 933 61,100 1931 67,710 123.400 19 !6 385,200 110.000 1" 11 149,800 939 359,700 1,593,900 1,416,200 1,480 ooii 1,220,600 597,600 726.800 836,000 573,300 1,326,000 sin, Too 1,09! 107, soil 711,200 1.467.000 1,254,000 863,300 633,000 736,100 079, 900 124,000 1.091,000 533,500 834,900 27.070 200.100 548,000 793.600 31 1,800 179,800 262.900 171,900 74,330 590,200 98 in .ii 327.200 77.200 1940 128,700 1941 99, ton L942 137,600 943 119,000 1944 83.300 1945 106,800 1946 s7.i;.-,o I'n: 135,600 1948 132,900 1949 39,430 ig ,ii 163. .Mill PLANS POP WATER DEVELOPMENT 59 Studies indicated thai the maximum monthly diver- sion for the Peach Bowl Project would occur in July, and that it would amount to about 27 percent of the total seasonal diversion of '24.000 acre-feet, equivalent to a continuous flow of about 105 second-feet through- out the month. For cost estimating purposes the pump- ing plant for the project was designed with a total pumping capacity of 135 second-feet. This installation would meet the estimated maximum rate of demand, provide additional capacity for shorter-term peaking in excess of the average monthly rate, and provide stand-by capacity to assure continuous service in ease of breakdown. Features of the pumping plant considered for the Peach Bowl Project arc shown on Plate 20. In order to permit flexibility in operation of the project, design of the pumping plant was based on the installation of three electrically driven vertical axial-flow propellor type pumping units. Each of the units would comprise a 36-inch diameter pump with capacity of 45 second-feet, driven by a 100-horsepower motor. The pumps would operate at a maximum pumping head of about 15 feet, pumping from an estimated minimum water surface elevation in the river of about 31 feet to a discharge elevation of about 46 feet. The pumping units would be of the all-weather type, mounted on steel beams, and supported on concrete piles driven into the stream bed at the toe of the river face of the right bank levee of the Feather River. The battery of pumps would be operated from a corrugated metal control house, also mounted on the concrete piles, and would lie served by a steel trestle from the levee crest. The units would pump from a reinforced-concrete sump into three 30- inch diameter steel pipes supported by ring girders and reinforced-concrete piers on the slopes of the levee. The pipes would pass through the levee five feet beneath the crest, and discharge into a reinforced-concrete sand trap at the landward base of the levee. From the sand trap the water would be conveyed by gravity to areas of use by the system of lined and un- lined canals shown on Plate 20. The main canal extend- ing in a southerly direction along the levee would be concrete-lined, in order to prevent seepage which might otherwise damage orchards or the toe of the Feather River levee. This canal would be approximately 6.1 miles in length, and would be of trapezoidal section. with 1.5:1 side slopes, bottom width of 8.0 feet, depth of 3.4 feet, and 1.0 foot freeboard. The slope would be approximately 1.0 foot per mile, the velocity about 2.5 feet per second, and the capacity would be 100 second- feet. A second main canal would extend from the sand trap in a westerly direction a distance of approximately 0.7 mile to a concrete division box near the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way. This canal would have characteristics similar to the one already described. From the division box a lateral would extend south along the railroad right of way a distance of approxi- mately 4.S miles. This lateral would also be concrete- lined, to prevent possible damage by seepage to adja- cent orchards and to the railroad. It would be of trape- zoidal section, with 1.5:1 side slopes, bottom width of (i.O feet, depth of 2.4 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. The slope would be approximately 1.5 feel per mile, the velocity about 2.3 feet per second, and the capacity 50 second-feet. A second lateral from the division box would extend in a westerly and then southerly direc- tion a distance of approximately 5.2 miles. This canal would be unlined. since seepage from it would probably result in no damage. The canal would be of trapezoidal section, with 2:1 side slopes, bottom width of 6.0 feet, depth of 3.2 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be approximately 1.5 feet per mile, its velocity about 1.3 feet per second, and its capacity 50 second- feet. Cost estimates for the conveyance canals were based on preliminary designs utilizing data from field location surveys. Detailed design of works for distribution of water from the conveyance canals was considered to be out- side the scope of the current investigation. Existing pressure irrigation systems of individuals and agencies could be adapted to use of the new surface water supply by means of gravity diversions or individual low-head pumps, as required. Cost estimates for the distribution systems were based on known costs of similar irrigation works elsewhere in California, adjusted to correspond with conditions prevailing in the Sutter-Yid;>a Area. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Peach Bowl Project, as designed for cost estimating purposes, are presented in Table 39. TABLE 39 GENERAL FEATURES OF PEACH BOWL PROJECT Pumping Plant Pumps — 3 each, vertical, propeller type, axial-flow, 45 second-foot capacity Estimated minimum water surface elevation in Feather River — 31 feet Discharge elevation — 46 feet Estimated maximum pumping head — 15 feet Installed pumping capacitj — 135 second-feet Estimated maximum monthly demand — 105 second-feet Estimated gross seasonal diversion — 24,000 acre-feet Motors — .3 each, all-weather type, 100 horsepower Pump support — steel beams on concrete pile structure Pumping sump — reinforced-concrete, 13 feet by 65 feet, 5 feet deep, equipped with trash racks Discharge lines — 3 each, 30-inch diameter, welded-steel, supported on con- crete piers by ring girders Sand trap reinforced-concrete, 1 feet by 40 feet, 6 feet deep, equipped with baffles and sluice j^ates Conveyance System Type Length, in miles Side slopes Bottom width, in feet Depth, in feet Freeboard , i n feet Slope, in feet per mile Velocity, in feet per second Capacity, in second-feet Main canals Central lateral West lateral Trapezoidal, Trapezoidal, Trapezoidal concrete- concrete- unlined lined lined 6.8 4.8 5.2 1.5:1 1 .5:1 2:1 8.0 6.0 6.0 3.4 2.4 3.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.3 1.3 100 50 50 Daguerre Point Weir on Yuba River PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 6] Capital cost of the Peach Bowl Project, based on prices prevailing in April, 1952, was estimated to be about $1,384,900. Corresponding animal costs of the Peach Bowl Project were estimated to be about $100,900. Resultant estimated average unit cost of the 24,000 acre-feet of water per season diverted at the river was about $4.20 per acre-foot. The estimated average unit cost of the 18,000 acre-feet of water per season actually applied for irrigation was about $5.60 per acre-foot. Estimated capital and annual costs of the Peach Bowl Project are summarized in the following tabula- t ion. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appendix H. Estimated coxtx Cap it ii I An ii mi! Pumping plant $107,900 $16,000 Conveyance system 813,900 43,800 Distribution system _ 463,100 41.100 TOTALS . $1,384,900 $100,900 Northeast Zone In Chapter III it was shown that the present require- ment for supplemental water in the Northeast Zone is about 6,000 acre-feet per season. However, in the design of projects for initial local development to meet this requirement, it was considered desirable to provide some capacity for future growth in water demand which would occur through development of irrigable lands not presently irrigated. This additional capacity was estimated at about 6,000 acre-feet per season, giving consideration to the extent of undeveloped irri- gable lands that might readily be served, and to the available sources of water supply as determined by engineering and economic limitations on size of the proposed conservation works. For reasons hereinafter discussed, it was considered that the new water supply would be applied to about 2,300 acres in the Northeast Zone, of which about 1,700 acres are presently irrigated by ground water and 600 acres are irrigable lands not presently served with water. These lands are contained within a service area adjoining and lying to the east and north of the Cordua Irrigation District, and de- lineated on Plate 21, "South Honcut Creek Project." Three possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the Northeast Zone were considered. For reasons herein- after mentioned, after preliminary investigation and study, the first two plans were given no further con- sideration for present cost estimating purposes, but may warrant future study. The third plan is described in some detail in this section. Alternative Plans Ccnsiderel The first of the alternative plans considered for initial construction in- volved the substitution of surface water from the Yuba River to replace ground water presently utilized in the foregoing service area. The substitute supply would lie furnished by extension and enlargement of portions of the Cordua Irrigation District canal system. Its use would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the described service area and in adjacent areas. The Cordua Irrigation District and the Hallwood Canal Company jointly divert from the Yuba River through a 1,200-foot tunnel with capacity of 325 second-feet, heading at the northwest end of the Daguerre Point Weir. Surface flow in the Yuba River at Daguerre Point during the peak of the irrigation season is generally not greater than present demands of the Cordua and Hallwood systems, and at times these demands cannot be met. Much of the surface flow in the Yuba River during such periods as measured at Marysville does not occur on the surface at the Da- guerre Point Weir. Measurements indicate that this water is lost to surface flow by percolation in an ex- tensive area of dredger tailings above the weir, and reappears at the Marysville gaging station. For this reason, a preliminary survey was made to determine the feasibility of diverting the Cordua-Hallwood water supply from the Yuba River at a site upstream from the area of dredger tailings. This would be excessively expensive because of the necessity for increasing ca- pacity of the Cordua-Hallwood system, providing a diversion structure, and providing a closed conduit for the diverted water for a considerable distance until stable bank could be reached. For these reasons, and because of uncertainty regarding the available water supply, this plan was given no further present con- sideration. The second of the alternative plans considered for initial construction involved the purchase of Feather River water from the Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District at a point of delivery on South Honcut Creek, diversion of the water from South Honcut Creek, and its conveyance to and distribution in the Northeast Zone. As in the case of the first plan described, use of the new surface water supply would prevent progres- sive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the area served and in adjacent areas. The water purchased and utilized would be a portion of that which the district proposes to develop on the So: th Fork of the Feather River under the multipurpose project described earlier in this chapter, principal fea- tures of which are shown on Plate 19. The water would he delivered to South Honcut Creek at an elevation of about 600 feet, by the district. The amount of water that might be made available to the Northeast Zone would depend upon design of features of the proposed Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District project, and in turn upon the outcome of possible negotiations between the district and an agency representing interests of the Northeast Zone. For these reasons, features of the plan were not surveyed and studied in detail, nor estimates of cost prepared. The third plan considered for initial construction would include the construction of a dam and reservoir on South Honcut Creek, facilities for diversion of flood South Honcut Creek Dam Site Viewed From Point Within Reservoir Area PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 63 waters of French Dry Creek to the reservoir, and facili- ties for diversion of the conserved waters from South Honcnt Creek below the dam, and for their conveyance to and distribution in both the Northeast Zone and the Browns Valley service area. This latter area, lying to the east of the Northeast Zone, is also in need of a sup- plemental water supply and could be advantageously served as indicated. As in the case of the two previous plans, use of the new surface water supply would pre- vent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the area served in the Northeast Zone and in adjacent areas. This plan is hereinafter referred to as the "South Honcnt Creek Project," and its prin- cipal features are delineated on Plate 21. South Honcut Creek Project. The proposed dam would be an eartlifill structure with side channel spill- way, located on South Honcut Creek near Sugar Loaf, in Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 5 East, M. D. B. & M., some 20 miles upstream from the con- fluence of Honcut Creek with the Feather River. The stream bed elevation at this point is about 730 feet. Flood waters of French Dry Creek would be diverted at a point on that stream at an elevation of approxi- mately 2,125 feet, about one-half mile below Browns- ville, and conveyed a distance of about two miles in a canal, discharging into a tributary of South Honcut Creek above the reservoir. The conserved waters of both South Honcut and French Dry Creeks, after release from the reservoir, would be diverted from South Hon- cut Creek at a point about two miles downstream from the dam and 300 feet downstream from the county bridge southeast of Bangor, at an elevation of about 600 feet. From this diversion point the waters would be conveyed by a conduit a distance of about 4.7 miles to a point about one mile northeast of Loma Rica, where the elevation is about 500 feet. Diversions could be made for the Browns Valley service area along the conduit and at its terminus. Water for the Northeast Zone would be conveyed from this terminus in a natural drainage channel, a short canal section, and the natural channel of Prairie Creek to a diversion point for the Northeast Zone on Prairie Creek about one mile up- stream from its confluence with South Honcut Creek. at an elevation of approximately 135 feet. From this point the waters would be conveyed to and distributed in the Northeast Zone by means of an unlined canal and ditch system. The lands which would be served by the new water supply comprise the aforementioned 2,300 acres contained within the service area shown on Plate 21, ranging in elevation from about 150 feet along its eastern boundary to about 75 feet on the west. As a first step in determination of size of the project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for various reservoir storage capacities. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of South Honcut Creek, from the approximately 24 square miles of watershed above the dam site, was about 23,400 acre-feet. Estimated mean seasonal runoff of French Dry Creek at the pro- posed point of diversion to South Honcut Creek was about 27,100 acre-feet, from some 22 square miles of watershed. Of these French Dry Creek waters, studies indicated that flood flows in an estimated mean seasonal amount of about 22,000 acre-feet could be diverted to the proposed South Honcut Creek Reservoir through a 200 second-foot capacity conduit, during the months from November to April, inclusive. Based upon records and estimates of runoff during the critical dry period which occurred in the Sacra- mento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35, yield studies were made for five sizes of reservoir at the South Honcut Creek site. It was assumed that a sea- sonal irrigation deficiency up to 35 percent could be endured in one season of the period. Monthly demands on the reservoir were assumed to be proportional to the estimated distribution of irrigation demands in the Sutter- Yuba Area, as presented in Table 33. A sum- mary of results of the vield studies is presented in Table 40. TABLE 40 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF SOUTH HONCUT CREEK RESERVOIR WITH FRENCH DRY CREEK DI- VERSION, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1920-21 THROUGH 1934-35 (In acre- eet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 12,000 12,800 20,000 16,400 30,000 20,900 38,000 24,300 70,000 27,100 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, together with topography of the dam site and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 38,000 acre-foot storage capacity, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 24,300 acre-feet, was chosen for purposes of cost estimates to be presented in this report. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Ap- pendix G. Although the estimate of the present requirement for supplemental water in the Northeast Zone was only about 6,000 acre-feet per season, essentially all ir- rigable but presently nonirrigated lands in the zone would be physically susceptible of irrigation under the South Honcut Creek Project, However, a substan- tial acreage of irrigable lands lying in the Browns Val- ley service area could be developed with water from the South Honcut Creek Project. For this reason, studies of present utilization of water from the South .11 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Iloncut Creek Project were based on ;m assumed re- lease of water for the Northeast Zone equal to approxi- mately one-half of the estimated safe yield of the project. It was assumed that remaining safe yield of the projed would be made available to the Browns Valley service area. For design purposes it was assumed that minor losses of water released from Smith Honcut Creek Reservoir would occur in the stream channel between the dam and the downstream point of diversion and in the lined canal leading to the point of release north of Loma Rica, and would amount to about 300 acre-feet per season. Thus a gross supplemental water supply of approximately 12,000 acre-feet per season would be made available to the Browns Valley service area. It was estimated that losses in conveyance and distribu- tion of this supply would be about 25 percent, leaving some 9,000 acre-feet per season for application to ir- rigation. On the assumption that the imported water would be largely used on irrigated pasture, with an estimated average unit seasonal application of about 3.5 acre-feet per acre, about 2,fi00 acres of irrigable but presently nonirrigated lands in the Browns Valley service area could be served by the new water supply. It was assumed that seasonal losses by transpiration, evaporation, and percolation in conveying the new water supply to the point of diversion on Prairie Creek would be about 10 percent of the gross reservoir release, or about 1.200 acre-feet, leaving approximately 10,800 acre-feet for distribution in the zone. Since the North- east Zone constitutes a free ground water area, water losses in the unlined canal and ditch system would largely percolate to the ground water. For this reason it was assumed that these losses, plus the uneonsumed portion of the new water supply applied to irrigation, would he effective in preventing progressive and per- manent lowering of ground water levels. The acreage to he irrigated by the supplemental sup- ply in the Northeast Zone would depend on the gross amount of the import, water losses encountered in con- veyance and distribution, and the requirement for application of water to the lands irrigated. It was as- sumed that losses to he encountered in conveyance and dist rihul ion within the zone would be 25 percent of the gross import, or about 2,700 acre-feet per season, leav- ing some 8,100 acre-feet for application to irrigated lands. It was also assumed thai water imported to the Northeast Zone would largely he used on irrigated pasture, and that the average seasonal application of the new water would be 3.5 acre-feel per acre. On this hasis it was estimated that the imported supply would In- applied to some 2,300 acres in a service area adjoin- ing and lying to tl as1 and north of the Cordua Irri- gation District. Of the lands which would be served with the new water supply, about 1.700 acres are pies i nt 1 \" irrigated by ground water and 600 acres are irrigable lands not prescntlv irriyaled. An estimate of the monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water in the Sutter- Yuba Area was pre- sented in Table 33. Based on these data, the monthly demand on the South Honcut ('reek Project would be as shown in Table 41. TABLE 41 ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR WATER FROM SOUTH HONCUT CREEK PROJECT (In acre-feet) Month Percent of seasonal total Reservoir release Gross import to Northeast Zone Gross import to Browns Valley 10 16 17 22 17 11 5 2 2,430 3,890 4,130 5,350 4,130 2,670 1,210 490 1,080 1,7.30 1,830 2,380 1,830 1,190 540 220 1,200 May. ._. 1,920 June . - July — _. August September October November 2,040 2,640 2,040 1 ,320 600 240 TOTALS 100 24,300 10,800 12,000 Plane table topographic surveys were made of the South Iloncut Creek dam and reservoir sites by the Di- vision of Water Resources in 1949. The reservoir site was mapped at a scale of 1 inch to 400 feet, and the dam site at a scale of 1 inch to 100 feet, both with 10-foot contour intervals. Storage capacities of South Honcut Creek Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 42. Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the South Iloncut Creek dam site is considered suitable for an earthlill dam of any height up to a maximum of 200 feet. Foundation rock at the site consists of a slightly metamorphosed series of igneous rocks, chiefly of volcanic origin. The original nature of the rocks ranged from basalt to gabbro. The bulk of the material is a blue-gray, hard, very slightly metamorphosed basalt. The entire mass has been intruded by a number of small dikes, of later origin, consisting of unineta- morphosed andesite and 'Or basalt. The foundation bedrock as a whole is relatively hard and unweathered where exposed in outcrops. .Joints are prominently developed in several sets. The predominant set has a strike approximately parallel to the stream course and apparently controls the primary drainage pattern in the vicinity. Small shears are common throughout the rock mass hut these have generally been recemented. Some of the joints also have been recemented by deposition of minerals from percolating waters. Seep- age may he observed from remaining open seams in the I edroek in several places. PLANS POK WATER DEVELOPMENT 65 TABLE 42 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF SOUTH HONCUT CREEK RESERVOIR Depth of water at. dam, in feet Water surface elevation, i s<;s datum, in feet Water surafce area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet 0.. 730 750 770 790 810 830 849 850 868 870 SNf, VII 1 X'.IS 910 930 935 950 3 26 62 132 256 344 355 484 512 634 691 720 801 933 976 1 .070 20_._ 25 40 226 60 1,090 80 - 2,980 100 6,530 119 . 12 000 120_ 12,300 138 20,000 20 900 140 .. . 156 30 000 160 32 800 168 38 000 180 47,600 65 000 200 205 . 70,000 85,100 220 Three hundred feet downstream from the axis a fault zone is encountered which follows the base of the right abutment longitudinally for an additional 200 feet before lensing out. The plane of this fault ap- parently has a dip of 55 degrees into the left abutment. The zone appears to die out rapidly in both upstream and downstream directions but at the point of maxi- mum development it is eight feet in width. There is some gouge and much crushed rock along this fault. The inconsistency of the zone on the surface would seem to indicate that it may also lens out vertically at a relatively shallow depth. Indications are that there has been no recent movement on the fault, Special treatment of the dam foundation in the area of this fault would undoubtedly be necessary. Stripping for the foundation of an earthfill type of dam at this site should not exceed, for the right abut- ment, five feet of overburden, consisting chiefly of soil, plus three feet of weathered bedrock, and for the left abutment, three feet of overburden plus three feet of weathered bedrock. These estimates apply only under the impervious section of an earthfill type of dam and are for any height of dam up to a maximum of 200 feet. Only the overburden would have to be stripped from under the pervious sections of such a dam. The stated depths are estimated normal to the 3—63095 sui lace. Stripping in the channel section should con- sist of about two feet of gravel and one foot of weathered bedrock. A satisfactory location for a spillway for an earth- fill dam at this site would be around the end of the structure, with the excavation being largely in hard bedrock. The material from such excavation, as well as the weathered rock stripped from the abutments, should prove about 80 percent recoverable for con- struction use as pervious fill, rockfill, or riprap. Tail- ings from former hydraulic mining operations which choke the channel one mile upstream from the dam site could also be used as pervious fill material. A small quantity of concrete aggregate could be re- covered locally for use in appurtenant structures for an earthen dam, but large amounts would either have to be crushed at the site or imported. Soil suitable for use in the construction of an impervious embankment is available in limited quantities from sloping flats of the reservoir area. Although the depth of this mate- rial is probably not great, it is believed that enough could be obtained from this source to provide for a minimum impervious earth section. As a result of yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, and preliminary economic analysis, an earthfill dam, 168 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, and with a crest elevation of 910 feet, was selected to illus- trate estimates of cost of the South Honcut Creek Proj- ect, The dam would have a crest length of about 670 feet and a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 :1 upstream and down-stream slopes. The central impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 0.8 :1 slopes, and would be blanketed with sand and gravel filters. The outer pervious zones of the dam would consist of dredger tailings and materials excavated in construc- tion of the spillway. The volume of the fill would be an estimated !)19,()(M) cubic yards. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 8 feet, and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. The spillway would be of the side channel type, excavated froin rock of the right abutment and concrete-lined. It would have a capacity of 10,000 second-feet, required for an assumed discharge of 400 second-feet per square mile of drainage area, and would discharge into South Honcut Creek below the dam. Outlet works would consist of a 42-inch diameter steel pipe placed in a trench excavated in rock beneath the dam, and en- cased in concrete. Releases from the dam would be controlled at the upstream end by two 30-inch hydraulically controlled high pressure slide gates lo- cated at a submerged inlet upstream from the dam, and operated by hydraulic controls from the crest of the dam. The outlet would be controlled at the down- stream end by a Howell-Bunger valve. The diversion works on French Dry Creek would be located approximately at the site of a former diversion weir, portions of which are still in existence. The site was examined and cross sections taken during the SrTTER-Yl'RA COT XT IKS [NVESTIGATION course of the investigation. The proposed diversion weir would consist of a concrete gravity overpour sec- tion and apron. 7 feel in height above stream bed and sonic 55 feet in length. An opening at the right end of the weir would provide entrance to a side chan- nel leading downstream about 1(H) feet to the head- works of the diversion canal. The side channel would have a concrete gravity parapet wall of the overpour type, and a 5- by 4-foot sluice gate would be provided for sand clearance. The headworks would consist of a concrete headwall across the end of the side channel, in which there would he two 5- by 4-foot slide i\ ersion Diversion Diversion Type 1 i i pezoidal, 1 i a pezoidal. l i a pezoidal, sllotei e 1 i hoi i-r e t e- unlined canal lined canal lined canal, and 1,500 feel of 5.5- loot diaiu- etei steel pipe siphon 2.0 1:1 4.7 1:1 6.3 2:1 1 to! torn width, in feet 4.0 4.0 4.0 (maximum) 1 (epth, ill feel . 4.0 5.0 3.7 (maximum) I nil,,,;, ni, in feel 1.0 1.0 1.0 Slope, ill feel per mile 7.0 4.0 2 . 5 Velocity, in feet pel second 6.3 4.2 1.7 ( Capacity, in second-fei 1 200 150 75 to 25 PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 67 depth of 3.7 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be approximately 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity would be aboiit 1.7 feet per second. Cost estimates for the canals to convey water to the service areas in Browns Valley and the Northeast Zone were based on designs utilizing data obtained by recon- naissance field location surveys. Detailed design of the distribution systems in Browns Valley and the North- east Zone, however, was considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Cost estimates for the systems were based on known costs of similar irriga- tion works elsewhere in California, adjusted to cor- respond with conditions prevailing in the Sutter-Yuba Area. Pertinent data with respect to the general features of the South Honcut Creek Project, as designed for cost estimating purposes, are presented in Table 43. The capita] cost of the South Honcut Creek Project. based on prices prevailing in April, 1952, was estimated to be about $3,009,600. Corresponding annual costs of the South Honcut Creek Project were estimated to be about .$154,200. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 24,300 acre-feet of water per season con- served by South Honcut Creek Reservoir was about $6.40 per acre-foot. The estimated unit costs of water applied for irrigation in the Northeast Zone and in the Browns Valley service area were about $9.70 and $8.40 per acre-foot, respectively. Estimated capital and annual costs of the South Honcut < 'reek Project are summarized in the following tabulation. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appendix H. Estimated costs Capital Annual Dam and reservoir _ $2,225,600 $94,400 French Dry Creek diversion and con- duit 151,100 8,100 South Honcut Creek diversion and conduit 370,100 20,500 Prairie Creek diversion and conduit-- 131,300 7,100 Browns Valley distribution system— 65,000 1 1,400 Northeast Zone distribution system— 57,500 0.700 TOTALS $3,009,600 $154,200 Easf Ceniral lone In Chapter III it was shown that the present require- ment for supplemental water in the East Central Zone is about 28,000 acre-feet per season. However, in the design of projects for initial local development to meet this requirement, it was considered desirable to provide some capacity for future growth in water demand which would occur through development of irrigable lands not presently irrigated. This additional capacity was estimated at about 12,000 acre-feet per season, giving consideration to the extent of undeveloped irri- gable lands that might readily be served, and to the available sources of water supply. For reasons herein- after discussed it was considered that the new water supply would be applied to about 8,500 acres in the East Central Zone, of which about 3,300 acres are presently irrigated by "found water and 5,200 acres are irrigable lands not presently served with water. These lands are contained within a service area lying generally south of Hutchinson Creek and east of the Western Pacific Railroad, and delineated on Plate 22, "Camp Far AVest Project." Four possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the East Central Zone were considered. For reasons hereinafter mentioned, after preliminary investigation and study the first three plans were given no further considera- tion for present cost estimating purposes, but may warrant future study. The fourth plan is described in some detail in this section. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the al- ternative plans considered for initial construction in- volved t he substitution of surface water from the Yuba River to replace ground water presently utilized in an area in the East Central Zone. The substitute supply would be diverted at a point on the Yuba River about four miles upstream from Daguerre Point by means of existing heaclworks of the Yuba River Ditch, owned by the Yuba Consolidated Cold Fields. The Yuba River Ditch, an abandoned canal some four miles in length, with a designed capacity of approximately 115 second- feet, would be rehabilitated and extended in a southerly direction to Hutchinson Creek. Use of the new surface water supply would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the area served and in adjacent areas. During study of the plan it was determined that surplus flows are available in the Yuba River at the proposed point of diversion during the snowmelt period and into summer months in all but the driest years. However, during the peak of the irri- gation season in many years, flows at the diversion point are no more than adequate to maintain the re- quired downstream diversion at Daguerre Point for the ( lordua and Hallwood systems. Until such time as addi- tional upstream conservation storage and regulation of Hood flows of the Vnba Uiver are accomplished, exces- sive irrigation deficiencies would be experienced under this plan. For this reason the plan was given no further present consideration for initial construction. The second of the alternative plans considered for initial construction would include the construction of a dam and reservoir at the Waldo site on Dry Creek, facilities for release of the conserved waters from the reservoir, and facilities for their downstream diversion, conveyance, and distribution in the East Central Zone. Preliminary studies indicated that this plan would not provide sufficient yield to meet the present requirement for supplemental water in the East Central Zone, and that the runt cost of the conserved water would be greater than the corresponding unit cost with the fourth plan described in this section. For these reasons the plan was given no further present consideration. Studies were also made of a plan which included a Existing Camp Far West Dam and Reservoir PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 69 larger dam and reservoir at the Waldo site, together with facilities for diversion of flood waters of Yuba River to the larger reservoir. Yield studies and pre- liminary cost estimates indicated that this plan should probably be deferred for future development. It was indicated that only a portion of the yield of the en- larged project could be readily utilized in the Sutter- Yuba Area at the present time. The capital cost of the larger project would be more than twice that of the fourth plan for initial construction described in this section. Costs of developed water would be excessive until such time as the major portion of the yield could be put to beneficial use. For these reasons tins plan was given no further present consideration for initial con- struction. The third of the alternative plans considered for initial construction involved the possible purchase of water from the Nevada Irrigation District and con- veyance to places of use in the natural channel of Dry Creek. Preliminary studies indicated that additional water could be supplied to the East Central Zone by development and extension of existing facilities of the district, including the China and Tarr Ditches. As in the case of the first plan described, use of the new sur- face supply would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the area served and in adjacent areas. The amount of water that might be made available to the East Central Zone would depend upon construction and enlargement of works of the Nevada Irrigation District, and, in turn, upon the out- come of possible negotiations between the district and an agency representing interests of the Northeast Zone. For these reasons, features of the plan were not sur- veyed and studied in detail, nor estimates of cost pre- pared. The fourth plan considered for initial construction would provide for the present supplemental water re- quirement in the East Central Zone and for growth in water utilization for a number of years in the future. In addition, it would provide corresponding benefits to the South Side Zone. The plan would include the construction of a larger dam and reservoir on the Bear River at the site of the existing Camp Far West Dam and Reservoir, and facilities for conveyance of the conserved water to and its distribution in both the East Central and South Side Zones. Use of the new surface water supply would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the areas served and in adjacent areas. This plan is here- inafter referred to as the "Camp Far West Project," and its principal features are delineated on Plate 22. Camp Far West Project. The proposed dam Avould be an earthfill structure with chute spillway, located on the Bear River, in Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 6 East, M. D. B. & M., some 16 miles upstream from the confluence with the Feather River, and 6.6 miles upstream from Highway 99E. Stream bed eleva- tion at the site is 145 feet, The proposed dam would be superimposed upon an existing curved concrete gravity dam, 62 feet in height from stream bed to dam crest, which creates a reservoir of about 5,000 acre-foot capacity, and is owned by the Camp Far West Irriga- tion District. Flood waters of the Bear River conserved by the proposed reservoir would be released at an ele- vation of approximately 180 feet to canals serving the East Central and South Side Zones, respectively. The lands which would be served by the new water supply comprise the aforementioned 8,500 acres in the East Central Zone, and an additional 8,500 acres in the South Side Zone, in the respective service areas shown on Plate 22. Both service areas range in elevation from about 150 feet along their eastern boundaries to about 50 feet on the west. In Chapter III it was estimated that the present requirement for supplemental water in the East Cen- tral Zone is about 28,000 acre-feet per season and in the South Side Zone an additional 28,000 acre-feet, a total of about 56,000 acre-feet per season. In the design of the Camp Far AVest Project for cost estimating purposes, it was considered necessary to provide about 10,000 acre-feet of water per season for the Camp Far West Irrigation District to replace yield of the existing reservoir. Based upon the area of lands irrigated by the district, this estimate is believed to be adequate. As has been stated, it was also considered desirable to provide some capacity for future growth in demand on the project, which would occur through development of irrigable lands not presently irrigated. As a first step in determination of size of the project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for various storage capacities. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of the Bear River, from the approxi- mately 280 square miles above the dam site, was 347,000 acre-feet, Based upon records and estimates of runoff during the critical dry period which occurred in the Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35, yield studies were made for three sizes of reservoirs at the Camp Far AVest site. It was assumed that a seasonal irrigation deficiency up to 35 percent could be endured in one season of the period. A summary of results of the yield studies is presented in Table 44. TABLE 44 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF CAMP FAR WEST RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1920-21 THROUGH 1934-35 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 55,000 104,000 151,000 55,000 90,000 122,000 70 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTKiATK >N After consideration of the results of the yield studies, together with topography of the dam site and eosl analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 104,000 acre-fool storage capacity, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 90,000 acre-feet was chosen for pur- poses of eosi estimates to be presented in this report. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appendix (i. For eosl estimating purposes a tentative distribution of yield of the proposed Camp Far "West Reservoir was made. Of the estimated !)0,000 acre-feet of safe seasonal yield. 10.000 aered'eet per season was as- signed to the Camp Far West Irrigation District. The remaining yield was divided equally between the East Central and South Side Zones, in the amount of 4-0,000 acre-feet per season to each zone. since the East Central Zone constitutes a free "round water area, water losses in the proposed canal and ditch system would largely percolate to the ground water. For this reason it was assumed that these losses, plus the unconsumed portion of the new water supply applied to irrigation would be effective in preventing progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels. It was estimated that losses in conveyance and distribution of the 40,000 acre-feet of safe seasonal yield assigned to the East Central Zone would be about 25 percent, leaving some 30,000 acre- feet per season for application to irrigation. It was also assumed that water imported to the East Central Zone would be used largely on irrigated pasture, and that the average seasonal application of the new water would be 3.5 acre-feet per acre. On this basis it was estimated that the imported supply would be applied to some 8,500 acres in a service area lyinir generally south of Hutchinson Creek and east of the Western Pacific Railroad. Of the lands which would be served with the new water supply, about 3,300 acres are presently irrigated by "round water and about 5,200 acres are irrigable lands not presently irrigated. An estimate of the monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was presented in Table 33. Based on these data, monthly demands on the Cam]) Far West Project would be as shown in Table 45. A topographic survey of the Cam]) Far West reservoir site up to an elevation of 225 feet was made by the ('amp far West Irrigation District in 1922. This survey was extended to an elevation of 320 feet by the Division of Water Resources in 1930, and a map was drawn from both surveys at a scale of 1 inch equals 500 feet, with a contour interval of 10 feel Storage capacities of the ('amp Far West Reser- voir al various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 16. Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Camp far West dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to a maximum of l^o feet. Bedrock at the site consists of a slightlv TABLE 45 ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR WATER FROM CAMP FAR WEST PROJECT Month April May June July August Septembei October November TOTALS Pen ent of .seasonal total 10 16 17 22 17 II 5 2 100 Gross rrle;i - . to Camp Far West Irrigation District. ill acre-fret 1,000 1,600 1,700 2,200 1,700 1,100 500 200 10,000 i (rose import to East ( Vutial Zone, in acre-feet 4.000 6,400 6,800 8,800 6,800 4,400 2,000 800 40,000 Gross import to South Side Zone, in acre-feet 4,000 6,400 6,800 8,800 6,800 4.400 2,000 800 1(1,0110 TABLE 46 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF CAMP FAR WEST RESERVOIR Depth of water at dam, in feet Water surface elevation, USGS datum, in feet Water surface area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 . 145 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 300 310 320 100 180 380 600 890 1,260 1 .750 2,020 2,330 2,620 1,400 4,200 9,800 19,400 31.200 55,500 85,600 155 104,400 165 175 126,100 151,000 porphyritic, compact. with gradations into A complex joint syste joint cracks opened a weathering. The joints preciable depths other rock. However, some necessary. Shears are and no serpent ine was to an elevat ion of abou and massive dark greenstone coarse-grained plutonic rock, in exists in this vicinity with few inches on the surface by probably do not persist to ap- than as hairline cracks in the moderate grouting would be not abundant in the bedrock, found locally. While slopes up t 100 feel above S1 ream bed on PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 71 both abutments consist essentially of barren bedrock with scattered patches of overlying soil, the abutment slopes above 100 feet show only occasional bedrock outcrops with a much heavier mantle of overburden. Stripping under the impervious section of an earth- fill type of dam at this site should not exceed four feet of depth of loose material up to 100 feet above stream bed on both abutments, and eight feet of depth above 100 feet on the abutments. Topographic considerations indicate that the spillway should be located across the ridge forming the right abutment of the dam, utilizing a natural saddle and drainage channel. The material stripped from the foundation and abutments and excavated from the spillway should prove largely recoverable for construction use as per- vious fill, rockfill, or riprap. Deposits of dredger tail- ings about two miles downstream from the dam, as well as sands and gravels accumulated in the existing reservoir, could be used as pervious fill material for the proposed dam. Soil suitable for use in the con- struction of an impervious embankment is available in limited quantities within a radius of about two miles from the dam. Although the depth of this material is probably not great, it is believed that enough could be obtained from several sources to provide for a mini- mum impervious earth section. As a result of yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, and preliminary economic analysis, an earthfill dam, 155 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, and with a crest elevation of 311 feet, was selected to illus- trate estimates of costs of the Camp Far West Project. The dam would have a crest length of about 2,980 feet and a crest width of 30 feet, and 3 :1 upstream and 2.5 :1 downstream slopes. The central impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 0.8 :1 slopes. The outer pervious zones of the dam would consist of stream bed gravels, dredger tailings, and salvaged material from stripping and excavation. A 3-foot blanket of gravel riprap would protect the upstream face of the dam. The volume of the fill would be an estimated 2, 070, 000 cubic yards. The spillway would be of the chute type, located across the ridge forming the right abutment, and concrete-lined. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 7 feet, and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. The spillway would have a capacity of 60,000 second-feet, required for an assumed discharge of 215 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The spillway would discharge into a draw that joins the Bear River about 900 feet downstream from the toe of the dam. The outlet works would include a horseshoe type tunnel, 10 feet in di- ameter and 880 feet in length, excavated through the left abutment and concrete-lined. The tunnel would be used to divert flow of the Bear River during the con- struction period. After completion of the dam a con- crete plug would be placed in the tunnel at the axis of the dam, and a 5- by 5-foot high pressure slide gate would be installed to control releases from the reser- voir. A 66-inch diameter steel pipe, with capacity of 440 second-feet, would convey the water through the tunnel and terminate in a 60-inch diameter needle valve at a location about 250 feet downstream from the tunnel portal. This needle valve would discharge into a concrete-lined stilling basin, from which water would enter a concrete-lined canal at an elevation of 187 feet. Another needle valve, of 36-inch diameter, would be installed in the steel outlet pipe just outside of the tun- nel portal, and would discharge directly into the Bear River. The canal from the stilling basin would be of trape- zoidal section, with 1 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 7.0 feet, depth of 6.0 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, its velocity about 5.1 feet per second, and its capacity 400 second-feet. The canal would extend along the left bank of the Bear River a distance of about 8,000 feet, terminating in a concrete division box at an elevation of 183 feet, From this structure a steel pipe siphon. 66 inches in diameter and about 800 feet in length, with capacity of 200 second-feet, would convey water across the Bear River, discharging into a canal to serve the East Central Zone. The division box would also contain an outlet to a canal to serve the South Side Zone, and another outlet to a wasteway emptying into the Bear River. The canals to serve both the East Central and South Side Zones would have capacities at their intakes of 200 second-feet. The canal to serve the East Central Zone would extend from the siphon outlet in a northwesterly direction a distance of approximately 3.6 miles, where about one-half of the water would be discharged into t he channel of South Dry Creek to be diverted by down- stream users. The remaining water would be carried a distance of about 0.8 mile and discharged into the chan- nel of North Dry Creek for similar downstream re- diversion. For an initial distance of about 3,500 feet from the Bear River siphon the canal would be shot- crete-lined and of trapezoidal section, with 1 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 6.0 feet, depth of 4.5 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. The slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity about 4.3 feet per second. For the remainder of the distance to South Dry Creek the canal woidd be unlined and of trapezoidal section, with 2 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 8.0 feet, depth of 5.0 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. The slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity about 2.2 feet per second. From South Dry Creek to North Dry Creek the canal would be unlined and of trapezoidal section, with 2 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 7.0 feet, depth of 3.7 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot, The slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity about 1.9 feet per second. Capacity of this portion of the canal would be 100 second-feet. The canal to serve the South Side Zone would extend from the division box in a southerly direction a distance SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION of approximately 10.0 miles to Coon Creek, where aboul one-half of the How would be discharged for re- diversion by downstream users. The remaining water would be carried in a canal with capacity reduced to ion second-feet, a distance of about 5.5 miles iu a gen- eral southerly direction, where it would lie similarly discharged into and conveyed in the natural channel of Markham Ravine for a distance of about 1.1 miles. The conserved water would be diverted from Markham Ravine by a dashboard dam and conveyed in a canal for a distance of about 1.2 miles where it would be dis- charged into Auburn Ravine for rediversion by down- stream users. For an initial distance of about 1.0 mile from the division box the canal would be shotcrete-lined and of trapezoidal section, with 1 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 6.0 feet, depth of 4.5 feet, and freeboard of 1.(1 foot. The slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity about 4.3 feel per second. For the remainder of the distance to Coon Creek the canal would be unlined. It would be of trapezoidal section. TABLE 47 GENERAL FEATURES OF CAMP FAR WEST PROJECT Earthfill Dam I Irest elevation — 31 1 feet Crest length— 2,980 feet I iridth— 30 fee) Height, spillway lip above stream bed 155 feel Mile- slopes- "!:1 upstream 2 . -VI downstream I reeboard, above spillway lip — 11 feet Elevation of stream bed — 145 feet Volume of fill— 2,070.000 cubic yards Reservoir i area a1 spillway lip — 2,020 acres Capacity at spillway lip 104.000 acre-feet Drainage area — 280 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff — 347,000 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield — 110.000 acre-feet Type of spillway— Chute, concrete-lined Spillway capacity 60,000 second-feet Type of outlet- 10-foot diameter pressure tunnel and 66-inch diameter -teel pipe through left abutment Conduits Type. Length, in miles Side slopes . Botl width. in feet Depth, m feet Freeboard, in in feet per mile \ elocitj hi feet i ond city, in second-feet . I liltlel 66-inch di im- et er steel pipe 0.21 18 ■ no Beat Ri vei ( lanal Trape- zoidal. con- crete- lined l 5 1 . I 7.0 i, ii 1 .0 2 5 100 Bear River Siphon 66-inch diam- eter 0. 15 g I 200 East ( lentral Zone Conduit dal Lined sec- tion 0.7 I ! 6.0 1 5 i 2 5 4.3 200 Unlined section 2.9 0.8 2:1 2:1 8.0 7.0 5.0 3.7 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 1.9 200 100 South Side Zone ( 'ondilit Trapezoidal Lined sec- tion Unlined section i ii 1:1 6.0 1.5 l o 2 . o I 3 200 10.0 (i.7 1:1 2:1 8.0 7.0 5 . :i . 7 1 (I 1 II 2 . :. 2 . .', 2.2 1.9 200 100 with 2:1 side slopes, bottom width of 8.0 feet, depth of o.ii feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and its velocity about 2.2 feel per second. From Coon Creek to Auburn Ravine the constructed canal would be unlined and of trape- zoidal section, witll 2:1 side slopes, bottom width of 7.0 feet, depth of 3.7 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slopes would be about 2.5 feet per mile, and its velocity about 1.9 feet per second. ('ost estimates for the canals to convey water to the service areas in the East Central and South Side Zones were based on designs utilizing data obtained by field location surveys. Detailed design of the distribution systems in the East Central and South Side Zones, however, was considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Cost estimates for the distribu- tion systems were based on known costs of similar ir- rigation works elsewhere in California, adjusted to correspond witli conditions prevailing in the Sutter- Yuba Area. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Camp Far West Project, as designed for cost esti- mating purposes, are presented in Table 47. The capital cost of the Camp Far West Project, based on prices prevailing in April, 1052, was estimate 1 to be about $5,592,900. The corresponding annual costs of the Camp Far West Project were estimated to be about $299,600. The resultant estimated unit cost of the SI), ()()() acre-feet per season of new water conserved by the Camp Far West Reservoir was about $3.70 per acre-foot. The estimated unit cost of water applied for irrigation in the East Central Zone was about $4.70 per acre-foot, and the estimate for water applied for irrigation in the South Side Zone was about $5.30 per acre-foot. Estimated capital and annual costs of the Camp Far West Project are summarized in the following tabula- tion. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appen- dix H. Estimated costs Capital Annual Dam ninl reservoir__ $3,979,900 si 70.000 Bear River canal— 233,000 12,600 East Central Zone canal and siphon 286,600 15,400 South Side Zone canal _. 668,400 36,000 East Centra] Zone distribution sys- tem 212,500 32,800 South Side Zone distribution system 212,500 :>2.800 TOTALS S.-,..V.i2.!»oo S2!l!),600 Soufh Side Zone Three possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the South Side Zone were considered. The tirst of these plans was the Camp Far West Project, which, as de- scribed in the preceding section, would provide sup- plemental water for both the Fast Central and South Side Zones. The second of the alternative plans con- PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 7:; sidered for initial construction involved the possible purchase of water from the Nevada Irrigation District and conveyance to places of use in the natural channels of Coon Creek and Auburn Ravine. The amount of water that might be made available to the South Side Zone would depend upon design and construction of additional works of the Nevada Irrigation District, and in turn upon the outcome of possible negotiations be- tween the district and an agency representing interests of the South Side Zone. For these reasons, features of the plan were not surveyed and studied in detail, nor estimates of cost prepared. The third of the plans involved the construction of a dam and reservoir on Coon Creek, at a site approxi- mately seven miles northeast of Lincoln, the utilization of an existing diversion works and ditch to convey flood flows of the Bear River to the reservoir, the recon- struction of existing abandoned facilities for diversion of the conserved waters from Coon Creek below the dam, and the construction of facilities for conveyance of the waters to and their distribution in the South Side Zone. This plan is hereinafter referred to as the "Coon Creek Project," and its principal features are delineated on Plate 23, "Coon Creek Project." Under each of the alternative plans use of the new surface water supplies would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the areas served and in adjacent areas. Each plan would provide for the present supplemental water requirement of the South Side Zone and for growth in water utilization for a number of years in the future. Camp Far West Project. In the earlier descrip- tion of the Camp Far West Project a reservoir of 104,000 acre-foot capacity, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 90,000 acre-feet, was chosen at the Camp Far West site on the Bear River for cost estimating pur- poses. A tentative distribution of this yield was made that would provide 40,000 acre-feet per season to the South Side Zone, some 12,000 acre-feet per season greater than the present requirement for supplemental water in the zone, which was estimated in Chapter III to be about 28,000 acre-feet per season. The 12,000 acre- feet per season of indicated present surplus yield was assigned to irrigation of irrigable lands not now served with water. Since the South Side Zone constitutes a free ground water area, water losses in the proposed conveyance and distribution system for the new water supply would largely percolate to the ground water-. For this reason it was assumed that these losses, plus the un- consumed portion of the new water supply applied to irrigation, would be effective in preventing progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels. It was assumed that losses in conveyance and distribution of the 40,000 acre-feet per season of safe seasonal yield assigned to the South Side Zone would be about 25 percent, leaving some 30,000 acre-feet per season for application to irrigation. It was also assumed that water imported to the South Side Zone would largely be used on irrigated pasture and that the average seasonal application of the new water would be 3.5 acre-feet per acre. On this basis it was estimated that the imported supply would be applied to some 8,500 acres in a service area lying generally adjacent to Coon Creek and Auburn Ravine and easterly of the bound- aries of Reclamation Districts 1000 and 1001. Eleva- tion of this service area ranges from about 150 feet along the eastern boundary to about 50 feet on the west. Of the lands which would be served with the new water supply, about 3,300 acres are presently irrigated by ground water, and 5,200 acres are irrigable lands not presently irrigated. An estimate of monthly dis- tribution of demand for the 40,000 acre-feet of gross seasonal import to the South Side Zone from the Camp Far West Project was presented in Table 45. As described in the preceding section, direct releases would be made from Camp Far West Reservoir to the intake of a canal to serve the South Side Zone. The in- take would be at. a concrete division box, located on the left bank of the Bear River, about 1.5 miles downstream from Camp Far West Dam, at an elevation of 183 feet. From the intake the canal, with capacity of 200 second- feet, would extend in a southerly direction approxi- mately 10.0 miles to Coon Creek. At this point about one-half of the flow would be discharged into Coon Creek for rediversion by downstream users. The re- maining water would be carried in a general southerly direction an additional 5.5 miles, in a canal with capacity reduced to 100 second-feet, where it would be similarly discharged into and conveyed in the nat- ural channel of Markham Ravine for a distance of about 1.1 miles. The conserved water would be diverted from Markham Ravine by a flashboard dam and con- veyed in a canal for a distance of about 1.2 miles where it would be discharged into Auburn Ravine for rediver- sion by downstream users. Additional pertinent data with respect to general features of the Camp Far West Project, as designed for cost estimating purposes, were presented in Table 47. The cost estimate for the canal to convey w-ater to the South Side Zone was based on designs utilizing data obtained by field location surveys. Detailed design of the distribution system for the South Side Zone was considered to be outside the scope of the current in- vestigation. The cost estimate for the distribution system was based on known costs of similar irrigation works elsewhere in California, adjusted to correspond with conditions prevailing in the Sutter- Yuba Area. As stated in the preceding section, the capital cost of the Camp Far West Project, based on prices prevailing in April, 1952, was estimated to be about .+5.592,900. Corresponding annual costs of the Camp Far West Project were estimated to be about $299,600. The re- sultant estimated unit cost of new water conserved by Camp Far West Reservoir was about $3.70 per acre- foot of safe seasonal yield. The estimated unit cost of u SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION water applied for irrigation in the South Side Zone was aboul $5.30 per acre-foot, and the estimate for water applied for irrigation in the East Central Zone was aboul $4.70 per acre-foot. Detailed cosl estimates for the Cam]) Far West Project are presented in Ap- pendix II. Coon Creek Project. The proposed Coon Creek Dam would be an earthtill structure, with two earthen auxiliary saddle dikes and a chute spillway. It would be located in Sections 8 and 17. Township 13 North, Range 6 East, M.B.D. & M., at a site on Coon Creek some 7..") miles northeast of Lincoln and 8.3 miles up- stream from Highway 99E. Stream bed elevation at this site is 345 feet. For cost estimating purposes, it was assumed that flood waters of the Bear River would be diverted by existing works, conveyed in the existing Upper Gold Hill and Combie-Ophir Canals for a dis- tance of about 2.4 miles, and discharged into a tribu- tary of Coon Creek above the proposed reservoir. These diversion works and the canals belong to the Nevada I rrigation District. The conserved waters of both Coon ( reek and Bear River, after release from the proposed reservoir, would flow down Coon Creek for a distance of approximately six miles to an existing abandoned diversion structure. At this point about one-half of the released water would be diverted into a canal, and con- veyed in a general southerly direction for a distance of some 5.5 miles where it would be discharged into and conveyed in the natural channel of Markham Ravine for a distance of about 1.1 miles. The conserved water would be diverted from Markham Ravine by a flashboard dam and conveyed in a canal for a distance of about 1.2 miles where it would be discharged into Auburn Ravine. The new water supply would be avail- able in the natural channels of Coon Creek and Mark- ham and Auburn Ravines for downstream diversion and use. The lands which would be served by the new Avater supply comprise some 12,000 acres in a service area lying generally adjacent to Coon Creek and Auburn Ravine and easterly id' the boundaries of Reclamation Districts 1000 and 1001. A portion of this service area, shown on Plate 2-'!. is in Placer County and outside of the Sutter-Yuba Area. For reasons hereinafter dis- CUSSed, it was assumed that water yielded by the Coon Creek Projecl would be entirely applied to irrigable lands not presently served with water. Use of the new surface water supply would prevent progressive and permanent lowering of "•round water levels in the area seiwed and in adjacent areas in the South Side /one. In Chapter III it was estimated that the present requirement lor supplemental water in the South Side Zone is about L's. 001) acre feet per season. However, in design of projects for initial local development to meet this requirement, it was considered desirable to pro- vide some capacity lor future growth in water demand which would occur through development of irrigable lands not presently irrigated. In the case of the Camp Far West Project, described in the preceding section, this additional capacity was estimated to be 12,000 acre feet pel' season. However, in connection with the Coon Creelc Project, giving consideration to the extent of undeveloped irrigable lands that might readily be served, and to the available source of water supply, the corresponding additional capacity was estimated to be 28,000 acre-feet per season. As a first step in determination of the size of the Coon Creek Project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for various reservoir storage capacities. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of Coon ( 'reek, from the approximately 40 square miles of watershed above the dam site, was about 32,800 acre- feet. Of the Bear River waters, studies indicated that flood floAvs in an estimated mean seasonal amount of about .">.">. 700 acre-feet could be diverted to the proposed Coon Creek Reservoir, through the existiim- Combie- Ophir Canal of about 106 second-foot capacity, during the months of November through April. Based on records and estimates of runoff during the critical dry period which occurred in the Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through l!)::4-:!;>, yield studies were made of two sizes of reservoir at the Coon Creek site. The limited number of yield studies was largely determined by topographic considerations. It was as- sumed that a seasonal irrigation deficiency up to 35 percent could be endured in one season of the period. Monthly demands on the reservoir were assumed to be proportional to the estimated distribution of irrigation demands in the Sutter-Yuba Area, as presented in Table 33. A summary of the results of the yield studies is presented in Table 48. TABLE 48 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF COON CREEK RESERVOIR WITH BEAR RIVER DIVERSION, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1920-21 THROUGH 1934-35 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 25,500 59,000 34,000 56,000 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, together with topography of the dam site and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 5!), 000 acre-foot capacity with estimated safe seasonal yield of 56,000 acre-feet was chosen for purposes of cost estimates to be presented in this report. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appen- dix G. Since the considered service area constitutes a free ground water area, water losses in the proposed canal PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 7. - ) and ditch system would largely percolate to the ground water. For this reason it was assumed that these losses, plus the unconsumed portion of the new water supply applied to irrigation, would be effective in preventing progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels in the area served and in adjacent areas in the South Side Zone. It was assumed that seasonal losses in conveyance and distribution of the 56,000 acre-feet of safe seasonal yield would be about 25 percent, or 14,000 acre-feet, leaving some 42,000 acre-feet for application to irriga- tion. It was also assumed that the new water supply from the Coon Creek Project would largely be used on irrigated pasture, and that the average seasonal application of water would be 3.5 acre-feet per acre. On this basis it was estimated that the imported supply would be applied to some 12,000 acres in a service area lying generally adjacent to Coon Creek and Auburn Ravine and easterly of the boundaries of Reclamation Districts 1000 and 1001. Of the assumed average seasonal application of 3.5 acre-feet per acre, it was estimated that seasonal consumptive use would be about 2.3 acre-feet per acre, and that about 1.2 acre- feet per acre would be unconsumed. This unconsumed portion would aggregate about 14,400 acre-feet per season for the 12.000 acres which would be irrigated. From the foregoing it was estimated that losses in conveyance and distribution of the new water supply, plus the unconsumed portion of the water actually applied to irrigation, both of which would largely percolate to ground water, would total about 28,400 acre-feet per season. Since the estimated present sea- sonal water requirement to prevent progressive and permanent lowering of ground Avater levels in the South Side Zone is about 28,000 acre-feet per season, no substitute water supply would have to be furnished lands presently irrigated by ground water in order to prevent such lowering. It was assumed, therefore, that lands to which the water supply from the Coon Creek Project would be applied would consist entirely of irrigable lands not presently served with water. In this connection, certain irrigable but unirrigated lands in Placer County lying immediately adjacent to the South Side Zone could readily and logically be served with water from the Coon Creek Project. For this rea- son the water service area shown on Plate 23 was extended outside the South Side Zone to include these lands. An estimate of the monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water in the Sutter-Yuba Area was pre- sented in Table 33. Based on these data, monthly de- mands on the Coon Creek Project would be as shown in Table 49. A topographic map of the Coon Creek dam and reservoir sites, at a scale of 1 inch equals 425 feet, with contour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of Water Resources in 1951, using photo- grammetric methods. Topography of the dam site was TABLE 49 ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR WATER FROM COON CREEK PROJECT Month April May June July August September October November TOTALS Percent of seasonal total in 16 17 22 17 I I 5 2 Hid (boss release to South Side Zone, in acre-feet 5,600 9,000 9,500 12,300 9,500 6,200 2,800 1,100 56,00(1 shown on the map up to an elevation of 580 feet, while topography of the reservoir site was shown up to an elevation of 500 feet. Reservoir topography above that elevation was estimated. Storage capacities of Coon Creek Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 50. TABLE 50 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF COON CREEK RESERVOIR Water surface Water Storage Depth of water at dam, in feet elevation, USGS surface area, in capacity, in datum, in acres acre-feet feet 345 360 380 400 420 5 25 65 110 15 50 35 300 55 . 1,200 75_ 3,000 95.. 440 460 480 500 180 260 360 500 5,800 115 10,300 135. . 16,600 155 25,500 175 520 610 37,600 195 540 740 51,000 205 550 810 58,000 207 552 820 59,000 215 560 880 65,000 Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Coon Creek dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to a maximum of 220 feet. Foundation rock at the site consists essentially of 76 SrTTKR-YlT»A COUNTIES INVESTIGATION amphibolite schist. In the vicinity of the site the rock varies lift ween schistose and massive material, strik- ing across the channel and dipping vertically. The foundation bedrock as a whole is relatively hard and unweathered where exposed in outcrops. Joints are prominently developed in several sets, with a horizontal joint set predominating. Minor faulting may be in- volved at this site, as evidenced by the sharp change in altitude of the joint sets of the rock slightly down- stream from the tentative axis position. The trend of such a possible fault may strike obliquely upstream into the right abutment where considerable tains material exists. There are no indications of recent movement in this area. The stream at this site has cut through the resistant rib of rock, forming a narrow gorge with steep side slopes to an elevation of about 150 feet above stream bed. A dam of the height considered for cost estimating purposes would require a dike across the saddle south of the left abutment, and two dikes across smaller saddles north and east of the right abutment. However, it is indicated that the spillway could be located across the ridge forming the right abutment of the dam, utiliz- ing one of the saddles and eliminating the need for construction of a dike therein. It is probable that stripping under the impervious sect ion of an earthfill dam at the Coon Creek site woiild be relatively heavy, due to the jointed blocky nature of the rock. On the left abutment no removal of over- burden would he required for a height of about 50 feet above stream bed, while above that height stripping of overburden, consisting of earth and loose rock, should not exceed two feet of depth. On the right abut- ment for a height of about 60 feet above stream bed stripping of overburden, consisting of loose talus rocks but including occasional blocks in place, should not exceed 15 (Vet of depth. Above that height on the right abutment stripping of overburden, consisting of loose rock and earth, should not exceed three feet of depth. Beneath the described overburden on both abutments it is anticipated that required stripping would involve the removal of blocky hard rock to a maximum of 20 feel of depth. For an earthfill dam at this site, a large proportion of the material obtained from stripping operations could be salvaged for use in the pervious sections of the dam or as riprap. Aggregates, particularly lines. are lacking in the area and mighl require hauling from the vicinity of tin' Hear River. Soil suitable for use in tlie construction of an impervious core is avail- able in only limited quantities. Deposits of residual clay overburden are scattered and thin in the vicinity. How- ever, based on a preliininay sampling program, suffi cieiit materia] is believed to be available within two to three miles of the dam site to provide for a minimum impervious earth section. Materials for the pervious sections of the dam could be obtained from salvage from stripping, and from stream bed gravels of Coon Creek and the Bear River. As a result of yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, and preliminary economic analysis, an earthfill dam 207 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, and with a crest elevation of 560 feet, was selected to illus- trate estimates of cost of the Coon Creek Project. The dam would consist of three earthfill structures, a main dam across Coon Creek and two auxiliary saddle dams. The main dam would have a crest length of about 1,420 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 3:1 upstream and 2.5:1 downstream slopes. The south saddle dam would have a crest length of about 1,450 feet and a maximum height of about 64 feet. The north saddle dam would have a crest length of about 550 feet and a maximum height of about 39 feet. Both saddle dams would have crest widths of 20 feet, and 2.5:1 upstream and ckrwn- stream slopes. The central impervious cores of all dams would have top widths of 10 feet and 0.8 :1 slopes, and would be blanketed with sand and gravel filters. The outer pervious zones of the clams would consist of stream bed gravels and materials salvaged from strip- ping and excavation. The upstream face of the main dam would be protected by a 3-foot blanket of riprap, and similar blankets 2 feet in depth would protect the upstream faces of the saddle dams. The main dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 2,201,000 cubic yards, and the estimated volume of fill of the two saddle dams would be 44!), 000 cubic yards. The concrete spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located in a saddle between the main dam and the north saddle dam. It would have a capacity of 14,000 second- feet, required for an assumed discharge of 350 second- feet per square mile of drainage area, and would dis- charge into a tributary of Coon Creek. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 4 feet, and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be pro- vided. Outlet works would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe placed in a trench excavated in rock beneath the dam, and encased in concrete. Releases from the reservoir would be controlled at the upstream end by two 30-inch hydraulically controlled high-pressure slide gates, located at a submerged inlet upstream from the dam, and operated by hydraulic controls from a house on the left abutment. The outlet would be con- trolled at the downstream end by a Howell-Bunger valve. The proposed diversion works on Coon Creek would incorporate remaining features of an abandoned diver- sion structure at a site approximately 3.3 miles up- stream from Highway 99E. 'the site was examined and surveyed during the course of the investigation. The existing works consist of a concrete gate structure with concrete abutments. An earthen dike which formerly completed stream closure of the left abutment has been destroyed, stream bed elevation at the site is 140 feet, and the ffate structure is 17 feet in height above stream PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT i i bed. The j>ate opening is 35 feel in width, and contains seven bays to hold Dashboards, each with an opening four feet in width. For cost estimating purposes, it was planned to utilize the old concrete gate structure by installing removable dashboards to a height of 7 feet above stream bed elevation. The earthen dike would be re- placed from the left abutment of the gate structure to the natural bank of Coon Creek, a distance of about 100 feet, to complete the stream closure. Tins embankment would be approximately 10 feet in height, with 2:1 side slopes and a crest elevation of 150 feet. A similar dike with crest elevation of 155 feet, portions of which are already in place, would extend upstream along the low left bank of Coon Creek for a distance of approxi- mately 1,000 feet. At a point about 50 feet upstream from tlie main axis of the diversion structure a concrete headwall would be placed in the left side embankment, containing a 4- by 4-foot slide gate to control releases into a proposed canal. It was estimated that spillway capacity of the existing gate structure, after removal of the flashboards, would be in excess of 2,000 second- feet. It was considered that infrequent Hood flows in Coon Creek in excess of this amount would wash out the closing earth embankment, and that the embank- ment would have to be replaced after such floods. The proposed canal, with a capacity of 100 second- feet, would extend from the headgate in a general southerly direction a distance of approximately 5.5 miles to Markham Ravine. The conserved water would be conveyed in the natural channel of Markham Ravine for a distance of about 1.1 miles where it would be diverted by a flashboard dam and conveyed in a canal for a distance of about 1.2 miles and discharged into Auburn Ravine. For an initial distance of about 0.5 mile from the headgate the canal would be shotcrete- lined and of trapezoidal section, with 1 :1 side slopes, bottom width of 4.0 feet, depth of 4.0 feet, and free- board of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be approximately 2..") feet per mile, and the velocity would be about 3.5 feet per second. The remaining portion of the constructed canal would be of an unlined trapezoidal section, with 2:1 side slopes, bottom width of 7.0 feet, depth of 3.7 feet, and freeboard of 1.0 foot. Its slope would be approximately 2.5 feet per mile, and the velocity would be about 1.9 feet per second. At a distance of about 1.3 miles before reaching Markham Ravine the conduit would cross Highway 99E and the Southern Pacific Railroad. The structure to carry the water underneath the highway and railroad tracks would be a steel pipe 48 inches in diameter. Cost estimates for the canal were based on designs utilizing data obtained by a reconnaissance field loca- tion survey. Detailed design of the distribution system, however, was considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Cost estimates for the system were based on known costs of similar irrigation works elsewhere in California, adjusted to correspond with conditions prevailing in the Sutter- Yuba Area. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Coon Creek Project, as designed for cost estimating purposes, are presented in Table 51. TABLE 51 GENERAL FEATURES OF COON CREEK PROJECT Main Earthfill Dam Crest elevation — 500 feet Crest length— 1,420 feet ( !rest width— 30 feet Height, spillway lip above stream he 1 — 207 feet Side slopes — 3:1 upstream 2.5:1 downstream Freeboard, above spillway lip — 8 feet Elevation of stream bed — 345 feet Volume of fill— 2,201,000 cubic yards Auxiliary Earthfill Dams South saddle dam I irest length— 1,450 feet Cresl width— 20 feet Side slopes — 2.5:1 Maximum height — 64 feet North saddle dam Crest length — 550 feet Crest width— 20 feet Side slopes — 2.5:1 Maximum height — 39 feet Volume of fill, both dams — 449,000 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 820 acres c lapaeity at spillway lip — 59,000 acre-feet Drainage area, Coon Creek — 40 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff, Coon Creek — 32,800 acre-feet Estimated seasonal diversion of Bear River water through Combie-Ophir Canal — 35,700 acre-feet Estimated safe' seasonal yield — 56,000 acre-feel Type of spillw :i\ Ogee weir, concrete-lined Spillway capacity — 14.000 second-feet Type of outlet — 48-inch diameter steel pipe beneath dam Diversion Works Bear River Existing concrete gravity weir, with overpour section, approximately 300 feet in length, and approximately 15 feet high above stream bed elevation of about 1,500 feet; side channel di- version box, with overpour parapet wall and sluice gate; headgates in concrete headwall. Coon Creek Existing concrete diversion structure for flashboard control, with opening 35 feet in width and 17 feet in height above stream bed elevation of 140 feet; to be rehabilitated by installation of flash- boards to height of 7 feet, construction of auxiliary earthen dikes, and installation of concrete head- wall and 4- by 4-foot slide headgate. Conduits Bear River Diversion- .Existing conduit with estimated capacity of 106 second-feet, 2.4 miles in length, comprised of concrete-lined and unlined canal sections, wooden flume, and steel ripe siphons. ( .miii ( r eel, I )i\ ersiim Type Length, in miles Side slopes Bottom width, in feet Depth, in feet Freeboard , in feet Slope, in feet per mile Velocity, in feet per second Capacity, in second-feet Trapezoidal, Tra pezoidal, shotcrete- unlined canal lined canal 0.5 5.0 1:1 2:1 4.0 7.0 4.0 3.7 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 3.5 1.9 100 100 The capital cost of the Coon Creek Project, based on prices prevailing in April. 1952, was estimated to be .+5,303,500. The corresponding annual cost of the Coon SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVKSTIC ATlON Creek Projed was estimated to be about $254, TOO. The resultanl estimated average unit cost of the .">G, 000 acre-feel per season of new water conserved by the Coon Creek Reservoir was about $4.50 per acre-foot. The estimated unit cost of water applied for irrigation in the service area considered for cost estimating pur- poses was about .+(1.10 per acre-foot. These estimates of cost do not include possible charges for use of the existing diversion works on the Bear River and the canals of the Nevada Irrigation District. They do. however, include estimated costs for acquiring the existing abandoned diversion structure on Coon Creek below the dam. Estimated capital and annual costs of the Coon Creek Projed are summarized in the following tabula- tion. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appen- dix II. ,, ,. , , . Estimated cos Is Capital Annual Dam and reservoir__ si. 77::. Too $196,200 (' i Creek diversion and conduit 229,800 12, Hoi) Distribution system 300,000 45,600 TOTALS — _ $5,303,000 $254,100 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of field investigation, and study and analyses of available data on the water resources and water problems of the Sutter-Yuba Area, the following- conclusions and recommendations are made. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that : 1. The present basic water problems in the Sutter- Yuba Area are progressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels and attendant degradation of mineral quality of ground water. Elimination of these problems, prevention of their recurrence in the future, and irrigation of irrigable lands not presently served with water will require further development of avail- able water supplies. 2. Mean seasonal depth (if precipitation over the Sutter-Yuba Area is about 20.7 inches, and precipita- tion contributes water to the area in a mean seasonal amount of about 590,000 acre-feet. 3. The highly productive tributary watersheds of the Sierra Nevada constitute the most important source of water supply available to the Sutter-Yuba Area, and mean seasonal surface inflow of water to the area from these sources is about 6,240,000 acre-feet. 4. The ground water basin underlying the Sutter- Yuba Area functions as a natural regulatory reservoir, and at the present time about two-thirds of the lands irrigated in the area are irrigated with water pumped from this reservoir. The gross extraction of ground water in the Sutter- Yuba Area during 1948 was about 350,000 acre-feet. 5. The storage capacity of the ground water basin underlying the Sutter-Yuba Area is about 3,890,000 acre-feet between the levels of 20 and 200 feet below the ground surface. 6. Because of the continuing development and ex- tensive use of ground water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, a substantial cone of depression exists in the ground water plane, and the average level of ground water has fallen about 10 feet since 1943. This lowering of the ground water level has resulted in increased agricul- tural production costs, and in saline degradation of the ground water in portions of the area. 7. Hydraulic gradients existing in the plane of ground water at the present time result in a seasonal excess of subsurface inflow over subsurface outflow from the Sutter- Yuba Area of about 180,000 acre-feet. This water is an important source of replenishment to the "round water basin. 8. Satisfactory wells with yields sufficient for irri- gation purposes may be obtained in all but certain small portions of the Sutter- Yuba Area. 9. High water table lands in certain portions of the Sutter- Yuba Area served with surface water would be suitable for a wider range of crops than at present if ground water levels were held at greater depths. Fur- thermore, existing drainage problems in these areas would be eliminated and some salvage of water now excessively consumed would result. 10. Safe seasonal yield of the ground water basin underlying the Sutter- Yuba Area, with average main- tenance of ground water levels prevailing in 1949, is about 190,000 acre-feet. 11. The surface water supplies of the Sutter- Yuba Area are of excellent mineral quality. 12. The ground water supplies of the Sutter-Yuba Area are generally of excellent to good mineral quality. However, salinity sufficient to impair use of ground water for irrigation, domestic, and many industrial uses, has been observed at scattered wells throughout the area for many years. This condition is particularly prevalent in the Peach Bowl. Saline degradation of ground water in the Sutter- Yuba Area probably results from the upward migration and diffusion of deep saline brines through permeable zones in the alluvium, and through unplugged test wells and abandoned, defective, or improperly constructed wells. This up- ward and lateral movement of degraded water is prob- ably accelerated when the ground water plane is lowered by heavy irrigation pumping. 13. Due to geographic and water service considera- tions, the Sutter- Yuba Area is naturally divided into four principal zones. These have been designated "West Side Zone," "Northeast Zone," "East Central Zone," and "South Side Zone," and are shown on Plate 2. 14. At the present time there are approximately 150,000 acres of irrigated land in the Sutter- Yuba Area. The present distribution of the irrigated land among the several zones is as follows: West Side Zone, 66,200 acres; Northeast Zone, 20,100 acres; East Cen- tral Zone, 34,100 acres; and South Side Zone, 28,800 acres. 15. The probable ultimate cultural pattern of the Sutter-Yuba Area will include about 250,000 acres of irrigated land. The probable ultimate distribution of irrigated land among the several zones is as follows: West Side Zone, 100,000 acres ; Northeast Zone, 31,000 acres ; East Central Zone, 54,000 acres ; and South Side (79) 80 SITTER -Yl'P.A COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Zone. 65,000 acres. This and subsequent conclusions set forth with reference to future conditions are based upon the general assumptions that: (a) All irrigable lands iu the Sutter- Yuba Area will ultimately he broughl under irrigation; (b) The type of irrigated crops and irrigation practice will not alter materially; c There will he no significant changes in irrigation pracl ice in adjacent areas served with surface supplies ; d Rainfall, water supply, and climatic conditions will have annual and secular variations as in the past. 16. < H' the total amount of water, including rainfall. presently utilized in the Sutter-Yuba Area, approxi- mately 65 percent is consumed in the production of irrigated crops. Dry-farmed and fallow lands, native vegetation, and miscellaneous culture including urban areas, consume the remaining 35 percent. At the pres- ent time mean seasonal utilization of water in the area is about 820,000 acre-feet. The estimated distribution of seasonal water utilization among the several zones is as follows: West Side Zone, 311,000 acre-feet; Northeast Zone, 11:1000 acre-feet; East Central Zone. 201.000 acre-feet; and South Side Zone, 194,000 acre- feet. 17. Under conditions of ultimate development the mean seasonal utilization of water will probably in- crease to about 1,050,000 acre-feet. The probable distri- bution of this use among the several zones is as follows : West Side Zone. 384,000 acre-feet; Northeast Zone, 136,000 acre-feel ; East Central Zone. 256,000 acre-feel ; and South Side Zone, 278,000 acre-feet, 18. The present requirement for supplemental water in the Sutter-Yuba Area, in order to prevent pro- gressive and permanent lowering of ground water levels and attendant degradation of mineral quality of the ground water, is about 7!), 000 acre-feel per season. The estimated distribution of the supplemental sea- sonal water requirement among the several zones is as follows: West Side Zone. 17.000 acre-feet; Northeast Zone, 6,400 acre-feel ; East Central Zone, 27,(100 acre- feet ; and South Side Zone. 27,600 acre-feet. The distri- bution among the zones was based on the assumption that lowering of water levels which occurred during the season of 1948-49 would have been proportionately the same had mean water supply and climatic condi- t imis prevailed. lit. Under ultimate conditions of development the corresponding requirement for supplemental water probably will be about 315,000 acre-feet per season. The estimated distribution of ultimate mean seasonal supplemental water requirement among the several zones is as follows: West Side Zone. 90,600 acre- feet; Nfortheasl Zone, 30,100 acre-feet; East Central Zone 81,900 acre-feet; and South Side Zone. 112.200 acre-feet. Tl Stimate for each zone was determined as the sum of the probable increase in water utilization and the present supplemental water requirement. 20. .Major features of The California Water Plan, which is presently being formulated under direction of the Slate Water Resources Board, will provide sup- plemental water to meet the probable ultimate require- ments of the Sutter-Yuba Area. The Feather River 1'roject, an adopted feature of The California Wat r Plan, will provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate supplemental water requirements of the West Side Zone. It is feasible from an engineer- ing standpoint to so regulate and conserve the rela- tively large flood flows of the Yuba and Bear Rivers and other tributaries of the Feather River as to yield firm water supplies considerably in excess of the prob- able ultimate supplemental water requirements of the Northeast, East Central, and South Side Zones. 21. New' water sufficient to meet the present supple- mental requirement of the West Side Zone, together with additional water for growth in water demand for a number of years in the future, could be furnished by construction of facilities for pumping water directly from the Feather River and for its conveyance to and distribution in the Peach Bowl. Cost estimates indicate that the average unit cost of water diverted at the river would be about $4.20 per acre-foot, and that ap- plied to irrigation would be about $5.60 per acre-foot. 22. Preliminary studies indicate that supplemental water could be furnished the Northeast Zone from a multipurpose development of the South Fork of the Feather River and tributaries of the North Fork of the Yuba River. 23. New water sufficient to meet the present supple- mental requirement of the Northeast Zone, together with additional water for growth in water demands for a number of years in the future in both the Northeast Zone and the Browns Valley service area, could be fur- nished by construction of a dam and reservoir on South lloncut Creek, facilities for diversion of flood waters of French Dry Creek to the reservoir, and facilities for conveyance to and distribution of the conserved waters in the Northeast Zone and the Browns Valley service area. The estimated average unit cost of the water so developed and applied to irrigation would be about $9.70 per acre-foot in the Northeast Zone, and about $8.40 per acre-foot in the Browns Valley service area. 24. Preliminary studies indicate that supplemental water could be furnished both the East Central and South Side Zones from a development involving en- largement and extension of facilities of the Nevada. Irrigation District. 25. New water sufficient to meet the present supple- mental requirements of the East Central and South Side Zones, together with additional water for growth in water demands for a number o I years in the future, could be furnished by construction of a larger dam and reservoir on the Bear River at the site of the existing Camp Far West Dam and Reservoir, and CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8] facilities for conveyance of the conserved water to and its distribution in both the East Central and South Side Zones. The estimated average unit cost of the water so developed and applied to irrigation would be about $4.70 per acre-foot in the East Central Zone, and about $5.30 per acre-foot in the South Side Zone. 26. New water suffcient to meet the present supple- mental requirement of the South Side Zone, together with additional water for growth in water demand for a number of years in the future, could be furnished by construction of a dam and reservoir on Coon Creek, utilization of existing facilities of the Nevada irriga- tion District for diversion of Hood waters of the Bear River to the proposed reservoir, and facilities for con- veyance to and distribution of the new water in the South Side Zone. The estimated average unit cost of the water so developed and applied to irrigation would be about $6.10 per acre-foot. 27. The unit costs of water as given in the foregoing paragraphs are based on current prices of construc- tion, and are illustrative of the cost of new water for the various zones of the Sutter-Yuba Area developed by works exclusively for water conservation purposes. The costs exceed that of surface water presently served within the area, and it is probable that under present conditions ground water pumping costs are somewhat less than the estimated costs of water developed by the considered conservation projects. It is indicated that in order to obtain new water at lower unit costs in the Sutter-Yuba Area, multipurpose developments providing other benefits and revenues in addition to water conservation will be required. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. Public districts endowed with appropriate powers be created for the purposes of proceeding with further study of the local water problems and with financing, construction, and operation of projects found finan- cially feasible. 2. Local development of water resources be accom- plished by an orderly progression of phases of develop- ment, and in accordance with The California Water Plan. Successive steps in proposed plans should first develop those projects with indicated lowest capital and unit cost of water, and thence proceed in order of expense to phases of greater unit cost. 3. Additional engineering investigation and study be made for design, financing, and construction of the Peach Bowl Project. 4. Additional engineering investigation and study be made as required for design, financing, and con- struction of other local projects for initial development outlined in this report, when the financial feasibility of these projects has been determined. 5. A program be initiated for the acquisition of lands, easements, and rights of way necessary for con- struction of required local water conservation works. fi. Consideration be »iven to the implementation of plans for securing a firm ultimate supplemental water supply for the "West Side Zone from the Feather River Project. 7. Continuing support be given to the investigation and study of major multipurpose developments under The California Water Plan, including those on the Feather, Yuba, and Bear river systems. APPENDIX A AGREEMENT, AND ITS SUPPLEMENT, BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF SUTTER AND YUBA, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ( 83 ) AIM' END IX A 85 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF SUTTER AND YUBA, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Tins Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, entered into by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, hereinafter referred to as the "Counties": and the Department of Public Works, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer." W ITNESSETH : Whereas, in the State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Board is authorized to make in- vestigations, studies, surveys, hold hearings, prepare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development proj- ects, including flood control plans and projects; and Whereas, by said act, the State Engineer is author- ized to cooperate with any county, city, State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act; and Whereas, each of the Counties desires and hereby requests the Board to enter into a cooperative agree- ment for the making of an investigation and report on the underground water supply of the valley floor lands in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and if possible, to incorporate findings in said report as to a method or methods of solving the problems involved; and Whereas, the Board hereby requests the State Engi- neer to cooperate in making an investigation and report on the underground water supply of said valley floor lands in said Counties, including quality, replenish- ment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, to in- corporate in said report a method or methods of solving the problems involved ; Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the Coun- ties, and the State Engineer do hereby mutally agree as follows : ARTICLE I— WORK TO BE PERFORMED : The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of investigation and report on the underground water supply of the valley floor lands in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the problems involved. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to cooperate by making said in- vestigation and report and by otherwise advising and assisting in making an evaluation of present and ulti- mate underground water problems in the valley floor lands of said Counties, and in formulating a solution or solutions of said problems. During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records per- taining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the in- vestigation and report on or before December 31, 1949, or as nearly thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II— FUNDS: Each of the Counties, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund (also known as the Water Resources Fund) in the State Treasury, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance is requested to approve the trans- fer of the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) from funds appropriated either by the Budget Act of 1947, or by Chapter 1541, Statutes of 1947, or in part from each of said appropriations, to said Water Resources Board for expenditure by the State Engineer in per- formance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller is requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said sums from the Counties, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of said sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) from funds appropriated to said Board either by the Budget Act of 1947, or by Chapter 1541, Statutes of 1947, or in part from each of said appropriations, said Water Resources Revolving Fund for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement, said sums contributed by said Counties shall be returned thereto bv the State Engineer. 86 SUTTER-YUBA COT XT I ES 1 XV EST I < i ATION It is understood by and between the parties hereto thai the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000 to be made available as hereinbefore provided is ade- quate to perform approximately half of the above specified work and it is the present intention of each of said Counties to make a further sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) available at the commence incut of the second year of said investigation which will be subject to a matching or contribution in equal sums by said Board for the completion of said investi- gation and report. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) as made available hereunder and when said funds are exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or respon- sible for the resumption and completion thereof until the further sums as specified in the preceding para- graph are made available. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish the Board and each of the Counties a statement of all expenditures made under this agree- ment. ( >ne -half of the total amount of all said expendi- tures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-fourth of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted respectively, from the sum advanced by each of the Counties and any balances which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the counties, respectively. ARTICLE III— EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall become effective immediately upon its execution by all the parties hereto. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures, the County of Sutter on the 22nd day of September, 1947, the County of Yuba on the 22nd day of September, 1947, the Board on the 6th day of October, 1947, and the State Engineer on the 7th day of October, 1947. Approved : /s/ C. II. PURCELL Director of Public Works Approval Recommended : /s/ Spencer Burroughs Principal Attorney Division of Water Resources Approved as to Form : /s/ Loyd E. Hewitt I >ist rid Attorney ( 'oiinty of Sutter /s/ Joseph L. IIexxan District Attorney County of Yuba Approved ; s James S. Dean 1 )irector of Finance A pproved as to Legality : s ('.('.( Iarleton ( Ihief Attorney Department of Public Works COUNTY OF SUTTER By /s/ Ed. F. DaCosse Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Albert B. Brown Clerk, Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF YUBA By /s/ James R. Brown Chairman. Board of Supervisors /s/ Adrienne Conley Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ Royal Miller Chairman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA By /s/ Edward Hyatt State Engineer ( Initialled) LJK II A Form P.mlui't Value Descript. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVED Oct. 23, T.»47 APPENDIX A ^7 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF SUTTER AND YUBA, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement, executed in sextuplicate, entered into by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the ' ' Board ' ' ; the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, hereinafter referred to as the "Counties"; and the Department of Public Works of the State of Cali- fornia, acting through the agency of the State Engi- neer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer" : WITNESSETH : Whereas, by agreement heretofore entered into by and between the parties hereto, executed by the Coun- ties on the 22nd day of September, 1947, by the Board on the 6th day of October, 1947, and by the State En- gineer on the 7th day of October, 1947, the making by the State Engineer of an investigation and report on the underground water supply of the valley floor lands in the Counties of Sutter and Yuba, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the problems involved, was provided for ; and Whereas, it was the expressed intention in said agreement that at the commencement of the second year of said investigation said Counties would make available in equal proportion a further sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) subject to a matching or contribution in equal amount by the Board for the com- pletion of said investigation and report ; and Whereas, said additional funds are required to com- plete said investigation and report, and it is the desire of the parties hereto that an additional sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) shall be provided, Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) by each of the Counties, and Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) by the Board ; Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the Coun- ties, and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows : 1. Each of the Counties, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury for expenditure by the State Engineer in continuing performance of the work provided for in said prior agreement to which this agreement is sup- plemental. 2. Upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948 for expenditure by the State Engineer in continuing performance of the work provided for in said prior agreement to which this agreement is supplemental, and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. 3. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for in said prior agreement to which this agreement is supplemental any amount in excess of the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) as made available under said prior agreement and this supplemental agreement and if funds are exhausted before completion of said work the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue said work and shall not be liable or responsible for the completion thereof. 4. In so far as consistent herewith and to the extent adaptable hereto, all of the terms and provisions of said prior agreement to which this agreement is supple- mental are hereby made applicable to this agreement and are hereby confirmed, ratified, and continued in effect. 5. This agreement shall become effective immediately upon its execution by all of the parties hereto. SUTT E R-Y I " 15 A ( !OUNT I ES I X V EST I ( i AT I ON I.\ Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto Lave af- fixed their signatures, the County of Sutter on the 1th dav of October, 1948, the County of Yuba on the 22nd A pproved as to form : s Loyd E. Hewitt District Attorney ( lounty of Sutter s Joseph L. Hennan District Attorney County of Yuba Approval Recommended : s Spencer Burroughs Principal Attorney Division of Water Resources Approved as to Legality : s C. C. Cakleton Chief Attorney Department of Public Works Approved : s James S. Dean Director of Finance day of November. 1048, the Board on the 3rd day of December, 1948, and the State Engineer on the 30th day of November, 1948. COUNTY OF SUTTER By s Ed. F. DaCosse Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Albert B. Brown Clerk, Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF YUBA By s/ James P. Brown Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Adrienne Conley Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD I'.y s ('. A. Griffith Vice-Chairman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA By ,/s/ C. II. Purcell Director of Public Works /s/ Edward Hyatt State Engineer APPENDIX B GEOLOGIC FEATURES AND GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF THE SUTTER-YUBA AREA, CALIFORNIA By G. H. Davis and F. II. Olmsted, under the direction of J. P. Poland, District Geologist Ground Water Branch, Water Resources Division UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prepared in cooperation with the California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources Dated May, 1950 (89) CONTENTS GEOLOGIC FEATURES AND GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF THE SUTTER-YUBA AREA, CALIFORNIA Paged Letter of Transmittal- 91 Introduction 93 Purpose and scope of report— 93 Numbers applied to weds 93 Geology 94 Genera] features 94 Pre-Cretaceous crystalline rocks 94 Cretaceous and Tertiary nonwater-bearing rocks 94 Tertiary and Quaternary water-bearing rocks 96 Volcanic rocks from the Sierra Nevada (Eocene-Pliocene)- 96 Volcanic rocks of the Sutter Buttes (Pliocene) 97 Old alluvial deposits (Pliocene and Pleistocene) 97 Location and extent 97 Physical character 97 AYater-beariiig character 98 Intermediate alluvial deposits (Pleistocene) 98 Location and extent . 98 Physical character 98 Thickness 98 Water-bearing character 98 Young alluvia] deposits (Recent) 98 Alluvial-fan deposits of the Sutter Buttes _ 99 Basin deposits _ 99 Stream-channel deposits 99 Yields of wells- . 100 Ground-water storage capacity 100 Selection of depth zones . 101 Classification of materials in drillers' Logs 101 Assignment of specific-yield values 101 Subdivision of Sutter-Ynba area into storage units 101 Summary of results 102 Besl areas for ground-water storage 104 References 104 Plates Plate lid. Geologic Map of Sutter-Yuba Area following page 104 B-2. Geologis Cross Sections A-A'-A" and B-B'_ following page 104 B-3. Geologic Cross Sections C-C and D-D' —following page 104 P>-4. Ground Water Storage Units in Suiter and Yuba Counties following page 104 i 90 i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Ground Water Branch 2520 .Marconi Avenue Sacramento 21, California A I ; . v 22, 1950 Mr. A. D. Edmoxstox, stall Engineer Division of Water Resources P. 0. Box 1079, Sacrann nto 5, California Dear Sir: I take pleasure in transmitting- herewith a report on "Geologic features and ground-water storage capacity of the Sutter-Yuba area, California" by G. H. Davis and P. II. Olmsted. This report has been prepared by the Geologi- cal Survey as a part of the program of cooperative ground-water investigations with the California Division of Water Resources. The report lias been approved by the Director of the Geological Survey for publication by the State Water Resources Board as an appendix to its Bulletin No. 6 entitled "Sutter-Yuba Counties Investigation." Very truly yours, (Signed) Joseph F. Poland District Geologist ( 91 ) APPENDIX B 93 GEOLOGIC FEATURES AND GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF THE SUTTER-YUBA AREA, CALIFORNIA I'.v G. II. I>A\ IS .Hid F. II. OLMSTED INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope of Report The Sutter- Yuba Area, as identified in this report, includes the parts of Sutter and Yuba Counties that are within the Sacramento Valley and the lower foot- hills of the Sierra Nevada, an area of 750 square miles. Its genera] physical and geomorphic features are shown by Plate 1. It is bounded on the east by the rugged Sierra Nevada, on the west by the Sacramento River, and is divided into two nearly equal parts by the southward flowing Feather Paver. Its importance as an agricultural area and its dependence on surface- water and ground-water supplies for existence and future development have been discussed in the main report by the California Division of Water Resources. This report on the geology and ground-water storage rapacity of the Sutter- Yuba Area has been prepared at the request of the Division of Water Resources, as one of the investigations of ground-water basins of the State now being made by the Geological Survey in accordance with the cooperative agreement with the State Water Resources Board entered into in March, 1948. The geologic investigation of the Sutter- Yuba Area is in essence a part of a broader reconnaissance investi- gation of the geology and ground-water storage ca- pacity of the Sacramento Valley which was begun by the Geological Survey in the spring of 1948 at the request of and in cooperation with the California Divi- sion of Water Resources. The findings of the valley- wide study are to be published in a separate bulletin under the title of "Geologic features and ground -water storage capacity of the Sacramento Valley, Califor- nia.'' That bulletin is now being written. This appendix has two principal purposes : First, to describe the geology and general water- bearing character of the rocks. Treatment of the older, nonwater-bearing rocks is general and brief, but is a necessary element of the story because the sediments making up the water-bearing rocks are derived from the weathering and erosion of these older rocks and from their transportation from the Sierra Nevada to the Sacramento Valley. The water-bearing rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age are described in consid- erable detail; those deposits are the important sources of ground water. Furthermore, certain geologic events which have uplifted, tilted, or folded the rocks or have produced volcanic deposits have been described be- cause they have caused changes in the texture of sedi- ments being transported to the valley by streams, by mud flows, or through the atmosphere, and thus have been primary factors in deposition of tire coarse- grained water-bearing deposits. Second, to describe the methods used and the results obtained in estimating the water-holding capacity of the water-bearing deposits considered to be within ulti- mate economic limits for pumping — that is, the de- posits constituting the part of the underground reser- voir that may be capable of dewatering and resatura- tion. This appendix does not treat ground-water occur- rence and movement, perennial yield, or chemical char- acter of the ground waters because the hydrologic and water-quality phases of the problem have been carried out entirely by the State Division of Water Resources. The investigation, which began in October, 1949, has been under the general direction of A. N. Sayre, geol- ogist in charge of the Ground Water Branch, and under the immediate supervision of -I. F. Poland, district geologist for California. The field work by the Geologi- cal Survey in the Sutter-Yuba area was confined chiefly to geologic mapping, which was done by G. H. Davis and F. II. Olmsted in October and November 1949. The geologic contacts actually traced in the field include the boundaries of the basement complex and of the Tertiary and Quaternary deposits near the base- ment-complex outcrop. The boundaries of the alluvial deposits of late Tertiary and Quaternary age were mosl ly drawn or modified on the basis of physiography, and from significant soil-type boundaries mapped by the Tinted States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils. The geology of the Sutter Buttes was taken from IT. R. Johnson (1943) * "Marysville Buttes (Slit- ter Buttes) gas field. " Most of the information on subsurface geology and ground-water storage capacity of the water-bearing deposits was obtained from about 700 logs of water wells supplied by well drillers to the Bureau of Recla- mation and the Geological Survey. The logs were turned over to the Division of Water Resources for field location. The cooperation of the well drillers in making available the well logs is greatly appreciated. Numbers Applied to Wells In its recent cooperative programs in California, the Geological Survey commonly has assigned well num- bers that indicate locations according to the rectangular land surveys. For well 1") X 3E-21C1, for example, the * References are listed at the end of this appendix alphabetically by the author's name and the year of publication. 94 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION firsl pari of the number indicates the township and range (T. 15 X.. R. 3 K.. .Mi. Diablo base Line and meridian), the two digits following the hyphen indi- cate the section (Sec. 21 ), and the letter indicates the 40-acre subdivision as shown on the accompanying diagram. D C B A E F G H M L K J N P C> R Within each 40-acre tract the wells are numbered serially as indicated by the final digit or digits of the number. Tims well 21C1 is in the NE -{ XW | Sec. 21 and is the first well in that tract to be listed. In the parts of the area that once were public lands, the official Federal land survey is followed. In the few areas that never were Federally surveyed, the nel is projected. GEOLOGY General Features North-central California, which includes the Sutter- Yuba Area, comprises parts of four geomorphic prov- inces as delimited by Jenkins (1943, pp. 83-88) : the Great Valley of California, the Sierra Nevada, the ('oast Ranges, and the Cascade Range. The area de- scribed in this report lies mostly within the Great Valley of California province, but includes a narrow strip of the Sierra Nevada province to the east. The southernmost extension of the Cascade Range lies more than '20 miles to the north, and the eastern margin of the ( 'oast Ranges Lies 20 miles to the west of the Sutter- Ynba Area. The rocks exposed in the area range from Recenl alluvial deposits to Mesozoic and Paleozoic crystalline rocks. Their area! extenl is shown on Plate B-l and their subsurface character on Plates B-2, B-3, and P>-4. Their stratigraphy and physical and water-bearing character are summarized in the following table. These rocks may be assigned to two broad categories: the basemenl complex and the superjacent rocks. The base inenl complex is exposed in the Sierra Nevada and extends beneath the superjacent rocks in the Sacra- mento Valley. The superjacent rocks cap man\ of the intei-st ream divides in the Sierra and comprise the thick and extensive deposits of the valley. The water bearing rocks considered in this report are entirely within the superjacent rocks, although the basement complex yields small amounts of water to wells in weathered and tract ured /ones. Pre-Cretaceous Crystalline Rocks The basement complex consists of metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks of late Paleozoic and e;n-l\ Mesozoic age and a series of igneous rocks rang- ing in composition from granite to peridotite which were intruded during the late Jurassic or early Cre- taceous Nevadan orogeny. The rocks exposed immediately east of the Sutter- Yuba Area are predominantly greenstones that prob- ably are metamorphosed basic igneous rocks. Cretaceous and Tertiary Nonwater-bearing Rocks The older superjacent rocks are Upper Cretaceous and early Tertiary sediments. A section of unnamed Upper Cretaceous siltstone and sandstone totaling 4,350 feet thick crops out in the Sutter Buttes and has been found in gas wells in the Sacramento Valley. These sediments were deposited in a sea which at times extended eastward to or beyond the present western edge of the basement complex outcrop. Eocene and possible Paleocene sediments underlie most of the Sutter- Yuba Area. A lower and middle Eocene marine section is exposed in the Sutter Buttes. Stewart (1949) has assigned the 300 feet of lower Eocene in the Buttes to the Meganos formation, and the 130 feet of middle Eocene to the lone formation. The lone formation, described in some detail by Allen (1929) is exposed in places along the east side of the valley. There it is usually a brackish-water or deltaic deposit consisting largely of light-colored ananxitie clays and sands, dark reddish or brownish ferruginous sandstones, and minor amounts of lignitic material. The lone formation interfingers to the east with river gravels deposited by old Sierra Nevada streams. The ancient Yuba River was the main stream entering the Sutter- Yuba Area in Eocene time. About 250 to ::t)(l feet of upper Eocene or Oligoeene rocks, called the Wheatland formation by Clark and Anderson (1938), are exposed along the southeast bank of the Dry Creek Hood plain northeast of Wheatland. A fossilil'erons conglomerate containing andesitic pebbles is near the base of the formation which lies unconformably on basement complex. Some of the finer-grained sediments above the conglomerate also contain volcanic detritus. The I rpper ( Iretaceous and Eocene sediments are not significant as ground-water reservoirs in the Sutter- Yuba Area. Probably none of the water wells in the area penetrates Upper Cretaceous rock's. Several water wells iieai' Wheatland apparently penetrate Eocene rocks, but impermeable shale, siltstone, and sandstone predominate, and the water in the more permeable / s is generally of poor quality. How much of the chloride contamination in parts of the area comes from connate waters in the Eocene rocks is not known. In APPENDIX B STRATIGRAPHY OF THE SUTTER-YUBA AREA AND VICINITY, CALIFORNIA (Generalized section 1 ) 95 Geologic age Recent Pleistocene Pliocene Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Upper Cretaceous Rock unit and symbol on pi. B-l" Stream-channel deposits (Qrc) Basin deposits (Qrb) Alluvial fans of the Sutter Buttes (Qrf) Local unconformity Intermediate alluvial deposits (Qpal) Unconformity Old alluvial deposits (TQal) Andesite tuff-breccia (Tat) Unconformity Rhyolite and andesite (Tra) Unconformity Volcanic rocks from the Sierra Nevada (Tfa) Unconformity Undivided Eocene sediments (Te) Unconformity Unnamed Upper Cretaceous sediments (Ku) Unconformity Pre-Cretaceous crystalline rocks (pK) Thickness (feet) 0- 130 - 100 ± 0-80 - 110+ - 350 ± II Mill , 0- 1,800 ± - 700 ± - 4,350 Physical and water-bearing character Sand, gravel, and silt, in large part well-sorted, in present stream channels and beneath flood plains; yield water in large quantities to irrigation wells. Where the Feather and Sacramento Rivers border the Sutter Basin, they have con- structed natural levees composed largely of silt and fine sand deposited during flood stages. Largely impervious clays and silts deposited in the overflow basins during flood stages of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers. Thin, discontinuous sands supply small domestic and stock wells in the northern part of Sutter Basin; in the southern part of the basin brackish waters are likely to be encountered in wells of any depth. Poorly sorted alluvial deposits of gravel and clay, sandy clay, or silt, of low to moderate permeability; yield small supplies of good quality w r ater to stock and domestic wells along the flanks of Sutter Buttes. Silt, sand, and gravel, in part well-sorted; moderately permeable throughout. Tongues and layers of fluviatile sand and gravel are highly permeable and supply large quantities of irrigation water. Deposits are coarsest and most permeable near the present major streams and along abandoned Pleistocene channels of the Yuba and Feather Rivers. Poorly-sorted silt, clay, sand, and gravel of moderate to low permeability supply water of good chemical quality to domestic, stock, and a few small irrigation wells. Essentially impervious strata of cemented sand and gravel are common. Well-sorted permeable alluvial materials are rare. Andesitic tuffs and tuff-breccias, unsorted and generally of low permeability; some beds may lie impermeable. Permeable tongues and stringers of volcanic sand and gravel interbedded with mudflow tuffs and tuff-breccias yield water of good quality to irrigation wells in the Pennington and Sutter City areas. Impervious, hard lavas forming core of Sutter Buttes; possibly could provide small water supplies from fractured zones. No wells are known in these rocks. Andesitic and rhyolitic tuffs, tuff-breccias, conglomerates, sands, and gravels deposited by inter-volcanic streams from the Sierra Nevada. Sands and gravels yield water of good quality to deep wells in the Marysville and Bear River areas. Fluviatile "black sands" are prolific water producers at many places in the Sacramento Valley. Tuff and tuff-breccia have low permeability and yield little water. Marine and non-marine clay, shale and sandstone beneath the Sacramento Valley interfingering along the eastern margin of the valley with Eocene river gravels. These gravels ordinarily are cemented and partially decomposed and probably would yield little water. Coarser sediments in southern Yuba and northwestern Placer counties yield saline waters of probable marine origin to some deep wells. In structurally high positions the marine connate w r aters have been flushed out of the permeable strata and fresh water is found. Sandstone, siltstone, and shale; not penetrated by water wells in Sutter-Yuba area. Connate marine water high in chloride could be expected in wells penetrating these sediments in the Sacramento Valley. Hard, impervious metamorphic and igneous rocks. Stock and domestic wells pro- duce small supplies of water of good chemical quality from fractured and partly decomposed zones near the land surface. ' Hollerl lines are used to separate units that arc considered to he contemporaneous. 96 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION structurally high positions, for example just west of il utcrops of Wheatland formation, the marine con- nate waters have been flushed out, and fresh water is found in the more permeable si rata. Tertiary and Quaternary Water-bearing Rocks Volcanic Rocks From the Sierra Nevada (Eocene-Pliocene) Tertiary fragmental vulcanic rocks having a source near the present crest of the northern Sierra Nevada are exposed at several localities and are encountered in many of tie' deep wells in the Sutter- Yuba Area. The exposures are found at three principal localities: south of the Yuba liiver and about 10 miles east of Marys- ville, on the Camp Iieale Military Reservation; at the clay quarries one to two miles northwest of Lincoln; and in an extensive area east of the Southern Pacific railroad and l T . S. Highway DOE between Lincoln and Roseville. The last two areas are in Placer County. Tertiary volcanic rocks do not crop out in the foot- hill region between Lincoln and the Camp Beale ex- posure south of the Yuba River. However, many water wells farther west penetrate volcanic rocks, and the original eastward extent of those volcanics was prob- ably greater than it is at present. GEOLOGIC EVENTS IN SIERRA NEVADA AND ON EAST SIDE OF SACRAMENTO VALLEY (Read from bottom up) Recent . Hydraulic mining in Sierra Nevada in kite 19th century chokes channels of Feather, Yuba and Bear Rivers with debris. Deposition of stream-channel, alluvial-fan, and basin deposits contemporaneous with mild dissection of inter- mediate alluvial deposits (Qpall. Pleistocene Deposition of intermediate alluvial deposits (Qpal), contemporaneous with moderate to severe dissection of old alluvial deposits (TQal ). Several stages of glaciation in Sierra. Truncation and planation of Pliocene alluvial deposits and older rocks, and deposition of thin blanket of course gravel in manv areas adjacent to the Sierra Nevada (uppermost part of TQal I. Last major uplift of Sierra Nevada with additional regional westward tilting. Pliocene. Eruptions of Sutter Buttes volcano cover slopes with tuff-breccia deposits from mud-flows. Deposition of old alluvium from Sierra continues. Deposition of old alluvial deposits by streams of low gradient from Sierra Nevada. May be in part contem- poraneous with deposition of uppermost Sutter formation and with subsequent volcanic activity at Sutter Buttes. Intrusion of Sutter Buttes central area as ]>1 ni; of plastic andesite porphyry. Andesite mass subsequently intruded by rhyolite porphyry. Valley sediments pierced by volcanic plug are folded and fractured around central area. (■real andesitic volcanic activity in Sierra wanes; consequent streams erode volcanic materials and deposit them in Sacramento Valley. M iocene and ( Higocene Great mud Hows of andesitic detritus originating near the crest of the Sierra cover most of the western slope. Old drainage in Sierra al st completely disrupted. Streams begin to erode detritus and deposit it in valley. Faulting and westward tilting of Sierra block during andesite eruptions. Volcanic eruptions near present Sierra crest continue; rhyolitic debris moves westward down canyons, locally damming and diverting streams. Deposition of Sutter formation ( i-marine) begins in Sacramento Valley : continues until uplift of Sutter I in ties. i ene or Eocene Earliest volcanic activity in Sierra Nevada (andesitic and some rhyolitic) : sea finally withdraws from Sacra- mento Valley after extending as far northeast as Wheatland during uppermost Eocene or Oligocene. Eocene Marine sedimentation in Sacramento Valley during middle and lower Eocene. Middle Eocene lone formation, largely non-marine clay and quartzose sand, deposited on the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada and as deltaic deposits in Sacramento Valley embayment. .Moderate uplift id' Sierra Nevada Or change of base level causes dissection of weathered rocks on west slope of Sierra. Tropical climate and gentle slopes cause deep weathering of rocks in place on west slope of Sierra Nevada. \ 'pper ( 'retaceous Regional upwarping at end of Upper ('retaceous interrupts marine deposition on east side of Sacramento Valley. Great erosion in Sierra Nevada; shallow water marine deposition in Sacramento Valley. I i ( !rel iiceous At end of Lower ('retaceous ancestral Coast Ranges formed by folding, faulting, and uplift ; Sacramento Valley trough lirst outlined, though axis somewhat west of present valley. Erosion in ancestral Sierra Nevada. Lower < !retacei us and or Upper Jurassic Formal ho, ,i folded mountain range of great height, the ancestral Sierra Nevada, by Nevadan oro ,en\ . APPENDIX B 97 The volcanic deposits are chiefly andesitie stream- laid conglomerate and sandstone, and tuff-breccia of mud-flow origin, together with some fine-grained rhyo- 1 it it- material, all from the Sierra Nevada. As encoun- tered in wells, the conglomerate and sandstone often are loosely consolidated and in such cases are logged by drillers as gravel and sand. The large area of volcanic rocks at Camp Beale is underlain by andesitie conglomerate, sandstone, and tuff-breccia with interbedded rhyolitic ash. The age of these deposits is probably Eocene, which is somewhat older than most of the other volcanic deposits in the Sutter- Yuba Area on the east side of the Sacramento Valley (Clark and Anderson, 1938). Andesite tuff-breccia one mile northwest of Lincoln overlies altered rhyolitic ash, and also clay of the lone formation. The extensive volcanic surface east of I". S. Highway 99E between Lincoln and Roseville is under- lain by the same andesite tuff-breccia interbedded with andesitie sandstone and conglomerate. The age of these deposits is not certainly known, but they are believed to be equivalent in age to andesitie deposits in the Mokelumne River Area (the Mehrten formation), which is probably Miocene and may be in part Plio- cene (Piper and others, 1939). The Sutter formation of the Sutter Buttes uncon- formably overlies Eocene rocks and is in turn overlain unconformably by andesitie and rhyolitic tuffs and breccias of Pliocene age derived from the Buttes vol- cano. The lower part of the Sutter formation is prob- ably correlative with the volcanic rocks from the Sierra Nevada, although the upper portion may consist of later reworked deposits. The maximum exposed thick- ness of the Sutter formation is approximately 1,800 feet (Johnson, 1943, p. 614) — considerably thicker than the voleanics from the Sierra Nevada farther east which are probably not over 250 feet thick in outcrop (see Plate B-l). The Sutter rocks are thin-bedded to massive tuff, conglomerate, sand, and clay. The permeable sand and gravel in the volcanic rocks from the Sierra Nevada probably yield water to deep wells in the Sutter-Yuba Area. Deep wells in Marys- ville obtain some water from the volcanic sediments, and wells on the Camp Beale Military Reservation 10 miles east of Marysville obtain yields of several hun- dred gallons a minute from volcanic sands and gravel. Several wells south of the Bear River also produce water from the volcanic rocks from the Sierra Nevada. Volcanic Rocks of the Sutter Buttes (Pliocene) The Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Sutter Buttes may be divided into two principal groups: the intrusive rhyolite and andesite and the vent tuffs of the central core; and the andesitie and rhyolitic tuff-breccia that forms the ring encircling the core. The rocks of the first group are principally por- phyritic rhyolite and andesite. These rocks form the 4—63095 sharp peaks in the central area. They are unimportant as a source of ground water. The tuff-breccia consists of angular blocks of rhyo- lite and andesite that were swept down the slopes of the old volcano in great mud flows. Many water wells near the periphery of the Buttes encounter the tuff- breccia and intercalated volcanic sediments (see Plates B-l and B-2). The estimated maximum thickness of the deposits is about 800 feet, In general, the volcanic sand and gravel yields some water, but the tuff -breccia is tight and nonwater-bear- ing. North of the Buttes, in the vicinity of Pennington, irrigation wells obtain part of their yield from the volcanic sands and gravels. Old Alluvial Deposits (Pliocene-Pleistocene) Locution and Extent. The old alluvial deposits, which overlie the voleanics from the Sierra Nevada and older rocks, are exposed in a semieontinuous belt along the east side of the valley, between the outcrop of the basement complex and the voleanics to the east and the younger sediments to the west. A few scattered outliers of old alluvium extend west of the main out- crop from the northern edge of the Sutter-Yuba Area to Wheatland. Physical Character. The old alluvial deposits are identified physiographically as dissected uplands near the eastern valley margin. Peculiar "hog wallow" topography, consisting of small mounds and undrained or poorly drained depressions often less than 100 feet across, is a common and striking characteristic. A capping gravel, presumably early Pleistocene in age, and seldom more than 30 feet thick, is extensive near the eastern edge of the outcrops of old alluvium. The underlying silts and sands are presumably Plio- cene in age and may be correlative with the Laguna formation to the south, in the Mokelumne Area, de- scribed by Gale (Piper and others, 1939). The gravels almost always have a silty or fine sandy matrix with a distinctive reddish color. Silty and fiiie- sandy loams, usually with a hardpan layer, are typical soils. The old alluvial deposits are extremely heterogene- ous, and it is difficult to distinguish them in most well logs from younger and older sediments. Reddish to yellowish-brown silt and silty sand are abundant, but light-gray moderately well-bedded in- durated siltstone and fine sandstone are more distinc- tive and diagnostic. Many of the sand and gravel beds are cross-bedded, indicating fluviatile origin. The gravel is rarely clean or well-sorted; the silty matrix greatly reduces the permeability and porosity. This gravel may be distinguished from that in the under- lying voleanics from the Sierra Nevada by the relative scarcity of volcanic rocks, hut this distinction is often hard to make, and many drillers do not mention the composition of the pebbles and cobbles. ■Is NITT KH- V V I J A ( OUNT I ES I XV EST I ( i ATK ).\ Water-bearing Character. The poorly-sorted sedi incuts of tlic old alluvium generally do not yield as much water as the younger deposits. Cementation of the sand and grave] strata is a common feature and many wells arc left uncased in the older alluvium; the cemented silt. sand, and gravel strata being suffi- ciently consolidated to stand without support. Throughout the Sutter-Yuba Area, enough water can be obtained from the old alluvial deposits to supply domestic and stock wells. It is doubtful, however, that large-capacity irrigation wells could be developed in these deposits. Few wells tap only the old alluvium for sure and yields of these are not known. In the area between the Bear and Yuba Rivers, several irrigation wells produce between 1 .000 and 2,000 gallons a minute, but these wells are several hundred feet deep and pene- trate the intermediate alluvium, the old alluvium, and presumably the volcanic deposits from the Sierra Ne- vada. It is believed that the bulk of their yield comes from the volcanic deposits below and the intermediate alluvium above. Intermediate Alluvial Deposits (Pleistocene) Location and Extent. The intermediate alluvial deposits which rest on the old alluvium and in places are overlain by the young alluvium of Recent age crop out along a broad belt between the old alluvium on the east and the basin deposits on the west. A few small outliers of intermediate alluvium occur in the Amer- ican Basin cast of the Feather-Sacramento junction. Physical Character. Topographically these deposits underlie moderately to slightly dissected low plains with a gentle westerly to southwesterly slope. Soils are (piite variable but all have some hardpan development. The soils adjacent to the flood basins are fine-grained and dark in color. Soils farther east are coarser, fre- quently reddish, but almost never gravelly. (See soil surveys, 1". S. Dept. Agriculture, in references.) The intermediate alluvium consists of sand. silt, and gravel, in part well-sorted and well-stratified, deposited by the Feather River and its tributaries in building the low alluvial planes. These deposits are heterogeneous and lenticular in character because of their extremely varied mode of formation. In the eastern part of the area they an' largely of alluvial-fan origin; the coarse sand ami gravel beds extending '■> to 5 miles west from the present course of the Feather River are probably Pleistocene (Feather) river-channel deposits; and the predominantly fine-grained deposits farther west are chiefly of flood basin or lacustrine origin. Well logs indicate thai the material penetrated in the top loo feel becomes progressively liner toward the Sutter and Butte Basins. Sand and grave] give way to sandy clays and clays, and dark colors predominate. The proportion of sand and gravel to fine sediments in the upper 50 feet decreases from maxima of 80 to 90 percent to 5 to 10 percent. The proportion of bine and dark-gray fine-grained materials indicative of a non-oxidizing environment — possibly flood-basin or lacustrine deposi- tion — becomes greater as the proportion of fine sedi- ments increases. In general, the intermediate alluvium is not appre- ciably consolidated. The beds that arc indurated have a high proportion of clay and silt which act as a binder. Hardpan layers, representing buried soil /ones, arc encountered at various depths. These hard layers usually are cemented with hydrous iron and aluminum silicates, although calcareous cementation is common in areas of high water table adjacent to the flood basins. The intermediate alluvial deposits are inferred to be correlative with the Victor formation of Pleistocene ace in the Mokelumne area described by Gale and Piper (Piper and others. 1939). Thickness. From drillers' logs, it is inferred that the intermediate alluvial deposits do not exceed 110 feet in thickness in the Sutter-Yuba Area. West of the Feather River, these deposits consist of 50 to 110 feet of sandy (day, sand, and gravel. (See Plate B-2, Sec- tion B-Bl.) North of Yuba City they overlie brown cemented sands and hard brown (days of the old allu- vium. South of Yuba City and in the Marysville area the underlying old alluvium usually is blue (day. In the area east of the Feather River and north id' the Yuba River the intermediate alluvium reaches thicknesses of 70 to 100 feet and rests upon cemented sand, gravel, and (day of the old alluvium that crop out in the dissected uplands to the east. Few wells penetrate the intermediate alluvium south of the Yuba River but the thickness does not appear to exceed 50 feet. Water-bearing Character. The intermediate allu- vium is moderately permeable throughout, but the tongues and layers of well-sorted sand and gravel are highly permeable and yield large quantities of water to wells. Nearly all the domestic and many small irriga- tion wells located on the low plains are completed in these deposits. Large wells for irrigation and munici- pal supply obtain much of their water from this mate- rial, but also obtain water from the older deposits a' greater depths. Deposits of this age are coarsest and most permeable near the Yuba and Feather Rivers, and less permeable (dose to the flood basins where dark colored silt and clay predominate. Young Alluvial Deposits (Recent) The Recent deposits of the Sacramento Valley may be defined as those sediments that are still accumu- lating, or would be accumulating under natural con- ditions. These deposits would include: silt, sand, and gravel laid down in stream channels during times of decreasing Hood flow; silt and sand deposited on nat- ural levees at rimes of overflow ; silt and clay deposited in the Mood basins: detritus of the alluvial fans sur- rounding the Sutter Buttes. In this report, the natural levee sediments are grouped with the stream-channel APPENDIX 13 99 di posits. The other two types of sediments are called ••basin deposits" and "alluvial-fan deposits," respec- tively. Each of these subdivisions of the Recent sedi- ments lias certain unique physiographic, lithologic, and hydrologic characteristics which are discussed beloAv. Alluvial-fan Deposits of the Sutter Buttes. Alluvial fans of Pleistocene and Recent age form a ring sur- rounding' the Sutter Buttes and extending toward their center in narrow valleys cut into andesite tuff-breccia. Small isolated patches of alluvium occupy valleys high in the Buttes. This alluvium is probably thin and is not continuous with the deposits farther down the flanks. The fan material consists of volcanic and sedimen- tary detritus eroded from the Buttes and deposited around their perimeter. The deposits are usually poorly sorted and contain many volcanic fragments as large as boulder size. An average of several logs of wells near Pennington and Suiter City indicates the following- proportion of materials: "clay," 70 percent; clay and gravel (including clay and volcanics), '20 percent; sand and gravel, 10 percent. The "(day" is usually yellow and is probably largely silt and fine sand. Most of the alluvial-fan deposits are poorly soiled and ground-water yields are low. Moderately perme- able sand strata yield water of good quality to wells near Pennington and Sutter City, but chances for developing large irrigation wells are generally poor. Basin Deposits. The basins are nearly flat, poorly drained lands subject to natural overflow of the Sac- ramento and Feather Rivers during floods. The de- posits have formed from the accumulation of silt and clay that were carried in suspension by the flood waters and settled slowly when the current slackened. Dark-gray (days and clay adobes, often with more than .10 percent (day-size particles, are the chief basin soils. Depth of the soils is usually from three to six feet, and the underlying material is stratified and of lighter color. Pew water wells have been drilled in the basins, so it is difficult to work out the pattern of the subsurface geology from the meager data. Only eight water-well Logs were available in Sutter Basin and four logs in th" American Basin. In Sutter Basin soil and yellow clay as much as 4s feet thick are reported above blue clay, blue sand, gray clay, or gravel. The change in color from yellow to blue indicates that the deeper sediments have been in a non- oxidizing environment since deposition. If the blue clay and coarse-grained deposits are Pleistocene in age the basin deposits of Recent age attain a thickness of at least 48 feet in the Sutter Basin and 10!) feet in the American Basin. The Recent basin deposits nearly all consist of rela- tively impermeable clay and silt. The older sediments, usually at least 50 to 100 feet below land surface, fre- quently include thin sand and gravel strata which yield moderate amounts of water. Generally, yields from the Suiter Basin deposits are too small to permit economic use of the ground-water for irrigation ; and even in the deep wells penetrating permeable strata, poor quality (high chloride content) precludes use of the water. Locally, however, satisfactory deep wells might be de- veloped by casing off strata containing the high- chloride water. Wells in the northern part of the Amer- ican Basin get fair yields from deep permeable strata (probably in the intermediate alluvial deposits) and apparently do not encounter the chloride contamina- tion present in the Sutter Iiasin. Stream-channel Deposits. The stream-channel de- posits comprise those sediments which under natural conditions of stream flow would still be in the process of accumulation. They include the sand and gravel deposited in the river channels during times of decreas- ing flow and the fine sediments deposited on the flood plains and natural levees during floods. The stream- channel deposits range in width from less than one mile to as much as six miles and extend as narrow bands along the major streams of the area. The river channels are floored with sand and gravel, the Hood plains by sand and silt. During stages of mod- erate flow the rivers occupy only their channels and roll sand and gravel along their beds. During floods muddy water spreads over the flood plain and deposits fine sediments. Flood channels, abandoned river chan- nels, and lakes characterize the flood-plain surface. Natural levees bordering the Sacramento and Lower Feather Rivers were deposited during flood stages along the boundary between high velocity flows in the river channels and still waters occupying the flood basins. The Yuba and Bear Rivers offer a special case. The natural channel deposits of both streams have been completely buried by 15 to 20 feet of hydraulic mining debris deposited since 1870. Levees now confine this debris, which stands as raised channelways subdivided into braided gravelly channels. (See PI. B-3.) Large quantities of debris choke the lower Feather below the Yuba junction, although the flood plain has not been altered to the same extent as those of the Yuba and Bear Rivers. Well defined channels of coarse gravel, deposited in trenches excavated in the intermediate alluvial de- posits and older sediments, underlie the flood plains of the Feather, Yuba, and Bear Rivers. Coarse gravel deposits from one to two miles in width can be traced beneatb the Feather River flood plain from Oroville south 10 miles to the highway bridge east of Gridley. The depth of the base of the gravel is about '-W feet near Oroville, increasing to 105 feet at the Gridley bridge. Xo subsurface information is available on the river channel deposits between the Gridley bridge and the Feather-Yuba junction. Wells on the Feather River flood plain south of the Yuba-Feather junction en- 100 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTII counter gravel between depths of 35 and 90 Peel that may correspond to the Reeenl gravel deposits upstream. Records of wells drilled on the Yuba River Hood plain two miles east of Marysville show coarse gravel deposits to a depth of 110 to 130 feet. (See PL B-3. Sand and gravel underlies the Bear River flood plain for eight miles downstream from the canyon mouth. Tins gravel deposit which occurs between 2.") and 65 feel beneath the surface near Wheatland is terminated rather abruptly about three miles southeast of Wheat- land. Little is known of the subsurface extent of the Re- cent deposits of the Sacramento River. Wells drilled on the natural levees pass through varicolored sand, »ravel. silt, and (day. Well logs show no systematic changes either laterally or vertically. Lateral discon- tinuity of beds is a marked feature — even closely spaced wells penetrate completely different sections. (lean, well-sorted sand and gravel of the stream- channel deposits yield water in large quantity and of good chemical quality to irrigation wells on the flood plains of the Feather, Yuba, and Bear Rivers. A few irrigation wells are bottomed in the Recent deposits but wells of large capacity commonly penetrate older sediments as well. AVells drilled in the natural-levee deposits of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers obtain large supplies of water from thin, discontinuous tongues of gravel and sand which are buried stream-channel deposits. The fine sand and silt of these deposits supply some small stock and domestic wells. Yields of Wells Data on yields of wells in the Sutter-Yuba Area for the period 1933 to 1949 have been furnished by the Pacific Gas and Electric ( 'ompany. The results of tests are summarized in the following table, which shows averages of discharge and specific capacity for 595 wells in five areas within the area. Specific capacity is obtained by dividing the yield in gallons per minute by the drawdown from static to pumping level in feet. It is a measure of the productivity of the well per foot of drawdown. Average Average specific Number discharge capacity of !,,„ (gpm) (gpm/ft.dd) wells 1. Eastern Sutter County 728 47 263 •_'. Northwestern Sutter County 878 54 82 :;. Southeastern Sutter Comity 960 IT 1-1 1. Southern Yuba County 846 18 108 5. Northern Yuba County s:;s 60 23 The tabic shows that the wells having the highesl spe- cific capacities arc in areas two and live. A hasty con elusion based on this relation) might be drawn thai the besl irrigation wells are to he obtained in the areas of highesl average specific capacity. However, a study of well depths in relation to specific capacity changes 2S INVESTIGATION the picture somewhat. Drillers' logs of 528 irrigation wells were used to obtain a yield factor that would give a reasonable idea of production per foot of well. The yield factor was computed by the following formula : Average specific capacity x KM). Yield factor =— — r — — ,, ■, ,, Average well deptli The results are summarized in the following table. V 'umber of Total Average irrigation footage depth Yield A_ rea wells drilled (feet) factor 1 249 45,270 is - -' •-'•"-.7 2__ 4s ir>.:;4l ::-jo ic.s 3__ . 104 33,709 324 14.7 4__ _ 109 31,828 292 16.7 5__ 28 5,623 201 29.8 It can be seen from comparison of yield factors that the ratio of well production to depth of wells is higher in areas 1 and 5 than in areas 2, 3, and 4. Plate B-4, showing ground-water storage units, and well-yield areas indicates that areas 1 and 5 lie largely in group A (river flood-plain and channel deposits). Area 2 comprises the Sutter Buttes, the alluvial fans surround- ing the Buttes (storage group B) and a large area of basin deposits (storage group D). Only a small part of this area is within storage group A. Most of the wells in area 2 are in the Pennington-Live Oak district, where many wells are 500 feet or more deep. The other two areas with low yield factors are areas 3 and 4 east of the Feather River in southeastern Sutter and southern Yuba Counties; they embrace extensive areas of low alluvial-plain deposits (storage group B), and smaller areas of basin deposits (storage group D) and dissected alluvial deposits (storage group C). Al- though area 4 includes large areas of river flood-plain deposits (storage -roup A) the yield factor approxi- mates that of the poor-yield areas rather than that of high-yield areas as might be expected. In conclusion, generally speaking, areas of high-yield factor generally correspond to areas of high specific yield as determined from statistical analysis of drillers logs. GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY .Most of the information on ground-water storage capacity of the Sutter-Yuba Area was derived from well Logs obtained from water well drillers. In connec- tion with their Sutter-Yuba investigation the Division of Water Resources located in the field about 700 water wells for which drillers' Logs were available. The Geoj Logical Survey located ahoul 50 wells in western and northwestern Sutter County. ('lay, gravel, sand, and volcanic rocks are usually recognized in the drillers' Logs, and the more complete |,.._, s mention color, hardness, degree of cementation anil other readily identified lithologic features. A peg model based on drillers' logs was used to subdivide the shallow sediments of the area into hydro! APPENDIX B 101 logic units. In constructing the model only the deeper Board (Poland and others, 1950). The table below well records were used where wells were located within indicates the values assigned : 1,500 feet of each other. In this way 576 well logs were ^ercenV^ selected. In order to smooth out the effect of close well _, or spacing in residential districts supplied by domestic Sandj inHudin^sim.ranrr.^nnVirjmdVnivcraiH"! Avells, only the wells selected for the peg model were sand 20 used in computing storage capacity. Fim ' sand, hard sand, tight sand, sandstone, and related deposits 1" _ . , _ . Clay and gravel, gravel and clay, cemented gravel, Selection or Depth /.ones .,,„, re i a ted deposits •"» m . •. c ,i c< j-a \r i a l "Clav," silt, sandy clay, lava rock, and related The storage capacity or the Sutter- 1 uba Area has t. •• . ' , • ., • •> & ' ■ fine-grained deposits •» been estimated for three depth zones : 20 to 50 feet, 50 to 100 feet, and 100 to 200 feet below the land surface. Subdivision of Sutter-Yuba Area into Storage Units The only exception to this three-zone treatment was in n , , „„„ +1 ' +1 o v , ,-,-, , . ,i ii For the purpose of estimating underground storage the area south of Yuba City between the natural levee ' ' ' ~J , . * ,. ., , . * , ■+ c +1 Q + T3- i 4.x. i i e capacity the Sutter- Yuba Area was divided into four deposits of the Sacramento River and the channel of '"' u ' ' . , v • -, -, • ,, 4i tti +i t>- t * -4. a c tt^ov w 4 storage groups, and these m turn were subdivided into the Feather River (storage units A 5 and D 2). Water swiv^uuj t i-4 , t 4i i 4 i i n 14 storage units ( See PI. B-4 . Boundaries of the stor- of poor quality underlies that area at relatively shallow x * &L " iag v , -n i i i +i i +/ n re ■ tv • ■ v w- 4 t> a"-e units were first drawn on significant soil and depths, and the California Division of Water Resources ^ . , to ,.„ n .-, , • u t 4i, 4 -4 in i i ■ i i physiographic changes, then were modified on the basis believes that it would be impractical in general to F 1 J' MU b ia i' 1J i i 41 i ii i mn £ -4i of the subsurface character ot the deposits above a draw down the water level below 100 feet without cans- , . .-, . , , • i- • 4 A i-i 4, 4 4, depth of 200 feet below land surf ace. Special emphasis nig saline intrusion. Accordingly, m that area the ' , , , , . , c ,, ,. 4 -4 , i , , \ a ,, -i was placed on the hydrologic character of the sedi- storage capacity was calculated only for the deposits ] ' „„ \ L * ,, ,. „ v, 4 i 41 ' r. on i 1nA , 4 ■ ments m the top 100 feet. There are three reasons tor between depths of 20 and 100 feet. . : . F , ,. -, , ,, i i i T 4 • , r i4i 44. 4i c 44 vi \ ■+ ii this. First, it is believed that the storage units should It is believed that tor the Sutter- 1 uba Area it would „ ,., . ,. .-, ■, , , . „, . 4 • 4i i -4 i 4i be representative for the depth range most widely sub- be inefficient to store water in the deposits less than l , , nns . ,, , 3 , , , ii m iect to unwatermg or resaturation under present con- 20 feet below land surface, even where permeable. Also, •' . ,. , „ , ,, ,, -4. • +-u„ e ... T, , ,i 4ii ditions. Second, for nearly all the storage units m the for economic reasons, it is unlikely that water levels „ , ■ i ■, ^ -a ■ i i ■ . nil 33 , on nj. 4 t 4i ' * 4 i vallev except the basin deposits, the specific yield is will be lowered below 200 feet. In the near future, draw- • , ,, -,,„, £ l% ^ ^ i 1 -4 t , +i,r 3 »,, 4 4 1 1 ■ 4i o 44 ^ i \ i greater above the 100-foot depth than below it. Lastly, down of the water table m the Sutter- Yuba Area prob- ' . , ,. , 4-c ■ i i + „ ,i ■„ 4 4 3i , 4, mn* 4 i 4i with reference to natural or artificial recharge at or ablv will not extend below the 100-foot depth. n , ,. ,, ,. , ., e , near the land surface, the distribution of water-bear- Classification of Materials in Drillers' Logs ing beds in the near-surface deposits is of primary , importance. In this respect, the coarse sand and gravel In order to estimate the ground-water storage capac- ,, n , ,, \ ,. 3 fil , , ,i , t ,,1,' n nw „ , f ., tongues or blankets that are so well defined at shallow lty of the water-bearing deposits it was necessary to . 7. . ,, ,, , „ , . ,, „ tti„„ + i, qt . ; .„ „ , .„ ,i-4 n 1 • depths beneath or near the channels of the heather, classify the drillers logs into a few general categories „ \ , T> „. , ,, /. , . • . .° , ■ . 3 1 \ uba, and Bear Rivers are noteworthy. to which specific-yield values could be assigned. T ,. q , „4.-,„„„ .,,, 3 ' • 31 1 1 In the table summarizing the ground-water storage Although many logs reported only gravel, sand, and „ ,. _. , „ , . 41 1 1 4„„„ „„;+c 3 • , 4 ,1 4 1 capacity of the Sutter-Yuba Area, the 14 storage units clav or gradations between these units, some logs re- , ' , 1 i -41 ■ 41 * t3,.^a^ ' 3 ^ in . on ,.- .4 , 4-1 have been assembled within the four groups. Briefly ported as many as 10 to 20 different types of materials. . n , T4 3-114 41 v 4' 1 j • 4. n summarized, the groups are: It was decided to group the sediments logged into five general classes, namely : (1) gravel ; (2) sand, includ- A. River Flood-plain and Channel Deposits. These ing gravelly sand and gravel and sand ; (3) tight sand, deposits contain a high proportion of sand and gravel hard sand, sandstone and other materials of similar deposited by streams mostly during the Pleistocene and hydrologic character; (4) cemented -ravel, clav and Recent epochs, although some of the sands and gravels gravel, etc. ; and (5) -'clav," which included silt, clay, in the 100- to 200-foot depth zone may be of Pliocene shale, and related materials of low permeability in- age. In general, the river flood-plain and channel de- eluding "lava." posits have the highest specific yield of the four groups in all three depth zones. The specific yield decreases Assignment of Specific-yield Values markedly in the 100- to 200-foot depth zone, but still The specific yield of a rock is the ratio of (1) the is higher than in the other three storage groups, volume of water which, after being saturated, it will B. Low Alhivial-plain and Alluvial-fan Deposits. yield by gravity to (2) its own volume. This ratio is These deposits are variable in physical character but customarily expressed in percent. The procedure fol- are generally much less permeable than the river flood- lowed in assigning specific-yield values to the various plain and channel deposits, particularly in the top two types of material classified in the well logs of the Sac- depth zones. The near-surface sediments in this group ramento Valley is discussed in detail in the valley-wide include the alluvial fans of the Sutter Buttes, inter- report now in preparation and has been summarized in mediate alluvial deposits ( Pleistocene), old alluvial de- an appendix to Bulletin 1 of the State Water Resources posits (Pliocene and Pleistocene) and smaller areas of 102 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Recenl stream-channel deposits. Most of the low allu- vial-plain deposits above the 200-foot depth are old and intermediate alluvia] deposits, however. ('. Dissected Alluvial Deposits. This group is rep- resented in Sutter and Yuba Counties by two widely separated small areas — the northern between Honeut Creek and the Yuba River on the easl margin of the valley, and the southern in Sutter County east of the American Basin. The specific yield and physical char- acter of the dissected alluvial deposits and the low alluvial-plain and alluvial-fan deposits are similar, and the geologic units contained are essentially the same, although the dissected alluvial deposits contain a some- what greater percentage of old alluvium. D. Basin Deposits. These sediments to a depth of 200 feet include the Recent basin deposits, the inter- mediate alluvial deposits of Pleistocene age and prob- ably some old alluvium. Silt and clay predominate and permeability and specific yield are correspondingly low. The 100- to 200-foot depth zone in the northern part of the American Basin (Dl) contains a rather high proportion of sand which may represent buried Sacramento River channels, but the deep zone in the Butte Basin (D3) has fine-grained material of low permeability. The specific yield of the deep zone in the Sutter Basin ( 1)2 i was not calculated because of salt- water contamination, but the well logs record mostly fine-grained material. Summary of Results The following table summarizes the estimated ground-water storage capacity of the Sutter-Yuba Area for the four storage groups. This summary is fol- lowed by a tabulation of storage capacity I'm- each of the 14 storage units, listed by groups. The summary for the Sutter-Yuba Area by storage groups first gives total storage capacities for all de- posits, including those beneath the basin lands. The totals are then given with the storage capacity of the basin deposits eliminated. There are several reasons for omitting the storage capacity of these deposits from consideration. The deposits in the Sutter and Butte Basins are relatively impermeable in all three depth zones, and those in the American Basin in the top two depth zones. Therefore, well yields would be low and it would be difficult to draw down the water level extensively within the basins unless many closely spaced wells were drilled. Although the basin water levels are close to the surface, the altitude of land surface in the basins is lower than that in all the sur- rounding lands. Because of the low altitude and the low permeability of the basin deposits, it is believed there would not be appreciable dewatering by lateral drainage to adjacent pumped areas. For the same reasons, recharging the basin deposits would be slow and costly. Because of low well yields and the avail- ability of surface water, it is ordinarily more economi- cal to use surface water than ground water for irri- gation of the basin lands. Excluding the basin storage, the estimated ground- water storage capacity for the Sutter- Yuba Area be- tween limits of 20 and 200 feet below the land surface is about 3,900,000 acre-feet. More than half this storage is in the deposits 20 to 100 feet below the surface. As discussed previously, how much of this ground-water storage capacity is economically usable is not known. ESTIMATED TOTAL GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA IN ACRE-FEET Vrea (acres) Depth zone All zones Storage unit 20-50 feet 50-100 feet 100-200 feet 20-200 feet Specific yield percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific > ield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield i percent 1 Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent 1 Storage (acre-feet) A. River flood-plain and channel deposits B. Low alluvial-plain and alluvial-fan deposits 204,590 (104,430) 1 111. .V.MI 30,600 1 13,590 (29,080) 10.4 :>.4 1 :> r,A CHI. Ill III 160,000 li 230,000 9.4 l 'i 5 ."• 5. 1 960,000 250,000 sum hi 370,000 7.0 1 7 -4.7 G.4 1.140.000 17(1,1 150,000 180,000 8.4 4.0 4.9 5.4 2,740,000 880,000 270,000 780 000 TOTALS Percenl "I total 180,370 (3L':..7nn 7.4 1 .070,000 22.9 6 'i 1 li(i(l,(M|(l 35 , :> 6.0 1 .'.140.000 li 6 6.6 4,670,000 ESTIMATED GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY, EXCLUDING BASIN DEPOSITS Total \ B l Percenl >>t total :s:s6.78o (296,620) sin 21.6 1,290,000 33 . 2 I 7 1 15.2 3,890,000 in parentheses Indicate acreage utilized I'm computing storage in zone Inn i" 200 feel below land Miliar.' APPENDIX P> 103 SUTTER AND YUBA COUNTIES ESTIMATED GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF RIVER FLOOD-PLAIN AND CHANNEL DEPOSITS (A) Area ' (acres) Depth zone All zones Storage unit 20-50 feet 50-100 feet 100-200 feet 20-200 feet Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) 35,680 39.240 3.5,920 53,590 (40,160) 9.0 10.3 9.8 11.8 10.4 96,000 121,000 105.000 189,000 126,000 9.8 8.7 8.4 10.8 8.9 176,000 170,000 151,000 289,000 179,000 8.6 6.0 5.9 7.2 308,000 235.000 214.000 384.000 9.0 7.5 7.3 8.9 9.5 580,000 2. East of Feather River north of Yuba River. 3. West side Feather River north of Yuba City. 4. East side Feather River south of Yuba River, 526,000 470,000 862.000 305.000 TOTALS.. 204,590 (164,430) 10.4 637,000 9.4 965.000 7.0 1,143,000 8.4 2.744,000 1 Figmes in parentheses indicate acreage nt ilizerl fur computirg storage in zone mil to 200 feet below land surface. SUTTER AND YUBA COUNTIES ESTIMATED GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF LOW ALLUVIAL-PLAIN AND ALLUVIAL-FAN DEPOSITS (B) Area (acres) Depth zone All zones Storage unit 20-50 feet 50-100 feet 100-200 feet 20-200 feet S|ieciric yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) 36,030 47,070 2,560 15,930 6.5 4.7 5.2 4.8 70.000 67,000 4,000 23.000 5.2 4.5 5.6 5.8 93,000 105,000 7.000 46,000 4.2 5.4 4.0 3.7 151.000 253,000 10,000 59,000 4.8 5.0 4.6 4.5 314,000 2. Low plains north of Bear River 425.000 3. Low plains west of Feather River 21.000 4. Alluvial plains enclosing Sutter Buttes 128,000 TOTALS 101,590 5.4 164,000 4.9 251,000 4.7 473,000 4.9 888,000 SUTTER AND YUBA COUNTIES ESTIMATED GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF DISSECTED ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS (C) Area (acres) Depth zone All zones Storage unit 20-50 feet 50-100 feet 100-200 feet 20-200 feet Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) 1. Deposits between American and Bear Rivers. 2. Deposits south of Oroville 20.070 10.530 4.8 3.9 29,000 12,000 4.8 7.0 48,000 37,000 5.2 3.8 105,000 40,000 5.0 4.7 182,000 89,000 TOTALS 30,600 4.5 41,000 5.6 85,000 4.7 145,000 4.9 271 000 104 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION SUTTER AND YUBA COUNTIES ESTIMATED GROUND-WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF BASIN DEPOSITS (D) Area ' acres) I >epth zone All zones Storai e unit 20-50 feet 50-100 fei i 100-200 feet 20-200 feet Specific yield (percent ) Storage (acre-feel ) Specific j ield (percent) Stoi age (acre-feet) Specific j ield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) Specific yield (percent) Storage (acre-feet) (7,860 114,510 (0) 11,220 l 6 5. 1 2, 189,000 17,000 5.0 5 . 2 I 6 i " 295,000 26,000 7.7 137,000 6.4 5.3 4.8 207,000 2. Sutter Basin 484,000 :(. Butte Basin.. 4.3 48.000 '.11,000 TOTALS I I.; 590 29 080 5. 1 231,000 5. 1 366,000 6.4 185,000 5.4 782.000 1 Figures in parentheses indicate acreage utilized for computing storage in zone 100 to 200 feel belon land surface. Best Areas for Ground-water Storage As can be seen from the ground-water storage table, the best areas for storing water underground arc the five river flood-plain and channel deposits units. Ex- cluding basin deposits, about 70 percent of the total storage capacity is in these five areas which include about 40 percent of the Sutter-Yuba Area, and most of the soils and near-surface sediments are sufficiently permeable to permit recharge from the surface. Sand and gravel beds are most continuous in the river-chan- nel deposits of the Feather River, and the deposits west of the river from Yuba City south to the vicinity of Xicolaus seem to be especially favorable for storing ground-water (See PI. B-2). Unfortunately, however, this area is contaminated with salt water in the lower depth zone, and storage in this /.one may not be prac- t icable. The low alluvial-plain and alluvial-fan deposits and the dissected alluvial deposits are both rather unfav- orable tor ground-water storage. Soils are generally tighl and impervious hardpan is prevalent, and re- charge from land surface would be difficult. REFERENCES Allen, V. T.. (1929) The [one formation of California: Cali- fornia Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci., Bull. 18, pp. •"••".7 lis. Clark, I'.. I... and Anderson, C. A., (1938) Upper Eocene \\ heatland formation of California and its relation to early Ter- tiary andesites in the Sierra Nevada: Geol. Sue America Hull., vol. 49, pp. ;»::i 956. Jenkins, < ». I'.. (1943) Geomorphic provinces of California: ( ;. 1 1 f . . in i.i Div. Mines Bull, 1 is, pp. 83 88. Johnson, II. It., (1943) Marysville Buttes (Sutter Buttes) gas field: California Div. .Mines Hull. lis. ,,,,. 610-615. I'i|ier. A. M., Gale, II. S.. Thomas, II. E., and Robinson, T. \V., (1939) Geology and ground-water hydrology of the Mokelumne area. California: I". S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper Tso, 230 pp. Poland, J. V.. Davis. G. II.. Olmsted. F. II.. and Kuukel, Fred, (1950) Ground-water storage capacity of the Sacramento Val- ley. California: Appendix I> in Hull. 1. California State Water Resources Board. Stewart, Ralph, (1949) Lower Tertiary stratigraphy of Mt. Diablo, Marysville Buttes, and west border of lower Centra] Valley id' California: U. S. Geol. Survey oil and Gas Investiga- tions, Preliminary ('hart 34. General References Bryan, Kirk. (1923) Geology and ground-water resources of Sacramento Valley, California : I". S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper d!>"». Forbes, Hyde. (1931) Geology and underground water storage capacitj of Sacramento Valley: Appendix F in California Dept. Public Works. Water Resources Div.. Hull. 26. Lindgren, Waldemar, (1911) The Tertiary gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California : F. S. Geol. Survej Prof. Paper "•">. Lindgren, Waldemar. and Turner. IF W., (1895) F. S. Geol. Survey Geol, Atlas, Marysville folio (no. 17). So/7 Surveys Cosliy. s. \\\. Watson, E. F... and Harper, W. <;.. (1928) Soil Survey id' the Auburn area. California: F. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Chemistry and Soils, sec. 1924, no. 15. Ilarradine. F. F.. (1948) Soils of Colusa County, California: California Agr. Exp. Sta. Holmes, F. ('.. and Nelson, .1. W.. ( 1916) Reconnaissance soil survey of the Sacramento Valley, California: F. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils, Field Operations, 1913, Rpt. 15; pp. 2297-2438. Strahorn, A. T., Mackie, W. W.. Holmes. F. ('.. Westover, IF I... and Van Fiiyne. ('.. (l'.HL'l Soil survey of the Marysville area, California: F. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils. Field Operations, 1909, Rept. 1 I : pp. 1689 L740. PLATE B-l PLATE B-2 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTIONS PLATE B-3 200r -YUBA RIVER FLOOD PLAIN- Sea Level Ll -200- -300 L -__S0FT -I- STICKY GUMBO -;, HARD Ijl SANDSTONE --- HARD - - SANDSTONE SECTION C-C' ; TOUGH ZBLUE " SANDY Sea Level Sea Level -100 LEGEND SAND AND GRAVEL SANDY CLAY OR SILT VOLCANIC ASH OR BRECCIA ( BUTTE ROCK ) NOTE: PLAN OF CROSS SECTIONS ON PLATE B-l SCALE OF MILES I 2 VERTICAL SCALE IS 80 TIMES THE HORIZONTAL 7/. SANDSTONE & ■yr sticky ^.SANDSTONE ^ZREO, STICKY zPzHED ~k ReD :::: PACKED %/y, SANDSTONE ~ty SANDSTONE '"■ PACKED [g "Jt Lm - S flEE ^"T LOOSE X HARD RUNNING BROWN, "^C _T_ _r^ - - - - - _VL T0U6H --- TOUGH - ° - -RED ~A YELLOW^. HI Vl ■PACKED -~-RED Hn Ji t5w "BROWN ££o -^~- rfuflw,-^, _r-_ tlea 'IGHT -iz- -^" -^ 3£ BROWN -^iSuM :::: brown, dry - • *T* 4S« « o ? -3- BROWN «*e™nw«w ~- S _-_ SOFT / ■>' YELL0W-- ~— _-_ — *sw ml TIGHT -^r £ItL SHAL£ ^-_ '- re YELLOW Tfa sffAr 1 VOLCANIC ASH _ Sea Level Ld Ld SECTION D-D' STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTIONS PLATE B-4 APPENDIX C RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT ROBBINS, CALIFORNIA ( 105 ) 106 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT ROBBINS, CALIFORNIA County : Suiter Date established : 1926 Tj pe of gage ; Not recording Elevation : 20 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Latitude : - v .s '>-' Longitude: 121 13' Record obtained from : Rechimal ion District 1500, Kirkville (In inches) Season 1925-26 1926-27 1927 28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32. 1932-33. 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38. 1938-39. 1939 in 1940- ll 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44. 1944-45. 1945-46 1946-47. 1947-48. 1948-49. [949 mi 1950-51 1951-52. July ii ii;, I- Tr. Tr. 0.09 Ail". 0.05 Tr. 0.02 0.03 Sept. Tr. Ti 0. I!' I i I'- ll.. V.I 0.27 0.06 0.02 0.20 0.30 0.22 0.11 Oct. 1.58 1.81 0.26 0.10 0.42 0.26 Tr. 0.76 1.06 0.89 0.30 . 56 1.19 0.67 . 92 1 . 54 0.38 2 1 0.94 3.29 0.28 2.06 1.11 0.01 2.48 3.01 Nov. 7.43 2 . 05 2.51 0.00 1.21 2.69 0.27 0.00 2.62 1.05 0.06 2.58 0.58 0.04 1 11 1.77 2.08 0.80 4.13 2.19 2.27 1.06 0.49 0.70 3 . 49 3.96 Dec. 0.81 0.68 2.61 4 . 53 1 . 50 7.65 2 . 59 5 90 2 . 29 1.71 2 . 50 2.97 1.25 1.71 .76 25 .87 .42 .31 .75 .03 1.01 3.97 1.18 l 58 3.03 Jan. 2 . 43 1.72 0.73 4.12 2 65 I .72 3.13 0.24 5.46 2 . 95 2.78 3.76 2.69 6.24 6 . 04 4.00 5.72 2.22 2.02 0.91 0.36 0.90 l .26 3.51 2.24 6 . .57 Feb. 5 39 1.61 2 .01 1.43 1 . 25 I . 52 0.65 2.73 1 . 56 5.90 5 96 7.27 0.63 7 . 06 6.49 3 . 7.", 2.36 7.29 1.86 0.95 2.24 1.41 1 . 19 3.28 2.04 1 . 35 March I 69 3.68 I 20 2.64 0.97 0.49 1.69 0.33 2.77 1.01 .", . 39 3.77 2.14 4.11 3.31 3.28 2 . 73 0.55 2.97 1.64 2.35 3.32 4.67 0.86 . 53 2 36 April ll 96 0.64 0.55 1.07 0.20 ll ss 0.10 0.54 3.95 1.24 0.48 1.89 0.16 0.86 3.90 5.12 1.94 1 .53 0.08 0.08 0.30 3.92 1.00 0.76 1 . 05 May 0.55 0.34 0.03 Tr. . 52 1.04 0.70 0.48 0.16 Tr. 0.42 0.00 0.14 0.44 0.81 2.04 0.59 0.06 1.00 0.88 0.36 0.29 1.82 1.17 0.15 0.76 Tr. June 0.45 0.05 1.51 0.87 0.22 0.43 0.14 0.05 Tr. 0.05 0.01 0.16 0.51 0.57 0.11 0.43 Total 21.13 12.27 11.38 14.41 in 30 1 :, . 93 8.96 10.88 19.71 15.60 17.61 22.99 9.67 21.77 31.93 26.32 18.19 16.06 1 5 35 14.17 ll .92 16.07 14.16 10.83 17.10 21.87 APPENDIX D RECORDS OF DAILY RUNOFF IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ( 107 ) TABLE OF CONTENTS RECORDS OF DAILY RUNOFF IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED SI, -it ion Page Creek at Highway 99E— 1947 and 1948__ __ 109 Auburn Ravine at Highway 99E— 1947 and 1948 110 Dry Creek Near Waldo— 1947 and 1948 111 Dry Creek Near Waldo— 1949- 112 South Honcut Creek at La Porte Road— 1947 and 1948 112 i L08 i APPENDIX D 10!) COON CREEK AT HIGHWAY 99E 1947 AND 1948 (C aily mean flow, in second-feet Date 1947 1948 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. 1 14 14 13 13 14 15 1.5 14 13 12 16 39 32 30 29 46 178 54 15 15 17 18 21 49 56 34 72 21 18 15 16 15 12 12 12 15 34 33 77 80 113 125 49 55 101 76 54 47 38 34 30 22 28 28 64 40 31 33 35 34 32 31 34 6 6 7 8 10 15 12 17 21 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 24 24 22 22 22 26 21 21 21 21 42 58 65 52 50 46 43 44 26 2 18 3 .. ___ 30 4 44 5 26 22 21 20 18 34 6 57 7 38 8 -_ 44 9 39 10 17 13 42 87 18 490 36 31 27 10 9 24 43 31 11 16 15 14 14 18 12 13 13 13 14 34 29 25 22 21 44 34 29 25 25 12 12 34 89 81 157 96 71 65 58 29 19 20 37 42 25 23 22 21 19 25 22 20 13 7 7 13 10 10 10 8 9 9 8 7 24 31 31 30 32 40 37 34 34 37 26 12 23 13 68 14 95 15 67 16 23 15 20 25 64 61 38 18 7 9 10 33 44 47 17 22 18 18 24 89 156 31 16 7 8 12 30 44 138 18 19 20 13 23 57 81 38 14 8 7 12 21 45 92 19 17 20 18 23 si; 55 46 13 9 9 19 17 45 53 20 16 18 17 21 63 44 96 11 7 10 18 14 41 43 21 15 19 16 21 48 42 160 10 6 10 18 15 38 38 22 14 18 16 19 39 96 115 9 4 10 20 15 34 33 23 14 17 15 17 54 57 86 8 3 13 23 15 31 30 24 15 15 IN 16 719 43 71 7 4 12 23 15 19 28 25 18 11 17 15 299 36 61 8 6 10 24 11 18 29 26 17 11 15 15 108 32 43 10 7 10 24 11 18 46 27 15 12 15 16 74 30 32 9 6 10 22 11 17 240 28 14 15 15 21 55 31 32 10 5 10 22 12 17 123 29 13 14 15 25 50 57 33 9 5 16 26 12 18 67 30 . 13 13 13 14.6 IS 15 28.2 43 38 73.2 107 84.4 31 46 48.4 7 4 5 10.0 18 9 9.0 24 13 17 10.6 26 50 31 47 Mean. . 28.4 21.1 14.4 36.8 56.3 Runoff, in acre-feet _ 897 1,730 1,630 1 499 5,022 2,973 1,258 613 553 X.V.I 1,263 2,184 3,459 110 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION AUBURN RAVINE AT HIGHWAY 99E 1947 AND 1948 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) 1947 1948 Date Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 7 7 7 9 11 11 11 12 14 11 11 11 9 8 36 19 56 42 42 43 75 133 81 78 72 68 62 62 54 52 52 57 66 96 74 64 •IS 81 68 66 64 62 57 62 56 51 55 .Ml 45 49 54 50 48 48 08 80 81 85 117 118 98 Ml 02 51 66 64 61 54 56 54 37 15 9 16 15 10 9 14 12 11 7 10 52 01 85 70 54 55 51 52 48 48 52 60 63 56 47 19 69 70 71 66 05 01 00 02 57 00 65 70 82 80 69 70 07 0,7 07 67 07 09 08 07 08 09 68 66 62 62 02 02 02 72 02 62 63 63 63 62 61 61 11 12 9 7 8 6 3 2 2 2 4 6 5 5 12 17 21 13 10 11 10 10 9 9 8 9 9 6 12 2 25 A 39 1 39 5 31 6 47 7 31 8 44 9 31 in 29 11 27 12 28 13 . 7 !i 70 14 32 15 22 s 58 61 89 63 70 57 79 67 63 5 11 71 22 14 8 1 1 58 56 01 61 80 82 46 66 08 07 58 02 78 77 67 07 62 50 4 4 9 16 52 17 108 18 12 42 54 01 70 44 80 62 79 66 51 3 11 70 19 11 11 10 37 14 44 53 54 55 59 50 53 102 77 01 38 35 32 107 115 53 66 62 58 78 75 71 63 59 58 52 45 24 8 16 17 11 11 11 51 20 ... 47 21 43 22 11 40 56 54 55 62 44 55 70 60 22 15 10 41 23 11 :t.s 55 51 50 38 58 63 70 50 23 6 13 40 24 1 1 35 52 52 289 29 57 55 69 59 22 5 25 40 9 32 51 55 192 26 54 59 70 58 15 8 23 38 20 7 33 48 54 117 23 50 71 70 58 16 8 22 52 27 8 33 51 54 83 20 48 67 69 58 15 7 26 108 28 6 33 51 08 53 20 50 67 70 58 12 11 27 70 29 6 34 51 58 82 55 50 60 70 00 11 9 23 54 30 6 35 35 23.0 50 52 58.3 104 92 79.8 50 01 89 45.5 03 59.3 69 69 70.2 02 02 04.3 13 9 11 7.4 13 54 31 51 Mean 10.7 62.5 50.9 45.5 13.4 47.6 Runoff, in : i . 1 1 - 1 • ■ < ■ t 386 1,416 3,578 3.594 4,897 3,382 2,799 3,531 4.318 3.947 2,707 452 825 2,926 APPENDIX D 111 DRY CREEK NEAR WALDO 1947 AND 1948 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) 1947 1948 Date Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. .Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 33 62 20 43 20 388 312 78 37 26 5 5 5 6 26 28 11 66 84 37 16 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 37 32 28 27 44 156 105 80 130 556 292 95 67 58 51 43 :'„s 34 37 38 36 30 :-;r, 30 28 28 28 25 20 19 16 16 16 e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 e 6 e 7 e 7 e 8 e 8 e 9 14 26 24 28 14 12 9 8 7 7 7 8 2 8 3 9 4 16 5.- 13 6 35 7 24 8 22 9 37 10... 5 5 23 11 18 12 . 5 5 4 5 20 18 24 HI 9 107 1 U, 1(1(1 27 23 16 e 9 elO 7 7 14 13 73 14 5 6 15 16 189 90 20 el5 elO 7 106 15 5 7 14 14 146 89 20 el4 ell 7 57 16 5 4 9 9 13 12 14 13 136 159 101 407 19 18 el3 el2 O o •i o ell el2 7 7 42 17 79 18 4 s 11 13 88 156 33 ell el2 7 115 19 3 3 7 6 1(1 10 13 12 136 86 100 84 64 103 elO elO O o o z 12 12 7 7 42 20 23 21 2 5 9 12 56 67 73 e 9 12 7 17 22 2 4 9 11 39 222 I I e 8 12 6 14 23 2 3 8 10 131 174 38 e 7 12 6 12 24 2 2 7 10 727 '.i:, 30 e 6 12 6 10 25 2 2 6 'J 316 74 28 e 5 12 7 10 26 2 2 6 9 142 67 28 e 4 12 7 10 27 2 2 6 9 92 58 26 e 3 12 7 138 28 2 2 5 9 71 59 26 e 2 12 7 132 29 2 2 5 12 58 112 28 e 1 12 8 48 30 2 2 2 13.6 5 5 39.2 44 41 93.0 130 67 49 41.7 e 1 12 12 9.4 8 30 31 24 Mean.. 18.1 127.0 14.2 9.6 38.9 Runoff, in acre-feet . 222 2.410 1,008 5.712 7.575 2.561 843 577 571 2,398 e — Estimated. Ill' SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION DRY CREEK NEAR WALDO-1949 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Date January February March April May Date January February March April May 1 57 Sll III 28 23 19 IN 16 14 13 12 12 12 12 11 15 IS 17 26 130 112 147 132 78 71 30(i 130 73 52 42 34 187 580 475 390 335 220 1 54 171 780 780 278 187 137 120 51 38 32 18 14 35 37 16 15 12 8 5 5 5 6 16 12 16 Q « O o W K O z 16 11 III III 11 18 17 53 63 37 29 26 24 22 20 17 15 36 33 32 28 28 38 32 57 67 :,'.i 44 57 48 162 120 86 171 137 103 122 148 187 137 122 119 114 103 68 51 8 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 4 5 9 2 17 3 18 t 19 5.__ 20 21 6 22 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mean . _ _. Runoff, in acre-feet _ Q 8 X o o 9 10 __ m o 11 12 13 14 15 24.2 69 . 9 222.9 12.6 1,488 3,878 13.756 728 SOUTH HONCUT CREEK AT LA PORTE ROAD 1947 AND 1948 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Date 1947 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. A pi May 1948 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6 I I 15 122 104 I I I i:<2 9 10 11 24 10 i: 1 1 n 10 Hi 38 95 122 I 17 I is 90 78 70 65 17 :;s 34 37 l I 25 54 32 15 13 34 31 6 7 s 9 in 61 472 224 77 130 50 46 28 48 70 9 7 I 12 9 132 80 73 430 580 61 52 18 43 in 38 34 28 25 23 90 48 67 46 27 II 12 13 14 15 ,;s 34 30 27 25 44 :::; 28 24 23 3 2 50 252 122 271 158 I 18 115 132 32 27 J 7 26 22 21 20 19 18 4 4 3 12 19 15 78 89 61 16 17 is 19 20 i i 13 10 6 in 20 27 18 12 24 22 21 20 19 22 21 20 18 17 168 342 171 171 93 127 llli, 1 58 115 95 26 26 in 69 104 27 27 24 17 15 49 66 82 47 34 21 24 25 15 16 13 12 19 25 21 21 21 16 15 I I 10 Mi 69 51 120 6 111 283 250 143 101 si SI 52 III :i4 :i4 12 1 1 10 9 12 9 28 24 22 20 17 26 27 28 29 30 Mean 6 2 10 in 10 10 s 7 III 'i 13 12 ll 10 7 10 10 15 24.1 Kill 9 i l:\ r,i 51 16 70 64 73 132 184 32 27 35 34 63 69 19.9 10 5.7 14.6 25 216 113 61 n; 38 49.0 Hunoff, in acre-feet .',70 1,341 5,796 9,166 3,130 I 18(1 226 869 3,007 APPENDIX E RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA ( 113 ) TABLE OF CONTENTS RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Tabic Page 1 Depths to Ground Water at Measurement Wells in Sutter- Yuba Area, Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources 115 2 Depths to Ground Water at Measurement Wells in Sutter-Yuba Area. Measurements Made by S. T. Harding' 151 3 Depths to Ground Water at Measurement Wells in Sutter- Yuba Area, Measurements Made by Sutter County Farm Advisor 155 The wells are numbered in accordance with a system adopted by the United Stales Geological Survey. The numbering system indicates the well locations ae- eording to the rectangular land surveys. An explanation of the numbering- system is given on page 93 of Appendix B. Reference point elevations given to the nearest foot have been estimated from United States Geological Survey topographic maps. Reference point elevations given to the nearest 0.1 foot have been established by field surveys. ( 1 1 i i APPENDIX E 115 TABLE 1 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 10N 3E-1A1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 2.*! feet. West side of Garden Highway ;it toe of levee, 0.75 mile southwesl of Riego Road. 12 7 48,15.1 : 4/6/49,10.7; 11 '30/49, 15.7: 3/30/50,6.4; 11/9/50, 15.6; 4/5/51. 10.2; 12/4/51, 14.0; 4/4/52. 0.0. 10N4E-6K1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing under iminii. elevation 20 feet. 0.06 mile south of Riego Road, 0.47 mile west of Power Line Road. 12 23/47, 10.9; 3/4/48, 11.0; 12 7/48, 10.0; 4/6/49, 5.0; 12/1/4!), 8.2; 3/30/50. <;.!>; 1/9/50, 8.0; 12/4/51. 7.7 ; 4/4/52. 6.3. 10N 4E-12A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 43.1 feet. 0.10 mile west of Pleasant drove Road, 0.70 mile south of Riego Road. 12 23/47, 22.0; :i 3/48, 20.6; 12/7/48, 28.1; 4'6/49, 23.2; 11/23/49, 36.1; 12/1/40, 27.2; 3/15/50. 29.5; :; 30/50, 28.7; 11/9/50, 35.0; 4 5 51, 25.9; 12/5 51, 26.7; 4/4/52. 24.4. 10N 5E-6J1 — Reference point — top of wooden shoring for pit. 12..") feet above casing, elevation 4(! feet. 0.12 mile south of Riego Road. 0.82 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/24/47. 27.1 ; 3/3/48, 27.H ; 12/7/48, :;:',.!) i operating | ; 4/0 -40, 29.6 ; 12/1/49. 33.6 ; 3/30/50, 34.0 ; 11/0/50. 40.:; ; 4/5/51, 38.2 ; 12/5/51, 33.1 : 4/8/52,42.4 (operating). 10N/5E-8N1 — Reference point- -top of casing, elevation 37 feet. 1.5 miles south of Riego Road. 1.06 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/24/47. 25.3. 11N '3E-1D1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 25.6 feet. South side of West Catlett Road. 0.18 mile east of Garwood Road. 12/10/47, 12.0; 3/4/48, 11.0; 12/15/48, 11.0; 3/30/49, 0.5; 5/26/49, 20.1; 29/49, 2.'..4 ; 7 28 40. 23.1; 8/26/49, 23.4; 12/5/49, 14.5; 3/24/50, 8.3; 11/16/51, 12.5; 4/7 /52. 5.0. 1 1 N 3E-2B1 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 23.8 feet. South side of West Catlett Road. 0.37 mile west of Garwood Road. 12/19/47, 11.0; 3/4/48, 10.8; 12 15 4s, 12.3; 3/3/49, 5.9; 12/5/40. 14.1; 3/24/50. 7.4; 11/6/50, 12.4; 4/2/51. 5.1; 11/10/51. 11.7: 4 s r.2. 0.1. 11N/3E-2Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20 feet. 0.50 mile east of Vernon Road. 0.89 mile south of West Catlett Road. 12/9/48, 11.9; 4/0/40, 5.7; 11/28/40, 14.0: 3/30/50, 7.1 ; 11/8/50, 11.2; 4/3/51, 5.1 ; 12/5/51, 11.0. 11 N 3E-3C2 — Reference point — west side of pump base, elevation 20.1 feet. South side of West Catlett Road. 1.57 miles north of Garwood Road. 12/19/48, 13.4; 3/4/48, 11.4; 12/15/48, 13.1 ; 3/30/49. 7.5; 12/5/49, 15.2; 3/34/50. 7.0; 11/0/50. 13.0; 4/2/51.5.0; 4/8/52. 1.7. 11N/3E-3N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 25 feet. 0.85 mile west of Vernon Road. 0.93 mile south of West Catlett Road. 12/0/4S, 13.1; 3/31/40, 0.2; 11/28/49, 14.0; 3/30/50. 5.!) ; 11/18/50, 13.1 ; 4/1/52, 0.0. 11 N 3E-3P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 22 feet. 0.74 mile west of Vernon Road, 0.S2 mile south of West Catlett Road. 12/0/4S, 12.4; 11/8/50, 13.1; 4/3/51, 0.2. 12/5/51. 11.9; 4/1/52. 5.3. 11N/3E-10N I — Reference point — pipe in pump, elevation 20 feet. 0.S0 mile west of Vernon Road, 1.75 miles south of West Catlett Road. 3/31/49, 11.3; 11/2S/49, 10.1. 11 N 3E-11D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 21 feet. 0.14 mile east of Vernon Road, 1.08 miles south of West Catlett Road. 12/9/48, 8.3 ; 4/6/49, 4.5 ; 11/28/40, 12.2 ; :S '30/50, 4.0 ; 11/8/50. 7.7; 4/3/51, 2.7; 4/2/52. 1.0. 11IM/3E-13A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20 feet. 0.70 mile north of north levee of Natomas Cross Canal. 1.15 miles northeast of Garden Highway. 12/9/48, 7.0 ; 4/0/40, 3.3 ; 11/29/49, 9.4; 3/30/50, 3.6; 11/8/50, 10.0; 4/2/51, 3.0; 12/5/51, 9.5. 11N 3E-13D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 20 feet. 1.10 miles north of north levee of Natomas Cross ("anal. mile northeast of Garden Highway. 12/9/48, 119; 4/0/40, 7.4; 11/20/40. 13.0; 3/30/50, 8.5; 11/8/50, 13.5; 4/2/51. 7.5; 12/5/51, 13.0. 11N/3E-13F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 20 feet. 0.75 mile north of north levee of Natomas Cross Canal. 1.13 miles northeast of Garden Highway. 12/9/48, 12.5; 4/0/40. 8.3; 14/29/40, 14.2. 11N 3E-13P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 20 feet. At toe of north lev( f Natomas Cross Canal. 1.37 miles northeast of Garden Highway. 4/0/40, 7.7; 11/29/49, 11.8. 11 N 3E-14N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 25 feet. 0.14 mile east of Vernon Road, 0.60 mile north of Garden Highway. 12/9/48, 12.7. 11 N, 3E-15C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 25 feet. 1.50 miles north of Garden Highway, 0.7S miles west of Vernon Road. 12/24/47, 16.9; 3/4, Is, 16.2; 12 48, 16.1; 3/31/49, 0.0; 11/28/40, 17.!); 3/30/50, 7.0; 11/8/50, 10.1: 4/3/51, 10.3; 12/4/51. 15.0; 4/1/52. 1.1. -top of casing, elevation 27 feet. 0.23 mile northwest of Verona. 12/0/4S. 18.0; 3/31/49, 11.6; 11/8/50, 16.2; 4/3/51, 11.4; 1 1 N /3E -22H 1— Reference point- North side of Garden Highway, 12 24 47. 18.8; 3/4/48, 18.2; 11 '28 40. is.2; :; 30 50, 0.0; 12 5 51. 15.7; 4/1/52. 3.3. 11N/3E-22H2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20 feet. Northeast side of Garden Highwav, east side of Vernon Road. 11/7/2!), 24.:',; 9/27/30, 24.3; 12/15/31, 24.3; 11/23/32. 25.2; 12/21/33, 21.0; 10/27/34, 27.3: 11/28/34. 20.3; 11/25/36, 24. S; 11/6 .".7. 23.8; 1/10/30. 20.8. elevation 29 feet, of Vernon Road. 11 N/3E-22H3— Reference point — top of casing. .",l)l( feet north of Garden Highway, west side 12 20 40, 10.0. 11N 3E-23E2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 27 fed. 100 feet north of Garden Highway. 0.07 mile east of Vernon Road. 11/11/47. 10.7; 12/16/48, 10.0; 12/0/4!). 10.0: 11 13 5u, io.:; ; 12/6/51, 5.0. 11N/3E-23L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 29 feet. 0.12 mile north of Garden Highway, 0.47 mile southeast of Vernon Road. 12/23/47. 12.3; 3/4/48, 11.0; 12/0/4S. 10.0: 3/31/4!), 3.0; 11/28/49, 12.0. 11N/3E-23R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20 feet. At toe of south levee of Natomas Cross Canal, 0.11 mile north of Garden Highway. 12/23/47, 12.1; 3/4/4S, 10.0; 12/8/48, 15.2; 3/31/49, 0.0; 11/28/4!), 10.1. 11N/3E-25C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 23 feet. 0.24 mile south of SanUey Road. 0.44 mile east of Garden Highway. 12/0/48. 11.3; 4/0/49. 7.3; 3/30/50, 7.0; 11/9/50, 10.0; 4/5/51. 5.0; 12/5/51, 11.3; 4/4/52. 4.4. 11N3E-25P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 205 feet northwest of Garden Highwav, 1.27 miles north of Riego Road. 11/7/20, 19.0; 0/27/30. 19.3; 12/15/31, 19.5; 11/23/32, 20.2; 12/21/33, 1(5.0; 10/27/34. 18.1; 11/2N/34, 15.0; 11/25/36, 10.2; 11/0/37, 14.7; 1/10/30. 15.6; 12/20/40, 15.0; 11/11/47. 15.5; 12/23/47. 16.6; 3/4/48, 10.0; 12/1/40, 15.0; 4/6/49, ll.!>; 11/13/50. 13.5; 12/0/51, S.:{. 11N/4E-1F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 49.3 feet. O.SO mile south of Catlett Road. 0.25 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/22/47. 21.5; 3/22/48, 10.3; 12/18/48, 23.3; :; 29/49, 10.5; 12/2/40. 25.!); 3/27/50, 22.S; 11/8/50, 27.0; 11/10/51, 27.0; 4/8/52, 17.5. in; SUTTER-Y I ' I '. A ( IOUNT I ES I X\' EST I < i ATION TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11 N 4E-1M1 — Reference point -concrete Hour of pump house, elevation 45 feet. 0.55 mile north of Howsley Road. 0.12 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 11 8 29, 13.8; 9 26 30, 13.3; 12 in 31. 14.0; 11 23 32, 14..",; 12 20 33, 15.9; 1(1/27/34, 16.2; 11 23 36, 13.9; 11 1 37, 12.3; 1 10 39, 11.3; 1/4/41, 11.4; 11 11 47.2li.!i; 12/16/48,22.1 ; 12/9/49,24.4; 11/13/50, 24.2; 12 6 51, 27.8. 1 1 N 4E-1R1 — Reference point— -joint in cover plate around cas- ing, elevation 50 feet. North side of Howsley Road. 1.0 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/23/47, 24.7; 3/3/48, 22.6; 12 8 48, 25.1 ; 3/31/40. 22.8; 11/30/49, 25.0; 11/14/50. 28.7. 11 N 4E-2M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. West side of Western Pacific Railroad, 0.29 mile north of Howsley Road. 3/15/48, 11.9; 12/8/48, 15.5; 3/29/49, 9.5; 12 2 49, 10.4. 11N/4E-3P1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation .",." feet. 0.15 mile north of Howsley Road, 0.47 mile east of Pacific Avenue. 12/22/47, 19.8; 3/15/48, 18.1 ; 12/18/48, 21.1 ; 3 29 40. 14.4; 12/2/40. 21.3; 3/24/50, 16.3; 11/8/50, 21.6; 4/2/51, 12.3; 11/19/51,20.8; 4/8/52, 13.2. 11N 4E-4R1 — Reference point ---top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.03 mile north of Howsley Road. 0.16 mile west of Pacific Avenue. 12/23/47. 14.7; 3/15/4S. 13.1; 12/15/48, 10.2; 2/30/49, 3.9; 12/2/40. 15.9; 3/24/50, 9.8; 11/8/50, Hi.O: 4/2/51. 8.0; 11/19/51, 14.7; 4/6/52, 6.1. 11N 4E-5A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 27 feet. 1.10 miles north of Natomas Cross Canal. 12/1S/47. 0.9 ; 12 15 48, 9.9; 3/30/49, 3.8; 5/26/49, 18.1 ; 7/20/40. 20.1. 11N4E-6B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 30 feet. South side of West Catlett Road, 1.50 miles west of Elec- tric Avenue. 12/1S/47. 11.5; 12/15/48. 15.1; 3/24/50. 7.0; 11 P.I 51, 14.0. 11N 4E-7H1 — Reference point — edge of pump base, elevation 2.'! feet. 0.47 mile north of Natomas Cross Canal, 3 miles north- east of Garden Highway. 4/0/49, 10.1; 11/30/40, 12.3; 3/30/50. 10.0; 11/8/50, 14.5; 4/2/51,9.3. 11N/4E-9C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 27 feet. 0.56 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 0.21 mile south of Howsley Road. 5/5/4S, 37.0 ( operating I ; 5/31/48, 10.8; 7 2 48, 49.0 (operating); 7/23/48, 50.5 (operating); 4/6/49, 7.7; 11/30/49, 14.0. 11N 4E-9L1 — Reference point — to]) of casing, elevation 20 feet. 0.45 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad crossing on Howsley Road, 0.57 mile south of Howsley Road. 5/5/48, 48.2 (operating) 5/31/48, 12.7; 7/23/48, 50.5 (operating); I i; 19, S.8; 11/30/49, 1 1.2. 11N 4E-11C1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 41 feet. 0.35 mile east of Western Pacific Railroad. 0.16 mile south of Ib.wsley Road. 3/3/48, 19.9; 3/31/40. 18.8. 11N 4E-11C2 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 0.18 mile south of Howsley Road. 0.40 mile east of Western Pacific Railroad. 12 22/47. 23.1 ; 12/8/48, 25.1 ; 3/31/40, 21.0; II 30 40. 25.8; 3/30/50, 21.2; 110 50, 28.1; 4/5/51, 19.2: 12 I 51, 27.1 ; 4/4/52, 17.0. 11N/4E-11N1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 38 feet. North side of Fifield Road, west side of Western Pacific Rail- load. 12 23 17. 21.2; 3 3/48, 18.6; 12/8/48, 25.5; 4/0/49. 18.0; 11 ::n 10. 25.1. 1 1 N 4E-12C1 — Reference point— lop of casing, elevation 46 Feet. 0.03 mile easl of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.03 mile south of Howsley Road. 11 20 IS. 27.2. 11N 4E-12C2 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 50.0 feel. 0.12 mile east of Pleasant Crove Road. 0.02 mile south of Howsley Road. 12 22 17. 23.4; :; •". is. 20.9; 12 8 is. 23.6: :; ::i to. 22.1 ; 11 30 10. 23.9. 1 1 N 4E-12H1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 56.8 feet. 0.70 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.57 mile south of Howslej Road. 12 7 Is. 27.8. 11 N 4E-12J2— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 56.8 feel. 0.5.S mile south of Howsley Road. 0.78 mile easl of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/23/47. 27.3; 3/3/48, 25.2; 12 N/48, 28.2; 3/31/49, 24.7; 11/17/40. 30.8; 11/30/40, 28.9; 3/30 50. 2S.0; 4/11/50. 20.0; 11 8 5(1. 32.5; 11/14/50, 32.4; 4/5/51, 2S.0; 11/15/51, 34.0; 4/3/52. 20.2; 4/4/52, 29.0. 11 N 4E-12M1 — Reference point — slot in base, elevation 44.7 feet. O.02 mile south of Howsley Road, 0.07 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/23/47. 22.8; 3/3/48, 19.8; 12/8/48, 24.0; 3/31/40. 20.4; 5/20/40. 20.2; 0/20 40. 25.1; 7/28/40, 32.S ; 11/30/49. 27.2; 3/30/50. 23.1; 11/6/50, 28.2; 4/10 51. 23.5; 11/14 51. 35.0; 4/4/52, 2:'.. 2. 11N 4E-13D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 47.6 feet. West side of Pleasant Crove Road. O.OO mile south of Fifield Road. 12/8/48, 28.5; 4/0/49, 18.0; 11 30 40. 27.0; 3/15/50, 23.3; 3/30/50. 24.1; 11/8/50, 30.1; 4/5/51, 25.0; 11/14/51, 32.0 : 4/4/52, 20.5 ; 4/10/52. 25.2. 11 N/4E-13M1 — Reference point — top of casing in pit, elevation 40 feet. 0.12 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.37 mile north of Kevs Road. 12/23/47, 15.0; 12/8/48, 10.1 ; 3/31/49, 14.0; 11/30/49. 21.7. 11 N '4E-14B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.10 mile south of Howsley Road. 0.52 mile west id' Pleasant Ciove Road. 12/23/47, 25.8; 3/3/4S, 21.8; 12 8 4s. 27.8; 3/31/40, 21.1: 11/30/40. 20.0. 11 N 4E-14D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 36.5 feet. 0.21 mile west of Western Pacific Railroad. 0.26 mile south of Fifield Road. 12/23/47, 21.2; 3/3/48, 18.6; 12/8/48, 25.5; 4/0/4!), 18.0; 11/30/49, 25.1. 11N/4E-15C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 31.2 feet. South side of Fifield Road, 0.11 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 12/23/47. 16.9; 3/3/48, 14.9; 12 8 48, 20.0; 4/0/4!). 12.9; 11/30/49, 18.8; 3/30/50. 14.4; 11/8 50, 10.5: 4/3/51, 11.0; 12/4/51, 19.1; 4/4/52. 7.2. 11N4E-15Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 33.0 feet. 0.80 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 0.22 mile north of Kevs Road. 12/23/47, 18.5; 3/3/48, lfi.S ; 12/S/4S. 23.5; 4/0/49. 10.0; 11/30/40. 22.2; 3/30/50, 17.9; 11/8/50, 23.5; 4/3/51, 14.7; 12/5/51, 23.0; 4/4/52, 12.0. 11 N 4E-21R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 24.9 feet. 1.00 miles east of Burns Road. 0.22 mile north of Sankey Road. 12/23/47, 0.0; 3/3/48, 9.0; 12/S/48. 12.3; 4/0/40. S.O. 11 N 4E-22A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 32.7 feet. 0.18 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad crossing. 12/S/4S. 23.5; 4/0/40. 15.2; 11/30/40. 22.0. 11N 4E-23C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 37 feet. 0.09 mile south of Keys Road. 0.0!) mile easl of Western Pacific Railroad. 12/23/47, 21.0; 3/3/48, 18.6; 11/30/49, 20.0; :: 30/50, 22.1; 11/8/50, 2N.7 ; 4/3/51, 20.:: ; 12/4/51, 28.0 ; 4/4/52. 20.1. 11 N/4E-23H1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 53.1 feel. 0.02 mile west of Pleasant Crove Road. 0.40 mile south of Kevs Road. 12/23/47. 10.5; 3/3/4S, 18.0; 12 8 48, 24.1; 4/0/40, 19.8; 11 ••,<) 19, 32.2; 3 •"•() 50, 24.0; 11/8/50, .".0.7; I 5 .",1. 2 1.(1; 12/4/51, 20.2. 11N 4E-23N1 — Reference point top of concrete pit wall, eleva- tion •">". feet, o.oo mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad, o.l 1 mile north of Sankey Road. 12/23/47, 21.3. 11N 4E-25M1 — Reference point hole in base, elevation 37 feet. 0.58 mile south of Sankey Road. O.OO mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12 2.". 17. 19.0; 3/3/48, 20.2; 12/8/48, 24.9; I 10. 21.0; 12 1 19, 31.0; .". 30 50. 20.0 ; 4/1 .1(1. 34.9. 11N 4E-26F1 — Reference point -hole in base of pump, elevation ;,7 feet. 0.40 mile south of Sankey Road. 0.05 mile west of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 12/8/48, 28.0; -1 4!). 23.0; 12 8 is. 14.9; ". ",(i 50, 20.0; 11/9/50, 29.1 ; 12/0/51, 37.0. APPENDIX E 117 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11N 4E-28J1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 34.3 feet. 0.70 mile south of Sankey Road, 0.40 mile west of Pacific Avenue. 3/4/48, 20.4; 12/8/48, 23.6; 4/6/49, 19.2 ; 12/1/49, 25.3; 3/30/50,; 11/9/50, 29.1 ; 4/5/51, 21.4; 12/6/51. 30.5 ; 4/4/52, 22.S. 11 N 4E-33J1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 25.6 feet. 0.03 mile west of Pacific Avenue, 0.28 mile north of Riego Road. 3/4/48, 13.4; 12/7/48, 15.7; 4/6/49, 12.2; 5/26/40, 11.0; 12/1/49. 17.4; 3/30/50. 14.0; 11/9/50, 14.6; 4/5/51, 12.7; 12/6/51. 14.1 ; 4/4/52, 14.9. 11N/4E-36E1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit wall, eleva- tion 39 feet. 0.07 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.70 mile north of Riego Road. 12/24/47, 22.3; 3/3/48, 23.0; 12/7/48, 28.9; 4/6/49. 24.9; 12/1/49. 38.7; 3/30/50, 23.2; 11/9/50, 44.4; 4/4/52. 19.0. 11N/5E-6N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation ."ill feet. North side Howsley Road. 0.80 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/23/47. 24.7: 3/3/48. 22.6; 12/8/48, 25.1; 3/31/49, 22.8; 11/30/49, 25.9; 11/14/50, 28.7; 3/22/51. 20.2. 11N/5E-18N1 — Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 50 feet. North side of Keys Road, 0.85 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/24/47, 27.3; 3/3/48, 26.5; 12/8/48, 30.1 ; 11/30/49, 31.8 ; 11/14/50, 33.1 ; 3/22/51. 31.2. 11 N/5E-30M 1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 47 feet. 1.05 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.59 mile south of Sankey Road. 12/24/47, 18.8; 3/3/4S. 18.7; 12/8/48, 22.4; 12/1/49, 23.4; 3/30/50, 24.4; 11/9/50, 2:1.4; 12/5/51. 23.4; 4/4/52, 32.5. 12N/3E-1E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 33 feet. II. 10 mile northeast of Garden Highway. 0.20 mile northwest of Sutter Avenue. 12/4/47. 13.6; 3/10/48, 10.0; 12/11/48, 13.2; 3/16/49, 8.3; 12/6/49, 12.6; 3/29/50, 7.5; 11/15/51, 11.1 ; 4 1 52, 5.9. 12N/3E-1L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 31 feet. 150 feet northwest of Sutter Avenue. 0.12 mile northeast of Garden Highway. 12/4/47. 12.6; 3/10/4S, 12.1 ; 12/11/48, 12.9; 3/16/49, 8.0; 12/0/49. 12.5; 11/3/50, 13,2; 4/2/51, 5.3; 11/3/51, 13.2; 4/4/52. 3.3. 12N/3E-2B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 31 feet. 0.08 mile east of Garden Highway. 0.49 mile north of Chandler Road. 12/4/47. 9.1 ; 3/10/48. 9.4; 12/11/48. 9.7; 3/16/49, 0.5; 12/6/49, 8.0. 12N/3E-2E1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 29 feet. North side of Chandler Road. 0.4S mile west of Garden High- way. 12/4/47, 0.0; 3/10/48, 5.8; 5/11/48, 4.7; 12/11/48, 8.8; 3/16/49. 4.1; 5/26/49, 3.1; 6/29/49. 3.2; 7/27/49, 2.6; 8/25/49, 3.3. Well destroyed. 12N/3E-2J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30 feet. South side of Garden Highway, 0.30 mile northwest of Sutter Avenue. 12/4/47. 12.2; 3/10/48, 8.9; 12/11/48, 12.8; 3/16/49. 8.3 ; 12/6/49, 11,7. 12N/3E-2K1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 30 feet. South side of Garden Highway, 0.54 mile west of Sutter Ave- nue. 12/4/47, 12.2; 3/10/4S, 4.9; 5/11/4S, 6.7; 3/16/49. 4.8; 12/6/49, 7.5. 12N/3E-3K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 0.89 mile west of Garden Highway. 0.0S mile south of Chan- dler Road. 11/7/20, S.O ; 0/27/30, 0.4 ; 12/12/31. 0.5 ; 11/25/32, 10.1; 12/20/33, 8.3; 11/10/34, 9.1; 11/25/36, 10.8; 11/24/37, 5.0; 1/25/39, 9.6; 1/13/41, 4.0; 11/7/47. 8.5; 12/15/48, 8.3; 12/0/49. 0.2. 12N 3E-3K2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 0.20 mile south of Chandler Road, 0.89 mile west of Garden Highway. 11/13/50, 24.7; 12/6/51. 3.9. 12N 3E-3Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 32 feet. 0.32 mile south of Chandler Road. 0.S0 mile west of Garden Highway. 11/6/50, 27.4; 4-2-51, 4.8. 12N/3E-12C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.15 mile southwest of west end of Xicolaus bridge. 12/9/47, 14.9; 3/11/48, 11.9; 12/11/48, 15.0; 12/6/49, 14.7. 12N/3E-13G1 — Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.68 mile north of Lee Road. 0.3S mile southeast of Garden Highway. 12/5/47, 14.3; 3/15/48, 12.4; 12/14/48, 13.8; well destroyed. 12N/3E-13M1— Reference point— top of pit wall, elevation 29 feet. 0.45 mile southwest of Garden Highway, 0.37 mile north- west of Lee Road. 12/."i/47, 14.4 ; 3/11/48, 13.8 ; 3/25/49, 12.5 ; well destroyed. 12N/3E-14H1— Reference point — top of pit wall, elevation 30 feet. East side of Garden Highway, 0.99 mile northeast of Lee Road. 12/5/47. 14.7; 3/15/4S, 142; 12/11/48, 15.0; 3/25/49, 10.1 ; 12/6/49, 10.1. 12N/3E-14Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 26 feet. South side of Lee Road. 0.12 mile southeast of Garden High- way. 12/5/47. 14.2; 3/11/48, 13.1; 12/11/4S, 14.1; 3/25/49, 9.3 ; 12/0/49. 14.7 ; 3/29/50. 9.8. 12N/3E-22R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 26 feet. East side of Garden Highway, 1.30 miles south of Lee Road. 11/7/29. 12.0; 9/27/30. 12.7; 12/15/31. 13.0; 11/25/32, 14.9; 12 21 ,'33. 11.:: : 10/27/34. 14.r. ; 11/25/36, 14.1 ; 11/6/37. 13.5 ; 1 10/39. 11.1 ; 12/20/40. S.4 ; 11/10/47. 14.1. 12N '3E-22R2— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 26 feet. East side of Garden Highway, 1.30 miles south of Lee Road. 12/16/48, 12.:t ; 12 9/49, 14.0. 12N/3E-22R3— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 26 feet. 0.15 mile southeast of Garden Highway, 1.30 miles south of Lee Road. 11/13/50, 12.8; 12/6/51, 5.5. 12N 3E-23N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 0.09 mile east of Garden Highway, 1.10 miles south of Lee Road. 12/19/47. 12.6; 3/4/4.K. 11.2; 12/15/48. 12.:;; 3/30/49, 0.('>; 12/5/49. 15.9; 3/24/50, 5.8; 11/6/50, 12.6; 4/2/51, 6.6; 11/16/51. 11.4. 12N 3E-24A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. South side of Lee Road, 0.58 mile west of Power Line Road. 12/0/47. 12.4; 3/11/48, 11.2; 12/11/48. 12.6; 3/25/49. 9.4: 12/0/49, 13.3. 12N/3E-24Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 0.10 mile north of Striplin Road, 0.30 mile east of Garwood Road. 12/1.N/47, 11.0); 3/4/48, 10.8; 12/15/48, 12.9; 3/30/49. 7.9; 12/5/49, 14.1; 3/24/50. 9.1; 11/8/50, 12.1; 4/2/51, 4.3; 11/10/51, 12.S; 4/7/52, 3.5. 12N/3E -26N1 — Reference point — lower end of flange around dis- charge pipe, elevation 22 feet. 0.08 mile southwest of Worth Road. 0.90 mile west of Garwood Road. 12/19/47. 11.1 ; 3/4/48, 9.9; 12/15/48, 14.1 ; 3/30/49, 7.9; well destroyed. 12N '3E-27Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 22 feet. 0.10 mile east of Garden Highway, 1.30 miles north of Catlett Road. 11/6/50, 12.5; 4/2/51, 7.0.' 12IM 4E-1B1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 58 feet. South side of Cornelius Avenue. 0.54 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/22/47, 21.7; 3/11/48, 20.0; 12/15/48, 21.4; 3/18/49. 20.:; ; 12/7/49. 20.2. 12N/4E-2B1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 53 feet. 0.05 mile south of Cornelius Avenue, 0.50 mile north of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/22/47. 19.S ; 3/11/48, 21.8; 12/13/48, 27.2; 3/29/49. 20.8; 12/7/40, 20.2; 3/27/50, 22.1; 11/6/50, 30.9; 4/5/51, 24.0; 4/4/52. 24.0. 12N/4E-2Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 51 feet. 0.40 mile north of Trowbridge Road. 0.34 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 3/11/48, 15.7: 5/5/48, 13.3: 5/31/48, 14.7; 6/17/48, 35.2; 0/23/4S. 3S.0 ; 7/2/4S, 20.3; 12/15 18, 17.9; 3/28/49, 11.0; 5/26/49, 19.5; 0/29/49, 20.9; 7/2S/49. 21.7; 8/26/49, 21.2; 12/7/49. 10.0; 3/27/50. 15.4; 11/6/50, 23.9; 4/5/51, 15.5; 4/4/52, 13.2. 118 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12N 4E-3A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 52.4 feet. Southwest corner of intersection of Cornelius Avenue and Pleasant drove Road. 3 11 '48, lit.!); 12/14/48, 22.5; 3 29 19, 19.8; 12 7 19, 24.5. 12iM 4E-3B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 4!» feet. South side of Cornelius Avenue. 0.55 mile east of Pacific Ave- nue. 12/22/47, 21.4: 12/14/48, 23.7; 3/29/49, 1!).!); 12/7/4!), 24.2. 12N 4E-4A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 47 feet. Southwest corner of intersection of Cornelius Avenue and Pacific Avenue. 12/21 4(1. 19.1 ; 12/4/47. 24.5; 12/16/48, 26.0; 12 8 51, -".1.4. 12N 4E-4A2 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 47 feet. 7H.0 feet south of southwest corner of Cornelius Avenue and Pacific Avenue. 11 7 47, 23.7; 12/16 48, 24.8; 12/!>/4!>, 26.0; 11 10/50, 30.0; 12/8/51, 29.8. 12N 4E-4D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 42 feet. 0.06 mile south of Cornelius Avenue, 0.12 mile east of Elec- tric Avenue. 12 47. 24.1; 3/11/48, 24.2; 5/11/48, 22.4; 12 11 48, 24.9; 3 28/49, 23.4 ; 12/6/49, 25.8. 12N 4E-4M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.24 mile east of Electric Avenue, 0.25 mile north of Watts Avenue. 3/11/48, 21.9; 12/14/4S. 24.0; 3/28/49, 21.8; 12/7 40. 21. s. 12N 4E-5B1 — Reference point — top of wooden pit, elevation 38 ft et. South side of Cornelius Avenue. 0.36 mile west of Electric Avenue. 12 9/47, 20.9 ; 3/11/48, 20.8 ; 12/14/48, 22.1 ; 3/28/49, 10.4: 12/6/49, 22. 5. 12N 4E-6B1 — Reference point — top of wooden pit, elevation 32 feet. 0.20 mile west. 0.14 mile south of west end of Cornelius Avenue. 12/S/47. 14.2 ; 3/25/48, 12.0 ; 12/18/48, 13.9 ; 3/28/49, S.4: 12/7/4!). 15'.2. 12N 4E-6Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 1 .50 miles west of Electric Avenue. 0.18 mile north of Nicolaus Avenue. 12/8/47, 15.7; 3/25/48, 14.1 ; 3/16/49, 12.0; 12/(5/49, 16.8. 12N 4E-6R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.22 mile north of Nicolaus Avenue. 1.16 miles west of Elec- tric Avenue. 12/8/47, 6.8; 12/14/4S, 7..".; 3/10/40, 4.7; 12 40. S.7. 12N 4E-7B1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation .'!0 feet. South side of Nicolaus Avenue, 1.41 miles west of Electric Avenue. 12/8/47, 14.8; 5/11/48, 9.8; 12/13/48, 14.5; 3/16/49, 11.4: 6/30/49, 15.0; 7/27/4!). 17.1: 12/0/40. 15. N; :: 25 50, 11.1; 11/6/50, 16.5; 4/2/51, 0.0 ; 11/16/51, 15.7; 1 1 52, 5.5. 12N 4E-7N2 — Reference point— bottom of 0" x 14" plank bridge over pit. elevation 30 feet. 0.41 mile southeast of Garden High- way, o.l!) mile southwest of Markham Road. 12/5/47, 14.0; .'. L5 18, L2.8; 12 II is. L4.3 ; 3/25/49, 10.8 ; 12/6/49, 15.0. 12N 4E-7P2 — Reference point — top of wooden pit. elevation 28 feet. 0.07 mile southeast of Garden Highway, 0.06 mile south- west or Markham Road. 12/5/47, 14.1 ; 3/11/48, 13.0 ; 5/11/48, 11.1; 12 11 4s, 14.2; 3/25/49, 11.0; 12/6/49, 15.0. 12N 4E-8A1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation .'57 feet. South side of Nicolaus Avenue. 0.07 mile west of Electric Ave- i 12 s 47. 19.2; :; 11/48, 17.4; 12/14 is. 10.0: :; Hi 19, 17.4 : 11' 49, 20.4. 12N 4E-8C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation .">(i feci. 0.05 mile south of Nicolaus Avenue, 0.50 mile west of Electric Avenue. 12 s 17. ls.i; ; :; n 18, 17.3 ; 5/11/48, 16.0 : 12/14 IS, 10.0; :; 10 lo. 17.1 ; 12 6/49, 20.2; 3/29/50, 17.0: 11 o 50. 23.1 : 1 2 51. L3.8; II 10 51, T2/2 : 1 1 52, L3.1. 12N 4E-8D1 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation .".2 feet. 0.16 mile south of Js'icolaus Avenue. 0.S0 mile west of Electric Avenue. 12 8 17, 20.8 ; 3/25 Is, 18.2; 12 14/48,22.0. 12N 4E-9A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 44 feet. West side of Pacific Avenue. 0.24 mile south of Nicolaus Ave- nue. 12/23/47. 10.4; 3/11/48, 18.1 ; 12/14/48, 20.9; 3/28/49, 10.0; 12/7/4!). 20.3; 3/27/50. 17.5; 11/0/50. 27.6; 4/2/51, 10.7; 11/10/51. 26.0; 4/4/52, 10.0. 12N/4E-9D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 40 feet. South side of Nicolaus Avenue, 0.13 mile cms! of Electric Avenue. 3/11/48, 17.0 ; 12/14/4S, 20.0 : 3/2S/49, 17.3 ; 5/25/49, 21.0; 0/20/40. 22.7; 7/27/49, 23.!); 8/31/49, 25.1; 12/7/49, 20.0; 3/27/50, 18.2; 11/0/50, 24.S; 4/2/51, 10.1; 11/16/51, 24.0; 4/4/52, 15.8. 12N 4E-9J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 42 feet. 0.11 mile west of Pacific Avenue, 0.53 mile south of Nicolaus Avenue. 3/11/48, 18.7; 12/14/48,21.1 ; 3/28/49,16.7; 12/7/49, 20.5. 12N/4E-9J2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 42 feet. 0.13 mile west of Pacific Avenue. 0.53 mile south of Nicolaus Avenue. 3/11/48, 10.1 : 12/14/48, 21.4 ; 3/28/49, 16.9 ; 12/7/49, 20.S. 12NC4E-10A1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 50 feet. O.O0 mile south of Nicolaus Avenue. 0.00 mile east of Pacific Avenue. 3/11/48, 17.4; 4/2/4S, 15.8; 5/5/48, 15.G ; 5/31/48, 17.0; 6/17/48, 42.5; 7/2/48, 23.2; 12/15/48, 20.0; 3/28/49, 14.1 ; 7/1/40. 40.7 (operating) : 8/1/49, 47.0 (oper- ating) ; 8/31/49, 4U.S (operating) ; 12/7/40. 20.0; 3/27/50, 15.3, ; 11/6/50, 20.1 ; 4/5/51, 17.5; 4/4/52. 17.5. 12IM/4E-10C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 47 feet. South side of Nicolaus Avenue, 0.51 mile east of Pacific Ave- nue. 3/11/48, 1S.0; 12/14/4S. 21.3; 3/28/49, 10.6; 12/7/49, 21.1. 12N'4E-11H1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 40 feet. 0.04 mile south of Trowbridge Road, 0.20 mile west of Pleasant drove Road. 11/10/51, 22.9. 12N/4E-12D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 52 feet. West side of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.24 mile north of Trow- bridge Road. 12/22/47, 13.4; 3/11 /4s. 12.5; 12/14/4S. 14.0; 3/28/49, 0.!); 12/7/40. 15.8. 12N/4E-13C1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 51 feet. 0.11 mile south of Marcum Road. 0.53 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 3/11/48, 13.4; 12/14/48, 14.3; 12/22/48, 12 0- 3/29/49, 9.3; 11/10/40, 1S.0; 3/15/50. 13.!); 3 27/50, 13.8; 4/10/50. 13.4; 11/0/50, 19.6; 11/14/50, I!).!); 3/23/51, 12.::; 11 10 51. 23.5; 4/4/52, 14.0; 4/10/52. 14.6. 12N/4E-13D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 5o feet. Southeast of intersection of Pleasant drove Road and .Marcum Road. 12/22/47. 12.1 ; 3/11/48, 12.3; 12/14/48, 12.2; 3/29/49, 0.0; 2/7/4!), 13.!». 12N 4E-14P1 — Reference point — (op of casing, elevation 43 feet. 1.72 miles south of Trowbridge Road. 0.53 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 3/11/48, 9.1 : 12/18/48, 8.8 ; 3/29-49, 3.3 ; 12/7/49, 10.S; 3/27/50, 7.1 ; 11/6/50, 4.3; 4/5/51, 5.3; 4/4/52, 4.3. 12N 4E-16A2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.07 mile west of Pacific Avenue. 1.30 miles south of Nicolaus Avenue. 12/23/47. 10.1; 3/11/48, 15.2; 5/11/48, 17.7; 12/14/4S. 16.5; 3/28/49, 12.0; 3/27/50, 13.8; 11 50. Ul'.O. : 4/2/51. 11. S; 11/10/51, 20.0; 4/4/52, 11.6. 12N 4E-16L1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing, elevation 34 feet 0.50 mile east of Electric Avenue. 0.00 mile south of Markham Road. 3 11 is. 13.1 ; 12/14 is. 12.9; 3 2s 40. 8.7; 12/7/49, 10.1; 11/0/50. 10.!); 4/2/51. S. 1. 12N 4E-16L2 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 34 feet. 0.25 mile east of Electric Avenue. 0.50 mile south of Markham Road. 3/11/48, 11.0; 12 13/4S. 21.0; 3/28/49, 7.2; 12/7/49, 13.0. 12N 4E-17C1 — Reference point — lop of 16-inch casing under pump, elevation .".5 feet. 0.25 mile south of Markham Road. 0.50 mile wesl of Electric Avenue. 12/8/47, 10.5; 3/25/48, 15.0; 12/11 IS, 10.1 ; 3 28 19, 13.1 ; 12 7 40. 17.5. APPENDIX E 119 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12N 4E-17J1 — Reference point — top of 16-inch casing, elevation 32 feet. 300 feet west of Electric Avenue, 0.52 mile south of Markham Road. 12/8 47. 13.0; 3/11/48, 12.6; 5/11/48, 12.6; 12/11/48, 13.2; 3/28/49, 0.1; 5/26/49, 14.2; 6/29/49. 15.7; 7/27/4!). 16.4; 8/26/49, 17.2; 12/7/4!). 1."",.:',; 11/16/51, 18.2; 4/4/52, 6.1. 12N/4E-18A1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing under pump, elevation Ml) feet, 600 feet south of Markham Road, 0.50 mile east of Power Line Road. 12/5/47, 14.3; 3/11/48, 14.9; 12/11/48, 14.7: 3/28/49, 12.4; 12/7/4!). 15.6; 3/29/50, 13.3 ; 11/6/50, 17.1 ; 4/2/51,6.4 ; 11/16/51, 1(5.4 ; 4/4/52, —3.0. 12N 4E-18D1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit wall, south side, elevation 30 feet. ().."(> mile southeast of Garden Highway, 300 feet southwest of road. 12/5/47, 10.2: 12/11/48, 15.9; 3/25/49, 13.1 ; 12/0/4!), 10.r, : 11/6/50, 18.1 ; 4/2/51, 0.4. 12N 4E-18P1 — Reference poinl — bottom of 4" x 12" plank across wooden pit. elevation 2."i feet. 0.27 mile west of Power Line Road. 400 feet north of I Road. 12/5/47. 13.4 ; 3/11/48, 12.2; 12/11/48, 15.2; 3/25/4!). 10.8; 12 6/49, 13.9. 12N/4E-19A1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 28 feet. 0.44 mile east of iunet ion of Power Line and Lee Roads. 12/5/47. 12.!); 3/15/48, 12.1 ; 12/11/48, 13.1 : 3/28/49", 10.0: 12/0/4!), 14.2; 3/29/50, 11.!); 11/0/50. 13.1; 4/2-51. 4.5; 11/16/51, 15.5. 12N 4E-19C1 — Reference poinl — hole in pump base, elevation 25 feet. 100 feet south of Lee Road. 200 feet west of Power Line Road. 12/5 47, 15.0; 3/11/48, 14..". ; 3/25 4!). 11.8; 12/6 40. 14.S. 12N 4E-19F1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 27 feet. 300 feet west of Power Line Road, 0.40 mile south of Lee Road. 12/20/47, 14.0; 3/4/48, 14.0; 12/15/48, 14.8; 3/31/49, 11.:'.; 12/5/4!), !.-».!). 12N 4E-20A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 150 feet east of Electric Avenue. 0.70 mile north of Striplin Road. 12/20/47. 12.0; 3/4/48, 12.5; 12/15/4S. 13.8; 3/30/49, 8.1 ; 12/2/40. T.I.:;. 12N 4E-20J1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 30 feet. 100 feet west of Electric Avenue, 0.42 mile north of Striplin Road. 5/5/48, 11.!); 5/31/48,63.0 (operating) ; 7/2/48, 02.0 (operating) ; 12/15 '48, 12.8; 4/13/40, 8.5; 0/30/4!). 31.4 : 8/1/49,57. perating) ; 8/31/49, 56.0 (operating) ; 12/7/4!), 10.0; 3/24/50. 12.3; 11/8/50, 19.6; 4/2/51. S.2 ; 11/19/51, 19.0; 4/7/52. 5.7. 12!M 4E-20Q1 — Reference point — top id' 14-inch casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.35 mile west of Electric Avenue on Striplin Road. 5/5/48, 0.!); 5/31/48, 16.2; 12/15/4S. 10.8; 4/13/49, 7.0; 6/2/49, 20.6; 8/1/49, 47.0 (operating) ; 8/31/49, G2.0 (operat- ing) ; 12/7/40. 14.9. 12N/4E-20R1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 3(1 feet. 100 feet west of Electric Avenue. 0.21 mile west of Striplin Road. 5/5/48, 12.4; 5/31/4S. 42.0 (operating); 7/2/4S. 43.0 (operating); 12/15/48, 13.3; 4/13/40, 0.0; 6/2/49, 2S.0; 6/30/49, 33.3; 8/1/49, 52.0 (operating); 8/31/49, 66.0 (operating) ; 12/7/49, 18.6. 12N 4E-21M1 — Reference point — top of 16-inch casing outside of pump house, elevation 32 feet. 0.25 mile east of Electric Ave- nue, 0.80 mile north of Striplin Road. 12/23/47, 12.4; 3/15/48, 12.4; 12/15/48, 12.8; 3/30/49, 0.7 : 12/2/40, 17.0. 12N/4E-24A1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 56 feet. South side of Lee Road. 0.5 mile west of Power Line Road. 12/20/48, 16.5; 4/1/40. 13.4; 11/10/40, 21.8; 3/15/50, 18.0; 4/10/50, 17.S; 10/2/50. 29.5; 11/13/50, 2."..s ; 3/21/51, 17.S ; 5/9/51, 26.6 ; 11/14/51, 27.0 ; 3/13/52, 21.1. 12N4E-24F1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.50 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.75 mile north of Striplin Road. 5/31/48, 11.3; 12/18/48, 13.1; 3/29/49, 8.7; 12/2/40, 10.2; 4/10/50, 13.2; 11/13/50, 18.2; 3/21/51, 11.7; 11/10/51. 21.4. 12N 4E-24M1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 50.!) feet. 75 feet east id' Pleasant Grove Road. 0.25 mile north of Striplin Road. 12 22 47. 12.!); 3/22/48, 13.1; 12/18/48, 14.2; 3/29/49, 0.2; 5/20/40. 14.0; 6/29/49, 19.4; 7/28/49, 17.0; 8/26/49, 18.0; 12/2/49, 17.2; 3/15/50, 14.4: 3/27/50, 14.0; 11 50. 18.8; 4/5/51, 12.1; 11 10 51. 20.!); 11/19/51, 20.!); 4/8/52, 12.5; 4/10/52, 12.2. 12N '4E-25F1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch easing, elevation 50 feet. 0.50 mile east of Pleasant Crove Road. 0.44 mile south of Striplin Road. 11 '16/51, 27.1. 12N 4E-25M1 — Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 51.3 feet. 250 feet east of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.70 mile south of Striplin Road. 12/22/47. 15.7; 3/22/48, 15.1; 11' 18 48, 17.4; 3/29/49, 13.3; 12/2/4!), 20.6; :; 27/50. 17.5; 11/8/50, 22. S; 4/5/51, 15.7; 11/10/51. 29.0; 4/8/52, 19.8. 12N 4E-26M1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 41 feet. 0.75 mile west of Pleasant drove Road. 1.0 mile north of Catlett Road. :; 22/4S, 12.0; 12/18/48, 14.8; 3/29/49, 10.6: 12/2/40. 1S.5; 11/8/50, 10.4; 4/5/51. 12.7; 4/8/52, 11 •".. 12N/4E-28F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 32 fiet. 0.50 mile west of Pacific Avenue, 0.36 mile south of Striplin Road. 3/15/48, 11.0; 12/18/48, 12.5. 12iM 4E-28H1 — Reference point — hole in top of discharge pipe elevation 36 feet. West of Pacific Avenue, ()..".(') mile south of Striplin Road. 12/22/47. 11.1 ; 3/15/48, 11.0; 12/18/48, 11.2; .". 24/50, 11.1; 11/8/50, 15.7; 4/2/51. 8.1; 11/19/51, 11.!); 4 7/52, 8.0. 12N 4E-29A1 — Reference point — north side base of pump, eleva- tion 31 feet. 200 feet south of Striplin Avenue, 450 feet west of Electric Avenue. 12 18/47, 12.3; 3/14/48, 12.7: 12/15/4S. 11.7; 3/30/4!). 0.2; 12/2/40, 17.0; 3/24/50. 12.4; 11/8 50, 18.2; 4/2/51. 0.4; 11/10/51. I!).!); 4/7/52. 4.!). 12N 4E-29R1 — Reference point — pump base at hole in concrete, elevation 30 feet. 300 feet west of Electric Avenue, 0.75 mile north of Catlett Road. 12/1S/47. 10.2; 3/4/48, 10.8; 12/5/49, 2().s : 3/24/50. 8.0 ; 11/8/50, 13.5 ; 4/2/51, 5.0 ; 11/19/51, 14.0 ; 4/7/52. .3.0. 12N'4E-30F1 — Reference point — pump base, elevation 25 feet. 100 feet east of Power Line Road, 0.50 mile south of Striplin Road. 12/20/47. 11.1; 3/4/4S. 10.4; 12/15/48, 11.8; 3/30/49, 4.9; 12,5/4!). 12.2: .'! 27 50. 8.1; 11/8/50, 10. 0; 4/2/51, 3.7; 11/10/51, 10.0; 4/8/52, 4.S. 12N 4E-32K1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing, elevation 28 feet. 1,500 feet west of Electric Avenue, 0.52 mile north of West Catlett Road. 3/30/49, 3.2. 12N 4E-33E1 — Reference point — top of 18-inch casing, elevation 30 feet. 150 feet north of Catlett Road. 1.000 feet east of Elec- tric Avenue. 3/15/48, 10.0; 12/18/48, 10.4. 12N 4E-33L3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation .".1 feel. At dwelling south side of road. :',()<> feet east of Catlett Station. Sacramento Northern Railroad. 11/8/29, 15.4; 9/28/30, 16.0; 12/10/31, 16.4; 12/5/32. 12.2; 12/20/33, 15.0; 0/27/34. 16.3; 11/23/36, 12.5; 11/24/37, 0.4; 1/10/39, 8.9; 1/13/41. 3.4; 11/10/47. 11.5; 12/16/48, 11.0; 12/9/40, 13.4; 11/10/50, 13.0; 12/0/51. 12.0. 12N 4E-33R1 — Reference point — top of 8-inch casing, elevation 31 feet. 100 feet west of Pacific Avenue. 0.32 mile south of Catlett Road. 12/22/47, 11.2; 3/18/48, 10.0; 12 18 4s. 11.0; 3/30/4!). 0.0; 12/2/40, 13.2; 3/24/50, 9.3; 11/8/50, 12.7; 4/2/51, 7.9; 11/19/51, 13.!); 4/8/52, 5.1. 12N 4E-34J1 — Reference point — top of 4-inch casing, elevation 30 feet. Windmill 100 feet south of Catlett Road. 1 .<) mile east of Pacific Avenue. 12/22/47. 14.S ; 3/22/48, 13.7; 12/18/48, 15.9; 3/20/40. 0.S ; 12/2/40, 17.0; 3/27/50, 13.8; 11/8/50, 10.7; 4/5/51. 10.2; 11/10/51. 22.0. 1 21 1 SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 - Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12N 4E-35H1 — Reference point— top of L6-inch casing, elevation 1S.S feet. 0.1 mill- west of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.2 mile north of Catlett Road. 12 22 17. 13.3; 3 22 -is. 12.0; 12/18 48, 15.2; 3 29 49, 12.0; 12 2 49, 18.3; 3/27/50, 10.4: 11 8 50, 20.1; ■I o 51, 13.3; 5 10 51, 16.7; 7/11/51, 25.1; 8/22/51, 28.2; !i IT, 51, 27.3; 11 Iti 51, 22.2 ; 11/19/51. 24.7; 4/8/52, 15.2; I in 52, 1 3.6. 12N 4E-36Q1 — Reference poinl top of casing in bottom of pit, elevation 48 feet, ground surface. (1.47 mile smith of Catlett Road, 0.63 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 4/11/51, 22.0; II 16 51, 28.9. 12N 5E-18P1 — Reference point — top '4' 14-inch casing, elevation (il feet. 0.50 mile west of Brewer Road, 1.0 mile south of Marcum Road. •". 22 48, 15.4. 13N 3E-2C1 — Reference point — top of air gage hole, elevation 42.7 feet. 50 feel west of Garden Highway, 0.25 mile north of Tudor Road. 11/13/47, 25.6; 3/24/48, 21.0; 3/29/48, 19.7; 11 10 48, 20.4; 1/24/49. lit. 2; 3/23/49, 16.9; 6/30/49, 30.3; 7 27 49, 29.0; 8/25/49, 25.2; 12 6 49, 21.2; :; 29/50, 17..".; 11 7 50, 23.1; :; 25/51, 12.2; 11 15 51. 22.6; 4/3/52, 9.1. 13 N 3E-2H 1 — Kef en 'lire ] ii lint — hole in pump ha si-, elevation 4.".. 4 feet. 150 feel south of Shannon Road, 0.5 mile east of Garden Highway. 11 13/47, 21.4; 3/8/48, 19.4; 11/10/48, 18.0; :: 23/49, 14.5; 12/6/49, 19.5; 3/29/50, 1.">.4; 11/7/50. 19.0; :: 2:1 51, 12.2; 11 15/51, is.:!; 4/3/52, 6.2. 13N 3E-2L1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing, elevation 41.2 feet. 0.5 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.1 mile south of Tudor Road. 1/19/48, 18.3; 5/6/48, 15.9; 6/1/48, 15.1; (i 3 48, 25.8; 8/2/48, 16.1 : 9-1-48, 21.8; 3/23/49, 16.9. 13N 3E-2P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 39.9 feet. 200 feet west of Garden Highway, 0.3 mile south of Tudor Road. 11/13/47, 19.9; 3/8/48, 26.0; 11/10/48, 18.0; 3 23 18, 15.9; 12 6 49. 19.8. 13N 3E-3D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 38.9 feet. 50 feel east of Stale Highway 24. ()..'! mile north of Tudor Road. 11 11 47. 2O.0; 3/8/48, 20.8; 3 20 48, 19.5; 11/10/48, 21.1; 1/24/49, 10.7; 3/25/49, is.1 ; 0/1/49, : 6/28/49, 25.4 ; 7/29 40. 32.3 : 8 30 10. 20.1 ; 12/6/49, 23.3. 13N 3E-3F1 — Reference point— hole in pump base, elevation 38.9 feet. 0.15 mile north of Tudor Road, 0.4 mile east of Slate Highway 24. 11/14 47. 20.8; 3/18/48, 22.9; 11/10/4S. 21.:'.; 3 2o 10. 10.2; 12/6/49, 2:;. 4; 3/29/50, 20.(1; 11/7/50, 24.0; :; 20 r,i. lo.o; 11 15/51, 22.0; l :; 52, 0.0. 13N 3E-4B1 — Refei-ence point — lop of wood pit east edge, eleva- tion ."'.('> feet. 0.45 mile west of Slate Highway 24, 0.4 niili- north of Tudor Road. 11/14/47. 18.1 ; 3/8/48, 14.8; 11/10/48, 20.7 ; :; 25 49, 17..".; 12 10. 23.1. 13N 3E-4P1 — Reference point top of 12-inch casing, elevation 34.7 feet. 0.05 mile wesl of llobbs Uoail, 0..". mile south of Tudor Road. 12/12/47, 14.0; 3/10/48, 14.7; 3/12/4S, 14.0; 11/18/48, 16.5; 3/24 40. 13.8; 3/29/50, 15.9. 13N 3E-4P2 — Reference point— lop of casing, elevation .">4 feel. 1(10 feet west of llobbs Road. 0.4 mile south of Tudor Road. 11 7 50, 22.0; :; 20 51, 15.8. top of 4" \ 12" plank bridge over 50 feel easl of I'.ailev Uoail. 750 12 12 47. 14.:',; :: lo 18, 16.9; ; 1 1 8/48, 18.3; •" 2 1 10. 15.4; 13N 3E-5B1 — Reference point earl h pil . ele\ al ion -".0. 1 feel . feet south of Tlldor Road. :; 12 is. 17.1 ; :: 20 is. ic.i 12 :. 10. 18.6. 13N 3E-5E1 — Reference poinl top of 2" \ 0" sill. th wall of vv leu pit, elevation ">s. t feet. .".00 feel east of George Wash in-ion Boulevard, 1,000 feel north of Tudor Road. 12/12/47. 11.2; :; lo is. 14.8; 11 8 48, 13.0; :; 24/49, 12.5; 3/29/50. 12.5; II 7 50, 17.8; :: 29/51, 13.1 ; 11 1". 51, 15.8; 4/3/52. 10.4. 13N 3E-5J1 — Reference poinl top of 16-inch casing, elevation 27 feel. 0.1 mile south of Tudor Road, 0.5 mile wesl of Hobbs Road. 12 12/47. 13.7; 3/10/48, 12.8; ", 12 48, 12.8; 12 5 49, 17.0. 13N 3E-5L1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation .".7.4 feel. 50 feet soulh of Slate Highway 24, 050 feel we-l of I'.ailev Road. 12 12 47. 15.6; 3/10/48, 15.6; 3/12 4s. 15.6; 5/12/48, 15.1; 11/8/48, 16.3 ; 1/19/40. 14.8; :i 24/49, 14.0; 0/1/40. 10.7; 6/28 40. 21.2: 7/27/40. 22.0; 8/25/49, 20.4; 12/2/49, 17..".. 13N 3E-6K1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing, elevation •".4 feel. South side of Tlldor Road. 0.5 mile wesl of (Jeorue Washington Boulevard. 12 15 48, 9.0 ; 12/9/49, 9.7 ; 11/10/50, 12.7: 12 51. 13.3. 13N 3E-6M1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation .",4 feet. 400 feet south of Tudor Road. 0.34 mile east of Roberts Road. 12/11 47. 0.0 : 3/10/48, s.2 : 3/12/48, 8.3 ; 11/8 4s, 0.2 ; 3/24/49, 0.0; 12 2/49, 0.0. 13N/3E-7A1 — Reference point — top of casing, 20 feet north of pump house, elevation 35.2 feet. 250 feet south of Thompson Road. 300 feet west of State Highway 24. 12/12/47, 10.8; 3/10/48, 11.1; ". 12/48, 11.2: 11 8/48, 11.7: 3/24/49, 10.5; 12/2/40. 12.:;. 13N 3E-7J1 — Reference point — top of 8-inch casing, elevation 35.1 feel. 0.45 mile north of Everglade Road, 0.15 mile west of George Washington Boulevard, 250 feel south to well. 12/11/47, 0.7; 3/10/48, 10.5; 3/12 18, 10.7; 11/3/48, 12.0; 1 24/40. 11.7; 3/24/40, 10.3; 12240. 12.8. 13N 3E-8B1 — Reference point — top of 16-inch casing, elevation 35 feet. 0.05 mile south of Thompson Road. O.S mile west of llobbs Road. 12/12/47, 10.8; 3/10/48, 13.9; 3/12/48, 14.0; 11/18/48, 15.1; 3/25/49, 13.0; 12/5/49, 17.1. 13N 3E-8M1 — Reference point — top of wood Hoof under pump, elevation 35.0 feel. 0.2 mile east of George Washington I'.oule- vard. 0.7 mile south of Thompson Road. 12 11 47. 10.3; :; mis, 10.8; •" 12 48, 10.8; 11/8/48, L3.1; •". 24 40. 11.0; 12 2 40. 13.8. 13N 3E-9C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 36.2 feet. 150 feet west of llobbs Road. 0.00 mile south of State High- way 24. 12/12/47. 15.4; 3/10/48, 15.8; •" 12 is, 15.7; 11/8 48, 17.7; 1/24/49, 16.3; 3/24/49, 14.8; 6/1/49, 10.1; 6/28/49, 20.0 ; 7/27/40, 21.8 ; 8/30/49, 22.4 ; 12/5/40. 19.8. 13N 3E-9H1 — Reference point — top of easl wall of concrete pit. elevation 35 feel. 200 feet west of Sawtelle Avenue, 0.57 mile south of Tudor Road. 12/12/47, 16.8; 3/10/48, 17.9; 3/17 4s, 1S.0; 11 s is. 10.2; .". 24/49, 16.3. 13N 3E-11A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 40 feet . 350 feel north of ( )'( 'onner Road, 0.55 mile east of Garden Highway. 1 1 1 : S 47. 20.1: 3/8/48, 20.8; 11/10/48, 19.0; 1/24/49, 1S.0; 3/23/49, 15.5; 12/5/49, 20.7. 13N 3E-11L1 — Reference poinl -top of casing, elevation 38 feet. 0.05 mile wesl of Garden Highway, 1.1 miles smith of Tudor Road. 11/14/47, 10.4. 13N/3E-11M1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation .".0 feel. 0.4 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.2 mile north of Wilkie Avenue. 1 20 IS. 17.5. 13N 3E-11Q2 — Reference poinl hob- in pump base, elevation 39.3 feet. 50 feet west of Garden Highway, 0.15 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 11 10 47. 10.5; .", 48, 10. s; 5 11 is. 13.4; II I 48, 16.1; 1 10 10. 15.3; ", 8 19, 14.8; 1 40. 17.2; 20 49, 23.9; 8 •" lo. 23.7; 8 25 lo. 19.1; 12 8 40. 17.2. 13N 3E-12L1 — Reference point— hole ill pump base, elevation 41 feet. .",00 feel north of Wilkie Avenue, 0.7 mile easl of Garden Highway, II II 17, 18.2; 3/8 18, L9.0; 11 lots. 10.7; .". 2:; 10. 12.1 ; 12/5 10. 17.0; 11 7/50, 17.1: :'. 20 51, 11..",; 11 /15/51, 10.:: ; I •". 52. 6.9. 13N 3E-12N1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 39. 5 feci. 0.2 mil,- souih of wilkie Avenue, o. 15 mile easl of Garden Highway. 11 10 17. 15.4: .".0 Is. is. 2; 5 12 4s, 10..",; 1 1 I is, 10..",; :; 8 10. 13.7 : 12 s 40. 10.2. APPENDIX E 121 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N 3E-13C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 12.3 feet. 0.7 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.25 mile smith of Wilkie Avenue. 11/19/47, 16.9; 3/9/48, 20.3; 11/4/48, 17.0; 3/8/49, 13.8; 12/8/49, 17.9; 3/29/50, 10.8; 11/7/50, 17.1: 3/29/51, 16.7; 11/15/51, 16.7; 4/2/52, 7.3. 13N '3E-13D1 — Reference point — edge of pump base, elevation 39 feet. 0.55 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.25 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 5/5/48, 9.4; 6/1/48, 9.3; 2/6/52, 6.0. 13N 3E-13E1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation ">7 feet. 0.5 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.75 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 11 19 47. 15.4; 3 25 18, 14.7: 11/4/48, 15.1 : 3/8/49, 13.3; 12/8/49, 15.9. 13N 3E-13L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 38 feet. 0.75 mile east of Garden Highway. 0.95 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 11/19/47, 15.5; 3/9/48, 19.0; 11/4/48, 14.1; 3/8/49, 13.3; 11' 7/49, 16.0. 13N '3E-14C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation '■','> feet. 0.25 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.35 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 11/26/29, 15.4; 9/27/30, 15.6; 12/12/31, 15.4; 12 2 32, 15.2; 12 20 33, 16.3; 11/10/84. 10.7 : 11/25 36, 13.4; 11/24/37, 11.8; 1 25 39, 10.8; 1/13/41, 8.2; lie, 47. 15.3; 11 10 47. 15.9; 5 12 4s. 13.9; 11/4/48, 15.7: 12/16/48, 14.7: 3/8/49, 14.9; 12/8 49, ICC; 12/9/49, 16.0; 11 10 50, 16.0; 12 6 51, 13.4. 13N/3E-14G1 — Reference point -hole in pump base, elevation 30.8 feet, oil feet west of Garden Highway, 0.65 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 3/25/48, 8.8; 11/4/48,' 8.9 ; 3/8/49, 7.9: 12/8/49, 0.0; 3/29/50, 7.5: 11/7/50, 10.3; 3/39/51, <',.7 ; 11 '15/51, 8.9; 4/2/52, 0.2. 13N/3E-14L3 — Reference point — hole ill pump base, elevation 34.0 feel. 50 feet south of Wilson Road. 0.1 mile west of Garden Highway. 11/19/47, 12.1; 3/25/48, 12.2; 11/4/48, L0.2 ; 3/8/49, 10.9; 12 7 4!). 13.0; 4 2 52, 3.8. 13N 3E-14M2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation .",5.7 feet. (1. 1 mile south of Wilson Road. 0.4 mile west of Garden Highway. 11/19/47. 16.9; 3 9 48, 16.2; 11 5 4s. 1 1.1 ; 3/8/49, 12.9; 12/7/49. 14.8. 13N/3E-14P1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 35.6 feet. 0.25 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.4 mile south of Wilson Road. 11/19/47. 11.1; 3/9/48, 14.1; 11/4/48, 12.0; 3 8 40. 11.7: 12/7/40. 13.8. 13N/3E-14Q1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 35.1 feet. 350 feet west of Garden Highway, 0.45 mile south of Wilson Road. 11 19/47, 14.0: :: 8 40.' 11.0; 12/7/49, 12. 8. 13N 3E-14R1 — Reference point --hole in pump base, elevation 38.4 feet. n.4 mile east of Garden Highway, 1.0 mile south of Wilkie Avenue. 11/19/47, 15.0; 3 9 4s. 17.8; 11/4/48, 14.2; 3/8/49, 12.5; 12 7/49, 14.8. 13N/3E-15C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 36.1 feet. 0.3 mile north of Wilson Road. 100 feet west of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. 12/18/47, 15.1; 3/11/48, 15.6; 11/4/48, 18.2; 3/16/49, 15.0. 13N3E-15H1 — Reference point — top of wooden pit, north side. elevation 37.8 feet. 0.2 mile north of Wilson Road, 0.6 mile west of Garden Highway. 12/18 47. 16.2; 3/11/48, 17.8; 11/4 4S. 17.0; 3/8 40. 15.5. 13N '3E-15P1— Reference point — bottom of 2" x 12" over pit, ele- vation .".4.0 feet. 0.25 mile east of Sawtelle Avenue, 100 feel southeast of most southerly corner of Wilson Road. 12/18/47, 13.2 ; 3/11/48, 13.0 ; 11/4/48, 6.7 ; 3 8 49,12.9; 12/7/40,14.7; 3/29/50, 12.S. Well destroyed. 13N '3E-15Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 37 feet. 0.15 mile east of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, 0.5 mile south of Wilson Road. 3/11 '48, 13.2; 11/4/48, 13.6; 3/10/40. 11.7; 12/7.40, 13.1. 13N 3E-15R1 — Reference point -top of plug in "T" discharge pipe, elevation 36 feet. 0.65 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.5 casing, elevation 34.1 0.7 mile east of George .". Hi is, s.i : 3/12 4s. ising, elevation 30 feet. mile south of Wilson Road. 3/11/48, 14.5; 11/4/4S. 13.6; 3/16/49, 13.2; 12/7/40. 14.3. 13N 3E-16A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 35 feet. South of Everglade Road, west of Sawtelle Avenue at inter- section. 12/12/47. 15.7; 3/10/48, 14.7; 3/12/48, 14.7; 11/8/48, 17.1; 3/25/49, 14.0; 12/5/40. 10.3; 3/29/50, 15.1; 11/7/50. 17.0; 3/29/51, 11.7; 11/15/51, 15.4; 4/3/52, 0.5. 13N 3E-16H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 36.8 feet. 0.25 mile south of Everglade Road on west side of Sawtelle Ave. 12/18/47, 10.0; 3/4/48, 17.8; 11/4/48, is.7: 1/24/49, 10.5; 3/8/49, 15.7: 12 7 19, 18.2. 13N 3E-16R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 38.1 feet. OH feet west of Sawtelle Avenue. 0.0 mile south of Everglade Road. 12/1S/47. 16.4; 3/11 /4s, 17.3; 11/4/4S. 16,3; :: 10 40. 15.2; 12/7/49, 17.7; 3/20/5O. 14.7; 11/7/50, 15.2; 3/29/51, 10.8; 11 '15 51, 14.0; 4/2/52, 8.0. 13N '3E- 17A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation .'11 feel 0.1 mile south of Everglade Road, 0.9 mile east of George Washington Boulevard. 12/18/47, 0.4; 3/11/48, 9.8; 11/4/48. 8.3; ■■'. 16/49, 0.0; 12 7/40. Id.:;. 13N/3E-17B1— Reference point— top of feet. 200 feet south of Everglade Road, Washington Boulevard. 12 12/47, 0.7: 8.1 ; 11 s 48, 12.2: 12/5/49, 12.0. 13 N/3E- 17 D1— Reference point— top of < South side of Everglade Road, 0.2 mile east of George Wash- ington Boulevard. 12/18/47, 7.0; 3/11/48, 8.7. Well destroyed. 13N/3E-18A1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 30 feet. 0.25 mile south of Everglade Road, 0.2 mile west of George Washington Boulevard. 12/18/47, 10.2; 3/11/48, 10.7; 11/4/48, 10.7. Well destroyed. 13N 3E-23B1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation .'! I tret. II. 1 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.15 mile north of Central Avenue. 11 10 47. 12.:;; .". 25 Is. 12..".; 11/4/48. 11.9; 3/8/49, 11.2: 12-7/40. 12.7. 13N 3E-23D1 — Reference point — top of concrete, elevation 38.3 feet. 0.4 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.25 mile north of Cen- tral Avenue. 11/10/47. 14.8; 3/9/48, 16.7; 5/11/48, 13.0; 11/4/4S, 10.0; 3/8/49, 14.0. 13N 3E-23F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 34 feet. 0.15 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.1 mile south of Central Avenue. 11/20/47, 12. S; 3/10/48, 15.1 ; 11/4/48, 13.7; 3/8/49, 11.3; 12/7/49, 13.1. 13N 3E-23L1 — Reference point — hole ill pump base, elevation 35 feet. (I 15 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.4 mile south of Central Avenue. 11/20 47. 13.3; 3/10/48, 16.0; 5/11/48, 11.0; 11/4/48, 13.7: 1/24/49, 13,6; 3/S/49. 12.7; 0/7/40. 10..",: 0/20/40. 17.2: 7/27/40, 16.9; 8/25/49, 17.8; 12/7/49, 14.6; .; 29/50, 12.2; 11/7/50, 14.1; 3/20/51, 0.4; 11/15/51. 11.0; 4/2/52, 6.0. 13N/3E-24C2 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 39.6 feet. 0.25 mile north of Central Avenue, 0.8 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/20/47, 15.4; 3/0/48, 16.0; 11/4/48, 14.7; :: s 40. 13.1; •" 29 50, 11.5; 11/7/50, 15.3; :: 20 51, 7.6; 11 16/51, 14.0: 4/2/52. 7.0. 13N 3E-24D1 — Reference point — hide in concrete base, elevation 36.5 feet. n. 45 mile east id' Garden Highway, 0.45 mile south of Wilson Road. 11/10/40. 12.2; 3/25/48, 11.0; 5 11 '48, 0.1; 11/4/48, 11.0; 3/S/40. 10.6; 6/1/49, 12.0; 8/25/49, 15.4; 12/7/40. 13.1 13N/3E-24E1 — Reference point — top id' casing, elevation 35 feet. 0.2 mile south of Central Avenue, 0.6 mil ist of Garden High- way. 11/20/47. 10.S; 3/9/48, 11.4; 11/5/48, 11.4. 13N 3E-24G1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 30 feet. 1(!H feet south of Central Avenue, 1.05 miles east id' Garden Highway. 11/20/47, 24.2; 3/9/48, 18.9; 11/4/4S. 20.7 ; 1/24/49, 1S.8; 3/8 40. 17.1 ; 12 7 40. 10.0. 122 SITTKH-YI'IJA COI'NTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N 3E-25N1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation ">5 feet. 2(H) feel north of Oak Avenue. 0.7 mile east of Garden High- way. 11 20 47. 10.9; 3 10 18, 11.9; 11 1 18, 9.3; 1/24/41), 9.3; 3 S 19, 7.6; 12 7 19, 11.0. 13N 3E-26J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation ."."> feet. 300 feet south of Cypress Avenue, 0.4 mile east of Garden Highway. 11 20 17. 0.2 ; :>> 10 48, 9.9. 13N 3E-35H1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 32 feet. 0.1 mile north of Laurel Avenue. 0.45 mile east of Garden Highway. 11 20 17. 9.7; :: Id 4s. 8.0; 11 -I is. 8.8; 1/24/49, 9.0; •" s 49, 7.0; 12 7 49, Ml. 4. 13N 3E-36N1 — Reference point— top of 2" \ 1" at top of west side of pit. elevation 33 feet. 0.3 mile soiilh of Laurel Avenue. 0.55 mile east of Garden Highway. 12/5/47, 11.'.); 3/10/48, 12.2: 5 11 48, 7.0; 12/11 48, 11.6; :\ 10 40, 8.2; 12/6/49, 12.8; •". 20 50, 7.7; 11/3/50, 12.0; 4/3/51, 5.2; 11/16/51, 10.2: 4 -4 52, 3.6. 13N 4E-1P1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 02 feet. 100 feel west of farm road. 1.1 miles south of Dairy Road. 11 lis 47. 18.8. 13N 4E-1Q1 — Reference point— bottom of slot inside of casing by ail- line, elevation 63.2 feet. SOU feet east of farm roacl. 1.1 miles south of Dairy Road. 11 2S/47. 19.4; 2/11/48, 17.5; 2 -1 18, 18.1; 3/29/48, 17.4; 5/5/48, 15.2; 6/3/48, 17.0; 7/2 is. oo. is (operating); 11/12/4S. 21.0; 3/24/49, 17.0; 1 1 28 40. 24.2. 13N 4E-2A1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch easing, bottom of pit, elevation 52 feet. Ground elevation (10 feet. 300 feet south of Dairy Road, 2.2 miles southwest of U. S. Highway 99E. 11 L's 17. 13,4; :: 2 48, 11.0: 11/12 48, 14.8; 3/25/49, 11.3; 11 23 10. 17.::; .". l's 50, 14.3; 11 8 50, 10.1: 4/4/51, 12.8; 11 30 •""»!. 29.4. 13N 4E-2C1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch easing, elevation 04 feci. West of Pleasant Grove Road I Forty .Mile Road) about 1.5 miles southeast of Plumas Scl I. 11/28 47. 28.0; :: 1 is. ^0.2; :: 22/4s. l's.:; ; 3/29/48, l-o.4 ; 5/5/48, 24.5; 8/13/48, 78.8 (operating); 11/8/48, 20.4: 1/25/49, 27.7; " 25 io.L'0.1 ; ll 2:: 49,31.8. 13N 4E-2K1 — Reference poinl - lower left hole in pump base, ele vat ion 00 feet. 100 feel southeast of Leach Road. 200 feet west of Pleasant Grove R I (Forty Mile Road). 11/20/47. 20.0; 3 1 18, 20.0: 4 s-;s. 20.0; 3/25/49, 20.7; 11/23/49, 20.7; ■". L's r,ii. 32.3; 11 6 50, 34.0; 4 :i 51. 20. 0; 11 30 51. :',:;.i : 4 1 52. 30.0. 13N 4E-3F1 Reference point — lop of concrete pit. elevation 57 feel. Wesl of Hoffman Load. 1.4 miles south of Plumas School. 11 s is. 30.1. 13N 4E-3G1— Reference point— slot in side of casing, elevation 5S feel. East of Hoffman Road. 1.4 miles south of Plumas School. II L's I7. 25.0; 11 S 18, 27.0; 11 25 10. 28.7; .". L's r,(i. 20.0; 11 50, 30.4; 1 I 51. 26.0; 12/5/51, 32.8; I 1 52. 25.0. 13N 4E-4J1 — Reference point — lop id' casing, bottom of pit, ele vation 17 feel, ground elevation 52.0 feci. 250 feci wesl of farm road. 0.75 mile north of Leach Road. 11,20.47. 18.3; 3 1 18, 16.8; lis is. 20.5; :: 25/49, 15.0; 11 26/49, 21.1. 13N 4E-4J2 — Reference point- hole in side of casing, elevation 52 feel. 100 feel wesl of farm load. 0.75 mile north of Leach Load. II s |S. L'0.1 ; 3/25 10. 21.1; 11 20 10. 20.0. 13N 4E-7E1 — Reference poinl hole in pump base, elevation 39 feci. 0.05 mile west of Feniher River Boulevard, 2.0 miles south of ( lountry Club Avenue. II 17 17. 14.3 : •". Is. i:;.i ; 5/5/48, 0.1: 5 :;i 18, 9.1; 7 2 is. 42.0 rating); 8/1/48, 10.1 (operating); 9/2/48, 14.0 (operating); 9/30/48, 13.5; II 10 18, 13.9; 1 2 1 10. 13.8; •" 22/49, 10.8; 0/1/40. 10.8; 20 to. 12.8; 7 L's 19, 14.2; 8 20 10. 15.8; 12/2/49, 15.3; :: 20 5ii. 0.7: 11 o 50. 14.7; .". 30 51, 7.8; 11/10/51. 13.7; 1 1 52, 5.5. 13N 4E-9A1 — Reference poinl — top <>f 14-inch casing, elevation 52 feet. West id' farm road. 0.45 mile north id' Leach Road. 11/29/47. 10. s ; :; 1 48, 17.9; 11/8/48, 20.5; 3/25/49. 17.0; 11/20/40. 22.1; 3/28/50, 10.0; 11/0 5(1. 23.0; 4 3 51. 10.4; 12/6/51, 22.4; 4/1/52. 18.0. 13N 4E-9R1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 50 feet. 0.30 mile south of Leach Road. 11 8 IS. 21.4; :', 25 40. 17.2; 11/26/49, 24.1; 3/28/50, 18.7; 11/6/50; 25.4; 4/4/51, 14. s ; 12/5/51, 23.0; 4/1 52, 14.!). 13N 4E-10D1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 54 feet. 0.25 mile east of farm road. 0.50 mile north of Leach Road. 11/29/47, 25.0; 3/1 '48, 23.0; IIS 48, 20.5; :; 25 40. 22.4 : 11/26/49, 27.4 ; 4/1/52. 21.0. 13N 4E-10J1 — Reference point — slot in side of casing, elevation 55 feet. 20O feet south of Leach Road. 11 8 48, 25.0: .", 25 40. 23.0; 11/20/40. 27.0; 3/28/50, 23.5; 11/6/50, 20.0; 4/3 51. 21.5; 4/1/52. 21.0. 13N 4E-11J1 — Reference poinl — bottom of slot in top of casing, elevation 01..". feet. 200 feci west of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.75 mile north of Four Corners. 12/2/47, 10.6; 2/11/4S, 17. S; 2 21 48, 17.7; 3/8/48, 20.5; :: 22/4S. 20.4; 3/29/48, 17.8; 5 5 IS, lo.d; o :; is. 17.8; 30 18, 27.2; 11/15 48, 21.2; I 20 49, 10.5; :; :;i 19, 1s.:; ; 12/2/40, 23.6; •". 20 50, 10.0; II 8 50. 25.5; 4 :; 51. 18.6; 11/20/51, 24.4; 4/4 52. 15.7. 13N 4E-12C2 — Reference point— top of tlanye in bottom of pit. elevation 44 feet. Ground elevation 55 feet. 1,000 feet north of Wheatland-Rio ''so Road. 0.45 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road (Forty Mile Road). 11/25/47, 9.2; 2/11/4S, 0.0 j 2/21/48, o.O; 3/29/48, 4.8; 11/12/48, 10.5; :: 24/49, 5.5; 40. 14.0; 7/1/49, 17.4; 8/1/49, 21.0; 8/31/49, 45.0 (operating i ; 11-26-49, 13.4. 13N 4E-12E1 — Reference point — top id' 14-inch casing, elevation 00 feet. 150 feet west of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road, 300 feet easl of Pleasant drove Road (Forty Mile Road). 11 20 47. 18.9. 13N 4E-12E2 — Reference poinl — bottom of slot in top of 14-inch Casing, elevation 00. S feet. 100 feet west of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road. 400 feel easl of Pleasant drove Road (Forty Mile Road). 11 20 47. 18.5; 2 11 48, 10.2: 2 21/48, 16.0; .". 2 4s. 10.0. :; 11 48, 16.6; :: 20 48, 14.9; 5/18/48, 13.2; 11 12 18, 10.7: 3/24/49, 15.2; 11/23/49, 24.5; 3/29 50. 10.0; 11 s :,ti. L':i.O: 4/3 51, 14.0; 12 3/51, 24.2; 4/2/52, 10.8. 13N 4E-12G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 05 feet, \01th of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road. 0.85 mile east of Pleasant Crove Road (Forty Mile Road I . 11/28/47,22.1. 13N 4E-12H1 — Reference point— hole in pump base, elevation 07..". feel. 100 feet north of Wheatland -Rio Oso Road. 1.0 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road (Forty Mile Road). 11 L'S 47. 22.0: 2/11/48, 20.5; 2/21/48, 21.0; 3/29/48, 21.0; 11 12 is. 23.8; •". 21 40. 10.4 ; 11 '26/49, 20.S. 13N 4E-12H2 — Reference poinl — top of slot in pump base, eleva- tion 67.2 feet, loo feet north of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road, 0.90 mile easl of Pleasant Grove Road 1 Forty Mile Road), 11/28/47, 22.2 ; 3 20 is. 19.8 ; 11 12 18, 23.4 ; 3/24/49, 19.0'j 1 1 20 40. 20.0. lint — top of 8-inch casing, elevation if Wheatland Rio Oso Road. 1.0 mile Road ( Forty .Mile Road). 12 2 47. 13N 4E-12H3— Reference OS feel. 200 feel soiilh easl of Pleasant Grovi 2 1.2: .". 8 is. 25.4. 13N 4E-12K1 — Reference point— groove in base plate, elevation 00.4 feel. 0.30 mile south of W hea I la nil- 1! io Oso Road, 0.50 mile easl of Pleasant drove Road (Fortj Mile Road I. 12 2 47. 2IC ; .". 8 18, L's. 2: :: 20 is. 22.4; 11/15 48, 25.7: :: ".1 49j 21.9; 12 2 10. 28.4. 13N 4E-12K2 — Reference poinl top ridge mi base plate, eleva- tion 70 feel. 1.000 feel south of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road. 0.75 mile east of Pleasant drove Road (Forty Mile Road i . 12 2 17, 24.4 ; .". 8 is. 20.0. APPENDIX E 123 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) -pipe in base, elevation 65.6 feet. 0.25 mile east 12/2/47. 23.2; 5/5/48, 19.2; 1/26/49, 23.0; 13N 4E-12L1 — Reference point- 1,100 feet south of Wheal land-Kin Oso Road of Pleasant Grove Road (Forty Mile Road). 3/8/48, 30.9; 3/22/48, .".2.7; 3/29/48, 21.0 6/3/48, 21.2; 9/30/48, .".0.7; 11/15/48, 24.8; 12/2/4!). 27.6. 13N 4E-12L2 — Reference point— slot in top of casing, elevation 65.1 feet. 800 feet south of Wheatland-Rio Oso Road, 0.30 mile cast of Pleasant drove Road (Forty Mile Road). 12/2/47, 21.6; •". 8 is. 28.3; 3/22/48, 29.0; 3/29/48, 19.9; 9/30/48, 29.3; 11 '15/48, 23.4; 3/31/49, 22. S. 13N4E-12Q1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 70.5 feel. o.3() mile north of Bear River Drive, 0.70 mile east of Pleasant drove Road. 12/3/47, 26.0; 3/30/48, 24.4; 11/4/48, 27.!); 3/31/49, 23.5; 12/2/49, 30.2. 13N 4E-12R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 72.4 fed. 0.30 mile north of Bear River Drive, 0.90 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/3/47, 45.5 : 3/30/48, 24.!) ; 11/4/48, 28.9; 1/26/49, 26.6; 3/31/49, 24.4: 12/2/4!). 31.3. 13N 4E-13A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 71.0 feci. 1.200 feet north of Bear River Drive. 0.75 mile cast of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/3/47, 26.5; 3/8/48, 31.6; 3/30/48, 24.!); 11 4 48, 28.3; 3/31/49, 24.0; 12/2 4!). 30.8. 13N 4E-13B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70 feet. Sol) feet north of Bear River Drive 0.60 mile east of Pleasant drove Road. 11/4/4S. 28.3. 13N/4E-13C1 — Reference point -top of 14-inch easing, elevation 69.2 feet. !»()() feet north of Bear River Drive, 0.40 mile cast of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/3/47, 25.7; 11/4'4S, 27.7; 3/31 '49, 23.3; 12/2 4!>, 30.0. 13N 4E-13E1 — Reference point — lop of 14-inch casing, elevation 60.7 feet. 150 feet south of Bear River Drive, 700 feet east of Four Corners. 12 3/47, 1!).-".; 3/8/48, 24.2: .". "ll 18, 18.1 ; 11/4/4N. 21.0; 3/31/49, 17.0; 12/2 4!). 23.6; .". 30/50, 19.8; 11/8/50, 25.4 : 11/20 51, 23.1 ; 4/4/52, 16.7. 13N/4E-13F1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 02.!) let. lot) feet south of Pear River Drive, 0.2.1 mile east of Four Corners. 12/2/47. 21.2; 3/10/48, 31.2; 11/4/48, 23.5; 3 ".1 4!). L9.0; 12/2/4!). 25.6. 13N 4E-13F2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 0."...". feet. North side Bear River Drive. 0.30 mile east of Four Cor- ners. 12 2/47, 23.2; 3/30/48, 21.8; 5/14/48, 19.5; 11/4/48. 2o.r.; 1/26/49, 23.0; 3/31/41). 21.0. 13N 4E-13F3 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 00.!) feet. South side Pear River Drive. 0.50 mile cast of Four Corners. 12/2/47. 23.6; 3/8/48, 28.2; 11/4/4S, 25.5; 3/31/49, 21.2; 12 2 40. 27.!). 13N 4E-13G1 — Reference point — to], of 12-inch casing, elevation 67.8 feel. 200 feet south of Pear River Drive. 0.50 mile cast of Four Corners. 12/2/47. 24.2; 3/8/48, 27..".; 11/4/48, 25.7; 3/31/49, 21.0; 12/2/4!). 2S.2. 13N/4E-13G2— Reference point— top of 14-inch casing, elevation 69.1 feet. South side Pear River Drive. 0.70 mile cast of Four Corners. 12/2/47. 24.0; 3/10/48, 2S.1 ; :! 30/48, 23.2; 11/4/4S. 25.!); 3/3] 4!). 22.(1; 12/2/4!), 28.5; 3/30/50, 24.8; 11/8/50, 30.!); 4/3 51. 20.7; 11/20/51, 24.4; 4/4,52, 10.7. 13N 4E-13H1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 66 feet. 150 feel south of Bear River Drive. 0.95 mile east of Four Corners. 12/3/47, 22.4; 11/4/48, 24.4; 3/31/49, 21.7; 12/2/4!), 27.1. es in I II I nil > base. Road, 0.50 mile 13N 4E-13K1 — Reference point— top of twin ho elevation 63 feet. 0.40 mile north of Gallaghei east of Pleasant drove Road. 12/5/47, IS. 7. 13N 4E-13M1 — Reference point — top of concrete foundation, ele- vation 00.S feet. 700 feet cast of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.30 mile north of Gallagher Road. 12/5/47, !!).(!; 3/8/48, 25.7; 11/15/48, 21.6 ; 3/31/4!), 17.7 ; 11/30/49, 25.1. 13N/4E-13M2 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 02.2 feet. 0.25 mile cast of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.30 mile north of Gallagher Road. 12/5/47. 21.9; 3/8/48, 22.:.; 3/31/48, 20.1; 11/15/48, 22.!); 4/1/4!). 17.5; 11/30/49, 25.5. 13N/4E-13P1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 20.2 feet. 900 feel north of Gallagher Road. 0.40 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/5/47. is. 2: 3/8/48, 23.4; 11/5/48, 20.8; 4/1/49, 17.2; 11 30/4!). 23.2. 13N 4E-13R1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 69.3 feet. 0.50 mile east of end of Gallagher Road, 1.00 mile east of Pleasant drove Road. 12/8/47, 25.0; 3/10/48, 27.8; 3 31 48, 24.3; 11/5/48, 28.4; 4/1/4!). 24.0; 11/30/4!), 31.3; 3/30/50, 27.1 ; 11/9/50, 34.0; 4/4/51, 25.0; 11/21/51, 33.7. 13N'4E-14A1 — Reference point — bottom of cutout in top of cas- ing, elevation 59.28 feet. 900 feet north of Bear River Drive. 1.000 feet west of Pleasant drove Road. 12/3/47, 19.1; 11/15/48, 20.4; 3 :;i 4'.). 10.7: 12/1/49. 22.!). 13N/4E-14D1 — Reference point bottom edue of pump base, ele- vation 55.0 feet. 900 feet east of Warren Road. 0.25 mile north of Bear River Drive. 12/3/47, 14. s ; 2/10/48, 14.0; 3/31/48, 12.4; 11 15 48, 15.3-; 3 :!1 '49, 10.5; 12/1/4!). 17.2. 13N 4E-14F1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 55.0 feet. 350 feet north of Pear River Drive, <>.."<) mile east of Warren Road. 12/3/47, 17.7; 3/8/48, 20.0; 11/15/48, 18.6; 3 .",1 4'.). 14.2; 12/1/49, 20.8; 3 30/50, 15.!); 11/9/50, 22.2; 4 .". 51, 13.0; 11/20/51, 1!).2 ; 4/4/52. 6.0. 13N/4E-14F3 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 55.2 feel. 250 feel south of Pear River Drive. 0.40 mile east of Warren Road. 12/4/47. 17.4; 11/15/48, IS.!); 3/31/49, 14. S; 12/1/4!). 21..".. 13N 4E-14J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation .">4 feet. 1.001) feet west of Pleasant drove Road, 0.3.0 mile south of Bear River Drive. 12/4/47, 17.4; 11/15/48, 1!>.4 ; 3/31/49, 15.4; 12/1/41). 22..",. 13N/4E-14N1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing in bottom , elevation 4S.5 feet. 400 feet east of Warren Road. 0.40 outh of Bear River Drive. 12/4/47. 14.5; 3/31/48, 12.9; 48, 15.2; 3 31 4!). 10.7; 12/1/49, 17.1. ■ 14N2 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation eel. 1.2(10 feet east of Warren Road, 0.35 mile south of River Drive. 12/4/47. 21.0; 3/31/48, 19.5; 11/15/48, 3/31/4!), 17.2; 12/1/41). 23.!). -14Q1 — Reference point--lop of 14-inch casing, elevation t. 0.45 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 0.50 mile south ;ir River Drive. 12/4/47. 22.5; 11/15 4S. 23.9 ; 3/31/49. 12/1/4!). 26.3. 14Q2 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation pet. 0.25 mile west of Plcasanl Grove Road. 0.25 mile of Betz Road. 12/5/47, 23.2; 3/10/48, 33.3; 11/15/48, 13N 4E-14R1 — Reference point-— hole in pump base, elevation 00.4 feet. West side Plcasanl drove Road. 1.000 ft. north of Gallagher Road. 12/5/47. 21.2; 3/8/48, 25.1; 3/31/48, 19.5; 5/S/4S. 17.3; 11/5/48, 23.0; 11/15/48, 22.4; 1/20/41). 20.3; 3/31/49, 18.1; 11/30/4!). 25.4. 13N 4E-14R2 — Reference point top of concrete pit, elevation 00.1 feet. West side Pleasant drove Road, 1.10(1 feet north of Gallagher Road. 12/5/47. 21.8; 3/8/48, 21.5; 11/5/4S, 23.6. 13N '4E- 15A1 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 54.7 feet. 350 feet west of Warren Road. 0.30 mile north of Bear River Drive. 12/3/47. 17.!); 3/8/48, 19.5; 3/31/48, 10.2: 1 1 15 48, 19.1 ; 3/31/4!), 14.2 ; 12/1/4!). 21.1. 13N 4E-15J2 — Reference point— bottom eclne of pump base, ele- vation 53.2 feet. South side Bear River Drive, 100 feet west of Wairen Road. 12/4/47. 10.2; 3/10/4S, 19.0. of pit, mile S' 11/15 13N 4E- r.4.4 f. Bear 21 .8 ; : 13N/4E- 56 fee of P.e; 1S.7; 13N 4E- 59.1 f north 24.0. 124 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N 4E-15K1 — Reference poinl -hole in pump Iims<>, elevation .".l.s feet. North side Bear River Drive, L,200 feel northeasl of Swanson Road, 12 I IT. 16.4; 3 30 48, 14.2; 5 5 is. L2.2 ; 6 3 18, 13.8; 7 2 48, 56.2 ; 11 15 is. 17.2; 1 26 19. 15.3; .", :;i 19, 12.0; it 25 19, 18.1 ; 6 29 49, 25.9; 8 26 49, 24.7; ll' 1 49, 19.4. 13N 4E-15N1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 50.8 feet. North side Bear River Drive, 0.40 mile southwest of Swanson Road, ll' -1 47. 19.2; 3 10 48, 18.2; 11/15/48, 19.0; 3 31 49, 12.5; ll' 1 40. 21.3. 13N 4E-15N2 — Reference point — bole in pump base, elevation 52.0 feet. 350 feet south of Bear River Drive. 0.30 mile south- west of Swanson Road. 12 4 47. 21.2: 3/10 4s. 20.0; 11 15 18, 21.0; 3 31 40. 14.4: 12 1 49, 23.2. 13N 4E-15P1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 54.:; feet. 350 feet west of Swanson Road. 1,000 feet south of Bear River Drive. 12 4 47. 22.3; 3 10 4s. 21.4; 11 15 48, 22.2; 3 31 10. 15.9; 12 1 40. 24.4. 13N 4E-15P2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 51 feet. L'oo feet north of junction of Swanson Road and Bear River Drive. 12 4 47. 17.0; 3 31 48, 14.2; 11 15/48, 17.0; 3 31 10. 11.1 : 1l> 1 40. 18.8; 3 30 50, 11.6; 11 20 50, 10.1 ; 4 1 52, 5.9. 13N 4E-15R1 — Reference point — bottom of slot in concrete base, elevation 54 feet. 100 feet west of Warren Road. 0.45 mile south of Bear River Drive. 12 4 47. 21.4; 3 8 18, 24.0; II 15 48, 21.7; 3 31 40. 17.0; 12 1 40.24.0. 13N 4E-16N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 4.">.7 feet. 000 feet west of Fourth Avenue, 0.75 mile north of Rio Oso Road. 12 47. 14.4: 3/30/48, 9.8; 5/5/48, 73; 5 31 48, 7.4; 11 16 48, 12.7; 4 1 49, 6.0; 5/25 lis. 11.3; 6/2 10. 9.3; 7 1 49, 11.6; 8 1 40. 17.0; 8/31 19, 10.7; II 30/49. 16.0; 3/30/50, 7.0; 11/9/50, 15.8; 4/3/51, 4.0; 11 20 51, 13.7; 4 4 52, :!.4. 13IM 4E-17A1 — Reference point- hob. in base of pump, elevation II feel, loll feet west of farm road. 1.25 miles north of Feather River Roulevard at R ■ River Bridge. 11/21/47, 11.9; 3 10 48, 10.5; 12 8 49, 14.4. 13N 4E-17G2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation |(i feel 0.35 mile northeast of Feather River Boulevard at a point 0.60 mile northwest of Rear River Bridge. 11/21/47. 11.1: :; 10/48, 14.0; 11/5/48, 13.6; 3/15/49, 8.3; 12/7/40. 15.s. 13N 4E-17P1 — Reference point -bottom of pump base, elevation 39 feet. 300 feet south of Feather River Roulevard. o.f.o mile northwest of Bear River Bridge. 11/20 47, 13 9 ; 3 10 18,11.0; 5/8 18, 6.9; 11 5 is. 11.2; 1 24 40. 10.4; 3/15/49, 7.0; 6 1 10. 7.0; 7 20 to. 15.0; 8 20 49, 15.2; 12 8 10. 13.8; :: -jo 50,6.9; 11 6 50, 13.7; :: 30 51, 11.9; 11 16 51. 11.9. 13N 4E-17Q1— Reference point— top of floor board, elevation 42 feet, son feel easi of Feather River Boulevard at a point 0.45 mile northwest of Bear River Bridge. 11 21 47. 13.1 ; ■" 10/48, 110; :\ 15 10. 7.2: 12 s 49, 14.9. 13N 4E-18F1 — Reference point -hole in base of pump, elevation .",5 feel. South side of curve in Feather River Boulevard, ap proximateh 2.0 miles thwesl of Bear River Bridge. •"• 9 18, 13.0; 5 5 is. o.o; 5 :;i Is. 9.0; 11 5 is. 1 1.5; 1 2 1 10. 13.0; :', 15 19, 11.3; 12 8 10. 15.9; :; 29 50. L0.6 ; 11 6 50, 15.1 ; .". ::o .".1. 7..".: II '16 51. 13.8. 13N 4E-18L1 — Reference point top of tin casing, elevation -".5 feel. 100 feel south of farm load. 1.200 feel soul h west of Feather River Boulevard. 11 20/47, 14.8; 3/9/48, 13.3; 1 1 :, is. l ;.7: :: 15 to. 11.1 ; 12 8 19, 15.8. 13N 4E-19Q1 — Reference point top of concrete under pump, ele ration 35 feci. 0.25 mile northwest of Levee Road, ll miles southwest of Feather River Boulevard at Bear River Bridge. ll 21 17. L3.7; 11 5 is. 15.7; I', 15 10. 0.0; 12 7 10. 17.0; :; 20 50. 10.4 ; 11/8 50, 15.6; :: 30 51, 10.2. 13N 4E - 20 B1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 42 feet. Northeast of Feather River Roulevard just across Rear River Bridge. 11/21 47. 10.4; 3/10/48, 15.8; 11/5/48, 15.0. 13N 4E-20F1 — Reference point — top of concrete under pump, ele- vation .",0 feet. 900 feel west of Levee Road. 0.30 mile south- west of Feather River Boulevard at Bear River Bridge. 11/21/47. 12.."; 11/5/48, 12.2: 3/15/49, 7.0; 12/7/49, 13.7. 13N 4E-20G1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation II feet. 300 feel west of Levee Road, 700 feet southwest of Feather Rive,- Boulevard at Bear River Bridge. 112147. 13.6; 11 5/48, 15.1 ; 3/15/49, 8.2; 12/7/40. 15.7. 13N 4E-20J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 41 feet. 400 feet south of Fealber River Roulevard. 500 feel west of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 11 21 47. 12.9 ; 3 10 4s. 11.9; 11 :. 48, 11.8; 1/24/49, 10.4; 3/15/49, 6.6; 12/8/49, 14..i ; 3/29/50, 0.0; 11/8/50, 14.4; 3/30/51, 3.8; 11/16/51. 12.2. 13N/4E-20N1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation .">7 feet. North side of the west levee of Bear Rivei. 0.00 mile south of Fealber River Boulevard at Bear River Bridge. 11 21/47, 14.S; 11/5/48, 14..",; 3/15/49, 8.6; 12/7/40, 10.0. 13N 4E-20R2 — Reference point — bide in pump base, elevation 41 feci. West of Sairatneuto Northern Railroad. 0.35 mile south of Rio Oso Road. 11/21/47, 15.9 ; 3 10/48, 14.9 ; 5 11 48.11.4; 3/15/49, 11.0; 12/8/49, 10..".. 13N/4E-21A1 — Reference point — bottom edge of pump base, ele- vation 50 feel. 500 feel south of west end of Rear River Drive. 12/4/47. 10.2; :; lo 48, is.:; ; 3/31/48, 15.0 : 11 15 4s, 19.0; 1/20/4!!. 17.0; 3/31/49* 11.8; 12 1 lit. 21.4; 3/30/50, 12.0; 11/9/50. 21.0; 4/3/51. 0.2; 11/20/51. 1S.7 ; I 1 52, 0.0. 13N 4E-21B1 — Reference point — pipe elbow in casing, elevation 47. S feet. 0.25 mile west of west end of Rear River Drive. 12/4/47. 10 7; •". 10 4s. 19.0; 11/15/48, 10.0; :; ".1 49, 9.8; 12/1/49, 1S.S; 11/20/51, 16.3; 4/4/52. 5.0. 13N/4E-21C1 — Reference point — bottom of flanged coupling, ele- vation 45.1 feet. 600 feel east of Fourth Avenue, 0.25 mile north of Rio Oso Road. 12/6/47, 17.0; 3/9/48, 15..",; 11 10 is, 15.9; 4/1/49, 8.9; 11/30/49, is. 4. 13N/4E-21D1 — Reference point— top of flanged coupling, eleva- tion 43 feet. West side of Fourth Avenue. 0.25 mile north of Rio Oso Road. 12 6/47, 15.0; 3/9/4S, 12.8; 3 ",1 4s. 11.7; I 1 10 is. 13.5; 4 1 49, 7.0; 11 30/49, 10.4. 13N/4E-21E1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 42 feet. 250 feet north of Rio Oso Road. 800 feet west of Fourth Avenue. 12 6 47. 17.1 : .", 11 4s, 16.3. 13N 4E-21F1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 43 feet, twin feet north of Rio Oso Road, 0.2 mile east of Fourth Avenue. 12 6 47. 17.4. 13 N 4E-21H1 — Reference point— hole in pump base, elevation 40.2 feet. 250 feet north of Rio Oso Road. 800 feet west of Pacific Avenue. 12/5/47. 17.1; 3/9/48, 15.4; 3/31/48, 14.6; :, s is. U.5; 11 10 48, 10.0; 4/1/49, 10.0; 11 20 40. 18.8. 13N 4E-21L1 — Reference point— top of 12-inch casing, elevation 12.5 feel. East side of Fourth Avenue. 250 feet soillb of Rio Oso Road. 12 8 17. 15.6; 3/9/48, 13.8; 11/15 Is. 14.7; 4 1/49, 9.6; 1 1 30 10. 17.0. 13N 4E-21P1 — Reference point bottom of flanged coupling, ele- vation •"•(',. I feet. 250 feet east of Fourth Avenue. 300 feet north of kcnipiou Road. 12 8/47,9.6; 3 9 18,8.6. 13N 4E-21P2 — Reference poinl edge of pump base, elevation 44.7 feet. 600 feet north of Kempton Road, 0.25 mile east oi Fourth Avenue. 12 s 17. 17.4: 3 9 4s. io.:, ; .", :;i is. 15.::; II 10, is. 17.2; I 1 49, 12.1 ; 11 30/49, 10.2; .", 30 50. 13.4; II 50. 20.1 : I :', 51. 0.1 ; 11 21 51. 1S.1 ; 1 I 52. 8.3. 13N 4E-21R1 — Reference point — top of S-inch casing, elevation 45 feet. -",50 feet -th of Kempton Road. (',.",0 feci west of Pacific Avenue. 12 16/47, 20.7 ; 3 lo 18, 19.9 ; 11 10 Is. 21.2; I 1 19, 17.0; 11 20 10. 2:;. 2. APPENDIX E 125 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N '4E-22A1 — Reference point — top of 16-inch casing, elevation 51 feet. 350 feet west of Warren Road, 70(1 feet north of Betz Road. 12/5/47. 22.6; 3/31/48, 21.1. 13N 4E-22E1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch easing, bottom of pit, elevation 40.4 feet. 1.000 feet north of Rio Oso Road. 0.0.") mile west of Swanson Road. 12/5/47, 10.4 ; 3/9/48, 8.8. 13N/4E-22F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 53.1 feet. 300 feet west of Swanson Road. 500 feet north of Rio Oso Road. 12/5/47. 22.2; 3/10/48, 21.6; 11/1(5/48, 22.1: 4/1/40, 16.0; 11/30/40. 24.4. 13N/4E-22G1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 55.1 feet. North side of Rio Oso Road. 700 feet east of Swanson Road. 12/5/47, 23.0; 3/9/48, 23.6; 11/16/48, 23.8; 4/1/40, 198; 11/30/40. 26.5; 3/30/50, 21.5; 11/9/50, 27.5; 4/4/51. 18.7 ; 11/20/51, 25.7 ; 4/3/52, 16.0. 13N/4E-23B1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 58. (i feet. South side of Gallagher Road, 0.30 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/5/47. 21.3; 3/10/48, 27.8; 3/31/48. 20.8; 11/15/48, 23.0; 3/31/40. 10.0; 11/30/40, 25.7. 13N/4E-23C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 55 feet. 0.25 mile north of Betz Road, 0.30 mile east of Warren Road. 12/5/47, 22.7; 3/8/48, 26.9; 3/31/48, 21.0; 11/15/48. 23.6; 3/31/40, 10.6; 11/30/40, 26.2. 13N4E-23D1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 51 feet. East side of Warren Road. 1,000 feet north of Beta Road. 12/5/47. 23.4; 3/10/48. 27.6: 11/15/48. 23.8; 3/31/40. 10.5; 11/30/40, 26.4. 13N/4E-23Q1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 62.7 feet. 500 feet north of Kempton Road, 0.25 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/16/47. 26.2; 3/9/48, 26.2; 5/8/48, 22.9; 11/5/48, 27.3; 1/26/40, 25.4; 4/1/40, 24.0; 11/30/40, 30.0; 3/30/50. 26.0; 11/0/50, 33.1; 4/3/51, 26.5; 11/20/51, 31.4 ; 4/3/52, 26.8. 13N 4E-24D1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 61.8 feet. 800 feet south of Gallagher Road. 1,000 feet east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/5/47, 21.0; 3/10/48, 25.2; 3/31/48, 19.8; 11/5/48, 23.8; 3/31/40. 10.4; 11/30/40, 26.1; 3/30/50, 22.4; 11/9/50, 28.5; 4/4/51, 20.6; 11/21/51, 26.4; 4/4/52, 18.0. 13N/4E-24Q1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, bottom of jiit. elevation 53.8 feet. 100 feet north of Kempton Road. 0.75 mile east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/8/47, 11.8. 13N/4E-26B1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 58 feet. 200 feet south of Kempton Road, 0.45 mile west of Pleasant drove Road. 3/9/48, 25.3; 11/5/48, 25.6; 4/1/40, 21.3; 11/30/4!). 27.4. 13N/4E-26H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 57 feet. 350 feet west of Pleasant drove Road. 0.45 mile south of Kempton Road. 11/8/47, 24.2; 3/9/48, 24.6; 11/16/48, 26.4; 4/4/40. 22.0; 11/30/40, 2S.5. 13N4E-26R1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 59 feet. West side of Pleasant drove Road. 0.S5 mile south of Kempton Road. 12/8/47, 25.5; 3/8/48, 24.0; 3/31/48, 24.2 ; 11/16/48, 2S.1 ; 1/26/40. 26.5; 4/4/40, 23.7; 5/25/40. 34.0; 6/20/40. 42.4; 7/29/49, 48.8; 8/26/49, 40.0; 11/30/40. 29.6; 3/30/50, 20.4; 11/0/50. 33.9; 11/21/51. 33.7; 4/3/52, 26.0. 13N/4E-27C1— Reference point— bottom of Hanged coupling, bot- tom of pit, elevation 46 feet. 400 feet south of Kempton Road, 0.40 mile east of Pacific Avenue. 12/16/47. 18.0. 13N/4E-27N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 51 feet. 250 feet east of Pacific Avenue, 0.00 mile south of Kemp- ton Road. 12/16/47. 24.0; 3/11/48, 25.2. 13N '4E-28D1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, bottom of pit, elevation 27.7 feet. 600 feet south of Kempton Road, 700 feet west of Fourth Avenue. 12/8/47, 2.7; 3/11/48, 1.3: 3/31/48, 0.4; 11/10/4N, 2.4; 4/1/40, —2.8; 11/30/49, 3.9. 13N/4E-28F1 — Reference point — access hole to casing in bottom of pit, elevation 32.7 feet. 100 feet east of Fourth Avenue, 0.25 mile south of Kempton Road. 12/8/47, 6.8; 4/1/40. 2.6. 13N/4E-28R1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 46 feet. 250 feet west of Pacific Avenue. 0.S0 mile south of Kempton Road. 12/16/47, 23.2; 3/10/48. 22.4; 11/16/48, 25.1 ; 4/5/40. 21.5 ; 11/20/40, 26.1 : 11/21/51, 27.0 ; 4/3/52, 22.5. 13N/4E-29F1 — Reference point — top of east concrete wall, eleva- tion 36 feet. 400 feet west of junction of Mark Hopkins Avenue and Berry Road. 11/21/47. 14.7 ; 3/10/48, 13.1 ; 11/5/48, 14.3 ; 1/24/40. 12.5; 3/15/49, 0.5; 5/25/40. 10.5; 6/20/40. 14.5; 7/28/40. 18.3; 8/26/49, 18.4; 12/7/40, 15.7; 3/20/50, 0.5; 11/8/50, 16.4; 3/30/51, 6.2; 11/16/51, 14.S. 13N/4E-29G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 37 feet. 0.10 mile southeast of Berry Road, 0.20 mile northeast of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 11/21/47', 13.2; 3/10/48, 11.8; 5/11/48. 8.0; 11/5/48, 13.1; 3/15/40, 8.4; 12/8/40, 14.4. 13N/4E-29M2 — Reference point — bottom 2" x 6" floor, elevation 34 feet. 150 feet northwest of Berry Road. 0.25 mile southwest of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 11/21/47, 15.4; 3/10/48, 13.1; 11/5/48. 14.5 ; 12/7/40, 16.0. 13N/4E-30R2— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 33 feet. 400 feet south of southwest end of Rerrv Road. 11/21/47, 15.1 ; 3/11/48, 13.8; 11/5/48, 15.1; 3/16/40, 13.6; 12/8/40, 16.0. 13N/4E-31J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 52 feet. 0.25 mile north of Cornelius Avenue, 0.70 mile west of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 12/8/47. 14.8; 3/11/48. 13.1; 5/11/48, 0.2; 12/14/48. 15.6; 3/28/40, 10.2; 12/7/40. 15.8. 13N/4E-32B1 — Reference point — top of south concrete wall, ele- vation 34 feet. 100 feet north of Cramer Road, 150 feet west of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 12/0/47, 14.0; 3/11/48. 13.2; 12/15/48, 16.0; 3/16/40. 12.0; 12/7/40, 16.1. 13N/4E-32D1 — Reference point — top of east concrete wall, eleva- tion 34 feet. 200 feet north of Cramer Road, 0.50 mile west of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 12/0/47, 15.1 ; 3/11/48. 13.2 ; 12/15/48, 16.0 ; 3/16/40, 12.3 ; 12/7/40, 16.1. 13N/4E-32H1 — Reference point — top of north concrete wall, ele- vation 40 feet. East side of Mark Hopkins Avenue. 0.55 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 12/8/47, 13.6; 3/11/48, 12.8; 5/11/48, 11.1; 12/13/48. 13.0; 3/16/40, 20.3; 12/6/40. 18.0; 3/20/50, 14.6; 11/6/50. 21.0; 3/30/51, 13.5; 11/16/51, 20.8; 4/4/52, 13.4. 13N/4E-32L1 — Reference point — top of south concrete wall, ele- vation 35 feet. 0.25 mile west of Mark Hopkins Avenue, 0.40 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 12/S/47, 20.6; 3/11/48, 10.4; 12/14/48, 21.0 ; 3/28/40. 18.4 ; 12/7/40. 22.3. 13N/4E-33A2 — Reference point — pipe in base, elevation 50 feet. 200 feet west of Pacific Avenue. 0.0 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 12/10/47. 25.6; 3/10/4S, 24.6; 3/31/48. 25.7; 11/16/48, 27.0; 1/26/40. 26.0; 4/5/40. 24.4; 11/20/40. 28.7; 3/30/50, 25.7; 11/0/50. 31.6; 4/3/51. 24.0; 11/21/51. 31.8; 4/3/52, 24.1. 13N/4E-33G1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 47 feet. 0.4 mile west of Pacific Avenue. 0.5 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 12/16/47, 28.6; 3/10/48, 27.5; 3/31/48. 27.3; 5/11/48. 26.7; 11/16/48, 30.9; 4/5/40. 27.5 ; 11/29/49! 31.3. 13N/4E-33L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 0.3 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 0.5 mile east of Electric Avenue. 3/20/40. 24.1. 13N 4E-33P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 45 feet. 0.5 mile east of Electric Avenue, 0.2 mile north of Cor- nelius Avenue. 3/11/48, 22.1 ; 12/14/48. 24.7; 3/20/40, 22.3; 12/7/49, 22.6; 3/27/50, 25.7; 11/6/50. 32.0; 4/2/51,' 25.0; 11/16/51, 30.6; 4/3/52. 24.6. 126 SI "IT K K - Y I ' I >A ( 'UI'XT I ES I NVEST I ( 1 AT 1< >.\ TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N 4E-33R1 — Reference point— top of concrete pit, elevation 46 feel 200 feel west of Pacific Avenue. 600 feet north of Cornelius Avenue 11 S 29. 21.5 ; 9 8 30,20.6; L2 30 30,20.9; 12 10 31, •-Hi- 12/11/32, 20.9; 12/20/33, 21.3; 10/27/34, 21.:!; 11 23 36,23.5; 11 24 37,25.6; 1/30/39, 19.8; 12/22/47, 24.2 : :; 11 is. 22.5; 3 31 48, 22.6; 12 14 48, 2(1.1 ; 3/29/49, 23.6; 12 7 49, 26.4; 3 27 50, 24.2; 11 6/50, 29.7; 4/2/51, 23.5; 11 Hi 51,23.3; 12 6 51,31.4; I I 52,24.3. 13N 4E-34L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 18 feet. ii" mile easl of Pacific Avenue, 0.4 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 12/16/47, 23.6; 3/10/48, 22. s : 3/31/48, 22.7; 10 16 is. 26.1 ; 4 5 49, 23.2; 11 29 49, 27.1 : 3 30 50. 24.5; 1 1 9 50. 30.6; 4 3 51, 24.1 : 11 21 51, 30.5; 4/3/52, 24..".. 13N 4E-35J1 — Reference point— top of floor of pit, elevation 42 feet 0.4 mile north of Cornelius Avenue, 0.02 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/8/47, 8.8; 3/31/48, 7.2; 11 16 48, 11.6 ; 4 4 49, 8.4 : 11/30/49, 13.8 ; 3 30 50, 11.3 : 11/9/50, 19.0. 13N 4E-35Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 50.0 feet (I 4 mile west of Pleasant Grove Road, 132 feet north of Cornelius Avenue. 3 11 48, 19.9; 12 13 4s. 25.1; 3/29 19, 21.1 ; 12 7 19, 26.0; 11 19 51, 30.4. 13N 4E-36G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 58 feet. 528 Heel north of Hicks Road, 0.6 mile cast of Pleasant Grove Road. 12 16 47. 23.8; 3 9 18, 22.6; 11/16 48, 26.7; 4/4/49, 24.2; 11 30 49, 29.1. 13N 5E-3Q1 — Reference point — top of casing at bottom of 10.6- foot pit, elevation 84 feet. 0.25 mile northeast of IT. S. Highway 99E, 0.20 mile southeast of Bear River. 11/25/47, 4.4; 3/5/48, 5.5; 11/7/49, 6.0; 4/4/50, 4.9; 11/14/50, 5.7; 3/27/51, 2.0; 11 19/51, 6.3. 13N 5E-4J1 — Reference point— top of pump base, elevation S3 feet. 0.2 mile southwest of U. S. Highway 99E at a poinl 0.45 mile northwest of Hear River bridge. 11/24 47. 14. s : 3/29/48, 12.7; 5/14 48, 11.9; 11/12/48, 15.6; 3/23/49, 12.9; 11/26/49, 17.3; 3 29 50, 14.1; 11/8/50. 17.5; 4/4/51. 12.5; 12/3/51. I c..(;; 1 2 52, 11.:-!. 13N 5E-4J2 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation mi feet. (1. 25 mile southwest of U. S. Highway 99E at a point 0.3 mile northwest of Yuba-Placer county line. 4/1 /4S. 9.2; 5/5/4S, 7.'.i; 6 •". is. 8.5; 7/2/48, 64.0 (operating) ; r/1/49, 60.7 (op- erating) ;8 1 '49,65.8 (operating) ; 8/3] 49,28.8. 13N 5E-4L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 82.6 feet. 0.3 mile southwest of 1". S. Highwaj 99E in Wheatland on south side of T. II. Richards' farm road. 11/24/47, 19.9; .; 1 I-. 21.1 ; 11 12 48, 21.0; :: 21 19,; 11 26 49, 22.7. 13N 5E-4N1 — Reference poinl — top of concrete base, elevation 79.9 feci. At T. II. Richards' ranch house, 0.8 mile southwest of Wheatland. 11/25/47, 17.7; 3 5 Is. 21.6; 3 29/48, 15.1; II 12 is. 18.7; 3 24 49, 14.0; 11/26/49, 20.4. 13N 5E-4R1 — Reference poinl lop of concrete crib, south of pump, elevation si feet. 0.35 mile southwest of 1'. S. Highway •.ill!-; at a poini 0.2 mile northwest of Yuba-Placer county line. 11 :il 17. 13.7; 5 11 is. 10.2; 11 12 Is. ill; 1 26 19, 13.4; ;; ■_';; 49, 10.8 ; 1 1 26 49, 15.3. 13N 5E-5B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevat ion 69.9 feel. (i.l mile northeast of Oaklej Avenue, 0.45 mile noithwest of Wheatland Avenue. II 21 17. 15.2 ; 3/5 Is. 14.1. 13N 5E-5C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 68.1 feet. 0.25 mile northeast of Oaklej Avenue, 0.45 mile north- .. i of Wheatland Road. 11/22 17. 14.5; 3/5 is. 13.4; :; 20 is. 12.2; 5 14 Is. 11.6; 11 11/48, 16.0; 1 26 10. 11.2; :; u:: 10. 12.1 ; 11 28/49, is.:, ; :; 29 50, 14.9; 11 8 50, 20.7; I I 51. 1 1.5; 11 2'.l 51. 19.3; 1 2 52. 8.2. 13N 5E-5C2 — Reference point top of pump base, elevation 72.2 feet. 0.15 mil.' northeast of Oaklej Avenue, 0.35 mile north west of Wheatland Road. 11 20 17. Is.:, ; ;; :, 48, 17.1. 13N 5E-5D1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 66.5 tee). 0.1 mile southwesl of Oakley Avenue. 0.6 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. 11 20/47, 15.7; 3 5 48, 15.1. 13N 5E-5L1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 80.6 feci. Soul liea st side of Wheat laud Road. 0.15 mile southwest of ( >ak- lev Avenue. 11 '20/47. 27.5; 3/8/48, 27.5; 11/11 48, 30.6; 3/24/49, 24.1; 11/26/49, 31.1. 13N '5E-5L2 — Reference point — top of concrete curb around cas- ing, elevation 68.1 feet. Southeast side of. Wheatland Road, 0.15 mile southwesl of Oakley Avenue. 11/20/47. 15.0; .", S 48, 14.:; : 11 11 is. 17.:;: :; 24 49, 11.7. 13N 5E-5L3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 78 J feet . .'ion feet southwest of Oakley Avenue, 0.1 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. 11/20 47, 24.3 ; 3 5 48, 23.2 ; 11/11/48, 25.9 ; 3/25/49, 21.0; 11 '28 40. 28.6. 13N'5E-5N1 — Reference point — top of concrete crib nearest pump, elevation 70.4 feci. 0.2 mile southeast of Wheatland Road. 0.45 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47. 19.2; 3/29/48, 16.0; 11/12/48, 21.9; 3/24/49, 15.2; 11/26/49, 23.5. 13N 5E-5P1 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 71.1 feet. 0.2 mile southwesl of Oakley Avenue. u.j."i mile southeast of Wheatland Road. 11 20/47, 17.0; 3/8/48, 18.3; 3 24 40. 14.2; 11/26/49, 21.2. 13N 5E-5Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 75 feet. Southwest side of ( >akle\ Avenue, 0.3 mile southeast of Wheat- land Road. 11/20/47, 23.4; 3/8/48, 21.1; 3/24/40. 18.0. 13N/5E-6E1 — Reference point — hole in wesl side pump base, ele- vation 63.0 feet. 0.7 mile northwest of Wheatland Road, 1.05 miles southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47. 17.8; 2 21 Is. 15.6; 11/12/48. 19.5; 1/26/49, 17.0; 3/24/49, 15.1 ; 11/23 19, 22.!); 3/20/50, IS. 4; 11/8/50, 25.2; 4/3/51, 14. 8 ; 11/30 51. 24.3; 4/2/52, 23.1. 13N /5E - 6 E2 — Reference point — hole in pump has... elevation 03.3 feet. 0.0 mile iiorlhwesl of Wheatland Road, 1.0 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47.10.4:2 21 18, 16.7 ; 5 5 48,13.7; 3/48, 15.1; 7/2/48, 21.4; 11/12/48, 21.0; :; 24 40. 10.5; 5/3/49, 21.2; 0/2/40. 22.0; 7/1/49, 51.0 (operating) ; 8/1/49, 30.1 ; 8/31/49, 2s.s; 11/28/49, 24.::. 13N'5E-6J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 07.0 feet. 0.15 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. 0.55 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47. 10.1; 11/12/48, 21.0; 3/24 40. 15.4; 11/26/49, 23.5. 13N 5E-6L1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 01.0 feel. 0.5 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. O.s mile southwesl of Oakley Avenue. 11 21 47. 20.1 ; :; 5 4s. 20.1 : 11 12 48, 21.7; :; 24 40. 10.0: 11 20 40. 24.8. 13N 5E-7B1 — Reference point— notch in concrete casing, eleva- tion 72.2 feci. Northwest side of Wheatland Road. 0.9 mile southwesl of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47, 24.5; :; 5 Is. 26.4; 11/12/48, 25.7; 3/24/49, 20.5; 11/20/40. 28.8; 3 50. 23.4 ; 11/18/50, 30.0; 4/3/51, 10.3; 12:: 51. 29.3; 12 52. 10.5. 13N 5E-7C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71.4 feel. Northwest side id' Wheatland Road. 1..'! mile southwest of Oak- ley Avenue. 11 28 17. 24.3; 3 2 is, 25.9 : 11 12 48, 25.4; :: 21 49, 20.0. 13N 5E-7C2 — Reference point -hole in top of pump l>a>e. eleva- tion 0s.:; feet. Northwest side of Wheatland Road. 1.2 miles southwest of Oaklej Avenue. 11/21/47. 21.5; 3 8 is. 25.1; :; 20 is. 18.6; 5 :, is. 16.3; :; is. 17.5 : 7 2 is. 33.0; 11 12 is. 22.7: :; 21 lo. 18.1; 6/2/49, 20. s ; s 1 p.i. 18.1; 8 :;i 10. 36.3 ; 1 I 20 49, 25.7. 13N 5E-7E1 — Reference point -slot in casing, elevation 00 feet. Northwest side of Wheatland Road, 1.5 miles southwest of Oaklej Avenue. II 28 17, 23.6; 3/2 18,26.9; 11 12 4s. lM.s; :; 21 10. 20.2; 11 2:; 10. 2S.9. APPENDIX E 127 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N/5E-7G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 80.5 feet. At Bear River north levee. 0.35 mile southeast of Wheatland Road, 1.1 miles southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47, .".1.7; 3/5/48, 87.0; 3/29/48, 28.4; 5/14/48, 25.5; 11/12/48, 31.5; 1/26/49, 29.5; 3/24/49, 27.2; 11/23/49, 34.4. 13N/5E-7F1 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 77..'! feet. At Rear River north levee. 0.35 mile southeast of Wheatland Road, 1.3 miles southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47, 29.3; 3/8/48, 33.7; 11/12/48, 30.3; 3/24/4!), 26.1 ; 11/23/49, ."'.4.'.); 3/29/50, 28.6; 11/6/50, 35.9; 4/8/51. 25.0; 12/3/51. 33.7; 4/2/52, 22.7. 13N'5E-7H1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 80.4 feet. 0.3 mile southeast of Wheatland Road. 0.9 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue. 11/21/47. 31.1; 3/5/48, 35.7; 11/12/48, 31.8; 3/24/49, 27.3; 11/23/4!). 34.0 13N/5E-7K1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 74.!) feet. West side of Huffaler Road, 0.55 mile north of Bear River Drive. 12/3/47. 20.4; 3/8/48, 20.4: 11/8/48, 27.!); 3/31/40. 23.2; 12/0/40, 30.3; 3/30/50, 26.0; 11/8/50, 33.0; 4/3/51, 21.7; 4/3/52, is. 7. 13N/5E-7L1 — Reference point — edge of pump base, elevation 74.8 feet. O.o mile north of Bear River Drive on west side of Hud- son Road extended. 12/3/47. 27..".; 3/30/48, 25.2; 11/4/48, 20.5; 3/30/4!). 25.0; 12/2/40. 33.9. 13N/5E-7M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 73.4 feet. At Bear River north levee, 0.25 mile south of Wheatland Road, 1.1 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/24/47, 28.1 ; 3/8/48, 33.7; 3/29/48, 25.!); 11/15/48, 20.1 ; 3/31/40. 25.1 ; 12/2/40. 31.0. 13N/5E-8B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70.7 feet. 0.1 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue, 0.5 mile southeast of Wheatland Road. 11/21/47. 20.0; 3/5/48. 21.3; 11/11/48, 23.:;; 3/24/40. 17.3; 11/20/40. 24.2; 3/29/50, 20.1; 11/8/50. 24.5; 4/3/51. 10.0; 12/3/51, 22.2; 4/2/52. 13.2. 13N/5E-8G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 81.3 feet. At Bear River north levee. 0.1 mile southwest of Oakley Avenue, 11/21/37. 20.1 ; 3/5/48. 10.3 ; 11 /11/48, 20.1 ; 3/24/49, 16.3. Well filled. 13N 5E-8H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 83.7 feet. At Bear River north levee. 0.1 mile northeast of Oakley Avenue. 11/25/47. 21.5 ; 3/5/4S. 21.4 ; 3/29/48, 10.4 ; 11/12/48, 22.3; 3/24/40. 1S.2 : 11/26/49, 23.8. 13N/5E-8J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 84.4 feet. 0.7 mile north of Bear River Drive, 0.85 mile east of Brewer Road. 11/20/47. 20.0; 3/22/48, 25.5; 11/4/4S. 28.5; 3/30/40. 24.0; 12/0/40. 30.:'.; 3/30/50, 17.0; 11/9/50, 31.0; 4/3/51, 24.0; 11/20/51, 29.8; 4/3/52. 14.0. 13N/5E-8L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75 feet. 0.25 mile east of Brewer Road, 0.75 mile north of Bear River Drive. 11/20/47. 20.7: 3/22/48, 23.!); 11/4/48. 20.S ; 3/30/49, 22.3; 12/0/40, 29.2. 13N/5E-8N1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base by air line, elevation 70.4 feet. 0.15 mile east of Brewer Road, 0.5 mile north of Bear River Drive. 11/20/47. 25.0; 3/22/48, 23.0; 11/4/48, 25.8; 3/30/40. 21.8; 12/6/40, 28.0. 13N/5E-8P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.6 feet. 0.4 mile north of Bear River Drive. 0.5 mile east of Brewer Road. 11/20/47. 20.0; 3/22/4S, 10.0; 3/30/48, 18.2; 11/4/48, 22.1 ; 3/30/40. 17.7; 12/0/40. 24.6. 13N/5E-8R1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 75 feet. 0.5 mile north id' Bear River Drive. 0.75 mile east of Brewer Road. 11/4/48. 25.1; 3/30/49, 20.4; 12/6/40, 27.1. 13N/5E-9C1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 70.8 feet. 0.1 mile north of Bear River north levee. 0.3 mile southeast of T. H. Richards' ranch house, ().() /4!). 14. S; 7/20/4!), 50.5 (operating) ; 11/7/4!), 10.0; 12/6/49, 19.6; 2/15/50. 17.0; 3/15/50, 17.2; 4/4/50. 10.7 ; 5/0/50, 1S.1 ; (5/7/50, 20.0; 8/3/50, 21.!); 10/3/50. 22.2; 11/14/50, 20.3; 12/14/50, 16.5; 1/4/51. 15.2; 2/7/51. 13.2; 3/7/51. 12.S; 3/27/51, 12.0; 7/10/51. 23.7: 8/22/51, 24.9; 9/26/51, 19.5; 11/19/51, 19.6; 2/28/52, 13.5; 4/4/52. 12.0. 13N/5E-16D1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 78 feet. North side of Bear River Drive, O.S mile west of Placer Road. 11/20/47. 1S.1 ; 8/22/4S. 17.8; 3/30/48, 10.2; 5/8/48. 15.0; 11/4/4S. 21.2; 1/20/40, 18.3; 3/30/49, 16.0; 6/29/49, 20.3; 7/27/40. 28.4; 8/20/40. 27.8; 12/0/40. 22.9; 3/30/50, IS. 7 : 11/0/50. 24.0; 4/3/51, 15.!); 11/20/51, 22.2; 4/3/52. 12.0. 13N5E-16E1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75.0 feet. 0.1 mile south of Bear River Drive, 0.85 mile west of Placer Road. 11/2(5/47. 16.5; 3/22/48. 18.2; 11/4/48, 1!).!); 3/30/4!). 14.8; 12/0/4!). 21.4. 13N/5E-17D1 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 71.2 feet. 0.15 mile east of Brewer Road, 0.2 mile north of Bear River Drive. 11/20/47. 18.3; 3/22/48, 10.7; 11/4/48, 22.3; 3/30/49, IS.!); 12/0/4!). 25.1; 3/30/50, 22.2; 11/9/50, 27.2; 4/3/51, 18.9; 11/20/51, 25.0; 4/3/52. 15.6. 13N/5E-17J2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70 feet. 0.4 mile south of Bear River Drive, 1.0 mile west of Placer Road. 11/4/48, 10.3; 3/30/49, 18.4; 12/6/49, 21.1. 13N/5E-17R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70 feet. 0.7 mile south of Bear River Drive, O.S mile east of Brewer Road. 11/4/48, 24.!); 3/30/49, 10.2; 12/(5/4!). 27.0 ; 3/30/50, 22.!); 11/9/50, 30.4; 4/4/51. 20.8; 11/20/51. 27.0; 4/3/52, 22.8. 13N/5E-18B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70. S feet. 1.5 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road, 0.25 mile north of Rear River Drive. 12/3/47, 23.3; 3/8/48, 27.4; 3/30/48. 21.1; 11/4/48. 25.1; 3/30/49, 20. ; 12/0/40. 28.0. 13N/5E-18B2 — Reference point — hole in top of pump base, eleva- tion 00.3 feet. North side of Bear River Drive. 0.8 mile west of Brewer Road. 12/17/47. 21.8; 3/22/48. 20.3; 3/30/48, 10.5; 5/14/48, 17.1; 11/4/4S, 23.3; 1/20/40. 21.0; 8/80/49. 19.0; 11/80/40, 20.4. 128 SUTT E R-YUl » A ( '( ) [JNT I ES I N V EST I ( i AT I ON TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) . elevation 00. S west of Brewer 12.1 ; 5/14/48, 21.3; 8/3/49, 1/26/49, 25.9; 4/1/49, 7/27/49, 45.0; 8/26/49, 11/9/50, 34.3; 4/3/51, •J in ; 58.0 ; 26.8 ; -top (if SMIL elevation 70.(1 13N 5E-18C1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 69.6 feet. 0.23 mile north of Bear River Drive, 0.7 mile west of Brewer Road. 12 3 17. 22.5; 3 30/48, 20.3; 11/4/48, 24.0; :: 31 49, 19.8. 13N 5E-18F1 — Reference poinl top of casing feet. South side of Bear River Drive, 0.6 mill Road. 12 3 47. 14.3; 3 8 48, 15.2; 3/30/48. 14.0; 11 4 18, 20.3; 3 -".1 19, 15.9; 5 25/49, 31.1 : 12 6 49, 2:;. 4. 13N 5E-18R1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 00 feet. West side of Brewer Road, 0.75 mile south of Bear River Drive. 12 17 47. 24.2; 3 22 is. 23.7; 3/30/48, 23.0; 5/8/48, 21.4; 11 a is. 28.4; 3 30 49, 23.5; 11/30/49, 32.8; 3/30/50, 28.0; 11/20 51, 31.4; 4/3/52, 25.7. 13N 5E-19C1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 71.6 feet. 0.75 mile south of Bear River Drive, 1.2 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/8 47. 27.7 ; 3/10/48, 27.0 ; 3/31/48, 26.0; 5 8/48, 24..",; 11/5/48, 30.0; 1/26/49, 27.4; 4/1/40. 25.2. 13N 5E-19N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 68.3 feet. North side of Kempton Road. 1.1 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/8/47, 24.8; 3/9/48, 25.9; 3/31/48, 23.6; 5 8 is. 22.2; 11/5/48, 28.6; 5 25 40. 42.0; 0/20/40. 54.2; 11 30 40, 31.1; 3/30/50, 27.:'.: 4/3/52, 22.4. 13N/5E-19P1— Reference point- feet. North side of Kempton Road, 1.4 miles east of Pleasant Grove Road. 12/8/47, 25.5; 3/9/48, 25.5; 3/31/48, 24.1; 5/8/48, 23.7; 11/5/48, 29.6; 1/26/40, 27.0; 4/1/40. 25.1; 11/30/49, 32.3. 13N 5E-19R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation feet. 100 feet north of Kempton Road. 0.05 mile west of Brewer Road. 12/17/47, 20.0; 3/9/48, 26.8; 11/5/48, 30.5; 4/1/40, 25.0; 11/30/4? 33.3; 3/30/50, 20.7; 11/0/50, 37.1; 4/3/51, 28.5 ; 11/20/51, 35.7 ; 4/3/52, 28.5. 13N 5E-28A1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 80 feet. South side of Kempton Road. 1.8 miles east of Brewer Road. 11/5 18, 28.2; 4/4/40, 22.4; 5/12/40, 25.1; 7/1/40, 29.5; 7 29/49, 31.4; 8/25 40. 32.8; 0/20/40. 31.1; 11/10/40. 20.4; 11/30/49. 28.7 ; 2/15/50. 20.3; 3/14/50, 25.0; 3 30 50, 25.3; 4 5 50, 25.2; 5/8/50, 27.5; 0/7/50. 31.5; 7/7/50. 34.2; 8/1/50, 36.5; 9/6/50, 38.0; 10/3/50, 34.0; 11/9/50, 31.5; 11/14/50, 31.2; 1/4/51, 25.8; 2/7/51. 26.0; 3/27/51, 5 51. L-4.S; 11/15/51, 31.3; 11/20/51, 31.1 ; 2/28/52, .". :;i 52. 24.0; 4/3/52, 24.0. 13N 5E-28C1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. South side of Kempton Road. 1..'! miles east of Brewer Road. 12/17/47. 22.0; 3/9/48, 21.4; 11/5/48, 20 5; 4/4/40. 24.4; 11 10 10. 32.7; 11 30/49, -".1.7; 3/30/50, 27.7; 11/9/50, 34.9; 3/27/51, 27.2; 11/20/51, 33.8; 4/3 52, 26.4. "3N'5E-23N1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 80.7 feet. North side of Waltz Road. 1.25 miles east of Brewer Road. 11 5 Is. 29.8; 1/26/49, 26.6; 1 I 10. 25.0; 11/10/40. 33.8; 3 15 50, 28.7; 3/30/50, 28.2; 4/5/50. 28.1 in .". 50, 39.0 ; 1 1 10 50, 35.7 : 1 1 1 1 50, 35.3 : 1 1 51, 32.2; 3 2:; 51. 28.7 ; 11/15/51. 36.8; :: ::i 52. 20.7 ; I 3 r.-j, 29.1. 13N 5E-23R1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 84.7 feet. 0.1 mile north of Walt/. Road. 2.0 miles easl of Brewer Road. 11 5 is. 27.4; 4 I 10. 22.0; 20 10. 30.3; 11/0/40, 24.3; 25.4 ; 0/5/5(1. 13.9; 12 11 50,32.6; 11 21 51. :;<;.:;; 28.4 ; 2 15 51). fi 7 5H. 28.0 ; ! 50, 31.2; 2 2:; 51. 21. s > 22 51. K).6; :; :;i 52, 20.:;. 2.5.2 : :; 1: 7 7 .".11. 11 1 I 511 5 :i 51. 25.7 •_■<; 51. 36.8 5ii. 24.7 : I 5 50, 24.4; 5 '.1 50, 25.1 ; 10.2: s 1 5(i. 32.2; 9/5 50. 35.4 ; 12 11 5(1. 27.7 ; 1 151. 27.2; 5 51. :;:;.i ; 7 10 51, 38.0; 11 15 51. 32.9; 2 28 52. 27.:!; !0.0; 13N 5E-29Q1— Reference poinl top Fei N'orth ide of Waltz Road. 0.6 1: I 5 50. 28 .1' casing, ele^ at i> lile easl of Brewei ference point — top of casing, elevation lis feet. rner of Kempton and Brewer Roads. 4 1 40. -Reference point — top side of Kempton Road. if casing, elevation 70.2, 0.0 mile west of Brewer 3 31 48, 24.5; 11 ,5/48. 13N 5E-30A1— R Southwest of c 27.2. 13N/5E-30C1 feet. South Road. 12/8/47. 25.0; 3/9/48, 26.3 20.0; 4/1/49, 25..-, ; 11/30/40,32.0. 13N 5E-30J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 60 feet. West side of P.rewer Road, ().."■ mile north of Walt/. Road. 3/22/40, 25. S. 13N 5E-30R1 — Reference point — to]) of casing, elevation 70 feet. Northwest comer of P.rewer and Walt/. Roads. 11/5/48, 20.5; 4/4/40. 24.8; 11 :i 19, 33.2; 11 30 40, 33.4; 2 15 5(1, 20.5; 3/14/50. 20.0; 3/30/50, 28.3; 4/5/50, 28.2; 11/10/50, 36.1; 11/15/51. 34.7 ; 11/21/51, 34.7 : 3/31/52, 28.7 ; 4/3/52, 28.5. 13N 5E-31G1 — Reference point — top of casing:, elevation 00 feet. North side of Hicks Road, 0.35 mile west of Brewer Road. 12/10/47, 22.0; 3/9/48, 21.7; 3/31/48, 21.1; 11/5/48, 27.3; I 20 10, 24.3; 4/4/40. 22.:;; 11/10/40, 30.0; 11/30/40. 30.4; 2/10/50, 27.5; 3/14/50, 20.8; 3/30/50, 26.1; 11/3/50, 33.5; 11/10/50, 33.5 ; 4/3/52, 20.0. 13N 5E-32C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74 feet. South side of Walt/, Road, 0.35 mile east of P.rewer Road. 2/25/40, 20.0; 4/1/40. 25.0; 5/12/40. 30.1; 0/27/40, 36.2; 7/20/40, 2,0.8; S/25/40, 41.4; 9/29/49, 37.1; 11/0/40, 33.8; 2/15/50. 30.2; 3/15/50, 20.5; 4/5/50. 20.0; 5/9/50, 30.5; 7 5(1. 35.7; 7/7/50, 40.3; 8/1/50, 43.2; 0/5/50. 45.:'.; 10/3/50, 40.0; 11/14/50, 37.1; 12/14/50. 34.8; 1/4/51, 34.4; 3/23/51, 27.0; 5/9/51, 33.1; 6/5/51, 30.7; 7/11/51, 39.5; 3 22/51, 42.2; 9/26/51, 38.9; 11/15/51, 35.8; 2/28/52, 31.1; 3/31/52, 29.9. 13N 5E-33L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 8(1.1 feet. 0.35 mile north of Cornelius Avenue. 1.3 miles east of P.rewer Road. 12/22/48, 27.5; 3/18/49. 25.3; 11/10/49, 34..",; 4/0/50. 28.2; 5/8/50, 28.0; 11/13/50, 35.0; 3/27/51, 20.1; 11/15/51. 37.8 ; 4/7/52. 30.6. 13N 5E-33P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 79.3 feet. 100 feet north of Cornelius Avenue, 1.3 miles east of Brewer Road. 12 22/48, 20.0; 3/18/49. 24.2; 11 10/49, 2,2.2 ; 4/6/50, 27.3: 11/13/50, 34.5; 3/27/51, 28.0; 11/15/51, 37.0; 4/7/52. 30.3. 14N2E-2D2 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 39 feet. 0.15 mile south of Bogue Road. 0.0 mile east of Schlag Road. 12 15 47. 5.3; 3 8 48. (i.4 ; 11/12/48, 5.2; 3/21/49, 1.8; 11/29/49, 5.4; 3/24/50, 4.3; 11/2/50, 3.0; 3/28/51, 3.5; 11/10/51. 4.2; 4/1/52, 4.0. 14N 2E-10F1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation .".5 feet. Wesl side of Schlag Road, 0.55 mile north of Oswald Road. 11/27 29, 9.8; lo 6/30, 9.0; 12/12/31. 9.0; 11/30 32, 9.6; 11/10/34, 0.0; 11/28/36, 9.0; 1/25/39, 10.1; 1/13/41, 5.0. 14N 2E-10L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 3.7 feet. Wesl side of Schlag Road. 0.5 mile north of Oswald Road. 12/20/33, 12.2; Ll/10/34, 12.7; 11/11/36, 12.0; 11/24/37,12.8. 14N/2E-10R1 — Reference point- --top of Casing, elevation .",0 feel. North side of Oswald Road, 0.45 mile easl of Schlag Road. II 17, S.!»; 12/15/48. 1(1.5; 12 9 I'd. 1(1.0; 11/10/50, 0.4: 12/8/51, 3.4. 14N 2E-12H1 — Reference poinl — top of pipe in base, elevat ion 41 feel . 150 feet west of Township Road, 0.6 mile north of Oswald Road. 12 15/47, 9.5; 3 9/48, 10.6; 11 12/48, 9.7; 3/21/49, S.L>; 1 1 U'.l 19. 10.6, 14N/2E-13A1— Reference point -top of ising, elevation 42. 1 feet. 0.05 mile south of ( (swald Road. O.l mile west of Township Road. 12 15 17. 8.9; 2 8 IS. HI.:',; 11 12 IS. 6.1 : 2. 21 19, 7.0: 11 29 49, 8.4. 14N 2E-13C1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 39 feet. Kill feet south of < >swald Road. 0.7 mile west of Township Road. 12/15 17. 5.5; 3/8 is. 6.6; 11 12 Is. 4.7; 3/21 49. 3.1; 1 1 29 lo.o.o. APPENDIX E 129 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Mode by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 2E-13R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 37 feet. 0.1 mile west of Township Road, 0.4 mile south of Pierce Road. 12/1.1/47, 10.9; 3/8/48, 11.7; 10/8/4S. 8.0; 11/12/48, 9.5; 1/18/49. 11.0; 3/21/49. 8.5; 6/6/49. 10.4; (5/30/49. fi.7 ; 7/27/49, 5.4; 8/25/49, 5.5; 11/20/40. 11.1; .",24 .10. 10.0; 11/2/50. 10.2; 3/2S/51, 0.0; 11/16/51, 11.2; 4/1/52. 6.5. 14N/2E-14E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 34 feet. 0.4 mile south of Oswald Road, 0.4 mile west of Boulton Road. 12/15/47, 5.5; 3/8/48, 6.6; 11/12/48, 4.7; 3/21/49. 3.1; 11/29/49, 6.0. 14N/2E-14J1 — Reference point — top of stone casing, elevation 36 feet. 0.1 mile south of Pierce Road, 0.3 mile east of Boulton Road. 12/15/47, 4.7; 3/8/48. 6.0; 10/8/4S. 2.2; 11/12/48, 3.9. 14N/2E-26R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 33 feet. 0.2 mile north of O'Banion Road, 1.1 miles west of Township Road. 12/11/47, 7.4 ; 3/10/48, 7.6 ; 11/8/48. 6.4 ; 3/24/49, 3.9 ; 12/2/49, 7.7. 14N 3E-1H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 54 feet. 0.20 mile west of Feather River Boulevard, 1.70 miles north of Ella Avenue. 11/12/47. 21.2; 3/5/48, 20.0; 5/8/48, 15.8; 10/7/48, 23.8; 11/11/48, 22.3; 1/27/49. 20.9; 3/22/49, 17.0; 6/1/49. 25.2; 7/3/40, 25.5; 8/26/40. 25.5; 12/1/40, 23.5; 3/28/50, 17.2; 11/21/51. 22.7: 4/5/52. 10.8. 14N 3E-1R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 53 feet. 0.20 mile west of Feather River Boulevard, 1.20 miles north of Ella Avenue. 11/12/47, 20.5; 3/5/48. 20.2; 11/11/48, 20.1; 3/22/49, 17.9; 12/1/49, 23.5. 14N/3E-2G1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 40 feet. 0.36 mile north of Stewart Road, 0.45 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/11/47, 32.3; 3/24/48, 24.0; 10/6/48, 27.7; 11/15/48, 24.4; 3/17/49, 21.4; 11/30/40, 29.8. 14N3E-2Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 53.9 feet. 0.07 mile south of Stewart Road. 0.10 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/10/47, 26.8; 3/4/48, 33.9; 11/15/48, 28.8; 3/17/49, 21.7; 11/30/49, 23.2; 3/27/50, 21.4; 11/3 50. 26.7; 3/29/51, 17.9; 11/20/51, 27.2. 14N/3E-3A1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 50 feet. 0.10 mile south of Rogue Road, 0.25 mile east of High- way 24. 11/10/47, 36.1; 3/23/48, 35.5; 10/6/48, 36.3; 11/15/48, 31.0; 3/7/49, 29.3; 11/30/49. 35.0; 3/27/50. 30.5; 11/3/50, 33.5; 3/28/51. 27.2; 11/16/51. 32.2. 14N/3E-3C2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 53.1 feet. 0.05 mile south of Bogue Road. 0.11 mile west of State Highway 24. 3/12/4S. 43.8; 10/6/48, 35.6; 11/11/48, 33.9; 1/1S/49, 32.S ; 3/7/40. 32.1; 6/1/49, 37.6; 6/28/49, 45.0; 7/27/40. 47.5 ; 8/25/49, 42.3 ; 12/1 40, 35.4. 14N 3E-3C3 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 53.1 feet. 0.27 mile south of Bogue Road. 0.06 mile west of State Highway 24. 3/29/48, 36.4; 11/15/48, 33.9; 3/7 40. 32.7; 11/30/49, 35.0. 14N 3E-3F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 51.3 feet. 0.2 mile west of State Highway 24. 0.45 mile south of Bogue Road. 11/18/47, 31.6; 3/23/48, 39.2; 10/6/48, 34.0; 11/11/48, 32.8; 3/17/40, 30.9; 11/30/40. 34.4. 14N 3E-3G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 52 feet. 0.17 mile east of State Highway 24, 0.54 mile south of Bogue Road. 3/4/48, 37.5; 11/16/48. 32.8; 3/17/49, 29.7; 11 30 49, 32.9. 14N 3E-3N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55.4 feet. 0.00 mile south of Stewart Road, 0.40 mile west of State High- way 24. 11/10/47. 3S.7 ; 3/4/4S. 41.5 ; 11/15/48. 30.7 : 3/17/49, 37.1 ; 11/30/49, 43.7. 14N 3E-3N2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 48 feet. South side of Stewart Road. 0.30 mile west of State Highway 24. 3/12/4S, 40.4; 11/15/48, 34.7. 14N 3E-3P1 — Reference point — top of pit. elevation 50 feet. 0.10 mile north of Reed Road, 0.17 mile west of State Highway 24 11/26 20. 28.3; 9/27/30, 32.4; 12/12/31. 33.8; 12/1/32, 32.4; 5—63095 12/15/33, 33.4; 11/10/34. 34.1; 11/25/36, 2S.4 ; 11/24/37, 26.2; 1/26/30. 20.4; 1/13/41. 24.0; 11/6/47. 33,8; 12/15/48. 34.2; 12/9/49, 36.0; 11/10/50, 39.1. 14N 3E-3R2 — Reference point — slot in base, elevation 51.3 feet. 0.19 mile south of Stewart Road, 0.35 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/10/47. 31.1; 11/15/48. 2S.4 ; 3/17/49, 25.2; 11/30/40. 30.7. 14N/3E-4E3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 47 feet. 0.05 mile south of Star Road. 0.20 mile east of drove Avenue. 12/16/47, 30.6; 3/24/48, 31.7; 11/12/48, 33.3; 3/18/49, 30.0; 11/20/40, 35.8. 14N/3E-4G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 50.1 feet. 0.20 mile east of Walton Avenue, 0.48 mile south of Rogue Road. 11/18/47, 33.8; 3/12/4S, 35.4; 10/6/48. 37.0; 11/11/48, 35.1; 3/18/49, 33.1; 11/30/49, 37.1. 14N/3E-4Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 47 feet. 0.10 mile north of Reed Road, 0.04 mile east of Walton Avenue. 11/10/47. 32.9; 3/4/48, 34.0; 3/12/48. 36.7; 3/29/48, 32.3; 11/15/48. 33.9; 3/18/49, 31.2; 11/29/49. 35.6; 3/27/50, 33.2; 11/3/50, 38.5; 3/28/51, 32.9; 11/16/51. 36.2. 14N/3E-5A2 — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 49 feet. West side of Grove Avenue, 0.15 mile south of Bogue Road. 12/16/47. 29.9; 3/9/48, 32.7; 10/7/48, 34.8; 11/12/48, 32.5; 3 is 49, 29.0; 11/29/49. 34.0. 14N/3E-5C1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 50 feet. 0.07 mile south of Bogue Road, 0.50 mile east of G 'ge Washington Boulevard. 12/16/4S, 30.4; 3/9/48, 28.8; 10/7/48, 31.2; 11/12/48, 29.0; 3/18/49, 26.1; 6/1/49. 32.8; 7/27/49, 41.8; 8/25/49. 39.0; 11/29/49, 30.2; 3/27/50, 27.1; 11/3/50, 33.5; 3/28/51, 23.6; 4/1/52. 23.8. 14N 3E-5D1 — Reference point — invert of pipe in base, elevation 4S.1 feet. South side of Bogue Road, 0.15 mile east of George Washington Boulevard. 12/20/47, 23.4; 3/5/48, 25.3; 10/4/48, 26.6; 11/18/48, 24.S; 3/29/49, 22.0. 14N3E-5K1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 46 feet. 0.14 mile north of Stewart Road, 0.47 mile west of drove Avenue. 3/9/48, 27.3; 3/30/48, 28.4; 11/12/48, 31.0; 12 9/49, 31.7. 14N/3E-6G1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 45 feet. 0.45 mile west of George Washington Boulevard, 0.38 mile south of Bogue Road. 12/16/47, 13.9; 3/9/48, 14.7; 11/12/48. 14.6; 12/9/49. 15.0. 14N 3E-6M1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 40 feet. 0.50 mile north of Reed Road. 0.06 mile east of Town- ship Road. 12/15/47, 10.8; 3/24/48, 13.2; 10/8/48, 7.3; 11/12/48, 9.3; 1/1S/49. 10.0; 3/21/49, 9.2; 6/6/49. 6.1; 6/28/49, 6.7; 7/27/49, 6.6; 8/25/49, 6.0; 11/29/49, 10.1; 3/24/50, 9.9; 11/2/50, 10.0; 3/28/51, 8.7; 11/16/51, 9.2; 4/1/52. 7.0. 14N /3E-7A1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 45 feet. 0.12 mile south of Reed Road. 0.25 mile west of George Washington Boulevard. 12/17/47. 10.5; 3/9/48, 20.2; 11/12/48, 20.6: 3/21/49. 18.6; 11/29/49, 21.3. 14N 3E-7M1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion 42 feet. 0.10 mile east of Township Road. 0.52 mile north of (tswald Avenue. 12/15/47. 11.2; 3/9/48, 12.3; 11/12/48. 11.8; 3/21/49. 10.2; 11/29/49. 11.2; 3/24/50, 10.8; 11/2/50. 11.8; 3/28/51, 9.0; 11/16/51, 11.1; 4/2/52, 10.1. 14N 3E-8B1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 45 feet. South side of Reed Road, 0.52 mile west of Walton Avenue. 12/17/47, 26.3 : 3/9/48, 25.6 ; 11/12 '48, 30.2 : 3/21/49, 25.0; 11/29/49, 31.1 ; 3/27/50, 26.1 ; 11/3/50. 35.3; 3/28/51, 24.:',; 11/16/51, 31.6; 4/2/52. 27.7. 14N 3E-8D1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 46.6 feet. South side of Reed Road. 0.15 mile cast of George Washington Boulevard. 12/17/47. 23.2; 3/0/48, 23.5; 3/21/49, 21.0. 130 SUTTER YIT.A COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 3E-8J1 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation !.-, feel 0.03 mile west of Grove Avenue, 0.45 mile north of Oswald Avenue. L2 16 17,27.8; 3 I 48,29.0; 11 12 18,30.8; :; IS 10, 27.3; 1 1 29 19, 33.1 : 3 27 50, 29.4 : 11 3 50, 36.2; :; 28 51, 29.1 : 11 19 51, 33.8; I 2 52, 23.8. 14N 3E-8K1 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation 45 feel 10 mile west of Grove Avenue, 0.35 mile north of Oswald Road. 12 16 47. 26.9; 3 24 48, 2S.3 ; 11 12 48, 30.9; 3 IS 19, 26.S; 11 29 19, 32.4. 14N 3E-8M3 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 20 mile east of George Washington Boulevard, 0.50 mile north of Oswald Road. 12 IT 47. 22.7; 3/9 48, 21.4; 10 7 18, 2S0; 11 12 18. 25.6; 1 I s - 19, 23.1; 3 21 19, 21.8; 6 1 19, 25.0; 6 30 49, 26.3; 7 27 49, 34.5; S 25 49, 34.5; 11 29 19, 26.7. 14N 3E-8N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 44. s feet. North side of Oswald Avenue, 0.15 mile east of George Wash- ington Boulevard. 12 16 47.21.5;3 9 18, 16.4;3 12 18, 21.S ; 11 12 48, 23.8; 3 21 19, 20.7; 11 29 4'.). 24.9; 3 24 50, 21.4; 11 2 .".it. 29.3; 3 2s 51, 18.9; 11 19 51, 25.5; 4 2 52, 13.5. 14N 3E-9A2 — Reference point— top of concrete pit. south edge, elevation 40 l'eet. O.l mile south of Reed Road. 0.35 mile east of Walton Avenue. 11 19/47, 32.0; 3 I Is. 32.3; 5 12 18, 31 111 15 IV 32.1 : 11 18 49,32.1 ;3 18 49,31.0; 11 .30 49, 14N 3E-9D1 — Reference point- -hole in base of pump, elevation 10 feet, o.lo mile south of Reel Road, o.4o mile wesl of Walton Road. 12 Hi 17. 31.4 ; :; 9 is. 33.8. 14N 3E-9K1 — Reference poinl -top of casing, elevation 15 feet. South side of Barrv Road. 0.2o mile east of Walton Avenue. n s it. 33.2; :; i 48, 34.9; 3 12/48, 34.1; 3 20 48, 32.7, ■ in o is. 35.6; 1! 17, is. 34.3; :; 17 in. 32.0; 11 /30 49, 35.8. 14N 3E-9Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 12 feet. North side of Oswald Road. 0.25 mile east of Walton Avenue. 3 12 18, 29.0; 11 15 18, 23.4; 3 17 19, 21.3. 14N 3E-10B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 50 feet. o.17 mile east of State Highway 24, 0.33 mile north of Barry Road. 11 19 17,29.4; 10 6 48,31.3; 11 30 49,31.2; 11 3 50, 33.5; 11 20 51, 31.7. 14N 3E-10B2 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 4!t feet. 0.32 mile south of Stewart Road, 0.18 mile east of State High- wav 24. 11 19 17.29.4;3 I 18, 32.0; 10/6/48, 31.3 ; 11 15 IS, 31.5; 3 7 in. 26.3; 11 30 lit. 31.2; 3 27 50, 28.4; 11 3 50, 33.5 ; •': 29 .".1. 24.8; 11 20 51, 31.7. 14N 3E-10F1 — Reference point top of casing at bottom of pit. elevation 27 feet. 0.70 mile west of Stale Highwaj 21. 0.80 mile north of Barry Road. II Is 17. 35.1; 3/4 is. :;4.1 : :; 12 18,33.9; 11 15 18, 34.8; 3 17 19,31.7; 11 20 49, 30.0. 14N 3E-10N1 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 18.6 feet. 0.08 mile north of ( (swald Avenue, 0.36 mile wesl of State Highway 21. 1 1 s 17. 30.1; 3 12/48, 32.1; :; 29 Is. 29.1; '< 12 is. 27.0; 10 *'- is. 32.2; 11 15 Is. 31.3; 1 is lit. 29.4; :; 17 19, 28.5; II '30 19, 32.2; :: 20 50, 30.0; 11 :; 50, 33.9; 3 20 51, 28.6; 11 20 51, 32.3. 14N 3E-11D2 — Reft at top of casing, elevation 49 feet. 0.4O mile north of Barry Road. 0.63 mile east of Stale Highwaj 21. 11 19 17,27.3;3 I Is. 30.0 ; :; 2:1 18,31.3;5 12 18,23.4; loo IS, 34.4; 11 Hi Is. 27.7: 11 18 19, 25.8 ; 3 17 19,24.4; 1 10. 34.6; 2s in, 39.2; 8 :: in. 38.9; 8 27, 19, 34.8; II 30, 19, 29.1. 14N 3E-11F2 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation .".I 7 Oct. 0.17 mib' north of Barry Road, 0.95 mile east of State Highway 24. II 10 17. 27.4; :: 23/48, 27.8; 11 Hi 18, 2 1.2; 3 17 19, 20.7; 11 30 l'.'. 26.1 ; :; 27 50, 19.6; 11 .". 50, 20.I ; :; 20 51, 16.0; 1 1 20 51, 25.0. 14N 3E-12F1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 7.2 feet. 0.65 mil -th of Ella Road. 0.7.0 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 3/28/50, 17.0: 11 6/50, 23.6; 3/30/51, 18.4; I :. :.2. 20.6. 14N 3E-12M1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 50 feel. 0.22 mile norlh of 1711a Avenue. 0.84 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11/12/47, 20.4; 3/0 18, 20.5) II 15 is. 20.2; 3/22/49, 16.8; 12/1/40. 22.1; :'. 28 7,0. 17.6; 11 7,0. 72.1 ; 11 21 7,1. 20.8; 4 7, 7,2. 0.7,. 14N 3E-12Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 53.6 feet. 0.23 mile north of Ella Avenue. 0.20 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11/11/49, 21.7; 3/5/48, 23.0; 7, s IS, 10.7,. 14N 3E-13B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 7,0.0 feel. 0.17 mile south of 1711a Avenue. 0.44 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11/12/47,20.7; 3 7, 18,22.8; 11/11/48,20.2; 3/2/49, 1S.0; 12/1/40. 22.1; 3 28 50, 21.7; 11/6/50, 21.8; 3/30/51, 13.0; 11/20/51, 21.8; 4 7, 7,2. 12.1. 14N 3E-13N1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 18.3 feet. 0.11 mile north of I'lumas Road. 0.81 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 3/6 18, 21.1; 5/8 18, 16.0; 11/11 48, 19.8; 1/27/49, ls.l : :; 21/49, 16.9; 12 1 10. 21.1; 3 20 7,o. 17.4: 11/6 7,o. 20.9; 4/5/52, 10.0. 14N 3E-14E1 — Reference poinl — hole in base of pump, elevation 47 feet. 0.20 mile west of Garden Highway, 0.77> mile north of Messick Road. 11 is 17. 27,.:: ; :'. 23 4S. 22.1 ; 11/15 48, 22.2; :: 17 1!i. 19.6; 11 20 40. 22.4. 14N 3E-14E2 — Reference point — to], of casing, elevation 47 feet. 0.11 mile wesl of Garden Highway, 0.77, mile north of Messick Road. 11/10/47. 20.6; 3/5/48, 23.7; 7, 12 48, 13.9; 10 5 mile west of Carlson Road, 0.06 mile south of Oswald Road. 12/10/47. 31.9; 3/9/48. 24.2; 3/12 is. 24.7: 11/12/48, 20.9; 3/18/49, 24.0; 11 29 19, 29.0. 14N 3E-17Q1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 42.5 feet. 0.30 mile west of Carlson Road, 0.25 mile north of Best Road. 12/16/47, 22.7; 3/8/48, 23.5; 3/12/43! 23.2; 10/7/48, 26.3; 11/15/48, 24.0; 1/27/49. 23.9; 3/18 19, 23.1; 11/29/49, 29.7. 14N/3E-17R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45.0 feet. West side of Carlson Road, 0.23 mile north of P>est Road. 3/30/48, 24.5; 11/15/48, 27.3; 3/18/49, 25.8. 14N/3E-18D1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 4.". feet. Southeast corner of Oswald Avenue and Township Road. 11/26/29, 9.3; 10/6/30, 7.2; 12/12/31, 11.0; 11/30/32. 10.3; 12/20/33. 12.5; 11/10/34, 10.1 : 11/28/36, 8.7; 11/24/37. 8.6; 1/25,:!!). 8.5; 1/13/41, 1.3; 11/6/47, 6.9; 12/15/48, 7.9; 12 9/49, 7.9; 11/10/50. 7.7: 12/8 51. 5.8. 14N 3E-18F1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 40 feet. 0.41 mile south of Oswald Avenue, 0.23 mile east id' Township Road. 12/15/47, 11.:; : :; 8/48, 6.1; 10/8/48, 5.1; 11/12/48. 5.1; 3/2/49, 5.0; 11/29 49, 5.8; :; 27 50, 5.2: 11 2 50, 0.7: 3/28/51, 4.8; 11/10 51. 0.7; 4 2 52, 5.0. 14N 3E-18H3 — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 41 feel. West side George Washington Boulevard. 0.44 mile south of Oswald Avenue. 12/10/47. 19.6; 3/8/48, 1S.2; 10 7 18, ; 11/12/48, 20.1; 3/21/49, 18.0; 11/29/49, 20.0. 14N/3E-18R1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.10 mile north of Best Road, 0.26 mile west of George Wash ington Boulevard. 12/15/47. 16.9; 3/8/48. 17.1; 11/12/48, 18.5; 3/21/49. 10.8; 11/29/49. 19.6. 14N 3E-19L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 37 feet. 0.50 mile west of George Washington Boulevard, 0.69 mil.' south of Best Boad. 12/5/47, 10.9; 3/8 48, 11.0; 10/8/48, 15.8; 11/12/48, L3.8; 3/18/49, 12.7; 11/29/49, 14.9; 3/27/50. 13.1; 11/2/50, 15.8; 3 28 51. 10.6; 11/16/51, 14.5; 4/2 52. 6.0. 14N /3E-19P1 — Reference point — top of pipe in base, elevation 38 feet. 0.50 mile west of George Washington Boulevard, 0.83 mile north of Besl Road. 12/11/47. 13.2; 3/24/48, 14.0; 11/8/48, 13.7; 3/24/49, 12.2: 12/2/40. 14.0. 14N 3E-20A2 — Reference point — hide in casing, elevation 44.5 feet. 0.10 mile south of Best Road, east side of George Wash- ington Boulevard. 12/10/47. 22.7; 3/8/48, 21.0; 11 '15 is. 25.3; 3/18/49, 24.0; 11/29/49, 26.0; 3/27/50. 25.4; 11 3 50, 32.6; .". 28 51. 25.2; 11/19/51, 20.4; 4/2/52, 18.4. 14N/3E-20E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.27 mile south of Best Road. 0.20 mile east of George Wash- ington Boulevard. 12/10/47. 17.9; 3/8/48, 20.0; 3/29/48, 18.0; 11/12 48, 20.1 ; 3/18/49. 18,3; 11/20/49, 21.7. 14N/3E-20F1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.49 mile cast of George Washington Boulevard. 0.51 mile north of Hutchinson Road. 12/10/47. 20. S ; 3/8/48. 23.7; 3/12/48, 23.6; 10/7/48, 24.0; 11/15/48. 23.1; 3/18/49. 21.4; 11/20 40, 24.S; 3/27/50, 22.0; 11/2/50, 20.4; 3/28/51, 20.6; 11/19/51, 24.2; 4/2/52, 15.7. 14N/3E-20Q1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 42 feet. 0.54 mile west of George Washington Boulevard, 0.14 mile north of Hutchinson Road. 12/13/47, 20.1 ; 3/10/48, 21.3 ; 3/12/48, 21.5; 11/S/4S. 24.0; 3/23/49, 20.5; 12/5/49, 24.0; :; 21 50. 21.5; 11 7 50, 20.7: :; 28 51. 21.8; 11 15/51, 22.7: I :; 52. 14.s. 14N/3E-21M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 44.3 feet. 0.4(i mile north of Hutchinson Road, wesl side of Carlson Road. 12/16/47, 21.8; 3/8 4s. 23.0; 3/20/48, 23.4; 3/26/48, 22.2; :; 30/48, 21.7; 10/7/48, 24.2; 11/15 48, 24.0; :: 18 40. 23.2; 11 20 40. 25.7. 14N/3E-21Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 42 feet. North side of Hutchinson Road. 0.48 mill' west of Slate Highway 24. 11/15/47, 21.0; :; s 48, 23.9; :; 12 4s, 27.4; :: 26/48, 22.0; :: 29 18, 21.0; :, 12 is. 21.2; 11 9 48, 25.0; 1/18/49, 24.0; 3/23/49, 22.8; 6/1/49, 21.8; 6/28/49, 30.4; s :; 40. 20.1 ; 8/25/49, 28.6; 12/0/40. 26.0. 14N/3E-22B2 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 48.3 feel. North side of Messiek Road. 0.50 mile wesl of Garden Highway. 11/7/47. 25.0; :; 5 4S, 20.1; 3/12/48, 26.6; 3/29/48, 25.2; 10/6/48, 28.5; 11/15/48. 25.8; ::/17/40. 24.4; II 30 4!), 27.0; 3/29/50, 25.2; 11/3/50, 2S.0 ; 3/29/51, 22.:; ; 11/20/51, 20.3. 14N 3E-22E2 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 47.S feet. South of Messiek Road. 0.1 mile easl of Slate High- wav 24. 11/7/47. 26.6; :; 5 4s, l'0.2 ; 3/12/48, 27.8; 11/15/48, 25..",; 3/17/49, 23.8; 11/29/40. 27.5. 14N 3E-22H1 — Reference poini — lop of easing, elevation 47.2 feet. 0.03 mile west of Garden Highway. 0.10 mile south of Messiek Road. 3/5/48, 22.1; 10/6/48, 19.8; 11/15/48, 20.7. 14N/3E-22R1 — Reference point — bole in concrete base, elevation 45.2 feel. West side Garden Highway, 0.15 mile north of Hutchinson Road. 11/15/47, 20.0; 3/8/48, 26.4; 3/29/48. 19.0; 5/12 48, 16.5; 11/10/48, 20.7; 1/24 49, 19.9; :: 23/49, 17.0; 12/6/49, 22.4. 14N/3E-23D2 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 4S.1 feet. 0.2 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.03 mile south of .Messiek Road. 11/7/47. 20.0; .". 23/4S. 21.1; 10/6/48, 23.3; 11/15/48, 22.2; 3/17/49. 20.0; 11/20/49. 23.0; 3/29/50. 18.8: 11/3/50. 22.9; ■", 20 51. 16.3.; 11/20/51, 22.3. 14N/3E-24B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 50.8 feel. 0.01 mile south of Plumas Road, 0.26 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11/11/47. 23.1; 3/6/48, 22.0: 5 8 18, 20.7; 10/7/48, 24.2; 11/11/48, 6/1/49, 24.0: 7/3/49, 31.0; 7/28 19, 12/1/40. 23.4; 3/29/50, 22.2; 11/0/50. 11/20/51. 23.9; 4/5/52, 14.0. 14N/3E-24G1 — Reference point — top of casing at pit bottom, ele- vation 30.4 feet. 0.10 mile north of Broadway. 0.31 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 11/11/47. 14.2; 3/6/48, 12.1. 11/11/48, 12.0; 3/21/49, 0.4; 12/1/40. 13.4. 14N 3E-25B2 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 47 feet. South of Anderson Road. 0.31 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11/17/47, 22.5; :', 8/48, 10.7; 5/8/48, 17.:',: 11/10/48, 20.1; 1/24/40. 1,8.9; 3/23/49, 17.0; 12/2/49, 21.3. 14N/3E-25C1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 49.5 feet. 0.15 mile south of Anderson Road. 0.71 mile west of Feather River Boulevard. 11 17 47. 22.:;: 3/8/48, 19.8; 11/10/48, 22.0; 3/23/40. 19.8; 12 2 49, 22.7: :: 29 50, 18.6; 11/6/50, 22.0; 3/30/51, 15.0; 11/0/51, 21.5; 4/1/52, 15.4. 14N/3E-25K2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 46.1 feet. 0.01 mile south of Country Club Road. 0.20 mile wesl of Feather River Boulevard. 11/17/47. 17.8; 3/8/48, 1s..",; 3/23/40. 15.0; 12/2/49, 19.1. 14N/3E-26M2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 44 feet. 0.32 mile north of O'Banion Road, 0.22 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/14/47. 21.0; 3/8/48, 2:1.4; 5/6/48, 14.4; (5/1/48, 14.7; 7/3/48, 52.4 (operating); 11/10/48, 20.9; 3/23/49, 16.8; 12/6/49, 22.4. 22.0; 3/21/49, 10.0; 2S.S; 8/26/49, 30.0; 24.5; 3/30/51, 14.4 132 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Meosurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 3E-27D1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 12 feet. Easl siil'' of State Highway 24, 0.10 mile south of Hutchinson Road. 11 15 47. 21.7; 3 8 is. 22.0; 3 12 Is. 28.4; 5 12 Is. 20.8; 11 9 IN 212: 3 23 19. 21.8; 12 6 19, 25.4; 3 29 50, 23.2; 11 7 50, 26.1; 3 29 51, 19.9; 11 L5 51, 26.4; 1 3 52, 13.5. 14N 3E-27J1 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation 13 feet. WVsi siilc of Garden Highway, 0.36 mile north of O'Banion Road. 11 II 17. 21.4; 3 8 Is. 30.7; 5 5 4s. 15.0; 11 Kt is. 20.6; 3 23 19, 17.1 ; 6 1/49, 21.5; 8 30 19, 26.6; 12 6 19, 22.1 : 3 29 50, 17.6; 11 7/50, 22.3; 3 29 51, 13.8; 11 15/51,21.1;4/3 52, 9.0. 14N 3E-27M2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 41 feet. 0.06 mile easl of State Highway 24, 0.33 mile north of O'Banion Road. 11/15/47, 22.3; 3/8/48, 24.1 ; 11/9/48, 2:5.1 : 3 2:: 19, 20.6; 12/6/49, 24.8. 14N 3E-28G2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 41 feel. 0.28 mile wist of State Highway 24, 0.45 mile south of Hutch- inson Road. 1 Hi 4s. 21.4. 14N 3E-28M1 — Reference point— top of wooden platform under pump, elevation 4."..(i feet. 0.31 mile north of O'Banion Road. 0.15 mile east of Carlson Road. 12/13/47, 21.6; 3/9/48, 25.4; :: 12 4s. 25.6; 11/8/48, 25.6; 3 2 1 19, 22.:',; 12/5 19, 26.6. 14N 3E-28R1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.16 mile west of State Highway 24. 0.16 mile north of O'Banion Road. 11/14/47, 21.::; 3/24/48, 21.9; 11/9/48, 23.8; :: 2:: l!>. 20.4; 12 <; 49, 30.3; 3 20 50, 22. ."» ; 11/2/50, 26.7; :; 29 51, 19.5. 14N 3E-29A1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 43.5 feet. 0.16 mile west of Carlson Road, 0.24 mile south of Hutchinson Road. 12/13/47, 22.0; 3/10/48, 24.0; 3/12/48, 24.6 ; 11/8 is. 25.1 ; 3/24/49, 22.2 : 12/5/49, 20.:!. 14N 3E-29L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 41 feet. 0.4S mile east of George Washington Boulevard, 0.27 mile north of O'Banion Road. 12/13/47. 20.0; 3/9/48, 20.0; 11 s js. 21.3; •". 24 49, 18.9; 5/31/49, 28.1; 6/30/49, 31.3; 8 1 10. 32.0; 12 :. 10. 22.4. 14N 3E-29R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 13.5 West side of Carlson Road, 0. 10 mile north of O'Banion Road. 5/21/48, 22.1 ; 11/8/48, 25.6; 3 24 40, 22.5; 12 5 10. 20.4: 3/29/50, 23.5; 11/7/50, 28.0; 3/29 ."",1. 21.0; 11 1:. 51, 26.9; 4 :; 52, 16.0. 14N 3E-30E1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation .".0 feet. 0.22 mile east of Township Road. 0.40 mile south of I lutchinson Road. 12 11 17. 12.1; 3/10/48, 8.6; 3 12 is. 8.5; 11/8/48, 8.3; :; 2 1 10. 6.4 ; 12 2 lit. 0.1. 14N 3E-30H1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 38 fill. 0.28 mile smith of Hutchinson Road. 0.03 mile wesl of c -ge Washington Boulevard. 12/11/47, 14.9; 3/10 Is, 14.0; :; 12 is. n.r,; 11 8 is. 16.1; :: 21 to. 14.0; 12 2 10. L7.5. 14N 3E-30M1 — Reference point top of concrete pil (West wall), elevation 37 feet. 0.38 mile north of O'Banion Road, 0.03 mile east of Township Road. 12 11/47, 8.5; 3 10 4s. 9.6; 3 12 18, 0.0; 11 s 18, 9.3; 3 21 19,6.0; 12 2 19,9.0. 14N 3E-31B1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 38 feel 0.06 mile south of O'Banion Road. 0.36 mile west of George Washington Boulevard. 12 11/47, 12.0; :: 10 Is. 13.1; :; 12 is. i:;.i; :: l".i is. 12.9; 11 8 18, 12.2; 1 21 19, 13.1; :; 21 10. H.4; 12 2 10. 13 1: 3 20 50, 12.0; 11 7 50, 1-"..:!; :; 29 .".1. 10.7 ; 1 1 15 51, 1 1.3 ; I :'. '52, 7.7. 14N 3E-31L1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation .".."> feet. 0.24 mill- easl of Township Road, 0.66 mile south of O'Banion Road. 12 II 17. 12.::; :: 10 18, 7.9; :: 12 18, 7.0; 11 8 18, 9.5; :: 25 10. 8.7. 14N 3E-31R1 — Reference point lop of casing, elevation .".0 feel 0.12 mill 1 west of George Washington Boulevard, 0.78 mile south of O'Banion Road. 12 12 17. 15.9; :: 10 Is. 16.3; :: 12 Is. 16.4; 11 8 is. 14.2; :: 21 10. 13.5; 12 5 19, 16.3. 14N 3E-32D1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 111 feet. 0.11 mile south of O'Banion Road. 0.09 mile east ,,f Ceorge Washington Boulevard. 12/2/47, 10.7; 3/10/48, 17..".; 3 12 is. 17,1; 5 12 48, 102; 11 s 4s. 16.7; 3 24/49, 14.8; 6 30 10. 20. S; 8 25 19, 19.2; 12/5/40, 17.0. 14N 3E-33D3 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 40 feet. 0.18 mile south of O'Banion Road, 0.03 mile west of Burch Road. 12/12/47, 26.1; 3/9/48, 21.2; 3/12/48, 20.8; 3/29/48, 10.7; 5/29/48, 18.2; 11/8/48, 12.7; 1/10/49, 20.6; :: 24/40. 10.0; 6/1/40, 21.7; 0/28/49, 44.2; 7/27/40, 28.4; 8/25/49, 23.6. 14N 3E-33M2 — Reference point — top of 2" x 4" plank over earth pit, elevat ion 27.8. 0.07 mile south of < >'Banion Road, 0.15 mile west of Burch Road. 12/12/47, 15.8; 3/24/48, 16.9. 14N 3E-34C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 39 feet. 0.21 mile east of State Highway 24. south side of O'Banion Road. 11/14/47. 20.4; 3/8/48, 24.2; 3/29/48, 21.4; 5/12/48, 10.4; 11/9/48, 23..-.; 1/19/49, 21.7; 3/23/49, 20.0.; 12 40, 14N 3E-34L1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation lu feet. 43 mile east of State Highway 24. 0.51 mile south of O'Banion Road. 11/14/47. 20.0; 3/8/48, 24..".; 11/10/48, 2S.4; 3/25/49, 22.7; 12/0/40, 21.7. 14N 3E-35Q1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 43 feet. 0.35 mile east of Garden Highway, 0.57 mile north of Tudor Road, 11/14/47, 21.2; 3/8/48, 17.2; 11/10/4S, 17.:'.; 3 23/49, 11.4; 12/0/40. 18.9. 14N 3E-36C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 50 feet. 0.51 mile south of Country Club Road, 0.72 mile east of Feather River Boulevard.' 11/17/47, 17.7; 3/0/4S. 10.7; 5 S/4S. 0.2; 11 10 is. 1S.2; 1/24/40.; 3/23/49. 11.8; 12/2/40, 18.6; 3/20/50. 10.7; 11/6/50, 18.0; 3/30/51, 11.0; 11/16/51, 16.2; 4/1/52, fi.4. 14N 4E-2F1 — Reference point — top of casing outside shed, eleva- tion 07. S feet. 0.1 mile west of Virginia Road, 0.3 mile south of junction of Earle and Spenceville Roads. 12/4/47, 20.8; 3/1S/4S. 10.0; 11/22/4S. 23.4; 3/21/49,22.3. 14N4E-2K1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion 65.9 feet. 200 feet east of Virginia Road, 0.7 mile south of Spenceville Road. 12/4/47, 17.2; 5/18/48, 16.7; 11/22/48, 21.0; 11/23/40, 26.8. 14N /4E-2R1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion OS.O feet. 250 feet north of Earle Road, 0.2 mile east of junction of Virginia Road and Spenceville Roads. 12/3/47, 21.5; 3/18/48, 21.3; 11/19/48, 25.0; 3/21/49, 24.2; 11/23/49, 3'' 3 14N 4E-4A1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 05 feet. 0.9 mile 'th of Hale Road, 1.0 mile east of U. S. High- way 00K. 12/1/47, 20.1; 3/18/48, 27.4; 11/19/48, 31.3; 3/23/40. 20.2; 11/23/40, 35.0; 3 27 5(1. 32.3; 11/3/50, 36.2; 1 5 r,l. 30.8; 11 21 51. 3,7.2 ; 1 4 52. 32.1. 14N 4E-4C1 — Reference point — vertical hole in side of pump, ele- vati '.:: feet. O.O mile east of U. S. Highway 99E, 0.0 mile north of Hale Road. 11/19/48, 28.4 : 3 23 40. 20.1 ; 11 23/49, 31.0. 14N 4E-4M1 — Reference point — top of hole in pump base, eleva- tion 00 feet. 0.2 mile west of U. S. Highway 00K. (1.7 mile north of McGowan Road. 12 1/47. 21.3; 3/17 is, 19.9; 11/19/48, 23.0; 3/21/49, 21.7; 12 7/49, 20.7: 3/27/50, 24.5; 11/3/50, 2S.5; 4/5/51, 24.6 ; 11/21/51, 33.7: I 2 52, 20.2. 14N 4E-5A1 — Reference point top of casing under pump, eleva- tion 00 feet. 0.05 mile wesl of [T. S. Highway 99E, 1.3. miles north of McGowan Road. 12 1 47, 23.2 ; 3 17/48,21.4. 14N 4E-5C1 — Reference point to), tin, casing under pump, ele- vaiion 58 feet. 1.3 miles north of McGowan Road. 0.5 mile west of [J. S. Highway 99K. 12 1 17. 22.S ; 3/15 IS, 22.1. APPENDIX B 1 33 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 4E-5J1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion 62 feet. 0.3 mile west of F. S. Highway 99E, 0.8 mile north of McGowan Road. 12/1/47, 20.8 ; 3/15/48, 10.7. 14N/4E-5L1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 00 feet. 0.1 mile west of U. S. Highway 99E, l.!l miles north of Mc- Gowan Road. 12/1/47, 22.1; 3/15/48, 21.5; 11/19/48, 24.1; 3 21/49, 23.0; 12/7/4!), 26.5; 4/3/52, 23.8. 14N/4E-7A1 — Reference point — top of casing, 2.5 feet above ground, elevation 55 feet. 0.15 mile west of Arboga Road, 0.80 mile north of Ella Road. 11/12/47. 22.3; 3/15/48, 20.9; 5/14/48, 22.0; 10/17/48, 27.2; 11/11/48, 23.0; 3/21/49, 21.0; L2 1/49, 24.6; 3/29/50, 22.7; 11/6/50, 26.2; 3/30 51, 20.7: 11/20/51, 25.4; 4/5/52, 20.6. 14N 4E-7A2 — Reference point, top of casing, elevation 58 feet, 204 feet west of Arboga Road, 0.81 mile north of Ella Road. 3 5 18, 21.5; 5/14/48, 21.6; 3/21/49, 19.5; 12/1/49, 25.0; 3 29/50, 21.2; 11/6/50, 27.0. 14N/4E-7D1 — Reference point — top of casing al bottom of 9-fool pit, elevation 52 feet. 500 feet easl of Feather River Boulevard, 0.85 mile north of Ella Road. 11/12/47. 12.3; 3/5/48, 11.0; 10/7 48, 13.8; 11 11 48, 11.5; 3/22/49, 10.5; 12/1/49, 15.1'. 14N ME-7F1 — Reference point — top of discharge flange, elevation 53 feet. 0.4 mile east of Feather River Boulevard, 0.7 mile north of Ella Avenue. 11/12/47, 16.1 : 3/5/48, 19.0; 11/11/48. 19.7; 3/22/49, 17,4; 12/1/49, 20.5. 14N/4E-8C1 — Reference point — top of casing, concrete box, ele- vation 57 feet. 0.9 mile west of U. S. Highway 99E, 0.4 mile north of McGowan Road. 12/1/47, 28.2. 14N 4E-9B1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 02 feet. 200 feet west of TJ. S. Highway 99E, 0.3 mile north of Mc- Gowan Road 12/2/47. 28.6; 3/17/48, 27.3; 11 19 48, 30.6; 3/21/49, 2S.5; 11/23/49, 33.9. 14IM/4E-9F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 60 feet. 50 feet north of McGowan Road. 0.7 mile west of IT. S. Highway 99E. 11/19/48, 28.2; 1/25/49, 27.0; 3/18/49, 25.5; 11/23/49, 31.5 : 3/28 50, 28.2 : 1 1 :; 50, :•.:'..:'. : 4/5/51, 28.1. 14N/4E-9L1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion (il feet. 0.3 mile south of McGowan Road. 0.8 mile west of F. 8. Highway 09E. 12/2/47. 23.7 ; 3/17/48, 21.4. 14N4E-9Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 52 feet. 0.7 mile west of F. S. Highway 99E, 0.3 mile south of Mc- Gowan Road. 12/2/47. 20.9; 3/17/4S. 10.4; 11/19/48, 13.5; 3/18/49, 10.0; 11/23/49, 10.0; 4/2/52, 0.5. 14N/4E- 10H2 — Reference point — top of concrete pit, north edge, elevation 03 feet. 1.1 miles east of F. S. Highway 99E, 0.0 mile north of Ostrom Road. 12/3/47, 23.9 ; 3/18/48, 23.5 ; 11/19/48, 27.6; 3/21 '49, 25.1 ; 11/23/49. 32.5; 3/22/50. 28.2; 11/:; 50, 33.8; 4/5/51, 28.4; 11/23/51, 24.2; 4/4/52, 17.2. 14N 4E-10L1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 00 feet. 0.1 mile east of F. S. Highway 00E, 0.4 mile north of Slaughter House Road. 12/3/47, 16.9; 3/17/48, 15.4. 14N 4E-10M1 — Reference point — top of casing 2 feet above ground line, elevation 58 feet. 0.2 mile west of F. S. Highway OOF. 0.4 mile north of Slaughter House Road. 11/19/48, 16.4. 14N4E-10R1 — Reference point — to)) of casing under pump, ele- vation 02 feet. 50 feet north of Ostrom Road, 0.5 mile east of F. S. Highway 99E. 12/3/47, 23.7; 3/18/48, 22.3; 11/19/48 27.7; 11/23/49, 31.3. 14N'4E-11C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 68.6 feet. 2.0 miles east of F. S. Highway '.(OF. 0.7 mile south of Virginia Road. 11/18/48, 24.7. 14N/4E-11C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 68 feet. 1.!) miles east of F. S. Highway 99E, 0.7 mile south of Vir- ginia Road. 11/18/48. 20). 1 ; 3/21/49, 24.2; 11/23/49, 31.0. I4N/4E-11H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72 feet. 1.0 mile west of Bradshaw Road, 0.0. mile north of Ostrom Road. 11/18/48. 29.4; 3/21/49, 27.7; 11/24/49. 35.9; 3/27/50, 33.2; 11/2/50, 38.6; 4/5/51, 34.6; 11/23/51, 40.6; 4/4/52, 37.2. 14N/4E-11J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 09.8 feet. 0.4 mile north of Ostrom Road, 1.1 miles west of Bradshaw Road. 11/18/48, 30.1 ; 3/21/49. 28.3; 11/23/49, 36.4. 14N/4E-11Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71 feet. 50 feet north of Ostrom Road. 1.5 miles west of Bradshaw Road. 11/18/48. 30.0; 11/23/49, 34,8. 14N '4E-12A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75 feet. 100 feet west id' Bradshaw Road, 1.0 mile north of Ostrom Road. 11 18/48,31.4; 1/18/48, 28.8 ; 3/29/49, 28.1 : 11/23/49, 36.6 ; 3/30/50, 33.6 ; 1 1 /2/50, 40.5 ; 4/5/51, 43.2 ; 4/4/52, 37.1. 14N 4E-12B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 72 feet. 0.4 mile west of Bradshaw Road, 1.0 mile north of Ostrom Road. 11/18/48, 29.0; 4/5/51, 34.7. 14N/4E-12E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.7 mile north of Ostrom Road. 100 feet easl of Virginia Road. 10/7/48, 20.55 ; 11/18/48, 28.9 ; 1/18/40, 28.0 ; 3/21/49. 27.15 ; 11/23/49, 35.4. 14N/4E-12R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 78 i'fci. 100 feet northwest of Hie intersection of Bradshaw and Ostrom Roads. 10/7/48, 35.0; 11/18/48. 33.0; :: 18 40. 30.8; 11 23/49, 39.8; 3/22/50, 30.7 : 11/2/50. 44.2; 4/5/51, 39.0; 112:; 51. 47.4 ; 4/3/52, 40,8. 14N 4E-13A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 79.4 feet. 50 feet west of Bradshaw Road, 0.2 mile south of Ostrom Road. :; 21 4S. 20. S ; 10/7/48, ::7.4 ; 11/18/48. 35.1 ; 1/1S/48, :!:j.S; 3/18/40. :',2.S : I 1/23/49, 41,8; 3/27/50, 38.4. 14N 4E-13B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 75.5 I'll. 0.3 mile west of Bradshaw Road, 100 feet south of Ostrom Road. 11/18/40. 31.0. 14N/4E-13C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 73.5 feel. 100 feet south of Ostrom Road, 0.0 mile west of Bradshaw Road. 10 7/48, 30.6; 11/18/48. 29.0; 1/18/49, 2S.0 ; 3/18/49, 27.0; 11/23/49, 34.9; 3 27/50, 32.0; 11/2/50. 38.4; 4/5/51, :::;,!; 11 2:1,51. ::o.s : 4 :; 52. 35.1. 14N 4E-13Q1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 71 feet. 0.0 mile south of Ostrom Road. 0.5 mile east of Virginia Road. 12/3/47. 30.4; 3/18/48. 29.1 ; 10/7/48, 34.7; 11/18/48, 33.6; 3/18/40. 31.6; 11/23/49, 39.0; 3/27/50. 36.7; 11 :; 5(1, 41.8; 4/5/51, 37.0. 14N/4E-13R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 80 feet. 5(1 feel west of P.radshaw Road. 1 mile south of Ostrom Road. 11/18/48, 39.1 : 3/18/49. 30.5 ; 11/24/49, 57.7. 14N/4E-14C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 20 feet south of Ostrom Road. 0.8 mile east of 1'. S. Highway 99E. 10/7/48, 30.7; 11/18/48. 29.0; 1/18/40. 28.0; 3/18/49, 20.1; 11 21 40. 33.9; 3/27/50, 31.5; 11/2/50, 36.2; 4/5/51, 31.0; 11/23/51. 38.4; 4/4/52. 33.6. 14N/4E-14J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 62 feet. 200 feet west of Virginia Road. 0.5 mile south of Ostrom Road. 12/3/47. 23.8; 3/18/48, 22.6; 10/7/48. 27.5; 11/18/48, 27.0; 3/18/49, 25.4. 14N '4E-14R1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 70 feet. 200 feet west of Virginia Road, 0.4 mile north of F. S. High- way 9910. 3/18/49. 30.4. 14N/4E-15C1 — Reference point- hole in pump base, elevation 04.0 feet. 200 feet south of Slaughter House Road. 0.4 mile west of F. S. Highway 99E. 12/2/47, 23.9; :'»/17/48, 22.6; 10/7/48. 30.5; 11/19/48, 25.9; 3/18/49, 2:;.:; ; 11/23/49, 29.6; 3/28/50, 20.5; 11/3/50, 31.0; 4/5/51, 26.0; 11/21/51. 33.1; 4/2/52, 28.! t. 14N 4E- 15C2 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, eleva- tion 0)5 feet. 500 feet south of Slaughter House Road, 0.3 mile west of F. S. Highway 99E. 12/2/47, 23.1; 3/17/48. 20.8. r:i SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA. AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) elevation 55.9 Road, <>.7 mile 3 IT '48, 14.1 ; 25.2 ; 31.4; 37.0; 14N 4E-15C3 — Reference point- top of casing, 1 fool below ground, elevation 62.7 feet. 250 feel north of Slaughter House Road, 0.2 mile west of I'. S. Highway 99E. 11 22 29, Hi. 4: 9 18 30, 15.9; 12 11 31, 16.4; 11' 10 81. L5.7 ; 12 21 ••'..':. 11.0; 11 2:: 34, lii.T: 11 22 87. L5.8 ; 11 27 •".'.». 12.1: 12 21 40. 15.3; 11 7 17. 2::. 2: 12 16 Is. 24.:! ; 12 7 19,28.2; 11 lo 50, 2H.7; 12 5 51, 31.3. 14N 4E-15C4 — Reference poinl top of 1 inch pipe to jet, eleva- tion 65.2 feet. 0.1 mile north <>f Slaughter House Road, 0.3 mile west of U. s. Highway 99E. 11 19 Is. 26.6; :'. 18 19, 24.1: 11 2:; 19, 30.3. 14N 4E-15D1 — Reference point top of casing, feet. 2o(i feet southwest of Slaughter House .In.' west ..i V. S. Highwaj not:. 12 2 47. 15.8; 11 10 18, 17.:.. 14N 4E-15L1 — Reference poinl —lop (if casing under pump, ele- vation 66 feet. O.S mile west of ('. S. Highwaj 99E, 0.4 mile south of Slaughter House Road. 12 2 17. 25.6; 3 17 48, 24.4: 10 7 18, 29.5; 11 19 18, 27.6; 1 25 19, 26.6; 3 is Hi. 5 2:. 19, 33.1 ; 6 2ii 19, 34.5; 7 211 19, 35.5; 11 2:! 19, :; 28 50, 2vi: 11 :; 50, 32.8; 1 5 51, 28.2; 11 21 51, I 2 52, 29.0. 14N 4E-16M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55 feet. 1.3 miles south of McGowan Road, 0.4 mile east of Western Pacific Railroad tracks. 12/3/47, 22.5 ; 3 18/48, 20.3 ; 11 19 IS, 20.9; :: 13 19, 18.4. 14N 4E-17C1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 55 feet. 0.5 mile south of McGowan Road, 100 feet west of Western Pacific Railroad. 12 2 47. 23.9; 3 18 4s. 20.6; 11 19 is. 23.6; 3 18 49, 21.1 ; 11 22 49, 25.3; 3 28 50, 22.8; I 1 3 50, 26.7 : I 5 51, 20.8. 14N 4E-17D1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, elevation 54 feet. 0.5 mile south (•)' McGowan Road, 0.3 mile west of Western Pacific Railroad. 3/18 19, 21.0; 3 28 50, 22.7.. 14N 4E-17D2 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 54 feet. 0.5 mile south of McGowan Road, 0.3 mile wesl (if Wesl. ill Pacific Railroad. 12 1 47. 22.3. 14N 4E-17P1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 58.7 feet, 500 feet west of Western Pacific Railroad, 1.1 miles south of McGowan Road. 12/3/47, 28.2; 3/18/48, 21.8; 5 11 is. 23.2; 11 ID 48,24.4; 3 18 49,; II 18/40. 25.8; :; 28 50, 23.0; 11 ::i 50, 26.6; 1 5 51,20.9; 1 3 52,23.2. 14N 4E-18C1 — Reference point — hole in top of casing, elevation 53.1 feet. 200 feet south of Ella Road, 0.4 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 1111 47. 20.9; 3/5 4s. 19.7; 10/7/48, 27..",; II 11 is. in..-,; 1 27 in. 18.7; :; 21 411. 17.8; 12 1 in. 20.4; :; 28 50, li».l : 11 i; 50, 2::.r. ; :: 30 51, L5.1 ; 11 '20/51, 2::.:: ; I •'■ 52, 15.7. 14N 4E-18H1— Reference point bottom of pump, elevation 54.1 feci. Kin fed wesi of Arboga Road, 0.5 mile south of Ella Road. II 11 47. 21.2; .". 5 is. m.s; Ki t |s, 24.9; II 11 18, 21.0; :•> 21 in. 19.6; 12 1 in. 21.6. 14N/4E-18J1— Reference point t..p of suction flange, elevation 15.6 feet, ion feet west of Arboga Road, 0.6 mile south of Ella Road. 11 11 17. 17.6; 3 •"". Is. 14.2; 11 11 Is. 16.3; 3 21 in. L4.8; 12/1 in. 22.o. 14N/4E-19E1— Reference point— top of casing. 1 feci belo-n ground in pit, elevation 52 feel. 0.2 mile east nf Feather River Boulevard, 0.1 mile north nf Broadway. II 8 29, 8.0; 9 26 30, s.7; 12 11 31, 8.6; 12 :',! 32, 8.6; 12 21 ;;;;. 8.9; 11 20 34, 9.1 ; 11 27 36,9.4; ll 21 87. 11.1 ; l 30 39,6.6; 12 21 10,8.1. 14N 4E-19L1— Reference point k ! casing. 0.6 fool above ground, elevation Is feet. 0.4 mile east of Feather River Boule- vard, o.l mile south of Broadway. 11 7 17. 20.6; 12 Hi Is. 20.7; 12 11 111, 21.8; II 10 7,0. 23.6; 12 5 51, 21.2. 14N 4E-19P1 — Reference point — top of casing, top of concrete floor, elevation 50.1 feet. 0.3 mile south of Broadway, 0.5 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. I 1 17 17. 33.6; ". 9 18, 18 I . 11 10/48, 10.7: 3/23/49, 17.7); 12 2 49, 21.4; :'. 20 50,; 11 ."10. 22.3; •". 30 51, is. 7: 11 10 51, 22.1 ; 1 1 52, 9.5. 14N 4E-20D1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 53 feet. 200 feet north of Broadway, 0.0 mile west of Arboga Road. 12 3, 17. 21.'.); 3/18/48, 23,8. 14N 4E-20E1 — Reference point — pump base bole, elevation 54.3 feet . 150 feet north of Broadway, 1 .0 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 11 11 48, 20.0; 3/21/49, 18.2. 14N 4E-20M1 — Reference point — bol toni of pump mount . blocked up from concrete, elevation 52.2 feet. 50 feet south of Broad- way, 0.95 mile east of Feat her River Boulevard. 11/11 47. 22. 1 ; 3 6 is. 20.0; 10 7 Is. 22.8; 11/11 48, 21.5; 1 24/29, 20.0; 3 21 40. Hi.7; 12 1 49, 23.0; 3/29/50, 20.1); 11/6/50, 28.1 ; 11 20 .".1. 23.3; 4/5/52, 17.4. 14N 4E-20M2 — Reference point — bole in side of pump, elevation 52.8 feet. 400 feel soutb of Broad way. 1.0 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 11/11/47, is. 7; 3/6 48, 20.0; 10/7/48,21.7; 11/11/48, 19.5; 3/2/49, 16.9; 12/1/49, 21.2; 3/29/50, 18.5; 11/6/50, 22.1; :: 30 51, L8.0; 11 20 51, 21.7; 4/5/52, 16.1. 14N 4E-22F1 — Reference point — bole in top of pump base, eleva- tion 60 feet. 100 feel west of Forty Mile Road. 1.37. miles south of Slaughter I louse Road. 12/1/47, 22.6 ; 3/1/48, 21.3 ; 3/31 4s. 20.S; 10/7/48, 25.6; 11/8/48, 24.0; 1/25/49, 23.0; 3/18/49, 21.5; 11/23/49, 27.7. 14N 4E-22F2 — Reference point — bole in base of pump, elevation 58.4 feel. 200 feet west of Forty Mile Road. 1.2 miles south of Slaughter House Road. 12/2/47, 18.7; 3/17/48, 17.4. 14N 4E-22F3 — Reference point — access pipe in concrete base, ele- vation 61.9 feet. 150 feet west of Forty Mile Road. 1.3 miles south of Slaughter House Road. 12 2 47. 23.0; 3 17/4S. 22.2; 11/19/48, 24.9; 3/18/49, 21.9; 11/23 19, 27.0; 3/28/50, 25.6; 11/2/50, .80.4; 4/5/51, 28.9; 11/21/51, 32.4; 4/2/52, 25.5. 14N/4E-22M1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 61.8 feet. 0.4 mile west of Forty Mile Road. 1.25 Plumas School. 12/1/47, 21.7; 3/1/48, 20.5; 11 8 is. 23.5; 3/25/49, 20.5; 11/23/49, 20.4; 3/28/50, 23.1; 11/3/50, 28.1 ; 12/3/51, 28.1 ; 4/1 7,2. 23.9. 14N 4E-22P1 — Reference point — top of concrete curb around open pit well, elevation 64.9 feet. 50 feet west of Forty Mile Road, 1.2 miles north of Plumas Sqhool. 11/21/47, 20.0.' 14N 4E-23A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 60 feet. 300 feet southwest of U. S. Highway 99E. 1.5 miles southeast of Slaughter House Road. 12/3/47, 31.7; 3/18/48, 30.2; 11/18/48, 33.S: 3/18/49, 32.2; 11/28/49. 3S.2 ; 8 20 7,0. 30.7,; 11 3 7,0. 40.4; 11/21/51, 4.3.4; 4/2/7,2. 41.0. 14N/4E-23B1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.07 mile southwest of l\ S. Highway 00F. 0.38 mile north- west of Virginia Road. 12/8/47, 30.7; 3/18/ IS. 20.7.. 14N 4E-23G1 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 70 feel. 0.70 mile nr-i of U. S. Highway DOR. at a point 2.02 miles southeast of Slaughter House Road. 12/1 47. 30.9; 10 7 48, 83.1; 11/8/48, 32.0; 3 29/49, 80.0; 11/25/49, 87.2. 14N4E-23Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72 feet. 1.98 miles south of Slaughter House Road. 1.05 miles east of Fortj Mile Road. 11 21 17. 82.0; 3 8 Is. 111.2. 14N/4E-23R1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 07 feet. 1.0S miles south of Slaughter House Road. 1.48 miles east of Fortj .Mile Road. 11/21/47. 30.7.; 3,31 47. 20.7: 11/11 18, 33.0; 8 20 Hi. 80.0; 1 1 27. 40. 36.1. 14N 4E-24B1 — Reference point— top of feet. 0.80 mile east of Virginia I Road. 3/18 10. 2S.8. 14N 4E-24H1 — Reference point- top of pump base, elevation 85 feet. I..", miles south of ( )sl roni Road. 0.14 mile west of I'.rad- shaw Road. 11/18/48, 36.9; 3/1S/49, 34.0; 11 23 10. 42.9; 3 17 50, 39.8; 11 2 50, 15.8; I 5 7,1. 11.3; 11 30 7,1. 7,1.7; I ". 52, 43.7. miles north of 10/7/4S. 25.1 ; pump base, elevation 77. I mile south of ( Istrom APPENDIX E 1 35 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 4E-24M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 7o feet. 0.05 mile southwest of II. S. Highwaj 99E, 0.38 mile south- east of Virginia Road. 11/21/47. 22.5; 3/2/48, 28.7 ; 11/11/48. 31.1 ; 3/23/49, 28.3; 1 1 /i^r./4'.i. 34.5. 14N/4E-24P1 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 70 feet. West side of V. S. Highwaj 99E, 0.68 mile southeast of Virginia Road. 11/21/47, 32.7; 3 2 48, 30.5; 11 '9/48, 33.7; 1/25/49. 31.9; 3/23/49, 30.5; 5/25/49, 40.3; 7/1/49, 44.S ; 11/25/49, 38.5; 3/28/50, 35.1; 11/3/50, 40.6; 4/4/51, 35.8; 12/6 51,39.6; 4 2/52,41.9. 14N '4E-25R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74 feet. (•.."p.". mile northwest of Dairy Road, (Mi? mile southwest of I'. S. Highway 99E. 12/2/47, 29.4; 3/2/48, 27.6; 10/7/48, 32.8; 11/11/48, 31.2; 3/29/49. 28.0; 11/23/49. :',4.7. 14IM/4E-26A1 — Reference point— hole in base of pump, elevation 65 t'ect. 1.03 miles southeast of Virginia Road. 0.98 mile west of U. S. Highway 99E. 11/11/48, 33.2; 3/29/49, 30.2. 14N/4E-26C1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 66 feet. 1.45 mile north of Levee Road, 0.95 mile east of Forty Mile Road. 12/1/47, ls.2; 3/3/48, 16.7; 11/11/48, 19.7 ; 3/29/49, 17.5; 11 25 49, 22.4: :: 29 50, 20.9; 11/8 50, 24s : 4/4/51, 20.8; 5/5/51. 23.5; 4/2/52, 23.0. 14N'4E-27D1 — Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 60 feet. 1.20 miles north of Levee Road. 0.4(1 mile west of Forty Mile Road. 11/21/47, 24. 8. 14NL4E-27L1 — Reference point — pipe in base, elevation C>4.1 feet. 2. (id miles south of Slaughter House Road, west side of [•", ,i| \ Mile Road. 12/1/47, 24. s : 3/1/48, 23.4; 3/29/48, 23.5; 10/7/48, 30.0; 11/8/48, 28.1; l/25/4'.t. 20.7; :: 2.". 19, 25.6; 11/23/40. 29.6; 3/28/50, 2S.0 ; 11/3/50, M2.5 ; 11 30 51, 2:1.0; 4/1/52, 28.5. 14N '4E-27R1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 00 feet. 2.85 miles south of Slaughter House Road. 0.52 mile east of Forty Mile Road. 12/2/47, 30.3; 3/1/48, 2S.7 ; 11 8 48, 31.7; 3/25/40, 28.8; 11, 2:; 19, 33.6. 14N/4E-28N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 40 feet. 2.05 miles south of Slaughter House Road, 1.50 miles west of Forty .Mile Road. 11/8/29, 10.5; 9/26/30, 10.4; 12/11/31, 11.0; 12/5/32, 11.1 ; 12/21/33, 11.2; 11/20/34, 11.5; 11 '27/36, 11.0; 11/24/37. 12.0; 11/30/39, 0.2; 12/21/40, 10.9; 11/7/47. 13.1; 12/1G/48. 13.8; 12/9/40. 15.0; 11/10 50. 15.0; 12/5/51. 15.! I. 14N 4E-28R1 — Reference point — pipe in base of pump, elevation 00.2 feet. 0.55 mile north of Levee Road. 0.68 mile west of Forty Mile Load. 12,2,47, 25.2; 3/1 48, 24.1 ; 11/8 is 25 II ■ 3 25/49, 23.6; 11/23/40. 27.4; 3/28/50, 25.0; 11/3/50, 20 1 ■ 4/4/51, 21.7; 11/30/51, 34.1; 4/1/52, 24.0. 14N 4E-30E1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 4s. o feet, o.ll mile east of Feather River Boulevard, 0.25 mile south of Anderson Load. 11/17/47. 23.5; 3/9/48 L9.3 ; 11/10/48, 20.3 ; 3/23/49, 18.1; 12/2/49, 21.8. 14N/4E-30F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 0.15 mile north of Country Club Road. 0.40 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 11/17/47. 10.9; 3/9/48, 16.9; 11/10/48, 17.9. 14N/4E-30K1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45.0 feet. South side of Country Club Boulevard, 0.51 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. 11/17/47. 14.5; 3/8/48, 14.5; 5/8/48. 12.0; 11/10/48, 15.4; 1/29/49. 14.4; 3/23/49, 12.1; 6/1/49. 22.0; 29/49. 24.0; 7 2S 49, 25. 7 ; N/20/49. 30.1; 3/29/50. 13.5; 11/0/50, 17.2; 3/30/51. 12.2; 11/16/51. 10.s : 4/1/52. 12.2. 14N/4E-31E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 38.5 feet. 0.06 mile east of Feather River Boulevard. mile south of Country Club Road. 11/10/48, 11.9; 3/22/49, S.9 ; 12/2/49, 11.8. 14N/4E-32L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 1.0 mile south of Country Club Avenue. 1.24 miles east of Feather Liver Boulevard. 11/17/47. 18.0; 3/9/48, is. 2; 11/10/48, 17..".; 3/29/49, 15.4; 12/2/49. 19.:',. 14N/4E-33K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 51 feci. 1.50 mile west of Forty Mile Load. 0.55 mile north of Levee Road. 12/1/47. 19.7; 11/8/48, 20.6; :: 25 19, 18.0. 14N/4E-33M1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 51 feet. ."..7:i miles south of Slaughter House Load. 0.21 mile east of Western Pacific Railroad. 11/17/47. 14.:',; 3/9/48, 13.1; 5/5/48, 9.1; 5/31/48, 9.1; 11/10/48, 13.9; 1 21 19. i:;.s : :; 22 49, 10. S; 0/1/49, 10.8; 6/29/49, 12.8; 7/28/49, 14.2; s 20 19, 15.8; 12/2/49, 15.3; 3 29 50, 9.7; 11/6/50, 14.7; 11/16 51. i::.7; 4/1/52. 5.5. 14N '4E-34C1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 03.4 feet. 3.05 miles south of Slaughter House Road, 0.05 mile west of Forty Mile Load. 12/1/47, 27.8; 3/1/48, 20.5; 5 5 48, 25.1 ; .". 48, 26.8 ; 6 24 '48, 32.2 (operating) ; 7/8/4S, 29.2 (operating). 14N'4E-35N1 — Reference point — slot in base, elevation 02 feet. West side of Forty Mile Load, 0.60 mile northwest of Dairy Road. 11 2S 47. 25.7: 3/1/48, 24.1; 3/21/48, 24.2; 3/29.4S. 23.8; 5/5/48, 22.5; 5/13/48, 01.5 (operating); 11/8/48, 27.:.: I 20 19. 25.6; 3/25/49, 24.0; 11/23/49, 30.3; 3/28/50, 27.3; 11 50, 32.1 ; 4/4/51. 26.3; 11/30/51, 33.1; 4/1/52, 27.4. 14N/4E-36G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.20 mile northwest of U. S. Highway 99E. 12/2/47. 30.5; 3/2/4S. 28.5; 3/29/48, 28.0; 10/7/48, 33.6; 11/11/48, :;2.4 : 1/25/49, 31.8; 3/25/49, 29.0; 11/23/49. 30.7; 3/28/50, 32:6; 11/8/50. 37.0; 1 I 51, 30.8; 12/3/51, 41.0. 14N 5E-5A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 90.2 feet. 400 feet south of ceville Load, 1 .0 mile west of Soul h Lcale Road. 12/5/49. 39.1 ; 11/2/50, 40.9 ; 4/5/51, 41.9 ; 4/4/52, 41.5. 14N 5E-6B1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 78.5 feet. 150 feet south of Spenceville Load. 2.25 miles west of South Lcale Load. 11 28/48, 26.0; 1/18/49, 25.2; 3/21/49, 24.9; 11/24 49. 32.4; 3/27/40. 30.3; 11/2/50. 37.6; 4/5/51, 32.8; 11 30 51, 37.6; 4/4/52. 34.6. 14N/5E-6D1 — Reference point — top of 8-inch casing, elevation 70.4 feet. 00O feel south of Spenceville Load. 1.75 miles east of Virginia Road. 12/24/47. 22.4; 3/24/48, 22.3; 3/21/49, 23.7; 11/24/49, 33.7. 14N 5E-6D2 — Reference point — top of 6-inch casing, elevation 73.0 feet. S00 feet south of Spenceville Road, 1.75 miles east of Virginia Road. 11/18/48, 23.9. 14N/5E-8A1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing, elevation 90 feet. 0.40 mile northwest of South Beale Road at a point 0.70 mile northeast of Ostrom Road. 11/18/48. 24.7. 14N/5E-8D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 82 feet. 1 .0 mile north of ( >st rom Load. 1.0 mile east of Bradshaw Load. .". L8/49, 31.2. 14N 5E-8R1 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 89.6 feet. 0.15 mile northeast of intersection of Ostrom Road and South Lcale Road. 11/18/48, 30.5; 3/18/49, 30.1; 11/23/49, 39.7; 4/5/52,39.2. 14N 5E-15D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 111 feet. 500 feet cast of Ostrom Road. 0.25 mile south of Ostrom Road. 12/9/49. 42.3; 11/2/50. 40.4: 12/8/51, 47.3. 14N/5E-16C1 — Reference point — top of brick casing, elevation 90 feet. 100 feet south of Ostrom Road. 100 feet west of Jasper Lane. 11/22/29. 26.3; 9 8/30, 25.5; 12/11 '31, 27.5; 12/10/32, 26.7; 12 21:::;. 27.0; 11/20/34, 27.*: 11/23/36, 26.4; 11/22/37. 25.0; 1/27/39, 25.5; 1/13/41. 30.0; 11/7/47, 30.0; 12/23/47, 29.7 : 3/24/48, 30.0 ; 10/7/48, 31.2 ; 11/18/4S. 31.2 ; 12/16/48, 31.9; 1/18/49, 31.7; 3/18/49, 31.2. 14N/5E-16C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 100 feet. 40 feet west of Jasper Lane, 40 feet south of Ostrom Road. 12 r. 51, 41.9. 136 SUTTER-Y I T>A ( 'lll'XT 1 ES I X V EST I < 1 AT K ».\ TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 5E-17B1 — Reference point top of L2-ineh easing, elevation S5.7 feet. 100 feet south of Ostrom Road, 0.30 mile west of South Beale Road, 12 23 IT. 28.0; 3 24 48, 24.7; 10 7 48, 31.3; II 18 lv. 30.7; 3 18 19, 29.8; II 23 49, In. 7 : 4 3 52, 40.1. 14N 5E-17B2 — Reference point top of Hi-inch casing, elevation 90. 1 feet. Northwest side of South Beale Road, 1,000 feet south- west of Ostrom Road intersection. 11 L9 Is. 34.6; 3 L8 19, 33.4 : 11 23 49, 42.6. 14N 5E-17D1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch <:i siui;. elevation R6.8 feet. 600 feet south of Ostrom Road, 0.80 mile west of South Beale Road. 11 18 48, 37.1; 1 18 19, 36.0; 3 18 19, 35.2; 11 23 19, 18.3. 14N 5E-18A1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 87.0 feet. 750 feet south of Ostrom Road, 0.80 mile west of South Beale Road. 12 23 47. 33.7; 3 2 1 is. 32.9; 10 7 48, 39.0; 11 is 18,37.5; 1 is 49, 36.4 ; 3 18 19,35.6; 11 23 4!>. 45.1 ; 3 27 50, 11.8; 11 2 50, 50.1 : I 5 51, 44.4; 11 23 51, 50.5; I 3 52, 45.8. 14N 5E-18B1 — Reference point — top of 12-ineh casing, elevation 7s. i feet. Smith side of Ostrom Road, 0.35 mile east of Brad- shaw Road. 12 23 47. 25.7; 3 2 Is. 28.5; Id 7 4s. 33.5; II Is is. 31.7; 3 is 4:1. 28.0; 5 25 19, 36.6; 6 29 49, 10.4; s 1 49, 12.7; 8 30 19,51.2; 11 23 19,39.7. 14N 5E-21R1 — Reference point —top of casing, elevation 93 feet. 200 feet northeast of Jasper Lane at n point 1.9 miles south of Ostrom Road. 11 25 47. 21.5. 14N 5E-26P1 — Reference point — top of concrete crib, elevation 119.7 feet. 0.25 mile southeast of Wheatland-Spenceville Road .■it a point 0.85 mile 'theast of Jasper Lane. 11 25/47, 28.5; 3 6 is. 28.2; 11 9 Is. 28.8; 3 23 19, 27.5; 12/9/40, 31.0; 3 29 50, 29.9; 11 8 50, 33.7: I 5 51, 20.0. 14N 5E-27K1 — Reference point — top of concrete crib, elevation 84.7 feet. 0.25 mile northeast of Jasper Lane at a point 0.85 mile northwest of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. 11/25/47, 12.0; :; 6 is. 11.8; 11 4s. L3.2 ; 3 23 49, 11.3; (l 29 19, 12.7; 7 28 19, 13.3; 8 30 19, 13.9; 11 '28 40. 16.8. 14N 5E-27L1 — Reference point -top of 14 inch casing al bottom of pit. elevation 81.2 feci. 900 feet northeast of Jasper Lam at a point 1.1 miles northwest of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. 271.2 replaces 271.1 after 4 I 51. 11 2.". 47. (1.7; :'. (1 48, li..". : ll 9 is. 7.9; :: 2:: 19, 6.0; 11 28 49, 9.1; :: 29 50, 7.1; 11 8 o(i. 12.2; I 1 51, ."..4. 14N 5E-27L2— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 02 feet. 900 fee! northeast id' .Jasper Lane at a point 1.1 miles north west of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. 11 21 5] 32 2- 4 2 52 27..".. 14N 5E-28M 1 — Reference point -lop of casing pit. elevation 86.5 feet. 1.0 mile southwest of Jasper Lane at a point 1.15 miles northwest of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. 11/26/47, 25.7; 3 6 is. 24.6; 11 o Is. 26.9; :: 20 40. 24.5; 11 28/49, 30.4; ■". 20 r,(i. 27.7; 11 28 I'.'. 30.4; :; 29 50, 27.7; 11 8 50 34.0; I I 51, 29.0; II 21 51, 34.2; I 2 52, 2N.2. 14N 5E-30J1 — Reference point top of l I inch casing, elevation 81.8 feet. 0.30 mile northeast of 1'. S. Highway 99E at a point 1.8 miles northwest of Wheatland Road. 11 25 17 388- I I o is, 32.8; :; 20 19, 20.1 : 12 8 10. 36.0. 14N 5E-30Q1 — Reference point top of 16-inch casing, elevation ffi.G feet. 100 feet southwest of Oakley Lane, 0.40 miles north- west of Dairj Road. II 21 17. 30.4; 3 5 Is, 28.6; .". 20 is 27.9; 5 8 is. 27.0; 11 11 is. 32.5; 1 25 10. 31.0; 3 2:: 10 20.0; 11 2:: 10. 35.9; :; 2s 50, 35.7 ; 11 8/50; 39.5; I l :,1 34.5; 12 1; 51, 39.0; I 2 52, 36.1. 14N 5E-31B1 — Reference point hole in casing, elevation "6.8 feet. Ion feet northwest of Dairj Road, 500 feci southwest of Oakley Lane. II 22 17. 2s. 1 ; :; r, js, 27.1 ; 11 II Is 30 2- ■: 2:. 1:1. 21;. s ; 11 25 10. :;:;.(;. 14N 5E-31J1 — Reference point top of 8-inch casing at bottom of pil. elevation 59.8 feel. lOO feet southwest of Oakley I.ano, 0.45 mile southeast of Dairy Road. 11/22/47, 11.2; 3/5/48, 9.5 J 1111 48, 13.1 : :; 25 40. 9.3; li/28/49, 16.1. 14N 5E-32F1 — Reference point- -lop of 14-inch casing, elevation 71.(1 feet. Southwest of I'. S. Highway 99E, 0.35 mile southeast of Dairy Road. 11 22 17. 17.1 ; 3/5/48, lfi.G; 3/29/48, 15.6; 11 11 48, 19.4; 1 26 10. 18.0; 3/24/40, 16.0; 11/23/49, 22.5. 14N 5E-32M1 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation (17.2 feet. 0.25 mile northeast of Oakley Lane. 0.(1(1 mile south- east of Dairy Road. 11 22 47. 14.7; 3/5/48, 13.6; 11 11/48, 16.2; 3 2:i 40, 12.5; 11 28 40. I'd. 7. 14N 5E-32N1 — Reference point— -top of casing at bottom of pit. elevation 63.2 feet. Southwest side of Oakley Lane. (1.7(1 miles southeast of Dairy Road. 11/20/47. 11.7; 3 5 is. 10.7; 11 11 48. 13.3; 3 25 49, 9.3; 11 23/40. 17.2; 3 20 50, 12.7; 11 8 50, 18.5; 4 4 51, 9.9; 12/3/51, 17.(i ; 4/2 .V2. 8.5. 14N 5E-32R1 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 73.8 feet. 400 feel southwest of 1'. S. Highway 99E at a point 0.55 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. 12/24/47. 16.9; 3/5 48, 15.7; 11/11/48, 17.5; 3/30/49, 15.0; 5/3/49, 16.9; 2 40. 10.S; 7/2/40, 21.1; N/31/40. 24.(1; 11/28 10. 2(1.3. 14N 5E-32R2 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 74. s feet. 100 feel sonihwest of V. S. Highway 99E, 0.55 mile northwest of -Wheatland Road. 11/24/47, 17.3; 3 5 4s. Hi. 2; 11 11/48, 18.5; 3/30 10. 15.2; 6/2/49, 24.9; 7 2 40. 27.6; s 31 '40. 28.0; 11 24/49, 21.1 ; 3 20 50, 18.0; 11 8 50, 23.1 ; 1 I 51, 15.1 ; 11 21 '51, 23.2; 4/2/52. 13.0. 14N 5E-33K1 — Reference point — bottom of slot in cas J ng, eleva- tion 7N..3 feel. 0.40 mile northwest of Wheatland-Spenceville Road ai a point 0.45 mile northeast of V. s. Higbwv '■ OK. 11/25/47, 14.0; 3/6/48, 13.3; 11/9/48, 15.5; 3, 23, 40, 11.4; 11/28/49, 17.(1; 3/29/50, 13.0; 11/8/50, 10.."",; 11/21/51, 19.5; 4/2/52, 10.4. 14N 5E-33M1 — Reference point — to], , if casing at bottom of pit. elevation 65.8 feet. 0.15 mile northeast of U. S. Highwaj 99E at a point 0.55 mile northwest of Wheatland Road. 11 25 47. 6.0 : 3 48, 5.6; 12/6 4s. 6.8. 14N 5E-33Q1 — Reference point — top of concrete well curb, eleva- tion sr, feet. Northwest of the northeast corner of town of Wheatland. 1,000 feel north of school house east side. 11/22 20, 22.2; IS 30, 23.6; 12 11 31. 23.3; 12/10/32, 22.1 ; 12 21 33. 22.7;ll/20/34, 23.5; 11/23/36, 23.4; 11/22/37, 22.0; 1 27 30, 20.8; 1 2 III. 20.4; 11/7/47. 27.0; 12/16/48, 20.3, ; 12 10, 20.0; 11 s :,n. 31.3; 12 :, 51, 28.8. 14N5E-34F1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 90.2 leel. .,00 feet -thwesl of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. II. 2.", mile southwest of Jasper Lane. 11/25/47, 19.0; 3 (i 4s. is.1 ; ll 18, 20.2; 3 23, 10.17.1:11 28 40.22.:,. 14N 5E-34H1 — Reference point — hasp of pump, elevation 00.7 feet. 600 feel southeast of Wheatland-Spenceville Road. 1.000 feci northeast of Jasper Lane. 11/25/47, 20.6; 3, IS. 20.4; 11/0/4S. 21.2; 3 23 40, 19.8; 11/28/49, 23.4. 15N 1 E-12A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 150 feel. 1.0."", miles north of Soulh Iilltte Road. 2.1 miles west of Irwin Avenue. 12/2/48, 83.0 (operating). 15N 1E-12H1 — Reference point — hide in pump base, elevation SO feet. 0.7."", mile north of South Butte Road. 2.1 miles west of Irwin Avenue. 12 2 48, 13,. 2. 15N 1E-3A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 57 feel. 0.1 mile north of Soulh Butte Road. 2.1 miles west of Irwin Avenue. 12 22 40. 25.1; 3/4/4S. 21.8; •", 20 40. 10.4; I I 15 10. 24.0; 3 23, 50, 13.3; 11 '2/50, 27.2: 1 3, 52, 27.1. 15N 1E-13B1 — Reference point — bole in cement pipe base, eleva- vatioii 55 feel. 0.15 mile -| h of South Butte Road. 2.3, miles vve-l of Irwin Avenue. 12 2 IS. 31.8; 112 oil. 33.2; 3 2(1/51, 63.8 i opera! ing) , APPENDIX E 137 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 1E-14F1 — Reference point — bottom of 2" x 4" board under pump, elevation 54 feet. Smith side of South Butte Road. (>..", mile east of Sutter Bypass cast levee. 12/22/47, 18.5; 3/4/48, 18.3; 5/4/48, 15.5; 6/2/48, 15.8; 7/3/48,; 8/3/48, 17.7: 9/1/48, 17.9; 12/2/48, 18.9; 12/8/49, 19.0; 3/23/50, 10.9; 11/2/50, 19.6. 15N 1E-14F2 — Reference point— top of concrete pit, elevation 47 feet. 0.05 mile south of South Butte Road. 0.2 mile east of Sutter Bypass east levee. 11/27/29, 16.8; 10/6/30, 15.0; 12/16/31, 14.8; 12/8/32, 15.0; 12/15/33, 15.1; 11/2/34, 1 is : 11/23/34, 14.3 ; 11/27/36. 14.4 ; 11/15/37, 15.6 ; 1/25/39, 14.8; 1/11/41, 10.7; 11/4/47. 15.4; 12/13/48, 15.7; 12/8/49, 16.1 ; 11/10/50, 16.8; 12/7/51. 14.3. 15N 2E- 1 A1— Reference point — top of concret< pit, elevation 58.0 feet. KM) feet south of Nuestro Road. 0.15 mile west of Town- ship Road. 12/19/47, 11.9; 3/3/48, 12.7; 12/1/48, 12.5; 1/20/4!), 12.2; 3/16/49, 12.2: 6/28/49, 10.2; 7/27/49. 9.4; 11/11/49. 13.2; 3/23/50, 13.2; 11/6/50, 13.5; 4/3/51. 0.7; 11/14/51, 12.1; 4/:; 52, 6.5. 15N/2E-1C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 58.2 feet. 0.1 mile south of Nuestro Road. 0.65 mile west of Township Road. 12/19/47, 10.3; 12/2/4S, 11.7; 11/11/49, 11.5. 15N '2E- 1 H 1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit. eleval ion 57.7 feet. 150 feet west of Township Road. 0.35 mile south of Nuestro Road. 12/22/47. 13.3; 3/3/48, 13.6; 12/1/48, 14.0; 3/16/40. 13.7; 11/11/49, 14.6. 15N 2E-2C1 — Reference point — top of wooden platform under pump, elevation (io.4 feet. 50 feel west of East Butte Road. 0.15 mile north of Nuestro Road. 12/19/47, 11.8; 3/3/48, 11.8; 12/2/4S. 9.5; 3/16/49, 8.0; 11/10/40, 0.5; 3/22/50, 9.4; 11/2/50. O.S; 4/4/51. 8.6; 11/14/51, 8.1; 4/3/52, 6.3. 15N 2E-2H 1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 57.0 feet. 0.3 mile south of Nuestro Road. 1.1 miles west of Township Road. 12/10/47. 10.4; 3/3/48. 11.3; 12/2/48, 10.0; 3/16/49, 0.0; 11 II 10, 9.2; 3/23 50, 10.1 ; 11/2/50, 0.1 ; 4/4/51, 0.7; 11/14/51, o.o; 1 :; 52, 7.9. 15N/2E-3K1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 57 feet. 0.1 mile east of Mallott Road. O.S mile north of Butte House Road. 12/22/47. 10.7; 3/4/48, 11.8; 12/2/48, 10.0; 11/16/49, O.o. 15N/2E-4Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 86 feet. 0.15 mile east of Acacia Avenue, 0.3 mile north of Butte House Road. 12/22/47, 35.7: :! 4 48, 36.2; 12 2 4s. 35.6; :: 20 40, 36.0; 11/16/49, 36.6. 15N 2E-4R1 — Reference point- -hase of pump, elevation 74 feet. 0.3 mile east of Acacia Avenue, 0.35 mile north of Butte House Road. 12/22/47. .".4.2; 12/2/4S, 35.0; 11/16/40. 37.0; 3/23/50. 36.0; 11/2/50. 38.0; 4/5 51. 34.0; 11/15/51, 37.0; 4/3/52. 31.0. 15N/2E-8J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75 feet. 0.2 mile west of Irwin Avenue, 0.45 mile north of South Butte Road. 5/4/4S. 33.6; 12/2/48, 34.7; 12/8/40, 34.8; 3/23/50. 34.2; 11/15/51, 35.8; 4 3/52, :',4.7. 15N/2E-8Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 62 feet. 250 feet north id' South Butte Road, 0.25 mile west of Irwin Avenue. 12/22/47, 20.4; 12/2/48, 20.3 ; 3/29/49, 27.8; 11/15/49, 29.6; 3/23/50. 27.7; 11/2/50. 30.6; 4/5 51, 30.6; 11/15/51. 30.3; 4/3/52. 24.5. I5N/2E-10F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 56 feet. 0.1 mile south of Butte House Road. 0.2 mile west of Mallott Road. 12/22/47, 21.2; 3/5/48, 10.1; 3/29/49, 20.0; 11/10 49, 20.5; 3/23/50, 21.4; 11/2/50. 20.5; 3/20/51. 20.1; 11/15 51, 20.1 ; 4/2/52, 15.5. 15N/2E-11C1— Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 53.6 feet. 200 feet north of Butte House Road, 0.15 mile west of East Butte Road. 12/22/47. 9.0; 3/3/48, 10.6; 12/2/48, 7.7: 3/16/49, 0.1; 11/10/40. 7.4; 3/23/50, 8.2; 11/2/50, 7.0; 4/4/51. 0.1 ; 11/14/51, 0.9 ; 4/3/52, 7.2. 15N/2E-11N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 50 feet. 50 feet west of Humphrey Road, 0.55 mile south of Butte House Road. 12 22 47. 0.0; 3/5/48, 10.8; 9/27/48, 5.1: 11/17/48, 8.9; :\ 28, 40, 0.1. 15N/2E-12A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55.8 feet. 100 feet southwest of intersection of Township and Pease Roads. 12/21/47. 5.8; 3/3/48, 16.8; 12/1/48, 15.0; 3/16/49, 13.6; 11/11 40. 14.S. 15N 2E-12K1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 53.8 feci. 100 feet north of Butte House Road, 0.45 mile west of Township Road. 12/22/47, 13.2; 3/3/48, 12.4; 12/2/48, 11.9; 1/20/49. 13.3; 3/17/49. 11.5; 11/10/40, 11.3; 3/23/50, 11.1; 11/1/50, 11.3; 4/4/51, 9.2; 11/14/51, 10.0; I 3 52, 5.2. 15N 2E-12R1 — Reference point- — top of casing, elevation 52 feet. 0.1 mile west of Township Road. 0.3 mile south of Butte House Road. 12/10/47. 0.2 ; 3/24/48, 7.2; 11/18/48, 7.0; 3/28/49, 6.0; 11/23/49. 0.4. 15N 2E-13E1 — Reference point — top of w len planks under pump, elevation .10 feet. 0.3 mile south of Fortuna Road, 0.0 mile west of Township Road. 12/22/47, 7.8; 3/5/48, 0.5; 11/1S/48, 11.3 ; 3/28/49, 7.5 ; 11/23/49, 0.4. 15N 2E-13J2 — Reference point — top of casing at bottom of pit, elevation 40 feet. 250 feet west of Township Road, 0.4 mile north of State Highway 20. 12/10/47. 8.1 ; 3/5/48, 0.1; 0/27/4S, 0.3; 11/18/48, 0.0; :i/2S/40. S.l ; 5/20/40, S.O ; 0/2S/40, 10.7; 7/27/40, 11.:'.; N/20/40. 10.5; 11/23/40, O.S; 3/23/50. S.O; 3/27/51, O.S; 11 14 51, 7.0; 4/1/52. 4.4. 15N 2E-14A1 — Reference point— top id' brick casing, elevation 51.7 feet. 200 feet south of Fortuna Road. 1 mile west of Township Road. 12/22/47. 10.8; 3/3/48, 10.2; 12/2/48, 10.1; 3/16/49, 0.2; 11/11/40, 0.:'.; 3/23/50, 0.7: 11/2/50. 0.6; 4 4/51, 7.4; 11/14/51, 7.0; 4/3/52, 5.8. 15N 2E-15C1 — Reference point — top of casing at bottom of pit, elevation 30 feet. 200 feet south of South Butte Road. 0.85 mile east of Acacia Road. 12/23/47. 4.0; 3/4/48, 4.5; 12/2/48. :;.:;; 12/8/49, 2.4. 15N 2E-15D1 — Reference point — top of casing in pit, elevation 44 feet. South side of South Butte Road. O.o mile east of Acacia Avenue. 12 :;.". 47. 5.4; :', 4/48, 0.2: 12/2/48, (',.2; 3/29/49. 6.1; 11/16/49, 4.4; 3/23/50, 4.7; 11/2/50, 4.1; 4/1/51, 4.3; 11/15/51. 3.6; 4/2/52, 1.1. 15N 2E-15R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 48 feet. 150 feet west of Humphrey Road. 0.1 mile north of Stair Highway 20. 12/22/47, 0.3; 3/5/48. 10.4; 9/27/48. 3.8; 11/17/48, 5.0; 3/28/40. 4.5; 11/23/40. 5.7; 3/24/50, 5.5; 10/31/50, 4.7; 3/20/51. 3.1; 11/15/51. 4.1; 4/1/52, 2.0. 15N 2E-16E1 — Reference point — slot in casing, elevation 56 feet. 200 feet west of Third Avenue. 0.25 mile south of South Butte Road. 12/22/47. 21.4; 3/4/48, 22.2; 12/2/48, 21.15; 3/29 40. 20.7; 11/16/49, 20.0. 15N/2E-17E1 — Reference point — slot in casing, elevation 40 feet. 0.3 mile south of South Butte Road. 0.7 mile west of Irwin Avenue. 12/22/47, 14.1 ; 3/4/48, 14.1; 12/2/48. 14.2; 3/20/49. 12.1; 11/15/49, 14.0; 3/23/50. 12.9; 11 2 50, 15.8; :i 26/51, 35.2 (operating) ; 11/15/51, 21.0; 4/3/52, 8.0. 15N 2E-21C1 — Reference point — top of easing in pit, elevation 38 feel. South west corner of Acacia Road and State Highway 20. 12 22 47. 1.0; :; 4/48, 2.0; 12 2 48, 1.8; 3/29/49, 0.8; 11/16/40, 0.3; 3/24/50, 0.5; 11/2/50. —0.7; 3/26/51, —1.0; 11/15/51, 0.0; 4/2/52, —2.7. 15N/2E-22B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 46 feet. 0.2 mile south of State Highway 20, O.o mile west of Humphrey Road. 12/23/47, 10.2; 3/4/48, 11.2; 122 4s. 0.5 ; :: 24 40. 4.0; 11/10 40. 8.9; :; 2:; 50, 0..-,; 11/2/50, 0.1 ; 3/20/51. 8.5; 11/15/51, 8.3; 4/2/52, 6.8. 15N/2E-22R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 45 feet. 200 feet north of Franklin Road. 0.15 mile west of Humphrey Road. 12/22/47, 8.9 ; 3/5/48, 9.5 ; 9/27/4S, 6.0 ; 11/17/48, 8.0 ; 3/28/49, 4.1. V)S SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 2E-23B1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 15 feet. if) pi south of State Highwaj 20, 0.75 mile east of Humphrey Road. 12 22 -IT. 6.8; :: 5 IV 7.S ; ll IT is. 6.2 : :; 28 19, 5.9; I l 23 I!'. o.l : 3/24 50, 6.7 ; 10 31 50, T.l ; 3 26 51, 5.0; II 15 .".1. 5.2; I 1 52, 2.8. 15N 2E-24B1 — Reference poinl hole in pump base, elevation 51 feet. 300 feel south of State Highway 20, 0.3 mile west of Township Road, ll' 22 IT. 13.7; 3 •"> Is. II. I: 27 is. L2.4 ; ll IT is. 13.5; :: 2s 19, 13.5; 11 23 in. 8.1 ; :: 21 50, 13.8; in :;i 50, 14.6; 3 2T 51, 11.0; 1111 51, 12.'.); 4 1 52, 7.0. i5N 2E-24N1 — Reference point— top of concrete foundation, ele- vation 17 feet. 0.1 mile north of Franklin Road, 0.8 mile wesl of Township Road, ll 2T 29, 1I.O; III 6 30, 13.0; 12 1.". .".1. I 1.0; 11 30 32, 13.0; 12 11 ::::. 13.9; 11 10 34. L3.6; 11/28 36, 11.2; 11 21 3T. 10.9; 1 2.) 39, 10.3; I 11 11. 5.6; 11 I IT. 9.4; 12 11 is. 10.9; 12 8 49, 10.4; 11 Id 50, 1(1.4; 12 T 51, 6.6. 15N 2E-25A1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 48 feet. 0.05 mile south of Franklin Road, 0.2 mile west of Town ship Road. 12 22 4T. 13.4; 3/5 18, 14.6; 11 17/48, 13.5; 3 2s 19, 12.2: 11 23/49, 13.5; 3 24 50, 13.1 ; 10/31/50, 13.4 ; 3 2T 51, lo.T; 11 14/51, 12.0; 1 1 52,6.9. 15N 2E-25N1— Reference point —top of casing, elevation 4!> feet. o.l mile north of Lincoln Road, 0.85 mile wesl of Township Komi. 12 22 IT. 11. s : :: :, 4S, 13.0; 11 1T 48, 11.1 : 3 2s 19, 10.6; 11 2:i I'.'. 10.8. 15N 2E-26B1 — Reference point — top of e irete pipe casing, ele- vation 40 feet. 50 feel south of Franklin Road, 0.6 mile east of Humphrey Road. 12 22 IT. T.3 : 3 5 is. 8.2; 9/27/48, 3.0; II IT is. t;.(i : ;; 28 19, 5.5; 112:: 40. 6.4; 3 24/50, 6.9; Ki :;i 50, 5.6 ; :; 2T 51, 5.3 ; 11 -15 51, 5.2 ; 4/1/52. 4.1. 15N 2E-26E1 — Reference point — top of wooden box casing, ele- vai ion 42 feet . 250 feel east of Humphrey Road. 0.45 mile soul h of Franklin Road. 12 22 IT. 9.8; :'. 5 Is. il.s ; 11 IT Is, s.2 ; 3 28 10. 6.6; 11 2:; 10. 7.0; 3 24/50, 8.1 : well destroyed. 15N 2E-28D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 41 feet, .".(in feet south of Franklin Road. 0.1 mile west of Wadsworth Canal west levee. 12 22/47, T.l; 3/4 Is. 8.2; 12/2/48, T.O; :; 20 10. 5.5; ll it; 19, 5.9; 3 2:: 50, T.7. 15N 2E-28D2 — Reference point— top of casing in pit, elevation 38 feel. 500 feel sonlh of Franklin Road. 0.2 mile west of YYads- worth Canal west levee. 11 2 50, 2.5; 3 20 51, 11.0 (operat- ing) : 11 L5/51, 2.1 ; I 3 52, —0.8. 15N 2E-34D1 — Reference point — lop of casing, elevation 41 feet. Southeast of intersection of Lincoln and Clements roads. 12 22 IT. 7.5; :: I 18, 8.1 ; 12 2 Is. 7.0; 11 15 19, o.l. 15N 2E-35B1 — Reference point — top of casing in pit. elevation 35 feet. 0.1 mile south id' Lincoln Road. 1.1 mill's west of Town- ship Road. 12 22 IT. 1.0;.", 5 4S. 2.6 ; III 1 is. 0.5; Ll/17/48, 1.5; 3 28 10. o.O. 15N 2E-35D1 — Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 42 feel. (1. 1 mile south of Lincoln Road. 1 .S miles west of Township Road. 12 2.-. 47. 8.7; 3 48, 9.5; 11 IT Is. 8.1 ; 3/28 10. 0.2; ll 2:: 19, 8.3; ::2I 50, 6.8; 11 1 50, 7.2; 3/27/51, 6.8; 11 14/51, 0.2; I 1 52, I.T. 15N 2E-35Q1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation ll.o feel. (I.I mile north of Bogue Road, I.:', miles west of Township Road. 12 22/47, 5.0; 3 5 18,6.1; 10 I 18, 4.7; 11 IT 18, 1.1; 3 20 io. 3.0; 11 25 10. l.l ; :; 2 1 50. 1.1 ; 11 1 50, 3.3; :: 2T 51, 2.9; 11 14/51, 2.5. 15N 2E-36A1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 40 feel, loo feel south of Lincoln Road. O.l mile west of Township Road. 12 22 IT. 12.::; 3/5 is. 13.3; io I Is. L0.6 ; 11 12 18, 11.0; 3 28 io. 11.6; 28 19, 6.7; T 2T 10. T.l; 8 25 10. 7.0; ll 2:: 10. 11.2; :; 21 50, 11.3; ll l 50, 10.9; 3 2T 51, 9 I . II 14/51, 10.2; I 2 52, 6.3. 15N 2E-36H1 — Reference point top of plank in pit, elevation 40 feet. 0.15 mill" west of Township Road. 0.45 mile south of Lin- coln Road. 12 22 IT. 6.3; 3 5 IT. 7.5; 11 IT 48, 1.1 ; 3 20/49, 5.0. 15N 2E-36P1 — Reference point —top of casing, elevation 4.">.T feet. 0.15 mile north of Bogue Road. 0.05 mile west of Tow nship Road. 12/22/47, 7.0; 3 5 Is. 8.9; 11/17/48, 6.0; 3 29/49, 3.6; 11 25 10. 5.8; 3 2 1 50, 6.8. 15N 3E-1C1 — Reference point — top of 10-iueh casing, elevation 0:; feet. 0.3 utile east of State Highway 24, 1.0 mile south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 14.5; 3 IT 18, 14.0; 11 30 is. 11.0; I 20 10. 11.2: :: 17/49, L3.0; 11/17/40. 15.7; :: 21 '50, 13.1; II 50, 15.0; 3/29/51, 0.0; 11/27/51, 14.6; 4/6 52, 7.5. I5N 3E-1D1 — Reference point -hole in pump base, elevation 64 feel. 0.1 mile east of State Highway 24. 0.75 mile south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 19.5; 3/20 18, 10.1: 11 30/48, 17.0; 3 IT io. 15.0; 11 10 40. 18.S. 15N 3E-2A1 — Reference point — top of 16-inch casing, elevation 04 feet. 0.3 mile west of State Highway 24. 0.85 mile south of Ellis Road. 11 4T. 25.1; 3 20 Is. 18.9; 11 30 4s. 21.6; 11 16 10. 22::; :: ::i 50, L6.3; 11/6/50, 22.1. 15N3E-2A2 — Reference point — top of 14-inch casing, elevation 63 feet. 0.25 mile west of State Highway 24. 1.05 miles south of Ellis Road. 11 4T. 20.4; 11/30/48, 14. T ; 3 IT 40, 16.0; 11 '17/49, 10.0. 15N 3E-2A3 — Reference point — bole in base of pump, elevation 65 feet. 0.05 mile west of State Highway 24. 0.5 mile south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 1S.4; 3 20 48, 1S.2; 12 2 48, 17.7; 3/17/49, 15.5; 11/10/40. 10. S. 15N 3E-2B2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 64 feet, 0.35 mile west, of Slate Highway 24, 0.75 mile south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 21.2; 11 30/48, 17.2; 3/17/49, 16.2; 11/16/49, 22.0; 3 20 51, 12.0. 15N 3E-2C1 — Reference point — bole in base of pump, elevation 05 feet. 0.85 mile west of Slate Highway 24. 0.0 mile south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 24.5; :'. 20 48, 23.5; 11 30 4s. 23.3; :: 17 40, 20.4; 11/17/40, 25.3; 3/21/50, 19.2; 11 '6/50, 24.3; 3/29/51, 15.1 ; 11/10/51. 23.5 ; 4/0/52. 10.2. 15N 3E-2H1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 63 feet. 0.3 mile west of Slate Highway 24. 1.25 miles south of Ellis Road. 11/0/47. 20.0; 3/17/48, 19.0; 5/7 48, 17.3; 11 30 48, 19.6; 3/17/40, 17.8; 11/17/49, 21.3. 15N 3E-2J1 — Reference point top of 16-inch casing, elevation 63 feet. 0.4 nub west of Slate Highway 24. 1.0 miles south of Ellis Road. 11/6/47, 17.8; 3 IT Is. 16.8; 5/7/48, 14.S; 11/30/4S, 17.4; 1/20/40. 10. T ; 3 IT 10. 15.5 ; 11/17/49, 18.4. 15N 3E-3D2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 03.7 feet. 250 feet south of Eager Road. 0.1 mile west of U.S. Highway 99E. 11 1 47. 25.S. 15N 3E-3G1 — Reference point — hole iii base of pump, elevation 62 feet. 0.2 mile south of Rednall Road, 0.3 mile east of U.S. llighwa.v 99E. 11 5 4T. 28.6; 3/17/48, 28.1; 5/12 18, 23.6; 11 29 is. 28.5; 3 IT 10. 25.T ; 11 14 49, 30.6; 3 22 50, 24.0; 11 6 50,29.6; I 3 51.21.2; 11/14/51,27.7; 1 3 52, 10.1. 15N 3E-4C1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 00. feet. 0.20 mile south of Eager Road, 0.05 mile west of Onstotl Road. 12/10 47. 23.2; 3 2 Is. 27.5; 12 1 4s, 22. T ; 3 IT 10. 21.2: 11/11 40, 25.8; 4 3 ..I, is.4. 15N 3E-4C2 — Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 01.5 feet. 0.25 mile south of Eager Road. 0.50 mile west of Onstotl Road. 5 I is. 22.0:0 3 18, 22.0 ; 9/1/48, 30.3 ; 9/30 is. 27.2 : 11 29 18,23.7; I 20 10.23.2:3 IT 10.22.5; 11 II 10. 2T.1 ; 3 22 50, 23. T; 111 '50, 27.5; 11 14 51, 23.7; I 3 52, 11.0. 15N 3E-4H1 — Reference point top of concrete base, bottom of pit. elevation IT. 2 feet, o.l mile west of Onstotl Roto I, o.O mile south of Eager Road. 11 1 IT. 17.9; 11 20 is. 15.5; 3/17/49, 12.4; 11 11 io. 10.0. APPENDIX E 1 39 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 3E-4J1 — Reference point — top of casing, bottom of pit, ele- vation 47.7 feet. 0.1 5 mile west of < (nstol t Road, 0.85 mile south of Eager Road. 11/4/47. 17.6; 11 29 48, K'.o : 3/17/49, 13.0 ; 11/14/49, 1S.4; 11/14/50, 23.0. 15N/3E-4N1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 59.4 feet. 0.1 mile north of Pease Road. 0.5 mile easf of Terra Buena Road. 12/21/47, 27.1; 3/24/48, 27.1; 12/1/48, 27.0; 3/16 49, 26.5; 5/26/49, 27.0; G/:;o/4!>. 34.0; 11 11 19, 29.6; 3 23 50, 25.9; 11/6/50, 30.7; 4/4/51. 22.(i: 11/14/51, 26,8. 15N/3E-5B2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 62.5 feet. 0.15 mile smith and L50 feet east of a |ioinl on Eager Road at intersection of Larkin Road. 12/19/47, 21.8; 3/2 18, 22.1; 12/1/48, 20.7; 1/20/49, 20.2; 3/17/49, 19.5; 11 '11/49, 23.0. 15N 3E-5D2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 59.8 feet. 50 feet south of Nuestro Road, 0.4 mile west of Terra Buena Road. 12/10/47. 18.7; 3/24/48, 20.6; 12/1/48, 18.0; 3/10/40, 17.3; 11/11/40. 10.0; 3/23/50, 15.1; 11/6/50, 22.0; I 3 51. li'.:: ; 11/14/51, is.2; I 3 52, 7.4. 15N 3E-5G1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 50.5 feet. 0.25 mile east of Terra Buena Road, 0.5 mile north of Pease Road. 12/10/47, 18.9; 3/3/48, 24.2; 12/1/48, 23.0; 3/16/49. 22.0: 11/11/49, 24.7. 15N/3E-6B1 — Reference point- top of 2" x (i" bridge over con- crete pit. elevation 50. S feet. 200 feet east of Broadway, 0.15 mile west of Xnestro Road. 12/10/47. 10.S ; 3/24 IS. 17.4; 12/1/48, 10.1 : 3/16/49, 13.7; 11/11/49, 1S.2. 15N/3E-6C1 — Reference point — top of 2" x 0" bridge over con crete pit, elevation 5s. s feet. 400 feet north of Xnestro Road, 0.2 mile east of Township Road. 12/10 47. 14.2 : 3 3 is. 1 1.:; ; 12/1/48, 14.0; ;; 16 40. 12.2; 5/26/49, 13.8; 6 28 19, 15.4; 7/27/40. 17.3, ; 8 25 1!), 10.5; 11/11/40, 10.::. 15N 3E-6Q1 — Reference point — slot ill concrete base, elevation 56.4 feet. 0.2 mile north of Pease Road, 0.4 mile east of Town- ship Road. 12/21/47, 17.S; 3/3/48. 17.0; 12/1/48, 18.2; 3/10/49, 17.0; 11/11/40. 18.7; 3/23/50, 21.0; 11/1/50, 20.S; 4/4/51. 12.0 : 11/14/51, 17.4 ; 4/3/52. 7.5. 15N/3E-7H2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 57.0 feet. 0.5 mile north of Butte House Road. 0.55 mile west of Terra Buena Road. 12/21/47. 23.0; 3/24/48, 23.6; 12/1/48, 21.S; 3/16/40. 22.5; 11/11/40, 20.1. 15N/3E-7P1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 55.4 feet. 500 feet south of Butte House Road, 0.35 mile east of Township Road. 12/21/47. 19.8; 3/3/48. 20.8; 12/1/48. 21.0; 3/16/40. 10.5; 11/10/40, 22.1. 15N/3E-7Q1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 56 feet. 15 IS. 27.1; 1/48, 20.5; 6 30 18, 4S.S operating; 8/2/48, 45.0; 9/30/48, 33.2; 10/21/48, 31.8; II 30 18,29.3; 1 20/49, 27.4 ; 3/17/49, 26.4 ; 11/14/49, 31.3 ; 3/22/50. 22.2; 11/1/50, 31.0; 4/4/51, 24.1; 11/14/51, 27.3; 4/3/52, 19.7. 15N 3E-9C1 — Reference point —top of casing, elevat ion 5S.1 feet. 0.1 mile south of l'ease Road. 0.55 mile wesl of (Instolt Road. 11/4/47, 40.0; 3/17/48, 27.0; Ll/29/48, 27,1; 3/17/49, 25.5; 11/14/40. 29.5. 15N/3E-9G1 — Reference point — top of pneumatic gage hole, ele- vation 61.0 feei. .'ill feel of Stabler Lane, 0.45 mile south of l'ease Road. 11/4/47, 32.8 ; 3/17/48, 34.2; 11/20 Is, 32.5; 3/17/40. 20.4; 11/14/49, 34.8. 15N/3E-9N1 — Reference point— bottom of pump base, elevation 57. feet. 100 feet east of I'.levin Road. 0.55 mile north of Butte House Road. 12/22/47, 29.8; 3/3/48, 31.0; 12/1/48, 31.0; 3/16/49,; ll n in. :•,:•,.:;. 15N/3E-9P3 — Reference point — top of 12-inch casing, elevation 55 feel. 0.30 mile east of Rlevin Road, 0.0.(1 mile north of Butte House Road. 11/18/47, 27.7; 11/18/48, 28.2; 3 23/49, 20.0. 15N 3E-9R2 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 200 feet. West of Onstott Road. 1.4 miles north of Butte House Road. 11 IS 17. 35.0; 3/17/48, 3.5.5; 11 '19/48, 30.4; 3/23/49, 32.0; 11/22 49, 37.0; 3/23/50, 34.0; 11/13/51. 34.4: 4/1 52, 32.6. 15N/3E-10G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 00 feet. 0.05 mile west of 1'. S. Highway 99E, 0.50 mile south of Pease Road. 11/10/47. 30.2: 3/17/48, 2s.:; ; 11/19/48, 3 1.0; 3/23/49, 20.0; 11/22/40. :'.::.4 ; 3/23/50, 24.3; 11/30/50, 30.8; 3/27/51. 20.9; 11 11 51. 36.1 : 4/1/52, 20.3. 15N 3E-11B1 — Reference point — lop of concrete base, elevation 00 feel. 0.80 mile west of State Highway 21. 2.50 miles south of Ellis Road. 11/7/40, 21.5; 3/7/48. 21.1; 5/19/48, 18.1; 11/30 48, 21.0; 3/17/40, 10.2; 11/17/49, 23.1; 3/21/50. 10.2; 11/0 5(1. •_•::.(); 3/20/51, 10.5; 11/16/51, 22.3; 4/(5/52, 12.1. 15N/3E-11H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 61 feet. 0.45 mile west of State Highway 24, 2.70 miles south of Ellis Road. 11 47. 1S.5; 3/17/48, 16.8; 11/30/4S, 17.8; 3/17 10. 15.6; 11/17/40. 18.2. 15N/3E-11 H2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 01 feet. 0,10 mile wesl of Slate Highway 24, 2.70 miles south of Ellis Road. 11/0/47. 10.0; 3/17/48, 16.4; 11/30/48, 10.7; 3/17/49, 13.5; 11/17/49, 17.7. 15N 3E-14M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 57 feet. 0.35 mile east of {]. S. Highway 001'. at a point 0.70 mile north of State Highway 20. 11/19/47, 24.2; 3/17/48, 22.2. Well destroyed. 15N 3E-15B2 — Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 50 feet. 0.05 mile west of U. S. Highway 00E. 1.0 mile north of Stale Highway 20. 11/10/47. 31.4; 3/17/48, 30.2; 5/12/48, 20.7: 0/27/48, 31.1; 11/10 Is. 33.6; 3/23/40. 28,8'; 11/22/49, 32.9; 3 23. 50, 2S.4; 10/30/50, 32.0; 3/27/51, 30.S; 4/1/52, 24.1. 15N 3E-15E2 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 58.6 feet. 400 feet east of Onstott Road, 0.30 mile north of Butte House Road. 11/18/47, 35.3; 3/4/48, 34.8; 3/15/48, 34.8; 11/10/48, 41.8; 3/23/49, 32.7; 11/22/40. 3,0.3; 3/23/50, 34.6; 11/30/50, 3S.7; 3/27/51. 33.9; 3/13/51, 30.1; 4/1/52, 20.7. 15N/3E-16C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 56 feet. 0.25 mile east of Blevin Road, 0.50 mile north of Butte House Road. 11/19/47, 33.0; 3/17/48. 33.6; 5/13/48, 30.8; 11/19/48, 3.0.0; 3/23/40, 32.2; 11/29 40. 30.4 ; 11/3/50, 36.6. 15N 3E-16L1 — Reference point — concrete rim of pit, elevation 56 feet. 300 feet east of Tharp Road, 0.1 mile south of Butte House Road. 11/18/47, 34.8; 3/15/4S. 34.S ; 11/18/4S. 37.0; 3 23 40. 32.0; 11/23/40, 36.1 ; 3/23/50, 33.0; 10/31/50, 38.2; 3/27/51, 31.4; 11/14/51. 35.2; 4/1/52. 24.5. i in SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES [INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 3E-16R2 — Reference point i..p of casing, elevation . >T. 1 feet. 300 feet east of Blevin Road, 0.35 mile north of Butte House Road. 12 19 IT. 31.0; 3 21 Is. 32.9; 9 27 18, 34.5; 11 is is. 31.7 : 3 28 19, 28.9 ; 1 1 23 19, 32.7 ; 3 23 50, 29.7 ; 11 23 19, 32.7; :: 23 50, 29.7; L0 ::<< 50, 35.2; 3 27 51, 27.2; 11 1-1 51, 34.9; I 1 52, 21.8. 15N 3E-17C1 — Reference point top of casing .-it bottom of pit, ration 16.8 feet. 200 feci east of Hooper Road. 0.05 mile north of Butte II. .use Road. 12 1!) IT. 17.5; 3 6 18, 16.0; 9 27 18, 20.9; II L8 Is. 19.0; 3 28 19, L6.0; II 23 19, 19.3; 3 23 50, 24.8; L0 30 50, 20.7; 3 27 51, 13.5. 15N 3E-17P2 — Reference point— top of flanged coupling at bot- tom "i pit, elevation 41 .0 feet. 0.05 mile north of Slate Highway 20, 0.25 indc east of Hooper Road. 12 19/47, 15.1; •". 6 18, 14.6; :• _'T 18, 19.6; 11/18/48, 16.9; 3/28/49, 12.8. Well dest royed. 15N 3E-18R1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation .">:; feet, o.l mile north id' State Highway 20, 0.1 mile west of George Washington Boulevard. 12/19/47, 23.3; 3/6/48, 22.8; 11 is 18, 25.6; 3/28 19,21.9; 11 23 19, 26.2 ; 10/31 50,28.2; :i 27 51, 19.7; 1111 51,25.3; 1 1 52, 12.7. 15N 3E-19B1 — Reference point 2" x 4" on top of concrete pit. elevation 57.:: leer 0.21 mile south of State Highway 20, 0.54 mile easi of Township Road. 12 21 IT. 29.2; :: :: is. 27.6; 12 I is. :;ii.(i; l 20 I'.i. 28.7; :; 16 49, 27.0; 1111 49, ::2.:: : :'. 2:: 50, 27.5; 11 I 50, 22.1: I I 51, 25.6; 11 14 51, 30.6. 15N 3E-20E1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 37.5 feei. 0.48 mile west of El Margarita Road, 0.53 mile south of Stale Highway 20. 12/19/47, '.Mi ; :; 6 is. 9.5; d 27/48, 13.8; ll is is. U.7; :; us pi. s.i ; 11/25/49, 11.3. 15N 3E-20G1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation .".I' feei. 0.25 mile easi of El Margarita Road, 0.50 mile south ..f Stale Highway 20. 12/19/47, 30.8; 3/6/48, 31.0; 3/28/49, 28.7; 11 25 49, 29.1 ; in ::i 50, 36.6; 1111 51 ; 39.4; 4/1/52, 23.6. 15N 3E-20R1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation .".8.4 feel. 0.20 mile wes! of Harding Road. 0.05 mile north of Franklin Road. 12 19/47, 29.9 ; 3/24 is. 30.8 ; 1 1 ls|s.;::;u : :: 28 49, 28.0; :, ii, ; pi. :•,::..-, : i; us p, 354. 7 ■_,- [u :;s , . s 25 49, 38.7; 11 25 I!'. :::;.! ; :; 27 50, 30.1 : Id :il 50, 35.3 : :: U7 51, 28.9; 11 14/51, 36.6 ; 4/1/52, 25.:;. 15N 3E-21C1 — Reference point — hide in concrete base, elevation ■".I feel, 0.40 mile easi of Hardin;. State Highway lid. :; IT 4s. 32.8; 29.2; 1 1 25 19, 31.1. 15N 3E-21D1 — Reference point -hole in concrete base, elevation 55.6 feet. 0.05 mile south of State HighwaA I'd. 0.24 mile east Harding Road, lii Id IT. 30.8; :: 24 is. 31.2; 5 lii Is. ::i.l ; 9 liii 4s. :;t.1 : 1 1 is is. 32.8 ; :: lis id. i:s.s ; :, 26 Id. :;T.s ; 30 id. 15.0; s 25 Id. 41.8; 11 25 49, 31.4. 15N 3E-21F1 — Reference point hole in concrete base, elevation 55 feei. 0.28 mile easi ..I' Harding Road, 0.38 mile south of State Highwaj I'd. II IT IT. 34.3; :: IT Is. 34.8; 11/18/48, 39.3; 3 li:: 19,31.5; II 25 19,38.9; L0/31 50, 39.0 ; 3/27/51, 32.5 ; 11 14/51, ::T.:: ; II 52, 28.4. 15N 3E-21L2 — Reference poinl top of casing, elevation 55.0 feet. 0.04 mile west of Walton Road, 0.61 mile south of State Highway lid. 12/19 IT. 32.2; •". li I is. 32.7; 11 18 Is. 34.5; :: lis -pi. 3().3 ; 11 25 Id. 35.9. I5N 3E -21 P2— Reference point slot in casing, elevation 54.3 feei. (i. |s mile north ..!' Franklin Road, d.4s mile easi ..1' is 17, 33.3 ; 3 15 18, 34.8 ; 11 L8 18,34.8; :: li:: Id. 31.0; II 25 Id. 35.4. 15N 3E-21Q1 — Reference point top of pit, elevation •">•". feet, North >ide of Franklin Road. 0.25 mile easi ..f Walton Road. 1 I II. 24.5; II 4 IT. 33.6; L2 I". 18, :'■•".. ■"> ; lii 8 Id. 36.1; 11 IT 50, 38.1 ; 12/7 51, 35.8. i5N 3E-21R1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation '<■>.'■'• 0.1 mile west ..1 (I11-1..11 Road, 0.13 mile north of Frank Road, 0.12 mile south id' ll is is. 32.5; 3 2.". 19, tin Road. 11 17 47. 31.1; 3/17/48, 31.4; 3/29 Is. 30.4; 5 lii is. 30.7; 9 liT 48, 35.1 : 11 /is 4s. 32.7; :: 23/49, 29.5; I I 25 Id. 35.1 ; 3/27/50, .HI. 4 ; 10/31/50, 36.2; :: liT 51, 30.7; II i:i 51, 34.5; I 1 '52, 26.7. 15N 3E-22D1 — Reference poinl — hole in base of pump, elevation 54.8 feel. 0.05 mile easi of Oustott Road. d.lT mile south of State Highway lid. 11 IT 4T. 31.2; 3/17/48, 31.5; 9 liT is, 34.2; 11 Id t8, 32.2 ; 3/23/49, 29.2 ; 11/25 19,34.7. 15N 3E-24N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 48.6 feet. 0.38 mile southwest of Western Pacific Railroad crossing of Yuba River, 0.50 mile west of 1'. S. Highway 99E. 11 14 4T. lo.d; :: Id is. 8.6; 11 li.". Is. 11.0; :: ii4 49, 6.8; 11/22/49, L3.8; :: lis 50, 24.0; 11/20/51, 31.3; 4 /2/52, 12.0. 15N 3E-24N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.9 feet. 0.35 mile southwest of Western Pacific Railroad crossing of Yuba River, 0.50 mile north of U. S. Highway 99E. ll 14 4T, 31.5; .".I'd 48, 29.9; 11 li". 48, 31.7. 15IN 3E-24Q1 — Reference point — pipe in base, elevation 64.8 feet. 0.04 mile south of Riverside Boulevard, 0.04 mile west of Western Pacific Railroad. 1112 47. ; 3/19/48, liT. 1 : 11 22/48,31.4;3/24 49, 24.8 ; 12/13/49, 31.0. 15N 3E-25C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation ■">•'!. 4 feel. 0.15 mile west of Riverside Boulevard, 0.55 mile south of Western Pacific Railroad crossing on Yuba River. 11 14 IT. L4.6; :: 19/48, 13.2; :: 30 4s. 12.5; 11 2:: 48, 15.0; :; 24 49, 11.2; 11/22 49, 15.1. 15N/3E-25F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 61.0 feet. 0.85 mile south of Western Pacific Railroad crossing on Yuba River. 0.2T mile west of Riverside Boulevard. 11 12/47, 24.4: 3/19/48, 2::.:! ; 11 '23/48, 25.1 ; 3/24/49, 21.0: 11/22 Id. 20.5; 3/28/50, 20.8; 11/9/50, 25.6; ■', 28 51. 15.1 ; 11 20/51, 24.0; 4/3/52, 15.:;. 15N 3E-25H1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 59.9 feet. South side of Walnut Avenue, 0.15 mile southwest of Garden Avenue. 11 12 47. 22.:;; :', Id -is. 22.5 ; 10/4/48.24.2; 11 22/4S, liit.ii: 3/24/49, 19.5; 11/18/49, 23.8. 15N 3E-25H2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 57.1 feet. West side of Garden Avenue. 0.15 mile south of Wal- nut Ave. 11 14 4T. 19.3; 11/22/4S. 20.8; 3 24/49, 18.0; 11 18/49, 21.5. 15N 3E-25K1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 01 .5 feet. 0.11 mile easi ..f Riverside Boulevard, 0.86 mile north of Feather River Boulevard. 11/12/47, 24. s ; :: 19 48, 2::.l ; I 1 2:; 48, 24. S. 15N 3E-25K2 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 18.0 feel. 0.15 mile easi of Riverside Rotileva rd. 0.82 mile north of feather River Boulevard. 11/12/47, 10.9; 3/19/48, 9.3; :: 30 48, 8.7; 10 I 4s. 21.2; 11 22 18, 19.5; :: 24 49, 10.7; II 22 49, 21.0. 15N 3E -26 M1— Reference poinl —top of casing, elevation 52 feet. 0.31 mil rib of Lincoln Road. 0.24 mile east of Garden Highway. 11/14/47, 23.8 ; 3/17/48, 23.6; 3/2 4s. 20.S ; 10 I is. 26.8; 11 19/48, 24.7; :: 2:: Id. 21.8; 6/29/49, 29.8 ; 7 :;i Id. 32.8; 8/25 49, 31.4 ; 11 28/49, 25.9; :'. 27 50, 21.1 ; 11 I 50,26.4:3 27 51,23.2; 11 L3 51,28.0; I 1 52, 17.0. 15N 3E-27C1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 5.", feet, d.ld mile wesl of Clark Avenue. 0.14 mile south of Franklin Road. 11 17 17. 2d. 7 ; :; 17 48,29.9; 11 Id 48,31.6; :: 2:: Id. 30.5. 15N 3E-28B3 — Reference point — lop of pit. elevation 5:', feet. 0.25 mile east of Walton Road, south side of Franklin Road. 1 1 27 29, 2::.s ; 9 27 30, 27. s ; 12/15/31, 2s.s : r_> 1 32, 2S.4 ; 12/14/33,30.5; 11/10/34,31.3; 1 1 25 36, 21.5 ; Ll/24/37, 2:1.0 ; 1 26 39, is.::. •!5N 3E-28C1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 54.2 feet. 0.18 mile west of Walton 0.07 mile south of Frank- lin Road. 12 19/47, :'.::. 1 : 3/24 48, 33.4; 5 12 4s. 31.3; d 27 is. 36.4; II is is. :u;r,; :: 28 id. 31.5; 11 25 Id. 37.1. APPENDIX E 1 II TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 3E-28G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 54..'! feet. 0.09 mile easi of Walton Road, 0.37 mile south of Franklin Road. 11/17/47, 33.7; 3/15/48, 33.5; 11/18/48, 30.4 ; 3/23/40, 32.0; 11/25/49, :'.('>.('.; 3/27/50, ."4." ; 10/31/50. 39.6; 3/27/51, 33.2; 11/13/51. :\1A ; 4/1/52, 2N.5. 15N/3E-28Q1 — Reference point— base of pump, elevation 52.0 feet. 0.10 mile north of Lincoln Road, 0.18 mile east of Walton Road. 11/17/47, 32.0; 3 15/48, 32.0; 3/29/48, 31.4; 10/4/48, 35.2; 11/18/48, 34.8; 3/23/49, 31.0; 11/28/49, 30.0. 15N/3E-29D1 — Reference point — bottom of flange coupling in pit. elevation lo.'_' feci, west side of Butte Avenue, 0.14 mile south of Franldin Road. 12/10/47. 1.",.:: : 3/5/48, 14.2; 11/18/48, 17.0; 3/28/49, 13.0; 12/13/40. 17.3; 3/27/50, 14.9; 11/1/50. 10.7; 3/27/51, 11.1 ; 11/14/51, 19.0; 4/1/52, 10.7. 15N 3E-29N1 — Reference point — top of casing, in pit. elevation 30.0 feet. 0.14 mill' north of Lincoln Road, 0.13 mile easi of George Washington Boulevard. 12 19/47, 10.4; :: 5 48, 10.6; 11/18/48, 12.0; :: 28 49, 9.1 ; 11/23/40. 14.3; 3/27/50, 9.0; 11/1/50. 14.0; 3/27/51, 7.6; 11 14/51, 15.3; 4/1/52. 14.0. 15N 3E-29R2 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 51.0 feet. 0.57 mile west of Walton Avenue, 0.0.'! mile north of Lin- coln Road. 12/19/47, 31.6; 3/24/48. .",1.1; 10/4/48, 34.7; 11/18/48, 33.2; 11/25/40. 34.8. 15N 3E-30Q1 — Reference point — top of discharge pipe, elevation 47 feet. North side Lincoln Road. 0.40 mile west of George Washington Boulevard. 12/22/47. 20..",: 3/5/48, 20.5; 10/4/48, 21.6; 11/17/48, 20.7; 3/28/49, ls.!) : 11/23/49, 21.3. 15N/3E-32N1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 48.4 feet. 0.05 mile north of BogUe Road. 0.20 mile east id' George Washington Boulevard. 12/20/47. 2:1.7; 3/5/48, 27.0; 11/17/48, 25.4; 3/29/49, 23.5; 11/25/40, 24.3; 3/27/50, 22.9; 11/1/50, 30.5; 3/27/51. 20.4; 11/14/51. 27.6; 4/1/52, 15.8. 15N 3E-33D1 — Reference point — hole in base id' pump, elevation 51 feet. 0.0S mile south of Lincoln Road, 0.32 mile west of Walton Road. 5/4/4S. 30.0; 0/1/48, 20.4; 11/18/48, 34.7 ; 3/20/40, 20.5; 11/25/40. 35.0; 3/27/50, 32.3; 11/1/50, 37.7; 3/27/51,31.3; 11 14 51, 35.5 ; 4 1 52.20.0. 15N 3E-33F1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 52.0 feet. 0.10 mile west of Walton Road. 0.27 mile south of Lincoln Road. 12/20 47. 20.7: 3/5/48, -".4.5; 5/4/48, 28.3; 5/12/48, 20.2: 6 1 48, 28.2; 11 18 48, 35.0; 3/29 40. 31.8; 11/25/40. :;:!.7; 3/27 50. 30.5; 11/1/50, 36.0; ."> 27/51, 20.0; 11/14/51, •'!<'..:!; 4/1/52. 20.0. 15N/3E-33K1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 52.1 feet. Last side of Walton Road, 0.54 mile south of Lincoln Road. 3/12/48, 36.1; 5 48, 31.3; 0.4 ; 3/22/40, 18.8; 11/18/49, 20.0. 15N 4E-4D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, eleval ion 85 feet. 0.03 mile southeast of intersection of State Highway 20 and Walnut Road. 11/20/48, 20.1; 1/27/40, 20.0; 3/22/49, 2.".. 2; 12/0/40. 27.1. 15N 4E-4E1 — Reference point — top of 10-inch casing inside shed. elevation 87.5 feet. 0.17 mile east of State Highway 20, 0.38 mile south along Stale Highway 20 from intersection of Wal- nut Road. 11/25/47. 21.0; 3/2/48, 22.8; 4/1/48, 22.4; 11/26/48, 22.8; 1/27/40, 23.2; 3/22/40. 21.0; 11/18/40. 22.5; ." 2:; 50, 21.5; lo :tl 50, 22.2; 3/30/51, 20.5; 11/14/51, 22.3. 15N 4E-4H1 — Reference point — top of tin casing at suction line. elevation 85 feet. 0.9 mile east of State Highway 20. 0.5 mile south of Walnut Road. 11/28/47, 20.2; 3/2/48, 20.8; 4 1 4s. 21.7 : •", 22/49, 20.5 ; 1 1 /IS/40. 20.8. 15N 4E-4N1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 85.6 feet. 0.55 mile east of Stale Highway 20, 0.82 mile south of inter- section of State Highway 20 and Walnut Road. 11/25/47, 24.." ; :; 2 4S. L!4.::; 4/1/48, 23.5; 11/26/48, 24.0; 3/22/49, 22.0; 12 40. 25.2. 15N 4E-4N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 85.3 feet. 0.01 mile east of State Highway 20, 0.01 mile south along Stale Highway 20 from intersection with Walnut Road. 11 25 47. 23.9; •". 2 48, 23.9; 3/22/40, 22.0. 15N/4E-4P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 86.5 feet. 0.72 mile east of Slate Highway 20. 0.73 mile south along Slate Highway 20 from intersection with Walnut Road. 11/25 47. 70.4 : :: 2 48, 25.0. 15N/4E-4R1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, eleval ion 85.7 feel. O.Sl mile northwest of Dantoni Packing Shed on Dantoni Road, southeast of Yuba River. 11/24/47. 26.3; .". 1 48, 25.0; :; ::i 48, 27..".: 10/4/48, 25.4; 11/24/48, 25.4; 1/17/40. 25.2; 3/16 40. 24.0; 5/24/40. 20..".; 6/29/49, 28.7; 7/28/40, 27.S; s 26/49, 27.0; 11/21/40, 20.2; 3/23/50, 24.1 ; lo .".1/50, 20.5; 4/2/51. 21.4; 11/21/51, 25.0; 4/5/52, 20.4. 142 SUTT ER-YU1 J A ( JOUNT I Ms I N V EST I < i AT I < >.\ TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 4E-5D1 — Reference poinl — top of tin easing, elevation 6;" feet. 0.17 mile northwest of Kimball Lane ;il curve, 1.0 mile along Kimball Lane from intersection with Nigger Jack Si, , ugh K i. 11 26/47, 7.2: 3 I IS, S.8 ; 11 30 18, 8.2; :; 23 19, 8.5; 12 9 19, 8.5. 15N 4E-6C1 — Reference point top of suction pipe flange, eleva- tion 6") feet. 0.40 mile north of intersect] f Kimball Lane and Nigger Jack Slough Road on west side of Nigger Jack Slough Road. 11 T IT. 8.3; L2/2/48, 6.0; 3 18 19, t.5 ; 11 17 49, 5.4. i5N 4E-7J1 — Reference poinl top of casing, elevation 68 feet. North side of State Highway 20, 1.65 miles along State High wav 20 from Yuba Sired. 11 19 47, 15.9; 3 19 is. 15.9; 11 21 48, 16.3; 3 28 18, L5.0; 11 17 49, 16.0; 3 28 50, 15.8; 11 2 50, L5.7; 3 28 51, L0.5 ; 11 L6 51, 16.2; 4/2 52, 10.2. 15N 4E-7M1 — Reference poinl hole in base of pump, elevation 64 feet. 0.S0 mile north of 15th Street, west side of Nigger Jack Slough Road. 11 L9 17. L9.4 ; 3/19 18, L8.8 ; 10/5/48, 19.1 ; 11 22 48, 19.7; 3 2s 49, 17.5; 11 17 49, 19.8; 3 28 50, 16.9. 15N 4E-8D1 — Reference poinl — top of casing outside milk house, elevation 65 feet. 0.46 mile east of Nigger .lack Slough Road, 0.25 mile northwest of State Highway 20. 11/25/47, 15.4; 3 2 is. 16.] : 11 30/48, 15.9; 3 22 49, 14.7: 11/21/4!). 15.1; :: 23 50, 1 1.3; 10 31 50, L5.0; 3 30 51, 14.7; 11 '14/51, 15.8; 4 5 52, 12.0. 15N 4E-8M1 — Reference poinl —top of casing, elevation 74 feet. 0.20 mile east of State Highway 20, 1.6S miles from inter- section with Yuba Street. 11/25/47. 23.1; 3/2/48, 22.7; 1 1 26 is. 23.1 : 3 '22/49, 22.2 : L2/9 '49, 24.7. 15N 4E-8R1 — Reference point— base of pump, eleval ion so..", feel 1.58 miles north of intersect! E Dantoni and Hammond Roads on south bank of Yuba River. 11 19 IT. 26.7; 3 2 18, 26.7; 3 31 Is. 25.7; 5 5 Is. 23.3; 6 1 is. 23.2; 10 I 18, 26.8; 11/24 18, 26.9; 3 16 49, 25.4; 11 21 19, 27.7; 3/23/50, 25.0; 10 31 50, 27. T : 4/2 51, 22.2; 11/21/51, 26.9; 1 5 52, 23.4. 15N 4E-9G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 84.6 feet. mile northwest of Dantoni Road, 0.10 mile southwest along road from Dantoni Packing Shed. 11/24/47, 29.6; 3 3 18, 24.9; 3 I 18, 25.4; 10 I 18, 25.9; Ll/24 18, 25.5; I IT 19, 24.9; 3 16 19, 23.7; 11/21 I!'. 26.0; 3 23/50, 23.2; 10/31 50, 25.9; l 2/51, 21.1; 11/21/51, 25.0; 4/5/52, 20.:;. 15N 4E-9R1 — Reference point — bole in side of pump, elevation TT.2 feet. 0.23 mile northwest of Dantoni Road, 0.40 mile southwest along road from Dantoni Packing Shed. 11/24/47, T.t.2: 3 I 18, 20.9; 3 3 18, 21.0; 11 24 I* 20.1; 3 16 19, 20.2; 11 21 49, 21.1. 15N 4E-10F1 — Reference point -bole in base of pump, elevation 80.5 feet. 0.23 mile northwest of Dantoni Road, 0.2O mile northeast along road from Dantoni Packing Shed. 11/24/47, 24.5; 3 I is. 19.8; 3 31 '48, 25.7; 10 I 18, 20.9; 11/24/48, 20.6; 3 Hi 19, 10.7; 11 21 10. 21.5. 15N '4E-10L2— Reference point s7.s feet. 0.12 mile southeast Dantoni Packing Shed. 1121 26.9; 5 6 Is. 25.0; 10 '8 18, 26.8; :; 16 10. 26.4 ; 3 2 1 10. 30.3; 8 30 19, 30.5; 11 21 10. 15N 4E-10N1— Reference point feet. 0.16 mile southeast of I west along road from I >a ntoni :: I is. 26.0; 3 31 is. 26.6; I I 21 is. 26.5; 3 16 19, 25.8; :; 23 50, 26.6; 10 '31 50, 28.2 I 5 52, 23 pipe in concrete base. ele\ at ion from Dantoni Road, opposite IT, 20.2; 3/3 48, 31.0; 3 l 18, 27.4 ; II 2 1 is. 27.:;: 1/17 49, 31.0; 6 20 io. 29.5; T '28 io. 28.6. bole in casing, elevat ion 8 I 1 i.inioni Road, o.:io mile south- Packing Shed 1121 IT. 28.6; 5 6 is. 2 1.2 10 I is. 26.2; 11/21 10. 28.0; 12 T 19, 27.8; i 2 51, 20.7; 1 1 21 51, 26.9; 15N 4E-11C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 90 feet. 1.00 miles north of Hammonton Road at a point 0.55 mile southwest along Hammonton Road from Brophy Road. 5 13 '48, 25.0; 6/1/48, 24.7; 10/1/48, 27.5 ; II 23 Is. 27.5 ; 1/17/49, 26.9; :: 16 19, 20.5; 11 21 49, 28.8 : :: 2:; 50, 25.4; 3 30/51, 18.8; 11 1 51. 27.1 ; 4/4/52, Is I. 15N 4E-11G1 — Reference point — bole in pump base, elevation 85 feet. 1.17 miles north of Hammonton Road at a point 0.35 mile southwest along Hammonton Road from Brophy Road. 5 13 is. 25.3; 6 1 48, 24.0; 1/48, 20.5; 10 1 Is. 20.2; 11 23/48, 26.1, 1/17/49, 26.1 ; 3/16/49, 25.4; 4/12/40, 24.1 ; 5 2 1 10. 28.5; 29/49, 20.4; 7/28 10. 2S.5 ; s 26/49, 2S.4 ; 11/21/49,23.6; well destroyed. 15N4E-11K1 — Reference point — bole in top of pump base, ele- vation 83 feet. 0.29 mile west of Brophy Road. 0.00 mile north of Brophy School. 5/13 48, 18.1; 10 1 48, 20.1; 11 23 48, 10.4 ; 3 If, 49, is.4. 15N'4E-12P1 — Reference point — bole in pump base, elevation S2.:i feet. 0.57 mile north of Brophy School. 0.20 mile east of Brophj Road. 11/24/47, 24.3; :: 1/48, 25.9; 3/31 is. 23.8; I 1 2:; is. 2T.5; 11 21 10. 26.7; 12 5 40, 20.0; :i 24 50, 22.4: II 2 50. 27.0; 1 I 52. 10.4. 15N 4E-13B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 84 feet. South side of Hammonton Road. 0.4 mile northeast from inter- section wilb Brophy Road. 12/24/47, 22.0; 3/23/48, 22.0; 11 2:; 48, 25. T; 3/21 49, 22.1; 12/5/49, 20.2: :; 2:i 50, 22. T ; II 2 50, 27.7: 4/2/51. 18.7; 11/21/51, 20.4; 4/4/52, 20.4. 15!M '4E-14B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 80.5 feet. 0.21 mile north of Hammonton Road. 0.20 mile southwest from intersection with Brophy Road. 11/26 47. 10.1 ; .'! 1 is. 10.1 : :; 31/48, 10.4; 11/24/48, 17.S; .°,/17/49, 16.3; 11/22 10. 10.4: 3/30/51,4.6; 11/20/51. 17.0; 4/4/52,4.7. 15N/4E-14N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70 feet, o.ll mile south of Hammonton Road. 0.85 mile southwest from intersection with Brophy Road. 5 is, 24.0; 6 •". 48, 20.7: :; 17 40, 25.7: 11 21 49, 30.3. 15N/4E-14N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 78.8 feel. North side of Hammonton Road, 0.87 mile southwest from intersection with Brophy Road. 11 26/47, 22.7; 5 6/48, 21.8; 10/1/48, 26.4; lo 8 is. 25.8; 11 24 48, 24.9; 1 17 40. 23.9; :; 10 49, 2:;.:!: 5 24/49, 31.3; 20 49, :;::.5 ; 7 2s 40. :S5.:; ; s 20 19, 30.8; 11 22 19, 27.7 ; 3/23/50, 24.3 ; 11 10 50, 2S.7; :: 30 51, 18.5; 11 20 51. 27.9; 4/4 '52, 20.:;. 15N/4E-14P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 82 feel. 0.52 mile wesl of Brophy Road. 0.23 mile south of Ham monion Road. 5/6 is. 25.2; 6/3 Is, 28.7; 3/17/49, 20. . 8 2 10. IOC; 11 21 49, 30.7. 15N 4E-15A1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 78.5 feet. 1.02 miles west of Brophy Road. 0.86 mile north of Hammonton Road. 11/20/47. IS..-,; 3/2/48, 17.1; 3/31 18, 18.5; 10/8/48, 20.2; 11/24/48, 19.6; 1/7/49, 19.0; :; 10 10. IS, I; 11 21 10, 21.0; 3/23 5(1. 10.1; 11 10 50, 22.0; I 2 51. Ill; II 21 51, 20.:;: I 1 52, 12.2. 15N 4E-15L1 — Reference point —lop of concrete pit. elevation 81.5 feet. 0.15 mile easl id' Griffith Avenue. 0.66 mile north of Hammonton Road. 11 20 IT. 27.0; .", 2 Is. 20. s. 15N 4E-16A1 — Reference poinl — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation TO. 5 feel. North side of Dantoni Road. 0.73 mile along road from Dantoni Packing Shed. 11 7 47. 22.5; :; 2 Is. 23.2; .". :;i Is. 22.7; lo I 4s, 23.7; 10 8 Is. 2:;. 7 : 11 2 1 is. 23.7; l IT 10. 2:;. 2; :; 10 10, 23.0; 11 21 10. 25.1. 15N 4E-16K1 — Reference poinl base of pump, elevation 81.0 feel. O.o:; mile wesl of Dantoni Road. 1.43 miles a Ion;; road from intersection with Hammonton Road. 11/22/47, 26.8*; •"• 2 Is, 2s.2; :; :;i is. 27.9; 10/4/48, 30.0; LO 8 is. 29.9; 11 21 is. 29.2; 3/16 19,28.4; n 22 19,31.2; 11/10/50,30.5; 12 51. 21.5; 11 21 51. 29.5; I 5 52, 22.0. APPENDIX E 14:! TABLE 1 —Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 4E-16N2 — Reference poinl — hole in pump base, elevation 74. r. feet. 0.28 mile northwest of Dantoni Road, 0.76 mile along road from intersection with Hammonton Road. 11/19 47. 23.9; 3/2/48, 2::.::; 3/31/48, 23.1; 5/6/48, 22. 3 ; 6/1/48, 21.8; 10/4/48, 24.5; 11/24/48, 24.2; 3/16/49, 23.6. 15N 4E-16P1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 7fi.9 feet. 0.23 mile west of Dantoni Road, 1 .31 miles along road from intersection with Hammonton Road. 11/5/47, 24.7: 3/2/48, 24.1; 5/13/48, 24.2: 6/1/48, 22.3; 10/4 4s. 25.8; 10 8 18, 25.7; 11/24/48,24.7; 3/16/49, 24.4; 11/21/4'.). 28.2. 15N/4E-17M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74.2 feet. 0.70 mile measured perpendicular north of Simpson Lane :it a point 0.82 mile from 7th St. Bridge. 11/11/47, 26.4; 3/19/48, 25.8; 3/30/48, 25.5; 11 5/48, 27.0; 11/22/48, 32.8; 3/24/49, 25.2; 11/17/49, 27.3; 3/28/50, 24.7; 11 2 50, 28.2; 3/28/51. 17.9; 11/16/51, 25.8; 4/2/52, 15.9. 15N/4E-17N1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 74.5 feet. 0.35 mile measured perpendicular north of Simpson Lane at a point 1.27 miles from intersection with Yuba Street. 11/11/47. 26.0; 3/19/48, 25.4 ; 3/30/48, 25.3; 11 22 '4s. 26.6; 3/24/49, 25.2; 11/17/49, 27.(1. 15N/4E-18G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71 feet. 0.13 mile east of State Highway 20 at a point 0.90 mile from intersection with Yuba Street. 11/19/47, 27.7; 3/19/48, 26.2; 11/21 4s. 28.5; 3/28/49, 24.5; 11 17 4'.). 28.1 ; 11/2 50, 26.2; 3/28/51, 22.3; 11/16/51, 28.1; 4/2/52. 21.6. 15N/4E-18Q1 — Reference point — base of pump at edge, elevation (IS. 7 feet. 0.36 mile measured perpendicular north of Simpson Lane at a point 0.75 mile from intersection with Yuba Street. 11/12/47, 23.7; 3/18/48, 22.5; 11/22/48, 24.:',; 3/24/49, 22.0; 11/17/49. 25.5; 11 16/51, 27.7. 15N/4E-19H1 — Reference point — surface of concrete block, eleva- tion 67.0 feet. 0.13 mile measured perpendicular south of Simp- son Lane at a point 1.04 miles from intersection with Yuba Street. 11/11/47, 23.5 ; 3/19 48,22.6; 10 5 48, 29.0 ; 11 22 is. 26.5; :: 21 49, 20.7; 11/17/40. 25.0; 11/2/5(1. 25.3; 3 28/51, 13.7. 15IM/4E-19J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 71.8 feet. 0.43 mile south of Simpson Lane at a point 1.12 miles from intersection with Yuba Street. 1 1 1 1 '47. 27.4; 3/19/48, 27.3; 3/24/49, 26.8; 11/18/49, 30.0; 3 2S 5(1. 27.5; 11 3 5(1. 30.3; 3 2s 51, 18.5; 11/16/51, 26.5; 4/2/52, 17.0. 15N/4E-19N1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 59.9 feet. South bank of Levee Road. 0.35 mile east of U. S. Highway 99B bridge over Yuba River. 11/10 47. 20.0; 3 17/48, 19.0; 3/24/49, 17.0; 11/18/49, 21.4. 15N/4E-19P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 64.0 feet. 0.04 mile south of levee between Avondale and Southern Pacific Railroad. 11/11/47, 22.7 ; 3/17/48, ; :; 30 is. 21.1 ; 11/22/48, 33.7; 3/24/40. 21.0; 12/13/49, 25.2. 15N/4E-20F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 72.5 feet. 0.20 mile due west from intersection of Hammonton and Dantoni Roads. 11/11/47, 25.7; 3/17/48. 20.0 ; 5/3 Is. 24.7; G/2/4S, 25.4; 11/22/48, 26.2; 3/24/49, 20.5; 11/17/49, ; 3 28/50, 27.3; 11/16/51, 25.1 ; 4/2/52, 23.0. 15N '4E-20L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation (ifi feet. 0.41 mile north of Hammonton Road at a point 0.55 mile along Hammonton Road from intersection with I*. S. Highway 99E. 11/11/47, 14.3; 3/17/48, 15.0; 11/22/48,13.3; 11 is, 40, 22.4; 11/3/50, 22.7; 3/28/51, 15N/4E-20N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 57.8 feet. 0.40 mile north of Hammonton Road at a point 0.41 mile along Hammonton Road from intersection with U. S. Highway 99E. 11/11/47.; 3/17/4S. 13.9; 10 4/48, 24.4; 11/22/48, 19.3; 3/24/40. 13.5; 11/18/49, 16.1; 3/28/50, 14.3. 15N/4E-20N2 — Reference point — top of casing, 8.5 feet below top of concrete pit, elevation 53.4 feet. 0.22 mile north of Hammon- ton Road at a point 0.45 mile along Hammonton Road from intersection with V. S. Highway 00E. 11/11/47.; 3/17/48, 12.0; 3 24/49, 6.0; 11/18/49, 8.6. 15N/4E-20N3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 58.9 feel. 0.31 mile north of Hammonton Road al a point 0.50 mile along Hammonton Road from intersection with U. S. Highway 99E. 4/8/47, 14.7; 3/17/48, 15.3; 3 30 48, 14.5; 11/12/48, 22.2: 3 24 10. 15.0; 11/18/49, 17.3. 15N/4E-20P1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit. east wall, elevation 07.5 led. 0.14 mile due west of intersection of Ham- monton and Linda Roads. 12 10 17. 22.5; 3/1/48, 22.5; 1 1 22 is. 23.3 ; 317 40, 22.0 ; 11 '22 40, 24.6 ; 3 LI I 50. 23.2 ; 11/2/50, 25.7; 11/15/51, 20.7. 15N/4E-20R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 07.4 feet. North side of Linda Road. 0.41 mile east of Hammonton Road. 12/12/47, 22.2; 3/1/48, 21.3; 11 '22/48, ; 11/22/49. 15N /4E-21 F1 — Reference point — base of wooden block supporting pump, south side, elevation 70.4. 0.10 milt rth of Hammon- ton Road, 0.68 mile west of Griffith Avenue. 11/2(1 17. 23.6; 3 1/48, 23.6; 10/8/48, 25.7; 11/24/4S. 24.8; 3/16/49, 23.5; fi 20 49, 20.2; S '26/49, 31.0; 11 21 '40. 2S.S ; 3/23/50, 25.3; 11/2/50, 30.0; 3/30 51. 19.1; 11/20/51, 30.8; 4/5/52, 21.0. 15N '4E-21 R2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75.1 feet. West side of Griffith Avenue, 0.05 mile north of North Beale Road. 11/26/47, 27.1: 10/8/48, 29.4; 11/22/48, 29.2; 3/17/40. 27.8; 11/21/40. 32.3; 3/24/50. 20.0; 11/3/50, 34.3; 3 30 51. 26.3; 11/21/51, 33.7; 4/3/52, 2(1.0. 15N/4E-22B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 73. G feet . North side of Hammonton Road. 0.75 mile along road from intersection with Griffith Avenue. 11/20/47, 20.(1; 3/1/48, 20.1: 3 31/48, 20.0; 5/6/48, 10.(1; 10/1/48, 23.3; 10/8 48, 23.1; 11/24/4S, 22.4; 1/17/40, 21.!); 3/16/49, 21.3; 5/24/40, 24.9; 7 1 10. 31.1; 8/3/49, 28.9; 8 26 19, 28.1; 11/21/49, 25.3; 3/23/50, 22.7; 11/2/50, 27.2; 3/30/51, 15.2; 11/20/51, 24.0; 1 4/52, 27.1. 15N/4E-22K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 86.9 feel. 0.40 mile north of North Beale Road. 0.76 mile east of Griffith Road. 12/10/47, 27.7; 3/1/4S, 34.7; 10/8/48, :'.(i.(i; 11 22 48, 36.9; 3/17 49, 36.5 ; 11/22/49, 40.0. 15N/4E-22L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74 feet. 0.30 mile east of Griffith Road, 0.26 mile north of North Beale Road. 11/22/29, 25.7; 9/16/30. 25.3; 12/14/31, 27.3; 12/9/32, 27.(1. i5N/4E-22P1 — Reference point — top of concrete foundation, ele- vation 72 feet. 0.32 mile east of Griffith Road. 0.15 mile north of North Beale Road. 11/5/47, 23.0; 12/10/48, 26.3; 12/9/49, 20.5; 11/10/50, 31.5: 12/5/51, 30.7. 15N/4E-22P2— Reference point -fop of brick lining of well, ele- vation 73 feet. 0.31 mile east id' Griffith Road. 0.15 mile north of North Beale Road. 12/14/33, 29.0; 11/20/34, 30.4; 11/28/36, 27.0; 11/22 .".7. 27.(1: 1/27/31). 25.1 ; 1 11, 22.0. 15N/4E-23A1 — Reference point — crack between wood blocks, southeast corner, elevation S4.2 feet. West side of Brophy Road, 0.0(1 mile north of North Beale Road. 11/26/47, 24.5; 3/1/48, 24.1 ; 3/31/48, 24.0 ; 5/6/48, 23.4 ; r, 3 48, .".8.0 ; 10/1/48, 28.1 ; 10/8/48, 27.5; 11 '23 IS, 2(1.5; 1/17/40, 25.7; 3/16/49, 25.3; (1 1 40. .-,4.(1 ; 7/3/49, 30.5 rating) : 8 2 49, 39.5 (operat- ing) ; 11/22/40. 31.0; 3/23/50, 2(1.7; 11/2/50, 31.2; 3/30/51. 23.S; 11/21/51. 30.8; 4 4 52, 25.1. :5N/4E-23P1 — Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 77.2 feet. 0.04 mile north of North Beale Load. 0.05 mile east of Brophy Road. 12/10/47. 27.1; 3/1/48, 27.6; 3/31/48, 24.9; 10/8/48, 27.3.; 11/22/48, 27.4; 3/17/49, 27.0; 11/22/49, 30.3; 11/2/50, 32.5. 15N/4E-23R1 — Reference point — top of wooden platform under pitcher pump, elevation 79.1 feet. 0.05 mile northwest of inter- section of North Beale and Brophy Roads. 12/10/47, 24.2; 3/1/4S. 24.2. 1 II SUTTER- YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N 4E-24C1 — Reference point top of easing, elevation 83 feet. 0.49 mile easl of Brophy Road, 0.99 mile north of North Beale Roatl. 5 5 IS, 25.1; 6 3 18, 28.6; 11 23 18, 28.1; 1 IT 19, 27.4; 3 If, 19, 27.0; 7 3 19, 16.0 (operating) : 8 2 19, 52.0 (operating) L2/5 19, 30.8; .". 2 4 .".((. 29.1; 11 2/50, 33.3; 4 2 51. 2S.3; 11 21 51, 38.1 : 1 1 52, 35.9. 15N 4E-26L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 78 feet. 0.49 mile easl of Brophy Road, 0.51 mile south of .North Beale Road. 10 6 19, 30.0; 11 23 18, 29.5; 3 21 49, 28.6; 12 5 19. 33.7; 3 27 50, 32.1; 11 2 50, 37.2; 1 4 51, 34.5; 11 21 51, 40.0; I 5 52, 36.7. 15N 4E-26J1 — Reference poinl — hole in base of pump, elevation 76 feet. 0.70 mile south of North Beale Road due south of Brophy Road. II 2.", Is. 28.8; ", 17 19, 28.5; 11 2:1 49, 31.9; 12 5 49, 32.6. 15N 4E-27E2 — Reference poinl — top of concrete north wall, ele- vation 71.(1 feet. ii.2:; mile east of Griffith Road, 0.40 mile south of North Beale Road. 12/10 17. 23.1; :'. 1 /4s. 22.:!; :; :;i 18, 22.4; In 8 48, 25.5; 11 22 4s. 25.4; ". 17 49, 24.5; 11 22 4!i. 28.5; 4 4 52, 25.3. 15N 4E-2SD1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 77.7 tVei. 0.04 mile south of North Beale Road, 0.17 mile east of intersection of North Beale ami Linda Roads. ll/2(i/47, ::2.:; : :: 1 18, 31.5; 11 22 is. :;i.i : :; 21; 19, 32.5; 11/21/49. 36.9;3 24 50.34.3; 11 2 50, :;s.!i : :: ::u r,i. 37.5 (operating); 11 21 51, 39.1 : 4 :; 52, 31.5. 15N 4E-29E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation (il feet. (1. 2.'I mile northeast of I'. S. Highway 99E, 0.20 mile southeast .,f Hammonton Road. 12 lit 47. 20.9; 3/1 48, 20.6. 15N 4E-29F2 — Reference point — top of 4" x 4" bridge over pit, elevation ill feel. 0.26 mile south of North Beale Road, 0.62 mile west of intersection of North Beale and Linda Roads. L2 L0 47. 22. 1 ; :: l Is. 20.9. 15N 4E-29P1 — Reference point— top of 4" x 0" mini sill of shed, elevation 63.6 feet. 0.03 mile north of Earle Road. 0.04 mile east of Southern Pacific Railroad. 12/10/47, 21.5; 3/1/48, 22.7: 10 s 48, 25.0; 11 22 Is. 24.2 15N 4E-30B2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 62.7 feei. Northeast side of Avondale Avenue. 0.05 mile north- west of North Beale Road. 1! in 47. 21..".; .". 17 48, 2(1..",; in I is. 23.7; 11 22 4s. 22.2; :: 21 49, 19.0; 12/13/49, 23.4; :; 28 7,0. 20.5; 11 2 50, 2 I.e. 15N 4E-30D1 — Reference point— base of pump, north side, ele- vation 59.1 feei. 0.03 mile south of U. S. Highway 99E al first turn south of Rancho Motel. 11 10 17. 20.4; 3 17/48, 20.5; 3 30 Is. IS.8; 5 5 48, 16.0; 6 2 Is. lc.ii; 7 1 is. 39.2 (op- -i: 11 22 Iv 21.6; 3/24 I'.i. 18.0; 5/24/49, 20.8; t; 29 19, 21..".; 8 26 in. 25.1; 11 22 19, 24.8; •" 28/50, 17.0; 11 2 o(i. 22.3; •" 28 51, 10.2; 10 2d 51, 21.8. 15N 4E-30E2 — Reference poinl base of pump, elevation 56.8 feet. Southwest sid,. of Garden Avenue, 0.38 mile southeast of Walnut Ave ll 12 17. lv 9; 3 Hi is. 17.8; Id I 48,22.1; 11 22 18,21.0; 3/24 19. 16.8; 11 18 19,21.2. 1EM E-30L1 — Reference point top of pump base, elevation 56.0 feei. 0.04 mile southwest of Garden Avenue, 0.25 mile north- west of Feather River Boulevard. 11 II 17. 18.2; •" Id 18, 11 22 is. 18.S; :: 21 Id. 16.0; 11 is id. 21.2. 15N 4E-30L2 — Reference poinl — hole in pump base, elevation 5(5.5 feet. 0.03 mile northwest of Feather River Boulevard, 0.08 mile southwest of Harden Avenue. II 12 17. 18.2; .", Id 18, 17.:i; " ."(i Is. i7.o; :; 24 19, Id. 7; 12 13 49, 2(1.7: ". 28 50, 7.0; 1! 2 50, 21.7; :; 28 51, 10.2; 11 2d .",1 18.2; I 1 .",2. 9.8. 15N 4E-31K1 — Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 00.1 feei. 0.56 mile south of Earle Road, 0.33 mile west of Road. 12 Id 17. 21. s ; :; 2 Is. 21.4; :; :;n Is. 20.9; II 22 IV 23.4; .", 17 Id. 21.6; 11 23/49, 22 7 15N 4E-31Q1 — Reference poinl- hole in side of pump, elevation .17 feei. 0.34 mile wesi of Arboga Road, 2. 2d miles north of Ella Load. 11 12 47. 23.0; :i 5 18, 21.4. 15N 4E-32D1 — Reference point -hole in pump base, elevation 64.6 feet. (I. Id mile wesi of i lit erseel ion of I'. S. Highway 99E and Earle Road, 0.03 mile south of Earle Road. 12 Id 47. 31.2; 3/2/48, 22.7; :i 30 !s. 22.:;; 11 22 IS. 24. 5; 3/18/49, 2:i.1 ; II 2.", 49, 26.1 ; 11 2 50, 28.5. 15N 4E-32D2 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 62 feet. South side Pasado Avenue 0.13 mile wesi of D. S. Highway 99E. 3/19/48, 22.4; 11/22/48, 27.6; 3/28/50, 27.1. 15N 4E-32F1 — Reference point — top of W I flame in concrete floor under pump, elevation (12.2 feet. 0.18 mile west of I'. S. Highway 99E at a point 0.53 mile south of intersection with Earle Road. 12/10/47. 21.8; •" 2 is, 22.2; 3/30/48, 20.8; 5/14/48, 2(i. d; 11 '22/48, 23.7; 11/23/49, 25.1. 15N 4E-32L1 — Reference poinl — top of concrete under pump, elevation (14 feet. 0.06 mile east of < Hivehurst Avenue al a point 0.03 mile from intersect ion with 1'. S. Highway 99E. 12 1 17. 30.7 ; 3/17 48, 22.8. 15N4E-32M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation (id feet. 11.40 mile due west of intersection of OlivehurSt Avenue and U. S. Highway 99E. 12/1/47, 22.1 : :; 17 48, 22.::; 11/19/48, 24.4; 3/21/49, 2:1.7.. 15N 4E-33D1 — Reference point — lop of casing, elevation 70.5 feet. 0.10 mile south of Earle Road. 0.80 mile east of inter- section with U. S. Highway 99E. 12/10 47. 28.2; 3/1/48, 2(1.7; 11/22/49, 33.1. 15N/4E-33D2— Reference point— top of concrete pit, north wall, elevation 7(1.2 feet. O.ld mile south of Earle Road. 0.85 mile west of Griffith Avenue. 12/10/47, 2S.1 ; 3/2/48, 26.6; 3/31 48, 26.6; 10 8 48, 31.6; 11/22/4S. 30.5; •" 17/49, 28.2; 11 22 Id. 33.8; 3/24/50, 30.8; 4/4 52. 31.8. 15N 4E-33H1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 04.0 feet. 0.05 mile west of Griffith Avenue, 0.46 mile south of Earle Road. 12/4/47, 20.8; 3/18/48, 25.5; 11 Id 48, 2d,",; :: 2:; !d. 27o; 11 2:; l:i. ::2.(i; .", 27 50. 30.3: 11 2 7.0. .",4.!l ; 7/5 51, 29.5; 11 30 51, 34.9; 1 4 7.2. 30.3. 15N/4E-33R1 — Reference point — toil of casing, elevation 65 feet. 1.51 miles mirth of McGowan Road. 1 mile dm 1 easl of !'. S. Highway 99E. 12/1/47. 26.8; 3/8 Is. 29.6; 11 Id 4s. 33.9; :, 23 Id. 31.6; 11 2:; -Id. 38.0. 15N 4E-34D1— Reference point — top of wooden floor of pump house, elevation (id. 4 feet. South side of Earle Road. 0.10 mile east of Griffith Avenue. 12/10/47, 22.7: 10 8 48, 26.5; 11 22 48, 25.0; :; 17 Id. 24. S ; 1 1 22 49, 29.0; ." 30 51, 20.S; 11 21 7,1. 31.2; I 4 7,2. 20.1. 15N 4E-35E1 — Reference point— top Of 0" X (>" sill, south wall. elevation (is. 7 feet. 0.15 mile easl of curve in Earle Road, 1.32 miles south of North Beale Road. 12/10/47, 2::. I ; .". 1 is. 13.8; :: ::i is. 13.6; 10 8 is. 20.1 : 1 1 22 is. 20.0; :; 17 Id. 20.I ; 11 22 Id. 30.2; :; 21 50, 29.8; 11 2 50, ">2.4 ; .", ::ii 7,1. .",(1.4; 1 1 21 51, 35.2; I I 52, :;2.(i. 13N 4E-33Q1 — Reference poinl -lop of casing, elevation 72.2 feet. North side id' Spenceville Road. 0.26 mile east of inter- section with Earle Road. 12 I 17. 21.8; •" L8 18, 21.0; il is is, 27,..".; :: 2:: Id. 23.9. 15N/5E-19C1— Reference point lop of brick curb, elevation si; feet. 1.30 miles soulh of 1 1 a niinon I on Road at a point 1.50 miles from intersection of Brophy Road. 11 22 2d, 24.3; d (i 30, 21.1 ; 12/14/31, 20.2 ; 12 9/32, 25.7 ; 12 1 1 :i:\. 25.9 : 11 2d ".I. 20.0; 11 28 .",0. 2.",. I: I d II. .",.d; 11 47. 21.0; 12 Hi is. 24.6; 12 7 Id. 27..",; 11 Id 50, 26.9. APPENDIX E 145 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N/5E-19L1 — Reference point — top of concrete crib, elevation 86 feet. 1.77 miles south of Hammonton Road ;it a poinl 1.4(1 miles from intersection of Brophy Road. 1 1 /22/20. 25.8; 9/26/30, 25.5; 12/14/31, 26.5; 12/9/32, 26.7; 12/14/33, 27.4; 11/20/34, 27. (i; 11/28/36, 26.2; 11/23/37. 27.1; 1/9/41, 3.0; 11/6/47. 30.9; 12/10/48, :!3.4 ; 12/7/49, 37.0; 11/10/50. 39.6; 12/5/51,69.7. 15N 5E-31R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 79.2 feet. North side of Spenceville Road, 2.43 miles east of inter- section with Virginia Road. 12/24/47, 22. 1 ; :: 24/48, 22.0; 11/18/48, 26.7: 1/18 48, 24.9; 3/21/49, 24.2; 12 5 19, .-.2.2; 3/27/50, 30.3; 11/2/50, 38.4; 4/2/51, 33.2; 4/4/52. 36.5. 15N '5E-32J1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation '.'1 feet. 0.26 mile north <>i Spenceville Road. 3.43 miles east of inter- section with Virginia Road. 12/24/47. 33.9; 3/24/48, 33. 7 ; 11/18/48, XO.O; 3/21/49, 36.1 ; 12/5/49, 43.5; 3/27/50, 42.1 ; 11/2/50, 50.6; 4/2/51, 45.0; 11/21/51. 48.6. 16N 2E-1B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.2 feet. 350 feet south of Pennington Road, 0.3 mile west of Township Road. 12/22/47, 10.1; 3 1 4s. 10.4; 12/8/48, 9.6; 3/29/49, S.0; 11/8/49, 9.4; :: 21 50, 8.8; 11/2/50. 9.7 3/27 51, 8.6; 11/13/51, 9.2; 4 2 52, 8.1. 16N/2E-1J1 — Reference point — hole in pump flange, elevation 72.1 feet. 0.2 mile west of Township Road. 0.5 mile south of Pennington Road. 12 2:: 47, 7.2; 3/1/48, 7.4; 12/18/48, 6.9; 1/20/49, 6.5; 3/21/49, 4.0; 11 '9/49, 0.0. 16N/2E-2A1 — Reference point — top of concrete Hour, elevation 74.2 feet. 300 feet south of Pennington Road. 0.15 mile west of Schroeder Road. 12/22/47. 8.1; 3/1/48, 8.6; 12/8/48, 7.7; 3/30/4!). 0.1 ; 11/8/49, 0.1; 3/21/50, 7.:!; 11/2/50, 0.0; 3/23/51, 7.2; 11/13/51, 7.:!; 4/2/52. 6.6. 16N 2E-2J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 73.0 feet. 300 feet west of Schroeder Road, 0.75 mile south of Pennington Road. 12/23/47. 8.8; 3/1/48, 0.2; 12/8/48, 8.7; 3/21/40, 5.7; 11/9/49, 6.1. 16N/2E-3K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71.0 feet. 0.50 mile south of Pennington Road. 0.50 mile west of Krehe Road. 11/26/29, 8.4; 10/21 30, 8.7; 12/16/31, S.l ; 12 32, 8.4; 12 i:; :!.->. 7.0 ; 11/21/34, 7,s : 11 L'7 .".0. 7.5; 12/1/37. 7.1 ; 1/25 39, 6.8; 1/10/41, 3.5; 11/4/47. 2.7; 12/14 4S, 6.2; 11 8/49, 5,6; 11/10/50, 6.7; 11/26/51. 6.1. 16N '2E-4B1 — Reference point — top of casing, eleval ion 7:1.7 feci . 0.30 mile south of Pennington Road. 1.27 miles west of Krehe Road. 12/22/47. 0.!); 3/2/48, KM; 12/3/48, 10.0; 3/30/49, 8.2; 11/15/40, 8.6. 16N/2E-5B1— Reference point— hottom of flange above discharge pipe, elevation 74.8 feci. 0.15 mile south of Pennington Road, 2.3 miles west of Krehe Road. 12/22/41. 6.8; 3/2/48, 6.7 ; 12/3/48, 0.2; 3/30/49, 10.0; 11/16/49, 8.0. 16N /2E-5L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 87.8 feet. 0.55 mile south-southeast ,,f 00 degree turn in Pennington Road, 2.5 miles west of Krehe Road. 12 22/47, 12.8; :: 2 48, 12.8; 12 :; 48, 13.6; •". 30 40. 12.0; 11 15 49, 14.0; 3/24 50, 12.S; 11/2/50. 10.1 ; :; 27/51, 12.9. 1CN 2E-12J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71.8 feel . 0.25 mile west of Township Road. O.I.", mile north of Paseo Avenue. 12/23 47. 8.5 ; 3/1 4S, 8.6 ; 12 S/4S. s.4 : 3/21 ,'40. 4.0 ; 11/9/49, s.0; 3/22/50, 7.:: : 11/3/50. 8.0; 4/3/51, 7.1; 11/14/51, 7.S; 4/2/52, 7.0. 16N'2E-13G2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 64.6 feet. 0.3 mile west of Township Road, 0.7 mile north of Clark Road. 12/23/47, 7.0 ; 3/1 /48, 3.0 : 12/8/48, 3.2 ; 3/21 /49, - 1 .'< ; 11/10/40. 5.8; 3/22/50, 7.4. 16N/2E-24D1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 66.4 feet. 100 feet south of Clark Road. 0.8 mile west of Township Road. 12/23/47, s.0; 3/1/48, 8.0; 12/8/48, 7.7; 1/20/40. 8.5; 3/21 40. 0.1; 11 10 40, 4.:,; 3/22/50, 8.2; 11 3/50, 8.1; 4/3/51,36.2 (operating) ; 11/14/51,8.2:4/2 52,6.6. elevation 62.1 west of Broad- 1/20/4!), 10.0; 110 50, 8.2; 16N/2E-25P1— Reference point— top of casing, feet. 100 feet north of Sanders Road, 1.0 mile way. 12/19/47, 0.7 ; 3/3/48, 10.5; 12/2/48, 0.2 : 3/10/40. 8.8; 11/10/4!). 7.7; 3/22/50. 9.2; 4/4/51, s.0; 11/14/51, 8.3; 4 ■ :■: .".2. 6.9. 16N/2E-26K1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 00.1 feet. 500 feet east of East I'.utte Road, 0.25 mile north of Sanders Road. 12/19 47. 14.7; 3/3/48, 14.5; 12 2 48, 13.5; 3/16/49, 13.3; 11/10/40, 10.8; 3/22/50, 11.!); 11/2/50, 12.8; 4/4/51, 11.9; 11/14/51. 12.4; 4/3/52,9.2. 16N 2E-35B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 04 feet. SIX) feet east of Has! Butte Road, 0.25 mile south of Sanders Road. 11/26/29, 12.0; 10/21/30. 11.5; 12/10/:'.!. 1:5.0; 12/8/32, 12.1 ; 11/21/34. 12.2; 11/24/30, 12.7: 12/1/37, 11.0; 1/25/39, 12.0; 1/11/41, 0.7; 11/4/47, 1.0; 12/14/4S. 12.1; 11/11/4!), 10.:!; 11/10/50. 11.1 ; 11/26/51, 11.0. 16N/2E-35C2— Reference point — top of casing (10 feet ahove ground), elevation 65 feet. 300 feet west of Bast Butte Road, 0.1 mile south of Sanders Road. 12/13/33. 16.3; 11/21/34. 10.!); 12 1/37, 14..-,; 1/25/39, 10.2; 1/11/41,9.8. 16N 3E-1E1 — Reference point — top of casing at hottom of pit. ground elevation so feet. 0.1 mile east of State Highway 24. 0.6 mile north of Ramirez Road. 11/3/47. 12.5; 3/23/48, 9.4 ; 12/0/4S. 11.2; 3/21 40. 0.4; 11/15/4!). 13.4. 16NI 3E-1E2 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 80 feet. 0.20 mile east of Stale Highway 24. 0.6 mile north of Ramirez Road. 11/3/47, 22.3; 3/23/48, 19.2; 12/6/48, 20.6; 3/21/49, 19.0; 11/15/49, 23.1 ; 3/21/50, 17.0: 11/7/50, 24.5; 3/29/51, 15.2; 11/15/51, 21.7; 4/6/52, 10.7. 16N/3E-1M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 78 feet. 500 feet east of State Highway 24. 0.3 mile north of Ramirez Road. 11/4/47, 21.2; 3/23/48, 18.5. 16N 3E-1P2 — Reference point— base of pump, elevation 78 feet. .•',00 feet north of Ramirez Road, 0.60 mile east of State High- way 24. 11/4/47. 18.4; 3/23/48, 15.1; 12/2/48, 15.8; :; 21/49, 15.0; 11/15/4!). 18.2; 3/2/50, 19.7 ; 3/29/51, 11.0; 11/15/51, 17.7; 4 52, 5.6. 16N/3E-2C1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation SO feet, o.oo mile west of State Highway 24. 0.70 mile north of Ramirez Road. 11/3/47, 21.0; 3/23/48, 18.0; 12/6/48, 20.5; 3/21/49, is..',; 11/15/49, 22.6; 3/21/50, 10.2; 11/7/50, 22.4; 3/29/51, 14.0; 11/15/51, 21.0; 4/6/52, 10.3. 16N/3E-2M — Reference point— ton of casing, elevation 70 fed. 0.17 mile w-'-t of State Hhhway 24. 0.32 mile north of Ramirez Road. 6/1/48, 16.5; 6/30/48, 20.0; 7/21/48, 34.9; 0/1/4S. 21.2; 9/30/48, 20.0; 12/3/48, 17.!); 3/21/49, 10.1. 18M/3E-4L1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 75 feet. 30 feet west of Sheldon Road, 0.2.-, mile south of Archer Road. 11/10/47, 10.4; 3/20/48, 13.4; 12 .". 48,; :'. 8 40. 13.0; 11 !) 40. 9.2. 15N '3E-4M1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 70.2 feet. -,0 feet east of Sinnard Road, 0.15 mile south of Archer Road. 12 23 47. 11.3; 3/1 4S. 11.0; 12/3/48, 10.7; 3/21/40. 0.4 ; 11/9/49, 0.0. 16N/3E-4N1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 76.9 feet. 100 feet south of Coleman Avenue, 0.05 mile west of Sinnard Road. 12/23 '47. 0.0 ; 3/1/48, 10.8; 12/3/48, 0.2. 16N '3E-5A1 — Reference poinl --top of casing, elevation 7s.<; fe i 400 feet south of Pennington Road. 0.4 mile east of Larkin Road. 12/23/47, 10.7; 3/1/48, 11.0; 12/8/48, 10.5; 3/30 19, 9.0; 11/8/49, 10.1 ; 3/22/50, s.l ; 11/2/50, 11.1 : 3/27/51, 8.3; 11/14/51. 10.0; 4/2/52, 7..",. 16N 3E-5P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 7 I feet. 0.1--, mile west of Larkin Road. 10 mile north of Paseo Road. r,,4/4s. S.0: 6/2/48, 8.7; 6-30-48, 49.9 (operating); 12/4 4s, 11. o; :; 21/49,5.4; 4/3/51, 7.7. 146 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 16N 3E-6A1 — Reference point top of easing, elevation 77.0 feet. Smith side of Pennington Road, 0.8 mile easi of Township Road. 12 22 17. 12.1; 3 1 18, 11.1: 5 13 IS, 10.0 ; 11' 8 18, 12.3; 1 21 40, 11.4; 3 30 19, 8.0 ; 11 8 19, 12.6; 3 22 50,8.6; 11 •_' "i0, 13.6; 3 27 51, 7.:.; 11 13 51, 12.8; I 2 52,5.2. 16N 3E-7D2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 73.5 feet. 0.1 mile east of Township Road, 0.65 mile north of Pasco Ave- nue. 12 23 47, 10.1 ; :: 1 18, 9.8; 12 8 48, 9.5; 3 21 19, 3.6; 11 9 19, 9.2; 3 22 50, 8.0; 11 3 50, 10.0 ; t 3 51, 7.4; 11/14/51, 8.7; 4/2 52, 7.0. 16N 3E-8C1 — Reference point — top of curb, elevation 74.1 feet. 0.2 mile west of 1. ark in Road, 0.75 mile north of Paseo Ave 12 2:: 17. S.9; 3 1 48, 9.1; 12 I 48, 9.1; 3 21 19, 5.4; 11 9 1!'. 6.9; 3/22/50, 5.5; 11 3/50, 9.9; 4/3/51, 6.3; 1111 51, 8.9; I 2 52, 2.9. 16N 3E-8P1 — Reference point —top of easing, elevation 72.0 feet. 200 feel north of Paseo Avenue, 0.15 mile west of Larkin Road. 12 23 17. S.8; 3 1 48, 9.0; 12 4 4s, 8.7; 3 21/49, 5.5; 11 !i 49, 7.::. 16N 3E-8R1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 71 feet. 100 feel north of Paseo Avenue, 400 feel east of 1". S. Highway 99E. 1 10 11. 3.4; 11 5 17. 7.6; 12 5 47. 9.2; 12/13/48, 9.3*; 11 9 19, 7.1: 3/22/50, 8.7; 11/10/50, 9.4; 4/2/51, 7.2; 11 26 51, 7.s. 16N 3E-8R2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71 feet. 100 feel north of Paseo Avenue, 300 feel cast of Q. S. Highway 99E. 1 2:1 29, 8.8; 9 27 30, 8.3; 12/10/31, 9.3; L2/9 32, 9.3; 12 13 33, 8.9; 11 21 34, 7.3; 1 2 1 36, 8.4; 12 1/37, 7.:; : I 26 39, 10.3. 16N 3E-9A1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 72 feet. 1,500 feet north of Bishop Road, 100 feet east of Levee. II Ki 47. 14.!): 3 20 48, 17.1 ; 12 3/48, 16.0; 3/8/49, 17.4; II '.1 19, 13.7; 3 22 50, LO.O ; 11 3 50, L3.8 ; 4/2/51, 14.0; 11 14 51, 14.5; I 3 52, 11.7. 16N 3E-9M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71 feet. 400 feet east of Sinnard Road. 0.3 mile north of Paseo Avenue. 3/20 18, 11.5: 12/3/48, 10.8; 3/8/49, 11.3; 11/9 19, 8.7; 3 22 50, 9.1 : 1 1 3 50, 9.0 : I 2 51, 7..". ; 11 11 51, 8.8 ; 4/3/52. 5.!). 16N 3E-9Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 75 feet. (id feet west of Kent Avenue, 150 feet north of Paseo Avenue. 11 Hi 17. Hi. I: :; 2ii is. 19.1 : 5 13 1s, 13.4; 12 3 is. L8.6 ; :: 8 19, 1s.l>; ii s 49, 17.2. 16N 3E-11C1 — Reference point base of pump, elevation 70 feet. 0.50 mile west of State Highway 24 .:;."> mile south of Rand re/. Roa.l. 11 5 47. 211.(1; 3 23 Is. L8.6 ; 12 :: 18, 19.1 : 3/21/49, 17.(1; 1 1 15 19, 21.1. 16N 3E-11F2 — Reference point base of pump, elevation 7('» feet. (I. oil mile west of Slate I lighwa\ 2 I. 0.30 mile south of Ramirez Road. 11 5 17, 19.8; :: 23/48, 17..",: 12 :', Is, 19.2; .", 21 in. 15.2; 11 1.", 19, 2(i.:;. 16N 3E-11K1 — Reference point base of pump, elevation 70 feet. 0.20 mile west of Stale Highway 21. 0.70 mile south of Ramirez Road. 11 5 17. L9.8 ; :: 23 18, 20.6; 12 :; Is. 18.0; :: I- I'.'. 10..",; 11 1.", 19, 19.4. 16N 3E-11L1 — Reference point to], of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.4 ile we i of State Highwaj 21. 0.7 mile south of Rami- . Road. 11 5 17, 18.0; 3/23 18, 16.2 ; 12/3/48, 16.4 ; 3 is 19, L4.6; 11 1.", 19, 17>. 16N 3E-11Q1 — Reference point —top of casing, elevation 7-"> feel. 750 feet west of Slate Highway 24, 0.9 mile south of Rami- rez Road. 11 •", 17. lo.l : 12 3 18,9.5; ■': L8 19, 7.0; 11 15 19, LO.O. 16N 3E-12B1 — Reference point -top of easing, elevation 7 ( .» feet. 20 feet south of Ramirez Road. 0.70 mile east of State Iligh- wav 21. 11 I 17. 10.1: .". 23 48, 14.5; 5/7/48, 13.1 : 12 2 18, 1 1.5; 1 25 19, 1 1.2: .". 21 19, 13.0; 11 L5 19, 10.7. 16N 3E-12B2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 7'.l feet. 750 feel south of Ramirez Road, O.7.", mile east of Stale High- way 24. 11 I 17. 9.4; :: 2:: is. 7.4; 12 2 4s. 7.2: :: 21 19, 5.6; 11 1.", 40, s.O. 16N 3E-12E1 — Reference point — fop of casing at bottom of pit, elevation 70 feet. 0..", mile east of State Highway 24, 0.0 mile south of Ramirez Road. 11/5/47, 10.2; 3/23 18, 7.6; 12 is. 9.5; 3 18 19, 7.5: 11/15/49, 10..". ; 3/21/50, 15.3; 11/7/50, 20.0 ; :: 29 51, 1 1.9 ; 11/15/51, 18.2* ; 4/6/52, 6.4*. 16N3E-12L2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.0 mile east of State Highway 24, 0.0 mile south of Ramirez Road. 11 7 47, 11.::: 3/23 48, 0.2; 12/6/48, 5.4; 3/1S/49, s.ti: 11 15/49, lo.l. 16N/3E-13G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72 feet. 2.000 l'eel north of Magnon W'av. 4,300 feel east of Stale Highway 24. 11/7/47. 14.0: :: 2.", is, 13.8; 12/10/48, 13.7; 11/10/49. 14.7; :: 21 50. 13.6; 11/7/50, 18.1; :; 20 .",1. 0.1; I o :,2. .",..",. 16N/3E-14B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 7-", feci. .",00 feet west of State Highway 24. 1.2 miles south of Rami- rez Road. 11 5/47, 0.2; 3 23 48, 8.1 : 5/7 48, 5.s ; 12 :'. 18, 7.8; 3/18/49, 6.1; 11/15/49, 9.3; 3/21/50, 10.0; 11/7/50, 10.3; 3/29/51, 1.7; 11/15/51, 7.9; 4/6/52, 3.7. 16N/3E-14C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74 feet. 1.2 miles south of Ramirez Road, 0.4 mile west of State High- way 24. 11 .", 47, !i.7.",: :; 25 4s, o.l ; 12/3/48, 6.8; 3/ls |s. 6.8; 11/15/49, 0.0. 16N/3E-14D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72 feel. 1.2 miles south of Ramirez Road. 0.5 mile west of State Highway 24. 11/5/47, 9.9; 3/23/4S. 10.7; 5/7/48, 5.8; 12/3/48, s.O; 1/26/49, 7.0; 3/18/49, 7.0; 11/15/40. 10.2; 3 21 50, 13.9; 11/7/50, 11.2; 3/29/51, 9.4; 11/15/51, 15.S. 16N/3E-14J1 — Reference point — hole in front of base of pump. elevation 71 feet. 000 feet north of Magnolia W'av. 950 feet east of State Highway 24. 11/8/47, 16.1; .". 25 4S, 14.8; 12 3/48, 1.",..", ; 3/18/49, 13.1; 11/16/49, 16.5. 16N/3E-14L1— Reference point— lop of casing at bottom of 12- foot pit, elevation 59 feet. 0.5 mile west of Stale Highway 24. 1.5 miles south of Ramirez Road. 11/8/47, 0.7; 3/25/48, 5.1 ; 12:: is. 5.3; :: 18/49, 5.1 : 11/16 19, 7.:: : 3/21/50, 3.2; II 7 r,o, 7.S; 3/29/51, 12.0*; 11/15/51, 18.S* ; 4/6/52, 6.0. 16N 3E-16M1 — Reference point — top of concrete Mock, elevation 70 feel. 000 feel south of Cutting Avenue. 300 feel east of U. S. Highway 99E. 11/10/47, 7.05; 3/20/48, 11.7; 12 3/48, s.o. 16N 3E-17C1 — Reference point — top of flange under pump, ele- vation 72.1 feci. 100 feel east of Larkin Road, 0.8 mile north of Clark Road. 12/23/47, 8.7; 3/1/48, 8.8; 12 I is, 7.7. .", 21 I'd. 0.5: 11/9/49, 7.8; :: 22 50, 7.0; 11/3/50, 8.9; 4/3/51, 7.5; 11 1 1/51, s.2; 1 2 52, 0.0. 16N 3E-17Q1 — Reference point lop of concrete pit, elevation 70.5 feet. 0.2 mile easi of Larkin Road. 500 feet north of Clark Road. 12 2.", 17. o..-,: :: 2/48, lo.l ; 5/4/48, 8.0; 6/1/48, 7.0; 12 1 Is, 0.4; l 2(» 19, 0.S; 3/21 10. 7.5; 5/26 10, 7.0; 6/30 10. .-,.0; 7 ::i 10, 0.2; 8/31/49, 6.5; 11 10/49, 8.7; 3/22/50, S.9; 11/3/50, 8.8; 1/3/51, 6.8; 11/14/51, 7.0; I :: 52, 5.4. * Tup (if pit. APPENDIX E 14- TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 16N 3E-18C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 68.3 feet. 100 feet south of Paseo Avenue, 100 feet west of Broad- way. 12 23/47, 6.4; 3 1 is, 6.3; 12/4 18, 8.3; 1/20/49, 6.2; 3/21/4!), 4.1. 16N/3E-19C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 66.8 led. 250 feel west of Broadway, 0.1 mile south of Clark Road. 12/23/47, 7.1; 3/2/48, 7.2; 12/4/48, 6.8; 3/21/49, 4.7; 11/10/4!). 5.5; 3/22/50, 8.6; 11/3/50, 6.3; 4/3/51. 6.4; 11/14/.-)!. 0.7; 4 '2 52. 5.7. 16N/3E-20E1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 69.8 feet. 200 feel west of Marden Avenue, 0.2 mile smith of Clark Road. 12/23/47, 10.4; 3/24/48, 11.:: ; 12/4/48, 10.2; 3/21/49, 8.1; 5/26/49, 7.5 ; 6/28/49, 7.S ; 7/27/4!). !).::; 8/25/49, 8.7; 11/10/4!), !>.7 ; 3/22/50, 10.0; 11/3/50, 9.3; 4/3/51, 9.6; 11/14/51, Id.:'.; 4/2/52, 9.2. 16N/3E-21D1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 70 fool. 200 feel south of "'lark Road, 0.6 mile oast of Larkin Road. 12/23/47, 10.7: 3 2/48, 11.4; 12/3/48, 10.3; 11/8/49, lo.:! : :: 22 5o. 9.6; 11 :: 50, 10.3; i :: 51. 6.4; 11/4/51. 0.2; 4/3/52. 4.O. 16N/3E-21J1 — Reference point — tup of casing, elevation 68.0 feet. 0.4 mile oast of I'. S. Highway 99E, 0.3 mile north of En- cinal Road. 11/10/47, 17.9; 3/20/48, 16.4; 5/13/48, 13.3; 12/3/48, 17.5; 1/21/49, 17.0; 3/8/49, 16.8; 11/10/4!). 18.6; :: 22/50, 17.2; 4 :: 51, 10.5; 11 14/51. 16.5; 4/3/52, 5.2. 16N/3E-21P2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 65.9 feet. West side of Southern Pacific Railroad Right of Way, o.l mile north of Encinal Road. 12/23/47, 14.5; 3/2/48, 15.3; 12/3/48. 14.1; 3/21/49, 13.0; 11/10/40. 15.3. 16N/3E-23C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71 foot. 0.25 mile west of State Highway 24 at a point 0.4 mile south of Magnolia Way intersect ion. 11/8/47, 17.2; 3/25/48, 15.!); 5/19/4S. 13.9; 12/2/48, 15.9; 1/26/49, 15.5; 3/S/49, 13.0. 16N/3E-23J1 — Reference point — tup of casing, elevation 70 feet. 0.1 mile east of Slate Highway 24, 0.3 mile north of W 1- ruff Lane. ll/N/47. 14.3; 3/25/48, 13.1; 5/19/48, 11.!); 12/2/48, 14.G; 3/18 to. L3.0 ; 11/16/49, 15.1. 16N/3E-23R3 — Reference point — center of pump shaft, elevation 70 feet. 200 feet north of Woodruff I. am', 0.3 mile east of State Highway 24. 11/8/47, 14.0; 3/25/48, 13.0; 12/2/48, 13.0; 3/18/49, 11.5; 11/10/49, 13.9. 16N '3E-24A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 (c. 16N/4E-33J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 88.7 feel . 200 feet east of Slate Highway 20, 0.45 mile south of West Hallwood Road. 11/26/47, 11.8; 3/3/48, 14.!); 3/23/49, 13.0; 11/18/49, ll.s. 16N/4E-33K1— Reference point-top of casing, elevation S4.0 feet. 200 feet northwest of State Highway 20. 0.70 mile south of West Hallwood Road. 11 20/47. 9.2; 3/8/48, 12.1 ; 11 30 48, 10.5; 3/23/4!). 9.7; 11/18/49, 9.7. 16N 4E-33N 1 — Reference point top of casing cap, elevation 80.1 feet. 200 feet northwest of State Highway 20, 1.3 miles south of West Hallwood Road. 11/26/47,8.3; 3/4 /4S. 11.5; 11/30/48, 10.6; 3/23/4'.). 9.2; 11/18/49, 10.0; 3/23/50, 10.2; 10/31/50. 9.3; 3 30/51, 9.1 ; 11/14/51, 10.0; 4/5/52, 7.4. 16N/4E-34B1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 96.8 feet. 100 feet north of West Hallwood Road, 200 feel easl of levee. 11/25/47, 14.4; 3/3/48, 20.5; 11/29/48, 19.5; 3/22/49, 15.S: 11/18/49, 14.0. 16N/4E-34D1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 91.9 feet. 000 feet west of State Highway 20. 0.20 mile north of West Hallwood Road. 11/26/47, 12.7: 3/3/48, 10. 1 ; 11/30/4S, 13.8; 3/23/4!). 13.5; 11/18/49, 13.0. 16N 4E-34L1 — Reference point — top of casing 2.5 feet above ground, elevation 98.5 feet. 0.4 mile north of Walnut Road. 200 feet west of Hallwood Road. 10/25/47. 17.5; 3/3/48, 21.7; 11/29/4S, 18.7; 3/22/49, l!».i) ; 11/18/49, is.:;. 16N/4E-34Q1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 95.3 feet. 400 feet north of Walnut Road. 400 feet east of Ilallw 1 Road. 11/25/47. 16.7; •'! 3 4s. 21.1; 11 29 18, 17.7; 3/22/49, 19.3; 11/18/49, 10.7; 3 23 50, 19.7; 10/31/50, 16.0; 3/30/51, 17.0; 11/14/51. 17.1 ; 4/6/52, 15.1. 16N <4E -35M 1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- vation 101.1 feel. 0.0 mile east of Hallwood Road. 0.5 mile north of Walnut Road. 11 '25 47. 15.3; 3/3 4S, 17.!); 4/1/4S, 18.1; 3/23/49, 16.S; 11/18/49, 10.0. 17N/1E-25J1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 77 feet. 100 feet south of North Butte Road, 0.4 mile west of 90 turn iXW.) in North Butte Road. 3/25/48, IS.!); 12 3 4s. 19.7; 3/30/49, 10.7; 11/15/49, 22.0; 3 24 50, 16.6; 11 2 50, 21.0; 3/27/51, 21.2; 11/13/51, 23.8. 17N/2E-22R1 — Reference poinl — top of casing, elevation 79.5 feet. 0.07 mile northwest of intersection of Krehe and Lucerne Roads. 12/22/47, 7.7; 3/2 4s. s.:; : n 15 49, 7.4. 17N/2E-24N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 81.1 feel. 100 feet north of Lucerne Road. 0.95 mile West of Town ship Road. 12/22/47, 7.4; 3/1/4S, 8.2; 12/8 4s, 8.0; 1/21/49. 7.5; 3/30/4!). 4.5; 11 8/49, 0.5. 17N '2E-29M1 — Reference point —hole in pump base, elevation 79.6 feel. 0.1 mile east of Crane Road. 0.:'. mile north of Bige- low Road. 12 22/47. 14.0; 12/3/48, 10.1; 3/30/49, 12.0; 11/15/49, 10.1: :: 2 1 50. 13.5; 3/27/51. 12.0. 17N 2E-29Q1 — Reference point -lop of casing, elevation 77.!) feil. 0.1 mile, easl-northeasl of '.111 turn in Bigelow Road, at a poinl 0.5 mile easl of Crane Road. 12/23/47, 13.9; 3/2/48, 15.1 ; 12/3/48, 15.5; 3/30/49, 12.0; 11/15/49. 14.3. 17N 2E-30N1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation S3 feet. 0.15 mile south of Pennington Road at a point 0.1 mile west of Pennington School. 3/25/48, 22.!); 12/3/48, 24.1 : 3/30/49, 21.:'.; 11/15/49', 25.2. 17N/2E-31A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 85 feet. 100 feet north of Pennington Road al a point 0.1 mile west of Bigelow anil Pennington Roads intersection. '■', 25 (S. 23.5; 12 3/48, 24.7; 3/30/49, 22.8; 11/15/4!). 25.5; 3/24/50. 23.0; 11 '2/50. 20.7: 3/27/51, 21.8; 11/13/51. 28.3; 4/2/52. 20.2. 17N/2E-33J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 71..". feet. 0.35 mile north of Pennington Road. 1.05 miles west of Krehe Road. 1223/47. 0.4; 3/2/48, 0.5; 12/13 Is. 0.2; 3/30/4!). 4.0: 11/15/49, 3.7. 17N 2E-34A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74.0 feet. Bast side id' Krehe Road. 0.9 mile north of Pennington Road. 12 22'47. 6.8; 3 1 48, 7.2; 12/8/48, O.s ; 1/21 '49, 0.0; :: 30 I'.l. 5.0; 11 8 19, 1.2; .", 21 50, 0.7; 11 2 50. 4.9; 3/27/51, 12.7 (operating) ; 11/13/51, 0.2; 4/2/52, 5.8. 17N/2E-34Q1 — Reference point — top id' outer casing, elevation 71.8 feet. North side of Pennington Road. 0.5 mile west of Krehe Road. 12/22/47, 6.4 ; 3/2 4s. 7.1 : 12/3/48, 7.0 ; 3/30 49, 5.(1; 11/15/49, 5.7: 3 2 1 oil. 5.5; 11/2 5(1. 5.5; 3 27 51. 0.0; 1 1 13/51, 6.1 ; 4/2/52. 5.4. 17N2E-35A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 75.2 feet. 50 feet wesl of Schroeder Road. 0.95 mile north of Pen- nington Road. 12/22/47, 4.7; 3, 1 is. 5.7; 12 8 4S. 5.5; 3 31)4!). 4.0; 5/26/49, 3.8; 6/28/49, 4.2; 7/27/4!). 3.4; 8/25/49, 3.5; 11/8/49, 4.4: 3/21/50, 0.0; 11/2/50. 5.!); 3/27/51. 5.0; 11/13/51. 0.2; 4/2/52. 5.5. 17N 2E-36H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70 feet. 300 feet west of Township Road. 0.6 mile north of Pennington Road. 3/26/48, 7.0; 12 8 is. 7.!). 17N 3E-22R1 — Reference point — tori id' casing, elevation SO feet. 0.25 mile north of Laurel Road at a point 0.48 mile wesl of intersection with Thame Road. 10/2!>/47. 23.3; 3/22/48. 20.0; 12 10 48, 21.9; 3 8/49, 21.2; 11/14/4!). 23.3; 3/21/50, 22.2: 11/7/50. 23.4 ; 3/28/51, 16.8 ; 11/15/51, 22.1 ; 4/0/52. 13.6. 17N/3E-23P1 — Reference point— hole in concrete base, elevation 87 feet. 0.37 mile north of Laurel Road, due north of inter- section with Thame Road. 10/29/47, 22.7; 12/10/48, 20.5; 3/S/4!), 20.0; 1114 4!l. 22.!). 17INL3E-25G1 — Reference point — hide in base of pump, elevation 85 feet. 2.57 miles north of Ramirez Road. 0.53 mile east of State Highway 24. 10/20/47. 22.9; 3/22/48, 19.1 ; 12/10/48, 19.4; 3/8/49, 18.8; 11/14/49, 21.0; 3/21/50, 18.1; 11/7/50, 21.7; ■". 28 51. 40.0 (operating) ; 11/15 51. 23.4 ; 1/6 52. !).3. 17N/3E-25M 1 — Reference poinl — hide in base of pump, elevation SO feet. 2.27 miles north of Ramirez Road. 0.15 mile east of Slate Highway 24. 10/29/47, 22.0; 3 22 4S. 19.8; 12 10 48, 20. s. 17N 3E-25N1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 84 feel. 1.97 miles north of Ramirez Road. 0.24 mile east of Stale Highway 24. 3/22/48', 20.7: 12/10/48, 19.3; 3/8/49, is.0; 11/14 49, 21.8. 150 SUTTE R-YUBA COU NT I ES I X \' EST I ( : A T K >.\ TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 17N 3E-25Q1 — Reference point— hole in base of pump, elevation 84 feet. 2.27 miles north of Ramirez Road, 0.75 mile east of siaic Highway 24. L0 ::i 17, 18.7; 3 22 is. 18.7; 12 L0 18, 1T.T: 3 s l!i, 15.3; 1111 19, 20.2. 17N 3E-26A2 — Reference poinl hole in base of pump, elevation S5 feet. 0.04 mile south of Laurel Road, 0.10 mile west of Stale Highwaj 24. 10 28 IT. 22.8; 3 28 18, 21.9; 12 10 48, 21.1; I 26 19, 20.5; 3 8 l!i. 20.1 ; 11/14 49, 23.7; 3 2] 50, 21.3 : II T 50, 22.8; 3 28 51, 14.6; 11 15 51, 27.6; 4 (i 52, 11.1. 17N 3E-26B1 — Reference point— flange of suction line, elevation sT feet. 0.07 mile north of Laurel Road. 0.28 mile west of Stale Highway 24. 10/29/47, 15.5; 3/22/48, 11.9; 5/7/48, 9.7; 12 10 is. 13.5; 3 s -I-.). 12.5; 11 14 19, 15.5. 17N 3E-26H1 — Reference point— hole in base of pump, elevation S5 feet. 0.25 mile south of Laurel Road. 0.22 mile west of State Highway 24. 10 29 IT. 24.1 ; 12/10 Is. 22.11 ; 11/14/49, 2:',. 7. 17N 3E-26R1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 84 feet. 0.10 mile west of State Highway 24. 0.65 mile south of Laurel Road. 10 29 4T. 20.0 ; 3 22 48, 20.8 : 12/10/48, 18.8 ; 3 8 49, 18.0; 11 14 49, 21.0. 17N 3E-28P1 — Reference point — top of flange on suction pipe, elevation 82 feet. 0.18 mile cast of Cooley Road. 1.1(1 miles north of intersection of Mcteer Road. 1(1 .".1 47, 5.8; 3/20/48, 7.4; 5/30/48, 4.T ; 12 8/48, 4.!); 3/8/49, 7.0; 11/8/49, 5.5; 3 22 50, 5.1; 11 :i /.-,<>. 7.0: 3/27/51, 3.1; 11/14/51, 6.5; I 3 52, 2.2. 17N/3E-29C1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 82.4 feet. 0.21 mile west of Larkin Road. 0.04 mile north of Riviera Road. 12 22/47,8.9;3/l 48, 9.4 ; 12/8/48, 9.7 ; 3/30/49, 5.9 ; II 8 I'.'. 8.2; .".21 50, 6.3; 11/2/50, 8.8; 3/27/51, 5.8; 11/13 51, 8.8; 4 2 52, 4.5. 17N 3E-29H1 — Reference point — top <>f casing, elevation 77.7 feet. South side Riviera Road, 0.."i2 mile east of Larkin Road. 12 2:; IT. 5.0; 3/1 4s. 5.6; 5 12/48, 3.5; 11/8/49, 4.7. 17N 3E-30F1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 80.0 feet . Soul li side Riviera Road, 0.35 mile cast of Township Road. 11 26/29, 4.7; 9/27/30, 3.3; 12/16/31, 0.2; 12/9/32, 5.4; 12/13/33, 5.6; 11 21 34, 5.4; 11 2:: 37, 3.7; 1/26/39, 6.4; 1 10 19, 3.1; 11 4/47, 7.8; 12/5/47, 8.0; 12/22/47, 8.2; 3 l is. 8.5; 12/8 is, 8.6; 12 13/48, 9.3; 11/8/49, 7.6; 3 30/49, 5.4; 3 21 50, 3.5. 17N 3E-30G1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation SI feet. South Side of Riviera Road. 0.23 mile wesl of U. S. Highway 99E. 11 10 50, 8.6; 11/26/51, 8.7. 17N 3E-30N1 — Reference point — top of pumphouse floor, eleva- tion T-'l.O feet. 0.0S mile cast of Township Road. 1 .25 miles north of Pennington Road. 12 22 IT. 1.1 ; 3 1 48, 4.4; 5/13/48, ."..1 ; 12 s is. 4.0; 1/21/49, 4.0; 3/30/49, 1.5; 5/26/49, 7.0; 2s 19, 7.0; T 2T 19, 7.5; 8/25/49, 8.5; 11/8/49, 3.7; 3/21/50, 6.5; 11 2/50, 8.9; 3/27/51, 6.6; 11/13/51, 8.4; 4 2 52, l.o. 17N 3E-31A2 — Reference poinl — hide in base of pump, elevation -' feet. 1.01 miles west of Township Road, 0.85 mile north of Pennington Road. 12 8 48, 10.0; :: 30 19, 0.0. 17N 3E-31 M 1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevat ion 75 feet. 0.2 I mile east of Township Road. 0.32 mile nort b of Pennington Road. :i 26, 48, 7.1 ; 12 s 4s, 9.1. 17N 3E-32B1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 81.5 feet. 0.09 mile easl of Larkin Road. 1 mile south of Riviera Road. 12 2:; 4T, 12.2: 3/1/48, 12.4; 12 8/48, 11. T: ■'. 30 19, s.l : l s 10, 13.3; :; 22 50, 7.8; 3/27/51, 6.5; 11 13/51, 9.8; I 2 52, 4.7. 17N/3E-33Q1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 80 feet. North side id' Pennington Road. 0.50 mile east of .Mcteer Road. II 10 IT. 12.2; :; 2(» is. 16.7; 12/3/48, 13.1; 3/8/49, 16.6; 11/9/4!). 10.7; .", 22 50, 14.0; 11/3/50, 11.4; 4/2/51, 11.3; 11/14/51, 12.4; 4/3 52, s.s. 17N/3E-35H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 82 feet. 0.05 mile west of State Highway 24. 1.57 miles north of Ramirez, Road. 10/20/47. 21.5; 3/22/48, 19.0; 10/10/48, 19.7; 3/8/49, 19.0; 11 15/49, 22.2. 17N '3E-35H2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 82 feet. 1.07 miles north of Ramirez Road, west side of State Highway 24. 10/29/47, 2:1.4; 3/22/48, 21.0; 5/7/48, 17.2; 12 10/48, 19.9; 3/8/49, 10.0; 11/15/49. 22.3; 3/21/50, 18.2; 11/7/50, 22.0 ; 3/28 51, 14.2 : 11/15/51, 22.3 ; 4/6/52, 10.1. 17N/3E-36B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 84 feet. 0.70 mile cast of State Highway 24, 1.S7 miles north of Ramirez Road. 10/31/47, 17.9; 3/22/48, 17.6; 12/10/48, 17.0; 3/8/49, 15.5; 11/14/49. 19.0. 17N/3E-36B2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 84 feet. 0.55 mile cast of State Highway 24, 1.9 miles north of Ramirez Road. 10/31/47, 23.7; 3/22/48, 17.3; 5/7/48, 17.0; 12/10/48, 17.6; 1/26/49, 17.1; 3/8/49, 16.3; 11/14/49, 19.9; 3/21/50, 16.6; 11/7/50. 20.2; 3/28/51, 12.3; 11/15/51, 18.6; 4/0/52, T.4. 17N'3E-36E1 — Reference point — slot in base, elevation 83 feet. 0.2 mile east of Slate Highway 24, 1.55 miles north of Ramirez Road. 10/31/47, 20.3; 3/22/48, 18.4; 3/8/49, 17.7; 11/15/49, 20. s. 17N/4E-22H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 116 feet. 0.2 mile east of La Porte Road bridge across Middle Il.mcut Creek. 2/25/48, 16.1 ; 3/15/48, 15.3; 11/17/49, 18.3; 3/28/51, 12.1; 11/14/51, 18.6; 4/6/52, 10.2. 17N/4E-27E1 — Reference point — top of concrete pit cribbing. elevation 105 feet. 0.30 mile west of La Porte Road bridge across South Iloncut Creek. 11/19/47, 29.9; 3/15/48, 33.2; I 1 30 18, 30.0; 3/23/49, 24.2. 17N/4E-27F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 106 feet. West side La Porte Road, south bank of South Honcut Creek. 11/18/47, 24.S; 3/30/48, 24.2; 5/12/48, 24.2; 11/30/48, 24.9; 3/23 40. 23.1 ; 11/17/40. 28.0; 3/22/50, 24.9; 10/3/50, 30.2; 3/28/51, 24.1 ; 11/14/51, 30.3; 4/6/52, 23.8. 17N 4E-29L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 80 feet. 1.02 miles west of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, 0.30 mile south of South Honcut Creek. 12/1/48, 21.2; 3/23/49, 19.5; 11/17/40. 20.1 ; 3/22/50, 22.3; 10/31/50, 30.0; 3/28/51, 21.6; 11/27/51, 14.0; 4 52. 5.0. 17N/4E-33D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 96 feet. Wesl side Southern Pacific Railroad I racks, 1.08 miles north along tracks from intersection with Ramirez Road. 11/18/47, 24.1 ; 3/15/48, 24.8; 12 1 '48, 25.2; 3/23/49, 27.6; 11/17/49, 2T.0; 3/22/50, 2T.0; 10/31/50, 28.0; 3/28/51, 25.1; 11/14/51, 28.1 ; 4/6/52, 24.::. 17N 4E-35C1 — Reference point-hole in pump base, elevation 122 feet. South side Iowa City Road, 1.20 miles easl of La Porte Road. 3/15/48, 20.T; 11/17/49, 28.5; 3/28/51, 28.5; II 14/51, 33.1 ; I 6 52, 30.1. APPENDIX K 151 TABLE 2 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by S. T. Harding (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13N/2E-1 (Harding 43) — Reference point — top of pump house floor, elevation 35 feet. 1,800 feel north of cast quarter corner of section. 9/20/31, 16.5 ; 12 2 32, 15.7. 13N/3E-2 (Harding 139)— Reference point— top of casing, ele- vation 4."> fret. 30 feel north of e;isl :ind west center line, 1.700 feet east of Garden Highway. 10/16/31, •-"-'.7; 11 29 32, 18.0. 13N/3E-3 (Harding 76) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 40 feet. 200 feet south and 1.400 feet east of center of section. 10/13/31, 21.3; 11/29/32, L9.2. 13N/3E-4 (Harding 141A) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 30 feet. S00 feet south and 50 feet west of northeast corner of section. 10/9/31, 22.1; 12/2/32, 20.0. 13N/3E-4 (Harding 70) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 40 feet. 20 feet west of Sawtelle Avenue at southeast corner of section. 10/8/31, 23.0; 12/2/32, 20.0. 13N/3E-5 (Harding 140) — Reference point — top of pit, elevation 36 feet. 550 feet south and 200 feet west of north quarter corner of section. 10/9/31, 23.0; 12/2/32,20.7. 13N/3E-5 (Harding 141) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 34 feet. 200 feet west and .".00 feet north of east quarter corner of section. 10 '9 31, 20.5 ; 12/2/32, 18.0. 13N/3E-7 (Harding 73)— Reference point— top of casing, ele- vation 33 feet. 1,300 feet east of west quarter corner of section. 10/8/31, 12.0; 12 2 32. L3.0. 13N /3E-9 ( Harding 72) — Reference point — top of wall of pit, ole- Vation 35 feet. 500 feet south of north quarter corner of section. 10/8/31, 18.5; 12/2/32. 13.1. 13N 3E-10 (Harding 69)— Reference point — top of wall of wooden pit. elevation 38 feet. 500 feel north and 500 feet south of northeast corner of section. 10/8/31, 17.0; 12/2/32, 17.1. 13N/3E-11 (Harding 75) — Reference point — top of wall of pit. elevation 40 feet. 2.000 fret south and (500 feet west of northeast corner of section. 10/8/31, 17.5; 12/7/32, 15.6. 13N/3E-13 (Harding 74)— Reference point- -top of wall of pit. elevation 38 feet, loo feet cast and 1.0O0 feet north of south- west corner of section. 10/8/31, 16.8; 12/7/32, 17.1. 13N/3E-14 (Harding 64)— Reference point— top of wall of pit. elevation 35 feet. 500 feet north of intersection of Wilson Road and Garden Highway. 10/6/31, 15.5; 12/2/32, 15.2. 13N/3E-15 (Harding 63) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 35 feet. West side of Southern Pacific Railroad, \ mile north of Wilson Road. 10/0/31. 15.0; 12/2/32. 13.8. 13N/3E-16 (Harding 62) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 36 feel. 500 feet north of southeast corner of section. 10 31, 17.0; 12 2 32, 16.4. 13N/3E-16 (Harding 71) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 31 feet. 1,300 feet east and 2.700 feet south id' northwest corner of section. 10/8/31, 12.0; 12/2/32, 11.3. 13N 3E-23 (Harding 60) — Reference point — top of concrete pit wall, elevation 35 feet. 100 feet east of Garden Highway, 2,200 feet south of north quarter corner of section. 10/6/31, 15.5; 12/2/32, 12.5. 13N/3E-23 (Harding 61) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 30 feet. 500 feet east and 200 feet south of northwest corner of section. 10/6/31, 10.4; 12/2/32, 15.2. 14N 2E-4 (Harding 51) — Reference point — top of easing, eleva- tion 37 feet. 300 feet west and 200 feet south of northeast corner of section. 9/26/31, 8.3; 11/30/32, CO. 14N 2E-36 (Harding 47) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion -'14 feet. 500 feet south of north quarter corner of section. 9/23/31, 12.0; 12/2/32, 11.0. 14N/2E-36 (Harding 42)— Reference point — top of casing, .'leva- lion 35 feel. At east quarter corner of section. 0/20/31, 14.0; 12/2/32, 13.2. 14N3E-1 (Harding 99) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 53 feet. 200 feet west of Feather River Boulevard and mill if Alicia Station, lo 10 31, 12.0; 12 ..:.. 32, 14IM/3E-2 (Harding 54) — Reference point — top of casing below ground, elevation 48 feet. 5,200 feet easl of Southern Pacific Railroad and 1,500 feel north of latitude 39° 05'. 0/26/31, 21.3; 11 '29/32, 18.5. 14N 3E-2 (Harding 79) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 48 feet. 1,400 feet east and 700 feel south of northwest comer of section. 10/13/31, 19.5; 11/29/32, 10.0. 14N/3E-3 (Harding 66) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 51 feet. 700 feel west of Southern Pacific Railroad. 1,700 feet south of north line of section. 10/7/31, 35.3 ; 12/1/32, 33.0. 14N./3E-4 (Harding 57) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 51 feet. 1,150 feel easl and son feel south of north quarter corner of section. 9/28/31, 36.3; 11/30 32, 35.3. 14N/3E-4 (Harding 56) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 48 feel. 000 feel east and 360 feet south of west quarter corner of section. 9/27 31,33.9; 11 30 .-.2. .".2.0. 14N/3E-8 (Harding 118) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 14 feet. 1.500 feet north and 200 feet east of southwest comer of section. !l 2S .",1. 25.1; 11/30 32, 23.6. 14N/3E-9 (Harding 123) — Reference point — top of pit, elevation 40 feel. .".00 feet east and 200 feet north of south quarter corner of section, o 30/31, 32.5; 11/30/32, 31.0. 14N 3E-10 (Harding 116) — Reference point— top of pit. eleva- tion 50 feet. 300 feet north of east and west center line. 550 feet west of Southern Pacific Railroad. 10/1/31,36.0; 12/1/32, .".2.0. 14N/3E-10 (Harding 115) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 52 feel. 700 feet south and 200 fret west of northeast corner of section. 10/1/31, 33. s : 11 29 32, 29.0. 14N 3E-11 (Harding 55) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 53 feet. 4,400 feel easl of Southern Pacific Railroad. 100 feet south of latitude 39° 05'. 0/5/31, 30.1; 10/17/31. 29.0. 14N/3E-13 (Harding 100)— Reference point— top of wall of pit, elevation 50 feet. West of Feather River Boulevard, 500 feet north of Pearson Station. 10/10/31, 10.0; 12/5/32. 10.1. 14N 3E-15 (Harding 67) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 47 feet. 800 feel east and 150 feet south of north- west corner of section. 10/7/31, 32.7; 12/1/32, 20.2. 14N 3E-15 (Harding 124) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 48 feel. 1.000 feet south of north line and 200 feet east of Southern Pacific Railroad. 10/8/31, 30.8; 12/1/32, 25.2. 14N 3E- 15 (Harding 122) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 45 feet. 2.150 feet north and 000 feet east of south- west corner of section. 10/17/31, 20.4; 12/1/32, 24.0. 14N/3E-16 (Harding 58)— Reference point — bottom of x strut across top of pit. elevation 45 feet. 750 feet north and 40 feet west of southwest corner of section. 9/29/31, 25. S ; 11 '30/32, 25.0. 14N/3E-16 (Harding 120) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 45 feet. 1,350 feet easl and 200 feet north of south quarter corner of section. 10/17/31, 27.7; 12/1/32, 25.4. 14N 3E-17 (Harding 119) — Reference point — to]) of casing, ele- vation 42 feet. 1,500 feet north and 100 feet east of southwest corner of section. 10/3/31, 21.5; 11/30/32. 20.0. 14N 3E-18 (Harding 45) — Reference point — top of wall of con- crete pit. elevation 30 feet. 1.100 feet east and 2.000 feet south of northwest corner of section. 9/21/31, 14.5; 11/30/32, 14.4. 14N/3E-19 (Harding 46)— Reference point — top of pit wall, ele- vation 38 feet. 1,800 feet east and 900 feet south of northwest corner of section. 9/21/31, 10.0; 11/30/32. 15.0. 14N 3E-20 (Harding 123A) — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 42 feet. 2.000 feet north and 130 feet west of south- east corner of section. 10/3 .".1. 20.7; 121 32. 26.4. SUTTER YIT.A COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 2— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by S. T. Harding (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 14N 3E-22 (Harding 68) — Reference point top of concrete pit, elevation 15 feet, l.lon feel south of north line of sect inn and 350 fee) west of Garden Highway. 10 8 31, 23.4; 11 29 32, 10.7. 14N 3E-23 (Harding 107) — Reference poinl top of pit wall, elevation 50 feet. Wesl cud of Country « "l u I > Road on center tin ' section. 10 16 31, 20.5; 12 9 32, 19.7. 14N 3E-23 (Harding 129) — Reference point -top of casing, ele vat ion 46 feet. 100 feel easl of Garden Highway and 1,650 feel north of latitude 39 32' 30". 10 L3 31,25.2. 14N 3E-27 (Harding 131) — Reference poinl — top of casing, ele- vation 42 feet. Ton feel east of Southern Pacific Railroad and 300 feel north of south lin<- of section. 10/16/31, 25.0; 11 29 32, 21.7. 14N 3E-27 (Harding 130) — Reference point- -top of casing, ele- vation 41 feet. 2,000 feel south of latitude 39 32' 30" and 400 feet west of Garden Highway. 10 13 31, 25.2; 11 29 32, 21.2. 14N 3E-28 (Harding 128) — Reference point -lop of concrete pit, elevation 10 feet. 500 feel easl and 1,600 feet north of south- west corner of section. 10 12 31, 29.8; 12 1 32, 27.0. 14N 3E-28 (Harding 127) — Reference point — top of casing, ele vation 12 feci. 150 feel wesl and 25 feel south of northwesl corner of section. Id 1l! .",1. 30.3; 111 1 32, 27.4. 14N 3E-29 (Harding 126)— Reference point— top of planks across top of pit, elevation 41 feet. 1,200 feel west and 1,600 feel south of northeast corner of section. 10 10/31, 29.0; 12 1 32, 20.7. 14N 3E-29 (Harding 125) — Reference point — top of concrete cas ing, elevation 42 feet. 750 feet north and 300 feet west of south quarter corner of section. 9/5/31, 29.2; 10/9/31, 28.3; 12 2 32, 25.5. 14N 3E-30 (Harding 77) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 39 feel. 1,500 feel south and 250 feel west of northeast corner of section. 10 13 31, ■_':'.. 1 : 1-' 2 32, 20.7. 14N 3E-31 (Harding 44) — Reference poinl lop of concrete pit, elevation 37 feet. 1,000 feet west and 200 feel south of northeast corner of section. o 20 31, 21.5; 12/2/32, 16.5. 14N 3E-32 (Harding 133) — Reference point top of casing, ele vation •".('. feel. 2,000 feci north and 200 feet casi of southwesl comer of section. 10/14 31,23.3; 12 2/32,20.7. 14N 3E-32 (Harding 132) — Reference poinl — top of casing, ele- vation -'17 feet. 250 feci souili and 150 feel west of center of section. 10 1 I -".1. 25.0; 11 20 -".2. 21.0. 14N 3E-33 (Hardinq 134) — Reference point— top of tile at hand pump, elevation 43 feci. 200 feci south and 1.1 Ki feet cast of northwesl corner of section. 10 14 31,27.6; 12 1/32,24.8. 14N 3E-34 (Harding 135) — Reference poinl— lop of pit, eleva- tion 11 feet, 300 feel easl and 10 feel south of northwest corner of section. 10 1 I 31, 27.8; 12 1 32, 24.9. 14N 3E-35 (Harding 138)— Reference point top of wood pit, elevation 12 feet. 100 feet west of levee, 500 feel north of south line of section. 10 16 31, is.:: ; 11 20 32, 17..".. 14N 3E-35 (Harding 137) — Reference poinl -lop of casing, ele- vation 13 feci. Kio feel cast of Garden Highway, lOO feet north of south line of section. Hi 10 31,25.4; 11 20 32, 22. 1. 14N 3E-35 (Harding 136) — Reference point top of w leu pii. elevation 42 feci. 200 feet casi of Garden Highway, 1 . loo feel north of south line of section. 10 10 31, 24.8; 11 29 :'.'-'. 22.0. 14N 4E-8 (Harding 101)— Reference poinl top of pit wall, ele vation 56 feci. 700 fed west and 700 feci south of west quarter corner of section. 10 10 .".1. 12.0; l'J :: 32, 12.8. 14N 4E-8 (Harding 103) — Reference poinl top of casing, ele- vation O.'i I eel. 21 10 feel mi Ill Ilea si of norl h wesl corner of seel ion. I" lo 31, 18.0; 12 :: 32, 18.S. 14N 4E-19 (Harding 104)— Reference point— top of casing, ele- vation 49 feet, [mmediatel} north of center of section, lo 16 31, 14.0; 12 3 32, 13.5. 14N/4E-31 (Harding 98) — Reference poinl — top of casing, ele- vation 59 feet. 50 feet east of bend in River Road. .', mile above Alicia. Hi hi 31, ls.O; 12/3/32, 17.0. 15N 2E-1 (Harding 18) — Reference poinl — top of casing, eleva- tion 56 feel. 1.000 feel south and 1 SO feel wesl of northeasl corner of section. 9/7 31, 11.8; 10/17 31, 11.:'.; 12 8 32, 10.2. 15N 2E-12 (Harding 17) — Reference point — top of casing in pit, elevation 51 feci. 1,600 feet south and 400 feel west of northeasl coinei- of section. 9/7 -".1, S.I ; lo 17/31, 9.3; 12/8/32, 10.1. 15N 2E-12 (Harding 114) — Reference point- top of casing, ele- vation ."".4 feet. 200 feet south of Unite House Road on north side of easl and west center li f seclion. 10/1/31, 8.5; 12 8 32, 11.9. 15N 2E-13 (Harding 35) — Reference point — lop of highest hori- zontal flange on suction, elevation ."".1 feet. l.SOO feet west and 200 feel north of east quarter corner of section. 9/18/31, 14..".; 12/8 32, 14.0. 15N 2E-13 (Harding 113)— Reference point— top of casing, ele- vation 50 feet. 1.000 feet casi and 500 feet north of west quarter come,- of section. 10/1/31, 8.0; 12/8/32, 0.7. 15N 2E-26 (Harding 111) — Reference poinl — lop of casing, ele- vation 44 feet. 2.000 feet west and 50 feet south of northeast corner of section. 10/1/31, 7.0; 11/30/32, 7.7. 15,M 2E-28 (Harding 112) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 4.". feet. 500 feet west of east quarter corner of section. 10/1/31, 9.0; 11 30/32, 7.0. 15N 2E-35 ( Harding 53) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 38 feet. 0.25 mile west and 300 feet north of southeast corner of section. 9/26/31, 5.0; 11/30/32, 5.4. 15N 3E-1 (Harding 87) — Reference point top of casing, eleva- tion 04 feet. East side of State Highway 24. 0.5 mile north of Walnut A\enue. 10/15 31, 14.5; 12/5/32, 13.8. 15N 3E-1 (Harding 85) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 66 feet. 200 feet north of Walnut Avenue, 0.25 mile west of State Highway 24. 10/15/31, 19.5; 12 5 32, 15.8. 15N-3E-1 (Harding 84)— Reference point— top of walls of pit, elevation 01 feet. 700 feet casi of State Highway 24 and 1 mile north of railroad crossing. 10 15 31, 0.0. 15N 3E-1 (Harding 84A) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 01 feet. 300 feel east of Stale Highway 24 and 1 mile north of railroad crossing. 12 5 '■'>-. 5.0. top of casing, eleva- of Walnut Avenue. 15N 3E-2 (Harding 86) — Reference poinl linn OS feel. 500 feet north of wesl el 10/15/31, 25.5; 12 5 32, 24.1. 15N 3E-2 (Harding 109) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 02 feet. West end of firsl road lo left on Stale Highway 24 after crossing bridge | mile ih of cemetery. 10 20 31, 21.5; 12 5/32, 21.0. ■e point — to]) of wall of pit. f State Highwaj 24. on first | mile north of cemetery. 15N 3E-2 (Harding 108)— Referen elevation 01 feet. 0.60 mile west . hit road after crossing bridge. lo 2o 31, 19.0; 12 5 32, is.:;. 15N 3E-3 (Harding 4) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 0.1 feet. 250 feel south and 2 10 feel easl of northwest corner of section. 8 31 31,22.7; 10 17 31,23.4. 15N 3E-4 (Harding 15) — Reference point -top of concrete pit. elevation 60 'feet. 1,900 feet north and 900 feet wesl of southeast corner of seclion. I 31, 25.5; 10/17 31, 25.5; 12/7/32, 2:1.7. 15N 3E-5 (Harding 14) — Reference poinl — 2 inches above top of concrete pit, elevation 50 feel. On east line 1,800 feet north ..I southeast corner of section. !> :; 31, 21.5; lo 17 31, 24.5; 12 7 :i2. 22. s. APPENDIX E 1 53 TABLE 2— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by S. T. Harding (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 15N/3E-6 (Harding 16) — Reference poinl — top of casing, eleva- tion 60 feet. 1,820 feet west and 1,200 feet north of southeast corner of section. 9/7/31, 18.2; 12/8/32, 17.1. 15N/3E-9 (Harding 22) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 58 feet. 1,000 feet south and 500 feet east of west quarter corner of section. 9/10/31, 28.1; 10/17/31, 27.0; 12/8/32, 25.7. 15N 3E-10 (Harding 19) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 63 feet. Near north quarter of section. :i s 31, 30.7; 10/17/31, 30.5; 12/7/32, 28.0. 15N 3E- 11 (Harding 82) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 57 feet. Under Southern Pacific Railroad trestle 2 miles north of Yuba City. 10/20/31, 16.5; 12/6/32, 16.3. 15N/3E-13 (Harding 110) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation (12 feet. 50 feet east of road which rims north and south behind Marysville High School and 0.4 mile south of north end of road. 10/20/31, 12.0; 12/5/32. 12.0. 15N/3E-14 (Harding 83)— Reference point — top of wall of pit, elevation 56 feet. 400 feet east and 200 feet south of west quarter comer of section. 10/13/31. 21.5. 15IN 3E-15 (Harding 21) — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 00 feet. 500 icvt west of highway ami loo feet south of north line of section. !i s :;i. 29.3; 10 17 31, 29.1 : 12 7 .".2. 27.2. 15N 3E-16 (Harding 23) — Reference point — fop of concrete pit. elevation 58 feet. 750 feet south and 850 feel west of northeast corner of section. 9/10/31, 30.2 ; 10/17 31, 29.7 ; 12/7/32. 27.7. 15N/3E-17 (Harding 29) — Reference point — to]] of concrete pit, elevation 5(1 feet. 1,100 feet east of Live Oak drain, south of Sacramento Northern Railroad. 9/19/31, 25.0; 12/8/32, 22.5. 15N/3E-19 (Harding 37)— Reference point— floor of pit. 8 feel deep, elevation 50 feet. 660 ted cast and 500 feet south of north- west corner of section. 9/18/31, 16.0 ; 10 17 31. 17.5: 11/28/32, 16.9. 15N/3E-19 (Harding 36) — Reference point — top of concrete pit wall, elevation 50 feet. 1.320 feet north and .".Oil feet east of southwest corner of section, it 18/31, 18.0; 12 1 3,2. 17.0. 15N 3E-20 (Harding 20) — Reference point — top of concrete nit. elevation 57 feet. S50 feet west and 40 feet south of northeast corner of section. 8 31. 31.4; 10/17/31. 31.0; 12/1 32, 28.6. 15N 3E-20 (Harding 28) — Reference point — floor of pump house or top of pit. elevation 50 feel. 220 feet east and 250 feet north of south quarter corner of section. 9/18/31, 32.1. 15N/3E-21 (Harding 24) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 55 feet. 1,100 feet west and 400 feet south of northeast corner of section. 9/10/31, 28.1 ; 10/17/31, 28.5. 15N/3E-23 (Harding 27) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 57 Eeet. In Yuba City, hack of blacksmith shop. 15(1 feet south of Sutler Hotel. 0/17/31. 22.2 ; 11 '29/32, 21.1. 15N 3E-26 (Harding 48) — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 54 feet. 3,800 feet east and 700 feet smith of northwest corner of section. 9/ — /31. 20.5; 11/20/32. 20.0. 15N/3E-26 (Harding 80)— Reference point- vation 50 feet. 2.00II feet east of northwt 10/13/31, 20.5. 15N/3E-26 (Harding 81) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 55 feet. 100 feet west of toe of levee. 3.500 feet south of Yuba City south limit. 10/13/31, 23.5; 11/29/32, 25.5. 15N/3E-27 (Harding 25) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 55 feet. 500 feet west and 300 feet south of north quarter corner of section. 8/17/31. 30.2; 12/1/32, 28.5. 15N3E-27 (Harding 49) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 51 feet. 1,000 feet west and 1.300 feet north of south quarter corner of section. 9/1/31, 32.2; 11/30/32. 32.4. -top of casing, ele- -t corner of section. 15N/3E-28 ("Harding 26) — Reference point — lop of wood pit. ele- vation 53 feet. South side of highway, 1,100 feet west of north- east corner of section. 4/— /13. 17.6; 9/17/31, 31.4; 12/1/32, 2S.4. 15N/3E-29 (Harding 31) — Reference point— top of concrete pit. elevation 50 feet. 150 feet north ami 50 feel west of southeast corner of section. 9/22/31, 32.4; 11/30/32. 20.4. 15N 3E-29 (Harding 30) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 40 feet. 000 feet east and 000 feet north of southwest corner of section. 9/20/31, 25.2 ; 11/30/32. 22.0. 15N3E-30 (Harding 39)— Reference point— top of frame of wooden pit, elevation 52 feet. 1,320 feet south of north quarter corner < ast bank of Live Oak drain. 9/19/31, 22.5. 15N/3E-31 (Harding 40) — Reference point — top of wall of con- crete pit. elevation 45 feet. 1,800 feel easl ami 200 feet north of southwest corner of section. 9/19/31, 17.5; 11/30/32, 17.3. 15N/3E-31 (Harding 38) — Reference point — top of wall of con- crete pit, elevation 47 feet. 200 feet west and 200 feet south of northeast corner of section. 9/19/31, 22.0; 11/30/32. 21.8. 15N 3E-32 (Harding 32) — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 50 feel. 000 feet east and 500 feet north of south quarter comer of section. 0/22/31. 32.7; 12/1/32, 29.1. 15N 3E-33 (Harding 33) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 5(1 feel. 1.150 feet east and 250 feet south of north- west comer of section. 9/23/31, 33.3; 11/30/32. 30.0. 15N 3E-34 (Harding 50) — Reference point — top of concrete pit, elevation 52 feet. 1,600 feel north and 400 feet east of south quarter corner of section. 9/— /31, 34.0; 12/1/32, 32.7. 15N/4E-32 (Harding 102)— Reference point top of wall of pit, elevation 01 feet. 50 feet east of west line of section. 50O feet south of railroad crossing. 10/16/31, 17.0; 12/3/32. 18.0. 16N 3E-2 (Harding 95) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion SO feet. 100 feet north of Ramirez Road, 0.50 mile east of State Highway 24. 10/15/31, 17.5. 16N/3E-11 (Harding 96) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 70 feet. At west end of road running west from State Highway 24. O.S mile north of Magnolia Avenue. 10 15 31, 10.5; 12/6/32, 17.0. 16IM/3E-14 (Harding 97) — Reference point— top of wall of pit. elevation 75 feet. 500 feet west of State Highway 24. 40!) feet south of La Pinca Lane. Ill 15/31, 15.0; 12/0/32. 14.0. 16N 3E-19 (Harding 12) — Reference point — top of casing, ele- vation 07 feet. 1,200 feet easl and 200 feet north of north quar- ter Of section. 0/2/31, 10.1 ; 12/7/32, 10.1. "6N/3E-21 (Harding 10) — Reference point — top of wood pit, west side, elevation OS feet. Near southeast corner of section. 0.5 mile east of Southern Pacific Railroad. 9/2/31, 23.8; 10/17/31. 22.0; 12/7/32. 20. 8. 16N 3E-24 (Harding 90) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 70 feet. North of Woodruff Road. 1 mile east of State Highway 24. 10/15/31. 10.0; 12/0/32. 11.5. 16N/3E-27 (Harding 78) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 00 feet. 500 feet north of east and west center line of section at toe of levee. 10/13/31. 25.0; 12/7/32, 22.4. 16N/3E-28 (Harding 8) — Reference point — top of concrete pit. west side, elevation 04 feet. 1,300 feet west of I*. S. Highway 99E, 250 feet north of south line of section. 0/2/31. 21.8; 10/17/31, 20.0; 12/7/32. 10.1. 16N/3E-28 (Harding 9) — Reference point — top of casing, eleva- tion 66 feet. 1,000 feet south of north line of section and 300 feet east of Southern Pacific Railroad. 0/2/31, 19.0; 10/17/31, 10.2; 12/7/32. 17.7. 16N 3E-29 (Harding 2) — Reference point — top of concrete pit. elevation 00 feet. 100 feet west and 120 feet south of north- east quarter of northwest quarter of section. 8 13 31, 13.5; 10 17 31. 13.2; 12/7/32, 12.0. 1 54 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 2— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by S. T. Harding (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 16N 3E-29 (Harding 1) — Reference point top of casing, eleva tion (I.") feet. l,S90 fee) north and 660 feel wesl of cast quarter corner of section. S 3] 31, L5.5; 10 17 31, L4.S; L2 7 32, L3.7. 16N 3E-29 (Harding 6) — Reference poinl top of casing, eleva- tion 0."> feet. 7.">o feel easl and 1,100 feel north of south quarter corner of section. S .".1 31, LS.4 ; L0 17 31, 18.0; 12 7 32, 1(1.:!. 16N 3E-29 ( Harding 91 ) — Reference poinl top of casing, ele> a tion 71 feet. At cross roads at easl end of Woodruff Road. Ki 15 31, 6.5; L2 6 32, 6.0. 16N 3E-30 (Harding 11) — Reference poinl -top of casing, eleva- tion 66 feet. 1,750 feel cast and 500 feel north of southwest corner of section. 9 2 31, 10. 1 ; 12 7 32, 12.0. 16N 3E-31 (Harding 34)— Reference point top of timber frame, elevation . 16N 3E-33 (Harding 7) — Reference point— top of concrete base, elevation 60 feet. 1,100 feel cast and 400 feet north of south- west corner of section. '.) 1 '31, 20.0 ; 12 7 32, 18.8. 16N 3E-35 (Harding 89)— Reference point — top of wall of pit, elevation 00 feet. 1,000 feet west of angle in Oroville Highway, 0.5 mile north of Ellis Road. 10/15/31, 18.0; 12/0 32, 10.4. 16N 3E-35 (Harding 88)— Reference point— lop of wall of pit, elevation 65 feet. 0.75 mile north of Walnut Avenue. 0.50 mile west of Oroville Highway. 10/15/31, 20.0; 12/6/32, 19.1. 16N 3E-36 (Harding 92)— Reference point— top of wall of pit. elevation 0.", feet. 000 feet south of Ellis Road. 500 feet west of Western Pacific Railroad. 10 15 31, 7.." ; 12/5/32, 8.5. APPENDIX E i ;»:, TABLE 3 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Sutter County Farm Advisor (Depths to water in feet and/or inches measured from reference point) 3/22/35, 26.3; 4/19 35, (operating) : 10/: ;> .1 /35, 2/25/36, 22.0: 4/11/36, 8/20/36, 28.0; 9/24/36, 2/9/37, 20.0; 4/5/37, 23.7 28.4 : 23.0; 27.5 ; 20.0: 13N/3E-2C1— Reference point— air gage. 1/19/32, 1S.2 ; 2/24/32, 17.5; 3/2/32, 17.9; 4/18/32, 19.0; 5/23/32, 17.1; 6/15/32, 20.4; 7/18/32, 23.0; 9/8/32, 19.8; 10/25/32, 10.0; 11/15/32, 19.3; 12/23/32. 19.0; 2/3/33, 18.5; 3/3/33, 18.6; 4/11/33, 21.4 ; 5/2/33. 19.8 : 6/28/33, 24.2 ; 8/1 /33, 35.0 ; 9/14/33. 32.0 ; 10/17/33, 31.0; 3/22/34, 27.0; 0/18/34. 31.5; 11/9/34, 30.0; 12/27/34. 29.3; 1/22/35. 27.8; 5/27/35. 22.7: 7/2/35, 57.8 12/26/35,; 1/3/36, 26.0; 6/15/36, 29.0; 7/24/31'.. 33.0; 10/27/30. 27.8; 12/28/36, 27.0: 5/13/37. 20.0. 13N/3E-5E2— Reference point— top of pit. 5/16/31, 20' 8"; 7/11/31. 24' 3"; 8/31/31, 21' 7'."; 9/23/31, 21' 7"; 10/16/31, 21' 4" ; 11/17/31. 20' 7" : 12/17/31, 19' 11" ; 1/19/32. Is' 11" ; 2/24/32, 18' 34" ; 3/22/32, 17' 11 J": 4/19/32. 18' 54" ; 5/2:: 32, 19' 6" ; 6/23/32, 19' 2" ; 9/13/32, 1!>' 114/' ; 10/18/32, lit' 10" ; 11/30/32. 19' 7"; 12/27/32, 19' 6" ; 2/6/33, 19' 2"; 3/5/33, IS' 10*/'; 4/10/33. 10' |"; 5/17/33. 20' 5.1"; 8/1 33, 22' 45"; 9/14/3~3. 21' 5J" ; 3/16/34, 10' 5'," ; 11/0/34. 20' 7" : 12/11/34. 20' 0" ; 2/15/35, 17' 7"; 3/22/35. 18.0 : 4/10/35. 17.5 ; 5/24/35,; 7/2/35. 24. S (operating) ; 8/21/35, 18.7; 0/25/35. 18.5; 10/31/35. 18.5; 12/26/35. 18.1; 1/24/30, 17.7; 2/25/36, 10.0: 4/14/36, 15.2; 4/22/36, lfi.7; 8/18/36, 10.0; 9/28/36, 16.9 ; 10/21/36, 16.4; 12/28/36, 15.8; 2/9/37, 15.3. 13N/3E-24G1— Reference point— air gage. 5/6/31, 19.9 ; 7/15 31, 22.2; 8/28/31, 10.0; 0/22/31, 21.1 ; 10/14/31, 19.0; 11/17/31, 19.0; 12/17/31. 10.7: 1/2/32, 17.2: 1/10/32, 16.5; 2/25/32, 15.8; 3/2/32, ; 4/26/32, 15.1; 6/22/32, lfi.0; 7/18/32, 10.9; 9/8/32. 18.8; 10/18/32, 18.1; 11/15/32. 18.8; 12/22 :'.2. 18.1 ; 2/3/33.; 3/3/33, 17.4; 4/11/33,21.1 ; 5/2/33, 17.6; 6/28/33, 34.0 (operating); 8/1/33, 22.2; 0/14/33.10.5; TO/17/33, 18.3; 3/22/34, 28.0; 6/29/34,; 9/18/34, 10.0; 11/0/34. 10.7: 12/27/34, 18.8; 1/22 :;5. 16.5; 3/22/35, 16.5 ; 4/10/35. 13.0; 5/27/35. 12.4; 7/2/35, 36.1 (operating); 8/19/35, 1fi.5; 25/35, 10.5; 10/31/35.; 12/26 35, 1/30/30. 15.3; 2/25/30. 10.0; 4/fi/3fi. 11.0; 8/10/36; 10.5; 9/3/36, 19.9; 9/24/36, 14.0; 2/9/37, 12.4: 4/5/37. 7.1 12/30/37. 9.7: 2/24/36, 4.7; 3/23/38, 3.8; 6/3/38, 4.8; 6/21/38, 8.0; 7/22/38, 12.2; 2/25/30. 12.5; 4/10/39, 13.8; 8/2/39.; 11/20/30, 15.4; 2/8/40. 11.5; 3/22/40. 7.8: 8/24/40. 15.0. 10/27/30. ls.S; 12/28/36, IS.S; 5/10/37, 7.8; 9/13/37. 14.1; 4/25/38, 3.7; 0/S/3S, 12.:;; 10/11/30, 15.8; 5/20/4O. 7.0; 13N/4E-13F3— Reference r. 6J"; 1/12/33. 17' 04"; 4/3/33, 18' 2" ; 5/23/33, 23' 3|"; 6/27/34, 30' W 2 14/35. IS' 5"; 3 25 3? 19' 2"; 8/18/35. 26' 3,', 3/28/36, 14.2; 3/27/36. 9/23/36, 21.0; 10/27.36. 4/8/37,; 11/27/37, 5/31/38, 14.0; 7/21/38, 2/16/39, 15.3; 6/15/39, 2/19/40. 17.1 ; 3/27/40' toint — hole in pump base. 12/1/32, 18' 2/3/33, 17' 44"; 3/10/33. lfi' 04"; 20' 8i"; 10/23/33, 22' 1|"; 3/20/34, 9/26/34, 24' 6" ; 12/10/34, 20' 11" : i, 17' 44"; 4/30/35, 15' 6|"; 5/28/35, '; 9/26/35, 20' 74"; 1/15/3(1. 20.6: 8/10/30, 25.3; 8/20/36. 10.4; 1/2/37, lfi.7; 2/10/37, 3/16/38, 11.0; 4/27/38, ; 9/8/38. 18.1; 12/29/38, 10/12/30. 22.7 ; 12/0/30. 17.0; 32.2* 34.0 ; 15.1 5/15/40. 15..",; 8/6/40, lfi.7 ; 22.6; ; 10.7 ; ; 2O.0; 2S.7. 13N/4E-13R2— Reference point— top of casing. 1/12/33 ; 10' :!" ; 2/3/33, 14' S|"; 3/10/33. 15' 0"; 4/3/33, lfi' 4*"; 5/23/33, 18' 1" ; 6/28/33, 26' 3"* : 8/0/33, 25' If" ; 0/15/33, 22' 8". Following measurements from new well, reference point — hole in side of pump, 3/20/34, 22' 3*/' ; 12/10/34, 18' 8"; 2/14/35, lfi' 34/'; 3/25/35, 14' 11'."; 4/30/35, 13' 5J"; 5/2S/35, 14' 10"; 7/3/35. 22' 4*"; 1/25/36, 11.2; 2/28/36, 16.2 ; 8/10/36, 20.7; 8/20/36, 19.0; 0/23/30. 10.0; 10/27/36, 15.4; 1/2/37, 13.4; 2/10/37. 11.0; 4/8/37. 7.6; 5/26/37. 0.7; 11/27/37, 13.6; 3/16/38, 6.9; 4/27/38,; 5/31/38, 7.8; 12/20/38, 11.6; 2/16/39, 0.2; 12/6/39, 16.5; 2/10/40, 13.3; 3/27/40, 11.3; 5/15/40, 0.7 ; 8/6/40. 21.5 ; 5/10/41, fi.4. 13N/4E 3/8/3 13N/4E 3 s :; 6/26/ 6/27/, 22.15 6/24/ 2/28/ 9/23/ 21.25 14D1 — Reference point — air ga ;, 12.01 ; 4/5/33, 39.63 (operating) ;e. 2/14/33, 12.01; 6/27/33, 15.00. -15R1— Reference point — air gage. 2/14/33, L8.94 3, 18.25; 4/5/33. 43.2 (operating); 5/23/33, 23 56 :;:;. 32.8 ; 9/26 33, 24.0 : 10/23/33, 28.18 ; 3/20/34. 23.56 34, 31.65; 9/26/34, 30.40; 12/10/34, 35.11; 2/14/35 ; 3 25/35, 20.79; 4/30/35, 18.94; 5/28/35. 18.94 35, 27.03; 8/6/35,31.65; 0/26/35. 25.1S; 1/15/36, 21.25 36, is.25; 3/20/30. 28.18; 7/23/36, 30.5; 8/20 36, 30.5 36, 31.05; 10/27/36, 28.41; 1/2/37, 23.50; 2/10/37 ; 5/20/37. 10.03; 7/21/37. 20.4. 13N/5E-7L1- 2/3/33. 20' -Reference point- 10*". -top of casing. 12/1/32, 2S 13N/5E-16D1— Reference point— top of casing. 12/1/32, V 3f" 1/12/33, V \"\ 2 3 33. 0' 10*"; 3/10/33, 0' 6J"; 4/5/33, 6"; 5/23/33, L' 4"; 6/27/33, 2' 8*/' '; 8/9/33, 7' 1"; 0/15/33 .V 0"; 10/23/33, 4' S4"; 3/20/34, T 4"; 6/27/34, 4' 6*" 9/26/34, 6' !"; 12/10/34, 4' 4"; 2/14/34. 1' 103": 3/25/35 0' 2-J"; 4/30/35, 0' 0.1"; 5 28/35, —0' If"; 7/3/35. V 9" 8/6/35, 3' 0"; 9/26/35, 2' 7"; 1/15/36, 13.0; 2/28/30. 9.1 3/27/31;. 0.3; 7/30/36, 14.3; 8/20/36, 13.7; 9/23/36, 13.3 10/27/36, 13.1; 1/2/37. 12.7; 2/10/37. 11.3; 4/8/37, 0.5 5/26/37, 0.1; 7/21/37. 14.7; 3/16/38, 5.1; 4/27/38, 6.4 7/21/38, 12.5; 9/8/38, 13.5; 12/29/38, 11.5; 2/16/30, 11.4 4/27/30, 14.4; fi/15/3!). 15.9: 2/0/40. 12.9; 3/27/40. 9.8 5/10/41, fi.7: 7/2S/41, 14.2. 10/12/30, 17.5 ; 12/6/30, 15.6 5/15/40, 8.7; 8/6/40, 16.8 -hole in top of pump base 2/3/33, 10' 2"; 3/10/33 19' 9"; 6/28/33, 25' 1" 6/27/34. 30' 3"; 9/26/34' 17' 11|": 3/25/35, 15' 7*" 6/24/35, 21' 4"; 8/6/35 13N/5E-18C1— Reference point 12/1/32, 17' 4|"; 1/12/33. 16' 7" 15' 7": 4/3 ::::. 1s' 4.',"; 5/23/33 0/15/33, 22' V,"; 10/23/33. 21' 4"; 23' 7|"; 12/10/34, 20' 1"; 2/14/35, 4/30/35, 14' 1J"; 5/28/35, 10' 2" 20' 51"; 0/20/35, 18' Si"; 8/10/30. 22.05; 8/20/36, 22.2 9/23/36, 20,9; 10/27/30. 15.0; 1/2/37. 14.3; 2/16/37, 13.04 4/8/37, 8.2; 5/26/37, 12.0; 11/27/37, 14.6; 3/16/38. 8.0 4/27/38, 8.2; 5/31/38, 10.2; 7/21/38, 20.3: 0/8/38. 16.4 12/29/38, 13.2; 5/10/41, 8.2; 7/28/41, 19.7. 15N/3E-7M2— Reference point— top of casing. 7/15/31, 17' 64" 8/27/31. 17' 11": 0/17/31. 17' 0"; 10/20/31. 16' 11"; 11/10/31 i(V ('>.',"; 12/16/31, lfi' J": 4/18/32 3/23/32. 14' 2*"; 4/15/32, 14' 64" 15' :!.'," ; 7/13/32, 15' '.)-}" : 0/12/32. 11/30,32. 10' 4"; 12/20/32. lfi' 3f" 16' 2f"; 7/31/33, lfi' 11 A"; 1/28/35. 15' If": 12/19/35 4/7/33, lfi' 14' s*"; 2/23/32, 14' 2 5/1S/32, 14' 74"; 6/2/32 16' 2J"; 10/17/32, 17' 11 : 1/26/33. 16' 54"; 3/3/33 5/12/33, 16' 9i"; 6/20/33, 18' 3" IS' <;}" ; 0/13/33, 17' 2" ; 10/17/33. 16' 04" ; 11/8/33 3/12/34. 10' 3"; 0/20/34, 17' 8"; 11/2/34. 18' 54" 17' 5"; 3/14/35. 10' 3"; 4/18/35, 15' 5i" ; 5/23/35 6/25/35, 10' 0"; 7/27/35, 17' 0"; 10/25/35, 15.2 15.2: 1/23/30, 14.8; 2/27/30. 13.2; 3/31/36. 11.7 7/9/36, 12.0; 8/18/36, 12.8; 0/17/36. 12.5; 10/20/36, 13.3 12/28/30. 13.2; 2/16/37, 12.2; 3/20/37, 0.4; 5/3/37, 8.8 7/16/37, 10.7; 0/28/37. 12.2; 12/4/37. 14.2; 4/15/38, 4.6 7/14/3S. 8.5; 0/20/38. 10.3; 10/28/38, 0.5 ; 1/31/39, 1O.0; 3/3/39, 10.9; 4/13/39. 11.6 0/27/30, 14.6; 11/8/39, 14.2; 1/18/40, 13.2 5/16/40, 7.0; 8/2/40, 11.2; 10/17/40, 12.7 5/26/3S. 6.6 12/24/38, 10 8/1/30. 14.7 3/20/40. 0.0 0/20/41, 10.3 * Nearby well pumping 15N/3E-31A1 — Reference point — top of pit plus 4-inch timber 5/12/31, 21' 10J" ; 6/26/31, 22' 10J" ; 7/28/31. 24' 0" ; S/31/31 24' 11" ; 0/23/31, 24' J" I 10/20/31, 23' 84" ; 11/8/31, 23' 1" 12/17/31. 22' 04"; 1/10/32, 22' 2"; 2/23/32. 21' 4"; 3/22/32 20' 11|"; 4/18/32, 21' 44/' ; 5/23/32, 21' 2"; 6/21/32. 21' 54" 7/19/32, 22' 4" ; 0/13/32, 22' 11" ; 10/18/32. 22' 04"; 11/22/32 22' 24"; 12/27/32, 21' 10"; 1/30/33, 21' 3"; 4/10/33, 21' 5" 5/17/33, 22' 24" ; 6/29/33, 23' |" ; 7/25/33, 24' 5" ; 10/18/33 23' 74"; 12/8/33, 23' 74": 3/13/34; 22' 34" ; 6/26/34, 2::' 11 10/2/34, 24' 7"; 11/5/34, 24' f " ; 12/11/34, 23' 74": 2/15/35 22' 5"; 3/10/35, 21' 11"; 4/19/35, 21' 2"; 5/23/35. 20' 54/' 136 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 3-Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA Measurements Made by Sutter County Farm Advisor (Depths to water in feet and/or inches measured from reference point) 6 27 35, 21' 2"; 7 30 35, 22' 6"; 9 21 :\r<. 23' Lf"; lo 25 35, 21.9; 12 20 35, 21.1 : 1 23 36, 17.2: 2 25 36, 20.] ; I 14/36, 10.1 : 7 22 36, 20.4 ; 8 is 36, 2(1.7; '.» 17/36, 20.2; Id 21 36, 20.2 ; 12 28 36, L9.7. 16N 3E-30A1 — Reference point — top of casing, inches above ground level. 6 27 31, 11' 10"; 7 28 31, 12' 2"; 8 27 31, 12 31"; !i 17/31, 12' 6"; 10/26/31, 12' 9"; 11/17/31, 13' 12 16 31, 13' 14"; 1 is 32, 10' ■!"; 2 is 32, 9' 11"; 3 is 32 10 i ';5 15/32, 10' 104" ; 6/30/32, 10' 64/' ; 7/13/32, 10' 94/' 9/8/32. 11' Id"; K) 17 :'.2. 12' 4}"; 11/22/32, 12' 84/' ; 12 21 32, 13' 2"; 1 26 ::::. 13' 2.1"; 3 3 33, L3' 71"; 4/7/33 12' 11": 5 11 33, 12' si"; 6/20 33, 12' 11"; 7/31/33, 12' 11" 9 13 33, 13' 64/'; 10 17 33, 13' Ki 12' 7',"; c» 26 34, U' 9"; 7/31 34 11 2 34, 13' 1"; 12 11 34, 13' 7f" 9' 2"; 4 is 35, 9' 6f" ; 5 22 ■::.-, 7 2!< 35. 10' 11V: 9 19 35, 12' 2" 12.(1: 1 22 36, 11.2; 2 27 36, 7.5 6 12 36, 10.2; Ki 2() 36, 12.2 : 12 8 33, 14' 4"; 3/12/34 12' 1 I"; 9 27/34, 12' 6*" : 1 28 35, 11' 4j"; 3/14/35 . 10' 5"; 6 25 35, 10' 8" : 10/23/35, ll.!>; 12/19/35 :; 31 36, 9.1 ; 5/15/36, 0.7 7 9 36, 10.7; 3 is 36, 11.7: 9/17/36, 12.1 12 22 36, 12.7: 2 16 37, 0.1 ; 3/29/37, 6.6 5/3/37, 8.6; 7 16/37, 10.1; 12/4/37, 10.2; 5/17/38, 7.9 7 1 I 38, 9.5; 9 15 38, 11.2; lo 26 38, 11.8; 12/24/38, 12.4 I ::i 39, 12.6; 3/3/39, 12.7; 1 13/39, 13.1; 6/3/39, 12.1 s l 39, 12.:.; 9 22 39, 11.6. 16N 3E-30C1 — Reference point — top of easing, 4 inches above ground, 5 22 31, IT 84"; 6/25/31, IT 7"; 7/29/31, 12' 0" : s 27 31, 11' 9"; 9 17/31, U' 74/' ; 10/21/31, 11' \" ; 11/19/31 10' 74"; 12 2:; 31, 10' 2"; 1/18 32, 8' 7"; 2 2:;.:;2. 8' 41" 3 l!' ::2. 8' 4i"; 4/15/32, 8' 11$"; 5/17/32, 0' l"; 6/21/32 S' 9 : 7 13 32, 0' 1"; 9/12/32, '.)' 24"; 10/17/82, !)' 4 II 30 ::2. lo'2|"; 12 20 :;u, 10' 6i"; 1/26/33, 10' 9J"; 3/3 33 10' 64/'; 4 7 :;::. 10' 10"; 5/12/33, 10' 9i"; 6/20/33, 9' 10 7 :;i :::;. 9' 7*"; 9 L3 :::;, 9' 3"; 10/17/33, it' 0" ; 12 8/33 lo' 4V; :; 12/34, 10' O"; 6/26/34, 11' 84/'; 9/27/34, 11' !> 11 2 :;4. 12'0"; 12/11/34, 11' 114/' ; 1/28/35, 10' 10J"; 3. 1 35, 9' 84/'; 4/18/35, 9' 4": 5/23/35, 9' 8"; 6/25/35, 10' 5" 7 29 35, 11' 54" ; 9/21/35, 11' 21"; 10/25/35, 10' 10J" 12/19/35, 11.1: 1/23 36, 10.7; 2/27/36, 9.5 ; 3/31/36, 8.3 7 9 36, 9.4; 8/18/36, 9.8; 9/17/36, 9.6; 10/20/36, 9.7 12/28/36, 10.3; 2/16/37, 6.5; 3/20/37, 6.9; 5/3/37, 8.5 7/16/37, 8.6; 9/28/37, 8.2; 12/4/37, 8.6; 1/25/38, 6.5 4/14/38, 3.2; 5/26/38, 6.3; 7/14/38. 6.9; 9/20/38, 8.5 10/26/38, 8.0; 12/24/38, 8.7; 1/31/39, 8.9; 3/3/39, 9.2 1 13 39, 10.3; 8/1/39, 11.2; 0/22/39, 12.1; 11/8/39, 10.6 1/18/40, 10.2; 3/20/40, 6.5; 5/16/40, 6.7; 8/2/40, 9.7 10/17,40, lo.:;. i6iN/3E-32G5 — Reference point — top of casing. 1 foot 6 inches above ground surface. 6/25/31, 22' 5"; 7/28/31, 26' 24": 8/27/31, 24' 0',"; 9/17/31, 20' 54/'; 10/19/31, 18' 11" 11/19/31, 18' 6"; 12/16/31, 18' 2f"; 1/2/32, 17' 84/' ; 1/18/32 17' 0"; 2/18/32, 15' 0"; 3/18/32, 12' 84"; 4/15/32, 19' 6" 5/17/32, 15' 1 1"; 6 23 32, 23' 10}"* ; 7/13/32, 18' 1"; 9/8/32 18', 2-1"; 10/17/32, 17' 10'," ; 11/22/32. 17' 8" ; 12/29/32,17' 5" 1/26/33, 17' 34/'; •"■ 3/33, 18' 14" : 4/7/33, 25' 4" (operating) 5/11/33, 17' 94"; 6/20/33, 22' 54"; 7/31/33. 28' 10" (operat ing) ; 9/13/33, 21' 10]-"; 10/17/33, 21' 0" ; 11/18/33, 19' 2*/' 3/12/34, IS' 2". Reference point — top of casing, ground level 6/26/34, 24' 5"; 7/31/34, 25' 7": 9/27/34, 23' 9$"; 11/2/34 10' 5"; 12/11/34, IS' 54": 1/28/85. 16' 10"; 3/14/35, 14' 44" 4/18/35, 14' 4"; 5/22/85, 12' 24"; 7/3/35, 16' 54"; 7/29/35 20' 0": 8/27/35, 17' 1"; 9/19/35, 19' 17"; 1/22/36, 15.4 2/27/36, 12.0; 3/31/36, 13.4; 7/9/36. 18.5; 8/18/36, 18.8 9/17/36, 19.5; 10/23/30, 16.4; 12/22/36. 15.3; 2/16/37, 13.8 3/29/37, 11.2; 5/3/37, 10.7; 7/10/37. 15.3; 12/4/37, 15.0 1/25/38, 12.2; 2/25/38, 5.1; 4/14/38, 3.5; 5/26/38, 5.7 7/14/88. 12.8; 9/15/38, 13.2; 10/20/38, 12.8. Nearby well operating. APPENDIX F RECORDS OF APPLICATION OF GROUND WATER TO REPRESENTATIVE CROPS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA ( 157 APPENDIX F 159 APPLICATION OF GROUND WATER TO REPRESENTATIVE CROPS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA IN 1948 AND 1949 Sea- son Map num- ber 1948 1 1948 2 1949 3 1949 3 1949 4 1948 5 1948 6 1948 7 1949 6 1949 8 1948 9 1948 10 1948 11 L948 12 1949 13 1948 14 19 IS 15 1948 11 L949 12 1948 16 1948 17 1949 17 1948 18 1948 19 1949 18 L949 4 1949 20 Well number Method of irrigation Soil type Acres Depth per irrigation, in inches 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7 th 15N/1E-13E1. 11N/3E-15P1_ 14N/5E-32R1 14N/5E-32R2 14N/5E-32R1 14N/5E-32R2 15N/5E-18B1. 16N/3E-29R1 16N/3E-26Q1. 15N/2E-8J1-- 16N/3E-26QI 14N/3E-4FE. L6N 31 2 IR2 13N/4E-7E1 15N/4E-17J1.. 15N/4E-8R1 13N/5E-6D2 __ L3N/ 1E-12C1 15N/3E-15G1 15N/3E-3D1 _ 15N/4E- 15N/4E- 17.11 . 8R1 13N/5E-6D2 12N/4E- 13N/5E- 13N/5E- 12N/4E- 1 1N/4E- 12N/4E- 15N/3E- 14N/5E- 2Q1. 4.11 . 4.11. 10A1. 34C) 10A1. 18B1. 21B1. Border check Border check Border check Bonier check Border check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour cheek ( !ontoui check i. ouroui Furrow cliecK Furrow Furrow, Contour check Contour check l'urrow. Contoui check Furrow Border i heck __ Contour check Border ( 1 k Border t heck Border check __ Clay adobe line sandy loam Loam Loam Loam Loam Loam I oam Loam Loam Loam Silt loam . Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam Loam Loam Fine sandj loam. - Fine sandy loam Clay Loam Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam. . . Loam Loam Loam Loam Loam 32 20 IS 27 13 .mi 70 :,ll 20 20 36 103 mi is 13 60 19 27.5 60 120 7.', 30 172 -, s in i 4.15 7 s:; 4.4 4.01 8.47 7.3 30.8 8.81 ■I 89 7.:. i 7ii 12.7 4 . 99 in ", I 2 :: 12.96 1 1 .90 Weighted mean depths 1948 64.8 inches (5. 1 feel 1949 73.8 inches (6.1 feet) Pits 19 70.0 inches (5.8 feet) 5 I 7.5 i s 7 8 0.4 5.0 7.3 8.9 7.33 7 . 65 6.2 5.0 3 7.", 3.75 Weighted mean depths 1948 12.8 inches (1.1 feet) 1949 20.5 inches (1.7 feet) 1948-49 15.4 inches (1.3 feet) 6.1 I .' i, ii 4.5 12 II s 2 :; s ;, ii 1 .5 6.5 1 7 1 .7 Weighted mean depths: 1948 13.4 inches (1. 1 feet) 1949 11 .4 inches (1 .Ofoot) 1948-49 13.0 inches (1.1 feet) l, x 7.4 6.8 7 . 7 2 ., 5.9 4.4 7.3 1.9 0.7 Weighted mean depth 6 2 :,.7 1948 27. 5 inches (2.3 feet) 9 2 7.:, s ii 1.3 Weighted mean depth: 1948-49 23.0 inches (1.9 feet) 3.7 :; s 3.1 3.0 3.4 3.6 ii 8 Weighted mean depth: 1948-49 10.6 inches (0.9 foot) Weighted mean depths: 1948 34.6 inches (3.9 feet) 1949 78.0 inches (6 5 feet) 1948-49 00.7 inches (5.1 feet) 5.98 11.10 160 SUTT BR- Y I ' I J A COT NT I KS I X V BST I ( i A Tl ( ).\ APPLICATION OF GROUND WATER TO REPRESENTATIVE CROPS IN SUTTER-YUBA AREA IN 1948 AND 1949-Continued ( 'rop Sea- son Peaches Prunes I Sugar Beets Walnuts 1948 1948 - - 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1948 1948 PUS 1949 1949 1949 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 Map num- ber 22 23 25 26 27 -"• 29 26 23 30 24 29 31 J 7 32 32 :il 35 36 37 :;:, 6 ] l l l :;s 6 Wrll number i:;\ IE-15K1 15N 3E-4C2 i.;\ 5E-7C2 13N IE-16N1 i .\ 3E-33D1 13N/3E-2L1 15N/3E-9A1 14N/3E-26M2 15N/3E-34L1 13N 3E-2L1 i IN 5E-7C2 13N/4E-13F1 13N/4E-16N1 15N/3E-34L1. 15N/3E-33F1. 16N/3E-36LC 15N/3E-9A1. 16N/3E-17Q1. KiN/3E-17Ql. 12N/4E-24F1. 11N/4E-9L1.. I IN/4E-9C1 15N/4E-23A1. 14N1.14P1.24C 16N/4E-6N2 . 12N/4E-20.J1_ Rl. Ql 15N/4E-23A1. 14X1. 14P1, 2 H I i:;\ 1E-7E1 7M1, 18F1 16N/3E-26Q1 15N/3E-15I .i 15N/4E-17J1 15N 11 201 i 6N H I6Q1 Method of irrigation i !i mtour check < '(jntour check Contour check Contour check ( Contour check I Contour check ( Contour check ( Jontour check ( Contour check Contoui check ( 'ontour check ( lontour check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour check ( 'ontour check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour check Contour check ( ontour check Furrow ( 'ontour check Contour cheek Contour check Furrow s, ii tj pe Fine sandy loam i l:i\ Loam Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam I oam Loam - Loam Loam Loam Loam Fine sandy loam . Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam Loam Loam Loam Loam Loam Loam Loam Clay adobe Loam Clay loam . < 'la\ loan Loam Hilt loam. . Loam Loam F'ine sandy loam Fine sandy loam Loam Acres 37 :;,s 55 22 17 15 Hi 56 30 15 34 22 :m ins inn 20 20 20 Ml 150 325 120 is:, 315 65 12 35 in 65 Depth per irrigation, in inches 17.4 1.8 6.8 4. 1 1 .5 1 (I ii s 6 n LM 14.1 7.3 8.0 17.0 7.4 2 I 5.0 3d 12.7 11.5 7.7 7 s 5 . 2 5.6 4.3 ltd 6.5 7.1 s ii 5.2 3.5 5 th li :, 11.9 6th 7th Weighted mean depths: 7.1 3.7 2 . 5 13.1 11.75 \\ righted mean depths 1948 28.7 inches (2.4 feet) 1949 32 . 2 inches (2 . 7 feet) 1948-49 29.7 inches (2.5 feet I 4.7 0.4 1.8 3.7 9.8 8.1 9.9 10.2 9.35 1948 12.5 inches (1.0 foot) 1949 41.1 inches (3.4 feet) 1948-49 inches (1.2 feet) Weighted mean depths: 1948 60.6 inches (5.1 feet) 1949 92.5 inches (7.7 feet) 1948-49 77.5 inches (6.5 feet) 8.6 6 7 16.6 6.3 6.2 5 . 9 3 . 2 6.7 2 . 6 4.4 1.9 13.7 s 1 6.0 6.2 4.3 5. 1 4.0 4.6 2.8 Weighted mean depth 1948 24. 1 inches (2.0 feet) 1949 22.7 inches (1.9 feet) pus pj 23.9 inches (2.0 feet) Total depth, inches 44.2 20.6 26,7 27.0 32.3 28.7 16.7 31.6 29.5 34.5 27.0 36.1 30.6 37.1 12.0 10.1 8.0 31.0 41.1 63.5 88.5 48.7 66.0 171. S 56.2 17.5 17.7 22.3 30.3 30.9 22.7 APPENDIX G RESERVOIR YIELD STUDIES ( 161 ) 6—63095 TABLE OF CONTENTS RESERVOIR YIELD STUDIES Page Yield Study, Honcut Creek Reservoir Plus Diversion From French Dry (reek (November-April) 163 Yield Study. Camp Far West Reservoir 163 Yeld Study, Coon Creek Reservoir Pins Combie-Ophir Diversion of 100 Second-Feet (November-April) 164 i 162 APPENDIX G 163 YIELD STUDY HONCUT CREEK RESERVOIR PLUS DIVERSION FROM FRENCH DRY CREEK (NOVEMBER-APRIL) Capacity: 38,000 acre-feet Yield: 24,000 acre-feet (In acre-feet) Novem >er-May J une-October Spill, end of May Defi- ciency, in percent Season Runoff Diver- sion Demand, 30% of annual demand Storage, end of May Demand, 70% of annual demand Apparent storage, end of I Ictnl .rr Apparent deficiency, end of October Average summer storage Evapora- tion Storage, end of October Defi- ciency, end of October 1920-21 43,170 35,470 18,060 4.700 18.490 11.350 31,120 22,180 6,860 16,430 4,520 21,130 8.100 6,200 21,200 44,950 28,390 IS.350 4,720 19.010 11,890 29.700 22.990 6,260 17,110 4,680 19,720 6.120 6,320 20,600 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7.200 7.200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7.200 38,000 38,000 3S.000 20,920 33,020 29,960 38,000 38,000 24,620 32 1i.ll 15,460 33,650 21,570 8,590 34,600 16.800 16.800 16,800 Hi. SI 10 16,800 16.800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16.800 16.800 lli.NOO 16,800 16,800 21,200 21,200 21,200 4,120 16.220 13.160 21,200 21,200 7,820 15,660 29,600 29,600 29.600 12.520 24,620 21,560 29,600 29,600 16,220 24,060 7,060 25.250 13,170 190 26,200 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,400 2,300 2,100 2,500 2,500 1,700 2,200 1,000 2,300 1,500 50 2,400 18,700 18,700 18,700 2,720 13.920 11,060 1 8,700 18,700 6,120 13,460 42,920 37,360 9,910 1921-22 1922-23 . 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 26,680 18,670 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1,340 2,340 9.8 1931-32 ir,,s.-,ii 4,770 14,550 3,270 1932-33 1933-34 8,210 8,260 34.4 1934-35 17,800 15,400 AVERAGE 17,900 17,400 7,200 Hi, MM) 710 9,040 Capacity: 104,000 acre-feet YIELD STUDY CAMP FAR WEST RESERVOIR (In acre-feet) Yield: 90,000 acre-feet November-May J une-October Spill, end of May Defi- ciency, in percent Season Runoff Diver- sion Demand, 30% of annual demand Storage, end of May Demand, 70% of annual demand Apparent storage, end of October Apparent deficiency, end of I Average summer storage Evapora- tion Storage, end "1 October Defi- ciency, cud ol October 1920-21 467,000 409,000 364.000 23,000 _•::'.! .nun 223,000 450.000 296,000 112,000 355,000 145,000 234,000 51,000 IL'6.000 354,000 256,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27.000 27.000 27,000 104.000 104.000 104,000 3ii,,xoo 104,000 104,000 104,000 104,000 104.000 llll 1)1)11 104,000 104,000 ;,,x,xoo 99,000 104,000 63,000 63,000 63.000 63,000 63.000 63.000 63.000 63,000 63.000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 72,500 72.500 72.500 6,200 6,200 6,200 34,800 34,800 34,800 336.000 312,800 267,800 1921-22 1922-23 _. 1923-24_ 32,200 32.200 35.8 1924-25 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 72.500 72,500 72,500 72,500 72,500 72,500 72,500 72,500 27.300 67,500 72,500 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,200 6.200 6,200 6,200 3,100 5,800 6,200 34,800 34,800 34,800 34,800 34.800 34,800 34,800 34,800 MIX 000 116,800 353,800 199,800 15,800 258.800 48,800 137,800 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32_ . 1 932-33 __ 4,200 7,300 8.1 1933-34 36,000 41,000 30,200 34,800 1934-35 253,200 AVERAGE., 27,000 63,000 2,600 160.600 164 SUTTEB YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION YIELD STUDY COON CREEK RESERVOIR PLUS COMBIE-OPHIR DIVERSION OF 100 SECOND-FEET (NOVEMBER-APRIL) Capacity: 59,000 acre-feet Yield: 56,000 acre-feet (In acre-feet November Maj 1 une-Octohrr Spill, end of May Defi- ciency, in percent Season Runoff Diver- sion Demand, 30% of annual demand Storage, end of May Demand, 70', of annual demand Apparent storage, end "f October Apparent deficiency, end of October \ \ .i age summer storage l.i apol :i tion Storage, end of I 1, toliel Defi- ciency end of October 1920-21 44,600 40,000 33,500 5,900 LM ooo 22,300 48,200 30,200 11,500 19,000 5,900 23,300 11,500 11,200 31,800 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 16,800 16,800 16.800 16,800 16.800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 li; sun 16,800 it; Mm 16.800 16,800 16,800 59,000 59,000 59,000 12,100 44,600 14,600 59,000 59,000 17 Tim It HI HI 27,900 42,200 31,600 30,100 50,700 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39,200 39 200 39,200 :e.i l'oo 19,800 19,800 19.800 2,900 5,400 5,400 19,800 19,800 8,500 5,100 39.400 39,400 39,400 22.500 25.000 25,000 39,400 311.100 28.100 24,700 K.300 22,600 12,000 10,500 31,100 2,500 .'.500 2,500 1,800 2,000 2.000 2,500 2,500 2,100 -'. 900 1,800 1,200 1,100 2,200 17,300 17,300 17,300 1,100 3,400 3,400 17,300 17,300 6,400 3,100 1,200 4,500 17,200 10,700 1921-22 1922-23 1924-25. 1925-26 1926-27 11,500 7,400 927 28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 11,300 12,200 21.8 1931-32 3,000 1932-33 7 9,100 8.800 10,200 15.7 1933-34 9,300 18.2 1934-35 11,500 AVERAGE 24,200 35,700 16,800 39,200 2,100 3,400 APPENDIX H ESTIMATES OF COST ( 165 ) TABLE OF CONTENTS ESTIMATES OF COST Page Estimated Cost of Peach Bowl Projects - 167 Estimated Cost of South Ilonciit Creek Dam and Reservoir 168 Estimated Cost of French Dry Creek Diversion and Conduit 168 Estimated Cost of South Honcut Creek Diversion and Conduit 169 Estimated Cost of Northeast Zone Diversion, Conduit, and Distribution System 169 Estimated Cost of Browns Valley Distribution System 170 Estimated Cost of Camp Far West Dam and Reservoir 170 Estimated Cost of Bear River Canal 171 Estimated Cost of East Central Zone Siphon, Conduit, and Distribution System 171 Estimated Cost of South Side Zone Conduit and Distribution System 172 Estimated Cost of Coon Creek Dam and Reservoir 173 Estimated Cost of Coon Creek Diversion. Conduit, and Distribution System 174 i L66 ) APPENDIX II ESTIMATED COST OF PEACH BOWL PROJECT Ki7 (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Pumping plant capacity : 135 seeond-fee< Gross seasonal diversion : 24,000 acre-feel Maximum monthly demand : (July) 0,450 acre-feet. Acreage served: Presently irrigated lands, 4,500 105 second -feet acres; irrigated lands to be developed, 2,500 acres Item Capital Costs Pumping Plant Pumps, motors, and electrical equipment Discharge pipe and footings Sump and trash racks Structure Discharge structure and sand trail Subtotal Administration and engineer- ing, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construction.. TOTAL Conveyance System Excavation Trimming Lining, concrete Turnouts, 100 second-feet 50 second-feet ... Crossings, 100 second-feet Railroad County road Crossings, 50 second-feet County road Farm road Right of way Orchard lands Open lands Subtotal Administration and engineer- ing, 10%... Contingencies, 15% Interest during construction. _ TOTAL Quantity LTnit price Cost 3 each 3 each 137 son 195,900 10,900 14 20 1 1 4 6 52 I I cu. yd. sq. yd. cu. yd. each each each each each each acres acres $14,330 5,700 lump sum lump sum lump sum vii :;n 0.25 35.00 1,100 830 :, sou 3,200 2,300 1,400 1,500 750 $43,000 17,100 7,100 i i inn 3.400 $85,000 $85,000 $8,500 12,800 1 ,600 $107,900 $41,400 49,000 381.500 15,400 16.600 5,800 3,200 9.200 8.400 78,000 33,000 $641,500 $641,500 Slit, .Mill 96,200 12 000 $813,900 Item Capital Costs — Continued Distribution System Presently irrigated lands Irrigable lands to be devel- oped __ Subtotal Administration and engineer- ing. 10%, Contingencies, 15% Interest during construction.. TOTAL Annual Costs Pumping Plant Interest. 3' , Amortization, 0.887% Replacement, 0.513% Operation and maintenance, 5%-- Elect ric energy TOTAL Conveyance System Interest, 3% Amortization, 0.887% Replacement, 0.50% Operation and maintenance, 1.0'-, TOTAL. _. Distribution System Interest, 3% Amortization, 0.887% Operation and maintenance Ditch tender service, $0.70 per acre-foot Maintenance charge, $0.40 per acre District overhead, $0.50 per acre TOTAL Quantity 4,500 acres 2,500 acres Unit price $70.00 20.00 l 'ost $315,000 50,000 $365,000 s:;r,.-,,ooo $36,500 54,800 6,800 $463,100 $3,200 1,000 600 5.400 5.800 $16,000 $24,400 7,200 4.100 8,100 si:;, si in $13,900 4,100 16,800 2,800 3,500 $41,100 168 SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF SOUTH HONCUT CREEK DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Elevation of eresl of dam : 910 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway : 898 feel Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bod: 168 feel Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway: 38,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 10,000 second-feel Item Capital Costs Unwatering and care of stream - Stripping and preparation oi foundation Common Rock Excavation for embankment From borrow pits Tailings— Sand and gravel filter Embankment Impervious from burrow. Sand and gravel filter Tailings Hock from salvage Drilling grout holes. Pressure grouting Spillway ation __ _ ( Concrete. Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation ( 'ommon Rock Concrete Inlet structure Trench backfill and cut- offs Steel pipe, 12-inch diameter- Reinforcing steel Quantity I'nit price i ,,.i 37 570 cu. yd. 7,760 in. yd, :38,?.00cu yl 451,900 cu. yd. 101,200 cu. yd. 294,000 cu. yd. 101,200 cu. yd. 451,900 cu. yd. 71.600 cu. yd. 4.020 Lin. yd. 2,680 cu. ft. 86,620 cu. yd. 2,770 cu. yd. 207,000 lbs. 200 cu. yd. 1.980 cu. yd. 44 cu. yd. 1,590 cu yd, 112.000 ll.s. 163.800 lbs. lump sum $10,000 $1.00 3.00 0. 15 0.45 I .:,!) 0.25 0.50 0.20 0.30 3.00 1 nil 2.50 35 . 00 0.15 2.00 6.00 100.00 30.00 0.25 0.15 37 600 23,300 152,200 203.400 151,800 73,500 50.600 90.400 21.500 12,100 10,700 SS37 216,600 97,000 31,100 344,700 400 11,900 4,400 47,700 28.000 24,600 Item Capital Costs — Continued Outlel Works — Continued ! I ii/li pressure slide gates and controls, 30-inch diameter. Trash rack steel Control house Howell-Bunger outlet valve, 36-inch diameter Reset \ oir Land. Improvements Road to dam site Clearing Subtotal Administration and engineer- ing 10% Contingencies, 15% I tip rest during construction TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3' , Amortization, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and maintenance _. TOTAL Quantity 2 each '.Kir, :,,-!, ■- 2 miles 906 acres Unit price lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum $125.00 lump sum 50,000 150.00 I ost $15,000 1,000 1,000 3,600 $137,600 si 13,300 60,000 100,000 135,900 409,200 $1,728,000 $172,900 259.300 64,800 $2,225,600 Sliti.NIIII 19,700 1,600 6,300 $94,400 ESTIMATED COST OF FRENCH DRY CREEK DIVERSION AND CONDUIT (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Elevation of crest of weir: 2,132 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Height of crest nf weir, above stream bed: 7 foot Capacity of weir with 11-fool head: 10,000 second- feet Capacity of diversion canal : 200 second-feet Length of canal : 2 miles It'll! Capital Costs Diversion Works Excavation te, weirs and bead- wall Reinforcing steel Trash rack steel nd sluice gati Conduit Excavation ( 'impacted fill ete lining Rights of way I encing Clearing Road crossings Quantity 436 cu.yd. 303 cu.yd. 27,800 lbs. 300 lbs. 3 eai h 12,680 cu.yd. 6,340 cu.yd. 21.100 gq.yd. 15 acres I miles 15 acres 3 each Unit price Cost $5 00 40.00 0.15 0.30 1 .000 0.50 II :,li 3 . 50 200 . (X) 1,500 200.00 5( I -J .'I II l 11,5(1(1 1.2PII 100 ; nun 6,300 3.200 73.9(111 ; i 6,000 3,000 i I SJ| mill 96,900 H. Item Capital Costs — Continued Administration and engi- neering, 10' , Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3' , Amortization, 0.887% Replacement 50' , Operation and maintenance 1.09 TOTAL Quantity Unit price Cost $12,100 18,100 $151,100 s 1,500 1 ,300 800 1,500 SS 1(1(1 APPENDIX H ESTIMATED COST OF SOUTH HONCUT CREEK DIVERSION AND CONDUIT 169 (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Elevation of crest of weir : 009 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Heighl of weir crest, above stream bed : !) feet Capacity of weir with 10-foot head: 10,000 second-feet Capacity of conduit : 150 second-feet Length of conduit : 4.7 miles Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Diversion Works Excavation, rock.. Concrete, weirs and head- wall ... Reinforcing steel Trash rack steel _- Headgates and sluice gate 425 cu.yd. 518 cu.yd. 14.900 lbs. 360 lbs. 3 raid 35,200 cu.yd. 21,000 cu.yd. 40.800 sq.yd. 1,500 lin.ft. 1.100 lin.ft. 23 . 4 acres 9.4 miles 23.4 acres $5.00 $2,100 40.00 20,700 0.15 2,200 0.30 100 1,000 3,000 $28,100 0.50 17,600 0.50 10,500 3.50 142,800 36.70 55,000 23.40 25,800 200.00 4,700 1,500 14.100 200.00 4,700 275,200 Capital Costs — Continued Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL s:;o:;ini 45,500 $379,100 Conduit Excavation . Annual Costs Siphon. . $11,400 Flume, metal Rights of wav Fencing Clearing Amortization, 0.887% Replacement, 0.50% Operation and maintenance, 1.0% TOTAL 3,400 1,900 3.800 Subtotal $303,300 $20,500 ESTIMATED COST OF NORTHEAST ZONE DIVERSION, CONDUIT, AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) < \-ipn city of conduit : 7o second-feel at diversion, de- creasing uniformly to 2. r > second-feet at terminus Diversion : Temporary earthfill dam on Prairie Creek Length of conduit : 6.3 miles Distribution system : Unlined canals and ditches Acreage served : 2,300 acres I tern Quantity Capital Costs Diversion Dam Stripping. Compacted fill Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Conduit Excavation Compacted fill Trimming Concrete Shotcrete, at road cross ings Reinforced, road cross ings Canal headwall and cutoff Reinforcing steel Headgate, 4' x 5' slide gate Rights of way Clearing Fencing Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL 60 cu.yd. 160 cu.yd. 39,400 cu.yd. 30,800 cu.yd. 82,500 sq.yd. 400 sq.yd. 80 cu.yd. 15 cu.yd. 7,100 lbs. 46 acres 46 acres 12.6 miles Unit price ( o.t $1.00 1.00 0.50 0.30 3.50 50.00 50.00 0.15 lump sum 200.00 200.00 1.500 ^ I i ii i 200 S.illll -:;iiii $100 100 S.-.00 $19,700 15,400 24, SOU 1,400 4.000 800 1,100 500 9,200 9,200 18,900 $105,000 $105,000 $10,500 I.', Mill $131,300 Item Capital Costs — Continued Distribution System Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Diversion Dam Construction cost Subtotal Conduit Interest, 3% Amortization, 0.887%... Replacement, 0.50% Operation and main- tenance, 1.0% TOTAL Distribution System Interest, 3% Amortization, 0.887%... Operation and mainte- nance Ditch tender service, $0.50 per acre-foot. _ Maintenance charge, $0.40 per acre District overhead, $0.50 per acre TOTAL Quantity Unit pi ice Cost 2,300 acres $20.00 $46,000 $46,000 -Ii.iiiiii $4,600 6,900 $57,500 $500 $500 S3.1I00 1,200 700 1,300 $7,100 $1,700 500 5,400 900 1,200 v.i.ron 170 si TT ER-YUBA ( IOUNT I ES I NV EST I ( i ATION ESTIMATED COST OF BROWNS VALLEY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Distribution system : I nlined canals and ditches (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Acreage served : 2.000 acres Item Quantity Unit price 1 1 1 n in Quantity Unit [.rice Cost Capital Costs ition Sj stem 600 ai n $20 00 s;, >:,_'. mill Annual Costs AlTK.rllzalM.n, II KS.7' , Operation and maintenance Dltcli ten.Iel MUlir. Ml Ml per acre-foot .._____. Maintenance charge, $0.60 $2,000 600 8,100 Subtotal Administration and engineer- ing. ii»' ; $52,000 ! i 7.800 1,600 Interest during construction, District overhead, S0.80 per 2,100 TOTAL . . , i ,. $65,000 $14,400 ESTIMATED COST OF CAMP FAR WEST DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 311 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Eleval inn of crest of spillway : 300 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: l.V> feel Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway: 104,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 00,000 second-feet Item Capital Costs Dam Diversion and can' of stream _> Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Exeat at urn for embank- ni. nt I i. .in lioi row pits Stream bed ;ra el Rock i iprap aliment ( 'onimon compacted From excavation. . . From salvage Sand and gravel 61- i.-i Hock riprap. - Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Excavation | lr Reinforcing steel Outlet H Tunnel, 8-fool diami ti i Portal, excavation Concrete (intake, ;ati addles, plug, and walkway) _ Quantity Unit price Cost lump sum 1 19,000 in. yd. $1.00 743,600 cu.yd. 1,243,100 cu.yd. 63,100 cu.yd. 649 300 cu.yd. 1,055,600 oiifItli of coiuluil : T.N miles ( 'anal lined for first <).."> mile (Based on prices prevailing in April, 1952) Distribution system : Unlined canals and ditches Acreage served : 12,000 acres [tern Capital Costs - Stripping Embankment Timber, dashboards i 'ran.- for removing flash- boards I.i\ ee Stripping Embankment Concrete headwall and wing walls Reinforcing steel rleadgate, 4 ' x 5' Conduit Excavation Compacted fill . Trimming Concrete Shotcrete Flume transition struc- tures Road crossings Substructure footings- Siphon transition struc- ture Reinforcing steel Timber Road crossings Flume substructure Flume, metal Flume hardware Pipe, 48-inch corrugated metal Jacking costs 1 >i\ ersion dam at Mark- ham Ravine Rights of way Fencing Clearing Subtotal Quantity Unit price CoM 320 cu.yd. sn 50 900 cu.yd. . 50 1.2 MUM 250.00 1,500 cu.yd. JOOO cu.yd. 0.50 II Ml 22 cu.yd. 00.00 2,200 lbs. 0.15 lump sum 72,810 cu.yd. 32,740 cu.yd. 101,830 sq.yd. 5,330 sq.yd. 16 cu.yd. 60 cu.yd. 4 cu.yd. 30 cu.yd. liooo IK-. 7.5 MBM 2.6 MBM 100 lin.ft. 310 His. 150 lin.ft. 100 lin.ft. 0.50 0.50 0.30 3.50 50.00 50.00 so no 50.00 . 1 5 350.00 400.00 15.00 1.00 20.00 50.00 lump sum 60 acres 300.00 15.6 miles 1.500 60 acres 200.00 8200 400 300 1 .000 son 1,000 1,300 300 500 30 Kill 16,400 30,500 18,700 800 3,000 300 1,500 2.100 2,600 1,000 1,500 300 3,000 5,000 1,500 1 N.I II H I 23,400 12,000 -i 900 3,900 178,000 SI 83,800 Item Capital Costs Continued Administration and engi- neering, 10' , Contingencies, 1 5' , Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL _ 1 list nl nit ion System Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15' , _ _ Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL... Annual Costs Diversion and Conduit Interest, 3% Amortization, 0.887%... Replacement, 0.50' , Operation and mainte- nance, 1.0% TOTAL Distribution System Interest, 3%.. Amortization, 0.887%... Operation and mainte- nance Ditch tender service, SO. 55 per acre-foot Maintenance charge, SO. 40 per acre I IM i ict overhead. S0.50 per acre TOTAL Quantity Unit price Cost S18.400 27,600 12,000 acres $229,800 S20.00 $240,000 S240.000 $240,000 24.000 36,000 $300,000 S0.900 2,000 1,100 2,300 $12,300 S9.000 2.700 fit in ted ill CALIFORNIA ST ATI PRINTING I It I II I 63095 6-52 500 PLATE I STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SUTTER-YUBA COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LOCATION OF SUTTER-YUBA AREA MLAIt ------ uj a - i V^L ' : i v— V ------ I / \ t O -300 L \ / _|_ ::::::::;: v i V"" 1 v„.„ t / s ------- - r - 2 « ^r -l_ ...^4 s? - < -400U 1 1 1 1 L I ' 1874-75 1879-80 1884-85 1889- 90 1894-95 1699-1900 1904- 05 1909-10 iOq^OiOOiOo ' — (vi ftj **) m ^ ^m — w cy m m •$ £ ACCUMULATED DEPARTURE FROM MEAN SEASONAL ! PRECIPITATION AT MARYSVILLE PLATE 6 10 9 8 H 7 " ■ 111 Ll S a. \ ^ 6 u. o -r sl MILLIOI u. S [ ' ' ' ) o Z | » IV 3 i o: 3 - ■ ■ — 2 - |— II - 1 - o 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllll £ o S 2 <« © * a ? 7 " - C2 sources board. no .6 n r: PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY 111565