LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Gl FT OF Q.......^ sAA^^AAr^^^-^-J^ AAJ(.rw-C^-^%^M- Class ^ N^" General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK INSTITUTED 1785 S^-^^ CATALOGU J. MORGAN SLADE LIBRARY AND OTHER ARCHITECTURAL WORKS APPRENTICES' LIBRARY \J^T^>V ^ ^ OF THE \ ( UNIVERSITY I \ OF NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1892 l^loSTfi EXPLANATION. The following communication from the secretary of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York will explain the origin of the present catalogue : — " Extract from the inaugural address of President Barratt [January, 1891] " : — ' I have also some suggestions to make in regard to the library. It is : That the books from J. Morgan Slade's library, now in the members' reading room, be transferred to a separate alcove in the library, and that all reference books on architecture now in the library, and any others hereafter obtained, be added to it, and that it be named the f. Morgan Slade Architectural Library, to be used for reference only.' " Extract from a report of the School Committee, March, 1891 : — ' It was unanimously recommended to remove the J. Morgan Slade Architectural Library to the library room, and that all reference books on architecture now in the library, and all others hereafter obtained, be added thereto, and known as the J. Morgan Slade Architectural Reference Library, to be used for reference only, and under such rules and regulations as may be devised and adopted to govern the use of the same by the Library Committee.' " On motion, the recommendation of the [School] Committee was adopted by the Society." In accordance with the wishes of the Society a handsome bookcase has been erected, immediately opposite the entrance to the public reading room, in which is placed the original bequest from Mr. J. Morgan Slade's library, numbering 184 volumes, embracing, with a few exceptions, works on architecture and allied topics. In the present catalogue these books have this mark % prefixed to their titles. The bookcase contains also all the books in the ref- erence department of a strictly architectural character (embracing in the scheme of classification under which the libraries of the Society are arranged, classes G 8 and G 9), which have this mark f prefixed to the.r titles. The catalogue contains, besides the books placed in the J. Morgan Slade Library bookcase, all books both in the Reference as well as in the Circulating department of the Apprentices' Library that have any bearing, however remote, on Architecture or Building ; so that the present list may be considered as a complete guide to all the works on, or illustrative of, these subjects contained in the library up to October 15, 1892. The work is divided into two parts : Part i containing an arrangement of the books under forty-two classes, which follow each other in alphabetical order, as may be seen by the synopsis on page i. An alphabetical list of all the special topics contained in these classes is prefixed to Part i, which will guide the user to the class or classes where books on any given topic may be found. Part 2 contains the same books arranged alphabetically by authors and titles. In case a given book cannot be found by means of the class under which it has been catalogued, the author's name, or the first word of its title where no author is given, will be easily found in its alphabetical position in this part, and will give all the information required. Both parts of the catalogue contain the authors' surnames, followed by their initials in Part i, and by their full Christian names (where they could be ascertained) in Part 2, titles such as Sir, Captain, Jr., being printed in italics ; so much of the title as was necessary to distinguish the book from every other in the library and to indicate (as far as a title is capable of indicating) the nature of its contents ; the edition ; the number of volumes in each work ; the place and date of publication ; the size ; and the class number under which it may be found on the shelves. The titles, in so far as they have been copied, are in the exact words of the title-pages. In the few cases where it has been found necessary to add a word or two for the sake of clearness, the word or words so added will be found enclosed in brackets [ ]. Information added by the compiler after the title will be found in italics. This information is generally abbreviated and needs explanation : thus \cop. 1891] and [/r^/. 1891] mean that the year of publication is not on the title-page, but that the first book was copyrighted in 1891, and the other has its preface dated in the same year. Where there is no title-page the initials n. t. p. = no title-page, or /./. w. — title-page want- ing, are used. v. p. means that various places of publication (more than two) are mentioned, and n. d. means that no date of publication is given. Where there are more than two authors of a work only the first named is taken as. a heading, and the others are indicated by the words, " and others," in italics. The size designations, 12% 8°, 4°, etc., have no reference to the folding of the paper, but are meant to show, EXPLANATION. in an approximate way, the actual size of the book. Thus all books measuring from seven to eight inches in height are called \2' ; from eight to ten inches, 8' ; from ten to fourteen inches, 4 ; and above fourteen inches, Folio. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading, a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Other abbreviations used besides those explained are : " ed." = edition or edited ; '' etlr."= editor ; " enl." = enlarge4 ; " rev." = revised ; " transl." = translated or translator ; " vol." = volume ; " vols." = volumes. The abbreviations for names of places, such as N. Y. for New York, Lond. for London, etc., are so well known that it is presumed that the reader is familiar enough with them to need no further explanation. All books without a special sign preceding their titles can be taken out of the library for home use by readers having accounts. Books designated thus * can also be taken for home use by readers having a Demilt account in addition to their account in the Apprentices' Library. The by-laws explain the conditions to be observed in opening such an account. Books designated thus f, or thus |, are for reference only, and can be consulted only by making application to the custodian of the reading room. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1892. WARREN A. CONOVER, Chairman, 324 West 19th Street. EDWIN D. TUCKER, Secretary, 504 Grand Street. HENRY \V. REDFIELD, 141 Centre Street, ] ROBERT CHRISTIE, 154 West 97th Street, \ ^ . „ , . , PETER DE BAUN. 330 West nth Street, [ Committee on Purchases for the JOHN N. RICHARDSON, 818 Greenwich Street, I ^PP''"'"'' ^'^''^'y- JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 328 West 24th Street, J WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue, wii^t^iAivi IS.. rice book. Buf- falo, 1856. 12°. G 9485. — Satne. N. Y., 1859. 12°. G 9485. 6. Byzantine Architecture. Texier, C, et Pullan, P. X L'architecture byzantine. Lond., 1864. Folio. G 8988. Vogue, Coujit M. de and others, f Byzantine architec- ture and ornament. Bost. and N. Y., [cop. 1890]. 4°. G 8892.0. 7. Carpentry and Woodwork. Aveling, S. T. Carpentry and joinery. Lond., [pref. 1871]. 12°. G 9020. Barter, S. Manual instruction : woodwork. Lond. and N. Y., [pref. 1892]. 8°. G 95 iS. Bell, W. E. Carpentry made easy. Phila., 1868. 8°. G 9521. Benjamin, A. Architect, The ; or, practical house car- penter. Bost.. 1845. 4°. G S808.0. Brown, L. E. Contractors', builders', and carpenters' building table and estimate book. 3d ed. N. Y., 1889. 8°. G 9537. Burn, R. S., edr. \ New guide to carpentry, general framing, and joinery. N. Y.,m. o'. 4°. G 9814.C. COMPTON, A. G. First lesson in wood-working. N. Y. and Chicago, [cop. 1888]. 16°. G 9098. Eassie, p. B. Wood and its uses : a hand-book for contractors, builders, architects, engineers, etc. Gloucester, 1874. 8°. G 9579. Euclid. % Elements of geometry, containing [hisj first six books. [Ed. by| Playfair. Phila., 1855. 8^. G 9583. FouRNEAU, N. f L'art du trait de charpenterie. 2 vols. in one. Paris, 1786. Folio. G 9932. Hatfield, R. G. American house-carpenter, n.t.p. 8°. G 9613. — Same. A treatise on the art of building. 8th ed. N. Y., 1880. 8°. G 9613.0. — Same. Ed. by O. P. Hatfield. loth ed. N. Y.. 1S86. 8=. 09613./^. Hodgson, F. T. Carpenters' steel square and its uses. N.Y., 1889. 12°. G 9208.^. — Practical carpentry. N. Y., 1883. 12°. G 9208. Holly, H. W. Carpenter's and joiner's handbook. N. Y., 1876. 16°. G 9210. Johnston, W. Carpenter's new guide. 13th ed. Phila., 1848. 4°. G 9847. Meloy, D. H. Progressive carpentry. Waterbury, [cop. 1890]. 12°. G 9297. Newlands, J. f Carpenter and joiner's assistant. Lond., [1891]. 4°. G 9865. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SUBJECT CATALOGUE: Church Architecture to Decoration, Ornament, and Design, 3 Nicholson, P. f Carpenter's and joiner's assistant. 2d ed. Lond., 1805. 4°. G 9866. a. — Carpenter's new guide. i6th ed. by Davis. Phila., 1869. 4°. . G 9867. — Sa»u'. 8tii ed. Phila., 1818. 4=. G 9S67. — Mechanical exercises ; or, elements, etc.. of carpentry, joinery, masonry. Lond., 1812, 12°. G 9330. — Same. Phila.. 1868. 8°. G 9698. Pain, \V. Practical house carpenter. 9th ed. Lond., 1823. 8°. G 9705. Price, F. * British carpenter. 5th ed. Lond., 1765. 4°. _ G 9872. RiDUEi.L. R. f Modern carpenter and builder. Phila., 1867. 4°. G 9875. SiCKELS. I. Exercises in wood-working. N. Y., i8go. 8°. G 9744. Small, J. W. f Scottish woodwork of the i6th and 17th centuries. Edinb., [/;-f/. 1S7SJ. Folio. G 9983. Sylvester, W. A. Modern house-carpenter's compan- ion. Bost., [rt-/. 1883]. 12°. G 9431. Tredgold, T. Elementary principles of carpentry. Phila., 1837. 4°. G 9890. — XSame. 5th ed. by Barlow. Lond., 1870. 4°. G 9890. Unwin, W. C. Exercises in wood-working for handi- craft classes. G 9891. A^otc. — See also Class 15, Furniture and Cabinet Work, and Class 38, Stair Building, and Hand Railing, and Sec. 654 (Geometry) of the Finding List. 8. Church Architecture. Allen, F. II. f Great cathedrals of the world. 2 vols. Best., [cop. 1886]. Folio. G 8902. Beckett, Sir E. Book on buHding, civil and ecclesias- tical. Lond., 1876. 12°. G 8034. — XSame. Lond., 1S76. 12°. G S034. Blo.xa.m, M. H. Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical ar- chitecture. 6th ed. Lond., 1844. 12°. G 8046. — Same. loth ed. Lond., 1859. 12°. G 8046. — Same, iithed. 2 vols. Lond., 1S82. 12'. G 8046.;^. — Companion to the " Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture": vestments in use in the church prior to and from Edward VI. Lend., 1S82. 12°. G So46.f. Brash. R. R. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland. Dubl. and Lond., 1875. 8°. G S534. f Cathedral churches of England, Handbook to the Eastern division. Lond., 1862. 12°. G 8o79.rt. — f Same : Northern division. 2 vols. Lond., 1869. 12°. G 8079 r. — f Same: Southern division. 2 vols. Lond., 1S61, 12°. G8o79.ign. Edinb. and Lond., 1849. 4°. I 4809. Blanc. C. Art in ornament and dress. N. Y.. 1877. 8"=. T S527. Brunner. A. W., and Trvon, T. Interior decoration. N. Y., 1887. 4^. H 3813. Church decoration : a practical manual. N. Y.. 1876. 12°. I 4089. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 4 SUBJECT CATALOGUE : Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias to Domestic and Rural Architecture. Colling, J. K. f Examples of English Mediceval fohage and coloured decoration. Bost., 1875. 4°. G 8S19. Crane. W. Claims of decorative art. Bost. and N. Y., 1892. 8°. I 563- Daly, C. % L'archltecture privee au XIX^ siecle, 3 : Dec- orations interieures peintes. Paris, 1877. Folio. G 8823.C. — X Decorations interieures empruntees a des edifices fran9ais XVI=-XVIII« si^cles. 2 vols. Paris, 1880. Folio. G S923./. 1871]. 4'". 08808.^. Birch, J. Examples of labourers' cottages. Lond., 1871. 8°. G 8526. Brunner, a. W., edr. Cottages ; or, hints on economi- cal building. N. Y., 1884. 8°. G 8537. Bullock, J. American cottage builder. Phila., 1868. 8°. G 8538.^. Cleveland, H. \V., aW Backus. \Y. andS. D. Village and farm cottages. N. Y., 1S56. 8°. G 8556. Glutton, H. X Domestic architecture of France from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XII. Lond.. 1S53. Folio. G 8919. Domestic house planner and sanitary architect. By vari- ous writers. Lond. rtWi/r'./., 1891. 12°. G 9125. Downing, A. J. Cottage residences ; or, designs for rural cottages and cottage villas. Part I. 2d ed. N. Y. and Lond., 18^4. 8°. G 8575. Elliott, C. W. Cottages and cottage life. Cine, and N. Y., 1848. 8°. G. 8581. Field, M. City architecture. N. Y., 1854. 8°. G 8589. Fowler, O. S. A home for all; or, the gravel wall and octagon mode of building. N. Y., {cop. 1853]. 12°. 08156. Fuller, A. W. Artistic homes in city and country. Bost., 1882. 2,° oil. G8595. — .Same. Revised and enlarged ed. Bost., 1886. ?,° obi. G 8595.(7. Gardner, E. C. Homes and how to make them. Bost., 1874. 16°. G%\()2.h. — House that Jill built after Jack's had proved a failure : a book on home architecture. N. Y., 1882. J2°. G 8162.^. — Illustrated homes. Bost., 1S75. 16°. G 8162.?. Gibson, L. H. Convenient houses : with 50 plans for the housekeeper. N. Y., [cop. 1839]. 8°. G 8600. Goodwin, F. f Domestic architecture. 3d ed. Lond., 1850. 4°- G 8835. Hall, J. Modern designs for dwelling houses. 2d ed. Bait., 1848. 4^. G 8837. IIoBBS, J. H., and son. Hobbs's architecture : containmg designs for villas, cottages, and other edifices. Phila., 1873. 8=. G8625. Holly. H. H. * Country seats : designs for cottages, etc. N. Y., 1863. 8°. G 8626.f. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SUBJECT CATALOGUE : Electric Light. HoLLEY, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and country. N. Y., 1878. 8°. G8626.W. Hunt, T. T. f Examples of Tudor architecture adapted to modern habitations. Lond., 1841. 4°. G 8844. Improved dwellings for the laboring classes. N. V., 1S79. 8°. G 8633. Johnson, S. W. Rural economy : a treatise on buildings, eU. New Brunsw., 1806. 12°. H 1235. r. Leuchars, R. B. Construction, eh-., of hot-houses. Bost., [ft;/. 1S60]. 12=. G 8266. — *Saf/if. Bost., 1851. 12°. G 8266. Levy, A. f Architectural photographic series, 10: Sea- shore cottages and country houses (30 photographs in a portfolio). J'o/io. G 8954.*^. — X Photographic series of modern American architect- ure, 2 ; Country dwellings (24 plates in a portfolio). J^o/io. G 8954.^. Loudon, J. C. f Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. New ed. with supplement. Lond., 1842. 8°. G 8664. Mason, G. C. Old house altered. N. Y., 187S. 8°. G 8674. Miles, W. * Stables and stable fittings. Lond., i860. 4°. G S862. Narjoux. F. t Architecture communale. 2 vols. Paris. 1S70. 4°: ^ G8865.a. Oakey, a. F. Building a home. N.* Y., 1881. 12". G 8336. Ogilvie's House plans : or, how to build a house. N. Y., [co/,. 1885]. 12°. G 8337. Osborne, C. F. Art of house-planning. N. Y., i388. 12°. G 8339. Palliser's American architecture ; or, every man a com- plete builder. N. Y., [co/>. 1888]. 4°. G SS69. PococK, W. F. Modern finishings for rooms. Lond., 1823. 4°. G 8S72. Reed, S. B. House-plans for everybody for village and country residences. N. Y., 1884. 12°. G 8367. — tSawe. 3d ed. N. Y.,1879. 12°. G 8367. Richardson, C. J. House-building from a cottage to a mansion. N. Y., 1873. 12°. G 8372. Roberts, H. f Dwellings of the labouring classes. Lond.. w. c/. 8°. G 8725. Sloan, S. Homestead architecture. Phila., 1861. 8°. G 8746. — Same. 2d ed, Phila., 1867. 8°. G 8746. Smith, G. Essay on the construction of cottages. Glasg., 1834. 8°. G 8747. Stevens, F. f Views of cottages and farm houses in England and Wales. Lond., 1815. 4°. I 48S5. Stevens, J. C. an,/ Cobb, A. W. \ Examples of Amer- ican domestic architecture. N. Y., 1889. S° 06/. G 8752. Thomas, T. Workingman's collage architecture. X. Y., 1848. 12°. G S438. Todd, S. E. Country homes : also a business directory. N. Y., 1868. i2\ G 8443. Turner, T. H. Domestic architecture in England. Oxf., 1851. S°. G 876S. Vaux, C. Villas and cottages. N. V., 1857. 8°. G 8774. Vioi,LET-LE-DUC, E. E. X Habitations modernes. 2 vols. Paris, 1S75-77. /u'/io. G S993.rf. — Story of a house. Transl. by Towle. Bost., 1874. 8°. G S77G.J. — ^ Sawf. Bost.. 1874. S"". G 8776.<-. Walter, T. M. and Smith. J. J. f Designs for cot- tages and villas. Phila.." 1S46. 4. " G 8S93. Young, W. X Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs for gate lodges, cottages, villas, country residences, schools, i-tc. Lond. and N. Y.. 1872. 4°. G S900. 12. Electric Light. Alglave. E. ami Boulard, J. The electrifc light : its history, production, and applications. N. Y., 1884. 8"^ 1> 4503. Atkinson, P. Elements of electric lighting. N. Y., 1888. 12°. D 4018. I Badt, F. B. Incandescent wiring hand-book. 2d ed. I Chicago, 1890. 18^. D 4022. r. I Bax, Capt. E. J. Popular electric lighting. Lond., j 1891. 12°. b 4030. Bottone, S. R. Guide to electric lighting for the use of householders and amateurs. N. Y. and Lond., 1892. 16°. D 4053.//. Davis, C. M. Standard tables for incandescent wiring. 2d ed. [pref. Pueblo, 1890]. 18'^. D 4115.J. Day, R. E. Electric light arithmetic. Lond. and N. Y., 18S9. 16^. D4116. Dredge, J.. .] Folio. G 8943. Inkersley, T. X Chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and pointed architecture in France. Lond., 1S50. 8°. G S634. Knight. H. G. Architectural tour in Normandy. Lond., 1841. 12°. G8249. :(: Maisons les plus remarquable de Paris. Apres les dessins de Hittorff and others. Lond., 1871. Folio. G S957. Parker, J. H. f [Architectural] tour in the west of France. Lond., 1852. 4°. G 8869. — i Medieval architecture in Aquitaine. Lond., 1S55. 40. IVitli G 8869. — t Same, conclusion. Lend., 1856. 4°. IVitli G 886g. RoUYER, E. t French architecture and ornament from Francis I. to Louis XVI. Bost. and N. Y., n. d. 4°. G 8876. Sauvageot, C. i Palais, chateaux, hotels, et maisons de France du XV^. au XVIIP. siecle. 4 vols. ' Paris, 1867. Folio. G 8977. Verdier, a. et Gattois, F. X Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age el a la Renaissance. 2 vols. Paris, 185S. 4°. G 8891. 15. Furniture and Cabinet Work. Denning. D. Art and craft of cabinet-making. Lond., 1891. 16^. H 8119. Edis, R. W. f Decoration and furniture of town houses. N. Y., 1881. 8^. I 5580. Garrett, Rhoda and Agnes. Suggestions for house decoration in painting, woodwork, and furniture. Phila., [1877]. 12°. H 3162. Gothic album for cabinet-makers, comprising a collec- tion of designs for Gothic furniture. Phila., 1868. 16°. H 8173. Hall, J. Cabinet maker's assistant. 2d ed. Bait, and v.p., 1848. 18°. H 8183. Hints and practical information for cabinet makers, up- holsterers, and furniture men generally. N. Y., 1884. 12°. H 8204. t Illustrated woodworker. Vol. 1. N. V., 1879. 4°. C 7845- Jacquemart. a. f History of furniture. Lond. and N. Y., 1878. 4°. H 8846. JONQUET, A. X Original sketches for art furniture in the Jacobean, Queen Anne. Adams, and other styles. 2d ed. Lond., 1880. Folio. G 8947. f London cabinet maker's book of prices, /. p. -w. 4*^. H 8855. LOSTALOT, A. de. f Dessins et modeles : les arts du bois. 2« ed. Paris, ;/. d. 4°. I 5S55. Loudon, J. C. f Encyclopa-dia of cottage, farm, and villa architecture and furniture. New ed., witli supplement. Lond., 1842. 8°. G 8664. MoRELAND, T. A. Practical decorative upholstery. Bost. and N. Y., 1890. 8°. H 8680. O'Kane, J., publisher. :f Fashionable furniture: 350 original designs. N. Y., n. d. 8°. G 886-S. Pollen, J. PI. Ancient and modem furniture and wood- work. N. Y,. 1877. 12°. H 835^. — XSame. N. Y.. 1876. 12°. G 8355. Spofford, Harriet P. Art decoration- applied to furni- ture. N. Y., \^cop. 1877]. 8°. _ H 8751. Stokes, J. Cabinet maker and upholsterers companion. Phila., 1850. 16"=. H 8423. T ALBERT, B. J. f Examples of ancient and motlem fur- niture, metal work, tapestries,, decorations, etc. Bost., 1877. Folio. II 8987. — X Same. Lond., 1876. Folio. G S987. — X Gothic forms applied to furniture, metal work and decoration for domestic purposes. Bost., 1873. Folio. G 8987.0. Wallis, F. E. f Old Colonial architecture and furni- ture. Bost., [4. S*^. G 8506. f Antiquities of Attica, Unedited : eo.mprising the archi- tectural remains of Eleusis> Rhamus. Sunium, and Thoricus. Lond., 1817. Folio. — f Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1S33. Folio. Cockerell, C. R. and others, f Antiquities of Athens: supplementary to the "Antiquities'" by Stuart and Revett. Lond., 1830. Folio. Gw^iLT. J. 1 Examination of Grecian architecture. /«G88i3. Parker. J. II. Architectural history of the city of Rome. Lond., 1881. 12°. G 8343..Z. \ Rome, Ruines de. [French and English.] n. p. and n. d. Folio. Smith, T. R. and Slater, J. Architecture classic and eariy Christian. N. Y. and Lond., 1882. 12°. G 84I2..J. Stuart, J. ««ond., 1S15. 8°. G 9502. Colburn, Z. Gas works of London. Phila., [pre/. 1865]. 12°. G 4097. Cooper, T. On gas lights. Phila., 1816. 8°. G 9560. Hartley, F. \V. Gas measurements and gas metre testing. 4th ed. Lond., 1882. 12°. G 9188. Herring, W. R. Construction of gas works. Lend., 1S92. 12°. G 4198. History of the making of gas-light. In H 206. Humphreys, A. C. Water gas in the U. S. N. Y., 1889. 4°. G 9844- t Lenoir gas-engine [Description of]. ;/. /. /., 1866. 8°. B 2506. MoONEY, W. American gas-engineer and superintend- ent's hand book. N. Y., 1888. 16°. Gg3i5. Peckston, T. S. On gas-lighting. 3d ed. Lond., 1841. 8°. G 9707. Perkins, E. E. On gas and ventilation. Phila.. 1869. 12°. G 9347. Sugg, W. T. Domestic uses of coal gas as applied to lighting, cooking and healing, ventilation. Lond., 1884. 8°. G9757- Note. — See also Class 12, Electric Light. 21. Indian Architecture. De Forest, L. f Indian architecture and ornament. Bost., [cop. 1S87]. 4°. G 8824.(7. — \ Indian domestic architecture. 11. t. p. Plates. 4°. G 8824. Fergusson, J. History of Indian and eastern archi- tecture. 2 vols. N. Y., 1891. 8°. G SsSS.f. 22. Industrial Art. BiRDWOOD, G. C. M. X Industrial arts of India. 2 vols. Lond., n. d. 12°. G 8043. Blanc, C. Art in ornament and dress. N. Y., 1877. 8°. T 8527. BURTY, P. *Chefs-d'ceuvre of the industrial arts. Ed. by Chaffers. N. Y., 1869. 8°. I 5540. Drone, E. S. Industrial art education in the U. S. Jn C 9511.1. Industrial arts : historical sketches. N. Y., \pref., 1S76.] 12°. I 5223. Mason, G. C. Application of art to nianufactures. N. Y., 1858. 12°. I 290. Nichols, G. \V. Art education applied to industry. N. Y., 1877. 8°. I 697. Norton, C. B.. edr. \ Treasures of art, industry, and manufacture represented in the Centennial Exhi- bition at Philadelphia, 1876. Buffalo and v. p., [cop. 1S77]. J' olio. I 5967. Oppenard, G-M. f Collection of the works of : 2,000 designs for architects, decorators, jewellers, etc. N. Y. and v. p., it. d. P'olio. I 5968. Playfair, L. Necessity of industrial instruction. In vol. I ofH 14 J. RiaNo, J. r". Industrial arts in Spain. Lond. and N. Y., 1879. 12°. I 5372 Rock, D. t 'l^extile fabrics. N. Y.. 1876. 12"'. G 8375. RusKiN, J. The two paths : lectures on art in its appli- cation to decoration and manufacture. N. Y., 1S85. 12°. I 381.?/. Smith, Prof. W. f Industrial art. /// vol. 2 of H 817. A'Ott'. — See also Sees. 951-959 of the Fimling List. 23. Irish Architecture. Waring, J. B. f Early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. IVith E 9994. 24. Iron and Metal Work. Atchley & Co., publishers. \ Examples of iron roofs adapted for all description of buildings. Lond., ;/. d. Folio. BiRK.MiRE, W. H. Architectural iron and steel, and its application in the construction of buildings. N. Y., 1891. 8°. G 9526. Burn, R. S. Building construction : timber, lead, and iron work. 2 vols. N. Y., [pref. 1873]. 16°. G 9066.^. I. Text. 2. Plates. — Same. 2 vols. Lond. and Glasg.. ;/. d. 1. Text. 16°. G9066./;'. 2. Plates. 4°. _ G 9S14./-'. Campin, F. Construction of iron roofs. N. Y., 1868. 4°. G 9544. Fairbairx, W. .Application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 4th ed. Lond.. 1870. 8°. G9585. Gateuil. N. X Recueil de serrurerie pratique. Dourdaii, n.d. 4°. G9833- X Motifs de serrurerie. Extraits de publications diverses. Paris, 1874. 4°. G 9S64. New York Wire Railing Co. f Catalogue of iron rail- ings. N. Y., n. d. 4'^, G 9866. fORN.\MENTAL iron works; or, designs for fanlights, stair-case railing, etc. Lond., «. d. 12°. G S339. Shaw, H. | Examples of ornamental metal work. Lond., 1836. 4°. G8881. Talbert, B. J. + Examples of ancient and modern fur- niture, metal work, etc. Bost., 1877. Folio. H 8987. — XSame. Lond.. 1S76. Folio. G 8987. — X Gothic forms ap])lied to furniture, metal work. etc. Bost., 1873. Folio. Ci 8987.a. Walter, T. U. . 1886]. 8°. G 7563. Elliot, Maj.-Gen. G. H. European light-house sys- tems in 1873. ^'- "^'•. 1S75. 8°. G 7531. Heap, Major D. I'. Ancient and modern light-houses. Bost.. 1889. 8°. G 7615. Reynaud, M. L. f Illumination and beaconage of the coasts of France. Wash., 1876. 4°. G 7874. Smeaton and lighthouses. Lond., 1844. 16°. G 7411. Stevenso.n, A. History, construction, etc. of light- houses. Lond., 1850. 12°. G 7421. United States. Light-House Board. + Annual report for 1872-76. Wash., 1872-76. ^. G 7773-<^- t Manual of light-house engineering. Vol. 2, plates. Wash., 1869. Folio. G 7991. w. f Specifications for a light-house at Cape flatteras, St. Simons (Ga.), and new stone pier for Waugosh- ance Light-House. Wash., 1868-69. Folio. G 7991 •/• 28. Masonry, Brick Work, and Build- ing Stones. Baker, L O. Treatise on masonry construction. N. v.. 1889. 8°. G 9513. Bancroft, R. -M. andY. J. Tall chimney construction. Manch. and Lewes, 1885. 8°. G 9515. f BriLDiNix stones of the U. S. and statistics of the quarry industry for 18S0. In vol. 10 0/ \J 6891./". Burgoyne, Gen. Sir J. F. Blasting and quarrying of stone. Lond., 1849. 16°. G 9065. Burn, R. S. Building construction : brickwork and masonry. Vol. i, Text. X. Y., 1876. 16°. Oqodt.c. — Sawe. Vol. 2, Plates. N. V., 1S76. 4^. G 9814. — Building construction: brick, stone, and slate. 2 vols. N. Y.. [/>re/. 1S73]. 16°. G 9066.0'. — f New guide to masonry, bricklaving, and plastering. N. Y.. //. d. 4°. ' G9814.W. BlRNHAM. S. M. History and uses of limestones and marbles. Bost., 1883. 4°. G 9540. Davis, C. T. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra cotta, etc. 2d ed. Phila. and Lond., 1889. 8^. G 9568. DoBSO.N, E. Foundations and concrete works. Lond., 1850. 12°. G 4124. — Manufacture of bricks and tiles. Lond., 1850. 12°. G 9i24.iJ. — + Same. 4th ed. by Mallet. Lond. and N. Y.. 1S68. 16*^. G 9124. — Masonry and stonecutting. 3d ed. 2 vols. Lend., 1857-59- it)°- G9124./7/. GiLLMORE, Q. A. Comparative resistance of freestone, brick piers, hydraulic cements, mortars, and con- cretes. N. Y., i838. 8°. G4601. Goodrich, J. C.,jr. \ Beton-Coignet : a description of the material and its uses in France and America. N. Y., «. a'. 4°. B2801. Jackson, A. W. f ^"'l<^'ng stones of California. Berke- ley, 1888. 8°. B 3512. Kirk, A. Quarryraan and contractor's guide ; or, how to remove rock at least cost. Pittsb , i8gi. 4°. G 9849. ; Langley, B. f Examples from ancient masonry in the proportions and orders of the most eminent mas- ! ters of all nations. Bost. and N. Y., [1892]. 4 \ : G 8S53. I Marble- worker's manual. N. Y., 1856. iS°. G 9288. \— Same. Phila., 1865. 12^. G 9288. I Merrill, G. P. Stones for building and decoration. N. Y., 1891. 8°. D8680. ! Merriman. M. Text-book on retaining walls and ma- sonry dams. N. v., 1892. S . G 9680. Nicholson, P. Mechanic's companion ; or, elements of masonry, etc. Phila., 1868. 8-^. G 9698. — Same. Lond., 1S12. 12°. G 9330. Stonemason, The, and bricklayer. By various writers. J Lond. a«^/r. /., 1891. 12°. G 9423. A'ote. — See also Class 33, Plastering, Limes, Mortars, and Cements. 29. Mills and Millwork. Buchanan, R. *Millwork and other machinery. With notes by Tredgold. 3d ed. by Rennif. Lond.. 1841. 8°. G 1533. Craik, D. Practical millwright and miller. Phila. and Lond., 1871. 8°. G 1563. Evans, O. Mill-wright and miller's guide. 4th ed. Phila., 1821. 8°. G 1583. Fairbairn. 5/>W. Mills and millwork. 3d ed. 2 vols. j Lond., 1871. 8°. G 1585. I. Principles of mechanism and on prime movers. I 2. Machinery of transmission and construction and j arrangement of mills. — :|: Same. 3d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1871. 8°. G 9585. , Grimshaw, R. Miller, millwright, and mill furnisher: i a practical treatise. N. Y., 1882. 4°. G 1836.W. j Hasluck, p. N. Milling machines and processes. Lond., 1892. 12°. G 1189.1). j Overman, F. Mechanics for the millwright. Phila. , I 1S64. 12°, G 1340. Pallet, H. Miller's, millwright's, and engineer's guide. Phila., 1866. 12°. G 1342. Rankine, W. j. M. Manual of machinery and mill- work. Lond.. 1869. 12°. G 1363. Templeton's engineer, millwright, and mechanic's pocket companion. Revised by Adams. N. Y., IS^2. ; 16°. G 1435- — Same. N. Y., 1888. 16°. G 1435. Thurston, R. H. Friction and lost work in machinery and millwork. 3d ed. N. Y.,^889. 8°. G 1764. VoLLER, W. R. Modern flour milling. [Pre/.. Croy- den. 1891.] 8°. G 1776. Woodbury, C. J. H. Fire protection of mills and con- struction of mill floors. 2d ed. N. Y., 1882. 3°. G 1794- 30. Naval Architecture and Ship Building. Brassey, Sir T. The British navy : its strength, re- sources, and administration. Vols. 1-4. Lond.. 18S2-S3. 8°. G 7535- 1. Shipbuilding for the purposes of war. 2. .Miscellaneous subjects connected with ship-build- ing for the purposes of war. 3. Opinions on the shipbuilding policy of the navy. 4. Dockyards, reserves, training, pensions. In asking for t)ooks, use the " Book Order." giving the .\UTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NVMBER. 10 SUBJECT CATALOGUE : Painting, Graining, and Varnishing to Periodicals. Calkins, H. C. f Shall we build our own ships or pur- chase them of England : speech, May 18, 1870. M. /. /. 8°. _ B C505. Chapman, F. de. f Traite de construction des vais- seaux. Paris, 1779. Folio. G 791S. COTTERiLL, C. C. and Little, E. D. Ships and sailors ancient and modern. Lond., 1868. 12°. G 7102. Finch AM, J. History of naval architecture. Lond., 1851. 8°. G 7590. — * Same. Lond., 1851. 8°. G 7590. ClRANTiiAM, J. Iron ship-building. Lond., 1858. 12°. G 7174- — * Same. Lond., 185S. 12°, G 7174. — \ Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1862. Folio. G 7936. Griffiths, J. W. Ship builders' manual. 2 vols. N. Y., 1853. 8°. G 7606. — t Treatise on marine and naval architecture. N. Y., 1851. 4°- G7836. Hall, H. f Ship-building industry in the U. S. In vol. 8^/U 6891./. Hovgaard, G. W. Submarine boats. Lond., 1887. 12°. G 7214. Kipping, R. Masting, mast-making, and rigging of ships. 6th ed. Lond., 1861. 12°. G 7244.W. — Sails and sail-making. 7th ed. Lond., 1865. 12°. G 7244. J. KUNHARDT, C. P. Small yachts : their design and con- struction. N. v., 1885. 4°. G 7851. Mackrow, C. Naval architect's and shipbuilder's pocket-book. Lond., 1879. 16^^. G 7283. — Same. 5th ed. Lond., 1892. 16'='. G 7283.^. Maritime League. f Address to the ship-owners of Great Britain, n. t. p., 1875. 8°. B 6542. Meade. R. \V. Naval architecture and ship 'building. Phila., 1869. 8°. G 7678. Mr. Ghim's dream [of a new system of constructing and navigating sailing vessels]. N. Y., 1878. 12°. G 7309. Murray, M. \ Treatise on ship-building and naviga- tion. /. /. IV. 8°. G 7694. Neison, a. Practical boat building for amateurs. New and revised ed. Lond., [pre/. 1880]. 12°. G 7328. Nystrom, J. W. Technological education and the con- struction of ships and screw propellers. 2d ed. Phila., 1866. 12°. G 7335. Ocean steamships : their construction, development, man- agement, and appliances. By [various authors]. N, Y., 1891. 8*. G 7702. Peake, J. Rudiments of naval architecture. Lond., 1849. i6°- G 7345. Reed, E. J. Our iron-clad ships. Lond., 1869. 8°. G 7720. — Stability of ships. Lond., 1885. 8°. G 7720.J. Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering. Annual. 1S71-74. Lond., 1875. 8°. G 7727. Russell, J. S. + Modern system of naval architecture. 3 vols. Lond., [1865]. Folio. .SOMMERFELDT, H. A. Construction of ships. Lond., 1860-61. 12°. G 7414. — + Same. Lond., 1860-61. 12°. G 7414. — + Same: Atlas. Lond., 1861. Folio. G 7983. STEPHENS, W. p. Canoe and boat building : a com- plete manual for amateurs. 4th ed. N. Y., i88g. 12°. G 7429- Stuart, C. B. f Naval and mail steamers of the U. S. 2d ed. N. Y., 1853. 4°, G 7SS5. 1 HEARLE, S. J. P. Naval architecture. Vol. i [Text]. N. Y..[;)r./. 1873]. 16°. 7437- — Same. Vol. 2, Plates. N. Y., «. d. 4°. G 7888. Washington, Capt. *Progress of naval architecture. /« vol. lo/M 141. Welch, J. J. Text-book of naval architecture. Lond., ^889. 8°. G7784 white, W.H. Manual of naval architecture. Lond., ^^77- 8°. G 778S, Winn, W. Boating man's vade-mecum. Lond.. 1891, G 7485. 31. Painting, Graining, and Varnishing. Arrowsmith, H. W. and I. f House decorator and painter's guide. Lond., 1840. 4°. I 4804. Davidson, E. A. House-painting, graining, marbling, and sign-writing. 5th ed. Lond., 1888. 16°. G 9115. Gardner, F. B. How to paint. N. Y., 1872. 12-. H 8162. Masury, J. W. American grainer's handbook. N. Y., [cop. 1872]. 8°. H 8674. — Treatise on house-painting. N. Y.. 1868, 12°. G 9291. Painter's, gilder's, and varnisher's companion. 7th ed. Phila., 1858. 16°. H 8341. Wall, W. E . Practical graining. Phila., [cop. i8go]. 8°. H 8779. 32. Periodicals. f American architect and building news. Vols. 1-38 (Jan., 1876-Dec., 1892). Bost., 1876-92. 4°. C 7802. — XSame. Vols. 1-8 (Jan., iS76-Dec., 1880.) 8 vols. in ten. Bost.. 1876-80. 4°. G 8802. — Same. Vol. 12 (July-Dec, 1882). Bost., 1882. 4=. C 7S02. — f Same. Mid-week extra. Nos. 1-45. (Jan. 6-Nov. 10, 1886.) Bost., 1886. 8°. n. t.p. C 7505.6'. t American builder. Vols. 14, 15. (Jan. -Dec, 1879.) N. Y., 1879. 4°. C 7802.^. A^ote. — For continuation see "Builder and wood- worker " [C 7814]. X Architect, The : a weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineering, and building. Vols. 18-24. Lond., 1S77-80. 4°. G 8803. Architectural and building monthly. Vols. 1-4. (April, 1890-March, 1892.) N. Y., 1890-92. 4°. C 7804. Architecture and building. Vols. 12-17 (Jan., 1890- Dec, 1J92). N. Y., 1890-92. 4°. C 7803. N'ote. — Continuation of " Building : an architectural monthly" [C 7815]. t Builder and wood-worker. Vols. 16-28. (Jan., 1880- Dec, 1892.) N. Y., 1880-92. 4°. C 7S14. Note. — Continuation of "American builder" [C 7802. <:]. f Building: an architectural monthly. Vols. i-ii. (Oct., i8S2-Dec, 1889.) N. Y., 1S82-89. 4°. C 7815. Note. — Continued as "Architecture and building" [C 7803]. X Building news and engineering journal. Vols. 33-41. (July, 1877-Dec, 1881.) Lond.. 1877-81. 4°- G 8813. f Carpentry and building. Vols. 1-14. (Jan., 1879- Dec, 1892.) N. Y., 1879-92. 4°. C 7816. f Civil engineer and architect's journal. 25 vols. (1837- 62.) Lond., 1838-62. 4°. C 7818. ICroquis d'architecture, 1S66-80. 7 vols. Paris, 1866- 80. 4°. G 8921. f Engineering and building record and sanitary engineer. Vols. 16-18. (June, 1887-Nov., 1888.) N. Y., 1887-88. 4?. C 7828.^. — \Same. Vol. 19, Nos. 1-5. (Dec. 1-29, 18S8.) With sol. 18 ofQ ■]S2&.a. N'ote. — Continuation of " Sanitary engineer and con- struction record '" [C 7S77.<^]. f Hydraulic and sanitary plumber. Vols. 1-3. (Oct., 1882-Oct.. 1885.) N. Y., 1883-85. Folio. C 7944. Note. — Continued as "Sanitary plumber" [C 7977]. f Manufacturer and builder. Vols. 20-24. (Jan., 18S8- Dec, 1892.) N. Y., 1888-92. 4°. C 7857. f Plumber and sanitary engineer. Vols, i, 2. (Dec, 1877-N0V.. 1879.) N. Y., 1877-79. 4°. C7872.(». A^ofe. — Continued as " Sanitary engineer "[C 7877. a]. •[ Plumber's trade journal. Vols. 10-14. (Jan., 1888- Dec, 1892.) N. Y.. 1888-92. 4°. C 7872. f Real estate record and builder's guide. Vols. 7-9. 13- 17, 22-35. (Jan., 1871-Dec., 1884.) N. Y., 1871- 84. 4°. C7874. Note. — Continued as " Record and guide'' [C 7874.(1], APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SUBJECT CATALOGUE : Plastering, etc. to School Architecture. 11 f Rkcord and guide. Vols. 35-50. (Jan., 1885-Dec., 1892.) N. v., 1885-92. 4°- €7874.0. Note. — Continuation of " Real estate record and guide"' [C 7874]- \ Rkvue generale de I'architecture et des travaux publics. Vols. 2-33. (1841-76.) Paris, 1841-76. 4°. G8874..7. \ Sanitary engineer. Vols. 3-13. (Dec, 1879-May, 18S6.) N. Y.. 1S79-86. 4°. C 7S77.«. A'rj/f.— Continuation of "Plumber and sanitary engineer" [C 7872 rt]. Continued as "Sanitary en- gineer and construction ncord " [C 7877. /'J. \ Sanitary engineer and construction record. Vols. 14, 15. (June, 1886-May, 1887.) N. v., 1886-87. 4°. c 7877.'^. Note. — Continuation of "Sanitary engineer" [C 7877.0]. Continued as " Engineering and build- ing record and sanitary engineer" [C 7828.0]. X Sanitary plumber. Vols. 4 and 5, Nos. 1-8. (Nov. 1, 1885-Feb. 15, 1S87.) N. v., 1885-87. Folio. C 7977- — \ Same. Vols. 5 (Nos. 9-43) - 10 (March I, 1887- Oct. 15, 1892). N. v.. 1887-92. 4°. C 7877. Note. — Continuation of " Hydraulic and sanitary plumber " [C 7944]. 33. Plastering, Limes, Mortars, and Cements. Bl'RN, R. S., edr. \ New guide to masonry, bricklaying, and plastering. N. V., ;/. d. 4°. G 9S14.W. BURNELL, G. R. Limes, mortars, and cements. Lond., 1850. 16^''. G 9067. Cameron, K. Plaster's manual. N. V., 1883. 16°. G 9073. Cunningham, R. f Experiments witli lime united with weed ash and kelp. Dubl., 1782. 8°. B 2506. Faija, H. Portland cement for users. 2d ed. Lond., 1884. 12". G 9142. Fire-proof Building Co. of N. Y. [f Description of blocks of hydraulic lime to be used in building] n. t. p. 8°.' B516. Gii.LMORE, Q. A. Limes, hydraulic cements, and mor- tars. 9th ed. N. v., 1888. 8°. G 9601. Hodgson, F. T. Plaster and plastering, mortars and cements. N. Y.,1883. 12°. G 9208./. Totten, J. G. On hydraulic and common mortars and lime burning. N. Y., 1842. 8°. G 9767. ViCAT, L. I. Calcareous mortars and cements. Lond., 1837. 8°. G 9776. 34. Plumbing, Drainage, and Sanitary Science. Beardmore, W. L. Drainage of habitable buildings. N. Y. and Lond., 1892. 12°. G 4032. Chaumont, F. S. B. F. de. Habitation in relation to health. Lond. and N. Y., 1879. 16°. F 2084. Clarke, J. W. Plumbing practice. Lond., 1888. 8°. G 9555-/- Davies, p. J. Standard practical plumber. Vol. i. Lond. and N. Y., 1885. 8°. G 9569. Domestic house planner and the sanitary architect. By various writers. Lond. and v. p., 1891. 12°. G9125. Eassie, W. Healthy houses : the history, defects, and remedies of drainage, etc. N. Y.. 1S72. 12°. G 8131.//. — Sanitary arrangements for dwellings. Lond.. 1874. 12°. G 8131.J. t Engineering and building record and sanitary en- gineer. Vols. 16-iS. (June, 1887-Nov., 1SS8.) N. v., 1S87-8S. 4°. C 7828.0. Note. — Continuation of " Sanitary engineer and con- struction record " fC 7877. <^]. Gerhard, W. P. f Drainage of a house. Bost., 1888. 16^. B 16. — Hints on the drainage and sewerage of dwellings. N. Y., 1884. 12'=. G 4165. ; Gerhard, \V. P. House-drainage and sanitary plumb- ing. 2d ed. N. Y., 1884. 18°. G 4165.//. — f Prevention of fire. 2ded. N. Y., 1887. 12°. B2517. — Sanitary drainage of buildings. N. Y., 1&87. 18°. G 4165.'-. — f Sanitary drainage of tenement houses. N. Y., ;/. t. p. 8°. B2517. — Sanitary house-inspection. N. Y., 1885. 16°. G 4165. j. Hellyer, S. S. X The plumber and sanitary houses. Lond., «. d. 8°. G 9616. — Plumbing. Lend., 1891. 16°. G 9193. House and its surroundings. N. Y., 1879. i^°- (Health primers. No. 3.) F 2192.3. Jenkin, F. Healthy houses : adapted to American con- ditions, by Waring. N. V., 1879. 12°. G 8230. Krepp, F. C. *Sewage question. Lond., 1867. 8°. G 4652. Maguire, W. R. Domestic drainage and plumbing. Lond., 1890. 8°. G 9670. f Plumber and sanitary engineer. Vols, i, 2. (Dec. 1877-Nov., 1879.) N. Y., 1877-79. 4°- C 7872.0. Note. — Continued as " Sanitary engineer"' [C 7S77 a\. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors; or, household sanitation. N. Y., 18&5. 12°. F 2354. Putnam, J. P. Improved plumbing appliances. N. Y., 1887. 8°. G 9716. Robinson, H. Sewage dispo.sal. G 4376. f Sanitary engineer. Vols. 3-13. (Dec, 1879-May. 1886.) N. Y., 1879-86. 4°. C 7877.0. Note. — Continuation of " Plumber and sanitary en- gineer " [C 7872.0). and continued as "Sanitary engineer and construction record " [C 7877.^]. f Sanitary engineer and construction record. Vols. 14, 15. (June, 1886-May, 1887). N. Y., 1886- 87. 4°. €7877.'^. N'ote. — Continuation of "Sanitary engineer" [C 7877.0], and continued as " Engineering and build- ing record and sanitary engineer" [C 7828.0]. Slater, J. W. Sewage treatment, purification, and utili- sation. Lond. and N. Y., 1S8S. 12°. G 4410. Staley, C. and Pierson, G. S. Separate system of sew- erage. N. Y., 18S6. 8°. G 4752. — Same. 2d ed. N. V., 1891. 8°. G 4752.0. Teale, T. p. Dangers to health : a pictorial guide to domestic .sanitary defects. 4th ed. N. Y., 1883. 8°. G 4761. Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of sanitary information for householders. N. Y., 1884. 16°. F 2446. Varona, a. de. Sewer gases : their nature and origin, and how to protect our dwellings. Brookl., 1879. 16°. " F 2458. Waring, G. E. f Earth closets and earth sewage, w. /./. [1870]. 8°. B 250S. — X Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. N. Y., 1876. 12°. G 9465. — Sewerage and land-drainage. N. Y., 1889. 4°. G 4894. Waring. G. E.,yr. How to drain a house: practical information for householders. N. Y., 1885. 16*^. G 4465- ^^ heeler, W. H. Drainage of fens and lowlands. N. Y., 1888. 8°. 04787. Wilson, G. How to live ; or, health and healthy homes. Phila., 1882. 12°. F 2484.^. Wilson, J. Drainage for health ; or, easy lessons in sanitary science. Phila., 1881. 8°. G 4790. Note. — See also Class 17, Heating, Warming, and Ventilation, and Sees. 644 (Health and Hygiene). 934 (Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering), and 784 (Public Health) of the Finding List. 35. School Architecture. Barnard, H. School architecture. 3d ed. N. Y., 1S49. 8°. G8517. — Same. 5th ed. N. Y., 1854. 8°. G 8517. Young, W. X Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs for cottages, villas, schools, etc. Lond. and N. Y., 1872. 4''. C S900. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 SUBJECT CATALOGUE: Scotch Architecture A' Unclassified and General Works. 36. Scotch Architecture. Waring. J. B. f Early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. IVith E 9994. 37. Spanish Architecture. PoLLKY, G. H. & Co., compilers, f Spanish architecture and ornament. Bost. and N. Y., [cop. 1889]. 4°. G 8871. Wells, N. A. * Picturesque antiquities of Spain. Lond., 1846. 8°. G8784. Z'^. Stair Building and Hand Railing. American Architectural Association, f American stair- builder and instructor. N. Y., 1888. Folio. G 9902. Cresswell, F. O. Handrailing and stair-casing. Lond. and 7'. p.. 1SS2. 16°. G 9104. Cupper, R. A. Universal stair builder. 3d ed. N. Y., 1858. Folio. G 9922. — f Same. 3d ed. N. Y., 1858. Folio. G 9922. De Graff, S. Stair-builder's guide. Phila., i860. 8°. G 9570. — Same. Phila., 1S72. 4°. G 9S24. ESTERBROOK, W. P. and MONCKTON, J. H. American stair builder. N. Y., 1859. 4*^. G 9828. Teays, J. * Orthogonal system of hand-railing. Lond., 1850. 8°. G 9637. MONCKTON, J. H. Stair-buildiug and one-plane method of handrailing. 2ded. N. Y., 1888. 4°. G 9863. New system of hand-railing. By an old stair-builder. N. Y., 18S5. 12°. G 9329. Riddell, R. ■}■ Lessons on hand railing for learners. 3d ed. Phila., 1888. 4°. G 9875./. .Swan, A. f British architect ; or, the builder's treasury of stair-cases. Lond., 1758. Folio. G 8986. A^ote. — See also Class 7, Carpentry and Woodwork. 39. Strength of Materials. Adams, H. Strains in ironwork. Lond. and N. Y., 1888. 12°. G 4004. J. Anderson, J. Strength of materials and structures. N. Y., 1872. 16°. G4010. Barlow, P. Strength of timber, cast-iron, malleable iron, ^^c. Lond., 1837. 8°. G 4516. — t Same. Lond., 1837. 8°. G 9516. Bow, R. H. X Economics of construction in relation to framed structures. Lond. and v. p., 1873. S°. G 9533- California, University of. Department of Mechanical Engineering, f Testing of materials. Berkeley, 1887. 8°. B 2517. Chalmers, J. B. Graphical determination of forces in engineering structures. Lond., 1881. 8^. G4550. Cousins, R. H. Strength of beams and columns. N. Y. and Lond., 1889. 3\ G 4562. Du Bois, A. J. Strains in framed structures. N. Y., 1883. 4°. G 4826. Fenwick, S. * Mechanics of construction, including the theories of the strength of materials, roofs, arches, and suspension bridges. Lond., 1861. S'^. G 4588. Francis, J. B. On the strength of cast-iron pillars. N. v., 1865. 8°. G 4594. Gillmore, Q. a. Compressive resistance of freestone, brick piers, hydraulic cements, mortars, and con- cretes. N. Y., 1888. 8°. G 4601. Greene, C. E. Graphical analysis of roof trusses. 3 vols. N. Y., 1888. 8°. G4605. I. Roof-trusses. 2. Bridge-trusses. 3. Arches. Hatfield, R. G. f Theory of transverse strains. N. Y., 1877- 8°. G 8613. HODGKINSON, E. * Strength of cast iron. Lond., 1846. 8°. Part2<>/G4625. Hudson, J. R. f Tables for calculating cubic contents of excavations and embankments. N. Y., 1884. 8°. G 4629. — \ Same. 2d ed. revised and enl. N. Y., 1886. 8^. G 4629. . Folio. G 8004. WiGHTWiCK, G. Hints to young architects. Lond., 1S46. 12°. ' G 8482. Woodward, G. E. and Thompson, E. G. t W'ood- ward's national architect. N. Y., [cop. 1869]. 4^. G 8898. (J. WULLIAM et Faroe. X Recueil d'architecture choix de documents pratiques. 3 vols. Paris, 1S74-81. Folio. G 8999.(1. In asking for books, use the '• Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. UNIVERSITY j PART 2-AUTHOR AND TITLE CATALOGUE. Abbott, E. Long look house [Fiction]. Bost., 1877. 12°. (No number.) AccuM, Frederick. Practical treatise on gas light. Lond.. 1815. S'^. G 9502., Henry. Strains in ironwork. Lond. and N. ¥■, 18S8. 12°. 04004.^-. Ad.\ms, W. II. Davenport. Lighthouses and lightships. Lond., 1870. 16°. G 7004. — Temples, tombs, and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. Lond., 1871. 16°. G 8004. Agincuurt, Seroux d". % History of art by its monu- ments from its decline in the 4th century to its restoration in the i6th. 3 vols, in one. Lond., 1867. Folio. G 8901. 1. Architecture. 73 plates. 2. Sculpture. 51 plates. 3. Painting. 204 plates. Al-GL.WE, Em. and Boulard, J. The electric light : its history, production, and applications. N. Y., 1884. 8°. • D 4503. Allex, C. Bruce. Cottage building. Lond., 1849-50. 16°. G 8008. — Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1854. 16^. G 8008. Allen, Fred H. f Great cathedrals of the world. 2 vols. Bost., [t7?/. 1886]. Folio. G S902. •)■ .\.MERICAN architect and building news. Vols. 1-38. (Jan., 1876-Dec., 1892.) Bost., 1876-92. 4°. C 7802.^. — Same. Vol. 12. (July-Dec, 1882.) Bost., 1882. 4°- C 7802. — X Same. Vols. 1-8. (Jan., 1876-Dec., 1880.) 8 vols. in ten. Bost., 1876-S0. 4°. G 8802. — Same. Mid-week extra. Nos. 1-45. (Jan. 6-Nov. 10. 1886.) Bost., 1S86. 8°. n. t.p. C 7505. f. American Architectural Association, f American stair- builder and instructor. N. Y., 1888. Folio. G 9902. \ American art review. 2 vols, in four. Bost., 1880-81. 4°. G 88o2.a. \ American builder. Vols. 14, 15. (Jan. -Dec, 1879.) N. Y., 1879. 4°- C 7802. c. Note. — Continued as "Builder and woodworker" [C 7814]. American Institute of Architects, f Proceedings of the 3d annual convention. N. Y., 1870. 4°. B 2801. — f Proceedings of 14th annual convention. Bost., 1881. 8°. B 2501. — f Proceedings of the 22d annual convention in Buffalo, Oct., 1889. N. Y., 1889. 8^. G8505. Ancient architecture. Rudiments of. Lond., 1794. 8°. G 8506. Anderson, John. Strength of materials and structures. N. Y., 1872. 16°. G 4010. Anderson, R. :j: Examples of the municipal, commer- cial, and street architecture of France and Italy from the 12th to the 15th century. Lond.. ;/. d. Folio. ' G 8903. ■\ .'\ntiquities of Attica, Unedited : comprising the archi- tectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamus, Sunium, and Thoricus. Lond., 1817. Folio. — |- Same. 2d ed. Lond.. 1833. Folio. Appleton's Cyclopxdia of drawing. Ed. by Worthen. N. v.. 1857. 8°. I 3508. — Same. N. Y., 1866. 8°. I 3508. X Architect, The : a weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineering, and building. Vols. 18-24. Lond., 1877-80." 4-. G 8803. Architectural and building monthly. Vols. 1-4. (April. 1890-Mch., 1892.) 4 vols, in three. N. Y., 1890-92. 4^. C 7804. t Architectural record. Vol. i. (July, iSgi-July, 1892.) N. Y., 1892. 8°. C 6508. X Architectural sketch-book. Vols. 1-3. (1873-75.) 3 vols, in one. n. t. p. [Pre/. Bost., 1873.] 4^. G 8804. — XSame. Vol. 4, 1876. ;;././. 4°. G 8804. f Architecture and building. Vols. 12-17. Qan., 1890- Dec, 1892.) N. Y., 1890-92. 4^. C 7803. A^ote. — Continuation of '• Building : an architectural monthly" [C 7815]. Arnott, Neiil. Smokeless fire-place and chimney-valves. Lond., 1855. S^. G 9509. Arrowsmith, H. W. and I. f House decorator and painter's guide. Lond., 1840. 4^. I 4804. Arrowsmith, James. Paper-hanger's companion. Phila., 1869. 8°. G 9015. f Art amateur : devoted to art in the household. Vols. 14, 15. (Dec, 18S5-N0V., 1886.) N. Y., 1885- 86. Folio. I 904.3. — ] Same. Vol. 16, No. i. (Dec, 1886.) Folio. With I (p\.a. Art studies from nature as applied to design. [By F. E. Hulme and others.] Lond., 1S72. 8°. I 509. Atchley & Co., publishers. \ Examples of iron roofs adapted for all description of buildings. Lond., w. d. Folio. Atkinson, Philip. Elements of electric lighting. N. Y., 1888. 12^. D 401S. Audsley, William James a7id George Ashdown. X P"P" ular dictionary of architecture and allied arts. Vols. I, 2. N. Y.. 1S81. 4°. G 8805. Aveling, S. T. Carpentry and joinery. Lond., \_pref. 1871]. 12'=. G 9020. Ayer, Amy G. Facts for ladies. Chicago, i8gi. 8". H 3512. Contents: Beauty, dining, house decoration, health of women and children. \ Babcock fire extinguisher. [Description.] N. Y., n. d. 18°. B 12. Badt, F. B. Incandescent wiring hand-book. 2d ed. Chicago. 1890. 18°. D 4022.?. Baker, Ira O. Treatise on masonry construction. N. Y., 18S9. 8°. ' G95I3- Baldwin, William T. Hot-water heating and fitting. N. Y., 1S89. 'S^-. G95I4- — Steam heating for buildings ; or, hints to steam fitters. 2ded. N. Y., 18S2. 12°. G 9024. Bancroft, Robert M. xt. Lond. and Glasg., n. d. i6=. G 9066.^. Same. YoX. 2, Plates. Lond. and Glasg., >/.plied to building, surveying, etc. 2d ed. Lond., 1729. Folio. G 9952. Latimer, L. H. Incandescent electric lighting. (Edison system.) N. Y., 1890. 18°. D 4262. Lef£:hre, a. Wonders of architecture. N. Y., 1870. 16°. G S264. L^JCOS. Lewis W. Lectures on ventilation. N. Y.. 1868. ;_8'^. G 9658. Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary architecture. 4th ed. Lond., 1848. 12°. G 8263. — Same. Lond., 1859. 12°. G 8263. + Lenoir gas-engine. [Description.] ;/././. 8°. B 2506. Letarou illy", Paul. Edifices de Rome modeme. Bost., n. d. F'olio. G 8954. — X Same : T^yA. Paris, 1S60. 4°. G 8854. — X Same: Plates. 3 vols. Paris, 1856-6S. Folio.C%Q)/£:., in England.] t. p. w. 4*^. G 8874. X Revue generale de I'architecture et des travaux pub- lics. Vols. 2-33. (1841-76.) Paris, 1S41-76. 4°. ^ 08874^. Reynaud, M. Leonce. f Illumination and beaconage of the coasts of France. Wash., 1876. 4°. G 7874. RiaRo, Juan F. Industrial arts in Spain. Lond. and N. Y., 1879. 12^. I 5372. Richardson, C. J. House-building from a cottage to a mansion. N. Y., 1873. 12°. G 8372. — Wanning and ventilation of buildings, ad ed. Lond., 1839. 8"' O 9724. — and others. \ Elizabethan architecture and ornament. Bost., w. d. 4°. G 8875. RiCHARbsON, George. f New Vitruvius Britannicus : plans and elevations by celebrated architects. [Englisli and French language.] Lond.. 1S08-10. Folio, t — \ Treatise on the five orders of architecture. [English and French.] Lond., 1787. Folio. RiDDELL, Robert. + Lessons on hand railing for learn- ers. 3d ed. Phila., 1888. 4°. G 9875./. — t Modern carpenter and builder. Phila., 1867. 4°. G 9875. Roberts, Henrv. + Dwellings of the labouring classes. Lond.,«.'^. 8°. G8725. Robinson, Henry. Sewage disjiosal. Lond. and N. Y., 1880. 12°. G4376. Rock, Daniel. Textile fabrics. N. Y., 1877. 12°. H S377. — XSame. N. Y., 1876. 12-. G 8375. f Rome, Ruines de. [French and English.] n. p. n. d. Folio. Rose, Henry. Architecture in England. Lond., 1843. 8°. G 8727. Rosengarten, a. Handbook of architectural styles. N. Y.. 1876. 8°. G 8728. I — X Same. N. Y., 1876. 8=. G 8727. , Rouyer, Eugene, f French architecture and ornament from Francis I. to Louis XVI. Bost. and N. Y., ;/. d. 4°. G 8876. Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering. Annual, 1871-74. Lond., 1875. S'^. G 7727. RUSKIN, John. Lectures on architecture and painting. ! N. Y., 1885. 12°. With G 8381.0. I — Mornings in Florence : simple studies of Christian art. ! ■ N. v., 1SS6. 12°. G 8381. OT. i — Poetry of architecture. N. Y., 1885. 12°. i IVith G 83S1.0. i — Seven lamps of architecture. N. Y., 1857. 12°. G 83S1. i — Same. N. Y., 1885. 12°. G S381.0. — Stones of Venice. 3 vols. N. Y., 1880. 12^. G 8381.J. — .Same. 3 vols, in two. N. Y., 1885. 12'^. G S381./. — * Same. N. Y., 1S51. 8'=. I 728. — Study of architecture. N. Y., 1S85. 12°. With G 8381.0, — Two paths : lectures on art in its application to deco- ration and manufacture. N. Y., 1885. 12°. I 3S1.M. — Val d'Arno : ten lectures on the Tuscan art. N. Y., 1886. 12°. G 8381.1'. Russell, J. Scott, f Modern system of naval archi- tecture. 3 vols. Lond., [1865]. Folio. Russell, Stuart A. Electric light cables and the dis- tribution of electricity. Lond. and N. Y., 1S92. 12°. D43S1. Ri:ttan, Henr)'. * Ventilation and warming of build- ings. N. v., 1862. 8°. G972S. Ruutz-Rees, Janet E. Home decoration. N. Y., 1881. 12^. H 3380. — Home occupations. N. Y.. f 18S2]. 12°. H 3380.//. f St. Ann's Episcopal Church, Brooklyn. Review of the edifice, ti. t. p. 8°. B 8507. Salomons, Sir David. Electric light installations and the management of accumulators. New ed. Lond. and N. Y., 1S90. 12^. D 43?4'3'- — Same. 6lh ed. Lond., 1891. 16°. D 4384 ^• In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 AUTHOR AND TITLE CATALOGUE : Salomons to Tracy. Salomons, Sir David. Management of accumulalors and private electric light installations. 4th ed. Lend, and N. Y., 1388. i(P. D 43S4. f Sanitary engineer. Vols. 3-13. (Dec, 1879-May, 1886.) N. v.. 1879-86. 4°. CjZTj.a. Note. — Continuation of " Plumber and sanitary en- gineer " [C 7S72.rt], and continued as ''Sanitary engineer and construction record " [C 7877.^]. |- Sanitary engineer and construction record. Vols. 14, 15. (June, i8S6-.VIav, 1887.) N. Y., 1886-87. 4°. ' c 7877.^. Note. — Continuation of ".Sanitary engineer" [C 7877. rt] and continued as "Engineering and building record and sanitary engineer" [C 7828. «]. \ Sanitary plumber. Vols. 4, 5. [Nos. 1-8.] (Nov. 1, i8S5-Feb. 15, 1SS7.) N. Y., 1S85-87. Folio. C 7977- — + Same. Vols. 5 (Nos. 9-43) -10. (Mch. i, 1887- Oct. 15, 1S92.) N. Y.. 1S87-92. . 4'-^. C 7877. Saivageot. Claude. % Palais, chateaux, hotels, et mai- sons de France du XV^ au XVIIP siecle. 4 vols. Paris, 1867. Folio. G 8977. Sawyer, William Edward. Electric lighting by incan- descence and its application to interior illumina- tion. N. Y., 1881. 8°. D 4732. Schilling, N. H. Present condition of electric lighting. Bost., 1886. 8°. D 4734. SCHLEGEL, Friederich von. Principles of Gothic archi- tecture. In I 391. Schuyler, Montgomery. American architecture. N. Y., 1S92. 8^. G S737. Scott, George Gilbert. \ Essay on English church archi- tecture. Lond., 1881. 4^^. G 8879. Scott, .%> Gilbert, f Rise and development of Medi- eval architecture. 2 vol;. Lond., 1879. 8°. G 8738. Seddon, Col. H. C. Builder's work and the building trades. Lond.. 1886. 8°. G 9739. Shaw, Edward, f Civil architecture. Bost., 1852. 4°. G 8881, a. — Modern architect. Bost., 1S59. 4°. G 8881. bHAW, Henry, f Examples of ornamental metal work. Lond., 1S36. 4°. G 8881. Shreve. Samuel H. Strength of bridges and roofs. 3d ed. N. Y., 1882. 8^ G 4743. Sickels, Ivan. Exercises in wood-working. N. Y., 1890. 8°. G 9744. Slater, J. W. Sewage treatment, purification, and utili- sation. Lond. and N. Y., 1888. 12°. G 4410. Sloan, Samuel. f Model architect. Vol. i. Phila., {cop. 1852]. Folio. G 9982. — Homestead architecture. Phila., 1S67. 8°. G 8746. — Same. 2d ed. Phila., 1S67. 8'^. G 8746. Small, John William. % Scottish woodwork of the i6th and 17th centuries. Edinb., \^pref. 1878]. Folio. G 9983. Smeaton and lighthouses. Lond., 1844. 16°. G 7411. Sme.aton, a. C. Builder's pocket companion. Phila., 1867. 12°. G 9411. Smith, George. Essay on the construction of cottages. Glasg., 1834. 8°. G 8747. Smith, T. Roger. Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance. N. Y. and Lond., 18S0. 12°. G 8412. — and Slater, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. N. Y. and Lond., 1882. 12°. G 8412. «. Smith, Prof. Walter. % Art education, scholastic and industrial. Bost., 1S72. 8°. G 8747. — + Examples of household taste. N. Y., n. d. 4°. I 5883. — \ Industrial art. In vol. 2 «?/ H 817. Sommerfeldt, Hakon A. Construction of ships. Lond., 1860-61. 12°. G 7414. — t Same. Lond., 1860-61. 12°. G 7414. — T Same: Atlas. Lond., 1861. Folio. G 79S3. Spofford, Harriet P. Art decoration applied to furni- ture. N. Y., \cop. 1877]. 8°. H 8751. Staley, Cady and Pierson, George S. Separate system of sewerage. N. Y., 1886. 8°. G 4752. Stephen, Y'incent. Wrinkles in electric lighting. Lond. and N. Y., iS88. 12'^. D 4421. Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat building : a com- plete manual for amateurs. 4th ed. N. Y., 1889. 12°. G 7420. Stevens, Francis, f Views of cottages and farm houses in England and Wales. Lond., 1815. 4°. I 4885. Stevens, John Calvin and Cobb, Albert Winslow. f Ex- amples of American domestic architecture. N. Y.. 1889. 8° obi. G 8752. Stevenson, Alan. History, construction, etc., of light- houses. Lond., 1850. 12'^. G 7421. Stevenson, J. J. f House architecture. 2 vols. Lond., 1880. 8^ G 8753. I. Architecture. 2. House planning. Stokes, J. Cabinet maker and upholsterer's companion. Phila.. 1850. 16°. H 8423. Stokes, Margaret. Early Christian architecture in Ire- land. Lond., 1878. 4°. G 8885. Stonemason, The, and bricklayer. By various writers. Lond. and v. p., iSgi. 12°. G 9423. Stoney, Bindon B. Strength and proportions of riveted joints. Lond. and N. Y., 1885. 8. G 4754. Storer, James. % History and antiquities of the cathe- dral churches of Great Britain, 4 vols. Lond., 1814-19. 8^. G 8754. Stuart, Charles B. f Naval and mail steamers of the U. S. 2d ed. N. Y., 1853. 4^. G 7885. Stuart, James and Revett, Nicholas. Antiquities of Athens. 3d ed. Lond., 185S. 12°, G 8426. — f Saine. 3 vols. Lond., 1762-64. Folio. — f Same : Supplement. See Cockerell, C. R. and others. Stuart, Robert, f Dictionary of architecture. Phila., 1854. 8°. _ G 8756. Sugg, William T. Domestic uses of coal gas as applied to lighting, cooking and heating, ventilation. Lond., 1884. 8°. G 9757. Swan, Abraham, f British architect ; or, the builder's treasury of stair-cases. Lond., 175S. Folio. Gd)^?)^. — f Collection of designs in architecture. Vol. i. Lond., 1757. Folio. G 8986. ci. SwiNTON, Alan A. Campbell. Elementary principles of electric lighting. Lond., 1886. 12"^. D 4431. Sylvestre, W. A. Modern house-carpenter's com- panion. Bost., [cop. 1SS3]. 12°. G 9431. Talbert, Bruce J. f Examples of ancient and modern furniture, metal work, tapestries, decorations, etc. Bost., 1877. Folio. H 8987. — X Same. Lond., 1876. Folio. G 8987. — X Gothic forms applied to furniture, metal work, and decoration for domestic purposes. Bost., 1873. Folio. G afjil.a. Teale, T. Pridgin. Dangers to health : a pictorial guide to domestic sanitary defects. 4th ed. N. Y., 1883. 8°. G 4761. Templeton, William. Engineer, millwright, and me- chanic's pocket companion. Revised by Adams. N. Y., 1852. 16°. G 1435. — Saj?ie. N. Y., 1888. 16°. G I453- Texier, Charles, et Pullan, Popplewell. X L'archi- tecture byzantine. Lond., 1864. folio. G 8988, Thearle, Samuel J. P. Naval architecture. Vol. i. [Text.] N. Y., \pref. 1S73]. i6=. G 7437- — Same. Vol. 2. Plates. N. Y., n. d. 4°. G 7888. Thomas, T. Workingman's cottage architecture. N. Y., i8.tS. 12°. G 843S. Thurston, Robert H. Friction and lost work in ma- chinery and millwork. 3d ed. N. Y., 1SS9. 8'^. G 1764. Todd, Sereno Edwards. Country homes : also, a busi- ness directory. N. Y., lS63. 12°. _ G 8443. TOMLINSON, Charles. « Warmhig and ventilation. Lond., 1850. 16°. G 9444- ToTTEN, J. G. On hydraulic and common mortars and lime burning. N. Y., 1842. 8°. G 9767. Tracy, Roger S. Hand-book of sanitary information for householders. N. Y., 1884. 16°. F 2446. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AUTHOR AND TITLE CATALOGUE : Tredgold to Wild's. 23 Tredgolu, Thomas. Elementary principles of car- pentry. Phila., 1837. 4°. G 9890. — Same. 5th ed. by Barlow. Lend., 1870. 4°. G 9890. — X Same. 5th ed. by Barlow. Lend., 1870. 4°. G 9890. — * Strength of cast iron and other metals. 4th ed. with notes by Hodgkinson.* Lond., 1842. 8°. G 4768. Trimen, .'Vndrew. Church and chapel architecture. Lond., 1849. 12°. G 8446. TucKERMAN, Arthur Lvman. Short history of archi- tecture. N. Y., 1887. 8^. GS767. TURNBULL, William. Strength and stiffness of timber. Lond.. 1S35. 8°. 04769- Turner, T. Hudson. Domestic architecture in Eng- land. Oxf., 1851. 8°. G 87O8. TUTHILL, Mrs. L. C. History of architecture. Phila., 1848. 8°. G 8769. TuTHiLL, William B. Practical lessons in architectural drawing. N. Y., i38i. 12° obi. I 3449. United States. Light-House Board. \ Annual report for 1872-76. Wash., 1872-76. 8^ <^ im-c — \ Manual of light-house engineering. Vol. 2. Plates. Wash., 1869. Folio. G jqtji.m. — f Specifications for a light-house at Cape Hatteras, St. Simons (Ga.), and new stone pier for. Waugo- sliance Light-House. Wash., 1868-69. Folio. G 7991 •^- — IFar Department, f Tests of metals and other mate- rials for industrial purposes. Wash., 1888. 8°. G 4773«- Unwin, William Cawthorn. Exercises in wood-working for handicraft classes. Lond., 1887. 4°. G 9891. Urquhart, John W. Electric light fitting. Lond., 1890. 12°. D 4456. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. f Henry Hobson Richardson and his works. Bost. and N. Y., 1888. Folio. G 8 993. Vannini, Giuseppe, f Element! d'architettura civile. Firenze [Florence], 1818. Folio. G 8992. Varin, a. a/itl E. :j: Picturesque architecture of Switzer- land. American ed. Bost., 1875. 4°. G 8890. Varona, Adolfo de. Sewer gases : their nature and origin and how to protect our dwellings. Brook- lyn, 1879. 16°. F 245S. Vaux, Calvert. Villas and cottages. N. Y., 1857. 8°. G 8774. Verdier, Aymar et Gattois, F. J Architecture civile et domestique au Moyen age et a la Renaissance. 2 V0I.S. Paris, 1S58. 4°. G 8891. Verity, John B. Electricity up to date for light, power, and traction. Lond. and N. Y., [pre/. 1891]. 16°. D 4459. Vermaarsch, Joost. Erste deel der Bouwkunst. Am?,td., 1678. 8°. G 8775. Verrall, Margaret de G. and Harrison, Jane E. My- thology and monuments of ancient Athens. Lond. and N. Y., 1890. 12°. Z 7459. Vicat, L. J. Calcareous mortars and cements. Lond., 1837. 8°. G 9776. Vignola, G. Barozzio 0/. Five orders of architecture. Ed. and Tuckerman. N.Y.,1891. 4°. G 8S92. Viollet-le-DUC, Eugene Emmanuel. | Annals of a fortress. Transl. by Bucknall. Bost., 1S76. S°. G 8776.rt. — Discourses on architecture. Transl. by Van Brunt. Bost., 1875. 8°. G 8776.,/. — X Same. Transl. by Van Brunt. Vol, i. Bost., 1875. S°. G 8776. — X Same. Vol. 2. [Lectures on architecture.] Transl. by Bucknall. Bost., iSSl. 8°. G 8776. — Habitations of man in all ages. Transl. by Bucknall. Best., 1876. 8°. G 8776.//. — X Same. Bucknall. Bost., 1876. S°. 08776./^ — X Habitations modernes. 2 vols. Paris, 1875-77. Folio. G 8993.0. — Story of a house. Transl. by Towle. Bost., 1874. 8=, G 8776..?. — X Same. Transl. by Towle. Bost., 1874. 8°. G 8776.^. VlTRUVlus PoLLTO, M. + Architecture of. Transl. by Gwilt. Lond., 1826. 4°. G 8892. — X Civil architecture, comprising those books which relate to the public and private edifices of the ancients. Transl. by Wilkins. Lond., 1812. 4°. G 8892. /^ VoOge, Count Melchior de and others, f Byzantine ar- chitecture and ornament. Bost. and N. Y., \iop. 1890]. 4°. G 8892. '7. Voller, William R. Modern flour milling. [J'fef. Croyden, 1891.] 8°. G 1776. Walker, Sydney F. How to light a colliery by elec- tricity. Lond. and N. Y.. 1892. 8°. D 4778. Wall, William E. Practical graining. Phila.. [cop. 1890]. 8°. H 8779. Wallis, Frank E. f Old colonial architecture and fur niture. Bost., [cop. 1S87]. 4°. G 8894. Walter, Thomas U. and Smith, J. Jay. f l.^esigns for cottages and villas. Phila., 1846. 4°. G 8893. — f Guide to workers in metal for the use of architects and designers. Phila., 1846. 4°. G 8893.^1. Ware, Isaac, f Complete body of architecture. Lond., 1756. Folio. G 8994. Waring, G. E. f Earth closets and earth sewage. «. /. /. [1S70]. 8°. B2508. — X Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. N. Y., 1876. 12°. G9465. Waring, G. E. jr. How to drain a house : practical information for householders. N. Y., 1885. 16°. G4465. — Sewerage and land-drainage. N. Y. and Lond., 1889. 4°. G 4894. Waring, J. B. f Early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. IVith E 9994. Warr, G. Finden. Dynamics, construction of machinery, • equilibrium of structures, and strength of mate- rials. Lond., 185 1. 8°. G4780. Washington, Capt. * Progress of naval architecture. In vol. I of H 141. Watson, A. E. Hand-book of wiring tables. N. Y.. 1892. 18°. D 4469. Weale, John. Dictionary of terms used in architecture. Lond., 1849-52. 16°. G 8471. Webb, Herbert Laws. Testing of insulated wires and cables. N. Y., 1891. 12°. D 4471. Weeks, Joseph D. f Manufacture of coke. In vol. 10 of\] 6891./. Welch, J. J. Text-book of naval architecture. Lond., 1889. 8°. G 7784. Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong. * Picturesque antiquities of Spain. Lond., 1846. 8°. G 87S4. Wheeler, W. II. Drainage of fens and lowlands. N. Y., 1S88. 8°. G4787. Whilden, J. K. Strength of materials used in engineer- ing construction. N. Y., i860. 12°. G 4480. White, W. H. Manual of naval architecture. Lond., 1877. 8°. G 778S. WiCKES, Charles. X Spires and towers of the Medieval churches of England. 3 vols. Lend., 1853-59. Folio. G S997. I. Spires. 2. Towers. 3. Supplemental volume. Wightwick, G. Hints to young architects. Lond.. 1846. 12°. G 8482. Wild's :f Foreign cathedrals. 12 Colored plates, n. t. p. Folio. G 8998. 1. West front of the cathedral of Chartres. 2. South entrance to the cathedral of Rouen. 3. West front of the cathedral of Slrassburg. 4. Choir of the cathedral of Rheinis. 5. West front of the cathedral of Rheims. 6. Interior of the transept of St. Ouen. 7. Choir of the cathedral of Amiens. 8. Nave of the cathedral of Amiens. 9. West front of the cathedral of Amiens. 10. Choir of the cathedral of Beauvais. II. Choir of the cathedral of Cologne. 12. View of the abbey church of St. Ouen. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 24 AUTHOR AND TITLE CATALOGUE : Wilkins to Young. WiLKiNS, William. Essays on subjects connected with Grecian and Roman architecture. Lond., 1837. 4°. G 8898. Williams, C. W. * Combustion of coal and prevention of smoke. Lond., 1854. 8°. G 9790. — Same. Lend., 185S. 12°. G 9485. Wilson, George. How to live ; or, health and healthy homes. Phila., 1882. 12". F 2484.^'-. Wilson, J. Mechanic's and builder's price book. Buf- falo, 1856. 12°. G 9485. — Same. N. Y., 1859. 12°. G 9485. Wilson, Joseph. Drainage for health ; or, easy lessons in sanitary science. Phila., 1881. 8°. G 4790. WiNKLEs's f Cathedral churches of England and Wales. 3 vols. Lond., 1836. 4'^ G 8897. Winn, William. Boating man's vade-mecum. Lond., 1891. 12°. G 7485. Withers, Frederick Clarke. % Church architecture : Plans, elevations, and views of 21 churches. N. Y., 1S73. Polio. G 8999. Wood, DeVolson. Resistance of materials. 3d ed. N. Y., 1877. 8°. G 4794.''. Wood, J. T. f Discoveries at Ephesus, including the site and remains of the great temple of Diana. Bost., 1877. 4°. G 8898. Woodbury, C. J. H. Fire protection of mills and con- struction of mill floors. 2d ed. N. Y., 1S82. 8°. G 1794- Woodbury, Capt. D. P. Elements of stability in the well-proportioned arch. N. Y., 1868. 8°. f^ 4795. Woodward, George E. and Tjiompson, E. G. Wood- ward's national architect. N. Y., \cop. i86g]. 4''. G 88(j8.a. Wright, F. A. Architectural perspective for beginners. N. Y., 1885. 4". I 3899. WuLLiAM et Faroe. % Recueil d'architecture choix de documents pratiques. 3 vols. Paris, 1874-81 Folio. G 891^9.0. Young, W. :|: Picturesque architectural studies and prac- tical designs for gate lodges, cottages, villas, coun- try residences, schools, etc. Lond. and N. V., 1872. 4°. G SgiX). APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, SUPPLEMENT No. 1 FINDING LIST APPRENTICES' LIBRARY ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED BY The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Containing a List of Boolis added from finiiarr to December, iS8S NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1SS9 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Apprentices' Library during the year 1888. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant reference an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is j)resumed to be the author's real name (printed in small caps), except where the assumed name was better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading, the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author, the first word of the title (not an article or proportion), is taken as a heading. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and volume (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter (in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied as each is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to show the size of the book. Thus, if the lust three figures are below 500 the work is a 12° ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8' ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°8 ; and from 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list.' A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash «hows thfe absence of a subsequent heading. "F. S. L." means Franklin Square Library; "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator ; " ed." means edited or edition ; " edr." means editor ; and " pt," means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the library. A full list of catalogues for sale will be found on the last page of the cover. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR i888. < JOSEPH J. LITTLE, Chairman, 10 Astor Place. WILLIAM H. BURRAS, Secretary, 53 King Street. GEORGE W. LITHGOW, 41 King Street. CHARLES ANDRUSS, 423 West 43d Street. WARREX A. CONOVER, 324 West 19th Street. WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue. JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 328 West 24th Street. WILLIAM J. VAN ARSDALE, 110 Bank Street. THOMAS J. COCHRANE, 195 South Fifth Avenue. CHARLES T. GALLOWAY, 646 Hudson Street. EBEN PEEK, Foot of West 2!th Street. HENRV W. REDFIELD, 141 Centre Street. ROBERT RUTTER. 116 East 14th Street. WILLIAM C. SMITH, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 71 Perry Street. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librakian. 18 East 16th Street. Index To Subjects. Adironacks. 14 Adulterations. 19. Africa. 15- Agriculture. 22. Alaska. 14. Almanacs. 3- America. Central. 14. — North. 13- — South. t4 — S[)anish. 14- American history, etc. 13-15. — literature. 17- Amusements. 23- Anatomy. iq. Ancient history. 15, 16. Angling. 23- Animal magnetism. 22. Annals of legislative bodies. 19. Anselm, Saint. I. Aqueduct. 22. Architecture. 22. Aryan race. 16. Astronomy. 19. Athletics. 23- Atlases. 16. Atonement. 21. Australasia. IS- Babylon. IS Bacon, Delia. I. Bacon, F. I. Bacteria. 19. Baireuth, Margravine. 1. Bancroft, Marie W. i_ Bancroft, S. B. I. Banking. 20. Base ball. 23- Battles. 16. Beecher, H. W. I. Benevolent associations. 21. Berkshire Hills. 14 Bible. 21. Bibliography. 16. Bill, Buffalo. 1. Biography, Collective. 2. — Individual. I. Birds. 19. Boating. 23- Boone, D. I. Borneo. IS- Botany. 18. Bowne, Eliza S. I. Bo.ving. 23- Bricklaying. 22. Bridges. 22. British history, etc. IS Brown lee. Rev. W. C. I. Buffalo (/V. Y.). 14- Building. 22. Calhoun. J. C. I. California. 14- Capital and labor. 20. Carilibees. IS- Carpentry. 22. Carson, Kit. j_ Catalogues. 16." Cellini, B. I. Census (^^. S.^. 21. Central America. 14. IS- Charlemagne. I. Charles, the great. I. Checkers. 23. Chemical technology. 18. Chemistry. 18. Chess. China. Christmas. Church history. Civil engineering. Civil service law. Civil war (([■. S.). Cleveland, G. Coins. Collected works. Comic works. Commerce. Congo. Cookery. Cooperation. Cooperstown {N. Y.). Costume. Cousin, V. Cricket. Crimea. Crockett, D. Cuba. Cusack, Sister M. F. C. Custer, General. Cyclopaedias. Darwin, C. Darwinism. Daudet, A. Devotional theology. I Doctrinal theology. Domestic economy. Drama. j Draughts. I Dreams. j Drunkenness. I Dynamos. Ear diseases. Earthquakes. Ecclesiastical history. '•■ Edinburgh. , Education. 1 Egypt. ! Electric lighting^ I Electricity. Elocution. Emerson, R. VV. Encyclopedias. Engineering. English history, etc. j — language. I — literature. j Engraving. I Essays. Etching. Ethics. Etiquette. Euchre. Europe. Evolution. Exhibitions of industry. Fables. Fairy tales. Faith cure. Fiction. Field, M. B. I Finance. Fine arts. Fishes. Fishing. Flax culture. Fleet, The. Florence. Florida. PAGE PAGE 23- Folk-lore. 22. IS- Forestry. 18. 16. France. 15. 21. Franklin, B. I. 22. Free trade. 20. 20. Freemasonry. 16. 14- Frith, W. P. r. r. Future life. 21. 22. Cames. 23- 3- Gardening. 22. 17- Geography. 16. 19. Geology. 18. IS- Germany. 15 22. Gibraltar. 15- 20. (Jordon, Gen. C. G. I. 14. Goths. 16. 16, 22. Government. 20. I. Grand Rapids {Mich.). 14. 23- Grant, Gen. U. S. I. IS- Greece. IS- I. Greenwood cemetery. 21. IS- I. Guatemala. Gunn. F. W. 15. I. Haemorrhoids. 19. I. 3- Hancock, Gen. W. S. I. Hannington, J., D.D. I. 18. Harlem {X. Y. City). 14. I. Henry H., king 0/ England. 1. 22. Henry, P. I. 21. Hindustan. 15- 22. History. 13-16- 16. History of literature. 17- 23. Histoiy of the church. 21. 22. Holland. 15. 19. Horticulture. 22. 19. Household economy. 22 19. Humorous works. 17- 18. Hymnology. 22. 21. India. IS- 15 Indiana. 14. 20. Indians. 13- 15- Industrial art. 22. 19. Industrial exhibitions. 23- 19. Inebriety. 19. 17- Infidelity. 21. I. Insanity. 19. 3- Intellectual philosophy. 21. 22. International law. 20 15- Inventions. 22. 17- Ireland. IS- 17- Iron bridges. 22. 23- Italy. IS. 17- apan. 15. 23. '..^y']- I. 21. Jenkin, F. I. 21. ews. I. 23. "efferies, R. I. 15, 16. ohnson, A. I. 18. 21. udaism. 21. 23. urisprudence. 20. 17. fuvende fiction. II-I3. 12. Kean, E. 22. Kno.x, JCev. J. I* 3-II. Labor and capital. 20. I. Lafayette, Marquis de. I. 20. Lamartine. I. 22. Lamb. C. 19. Language. 17. 23- Latin history. IS- 22. Law. 20 21. Lawrence, A. A. 15- Legislative annals. 19. 14- Leo Xlll.. pope. I. In asking for books, use the " Book Order,'" giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. Lepsius, R. Lesseps, F. de. Letters. Libraries. Lincoln, A. Literary history. — miscellany. — periodicals. Literature. London. Longfellow. H. W. Lowell. T. R. McCulloch, H. Macivar, Gen. H. R. Maine. Maiiitenon, Madame de. Manchuria. Mapleson, J. H. Maps. Mary, queen of Scots. Masonry (Building). Masonry (Society). Massachusetts. Massage. Maury, M. F. Media. Medical science. Memory. Mendelssohn, F. Mental healing. Mesmerism. Meteorology. Mexico. Middle .A.ges. Military science. Mine-sur\'eying. Missouri. Mnemonics. Modern history. Money. Montesquieu. Moral philosophy. More, Hannah. Mormonism. Morris, G. Music. . Mythology. Napoleon I. Natural history. Natural philosophy. Natural science. Naval science. Navigation. New York (City). New York {State). Newspaper libel. Newspapers. Niger {River). Nile (River). North America. North Carolina. Northwest coast. Norway. Novels. Numismatics. Nun of Kenmare. Occult literature. Ohio. Oratory. Oregon. Oriental history, etc. Ornithology. I, 2. i6. 17- 17- 2. i6. 17. X5 I. I. I. 1. 14- 1. 15. I. 16. I. 22. 16. 14. 19. 19. 20. I. 22. 22. 18. 14, 15. 16. 20. 22. 14. 20. 16. 20. I. 21. I. 22. 21 I. 19. 19. 18. 19. 20. 19, 20. 14. 14. 20. 17- 16. IS- IS- 14. 14. 15. 3-1 1- 22. I. 22. 14. 17- 14. 15. 19- Paintiiig. Palmistry. I Paris. Patents. Patterns. Periodicals. Persia. Philately. Philosophy. Phonography. Photo-engraving. Photography. Phrenology. Physical geography. Physics. Physiognomy. Physiology. Plastering, i^ays. Plumbing. Poetry. Police. Political economy. Political science. Pollock, Sir'Y. Poore, B. P. Portsmouth. Duchess of. Postage stamps. Practical theology. Presidential elections. Prime, .S. L Prisons. Pronunciation. Protection. Proverbs. Prussia. Psalms. Public documents. Quotations. Railing. Railroads. Randolph, E. Raphael. Rebellion {U. S.). Revenue. Ristori, Adelaide. Rogers, S. % Roman empire. Rome. Roofs. Rosicrucians. Ruete, Emily. Ruskin, J. Russia. St. Augustine (Fla.). Sand, George. Sanitary engineering. Satan. Saturn. Savonarola, G. Scandinavia. Science. Scientific journals. Scotland. Sectarian theology. Servants. Sevigne, Madame de. Seymour, H. Shakespereana. Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Slavonic countries. Smith, A. PAGE 22. 22. 15- 22. 22. 2. 15- 22. 21. 17- 23- 22. 22. 18. 19. 22. 19. 22. 16. "1 21. 20, I I. 2. ' 22. 20. 2. 21. 17- 20. 17- 15- 2t. 19. 17- 15- 15- 22. 16. 2. 2. 15- 14- 2. 22. 21. 19. 2. 15- 18, 19. 3- 15- 22. 22. Social .Science. Sophia-Adelaide. South America. South Carolina. Sou they. R. Spain. Spanish America. — language. Speeches. Spiritualism. Sporting. Stair-building. Statistics. Statutes. Sugar beet. Sunday. .Sunday school. Surgery. Susiana. Tariff. Taxation. Technological journals. Tennessee. Texas. Thackeray, W. C. Theology. 21 Transactions. Transylvania. Travels. Trees. Tricycles. TroUope, T. A. Turgot, A. R. J. Turkey. United .States : General history. — Civil war, 1861-65. — Description and travels. — Separate states, etc. Universal history. Useful arts. Vaccination. Van Buren, M. Vane, Sir H. Venice. Veres. The. Verestchagin, A. V. Victoria, queen of Lngland. Virginia. Volapuk. Volcanoes. Voyages. Wages. War of 1812. Washburne, E. B. Weather. Thfe. Wellington. Duke of. West Indies. William, the conqueror. William I., emperor of Germany. William III., king of England. Williams, S. W. Wilson, Rev. J. Wit and humor. Witchcraft. Wolsey, Cardinal. Women. Works. Collected. Yachtmg. Yosemite Valley. Yucatan. Zoology. Zululand. PACE 21. 2. 14. 15- 14. 2. 15- 14. 15- 17- 17- 22. 23- 22. 21. 20. 22. 22. 22. 19. 15- APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement to Finding List. No, Ai^rangeincnt of Principal Siibdivisions. Part i. Biography. Memoirs, and Letters. 2. Cyclopedias, Collected Works, and Periodicals. 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. 4. History, Geography, Voyages and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science AND Mathematics. " 7. Political AND Social Sciences. 8. Theology and Philosophy. " 9. Useful and Fine Arts. PART l.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Anselm, Saint. By R. W. Church. Bacon, Delia ; a biographical sketch. T wb.c. T. Bacon. T 224.(5. Bacon, F., his life and philosophy. HyJ. Nichol. Part I. T 224. «. Baireuth, Wilhelmine, manrra-iinc of. Memoirs. T 234.^. Bancroft, Marie W. ami S. B. Mr. and Mrs. B. on and off the stage. Written hy themselves. 2 v. T253. Beecher, H. W. Beecher, W. C, and Scoville, Rev. S. Biography of. T 345. f. Bill, Buffalo. Autobiography of. {In his " Story of the wild West.") T 5525. Boone. D. Bill, Buffalo. Life of. (/« //w " Story of the wild West.") T 5525. BowNE, Eliza S. A girl's life eighty years ago. T 555. Brown, J. By Dr. H. v. Hoist. T 612.^. Brownlee, J?ev. W. C, D.D., Reformed Dutch clergy- man of N. Y. d. i860. Memorial. T 616. Calhoun, J. C. Charleston (S. C.) Ladies' Calhoun Monument Association. \ History of the Calhoun monument at Charleston, S. C. T 4543. Carson. Kit. Bill, Buffalo. Life of. {In his " Story of the wild West.") T 5525. Cellini, B. Life of. Transl. by Symonds. 2 v. T8i4..f. Charles //i^p-r^a/ (Charlemagne). Mombert, J. I. History of. T 842./. Cleveland, G. Stoddard, W. O. Lives of the presi- dents : G. C. T 939. .f. Cousin, V. By J. Simon. T 1031. Crockett, D. Bill, Buffalo. Life of. {In liis " Story of the wild West.") T 5525. CusACK, Sister M. F. C. The nun of Kenmare. T 920. Custer, Gen. Custer. Eliz. B. Tenting on the plains ; or. Gen. C. in Kansas and Te.xas. T io89.(/. Darwin, C. Bettany, G. T. Life of. T 1145.1!^. — Darwin, F., edr. Life and letters of. 2 v. T 1145 . C 6553. Every boy's annual, i8Sq. C 65S4, t Forum, The. v, 1-5, (Mch. i886-Au,n. i888). C 6595- Girl's own annual, v. 9 (Oct. '87 Sept. '88 >. C 6834. Godey's Lady's book. v. n6, 117 (Jan. -Dec. 18S8). C 6602. Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 76, 77 (Dec. 1S87- Nov, 1888), C 6612. Harper's Young people, v. 8, 9 (Nov. 1886-Oct. 188S'). C 6838. Leslie's (Frank) Popular monthlv. v. 25, 26 (J an. -Dec. 1888). ' C 6854.<7. f Library journal, v. 12, 13 (Jan. '87-Dec. '88). M S662. Lippincott's Monthly magazine, v. 41, 42 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). C 6661. f Literary news. News series, v. 9 (1888), M 7885. t Literary worid. v. 19 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). C 6885, f Littell's Living age. 5th series, v. 9-62 (Jan. 1875- June. iSSS). C 6663. Little one's annual [1888]. C 6664. f Manifesto, v. 16 (Jan. -Dec. 1886). C 6672. Musical record (Jan.-^Dec. 1887). C 6866. f Nation, The. v. 46, 47 (Jan.-Dec. 1888). C 6866. f North American review, v. 139-147 (July, 1884-Dec. 1888). C 6700. Outing and The Wheelman, v. 3-5 (Oct, i8S3-Mch. 1885). C 6704. Note. —A continuation of " The Wheelman " [C 6787], Continued as "Outing." v. 6-10. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Abbey to Bailey. Outing, v. 6-io (Apl. 1885-Sept. 1887). C 6704. Peterson's Magazine, v. 93, 94(Jan.-Dec. 1888). C 6709. f Phrenological journal, v. 72-75 (Jan. 1886-Dcc. 1887). C 6711. f ruHLisHER's Weekly, v. 33, 34 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). M 7716. •)■ Sailor's magazine and seaman's friend, v. 59 (Jan.- Dec. 1887). C 6729. St. Nicholas, v. 15, 2 pts. (Nov. 1887-Oct. 1888). C 6730. t Saturday review, v. 65, 66 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). C 6S77. Scribner's Magazine, v. 1-4 (Jan. 1887-Dec. 1888). C 6740. Sunday : reading for the young. 1889. C 6757. t Western antiquary, v. 6 (June 1886-May 1887). C 6784. Wheelman, The. v. 2 (Apl.-Sept. 1883). C 6787. jVotf. — Continued as " Outing and The Wheelman." [C 6704I. Wide awake, v. 12. 13 (Jan. -Dec. 1881). C 6789. li. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS. American almanac for 1888. Ed. by A. R. Spofford. C 7009. f American architect and building news. v. 23, 24 (Jan.- Dec, 1888 1. C ^6o2.a. f American machinist, v. 11 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). C 7902. f American medical digest. 1887, 188S. C is^S-f- Buffalo Express, f Pictorial year-book and calendar for li f Iron age. The. v. 11-17, 19-40 (July, iS74-Dec. 1S87). C 7946. — \Same. v. 41, 42. (Jan.- Dec, 1888). C 7847. f Jeweler's weekly, v. 5, 6 (Nov. 1887-Oct. 1888). C 7639. f Locomotive, The. v. 6-8 (Jan, 1885-Dec. 1887). C 7663. + Nautical gazette, v. 27 (Apl. -Dec. 1887). C 7966. •f Photographic times, v. 16, 17 (Jan.. 1886 Dec 1887). C 7871. t Popular science monthly. v. 32. 33 (Nov. 1887-Oct. 18SS1. ' C 7714. f Record and guide, v. 41, 42 (Jan. -Dec. 188S). C 7874.'^- RowELL, G. P. & Co. t American newspaper directory, 20th year, 1888. ' C 8727. f Scientific American, v. 58, 59 (Jan. -Dec. 1S88). C 7979- a- — f Same : supplement, v. 25, 26 (Jan. -Dec. 1888). C 7979.0'- f New catalogue of valuable papers contained in. C 7879-'-- Smithsonian Institution. f Annual report to July, 1S85. Pt. 2. C 4747- — f Miscellaneous collections, v. 31-33. C 4747. a. 31. Gray, A. Synoptical flora of North America. 32. Clarke, F. W. Constants of nature.* Pt. i. Table of specific gravity for solids and liquids. — Tuckerman, A. Index to the literature of the spectroscope. 33. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Wash- ington, v. 6-9. 1883-86. f Builder and wood-worker, v. 24 (Jan. -Dec. 18S8). C 7814. f Building : a journal of architecture. v. 6-9 (Jan. iS87-Dec. 1888). C 7815- ■f- Carpentry and building, v. 9, 10 (Jan. 1887-Dec. 1888). . C 7S16. f Electrical review. v. 11, 12 (Sept. iSS7-Augt. i838). C 7927- f Engineering and mining journal, v. 45, 46 (Jan.- Dec. 1888). C 7828. Q 9814. U. S. Patait Office. \ Official gazette, v. 41-45 (Oct. i8S7-Dec. 1888). C 7891 — f Alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions (Jan.- Dec. 1SS8). C 7891.*. C. COLLECTED WORKS AND CYCLOP/EDIAS. I Encyclop/EDIA Britannica. v. 23, 24 (T-Zym). • C 2S28.<7. Franklin, B. f Complete works. Compiled and ed. by Bigelow. v. 6-10. M 495. PART 3.-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION A. FICTION ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED BY AUTHORS AND TITLES. Abbey murder. Hatton. Across the chasm. Actor's ward. The. By the author of "A fatal dower." Adams, Mrs. L. Madelon Lemoine. Adee. D. G. No. 19 State Street. Admirable lady Biddy Fane. Barrett. Adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in Verne. Meridiana." Balzac. Henderson. South Africa. Xote. — Same as his After dinner stories. Agatha Page : a parable. Aimard. G. The Indian chief. 16'. Ale.\ander, Mrs. [Mrs. Annie F. Hector]. — Forging the fetters, and other stories. — A life interest. — Mona's choice. Alexander, S. B. — Ten of us : original stories and sketches. — Veiled beyond : a romance of the adepts. 'Ali 'Aziz Efendi. the Cretan. Story of Jewad. All in the wild March morning. Kirk. All sorts and conditions of men. 12. Besant. Allan Quatermain. //at,'^'art/. Allen, F. M. Through green glasses : Andy Merigan's great discovery, and other Irish tales. Allen^ G. This mortal coil. Alma ; or, the story of a little music mistress. Marshall. Amaryllis at the fair (F. S. L. No. 5771. Jefferies. American penman. Hawthorne. Amor vincit (F. S. L. No. 5S5.) Martin. Amos Kilbright, with other stories. Stockton. Andrews. I^ilian H. Only a farmer's daughter. Annie Kilburn Howells. Another's crime. Hawthorne. Appleton, G. W. — A terrible legacy : a tale of the South Downs. April hopes. Argonauts of North Liberty. Aristocracy : a novel. Around the golden deep. Armstrong, W. — Thckla : a story of Viennoe musical life. As in a looking glass. Ask her, man ! ask her ! At anchor. At the mercy of Tiberius. At the mission of San Carmel. (/// his " Fron.'ier Stories.") At the woild s mercy. At war with herself. Aunt Diana. Autobiography of a slander. Avater. (/;/ " Tales before supper.") Baby's grandmother. Bag of diamonds. Bailey, Miss. See Lyall, Edna. Bailey, T. L. Only me. Howells. Harte. Reedet Philips. Poker. Magruder. Wilson. Harte. Warden. Braeme. Carey. Lva'll. Gaulier. Walford. Fenn. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NU.MBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Baldwin to Cobb. Baldwin, R. Only a face. ( With " Day ghost " by J. S. Little.) Balzac, H. de. After-dinner stories. — Magic skin. — Modest Mignon. Bar Harbor days. Harrison. Barbara ; or, splendid misery. Braddon. Bauing-Gould, S. Eve. — The Gaverocks : a tale of the Cornish coast. — Red spider. — Richard Cable, the lightshipman. Barnes, E Tramp actor. Barr, Amelia E. Border shepherdess. — Master of his fate. — Paul and Christina. — Remember the Alamo. Barrett, F. Admirable lady Biddy Fane. — By misadventure. — His helpmate. — A recoiling vengeance. Bates, .\. A lad's love. — The Philistines. B.'^TES, Josephine W. — A blind lead : the story of a mine. Before the dawn. Dulac. Behind closed doors. Green. Bellamy, E. Looking backward, 2000-1 S87. Belle Nivernaise, La. Daudet. Belle of Lynne. Clay. Benedicta. Phillips. Benjamin, S. G. W. Sea-spray. Besant, W. All sorts and conditions of men. 12°. — Herr Paulus. — The holy rose. (F. S. L. No. 592.) — Inner house. — Katharine Regina. (F. S. L. No. 613.) — Self or bearer. — To call her mine. (F. S. L No. 583.) — Same. {Bound separately.) — World went very well then. •(F. S. L. No. 557.) Note. — Bound separately. — ««(/ James, H. Art of fiction. L 9037. — and Rice, J. Monks of Thelema. Better times. Hayes. Betty's visions. {With "Ugly Barrington," by the Duchess.) Brotighton. Between whiles. Jackson. Bewitched. Petidleton. Bid me discourse. (F. S. L. No. 295.) Hay. Note. — Bound separately. Bishop, W. H. — The brown stone boy, and other queer people. Black blood. Fcnn. Black ice. Tourgec. Black pearl. ( With " Jettatura," by Gautier.) Sardou. Black, W. In far Lochaber. — Strange adventures of a house-boat. Blathekwick, C. Uncle Pierce. Blind lead, A. Bates. Blossom and fruit ; or, Madame's ward. Blue-grass Penelope, A. Harte. (in his " Frontier stories.") Blunders of a bashful man. Gray. Bohemian tragedy. Currv. Bonavenlure. Cable. Book for the hammock. (F. S. L. No. 599.) Russell. Border shepherdess. Barr. Bol'lger, Airs. D. See Gift, T. Boyle, F. A good hater. Braddon. Miss M. E. Barbara ; or, splendid misery. — Diavola ; or, nobody's daughter. 2 v. — The fatal three. — Henry Dunbar. 12''. — Like and unlike. — Mohawks. — edr. Put to the test. Braeme, Charlotte M. See Clay, Bertha M. Br.\me, Charlotte M. See Clay, Bertha M. Brame, Lottie. See Clay, Bertha M. Brinka : an American countess. Spenser. Broken heart ; or, a wife in name only. Clay. Note. — Same as her " Wife in name only." Brother to dragons, and other old-time tales. Rives. Broughton, Rhoda. Betty's visions. {With "Ugly Harrington, " by the Duchess.) Brown stone boy, and other queer people. Bishop. Brown, L. Q. C. Kenneth Cameron. Brueton's bayou. Habberton. Bryda : a story of the Indian mutiny. Field. Buchanan, Rachel. — A debutante in New York society. Buek.stenrindkr, Elizabeth. See Werner, E. Buried diamonds. Tytler. Burnett, Frances H. Miss Defarge. {With " Brueton's bayou," by J. Habberton.) Burnham, Clara L. Young maids and old. Button's inn. Tourgee. By misadventure. Barrett. Bynner, E. L. Penelope's suitors. I Cable, G. W. Bonaventure. I Caine, H. The Deemster. I Calamity Jane. Spencer. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. A devout lover. — A life's mistake. ! — This wicked world. Campbell, A. Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell, Helen. Roger Berkeley's probation. Captain Macdonald's daughter. Campbell. Carey, Rose N. Aunt Diana. — Esther : a book for girls. — Only the governess. Carlyle, T. Translations from the German. 3 v. I, 2. Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. 3. Musceus, Tieck, Richter. Carroll, J. Leola. Case of Mohammed Benoni. Castle in the air. Ewing. Cazotte, J. Le diable amoureux. " Cell No. 13." Trafton. Chiptree, A. A flurry in diamonds. Choice of change. (F. S. L. No. 587.) Dodson. Christmas rose, A. Francillon. i Church, Rev. A. J. Count of the Saxon shore. Church, Mrs. R. See Marryat, Florence. City of .Sarras. Taylor. Claretie, J. Marsa, the Gypsy bride. N'ote. — Same as " Prince Zillah." Clarissa's ordeal. By the author of " A great mistake." 2 v. Clarke. Mrs. C M. More true than truthful. (F. S. L. No. 598.) — Same. 16°. Clay, Bertha M. [Charlotte M. Braeme.] — At war with herself. — Belle of Lynne. — Broken heart ; or, a wife in name only. Note. — Same as her " Wife in name only." — From gloom to sunlight. Note. — Same as her " From out the gloom." — Golden dawn. — Heiress of Hilldrop. — Hilda's lover. (Same as her " Hilda.") — In Cupid's net. — Marjorie's fate. — Mystery of the holly-tree. ( With her " On her wedding mom.") — On her wedding morn. — Prince Charlie's daughter. — Shattered idol. — Signa's sweetheart. — A true Magdalen. Claytor, G. Pleasant waters. Clover. Coolidge. Cobb, S. jr. Gun-maker of Moscow. J — Karmel, the scout. 'i — Orion, the gold beater. ! APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Coeruleans to Farjeon. Coeruleans, The. Cunningham. Coleridge, Christabel R. A near relation. Collins, Mabel. Lord Vanecourt's daughter. COLLI.NS, \V. Fallen leaves. Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard. Confessions of a society man. Conscience. Connelly, Emma M. Tilting at windmills. Conscience, Miss V>. [S. Williams Cooper.] — Confessions of a society man. Conspirators, The. Dumas. Conway, M. D. Pine and palm. Cooi.iDGE, Susan. Clover. Coombs, Anne S. Game of chance. Cooi'ER, S. \V. See Conscience, Miss B. CoKBETT, J. For God and gold. CoRELLi, Marie. A romance of two worlds. — Vendetta ! or, the story of one forgotten. Could aught atone? By the author of "Magdalen's legacy." Council of perfection. Malct. Count of the Saxon shore. Church. CoUNTER-currents. By the author of " Justina." Countess de Charny. I2\ Dumas. Countess Eve. ■ Shorthouse. Court of Charles IV. Perez-Galdds. Courting of Mary Smith. Robinson. Craddock, C. E. [Mary N. Murfree.] — Despot of Broomsedge Cove. — Story of Keedon Bluffs. Craik, Georgiana M. [Mrs. A. W. May.] — Daughter of the people. (F. S. L., No. 555.) Note. — Bound separately. Crawford, F. M. Marzia's crucifix. — Paul Patoff. — With the immortals. Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. France. Crusade of the " Excelsior."' Harte. Cudlip, Mrs. P. See Thomas, Annie. Cunningham, H. S. The Creruleans. CuRKY, Lily. Bohemian tragedy. CzEiii:.\. An operetta in profile. Dahlgrex, Madeleine V. Divorced. Daintry, Laura. Eros. — Miss Varian of N. V. [Anon.] Daisy Miller, and other stories. (F. S, No. 303.) yames. i\'ote. — Bound separately. Dame aux perles. La. Dumas. Damon, Sophie M. Old New-England days. Dana, Katharine F. Our Phil, and other stories. [Danby, F.] Dr. Phillips. Dateless bargain. Pirkis. DAi:uEr, A. La belle Nivernaise. — The partners ; or, Fromont, jr., and Risler, sr. — Robert Helmont : diary of a recluse, 1870-71. — Sappho. Daughter of the people (F. S. L., No. 555). Craik. Xote. — Bound separately. David Poindcxter's disappearance, and other tales. Hawthorne. Day ghost. The. Little. Dayne, y. B. In the name of the Tzar (F. S. L., No. 580). Dean and his daughter. Philips. Dean's daughter. 16 . Gore. Debutante in New York society. Buchanan. Deemster. The. Caine. Dei. AM), Margaret. John Ward, preacher. Dennis Day, carpet-bagger. Spencer. Despot of Broomsedge Cove. Craddock. Devout lover. Cameron. Diable amoureux. La. Cazottc. Diane de Breteuille (F. S. L., No. 601). Jemingham. Diavola ; or, nobody's daughter. Braddon. Dick's sweetheart. Duchess. Dickens, C. Uncommercial traveller, and additional Christmas stories. Dickens, Mrs. E. E. The King's Daughters. Dickinson, J. and E. E. and Dowd, S. E. — A winter picnic. Dillwyn, E. a. Jill and Jack. Disappeared. (F. S. L. No. 584.) Tytler. Divorced. Dahlgren. Doctor of Deane. Palmer. Dr. Phillips. Danby. DoD. S. B. Stubble or wheat ? Dodu, Anna B. Glorinda. Dodge, Mary .\. See Hamilton, Gail. DoDSON, W. A Choice of change. (F. S. L. No. 587.) Donal Grant. Macdonald. Doom of Mamelons. Murray. Dorothy Thorn of Thornton. Warth. Double love, A. Fairchild. Douglas Duane. Fawcett. A'ote. — With " Sinfire " by Hawthorne. Douglas. Amanda M. Fortunes of the Faradays. — Modern Adam and Eve in a garden. DowLiNG, R. Miracle gold. Dream, The. Zola. Dream and a forgetting. Hawthorne. Drift from Redwood Camp. Harte. Note. — With his '• Phyllis of the .Sierras." Drosz, G. Monsieur, madame, et bebe. Duchess, The. Duchess. Duchess, The. [Mrs. Hungerford.] — Dick's sweetheart. — The Duchess. — Haunted chamber. Note. — With " Tale of three lions," by Haggard. — Honourable Mrs. Vereker. — Marvel. — Modern Circe. — Ugly Barrington. — Under-currents. DuLAC, G. Before the dawn. Dumas, A. The conspirators. Dumas, A., fils. La dame aux perles. Dumb love. Musu-us. (In Musseus and others. Tales.) Dusantes, The : sequel to "Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. .A.leshine." Stockton. Earth trem.bled. Poe. Eavesdropper, The. Payn. Eden : an episode. Saltus. Edwards, A/iss M. B. — Next of kin— wanted (F. S. L. No. 5S1). — Same. 16 \ — Pearla ; or, the world after an island. Note. — F. S. L. No. 334 bound separately. Eggleston, E. The Graysons : a story of Illinois. " 89." ffenry. Elect lady. Macdonald. Elizabeth's fortune. Thomas. Ellen Middleton. PulUrton. Elves, The. Tieck. N'ote. — In Musjtus and others. Tales. Equal to the occasion. Garrett. Eros. Daintrv. Erroll, H. An ugly duckling (F. S. L. No. 604). Esther : a book for girls. Carey. Eugenia : a friend's victim. Hurlba. Eunice : a story of domestic life in New England. By the author of "Janet's love and ser\ice." Evans, .Augusta [Mrs. .\. E. Wilson]. — At the mercy of Tiberius. Eve. Baring-Gould. EwiNG. Gen. H. A castle in the air. Fair Crusader (F. S. L., No. 605). U'estalL Fair-haired Eckbert. Tieck. .Vote. — /;/ Mus.tus and others. Tales. Fairchild, Olive P. A double love. Fallen leaves. Collins. False start. Smart. Family happiness. Tolstoi. Farina, S. Signor I. Farjeon, B. L. In asking for books, use the '• Book Order," giving the .\UTHORS NAME, the first pan of the TITLE, and the .N'L'MBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Farjeon to Hatton. Farjeon, B. L. Miser Farebrother (F. S. L., No. 614). Fast and loose. Griffiths. Fatal three. Braddon. Favvcett, E. Douglas I )uane. {Bound ivith " Sintire," by Hawthorne.) — A man's will. — Olivia Delaplaine. Fenn, G. M. Bag of Dianioiuls. — Black Blood. — One maid's mischief. — Story of Antony Grace. — This man's wife (F. S. L., No. 548). Note. — Bound separately. FfivAL, P. A noble sacrifice. ( With •• Tettatura." by T. Gautier.) Field, A/>s. E. M. — Bryda : A story of the Indian mutiny. Field, Margaret. Secret of Fontaine-La-Croix. First harvests. ' Stimsou First love is best. Hamilton. First or the second ? or, a mistaken marriage. Gil/nan. Five hundred dollars, and other stories of New England life. [By H. W. Chaplin.] Fleming, Geraldine. Wild Margaret. Fleming, May A. Midnight queen. Flip : a California romance. Harte. Note. — In his " Frontier stories." Flirtation ; or, Cupid's shoulder-strap tactics. Flurry in diamonds. Chiptree. For fifteen years. {Sequel to " The steel hammer.") Ulbach. For God and gold. Corbett. For her daily bread. Litere. For the right. Franzos. FoRDE, Gertrude. Only a coral girl. Foreigners, The. Price. Forester, F. [H. W. Herbert]. Hillingdon Hall. Forging the fetters, and other stories. Alexarider. Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas. Fothergill, Jes.sie. From moor isles. — Lasses of Leverhouse. Found at Blazing Star. Harte. Note. — In his " Frontier stories." Found out. Mathers. Found, yet lost. Roe. Four ghost stories. Molesworth. France, A. Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. Francillon, R. E. a Christmas rose. Francois, Louise v. Last von Reckenburg. Franzos, K. E. For the right. Fraternity : a romance. Frau Wilhelmine: concluding part of "The Buchholz family." Stinde. Frederic, H. Seth's brother's wife. Frederick Hazzleden. JFestburv. Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. Harris. French, Alice. See Thanet, O. Frhs, Pro/. J. A. Lajla : a tale of Finmark. Fro.m 18 to 20. From lands of e.xile. Loti. From moor isles. Fothergill. From out the gloom. Clay. Note. — Same as her " From gloom to sunlight." From the ranks. King. Frontier stories. Harte. Frozen pirate (F. S. L., No. 607). Russell. Fullerton, Lady G. Ellen Middleton. Gallant fight, A. Harland. Gallery of a random collector. • Clinton. Game of chance. Coombs. Garrett, E. [Miss I. F. Mayo]. Equal to the occasion. — John Winter. Garrison gossip (F. S. L., No. 578). Winter. Gates between. Phelps. Gautier, T. Jettatura. — ami Merimee, P. Tales before supper. ( 'ontents : Avater. By T. Gautier. — The Venus de lUe. By P. Merimee. Gaverocks, The. Baring-Gould. Gerard, Dorothea. Orthodox : a tale. Ghost of Dred Power. McClelland. A'Wt'.— With his " Madame Silva." Gift, T. [Mrs. D. Boulger]. Pretty Miss Bellevv. Gillette, W. A legal wreck. Oilman, Wenona. — The first or the second? or, a mistaken marriage. GissiNG, G. A life's morning. GiviNS, R. C. Millionaire tramp. Glorinda. Dodd. Glow-worm tales. (F. S. L., No. 579.) Payn. Goblet, The. Tieck. Note. — In Musseus and others. Tales. GoFF, Mrs. H. N. K. Who cares? Golden dawn. Clay. Good hater. Boyle. Goodman, E. J. Too curious. Gore, Mrs. The dean's daughter. Grandmother's money. Robinson. [Gray, W. T.]. Blunders of a bashful man. Graysons, The : a story of Illinois. Eggleston. Great bank robbery. Hawthorne. Great mistake, A. By the author of " His wedded wife." Great world. The. (F. S. L., No. 600.) Hatton. Green, Anna K. Behind closed doors. Gretchen. Holmes. Griffiths, A. Fast and loose. Griswold, Mrs. J. A. 5f6' Winter, Airs. P., and Jiow Mrs. L. Guardians, The. By the authors of "A year in Eden." Gun-maker of Moscow. Cobb. Gunter, a. C. Mr. Barnes of New York. ^- Mr. Potter of Texas. Habberton, J. Brueton's bayou. Haggard, H. R. Allan Quatermain. — Colonel Quaritch, V. C. ■ — ■ Maiwa's revenge. — Mr. Meeson's will. — A tale of three lions. Hale, E. E. — In his name : a story of the Waldenses 700 years ago. — Mr. Tangier's vacations. Hale. Lucretia P., (?;zi/ Bynner, E. L. — An uncloseted skeleton. Hall, A. D. La Tosca. A'^ote. — Based on Sardou's play. Halpine, Mary G. A strange betrothal. Halse, G. W^eeping Ferry. (F. S. L., No. 596.) Hamilton, Gail [Mary A. Dodge]. — First love is best. Hard-won victory, A. Litchfield. Hardy, T. Wessex tales. Contents : Three strangers. — Withered arm. — Fellow- townsman. — Interlopers at the Knap. — The distracted preacher. Harland, Marion [Mrs. M. V. Terhime]. — A gallant fight. Harmonia : a chronicle. By the author of " Estelle Russell." Harris, J. C. Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. Contents : Free Joe. — Little Compton. — Aunt Foun- tain's prisoner. — Trouble on ho^t Mountain. — Azalea. Harrison, Mrs. B. Bar Harbor days. Harrison, A/rs. W. K. See Malet, L. Harte, B. Argonauts of North Liberty. — Crusade of the " Excelsior." — Frontier stories. Contents.- Flip: a California romance. — Found at Blazing Star. — In the Carquinez W'oods. — At the mis- sion of San Carmel. — A blue-grass Penelope. — Left out on Lone Star Mountain. — A ship of '49. — A Phyllis of the Sierras, and A drift from Redwood camp. Hatton, J. The abbey murder. — The great world. (F. S. L., No. 600.) ] APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Haunt«d Chamber to Libussa. (P.. S. L., No. 2(j5.) Better times : stories Pavtt. Clay. Braddon. Holmes. Waif Old. He im burg. Pearson. Westall. A princess of Java ' Hilda's lover.") South Haunted Chamber Duchess. TVi?/^.— With " Tale of three lions," by H. R. Hag- gard. Hawthorne, J. An American penman. — Another's crime. — David Poindexter's disappearance, and other tales. — A dream and a forgetting. — Great bank robbery. — Professor's sister : a romance. — Section 558, or, the fatal letter. — Sintire. — Tragic mystery. Hay, Mary C. Hid me discourse. Noti'. — Bound separately. — Old Mvddelton's money. 16'. \\x\ KS, \\. [Mrs. Ellen 6. Kirk]. — Qaeen Money. IIeimhurg, W. Her only brother. Heir of the ages. Heiress of Hilldrop. Henderson, I. Agatha Page : a parable Henry, E. "Sg. " Henry Dunbar. 12". Her fatal sin. Her great idea, and other stories. Her only brother. Her opportunity. Her two millions. (F. S. L., No. 609.) — Same. (Bound separately.) Herbert, H. W. See Forester. Frank, Heron-Allen, E. Kisses of fate. Herr Paulus. Heyse, p. Romance of the canoness. HiGGINSON. S. J. Hidden hand. Hilda. {Same as Hillingdon Hall. His broken sword. His Helpmate. His way and her will. HoLLEY, Marietta (" yf^j-Za/; ^ //., No. 602.) — 99 Dark Street. Pearla ; or, the world after an island. (F. b .L., No. 334.) — Same. (F. S. L., No. 5S8.) Edwards. Roe, E. p. The earth trembled. .VoU. — Bound separately. — Found, yet lost. Pearson, H. C. Her opportunity. — " Miss Lou." Pearson, F. W. Minon : a tale of love and intrigue. Roger Berkeley's probation. Campbell. Peckster professorship. Qiiincy. Rogue. The. A' orris. Pendleton, E. A Virginia inheritance. Roker, a. B. ["A broker."] Ask her, man ask her ! Pendleton, L. Bewitched. Rollins. Alice W. The three Tetons. Penelope's suitors. Bynner. — Uncle Tom's tenement. Perez Galdos, B. Court of Charles IV. Romance of a quiet watering-place. Warddell. — Leon Roch. 2 v. Romance of the canoness. Heyse. Phelps, Elizabeth S. The gates between. Ross, C. Gallery of a random collector. — Jack, the fisherman. Roy's repentance. Sergeant. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first p^^t of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 10 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Roy's Wife to Ulbach. Roy's wife. Melville. Runenberg, The. Tieck. Note. - In MusjEus and others. Tales. Russell. W. C. A book for the hammock (F. S. L., No. 599). — Frozen pirate. (F. S. L., No. 607.) — Mystery of the " Ocean Star." Russian proprietor. Tolstoi. Rustic maid, A. Price. RuTHF.RKORD, M. Revolution in Tanner's Lane. S.\LTU.s, E. Eden : an episode. — Mr. Incoul's misadventure. — Tristrem Varick. Samantha at Saratoga. Holley. Sam's sweetheart. Mathers. Sano, Geo. Princess Nourmahal. Sappho. Datidet. Sardou. V. Black pearl. ( Witlt " Jettatura " by Gautier.) Scheherazade : a London night's entertainment. Warden. Schmelzle"s journey to Flaetz. Richter. Note. — In Musaeus and others. Tales. SCHOBERT, H. Picked up in the streets. SCHREINER, Olive. See Iron, Ralph. Sea-spray; or, facts and fancies of a yachtsman. Benjamin. Sebastopol. 1 olsto'i. Second son. Oliphant and Aldrich. Secret of Fontaine-La-Croix. Field. Section 558 ; or, the fatal letter. Hawthorne. Seeley, H. A nymph of the west. Self or bearer. i6\ Besant. Sellers, Elizab. J. From 18 to 20. Septameron. Williams and others. Sergeant, Adeline. Roy's repentance. — Jacobi's wife. (F. S. L. No. 591.) Seth's. brother's wife. Frederic. Shattered idol. Clay. Ship of '49. (/« his " Frontier stories.") Harte. Shorthouse, J. H. Countess Eve. — Teacher of the violin, and other tales. Signa's sweetheart. Clay. Signov I. Farina. SiME, \V. The red route. Sims, G. R. Mary Jane's memoirs. Sinfire. Hawthorne. Slave of circumstances. Pierson. Smart, H. A false start. — Master of Rath-kelly. Smith, Mrs. E. T. T. See Meade, L. T. Society rapids. Son of his father. (F. S. L. No. 554.) Oliphant. N^ote. — Bound separately. SouTHWORTH, Mrs. E. D. E. N. The hidden hand. Speculator in petticoats. Malot. Spell of Ashtaroth. Osborne. Spell of home. Werner. Spencer, Mrs. G. E. Calamity Jane. — Dennis Day, carpet-bagger. Spenser, Mary C. Brinka, an American countess. Stanley, Capt. Z. L. The mysterious doctor. Stannaru, Mrs. H. E. V. See Winter, J. S. Stapleton, Patience. Kady. Steel hammer. Ulbach. Steell, W. Isidra. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Palaces and Prisons. Stevens, Agnes, collector. How men propose. Stevenson, R. L. The black arrow. Stimson, F. J. (•'/• -S". of Dale.") harvests. — The residuary legatee. Stinde, J. Frau Wilhelmine : concluding part of " The Buchholz family."' Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright, with other stories. — The Dusantes : sequel to "Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine." — The hundredth man. Stories from the Persian. Contents : AbduUa of Khorassan. — Ahmed the cob- bler. Shorthouse. Alexander. Pool. See Harland, Marion. Apple ton. Knitters in the sun. Hunt. Story of an African farm. Iron. Story of an enthusiast. yaniiesoti. Story of Antony Grace. Fenn. Story of Colette. Story of Jewad. 'AH 'Aziz Efendi. Story of Keedon Bluffs. Craddock. Story of Mary. Spencer. Note. — Same as her " Dennis Day, carpet-bagger." Strange adventures of a house-boat. Black. Strange betrothal. Halpine. Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder [By Prof. De-Mille?]. Stray leaves from Newport. Wheeler. Stuart, Hester. A modern Jacob. Stubble or wheat ? Dod. Sturgis, J. Thraldom. Tale of three lions. Haggard. Tales before supper. Gautier and M/rim/e. Tancredi : a tale of the opera. Wood. Taylor, U. A. The city of Sarras. Taylor, Winnie L. His broken sword. Teacher of the violin, and other tales Ten of us : original stories and sketches. Tenting at Stony Beach. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Terrible legacy, A. Thanet. O. [Alice French]. That other person. Thekla. Armstrong. ThicKSTUN, F. a Mexican girl. This man's wife. (F. S. L. No. 548 ). Fenn. N'ote. — Bound separately. This mortal coil. Grant. This wicked world. Cameron. Thomas, Annie [Mrs. P. Cudlip]. Jenifer. i6\ Thomas, Bertha. Elizabeth's fortune. Thraldom. Sturgis. Three Tetons, The. Rollins. Through green glasses. Allen. Through the long nights. Linton. TiECK, Tales. Translated by Carlyle. Note. — /;/ Musieus and others. Tales. Tilting at windmills. Connelly. To call her mine. (F. S. L. No. 583). Besant. — Same. (Bound separately). Toilers of the sea. Hugo. ToLSTOl, Count L. N. Family happiness. — In pursuit of happiness. — The invaders, and other stories. I — Ivan Ilptch, and other stories. — Russian proprietor. — Sebastopol. — Two pilgrims ; or, love and good deeds. — War and peace: Borodino, iS 12-20. N'ote. — F. S. L. No. 521. ^z bound separately. Tony the maid. Howard. Too curious. Goodman. Tosca, La. Hall. Note. — Based on Sardou's play of the same name. Tourgee, A. Black ice. — Button's inn. Trafton. E. H. " Cell No. 13." Tragedy of Redmount. Holmes. Tragic mystery. Hawthorne. Tramp actor. Barnes. Tristrem Varick. Saltus. Troy town, .Astonishing history of. True Magdalen. Clay. Trusty Eckart. Tieck. A'ote. — In Musaeus and others. Tales. Two Pilgrims ; or, love and good deeds. Tolstoi. Tytler, Sarah. [Miss H. Keddie.] Buried diamonds. 12 . — Disappeared. (F. S. L. No. 584.) Uchard, M. Mon oncle Barbassou. Ugly Barrington. Duchess. Ugly duckling. An. (F. S. L. No. 604 ) Erroll. Ulbach, L. For fifteen years : sequel to " The steel hammer." APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Ulbach to (JUVENILE BOOKS) Drayson, II U I.BACH. L. Steel hammer. Uncle Pierce. Blather-wick. ' Uncle Tom's tenement. Rollins. Uncloseted skeleton. An. Hale and Bynner. U.NDER the auroras : a marvelous tale of the interior world. Under the storm. Yonge. Undercurrents. Duchess. Unlaid fjhost. An : a study in metempsychosis. Vagrant. The. and other tales. Koroh'nko. Veiled beyond : a romance of the adepts. Alexander. Vendetta ! or, the story of one forgotten. Corelli. Venus of lile. (/// "Tales before supper.") MMnu'e. Verne. J. Adventures of three Englishmen and three Rus.iians in South Africa. .Vote. — Same as his " .Meridiana." Village tragedy. Woods. Virginia inheritance. Pendleton. Virginia of Virginia. Rii^es. VogCe. E. M. de The Russian novelists. L. 9461. '• V. R." : a novel. (K. S. L. No. 590.) Walfdrd, L. B. Baby's grandmother. — Her great idea, and other stories. — A mere child. WAL\Vf)RTH, M. T. Zahara; or, a leap for empire. Wanted— a wife. ( IVith her" Mignon"s secret.") Winter. War and peace : Borodino, 1812-20. Tolstoi. A^'ote. — F. S. L. No. 521.(7 bound separately. Ward, ,l/rs. H. Robert Elsmere. — Gladstone, W. E. " Robert Elsmere" and the battle of belief. Z. 2169. Warddel, Nora H. Romance of a quiet watering-place. Warden, Florence. At the world's mercy. — Scheherazade : a London night's entertainment. — A woman's face : or a Lakeland mystery. Warth, J. [Mrs. Julia M. Parsons'] Dorothy Thorn of Thornton. War-time wooing. ^'"g- Watson, H. B. .M. Marahuna, a romance. Weeping Ferry. (F. S. L. No. 596.) Halse. Wedded hands : a novel. Wells, Kate G. Miss Curtis : a sketch. Werner, E. [Elisabeth Buersten binder.] Spell of home. Wertheimber, L. A Muramasa blade. Wessex tales. Hardy. Westall, W. .\ fair crusader. (F. S. L. No. 605.) — Her two millions. (F. S. L. No. 609.) — Same. (Bound separately.) — Mr. Fortescue : an Andean episode. Westbury, H. Frederick Hazzleden. What's his offence ? a novel. Wheeler, Esther G. Stray leaves from Newport. When Peggy smiled ! Nicholas. Whiteing, R. The island ; or, an adventure of a per- son of quality. Who cares? Goff. Wife's honor. Young. Wild Margaret. Fleming. WiLi.i.\.MS, F. H., and others. The septameron. WiLLsoN, T. E. It is the law : a story of marriage and divorce in N. Y. Wilson, Augusta E. See Evans, Augusta J. Wilson, .Marian C. Renee : a romance. Winter. J. S. [Mrs. H. E. V. StannardJ. — Garrison gossip. (F. S. L. No. 57S.) — Mignon's husband. — Mignon's secret, c;/*/ Wanted — a wife. Winter. Mrs. P., and Boy, Mrs. L. [Mrs. J. A. Gris- woldj. Lost wedding-ring. Winter picnic. Dickinson. With the immortals. Crawford. Wizard's son. Oliphant. Woman against woman. Manyat. Woman's face, A. Warden. Woman's love, A. Holmes. W'ooD, Dr. E. .\. Tancredi : a tale of the opera. Woods, Margaret L. A village tragedy. Woolley, Celia P. Love and theology. Woolson, Constance F. Miss Grief. Note. — In vol. 4 of " Stories by American authors." World "went very well then. Besant. Note. — F. S. L , No. 557, bound separately. World's verdict. Hopkins. Would you have left her ? Kip. YoNGE. Charlotte M. Our new mistress. — Under the storm. Young, E. A. A wife's honor. Young maids and old. Bumham. Zahara ; or, a leap for empire. Walworth. Zola, E. The dream. Zyte. Malot. B. JUVENILE FICTION. About giants and other wonder people. Smithson and Barnes. ADA.MS, W. T. See Optic, Oliver. Afar in the forest. Kingston. Note. — Same as his " In the forest" After school days ' a stor}- for girls. Goodwin. Alcott, Louisa M. A garland for girls. Alden, Mrs. G. R. See Pansy. Alden, W. L. a new Robinson Crusoe. Alger, H.,jr. Bob Burton. All or nothing ; or, Ruthven of Ruthven. Green. Allen, W. B. Pine cone stories. 4. Kelp : a story of the Isles of Shoals. Aulnoy, Countess d . Fairy tales. Ballantyne, R. M. Blue lights ; or. hot work in the .Soudan. Basket of flowers : a tale for the young. Baumbach, R. Summer legends.' Bee-man of Orn, and other fanciful tales. Stockton. Biding his time. Trowbridge. Black arrow. The. Stevenson. Blind brother, The. Greene. Blue and gray series. See Optic, O. Blue lights ; or, hot work in the Soudan. Ballantyne. Bob Burton. Algf^. Boy broker. Alunsey. Boy pioneer series. See Ellis, E. S. Bravest of ihe brave. Henty. Breakfast for two : a stor)- for girls. Mathews. Broome. Lady. Harry Treverton. Bi rnett. Fiances H. Editha's burglar. — .Sara Crewe ; or, what happened at Miss Minchin's. Burnham Breaker. Greene. Bybury to Beacon street. Diaz. Camp in the mountains. Ellis. Note. — No. 2 of his " Deerfoot series." Camp-fire and wigwam. Ellis. Note. — Vol. 2 of his " Log cabin series." Castlemon. Harry [C. A. Fosdickj. Forest and stream series. 2. Snagged and sunk. — Steel horse ; or, the rambles of a. bicycle. Chezzles, The. Morse. Christmas with grandma Elsie. Finley. Chrystal, Jack, & Co. Munroe. Chitrch. 'Rev. A. J. Three Greek children. Clark. Mrs. S. R! G. Herbert Gardanell's children. Colonel's money. Lillie. Cox, Maria M. Raymond Kershaw : a story of deserved success. Cox, p. <^ueer people, such as goblins, giants, etc. — Queer people with paws and claws. — Queer people with wings and stings. Daddy's boy. Meade. Deerfoot series. See Ellis. E. S. Delta Bixby. ( With his " Chrystal, Jack, & Co.") Munroe. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Bybury to Beacon street. — The John Spicer lectures. Dr. Deane's way. Huntington and Pansy. Dozen of them. Pansy. Dragon of the north. Oswald, Drayson, A. W. From keeper to captain. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : (JUVENILE BOOKS) Eaton to Pansy. Eaton, Frances {Sargent Flint). Japanese fairy tales, Nos. 9-12. — A queer little princess and her friends. John Spicer lectures. Diaz. Editlia's burglar. Burnett. Judge Burnham's daughters. Pansy. Ei experiment. Sidney. Margaret. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. .Sparrow the tramp. — St. George and the dragon, and Kensington junior. WiLDK, O. The happy prince, and other ta es. Sleight, Mary B. Flag on the mill. Wise and otherwise. Pansv. Smithson, Isabel, and Barnes, G. F. Wyoming. Eltis. — About giants and other wonder people. Wyoming Valley series. See Ellis, E. S. Snagged and sunk. Castlemon. Young moose-hunters. Stephens. Snap-dragons : a tale of Christmas eve. hiving. Young prince of commerce. Hopkins. Some of our fellows : a school story. Millington. Youngest miss Lorton, and other stories. Perry. PART 4.-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. I. American History and Travels. A. NORTH AMERICA. Bancroft. Works, v. 1-15, 18-23, 27-29, 32-37. P 7515. 1- 5. Native races. 6- 8. History of Central America. 9-14. History of Mexico. 15. History of the North Mexican states and Texas. 18-23. History of California. 27, 28. History of the Northwest coast. 2g. History of Oregon. 32. History of British Columbia. 33. History of Alaska. 34. California pastoral, 1769-1848. 35. California inter pocula. 36, 37. Popular tribunals. Cumberland. The queen's highway from ocean to ocean. P 7564. Hart. Fall of New France. 1755-60. P 7612. I1igc;i\son. Travellers and outlaws. P 7202. Karr. Shores and alps of Alaska. P 7642. Lees oks, use the " Book Order,- giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the KUMBER. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Drama and Plays. Richardson. Story of the Niger. P 3372. Robinson. Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. N 6375. Sheldon. Yankee girls in Zululand. F 5403. Sydney Morning Herald. f Centennial Supplement, 1888. P 6758. A'()/t'. — Contains " The origin and progress of Aus- tralian settlement." ToMi'KiNS. Through David's realm. O 9440. WiLKlNS. Daily life and work in India. O 5483. Wilson. China : its civilization and possibilities. O 2486. Y.AN Phou Lee. When I was a boy in China. O 2497. 8. Travels, Voyages, and Geography : General Works. CoLBECK. A summer's cruise in the waters of Greece, Turkey and Russia. Na 3558. Cram, f Standai-d American atlas of the world. N ig2i.a. Crowninshield. The ignoramuses : a travel story. Na 3563. Emra. The centre of the central sea. Na 3136- Glisan. Two years in Europe. Na 3602. Guild. Over the ocean. [Europe.] Na 3i7S.(). Heywood. An ocean tramo. N 2201. Holmes. Our hundred days in Europe. R 1211. HowELLS a>id Perry, fdrs. Library of universal adven- ture by sea and land. N 3628. McKenzie. Some things abroad. N 3282. MiTFORD. Orient and Occident : from Lahore to Liver- pool. N 3310. Palgrave. Ulysses ; or, scenes and studies in many lands. N 3705 Reclus. Bird's-eye view of the world. N 1720 Richardson. A girdle round the earth. N 3724, Smith. The wonderful cities of the world. N 1747 Stevens. Around the world on a bicycle, v. 2. N 3754. Wight. Winding journey around the world. N 3789, 9. Universal and Miscellaneous History. Bradley. Story of the (loths. N 5056. CuTTS. Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages. N 4109. Freeman. Four Oxford lectures: 1887. N 4594./. Hervey. Book of Christmas. 1888. T S198. Holland Lodge, f Historical sketch of, 1878. T 9626. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. N 4650 Lefebure. Embroidery and lace : their manufacture and history. - T 8264. Morris. The Aryan race : its origin, eU. N 5317. N. Y. Sta/e (Gra>/d Chapter of Royal Arch Masons). f Constitution, t'/c, 1880. ' T 9697. a'. — t Proceedings, 1876, 1881-85, 1887. T 9697 c. — ( Grand Lodge of Masons), f Constitution and statutes, 1886. T 9329. — f Proceedings, 1887. T 9697 a. Quaker City philatelist, v. 2 (Jan. -Dec, 18871. T 6717. Waite. Real History of the Rosicrucians. T 9463. U. S. {General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons). ■\ Proceedings, 1883. T 9773. a. PART 5.-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. I. Bibliography and Library Economy. BL.A.DES. Enemies of books. Revised. M 7044. + Book chat. v. 2, 3 (Jan., 1887-Dec., 1888). M 7532. •' Books that have helped me." By E. E. Hale and others. M 7531. Note. — Reprinted from the " Forum." Cincinnati Public Library, f Bulletin of books added during 1887. M 8818. CUSHING. f Initials and pseudonyms. 2d series. M 7565 Fletcher, f Co-operative index to periodicals for 1887. 1S88. M 7591. Grand Rapids Public School Library, f Classified lists, 1878-86. M S604. Indianapolis Public Library, f Selection of books for young readers. M 8223. Jones. The best reading. 3(1 series, 1881-86. M 7234. f Library journal, v 12, 13 (Jan. '87-Dec. '88). M 8662. I Literary news New series, v. 9. (1888). M 7885. Milwaukee Public Library, f Quarterly index of addi- tions. V. I (1886-87). M 8683. r. New Jersey State Library. + Annual report for 1887. M 8696. 7£/. New York Library Club. Union list of periodicals cur- rently received by the N. Y. and Brooklyn libraries, 1887. M 7697. — \ Same. 1SS7. M 7697. New York Mercantile Library, f Finding list of French prose fiction. M 8697.?/. New York State Library, f ()7th-69th annual reports, 1884-86. ' M 8698.//. Publisher's weekly, v. 32-34. (July, 1887-Dec. 1888). M 7716. ToPEKA (Kansas) Free Public Library. \ 1st supple- ment to catalog. 1887. M 8766. 2. Drama and Plays. .V-.-iCHYLUS. Tragedies. Literally transl. by Buckley. K 8005./J. Contents : Prometheus chained.— The seven against Thebes. — The Persians. — Agamemnon. — The choe- phori. — The furies. — The suppliants. Bulwer-Lytton. Dramatic works. K 2064. <-. Contents : Duchess de La Valliere. — Richelieu.— Lady of Lyons. — Money. — Not so bad as we seem. Donnelly. The great cryptogram: Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays. K 2573. Dumas. Francillon. 28*^ ed. K 4577- Euripides. Tragedies. Literally transl. by Buckley. 2 V. K 8139. i^. 1. Hecuba. — Orestes. — Phoenissas. — Medea. — Hip- poly tus. — Alcestis. — Bacchae — Heraclidfe. — Iphigenia in Aulide. — Iphigenia in Tauris. 2. Hercules furens. — Troades. — Ion. — Andromache. — Suppliants. — Helen. — Electra. — Cyclops. — Rhesus. Ford. Best plays. Ed. by Ellis. K 2i56.'stallic action. 1888 D 4451. i.Y. City {Board of Education), f Directory. January, i388. X 7329.^. — f Journal, 1887. X 7697. a. — t Manual. 1888. , X 7329. — t 46th annual report, 1887. X Jbgj.d. N. Y. State ( iJnircysity of the State of N. Y.). f 98th and 9gth annual reports, 1885, '86. X ']b<^'].c. Preyer. Mind of the child. Pt. i. The senses and the will. X 7358. .SCHOENHOF. f Technical education in Europe, i. In- dustrial education in France. X 7736. Spring. Mark Hopkins, teacher. X 7752. Thornwell. Public instruction in South Carolina. X 7764. U. S. {Bureau of Education), f Report of the commis- sioner for 1880, '85, '86. X 7773. 4. Government and Politics. Atkinson. Study of politics. U 18. Bryce. The American commonwealth. 2 v. U 1062. Centennial of a revolution. U 1081. Clarke. Civil service law. U 1091. Clason. Seven conventions. U 1092. Cushing. Law and practice of legislative assemblies in the U. S. V 565. DiLKE. Present position of European politics. U 573. — Sartie. (F. S. L., No. 589.) C 9835. r. Fish. Guide to the conduct of meetings. V 151.^^. Gneist. Student's history of the English Parliament 800 to 1887. U 170. Henry. Messages of president Buchanan. U 1617. Lacy. Liberty and law. U 654. Long. The Republican Party : its history, etc. U 1664. Lowell. The Independent in politics. U 1273. — Political essays. U i2-]},.p. National Democratic Committee, f Campaign text book: the Republican party reviewed. 1880. U 1696. — Political reformation of 1884. U 1696. — t Same. U 1696. a. N. Y. City {Republican Club). \ Proceedings at the first annual dinner, Feb. 12, '87. U 1697. Philadelphia Learned Societies, f Banquet in com- memoration of the framing and signing of the con- stitution of the U.S. U 1711. Ralphdon. Age of Cleveland. U 1363. Roosevelt. Essays on practical politics. U 1377. .Stanwood. History' of presidential elections. U 1419. Sterne. Constitutional and political development of the U. S. 4th ed. U 1420.0. Union League Club (A'^. Y. City), f Constitution, by- laws, etc. 1888. U 14540. Warfield. The Kentucky resolutions of 1798. U 1464. 5. Law. DouGAL & Co. f Index-register to next-of-kin, etc., en- titled to money and property in Great Britain. U 6575 Hope. Chronicles of an old inn (Gray's Inn). V 212 Levi. International law. V 1267 Merrill. Newspaper libel : a handbook for the press. V 73ot N. Y. State, f Laws passed at iiith session of the legis lature. V 4697 Spencer. Hints from a lawyer. V 417 U. S. (Department of Justice). \ Annual report of the Attorney-General for 1886, 1887 U 2773.x — {State Dep't). {Statutes of the U. S., 2d session, 49th Congress. V 3891. 6. Military and Naval Science. Hamersley. f Complete army and navy register of the U. S., 1776-1887. G 6610. f Naval encyclopedia. [Ed. by J. W. Carlin.] G 7866. Reed a«a' Simpson. Modern ships of war. G iTio.m. United States. \ Report of Select Committee on naval contracts and expenditures. G 7773. — {Office of A^ aval Intelligence), f Naval reserves, train- ing, and materiel. G 7773-^. Wood. West Point scrap book. 2d ed. G 6794. Zogbaum. Horse, foot, and dragoons. G 6800. 7. Political Economy and Finance. Adams. History of cooperation in the U. S. U 450.3. Allen. Tariffs and its evils. U 4008. Art of investing. U 7016. Blodgett. The money famine, and a few other reasons why the people are so poor. U 7046. Cadman. Christian unity of capital and labor. U 4070. Cleveland. President's message, 1887. Annotations by Bowker. • U 1093. — and others. Taxation and revenue discussed. U 7555. Clews. Twenty-eight years in Wall street. U 7554. Cossa. Taxation : its principles and methods. U 7101. Denslow. Principles of the economic philosophy. U 4571. — f Same. U 4571, Ely and Finley. Taxation in American states antl cities. U 7135. Fawcett. Explanatory digest of [his] " Manual of political economy." U 4144. c Gibbons Tenure and toil. U 4166. HOTCHKISS. Banks and banking, 1 178-1888. U 7627. Hoyt. Protection versus free trade. 3d ed. U 4215.0. Ingram. History of political economy. U 4634. Jacobson. Higher ground : hints toward settling the labor troubles. U 4226. Laughlin. Elements of political economy. U 4260. LUNT. Present condition of economic science. U 4274. Marx. Capital : a critical analysis of capitalist produc- tion. 2 V. U 4290. — Free trade : a speech. U 4673. Moore. Friendly letters to American farmers and others. U 4316. N. Y. Slate {Bureau of Statistics oj Labor), f 5th annual report. 1887. U 4697. Philpott. Tariff chats. U 4351. Poor. Twenty- two years of protection. U 4714- Rogers. Economic interpretation of history. U 4724.^. Shaw. The national revenue. U 7402. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY: Mythology, Folk-lore, and Various Religions. 21 Tariff on imports into the U. S. in act of Mch. 3, 1883. u 7432. Taussig. Tariff history of the U. S. U 7433./. Taylor. Is protection a benefit ? U 4434. Thompson. History of the protective tariff laws. u 4763/'. Trl« or false finance the issue of 1888. U 7447. U. S. {Bureau of Labor), f 3d annual report, 1887 : strikes and lockouts. U 8773. rt. — {State Department). \ Bi-metallism in Europe (Re- ports from consuls. No. 87). U 'i'Ti-g. Vf.RNEY. How the peasant owner lives in France, Ger- many, Italy, Russia. U 4459. Relation of the tariff to wages. U 4473. r. I Winn. Property in land. U 4485. I Zabriskie. Bible a workingman's book. U 4800. 8. Social Science and Statistics. AsHTo.N. The Fleet : its river, prison, and marriages. U 9510. Croly. Glimpses of the future. U 9105. De Bow. f Statistical view of the U. S. 1854. u 5570.^-. DoSTOliii'FSKY. I'rison life in Siberia (F. S. I>., No. 594). C 9835.^. Green-wood Cemetery, f Report, 1861-68, 1870-72, 1874-80, 1882-87. T 8605. N'. Y. Citv {Board of Police Justices), f Annual report, 1887. U 9697. C-. Pond. Life-saving apjiliances invented by J. Francis. G 7872. — f Same. G 7872. Scribner's f Statistical atlas of the U. S. By F. W. Hewes and H. Gannett [1883]. F'. 1 Statesman's year-book for 1888. U 6421. j U. S. {Interior Deft). + 8th census : population of the I U. S. in i860. U 6891.^. I + Preliminary report : the 8th census, i860. U 6773. <-. I t Compendium of the 9th census, 1870. U 6773. a'. f 9th census, 1870. 3 v. U 6891.-^. I I. Statistics of population. 2. Vital statistics. 3. I Statistics of wealth and industry. j f lOth census, v. 12, 17 (pt. 2), 19 (pt. 2), 21. 22. 12. .Mortality statistics of the U. S. Part 2. U 6891./. t Same : Plates and diagrams. 17. Water-power of the U. S. , part 2. 19. Social statistics of cities. Pan 2, The Southern and Western states. 21. Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes of the U. S. 22. Power and machinery employed in manufactures. — {Life-Saving Service), f Annual report for 1876-1387. G niya. Walling. Recollections of a N. Y. chief of police. V 7778. Wines. American prisons in the loth U. S. census. U 9488. 9. Women. Dodge. Bundle of letters to busy girls. X 9123. Five talents of woman. By [Rev. E. J. Hardy.] X 91 51. Leslie. Rents in our robes. U 9265. Pellew. Woman and the commonwealth. U 9708. Stanton, edr. Woman question in Europe. U 9751. Starratt. Letters to elder daughters. X 9421./. WiLLARD. Woman in the pulpit. V 9484. PART ■THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. I. Biblical Theology. Ames. Great thoughts for little thinkers. Y 2009. BuEL and Talmage. The beautiful story : companion book to the Bible. Y 2814. Coles. A new rendering of the Hebrew psalms into English verse. V 2098. Ladd. What is the Bible? Y 2257. Mears. The deathless book. Y 2296. 2. Doctrinal Theology. Eaton. Heart of the creeds : historical religion in the light of modern thought. Y 6131. Gladstone. "Robert Elsmere "' and the battle of be- lief. Z 2169. Graves. Biography of Satan. Y 6176. Here.vfter, The : 23 answers in support of the belief in a life hereafter. Y 6197. Hitchcock. Eternal atonement. Y 6207. Jukes. Mystery of the Kingdom traced through the four Books of Kings. Pt. i. Y 6236. /«. Le Conte. Evolution and its relation to religious thought. Z 3263 e. Life's problems here and hereafter. Y 6269. McCooK. The gospel in nature. Z 3277. McCosii. Religious aspect of evolution. Z 3666. MOZLEY. Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to Old Testament faith. Y 6691. Volnev. The ruins ; or, meditations on the revolutions of empires. Z 2460. Walker. Re-incarnation : a study of forgotten truth. Y 6464./-. 3. Ethics or Moral Philosophy. Collyer. Talks to young men. X 9096. A Correct thing. The, in good society. X 9102. '■ Good form '" in England. By an American. X 9172. Manners : a hand book of social customs. X 92S7.4. .Smiles. Character. (F. S. L , No. 612.) C 9835.//. — Life and labor. • X 9411-/. — Thrift. (F. .S. L , No. 615.) C 9835.//. 4. History of the Church. Lea. History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. v. I, 2. Y 3653.//. Merle d'Aubign^ History of the Reformation in the i6th century. 5 v in I. Y 3679. Van Lennep and Schauffler. Growth of Christianity during 19 centuries. Y 3774. 5. Intellectual Philosophy. Caird. Spinoza. X 1071. Holmes. Realistic idealism in philosophy itself. 2 v. X 3210. Saltus, Philosophy of disenchantment. X 3384./. Seth. Hegelianism and personality. X 3401. ToLSToI. Life. X 3443- — Power and liberty. X 3443./. 6. Mythology, Folk-lore, and Various Religions. Grossmann. Judaism and the science of religion. Z 5177. Hofberg. Swedish folk-lore. Z 8209. Jones. Negro myths from the Georgia coast. Z S234. McAnally. Irish wonders : ghosts, etc., of the emerald isle. Z 8666. SCHINDLER. Dissolving views in the history of Judaism. Z 5390. a'. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Painting, Plastic Arts, and Fine Arts Generally. 7. Practical, Devotional, and Miscel- laneous Theology. Cook. Boston Monday lectures : Current! English hymns DUKFIELD. digious perils. Y 5560. their authors and history. y 9577- Lewis. Sunday legislation from 321 to 1888 A.D. Y 6267. Pansy [Mrs. G. R. Alden]. Pansy's scrap book [Sunday School work]. -Y 9342. WiLLARD. Woman in the pul]nt. Y 9484. 8, Sectarian Theology. Kennkdy. Early days of Mormonism. Z 4241. Oliphant. Scientific religion. 2d ed. Z 4702. 9. Witchcraft and Occult Literature, Barrows. Facts and fictions of mental healing. X 5030. BiNET aW Fere. Animal magnetism. X 4041. Davenport. Death-blow to spiritualism. Xsus.r/. Helleberg. Book written by the spirits of the so-called dead. X 5193. HuBBELL. Great Amherst mystery. X 5215. KiNGSFORD. Dreams and dream-stories. X 4244. Merriman. What .shall make us whole? X 5301. St. Hill. Grammar of palmistry. X 4383. SiZER a>id Drayton. Heads and faces, and how to study them. X 4746. Stanton. Physiognomy : practical and scientific treatise. X 4753- PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. I. Agriculture and Horticulture.. Hazlitt. Gleanings in old garden literature. H ligl. N. Y. {A g7-i cultural Experiment Station). ■\ 2d annual report. H 1697.^. U. S. {Agricultural De/'t). f Culture of the sugar beet in France and the U. S. H 1773. / ,r ^i. •r, „r , r, \ ComiHittee on Purchases for the ROBERT CHRISTIE, 154 West 97th Street, ' Committee on Purchases for the Apprentices' Library. „ , , Readiiig Rooms. HENRY BESSEY, 47 Cedar Street, ) "* WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue j ^^^^^^^ ^^^ WILLIAM J. VAN ARSDALE, no Bank Street. ^^^ J^^^^^^ ALBERT G. BOGERT, 64 Bank Street, 5 ^ ROBERT RUTTER, President, General Society Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-o^^ 116 East 14th Street. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, 18 East i6th Street. Index To Subjects, PACE PAGE PAGB Adams, J. I. Children's diseases. 10. Garibaldi, G. I. Africa. 7- China. 6. Gas. 9, 14- Agnosticism. 12. Cholera. 10. Geography. 7. Agriculture. 13- Civil war in the U. S. C. Geology. 9- Aikin. Hon. W. 12. Cole, W. H. I. Germany. 6. Alaska. 6. Collected works. 2. Glass. 14- Albany. 6. Colorado. 6. Gordon, C. G. I. Alps. 6. Comic works. 8. Government. II. Altruism. 12. Commerce. II- Grattan, H. American history and travels. 6. Consumption. 9- Greece. b. .American Revolution. e. Cookery. 14- Gymnastics. IS- Amusements. 15- Co-6peration. 12. Hahn, M. Anarchists. 12. Corea. 7- Hawaii : folk-lore. IS- Ancient history. 7- Correspondence. II. Health. 9- Angling. IS- Cottages. 13- Hebrides. 6. Animal mngnctism. IS- Crime. 12. Hendricks. T. A. I. Animal painting. 14- Cyclopedias. 2. Henn' V, k. of England. I. Animaliculture. 13- Dairy farming. 13- Henry VII, k. of England. I. Annals of legislative bodies. lO. Dakota. 6. Historical theology. 13- Apollonius of Tyaiia. I. Damien, Father. I- History. 6. Aqueducts. M- Dampier, W. I. History of literature. 8. Architectural drawing. IS- Darwinism. 9. Horsemanship. IS- Architectural perspective. IS- Daudet, A. 1. Horse-racing. IS- Architecture. 13- Divorce. 12. Horticulture. 13- Arctic regions. Doctrinal theology. 12. Hot-water heating. 14- Arizona. t. Domestic architecture. 13- Household economy. 14. Arnot, ]., Jr. I. Domestic economy. 14. Humorous works. 8. Assaying. IS- Dowdney, A. I. Illinois. 6. Assyria. 7. Drama. s. Immigration. II. Astronomy. ID. Draughts. 15. India. 7. Australasia. 7- Driving. IS- Indian myths. 13. Australia. 7- Ear diseases. 9- Indians. 6. Australian ballot system. II. Ecclesiastical history. 13- Industrial art. 14 Baseball. 15- Education. II. Insanity. 9- Beach, L. I. Edward VI, k. of htv^land. I. Insects. 10. Beecher, H. W. . I. Egypt. .. Insurance. II. Benevolent associations. 12. Electric lighting. 10. Intellectual philosophy. 13- Bible. 12. Electric railway. 14- International law. II. Bibliography. ;. Electricity. 10. Ireland. 6. Biography, Collective. I. Electro-plating. 15- Iron bridges. 14- Biography, Individual. I. Electro-typing. IS- Iron founding. 15- Biology. 9- Elocution. 8. Iron manufacture. 15- Birds. lo. Emerson, R. W. I. Jews. 7. Boilers. 14 Encyclopaedias. 2. Jurisprudence. II. Bolingbroke, Viscount. I Engineering. 13- Juvenile fiction. 5- Hook-keeping. II. England. 6. Lafayette, General. I. Botany. 9- Erie R. R. 6. Language. 9- Bridges. '4 Essays. 8. Lappland. 6. Bright, John. I. Etching. 14- Law. 11. Britisli history and travels. 6. Ethics. 13- Lawn tennis. IS- Buddhism. 13 Ethnology. 9- Legends. IS- Buffalo. 6. Etymology. 9- Legislative annals. ID. Building. I?- European history and travels. 6. Letter engraving. IS BiiKver, E., Lord Lvtton. I. Evolution. 9. Letters. Burial. 12. Eye diseases. 9 Lighthouses. 14. Business. 1 1 Fem.ile diseases. 9, 10. Livingstone, D. I. Business forms. 2. Fiction. 2. Locomotive. 14. Butler. K. I. Finch. J. B. 13- Logan, J. A. I. California. 6. Fine arts. 14- Logic. 13- Cancer. ID. Fi.shes. 10. London. 6. Car building. IS- Fishing. IS- Louisiana. 6. Carlyle, T. I. Florida. 6. Machine design. 14- Cattle farming. 13. Flower painting. 14. Magic lantern. 10. Cemeteries. 12. Folk-lore. 13- Manitoba. 6. Chaldee language. 9. Forensic medicine. ID. Manual training. II. Charities. 12 France. 6. Marriage. 12. ChariesII, k. of England. I Francis I, k. of France. I. Masonry dams. • 14- Checkers. IS- Freemasonry. 7- .Medical jurisprudence. 10. Chemical technology. 9. Fret sawing. 14- Medical science. 9- Chemistry. 9. Frith. W. P. I. Memoirs. I. Chess. 15. Games. IS- Mental philosophy. 13- Chest diseases. 9. Gardening. IS- Merimee, P. I. Chicago : Dept. of Public Works 14- Garfield, J. A. I. Mesmerism. 13- In asking for books, use the '• Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE PAGE PAfiE Metallurgy. IS- Periodicals, Literary. 2. Swimming. m. Metaphysics. IS- Periodicals, Scientific. 2. Switzerland. 6. Meteorology. 9- Peru. b. Synonyms. 9- Mexico. 6. Philosophy. IS- Tableaux. 15- Microscope. 9- Phoenicia. 7- Tales. 2. Military science. 11. Phonography. 9- Taxidermy. 10. Miller, J. F. I. Photography. 14- Technical education. II. Mississippi River. 6. Physical culture. 15- Technical periodicals. 2. Moral philosophy. IS- Physics. 10. Telegraph. 15- Mormonism. IS- Pike, A. F. I. Telephone. 10. Morocco. 7- Plants. 9 Temperance. 13- Motley, J. M. . Plays. 8. Theology. Biblical. 12. Moulding. 14. Plumbing. IS- Theology, Doctrinal. 12. Music. 14. Poetry. 9. Theology, Historical. 13- Mythology. 14. Polar regions. 7- Theology, Miscellaneous. 12. Names. 7- Police. 12. Theosophy. 13- Natural history. 10. Political economy. 12. Topographical drawing. 14- Natural philosophy. 10. Politics. TI. Training of the hand. II. Natural science. 9- Portland cement. IS- Trans]3ortalion systems. II. Naval science. II. Postage stamps. 7- Travels. -. Navigation. II. Poultry keeping. IS- Tulloch, J. I. Nebraska. 6. Price. W. T. United States : history, etc. 6. Negroes. II. Printing. 15' — Agricultural Department. IS- New Guinea. 7- Prisons. 12. — Bureau of Animal Industry 13- New Jersey. 6. Public documents. 10. — Bureau of Education. II. New Mexico. 6 Pulmonary tuberculosis. 9- — Bureau of Pensions. 12. New York City. 6 Railway engineering. 14- — Bureau of Statistics. II. — Aqueduct Commission. 14. Rankin. J. I. — Congress. II. — Board of Education IT. Readings. 8. — Department of Justice. II. — Board of Police Justices. t2. Rebellion, (U. S.). 6. — Interior Department. 10. — Department of Street Cleaning. 14. Religions, Various. IS- — Navy Department. II. New York State. 6. Reservoir walls. 14. — Patent Office. 14- — Assembly. 10. Rhetoric. 8. — Post Office Department. II. — Commissioners of the State Rogers, S. I. — Senate. 10, II. Reservation at Niagara. 13- Romances. 2- — State Department. 10, 12. 13. — Factory Inspectors. 12. Rome. 6. — Treasury Department. 12. — Regents of the University. II. Ropemaking. Rousseau, J. J. 15- — War Department. II. — Senate. 10. I. Universal history. 7. — State Assessors. 12. Russia. 6. Useful arts. 15- — State Board of Arbitration. 12. Saracens. 7. Vaccir.atioh. 9- — State Department. 10. Schlegel. Caroline. I. Violin-making. 14. — State Engineer and Surveyor. 14. School keeping. II. Voyages. 7. New Zealand. 7- Scientific periodicals. 2. War, Art of. II. Novels. 2. Scotland. 6. Washington, G. I. Occult literature. 13- Secret societies. 7- Washington, (City). 6. Oil painting. 14- Sepulture. 12. Water color painting. 14- Optics. 10. Sewage. 14- Wellington, Duke of. I. Oregon. 6. Shakespeareana. 8. West Point Military Academy. II. Organ building. 14- Sheridan, P. H. I. • Whist. 1 5-' Oriental history, etc. 6. Siam. 7- Wilder, M. P. I. Painting. 14. Skating. 15- Will, The. 13- Parks. 13- Social forms. 2. Wit and humor. S. Parliamentary law. II. Social science. 12. Women. 12. Parlor amusements. 15- Spiritualism. IS- Women's diseases. 9, 10. Pasadena. 6. Sports. 15- Wood-working. 13- Patent law. II. Slael, Madame de. I. Wool-raising. 13- Pattern-making. 14. Stair-buildmg. IS- Wool manufacture. 15- Pauperism. 12. Steam-engine. 14. Works, Collected. Pedagogy. II. Street railways. 14. Yellowstone National Park. 6. Peel, Sir R. I. Surgery. Surveying. 10. 14. Zoologv. 10. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement to Finding List. No. 2 Arrangement of Principal Subdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. " 2. Cycloi'.^dias. Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathema'tics. " 7. Political and Social Sciences. 8. Theology and Religion. " Q. Useful and Fine Arts. PART i. -BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Adams, J. By J. T. Morse, jr. Apollonius of Tyana. Tredwell, T 40. <7. U. M., Life of. T 134. Arnot, J./r. t Memorial addresses on. Beach. L. f Memorial addresses on. f Beecher, H. W.: an eulogy. By J. Parker. Bolingbroke, Viscount. Hassell, A. Life of. f Butler, T., and his descendants. By G. H. Bright, J. Robertson, W. T 4804. T 4807. B 7516. T 494- /'• Butler. T 6541. Life and times of. T 584.^. BuLWER, E., /(jr^/Zy/^w. Devey, Louisa. Letters of, to his wife. T 647. «/. Carlyle, T. Norton, C. E., edr. Letters of, 1826-36. T 762. w. Charles IL Adams, W. H. D. The merry monarch; or, England under. 2 v. T 842. Tidicate. Stockton. Greifenstein. Crawford. Grey, M. Reproach of Annesley. Guilderoy. Ouida. GUNTER, A, C. That Frenchman ! — edr. How I escaped. Haggard. H. R. Cleopatra. Haller, G. Le Bleuet ; an Alsatian romance. Happy find, (A). Gagnebin. Hardy, A. S. Passe Rose. Harland, Henry. See Luska, S. Harper. Olive. A fair Californian. Harte, B. Cressy. Hartas Maturin. Lester. Hatton, G. M. See Caird, Mona. Hawthorne, J. Constance ««'g- Last American. Mitchell. Last of the Thorndikes. Gilmore. Latin-Quarter courtship, and other stories. Luska. Lee, Margaret. Divorce; or, faithful and unfaithful. Lee, Mary C. Quaker girl of Nantucket. Lee, V. [Violet Paget.] Miss Brown. (F. S. L. No. 453, bound separately.) Lester, H. F. Hartas Maturin. Levy, Amy. Romance of a shop. Libbey, Laura J. That pretty young girl. Light of her countenance. Boyesen. Lindau, P. Lace: a Berlin romance. Linskill, Mary. In exchange for a soul. Little, W. J. K. Broken vow : a story of here and hereafter. Little Mrs. Murray. Philips. London life, (A.) [and other stories]. James. Long odds. Smart. Lord John ; or, a search for gold. (In " Three times tried.") Fenn. Lost wife, (A). Cameron. Louis Lambert. Balzac. LusK.\. [Henry Harland.] Grandison Mather. — Latin-Quarter courtship, and other stories. I YALL, Edna. Derrick Vaughan, novelist. McCarthy. J. and Praed, Mrs. C. Ladies' gallery. McClelland. M. G. Burkett's lock. Macquoid. Katharine S. Elizabeth Morley. — Miss Eyon of Eyon Court. Mademoiselle Solange. Julliot. Man of the name of John. J^ing. I Margery : a tale of old Nuremberg. Ebers. Margot. (In his "Three novelettes.") Musset. Marriage below zero. Dale. : Marryat, Florence. [Mrs. R. Church.] On circum- j stantial evidence. ! Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Reynolds. I Maupessant, G. de. Afloat. Mehalah : a story of the salt marshes. Baring-Gould. I Merriman, H. S. The phantom future. i Micah Clarke. Doyle. j Miss Bretherton. Ward. I Miss Brown. (F. S. L. No. 453, bound separately.) Lee. Miss Davis of Brooklyn. Gilman. Miss Eyre from Boston, and others. Afoulton. Miss Eyon of Eyon Court. Macquoid. Miss Kate ; or, confessions of a caretaker. " Rita." Miss Shafto. Norris. Miss Washington of Virginia. Blackburne. Mitchell, J. A., edr. Last American. Mitchell, S. W. Far in the forest. .Moodey, Martha L. Alan Thome. I Morris, R. Crucify her ! MouLTON, Louise C. Miss Eyre from Boston, and others. MuLHOLLAND, Rosa. Fair emigrant. Murray, D. C. Schwartz [and other stories]. Contents: Schwartz : a history. — Young Mr. Bar- ter's repentance. — Bulldog and butterfly. — Julia and her Romeo: a chronicle of Castle Barfield. — Weaker vessel. — and H. Dangerous catspaw. — a7td Herman, H. Wild Darrie. Murray, W. H. H. Adirondack tales, v. i. Contents: Story that the keg told me. — Story of the man who didn't know much. Musset, A. de. Three novelettes, and a comedy. I Contents: Margot. — The beauty-spot. — Croisilles. — Valentine's wager : comedy. My cousin Miss Cinderella. Finseau. ! My uncle Barbassou. Uchard, Near to happiness. Neighbours on the green. Oliphant. ! Nether world, (The). Gissing. New Swiss family Robinson. JVister^ NoRRis, W. E. Miss Shafto. Ohnet, G. Antoinette; or, the marl-pit mystery. — Dr. Rameau. — Will. Oliphant, Mrs. O. W. Neighbours on the green. On circumstantial evidence. Mariyat. One voyage and its consequences. Palmer. Open door. Hoiuard. OuiDA. [Louise de La Rame.] Guilderoy. Our town. Sidney. 1 Pace that kills. Saltus. I Paget, Violet. See Lee. V. ; Palmer, J. K. jr. One voyage and its consequences. Parkins. W. H. How I escaped. Passe Rose. Hardy. Paul Jones : a nautical romance. Dumas. Peard, Frances M. Country cousin. Pember, a. " Slipping away." (In •' Three times tried.") Pendleton, L. In the wire-grass. Pennycomequicks, (The). Baring-Gould. Peril of Richard Pardon. Farjeon. Phantom future. Merriman. Philips, F. C. Little Mrs. Murray. — and Wills, C. T. Fatal Phryne. j Philips, M. The devil's hat. ! Pierson, E. D. The black ball. I Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett. j Pure gold. Cameron. ! Quaker girl of Nantucket. Lee. Queen's token. Hoey. Raleigh Westgate. Johnson. Louise de La. See '' Ouida." Rankell's remains. Wendell. Raymond, Grace. How they kept the faith: a tale of the Huguenots of Languedoc. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Reproach of Annesley to Water babies. Reproach of Annesley. Grey. Reynolds, G. W. M. Canonbury House. — Days of Hogarth; or, the mysteries of old London. — Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. — Robert Macaire; or, the French bandit in England. Richardson, B. W. Son of a star : a romance of the second century. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. For Dick's sake. (In " Three times tried.") "Rita." [Mrs. O. Booth.] Adrian Lyle. — Miss Kate; or, confessions of a caretaker. Rive-;, Amelie.- Witness of the sun. Robbery under arms. Boldrewood. Robcrl Macaire. Reynolds. Romance of a shop. Leiy. Romance of an alter ego. Bryce. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Sydney. See HoLTZMEYER, Genie. Sage of sixteen, (A). Walford. St. Cuthbert's lower. ' Warden. Saltus, E. The pace that kills. — Transaction in hearts. Schiller, F. The ghost seer. (In his " Early dramas, etc:') K 2390..?. — .Sport of destiny. (In his " Early dramas, etc") K iyp.e. Schwartz [and other stories]. Murray. Search for Basil Lyndhurst. Carey. Second to none: a militai7 romance. Grant. Seraphita. Balzac. Sergeant, Adeline. Esther Denison. — Under false pretenses. Sherwood, M. E. W. Sweet-brier. Shocking example, and other sketches. Baylor. Sidney, Margaret. Our town. Si.MS, G. R. Tales of to-day. " Slipping away." (In "' Three times tried. ") Pember. Smart, H Long odds. Son of a star. Richardson. Sophy Carmine. • Winter. Southworth, Airs. E. D. E. X. Unknown ; or, the mystery of Raven Rocks. Sphinx in Aubrey parish. Chamberlain. Splendid egotist, (A). Walworth. Sport of destiny. (In his " Early dramas, etc") Schiller. K 2390. f. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. See Winter. J. S. Steadfast. Cooke. Stevenson, E. I. Janus. Stevenson, R. L. and Osbourne, L. The wrong box. Stiff-necked generation. Walford. Stockton, F. R. Great war syndicate. Story of Helen Davenant. Fane. Story of the man who didn't know much. (In his '■ Adirondack tales," vol. i.) Murray. Story that the keg told me. (In his " Adirondack tales," vol. I.) Murray. Summer in a Dutch country house. Traherne. Sweet-brier. Sherwood. Tales from "Blackwood." Nos. 1-3. 1. Bourgonef. — Thomas. — The brigand's bride. — The misogynist. — .V fetish city. — The Gascon O'Driscol. 2. An Elie ruby. — Alexander Nesbitt, ex-schoolmas- ter. — King Bemba's point. — .\ vendetta. — Master Tom- my's experiment. — A matrimonial fraud. 3. A French speculation. — Rufus Hickman of St. Botolph's. — Hans Preller : a legend of the Rhine Falls. — The Puerta de Medina. — Jack and Minor)'. Tales of to-day. Sims. Tasma. Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill. Terrible inheritance, (A). (In "Three times tried.") Allen. That Frenchman ! Guntcr. That girl from Texas. Walworth. That pretty young girl. Libbey. Thelma : a society novel. Corelli. Thoth. By the author of " A dreamer of dreams." Three days: a midsummer love story. Cooper. Three times tried, and other stories. Farjeon and others. Through love to life. Vase. TiMSOL, R. All alien from the commonwealth. TiNSEAU, L. de. My cousin Cinderella. Toilers of Babylon. Traherne, Mrs. A. A summer house. Transaction in hearts. Troublesome girl. Truth about Clement Ker. 'Twixt heaven and earth. Two chiefs of Dunboy. Two daughters of one race. Tytlek, Sarah. [Miss H. Keddie.] — French Janet. Uchard, M. My uncle Barbassou. Ul.mann, a. Frederick Struther's romance. Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill. Under false pretenses. Unknown ; or, the mystery of Raven Rocks. Vagabond tales. Vase, G. Through love to life. Walford. L. B. A sage of sixteen. — Stiff-necked generation. Walworth, Jeannette H. That girl from Texas. — Splendid egotist. Ward, Mrs. H. Miss Bretherton. Warden, Florence. The fog princes. — St. Cuthbert's tower. Weaker vessel. Murray. Wendell, B. Rankell's remains : an American novel. Werner, E. [Elisabeth Buerstenbinder.] The Alpine fay. Westall, W. Birch Dene. Wheat and tares. Claytor. When a man's single. Barrie. Wild Darrie. Murray and Herman. Farjeon. Dutch country Saltus. Duchess. Fleming. Holtzmeyer. Froude. Heimburg. Tasma. Sergeant. Southworth. Boyesen. Ohnet. Caird. Rives. Will. Wing of Azrael. Winter, J. S. [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard.] — Harvest. — Sophy Carmine. Wister, O. New Swiss family Robinson. Witness of the sun. Wood. H. F. Englishman of the rue Cain. WooLLEY, Celia P. A girl graduate. Wrong box, (The). Stevenson and Osbourne. YoNGE, Charlotte M. Beechcroft at Rockstone. You. Junior. ZlT and Xoe : their early experiences. By the author of " Lady Bluebeard." . B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Afloat in a great city. Munsey. Carey, Rosa N. Merle's crusade. Clark, Mrs. S. R. G. Tom's street. Deb and the duchess. Meade. Fairy tales. Kingsley, Rev. C. The water babies. Hale, E. E. Sunday-school stories. Kingsley, Ra: C. The water babies. Little red shop. Sidney. Meade, L. T. [Mrs. E. T. T. Smith.] Deb and the duche-ss. Merle's crusade. MiNSEY, F. A. Afloat in a great city. Perry, G. B. Uncle Peter's trust. Sidney, Margaret. Little red shop. Smith. Mrs. E. T. T. See Meade, L. T. Sunday-school stories. Hale. Tom's street. Clark. Uncle Peter's trust. Perry. Water babies. Kingsley. Carey. In asking for lxx)ks, use the " Book Order. " giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 4— HISTORY : American to Oriental. PART 4-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. A. American History and Travels. AMERICA IN C.ENERAL. Adams. Land of the Incas and the city of the sun. P 9004. Bancroft. Works, v. 16. History of the North Mex- ican states and Texas, v. 2, 1801-89. I' 7515- Brinton. f Library of aboriginal American literature. B 8527. DoDD, Mead & Co. f Americana : books relating to America. B 8527. Bryce. Manitoba : its infancy, growth, and present con- dition. P 7062. Cook, f Cardinal Guala and the Vercelli book. B 8531. Hale. Story of Mexico. P 8182. NiELD. f Catalogue of books relating to America. B 8527. Ober. Young folks' history of Mexico. P S335. Priest. American antiquities and discoveries in the west. E 9716. Smith. White umbrella in Mexico. P 8412. U. S. State Department, f War in South America and attempts to bring about a peace. P 9773. WiNSOR, edr. f Narrative and critical history of America. V. I. Aboriginal America. P 7898. UNITED STATES : HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Baker. U. S. Secret Service in the late war. [Revised ed. 1889.] Q 7514.0. Bancroft, f Historical'works of, in their relation to the progress and destiny of the Pacific states. B 7516. Bartram f Retrographs : a history of New York city prior to the Revolution, biographies of Washington, Hamilton, Hale, etc. Q 4806. Battles and leaders of the civil war. v. 4. Q 7806. Cooper. In and out of Rebel prisons. Q7560. Davis. Camp-fire chats of the civil war. Q 71 16. Depew. f Oration at reunion of the Army of the Potomac at Saratoga. June 22, 1887. B 8531. Durand. New materials for the history of the American Revolution. Q 4129. Fiske. War of independence. Q 415 i.w. Fox. f Regimental losses in the American civil war, 1861-65. Q 7832. Glazier. Down the great river: discovery of the true source of the Mississippi. Q 169. Greene. Sparks from the camp fire. Q 7174.5-. Irving. Astoria. Geoffrey Crayon edition. Q 635. 2,. f Shaler's Brigade: reunion at Gettysburg, June 12-14, 1888. Q 7742. Shepard Rifles (N. Y. Vols. 51st Regt.). f Quarter cent- ury banquet, Oct. 29, 1886. B 7516. Society of the Sons of the Revolution. + Constitution, by-laws, membership. i8«8. Q 4414. U.S. War Department. fWarofthe Rebellion. Series I, V. 2, 22 (pt. 2), and 23. Q ITl-i.c. Warner. Studies in the south and west. Q 465.J. UNITED STATES: SEPARATE STATES AND CITIES. Bancroft. Works, v. 16. History of the North Mex- ican states and Texas, v. 2, 1801-89. P 7515. — Same. v. 17. History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. P 7515. — Same. v. 30. History of Oregon, v. 2, 1848-88. P 7515. Bartram. f Retrographs : a history of N. Y. City prior to the Revolution, ^-Zf. Q 4806. Breese. Early history of IlHnois. Ed. by Hoyne. Q 9534. Buffalo Express, f Pictorial year-book and calendar for 188S. Q9538. Davidson. Florida of to-day. Q Q^S- California University. \ Library bulletin. No. 9. List of printed maps of California. B 7516. Hallock. Our new Alaska. P 7611. Holder. All about Pasadena and its vicinity. Q 921 1. Johnson. History of the Johnstown flood. Q 9232. Lamb. History of the city of New York. 2 v. Q 9655. — Wall street in history. Q 9655.7*;'. Lossing. The empire state [New York]. Q 9664.1'. Martin. History of Louisiana. Q 9674.//. New Jersey. \ General index to documents relating to colonial history, first series, 10 vols. Q 9696. New York State, f Proceedings at the laying of the cornerstone of the new capitol, June 24, 1871. B 7516. N. Y., Lake Erie & Western R.R. f Picturesque Erie : summer homes. 1889. Q 9329. — Same. Q 9329./. — f Suburban homes on the picturesque Erie. iSSg. Q 9697.'^. — Sa?ne. Q 9698. j. — f Summer excursion routes and rates. 1S89. Q 9697. <:. — Same. Q 9698./. Ruffner. f Lines of communication between southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. B 7515. Sheridan. + Expedition through the Big Horn Moun- tains, Yellowstone National Park, etc. B 7515. — a«(/ Sherman, f Inspection in 1877 of .country north of the Union Pacific R.R. B 7515. Thompson. Story of Louisiana. Q 9763. Todd. Story of Washington. Q 9443./. Warren, f Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota. B 7515. Woodman. Picturesque Alaska. P 7491. B. European History and Travels. Adams «;/(^i' Cunningham. Swiss confederation. R 9503. Airy. EngHsh restoration and Louis XIV. R 1007. Archer. English history by contemporary writers: crusade of Richard I., 1189-92. R 1013. Brandes. Impressions of Russia. S 4056. Brownell. French traits. S 1062. Crawford. English life. R 1103. Dickens. Dictionary of Paris. S 1121. DuNCKER. History of Greece to the end of the Persian war. 2 v. N S577. Hicks. Greek historical inscriptions. N S621. Jusserand. English wayfaring life in the Middle Ages. R 1642. Livius. History of Rome. Literally transl. by Spillan and Edmonds. 2 v. N 9271.^. Malleson. Battlefields of Germany. R4672. Morris. Early Hanoverians. R 1317.^. Pausanias. Description of Greece. 2 v. N 8344. Pennell. Our journey to the Hebrides. R 2347. Rideing. Young folk's' histoiy of London. R I372.>'. RossA. Irish rebels in English prisons. R 2378. Stead. Truth about Russia. S 4753. Tromhut. Under the rays of the Aurora Borealis: in the land of the Lapps and Kvaens. 2 v. R 3769. Umlauft. The Alps. R 9772. Watt a«a' Carter. Picturesque Scotland. R 27S1. C. Oriental History and Travels. BoULGER. History of China. 3 v. O 2532. Brassey. Last voyage [to India and China]. Nb 3534./. I APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Bibliography and Library Economy. Brill. + Catalogue, No. 27. Orientalia. B 8527. j CoRT. Siam; or, the heart of farther India. O 4561. Denton. Collector's rambles in Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. P 611S. Emin pasha in Central Africa. P 35S2. GiLMAN. Story of the Saracens. O 7167. Johnston. History of a slave. P 3233- JosKPHUS. Works. Transl. by Whiston. Introd. essay by Stebbing. N 7640.^ Lowell. Choson : the land of the morning calm [Corea]. , O 2664. j Oman. Indian life, religious and social. O 5338. OsHORN. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discover- ies. N 6339. I Polo. Travels. Trans!, of Marsden ed. by Wright. j O 355- ! Rawlinson. Story of Phoenicia. N 5365. j. 1 Kenan. History of the people of Israel, v. 2. From the reign of David to the capture of Samaria. N 7721. | SCHR.VDER. Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testa- ment, v. 2. N 5736. Thomson. Travels in the Atlas and southern Morocco. P 143S. Wheeler. India under British rule. O 57S7. WiLKiNS. Australasia: a descriptive and pictorial ac- count. P 6483. D. Secret Societies. Duncan. Masonic ritual and monitor. T 9129. f Masonic chronicle and official bulletin; June, 1888. B7517. New York State. Gratid Lodge of Masons, f Proceedmgs, 107th and io8th annual communication. T gtgj.a. — Royal and Select Masons. f Proceedings of Grand Council, iSSo. B 7517. — t Same. 1882. B7517. — Scottish Kite, f Reference pamphlet issued by the Council of Deliberation. B 7517. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. \ Statutes and regulations. [1S82.] B18. Pythagoras Lodge, No. i. f Catalogue of portion of library of: 22d sale, 1887. B 7517. United States. A'orthem Masonic Jurisdiction {Scottish Kite), f Constitutions of the Supreme Council, 1877. B 7517. — Supreme Council for the Southern yurisdiction. f The Sup. Council for France and its dependencies: in re Joseph Ceriieau. B 7517. E. Universal History and General Geography, Voyages, and Travels. Bourke. f Human ordure and urine in riles of a reli- gious character. B 7515. Chalmers, f The American Philatelic Association and the adhesive postage stamp. B 20. Chapin. From Japan to Granada: a tour round the world i;i 18S7-88. N 3083. DucoiDRAY. History of ancient civilization. N 5125. Greely. f International Polar expedition : proceedings of the U. S. Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay. 2 v. N 2836. Heilprin, Historical reference book. 2d ed. N 4x92. NiELD. f Catalogue of books relating to America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. B 8527. Nordhoff. Sailor life on man of war aud merchant vessel. N 2699. Parker. How to study geography. N 1343. Salverte. History of names. 2 v. T 6731. Scott Stamp & Coin Co. f Catalogue of U. S. coins belongmgto Rev. F. Ely. B 7516. Simonds and McEnnis. Panorama of the world : an historical review of all nations. . N 4746. Travel, adventure, and sport from ' ' Blackwood's Maga- zine." Nos. 1-3. N 3448. 1. Speke, Capt. Discovery of the Victoria N'yanza. — Oliphant, Laurence. My home in Palestine. — A sketch in the Tropics. — Northcote, Sir H. Stafford. How I caught my first salmon. 2. Wolseley, Gen. vi.scount. Narrati%'e of the Red River expedition. — Remarkable preservation from death at sea. — A ride to Babylon. — The King of Tristan d'Acunha : a forgotten monarch. 3. Palmer, Lieut. The North-East passage. — Two nights in southern Mexico. — Escape of the Republican exiles from Cayenne. — A bear adventure in Ceylon. — Macmillan, Geo. A. A ride across the Peloponnese. Wake. Development of marriage and kinship. T S777. Weppner. The north star and the southern cross: a two years journey round the world. 5th Amer. ed. 2 v. " N 3474. Wheeler. Course of empire. N 4478. Yonge. History of Christian names. New ed. T 6498. PART 5.-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A, Bibliography and Library Economy. Arf.rdken (Scotland) Public Lihrarv. + Report, 1886- ^7- . ■ B9535. American Library Association, f Papers and proceed ings of 8th general meeting, 1886. M 8506. ASTOR Library (N. Y. City), f 39th annual report. 188S. B 9532. Barrow, J. W. f Catalogue of books in [his] library at private sale, 1888. M 7517. BOSTO.N Public Library, f 36th annual report, 1S88. . K 9533- BowDOiN College Library, f Report for years ending June I, 18S7 and iS'SS. B 9533. Bridgeport Public Library and Reading Room, f 7th annual report. B 9533. Bronson Library (Waterburv, Ct.^. + Finding list, 1889. M 8535. Brooklyn Library, f 29th and 30th annual report, 1887- 88. B 9532. Buffalo Library, f 51st and 52d annual report, 18S7- 88. B 9534. California University. \ Library bulletin, No. 8. References for students of miracle plays and mys- teries. By F. H. Stoddard. B 8531. Chicaco Public Librarv. -f Bv-laws. Revised June, 1888. ' ' B15. — f 15th and 16th reports. 1887-88. B 9536. Cincinnati Public Library. \ Report for years ending June 30, 1S66-87. ' ' B 9536. — + Bulletin of books added during 1S8S. M 8818. Columbia College Z/i^;wrj'. f 4th annual report. B 9532. — School of Library liconomv. f Annual register. 1SS6- 87, 18S7-S8. ' B 9532. f 1st annual report, 1S87. B 9532. + Circular of information, 1S87-88. 15 9532. Crane (Thomas) Public Library. + 17th annual report. ^ B 9533 Detroit Public Librarv. f 7th annual report, 1S88. B 9536. Dunning. The Sunday school library. M Si 29. Foster. Libraries and readers. M 8156. Grand Rapids Public Librarv. + .\nuual reports, 1887- 83. ' • B 9536. Hartforo Librarv Association, f 49th and 50th reports, 1S87-88. ' B 9533. — t Bulletin, v. 9. Nos. i. 3, 4, 1887. B 9533. \ Same. v. 10, Nos. 1-4, 1888. B 9533. Liverpool Free Public Libran-. \ 35th annual report, 1888. ' B 9535. In asking for books, use the " Book Order." giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first pan of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: History and Criticism of Literature. LOTHROP Co., publishers. \ Best 267 books for libraries. Bi5- McGuiRE, J. C. t Catalogue of library of. B 8531. Maimonides Library, f Report of the librarian for 1887. B 9532. Manchester Public Free Libraries. \ 35th and 36th reports, 1886-S7, 1887-88. B 9535. New Bedford Free Public Library, f 36th annual report, 1S88. B9535. New Haven Free Public Library. \ ist annual report, 1887. B 9533. — I Bulletin, No. i. Books added June-Oct., 1887. B 9533- New \ ork City. Apprentices' Library, f By-Laws of the Library Committee, 1879. B 15. — Free Circulating Library, f Sth annual report, 18S7. B 9532. — Mercantile Library, f 66th and 67th reports, 1SS7-88. B 9532. New York State Library. \ 71st report, 18S9. M 8698. /4. Newberry' Library (Chicago). f Proceedings of the trustees July i, 1SS7 to Jan. i, 1S8S. B 9536. Omaha Public Library, f loth and iiih reports. 18S7- 88. B 9536. Parsons and others. Worlds best books : a key to the treasures of literature. M 7343. Peabody Institute. + 20th and 21st reports, 1887-SS. B S528. Philadelphia Apprentices' Library, f 68th report, 1SS8. B9534- Philadelphia Library Co. f Reports, 18S7-8S. B 9534. — i Bulletin, July 1S87-88. B 9534. Philadelphia Mercantile Library Co. f 65th annual report, 1888. B 9534. Plymouth (Engld) Free Public Library, f loth and nth reports, 18S6-87. ' B 9535. Pratt (Enoch) Free Library (Bait.), f Finding list . sec- ond supplement, 18S9. M 8715./^. — f Report of librarian, Jan. 2, 1888. B 9535. Providence AthenEeum. f 43d report, 188S. B 9533. Providence Public Library, f loth report, 1S88. B 9533. Reynolds Library (Rochester, N. Y.). f List of books in the Reading Room, i888. B 15. Rosenthal, L. f Catalogue 59. B 8527. St. Louis Mercantile Library, f 41st and 42d reports, 1887-8S. B 9535. St. Louis Public Library. \ Reports, 18S5-86, 1886-87. B9535. San Francisco Free Public Library. f Report for year ending June 30, 1888 B 9536. — + Supplementary catalogue of books added since May, 18S4. M 8888. Taunton Public Library. + 21st and 22d reports, i886- 87- B 9533. Warren Co. (Til.) Library and Reading Room, f His- torical sketch. B 9536. Worcester Free Public Library, f 2Sth report, 18S8. B 9533. Wyman. Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare con- troversy. 1884. M 7797. B. Drama and Plays. Church. Stories from the Greek tragedies. K 8089.J. Fletcher. Character studies in iSIacbeth. K 2153. Guizot. Shakespeare and his times. K 2607. Hazlitt. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. With M 9191./. Howells. The mouse trap, and other farces, K 2214.W. Contents: The garroters.— Five o'clock tea. — The mouse trap.— A likely story. Hugo. William Shakespeare. K 2216. Schiller. Dramatic works : Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell. K 2390. w. Contents : Wallenstein's camp. — The Piccolomini. — Death of Wallenstein.— Wilhelm Tell. — Works : early dramas and romances. K 2390.^. Contents : The robbers. — Fiesco. — Love and intrigue. — Demetrius, — The seer. — Sport of destiny. A'ote. — Last two titles are romances. — Works: historical dramas. K 2390.,^. Contents : Don Carlos. — Mary Stuart : a tragedy. — Maid of Orleans. — Use of the chorus in tragedy. — Bride of Messina. Shakespeare, f Bankside Shakespeare. Ed. by A. Mor- gan. V. 1-5. K 2742. . Juvenal, Persius, and others. Satires. Literally transl. by Evans. K 8235.^, Keats. Poetical works. In v. 2 tj/ K 1096.(7. Knight, edr. Wordsworthiana : selection from papers read to the Wordsworth Society. K 1249. LocKHART, transl. Ancient Spanish ballads. K 5272. OssiAN. Poems. Transl. by Macpherson. K 1339.0. Pope. Poetical works. With memoir, explanatory notes, ^tc. K 1355. 5353 'z. Richards. Aluminium : its history, etc. D 5372. Ross. The blowpipe in chemistry, mineralogy, and geol- ogy. 2d ed. D 5379. Shep.ard. Elements of inorganic chemistry. D 5403. Troilius. Chemistry of iron. 2d ed. D 576S. Winkler. Handbook of technical gas-analysis. D 5792. Wolff. Applied medical chemistry. D 5793. C. Evolution, Biology, and Ethnology. Behrens. The microscope in botany. E 520. Ferris. New theory of the origin of species. F 1147. Priest. American antiquities. E 9716. Romanes. Mental evolution in man : origin of human faculty. E 9726. Starcke. The primitive family in its origin and devel- opment. E 9421. United States. Bureau of Ethnology. f4th annual report, 1882-83. E 9891. Wallace. Darwinism. F 1465. laws. etc., 1889. X 7454. I United States. Bureau of Education, f Report of coni- I missioner for 1886-87. X 7773. Woodward. The manual training school. X 7794. Xavier Union (X. Y. City), f Reports for year ending June 16, 1887. B 8526. i Yale University. + Obituary record of graduates deceased ' in year ending June, 1888. B 8526. ' — f Report for year ending July I, 1887. B 8526. D. Government and Politics. Blair. Prosperity of the south dependent upon the elevation of the Negro. U 1044. Bruce. The plantation negro as a freeman. U 1061. Cocker. Government of the United States. U 1095. Crocker. Principles of procedure in deliberative assem- blies. V 104. Gushing Rules of proceeding and debate. Revised by Sullivan. V io8.«. Endicott, compiler, f Immigration laws of the U. S., 1887. B 6552. De Fonblanque. How we are governed. [British em- pire.] i6th ed. by Gordon. U it6. Halstead. History of nation"! political conventions of [1S60]. U i6og. Laidlaw, transl. \ Declaration of independence and constitution of the United States in German, French, and English. U 1654. Maine. International law. V 1671. Nablco. f O abolicionismo. U 9326. Philadelphia Learned Societies, f Banquet in commem- oration of the framing and signipg of the consti- tution of the United States. U 1871. Schaff, Progress of religious freedom as shown in the history of toleration acts. U 734. TiLDEN. t Phe N. Y. City " Ring " discussed. B 6551. Union League Club of N. Y. + [Charter, by-laws, etc.\ 1889. U 1454-'^. United States. State Department. \ Case of the U. S. before the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva. V i773.f- t Claims against Great Britain. 7 v. V 1773. f Opinions of the attorneys-general [onj international law, treaties, etc., iSjj. Y J-J'j.d. WiGMORE. Australian ballot system. U 7S9. E. Law. Coats ts. the Merrick Thread Co. + Defendant's record on final hearing. V 8557. Gun. f Index to advertisements for next of kin, etc. Pt. II. B6551. — f List of names of persons abroad entitled to property. B6551. Thompson. Patent law of all countries. Sth ed. V 8438. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. f Some interesting law suits. B 16. United States. Department of Justice, f Annual report of the Attorney-General" for 18S8. U 2773. .r. — State Department, f Statutes of the U. S., ist session, 50th Congress. 1887-88. V 3S91. F. Military and Naval Science. United States. Na-y Department. \ Report of the sec- retary, 1st sess., 50th Congress, 1887-S8. G 7773.^. — Senate. \ Report of the select committee on ordnance j and war ships. G inyc. 1 — War Department, f 7\nnual report [on] the U.S. I Military Academy, 1886. G 6773.0. j f Report of the secretary. 2d sess., 49th Congress, I 1S86-S7. v. 2 (pts. 1-3), 3, 4. G 6773. + Same. 1st sess., 50th Congress, 1887-88. v. i, 2 (pts. I, 3. 4) and 4 (pt. i). G 6773. I Ward. + Cadets admitted into the U. S. Military Acad- I emy. West Point, from its origin till 1S86. B 18. I Wheeler. Art and science of war. G 6479. In for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY: Doctrinal and Miscellaneous Theology. G. Political Economy and Finance. Blodgett. t The money famine and a few other reasons why the people are so poor. B 20. Clarke, R. & Co., /it/i/is/n-rs. f Catalogue of works on political economy, finance, fU. 1888. B 8527. Converse. The IJihle and land. U 4099. Dexter. Co-Operative savings and loan associations. U 4120. DONNELL. OutHnes of a new science. " U 4124. Francis. History of the Bank of England. U 75Q4"'- Oilman. Profit sharing between employer and employee. U 4167. Leeson, J. R. & Co., publishers. f Flax : shall it be " free " or " protected " ? B 6552. Medley, f Free trade unmasked. B 18. N. Y. State. State Assessors. + Annual report for 1886. B 6552. — State Board of Arbitratioti. f 1st annual report for 1886. B 6552. Schoenhof. The industrial situation and the question of wages. U 4394. United States. Set/ate. \ Reports of the Silver Com- mission of 1876. U 7773./. — State Department, f Appropriations and expenditures of the Deoartment of State from 1789 to 1876. U 7891. f International monetary conference in Paris, 1878. U 7773-^- — Treasury Department, f Annual report of the secretary for 1887. U 7773- f Laws of the United States relating to loans and ihe currency, coinage, and banking. U 7773-^. H. Social Science and Statistics. Actor's Fund of America. \ 7th annual renort, 1888. B 8528. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals, f 22d annual report, 1S87. B 8528. Baernreither. English associations of working men. u 9513- Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, f 6th annual report, 1887. B 17. Brooklyn Children's Aid Society. \ 22d annual report, 18S7. B 17. Byrnes. Professional criminals of America. U 9S14. Campbell. Prisoners of poverty abroad. U 9073.^. Davitt. Leaves from a prison diary. U 9115. Fawceit. Pauperism : its causes and remedies. U 9144. Green-wood Cemetery. + Report for 1880. B 6551. N. Y. City. Board of Police Justices, f Annual report for year ending Oct. 31, 1888. U 9697. f. — Charity Organization Society. \ 6th annual report, 1888. B 8528. f New York charities directory. 3d ed. 1888. X 8329. — Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund. \ 22d annual report, 1887. ^ B 8528. — Society for the Prevention of Cruelly to Children. \ I3lh annual report, 1887. B 8258. N. Y. State. Factory Inspectors. \ isl annual report for 1886. B 6552. Ohio Society of N. Y. f Constitution and by-laws, 1888. B 19. Pelham. Chronicles of crime ; or, the new Newgate calendar. 2 v. U 9707. ScHAACK. Anarchy and Anarchists in America and Eu- rope. U 9734. Sheltering Arms (N. Y. City), f 23d and 24th annual reports. 1S87-88. B 16. Smiley, f Altruism considered economically. B 6552. Statesman's year-book for 1S89. Ed. by J. S. Keltic. U 6421. U. S. Bureau of Pensions. \ Annual report of the com- missioner for 1S87-8S. B 6551. — Bureau of Statistics. f Statistical abstract of the U. S., 1S85-87. U 6773.^. — State Department. \ Proceedings of the International Sanitary Conference of 1S81. F 2891. t Quarantine laws of the U. S., 1887. B 6552. Vanderbilt Benevolent Association of Charleston, S. C. f In remembrance of Hon. \\'m. Aiken, 1887. B 7516. WiCKES. Sepulture : its history, methods, and sanitary requisites. T 8789. I. Women. Association for the Advancement of Women, f 15th annual report, 1887. B 19. Converse. Marriage and divorce in the U. S. U 9099. Penny. 500 employments adapted to women, married or single. U 9346./. Snyder. Geography of marriage ; or, legal perplexities of wedlock in the U. S. V 5413. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. A. Biblical Theology. Blake. The book ; or. where and by whom the Bible was written. Y 2044. Farrar. History of interpretation. Y 2586.//!. HoRNE. Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. loth ed. 4 v. Y 2627. I. Summary of the evidence for the Holy Scriptures. By Rev. T. H. Home. 2. Text of the Old Testament, with a treatise on sacred interpretation. By Samuel Davidson. 3. Summary of biblical geography and an- tiquities. By Rev. Thos. H. Home. 4. Introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament. By T. H. Home and S. P. Tregelles. Little. Biblical lights and side-lights : 10.000 illustra- tions. 2d ed. Y 2662. Parker. The people's Bible, v. 1-9. Y 2706. I. The book of Genesis. 2. The book of Exodus. 3. Leviticus-Numbers xxvi. 4. Numbers xxvii. -Deu- teronomy. 5. Joshua-Judges v. 6. Judges vi.-i Sam- uel xviii. 7. I Samuel xviii.-i Kings xiii. 8. i Kings xv.-i Chronicles ix. 9. I Chronicles x. -2 Chronicles xx. — The people's Bible : Acts of the Apostles. 3 v. Y 2706.0. — The people's Bible : Gospel of Matthew. 3 v. Y 2706. w. Reade. Bible characters. Spence and Exell, edrs. Chronicles. — Same : Genesis. Sth ed. — Same: Jeremiah, v. i. — \ Same : Jeremiah. Y 2366.^. f Pulpit commentary : i Y 2750.;^. Y 2750.^. Y 2 7 50. J. Y 2750.//. — Same : Judges and Ruth. 4th ed. Y 2750./. — Satne : St. Mark. v. I. 2d ed. Y 2750.W. WiLLSON. Wonderful story of old. 2 v. Y 2790. I. Old Testament history. 2. New Testament history. B. Doctrinal and Miscellaneous The- ology. American New Church Tract and Publication Society. f 22d annual report. B 16. Christianity and Agnosticism : a controversy. Z 20S7. Dawson. Facts and fancies in modern science. Z 3115./. — Modem science in Bible lands. Z 311?.;//. Fullerton. a plain argument for God. Y 6160. Kedney. Christian doctrine harmonized and its ration- ality vindicated. 2 v. Y 6643. New York State. Young Men'' s Christian Associations. f 22d annual meeting of the state association. B 8529. I APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AJJD FINE ARTS : Engineering. 13 New York City. Young Men's Christian Association. + 35th annual report. B 8529 — Voting IVomi'n's Christian Association, f 17th annual report. B 8529. Spence and others. Thirty thousand thoughts [on] reli- gious and allied topics. 6 v. Y 5750. I. Christian evidences. — The Holy Spirit. — The beat- itudes. — The Lord's prayer. — Man and his traits of character. 2 Man's nature and constitution. — The laws by which man is conditioned. — The epistles to the seven churches of Asia. — The seven sayings on the cross. — Virtues, including excellences (first part). 3. Virtues, including excellences (2d-5th part). — The Mosaic economy. 4. Jehovistic names and titles of God. — Attributes of God. — Sins. — Christian dogmatics. 5. Christian dogmatics (concluded). 6. Old Testament scripture characters (Male). — New Testament scripture characters (Male). Wright, f Realities of heaven. IIL B 16. C. Historical Theology. COMBA. History of the Waldenses of Italy. Y 3557. Cornell University Library, f Catalogue of the histor- ical library of A. D. White, r. The Protestant Reformation. M 8S21. DORNER. History of Protestant theology particularly in Germany. 2 v. Y 6574. D. Mythology and Various Religions. Beers. The Mormon puzzle and how to solve it. Z 4033. Cairo. Introduction to the philosophy of religion. New ed. Z 9071. Dickinson. New light on Mormonism. Z 4121. Emerson. Indian myths ; or, legends, traditions, and symbols of the aborigines of America. Z 85S2. Kalakaua. Legends and myths of Hawaii. Z 8642. KiNGSLEY. The heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. Z 7244. Lamb. The golden Bible ; or, the Book of Mormon : is it from God? Z 4259. Mills. Tree of mythology: its growth and fruitage. Z S6S3. Schermerhorn. Sacred scriptures of the world. Z 9734. SiNNETT. Esoteric Buddhism. Z S407. Witt. Classic mythology. Z 7487. E. Occult Literature. Ashburner. Animal magnetism and spiritualism. X 5510. Baughan. Influence of the stars. X 5518. Part I. Astrology. Part 2. Chiromancy. Part 3. Physiognomy. Blavatsky. The secret doctrine: the synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy. 2 v. X 5527.J. I. Cosmogenesis. 2. Anthropogenesis. FuLLERTON. f Wilkesbarre letters on theosophy. B 19. New York City. Thirteen Club, f 6th annual report. 1888. B 85-29. Raue. Psychology applied to the solution of occult psy- chic phenomena. X 5719. F. Philosophy, Mental and Moral. American Temperance Union, f Memorial services in honor of John B. Finch. B 18. Argyll. What is truth ? X 3014.^'. Fothergill. The will power: its range in action. X 3155. Galton. Natural inheritance. X 4597.;/. Kant. Critical philosophy for English readers. By Mahaffy and Bernard, v. i, 2. X 3236.4. 1. Kritik of the pure reason explained and defended. 2. Prolegomena to any future metaphysic. Lotze. Outlines of logic. X 6273. McCosH. First and fundamental truths. X 3277./. Mantegazza. Testa: a book for boys. X 9287.5. Perez. First three years of childhood. X 3347. Plato. Best thoughts. Compiled from Jowett's transla- tion. X 2354./^. PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. A. Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ani- maliculture. Beale. Profitable poultry keeping. Ed. by Weld. H 1031. Brown. People's farm and stock cyclopedia. 2 v. in I. H 1537- Ellwanger. The garden's story; or, pleasures and trials of an amateur gardener. H 2135.^. New York State. Commissioners of the State Reservation at Niagara, f 3d annual report for 1S86. B2517. — + Supplemental report. 1887. B 2517. — \ 4th annual report for 18S7. B 2517. Roe. The home .acre. H 2376. /i. Stockbridge. Rocks and soils: their origin, composition, and characteristics. H 1754. United States. Agricultural Department, f Examina- tion of wools and other animal fibres. By \V. Mc- Murtie. H 1S91. — f Report of commissioner, 1886, 1887. H I773.<'- —1 Bureau 0/ Animal Industry. \ 3d annual report. 1886. H I773vf- — Senate, f Report on the rights and interests of Ameri- can fisheries and fishermen. H I773''''- — State Department, \ Cattle and dairy farming. 2 pts. H I773/- B. Architecture and Building. American Architectural Association, f American stair- builder and instructor. G 9902. Baldwin. Hot-water heating and fitting. G 9514. Berg. Safe building. G 9523. Brown. Contractors', builders', and carpenters' buiUling table and estimate book. G 9537- Brunner. Cottages; or, hints on economical building. C S537. Burn. Building construction: timber, lead, and iron work. v. 2. Plates. 09814.(7. California University. . f Building stones of California. By A. W. Jackson. B 3512. Deforest, f Indian domestic architecture. G 8824. De Graff. Stair builder's guide. G 9824. Dictionary of technical and trade terms of architectural design and building construction. G 8573. Faija. Portland cement for users. 2d ed. G 9142. GwiLT. Encyclopaedia of architecture. New ed. by Papworth. G S608. f Modern architectural designs and details, v. 2 (Oct., 1888 to March, 1889). G 8863. Mooney. American gas engineer and superintendent's hand book. G 9315. Osborne. Art of house-planning. G 8339. Putnam. Improved plumbing appliances. G 9716. Unwin. Exercises in wood-working for handicraft classes. G 9891. C. Engineering. Adams. Notes in mechanical engineering. G 1004. — Strains in ironwork. G 4004. j. BOLLER. Construction of iron highway bridges. G 4530. In asking for l)ooks. use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 14 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Painting, Plastic Arts, and Finp Arts Generally. Brewkr. Elementary engineering. G 1057. Calii-- SUPPLEMENT No. 3 FINDING LIST APPRENTICES' LIBRARY ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED BY The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Containing a List of Books added from September, i88^ to December, r8^. NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1890 IMPORTANT TO READERS OF THE APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. Readers will promote their own convenience and facilitate the work of the Library by purchasing a catalogue, which will enable them, at their leisure, to make lists of such books as they may desire. By having a catalogue at home they will be better able to make an intelligent selection, as they will have an opportunity of familiarizing themselves with the resources of the Library on any subject. The catalogue is brought down to date, and contains not only the books in the Apprentices' Library, but includes, as well, the whole of the valuable reference department, and also the Demilt Circulating Department, comprising; altogether, over 86,000 volumes. It is arranged on a plan that is within the comprehension of the most inexperienced reader, and has been pronounced by experts to be the best work of its kind ever published. There are numerous references intended to aid the reader in his studies, and there is prefixed an index containing over 4,000 heads, which will enable any one to turn to any subject desired, where will be found, in one place, all the works (and in many cases the parts of works) the Library has on any given topic. The catalogue can be obtained either complete or in parts, as the reader may elect. The complete catalogue is in one octavo volume, including supplements Nos. i, 2, and 3, strongly bound in cloth, price $1.00. The separate parts, each of which has its own index of subjects, are for sale at the following prices : Part I. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters, ..... 2. Cyclopaedias, Collected Works, Periodicals, and Juvenile Literature, 3. Fiction (including Juvenile Fiction), ..... 4. History, Geography, Voyages and Travels, .... 5. Literature and Language, ...... 6. Natural Science, Mathematics, and Medical Science, 7. Political and Social Sciences, ..... 8. Theology and Philosophy, ....... 9. Useful and Fine Arts, ....... Supplement No. i. Containing the additions from January to December, 188 Supplement No. 2. Containing the additions from January to August, 1889, Supplement No. 3. Containing the additions from September, 1889, to December, 1890, " Price, 10 10 cents " 25 i( " IS " " 15 (( " 10 " « 10 i< << 15 « " 10 18. Evelyn, J. I. Evolution. 22, 27. Exercise. 23. Explosives. 31- Eye diseases. 23- Factory labor. 26. Fiction. 4- Fiction, JuvenUe. 13- Finance. 26. Fisheries. 24. Fishes. 24. Fisk, W. I. Florida. 17- Flower painting. 3?- Flowers. 82, 28. Folk lore. 28. Food adulterations. 30. Forth bridge. 29. Foundry practice. 31. Fox, C. J. I. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Index to Subjects. PAGE PAGE 1 PAGE France. 17- Idaho. 2. Marie Louise, Empress. 2. Franklin, B. I. Immigration. 26. Marine engineering. 29. Free trade. 26. Immortality. 27. Marine surveying. 29 Freemasonry. i3. Indexes. 19. Masonry (Secret Society). 18. French language. 21. India. IS. Masonry (Trade). 28. French literature. 21. Indication. 29. Massachusetts. 17 French revolution. I7 18. Industrial art. 30. Mathematics. 23. Froebel. F. I. Industrial exhibitions. 31- Mechanical drawing. 30- Fruit-wines. al- Industrial history. 25- Mechanics. 24- Furniture so. Infantry tactics. 26. Medical science. 23. Future life. 27- Infidelity. 27. Memoirs. I. Future punishment. 27- Inquisition. 27. Memory. 25- Gallenga, A. I. Insanity. 23- Mesmerism. 28. Games. 30. Insects. 23- Metal' turning. 29 Gardening. 23. Intellectual philosophy. 27- Metallurgy. 31- Garfield, J. A. i; Internal revenue. 26. Metaphysics. 27. 28. Gas. 22. Interoceanic communication. 29. Meteorology. 23- Gas engines. 29. Iron. 31. Metrology. 23- Gems. 30. Iroquoian languages. 21. Mexico. 16. Geography. 18. Italy. 17- Midwifery. 23. Geography, Physical. 23- Japan. 18. Military science. 26. Geology. 23- Jay, J. 2. MiUwork. 29. Geometry. 23. Jefferson, J. 2. Mineral spring waters. 23. George II.. King of England. Jefferson, Thomas. 16. Mineralogy. 23. Georges, The, Kings of Eng- Jesus Christ. 27. Mining. 29. land. I 17- ewish history. 18. Miscellany, Literary. 20. German language. 21. _'oan of Arc. 2. Missions. 27 Germany. 18. ohnstown flood. 17- Mississippi. 17- Glass blowing. 30. Jones, Eli. 2. Mnemonics. 25- Glazier. W. I. Jones, Sibyl. 2. Money. 26. Glover, W. I. Josephine, Empress. 2. Monk, General. 2. God. 27- Kansas crusade. 25- Monopolies. 26. Goethe, J. W. von. Kimlergarten education. 25- Montana. 17- Gothic architecture. 29. Kirby, Georgiana B. 2. Moral philosophy. 27- Government. 25. Labor. 26. Morocco. 18. Graining. 2S. Land surveying. 29. Mortars. 23. Grand Army of the Republic. 16. Language. 21. Mosquitoes. 23. Greece. 18. Latin language. 21. Moths. 23. Greek language. 21. Law. 25- Muhlenberg, Dr. W. A. 2. Greek literature. 21. Lawn tennis. 30,31- Music. 30. Greenland. 17- Legislative bodies. 25- Muskhogean languages. 21. Gunsmithing. 31- Letters. I. Mythology. 28. Gustavus Adolphus. 2. Leucomaines. 23- Napier, Sir C. 2. Gymnastics. 31- Library economy. 19. Natural history. 23. Hamilton, A. 2. Life-Saving Service (6^.5.). 26. Natural philosophy. 24- Hand-railing. 29. Light. 24. Natural science. 22. Hansa towns. The. IS. Limes. • 28. Naval architecture. 29. Hastings, W. 2. Lincoln, Abraham. 2. Naval warfare. 26. Havelock. 2. Lincolnshire. 17- Negro problem. 25- Hawthorne, N. 2 Linear perspective. 30. Nelson, H. 2. Hayes, R. B. 2 Liquors. 30. Nelson. J. Y. 2. Hayti. 16. Liszt, F. 2. Nevada. 17- Heat. 24. Literary criticism. 21. New England. 17- Heating. 28. Literary history. 21. New Jersey. 17- Heaven. 27- Literary miscellany. 20. Newman, Cardinal. 2. Hill. B. H. 2. Literary periodicals. 3- Newspaper reporting. 21. Hindu literature. 21. Literature and language. 19. Nile river. 18. History. 16. Lilhology. 23- Norseland. 17- History of literature. 21. Locke, John. 2. North America. 16. History of the church. 27- Locks. 29. Novels. 4. Hone. P. 2. Locomotives. 29. Occult literature. 28. Horse, The. 23. Logarithms. 23- O'Connell. D. 2. Horsemanship. 30. Logic. 27- Oglethorpe, General. 2. Horseshoeing. 30. London. 17- Old age. 23. Horsetaming. 3'- Machine design. 29- Oliver, H. K. 2. Horticulture. 28. Machinery. 29. Opium habit. 23. House decoration. 30. Macready. W. C. 2. Orchids. 23. Household economy. 30. Madagascar. IS. Ordnance. 26. House-painting. 28. Madison, James. 16. Oriental history and travels. 18. Howitt, Mary. 2. Magic lantern. 24- Ornament. 30. Humorous works. 22. Magnetism. 24 Orthographic projection. 30. Hungary. 18. Magneto-electric machines. 24. Painting. 30. Hunting. 30. Manners. 27- Palermo. Hydraulic cements. 28. Manual training. 25- Palestine. is! Hymnology. 28. Map drawing. 30. Palmistry. 23. Hypnotism. 28. Marbling. 28. Panama. x6. Ibsen. 2- Marie Antoinette. =• Paper-making. 31. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE PAGE PAGE Paris exposition. 31. Rubinstein, A. 2. Theology, Biblical. 27- Park. .Mungo. 2. Russell, Lord]. 2. Theology, Controversial. 27. Parliamentary law. 25- Russia. 17, 18. Theology, Devotional. 28. Patent law. 26. Russia in Asia. 18. Theology, Doctrinal. 27- Pattern making. 29. Salvation army. 27. Theology, Practical. 28. Pauperism. 26. Savannah. 17. Theology, Sectarian. 28. Pedagogy. 25- Savonarola. 2. Theosophy. 28. Peerage. 2. Saws. 29. Theresa {St.) of At'ila. 2. Pensions. 26. Science. 24. Thiers, L. A. 2 Periodicals, Index to. 19. Scientific amusements. 24. Throat diseases. 23 Periodicals, Literary. 3. Scientific periodicals. 4- Tiles. 28. Periodicals, Scientific. 4- Scotland. 17- Tin. 31 Persian literature. 21. Scott, Sir\N. 2. Tornadoes. 23- Perspective. 30. Sculpture. 30. Training. 31- Pestalozzi, A. 2. Seamanship. 22. Transactions. 4- Peterborough, C. M., earl ./. Sectarian theology. 28. Travels and voyages. 18. Petroleum engines. 29. Semitic languages. 21. Trigonometry. 23- Philately. IS. Sermons. 28. Trollope, T. A. 2. Philosophy. 27. Sewerage. 29. Tropical fibres. 28. Phoenicia. 18. Sex. 23. Turkey. 17- Phonography. 21. Shakespeare, W. 2. Turning lathes. 29. Photography. 30. Sheep. 28. Typewriting. 21. Photometry. 24. Ship building. 29. United States : Histoiy and trav Physical geography. 23- Shoemaking. 31. els. 16. Physical training. 31. Shooting. 31- United States : Separate states Physics. 24. Shorthand. ' • 21. and cities. 17- Physiognomy. 28. Siberia. 18. Universal history. 18. Physiology. 23- Sign-writing. 28. Upholstery. 30 Pianoforte. 30. Signal service {U. S.). 23- Useful arts. 31- Plantagenets, The. 17. Silver coinage. 26. Utah. 17- Plastering. 28. Slide valve gears. 29. Vaccination. 23. Players. 19. Social science. 26. Van Bur en, M. 2. Plays. 19. Socialism. 26. Ventilation. 28. Playwriting. 31- Society. 27. Vermont. 17- Plumbing. 29. Solomon Islands, 18. Vienna International Exhibition. 31 Poaching. 31- South America. 16. Vinegar. 31- Poetry. 21. Spanish America. 16. Violins. 30. Police. 26. Spanish language. 21. Volumetric analysis. 22. Political economy. 26. Speculation, Art of. 26, Voyages and travels. 18. Political science. 25- Speeches. 20. Wallack, L. 2. Portuguese America. 16. Sports. 30. Walpole, Sir R. 2. Postage stamps. 18. Stage, The. 19. War, Art of. 26. Potential. 24. Statistics. 26. Washington, G. W. 2. Poverty. 26. Steam engine. 29. Washington territory. 17- Practical theology. 28. Stebbins, G. B. 2. Water engineering. 29. Prayer. 27. Steel. 31- Water gas. 29 Preaching. 28. Steel pens. 31. Waterways. 29. Precious stones. 23, 30. Steel square. 29. Water works. 29. Printing. 31. Stowe, Harriet B. 2. Wealth. 26. Pronunciation. 21. Strafford, T. W. lord. 2. Webster, D. 2. Prophecy. 27. Stratford de Redclifle. 2. Wellington, Duke of. 2. Protection. 26. Stratford-on-Avon. 17- West Indies. 16. Protestantism. 28. Strength of materials. 29. West Point Military Academy. 26. Psychology. 27, 28. Submarine boats. 26. Whist. 30. Public documents. 25- Sugar analysis. 22, White Mountains. 17- Puddings. 30. Surveying. 29. Willard, Frances E. 2. Pumps. 29. Sweden. 18. Williams, M., Q.C. 2. Pyrenees. ^1- Swedenborgianism. 28. Wilmer, R. H., Bp. of Alabama 2. Rackets. 31- Switzerland. 17, 18. W^inchester (England). 17- Railroad bridges. 29. Synthetic philosophy. 27. Winnipeg country. 16. Railroads. 29. Tales. 4- Wisconsin. 17. Readers. 20. Tanning. 31- Wit and humor. 22. Rebellion (t/. S.). 16. Tariff. 26. Witchcraft. 28. Religion and science. 27- Teaching. 25- Women, 27- Religions, Various. 28. Technological journals. 4- Wood, Hev. J. G. 2, Reporting. 21. Teeth of gears. 29. Wood-turning. 31- Rhetoric. 20. Temperance. 27- Wood-working. 29. Riding. 30. Ten commandments. 27. Woodstock (Ct.). IT- Road making. 29. Tennessee, 23- Works, Collected. S' Roman Catholic Church. 28. Tennis. 31- Wrestling. 31.^ Romances. 4- Terra cotta. 28. Wyoming. 17- Roof trusses. 29. Theatre. 31- Yellowstone Park. 17. Rossetti, D. G. 2. Theism. 27- APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement No. 3 to Finding List. Arrangement of Principal Subdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. 2. Cyclopedias, Collected Works, and Periodicals. 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. 5. Literature and Language. 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. 7. Political and Social Sciences. 8. Theology and Religion. 9. Useful and Fine Arts. PART i.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Alcott, Louisa M.: her life, letters, and journals. Ed. by Ednah D. Cheney. T 72. r. Alexander the great. Dodge, T. A. Great captains. T lU. Arblay, Madame d'. See BuRNEY, Fanny. Arnold, T. Stanley, A. P. Selections from [his] life of. T 170. Note. — In Johnson, S. and Stanley, A. P. " Two great teachers." Arthur, C. A. Stoddard, W. O. Lives of the presi- dents. T 5423. f. Ascham, R. Johnson. S. Memoir of. T 170. Note. — In Johnson, S. and Stanley, A. P. " Two great teachers." Austen, Jane. Maiden, Mrs. C. Famous women. T 205. w. Ballou, H. : a marvellous life-story. By O. F. Safford. T247. Baltimore, Barons. See Calvert, G. and C. Bashkirtseff, Marie. Journal of a young artist, 1S60- 84. T 296. Beaconsfield. Lord. By J. A. Froude. T 1235./. Beaumont, Mrs. B. Twelve years of my life. T 333. Birney, J. G. and his times. By W. Bimey. T 431. Note. — " The genesis of the Republican party, with some account of the Abolition movement in the south before 1828." Bismarck, Prinz O. von. The iron chancellor in private life. By a fellow student. T 433./. Bonaparte, C»//c«w^j.f. By I. de Saint-Amand. T soi.r. Note. — Afterwards, empress Josephine. Bourbons. The. Bingham, Capt. D. Marriages of the Bourbons. 2 v. T 546. Breton, J. Life of an artist : an autobiography. T 576. Browning, R. Sharp. W. Life of. T 614. j. Bryant, W. C. Bigelow, J. American men of letters. T bi-].b. — Century Association (N. Y. City). + The Bryant fes- tival at " The Century." T 4813. Birney. Fanny [.Madame d'Arblay] and her friends. Ed. by L. B. Seeley. T 663.J. Butler, J. Pynchon, T. R. Bishop Butler : a religious philosopher for all time. T 693 q. Calvert, G. and C. barons Baltimore. By W. H. Browne. ' T 727. Carette, Madame. Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. T 751. Childs, G. W. Recollections. T 866. Olive. Lord. By Col. Sir C. Wilson. T 948. w. Conkling.R. Conkling, A. R. Life and letters of. T 996. Cook, Captain. By W. Besant. T 1004 b. Coston, Mrs. Martha J. A signal success : an auto- biography. T 1 01 9. Dalhousie, Marquess of. By Sir W. W. Hunter. T 1123. Dana, R. H. : a biography. By C. F. Adams. 2 v. T 1132. Davis, Jefferson. Life and reminiscences of. By dis- tinguished men of his time. T 11 51./. Davis, J., the navigator, 1550-1605. Markham, C. R. T 1151. Desiree, queen of Sweden and Norway. By Baron Hochschild. T 11 96. Dickens, C. A collection of [his] letters, 1833-70. T \z\i.k. Note. — Abridged from the 3 vol. edition. DUPLEIX, J. F. Malleson, Col. Rulers of India. T 1294. Dyer, H. Records of an active life. T 1308. Edwards, J. Allen, A. V. G. American religious leaders. T 1343. Ellis, S. Moor, Rev. C. R. Faith and righteousness : a memorial of. T 1356.W. Emerson, R. W. Woodbury, C. J. Talks with. Ti363.zf. Ericsson, J. Church, W. C. Life of. 2 v. T 1383. Evelyn, J. Diary, 1641-1706. Ed. by W. Bray. T I4C2.*. FiSK, W. Prentice, G.. D. leaders. Fox, C. T. Wakeman, H. O. Franklin, B. Morse, J. T. D. , American religious T 1513. Life of. T 1568.W. American statesmen. T 1572.6. Transl. and annotated by T 1583.0. Froebel, F. Autobiography Michaelis and Moore. C.ALLENGA, A. Episodes of my second life. T 1619. Garfield. J. A. Stoddard. \V. O. Lives of the presi- dents. T 5423. f. George II. Hervey, J. Memoirs of the reign of. Ed. by Croker. 3 v. R 1618. Georges, The, kings of England. McCarthy, J. His- tory of the four Georges, v. 2. R 1277./. Glazier, W. Owens, J. A. Sword and pen. T 1693. Glover, W. Reminiscences of half a centurj'. T 1705. Goethe, J. W. von. Boyhood and youth of. Transl. by Oxenford. 2 v. T 1714.0. Note. — Books I. to XI. of his "'Truth and poetry from my life." asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the .AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 1— BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS : Collective Biography. Ci'STAVUS Adolpluis and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. By C. R. L. Fletcher. T 179S./. Hamilton, A. By W. G. Sumner. T 1844.(7. Hastings, \V. By Sir A. Lyall. T 1892./. Havelock, H. By A. Forbes. T 189S./. Hawthorne, N. Conway, M. D. Life of. T igoS.r. Hayes, R. B. Stoddard, W. O. Lives of the presi- dents. T 5423. r. Hill, B. H. f Memorial addresses on. T 4841. Hone, P. Diary, 1828-51. Ed. by B. Tuckerman. T 2116. HowiTT, Mary : an autobiography. Ed. by Margaret Howitt. 2 V. T 2146. Ibsen, H., 1828-8S : a critical biography. By H. Jaeger. T2211. Jay, J. Pellew, G. American statesmen. T 2288./. Jefferson, J. Autobiography. T 2293.a. Joan of Arc. Adams, W. H. D. The maid of Orleans. T 2330.^. Jones, Eli and Sibyl : their life and work. By R. M. Jones. T 2341./. JoNSON, B. Swinburne, A. C. Study of. T 2342. j. Josephine. Empress. Saiht-Amand, I de. Citizeness Bonaparte. T 501. r. Court of the. T 2349.;-. Wife of the first consul. T 2349. j. KlREY. Georgiana B. Years of experience : an autobio- graphical narrative. T 2453. Lincoln, Abraham. Herndon, W. H. and Weik, J. W. Lincoln : the true story of a great life. 3 v. T 2691.?. — Nicolay, J. G. and Hay, J. Abraham Lincoln : a history. 10 v. T 2691. w. — Van Buren, G. M. Abraham Lincoln's pen and voice : a compilation of his letters, addresses, etc. T 2691. D. Liszt, F., artist and man, 1811-40. By L. Ramann. 2 V. T 2698.;-. Locke, John. By A. C. Fraser. T i-jin.g. Macready, W. C. By W. Archer. T 2834.^. Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. By 1. de Saint- Amand. T 2885.?'. Marie Louise, Empress. Saint-Amand, I. de. Happy days of. T 2885. j. Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. T2885.^. Monk, C^wm?/. By J. Corbett. T 3135.^-. Muhlenberg, Dr. W. A. Newton, W. W. American religious leaders. T 3207.;/. Napier, Sir C. By Col. Sir W. Butler. T 3260. Nelson, H., and the naval supremacy of England. By W. C. Russell. T 3284.;-. Nelson, J. Y. O'Reilly, H. Fifty years on the trail. T 3284.^'., Cardinal. By R. H. Hutton. T 3293. O'Coxnell, D. O'Hanlon, J. \ Report of the O'Con- nell monument committee. T 3702. Oglethorpe, General. By H. Bruce. T 3365./;. Oliver, H. K. By Rev. J. H. Jones. T 4702. J'ARK. Mungo, and the Niger. By J. Thomson. T 3432./. Pestalozzi, a. : his life and work. By R. de Guimps. T 3479- Peterborough, C. M.. earl of. By W. Stebbing. T 34S4. R(jSSETTI, D. G., as designer and writer. By W. M. Rossetti. T 3783- ''• Rubinstein, A. Autobiography, 1829-89. T 3800. Russell, Z^rfl' J. Walpole, S. Life of. 2 v. T 3813.W1. Savonarola : his life and times. By \V. Clark. T 3873.'-. Scott, Sir W. Journal. 2 v. T 3977.7'. Shakespeare, W. Phillipps, J. O. H. Outlines of the life of. Sth ed. v. i, 2. T 4025.(7. — \Valter, J. Shakespeare's true life. T 5881. Stebbins, G. B. Upward steps of seventy years. T4215.//. Stowe, Harriet B. McCray. Florine T. Life-work of the author of " Uncle Tom's cabin." T 4248. — Stowe, C. E. Life of Harriet B. Stowe. T 4248. j. Strafford, T. Wentworth. lord. By H. D. Traill. T 425'x Stratford de Redcliffe. Poole, S. L. Life of. T 4251. Theresa, Saint, of Avila. By Mrs. B. Gilman. T 4374 Thiers, L. A. Remusat, P. de. The great Frencl ' writers. T 4377.^. Trollope, T. a. What I remember, v. 2. T 4474- •J^. Van Buren, M., to the end of his public career. By G. Bancroft. T 4581. (^. Wallack, L. Memoirs of fifty years. T 4643.W. Walpole, Sir R. By J. Morley. T 4644. w. Ward, W. G., and the Oxford movement. T 4654.7;'. Washington, G. Irving, W. f Life of. Cetitennial edi- tion, v. 3-5. T 4894. Webster, D. f Obituary addresses on the death of. T 4783. Wellington, Duke of. Letters of, to Miss J., 1834-51. Ed. by Christine T. Herrick. T 4735-''- Willard, Frances E. Glimpses of fifty years : auto- biography of an American woman. T 4841.^^ Williams, M., Q. C. Leaves of a life. T 4845./. WiLMER, R. H., /f. of Alabama. The recent past from a southern standpoint. Reminiscences of a grand- father. T 4S47. Wood, Rev. J. G. : his life and work. By Rev. T. Wood. T4902.W. B. Collective Biography. Bayle. f A general dictionary, historical and critical. ID v. T go6. Bolton. Famous English authors of the 19th century. T 5049-t- Burke. \ Dictionary of the peerage and baronetage [of Great Britain and Ireland]. 51st ed. 1889. T 6540. Cunningham. Lives of British painters, sculptors, and architects. . 6 v. T 5 107. a. Dobson. Four Frenchwomen. T 5124./. Douglas. Heroes of the Crusades. T 5126. Dyer. Great senators of the U. S. 40 years ago. T 5130.^. Note. — " Personal recollections and delineations of Calhoun, Benton, Clay, Webster, General Houston, Jefferson Davis, and others." Edwards. The Romanoffs : tsars of Moscow and em- perors of Russia. T 5134.7. Fawcett. Some eminent women of our times^. T 5146. Ferris. Great leaders : historic portraits from the his- torians. T 5147. FoRSTER. Four great teachers : John Ruskin, Thomas Carlyle, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Robert Browning. T 5155./. Giddings, compiler. American Christian rulers. T 5600. Ireland. Through the ivory gates : studies in psychol- ogy and history. T 5634. Contents : Emanuel Swedenborg. — William Blake. — Insanity of King Louis II. of Bavaria. — Chas. J. Gui- teau. — Louis Riel. — Gabriel Malagrida. — Theodore of Abyssinia. — Thebaw, king of Burma. Japp. Labour and victory : a book of examples. 5th ed. T 5228./. Contents : Sir James Outram. — Bishop Selwyn. — Thos. Edward. — Sir Titus Salt. — Thomas Davidson. Scotch Probationer. — William Ellis. — Sir James Simp- son. — Friedrich Albrecht Augusti. — Master Missionaries. 5th ed. T 5228.;//. Contents: Jas. Oglethorpe and Georgia. — David Zeisberger and the Indians. — Samuel Hebich and the Hindus. — William Elmslie and Kashmir. — George Washington Walker and the convicts. — Robert Moffat and South Africa. — Dr. James Stewart and Lovedale. Dr. William Black and Livingstone.— John Coleridge Patterson and the South Pacific. — John G. Fee and the'j Freedmen of America. Marriott. Makers of modern Italy ; Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. T 5288. Peabody. Harvard graduates whom I have known. T 5345. /'• APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 2— CYCLOPEDIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, Etc. : Literary Periodicals. Shairp. Portraits of friends. T 5402./. Contents: Thos. Erskine.— Geo. Edward Lynch Cot- ton, — Dr. John Brown. — Norman Macleod. — John Macleod Campbell. — John Mackintosh of Geddes. — Arthur Hugh Clough. Stoddard. Lives of the presidents : Rutherford B. Hayes, Jas. A. Garfield, and Chester A. Arthur. T 5423-<^- Stowe. Lives and deeds of our self-made men. T 5754. Contents : Abraham Lincoln. — Ulysses S. Grant. — William Lloyd Garrison. — Charles Sumner. — Salmon 1'. Chase. — Henry Wilson, — Horace Greeley. — David G. Farragut. — John A. Andrew. — John Brown of Ossau.i- tomie. — Edwin M. Stanton. — Frederick Douglass. — Philip H. Sheridan. — William T. Sherman. — Eli Whit- ney. — James G. Blaine. — Wendell Phillips — Henry Ward Beecher. TowLE. Heroes and martyrs of invention. T 5445.//. PART 2.-CYCLOP.^DIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, AND PERIODICALS. A. Cyclopaedias and Collected Works. ! t international standard, v. 3(Mch. 1885-jan. 1886). "^ C 6634. Appletons' Annual cyclopaedia, f Index to, 1376-87. | — f Same (Jan. -Nov. 1887). C 6634. C 2505. ^ Hazlitt, W. Selections from his writings. With me- moir by Ireland. M 191 Jay, J. t Correspondence and public papers, 1763-81 Ed. by H. P. Johnston, v, i. M 636 KiLLIKEl.LY. Curious questions : a mai information. 2 v. Leslie's (Frank) Popular monthly, v. 28-30 (July, 1S89- Dec. 1890). C 6854.0. t Library journal, v. 14, 15 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). M 8662. t Library notes, v. 2 (June, 1887-Mch. 1888). M S660. nual of general I Lippincott's Monthly magazine, v. 44-46 (July. 1S89- C 2646. ! Dec. 1890). C 666r. Washington, G. f Writings. Ed. by W. C. Ford, i f Literary news. New series, v. 10, 11 (Jan. 1S89- v. 3-7. M 780. 3- 1775-1776. 4- 1776. 5. 1776-1777- 6- 1777-1778. 7. 1778-1779. B. Literary Periodicals + Arena, ' f Army and navy journal Arena, The. v. i, 2 (Dec. iSSq-Nov. 1890). C 6509. y jour 23. 1890). /. 26, 27 (Sept. I, 1888-Augt. C 6904. f Athen>eum : July, iS89-Dec. 1890. C 6804. Atlantic monthly, v. 64-66 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6511. f Baldwin's Monthly, v. 24-27 (Jan. 1882-Dec. 1883). C 6805. t Book chat. v. 3-5 (Jan. 1888-Dec. 1S90). M 7532. Boy's own annual, v. 11, 12 (Oct. 1888-Sept. 1890). C 6811. Browne's Phonographic monthly, v. 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 15 (Jan. 1877-Dec. 1890). W 1537. Century, The. v. 16-18 (May, 1889-Oct. 1890). C 6549. Chatterbox. 1889-1890. Ed. by J. E. Clarke. C 6551. t Civil service record, v. 7, S (July, 1887-July. 18S9). C6818. t Connoisseur, The. v. 2, 3 (Oct. 1887-Summer, 1889). I559- t Daily voice, The. v. i, Nos. 1-4, 6-13 (Oct. 19- Nov. 3, 1886). JVote. — Bound with " The voice," v. i, folio. Demorest's Monthly magazine, v. 25. 26 (Nov. 1S88- Oct. 1890). C 6824. Domestic monthly, v. 30, 31 (Oct. 1888-Sept. 1889). C 6825. t Edinburgh review, v. 170-172 (July, 1889-Oct. 1890). C 6580. t Fortnightly review, v. 45-4S (Jan. i8S9-Dec. 1890). C 6593- t Forum. The. v. 8, 9 (Sept. 1889-Oct. 1890). C 6595. Girl's own annual, v. 10 (Oct. 6, 1888-Sept. 28, 1889). C 6S34. Godey's Lady's book. v. 119-121 (July, iSSg-Dec. 1890). C 6602. Harper's New monthly magazine, v. 79-Si (June, 1S89- Nov. 1890). C 6612. — f Index to volumes 1-70. inclusive. C 6612. + Harper's Weekly, v. 1-2S (1857-84). C 6938. Harper's Young people, v. 10, 11 (Nov. 6, iS8S-Oct. 1890). C6S38. f Illustrated American, v. i, 2 (FejD.-July, 1890). C6944 Dec. 1890). M 7662 \ Literary world, v. 20, 21 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6?55. f Littell's Living age. 5lh series, v. 1-8 (Jan. 1S73- Dec. 1874). <-' 6663. — f Same. v. 63-68 (July, 1888-Dec. 18S9). C 6663. t London quarterly review, v. 71 (Oct. 1888-Jan. 1889). C 6664. — f Same. v. 73 (Oct. 1889-Jan. 1890). C 66C)4. f Magazine of American history, v. 21-23 (Jan. 18S9- Dec. 1890). C 6670. Musical record : Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890. C 6S66. t Nation, The. v. 49-51 (June, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6S66. f New-Church Messenger, v. 67 (July-Dec. 1889), C 6867. t Nineteenth century, v. 25-28 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6699. f North American review, v. 149-151 (July, iSSc^-Dcc. 1890). C b-;(X>. \ Office, The : a practical journal for business mana- gers, etc. v. 5 (Jan.-Dec. 1888). C 6^58. Outing, v. ii, 14-16 (Oct. i8S7-Sept. 1890). C 6704. Peterson's Magazine, v. 96-98 fjuly, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6709. f Phonographic magazine, v. i (Jan.-Dec. 1887). C 6710. f Phrenological journal, v. 88-90 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 671 1, t Publisher's weekly, v. 37, 38 (Jan.-Dec. 1890). M 7716. \ Quarterly review, v. 168-171 (Jan. 1889-Oct. 1890). C r,7i7. t Sailor's magazine, v. 58 (Jan.-Dec. 1S86). C 6729. — f Same. v. 61 (Jan.-Dec. 1S89). C 6729. St. Nicholas, v. 16 (Pt. 2)-i7 (Pt. 2) (May, 1SS9- Oct. 1S90). ' C 6750. f Saturday review, v. 68-70 (Julv, iSSg-Dec. 1890). C 6877. Scribner's Magazine, v. 6-8 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890. C 6740. f Sloan's Legal and financial register, v. 6, 187S. C 6746. Sunday: readings for the young. 1890,1891. C 6757. f United service : a monthly review of military and naval affairs, v. 1-4. New series (Jan. 1S89- Dec. 1890). C 6773.<:. I Voice, The. v. 1-6 (Sept. 25, iS84-Dec. 1889). Folio.. \ Western antiquary. Ed. by W. H. K. Wright, v. 7-9 (July, 1887-June, 1890). C 6784. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Abbott, Mary, to Ballantyne, R. M. f Westminster review, v. 131-134 (Jan. i33g-Dec. 1890). C 6785. Wide awake, v. Y-DD [v. 25-30] (June, i387-May, 1890). C 6789. C. Scientific and Technological Jour- nals and Transactions. \ American agriculturist, v. 47, 48 (Jan. 1888-Dec. 1S89). C 7802. f American analyst, v. 4, 5 (Jan. 1888-Dec. 1889). C 7802.^'. f American architect and building news. v. 26-30 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7802.3. f American machinist, v. 12, 13 (Jan. iS89-Dec. 1890). C 7902. f American medical digest, v. 8. 1889. C 7505./. t American monthly microscopical journal, v. 10, 11 (Jan. iS89-Dec. 1890). C 7505.^. f Architectural and building monthly, v. i (April- Sept. 1890). C 7804. f Architecture and building, v. 12 (Jan. -June, 1890). C 7803. Note. — Continuation of " Building." •)■ Builder and wood -worker, v. 25, 26 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7814. f Building : an architectural weekly, v. 11 (July- Dec. 1889). _ _ C 7815. Note. — Continued under title " Architecture and building." -f- Carpentry and building. v. 11, 12 (Jan. 1889- Dec. 1890). C 7816. f Civil engineer and architect's journal. 25 v. (1837- 62). C 7818. Delineator, The. v. 33-36 (Jan. r889-Dec. 1890), C 7824. f Electrical review, v. 14-16 (Mch. 1889-Augt. 1890). C 7927- ■f- Engineering and mining journal, v. 48-50 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7828. f Iron age, The. v. 44-46 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7847- f Jeweler's circular and horological review. v. 19, 20 (July, 1888-July, 1889). C 7843. f Jewelers' weekly, v. .8, 9 (May, 1889-Mch. 1890). C 7639. — f Birthday souvenir. Nov. 21, 1S89. C 7639.3. f Locomotive, The. New series. v. 10. 11 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7663. t Manufacturer and builder, v. 20, 21 (Jan. 1888- Dec. 1889). C 7857. f Manufacturer's review and industrial record, v. 20- 22 (Jan. 1887- Dec. 18S9). C 7858. f Maritime reporter and seaboard. v. i- (Nov. i, i838-Oct. 17, 1889). C 7958. Note. — Title changed to " Seaboard" from Nos. 45 to 52. Millinery trade review, v. 11-15 (Jan. 1886-Dec. 1890). C 7862. t Photographic times, v. 19, 20 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7871. f Plumber's trade journal, v. 11, 12 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7872. f Popular science monthly. v. 35-37 (May, 1889- Oct. 1890). C 7714. f Record and guide, v. 44-46 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7874.'^. RowELL, G. P. & Co. f American newspaper directory. 1890. C 8727. t Sanitary plumber, v. 7, 8 (Oct. 30, 1888-Oct. 15, 1890). C 7S77. f Scientific American, v. 61-63 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7979-<^- — \ Same : supplement. v. 28-30 (July, 1889-Dec. 1890). C 7979- «'• Smithsonian Institution, f Annual report for years end- ing June 30, 1S86, and June 30, 1887. 4 v. C 4747. — f Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, v. 26. C 4883. Contents: Mitchell. S. W. and Reichert, E. T., M.D. Venoms of poisonous serpents. — Hyatt, A. Genesis of the arietidae. t Techniker, Der. v. 11, 12 (Nov. l8SS-Oct. 1890). C 7887. United States. Patent Office. \ Alphabetical lists of patentees for quarters ending Mch. 31, 1889- Dec. 31, 1889. C 7891. '^. — t Official gazette, v. 47-52 (Apl. 2, 1889-Sept. 30, 1890). C 7891. PART 3.-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION, A. Fiction alphabetically arranged by Authors and Titles. Abbott, Mary. Alexia. Adrietta ; or, her grandfather's heiress. By Mary K. Dallas. Adventures of a younger son. By E. J. Trelawny. Ace of clubs. By Prince J. Lubormiski. Ala.s ! By Rhoda Broughton. Albine ; or, the abbe's temptation. By E. Zola. Albrecht. By A. Bates. Aldrich, Anne R. The feet of love. Ai.e.xander, Mrs. [Mrs. Annie F. Hector.] — Biind fate. — To Paris for pleasure. (In " Twenty novelettes.") — A woman's heart. Alexia. By Mary Abbott. Aline. By H. Greville. All he knew. By J. Habberton. Allen, E. H. A fatal fiddle, [and other stories.] Allen, R. Miss Eaton's romance. Allen's wife. By H. Rider Haggard. Althea St. John. By M. P. Helmbold. Ames, Lucia T. Memoirs of a millionaire. Among the chosen. Another man's wife. By Bertha M. Clay. Anstev, F. [F. a. Guthrie] The pariah. Appleton, G. W. Frozen hearts. April's lady. By the Duchess. Ardath : the story of a dead self. By Marie Corelli. Ardis Claverden. By F. R. Stockton. Armorel of Lydnesse. By W. Besant. Armstrong, W. Cleopatra's daughter. Arthur Merton : a romance. By Admiral D. Porter. Artist's honor. An. By O. Feuillet. Artists' wives. By A. Daudet. Ascutney Street : a neighborhood story. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. As 'tis in life. By A. Delpit. ASTOR, W. W. Sforza : a story of Milan. At an old chateau. By Katharine S. Macquoid. Austin, Jane. Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. — Standish of Standish : a story of the Pilgrims. Australian heroine, An. By Mrs. Campbell Praed. Awakening of Mary Fenwick. By Beatrice Whitby. Aztec treasure-house. By T. A. Janvier. Babylon electrified. By A. Bleunard. Baffled conspirators. By W. E. Norris. Bagpipers, The. By George Sand. Bailiff's scheme. By Mrs. Harriet Lewis. Bain, F. W. Dmitri : a romance of old Russia. Baker, Beth. Mystery Evans. Ballantyne, R. M. Finding his fate. (In " Twenty novelettes.") APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Balzac, H. de to Coombs, Anne S. Balzac, H. de. Cousin Bette. — Fame and sorrow, and other stories. — Sons of the soil. Banuelier, a. F. The delight makers. Baring-Gould, S. Anninell. Barr, Amelia E. Feet of clay. — Friend Olivia. — Household of McNeil. Barrett, F. Kit Wyndham ; or, fettered for life. — Smuggler's secret. Bartlett, a. Jennie. Elder Northfield's home ; or, sacrificed on the Mormon altar. Basil and Annette. By B. L. Farjeon. Basil Morton's transgression. By the Marquise Clara Lanza. Bates, A. Albrecht. Bates, Josephine W. A nameless wrestler. Beatrice. By H. Rider Haggard. Beau sabreur, Le. By Annie Thomas. Beforehand : a companion volume to " One more chance." By S. M. I. Henry. Begum's daughter. By E. L. Bynner. Behrens, Bertha. See Heimburg, W. Bell, M. Roanoke of Roanoke Hall. Bell of St. Paul's. By W. Besant. Bei LAMY, C. J. An experiment in marriage. Bellamy, Elizabeth. {" Kamba Thorpe.") Old man Gilbert. Bella's blue-book. By Marie Calm. Berry, E. P. Leah of Jerusalem : a story of the time of Paul. Besant, W. Armorel of Lyonesse. — Bell of St. Paul's. — The demoniac. — Lament of Dives. Beulah. Zarailla. Bigot, Madame. See Healy, Mary. BjuRNSON, B. In God's way. Black, W. Prince Fortunatus. Blackmore, R. D. Kit and Kitty. Blanchardi, EvangeHne B. The devil's dream : a tem- perance story. Bleunard, a. Babylon electrified. Note. — " History of an expedition to restore Babylon by the power of electricity, and how it resulted." Blind bargain, A. By R. H. Fletcher. Blind fate. By Mrs. Alexander. Blind love. By W. Collins. Blindfold. By Florence Marryat. Boisgilbert, E. Caesar's column : a story of the 20th century. Boldrewood, R. The miner's right : a tale of the Aus- tralian goldfields. — The squatter's dream : a story of Australian life. Bondman, The. By H. Caine. Booth, Mrs. O. See " Rita." Booties' baby. By J. S. Winter. ( IVith her " Buttons.") A^ote. — Same as her " Mignon ; or, Booties' baby." Bordone girl. The. By F. Boyle. (In "'Twenty novel- ettes.") Born coquette, A. By the Duchess. Boscobel : a' story of a winter in Florida. [By E. M. Newton.] Boyle, F. The Bordone girl. (In "Twenty novel- ettes.") Braeme. Chariotte M. See Clay, Bertha M. Brave heart and true. By Florence Marryat. Brooks, E. S. A son of Issachar: a romance of the days of Messias. Broughton, Rhoda. Alas ! Broughton House. By B. Perry. Bryce, L. a dream of conquest. Buchanan, R. The moment after. BUMSTEAD, S. J. The Riversons. Burnand, F. C. Quite at home. Burnham, Mrs. C. L. Mistress of Beech Knoll. Burnt million. By J. Payn. Buttons. By J. S. Winter. By order of the Czar. By J. Hatton. Bynner, E. L. The begum's daughter. Byrnes, Inspector T. An American penman. — Another's crime. — Great bank robbery. — Section 558. — Sergeant Von ; or, the long chase. — Tragic mystery. Cable, G. W. Strange true stories of Louisiana. Csesar Cascabel. By J. Verne. Caesar's column : a story of the 20th century. By E. Boisgilbert. Caine, H. The bondman : a new saga. Cairo, Mona. [G. M. Hatton. J For money or for love. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Calm, Marie. Bella's blue-book. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. Daisy's dilemma. Captain of the " Polestar," and other tales. By A. C. Doyle. Captain Santa Claus. By C. King. (With his "Cam- paigning with Crook.") Q 2244. Career of a Nihilist. By Stepniak. Carey, Rosa N. Heriot's choice. — Lover or friend ? Carmarthen, Katherine. A lover of the beautiful. Carr, Mrs. C. Margaret Maliphant. Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. By George Meredith. Catherine's coquetries. By Camille Debans. Catherwood, Mary H. Romance of DoUard. — Story of Tonty. Catholic man, The. By Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull. Caylor, O. p. a fated promise. Champney, Elizabeth W. Witch Winnie : the story of a " King's Daughter." Chata and Chinita. By Louise P. Heaven. Chief justice, The. By K. E. Franzos. Chita : a memory of Last Island. By L. Hearn. Chris Rock ; or, the lover in chains. By Capt. M. Reid. Chronicle of conquest, A. By Frances C. Sparhawk. Chronicles of a health resort. By A. Helder. Cineas ; or, Rome under Nero. By J. M. Villefranche. Clark, F. T. In the valley of Ha\-ilah. Clay, Bertha M. [Charlotte M. Braeme.] Another man's wife. — Gipsy's daughter. — A heart's bitterness. — In love's crucible. — Sweet Cymbeline. Cleopatra's daughter. By W. Armstrong. Clemens, S. L. Sec Twain, M. Clip her wing ; or, let her soar. Cliquot. By Kate L. Ferguson. Clockmaker. The. By T. C. Haliburton. Cloister Wendhusen. By W. Heimburg. N^ote. — Same as " Magdalen's fortunes." Cobb, S., />. The Council of Ten. — The golden eagle ; or, the privateer of 1776. — King's talisman. — Yankee champion. Cobban, J. M. A reverend gentleman. Collins, Mabel. Ida : an adventure in Morocco. (Bound with " Smuggler's secret.") Collins, W. Blind love. — Legacy of Cain. Colmore, G. Concerning Oliver Knox. Colonel's Christmas dinner. By Capt. C. King. Comedy of a country house. By Julia Sturgis. Concerning Oliver Knox. By G. Colmore. Conklin, Mrs. N. {"Jennie M. Drinkwater.") From flax to linen. — Marigold. — Other folk. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. By Mark Twain. CooLEY, W. F. Emmanuel : the story of the Messiah. Coombs, Anne S. Garden of Armid^. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Coppee, F., /y F. C. Philips. Margaret Maliphant. By Mrs. C. Carr. Maria : a South American romance. By J. Isaacs. Maria Francisca. By P. Heyse. (In "Masterpieces of German fiction.") Marigold. By Mrs. N. Conklin. Marion Graham; or, "higher than happiness." By Meta Lander. Marooned. By W. C. Russell. Marriage at sea, A. By W. C. Russell. Marryat, Florence. Blindfold. — Brave heart and true. — Where the chain galls. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Marsh, C. L. Opening the oyster : a story of adventure. Marshall, Emma. The end crowns all. — Under Salisbury spire. Martha Corey : a tale of the Salem witchcraft. By Con- stance G. Du Bois. Master of Ballantrae. By R. L. Stevenson. Master of the magicians. By Elizabeth S. Phelps and H. D. Ward. Masterpieces of German fiction. Contents : Lindau, R. Hans, the dreamer ; All in vain ; First love. — Lewald, Fanny. The aristocratic world ; The maid of Oyas. — Eckstein, E. The visit to the lockup ; The boarding school girls. — Wilbrandt, A. The pilot captain. — Heyse, P. L'Arrabiata ; Beppe, the star gazer ; Maria Francisca. — Hopfen, H. Tru- del's ball ; The fortunes aad fate of Little Spangle. — Eckstein, E. Against the stream. Mathers, Helen. Hedri ; or, blind justice. — Two brothers. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Matrimonial agent of Potsdam. By A. von Winterfeld. Matter of millions, A. IJy Anna K. Green. Matthews, B. A family tree, and other stories. Maupassant, G. de. The odd number : thirteen tales. — Pierre and Jean. Meade, L. T. A girl of the people. — Heart of gold. — Vaughan of Balliol. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Memoirs of a millionaire. By Lucia T. Ames. Menger, R. Countess Loreley. Meredith, G. Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. — The tragic comedians. Meredith, W. T. Not of her father's race. Merrill, G. E. Crusaders and captives : a tale of the children's crusade. Metzerott. shoemaker. [By Katharine P. Woods.] Meyer, C. F. The monk's wedding. Michaelis, R. Looking further forward. A'ote. — An answer to " Looking backward." Midnight marriage. By Amanda M. Douglas. Mike Fletcher. By G. Moore. Miner's right : a tale of the Australian goldfields. By R. Boldrewood. Misadventure. By W. E. Norris. Miss Breckenridge : a daughter of Dixie. Miss Brooks. By Eliza D. White. Miss Eaton's romance. By R. Allen. Miss Mordeck's father. By Fani P. Gooch. Miss Nobody of Nowhere. By A. C. Gunter. Miss Ruby's novel. By S. I. J. Schereschewsk-y. Miss Tweed's ghost stor)-. By Sarah Doudney. (In "Twenty novelettes.") Mistress Beatrice Cope. By M. E. Le Clerc. Mrs. Bob. By J. S. Winter. Mistress of Beech Knoll. By Clara L. Bumham. Mrs. Fenton. By W. E. Norris. Mito Yashiki : a tale of old Japan. By A. C. Maclay. Modern ghosts. Introduction by G. W^. Curtis. iVotc. — "Selected and translated from the works of Guy de Maupassant. Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, Alex- ander L. Kielland, Leopold Kompert, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, and Giovanni Magherini-Graziana." In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. IQ 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Modern marriage/^ Rocks and shoals. Modern marriage. By Marquise Clara Lanza. Mohicans of Paris. By A. Dumas. MoLLoY, J. F. How came he dead ? Moment after, The. By R. Buchanan. Monk's wedding. The. By C. F. Meyer. Montarges legacy. By Florence McComb. Moore, G. Mike Fletcher. More bywords. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Morris, W. House of the Wolfings. — News from nowhere ; or, an epoch of rest. Mountain mystery. The ; or, the outlaws of the Rockies. By L. L. Lynch. Mountain-white heroine. By J. R. Gilmore. Murderer's confession, The. By B. L. Fa.rjeon. (In " Tvventy novelettes.") Murray, W. H. H. Mamelons and Ungava. Mynn's mystery, The. By G. M. Fenn. Mystery Evans'. By Beth Baker. Mystery of M. Felix. By B. L. Farjeon. Mystery of 'Mahbin Mill. By Capt.^ C. King. (With his " Campaigning with Crook.") Q 2244. Mystery of New Orleans, A. By W. H. Holcombe. Nameless wrestler, A. By Josephine W. Bates. Nanon. By G. Sand. Nasby, Petroleum ^., pseud. See LoCKE, D. R. Nero : a romance. By E. Eckstein. 2 vols. Newell, C. M. Kalani of Oahu. News from nowhere ; or, an epoch of rest. By W. Morris. Newton, E. M. Boscobel : a story of a winter in Florida. Nicholson, J. S. Toxar : a romance. \Anon.\ Night of the 3d ult. By H. F. Wood. NoRRls, Mary H. Dorothy Delafield.* NoRRis, W. E. Baffled conspirators. — The duffer. (In " Twenty novelettes.") — Marcia. — Misadventure. — Mrs. Fenton. — Thirl by Hall. North, Barclay, pseud. See HUDSON, W. C. Not of her father's race. By W. T. Meredith. Nurse Revell's mistake. By Florence Warden. Nutshell novels. By J. A. Sterry. ■■ O thou, my Austria ! " By O. Schubin. O'Brien, W. When we were boys. Ocean tragedy. By W. C. Russell. Odd number. The : thirteen tales. By G. de Maupassant. Ogeechee cross-firings. By R. M. Johnston. Ohxet, G. The ironmaster ; or, love and pride. — A last love. — Rival actresses. — Soul of Pierre. Old courtyard. The. By Katharine Macquoid. Old life's shadows. By Mrs. H. Lewis. Old man Gilbert. By Elizabeth Bellamy. Oliph.ant, Mrs. Lady Car : the sequel of a life. Oliver Knox, Concerning. By G. Colmore. Omnia vanitas. By Mrs. Forrester. On the inside. By Florence F. Kelly. One of " Berrian's" novels. By Mrs. C. H. Stone. Opening the oyster. By C. L. Marsh. Osborne, D. Robe of Nessus : an historical romance. Osborne of Arrochar. By Amanda M. Douglas. Other folks. By Mrs. N. Conklin. "OuiDA." [Louise De La Rame.] Ruffino, and othei stories. Our erring brother. By F. W. Robinson. Pactolus Prime. By A. W. Tourgee. Paget, Violet. See Lee, V. Palacio Valdes, Don A. Sister Saint Sulpice. Pariah, The. By F. Anstey. Parr, Mrs. Louisa. Dumps. Part of the property. By Beatrice Whitby. Passion's slave. By R. A. King. Pastels in prose. From the French. Pastor's daughter, The. By W. Heimburg. Path to fame. By E. Ruben. Patience. By Anna B. Warner. Paul Nugent, materialist. By Helen F. Hetherington and Rev. H. D. Burton. Payn, J. The burnt million. — The word and the will. Pearce, J. H. The miller's daughter. Peard, Frances M. The locked desk. Pearl-powder. By A.nnie Edwardes. Pearson, Emily C. Madonna Hall. Pearson, F. Her sacrifice ; or, the hand of fate. Peck, Prof. W. H. The locksmith of Lyons. — Stone-cutter of Lisbon. Pellew, G. Jane Austen's novels. L 9708. Perkins, Mrs. Sarah M. Helen ; or, will she save him ? Perry, B. The Broughton House. Pestalozzi's Leonard and Gertrude. Transl. and abridged. Phantom 'rickshaw, and other tales. By R. Kipling. Phelps, Elizabeth S. and Ward, H. D. Come forth ! — Master of the magicians. Philip ; or, what may have been. By Mary C. Cutler. Philips, F. C. Margaret Byng. — Young Mr. Ainslie's courtship. — <7«^/ Wills, C. J. The Scudamores. Sybil Ross's marriage. Phra, the Phoenician, Wonderful adventures of. By E. L. Arnold. Piccadilly puzzle, The. By F. Hume. Pierre and Jean. By G. de Maupassant. Pierson, E. De L. A vagabond's honor. Pilot captain. The. By A. Wilbrandt. (In " Master- pieces of German fiction.") Plain tales from the hills. By R. Kipling. Plodder's promotion. By Capt. C. King. (With his " Campaigning with Crook." ) Q 2244. Polish blood. By Nataly, baroness von Estruth. Port Tarascon. By A. Daudet. Porter, Admiral D. D. Arthur Merton. Porter, L. B. See Ross, A. Porter, Rose. Driftings from mid-ocean. Note. — Sequel to " Summer drift-wood " and " The winter fire." — Story of a flower, and other fragments twice gathered. Poynter, E. F. Failure of Elisabeth. Praed, Mrs. C. An Australiah heroine. Prince Fortunatus. By W. Black. Princess Sunshine. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Pyat, F. The rag-picker of Paris. Pyrrha : a story of two crimes. By Pauline Grayson. Queiros, E. de. Dragon's teeth. Quincy, E. Wensley, and other stories. Quite another story. By Jean Ingelow. Quite at home. By F. C. Burnand. Raffensperger, Mrs. A. F. Those Raebum girls. Rag-picker of Paris. By F. Pyat. Rajah's heir. The. Rarahu ; or, the marriage of Loti. By P. Loti. Reid, Capt. M. Chris Rock ; or, a lover in chains. Reid, T. W. Gladys Fane : a story of two lives. Remus, Uncle, pseud. See Harris, J. C. Reputed changeling. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Reverend gentleman, A. By J. M. Cobban. Rexdale, R. Saved by the sword. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. Princess Sunshine. "Rita." [Mrs. O. Booth.] " Sheba." Rival actresses. By G. Ohnet. Rival princess. By J. McCarthy and Mrs. C. Praed. Riversons, The. By S. J. Bumstead. Roanoke of Roanoke Hall. By M. Bell. Robe of Nessus. By D. Osborne. Roberts, Miss M. Fiddler of Lugau. [Anon.] Roberts, M. In low relief. Robins, G. M. Tree of knowledge. Robinson, F. M. Disenchantment : an every-day story^ — Woman of the world. Robinson, F. W. Keeper of the keys. — Jenny's girl. (In " Twenty novelettes.") — Our erring brother. Rocks and shoals in the river of life. By Bella F. Swisher. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Roe, E. P., to Thomas, Annie. 11 Roe, E. p. Taken alive, and other stories. Roland Oliver. By J. McCarthy. Romance at the Antipodes. Hy Mrs. R. D. Douglass. Romance of Bollard. By Mary H. Catherwood. Romance of Jenny Harlowe. By W. C. Russell. Romance of the law. By R. E. Francillon. . Ross, A. [Linn Boyd Porter.] His private character. Ruben, E. Path to fame. Ruffino, and other stories. By " Ouida." Russell, Dora. Jezebel's friends. — Secret diary. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Russell, W. C. Marooned. — Marriage at sea. — My shipmate Louise. — Ocean tragedy. — Romance of Jenny Harlowe, and sketches of maritime life. Russian refugee. By H. R. Wilson. St. Johnston, A. A South Sea lover. Salt master of Ltineburg. By J. Wolff. Sand, G. [.Mde. A. L. A. Dudevant.] The bagpipers. — Nanor^. Sant' Ilario. By F. M. Crawford. Saved by the sword. By R. Rexdale. Scheffel, J. V. von. Ekkehard : a tale of the loth century. 2 vols. SCHERESCHEWSKY, Mrs. S. I. J. Miss Ruby's novel. SCHUBIN, O. Asbein. From the life of a virtuoso. — Eriach Court. — " O thou, my Austria ! " Scudamores, The. By F. C. Philips and C. J. Wills. Seawell, Molly E. Throckmorton. Secret diary, A. By Dora Russell. (In ''Twenty novelettes.") Sentimental calendar, The : twelve funny stories. By J. S. of Dale. [F. J. Stimson.] Seraph — or mortal ? By Celia E. Gardner. Sergeant. Adeline. A fatal choice. (In " Twenty novelettes.") — Luck of the house. — A true friend. Sergeant Von ; or, the long chase. By Inspector Byrnes. Sforza : a story of Milan. By W. W. Astor. Shadow of a dream. By W. D. Howells. Shark's fin,* A. By G. A. Henty. (In " Twenty novel- ettes.") "Sheba." By " Rita." Sheldon, Mrs. G. That dowdy. — Trixy ; or, the shadow of a crime. "Short Sixes." By H. C. Bunner. Sidney. By Margaret Deland. Sienkiewicz, H. With fire and sword. Slms, G. R. Dramas of life. — Where is Mrs. Smith ? ( In " Twenty novelettes.") Sinclair, E. Victor. Sir Charles Dan vers. Sequel to " The Dan vers jewels." (Bound with " Danvers jewels.") Sister Philomene. By E. and J. de Goncourt. Sister Saint Sulpice. By Don A. P. Valde's. Sister's love, A. By W. Heimburg. Slaves of Sabinus. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Smuggler's secret, A. By F. Barrett. Social diplomat, A. By Flora A. Darling. Soldiers three. By R. Kipling. Son of Issachar : a romance of the days of Messias. By E. S. Brooks. Sons of the soil. By H. de Balzac. Soul of Pierre. By G. Ohnet. South Sea lover, A. By A. St. Johnston. SOUTHWORTH, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Lost lady of Lone. Sowing the wind. By E. Lynn Linton. Sp.\rha\vk, Frances C. A chronicle of conquest. Spirito Gentil. Earth born ! Splendid spur. The. Edited by Q. Squatter's dream : a story of Australian life. By R. Boldrewood. Squire of low degree. By Lily A. Long. Standish of Standish : a story of the Pilgrims. By Jane G. Austin. Stannard, M^s. H. E. V. See Winter, J. S. Stahr, Mrs. F. L. See Lewald, Fanny. Starlight Ranch, and other stories. By Capt. C. King. Stepniak. Career of a Nihilist. Sterry, J. A. Nutshell novels. Stevenson, R. L. Master of Ballantrae. Stimson, F. J. ("/. .S'. of Dale" .) Sentimental calen- dar : twelve funny stories. Stockton, F. R. Ardis Claverden. — The merry chanter. — Stories of the three burglars. Stolen America. By Isobel H. Floyd. Stone, iMrs. C. H. One of "Berrian's" novels. Stone-cutter of Lisbon. By W. H. Peck. Stories of the three burglars. By F. R. Stockton. Story of a flower. By R. Porter. Story of Tonty. By Mary H. Catherwood. Strange infatuation, A. By L. Harrison, Strange true stories of Louisiana. By G. W. Cable. Strangers and wayfarers. By Sarah O. Jewett. Study in scarlet, A. By A. C. Doyle. Sturgis, J. Comedy of a country house. Subdued Southern nobility. By one of the nobility. Successful man, A. By J. Gordon. '•Such is life." By M. Kendall. Sullivan. J. R. Day and night stories. Summer in a canon. By Kate D. Wiggin. Sundered hearts. By Mrs. H. Lewis. Sunset Pass. By Capt. C. King. Susan : a winter scene. By L. | B. Walford. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Suttner, a. G. von. Djambek the Georgian. Sweet Cymbeline. By Charlotte M. Braeme. Swisher, Bella F. Rocks and shoals in the river of life. Sybil Ross's marriage. By F. C. Philips and C. J. Wills. Sylvie's betrothed. By H. Greville. Taken alive, and other stories. By E. P. Roe. Tales from "' Blackwood." 3d series. Nos. 4-9. 4. My treasure. — Who were they ? — Maltese appari- tion. — Within his danger : a tale from the Chinese. — The factor's shooting. — A magnetic mystery. 5. Dellenbough, F. S. A singular case. — Bradley, Miss M. Pentock. , 6. Lewes, C. L. Dragon-tree of Telde. — Last words of Joseph Barrable. — Lumoden, Miss Katharine M. How I fell among thieves. — Burton, Miss M. E. Fiddlers three. — Stirling, M. C. Ghost of Morcar's tower. — Blackie, John Stuart. Ancram Moor : a histor- ical ballad. 7. Hamley, Maj.-Gen. W. G. A medium of last cen- tury. — Hope, Andre. Alive, and yet dead. — Gray. Max- well. An unexpected fare. — Reminiscence of a march. S. Burton, Mrs. Don Angelo's stray sheep. — The twins: From the Chinese of Wu Ming. — Bradley, A. G. The doctor : an old Virginia fox-hunter. — Johnstone, H. The enchanted bride : a legendary ballad. 9. Such pity as a father hath. — Coincidences ? ? — A dead man's vengeance. — Story of James Barker. Tales of New England. By Sarah O. Jewett. Talking image of Urur. By F. Hartmann. Tangles unravelled. By Evelyn I'.. Johnson. T.A.YLOK, B. F. Theophilus Trent : old times in the oak openings. Teetzf.l, Mrs. F. G. The dynamite cartridge. Ten minutes to twelve. By M. G. McClelland. Terhune, Mrs. Mar)- V. See Harland, Marion. Thanet, O. Expiation. That dowdy. By Mrs. G. Sheldon. That other woman. By Annie Thomas. Theophilus Trent : old times»in the oak openings. By B. F. Taylor. » Thirlby Hall. By W. E. Norris. Thirteen stories of the far west. Bv F. Heermans. Thomas, Annie. [Mrs. P. Cudlip.] Beau sabreur, Le. — The Kilbunis. — That other woman. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHORS NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Thorp, to Yankee champion. Thorp, Kamba, pseud. See Bellamy, Elizabeth. Those Raeburn girls. By Mrs. A. F. Raffensperger. Three burglars. Stories of the. 3y F. R. Stockton. Three men in a boat. By J . K. Jerome. Throckmorton. By Molly E. Seawell. TiERNAN, Mary S. Jack Horner. Time's scythe. By Jane Valentine. TiNCKEK, Mary A. Two coronets. To Paris for pleasure. By Mrs. Alexander. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Toltec cup. The. By N. Crinkle. Tompkins, E. S. de G. An honest hypocrite. TOXAR : a romance. By [J. S. Nicholson] the author of "Thoth." TouRGEE, A. W. Pactolus Prime. — With Gauge & Swallow. Trafton. Adeline. Dorothy's experience. Tragic comedians. By G. Meredith. Tragic muse. By H. James. 2 vols. Tree of knowledge. By G. M. Robins. Trelawney, E. J. Adventures of a younger son. Trixy ; or, the shadow of a crime. By Mrs. G. Shel- don. True friend, A. By Adeline Sergeant. Trudel's ball. By H. Hopfen. (In "Masterpieces of German fiction.") Turnbull, Mrs. L. The catholic man. Twain, M. [S. L. Clemens.] Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. Twenty novelettes. By twenty prominent novelists. Contents : Farjeon, B. L. The murderer's confes- sion. — Meade, L. T. Vaughan of Balliol. — Norris, W. E. The dufler. — Sergeant, Adeline. A fatal choice. — Walford, L. B. Susan : a winter scene. — Fenn, G. M. The fanfare.— Winter, J. S. Hunks. — Mathers, Helen. Two brothers. — Boyle, F. The Bordone girl. — Rus- sell, Dora. A secret diary. — Ballantyne, R. M. Find- ing his fate. — Macquoid, Katharine S. Lucy. — Henty, G. A. A shark's fin. — Marryatt, Florence. Where the chain galls. — Westall, W. Love and war. — Doudney, Sarah. Miss Tweed's ghost story. — Sims, G. R. Where is Mrs. Smith ? — Alexander, Mrs. To Paris for pleasure. — Robinson, F. W. Jenny's girl. — Caird, Mona. For money or for love. Two brothers. By Helen Mathers. (In " Twenty novel- ettes.") Two coronets. By Mary A. Tincker. Two masters. By B. M. Croker. Two modern women. By Kate G. W^ells. Two runaways, and other stories. By Harry S. Edwards. Two soldiers. By C. King. Two women or one ? By H. Harland. Under Salisbury spire. By Emma Marshall. Undiscovered country. By W. D. Howells. Urner. Nathan D. Ingomar ; or, the triumph of love. Vagabond's honor, A. By E. De L. Pierson. Valentine, Jane. Time's scythe. Van Zile, E. S. A magnetic man, and other stories. Vanderheyde Manor- House. By Mary Cruger. Vaughan of Balliol. By L. T. Meade. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Veitch, Sophie F. F. The dean's daughter. " Vengeance is mine." By D. Dane. Ver^ia, G. House by the medlar-tree. Verne, J Caesar Cascabel. — A family without a name. Part i. Victor. By E. Sinclair. Viera : a romance 'twixt the real and the ideal. By R. I. Zubof. Villefranche, J. M. Cineas ; or, Rome under Nero. Visit lo the lockup. By E. Eckstein. (In " Master- pieces of German fiction.") Vivier of Vivier, Longman & Co., bankers. By W. C. Hudson. Waif of the plains. By B. Harte. Walford, L. B. Susan : a winter scene. (In" Twenty novelettes. ") Walford. By Ellen O. Kirk. Wall, G. A. and Meckel, G. B. Jacob Valmont, manager. Walworth, Jeannette H. A little radical. Ward of the Golden Gate. By B. Harte. Warden, Florence. [Mrs. F. A. James.] City and suburjaan. — Nurse Revel's mistake. — A witch of the hills. Warner, Anna B. Patience. Warner, C. D. A little journey in the world. Web of gold, A. By Katharine P. Woods. Wells, Kate G. Two modern women. Wensley, and other stories. By E. Quincy. Westall, W. Love and war. (In " Twenty novel- ettes.") Weyman, S. J. The house of the wolf. Wheat and tares. By Sir H. S. Cunningham. Wheeler, A. C. See Crinkle, Nym. When we were boys. By W. O'Brien. Where is Mrs. Smith? By G. R. Sims. (In " Twenty novelettes.") Where the chain galls. By Florence Marryat. (In "Twenty novelettes.") Whitby, Beatrice. Awakening of Mary Fenwick. — Part of the property. White, Eliza O. Miss Brooks. White lilac ; or, the queen of the May. By Amy Walton. White Marie : a story of a Georgia plantation. By W. N. Harben. • Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Ascutney Street : a neigh- borhood story. Widow Guthrie. By R. M. Johnston. WiGGiN, Kate D. A summer in a canon : a California story. Wilbrandt, a. The pilot captain. (In " Masterpieces of German fiction.") Wilkins, Mary E. A humble romance, and other stories. Wilson, H. R. The Russian refugee: a tale of the Blue Ridge. Wilson, Marian C. Guy Ormsby : a romance. Winifred ; or, the neglected warning. By Mary K. Dallas. Winning, wayward woman, A. By Flora A. Darling. Winter, J. S. [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard.] Buttons, added Booties' baby. — Dinna forget. — He went for a soldier. — Hunks. (In " Twenty novelettes.") — Mrs. Bob. Winterfeld, A. von. Matrimonial agent of Potsdam. Wiseman, N. P. S., cardinal. Fabiola ; or, the church of the catacombs. Witch of the hills. By Florence Marryat. Witch Winnie : the story of a " King's Daughter." By Elizabeth W. Champney. With Essex in Ireland. By H. Harvey. With fire and sword. By H. Sienkiewicz. With Gauge & Swallow. By A. W. Tourgee. With the best intentions. By Marion Harland. Wolff, J. Fifty years, three months, and two days. — Salt master of Liineberg. Woman of the world. By F. Mabel Robinson. Woman of to-day. By Margaret C. Jackson. Woman's heart, A. By Mrs. Alexander. Wood, H. Edward Burton. Wood, H. F. Night of the 3rd ult. Woods, Katharine P. Metzerott, shoemaker. [Anon.] — A web of gold. Woods, Mrs. Kate T. Fair maid of Marblehead. — Hester Hepworth. Woolson, Constance F. Jupiter lights. Word and the will. By J. Payn. World's desire. The. By H. R. Haggard and A. Lang. Would you kill him ? By G. P. Lathrop. Xenia Repnina. By B. MacGahan. Yankee champion, The. By S. Cobb, jr. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Yonge, Charlotte M., to Fairy Tales. 13 Yonge, Charlotte M. More bywords. — A reputed chanjjeling. — Slaves of Sabinus. Young Mr. Ainslie's courtship. By F. C. Philips. Zarailla. By Beulah. Zola, E. Albine ; or, the abbe's temptation. Zl'Bof, R. I. Viera : a romance 'twixt the real and ^ ideal. B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ranged by Authors and Titles. ar- Adams. W. T. See Optic, Oliver. Adirondack cabin : a family story. By Margaret Sidney. Adrift in the wilds. By E. S. Ellis. Against heavy odds. By H. H. Boyesen. Alcott, Louisa M. Lulu's librarj'. Vols. 2, 3. \\s>Y.^, Mrs. G. R. See " Pa^sy," />sei4J. Alden, W. L. Loss of the " Swansea : " a story of the Florida coast. — Trying to find Europe. Alger, H.,yr. The errand boy. — Frank Fowler, the cash boy. — Joe's luck ; or, a boy's adventures in California. — Luke Walton ; or, the Chicago newsboy. — The store boy ; or, the fortunes of Ben Barclay. — Struggling upward ; or, Luke Larkin's luck. . — Tom Temple's career. — Tom Thatcher's fortune. Allan's fault. By Martha Farquharson. Allen, G. Wednesday the tenth. Allen, W. B. Lion city of Africa. — The Red Mountain of Alaska. Another flock of girls. By Nora Perry. Aunt Hannah, and Martha, and John. By Pansy and Mrs. C. M. Livingston. Austin, Caroline. Cousin Geoffrey and I. Ballantyne, R. M. Blown to bits : a tale of the Malay Archipelago. — Charlie to the rescue : a tale of the sea and the Rockies. — Crew of the "Water Wagtail." Baring-Gould, S. Grettir the outlaw : a story of Ice- land. Ben Burton, the slate-picker. By H. Prentice. Betty Leicester : a story for girls. By Sarah O. Jewett. Black Beauty : his grooms and companions. By Anna Sewell. Note. — " The ' Uncle Tom's cabin ' of the horse." Blackall, Emily L. Superior to circumstances. Blake, E. V. Dalzells of Daisydown. Blue fairy book. The. Ed. by A. Lang. Blown to bits : a tale of the Malay Archipelago. By R. M. Ballantyne. Bonnie Prince Charlie. By G. A. Henty. Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds : a tale of Norse heroism. Boys and masters : a story of school life. By A. H. Gilkes. Boy's town, A. By W. D. Howells. Bramston, M. Uncle Ivan. Brothers in arms : a story of the Crusades. By F. B. Harrison. Brownsmith's boy. By G. M. Fenn. Hudd Itoyd's triumph. By W. P. Chipman. Bunyip Land : a story of New Guinea. By G. M. Fenn. BURCH, Harriette E. Stella Rae. Burnett, Frances H. Little saint Elizabeth, and other stories. By England's aid. By G. A. Henty. By pike and dyke. By G. A. Henty. By right of conquest. By G. A. Henty. By sheer pluck : a tale of the Ashantee war. By G. A. Henty. Cabin in the clearing. By E. S. Ellis. (Vol. 4 of his W yommg series. ) Captain. By Madame P. de Nanteuil. Captain Bayley's heir. By G. A. Henty. Captain Kidd's gold. By J. F. Fitts. Captain Polly. By Sophie Swett. Carroll, L. [C. L. I)odgson.] Sylvieand Bruno. Castaways, The ; or, on Florida reefs. By J. Otis. Castlemon, Harry. [C. A. Fosdick.] Guy Harris, the runaway. — Julian Mortimer. — Rodney the partisan. (" War series.") — True to his colors. Cat of Bubastes : a tale of ancient Egypt. By G. A. Henty. Cecil's cousins. By E. B. Hollis. Chapter of adventures. By G. A. Henty. Children of the castle. By Mrs. Molesworth. Chipman, W. P. Budd Boyd's triumph. — Roy Gilbert's search. Chiswell, Venerable archdeacon. The slave prince. Chuck Purdy : the story of a New York boy. By W. O. Stoddard. Church, Rev. A. J. To the lions : a tale of the early Christians. — Young Macedonian in the army of Alexander the great. — aw. Pyle. Buccaneers and Marooners of America. N 2359. St. John. Hayti ; or, the black republic. 2d ed. P 83S3. Scudder. The Winnipeg country. P 7398. Thomson. Froudacity : West Indian fables by J. A. Froude. P 8438. Vincent. Around and about South America. P 9776. — In and out of Central America. P 8460. WiNSOR. f Narrative and critical history of America. Vol. 8, Later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. P 7898. UNITED STATES: HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Abbot. Battle fields and camp fires. Q 7501. /5. Note. — "From the removal of McClellan to the ac- cession of Grant, 1862-63." Adams. History of the U. S. under the first administra- tion of Jefferson. 2 v. Q 1004.(2. — History of the U. S. under the second administration of Jefferson. [1805-09.] 2 v. Q 1004.^. — History of the U. S. under the first administration of Madison. [1809-13.] 2 v. Q loo^.c. Beath. History of the Grand Army of the Republic. Q75I9- BowEN. Massachusetts in the war, 1861-65. Q 7532. Britton. Civil war on the border, 1861-62. Q 7535. <:. Brooks. Story of the American soldier in war and peace. Q 1536. .f. Centennial celebration "of the inaugural of Washing- ton, 1889. f Report of the sub-committee of the army. Q 4549- Coffin. Following the flag. Q 7095./. — Freedom triumphant : fourth period of the war of the Rebellion. Q 75 5 7-/- APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW. YORK. 4— HISTORY : European History and Travels. 17 Coffin. — continued. My days and nights on the battle- field. Q 7095 — Redeeming the republic : third period of the war of the Rebellion, 1864. Q 7557''- Drake. Taking of Louisburg, 1745. Q 3126./. FiNCK. Pacific coast scenic tour. Q 150. Fremont. Far-west sketches. Q I57- GOODLOE. Birth of the republic : compiled from national and colonial histories, etc. Q 4173- Goss. Recollections of a private : a story of the Army of the Potomac. Q 7603. Johnston. The U. S. : its history and constitution. , Q 1233. King. Campaigning with Crook, and stories of army life. Q 2244. Contents : Campaigning with Crook. — Captain Santa Claus. — Mystery of 'Mahbin Mill. — Plodder's promo- tion. Langford. Vigilante days and ways : the pioneers of the Rockies. 2 v. Q 1260. Sessions. From Yellowstone Park to Alaska. P 7401. ToWNSEND (M.). U. S.: an index to the United States. Q 1767. Note. — " Handbook of reference, combining the ' curious ' in U. S. history." TowNSEND (T. S.). Honors of the empire state in the war of the Rebellion. Q 7445 •■*• United States. Engineer Dept. \ Geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the looth meridian. Vol. 5, Zoology. Q 891. a. — War Department. \ War claims of Nevada. Q T]Ti.f. f War of the Rebellion : a compilation of the records, v. 24-30. Q 7773- ^• UNITED STATES: SEPARATE STATES AND CITIES. Ballou. The new Eldorado ; a summer journey to Alaska. P 7025. Bancroft (H. H.). History of Utah. Q 95i5- — Works v. 24-26, 31. P75I5- 24. History of California, v. 7, i86o-go. 25. His- tory of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming, 1540-1888. 26. History of Utah, 1 540-1886. 31. History of Wash- ington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-89. Bates. Tour in Mexico and California. P 8030. Beale. Through the Johnstown flood. Q 9519. BowEN (C. W.). Woodstock [Ct.] : an historical sketch. Q 9533- BowEN (J. L.). Massachusetts in the war, 1861-65. Q 7532. Chapin. Mountaineering in Colorado. Q 9083. Davis. Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians. Q 9569. Deland. Florida days. Q 9570. Field. Bright skies and dark shadows. [Florida.] Q 9149- Gilman. Story of Boston. Q 9167. Glazier. Peculiarities of American cities. Q 169./. Haskins. Argonauts of California. Q 9613. Headley. Great riots. 1S82. Q 9192.(7. A'ote. — A new edition of his "Great riots of N. V." Heaton. Story of Vermont. Q 9617. HfMPHREY. How New England was made. Q 3630. Mellick. Story of an old farm ; or, life in New Jersey in the iSth century. Q 967S. Milliken. Glen House book, White Mountains. Q 9306. MuKR.w. Lake Champlain and its shores. Q 9323./. Palfrf.y. History of New England, v. 4, 5. Q 3705. Smithsonian Institution, f Exploration of the Colorado River of the west. Q 9883. Thwaites. Story of Wisconsin. Q 9764. Va.n Dyke. Millionaires of a day : an inside history of the great southern Calif ornian "boom." Q 945S.W. Ward. The White Mountains : a guide to their inter- pretation. Q 9465. Weeden. Economic and social history of New Eng- land, 1620- I 789. 2 V. Q 3783. Wilson. Historic and picturesque Savannah. Q 9791. B. European History and Travels. BRITISH HISTORY AND TRAVELS. ASHTON. Social England under the Regency. [1811-15.] 2 v. R 1 510. Babcock. Two lost centuries of Britain. R 1022. Baring-Gould. Old country life. R 1026. Breed. Aboard and abroad. R 1059. Bridges. Idylls of a lost village. R 1058. Butterworth. Zigzag journeys in the British isles. R 1541 Church. Story of early Britain. R 1089. DiLKE. Problems of greater Britain. R1122. Ditchfield. Our English villages: their .story and their antiquities. R 1123. Gribayedoff. French invasion of Ireland. R 2176. Hall. Court life under the Plantagenets. [Henry II.] R i6ro.f. Harrison. Memorable London houses. R 1612. — Same. 2d edition. R 1187. Hervey. Memoirs of the reign of George II. Ed. by Croker. 3 v. R i6i3. Joy. Outline history of England. R I234.£J. Kitchin. Historic towns: Winchester. R 1245. Kno.x. Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland. R 1650. Lecky. History of England in the l8th century, v. 7. R 1263. Lee. Stratford-on-Avon from the earliest times to the death of Shakespeare. New edition. R 1264. Lovett. London pictures drawn with pen and pencil. R 1855. McCarthy. History of the four Georges, v. 2. R 1277./. Mackintosh. Story of Scotland. R 2281. Oliphant. Royal Edinburgh. R 2337, Smalley. London letters, and some others. 2 v. R 1748. Walters. In Tennyson's land. [ Lincolnshire.] R 1779. YoNGE. Cameos from English history. 6th and 7th series. R 1498. 6. Forty years of Stewart rule, 1603-43. 7. The Rebellion and Restoration, 1642-78. EUROPE IN GENERAL. BazAn. Russia : its people and its literature. S 4030. Blackstock. The land of the Viking and the empire of the tsar. S 4044. Burckhardt. Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy. S 3540. Carstensen, Two summers in Greenland. P 7546. Carter. Two girls abroad. Na 3077. Champney. Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. S3550. — Three Vassar girls in Switzerland. R 9550. Child. Summer holidays : travelling notes in Europe. Na 3086. Crane. La societe francaise au I7e si^cle. S 1104. Note. — "An account of French society in the 17th century from contemporary writers." Dl.x. A midsummer drive through the Pyrenees. S 1575. Du Chaillu. The Viking age. 2 v. R 3577 ''. Duruy. History of France. S 1130. — History of Rome. Ed. by Mahaffy. 8 v. in r6. N 9577. Edwards. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys : a midsummer ramble in the Dolomites. 2d ed. R 9580. Farmer. Short histor)- of the French Revolution ior young people. S 1 143. Field. Palermo. Revised edition. S 3149. Hamerton. French and English : a comparison. S 1184./. Hamley. War in the Crimea. S 4184. Hervey. Glimpses of Norseland. R 3198. Hug and Stead. Switzerland. R 9215. In asking for books, use the - Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 18 4— HISTORY : Universal History. Lee. European days and ways. Na 3658. Leger. History of Austro- Hungary. S 6244. McCarthy. The French Revolution, v. i. S 1277. Mahaffy. Greek world under Romain sway, N S285. MORFILL. Story of Russia. S 4316.J. MURDOCK. Reconstruction of Europe : from the rise to the fall of the second French empire. N 4323. Napier. Narrative of the Peninsular campaign', 1807- 14. Abridged. S 2696.(7. Norton. In and around Berlin. R 4333. O'Rell. [p. Blouet.] Jacques Bonhomme ; John Bull on the Continent ; From my letter box. S 1339. Potter. To Europe on a stretcher. Na 3355. Proctor. A Russian journey. Revised edition. S 4358. Robinson. Bundle of letters frotn over the sea. Na 3375. Sessions. From the Land of the Midnight Sun to the Volga. S 4401. — On the wing through Europe. 3d edition. Na 3401. Stockton. Personally conducted. Na 3754. Sybil. Founding of the German empire by Wm. I. R 4758. Tissot. Unknown Switzerland. R 9442. Tozer. Islands of the yEgean. S 7445.2. Tsar and his people ; or, social life in Russia. S 4768. Watson. The Swedish revolution under Gustavus Vasa. R 37^1. Wolff. Rambles in the Black Forest. R 44S9. Zimmern. The Hansa towns. R 4499- C. Oriental History and Travel. Bridgman. Winters in Algeria. P 1535. BUEL. Heroes of the dark continent and how Stanley found Emin Pasha. P 3814. Caine. Picturesque India. O 5543. CoNDER. Palestine. O 9099. CURZON. Russia in central Asia in 1S89. O 3565. Douglas. The land where Jesus Christ lived. O 9125. Drury. Madagascar ; or, Robert Drury's journal. P 5576. Edwards. A thousand miles up the Nile. P 2580. GovviNG. Five thousand miles in a sledge : a midsum- mer journey across Siberia. O 3173. Guinness. In the far east. [China.] O 2607. Headley and Johnson. Stanley's wonderful adven- tures in Africa, iSSg. P 3615. — Same, 1890. P 361 5. a. Henry. Synopsis of Jewish history. [538-3 B.C.] N 7196. HiGGiNSON. Java : the pearl of the east. P 6202. Junker. Travels in Africa, 1S75-7S. P 3641. Keltie. Story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters. P 3239. Kingston, W. H. G. and Low, C. R. Great African travellers, from Bruce to Stanley. P 646. Le Strange. Palestine under the Moslems, a.d. 650- 1000. O 9265. LoTi. Into Morocco. P 1273 LuMHOLTZ. Among Cannibals : four years' travels in Australia. P 6664. Lynch. Egyptian sketches. P 2665. Malleson. Indian mutiny of 1S57. O 5286. Manjiro. Japan and the Pacific ^ O 22S7. Morrison. The Jews under Roman rule. N 7317. Ober. Knockabout club in north Africa. P 1702. Pictorial Africa : its heroes, missionaries, and martyrs. P 871. Poole. Story of the Barbary Corsairs. P 1355. Rawlinson. Story of Phoenicia. N 5719./. Sessions. In western Levant. Nb 3401. Sheldon. An I. U. B. in south Africa. P 5403./. ShiukiCHI Shigemi. A Japanese boy. O 2403. Smith. Through Abyssinia. P 2412./. Stanley. In darkest Africa. 2 v. P 3753./. Stevens. Scouting for Stanley in east Africa. P 3421. Totten. Our race : its origin and destiny. I. Jeshurun's pilgrimage ; or, lost Israel found. N 7445. Wauters. Stanley's Emin Pasha expedition. P 3469, Wendel. History of Egypt. N 6474. Whiting. The Chinese and the Chinese question. 2d ed. O 2481. Wilson. In Scripture lands. Nb 3790. Woodford. Naturalist among the head-hunters. [Solo- mon Islands.] • P 6489. D. Universal History, and General Voyages, Travels, and Geography. Boynton. The world's greatest conflict. N 4055. Note. — " Review of France and America, 17S8 to 1800, and history of America and Europe, 1800 to 1804." Brown. Countries of the world. 6 v. N 1538. Clutterbuck. The skipper in Arctic seas. N 2094. Duncan. A social departure : how Orthodocia and I went round the world by ourselves. N 3129. Emerson. New York to the Orient. 2d ed. N 3136. Foreign facts and fancies. By [various authors]. N 3156. Freshfield and Wharton. Hints to travellers, scien- tific and general. N 3156. Fyffe. History of modern Europe, v. 3, 1848-78. N 4596. Gautier. Chivalry. Transl. by Frith. T 8598. Harrison. A race with the sun : a 16 months' tour around the world. N 3612. Leland. a woman's journey around the world. N 3264. New York State. Grand Lodge of Masons. f Proceed- ings, 109th communication. T 9697. r. Putnam (?«(/ Jones. Tabular views of universal history. T 7716./. Quaker city philatelist, v. 3, 4. (Jan. i88S-Dec. 18S9.) T 6717. Reich. History of civilization. N 367. Rhoades. Around the world with the Blue Jackets. N 3723- RiDPATH. f History of the world. Edition de luxe. 8 V. N 4875. 1-3. Ancient. 1. Book I. Egypt. — 2. Chaldea. — 3. Assyria. — 4. Media. — 5. Babylonia. 2. Book 6. Persia. — 7. Greece. — 8. Macedonia. 3. Book 9. Rome. 5-8. Modern. 4. Book I. Barbarian ascendency. — 2. Mohamme- dan ascendency. — 3. Age of Charlemagne. — 4. Feudal ascendency. 5. Book 5. The Crusades. — 6. The people and the kings. 6. Book 7. New world and Reformation. — 8. The English revolution. 7. Book 9. Age of Frederick the Great. — 10. Age of revolution. 8. Book II. The nineteenth century. Rose. A century of continental history, 1780-1880. N 4378. Scribner's Sons, C, publishers. \ The Scribner-Black atlas of the world. (1890.) F°. Travel, adventure, and sport from " Blackwood's Maga- zine." Nos. 4-6. N 3448. 4. Journey from Herat to Orenburg. By Sir R. Shakespear. — The inland sea of Japan. By A. Wilson. — A run to Nicaragua. By L. Oliphant. — Up stream on the Red River. 5. A reindeer ride through Lapland. By F. Taysen. — Valley of the shadow of death. By A. Wilson. — A night's peril. — Marquinez and LaCollegiala — A cruise up the Yangstze in 1S58-59. By Admiral S. Osborn. 6. Among the Affghans. By G. B. Scott.— The Americans and the aborigines. From the German of C. Sealsfield. APPRENTICES LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Drama and Plays. 19 PART 5.-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A. Bibliography and Library Economy. f Book chat. v. 3-5 (Jan. iSS8-Dec. 1890). M 7532. Burt. Literary landmarks : a guide to good reading for young people. M 7066. Chicago Public Library. f Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books. 1889. M 8552.^. — f Finding list. 7th ed. History and biography. 1S89. M 8552.^'. Cincinnati Public Library, f Bulletin of , books added during 1889. M 83 18. Cleveland Public Library, f Alphabetical catalogue of the English books in the Circulating Department. M 88 19. Cutter, f Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 2d ed. M 8565. Fletcher, edr, f Cooperative index to periodicals for 1889. M 7591. Gladstone. On books and the housing of them. M 8169. Grand Rapids Public Library. Catalog. Section 2. Prose fiction and juveniles, German books, Hol- land books. 1889. M S6o4.a. Hamilton (Ont.) Public Library, f Catalogue of books in the Circulating Dept. 1890. M 8610. Indianapolis Public Library, f Finding list of biography, history, and travels. 1890. M 8845. Ireland. Book-lover's enchiridion: thoughts on the solace and companionship of books. 4th ed. M 7224. f Library journal, v. 14, 15 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1S90). M 8662. t Library notes, v. 2 (June, 1887-Mch. 1888). M 8660. f Literary news. New series, v. 10, 11 (Jan. 18S9- Dec. 1890). M 7662. f Literature relating to New Zealand : a bibliography. M 7663. Minneapolis Public Library, f Finding list. Part 3, February, 1890. M 8684. J., rt«(/Cibber, yl/r. Provok'd hus- band : comedy. — Addison, J. The drummer: comedy. — Cibber, C. Love makes a man ; comedy ; Careless husband : comedy. — Steele, Sir R. The funeral : comedy. 8. Jones, H. Earl of Essex : tragedy ; Barbarossa : tragedy. — Dryden, J. All for love : tragedy. — Ma- homet the imposter : tragedy. By Rev. J. Miller and Dr. B. Hoadley. — Rowe, N. Lady Jane Gray : tragedy. 9. Dryden, J. Amphitryon ; or, the two Sosias : comedy. — Congreve, W. The double dealer : comedy. — Cibber, C. The double gallant ; comedy. — Far- quhar, G. The inconstant : comedy. The constant couple : comedy. 10. Addison, J. Cato : tragedy. — Lee, N. Theo- dosius : tragedy. — Hughes, J. Siege of Damascus : tragedy. — Home, J. Douglas : tragedy. — Hill, A. Zara : tragedy. 11. Vanbrugh, Sir J. The city wives' confederacy : comedy. — Foote, S. The minor : comedy. — Wycher- ley, W. The country wife : comedy. — Garrick, D. The chances : comedy. — Centlivre, Mrs. S. The wonder : comedy. 12. Glover, Mr. Medea : tragedy. — Young, Dr. The brothers : tragedy. — Garrick, D. Isabella ; or, the fatal marriage : tragedy. Altered from Southern. — Murphy, A. Grecian daughter : tragedy,— Whitehead, W. The Roman father : tragedy. O'Connor. Mr. Donnelly's reviewers. K 2336./;/. Ransome. Short studies of Shakespeare's plots. K 2363. Robinson. The new Pandora : a drama. K 2375. Schiller. Jungfrau von Orleans : Tragodie. K 3390./ Shakespeare. \ The Bankside Shakespeare. Ed. by A. Morgan, v. 6-1 1. K 2742.1*. 6. Much ado about nothing. [Ed.] by W. H. Fleming. 7. Titus Andronicus. Introd. by A. Morgan. 8. A midsommer nights dreame. Introd. by W. Reynolds. 9. Othello. Introd. by T. R. Price. 10. King Lear. Introd. by A. A. Adee. 11. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Introd. by E. P. Vining. C. Elocution and Rhetoric. Bainton. Art of authorship. M 5021. Bell. Essays and postscripts on elocution. M 5055. Davis. Second reading-book. M 51 13. Delsarte. Delsarte system of oratory. 3d ed. M 5117. Depew. Orations and after-dinner speeches. M 61 19. DiXEY. Trade of authorship. M 5123. Drew. Pens and types ; or, hints and helps for those who write, print, read, teach, or learn. 2d ed. M 5i26.a. Hunt. Studies in literature and style. M 5217. j. Pendleton. Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day. M 9346. Root and Gilbert. Franklin speaker. M 5377. Stebbins. Delsarte system of expression. 3d ed. M 5420. (/. Ward. Life, speeches, and orations. M 6779. Warman. The voice : how to train it, how to care for it. M 5779. D. Essays and Miscellany. Boyd. East coast days and memories. M 4055.3'. Browne. Iconoclasm and whitewash, and other papers. » M 4537. Fiske (A. K.). Midnight talks at the club. M 4I50.»?. Fiske (Mary H.). The giddy gusher papers. M 4150.^. Franklin. Prefaces, proverbs, and poems of. Original- ly printed in Poor Richard's almanacs fori733-58. M 3157A Gray. Making the best of things, and other essays. M 4173. Hamley. Shakespeare's funeral, and other papers. M 4184. Contents : Shakespeare's funeral. — Mr. Dusky's opin- ions on art. — Victor Hugo on the great French puzzle. — False coin in poetry. — Slaughters in the Soudan. — Mr. Fechter's Othello. — Life of Lord Lytton. — Life and letters of George Eliot. — Pictures of Richard Doyle. — Mr. Hayward and his letters. Holmes. Over the teacups. M 1210.0. Jerome. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. M 4231. La Bruy^re. Morals and manners of the 17th cen- tury, being [his] " Characters." M 3255. Mabie. My study fire. M 4276.;/?. Morris. Prejudiced inquiries. M 4318. Mulford. The white cross library, v. 3, 4. M 4320. Nadal. Essays at home and elsewhere. M 4326. Payn. Notes from the " News." M 4344- Rice. Nature and culture. M 4372.;?. Contents : Nature and her lessons. — Woman and her sphere. — Education and its errors. — America and her future. — Life and its aspirations. — Mission monument and its dedication. Russell. In a club room : the monologue of a man who might have been social. M 4381.?. ScHAFF. Literature and poetry. M 4734- Contents : The English language. — The poetry of the Bible.— The Dies Irre.— The Stabat Mater Dolo- rosa. — The Stabat Mater Speciosa.— St. Bernard as a hymnist. — The university : past, present, and future. — Dante Alighieri.— Poetic tributes to Dante. — The Divina Commedia. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Ppetry. 21 Schopenhauer. Religion : a dialogue, and other essays. M 4394. Contents : Religion : a dialogue. — A few words on Pantheism. — On books and reading. — On physiognomy. — Psychological observations. — The Christian system. Stevenson, edr. Early reviews of great writers, 1786- 1832. M 4422. Story. Conversations in a studio. 2 v. M 4423. Thoreau's thoughts. Selections from the writings of. M 3439- Tiffany. Bird-bolts : shots on the wing. M 4441- Woodberrv. Studies in letters and life. M 44S9. E. History and Criticism of Literature. Adams. Rambles in book-land. M 9004.;-. Beers. From Chaucer to Tennyson. M 9034./. Clouston. Flowers from a Persian garden, and other papers. M 9094. Mitchell. English lands, letters, and kings. 2 v. M 9309.1,2. I. From Celt to Tudor. 2. From Elizabeth to Anne. Panin. Lectures on Russian literature : Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoy. M 9342. Pendleton. Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day. M 9346. Perry. History of Greek literature. M 9708. Reed. Hindu literature ; or, the ancient books of India. M 9367. /^. Smith. A century of American literature : selections from a hundred authors. M 9412.^. Spofford and Gibbon, edrs. Library of choice litera- ture. 2d edition, ro v. M 9751. Stedman and Hutchinson, edrs. Library of American literature, v. 9-11. M 9753. 9. Literature of the Republic. Part 4, 1861-88. 10. Literature of the Republic. Part 4, continued, 1861-88. II. Literature of the Republic. Part 4, concluded, 1861-S8, and short biographies of all authors repre- sented in this work. Wilkinson. Classic French course in English. M 94S2. Wright. Children's stories in English literature. M 9493. F. Language and Phonography. . Blake. Lexicon of the first three books of Homer's Iliad. W 8044. Boisen. Notes to the preparatory book of German prose. W 3048. Browne. American book of business letters : for use in schools of phonography. Part 4. W 106 1.<^. — Book of business letters. Part 5. W 1537./'. — First phonographic reader. W 1061./. — Phonographic monthly, v. 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14 (Jan. 1877-Dec. 1889). W 1537. — Religious phonographic reader. W 1061./-. — Shorthand abbreviations. W 1061.J. — Text-book of phonography. Simplified edition. W 1061./. — Typewriting instructor. W 181 3. Doriot. Beginners' book in French. W 4125. Ernst. Complete Spanish course(Robertsonian method). VV 5138. Harding. Greek inflection. W 81 86. Laurie. Language and linguistic method in the school. W 262. Mead. Our mother tongue. [On pronunciation.] W 2295. Parsons. Cebes' tablet, with introduction. W 8343. Phyfe. Seven thousand words often mispronounced. W 2351./. Pilling. f Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages. In E 9773- — f Bibliography of the Muskhogean languages. In E 9773. Pitman (B.) and Howard (J. B.). Manual of phonog- raphy. W 1353.5. Pitman (I.). Manual of phonography. W 1353. c". — Phonographic and pronouncing dictionary of the Eng- lish language. 6th edition. W 1353.^. — Phonographic phrase book. W 1353.0'. — Phonographic reporter. W 1353./. — Phonographic teacher. W 1353.^. — Same, and Manual of phonography. W 1353.^. Sauveur. Causeries avec mes eleves. 2d ed. W 4387. Smith. Appendix to Initia Grseca. Part i. W 8412. Starck. Grammar and language. W 421. Tetlow. Inductive lessons in Latin. W 8436. Tomlinson. Selections from Latin authors. W 8444. Whitney, edr. f Century dictionary, v. 2-4. W 2897. Williams. Our dictionaries, and other English language topics. W 2483.(7. Wright. Comparative grammar of the Semitic lan- guages. W 9796. G. Poetry. Apollonius Rhodius. "The argonautica." Transl. into English prose by Coleridge. K 8013. Arnold. In my lady's praise. 2d edition. K lois.t. — With Sa'di in the garden ; or, the book of love. K 901 5. w. Note. — "The 3d chapter of the ' Bostan ' of the Persian poet Sa'di." Benton. Emerson as a poet. K 1037.4'. Billman. Bluebird notes. K 1041. Brooks. English poetry and poets. K io6o.<». Browning. Asolando : fancies and facts. K \ofi\.d. — Selections from, by Mrs. A. N. Bullens. K io6i.7'. Campbell. Lake lyrics, and other poems. K 1073./. Carleton. City legends. K 1545.0'. Chaucer. Legend of good women. Ed. by Skeat. K 1084./. Crandall. Representative sonnets by American poets. K 1104.3. Dandridge. Joy ; and other poems. K 1113. Dawson. Makers of modern English : handbook to the greater poets of the century. K 1115./W. Eggleston. American war ballads and lyrics. 2 v. K 1134. Emmons. Mingled memories : poems. K 1136.W. Euripides. Bacchantes. Ed. bv Beckwith. [ In Greek.] ' K %\y^.e. Fagan. Southern war songs. K 1585. Farrar. With the poets : a selection of English poetry. 3d edition. K 1 145. Gilbert. Songs of a Savoyard. K 1601. Gladstone. Landmarks of Homeric study. K 8169./. GowER. Tales of the seven deadly sins, being the Con- fessio amantis. Ed. by Morley. K 11 73./. Harlan. Ida Randolph of Virginia : a historical sketch inverse. 2d edition. K Ii86.». Harris. Spiritual sense of Dante's " Divina commedia." K 6187. Lamb. Adventures of Ulysses. Introd. by Lang. K 8259.47. Lowell. A fable for the critics. K 1274.5. Mason, compiler. Songs of fairy land. K 1290.J. Milton. Poetical works. With memoir by Montgomery. 2 V. K 1 306. r. Morris. Earthly paradise. 5 v. K 1317.^. 1. The wanderers. — Atalanta's race. — The man born to be king. — Doom of Acrisius. — The proud king. 2. Cupid and Psyche. — Writing on the image. — Love of Alcestis. — Lady of the land. — Son of Croesus. — Watching of the falcon. — Pygmaleon and the image. — Ogier the Dane. 3. Death of Paris. — Land east of the sun and west of the moon. — Acontius and Cydippe. — Man who never laughed again. — Story of Rhodope. 4. Lovers of Gudrun. — Golden apples. — Fostering of Aslaug. — Bellerophon at Argos. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS: Evolution, Biology, and Ethnology. Morris. — Continued. 5. Ring given to Venus. — Hellerophon in Lycia. — Hill of Venus. — The epilogue. — Story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the fall of the Niblungs. 4th edition. K 3690. Nettleship. Robert Browning : essays and thoughts. K 1327. Peacock. Poems of the plains. K 1345.6. P1ND.A.R. The Olympian and Pythian odes. [Ed.] by Gildersleeve. K 8353.^. Poems. By M. A. M. K 1714. PURDY. Legends of the Susquehanna, and other poems. K 1359- Ross. Celebrated songs of Scotland from James V. to H. S. Riddell. K 1727. Shakespeare. Poems. Ed. with notes by Rolfe. K 1401.;-. Sladen, edr. Australian poets, 17S8-188S : a selection. K 1409. Smith (Jeanie O.). Day lilies. K \\\2.d. Smith (Laura A.). Through Romany songland. K 9412. SOUTHEY. Poetical works. With a memoir. K 1416.^. Spenser. Poetical works. Ed. from the best editions. K 1417./. Symonds. Introduction to the study of Dante. K 6431. Tennyson. Demeter, and other poems. K 1436.^'. Virgil, .i^neid. Transl. into English verse by Coning- ton. 8th edition. K 8469.0. Virgil. — continued. Greater poems, v. 2. [In Latin.] Ed. by Greenough. K 8460.^'. — Poems. Transl. into English prose by Coningtoii. New edition. K 8460. A. Walker. Lady of Dardale, and other poems. K 1773. Watson. Letters from Colorado. K 1467. H. Wit and Humor. Anstey. Voces populi. M 2506. Aunt Nabby : her rambles, adventures, and notions. 2d edition. M 2019. Barnum. Funny stories. M 2028. Boyle, ^sop redivivus. M 3055. Burnand. New light thrown across the keep it quite darkest Africa. M 2067 n. — Very much abroad. M 2067. Crofton. Hairbreadth escapes of Major Mendax. M 2563. Jerrold. The barber's chair, and The hedgehog letters, M 222)1. b. Lang, Old friends : essays in epistolary parody. M 2261. Morris, compiler. Half-hours with the best humorous authors. 4 v. M 2317. I, 2. American. 3. English. 4. English, etc. MOTT. The old settler and his tales of Sugar Swamp. M 2318. Quigg. Tin-types taken in the streets of N. Y. M 2361. PART 6.-NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. A. Astronomy. Ball. Star-land : talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. D 6044.J. — Time and tide : a romance of the moon. D 6044. A Chambers. Handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. 4th edition. 3 v. D 6550.0. I. The sun, planets, and comets. 2. Instruments and practical astronomy. 3. The starry heavens. Flammarion. Uranie. D 6152. z/. Gore. Scenery of the heavens. D 6173. LocKYER. The meteoric hypothesis. D 6663. w. LtJCE. Text-book of seamanship. Revised by Ward. G 7664. Parker. Familiar talks on astronomy. D 6343. Steele. New descriptive astronomy. D 6421. Thornton. Advanced physiography. D 6439. United States. House of Representatives. \ Inter- national conference on a prime meridian and a universal day. D 6773. B. Botany. Friend. Flowers and flower lore. E 1594. Newhall. Trees of northeastern America. E 1697. Sachs. History of botany, 1530-1860. E 1382. C. Chemistry. Bknedikt. Chemistry of the coal-tar colours. Ed. by Knecht. 2d edition. D 5036. Bernthsen. Text-book of organic chemistry. D 5037. Blair. Organic analysis of potable waters. D 5044.0. Bloxam. Chemistry, inorganic and organic. 7th edition, by Thomson. D 5528. Church. Chemistry of paints and painting. D 5089. Cornwall. Manual of blowpipe analysis. 2d ed. D5561. FoWNES. Manual of chemistry. D 5156.W. Note. — Embodies Watts' " Physical and inorganic chemistry." Fresenius. Qualitative chemical analysis. Revised by Johnson. 8th edition. D 5594.0. — Quantitative chemical analysis. Ed. by Allen and Johnson. D 5594./-. Groves and Thorp, edrs. Chemical technology, v. i. Fuel and its applications. D 5606. Ostwald. Outlines of general chemistry. D 5704. Plattner's Manual of analysis with the blowpipe. Re- vised by Richter. 6th edition. D 5713. Remsen. Inorganic chemistry. D 5721. Richards. Aluminium : its history and applications. 2d edition. D 5724. Steele. Popular chemistry. D 5421. Sutton. Volumetric analysis. 5th edition. D 5758. Wanklyn. Gas engineer's chemical manual. D 5464. — awa' Cooper. Air analysis. 05464.0. Wiechmann. Sugar analysis. D 5482. D. Evolution, Biology, and Ethnology. Bergen (J. Y.) and (Fanny D.). Primer of Darwinism and organic evolution. F 1036. Brinton. Essays of an Americanist. E 9536. I. Ethnologic and archa;ologic. — 2. Mythology and folk lore. — 3. Graphic systems and literature. — 4. Linguistic. — Races and peoples. E 9058. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution. F 1059. Contents : Thompson, D. G. Herbert Spencer. — Chadwick, JRez'. J. W. Charles Edward Darwin. — Serviss, G. P. Solar and planetary evolution. — Janes, Dr. L. G. Evolution of the earth.— Potts, W. Evo- lution of vegetal life. — Raymond, R. W. Evolution of animal life. — Cope, E. D. The descent of man. — Eccles, Dr. R. G. Evolution of mind.— Skillton, J. A. Evolution of society. — Sampson, Z. S. Evolution of theology. — Janes, Dr. L. G. Evolution of morals. — Parshall, N. C. Proofs of evolution. — Chadwick, I\ev. J. W. Evolution as related to religious thought. — Nichols, S. H. Philosophy of evolution. — Savage, /\ev. M. J. Effects of evolution on the coming civilization. Darwin. Descent of man. New edition. E 9114.0. Durham. Evolution, antiquity of man, bacteria, etc. F II 30. ElMER. Organic evolution as the result of the inherit- ance of acquired characters. F 1581. Holmes, f Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. 7« E 9773. Keary. Dawn of history. New edition. E 9238.0. Mivart. Origin of human reason. E 9687. Note. — " An examination of recent hypotheses." Morris. Civilization : an historical review of its ele- ments. 2 v. E 9187. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Natural History. 23 SiRET. t Les premiers ages du metal dans le sud-est de I'Espagne : texte. E 9882. — t Same : Album of plates. F . SiTTON. Evolution and disease. F 4429. T.-VYT-OR. Origin of the Aryans : the prehistoric ethnol- ogy and civilization of Europe. E 9434. Tuo.M.'iS. f Circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio. /« E 9773. Thruston. Antiquities of Tennessee. E 9764. United States. Jiunau of Ethnology, f 2d, 3d, 5th and 6th annual reports (iSSo-Si— 1884-85). E 9S91. t [Pamphlets.] E 9773. Contents : Thomas, C. The circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio. — Pilling, J. C. Bib- liography of the Muskhogean languages. — Holmes, W. H. Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. — Thomas, C. j The problem of the Ohio mounds. — Pilling, J. C. Bib- liography of the Iroquoian languages. . Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography. BoscowiTZ. Earthquakes. D 7052. Dana. Characteristics of volcanoes [of] the Hawaiian Islands. D 756S. GiBERNE. The ocean of air : meteorology for beginners. D 7166. tjRiMES. Geonomy: creation of the continents by the ocean currents. D 7176. (irvoT. The earth and man. Revised edition. D 71 So.a'. Harrison. Creation and physical structure of the earth. D 8612. Hazen. The tornado. D 7191. HoGAN. Popular mineralogy and geology. D 8209. ! Jannettaz. Determination of rocks : an introduction to ] lithology. 2d edition. D 8227. j Macfarlane. American geological railway guide. 2d j edition. D 8279. Rothschild. Hand-book of precious stones. D 9378. Shaler. Aspects of the earth : a popular account of some familiar geological phenomena. D 7742. Starr. On the hills. D 8420. Steele, Fourteen weeks in popular geology. D 8421. United States. Geological Survev. \ 2d annual report, 1880-81. ' D 8891. — Geological and Geographical Sur7>ey of the Territories. f 9th-iith annual report. 1875-77. D 8773. — Geological Survey of the Territories, \ Report, v. g. D S891.C. Contents : Meeks, F. B. Invertebrate cetaceous and tertiary fossils of the upper Missouri country. — Signal office. \ Report of chief signal-ofHcer for 1879, j 1884, and 1885, Pt. I. D 7773.J F. Mathematics. Bowser. Elements of plane and solid geometry. D 1056. Chauvent. Elementary geometry. Revised and abridged by Byerly. D 1084. I Hawkins. Handbook of calculations for engineers and firemen. D 1614. LOOMIS. Tables of logarithms of numbers, sines, and tangents. 76th edition. D 1664. ; Nystrom. Duodenal arithmetic and metrology. In D 3701. Osborne. Examples of differential equations. D 1339. Perrin. Drill-book in algebra. D 1347. Ropp. Commercial calculator. D 1377. Totten. An important question in metrology. D 1767. Note. — Against the Metric System. \ Wells. University algebra. D 17S4. ' Wentworth. Elements of algebra. D 1474. Kobbe. Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung. 5th ed. I 6251. Parsons. Parsifal : the finding of Christ through art , or, Richard Wagner as theologian. I 6706. Spillane. History of the American pianoforte. I 641S and Fine G. Painting, Plastic Arts, Arts Generally. Andre. Draughtsman's handbook of plan and ma]) drawing. I 350*' Andrews. Scale drawing. I 3010. f Art amateur, The : devoted to art in the household. V. 14, 15 (Dec. 1885 to Nov. 1S86), and v. 16, No I (Dec. 1886). I 904. ■ Binns. Orthographic projection : a new method df mechanical and engineering drawing. 12th edition. I 3525- — Second course of orthographic projection. 4th edition. I 3525.«- Brush. One summer's lessons in practical perspective. I 3062. Burchett. Linear perspective. New edition. I 3065. Burn. Roman literature in relation to Roman art. I 67. Cone. Perspective : a series of elementary lectures. I 3099. f Connoisseur, The. v. 2, 3 (Oct. 1887-summer 1S89). I 559- Day. Planning of ornament. I 4115./. Faunce. Mechanical drawing. 2d edition. I 3144. Goodyear. History of art. 2d edition. I 603. (?. Halliday. Mechanical graphics : a second course in mechanical drawing. I 3610. Hennecke Co. f Art studies. I 5839. N'ote. — Catalogue of statuary, busts, and models. HuLME. Flower-painting in water colours. 2d series. 1 4629. Jackson. Lessons on decorative design. I 4635. Leland. Drawing and designing. I 3264. Lindsay. Sketches of the history of Christian art. 2d edition. 2 v. I 269. Lubke. Outlines of the history of art. 2 v. I 664. Maxton. Workman's manual of engineering drawing. 6th edition. I 3294- Page. Guide for drawing the acanthus and ornamental foliage. I 3341 'J - Paris. Manual of ancient sculpture. Ed. by Harrison. I 5343- Patmore. Principle in art, etc. 2d edition. I 345. Pemberton. Practical draughting. I 3347- Rose. Mechanical drawing self-taught. I 3727- Turner. Short history of art. 3d edition. I 769. Van Rensselaer. Six portraits : Delia Robbia, Cor- reggio, Blake, Corot, George Fuller, Winslow Homer. I 4458- Ware. Modern perspective. [Text.] I 3779. — Savie. [Plates.] I 3894. Whistler. Gentle art of making enemies. I 4788. H. Sports, Games, and Amusements. American whist illustrated. By G[eo.j W. P[ettes]. I 9008. Baker. Wild beasts and their ways. I 7023. w. Beard. American girl's handy book. I 9032.^. Browne. In the riding-school. I 7060. "Cavendish." [H. Jones.] Game of lawn tennis. I 7079. . — Laws and principles of whist. I 9079. Champlin and Bostwick. Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports. I 9081. ' Cuasseresse. Sporting sketches. I 7084 APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. 31 Checkley. Natural method of physical training. I 7085. Clarke. Where the trout hide. I 7092. Gleason. How to handle and educate vicious horses. I 7169. Heathcote and others. Tennis, lawn-tennis, rackets, [and] fives. I 7192. Hennequin. Art of playwriting. K 2196. Hoffmann. Cyclopaedia of card and table games. I 9209. r. — More magic. I 9209. w. Hutchinson. Golf. I 7219. Jerome. Stage-land : curious habits and customs of its inhabitants. K 2231. Leffingwell. Shooting on upland, marsh, and stream. I 7658.J. Marvin. Training the trotting horse. 2d ed. I 7673. Palmer and others. Athletic sports in America, England, and Australia. I 7705. Pf,mbridge. Whist or bumblepuppy ? I 9346. Pollock and others. Fencing, boxing, and wrestling. I 7355. Proctor. Strength : how to get strong and keep strong. I 7358. Saddle horse, The : a complete guide for riding and training. 1 7382. Scott. Cycling art, energy, and locomotion. I 7397. " Seneca." Hints and points for sportsmen. I 7400. Shields. Camping and camp outfits. I 7404. Slocum. Lawn tennis in our own country. I 7746. Steinitz. Modern chess instructor. Part x. I 9752. Stephens. Canoe and boat building : a complete manual for amateurs. 4th edition. G 7420. SwiNTON. Chess for beginners and the beginnings of chess. I 9431. Thornton. Training for health, strength, speed, and agility. I 7439. Vaux. (" Z><7A") Canoe handling. 2d edition. I 7459. Van Rensselaer. The devil's picture-books : a history of playing-cards. I 9774. Walsingham and Gallwey. Shooting. 3d ed. 2 v. I 7462. J. I. Field and covert, 2. Moor and marsh. Watson. Confessions of a poacher. I 7469.C. I. Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. Amateur work illustrated. New series, v. i. [Old series, v. 8.] H 505.0. Anglo-American Code and Cypher Co. Anglo-American telegraphic code. I 1506. Bishop (H. G.). Practical printer. I 1043. Bishop (L.). History of American manufactures from 1608 to i860, v. 3. H 526. Beringer. Text-book of assaying. G 3037. Blakelee. Industrial cyclopedia. H 527. Bore. Story of the invention of steel pens. H 8052. Brannt. Manufacture of vinegar and acetates, cider, and fruit-wines. H 8534. — Metal worker's handy-book. G 3056. w. Charleton. Tin : chief methods of mining, dressing, and smelting. G 3551. Cross am^Bevan. Text-book of paper-making. II 4106. Egleston. Metallurgy of silver, gold, and mercury in the U. S, 2 V. G 3580. Eissler. Handbook on modern explosives. H 8134. Note. — "Manufacture and application of dynamite, gun-cotton, nitroglycerine, and other explosive com- pounds, including the manufacture of collodion-cotton." — Metallurgy of silver. G 3135. w. Hasluck. Wood turner's handybook. H 8i89..r. Howe. Metallurgy of steel, v. i. G 3843. Jacobi. Printers' vocabulary. I 1226. Japp. Industrial curiosities. 5th edition. H 227. Kerl. Assayer's manual. 2d edition. G 3645. Leno. Boot and shoemaking. H 4264. Luce. Text-book of seamanship. Rev. by Ward. G 7664. M'Dermott and Duffield. Losses in gold and amalga- mation. G 3667. Paris Universal Exposition, 1889. f Official catalogue of the U. S. exhibit. H 343. Procter. Text-book of tanning. H 8358. Pulsifer. History of lead. G 3716. Richardson. Practical blacksmithing. 2 v. G 3371;.. San Francisco. Mechanics' Institute, f Report of the 24th industrial exposition. H 731. Sloane. Facts worth knowing for the household, work- shop, and farm. H 746. Note. — "Selected mainly from the ' Scientific Ameri- can.'" Spon's Encyclopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and commercial products. Ed. by G. G. Andre and C. G. W. Lock. 5 v. H 751. 1. Acids, alcohol, alkalies, alloys, alum, arsenic, asphalt, assaying, beverages. 2. Beverages to Cotton manufactures. 3. Cotton manufactures (continued) to India rubber manufactures. Ed. by C. G. W. Lock. 4. India rubber manufactures (continued) to Photogra- phy. Ed. by C. G. W. Lock. 5. Photography (continued) to Woolen manufactures. Ed. by C. G. W. Lock. Stelle and Harrison. Gunsmith's manual. H 8421. Terry and Finn. Illustrations and descriptions of tele- graphic apparatus. I 1436. United States. Bureau of the Mint. \ Production of precious metals in the U. S. during 1889. G 3773. — Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1876. f Reports. 6 v. H 773. r. — .State Department. \ Reports of commissioners to the miernational exhibition at Vienna, 1873. 4 v. ^ H 773-'^. United States Export Almanac Publishing Co. f U. S. export almanac in English, French, Spanish, and German. H 891. Van Cleve. The English and American mechanic : an every-day hand-book. H 458. Watt. Art of paper-making. H 4469. West. American foundry practice. 7th ed. G 3476.0. — Moulders' text-book. 4th edition. G 3476. Note. — Part 2 of his " American foundry practice." Williams. Chemistry of iron and steel making. G 3484. In asking for Iwoks, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 32 ADDITIONS AND OMISSIONS : Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. ADDITIONS AND OMISSIONS. A. General List, Exclusive of Fiction. CoiGNET, Capt. J. R., soldier of the empire. Narra- tive, I 776-1 850. T 967. Every Thursday : an illustrated family journal, v. i (Mch. 6-Sept. 25, 1890). C 6828. Girl's own annual, v. 11 (Oct. 5, 1889-Sept. 27, 1890). C 6834. Green. Henry the second [King of England]. T 1962.^. tjEWELERS' weekly, v. 10 (Apl.3-Sept. 25, 1890). C 7947. Lecky. History of England in the l Sth century, v. 8. R 1263. f London quarterly review, v. 74 (Apl.-July, 1890). C 6664, Montagu, Lady Mary W, Best letters of. Ed. by Octave Thanet. T 3140.OT. Morris. Famous musical composers. T 5315. New York City. Apprentices' Library. Finding list : Subject catalogue. 1888. M 8866.(2. — Supplements Nos. 1-3 (1888-90). Bound with the preceding. M 8 866. a. ■j- Seaboard, v. 2. (Oct. 24, 1889-Oct. 23, 1890). C 7981. Sunday : readings for the young. i8gr. C 6757. Tyng, C. R. Life and work of Rev. S. H. Tyng, D.D. T 4516. Washington, Geo. f Writings. Collected and ed. by W. C. Ford. V. 8, 1779-1780, M 780. B. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. Abbott, Mary. The Beverleys : a story of Calcutta. Against the stream.^ By E. Eckstein. (In " Masterpieces of German Fiction.") (In " Masterpieces of (In " Mas- All in vain. By R. Lindau. German Fiction.'") Aristocratic world. The. By Fanny Lewald. terpieces of German Fiction.") Arnold, E. L. Wonderful adventures of Phra, the Phoenician. Arrabiata, L'. By P. Heyse. (In " Masterpieces of Ger- man Fiction.") Balch, F. H. Bridge of the gods : a romance of Indian Oregon. Beppe, the star gazer. By P. Heyse. (In "Masterpieces of German Fiction.") Beverleys, The : a story of Calcutta. By Mary Abbott. Black, W. Stand fast, Craig-Royston ! Boarding-school girls. The. By E. Eckstein. (In " Masterpieces of German Fiction.") Bridge of the gods : a romance of Indian Oregon. By F. H. Balch. Bunner, H. C. " Short sixes" : stories to be read while the candle burns. Eckstein, E. Against the stream. (In " Masterpieces of German Fiction.") — Boarding-school girls. (In " Masterpieces of German Fiction. ") — Visit to the lockup. (In " Masterpieces of German Fiction.") Fenn, G. M. a fluttered dovecote. First love. By R. Lindau. (In " Masterpieces of Ger- man Fiction.") Fluttered dovecote, A. By G. M. Fenn. Other man's wife, The. By J. S. Winter. Stand fast, Craig-Royston ! By W. Black. Winter, J. S. The other man's wife. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. <=i>' #■ SUPPLEMENT No. 4 FINDING LIST APPRENTICES' LIBRARY ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED BY The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Containing a List of Books added from January to December, iS^i ^V y^ NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Apprentices' Library from January to December, 1S91. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in small caps), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has nO author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Individual Biography (page i) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter (in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a 12" ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8" ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the ab-sence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator; " ed." means edition or edited ; " edr." means editor ; " Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the Library. A full list of catalogues for sale will be found on the back of the cover. Committee on Purchases for the Apprentices' Library. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 189 WARREN A. CONOVER, Chairman, 324 West 19th Street. WILLIAM H. BURRAS, Secretary, 52 King Street. HENRY W. REDFIELD, 141 Centre Street, ROBERT CHRISTIE, 154 West 97th Street, PETER DE BAUN, 330 West nth Street, CHARLES E. BOGERT, 59 Christopher Street, CHARLES J. GILLIS, 116 Wooster Street, J HENRY BESSEY, 159 William Street, ) JACOB V. MYERS, 2 Van Nest Place, \ Committee on Purchases for the JOHN N. RICHARDSON, 8x8 Greenwich Street, ) Reading Rooms. WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue. \ ^ ■ ry l r ., CHARLES C. ALEXANDER, 231 West 83d Street, Conumttee on Purchases for tJu JOSEPH J. LITTLE. 10 Astor Place, S ^^''"^^ ^^'"'^'^ '^"'^ ^"^^""- OLIVER BARRATT, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 30 Perry Street. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, 18 East i6lh Street. Index To Subjects. PAGE PAGE PAGB \ l.^gean islands. IS- Civil \Var(U. S.). 13, 14. Finance. 23- Afghanistan. IS- Classical antiquities. IS- Fine arts. 27. \frica. IS Collected works. 3- Fishing. 27- 1 \gricullure. 25- Colleges. 22. Flour milling. 26. i Alaska. J Mljhabeis. 13- Colonial architecture. 26. Fly fishing. 27. 26. Colour-blindness. 21. Football. 27- Xmcrica, Spanish. IS- Comic works. 19- Fortune telling. 25. Via lican history and travels IS Commerce. 22. Franco-German war of 1S70-7 I. 14. \ni rican literature. i8. Confectionery. 26. Freemasonry. IS- \in -lican poets. 19. Constellations. 19. French history and travels. 14. IS- Viii.isements. 27. Constitution (English). 22. French language. 18. \iiiinal chemistfy. 19. Constitution (U. S.). 23- Fuels. 19. Vniinals. 21. Cookery. 26. Games. 27- Kiuiciit art. 27. Co-operation. 23- Gems. 20. Vni^ling. 27- Copyright. 23- Geography. 15. \iiiKils of legislative bodies. 21. Corliss engine. 26. Geography, Physical. 20. \nii.|uities. 15- Crime. 23- Geology. 20. \q,iaria. 21. Cyclopa-dias. 3- Geometry.' 20. Vrch.rology, Prehistoric. 20. Cyprus. 15. Germany. IS. Vrchitecture. 25- Dairy, The. 2S- Gipsy sorcery. 2S. \it. 27- Danby in Cleveland. 14. Gloversville (N. Y.). 14- Vstronomy. 19. Darwinism. 20. Golf. 27. Vu>tr.ilia. 15- Delsarte system. 27. Gothic moldings. 25- {.icteria. 21. Denver (Colorado). 14. Government. 22. iaiiking. 23- Dictionaries. 18. Graining. 27. h.-..- ball. 27- Digestive organs. 21. Grand Rapids. 14. :<'llth. 14- Diseases. 20, 21. Grasses. 19. tiful, The. 27. Divorce. 24- Greek philosophy. 25- \oIent societies. 23, 24. Doctrinal theology. 24- Greenland. 13. luer process. 28. Dog, The. 25- Grinding machines. 26. al theology. 24. Domestic economy. 26. Guilds. 23. ■L^raphy. IS- Drama. 17- Gymnastics. 27. : iphy, Collective. 2,3- Drawing. 27. Gynrecology. 20, 21. uphy, Individual. I, 2. Dressmaking. 26. Hand railing. 26. '.-;y- 20. Driving. 27- Hawaii. 15- ;i,>is. 21. Drugs, History of. 21. Health. 21. ilacksmithing. 28. Dynamics. 21. Heat. 21. '..1 -tin;;. 27- Dynamos. 20. Heating. 25- V exercise. 20, 27. East, The. IS- Heraldry. 15. nian language. 18. Ecclesiastical history. 24. Herbarium. 19. iinding. 27- Education. 22. Heredity. 21. taneers. IS- Elocution. 19. Honduras. 13. UiiMing. 25, 26. Elizabethan architecture. 26. Horsemanship. 27. iuMuess. 22. Eniin Pasha relief expedition. 15- Horticulture. 25- ! iitcrnies. 21. Encyclopaedias. 3- Hospitals. 21. •nine architecture. 26. Engineering. 26. Hot air heating. 25- irnia. 14. England : History and travels 14. Hot water heating. 25. ■ l.i. 13- English composition. 19. Household economy. 26. ' r;.ulian poets. 18. English constitution. 22. Humorous works. 19. ' interbury cathedral. 25- English etymology. 18. Hygiene. 21. ■ . n.xl 23- English language. 18. Hypnotism. 25- ' :^^ames. 27- English literature. 18. Iceland. 14. mry. 2S- Essays. 17- Ices and ice-creams. 26. Ii>:;ues of libraries. 16. 17- Ethics. 25. Index to periodicals. IS- :.ulu'drals. 25- Etymology. 18. India. 15- :h:irities. 23. European history and travels. 14- India rubber. 27- 'hoinistry. 19. Evolution. 20. Indian architecture. 25. ■hcss. 27. Exhibitions of industry. 27- Industrial art. 26. "liicago. 14- Fairy tales. 24- Industrial exhibitions. 27- 'Iiildren's diseases. 21. Faith cure. 2S- Insanity. 21. "hiiia. IS- Farming. 25. Insects. 21. ^hvistian art. 27- Female diseases. 21. Intellectual philosophy. 2S- "hurch history. 24. Fiction. 4-1 1. Inventions. 26. ':\ il engineering. 26. Fiction : Historical and crit ical Ireland. 14 "ivil-sercice. 11 - • -- 22, 23. works. 13- Irish literature. 18. In asking for books; use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. Iron manufactures. PAGE 28. Italy. 14. .apan. 15. _ apanese bronze. 27. _ esus Christ. 24. _ ewelry. 26. Jews. 15- Joining. ' 25. Jute culture. 25. Juvenile ficlion. 12, 13. Karpathians, The. 14. Kentucky. 14. Koch's treatment of tuberculosis. 20. Kinematics. 21. Kinetics. 21. Labor. 23- Land. 23- Landscape gardening. 25- Language. 18. Language, Universal. 18. Law. 23. Legislative bodies. 21. Letters. I, 2. Libraries. 16. Library catalogues. 16, 17. Library ecor.omy. 16, 17. Library reports. 16, 17. Light. 21. Literary history. 18. Literary miscellany. 17- Literary periodicals. 3- Literature. 15-19- Locomotives. 26. Logic. 25. London. 14. Lord's supper. 24. Louisiana. 14. Machinery. 26. Magic. 27. Mammalia. 21. Manures. 25- Manx nation. 14. Marine engineering. 26. Marriage (Historical). 15- Marriage (Medical Science). 21. Marriage (Social Science). 24. Masonry. 15. Mathematics. 20. Mechanical drawing. 27. Mechanics. 21. Medical chemistry. 19. Medical science. 20. Mediaeval art. 27. Memoirs. I, 2. Mental medicine. 25- Mental philosophy. 25 Mesmerism. 25- Metal turnmg. 26. Metallurgy. 28. Metaphysics. 25- Metric system. 20. Military science. 23. Millinerv. 26. Mill work. 26. Mineralogy. 20. Mining. 26. Miscellany, Literary. 17- Missouri. 14. Mnemonics. 22. Money. 23- Mongolia. 15- Monograms. 26. Moral philosophy. 25. Morocco. 15- Music. 27. Mythology. 24. Names. 15- Natural history. Natural philosophy. Natural science. Naval warfare. Needlework. New England. New Jersey. New York City. Norway. Novels. Obstetrics. Occult literature. Optics. Oregon. Organic chemistry. Oriental history and travels. Ornament. Ostrich farm. Oyster, The. Painting. Palestine. Paris. Parlor magic. Patagonia. Patent law. Pauperism. Periodicals. Pessimism. Pharmacy. Philosophy, Mental. Philosophy, Moral. Phonography. Photography. Phrenology. Physical geography. Physical training. Physics. Physiology. Plastic arts. Plays. Plumbing. Poetry. Police. Political economy. Political science. Polo. Poor, The. Portugal. Postage stamps. Poverty. Prehistoric archasolog)'. Printing. Protection. Pyschology. Public documents. Quotations. Railing. Railways. Rebelhon (U. S.). Rhetoric. Riding. Roadmaking. Romances. Rubber hand stamps. Russia. Sabbath, The. St. Louis. Salamis. .Sanitary science. Santo Domingo. Science. Scientific journals. Scottish clans. Sermons. Sewerage. Sexual science. Shooting. PACE 21. 21. 19-21. 23- 26. 14. 14- 14. 14 4-11. 21. 14- 19. 15- 27. 25- 21. 27- is- H- 27- 13- 23- 24. 3- 25. 21. 25- 25- 18. 26. 25- 20. 21. 21. 21. 26. 17- 25- 18. 23. 23- 22. 27. 24. 14- 15- 24. 20. 27- 23- 25- 21. 17- 26. 26. 14. 19. 27. 26. 4-1 1. 27- 15- 24. 14. 15- 21. 13- 21. 4- 15- 24. 26. 20, 21. 27- Shorthand. Siberia. Sicily. Social science. Socialism. Songs. Sound. Spain. Spanish American republics. Spanish architecture. I Speeches. Spelin (Universal language). I Spiritualism. ( Sports. I Statics. I Statistics. Statutes. Steam-boiler construction. Steam engine. Steam heating. Steam navigation. Steel. Stenography. Stonemasonry. Stories. Strikes. Surveying. Sweden. Swedenborgianism. Switch work. Switzerland. Tales. Taxation. Taxidermy. j Teaching. Technological journals. Telegraphy. Telephone. Temperance. Thames river. Theism. Theology. Theosophy. Tibet. Tobacco habit. Train dispatching. Transactions. Travels (General). Tudor architecture. Tyrol. PAGE 18. 15- 14- 23. 23. 27- 2r. 14. 13- 25- ig. 18. 25- 27- 21. 23- 23. 26. 26. 25- 26. 28. 18. 26. 4-II. 23- 26. 24. 26. 15- 4-1 1. 23- 13 United States : Constitution. 22, 23, United States: History and travels. 14. United States : Separate states and cities. 14. Universal history. 15. 1 Universal language. 18. Universities. 22. Useful arts. 27. Ventilation. 25. Vikings. I4' Volapiik. 18. Voyages around the world. 15. Warming of buildings. 25. Washington Bridge (N. Y. City). 26. W^ashington territory. 14- Westminster Abbey. 14' Whist. 27. Wit and humor. 19. Wood carving. 26. ! Woolen manufactures. 27. Women. 24. ! Women, Diseases of. 21. Works, Collected. 3- Worsted manufactures. 27. Writing. 18. Zincography. -7- Zoology. 21. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement No. 4 to Finding List. Arra}igemc7it of Prina'pal Subdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. " 2. Cyclop/edias, Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political and Social Sciences. " 8. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. " 9. Useful and Fine Arts. PART 1. -BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Arblay, Madame d'. Set Bancroft, George. Dyer Bancroft, Hubert H. BuRNEY, Frances. O. Life and writings of. With M 4026. Literary industries : a memoir. T 253./. Bashkirtseff, Marie. Letters of. T 296./. Beaconsfield, B. Disraeli, carl of. See Disraeli, B. IBetterton, Thomas. By R. W. Lowe. T 382. Bombast, Phiiippus T. of Holunheim. See Paracelsus. BoswELL, James. Fitzgerald, P. Life of . 2 v. T 529./". Pradlaugh, Charles, J/./'. Mackay,C.R. Life of. T 562. Bradstreet, Anne, and her time. By Helen Campbell. T563. Br AHE, Tycho : a picture of scientific life and work in the i6th century. By J. L. E. Dreyer. T 564. Brewster, Benj. H. Savidge, E. C. Life of. T 578./-, Browning, Robert. Jpnes, H. Browning as a philo- sophical and religious teacher. T 614^. — Orr, Mrs. S. Life and letters of. 2 v. T 614.(7. IUrney, Frances [Madame d' Arblay]. Ellis, Annie R., edr. Early diary of, 176S-1778. 2 v. T 663.^. Campbell, Colin. See Clyde, C. Campbell, lord. Ca.vterbury, a. Tait, archbishop of Davidson, R. T. and Benham, W. Life of. 2 v. T 4325 (/. Carter, Robert : his life and work, 1807-1889. T 775.a. Cass, Lewis. By Andrew C. McLaughlin. T 788. w. Catherine of Aragon. Froude, J. A. Divorce of. .T794./. CiT\ucER. Lounsbury, T. R. Studies in C. : his life and writings. 3 v. T 848 /. \; Robert. By Justin McCarthy. T 3456.OT. — By J. R. Thursfield. T 3456.^. Pericles and the golden age of Athens. By E. Abbott. T 3473. Petrarch : a sketch of his life and works. By May A. Ward. T 3483. ze/. Phelps, Austin : a memoir. By Elizabeth S. Phelps. T 3504./. Pinto, Ferdinand M. Voyages and adventures of. T 3533- Pitman. Isaac. Reed, T. A. Biography of. T 3535. Rodney, George B., admiral. By David Hannay. T 3756. Rose, Hugh Henry. See Strathnairn, H. H. Rose, baron. Ross, Janet. Early days recalled. ' T 3784 e. RUSKIN, John : his life and teaching. By J. M. Mather. 3d ed. T 3810 m. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Wal]ace,W. Life of. T 3945.W. Scott, 5?> Walter. Journal. Popular edition. T 3977.;^. Sevigne, Madame de. Best letters of. Ed. by E. P. Anderson. T 4016.3. Seward, Wm. H. Seward, F. W. Seward at Wash- ington as senator and secretary of state, v. 2, 3. T 4017.3. 2. 1846-1861. 3. 1861-1872. N'ote. — Continuation of his " Autobiography" which is vol. I of this series. Shakespeare, Wm. Landor, W. S. Citation and exam- ination of W. S. touching deer-stealing. T 4025/, Sherman, Wm. T. Johnson. W. F. Life of. 74034./ — Life and reminiscences of, by distinguished men of his time. T 4034./. — Memoirs of. Written by himself. 4th ed.. 2 v. in i. T 4034. w, Stael, Mada/ne de. By A. Sorel. T 42x0.^. Strathnairn, Hugh Henry Rose, baron. By Maj.-Gen. Sir O. T. Burne. T 950. A^ote. — With his "Rulers of India: Clyde and Strathnairn." Tait, Archibald C, archbishop of Canterbury. See Canterbury, Archibald C. Tait, archbishop of. Talleyrand. Prince de. Memoirs of. Ed. by the due de Broglie. v. 1-3. T 4328. — f Same. v. 1-3. T 3759. Theodoric the Goth, the Barbarian champion of civili- sation. By T. Hodgkin. T 4373. Tyng, Pev. S. H., D.D. Tyng, C. R. Life and work of. T4516. Wayl.'^nd, Francis. Murray, T- O. American religious leaders : F. W. " T 4704. Webster, Daniel. Alger, H. jr. From farm boy to senator : the boyhood and manhood of D. W. T 4713. 'J- Weed, Thurlow. Barnes, T. W. Memoir of. T 4715. A^'ote. — Vol. 2 of " Autobiography of Thurlow Weed." Wesley, John. By J. H. Overton. T 4765. <;. Wilberforce, Samuel, D.D. Ashwell, A. R. and Wil- berforce, R. G. Life of. 3 v. T 4832.3. William II., Germaii emperor. Frederic, H. The young emperor: William II. of Germany. T 4843. ir. Williams, Montagu, Q. C. Later leaves : being further reminiscences. T 4845. »/. Winthrop, John, first governor of the Massachusetts Colony. By J. H. Twitchell. T 4852.A B. Collective Biography. Bancroft. Chronicles of the builders of the common- wealth. V. I, 5. T 5515. Barrie. An Edinburgh eleven : pencil portraits from college life. T 5027. Contents : Lord Rosebery. — Professor Masson. — Professor Blackie. — Professor Calderwood. — Professor Tait. — Professor Fraser. — Professor Chrystal. — Pro- fessor Sellar. — Mr. Joseph Thomson. — Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson. — Rev. Walter C. Smith, D.D. Bolton. Famous English statesmen of queen Victoria's reign. T 5049.^. Contents: Sir Robert Peel.— Lord Pahnerston. — Lord Shaftesbury. — John Bright. — William Edward Forster. — Lord Beaconsfield. — Henry Fawcett. — Wil- liam Ewart Gladstone. CUND.\LL. The landscape and pastoral painters of Hol- land: Ruisdell, Hobbema, Cuyp, Potter. T 5106./. Dole. Score of famous composers. T 5124..^. Contents : Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.^ — Henry Purcell. — Johann Sebastian Bach. — George J"rederick Handel. — Christopli Willibald Gluck. — Franz Joseph Haydn. — Wolfgang Amadcus Mozart. — Ludwig von Beethoven. — Gioachino Rossini. — Carl Maria von Weber. — Schubert. — Louis Spohr. — Meyerbeer. — Men- delssohn. — Schumann. — Frederic Francois Chopin. — Mikhail Ivdnovitch Glinka. — Hector Berlioz. — Franz Liszt. — Richard Wagner. Forster. Some French and Spanish men of genius. T 5I55-J. Contents : Marivaux. — Voltaire. — Rousseau. — Dide- rot. — Beaumarchais. — Mirabeau. — Danton, Robes- APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 2— CYCLOPAEDIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, Etc. : Literary Periodicals. pierre, and the Convention. — Beranger. — Victor Hugo. — Eugene Sue and Emile Zola.— l.ope de Vega and Cervantes. — Calderon. Hitchcock. Unhappy loves of men of genius. T 5207. Contents : Gibbon and Madame Necker. — Dr. John- son and Mrs. Thrale. — Goethe and Charlotte von Stein. — Mozart and Aloysla Weber. — Cavour and the un- known. — Irving and Mrs. Carlyle. HUTTON. Literary landmarks of Edinburgh. T 5219./. Jones. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. T 5641.. Men and women of the time. 13th ed by G. W. Moon. T 5679- Morris. Famous musical composers. T 5315. MuzZF.Y. Prime movers of the Revolution. T 5694./. Parton. Captains of industry. 2d series. T 5343. r. Robertson. Modern humanists : sociological studies of Carlyle, Mill, Emerson, Arnold, Ruskin, and Spencer. T 5375. w. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of men. M 9382. Contents : Critical memoirs. — Goethe and Bettina. — Alfred de Musset. — Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his son. — De Balzac. — Memoirs of Saint-Simon. — Camille Desmoulins. — Diderot. — La Bruyere. — L'Abbe de Choisy. — Fontenelle. Sovereigns and courts of Europe. By " Politikos." T 5415. Steel. Achievements of youth. T 5420. PART 2.-CYCLOP^DIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, AND PERIODICALS. A. Cyclopaedias and Collected Works. Burns, R. Complete works. Memoir by'A. Smith. M 66.a. Davenport, B. R., edr. Best 50 books of the greatest authors condensed for busy people. C 9569. Gay's Illustrated circle of knowledge. C 2833.0. f Iconographic encyclopc-edia of the arts and sciences. Revised and enlarged. 6 v. C 2844. 1. Brinton, D. G. Anthropology and ethnology. — Gerland, G. K. C. Ethnography. Edited by D. G. Brinton. 2. Brinton, D. G. Prehistoric archaeology. — Eye, Dr. J. L. A. von. History of culture. Edited by Kirk ; continuation by Bruce. 3. Carriere, Dr M. Sculpture and painting. — Mar- quand, A. Ancient art. — Frothingham, A. L. Early Christian and Mediaeval art. — Benjamin, S. G. W. Modern art. 4. Essewein, Dr. A. O. Architecture. Continua- tion edited by Lockington. 5. Frankl, Dr. W. and Heyn, R. Constructive arts: building and engineering. Additions by Wahl. 6. Hartig. Dr. E. and Weiss, Dr. T. Applied me- chanics. Edited by Grimshaw and others. Jay, J. f Correspondence and public papers of. Edited by Johnston, v. 2, 3. M 636. Mackenzik, H. Miscellaneous works, v. i. M 281.0. Contents: Man of feeling. — Papers from "The Lounger." f People's cyclopedia of universal knowledge. Ed. by De Puy and Reddall. 4 V. [1S91.] C 2S70.0. Pocket encyclopedia of universal information. C 2355. f Popular encyclopedia. Edited by Annandale. New issue. V. 1-9. 1890-91. C 2714. Shen'stone, W. Works. 3 v. 1764-69. M 742. 1. Elegies on several occasions. — Odes, songs, bal- lads. — Levities or pieces of humour. — Moral pieces. 2. Essays on men and manners. — Verses to Mr. Shen- stone. 3. Letters to particular friends from 1739 to 1763. Thorne, R., edr. Fugitive facts : an epitome of general information. 2d edition. C 2763. Washington, G. f Writings. Collected by W. C. Ford. V. 8- II. M 780. 8. 1779-1780. 9. 1780-1782. 10. 1782-1785. II. 1785-1790. B. Literary Periodicals. f Advocate, The. and family guardian, v. 55, 56 (Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890). C 6801. f Arena, The. v. 3. 4 (Dec. 1890-Nov. 1891). C 6509. t Army and navy journal, U. S. v. 28 (Augt. 30, 1890- Augt. 22, 1891). C 6904 t Athen.^um, The : Jan. -Dec. 1S91. C 6804. Atlantic monthly, v. 67, 68 (Jan. -Dec. 1S91). C 6511. t Book chat. v. 6 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). M 7532. 13rovvne's Phonographic weekly, v. 15, 16 (Jan. 1890- Dec. 1891). W 1537. Century, The. v. 19, 20 (Nov. 1890-Oct. 1891). C 6549. Chatterbox. 1891. Ed. by J. E. Clarke. C6551. Chautauquan, The. v. 12, 13 (Oct. 1890-Sept. 1891). C 6552. t Civil service record, v. g, 10 (July, 1889-June, 1891). C6818. Cosmopolitan, The. v. 11 (May-Oct. 1891). C 6562. Demorest's Monthly magazine, v. 27 (Nov. i8qo-Oct. 1891). C 6824. Domestic monthly, v. 32-34 (Oct. iSSg-Mch. 1891). C 6S25. t Edinburgh review, v. 173, 174 (Jan. -Oct. 1891). C 65S0. f Educational review, v. i (Jan. -May, 1S91). C 6580.0. Every Thursday : an illustrated family journal, v. i, 2 (Mch. 6, 1890-Mch. 26, 1891). C 682S. f Figaro, v. 3 (Mch. 5-Augt. 27, 1891). C 6831. f Fortnightly review, v. 49, 5o(Jan.-Dec. 1891). C6593. I Forum, The. v. 10, 11 (Sept. 1890-Augt. 1S91). C 6595- Girl's own annual, v. 11 (Oct. 5, 1889-Sept. 27, i8go). C 6834- Godey's Lady's book. v. 122, 123 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 6602. Harper's New monthly magazine, v. 82, 83 (Dec. 1890-Nov. 1891). C 6612. Harper's Young people, v. 12 (Nov. 1890-Oct. 1891). C 6833. f Illustrated American. v. 3-8 (July, iSgo-Nov. 1891). C 6845. f Illustraied London news. v. 18, 20, 23, 26, 28, 32, 35, 40, 41 (Jan. 1851-Dec. 1862). C 6945. Leslie's (Frank) Popular monthly, v. 31, 32 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 6S34.«. VLlBRARY journal, v. 16 (Jan -Dec. 1891). M 8662. Lippincott's Monthly magazine. v. 47, 4S (Jan. -Dec. 1S91). C 6661. t Literary news. New series, v. 12 (Jan. -Dec. 1S91). M 7662. + Literary worid. v. 22 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 6855. f London quarterly review, v. 75, 76 (Oct. 1890- July, iSgi). C 6664. f Magazine of American history, v. 25, 26 (Jan.-Dec. i8gi). C 6670. Musical record : Jan.-Dec. i8gi. C 6866. f Nation. The. v. 52, 53 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 6866. f New-Chirch messenger, v. 58-61 (Jan. 1890-Dec. i8gi). C 6867. New England magazine. New series, v. 4 (Mch. -Augt. 1891). C 6697. f Nineteenth century, v. 29, 30 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 66gg. f North American review. v. 152, 153 (Jan.-Dec. i8gi). C 6700. t Office, The. v. 8 (Jan.-Dec. 1890). C 6858. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Abandoned Claim, to Arnold, E. L. + Our animal friends, v. 17, 18 (Sept. 1889-Augt. 1891). C 6968. Outing : an illustrated magazine of sport, travel, and recreation, v. 17, 18 (Oct. 1890-Sept. 1891). C6704. Peterson's Magazine, v. 99, 100 (Jan, -Dec. 1S91). C 6709. f Phonetic journal, v. 49, 50 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891). C 6710. Phrenological journal, v. 92, 93 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C6711. f Publisher's weekly, v. 39,4o(Jan.-Dec.i89i). M 7716. f Quarterly review, v. 172, 173 (Jan. -Oct. 1891). C6717. Religious souvenir for 1834. Ed. by G. T. Bedell, D.D. C 6368. — Same, for 1836. Ed. by C. Colton, D.D. C 6368. f Sailor's magazine, v. 62, 63 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891). C 6729. St. Nicholas, v. 18. Pts. i, 2(Nov. 1890-Oct. 1891). C 6730. f Saturday review, v. 71, 72 (Jan. -Dec. i8gi). C 6877. Scribner's Magazine, v. 9, 10 (J an. -Dec. 1S91). C 6740. Sunday: readings for the young. 1891. C 6757. t Telescope, The. v. i, 2 (Junes, 1824-May 27, 1826). C 6887. — f Same. v. 3-6 (June 3, 1826-May 29, 1830). 4 v. in 2. C 6987. f United service : a monthly review of military and naval affairs, v. 5, 6. New series (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 6773.^. t Voice, The. v. 7, 8 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891). Folio. \ Westminster review, v. 135, 136 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 67S5. Wide awake, v. EE-GG [31-33] (June, 1890-Nov. 1891). C 6789. f Woman's illustrated world, v. 1-4 (Apl. 18, 1889-Dec. 27, 1890). C 6997. C. Scientific and Technological Jour- nals and Transactions. f American agriculturist, v. 49, 50 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891). C 7802. f American analyst, v. 6, 7 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7802. a'. f American architect and building news. v. 31-34 (Jan.- Dec. 1891). C 78o2.fl. + American machinist, v. 14 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7902. Architectural and building monthly. v. 2 (Oct. 1890-Mch. 1891). C 7804. f Architecture and building, v. 13-15 (July, 1890- Dec. 1 89 1). C 7803. f Builder and wood-worker, v. 27 (Jan.-Dec. i8oi). C '78x4. t Carpentry and building, v. 13 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 78 16. Delineator, The. v. 35, 36 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7824. f Electrical review, v. 17, 18 (Augt. 30, 1890-Augt. 22, 1891). C 7927. f Engineering and mining journal, v. 51, 52 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7828. + Iron age. The. v. 47, 48 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7847. f Jeweler's circular, v. 21, 22 (Feb 1890-July, i8gi). C 7848. f Jewelers' weekly, v. 10-12 (April, 1890-Sept. 1891). c 7947. Locomotive, The. New series, v. 8 (Jan.-Dec. 1887). C 7663. — f Same. v. 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7663. f Manufacturer and builder, v. 22, 23 (Jan. 1S90- Dec. 1891). C 7857. f Manufacturer's review and industrial record, v. 23, 24 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891). C 7858. Millinery trade review, v. 16 (Jan.-Dec. 1 891). C 7862. f Photographic times, v. 21 (Jan.-Dec. i8gi). C 7871. •f Plumber's trade journal, v. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7872. f Popular science monthly, v. 38, 39 (Nov. 1890-Oct. 1891). C 7714. f Record and guide, v. 47, 48 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7874.0. — f Same. Daily edition. Feb. 9-14, 189T. G 9874. Note. — Contains the proceedings of the Convention of the National Association of Builders, t Sanitary plumber, v. 9 (Nov. i, 1890-Oct. 15, 1891). c 7877. f Scientific American, v. 64, 65 (Jan.-Dec. 1891). C 7979-«- — \ Same: supplement, v. 31, 32 (Jan.-Dec. 1S91). C 7979-'^- f Seaboard. New series, v. 3 (Oct. 30, 1890-Oct. 23, 1891). C 7981. Smithsonian Institution, f Report to July, 1888-89. C 4747- f Techniker, Der. v. 13 (Nov. 1890-Oct. 1891). C 78S7. United States. Patent Office. \ Alphabetical lists of patentees for quarters ending Mch. 31-Dec. 31, 1891. C 7891.^. — f Official gazette, v. 53-57 (Oct. 1890-Dec. 1891). C 7891. PART 3.-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION A. Fiction alphabetically arranged by Authors and Titles. Abandoned claim. By Flora H. Loughead. Abbe Constantin. Illustrated by Madame Madeleine Lemaire. By Ludovic Halevy. Abbott, Mary. The Beverleys : a story of Calcutta. About, E. La m^re de la marquise. — Notary's nose. — Uncle and nephew. (With his " Notary's nose.") According to St. John. By Amelie Rives. Adventures of three worthies. By C. Ross. Against the stream. By E. Eckstein. (In "Master- pieces of German fiction.") Alarcon, P. a. de. Brunhilde ; or, the last act of " Norma." — Moors and Christians, and other tales. Alexander, Mrs. [Mrs. A. F. Hector.] Heart of oak. (Bound with " Soul of countess Adrian.") — Well won. — What gold cannot buy. — Which shall it be ? All in vain. By R. Lindau. (In " Masterpieces of Ger- man fiction.") Allen, G. Dumaresq's daughter. — The great taboo. — Recalled to life. — Tents of Shem. Allen, J. L. Flute and violin, and other Kentucky tales and romances. Andrews, Jessie A. Eteocles ; a tale of Antioch. Anglomaniacs, The. [By Mrs. Burton Harrison.] Anstey, F. [F. a. Guthrie.] Tourmalin's time cheques. Arabian tales and anecdotes. By E. W. Lane. With S 3279. Note. — A selection from his notes to his translation of " The thousand and one nights." Ar^ne, p. The golden goat. Argens, M. le tnarquis d'. Memoires de la comtesse de Mirol. "Arnold, Birch." [Mrs. J. M. D. Bartlett.] New aris- tocracy. Arnold. E. L. Wonderful adventures of Phra the Phoe- nician. i APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Aristocratic world A^ Christian woman. Aristocratic world, The. By Fanny Lewald. (In " Mas- terpieces of German fiction.") Army Portia, An. By C. Kin^\ Arrabiata, L'. By P. Heyse. (In " Masterpieces of Ger- man fiction.") Artisf, An. By Madame Jeanne Mairel. At a girl's mercy. By Jean K. Ludlum. At anchor. By Julia Magruder. At man : the documents in a strange case. By F. H. Wil- liams. Atonement of Leam Dundas. By Mrs E. Lynn Linton. Attack on the mill, The. By E. Zola. (In " Tales of to-day, and other days.") Auld licht idylls. By J. M. Barrie. Aunt Dorothy : an old Virginia plantation-story. By Mar- garet J. Preston. Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden : the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. Averil. By Rosa N. Carey. i;\KFLED schemes. llallling quest, A. By R. Dowling. P.alaam and his master, and other sketches and stories. By J. C. Harris., F. H. Bridge of the gods : a romance of Indian Oregon. I. ALFOUR, F. [W. Phillips.] Perdita ; or, fair and false. Balzac, H. de. The Chouans. — Historical mystery. — Lily of the valley. — Ursula. Bandit of Syracuse. By S. Cobb, jr. Baiung-Gould, S. Urith: a tale of Dartmoor. Baroness Blank : a novel of the new German empire. By A. Niemann. B ARR, Amelia E. Beads of Tasmer. — She loved a sailor. — Sister to Esau. liarrel-organ. The. By F. Coppee. (In "Tales of to- day, and other days.") Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idylls. — Little minister. — Window in Thrums. P.ARTLETT, A/rs. J. M. D. .S'^^' "Arnold, Birch." IxMES, A. Book o' nine tales. Ba/.An, Emilia P. Christian woman. — Morrina (Homesickness). — Swan of Vilamorta. — Wedding trip. Beai,e, Anne. Fay Arlington. B.-ads of Tasmer. By Amelia E. Barr. Bi'.iiREXs, Bjrtha. S/'e Heimburg, W. BlI Rubio. By F. Whittaker. Bellerue; or, the story of Rolf. By W. M. L. Jay. Bcppe, the star gazer. By P. Heyse (In " Masterpieces of German fiction."') Bkrnhard, Marie. Rector of St. Luke's. Beryl's husband. By Mrs. Harriet Lewis. Bf.sANT, W. In luck at last. _ — " Let nothing you dismay." — St. Katherine's by the tower. Bkttany, Jeanie G. " Laggard in love."' Betty Alden : the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. By Jane G. Austin, lieverleys, The : a story of Calcutta. By Mary Abbott. Beyond the bourn : reports of a traveller returned from " The undiscovered country." By A. K. Fiske. Bishop, W. H. Yellow snake : a story of treasure. Bi.ACK. W. Donald Ross of Ileimra. — Madcap Violet. 8°. - Stand fast, Craig- Royston ! Black business, A. By H. Smart. Bi. \CKMORE, R. D. Cripps, the carrier. r^lanche, lady Falaise. By J. II. Shorthouse. lllood is the man. By W. L. Lowth. P.i.uE pavilions. Bv Q. Boarding school girls. The. By E. Eckstein. (In " Mas- terpieces of German fiction.") Tales of to- little BOLDREWOOD, R. Colonial reformer. — Sydney-side Saxon. Book o' nine tales. By A. Bates. Booth, AJrs. O. See " Rita." Boris Lensky. By O. Schubin. Born in the purple. By Emma Marshall. BouRGET, p. A case of conscience. (In day, and other days.") — Pastels of men. Contents: A saint. — M. Legrimaudet. — Two boys. — Was it love ? BouTON, J. B. The enchanted. BOYESEN, H. H. Mammon of unrighteousness. Braddon, A/tss M. E. [Mrs. M. E. Maxwell. | was the hand ? — World, the flesh, and the devil. Braeme, Charlotte M. See Clay, Bertha M. Bras d'Acier ; or, on the gold-path in '49. By A. de Brehat. By E. Marlitt. (Same as her " Second Whose Brave woman, A. wife.") Brazen android. tales.") Brehat, a. de. By W. D. O'Connor. (In his " Three Bras d'Acier ; or, on the gold-path in 49. Bridge of the gods : a romance of Indian Oregon. By F. H. Balch. Brooke's daughter. By Adeline Sergeant. Broughton, Rhoda anJ Bisland, Elizabeth. A wid- ower indeed. Brotherwood. By Mary Cruger. Brunhilde ; or, the last act of " Norma." By P. A. de Alarcon. Buchanan, R. Wedding ring. Bunner, H. C. " Short sixes " : stories to be read while the candle burns. — Zadoc Pine, and other stories. Burnand, F. C. Happy thoughts. Complete. Contents : Happy thoughts. — More happy thoughts. — Our yacht. Burning of Rome ; or, a story of the days of Nero. By Rev. A. J. Church. Bushwacker's gratitude. By K. Munroe. (In " Eleven possible cases.") By land and sea. Ed. by Capt. C. King. Bynner, E. L. Chase of the "Meteor," and other stories. Cahill, Mabel E. Her playthings, men. Caine, H. The scapegoat. Caird, Mona. [G. M. Hatton.] Romance of the moors. Callias : a tale of the fall of Athens. By Rev. A. J. Church. Cambridge, Ada. Three miss Kings. Cameron, A/rs. L. Jack's secret. Captain Blake. By Capt. C. King. Captain Lobe. See In darkest London. Captain of company K. By J. Kirkland. Carey, Rosa N. Averil. — Mary St. John. — Our Bessie. Carine : a story of Sweden. By L. Enault. Carletons, The. By R. Grant. Carpenter, E. J. A woman of Shawmut : a romance of Colonial times. Case of conscience, A. By P. Bourget. (In " Tales of to-day, and other days.") Cast for fortune. By C. Reid. Catherwood, Mary H. Lady of Fort St. John. Champney, Elizabeth W. Witch Winnie's mystery. Chase of the " Meteor," and other stories. Bynner. Chatelaine of Burnt Ridge. By Bret Harte. " Sapho of Green Spring?.") Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. By S. Page. Child's romance, A. By P. Loti. Chouans, The. By H. de Balzac. Christian woman, A. By Emilia P. Bazan. By E. L. (With his In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Church, Rev. A. J. to Fenn, G. M. Church, Rev. A. J, Burning of Rome ; or, a story of the clays of Nero. — Callias : a tale of the fall of Athens. Ciphers. By Ellen O. Kirk. Circumstantial evidence. By Mary E. Stickney. Clay, Bertha M. [Charlotte M. Braeme.] Lord Eles- mere's wife. Cobb, S. jr. Bandit of Syracuse. — Conspirator of Cordova. — Fortunes of Conrad. — Love match. — Outcast of Milan. — Robbi^r countess. — Roderick of Kildare. — RoIIo of Normandy. — Royal outlaw. — Scourge of Damascus. Collins, E. L. Hadasseh ; or, "from captivity to the Persian throne." Colonel Carter of Cartersville. By F. H. Smith. Colonial reformer. By R. Boldrewood. Combe, T. Question of love : a story of Switzerland. Comtesse de Mirol, Memoires de la. Par M. le marquis d'Arojens. Cones for the camp fire. By W. H. H. Murray. Conspirator of Cordova. By S. Cobb, jr. Constable's tower ; or, the times of Magna Charta. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Cooke, Rose Terry. Huckleberries gathered from New England hills. Cooper, S. W. Think and thank. COPPEE, Y. The barrel-organ. (In "Tales of to-day, and other days.") Cotes, V. C. Two girls on a barge. Countess Erika's apprenticeship. By O. Schubin. Countess's ruby. The. By J. Hawthorne. (With his " Pauline.") Cozzens, F. S. Sound of a voice. Craddock, C. E. [Mary N. Murfree.] In the " Stranger People's " country. Craik, Georgiaiia M. [Mrs. A. W. May.] Sylvia's choice. Crawford, F. M. Khaled : a tale of Arabia. — Witch of Prague. Crawfurd, O. Sylvia Arden. Crlxkle, Nym. [A. C. Wheeler.] The end of all. (In " Eleven possible cases") Cripps, the carrier. By R. D. Blackmore. Criquette. By L. Halevy. Crommelin, May. Freaks of lady Fortune. Crosby, Margaret. A violin obligato, and other stories. Cruel London. By J. Hatton. Cruger, Mary. Brotherhood. Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. See Gordon, Julien. Crystal button. The ; or, adventures of Paul Prognosis in the 49th century. By C. Thomas. Dally. By Maria L. Pool. Darkness and dawn ; or, scenes in the days of Nero. By F. W. Farrar. Davis, R. H. Gallegher, and other stories. Dead letter. By S. Register. Deane, Mary. Mr. Zi'nzan of Bath. Debt of hatred. By G. Ohnet. Decline and fall of the British empire ; or, the witch's cavern. Degen, Von. Mystery of the Campagna, and A shadow on a wave. Denison, Mary A. If she will she will. Di : a story. By S. L. Pierce. Diamond button, The. By B. North. Diamond seeker of Brazil. By L. Lewis. Diana Fontaine. By A. Ridgevvay. Diary of a pilgrimage. By J. K. Jerome. DiMZ, J. Fidalgos of Casa Mourisca. Doctor Lamar. ' Dona Luz. By J. Valera. Donald Ross of Heimra. By W. Black. Dorothy Gray : an Indian summer idyl. By Mrs. H. B. Goodwin. Double knot, A. By G. M. Fenn. Douglas. Amanda M. Heirs of Bradley House. DowLiNG, R. A baffling quest. " Down the O-hi-o." By C. H. Roberts. Doyle, A. C. Firm of Girdlestone. — Sign of the four. — Study in scarlet. — W^hite Company. Drama in muslin. By G. Moore. Draught of Lethe. By R. Tellet. Drawn blank. By Mrs. R. Jocelyn. Dream of a modest prophet. By M. D. Leggett. Dreams. By Olive Schreiner. Drowned man. The. By G. de Maupassant. (In " Tales of to-day, and other days.") "Duchess, The." [Mrs. Hungerford.] Little Irish girl. — Little rebel. . Dumaresq's daughter. By G. Allen. .| Dunstan, C. Quita: a novel. ' Durand, Mde. A. M. C. H. See Greville, Mde. H. Eckstein, E. Against the stream. (In " Masterpieces of German fiction.") — Boarding school girls. (In " Masterpieces of German fiction.") — Visit to the lockup. (In "Masterpieces of German fiction.") Edleen Vaughan ; or, paths of peril. By Carmen Sylva. Eglantine. By Eliza Tabor. Eggleston, E. Faith doctor : a story of New York. Eggleston, G. and Marbourg, Dolores. Juggernaut : a veiled record. Eiloart, Mrs. The love that lived. Eleven possible cases. By F. R. Stockton [and others]. Contents : Fyles, F. The only girl at Overlook. — Stockton, F. R. A thing that glistened. — Miller, J. A lion and a lioness. — Harland, H. (Sidney Luska.) A head of death. — Thompson, M. The Mystic Krewe. — Lockwood, I. Strange adventures of a million dol- lars. — Fawcett, E. A lost day. — Smith, B. G. A tragedy of high explosives. — Munroe, K. The bush- wacker's gratitude. — Crinkle, N. The end of all. — Green, Anna K. Shall he marry her ? Elizabeth. By Marie Nathusius. Ellen Story. By E. Fawcett. Ellice Quentin. By J. Hawthorne. (With his "Pau- line.") Elliott, Sarah B. Jerry : a novel. Elsa. By E. McQ. Gray. Elsket, and other stories. By T. N. Page. Enault, L. Carine : a story of Sweden. Enchanted, The. By J. B. Bouton. End of all, The. By Nym Crinkle. (In " Eleven possi- ble cases.") Eric Brightcyes. By H. Rider Haggard. Eteocles : a tale of Antioch. By Jessie A. Andrews. Evelyn's career : a novel. By the author of " My wife's niece." Eventide light. By Emma Marshall. Exceptional case. An. By Itti K. Reno. Fair to see. By L. W. M. Lockhart. Faith doctor. The : a story of New York. By E. Eggleston. Family failing, A. By H. Smart. Farjeon, B. L. Miser Farebrother. (F. S. L. No. 614.) — Shield of love. — Ties — human and divine. Farrar, F. W. Darkness and dawn ; or, scenes in the days of Nero. Fawcett, E. Ellen Story. — Lost day. (In " Eleven possible cases.") — New York family. Fay Arlington. By Anne Peale. Felicia. By Fanny N. D. Murfree. Fenn, G. M. A double knot. — Fluttered dovecote. In jeopardy, [and other stories]. Mint of money. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Fernyhurst Court to If she v/ill she will. 7 Fernyhurst Court : an every-day story. By the author of " Stone edge," etc. Fidalgos of Casa Mourisca. By J. Diniz. Field of tares. By C. Graves, Firm of Girdlestone. Hy A. C. Doyle. . First love. By R. Lindau. (In " Masterpieces of Ger- man fiction.") Fisher, Miss F. C. See Reid, Christian, FiSKE, A. K. Beyond the bourn : reports of a traveller returned from " The undiscovered country." Fitch, C. Knighting of the twins, and ten other tales. — Wave of life. Flaubert, G. Salammbo. Illustrated. Fletcher, R. H. The Johnstown stage, and other stories. Florentine nights. By H. Heine. Flute and violin, and other Kentucky tales and romances. By J. L. Allen. Fluttered dovecote, A. By G. M. Fenn. Ford, J. L. Hypnotic tales, and other tales. Ford, Mary H. Which wins? a story of social condi- tions. Fortunes of Conrad. By S. Cobb, jr. Found dead. By J. Payn. Four and five : a story of a Lend-a-Hand Club. By E. E. Hale. Fourteen to one. By Elizabeth S Phelps. Francis Cludde. Story of. By S. J. Weyman, Franzos, K. E. Judith Trachtenberg. Freaks of lady Fortune. By May Crommelin. Fremont, Jessie B. The will and the way stories. French, Alice. See Thanet, O. From shadow to sunlight. By the Marquis of Lome. From timber to town : Down in Egypt. By an early settler. Fuller, H. B. See Page, S. Fyles, F. The only girl at Overlook. (In "Eleven possible cases.") Gallegher, and other stories. By R. H. Davis. Garland, H. Main-travelled roads : six Mississippi valley stories. Gautier, T. The thousand and second night. (In "Tales of to-day. and other days.") Gentleman and courtier. By Florence Marryat. Gerard, E. and D. A sensitive plant. Ghost, The. Hy W. D. O'Connor. (In his "Three tales.") Gibbon, C. Was ever woman in this humor wooed ? Gl.\nville, E. Lost heiress. Glorious gallop. By Mrs. E. Kennard. Gold of pleasure. By G. P. Lathrop. Golden goat, The. By P. Arene. Golden sorrow. By Mrs. C. Hoey. Good-bye. I'.y J. S. Winter. Goodwin, Mrs. H. B. Dorothy Gray : an Indian sum- mer idyl. Gordon, Julien. [Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger.] Puri- tan pagan. — Vampires. 8°. — Same [and] Mademoiselle Reseda. Gould, S. Baring. .S^-^ Baring Gould, S. Grandmother, The : a story of country life in Bohemia. Bv B. Nemec, Grant, R. The Carletons. — Mrs. Harold Stagg. Graves, C. Field of tares. Gray, E. McQ. Elsa : a novel. Gray, M. In the heart of the storm. Great Kenion feud. By Capt. F. Whittaker. Great taboo. By G. Allen. Great world. By J. Hatton. Green, Anna K. Shall he marry her? (In "Eleven possible cases.") Gr^ville, Madame H. [Mde. A. M. C. H. Durand.] A mystery. Group of noble dames. By T. Hardv. GUNSAULUS, F. W. Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction. 2 v. Guthrie, F. A. See Ansiey, F. Hadasseh ; or, "from captivity to the Persian throne." By E. L. Collins. Haggard, H. R. Eric Brighteyes. Haidheim, L. Wife and woman. Hake, T. St. E. Within sound of the weir. Hale, E. S. Ten times one series : Four and five : a story of a Lend-a-Hand Club. Hal£vy, L. Abbe Constantin, Illustra'ions by madame M. Lemaire. — Criquette. Hamer, Sarah S. An old chronicle of Leighton. Happy thoughts. By Y . C. Burnand. Hardy, T. Group of noble dames. Harland, Henry. See Luska, Sidney. Harris, J. C. Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories. Harris, Miriam C. An utter failure. H.VRRISON, Mrs. B. The Anglomaniacs. [Anon.] Hart, Mabel. Two girls. Harte, B. Sapho of Green Springs, and other stories. Contains also: The chatelaine of Burnt Ridge. — Through the Santa Clara wheat. — A Maecenas of the Pacific slope. Hastings, G. Philip Henson, M.D. Hatton, G. M. See Caird, Mona. Hatton, J. Cruel London. — Great world. Hawthorne, J. Countess's ruby. (With his " Pauline,") — Ellice Quentin. (With his " Pauline.") — Millicent and Rosalind. — Pauline. He fell among thieves. By D. C. Murray and H. Herman. Head of death. By S. Luska. (In " Eleven possible cases.") Hearn, L. Youma: the story of a West-Indian slave. Heart of a maid. By Beatrice Kipling. Heart of oak. By Mrs. Alexander. (With " Soul of countess Adrian." By Mrs. C. Praed.) Hector, Airs. A. F. 5^"^ Alexander, Mrs. Heimburg, W. [Bertha Behrens.] Maiden's choice. — Misjudged. Heine, H. Florentine nights. Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelwopski, Rabbi of Bacharach, and Shake- speare's Maidens and women. Heir presumptive and the heir apparent. By Mrs. Oliphant. Heirs of Bradley House. By Amanda M. Douglas. Henty, G. a. Hidden foe. Her double life. By Mrs. Harriet Lewis. • Her love and his life. By F. W. Robinson. Her playthings, men. By Mabel E. Cahill. HlBRARD, G. a. Iduna, and other stories. Hidden foe. By G. A. Henty. Hide and seek. By Wilkie Collins. Historical mystery. An. By H. de Balzac. Hoey, .Mrs. C. Golden sorrow. HOLLOW.VY. Charlotte M. Story of five. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Marguerite. Honorable miss, The. By L. T. Meade. Honored in the breach. By Julia Magruder. (With Ker " At anchor.") Hopkins, Ellice. Rose Turquand. Hopkins, T. Nugents of Cariconna. House of Martha. By F. R. Stockton. Howe Maud. Phillida. Hovvells, W. D. An imperative duty. Huckleberries gathered from New England hills. By Rose T. Cooke. Hudson, W. C. See North, B. Huldah Brent's will. By Mrs. S. S. Robbins. Hungerford, A/rs. See "Dlchess, The." Hunt, Julia i\L A woman's talent, and other stories. Hypnotic tales, and other tales. By J. L. Ford. Iduna. and other stories. By G. A. Hibbard. lermoh. Hy J. I. Kraszewski. If she will she will. By Mary A. Dcnison. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Imperative duty to Mark of the beact. Imperative duty, An. By W. D. ITowclls. In darkest London. By J. Law. In jeopardy, [and other stories]. By G. M. Fenn. In luck at last. By \V. Besaiit. In luck's way. By J. S. Winter. In the cheerinjj-up business. By Mary C. Lee. In the heart of the storm. By M. Gray. In the " Stranger l'eople"s" countr}'. By C. E. Craddock. Indian tales. By R. Kipling. (Same as his " Plain tales from the hills.") Iron, Ralph. See Schreiner, Olive. Iron game, The : a tale of the war. By H. F. Keenan. Jack's secret. By Mrs. L. Cameron. James, Mrs. F. A. See Warden, Florence. Janvier, T. A. Stories of old New Spain. — Uncle of an angel, and other stories. Contents: Uncle of an angel. — A border ruffian. — Our pirate hoard. — A temporary dead-lock. — For the honor of France. — A romance of Tompkins Square. — An idyl of the east side. Jay. W. M. L. IJulia L. M. Woodruff.] Bellerue ; or, the story of Rolf. Jennings, L. J. The Philadelphian. Jerome, J. K. Diary of a pilgrimage (and six essays). Jen-y : a novel. By Sarah B. Elliott. JOCELYN, Mrs. Robt. Drawn blank. Johnston, R. M. The Primes and their neighbors : ten tales of middle Georgia. J6kai, M. " There is no devil." John, Mrs. H. T. E. C. See Marlitt, E. Johnstown stage. The, and other stories. By R. H. Fletcher. Judith Trachtenberg. By K. E. Franzos. Juggernaut : a veiled record. By G. C. Eggleston and Dolores Maibourg. Just impediment. By R. Prycc. Karr, a. a visit to the arsenal. (In " Tales of to-day, and other days.") Keenan, IT. F. The iron game : a tale of the war. Kennard, Mrs. E. A glorious gallop. Khaled : a tale of Arabia. By F. M. Crawford. KlELLAND, A. Tales of two countries. King, C. An araiy Portia. — {edr. ) By land and sea. — Captain Blake. King of Tyre. By J. M. Ludlow. Kipling, Beatrice. Heart of a maid. Kipling, R. Indian tales. (Same as his " Plain tales from the hills," with additions.) — Life's handicap. — Light that failed. — Mine own people. — Under the deodars. Kirchner, Lola. See ScHUBiN, O, Kirk, Ellen O. Ciphers. — Maidens choosing. — Sons and daughters. KiRKLAND. J. Captain of company K. Kit Carson's last trail. By L. Lewis. Knight, E. F. Save me from my friends. Knighting of the twins, and ten other tales. By C. Fitch. Kraszevvski. J. I. lermola. Lady of Cawnpore. By F. Vincent and A. F. Lancaster. Lady of Fort St. John. By Mary H. Catherwood. Laggard in love. By J. G Bettany. Laird o' Cockpen. By " Rita." Lane, E. W. Arabian tales and anecdotes. With S 3279. Note. — A selection from his notes to his translation of " The thousand and one nights." Last of the Haddons. By Mrs. Newman. Lathrop, G. P. Gold of pleasure. Law, J. In darkest London : new edition of " Captain Lobe" : a story of the Salvation Army. Lean, Mrs. F. M. See Marryat, Florence. Leap in the dark. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southvvorth. Lee. Mary C. In the cheering-up business. j Leggett. M. D. Dream of a modest prophet. i Lennep, J. Van. Story of an abduction in the 17th century. | I " Let nothing you dismay." By W. Besant. Lewis, Mrs. Harriet. Beryl's husband. — Her double life. — Lady Kildare. Lewis, L. Diamond seekers of Brazil. — Kit Carson's last trail. — Serf lovers of Siberia. Life's handicap. By R. Kipling. Light o' love. By Clara D. Maclean. Light that failed. By R. Kipling. Lilith : sequel to " Unloved wife." By Mrs. E. D. E South worth. Lily of the valley. By H. de Balzac. Linton, Mrs. E. L. Atonement of Leam Dundas. Lion and a lioness. By J. Miller. (In " Eleven possible cases.") Little Irish girl, [and other stories]. By " The Duchess." Little minister. By J. M. Barrie. Little rebel, A. By "The Duchess." Lockhart, L. W. M. Fair to see. LoCKWOOD, I. Strange adventures of a million dollars. (In " Eleven possible cases.") Long time ago. By Meta Orred. Lord Arthur Savile's crime, and other stories. By O. Wilde. Lord Elesmere's wife. By Charlotte M. Braeme. Lome, Marquis of. From shadow to sunlight. Lost day. By E. Fawcett. (In " Eleven possible cases.") Lost heiress. By E. Glanville. Lost sir Massingberd. By [J. Payn]. LoTi, P. A child's romance. Loughead, Flora H. The abandoned claim. Love match. By S. Cobb, jr. Love that lived. By Mrs. Eiloart. Lowth, W. L. The blood is the man. Ludlow, J. M. A king of Tyre : a tale of the times Ezra and Nehemiah. LuDLUM, Jean K. At a girl's mercy. — Under a cloud. Luke Hammond, the miser. By Prof. W. H. Peck. LUMMis, C. F. A New Mexico David, and other stori( and sketches of the southwest. Luska, Sidney. [H. Harland.] Head of death. (Ii " Eleven possible cases.") — Mea culpa : a woman's last word. Maartens, M. Old maid's love. i — Sin of Joost Avelingh. (Same as " Joost Avelingh.")^ Macalpin, a. a man's conscience. / McClelland, M. G. Nameless novel. | Macdonald, G. There and back. *: Maclean, Clara D. Light o' love. McLeod, Grace D. Stories of the land of Evangeline. Madame d'Orgevaut's husband. Bv 11. Rabusson. Madcap Violet. ^ By W. Black. 8°. Mademoiselle Re.seda. By J. Gordon. (With her " Vam- 1 pires.") Maecenas of the Pacific slope. By B. Harte. (With his " Sapho of Green Springs.") Magruder, Julia. At anchor, attd Honored in the breach. Maid Marian, and other stories. By Molly E. Seawell. Maid of honor ; a tale of the dark days of France. By Hon. L. Wingfield. Maiden's choice. By W. Heimburg. Maidens choosing. ]!y Ellen O. Kirk. Main-travelled roads : six Mississippi valley stories. By H. Garland. Mairet, Madn:rie Jeanne. An artist. Mammon of unrighteousness. By H. H. Boyesen. Man in the moon, and other people. By R. W. Ray- mond. who missed it. By W. H. H. Murray. (With his " Mystery of the woods.") Man with a thumb. By W. C. Hudson. Man's conscience. By A. Macalpine. Marguerite. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. Mark of the beast. By [Katharine P. Woods]. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Marlitt, E. to Phillips, W. Marlitt, E. [Mrs. H. T. C. E. John.] Brave woman. (Same as her " Second wile.") — Owlhouse : a posthumous novel. (Same as her "Owl's nest.') Marryat, Florence. [Mrs. F. M. Lean.] Gentleman ai^d courtier. — Risen dead. Marshall, Emma. Born in the purple. — Eventide light. — Winchester meads. Mary Magdalen. By E. Saltus. Mary St. John. By Rosa N. Carey. Mathers, Helen. My Jo, John. Mathkws, Joanna H. Bessie Bradford's prize. AV/('. — " The third of a series of sequels to ' The Bessie books.' " Matilda Moiitgomerie : sequel to " Wacousta." By Major Richardson. Matter of skill. By Beatrice Whitby. Matthews, B. With my friends : tales told in partner- ship. Maude, F. W. Merciful woman. Maupassant, G. de. The drowned man. (In " Tales of to-day, and other days.") — Who can tell ? (In '* Tales of to-day, and other days.") Maxwell, Mrs M. E. See Bkaddon, Miss M. E. May, Mrs. A. W. See Craik, Georgiana M. Mea culpa : a woman's last word. By II. Harland. Meade, L. T. [Mrs. E. T. Smith.]. Honorable Miss. — Sweet girl graduate. Member for Paris. By Trois-Etoiles. [Grenville Mur- ray.] Memoires de la comtesse de Mirol. Par M. le marquis d'Argens. Memoirs of 11 err von Schnabelwopski. (With his "Florentine nights.") Men of iron. By H. Pyle. Merciful divorce, A. By F. W. Meade. M^re de la marquise. By E. About. Meredith, G. One of our conquerors. — Rhoda Fleming. — Vittoria. Merimke, p. II viccolo di madam " Tales of to-day. and other days.' Miller, J. A lion and a lioness. (In sible cases.") Millicent and Rosalind. By J. Hawthorne. Mine own people. By R. Kipling. Mint of money. By G. M. Fenn. Mirol, Comtesse de. See Comtesse de Mirol. Mischief of .Monica. By L. B. Walford. Miser Farebrother. By B. L. Farjeon. (F.S.L. 614.) Misjudged. By W. Heimburg. Miss Maxwell's affections. By R. Pryce. Miss Wentworth's idea. By W. E. Norris. Missing — a young girl. By Florence Warden. Mr. Chaine's sons. By W. E. Norris. Mr. Zinzan of Bath. By Mary Deane. Mrs. Harold Stagg. By R. Grant. Modern Aladdin. By H. I'yle. Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction. By F. W. Gunsaulus. 2 v. Moore, G. Drama in muslin. Moore, Susan T. Ryle's open gate. Moors and Christians, and other tales. By P. A. de Alarcon. More happy thoughts. By F. C. Bumand. (With his " llappy thoughts.'") Morrina (Homesickness). By Emilia P. Bazan. Munroe, K. Bushwacker's gratitude. (In " Eleven possible cases.") Murfree, Fanny D. Felicia. MURFREE, Mary N. See Craddock, C. E. Murray, D. C. and Herman, H. He fell among thieves. Murray. G. (" Trois-Eiotles") Member for Paris. Murray, W. H. H. Cones for the camp-fire. — Mystery of the woods, «;/9539- APPREIITICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Essays and Miscellanies. 17 Springfield City Library Association. \ Report, i8go. B 9540. Taunton (Mass.) Public Library, f Report, 23d, 24th, 188S, 1889. B 9540. Toi.KDO Public^ Library, f Report. l6th, 1889. B 9545. ToPEKA Library Association, f Catalogue, No. 6, 1880. B524. — f Select list, No. i. Books for young people. Com- piled by J. M. Sawin. 1888. V, 23. Warren County (111.) Library, f Bulletin, v. i and V. 2, Nos. I, 4. (Jan. 1839-Oct. 1S90.) B 9544. Worcester Free Public Library, f Report, 29th, 30th, 1S88, 18S9. B 9540. B. Drama and Plays. Adams. With poet and player. K 4. Austin. Savonarola: tragedy. K 2020. BeAUMARCHAIS. Le barbierde Seville [comediej. K 4033. Campbell. Guide to Greek tragedy for English readers. K 8073.^. FURNISS. A box of monkeys, and other farce-comedies. K 2160. Contents : Box of monkeys. — The Jack trust. — The veneered savage. — Tulu. HowEi.LS. The Albany depot. K 2214.^'. Ibsen. Hedda Gabler : drama. K 7221.//. — Rosmersholm, The lady from the sea, Hedda Gabler. Ed. by Archer. [Ibsen's Prose dramas, v. 5.] K 7221.;-. Jerome. On the stage— and off : brief career of a would-be actor. K 2231.^. Jokes. Saints and sinners : drama. K 2235. Lamb. Dramatic essays. Ed. by Matthews. K ^259 d. MOLLOY. Famous plays. K 2312. Contents: Congreve's "Love for love." — Addison's "Cato." — John Gay's "Beggars opera." — Dr. John- son's "Irene." — Oliver Goldsmith's "She stoops to conquer." — Richard Brinsley Sheridan's " Rivals," and "School for scandal." — Sheridan Knowles' " Vir- ginius" and " The hunchback." — Lord Lytton's plays. Musset. Comedies. Transl. and ed. by Gwynne. K4324. Contents : Barberine. — Fantasio. — No trifling with love. — A door must be either open or shut. RUGGLES. Method of Shakespeare as an artist. K 2380. Shakespeare, f Banksidc Shakespeare, v. 12-15. K 2742.(5. 12. 1st part of Henry IVth. Introduction by Fleming. 13. 2d part of Henry IVth. Introduction by Fleming. 14. Pericles, prince of Tyre. Introduction by Morgan. 15. Richard III. Introduction by Calkins. Steell. Mortal lips. [Comedies.] K 2422. Contents : The theatre coupon. — Mock turtle soup. — The miniature. — A gunpowder plot.— Chestnuts. — The compromising letters. — Mary's interlude. — A land breeze. — The three guardsmen. — A first appearance. Ward. History of English dramatic literature to the death of queen Anne. 2 v. K 2779. C. Essays and Miscellanies. f Amusement Hall ; or, an easy introduction to useful knowledge. Elizabethtown, 1797, 18°. M 3009. JVote. — Placed in the Demilt museum. Arnold. Essays in criticism. 2d series. M 4015. Contents : Study of poetry. — Milton. — Thomas Gray. — John Keats. — Wordsworth. — Byron . — Shelley. — Count Leo Tolstoi. — Amiel. Bancroft. Battle of Lake Erie, and miscellaneous papers. M 4026. Contents : Battle of Lake Erie. — A day with Lord Byron. — Edward Everett. — Washington's birthday: his monument. Bartlett. Familiar quotations, gth ed. M 3029.^. Belton. Literary manual of foreign quotations. M 3035. BiGARRURES ingenieuses ou recueil de diverses pieces galantes en prose et vers. M 1040. De Quincey. Select essays. Ed. by Mason, v. i. M 4118.J. Contents : On murder considered as' one of the fine arts. — Early memorials of Grasmere. — Revolt of the Tartars. — Suspiria de profundis, and other essays. M 4118./'. Note. — Posthumous works, v. I. Drummond (H.). " Beautiful thoughts," from. M 3127. FiSKE. Excursions of an evolutionist. M 41 so.^-. Co7itents : Europe before the arrival of man. — Arrival of man in Europe. — Our Ai-yan forefatliers. — What we learn from old Arj-an words. — Was there a primeval mother-tongue. — Sociology and hero-worship. — Heroes of industry. — Causes of persecution. — Origins of Prot- estantism. — True lesson of Protestantism. — Evolution and religion. — Meaning of infancy. — A universe of ' mind-stufT. — In memoriam : Charles Darwin. Hartzell. Application and achievement : essays. M 4188. Headley. The keepsake. M 1615. HiGGiNSON. New world and the new book, with kin- dred essays. M 4202. w. Hunt. Wisdom of the wise : pithy and pointed sayings of the best authors. M 321 7. a/. Lang. Essays in little. M 4260.-?. Contents: Alexander Dumas. — Mr. Stevenson's works. — Thomas Haynes Bayly. — Theodore de Ban- ville. — Homer and the study of Greek. — The last fashionable novel. — Thackeray. — Dickens. — Adven- tures of Buccaneers. — The Sagas. — Charles Kingsley. — Charles Lever: his books, adventures, and misfor- tunes. — Poems of Sir Walter Scott. — John Bunyan. — Letter to a young journalist. — Mr. Kipling's stories. Lowell. Latest literary essays and addresses. M4274./. Contents: Gray. — Some letters of Walter Savage Landor. — Milton's " Areopagitica." — Shakespeare's "Richard HI." — The study of modern languages. — The progress of the world. Macqueary. Topics of the times. N 4283. Contents: Part i. Lectures : Conflict between labor and capital. — Exposition of Nationalism. — Truths and errors of Henry George's views. — The savages of civili- zation. — Popular ideas of poverty. — Reduction of the hours of labor. —The Negro in America. — The Bible in the public schools. Part 2. Sermons : Our country : its character and destiny. — The Sabbath question. — Criticism of the Bible. — Did the fish swallow Jonah?. — What's the use of praying?. — What is the evidence of life after death?. — The God-filled man. — Unshaken re- ligious beliefs. — Should we have creeds?. — The real rights of women. Maistre. "Voyage autour de ma chambre. M 1285. Martineau. Essays, reviews, and addresses. 2 v. M 4289. I. Persona/: Political. Personal sketches : Joseph Priestley : his life and works. — Thomas Arnold : life and correspondence. — William Ellery Channing : memoir and papers. — Theodore Parker : discourse of religion. — Gotthold Ephraim Lessing : theology and times. — Personal in- fluence on present theology : J. H. Newman, S. T. Coleridge, T. Carlyle. — Friedrich Schleiermacher : life and times. — Auguste Comte : life and philosophy. — John James Tayler : in memoriam. — John Kenrick : in memoriam. Political essays : International duties and the present crisis. — Foreign policy for 1S56. — The slave empire of the west. 2. Ecclesiastical : Historical. Church and state. — Church of England. — Battle of the churches. — Philosophical Christianity in France. — Letter and spirit. — Europe since the Reformation. — Phxton. — Alexandria and her schools. — Professional religion. — The Unitarian position. — Church-life? or sect-life ?. — Tracts for priests and people. — Crisis of faith. — New affinities of faith. — Away out of the Trin- itarian controversy. — The National church as a federal union. In asking for books, use the "Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 18 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Poetry. Montesquieu. Lettres persanes. 2 v. M 1314. MORLEV. Studies in literature. M43i7..r. Contents : Wordsworth. — Aphorisms. — Maine on popular government. — A few words on French models. —On the study of literature.— Victor Hugo's '• Ninety- three."— On " The ring and the book." — Memorials of a man of letters. — Valedictory. Repplier. Points of view. M 4368/. Spencer. Essays, scientific, political, and speculative. 3 V. M 4419. 1. The development hypothesis. — Progress : its law and cause. — Transcendental physiology. — The nebular hypothesis. — Illogical geology. — Bain on the emotions and the will. — The social organism. — Origin of animal worship. — Morals and moral sentiments. — The compar- ative psychology of man. — Mr. Martineau on evolu- tion. — The factors of organic evolution. 2. Genesis of science. — Classification of the sciences. — Reasons for dissenting from the philosophy of M." Comte. — On laws in general, and the order of their discovery. — The valuation of evidence. — What is elec- tricity?. — W'W versus Hamilton : the test of truth. — Re- plies to criticisms. — Prof. Green's explanations. — The philosophy of style. — Sources of architectural types. — Gracefulness. —Personal beauty. — Organ and function of music. — Physiology of laughter. 3. Manners and fashion. — Railway morals and rail- way policy. — Prison -ethics. — Ethics of Kant. — Abso- lute political ethics. — Over-legislation. — Representative government : what is it good for ?. — State-tampering with money and banks. — Parliamentary reform : the dangers and the safeguards. — "The collective wis- dom." — Political fetichism. — Specialized administra- tion. — From freedom to bondage. — The Americans. Stevenson. Memories and portraits. M 4422. w. Contents: The foreigner at home. — Some college memories. — Old Mortality. — A college magazine. — An old Scotch gardener. — Pastoral. — The manse. — Me- moirs of an islet. — Thomas Stevenson. — Talk and talk- ers. — Character of dogs. — " A penny plain and two pence coloured." — A gossip on a novel of Dumas's. — A humble remonstrance. Story. Excursions in art and letters. M 4423.^. Contents : Michel Angelo. — Phidias, and the Elgin marbles. — The art of casting plaster among the ancient Greeks and Romans. — A conversation with Marcus Aurelius. — Distortions of the English stage as instanced in " Macbeth." Warner. As we were saying. M 4465. a. Contents : Rose and chrysanthemum. — The red bon- net. — The loss in civilization. — Social screaming. — Does refinement kill individuality?. — The Directoire gown. — The mystery of the sex. — The clothes of fic- tion. — The broad A. — Chewing gum. — Women in Con- gress. — Shall women propose ?. — Frocks and the stage. — Altruism. — Social clearing-house. — The dinner-table talk. — Naturalization. — Art of governing. — Love of display. — Value of the com.monplace. — The burden of Christmas. — The responsibility of writers. — The cap and gown. — A tendency of the age. — A locoed novelist. Wilde. Intentions. M 4483. Contents : Decay of the art of lying. — Pen, pencil, and poison. — The critic as artist. — The truth of masks. D. History and Criticism of Literature. Appleton's New handy-volume series. No. 20. English literature. M 9013. Beers. Initial studies in American letters. M ()034.?. Henley. Views and reviews : literature. M 9195. Hill. Writers and readers. [6 lectures.] M 9204. Contents : 1-4. Revolution in literary taste. — 5, 6. The study of literature as a part of education. Jameson, History of historical writing in America. M 9228. Mabie. Short studies in literature. M 9276. McMauan. The study class : a guide for the student of English literature. M 9232. MORLEY. English writers, v. 5-7. M 9316./, 5. The 14th century, book 2. 6. From Chaucer to Caxton. 7. From Caxton to Coverdale. Reed. Cabinet of Irish literature. 4 V. M 9720. Sainte-Heuve. I^ortraits of men M 9382. Contents : Critical memoir. — Goethe and I'.eltina. — Alfred de Musset. — Letters of I^ord Chesterfield to his son. — De Balzac. — Memoirs of Saint-Simon. — Camille Desmoulins. — Diderot. — La Pruyere. — L'Abbe de Choisy. — Fontenelle. Schaff. The Renaissance : the revival of learning and art in the 14th and 15th centuries. M 9734. Scherer. Essays in English literature. M gjSS.e. Contents : George Eliot : " Silas Marner." — John Stuart Mill. — Shakespeare. — George Eliot: "Daniel Deronda." — Taine's History of English literature. — Shakespeare and criticism. — Milton and " Paradise lost." — Laurence Sterne ; or, the humorist. — Words- worth. — Thomas Carlyle. — " Endymion." — George Eliot. Taylor. Transmission of ancient books to modem times, [and] Process of historical proof. M 9434.^. Wright. Children's stories in English literature from Shakespeare to Tennyson. M 9493. «. ZiMMER. Irish element in Mediaeval culture. M 9499. E. Language and Phonography. AsTLE. f Origin and progress of writing. W 1804. ISauer. f Spelin : a universal language. B 22. Berger. New method of learning the French language. W 403S. Bleei^ f Origin of language. Ed. by Haeckel. W 1527. Browne's Phonographic weekly, v. 15, 16 (Jan. i8go- Dec. 1891). . W 1537. Earle. English prose : its elements, history, and usage. W2579- Guernsey, f Human facility and power to transmit and record language. B 9544. Haven. Practical phonography. 3d ed. W 16Y3. HuEBSCH. Pukeds de Salomon. B 22. JVote. — A translation of the "Proverbs" of Solomon into Volapuk. Jonas. Bohemian made easy. W 7234. f Phonetic journal, v. 49, 50 (Jan. 1800-Dec. 1891). C 6710. Reed and Kellogg. Graded lessons in English : an English grammar. W 2367. Skeat. Principles of English etymolog}'. 2 v. W 2409./. I. The native element. 2. The foreign element. Wendell. English composition. M 5475. Whitney, f Century dictionary : an encyclopedic lexi- con of the English language, v. 5, C (O — Zyxom- ma). W 2897. F. Poetry. Adams. With poet and player. K 4. Aldrich. Sisters' tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic. K 1007. j. Arnold. Light of the world ; or, the great consumma- tion. K IC15./. Bloomfield. f The farmer's boy : a rural poem. 5th Amcr. ed. Alb., 1S14. K 1046. Browning. Aurora Leigh. K lobi./. Butler. Oberammergau, 1890. K 1814. Dickinson. Poems. K 1123. Field. A little book of western verse. K 1148. Kipling. Departmental ditties, barrack-room ballads^ and other verses. K 1245. — Same. (With his " Under the deodars." Fiction.) LiDDiARD. The Sgelaighe ; or, a tale of old. K 1268. j-. Poems, Collection of, by several hands. 3 v. Lend., 1748. K 1354 e. Riley. Rhymes of childhood. K I373-3- — Sketches in prose, and occasional verses. Fiction. Roberts, d-f//-. Younger Canadian poets. IVit/i K i4og.g. i APPRENTICES' LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Electricity. 19 Schiller. Poems. Transl. by Bowring. 2ded. K3390.~i'ey. f Bulletins, Nos. 55, 60, 64. Clarke. F. W. Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics during 1S86- 87, 1SS7-S8, 1888-89. D S773.<>. Whipplk. Clinical examination of urine. D 5480. W^iTTH.\i;s. Medical student's manual of chemistry. 1^ 5794. D. Electricity. Adams. Electricity : its application in medicine and surgery. 2 v. F 4004. Allsop. Electric bell construction. D 4008.^. — Telephones : their construction and fitting. D 4008 V. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, f Catalogue of members and publications. B 1505. Atkinson. Dynamic electricity and magnetism. D40o8.^. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. f Report, 68th, 1889. B6555. Mexico, f Reciprocidad commercial entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos. 1890. U 868 1. New York Produce Exchange, f Report, July, 1S90- July, 1891. U Sbgy.a. New York State Chamber of Commerce. Report, 33d, for iSgo-91. U 8697. Ocean steamships : their construction, development, management, and appliances. By [various authors]. G 7702. t Office, The. v. 8 (Jan.-Dec. 1890). C 6858. Stickney. The railway problem. U 8422. United States. State Department, f Reports from the consuls of the U. S., Nos. 121-131 (1890-91). U 8773.^. f Report on the trade of Great Britain with the U. S., Jan. 179I. U S773./. f Special consular reports, v. i. U 8773.47. Contents: i. Cotton textiles in foreign countries. — 2. Files in Spanish America. — 3. Carpet manufacture in foreign countries. — 4, Malt and beer in Spanish America. — 5. P'ruit culture in foreign countries. C. Education and Mnemonics. Adams, f Thomas Jefferson and the University of Vir- ginia. With X TJTi-a. Note.— \. Fullerton. Architectural examples in brick, stone, wood, and iron. G S832. Hellyer. Plumbing. G 9193. Hunt, f Exemplars of Tudor architecture adapted to modem habitations. G SS44. KiTTREDGE. House heating by steam, hot water, and hot air. G 9647. Letarouilly. f Edifices de Rome moderne. G 8954. Meloy. Progressive carpent'ry. G 9297. Mills. Heat : its application to the warming and ven- tilation of buildings. 2 v. G 9S62. Music Hall, 57ih St. and 7th Ave. (N. Y. City). +| De- scription and construction of the building. J G 8S64. National Association of Builders of the U. S. f ist- 5th Conventions, 1887-91. G 8696. — f Blue book of information. 5th Convention. G S327. New York Architectural League, f CaUloguc of 6th annual Exhibition. G 8697. Newlands. f Carpenter and joiner's assistant. G 9865. Ocean steamships : their construction, etc. G 7702. Owen. Bits of Canterbury cathedral. G 8704. Paley. Manual of Gothic moldings. 5th ed. G 8706. •f Plu.MBEr's trade journal, v. 21 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 7872. POLLEY, compiler. \ Spanish architecture and ornament. G 8871. + Record and guide, v. 47. 48 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 7874<»- j — t Same. (Daily edition ) Feb. 9-14. 1891. G 9874- I Note. — Contains the proceedings of the Convention of the National .Association of Builders. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 26 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Industrial Art. Richardson anii o/Aers. f Elizabethan architecture and ornament. G 8875. RiDDELL. f Lessons on hand railing for learners. 3(1 ed. G 9875.^. ROUYER. f French architecture and ornament from Francis I. to Louis XVI. G 8876. f Sanitary plumber, v. 9 (Nov. i, 1890-Oct. 15, i8gi). c 7877- Seddon. Builder's work and the building trades. G 9739. Stonemason, The, and bricklayer. By various writers. G 9423. ViGNOLA. Hve orders of architecture. Ed. by Tucker- man. G 8892. VogOe and others. \ Byzantine architecture and orna ment. G 8S92.a. Wallis. f Old Colonial architecture and furniture. G 8894. Waring, f Early architecture of Ireland and Scotland. With E 9994. C. Engineering. Anderson. The train wire : science of train dispatching. 2d ed. G40ir./. Anglin. Design of structures : the building of bridges, roofs, etc. G 401 1. Baumeister. Cleaning and sewerage of cities. G 4518. Domestic house planner and the sanitaryarchitect. G 9125. Dron. Text-book of mining formulae. G 3127. f Engineering and mining journal, v. 51, 52 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 7828. Foster. Wooden trestle bridges. G 4832. Frankl and HfeVN. f Constructive arts: building and engineering. /« v. 5 (j/C 2844. Gribble. Preliminary survey and estimates. G 5176. Hall. Car lubrication. G 4183. Harcourt. Achievements in engineering during the last half century. G 4186. Hartig and Weiss, f Applied mechanics. In V. tofC 2844. Hutton. The Washington Bridge over the Harlem River, N. Y. G 4844. LoVELL. Practical switch work. G 4273. Meluola. Coal and what we get from it. G 3297. Newman. Scamping tricks practised upon public works. G 4329. Parkinson. Structural mechanics : a handbook for en- gineers, architects, and students. G 4343. Pi.YMPTO.N. How to become an engineer. G 4354. Rhawn. Roadmaking and maintenance and road laws. G 4723- .Salwey. Light railways as a practical means of explo- ration. G 4731. \ Scientific American, v. 64, 65 (Jan. -Dec. i8gi). C 7979- «• — \ Same : supplement, v. 31, 32 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C7979.a'. Stanley. Surveying and Tevelling instruments. G542r. Waterhouse. f Improvement of the Mississippi River. B 23. MACHINERY AND INVENTIONS. Adams. Handbook for mechanical engineers. 2d ed. G 1004.-^. \ American machinist, v. 14 (Jan. -Dec. 1891). C 7902. Brown . Struss. King-riding. I 7754. Swales. . Driving as I found it. I 7430. Wadsworth. How to get muscular. I 7461. Wkir rt«<^ Brown. Riding [and] Polo. I 7472. Whist in diagrams : sujDplcment to "American whist il- lustrated." By G. W. P[ettes]. I 9480.1. Winn. Boating man's vade-mecum. G 7485. Wray. Round games with cards. I 9492. I. Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. American Institute (N. Y, City), f Charter, by-laws, and regulations, 1883. B 23, — f Value of instruction in the mechanic arts. By L. E. Chittenden. B 9542. Beaumont. Colour in woven design, H 4033. — Woolen and worsted cloth manufacture. H 4033. 7f/, Blades, f Pentateuch of printing. I 1810. Boy's workshop. H 55, Centennial International Exhibition, f Masterpieces of. Illustrated. 3 v. H 817, 1, Fine art. By Edward Strahan. 2, Industrial art. By Prof. Walter Smith. 3, History, mechanics, science. By Jos. M, Wilson, Chittenden, f Value of instruction in the mechanic arts. B 9542. CoNOLLY. Technical telegraphy. I logg. Cundall, edr. Bookbinding, ancient and modern, H 8564. Gordon. Foundry, forge, and factory, H 173, Grimshaw, Practical catechism : technical questions [with] answers, H 176. Humphreys, f History of printing to the middle of the 1 6th century. 2d issue. I 1844. Jay, f National responsibility for an international exhi- bition. 1889, B 2518. Jacobi. Printing. I 1226.^. t Manufacturer and builder, v. 22, 23 (Jan. iSgo-Dec. 1891). C 7857- f Manufacturer's review and industrial record, v. 23, 24 (Jan. 1890-Dec. 1891), C 7858. New York City Typotheta:. f Annual dinner, i8go. B 2518. NiSSENSEN. India rubber : its manufacture and use. H 8698. Paris Universal Exposition of 18S9. \ Translation of tiie general classification. 188S, B 2518. Pope. Modern practice of the electric telegraph. I4lh ed. I I7i4. s^- SUPPLEMENT No. 5 TO 1 HE FINDING LIST OF THE Free Library of the General Society OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLK S: CO. 1893 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Free Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York from January to December, 1892. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in small CAPS.), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Individual Biography (page i) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter (in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a 12' ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8' ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; ""transl." means translated or translator; " ed." means edition or edited ; " edr." means editor ; " Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the Library. A X preceding a title means that the book is in the J. Morgan Slade Library collection of architectural works. A complete list of this library, including a list of ail the books on architecture and building in the circulating well as the reference department, has been published, and can be obtained, for 10 cents a copy. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1893. ROBERT CHRISTIE, Chairman, 122 West 29th Street. EDWIN D. TUCKER, Secretary, 504 Grand Street. HENRY W. REDFIELD, 26th St. and nth Avenue, "] Committee on Purchases for the PETER DE BAUN, 158 William Street, I Free Library of the General So- JOHN N. RICHARDSON, 646 Hudson Street, j" ciety of Mechanics and Trades- WILLIAM R. WORRALL, 254 West 24th Street, j men of the City of New York. WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue. ^ ^ . „ , /-TTATiT r-f ^ A T T-ir A TvTT^T-rv T r , r- / Cot/imtttce on Purckascs for the CHARLES C. ALEXANDER, 3 York Street, ' ■' T/-,iiT.T T TT A iuTT T/->x- £ Air , , , r- i Dcmllt Librorv ond Altiscum. JOHN L. HAMILTON, 346 West 27th Street, ' -^ AUGUSTUS MEYERS, 542 West 21st Street, 1 ^ , - ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, 36 St. Mark's PL, ( ^'""'""''' '"/ P"rchases /or the ANDREW PATTERSON, 240 West 22nd Street. \ ^'^'^'"S ^"oms. GUY CULGIN, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 703 Sixth Street. t JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, 18 East i6th Street. Index To Subjects. PACE. PAGE. PAGE. Acting. 15- Civil engineering. 24. Fine arts. 26. Africa. 14. Civil-service reform. 20. Fishing. 26. Agriculture. 23- Civilization. 18. Florence. 13. Alaska. 12. Coal mining. 25- Flowers. 17- Algebra. iS. Coal-tar colors. T-l- Folk-lore. 22. American architecture. 24- Cologne cathedral. 13- Fortification. 21. American history and travels. 12. Collected works. 3- France. 13- American Revolution. 13- Columbian exposition. 27. Freemasonry. 14- Amusements. 26. Comic works. 17- Free trade. Annals of legislative bodies. 19. Commerce. 20. French architecture. 23. Andes. 12. Commercial crises. 21. French revolution. 13- Angling. 26. Concord (N. H.). 13- Furniture. 25- Architecture. 23- Constitution of the U. S. 20. Games. 26. Argentina. 12. Consumption. 18. Gardening. 23. Art education. 26. Cookery. 25. Gas analysis. 17- Assaying. 27. Corpulence. 18. Gems. 26. Assyria. 14 Costume. 14. Geography. 14. Astronomy. 17- Cotton spinning. 27. Geology. 18. Atlases. 14. Cremation. 18. Geomancy. 22. Australia. 14. Crime. 21. Geometry. 18. Baptist missions. 22. Curiing. 27. Germany. 13 Beauty. 18, 25. Currency. 21. Girls. 21. Bermuda. • 12. CyclopiEdias. 3- Gothic architecture. 24. Biblical theology. 22. Danube, The. 13- Government. 20. Bibliography. 14. Decoration. 23. Graphology. 22. Bimetallism. 21. Decorative art. 26. Grecian architecture. 23- Biography, Collective. 2. Delsarte culture. 26. Greece. 13- Biography, Individual. I. Denver. 13- Greek archaeology. 26. Biologv. 17- Deserts. 25. Greenland. 12. Birds. ' iS. Determinant.^. 18. Handwriting. 22. Blasting. 25. Differential calculus. 18. Heart disease. 18. Blowpipe analysis. 17- Diphtheria. 18. Heat. 19. Boilers. 25- Diseases. 18. Heating. 24. Borneo. 14. Doctrinal theology. 22. Heredity. 18. Botany. 17- Dog, The. 23- H islory. 12. Bra.--s founding. 27. Domestic economy. 25- History of literature. 16. Brazil. 12. Drainage. 24. History of the church. 22. Bread. 25- Drama. 15- History, Universal. 14. Brewing. 25. Drawing. 26. Holy Land. 14- Brickmaking. 24. Dyeing. 17- Horse. 18. Bronzing. 27. Dynamometers. 24. Horsemanship. 26. Building. 24. Dynamos. 17. Horticulture. 23. Business. 20. Earth burial. 18. Household economy. 25- 1 Butterflies. 19. East, The. 14. Household taste. 25. Byzantine architecture. 24. Ecclesiastical architecture. 24. Humor. 17- Byzantine empire. 13- Ecclesiastical history. 22. Hydraulics. 19. Cabinet making. 25- Edinburgh. 13- Hydrotherapy. 18. Calculus. 18. Education. 20. Hygiene. 18. Caliphs. 14. Egypt. 14 Hymnology. 22. 1 Cambistry. 18. Electric light. 17- Hypnotism. 22. Canada. 12. Electric railways. 25- Ice-making machines. 25- Canals. 25. Electricity. 17- Illuminating. 26. Canoeing. 27. Elocution. 17- India. 14. Card tricks. 26. Encyclopedias. 3- Indians. 13. Carpentry. 24- Engineering. 24. Industrial art. 25- Catholic church. 22. England. 13- Industrial receipts. 27- Cavalry drill. 21. English language. 16. Influenza. iS. Central America. 12. Entomology. 19. Ink. 17- Centring. 24- Episcopal church. 22. Insects. 19. Ceylon. 14. Essays. 15- Integral calculus. Intellectual philosophy. 18. Charities. 21. Ethics. 23- 22. Chemical technology. 17. Ethnology. 17- Interest. 21. Chemistry. 17- Evolution. 17- Inventions. 24- i Chicago. 13. Europe : History and travels. 13- Ireland. 13. Children's diseases. 18. Exercise. 18. Iroquois Indians. 21. Chile or Chili. 12. Fairy tales. II. Iron. 27. GlrtW collecting. 25- Faith healing. 22. Iron work. 24. Christian science. 22. Farming. 23. Italian architecture. 23- Chronology. 14- Fashion. 14. Italy. 13. Church and state. 20. Fencing. 26. Japan. 14. Church architecture. 24. Fiction. 4- Jerusalem. 14. Church history. 22. Finance. 21. Jewelry. 25- In asking for books, use the " BookOrd er." eivlne the AUTHOR'S NAME . the first oart of the TITLE, and the NU MBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PACE. PAGE. Jews. 14. Oriental history and travels. 14. Silk. 17. juvenile fiction. 10. Oriental religions. 22. Silver. 21. Kansas. IS- Ornament. 26. Singing. 26. Kentucky. IS- Outdoor games. 26. Skating. 26. Knights Templars. 14 Painting. 26. Skin di.seases. 18. Kurdistan. 14. Paraguay. 12. Slang. 16. Labor. 21. Paris. IS- Socialism. 21. Laboratory exercises. 19. Patents. 25- Social science. 21. Labrador. 12. Pattern making. 24. Soil culture. 23. Lancashire. 13- Pauperism. 21. Soldering. 27. Language. 16. Penology. 21. Soudan. 14. Latin language. 16. Perfumery. 17- South, The. IS- Law. 20. Periodicals. 3- South Sea. . 14- Leather work. 25- Persia. 14- Spain. 14. Legends. 22. Perspective. 26. Speeches. 17- Libraries. 14- Pharmacy. 18. Sports. 26. Light. 19. Philately'. 14. Stage, The. 15. Lightning conductors. 17- Philosophy. 22. State, The. 20.. Literary history. 16. Philosophy of religion. 22. .Statistics. 21. Literary periodicals. 3. Phonograph. 19- Statutes. 21. Locomotive construction. 25- Phonography. 16. Steam engine. 25- Logic. 22. Phosphates. 17. 18. Stenography. 16. London. IS- Photography. 26. Stereotyping. 27- Long Island. IS- Physical education. 26. Street railways. 25. Longitude. 17. Physical geography. 18. Strength of materials. 24. Machinery. 24. Physics. 19- Surgery. 18. Magnetism. 17. Piano-forte. 26. Surveying. 24. Maine. IS- Piquet. 26. Sweden. 14. Maps. 14. Plants. 17- Switzerland. IS. Marriage. 18. Plastic arts. 26. Tales. 4. .Masonry. 24. Plays. 15- Tannins. 17- Massachusetts. IS- Plumbing. 24. Tariff. 21. Materialism. 22. Poetry. 16. Taxation. 21. Mathematics. 18. Polish making. 17- Tea culture. 23- Measures. 18. Political economy. 21. Teaching. 20. Mechanics. 19. Politics. 20. Technological journals. 4- Medical science. 18. Poor, The. 21. Telegraphy. 27- Mediterranean Sea. IS- Post office. 20. Telephone. 17- Mental philosophy. 22. Postage stamps. 14. Textile design. 27. Mesmerism. 22. Pottery. 26. Theatre, Law of the. 21. Metallic currency. 21. Poultry. 23- Theology, Doctrinal. 22. Metallurgy. 27- Poverty. 21. Therapeutics. 18. Metaphysics. 22. Precious stones. 26. Thibet. 14. Mexico. 12. Prisons. 21. Tiles. 24. Microscope. 18. Pronunciation. 16. Toilette. 14. Midwifery. 18. Protection. 21. Trade. 20. Military science. 21. Provence. iS- Travels. 14. MiUwork. 24. Psychology. 22. Trigonometry. 18. Mineralogy. 17, 18. Public documents. 19. Typewriting. 16. Mining. 25- Pumps. 24. United States : history andtraveL . 12. Missions. 22. Puritans. 22. Universal history. 14- Mississippi River. 12, IS- Puzzles. 26. Universities. 20. Money. 21. Quarrying. 24. Useful arts. 27- Moral philosophy. 23- Queensland. 14. Utah. 13- Mormons. 13- Railroad engineering. 25- Varnish making. 17- Motors. 17- Railway car construction. 27. Vermont. IS- Music. 26. Rebellion, U. S. IS- Volcanoes. 18. Mythology. 22. Religion, Philosophy of. 22. Wages. 21. Natural history. 18. Renaissance. 26. Warming. 24. Natural philosophy. 19. Rhetoric. 17- Watches. 25. Natural science. 17- Riding. 26. Water-color painting. 26. Naval warfare. 21. Roads. 24- Water cure. 18. Navigation. 20. Romances. 4- Weights and measures. 18. Needlework. 25- Rome. iS- Westminster Abbey. 'I- Negro question. 20. Safety valves. 25- Whist. 26. Nervous system. 18. Salads. 25- Wit and humor. 17. New England. IS- Salem witchcraft. 22. Witchcraft. 22. New Hampshire. IS- Samoa. 14. Women. 21. New Jersey. IS- Sanitary engineering. 24- Wood engraving. 26, New Mexico. 13 Science. 19. Woodwork. 24- New Orleans. 12, 13. Scientific journals. 4- Works, Collected. 3. New York City. IS- Self-help. 20. Workshop receipts. 27.1 Normandy. IS- Sermons. 22. Worms. '?i Norway. 13- Sewerage. 24. Writing. 16.? 26. Novels. 4- Shakespeare. 15- Yachting. Occult literature. 22. Shorthand. 16. Yorkshire. 14. Optics. 19- Sicily. 13- Zoology. •iB. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement No. s to Finding List. Arrangemetit of Principal Subdivisio7is. Part i. Biography. Memoirs, and Letters. " 2. Cyclopaedias, Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political AND Social Sciences. " 8. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. " Q. Useful and Fine Arts. PART l.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Alcuin. West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. T 72. w. Allen, Ethan. Hall, H. Ethan Allen : the Robin Hood of Vermont. T 81. Allston, Washington. Flagg, J. B. Life and times of Washington Allston. T 87. AnguULKme, Duchess of. Saint-Amand, L de. Duchess of Angouleme and the two restorations. T \ot.s. Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme. T 106. Austen, Jane. Adams, O. F. Story of Jane Austen's life. T 205. rt. Bacon, Francis. Pott, Mrs. H. Francis Bacon and his secret society. T 224./. Balzac, Honore de. Wormeley, Katharine P. Memoir of H. de Balzac. T 249. w. Bentick, Lord William. Boulger, D. C. Rulers of India : Lord William Bentick. T 361. Bernard of Clairvaux. Storrs, R. S. Bernard of Clair- vaux : the times, the man, and his work. T 374. J. Berry, Duchess of. Saint-Amand, L de. Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X. T 378. Bienville, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, sieur de. King, Grace. Makers of America : Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, sieur de Bienville. T 396. CiESAR, Julius. Dodge, T. A. Great captains : Cccsar. T 7i2.d'. — Fowler, W. W. Julius Coesar and the foundation of Roman imperial system. T 712. t-. Carlyle, Thomas. Duffy, Sir C. G. Conversations with Carlyle. ' T 762.//. — Nichol, J. Thomas Carlyle. T 762./. Casanova "de Seingalt, J. Villars, P., «•(//-. Escapes of Casanova and Latudc from prison. T 781. Chopin, Frederick. Niecks, F. Frederick Chopin as a man and musician. 2 v. T 877.(7. Columbus, Christopher. Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus : his life and his work. T. 977.^. — Elton, C. Career of Columbus. T 977-t'- — Saunders, F. Story of the discovery of the new world ' by Columbus. T ()~7.s. — Seelye, Elizab. E. Story of Columbus. T 977./. — Writings of, descriptive of the discovery of the new worid. Ed. by P. L. Ford. T 977 -v. Cominges. Cornte de. Jusserand, J. J. A French am- bassador at the court of Charles H. T 9S3. Dahlgren, John A. Dahlgren, Madeleine V. Memoir of John A. Dahlgren. T 1115. Dallas, George Miflin. Dallas, Susan, edr. Diary of George Miflin Dallas. T Ii25.t/. Dante Alighieri. Browning, O. Dante : his life and writings. . T ii38.(^. Derby, Ear/ of. Saintsbury.G. The earl of Derby. T 1192. Dickens, Charles. Hutton, L., ^a'r. Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie Collins. T 1212.;,'. Elizabeth, Queen. Beesley, E. S. Queen Elizabeth. T iSS-l.-^. Fabert, Abraham. Hooper, G. Abraham Fabert : governor of Sedan, marshal of France : his life and times. T 1412. Farragut, Admiral. Mahan, Capt. A. T. Admiral Farragut. T 1443.;//. Fritchie, Barbara. Dall, Caroline H. Barbara Frit- chie : a study. T 1577. Garrison, William Lloyd. Smith, G. Moral crusader : William Lloyd Garrison. T 1628. j. Giddings, Joshua R. Julian, G, W. Life of Joshua R. Giddings. T 1665. Hardenberg, Friedrich von. See NovALis. Hauser, Kaspar. Evans, Elizab. E. Story of Kaspar Hauser. T 1896. Henry, Patrick. Henry, W. W. Patrick Henry : life. correspondence, and speeches, v. 2, 3. T 1962./. HiLLlARD, Henry W. Politics and pen pictures at home and abroad. T 2035. Hogarth, William. Dobson, A. William Hogarth. T 2093..-. Hopkins, Mark. Carter, F. American religious leaders : Mark Hopkins. T 2127. r. Hughes, John, \st archbp. of N'. Y. Brann, H. A. Makers of America : John Hughes, first archbp. of N. Y. T 2155.*. Jackson, General Thomas J. Jackson, Mary A. Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stone- wall Jackson). T 2262./. Jasmin, Jacques. Smiles, S. Jasmin, barber, poet, and philanthropist. T 2284. Johnson, Samuel. Hill, G. B., edr. Letters of Samuel Johnson. 2 v. T 2333./. Lamb, Charles. Johnson, E. G., edr. Best Letters of Charles Lamb. T 2593./ Landor. Walter Sav.-ige. Evans, E. W. Walter Sav- age Landor : a critical study. T 2602. if. Latude, Henry Masters de. Villars. P., edr. Escapes of Casanova and Latude from prison. T 781. Leech. John. Frith, W. P. John Leech : his life and work. T 2641. Lincoln, Abraham. By C. C. Coffin. T 2691.3. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 1— BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS: Collective Biography, Lincoln, Abraham. McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war-times. T 2691. /t. Lowell, James Russell. Curtis, G. W. James Russell Lowell : an address. T 2739.7. Macdonald, Marshal, duke of Tarenhim. Rousset, C, edr. Recollections of Marshal Macdonald. 2 V. T 2783. Manning, Cardinal. Ilutton, A. W. Cardinal Man- ning. T 2873. Marbot, Baron de. Memoirs of. Transl. i)y Butler, 2 V. T 2882. Marguerite de Valois, queoi of A^aTarre. Memoirs of. Written by her own hand. Newly translated by Violet Fane. T 2883. Marie Antoinette. Gower, Lord R. Last days of Marie Antoinette. T 2885.^. Mason, George. Rowland, Kate M. Life of George Mason, 1725-92. 2 v. T 2904.;-. Mather, Cotton, D.D. Marvin, Rev. A. P. Life and times of Cotton Mather, D.D. T 2935. ;«. Michelangelo Buonarroti. Symonds. J. A. Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. 2 v. T 3033./. Moltke, Count II. von, field-marshal. Letters of, to his mother and his brothers. T 3128. — His life and character. T 3128. a. Note. — " Sketched in journals, letters, memoirs, and autobiographical notes." Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Ropes, A. R., edr. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, [with] select pas- sages from her letters. T 3i40.n Montrose, James Graham, ^th earl and 1st marquis of. Morris, M. Montrose. T 3147. w. Morris, Robert. Sumner, W. G. The financier and the finances of the American Revolution. T 3172..?. Makers of America : Robert Morris. T 3172. n Napoleon I. Forsyth, W. Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. 3 v. T 3264./. Napoleon IH. Jerrold, B. Life of Napoleon III. v. 4. T 3265./ NOVALIS [Friedrich von Hardenberg]. Hope, M. J., edr. Novalis : his life, thoughts, and works. T 3333. Contents : Life of Novalis. By Just. — Heinrich von Ofterdingen. — Fugitive thoughts. — More fugitive thoughts. — Thoughts on philosophy and physics. — Hymns to the night. O'CONNELL, Daniel. Luby, T. C. Life and public ser- vices of Daniel O'Connell. With T 3434. Paine, Thomas. Conway, M.D. Life of Thomas Paine. 2 v. T 3416. (/. Palmerston, Viscount, K.G. Lome, Marquis of. Vis- count Palmerston, K.G. T 3424./. Parnell, Charles Stewart. Walsh, R. F. Charles Stewart Parnell, his brilliant achievements. T 3434. Pitt, William. Rosebery, Lord. Pitt. T 3536.;-. Polk, Sarah Childress. Nelson, A. and Fanny. Memo- rials of Sarah Childress Polk, wife of the nth president of the U. S. T 3555. w. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Stebbing, W. Sir Walter Ra- legh : a biography. T 3632. r. Ranjit Singh. Griffin, Sir L. Rulers of India : Ranjit Singh. T 3635. Renan, Ernest. Recollections and letters of. T 3691.0. Salisbury, Marquis of. Traill, H. D. Marquis of Salisbury. T 3845. Santley, Charles, student and singer. Reminiscences of. T 3858. Sidney, Sir Philip. Bourne, H. R. F. Sir Philip Sidney. T 4053.'^. SIMMS, William Gilmore. Trent, W. P. William Gil- more Simms. T 4077. SiNDiA, Madhava Rao. Keene, H. G. Rulers of India: Madhava Rao Sindia. T 4079. Smith, Henry Boynton. Stearns, L. F. American religious leaders : Henry Boynton Smith. T 4124./. Smith, William and Lucy. Merriam, G. S., edr. Story of William and Lucy Smith. T 4129. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Conwell, R. H. Life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. T 4204.^. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Pike, G. H. Charles Had- don Spurgeon. T 4204./. — Shindler, Rev. R. Life and labors of Charles Had- don Spurgeon. T 4204. j. Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, earl of. Browning, R. Life of Strafford. T 4250.(5] Sumner, Charles. Grimke, A. H. Life of Charles Sumner : the scholar in politics. T 4288.^. Talleyrand, Prince de. Broglie, Due de, edr. Me- moirs of the prince de Talleyrand. V. 4, 5. T 4328.*. — t Same. v. 4, 5. T 3759. Toombs, Robert. Stovall, P. A. Robert Toombs, states- man, speaker, soldier, sage. T 4448. Wagner, Richard. Praeger, F. Wagner as I know him. T 4631./. Washington, George. Baker, W. S. Itinerary of Gen. Washington, from June 15, 1775, to Dec. 23, 1783. I T 4673.1. — Bowen, C. W., edr. f History of the Centennial cele- bration of the inauguration of George Washington, April 30, 1889. T 4894.01. White, Bishop William. Ward, J. H. Makers of America : Bishop White. T 4812. Whitman, Walt. Autobiographia ; or, the story of a life. T 4815.3. — Clarke, W. Walt Whitman. T 4815. William II., emperor of Germany. Bigelow, P. The German emperor and his eastern neighbors. T 4843.*. WiNDOM, William, Secretary of the U. S. Treasury. f His last speech [at] banquet of the N. Y. Board of Trade and Transportation. T 4791. Wordsworth, William. Sutherland, J. M. William Wordsworth : the story of his life. 2d ed. T 4912.^. B. Collective Biography. Bancroft. Chronicles of the builders of the common- wealth. V. 2-4, 6. 7. T 5515, — Index to " Chronicles of the builders," etc. v. 1-7. T 5515. «. Ewart. Toilers in art. T 5140. Contents: John Tenniel. — Leon L'hermitte. — Oskar Pletsch. — Jean Paul Laurens. — Fran9ois Louis Fran- 9ais. — Chintreuil and Lavielle. — Frederic Shields. — Frederick Walker. — Charles Henry Bennett. — George John Pinwell. — Frederick Eltze. — Thomas Faed. — Josef Israels. — Alexis Harlamoff. — Maxime Lalanne. — George Tinwortli. — Thomas Bewick. — John Flaxman. Gibbins. English social reformers. T 5165. Gossip of the century. By the author of " Flemish in- teriors." 2 V. T 5604. Harrison, edr. New calendar of great men. T 5188. Note. — Biographies of the 558 worthies of all ages and nations in the Positivist calendar of Auguste Comte. HuTTON. Literary landmarks of London. Sth ed. T 5219.3. MuNRO. Heroes of the telegraph. T 5322. Contents : Sir Charles Wheatstone. — Samuel Morse. — Sir William Thomson. — Sir Charles William Sie- mens. — Johann Philipp Reis. — Thomas Alva Edison. — The Phonograph. — David Edwin Hughes. Powell and Shippen. f Officers of the army and navy (regular) who served in the civil vjar. T 4871. 34 (Jan.-Dec. 1892). C 7979'/- f Contributions to knowledge. C 4883. Life histories of North Amer- ican birds, with special reference to their breeding, hab- its, and eggs. — f Report for 1859-61. C 4747. — f Sa»ie for year ending June 30, 18S9. [Pt. 2.] Re- port of the National Museum. C 4747. — I Same to July, 1S90. C 4747. f Techniker, Der. v. 14 (Nov. 1891-Oct, 1892). C 7887. United States. Patent Office, f Alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions for the quarters ending Mch. 31-Dec. 31, 1892 [v. 58-61]. C 7891.*. — f Official gazette, v. 5S-61 (Jan.-Dec. 1892). C 789I. — f Same : Supplement. Smithsonian Institution. V. 28. Contents : Bendire, C. PART 3.-FICTION Fiction alphabetically arranged by I Alexander, A/rs. [m . . , ^^. , 1 — Snare of the fowler. Authors and Titles. AND JUVENILE FICTION. Annie F. Hector.] Mammon. About, E. Mother of a marquis, a/id The aunt's strat- agem. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. By A. C. Doyle. After twenty years, and other stories. By J. Stiirgis. AIDE, H. Voyage of discovery : a novel of American society. Alarcon, p. a. d£. Child of the ball. — Three-cornered hat. Albert Savarus. By H. de Balzac. Alexander, Mrs. [Mrs. Annie F. Hector.] For her sake. By Christabel R. Allen, G. Duchess of Powysland. American claimant. By Mark Twain. Amethyst : the story of a beauty. Coleridge. Angular stone, The. By Emilia P. Bazan. Anstey, F. [F. a. Guthrie.] Talking horse [and other stories]. Answered in the negative. By Mary Parmele. Anthony Melgrave. By T. iSI'Caleb. Appledore Farm. By Katharine S. Macquoid. Ariel; or, the author's world. By Mary Parmele. {With her " Answered in the negative.") Artist in crime. By R. Ottolengui. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Ascanio, etc., /^ Daughter's heart. lAscanio : an historical romance. By A. Dumas. At the end of the rainbow. By Julia A. Sabine. At the sign of the White Swan. By Olivia L. Wilson. I Aunt Anne. By Mrs. W. K. Clifford. .Aunt's stratagem. By E. About. {IVit/i his "'Mother I of a marquis.") Austin, Jane G. David Alden's daughter, and other stories of Colonial times. Axel Ebersen, the graduate of Upsala. By A. Laurie. Average woman. By W. Balestier. JBacheller, I. Master of silence. Bacon, E. M. Sfe Pocket piece. The. ist series. No. i. Balestier, W. Average woman. , Balzac, H. de. Albert Savarus. I— Madame P'irmiani. (With his "Albert Savarus.") — Paz. ( With his " Albert Savarus.") I — Pierrette. I— Vicar of Tours. ( IVith his " Pierrette, "i [Barbara Dering : sequel to " The quick or the dead?" ! By Amelie Rives. Baring-Gould, S. In the roar of the sea. — Story of Jael. ( With " For the defence." By B. L. Farjeon. N. Y., r^/. 1S91. D°.) Baroness, The : a Dutch story. By Frances M. Peard. Barr, Amelia E. Christopher and other stories. — Haliam succession. — Lost silver of Briffault. — Love for an hour is love forever. — Preacher's daughter : a domestic romance. — Rose of a hundred leaves: a love-story. I — Short stories. jBarr. R. {Luke Sharp.) In a steamer chair, and other shipboard stories. iBarracks, bivouacs, and battles. By A. Forbes. [Barrett, F. Out of the jaws of death. |Baz.ok of pity and of death. By P. Loti. Booth, Mrs. O. See " Rita." Born of flame : a Rosicrucian storv. Bv Margaret B. Peeke. BouRGET, P. Pastels of men. 2d series. Contents : Maurice Olivier. — A gambler. — Another gambler. — Jacques Molan. — A lowly one. — Corsigues. Braddon. M. E. [Mrs. M. E. Maxwell.] The Ve- netians. Bradsiiaw, W. R. Goddess of Atvatabar the discovery of the interior world. Brehat, a. de. Romance of Trouville. Brooksmith. By H. James. ( irith his the master.") Broughton, Rhoda. Mrs. Bligh. Buchanan, R. " Come, live with me, and be my love history of Lesson of I BULWER Lytton, E., /ord Lytton. Coming race, Falk- I land, Zicci, and Pausanias the Spartan. BUNNER, H. C. Runaway Browns: a story of small I stones. BtJRNHAM, Clara L. Miss Bagg's secretary. Burton, Mina E. Ruling the planets. By a Himalayan lake. By an Indian exile. By subtle fragrance held. By Mary F. Stevens. Bynner, E. L. Zachary Phips. , Caine, H. Cap'n Davy's honeymoon : a Manx yarn. Calhoun, Major A. Maud Morton. Calmettes, F. Fisher girl of France. Calmire. j Cambridge, Ada. Not all in vain. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. Daughter's heart. [ — Sister's sin. Capillary crime, and other stories. By F. D. Millet. Cap'n Davy's honeymoon : a Manx yam. By H. Caine. ; Carey, Rosa N. Sir Godfrey's grand-daughters. Carlyle, T. Wotton Reinfred : a romance. In M 76. I Castle, E. " La bella," and others. Catmur's cave. By R. Dowling. Champney, Elizabeth W. W'itch Winnie's studio. Characteristics. By S. W. Mitchell. I Charge for France, and other stories. By J. Heard, jr. Charming to her latest dav. By A. Muir. Child of the ball. By P. A. de Alarcon. Chilton, E. History of a failure, and other tales. Chosen valley. By Mary H. Foote. Christopher and other stories. By Amelia E. Barr. Chronicle of Mr. Bill Williams. By R. M. Johnston. Churchill, W. Princess of Fiji. Clemens, S. L. See Twain, Mark. Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Aunt Anne. — Love-letters of a worldly woman. ! Close shave. By T. W. Knox. Cobban. J. M. The horned cat. COLBECK, A. Fall of the Staincliffes. Note. — Prize tale on gambling. Coleridge, Christabei R. Amethyst : the story of a beauty. Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people. By B. Harte. Colony of girls. By Kate L. Willard. Columbus and Beatriz. By Constance G. DuBois. " Come, live with me, and be my love." By R. Buchanan. Confessions of a publisher. By J. .S. Winter. Conklin, Mrs. N. See Drinkw.\ter, Jennie M. Conscience. By H. Malot. CoNW.vv, M. D. Prisons of air. Corelli. Marie. Soul of Lilith. Corinthia Marazion. By C. Griffith. Couperus, L. Eline Vere. — Footsteps of fate. Covenant with the dead. By Clara Lemore. Crawford, F. AL Don Orsino. — Three fates. Crim, M. In Beaver Cove, and elsewhere. . Crinkle, Nym. [A. C. Wheeler.] Primrose path of dalliance : a romance of the stage. Croker, B. M. Diana Barrington. Crommelin, May. For the sake of the family. Crow's nest. By Mrs. B. Harrison. (With her "Bel- haven tales.") Cross currents. By Mary A. Dickens. ' Cross roads ; or, a choice in life. By Charlotte M. I Yonge. I Crotchet Castle. By T. L. Peacock. Ed. by Ganiett. ! Cruger, Mrs. Van- Rensselaer. See Gordon, Julien. CuDLiP, Mrs. Pender. See Thomas, Annie. Gushing, P. Blacksmith of Voe. — Cut with his own diamond. Cynthia W^akehams money. By Anna K. Green. Dare Lorimer's heritage. By Evelyn E. Green. Daudet, a. Rose and Ninette. Daughter of the south, and shorter stories. By Mrs. B. I Harrison. I Daughter's heart. By Mrs. H. L. Cameron. In asking for books, use the " Book Order,' giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 6 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : David Alden's daughter, to Governor, The, etc. David Alden's daughter, and other stories of Colonial times. By Jane G. Austin. David Grieve. By Mrs. H. Ward. David Lindsay: sequel to "Gloria." By Mrs. E. D. E. N. South worth. Davis. Rebecca H. Kent Hampden. — Silhouettes of American life. Davis, R. H. Van Bibber and others. Dawe, W. C. Mount Desolation : an Australian ro- mance. Day, a. a. Mysterious beggar. Day at Laguerre's. and other days. By F. H. Smith. Debans, Camille. Gabriel's vocation. " December roses." By Mrs. C. Praed. De la Rame, Louisa. See " OuiDA." Deluge, The : sequel to " \Vith fire and sword." By H. Sienkiewicz. 2 v. Demoniac, The. By W. Besant. {With his "Verbena Camellia Stephanotis.") Denzil Quarrier. By G. Gissing. Dewey morn, The. By R. Jefferies. Diana : the history of a great mistake. By Mrs. Oli- phant. Diana Barrington. By B. M. Croker. Dickens, Mary A. Cross currents. Divided lives. By E. Fawcett. DoD, S. B. Highland chronicle. Doings of Raffles Haw. By A. C. Doyle. DoUarocracy : an American novel. Doll's house— and after. By \V. Besant. ( With his " Verbena Camellia Stephanotis.") Don Braulio. By Juan Valeria. Don Orsino. By F. M. Crawford. Dorothy Wallis : an autobiography. Introd. by W. Besant. Dorothy's islands. By Jenfiie M. Drinkwater. Doubts' of Dives. By W. Besant. {With his "Ver- bena Camellia Stephanotis.") DOUDNEY, Sarah. Through pain to peace. Doughty, F. W. Mirrikh ; or, a woman from Mars : a tale of occult adventure. Douglas, Amanda. Sherburne House. DowLiNG, R. Catmur's cave. Downfall, The. (La debacle.) By E. Zola. Doyle, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. — Doings of Raffles Haw. Drake, Jeanie. In old St. Stephens. Drinkwater, Jennie M. [Mrs. N. Conklin.] Dorothy's islands. DuBois, Constance G. Columbus and Beatriz. Duchess, The. [Mrs. Hungerford.] Lady Patty. Duchess of Powysland. By A. Grant. Dudevant, Mde. A.L.A.D. See Sand, G. Dukesborough tales : chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. By R. M. Johnston. Dumas, A. Ascanio : an historical romance. — Taking the Bastile ; or, six years later. Note. — Same as his "Six years later." sequel to " Queen's necklace." Du Maurier, G. Peter Ibbetson. DuRAND, Mde. A.M.C.H. See Greville, H. Eaglehurst towers. By Emma Marshall. Earthly paragon. By Eva W. McGlasson. East and west : a story of new-born Ohio. By E. E. Hale. Er.ERS. G. A thorny paUi (Per aspera). Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von. Beyond atonement. Eckstein, E. Hertha. Edelweiss of the Sierras, Golden rod, and other tales. By Mrs. B. Harrison. Edwards, M. B. North country comedy. Eline Vane. By L. Couperus. Elmslie, Theodora. His life's magnet. Erl queen. The. By Nataly von Eschstruth. Eschstruth, Nataly von. Erl queen. — Wild rose of Gross-Stauffen. Esther Vanhomrigh. By Margaret L Woods. Etelka's vow. By Dorothea Gerard. E.Kcellent knave, An. By J. F. Molloy. Experiences of a lady help. By J. S. Winter. Exquisite fool. An : a novel. Fairfax, Mildred. In the Vultures' nest ; or, the Hu- guenots at the court of France in 1572. Faith. By Don A. Palacio Valdes. Falkenhorst, C. With Columbus in America. Falkland. By E. Bulwer-Lytton. {With his "Coming race.") Fall of the Staincliffes. By A. Colbeck. Far from to-day. By G. Hall. Farjeon, B. L. For the defence. — Merry, merry boys. Fatal silence. By Florence Marryat. Fate of Fenella. By Helen Mathers and others. Note. — Each of its 24 chapters was written by a different author. Fawcett, E. Divided lives. — Women must weep. Felix Lanzberg's expiation. By O. Schubin. Fellowe, A. and his wife. By Blanche W. Howard and W. Sharp. Fenn, G. N. New mistress. Fifty pounds for a wife. By A. P. Glyn. -j First family of Tasajara. By B. Harte. '' Fisher girl of France. By F. Calmettes. Fitch, T. and Anna. Better days ; or, a millionaire of to-morrow. Flight of the shadow. By G. MacDonald. Florida enchantment. By A. C. Gunter and F. Red- mond. Flying Hill farm. By Sophie Swett. Folly and fresh air. By E. Phillpotts. Foote, Mary H. Chosen valley. ' Footsteps of fate. By L. Couperus. '^ For her sake. By Mrs. Alexander. ^ For the defence. By B. L. Farjeon. For the sake of the family. By Mary Crommelin. For woman's love. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Forbes, A. Barracks, bivouacs, and battles. Forrester, Mrs. Of the world worldly. Four destinies. By T. Gautier. '^ France, A. Thais. Frederic, H. Return of the O'Mahony. Fuller, Anna. Pratt portraits : sketched in a New Eng- land suburb. Gabriel's fate. By Camille Debans. Garland, H. Jason Edwards : an average man. — Member of the third house : a dramatic stoiy. — Spoil of ofifice : story of the modern west. Gardener, Helen H. Pushed by unseen hands. — Thoughtless yes [ : a collection of short stories.] Gautier, T. Four destinies. General's daughter. By N. H. Potapeeko. Gerard, Dorothea. Etelka's vow. — Queen of curds and cream. Germain's marriage : a tale of peasant life in France. By George Sand. Oilman, Stella. That Dakota girl. Oilman, Wenona. Saddle and sentiment. GiLMORE, Minnie. Son of Esau. — Woman who stood between. Gissing, G. Denzil Quarrier. Glenwood, Ida. Lily Pearl and the mistress of Rose- dale. Gloria. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. Olouvet, J. de. The svoodman. Glyn, A. L. Fifty pounds for a wife. Goddess of Atvatabar. By W. R. Bradshaw. God's fool : a Koopstad story. By M. Maartens. Golden gossip : neighborhood story number two. By Mrs. A. D. T. W'hitney. Golden rod. By Mrs. B. Harrison. {With her "Edel- weiss of the Sierras.") Gordon, Julien. [Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger.] Mar- ionettes. Gould, S. Baring. See Baring-Gould, S. Governor, The, and other stories. By O. A. Hibbard. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Gramercy Park, to Maartens, M. Gramercy Park. By J. S. Wood. Grania : the story of an island. By Hon. Emily Law- less. Grant, R. Reflections of a married man. Green. Anna K. Cynthia Wakeham's money. — Old stone house, and other stories. Contents : The old stone house. — A memorable night. — The black cross. — A mysterious case. — Shall he wed her? I Green, Evelyn E. Dare Lorimer's heritage. i Greene, Sarah P. McL. Vesty of the Basins. j Greville, H, [Mde. A. M. C. H. Durand.] The heiress. I — Princess Roubine. i Griffith. C. [Mrs. S. Beckett.] Corinthia Marazion. I " Ground arms ! " By Bertha von Suttner. I GUNTER. A. C. Miss Dividends. — and Redmond, F. A Florida enchantment. i GuTHRiK, F. A. See Anstey, F. ' Habberton, J. Lucky lover. I — Well out of it : six days in the life of an ex-teacher. Hagg.vrd, H. R. Nada the lily. Hale, E. E. East and west : a story of new-born Ohio. — Sybil Knox. Half-hours with the millionaires. Ed. by B. B. West. Hall, Gertrude. Far from to-day. Hallam succession. By Amelia E. Barr. Hardy, T. Tess of D'Urbervilles. Harland, Marion. [Mrs. Mary V. Terhune.] His great self. Harris, J. C. On the plantation. Harrison, Afrs. B. Belhaven tales. Crow's nest, Una and king David, Daughter of the south, and shorter stories. — Edelweiss of the Sierras, Golden rod, and other tales. Harte, B. Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people. — First family of Tasajara. Hatton, J. Princess Mazaroff. Havoc of a smile. By L. B. Walford. Hawthorne, J. «;/t. C. Soldier's secret. King, Grace. Tales of a time and place. Kipling, R. and Balestier, W. The Naulahka : a story of west and east. Kirschner, Lola. See Schubin, O. Kirsteen : the story of a Scotch family seventy years ago. By Mrs. Oliphant. Knox, T. W. Close shave. •' La bella," and others. By E. Castle. Lady Grizel. By Hon. L. Wingfield. Lady Patty. By the Duchess. Laforest, D. Renee and Colette. Lane, Lydia S. I married a soldier. Lanza, Alarqiiise Clara and Hervey, J. C. Scarabaeus : the story of an African beetle. La RAMfe, Louisa de. ^^v " Oiida." Laurie, A. Axel Ebersen, the graduate of Upsala. Lawless, Hon. Emily. Grania : the story of an island. Lee, Katharine. [J/rj-. Henry Jenner.] Love or money. Lee, V. [Violet Paget.] Vanitas : polite stories. Contents : Lady Tal. — A worldly woman. — Legend of Mme. Krasinska. Leffingwell, W. B. Manulito ; or, a strange friendship. Lemore, Clara. Covenant with the dead. Leona. By Mrs. Molesworth. Lesson of the master. By H. James. Lewis, Airs. Hairiet. Two husbands ; or, buried secret.s. Life's fairy tales. By J. A. Mitchell. Lily Pearl and the mistress of Rosedale. By Ida Glen- wood. Little game with destiny. By Marie St. Felix. Little lady of Lagunitas. By R. H. Savage. Lost colony. By J. F. Raymond. Lost silver'of Briffault. By Amelia E. Barr. LOTI, P. Book of pity and of death. Love for an hour is love forever. By Amelia E. Barr. Love-lettei-s of a worldly woman. By Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Love or money. By Katharine Lee. Lucky lover, A. By J. Habberton. Ludlow. J. M. That angelic woman. Maartens, M. God's fool : a Koopstad story. ] — Question of taste. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : M'Caleb, T., to Pinkerton, T. A. M'Caleb, T. Anthony Melgravc. McClelland, M. G. Manitou Island. MacDonald, G. Flight of the shadow. McGlasson, Eva W. An earthly paragon. M'Lennan, M. Muckle Jock, and other stories of peas- ant life in the north. Macquoid, Katharine S. Appledore Farm. — Berris. — Maisie Derrick. Mad tour. By Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Madame Firmiani. By H. de Balzac. {With his "Al- bert Savarus.") Magic ink, and other stories. By W. Black. Maisie Derrick. By Kath. S. Macquoid. Mallock, W. H. a human document. Malot, H. Conscience. Mammon. By Mrs. Alexander. Man and money. By E. Souvestre. Man in possession. By " Rita."' Manitou Island. By M. G. McClelland. Manley, R. M. Some children of Adam. Manuelita : the story of San Xavier del Bac. By Marian C. Wilson. Manulito ; or, a strange friendship. By W. B. Leffing- well. Mariam ; or, twenty-one days. By H. Victor. Marionettes. By Julien Gordon. Marriage of Elinor. By Mrs. Oliphant. Marriages, The. By H. James. {With his " Lesson of the master.") Marshall, Emma. Eaglehurst towers. — It happened yesterday. — Winifrede's journal. Marryat, Florence. [Mrs. F. M. Lean.] Fatal silence. Master of Ettersberg. By E. Werner. Master of silence. By I. Bacheller. Mathers, Helen. T'other dear charmer. — and others. Fate of F"enella. A''otd. — Each of the 24 chapters of this book were written by a different author. Matthews, B. In the vestibule limited. — and ]essov, G. H. A tale of twenty-five hou/s. Maud Morton. By Major A. Calhoun. Maxwell, Mj-s. M. E. See Braddon. M. E. Mayflower tales. By J. Hawthorne and others. Meade, L. T. [Mrs. E. T. Smith.] Medicine lady. — Out of the fashion. — Ring of rubies. Medicine lady. By L. T. Meade. Meiss.ner, Madame de. Tcherkesse prince. Member of Tattersall's. By H. Smart. Member of the third house. By H. Garland. Merry, merry boys. By B. L. Farjeon. Millet, F. D. Capillary crime, and other stories. Mirrikh ; or, a woman from Mars. By F. W. Doughty. Miserere : a musical story. By Mabel Wagnalls. Miss Bagg's secretary. By Clara L. Burnham. Miss Dividends. By A. C. Gunter. Miss Wilton. By Cornelia Warren. Mistress Branican. By J. Verne. Mitchell, J. A. Life's fairy tales. Mitchell, S. W. Characteristics. Modern Red Riding Hood. By C. A. Jones. Molesworth, Mrs. Imogen ; or, only eighteen. — Leona. MoLLOY, J. F. An excellent knave. Moonblight and Six feet of romance. By D. Beard. Moore, G. Vain fortune. Morris, W. Story of the glittering plain. Mother of a marquis. By E. About. Mount Desolation : an Australian romance. By W. C. Dawe. Mr. East's experiences in Mr. Bellamy's world. By C, Wilbrandt. Mr. Fortner's marital claims, and other .stories. By R. M. Johnston. Mr. Witt's widow. By A. Hope. Mrs. Bligh. By Rhoda Broughton. Mrs. Dines's jewels : a mid-Atlantic romance. By \V. C. Russell. Mrs. Keats Bradford. By Maria L. Pool. Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Lennox : a novel. Muckle Jock, and other stories of peasant life in the north. By M. M'Lennan. MuDDOCK, J. E. Stormlight ; or, the Nihilist's doom. MuiR, A. Charming to her latest day. MUNKITTRICK, R. K. Some New Jersey Arabian nights. Mysterious beggar : a novel founded on facts. By A. A. Day. Mysterious Mrs. Wilkinson, and other stories. By W. E. Norris. Nada the lily. By H. R. Haggard. Naulahka, The : a story of west and east. By R. Kip- ling and W. Balestier. Nearest and dearest. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. South- worth. Needell, Mrs. J. H. Passing the love of women. — Story of Philip Methuen. Nevermore. By R. Boldrewood. New England cactus, and other tales. By F. P. Hum- phrey. New mistress. By G. M. Fenn. New saint's tragedy. By T. A. Pinkerton. Nimrod & Co. By G. Ohnet. NoRRis, W. E. Mysterious Mrs. Wilkinson, and other stories. North, Barclay. See Hudson, W. C. North country comedy. By M. B. Edwards. Not all in vain. By Ada Cambridge. Number twenty : fables and fantasies. By H. D. Traill. Of the world worldly. By Mrs. Forrester. Ohnet, G. Nimrod & Co. Old Dacres' darling. By Annie Thomas. Old stone house, and other stories. By Anna K. Green. Old ways and new. By Viola Roseboro'. Oliphant, Mrs. Diana : the history of a great mis take. — Kirsteen : the story of a Scotch family seventy years ago. — Marriage of Elinor. On the plantation. By J. C. Harris. On the rack. By W. C. Hudson. One good guest. By L. B. Walford. Only human ; or, justice. By J. S. Winter. Onoqua. By F. C. Sparhawk. Other house, The : a study of human nature. By Kate Jordan. Ottolengui, R. An artist in crime. " Ouida." [Louisa de la Rame ] Tower of Taddeo. Out of the fashion. By L. T. Meade. Out of the jaws of death. By F. Barrett. Paget, Violet. See Lee, V. Pain, B. Stories and interludes. Palacio Valdes, Don A. Faith. Parmele, Mary. Answered in the negative \and Ariel ; or, the " author's world "]. Parr, ]\Irs. Louisa. The squire. Parry, Major G. Story of Dick. Passing the love of women. By Mrs. J. H. Needell. Pastels of men, 2d series. By P. Bourget. Pausanias the Spartan. By E. Bulvver-Lytton. {With his " Coming race.") Paz. By H. de Balzac. ( With his " Albert Savarus.") Peacock, T. L. Crotchet Castle. Ed. by Garnett. Pearce, J. H. Inconsequent lives. Peard, Frances M. The baroness : a Dutch story. Peeke, Afrs. Margaret B. Born of flame : a Rosicrucian story. Penance of Portia James. By Tasma. People at Pisgah. By E. J. Sanborn. Peter Ibbetson. By G. Du Maurier. Phillpotts, E. Folly and fresh air. Pierce, S. L. Stolen steps. ; Pierrette. By H. de Balzac. 9 Pinch of experience, A. By L. B. Walford. 9 Pinkerton, T. A. New saint's tragedy. | FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Pocket piece, The, to Squire, The. 9 Pocket piece. The : short stories and sketches by Ameri- can authors, ist series, No. i. By E. M. Bacon. Contents: The Toddville raffle. — Zenas Smith's ride to Roxbury. — Squaring an old account. — McRotty's van. — Uncle Sunday. — The historian of the future. Pool, Maria L. Mrs. Keats Bradford. — Roweny in Boston. Poor girl. By W. Heimburg. PoTAPEEKO, N. H. General's daughter. Praed, Mrs. C. " December roses." Pratt portraits : sketched in a New England suburb. By Anna Fuller. Preacher's daughter : a domestic romance. By Amelia E. Barr. Pretty Michal. By M. Jokai. Primrose path of dalliance. By Nym Crinkle. Prince Schamyl's wooing. By R. H. Savage. Princess Mazaroff. By J. Hatton. Princess of Fiji. By W. Churchill. Princess Roubine. By H. Greville. Prisons of air. By M. D. Conway. Pupil, The. ISy H. James. {With his "Lesson of the master.") Pushed by unseen hands. By Helen H. Gardener. Quality of mercy. By W. D. Howeils. Queen of curds and cream. By Dorothea Gerard. Question of taste. By M. Maartens. Ragsdale, Lulah. Shadow's shadow. Ralph Ryder of Brent. By Florence Warden. Rame, Louisa de la. See " OuiDA." R.WMOND, J. F. The lost colony. Reade, Amye. Slaves of the sawdust. Reed, O. P. Kentucky colonel. Reflections of a married man. By R. Grant. Renee and Colette. By D. Laforest. Reputation of George Saxon, and other stories. By M. Roberts. Return of the O'Mahony. By H. Frederic. Reunited : a story of the civil wai". By a popular south- ern author. RiDDliLL, A/rs. J. H. Head of the firm. — Mad tour. Ring of rubies. By L. T. Meade. " Rita." [Mrs. O. Booth.] Man in possession. — Vagabond lover. Rives, .Vmelie. Barbara Dering : sequel to " The quick or the dead ?" Roberts, M. Reputation of George Saxon, and other stories. Robins, G. M. Ides of March. Robinson, F. W. Wrong thdt was done. ROCKWOOD, Caroline W. In Biscayne Bay. Roger Hunt. By Celia P. Woolley. Roll of honor. By Annie Thomas. Romance of Trouville. By A. de Brehat. Romantic talcs. Vols. i-6. 1. Ewing, Juliana H. Lob Lie-by-the-fire. — Wild Jack. From " Temple Bar." — Forester, Afrs. Vir- ginia. — Mr. Josiah Smith's balloon voyage. From " Belgravia." — Peard, Mary F. Number 7639. — Rob- inson. A. Mary F. Goneril. — Out of season. From '' Temple Bar." 2. Professor and the harpy. From the Cornhill mag- azine. — Shorthouse. J. ^Iarquis Jeanne Hyacinth de St. I'elaye. — The rock scorpions. From the Cornhill magazine. — Black, W. Queen Tila's wager. — King Pepin and Sweet Clive. From the Cornhill magazine. — Gierke. E. M. A film of gossamer. — The Liy figure. From the Cornhill magazine. — Count of Rochmont. From " Temple Bar." 3. Uncle George's will. From " Temple Bar." — Murray, E. C. G. Fleur de Lys.— Poynter, E. C. • Emilia, an episode. — Stanley, J. How Quedlington was sent down. — Au pair. From "Temple Bar." — Conway, H. My first client. — Lindsay, Z<7" Coming race.") Zola,E. The downfall. (La debacle.) B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Abd el Ardavan. [Harry W. French.] Lance of Kanana : a story of Arabia. Adams, W. T. See Optic, Oliver. Alden, Afrs. G. R. See Pansy. Alger, H. Jr. Dean Dunham ; or, the Walerford mystery. — Digging for gold. — Erie train boy. — Five hundred dollar check. — Young boatman. All-over-the world series. See Optic, Oliver. Allen, W. B. Gulf and glacier ; or, the Percivals in Alaska, FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Along the Florida reef, to Millionaire at sixteen. 1 1 Along the Florida reef. By C. F. Holder. Among typhoons and pirate craft. Hy Capt. L. An- derson. Anderson, Capt. L. Among typhoons and pirate craft. Armstrong, Frances. Changed lots. Atkinson, Rev. ]. C. Playhours and half-holidays. — Walks, talks, travels, and exploits of two schoolboys. New ed. AULNOY, Madame d' . Fairy tales. Newly done into English. Austin, Jane G. Moonfolk : a true account of the home of the fairy tales. Barerock ; or, the island of pearls. By H. Nash. Bark, Amelia. Michael and Theodora : a Russian story. Battle of New York : a story for all young people. By W. Stoddard. Berkeleys, The, and their neighbors. By Molly E. Seawell. KuebeJl : a story of child life now-a-days. By Emma Marshall. BoYESEN, H. H. Boyhood in Norway. Boyhood in Norway. By H. H. Boyesen. Boyhood of Lincoln. By H. Butterworth. Brewster, Marian. Under the water-oaks. Brian's home. By Fannie E. Newberry. Bristol bells : a story of the i8th century. By Emma Marshall. Brown owl : a fairy story. By F. H. M. Hueffer. Burnett, Frances H. Giovanni and the other. Butterworth, H. Boyhood ol Lincoln. Calhoun, A. R. Lost in the canon. Canoemates : a story of the Florida reef and Everglades. By K. Munroe. Captain of the Kittiewink. By H. D. Ward. Captured by Zulus. By H. Prentice. Castlemon, H. [C. a. Fosdick]. War series : Marcy the refugee. Changed lots. By Frances Armstrong, Child of the precinct. By Sarah Doudney. Clare, A. " Crooked S" : the story of a square peg in a round hole. Clocks of Rondaine, and other stories. By F. R. Stockton. CoLLODi, C. Story of a puppet ; or, advs. of Pinocchio. Coryell, J. R. Diego Pinzon. Cowan, J. F. Pony-expressman. Cox, Maria McI. Jack Brereton's three months' service. Crompton, Frances E. Master Bartlemy ; or, the thank- ful heart. " Crooked S " : the story of a square peg in a roimd hole. By A. Clare. Crystal hunters. By G. M. Fenn. Curtis, Alice E. Neighbors in Barton Square. Dean Dunham ; or, the Waterford mystery. By H. Al- ger, jr. Deland, Margaret. Story of a child. Diego Pinzon. By J. R. Coryell. t>igg'ng for gold. By II. Alger, jr. Doudney, Sarah. Child of the precinct. Dr. Dodd's school. By J. L. Ford. Ellis, E. S. From the throttle to the president's chair. — Jaunt through Java. — Wild-woods series. No. 2 : On the trail of the moose. Elsie at Viamede. By Martha Finley. Enchanted garden, An : fairy tales. By Mrs. Moles- worth. Englishman's haven. By W. J. Gordon. Erie train boy. By H. Alger, jr. FAIRY TALES. Aulnoy, Madame d'. Fairy tales. Newly done into English. — Austin, Jane G. Moonfolk: a true account of the home of the fairy tales. • — Goddard, Julia. Fairy tales in other lands. — Hueffer, F. H. M. The brown owl : a fairy story. — Jacobs, J., edr. Indian fairy tales. — Lang, A., edr. Green fairy book. — McCarthy, J. H., edr. Thousand and one days. 2 v. — Molesworth, Mrs. An enchanted garden : fairy tales. — Valentine, {Mrs.), edr. The old fairy tales. froi FAIRYTALES. Williams, 'S\el2iE., edr. Tak the " Mabinogion." — Yeats, W. B. edr. Irish fairy tales. j Father Brighthopes. By J. T. Trowbridge. Fenn, G. M. Crystal hunters. — Rajah of Dah. I — Syd Belton : the boy who would not go to sea. Finley, Martha. Elsie at Viamede. Finn and his companions. By S. O'Grady. Fishin' Jimmy. By Annie T. Slosson. Five hundred dollar check. By H. Alger, jr. Five little Peppers grown up : sequel to " Five little I Peppers midway. ' By Margaret Sidney. j Five little Peppers midway : sequel to " Five little Pep- I pers and how they grew." By Margaret Sidney. Foot, Katharine B. Rovings of a restless boy. Ford, J. L. Dr. Dodd's school. Fosdick, C. A. See Castlemon, Harry. Fre.nch, Harry W. See Abd el Ardavan. From school-room to bar. By W. H. W. Moran. I From the throttle to the president's chair. By E. S. I Ellis. I Garland, H. Little Norsk ; or, papa's flaxen. [ Giovanni and the other. By Frances H. Burnett. 1 Goddard, Julia. Fairy tales in other lands. Gordon, W. J. Englishman's haven. I Green fairy book. Ed. by A. Lang. I Gulf and glacier ; or, the Percivals in Alaska. By W. B. Allen. I Hale, E. E. and Lucretia P. New Harry and Lucy. i Helen Glenn : a story for girls. By Lucy C. Lillie. ! Henty, G. a. Young colonists. Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef. Hueffer, F. PL M. The brown owl : a fairy story. Huntington, Rev. G. Nakoma : a story of frontier life. In the queen's navee. By C. N. Robinson and J. Ley- land. Indian fairy tales. Ed. by J. Tacobs. Irish fairy tales. Ed. by W. B. Yeats. Jack Brereton's three months' service. By Maria McI. Co.K. Jack the hunchback. By J. Otis. Jacobs, J., edr. Indian fairy tales. Jewett, j. H. The bunny stories. Jones, C. A. Little Sir Nicholas : a story for children. ' — Modern Red Riding Hood. Kaler, j. O. See Otis, J. j Lance of Kanana. By L.ANG, A., edr. Green fairy book. j Laurie, A. Schoolboy days in Russia. I Lillie, Lucy C. Helen Glenn : a story for girls. ! Little Norsk ; or. Papa's flaxen. By 11. Garland. I Little Queenie : a story of child-life sixty years ago. By \ Emma Marshall. i Little Sir Nicholas : a story for children. By C. A. Jones. ' Lost in the canon. By A. R. Calhoun. I McCarthy, J. H.. edr. Thousand and one days. 2 v. I Machar, Agnes M. Marjorie's Canadian winter. Maggie Bradford's fair. By Joanna H. Mathews. (4th ! series of the " Bessie books. ") Maid Marian and Robin Hood. By J. E. Muddock. Marcy the refugee. By H. Castlemon. Marjoribanks. By E. Wright. Marjorie's Canadian winter. By Agnes M. Machar. Marshall, Emma. Bluebell : a story of child life now- a-days. — Bristol bells : a story of the iSth century. — Little Queenie : a story of child-life 60 years ago. Master Bartlemy; or, the thankful heart. By Frances E. Crompton. Mathews, Joanna H. Maggie Bradford's fair. (4th series of the •' Bessie books.") Matthews, B. Tom Paulding : a search for buried treasure in the streets of N. Y. Meyer, Capt. W. E. Wrecked on the Bermudas. Michael and Theodora : a Russian story. By Amelia Barr. Millionaire at sixteen. By Oliver Optic. In: for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 4— HISTORY : American History and Travels. ! Miss Ashton's new pupil. By Mrs. S. S. Robbins. Miss Malcolm's ten : a story for the King's Daughters. By Margaret E. Winslow. Missing million, A ; or, the adventures of Louis Bel- grave. By Oliver Optic. MoLESWORTH, Mrs. An enchanted garden : fairy stories. — " Farthings " : the story of a stray and a waif. — Robin Redbreast : a story for girls. Moonfolk : a true account of the home of the fairy tales. By Jane G. Austin. MoRAN, W. H. W. From school-room to bar. MUDDOCK, J. E. Maid Marian and Robin Hood. Mu.N'ROE. K. Canoemates : a story of the Florida reef and E.verglades. Nakoma: a story of frontier life. By Rev. G. Huntington. Nash, H. Barerock ; or, the island of pearls. Neighbors in Barton Square. By Alice E. Curtis. New Harry and Lucy. By E. E. and Lucretia P. Hale. New York boy, A. By A. L. Putnam. Newberry, Fannie E. Brian's home. Number 91 ; or, the adventures of a New York telegraph boy. By A. L. Putnam. O'Grady, S. Finn and his companions. Old fairy tales. Ed. by Mrs. Molesworth. On the trail of the moose. By E. S. Ellis. (Wild-woods series, No. 2.) Optic. Oliver [VV. T. Adams]. All-over-the-world series, V. I : a missing million ; or. the adventures of Louis Belgrave. — Same, v. 2 : Millionaire at sixteen. Otis, J. [J. O. KalerJ. Jack the hunchback. — Treasure-finders : A boy's adventures in Nicaragua. Pansy {Mrs. G. R. Alden], and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. John Remington, martyr. Perry, Nora. Rosebud garden of girls. Playhours and half-holidays. By Rev. J. C. Atkinson. Pony-expressman. By J. T. Cowan. Pot of gold, and other stories. By Mary E. Wilkins. Prentice, H. Captured by Zulus. Putnam, A. L. New York boy. — Number 91 ; or, the adventures of a New York tele- graph boy. — Tom Tracy ; or, the trials of a New York newsboy. Rajah of Dah. By G. M. Fenn. Robbins, Mrs. S. S. Miss Ashton's new pupil. Robin Redbreast : a story for girls. By Mrs. Moles- worth. Robinson, C. N. and Leyland, J. In the queen's navee. Rose, A, of a hundred leaves. By Amelia E. Barr. Rosebud garden of girls. By Nora Perry. Rovings of a restless boy. By Katharine B. Foot. Schoolboy days in Russia. By A. Laurie. Seawell, Molly E. The Berkeleys and their neighbors. Sidney, Margaret. Five little Peppers grown up : sequel to " Five little Peppers midway." — Five little Peppers midway : sequel to '' Five little Peppers and how they grew." Slosson, Annie T. Fishin' Jimmy. Stockton, F. R. Clocks of Rondaine, and other stories. Stoddard, W. Battle of New York : a story for all young people. Story of a child. By Margaret Deland. Story of a puppet ; or, adventures of Pinocchio. By C. Collodi. Swett, Sophie. Flying Hill farm. Syd Belton : the boy who would not go to sea. By G. M. Fenn. Tales from the " Mabinogion." Ed. by Meta E. Williams. Thousand and one days. Ed. by J. H. McCarthy. 2 v. Tom Paulding : a search for buried treasure in the streets of New York. By B. Matthews. Tom Tracy ; or, the trials of a New York newsboy. By A. L. Putnam. Treasure-finders : a bov's adventure in Nicaragua. By J. Otis. Trowbridge, J. T. Father Brighthopes. Rev. ed. Under the water-oaks. By Marian Brewster. Valentine, Mrs., edr. The old fairy tales. Walks, talks, travels, and exploits of two school-boys. By Rev. J. C. Atkinson. Ward, H. D. Captain of the Kittiewink. Wilkins, Mary E. Pot of gold, and other stories. — Young Lucretia, and other stories. Williams, Meta E., edr. Tales from the "Mabi- nogion." Winslow, Mai-garet E. Miss Malcolm's ten : a story for the King's Daughters. Wrecked on the Bermudas. By Capt. W. E. Meyer. Wright, E. Majoribanks. Yeats, W. B., edr. Irish fairy tales. Young boatman. By H. Alger, yV. Young colonists. By G. A. Henty. Young Lucretia, and other stories. By Mary E. Wilkins. t PART 4.-HIST0RY, GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS. VOYAGES, AND A. American History and Travels. Ballou. Equatorial America. P 8024.1?. Bl.aine and others. Columbus and Columbia. Q 1526. Pt. I. Blaine, J. G. Progress and development of the western world. Pt. 2. Buel, J. W. Columbus and the new world. Pt. 3. Clark, Prof. J. Columbia. Pt. 4. Butterworth the World's Fair. Bol'rgade. Paraguay. FisKE. Discovery of America Hervey. Dark days in Chile Hon. B. Scope and purpose of P 9053- 2 V. P 7151. the revolution of 1891. P 9618. Nansen. First crossing of Greenland. P 7326. Oder. Knockabout Club in search of treasure. [Mexico and Central America.] P 8702./?'. Packard. Labrador coast. P 7705. Parkman. France and England in North America. Pt. 6, A half-century of conflict. 2 v. P 7706.//. Payne. History of the new world called America, v. i. T. T. ^ 7344- Pike. Barren ground of northern Canada. P 7712. Ralph. On Canada's frontier. P 7719. Rollins. From palm to glacier, with an interlude : Bra- zil, Bermuda, and Alaska. P 7726. SCAIFE. America : its geographical history, 1492-1892. N 1733- Turner. Argentina and the Argentines. P 9769. Whymper. Travels amongst the great Andes of the Equator*. P 9788. UNITED STATES : GENERAL HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Bancroft. Chronicles of the builders of the common- wealth, V. 2-4, 6, 7. T 5515. — Same : Index. T 55i5-'J- Bunker Hill Monument Association, f Proceedings at annual meeting, June 17, 1891. Q 4539- Butterworth. Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. Q 54 1-^- Caswell. Our life among the Iroquois Indians.. Q 2078. Cowan. New invasion of the south : expedition of 71st infantry. N. G., to New Orleans. Q io2. Davis. The west from a car-window. Q iiS- Fisher. Colonial era. Q 3I5I' Forbes, f Artist's story of the war. [v. 4.] Q 7932* FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY: European History and Travels. 13 Gordon. Land of the almighty dollar. Q 173. Irwin. History of the 19th army corps. Q 7634. King. Handbook of the U.S. Text by M. F. Sweet- ser. Q 244. LuMMIS. Some strange corners of our country. Q 274.^-. — Tramp across the continent. Q 274. Mc.Master. History of the people of the U.S. v. 3. Q 1670. f Magazine of American history, v. 27, 28 (Jan. -Dec. 1892). C 6670. MiLBURN. Lance, cross, and canoe, in the valley of the Mississippi. Q 682. Missouri Commandry. War papers and personal rem- iniscences, 1861-65. V. I. Q 7685. Page. Old South : essays social and political. Q 341. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Summer excursion routes. 1892. Q 708 Powell mid Shippen. f Officers of the army and navy (regular) who served in the civil war. T 4871. t. — Interior Department, f Official register of the U.S.: list of ofliccrs and employees. July, iSSg [and] July, 1S91. 4 v. U 2891.^. 1S89. V. I. Legislative, executive, judicial. 1S89. v. 2. Post-office Department and the postal service. In asking for books, use the " Book Order." givin.? the .\UTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 20 7-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Law and Crime. Uniteii States. Interior Department. 1 891. v. i. Legislative, executive, judicial. 1 891. V. 2. Post-office Department and the postal service. — Pension Office. \ List of pensioners on the roll, Jan. I, 1883. 5 V. U 2T]2.b. — Senate. \ Executive documents, 2gth congr., ist sess. to 50th congr., 1st sess. 62 v. 1846-8S. 8°. U 2773. «. f Same, 33d congr., 1st sess. to 49th congr., ist sess. 9 v. 1854-86. 4°. U 2891.(7. f Journal, 33d congr., 2d sess. to 41st congr., 2d sess. 6 v. 1854-70. U 2J73.0. t List of private claims, 14th to 33d congr. U I'j'j'l.d. f Miscellaneous documents, 31st. congr., 2d sess. to 49lh congr., 2d sess. 10 v. 1851-87. 8°. U 2773. 7A — I Same, 49th congr., ist and 2d sess., 18S5-86 — 1886- 87. 2 V. 4°. U 2891. /^. f Reports of committees, 31st congr., 2d sess. to 50th congr., 1st sess. 16 v. 1851-88. 8°. U 2773.W. — State Department. \ 'American state papers : Com- merce and navigation, v. i, 2. U 2891.?;?. Same : Public lands, v. 4, 5. U 2891./. B. Commerce, Business, and Naviga- tion. f Business : a practical journal of the office, v. 10. 11. (Jan. -Dec, 1S91). C 6814. Cunningham. Growth of English industry and com- merce in modern times. U 8564. a. Gambaro. Lessons in commerce. Rev. by Gault. H 9161. Hewins. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. U 8201. KiRKMAN. Railway rates and government control. U 8245. Maginnis. The Atlantic ferry : its ships, men, and working. U S284. New York City. Produce Exchange, f Report from July I, 1891, to July I, 1892. U 8697. «. New York State. Chamber of Com?nerce. f 34th annual report for 1891-92. U 8697. f Sailors' magazine, v. 11, 12. (Jan. -Dec, 1892.) C 6740. Spender. State and pensions in old age. U 8417. United States. Intejstate Commerce Commission. \ 5th annual report, Dec. i, 1891. U 8773.17. — Postal Department. \ Report of the Postmaster Gen- eral, 38th congr., 1st sess. [1S63]. U 8773. a'. — State Department. \ Commercial relations between the U. S. and foreign nations for 1S73, 1884-85, 1887-S8, 1888-89, and 1890-91. U 8773.^. f Reports from the consuls of the U. S. Nos. 132- 145. (Sept., 1891-Oct., 1892.) 118773.^. f Special consular reports, v. 2-4. U 8773. £). 2. Refrigerators and food preservation in foreign countries. — European emigration. — Olive and flax cul- ture in the Alpes-Maritimes. — Beet-sugar industry and flax cultivation in foreign countries. 3. Streets and highways in foreign countries. 4. Port regulations in foreign countries. — Treasury Department, f Report on the internal com- merce of the U. S. for 18S1-82. U 8773.72. C. Education. ACLAND and Smith. .Studies in secondary education. X 7003. Adler. Moral instruction of children. X 7004. Aldrich. Children : their morals and critics. X 7007. c. Baldwin. Psychology applied to the art of teaching. X 7024./. California, University of. \ Register of, 1891-92. X 7072. Chautauquan, The. v. 14, 15. (Oct., 1891-Sept., 1892.) C6552. Cornell University, f Register, 1891-92. X 7101. Davidson. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. X 7114. FouiLLKE. Education from a national standpoint. X 7155. Hale. How to do it. X 7182. /j! Harvard College, f Annual reports, 1890-91. X 7613. — f Catalogue, 1891-92, 1892-93. X 7188. Hughes. Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. X 7216. HuLTON. Rixce Oxonienses. X 7215. Leland Stanford Junior University, f ist annual regis- ter, 1891-92, X 7264. Locke. Some thoughts on education. Introd. by Quick. 2d ed. X 7272. Newcomb (H. Sophie) Memorial College, f Closing ex- ercises, June 17, 1889. ^ 7698. New York City. Board of Education. \ Directory, January, 1892. X 7329.0. — f 50th annual report for 1891. X 7697.^. — t Journal, 1891. X 7697.0. — f Manual, 1892. X 7329. New York State. University of the State of N. Y. f 104th annual report of the regents, 1892. 3 v. X 7697.^. Pennsylvania, University of. f Catalogue and an- nouncements, 1891-92. X 7346. PRiNtE. Methods of instruction and organization of the schools of Germany. X 7359.W. Rochester University, f 42d annual catalogue. 1S91- 92. X 7375. Sharpless. English education in the elementary and secondary schools. X 7403. United States. Bureau of Education, f Report of the commissioner for 1888-89. X 7773. Waters. Intellectual pursuits ; or, culture by self-help. X 7467. WiGGiN. Children's rights : a book of nursery logic. X 7483. Yale University, f Catalogue, 1891-92. X 7497. — f Catalogue of officers and graduates, 1 701-1892. X 7798.(7. D. Government and Politics. Bluntschli. Theory of the state, 2d ed. U 47. Bromwell. History of immigration to the U. S. U 6535. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Man and the state : studies in applied sociology. U 59. Cohn. Introduction to the study of the constitution. u 1557. Copeland. Cleveland and Stevenson : their lives and record. Democratic campaign book for 1892. U I56i.a. — Harrison and Reid : their lives and record. Repub- lican campaign book for 1892. U 1561. Cree. Direct legislation by the people. U 105. Crummell. Africa and America. U 1105. Daly. Dawn of Radicalism. U 112. HOLST. Constitutional and political history of the U. S. v. 7, 1859-61. Harper's Ferry— Lincoln's inaugu- ration. U 1626.7. HOWLAND. The new empire. U 215. . Note. — Mostly on the political future of Canada. Jephson. The platform : its rise and progress. 2 v. U 230, Parker. Writings and speeches of Grover Cleveland. U 1093. w. Parkin. Imperial federation : the problem of national unity. U 343. Petrie. Church and state in early Maryland. U 1709. Sunset Club (of Chicago), f Echoes of the Sunset Club.. Compiled by W. W. Catlin. U 758. ' United States. Civil-Service Commission. \ 4th re- port, Jan. t6, 1886-June 30, 1887. U i773-<^- White. Britannic confederation. U 481. E. Law and Crime. Andrews. The old EnglWh manor economic history. Ashley. Contracts. a study in English V 2506.- V 6510. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Women. 21 Garnier. History of the English landed interest. V 2597. Keasbey. Law of electric wires. V 8643. Leffingwell. Illegitimacy and the influence of seasons upon conduct. V 7264. New' York. State. State Department, f Laws passed at 115th session of the legislature. 2 v. V 4697. Shattuck. Woman'smanualof parliamentary law. V 402. United States. Congress, f Public laws of the U. S. passed at 2d sess. 40th congr. to 3d sess. 43d congr., 1868-73. V 3773. a'. — State Department, f Revised statutes of the U. S. relating to the District of Columbia, 1873-74. V 3891. r. + Statutes passed ist sess. 43d congr. to ist sess. 51st congr., 1874-90. V 3891. f Treaties and conventions. V 1773.(5. Wandell. Law of the theatre. V 5778. F. Military and Naval Science. f Army and navy journal, U. S. v. 29. (Augt. 29, 1891- Augt. 20, 1892.) C 6904. National guard in service. G 6327. Naval annual, 1892. Ed. by T. A. Brassey. G 7697. Patterson. Illustrated nautical dictionary. G 7869.?. f United service : a monthly review of military and naval affairs. New series, v. 7, 8. (Jan. -Dec, 1892.) C 6773-^. United States. Office 0/ A'aval Intelligence, f Notes on the year's naval progress, July, 1892. G 3673. /i. — War Department. Cavalry drill : U. S. army. G 6454. -. f Report of the secretary. 38th congr. , 1st sess. [1863]. G 6773. f Same, for the year ending June 30, 1872. 2 v. G 6773. f Same, ist sess. 43d congr., v 1-3, 1S7J. G 6773. ■ + Same, 2d sess. 43d congr., v. i, 2 (Pt. i), 1874. G 6773. t Same, 1st sess. 44th congr., v. 2 (Pt. 2), 1875. G 6773. f Same, 3d sess. 46th congr., v. 4, 1S81. G 6773. + Same, 1st sess. 47th congr., v. 4, 1882. G 6773. f Same, Ist sess. 51st congr., 4 v. in 8, 1890. G 6773. ViOLLET-LE-DUC. % Annals of a fortress. G Syjb.a. Wilmot. Development of navies during the last half century. G 7484. G. Political Economy and Finance. American Bankers' Association, f Proceedings of con- vention held at,New Orleans, Nov. 11, 12, 1891. u 7505. Atkinson. Taxation and work : a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency. U 7018. Bastablk. Commerce of nations. U 4029.^. A'ote. — On protection and free trade. Benton. Truth about " protection." U 4522. Burke. Federal finances ; or, the income of the U. S. U 7066. Cheap-money experiments in past and present times. ■ U 70S5. Coffin. Silver from 1849 to 1892. Cowperthwait. Money, silver and finance Ehrich. Question of silver. FlC'rscheim. Rent, interest, and wages ; c bearings of the land question. Gibson. The Vienna bourse. Giffen. Case against bimetallism. GuYOT. Principles of social economy. Hall. Who pays your taxes ? Haui'T. Monetary question in 1892. Hervey. Trade policy of imperial federation. U 4198 Hvndman. Commercial crises of the 19th century. U 4220 Letourneau. Property : its origin and development. U 4266, Marshall. Economics of industry. U 4289.0, A'ote. — First volume of " Elements of economics." Moffett. The tariff: what it is and what it does. U 731 1 U 7095- U 7103. u 7134- the real U4I53- U 7167. U 7168. U 4180. U 7183. U 7613. New York county, f 4th and 6th annual reports of the comptroller for 1862, 1864. U 7697.^. New York State. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, f 8th annual report for 1890. 2 pts. U 4697. Nicholson. Effects of machinery on wages. U 4330. I Norman. Complete guide to the world s 29 monetary ! systems. U 7700. Patton. Political economy for American youth. U 4345. Ridgkway. Origin of metallic currency and weight standards. U 7724. Robertson. Fallacy of saving : a study in economics. u 4374. Rogers. Industrial and commercial history of England. U 4725- »• ScHOENHOF. Economy of high wages. U 4394.*'. SCHLOSS. Methods of industrial remuneration. U 4735. Springer. Tariff reform the paramount issue. U 4419. Strange. Farmer's tariff manual. U 4424. Taussig. State papers and speeches on the tariff. U 7433. J. United States. Bureau of the Mint. \ Report of the director for 1884-1886, 1888. U TJTi.k. — Comptroller of the Currency. \ Annual report, 1878- 86, 1888, 1890. U 7773.^. — Department of Labor. 6th annual report of the com- missioner, 1890. Cost of production : iron, steel, coal, etc. U 4773.^. t Same. U 4773. (T. — Treasury Departtnent. f Annual report of the secre- tary for 1854, i860, 1872, 1874-77, 1879-82. 1883- 85, 1886 (v. I), 1888, 1889. U 7773. Wallace. Land nationahsation : its necessity and its aims. U 4463./. H. Social Science and Statistics. Booth. Pauperism and the endowment of old age. U 9051. Engels. Condition of the working-class in England in 1844. Preface 1892. U 9135. — Socialism Utopian and scientific. U 9135. j. GiBBiNS. English social reformers. T 5165. GoDARD. Poverty : its genesis and exodus. U 9171. Loch. Criticisms on " General " Booth's social scheme. U 9273. Manhattan Club (N. Y. City), [f Officers, members, constitution, and rules, 1892.] X 8287. MuLH.\LL. Dictionary of statistics. U 6693. New York City. Charity Organization Society, f New York charity directory. 5th ed. X 8329.0. f Papers in penology. 2d series. U 9342. Rlis. Children of the poor. U 9724.^. Shaffle. Impossibility of social democracy. U 9389. Social horizon. The. By the author of " Life in our villages." U 94x3. Spencer. Social statics, abridged and revised. To- gether with The man versus the state. U 9417. r. Statesman's year-book for 1892. Ed. by J. S. Keltie. U 6421. Union Club (N. Y. City). \ Officers, members, consti- tution and rules, 1892. X 8454. White. Destitute alien in Great Britain. U 9481. a'. WiLKiNS. The alien invasion. U 6483. I. Women. Adams. Presumption of sex. and other papers. X 9004./. Chester. The unmarried woman. U goSs.w. Cl.\rk. Looking out on life : a book for girls. X 9092./. Croly. {"Jenny June.") Thrown on her own re- sources ; or, what girls can do. U 9105./. Freelev. Fair to look upon. U 9157. Greville. Gentlewoman in society. X 9175.^. Miller. Girls : faults and ideals.' X 9305. Richmond. World's women ; or, woman first and last and what she has done. T 5371. Salaman. Woman — through a man's eyeglass. U 9384. \ Woman's illustrated world, v. 5-8 (Jan., 1891-Dec., 1892). C 6997. In £or books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first partof the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy: Mental. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. A. Biblical Theology and Church His- tory. Addis. Documents of the Hexateuch translated and ar- ranged in chronological order. Y 2502. Bacon. Genesis of Genesis. Y 2513. Bartlett and Peters, cdrs. Scriptures Hebrew and Christian. 3 v. Y 2029. 1. Hebrew story from creation to the exile. 2. Hebrew literature. 3. Christian scriptures. Briggs. The Bible, the church, and the reason. Y 2058. Cable. Busy man's Bible, and how to study and teach it. Y 2071. Campbell. The Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2 v. Y 3544. Church. The Oxford movement, 1S33-45. Y 3090. Latch. Indications of Exodus. Y 2261. MOELLER. History of the Christian church, A.D. I-600. Y 3687. Shea. History of the Catholic church in the U. S. 4 v. Y 3741- 1. The Catholic church in colonial days, 1 521-1763. 2. Life and times of John Carroll, bp. and first archbp. of Baltimore, embracing the history of the Catholic church in the U. S., 1763-1S15. 3. History of the Catholic church in the U. S., 1815-1843- 4. From the 5th provincial council of Baltimore, 1843, to the 2d plenary council of Baltimore, 1866. Williams and Mornay, edrs. Serampore letters : un- published correspondence of William Carey and others with John Williams, 1800-1816. Y 3483. j. Note. — On Baptist missions. Wright. Early Bibles of America. Y 2493. B. Doctrinal and Miscellaneous The- ology. Abbott. Evolution of Christianity. Z 3001. Brooke. Short sermons. Y 8059.J. Coles. Latin hymns, with original translations. Y 955S. Farrar. Voice from Sinai : the eternal bases of the moral law. Y 6144.2/. Farrer. Paganism and Christianity. Y 6145. f Hartford seminary record, v. i, 2 (Oct., 1890-Augt.. 1892). C 6613. Hepworth. The life beyond. Y 6198. Hunt. Ethical teachings in old English literature. Y 7216. Huxley. Essays upon some controverted questions. Z 2219. Contents : Rise and progress of palaeontology. — In- terpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature. — Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. — Evolution of theology : an anthropological study. — Science and morals. — Sci- entific and pseudo-scientific realism. — Science and pseudo-science. ^An Episcopal trilogy. — Agnosticism. — Value of witness to the miraculous. — Agnosticism : a rejoinder. — Agnosticism and Christianity.— Lights of the church and the light of science. — The keepers of the herd of swine. — Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. — Hasisadra's adventure. Ingra.m. England and Rome : the Papacy and the English state and church from the Norman con- quest to the Revolution of 1688. Z 1634. Jelf. Musings on mother, home, and heaven. Y 7229. Julian. Dictionary of hymnology. Y 9641. Larcom. The unseen friend. [Christology.] Y 6261. Lewis. Paganism surviving in Christianity. Y 6267./. Mac Donald. Hope of the gospel. Y 6277. /^ Mackenzie. Evolution illuminating the Bible. Z^ 3281.^'. — Modern science unlocking the Bible. Z 328 i.w. Mill. Three essays on religion . Z 2305, Contents : Nature. — Utility of religion. — Theism. — Berkeley's life and writings, f New-church messenger, v. 62, 63 (Jan. -Dec, 1892). C 6867, Percival. Doctrine of the Episcopal church as set forth in the Prayer Book. Z 347. Potter. Waymarks, 1870-91 : discourses. Y 8356.W. Thorold. Questions of faith and duty. Y 7439. C. Mythology and Folk-Lore. Christensen. Afro- American folk-lore. Z 8088. Davies. t Mythology and rites of the British Druids. Z 8569. Ellinwood. Oriental religions and Christianity. Gomme. Ethnology in folklore. Kennedy. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts. Lotze. Outlines of a philosophy of religion. McLane. Evolution in religion. MOller. Anthropological religion. Z 9321. a, Segerstedt. My lady legend, and other folk tales from the north. Z 8399, Z 8135. Z 8171. Z 8241. z 9273- Z 9282. D. Occult Literature. Buckley. Faith-healing, Christian science, and kin dred phenomena. X 5063. Courmelles. Hypnotism. X 4103. Deleuze. Practical instruction in animal magnetism. X 4117 Frith. How to read character in handwriting. X 4157. Hartmann. Astrological geomancy : art of divining by punctuation. X 5613. Nevins. Witchcraft in Salem village in 1692. X 5328. Phrenological journal, v. 94, 95 [New series, v. 45, 46] (Jan. -Dec, 1892). C 6711. Sinnett. Rationale of mesmerism. X 4407. TUCKEY. Psycho-therapeutics ; or, treatment by hyp- notism and suggestion. 3d ed. X 4769. Upham. Salem witchcraft in outline. X 5455 E. Philosophy : Mental. Azarias. Phases of thought and criticism. X 3 Contents : Fourfold activity of the soul. — On thinks ing. — Emerson and Newman as types. — Principle ot thought. — Literary and scientific habits of thought. Ideal in thought. — Culture of the spiritual sense. — Spiritual sense of " The imitation." Spiritual sense of " The divine commedia." — Spiritual sense of " Iri memoriam." — Conclusion. BosANQUET. Knowledge and reality. X 6052., Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution in science: philosophy, and art. X 3060^ Cairo. Essays on literature and philosophy. 2 v X i07i.«. 1. Dante in his relation to the theology and ethiffl of the Middle Ages. — Goethe and philosophy. — Rous': seau. — Wordsworth. — Genius of Carlyle. 2. Cartesianism. — Metaphysic Hyslop. Elements of logic, theoretical and practical. X 6220.J Kant. Kritik of judgment. Transl. by Bernard. X 3642.-^. Lee. Making of a man. X 3264.«. Nasmith. Makers of modern thought (1200 to 1699 a. 2 V. X 13: RoYCE. Spirit of modern philosophy. X 172^1 Sidgwick. Distinction and the criticism of beliefs. X 3405I Sully. The human mind : a text-book of psychologyj 2 V. X 3757-^ Thomson. Materialism and modern physiology of tw! nervous system. X 3438. « Wright. The human and its relation to the divine. X 34931 FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORI -USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Architecture and Building. 23 F. Philosophy : Moral. Alger. Sources of consolation in human life. X 9007.8. BowNE. Principles of ethics. X 8533. Buckley. Moral teachings of science. X 8064. BiTNCE. What to do: a companion to " Don't." X 9065. w. Clark. Looking out on life : a book for girls. X 9092./. Greville. The gentlewoman in society. X 9I75-^- Hamerton. Human intercourse. X 9184. McCosH. Our moral nature : a brief system of ethics. X 8277. Miller. Girls : faults and ideals. X 9305. MuiRHEAD. Elements of ethics. X S320. f Our animal friends, v. 19 (Sept., 1891-Augt., 1892). C 6868.rt. Smyth. Christian ethics. X 8412. Spencer, Principles of ethics, v. i. Data of ethics. X 8417. 1. Talmage. Pathway of life : a book for the home. X 9759. PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. A. Agriculture and Horticulture. Ball. Cultivation and manufacture of tea in China. ) H 1514- Blomfield and Thomas. Formal garden in England. H 2046. JCALIFORNIA, University of. College of Agriculture: Agri- i cultural Experiment Station. \ Report of work j for 1890. li 1543. JMlziel. The St. Bernard [dog] : its history, points, I breeding, and rearing. H 1568. IjEFFERiES. Toilers of the field. H 1229. IKarr. Tour round my garden. Transl. and ed. by Wood. 2d edition. H 2237. Mills. The dog in health and in disease. H 1305. Nicholson, f Illustrated dictionary of gardening. 4 v. H 2698. IROBBINS. Rescue of an old place. H 2375. r. 'Tegetmeier. t Poultry book : breeding and manage- ment of profitable and ornamental poultry. H 1S87. I ' M I I'.n States. Department of Agriculture, f Album of agricultural graphics : values per acre of crops of the U. S. H i89i.<^. I — f Album of agricultural statistics. [2d ed.] 1891. I H i89i.r. '— t Report of the commissioner for 1874, 1885. H 1773. a. JVILLE. The perplexed farmer : how is he to meet alien \ competition ? H 1460. IWahnschaffe. Scientific examination of soils. Addi- tions by Brannt. H 1462. Webh. Elementary agriculture. H 1471. B. Architecture and Building. *f Architectural record, v. i. (July, 1891-July, 1892.) C 750S. ■3- (1873-75.) 3v. G 8S04. G 8804. 16, 17. (Jan. -Dec, C 7803. \X Architectural sketch-book, in I. \~XSame. v. 4. (1876.) 't Architecture and building. 1892.) jAUDSLEY. X Popular dictionary of architecture and allied 1 arts. 2 V. G 8805. 'X Baukunst. Bildnerei, Malerei. Plates. G S806. ;Beckett. X Book on Ijuilding. civil and ecclesiastical. G 8034. ,'t Builder and woodworker, v. 28. (Jan. -Dec. 1892.) I , . €7814- 't Building news and engineering journal, v. 33-41. ' (July, 1887-Dec., 1S81.) G 8813. Chambers. X Decorative part of civil architecture. Ed. by Leeds. G 8S18. It Croquis d'architecture. 7 v. 1866-80. G 8921. i; Encyclopedie d'architecture. 9 v. 1872-80. G 8S28. Kidder. Architect's and builder's pocket-book. G 9243. jl'ANGLEY. f Examples from ancient masonry in the I proportions and orders of all nations. G 8853. iLeveil. X Traite elementaire pratique d'architecture. G 8855. Levy. X Architectural photographic series, 9 : Street fronts. (24 plates in a portfolio.) G 8954.<'. ~X Same, 10; Sea shore cottages and country houses. (30 plates in a portfolio.) G 8954./'. Mackrow. Naval architect's and shipbuilder's pocket- book. 5th ed. G 7283.0. Narjoux. X Architecture communale. 2 \. X} 8865.(7. National Association of Builders of the U. S. f 6th annual convention at Cleveland, Jan. 18-20, 1892. 8°. G 8696. — t Same. 4°. G 8865,0. X New York sketch-book of architecture. G 8865.^. Nicholson's X Dictionary of architecture, building, etc. New ed. by Lomax and Gunyon. 2 v. G 8866 .a. Parker. X Glossary of terms used in architecture. 2 v. in 3. G S707. I. Text. 2. Plates (2 parts). Reed. X House-plans for everybody for village and country residences. G 8367. X Revue generale de I'architecture et des travaux publics. V. 1-33 (1840-76). G 8874.0. Viollet-le-duc. j Habitations modernes. 2 v. G 8993.0. — X Story of a house. . G 8776.<:. WuLi.iAM ct Faroe. X Recueil d'architecture choix de documents pratique. 3 v. G 8999.0. Young. X Picturesque architectural studies and practical designs for gate lodges, cottages, villas, etc. G 8900. ARCHITECTURE OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Anderson. X Examples of the municipal, commercial, and street architecture of France and Italy from the I2th to the 15th century. G 8903. Boussard. X Petites habitations frau^aises. G 8911. Glutton. X Domestic architecture of France from the accession of Charles VI. to the demise of Louis XIL G S919. Daly. | L'architecture privee au XIX« siecle, 3 : Deco- rations interieures peintes. G 8923. f. — X Choix de fragments empruntes a des monuments fran9ais du commencement de la Renaissance a la fin de Louis XVI. ^ G 8923.0. — X Decorations interieures empruntees a des edifices francais, XVI=-XVIII« siecles. G 8923.^. — et Davioud. X Theatres deTa Place du Chatelet. G 8923. Gwilt. t Examination of Grecian architecture. In G 8Si3. X Hotel devillede Paris. [Architecture details.] G 8943. Inkersley. X Chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and pointed architecture in France. G 8634. X Italian Renaissance : architecture and decoration. Selected frorn the choicest edifices of Italy. G 8845. Letarouilly. X Edifices de Rome moderne. [Text.] G 8S54. — X Same. 3 v. [Plates.] G 8954.0. Levy. X Architectural photographic series, 5 : Messrs. Vanderbilts' mansions. (24 plates in a portfolio,) G 8954./- — X Same, 12 : Modern street architecture of Berlin. (24 plates in a portfolio.) G 8954.^. — X Photographic series of modern-American architecture, ! I : Private city dwellings. G 8954.0'. j — :j: Same, 2 : Country dwellings. G 8954. c. : X Maisons les plus remarquable de Paris. Apres les des- I ■ sins de Hiltorff and others. G 8957. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 24 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Engineering. Magne. X Monographic du nouvelle theatre du vaude- ville de Par'is. • G 8956. Parker. J [Architectural] tour in the west of France. G 8869. — X Medieval architecture in Aquitaine. lVi(/i G 8869. — I Same, continued. With G S869. RosENGARTEN. % Handbook of architectural styles. G 8727. Sacvageot. X Palais, chateaux, hotels, et maisons de France du XV^ au XVIIP siecle. G 8977. Schuyler. American architecture. G 8737. Storer. X History and antiquities of the cathedral churches of Great Britain. 4 v. G 8754. Texier et Pullan. ^'architecture byzantine. G 898S. Varin. X Picturesque architecture of Switzerland. G 8890. Verdier. X Architecture civile et domestique au moyen age et a la Renaissance. G SS91. ViOLLET-LE-DUC. X Discourses on architecture. Transl. by Van Brunt, v. i. G 8776. — X Same. v. 2 [Lectures on architecture]. Transl. by Bucknall. G 8776. — X Habitations of man in all ages. G 8776.,^. VlTRUVius. X Civil architecture, comprising those books which relate to the public and private edifices of the ancients. G 8892.1^. CHURCH ARCHITECTURE. Brash. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland. G S534. LOFTIE. Cathedral churches of England and Wales. G 8272. Paley. X Manual of Gothic moldings. 3d ed. by Faw- cett. G 8706. Parker. X Ancient churches in the west of France. IVitk G 8869. — X Further observations on the ancient churches in the west of France. With G 8869. X [Photographs of foreign cathedrals]. 4 v. G 8351. Van Rensselaer. English cathedrals. G 8870. WiCKES. X Spires and towers of the mediaeval churches of England. 3 v. G 8997. I. Spires. 2. Towers. 3. Supplemental volume. Wild's X Foreign cathedrals. 12 colored plates. G 8998. 1. West front of the cathedral of Chartres. 2. South entrance to the cathedral of Rouen. 3. West front of the cathedral of Strasburg. 4. Choir of the cathedral of Rheims. 5. West front of the cathedral of Rheims. 6. Interior of the transept of St. Ouen. 7. Choir of the cathedral of Amiens. 8. Nave of the cathedral of Amiens. 9. West front of the cathedral of Amiens. 10. Choir of the cathedral of Beauvais. 11. Choir of the cathedral of Cologne. 12. View of the abbey church of St. Ouen. WiNKLEs's t Cathedral churches of England and Wales. 3 v. G 8897. Withers. X Church architecture. Plans, elevations, and views of 21 churches. G S999. BUILDING : WOOD, BRICK, AND IRON. Advanced building construction. By the author of " Notes on building construction." G 9004. Barter. Manual instruction : woodwork. G 9518. Berg. Safe building, v. 2. G 9523. Builder and woodworker. X Special number, Dec, 1891-Jan., 1S92, containing " Builders of N. Y. city : their work and its history." By H. M. Stevens. G 9813. Building construction. Notes on. 4 v. G 9538. 1. First stage, or elementary course. 2. Second stage, or advanced course. 3. Materials. 4. Calculations for building structures. — X Same. v. 1-3. G 9538. I Carpentry and building, v. 14 (Jan. -Dec, 1892). C 7016. DOBSON. X Manufacture of bricks and tiles. 4th ed. b Mallet. G 912^ Gateuil. X Recueil de serrurerie pratique. G 9833 Hellyer. X The plumber and sanitary houses. G 9616 Hood. Warming buildings by hot water. Re-writtei by Dye. G 9627.0 Kirk. Quarryman and contractor's guide ; or, how t remove rock at least cost. G 9845 Maginnis. How to join mouldings ; or, the arts of mi tring and coping. G 9284, — Practical centring : practice of centring arches. G 967c Text-book on retaining walls and masonr dams. G 968c X Motifs de serrurerie. Extraits de publications diverses G 9864 f Plumber and sanitary engineer, v. i, 2 (Dec, 1877 Nov., 1879). C 7872.0 A'ate. — Continued as " Sanitary engineer" [C 7^77.0. f Plumber's trade journal. v.i4(Jan. -Dec, 1892). C 7872 •f Record and guide, v. 49, 50 (Jan. -Dec, 1892). C f Sanitary engineer, v. 3-13 (Dec, 1879-May, 1886' C 7877.* //ote. — Continuation of " Plumber and sanitar engineer" [C 7872.0.], and continued as "Sanitar engineer and construction record" [C 7828.0.]. t Sanitary engineer and construction record, v. lA 15 (June, i8S6-May, 18S7). C 7877,^. j Jonquet. X Original sketches for art furniture in the - State Engineer and Surveyor, f Report on canals [ Jacobean, Queen Anne, Adams and other styles. I [and railroads] for 1852, 1853, i860, 1S61. G 4697.0'. 2d ed. G S947. t Same, for 1859. Plans and maps. G 4697.^. Kend.\l. History of watches and other timekeepers. p'OOR. First international railway and the colonization " 8241. I of New England. G 4713. ' Leland. Leather work : a practical manual for learners. iSiRETTON. Safe railway working. 2d ed. G 4425. | . I S^SS-/. Trevert. Electrical railway engineering. G 4767. I O'Kane, publisher. % Fashionable furniture : 35p orig- IWellington. Economic theory of the location of rail- i inal designs. (^8865. ways. 5th ed. G 4783. 1 t Pattern book for jewellers, gold- and silversmiths. I I H 8869. Pollen. X Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. G S355. D.WIES. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. I Strf.eter. Precious stones and gems. 5th ed. H 8756.a. G 3115. ! Talbert. X Examples of ancient and modem furniture. Guttmann. Blasting : handbook for engineers, etc ' metal work, tapestries, decorations, etc. G 8987. G 3608. I — X Gothic forms applied to furniture, metal work, and Hughes. Text-book of coal-mining. G 3629. I decoration for domestic purposes. G 8987. tf. MINING ENGINEERING. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 26 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Sports, Games, and Amusements. Wheatley. Handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. I 5787.^. PHOTOGRAPHY. American annual of photography and " Photographic times " almanac for 1S87, 1892. I 2509. Anthony's Photographic bulletin, v. 22, 1891. I 2507. BoLTE. Carbon printing. I 2530. British journal photographic almanac, iSgr, 1892. I 2058. Brothers. Photography : its history, processes, appa- ratus. I 2536. Clark. Platinum toning : including directions for the production of the sensitive paper. I 2092. Duchochois. The photographic image. I 2128. Hepworth. Photography for amateurs. 7th ed. I 2196.^. International annual of Anthony's ' ' Photographic bulletin." v. 4. I 2223. Leaper. Experimental photography. I 2263. f Photographic times and American photographer. V. 22 (Jan. -Dec, 1892). C 7871. Roche and Anthony. How to make photographs : a manual for amateurs. 3d ed. by Elliott. I 2376. a. Schraubstadter. Photo-engraving. I 2736. Taylor. Optics of photography and photographic lenses. I 2434. Wilson. American carbon manual. I 2484.^. — Photographic mosaics : an annual record of photo- graphic progress. I 2484. Year-Book of photography and '■ Photographic news" almanac for 1S92. • I 2497. F. Music. Cheney. Wood notes wild : notation of bird music. I 6085. Emerson. First steps in song reading. I 6583. Engel. !lfoundation of the voice in song and speech. I 6137./. Gordon. New school for the piano-forte. I 6835. Hadow. Studies in modern music. I 6r8r. Logier's system of self-instructor in music, harmony, and practical composition, v. i. I 6663. Matthew. Manual of musical history. I 6293. Merz. Music and culture. I 6680. Musical record : Jan. -Dec, 1892. C 6866. RlTBiNSTEiN. Conversation on music. I 6380. Sechter. Correct order of fundamental harmonies. 8th ed. by Muller. I 6739 Tapper. Chats with music students. I 6433. c. — Music life and how to succeed in it. I 6433. m. Walker. My musical e.xperiences. New ed. I 6464. G. Painting, Plastic Arts, and Fine Arts Generally. Agincourt. X History of art by its monuments from its decline in the 4th century to its restoration in the 1 6th. 3 V. in I. G S901. I. Architecture, 73 plates. 2. Sculpture, 51 plates. 3. Painting, 204 plates. X American art review. 2 v. in 4, 1880-81. G 8802. .\\. Nature in ornament. I 4ii5.«. t Dekorative Vorbilder. 3ter Jahrgang. I 4824. T 514a (Collective Bi<^. Racinet. gold, Redgrave. Ewart. Toilers in art. Note. — For contents see Part i. B, raphy). Ferguson. Architectural perspective. I 3588. Hogarth. X ^'^ orks of. 148 engravings. 2 v. in i. G 8843. HoppiN. Early Renaissance and other essays on art sub- jects. I 627. Jameson. + Handbook to the public galleries of art in| and near London. 2 v. I 4227. LiENARD. X Decoration and ornamentation of the 19th- century. 08955.= Mac Cord. Mechanical drawing : progressive exercises! and practical hints. I 3856. w.i Pt. I. Mechanical drawing. Pt. 2. Practical hints for draughtsmen. ! 1 MoRELLi. Italian painters: critical studies of theiil ' works. I 4690.,' ' Murray. Handbook of Greek archaeology. I 323.' Perrot and Chipiez. History of art in Persia. I 708. a.l ■ — History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lvcia. i 708. ^ I Plassmann. X Collection of modem Gothic ornaments. G S971 . f Polychromatic ornament : 100 plates ir' silver, and colours. I 4973 : j History of water-colour painting in England J I 43661 Reed, f One hundred crowned masterpieces of modeni painting. 2 v. I 4974' Reynolds. Discourses [on art]. Ed. by E. G. John- son. I 4370 Righetti. f Discrizione del campidoglio. 2 v. I 5975 N'ote. — 390 plates. Smith. X Art education scholastic and industrial. G 8747 Tymms. f Art of illuminating as practised in Europ- from the earliest times. I 4890! United States. Bureau of Educatioti. f Education ii the industrial and fine arts in the U. S. Pt. 2 Industrial and manual training in public schools. I 773.^ Van Rensselaer, f American etchers. I 2892 H. Sports, Games, and Amusements I American game fishes. By W. A. Perry and others. I 750f "Berkeley." Piquet and rubicon piquet. I 9037./ — and Ro\VL.A.ND. Card tricks and puzzles. I 903* Bishop. Americanized Delsarte culture. I 7045 Byng and Stephens. Autobiography of an Englisi gamekeeper. . I 707c C.\STLE. Schools and masters of fence from the Middl \ Ages to the end of the i8th century. I 707* j "C.wendish." Musical whist with living cards. I 9079.»! ; Clarke. Practical angler. I 7092./! . De Hurst. How women should ride. I 7"'' ! Dent. Mountaineering. I 71^' Falkener. Games ancient and oriental and how to pla them. I 958* Fireside games for winter evening amusement. I 9i5 1 f ,1. I Committee on Purchases for the AUGUSTUS MEYERS, 342 West 28th Street, i \ ^ CHARLES W. HOFFMAN, 304 West 36th Street, ) "^ '"' °''"'^' JOHN L. HAMILTON, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-ojicio, 346 West 27th Street. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, 18 East 16th Street. Index To Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Abyssinia. Acting. 21. Cambistry. 30. Devon. 20. 23, 42- Canada. 18. Devotional theology. 36.; Africa. 21. Cancerous tumors. 29. DiatomaceEC. 26. A'^riculture. 38. Canterbury (England). 19. Diseases. 28. Ainu. 20. Capital and labor. 34. Distillation. 43. Alaska. 19. Capital punishment. 34- Divorce. 35- ' Alchemy. 37- Carpentry. 39- Doctrinal theology. 36., Alcohol. 28. Carpets. 40. Dogma. 37. Algebra. 28. Catalogues of libraries. 22. Dogs. 38. Almanacs. 5- Catholic religion. 37- Domestic economy. 40. Altaic hieroglyphics. 25- Cattle. 33. Drainage. 39- American ephemeris. 26. Cements. , 43- Drama. 23- American history and travels. iS. Census. 35- Draughts. 42. American revolution. 18. Central Park (N. Y. City). 33. Drawing. 42. Amusements. 42. Ceramics. 40. Drum armatures. 27. Anatomy. 23. Ceylon. 21. Dyeing. 42. Angling. 42. Checkers. 42. Dynamics. 30. Animal locomotion. 29. Cheese. 40. Dynamos. 27. Animal magnetism. 37- Chemical physiology. 27. E.ast, The. 20. Annals of legislative bodies. 30. Chemistry. 27. Ecclesiastical history. 35. Annuals. 4. Chess. 42. Edinburgh. 19. Apostolic church. 36. Chicago. 19. Education. 3^- Aquitaine. 20. Children's diseases. ' 28. Egypt. '20. Arabia. 20. Chile. 19. Egyptian hieroglyphics. 25. Architecture. 38. China. 21. Electric lighting. 27. Arctic regions. 21. Cholera. 29. Electricity. 27. Arithmetic. 28. Christ. 36. Electro-dynamic machinery. 27. Artificial memory. 31. Christian art. 42.. Elocution. 26. Asphalt. 40. Christian science. 37. Embryology. 29. Assaying. 43. Church decoration. 41. Encyclopisdias. 4. Assyria. • 20. Church history. 35- Engineering. 39- Astronomy. 26. Circumcision. 29. Engineering drawing. 42. Atlantic telegrapb- 42. Coins. 21. England : history and travels. 19. n Atlases. 21. Collected works. 4- English art. 42. ■ Atmosphere. 27. College sports. 42. English constitution. 33* ■ Atonement. 36. Colleges. 31- English language. 25- 1 Australia. 20. Colonial history. 18. Engraving. 42. If Authors. 25. Color. 41. Entomology. 29. i Babylonia. 20. Columbian exposition. 43- Eschatology. 36- li Bacteriology. 29. Columbium. 27. Eskimo language. 28. g Banking. 34- Comic works. 26. Eskimos. 21. g Bankruptcy. 33- Commerce. 30. Essays and miscellanies. 24-1 Barbary. 21. Congregationalism. 37- Ethics. 37-1 Base ball. 42. Constantinople. 20. Ethiopia 21. ■ Batrachia. 29. Constellations. 26. Ethnology. 27.1 Beacon Hill (Boston). 19. Consumption. 28. Etiquette. 37- f Bible. 35- Controversial theology. 36. Europe : history and travels, fivil. 19- % Bibliography. 22. Cookery. 40. 37. :« 27. i Billiards. 42. Cooperation. 34- Evolution. Biography, Collective. 3- Corsica. 20. Exchanges. 31. 'i Biography, Individual. I, Costume. 21. Exercise. 42. ». Biology. 27. Cotton. 43- Exhibitions of industry. 42. ':k Birds. 29. Country houses. 38. Fairy tales. 15. IJlackfoot Indians. 18. Coursing. 42. Falconry. 42.1 Boating. 42. Cranes.' 40. Fancy dresses. 40^ Bookbinding. 43- Cricket. 42. Farriery. 38» Book-plates. 22. Criticism, Biblical. 35. Fencing. 42. i Books. 22. Criticism, Literary. 25- Fiction. 6., Botany. 26. Crustacea. 29. Figure drawing. 42. i Bridges. 40. Cyclopaedias. 4- Finance. 34. British America. 18. Dairy. 38. Fine arts. 41. British art. 41. Dakota. 19. Finland. 20.1 Erusa. 20. Dancing. 42. Fire-arms. 42j Buccaneers. 21. Darwinism. 27. Fisheries. 3°! Buddhism. 37- Death penalty. 34- Fishes. m Building. 39- Death Valley (California). 19. Fishing. 42. Burma. 20. Decorative painting. 41. Florence. 20. Business. 30. Democracy. 33- Florida. ^f Butter. 40. Demography. 29. Flower gardening. It Cairo. 21. Design. 42. Flowers. California. 19. Desserts. 40. Folk-lore. 37- Calvinism. 37- Determinants, 28. Foot-ball. 4. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Forestry. 26, 33. Indians. 18. Midwifery. 29. Fossil plants. 29. Industrial art. 40. Military science. 33- Framing. 39- Industrial drawing. 42. Millennium. 36. France': history and travels. 20. Industrial training schools. 32. Mineral bitumen. 40. Free coinage. 34- Inlidelity. 37- Mineralogy. 27. Free trade. 34- Inorganic chemistrj'. 27. Mining. 39- Freehan ; drawing. 42. Insanity. 29. Missions. 36. Freemasonry. 21. Insects. 29. Mnemonics. 31- French art. 42. Inspiration. 35- Mohammedanism. 37- French language. 25- Intellectual philosophy. 37. Mollusks. 29. French war (U. S-). 18. International law. 33- Money. 34. Fresco painting. 41. Inventions. 39- Monkeys. 29. Functions. 28. Ireland. 19. Montreal. 18. Fungi. 26. Iron work. 39. 43- Moon, The. 26. Furniture. 40. Irrigation. 39- Moral philosophy. 37- Future life. 36- Islamism. 37- Morbid anatomy. 28. Games. 42. Italian art. 41. Music. 41. Gardening. 38. Italy. 20. Mythology. 37. Gas. 39- Japan. 21. Natural history. 29. Gearing. 39- Java. 20. Natural philosophy. 29. Geography. 21. Jewelry. 40. Natural science. 26. Geology. 27. Jews. 20. Naval science. 33- Geometrical drawing. 42. Judaism. 37- Needlework. 40. Geometry. 28. Juvenile fiction. 15- Netherlands. 20. German art. 42. Kashmir. 20. New England. 19. German language. 25- Labor laws. 34- New Jersey. 19. Germany. 20. Labor question. 34- New Mexico. 19. Gilgit. 20. Land. 34. New York city. 19. Glues. 43- Language. 25- Niagara Falls. 19. Golf. 42. Lawn-tennis. 42. Normal training schools. 33. Gothic architecture. 39- Lead. 43- Norse mythology. 37. Government. 33- Leather manufacture. 43- Novels. 6. Great Britain. IQ. Leprosy. 28. Numismatics. 21. Greece. 20. Libraries. 22. Nursery. 29. Greek mythology- 37- Library economy. 22. Obstetrics. 28. Greek poetry. 25- Lighting. 39- Occult literature. 37- Greenland. 21. Liquors. 40. Oils. 43- Gums. 43. Literary criticism. 25. Optics. 29. Gymnastics. 42. Literary history. 25- Oratory. 26. Gynecology. 28. Literary periodicals. 4- Oregon. 19. Happiness. 37- Literature. 22. Ores. 27. Hawaii. 20. Locksmith work. 39- Organ building. 41. Health. 28. Locomotives. 40. Oriental history and travels. 20. Heat. 30. Logic. 37- Ornament. 41. Healing. 39- London. 19- . Ornithology. 29. Heaven. 36. Love. 35- Painting (Fine art). 41. Heredity. 29. Lowell (Mass.). 19. Painting (Useful art) 43- Hexateuch. 35- Lucknow. 21. Palaeography. 25- Hieroglyphics. 25- Machine drawing. 42. Palmistry. 37 Higher criticism. 35- Machinery. 39- Paper hanging. 39 Highland sports. 42. Magnetism. 27- Paris. 20. History. IS. Malta. 20. Parthia. 20. History of literature. 25. Manipur. 21. Pastes. 43- History of the church. 35. Manitoba. 18. Patagonia. 19. Hittite inscriptions. 25- Manual training schools. 32. Patents. 33. 39- Hittitcs. 20. Marine electric^lighting. 27- Patience. 42. Holland. 20. Marine engineering. 40. Pattern making. 40. Holy Land. 20. Marriage. 35- Pauperism. 34. Honey bee. 38. Mashonaland. 21. Pennsylvania. 19- Horse, The. 29, 38. Massachusetts. 19. Perfumery. 43- Horsemanship. 42. Mathematics. 28. Periodicals. 4- Horticulture. 38. Mechanical engineering. 39- Persia. 21. Hospitals. 28. Mechanics. 29. Persian literature. 25- Household economy. 40. Medical chemistry. 27. Perspective. 42. Hudson river. 19. Medical science. 28. Peru. 19. Hudson river valley. 18. Mediterranean sea. 19. Philately. 21. Humorous works. 26. Memory. 31- Philippine islands. 20. Hungary. 20. Mental healing. 37- Phonography. 25- Hunting. 42. Mental philosophy. 37- Phosphate industry. 27. Hydraulic machinery. 40. Mental photography. 37- Photo-engraving. 40. Hygiene. 28. Mesmerism. 37- Photography. 40. Hymnology. 36. Metallurg)'. 43- Phrenology. 37- Hypnotism. Iceland. Ichthyology. Immortality. 1 India. 37- Metaphysics. 37- Physical geography. 27- 20. Meteorology. 28. Physics. 29. 29. Metric system. 30. Physiognomy. 37- 36- Mexico. 19. Physiological chemistry. 27. 21. Microscopy. 29. Piano-forte. 41. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. vi Index to Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE Plants. 26. Science. 29. Theology. 35-' Plastering. 39- Scientific journals. 5- Thermodynamics. 29 Plastic arts. 41. Scotland. 20. Tibet. 20.1 Plays. 23- Scouring. 42. Torrey bankruptcy law. 1 331 Plumbing. 39- Sculpture. 41. Touraine. 20.1 Poetry. 25- Sermons. 36. Trade. 30. Poland. 20. Sewage. 39- Trade unions. 34 Police. 34- Sheep industry. 38. Transactions. 5| Political economy. 34- Shooting. 42. Travels (General). 21 Political science. 33- Shorthand. 25- Trigonometry. 28. Poor, The. 34- Shrubs. 26. Troad. 20 Porcelain. 40. Siberia. 20. Tumors. 29 Portsmouth (N. H.). 19. Silver question. .34- Turf, The. 42 Positive philosophy. 37- Singing. 41. Turkey. 20. Post office. 31- Sketching. 42. Tuscany. 20 Postage stamps. 21. Slavery. 34- Typewriting. 25.! Pottery, 40. Soap. 40. United States : constitution. 33 j Practical theology. 36. Social science. . 34 ■ United States : history and travels Prayer. 36. Socialism. 34- Universal history. 2ri Precious metals. 43- Societies. 35- Universities. 31 Preserves. 40. Soups. 40. Upholstery. 40 Printing. 42. South America. 19. Useful arts. 42 Prisons. 34- Spain. 20. Utah. 19 Property in land. 34- Spanish America. 19. Varnishes. 43 Protection, 34. Speaker.-. 26. Venice. 20 Provence. 20. Speeches. 26. Ventilation. 39 Psychology. 37- Sporting. 42. Veterinary science. 28 Public documents. 30. Sports. 42. Violins. 41 Pumps. 39- Stage, The. 23- Voltaic cell. 27 Qualitative chemical analysis. 27. Stars. 26. Volumetric analysis. 27 Quebec. 18. Statics 30. Voodoo tales. 37 Quotations. 24. Statistics. 35- Voyages. 21 Rabbits. 38. Steam engine. 40. Wages. 34 Railroads. 40. Steam navigation. 40. Wasps. 29 Rebellion (U. S.). 18. Steel. 43- Water meter. 40 Reciters. 26. Stencil-cutting. 42. Waterloo (Battle). 20 Reindeer. 38. Stories. 6. Weather. 28 Reformatories. 35- Street railways. 40. Weaving. 42 Religions, Various. 37- Sugar. 38. Weismannism. 27 Religious poetry. 25- Surgery. 28. Westminster abbey. 20 Reptiles. 29. Surveying. 39. Winchester (England), 19 Rhetoric. 26. Switches. 40. Wit and humor. 26 Riding. 42. Syria. 20. Witchcraft. 37 Roads. 40. Tales. 6. Women. 35 Roman empire. 20. Tanganyika. 21. Wood carving. 40 Roman mythology. 37- Tariff. 34. Woodwork. 39 Romances. 6. Taxidermy. 29. Works, Collected. 4i Russia. 20. Technological journals. 5. World's Fair (Chicago). 42 Sailing. 42. Telegraphy. 42. Yachting. 42 Sandringham. 19. Telephones. 27. Yellowstone Park. 19 Sandwich islands. 20. Temperance. 38. Yemen, The. 20. Sanitary science. 28. Textile fabrics. 42. Yorkshire. 20 Sault Ste. Marie. 19. Theatre. 42. Yosemite valley. 19 Scepticism. 37. Theism. 36. Zambesia. 2I.| Zoology. 29. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GEN ERAL S OCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADE SMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YC )RK Ji Supplement No. 6 to Finding List. Arrangement of Principal Subdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. 2. CYCLOPy^DiAs. Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Literature. 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political AND Social Sciences. " 8. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. " 9. Useful and Fine Arts. PART i.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Aberdeen, Earl of . By Hon. Sir A. Gordon. T 23. Agassiz, Louis : his life and work. By C. F. Holder. T52.>4. Alcott, a. Bronson : his life and philosophy. By F. B Sanborn and W. T. Harris. 2 v. T 72. j. Andersen, Hans Christian. Correspondence. Ed. by F. Crawford. T lor./r. Anderson, Alexander, M.D., first Amer. wood engraver. Burr, F. M. Life and works of. T 102. 3. Beck, James B. United States (Congress), f Memorial addresses on. T 4808. Beecher, Henry Ward, the Shakespeare of the pulpit. By J. H. Barrows. T 345.^/. Bell, Dr. Andrew. Meiklejohn, J. M. D. An old educational reformer : Dr. .A.ndrew Bell. T 355. Berry, Duchess of, and the court of Louis XVI H. By I. de Saint-Amand. T 378. a. — Saint-Amand, L de. Duchess of Barry and the revo- lution of 1S30. T 378. <5. Bismarck. Lord, J. Two German gian's : Frederick the great and Bismarck. T 1575.5. Blaine, James G. : a study of his life and career. By T. C. Crawford. T445.r. — Ridpath, J. C, and others. Life and work of J. G. Blaine. T 445.^'. Booth, Catharine, mother of the Salvation army. Tucker, F. de L. B. Life of. T 514./. Booth, Edwin. By L. Hutton. T 514.//. Brahms, Johannes : a biographical sketch. By Dr. H. Deiters. T 565. rt'. Brooks. Phillips. By Rev. A. Brooks. T 606. — Brooks, Rev. W, H. Sketch of. T 606. <^. Brown. Dr. John, author of " Rab and his friends." Peddie, A. Recollections of. T 6i2/>. "Buffalo Bill" from prairie to palace. By J. M. Burke (" Arizona John ''). T 413. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness. By Mary Adelaide, duch- ess of Teck, T 661. Burn, James, the "beggar bov": an autobiography. T 666.^. Burton, Sir Richard F. Burton, Isabel. Life of. 2 v. T 676.-^. — Hitchman, F. f Richard F. Burton : his eariy, private, and public life. 2 v. T 3540. Carey. William, shoemaker and missionary. Smith. G. Life of. 2d ed. T 752.J. Carlyle, Thomas. Arnold, A. S. Story of. T 762. a. Chalmers, Thomas : preacher, philosopher, and states- man. By Mrs. Oliphant. T 825. S. Wood. Collaboration. By H. James. {With ^/.r " Wheel of time.") Colter, Mrs. J. J. Gentle benefactress. Comedy of elopement. By Christian Reid. Commander Mendoza. By J. Valera. Commonest possible story. By B. Perry. {In " Stories of Nesv York.") Complaining millions of men. By E. Fuller. Complication in hearts. By E. Pendleton. Conflict of evidence. By R. Ottolengui. Conquering heroine. By the Duchess. Constance Winter's choice. By Anna L. Beckwith. CopPEE, F. Captain's vices. {In " Idle time tales.") — Rivals. — True riches. — and others. Idle time tales. Contents: Coppee, F. The captain's vices. — Balzac, H. de. House of the tennis-playing cat. — Daudet, H. Rev. Father Gaucher's elixir. — Musset, A. de. Croisilles. Copperhead, The. By H. Frederic. CoRELLi, Marie. Barabbas : a dream of the world's tragedy. Cosmopolis. By P. Bourget. Cosmopolis city club. By Rev. W. Gladden. Couch, Arthur T. Quiller. See "Q." Cowan, Rev. J. F. Endeavor doins down to the corners. CoWLES, M. L. Redbank : life on a southern plantation. Crawford, F. M. Children of the king. — Marion Darche. — The novel : What it is. Lgi04. — Pietro Ghisleri. Crim, M. Elizabeth, Christian scientist. Croisilles. By A. de Musset. {In "Idle time tales.") Croker, B. M. a third person. Cross. Mrs. See Cambridge, Ada. Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. See Gordon, Julien. CuDLiP, Mrs. Pender. See Thomas, Annie. Curse of Reuben Malachi. By H. S. Edwards. Gushing, P. Great Chin episode. Cynic's sacrifice. By L. V. Bogy. Dahlgren, Madeleine V. Chim : his Washington win- ter. Dale, D. Lottie's wooing. — Reuben Foreman, the village blacksmith. Dandelyon, Ritter. Rheingrafenstein : a romance of the nth century. Danesbury House. , By Mrs. H. Wood. Daniel, C. Ai : a social vision. Daniel Trentworthy : a tale of the great fire of Chicago. By J. McGovern. Danira (Ein Gottesurtheil). By E. Werner. Daring experiment, and other stories. By Lillie D. Blake. Dark night's work. By P. Ingelow. Daudet, A. Letters from my mill. — Reverend Father Gaucher's elixir. {hi " Idle time tales.") Daughter of earth. By E. M. Davy. Daughter of this world. By F. Battershall. David Balfour. By R. L. Stevenson. Sequel to his " Kidnapped." Davis, Rebecca H. Tirar y Soult. (/« " Stories of the south.") Davison, C. S. How I sent my aunt to Baltimore. {In " Stories of the railway.") Davy, E. M. Daughter of earth. — Jack Dudley's wife. Day and night stories. 2d series. By T. R. Sullivan. Days of Lamb and Coleridge : historical rom.-'.nce. By Alice E. Lord. Dear Elsie. By J. van Dewall. Dearborn, Laura [Nina Pictou]. At the threshold [Future life]. In asking for Ijooks, use the '• Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Dearest, /^ Gardner, Celia E. Dearest. By Mrs. Forrester. Death or dishonor. By F. Du Boisgobey. D'EsTERRE- Keeling, Elsa. Orchardscroft : the story of an artist. Deland, Margaret. Mr. Tommy Dove, and other stories. De la Rame, Louisa. See " OuiDA." Delectable duchy : stories, studies, and sketches. By Q. De Leon, T. C, and Ledyard, E. John Holden, unionist. Delilah of Harlem. By R. H. Savage. Dering, R. G. Dr. Mirabel's theory. Derrick, Frances. 51ART, H. Vanity's daughter. ■HTH, F. H. Flspero Gorgon i, gondolier. (///"Stories of Italy.") Smith,. W. H. Evolution of " Dodd " : a pedagogical story. Snow, Isabel. School of art. Snowden, J. K. Tales of the Yorkshire wolds. Social strugglers. By H. H. Boyesen. Soldier's secret. A. By Capt. C. King. .Some New Jersey Arabian nights. By R. K. Munkit- trick. Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough. By Helen Campbell. Something occurred. By B. L. Farjeon. Son, The. (Andre Cornells.) By P. Bourget. Son of a prophet. By G. A. Jackson. Song of the comforter. By J. J. A Becket. (/« "Stories of Italy.'") Sorceress, The. By Mrs. Oliphant. Soul of the bishop. By J. .S. Winter. Southern heritage. By W. II. Brown. SoUTinvoRTH, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Brandon Coyle's wife : .sequel to " Skeleton in the clo.set." — " Em." — Em's husband : sequel to " Em." — Skeleton in the closet. Spani.-;h treasure. By J. S. Winter. Spears, J. R. Port of missing ships. {In " Stories of the sea."") Speight, T. W. Hoodwinked. Spender, Airs. J. K. Zina's awaking. Spinster;s leaflets. By A. Y. Keith. Squaw Elouise. By Marah E. Ryan. Stairs of travel. By Nancy H. Banks. Stannard, A/rs. H. E. V. .See Winter, J. S. Steel, Mrs. F. A. From the five rivers. — Miss Stuart's legacy. Sted necklace. By F. Du Boisgobey. Stephens, H. P. and ^r. Leger, W. From Darkness to light ; or, the basilisk's love. Stevenson, R. L. David Balfour. (Sequel to " Kid- napped.") — Island nights' entertainments. Stimson, F. j. ["/. .S'. of Dale."''] In the three zones. Contents: Dr. Mnterialismus : his hypothesis. — An Alabama courtship. — Los caraquenos. -Stockton, F. R. Watchmaker's wife, and other stories. .Stone, Mary E. Riddle of luck. .Stories and sketches. By Grace (jreenwood. Stories from the Rabbis. By A. S. Isaacs. .Stories in black and white. By T. Hardy and others. .Stories of a western town. By O. Thanet. Stories of Italy. Contents: Smith, F. H. Espero Gorgoni, gondolier. — Sullivan. T. R. Anatomist of the heart. — A Becket, J. J. Song of the comforter. — Channing, Grace E. House on the hilltop. Stories of New York. Contents : Eliot, Annie. From four to six : a come- dietta. — I'erry, B. The commonest possi'rle story. — Hibbard, G. A. End of the beginning. — Wood, J. S. A Puritan ingenue. — Wharton, Edith. .Mrs. Manstey's view. Stories of the army. Contents: Matthews, B. Memories. — Heard. J. jr. A charge for France. — Armstrong, L. Sergeant Gore. — Nott. C. C. Tale of a goblin horse. Stories of the railway. Contents : Hibbard. G. A. As the sparks fly upward. — Davison, C. S. How I sent my nunt to Baltimore. — Page, T. N. Run to seed. —Gordon, A. C. Flan- droe's Mogul. Stories of the sea. Contents: Spears, J.'R. Port of missing ships.— — Blunt. Maria. Fate of the " Georgiana."— Carryl, C E. Captain Black. — Howe, G. Lost slave ship. Stories of the south. Contents: Page, T. N. "No haid pawn." — Rob ertson. H. How the Derby was won. — Harris, J. C. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. — Davis, Rebecca H. Tirar y Soult. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER 14 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Story of a story, to Whose hand? Story of a storv, and other stories. By B. Matthews. Story of John Trevcnnick. By W. C. Rhoads. Story of llie golden owl. By Mrs. Greet. Strolling players. By Charlotte M. Yonge and Christabel K. Coleridge. Stuart. Ruth McE. Golden wedding, and other tales. Student's romance. By R. B. Kimball. Sturges, J. First supper, and other episodes. Sullivan, T. R. Anatomist of the heart. (/« " Stories of Italy.") — D.iy and night stories. 2d series. Contents : Clerk of the weather. — A Toledo blade. — " To her." — Anatomist of the heart. — The man in red. — Jack-in-the-box. — Under cover of the darkness. — Tom Sylvester. Sustained honor : a story of the war of 1S12. By J. R. Musick. SUTTNER. Bertha von. Lay down your arms ! Sweet bells out of tune. By Mrs. B. Harrison. Sweetheart Gwen : a Welsh idyll. By W. Tirebuck. Taken from the enemy. By H. Newbolt. Tale of a goblin horse. By C. C. Nott. {In "Stories of the army.") Tales of the Yorkshire wolds. By J. K. Snowden. Talking handkerchief, and other stories. By T. W. Knox. Taube, G. von. Medicus in love. Tavistock tales. By G. Parker [and others]. Taylor, T. See Hall, A. D. Teal, Angelina. Rose of love. Tenger, Mariam. Hungarian girl. Terrible family. By Florence Warden. , Texar's revenge : a tale of the American civil war. By J. Verne. Thanet, O. [Alice French.] Stories of a western town. "That Mary Ann." By Kate U. Clark. Theuriet, a. Mademoiselle Desroches. Thierry, G. A. The palimpsest. Third hand high. By W. N. Murdock. Third person, A. By B. M. Croker. Thomas, Annie. [Mrs. Pender Cudlip.] Utterly mis- taken. Thompson, Annie. Moral dilemma. Thompson, Maurice. King of Honey Island. Three girls in a flat. By E. Yandell and others. Three women. By Jennie M. Drinkwater. Three years. By Josephine, countess Schwerin. Tillylois scandal. By J. M. Barrie. Time's revenges. By D. C. Murray. Tiny Luttrell. By E. W. Hornung. Tiomane: a girl of Berck. By J. Vincent. Tirar y Soult. By Rebecca H. Davis. (/« " Stories of the south.") Tirebuck, W. Sweetheart Gwen : a Welsh idyll. To please his wife. By T. Hardy. {In ''Stories in black and white.") To right the wrong. By E. Lyall. Told "by the colonel. By W. L. Alden. Told in the hills. By Marah E. Ryan. Tolstoi, Count A. Prince Serebryani. Note. — An historical novel of the times of Ivan the terrible and the conquest of Siberia. Tom Sylvester. By T. R. Sullivan. Toppleton's client. By J. K. Bangs. Tourgee, a. W. Out of the sunset sea. Tracking the truth. "By the author of " Barbara." Tragedy of Wild River Valley. By Martha Finley. Transgression of Terence Clancy. By H. Vallings. Translation of a savage. By Ci. Parker. Treasure tower : a story of Malta By Virginia W. John- son. Tresillian court. By Mrs. Harrief Lewis. Trollope, a. Duke's children. 3 v. TroUope's dilemma : a story of a Cambridge quad. By A. St. Aubyn. Trovata. By M. F. Seymour. Trowbridge, W. R H. jr. Gossip of the Caribbees : sketches of Anglo- West-Indian life. True daughter of Hartenstein. Transl. by Mary J. Saf- ford. True riches. By F. Coppee. Tutor's secret. By V. Cherbuliez. Tuttiett, Mrs. M. G. See Gray, M. Twain, Mark. [S.L.Clemens.] The £1,000,000 bank note, and other new stories. Two bites at a cherry, with other tales. By T. B. Aid- rich. Two countesses. By Marie E. von Eschenbach. Two of them. By J. M. Barrie. Two Salomes. By Maria Louise Pool. Txleama : a tale of ancient Mexico. By J. A. Knowlton. Tytler, Sarah. [Henrietta Keddie.] 'Eiackhall ghosts. Under oath : an Adirondack story. By Jean K. Ludlum. Under the great seal. By J. Hatton, Under the rose. By Mrs. H. Wood. Unknown heroine. By L. E. Chittenden. Unpopular public, The. By Litere. Up Terrapin river. By O. P. Read. Utterly mistaken. By Annie Thomas. Valera, J. Commander Mendoza. Vallings, H. Transgression of Terence Clancy. Vanamee, Lida O. Adirondack idyl. Vanity's daughter. By H. Smart. Venus victrix : a study of a woman. By Helen Mathers. Vera Nevill. ; or, poor wisdom's choice. By Mrs. H. L.| Cameron. , Vere, the leading lady. By one of the profession. - Verne, J. Texar's revenge : a tale of the Americarl civil war. ; Village rector. By H. de Balzac. j Vincent, J. Tiomane ; a girl of Berck. Visits, The. By H. James. ( With his "Private life.")j Voice of a flower. By E. Gerard. j Volney Randolph. By J. Robertshaw. I Vyvyans, The ; or, the mystery of the rue Bellechassei By A. Hope. Wachenhusen, H. Golgotha of the heart (Des herzen: Golgotha). Wallace, L. Prince of India ; or, why Constantinoph fell. 2 v. Warden, Florence. [Mrs. F. A. James.] My child an( I : a woman s story. — Shock to society. — Terrible family. Warren, T. R. Drifting on sunny seas : fragment from an old sailor's journal. Was he the other? By Isobel Fitzroy. Was she to blame ? By Mrs. Alexander. Washington symphony. By Mrs. W. L. Wheeler. Wasted crime. By D. C. Murray. Watchmaker's wife, and other stories. By F. Stockton. Waterloo, S. Odd situation. Watson, A. For lust of gold. j Watson, Augusta C. The old harbor town. I Wedmore, F. Pastorals of France, [and] Renunciationsj Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories. I5y R. Kipling, j Weird tales from northern seas. By J. Lie. j Werner, E. [Elisabeth Buerstenbinder.] Danira (Eij Gottesurtheil). ; — Northern light. j Weyman, S. j. Gentleman of France. Wharton, Edith. Mrs. Manstey's view. What necessity knows. What's bred in the bone. By G. Allen. Wheatley, Louise K. Ashes of roses. Wheel of time. By H. James. Wheeler, Mrs. W. L. A Washington symphony. When I lived in Bohemia. By F. W. Hume. White, Caroline E. Modern Agrippa. [Also] Patienc Barker. White, Eliza O. Winterborough. ; White birches. By Annie Eliot. \ W'hite islander. By Mary H. Cathcrwood. ! Whose hand? or, the mvstery of No Man's Healh. E' W. G. Wills and Hon. Mrs. Greene. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORI, 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Wiggin, Kate D., /^ Fairy Tales. 15 I WiGGiN, Kate D. Cathedral courtship, and Penelope's I English experience. WiGGS, Anna O. Hayne Home. Wild proxy. Hy Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Wills, W. G., and Greene, Hon. Mrs. hand? or, the mystery of No Man's Heath. Wilson, Augusta C. Dorothy the Puritan. ! Winter, Mrs. Elizabeth. [Isabella Castelar.] Spanish i treasure. Winter, J. S. [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard.] Aunt I Johnnie. ! — Soul of the bishop. \ Winterborough. By Eliza O. White. I Wise women of Inverness, and other miscellanies. By W. Black. Witch of Salem. By J. R. Musick. '< Without dogma. By H. Sienkiewicz. I Witness to the deed. By G. M. Fenn. i " Woe to the conquered " : a romance of the Moors in j Spain. By Karl Berkow. WOT.F, Emma. Other things being equal. ' Wolfenberg. By W. Black. I Woman who failed, and others. By Bessie Chandler. Wood, H. F. Passenger from Scotland Yard. Wood, Mrs. II. Danesbury House. — Under the rose. Wood, J. S. Coign of vantage. — Old beau, and other stories. — Puritan ingenue. (/« '* Stories of New York.") World of chance. By W. D. Howeils. World went very well then. By \V. Besant. 12°. ' Wrong road. By A. Griffiths. j Yandell, Enid, and others. Three girls in a flat. Yanko the musician, and other stories. By H. Sienkie- wicz. j YoNGE, Charlotte M. Grisly Grisell ; or, the laidly lady of Whitburn. ! — and Coleridge, Christabel. Strolling players. Zina's awaking. By Mrs. J. K. Spender. I Zola, E. Doctor Pascal. B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Achor. By Mrs. S. R. G. Clark. Across Texas. By E. S. Ellis. I Alden, Afrs. Isabella. See " Pansy." ' Alden, J. Young schoolmistress. [ Alger, H.,/;-. New world series. II. Digging for gold. 2. Facing the world. I 3. In a new world. I AU-over-the-world series. See Optic, Oliver. I Allan Gordon, Story of. By L. Anderson. ; American boys afloat. By Oliver Optic. (V. 5 of his I " All-over-the-world " series.) Anderson. L. Story of Allan Gordon. j Andy Lultrell. By Clara Vance. i Archer with Columbus. By C. E. Brimblecom. i Archie of Athabasca. By J. M. Oxley. 1 Armstrong, Frances. Fair claimant : a story for girls. Asceline's ladder. By Ellen L. Davis. ! Bali,antyne, R. M. Walrus hunters. j Bangs, J. K. Half-hours with Jimmieboy. I — In camp with a tin soldier. I Barberry bush, and other stories for girls. By Susan I Coolidge. I Barnard, Helen P. Patty's granduncle. I Battle and a boy : a story for young people. By Blanche I W. Howard. I Beric the Briton: a story of the Roman invasion. By ^ G. A. Henty. I Bevis : the story of a boy. By R. Jefferies. ! Big brother. By Annie F. Johnston. ! Billings, E. E. Marking the boundar>'. ' Black, while, and gray. By Amy Walton. Blanchard, Amy S. Twenty little maidens. Blue and the Gray series. See Optic, Oliver. BouVET, Marguerite. Prince Tip-top. Boys of Greenway Court. By H. Butterworth. Brimblecom, C. E. An archer with Columbus. Brownies at home. By P. Cox. Burnett, Frances H. One I knew best of all. Butterworth, H. Boys of Greenway Court. Camp in the foot-hills. By Harry Castlemon. Campers out. By E. S. Ellis. Castlemon, H. [C. A. Fosdick.] Camp in the foot- hills. — Two ways of becoming a hunter. — War series : Rodney, the overseer. Chamfney, Elizabeth W. Six bo)'S. — Witch Winnie in Paris. Chinese nights' entertainment. By Adele M. Fielde. Chronicles of facryland. By F. Hume. Clark, Mrs. S. R. G. Achor. Clever Miss FoUett. By J. K. H. Denny. Clock on the stairs. By Alice Weber. Comfort, Elizabeth M. Little heroine of Poverty Flat. Condemned as a Nihilist. By G. A. Henty. Coolidge, Susan. [Sarah C. Woolsey.] Barberry bush, and other stories for girls. Coral ship : a story of the Florida reef. By K. Munroe. Coryell, J. R. Diccon the bold : a story of the days of Columbus. Cossack and czar. By D. Ker. Cox, P Brownies at home. Crompton, Frances E. Gentle heritage. Cross, Anna and Atkinson, Blanche. Rosalinda, and other fairy tales. Davis, Ellen L. Asceline's ladder. Davis, Mrs. C. E. K. Miss Wealthy's hope. Dawes, Mrs. S. E. Ethel's year at Ashtoii. De la Rame, Louisa. See " Ouida." Denison, Mary A. Rom.ince of a schoolboy. Denny, J. K. K. Clever Miss Follett. Diccon the bold : a story of the days of Columbus. By J. R. Coryell. Dorothy Q. [Dorothy Quigley.] Everybody's fairy god-mother. Down east master's first school. By E. A. Rand. Du Chaillu, p. Ivar the viking. Dudevant, M7ne. A. L. .A.. D. .SVf Sand, G. Eastman, Julia A. Kitty Kent's troubles. — Romneys of Ridgemont. Ellis, E. S. Across Texas. — Campers out. — River and wilderness series. 1. River fugitives. 2. Wilderness fugitives. 3. LenaWingo, the Mohawk. Elsie at Ion. By Martha Finley. Ethel's year at Ashton. By Mrs. S. E. Dawes. Evening tales. By F. Ortoli. Done into English by J. C. Harris. Everybody's fairy god-mother. By Dorothy Q. Facing the world. By H. Alger, jr. (V. 2 cj his " New world" series.) Fair claimant : a story for girls. By Frances Armstrong. FAIRY TALES. Ban^s (/. A'.) Half-hours with Jimmieboy. In camp with a tin soldier. — Bouvet {Marguerite). Prince Tip-top. — Cox {P.). Brownies at home. — Cross {.4nna) and Atkinson {Blanche:). Rosalinda, and other fairy tales. — Dorothy Q. Everybody's fairy godmother. — Hume \F. IV.). Chronicles of faeryland. — Jacobs {J.\ collector. More English fairy tales. — Kaf{H. S.), collector. Winged wolf, and other f.niry tales. — Zeland (C. G.). One hundred riddles of the fairy Bellaria. — Macdonald (C). Light princess, and other fairy tales. — Polevoi {P. A'.). Russian fairy tales. 2d ed. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBEX. 16 3-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Fenn, G. M., /t; " Ouida. Fenn, G. M. The grand chaco. — Real gold. — Sail-ho ! or, a boy at sea. FiKLD, Mrs. E. M. Little count Paul. J''iELDE, Adele M. Chinese nights' entertainment. KiNLEY, Martha. Elsie at Ion. l'"or grown-up children. Iiy L. B. Walfonl. I'"ur the fourth time of asking, liy the author of " Miss Toosey's mission." Ford, J. L. Third alarm: a story of the New York Fire Department. FosDiCK, C. A. 5^^ Casti.emon, H. Four on an island. By L. T. Meade. Francis, L. II., edr. Schoolboys of Rookesbury. L'rankie Bradford's bear. By Joanna H. Mathews. Note. — 5th of a series of sequels to the "Bessie books." French. H. W. Oscar Peterson, ranchman and ranger. P'kith. H. Lost trader ; or, the mystery of the " Lom- bardy." F'rom the bush to the breakers. By F. F. Moore. Gentle heritage. By Frances E. Crompton. GiLMAN, B. Musical journey of Dorothy and Delia. Glencoe parsonage. By Mrs. A. E. Porter. Grand chaco. By G. M. Fenn. (Juert Ten Eyck. By W. O. Stoddard. Half-hours with Jimmieboy. By J. K. Bangs. Hallowell, Mrs. S. C. Nan : "the new-fashioned girl. Haunted pool. By G. .Sand. Hearts of oak : a story of Nelson and the navy. By G. Stables. Henty, G. k. Beric the Briton : a story of the Roman invasion. — Condemned as a Nihilist. — In Greek waters. — In the days of the mutinj^ : a military novel. — Jacobite exile. — St. Bartholomew's eve. — Through the Sikh war. History of a bearskin. By J. de Marthold. Holt, Emily S. "All's well" ; or. Alice's victory. Howard, Blanche W. A battle and a boy : a story for young people. — No heroes. House on the beach. By Julia McN. Wright. Hume, F. W. Chronicles of faeryland. In a new world. By H. Alger, jr. (V. 3 of his "New world " series.) In camp with a tin soldier. Ky J. K. Bangs. In Greek waters. By G. A. Henty. In the days of the mutiny. By G. A. Henty. Ivar the viking. By P. Du Chaillu. Jack's hymn. By Elizabeth Olmis. Jacobite exile. A. By-G. A. Henty. Iacobs, J., collector. More English fairy tales. Jayne. Lieut. R. H. War whoop series, No. 2. Through Apache land. Jefferies. R. Bevis ; the story of a boy. Jenny Wren's boarding-house. By J. Otis. Jephson, A. J. M. .Stories told in an African forest. John Boyd's adventures. By T. W. Knox. Johnston, Annie F. Big brother. Johnstone, D. L. Paradise of the north [North Pole]. Josiah in New York. By J. Otis. Kaf, H. S., collector. The winged wolf, and other fairy tales., J. O. See Otis, J. Kenny, Minnie E. Mother's bedtime stories. Ker, D. Co5:;ack and czar. Kitly Kent's troubles. P)y Julia A. Eastman. Kxox, T. W. John Boyd's adventures. Laurie, A. Schoolboy days in Italy. Leighton, R. Wreck of the " Golden Fleece." Leland, C. G. One hundred riddles of the fairy Bel- laria. Lena-Wingo, the Mohawk. By E. S. Ellis. (V. 3 of his " River and wilderness" series.) Light princess, and other fairy tales. By G. Macdonald. Lilla Thome's voyage. By Grace Stebbing. Little card. The. By Pansy. Little count Paul. By Mrs. E. M. Field. Little heroine of Poverty Flat. By Elizabeth M. Com- fort. Little millionaire. By Martha L. Moodey. Litile Paul and the F'risbie school. By Margaret Sidney. I-ittle saint Hilary. By Barbara Yechton. Lost trader; or, the mystery of the "Lombardy." By | H. Frith. I-OTHROP, Mrs. H. N. See Sidney, Margaret. Mabel 'Livingston. By Mrs. S. B. Titterington. Macdonald, G. Light princess, and other fairy tales, j Marking the boundary. By E. E. Billings. ] iMarlow, S. Moncasket mystery. Marsh, Marie M. "Vic" : autobiography of a fox- terrier. Marshall, Emma. New relations : a story for girls. , Marthold, J. de. History of a bearskin. ; Mary. By Mrs. Molesworth. j Mate of the " Mary Ann." By Sophie Swett. Mathews, Joanna H. Frankie Bradford's bear (5th of j a series of sequels to the " Bessie books "'). j Meade, L. T. [Mrs. Elizabeth T. T. Smith.] Four on ; an island. \ — Palace beautiful, The : a story for girls. ! Melody. By Laura E. Richards. I Midshipman's mess. By Molly E. Seawell. {With her \ " Through thick and thin.') \ MiLMAN, Constance. Mum Fidgets, ai;d The tsvo Rich- ! ards. Miss Wealthy's hope. By Mrs. C. E. K. Davis. Mr. Kris Kringle : a Christmas tale. By S. W. Mitchell, Mitchell, S. W. Mr. Kris Kringle : a Christmas tale. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary. Moncasket mysterj'. By S. Marlow. Montgomery, W., ear. Tales of ancient Troy and the adventures of Ulysses. Moodey, Martha L.. The little millionaire. Moore, F. F. From the bush to the breakers. Morals of pleasure : illustrated by stories. More English fairy tales. Collected by J. Jacobs. Mother's bedtime stories. By Minnie E. Kenney. Mum Fidgets. By Constance Milman. Mun'ROE, K. Coral ship. (Rail and water series.) — Raftmates : a story of the great river. — White conquerors : a tale of Toltec and Aztec. Musical journey of Dorothy and Delia. By B. Oilman, j My dark companions and their strange stories. By H, M. Stanley. ' Ai Nan : the new-fashioned girl. By Mrs. S. C. HalloweHfj Nemo: or, the wonderful door. By Mrs. O. F. Walt New relations : a story for girls. By Emma Marshall. Nibsy's Christmas. By J. A. Riis. No heroes. By Blanche W. Howard. Nil rnberg stove. The. By Louisa de la Rame. Olmis, Elizabeth. Jack's hymn. On a snow-bound train. By Julia McN. Wright. On the old frontier ; or, the raid of the Iroquois. By W. O. Stoddard. One hundred riddles of the fairy Bellaria. By C. G. Leland. One I knew the best of all. By Frances H. Burnett. Optic. Oliver. [W. T. Adams.] All-over the-world series. 3. Young knight-errant ; or, cruising in the West Indies. 4. Strange sights abroad. 5. American boys afloat. 6. Young navigators. — Blue and the Gray series : a victorious union. Oscar Peterson, ranchman and ranger. By H. W. French. Ortoli, F. Evening tales. Done into English by J. C. Harris. Otis, J. [J. O. Kaler.] Jenny Wren's boarding-house. — Josiah in New York. "OuiDA." [Louisa de la Rame.] Nurnburg stove. fc! FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Out of reach, to Young schoolmistress. 17 Out of reach. By Esme Stuart. OxLEY. J. M. Archie of Athabasca. Pain, B. "Two" : a story of English schoolboy life. Palace beautiful, The: a story for girls. ByL.T. Meade. I'ANSY. (Isabella M. Alden.j Little card. — Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant. — Stephen Mitchell's journey. — Twenty minutes late. — Worth having. Paradise of the north. By D. L. Johnstone. Patty's grandunde. By Helen P. Barnard. Paul Jones. By Molly E. Seawell. Paull, Minnie E. Ruby's ups and downs : sequel to " Ruby and Ruthy." Plympton, A. G. Robin's recruit. Polevoi, P. N. Russian fairy tales. 2d ed. Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls. By Kate D. Wiggin. Pomona. By the author of " Miss Toosey's mission." Porter, Mrs. A. E. Glencoe parsonage. Prince Rupert's namesake. By Emily Weaver. Prince Tip-top. By Marguerite Bouvet. Pro and con : a story for boys and girls. By Maggie Swift. QuiGLEY, Dorothy. {"' Dorothy Q."^^ Everybody's fairy god-mother. Raftmates : a story of the great river. By K. Munroe. Rail and water series. See MUNROE, K. Rand, E. A. Down east master's first school. Real gold. By G. M. Fenn. Richards, Laura E. Melody. Rlis, J. A. Nibsy's Christmas. River and wilderness series. See Ellis, E. S. River fugitives. By E. S. Ellis. (V. i ^/ " River and wilderness" series.) Robin's recruit. By A. G. Plympton. Rodney, the overseer. By H. Castlemon. Romance of a schoolboy. By Mary A. Denison. Romneys of Ridgemont. By Julia A. Eastman. Rosalinda, and other fairy tales. By Anna Cross and Blanche Atkinson. Ruby's ups and downs : sequel to " Ruby and Ruthy." By Minnie E. Paull. Russian fairy tales. By P. N. Polevoi. Sabrina Hackett. By Emily L. Saybrook. Sail-ho I or, a boy at sea By G. M. Fenn. St. Bartholomew's eve. By G. A. Henty. Sand, G. | Mme. A. L. A. Dudevant.] Haunted pool. Salsbury, Juniata. Timothy Dale : a story for boys. Saykrook, Emily L. Sabrina Hackett. Schoolboy days in Italy. By A. Laurie. Schoolboys of Rookesbury. Ed, by L. II. Francis. Seawell, Molly E. Paul Jones. — Through thick and thin, and The midMiipman's mess. Sidney, Margaret. [Mrs. H. M. Lothrop.] Little Paul and the Frisbie school. Six boys. By Elizabeth W. Champney. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth T. T. See Meadk, L. T. Stables, G. Hearts of oak : a story of Nelson and the navy. — 'Twixt school and college. — Westward with Columbus. Stanley, H. M. My dark companions and their strange stories. Stebbing, Grace. Lilla theme's voyage. Stephen Mitchell's journev. By Pansv. Stoddard, W. O. Guert Ten Eyck.' — On the old frontier ; or, the raid of the Iroquois. — Tom and the money king. Stoddard, W. O. White cave. Stories told in an African forest. By A. J. M. Jephson. Story of Allan Gordon. By L. Anderson. Strange sights abroad. By Oliver Optic. (V. 4 of his "All-over-the- world " series.) Stuart, Esme. Out of reach. Swett, Sophie. Mate of the " Mary Ann." SwtKT, Maggie. Pro and con : a story for boys and girls. Talbury girls. By Clara Vance. Tales of ancient Troy and the adventures of Ulysses. Ed. by W. Montgomery. Third alarm : a story of the New York Fire Department. By J. L. Ford. Through Apache land. By Lieut. R. Pi. Jayne. (V. 2 of his " War whoop " series.) Through the Sikh ^\ar. By G. A. Henty. Through thick and thin. By Molly E. Seawell. Timothy Dale: a story for boys. By Juniata .Salsbury. Titterington, Mrs. S. B. Mabel Livingston. Tom and the money king. By W. O. Stoddard. Trowbridge, J. T. Woodie Thorpe's pilgrimage. Twenty little maidens. By Amy E. Blanchard. Twenty minutes late. By Pansy. 'Twixt school and college. By G. Stables. '• Two" : a story of English schoolboy life. By B. Pain. Two Richards, The. By Constance Milman. ( With her " Mum Fidgets.") Two ways of becoming a hunter. By H. Castlemon. Vance, Clara. Andy Luttrell. — Talbury girls. "Vic": autobiography of a fo.x-terrier. By Marie M. Marsh. Victorious union, A. By Oliver Optic. (/// his " Blue and the Gray" series.) Walford, L. B. For grown-up children. Walrus hunters. By R. M. Ballantyne. Walton, Amy. Black, white, and gray. Walton, Mrs. O. F. Memo ; or the wonderful door. War whoop series. See Jayne. Lieut. R. II. Weaver, Emily. Prince Rupert's namesake. Weber, Alice. Clock on the stairs. Westward with Columbus. By G. Stables. White cave. By W. O. Stoddard. White conquerors : a tale of Toltec and Aztec. By K. Munroe. Wiggin. Kate D. Polly Oliver's problem : a story for girls. Wilderness fugitives. ByE. S.Ellis. (V. 2 «>/ //?j " River and wilderness" series.) Winder, F. H. With the sea kings. Winged wolf, and other fairy tales. Collected by H. S. Kaf. Witch Wiimiein Paris. By Elizabeth W. Champney. With the sea kings. By F. H. Winder. Woodie Thorpe's pilgrimage, and other stories. By J. T. Trowbridge. WooLSEY, Sarah C. See Coolidge, Susan. Worth having. By Pansy. Wreck of the " Golden Fleece." By R. Leighton. Wright, Julia McN. House on the beach. — On a snow-bound train. Yechton, Barbara. Little saint Hilary. Young knight-errant ; or, cruising in the West Indies. By Oliver Optic. (V. 3 of his " .-Ml-over-the- world " series.) Young navigators. By Oliver Optic. (V^. 6 of his "All- over-the-world " series.) Young schoolmistress. By J. Alden. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 2 18 4— HISTORY : American History and Travels. PART 4-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. A. American History and Travels. INDIANS. Elu§. Indian wars of the U. S. Q 2827. Friends, Religious Society of. f Address on behalf of tlie Indians. B 29. Grinnell. Blackfooi lodge tales: story of a primitive people. Q 217b. Harrison, f Latest studies on Indian reservations. Q2187 Smithsonian Institution. f Circular in reference to American archaeology. In v. 15 of Q. 4-747.a. — f Photographic portraits of North American Indians in the gallery of. /« v. 14 0/ C 4747. a. United States. Board of hidianCommrs. f 23d annual report, 1891. Q 2773 b. — Indian affairs. \ 60th, 6ist annual report, 1891-92. 3 V. Q 2773. f Report for 1866, 1867. Q 2773. Welsh, f Civilization among the Sioux Indians. B 7519. Young. Stories from Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires. Q 2498. BRITISH AMERICA. Appleton's General guide to the U. S. and Canada, 1893. Q 13. Grant. Through Evangeline's country. P 7174. I.egge. Sunny Manitoba. P 7657. Ontario and St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. Hand-book for travellers to Niagara Falls, Montreal, and Quebec. 1852. Q 9338. UNITED STATES : DESCRIPTION, ATLASES, AND TRAVELS. Ad.'\MS and Sons, publishers, f Railroad atlas and polit- ical album of American industry. N 1901. Note. — Same as Asher & Adams. Railroad atlas, etc. |N 1904.^.] Appleton's Generjil guide to the U. S. and Canada. 1893. Q 13. — Illustrated hand-book of American summer resorts. 1893. Q I3.a. AsHER & Adam'^, publishers. \ Railroad atlas and picto- rial album of American industry. N 1904. n — t Topographical map of the state of N. Y. N 1904. Baedeker. The U. S., with an excursion into Mexico: a handbook for travellers. 1803. Q 22. Beers, f Atlas of the Hudson River valley from New York city to Troy. N 1907 Bien and Vermeule. f Atlas of the metropolitan district and adjacent country. N 1908. Note. — "Showing the relative geographical position, the topography, hydrography, and economic features." BuEL. America's wonderlands : 500 photographic views. Q538. Crofutt. New overland tourist. 1878-9. Q 105. Crowe. With Thackeray in America. Q 563, Fre.mont. f Topographical map of the road from Mis- souri to Oregon. N 1932. Lewis and Clark. Expedition to the sources of the Missouri River. New ed., by Coues. 4 v. Q bbo.a. Ralph. Our great west. Q 716. Steele. West of the Missouri. Q 423.3. Note. — Same as his " Frontier army sketches." Twining. Travels in America 100 years ago. Q 450. UNITED STATES : HISTORY AND POLITICS. Aitken. f Dominion of Canada: a study of annexation. B 7519. Barnes & Co., publishers. Brief history of the U. S. Q 1023. Beecher. Speeches of, on the American rebellion. M 6034. Builders of the nation : a history of the U. S. T 5S14. j Note. — Compiled from the " National cyclopaedia of j American biography." i Bunker Hill Monument Association, f Proceedings at annual meeting, June 17, 1892. B 6563. to' J -/I J Campaign of Fredericksburg, 1S62. By a line officer, 2d ed. Q 7073. j I Drake. Making of Virginia and the middle colonies, ] 1578-1701. Q3126.;;/. . — Our colonial homes. Q 3826. \ Earle. Customs and fashions in old New England. Q 1131-1 Force, f American archives. 4th series, v. 4, 5. ] Q 1832.^.: Gordy and Twitchell. Pathfinder in American his- tory. Q 1173- Note. — Bibliography and course of reading. Greg. History of the U. S. 2 v. in 1. Q 1605. Guernsey. New York city and vicinity during the war of 1812-15. v. I. Q 5836., Hart. Formation of the union, 1750-1S29. Q n88.l Lodge. Historical and political essays. Q 1272 Co7tte7its : William H. Seward. — James Madison. — Gouverneur Morris. — Why patronage in office i American. — Distribution of ability in the U. S. — Par- ! liamentary obstruction in the U. S. — Parliamentary I minorities. — Party allegiance. f Magazine of American History, v. 29, 30 (Jan.- Dec 1893.) _ C 6670. Morris. Historical tales : American. Q 1316.A. j National cyclopaedia of American biography, v. 1-4, T4866, New York daiiy transcript, [f Enrollment lists, 1864- 65. J Q 7966. Nichols & Co., publishers. Our land and country: s panorama of 400 years' American progress. Q 1697; Pollard, cdr. f Officers of the army and navy (volun- teers) who served in the civil war. T 4871.^. Rodenbough. Fighting for honor. Q 1725./. Sloane. The French war and the Revolution. Q 3410. .Smith (G.). The United Stales: an 'outline of political history, 1492-1871. Q 1412J Smith (W. F.). P'rom Chattanooga to Petersburg undei generals Grant and Butler. Q 74IJ Tribune war stories. (Tribune monthly, v, 3, no. 4.^ Q7768. True stories of the war for the union. (Tribune monthly. v. 5, no. 3.) Q /7f9 United States. War Department. \ War of the Re- bellion : a comjiilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Series I. v. I Q niz-<: f Sa7nc. V. 40 (pts. 2, 3), 41 and 42 (pt. l). Q 7773-^ f Atlas to accompany "Official records." Pts. 9- 23. Q 7991 Walker. History of the 2d army corps in the Army oj the Potomac. Q 7778-^] Wendell. Stelligeri, and other essays concernina America. M 44741 Wharton. Through colonial doorways. Q3478' Wilson. Epochs of American history : division and re' union, i 829-1 889. Q 1484 ( FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK: 4— HISTORY: European History and Travels. 19 UNITED STATES: SEPARATE STATES AND CITIES. Adams. Massachusetts : its historians and its history. Q 9C04.W. Aldrich. An old town by the sea. [Portsmouth, N. H.] Q 9007. Appletons' Guide-ljook to Alaska and the northwest coast. By Eliza R. Scidmorc. Q 9013. a. iiELDEN. New York, past, present, and future. 4th ed. 1851. Q 9035- BOLLES. At the north of Bearcamp Water : a stroller in New England. Q 49. f Caldwell, "the magic city" in the Boise Valley. B 7520. Club men of New York. Q 9556. Co.NN. Cow-boys and colonels : across the prairie and over the black hills of Dakota. Q 559. CUMMING. Granite crags of California. New ed. Q 9107. GILLIS. Yellowstone park and AJaska. Q 916S. Guide to Florida. By " Rami)ler." Q 9178. Hale. A New England boyhood. Q i32. Hendrick. Brief iiistory of the empire state. Q 9195. HOWELLS a/id o/Ae/s. Niagara book. Q 92i3.«. f Hudson river portfolio. [A series of colored plates with description.] Q 9944. Ingersoll. Week in New York. Q 9223. King. Handbook of New York city. 2d ed. Q 9244.^. Long Island Historical Society, f [History, list of mem- bers, etc.] B 25. Lowell Master Builders' Exchange, f Lowell, past, present, and prospective. B 7520. New Jersey, f Documents relating to ihe colonial history, v. 17. Q 9696. New York City, f Manual of the corporation for 1856. U632g. — Stime. 1S64, 1866. Q 9329. w. — f Same for 1870. U 6697. — Same. 1S68, 1869. Q 9698. w. Ontario and St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. Hand-book for travellers to Niagara Falls, Montreal, and Quebec. Q 9338. Parkman. The Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life. Q 9344. f Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, v. 1-16. (1877-92,) C 6708. Rand, McNally & Co. Bird's-eye views and guide to Chicago. Q 9363. Sanborn. Truthful woman in southern California. Q9385. Simpson, f Explorations across the territory of Utah. Q9882. i t Southern California : its natural features, resources, ; and prospects. B 7520. j Spears. Death Valley and other borax deserts of the Pacific coast. Q 9417. I United States. Enginevr Departme7it of the U. S. Army, f Report of ex|ilorations across the great basin of Utah in 1859, by Capt. Simpson. Q 98S2. Wheildon. Sentry or Beacon hill : the beacon and the monument of 1635 and 1790. ■ Q 9786. Whitney. Yosemite guide-book. 1S74. Q 9481. Wiley. Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone. Q989S. Wilson, f Memorial history of the city of N. Y. v. 3, 4. Q 9^97. WiNSOR. t Pageant of Saint Lusson, Sault Ste. Marie. B 7520. SOUTH AMERICA, MEXICO. AND WEST INDIES. { Bandelier. The gilded man, and other pictures of the I Spanish occupancy of America. P 7026. I Chili and the new navy. (Tribune monthly, v. 4, no. 2.) , ' P 9552. 1 Cole. Peruvians at home. ' P 9097. Dickens. Along shore with a man-of-war. P 9573, Ford. Tropical America. P 9594. Geiger. Peep at Mexico. P 8598. Goodhue. Mexican memories. P S172. Goodrich. Pictorial history of the western world. P 7603. Hancock. History of Chile. P 9611, Hudson. Idle days in Patagonia. P9629. LuM.Mis. Land of poco tiempo [New Mexico]. Q 9665. Mitre. Emancipation of South America. 1' 9686. Montt. f Illegal acts of ex-president Balmaceda [of Chile]. B 7520. Nebel. f War between the U. S. and Mexico illus- trated. With description by G. W. Kendall. Q 6966. Ober. In the wake of Columbus. P 8702./. ScHWATKA. In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. P 8395. Stuart. Equatorial forests and rivers of South Amer- ica. P 9756. B. European History and Travels. GENERAL HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Across France in a caravan. By the author of "A day of my life at Eton." 2d ed. S 1502. Americans in Europe. By one of them. Na 3009. Ball. Mediterranean winter resorts. 2d ed. Na 3024. Bartholemew. Atlas-guide to the continent of Europe. Na 3029. Bishop. House-hunter in Europe. Na 3043. Butterworth. Zigzag journeys on the Mediterranean. Na 3541 m. Dodge. As the crow flies : from Corsica to Charing Cross. Na 3124. Hamilton. Rambles in historic lands. Na 3184. Holt. Four centuries after ; or, how I discovered Europe. Na 3210. Knox. Boy travellers in southern Europe. Na 3650. j. Lent. Gipsying beyond the sea from English fields to Salerno shores. 2 v. Na 3264. Lilly. Chapters in European history. 2 v. N 4661. Michelet. On the highways of Europe. Na 3303. ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITAIN. Adams. Book about London : London stories. R 1004.^. — Same : streets of London. R 1004^. Andrews. Bygone England : social studies in its historic byeways and highways. R 1506.^. Besant. History of London. R 1037. Carnegie. American four-in-hand in Britain. R 1076. Carter. War medals of the British army and how they were won. R 1547. Cartwright. Pilgrim's way from Winchester to Canter- bury. R 1816. Emerson. On English lagoons. R 1581. Fowler. Echoes of old country life. R 1592. Fry. London. 1S93. . R 1159.0. Gardiner. History of the great civil war, 1642-49. 4 v, R 1162.//. Green. Short history of the English people. Illustrated ed. V. 1-3. R 1605./. Grey. Ireland : the causes of its present condition. R 2174. Harper. The Brighton road. R 161 1. Harrison. Memorable Edinburgh houses. R 2187. Higginson and Channing. English history for Amer- ican readers. R I202. Hole. Little tour in Ireland. New ed. R 2626. Hunt. The town : its memorable characters and events. New ed. R 1631. Irwin. War medals and decorations issued to the Brit- ish forces from 1588 to 1889. R 1224. Jessopp. Studies by a recluse. • R 1234.J. Jones. Sandringham, past and present. R 1236. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 4— HISTORY: Oriental History and Travels. Knight. Rambles of a dominie. Knovvles, To England and back. Le Fanu. Seventy years of Irish life. Leyland. Yorkshire coast. Lord. Tales from Westminster Abbey R 1249. R 1251. R 2264. R 1267. R 1271. Montgomery. Leading facts of English history. 2d ed. R 1314- Morris. Historical tales : English. R 131 7./^. Page. Rivers of Devon, R I340- I'ASCOE. London of to-day. 1S93. R I343-6- | RiCHEY. Short history of the Irish people. R 2724 j Robinson. Early history of coffee houses in England. R i375.^- I Ross. Bygone London. R 1726. | .Scott, f Border antiquities of England and Scotland. 2 V. R 1979- TnORNBUKY and ^YALFORD. Old and new London. 6 v. R 1763. Thwaites. Our cycling tour in England. R 1440. Veitch. History and poetry of the Scottish border. 2 v. R 2775- Williams. Round London, down east and up west. R 1483.^. Winter. Shakespeare's England. New ed. R 1485. i-. Wright. Brontes in Ireland. R 2493.^. FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND SPANISH HISTORY AND TRAYELS. Ballou. Story of Malta. S 9024. Baring-Gould. Tragedy of the Caesars. 2 v. T 5516. Barker. Wanderings by southern waters : eastern Aqui- taine. S 1516. Barry. Studies in Corsica. S 3517. Bonner. Child's history of France. S 1050. Brown. Venice : an historical sketch of the republic. s 3536- Bury. History of the Roman empire from tion to the death of Marcus Aurelius. Clement. Queen of the Adriatic. Cook. Old Touraine. 2 v. Creighton. First history of France. Dickinson. Revolution and reaction in modern France. S 1122 DUFFEY. Tuscan republics. Elliot. Old court Hfe in Spain. 2 v. Freeman. Studies of travel : Italy. H.4RE. North-eastern France. — South-eastern France. — South-western France. Harrison. Memorable Paris houses. Janvier. Embassy to Provence. John Bull's neighbor in her true light. By \ Saxon." L.\TI.MER. France in the igth century, 1830-go Mahan. Influence of sea power upon the French revolu- tion and empire, 1793-1812. 2 v. S 1671. Mallet. The French revolution. S 1286. Montgomery. Stories of the French revolution. S 1687. Morris. Historical tales : French. S 1315 A. Perrens. History of Florence, 1434-1531. v. 1. S 3709. Richards. Glimpses of the French court. S 1372. Ropes. Campaign of Waterloo : a military history. S 1727. — Same : Atlas. * S 1976. S.\int-Amand. Women of the Valois court. T 5384. — Women of Yersailles : court of Louis XIV. T 5384.^. — Same : court of Louis XV. T 5384. fl'. Scott. Tuscan studies and sketches. S 33g7.i. Symes. French revolution, 17S9-95. S 1431. Symonds. Sketches in Italy and Greece. 2ded. S 3431. if. Thayer. Dawn of Italian Independence. 2 v. S 3437. OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE. Brown, compiler. People of Finland in archaic times. S 4061. Church. Pictures from Greek life and story. N 8o89._g'. its founda- N 9067. S 3093. S IG99. S 1 104./. S 3128. 82581. S 3i57-f- S ii86.«. S 1186.J. S 1186./. S 1187 S 1228. I " Brutal S 1232. S 1262. Freeman. Studies of travel : Greece. S 7157. Grant. Greece in the age of Pericles. N 8176. Griffis. f Influence of the Netherlands in the making of the English commonwealth and the American republic. B 7519. Harvard. Heart of Holland. R 8613.//. Howell. Icelandic pictures drawn with pen and pencil. R 3843. Knight. " falcon " on the Baltic. R 8249. Lanin. Russian characteristics. S 4656. Latimer. Russia and Turkey in the 19th century. S 4657. Leroy-Beaulieu. Empire of the tsars. S 4659. Malleson. Refounding of the German empire. R 4286. MoRFlLL. Story of Poland. S 5316. Morris. Historical tales : German. R 4317.A. Murray. Handbook for travellers in Greece. 2 v. S 7023. — Handbook for travellers in Russia, Poland, and Fin- land. 5th ed. S 4323. Pelham. Outlines of Roman history. N 9346. Pennell. To Gipsyland. [Hungary.] S 6346. Samson-Himmelstierna. Russia under Alexander III. s 4731. Smith. Greece under king George. S 7747. Steveni. Through famine-stricken Russia. S 4419. Symonds. Sketches in Italy and Greece. 2d ed. S 3431-/. Whishaw. Out of doors in tsarland. S 4480. C. Oriental History and Travels. AuBERTiN. Wanderings and wonderings [India, Burma, China, Australia, etc.\ Nb 3020. Conder. Syrian stone-lore; or, the monumental history of Palestine. N 7099. Cumming. Lady's cruise in a French man-of-war. P 6107. Davis. Rulers of the Mediterranean. Nb 31 15. Elliot. Diary of an idle woman in Constantinople. S8136. Foreman. Philippine Islands. P 6595. From Australia and Japan. By A. M. \Fiction.'\ Gowen. Paradise of the Pacific : Hawaiian sceneiy and life. P 6173. Harris. Joumey through the Yemen. O 7612. Haupt. \ Report of the International Congress of Orientalists, 1S91. B 7519. Howard. Life with trans-Siberian savages. [Ainu.] O 2213. Howell. An island paradise, and reminiscences of travel. P 6628. Hunter. After the exile : 100 years of Jewish history and literature. 2 v. N 7216. Jacobs. Jews of Angevin England. N 7226. Knight. Where three empires meet : travels in Kash- mir, western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. O 3649. 7». Marsden. On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers. O 3288. Maughan. Alps of Arabia : travels in Egypt, Sinai, Arabia, and the Holy Land. ^ Nb 3676. Murray. Handbook for Constantinople, Briisa, and the Troad. S 8323. Rawlinson. Stor\' of Parthia. N 5365-/' Russo-Jewish Committee (London). f Persecution of the Jews in Russia. B 7519. Sayce. Assyria : its princes, priests, and people. _ N 5387.''- — The Hittites : the story of a forgotten empire. 2d ed. N 5387-'4- — Races of the Old Testament. 2d ed. N 5387.»-. — Social life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. N 5337.^- Schumacher. Across the Jordan. O 9395- WoRSFOLD. Visit to Java. T 6795. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY : General History and Travels. 21 AFRICA. Bent. Ruined cities of Mashonaland. New ed. P 5436 — Sacred city of the Ethiopians. P 2522. Chennells. Recollections of an Egyptian princess, by her English governess. New ed. P 2085. CoLViLLE. Round" the black man's garden. P 558. Ellis. History of the gold coast of west Africa. P458i.>%. Field. The Parbary coast. P 1589. Keltie. Partition of Africa. P 239. HORE. Tanganyika : 11 years in central Africa. P 3213. Johnston. Reality versus romance in south central Africa. P 5640 McDermott. British East Africa or Ibea. P 327S. Mathers. Zambesia : England's El Dorado. P 5675. Ohrwaluer. Ten years' captivity in the Mahdi's camp, 1882-92. [Ed.] by Maj. F. R. Wingate. P 3702. Perring. f Pyramids of Gizeh. Part i, The great pyramid. N 6970. P001.E. Cairo : sketches of its history, monuments, and social life. P 27x4. Selous. Travel and adventure in south-east Africa. P 5740. White. Development of Africa. P 78S. Wilkinson. Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. N 6483.^. CHINA AND JAPAN. Bacon. A Japanese interior. O 2022/ Ball. Things Chinese. 2d ed. O 2514. BiCKERSTETH. Japan as we saw it. O 2524. BoULGEK. Short histoiy of China. O 2532. j. Chamberlain. Things Japanese. 2d ed. O 2550. Gumming. Wanderings in China. New ed. O 2107. From Australia and Japan. By A. M. [Fiction.] Gardiner. Japan as we saw it. O 2597. Gundry. China and her neighbours. O 2608. Inagaki. Japan and the Pacific. O 2223. LOTi. Madame Chrysantheme. [Fiction.] Morris. Winter in north China. O 2316. INDIA AND PERSIA. Browne, Year amongst the Persians. O 6537. Carpenter. From Adam's Peak to Elephanta. O 5076./. Dutt. Ancient India, 2000 B.C.-800 A.D. Grimwood. My three years in Manipur. Hunter. Brief history of Indian peoples. O 5129. O 5606. 20th ed. o 5217. O 5634"f- O 5658. IngliS. Siege of Lucknow : a diary. Leitch. Seven years in Ceylon. Lyall. Rise of the British dominion in India, O 5275 Robertson. Knowledge which the ancients had of In dia. fVii/i R 2725 D. General History and Travels. ; ATLASES AND GEOGRAPHY. I American Geographical Society, f Journal, v. 17-20, 24 (1885-92). N 1505. I Brooklyn Institute. \ Catalogue of the exhibition of ; geographical appliances. B 8539. ' Johnston, f National atlas of geography. N 1947. I Keltie. Applied geography. ' N 1239. I La PfeRousE. f Adas du voyage de. N 2952. Lippincott's t Gazetteer of the world. New ed. 1893. N 1855.^. Lucas, f General atlas. N 1955. Malte-Brun. \ System of universal geography. 3 v. N 1857. Playfair. f New general atlas, ancient and modern. N T971. Scribner's Sons, f The Scribner-Black atlas of the world. 1890. N 1980. United States. Board on Geographical Names, f Bul- letin Nos. 2, 3. B 1506. GENERAL HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Blackburn. Artistic travel in Normandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees, Spain, and Algeria. N 3527. Bolton. Famous voyagers and explorers. T 5049.^. Brooks (E. S.). Heroic happenings told in verse and story. N 4536 " Brooks (P.). Letters of travel. N 3060./. Carnegie. Round the world. N 3076, f Cook's Excursionist and tourist advertiser (Jan. 1892- Dec. 1893). 2 V. C 6S20, Daniel. Ramble among surnames. T 6113 Esqukmeling. Buccaneers o. America. N 2583 Etiquette of freemasonry. By an old past master. T 9139' Gordon. '" Clear round ! " or, seeds of story from other countries. N 3173 Greely. Men of achievement : explorers and travel lers. T 5i75-'f. Contents; Louis Joliet. — Peter Le Moyne. — Capt M. Lewis and Lieut. W. Clark. — Zebulon M. Pike. — C. Wilkes. — J. C. Fremont. — Elisha K. Kane. — Lsaac I. Hayes.— C. F. Hall.— G. W. De Long.— Paul Du Chaillu. — Stanley. Heilprin. Arctic problem and narrative of the Peary relief expedition. N 2192. Hill (F. S.). Twenty years at sea. N 2203. Hill (Georgiana). History of Englisli dress. 2 v. T 8622. Knox, edr. \ Scenes from every land : a photographic panorama of the world. N 1850. Lecky. Political value of history. N 263. Lucy. Faces and places. N 3275. Mathews. Coinages of the world, ancient and modern. T 6675. Nansen. Eskimo life. P 7696./'. New York State. Grand Lodge of Masons. \ Proceed- ings, Ii2th annual communication. T 9697.0. Parsons. Some lies and errors of history. N 4344. Peary (Josephine D.). My arctic journal. N 2345. Peary (R. E.). Great white journey across Greenland. With N 2345. Potter. Under cotton canvas: the "On ward's' last voyage. N 2356. f Quaker city philatelist, v. 7,8. (Jan. iS92-Dec. 1893.) T 6717. Ranke. Universal history : the oldest historical group of nations and the Greeks. N 5718. RiDPATH. Royal photograph gallery. N 1875. Robertson. Handbook to the coinage of Scotland. T 6725. Tales of adventure and stories of travel of fifty years ago. N 3759. Thompson. In the track of the sun. N 3763. Traveler's record, v. 27, 28. (Apl. iS9i-Mch. 1893.) C 6890. Warren. Drifting on sunny seas : fragments from an old sailor's journal. [Fiction.] W^HEELER, edr. Columbia's emblem Indian com. T 6479. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Bibliography and Library Economy. PART 5-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A. Bibliography and Library Economy. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ACLAND, edr. Guide to the choice of books. M 7502. f Book chat : a monthly review of current books and magazines, v. 8 (Jan. -Dec. 1893). M 7532. Carlyle. On the choice of books. M 1076.^. Duff. Early printed books. M 7128. Elton. Great book-collectors. M 7135. Fitzgerald. Book fancier ; or, the romance of book collecting. M 7151. Fletcher, f The "A. L. A." index : an index to gen- eral literature. M 7831. — and BowKER, edrs. f Annual literarv index. 1892. M 783i-a- Growoll. Profession of bookselling. Pt. i. M 7836. Hardy. Book-plates. M ']i2,t.b. Hoelpli. ■ f I migliori libri Italiani. 1892. M 720S. Koop.MAN. f Bibliography of George Perkins Marsh. B 8548. f Literary news. New series, v. 14 (Jan. -Dec, 1893). M 7662. New York State. f List of books and articles by women of. B 27. Pilling, f Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages. M 7712. fl. Pollard. Early illustrated books. M 7713. f Publishers' weekly, v. 43, 44 (Jan. -Dec. 1S93). M 7716. Slater. Library manual : guide to the formation of a library and the valuation of books. 3d ed. M 7410./. LIBRARIES AND LIBRARY ECONOMY. Aberdeen Public Library (Scotland), f Manual for read- ers. 1892. B 29. — f 7th and Sth annual reports for years ending Sept. 30, 1891, 1892. B 9551. Aguilar Free Library, f 3d and 4th annual reports, 1890-92. B 9551. American Library Association, f Endowment fund. B 28. — + 14th annual conference [Circular]. 1892. B 525. — f Report of committee on revision of constitution. 1892. B 525. — t Tour of the, Sept. 30 to Nov. 4, 1891. B 25. AsTOR Library, f 42d-44th annual reports, 1890-92. i! 9554- Borden a«^ Stetson, f Printed cards for catalogues. [Circular.] B 9551. Boston Public Library, f Annual report, 1892. B 9549. — f Bulletin of books added. Vol. 9, No. i, Apl. 1890. M 881 r.^. BOWDOIN College Library (Brunswick, Me.), f Bulletin, No. 2, Aug., 1892. B 9553. Bronson Library Fund (Waterbury, Ct.). \ 20th, 21st, and 23d annual reports, 1888-9 — 1891-2. B 9552. Brooklyn Library. f Bulletin of new books, Nos. 29-31, 1891-3. B 9553. — f Music bulletin. No. 3, Mch. r, 1891. B 9553. — f 23d-25th annual reports, 1890-1 — 1892-3. B 9554. Buffalo Library, f 55th-57th annual reports, 1890-1— 1892-3. B 9554. Chicago Public Library, f 19th, 20th annual reports, June 1891, June 1892. B 9547. Cincinnati Public Library, f Annual report for year ending June 30,. 1890. B 9546. — f Same, for year ending June 30, 1891. B 9547. — I Bulletin of books added during 1892. M SSiS. Cleveland Pubhc Library, f 22d and 23d annual re- port for years ending Aug. 31, 1890, 1891. B 9551. I Columbus Public Library, f Report, 1891-92. B 9547. Cornell University. (Ithaca, N. Y.). f Library bulletin. V. 2, 18S6-91. M 8561 Dayton Public Library, f Report of [ihe] librarian from May 1891 to Sept. 1892. B 9547 Detroit Public Library, f ioth-i2th annual reports, 1890-92. B 9546. Gloversville Free Library, f [History of.] B 525. — f I2th and 13th annual report, 1891-2, 1892-3. B9551. Grand Rapids Public Library. •(■ Annual reports, .Sept. 1890 to Aug. 1891. B 9546. — f Complete dictionary catalogue. 1892. M 8604 b. Hamilton Public Library, f 3d annual report. 1891. B 9551. Hartford Library Association, f Author-list of novels, selections, and humorous works. 1893. M 8613.^. — t 53d, 54th annual reports, June i, 1891, June I, 1892. B 9552. Hawes. f Condensed history of Dearborn Park [Chi- cago] and the efforts to erect a public library building. i8gi. B 9547. Hoboken Free Public Library, f ist annual report, 1891. B 9548. Howard Memorial Library (New Orleans), f ist and 2d annual reports, 1889-90. B 9550. Hull, f Helps for cataloguers in finding full names. 1889. B 525. Jersey City Free Public Library, f 1st [and] 2d annual reports. B 9548. — f Rules and regulations. 1891. B 27. — f Supplement No. 2 to alphabetical finding list. 1893. M 8639.^. Lane and Bolton, f Notes on special collections in American libraries. 1892. B 525. Lenox Library (N. Y. City), f 22d, 23d annual reports for 1S91, 1892. B 9554. Library Association of the United Kingdom, f Report of committee to revise regulations for examining library assistants, Sept. 16-18, 1891. B 9549. — f Report of council to 14th annual meeting, Sept. 16-18, 1891. B 9549. f Library journal, v. 18 (Jan. -Dec. 1893). M 8662 Liverpool Free Public Library. f sSth-^oth annual reports, 1890-92. B 9549. Los Angeles Public Library, f Annual report, 1890. B 9546. — Bulletin. Vol. i, No. ir, Feb. 1893. B 9553. Maimonides Library (N. Y. city). f Report of the librarian for 1890-92. B 9554. Manchester Free Public Libraries, f 3Sth annual re-' port, 1S89-90. B. 9549. j Milwaukee Public Library, f I3th-i5th annual reports, J Oct. 1890-Oct. 1892. B 9547. Minneapolis Public Library, f ist-3d annual reports, ! 1890-92. B 9546. 1 — f Bulletin. Vol. i. No. 3, Feb. 1891. B 9553- ■ — I Handbook. 1S90. B 27. . — I Quarterly bulletin. Vol. i. No. i, 1893. B 9553- , Newark Free Public Library, f Finding list. First : supplement, books added from Mch. 1890 to Mch. j 1893. M 8696.«». ' — f ist-3d annual reports. 1S89-91. B 9551- — f 4th annual report. 1892. B 9548. Nbw Bedford Free Public Library, f 40th, 41st annual reports [1S91-92]. B 9552- — f Rules and regulations. 1891. B 24. Newberry Library (Chicago). f Proceedings for year ending Jan. 5, 189I. B 954?- New Haven Free Public Library, f Report. 1889-91. B 9552. New Jersey State Library. f Annual report of the librarian for 1892. M S696.«;. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Drama and Plays. 23 New York City. Free Circulating Library {Bond Street Branch), [f Catalogues.] M 8696./. (i) Catalogue of English books. i8g2. — (2) Class- list of history, biography, and travel. 1892.— (3) Class- list of literature, "incl. fiction. 1892— (4) Class-list of literature, incl. juvenile fiction. 1S92. I Class-list of philosophy, social science, philology, science, etc. 1892. ' B 9553. f i.ith-i3th annual report. 1890-92. B 9551. — Mercantile Library. \ Bulletin of new books. Nos. 13, 14, Oct. 1891 and Dec. 1892. B 9553. + 71st, 72d annual reports. 1892, 1893. B 525. — Society Library, f Annual reports [toj Apl. 1893. B9554. New York Library Club, f Constitution, officers, and members. i8gr. B 28. New York State Library, f 73d annual report for year ending Sept. 30, 1890. B. 9554. — t Bulletin. Addit^iorts No. i, July 1891. M 8698./^. f Legislation 1-3, 1890-92. M 869S./. f Library school. No. i. 1891. With IVI 8698.^. Peabody Institute (Baltimore), f 24th and 25th annual reports, years ending June 1891, 1892. B 9550. Peoria Public' Library. f List of books added Jan., Feb., Mch. 1893. B 9547. Pennsylvania, University of. f Proceedings at open- ing of library, Feb. 7, iSgr. B 9548. Philadelphia. Apprentices' Library, f 7ist-73d annual reports, 1890-1 — 1892-3. B 9548. — Library Co. f Bulletin, New series, Nos. 26-29, 1891-2. B 9548. — Mercantile LJbrary. f Bulletin. V. 2. Jan. 1, 1890 —Jan. I, 1S93. M.8711.^. f 68th-70th annual reports, 1890-92. B 9548. Pi.Y.MOUTH Free Public Library (England). f 14th, 15th annual reports, 1890-I — 1891-2. B 9549. Pratt (Enoch) Free Library of Baltimore. | Finding list of books and periodicals in the central library. Pt. I. Prose fiction and juveniles, poetry and drama, foreign literature. 5th ed. 1893. M 8715.^. — f 5th-7th annual reports, iSgo-92. B 9550. Providence Athenaeum, f 55th-57th annual reports, Sept. 22, iSgo ; Sept. 28, 1891 ; Sept. 26, i8g2. B g552. Providence Public Library. f I3th-i5th annual re- ports, i8go-2. B 9552. Reynolds Library (Rochester, N. Y.). \ 5th-7th annual reports for 1889-90— 1891-2. B 9554 St. Louis Mercantile Library, f 45th-47th annual re- ports, i8go-2. B 9550. St. Louis Public Library, f Annual report. 1889-go, 1 890- 1. B 9550. Salem Public Library, f 2d, 3d reports, Dec. 1890, Dec. 1891. B g54g. San F'rancisco. Free Public Library, f Reports for years ending June 30, 1891 [and] June 30, 1892. B 9546. — Mercantile Library. \ 38th, 39th annual reports, 1890, 1891. B 9546. Scranton Public Library. \ Finding list of circulating department. 1893. M 8739. — f 1st, 2d annual reports, 1891-92. B 9548. Springfield City Library Association. f Annual re- ports ending May 6, 1891 and May 3, 1S92. B9552. Swansea Public Library (Wales). \ 17th annual report, 1890-1. B g54g. Taunton Public Library, f Additions, Nos. 14-17, 19, 20, Feb. 1889-92.' \\ 9553. — t 25th-27th annual reports, 1890-92. B 9552. Toledo Public Library, f 16th annual report for 1890. K 9547. lOKVO Library (Japan). f Extract of annual report. 1890. B 9551. Woodruff, f List of abbreviations used in book cat- alogues. B 525. Worcester Free Public Library. f Annual reports, ending Nov. 30, 1890-92. B 9552. B. Drama and Plays. ^SCHYLUS. The seven plays in English verse by L. Campbell. K 8oo5.f. Contents : The suppliants. — The Persians. — Seven against Thebes. — Agamemnon. — The choe|)horoe, or li- bation-bearers. — The Eumenides. — rrometheus bound. Alcott (Louisa and Anna). Comic tragedies. K 2006. Contents: Noma ; or, the witch's curse. — Captive of Castile ; or, the Moorish maiden's vow. — Creek slave. — Ion. — Bianca : an operatic tragedy. — Unloved wife ; or, woman's faith. Aldrich, Mercedes : a drama in two acts. K 2008. Bates. English religious drama. K 2030. BjOrnson. Pastor Sang : Norwegian drama. K 7043. Clark. Tale of the Shakspere epitaph, by Francis Bacon. K 2092. CoKAiN. Dramatic works. With memoir, introductions, and notes. K 2557. Contents : Prefatory memoir. — A masque. — The obstinate lady. — Trappolin. — Ovid's tragedy. Crowne. Dramatic works. With memoir and notes. 4 V. K 2563. 1. Juliana. — History of Charles VIII. of France. — Calisto. — Notices of performers in "Calisto". — Pro- logue to Horace, spoken by the Duchess of Monmouth. 2. Thyestis. — City politicks. — Destruction of Jerusa- lem [2 pts.]. 3. The country wit. — Ambitious statesman. — Sir Courtly Nice. — Darius. 4. The English friar. — Regulus. — The married beau. — Caligula. D'AVENANT. Dramatic works. With memoir and notes. 5 V. K 2569. 1. Prefatory memoir.^Albovine : a tragedy. — The cruel brother : a tragedy. — The just Italian: a tragi- comedy. — The temple of love : a masque. — Prince d'amour : a masque. — Appendix. 2. The Platonic lovers. — The wits. — Britannia tri- umphans. — Salmacida spolia. 3. The unfortunate lovers. — Love and honour. — En- tertainment at Rutland House. — Siege of Rhodes. 4. Play house to let. — News from Plymouth. — The fair favourite. — The distresses. — The siege. 5. The man's the master. — Law against lovers. — The rivals. — Macbeth. — The tempest. — Addenda et corrigenda. Dowden. Introduction to Shakespeare. K 2125.;'. Durante. Dante : a dramatic poem. K 2129. Fleay. Biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642. 2 V. K 2592. Golden. Brief history of the English drama. K 2170. HOWELLS. Evening dress : farce. K lix^.e. — Unexpected guests: farce. K 2214.;/. Irving. The drama. K 2224.^. Contents : The stage as it is. — The art of acting. — Four great actors. — Art of acting. JoNSON. [Best plays.] Ed. by B. Nicholson, v. I. K 2234. «. Contents: Ben Jonson. — Editor's preface. — Every man in his humour. — Every man out of his humour. — The poetaster. Lacy. Dramatic works. With memoir and notes. K 2654. Contents : Prefatory memoir. — Dumb lady. — The old troop. — Sir Hercules Buffoon. — Sauny the Scot. LOWF.LL. Old P'nglish dramatists. K 2273. i?. Contents : Introductory. — Marlowe. — Webster. — Chapman. — Beaumont and Fletcher. — Massinger. — Ford. Marmion. Dramatic works. With memoir, introduc- tions, and notes. K 2672. Contents: Introductory notice and memoir. — Hol- land's leaguer. — A fine companion. — The antiquary. Marston. Our recent actors. K 22S8.<7. Masson and others. In the footsteps of the poets. T 5291. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 24 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Essays and Miscellanies. Matthews. Decision of the court : a comedy. K 2293.(/. Moore. Strike at Arlingford : play. K 2315. Murdoch. The stage ; or, recollections of actors and acting. K 2694. Rives. AtheUvold. K 2374. S.\NBORN (E. J. and A. W.). Dramas. K 23S5. Contents: Sanborn, E. J. Comfort in a corner. — Sanborn, A. W. The rogues' mirror. Sophocles. The seven plays in English verse by L. Campbell. K 841 5. c. Contents : King Oidipus. — CEdipus at Colonos. — Antigone. — Alas. — Electra. — Trachinian maidens. — Philoctetes. Steell. Death of the discoverer. K2422.f/. Symonds. Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama. K 2758. Tatham. Dramatic vi'orks. With introduction and • notes. K 2759. Contents: Introductory notice. — Love crowns the end. — Distracted state. — Scotch figgaries. — The rump. — Character of " the rump." — London's glory. Tennyson. Becket, and other plays. K 2^36. b. Contents : Becket. — The cup. — The falcon. — Prom- ises of May. Walkley. Playhouse impressions. K 2464. Contents : Dramatic critic as pariah. — Shakespeare. — Henrik Ibsen. — Alexander the greatest. — Dumas fils. — Sardou. — Daudet. — Jules Lemaitre. — W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. — Henry Arthur Jones. — Terence Labiche and Sidney Grundy. — A. W. Pinero. — Robert Buchanan. — Artificial comedy. — The old melodrama. — The new melodrama. — Burlesque. — Pierrotics. — The Orpheus legend. — The histrionic tem- perament. — Sarah Bernhardt.— Celene Chaumont. — Coquelin Aine. — Henry Irving. WiLKiNS. Giles Corey, yeoman. K 2483. Wilson. Dramatic works. With memoir, introduc- tions, and notes. K 2791. Contents : The cheats. — Andronicus Comnenius. — The projectors. — Belphegor. Winter. Shadows of the stage. 2d series. K 24S5. Contents: The right standard. — Story of Mary Duff. — The elder Booth.— Falstaff Hackett.— A short life of Forrest. — Life and character of John Gilbert. — Sketch of John Brougham. — George W. Jamieson. — Life and genius of Cushman. — William Wheatley. — John Ed- mond Owens. — Jean Davenport Lander. — Ada Rehan as Rosalind. — Clara Morris in several cliaracters. — On the acting of Lawrence Barrett. — Wolfert's Roost and Raymond. — Mansfield in several characters. — Ada Rehan's acting. — Story of Adelaide Neilson. — Henry Irving and Ellen Terry in Macbeth. — Irving and Co- quelin. — Willard as John Needham. — Adelaide Ris- tori. — Sarah Bernhardt in several characters. — Coquelin as Tartuffe. — Helena Modjeska. — Wilson Barrett as young Hamlet. — Tennyson. Yeats. Countess Kathleen [a play,] and various legends and lyrics. K 2497. C. Essays and Miscellanies. Albee. Prose idyls. M 4007. Arnold. Book of good counsels. From the " Hitopa- desa." M 3015.1^. Bacon (F.). "Thoughts that breathe and words that burn " from the writings of. Selected by Grosart. M 3022. Balfour. Essays and addresses. M 4024.^. Contents: Pleasures of reading. — Bishop Berkeley's life and writings. — Handel. — Cobden and the Man- chester .school. — Politics and political economy. — Frag- ment on progress. — Religion of humanity. Blackman. Dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quotations, nth ed. M 3044. Boyd. Towards the sunset ; or, teachings after 30 years. M 4055./. Breton (N.). Bower of delights : verse and prose from the works of. [By] Grosart. M 3056. Buchanan. Coming terror, and other essays and letters. M 4538. Cahoon. What one woman thinks. M 4071. Gary. Dayspring from on high. M 3077. COPPEE, cdr. f Classic and the beautiful from the litera- ture of 3000 years. 6 v. M 3820. Cross. Impressions of Dante [and other essays], M 41C6. Contents: Dante for the general.— Dante and the " New reformation.'* — P'uture of the agricultural labourer's emigration. — America rediviva. — Future of food. — Few words on bimetallism. Curtis. Other essays from the " Easy chair." M 4ICS.0. Dunbar. J. W. Goethe : his wit, wisdom, poetry. Bio- graphical sketch by T. DeQuincey. M 3170. Edwards. Dictionary of thoughts : a cyclopedia of laconic quotations. ' M 3134-'/. Emerson. Natural history of intellect, and other papers. M 4I56.«. Contents : Natural history of intellect. — Memory. — Boston. — Michael Angelo. — Milton. — Papers from the " Dial." — General index. FRIS^VELL. This wicked world, and other essays. M 4157./. Contents : This wicked world. — More about this wicked world. — Unreached ideals and broken idols. — The wheel of fortune. — Fashion. — Hidden selfishness. — Our two selves. — Self. — Making home healthy. — Making home beautiful. — Educate your wives. — Parental duties. — Children.— Human vices.— Failings. — Drift- ing. — Indifference. — Fate. — Pessimism. — 1 he pew, the pulpit, and the press. — The world as it goes. Heine (H.). His wit, wisdom, poetry. Ed. by Newell Dunbar. M 3193. Hodgson. Facts, anecdotes, and poetry relating to the deaf and dumb. M 1208. James. Essays in London and elsewhere. M 4228. Contents : London. ^ — James Russell Lowell. — Frances Anne Kemble. — Gustave Flaubert. — Pierre Loti. — Journal of the brothers de Goncourt.— Browning in Westminster Abbey. — Henrik Ibsen.— Mrs. Humphrey Ward. — Criticism. — An animated conversation. Johnson (Dr.). His life, works, and table-talk. M 3233.A. Lamb. Essays from Elia. IVith M 1076.0. Lang. Letters to dead authors. 1893. M 1261. Maistre, Journey round my room. M 1285.0. Martin. Windfalls of observation. M 4288. Merriman and Tallenty'RE. From wisdom court. M 4301. Miller. Glimpses through life's windows. Selections from the writings of. M 3306. Paul. Faith and unfaith, and other essays. M 4345- Cofitents : Faith and unfaith. — Thomas a Kempis and the "Imitation." — Pascals " Pensees." — Story of lean Calas. — What we know about Sliakspere. — Pro- duction and life of books. — English prose style. Quotations from the British poets. M 3361. Reid. Chronicle of small beer. M 43^7- Repplier. Essays in idleness. M 436S.--day talk.— Shreds of character.— Social hints and studies. — Author and artist.— Concerning life and death. Silver domino, The ; or. side whi.spers, social and liter- ary. 8th ed. -M 44o6. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 5-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Poetry. 25 Stevenson. Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. M 4422.1'. Contents: "Virginibus puerisque." — Crabbed age and youth. — Apology for idlers. — Ordered south. — /lis triplex. — El dorado. — The English admirals. — Some portraits by Raeburn. — Child's play. — Walking tours. — Pan's pipes. — Plea for gas lamps. Street. Miniatures and moods. M 4425. Miniatures : An old reprobate. — Zimri the writer. — ' That deil o' Dundee.' — Rochester. — My lord Judas. — Etherege. — A vice-queen. — The Atalantis. — ' Lord Fanny.' — ' Dear George.' Moods : Portrait on the stairs. — Matter and form. — Insomnia. — Nature's great- est mistake. — Cruelty. — Curse of cleverness. — The eternal subject. — A modern version. — Path of rejec- tion. SvMONDS. Essays speculative and suggestive. M 4758. Contents : Philosophy of evolution. — Application of evolutionary principles to art and literature. — Some principles of criticism. — Provinces of the several arts. — Relation of art to science and morality. — Realism and idealksm. — The model. — Beauty, composition, ex- pression, characterisation. — Caricature, the fantastic, the grotesque. — Notes on style. — Democratic art. — Landscape. — Nature myths and allegories. — Is poetry at bottom a criticism of life? — Is music the type or measure of all art ? — The pathos of the rose in poetry. — Comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian poetry. — Appendix. Warner. As we go. M 4465.(5. Wendell. Stelligeri, and other essays concerning America. M 4474. Contents: Stelligeri. — Four American centuries. — Some neglected characteristics of the New England Puritans. — Were the Salem witches guiltless? — Ameri- can literature. — John Greenleaf Whittier. — Mr. Lowell as a teacher. Wood. Dictionary of quotations. M 3793. D. Language and Phonography. B.viley. Reporter's word-book. \V 1023. Birch. Introduction to the study of Egyptian hiero- glyphics. With N 6483.^'. Bro-.vne. IJook of shorthand names. W 1061.^. — Phonographic weekly, v. 18 (Jan. -Dec. 1893). W 1537. — Text-book of phonography. Pt. 2. W to6i./. Ch.\mpneys. History of English. W 2082. Collar (zw^Daniell. Beginner's Latin book. W 8097. Conder. Altaic hieroglyphs and Hittite inscriptions. W 9099. Fasquelle. Course of the French language, \Y 4144.4-. General Institute of Languages (N. Y. City), f [De- scription.] B 27. Harrison. Manual of the type-writer. W 1187. How should the English language be taught ? W 2215. Humphrey. Interlinear short-hand. W 1630.?. — Manual of type-writing. W 1630. Krummacher. Dictionary of every-day German and English. W 3254. Mason. Commercial dictation book. W 1290. — t Silver links : salutatory addresses at commencement of female stenographic and typewriting class of the Gen. Soc. of Mechs. and Tradesmen. W 1290.J. Mercanti-le speller : correct way of spelling words used in correspondence. W 26S0. Moran. One hundred valuable suggestions to short- hand students. W 1316. Pf.rnin. Universal phonography. W 1347. t Phonetic journal, v. 52 (Jan.-Dec. 1893). C 6710. Pitman. Complete phonographic instructor. \V 1353.7. Pitman, I. & Sons. Business correspondence in short- hand, No. I. W 1353./;. — Office work in shorthand. W 1353/. Reed. The shorthand writer. \V 1367. Rockwell, f Shorthand instruction and practice. W 1725. a. Sayce. Principles of comparative philology. 4th cd. W387. f Student's journal : devoted to Graham's " Standard phonography." v. 21, 22 (Jan. TS92-Dec. 1893. C 6885. Thompson. Handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography. W 843?. Thoyts. How to decipher and study old documents. W439. TORREY. Practical typewriting. W 1767. Webster. Handy dictionary of the English language, W 2471./^. Wells and Kelly. f English-Eskimo and Eskimo- English vocabularies. (/« " Circ. of inf." 1890.) X 7773-'^. E. Literary History and Criticism. Archer. Highway of letters [Fleet street]. M 9509. Birrell. Obiter dicta. 2 series. M 9043.(7. 1. Carlyle. — Alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry. — Truth-hunting. — Actors. — A rogue's memoirs. — The via media. — Falstad. 2. Milton. — Pope. — Johnson. — Burke. — The muse of history. — Charles Lamb. — Emerson. — The office of literature — Worn-out types. — Cambridge and the poets. — Book-buying. Brooks. History of early English literature. M 9060. A. Craik. English prose : selections, v. i, Fourteenth to sixteenth century. M 9104.^. f Critic : a weekly review of literature and the arts. v. 19, 20 (Jan.-Dec. 1S93). C 6S21. Gosse. Questions at issue. M 9172.^. Contents : Tyranny of the novel. — Influence of de- mocracy on literature. — Has America produced a poet ? — What is a gray poet? — Making a name in literature. — Limits of realism. — Is verse in danger? — Tennyson- and after? — Shelley in 1S92. — Symbolism and M. Stephane Mallarme. — Two pastels : mr. Robert Louis Stevenson as a poet ; mr. Rudyard Kipling's short stories. — An election at the English academy. — Ap- pendices. Hamilton. Women writers : their works and ways. T 51S5 -.•'. Kirkland. Short history of English literature for young people. M 9245. f Literary world, v. 24 (Jan.-Dec. iS93\ C 6855. Madan. Books in manuscript. M 9283. Mitchell. English lands, letters, and kings : from Elizabeth to Anne. M 9309. Oliphant. Victorian age of English literature. 2 v. .M 9337- 1'- Putnam. Authors and their public in ancient times. M 9360. Reed. Persian literature ancient and modem. M9367./). j Renton. Outlines of English literature. M 9369. I ROGET. First steps in French histor)', literature, and philology. M 9376. I Stearns. Real and ideal in literature. M 9418. j Ten Brink. Early English literature (to Wiclif). M 9436. I — Same. Vol. 2. Ft. I. History of English literature (Wyclif, Chaucer, Er.rliest drama. Renaissance). M 9436. Walford. Twelve English authoresses. New ed. T 5462./. Whe.\tley. Literary blunders. M 947S./. F. Poetry. j Abbey. Religious thought in old English verse. K 1002. Akenside. Poetical works [Ed.] by Park. 2 v. K 1006./. Appleton, edr. Greek poets in English verse, by various translators. K 8012. Blake (W.). Selections from the writings of. K 1045. Broderick. Vagrant of Lover's Leap. K 1059. In asking for l)ooks, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 26 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS: Botany. Bulwer-Lytton. King Poppy. Bulwer-Lytton (" Owen Meredith K 1064./. '). The wanderer. K 1064. 7£'. Campanella. Sonnets. Transl. into rhymed English by Symonds. With K 6303. Catullus. Attis of. Transl. by Grant Allen, K 8079.^. Chandler. Lover's year-book of poetry. 2 v. K 1083. Collins. Poetical works. [Ed. J by Park. K 1097.2. Dante Alighieri. Vita nuova. Transl. by Martin. K6II3.Z/. DuPUY. Queen's quire : a book of songs, sonnets, and ballads. K 1130. Gay. Poetical works. Ed. by Underbill. 2 v. K 1 163./. 1. Longer poems, epistles, and epistolary verse- 2. Translations, prologues and epilogues, fables, poems from " Gay's chair," miscellaneous pieces, songs and ballads. Goldsmith. Poetical works. Added, Dissertation on his poetry by Aikin. K I171./. Gray. Poetical works. [Ed.] by Park. With K 1097.2. Hafiz. Ghazels from the '' Divan " of. Done into English by J. H. McCarthy. Higginson and Thacher. Such as they are K918] Horace. Art of poetry. [Transl.] by D. poems. K 1202. jot. 3d ed. K 8213.^. — Ploratian echoes ; translations from the odes of, by Sargent. K 8213. n Jacobs. Tennyson and " In memoriam." K 1227. Jebb. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry. K 8229. Lang. Homer and the epic. K 8260. LUDERS. Dead nymph, and other poems. K 1275. Michael Angei.o Buonarroti. Sonnets. Transl. into rhymed English by Symonds. K 6303. Morris and Magnusson, transl. The Saga library. V. I, 2. 1. Story of Howard the halt. — Story of the branded men. — Story of Hen Thorir. K 7317. 2. Story of the ere-dwellers [Eyrbyggia saga]- K Thil-a. NORTHALL. English folk-rhymes. K 1333. 2. Omar Khayyam. Rubdiyat. [Transl.] by Fitzgerald. K 9337. Parnell. Poetical works. [Ed.] by Park. K 1343./. Riley. Poems here at home. K 1373 4. Ryan (Father). Poems : patriotic, religious, miscel- laneous. I2th ed. K 1382. Sharp (Amy). Victorian poets. K 1402.1/. Sharp (Vv'.), edr. Sonnets of this century. K 1402. j. SOUTHEY. Favorite poems. With M lo'jt.a. Sturluson. Stories of the kings of Norway (Heims- kringla). v. I. K 7426. Tennyson. Poetical works. 18S5. K 1436.^. Waller. Poems. Ed. by Drury. K 1463. /C 4747.0. Smithsonian Institution, f Circular of enquiry relative to the natural history of the crawfish and other fresh water Crustacea. Jn v. 15 o/C 4747.0. — f Circular relating to collections of living reptiles. /« V. 15 o/C 4747-^. Stebbing. History of Crustacea. E 3421. Stejneger. f Directions for collecting reptiles and batrachians. B 1507. Streets, f Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and lower Califor- nia. In v. 13 o/C 4747.0. United States. Commission 0/ Fish and Fisheries. — t Bulletin, v. 10 for 1890. E 5891.0. — t Report of the commissioner for 1873-4 — 1874-5, and i838. E 5773. — Entomological Commission, f Bulletin, Nos. 1-4, 6, 7. E 4773 a. I. Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts. 2. Natural history of the Rocky Mountain locust. 3. Riley. C. V. The cotton worm. 4. Packard, A. S. jr. The Hessian fly. 6. Riley, C. V. General index and supplement to the nine reports on the insects of Missouri. 7. Packard, A. S., jr. Insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Van Heuck. The micrciscope : its construction and management. E 892. Weed. Insects and invertebrates. E 4783. J. Physics. Alexander. Treatise on thermodynamics. D 4007. Allen. Science in Arcady. D S.j. Basset. Treatise on physical optics. D 3518. Bonney. Year-book of science. 1892. D 50. Burn. Mechanics and mechanism. 7th ed. D 3540. — edr. Technical student's introduction to mechanics. D 3066./. Clarke, f Constants of nature : specific gravities, boil- ing and melting points, ist supplement to pt. i. In v. 14 o/C 4747-''- — f Same, pt. 2. Table of specific heats for liquids. In v. 14 o/C 4747.0. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 30 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Commerce and Business. Geldard. Statics and dynamics. D 3164. Glazebrook. Laws and properties of matter. D 2169./. — ow^/Shaw. J'ractical physics. 4th ed. D 2169. a. GOODE. f Museums of the future. B 525. Grieve. Lessons in elementary mechanics. 3 stages. 4th ed. I) 3176. Laing. Problems of the future, and essays. D 654. Contents: Solar heat. — Wliat the universe is made of. — Climate. — The glacial period. — Tertiary man. — The missing link.— Animal magnetism and spiritualism. — Religion of the future. — Historical element in the Gospels.— Scepticism and pessimism.— Creeds of great poets. — Armed Europe. — Taxation and finance. — Pop- ulation and food. Longmans' Object lessons (Elementary science). D 273. Love. .Mathematical theory of elasticity, v. i. D 2664. Mach. Science of mechanics. D 3280. New York Scientific Alliance. \ Addresses at first joint meeting. i8g2. B 1506. f Popular science monthly, v. 42, 43. (Nov. 1892-Oct. 1893.) _ .C 7714. Sabine. Laboratory course in physical measurements. D 2729. Stells. Mechanics of daily life. D 3400. TuCKERMAN. f Bibliography of the chemical influence of light. In V. 34 ofQ 4747.3. — \ Index to the literature of thermodynamics. In V. 34 of C 4747-a. Van Nostrand Co. f Catalogue of scientific publica- tions. 1892. B 1506. Watson. Kinetic theory of gases. 2d ed. D 3469. Wise. Through the air : 40 years' experience as an aeronaut. D 379i-'. Wright. Elementary physics. D 2493. — Pleat. D 4492. PART.7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Public Documents. Ames, f Finding list showing where individual volumes of government publications are found. B 6564. — f List of congressional documents, 15th to 51st con- gress. B 6564. Chicago. \ Mayor's annual message, and 17th annual report of the Department of Public Works. 1892. U 2552. Church and Smith, compilers, f Tables showing con- tents of "Annals of congress," "Congressional debates," " Congressional globe," "Congressional record," etc. U 2553. f Congressional globe. 40th congr., 2d sess. Sup- plement : trial of Andrew Johnson, prest. of the U. S. U 2820. f Congressional record. Vol. 23. 52d congr., ist sess. 8 V. and index. U 2821. — f Same. v. 20. 50th congr. 2d sess. 3 parts and index. U 2821. National Civil-Service Reform League, f Civil service reform in the national service, 1889-91. B 6004. — f Proceedings at annual meeting, Oct. 1S90. B 6004. — t Same, Sept. 1891. B 6004. New York City. Fire Department, f Report for 1S91. U 2697. .f. New York State. Assembly, f Documents, 115th ses- sion, v. 2, 3, 7. 1892. U 2697. f Journal, 115th session. 2 v. 1892. U 2697. a. — Senate. \ Documents, 115th session, v. 3-6. 1892. U 2697 l>. f Journal, 115th session, 1892. U 2697. r. — Senate and Assembly. f Calendar of bills printed during the 115th session. 1S92. U 2866.(5. Orange (N. J.). f Mayor's^ message, with annual re- ports of city officers 'for years ending Feb. 28, i8Sg. Feb. 28, 1890, and Mch. i, 1891. B 8536. Peoria, f City clerk's report: statement of the finances for 1891. B 6561. United States. Civil Service commission, f Sched- ule of Examinations for 1892. Departmental, railway mail, and Indian services. B 6565. f 1st, 3d, 6th-8th reports, 1884-91. U I773'^- — Congress, f Official congressional directory, 1st to 3d editions. 52d congr., ist sess. U "i-llZ-y- — Department of Justice, f Annual report of the At- torney-General for 1891. U 2773. jr. — House of Representatives. \ Executive documents, 32d congr., 1st sess., to 51st congr., 1st sess. 70 v., 8°. U ZTi-},.m. f Same, 33d congr., 2d sess., to 51st congr., 2d sess. 23 v. 4°. U 2891.?. United States, f Journal, 50th congr., ist sess., and 51st congr., 2d sess. U 2773./. f Miscellaneous documents, 32d congr., 1st sess., to 51st congr., 2d sess. 21 v. 8°. U 2773J. f Same. 50th congr.,' ist sess., to 52d congr., ist , sess. 20 v. 4°. U 2891./ . \ Reports from the Court of Claims, ist sess. 34th ' congr. U T.'n^.a. ■ f Reports of committees, ist sess. 35th congr. (v. 3) ! and sist congr. 1st sess. (v. 2, 5-9) 7 v. U 2773./. ; — Interior Department. \ Report of the secretary, 1889- i 92. 10 V. 8°. U 2773.r. ,' Same, 1886 (v. 3), 1887. (v. 4, pt- 2), 1888 (v. 4) and 1889 (v. 4, pts. i, 2). 4°. U 2891./. ; f Receipt, distribution, and sale of public docu- 1 ments, 1889-90—1891-2. B 6564. ; — Message. f Message of the president, 40th congr., i 3d, to 51st congr., 2d sess. U 2773./. , — Senate, f Documents. Special session, March 4, 1853. ' U 2773. «. . Note. — Embracing in one volume : Senate miscel- • laneous. Senate reports, and Senate executive docu- ; ments. , i f Executive documents, 32d congr., 1st sess., to; 51st congr., 2d 24 V. 8°. U 2773. «. j f Same, 36th congr., 2d sess., v. 9, and 51st congr., \ ist sess., V. 15. 4°. U 2891 a. \ f Journal, ist sess. 39th congr., and 50th congr., ; 1st and 2d sess. 3 v. 8°. U ill^.o. \ f Same. 51st congr., 1st sess. U 2891.^. j. {Miscellaneous documents, 35th congr., ist and j 2d sess., and 51st congr., ist sess. 4 v. 8°. \ U 2773.V. 4°. U289i.^ 37th congr., to ' U 2773- f Same. 51st congr., 2d sess. v. 7 f Reports of committees, 2d sess. 51st congr., 2d sess. 9 v. — State Department. \ American state papers : Claims. U 2891.0. f Same: Finance, v. 3. U 2891,*. t Same: Indian affairs, v. 2. U 2891.* f Same: Miscellaneous, v. i, 2. U 2891.^ B. Commerce and Business. American Bankers' Association. f Address by E. J. James [on the] Wharton school of finance and economy. B 6562. — f Education of business men. B 6562. American Metrological Society. \ The metric system. B 1506. BowLEY. England's foreign trade. U 8055. Burnley. Romance of modern industry. U 8060. , f Business : a practical journal of the office, v. 12, 13.; (Jan. 1892-Dec. 1893.) c 6814- i FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK.; 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Education and Mnemonics. 31 Carnegie. How to win fortune. Gushing. Story of our post office. Fowler. Building business. Grey. Lloyd's yesterday and to-day. Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom. f Insurance economist. Japan. i6. H 9076. U 8565. H 9594- U 8606. U 8223. (Oct. 1892-Sept. 1893.) C 6846. Bureau of Commerce and Industry, f General view of commerce and industry in Japan. U 8227. New York Produce Exchange, f Report from July i, 1892, to July I, 1893. U 8697.3. New York State. Chamber of Commerce, f Banquet to squadron which escorted the Spanish caravels to N. Y. U 8697.^. — t 35th annual report. 1892-3. U 8697. Norman. Ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges. D 1333. Payne. Business educator. H 9344.0. — Business pointers. H 9344.^. Providence and Stonington Steamboat Co. f [ Descrip- tion of steamers.] B 2520. Stoddard. Men of business. T 5423. »?. I United States. Bureau of Statistics. f Report on I commerce and navigation for 1889-1891. 4 v. U 8773. — Post-office Department. \ Report of the Postmaster- General, 1st sess., 52d congr. U 8773 d. — State Department, f Commercial relations of the U. S. with foreign countries during 1879, 1888-92. U 8773.3. + Same. 1859. U 8891. f Principal exports to the U. S. declared at the sev- eral consulates. U 8773. r. \ Reports from the consuls of the U. S., Nos. 8-10, 13-18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26i, 28, 37, 41, 4ii, 42, 43, 47. 52, 53. 68A, 71-73, 106, 146-158. U 8773.^. Waterhouse. f American commerce in 1900. B 6561. C. Education and Mnemonics. f American college directory and universal catalogue. V. 6, Nos. 1-3, July, 1883-84. B 8544. Amherst College, f Catalogue, 1 890-1 — 1S92-3. B 8549. Appleton (Wis.). District Schools. f_ Annual catalogue. I 89 1-2. B 8004. Atlanta University, f Catalogue of officers and stu- dents. 1890-1. B 8540. Bacon. Improvement of the memory. 3d ed. X 7022. IBenedict. t Charter history of the University of Ver- I mont. 1891. B 8546. JBlackmar. f History of 'federal and state aid to higher education in the U. S. {With "Circulars of in- formation," rSgo). X 7773. a. IBowdoin College (Brunswick, Me,). \ Catalogue, 1891-2 • . —1892-3. B 8549. — T Obituary record for year ending June i, 1892. B 9553. I — T Report of the president for 1892-3. B 8549. IBrooklyn Institute, f 2d year book. 18S9-90. X 7060. ' — + Prospectus for 1 890-1. B 8004. jCalifornia, University of. | Annual report of the sec- retary for the year ending June 30. 1S92. I ^ IVith X 7543- 1 — T Biennial report of the president. 1890. X 7543. I— t Register. 1892-3. X 7072. I— f Riverside addresses. 189T. B 29. IChicago, University of. + Official bulletin, No. i. 4th 1 ^ ed. B8544. — T Same. No. 2. The colleges of the university. B 8544. I— \ Same. No. 3. Academies of the university. B 8544. pf Official bulletin. Nos. 1, 2. 4, 6. B 8548. j I. [Historical statement, course of study, etc.] 2. Colleges of the university. 4. Graduate schools of the I university. 6. University extension division. Uompavre. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. X 7098.3. -OOPER Union (N. Y. City), f 32d and 33d annual reports. 1891-92. B 8547. Cornell University, f Register, Dec. 1892. X 7101. Correspondence University. \ Announcement for 1884. B 8004. DuFFERiN. Address at St. .\ndrews University. 1891. X7128. f Educational review, v. 5, 6 (Jan. -Dec. 1893). C 6580.3. Florida. State Teachers^ Association, f Florida : its educational status. B 8535. — Su/>t. of Public Instruction. \ Report for year end- ing Sept. 30, iSgo. B 8535. Froebel Academy (Brooklyn), f 8th annual catalogue. 1891. B 8004. Gladstone. Romanes lecture. 1892: academic sketch. X 7602. Goodrich, f The founder of the university of Vermont: centennial oration on the life of General Ira Allen. 1892. B 8546. Harris. f Kindergarten methods contrasted with the methods of the American primary school. B 8004. Harvard College, f Annual reports of president and treasurer. 1891-92. X 7613. Illinois. Department of Public Instruction, f i8ih annual report. 1888-9O. X 7633. Indianapolis. Board of School Commissioners, f 3ist annual report of the public schools for year ending June 30, 1S92. B 8548. Iowa. Board of Education. \ Biennial report of the West City schools. 1888-90. B 8540. — Department of Public Instruction, f Biennial report of the superintendent. 1889. X 7634. Jackson, f Education in Alaska. 1889-90. B 6565. James, f Handbook of university extension. 2d ed. X 7635. Jamestown. Board of Education, f Annual report for year ending July 25, 1S9I. B 8536. Japan. Department of Education. ] Outlines of modern education in Japan. 1S93. X 7636. Johns Hopkins University. f Hibliographia Hopkins- iensis. 1876-91. Pt. i— Philology. B 8545. — f Register. 1892-3. X 7640. Johnson. Country school in New F'ngland. X 7640. Kentucky State College, f Annual register. 1S91. B 8542. Kinney. Tasks by twilight. X 7245. Knoxville. Board of Education, f 19th annual report of city schools. 18S9-90. B 8535. McCabe. American girl at college. X 7276. Mansfield. School-Hfe at Winchester College, 1835-40. 3d ed. X 7286. Massachusetts. Board of Education, f Report. 1890. B 8539- Michigan. Supt. of Public Instruction, f Amendments to the general school laws at session of legislature. I 891. B 8540. Michigan. University of. f Calendar for 1890-91. X 7682. — t President's report for years ending Sept. 30. 1891-92. B 8548. Minneapolis. Board of Education. f 13th annual report for year ending June 30, 1S90. X 76S4. Montana. Department of Pi:hl:c Instruction. f ist annual report for year ending Augt. 31, 1890. X 7688. Montclair Public Schools, f Report, Sept. 8, 1890, to Feb. 1, 1891. B 8536. National Educational Association. \ Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence, Mch. 6-8, 1889. B 8537- New York City. Board of Education. \ Directory. January, 1893. X 7329 a- t 51st annual report for 1S92. X ibt^T.b. t fournal. 1892. X 7697.3. -f Manual. 1893. X 7329. \ Report of special committee on changes in the school svstem. 1889. B 8537. t [Transactions, Sept. 19, 1888, Feb. 6, 1889, Dec. 2, 1891.] B 8537. In asking for books, use the '• Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 32 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Education and Mnemonics. X77I5- B 8542. Bgo-i — 1S91-2. B 8541. Founder's day number. Witk X 7715. Wiih X 7715, New York City, College of. \ 43d, 44th annual register. 1891-2. 1892-3. B 8547. New York State. Department of Public Instruction. f 37th annual report of the superintendent for 1891. X 'jbc^'j.d. — State Department, f Act to revise laws relating to University of N. Y. 1S92. B 6560. — University of . f Extension bulletin, Nos. 1-4. 1891-2. X 7697./. f Regents' bulletin, Nos. 1-7. 1890-1. X 7697.^. f Report, 105th, of the regents. X 7697. f. North Dako ia. Department of Public Instruction. f Circular. 1891. B 8540. •{■ Course of study for common district schools and state normal schools. 1S91. B 8543. Norwich. Board of Pducation. f Report of supt. of public schools for 1S91. B 8537. College, f Catalogue for 1892-3. X 7336. Omaha. Board of Education, f Annual report. 1891. B 8535. Packer Collegiate Institute, f Circular, and catalogue, June 1882. B 8544. Pennsylvania, University of. f Catalogue and an- nouncements, 1892-3. X 7346- — f Report of the provost for the three years ending Oct. I, 1892. X 7708. a. Philadelphia. Board of Education, f Annual report of supt. of public schools for 1S88. B 8536. Pope, f Errors of school books. B 8545. f Pot-pourri. [Yale College.] v. 19. 1883-4. B 8542. Pratt Institute (Brooklyn^. f Catalogue, i8qo-i — 1892-3. — f Same. 1 891-2. — f Circular of information, i — f Record. Vol. i, No. i. Oct. 18S9. — f Satne. No. 2, Oct. 1890. Purdue University (Lafayette, Ind.). f Annual register, 1890-2. B 8542. Rein. Outlines of pedagogics. X 7368. Rice. Public-school system of the U. S. X 7371. Rochester, University of. f 43d annual catalogue, 1892-3. X 7375. — \ University annual. Published by the Delta Upsilon. V. 5. 1875. B 8544. Rousseau. Emile ; or, a treatise on education. X 7380. St. Francis Xavier Church. Literary Society. \ Bi- decennial souvenir (1871-91). B 525. St. Paul. Bureau of Education, f Manual of Board of School Inspectors and public schools. 1891. X 7731- SCHURMANN. f Proceedings and addresses at inaugura- tion of, to presidency of Cornell University, Nov. II, 1892. X 7737. Seattle. Board of Education. \ Course of study in the grammar and primary schools and high schools. 1891. B 8540. Shireff. Essays and lectures on the kindergarten (Froebei's system). X 7404. Slater (John F.) Fund for the Education of Freedmen (Bah.), f Proceedings. 1S90. B 8540. Springfield (Mass.). f Annual report of supt. of schools, 1890. B 8537. — School Committee. \ Report for 1891. B 8537. Stanford (Lehigh) Junior University, f Circulars i, 2, 5,6. 1891. B 26. — f Second annual register. 1892-3. B 26. Stedman. Oxford : its life and schools. X 7422. Stillwater (Minn.). Board of Education, f Course of instruction of city schools for 1S89-90. B 8537. Toledo. Board of Education. \ Annual report of public schools for year ending Augt. 31, 1891. X 7766. Tulane University of Louisiana, f Catalogue. 1890-91. B 8544- United States. Bureau of Education. \ Circulars of information. 1890. X lll^fa. — t Satne. No. 2. 1889. B 8537. Wellesley College, f 9th annual calendar. 1883-4. B ScxH. West Chester (Pa.), f Report of the public schools. 1890-1. B 8536. WiGGIN, edr. The kindergarten. X Yale University. f Bibliographies of the present officers. 1S93. B 8550. — f Catalogue, 193d year. 1892-3. X 7497. — f Obituary record of graduates deceased during 1891 and 1892. B 8550. — f Report of president for 1890-2. B 8550. — j Statistics of the class of '83. B 8544. MANUAL OR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING SCHOOLS. Boston School Committee. \ Report of committee on manual training. 1891. B 8538, Chicago Manual Training School, f 8th annual cata- logue. 1890-91. B 8539. Cincinnati Technical School, f 4th annual catalogue. 1890-91. B 8539. Cleveland Manual Training School, f Annual cata- logue and circular of information, June 1891. B 80C4. Columbia, District of. Public Schools, f Manual training, mechanical laboratory work. Teachers' manual. 1890. B 8539. Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry (Phila.). f Preliminary circular of information. 1891. B 8547. Florida State Normal and Industrial College of Colored Students (Tallahassee), f 4th annual catalogue. 1890-91. B 8538. General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of N. Y. f 105th annual report for 1890. B 8538. Georgia Normal and Industrial College (Milledgeville). t Prospectus. 1891. B 8541. Note. — For the education of girls. — \ Supplement to prospectus. 1891. B 8541. Georgia School of Technology, f Annual catalogue. 1890-91. B 8539. Harris, f Two papers on manual training. B 8539, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechan- ical College, f Catalogue for 1890-91. B 8542. MiiLER Manual Labor School of Albemarle, f Annual report for 1890-91. B 8539. Mississippi Industrial Institute and College for the Edu- cation of White Girls. \ 5th annual report. 1890. B 8539- New York City. Board of Education, f Manual train- ing in the common schools. Report of commit- tee on course of study and school books. 1887. B 8539- New York Trade Schools, [f Descriptive circular]. Oct. 23, 18S9. B 525. Oskaloosa (Iowa). Board of Education, f Annual re- port and manual of the public schools for 1890-91. B 8535- — \ Same, year ending Augt. i, 1890. B 8535. Pennsylvania. Commission on Industrial Education. t Report. 1889. X T10&. — Aluseum and School of Industrial Art {Phila.). \ Circular of the committee on instruction. 1891- 92. 68538- Philadelphia Manual Training Schools. \ bih annual catalogue. 1891. B 8539- Pratt Institute, f Department of Mechanic Arts. Trade school. [Prospectus.] B 8541. — f Same. Science and technology. B 8541- Schofield (S. C.) Normal and Industrial School. +230 annual report for year ending June 30, 1890. B 853°' Tennessee, University of, and State Agricultural anf Mechanical College, f Register for year ending June 1891. B 8544 FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK J 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Military and Naval Science. I Toledo. Board of Education. \ Annual report of the ! public schools incl. manual training dept. for year ending Augt. 31, 1888. B 8538. I Woodford. \ Progress of industrial education. B 525. i Woodward and Morrison. Educational value of manual training. iSgo. B 8004. Worcester Toiytechnic Institute. \ 21st annual cata- logue. 1891. B 8541. NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL.S. ; Connecticut Normal-Training School (New Britain). Catalogue. i8go-i. B 8543. ' Connecticut Normal-Training .School (Willimanlic). f Catalogue. 1890-1. B 8543. I Cook County Normal School (Chicago), f Reports for I 1890. ' B 8543. I Florida State Normal and Industrial College for Colored ' Students (Tallahassee). f 4!h annual catalogue. 1 1890-1. B S538. Georgia Normal and Industrial College (Milledgeviile). Prospectus. 1891. B 8541. Note. — For the education of girls. — \ Supplement to prospectus. i8gi. B 8541. Michigan State Normal School. \ Register for iSgo-r. B 8543- Minnesota. State Normal School Board, f 6th biennial report for years ending July 31, iSSg-go. B 8543. New York, University of. N. Y. College for the training of Teachers, f Circular of information. 1890-1. B 8543. 1 North Dakota. Dept. of Public Instruction, f Course of study for common district schools and state normal schools. 1891. B 8543. — \ Manual for teachers' uistitute. i8gi. B 8543. Prairie View State Normal School (Hempstead, Texas). f Annual catalogue for 1 890-1. B 8543. SCHOFIELD Normal and Industrial School (Aiken, S. C). f 23d annual report for year ending June 30, iSgi. B 8538. Winona State Normal School. f Annual catalogue of officers and students for l8go-i. 1> S543. Winthrop Training-School for Teachers (Columbia. S. C). f 4th annual report. iSSg-go. B S543. D. Government and Politics. Argyll. Irish nationalism : an appeal to history. U 13. Austin. Story of government : from savagery to ci%Mliza- tion. U 512. Berry, f Proportional representation : the Gove system. B 6550. Brett. Footprints of statesmen during the i8th cen- tury in England. U 57. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Factors in American civilization. U 1060. Brooks. Men of achievement : statesmen. T 5059. Bryce. American commonwealth, v. i. 3ded. U 1062.(7. Carnegie, Triumphant democracy. U 1076. t Civil service record, v. 11. (July i8gi-June iSg2.) C 6818. .Clayden. England under the coalition. U 02. Davis. Mr. Fish and the Alal ama claims : a chapter in diplomatic history. U III5.W. Dicey. Leap in the dark ; or, our new constitution. U 120. Freeman. Growth of the English constitution. U 157. FuLLERTON. Patriotism and science. U 159. Gladstone. Special aspects of the Irish question. U 169. Great war of 189- : a forecast. By rear-admiral P. Colomb and others. U 605. Hart. Practical ess.ays on American government. U 1188. Janes. Problem of city government. U 228. Kimball. Moral questions in politics. U 242. McKee. Presidential inaugurations from Washington to Cleveland. . U 1668. Macpherson. Baronetage and the senate ; or, the House of Lords, in the past, present, and future. U 670. i>Taurice. The workman and the franchise. U 676. Patria Club(N. Y. City), f [Constitution, by-laws, and list of members.] 1892. B 25. f Political science quarterly, v. 7. (Mch. -Dec. 1892.) C6713. f Re-election. 1S90. Articles published in " El na- cional " [Mexico]. B 26. Rousseau. Social contract ; or, the principles of politi- cal rights. U 378. Smith. Essays on questions of the day. U 412. Contents : Social and industrial revolution. — Question of disestablishment. — Political crisis in England. — The empire. — Woman suffrage. — The Jewish question. — The Irish question. — The Oneida community and American socialism. Strong. Our country : its possible future and its present crisis. U 1425. Thompson. Politics in a democracy. U 1438.^. TucKERMAN. William Jay and the constitutional move- ment for the abolition of slavery. T 2288./. E. Law and Crime. Amos. History and principles of the civil law of Rome. V 2505. Bishop. Code practice in personal actions. V 5526. Boies. Prisoners and paupers. V 7048. Carter, f Ideal and the actual in law. B 6501. Goodnow. Comparative administrative law. 2 v. V 603. Gun. t Iqde.K to advertisements for next of kin, etc. Pts. I, 2, 5-8, 15. T 6608. Halleck. International law. 3d ed. by Baker. 2 v, V 1610. International American Conference. f Reports of committees and discussions thereon. 4 v. V 1845. Jeaffreson. Stories about lawyers. V 229.J. KOONS. Everybody's law book. V 252. New York Citv. Bureau of Inspection of Buildings. \ Building laws. V 8867. New York State. State Department, f Laws of the state of N. Y., passed at the ii6th session of the legislature. 1S93. 2 v. V 46g7. Paris law courts : sketches of men and manners. V 9705. Pocket lawyer and family conveyancer. 1S44. V 355. Robinson. Elementary law. V 375. <-. f " Scientific American " hand-book : a treatise relating to patents, etc. B 28. Smith, f Rules and practice of House of Representa- tives. 7th ed. . V 747.r. Tallach. f l?enological and preventive principles. V 7759. United States. House cf Reprfsentativcs. f Uni- form system of bankruptcy. i8g2. B 6565. — Message. \ Message of the president respecting the relations with Chile. V 1773/. — Senate. \ Interview with mr. M. E. Schweppe [on the Torrey bankruptcy law]. 1892. B 6565. f Memorial in relation to the Torrey [Bankrupt] bill. 1892. B6565. + Petition of the Denver Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade in favor of the Torrey bankruptcy bill. 1891. B 6565. — State Department. \ Statutes passed at 1st sess., 52d congress, 1891-92. V 3891. Watt. Outline of legal philosophy. V 781. F. Military and Naval Science. f Army and navy journal, U. S. v. 30. (.\ugt. 27, 1892- Augt. 19, 1S93.) C 6904. Burnham. Three roads to a commission in the U. S. army. G 6066. CoLOMB. Essay on naval defence. G 7097. Morris. Great commanders of modern times. T 56gr. Contents : Turenne. — Marlborough — Frederick the great. — Napoleon. — Wellington. — Moltke. — Campaign of 1815. Naval annual. 1893. Ed. by T. A. Brassey. G 7697. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NX?MBER. 3 34 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Social Science. Ropes. Campaign of Waterloo : a military history. S 1727. — Same : atlas. S ig?^- \ Uniied service : a monthly review of military and naval affairs. New series, v. 9, 10. (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) C 6773.^. United States. Navy Department, f Report of the secretary, 2d sess. 51st congr. and ist sess. 52d congr. G m'il'- — Office of Naval Intelligence, f Notes on the year'.s naval progress. 1892. G 7773. /^ — Ordnance Department, f Annual report of the chief for 18S0, 1891. G 6773. f. — War Department, f Report of the secretary, 51st Portland (Oregon) Farm Trust and Loan Co. f Pros- pectus. B 27, Prick. Short history of political economy in England. u 4353. Robertson. Eight houri question. U 4374 <•. RusKiN. f Fors clavigera : letters to the workmen and ■ 3, 4 (v. 1 and ^2d coni; (v. 4\ congr., 2d sess., ^ V. I, 2 (b pts.), 3. f Same, for 1874. and 1891 (v. 5). United States Military Academy (West Point), register, iSgi, 1892. Washington University, f Military science and tactics : rules and regulations, 1891-92. B 8004. , 1st sess., G 6773. 1886 (v. I) G 6773. t Official B 24. G. Political Economy. American Bankers' As.sociation. f Proceedings of i8th annual convention. 1S92. B 6562. American millionaires : list of persons in the U. S. re- puted to be worth a million or more. U 7505. Argyll (Duke of j. Unseen foundations of society. U 4509. — fl«^ George (H.). \ Property in land. B 29. Attfield. English and foreign banks. U 7511. Berkeley. Wealth an*d welfare; or, our national trade policy and its cost. U 4037. Bonar. Philosophy and political economy in some of their historical relations. U 4530- BirsHiLT.. Profit-sharing and the labour question. U 4068. Chaytor. Secrets of national finance. U 7550. Circulating capital : inquiry into the fundamental laws of money. By an East India merchant. U 7090. Cobden Club, t Tariffs of the U. S. in relation to free trade. By Sir L. Flayfair. B 29. Cox. Land nationalization. U 4103./. DoDD ami Powderly. Trusts : arguments pro and con. U 4123. George, f Protection or free trade ? B 6565. Note. — Reprinted from the " Congressional record," Apl. 15, 1S92. Gladden. Tools and the man : property and industry under the Christian law. U 4169. A Grindon. Manchester banks and bankers, ^d ed. U 4176. IIedd. Philip Meyer's scheme : a story of trades union- ism. [^Fiction. \ Hill, f Speeches and papers on silver, postal telegraph, and other economic questions. U 7622. Hobhouse. The labour movement. U 4208. HoLYOAKE. Co-operative movement to-day. U 4210 c. — History of the Rochdale pioneers, 1844-92. U 4210.//. Horr. Issues of an off year. U 7626. James, f Plan of the Wharton school of finance and economy. B 6562. JUGLAR. Brief history of American panics. U 7235. KiNLEY. History, organization, and influence of the in- dependent treasury of the U. S. U 7244. Knox, f Address of [on the silver question]. B 6562. MiLLiKEN. f Law and legal-tender money. B 6562. National Mutual Building and Loan Association (N. Y.). t 5th annual report, 1892. B 24. New tariff bill [" McKinley bill "]. U 7697 New York Chamber of Commerce, f Free silver coin- age : address of J. Jay. B 6562. Philadelphia City Trusts, f 21st annual report for 1890. B 8536. Playfair. f Tariffs of the U. S. in relation to free trade. B 29. Poor Richard, f C. B. A.; or, real money. B 6562. U 4723. U 472S. U 7397- speech. B 6562. C 6749. labourers of Great Britain. — f Same. New series : letters 1-3, 6. ScoTi'. Repudiation of state debts. Sherman, f Against free coinage of silver ; 1892. f Social economist, v. 4, 5. (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) Stewart and Horr. Free coinage of silver : debate. U7753. Taussig. Silver question in the U. S. U 7433 r. Taylor. Modern factory system. U 4760, Tidman. Gold and silver money. 3d ed. U 7441.^. — Money and labour : address on the currency question. U 744 r.w. Trenholm. People's money. U 7446. United States. Comptroller of the Currcficy. \ An- nual reports, 1873, 1889 (v. i). U 7773-^- — Department of Labor, f 7th annual report of the commissioner. Cost of production : the textiles and glass, v. i. U 4773-'i- f 2d special report : Labor laws of the various states and territories. U 4773-f' • f 3d special report : Analysis and index of all re- ports issued by Bureaus of Labor Statistics in the U. S. prior to Nov. i, 1892. U AlTi-d- 5th special report : Gothenburg system of liquor traffic. U 4773<^- t Satne. U 4773<^- 1 6th special report. Phosphate industry of the U. S. U 4773-^. — Senate, f Banking statistics, 1830 to 1863. B 6562. — Treasury Department, f Annual report of the secre- tary for 1891. U 7773. \ Report on the collection of duties, 1886. U 7773-''- Wilkinson. Mutual thrift. U 4483. Wright. Labor laws of the various states, territories, and the District of Columbia. U 4796. H. Social Science. Balmforth. The new reformation and its relation to moral and social problems. U 9024. Booth. T..ife and labour of the people in London, v. 3, 4- U 953I-/- 3. Blocks of buildings, schools, and immigration. 4. Trades of east London. Commons, f Popular bibliogiaphy of sociology. B 0553. Curtis, f To define the crime of murder and abolish the punishment of death : speech. B 6565. Denison. Work among the London poor. U9118. Oilman. Socialism and the American spirit. U 9167. GooDALE. Literature of philanthropy. U 9172. Grimshaw. Fifty years hence ; or, what mavbe in 1943. ' U 9176. Hake. Suffering London. Hawthorne, edr. Confessions of a convict. Henderson. Dependent, defective, and classes. King. Our children of the slums. Leroy-Beaulieu. Papacy, socialism, and democracy. U 9264. Lilly. On shibboleths. U 9661. Contents : Progress. — Liberty. — The people. — Pub- lic opinion. — Education. — Woman's rights. — Supply and demand. 1 Maxwell. Stepping-stones to socialism. U 9296. 1 New York City. Board of Police Justices. \ Annual I report for 1892. U o,bon.c. I Northrui'. Village improvement : why American vil- I jages differ in prosperity. U 9333- j Riis. Children of the poor. U 9373-<^- Russell. Sub-coelum : a sky-built human world. U 938i- I Stanley. Slavery and the slave trade in Africa. U 9421. J. U 9609. U 9189. delinquent U 9I95-''- U 9244. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK- ' 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY : Biblical Theology and Church History. 35 Strong. The new era ; or, the coming kingdom. U 9426 Ward. Psychic factors of civilization. U 9779. I. Societies and Institutions. Actors' Fund of America, f loth annual report, June 4, 1890-June 2, 1891. B 6563. Albany Penitentiary, f 44th annual report of commis- sioners. 1892. B 6560. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals, f 25th, 27th annual reports. 1890, 1892. B 6559- Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, f 9th annual report. 1890. B 24. Century Association (N. Y. City), f Reports, consti- tution, by-laws, and list of members. X SoSi. Church Mission to Deaf-Mutes (N. Y. City), f i8th- 20th annual reports for years ending Sept. 30, 1890-92. B 6559. Her majesty's prisons. By one who has tried them. U 9197. Howard Association (London), f Report. Oct., 1892. B 6560, National Home for Disabled Soldiers, f Report of Board of Managers for 1891. X 8696.1?. New York City. Association of Working Girls' Societies. f By-laws of the mutual benefit fund of the. 1891. B 23. — Charity Organization Society. \ 9th annual report for 1890. B 6559. — Club Pub. Co. f Annual club catalogue and directory. 1893. X 8329. — Sheltering Arms. \ 27th, 28th annual reports. 1891- 92. B 29. — Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. \ i6th-rSth annual reports. 1890-93. B 6559. New York State Reformatory at Elmira. f 15th, i6th annual reports. iSgo-91. B 6559. St. Luke's Home for Indigent Christian Females (N. Y. City), f 4rst annual report. 1S92. B 24. Union Club (N. Y. City, f Officers, members, consti- tution and rules. 1893. X 8454. Union League Club (N. Y. City), [f By-laws, members, etc.'\ 1893. U I454'2'- United St.-vtes. Bureau of Pensions, f Report of the commissioner foryear ending June 30, 1391. B 6561. f Same, for year ending June 30. 1892. B 6565. — Life-Saving Service. \ Annual report for years end- ing June 30, 1891-92. G T112,.a. Wisconsin. State Board of Supervision, f 4th biennial report [on] Wisconsin charitable, reformatory, and penal institutions for the two years ending Sept. 30, 1890. B 8540. J. Statistics. f Guida degli Itaiiani in America. U 6607. Meitzen. History, theory, and technique of statistics. U 667S. New Bedford, f Interesting statistics. 1893. U 6328. New York City, -j- Manual of the corporation. i86r, 1S63. By D. T. Valentine. U 6329. New York State, f Census of 1S45. U 6966. — Senate. \ Exhibits showing the enumeration of the state for 1S92. B 6561. Scribner. f Statistical atlas of the U. S. By F. W. Hewes and H. Gannett. U 6980. Statesman's year-book for 1893. Ed. by J. Scott Keltie. U 6421. Statistician and economist. 1893-4. U 6422. Tribune almanac and political register for 1893. U 6446. United States. Bureau of Statistics. f Statistical abstract of the U. S. 1892. U 6773.^. — Census Office. f Compendium of the nth census. iSgo. Pt. I — Population. U 6891.^. i" Mineral industries in the U. S. at iith census. i8go. [By] D. T. Day. U 6891./;. f Wealth, debt, and taxation at the llth census. Pt. I. Public debt. [By] J. K. Upton. U 6891. «. Walker, f Statistical atlas of the U. S. based on 9th census. U 6993. K. Women. Brackett. Woman and the higher education. X -056.W'. Brewster. Work ; or, plenty to do and how to do it. U 9057. Burdett-Coutts, edr. Woman's mission : papers on the philanthropic work of women. U 9540. Campbell. Women wage-earners. U 9073. 7f. CoRBiN. A woman's philosophy of love. U 9101. Crepaz. Emancipation of women. U 9104. ^ Diaz. Only a ilock of women. U qi2i.o. Hamilton. Women writers : their works and ways. T 5185. w. Leslie. Are men gay deceivers ? and other sketches. U 9265.^7. Porter. Young lady's adviser. X 9355.J'. Richard. Marriage and divorce. U 9372. Ross. Three generations of English women. T 5727. Saint-Amand. Women of the Valois court. T 5384. — Women of Versailles ; court of Louis XIV. T 5384 c. — Same : court of Louis XV. T 5384.^. Tamura. The Japanese bride. U 9433. Walford. Twelve English authoresses. New ed. T 5462./. Wilcox. Men, women, and emotions. U 9482. WiLLARD and LiVERMORE, edrs. \\"oman of the century : 1470 biogr. sketches of leading American women. T 5S98. f Woman's illustrated world, v. 9, 10. (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) C 6997. Woman's influence and Woman's mission. U 94S8. WooDHULL a;zi/ Claflix. The human body the temple of God ; or, the philosophy of sociology. U 9793. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. A. Biblical Theology and Church His- tory. I Bayne. Free church of Scotland : her origin, founders, I and testimony. Y 3519, j Bible, f International teachers' edition. Y 1524./. ' Blake. How to read the prophets. Pt. i. Y 2044.//. I Contents: Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Zechariah (ix- I xiv), Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah I and Joel. j — Same. Pt. 2. How to read Isaiah. Y 2044./. I Bradford. Pilgrim in old England : review of the independent (Congregational) churches in England. Y 3057. Briggs. Higher criticism of the Hexateuch. Y 20si'h. Campbell. Critical studies in St. Luke's gospel. Y 2073. Carroll. Religious forces of the U. S. Y 3076. Cave. Inspiration of the Old Testament inductively considered. Y 2079. Cheyne. Founders of Old Testament criticism. Y 2085. Cox. Balaam : an exposition and a study. Y 2104. /J. Davies. A Biblical discovery. Am I Jew or Gentile? or the created origin of the races. Y 2 11 3. j DeWitt. What is inspiration ? Y 2120. Eaton. Illustrated Bible dictionary. Y 2132.;. Farrar. Cathedrals of England. Y 3144. <:. Eraser. Synoptical lectures on the books of the Holy .Scripture. 2 v. Y 2157. 1. Genesis — Habakkuk. 2. Zephaniah — Revelation. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 36 S— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY : Doctrinal and Controversial Theology. French Jansenists. By the author of " Merry voices." T 5159- Gleason. Is the Bible from heaven ? Is the earth a globe ? 2d ed. Z 3170. Note. — "Also, an accurate chronology of all past time, containing a classification of all the eclipses from creation." Gordon. Holy spirit in missions. Y 3172.//. Harbaugh. True gloi^ of woman : life of the virgin Mary. Y 2186. Harrison. Gospel among the slaves [of the Southern states]. Y 3187. HoRTON. Inspiration of the Bible : an enquiry. Y 2212. Hunter. Story of Daniel. 4th ed. Y 2217. Hurst. Short history of the Christian church. Y363i.i'. Lanciani. Pagan and Christian Rome. Y 3656. March. Morning light in many lands. Y 3672. Meyer. Joshua and the land of promise. Y 2302./. — Key-words of the inner life : studies in the epistle to the Ephesians. Y 2302. >6. — Moses, the servant of God. Y 2302. Northfield General Conference. loth annual session. Y 3700. f Old theology, The : friendly hints on Bible study. B 28. Orelli. Twelve minor prophets. Y 2702. Peloubet. Commentary on the international lessons for 1S94. Y 270S. Pentecost. Bible studies. Y 2346. 1. Studies in the Pentateuch. 2. Studies in the life of Christ. Petrie. Clews to Holy writ ; or, the chronological scripture cycle. Y 2349. Ramsay. The church in the Roman empire before a.d. 170. Y 3718. Rir.«ELL. The higher criticism. Y 2373. RooKE. Inspiration, and other lectures. Y 2727. Contents : Part I. Psychology. Part 2. Authority of Scripture and inspiration. Part 3. Pastoral theology. Russell. Lawyer's examination of the Bible. Y 2381. Salmon. Historical introduction to the study of the New Testament. 6th ed. Y 2382. Sayce. Life and times of Isaiah as illustrated by con- temporary monuments. 2d ed. Y 2388. Talmage. f Dawn of the millennium. B 27. Thatcher. Sketch of the history of the apostolic church. Y 3437. Vincent. Student's New Testament handbook. Y 2776.J-. B. Devotional and Practical Theology. Banks. Common folks' religion : sermons and addresses. Y 8025. Barrett, f Brief review of "Succession in the min- istry." B 29. Bearing the cross ; or, the divine master. Y 7032. Brooklyn Union for Christian Work. f 24th-26th annual reports. 1891-93. B 26. Brooks. Addresses. Y 8060.(7. — Good wine at the end of the feast. Y 8060.^. — .Sermons. 6th series. Y 8060 s. Collyer. Things new and old : sermons. Y 8097. A Curwen. Studies in worship. 2 v. Y 9108. CuYLER. Young preacher. Y 9109. Dickinson. Onward, Christian soldiers. Y 9573. Fairbairn. Christ in the centuries, and other sermons. Y 8142. Farrar. Lord's prayer: sermons. Y 8143./. Gannett, f i5Iessed be drudgery. B 24 Hartford Theological Seminary. \ Annual register. 1890-1— 1892-3. B 8546. Horder. The hymn lover: rise and growth of English hymnody. Y 9214. Horton. Verbum dei : the Yale lectures on preaching. Y 9213. Macduff. Pillar in the night. Y 7279. Miller. The transfigured life : words to help in making shining lives. Y 7305. Murray. " Jesus himself." Y 7223/ Nugent. " My guest-chamber." Y 7334. Peters. Sanctified spice ; or, pungent seasonings from the pulpit. Y 8348. Sermons on the international Sunday-school lessons for 1894. 19th series. Y 8401. Society of Biblical Literature. f Publications of. [Journal, v. 1-9, i88i-go.] B 8545. Thayer. Books and their use. Y 9437. Troup. Words to young Christians. Y 7447. w. Van Dyke. Straight sermons. Y 8458. Whyte. Bunyan characters : lectures. Y 8480. Williams. Character-building : sermons. Y 8484.^. Young Men's Christian Association (N. Y. City). \ 38th- 40th annual reports. 1S91-3. X 8799. — f Proceedings of 25th annual state convention. B 6563. C. Doctrinal and Controversial Theology. Alexander. Primary convictions. Z 3504. Barry. Some lights of science on the faith. Z 3517. J. Beach. Newer religious thinking. Y 6031. Blackie. Ideal of humanity in old times and new. [Essays.] Y 5044. Briggs (Dr. C. A.). Trial of. Z 768. Bright. Morality in doctrine. Y 6058. Brooks (P.). Year book : selections from the writings of. Y 5060. Cheever. Biblical eschatology. Y 6084. Child's religion, A. By the author of "Jesus, the car- penter of Nazareth." Y 6086. Cone. The Gospel and its earliest interpretations. Y 609S. Crawford. Doctrine of Holy Scripture respecting the atonement. 5th ed. Y 6563. Dale. The atonement. 14th ed. Y 6112. Dearborn. At the threshold. \Fiction.\ Divinity of Jesus Christ. By the author of " Progres- sive orthodoxy." Y 6122. Dix. The sacramental system considered as an exten- sion of the incarnation. Y 6123. DoDS. Parables of our Lord [St. Matthew]. Y 6126. — Same. [St. Luke.] Y 6i26.a. — Prayer that teaches to pray. Y b\ib p. DuRANDUS. Symbolism of churches and church orna- ments. ' Y 6127. Evans. History of religions : a condensed statement of the results of scientific research. Z 2x39. Everett. Gospel of Paul. Y 6140.^. Fairbairn. City of God : a series of discussions in re- ligion. 4th ed. Y 6585.^. — Place of Christ in modern theology. Y 6585. Fechner. Life after death. Y 6146. Figuier. Joys beyond the threshold : sequel to " The to-morrow of death." Y 6i49.y. Fisher. Manual of natural theology. Z 3151. »». Flint. Theism. ' Y 6153. Freshman, f Jewish missions not a failure. B 27. GiBBES. Origin of sin, and Dotted words in the Hebrew Bible. Y 6165. Gleason. Is the Bible from heaven ? Is the earth a globe? 2d ed. Z 3170. Gordon. Witness to immortality in literature, philos- ophy, and life. Y 6171.W. Gould. Meaning and the method of life : a search for religion in biology. Z 3172. Graham. Creed of science, religious, moral, social. z 3175- Gratry. Guide to the knowledge of God : a study of the chief theodicies. Y 6606. Hamilton. Beyond the stars ; or, heaven, its inhabi- tants, occupations, and life. 3(1 ed. Y 6184.^. Harden. Inquiry into the truth of dogmatic Christian- ity. Z 2186. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY : Philosophy : Moral. 37 Harnack. History of dogma. Y 6186. Harrison. Church in relation to sceptics. Z 2187. Hatch. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church. 4th ed. Y 6613 Heard. Alexandrian and Carthaginian theology con- trasted. V 6ig2.a. Hebrew Christian Work. f Gleanings from various departments. i8gi. B 27. — f gth and loth annual reports, 1890, 1891. B 26. Jennings. Mosaic record of the creation explained. Z 3229. Laing. Modern science and modem thought. Z 3654. LiLLiE. Influence of Buddhism on primitive Christian- ity. Y 6270. Lilly. Ancient religion and modern thought. 2d ed. Z 2661. rt. — Great enigma. Z 2661. Luther (Martin), Table talk of. 1893. Y 6274. a. MacgrEGOR. " So great salvation." Y 6280. Naville. Problem of evil. Y 6326. PlEPENBRlNG. Theology of the Old Testament. Y 6352. Puller. Primitive saints and the see of Rome. 2d ed. Z 1359- Salmond. Parables of our Lord. Y 6383. SCHAFF. Theological propcedeutic : a general introduc- tion to the study of theology. Y 6734./. Schleiermacher. On religion : speeches to its cultured despisers. Z 3735. SCHULTZ. Old Testament theology. 2 v. Y 6737. Shedd. Calvinism : pure and mixed. Z 742. — Orthodoxy and heterodoxy : a miscellany. Y 5742.^. Smith. Every-day religion. Y 6412. . Davidson. Building construction and architectural drawing. 6th ed. G giiS-^^. Decker. Manual of industrial drawing for carpenters. 2d ed. I 3570. Delaborde. Engraving : its origin, processes, and his- tory. I 2117. Evans's Guide to the teaching of drawing. By A. O'Neal. I 3140. Farquhar. Grammar of photo-engraving. I 2586. Fraipont. Art of sketching. 1 3156. Frederick. Architectural rendering in sepia. I 3832. GuiOT et Pillet. Dessins de paysage. I 3178. Harwood. Freehand drawing. I 3188. Low and Bevis. Manual of machine drawing and de- sign. I 3664. Prang. Primary course in art education. By Mary D. Hicks and Josephine C. Locke. 2 pts. I 3356- Pressland. Geometrical drawing. I 3357. Pyne. Practical rules on drawing for the builder and student in architecture. 2d ed. I 3872. Rey.nolds. Simple lessons in drawing for the shop. I 3370. RiMMER (C. H.). Figure drawing for children. I 3724. Rimmer (W.). Elements of design. I 3724.?. Taylor. Elementary art teaching. I 3434- Tiffin. Gossip about portraits. I 2441. W^ELLS. Engineering drawing and design. 2 v. I 3473. I. Practical geometry. 2. Machine and engin? draw- ing and design. White. Practical designing : preparation of working drawings. I 3481. H. Sports, Games, and Amusements. Aflalo. Sea-fishing on the English coast. I 7005. Alexander. Healthful exercises for girls. I 7006. — Modern gymnastic exercises. I 7504. Barnwell. Game fish of the northern states of Amer- ica. I 7027. Bickerdyke. Book of the all-round angler. I 7039. Brown. Powder, spur, and spear : a sporting miscel- lany. I 7537-A Bruce. The thoroughbred horse. I 7813. Burgess. Sporting fire-arms for bush and jungle. I 7065. Buxton. Short stalks ; or, hunting camps north, south, east, and west. I 7541. Camp. Book of college sports. I 7544- ♦ Church. University foot-ball. I 7089. CoLQUHOUN. The moor and the loch : minute instruc- tions in all Highland sports. New ed. I 7558. Complete checker-player. I 9098. Cox and Lascelles. Coursing and falconry. I 7103, CuRZON. Mirror of the turf; or, the machinery of horse-racing revealed. I 7108. Dai'T. Kings of cricket. I 71H, Day. Racehorse in training. I 7569. Days in clover. By the amateur angler. I 7113. Delbos. Nautical terms in English and French. I 7117, Dick's Yachting and sailing. I 7121. Dodge. Riders of many lands. I 7574. Dwighi. Practical lawn-lennis. I 7129. Fisher. Through the stable and saddle-room. I 7151. + Forest and stream, v. 40, 41. (Jan. -Dec. i893.)C 6932. Francis. Newton Dogvane : a story of Enghsh coun- try life. {^Fiction.^ Gallwey. Letters to young shooters. 2d series. I 7160. Note. — " On the production, preservation, and killing of game." Garcia. Actor's art. K 2597. Garnier. Scientific billiards. Garnier's practice shots. I Q162. Gossip. Theory of the chess openings. 2d ed. I 9604./. Gould. Game of draughts. I 9173. Greener. The breech-loader and how to use it. I 7174. Hayes. The horsewoman : a practical guide to sidd- saddle riding. I 7i9i Hopkins. Fishing experiences of half a century. I 7212. Howells. My year in a log cabin. I 7214. ; Jones. Games of patience. 2d ed. I 9234.^. Kunhardt. Ropes, their knots and splices. G 7255, Lang and others. Batch of golfing papers. I 7026. Marshall. Football, the Rugby union game. I 7674. Merwin. Road, track, and stable : chapters about horses and their treatment. I 7301- National Horse Association of America. | Entries for 8th annual exhibition. 1892. I 7696. O'Donoghue. Ladies on horseback. New ed. I 7336./. Outing: monthly magazine of sport, travel, and recreation. V. 21, 22. (Oct. 1892-Sept. 1893.) C6704- Palmer. Stories of the base ball field. I 7342. Rondelle. Foil and sabre : a grammar of fencing. I 7726. Roosevelt. Wilderness hunter. I 7727.W. — and Grinnell, edrs. American big-game hunting. I 7727«- Sanderson. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of: India. 5th ed. I 7733.: Scott. Dancing as an art and pastime. I 939?-; Spayth. American draught player. 6th ed. I 94i7.fl.- Tyacke. How I shot my bears ; or, two years' tent life in Kullu and Lahoul. I 7450- Warburton. The race horse : how to buy, train, and run him. I 7464.6. Williams. Some London theatres past and present. K 2484.J. Xenophon. Art of horsemanship. Transl. by Morgan. I 7496- I. Useful Arts. Abernethy, compiler. Commercial and railway teleg- raphy. I 1002. Ashenhurst. Weaving and designing of textile fabrics. H 4510. Bishop. Job printer's list of prices and estimate guide. I I043-/ Brannt. Practical scourer and garment dyer. H 4056. Cundall. Reminiscences of the colonial and Indian ex- hibition. H 822. Field. Story of the Atlantic telegraph. I ii49-<'- Gadd. Soap manufacture. H 8161. Harper's Chicago and the world's fair. By J. Ralph. II 186. Hints for the million : a handy book for the household. H 204- FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Useful Arts. 43 ! Hurst. Painters' colours, oils, and varnishes. H 8218. I JACQBI. Books and printing : guide for authors and I others. I 1636. ■ Jenks. Century World's Fair book for boys and girls. H 638. Leggatt. Art of weaving linen and jute manufactures. Part I. Letterpress. H 4463. i — Same. Part 2. Diagrams. H 4463. j f MANUFACTURiiR and builder, v. 25. (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) ' . C7S57. i \ Manufacturers' review and industrial record, v. 26. i (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) C 7S58. , Mills. Destructive distillation : a manualette of the paraffin, coal tar, rosin oil, petroleum and kindred industries. 4th ed. H 8683. Paris. Universal Exposition of 1889. f Report of U. S. commissioners to. 5 v. H 773. c. Prideaux. Historical sketch of bookbinding. H 8357. , Rand, McNally & Co. Handbook of the World's Colum- I bian Exposition. H 363. /i. Royal [British] Commission for the Chicago Exhibition, f Official catalogue. H 379. Sawer. Odorographia : a natural history of raw materi- als and drugs used in the perfume industry. H 8732. Standage. Cements, pastes, glues, and gums. H 8420.<:. Stevens. Leather manufacture. H 8753. Taylor. Cotton weaving and designing. H 4434. Typothet^ (N. Y. City), f Annual dinner. 1891-3. B 2519. United States. House of Representatives. \ World's fair expenditures. H Tj^t-d. White and Igleheart. World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. H 787. World's Columbia Exposition, 1893. l^VitA G 7822. — f [Pamphlets showing system of classification, etc.] H 795. METALLURGY AND IRONWORK. Anderson. Prospector's handbook : guide for metal- bearing or other valuable minerals. 5th ed. G 3010. Gardner. Ironwork from the earliest times to the end of the medix-val period. G 3162. HOFMAN. Metallurgy of lead. 2d ed. G 3625. t Iron age, The. v. 51, 52. (Jan. -Dec. 1893.) C 7847. joYNSON. Iron' and steel maker. G 3234. Kendall. Iron ores of Great Britain and Ireland. G 3241. Lieber. Assayer's guide. New ed. G 3268.0. MiLLis. Metal-plate work : its patterns and their geom- etry. 2d ed. G 3305. Rothwell, edr. Mineral industry in the U. S. and other countries from the earliest times to 1892. G 3727- SissoN. A. B. C. of iron. G 3746. United States. Bureau of the Mint, f Report of the director upon the production of precious metals in the U. S. during 1891. G 3773. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. SUPPLEMENT No. 7 TO THE FINDING LIST OF THE Free Library of the General Society OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK BOOKS ADDED FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1894 NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1895 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Free Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York from January to December, 1894. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in SMALL CAPS.), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Individual Biography (page l) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and the volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter {in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each part is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a 12" ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8" ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator; " ed." means edition or edited ; " edr." means editor ; " Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the library. A % preceding a title means that the book is in the J. Morgan Slade [Reference] Library of architectural works. A complete list of this library, including a list of all the books on architecture and building in the circulating as well as in the reference department, has been published, and can be obtained for 10 cents a copy. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1895. ROBERT CHRISTIE, Chairman, 122 West 29th Street. CHARLES C. ALEXANDER, Secretary, 3 York Street. FRANK E. CONOVER, 253 Broadway, JOHN N. RICHARDSON, 646 Hudson Street, JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 32S West 24th Street, WILLIAM J. HOE, 327 West 14th Street, JOHN T. HUNT, 127 Fifth Avenue, Committee on Purchases for the Free Library of the General So- ciety of Mechanics and Trades- men of the City of New York. WILLIAM K. O'BRIEN, 83 Third Avenue, \ Committee on Purchases for the HENRY W. REDFIELD, 26th St. and nth Avenue, [■ Dcmilt and Slade Libraries GEORGE E. HOE, 325 West 14th Street, ) and Museum. ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, 36 St. Mark's PI., A ^ . n , r ., EDWIN D. TUCKER, 109 East i6th Street, \ ^^ J" Z ^""'"'"■^'"' '^ PAUL NATHAN. 140 West 23d Street, S ^'"'^"^"''^ ^°'""- WARREN A. CONOVER, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 253 Broadway. STEPHEN M. WRIGHT, Secretary, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 289 Fourth Avenue. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, i8 East i6th Street. Index To Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PACE^! K Aerial navigation. 25- Ceramics. 33- Elevating appliances. 32. Africa. 17- Ceylon. 18. Elocution. 22.- Agricultural chemistry. 30. ChaldEea. 18. Encyclopcedias. 3. Agriculture. 30. Charities. 27- Engineering. 31- Ainu, The. 18. Chemistry. 22. England. 16. Algebra. 24. Chess. 33- English constitution. 26. Algiers. 17- Chicago. Department of Public English grammar. 21. : Alps, The. 17. Works. 25. English literature. 21. Amazon {River). 16. Chicago world's fair. 34- English parliament. 26. American caucus system. 26. Children's diseases. 24. Essays. 20. American history and travels. 15- China. 17- Ethics. 30. Amusements. 33- Chronology. 18. Ethnology. 23. Anarchism. 27. Church history. 28. Etiquette. 30. Angling. 33- City government. 26. Etymology. 20. Animal life. 25- Civil war (U. S.). 15- European histoiy and travels. 16. Annals of legislative bodies. 25- Collected works. 3- Evidences of Christianity. 29. ! Aquariums. 25- Colonial architecture. 31- Evolution. 23. ' Arabia. 17- Colonial history (U. S.). 15- Exmoor (Engld.). 16. Archery. 33- Color. 25. Fairy tales. 12. Architecture. 31- Commerce. 26. Farming. 30- Arctic regions. 19. Composition (Rhetoric). 22. Feet, The. 24. Argentine Republic. 16. Concordance, Biblical. 28. Fiction. 4. Arithmetic. 24. Concrete. 31. Fiction, Juvenile. II. Arran (Scotland). 16. Confucianism. 30. Fine arts. 33. Art. 33- Conjuring. 33- Fire protection. 34. Asia. 17- Connecticut. 16. Fishing. 33. Assyria. 18. Constitution (U. S.). 26. Florence. 17. Astronomy. 22. Consular reports (U. S.). 26. Florida. 16. Athens. 17- Consumption. 24. Flowers. 22. Athletics. 33- Controversial theology. 29. Flying machines. 25. ¥ Atlases. 19. Cookery. 32. Folk-lore. 29. "7 Australasia, 17- Coppersmithing. 34- Food. 24. m Australia. 17- Corea. 17. Football. 34- m Banking. 27. Coronations. 18. Foreign exchanges. 27. bt Beautiful, The. 33- Costume. 18. Founding. 34- to Bee keeping. 30. Cremation. 24. France. 16. Ollf Belt driving. 32. Crime. 27. Franklin (Mass.). 16. oa-j Bengal. 18. Criticism, Literary. 21. Freemasonry. 18. iof Berkshire (Mass.). 16. Crochet. 32- French language. 20. M- Biblical theology. 28. Crusades. 18. French revolution. 16. ities Bibliography. 19. Currency. 27. Furniture. 33- m. Biography, Collective. 2. Cyclopaedias. 3- Games. 33- sa Biography, Individual. I. Cyprus. 17- Gardening. 30. aits Biology. 23. Dairy. 30. Gas engineering. 32. ; »C Birds. 24. Dancing. 34- Gas-fitting. 31. relrj Boating. 33- Dartmoor (Engld.). 16. Gas-lighting. 31. s, Bookbinding. 34- Darwinism. 23- Gearing. 31. lery Bookmaking. 34- Decoration of metals. 33- Genealogy. 18. tiSB Botany. 22. Democracy. 26. Geography. 18. iffli Brahmanism. 29. Derbyshire (Engld.). 16. Geography, Physical. 23- nlo Brazing. 34- Devotional theology. 28. Geology. 23- ■h Brehon laws. 27. Dialogues. 22. Geometrical drawing. 33- ■k Bridge piers. 32. Differential calculus. 24. Geometry. 24. J'ii British history. 16. Diseases. 24. German language. 20. Si, Buddhism. 29. Doctrinal theology. 29. Germany. 17- k Building. 31- Dogs. 30. Glass. 33- cis Building laws. 27. Domestic economy. 32. Golf. 34- sia Burma. 18. Drama. 19. Gothic architecture. 31. Ql Business. 26. Drawing. 33- Government. 26. It. Butterflies. 25- Dreams. 30- Grand Rapids. 16. iii Cabinet making. 33- Dressmaking. 32. Great Britain. 16. :i5 Calculus. 24- Dynamics. 25- Grecian architecture. 31- ni California. 16. Dynamos. 22. Greece. 17. \ Cambistry. 24. Earth burial. 24. Gymnastics. 33. t Cambridge (Engld.). 16. East, The. 17- Gypsies, Scottish. 16. ia Canada. 16. Ecclesiastical history. 28. Hampden (Mass.). 16. 5r. Candy-making. 32. Eclipses. 22. Hampshire (Mass.). 16. ; 5a Cards. 33- Edinburgh. 16. Harvard College. 26. ] irj Carpentry. 31- Education. 26. Health. 24. is Cathedrals. 31- Egypt. 18. Heat. 25. k Census (U. S.). 27- Electric light. 22. Higher criticism. 28. k Central Park (N. Y. City). 31. Electricity. 22. Himalayas. ' ^ FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PACE. PAGE. Hinduism. 29. London. 16. Paper-folding machinery. 34- [History. 15- Lord's supper. 29. Paper-making. 34- History of literature. 21. Lung diseases. 24. Paris. 17. History of the church. 28. Machine design. 31- Parliament. 26. iHittites. 18. Machinery. 31. Parliamentary law. 27. Holland. 17- Macrame lace. 32. Pastoral theology. 28. Holy cross. 28. Magic. 33- Pastry making. 32. Holy T.and. 18. Maine. 16. Patents. 32. Homiletics. 28. Manual training. 26. Pattern making. 32. Ilomrjeopathy. 24. Marine engines. 32. Pentateuch. 28. Horse. The. 30- Marine insurance. 26. Perfumery. 32. iHorsemanship. 33- Marsupialia. 25- Periodicals. 3- iHorticulture. 30. Massachusetts. 16. Petroleum. 31. jHouse painting. 34. Massage. 24, Philosophy, Mental. 30. jHousehold economy. 32. Mashonaland. 17- Philosophy, Moral. 30. iHumor. 22. Matabeli war. 17. Philosophy of history. 18. 'Hungary. 17- Mathematics. 24. Philosophy of the beautiful. 33- Munting. 33. Measures and weights. 24. Phonography. 20, Hy.liaulic machinery. 31. Mechanical engineering. 32. Photography. 33. Ily irophobia. 24. Medals. 18. Phrenology. 30. 11 V irostatics. 25. Medii-Eval literature. 21. Physical geography. 23. .Hy.^icne. 24. Medical science. 24. Physical measurement. 25. rlymnology. 28. Mental philosophy. 30. Physics. 25. Hypnotism. 30. Metallurgy. 34- Physiology. 24- Illumination 33. Metaphysics. 30. Pianoforte, The. 33. Illusions. 33- Meteorology. 23. Pilgrims. 28. Illustration, Art of. 33- Mexico. 16. Pistols. 27, Incandescent lamp. 23- Microscopy. 25- Plastic arts. 33- India. 18. Middle ages. 18. Plays. 19. Indians. 15- Military law. 27. Plumbing. 31- Industrial arts. 33- Military science. 27. Poetry. 21. Insane, The. 24. Millinery. 32. Polar regions. 19. Insanity. 24. Mineralogy. 23- Police. 27. Insects. 24. Mining. 32. Political and social sciences. 25. Inspiration. 28. Mohammedanism. 29. Political economy. 27. Integral calculus. 24. Money. 27. Politics, 26, [nteilectual philosophy. 30. Mongolia. 18. Poor, The. 27. [nter-state commerce. 26. Montremata. 25. Population. 27. [nventions. 32. Monumental brasses. 18. Post office. 26. [reland. 16. Moral philosophy. 30. Pottery. 33. Iron founding. 34. Morocco. 17- Poultry-keeping. 30. tron-work. 31- Moths. 25- Practical theology. 28. :sle of Man. 16. Moulding. 32. Prescription writing. 24. Italy. 17. Music. 33- Printing, 34. [vories. 33. Mysore. 18. Prisons. 27. apan. 17- Mythology. 29. Psychology. 30. erusalem. 18. Naples. 17. Public documents. 25. esuits. 28. Natural history. 24, Pumps. 31. esus Christ. 28. Natural philosophy. 25. Puzzles. 33. ewelry. 33- Natural science. 22. Pyramids. 18. ews. 18. Naval architecture. 31. Qualitative analysis. 22. oinery. 31- Naval science. 27. Quaternions. 24. udaism. 29. Needlework. 32- Quotations. 20. uvenile fiction. II. Netherlands. I?- Railroads. 32. Karakorum Himalayas. 18. New Jersey. 16. Railway engineering. 32. kindergarten. 26. New York City. 16. Readers, 22. Citchen boilers. 31- New York City. Fire Department . 25. Rebellion (U. S.), 15. knitting. 32. New York State. Assembly. 25- Recitations. 22. torea. 17- New York State. Senate. 25. Regalia. 18. ^bor. land systems. 27. New Zealand, 17- Religion and science. 29. 27- Nihilism. 27. Religions, Various. 29. -anguage. 20. Novels. 4- Renaissance. 33. 4itin language. 20. Numismatics. 18. Resurrection 29. .AW. 27. Nursing. 24. Rhetoric. 22. ..egislative annals. .«prosy. 25- Nyassa, 17- Rhine, The, 17. 24. Occult literature. 30. Rhode Island. 16. ^vant. The. 17- Ohio valley. 15- Riding. 33. jbraries. 19. Opera. 33- Roads. 32, .ight. ..iterary criticism. [literary history. 20. Orations. 22, Rocky Mountains. 15. 21. Organs, 33- Roman Campagna, 17. 21. Oriental history and travels. 17. Roman law. 27. ■iry miscellany. 20. Ornament. 33. Romances. 4. ry periodicals. 3- Ornamental metal work. 31- Rome, 17. .ture and language. 19. Oxford College. 26. Rowing. 34. .'iiicngula. 17- Painting. 33 Russia. 17- ^ocomotive, The. 32. Palestine. 18. Sabbath, The. 29. logarithms. 24. Palmistry. 30. St. Andrews. 26. In asking for books use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. 1 Salvador. i6. Switzerland. 17- United States. House of Represen- | Samoa. 17- Table talk. 20. tatives. 25. Scientific journals. 4- Tales. 4- United States. Interior Depart- Scotland. j6. Talmud. 30. ment. 25. Scottish Gypsies. i6. Taxidermy. 25. United States. Senate. 26. Sculpture. 33- Teaching. 26. United States. State Depart- Sermons. 29. Technological journals. 4- ment. 26. i Sewage. Shafting. 32. Teeth. The. 24- United States : travels. 15. 31- Tell Amarna tablets. 18. Universal history. i^. Shooting. 34- Temperance. 30. Useful arts. 34ii Shorthand. 20. Theatrical dancing. 33- Venereal diseases. Silver. 27. Theism. 29- Venice. 1^1 Singing. Slang. 33- Theme writing. 22. Violin, The. 3^1 21. Theology, Biblical. 28. Voice production. sMi Sleep. 30. Theology, Controversial. 29. Voyages. im Soap. 32. Theology, Devotional. 28. Wales. z^ Social science. 27. Theology, Doctrinal. 29. Water motors. 3* Socialism. 27. Theology, Practical. 28. Waterloo. 17. Soldering. 34. Thermodynamics. 25- Wealth. 27. Somali land. 17- Throat diseases. 24. Weights and measures. 24. Sound. 25- Tibet. 17- Westminster Abbey. 16. Spain. 17- Tithes. 27. Whist. 33^ Speeches. 22. Tobogganing. 33- Windsor Castle. 16. Spelling. 21. Toleration. 26. Wines. 32. Sports. 33. Toy making. 32. Wiring. 22. P Statistics. 27. Training. 34- Wit. 2^.. Steam engine. SI- Transactions. 4. Women. 28.' Steam pumps. SI- Transportation theories. 32. Woodwork. 3i.= Stenography. 20. Travels. 18. Woollen spinning. 34. Stock exchanges. 27. Trigonometry. 24- Works, Collected. 3- Stratford (Engld,). 16. Turbines. 32. World's Columbian Exposition. 34.I Strength of materials. 31- Turkey. 17- Yachting. 33f MEH Success in life. 30. Typewriting. 20. York (Engld.). J^ BEH Suicide. 24. United States. Civil Service Com- Zend-Avesta. 30. H Surgery. 24. mission. 25. Zoology. 25.. ttcu Sussex (Engld.). 16. United States constitution. 26. Zoroasterism. 29. K Sweden. 17. United States : history. 15. ' )OIH, FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ^^^ IBl' Ey StUl U let Supplement No. 7 to Finding List. Arrangcr7zcnt of Principal Stibdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. 2. Cyclopedias. Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Literature. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political and Social Sciences. " 8. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. " g. Useful and Fine Arts. PART l.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. ndrewes, Lancelot, bp. By R. L. Ottley. T I04.<7. AIREUTH, Margravine of, and Voltaire. By Dr. G. Horn. T 234. //. ARCLAY, Thos. Correspondence of, ed. by G. L. Rives. T 264. OOTH, Edwin : recollections of his daughter. By Ed- wina B. Grossman. T 514.,^. RACE, Chas. L. Life of, by Emma Brace. T 561. rown, John, and his men. By R. J- Hinton. T 612./. ROWNING, Robert : personalia. By E. Gosse. T 614.^^. UCHANAN, William A., war governor of Connecticut. Life of, by Rev. S. G. Buckingham. T 635.(5 lUGEAUD. Marshall. Memoirs of, by Count H. d'lde- ville. 2 V. T 638. RNS. Robert. Life of, by J. G. Lockhart. Revised by Inigram. T 666 /«. Adams, J. Burns's "Chlor's"; a reminiscence. T666.«. NNiNG, Charlotte, countess. Memorials of, by A. J. C. Hare. In T 745.,^'-. ^RLYLE, Jane Welsh. Selections of lettersof Geraldine E. Jewsbury to, ed. by Mrs. A. Ireland. T 762.7. iTHERiNE n. of Russia. Waliszewski, R. Romance of an empress. T 794 w. tCERO and the fall of the Roman republic. By J. L. S. Davidson. T 902. «'. JLUM15US, Christopher, and the participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries. By Dr. M. Kayserling. T 977. /J. 3RNELIUS, Rev. Elias. Memoir of the, by B. B. Edwards. T 10 13. IfROMWELL, Oliver. Carlyle, T. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. From revised ed. T 1054.(5. Church. S. IL Oliver Cromwell : a history. T 1054.2. URTis. Geo. W. By E. Gary. T 1086.0'. USHMAN, Charlotte. Life of, by W. T. Price. T 1088./. ODGE, Wm. Earl, 1S58-S4. T 124 1 a. u Camp, Maxime. Recollections of a literary life. 2 v. T 1283. DGEWORTH, Maria. Life and letters of, ed. by A. J. C. Hare. 2 v. T 1341.//. DISON, Thos. A. Life and inventions of, by W. K L. and Antonia Dickson. T 5827. RASMUS Life and letters of, by J. A. Froude. T 13S1./. UGfeNiE, empress. Secret of an empire. By P. de Lano. T 1399. ROEBEL : the man and his work. Bv Anne L. Page. T 15S3./. Garrick, David. By J. Knight. T i627.>f. Garrison, William Lloyd, 1S05-1879. Story of his life told by his children [W. P. and F. J. Garri- son]. 4 V. T 1628.^. Gladstone, Wm. Ewart : a political and literary biog- raphy. By G. R. Emerson. T 1691.^. — Life of, by G. B. Smith. 12th ed. T 1691.^. Glover, Wm. Memoirs of a Cambridge chorister. 2 v. T 1705.?/;. Gordon, Chas. Geo. Gordon anecdotes. By l''r. Macau- lay. T 1724.W/. Grammont, Count. jMemoirs of, by A. Hamilton. Ed. by Sir W. Scott. T I745-/'. Grant, Ulysses S. Life and ser^dces of, by J. G. Wilson. Revised cd. T 1746.1c/. He.\ly, Geo. P. A. Reminiscences of a portrait painter. T 192c. Henry IV. Jackson, Catherine C , lady. First of the Bourbons, 1595-1610. T 1962.^. Hodge, Caspar W.: a memorial address. By F. L. Pat- ton. T 2085./. Holland, Josiah G. By Mrs. H. M. Plunkett. T 2105./. Hood, Thomas. Memorials of, by his son and daughter. [New ed.] T 2i22.«. — Eliot, A., collector. Hood in Scotland. T 2122 a Irving, Washington. Life and letters, by P. M. Irving. V. 3. T 2248.7. Isabella of Castile. By Maj.-Gen. O.O.Howard. T2251. Jackson, Thomas J. (' Stonewall Jackson"'). By J. E. Cooke. T 2262.2. Jefferson, Joseph. Life and art of, by W. Winter. T 2293.V'. Joinville, Prince de. Memoirs. T 2338. "Junius" revealed [Sir Philip Francis]. By H. R. Francis. T 2357. Lamb, Charles. In the footprints of, by B. E. Martin. T 2593.OT. Larcom, Lucy : life, letters, and diary. By D. D. Ad- dison. T 2611. Lee, General Robert E. By Fitzhugh Lee. T 2640.>&. Lincoln, Abraham, and the dow^nfall of American slav- erv, by N. Brooks. T 2691.1. — Stoddard, W. O. Table talk of. M 3423- Liszt, Franz. Letters of, by La Mara. 2 v. T 269S./'. Longfellow, Samuel : memoir and letters. Ev J. May. t 2731.^. Lowe. Robert, viscount Sherbrooke. Life and letters of, by A. P. Martin. 2 v. T 2739.I. Luther anecdotes : memorable sayings and doings of Martin Luther. By Dr. Macaulay. T 2748.6. Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 1— BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS : Collective Biography. LUTZ, Johann E. Scholler, L. W. Chapter of church history from south Germany. Passages from the life of. T 2749. Macphf.rson, James. Life and letters of, by IS. .Saun- ders. T 2831. Mahomet. Life of, by Muir. T 3116.^. Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of. Life of, by Gen. viscount Wolseley. 2 v. T 2887.7c. Mary, queen of Scots. History of, by F. A. Mignct. 7th ed. ' T 2896. >6. Maury, Generally. IT. Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Lidian, and civil wars. T 2946 r. Maximilian and Carlotta : a story of imperialism. By J. M. Taylor. T 2948./". Moody (13. L.) at home : his home and home work. Y3315. Morgan, Rev. Wm. F. Sermon in memory of, by Rev. J. W. Krown. T 3164./'. Murphy, T. E. What [he] has done for temperance. By A. R. Kimball. X 9243. Murray, David Christie. Making of a novelist. T 3238./. Napoleon T. Bonaparte. Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. New ed. By Phipps. 4 V. T 3263.2. — Dumas, A. Napoleon. T 3263. r/. — Levy, A. Private life of Napoleon. 2 v. T 3263.5. — Masson. F. Napoleon at home. 2 v. T 3263.8. — Meneval, Baron C. F. Memoirs illustrating the his- tory of, from 1802 to 1815. V. 1-3. T 3263.7. Nelson, Lord. Death of, by W. Beatty. 2d ed. T 3284.-^. Newman, John Henry, cardinal. Maynell, W. Jolm Henry Newman, the founder of modern Anglican- ism. T 3293./. — Newman, F. W. Contributions to the early history of Cardmal Newman. 2d ed. T 3293. «. Northcote, James, R.A. Conversations of, by W. Hazlitt. Ed. by E. Gosse. T 3330. Northcote, Sir Stafford, ist earl of Iddesleigh. Life, letters, and diaries of, by A. Lang. New ed. T 3331. O'Connell, Daniel. Correspondence of, ed. by W. J. Fitzpatrick. 2 v. T 3364. _/] Owen, Richard. Life of, by Rev. R. Owen. 2 v. T 3404-^. Pasquier, ChanccUiir. Memoirs, v. 2, 3 (1S12-15). . T 3437. Paterson, John, maj.-gen. in the Revolutionary army. Life of, by T. Egleston. T 3441. Patrick (St.). Life and labors of. By W. Cathcart. In Y 3547. Pearson, IL G. f Memorial address, by E. L. Godkin. T 4707. Peel, Sir Robert. Ed. by C. S. Parker. T 3456-/- Polk, Leonidas, bishop and general. By W. ^L Polk. 2 v._ _ T 3555-/. Reeves, Sims. His life and recollections. Written by himself. T 367S. t Rehan, Ada : a study. By W. Winter. T 5720. Reynolds, .S/> Josliua. By C. Phillips. T 370S/. Richard HI. Memoirs of, by J. H. Jesse. New ed. 2 v. T 3726./'. Sala, George Augustus. Things I have seen and people I have met. 2 v. T 3842. Sarpi, Fra Paolo. By Rev. A. Robertson. T 3S65. Scott, General \V. I3y Gen. M. J. Wright. T 3977.7c. Severn, Joseph. Life and letters of, by W. Sharp. T 4015. Sheridans, The. Lives of, by P. Fitzgerald. 2 v. T 4033-/. Sherman, General Wm. T. and Senator]. The Sher- man letters : correspondence between, from 1837 to 1S91. Ed. by Rachel S. Thorndike. T 4034./. Skougaard, Lorentz S. : a sketch. By A. C. Clark. T 4099. Stanley, Arthur P. Life and correspondence of, by R. E. Prothero and G. G. Bradley. 2 v. T 421 1/. Swift, Jonathan. Life of, by H. Craik. T 4312. r. Thoreau, Henry D. Familiar letters. Ed. by F. B. Sanborn. T 4392.;-. Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Autobiography, 1763-1793, ed. by O'Brien. 2 v. T 4446. «. Verdi : Milan and "Othello."' By Blanche Roosevelt. 'f 459-1. Vespucci, Amerigo. America's godfather. By Vir- ginia Johnson. T 4598./. Washington, General George. By Gen. B. T. john- • son. T 4672./. Waterfc^D, Louisa, marchioness of. Memorials of, by A. J. C. Hare. In T 745.^. Wedgwood, Josiah, his personal history. By S. Smiles. T 4714.3-. Wellington, Arthur, duke of. Life of, by C. D. Yonge. Revised ed. T 4735. s. Whittier, John G. Life and letters of, by S. T. Pickard. 2 v. T 48 17./. William I , emperor of Germany. Simon. E. Emperor William and his reign. 2d ed. 2 v. T 4843.^, Williams. Roger, the pioneer of religious lihertv. By O. S. Strau.s. T 4845. j. YouMANS, Edward L., interpreter of science for the people. By J. Fiske. T 4985. B. Collective Biography. Adams. Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women. T 5503.^. Bolton. Famous leaders among men. T 5049 a. Contents : Napoleon Bonaparte. — Horatio Nelson. — John Bunyan. — Thomas Arnold. — Wendell Phil- lips. — Henry Ward Beecher. — Charles Kingsley. — General Wm. Tecumseh Sherman. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon. — Phillips Brooks. Butterworth. Great composers. T 5069. Crowest. Great tone-poets. 7th ed. T 5105.6. Ehrlich. Celebrated pianists of the and present time. T 5134.9. Engel. From Handel to Halle : biographical sketches. T 55S3. Cotitents : HandeL— Gluck. — Beethoven. — Sir Ar- thur Sullivan.— Joseph PSarmby. — Madame Emma Al- bani-Gye. — Professor Huxley. — Hubert Herkomer. — Sir Charles and Lady Halle. — Three prodigies. Famous people and famous places. T 5143./, Fifty celebrated men : their lives and trials. T 5150.^. Fifty famous women and the lessons of their lives. T 5150./. Godwin. Commemorative addresses. T 5x71.^. Great heroes and gallant fights. T 5175.//. Great kings and great preachers. T 5175.;^. GuiNEY. Little English gallery. 1" 5179- Contents: Lady Danvers. — Henry Vaughan.— George Farquhar. — Topham Beauclerk. — Bennet Langton. — William Hogartii. Hamilton. Women writers: their works and ways. v. 2. T 51S5.7C. Contents: Mrs. Plemans — Mrs. Jameson. — Frede- rika Bremer. — Harriet Martineau. — Letitia Elizabeth Landon (Mrs. Maclean). — Honourable Mrs. Norton (Lady Stirling-Maxwell). — Elizabeth Barrett Browning. — Mrs. Gaskell. — Charlotte Bronte. — George Eliot (Mary Anne Cross). — Adelaide Anne Procter. — Louisa May Alcott. Hare. Story of two noble lives. 3 v. T 745.^. A^ote. — Memorials of Charlotte, countess Canning, and Louisa, marchioness of Waterford. Hervey. Masters of French music. T 5198. Contents: Ambroise Thomas. — Charles Gounod. — Camille Saint-Saens. — Jules Massenet. — Ernest Reyer. — Alfred Bruneau. — Some other French composers. How. Illustrated interviews. T 5629. Contents: W. S. Gilbert. — Cardinal Manning.— Sir Frederick Leighton. — Madame Albani.— F. C. Bur- nand. — Henry Irving. — Miss Ellen Terry. — Professor FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 2— CYCLOPEDIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, Etc. : Literary Periodicals. Blackie. — Lord Wolseley. — George Augustus Sala. — Sir Morell Mackenzie —Rev. J. E. C. Welldon.— Henr)' Stacy Marks, R.A. — Lord bp. of Ripon. — William Howard Russell. — Henry Furniss. Howie. Heroes for the faith : lives of the Scottish worthies. Revised by M'Gavin. T 5213. Lodge. I'ioneers of science [astronomers]. T 5272./. MacK/VY. Founders of the American republic. T 52S1. Contents : Washington. — John Adams. — Thomas Jef- ferson. — Benjamin Franklin. — James Madison. — Dan- gers of ultra-Democracy. Maitland. Masters of German music. T 5286. Contents: Johannes Brahms. — Max Bruch. — Karl Goldmark. — Josef Rheinberger. — Thcodor Kirchner. — Carl Reinecke. — Woldemar Bargiel. — Joseph Joa- chim. — Clara Schumann. — Heinrich von Herzogen- berg. — Heinrich Hofman. — Anton Bruckner. — Felix Draeseke. — Jean Louis Nicode. — Richard Strauss. — Hans Sommer. — Cyrill Kistler. .Martyrs for the truth : last words and dying testimonies of the worthies of Scotland. T 5287. Plctarch. Lives. Selected by J. S. While. T 5384. w. Seccombe. Lives of twelve bad men. T 5739. Contents: James Hepburn, earl of Bothwdl. — Sir Edward Kelley. — Matthew Hopkins. — George Jeffreys. — Titus Gates. — Simon Eraser, lord Lovat— Colonel Francis Charteris. — Jonathan Wild. — James Maclaine. — George Robert Fitzgerald. — Thomas Griffiths Wain- wright. — Edward Kelly. Wilson, f^/f. Presidentsof theU.S.,1789-1894. T5790/. PART 2.-CYCLOPyCDIAS, COLLECTED WORKS. AND PERIODICALS. A. Cyclopaedias and Collected Works. Armstrong. Giant cyclopedia and treasury of practical knowledge. C 2507. Beeton's Illustrated dictionary of religion, philosophy, politics, and law. C 2520. a. Chambers' Encyclopedia of universal knowledge. 12 v. [1893]. C 2082.^. Child's instructor ; or, learning made easy. C 2552. Craig. New coTnmon school question book. C 2105. Jekferson, Thos. f Writings. Ed. by P. C. Ford. V. 3, 4. M 637.0. 3. 17S1-84. 4 1784-87. Johnson's + Universal cyclopaedia. New ed. [by] C. K. Adams, v. 1-5. C 2847.0. 1. A. — Calculus. 2. Calcutta — Edham Pasha. 3. Edict— Grecian mythology. 4. Greece — Kingston. 5. Kingston — Nlozambique channel. Lincoln. A. Complete works. Ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. 2 v. M 662. Phillips. Million of facts. C 2351. Stanley, A. P. Selection from the writings of. Ed. by A. S. Aglen. M 420. B. Literary Periodicals. t Advoc.vte and family guardian, v. 59 (Jan. 2-Dec. 16, 1893). " C 6S01. f American art journal [Music], v. 63 (Apl. 14-Oct. 6, 1894). C 6802. a. f American economist, v. 12, 13 (July 7, 1893-June, 1894). C 6802. •f Arena, The. v. 9 (Dec. iSg3-May 1894). C 6509. f Army and navy journal, U. S. v. 31 (Augt. 26, 1893- Augt. 25, 1S94). C 6803. f Art amateur: journal devoted to art in the household. v. 29, 30 (June 1893-May 1894). I 904 a. f Athen.ei;.\i, The: Jan. -Dec. 1894. 2 v. C 6S04. Atlantic monthly, v. 73, 74 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 65 11. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 53, 54 (Jan.- Dec. 1S43). C 68 10. Note. — "New world " edition. — Same. v. 55 (Jan. -June 1844.) C 6527. Buy's own annual, v. 16 (Oct. 7, 1893-Sept. 29, 1894). C 6S11. Browne's Phonographic weekly, v. 18 (Jan. 2-Dec. 18, j 1893*. W 1537. j Leslie's (Frank) Popular monthly, v. 37, 38 (Jan. -Dec. Note. — No. 52 for Dec. 25 was never published. 1894). C 6854.0. f Business : a practical journal of the office, v. 14 (Jan.- \ Library journal, v. 19 (Jan.-Dec. 1S94). M S66j. Dec. 1894K C"68i4. Lippincott's Monthly magazine, v. 53, =4 (Jan.-Dec. Century, The : illustrated monthly magazine, v. 25, 1894). C C661. 26 (Nov. i?»3-0ct. 1S94). C 6549. t Literary news. New series, v. 15 flan.-Dec. 1S94). Chatterbox. Ed. by J. E. Clarke. 1894. C 6551. | ' M 7662. Chautauquan, The. v. 18, 19 [N. S. v. 9, 10]. (Oct. 1893-Sept. 1894.) C 6552. Cook's f Excursionist and tourist advertiser. (Jan.-Dec. 1894.) C 6S20. Cosmopolitan, The. v. 16, 17 (Nov. 1893-Oct. 1894). C 6562. f Critic, The : a weekly review of literature and the arts. V. 24, 25 [N.'S. v. 21, 22]. (Jan.-Dec. 1894.) C6S21.'s Family magazine, v. 30 (Nov. 1893-Cct. 1894). C 6824. Domestic monthly, v. 39-41 (April 1893-Sept. 1894). C 6925. f Edinburgh review, v. 179, iSo (Jan.-Oct. 1894). C 6580. f Educational review, v 7, 8 (Jan.-Dec. iS94». C C580.0. f Forest and stream, v. 4':, 43 (Jan.-Dec. 1894*. C 6932, f Fortnightly review, v. 55, 56 [O. S. v. 61, 62]. (Jan.- Dec. 1894.) C 6593. f Forum, The. v. 16, 17 (Sept. iS93-Aug. 1894^. C 6595. f Free Russia, v. 2, 3 (Sept. 1891-July 1893). C 6596. Note. — "Organ of the ' Soc. of Friends of Russian Freedom.'" (v. 2, No. i wanting.) Girl's own annual, v. 15 (Oct. 15, 1893-Scpt. 29, 1894). C 6834. Godey's Magazine, v. 128, 129 (Jan.-Dec. i894>. C 6602. Goldthwaitk's I Geographical magazine, v. 5 (Jan.- Dec. 1893). C 6603. Harper's New monthly magazine, v. 88, 89 (Dec. 1893-Nov. 1894). C 6612. Harper's Young people, v. 15 (Nov. iS93-Oct. 1S94). C 6838. \ HARTrt)RD seminary record. v. 4 (Oct. iSg'^-Aug. 1S94). C 6613. f HEBREW-Christian, The. v. 10, 11 (Jan. 1892-Oct. 1893). C 6S39. Note. — v. 10 is a monthly and v. II a quarterly, f Humanitarian, The. v. i, 2 (Julv 1892-June 1S93). 4°. C 6844. — ■!■ Same. v. 3 (July-Dec. 1893^ V. C 6630. f Illustrated American, v. 15, 16 ( 6-Dec. 29, 1S94). C 6845. t Illustrated London news. v. 102-104 (Jan. 1893- June 1894). C 6945. f Insurance economist, v. 17 (Oct. 1893-Sept. 1894). C 6S46. In asking for tx>oks, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 4 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Abbe Daniel, to Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea, f LriERARY world, v. 25 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6855. LrriLE ones annual. [1894. j C 6664. f London quarterly review, v. Si, 82 [O. S. v. 21, 22J. (Oct. 1893-July 1894.) C 6664. Munsey's Magazine, v. 6-11 (Oct. iS9i-Sept. 1894). C 6693. Musical record : Jan. -Dec. 1894. C 6S66. f NEW-church messenger, v. 66, 67 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). ' C 6S67. f New earth, The. v. 4(Dec. 1892-Nov. 1893). 06867. «. New England magazine, v. 15, 16 [N. S. v. 9, 10 J. (Sept. 1893-Aug. 1894.) C 6697. f Nineteenth century, v. 35, 36 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6699. f North American review. v. 158, 159 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6700. Nursery. The. v. W. [1891?! C 6701. Oi.ivicR Optic's annual. [1887 ?J C 6702. f Our animal friends, v. 21 (Sept. i8g3-Aug. 1S94I C 6868.<7. Outing : illustrated monthly magazine of sport, travel, and recreation, v. 23, 24 (Oct. 1893-Sept. 1S94). C 6704. Peterson Magazine, New. v. 105, 106 [N. S. v. 3, 4J. (Jan. -Dec. 1894.) C C709. + Phonetic journal, v. 53 (Jan. -Dec 1894). C 6710. f Phrenological journal, v. 97, 98 [N. S. v. 49. 5°]. (Jan. -Dec. 1894.) C 671 1. f Physical education, v. 2 (Mch. i8g3-Feb. 1894^. C6712. f Political science quarterly, v. 8 (Mch. -Dec. 1893). C 6713- + Publishers' weekly, v. 45. 46 (Jan.- Dec. 1894). M 7716. f Quarterly review, v. 178, 179 (Jan. -Oct. 1894). C6717. f Review of reviews, v. 8-ao (July 1893-Dec. 1894). C 6722. f Sailors' magazine, v. 66 (Jan. -Dec. i894\ C 6729. St. Nicholas : illustr. magazine for young folks, v. 21, pts. I, 2 (Nov. 1893-Oct. 1894). C 6730. t Saturday review, v. 77.78 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). €6877. Scribner's Magazine, v. 15, 16 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6740. + SocL-VL economist, v. 6, 7 (Jan -Dec. 1894). C 6749. I United service : monthly review of military and naval affairs. New series, v. ii, 12 (Jan, -Dec. 1894). C 6773-^. f University extension: monthly journal devoted to pop- ular education, v. i (July-Nov. xSgi). C 6773.^. f Voice, The. v. 11 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). ■f Westminster review, v. 141, 142 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C6785. Wide awake, v. KK. [37] (June-Dec. 1893), C 67S9. B. Scientific and Technological Jour- nals and Transactions. f American agriculturist. v. 51-53 (Jan. 1892-Aug. 1S94). ' C 7802. f American architect and building news. v. 43-46 (jan.- Dec. 1894). C 7802.^. f American soap journal and perfume gazette, v. 4 (Apl. 1893-Mch. 1894). C 7802.^. Architectural and building monthly, v. 7, 8 (Apl. iB93-Mch. 1894). C 7804. f .Architectural record, v. 3, 4 (July 1893-Dec. 1894). C 7508. f Architecture and building, v. 20, 21 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 7S03. f Builder and woodworker, v. 30 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 7814. f Carpentry an. Only an Irish boy. Allen, W. B. Snowed in. — Victor Vane, the young secretary. Among the Esquimaux. By E. S. Ellis. Anotlier girl's experience. By L. Webster. Antony Weymouth. By W. H. G. Kingston. (In "Stir- ring adventures afloat and ashore.") Aschenbrodel : a child sketch. By Mrs. G. A. I'aull. Asiatic breezes. By Oliver Optic, (v. 4 of " AU-over- the-world library," 2d series.) Austin, Caroline. Unlucky : fragment of a girl's life. Banshee Castle. By Rosa Mulholland. Barbara's brothers. By Evelyn E. Green. Barinc^-Gould, S. Book of' fairy tales. Basile, G. The pentameronc ; or, the story of stories. Beautiful Joe : an autobiography. By M. Saunders. Beckman, E. Pax and Carlino : a story. Big cypress: story of an everglade homestead. By K. Munroe. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. X2 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Black Man's Ghost, /^ Francois the waif. Black man"s ghost. By J. C. Hutcheson. (In " Stories of peril and adventure.") BLANCHARI5, Amy E. Two girls. Blanche : a story for girls. By Mrs. Molesworth. Book of fairy tales. By .S. Baring-Gould. BOOTHBY, G. In strange company : a story of Chili and the southern seas. BORLASE, S. Stirring tales of Colonial adventure. BOYESEN, II. H. Norseland scries : — Modern vikings. — Norseland tales. Boys' revolt : a story of the street Arabs of N. Y. By J. Otis. Brave and honest series. .9ellion: a compilation of the official records. Series r, v. 42 (pts. 2, 3)-45 (pts. i. 2>. Q 777.1-'"- ^; Same. Atlas to accompany "Official reconis," pts. 24-32. Q 7991- Wharton. Colonial days and dames. Q347S.C. Winsor. Cartier to Frontenac : geographical discovery in the interior of North America in its historical relations, 1534-1700. Q 3790. Young. What a boy saw in the army : advs. in the war for the union. Q 7799. UNITED STATES: DESCRIPTION AND TRAVELS. Bryant, cdr. f Picturesque .America ; or, the land we live in. 2 v. Q S13. FRfeMONT. f Exploring expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains. Q 9594- In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 16 4— HISTORY: European History and Travels. Gannett, f Geographic dictionary of Connecticut. No. 117 ofV) ^lll-b. — + Geographic dictionary of Massachusetts. No. wbofUZ-m.b. — \ Geofjraphic dictionary of Rhode Island. No. 115 ^/D 8773.-^. Grand Rapids. Board of Trade, f Grand Rapids as it is. 1S94. Q 9604.0. Hubbard. Woods and lakes of Maine. 2d cd. Q q62g.w. Janvier. In old New York. Q 9227. King. Rocky Mouniains and Pacific slope. Q 244./. MuiR. Mountains of California. Q 9320. Neide. Canoe " Aurora ■' : cruist from the Adirondacks to the gulf. Q 32S. New Jersey. + Documents relating to the colonial his- tory. Ed by Ricord. v. 18. Q 9696. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. Health and pleasure on " America's greatest rail- road." Q 697. New York City, Ladies' guide and city directory [1S85]. Q 9329- ^- — f Manual of the corporation for 1842-3, 1849, 1851, 1852, 1855, 1858, 1859. U 6329. — Same. 1862,1865. Q 9329.W. Norton. Handbook of Florida. 3d ed. Q 9332. Picturesque Berkshire. 2 v. Q q?>-i.b. Picturesque Franklin. Q 9S71./. Picturesque Hampden. 2 v. Q 9871.,^'. Picturesque Hampshire. Qq87i./^. Rutgers. On and off the saddle : great northweft to the Antilles. P 7382. Stoddard. Beyond the Rockies : a spring journey in California. Q 9423"''- ToRREY. Florida sketch-book. Q 9445- OTHER PARTS OF AMERICA. Argentina, Republica. f La provincia de entre-rios. P 9509. Baedeker. Dominion of Canada : handbook for trav- ellers. P 7022. LuMMis. Spanish pioneers. P 7274- Wallace. Narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. P 9464- United States, f Messages of the president [on] the Mexican war. Q 6773. Wright, f Salvador (illustrated). P 8899. B. European History and Travels, GENERAL WORKS. Cassell's Pocket-guide to Europe. Na 3078. JuDSON. Europe in the 19th century. N 4235. Knox. Pocket guide to Europe. New ed. Na 3250. Taylor,^!//-. Picturesque Europe : a delineation by pen and pencil. 3 v. Na 3887. Warren. Little journeys abroad. Na 3466. ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITAIN. England generally. Churck. Stories from English history. R 1089. J. CoMAN a)id Kendall. Growth of the English nation. R 1098. Davis Our English cousins. R 1115. DULCKEN. Popular history of England. R 1128. England's battles by sea and land. 2 v. R 1S28. Green. Town life in the 15th century. 2 v. R 1605. A Harper. From Paddington to Penzance. R 1611./. Jessopp. Random roaming, and other papers. R 1234.;-. Jewitt and Hall. Stately homes of England. R 1640. Knight. By moorland and sea. R 1249. (^. Memorable 'events in British history. R 1299. Rogers. Life aboard a British privateer in the time of queen Anne. R 1376./. Sanderson. History of England and the British em- pire, B.C. 55-A.I). 1890. R 1731. Smith. Climbing in the British isles, i. England. R i^ii.c. Stafford and Dulcken. Imperial history of England. 3 v. R 1S85. N^ote. — Embraces David Hume's work brought down to date. Traill, edr. Social England, v. i, 2. R 1768. 1. From earliest times to Edward I. 2. Edward I. to Henry VII. Two thrones. The ; or, rebellion and loyalty. S 1450. Contents: French revolution, Crimean war, Eliza- bethan age. Wylie. History of England under Henry IV. 2 v. R 1495. Yonge. History of the English revolution. R 1498./;. Parts of England. Clark. Cambridge : brief historical and descriptive notes. • R 1093. Fry. London. 1S94. R 1159.1^. Hare. Sussex. R ii86.j-. Leyland. Peak of Derbyshire. R 1267/. Loftie. Brief account of Westminster abbey. R i2']oJ>. — Windsor castle.. R 1270. Martin. Old Chelsea. [London.] R 1289. «?. Page. Exploration of Dartmoor and its antiquities. 3d ed. R 1340.0'. — Exploration of Exmoor. 2d ed. R 1340.^. Raine. Historic towns : York. R 1362. Waite. Shakespeare's Stratford: a pictorial pilgrimage. R 1776. Walpole. Land of home rule : history and constitution of the Isle of Man. R 1464./. Ward and Locke, publishers. Pictorial guide to Lon- don. R 1466./. Warner. English historv in Shakespeare's plays. R 1467. Ireland and Scotland. Anderson. Scotland in early Christian times. 2 v. E 9506. Dunlop. Old Edinburgh. _ R 2129. Harper. Marches of Wales. ' R 2612. Joyce. Short history of Ireland to 1608. R. 2234. j. Lefevre. Incidents of coercion : a visit to Ireland in 1S82 and 1SS8. R 2263. Macritchie. Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts. S 9670. Maxwell, D. Bygone Scotland : historical and social. R 2676. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish rebellion in 1798. R 2294. Milner. Studies of nature on the coast of Arran. R 2304. Nicholson. Ireland's welcome to the stranger in 1844-45. R 2330. O'Brien. Irish ideas. R 2336. Tynan. Irish national invincibles. R 2771. FRENCH HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Bonnechose. Popular history of France. Condensed by Dulcken. S 1049. Brewer. History of France. S 1057. Browning. Flight to Varennes. N 4061. Crane and Brun, edrs. Tableaux de la revolution fran9aise. S 1104./. France. By the author of " Mademoiselle Mori." , S1157 Holst. French revolution tested by Mirabeau's career. 2 V. S 121 r. .Murray. High life in France under the republic. 4th ed. S I323-/'- My Paris note-book. By the author of "An Englishman in Paris." S 1325. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY: Oriental History and Travels. 17 Northrop, History of the French revolution, 1789(0 1795. s ly-jo- SiBORNE. The Waterloo campaign, 1815. S 1405. Taine. Modern ri^gimc. v. 2. S 1432. w. Two thrones, The ; or, rebellion and loyalty. S 1450. Note. — French revolution, Crimean war, Elizabethan age. Ward and Lock, publishers. Pictorial guide to Paris. S 1464. SPANISH HISTORY AND TRAVELS. PONNER. Child's history of Spain. S 2050. Middlemore. Round a posada fire : Spanish legends. S 2303. Watts. Christian recovery of Spain (711-1492. A.l).). S 2469. White. Heart and songs of the Spanish sierras. S 2481. ITALIAN HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Cesaresco. I-il)Gration of Italy, 1815-1870. S 3081. Clement. Naples, the city of Parthenope. S 3093.M. Gallenga. Italy, past and future. 2 v. S 3597. Symonds. Days spent on a doge's farm. S 3757- Thompson. Around the Roman Campagna. S 3433- ViLLARi. Two first centuries of Florentine history. S 3776. Ward and Lock, publishers. Illustrated guide to the Riviera. S 3464. WiEL. Venice. S 3482. GREECE AND ROME. Aristotle. Athenian constitution. Transl. by Ren- yon. N S014. Beeton's Classical dictionary. N 5034. BlOmner. Home life of the ancient Greeks. N S047. DiEHL. Excursions in Greece : the results of recent excavations. N 8x21. History of Greece (1829). N 8624. Joy. Rome and the making of modern Europe. N 9234. Popular history of Rome. N 9356. Ramsay. Manual of Roman antiquities. M 9363 RoDD. Customs and lore of modern Greece. S 7375- Rose. Popular history of Greece. Ed. by Dulcken. N 8373. Smith. Classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biog- raphy, mythology, and geography. Revised by Marindin. N 5747-«''- GERMANY, RUSSIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, etc. AND Baker. Pictures of Swedish life. R 3514. Bigelow. I'Orderland of Czar and Kaiser. S 4040. Brewer. History of Germany. R 4057. t Free Russia, v. 2, 3. (Sept. i89T-July 1893.) C 6596. Griffis. Brave little Holland and what she taught us. 'R 8176. Leroy-Beaulieu. Empire of the tsars. 2. The insti- tutions. S 4659. McCracken. Romance Switzerland. R 9277.;-. — Teutonic Switzerland. R 9277./. Marvin. Region of the eternal fire : the petroleum region of the Caspian in 1SS3. Now cd. .S 4289.;-. Newton. Run through Russia : a visit to Tolstoi. S 4329- Nutting. Days of prince Maurice : story of the Ncth- erland war, 1584-1648. R S335. Pictures of Hungarian life. By the authorof " Flemish interiors." S 6352. Sears. Illustrated description of the Russian empire. New ed. S 4739. Stephen. Playground of Europe. New ed. [Alps.| R 9421. Two thrones, The ; or, rebellion and loyalty. S 1450. Coutrnts: French revolution, Crimean war, Eliza- bethan age. ViCARY. Saga time. R 3461. Ward and LOCK, publishers. Illustrated guide to the Rhine. R 44f'5»- — Illustrated guide to Switzerland. R 9464. C. Oriental History and Travels. Allen and S achtleuen. Across Asia on a bicycle. O 8. Arnold. Wandering words. Nb 3509. Bur ION. Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah. 2 v. O 7541. Forbes. Czar and sultan: ad vs. of a British lad in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. S 8156. Hamlin. Among the Turks. S 81 84. Irving. Mahomet and his successors. N. Y. [1891.J O 7224.a. Knox. Boy travellers in the Levant. Nb 3650.^, Miln. When we were strolling players in the East. Nb 3683. Ravenstein. Cyprus: its resources and capabilities. O 1364. Trumbull. Studies in Oriental social life. Nb 376S. AFRICA. Argus annual and south African directory. P 5509. Bent. Ruined cities of Mashonaland. New cd. P 5036. Burton. First footsteps in east Africa [Harar]. 2 v, P 3540./. Dudgeon. Travels and perilous adventures [in Algiers}. P II2ii. Galton. Narrative of an explorer iH tropical south Africa in 1S51. 3d ed. P 5161. HOhnel. Discovery of kkes Rudolf and Stefanie|by Count TelckiJ. 2 v. P 3625. Lugard. Rise of our east African empire. 2 v. P 3665. MoNTBARD. Among the Moors. P 108S. Portal. British mission to Uganda in 1893. Ed by Rodd. P 3714- Selous. Hunter's wanderings in Africa. 3d ed. P 5 740. A. Smith. Great gold lands of south Africa. P 5412. Theal. Story of south Africa. P 5437. Thompson. Life in Tripoli. P i437- WiUTTON and MliNE, covipilcrs. Geographical reader for south Africa. P 54S1. Wills o«(/ Colli ngridge. Downfall of Lobengula: the Matabeli war. P 5790. Wolverton. Five months' sport in Somali land. P 3793- Young. Nyassa: a journal of adventures. Revised by Waller. P 3497. AUSTRALASIA. Australia as it is. By a clergyman. 3d ed. P 6020. BooTHBY. On the Wallaby ; or, through the cast and across Australia. P 6531. Churchward. My consulate in Samoa. P 6553. O'Rell. [P. Blouct.J John Bull & Co. : Canada. Aus- tralia, New Zealand, and south Africa. P 6339. Parkes. Fifty years in the making of Australian his- tory. 2 V. P 6706. Pennefather. Handbook for travellers in New Zc.i- land. P 6346. Sutherland. History of Australia and New Zealand, from i6o5 to 1890. P 6429. Tregarthen. Story of Australasia. P 6447. CHINA AND JAPAN. Berkeley. Japanese letters: eastern impressions of Tokiwara and Yashiri. O 2037. Bishop. Among the Tibetans. O 5C>43- Bramhall. Wee ones of Japan. O 2056. CtKKK and others. Story of China and Japan. O 2555. Curzon. Problems of the far east: Japan, Korea, China. O 2565. In asking for boohs, use the ' 2 Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 18 4— HISTORY: Universal History and Travels, Douglas. Society in China. O 2575. Dresskr. Japan: its architecture, art, and art manufac- tures. O 2576. Hearn. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 2 v. O 2615. Landor. Alone with the hairy Ainu. O 2656. LovETT. James Gilmour and his boys. [Travels in Mongolia. tVc-.] O 2272. Morris. War in Korea. O 2316 w. Murray. Story of Japan. O 2323. Smith. Chinese characteristics. O 2747. S773./'. B. Drama and Plays. AVRES. [T. E. Osmun.] Acting and actors, elocution and elocutionists. K 2021. Breton's Book of acting charades. K 2034. BjOrnson. a gauntlet: the Norwegian drama "En Hanske." K 7043.^^- Davidson (J.). Plays. K 2570. Contents : An unhistorical pastoral. — A romantic farce. — Bruce : a chronicle play. — Smith : a tragic farce. — Scaramouch in Naxos : a pantomime. K 2214./. K 2214./. K 7221.3. Tenants, Disen- K 2226. Elze. Notes on Elizabethan dramatists. K 2581. «. Frevtag. Technique of the drama. K 2157. Gilbert. Original plays. 3d series. K 2i66.a. Contents : Comedy and tragedy. — Foggerty's fairy. — Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. — Parience ; or, Bun- thorne's bride. — Princess Ida; or, Castle Adamant. — The Mikado; or, the town of Tilipu. — Ruddigore ; or, the witch's curse. — The yeomen of the guard ; or, the merryman and his maid. — The gondoliers ; or, the king of Barataria. — The mountebanks. — Utopia lim- ited ; or, the flowers of progress. IIowEi.LS. Five o'clock tea: farce. — Likely story : farce. Ibsen. Brand : a dramatic poem. James. '1 heatricals : two comedies. gaged. — Same, 2d series : The album. The reprobate. K 22:6. Lewes. Women of Shakespeare. K cC6o. Mackay. Nero and Actea. K 2281. Maeterlink. Pclleasand Mc^lisande : a drama. K 7284. Marlowe (C). Works. Ed. by Bullen. 3 v. K 2671. 1. Tamburlane.— Tragical liistory of Dr. Faustus. 2. Jew of Malta. — Edward II. — Massacre at Paris. — Tragedy of Dido, queen of Carthage. 3. Hero and Leander. — Ovid s elegies. — Epigrams by J. D. — First book of Lucian. — Passionate shepherd to his love. — Fragment. — Dialogue in verse. JVote. — Vol. 3 is not dramatic. Marston (J.). Works. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. 3 v. K 2675. 1. Antonio and Mellida —Antonio's revenge : 2d part of " Antonio and Mellida."— The malcontent. 2. Dutch courtezan. — The fawn. — Wonderof women; or, the tragedy of Sophonisba. — What you will. 3. Eastward ho. — The insauate countess. — Metamor- phosis of Pygmalion's image. — .Scourge of villany. — Entertainment of Alice, dowager countess of Derby. — City pageant.— Verses from Chester's "Love's mar- tyr." — Mountebank's masejue.— Commendatory verses prefixed to Ben Jonson's " Sejanus." Martin (T.). Madonna Pia : a tragedy, and three other dramas. K 22S9. Contents: Madonna Pia; a tragedy. — King Rene's daughter : a lyrical drama, from tiic of Henrik Hertz.— Camp of Wallenstcin. From the German cf Friedrich Schiller. — Gladiator of Ravenna : a tragedy from the German of Friedrich Halm (Baron von Munch Bellinghausen). Matthews. Studies of the stage. K 2293 s. — This picture and that : a comedy. K 2293 /. Peele (G.). Works. Ed. by A. H. Bullen. K 2707. 1. Arraignment of Paris. — Edward I. — Battle of Alcazar— Old wives' tale. — Device of the pageant. — Descensus .^strxae. 2. David and Bethsabe. — Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. — Farewell to Sir John Norris and Sir Fran- for book-s, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 20 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Language and Phonography. cis Drake. — Tale of Troy. — Eclon;ue gratulatory. — Polyhymnia. — Speeches to queen Elizabeth at Theo- bald's. — Honour of the garter. — .'\nglorum ferix, Eng- land's holidays. — Miscellaneous poems. — Merry con- ceited jests of George Peelc. — Index. Shakespk.A-RE. f Bankside .Shakespeare, v. 22. Com- edie of errors. With introd by Morgan. K 2742./^. Note — The Hcminj;es and Condell text with the "Globe" modern text. — Pictorial edition of the works of. Ed, by Knight. Comedies. 2 v. in I. K 2742. Z'. — Si^inc. Histories. 2 v. in i. K 2-] ^2. 1. — Same. Tragedies. 2 v. in i. K 27.12. w. — Same. Doubtful plays. K 2742. «. Sheltox. Early English life in the drama. In M 45S0. Sherlock, compiler. Shakespeare on temperance. K 2404. Steele (R.). '[Best plays] Ed. by Aitken. K 2423. Contents : The funeral. — The lying lover. — The tender husband. — The conscious lovers. — School of action (a fragment). — The gentleman (a fragment). Warner. English history in Shakespeare's plays. R 1467. Wendell. William Shakespeare : a study in Elizabethan literature. K 2474. C. Essays and Miscellanies, M 400S. Allingham. Varieties in prose. 3 v. 1. Rambles of Patricius Walker, part i. 2. Same, part 2. 3. Irish sketches. Bent. Familiar short .sayings of great men. M 3036. Boyesen. Literary and social silhouettes. M 4056. Contents : Types of American women. — German and American women. — The American novelist and his public. — The progressive realism of American fiction. — The hero in fiction. — American literary criticism. — America in European literature. — Ethics of Robert Browning. — Mars vs. Apollo. — Philistinism. — Some stray notes on Alphonse Daudet. — My lost self. — Meridian of life. C.A.LL. As a matter of course. M 4072. «. Ci'RTls. From the easy chair. 3d series. M 4108. De Kroyft. Place in thy memory. M 1116. De Quincey. Select essays. Ed. by D. Masson. 2 v. M 41 1 8.;-. I On murder considered as one of the fine arts. — Early memorials of Grasmere. — Revolt of the Tartars. 2. The Spanish military nun. — The English mail- coach. — Suspiria de profundis : sequel to " Confessions of an English opium-eater." — Uncollected writings. With annotations by Hogg. 2 v. M 4118.?/. 1. Brief appraisal of the Greek literature in its fore- most jiretensions. — German language and philosophy of Kant. — Moral effect of revolutions. — Prefigurations of remote events. — Measure of value. — The Malthusian doctrine of population. — Services of Ricardo to the science of political economy. — Education, and case of appeal. — Abstract of Swedenborgianism. — Sketch of professor Wilson. — The lake dialect. — Storms in Eiig- history. — English in India. — On novels. — DeQuin- cey's portrait. 2. English in China. — Shakfespeare's text ; Suetonius unravelled. — How to write English. — Casuistry of duel- ling. — The love-charm. — Ludwig Tieck. — Last will and testament ; the house of weeping. — The household wreck. — Mr. Schnackenberger ; or, two masters for one dog. — Anglo-German dictionaries. Dictionary of scientific illustrations and- symbols. M 3 1 21. J. Edinburgh essays. M 4580. Contents: Blackie, John Stuart. Plato. — Skelton, John. Early English life in the drama. — Gairdner, William T. Homoeopathy. — Wilson, Andrew. Infanti perduti.— Sime, James. Progress of Britain in the mechanical arts. — Smith, Alex. Scottish ballads. I'.aynes, Thomas Spencer. Sir William Hamilton. — Wilson, Geo. Chemical final causes. Garland. Crumbling idols. M 4163. Contents : Provincialism.— New fields.— Question *of success. — Literary prophecy. — Local color in art. — Local novel. — Drift of the drama. — Influence of Ibsen. — Impressionism. — Literary centres. — Literary mas- ters ^A recapitulary afterword. Helps. Thoughts in the cloister and the crowd. M 3194. Henley and Whielf.y, compilers. Book of English prose. 1387-1649. M 3195. Holmes (O W.). Yearbook. M 3210. Irving. Crayon miscellany. Tappan Zee edition. M i22\.d. Johnson. Rambler, v. i, 2. 17th ed. M 4233 s. Le Gallienne. Prose fancies. M 4263. LiDDON. Essays and addresses. M 426S. Contents : Lectures on Buddhism. — Lectures on the life of St. Paul. — Papers on Dante. Little. Sketches in sunshine and storm. M 4270. McCann atid Jarrold. {'"Mickey Finn.") Odds and ends. M 1277. Mabie. My study fire. 2d series. M 4276.;;/. MacDonald. ''Beautiful thoughts" from. Arranged by Dougall. M 3278./^. Maginn. Miscellanies, prose and verse. Ed. by Mon- tagu. 2 V. M 4284. w. Morton, compiler. Porter, co>npiler. Woman in epigram. M 3317. About women : what men have said. M 3356. Repplier. In the dozy hours, and other papers. M 4368./. Contents: In the dozy hours. — A kitten. — At the novelist's table. — In behalf of parents. — Aut Cresar, aut nihil. — Note on mirrors. — Gifts. — Humor: English and American. — Discomforts of luxury. — Lectures. — Reviewers and reviewed. — Pastels : a query. — Guests. — Sympathy. — Opinions. — Children's age. — ■ A forgotten poet. — Dialogues. — Curious contention. — Passing of the essay. RusKiN. Three letters and an essay, 1836-41. M 4380.A Note. — " Found in his tutor's desk." Schopenhauer. Essays. Selected and transl. by Saun- ders. M 4394.^. Contents : Wisdom of life. — Counsels and maxims. — Religion, and other essays. — Art of literature. — Studies in pessimism. Spencer. Aphorisms from the writings of. Selected by Gingell. M 3417 a. Stoddard. Table talk of Abraham Lincoln. M 3423. Story. Poet's portfolio : later readings. M 4423./. Strachey. Talk at a country house. M 4426. Wallace. After the revolution, and other holiday fan- tasies. M 4778. Webster's Dictionary of quotations. M 3471. D. Language and Phonography. Adams' Latin grammar simplified. 5th ed. by Fisk. W 8502. Brewer. Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of difficult words. W 2057. Brown. American business letters. Pt. 3. W io6i.i^. — Business correspondence and manual of dictation for stenography and typewriting. W ic6i.r. Browne's Phonographic weekly. Vol. 18 (Jan. 2 to Dec. 18, 1S93). W 1537. N'ote. — No. 52 for Dec. 25 never published. CoBBETT. French grammar. New ed. W 4095. Dulcken. The German language in a series of gradu- ated lessons. W 3128. Feller. Pocket dictionary, English and German. W 3146. FRENCH-English and English-French pronouncing dic- tionary. New ed. W 4157' Note. — I5ased on " Nugent." FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Poetry. 21 Funk, edr. \ Standard dictionary of the English lan- guage. 2 V. W 2832. GouiN. First lessons in French. W 4i73- Handy. Pocket speller. W 2185. Harkness. Easy meihod for beginners in Latin. W 8187. Harper and Burgess. Inductive studies in English grammar. W 2186. LEFfevRii. Race and language. W 264. LOASE. Forty primary sounds of the English language. \V 2271. — t Same. W 2272. Maxwell. Advanced lessons in English grammar. W 2294. Miscellaneous words with Greek and Latin roots. W 2309. f Phonetic journal, v. 53 (Jan.-Dec. 1894). C 6710. Pitman and Howard. Reporter's companion. W 1353 n Ransom. Longmans' German composition. W 3363. Schleyer. Grammar, with vocabularies of VolapUk. Transl. by Seret. \V 1391. Seventy lessons in spelling. W 2401. Slang dictionary, etymological, historical, and anecdotal. New ed. W 2410. Spencer. System of lucid shorthand. W 1417. Teall. Compounding of English words. W 2435. Whitney. Practical French grammar. W 4481. E. Literary History and Criticism. Birrell. Essays about men, women, and books. M 9043. A Blackburn. Rambles in books. M 7043. Craik, edr. English prose: selections, v. 2. i6th century to the Restoration. M 9104.^". Curtis. Literary and social essays. M gio8. Contents: Emerson. — Hawthorne. — Works of Na- thaniel Hawthorne. — Rachel. — Thackeray in America. — Sir Philip Sidney. — Longfellow. — Oliver Wendell Holmes. — Washington Irving. DOBSO.v. — Eighteenth century vignettes. 2d series. M 9124. Contents: Journal to Stella. — At " Tully's head." — Richardson at home. — "Little Roubillac." — Nivea-nais in England. — Topography of " Humphry Clinker." — The prisoners' chapl.iin. — Johnson's library. — The two Payns. — The Berlin Hogarth. — Lady Mary Coke. — Ranelagh. — Epilogue. Dulcken. English literature from the earliest period to the Victorian era. M 91 28. Ellis. The new spirit. M 9581. Contents : Diderot. — Heine. — Whitman. — Ibsen. — Tolstoi. Fields. Shelf of old books. M 95S9. Ford. Literary shop, and other tales. M 9155. GuiNEY. Little English gallery. T 5179. Hales. Folia litteraria: essays and notes on Englisli literature. - M 91S1. Hamilton. Women writers: their works and ways. v. 2. T 5185. ri/. Irving. Mutability of literature. M 9224. Jerome, edr. My first book. M 9232. Contents: Experiences of Walter Besant. — James Payn.— W. Clark Russell. — Grant Allen. — Hall Caine. — Geo. R. Sims. — Rudvard Kipling. — A. Conan Dovle. — M. E. Braddon,— V. W. Robertson. — H. Rider Haggard.— R. M. Ballantyne. — 1. Zangwill.— Morley Roberts.— David Christie Murray. — Marie Corelli.— Jerome K. Jerome. — John Strange Winter. — Bret Harte. — " Q."— Robert Buchanan. — Robert Louis Stevenson. {Literary world, v. 25 (Jan.-Dec. 1894). C 6855. McLaughlin. Studies in Medieval life and literature. N 42S2. Robertson (J. L.). History of English literature. M 9374.'4- Robertson (J. M.). Essays towards a critical method. M 9374- Contents: Science in criticism. — Mr. Howells' liov- els. — Fable of the bees. — Art of Tennyson. Scudder. Childhood in literature and art. M 9398. Wilson. Infanti perduti. In M 4580. Yardley, compiler. New Jersey scrap book of women writers [represented] at World's Columbian Expo- sition. 2 V. M 7y3. F. Poetry. Adams, collector. Poet's praise from Homer to Swin- burne. K 1CQ4./. Akenside. f Pleasures of the imagination, and other poems. N. Y , 1S19. 16 . K 1006. Aldrich. Unguarded gates, and otherpoems. K 1007.M. Alexander. Introduction to the poetry of Robert Browning. K 1007.1. kVMO\s> and others. Four songs of life. K 1015./. Atkins. Love's tribute. K 1018. Blake. Poems. Ed. by Yeats. K 1045./. Bradshaw. English anthology from Chaucer to Ten- nyson. 4th ed. K 1057. Brooke. Tennyson: his art and relation to modern life. K 1060./. Bryan. "Nellie": a summer hymn. K 1062. Bryant. Among the trees. K ic62 a. Chamber of peace, and other religious poems. K 1082.0. Chaucer for schools. By Mrs. H. R. Haweis. K 1551. — Prologue to the " Canterbury tales." [Ed.] by Wil- loughby. K 1084.7. Dodge. When life is young: collection of verse for boys and girls. K 1124.3 Dulcken, edr. Book of German songs from i6ih to 19th centuries. K 3128. Faber. Bits of precious ore. K 1141. Field. Love-songs of childhood. K1148./. Ford. Ballads of bairnhood. K11563. Foster. Poetical works. K 11 56./. Gatty. Key to Lord Tennyson's " In memoriam." K iif.r. Gerstle. Verses of a collegian. Kir65. GossE. The Jacobean poets. K \\~'\.j. Hamilton. America, and other poems. K 1184. Heine. Poems and ballads. Done into English verse by Sir T. Martin. K 3192./. Homer. Iliad. Transl. by Purves. K 8627./). Horace. Odes. Transl. by W. E Gladstone. K S213 .^. Hugo. Legend of the centuries. K 4215!/. Knight, compiler. Pipe and pouch : the smoker's own book of poetry. K \2^c).p. Lampson, edr. Lyra elegantiarum : collection of social and occasional verse. K 1258. Lang. Ban and arriere ban : a rally of fugitive rhymes. K 1259.3. Lytton. (" Owen Merrdith.") Selected poems. K 1 064. J. McCaleb. Poems. K i277./>. Malczeuski. Vladimir : a poem of the snow. K 12S7. Mari,OW (C). Works. Ed. by Bullen. v. 3. K 2671. Martin. Little brother of the rich. K 12S9./. Moore. Irish melodies and songs. K 1315./. — Lalla Rookh : an Oriental romance. N. Y. and IJost., 1S49. 12°. K 1315./. — Same. N. V., «. d. 16'. K I3i5./t. Onnalinda : a romance. K 1336.3. Orr. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 6th ed. K 1337. Piers plowman, Vision and creed of. Ed. by Wright. 2 V. ' K 153, Reynear. Chansons du matin. K 1370. Rich. Dream of the Adirondacks, and other poems. K I312.d. Riley. Armazindy [and other poems.] K 1373 5. Saltus. Honey and gall. K 13S4. Scott (Sir W.). Lyrics and ballads. Ed. by Lang. K 1397-6. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER, 22 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS: Electricity. Sears. ("Avj.y/« «.(•.") Forest runes. K 1739. Shadow of the rock, and other religious poems. K 1402. 1. SiMONDS. American song : collection of representative American poems. K 1407. Smith. Scottish ballads. In M 4580. Strachey, edr. Poets on poets. K 1425. Theucritus. Idylls of. Transl. by llallard. K 8762. Van Dyke. Poetry of Tennyson. 4th ed. K 1458. Virgil. /Eneid, books l.-VI. Transl. by Rhoatlcs. K 8460.^. Watson. Poems. New ed. K 146S./. Williams. Studies in folk-song and popular poetry. K i484..f. G. Speeches, Elocution, and Rhetoric. Ayres. Essentials of elocution. M 5020. Barnes' New national fifth reader. M 5027. BuRDETT, compiler. Select recitations and readings. M 5067. Curtis. Orations and addresses. Ed. by Norton. V. 2, 3. M 6566, 2. Addresses and reports on the civil service reform of the U. S. 3. Historical and memorial addresses. Depew. Life and later speeches. M 6ii9.«. Fletcher and Carpenter. Introduction to theme- writing. M 5152. Gladstone. Speeches. Ed. by Hutton and Cohen. V. 9. iSb6-S8. M 6602. Harper's Third reader. M 5187. — Fourth reader. M 5 187. a. KiRTON, edr. Dialogues : popular, humorous, and tem- perance. M 5245.(7. — Humorous and popular reciter. M 5245 h. — Juvenile reciter. M 5245.y'. — Young abstainers' reciter. M 5245. Mead. Elementary composition and rhetoric. M 5296. Raymond and Wheeler. The writer. M 5365.7c/. Speeches and toasts : how to make and propose them. M 5418. Walker. English themes and essays. M 5464, H. Wit and Humor. Bangs. Three weeks in politics. M 2025./. Barr, compiler. -Humour of America. M 2029. Burdett, ifc/r. World of humor. M 2o66.7i/. f Harlem life. v. 5, 6 (June 24, 1893-June 16, 1S94). M 2S38. Nye (Bill). History of the U. S. M 2701.//. O'Donoghue, compiler. Humour of Ireland. M 2336. Pictures from " Punch." v. i, 2. M 2870. f Punch, v. 98-106 (June 28, iS90-June 30, 1894I. M 2872. Taylor, compiler. Humour of Spain. M 2434./^. PART 6.-NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. A. Astronomy. Ball. Story of the sun. D 6514.^. Bonney. Story of our planet. D 8530. Flammarion. Popular astronomy. D 6591. Frith. Marvels of astronomy. D 6157. Giberne. Starry skies ; or, first lessons on the sun, moon, and stars. D 6166. j. Gibson. Amateur telescopist's handbook. D 6167. Gore. Worlds of space. D 6i73.Z(y. Gregory. Vault of heaven : an elementary text-book of modern physical astronomy. D 6175.2'. Guillemin. The heavens : an illustr. handbook of pop- ular astronomy. D 6607. Lodge. Pioneers of science. T 5272/. Neison. Astronomy : a simple introduction to a noble science. D 6328. Parsons. New light from the great pyramid. D 6706. Phipson. Animal lore of Shakespeare's time. E 2350. Russell. Wonders of the sun, moon, and stars. D 6381. Todd. Total eclipses of the sun. D 6443. Webb. Celestial objects for common telescopes, v. i. D 6471.0. B. Botany. Dana. According to season : talks about flowers. E iiii.a. Ellacombe. Plant-lore and garden-craft of Shakespeare. 2d ed. K 2134. Gaye. Great world's farm : nature's crops and how they grow. 2d ed. E 1163 a. Hardinge. With the wild flowers. E 1186. Zimmermann. Botanical microtechnique. E Soo. C. Chemistry. Hartley. Text-book of medical chemistry. 3d ed. D 5029. Clarke. + Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics during 1890-91. In No. 90 ofYi ?>-]13.l'. — Sa7ne, during 1891-2 and 1892-3. In No. 112, of T) 8773.^. Fyfe. Elements of chemistry for schools and academies. Additions by Webster. D 5160. Medicus. Brief introduction to qualitative analysis. 3d ed. D 5678. MuiR. Alchemical essence and the chemical element. D 5692. — Chemistry of fire. D 5320 Phillips. Engineering chemistry. 2d ed. D 5351./. Priestley. Experiments on air. 2d ed. D 5715.^. Smith. Electro-chemical analysis. 2d ed. D 5412. Thorpe. Essays in historical chemistry. D 5764. Trimble. Tiie tannins, v. 2. D 5446. Venables. Short history of chemistry. D 5459. Wilson. Chemical final causes. In M 45S0. Wootton. Problems in chemical physics and specific gravities. 3d ed. D 5490* D. Electricity. Allsop. Induction coils and coil-making. D 4008.?. Atkinson. Electric transformation of power. D 4018.^. BuRCH. Manual of electrical science. D 4066. Cary. How to make and use the telephone. D 4077. Dunman. Electricity and magnetism. Rev. by Jones. D 4129. f Electrical engineer, v. 17, 18 (Jan. -Dec. 1S94). C 7826. f Electrical review, v. 23-25 (Augt. 26, iS93-Dec. 1894V C 7927. Emmet. Alternating current wiring and distribution. 04135. Frith. Marvels of electricity and magnetism. D 4157- Geipel and Kilgour. Pocket-book of electrical en- gineering formulae. D 4164. Heaviside. Electromagnetic theory, v. i. D 4615. Hertz. Electric waves. D 4619. Houston. Electricity one hundred years ago and to-day. D 4214./. Hughes. Magnetic hand telephone. D 4215. Martin. Inventions, researches, and writings of Nikola Tesla. D 4673- Noll. How to wire buildings. D 4333. Parkhurst. Dynamo and motor building for amateurs. D 4343-'/. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Geology, Mineralogy, etc. 23 Ram. Incandescent lamp and its manufacture. D 4719. Salomons. Electric light installations, v. 2. Appa- ratus. 7th cd. D 4384. iJ. Sloane. How to become a successful electrician. D 4411.A. Trevert. Electrical measurements for amateurs. D 4446./. — How to build dynamo-electric machinery. D 4768. Walmsley. Electric current : how produced and how used. D 4465. Young, a/r. Electrical apparatus for amateurs. D 4493.^. — Electrician at home. D 449S. E. Evolution, Ethnology, and Biology. DoDEL. Moses or Darwin ? Z 3124 Drummond. Ascent of man. F 112O. RiDPATH. I Great races of mankind. 8 v. E 9875. 1. Preliminary enquiries. — Primitive estate of the races. 2. Primitive estate of the races. — The east Aryans. 3. 4. West Aryans. 5. West Aryans. — Semites and Hamites. 6. Semites and Hamites. — Malays. — Mongolians. 7. Asiatic Mongoloids. — Polynesian Mongoloids. 8. American Mongoloids. — The black races. Smith. Man the primeval savage. E 9747. w. Stirling. Darwinism: workmen and work. F 1753. United States. Bureau of Etiinology. fgth, loth an- nual report, 1S87-8, 1868-9. E 9S91. F. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography. Bayley. f Eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota. No. 109 ij/D 8773. li^. Boyle, f Catalogue and bibliography of North Ameri- can mesozoic invertebrata. No. 102 oj H 8773. (^. Campbell, f Geology of the Big Stone Gap coal field of Virginia and Kentucky. A'O. iii ofT> 8773. 8773.^. — \ Geological reconnoissance in central Washington. A'o. 108 (j/D 8773.<5. Russell {Hon. R.). On hail. D 7728. ScuDDER. f Insect fauna of the Rhode Island coal field. A'o. 101 (?/D 8773.^. — f Some insects from Florissant, Colorado, and the tcr- tiaries of Colorado and Utah. A'o. 93 of I) 8773.^. — t Tertiary rhynchophorous colcoptera of the U. S. V. 21 ofY> 8891./. Shaler. Sea and land. D 7742. j. Simpson. Old mother earth : her high-ways and by- ways. D 7407. Smithsonian Institution, f Miscellaneous collections, No. 844. Meteorological tables. D 7747. Stanton, f The Colorado formation and its invertebrate fauna. A'o. 106 of D 8773.^. Tarr. Economic geology of the U. S. D 8760. United States. Coast Survey. \ Report, 1874. D 7891. — Geological Exploration of the 40/// Para He I. \ Report, V. 6. D 8891. /5. — Geological Stinry. f Atlas to accompany the mono- graph on the " Geology of the Eureka district, - Nevada." By A. Hague. D 8991.^. \ Bulletin. Nos. 85, 86, 90-117. D 8773.^. 85. Russell, Israel Cook. Correlation papers : the Newark system. 86. Van Ilise, Charles Richard. Correlation pa- pers : Archeau and Algonkian. 90. Clarke, l*"rank W igglesworth. Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics during I 890-1. 91. Darton, Nelson Horatio. Record of North American geology for 1S90. 92. liarus. Carl. Compressibility of liquids. 93. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Some insects from Florissant, Colorado, and the tertiaries of Colorado and Utah. 94. Barus, Carl. Mechanism of solid viscosity. 95. Holden, Edward Singleton. Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891. 96. Barus, Carl. Volume thermodynamics of liquids. 97. Clark, William Russell. Mesozoic echinoder- mata of the U. S. 98. White, David. Flora of the outlying carbonif- erous basins of southwestern Missouri. 99. Darton, Nelson Horatio. Record of North American geology for 1891. 100. Warman, Philip Cleveling. Bibliography and inde.x of the publications of the United States Geologi- cal Survey. 101. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Insect fauna of the Rhode Island coal field. 102. Boyle, Cornelius Brcckenridgc. Catalogue and bibliography of North American Mesozoic invertebrata. 103. Barus, Carl. High temperature work in igne- ous fusion and ebullition. 104. Weed, Walter Harvey. Glacialion of the Yel- lowstone valley north of the park. 105. Weed, Walter Harvey.. The I a ramie and the overlying Livingston formation in Montana. — Knowl- ton, Frank Hall. Report on flora [of Montana]. 106. Stanton, Timothy W. The Colorado formation and its invertebrate fauna. 107. Kemp, James Furman and Mars.tcrs, Vernon Freeman. Trap dikes of the Lake Champlain region. 108. Russell, I.srael Cook. Geological reconnois- sance in central Washington. 109. liayley, William Shirley. Eruptive and sedi- mentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota. 110. Peale, Albert Charles. Paleozoic section in the vicinity of Three Forks, Montana. 111. Campbell, Marius R. Geology of the Bi^, Stone Gap coal field of Virginia and Kentucky. 112. Perrine, Charles D. Earthquakes in California in 1S92. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 24 5— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Natural History. United States. Geological Survey. \ Bulletin. {Con- tin -ae J.) 113. Clarke, Frank Wii^glcsworth. Report of work done in division of chemistry during 1S91-2 and 1892-3. 114 Perrine, Charles D. Earthquakes in California in 1893. 115. Gannett, Henry. Geographic dictionary of Rhode Island. 116. Gannett, H. Geographic dictionary of Massa- chusetts. 117. Gannett, H. Geographic dictionary of Connect- icut. I Mineral resources of the U.S., 1891-93. D 8773 a. f Monographs, v. 19-22. D 8891.?. 19. Irving, Roland Duer. Peiiokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. 20. Hague, Arnold. Geology of the Eureka dis- trict, Nevada. 21. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Tertiary rhyn- chophorous coleoptera of the U. S. 22. Gannett, Henry. Manual of topographic methods. Van Hise. f Correlation papers : Archean and Algon- kian. No. 86 of T) 8773./^. Warman. f Bibliography and index of the publications of the U. S. Geol. Survey. No. \co ofD ^113.1>. Weed, f Glaciation of the Yellowstone Valley north of the park. No. 104 ofD 8773.3. — f The Laramie and the overlying Livingston forma- tion in Montana. /« A^(?. 105 £>/ D 8773. i^. White, f Flora of the outlying carboniferous basins of southwestern Missouri. No. 98 ofD 8773./'. Wonders of the world as related to his young friends by Uncle John. D 7489. G. Mathematics. Bowser. College algebra. D 1056. f. Cajori. History of mathematics. D 1071. Cox. Slide rule. 3d ed. D 1562. Haney. Expert calculator. D 1184. Hime. Outlines of quaternions. D 1203. Hoare. The slide rule, and how to use it. 6th ed. D 1208. Klein. I>ectures on mathematics. D 1648./. — Riemanu's theory of algebraic functions and their integrals. D 1648. r. Locic. Elementary trigonometry. D 1272. . Monteir'o. Delagoa Bay : its natives and natural his- tory. E 314. Owen. The country month by month. E 340.^. — With the woodlandersand by the tide. E 340. w. Parkhurst. The birds' calendar. E 7343. Phii'Son. Animal lore of Shakespeare's time. E 2350. I'ORTKR. Wild beasts. E 8356. RODWAY. In the Guiana forest. E 374. Samuel. Amateur aquarist. E 384. Sharpe. Hand-book to the birds of Great Britain. E 7402. United States. Fish Commission, f Bulletin, v. il, 12 for 1891-92. E 5891.0. — f Report of the commissioner for 1889-91. Pt. 17. E 5773. J. Physics or Natural Philosophy. LJakus. f Compressibility of liquids. Av. 92 cy' D 8773.*^. — f High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebulli- tion. iXo. 103 ^/D S773.(>. — f Mechanism of solid viscosity. A'o. 94 of i) 8773.*^. — \ Volume thermodynamicsof liquids. A^o. ()6o/'uS~'j2.d. Briggs anJ Bryan. Text-book of dynamics. D 3058. Cavendish. Experiments on air. D 3079. Chanute. Progress in flying machines. D 3550. Clarke, f Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics during 1890-91. JVo. 90 0/ D 8773./J. — fiaw^, during 1891-2 and 1892-3. A^o. 113 ^/D 8773. 3. Cu.M.MiNG. Heat treated experimentally. D 4107. A. Dolbear. Matter, ether, and motion. Rev. ed. D Draper. Heat, and the principles of thermodynamics. D 4126. Dunman. Sound, light, and heat. Revised by Jones. D 3x29. Earl. Practical lessons in physical measurement. D 2131. Glazehrook. Heat : an elementary text-book. D 4169. Greenhill. Treatise on hydrostatics. D 3175. Hopkins. Preparatory physics : a short course in the laboratory. D 2627./. HosKlNS. Elements of graphic statics. D 3628. Jones. Examples in physics. 2d cd. D 2234. LoviBOND. Measurement of light and colour sensations. D 3664. MiVART. Introduction to the elements of science. D 310. Moore. Keely and his discoveries : aerial navigation. D 2C89. Newth. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. D 5329./. Olmsted. Rudiments of natural pliilosophy. D 2337. Peterso.n, ecfr. Familiar science. Revised ed. D 2348. f Popular science monthly, v. 44, 45 (Nov. 1893-Oct. 1894). C 7714. Presto.n. Theory of heat. D 4714. PUPIN. Thermodynamics of reversible cycles in gases and saturated vapors. D 4359. RiCE. Twenty-five years of scientific progress, and other essays. D 372. Contents : Evolution. — Degree of probability of sci- ence. — Genesis and geology. Salverda. Aerial navigation. D 3384. Sanderson. Hydrostatics for beginners. D 33S5. United States. National Museum. \ Proceedings. V. 16, 1S93. C 4773. Williamson. Mathematical theory of the stress and strain of elastic solids. D 3484. Wonderful inventions and discoveries in heat, light, and sound. G 1489. WoODHULL. First course in science, v. i. Book of experiments. [Light.] 1)3795- — Same. v. 2. Text-book. [Light.] D 3489. PART 7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Pub- lic Documents. Chicago. Department of Public Works. \ Mayor's message and iSth annual report for 1S93. U 2552. \ Conc;ressional record. 51st congress, 2d session, V. 22 (4 pts. and Index\ 521! congr., 2d sess., v. 24 (3 pts ) and 53d congr., v. 25. U 2S21. Flower. R. P., governor of N. Y. State. \ Public papers, 1893. U 2592. — \ Public addresses, 1S93. U 2592.(7. Minneapolis, f Annual reports of city officers for 1893. U 2684. New York City. Fire Department, f Report for 1S93. U 2697. J. New York Sti-te. Assembly, f Documents, Il6th ses- sion. V. 1-12. 14-17. U 2697. -f Journal, ii6th session. 2 v. U 2697 a. — Senate, f Documents, ii6th session, v. 1-7. U 2697.^. t Journal. 1 i6th session. 1S93. U 2697.^. — Senate and Assembly, f Calendar of bills printed during n6th session. U 2866.3. United States. Ci-^il Senice Commission. + 9th re- port, July I, 189I, to June 30, 1592. U 1113 c. — Interior Department, f Annual report ending June 30, 1S91. U 2S91./. Same. 1S91, v. 5 (pts. I, 2). 1892. v. 3. 1S93, V. I, 2. U 2773. r. — House of Representatives. f Executive documents. 18 V. 1S46-S5. U iiiz.m. Note. — 29th congr., 2d sess., v. 3. — 30th congr., 2d sess., V. 6. — 31st congr., isl sess., v. 3 (pts. i, 2). — In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 26 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Government and Politics. United Stales. Hotise of Representatives. (Cotztinued.) 31st congr., 2cl sess., v. 6. — 32d congr., 1st sess., v. 4a. — 33d congr., 1st sess., v. i (pt. 3) and 7. — 33d congr., 2d sess., V. 7 (pts. I, 2). — 34tli congr., 1st sess., v. 6 (pts. I, 2).— 34th congr., 3d sess., v. 8 (pts. 1-3). — 42d congr.. 3d sess., v. i (pt. 6). — 48th congr., 2d sess., V. 4. — 4yth congr., 1st sess., v. S. Same. 3 v. 1855-6. 112891.?. A'ote. — 34th congr., 1st sess, v. 3, 10 (pts. 3, 4). ■}• Reports of committees. 3 v. 1845-85. U2773./. Note. — 29111 congr., 1st sess., v. i. — 29th congr., 2d sess. — 4Sth congr., 2d sess., v. i. U 2773.2/. — Interior Department. f Report of the secretary. 1871, V. I. 1S74, V. I. U ■i.'lTi-r. — f Message of the president. 1S45, 1846, 1849 (pt. 2) and 1851 (pts. 1-3). U 2773.^. N'ote. — 29th congr., 1st sess. — 2gth congr., 2d sess. — 31st congr., 1st sess.— 32d congr., ist sess. — \ Same. (Abridged.) 1859-60, 1861-2, 1862-3 (2 pts.). U 2773./. — Senate. \ Executive documents. 6 v. U i-Jii u. Note. — 2gth congr., 2d sess., v. I. — 30th congr., 1st sess., V. I. — 30th congr., 2d sess., v. 2. — 31st congr., 1st sess. ,v. 3. — 32d congr. , ist sess., v. I (pt. i)and 13. f Same. Special session, Mch. 1851. (No. 4.) U 2773. «<. f Miscellaneous documents. 49th congr., ist sess., V. 9. U 2773. z/. — State Department. \ Register of officers and agents in the U. S., 1855, 1S57, 1S61, 1863, 1865, 1S67. U 2773.^. B. Commerce and Business. I Business : a practical journal of the office, v. 14 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6814. Cramp. American shipbuilding and commercial suprem- acy. U SS21. Dos Passos. Inter-state commerce act. U 8125. Hat, cap, and fur trades. Directory, U. S. and Canada. 1892. U 8189 a. Hatter and Furrier directory, U. S. and Canada. [1891.J U 8189. t Insurance economist, v. 17 (Oct. 1893-Sept. 1S94). C 6S46. Joyce. History of the [English] post office to 1836. U S640, New York Produce Exchange, f Report from July i, 1S93, to July I, 1894. U 8697.0. New York State. Chamber of Commerce, f 36th annual report, 1893-94. U 8697. Owen. Marine insurance notes and clauses. U 8704. PiXLEY. Director's handbook. U 8712. Rochester Business University, f 39th annual circular and catalogue. X 7375.0. United States. Department of Labor. \ i\\.\\ special report of the commissioner. Compulsory insur- ance in Germany. U 4773.^. — State Department, f Consular reports, Nos. 5, 19, 49, 159-169 (Mch. i8Si-July 1894). U 8773.^4'-. f General index to consular reports, Nos. 112-151. U 8773.^. C. Education and Mnemonics. f Amherst Delta Phi, 1837-1887. X 7009. Arnold. Waymarks for teachers. X 701 5. w. Blow. Symbolic education : commentary on Froebel's " Mother play." X 7046. Cornell University. {Register, Dec. 1893. X 7101. Davidson. Educalion of the Greek people. X 71x4.^, District school as it was. By one who went to it. X 7123. Durell. a new life in education. X 7127. t Educational review, v. 7, 8 (Jan. -Dec 1894). C 6580.0. Genoud. f L'Enscignement professional pratique I'Ex- position de Chicago. X 7598. Grinnell. How John and I brought up the child. X7177. Harrison. Study of child-nature from the kindergarten standpoint. X 7187. Harvard- College. \ Annual reports of the president and treasurer, 1892-93. X 7613. — f Catalogue, 1893-94. X 71S8. Hewitt. Manual training exercises for educating the hand and eye. 2 pis. X 7201. Hill. Harvard College by an Oxonian. X 7203./;. Howe. Systematic science teaching. X 7211. Lang. St. Andrews. X 7656. New York City. Board of Education. Directory. 1S74, 1877, 1880, 1883, 1889, 1891. X 7329.0. Manual. 1864, l863, 1S70, 1879, 18S0. X 7329. New York State. University of the State of N. V. f 106th, 107th annual report of the regents. 3 v. X 7697.^. OUROUSSOV. Education from the cradle. X 7340.^. Plans for the government of boys at Hazlewood school. X 7354. Rochester Business University, f 39th annual circular and catalogue. X 7375.0. Smith. Oxford and her colleges. X 7412. Spalding. Things of the mind. X 7416.^. Tulane University of Louisiana, f Catalogue, 1893-94. X 7769. United States. Bureau of Education, f Report of the commissioner, 18S9-90. 2 v. X 7773. — Department of Labor. f8th annual report of the commissioner : Industrial education. U 4773.*?. f University extension : monthly journal devoted to popular education, v. i (July-Nov. 1891). c bn-id. Vermont, University of, and Slate Agricultural College. f Catalogue, 1893-4. X 7459. Washington "University (St. Louis), f Catalogue of officers and students for 1893-94. X 7467. Yale University, f Catalogue. 194th year. 1893. X 7798. D. Government and Politics. Borgeaud. Rise of modern democracy in old and New England. U 51. Brooks. Century book for young Americans. U 1536. Champernowne. The boss : art of governing Ameri- can cities. U 1082. Conkling. City government in the U. S. U 1098. Coolidgeowo' Reynolds. Show at Washington. U not. Cudmore. Buchanan's conspiracy, the Nicaragua canal, and reciprocity. U 1106. Curry. Southern states in iheir relations to the consti- tution. U iioS. Douglas. Canadian independence, annexation, and British federation. U 124. Ford, fo'r. American citizen's manual. U 11 56. Gregg. Parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days. U 604. Hoffmann. Sphere of the state. U 209. Kent. Essays in politics. U 241. Lawton. American caucus sy.stem. U 1262. Lecky. The empire : its value and its growth. U 263. Lincoln and Douglas, Political debates between. U 1661. Lloyd and Tebbitt. Extension of empire, weakness ? deficits, ruin? U 270. Locke. Four letters on toleration. U 662. McPherson. Handbook of politics for 1S94. U 1670. Montague. English constitutional history. U 314. O'Connor. Sketches in the House. U 336. + Political science quarterly, v. 8 (Mch. -Dec. 1S93). C 6713. Smith. History of the English parliament. 2 v. U 747. Stevens. Sources of the con.'^lituiion of the U.S. U 1423. Union League Club (N. Y. City). f [By-laws, etc.] 1894. U 1772. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Social Science and Statistics. 27 E. Law and Crime. Buxton and Barnes. Handbook to the death duties. V 8069. Clark. Architect, owner, and builder before the law. V6555. Clarke. History of tithes. V 5092. Frith. Chairman's guide and secretary's companion. V 158, GiNNELL. Brehon laws. V 2163. LoFTiE. Inns of court and chancery. V 273. Maid.ment, edr. Court of session garland. V 671. MoREY. Outlines of Roman law. V 2316. New York State. State Department, \ Laws passed 117th session of the legislature. V 4697. Palgrave. Chairman's handbook. 5th ed. V 342. Parsons. Liability of railway companies for negligence towards passengers. V 6343. Payne. Law at a glance. V 344. Pratt. Military law : its procedure and practice. V 5357. Reed. Manual of general parliamentary law. V 367. Snyder, Notaries' and commissioners' manual. V 74S. West. Wills and how not to make them. V 8476. F. Military and Naval Science. f and navy journal, U. S. v. 31 (Augt. 26, 1893- Augt. 25, 1S94). C 6803. Gaw.vf. and Wilkinson, transl. Order of field service of the German army. G 6163. Gould. (" Ralph Green^uood.") Modern American pis- tols and revolvers. H 8604. Le Queu.x. Great war in England in 1897. G 6658. Naval annual. 1894 Ed. by T. A. Brassey. G 7697. Pettit. Elements of military science. G 6708. Pratt. Military law: its procedure and practice. V 5357- f United service: review of military and naval affairs. New series, v. 11, 12 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). 06773.^. United States. If'ar Department, f Report of the sec- retary, 1874, V. 2 (pts. I, 2) ; 1881, V. 3; 1883, V. 3 ; 1887, V. 3. G 6773. WiLMOT. Ne.xt naval war. G 7791. G. Political Economy. American Bankers' Association. \ Proceedings, Oct. 18, 19, 1893. U 7505. f American economis't. v. 12, 13 (July 7, i8g3-June 1894). C 68c2. Andrews. An honest dollar. U 7010. Barclay. Disturbance in the standard of values. U 7026. Bourne. History of the surplus revenue of 1837. U 7054- Bowker. Work and wealth : a summary of economics. U 4056. w. Brentano. Hours and wages in relation to production. U 4057.//. Brough. Natural law of money. U 7060. Epps. Land systems of Australasia. U 4137. George. Silver and Indian currency questions. U 7164. Gibson. Stock exchanges of London, Paris, and N. Y. U 7if>7-f. Goschen. Thcoryof foreign exchanges. i6thed. U 7604. HoBSON. Evolution of modern capitalism. U 4209. Jackson. Has gold appreciated? U 7636. Lloyd. Wealth against commonwealth. U 4663. Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, f An- nual statistics of manufactures. 1892, 1893. U 6674.^. — f 23d, 24th annual report. 1893, 1894. U 4674. New York State. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, f 9th and loth annual reports. 4 v. U 4697. New York Stock Exchange, f looth anniversary. 1S92. U 7- Nicholson. Money, and essays on monetary problems. 2d ed. ' U 7330. Nitti. Population and the social system. U 4331. Otken. Ills of the south. U 4340. Phin. Common s-ense currency. U 7351. Price. Chapters in jiractical political economy. U 4358./. Rae. Eight hours for work. U 4362. Root. Silver up to date. U 7377. Schulze-G.\evemtz. Social peace: a study of the trade union movement in England. U 4595. Shirres. Analysis of the ideas of economics. U 4404. Spyers. The labour question. U 4420. Stokes. Joint-metallism. 2d ed. U 7423. Thackeray. Land and the community. U 4437- United States. Department of Labor, f 4tli special report of the commissioner. Compulsory insurance in Germany. U 4773 <■• 7th annual report of the commissioner. 1S91. Cost of production : the textiles and glass, [v. 2, pt. 3. Cost of living.] U 4773.^. f .Same. U A113". \ 8lh annual report of the commissioner. 1892. Industrial education. U 4773.0. — Treasttry Department, f Interest due, Jan. i, 1S73. U 7991. a. f Quarterly dividend of interest, v. 5,9, 10(3 pts.), 30. U 7991. Walker. Money, trade, and banking. U 7464.W. Wood. Political economy of natural law. U 4490./. H. Social Science and Statistics. Barnett. Practicable socialism. 2d ed. U 9027. Commons. Social reform and the church. U 9C97. Dubois. Anarchist peril. U 9128, Ely. Socialism : an examination of its nature, strength, and weakness. U 9133.J. G5hre. Three months in a workshop. U 9170. Griffiths. Secrets of the prison-house. U 96C6. GuYuT. Tyranny of socialism. U giSo. Herron. The Christian society. U 9198, f Hu.manitarian, The. v. i, 2 (July iS92-June 1S93). 4°. C 6S44. — t Same. v. 3 (July-Dec. 1893). 8°. C 6630. Kidd. Social evolution. New ed. U 9646. Knickerbocker Club (N. Y. City), f Constitution, rules, officers, and members. 1SS8. X 8249. Lowell. Public relief and private charity. U 9273./. Mutual Union Co-operative Association (N.Y.). \ Con- stitution. X 8324. New York Charity Organization Society. Hand-book for friendly visitors to the poor. U 9328. t Sa X 8329. New York City. Board of Police Justices. + Annual report for year ending Oct. 31, 1893. U 9697.C. New York State Reformatory (Elmira). f i8th annual report ending Sept. 30, 1S93. X S697.<-. Patton. Naturalresourcesof the U.S. Revised ed. U 6706. Reform Club (N. Y. City), f Officers and committees, etc. 1 883. X S367. — f Same. 1890. X 8367.0. Sanday. The social movement. Jn Y 2385. Small and Vincent. Introduction to the study of society. U 9411. \ Social economist, v. 6. 7 (Jan. -Dec. 1S94). C 6749. Statesman's year-book for 1894. Ed. by J. Scott Keltic. • U 6421. Stepniak. Nihilism as it is. U 9-123. Union Club (N. Y. City), f Officers, members, constitu- tion, etc. X 8454. United States. Lnterior Department, f Compendium of the nth census. 1890. Pt. 2. U 6891.^. f Report on population and resources of Alaska. nth census, 1S90. U 6891./ f Statistical view of the U. S. Compendium of the 7th census, 1S54. U 6773./, — Life- Saving Service, f Annual report for year ending June 30, 1S92. G 7773-<3'- In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 28 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY : Devotional and Practical Theology. I. Women. Adams. Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women. T 5503^. BuLLEY aud Whitley. Women's work. U 9064. Eagle, cdr. Congress of women, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. U 9579- Fifty famous women and the lessons of their lives. T 5150./. Gamble. Evolution of woman. U 9161. Great Britain. Special Assistant Poor Law Commis- sioners. Employment of women and children in agriculture. U 9605. Hamilto.\. Women writers : their works and ways. V. 2. T 5IS5-W. In maiden meditation. By E. V. A. X 9222. Jacobl "Common sense " applied to woman suffrage. U 9226. LucKOCK. History of marriage, Jewish and Christian. U 9275. Mason. Woman's share in primitive culture. U 9290. OsTROGORSKi. Rights of women. U 9339. OuKOUSSOV. Education from the cradle. X 7340 e. Porter, compiler. About women : what men have said. M 3356. Ram. Little sisters of the poor. U 9363. Scoresby. American factories and their female opera- tives. U 9397- Sewall, .^-i/r. World's congress of representative women. 2 v. U 9741. Stopes. British freevvomen : their historical privilege. ■ U 9423. * Sullivan. Woman the predominant partner. U 9428. Zakrzewska. " Woman's right to labor." Ed. by Caroline H. Dall. U 9499. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. Stalker. Trial and death of Jesus Christ. A. Biblical Theology. Bible stories for young people. Y 2038.0. Blaikie. Adaptation of the Bible to the needs and nature of man. In Z 335S. Blake. How to read the prophets. Pt. 4, Ezekiel. Y 2044./ Browx. Concordance to the Old and New Testaments. Y 206 1. ible cyclopedia. Y 2061.//. Davis. Genesis and Semitic tradition. Y 21 12. DODS. Book of Genesis. Y 2124.^. P^.DERSHEiM. Jesus the Messiah. Y 25S0. Ellicott. Plain introduction to the books of the Bible. 2 V. Y 2135.3. I. Old Testament. 2. New Testament. E\'etts. New light on the Bible and the Holy Land. z 3584. F,\RR.\R. Life of Christ as represented in art. I 4586./. Feather. Last of the prophets. (John the Baptist.) Y 2145. FouARD. The Christ the son of God. 2 v. Y 2156. Geikie. New Testament hours, v. i. The Gospels. Y 2164 n. Gospel according to Peter. By the author of "Super- natural religion." Y 2604. Hall. Virgin mother : life of the virgin Mary. Y 21S3. Holcombe. What think ye of the Gospels? Y 2610. HuRLBUT and Doherty. Illustrative notes, Sunday School lessons, 1S95. Y 2631. Kkphart. Public life of Christ. Y 2241. Lagra.nge. Great pyramid an independent witness to the chronology of the Bible. N 6654. McCurdy. History, prophecy, and the monuments. V. I. To the fall of Samaria. Y 2666. Mair. Studies in the Christian evidences. Y 2286. Matheson. Psalmist and the scientist. New ed. Y 2293. — Spiritual development of St. Paul. 3d ed. Y 2292. Munh.\ll. Anti-higher criticism; or, testimony to the infallibility of the Bible. Y 2322. New Testament. [King James' version.] 1S85. Y 2329.7. Oracles ascribed to Matthew by Papias of Hierapolis. Y 2339. P.A.RKKR. None like it: a plea for the old sword. Y 2343.W. P.\ttison' Plistory of the English Bible. Y 2344. Paul of Tarsus. By the author of " Rabbi Jeshua." Y 2345. Practical reflections on Isaiah. Y 2354. Rogers. Life and teachings of Jesus. Y" 2376. Sanday. Inspiration. 2d ed. Y 2731. — Present-day questions. Y 2385. I. Biblical criticism. 2. The social movement. Spencer. Did Moses write the Pentateuch after all ? Y 2416. Stalker. Trial and death of Jesus Christ. .Y 2419./. Steve.ns and Burton. Harmony of the Gospels for his- torical study. Y 2753. Stretton. Child's life of Christ ; or, the wonderful life. Y 2755- Verba verbi dei : words of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the author of "Charles Lowder." Y 2458. Walker. Comprehensive concordance to the Holy Scriptures. Y 2778. White. Genesis III. history, and not fable. Y 2481. B. Church History. Alexander. Presbytery of N. Y., i738toi8S8. Y 3504. BoKLASE. Age of the saints : early Christianity in Cora- wall. Y 3531. Bower. Fourteen of Meaux : earliest "Reformed" church in France in 1546. Y 3533. Bright. Waymarks in church history. Y 3059. Bruce. Story of an African chief : life of Khama. Y 3062. Cathcart. Ancient British and Irish churches. Y 3547. Clarke. Events and epochs in religious history. 7th ed. V 3092. (?. Dexter. Story of the Pilgrims. Y 3121. FoUARD. Saint Paul and his missions. Y 3155. J-. — Saint Peter and the first years of Christianity. Y 3155. Hardy. Christianity and the Roman government: a study in imperial administration. Y 31S8. Howie. Heroes for the faith: lives of the Scottish worthies. T 5213. Martyrs for the truth : last words and dying testimonies of the worthies of Scotland. T 5287. Moody (D. L.) at home: his home and home work. Y 3315. Owen. Sanctorale Catholicuni ; or, book of saints. Y 3704-r. PiERSON. New acts of the apostles ; or, the marvels of modern missions. Y 3352. Prime. Holy cross: a history. Y 3358. Smith (/'^t'. C. E.). Lecture on church history. Y 3412./. Smith {Rev. G.). Conversion of India, A.D. 193-1893. Y 34i2.r/, Thompson. Footprints of the Jesuits. Y 376.3. Wharton. Month with Moody in Chicago. Y 3478. C. Devotional and Practical Theology. Blaikie. For the work of the ministry: manual of homi- letical and pastoral theology. 5th ed. Y 9044. BURRELL. Religion of the future. Y 7067. Colonel. Manual of select Catholic hymns. Y 9097. Crosby. The Lord's table : thoughts on communion and fellowship. Y 6105. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY : Mythology and Various Religions. 29 Crosby. Sermons. Y 8104. CuYLER. Christianity in ihe home. Y yiog.f. Daily messages from the king by his messengers to his children. Y 711 1. Davies, compiler. Christian's golden treasury. Y 5569. r. — Great thou<;hts on great truths. Y 5569.^^ Ev. Luth. Christus Gemeinde (N. Y.). Kirchenbuch. 1S84. Y 9140. Gilbert. Staff and scrip : gems of religious thought. Y 5167. Havergal. Kept for the Master's use. Y 7189.^. — Same. Complete edition. Y 7189./. Hepworth. Herald sermons. Y 8196. HiLLEGEER. Will of God in trials, difficulties, and afflictions. Y 7203. Hitchcock and others, edrs. Hymns and songs of praise. Y 9624. Hughes. Social Christianity : sermons. Y 8215. International Christian Conference, Chicago, 1893. Christianity practically applied. 2 v. Y 5534. I. General conference. 2. The section conferences. Kirton, edr. Christian growth. Y 7245. Little. God's thoughts : a text-book for the month. Y 7270. Macduff. Strength for the day : words of Scripture for morning and evening. Y 7277. Macintosh, edr. Voice from the cross : sermons. Y 8280. May. Hymns on the collects. Y 9295. Meyer. Calvary to Pentecost. Y 7302. Moodie. Tools for teachers : collection of anecdotes, etc. Y 9315. t NEW-church messenger, v. 66, 67 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6867. Newcolt. Speculum sacerdotum ; or, divine model of the priestly life. Y 9329. Newton, compiler. Sunday-school hymnal. Y 9330. Overton. English church in the 19th century. Z 704. Sermons on the International Sunday-school lessons for 1895. ]]y the Monday club. 20th series. Y 8401. Smith. Christian's .secret of a happy life. Y 7412. c. Sunday problem : its present day aspects. Y 642S. Thorold. Yoke of Christ. Y 7439^'. Whittemore. Waiting for orders and orders received. Y 7479- D. Doctrinal and Controversial Theology. African Meth. Episc. Zion church in America, Doc- trines and discipline. Z 5. Bible, Holy. [Abridged.] Z 2039. Browne. Religio mcdici, Hydriotaphia, and Letter to a friend. Z 3061 COTTERILL. Revealed religion [in] its relation to the moral being of God. Y 6561. Davidson. Theism as grounded in human nature. Y 6569. Dawso.n. Points of contact between revelation and natural science. In Z 3358. Doddridge. Evidences of Christianity. Z 3125. DoDEL. Moses or Darwin ? Z 3124. Fairbairn. Religion in history and in modern life. Y6r42. GoDET. Lectures in defence of the Christian faith. 3ded. Z"3i7i. Hall (C. C"). Does God send trouble ? 2d ed. Y 6183. Hall (T. C). Power of an endless life. Y 6183./. Hepwokth. They met in heaven. Y 6198Y. Huxley. Science and Hebrew tradition. Z 2219.J. Contents: On the method of Zadig. — Rise and prog- ress of paleontology. — Lectures on evolution. — Inter- preters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature. — Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. — Lights of the church and the light of science. — Hasisadra's adventure. — Evolution of theology : an anthropological study. KiPP. Is Moses scientific? first chapter of Cenesis tested by latest discoveries of science. Z 3244. Le Gallienne. Religion of a literary man. Y 6264. Lewis. Christ and creation : a two sided quest. In Z 3358. Macalister. Man physiologically considered. /.'/Z3358. Matheson. Can the old faith live with the new? [On evolution.] 3d ed. Z 3294. Mazzini. " God and the people ! " the religious creed of a democrat. Y 6777. MiLLiGAN. Resurrection cf the dead. Y 6305. MoMERiE. Corruption of the church. Y 6312. Monk, Maria. Awful disclosures of the Hotel dieu nunnery of Montreal. Z i3i3.<7. Morris. Philosophy and Christianity. Y 6317. Mozley. I'he creed or a philosophy. Y 63i9.<:. Murray. Why do you not believe? Y 6323. Painter. Science a stronghold of belief. Z 3341. Pattison and Pfaff. Age and origin of man geologi- cally considered. In Z 3358. Present day tracts on man in relation to the Bibie and Christianity. Z 3358. Contents: Pattison, S. R., and Pfaff, Dr. Age and origin of man geologically considered. — Rawlinson, Rev. Canon. Antiquity of man historically considered. — Macalister, A. Man physiologically considered. — Row, Rev. Prebendary. Alan not a machine l)ut a re- sponsible free agent. — Thomson, Rev. J. Radford. Witness of man's moral nature to Christianity. — Blaikie, Rev. W. G. Adaptation of the Bible to the needs and nature of man. — Dawson, Sir W'm. Points of contact between revelation and natural science. — Lewis, Rev. W. S. Christ and creation : a two-sided quest. Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. Book of common prayer. 1866. Y 9358. rt. '^W^'^x and others. Supernatural in Christianity. Z 3362. Contents : Rainey, Robt. Introductory. — The issues at stake. — Orr, Jas. Can Prof. Pfleiderer's view justify itself? — Dods, Marcus. Trustworthiness of the Gos- pels. Rawlinson. Antiquity of man historically considered. In Z 3358. Row. Christian evidences viewed in relation to modern thought. 6th ed. Z 3721. — Man not a machine but a responsible free agent. In Z 3358. Salmonu. Our Chri.stian passover. Y 6383 o. — The Sabbath. Y 63S3.J. Seward. School of life : divine providence in the light of modern science. Z 34CO. Shields. The historic episcopate. Z 403. Shiells. Story of the token (in] Lord's Supper. Y 6402. Stackpole. Evidence of salvation. Y 6419. Stead. Kingdom of God. Y 6420. Thomson. Witness of man's moral nature to Christian- ity. /// Z 335 S. Thornton. Opposites: essays on the unpopular sides of popular questions. Z 3763. Tolstoi. " Kingdom of God is within you." Y 6444. >t. Van Dyke. God and little children. Y 6456. E. Mythology and Various Religions. Barrows, edr. World's parliament of religions. 2 v. Z 9517. Bettany. Great Indian religions: Brahmanism, Hin- duism, Buddhism, and Zoroasterism. Z 8038.^. — History of Judaism and Christianity. Z 5038. — Mohammedanism and other religions of Mediterranean countries. Z 6038. — Primitive religions [inch Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism]. Z S038. — World's religions. Z 9523. Burton. Vikram and the vampire ; or, tales of Hindu devilry. Z 8540. Carus. Gospel of Buddha. Z 8077. Ch.\telaine. Folk-tales of Angola. Z 8551. CURTIN. Hero-tales of Ireland. Z 8108. A. Faiths of the world : great religious systems of the world. Z 9142. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 30 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Agriculture and Horticulture. GoTTHEiL. Summary of the Jewish faith. Z 5173. Hanson, edr. World's congress of religions : addresses and papers. Z 961 1. Jacobs, collector. More Celtic fairy tales. \Fiction.\ _ Legge. Christianity and Confucianism compared in their teaching of the whole duty of man. In Z 8333. Lowell Occult Japan. Z 8273. LuMMis. Man who married the moon, and other Pueblo Indian folk-stories. Z 8274. Mitchell. Christianity and ancient Paganism. In Z 8333. — The Hindu religion : a sketch and a contrast. In Z 8333. — The Zend-Avesta, and the religion of the P arsis. In Z 8333. MuiR. Rise and decline of Islam. In Z 8333. Non-Christian religions of the world. Z 8333. Contents: Muir, Sir W. Rise and decline of Islam. — Legge, James. Christianity and Confucianism com- pared in their teaching of the whole duty of man. — Mitchell, J. M. The Zend-Avesta and the religion of the Parsis ; The Hindu religion : a sketch and a con- trast. — Reynolds, Rev. Henry Robert. Buddhism : a comparison and a contrast between Buddhism and Christianity. — Mitchell, J. Murray. Christianity and ancient Paganism. Rand. Legends of the Micmacs. Z 8720. Reynolds. Buddhism : a comparison and a contrast between Buddhism and Christianity. In Z 8333. Spiers. Threefold cord : treatises of the Talmud. Z 5418. Steel. Tales of the Punjab, told by the people. '{^Fiction.'\ Upton. Bases of religious belief. Z 9773. Wardrop, transl. Georgian folk tales. Z 8466. F. Occult Literature. Bello. Character and fortune revealed : an A. B.C. guide to palmistry. X 4035. Frith. How to read character in features, forms, and faces. X4I57./Z Haldem\n. Theosophy or Christianity, which? X 5182. Kirk. Influence of the zodiac upon human life. X 5245. LiLLiE. Modern mystics and modern magic. X 5267. f Phrenological journal, v. 97, 98 (Jan.-Dec. 1894). C 6711. PoDMORE Apparitions and thought-transference. X 5335. ScHOLZ. Sleep and dreams. X 4394- Sextus. Hypnotism; its facts, theories, and related phenomena. X 4742. Talmage, Introduction to " Theosophy or Christian- ity." X 5432. Vincent. Elements of hypnotism. X 4460. Ward. Oracles of Nostradamus. X 5465. Weeks. Human nature considered in the light of physi- cal science, including phrenology. X 4471- G. Philosophy: Mental. Allen. Mind studies for teachers. B.\ynes. Sir William Hamilton. X 3008. In M 45 So. Blackie. ' Plato. In M 4580. Fitzgerald (P. F.). Essay on the philosophy of self- consciousness. X 3591. 4. Wagner (R.). Prose works. Transl. by Ellis, v. 2. Opera and drama. I 777. Wood. Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite move- ment. I 4490. H. Sports, Games, and Amusements. Albutt. Hints to horsewomen. I 7007. A. Alexander. Modern gfymnastic exercises. Pt. i. Ele- mentary. I 7006. w. Anderson. Curb, snaffle, and spur. I 7010.^. Blasis. Theory of theatrical dancing. I 9527. Churchward. Fishing among the 1000 islands of the St. Lawrence.- I 7090. Coffin. Gist of whist. I 9095. Cook. Notes on tobogganing at St. Moritz. I 7099. Custance. Riding recollections and turf stories. I 7109. Dawson. Angling talks. 17115.0. t Forest and stream, v. 42, 43 (Jan.-Dec. 1894). C 6932. Foster's American leads and how to learn them. I 9156. Ganthony. Practical ventriloquism. I 9164. Garenne. Modern conjuring, magic, and illusions. I 9163. Gossip. Chess pocket manual. I 9172. Gray. Camp-fire musings : life and good times in the woods. I 7173. Grevili E, t-a';-. Ladies in the field. [Hunting.] I 7175./. Grosvenor. Model yachts and boats. I 7177. Hamilton. Modern scientific whist. I 9184. Hartopp. Sport in England past and present. I 7189. Hayes. Among men and horses. I 7615. Hoffmann. Puzzles old and new. I 9209.^. Keene. Fishing tackle : its materials and manufacture. I 7238./. Knauff. Athletics for physical culture. I 7248. Longman and Walrond. Archery. I 7273. Marston. Walton and some earlier writers on fish and fishing. I 7288. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 34 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Useful Arts. Maskelyne. " Sharps and flats games of chance and skill. Mason. Principles of chess. Montague. Tales of a nomad ; secrets of cheating at I 9289. I 9290. , sport and strife. I 7314- MOTT. fYachts and yachtsmen of America, v.i. I 7864. "Nessmuk." fG. W. Sears.] Woodcraft. I 7328. Outing : magazine of sport, travel, and recreation, v. 23, 24 (Oct. 1893-Sept. 1894). C 6704. Patterson. Navigator's pocket-book. G 7344- Pepper. Scientific amusements for young people. In D 2348. + Physical education, v. 2 (Mch. 1893-Feb. 1894). C6712. Posse. Special kinesiology of educational gymnastics. I 7714- ROSSER. Yachtsman's handy-book. 4th ed. G 7726. Sandow. On physical training. Compiled by Adam. I 7733- Stagg and Williams. American football. I 7422. Westhalu Modern method of training. New ed. by Sachs. I 7476. Whitney. Sporting pilgrimage : riding to hounds, golf, rowing, football, club and university athletics. I 7788. Wilson's Ball-room guide. I 9484- Wolley. Big game shooting. 2 v. I 7488. Wortley. Shooting [of the grouse]. In E 7283.^. Young and Howell. Minor tactics of chess. I 9498. I. Useful Arts. t American dictionary of printing and bookmaking. I 1802. Austen. Introduction to metallurgy. 3d ed. G 3512. Bancroft, f Book of the fair [Chicago, 1893]. v. i, 2. H905. BoLLAND. Encyclopedia of founding. G 3049..?. — " Iron founder " supplement. G 3049.^. Brannt, edr. Painter, gilder, and v.irnisher's compan- ion. 27th ed. H 8056. Butterworth. Zigzag journeys in the White City. H 54r. Chambers Brothers Co. Paper-folding machinery. H 8550. Clapperton. Practical paper making. H 8091. Cleveland Type Foundry. Catalogue and price list. I 1093. Earhart. The color printer. I 1827. Freedley. Philadelphia and its manufactures. H 157. Fuller. Art of coppersmithing. G 3595. Gobright and Pratt. Union sketch-book : guide to mercantile and manufacturing firms of N. Y. H 171. Griffin and Little. Chemistry of paper-making. H 8606. Harland. The printing arts : engraving, lithography, and printing. I 1186. Holt. Good style, small expense. [Chicago world's fair.] H 210. HoRNE. Binding of books. H 8629. Lethaby. Leadwork. G 3266. Lister. Cotton manufacture. H 4661. Louis. Handbook of gold milling. G 3273. Mkyrowitz. [Catalogue of eye glasses.] H 8861. f Oil, paint, and drug reporter, v. 44, 45 (July 3, 1893- June 25, 1894). C 7968. Rand, McNally & Co., publishers. World's fair album. H 719. Rogers & Bro. Price list of forks, spoons, knives, etc. G 3876. Shaw. Fire protection : general working of the fire brigade of London. H 8742. Sime. Progress of Britain in the mechanical arts. In M 4580. Terry. Pigments, paint, and painting. H 8445. Vickerman. Woollen spinning. H 4460. Young, edr. Metal working for amateurs. G 3498. I. Brazing and soldering. — 2. Practical gas-fitting. — 3. Brass casting at home. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. "■ij SUPPLEMENT No. 8 TO THE FINDING LIST OF THE Free Library of the General Society OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK BOOKS ADDED FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, iSp^ NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1896 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Free Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York from January to December, 1895, The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in SMALL CAPS.), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Individual Biography (page i) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and the volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter {in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each part is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a 12° ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8° ; from 800 to gCK) is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator; " ed." means edition or edited ; " edr." means editor; " N. S." means new series; " O. S." means old series ; "Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the library. A X preceding a title means that the book is in the J. Morgan Slade [Reference] Library of architectural works. A complete list of this library, including a list of ail the books on architecture and building in the circulating as well as in the reference department, has been published, and can be obtained for 10 cents a copy. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1896. FRANK E. CONOVER, Chairman, 253 Broadway. FREEMAN BLOODGOOD, Jr.. Secretary, S York Street. Committee on Purchases for the Free Library of the General So- ciety of Mechanics and Trades- men of the City of New York. WILLIAM J. HOE, 327 West 14th Street, JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 328 West 24th Street, PAUL NATHAN, 140 West 23d Street, JOHN E. NICHOLSON, 646 Hudson Street, JAMES O. POILLON, 224 South .Street, CHARLES C. ALEXANDER, 3 York Street, \ Committee on Purchases for the THOMAS H. V.\NTINE, 79 Sixth Avenue, [ Demilt and Slade Libraries WILLIAM STONEBACK, 504 West Street, ) and Museum. ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, 36 .St. Mark's PI., 1 ^ ., z, , ^ .. EDWIN OUT WATER, 525 West 23d Street, ( ^Z""! Z " ^"" •THOMAS J. BYRNE. 353 East loth Street, ) ^""^'"^ ^'"""■ GEORGE E. HOE, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 325 West 14th Street. STEPHEN M. WRIGHT, Secretary, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 289 Fourth Avenue. JACOB SCHWARTZ, Librarian, iS East i6th Street. Index To Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Acting. 21. Bridge work {Dentistry). 25- Dancing. 34- Adirondacks (The). i8. Bridges. 32. Darwinism. 25- Esthetics. 34- British Columbia. 19. Death. 30. Afghanistan. 20. British literature. 23- Decoration. 34- Africa. 20. Brittany. 19. Deerstalking. 34. Agnosticism. 30- Bronzes. 33- Degeneration. 23- Agriculture. 31- Brooklyn. 18. Denmark. 20. Alaska. 18, 19. liuddhism. 30. Dentistry. 25- Algebra. 25- Buenos Ayres. 18. Design (Art). 34. Algiers. 20. Building. 32. Deuteronomy (Book of). 29, Almanacs. 5- Business. 27. Devotional theology. 29. Alphabets. 34- Butterflies. 26. Dictionaries. 3- Alps (The). 19. Cairo. 21. Diet. 26. America (North). 18. Canada. 18. Disinfection. 26. America (South). 18. Candles. 35- Dock construction. 32. American education. 27. Cape Horn. 19. Doctrinal theology. 30. American history and travels. 18. Car-building. 35. Dogs. 26. 31. American literature. 23- Cards. 34- Domestic animals. 31- Amherst College. 27. Caribbees. 19. Domestic economy. 33- Amusements. 34- Carpentry. 32. Drama. 21. Analytical chemistry. 24. Carriageways. 32. Drawing. 34- Anarchy. 29. Cat (The). 26. Dyeing. 35. Anatomy. 25. Catholic religion. 30. Dynamics. 26. Anecdotes. 23- Cattle. 32. Dynamos. 25. Angling. 35- Caucasus. 20. East (The). 20. Anglo Saxons. 19. Cements. 32. Ecclesiastical history. 29. Annals of legislative bodies. 27. Centrifugal pumps. 32. Education. 27- Anti-Semitism. 20. Charities. 29. Egypt. 20. Apologetics. 30. Chemistry. 24. Egyptian language. 22. Architecture. 31- Cheshire {England). 19. Egyptian religion. 30. Arctic regions. 21. Chess. 34- Electric boats. 3^- Arithmetic. 25- Chester {England). 19. Electric light. 25- Armenia. 21. China. 20. Electric street railways. 33- Arseniates. 24. Chirology. 30. Electrical engineering. 24- Art. 34- Chitral. 20. Electricity. 24. Art anatomy. 34. Christian evidences. 30. Elocution. 23- Asia. 20. Cliurch history. 29. Embryology. 26. Asia Minor. 21. Civil engineering. 32. Encyclopaedias. 3- Assaying. 35- Civilizatiun. 21. Engineering. 32. Asses. 26. Classical dictionaries. 21. England. 19. Astronomy. 24. Cleaning. 35- English language. 22. Athens. 19. Clockmaking. 33- English literature. 23. Atlases. 21. Cohelet. 29. Entertainments. 34- Australasia. 20. Collected works. 3- Entomology. 26. Australia. 20. Colleges. 27. Eschatology. 30. Babylonia. 20. Colonial architecture. 31- Essays. 22. Bacteriology. 26. Colonial history {U. S.). 18. Ethics. 21. Banking. 28. Comic works. 23. Ethnology. 25- Bashan. 21. Commerce. 27. Eucharist. 30. Bavaria. 20. Comparative philology. 22. Europe. 18, 19. Bedfordshire.^ 19. Computation. 25- Evergreens. 24. Bhagavad gita. 30. Congress {U. S.). 27. Evidences of Christianity. 30. Biblical theology. 29. Conjuring. 34- Evil. 30- Bibliography. 21. Constantinople. 21. Evolution. 25- Bicycle. 34- Constitutions. 27. Exodus (Book of). 29. Billiards. 34- Consular reports. 27. Eye (The). 26. Bimetallism. 28. Contract (Law). 28. Fables. 22. Biography (Collective). 2. Cookery. 33- Fans. 21. Biography (Individual). I. Copyright. 28. Fermentation. 24. Biology. 25. Corea. 20. Ferns. 24. Birds. 26. Corfu. 21. Fiction. 5- Boat building. 32. Cornell University. 27. Fiction (Juvenile). 14. Boat sailing. 32, 34- Costume. 21. Fiddle (The). 33. Boetians. 19. Cotton spinning. 35- Finance. 28. Bohemia. 20. Credit. 27. Fine arts. 34. Boilers. 33- Crime. 28. Fishes. 26. Bookbinding. 35- Crimean war. 19. Fishing. 35- Bookkeeping. 27. Crown work {Dentistry). 25- Flood (The). 30. Bookselling. 21. Crystallography. 25. Flowers. 19. 24. Boston. 18. Currency. 28. Folk lore. 30. Botany. 24. Cycling. 34- Forecasting. 25. Bread making. 33- Cycloposdias. 3- Forensic medicine. 26. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE Formosa. 20. Ironwork. 32. Moral philosophy. 31- France. 19. Isaiah (Book of). 29. Mules. 26. Freemasonry. 21. Israel. 20. Municipal government. 27- French language. 22. Italy. 19. Mushrooms. 24. French revolution. 19. Japan. 20. Music. 33. Friends (Society of). 30. Japanese religion. 30. Mythology. 30. Fungi. 24. Jerusalem. 20. Natural history. 26. Fur garments. 21. Jesuits. 29. Natural science. 24. Furniture. 33- Jesus Christ. 29. Natural magic. 30. Future life. 30. Jewelry. 33. Natural philosophy. 26. Galvanometer. 24. Jewish literature. 23. Natural theology. 30. Games. 34- . ews. 20. Naval architecture. 32. Gardening. 31- Johns Hopkins University. 27. Naval science. 28. Gas-lighting. 32. Journalism. 23- Navigation. 24. Genesis (Book of). 29. Judaism. 30. Nepaul. 20. Geography. 21. /udges (Book of). 29. New Forest (The). 19. Geology. 25- uvenile fiction. 14. New Guinea. 20. Geometry. 25- vindergarten. 27- New Hebrides. 20. German literature. 23- Kings County (iV. Y.). 18. New Jersey. 18. German universities. 27. Korea. 20. New Jersey (College of). 27- Germany. 20. Labor. 28. New Orleans. 18. Goldsmithing. 33- Landscape painting. 34- New Testament. 29 Golf. 34- Language. 22. New York City. 18. Government. 27- Latin language. 22. Newspaper making. 23- Graphology. 30. Latin literature. 23. Newton {Mass.). 18 Grasses. 24. Law. 28. Nihilism. 29 Great Britain. 19- Legislative annals. 27. Norway. 19, 20 Greece. 19. Letter-writing. 23- Novels. 5 Greek antiquities. 19. Lettering. 34- Nursing. 26 Greek mythology. 30. Letters. I. Occult literature. 30 Greyhound (The). 26. Libraries. 21. Opium habit. 25 Guilds. 28. Library economy. 21. Orations. 23 Halifax. iq. Light. 26. Oregon. 18 Handrailing. 32- Liquor traffic. 31- Organic chemistry. 24 Harbor construction. 32. Literary history. 22. Oriental history and travels. 20 Harvard University. 27- Literary miscellany. 22. Ornament. 34 Hawaii. 20. Literary periodicals. 3- Oxford church movement. 29 Health. 25- Literature. 21. Pacific Islands. 20 Hearts (Card game). 34- Locksmithing. 32. Painting. 34 Heat. 26. 33. Locomotive engine. 33- Palaeontology. 26 Heating. 32. London. 19- Palestine. 20 Heaven. 30. Machine design. 32. Palmistry. 30 Heraldry. 21. Machinery. 32. Palmyra. 21 Heredity. 30. j Madagascar. 20. Parasites. 26 Hernia. 20. Madison Square {N. Y. City). 18. Paris. 19 Hertfordshire {England). 19 Malaysia. 20. Parlor gardening. 31- Hieroglyphics. 22. Marine engineering. 33- Patagonia. 19 Higher criticism. 29. Marine insurance. 28. Patents. 28. Highlands. 19. Mars. 24. Paul (St.). 29 Himalayas. 20. Mashonaland. 20. Pavements. 32. History (Universal). 21. Masonry (Secret society). 21. Pedagogics. 27 History of the church. 29. Massage. 25- Pen drawing. 34 Holy Land. 20. Matabeleland. 20. Penitentiary system. 28 Horses. 26, 31- Mathematics. 25- Pennsylvania University. 27 Horticulture. 32. Mechanics. 26. Pentateuch (The). 29 Hospitals. 26. Medical jurisprudence. 26. Periodicals. 3- Hot-water heating. 32. Medical science. 25- Persia. 21 House of Lords. 27. Mediterranean (The). 21. Petroleum. 35 Household economy. 33- Mentone. 21. Pheasant (The). 26. Humor. 23. Messiah (The). 29. Philosophy. 30. Huntingdonshire {England). 19. Metallurgy. 35- Phonography. 23- Hyde Park {London). 19. Metaphysics. 30. Phosphates. 24 Hydraulic motors. 32. Meteorology. 25. Photography. 33 Hydraulics. 26, 32. Mexico. 18. Phrenology. 30. Hydrostatics. 26. Microscope (The). 26. Physical exercise. . 34- Hygiene. 25- Military science. 28. Physical geography. 25- Hypnotism. 30. Milk. 24. Physics. 26. Ice machines. 32. Mill work. 33- Physiognomy. 30. Income tax. 28. Mineralogy. 25- Physiology. 25- India. 20. Mining. 35- Pianoforte. 34- Indians. 18. Miscellany (Literary). 22. Pigmies. 21. Industrial arts. 33- Missions. 29. Pitcairn's Island. 20. Injectors. 33- Mississippi basin. iS. Plant physiology. 24. Insects. 26. Molecular theory. 26. Plastic arts. 34 Intellectual philosophy. 30. Money. 28. Plays. 21 Inventions. 32. Mongolia. 20. Plevna. 19 Ireland. 19. Monsters. 26. Plumbing. 32 In asking for Ixxiks, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Poetry. 23- Sewage disposal. 32. Titus (Epistle to). 29. Poisons. 24. Shakespeare. 22. Toadstools. 24. Polar regions. 21. Shells {Natural history). 26. Toboganning. 34. Political economy. 28. Shorthand. 22. Toxicology. 26. Politics. 27- Shrubs. 24. Trade. 27. Polo. 34- Siam. 20. Trade guilds. 28. Pompeii. 19. Sicily. 19. Tramways. 33.. Pools. 28. Sierra Leone. 20. Trans-Caspia. 20. Population. 28. Skepticism. 30. Travels. 21. Portsmouth road. 19. Slavery. 29. Trials. 28. Posters. 34- Sleight of hand. 34- Trusts. 28. Poultry. 31. Soap. 35- Tulane University {New Orleans). 27. Pregnancy. 26. Social science. 28. Turbines. 32. Printing. 35- Soil culture. 31- Turkey. 21. Proverbs. 22. Songs {Music). 34- Typewriting. 22. Psalms. 29. Sound. 26. Tyrol. 19. Psychology. 29. South America. 18. Uganda. 20. Public documents. 27. South wark. 19. United States. 18. Queensland. 20. Spain. 19. Universal history. 21. Railroads. 33' Spanish language. 22. Universities. 27. Reformation (The). 29. Sparta. 19. Useful arts. 35. Religions (Various). 30. Spectra. 24. Vases. 33- Renaissance {Architecture). 31- Speeches. 23- Vedas (The). 30. Renaissance {Art). 34. Spinning. 35. Vermiform appendix. 26. Rhetoric. 23. Sports. 34- Violin (The). 33- Rhine: legends. 30. Stairbuilding. 32. Virginia. 18. Rhodesia. 20. Statistics. 29. Volumetric analysis. 24. Riviera (The). 19. Steam engine. 33- Voyages. 21. Roads. 32. Steam-heating. 32. Wales. 19. Rochester University. 27. Steam navigation. 33- Watch making. 33- Romances. 5- Stonehenge. 19. Water supply. 32. Romans (Epistle to the). 29. Stories. 5. Waterioo {Battle). 19. Rome (Modern). 19. Strength. 34- Wealth. 28. Roofs. 32. Style {Rhetoric). 23. W^eather (The). 25- Rope-driving. 32. Sunday-school teaching. 30. Weaving. 35. Russia. 19. Surgery. 26. West Shore Railroad. 18. Sahara desert. 20. Surrey. 19. Westminster. 19. St. Andrews. 27. Surveying. 32. Whist. 34. St. James' palace {London). 19. Susiana. 20. Wills. 28. St. James's Square {London). 19. Sweden. 20. W^indow gardening. 31- St. Paul's cathedral {London). 19. Switzerland. 19. Windsor Castle. 19. Samoa. 20. Tales. 5- Wit and humor. 23- Saone (The). 19. Tammany Society {N. Y. City). 27. Women. 29. Satire. 23- Tarentum. 19. Works (Collected). 3. Savoy. 19. Taxation. 28. World's Fair {Chicago). 35- Scandinavian literature. 23- Technological journals. 4- Writing. Science. 24, 26. Telephone. 24. Wurtemberg. 20. Scientific periodicals. 4- Temperance. 25,31- Yacht racing. 32, 34- Scotland. 19. Theology. 29. Yale University. 27. Screw propellers. 33- Theosophy. 30. Yucatan. iS. Sculpture. 34- Tibet. 20. Zebras. 26. Seaweeds. 24. Tierra del Fuego. 19. Zenobia. 21. Sebastopol. 19. Timothy (Epistle to). 29. Zoology. 26. Sermons. 29. Tinsmithing. 35- Servants. 33- Tirol. 19. I FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement No. 8 to Finding List. Arrangement of Principal Subdivisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. 2. Cyclopaedias. Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political and Social Sciences. " 8. Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. " Q. Useful and Fine Arts. PART l.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Abdur Rahman, ameer of Afghanistan. By S. Wheeler. T15. Adye, Gen. Sir John. Recollections of a military life. T49. Alexander IH, of Russia. By C. Lowe. T 73./. Alice, Princess. Story of. By Eliza F. Pollard. T 78./. Andersen, Hans Christian : a biography. By R. N. Bain. T loi.^. Arnold, Matthew. Letters of, 1848-88. Collected by G. W. E. Russell. 2 v. T 154./. Baker, Sir Samuel : a memoir. By T. D. Murray and A. S. White. T 236. Barnard, Charles Francis : his life and work. By F. Tiffany. T 281. Barras, member of the Directorate. Memoirs. Ed. by Duruy. v. i, 2. T 2S7. 1. Ancient regime and the Revolution. 2. The Directorate up to the i8th Fructidor. Bewick, Thomas, and his pupils. ByA. Dobson. T 384. rt'. BiSMARK, Prince. By C. Lowe. T 433. »/. Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth. Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women. T 444. Blaine, James G. Biography of. By Gail Hamilton T445./4. Blake, William, f Life of. By A. Gilchrist. 2v. T3526. Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna. Solovyoff, V. S. A modern priestess of Isis. T 451. Borodin, Alexander Porphyrie witch. Habets, A. Bo- rodin and Liszt. T 518. Burghersh, Ladv Priscilla, countess of Westmoreland. Letters. 2d ed. T 662. Carlyle, Thomas. Carlyle's Chelsea home. Bv R. Blunt. T -62. l>. Cervantes, Miguel de : his life and works. By H. E. Watts. T 3x6. Chevalier, Albert. A record, by himself. T 859. Cicero. Roman life in the days of. By Rev. A. C. Church. T 902 c. Clyde, Colin Campbell, lord. By A. Forbes. T 950/ CoBBE, Frances Power. Life of, by herself. 2v. T 951. <■. Coleridge. Samuel Taylor. Letters of. Ed. by E. II. Coleridge. 2 v. T 971.(2'. CoLViN, John Russell. Colvin, Sir A. Rulers of India: John Russell Colvin. T 978. Cowper, William. Selections from [his] letters. Ed. by Webb. T 1034.2/. Cromwell, Oliver ; or, England's great protector. By H. W. Herbert. T 1054.4. Dalton, John, and the rise of modern chemistry. By Sir H. Roscoe. T 1126. Digby, Sir Everard. Life of a conspirator. By one of his descendants. T 1216. Eugene, Prince. Romance of. By A. Pulitzer. T 1398./. Fitzgerald, Edward. Letters of. 2 v. T 1515./. Flaubert, Gustave, as seen in his works and correspond- ence. By J. C. Tarver. T 1524. Forbes, Archibald. Memories and studies of war and peace. T 1560.OT. Freeman, Edward A. Life and letters of. By W. R. W. Stephens. 2 v. T 1576.8. Frere, Sir Bartle. Life and correspondence of. By J. Martineau. 2 v. • T 1579. Froissart, 5/rJohn. By Mary Darmesteter. T 1584. Gladstone, W. £. : a study from life. By H. W. Lucy. T 1691.W. GUSTAVUS Adolphus. By T. A. Dodge. (" Great cap- tains " series.) T 1798.^. GusTAVus III and his contemporaries, 1746-92. By R. N. Bain. 2 v. T 1798.*. Harris, Townsend, first American envoy in Japan. By W. E. Griffis. T 1873. Hastings, Wairen. Private life of. By Sir C. Lawson. T 1892./^. Henry {Prince) the navigator : the hero of Portugal and of modern discovery, 1394-1460 A. D. By C. R. Beazley. T 1962. i. Herschels (The) and modern astronomy. By Agnes M. Gierke. T I982,<-. Hodge, Charles and A. A., with class and table talk of Hodge the younger. By Rev. C. A. Salmond. T 2085. J. Jebb, John Gladwyn. Life and adventures of. By his widow. T 2290. Josephine, empress of the French. By F. A. Ober. T 2349.<7. JUDSON, Adoniram: a biography. [New ed.] By E. Jud- son. T 2352.,*. Julian, philosopher and emperor. By Alice Gardner. T 235 5 -.C- Keats, John. Letters of. Ed. by H. Buxton Forman. T 2382./. Kemble, Fanny. Letters to, 1871-83. By E. Fitzgerald. T 1515."'. Knox, John : a biography. By P. H. Brown. 2 v. T 2508. /^ — By Florence A. Maccunn. T 2^0%. o. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 2 1— BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS: Collective Biography. KOVAL^VSKY, Sonya. Recollections of childhood. T 2525. Lafayette, Marquis de, in the American revolution. By C. Tower. 2 v. T 2571.//. Langston, John Mercer. From the Virginia plantation to the national capitol. T 2601. Note. — " First and only Negro representative in Con- gress from the Old Dominion." Laud, William, archbp. of Canterbury. By W. H. Hut- ton. T 2624.//. — Simpkinson, C. IL Life and times of. T 2624. Ll hungchang. By Prof. R. K. Douglas. T 2684. LlEBiG, Justus von : his life and work (1803-73). By W. A. Shenstone. T 2682. Lincoln, Abraham : tributes from his associates. Ed. by Rev. W. H. Ward. T 2691. w. — Recollections of, 1847-65. By W. H. Lamon. T 2691. 5. Liszt, Franz. Habets, A. Borodin and Liszt. T 518. Lotto, Lorenzo : an essay in constructive art criticism. By B. Berenson. T 2732. 3. Louis XIV and the zenith of the French monarchy. By A. Hassall. T 2735.4. Louisa of Prussia, and other sketches. By Rev. J. Kelly. T 5239- Contents : Queen Louisa of Prussia. — Princess Wil- liam of Prussia. — Princess Charles of Hesse. — Carmen Sylva, poetess and queen. LoYSON, Hyacinthe [Pere Hyacinthe]. My last will and testament. T 2740.1. Lyell, Charles, and modern geology. By Prof. T. G. Bonney. T 2752. Mary, queen of Scots. Scott, Hon. Mrs. M. Tragedy of Fotheringay. [Trial and execution of Mary queen of Scots.] T 2896. j. Mathew, Father [Theobald] : his life and limes. By F. J. Mathew. T 2936.W. Maynard, J\ev. Dr. Newland. Life and travels of. T 2957. Meredith, George : a study. By Hannah Lynch. T 3003. Montespan, Madame la marquise de. Memoirs of. 2 v. T 3137. Morton, John Madison. By C. Scott. (With "Mo- hawks." 16°. ) MURAD V, sultan, the Turkish dynastic mystery, 1876- 95. By Djemaleddin bey. T 3231. Napoleon I, Bonaparte. Boy life of. By Madame Eugenie Foa. T 3263./ — Constant (first valet de chambie) [L. Constant Wairy]. Memoirs on private life of Napoleon. 4 v. T 3263.^. — Gibbs, M. B. Military career of Napoleon the great. T 3263.^. — Masson, F. Napoleon, lover and husband. T 3263.9. — Sargent, H. H. Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign. T 3264.8. — Segur, Gen. count. An aide-de-camp of Napoleon. Memoirs of, 1800-12. T 3995-f- — Tarbell, Ida M. Short life of Napoleon Bonaparte. T 3263./". — Ussher, Sir T. and Glover, J. R. Napoleon's last voyages. _ T 3263. «. — Wolseley, Field-marshal viscount. Decline and fall of Napoleon. T 3263. w. Napoleon III, and lady Stuart. ByP. deLano. T 3265./. — Secret of an empire : the emperor Napoleon III. By P. de Lano. T 3265. »/. Nelson, Horatio. By J. K. Laughton. T 3284./. Nevius, John Livingston. Life of. By Helen S. C. Nevius. T 3289. Ney, Marshal. Weston, J. A. Historic doubts as to the execution of. T 3298. 7y. Olav the king. By J. F. Vicary. T 3371. Oliphant, Laurence : supplementary contributions to his biography. By C. N. Scott. T 3375 •■^• Paterson, John, major-general in the revolutionary army. Egleston, T. f Life of. T 4706. Payn, James. Gleams ©f memory. T 3448.^^. Pepys, Samuel. Diary of. With lord Braybrooke's notes. Ed. by Wheatley. 6 v. T 3469. w. Pinckney, Gen. Thomas. Life of. By Rev. C. C. Pinckney. T 3531. Raphael. By Julia Cartwright. T 5873. Renan, Ernest. Life of. By F. Espinasse. T 3691. ^oo.m. Sala, George Augustus. Life and adventures of. Writ- ten by himself. 2 v. T 3842./. SfeouR, Gen. count Philippe de. An aide-decamp to Napoleon. Memoirs of, 1800-12. T 3995. J. Seward, William H. Address on life of. By C. F. Adams. T 5880. Sheridan, Gen. Philip H. Davies, Gen. H. E. Great commanders, v. 4. General Sheridan. T 4033. a'. Sherman, John, U. S. senator. Recollections of forty years : an autobiography. 2 v. T 4034. r. Smith, Adam. Life of. By J. Rae. T 4x21.^ Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. Personal recollections of. By W. Williams. T 4204. w. Stambuloff, M. By A. H. Beaman. T 4209. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Home and early haunts of. By Margaret Armour. T 4221. — Vailima letters : correspondence addressed to S. Colvin. 2 v. T 4221. z). Symonds, John Addington : a biography. By H. F. Brown. T 4319. Talmage, Jiev. John. Life of. By Rev. J. G. Fagg. O 2141. Thackeray : a study. By A. A. Jack. T 4372./ Thaxter, Celia. Letters of. T 4371- Tilden, Samuel J. Life of. By J. Bigelow. 2 v. T 4421. Tuckerman, Chas. K. Personal recollections of notable people. 2 V. T 4481. Turcot, Anne Robert Jacques, comptroller-general of France, 1774-6. Life and writings of. Ed. by W. W. Walker. T 4492.J. Vergil in the Middle Ages. By D. Comparetti. T 4593. Victoria, Queen. Life of. By Millicent G. Fawcett, T 4601./. Wales, Princess of. By Mary S. Warren. T 4640. Walker, Francis. Letters of a baritone. T 4641./. Walpole, Horace, and his world. Ed. by L. B. Seeley. T 4644. J. Washington, George. True story of. By E. S. Brooks. T 4673-'-- — a model in his library and life. By Rev. E. Potter. T 4673.^. — Johnston, Elizabeth B. George Washington day by day. T 4672.?. Wellington, Rise of. By Gen. lord Roberts. T 4735.^- William II, emperor of Germany. By C. Lowe. T 4843 /. William the silent, prince of Orange. By Ruth Put- nam. 2 V. T 4843.^. Winthrop, Margaret. By Alice M. Earle. T 4852. /. Charles. Captain Close, am/ Sergeant Croesus. ■ — edr. Captain Dreams, and other stories. — Story of Fort Frayne. — Trooper Ross and Signal Butte. — and others. Rancho del Muerto, and other stories. King, Maude Egerton. Round about a Brighton coach office. King in yellow. By Robert W. Chambers. King of Alberia : a romance of the Balkans. King's diary. By Percy White. King's stratagem, and other stories. By Stanley J. Wey- man. KiRKE, Edmund. My southern friends. Kitty's engagement. By Florence Warden. Kitwyk stories. By Anna Eichberg King. Knowles, James, compiler. Legends of king Arthur and his knights. 8th ed. , Ladies' Juggernaut. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. Lady Bonnie's experiment. By Tighe Hopkins. Lakewood : a story of to-day. By Mary Harriott Norris. Land of promise. By Paul Bourget. Lang, Andrew. Monk of Fife. Langdon, Rev. Samuel. Appeal to the serpent ; or life in an ancient Buddhist city. La Rame, Louise de. See " OvsmA,'' pseud. Last incarnation of Vautrin. By Honore de Balzac. (With his " Ferragus, chief of the Devorants.") Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick. Wolfe of Badenoch : an historical romance. Lawrence. George A. Brakespeare ; or, the fortunes of a free lance. Le Fanu, J. Sheridan. Fortunes of Colonel Torloch O'Brien. Le Gallienne, Richard. Book-bills of Narcissus. Le Queux. William. Stolen souls. — Zoraida : a romance of the harem and the Great Sa- hara. Lean, Mrs. Francis. See Marryat, Florence. Lee, Aubrey. John Darker. Lee, Mary Catherine. Soulless singer. Legends of king Arthur and his knights. Compiled by James Knowles. Lemon, Ida. Matthew Furth. Lewis, Angelo J. Over the garden wall, (With " Mo- hawks." i6°.) Libbey, Laura Jean. Daisy Brooks ; or, a perilous love. — Heiress of Cameron Hall. — When his love grew cold. Lie, Jonas. Commodore's daughters. Lies. By Paul Bourget. Life of Nancy. By Sar.ih Orne Jewett. Life-tangles ; or. the journal of Rhoda Frith. By Agnes Giberne. Lilith : a romance. By George MacDonald. Linton, E. Lynn. New woman. Lisbeth Wilson, a daughter of New Hampshire. By Eliza Nelson Blair. "Little Huguenot."' By Max Pemberton. Little sister to the wilderness. By Lilian Bell. Lodge, Harriet Newell. Bit of finesse. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. IQ 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : London idylls, to My double and how he undid me. London idylls. F.y W. J. Dawson. Lone inn : a mystery. By Fergus W. Hume. Long, John Luther. Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo. Long vacation. By Charlotte M. Yonge. Lost endeavour. By Guy Boothby. Lover, Samuel. He would be a gentleman ; or, treas- ure trove. LOWRY, H . D. Women's tragedies. Lucien de Rubempre. By Honore de Balzac. Ludlow, Johnny. A tragedy. (With " Mohawks." i6°.) LusKA, Sidney. See Harland, Henry. Lyre and lancet : a story in scenes. By F. Anstey. Maartens, Maarten. [J. Van der Poorsen Schwartz.] My lady nobody. McCarthy, Justin Huntley. Woman of impulse. — and Praed, A/rs. Campbell. " The right honourable." MacDonald, George. Lilith : a romance. " Macdonald lass." By Sarah Tytler. Machen, Arthur. Great god Pan, and The inmost light. — Three impostors. Mackie, John. Devil's playground : a story of the wilcf northwest. — Sinners twain. Maclaren, Ian. [Rev. J. Maclaren Watson.] Beside the bonnie brier bush. — Days of auld lang syne. MACLEOD, Fiona. Mountain lovers. — Sin-eater, and other tales and episodes. Macmahon, Ella. Pitiless passion. McManus, L. Red star. Mad madonna, and other stories. By L. Clarkson White- lock. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. By S. R. Crockett. Madame Sans-Gene : historical romance. By Victorien Sardou and Emije Moreau. Madeira party (A). By S. Weir Mitchell. Madonna of the Alps. By B. Schulze-Smidt. Magnificent young man. By John Strange Winter. Magruder, Julia. Princess Sonia. Maid Marian. By Thomas Love Peacock. Maitland, Ella Fuller. Pages from the day-book of Bethia Hardacre. Majesty. By Louis Couperus. Major Max. By Edward W. Townsend. (With his "Chimmie Fadden.") Major's favourite. By John Strange Winter. Making of Mary. By Jean Forsyth. Makower, Stanley V. Mirror of music. Malcolm, David. Fifty thousand dollars ransom. Mallock, W. H. Heart of life. Man and his womankind. By Nora Vynne. Man of mark. By Anthony Hope. Man without a memory, and other stories. By William Henry Shelton. Man's foes (A). By E. H. Strain. Marchioness of Brinvilliers. By Albert Smith. Marchmont, a. W. Parson Thring's secret. Margaret Catchpole, History of. Marguerite, Paul. L'Avril. Marjorie Deane. By Bertha M. Clay. Marriage contract. By Honore de Balzac. Marriage of Esther. By Guy Boothby. Marry AT, Captain. 011a podrida. Marryat, Florence. [Mrs. Francis Lean.] At heart a rake. — Beautiful soul. — Fighting the air. — Her father's name. — Master passion. — Miss Harrington's husband. Martel de Janville, Sibylle Gabrielle Marie Antoinette, Comtesse de. See"GYV." ■ Martin, James M. Which way, sirs, the better? a story of our toilers. Martin Hewitt, investigator. By Arthur Morrison. Martyred fool. By David C. Murray. Mason, Caroline Atwater. Minister of the world. Master (The) : a novel. By I. Zangwill. Master and man. By Count I>eo Tolstoy. Master-knot, and " another story." By Conover Duff. Master mosaic-workers. By George Sand. Master passion. By Florence Marryat. Matthew Furth. By Ida Lemon. Matthews, Brander. His father's son. Maupassant, Guy de. Messalina's daughter : a Parisian story. Mayor of Casterbridge. By Thomas Hardy. Meade, L. T. [Now Mrs. Eliz. Thomas Smith.] Girls new and old. — Soldier of fortune. Meadow-grass : tales of New England life. By Alice Brown. Meirion, Ellinor. Cause and effect. Melting snows. By Prince Schoenaich-Carolath. Men born equal. By Harry Perry Robinson. Men of the Moss-Hags. By S. R. Crockett. Meredith, George. Amazing marriage. 2 v. — Tale of Chloe ; House on the beach ; Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. Meredith marriage. By Harold Payne. Mermaid (The). By L. Dougall. Merriman, Henry Seton. [Hugh Scott.] Grey lady. — The sowers. Merron, Eleanor. As the wind blows. Messalina's daughter : a Parisian story. By Guy de Maupassant. Messire, and other stories. By Frances E. Crompton. 'Mid green pastures. By E. Rentoul Esler. Middle years (The). By Henry James. (In his "Ter- mination's.") Minister of the world. By Caroline Atwater Mason. Minton, Maurice. Country lanes and city pavements. Mirror of music. By Stanley V. Makower. Miss Cherry Blossom of Tokyo. By John Luther Long. Miss Devereux of the Mariquita. By Richard Harding Davis. Miss Harrington's husband. By Florence Marryat. Miss Jerry. By Alexander Black. Miss or Mrs. ? By Wilkie Collins. " Miss Traumerei" : a Weimar idyl. By Albert Morris Bagby. Mission flower : an American novel. By George H^ Picard. Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. By Albert Smith. Mistress of quest. By Adeline Sergeant. Mrs. Tregaskiss : a novel of Anglo-Australian life. By Mrs. Campbell-Praed. Mistress Warburton's companion. By Muriel Dowie. Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd. Mitchell, S. Weir. Madeira party. — Philip Vernon : a tale in prose and verse. MiTFORD, Bertram. Veldt official. Modern man (A). By the author of " A new note." Modern pagan. By Constance Goddard. Modem Pharisee. By Eduard de Brose. Mohawks. By Miss M. E. Braddon. i6°. Molly darling, and other stories. By the Duchess. Monk of Fife. By Andrew Lang. Monochromes. By Ella D 'Arcy. Montresor, F. F. Into the highways and hedges. — One who looked on. Moore, Frank Frankfort. Sale of a soul. — They call it love. Morris, Harrison S., edr. In the yule-log glow. 4 v. Morris, William. Wood beyond the world. Morrison, Arthur. Martin Hewitt, investigator. — Tales of mean streets. Mott, Ed. Old settler, the squire, and little Peleg. Mountain lovers. By Fiona Macleod. Muggleton College : its rise and fall. MuRFREE, Mary N. See Craddock, Charles Egbert. Murray, David C. Martyred fool. My double and how he undid me. By Edward Everett Hale. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: My fair companion, /<7 Rathborne, St. George. 11 My fair companion. By Emerson Bennett. (With Doyle A. C. " Sign of the four.") My Indian summer. By Princess Olga Cantacuz^ne Al tieri. My Japanese wife. By CHve Holland. My lady nobody. By Maarten Maartens. My son's wife. By Rose Porter. , My southern friends. By Edmund Kirke. Mystery of Cloomber. By A. Conan Doyle. Mystery of Witch-face Mountain, and other stories. By Charles Egbert Craddock. Nadya : a tale of the steppes. By Oliver M. Norris. Nana's brother. (Germinal.) By £mile Zola. Naval cadet Carlyle's glove. By lona Oakley Graham. Naval lieutenant. By F. C. Armstrong. Needei.l, Mrs. J. H. Vengeance of James Vansittart. Needham, E. C. Ilhuriel's spear. (With " Mohawks." i6°.) Nevinson, Henry W. Slum stories of London. New, Clarence Herbert. Franc Elliott. New centurion : a tale of automatic war. By James Eastwick. New moon (The). By C. E. Raimond. New voyage round the world. By Daniel Defoe. New woman. By E. Lynn Linton. Newton, Wm. Wilberforce. Philip MacGregor. Nimble dollar, with other stories. By Charles Miner Thompson. Noemi. By S. Baring-Gould. Nora Creina. By the Duchess. NoRDAU, Dr. Max. Comedy of sentiment. Norris, Mary Harriott. Lakewood : a story of to-day. Norris, Oliver M. Nadya : a tale of the steppes. Norris, W. E. Billy Bellew. — St. Ann's. North, Barclay. See Hudson, William C. Number 49 Tinkhara street. By C. Emma Cheney. Nyne, Atey. Wilmot's child. Oakleigh. By Ellen Douglas Deland. O'Connors of Balliiiahinch. By the Duchess. Off Lynnport light. By Augusta Campbell Watson. Old London bridge : a romance of the l6th century. By G. Herbert Rodwell. Old man Savarin, and other stories. By Edward Wil- liam Thomson. Old Mr. Tredgold. By Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Old settler, the squire, and Httle Peleg. By Edward Mott. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Old Mr. Tredgold. — Story of a governess. — Two strangers. Olla podrida. By Capt. Marryat. Olympia's journal. By W. S. Holnut. On a false charge. By Seward W. Hopkins. On the point. By Nathan Haskell Dole. On the threshold. By Isabella O. Ford. One who looked on. By F. F. Monlresor. Only three weeks : a novel. By the author of " Ereighda Castle." " OuiDA." [Louise de La Rame.] Toxin : a story of Venice. " Out of charity" : a tale. Out of due season : a mezzotint. By Adeline Sergeant. Outcasts ; or, the brand of society. By Miss M. E. Braddon. Over the garden wall. By Angelo J. Lewis. (With "Mohawks." i6°.) Page, Thomas Nelson. Unc' Edinburg : a plantation echo. Pages from the day-book of Bethia Hardacre. By Ella Fuller Maitland. Palacio Valdes, Armanda. The grandee. Palma. By Randolph Fortescue. (With " Mohawks." 16-.) Palmer, Eva Pearl. Her next-door neighbor. — Hival claimants. Parker, Gilbert. When Valmond came to Pontiac. Parson Thring's secret. By A. W. Marchmont. Paston. George. Study in prejudices. Pastoral played out. By Mary L. Fendered. Paterson, Arthur. Son of the plains. Paul and Virginia of a northern zone. By Holger Drach- mann. Payn, James. In market overt. Payne, Harold. Meredith marriage. Peacock, Thomas Love. Maid Marian, and Crotchet Castle. Pearce, J. H. Tales of the masque. Pemberton, Max. Impregnable city : a romance. — Jewel mysteries I have known. — " Little Huguenot." Pendered, Mary L. Dust and laurels. — Pastoral played out. Pendleton, Louis. Corona of the Nantahalas : a romance. — Sons of Ham : a tale of the new south. People we pass. By Julian Ralph. Peppergrass, Paul. [Rev. John Boyce.] Shandy M'Guire ; or, tricks upon travellers. Percy's adventure. By Annabel Gray. (With "Mo- hawks." i6°.) Perez Galdos, Benito. Battle of Salamanca. — Doiia Perfecta. Peronne. Veil of liberty : a tale of the Girondists. Perky, Bliss. Plated city. Phantom death, and other stories. By W. Clark Russell. Phantoms of the foot-bridge, and other stories. By Charles Egbert Craddock. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. [iVow Mrs. Herbert D. Ward.] A singular Hfe. Philip MacGregor. By Wm. W'ilberforce Newton. Philip Vernon : a tale in prose and verse. By S. Weir Mitchell. Philips, F. C. Question of color. Phillpotts, Eden. Deal with the devil, — Some every-day folks. Phyllis. By Carl Crofton. Picard, George H. Mission flower : an American novel. Pierce, Etta W^ A secret. (With Doyle, A, C. "Sign of the four.") Pinks and cherries. By C. M. Ross. Pitiless passion. By Ella Macmahon. Plated city. By Bliss Perry. Plympton, a. G. Bud of promise : a story for ambitious parents. Pool. Maria Louisa. Against human nature. Porter, Rose. My son's wife. Pottleton legacy. By Albert Smith. Praed, Afrs. Campbell. Brother of the shadow. — Mrs. Tregaskiss : a novel of Anglo- Australian life. PRitvosT. Marcel. Demi-virgins. Prime. W. C. Among the northern hills. Prince, Helen Choate. Story of Christine Rochefort. Prince of Balkistan. By .Mien Upward. Prince Zaleski. By M. P. Shiel. Princess Aline. By Richard Harding Davis. Princess of Alaska. By Ricliard Henry Savage. Princess Sonia. By Julia Magruder. Private Tinker, and other stories. By John Strange Winter. Pudd'nhead Wilson. By Mark Twain. PuGH, Edwin W. Street in suburbia. Quaint spinster. By Frances E. Russell. Quest of the absolute. By Iloiiore de Balzac. Question of color. By F. C. Philips. Question of faith. By L. Dougall. Raife, Raymond. Sheik's white slave. Raimond, C. E. The new moon. Ralph, Julian. People we pass. Ralstons (The). By F. Marion Crawford. 2 v. Rancho del Muerto, and other stories. By Capt. Charles King, and odiers. Randle, Frederick -A. Idwymon : a story of Napoleonic complications. Random, Captain. See Auburn, W. Ferrars. Rathborne, St. George. Fair maid of Fez. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Raymond, Walter, to Stolen souls. Raymond, Walter. {"Tom Cobleigh.") In the smoke of war : a story of civil strife. — Tryphena in love. Reade, Charles. Singleheart and Doubleface. Red badge of courage. By Stephen Crane. Red cockade. l!y Stanley J. Weyman. Red men and white. By Owen Wister. Red Rowans. By Mrs. F. Steel. Red spell. By Francis Cribble. Red star. By L. McManus. Reginald Vernon ; or, the fatal likeness. By William Heard Hillyard. Rev. John Henry. By Percival R. Benson. Rhoscomyl, Owen. Jewel of Ynys Galon. Rice, Natalie L. Green garnet. RiDEAL, Charles F. Charles Dickens' heroines and womenfolk. L 9373. ^' Right honourable (The)." By Justin McCarthy and Mrs. Campbell Praed. Righted at last : a novel. Ringby lass (.\), and other tales. By Mary Beaumont. ■' Rita." [Mrs. Eliza M. J. Gollon Booth, 7to7v Mrs. Desmond Humphreys.] Gender in satin. — Woman in it. Rival claimants. By Eva Pearl Palmer. Rivalries of long and short Codiac. By George Wharton Edwards. Rives, Amelie. Tanis, the sang-digger. Robinson, Harry Perry. Men bom equal. Rodwell, G. Herbert. Old London bridge : a romance of the i6th century. Romance of the sword : a Napoleonic novel. By Georges Duval. Romances of the old seraglio. By H. N. Crellin. Ronbar : a counterfeit presentment. By R. S. Dement. Rooted in dishonour. By Hartley Carmichael. Ross, C M. Pinks and cherries. RossiTER, William Sidney. Accidental romance, and other stories. ROTHVVELL. Charles G. Stolen bishop. Roughly told stories. By John Ingold. Round about a Brighton coach office. By Maude Eger- ton King. RowsELL, Mary C. Friend of the people : a tale of the Reign of Terror. Roy, Neil. Horseman's word. Russell, Dora Country sweetheart. Russell, Frances E. Quaint spinster. Russell, W. Clark. Good ship Mohock. — Honour of the flag. — Phantom death, and other stories. — Three-stranded yarn. St. Ann's. By W.'E. Norris. St. Aubyn, Alan. For the old sake's sake. Saint James's ; or, the court of queen Anne. By William Harrison Ainsworth. Sale of a soul. By F. Frankfort Moore. Samantha in Europe. By Marietta Holley. Sand, George. [Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant.] Master mosaic-workers. Sardou, Victorien and MoREAU, Emile. Madame Sans- Gene : historical romance. Savage, Richard Henry. Daughter of Judas. — In the old chateau : a story of Russian Poland. — Miss Devereux of the Mariquita. — Princess of Alaska. Savidge, Eugene Coleman. Americans in Paris. Sawdust doll. By Mrs. Reginald De Koven. ScHOENAicH-Carolath, Prince. Melting snows. SCHULZE-Smidt, B. Madonna of the Alps. Schwartz, J. Vander Poorsen. See Maartens, Maarten. Scott, Hugh. See Merriman, Henry Seton. Scott, Sir Walter. Sullivan, Sir E. Tales from Scott. Scylla or Charybdis? By Rhoda Broughton. Secret (A). (With Doyle, A. C. " Sign of the four.") Sentimental studies, and A set of village tales. By Hubert Crackanthorpe. Sergeant, Adeline. Dr. Endicott's experiment. Sergeant, Adeline. Mistress of quest. — Out of due season : a mezzotint. Sergeant Croesus. By Capt. Charles King. (With his " Captain Close.") Set of rogues. By Frank Barrett. Setoun, Gabriel. Sunshine and haar. Shadow of the guillotine. r!y Sylvanus Cobb, jr. Shadow on the blind, and other ghost stories. By Mrs. Alfred Baldwin. Shandy M'Guire ; or, tricks upon travellers. By Paul Peppergrass. Sharp, Evelyn. At the Relton Arms. Sharp, William. Gypsy Christ, and other tales. Sheik's white slave. By Raymond Raife. Shelton, William Henry. Man without a memory, and other stories. .Shenandoah : a story of Sheridan's great ride. By J. P. Tracy. Sherburne romance. By Amanda M. Douglas. Sherwood, Miss Margaret. See Hastings, Elizabeth. Shiel, M. p. Prince Zaleski. Shipton, Helen. The Herons. Short stories. By Charles Dickens. Should she have left him? By William C. Hudson. Sidgwick, 3Irs. Alfred. See Dean, Mrs. Andrew. Sidney Forrester. By Clement Wilkes. SlENKiEVVicz, Henryk. Children of the soil. Sign of the four. By A. C. Doyle. N. Y. 1894. 8°. Signal Butte. By Capt. Charles King, (With his "Trooper Ross.") Silence of the Maharajah. By Marie Corelli. Sin-eater (The), and other tales and episodes. By Fiona Macleod. Singleheart and Doubleface. By Charles Reade. Singular life. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Sinners twain. By John Mackie. Sir Quixote of the moors. By John Buchan. Sister of a saint, and other stories. By Grace Ellery Channing. Sladen, Douglas. Japanese marriage. Slain by the Doones, and other stories. By R. D. Black- more. Slum stories of London. By Henry W. Nevinson. Smith, Albert. Marchioness of Brinvilliers. — Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. — Pottleton legacy. Smith, M?'s. Burnett. See Swan, Annie S. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. See Meade, L. T. Smith, F. Hopkinson. A gentleman vagabond and some others. Smith, Logan Pearsall. Youth of Parnassus, and other stories. Social highwayman. By Elizabeth Phipps Train. Soldier of fortune. By L. T. Meade. Some emotions and a moral. By John Oliver Hobbes. Some every-day folks. By Eden Phillpotts. Son of Hagar. By Hall Caine. Son of the plains. By Arthur Paterson. Sons of Belial. By William Westall. Sons of Ham : a tale of the new south. By Louis Pen- dleton. Sorrows of Satan. By Marie Corelli. Soulless singer. By Mary Catherwood Lee. Sphinx of Eaglehawk. By Rolf Boldrewood. Sowers (The). By Henry Seton Merriman. Speight, T. W. At Trevenna cottage. (With " Mo- hawks." i6°.) Spoilt girl. By Florence Warden. Sport royal, and other stories. By Anthony Hope. Sporting stories and sketches. Stark Munro letters. By A. Conan Doyle. Starr, Julian. Disagreeable woman : a social mystery. Steel, Airs. F. Red Rowans. Stella. By C. H. Hinton. Stockton, Frank R. Adventures of Captain Horn. Stoker, Bram. Walter's mou'. Stolen bishop. By Charles G. Rothwell. Stolen souls. By William Le Queux. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Stories of the foot-hills, /<; White baby. 13 Stories of the foot-hills. By Margaret Graham. Storm-king. By Mansfield Lovell Hillhouse. Story of a body. By Ethel Turner. Story of a governess. By Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. Story of Fort Frayne. See Fort Frayne. Story of sonny Sahib. By Mrs. Everard Cotes. Story of the other wise man. By Henry Van Dyke. Story of Ulla, [and other stories]. By Edwin Lester Arnold. Strain, E. H. A man's foes. .Strange disappearance of Eugene Comstocks. By Mrs. Mary R. P. Hatch. Strange secrets. By A. Conan Doyle and others. Strangers at Lisconnel. By Jane IJarlow. (2d series of her " Irish idylls.") Street in suburbia. By Edwin W. Pugh. Stuart, Esme. Harum scarum : the story of a wild girl. Study in prejudices. By George Paston. Study in temptations. By John Oliver Hobbes. SUDERMANN, Hermann. The wish. Sullivan, Sir Edward. Tales from Scott. Sullivan, J. W. Tenement tales of New York. Sunday under three heads, and other sketches. By Charles Dickens. Sunshine and haar. By Gabriel Setouu. Suppressed chapters, and other bookishness. By Robert Bridges. Susan Hopley ; or, the adventures of a maid servant. By Mrs. Crowe. Swan, Annie S. [Mrs. Burnett Smith.] Fettered yet free : a study in heredity. Tale of Chloe. By George Meredith. Tales from Scott. By Sir Edward Sullivan. Tales of mean streets. By Arthur Morrison. Tales of the Caliph. New ed. By H. N. Crellin. Tales of the masque. By J. H. Pearce. Tanis, the sang-digger. By Amelie Rives. Taylor, H. H. Chatfield. Two women and a fool. Temptation of Katharine Gray. By Mary Lowe Dickinson. Tenement tales of New York. By J. W. Sullivan. Tennyson, Mary H. Cruel dilemma. Terminations. By Henry James. That Eurasian. By Aleph Bey. They call it love. By P>ank Frankfort Moore. Third volume. By Fergus W. Hume. Thompson, Charles Miner. Nimble dollar, with other stories. Thomson, Edward William. Old man Savarin, and other stories. Those extraordinary twins. By Mark Twain. (With his "Pudd'nhead Wilson.") Three impostors. By Arthur Machen. Three-stranded yarn. By W. Clark Russell. Three years. By the Duchess. Tiger lily : a story of a woman. By George Manville Fenn. Time machine : an invention. By H. S. Wells. TiNSEAU. Leon de. Forgotten debt. Todd, George Eyre. Anne of Argyle ; or, cavalier and covenant. Token (The) : a gift for all seasons. [1856.] Told in the verandah. Tolstoy, Count Leo. Master and man. Tom Bowling : a tale of the sea. By Captain Chamier. Tommy Atkins of the Ramchunders. By Robert Blatch- ford. Too late repented. By Mrs. Forrester. Touchstone of peril. By R. E. Forrest. TowNSEND, Edward W. " Chimmie Fadden," Major Max, and other stories. — ChimmiS Fadden explains, Major Max expounds. — Daughter of the tenements. Toxin : a story of Venice. By Ouida. Track of a storm. By Owen Hall. Tracy, J. P. Shenandoah : a story of Sheridan's great ride. Tragedy (A). By Johnny Ludlow. (With " Mohawks." i6°.) Train, Elizabeth Phipps. Social highwayman. Transition. By the author of "A superfluous woman." Trevelyan, Marie. From Snowden to the sea. Trooper Ross. By Capt. Charles King. ' Truce (A), and other stories. By Mary Tappan Wright. Tryphena in love. By Walter Raymond. Turner, Alice. Yams. Turner, Ethel. Story of a baby. Twain, Mark. [Samuel L. Clemens.] Pudd'nhead Wil- son [and] Those extraordinary twins. Two gentlemen of Hawaii. By Seward W. Hopkins. Two strangers. By Mrs. Oliphant. Two women and a fool. By H. C. Chatfield Taylor. Tynan, Katharine. Way of a maid. Tytler, Sarah. [Miss II. Keddie.] "The Macdonald lass." Unc' Edinburg : a plantation echo. By Thomas Nelson Page. Under the Corsican. By Emily Howland Hoppin. Under the man-fig. By M. E. Davis. Underwood, Francis H. Doctor Gray's quest. Unfinished communication (An). By C. H. Hintou. (With "Stella.'") Ups and downs. By Carl Crofton. Upward, Allen. Prince of Balkistan. Van Dyke, Henry. Story of the other wise man. Vane, Capel. Desire of the moth. Veil of liberty : a tale of the Girondists. Veiled doctor. By Varina Anne Jefferson Davis. Veldt official. By Bertram Mitford. Vengeance of James Vansittart. By Mrs. J. H. Needell. Verne, Jules. Captain Antifer. Vernon's aunt : oriental experiences of Miss Lavinia Moffat. By Mrs. Everard Cotes. Village watch-tower. By Kate Douglas Wiggin. Virginia cousin. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Vynne, Nora. A man and his womankind. Walford, L. B. a bubble. — Frederick. Ward, Mrs. Herbert D. See Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Ward, Mrs. T. Humphry. [Mrs. Mary Augusta Ward.] Story of Bessie Costrell. Warden, Florence. [Mrs. F. A. James.] Kitty's en- gagement. — Spoilt girl. Warden, Gertrude. Her fairy prince. Warder, George W. After which all things. Warren, F. M. History of the novel previous to the 17th century. L 9466. Watson, Augusta Campbell. Off Lynnport light. Watson, H. B. Marriott. At the first corner, and other stories. Watson, Rev. J. Maclaren. See Maclaren, Ian. Watter's mou'. By Bram Stoker. Way of a maid. By Katharine Tynan. We three and Troddles. By R. Andom. Weapons of mystery. By Joseph Hocking. Wedded to sport. By Mrs. Edward Kennard. Wedding (.\), and other stories. By Julien Gordon. Wells, H. S. [or H. G.]. The time machine : an inven- tion. — Wonderful visit. Welsh, James. White b.iby. Westall, William. Sons of Belial. Weyman, Stanley J. . From the memoirs of a minister of France. — King's stratagem, and other stories. — Red cockade. When Charles the first was king. By J. S. Fletcher. When his love grew cold. By Laura Jean Libbey. When love is done. By Ethel Davis. When Valmond came to Pontiac. By Gilbert Parker. W'here highways cross. By J. S. Fletcher. Which was best? By Amanda M. Douglas. Which way, sirs, the better? By James M. Martin. White, Percy. Corruption. — King's diary. White baby. By James Welsh. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 14 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: White prior, /^ Compton, Margaret. White prior. By Fergus W. Hume. Whitehead, S. R. Daft Davie. Whitelock, L. Clarkson. A mad madonna, and other stories. " Whole truth. By J. H. Chadwick. Widow Lamport. By S. Levett Yeats. WiGGiN, Kate Douglas. Village watch-tower. Wild ass's skin. By Honorc de Balzac. Wild Margaret. By Geraldine Fleming. (With " Dread- ful temptation," by Mrs. A. McV. Miller.) Wild Rose : a tale of the Mexican frontier. By Francis Francis. Wilkes, Clement. Sidney Forrester. Wilmot's child. By Atey Nyne. Winter, John Strange. [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard.] Blameless woman. — Magnificent young man. — Major's favourite. — Private Tinker, and other stories. Wise woman. By Clara Louise Burnham. Wish (The). By Hermann Sudermann. WiSTER, Owen. Red men and white. With the procession. By Henry B. Fuller. Wolfe of Badenoch : an historical romance. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Woman in it. By " Rita." Woman of impulse. By Justin Huntley McCarthy. Woman of Sorek. By Anthony Gould. Woman who did. By Grant Allen. Woman who did not. By Victoria Crosse. Woman who didn't. By William Gill. Women's tragedies. By H. D. Lowry. Wonderful visit. By H. G. Wells. Wonderful wapentake. By J. S. Fletcher. Wood, John Seymour. Yale yarns. Wood beyond the world. By William Morris. WooLSON, Constance Fenimore. Dorothy, and other Italian stories. — Front yard, and other Italian stories. Wresden, Elinor. If she so abide. ■Wright, Mary Tappan. A truce, and other stories. Yale yarns. By John Seymour Wood. Yarns. By Alice Turner. Yates, Edmund. Running the gauntlet. 12°. Years that the locust hath eaten. By Annie E. Holds- worth. Yeats, S. Levett. Honour of Savelli : a romance. — Widow Lamport. Yellow and white. By W. Carlton Dawe. Yonge, Charlotte M. The Carbonels. — Long vacation. Youth of Parnassus, and other stories. By Logan Pear- sail Smith. Zangwill, I. The master : a novel. Zeit-geist (The). By L. Dougall. Zola, Emile. Nana's brother. (Germinal.) Zoraida : a romance of the harem and the Great Sahara. By William Le Queux. B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Across India. By Oliver Optic. (All-over-the-world library, 3d series, vol. i.) Adams, Wm. T. See Optic, Oliver. Adrift in the city. By Horatio Alger, jr. Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-be, and other stories. By Alice Corkran. Afloat with the flag. By W. J. Henderson. Alden, Mrs. G. R. See Pansy. Alger, Horatio, jr. Adrift in the city. Ali Baba and the forty thieves. (With ' ' Sindbad the sailor.") Alison's adventures : a story for girls. By Lucy C. LiUie. All-over-the-world library. See Optic, Oliver. Almost a genius. By Adelaide L. Rouse. Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Andy's ward. By James Otis. Arabian nights. Dixon, C, edr. More fairy tales from the "Arabian nights." — Sindbad the sailor and Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Arnold Inglehurst, the preacher. By Evelyn Everett Green. At war with Pontiac. By Kirk Munroe. Austin, Caroline. Hugh Herbert's inheritance. Bain, R. Nisbet, collector: Cossack fairy tales and folk- tales. Baker, Josephine R. Gee's trap ; or, the Iambs and Field street. Baring-Gould, S., collector. Old English fairy tales. Barlow, Jane. Maureen's fairing. Barnes, Annie Maria. Matouchon : a story of Indian life. Bartlett, George Herbert. Water tramps ; or, the cruise of the " Sea bird." Battle and the breeze. By Gordon Stables. Beckoning from little hands. Benedict, Anne Kendrick. Fisherman's daughter. Bessie and Bee. By Mary D. Brine. Bethesda pool By Laura E. Richards. (With her "Jim of Hellas.") Blanchard, Amy E. Girls together. Blue and gray army series — on land. See Optic, Oliver. Boris, the bear-hunter. By Fred. Whishaw. Boundary tree (The). BouvET, Marguerite. Child of Tuscany. — Sweet William. Boy of the first empire. By Elbridge S. Brooks. Boy officers of 1812. By Everett T. Tomlinson. ("War of 1812 series.") Boy soldiers of 1812. By Everett T. Tomlinson. Boynton neighborhood. By Faye Huntington. Boys of 1745 at the capture of I.ouisbourg. By James Otis. Branch, Mary L. B. Kanter girls. Brehat, Alfred de. Jean Belin : the French Robinson Crusoe. Brine, Mary D. Bessie and Bee. Brooks, Elbridge S. Boy of the first empire. Brown, Helen Dawes. Little miss Phoebe Gay. Brownies through the Union. By Palmer Cox. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Two little pilgrims' prog- ress : a story of the city beautiful. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Knight of liberty : a tale of the fortunes of La Fayette. Callwell, J. M. Champion of the faith : a tale of prince Hal and the Lollards. Cap'n Thistletop : a story for girls and boys. By Sophie Swett. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Cousin Mona : a story for girls. — My little boy blue. Carrington, Edith. Five stars in a little pool. Carved lions. By Mrs. Molesworth. Castlemon, Harry. [C. A. Fosdick.] Elam Storm, the wolfer. — Lucky Tom series. No. 3. Missing pocket-book. Chain of gold : a boy's adventures on coast of Ireland. By Standish O'Grady. Champion of the faith : a tale of prince Hal and the Lol- lards. By J. M. Callwell. Champney, Elizabeth W. Paddy O'Learey, and his learned pig. — Witch Winnie at Versailles. Cheap repository tracts, v. 7. By Hannah More, and others. Cheever, Harriet A. Little Jolliby's Christmas. Child of Tuscany. By Marguerite Bouvet. Children's nonsense book. By favorite fun-makers. Children's wonder book. By popular story-tellers. Chris and the wonderful lamp. By Albert Stearns. Clarke, Rebecca S. See May, Sophie. Colter, Mrs. Plattie E. Master of Deeplawn. Comfort Pease and her gold ring. By Mary E. Wilkins. COMPTON, Margaret. Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Comrades true, to Hervey, Maurice H. 15 Comrades true. By Edward S. Ellis. CoNNELL, Sarah G. Little ladies of Ellenwood. CoRKRAN, Alice. Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-be, and other stories. — Joan's adventures at the North Pole, and elsewhere. Cormorant Crag. By Geo. Manville Fenn. Cossack fairy tales. By R. Nisbet Bain. Cousin Mona : a story for girls. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. Cox. Palmer. Brownies through the Union. Cricket. By Elizabeth Westyn Timlow. CuMiNGS, Elizabeth. Happy discipline. CuRTiN, Jeremiah. Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world in Munster. Z 8108./. Dame Prism : a story for girls. By Margaret Harriet Matthews. Dashing days of old. By Gordon Stables. Day's time-table. By E. S. Elliott. Deane girls. By Adelaide L. Rouse. Debenham, Mary H. Whispering winds, and the tales they told. Diamond Dyke : a storj' of South African adventure. By George Manville Fenn. Divinations of Kala Persad, and other stories. By Headon Hill. Dixon, C edr. More fairy tales from the "Arabian nights." Doctor Dick, and other tales. By Silas K. Hocking. Don. By the author of " Laddie." Dora : a girl without a home. By Mrs. R. H. Read. Dorothy and Anton : sequel to " Dear daughter Dorothy." By A. G. Plympton. Doty Dontcare. By Mary Farrington Foster. DOUDNEY, Sarah. Miss Willowburn's offer. Dragon of Wantley. By Owen Wister. Drake, Samuel Adams. Watch fires of '76. Drinkwater, Jennie M. Three-and-twenty. Drysdale, William. Young reporter : a story of Print- ing-house Square. Dulcie King : a story for girls. By ^L Corbet Seymour. Elam Storm, the wolfer. Bv Harry Castlemon. Elf-errant. By Moira O'Neill. Elliott, E. S. A day's time-table. Ellis, Edward S. Comrades true. — Forest and stream series. ' 2. Path in the ravine. 3. Young ranchers. — Through on time series. 1. Jack Midwood. 2. Young conductor. Elmslie, Theodora C. [Baynton Foster.] Those mid- summer fairies. Elsie at the World's Fair. By Martha Finley. Elsie's journey on inland waters. By Martha Finley. Eric, prince of Lorlonia. By the countess of Jersey. Eric the archer. By Maurice PL Hervey. Every boy's stories. Ezra Jordan's escape from the massacre at Fort Loyall. By Tames Otis. FAIRY TALES. Bain {R. N.), collector. Cossack fairy tales and folk-tales. — Bariiig-Gotild {S.), collector. Old English fairy tales. — Children s nonsense book. By favorite fun-makers. — Children's wonder book. By popular story-tellers. — Comptott (Margaret). Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. — Corkran (Alice). Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-be, and other stories. — Cox (P.). Brownies through the Union. — Curtin(J.). Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world in Munster. Z 8108./. — Debenham {Mary //.). Whispering winds, and the tales they told. — Dixon (C), edr. More fairy tales from the " Arabian nights." — Elmslie (Theodora C). Those midsummer fairies. — Field (Mrs. E. A/.). Master Magnus ; or, the prince, the princess, and the dragon. FAIRYTALES. Harris (J. C). Mr. Rabbit at home: sequel to " Little Mr. Thimblefinger." — Hope (A. R.). Seven wise scholars. — Jersey (Countess of). Eric, prince of Lorlonia. — Lang (A.). My own fairy book. — McCook (H. C). Old farm fairies : a summer cam- paign in Brownieland. — Nodier (C). Trilby, the fairy of Argyle. — O'Neill (Moira). The elf-errant. — Parry (E. A.). Katawampus : its treatment and cure. — Pyle (H.). Garden behind the moon. — Richards (Anna M.), Sr. New Alice in the old won- derland. — Shattuck ( W^. Keeper of Salamander's order. — Silver fairy book. [By various authors.] — Sindbad the sailor, and AH Baba and the forty thieves. — Stearns (A.). Chris and the wonderful lamp. — Tail (J. S.). Wayne and his friends. — IVister (O.). Dragon of Wantley. 2d ed. — Wordsworth (Elizabeth). Snow garden, and other fairy tales. — Yale (Catharine B.). Nim and Cum, aWThe wonder- head stories. Family at Misrule. By Ethel Turner. Farrar, Frederic W. Julian Home : a tale of college life. Fawcett, E. Douglas. Secret of the desert ; or, how we crossed Arabia in the "Antelope." Fenn, George Manville. Cormorant Crag. — Diamond Dyke : a story of South African adventure. — Young castellan : a tale of the English civil war. Field, Mrs. E. M. Master Magnus; or, the prince, the princess, and the dragon. Fielding, S. G. Southern light. Finley, Martha. Elsie at the world's fair. — Elsie's journey on inland waters. Fisherman's daughter. By Anne Kendrick Benedict. Five minute stories. By Laura E. Richards. Five stars in a little pool. By Edith Carrington. Flock of girls and boys. By Nora Perry. For life and liberty. By Gordon Stables. Foreman Jennie. By Amos R. Wells. Forest and prairie series. See Ellis, Edward S, FosDicK, C. A. See Castlemon, Harry. Foster, Baynton. See Elmslie, Theodora C. Foster, Mary Farrington. Doty Dontcare. Four little mischiefs. By Rosa Mulholland. Fowler, Edith Henrietta. Young pretenders. Garden behind the moon. By Howard Pyle. Gee's trap ; or, the lambs and Field street. By Josephine R. Baker. Girl of the Commune. By G. A. Henty. Girls together. By Amy E. Blanchard. Goostie. By M. Carrie Hyde. Graham, Ennis. See Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louise. Green, Evelyn Everett. Arnold Inglehurst, the preacher. — Great indiscretion. • — Head of the house. — Secret of the old house. — Wilful WiUoughbys. Gypsy series. See Phelps, Elizabeth S. Gypsy's cousin Joy. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. - Half a dozen boys. By Anna Chapin Ray. Half round the world. (All-over-the-world library, 3d series, v. 2.) By Oliver Optic. " Hallowe'en" ahoy ! By Hugh St. Leger. Happy discipline. By Elizabeth Cumings. Harris, Joel Chandler. ("' Uncle Remus.") Mr. Rabbit at home : sequel to "Little Mr. Thimblefinger." Harry Amblei* By Sidney Marlow. Hazelwood stories. See Le Baron, Grace. Head of the house. By Evelyn Everett Green. Henderson, W. J. Afloat with the flag. Henty, G. A. Girl of the Commune. — Knight of the white cross. — Through Russian snows. — Tiger of Mysore. Hervey, Maurice H. Eric the archer. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 16 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Hildegarde's neighbors, /c^ Ocean rovers. Hildegarde's neighbors. By Laura E. Richards. Hill, Headon. Divinations of Kala Persad, and other stories. Hocking, Silas K. Doctor Dick, and other tales. Holmes, F. M. Hugh Melville's quest : a boy's adven- tures in the days of the Armada. Hope, Ascott R. Seven wise scholars. — Young travellers' tales. House of Hollister. By Fannie E. Newberry. How Tommy saved the barn. By James Otis. Hugh Herbert's inheritance. By Caroline Austin. Hugh Melville's quest : a boy's adventures in the days of the Armada. By F. M. Holmes. Hunters three : sport and adventure in South Africa. By Thomas W. Knox. Huntington, Faye. Boynton neighborhood. Huntington, Rev. George. Kings and cupbearers. Hyde, M. Carrie. Goostie. — Under the stable floor. — Yan and Nochie. In press-gang days. By Edgar Pickering. In search of fortune. By Gordon Stables. In the Okefenokee. By Louis Pendleton. In the saddle. By Ohver Optic. (" Blue and gray army series," v. 2.) Ireland, Mary E. What I told Dorcas: a story for mission workers. Island refuge (An). By James Otis. Jack Ballister's fortunes. By Howard Pyle. Jack Benson's log. By Charles Ledyard Norton. Jack Midwood. By Edward S. Ellis. ("Through on time series," v. i.) Jean Belin : the French Robinson Crusoe. By Alfred de Brehat. Jerry's family : a story of a street waif of New York. By James Otis. Jersey, Countess of. Eric, prince of Lorlonia. Jim of Hellas. By Laura E. Richards. Jimmy boy. By Sophie May. (" Little Prudy's chil- dren.") Joan's adventures at the North Pole, and elsewhere. By Alice Corkran. Joel : a boy of Galilee. By Annie Fellows Johnston. Johnston, Annie Fellows. Joel : a boy of Galilee. — Little colonel. Jolly good summer. By Mary P. Wells Smith. Julian Home : a tale of college life. By Frederic W. Farrar. Kaler, James Otis. See Otis, James. Kanter girls. By Mary L, B. Branch. Katawampus : its treatment and cure. By Edward Ab- bott Parry. Keeper of Salamander's order. By William Shattuck. Kenney, Minnie E. See Paull, Mrs. Geo. A. Ker, David. Wizard king : story of the last Moslem invasion of Europe. , King, Edward. Under the red flag : adventures of two American boys in the days of the Commune. Kings and cupbearers. By Rev. George Huntington. Kipling, Rudyard. Second jungle book. Knight of liberty. By Hezekiah Butterworth. Knight of the white cross. By G. A. Henty. Knox, Thomas W. Hunters three : sport and adventure in South Africa. Kyzie Dunlee. By Sophie May. (" Little Prudy's children.") Lang, Andrew. My own fairy book. Lassie. By Mrs. George A. Paull. Last century maid, and other stories for children. By Anne Hollingsworth Wharton. Last of the Vikings. By Capt. Charles Young. Laurie. Annie. Little boy who lived on the hill. Le Baron, Grace. Hazelwood stories: " Little daughter." Legh, ISL H. Cornwall. My dog Plato. Lieutenant at eighteen. By Oliver Optic, (v. 3 of his " Blue and the gray — on land.") Lillie, Lucy C. Alison's adventures : a story for girls. Little Bet : a sketch. By Eliza Dean Taylor. Little boy who lived on the hill. By Annie Laurie. Little colonel. By Annie Fellows Johnston. " Little daughter." By Grace Le Baron. (Hazelwood stories.) Little Jolliby's Christmas. By Harriet A. Cheever. Little ladies of Ellenwood. By Sarah G. Connell. Little lady Valentine. By Mrs. George A. Paull. Little miss Phoebe Gay. By Helen Dawes Brown. Little Prudy's children. See May, Sophie. Little room, and other stories. By Madelene Yale Wynne. Lucky Tom series. See Castlemon, Harry. Lyall, David. Wastrel redeemed. McCooK, Henry Christopher. Old farm fairies : a sum- mer campaign in Brownieland. M'Lean, Alison. Paul Heriot's pictures. Marlow, Sidney. Harry Ambler. Marshall, Emma. Master of the musicians : a story of Handel's days. — White king's daughter : a story of the princess Eliza- beth. Marshall, Luther. Thomas Boobig. Master Magnus ; or, the prince, the princess, and the dragon. By Mrs. E. M. Field. Master of Deeplawn. By Mrs. Hattie E. Colter. Master of the musicians. By Emma Marshall. Matouchon : a story of Indian life. By Annie Maria Barnes. Matthews, Margaret Harriet. Dame Prism : a story for girls. Maud, Constance. Wagner's heroes. Maureen's fairing. By Jane Barlow. May, Sophie. [Rebecca S. Clarke.] Jimmy boy. ("Lit- tle Prudy's children.") — Kyzie Dunlee. (" Little Prudy's children.") Miss Willowburn's offer. By Sarah Doudney. Missing pocket-book. By Harry Castlemon. (v. 3 of his "Lucky Tom series.") Mr. Rabbit at home. By Joel Chandler Harris. (Sequel to "Little Mr. Thimblefinger.") Mitchell, Laisdell. Niram : a dusky idyl. MOLESWORTH, Mrs. Mary Louise. {''Ennis Graham.") Carved lions. — Sheila's mystery. — White turrets. Montorgueil, Georges. Three apprentices of Moon street. Moore, Frank Frankfort. Secret of the court. More, Hannah and others. Cheap repository tracts, V. 7. More fairy tales from the "Arabian nights." Ed. by C. Dixon. Mulholland, Rosa. Four little mischiefs. Munroe, Kirk. At war with Pontiac. — Snow-shoes and sledges. (Sequel to "The fur-seal's tooth.") Mushroom cave. By Evelyn Raymond. My dog Plato. By M. H. Cornwall Legh. My honey. By the author of " Miss Toosey's mission." My little boy blue. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. My own fairy book. By Andrew Lang. My strange rescue, and other stories. By J. Macdonald Oxley. Mysterious voyage of the Daphne, and other stories for boys and girls. Nautilus. By Laura E. Richards. Neal, the miller : a son of liberty. By James Otis. New Alice in the old wonderland. By Anna M. Rich- ards, sr. Newberry, Fannie E. House of Hollister. Nim and Cum. By Catharine Brooks Yale. Niram : a dusky idyl. By Laisdell Mitchell. NoDiER, Charles. Trilby, the fairy of Argyle. Norton, Charles Ledyard. Jack Benson's log. Norway, G. Prisoner of war : story of the time of Na- poleon. — True Cornish maid. Ocean rovers. By Louis Rousselet. [Same as " Two cabin boys."] FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: O Grady, Standish, /^ Under the stable floor. 17 O'Grady, Standish. Chain of gold : a boy's adventures on the coast of Ireland. Old Crag ; or, the Alison family. By a minister. Old English fairy tales. Collected by S. Baring-Gould. Old farm fairies. By Henry Christopher McCook. Old town pump. By Margaret Sidney. O'Neill, Moira. The elf-errant. Only ten cents. By Mrs. G. R. Alden. ("Pansy.") Optic, Oliver. [William T. Adams.] All-over-the-world library, 3d series. 1. Across India. 2. Half round the world. — Blue and gray army series — on land. 2. In the saddle. 3. Lieutenant at eighteen. Otis, James. [James Otis Kaler.] Andy's ward. — Boys of 1745 at the capture of Louisbourg. — Ezra Jordan's escape from the massacre at Fort Loyall. — How Tommy saved the barn. — Island refuge. — Jerry's family : a story of a street waif of N. Y. — Neal, the miller : a son of liberty. — Wood Island light. OXLEY, J. Macdonald. My strange rescue, and other stories. Paddy O'Learey, and his learned pig. By Elizabeth W. Champney. " Pansy." [Mrs. G. R. Alden.] Only ten cents. — The Randolphs. — What they couldn't. Parent's assistant, v. 2. Parry, Edward Abbott. Katawampus : its treatment and cure. Path in the ravine. By Edward S. Ellis, (v. 2 of " For- est and prairie series.") Paul Heriot's pictures. By Alison M'Lean. Paull, Mrs. George A. {Altnme E. Kenney.) Lassie. — Little lady Valentine. — Ruby's vacation. (4th v. of the " Ruby series.'") — Tangled web, and other tales. Pendleton, Louis. In the Okefenokee. Perry, Nora. Flock of girls and boys. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. [No7vMrs. Herbert D. Ward.] Gypsy series : Gypsy's cousin Joy. Pickering, Edgar. In press-gang days. — Two gallant rebels. Plympton, a. G. Dorothy and Anton : sequel to " Dear daughter Dorothy." Pollard, Eliza F. Roger the ranger. Princess Louise : a tale of the Stuarts. By Croua Temple. Prisoner of war : story of the time of Napoleon. By G. Norway. Pyle, Howard. Garden behind the moon. — Jack Ballister's fortunes. Quarterdeck and fok'sle : stories of the sea. By Molly Elliot Seawell. Rand, Rev. Edward A. Two college boys. Randolphs (The). By " Pansy." Ray, Anna Chapin. Half a dozen boys. Raymo.nd, Evelyn. Mushroom cave. Read, Mrs. R. H. Dora : a girl without a home. Reube Dare's shad boat. By Charles G. D. Roberts. Richards, Anna M., Sr. A new Alice in the old won- derland. Richards, Laura E. Five minute stories. — Hildegarde's neighbors. — Jim of Hellas, [and] Bethesda pool. Roberts, Charles G. D. Reube Dare's shad boat. Roger the ranger. By Eliza F. Pollard. Rouse, Adelaide L. Almost a genius. — Deane girls. Rousself.t, Louis. Ocean rovers. [Same as his " Two cabin boys."] Ruby's vacation. By Minnie E. Paull. (4th v. of the " Ruby series.") RussAN, Ashmore attd Boyle, Frederick. Through forest and plain. Ruth Prentice. By Marion Thorne. St. Leger, Hugh. " Hallowe'en" ahoy ! — Sou'wester and sword. School dame, and other stories for girls. Seawell, Molly Elliot. Quarterdeck and fok'sle : stories of the sea. Second jungle book. By Kudyard Kipling. Secret of the court. By Frank Frankfort Moore. Secret of the desert. By E. Douglas Fawcett. Secret of the old house. By Evelyn Everett Green. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. By Jane Andrews. Seven wise scholars. By Ascott R. Hope. Seymour, M. Corbet. Dulcie King : a story for girls. Shattuck, William. Keeper of Salamander's order. Sheila's mystery. By Mrs. Molesworth. Shirley, Penn. [Miss Sarah J. Clarke.] Young mas- ter Kirke. (" Silver gate series.") I Sidney, Margaret. Old town pump. I Silver fairy book. [By various authors.] i Silver gate series. See Shirley, Penn. I Sindbad the sailor, and Ali Baba r.nd the forty thieves. I Smith, Mary P. Wells. Jolly good summer. I Snow bird and the water tiger, and other American In- 1 dian tales. By Margaret Compton. 1 Snow garden, and other fairy tales. By Elizabeth Words- • worth. j Snow-shoes and sledges. By Kirk Munroe. (Sequel to j " The fur-seal's tooth.") j Southern idylls. By S. G. Fielding. i Sou'wester and sword. By Hugh St. Leger. I "Spot": an autobiography. Spratt, Dora E. W. Christmas week at Bigler's mill. Stables, Gordon. Battle and the breeze. — Dashing days of old. — For life and liberty. . — In search of fortune. Stkarns, Albert. Chris and the wonderful lamp. Sweet William. By Marguerite Bouvet. Swett, Sophie. Cap'n Thistletop : a story for girls ar.d boys. Tait, j. Selwin. Wayne and his friends. Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world in Munsler. By Jeremiah Curtin, Z 8108. A Tangled web and other tales. By Mrs. George .\. Paull. Taylor, Eliza Dean. Little Bet : a sketch. Temple, Crona. Princess Louise : a tale of the Stuarts. Thomas Boobig. By Luther Marshall. Thorne, Marion. Ruth Prentice. Those midsummer fairies. By Theodora C. Elmslie. Three-and-twenty. By Jennie M. Drinkwater. Three apprentices of Moon street. By Georges Montor- gueil. Three colonial boys : a story of the times of '76. By Everett T. "Tomlinson. Through forest and plain. By Ashmore Russan and Frederick Boyle. Through on time series. See Ellis, Edward S. Through Russian snows. By G. A. Henty. Tiger of Mysore. By G. A. Henty. TiMLOW, Elizabeth Westyn. Cricket. Tomlinson, Everett T. Boy oflRcers of 1812. (" War of 1812" series.) — Boy soldiers of 1812. (" War of 1812 '' series.) — Three colonial boys : a story of the times of '76. Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight. An unlessoned girl : a story of school life. Trilby, the fairy of Argyle. By Charles Nodier. True Cornish maid. By G. Norway. TiRNER, Ethel. Family at Misrule. Two college boys. By Rev. Edward A. Rand. Two gallant rebels. By Eugene Pickering. Two little pilgrims' progress. By Frances Hodgson Burnett. " Uncle Remus." See Harris. Joel Chandler. Under the red flag : adventures of two American boys in the days of the Commune. By Edward King. Under the stable floor. By M. Carrie Hyde. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 18 4— HISTORY : American History and Travels. Unlessoned girl : a story of school life. By Elizabeth Knight Tompkins. Updegraff, Laura. Wee Dorothy's true valentine. Wagner's heroes. By Constance Maud. War of 1812 series. S,e Tomlinson, Everett T. Ward, Mrs. Herbert D. See Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Wastrel redeemed. By David Lyall. Watch fires of '76. By Samuel Drake Adams. Water tramps; or, the cruise of the "Sea bird." By George Herbert Bartlett. Wayne and his friends. By J. Selwin Tait. Wee Dorothy's true valentine. By Laura Updegraff. Wells, Amos R. Foreman Jennie. Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth. A last century maid, and other stories for children. What I told Dorcas : a story for mission workers. By Mary E. Ireland. What they couldn't. By " Pansy." Whishaw, Fred. Boris, the bear-hunter. Whispering winds, and the tales they told. By Mary H. Debenham. White king's daughter : a story of the princess Elizabeth. By Emma Marshall. White rose (The) ; or, historj' of Clara Stephens. White turrets. By Mrs. Molesworth. Wilful Willoughbys. By Evelyn Everett Green. WiLKiNS, Mary E. Comfort Pease and her gold ring. WiSTER, Owen. Dragon of Wantley. 2d ed. Witch Winnie at Versailles. By Elizabeth W. Champney. Wizard king : a story of the last Moslem invasion of Europe. By David Ker. Wonder-head stories. By Catharine Brooks Yale. (With her " Nim and Cum.") Wood Island light. By James Otis. W^ORDSWORTH, Elizabeth. Snow garden, and other fairy tales. Wynne, Madelene Yale. Little room, and other stories. Yale, Catharine Brooks. Nim and Cum, and The won- der-head stories. Yan and Nochie. By M. Carrie Hyde. Young, CaJ>(. Charles. Last of the Vikings. Young castellan : a tale of the English civil war. By George Manville Fenn. Young conductor. By Edward S. Ellis, (v. 2 of his " Through on time series.") Young master Kirke. By Penn Shirley. Young pretenders. By Edith Henrietta Fowler. Young ranchers. By Edward S. Ellis, (v. 3 of " Forest and prairie series.") Young reporter : a story of Printing-house Square. By William Drysdale. Young travellers' tales. By Ascott R. Hope. PART 4.-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. A. American History and Travels. UNITED STATES: HISTORY AND TRAVELS. BOYNTON, National military park, Chickamauga-Chat- tanooga. Q 7534- «• Bourget. Outre-mer : impressions of America. Q 54. Brooks. Washington in Lincoln's time. Q 7060. Brown. Pilgrim fathers of New England and their Puritan successors. Q 3537. Child. An old New England town. Q 30S6. Cooper. History of our country. Q iioo./^. Drake. Campaign of Trenton, 1776-77. Q 4126. DwiGHT. edr. Critical sketches of some Federal and Confederate commanders. T 5578. Earle. Colonial dames and good wives. Q 3131. Glascock. Stories of Columbia. Q 1169. Grinnell. Story of the Indian. Q 2176. j. Guest. Round trip in North America. Q 607. Jameson. Dictionary of U. S. history, 1492-1894. Q 1636. Jeffrey. Richmond prisons, 1861-62. Q 7637. Johnson. Stor)' of a great conflict, 1861-65. Q 7639. //otg. — Revised ed. of his " Short history of the war of Secession." Judson. Growth of the American nation. Q 1235. Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero tales from American his- tory. Q 12-]2.k. f National cyclopaedia of American biography, v. 5. T 4866. Puddefoot. Minute man on the frontier. Q 359. Ralph. Dixie ; or, southern scenes and sketches. Q 716.^. Remington. Pony tracks. Q 721. Rhodes. History of the U. S. from 1850. v. 3, 1860-62. Q 7723- Riddle. Recollections of war times, 1860-65. Q 7724. Scott. Reconstruction during the civil war in the U. S. Q 7397- t Spirit of '76. v. i (Sept. r894-Augt. 1895). C 6884. United States. Office of the Chief of Engineers, f Geo- graphical explorations and surveys west of looth meridian. By G. M. Wheeler. Q 787. War Department. \ War of the Rebellion : a com- pilation of the official records. Series I, v. 46, parts 1-3. Q 7773.^. United States. IVar Department. f Same : atlas Pts. 33-35. Q 7991 Varney. Story of patriots' day, Lexington and Concord Q4458 WiNSOR. The Mississippi basin : struggle in America be tween England and France, 1697-1763. Q 3790. w UNITED STATES : SPECIAL PARTS. Blaney. Old Boston: reproductions of etchings in half tone. Q 9528. Burwell. Girl's life in Virginia before the war. Q 9067. Claflin. Under the old elms. [Newton, Mass.] Q 9091. Drake, f History and antiquities of Boston. Q 9826. King. NewOrleans: the place and the people. Qg244.«. King's Dictionary of Boston. By E. M. Bacon. Q 9244. «'. Meriden Britannia Co. f Historical sketch of Madison Square. Q 9300. New Jersey, f Documents relating to colonial history of. V. II, 12. Q 9696. Nixon. How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon. 2d ed. Q 9699- Ostrander. f History of Brooklyn and Kings County. 2 V. Q 9703. Shepp. New York city illustrated. Q 9741. Stoddard. Adirondacks illustrated. 25th ed. Q 9423.3. West Shore Railroad. Summer homes and tours on the line of. Q 9784. Withers. Chronicles of border warfare [in] Virginia. New ed. by Thwaites. Q 3792. OTHER PARTS OF AMERICA. Ball. Notes of a naturalist in South America. P 9024. Bruce. Alaska : its history and resources. P 7537. Field. Our western archipelago. P 7589. JVote. — North America — mostly British. Knight. Cruise of the " Falcon" to South America. P 9249- Mercer. Hill-caves of Yucatan. P 8680. Parkin. Great dominion : studies of Canada. P 7343. Reid. Land of the sun : vistas Mexicanas. P 8367. RuMBOLD. Great Silver River : residence in Buenos Ayres in 1S80-81. P 9380. Shoemaker. Kingdom of the " white woman." [Mexico.] P 8403. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY: European History and Travels. 19 SlADEN. On the cars and off : from Halifax to Victoria. P 7745. Somerset. Land of the muskeg. [British Columbia.] P 7749. Spears. Gold diggings of Cape Horn : life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. P 9417. Stoddard. Cruising among the Caribbees. P 8423. Wilson. Guide to the Yucon gold fields. [Ala.ska.] P 7790. B. European History and Travels. ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITALN. Andrews. Bygone Cheshire. R 1506. r. ASHTON. Hyde Park from Domesday-book to date. R 1510.^. Baines. On the track of the mail coach. R 1024. Barclay. Stonehenge and its earth-works. R 1806. Baylis. Temple church and chapel of St. Ann. 2d ed. R 1029. -(■ Beautiful Britain. Scenery and splendors of the United Kingdom. R 1807. Besant. Westminster. R 1523. w. Black's Guide to Ireland. R 2044.?. — Picturesque guide to Scotland. R 2044.^-. BOGER. Bygone Southwark. R 1529. Clinch a«^ Kershaw, ^(/rj-. Bygone Surrey. R 1556.^. Clinton. From Crecy to Assye : five centuries of mili- ttiry history of England. R 1094. Cornish. Wild England of to-day. R 1560. Crickmore. Old Chester. R 1564. Dasent. History of St. James's Square. R 1568. De Crespigny and Hutchinson. The New Forest : its traditions, inhabitants, and customs. R 1117. Dorr. " Flower of England's face ": sketches of English travel. R 1125. Emerson. English traits. New and rev. ed. 1893. R 1136.^. Fitzgerald, Bozland : Dicken.s' places and people. R1151. Froude. English seamen in the 1 6th century. R 1595.;?. Gardiner. History of the commonwealth and protecto- rate, 1649-60. v. I, 1649-51. R 1597.-4. George. Battles of English history. R 1164. Creen. Short history of the English people. Illustr. ed. by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss Kate Norgate. v. 4. R 1605.?. Haliburton. Furth in field : life, language, and litera- ture of old Scotland. R 2182. Harper. Portsmouth road and its tributaries. R 1611./. Hodgetts. Older England illustrated by Anglo-Saxon antiquities in the British Museum. 2 v. R 1625. 1. The sword. — The shield. — The spear, javelin, and arrow. — The brooch. — The ring. — Beads, glasses, drinking vessels, and burial. 2. The earthen jar. — The rune. — The book. — The horn. — The casket.— The coin. Kirwan. Palace and hovel ; or, phases of London life. R 1647. Lord. Tales from St. Paul's cathedral. R 1273./. Lorne. Governor's guide to Windsor Castle. R 1273.^^. Martin. Pagan Ireland: an archaeological sketch. R 2289. Molesworth. History of England from 1830-74. 3 v. R 1312. Murray, publisher. Handbook for Hertfordshire, Bed- fordshire, and Huntingdonshire. R 1323. Parmele. Evolution of an empire : England. R 1343.^. R.ANSOME. Advanced history of England. R 1363. RiDEiNG. In the land of Lorna Doone. R 1372. «. Sharpe. London and the kingdom, v. 1-3. R 1742. Sheppard. Memorials of St. James's palace. 2 v. R 1743. Smith rt«^/ Hart. Climbing in the British isles. 2. Wales [and] Ireland. R 141 i.r. Stewart. 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe. [West High- lands.] R 2422. Traill, edr. Social England, v. 3. From Henry VIII to death of Elizabeth. R 176S. | Traill, fi/r. Same. v. 4. From the accession of James I to death of Anne. R 1768. Trevelyan. Glimpses of Welsh life and character. R 2447- — Land of Arthur : its heroes and heroines. R 2447./. FRANCE, SPAIN, AND ITALY. .Adolphus. Some memories of Paris. S 1005. Alger. Glimpses of the French revolution. S 1007. Baedeker. South-eastern France. 2d ed. S 1023.0. — South-western France. 2d ed. S 1023. <>. Bicknell. Life in the Tuileries under the second em- pire. S 1524. Burke. History of Spain to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic. 2 v. S 2540. COOLIDGE. An old convent school in Paris, and other papers. S 1097. Contents : An old convent school in Paris. — The countess Potocki. — Girlhood of an autocrat. — Miss Eden. — The due de Saint-Simon. Davis. About Paris. S 1116. Hamerton. f The Saone : a summer voyage. S 1837. Hesdin. Journal of a spy in Paris during the Reign of Terror. S 1199. Horsburgh. Waterloo : a narrative and a criticism. S 1213. LuFFMANN. Vagabond in Spain. S 2274. Macquoid. Through Brittany : South Brittany. S 1283. j. Murray, publis/ier. Handbook for travellers on the Riviera. S 3323. Oliphant. Makers of modem Rome. S 3337. Orleans (Duchess of^. Secret memoirs of the court of Louis XIV and the Regency. S 1703. Ross. Land of Manfred, prince of Tarentum and king of Sicily. S 3378./. Saint-Amand. Revolution of 1848. S 1382. Sewell. Outline history of Italy. S 3401. Stokes. Three months in the forests of France. S 1755. ViLLARi. Two first centuries of Florentine history, v. 2. s 3776. White. Holiday in Spain and Norsvay. S 2481.^. GREECE AND ROME. Diehl. Excursions in Greece. S 7121. Gardner aW Jevons. Manual of Greek antiquities. N 8162. Gell. f Pompeiana : topography, edifices, and orna- ments of Pompeii. 2 v. N 9598. Gilbert, Constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens. N 8600. Holm. History of Greece, v. i, a. N 8210. 1. Up to the end of the 6th century B, C. 2. Fifth century B. C. Plutarch's (Youth's) Lives, for boys and girls. Ed. by Ellis. T 5354-^- Roberts. Ancient Boetians. N 8725. Robinson. Short history of Greece. N 8375. RUSSIA. Campbell. Letters from camp during the siege of Se- bastopol. S 4073. H.A.PGOOD. Russian rambles. S 4185. Herbert. Defence of Plevna, 1877. S 4618. Lysons. Crimean war from first to last. S 4665. Russell. Great war with Russia : the invasion of the Crimea. S 4381.^^. Stepniak. King Stork and king Log : a study of mod- ern Russia. 2 V. S 4421.-^. Sterling. Highland brigade in the Crimea. S 4754, SWITZERLAND AND TIROL. Baedeker. Eastern .Alps : hdbk. for travellers. R 9022.<'. — Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy. Savoy, and Tyrol. i6th ed. R 9022.'^. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NU.MBER. 20 4— HISTORY : Oriental History and Travels. Baker. Model republic : history of the Swiss people. R9514 Browne. Off the mill. R 9061 Conway. The Alps from end to end. R 9559 Leland. Hans Breitmann in Germany : Tyrol. R 9264, Marsh. Two seasons in Switzerland. R 9288 Mummery. My climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. R 9865 RiCHMAN. Appenzell : a Swiss study. R 9372 OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE AND GENERAL WORKS. Alison. Europe from the French revolution to the fall of Napoleon, 1815. Abridged by Gould. N 4504./'. Baedeker. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. R 3022. — Southern Germany, inch Wurtemberg and Bavaria. R 4022. BrADSHAw's Continental railway guide, 1895. Na 3056. Gregor. Story of Bohemia. S 6175. *' POLITIKOS." Sovereigns and courts of Europe. T 5356. White. Holiday in Spain and Norway. S 2481.//. C. Oriental History and Travels, GENERAL AND UNCLASSIFIED WORKS. Callan. From the Clyde to the Jordan : bicycle jour- ney. Nb 3072. Frederickson. Ad Orientem. Nb 3594. Maundevile {Sir John). Marvellous adventures of. Ed. by Layard. Nb 3677. Miller. Little people of Asia. O 683. Norman. Peoples and politics of the far east. Nb 3700. SnoEMAKER. Eastward to the land of the morning. Nb 3403. — Trans-Caspia : the sealed provinces of the Czar. o 3403- Tiffany. This goodly frame the earth : impressions of Japan, China, Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. Nb 3441. AFRICA. Ashe. Chronicles of Uganda. P 3510. Baldwin. African hunting and adventure. 3d ed. P 5514- Banbury. Sierra Leone ; or^ the white man's grave. P45I5- Bruce. Memories of Mashonaland. P 5062. COLVILLE. Land of the Nile springs. P 3558. Dawson. Madagascar : its capabilities and resources. P5115. Knight. Rhodesia of to-day : condition and prospects of Matabeleland and Mashonaland. P 5249. Knox. In wild Africa : journey through the Sahara desert. P 1250./. Latimer. Europe in Africa in the 19th century. P 262. Maude. Five years in Madagascar. P 5294. Vincent. Actual Africa ; or, the coming continent. P776. WiLMOT. Story of the expansion of southern Africa. P 5484. Workman. Algerian memories : bicycle tour. P 1491. Worsfold. South Africa. P 5491. AUSTRALASIA. Alexander. Islands of the Pacific. P 6505. Bicknell. Travel and adventure in northern Queens- land. P 6523. Chalmers. Pioneering in New Guinea, 1877-94. P6081. Fraser. In Stevenson's Samoa. P 6157. Jenks. History of the Australasian colonies. P 6230. Paton. Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. P 6344. Stevens. Picturesque Hawaii. P 6753. bWETTENHAM. Malay sketches. P 6430. Thrumm, compiler. Hawaiian almanac and annual for 1895. P 6764. Thynne. Story of Australian exploration. P 6440. Young. Mutiny of the " Bounty " and story of Pitcairn's island, 1 790-1 894. P 6498. CHINA, JAPAN, AND COREA. j Armstrong. In a mule litter to the tomb of Confucius. I _ O 2015. j Fagg. Forty years in south China : life of Rev. John I Van Nest Talmage. O 2141. FiNCK. Lotos-time in Japan. O 2590. GUNDRY. China present and past. O 2608. f. I Hearn. " Out of the east": reveries and studies in new Japan. O 2192. Holcombe. Real Chinaman. O 2626. Lansdell. Chinese central Asia : ride to Httle Tibet.. 2 V. O 3656. c. Mackay. From far Formosa. O 2669. MiLN. Quaint Korea. O 2305.17. Morris. Advance Japan : a nation thoroughly in earn- est. O 2690. Parsons. Notes in Japan. O 2706. ROCKHILL. t Diary of a journey through MongoHa and Tibet in 1891-92. O 3725. Tcheng-ki-TONG. Chin-chin ; or, the Chinaman at home. O 2435. Tristram. Rambles in Japan. O 2768. Vladimir. China-Japan war. O 2776. EGYPT. Petrie. Egyptian tales. Transl. from the papyri, ist series, IVth to Xllth dynasty. N 6348.^. — History of Egypt from the earliest times to the l6th dynasty, (v. i of his " History of Egypt.") N 6348. /i. Sayce. Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos. N 6387. Wilson. Egypt of the past. 2d ed. to close of XXth dyn. revised by Amelia B. Edwards. N 6484./. INDIA AND FARTHER INDIA. Ballantyne. On India's frontier ; or, Nepaul the Gurkhas' mysterious land. O 5025. Carstairs. Human nature in rural India. O 5077. Gumming. In the Himalayas and the Indian plains. O 5107. Holden. Mogul emperors of Hindustan, A. D. 1398- 1707. O 5626, Kipling. Out of India. O 5244. McCoRMlCK. An artist in the Himalayas. O 5666. Ragozin. Story of Vedic India. O 5362. Smyth. Journey on upper Mekong, Siam. O 4747. Trevelyan. Competition Wallah. O 5446. Weeks. From the Black sea through Persia and India. o 5783- W^ILBERFORCE. Unrecorded chapter of the Indian mutiny. O 5482. Younghusdand. Relief of Chitral. O 5799. JEWS AND THE HOLY LAND, PERSIA, etc. Gray. At the court of the Amir. O 6604. Hutton. Literarj' landmarks of Jerusalem. O 9219. Layard. Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Baby- lonia. New ed. O 9262./. Leroy-Beaulieu. Israel among the nations : study of the Jews and anti-Semitism. N 7265. McFall. Zhob field force, 1890. [Afghanistan.] O 6667. Palestine Exploration Fund. Thirty years' work in the Holy Land, 1865-95. O 9342.0. Renan. History of the people of Israel, v. 4. From the rule of the Persians to that of the Greeks. N 7721. — Same. v. 5. Period of Jewish independence and Judea under Roman rule. N 7721. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Drama and Plays. 21 RooKER. Modern pilgrim in Jerusalem. O 9377. Smith. Historical geography of the Holy Land. N 7747. Vincent. Earthly footprints of the man of Galilee : 400 photographic views and descriptions. O 9892. Weeks. From the Black sea through Persia and India. O 5783. Wilson (E. L.). In Scripture lands. O 94S4. Wilson (/?^z/. S. G.). Persian life and customs. O 6791. Wright. Palmyra and Zenobia, with travels in Bashan and the desert. O 8493. TURKEY AND THE TURKISH ExMPIRE. Barkley. Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia. O 8026. COUFOPOULOS. Guide to Constantinople. S 8102. Crawford. Constantinople. S 8563. Green. Armenian crisis in Turkey. S 8175. Grosvenor. Constantinople. 2 v. S 8606. MacColl. England's responsibility towards Armenia. S 8666. Murray, publisher. Handbook for travellers in Asia Minor, etc. O 8323. D. Universal and Miscellaneous His- tory and Travels. GENERAL HISTORY. Adams. Law of civilization and decay. N 503. Clare. Unrivalled history of the world. 5 v. N 4819. I Desmond. Mooted questions of history. N 4120. I Ellis. Youth's classical dictionary. N 5135. Larned. t History for ready reference. 5 v. N 4853. Robinson. Modern history to 1807. N 4374. ROLLIN. Ancient history, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1828. 8°. N Smith. Romance of history. N 4412. Tyson. Philological essay concerning the Pygmies of the ancients. N 5451. Wolff. Odd bits of history. N 4793. Contents : The Pretender at Bar-le-duc. — Richard de la Pole. — "White rose." — Early ancestors of our queen. — About a portrait at Windsor. — Remnant of a great race. — Voltaire and king Stanislas. — Prince Con- sort's university days. — Something about beer. GENERAL VOYAGES AND TRAVELS ; ATLASES. Battye. Ice-boundon Kolguev. [Arctic regions.] N 251S. BiEN. f Atlas of the state of N. V. N 1908.^7. Brassey. Voyages and travels. Ed. by Wilmot. 2 v. N 3056. Brooks. The Mediterranean trip. N 3060.W. Buckley. Travels in three continents. N 3538. Hughes. Vacation rambles. " N 3315. Jackson. Great frozen land (Bolshaia Zemelskija Tun- dra). N 2636. Jenkins. Voyage of the U. S. Exploring Squadron [un- der] Wilkes, in 1838-42. N 2638. Johnson, f Family atlas of the world. 1866. N 1947.3. McCrackan. Little idyls of the big world. N 3278. Stanley. My early travels in America and Asia. 2 v. N 3421. Stevenson. Amateur emigrant from the Clyde to Sandy Hook. N 2421. Woolson. Mentone, Cairo, and Corfu. N 3490. MISCELLANEOUS INSTITUTIONS. Davey. Furs and fur garments. T 81 15. Flory. Book about fans. T 8153. Hone, f Every-day book. 3 V. T 8627. a. — t Year book of daily recreation and information. T 8627.^. HuTTON. Other times and other seasons. T 8219. Love. Fast and Thanksgiving days of New England. T 8664. New York State. Grand Lodge of Masons. \ Proceed- ings, 114th annual communication. 1895. T 9697. a. Parker. Glossary of terms used in heraldry. New ed. T 6343- PART 5.-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A. Bibliography and Library Economy. Appletons' Library manual : a catalogue raisonnee of 1200 works. M 7508. Cincinnati Public Library, f Bulletin of books added during 1894. M 8818. Growoll. Profession of bookselling. Part 2. M 7836. HoBOKEN Free Public Library, f Alphabetical catalogue : authors, titles, and subjects. 1895. M 8625. Jackson, f The pictorial press : its origin and progress. M 7637.0. t Library journal, v. 20 (Jan. -Dec. 1895). M 8662. I Literary news. New series, v. 16 (Jan. -Dec. 1895). M 7662. New Jersey State Library, f Annual report of the libra- rian for 1894. M 8696. w. New York City. Apprentices^ Library, f Supplement to catalogue of 1874. M 8866.3. New York State Library, f 76th annual report for year ending Sept. 30, 1893. M 8698. /4. t Publishers' weekly, v. 47, 48 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). M 7716. Pratt (Enoch) Free Library. (Bait.) f Finding list : sup- plement to the 5th ed. M 8715./. — \ Finding list of the branch libraries, July, 1895. M 87 1 S-.?-. Roberts. Book-hunter in London. M 7725. Scranton Public Library. Circulating Department. f First supplement to the finding list. 1894. « M 8739.0. B. Drama and Plays. Archer. Theatrical " world " for 1S93. K 2014. Bell. Reader's Shakespeare : the historical plays. K 2035. r. Carr. King Arthur : a drama. K 2546. Chapman. Best plays. Ed. by W. L. Phelps. K 2083. Contents : All fools. — Bussy d'Ambois. — Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois. — Conspiracy of Charles, duke of Byron. — Tragedy of Charles, duke of Byron. Congreve. Comedies. [Ed. by W. E. Henley.] 2 v. K 2009. 1. Old bachelor: a comedy. — Double-dealer: a com- edy. 2. Love for love : a comedy. — Way of the world : a comedy. Corbin. The Elizabethan Hamlet. K 2102. Diderot. Paradox of acting. Preface by H. Irving. K 2122. Dyer. Folk lore of Shakespeare. Z 8578. Gilbert. The Mikado ; or, the town of Titipu. K 2166./W. Guerber. Stories of the Wagner operas. K 3178. HoussAYE. Behind the scenes of the Comedie Fran9aise. K 262S. Ibsen. Little Eyolf. Transl. by Archer. K 7221.W. Jefferson. Rip Van Winkle. K 2637. Jones. Renascence of the English drama. K 2235. r. Jonson (Ben). Best plays. [Ed. by Nicholson.] v. 2, 3. K 2234.W. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Literary History. JoNSON (Ben). Best plays. (Continued.) 2. Bartholomew Fair. — Cynthia's revels. — Sejanus, his fall. 3. Volpone ; or, the fox. — Epicoene ; or, the silent woman. — The alchemist. Kaliuasa. Shakuntala ; or, the recovered ring: Hindoo drama. K 9236. MoLlfeRE. f Dramatic works. [Transl.] by Van Laun. 6 V. K 4687. 1. The blunderer. — The love-tiff. — The pretentious young ladies. — Sganarelle ; or, the self-deceived hus- band. — Don Garcia of Navarre ; or, the jealous prince. 2. School for husbands. — The bores. — School for wives — School for wives, criticised. — The impromptu of Versailles. — The forced marriage. 3. Princess of Elis. — Don Juan ; or, the feast with the statue. — Love is the best doctor. — The misan- thrope. — The physician in spite of himself. 4. Melicerte. — A comic pastoral. — The Sicilian ; or, Jove makes the painter. — Tartuffe ; or, the hypocrite. — Amphitryon. — George Dandin ; or, the abashed hus- band. 5. The miser. — Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. — The magnificent lovers. — The citizen who apes the noble- man. — Psyche. 6. Rogueries of Scapin. — The countess of Escar- bagnas — The learned ladies. — The imaginary invalid. — Jealousy of Le Barbouille. — The flying doctor. — (Euvres choisies. K 4312.(7. Contents: Le bourgeois gentilhomme. — Le misan- thrope. — Les femmes savantes. Morton. First come first served : comedietta. With K 2166.W. f New York dramatic chronicle, v. i, 2 (Sept. 3, 1894- Augt. 26, 1895). C 6867.^. NoRD-\u. Right to love [: drama]. K 3333. Renan. L'Abbessede Jouarre : adrama. With Y z-^b^j.c. — Priest of Nemi : philosophical drama. With Y 2369. f. Robins. Echoes of the playhouse : reminiscences of some past glories of the English stage. K 2376. RuGGLES. Plays of Shakespeare founded on literary forms. " K 2728. Shakespeare. Dramatic works, from text of Stevens and Malone. _ K 2401. — King Henry V. Preface, etc., by Gollancz. K 2400./^. — King Richard HI. Preface, etc., by Gollancz. K 2400. r. Stevenson and Henley. Macaire : a melodramatic farce. K 2424. -|- Talent, v. 5. (July 1894-June 1S95.) C 6886. Ten Brink. Five lectures on Shakespeare. K 2435. WiNGATE. Shakespeare's heroines on the stage. K 2487. WiNSLOW. Readings from the old dramatists. 2 v. K 2486. 1. Miracle to masque. — Predecessors of Shakespeare. — Minor Elizabethan dramatists. 2. Earlier Stuart drama. — Comedy of the Restora- tion. — Comedy of the i8th centuiy. Winter. Shadows of the stage. 3d series. K 2485. C. Essays and Miscellanies. Addison a«^ Steele. Spectator in London. M 4003.x. /Esop, junior, in America : fables. M 3005.7. Arnold. Function of criticism at the present time. M 4015./. Belloc. In a walled garden. M 4036. Boyd. (" Country Parson.") Occasional and immemo- rial days. M 405 5. «. Bradford. Types of American character. M 4057. Confucius. Proverbial philosophy of. Compiled by F. H. Jenings. M 3099. Davidson. Sentences and paragraphs. M 3115. Darmesteter. Selected essays. Ed. by Jastrow. M 4115. Contents : Religions of the future. — Prophets of Israel. — Afghan life in Afghan song.— Race and tradi- tion.— Ernest Renan. — Essay on the history of the Jews.— Supreme God in the Indo-European mythology. DowLiNG. Indolent essays. M 4125.?. Easel. Our square and circle ; or, the annals of a little London house. M 4131. GODKIN. Reflections and comments, 1865-95. M 4170. Hall, ^•a'r. The amulet. M 1183. Jefferies (R.). Thoughts from the writings of. Se- lected by Waylen. M 3229. Jeune. Lesser questions. M 4232. Mallock. Studies of contemporary superstition. M 4286. Contents: Scientific bases of Optimism. — "Cow- ardly Agnosticism." — Amateur Christianity. — Marriage and free thought. — A Catholic theologian on natural religion. — Science and the revolution. — Fabian econom- ics. — So-called evolution of socialism. More. Great refusal : letters of a dreamer in Gotham. M 4315. Nadal. Notes of a professional exile. M 4326.W. Pater. Miscellaneous studies. M 4344. w. Contents: Prosper Merimee. — Raphael. — Pascal. — Art notes in north Italy. — Notre-Dame d'Amiens. — Vezelay. — Apollo in Picardy. — Child in the house. — Emerald Uthwart. — Diaphaneite. Silver domino. 23d ed. M 4406. a. Swinburne. Studies in prose and poetry. M 4429. Swing. Pictures of life. 2 v. M 4430. 1. David Swing. — An old picture of life. — A Greek orator. — A Roman gentleman. — Thoughts on Greek literature. — Cordelia and Antigone. — Dante.^The en- larged church. 2. The submerged centuries. — The novel. — Scholar in politics. — Romeo and Juliet. — A true love story. — Humanity to man and beast. — Excess. — Peculiarities of man. — An injured world. Symonds. In the key of blue, and other prose essays. M 4432. Wallace. Popular sayings dissected. M 3464. Wood, f Dictionary of quotations. M 3794. D. Language and Phonography. Arnold. Latin prose composition. New ed. by Brad- ley. W 8015. Budge. First steps in Egyptian : a book for beginners. W 9538. Ellis. Common errors in writing and speaking. W 2135. Esclangon. French verb newly treated. W 4583. Giles. Short manual of comparative philology. W 167. Graham, compiler. Reporter's list. W Ii74.r. Harkness. Complete Latin course for the first year. Revised ed. W 8187.^. Hoffman. Beginnings of writing. W 209. Hunter and others, edrs. \ Encyclopoedic dictionary. 4 v. W 2844. LoASE. f Phonetic structure of the English language. W 22-]2.a. Manning. Practical Spanish grammar. W 5287. Mills. Mills book of typewriter forms. W 1862. Morales. Progressive Spanish reader. W 5316. \ Phonetic journal, v. 54 (Jan. -Dec. 1895V C 6710. PiRRiE. Technical dictionary (Engl.-French and French- Engl.) of sea terms, phrases, and words. G 7353- Pliny. Selections from letters of, by C. H. Keene. [Latin.] W 8354- SCUDDER. First Latin reader. W 8398. t Shorthand educator, v. i (May 1894-Apl. 1895). C 6742. f Student's journal : devoted to Graham's Standard phonography, v. 23 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 6885. Tucker. Our common speech. W 2448. Whitney, edr. Century dictionary, v. i, sect, i (A — appetence). W 2897. E. Literary History. Baildon, edr. Round table series. M 9514. Contents: Ralph Waldo Emerson, by the editor, — George Eliot, by the editor. — John Ruskin, by Patrick FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Wit, Humor, and Anecdotes. 23 Geddes. — Walt Whitman, by John Robertson. — Charles Darwin, by J. T. Cunningham. — Dante Gabriel Ros- setti, by P. W. Nicholson. Bertram. Some memories of books, authors, and events. M 9522. BoYESEN. Essays on Scandinavian literature. M 9055.A Chancellor. Literary types, being essays in criticism. M 90S 2. Contents: Thomas De Quincey, man of letters. — Charles Lamb, essayist. — Thomas Carlyle, philoso- pher. — " Wotton Reinfred" (a note). — Walter Savage Landor, dramatist. — Charles Dickens, novelist. — Pathos of Dickens (a note). — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet. Collins. Essays and studies. M 9557. CoppfiE. English literature as an interpreter of English ■~* history. New ed. M 9100.^. f Critic (The), v. 26, 27 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C 6821. DiTCHFiELD. Books fatal to their authors. M 9122. DowDEN. New studies in literature. M 9125. Ely. English men of letters for boys and girls : Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney. T 5136. Ennar. Bookland and its inhabitants. L 9137. Fisher. Twenty-five letters on English authors. M 9150. Good reading about many books, mostly by their authors. M 7172. Harrison. Studies in early Victorian literature. M 9187. Howells. My literary passions. M 9213. Jusseraud. Literary history of the English people. M 9641. Karpeles. Jewish literature, and other essays. M 9237. f Literary world, v. 26 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C 6855. Mackail. Latin literature. M 9281. MiNTO. Literature of the Georgian era. Ed. by Knight. M 9307. Mitchell. English lands, letters, and kings, [v. 3.] Queen Anne and the Georges. M 9309. NiCHOLL. Landmarks of English literature. 4th ed. M 9330. rt. I NORDAU. Degeneration. M 9699. ! Saintsbury. Corrected impressions : es.says on Victo- I rian writers. M 9383. f. I — Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 2d series. ' M 9383. f. Tyler. Three men of letters. T 5451. Vedder. American writers of to-day. M 9458. Wells. Modern German literature. M 9473. Wolfe. Literary pilgrimage among the haunts of famous British authors. M 9489.^. — Literary shrines : haunts of famous American authors. M 9489.^;. Wright. Children's stories in American literature. M 9493 •^• F. Poetry. Aldrich. Later lyrics. K 1007./. Arnold. Tenth muse, and other poems. K 1015.^ Barlow. Bogland studies. 3d ed. K 1027.3. — End of Elfintown. K 1027. 9lg- — edr. Laboratory manual of physics and applied elec- tricity. 2 v. D 4697. Parshall and Hobart. Armature windings of electric machines. D 4869. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Medical Science. 25 Paterson. Management of dynamos. D 4344. Perry. Electric railway motors. D 4347. Price. Measurement of electrical resistance. D 47i7- Slingo and Brooker. Electrical engineering. New ed. D 4410.^. — Problems and solutions in elementary electricity and magnetism. D 4410./. Snell. Electric motive power. D 4748- SOUTHAM. Electrical engineeringas a profession. D 4416. Thompson. Elementary lessons in electricity and mag- netism. New ed. D 4438. a. — Polyphase electric currents and alternate current motors. D 4763/- Whetham. Solution and electrolysis. D 4479- WlTTBECKER. Domestic electrical work. D 4487. ELECTRIC LIGHT. CusHiNG. Standard wiring for electric light and power. D 4108. Fleming. Electric lamps and electric lighting. D4592.^. Guy. Electric light and power. D 4181. Knight. Electric light for country houses. D 4249. Palaz. Industrial photometry with special application to electric lighting. D 4705. Urquhart. Electric light : its production and use. D 4456./. E. Evolution, Biology, and Ethnology. Babington. Fallacies of race theories. E 9021. Clodd. Primer of evolution. F 1094./. — Story of " primitive" man. E 9094. j. Haycroft. Darwinism and race progress. F 1191. Mason. Origins of invention. E 9290. QuATREFAGES. The pigmies. E 9361./. Salisbury. Evolution : a retrospect. F 1384. Seebohm. Structure of the Greek tribal society. E 9739- United States. Bureau of Ethnology. f nth, 12th annual reports, 1889-90, 1890-91. E 9891. — Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Moun- tain Region, f Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 9. E 9891.0. F. Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geography. Bird. Geology. D 8043. Cole. Open-air studies ; introd. to geology out-of-doors. D 8097.0. Dana (E. S.). Minerals and how to study them. D 9113. Dana (J. D.). Manual of geology. ' D 856S. Geikie. Great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man. 3d ed. D 8598.^^. Hutchinson. Creatures of other days : popular studies in palaeontology. New ed. D 82x9.^. — Extinct monsters : larger forms of ancient animal life. E 22X3. Moses and Parsons. Mineralogy, crystallography, and blowpipe analysis from a practical standpoint. D 9690. Prestwich. Controverted questions of geology. D 87x5. Russell. Meteorology, weather, and methods of fore- casting. D 7728./;;. Scott. Elementary meteorology. 6th ed. D 7397.3. Seeley. Story of the earth in past ages. D S399. United States. Coast Survey, f Report of superin- tendent during 1857. D 7891. — Geological Survey, f Bulletin, Nos. 118, 120-123. D 8773.'^. 118. Gannett, Henry. Geographic dictionary of New Jersey. 120. Prosser, Charles S. The Devonian system of eastern Pennsylvania and New York. 121. Keyes, Charles Rollin. Bibliography of North American paleontology, 1888-92. 122. Gannett, Henry. Results of primary triangu- lation. 123. Gannett, Henry. Dictionary of geographic positions in the U. S. f Geological atlas of the U. S. Parts 1-17. D 8991./. 1. Livingston folio, Montana. 2. Ringgold folio, Georgia — Tennessee. 3. Placerville folio, California. 4. Kingston folio, Tennessee. 5. Sacramento folio, California. 6. Chattanooga folio, Tennessee. 7. Pike's Peak folio, Colorado. 8. Sewanee folio, Tennessee. 9. Anthracite-crested butte folio, Colorado. xo. Harpers Ferry folio, Virginia — Maryland — West Virginia. IX. Jackson folio, California. 12. Estillville folio, Kentucky — Virginia — Tennessee. 13. Fredericksburgh folio, Virginia — Maryland. 14. Staunton folio, Virginia — West Virginia. 15. Lassen Peak folio, California. ,16. Knoxville folio, Tennessee — North Carolina. 17. Marys ville folio, California. f Mineral resources of the U. S. 1893. By D. T. Day. D 8773.0. \ Monographs, v. 23, 24. D 889X.J. 23. Pumpelly, Raphael [and others]. Geology of the Green Mountains in Massachusetts. 24. Whitfield, Robert Parr. Mollusca and Crustacea of the miocene formations of New Jersey. G. Mathematics. Bradshaw. First step in Euclid. D 1057. Elliott. Introduction to the algebra of quantics. D 1135. Jellis. Tables for cubing timbers. D 1229. Langley. Treatise on computation. D 1260. MacCord. Elements of descriptive geometry. D x666. McLennan and Dewey. Psychology of number and its application to methods of teaching arithmetic. D 1281. Macnie. Elements of geometry. D 1282. Peirce. Analytic geometry. D 1345. a. — Curves, functions, and forces, v. 2. D 1345. f. — Plane and solid geometry. D 1345./. Sheldon's Complete algebra. D 1403. f. Todhunter. Algebra for colleges and schools. D 1443.0. Wentvvorth o«i/ Hill. Exercises in arithmetic. D X474-»- — Exercises in algebra. D 1474./ H. Medical Science. Blackwell. Human element in sex. New ed. F 7044. Blyth. Poisons : their effects and detection. 3d ed. F 352S. Brodribb and Py.m. Manual of health and temperance. F 2060. COBBE. Doctor Judas : a portrayal of the opium habit. F 5095. Davies. Handbook of hygiene. F 2 114. Dewey. True science of living. F 2572. f Doctor of hygiene, v. 8 (Nov. 1893-Oct. 1S94). C 7825. EccLES. Practice of massage. F 4133. Evans, f Artificial crown and bridge-work. 4th ed. F 6584. Galbraith. Hygiene and physical culture for women. F 2160. Gillies. Theory and practice of counter-irritation. F 4601. In asking for Ixwks, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 26 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS: Natural Philosophy. Gould. f Illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology, and allied sciences. F 604. Griffith. Care of the baby. F 5176. Griffiths. Manual of bacteriology. F 4175. Hardwicke. Art of living long and happily. F 2185. Hart. Diet in sickness and in health. F 2613. Hawkins. Diseases of the vermiform appendix. F 5614. Hertwig. The cell : outlines of general anatomy and physiology. F i6ig. Kanthack and Drysdale. Elementary practical bac- teriology. F 4236. Keith. Plea for a simpler life. F 2238. Kocher. Text-book of operative surgery. F 4851. Lang. Methodical examination of the eye. F 5260. Manley. f Hernia : its palliative and radical treatment. F 6672. Morten. How to become a nurse. 3d ed. F 4690. New York State. Homaopathic Medical Society, f Trans- actions for 1872. v. 10. " F 697./^. — Medical Society. \ Transactions for 1872. F 697. f. \ Oil, paint, and drug reporter, v. 46, 47 (July 2, 1894- June 24, 1895). C 7968. f PosT-graduate. v. 9 (Jan. -Dec. 1894). C 7715. Prentice. The eye in its relation to health. F 5357. Reese. Medical jurisprudence and toxicology. 4th ed. F 6367. Rideal. Disinfection and disinfectants. F 3724. SCHROEDER. Health notes for young wives. F 7394. Scripture. Thinking, feeling, doing. F 1398. Walker. Book for every woman. Pt. i, Management of children in health and out of health. F 5463. Webster. Ectopic pregnancy. F 7783. Wiedersheim. Structure of man an index to his past history. F 1788. WooLSEY. Hand-book for hospitals. F 4491. Wormley. Micro-chemistry of poisons. 2d ed. F 3795. I. Natural History. GENERAL WORKS. Allen. Vignettes from nature. E 8 Benson. Subject to vanity. E 2036 Brightwen. Inmates of my house and garden. E 58 Burroughs. Little nature studies for little people. Ed by Mary E. Burt. E 67./. Cooke. One thousand objects for the microscope. E 100.^ Ellwanger. Idyllists of the country side. E 135 HuLME. Natural history lore and legend. E 2216 Hutchinson. Extinct monsters : larger forms of ancient animal life. 4th ed. E 2218. Lindsay. Introduction to zoology. E 2269 Morley. Life and love. E 2315 Owen CKt/ Boulger. Country month by month. [Spring.' E 340.;^: — Same: [Autumn.] E 340.^, — Same: [Winter.] E 340.^ Potts. From a New England hillside. E 356 Scherren. Popular history of animals for young people E 2734 Whishaw. Romance of the woods. E 480 White. Natural history of Selborne. Introd. by Bur roughs. 2 v. E 2481, iz SPECIAL TOPICS. Chapman. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. E 7083. CoMSTOCK. Manual for the study of insects. E 4559. Curiosities of entomology. E 4564. Dalziel. The greyhound. Dean. Fishes, living and fossil. Elliot. North American shore birds. Head LEY. Structure and life of birds. Huidekoper. The cat. E 8568.^. E 5570. E 7135. E 7615. E 8215. Knobel. Day butterflies and duskflyers of New Eng- land. E 4250. Korschelt a7id Heider. Embryology of invertebrates. E 2651. Macpherson and others. The pheasant. E 7283./. Contents: Macpherson, Rev. H. A. Natural his- tory.— Wortley, A. J. Stuart. Shooting. — Shand, Alex- ander Innes. Cookery. M assart and Vandervelde. Parasitism organic and social. E 3290. Strachey, compiler. Dog stories from the " Spectator." E 8425. Tegetmeier and Sutherland. Horses, asses, zebras, mules, and mule breeding. E 8761. United States. Fish Commission, f Bulletin, v. 13, 1893. E 5891. a. Fish Commission. \ Bulletin, v. 14 for 1894. E 5891.0. f Report of the commissioner for year ending June 30, 1892. E 5773. Van Dyke. Game birds at home. E 7458. WiLLCOx. Common land birds of New England. E 7483. Wood. Common shells of the sea shore. E 3489. Wright. Birdcraft : a field book of 200 song, game, and water birds. E 7493. J. Physics or Natural Philosophy. Bovey. Treatise on hydraulics. D 3533, Carhart. Physics for university students. Pt. i. Me- chanics, sound, and light. D 2075. Catchpool. Tutorial physics, vol. i. Text-book of sound. D 3078. Daniell. Principles of physics. 3d ed. D 2568. DuBois. Elementary principles of mechanics. 3 v. D 3577. I. Kinematics. 2. Statics. 3. Kinetics. Gee. Short studies in nature knowledge. D 7163. Glazebrook. Light : an elementary text-book. D 3169. — Mechanics: dynamics. D 3169. »/. Hancock. Text-book of mechanics and hydrostatics. D3185. Loudon and McLennan. Laboratory course in experi- mental physics. D 2663. Mach. Popular scientific lectures. D 2280. Murch£. Science readers. 4 v. D 323. Naber. Standard methods in physics and electricity criticised. D 2695. Nichols. Laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity. 2 v. D 4697. Pickering. Elements of physical manipulation. 2 v. D 2712. f Popular science monthly, v. 46, 47 (Nov. 1894-Oct. 1895). c 7714- f Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. v. 28 (Jan.-Dec. 1894). C 7872.^. RiSTEEN. Molecules and the molecular theory of matter. D 2373- f Science : an illustrated journal, v. 1-8 (Feb. 1883- July 1886). C 7738. f Scientific American, v. 72, 73 (Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1895). C 7979-«- f Scientific American supplement, v. 39, 40 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C 7979-^- Strutt. Theory of sound, v. i. 2d ed. D 3755- Tait. Dynamics. D 3432. Tyndall. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 04451./%. 1 For related topics see, in this catalogue, Part q. USEFUL AND FINE ARTS, especially the subdivisions "Agri- Horticulture," " Architecture and Building," "Engineering," and " Useful Arts." A complete catalogue of scientific culture and books in the library, up to Supplements Nos. i to 8 5, can be obtained separately at 10 cents per copy. Additions since that time are embodied in FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Government and Politics. 27 PART 7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Pub- lic Documents. Ames, f Comprehensive index of the publications of the U. S. government, 1889-93. U 2802. f Congressional record. 52d congress, ist session, v. 23 (8 pts.). U 2821. Minneapolis, f Annual reports of the city officers for 1894. U 26S4. New York State. Assembly, f Journal, 117th session. 2 V. 1894. U 2697. rt f Documents, 117th session. 23 V. 1894. U 2697. — Senate. \ Documents, 117th session, v. 1-9, 11, 12. 1894. U 2bc)-].b. f Same, 117th session, v. 10. 1894. U 2866.^. i Journal, 117th session. 1894. U 2697.1:. — Senate and Assembly. \ Calendar of bills printed 117th session. 1894. U 2866./). United States. Civil Service Commission, f loth, nth report, July i, 1892, to June 30, 189.^. 2 v. u 1773.^- — Senate. \ Journal, ist sess. 29th congr. 1S45-6. U 2773.0. B. Commerce and Business. BURGis. Perils to British trade, how to avert them. U 8065. GODDARD. Giving and getting credit. H 9171.1-. f Insurance economist, v. 18 (Oct. 1894-Sept. 1895). C 6846. Merchants' magazine, v. 1-31 (July 1839-Dec. 1854^. C 6679. New York Produce Exchange, f Report, July i, 1894, to July I, 1895. U 8697.^. New York State. Chamber of Commerce, f 37th annual report for 1894-5. U 8697. — Insurance Department, f 13th annual report. 1872. U 6697. <^. Rabbino. American commercial policy. U 8718. Rothschild. Taschenbuch fiir Kaufleute. H 937S. Thornton. Manual of bookkeeping. H 9439. United States. State Department, f Consular reports, Nos. 171-182. U S773.<'-. f Special consular reports, v. 12. Highways of commerce. U 8773.0. Williams a«^ Rogers. Complete book-keeping. H 9898. C. Education. Aiken. Methods of mind-training [Memory]. X 7006. Beers. Ways of Yale in the consulship of Plancus. X 7034. Boyd. St. Andrews and elsewhere. X 7533. Cornell University, f Register, Dec. 1894. X 7101. f Educational review, v. 9, 10 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C 6580.^. Froebel. Mottoes and commentaries of [his] " Mother play." X 7158. w. — Pedagogics of the kindergarten. X 7158./. — Songs and music of [his] " Mother play." X 715S.J. Hart. Studies in American education. X 7188. j. t Harvard register, v. 3 (Jan. -July, 1881). X 7613. «. Harvard University, f Annual reports of president and treasurer, 1893-94. X 7613. — t Catalogue of officers and students, 1870-1, 1871-2, 1872-3, 1874-5, 1875-6, 1876-7, 1877-8, 187S-9, 1879-80, 1894-5. X 7188. Johns Hopkins University, f Circulars, v. 12, 13 (Jan. 1893-July 1894). 2 v. in I. C 6847. — t Register, 1894-5. X 7640. Laurie. Historical survey of pre-christian education. X 7262.//. Leland Stanford Junior University, f 4'h annual regis- ter, 1894-95. X 7264, Martin. Evolution of the Massachusetts public school system. X 7290. Matson. Knowledge and culture. X 7294. New Jersey, College of. f Catalogue, 1894-5. X 7328. New York City. Board of Education. \ Directory. 1891, 1894, 1895. X Th-K^.a. f Journal. 1893, 1894. X 7697. a. \ Manual. 1891, 1894, 1895. X 7329. Manual-training course of study and teachers' man- ual. X 7329.W. f 52d, 53d, annual report for 1893, 1894. 2 v. X 7697, <^. New York State. Dept. of Public Instruction, f 19th annual report of the superintendent. 1873. X ib^l.d. NoETLiNG. Science and art of education. X 7331. Patrick. Elements of pedagogics. X 7343. 4. Haeckel. Monism as connecting religion and science. Z 3181. Hudson. Scientific demonstration of the future life. Y62i5..f. Janney. Summary of Christian doctrine of the Friends. Z 4227. J-. Kelly. Evolution and effort and their relation to reli- gion and politics. Z 3240. LoRiMER. Argument fbr Christianity. Z 3273. Maclear and Williams. Introduction to articles of church of England. Y 6282. Mair. Studies in the Christian evidences. Z 3285. Matter, force, "and spirit ; or, scientific evidence of a supreme intelligence. Y 6292. Mazzini. "God and the people!" the religious creed of a democrat. Y 6677. Memorials of deceased Friends. Z 4298. Milne. Doctrine and practice of the eucharist. Y 6306. Prestwich. Last geological period and the tradition of the flood. Z 3716. Satterlee. Creedless Gospel and the Gospel creed. Y 6732. Stokes. Natural theology : the Gifford lectures. Z 3423. Tabor. Skepticism assailed. Z 2759. Turton, compiler. Truth of Christianity. Z 3450. Wage. Christianity and Agnosticism. Z 2462. Young. Catholic and Protestant countries compared. 2d ed. Z 1498. E. Mythology, Folk Lore, and Various Religions. Adams. House of the hidden places : a clue to the creed of early Egypt. Z 8004. Besant, iransl. Bhagavad gita. Z 8037. COUPLAND, edr. Thoughts and aspirations of the ages : selections from the religious writings of the world. Z 9562. Cox. Introduction to folk-lore. Z 8103.1. CuRTlN. Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world in Munster. Z 8108./. Dyer. Folk lore of Shakespeare. Z 8578. Ellis. Youth's dictionary of mythology. Z 7134. Firth. Stories of old Greece. Z 7150. Griffis. Religions of Japan. Z 8175. Guerber. Legends of the Rhine. Z 8178. — Myths of northern lands. Z 8178. w. Healey, reporter. Margaret and her friends ; or, con- versations with Margaret Fuller upon the mythology of the Greeks and its expression in art. Z 7192. Lazarus. Spirit of Judaism. Z 5262. Leland. {" Hans Breitmann.") Legends of Florence. 1st series. Z 8264. Menzies. History of religion. Z 9299. MOller, edr. Sacred books of the east. v. 45. Gaina sutras. Pt. 2. Uttaradhyayana sutra, Sutrakri- tanga sutra. Z 8692. Pater. Greek studies. Z 7344. Phillips. Teaching of the Vedas : what light does it throw on the origin of religion? Z 8351. Robinson. Old-world Japan : legends of the land of the gods. Z 8373. Subhadra Bikshu. Buddhist catechism. Z 8427. TiSDALL. Religion of the crescent ; or, Islam : its strength, its weakness, its origin, its influence. Z 6442. Wiedemann. Ancient Egyptian doctrine of the immor- tality of the soul. Z 8482. F. Occult Literature. Baughan. Character indicated by handwriting. 2d ed. X 4030. Besant. In the outer court. [Theosophy.] X 5037.2. Brewster. Letters on natural magic. [Additions] by- Smith. X 5057.a. Cheiro. Language of the hand. X 4551. Cocke. Hypnotism : how it is done, its uses and dangers. X 4095. Craig. Your luck's in your hand. [Same as his " Mod- ern palmistry."] X 4104.0. Defoe. Life and adventures of Duncan Campbell. X 5116. Dyer. Strange passages from family papers. X 5130. Frith. Practical palmistry, based on actual experience. X 4I57-A HAND-reading ; or, the science of chirology. By an adept. X 4185. Hannon. f Science of life and power of our mind. X 4611. Lang. Cock Lane and common-sense. X 5260. f Phrenological journal, v. 99, 100 [New series, v. 51, 52] (Jan. -Dec. 1895). C 6711. Post. I am well : modern practice of natural suggestion. 2d ed. X 5356. Sizer. How to study strangers : satquel to " Heads and faces." X 4746. /5. Staunton. Encyclopedia of face and form reading. 2d ed. X 4753-^- G. Philosophy : Mental. Abercrombie. Intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. Additions by Abbott. X 3002.0. Alexander. Lao-tsze, the great thinker. X 2007. Baldwin. Mental development in the child and the race. X 3025. BosANQUET. Essentials of logic. X 6052. 4. Barnard, Fredk. A. P. Memoirs of. By J. Fulton. T 281./. Barras, member of the Directorate. Memoirs, v. 3, 4. T 287. Bayard, Chevalier. Life of. [Transl. by Kindersley] In T 309./. Beethoven, Ludwig van. Biographic von. By A. Schindler. T 346. ^ Bismarck's table-talk. Ed. by C. Lowe. T 433. >^. Blackie, Prof. [John Stuart] : his sayings and doings. By II. A. Kennedy. T 441. — Stoddart, Anna M. John Stuart Blackie : a biogra- phy. 2 v. T 441. J. Blessington, Lady. The most gorgeous Lady Bless- ington. By J. F. Molloy. 4th ed. 2 v. T 456. Bloomer, Amelia. Life and writings of. By D. C. Bloomer. T 463. Boudinot, Elias. Life of. Ed. by J. J. Boudinot. 2v. T54I- Brinton, Daniel G. f Analytical catalogue of works and scientific articles by. B 956S. Bront£, Charlotte, and her circle. By C. K. Shorter. T 598./. Burns, Robert. By G. Setoun. ("Famous Scots" series.) T 666..r. Buss, Frances Mary, and her work for education. V>y Annie E. Ridley. T 68S. Cameron. Richard. By J. Herkless. (" Famous Scots " series.) T 732. Carleton, William. Life of. By D. J. O'Donoghue. 2 v. T 761. Carlyle, Thomas. By H. C. Macpherson. (" Famous Scots" series.) T 762 w. Castelar, Don Emilio. By D. Hannay. T 7S9. Chamberlain, Joseph. By S. H. Jeyes. T 824. Charles XIL and the collapse of the Swedish empire, 1682-1719. By R. N. Bain. T 5.^2. r. Cherubini [Luigi Carlo Zanobi Salvadore Maria] : me- morials illustrative of his life. By E. Bellasis. T874. CiD(The). Life of. [Ed. by R. Markham.] /« T 309./. Claflin, Tennessee, f Synopsis of the lives of Victoria Woodhull and T. C. By G. S. Darewin. B 33. Clark, Gen. George Rogers. Life of. By W. H. Eng- lish. /« V. 2ofQ 15S2. Clarke, Mary Cowden. My long life : an autobio- graphical sketch. T 922.*. Cobden, Richard. Reminiscences. Compiled by Mrs. S. Schwabe. T 952. j. Coleridge, LorJ. Recollections of. By W. P. Fish- beck. T ()7i.f. Columbus, f Authentic letters of. By W. E. Curtis. I! 527. — f Addresses at unveiling of statue of. By C. M. Depevv. ]; 7525. Daudet, Alphonse : a biographical and critical sludy. By R. H. Sherard. T 1148.J. Davy, Humphry, poet and philosopher. By T. E. Thorpe. T 1152./. De Quincey, Thomas : his life and writings. By H. A. Page [Alexander H. Japp]. T 11S8 y. — and his friends. By J. Hogg. T iiSS.A. Douglas, Frederick, the orator. By J. M. Gregory. T 1255.^. Du Barri, A/adame la comtesse. Memoirs. Trans), by Riley. 4 V. T 12S2 r. Du Maurier [George]. In Bohemia with, by F. Moscheles. T 1290. Dundonald, Lord. By Hon. J. W. Fortescue. T 1291./. Elizabeth, queen. Courtships of. By M. A. S. Hume. T 1354.A. Field, Cyrus W. : his life and work [1819-92]. Ed. by Isabella F. Judson. T 1494.7. Fox. George. By T. Hodgkin. T 156S./4. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography of. [Ed. by H. Morlcy.J T 1 572.1. — and the University of Pennsylvania, by F. N. Thorpe. No. 2 of 1892 of\ 7773-«- Fra.nklin, 5i>John. Life of. By H. D. Traill. T 1572./. Gibney, Dr., of Cheltenham: Eighty years ago; or, the recollections of an old army doctor. T 1663. Girard, Dr. Charles, f Published writings of. By G. B. Goode. No. 41 ofC MTi-a. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 1— BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS: Collective Biography. Gladstone, William Ewart. Hubbard, E. f Little jour- neys to the homes of good men and great. B 32. — In the evening of his days: a study of Mr. G. in re- tirement. T i6gi.?. — At Hawarden with Mr. G., and other Transatlantic experiences. By W. H. Rideing. R 1372. a. Gluck [Christopher Willibald] and the opera. T 1708. Gounod, Charles. Autobiograpliical reminiscences, etc. From the French by Hutcliinson. T 1739. Qv^.KtiX, General. Boy'slifeof. By T.W. Knox. T 1746.^. Hamilton, Alexander: 31 orations at Hamilton College. Collected by ^L G. Dodge. T lia^.d. Haswell, Charles H. Reminiscences of an octogenarian of the city of N. Y. (1816-60). "T 1890. Hobart, Garret A. Life of. By M. Halstead. With T 2814. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Life and letters. By J. T. Morse, jr. 2 v. T 2106. w. Howells, William T. Impressions and experiences. T 2147. Hugo, Victor. Memorial life of, ed. by E. Bremont. T 2156.1. — Letters of. Ed. by P. Meurice. T 2156.W. Hunt, Leigh. By R. B. Johnson. T 2174.7. HuSTED, Gen. James W. f Address in honor of. By C. M. Depew. B 4502. Hutchinson, Thomas, royal governor of the province of Massachusetts Bay. Life of. By J. K. Hosmer. T 2192.//. Jackson, Stonewall Memoirs of. By Mary Anna Jackson. [2d ed.] T'2262./;. Joan o"f Arc. By F. C. Lowell. T 2330./. — Oliphant, Mrs. Jeanne d'Arc : her life and death. T 2330.^. Joli, Guy. Memoires de. In T 3706. «. JowETT, Benjamin, master of Balliol. By L. A. ToUe- mache. T 2350. Lawrence, George Newbold. f Published writings of. By L. S. Foster. No. 40 of . Checkers: a hard-luck story. Blundell, Mrs. M. E. Sweetman. See Francis, M. E. Bodkin, M. McD. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Body-snatcher (The). By Robert Louis Stevenson. Boldrewood, Rolf. [Thomas Alexander Browne.] Sealskin cloak. Book of martyrs. By Cornelia Atwood Pratt. Boothby, Guy. Beautiful white devil. — Dr. Nikola. Bourget, Paul. Living lie (A). (Mensonges.) Note. — Same as his " Lies." — Tragic idyl. BouvET, Marguerite. Pierrette. Bowen, Helen M. Daughter of Cuba. Bradley, M. C. See Birchenough, Mrs. Brainerd, Thomas H. [Mrs. Jas. R. Jarboe.] Robert Atterbury. Bray, Captain. Ivanda : or, the pilgrim's quest. Bray, Claude. King's revenge. Bride from the desert. By Grant Allen. Briseis. By William Black. Brodhead, Eva Wilder, [formerly Eva Wilder McGlas- son.] One of the Visconti : a novelette. Broken ring (The) : a romance. By Elizabeth Knight Tompkins. Brooke, E. F. Life the accuser : a novel in two parts. Brooks. Sarah Warner. My fire opal, and other tales. Broom-squire (The). By S. Baring-Gould. Brown, Anna Robeson. Sir Mark : a tale of the first capital. Browne, Thomas Alexander. See Boldrewood, Ralph. Bubble fortune (A). By Sarah Tytler. Buchanan, Robert. Diana's hunting. - — Effie Hetherington. — Marriage by capture. Buck, Francis Tillou. Man of two minds. Bullock, Shan F. Ring o' rushes. BuNNER, H. C. Jersey street and Jersey lane. — Love in old cloathes, and other stories. BuRGiN, G. B. Gascoigne's "Ghost."' — Tomalyn"s quest. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Lady of quality. Burton, John Bloundelle. Denounced : a romance. — In the days of adversity. Cahan, a. Yekl : a tale of the N. Y. Ghetto. Cambridge, Ada. [Mrs. Cross.] Humble enterprise. Cameos. By Marie Corelli. Camilla : a novel. By Richard von Koch. Camp fire stories. By Edward Anderson. Campbell, Gerald. The Joneses and the Asterisks. Captain Chap ; or, the rolling stones. By Frank R. Stockton. Captain Gore's courtship. By T. Jenkins Hains. Captain Jacobus. By L. Cope Cornford. Captain Shannon. By Coulson Kernahan. Captain's romance. By Opie Read. Captured Cunarder. By Wm. H. Rideing. Carbuncle clue : a mystery. By Fergus Hume. Carey, Alice V. Paradise Wold. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Mistress of Brae Farm. — Mrs. Romney. Carissima : a modern grotesque. By Lucas Malet. Carleton, Will. The old infant, and similar stories. Carpenter, Edith. Your money or your life. Carus, Paul. Karma : a story of early Buddhism. Cat and the cherub, and other stories. By Chester B. Fernald. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Catalina : art student, to Douglas, Amanda M. 7 Catalina : art student. By L. T. Meade. Cavaliers (The). By S. R. Keightley. Caylor, O. p. The Rockwell case : a novel. Celibates. By George Moore. Chambers, Robert. In the quarter. [Anon.] — King (A) and a few dukes. — Maker of moons [and other stories]. — Red republic : a romance of the Commune. Chance child. By Marah Ellis Ryan. Chanter, Gratiana. Witch of Withy ford : a story of | Exmoor. Chaplain's craze. By George Manville Fenn. (With " Two orphans " 12°. ) Charrington, Charles. Lady Bramber's ghost. Checked through, missing trunk No. 17580. By Richard Henry Savage. Checkers ; a hard-luck story. By Henry M. Blossom, jr. Cheever, Harriet. Rescued Madonna. Cherbuliez, Victor. With fortune made. Child of the Jago. By Arthur Morrison. Christian, Sydney. Persis Yorke. Christian and Leah, and other Ghetto stories. By Leo- pold Kompert. Christian Vellacott, the journalist. By Henry Seton Merriman. Christmas carol in prose. By Charles Dickens. Leip- zig, 1843. 16°. Chronicles of Martin Hewitt. By Arthur Morrison. Cid campeador (The) : a historical romance. By D. Antonio de Trueba y La Quintana. Cinder-path tales. By William Lindsey. Cinderella, and other stories. By Richard Harding Davis. City of refuge. By Sir Walter Besant. Clara Hopgood. By Mark Rutherford. Clarissa Furiosa. By W. E. Norris. Clark, Alfred. Finding of Lot's wife. Clark, Imogen. Viciory of Ezry Gardner. Clarke, Marcus. Heavy odds. Cleg Kelly, Arab of the city. By S. R. Crockett. Cle.mens, Samuel Langhorne. (^' Mark Twain") See CoNTE, Sieur Louis de. Clever wife (A). By W. Pett Ridge. Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Last touches, and other stories. Cobban, J. Maclaren. King of Andaman : a saviour of society. Cocke, James R. Blind leaders of the blind : romance of a blind lawyer. Cody, Sherwin. In the heart of the hills : a book of the country. Cogswell, Frederick Hull. The regicides : a tale of early Colonial times. Colin Clink. By Charles Hooton. Collins, Mabel. Star sapphire. Colonel Norton. By Florence M ontgomery. Col. Ross of Piedmont. By John Esten Cooke. Colonel Torlogh O'Brien, Fortunes of. By J. Sheridan Le Fanu. Comedies of courtship. By Anthony Hope. Comedy of Cecilia. By Caroline Fothergill. Comedy of honour. By Nora Vynne. Coming of Theodora. By Eliza Orne White. Common mistake (A). By Jeanne -M. Howell. Company doctor. By Henry Edward Rood. COMPTON, C. G. Her own devices. Comrades. By Marah Ellis Ryan. (With her " Chance child.") Confessions of a fool. As made by himself. CONNEY, Mrs. Ruthless avenger. Conrad, Joseph. Outcast of the islands. Conspiracy of the Carbonari. By Louise Muhlbach. CoNTE, Sieur Louis de. (" Mark Twain.") Personal rec- ollections of Joan of Arc. CooKE, John Esten. Col. Ross of Piedmont. — Leather and silk. Copsford mystery; or, is he the man ? By W. Clarke Russell. Corelli, Marie. Cameos. Corelli, Marie. Jane: a social incident. — Mighty atom. — Murder of Delicia. Cornford, L. Cope. Captain Jacobus. Cornish, Wm. W. M. Behind plastered walls. Costello, F. H. Master Ardick, buccaneer. Cotes, Mrs. Everard. [Sara Jeannette Duncan.] His honour, and a lady. Country of the pointed firs. By Sarah Orne Jewett. Court intrigue. By Basil Thompson. Courtship of Morrice Buckler. By A. E. W. Mason. Cowan, James. Daybreak : a romance of an old world. Craddock, Florence Nightingale. Edgar Fairfax : a story of West Point. — Twin sisters (The) : a love story. Craigie, Mrs. Ma. See Hobbes, John Oliver. Crane, Stephen. George's mother. — Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. Crawford, F. Marion. Adam Johnstone's son. — Taquisara. 2 vols. Crime of the century. By Rodriguez Ottolengui. Crime of the " Liza Jane." By Fergus Hume. Crimson sign. By S. R. Keightley. CROCKErT, S. R. Cleg Kelly, Arab of the city. — Gray man. Cross, Mrs. See Cambridge, Ada. Crown of straw. By Allen Upward. Crowning of Candace. By Katharine Pearson Wood. Crystal City. By Andre Laurie. Dabney, Julie P. Little daughter of the sun. Daggett, Mrs. Charles Stuart. Mariposilla. Daireen. By Frank Frankfort Moore. Damnation of Theron Ware. By Harold Frederic. Dancer in yellow. By W. E. Norris. Dartmoor. By Maurice H. Hervey. Daughter of a Stoic. By Cornelia Atwood Pratt. Daughter of Cuba. By Helen M. Bowen. Dave's sweetheart. By Mary Gaunt. Davidson, John. Miss Armstrong's, and other circum- stances. Davis, Harriet Riddle. In sight of the goddess : a tale-- of Washington life. Davis, M. E. M. Elephant's track (An), and other stories. Davis, Rebecca Harding. Doctor Warrick's daughters. — Frances Waldeaux. Davis, Richard Harding. Cinderella, and other stories. Dawson, W. J. Story of Hannah. Day of their wedding. By W'. D. Howells. Day-books. By Mabel E. Wotton. Daybreak : a romance of an old world. By James Cowan. Dean, Mrs. Andrew. [Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick.] Woman with a future. Deborah the advanced woman. By M. I. T. Dedora Heywood. By Gertrude Smith. Deland, Ellen Douglas. Malvern : a neighborhood story. Denounced : a romance. By John Bloundell Burton. Deputy of Arcis. By Honore de Balzac. Desire of the eyes, and other stories. By Grant Allen. De Valli^re. George. Opals from a Mexican mine. Diana's hunting. By Robert Buchanan. Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol in prose. Leipzig, 1843, 16°. Dickens, Mary Angela. Some women's ways. Disturbing elements. By Mrs. Birchenough. Doctor Congalton's legacy. By Henrv Johnston. Dr. Nikola. By Guy Boothby. Dr. Vermont's fantasy. By Hannah Lynch. Doctor Warrick's daughters. By Rebecca Harding Davis. Dorcas Hobday. By Charles Rokeby. Dostoievsky, F. Poor folk. Dougall, L. Madonna of a day. Douglas, Amanda M. Little girl in old New York. — Mistress of Sherburne. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHORS NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Douglas, Theo., /^ Green Gates, etc. Douglas, Theo. Iras : a mystery. Doyle, A. Conan. Exploits of brigadier Gerard. — Rodney Stone. Drake, Jeanie. The metropolitans. Drama (A) on the seashore. IJy Ilonore de Balzac. (With his " Juana.") Dream-Charlotte (The). By M. Belhani Edwards. "Duchess (The)." [Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Hunger- ford.] Point of conscience. — Professor's experiment. — Unsatisfactory lover. Duncan, Sara Jeannette. Sec Cotes, Mrs. Everard. DuNMORE, .£"«;■/ f/". Ormisdal. DuTTON, A. V. Wisdom's folly : a study in feminine development. Dwarf's chamber, and other stories. By Fergus Hume. Eakle, Mary Tracy. Wonderful wheel. Earth's enigmas : a volume of stories. By Charles G. D. Roberts. Ebbing of the tide : South Sea stories. By Louis Becke. Ebers, Georg. In the Blue Pike. Eddy, Daniel C. Saxonhurst : a story of the old world and the new. Edgar Fairfax: a story of West Point. By Florence Nightingale Craddock. Edwards, Harry Slillwell. Sons and fathers. Edwards, M. Betham. Dream-Charlotte. Effie Hetherington. By Robert Buchanan. El Verdugo. By Honore de Balzac. (In his "Juana.") Elephants track (.\n), and other stories. By M. E. M. Davis. Xlth commandment (The). By Halliwell Sutcliffe. Elixir of life. By Honore de Balzac. (With his "Juana") Ellsworth, Mrs. L. C. Furono Amati. Emanuel ; or, the children of the soil. By Henrik Pon- toppidan. Embarrassments. By Henry James. End of the beginning. Engagement (An). By Sir Robert Peel. Episcopo and company. By Gabriele d'Annunzio. Escape (An) from the tower: a story of the Jacobite rising of 1715. By Emma Marshall. Esler, E. Rentoul. Way they loved at Grimpat: village idylls. Etidorhpa; or, the end of the earth. By John Uri Lloyd. 2d ed. Exploits of brigadier Gerard. By A. Conan Doyle. Failure of Sibyl Fletcher. By Adeline Sergeant. Falkner, J. Meade. Lost Stradivarius. False coin or true? By F. T. INIontresor. Farjeon, B. L. Betrayal of John Fordham. Farmer, Lydia Hoyt. Aunt Belindy's points of view, and A modern Mrs. Malaprop. Farmer and the Lord. By Geo. H. Hepwqrth. Fat and the thin (Le ventre de Paris). By Emile Zola. Fearsome island. By Albert Kinross. Fellow travellers. By Graham Travers. Fenn, George Manville. Chaplain's craze. (With "Two Orphans." 12°. ) — White virgin. Fernald, Chester B. Cat and the cherub, and other stories. Field, Eugene. The house : episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astronomer, and his wife Alice. — Second book of tales. Field clover and beach grass. By Susan Hartley Swett. Fifty famous stories retold. By James Baldwin. Fight with fate. By Mrs. Alexander. Final war (The). By Louis Tracy. Finding of Lot's wife. By Alfred Clark. Fln'dlater, Jane Helen. Green graves of Balgowrie. First fleet family. By Louis Becke and Walter'jeffery. Fisher, George P.,yr. Out of the woods : a romance of camp life. Fiske, Stephen. Holiday stories. Fitch, Clyde. Some correspondence and six conversa- tions. Flaw in the marble. Fleming, George. [Julia Constant Fletcher.] For plain women only. Fletcher, J. S. At the gate of the fold. — Life in Arcadia. — Mistress Spitfire. Fletcher, Julia Constant. See Fleming, George. Floating island. By Jules Verne. Flotsam : the study of a life. By Henry Seton Merri- man. Flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. By Ella Higginson. Folly of Eustace, and other stories. By Robert S. Flichens. Fool of nature. By Julian Hawthorne. Footsteps of fortune. By Esme Stuart. For freedom's sake. By Arthur Paterson. For king and country : story of the American Revolution. By James Barnes. For plain women only. By George Fleming. Ford, Harriet Me and Methuselar, and other episodes. Forge and furnace. By Florence \N arden. Fo'ihergill, Caroline. Comedy of Cecilia. France, Anatole. Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket. Frances Waldeaux. By Rebecca Harding Davis. Francis, M. E. [Mrs. M. E. Sweetman Blundell.] In a north country village. Eraser, Airs. Hugh. Palladia. Frederic, Harold. Damnation of Theron Ware. — March hares. — Mrs. Albert Grundy, observations in Philistia. Friedman, I. K. Lucky number. Frith, Walter. In search of quiet. From whose bourne. By Robert Barr. Frozen pirate. By W. Clark f-lussell. Full confession (A'>. Fuller, Henry B. {"'Stanton Page.") The puppet- booth : twelve plays. Furman, Lucy S. Stories of a sanctified town. Furono Amati. By Mrs. L. C. Ellsworth. Gallery of antiquities. By Honore de Balzac. Gardner, Celia E. Won under protest. Garrison tangle (A). By Capt. Charles King. Garry, A. Out of bounds. Gascoigne's " Ghost." By G B. Burgin. Gaston de Latour : an unfinished romance. By W. Pater. Gaunt, Mary. Dave's sweetheart. Geary, Sir William Nevill. Lawyer's wife. Gentleman's gentleman. By Max Pemberton. Genuine girl. By Jeanie Gould Lincoln. George's mother. By Stephen Crane. Gerard, Dorothea. Wrong man (The). Gibbon, Charles. Margarei Carmichael. Gilbert, Lee. Jack Hartnett : a story of Naples. Girl at Birrell's. By Thomas Heney. Gissing, George. Paying guest. — Sleeping fires. • — Unclassed (The). Gobseck. By Honore de Balzac. " Gold " : a Dutch-Indian story. By Annie Linden. Gold fish of Gran Chimii. By Charles F. Lummis. Gold, grace, and glory. By W. H. Mize. Golden autumn. By Mrs. Alexander. [ Golden fleece : a romance. By Julian Hawthorne. Colden Hope (The). By W. Clark Russell. Goodwin. Maud Wilder. ^^ hite aprons : a romance of Bacon's rebellion, Virginia, 1676. Gould, S. Baring. See Baring-GouM. S. Governor's garden. By Geo R. R. Rivers. Graham, Ennis. See Molfsworth, Mrs. Mary Louise. Grande Breteche (La) and oiher stories. By Honore de Balzac. Gras, Felix. Reds of the Midi : an episode of the French Revolution. Gray man. By S. R. Crockett. Green fire : a romance. By Fiona ^fecleod. Green gates : an analysis of foolishness. By Katharine I Mary Cheever. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETYOF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Green graves of Balgowrie, /^ Jerry the dreamer. 9 Green graves of Balgowrie. Dy Jane Helen Findlater. Gribble, Francis. Things that matter. Groome, Francis Ilindes. Kriegspiel : the war-game. Gryll Grange. By Thomas Love Peacock. Guest at the Ludlow, and other stories. By Edgar Wil- son Nye. (" BiirNye.") Guilty bonds. By William Le Queux. GuNTER, Archibald Clavering. Her senator. — Love adventures of Al-Mansur. Guthrie, F. A. Sec Anstey, F. "Gyp." [Sibylle Gabrielle Marie Antoinette, comtesse de Martel de Janville.] Bijou's courtship. — Professional lover. — Those good Normans. Hadjira : a Turkish love story. By " Adalet." Haggard, H. Rider. The wizard. H.AINS, r. Jenkins. Captain Gore's courtship. Ha.milton, Kate W. Parson's proxy. Hamilton, M. Across an Ulster bog. — .Self-denying ordinance. Harben, Will N. Land of the changing sun. • Hardy. Thomas. Wessex tales. Contents : An imaginative woman. — The three strangers. — The withered arm. — Fellow-townsman. — Inter- lopers at the Knap. — The distracted preacher. — and Hexniker. Florence. Spectre of the real. (With " In scarlet and grey." by Florence Henniker.) Harris, Joel Chandler. {'"Uncle Remus") Sister Jane : her friends and acquaintances. Haruiso.n, Mrs. Mary Kin'gsley. See Malet, Lucas. Harte, Bret. Barker's luck, and other stories. Harvey, Cockburn. Light that lies. Hated son. By Honorede Balzac. (With his " Juana.") H.vtton, Joseph. When Greek meets Greek, Hawkins, Anthony Hope.. See Hope, Anthony. Hawthorne, Julian. Fool of nature. — Golden fleece : a romance. — Love is a spirit. Heart of a mystery. By T. W. Speight. Heart of Man. By Silas K. Hocking. Heart of princess Osra. By Anthony Hope. Heart of Virginia. By J. Perkins Tracy. Heather from the brae : Scottish character sketches. By David Lyall. Heavy odds. By Marcus Clarke. Hector, Mrs. Annie French. See Alexander, Mrs. Heimburg, W. [Bertha Behrens.] Martha, the parson's daughter. Hendrex and Margotte. By Marah Ellis Ryan. (With her "Chance child.") Heney, Thomas. Girl at Birrell's. Henniker, Florence. In scarlet and grey. Hepworth, George H. Farmer and the Lord. Her foreign conquest. By Col. Richard Henry Savage. Her own devices. By C. G. Compton. Her senator. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. Herald of fame. By Robert Barr. (With his "One day's courtship.") Herb-moon : a fantasia. By John Oliver Hobbes. Hervey, -Maurice H. Amyas Egerton, cavalier, — Dartmoor. HiCHENS, Robert S. After to-morrow, — Folly of Eustace, and other stories. Hidden chain (A). By Dora Russell. HiGGiNSON, Ella. Flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. HiNKSON, Mrs. H. A. See Tynan, Katharine. His Cuban sweetheart. By Col. Richard Henry Savage and Mrs. Archibald C. Gunter. His helpmate. By Frank Barrett. (With his " John Ford.") His honour, and a lady. By Mrs, Everard Cotes. Hobbes, John Oliver. [Mrs. Mary Craigie,] Herb-moon: a fantasia. Hocking, Joseph. Mist on the moors. I Hocking. Silas K. Heart of man. 3d ed. i Holiday stories. By Stephen Fiske. [ Holland, Clive. Lure of fame. I Holmes, Mrs. Mary J. Mrs. Hallam's companion, and The Spring Farm, and other tales. Honor Ormthwaite. By the author of " Lady Jean's vagaries." HooTON, Charles. Colin Clink. Hope, Anthony, [Anthony Hope Hawkins.] Comedies of courtship. — Heart of princess Osra. — Man (A) and his model. Hopkins, Tighe. Nell Haflenden: a strictly conven- tional story. HoRNUNG, E. W. Irralie's bushranger: a story of Australian adventure. — Rogue's march : a romance. Hough, E. Singing mouse stories. House (The): episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astronomer, and his wife Alice. By Eugene Field. House of cards (A). By Alice S. Wolf. How women love, and other tales. By Max Nordau, Howell, Jeanne M. A common mistake. Howells, W. D. Day of their wedding. — Parting (A) and a meeting. Hugo, Victor. Notre-Dame de Paris. Note. — Same as his " Hunchback of Notre-Dame." Humble enterprise. By Ada Cambridge, Hume, Fergus. Carbuncle clue: a mystery. — Crime of the " Liza Jane." — Dwarf's chamber, and other stories. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton. See "Duchess, The." Hunter, P. Hay. James Inwick, ploughman and elder. Husband's ordeal : a romance of Queensland, By Percy Russell. Hutchinson, Horace G. That fiddler fellow. Hypocritical romance, and other stories. By Caroline Ticknor. I married a wife. By John Strange Winter. Idol-maker. By Adeline Sergeant. In a north country village. By M. E Francis. In a silent world : the love story of a deaf mute. By the author of " Views of English society." In homespun. By Elizabeth Nesbit. In quest of the ideal. By Leon de Tinseau. In scarlet and grey. By Florence Henniker. In search of quiet. By Walter Frith. In sight of the godde>s : a tale of Washington life. By Harriet Riddle Davis, In the Blue Pike. By Georg Ebers. In the days of adversity. By John Bloundelle Burton. In the first person. By Maria Louise Pool, In the heart of the hills. By Sherwin Cody. In the quarter. [By Robert W. Chambers.] In the valley of Tophet. By Henry W. Nevinson. In the village of Viger. By Duncan Campbell Scott. In the wake of king James. By Standish O'Grady. Interludes, By Maud Oxenden. Intriguers (The). By John D. Barry. Iras : a mystery. By Theo. Douglas. Irralie's bushranger : a story of Australian adventure. By E. ^^'. Hornung. Island of Doctor Moreau : a possibility. By H. G. Wells. Isle in the water (An). By Katharine Tynan. [Mrs. H. A. Hinkson.] Ivanda ; or, the pilgrim's quest. By Captain Bray. Jack Hartnett : a story of Naples. By Lee Gilbert. James, Mrs. F. A. See Warden, Florence. James, Henry. Embarrassments. — The other house. James, T. P. fj. P. Tracy.] Under fire : a tale of the •Shenandoah Valley. James ; or, virtue rewarded. James Inwick, ploughman and elder. By P. Hay Hunter, jane : a social incident. By Marie Corelli. Jarboe, Mrs. James R. See Brainerd, Thomas H. Jensen, Wilhelm. Karine : a story of Swedish love, "jerry the dreamer. By Will Payne. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. IQ 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Jersey street and Jersey lane, /.). t Reminiscences, 1S88. B 7521. — [f Statement concerning the Sioux Indians of Dakota, 1890.] B 7522. — f Who shall be the victim ? B 7522. Holmes, f An ancient quarry in Indian Territory. B 7524. — t Indian courts bill. B 7522. Indian Rights Association, [f Death of Sitting Bull, by J. McLaughlin.] B 7522. — f Against the removal of the Southern Ute Indians. B 7522. — f Allotment of lands: defence of the Dawes Indian severalty bill. B 7522. — f Appointment of a first-rate Indian agent by the new administration. [By H. Welsh.] 1893. B 7522. — f Attorney-general and seven Indian policemen of Cheyenne River Agency. B 7523. — f Cheyennes and Arapahoes revisited. By C. C. Painter. B 7521. — f Civil service reform essential to a successful Indian administration. B 7523. — -f- Civilization among the Sioux Indians. By H. Welsh. B 7521. — f Civilization and legal protection of the Indians. B7521. — f Colleges and the Indians and the Indian Rights Association. By J. B. Harrison. B 7522. — t Contrast (A). 1891. B 7522. — t Crisis in Indian affairs. 1S91. B 7522. — f Dangerous assault upon the integrity of the civil service law in the Indian service. B 7522. — f Enforcement of liquor laws a necessary protection to the Indians. [By G. B. Grinnell.] B 7522. — t Gen. Crook on giving the ballot to Indians. B 7522. — f Good field for reform. 188S. B 7522. — f History of civil service reform in England and in the U. S. By H. Welsh. B 7522. — f Honorable Commission of Indian affairs and the cen- sus at Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Dakota. B 7522. — f How to bring the Indian to citizenship, and citizen- ship to the Indian. B 7522. — f Ikceoyate Owotanna Wicakuwapi kta e Omniciye kin. B 7522. — f Immediate pressing need of the Navajo Indians. B 7523- — f Indians as workers. By H. M. Jenkins. B 7522. — f Dakota on Wiwicayungapi kte cin. B 7522. — f Latest phase of the southern Ute question. By F. E. Leupp. B 7523. — f Objects, achievements, and needs of the Indian Rights Association. B 7522. — t Poor material for an Indian agent. B 7522. — f Proceedings of the 4th and 5th Lake Mohonck Con- ference of the Friends of the Indian. B 7521. — f Proposed removal of Indians to Oklahoma. By Prof. C. C. Painter. B 7522. Indian Rights Association, f Proposed removal of the southern Utes. B 7521. — f Protest against removal of the Lower Brule Indians to the Rosebud Reserve. B 7522. — f Record of Hampton's returned Indian pupils. By Rev. J. J, Gravatt. B 7521. — + Report, mh-i3th (1893-95). 15 7523. — f Report of Theodore Roosevelt to the U. S. Civil Service Commission upon Indian reservations and schools in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. B7521. — f Report upon the present condition of the reform movement and the relations to it of the nationt;!, state, and municipal administrations. B 7522. — f " Self-constituted friends." (Editorial from Harper's Weekly, Jan. 31, 18S5.) B 7522. — f [Statement from bp. Hare concerning the Sioux In- dians of Dakota.] B 7522. — f Suspension of Dr. McGillicuddy, U. S. Indian agent. Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota. B 7522. — I Three statements by an Apache. B 7522. — f Unwarranted reduction in salaries of Indian agents and school officials. B 7523.1 Jenkins, f Indians as workers. B 7522. Leupp. f Latest phase of the southern Ute question. B 7523- McLaughlin, [f Account of the death of Sitting Bull.] B 7522. MooNEY. f Siouan tribes of the east. B 7524. Morgan, f Present phase of the Indian question. B 7521. Painter, f Cheyennes and Arapahoes revisited. B 7521. — f Proposed removal of Indians to Oklahoma. B 7522. Pollard, f Pamunkey Indians of Virginia. B 7524. Roosevelt. f Report upon Indian reservations and schools in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. B 7521. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology, f An ancient quarry in Indian Territory. By W. H. Holmes. B 7524. — f Archeological investigations in James and Potomac valleys. By G. Fowke. B 7524. — \ Pamunkey Indians of Virginia. Bv J. G. Pollard. B 7524. — f Siouan tribes of the east. By J. Mooney. B 7524. United States. Board of Indian Commrs. f 6th-Sth, loth, 24th, 25th, 27th annual reports (1874-95). Q 2773-'^- — Interior Department. f 62d annual report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 1893. B 6570. f Annual report, 1894, 1895. B ()570. — Office of Indian Affairs, f Annual report, 1S94, 1S95. Q 2773- Welsh, f Appointment of a first-rate Indian agent by the new administration, 1S93. B 7522. — t Civilization among the Sioux Indians. B 7521. NORTH AMERICA GENERALLY. Burrows Brothers Co. f Catalogue of books relating to America. B 33. Field Columbian Museum, f Authentic letters of Co- lumbus. By W. E. Curtis. B 527. Grenfell. Vikings of to-day ; or, life and medical work among the fishermen of Labrador. P 7176. Knapp awa' Childe. Thiinkets of southeastern Alaska. P 724S. Neukomm. Rulers of the sea : Norsemen in America from loth to 15th century. P 7328. W^hitney. On snow shoes to the barren grounds. P 7787. Wilcox. Camping in the Canadian Rockies. P 7789. Wright and Upham. Greenland icefields and life in the north Atlantic. P 7493 vf- In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving ihe .AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 20 4— HISTORY: American History and Travels. UNITED STATES. Description and Travels. American Geographical Society, f Journal, v. 26. N 1505. Bolton, t Notes from letters while lecturing in the northwest. B 33. Hole. Little tour in America. Q 210. Macmillan's Geo^r.iphy readers, Book 7. U. S. ocean currents and tide. N 12S2. Roberts. Western Avernus : toil and travel in further North America. New ed. Q 374- 'J''- SoissoNS. Parisian in America. Q 414. ■ General History' of the U. S. Abbott. Paragraph history of the U. S. Q looi. Andrews. Last quarter-century in the U. S. 1870-95. 2 V. Q 1507- Barnes. Naval actions of the war of i Si 2. Q 55i7- Bkooks. Century book of famous Americans. T 5536.' of the Paris Commune of 1871. S 1672. Rothschild. Personal characteristics from French his- tory. S 1 727/. Ryan. With an ambulance during the Franco-Prussian war. S 1728. Sal-AMOn (Mgr. de). Unpublished memoirs of the inter- nuncio at Paris during the Revolution, 1790-1801. S 1732. Sichel. Story of two salons. S 1406. Sladen. Brittany for Britons. S 1410. Stephens. History of the French Revolution, v. 2. S 1754- Wood. Cavalry in the W'aterloo campaign. S 1490. ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITAIN. Ashton. Social life in the reign of queen Anne. 4th ed. R 1017. J. — When William IV. was king. R 1510.0/. Aubrey. Rise and growth of the English nation. 3 v. R 1019. I. To a.d. 1399. 2. a.d. 1399-1658. 3. 165S-1895. Brown. By oak and thorn : a record of English days. R IC62. DoDD. On the broads. R 1574.^. Hassall. Making of the British empire (a.d. 1714- 1832). R 1188. L.ATIMEK. England in the 19th century. R 1262. Legh. How Dick and Molly saw England. R 1657. LiNDLEY, edr. \ Holidays in England by the cathedral cities, etc. R 1269. MACKINNON. Union of England and Scotland : a study of international history. R 1669. Nye. (" Bill Nye.") History of England to Henry VIII. [Comic] R 1701. Page. Coasts of Devon and Lundy Island. R 1340.^. RiDElNG. At Hawarden with Mr. Gladstone, and other Transatlantic experiences. R I372.a. W^YLIE. History of England under Henry IV. 3 v. R 1495. I. 1399-1404. 2. 1405-6. 3. 1407-10. London. " Aleph." The old citv and its highways and byways. R 1069. Cassell Publishing Co. The queen's London. R 1548. Note. — Photographic views. Croker. Walk from London to Fulham. R 1106. Daniell. London city churches. R 11 13./. , Fry. London. [1S96.J R 1159.^. Philip & Son, publishers. Handy-volume atlas of Lon- don. R 1351- Ritchie. Famous city men. T 5724- j Scotland and Ireland. I Adams. Under many flags ; or, stories of Scottish I adventurers. T 5004. «. Anderson. Scottish folk-lore ; or, reminiscences of I Aberdeenshire. R 2010. In asking for books, use the " Book^rder," uiving the AUTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 4— HISTORY: Oriental History and Travels. G.-iEEN. t Scotch-Irish in America. B 7525. Greenwood (Grace). [Mrs. S. I. C. Lippincott.] Bon- nie Scotland : tales of history, heroes, and poets. R2173. Hopkins. Kilmainhara memories. 2d ed. R 2213. Macknight. Ulster as it is : 28 years' experience as an Irish editor. 2 v. R 2669. :\IoRRls. Ireland, 1494-1868. R 2317. Ross. Scot in America. T 5378. GERMANY AND OTHER TEUTONIC COUN- TRIES. Eaedekek. Austria : handbook for travellers. 8th ed. R 4022. a. BiGELOW. History of the German struggle for liberty. 2 V. R 4524. Brown. Original memoirs of the sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, 1766-1818. 2 v. R 3537. Browning. Girl's wanderings in Hungary. S 6061. Karlsb.\d und Umgebungen. lote Aufl. R 4237. LtJTZOW. Bohemia : an historical sketch. S 6664. Macquoid. In the volcanic Eifel. R 4670. Marx. Revolution and counter-revolution ; or, Ger- many in 1848. R 4287. Maurice. Story of Bohemia. S 6294. Steile. Voyage to Viking land. R 3421. Sturluson. Stories of the kings of Norway (Heims- kringla). 3 v. R 3426. Thurn and Taxis (Princess of). Travels in unknown Austria. R 4764. Tuttle. History of Prussia under Frederic the great. 1756-7- A'ofc. — V. 4 of his " History of Prussia." Whit-MAN. Teuton studies. R 4480./. Whymper. Chamouix and Mont Blanc. R 9482. RUSSIA AND OTHER SLAVONIC COUNTRIES. Leroy-Beaulieu. Empire of the tsars, v. 3, the reli- gion. S 4659. Miller. The Balkans : Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro. S 9305. Thompson. Russian politics. 12'^. S ehrbuch der gabelsbergerschen Stenografie. W 1504. Baedeker. Conversationsbuch fiir Reisende in vier Sprache : Deutsch, Franzosisch, Englisch, Ital- ienisch. W 3022. Bennett. Latin composition for secondary schools. W 8036. Boas. \ Chinook texts. B 4503. Drinkwater. Longman's v/ord-building and spelling book. W 2126. Emerson. Brief history of the English language. W 2136. Flugel. Practical dictionary of English and German. 5th ed. 2v. W 3153, I. English and German. 2. German and English. ■f- Forward : the journal of the analogic. [Shorthand.] B 526. Goodwin. Syntax of moods and tenses of the Greek verb. Rewritten. W 8603. Graham, f All about phonography. B 805. Gregg. \ All about Gregg's .shorthand. B 32. Hall. Translations at sight. [Latin.] W 8133. Heffley. Complete manual of the Pitman system of phonography. W 1192. James. Dictionary of English and German. 31st ed. by Stoffel. W 3227. Liddell and Scott. Greek-English lexicon. Correc- tions by Drisler. W 8661. Lindsay. Short historical Latin grammar. W 8269 March. fThe spelling reform. No. 8. Mitchell. Collected poems. K 1310. Molineux. Phrase book from the works of Browning. K 1687. MOULTON, compiler. In my lady's name : poems of love and beauty. K 1319. Newkirk. Rhymes of the states. . K 1697. Peek, edr. Poetry of sport. K 1345.2. Pope. Essay on criticism. Ed. by West. K 1355. . Sutton. Lingua gemmse. K 1429. Swinburne. Tale of Balen. K i-J3i..'. Symonds, transl. Wine, women, and song : Medireval Latin student's songs. K 1432.9. Taylor. The national ode : the memorial freedom poem. K 1760. Wagner. Epics and romances of the Middle Ages, 4th ed. K 777^ Wilcox. Custer and other poems. K 1482. r. G. Speeches, Elocution, and Rhetoric. Bates. Talks on writing English. M 5031. Brookings and Ringwalt. Briefs for debate oh cur- rent topics. M 5060. Brown. Race with death, and other ballads and read- ings. M 5061.;-. Corson. The voice and spiritual education. M 5102. Fleming. Art of reading and speaking. 2d ed. M 5153. Hale. Constructive rhetoric. M 5182. Hardwicke. History of oratory and orators. M 5612. Holyoake. Public speaking and debate. M 5211. Kirby. Public speaking and reading. M 5244. McKlNLEY (W.). McKinley's masterpieces: selections from public addresses. Ed. by Paget. M 6281. Plumptre. King's College lectures on elocution. 5th ed. M 5713. Prose and poetry for young people. M 5358. Contents: Child's own speaker. — Little people's speaker. — Young people's speaker. — Young folk's reci- tations. Quackenbos. Practical rhetoric. M 5360.^. Sears. History of oratory. M 5398. Shoemaker aW^//^frj. Advanced elocution. M 5404. Wagner, edr. Modern political orations. M 6463. f Werner's Magazine, v. 17 (Jan. -Dec. 1895). C 6783. H. Wit and Humor. Alden. Among the freaks. M 2007. a. Amory. Epistolary flirt in four exposures. M 2009. Du Maurier. English society. [Plates.] M 2577. \ Harlem life. v. 9, 10 (June 22, 1895-Oct. 10, 1896). M 2838. f Judge, v. 29, 30 (July 6, 1895-June 27, 1896). M 284S. f Life. v. 26, 27 (July, 1895-June, 1896). M 2855. Nye. {"■ Bill Nye") History of England to Henry VIII. R 1701. f Puck [English], v. 38 (Augt. 21, 1895-Augt. 12, 1896). M 2871. a. f Puck [German], v. 20 (Sept. 4, 1895-Augt. 26, 1896). M 2871. f Punch, v. 109, no (July 6, iS95-June 27, 1896). M 2872. PART 6.-NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. A. Astronomy and Navigation. B.\yne. Pith of astronomy. D 6030. Fowler. Popular telescopic astronomy. D 6155. Howe. Study of the sky. D 6214. Kelley. The ship's company and other sea people. G 7643. LooMis. Eclipse party in Africa. P 5664. Millar. Latitude and longitude : how to find them. D 6304. Orchard. Astronomy of Milton's " Paradise lost." D 6703. t Sailors' magazine, v. 67 (Jan. -Dec. 1895). C 6729. Todd. Practical seamanship for use in the merchant service. 2d ed. G 7766. Young. The sun. New and revised ed. D 6498. ^ B. Botany. f Proceedings. American Forestry Association, f Proceedings, v. 10 (1891-3). H 1505. CoviLLE. t Directions for collecting specimens illustrat- ing the aboriginal uses of plants. B 1512. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 28 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Geology, Mineralogy, etc. Macbride. Lessons in elementary botany. E 1276. MiLLSPAUGH. f Contributions to the flora of Yucatan. B 1511. Oliver. Student's introductory handbook of systematic botany. E i337--f- Potter. Elementary text-book of agricultural botany. E 1356. Roth, t Timber. B 2523. Smithsonian Institution. U. S. N'atioiial Altisetitn. f Directions for collecting specimens illustrating the aboriginal uses of plants. By F. V. Colville. B 1512. United States. Department of Agriculture. \ Timber, by F. Roth. B 2523. Webster. Practical forestry. 2d ed. H 1783. C. Chemistry. Blyth. Foods : their composition and analysis. 4th ed. D 5529. Cohn. Chemistry in daily life. D 5096. ireciions for collecting minerals. B 15 12. United States. Geological Sio-vey. f Bulletin No. 119. Geological reconnoissance in northwest Wyoming. By G. H. Eldridge. D 8773.^. Waterhouse. \ Influence of our northern forests on the Missis.sippi River. B 1000. — f Mississippi and its affluents. B 1000. Weisbach. Tabellen zur Bestimmung der Mineralien nach ausseren Kennzeichen. D 9472. G. Mathematics. Barker. Graphical calculus. D 1027. Beman and SMITH. Plane and solid geometry. D 10S5. BoYDEN. First book in algebra. D 1054. Cajori. f Teaching and. history of mathematics in the U. S. No. 3 of 1890, ^/X 7773-a- CoNANT. The number concept : its origin and develop- ment. D 1099. GiLLET. Elementary algebra. D 1167. Harrison and Baxandall. Practical plane and solid geometry. D 1187. Hathaway. Primer of quaternions. D 1190. HoLMAN. Computation rules and logarithms. D 1626. r. Lodge. Mensuration for senior students. D 1270. SCHRON. Siebenstellige gemeine Logarithmen. 8te Ausg. D 1879. Stevens. Elementary mensuration. D 1421. United States. Coast and Geodetic Surrey, f Tables for converting customary and metric weights and measures. B 804. H. Medical Science. Ali.port. The eye and its care. F 5007. ■j- Apollinaris Spring, valley of the Ahr, Rhenish Prussia. B 3515. Bain. Tobacco in song and story. F 2022. Billings. \ Composition of expired air and its effects upon animal life. B 1801. Boston. Children's Hospital. f 24th annual report, 1891-2. B 3516. f Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 134 (Jan.- June, 1896). C 7811. Bridger. Depression: what it is and how to cure it. F 5058. Daniell. Physics for students of medicine. D 21 13. Defoe. Due preparation for the- plague. Ed. by Aitken. F 5117. Dickinson. Occasional papers on medical subjects, 1&55-96. F 573. Eccles. Elementary anatomy and surgery for nurses. F 1133. Eddy. Science and health, with key to the Scriptures. 91st ed. F 4134.(5. — Same. 99th edition. F 4134.3, Farrar. t Africa and the drink trade. B 6005. FOOTE. Medical common sense applied to chronic dis- eases and unhappiness in marriage. F 4156. Grinnell. t Enforcement of liquor laws a necessary protection to the Indians. B 7522. Hirsch. Genius and degeneration. F 5623. A'oie. — Reply to Lomtjroso and Nordau. Hornaday. t Free rum on the Congo. B 6005. Houston and Kennelly. Electricity in electro- thera- peutics. D 4214.^. Humfrey. Manual of obstetric nursing. 2 v. F 7216. Jacobi. Therapeutics of infancy and childhood. F 5636. f Journal of the American Medical Association. v. 26 (Jan. -June, i8g6). C 7849. Keeley. Non-heredity of inebriety. F 2237. Kirkes' Handbook of physiology, by Baker and Harris. Amer. ed. by Dana. F 1647. Landau. Das gynakolische Palpation. F 7656. Love. Deaf mutism : a clinical and pathological study. F 5664. Maclagan. Rheumatism : its nature, pathology, and successful treatment. 2d ed. F 5669. Marble, t Sanitary conditions for schoolhouses. No. 3 ^71891 ofX lll^.a. Marey. Movement. F 12S8.W. Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital. f 25th annual report, 1S96. F 5753. Morton. The X ray ; and its value in surgery. F43i7-r. Mosso. Fear. F 1317. Nagle. f Status of acting assistant surgeons of the U. S. army who served in the civil war. B 3516. New York College of Veterinary Surgeons and School of Comparative Medicine, f^^nn^^l announcement, 1893-94. B 3516. New York Dispensary. \ l04th-lo6th annual report, 1S94-6. B 3516. New York Hospital, f 123d, 124th annual report, 1S93, 1894. B 3515. New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. f32d annual announcement, 1894. B 3516. New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital. \ 28th annual report, 1895. B 3516. New York Post-Graduate Hospital, f nth annual report, Oct. 1895. B 1000. Northern Dispensary (N. Y. City). |67th, 68th annual report, 1893-4. B 3516. OSLER. t Principles and practice of medicine. 2d ed. F 703. f PosT-graduate (The), v. 10. (Jan. -Dec, 1895.) C 7715. Quain. "I- Dictionary of medicine. New ed. 2 v. F 716.3. Roosevelt. In sickness and health. F 4726. Stephenson. Epidemic ophthalmia. F 5753. Stuart. How to get well and keep well. [Salisbury treatment.] F 2426. Thoma. General pathology and pathological anatomy. V. I. F 4763. Tiffany. Anomalies of refraction and of the muscles of the eye. 2d ed. F 5765. Tubby. Deformities : a treatise on orthopaedic surgerv. F 5768. Tucker. Mother, baby, and nursery. F 4448- United States. Interior Department, f Report of the Government Hospital for the Insane, 1893. B 6569. \ Report of the Washington Hospital fur Found- lings, 1S95. B 6568. In asking for books, use the '" Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NU.MBER. 30 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Annals of Legislative Bodies. U-NNA. Histopathology of the diseases of the skin. F 5773. Weber aw(/PAKKES. Spas and mineral waters of Europe. F 4472. Woman's Medical College of the N. Y. Infirmary, f 29th year, annual catalogue and announcement, 1S94. B 3516. I. Natural History. GENERAL WORKS. Abbott. Notes of the night, and other outdoor sketches. E i.«. Briggs. By tangled paths : stray leaves from nature's byeways. E 57. Browne. Artistic and scientific taxidermy and modelling. E 2535. BuEL. Living world : a complete natural history. E 2814. Burroughs. Year in the fields. Selections from writ- ings of, by C. Johnson. E 67 j/. Cornish. Animals at work and play. E 2101. FUKNEAUX. Life in ponds and streams. E 5160. Hertwig. General principles of zoology. E 26i8.,f. Lang (Andrew), edr. Animal story book. E 2260. Lang (Arnold). Text-book of comparative anatomy. 2 V. E 2656. Lydekker, edr. f Royal natural history. Sections 1-12. E 2S55. Morgan. Habit and instinct. E 2690. Robinson. In New England fields and woods. E 375.2. Sanborn. My literary zoo. E2385. ToRREY. Spring notes from Tennessee. E 445. J. SPECIAL TOPICS. Abbott. Bird-land echoes. E -jooi.b. Allen, f Monograph on the bats of North America. No. 43 of C 4773-«- AsHMEAD. \ Monograph on the North American proc- trotrypidffi. In No. 45 ofC 4773.0. BoLLMAN. f Myriopoda of North America. In No. 45 ofC ^TJ3.a. Dixon. sea birds. E 7574 b. Hay. f Structure and development of the vertebral column of amia. B 151 1. HoLDEN. New book on birds. E 7210. Hovv^E. "Every bird": guide to the identification of birds. E 7214. Jennings. Domestic or fancy cats. E 8230. LOEW. f Monograph on the diptera of North America. Pt. 3. E 4663. l-i A.cvnKViSO'S and others. The hare. E 8283. Contents: Macpherson, Rev. H. A. Natural his- tory. — Lascelles, Hon. G. Shooting. — Richardson, C. Coursing. — Gibbons, J. S. and Longman, G. H. Hunt- ing. — Herbert, Col. K. Cookery. Merriam. A-Birding on a bronco. E 7301. a. Miller. Four-handed folk. E 8305./. Nuttall. Popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America. 2d ed. by Chamberlain. 2 V. E 7701. I. Land birds. 2. Game and water birds. Scudder. Frail children of the air : excursions into the world of butterflies. E 4398. Sherborn. f Index to the genera and species of the foraminifera. Pt. 1, A to Non. B 1512. Smith, f Catalogue of lepidopterous superfamily noc- tuidre in boreal America. No. 44 0/ C 4773.(7. — f Contributions toward a monograph of the lepidopter- ous family noctuidne of boreal North America — a revision of the deltoid moths. No. 48 of C 4773. a. — Economic entomology. E 4412. Smithsonian Institution, f Anatomy of astrangia danse. By A. Sonrel and J. W. Fewkes. B 1801. — t Six species of North American fresh-water fishes. By A. Sonrel and D. S. Jordan. B 1801. Sonrel and Fewkes. f Anatomy of astrangia danae. B 1801. — fl«^ Jordan, f Six species of North American fresh- water fishes. B 1801. Theobald. Insect life. E 4437. United States. Fis/i Commission, f Bulletin, v. 15 for 1895. E 5891. rt. — j- Report for year ending June 30, 1894. E 5773. J. Physics or Natural Philosophy. Bayley. Modern magic lantern. D 3030. Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Me.). f Addresses at dedication of the Mary Frances Searles Science Building, 1894. B 8551. Cruger. Schule der Physik. 6te Aufl. D 2563. Daniell. Physics for students of medicine. D 2113. Franklin Institute (Phila.). f Charter and by-laws, 1S93. B33- — f Official catalogue, " novelties " exhibition, Sept. 15, 1885. B 2521. GooDE. f Museums of the future. B S551. — f The Smithsonian Institution : its origin, history, objects, and achievements. B 8551. Langley. f Experiments in aerodynamics. B 1801. — f Internal work of the wind. B 1801. Mackenzie. Practical mechanics applied to the require- ments of the sailor. D 3281. Maclean. Physical units. D 2282. Means, edr. Aeronautical annual. 1896. D 367S. MORLEY. f Densities of oxygen and hydrogen, and the ratio of their atomic weights. B jSoi. MuRCHE. Object lessons for infants. 2 v. D 323.(7. Nichols and Franklin. Elements of physics, v. i. Mechanics and heat. D 2697. Pinkerton. Hydrostatics and pneumatics. D 3353. f Popular science monthly (Appletons';. v. 48, 49 (Nov. 1895-Oct. 1S96). ' C 7714. SCHOEDLER. Book of nature, ist Amer. ed. D 2394. — Buch der Natur. i6te Aufl. D 2736.^. Smithsonian Institution, f Account of its origin, etc. [by G. B. Goode]. B 8551. — j- Museums of the future. By G. B. Goode. B 8551. — f Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, v. 17, 1894. C4773- United States National IMuseum. f Annual report end- ing June 30, 1893. C 4747. — f Proceedings, v. 17. 1894. C 4773- Weisbach. Lehrbuch der theoretischen Mechanik. D 3783. Youmans, ^^r. Pioneers of science in America. T 5799. Young scientist, v. i, 3-5 (Jan. 1878-Dec. 1882). C 7799. PART 7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Public Documents. Ames, f Special report relative to public documents. B 6563. Chicago. Department of Public Works, f Mayor's annual message and 19th annual report. 1894. U 2552. i McElroy and McBride. Life sketches of the legisla- ture of the State of N. Y. for 1873. T 5667. New Jersey. + Receipts and disbursements of Hudson county, Nov. i, 1S92 to Nov. 30, 1893. B 6567. New York City. Fire Department. \ Report for 1894. U 2697. J. New York State. Assembly, f Documents, ii8th ses- sion, 1895. v. 1-3, 6-19, 21, 22. U 2697. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 7-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Education. 31 New York State. Assembly. f Journal, Ii8th session, 1895. 3 V. U 2697.0. — Senate, f Documents, ii8th session, 1895. v. 1-7. 9-13. U 2697. (J. t Journal, ii8th session, 1895. 2 v. U 2697. r. — Senate and Assembly. \ Calendar of bills printed Ii8th session, 1895. 2 v. U 2%bb.b. United States. Interior Dept. \ Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for year ending June 30, 1893, 1894. B 6570. f Annual report of the secretary for the year ending June 30, 1892, V. 5, pts. I, 2 ; 1893, v. 3, 5, pts. I, 2; 1894, V. 2, 3 ; 1895, V. 1-3. U 2773.r. f Same, for year ending June 30, i8g2, v. 4, pts. 1-3 ; 1893, V. 4, pts. 1,2; 1894, V. 4. U 2891./. f Same, for year ending June 30, 1893-5. B 6568. f Receipt, distribution, and sale of public docu- ments, 1892-4, 1894-5. B 6568. B. Commerce and Business. f Business : the office paper, v. 16 (Jan. -Dec. 1896). C 6814. Carr. Wide-awake window dresser. H 9816. GiBBlNS. Industry in England : historical outline. U 8600. HOLLOWAY. Famous American fortunes and the men who have made them. T 5626./". Lowell. Industrial arbitration and conciliation. U 8273. Macfee. Imperial customs union. U 8279. f New York post-office guide. B 6572. New York Produce Exchange, f Report, from July i, 1895, to July I, 1896. U 8697.0. New York State. Chamber of Commerce. \ 3Sth annual report, 1895-6. U 8697. New York State Commercial Union, f Proceedings of State convention, Jan. 19, 1870. B 2522. Norway. History of the Post-office packet service, 1793-1815. U 8333. O-Xi.ey. Romance of commerce. U 8340. Payne. Business letter writer. II 9344.C. Stechert (G. E.), bookseller, N. Y. City. \ Stechert against Welter. B 804. Tinne. f Local industries of New Zealand. B 526. United States. Bureau of Statistics, f Quarterly re- port [on] imports, exports, immigration, and navi- gation [to] Sept. 30, 1889, and June 30, 1890. B 6567. — State Department, f Commercial relations with foreign countries during 1894, 1895. U 8773.0. f Consular reports, Nos. 183-193 (Dec. 1895-Oct. 1896). U 8773.^. f Special consular reports, v. 5-1 1. U 8773.0. 5. Canals and irrigation in foreign countries. 6. Coal and coal consumption in Spanish America. — Gas in foreign couniries. — India rubber: the rubber tree ; manufacture and trade. 7. Slave trade in foreign countries. — Tariffs of for- eign countries. 8. Fire and building regulations in foreign countries. 9. Australian sheep and wool. — Vagrancy and public charities in foreign countries. 10. Lead and zinc mining. — Extension of markets for American flour. ir. American lumber in foreign markets. I Review of the world's commerce during 1894-5. U 8773./. Waterhouse. f American commerce in 1900. B 6572. C. Education. Blackmar. f History of federal and state aid to higher education in the U. S. No. I of I'iqo ofX llTi-a. Brimmer, f Address at Bowdoin College upon the open- ing of the Walker Art Building. " B 8551. Boyd. Last years of St. Andrews. [Anon.] X 7533./. Bush, f History of higher education in Massachusetts. No. 6^/1891 ofX 7773.0. ChautauqUAN (The), v. 22, 23 [New series, v. 13, 14] (Oct. 1895-Sept. 1896). C 6552. Clarke. Education of children at Rome. X 7092. ^. Compayre. Intellectual and moral development of the child. Part i. X 7098.1. Du Bois. Point of contact in teaching. X 7126. f Educatio.nal review, v. 11, 12 (Jan. -Dec. 1896). C 6580.0. FoRMBY. Education and modern secularism. X 7155. Garlick. New manual of method. X 7162. Gordy. f Rise and growth of the normal school idea in the U. S. No. 8 of iSgi ofX 7773.0. Great public schools. By various authors. X 7605. Herbart. a. B.C. of sense-perception, and minor peda- gogical works. X 7197. Hinsdale. Teaching the language-arts : speech, read- ing, composition. X 7204./. HoLMAN. Education : its principles and psychological foundations. X 7209. Indian Rights Association, f ^ crisis in the cause of Indian education. B 7522. — f Extravagance, waste, and failure of Indian education. By C. C. Painter. B 7522. — \ Greeting to educated Indians. B 7522. — + Indian school welfare. B 7523. — f Indians and Indian schools in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas. V> 7523. — f Position of superintendent of Indian schools threat- ened. B 7523. Jackson, f Education in Alaska, 1891-2. B 8554. Knight ank Commons, -f- History of higher education in Ohio. No. 5 of iSgi ofX 7773.0. McLaughlin, f History of higher education in Michi- gan. No. 4 of iSgi ofX 7773.0. Merriam. f Higher education in Tennessee. No. 5<'/i393'. 2d ed. U 593- GODKIN. Problems of modern Democracy. U 1171. Indian Rights Association, f History of civil service reform in England and in the U. S. By H. Welsh. B 7522. Ingle. Southern sidelights : social and economic life in the South a generation before the war. U II22. Keasbey. Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine. U 1643. Lowell. Governments and parties in continental Eu- rope. 2 v. U 661. McMaster. With the fathers : studies in the history of the U. S. U 12S1. McVey. Populist movement. U 1284. Mann. Rights and duties of citizens of the U. S. U 1286. National Civil-Service Reform League, f Civil-service reform and democracy. Address by C. Schurz. B 6006. — f Necessity and progress of civil service reform. Ad- dress by C. Schurz. B 6006. — f " Party and patronage " : address by G. W. Curtis. B 6006. — f Proceedings, Dec. 1894, 1895. B 6006. National Democratic Party. [U.S.] f Campaign text book. 1896. U 1327. Patton. Political parties in the U. S. U 1344. Pollock. History of the science of politics. U 355- f Political science quarterly, v. 10 (Mch.-Dec. 1895). C 6713. f Primer of civil service reform. B 7522. Schurz. \ Civil-service reform and democracy : address. B 6006. — f Necessity and progress of civil service reform : ad- dress. B 6006. Seeley. Introduction to political science. U 399. Sixteenth amendment. By plain citizen. U 1408. Wells and others. America and Europe : a study of international relations. U 1473. Contents : Wells, D. A. The U. S. and Great Britain. — Phelps, E. J. The Monroe doctrine. — Schurz. C. Arbitration in international dispute. Welsh, f History of civil service reform in England and in the U. S. B 7522. Whibley. Greek oligarchies : their character and or- ganisation. U 480. Vv'illoughby. Nature of the state. U 792. Note. — See also " Indians " in Part 4. E. Law and Crime. Bertillon. Signaletic instructions, incl. anthropomet- rical identification. V 7523. Byrnes. Professional criminals of America. New and rev. ed. U 9814.0. Caspar, f Practical catalogue of law books. B 6005. Clinton. Extraordinary cases. V 9566. CusHiNG. " Gushing" boiled down. By F. M. Payne. V io8.^ Defoe. King of pirates, with lives of other pirates and robbers. Ed. by Aitken. V 7116. Earle. Curious punishments of bygone days. V 7131. Emery. Handy guide to patent law and practice. V 8136. Ff.rri. Criminal sociology. V 7147. FiSHBACK. Manual of elementary law. V 591. Howard Association (London), f Criminals and crimi- nal treatment, 1894. B 6567. Howson and Howson. Patents : a manual relating to U. S. and foreign patents. 3d ed. V 82:4. «. Indian Rights Association. f Enforcement of li6. t Report on transportation business in the U. S. at nth census, 1890. Pt. i. Transportation by land. U 6S9i.£7. t Rcpo''t on manufacturing industries in ihe U.S. at nth census. 2 pts. U 6891./. I. Totals for states and industries. 2. Statistics of cities. 1 Report on crime, pauperism, and benevolence in the U. S. at nth census, 1890. 2 pts. U 6891.^. 1. Analysis. 2. General tables. f Report on vital and social statistics in the U. S., nth census, i8go. Pt. 3. Statistics of deaths. UeSgi.r. f Report on real estate mortgages in the U. S. at the nth census, 1890. U 6891. j. f Statistics of agriculture at nth census, 1890. U 6891./. f Report on farms and homes, proprietorship and indebtedness in the U. S. at nth census, 1890. U 6891. M. Whitaker (Jos.). Almanack for 1896. C 7481. World almanac and encyclopedia. 1896 C 7491. I. Women. Devereux. Ascent of woman. U 9120. Eckstein. Woman under monasticism. Y 35S0. Hansson. Six modern women : psychological sketches. T51S5.J. Note. — For contents see Part i. Biography. (B. Col- lective.) Ladies' Home Journal (Phila.). f Girls who have push. B32. Mayo. \ Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South. No. i <7/'i892 of^ in3-a. National Divorce Reform League, f Report for 1892-4. B 6572. Thayer. Women who win ; or, making things happen. T 5436. w. Tytler. Tudor queens and princesses. T 5451./. Whitney. Friendly letters to girl friends, X 9482. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. A, Biblical Theology. Anthony. Introduction to the life of Jesus. Y 2012. Beecher. Patmos ; or, the unveiling. [Apocalypse.] Y 2034. Boscawen. Bible and the monuments. 2d ed. Y 2532. Bruce. With open face ; or, Jesus mirrored in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Y 2062. Conder. Bible and the east. Y 2oqq.l>. Dawson. Eden lost and won. [Pentateuch.] N. Y. 1896. Y2115.6'. — Same. Lond., 1895. Y2ll5.t'. Dunlap. Ghebers of Hebron. Z 2577 Edersheim. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. [3d ed.] 2 v. Y 2580./. Fairbairn. Studies in the life of Christ. Y 2538. Fiske. The Jewish scriptures : the books of the Old Testament in the light of their origin and history. Y 2151. Goodenow. Bible chronology carefully unfolded. Y 2601. Goodwin {Rev. F. J.). Harmony of the life of St. Paul. Y 2603 //. Goodwin {Rev. T. A.). Lovers 3000 years ago as indi- cated by the Song of Solomon. Y 2603. Gordon. Three chiloren of Galilee : a life of Christ for young people. Y 2172. Gould. Critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark. Y 2602. Guerber. Legends of the Virgin and Christ. Y 2177 HiLPRECHT. Recent research in Bible lands. Y 2203. HuRLBUT and DoiiERTY. Illustrative notes : guide to International Sunday School lessons. [1897.] Y 2631. McCURDY. History, prophecy, and the monuments, v. 2. To the fall of Nineveh. Y 2666. Mitchell. Critical handbook of the Greek New Testa- ment. Y 2686. MONTEFIORE. Bible for home reading. Pt. i. To the second visit of Nehemiah to Jerusalem. Y 2314. ^Vote. — "For the use of Jewish parents and chil- dren." Moulton, edr. Modem reader's Bible : the book of Job. Y23i8.y. — Same : Ecclesiastes, and The wisdom of Solomon. Y 2318.?. In asking for books, use tne " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 36 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY: Mythology, Folk Lore, and Various Religions. MouLTON, edr. Modern reader's Bible : the Exodus. Y 2318./. and others. Bible as literature. Y 2318.^. New departure. A. By W. K. M. Y 2326. Northrop. Cloud of witnesses : the greatest men in the world for Christ and the book. Z 3699. Pronouncing dictionary of the Holy Bible. Y 2358. Rams.w. .St. Paul, the traveller and the Roman citizen. Y 2719. R^NAN. Life of Jesus. Transl. rev. from 23d ed. Y 2721. Robinson. Gospel in Isaiah. Y 2375.^. Russell. Millennial dawn. 3 vols. Y 23S1.W. Society of Biblical Literature. (Boston.) f Publications. [1S81-90.] B 5507. Staffer. Jesus Christ before his ministry. Y 2422./ — Palestine in the time of Christ. [3d ed.] Y 2422. ToRREY. How to study the Bible for greatest profit. Y 2444. Trumbull. Kadesh-Barnea : its importance and prob- able site, incl. studies of the route of the exodus. Y 2767. White. Origin of the Pentateuch in the light of ancient monuments. Y 2788.^. Whyte. Bible characters : Adam to Achan. Y 2482. B. Church History. Atkinson. Beginnings of the Wesleyan movement in America. Y 3511. Banks. Heroes of the South Seas. [Missions.] P 6025. Bright. Roman see in the early church, and other studies in church history. Y 3059.;-. Byington. The Puritan in England and New England. Y 3542. Chamberlain. In the tiger jungle, and other stories of missionary work among the Telugus of India. Y 30S2. Eckstein. Woman under monasticism. Y 3580. Fkoude. Council of Trent. Y 3595. Gee and Hardy. Documents illustrative of English church history. Y 3163. Gregory. Puritanism in the old world and in the new. Y 3605./. Horder. Quaker worthies. T 5213.17. Reformed Church in America and Collegiate Church of the City of N. Y. f Historical sketch of the origin of. B 33. Schuyler. Studies in English church history. Y 3395. SoHM. Outlines of church history. Y 3414. C. Devotional and Practical Theology. Aloysius (St.). Little manual of : prayer book for Catho- lic youth. Y 9008. Brooks (Phillips). New starts in life, and other ser- mons. Y 8060.;?. Child. Colonial parson of New England. Y 9086. Cuyler. Beulah-land ; or, words of good cheer to the old. Y 8109. Meditations on life and its religious duties. Y 7297. Meyer. Light on life's duties. Y 7302./. Murray. Master's'indwelling. Y 8323. ;«. Peploe. Life of privilege : possession, peace, and power. Y 8347./. — Victorious life : post-conference addresses. Y 8347. •f- Sailor's magazine, v. 67 (Jan. -Dec. 1895). C 6729. SOULSBY. Stray thoughts for invalids. Y 7415. Spurgeon. The soul-winner. Y 8420..r. Trumbull. Teachers'-meetings : their necessity and methods. Y 9447. Tyndall. Object-lessons for children. Y 7450. Watson. {"Ian Maclaren.") The upper room. Y 8469. Welsh and Edwards. Romance of psalter and hymnal. Y 9473- D. Doctrinal and Controversial Theology, Butler (J., bp. of Durham). Works. Ed. by Gladstone. 2v. Y 5541. I. Analogy, etc. 2. Sermons, etc. Caillard. Progressive revelation ; or, through nature to God. Y 6071. Davies. Gospel Christianity. Y 6115.^. Dawson. Eden lost and won. Lond., 1895. Y 2115.^. — Sawe. N. Y., 1895. Y 2115.1?. DuNLAP. Ghebers of Hebron. Z 2577. Evil and evolution. By the author of " The social hori- zon." Y 6i40.(f. Fishfr. History of Christian doctrine. Y 6591. Gibson. 39 articles of the Church of England, v. i. Y6600. Gladstone. Studies subsidiary to the works of bp. Butler. Y 6169.^-. Guinness. Creation centred in Christ. Z 3607. Kinsley. Old faiths and new facts. Z 3243. Lewis. The child : its spiritual nature. Y 6660. Manley. f Aionian punishment not eternal. B 5507. f NEW-church messenger, v. 70, 71 (Jan. -Dec. 1896). C 6867. Presbyterian Board of Publication (Phila.). f Shorter catechism with Scripture proofs. B 31. RUSKIN. Letters to the clergy on the Lord's prayer and the church. Y 6381. Schurman. Agnosticism and religion. Z 2395. Seward. Heaven every day ; or, common-sense Christi- anity. Y 6399. Speer. Studies of the man Christ Jesus. Y 6418. Trumbull. The blood covenant. 2d ed. Y 6447. <^. — Threshold covenant ; or, the beginning of religious rites. Y 6447./*. Usher. Protestantism : direction of religious truth and Christian unity. Y 6454. Van Dyke. Gospel for an age of doubt. Y 6456.^. Watson. (" Ian Maclaren.") Mind of the master. Y 6469. White. History of the warfare of science with theology. 2 v. Z 278S. Zahm. Evolution and dogma. Z 3499. E. Mythology, Folk Lore, and Various Religions. Davids. Buddhism : its history and literature. Z 8ii5.iJ. Granger. Worship of the Romans. Z 7174. GuERBER. Legends of the Middle Ages. Z 8178./. Hopkins. Religions of India. Z 8212. Hughes. Dictionary of Islam. Z 6629. Jacobs. Jewish ideals, and other essays. Z 5636. Contents: Jewish ideals. — The God of Isaiah: a history. — Mordecai : a protest against the critics. — Browning's theology. — The true, the only, and the complete solution of the Jewish question. — Jehuda Halevi, poet and pilgrim. — Jewish diffusion of folk- tales. — The London Jewry, 1290. — Little St. Hugh of London. — " Aaron, son of the devil." — Jewish history : its aims and methods. — edr. Barlaam and Josaphat : English lives of Buddha. Z 8226. Johnson, collector. What they say in New England : a book of signs, sayings, and superstitions. X 5233. Leland. ("Hans Breitvian.'") Legends of Florence. 2d series. Z S264. Meagher. Religions of the world. Z 9286. MOller, edr. Sacred books of the east, v. 13, 17, 19, 22-41, 49. , Z 8692, 13. Vinaya texts, transl. by Davids and Oldenberg. Pt. I. 17. Same. Pt. 2. 19. Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king : a life of Buddha, transl. by Beale. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Agriculture and Horticulture. 37 22. Gaina sutras, transl. by Jacobi. Pt. i. 23. Zend-avesta, pt. 2, transl. by Darmesteter. 24. Pahlavi texts, pt. 3, transl. by West. 25. Laws of Manu, transl. by Btihler. 26. Satapatha-Brahmana, transl. by Eggeling. Pt. 2. books 3, 4. 27. Sacred books of China, transl. by Legge. Pt. 3. 28. Same. Pt. 4. 29. The Grihya-sutras, transl. by Oldenberg. Pt. I. 30. Same. Pt. 2. 31. Zend-avesta, pt. 3, transl. by Mills. 32. Vedic hymns, transl. by Muller. Pt. I. 33. Minor law-books, transl. by Jolly. Pt. i. 34. Vedanta-sutras, transl. by Thibaut. Pt. I. 35. Questions of king Milinda, transl. by Davids. [Pt. I.] 36. Same. Pt. 2. 37. Pahlavi texts, transl. by West. Pt. 4. 38. Vedanta-sutras, transl. by Thibaut. Pt. 2. 39. Sacred books of China, transl. by Legge. Pt. i. 40. Same. Pt. 2. 41. Satapatha-Brahmana, transl. by Eggeling. Pt. 3. 49. Buddhist Mahayana texts, transl. by Cowell [and others]. Pt. i. Phillips. Totem tales : Indian stories Indian told. [Fiction.] Reed. Primitive Buddhism and its origin and teachings. Z S367. ScHECHTER. Studies in Judaism. Z 5389. Skinner. Myths and legends of our own land. 2 v. Z 8409. F. Occult Literature. Anderson. Astrology of the Old Testament. X 5506. Bergen, edr. Current superstitions. X 5523. BiNET. Alterations of personality. [Hypnotism], 'y^^,o^\.a. Fowler. Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied. X 4i56.<7. Henderson. Guide to palmistry. X 4195. Johnson, collector. What they say in New England : a book of signs, sayings, and superstitions. X 5233. Occult Book Co. [f Books on occult literature, No. 2.] 1893. B 526. f Phrenological journal, v. loi, Nos. i, 2 (Jan., Feb., 1896). C67ir. — f Same. v. loi, Nos. 3-6 (March-June, 1896). C 6871. Scripture. \ Studies from the Yale Psychological lab- oratory. B 5507. St. Hill. Hands of celebrities : studies in palmistry. X4385-^- Society for Psychical Research, f Proceedings. Pt. 13, Dec. 1S88. B 526. Spark. Scientific and intuitional palmistry. X4417. Stevenson \^edr.\ Square of sevens : an authoritative system of cartomancy. X 5421. Note. — Contains Robert Antrobus's "Square of sevens." Thirteen Club, f 12th, 13th annual report, Jan. 13, 1894, 1895. B 6571. G. Philosophy : Mental. ACLAND. Knowledge, duty, and faith ; principles taught by typical thinkers. X 1003. Caldwell. Schopenhauer's system in its philosophical significance. X 3548. Erdmann. Outlines of logic and metaphysics. X 3135. Hawley. Infallible logic : a visible and automatic sys- tem of reasoning. X 6614. Hegel. History of philosophy. 3 v. X 1614. Hibben. Inductive logic. X 6202. HoBHOUSE. Theory of knowledge. X 3625. Leibnitz. New essays concerning human understand- ing. X 3265. Robertson. Elements of general philosophy. X 1375. — Elements of psychology. Ed. by Davids. X 3375. Ryland. Logic : introd. manual for university students. X 6381. Sterrett. Power of thought. X 3420. Stout. Analytic psychology. 2 v. X 3755. Sully. Studies of childhood. X 3428. j-. Titchener. Outline of psychology. X 3442. Weber. History of philosophy. X 1783. Wood. Studies in the thought world. X 3490. H. Philosophy : Moral. Complete bachelor : manners for men. X 9098.1. Farrar. Pathsof duty: counsels to young men. X 9i44./>. Harris. Moral evolution. X 9189. Hegel. Philosophy of right. X 8192. HiLLis. A man's value to society : studies in self cul- ture and character. X 9204. Howe. Is polite society polite ? and other essays. X 9213. Kant. Fundamental principles of the metaphysic of ethics. X 8236.0. McKenzie. Sober by act of parliament. X9281. Marden. Architects of fate ; or, steps to success and power. X 9288. a. Morgan. Springs of conduct. New ed. X 8317. Morrison. Life's prescription. X 9317./. f Our animal friends, v. 23 (Sept. 1895-Augt. 1896). C 6868.a. Stephen. Social rights and duties. 2 v. X 8421. Thayer. Around the hearthstone ; or, hints for home builders. X 9437.0. — Men who win ; or, making things happen. T 5436.///. Thomas, compiler. Official, diplomatic, and social eti- quette of Washington. X 943S.<7. Trine. What all the worid is a-seeking. X 9448. f Voice (The), v. 13 (Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1896). [Tem- perance advocate.] Winterburn. Nursery ethics. X 9485. PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. A. Agriculture and Horticulture. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. f American agriculturist. Middle edition, v. 57, 58 (Jan. 4-Dec. 26, 1896). C 7802. Amherst. History of gardening in England. H 2505. Bailey. Nursery-book : guide to the multiplication of plants. 3d ed. H 1021. Baines. Greenhouse and stove plants. H 2514. California, University of. Agricultural Experiment Station, f Bulletin, Nos. 45-88. B 2902. t Same. Nos. 101-108. B 2521. f Report of work for 1S94-5. H 1543.0. Dean. Vegetable culture. H 1116. Ellacombe. In a Gloucestershire garden. H 2134. Fuller. Grape culturist. New ed. H 2159. — Nut culturist. H 2159. «. Hole. Book about the garden and the gardener. 2d ed. H 2210./^. HuSMANN. American grape growing and wine making. 4th ed. H 2218. Japan. Agricultural Bureau, f Agricultural products exhibited in the World's Columbian Exposition. B 1000. La Mange, f House plants : a book of practical in- formation. B 32. Lodeman. Spraying of plants. H 1272. New York State. Ccmmrs. of the State Reservation at Niagara. \ 9th. loth annual report, 1893-4 B 2521. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 38 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Architecture and Building. PlNCHOTrt«a'GRAVES. The white pine : a study. H 1353. Ravenscroft. Carnation culture for amateurs. H 2364. Roth. f Timber : characteristics and properties of wood. B 2523. Theuriet. Rustic life in France. H 1437. United States. Interior Department. Report of the act- ing superintendent of Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, 1893, 1894. B 6570. — /f- Report of the acting supt. of the Yellowstone National Park, 1894, 1895. B 6570. Walsh. Coffee : its history, classification, and descrip- tion. H 1464.^. — Tea : its history and mystery. H 1464. A Waterhouse. f Importance of ramie [vegetable fibre] to the agricultural prosperity of our gulf states. B34. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Brown. Poultry keeping as an industry for farmers and cottages. 2d ed. H ISSI-P- Hassloch. Compend of veterinary materia medica and therapeutics. H ii8g. Hayes. Illustrated horse breaking. H iigo.?. Jackson. \ Introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska. B 2523. Richardson. Dogs : their origin and varieties. H 1372.^. Sutcliffe. Incubators and their management. H 1429. United States. Bureau of Education. \ Introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska. By Sheldon Jackson. B 2523. B. Architecture and Building. ARCHITECTURE. X Academy architecture. Ed. by Koch. Supplemental volume to 1895. New series, v. 3. G 8502. Albert. % Niirnberger Neubauten. G 8902.(5. f American architect and building news. v. 51-54 (Jan- 4-Dec. 26, 1896). C 7802. a. \ Architect, builder, and wood-worker, v. 31 (Jan.- Oct. 1895). ' C 7803.0. Note. — Nov. and Dec. nos. never published. X Architectural master-pieces of Belgium, Holland, etc. 96 heliotype plates. G 8804.0. \ Architectural record, v. 5 (July 1895-July 1896). C 7508. f Architecture and building, v. 24, 25 (Jan.-Dec.1896). C 7S03. X Architecture (L') francaise : monuments historiques depuis le XP siecle jusqu'a nos jours. 7 v. G 8904./^. BiRKMlRE. Planning and construction of American theatres. G 8527. Brausewetter. X Das Bauformenbuch des biirgerlichen Wohnhauses. ister Theil. G 8812.^. — X Same. 2ter Theil. G 8912. Cattaneo. Architecture in Italy from the 6th to the nth century. G 8816. Champeaux. :]: Portefeuille des arts decoratifs. 1888-9- 1890-1, 1894-5, 1895-6. G 89T7. X Croquis d' architecture : Intime Club. 2"^, 4'"^ iime^ 12™^, 22'"« annee, 1867-8-1888. G 8921. Ebe. :t^ Schmuckformen der Monumentalbauten aus alien Stilepochen seit der Griechischen Antike. ister Band. G 8826.0. Faur^. X Theorie des proportions en architecture. G 8S29. Fletcher ««as Ornament in der Kunstschlosserei. G 9943- Hornby. Text book of gas manufacture. G 9213./. Howard, f Natural asphaltum and its compounds. B2523. Kidder. Building construction and superintendence. Pt. I. Mason's work. G 9848. Krauth und Meyer. ± Bau und Kunstzimmerei. 2 v, G9851. I. Text. 2. Tafeln. I FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Industrial Arts. 39 Lawler. American sanitary plumbing. G 9262.0. Meyer. | Handbook of art smithing. G 9681. f Plumbers' trade journal, v. 19, 20 (Jan. i-Dec. 15, 1896). C 7872. f Record and guide, v. 57, 58 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7874.^. Roeper. X Deutsche Schmiedearbeiten aus Fiinf Jahr- hunderten. G 997^. f Sanitary plumber, v. 14 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7877. SiEBERT ami Biggin. Modern stone-cutting and masonry. G 9745- t Western painter, v. 4 (Feb. 1895-Jan. 1896). C 7785. C. Engineering. f American machinist, v. 18 (Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1895). C 7902. Appleby. Illustrated handbook of machinery. Sec. 3, Pumping machinery. G 1507. Cochrane, compiler. Romance of industry and inven- tion. G 1095. Davies. Workshop manual and compendium of useful information. G 1115. Dixon. State railroad control. G 4123. DONKIN. Gas, oil, and air engines. G 2574. \ Engineering and mining journal, v. 61, 62 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7828. f Engineering magazine, v. 3-5 (April, 1892-Sept. 1893). C 7583. Grimshaw. Shop kinks and machine-shop chat. G iiTJ-s. Henck. Field-book for railroad engineers. 2d ed. G 4x95.0. Houston a7td Kennelly. Electric street railways. G42I4- Keasbey. Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine. U 1643. Kidder, f Kidder coal-gas apparatus and process. B 2523. Lieckfeld. Careandmanagement of gas engines. G2270. f Locomotive (The). New series, v. 16 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C7663. McShane. One thousand pointers for machinists and apprentice boys. G 1283. Morris, f Harlem ship canal, June 17, 1895 : address. B 2522. New York City, University of. f University School of Engineering, Laboratory of Chemistry, handbook for 1893-4. B 33. New York State Commercial Union, f Proceedings of state convention, Jan. 19, 1870. [Canals.] B 2522. North Side Board of Trade (N. Y. City.) f Harlem ship canal, June 17, 1895 : address by F. Morris. B2522. f Power, v. 16 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7973. •f Railroad car journal, v. 5 (Jan.-Dec. 1895). C 7873. I Rapid tran.sit for New York. 2d ed. B 805. Rockwell. Roads and pavemenlte of France. G 4375. r. f Scientific American, v. 74, 75 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C, 7979- a- — f Same : Supplement, v. 41, 42 (Jan.-Dec. 1896.) C 7979- ^• Shaler. American highways. G 4401. Stevens, f First screw-propeller boats to navigate the waters of any country. B 2521. Tayler. Refrigerating and ice-making machinery. G 1434- — Sugar machinery. G 1434. j. Tompkins. Marine engineering. G 2766. United States. Commissioner of Railroads, f Report. 1893. B 6573. — Interior Department, f Report of the Columbia Rail- way Company of Washington, D. C, for year ended Feb. 23. 1895. B 6570. f Report of the government directors of the Union Pacific Railway, 1893, 1895. B 6569. — f Report on Hot Springs improvements, 1893-';. B 6569. United States. Patent Office, f Alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions for quarter ending June 30-Dec. 31, 1895, and Mch. 31-June 30, 1896. [v. 7I-75-] C 7891-^. f Official gazette, v. 74-77 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7891. United States Standard Steamship Owners', Builders', and Underwriters' Association. f Register of American steam vessels. B S04. Waterhouse. f Nicaragua Canal: benefits which it will confer upon the U. S. B 2522. — f Nicaragua Canal : government control, 1893. B 2522. Weisbach. Statik der Baukunst und der Mechanik der Umtriebsmaschinen. 4te Aufl. G 4872. — Mechanik der zwischen-und Arbeitsmaschinen. G I783.wr. HYDRAULIC AND SANITARY ENGINEERING. Cox. Artesian well as a means of water supply. G 4561.0. Hazen. Filtration of public water-supplies. 2d ed. G4615. Hill. Chicago main drainage channel. G 4841. Mason. Water supply from a sanitary standpoint. G4674. Wegman. Water supply of the city of N. Y., 1658- 1895. G 4895. w. D. Household Economy. f Art amateur : art in the household, v. 33, 34 (June 1895-May 1896). I 904.0. Atkinson and others, f Science of nutrition. H 35 11. Delineator (The), v, 47, 48 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C7824. Demorest's Family magazine, v. 32 (Nov. 1895-Oct. 1896). C 6S24. Farmer. Boston cooking-school cook book. H 3144. FiLiPPiNl. One hundred ways of cooking fish. H 3149./. Fleming. For plain women only. [On dress.] f Harper's Bazar, v. 25 (Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1892). C 6938.0. — f Same. v. 28 (Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1895). C 6938.0. Herbert. {" A. K. IVyvern.") Common-sense cookery. H 3197.V. — Fifty lunches. H 3197.^. Herbert {Col. K.). Cookery [of the hare]. In E S283. Hooker. Ye gentlewoman's housewifery. H 321 1. Lemcke. Chafing-dish recipes. H 3658. <:. Millinery trade review, v. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1896). C 7862. Pennell. Feasts of Autolycus : diary of a greedy woman. H 3346. Terhune (' ' Marion Harland") and Herrick. National cook book H 3436.OT. I- Welch. Bachelor and the chafing dish. H 3474. Ysaguirre and La M arca. Cold dishes for hot weather. H 3499- E. Industrial Arts. Chatwood. The new photography. I 2084. Chippendale, f Englische Rococomobel. H 891 8. Denning. Fretwork and marquetry. I 5 118. Downman. English pottery and porcelain. New ed. I 5125. Fearn. Modern photography for amateurs. I 2145. Frullini. t Ornamental carvings from nature. I 5832. Haslope. Repousse work for amateurs. I 5189. f Jewelers' circular and horological review, v. 31, 32 (Augt. 7, iS95-July 29, 1896). C 7848. f Jewelers' weekly, v. 21, 22 (Sept. 25, 1895-Sept. 16, 1896). C 7947- LiBONls. f Les styles francais enseignes par I'exemple. I 5854- McLees. A series of alphabets for engravers and paint- ers of letters I 2669 f MEiSTERWERKEder franzosichen Modellirkunst. I 5960. Modern sign-writer. I 2687.J-. Palliser. China collector's pocket companion. Sth ed, I 5342. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 40 -USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Sports, Games, and Amusements. Phillips. Wood carving. I 535 1- f Photographic times, v. 2S(Jan.-Dec. i8g6). C 7871. Robinson. Picture making in the studio by photography. I 2725.^. Wallis. t American architecture, decoration, and furni- ture of the i8th century. G 8894.^. Welford. Hand camera manual. 2d ed. I 2473. F. Music. f American art journal, v. 66, 67 (Oct. 12, 1895-Oct. 3, 1896). C 6802. a. f American musical journal, v. i (Oct. 1834-May, 1S35). C 6So2.l>. Crowest. Dictionary of British musicians. T 5105.7. — Story of British music to the Tudor period. I 6563. Curtis. Voice building and tone placing. I 6107. Cu'avEN. The boy's voice. 2d ed. I 6106. Dickinson. History of church music. B 34. Ehrenfechter. Technical study in the art of piano- forte playing. 3d ed. I 6133. EllISTON. Organs and tuning. 2d ed. I 6136. Fetis. Accompaniment from score on the organ or pianoforte I 6148. Grove. Beethoven and his nine symphonie.s. I 6178. HiPKlNS. Description and history of the pianoforte. I 6622. Hopkins. The organ : its history and construction. 3d ed. 1 6627. Hubbard, compiler. Merry songs and games for the kindergarten. Ft. i. I 6844. Humphreys. Evolution of church music. I 6630. Kleczynski. Chopin s greater works : how they should be understood. I 6246. t. Krehbiel. How to listen to music. I 6253. /i. Latham. Renaissance of music. I 6657. Mason. New first music reader. I 6291. i. — New second music reader. I 6291.2. — New third music reader. I 6291.3. t Musical age (The), v. 13-15 (Feb. 12-Nov. 4, 1896). C 6965. Musical record: Jan. -Dec. 1896. C 6866. Oberlin College Library. f Bulletin, v. i, No. 3, History of church music. By Edward Dickinson. B34. Parry. Evolution of the art of music. I 6343. Phipson. Famous violinists and fine violins. T 5350. Rockstro. History of music. 22d ed. I 6377. Schebek. Violin manufacture in Italy and its German origin. I 6389. .Scribner's Sons (Charles). ■)■ Musical literature list. B 30. ^1 reatfeild. The opera : sketch of [its] development. I 6425. Tufts. Handbook of vocal music. I 6448. Ven.-vbles. The choral society. 2d ed. I 6459. Wagner. On conducting. I 6463^. Willard. Children's singing games. I 9790. Wolzogen. Guide through the musical motives of Rich- ard Wagner's " Tristan and Isolde." I 6489. Year's music. 1896. I 6497. G. Painting, Plastic Arts, and Fine Arts Generally. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. f Arte Italiana decorativa e industriale. Anno i, 2 (1891-2). I 4903. ARTiST-Artisan Institute (N. Y. City), [f Prospectus.] 6th year. B 805. Barfield. Model drawing and shading from casts. I 3025. Berliner Kunstler Verein. Internationale Kunst-Aus- stellung, 1841-91. I 4523. Bri.mmek. f Address at Bowdoin College upon the opening of the Walker Art Building. B 8551. Carter, compiler. Year's art, i8g6. I 4078. Cundall. Brief history of wood-engraving. I 2107. Graul. f Bilderatlas zur Einfiihrung in die Kunst- geschichte. I 836. — f Einfiihrung in die Kunstgeschichte : textbuch. 3te Aufl. I 604. HOLDEN. Audiences : a few suggestions to those who look and listen. I 210. Lee. Renaissance fancies and studies : sequel to " Eu- phorion." I 264.?'. Pollard. Posters in miniature. I 2355. Santayana. Sense of beauty : outlines of aesthetic the- ory. I 386. Schumann. Art and gems. I 4395- Spiers. % Architectural drawing. G S884. Springfield Art Museum, [f Description. 1895.] B 2521. Stimson. t Principles and methods in art education. B8C5. Tarbell. History of Greek art. I 433. Vasari. Lives of 70 painters, sculptors, and architects. Ed. by Blashfield and Hopkins. 4 V. T 5775. Verein fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft. f Gedenck Blatter zum 34 Stiftungs Feste, 16 April, 1891. B 805. Wagner (R.). Prose works. Transl. by Ellis, v. 4. Art and politics. I 777. PAINTING, DRAWING, ORNAMENT, AND DESIGN. Berenson. Florentine painters of the Renaissance. I 4037/. f Dekorative Vorbilder. 7ter Jahrgang. I 4824. Jackson. Theory and practice of design. I 4635''- Note. — Sequel to " Lessons in decorative design." Kramer and Behrens. \ Ornamental fragments, scrolls, etc. I 4951- Lafenestre a7id Richtenberger. f La peinture en Europe : la Belgique. I 4257-'^- — f Same : Florence. I 4257. c. — \ National museum of the Louvre. I 4257.(7. Libonis. f Croquis d'apres les maitres : paysage, ani- maux, fleurs, marine, nature mort. I 3268.0. — f Same : figures, sujets religieux, scenes de genre- types, etc. I 3268.^^, Lilly and Midgley. Book of studies in plant form. I 3661. f Making of etchings ; also a few characteristics of some great etchers. B 2522. Minneapolis Industrial Exposition, f Catalogues of works of art in art galleries of, 1S90. B 4502. Monachesi. Manual for china painters. I 4312. Monkhouse. In the National Gallery. I 43i3- National Academy of Design, f Catalogue, loan col- lection, 1S93. B 34. Phillips. Book of the china painter. I 47ii- Sedelmeyer. f Illustrated catalogue of the second 100 paintings by old masters. I 4739.0. Van Dyke. Modern French masters by American artists. I 4892. SCULPTURE. Gardner. Handbook of Greek sculpture. I 5162. Marquand and Frothingham. History of sculpture. I 5288. f Moderne Wiener plastik. 4th part. I 5963. f MusEE de sculpture comparee du palais du Trocadero. V. 2, 3. I 59^5- Redford. Greek sculpture. With G 8412.^. Shedd. Famous sculptors and sculpture. New ed. I 5403. H. Sports, Games, and Amusements. INDOOR AMUSEMENTS. Bellamy. Second century of charades. Broadfoot. Billiards. Gray. '96 charades. I 9034. 19059- I 9174. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. 41 Grove and others. Dancing. I Qi??- How to lead the German. I 9213. Ingalls. The Boston charades. I 9223. — Columbian charades. I 9223. c. Magill. Pantomimes ; or, wordless poems. I 9285. MuiR. Bazaars and fancy fairs : their organisation and management. I 9320. White. Book of a hundred games. I 9481. WiLLARD. Children's singing games. I 9790- CHESS, CARDS, AND CHECKERS. BOARDMAN. Winning whist. I 9047. British draughts-player. By various authors. 19058. "Cavendish." Whist developments. 4th ed. I 9079.7^/. i Cheshire, fd';-. Hastings chess tournament. 1895. I 9085. Cunningham. Draughts pocket manual. I 9107. Drayson. Whist laws and whist decisions. I 9127. Freeborough, edr. Analysis of chess endings, king and queen against king and rook. By "Euclid." I 9594- How to play the game of skat. I 92 13.^ Lasker. Common sense in chess. I 9260. Starnes. Short-suit whist. I 9422. i Sturges. {"Champion.") Guide to the game of draughts. \ Revised by Kear. I 9426. a. Whist catechism. Compiled by M. d'l. L. I 948o.4 — Same. 2te Aufl. Plates. G 3949, — Harzer Hlitten-prozesse. G 3242, — Metallurgische Probirkunst. G 3645. w, Kittredge. New metal worker pattern book. G 1849, Lakes. Prospecting for gold and silver. G 3257, Lang. Matte smeling. 03655, Metcalf. Steel : a manual for steel-users. G 3302, Rick.vrd. Professional pjpers read before the American Institute of Mining Engineers. G 3723 Rittinger. Lehrbuch der Aufbereitungskunde. G 3725 — Same: atlas. G 3S75 Rothwell, edr. Mineral industry in the U. S. and other countries to the end of 1895. v. 4. G 3727 Rziha. Lehrbuch der gesammlen Tunnelbaukunst rster Band. G 3877 Shinn. Story of a mine as illustrated by the great Com stock Lode of Nevada. G 3403 United states. Interior Department, f Annual report of the mine inspector for Indian territory for year ending June 30. 1894. 1895. B 5569. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 42 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. United States. Interior Department. \ Report of the U. S. Coal Mine Inspector for New Mexico for year ending June 30, 1S95. B 6568. Wilson. Cyanide processes. G 3485. Winkler. Die europaische Amalgamazion der Silbererze 2te Aufl. G 3791. TEXTILE FABRICS. DUERR and Turnbull. Bleaching and calico-printing. H 4577- KuMSCH. f Leinen-Damastmuster des 17, 18 Jahrhund- erts. 2te Aufl. H 4951.0. — f Posamente des 16-19 Jahrhunderts. H 4951. (^. — f Stoff muster des 16-18 Jahrhunderts. Serie 4. H 4951. Posselt. Structure of fibres, yarns, and fabrics. 3d ed. H 4872. J. — Textile calculations. H 4872.^. Taggart. Cotton spinning, v. i. H 4432. Walker. Varied occupations in string work. H 4465.7/. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. SUPPLEMENT No. lO TO THE TRT-. FINDING LISTJ ^^ V: - OF THE I Free Library of the General Society OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK BOOKS ADDED FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1897 NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1898 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Free Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York from January to December, 1897. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in small caps.), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in parentheses). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Individual Biography (page i) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and the volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class letter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter (in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each part is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a 12° ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8' ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator; " ed." means edition or edited ; "edr." means editor; " N. S." means new series; " O. S." means old series ; "Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the library. A X preceding a title means that the book is in the J. Morgan Slade [Reference] Library of architectural works. A complete list of this library, including a list of all the books on architecture and building in the circulating as well as in the reference department, has been published, and can be obtained for 10 cents a copy. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1898. " Committee for the Free Library. FRANK E. CONOVER, Chairman, 253 Broadway. FREEMAN BLOODGOOD, Jr., Secretary, 8 York Street. WILLIAM J. HOE, 327 West 14th Street, JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 328 West 24th Street, JAMES O. POILLON, 224 South Street, JOHN E. NICHOLSON, 646 Hudson Street, ALBERT T. STRAUCH, 354 West 19th Street, CHARLES C. ALEXANDER-, 3 York Street, ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, 36 St. Mark's PI., | Committee for the Dcmilt and LOUIS K. BELL, 100 William Street, )■ Slade Sections, the Musetim, JOHN H. GOETSCHIUS, 64 Bank Street, | and the Reading Rooms. JOHN LESLIE, 138 West 15th Street, J ROBERT CHRISTIE, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 111 West 29th Street. CHARLES A. COWEN. First Vice-President, General Society of Mechanics and Trades- men, ex-officio. 1121 Broadway. RICHARD T. DAVIES, Secretary and Treasurer, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 143 Liberty Street. JACOB SCHWARTZ. Librarian, iS East i6th Street. Index To Subjects. I'.\CE. PAGE. PAGE. Accompanying {Music). 27. Church architecture. 25- Electric railroads. 26. Acting. 18. Church history. 23- Electric tramways. 26. Adirondacks (The). 16. Civil engineering. 25- Electricity. 20. Advertising. 22. Civil service. 22. Electro-chemistry. 20. Africa. 17- Civil War : U. S. 16. Elocution. 19. African slave trade. 23- Coachbuilding. 28. Encyclopaedias. 3- Agriculture. 24. Collected works. 3- Engineering. 25- Alaska. 15. Colonial architecture. 25- England. 16. American history and travels. 15- Colonial era : U. S. 15. English literature. 19. American literature. 19. Comic works. 19. Engraving. 27- American Revolution. 16. Commerce. 21. Equations. 20. Animal magnetism. 24. Commercial law. 22. Essays. iS. Animaliculture. 25. Commonwealth {England). 16. Ethics. 24. Annals of legislative bodies. 21. Composition. 19. Ethnology. 20. Antichrist. 23- Conducting {Music). 27- Europe : history and trarels. 16. Antitoxin. 21. Confirmation ( Theology). 24. Evolution. 20. Aphorisms. 19. Congo Arabs. 17- Eacetiae. 19 Arches. 25. Conjuring. 28. Ferrets. 25- Architectural drawing. 27. Connecticut. 16. Fiction. 4- Architecture. 25- Constantinople. 17- Fine Arts. 27- Arctic regions. IS. Constitutional law. 22. Florence. 16. Argentine republic. 16. Controversial theology. 24. Flowers. 19. 25- Armenia. 17- Cookery. 26. Folk-lore. 24. Art. 27- Corea. 17- Food. 21. Asia. 17- Cotton spinning. 28. Founding. 26. Astronomy. 19. Counterpoint {Music), 26. France. 16. Atlases. 18. Cricket. 28. Freemasonry. 18. Athletics. 28. Crime. 22. French language. 19. Aurora borealis. 20. Crimean war. 17- French literature. 19. Australasia. 17- Criticism. 19. French Revolution. 16. Auto-cars. 28. Croquet. 28. Fugue {Music). 26. Balkans (The). 17- Cuba. 16. Furniture. 26. Ballads. 19. Cycling. 28. Games. 28. Bath {England). 17- Cyclopaedias. 3- Gardens. 25. Bechuanaland. 17- Dahlia (The). 25- Gas engine. 26. Bees. 25- Dairy. 24- Gas manufacture. 25- Begonias. 25. Dalmatia. 17- Gasoline engine. 26. Bible. 23- Decorative art. 27. Genealogy. 18. Biblical theology. 23- Demonology. 24. Genesis {Bible), 23- Bibliography. 18. Design. 27. Geography. IS. Bicycles. 28. Devil (The). 24. Geology. 20. Bimetallism. 23- Devotional theology. 23- Geometry. 20. Biography (Collective). 2. Diamond (The). 20. Germ theory. 20. Biography (Individual). I. Dice. 28. Germany. 17. Biology. 20. Differential calculus. 20. Ghosts. 24. Birds. 21. Dingley tariff. 23- Gold question. 23- Block signal. 26. Diphtheria. 21. Golf. 28. Boston. 16. Disease. 21. Gothic architecture. 25- Botany. 19. District school. 22. Government. 22. Bridge drafting. 26. Doctrinal theology. 24. Great Britain. 16. British Guayana. 16. Documents (Public). 21. Greece. 16. Buddhism. 24. Dogs. 25- Greek literature. 19. Building. 25- Dolomites (The). 17- Greek sculpture. 27. Bulb culture. 25- Domestic animals. 25. Gunnery. 22. Business. 21. Domestic economy. 26. Guns. 28. Business law. 22. Domestic hygiene. 21. Hallucinations. 24- Cactus culture. 25- Dominoes. 28. Harmony {Music). 27. Cage-birds. 21. Double counterpoint {Music). 26. Happiness. 24. Cairo {Egypt). 17- Drama. 18. Hawaii. 17- Calculus {Mathematics), 20. Dramatic singing. 27. Health. 21. Canada. 15- Drapery. 25. Hebrews. 17- Cards. 28. Draw spans. 26. Herzegovina. 17- Cavalry. 22. Drawing. 27- Historic ornament. 27. Charities. 23. Dreams. 24- Historical architecture. 25- Chemistry. 20. Drinking. 21. Historical miscellany. 18. Cheshire {England), 17. Eating. 21. History. 15- Chess. 28. Eastern history and travels. 17. History of literature. 19. Childhood. 21. Ecclesiastical architecture. 25- History of the church. 23- Children's voices. 27. Ecclesiastical history. 23- History (Universal). 18. j Chili. 16. Edinburgh. 17- Holy Land. 17. China. I"- Education. 22. Homeopathy. 21. ; Chrysanthemums. 25- Egypt. 17. Horseless carriages. 28. ] FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Index to Subjects. Horses. Horticulture. Hospitals. Hot-water fitting. Household art. Household economy. Humor. Hunting. Hydraulic machinery. Hygiene. Hymns. India. Indians. Indoor amusements. Industrial art. Infancy. Inflammable gas. Insects Instrumental music. Integral calculus. Intellectual philosophy. Inventions. Italy. Jameson raid. Japan. Jesus Christ. Jews (The). Judaism. Jurisprudence. Juvenile fiction. Kentucky. Kites. Klondike gold fields. Knowledge. Korea. Language. Latin language. Law . Lawns. Lettering. Library economy. Liquor problem. Literary criticism. Literary history. Literary miscellany. Literary periodicals. Literature. Locksmithing. Locomotives. London. Long life. Longjevity. Machinery. Magnetism. Maine {France). Mammoth cave, Kentucky. Maps. Marriage customs. Mass (The). Massage. Mathematics. Mechanical drawing. Mechanical movements. Mechanics. Medical science. Medieval literature. Mental philosophy. Mercantile law. Metallurgy. Metaphysics. ^Methodism. Midwifery. Military science. Military signaling. Milk. Mineralogy. Mining. ^GE. PAGE. PAGE. 25- Miscellanies. 18. Racing. 28, 25. Mohammedanism. 24- Radiation. 21, 23. Money. 23. Railroads. 26. 25. Moral philosophy. 24. Rat-catching, 25. 26. Motion. 21. Readings. 19. 26. Motor cars. 28. Reaping machines. 26. 19. Moulding. 26. Rebellion : U. S. 16. 28. Mushroom culture. 24. Regalia. 18. 26. Music. 26. Religions (Various). 24. 21. Mythology. 24- Renaissance {Architecture). 2^. 24. Natal. 17- Reunion (Island of). 17. IT- Natural history. 21. Rhetoric. 19. IS- Natural philosophy. 21. Rhodesia. 17. 28. Natural science. 19- Rocks. 20. 26. Naval science. 22. Romance literature. 19. 21. Naval warfare. 22. Romances. 4- 21. Navigation. 19. Rome. 16. 21. Nervous system. 21. Roof framing. 25. 27- New England. 16. Roses. 25. 20. New Testament, 23- Rowing. 28. 24. New York City. 16. Russia. 17. 26. Nicaragua canal. 25. Saracens (The). 17. 16. Nile (The). 17- Scepticism. 24. 17- Normandy. 16. Schools. 22. 17- North America. 15- Science. 21. 23- Norway. 17- Scientific journals. 4- 17- Novels. 4- Sculpture. 27. 24. Oceanica. 17. Secret societies. 18. 22. Occult literature. 24. Sensations (The). « 24. 13- Old Testament. 23- Sermons. 23. 16. Organ. 27- Shading. 27. 21. Orient. 17- Shorthand. 19. 15. Oriental history and travels. 17- Shropshire {England). 17- 24. Ornament. 27- Siam. 17. 17- Outdoor sports. 28. Siberia. 17- 19. Painting. 27. Sicily. 16. 19. Palestine. 17- Silver question. 23. 22. Palmistry. 24- Singing. 27. 25- Parakites. 21. Skating. 28. 27- Paris. 16. Skepticism. 24. 18. Periodicals. 3- Sketching. 27. 24. Perspective. 27- Slavery. 23. 19. Peru. 16. Sleep. 24, 19. Pests {Agriculture). 25- Sleepy Hollow. 16, 18. Philosophy ( Mental). 24. Slide rule. 20. 3- Philosophy (Moral). 24. Slide-valves. 26, 18. Phonography. 19. Social science. 23. 25. Photography. 26. Sonata (The). 26. 26. Phrenology. 24. Song birds. 21. 17- Physical geography. 20. Soudan (The). 17. 21. Physics. 21. South America. 16, 21. Piano. 27- South Sea. •17- 26. Pigeons. 25- Spain. 16, 24. Plants. 19. Spanish America. 16, 16. Plastering. 25- Spanish language. 19. 16. Plastic arts. 27- Speeches. 19. 18. Plays. iS. Spiritualism. 24. 18. Plumbing. 25- Sports. 88, 24. Poetry. 19. Stage (The). 18. 21. I'olar regions. 18. Statistics. 23. 20. Political economy. 22. Steam engine. 26. 27. rolitics. 22. Steam fitting. 25. 26. Potentiometer. 20. Stirpiculture. 21. 25. Poultry. 25. Stories. 4- 21. Practical theology. 23- Sudan (The). 17. 19. Prehistoric archaeology. 20. Swedish movements {Medicine). 21. 24- Premature burial. 21. Tales. ■ • 4- 22. Prints. 28. Talmud (The). 24. 28. Prisons. 23- Tarry town. 16. 24. Proverbs. iS. Tea. 24. 23- Psychology. 24 Teaching. 22. 21. Public documents. 21, Technological journals. 4- 22. Public health. 21. Telepathy. 24. 22. Pumping machinery. 26. Tell-el-Amarna tablets. 17- 24. Qualitative analysis. 20. Textile fabrics. 28. 20. Quantitative analysis. 20. Theology. 23. 28. Quotations. IS. Theology (Devotional). 23. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the .AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. Index to Subjects. PAGE. Theology (Doctrinal). 24. Theology (Practical). 23. Thought. 24. Trade. 2i. Training {Athletics). 28. Tramways. 26. Transactions. 4. Transvaal (The). 17. Travels. 18. Trees. 26. Tuning {Music). 27. Turkish empire. 7. United States : history and travels. 15. Universal history. 18. Universities. Useful arts. Vapour. Various religions. Vegetables. Venezuela. Venice. Violin. Violoncello. Virginia. Voice culture. Voice production. Waldenses. Water- color painting. PAGE. 22. 28. 21. 24. 24. 16. 16. 27. 27. 16. 27. 19. 23- 27. Water works. Weather (The). West Indies. West Point. Wit and humor. Women. Wood carving. Wood-turning. Wool dyeing. Works (Collected). Yoga philosophy. Yorkshire. Yukon gold fields. Zither (The). FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supplement No. io to Finding List. Arrangement of Principal Stcb divisions. Part i. Biography, Memoirs, and Letters. " 2. Cyclopedias. Collected Works, and Periodicals. " 3. Fiction and Juvenile Fiction. " 4. History, Geography, Voyages, and Travels. " 5. Literature and Language. " 6. Natural Science and Mathematics. " 7. Political and Social Sciences. " 8. Theology and Philosophy. " 9. Useful and Fine Arts. PART l.-BIOGRAPHY, MEMOIRS, AND LETTERS. A. Individual Biography. Alexander of Macedon. Hogarth, D. G. Philip and Alexander of Macedon. T 3512.?. Alice, errand duchess of Hesse. Letters to queen [Victoria]. Memoirs by princess Christian. T 78.^. AmAdeus, duke of Aosta. Sacrifice of a throne : life of A. duke of Aosta. By H. R. Whitehouse. T 90. Bainbridge, Commodore. From the gunroom to the quarter-deck. T 233. Bar^re, Bertrand. Memoirs. Transl. by De V. Payen- Payne. 4 v. T 266. Barker, H. C. My boyhood : a story book for boys. New ed. T 268. Boswell, James. By W. K. Leask. (" Famous Scots" series.) T 529./. f Brandt, Henri Francois : Leben und Werke. By H. Lehnert. T 6854. Note. — Medailleur an der Koniglichen Munze. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Letters of. Ed. by Kenyon. 2 v. T 614.;^. Bulfinch, Charles, architect. % Life and letters of, ed. by Ellen S. Bulfinch. G 8538. Burns [Robert] and his times as gathered from his poems. By J. O. Mitchell. T 666.«. Burton, Capt. Sir Richard. True life of, by Georgiana M. Stisted. T 676.J. Burton, Lady Isabel. Romance of, by Isabel, lady Bur- ton and W. H. Wilkins. T 676.^. Chalmers, Thomas. By W. G. Biaikie. ("Famous Scots" series.) ■ T 825 h Hocking. 15LACK, Alexander. Capital courtship. Black, Clementina. Princess Desiree. Black-box murder. By Maarten Maartens. Blackmore, R. D. Dariel : a romance of Surrey. Blockade runner. By J. Perkins Tracy. Blodgett, Mabel Fuller. At the queen's mercy. Bob Covington : a novel. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. " Bobbo," and other fancies. By Thomas Wharton. Bolanyo : a novel. By Opie Read. BoLDREWOOD, Rolf. -My run home. Book of lies. By John Langdon Heaton. Book of true lovers. By Octave Thanet. Boom of a western city. By Ellen Hodges Cooley. Booth, A/rs. Otto. See " Rita." Boothby, Guy. Bid for a fortune. — Fascination of the king. — Sheilah McLeod. Beetle's baby ; or, Mignon. By John Strange W^inter. (Same as " Mignon.") Bootle's children. By John Strange Winter. (With " Bootle's baby.") Bottle imp. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Bound in shallows. By Eva Wilder Brodhead. Bower, Marian. Story of Mollie. Braddon, Jl/iss M. E. W^hen the world was younger. Brichanteau : actor. By Jules Claretie. Bride from the bush. By E. W. Hornung. Briscoe, Margaret Sutton. Jimty, and others. Brodhead, Eva Wilder \forvierly Eva Wilder McGlas- son]. Bound in shallows. Broken away. By Beatrice Ethel Grimshaw. Brooks, Shirley. Mrs. Lygon : domestic detective story. Broughton, Rhoda. Dear Faustina. Brown, Alice. Day of his youth. Brown, Anna Robeson. A feline fact. (In '■ Tales from ' McClure's' : romance.") Brown man's servant. By W. W. Jacobs. (With his " Skipper's wooing. ') Browning courtship (A) and other stories. By Eliza Ome W'hite. Bubbles. By Fannie E. Newberry. Buchanan, Robert. Lady Kilpatrick. Buck, Francis Tillou. Fiance on trial. Burgin, G. B. Fortune's footballs. Burglar who moved Paradise. By Herbert D. Ward. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. His grace of Osmonde. Burnham, Clara Louise. Miss Archer Archer. Burton, John Bloundell. Clash of arms. By a hair's breadth. By Ileadon HUl. By right of sword. By Arthur W. Marchmont. Cabot, Elisabeth Lyman. In plain air. Caine, Hall. The Christian. Caldor, M. T. Wizard of Granada. Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. Bachelor's bridal. — Loyal lover. Camp of refuge. By Charles Macfarlane. Caoba, the guerilla chief. By P. H. Emerson. Capes. B. E. J. Mill of silence. Capital courtship. By Alexander Black. Captain Molly : a love story. By Mary A. Denison. Captain Shays : a populist of 17S6. By Geo. R. R. Rivers. "Captains courageous." By Rudyard Kipling. Career of Candida. By George Paston. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Doctor Luttrell's first patient. — Other people's lives. Cargill, John F. Big-Horn treasure. Carlyle, Thomas, transl. Translations from the Ger- man. 3 V. I, 2. Goethe (J. W. von), Wilhelm Meister's appren- ticeship and travels. 3. MusKus, Tieck, Richter. Carruth, Hayden. Voyage of the " Rattletrap." Castle Meadow : a story of Norwich 100 years ago. By Emma Marshall. Castle Sombras. By Herbert Grcenough Smith. Catherwood, Mary Hart well. Days of Jeanne d"Arc. — Spirit of an Illinois town, aud Little Renault. Catherwood mystery. P.y Albert P. Southwick. Catlin, Henry G. Yellow pine basin. Cedar star (The). By Mary E. Mann. Chalmette. By Clinton Ross. Chambers, Julius. Rascal club. Chambers, Robert W. Lorraine : a romance. — Mystery of choice. Chariot of flesh. By Hedley Peek. Charrington, Charles. Sturdy beggar. Cheque for three thousand. By Arthur Henr}- Veysey. Chesson. Wilfrid Hugh. A great lie. Chetwode, R. D. Lord of Lowedale : story of the i6th century. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 6 3-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Chevalier d'Auriac, to Ellis, Edward S. Chevalier d'Auriac. By S. Levett Yeats. Child, Frank Samuel. Colonial witch (A). Child in the temple. By Frank Mathew. Child (The), the wise man, and the devil. By Coulson Kernahan. Children at Sherburne House. By Amanda M. Douglas. Childs, Carrie Goldsmith. Lost lineage. Choir invisible. By James Lane Allen. Cholmondeley, Mary. A devotee : an episode in the life of a butterfly. Chopin, Kate. Night in Acadie. Christian (The). By Hall Caine. Christine of the hills. By Max Pemberton. Christus sonata. By T. C. De Leon. (In his "Novel- ette trilogy.") Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement. By William Courtney Watts. Chun Ti-kung : his life and adventures. By Walter Raymond. Church. Samuel Harden, John Marmaduke : romance of the English invasion of Ireland in 1649. Claretie, Jules. Brichanteau : actor. — Crime of the Boulevard. Clark, Frederick Thickstun. Mistress of the ranch. Clash of arms. By John Bloundell Burton. Cleary, Kate M. Like a gallant lady. Cleeve, Lucas. Lazarus : a tale of the world's great miracle. Clever tales. Ed. by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Dominant note, and other stories. Coachman's club ; or, tales told out of school. By Geo, R. Sims. Cobban, J. Maclaren. Master of his fate. — Wilt thou have this woman ? Coleridge, M. E. King with two faces. Collins, Mabel. .Morial the Mahatma. Colomba. By Prosper Merimee. ^ Colonial free-lance. By Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. Colonial witch (A). By Frank Samuel Child. Columbia Stories. By Albert Payne Terhune. Coming of Chloe. By the Duchess. Connell, F. Norreys. Fool and his heart. Connery, T. B. All the dog's fault. Constantine : a tale of Greece under King Otho, By George Horton. Converse, Florence. Diana Victrix. Cooke, John Esten. Hammer and rapier. CooLEY, Ellen Hodges. Boom of a western city. Corelli, Marie. Ziska, the problem of a wicked soul. Corinna's Fiammetta. By Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. (With her " One man who was content.") Ccrleone : a tale of Sicily. By F. Marion Crawford. 2 v. CoRNFORD, L. Cope. Master-beggars. Cornwallis, Kinahan. Two strange adventures. Note. — Originally published as "A marvellous co- incidence." Couch, L. Quiller (" Q "). A Spanish maid. Coulevain, Pierre de. American nobility. Count of Nideck. By Erckmann-Chatrian. Craddock, Charles Egbert. [Mary N. Murfree.] The juggler. — Young mountaineers : short stories. Crag-nest : a romance of the days of Sheridan's ride. By T. C. De Leon. Craig, R. Manifold. Sacrifice of fools. Craigie, Mrs. Mary. See Hobbes, John Oliver. Crane, Stephen. The third violet. Crawford, F. Marion. Corleone : a tale of Sicily, 2 v, — Rose of yesterday. Crime of the Boulevard. By Jules Claretie. Crockett, S. R. Lad's love. — Lochinvar. Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. See Gordon, Julien. Crump, Arthur. Wide asunder as the poles. Cursed by a fortune. By George Manville Fenn, Cyparissus : a romance of the isles of Greece. By Ernst Eckstein. Dagger and the cross. By Joseph Hatton. Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton. Secret directory : a ro- mance of hidden history. Dana, Francis. Leonora of the Yawmish. Dariel : a romance of Surrey. By R. D. Blackmore. Daughter of a hundred millions. By Virginia Niles Leeds. Daughter of strife. By Jane Helen Findlater. Daughter of the Philistines. By Leonard Merrick. Davies, Helen. Mills of God. — Reveries of a spinster. Davis, Richard H. Soldiers of fortune. Dawe, W. Carlton. Kakemonos : tales of the far east. Dawson, A. J. Mere sentiment. — Middle greyness. Dawson, W. J. Thro' lattice-windows. Day of his youth. By Alice Brown. Day of Resis. By Lillian Frances Mentor. Days of Jeanne d'Arc. By Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Dead selves. By Julia Magruder. Dear Faustina. By Rhoda Broughton. Defiant hearts. By W. Heimburg. Deland, Ellen Douglas. Alan Ransford. — In the old Herrick house, and other stories. — Successful venture. Deland, Margaret. Wisdom of fools. De La Ramee, Louisa. See " OuiDA." De Leon, T. C. Crag-nest : a romance of the days of Sheridan's ride. — Novelette trilogy : a bachelor's box, a jealous god, the Christus sonata. — Pride of the Mercers. Denison, Mary A. Captain Molly : a love story. Derelicts. By William J. Locke. Descendant (The) : a novel. Devil-tree of El Dorado. By Frank Aubrey, Devil's dice. By William Le Queux. Devoore, Ann. The whip-hand. (In "Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") Devotee (A) : an episode in the life of a butterfly. By Mary Cholmondeley. Diana Victrix. By Florence Converse. Diderot. Rameau's nephew. Transl. by Sylvia M. Hill. Doctor Luttrell's first patient. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. Dominant note, and other stories. By Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Don Balasco of Key West. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. Don Luis' wife. By Lillian Hinman Shuey, Doree, Nadage. Gelta ; or, the czar and the canta- trice. Douglas, Amanda M. Children at Sherburne House. — Hannah Ann : sequel to " A little girl in old N. Y." — Her place in the world. DowiE, Menie Muriel. Some whims of fate. Doyle,~" A. Conan, Uncle Bernac : a memory of the empire. Dreams of to-day. By Percival Pollard. Driver Dallas. By John Strange Winter. Dromgoole, Will Allen. Heart of Old Hickory, and other stories of Tennessee. Drones must die. By Max Nordau. " Duchess (The)." [Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Hunger- ford.] Coming of Chloe. — A lonely maid. — Lovice. Duchess lass (The). By Caroline Masters. Du Maurier, George. The Martian. Eat not thy heart. By Julien Gordon. Ebers, Georg. Barbara Blomberg : a historical romance. 2 V. Eckstein, E. Cyparissus : a romance of the isles of Greece. Edwards, E. Jay. Shad and Shed. Egerton, George. Symphonies. Elementary Jane. By Richard Pryce. Ellis, Edward S. Eye of the sun. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Embree, Charles Fleming, /^ Harte, Bret. Embree, Charles Fleming. For the love of Tonita. Emerson, P. H. Caoba, the guerilla chief. Enchanted burro : stories of New Mexico and South America. By Charles Lummis. Enemy to the king. By R. N. Stephens. Equality. [Sequel to ' ' Looking backward. "] By Edward Bellamy. Erckmann-Chatrian. Count of Nideck. " Evil eye (The)." By Theophile Oautier. Exile from London. By Col. Richard Henry Savage. Exiled from two lands. By Everett T. Tomlinson. Express messenger, and other tales of the rail. By Cy. Warman. Eye of Istar. By William Le Queux. Eye of the sun. By Edward S. Ellis. Facing the flag. By Jules Verne. Faithful traitor. By Efifie Adelaide Rowlands. Falcon of Langeac. By Isabel Whiteley. Fall of a star. By Sir William Magnay. False evidence. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. Farquhar, Anna. A singer's heart. Fascinating traitor. By Col. Richard Henry Savage. Fascination of the king. By Guy Boolhby. Fault of one. By Effie Adelaide Rowlands. Fawcett, Edgar. Romance of old N. Y. Federal judge (The). By Charles K. Lush. Feline fact (A). By Anna Robeson Brown. (In " Tales from 'McClure's': romance.") Fenn, George Manville. Cursed by a fortune. Fiance (A) on trial. By Francis Tillou Buck. Fields of fair renown. By Joseph Hocking. Fierceheart, the soldier : a romance of 1745. By J. C. Smith. Finding of the gentian. By Alice Wellington Rollins. Findlater, Jane Helen. Daughter of strife. FiNDLATER, Mary. Over the hills. Flandreau, Charles Macomb. Harvard episodes. Fleming, Mrs. J. M. [Alice ]NL Kipling.] A pinch- beck goddess. Fleming, May Agnes. Wedded for pique. Fletcher, J. S. God's failures. — In the days of Drake. Flint : his faults, friendships, and fortunes. By Maud Wilder Goodwin. Folly of Pen Harrington. By Julian Sturgis. Fool and his heart. By F. Norreys Connell. For her life : a story of St. Petersburg. By Richard Henry Savage. For such is life. By Silas K. Hocking. 2d ed. For the cause. By Stanley J. Weyman. For the love of Tonita. By Charles Fleming Embree. For the white rose of Arno. By Owen Rhoscomyl. Ford, Paul Leicester. Great K. (&: A. robbery. — Story of an untold love. Fordham's feud. By Bertram Mitford. Forest orchid, and other stories. By Ella Higginson. Forge in the forest. By Charles G. D. Roberts. Fortune's footballs. By G. B. Burgin. Fortunes of Margaret Weld. By S. M. H. G. Foster, David Skaats. Spanish castles by the Rhine. Founded on paper. By Charlotte Yonge. Fountain sealed. By Sir Walter Besant. Fox, John,y>. " Hell fer sartain," and other stories. — The Kentuckians. France, Lewis B. Pine valley. Free to serve : a tale of Colonial N. Y. By E. Rayner. Freedom of Henry Meredyth. By M. Hamilton. From the land of the snow-pearls : tales of Puget Sound. By Ella Higginson. Fuller, Anna. Venetian June. Fuller, Hector. Roach & Co.— pirates. Fuller, Hulbert. Vivian of Virginia. Fytche, M. Amelia. Kerchiefs to hunt souls. Gadfly (The). By E. L. Voynich. 'Gainst wind and tide. By Nellie Talbot Kinkead. Galahad of the creeks. By S. Levett Yeats. Game postponed (.\). By Gertrude Smith. (In " Tales from 'McClure's' : romance.") Garland, Hamlin. Wayside courtship. Gautier, Theophile. " The evil eye." Gelta ; or, the czar and the cantatrice. By Nadage Doree. George Malcolm. By Gabriel Setoun. Georgia scenes. By a native Georgian. New ed. General's double. By Capl. Charles King. Gerard, Dorothea. [Madame Longard de Longardc] Miss Providence : a novel. — A spotless reputation. GiBERNE, Agnes. Old comrades. Gilder, Jeannette L. Taken by siege. GiLKES, A. H. Kallistratos : an autobiography. '■ Glamour" : a romance. By Meta Orred. Glyn, Anna L. Pearl of the realm : story of the reign of Charles I. Goddess of Africa. By St. George Rathborne. GoDKiN, G. S. Stories from Italy. Gods and their makers. By Lawrence Housman. Gods arrive. By Annie E. Holdsworth. God's failures. By J. S. Fletcher. God's winepress. By Arthur Jenkinson. Golden crocodile. By P". M. Trimmer. GOMME, George Lawrence, ed}-. King's story book. Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Flint : his faults, friendships, and fortunes. Gordon, Julien. [Mrs. Van Rensselaer Cruger.] Eat not thy heart. Gould, S. Baring. See Baring-Gould, S. Graham, P. Anderson. Red scaur: a novel of manners. Grand, Sarah. The Beth book. Grant, Charles. Stories of Naples and the Camorra. Gray, Maxwell. [}Jlxs. M. G. Tuttiett.] Sweethearts and friends. Great K. & A. robbery. By Paul Leicester Ford. Great lie (A). By Wilfrid Hugh Chesson. Great stone of Sardis. By Frank R. Stockton. Green, Anna Katharine. [Mrs. Charles Rohlfs.] That affair next door. Green book. By Maurus Jokai. Greene, Sarah P. McLean. Stuart and Bamboo. Grier, Sydney C. An uncrowned king : a romance of high politics. Grimshaw, Beatrice Ethel. Broken away. Grinnell, Elizabeth. John and I, and the church. Grip. By John Strange Winter. Guavas the tinner. By S. Baring-Gould. Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Bob Covington. — Don 13alasco of Key West. — Power of woman. 2 pis. I. Susan Turnbull. 2. Ballyho Bey. GURDON, Lady Camilla. Suffolk tales and other stories, fairy legends, poems, [and] miscellaneous articles. Habberton, John. Trif and Trixy. Hacklander, F. W. Madame Lohengrin [in German]. Hale, Edward Everett. Susan's escort, and others. Half-caste : an old governesss tale. By Dinah M. Mu- lock. Hamilton, Lord Ernest. Outlaws of the marches. Hamilton, M. Freedom of Henry Meredyth. — McLeod of the Camerons. Hammer and rapier. By John Esten Cooke. Hania. By Henryk Sienkiewicz. Hannah Ann: sequel to "A little girl in old N. Y." By Amanda M. Douglas. PIarbaugh, T. C. White squadron. Hardy, Thomas. Return of the native. — Well-beloved. Harland, Marion. [Mrs. Mary V. Terhune.] Ruth Bergen's limitations. Harraden, Beatrice. Hilda Strafford : a California story. — Untold tales of the past. Harris, Joel Chandler. Aaron in the wildwoods. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Merry maid of Arcady, and other stories. — Son of the old dominion. Harte, Bret. Three partners. In asking for books, use the " Book Order." giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 8 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Harvard episodes, ^^ Last recruit of Clare's. Harvard episodes. By Charles Macomb Flandrau. Hatton, Joseph. Dagger and the cross. Hawkins, Anthony Hope. See Hope, Anthony. Heart of Old Hickory, and other stories of Tennessee. By Will Allen Dromgoole. Heaton, John Langdon. Book of lies. Hector, Mrs. Annie French. See Alexander, Mrs. Heimburg, W. [Bertha Behrens.] Defiant hearts. Heir of dreams. By Sallie Margaret O'Malley. '■ Hell fer sartain," and other stories. By John Fox, jr. Hennessy, Roland Burke. Tales of the heart. Her majesty : a romance of to-day. By Elizabeth Knight Tompkins. Her place in the world. By Amanda M. Douglas. Her rescue from the Turks. By St. George Rathborne. Hermit of Nottingham. By Charles Conrad Abbott. Hero in homespun. By William E. Barton. Herrick, Robert. Literary love-letters, and other stories. — Man who wins. Higbee, Dora. In "God's country." HiGGiNSON, Ella. Forest orchid, and other stories. — From the land of the snow-pearls: tales from Puget Sound. Hilda Strafford : a California story. By Beatrice Har- raden. Hill, Headon. By a hair's breadth. — Queen of night. Hilton, Alice Howard. Paola Corletti, the fair Italian. His excellency. By Emile Zola. His fortunate grace. By Gertrude Atherton. His grace of Osmonde. By Frances H. Burnett. His majesty's greatest subject. By S. S. Thorburn. His native wife. By Louis Becke. History of the lady Betty Stair, By Molly Elliot Seawell. Hobbes, John Oliver. [Mrs. Mary Craigie.] School for saints. Hocking, Joseph. The birthright. — Fields of fair renown. Hocking, Silas K. For such is life. 2d ed. — In spite of fate. HOLDSWORTH, Annie E. Gods arrive. — Spindle and oars. Holland, Clive. A writer of fiction. Holmes, Mrs. Mary J. Paul Ralston. Honor of a princess: romance of the time of "good queen Bess." By F. Kimball Scribner. Hooper, Will Phillips. An untold tale. Hope, .\nthony. [Anthony Hope Hawkins.] Phroso : a romance. Horace Everett. By Marquise Clara Lanza. Hornung, E. W. Bride from the bush. — My lord duke. Horsman, Edith E. Two Altheas. Horton, George. Constantine : a tale of Greece under King Otho. HoTCHKiss, Chauncey C. Colonial free-lance. House of dreams. HousMAN, Lawrence. Gods and their makers. Howard, Blanche Willis. Seven on the highway. HowELLS, W. D. Landlord at Lion's Head. — Open-eyed conspiracy. Hudson, William C. ("■ Barclay North.") An Ameri- can cavalier. Hugh Wynne. By S. Weir Mitchell. 2 v. Hume, Fergus. Tracked by a tattoo. Humours of cycling. By H. G. Wells [and others]. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton. See " Duchess, The." Hunt, Violet. Unkist, unkind! Hunter, P. Hay. John Armiger's revenge. Imperial lover. By M. Imlay Taylor. Impudent comedian, and others. By F. Frankfort Moore. In buff and blue. By George Brydges Rodney. In "God's country." By Dora Higbee. In golden shackles. By " Alien." In Kedar's tents. By Henry Seton Merriman. In plain air. By Elisabeth Lyman Cabot. In Simpkinsville : character tales. By Ruth McEnery Stuart. In spite of fate. By Silas K. Hocking. In the crucible. By Grace Denio Litchfield. In the days of Drake. By J. S. Fletcher. In the old Herrick house, and other stories. By Ellen Douglas Deland. In the tideway. By Flora Annie Steel. Incendiary (The) : a story of mystery. By W. A. Leahy. Inheritance (An). By Harriet Prescott Spofford. Into an unknown world. By John Strange Winter. Invisible man. By H. G. Wells. Iva Kildare : a matrimonial problem. By L. B. Walford. Jacobs, W. W. Skipper's wooing. James, Mrs. F. A. See Warden, Florence. James, Henry. Spoils of Poynton. Jaws of death. By Grant Allen. Jealous god (A). By T. C. De Leon. (In his " Novel- ette trilogy.") Jenkinson, Arthur. God's winepress. Jerome, Jerome K. Sketches in lavender, blue, and green. Jerome, a poor man. By Mary E. Wilkins. Jessamy bride. By F. Frankfort Moore. Jimty, and others. By Margaret Sutton Briscoe. Joan Seaton. By Mary Beaumont. John and I, and the church. By Elizabeth Grinnell. John Armiger's revenge. By P. Hay Hunter. John Leighton, jr. By Katrina Trask. John Marmaduke : romance of the Engl, invasion of Ire- land in 1649. By Samuel Harden Church. JoHNES, Mrs. Edward R. See Johnes, Winifred. JOHNES, Winifred. [Mrs. Edward R. Johnes.] Memoirs of a little girl. Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Old times in middle Georgia. JOKAI, Maurus. The green book. — Peter the priest. Journey to Venus. By Gustavus W. Pope. Jucklins (The). By Opie Read. Juggler (The). By Charles Egbert Craddock. Kakemonos : tales of the far east. By W. Carlton Dawe. Kalee's shrine. By Grant Allen. Kallistratus : an autobiography. By A. H. Gilkes. Keightley, S. R. Last recruit of Clare's. Kentuckians (The). By John Fox, jr. Kerchiefs to hunt souls. By M. Amelia Fytche. Kernahan, Coulson. The child, the wise man, and the devil. Kester, Paul. Tales of the real Gypsy. King, Capt. Charles. The general's double. — Warrior gap : a story of the Sioux outbreak of '68. King of the broncos, and other stories of New Mexico. By Charles F. Lummis. King of the mountains. By Edmund About. King Washington : a romance of the Hudson highlands. By Adelaide Skeel and Wm. H. Brearley. King with two faces. By M. E. Coleridge. King's highway. By Amelia E. Barr. Kings in adversity. By Edward S. Van Zile. King's story book. By George Lawrence Gomnie, edr. Kingsley, Florence Morse. Paul, a herald of the cross. — Prisoners of the sea. Kinkead, Nellie Talbot. 'Gainst wind and tide. Kipling, Alice M. See Fleming, Mrs. J. M. Kipling, Rudyard. " Captains courageous." Kirk, Ellen Olney. Revolt of a daughter. Kitty the rag. By "Rita." Lad's love. By S, R. Crockett. Lady Betty Stair. History of. By Molly Elliot Seawell. Lady Charlotte (The). By Adeline Sergeant. Lady Kilpatrick. By Robert Buchanan. Lander, Harry. Weighed in the balance. Landlord at Lion's Head. By W. D. Howells. Lanza, Marquise Clara. Horace Everett. Earned, Walter Cranston. Arnaud's masterpiece : a romance of the Pyrenees. Last recruit of Clare's. By S. R. Keightley. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Latimers (The), etc., /^ Muriella; or, Le Selve, 9 Latimers (The) : a tale of the Western insurrection of 1794. By Henry Christopher McCook. Lawrence Clavering. By A. E. W. Mason. Lawyer's secret. By John K. Leys. Lazarus : a tale of the world's great miracle. By Lucas Cleeve. Leahy, W. A. The incendiary : a story of mystery. Leeds, Virginia Niles. Daughter of a hundred millions. Leonora of the Yawmish. By Francis Dana. Le Queux, William. Devil's dice. — Eye of Istar. Let us follow him, and other stories. By Henrj'k Sienkie- wicz. Letters of women. By Marcel Prevost. Leys, John K. Lawyer's secret. Lewis, Alfred Henry. {"Dan Quin.") Wolfville. Like a gallant lady. By Kate M. Cleary. Lin McLean. By Owen Wister. Lincoln, Jeanie Gould. An unwilling maid. Litchfield, Grace Denio. In the crucible. Literary love-letters and other stories. By Robert Her- rick. Lochinvar. By S. R. Crockett. Locke, William J. Derelicts. — Some women and a man. Lonely maid (A). By the Duchess. Lord of Lowedale : slory of the i6th century. By R. D. Chetwode. Lorraine : a romance. By Robert W. Chambers. Lost lineage. By Carrie Goldsmith Childs. Lo-to-kah. By Verner Z. Reed. LOTI, Pierre. [L. M. J. Viaud.] Ramuntcho. Lovice. By the Duchess. LowRY, H. D. Make believe. Loyal lover. By E. Lovett Cameron. Loyal traitor. By James Barnes. LuMMis, Charles F. Enchanted burro : stories of New Mexico and South America. — King of the broncos, and other stories of New Mexico. Lush, Charles K. Federal judge (The). Lustigs (The). By Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. LY.A.LL, Edna. [Miss Bailey.] Wayfaring men. Lying prophets. By Eden Phillpotts. LYxNDE, Francis. Romance in transit. Ma.\rtens, Maarten. [J. Van der Poorsen Schwartz.] Black-box murder. McChesney, Dora Greenwell. Miriam Cromwell, royalist. McCooK, Henry Christopher. The Latimers: a tale of the Western insurrection of 1794. Macdo.vald, George. Salted with fire. Macfarlane, Charles. Camp of refuge. McGlasson, Eva Wilder. See Brodhead, Eva Wilder. Mackie, John. They that sit in darkness. ^ Mackie, Pauline Bradford. Mademoiselle de Berny. McLennan, William. Spanish John. McLeod of the Camerons. By M. Hamilton. McMahon, Ella. Touchstone of life. McNulty, Edward. Son of a peasant. Madame Lohengrin [in German]. By F. W. Hack- lander. Mademoiselle Blanche. By John D. Barry. Mademoiselle de Berny. By Pauline Bradford Mackie. Magnay, Sir William. Fall of a star. Magrudf.r, Julia. Dead selves. Make believe. By H. D. Lowry. Maker of moons [and other stories]. By Robert W. Chambers. Malachite cross : a romance of two countries. By Frank H. Norton. Man of the family. By Christian Reid. Man who stole a meeting-house. By J. T. Trowbridge. Man who was good. By Leonard Merrick. Man who wins. By Robert Herrick. Mann, Mary E. The cedar star. March on London. By G. A. Henty. Marchmont, Arthur W. By right of sword. Margot. By Sidney Pickering. Marietta's marriage. By W. E. Norris. Marital liability. By Elizabeth Phipps Train. Marryat, Ethel. Professional lady-killer. Marshall, Emma. Castle Meadow : a story of Nor- wich 100 years ago. — Haunt of ancient peace. Martian (The). By George Du Maurier. Martin, George Gladden. Angel of the tenement. Marvellous coincidence. See Two strange adventures. "Mary." By Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. (With her "One man who was content.") Masked in mystery. By St. George Rathborae. Mason, A. E. W. Lawrence Clavering. — The philanderers. Massarenes (The). By Ouida. Master-beggars. By L. Cope Cornford. Master of his fate. By J. Maclaren Cobban. Masters, Caroline. Duchess lass (The). Mather, Marshall. Sign of the wooden shoon. Mathew, Frank. Child in the temple. Matthews, Brander. Outlines in local color. Maupassant, Guy de. " Schwarenbach inn." (With "The evil eye," by Theophile Gautier.) Maxwell, Helen Blackmar. Way of fire. Meade, L. T. [Now Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Smith.] Merry girls of England. Meddling hussy: 14 tales re-told. By Clinton Ross. Memoirs of a little girl. By Winifred Johnes. Mentor, Lillian Frances. Day of Resis. Mere sentiment. By A. J. Dawson. Merimee, Prosper. Colomba. Merrick, Leonard. Daughter of the Philistines. — Man who was good. — One man's view. Merriman, Henry Seton. [Hugh S. Scott.] In Kedar's tents. Merry girls of England. By L. T. Meade. Merry maid of Arcady, and other stories. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Middle greyness. By A. J. Dawson. Mifanwy (a Welsh singer). By Allen Raine. Mill of silence. By B. E. J. Capes. Miller, Mrs. Jenness. Philosopher of Driftwood. Mills, Willis. Scarlet, or white ? Mills of God. By Helen Davies. Minion of the moon. By T. W. Speight. Miriam Cromwell, royalist. By Dora Greenwell Mc- Chesney. Misfortunes of Elphin. By Thomas Love Peacock. Miss Archer Archer. By Clara Louise Bumham. Miss Nina Barrow. By Frances Courtney Baylor. Miss Providence : a novel. By Dorothea Gerard. Missionary sheriff. By Octave Thanet. Mr. Peters. By Riccardo Stephens. Mrs. Knollys, and other stories. By F. J. Stimson. Mrs. Lygon : domestic detective story. By Shirley Brooks. Mistress of the ranch. By Frederick T. Clark. MiTCHEL, F. A. Sweet revenge. Mitchell. S. Weir. Hugh Wynne. 2 v. Mitford, Bertram. P'ordham's feud. — Sign of the spider. Modern corsair. By Richard Henry Savage. Modern lover (A) : a realistic novel. By George Moore. Moffett, Cleveland. True detective stories. Molesworth, Mrs. Uncanny tales. MoNTRESOR, F. F. At the cross-roads. Moore, F. Frankfort. Impudent comedian, and others. — Jessamy bride. — Modern lover (A): a realistic novel. Morial the Mahatma. By Mabel Collins. Morrow, W. C. The ape, the idiot, and other people. MOULTON, Louise Chandler. When she was thirteen. (In " Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") MuLOCK. Dinah >L Half-caste: an old governess's tale. Munkittrick, R. K. The Slambangaree, and other stories. Murfree, Mary N. See Craddock, Charles Egbert. Muriella ; or. Le Selve. By Louisa De La Ramee. (" Ouida.") In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the tirst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 10 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : My lord duke, to Reid, Christian. My lord duke. By E. W. Hornung. My run home. By Rolf Boldrewood. Mystery of choice. By Robert W. Chambers. Near a whole city full. By Edward W. Townsend. Neglected privilege (A) : story of a modern woman. By Maggie Swan. Neighbor King. By Collins Shackelford. (In "Tales from ' McClure's': romance.") Newberry, Fanny E. Bubbles. Night in Acadie. By Kate Chopin. No ambition. By Adeline Sergeant. Noble haul. By W. Clark Russell. NORD.A.U, Max. Drones must die. NoRRis, W. E. Marietta's marriage. Norton, Frank H. Malachite cross : a romance of two countries. Novelette trilogy. By T. C. De Leon. Nulma : an Anglo-Australian romance. By Mrs. Camp- bell Praed. Ober, Fred. A. Under the Cuban flag. Ocean outlaw (An). By Hugh St. Leger. "Odd folks." By Opie Read. Ohnet, Georges. Pierre's soul. [Same as "Soul of Pierre."] Old comrades. By Agnes Giberne. Old Ebenezer. By Opie Read. Old gentleman of the black stock. By Thomas Nelson Page. Old times in middle Georgia. By Richard Malcolm John- ston. Oliphant, Mrs. Ways of life : two stories. O'Malley, Sallie Margaret. Heir of dreams. On the edge of the moor. By the author of " Probable sons." On the face of the waters. By Flora Annie Steel. On the red staircase. By M. Imlay Taylor. One man who was content. By Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. One man's view. By Leonard Merrick. Open-eyed conspiracy. By W. D. Howells. Oppenheim, E. Phillips. False evidence. Orpen, Mrs. Perfection city. Orred, Meta. " Glamour : " a romance. Other people's lives. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. "OuiDA." [Louisa De La Rame'e.] An altruist. — Massarenes (The). — Muriella ; or, Le Selve. Outlaws of the marches. By Lord Ernest Hamilton. Outlines in local color. By Brander Matthews. Over the hills. By Mary Findlater. Pacific tales. By Louis Becke. Page, Thomas Nelson. Old gentleman of the black stock. Pain, Amelia. [Mrs. Barry Pain.] Saint Eva. " Palinurus." The paper boat. Paola Corletti, the fair Italian. ByAHce Howard Hilton. Paper boat (The). By " Palinurus." Parker, Gilbert. Pomp of the Lavilettes. Passage through Bohemia. By Florence Warden. Paste jewels : seven tales of domestic woe. By John Kendrick Bangs. Paston, George. Career of Candida. Patience Sparhawk and her times. By Gertrude Ather- ton. Paul, a herald of the cross. By Florence Morse Kingsley. Paul Ralston. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. Payn, James. Stumble on the threshold. Peacock, Thomas Love. Misfortunes of Elphin atid Rhododaphne ; or the Thessalian spell [poetry]. Pearl of the realm : story of the reign of Charles I. By Anna L. Glyn. Peasantry (The). By Honore de Balzac. Peattie, Elia W. Pippins and cheese. Peck, Wallace. Story of a train of cars. Peek, Hedley. Chariot of the flesh. Peg Bunson. By John W. Spear. Pemberton, Max. Christine of the hills. — Queen of the jesters. Penhallow tales. By Edith Robinson. Perfection city. By Mrs. Orpen. Perpetua : a tale of Nimes in A.D. 213. By S. Baring- Gould. Peter the priest. By Maurus Jokai. Philanderers (The). By A. E. W. Mason. Phillpotts, Eden. Lying prophets. Philosopher of Driftwood. By Mrs. Jenness Miller. Phroso : a romance. By Anthony Hope. Phyllis in Bohemia. By L. H. Bickford and Richard Stillman Powell. Pickering, Sidney. Margot. Pierre's soul. [Same as the "Soul of Pierre."] By "^ Georges Ohnet. \ Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. By Charlotte M. Yonge. '. Pinchbeck goddess (A). By Mrs. J. M. Fleming. Pine valley. By Lewis B. France. Pink Marsh : a story of the streets and town. By George Ade. Pippins and cheese. By Elia W. Peattie. Plympton, a. G. A willing transgressor, and other stories. Pollard, Percival. Dreams "of to-day. Pomp of the Lavilettes. By Gilbert Parker. _ Pope, Gustavus W. Journey to Venus. ■ Pope, Marion Manville. Up the Malterhorn in a boat. fl Port of missing ships, and other stories of the sea. By * John R. Spears. Porter, Charlotte, a7id Clarke, Helen A., edrs. Clever tales. Post, Melville Davisson. Strange schemes of Randolph Mason. Power of woman. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. 2 pts. Praed, Mrs. Campbell. Nulma : an Anglo-Australian romance. Prevost, Marcel. Letters of women. Pride of the Mercers. By T. C. De Leon. Prince, Helen Choate. Transatlantic chatelaine. Princess Desiree. By Clementine Black. Prior, James. Ripple and flood. Prisoners of conscience. By Amelia E. Barr. Prisoners of the sea. By Florence Morse Kingsley. Professional lady-killer. By Ethel Marryatt. Pryce, Richard. Elementary Jane. Pryer, Charles. Reminiscences of an old Westchester homestead. Pursuit of the house-boat. By John Kendrick Bangs. Queen of hearts. By Elizabeth Phipps Train. Queen of night. By Headon Hill. Queen of the jesters. By Max Pemberton. Question of damages. By J. T. Trowbridge. " QuiN, Dan." See Lewis, Alfred Henry. Rachel. By E.V.Wilson. (In " Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") Raine, Allen. Mifanwy (a Welsh singer). Rameau's nephew. By Diderot. Transl. by Sylvia M. Hill. Ramuntcho. By Pierre Loti. Rathborne, St. George. Goddess of Africa. — Her rescue from the Turks. — Masked in mystery. Raymond, Walter. Charity Chance. Rayner, E. Free to serve : a tale of Colonial N. Y. Read, Opie. Arkansas planter. — Bolanyo : a novel. — Jucklins (The). — "Odd folks." — Old Ebenezer. Red scaur : a novel of manners. By P. Anderson Gra- ham. Reed, Verner Z. Lo-to-kah. — Tales of the sun-land. Rees, Claude A. Chun Ti-kung : his life and adven- tures. Reeve, James Knapp. Three Richard Whalens. Reid, Christian. [Mrs. Frances C. Fisher Tiernan.] Man of the family. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Reminiscences of an old, etc., /^ Stuart, Esme. 11 Reminiscences of an old Westchester homestead. By Charles Pryer. Return of the native. By Thomas Hardy. Reveries of a spinster. By Helen Davies. Revolt of a daughter. By Ellen Olney Kirk. Rhoscomyl, Owen. For the white rose of Arno. Rich enough. By Leigh Webster. Ridge, W. Pett. Secretary to Bayne, M.P. Ripple and flood. By James Prior. RisLEY, R. V. Sentimental vikings. " Rita." [Mrs. Otto Booth.] Kitty the rag. — The sinner. Rivers, George R. R. Captain Shays: a populist of 1786. Rives, Hallie Erminie. Smoking flax. Roach & Co. — pirates. By Hector P"uller. Roberts, Charles G. D. Forge in the forest. Robinson, Edith. Penhallow tales. Robinson, Rowland E. Uncle Lisha's outing. Rock of the lion. By Molly Elliot Seawell. Rockwell case. By O. P. Caylor. Note. — Same as his '' Fated promise." RocKwooD, Caroline Washburn. Adirondack romance (An). Rodney, George Brydges. In buff and blue. RoHLFS, Mrs. Charles. See Green, Anna Katharine. Rollins, Alice Wellington. Finding of the gentian. Romance in transit. By Francis Lynde. Romance of a Jesuit mission : a historical novel. By M. Bourchier Sanford. Romance of old N. Y. By Edgar Fawcett. Rose of yesterday. By F. Marion Crawford. Ross, Clinton. Chalmette. — Meddling hussy : 14 tales retold. — Zuleka. Ro\vl.\nds, Efifie Adelaide. Faithful traitor. — Fault of one. Russell, W. Clark. A noble haul. — Two captains. — Wreck of the " Corsaire." Ruth Bergen's limitations. By Marion Harland. Sacrifice of fools. By R. Manifold Craig. Saint Eva. By Amelia Pain. St. Ives. By Robert Louis Stevenson. St. Leger, Hugh. Ocean outlaw (An). Salted with fire. By George Macdonald. Sanford, M. Bourchier. Romance of a Jesuit mission : a historical novel. Sardou, Victorien. Theodora. Savage, Col. R. H. An awkward meeting, fighting the tiger, and other thrilling adventures. (With "An untold tale." By Will P. Hooper.) — Exile from London. — Fascinating traitor. — For her life : a story of St. Petersburg. — Motiern corsair. Scarlet, or white? By Willis Mills. School for saints. By John Oliver Hobbes. SCHREINER, Olive. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashona- land. Schwarenbach inn. By Guy de Maupassant. (With " The evil eye," by Theophile Gautier.) Schwartz, J. Van der Poorsen. See Ma.\rtens, Maarten. Scott, Hugh S. See Merriman, Henry Seton. SCRIBNER, F. Kimball. Honor of a princess : romance of the time of " good queen Bess." Scully, WilHam Charles. White hecatomb, and other stories. Seamy side of history. By Honore de Balzac. Seawell, Molly Elliot. History of the lady Betty Stair. — Rock of the lion. Secret directory : a romance of hidden history. By Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren. Secret of St. Florel. By John Berwick. Secret rose (The). By W. B. Yeats. Secretary to Bayne, M.P. By W. Pett Ridge. Sentimental vikings. By R. V. Risley. Sergeant. Adeline. Lady Charlotte (The). — No ambition. Setoun, Gabriel. George Malcolm. Seven on the highway. By Blanche Willis Howard. Shackelford, Collins. Neighbor King. (In " Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") Shad and Shed. By E. Jay Edwards. Sheilah McLeod. By Guy Boothby. Shuey, Lillian Hinman. Don Luis' wife. * SlENKiEWicz, Henryk. Hania. — Let us follow him, and other stories. Sign of the spider. By Bertram Mitford. Sign of the wooden shoon. By Marshall Mather. Sims, George R, The coachman's club ; or, tales told out of school. Singer's heart. By Anna Farquhar. Sinner (The). By " Rita." Skeel, Adelaide, «««:' Brearley, Wm. H. King Wash- ington : a romance of the Hudson highlands. Sketches in lavender, blue, and green. By Jerome K. Jerome. Skipper's wooing. By Vv^ W. Jacobs. Slambangaree (The), and other stories. By R. K. Mun» kittrick. Smith, Elizabeth Thomas. See Meade, L. T. Smith, Gertrude. Game postponed (A). (In ^' Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") Smith, Herbert Greenough. Castle Sombras. Smoking flax. By Hallie Erminie Rives. 2d cd. Smythe, Alfred. Van Hoff ; or, the new Faust. Snaith, J. C. Fierceheart the soldier : a romance of 1745. Soldiers of fortune. By Richard Harding Davis. Soldiers of Manhattan. By Joseph A. Altshaler. Some whims of fate. By Menie Muriel Dowie. Some women and a man. By William J. Locke. Son of a peasant. By Edward McNulty. Son of Ingar. By Katharine Pearson Woods. Son of the old dominion. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Southwick, Albert P. Catherwood mystery. Spanish castles by the Rhine. P.y David Skaats Foster. Spanish John. By William McLennan. Spanish maid (A). By L. Quiller Couch. Spear, John W. Peg Bunson. Spears, John R. Port of missing ships, and other stories of the sea. Spectacular romances. By Millard Hosea Ballou. Speight, T. W. Minion of the moon. Spindle and oars. By Annie E. Holdsworth. Spirit of an Illinois town. By Mary Hartwell Cather» wood. Spofford, Harriet Prescott. An inheritance. Spoils of Poynton. By Henry James. Spotless reputation (A). By Dorothea Gerard. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. See Winter, John Strange. Steel, Flora Annie. In the tideway. — On the face of the waters. Stephens, R. N. Enemy to the king. Stephens, Riccardo. Mr. Peters. Stepmother : a tale of modern Athens. By Gregory Xenopoulos. Sterry, J. Ashby. Tale of the Thames. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Bottle imp. — St. Ives. Stimson, F. J. Mrs. Knollys, and other stories. Stockton, Frank R. Great stone of Sardis. — A story-teller's pack. Stories from Italy. By G. S. Godkin. Stories of Naples and the Camorra. By Charlefe Grant. Stories of the American Revolution. Pt. I. By Everett T. Tomlinson. Story of a train of cars. By Wallace Peck. Story of Ab : a tale of the time of the' cave men. By Stanley Waterloo. Story of an unsold love. By Paul Leicester Ford. Story of Mollie. By Marian Bower. Story-teller's pack. By Frank R. Stockton. Strange schemes of Randolph Mason. By Melville Davisson Post. Street, G. S. The wise and the waywa]^ Stuart, Esme. Arrested. /t\ ^ P '^ '^ Y In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLf , C5-s. Frances C. Fisher. See Reid, Christian. Tomlinsox, Everett T. Exile from two lands. — Stories of the American Revolution. Pt. i. Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight. Her majesty : a romance of to-day. Tormentor (The). By Benjamin Swift. Touchstone of Life. By Ella Macmahon. TowNSEND, Edward W. Near a whole city full. Tracked by a tattoo. By Fergus Hume. Tr.ICY, Louis. An American emperor: story of the fourth empire of France. Train, Elizabeth Phipps. A marital liability. — Queen of hearts. Transatlantic chatelaine. By Helen Choate Prince. Translations from the German. By Thomas Carlyle. Trask, Katrina. John Leighton, jr. Trif and Trixy. By John Habberton. TrIiMMER, F. M. Golden crocodile. Trooper Peter Halket of IMashonaland. By Olive Schreiner. Trowbridge, J. T. Man who stole a meeting-house. — Question of damages. True detective stories. By Cleveland Moffett. Tsar's gratitude. By Fred. Whishaw. Tuttiett, Mrs. M. G. See Gray, Maxv*ell. Two Altheas. By Edith S. Horsman. Two captains. By W. Clark Russell. Two strange adventures. [A marvellous coincidence.] By Kinahan Cornwallis. Type-written letter (The). By Robert Barr. (In "Tales from 'McClure's' : romance.") Uncanny tales. By Mrs. Molesworth. Uncle Bernac : a memory of the empire. By A. Conan Doyle. Uncle Lisha's outing. By Rowland E. Robinson. Uncrowned king : a romance of high politics. By Sydney C. Grier. Under the Cuban flag. By Fred. A. Ober. Under three flags. By B. L. Taylor and A. T. Thoits. Unkist, unkind ! By Violet Hunt. Untold tale. By Will Phillip Hooper. Untold tales of the past. By Beatrice Harraden. Unwilling maid (An). By Jeanie Gould Lincoln. Up the Matterhorn in a boat. By Marion Manville Pope. Van Hoff ; or, the new Faust. By Alfred Smythe. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. One man who was content, " Mary," The Lustigs, [and] Corinna's Fiammetta. Van Zile, Edward S. Kings in adversity. Venetian June. By Anna Fuller. Verne, Jules. Facing the flag. — Winter amid the ice, and other thrilling stories. Contents : Winter amid the ice. — Doctor Ox's experi- ment. — Master Zacharias. — Drama in the air. — Ascent of Mt. Blanc. Veysey, Arthur Henry. A cheque for three thousand. ViAUD, L. M. J. See LoTi, Pierre. Vice of fools. By H. C. Chatfield Taylor. Vivian of Virginia. By Hulbert Fuller. Voyage of the " Rattletrap." By Hayden Carruth. VoYNiCH, E. L. The gadfly. Wait, Frona Eunice. Yermah the dorado. Walford, L. B. Iva Kildare : a matrimonial problem. Ward, Herbert D. Burglar who moved Paradise. Warden, Florence. [Mrs. F. A. James.] Passage through Bohemia. Waring, Col. George 'E.,jr. Whip and spur. Warman, Cy. Express messenger, and other tales of the rail. Warrior gap: a story of the Sioux outbreak of '68. By Capt. Charles King. Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab: a tale of the time of the cave men, Watson, Augusta Campbell. Beyond the city gates. Watts, William Courtney. Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement. Way of fire. By Ellen Blackmar Maxwell. Wayfaring men. By Edna Lyall. Ways of life : two stories. By Mrs. Oliphant. Wayside courtships. By Hamlin Garland. Webster, Leigh. Rich enough. Wedded for pique. By May Agnes Fleming. Weighed in the balance. By Harry Lander. Well-beloved (The). By Thomas Hardy. Wells, H. G. Invisible man. — Thirty strange stories. Weyman, Stanley J. For the cause. Wharton, Thomas. " Bobbo," and other fancies. When she was thirteen. By Louise Chandler Moulton. (In "Tales from ' McClure's' : romance.") When the century was new. By Charles Conrad Abbott. When the world was younger. By Miss M. E. Braddon. Whip and spur. By Col. Geo. E. Waring, jr. Whip-hand (The). By Ann Devoore. (In " Tales from ' McClure's' : romance.") Whishaw, Fred. A tsar's gratitude. White, Eliza Orne. A Browning courtship, and other stories. White hecatomb, and other stories. By William Charles Scully. White sand : story of a dreamer and his dream. By M. C. Balfour. White squadron. By T. C. Harbough. Whiteley, Isabel. Falcon of Langeac. Wide asunder as the poles. By Arthur Crump. Widow Lamport (The). By S. Levett Yeats. (With his " Galahad of the creeks.") VVilkins, Mary E. Jerome, a poor man. I FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Willing transgressor, etc., /^ Happy Six (The). 13 Willing transgressor, and other stories. By A. G. Plympton. Wilson, E. V. Rachel. (In " Tales from ' McClure's ' : romance.") Wilt thou have this woman ? By J. Maclaren Cobban. Wi.NTER, John Strange. [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard.] Bootie's baby ; or, Mignon. [Same as her " Mig- non."] — Bootie's children. (With " Bootie's baby." 81284.) — Driver Dallas. — Grip. — Into an unknown world. Winter amid the ice. By Jules Verne. Wisdom of fools. By Margaret Deland. Wise (The) and the wayward. By G. S. Street. WiSTER. Lin McLean. Wizard of Granada. By M. T. Caldor. Wolfville. By Alfred Henry Lewis. (" Dan Quin.") Woman of thirty (A). By H. de Balzac. Woods, Katharine Pearson. Son of Ingar. Wreck of the " Corsaire." By W. Clark Russell. Writer of fiction (A). By Clive Holland. Xenopoulos, Gregory. The stepmother : a tale of modern Athens. Xenos, Stephanos Theodoros. Andronike : the heroine of the Greek revolution. YE.A.TS, S. Levett. Chevalier d'Auriac. — Galahad of the creeks [and] The widow Lamport. — The secret rose. Yellow pine basin. By Henry G. Catlin. Yermah the dorado. By Frona Eunice Wait. YoNGE, Charlotte M. Founded on paper. — Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. Young mountaineers. By Charles Egbert Craddock. Ziska, the problem of a wicked soul. By Marie Corelli. Zola, Emile. His excellency. Zuleka. By Clinton Ross. B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Adams, William T. See Optic, Oliver. Adventures in toyland. By Edith King Hall. Adventures of Mabel. By Rafford Pyke. Alden, Mrs. G. R. See " Pansy." Alger, Horatio, /r. Frank and fearless. — Walter Sherwood's probation. Allen, Willis Boyd. The great island ; or, cast away in Papua. All-over-the-world library. See Optic, Oliver. Apprentice boy ; or, learning the business. By Frank M. Bicknell. Armstrong, Annie E. Violet Vereker's vanity. Armstrong, Frances. Girl's loyalty (A). AsplNWAi.L, Alicia. The echo-maid, and other stories. At the siege of Quebec. By James Otis. Barnes, James. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors : tales of "1812. Beach patrol : story of the life-saving service. By Wil- liam Drysdale. Bennett, John. Master Skylark : a story of Shaks- pere's time. Bicknell, Frank M. Apprentice boy ; or, learning the business. — City of stories. Blanchard, Amy E. Dear little girl. — Three pretty maids. Blown away : a nonsensical narrative without rhyme or reason. By Richard Mansfield. BouvET, Marguerite. Little house in Pimlico. Boys of Fort Schuyler. By James Otis. BuRNHAM, Elcy. Modern fairyland. BuTFERWORTH, Hezekiah. Truc to his home : tale of boyhood. By adverse winds. By Oliphant Smeaton. By sands ; or, the Thutalls of Ballaskyr. By Ed- ward N. Hoare. Camp and trail : a story of the Maine woods. By Isabel Hornibrook. Campion diamonds. By Sophie May. Captain Jack the scout : an historical novel. By Charles McKnight. Castlemon, Harry. [Charles Austin Fosdick.] Sailor in spite of himself. Champney, Elizabeth W. Witch Winnie in Venice. — Pierre and his poodle. Chandler, Izora C. Dog of Constantinople (A). Church, J^ev. Alfred J. Lords of the world : story of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. City of stories. By Frank M. Bicknell. Clark, Imogen. Will Shakespeare's little lad. Clover, Sam T. Paul Traver's adventures. Collingwood, Harry. Homeward voyage. Crockett, S. R. Sir Toady Lion. Crowned victor. By Hannah B. Mackenzie. Dear little girl. By Amy E. Blanchard. Derick. By Barbara Yechion. Dodge, Mary Mapes, compiler. New baby world. Dog of Constantinople. By Izora C. Chandler. Dorothy Draycott's to-morrow. By Virginia F. Townsend. Dromgoole, Will Allen. Farrier's dog and his fellow. Drysdale, William. Beach patrol : story of the life- saving service. Echo-maid, and other stories. By Alicia Aspinwall. Eileen's journey : history in fairyland. By Ernest Jelf. Ellis, Edward S. Boone and Kenton series. No. 2. Phantom of the river: sequel to "Shod with si- lence." — Northwest series. No. i. Strange craft and its won- derful voyage. — True to his trust. Elsie at home. By Martha Finley. FAIRYTALES. Bicknell {F. M.). City of stories. — Burnham {Elcy). Modern fairyland. — Farrow {G. E.). Missing prince. — Hall (Edith Kiftg). Adventures in toyland. — Harraden {Beatrice). New book of the fairies. — Jelf {E.). Eileen's journey : history in fairyland. — Lang {A., edr.). Pink fairy book. — Mansfield {R.). Blown away: a nonsensical narrative without rhyme or reason. — Prince Uno : Uncle Frank's visit to fairy-land. — Sleight {C. L.). Prince of the pin elves. Fantasies. By Mabel Nembhard. Farrier's dog and his fellow. By Will Allen Dromgoole. Farrow, G. E. Missing prince. Fenn, G. Manville. Frank and Saxon : a tale of the days of good queen Bess. — Vince the rebel. Finley, Martha. Elsie at home. First Christmas tree. By Henry Van Dyke. Flame-flower, and other stories. By James F. Sullivan. Fosdick, Charles Austin. See Castlemon. Harry. FoviTLER, Edith Henrietta. Professor's children. Frank and fearless. By Horatio Alger, jr. Frank and Saxon : a tale of the days of good queen Bess. FrosT, William Henry. Knights of the round table. Getting an indorser, and other stories. By Oliver Optic. Girl ranchers of the San Coulee : story for girls. By Mrs. Carrie L. Marshall. Girl's kingdom. By M. Corbet Seymour. Girl's loyalty (A). By Frances Armstrong. Giri's ordeal (A). By Mrs. Lucy C. Lillie. Gold thread : a story for the young. By Norman Mc- Leod. Golden galleon. By Robert Leighton. Grah.\m, Ennis. See Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louise. Great island (The); or, cast away in Patagonia. Bv Willis Boyd Allen . Guarding the border. By Everett T. Tomlinson. ("War of 18 1 2 " series. ) Hall, Edith King. Adventures in toyland. Hamlin, Myra Sawyer. Nan in the city: sequel to "Nan at camp Chicopee." Happy Six (The). By Penn Shirley. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 14 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Harland, Marion, to Sue Orcott : etc. Harland, Marion. An old- field school-girl. Harraden, Beatrice. New book of the fairies. Henderson, W. J- Last cruise of the Mohawk. Henty, G. a. March on London. — With Frederick the Great. — With Moore at Corunna. Hildegarde's harvest. By Laura E. Richards. His first charge. By Faye Huntington. HoARE. Edward N. By Sartal sands ; or, the Thutalls of Ballaskyr Homeward voyage. By Harry Collingwood. Hoodie. By Mrs. Molesworth. HORNIBROOK, Isabel. Camp and trail : a story of the Maine woods. Huntington, Faye. His first charge. HuTCHESON, John C. Young Tom Bowling : story of the boys of the British navy. IDE, Mrs. Charles W, See Ogden, Ruth. Tamieson, Roger. Siege perilous. JELF, Ernest. Eileen's journey : history in fairyland. Johnston, Annie Fellows. Ole mammy's torment. Kaler, James Otis. See Otis, James. Kent Fielding's ventures. By I. T. Thurston. King of the park. By Marshall Saunders. Knights of the round table. By Wm. Henry Frost. Krause, Lydia F. See Yechton, Barbara. Lang, Andrew, edr. Pink fairy book. Last cruise of the Mohawk. By W. J. Henderson. Last three soldiers. By William Henry Shelton. Le Baron, Grace. Queer Janet. Lee, Mrs. Frank. Redmond of the seventh. Leighton, Robert. Golden galleon. " Lights out ! " By Robert Overton. Lillie, Mrs. Lucy C. A girl's ordeal. LiPPMANN, Julie M. Miss Wildfire : story for girls. Little Homespun. By Ruth Ogden. Little house at Pimlico. By Marguerite Bouvet. Little red schoolhouse. By Evelyn Raymond. Lonely little lady. By Dolf Wyllarde. Lords of the world. By Rev. Alfred J. Church. Lost gold of the Montezumas. By Wm. O. Stoddard. Lyster, Annette. Sturdy and Stilts ; or, firm friends. Mackenzie, Hannah B. Crowned victor. McKnight, Charles. Captain Jack the scout : an his- torical novel. MACLEOD, Norman. Gold thread : a story for the young. Mansfield, Richard. Blown away : a nonsensical nar- rative without rhyme or reason. Marshall, Mrs. Carrie L. Girl ranchers of the San Coulee : story for girls. Master Skylark : a story of Shakspere's time. By John Bennett. M.AY, Sophie. Campion diamonds. Meg Langholme. By Mrs. Molesworth. Midshipman Jack. By Charles Ledyard Norton. Miss Belladonna : a child of to-day. By Caroline Tick- nor. Miss Mouse and her boys. By Mrs. Molesworth. Miss Wildfire : story for girls. By Julie M. Lippmann. Missing prince. By G. E. Farrow. Modern fairyland. By Elcy Eurnham. Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louise. {^' Ennis Graham") Hoodie. — Meg Langholme. — Miss Mouse and her boys. Munroe, Kirk. Ready rangers. — Painted desert : story of northern Arizona. — With Crockett and Bowie. Nan in the city : sequel to " Nan at camp Chicopee." By Myra Sawyei Hamlin. Naval cadet. By Gordon Stables. Nembhard, Mabel. Fantasies. New baby world. By Mary Mapes Dodge, compiler. New book of the fairies. By Beatrice Harraden. Northwest series. See Ellis, Edward S. Norton, Charles Ledyard. Midshipman Jack. Odd one (The). By the author of '' Probable sons," etc. Ogden, Ruth. [Mrs. Charles W. Ide.] Little Homespun. Old-field school-girl. By Marion Harland. Ole mammy's torment. By Annie Fellows Johnston. Ole Rabbit's plantation stories. By Mary Alicia Owen, collector. Optic, Oliver. [Wm. T. Adams.] All-over-the-world library. 3d series, v. 4. Pacific shores. — Getting an indorser, and other stories. Otis, James. [Jas. Otis Kaler.] At the siege of Quebec. — Boys of Fort Schuyler. — Search for the silver city. — Wreck of the circus. — Wrecked on Spider Island. Overruled. By ''Pansy." Overton, Robert. " Lights out ! " Owen, Mary Alicia, collector. Ole Rabbit's plantation stories. Pacific shores. By Oliver Optic. (All-over-the-world library, 3d series, v. 4.) Painted desert : story of northern Arizona. By Kirk Munroe. "Pansy." [Mrs. G. R. Alden.] Overruled. Paul Traver's adventures. By Sam T. Clover. Phantom of the river: sequel to "Shod with silence." By Edward S. Ellis. (Boone and Kenton series, No. 2.) Phronsie Pepper : the last of the "Five little Peppers." By Margaret Sidney. Pierre and his poodle. By Elizabeth W. Champney. Pink fairy book. Ed. by Andrew Lang. Plympton, a. G. Wanolasset, the-little-one-vvho-laughs. Prince of the pin elves. By Charles Lee Sleight. Prince Uno : Uncle Frank's visit to fairy-land. Professor's children. By Edith Henrietta Fowler. Pyke, Rafford. Adventures of Mabel. Queer Janet. By Grace Le Baron. Raymond, Evelyn. Little red schoolhouse. Ready rangers. By Kirk Munroe. Red patriot : story of the American Revolution. By William O. Stoddard. Redmond of the seventh. By Mrs. Frank Lee. Resolute Mr. Pansy : an electrical story for boys. By John Trowbridge. Richards, Laura E. Hildegarde's harvest. — Three Margarets. Sailor in spite of himself. By Harry Castlemon, Saunders, Marshall. King of the peak. Scaramouche, and other stories. By Barbara Yechton. Search for the silver city. By James Otis. Secret of the black butte. By William Shattuck. Seymour, M. Corbet. Girl's kingdom. Shattuck, William. Secret of the black butte. Shelton, William Henry. Last three soldiers. Shirley, Penn. The happy si.x. Shorthand Tom ; or, the exploits of a young reporter. By Edward Stratemeyer. Sidney, INIargaret. Phronsie Pepper : the last of the " Five little Peppers." Siege Perilous. By Roger Jamieson. Sir Toady Lion. By S. R. Crockett. Sleight, Charles Lee. Prince of the pin elves. Smeaton, Oliphant. By adverse winds. Smith, Gertrude. Ten little comedies : tales of the troubles of ten little maids. Smith, Mary Wells. Young Puritans of old Hadley. Stables, Gordon. Naval cadet. Stoddard, William O. Lost gold of the Montezumas. — Red patriot : story of the American Revolution. — Walled in : a true story of Randall's Island. Stories and sketches for the young. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Stories and sketches for the young. Strange craft. By Edward S. Ellis. (Northwest series, No. I.) Stratemeyer, Edward. Shorthand Tom ; or, the ex- ploits of a young reporter. Sue Orcott : sequel to " The Orcott Giris." By Chariotte M. Vaile. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY : American History and Travels. 15 Sullivan, James F. The flame- flower, and other stories. SWETT, Sophie. Tom Pickering of 'Scutney. Ten little comedies : tales of the troubles of ten little maids, iiy Gertrude Smith. Three boys in the wild north land. By Egerton Ryerson Young. Three Margarets. By Laura E. Richards. Three pretty maids. By Amy E. Blanchard. Thurston, I. T. Kent Fielding's ventures. TiCKNOR, Caroline. Miss Belladonna : a child of to- day. Tom Pickering of '.Scutney. By Sophie Swett. TOMLINSON. Everett T. War of 1812 series: Guarding the border. — Ward Hill at Weston. — Washington's young aids : a story of the N. J. cam- paign, 1776-77- Torpeanuts the tomboy. By Lily F. Wesselhoeft. Tow.N'SRND, Virginia F. Dorothy Draycott's to-morrow. Trowbridge, John. Resolute Mr. Pansy : an electrical story for boys. True to his home : tale of boyhood of Franklin. §y Ilezekiah Butterworth. True to his trust. By Edward S. Ellis. Vaili:, Charlotte M. Sue Orcutt : sequel to " Orcutt girls." Van Dyke, Henry. The first Christmas tree. Vince the rebel. By G. Manville Fenn. Violet Vereker's vanity. By Annie E. Armstrong. Walled in : a true story of Randall's Island. By Wra. O. Stoddard. Walter Sherwood's problem. By Horatio Alger, jr. Wanolasset, the-little-one-who-Iaughs. By A. G. Plymp- ton. War of 1S12 series. See TOMLINSON, Everett T. Ward Hill at Weston : story of American school life. By Everett T. Tomlinson. Washington's young aids : a story of the N. J. campaign, i77^'-77- By Everett T. Tomlinson. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Torpeanuts the tomboy. Whistler, Charles W. Wulfric the W eapon-thane. Will Shakespeare's little lad. By Imogen Clark. Witch Winnie in Venice. By Elizabeth W. Champney. With Crockett and Bowie. P.y Kirk Munroe. With Frederick the great. By G. A. Henty. With Moore at Corunna. By G. A. Henty. Wreck of the circus. By James Otis. Wrecked on Spider Island. By James Otis. Wulfric the Weapon-thane. By Charles W. Whistler. Wyllakde, Dolf. Lonely little lady. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors : tales of 1812. By James Barnes. Yechton, Barbara. [Lydia F. Krause.] Derick. — Scaramouche, and other stories. Young, Egerton Ryerson. Three boys in the wild north land. Young Puritans of Old Hadley. By Mary Wells Smith. Young Tom Bowling : story of the boys of the British navy. By John Hutcheson. PART 4.-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. A. American History and Travels. NORTH AMERICA. BOURINOT. Story of Canada. P 7054. Roberts. History of Canada. P 7724. Weare. Cabot's discovery of North America. P 7471. INDIANS. Alger. In Indian tents : stories by Penobscot, Passa- maquoddy, and Micmac Indians. Q 2007. Henry ami Thompson. Exploration and adventure among the Indians, 1 799-1814. Ed. by Coues. 3 V. Q 2617. rt. United States. Board of Indian Commissioners, f 28th annual report. 1896. Q 2773. ^um (The) : Jan. -Dec. 189S. C 6S04. Atlantic monthly, v. 81, 82 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C6511. f Business : the office paper, v. 18 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6814. f Case and comment. (Dec. 1895- Apl. 1898), [Imptr- fect.] C 6547. Century (The) : illustrated monthly magazine, v. 33, 34 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). C 6818. CHAP-book (The), v. S (Nov, 15, 1897-May i, 189S). C6818. Chautauquan (The), v. 26, 27 [New series, v. 17, 18J (Oct. 1897-Sept. 189S). C 6552. fCiTY government, v. 4, 5 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6817. Cook's f Excursionist and home and foreign tourist ad- vertiser. (Jan.-Dec. 1897.) C 6S20, Cosmopolitan (The), v. 24, 25 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). C 6562. f Critic (The), v. 32 [New series, v. 29] (Jan. -June 1898). C 6821. Demorest's Family magazine, v. 34 (Dec. 1897-Nov. 1898). C 6924. f Edinburgh review, v. 187, 188 (Jan.-Oct. 189S). C 6580. f Educational review, v. 15, 16 (Jan.-Dec. 189S). C 658o.rt!. + Forest and stream, v. 50, 51 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C6932. j Fortnightly review, v. 69, 70 [New series, v. 63, 64] (Jan.-Dec. 1898), C 6593. f Forum (The), v. 24, 25 (Sept. 1897-Augt. 1898). C 6595. Godey's Magazine, v. 136, 137 (Jan.-Augt. 1898). C 6602. Note. — Merged in the " Puritan." + Harlem life. v. 13, 14 (Dec. 11, 1897-Dec. 31, 1898). M 2838. Harper's f Bazar, v. 31 (Jan. 3-Dcc. 26, 1898). C 6938. «. Harper's New monthly magazine, v. 96, 97 (Dec. 1897- Nov. 1898). C 6612. Harper's Round table. New series, v. i (Nov. 1897- Oct. 1898). C!. Harper's + Weekly, v. 42 (Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1898). C 693S. f Hartford Seminary record. v. 7, 8 (Nov. 1S96- Augt. 1898). C 6613. J Holy cross purple, v. 6, 7 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6626. Illustrated American, v. 23, 24 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1S98). C6845. f Illustrated London news. v. 112, 113 (Jan.-Dec. 1S98). C 6945. f Insurance economist, v. 22 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6846. Johns Hopkins University, f Circular, v. 15, 16 (Oct. 1895-July 1897). C 6847. t Judge, v. 34, 35 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). M 2848. f Jugend : Miinchner illustrierte Wochenschrift fi'ir Kunst und Leben. 1897, Band 2. 1898, Band i. I 847. f Ladies' home journal, v. 15 (Dec. 1897-Nov. 1898). C 6952. Leslie's (Frank) Popular monthly, v. 45, 46 (Jan.-Oct. 1898). C 6S54.rt. t Library journal, v. 23 (Jan.-Dec. 189S). M 8662. t Life. v. 31, 32 (Jan.-Dec. 1S98). M 2855. Lippincott's Monthly magazine, v. 61, 62 (Jan. -June 1898). C 6661. t Literary news. v. 19 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). M 7662. + Literary world, v. 29 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6855. Littell's f Living age. 6lh series, v. 6-16 (April 1895- Dec. 1897). C 6663. \ London quarterly review, v. 89, 90 [New series, v. 29, 30J (Oct. i8g7-July 1898). C 6664. McClure's Magazine, v. 10, 11 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). C 6666. Munsey's Magazine. v. 18, 19 (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 6693. f Musical age (The), v. 19-23 (Aug. 12, 1897-Nov. 3, 1898). C 6965. Musical record : Jan. 1897-Dec. 1898. 2 v. C 6866. f NEW-Church messenger, v. 74, 75 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6867. f New earth (The), v. 9 (Dec. 1897-Nov. 11, 1898). C 6867.0. New England magazine, v. 23, 24 [New series, v. 17, 18] (Sept. 1897-Augt. 1898). C O697. f Nineteenth century, v. 43, 44 (Jan.-Dec. i8yS). C 6699. f North American review. v. 166, 167 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6700. f Our animal friends, v. 25 (Sept. 1897-Augt. 1898). C 6868.0. Outing : magazine of sport, travel, and recreation, v. 31, 32 (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 6704. Peterson Magazine. New series, v. 8 (Jan. -Apl. 1898). C 6709. iVi?/^. — Discontinued in May 1898. I Phonetic journal, v. 57 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6710. \ Phrenological journal, v. 105, 106 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C6711. f Political science quarterly, v. 13, 14 (Mch.-Dec. 1898). C 6713. f Publishers' weekly, v. 53, 54 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). M 7716. f Puck [English], v. 43 (Feb. i6-Aug. 10, 1898). M 2871.0. f Puck [German]. 22 Jahrgang (Sept. i, 1897-Aug. 17, 1898). M 2871. Note. — Discontinued. f Punch, v. 114, 115 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). M 2872. I Quarterly review, v. 187, 188 (Jan.-Oct. 189S). C 6717. f Review of reviews. See f American monthly review of reviews. f Rosary magazine, v. 12, 13 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6727. f Sailors' magazine and seamen's friend, v. 70 (Jan.- Dec. 1898). C 6729. St. Nicholas : illustrated magazine for young folks, v. 25, pts. I, 2 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). C 6730. + Saturday review, v. 85, 86 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). C. 6877. Scribner's Magazine, v. 23, 24 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6740. f Shorthand educator, v. 4 (May 1897- Apl. 1S98). C 6742. f Spirit of '76. v. 4 (Sept. 1897-Augt. 1898). C 6884. t Talent, v. 8 (July 1897-June 1898). C 6886. I Temple (The), v. 2, 3 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6438. f Travelers' record, v. 33 (Apl. 1897-Mch. 1898). C 6S90. t Voice (The), v. 15 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). + Werner's Magazine, v. 20, 21 (Sept. 1897-Aug. 1898). C 6783. f Westminster review, v. 149, 150 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6785. C. Scientific and Technological Jour- nals and Transactions. f Aluminum world, v. 4 (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 7801. f American agriculturist, v. 61, 62 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 189S). C 7802. f American architect and building news. v. 59-62 (Jan.- Dec. 1898). 4 v. in 2. C 7802.0. + American machinist, v. 21, 22 (Jan. 6-Dec. 29. 1898). C 7802./. f American soap journal and perfume gazette, v. 8 (Apl. 1897-Mch. 1898). C 7802.^. Appletons' f Popular science monthly. See Popular science monthly. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3-FICTION, TALES, NOVELS, AND ROMANCES: Adler, Cyrus, to Browne, G. Alexander. 3 \ f Architectural record, v. 7(July 1897-July 1898). \ C 7508. i f Architecture and building, v. 28, 29 (Jan. -Dec. I 1898). C 7803. ! f Carpentry and building, v. 20 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). ! C 7816. Delineator (The), v. 51, 52 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7824. f Druggists' circular and chemical gazette, v. 41 (Jan.- Dec. 1897). C 7825.^. f Electrical engineer, v. 25, 26 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7826. t Electrical review, v. 32, 33 (Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1898). C 7927. f Engineering and mining journal, v. 65, 66 (Jan.- Dec. 1898). C 7828. flRON age (The), v. 6t, 62 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7847. — f Index supplement relating to the hardware, iron, steel, machinery, and metal trades. C 7635.^. — f Manufacturers' index relating to the hardware, iron, steel, machinery, and metal trades. C 7635.0. f Jewelers' circular and horological review, v. 35, 36 (Aug. 4, 1897-July 27, 1898). C 7848. t Jewelers' weekly, v. 25, 26 (Sept. 22, 1897-June 29, 1898). Folio. C 7947. — f Same. v. 26 (July 6-Sept. 14, 1898). 4°. C 7848.0. f Journal of hygiene and herald of health, v. 48 (Jan.- Dec. 1S9S). C 7640.0. Note. — Merged with "Omega." f L. A. W. bulletin and good roads, v. 27 (Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1898). C 7853. Locomotive (The). New series, v. 18 (Jan.-Dec. 1897). C 7663. — f Same: v. 19 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7663. Millinery trade review, v. 23 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7862. f National bottlers' gazette, v. 16 (Mch. 5, 1897-Feb. 5, 1S98). C 7866. f Oil. paint, and drug reporter, v. 53, 54 (Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1897). " C 7968. t O.mega. See f Journal of hygiene. f Painter's magazine and wall paper trade journal, v. 24 (Jan.-Dec. 1897). C 7705. + Photographic times, v. 30 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7871. f Plu.mbers' trade journal, v. 22-24 (July i, 1897-Dec. 15, 1898). C 7872. t Popular science monthly (Appletons'). v. 52, 53 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). C 7714. f PosT-graduate : a monthly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 13 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7715. f Power, v. 18 (Jan.-Dec. 189S). C 7973. i Railroad car journal, v. 8 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7S73. I Real estate record, v. 2-6, 10-12, 18, 20, 21, 29 (Jan. 9, iS69-June 24, 1882;. C 7874. f Record and guide, v. 61, 62 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). C 7874.0. f Sanitary plumber, v. 16 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7877. t Scientific American, v. 78, 79 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). C 7979-a. — f Same : Supplement, v. 45, 46 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7979-^- — f Sartie : Building edition, v. 25, 26 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7979<^- f Seaboard : a maritime reporter and nautical gazette. New series, v. 10 (Oct. 21, 1897-Oct. 13, 1898). C 7981. Smithsonian Institution, f Annual report ending June 30, 1895. Report of the U. S. Museum. C 4747. — f Annual report to July iSg6. C 4747. United States National Museum, f Proceedings, v. 19, 1897. c 4773. United States. Patent Office, f Alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions for quarters ending Sept. 30, 1897-Sept. 30, 1S98 [v. 80-84]. C 7S9i.seud. for Mrs. L. A. Baker]. Wheat in the ear. Allen, Grant. The incidental bishop. Altsheler, Joseph A. Herald of the west. American wives and English husbands. By Gertrude Atherton. Angel in a web. By Julian Ralph. Arachne : a historical romance. By Georg Ebers. 2 v. Armageddon : a tale of love, war, and invention. By Stanley Waterloo. Ars et vita, and other stories. By T. R. Sullivan. As having nothing. By Hester Caldwell Oakley. As the hart panteth. By Ilallie Erminie Rives. As told by the typewriter girl. By Mabel Clare Ervin. Ashes of empire. By Robert Chambers. Associate hermits. By Frank R. Stockton. At the Blue Bell inn. By J. S. Fletcher. At the sign of the Silver Crescent. By Helen Choate Prince. " At you-all's house :" a Missouri nature story. By James Newton Baskett. Atherton, Gertrude. American wives and English hus- bands. — The Californians. Awakening of Noahville. By Franklin H. North. Baker, Mrs. L. A. See Alien. Balzac, Honore de. Jealousies of a country town (Les rivalites). — Unconscious mummers (Les comediens sans le savoir). Bangs, John Kendrick. Ghosts I have met. Barlow, Jane. Creel of Irish stories. Bark, Robert. Tekla : a romance of love and war. Barrow, E. N. King's rivals. Baskett, James Newton. "At you-all's house:" a Missouri nature story. Bates, Arlo. The Puritans. Battle of the strong. By Gilbert Parker. Becke, Louis and Jeffery. Walter. The mutineer : a romance of Pitcairn Island. Belinda— and some others. Bell, Lilian. Instinct of step-fatherhood. Bellamy, Edward. Blindman's world, and other stories. BvsoN. E. T. The vintage : romance of the Greek war of independence. Besant, .Sir Walter. The changeling. Black, William. Wild Eclin. Black curtain. By Flora Haines Longhead. Black tulip. By Alexandre Dumas. 12°. Bladys Stewponey. By S. Baring-Gould. Blindman's world, and other stories. By Edward Bel- lamy. Blockade runner (The). By J. Perkins Tracy. Bobbie McDufif. By Clinton Ross. Boldrewood, Rolf. [G. Alexander Browne.] Plain living: a bush idyll. BOOTHBY, Guy. Lust of hate. Bourget. Paul. The disciple. Brady, Cyi-us Townsend. For love of country. [Amer- ican Revolution.] Browne, G. Alexander. See Boldrewood, Rolf. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 4 3— FICTION, TALES, NOVELS, AND ROMANCES: Burnham, Clara Louise, to Hocking, Jos. BURNHAM, Clara Louise. A great love. Caleb West, master diver. By F. Hopkinson Smith. Californians (The). By Gertrude Atherton. Cambridge, Ada. [Mrs. Cross.] Materfamilias. Cape Cod week. By Annie Eliot Trumbull. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Mollie's prince. Cartagena ; or, the last brigade. By Chas. W. Hall. Note. — British war with Spain, 1740-42. Castle, Agnes and Egerton. Pride of Jennico. Castle inn. By Stanley Weyman. Celebrity (The) : an episode. By Winston Churchill. Chambers, Robert W. Ashes of empire. — Haunts of men. Changeling (The). By Sir Walter Besant. Chapin, Anna Alice. Wonder tales from Wagner told for young people. Chester, Dr. Norley. Stories from Dante. Christmas accident, and other stories. By Annie Eliot Trumbull. Churchill, Winston. Celebrity (The) : an episode. Cleo the magnificent. By Louis Zangvvill. Colonel's wife. By Warren Edwards. Continental dragoon. By Robert Neilson. Cost of her pride. By Mrs. Alexander. Creature of the night. By Fergus Hume. Creel of Irish stories. By Jane Barlow. Crockett, S. R. The red axe. — Standard bearer. Cross, Mrs. Ada. See Cambridge, Ada. Crowninshield, M7-S. Schuyler. Latitude 19° : romance of the West Indies. — Where the trade-wind blows: W^est Indian tales. David Harum. By Edward Noyes Westcott. Davis, Richard Harding. King's jackal. Davis, Varina Anne Jefferson. Romance of summer seas. Day's Work. By Rudyard Kipling. Deland, Margaret. Old Chester tales. Desert drama (A), being the tragedy of the Korosco. By A. Conan Doyle. Disaster (The). By Paul and Victor Margueritte. Disciple (The). By Paul Bourget. Doctor Therne. By H. Rider Haggard. Dole, Nathan. Omar the tentmaker. Dorr, Julia C. R. In king's houses : romance of the days of queen Anne. Doyle, A. Conan. A desert drama, being the tragedy of the Korosco. Dreamers of the Ghetto. By I. Zangwill. DUGGAN, Janie Prichard. Senora's granddaughters : tale of modern Mexico. Dumas, Alexandre. Black tulip. 12°. — Man in the iron mask. Note. — An episode from the " Vicomte de Brage- lonne." Dumb foxglove, and other stories. By Annie Trumbull Slosson. Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Folks from Dixie. Durket sperret (The). By Sarah Barnwell Elliott. Earle, Alice Morse. In old Narragansett : romances and realities. * Ebers, Georg. Arachne : a historical romance. 2 v. Edwards, Warren. Colonel's wife. Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. The Durket sperret. Enoch the Philistine : romance of Philistia, Egypt, and the great pyramid. By LeRoy Hooker. Ervin, Mabel Clare. As told by the typewriter girl, Evelyn Innes. By George Moore. Fatal gift. By F. Frankfort Moore. Fight for the crown. By W. E. Norris. First person singular. By David Christie Murray. Fleming, May Agnes. Sisters of Torv/ood. Fletcher, J. S. At the Blue Bell inn. Folks from IDixie. By Paul Laurence Dunbar. For love of country. By Cyrus Townsend Brady. For the defense. By Fergus Hume. Forest lovers : a romance. By Maurice Hewlett. Fortune's tangled skein. By Jeannette H. Walworth. Fraser, Mrs. Hugh. Looms of time. Frederic, Harold. Gloria mundi. French and English : stoi-y of the struggle in America. By E. Everett Green. Friendship and folly. By Maria Louise Pool. Frith, Walter. Sack of Monte Carlo. From school to battle-field. By Capt. Charles King. From the other side : stories of transatlantic travel. By Henry B. Fuller. Fuller, Anna. One of the pilgrims : a bank story. Fuller, Henry B. From the other side : stories of transatlantic travel. Gaboriau, Emile. Widow Lerouge. 16^. Gallops. By David Gray. Gay, Madame Sophie. Marie de Mancini : a romantic episode of the early days of Louis XIV. Gerard, Dorothea. [Madame Longard de Longarde.] The impediment. Ghosts I have met. By John Kendrick Bangs. Gillman, Henry. Hassan : a Fellah. Romance of Pal- estine. Girl at Cobhurst. By Frank R. Stockton. GissiNG, George. Town traveller. — Whirlpool. Gloria mundi. By Harold Frederic. Godfrey, Elizabeth. Poor human nature. Godfrey, Hal. Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore : a farcical novel. Golden sorrow. By JNIarie Louise Pool. Good Americans. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Gospel of freedom. By Robert Herrick. Gospel writ in steel. By Arthur Paterson. Gosta Berling, Story of. By Selma Lagerlof. Gould, S. Baring. Bladys Stewponey. Graham, James M. Son of the Czar : an historical ro- mance. Gray, David. Gallops. Gray, Maxwell. [Mrs. M. G. Tuttiett.] House of hidden treasure. Gray house of the quarries. By Mary Harriott Norris. Great love (A). By Clara I^ouise Burnham. Great mogul. By St. George Rathborne. Green, Anna Katharine. [Mrs. Charles Rohlfs.] Lost Man's Lane : a second episode in the life of Amelia Butterworth. Green, E. Everett. French and English : story of the struggle in America. Greene, Sarah P. McL. Moral imbeciles. Gun-runner : a tale of Zululand. By Bertram Mit- ford. Hadley, J. V. Seven months a prisoner. Haggard, H. Rider. Doctor Therne. Hall, Charles W. Cartagena ; or, the last brigade. Note. — British war with Spain, 1740-42. Hall, Gertrude. The hundred, and other stories. Ham.mond, William A. Son of perdition. Harris, Joel Chandler. Tales of the home folks in peace and war. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Good Americans. Harte, Bret. Stories in light and shadow. Hassan : a Fellah. Romance of Palestine. By Henry Gillman. Hatton, Joseph. The vicar. Haunts of men. By Robert W. Chambers. Hawkins, Anthony Hope. See Hope, Anthony. Hayes, W^wxy, pseud. See Kirk, Ellen Olney. Hector, Mrs. Annie French. See Alexander, Mrs. Helbeck of Bannisdale. By Mrs. Humphry Ward. 2 v. Hepvvorth millions. By Christian Lys. Her ladyship's elephant. By David Dwight Wells. Her majesty the king. By James Jeffrey Roche. Her memory. By Maarten Maartens. Herald of the west. By Joseph A. Altsheler. Herrick, Robert. Gospel of freedom. Hewlett, Maurice. Forest lovers : a romance. High steeple of St. Chrysostom's. By Ellen Olney Kirk. (With her "Revolutionary Love Story.") Hocking, Joseph. Mistress Nancy Molesworth. I FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION, TALES, NOVELS, AND ROMANCES : Hooker, LeRoy, to Foor human nature. 5 Hooker, LeRoy. Enoch the Philistine : a romance of Philistia, Egypt, and the great pyramid. Hope, Anthony. [Anthony Hope Hawkins.] Rupert of Hentzau. [Sequel to the "Prisoner of Zenda."] — Simon Dale. HoRNUNG, E. \V. Some persons unknown. — Young blood. House of hidden treasure. By Maxwell Gray. HowELLS, W. D. Story of a play. Hume, Fergus. Creature of the night. — For the defense. — Rainbow feather. Hundred (The) and other stories. By Gertrude Hall. Hyne, Cutcliffe. Adventures of captain Kettle. Impediment (The). By Dorothea Gerard. In king's houses : romance of the days of queen Anne. By Julia C. R. Dorr. In old Narragansett : romances and realities. By Alice Morse Earle. In the cage. By Henry James. In the Sargasso Sea. By Thomas A. Janvier. Incidental bishop. By Grant Allen. Instinct of step-fatherhood. By Lilian Bell. Iota \^pscud.'\. Poor Max. James, Henry. In the cage. Janvier, Thomas A. In the Sargasso Sea. Jealousies of a country town (Les rivalites.) By Honore de Balzac. Johnnie. By E. O. Laughlin. Johnson, William Henry. King's henchman : a chroni- cle of the i6th century. Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Peace Amerson's will. JoKAi, Maurus. Lion of Janina. — Midst the wild Carpathians. — Nameless castle. Journalist (The). By C. F. Keary. Keary, C. F. The journalist. King, Capt. Charles. From school to battle-field. — Wounded name (A). King's henchman : a chronicle of the i6th century. By Wm. Henry Johnson. King's jackal. By Richard Harding Davis. King's rivals. By E. N. Barrows. Kipling, Rudyard. The day's work. Kirk, Ellen OIney. (" Henry Hayes.'"') Revolutionary love story, rt«%. Motley. Rise of the Dutch republic. Condensed by Griffis. . R S317. England and the hundred years' war (1327-1485 A.D.). R 1336. Palmer. Story of a little war. [Greece and Turkey.] S 7342-f. Rose. With the Greeks in Thessaly. S 7378. St. Amand. Court of the second empire. S 1382. r. Sergeant. The Franks from their origin to the estab- lishment of the kingdom of France. S 1401. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Literary History and Criticism. Shoomkoff. Future of the Balkans. S 9403. Strobel. The Spanish revolution, 1868-75. S 2425. Taylor. Italy and the Italians. S 3434. TwEEDiE. Through Finland in carts. R 3770. Vivian. Servia : the poor man's paradise. S 9775. C. Oriental History and Travels. Arnold. On the Indian hills ; or, coffee-planting in southern India. O 5015.^. BouLGER. History of China. Revised ed. 2 v. O 2532. a. Burton. The Jew, the Gypsy, and el Islam. Ed. by Wilkins. N 7540. CowPER. Ilill of the graces : investigations among the sites of Tripoli. P 1562. Crawford. Our troubles in Poona and the Dekkan. o 5563. Davitt. Life and progress in Australasia. P 6115. Decle. Three years in savage Africa. P 5570. FiSKE. Story of the Philippines. P 6831. Ford. American cruiser in the east. Nb 3155. Freeman. Travels and life in Ashanti and Jaman. P 4594- Gale. Korean sketches. O 2161. GiFFORD. Every-day life in Koi'ea. O 2165. Hedin. Through Asia. 2 vols. O 3615. Hepworth. Through Armenia on horseback. O 8 196. Kellogg. Cuba and other islands of the sea. P 6239. Kingsley. Travels in west Africa. P 4646. Landor. In the forbidden land : journey to Tibet. 2 vols. O 3655. Letters received by the East India Company. 2 v. i. 1602-1613. 2. 1613-1615. O 5660. Merewether. Tour through the famine districts of India. O 5680. Perowne. Russian hosts and English guests in central Asia. O 3708. Perry. Egypt the land of the temple builders. N 6708. Reeves. Brown men and women ; or, the South Sea Islands in 1895 and 1896. P 6720. Sanderson. Africa in the 19th century. P 385. Stanley. Through South Africa. P 5421. — and others. Africa : its partition and its future. P421. Steevens. Egypt in 1898. P 2421.^. — With Kitchener to Khartum. P lifii.w. Stevens. Yesterdays in the Philippines. P 6419. Sykes. Through Persia on a side-saddle. O 6758. Taylor. Vacation days in Hawaii and Japan. P 6759. Wallace (E. S.). Jerusalem the holy. 09464. Wallace (Susan E.). Along the Bosphorus, and other sketches. S 8464. Welby. Through unknown Tibet. O 3784. Worcester. Philippine Islands and their people. P 6794. D. General History, Travels, and Miscellany. AsTRUP. With Peary near the Pole. N 2510. Clemens. {"Mark Tzuain.") Following the Equator: a journey around the world. N 3556./. Conway. First crossing of Spitsbergen. N 2559. — With ski and sledge over Arctic glaciers. N 2099. DuRUY. General history of the world. Revised by Grosvenor. N 4129.^. FiTCHETT. Deeds that won the empire : historic battle scenes. N 4152. Harland, Marion. [Mrs. M. V. Terhune.] Where ghosts walk : haunts of familiar characters in his- tory and literature. T 5189. HOLDEN. Primer of heraldry for Americans. T 6210. Ingersoll. Book of the ocean. G 7634. Lachambre and Machuron. Andree's balloon expedi- tion in search of the north pole. N 2256. McGlNNis. Yarn of the " Yampa." N 2280. New York State. Grand Lodge F. and A. Masons. f Proceedings, 117th annual communication. T 9697.^. Peary. Northward over the "great ice." 2 v. N 2709. Sanderson. History of the world to 1898. N 43S5. Sweetser. One way round the world. N 3430. PART 5.-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A. Bibliography and Library Economy. Boston Public Library, f Annual list of books added 1896-7. M 8531.^/. Cincinnati Public Library, f Bulletin of books added during 1S97. M 8818. Good reading about many books mostly by their authors. 3d year. M 7172. f Library journal, v. 23 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). M 8662. f Literary news. v. 19 (Jan, -Dec. 1S98). M 7662. New Jersey State Library, f Annual report for 1897. M 8696. w. New York City. Free Library of General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, f Monthly bulletin of new books, Nos. i-io (Jan.-Nov. 1897). M 8696. «. New York State. Library, f 78th-8oth annual reports, 1895-7. M 8698.//. f Publishers' weekly, v. 53, 54 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). M 7716. Reynolds Library. (Rochester.) f Reference catalogue, 1898. M 8874. San Francisco Free Public Library, f Catalogue of foreign literature, 1898. M 8731./;. Slater. Romance of book-collecting. M 7410.^. B. Essays and Miscellany. Bennett. Journalism for women : a practical guide. M 5036. DoBSON. Miscellanies. M 4123. Grahame. Pagan papers. M 4172./. Hareottle. Dictionary of quotations. (Classical.) M 3186. Jerome. Second thoughts of an idle fellow. M 4231. j. Mabie. Essays on work and culture. M 4276.3. Schopenhauer. On human nature : essays. Selected and transl. by Saunders. M 4394.^. Whiting. The world beautiful. 3d series. M 4482. t^/. C. Language and Phonography. Budge. Egyptian reading book for beginners. W9538.^. King. First steps in Assyrian. W 9646. f Phonetic journal, v. 57 (Jan. -Dec. 189S). C 6710. Pitman. Complete phonographic instructor. W 1353/. f Shorthand e'ducator. v. 4 (May 1897-Apl. 1S9S). C 6742. D. Literary History and Criticism. Bates. American literature. M 9031.0. Brunetiere. History of French literature. M 9062. Bury. French literature of to-day. M 9067. Field. Introduction to the study of the Renaissance. M 9149. Frazer. Literary history of India. M 9584- Garnett. History of Italian literature. M 9x62.2. Hawthorne and ethers, edrs. Literature of all nations and all ages. v. 7, 8. M 9614. Howe. American bookmen : sketches chiefly biographi- cal. T 5629.0. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Physics and Mathematics. 9 Kelly. History of Spanish literature. M 9239. Sears. Principles and methods of literary criticism. i M 9399- Wells. Century of French fiction. L 9473. I Wolfe. Literary haunts and homes : American authors. T 5489. Note. — For a list of literary and critical periodicals, see Part 2 B. E. Poetry and Drama. Banks. Immortal songs of camp and held. K 1515. Chapin. Wonder tales from Wagner told for young people. [Fiction.] Chester. Stories from Dante. [Fiction.] Evans. English masques. K 2140. Field. The Eugene Field book. Ed. by Mary E. Burt and Mary B. Cable. K ii48.,f. Fleming. How to study Shakespeare. K 2154. Hamersley. The seven voices. [Poems.] K 1610. HoBBES, J. O. [Mrs. Mary Craigie.] The ambassador : comedy. K 2208. Hope, A. [Anthony Hope Hawkins.] Adventures of lady Ursula : comedy. K 2628. Laidlaw. Soldier songs and love songs. K 1256. Lanier. Music and poetry. I 6260. Morris (5?> L.). Works of. K I3i7wv Rostand. Cyrano de Bergerac : play in 5 acts. K437S. Shakespeare. Poems. Ed. by Wyndham. K'. Shaw. I'lays : pleasant and unpleasant. 2 v. K 2405. Stanton. Comes one with a song. K 1420.4:. F. Wit and Humor. Bangs. Peeps at people. BlERCE. Fantastic fables. M 2025./. M 2039. Du Maurier. Social pictorial satire. M 2129. Hall. Little lady, some other people, and myself. M 21S4. f Harlem life. v. 13, 14 (Dec. 11, iS97-Dec. 31, 1898). M 2838. I Judge, v. 34, 35 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). M 2848. t Life. v. 31, 32 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). M 2855. AIr. Dooley in peace and war. M 2308. f Puck [English], v. 43 (Feb. i6-Aug. 10, 1898). M 2871. a. f Puck [German]. 22d year. (Sept. i-Aug. 17, i8g8). M 2871. f Punch, v. 114, 115 (Jan. -Dec. 1S98), M 2872. t Punch's Almanack, 1898, 1899. M 2872.0. PART 6.-NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. A. Botany. Britton and Brown. Illustrated flora of the northern U. S., Canada, and the British possessions, v. 3. E 1812. Rowan. Flower-hunter in Queensland and New Zea- land. E 1727. Wright. Botany : the story of plant life. E 1493. B. Electricity and Magnetism. t Electrical engineer, v. 25, 26(Jan.-Dec. '98). C 7826. I Electrical review, v. 32, 33 (Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1898). C 7927. Hay. Principles of alternate-current working. D 4191. Henderson. Practical electricity and magnetism. D4195. Hopkins. The telephone. D 4209. Houston. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. 4th ed. 2 v. D 4629. «'. — and Kennelly. Electricity made easy. D 4214. c. Recent types of dynamo-electric machinery. D 4629.;-. Kerr. Wireless telegraphy popularly explained. I 1242. LiNTERN. Motor engineers' and electrical workers' hand- book. D 4269. Thompson. Dynamo-electric machinery. 2 v. 04763.0. — Polyphase electric currents and alternate-current mo- tors. D 4763.4?. THiDMSON. Discharge of electricity through gases. D 4439. Treadwell. The storage battery. D 4444. Wilson. Electro-dynamics : the direct-current motor. D 4434. C. Geology and Physical Geography. Kelley. Boy mineral collectors. D 9239. Russell. Rivers of North America. D 7728.;-. United States. Geological Survey of the Territories. \ Report, v. 3.' D 8891.^-. Contents : Vertebrata of the tertiary formations of the west. Book i. By Edward D. Cope. D. Medical Science, Bradshaw. Dictionary of mineral waters, climatic health resorts, etc. F 4056. f Druggists' circular and chemical gazette, v. 41 (Jan.- Dec. 1897). C 7825. rt. HoDSON. How to become a trained nurse. F 4625. f Journal of hygiene and herald of health, v. 48 (Jan.- Dec. 189S). C 7640. a. A'^ote. — Merged in the "Omega." Morten, edr. Complete system of nursing. F 4317. r. f Oil, paint, and drug reporter, v. 53, 54 (Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1S97). C 796S. Oppenheim. Development of the child. F 1337. Palmer. Inebriety : its source, prevention, and cure. F 2340. f PosT-graduate : a monthly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 13 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 7715. Schenk. Determination of sex. F 7389. E. Natural History. Abbott. Clear skies and cloudy. E i.e. Allen. Flashlights on nature. E 2008. Blanchan. Birds that hunt and are hunted. E 7527.;!^. Dl.xoN. Lost and vanishing birds. E 7574 /. Elliot. North American shore birds. 2d ed. E 7135. «. — Wild fowl of the U. S. and British possessions. E 7135. w. Groos. Play of animals. E 2177. HiCKSON. Story of life in the seas. E 5202. j. Holland. Butterfly book. E 4626. . J ORT).\N and others. Foot-notes to evolution. F 1234. ' .Mathews. Familiar life in field and forest : animals, I birds, frogs, and salamanders. E 2293. Merriam. Birds of village and field. E 7301.^. [ Parkhurst. How to name the birds. E 7343-'''- I Thompson. Wild animals I have known. E 243S.«'. I Torrey. World of green hills. E 445. w. United States. /V/// Commission, f Report of the com- missioner for year ending June 30, 1896-7. E 5773. F. Physics (or Natural Philosophy) and Mathematics. Appletons' t Popular science monthly, v. 52, 53 (Nov. 1897-Oct. 1898). ' C 7714- I Darwin. The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system. D 71 14. GOODE, edr. -f- The Smithsonian Institution, 18.J6-96 : I history of its first century. D S35. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S N.A.IME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 10 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Law and Crime. Houston. Algebra made easy. D 1214.0. f Scientific American : Supplement, v. 45, 46 (Jan.- — and Kennelly. Interpretation of mathematical for- Dec. 1898). C 7979-^. mulae. D 1214.?. Trowbridge. Philip's experiments ; or, physical science MlVART. Groundwork of science. D 686. at home. D 447. f Scientific American, v. 78, 79 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). Wallace. The wonderful century : its successes and C 7979-«- its failures. D 464. Note.—'S>^t Pt. 2 C for scientific journals. Wright. Astronomy ; the sun and his family. D 6493. 1 PART 7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Pub- lic Documents. New York City. Civil Se7-vice Commission, f Annual reports, 1884-96. U idgy.a. f 14th annual report, 1897. U 1697. a. — Fire Department. \ Report for 1896. U 2697. j. New York State. Asseinbly. \ Calendar of bills printed during the I20th session of the legislature. U 2b()l.u. f Documents, 120th session. 26 v. U 2697. f Journal, i2Gth session. 4 v. U 2697. a. — Senate. \ Calendar of bills printed during the 120th session of the legislature. U 2697.7/. f Documents, iigth session, v. 7, 8, 12. U 2697, iJ. f Same, 120th session. 12 v. U 2697.^. — — f Journal, 120th session. 2 v. U 2697.1:. — State Depart?nent. f Catalogue of records of the office of secretary of state. U 2697. 7f. United States. Civil Service Commission, f 14th an- nual report, July i, 1896 to June 30, 1897. U i773-^- — Interior Department, f Annual report of the secretary for years ending June 30, 1890 v. 5 (pts. i, 2) ; 1894 V. I, 5 (pts. I, 2) ; 1895 V. 5 (pts. I, 2) ; 1896 V. 1-3, 5 (pts. I, 2) ; 1896 V. 1-3, 5 (pts. I, 2). 8°. U 2773. r. f Same, 1890 v. 4 (pts. i, 2) ; 1895 v. 4 (pts. 1-4) ; 1896 V. 4 (pts. 1-4). U 2891./. f Register, corrected to Mch. 4, 1S98. U 2772.7. B. Commerce and Business. Bureau of American Republics, f Monthly bulletin. V. 5 (July 1897-June 1898). U 8540. — f Commercial directory of American republics, v. 2. U 8814. f Business : the office paper, v. 18 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6814. •j- Insurance economist, v. 22 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6846. New York Produce Exchange, f Report from July I, 1897 to July I, 1898. U 8697.^. New York State Chamber of Commerce, f 40th annual report for 1897-8. U 8697. Phelps, compiler, f War risks: [the status of] insur- ance companies. U 8350. f Seaboard : a maritime reporter and nautical gazette. New series, v. 10 (Oct. 21, 1897-Oct. 13, 1898). C 7981. United States. Interstate Commerce Commission, f nth annual report. U ill'i.q. — State Departme7it. f Commercial relations of the U. S. with foreign countries during 1896-7. 2 v. U 8773.^. \ Consular reports, Nos. 207-219 (Dec. 1897-Dec. 1898). U 8773.^- f Special consular reports, v. 14. Drug trade in foreign countries. U 8773.^. C. Education. Chautauquan (The), v. 26, 27. [New series, v. 17, 18] (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 68x8. Columbia University, f Catalogue, 1897-98. X 7558. a. — t Sth and 9th annual report of the president, 1897, 1898. X 7558.^. f Educational review, v. I5,i6(jan.-Dec. 1898). C 6580. Eliot. Educational reform. X 7582. Gilman. University problem in the U. S. X 7601. Girard College, f Semi-centennial of, (1848-1898). X 7601. Harvard College, f Annual report of the president and treasurer, 1896-7. X 7613. Harvard University, f Catalogue, 1897-8. X 7188. Herbart. Application of psychology to education. X 7i97-«. Hogan. Study of a child. X 7208. Johns Hopkins University, f Circular, v. 15, 16 (Oct. 1895-July 1897). C 6847. Leland Stanford Jr. University, f Register for 1897-8. X 7264. Michigan, University of. f Calendar, 1897-8. X 7303. New York City. Board of Education. \ Directory, Jan. 1896-8. X 7329. f Journal, 1896-7. X jbgj.a. i 55th annual report for 1896. X 7697. 3. New York State. University, f iioth and iiith an- nual report, 1896, 1897. X itf^^.c. : Exarnination Dept. f 4th and 5th annual report, 1896, 1897. X 7697.;^. Pennsylvania, University of. f Catalogue, 1897-8. X 7346. Princeton University, f Catalogue, 1897-8. X 7357, Rochester, University of. f 48th annual catalogue, 1897-8. X 7375. Tadd. New methods in education : art, real manual training, nature study. X 7S87. Taylor. Study of the child. X 7434.^-. United States. Bureau of Education, f Report of the commissioner for 1895-6. v. 2. X 7773. f Same for 1896-7. v. i. X 7773. Warner. Study of children and their school training. X 7465. J. Yale University, f Catalogue, 1897-8. X 7497. — ■\ Catalogue of officers and graduates, 1701-1898. X 7798.0. D. Government and Politics. Baldwin. Modern political institutions. U 24. f City government, v. 4, 5 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6817. DiLKE and Wilkinson. Imperial defence. U 122, Dunning. Essays on the Civil War and Reconstruction. U 1129. Egerton. Short history of British colonial policy. U 580. Macdonald. Select documents illustrative of the his- tory of the U. S., 1776-1861. U 1278. f Political science quarterly, v. 13, 14 (Mch. -Dec. 1898). C 6711. Proal. Political crime. U 357. Rose. Rise and growth of democracy in Great Britain. u 377. Stanwood. History of the presidency. U 1419./*. Thorpe. Constitutional history of the American people, 1776-1S50. 2 V. U 1764- E. Law and Crime. Lancefield. Notes on copyright. V 8260. New York State. Senate and Assembly. \ General in- dex of the laws of the state of N. Y., 1886-96. V 4697. «. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 8— THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY: Moral Philosophy ; Etiquette. 11 New York State. State Department. \ Laws passed I2ist session of the legislature. 2 v. V 4697. Tallack. f Penological principles with special reference to Europe and America. 2d enl. ed. V 7759.0. F. Military and Naval Science. f Army and navy journal (U. S.). v. 35 (Sept. 4, 1897- Augt. 27, 1898). C 6904. liOHENLOHE-Ingelfinger. Letters on strategy. 2 v. G 6625. Ingersoll. Book of the ocean. G 7634- f Scientific American special navy supplement. G 7979. Social life in the British army. By " a British officer." G 6414. Ward, compiler. Army service corps duties in peace and war. G 6465. YOUNGHUSBAND. Indian frontier warfare. G 6799. G. Political Economy. American Bankers' Association, f Proceedings of the 23d annual convention, 1897. U 7505. f American economist, v. 21, 22 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6802. Davidson. Bargain theory of wages. U 41 14. Durand. Finances of New York city. U 7130. East River Savings Institution, f 50th anniversary. U 7579- George. Science of political economy. U 4164.J. Gronlund. The new economy: a peaceable solution of the social problem. U 4178. Indianapolis Convention. Monetary Commission. \ Re- port, 1898. U 7634. Lloyd. Labor copartnership. U 4271. New York State. Board of Mediation and Arbitration. t nth annual report. U 4697.0. — Same. U 4696.0. — Bureau of Statistics of Labor, f 14th and 15th an- nual report, 1S96-7. U 4697. Shearman. Natural taxation. [Single tax.] New and enl. ed. , U 7403.0. United States. Department of Labor, f 12th annual report of the commissioner, 1897. U 4773.0. Contents : Economic aspects of the liquor problem, t War revenue law of 1S98. U 7465. H. Social Science; Women. Barr, Maids, wives, and bachelors. ' U 9026. CORELLI and others. Modern marriage market. U gioi.m. Cunningham. Western civilization in its economic as- pects. (Ancient times.) U 9107. Mallock. Aristocracy and evolution. U 9672. Moody. The unquiet sex. U 9315. Norton. Woman's cause : what Mary Baker Eddy has done for it. U 9334. Robinson. Loom and spindle ; or, life among the early [Lowell] mill girls. U 9375./. Sanders. Reality: or, law i'.f. anarchy and socialism. U 9731. A^ote. — "Reply to Bellamy's 'Looking backward' and ' Equality.' " Strong. Twentieth century city. U 9426./. I. Societies, eU, New York State. Board of Charities, f Annual report for 1897. 2 V. X 8697./. Union Club (N. Y. City), f Officers, members, and rules, 1898. X 8454. United States. Life-saving service. \ Annual report ending June 30, 1897. G ~112.a. University club (N. Y. City), f Annual, 34th year, 189S-9. X 8455. K. Statistics. f Oil, paint, and drug reporter year book, 1898. U 6703. St.a.tesman's year book for 1S9S. Ed. by Keltic. U 6421. United States. Census Office, f Compendium of the nth census, 1S90. Pt. 3. U (iz>()i.g. f Report on vital and social statistics in the U. S. at nth census, 1890. Pt. j. Analysis and rate tables. By J. S. Billings. U 6891. r. f Statistical atlas of the U. S., nth census. By H. Gannett. U 6991.^. PART 8.-THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. A. Theology. Abbott. Bible as literature. Y 2801. — Life and letters of Paul the apostle. Y 2001./. B.'i.NKS. Immortal hymns and their story. Y 9515. Behrends. The Bible : discourses, and Mul's letters. Y 2807. Burnham. The Roman's story in the time of Claudius I. [Life of Christ.] Y 2066. DeKay. Bird gods. Z 8116. Drum.mond. The ideal life : addresses hitherto unpub- lished. Y 5157. f Hartford Seminary record, v. 7, 8 (Nov. 1896-Augt. 1898). C 6613. Haupt, edr. Sacred books of the Old and New Testa- ments. Pt. 7. Book of Judges. New transl. ex- hibiting the composite structure, with notes by Moore. [Polychrome Bible.] Y 2S3S. t Holy cross purple, v. 6, 7 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6626. t NEW-church messenger, v. 74, 75 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 6867. t Rosary magazine, v. 12, 13 (Jan. -Dec. 1S98). C 6727. f Sailors' magazine and seamen's friend, v. 70 (Tan.- Dec. 1S9S). C6729. Stern. Gods of our fathers : a study of Saxon my- thology. Z 8421. f Talmud (Babylonian). Original text ed. and transl. by Rodkinson. v. 5, Section Moed (Festivals) ; tract Pesachim (Passover). Z 5S87. B. Occult Literature. Barnes. Psychology, hypnotism, personal magnetism, and clairvoyance. X 4028. Eddy. Unity of good. X 5134.M. f Phrenological journal, v. 105, 106 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 67n. Robinson. Spirit slate writing and kindred phenomena. X 5375. C. Mental Philosophy. Baldwin. Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. X 3025.0. Eddy. Unity of good. X 5134.W. Hogan. Study of a child. X 7208. Taylor. Study of the child. X 7434. J. D. Moral Philosophy; Etiquette. Harrison. Well-bred girl in society. X 9185. Humphry. {"Madge" of " Tru'th.") Manners for women. X 9217.0. — Word to women. X 9217.W. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Engineering and Metallurgy. Marden. Secret of achievement. X 9288. j. One hundred years of temperance: a memorial volume of the Centennial Temperance Conference, Phila. , 1S85. X 9703. ■\ Our animal friends, v, 25 (Sept. 1897-Augt. i8q8). C 6868. «. Stearns, cdr. Temperance in all nations. 2 vols. ^ 9753- f Voice (The). [Temperance advocate.] v. 15 (Jan.- Dec, 189S). WiNGATE. What shall our boys do for a living ? X 9485. w. PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. A. Agriculture and Horticulture. f American agriculturist, v. 61, 62 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1S98). C 7S02. Arnold. On the Indian hills ; or, coffee-planting in southern India. O 5015.^7. Bailey. Garden-making : utilizing of home grounds. H 2023..^. Rexford. Flowers : how to grow them. II 2370./. B. Architecture and Building. GENERAL WORKS. :}: Academy architecture and architectural review. Ed. by Koch. V, 11-13. G S502. f American architect and building news. v. 59-62 (Jan. -Dec. 189S). 4 v. in 2. C 7802.^. f Architectural record, v. 7 (July 1897-July 189S). C 7508. f Architecture and building, v. 28, 29 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 7803. X Architecture (L') fran9aise. v. 11. G 8904.^. X Architekt (Der) : Wiener Monatshefte fiir Bauwesen und decorative Kunst. 3 Jahrgang, 1897. G 8904. c. f Carpentry and building, v. 28, 29 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 7S16. Eisenlohr und Weigle. X Architektonische Rund- schau. 5ter und 7ter Jahrgang. G 8927. Faure. X Canon des proportions dans I'architecture moderne. ' G 8930. Johnson. Inside 100 homes. G 8233. Kidder. Building construction and superintendence. 2d ed. 2 pts. G 9645. I. Mason's work. 2. Carpenter's work. Lipsius. :|: Architektonische Studien-Arbeiten. 08955.0'. Muller. X Bau eiserner Treppen. G 9864.^. New York Architectural League. X Catalogue of 13th annual exhibition. G 8329. O'Connor. " Gas engineer's pocket-book. G 9336. f Painter's magazine and wall paper trade journal, v. 24 (Jan. -Dec. 1S97). C 7708. Rape. X Moderne Fassaden und Innen-Dekorationen. iste Serie. G 8969./'. f Plumbers' trade journal, v. 22-24 (July i, 1897-Dec. 15, 1898). C 7872. f Real estate record, v. 2-6, 10-12, iS, 20, 21, 29 (Jan. 9. 1869-June 24, 1882). C 7874. f Record and guide, v. 61, 62 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). C 7874.«. \ Sanitary plumber, v. 16 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7S77. f Scientific American. Building edition, v. 25, 26 (Jan.-Dec. iSg8). C 7979-^- Statham. Modern architecture. G 8753. w. Watson. Manual of laying-off iron, steel, and com- posite vessels. G 7771- t Western painter (The), v. 6 (Feb. 1897-Jan. 1S98). c 7785. WULLIAM e( Faroe. X Concours publics d'architecture. G 8899. ARCHITECTURE OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. it Architecture fran^aise. v. 11, G 8904.<^. X Baukunst Spaniens. Text der deutschen Ausgabe von Gurlitt. Text der spanischen Ausgabe von de Madrazo. G 8906. Belcher and Macartney. X Later Renaissance archi- tecture in England. Pts. 1-3. G 8907. Ebe. X Schmuckformen der Monumentalbauten aus alien Stilepochen seit der griechischen Anlike. v. 2, 3. ' G 8826.^. Farrar and Newbolt. Cathedrals of England. 2 v. G 8586. Guerinet. X Venezia : Venise monumental. G 8836. Gurlitt. :]: Die Baukunst Frankreichs. Lieferung 4, 5. G 8937. Longfellow. Column and the arch : essays on archi- tectural history. G 8273. X Munchener burgerliche Baukunst der Gegenwart. Abteilung i. G 8965. a. Raguinet. X Historical edifices, v. 5, 6. G S873. Schmidt und Ilg. X Altare und andere kirchliche Ein- richtungsstllcke aus Osterreich. [Part 3.] G 8979. — und Fabiani. X Vicenza : 25 Architektur-Aufnah- men. G 8979. (^. Singleton, edr. Turrets, towers, and temples. G 8407. Upmark. X Architektur der Renaissance in Schweden. G 8991.(5. ARCHITECTURE OF PARTICULAR BUILDINGS. Addleshaw. Cathedral church of Exeter. G 8005. American Architect and Building News Co. X Mono- graphs of American architecture : The Library of Congress. G 8902.1/. List. :{: Hof-Bibliothek in Wien. G 8955.C. Neckelmann. :j: Koniglich Wiirttembergische Landes- gewerbemuseum in Stuttgart. G 8966. Wallot. X Reichstags-gebaeude zu Berlin. Pts. 2, 3. G 8994.0. C. Engineering and Metallurgy. f Aluminum world, v. 4 (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 7801. f American machinist, v. 21, 22 (Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1898). C 7S02./. Barr. Boilers and furnaces in their relations to steam engineering. G 2517.^. Bramble. A. B. C. of mining. G 3156. Byrne. Inspection of materials and workmanship em- ployed in construction. G 4070.?. Edwards, Railway nationalization. G 4134. f Engineering and mining journal, v. 65, 66 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7828. Fowler. Coffer-dam process for piers. G 4593. Gould. Arithmetic of the steam engine. G 2173. Hamblin. {^'F. Benton Williams.'") General manager's story : old-time reminiscences of railroading in the U. S. G 4184. Hawkins. New catechism of the steam engine. G 26i4.«. Hemenway. Catechism of the steam plant. G 2194.^. Hill. Purification of public water supplies. G 4622. f Iron age (The), v. 61, 62 (Jan.-Dec. 1S98). C 7S47. — f Index supplement relating to the hardware, iron, steel, machinery, and metal trades. C 7635.(5. — f Manufacturers' index relating to the hardware, iron, steel, machinery, and metal trades. C 7635.0. Locomotive (The). New series, v. 18 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7663. — f Same, v. 19 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7663. Maggard. The traction engine : its use and abuse. G 22S4. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Sports, Games, and Amusements. 13 f Railroad car journal, f Scientific American. — f Same.: Supplement. Merrimax. Elements of sanitary engineering. 04680.^. Mills. Railway construction. G 4683. PiCKWORTH. Indicator handbook. Pt. i. The indicator : its construction and application. G 2352. f Power, v. 18 (Jan. -Dec. 1898). C 7973. " Power" catechism : principles of steam engineering. G 2713- /. 8 (Jan.-Dec. 189S). C 7873. . 78, 79 (Jan. i-Dec. 31, 1898). C 7979-'2- I. 45, 46 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7979-^- Snow, f Mechanical draft : a practical treatise. G 2748. United States. Patent Office, f Annual report of the commissioner of patents, 1896-97. G 1891. f Alphabetical lists of patentees and inventions for quarters ending Sept. 30, 1897-Sept. 30, 1898. C 7891.3. t Official gazette, v. 82-85 (Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1898). C 7891. Story of the railroad. G 4464. Wilson. Practical tool-maker and designer. G 1790./. D. Fine Arts; Industrial Art. Adams. In nature's image. [Photography.] I 2503./. Allen. Water-color painting. I 4008. f Art amateur : devoted to art in the household, v. 38, 39 (Dec. 1S97-N0V. 1898). I 904. a. f Arte Italiana decorativa e industriale. Anno 6. I 4903. 15radley. Elementary color. I 4056. Day. Windows : a book about stained and painted glass. I 4569. Ingres, f Collection de i2odessins, croquis, et peintures. I 4915. f Jewelers' circular and horological review, v. 35, 36 (Aug. 4, 1897-July 27, 189S). C 7848. f Jewelers' weekly, v, 25, 26 (Sept. 22, 1^7-June 29, 1898). Folio. C 7947. — t Same. v. 26 (July 6-Sept. 14, 1898). 4°. C 784S. \ Jugend : Miinchner illustrierte Wochenschrift fiir Kunst und Leben. 1897 Band 2, 1898 Band i. I 847. Maclean. Popular photographic printing processes. I 2282. f Photographic times, v. 30 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7871. Schirmer. f Aus meiner Kunstwerkstatte. 2te Serie. I 5979- Seeman. f Deutsche Kunstgewerbe-Zeichner. 3te u. 4te Reihe. I 3739. Spemann. t Das Museum, [v.] 2. Herausg. von R. Graul und R. Stettner. I 4884. f Statuarischer Schmuck des Hof-Museums in Wien. I 58S5. Tilgner's (Victor) f Ausgewahlte Werke. Erlauternder Text von Hevesi. I 598S. Tolstoi. What is art? I 443- United States. Bureau of Education, f Art and in- dustry : education in the industrial and fine arts in the U. S. By I. E. Clarke. Pt. 3. I 773.^. Ward. Elementary principles of ornament. I 4779. — Historic ornament : decorative art and architectural ornament. 2 v. I 4779.^. Wigley aWStansbie. Art of the goldsmith and jeweller. H 8789. WiLLARD. History of modern Italian art. I 4790. Woodbury. Encyclopaedic dictionary of photography. I 2898. E. Household Economy. f American soap journal and perfumery gazette. v.U (Apl. 1897-Mch. iSgS). C 7802. <• f Art amateur : art in the household, v. 38, 39 (Dec 1897-N0V. 1898). I 904.0 Banner. Household sewing with home dressmaking. H 4025. Delineator (The), v. 51, 52 (Jan.-Dec. 1898). C 7824. Demorest's P'amily magazine, v. 34 (Dec. 1897-Nov. 1898). C 6924. James. Catering for two. H 3226. tr. Millinery trade review, v. 23 (Jan.-Dec. 1S98). C 7S62. Moritz and Kahn. Twentieth centur}' cook book. H 3316. F. Music. t American art journal. [Music] v. 70, 71 (Oct. 9, 1897- Oct. I, 1898). C 6802. a. Elson. Great composers and their work. T 5135.^?-. Henderson. What is good music? I 6195.7c/. Lahee. Famous singers of to-day and yesterday. T 5257. Lanier. Music and poetry. I 6260. Lavignac. Music dramas of Richard Wagner. I 6262. f Musical age (The), v. 19-23 (Aug. 12, 1S97-N0V. 3, 1898). C 6965. Musical record : Jan. iS97-Dec. 1898. C 6866. Smith (Hannah). Music : how it came to be what it is. I 6412. w. Smith (H. B.) and de Koven (R.). Rob Roy : opera. [Libretto only.] I 6412. r. G. Sports, Games, and Amusements. f FoRESTand stream, v. 50, 51 (Jan.-Dec. 1S98). C 6932. Hardy. The salmon. I 7186. Hopkins. Twentieth century magic. I 9212./". f L. A. W. bulletin and good roads, v. 27 (Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1898). C 7853. League of American Wheelmen (N. Y. State Div.). 50 miles around N. Y. : best roads for cyclists and horsemen. Q 9263. Outing : magazine of sport, travel, and recreation, v. 31, 32 (Oct. 1897-Sept. 1898). C 6704. Smith. Golf. I 7412. Young. Grand tactics of chess. I 9799. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. i^ UNIVERSITY OF J ^/e^j^'i. SUPPLEMENT No. 12 TO THE FINDING LIST OF THE Free Library of the General Society OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK BOOKS ADDED FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1899 NEW YORK PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1900 EXPLANATION. The following list contains a condensed but complete catalogue of all the new books added to the Free Library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York from January to December, 1899. The arrangement of the divisions and sub-divisions is strictly alphabetical, but for convenience of instant refer- ence an alphabetical index of subjects is prefixed, which will direct the reader to the exact page where any topic may be found. Books are generally entered in alphabetical order in each section under what is presumed to be the author's real name (printed in small caps.), except where the assumed name is better known and more likely to be looked for by the majority of the users of a catalogue. In some cases the assumed name follows the real name (in paren- thesis). When the assumed name is taken as a heading the real name, when known, follows [in brackets]. When a work has no author the first word of the title (not an article nor a preposition) is taken as a heading. In Indi- vidual Biography (page I) books are entered in the alphabetical order of the lives treated of, instead of by authors' names, so that all the lives of the same individual will be found in one place. In making out orders from this catalogue the reader should give the author's name, the first part of the title, the number, and the volume wanted (if there is more than one). The number always consists of a class Utter, followed by not more than four figures, and sometimes by a title-letter (in italics). All the various parts of a number must be copied, as each part is equally important. The numbering scheme is so arranged as to indicate the size of the book. Thus, if the last three figures are below 500 the work is a i2° ; between 500 and 800 indicates an 8° ; from 800 to 900 is used for 4°s ; and 900 to 999 is reserved for folios. If a work is bound with or forms part of another, this fact must be stated on the order list. A single dash indicates the absence of a preceding heading ; a second dash shows the absence of a subsequent heading. Abbreviations: "v." means volume or volumes; "transl." means translated or translator; "ed." means edition or edited; "edr." means editor; " N. S." means new series; " O. S." means old seties ; "Rev." means revised ; and " pt." means part. A f preceding a title means that the book is for reference only, and cannot be taken from the librar}-. A X preceding a title means that the book is in the J. Morgan Slade [Reference] Library of architectural works. A complete list of this library, including a list of all the books on architecture and building in the circulating as well as in the reference department, has been published, and can be obtained for 10 cents a copy. LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOR 1900. WILLIAM J. HOE, Chairman, 327 West 14th Street. FREEMAN BLOODGOOD, Jr., Secretary, 8 York Street. JOHN E. NICHOLSON, 646 Hudson Street. JAMES D. BUCHANAN, 328 West 24th Street. JAMES O. POILLON, 224 South Street. \ Committee on the Circulating Section. ALBERT T. STRAUCH, 354 West 19th Street. LLOYD McKIM GARRISON, 2 Wall Street. J CHARLES C. ALEXANDER, 3 York Street. ] ARCHIBALD MONTGOMERY, 27 Bank Street. \ Committee on the Slade and Demilt LOUIS K. BELL, 100 William Street. \ Sections, Museum and Reading GEORGE ROWLAND, 329 Madison Avenue. ' Room. JOHN J. DONOVAN, 11 23 Broadway. J' STEPHEN M. WRIGHT, President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, e.x.officio, 1123 Broadway. FRANK E. CONOVER, First Vice-President, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-Ojfficio, 253 Broadway. RICHARD T. DAVIES, Secretary and Treasurer, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ex-officio, 143 Liberty Street. Librarian, 18-24 West 44th Street. Index To Subjects. Africa. 15- Agriculture. 25- Alaska. 13. M. .Vinerica (North). 13. America (Spanish). 14. .\merican history and travels. 13- American literature. 19. American Revolution. 14- .\musements. 29. Anatomy. 21. Angling. 29. Animal intelligence. 21. Annals of legislative bodies. 22. Anthropology. 20. Antitoxine. 21. Antrim {Ireland). 15. Architecture. 27- Arctic Lapland. IS- Arkansas. IS- Asia. 16. Associations. 25. Astrology. 26. Astronomy. 19. Australia. 16. Austria. 15- Bacteriology. 20. Banking. 24. Bees. 21. Bible. 25. Bibliography. IT- Biography (Collective). S' Biography (Individual). I. Birds. 21. Blowpipe analysis. 20. Boers (The). 15- Bohemian literature. 19. Borneo. 16. Botany. 19. Bridges. 23. Building. 27- Burma. 16. Business. 22. Butterflies. 21. Byzantine Constantinople. 15- Cabinet work. 29. Calculus. 20. Cambridge (.1/r.l-.N. Authors' birthdays. 2d series. T 5026. Conti-nts: liayard Taylor. — Lowell. — Ilowelis.— Motley. ~ Emerson.— Saxe.—Thoreau — E. S. Phelps- Ward.'— Parkman.— Cable. — Aldrich. — J. C. Harris. Be.\rn. Lives and times of the early Valois queens. T 5032. BosTO.N Public Library. f Chamberlain collection of autographs. B 36- EscoTT. Personal forces of the period. T 5139. Gun. f Inde.x to advertisements for ne.xt of kin, etc. W 752C. IIiGGlNSON. Contemporaries. T 5202. <-. lIoM.^Ns. Our three admirals : Farragut, Porter, Dewey. T5211. IIuBfiARD. Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters. T 5217 /. JoiiNSO.N, (Jr. Eighteenth century letters: Johnson, Lord Chesterfield. V 5233.<'. — Samt. Swift, Addison, Steele. T 5233./. Kino. Notable New Yorkers, 1896-99. T 5646. J-AiiEK. Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. T 5257/. Laugiito.n, edr. From Howard to Nelson : 12 sailors. T 5654. Contents : Howard. — Drake. — BLake. — Kooke. — Anson. — Hawke. — Poscawen. — Rodney. — Howe. — Hood. — St. Vincent. — Nelson. RlcHAKOSON. Famous ladies of the English court. T 5723. Shakp. Makers of music : biographical sketches of the great composers. T 5402. w. Stkphkns. Studies of a biographer. 2 v. T 5421.8. Strang. Famous actors of the day in America. T 5424.3. — Famous actresses of the day in America. T 5424.4. Thayer. Throne-makers. T 543^)./. True stories of heroic lives. '1' 5447. J. W KV.'UV.Vi. and others. The Warner classics. 4 V. 1. Philosophers and scientists. T 5465.1. 2. Novelists. 'i' 5465.2. 3. Poets. T 5465.3. 4. Historians and essayists. T 5465.4. WiEL. Romance of the house of Savoy, 1003-1 5 19. 2 v. T 5486. WiLKl.NSON, edr. From Cromwell to Wellington : 12 soldiers. T 5788. Contents : Cromwell. — Marlborough. — Peterborough. — Wolfe. — Ciive. — Coote. — Heath field. — Abercromby. — Lake. — Paird. — Moore. — Wellington. PART 2.-CYCLOP^DIAS, COLLECTED WORKS, AND PERIODICALS. A. Collected Works. Jefferson (Thos.). \ Writings. Collected by P. L. Ford. V. 10 (1816-26). M 637.a. B. Literary Periodicals. f Abigail, v. i (Feb. 1898-Feb. 1899). C 6800. f Advocate and family guardian, v. 64-65 (Jan. i, 1898-Dec. 15, 1899). C 6801. f A.viERlCAN art journal. [Music] v. 72 and 73 (Oct. 8, 1898-Sept. 30, 1899). C 6802. a. t American economist, v. 23 and 24 (Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1899). C 6S02. f .\merican monthly review of reviews [formerly " Re- view of reviews "]. v. 19 and 20 (Jan.-Dec. 1899). C 6722. Argosy (The), v. 29-31 (Dec. 1S9S-N0V. 1899). C 6509. \ Army and navy journal, v. 36 (Sept. 3, i89S-Augt. 26, 1899). C 6904. t .\rt amateur: art in the household, v. 39-41 (June 1898-N0V. 1899). I 904.^. \ .\UTE Italiana decorative e industrialc. Anno, 7, 1898. I 4903. f .\THEN.tUM (The) : Jan.-Dec. 1899. C 6804. — f 70th birthday of [Jan. i, 189S]. B 37. Atlantic monthly, v. 83 and 84 (Jan.-Dec. 1899). C 6511. f Book reviews, v. 6 and 7 (May 1898-Dec. iSgg). M 7533- t Bi'siNESS : the office paper, v. 19 (Jan.-Dec. 1899). C 6541. Cassell and Co.,/?. — f Official gazette, v. 86-89 (Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1899). C 7891. f Western painter, v. 7 (Feb., 1898-Jan. 1899). C 7785. Young scientist, v. 2 and 6 (Jan.-Dec, 1879, 1883). C 7799. PART 3.-FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION A Fiction alphabetically arranged by- Authors and Titles. Across the campus : a story of college life. By Caroline M. Fuller. Active service. By Stephen Crane. .A.DAMS, Oscar Fay. Archbishop's unguarded moment, and other stories. Ade, George. Doc' Home. — Fables in slang. Adventures of a freshman. By Jesse Lynch Williams. .\fghan knife (The). By Robert Armitage Stemdale. New ed. .■Vgatha Webb. By Anna Katharine Green. Alexander, ^[rs. [Mrs. Annie F. Hector]. Brown, V. C. — The step-mother. • "Alien" \^pscuJ. for Mrs. L. A. Baker]. The untold half. Allen, Grant. Miss Cayley's adventures. — A splendid sin. .\ltsheler, Joseph A. The last rebel. Amateur cracksman. By E. W. Hornung. .\mazing lady. By ^L Bowles. Angel of the covenant. By J. Maclaren Cobban. Ansiey, F". [F. a. Guthrie]. Love among the lions. Antigone, and other portraits of women (voyageuses). By Paul Bourget. Archbishop's unguarded moment, and other stories. By Oscar Fay Adams. Archdeacon (The). By L. B. Walford. Atherton, Gertrude. Daughter of the vine. .\UBREY, Frank. Queen of Atlantis : romance of the Caribbean sea. Autobiography of a child. By Hannah Lynch. .Averages : a story of N. Y. By Eleanor Stuart. Awakening (The). By Kate Chopin. .\\vk\vard age (TheX By Henry James. .Ayhvin. By Theodore Watts Dunton. Bailey, Miss. See Lyall, Edna. Baker, Mrs. L. A. 6V^" Alien." Bangs, John Kendrick. The dreamers : a club. — Enchanted type-writer. Baring-Gould, S. Pabo the priest. Barmby, Cuthbert. James Cope : confessions of a U. S.. district attorney. Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. I, thou and the other one. — Trinity bells : a tale of old N. Y. — Was it right to forgive ? Barr, Robert. The strong arm [and other stories]. Barrett, Wilson and Hichens, Robert. Daughters of Babylon. — and Barron, Elwyn. In old New York : a romance. Barry, William. The two standards. Baylor, Frances Courtenay. Ladder of fortune. Bayly, A. Eric. House of strange secrets : a detective story. Beard, Wolcott Le Clear. Sand and cactus. Bearers of the burden. By Major W. P. Drurj-. Beautiful alien. By Julia Magruder. Becke, Louis. Ridan the devil, and other stories. Benneit, Emerson. Ellen Norbury ; or, the adventures of an orphan. Benson, E. F. The capsina. — Mammon and Co. ^ Besant, Sir Walter, The orange girl. Better late than never. By Emma Marshall. Bickekdyke, John. Passing of prince Rozan. Bill, Edward Lyman. Sword of the pyramids. BiRT, .Vrchibald, edr. Castle Czvargas. Bishop's conversion. By Ellen Blackman. Bishop's shadow. By I. T. Thurston. Bitter heritage (A). By John Bloundellc Burton. Bl.\ck, Alexander. Captain Kodak : a camera story. Black Douglas (The). By S. R. Crockett. Black rock : a tale of the .Selkirk. By Ralph Connor. Black wolf's breed. By Harris Dickson. Bi.anchard, Amy E. Miss Vanity. Bli.\. By Frank Norris. Bloomingdale, Charles, yr. (" Karl.") Mr., Miss, and Mrs. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the nrs* part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Bob, son of battle, to Each life unfulfilled. Bob, son of battle. By Alfred Ollivant. Bond of black. By William Lc Queux. BooTHBY, Guy. r)r. Nikola's experiment. — I.ove made manifest. BoURGET, Paul. Antigone, and other portraits of women (voyageuses). BouvET, Marguerite. Tales of an old chateau. Bowles, M. The amazing lady. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. For the freedom of the sea [1812]. Brady, Jasper Ewing. Tales of tlie telegraph. Briscoe, Margaret Sutton. The sixth sense, and other stories. Bronze Buddha : a mystery. By Cora Linn Daniels. Broughton, Rhoda. The game and the candle. Brown, V. C. By Mrs. Alexander. Brown, Vincent. Romance of a ritualist, Bryce, Lloyd. Lady Blanche's salon. Bryhen, H, a. An exiled Scot [Escape of prince Charles, 1746]. Builders (The). By J. S. Fletcher. BuRCHELL, Sidney Herbert. Duke's servants : a ro- mance. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. In connection with the de Willoughby claim. Burnham, Clara Louise. West Point wooing, and other stories. Burton, John Bloundelle. A bitter heritage. Bushwhacker, and other stories. By Charles Egbert Craddock. By Berwen banks. By Allen Raine. Cable, George W. Strong hearts. Calkins, Frank Welles. The cougar-tamer, and other stories of adventure. Cameron, jMrs. H. Lovett. A man's undoing. Camp, Walter and Brooks, Lilian. Drives and puts : a book of golf stories. Capes, Bernard. Our lady of darkness. Capsina (The). By E. F. Benson. Captain Kodak : a camera story. By Alexander Black. Carcellini emerald, with other tales. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. My lady Frivol. Carruth, Frances Weston. Those Dale girls. Carruth, Hayden. Mr. Milo Bush. Carryl, Charles E. River syndicate, and other stories. Carved cupboard. By Amy Le Feuvre. Cashel Byron's profession. By G. Bernard Shav/. Caskoden, Edwin [Charles Major]. When knighthood •was in flower. Castle, Egerton. Light of Scarthey. — " Young April." Castle Czvargas. Ed. by Archi'oald Birt. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. Queen of the swamps, and other plain Americans. Celibate's wife. By Herbert Flowerdew. Channing, Blanche Mary. Zodiac stories. Chase of an heiress. By Christian Reid. " Cheiro," pseud. See Hamong, Cot*nt de. Chestnutt, Charles W. The conjure woman. Child, Frank Samuel. An unknown patriot : story of the secret service. ^ Children of the mist. By Eden Phillpotts. Cholmondeley, Mary. Red pottage. Chopin, Kate. The awakening. Christmas in French Canada. By Louis Frechette. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. By Joel Chandler Harris. Churchill, Winston. Richard Carvel. Circle of a century. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. City of dreadful night. By Rudyard Kipling. Claretie, Jules. Vicomte de Puyjoli : romance of the French Revolution. CoBB.\N, J. Maclaren. Angel of the covenant. — Pursued by law. Cockney in Arcadia. By Harry A. Spurr. Cohen, A. J. See Dale, Alan. Colmore, G. Strange story of Hester Wynne. Colossus (The). By Morley Roberts. Confident to-morrow. By Brander Matthews. Confounding of Camclia. By Anne Douglas Sedgwick. Conjure woman (The). By Charles W. Chestnutt. Connor, Ralph. IMack rock : a tale of the Selkirk. — Sky pilot : a tale of the foothills. Cotes, Mrs. Everard. See Duncan, Sarah Jeannette. Couch, A. T. Quiller (" Q "). Ship of stars. Cougar-tamer, and other stories of adventure. By Frank Welles Calkins. Craddock, Charles Egbert [Mary N. Murfree]. Bush- whackers, and other stories. — Story of old P'ort Loudon. Crane, Stephen. Active service. — The monster, and other stories. Crawford, Francis Marion. Via crucis : romance of the second Crusade. Crockett, S. R. The black Douglas. — lone March. — Kit Kennedy, country boy. Cromwell's own. By Arthur Paterson. Crown of life. By George Gissing. Cruise of the golden wave. By W. N. Oscar. Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler. San Isidro. Cupid's garden. By Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler. 2dcd. CupPLES, George. A splendid yarn. Curios. By Richard Marsh. Curtis, David A. Queer luck : Poker stories from the N. Y. Sun. Customs of the country : tales of new Japan. By Mrs. Hugh Eraser. Dale, Alan [A. J. Cohen]. Plis own image. Dale, Annan. Dwellers in Gotham. Daniels, Cora Linn. The bronze Buddha : a mystery. Dash for a throne. By Arthur W. Marchmont. Daudet, Alphonse. Head of the family. Daughter of Israel. By Rose Porter. Daughter of the vine. By Gertrude Atherton. Daughters of Babylon. By Wilson Barrett and Robert Hichens. Davis, ^L E. M. The wire cutters. Davis, Richard Harding. Lion and the unicorn. De Windt, Harry. True tales of travel and adventure. Dead men tell no tales. By E. W\ Hornung. Dear Irish girl. By Katharine Tynan. Dickens, Charles. Nicholas Nickleby. Lond., C/4a/waM dr" Hall. 8vo. Dickson, Harris. Black wolf's breed. " Dionysius the weaver's heart's dearest. By Blanche Wil- lis Howard. Dix, Beulah. Hugh Gwyeth : a Roundhead cavalier. Doc' Home. By George Ade. Dr. Berkeley's discovery. By Richard Slee and Cornelia Atwood Pratt. Dr. Nikola's experiment. By Guy Boothby. Double thread (A). By Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler. DOUGALL, Lily. The Mormon prophet. Douglas, Amanda M. Heir of Sherburne. — Little girl in old Philadelphia. — Sherburne girls. Doyle, A. Conan. A duet, with an occasional chorus. Doyle, Dr. C. W. Shadow of Quong Lung. — Taming of the jungle. Dracula. By Bram Stoker. Dreamers (The) : a club. By John Kendrick Bangs. Drives and puts : a book of golf stories. By Walter Camp and Lilian Brooks. Dross. By Henry Seton Merriman. Drury, Major W. P. Bearers of the burden. Duet (A), with an occasional chorus. By A. Conan Doyle. Duke's servants : a romance. By Sidney Herbert Bur- chell. Duncan, Sarah Jeannette [Mrs. Everard Cotes]. — Hilda : a story of Calcutta. DuNTON, Theodore Watts. Aylwin. Dwellers in Gotham. By Annan Dale. Each life unfulfilled. By Anna Chapin Ray. FREE L13RARY OF THE GE.MERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADES.MEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Edwards, H. S., to In connection with the, etc. Edwards, Harry Stillwell. His defense, end other sto- ries. Egkrton, George. Wheel of God. Ellen Norbury ; or, the adventures of an orphan. By Emerson Bennett. Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. An incident, and other hap- penings. Enchanted type-writer. By John Kendrick Bangs. Espiritu santo. By Henrietta Dana .Skinner. Etchingham letters. By Sir Frederick I'ollock and Mrs. Fuller Maitland. Exiled Scot (An). By II. A. Bryden. Expedition of Captain Flick. Eye of a god, and other tales. By W. A. Eraser. Fables in slang. By George Ade. Farjeon, B. L. Samuel Boyd of Catchpole Square : a mystery. Farmer, James Eugene. The grand mademoiselle. Farquuar, Anna. Professor's daughter. p-avor of princes. By Mark Lee Luther. Fight for dominion. By Gay Parker. Final proof ; or, the value of evidence. By R. Oltolengui. Fletcher, J. S. The builders. — Paths of the prudent. Flowerdew, Herbert. A celibate's wife. For the freedom of the sea. [1812.] By Cyrus Town- send Brady. Ford, George. Tostle farm. Ford, Paul Leicester. Janice Meredith : story of the American Revolution. Four-masted cat-boat and other truthful tales. By Charles Battell Loomis. Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft. Cupid's garden. — A double thread. Fowler (The). By Beatrice Ilarraden. Fox, John,/;-. A mountain Europa. Fo.\-woman (The). By John Luther Long. Eraser, Mrs. Hugh. Customs of the country : tales of new Japan. Eraser, W. A. Eye of a god, and other tales. FRECiiETTE, I/Ouis. Christmas in French Canada. Frederic, Harold. The market-place. Frithjof the viking of Norway, and Roland the paladin of France. By Zenaide Ragozin. Frivolities. By Richard Marsh. Fugitives (The) : a tale of clipper ships and slaves. By John R. Spears. Fuller, Caroline M. Across the campus : a story of college life. Galdemar, Ange. Robespierre : story of Sardou's play novelized. Gallaher, Grace Margaret. Vassar stories. Gallon, Tom. Idol of the blind. Galloway, James M. Lock and key. Game and the candle. By Rhoda Broughton. Garden of swords. By Max Pemberton. Gentleman from Indiana. By Booth Tarkington. Gentleman player. By Robert Neilson .Stephens. Gibson, Charles Donnel. My lady and Allan Uarkc. GlELOW, Martha. Mammy's reminiscences, and other sketches. Giles Ingilby. By \V. E. Norris. Gilliat, Kev. E. King's reeve and how he supped with his master. GlssiNC, George. Crown of life. God's prisoner. By John Oxenham. Gould, S. Baring. See BARi.Nc-Gould, S. Grand mademoiselle. By James Eugene Farmer. Green, Anna Katharine [Mrs. Charles Rohlfs]. Agatha Webb. Green mariner. By Howard Ireland. Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Jack Curzon. — A lost American : a tale of Cuba. Guthrie, F. A. See Anstey, F. (iwvN, A[rs. Laura. Wanita : a novel. IIacgard, H. Rider. Swallow : a tale of the great trek. Hall, Tom. Talcs., Will R. Juan Pico. Hamulin, Herbert Elliott. Yarn of a bucko mate. HaMONG, Count de ('' Cheiro"). The hand of fate ; or, a study of destiny. Hand of fate ; or, a study of destiny. By Count -de Hamong (" Cheiro' ). Harraden, Beatrice. The fowler. Harris, Joel Chandler. Chronicles of aunt Minervy Ann. — Plantation pageants. Harriso.n, Jllrs. Burton. Carccllini emerald, with other tales. — Circle of a century. — Triple entanglement. Harte, Bret. Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation, and other stories. Hart.mann, Sadakichi. Schopenhauer in the air : seven stories. Hats off ! By Arthur Henry Veysey. Hatton, Joseph. When rogues fall out. Hawkins, Anthony Hope. See Hope, Anthony. He, she, and they. By Albert Lee. ^lead of the family. By .Alphonse Daudet. Heart of Denise, and other tales. By S. Levett Yeats. Heart of Miranda, and other stories. By H. B. Marriott Watson. Heaven-kissing hill. By Julia Magruder. Hector, Afrs. Annie F. See Alexander, Mrs. Heir of Sherburne. By Amanda M. Douglas. Helpers (The). By Francis Lynde. Henry Worthington, idealist. By Margaret Sherwood. Her sailor : a love story. By Marshall Saunders. Hero of Ticonderoga. By Rowland E. Robinson. Heronford. By S. R. Keightley. Herrick. Love's dilemmas. Hewlett, Maurice. Little novels of Italy. Hilda : a story of Calcutta. By Sarah Jeannette Duncan. Hill, John A. Stories of the railroad. Hill of pains. By Gilbert Parker. His defense, and other stories. By Harry Stillwell Ed- wards. His own image. By Alan Dale. Holland, Chve. Seed of the poppy. Holly and pizen, and other stories. By Ruth McEnery Stuart. Hooligan nights. By Clarence Rook. Hope, Anthony [Anthony Hope Hawkins]. King's mirror. Hope the hermit. By Edna Lyall. HoRNUNG, E. W. Amateur cracksman. — Dead men tell no tales. House of strange secrets : a detective story. By A. Eric Bayley. House of the wizard. By M. Imlay Taylor. How to cook husbands. By Elizabeth .Strong Worthing- ton. Howard, Blanche Willis. Dionysius the weaver's heart's dearest. Howell, Whitfield. Twin oaks. Howells, W. D. Ragged Lady. — Their silver wedding journey. 2 v. HUHBARD, Elbert. Time and chance. 2 v. Hugh Gwyeth, a Roundhead cavalier. By Beulah Marie Dix. Human boy. By Eden Phillpotts. Human interest (The) : a study in incompatibilities. By Violet Hunt. Hume, Fergus. Expedition of captain Flick. Hungarian nabob. By Dr. Maurus Jokai. Hunt, Violet. The human interest : a study in incom- patibilities. HUSSEY, Eyre. On account of Sarah. I, thou and the other one. By Amelia E. Barr. Idol of the blind. ]?y Tom Gallon. Idols. By Wm. J. Locke. If sinners entice thee. By Wm. Le Queux. In chimney corners : merry tales of Irish folk-lore. In connection with the de Willoughby claim. By Frances Hodgson Burnett. In asking for books, use the " Book Ordc the .A.UTiICR"S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : In his steps, to Norris, Frank. In his steps. By Charles M. Sheldon. In old France and new. By William McLennan. In old New York : a romance. By Wilson Barrett and Llwyn Barron. In vain. By Henryk Sienkiewicz. Incident (An), and other happenings. By .Sarah Barn- well Elliott. lone March. By S. R. Crockett. Ireland, Howard. A green mariner. Iron star from myth to history. By John Preston True. Island god (An) : a tale cf tlie first Kamehameha. By Giirdon S. Mumford. Jack Curzon. ]5y Archibald Clavering Cunter. James, Mrs. F. A. .S>(' W^akden, Florence. James, Henry. The awkward age. James Cope : confessions of a U. S. district attorney. By Cuthbcrt Barmby. Jamesons (The). By Mary E. Wilkins. Janice Meredith : story of the American Revolution. By Paul Leicester Ford. Jewktt, Sarah Orne. Queen's twin, and other stories. Joan, the cur.-.te. By Florence Warden. Job Hilliard, artist and carpenter. By Dr. Richards. Johnson, William Henry, edr. King or knave, which wins ? J 6k AT, Z);-. Maurus. Hungarian nabob. — Poor plutocrats. Juan Pico. By Will R. Halpin. Keigutley, S. R. Ileronford- — Silver cross. Kernahan, Coulson. Scoundrels & Co. KiNC., Capt. Charles. A trooper Galahad. King, William Harvey. My smoking-room companions. King or knave, which wins? By W'illiam Henry John- son. King's mirror. By Anthony Hope. King's reeve, and how he supped with his master. By Rev. E. Gilliat. Kipling, Rudyard. City of dreadful night. — Stalky cS: Co. Kit Keanedy, country boy. By S. R. Crockett. Kniglit of king's guard. By Evan Martin. ladder of fortune. By Frances Courtenay Baylor. Lady Barbarity. By J. C. Snaith. I^dy Blanche's salon. By Lloyd Bryce. l^dy of the flag-flowers. By Florence Wilkinson. I^gerlof, Selma. Miracles of antichrist. Lally of the brigade. By L. McManus. Last rebel. By Joseph A. Altsheler. Launching of a man. By Stanley Waterloo. Lee, Albert. He, she, and they. Lk Feuvre, Amy. Carved cupboard. — Legend-led. LkG\llienne, Richard. Young lives. — Worshipper of the image. I>egend-led. By Amy Le Feuvre. Leighton, Marie Connor and Robert. Michael Dred, detective. Leighton, William R. Sons of strength : romance of the Kansas border wars. T^E QuEUX, W'illiam. Bond of black. — If sinners entice thee. Liar (The). By Gilbert Parker. Light of Scarthey. By Egerton Castle. Lincoln, Jeanie Could. A pretty Tory. Lion and the unicorn. By Richard Harding Davis. Little girl in old Philadelphia. By Amanda M. Douglas. JJttle legacy, and otlicr stories. By Mrs. L. B. Walford. Little novels of Italy. By Maurice Hewlett. I-ock and key. By Tames M. Galloway. Locke, William J. 'idols. Lone pine : the story of a lost mine. By R. B. Townsend. Long, John Luther. The fox-woman. Loom of destiny. By Arthur J. Stringer. Loomis, Charles Battell. Four-masted cat-boat, and other truthful tales. I^st American : a tale of Cuba. By Archibald Clavering Gunter. Lost prince Almon. By Louis Pendleton. Love among the lions. By F. Anstey. Love made manifest. By Guy Boothby. Loveliness. By Elizabeth .Stuart Phelps. Love's dilemma. By Robert Merrick. Loyal hearts and true. By Ruth Ogden. Lust, Adelina Cohnfeldt. Tent of grace. Luther, Mark Lee. Favor of princes. Lyall, Edna [Miss Bailey]. Hope the hermit. Lynch, Hannah. Autobiography of a child. Lynde, Francis. The helpers. Maclaren, Ian [Rev. John Maclaren Watson]. Rabbi Saunderson. McLenn.\n, ^Villiam. In old France and new. — and McIlwraith, J. N. Span o' life. McManus, L. Lally of the brigade. MacManus, Seumas. In chimney corners : merry tales of Irish folk-lore. Macquoid, Katharine S. Ward of the king. Madame Izan. By Mrs. Campbell Praed. M.\gruder, Julia. A beautiful alien. — Heaven-kissing hill. Maid he married. By Harriet Prescott Spofford. Major, Charles. See Caskoden, Edwin \^pseud.\ Mallock, W. H. Tristram Lacy; or, the individualist. Mammon and Co. By E. F. Benson. Mammy's reminiscences, and other sketches. By Martha S. Gielow. Man of the moors. By Halliwell Sutclifle. Man who dared. By John P. Ritter. Man who outlived himself. By Albion W^ Tourgee. Man's undoing (A). By Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron. Marchmont, Arthur ^V. Dash for a throne. Market-place (The). By Harold Frederic. Marsh, Richard. Curios. — Frivolities. Marshall, Emma. Better late than never. Martin, Evan. Knight of king's guard. Mary Cameron : a romance of Fisherman's Island. By Edith Sawyer. Matthews, Brander. Confident to-morrow. Maxwell, Ellen Elackmar. Bishop's conversion. Merriman, Henry Seton [Hugh S. Scott]. Dross. — Prisoners and captives. — Suspense. — Young Mistley. Michael Dred, detective. By Marie Connor and Robert Leighton. Miracle of antichrist. By Selma Lagerlof. Miss Cayley's adventures. By Grant Allen. Miss Nume of Japan : a Japanese-American romance. By Onoto Watanna. Miss Vanity. By Amy E. Blanchard. Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation, and other stories. By Bret Harte. Mr. Milo Bush. By Hayden Carruth. Mr., Miss, and Mrs. By Charles Bloomingdale. Mistress Content Cradock. By Annie Eliot Trumbull. Monster, and other stories. By Stephen Crane Moore, F. Frankfort. Well, after all — Morette, Edgar. The Sturgis wager : a detective stor)-. Mormon prophet (A). By Lily Dougall. Morris, Clara. A silent singer [and other stories]. Morrison, Arthur. To London town. Mountain Europa (.\). By John Fox, jr. Mumforh, Gurdon S. An island god : a tale of the fast Kamehameha. MuNDO, Oto. The recovered continent : a tale of the Chinese invasion. My lady and Allan Darke. By Charles Donnel Gibson. My lady Frivol. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. My smoking-room companions. By Wm. Henry King. Name to conjure with. By John Strange Winter. Nelson, Kathleen Gray. Tuen, slave and empress. Nicholas Nickleby. Bv Charles Dickens. Lond., C-4a/- 7nan and Hall. '8°. No. 5 John Street. By Richard Whiteing. NoRRis. Frank. Blix. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Norris, W. E., to Silent singer (A). NoRKis, W. E. Giles Ingilhy. Or.DF.N, Ruth. Loyal hearts and true. Old mad;ime and other tragedies, liy Harriet Prescott Spodord. Ol.iniANi', Mrs. A widow's tale, and other stories. Oi.LiVA.NT, Alfred. Bob son of battle. On account of .Sarah. By Eyre Mussey. Open question (The). By Elizabeth Robins. Orange girl. By .Sir Walter ]5esant. Oscar, W. N. Cruise of the " Clolden wave." Other fellow (The). By E. Hopkinson Smith. Ottoi.engui, K. Einal proof ; or, the value of evidence. Our lady of darkness. By ]5ernard Capes. OxENHAM, John. God's prisoner. — Princess of Vascovy. — Rising fortunes. Pabo the priest. By S. Baring-Gould. Parkku, Gay. Eight for dominion. — Hill of pains. — The liar. Passing of prince Rozan. Pastor Naudie's wife. By Edouard Rod. Paterso.n, Arthur. Cromwell's own. I'ATERSO.N, William R. See Swift, B. \pseud.\ Paths of the prudent. By J. S. P'ietcher. Pedagogues (The) : a story of the Harvard summer school. By Arthur Stanwood Pier. 1'emi!F,r TON, Max. Garden of swords. — .Signors of the niglit. Peni)I.eto.\, Louis. Lost prince Almon. Penelope's progress. By Kate Douglas Wiggin. I'ennsylvania stories. By Arthur Hobson (^uinn. Perez GAi.n6s, B. Saragossa : a story of .Spanish valor. Perry, Bliss. Powers at play. PnEU'S, Elizabeth Stuart. Loveliness. Phillpotts, Eden. Children of the mist. Pier, Arthur Stanwood. The pedagogues : a story of the Harvard summer school. Plantation pageants. By Joel Chandler Harris. Pollock, Sir Erederick ami Maitland, Mrs. Fuller. The Etchingham letters. Pont-Jes r, Rene de. River of pearls ; or, the red spider : a Chinese romance. Pool, Maria Louise. Sand 'n' bushes. — A widower and some spinsters : short stories. Poor plutocrats. By Maurus Jokai. Porter, Rose. A daughter of Israel. Post, Waldron Kintzing. Smith Brunt : a story of the old navy 'Postle farm. By George Ford. Powers at play. By Bliss Perry. Prakd, Mrs. Campbell. Madame Izan. Predicaments. By Louis Evan Shipman. Pretty Tory. By Jeanie Gould Lincoln. Price of blood. By Howard Pyle. Priestess and queen. By Emily E. Reader. Prince of Georgia, and other tales. By Julian Ralph. Princess of Vascovy. By John O.xenham. Princes Xenia. By H. B. Marriott Watson. Prisoners and captives. By Henry .Seton Merriman. Professor llieronymus. By Amelia Skram. Professor's daughter. By Anna Earquhar. Pursued by the law. By L Maclaren Cobban. Putnam, (Jeorgina Lowell. Two legacies. Pvi.E, Howard. Price of blood. Queen of Atlantis : romance of the Caribbean sea. By Erank Aubrey. Queen of the swamp, and other plain Americans. By Mary Ilartwell Catherwood. Queen's twin, and other stories. By Sarah Orne Jewett. Queer luck : Poker stories from the N. Y. Sun. By David A. Curtis. QuiNN, Arthur Hobson. Pennsylvania stories. Rabbi Saunderson. Bv Ian M.iclaren. Ragged lady. By W. 'D. Howells. Ragozin, Zenaide. Erithjof the viking of Norway, and Roland the paladin of Erance. (" Tales of the heroic ages.") Raimond, C. E. See Robins, Elizabeth. Raine, Allen. By Berwen banks. liALrii, Julien. Prince of Georgia, and other tales. Rapin (The). By Henry De Vere Stacpoole. Ray, .Anna Chapin. Each life unfulfilled. kAY.MONP, Walter. Tangled web. — Two men o' Mendip. Rayner, Olive Pratt. Rosalba. Read, Opie. Yankee from the west. Reader, Emily S. Priestess and queen. Recovered continent : a tale of the Chinese invasion. By Oto Mundo. Red pottage. By Mary Cholmondeley. Reid, Christian. [Mrs. Frances C. Fisher Tiernan.] Chase of an heiress. Remington, Frederic. Sundown Leflare. Richard Carvel. By Winston Churchill. Richards, Z>r. Job Hildred, artist and carpenter. Ed. by Ellen E. Pinsent. Ridan the devil, and other stories. By Louis Becke. Riuc.K, W. Pett. Son of the state. River of pearls ; or, the red spider : a Chinese romance. By Rene de Pont-Jest. Rising fortunes. By John Oxenham. RiTTER, John P. Man who dared. h'oie. — Historical romance of the time of Robes- pierre. River syndicate, and other stories. By Charles E. Carryl. Roberts, Morley. The colossus. Robertson, Morgan. " Where angels fear to tread," and other tales of the sea. Robespierre: story of Sardou's play novelized. By Ange Galdemar. Robins, Elizabeth (C. E. Raimond). The open ques- tion. RoBiNSO.N, Rowland E. A hero of Ticonderoga. Rod, Edouard. Pastor Naudie's wife. Romance of a ritualist. By Vincent Brown. Rook, Clarence. Hooligan nights. Rosalba. By Olive Pratt Ravner. Rose Island. By W. Clark Russell. Rudiger, M. Waldtraut : chronicle of the pastor of Hinrichshagen. Russei.i., W. Clark. Rose Island. Samuel Boyd of Catchpole Square : a myster)*. By B. L. Farjeon. ,San Isidro. By Mrs. Schuyler Crowninshield. .Sand and cactus. By Wolcott Le Clear Beard. Sand "n' bushes. By Maria I>ouise Pool. Saragossa : a story of Spanish valor. By P. Perez Galdos. Sardou, Victorien. See Gaidemar, Ange. Saunders, Marshall. Her sailor : a love storj'. Savage, Richard Henry. The white lady of Khamina- vatka. Sawyer, Edith. Mary Cameron : a romance of Fisher- man's Island. Schopenhauer in the air : seven stories. By Sadakichi Hartmann. Schwartz, Julia .Vugusta. Vassar stories. Scott, Hugh S. See Merriman, Henry Seton. Scoundrels & Co. By Coulson Kernahan. Sedgwick, .Anna Douglas. Confounding of Camelia. Seed of the poppy. By Clive Holland. Shadow of Quong Lung. By Dr. C. W. Doyle. Shaw, G. Ikrnard. Cashel Byron's profession. Sheldon, Charles ^L In his steps : " what would Jesus do?" Sherburne girls. By Amanda M. Douglas. Sherwood, Magaret. Henry Worthington, idealist. .Shiel, M. p. The yellow danger ; or, what might hap- pen if the division of the Chinese empire should estrange all European countries. Ship of stars. By A. T. Quiller Couch. Shipman, Louis Evan. Predicaments. .Short rations. By Williston Fish. Sienkif.wicz, Henryk. In vain. Signors of the night. By Max Pemberton. Silent singer (.\) [and other stories]. By Clara Morris. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the -AUTHOR'S N.\ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 10 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Silver cross (The), to White mail. Silver cross (The). By S. R. Keightley. Silver cross (The) ; or, the carpenter of Nazareth. By Eugene Sue. Sir Gawain and the green knight. Retold in modern prose. By Jessie L. Weston. Siren city. By Benjamin Swift. Sixth sense, and other stories. By Margaret Sutton Briscoe. Skinner, Henrietta Dana. Espiritu santo. Skram, Amalie. Professor Ilieronymus. Sky pilot : a tale of the foothills. By Ralph Connor. Slee, Richard and Pratt, Cornelia Atwood. Dr. Berkeley's discovery. Smith, F. Hopkinson. The other fellow. Smith, Nora Archibald. Under the cactus flag : story of life in Me-xico. Smith Brunt : a story of the old navy. By Waldron Kintzing Post. Snaith, T- C. Lady Barbarity. Solitary summer (The). By the author of " Elizabeth and her German garden." Son of the state. By W. Pett Ridge. Sons of strength : romance of the Kansas border wars. By William R. Leighton. Span o' life. By William McLennan and J. N. Mcli- wraith. Spears. John R. The fugitive : a tale of clipper ships and slaves. Splendid sin. By Grant Allen. Spliced yarn (A). By George Cupples. Spofforu, Harriet Prescott. Maid he married. — Old madarae, and other tragedies. SpuRR, Harry A. Cockney in Arcadia. Square pegs. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Stacpoole, Henry De Vere. The rapin. Stalkey & Co. By Rudyard Kipling. Stannard, Mrs. H. E. V. See WINTER, John Strange. Step-mother (The). By Mrs. Alexander. Stephens, Robert Neilson, A gentleman player. Sterndale, Robert Armitage. The Afghan knife. New ed. Stevens, Sheppard. Sword of justice. Stimpson, Herbert Baird. Tory maid. Stockton, Frank R. Vizier of the two horned Alex- ander. Stoker, Bram. Dracula. Stolen story, and other newspaper stories. By Jesse Lynch Williams. Stories of the railroad. By John A. Hill. Story of old Fort Loudon. By Charles Egbert Craddock. Strange story of Hester Wynne. By G. Colmore. Stringer, Arthur J. Loom of destiny. Strong arm (The) [and other stories]. By Robert Barr. Strong hearts. By George W. Cable. Stuart, Eleanor. Averages : a story of N. Y. Stuart, Ruth McEnery. Holly and pizen, and other stories. Sturgis wager : a detective story. By Edgar Morctte. Sue, Eugene. The silver cross ; or, the carpenter of Nazareth. Sundown Leflare. By Frederic Remington. Suspense. By Henry Seton Merriman. SUTCLIFKE, Halliwell. Man of the moors. Swallow : a tale of the great trek. By H. Rider Hag- gard. SviTiFT, Benjamin [William R. Paterson]. Siren city. Sword of justice. By Sheppard Stevens. Sword of the pyramids. By Edward Lyman Bill. Tales. ' By Tom Hall. Tales of an old chateau. By Marguerite Bouvet. Tales of the Malayan coast. By Rounsevelle Wildman. Tc-.les of the telegraph. By Jasper Ewing Brady. Taming of the jungle. By Dr. C. W. Doyle. Tcmgled web. By Walter Raymond. Tarkingpon, Booth. The gentleman from Indiana. Taylor, M. Imlay. House of the wizard. Tent of grace. By Adelina Cohnfeldt Lust. That fortune. By Charles Dudley Warner. Their silver wedding. By W. D. Ilowells. 2 v. " They that walk in darkness." By I. Zangwill. Thompson, Helen Stuart. Windy Creek. Those Dale girls. By Frances Weston Carruth. Thurston, I. T. Bishop's shadow. TiERNAN, Mrs. Frances C. Fisher. See Reid, Christian. Time and chance. By Elbert H. Hubbard. To London town. By Arthur Morrison. Todd, Margaret G., M.D. See Travers, Graham. Tory maid. By Herbert Baird Stimpson. ToURGEE, Albion W. The man who outlived himself. Townshend, R. B. Lone pine: the story of a lost mine. Travers, Graham [Margaret G. Todd, M.D]. Windy- haugh. Trinity bells : a tale of old N. Y. By Amelia E. Barr. Triple entanglement. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. Tristram Lacy : or, the individualist. By W. H. Mal- lock. Trooper Galahad. By Capt. Charles King. True, John Preston. The iron star from myth to his- tory. True tales of travel and adventure. By Harry De Windt. Trumbull, Annie Eliot. Mistress Content Cradock. Tuen, slave and empress. By Kathleen Gray Nelson. Twin oaks. By Whitfield Howell. Two legacies. By Georgina Lowell. Two men o' Mendip. By Walter Raymond. Two standards. By William Barry. Tynan, Katharine. Dear Irish girl. Under the cactus flag : story of life in Mexico. By Nora Archibald Smith. Unknown patriot : story of the secret ser^'ice. By Frank Samuel Child. Untold half (The). By " Alien." Vassar stories. By Grace Margaret Gallaher. Vassar studies. By Julia Augusta Schwartz. Veysey, Arthur Henry. Hats off ! Via crucis : romance of the second Crusade. By Francis M. Crawford. Vicomte de Puyjoli : romance of the French Revolution. By Jules Claretie. Vizier of the two horned Alexander. By Frank R. Stockton. Waldtraut : chronicle of the pastor of Hinrichshagen. By M. Rudiger. Walford, L. B. The archdeacon. ^- A little legacy, and other stories. Wanita : a novel. By Mrs. Laura Gwyn. Ward of the king. By Katharine S. Macquoid. Warden, Florence [Mrs. F. A. James]. Joan, the curate. Warman, Cy. The white mail. Warner, Charles Dudley. That fortune. Was it right to forgive ? By Amelia E. Barr. Watanna, Onoto. Miss Nume of Japan : a Japanese- American romance. Waterloo, Stanley. Launching of a man. — Wolf's long how'l [and other stories]. Watson, H. B. Marriott. Heart of Miranda, and other stories. — Princess Xenia. Watson, Jicv. John Maclaren. See Maclaren, Ian. Wedlock. By John Strange Winter. Well, after all — . By F. Frankfort Moore. Wells, H. G. When the sleeper wakes. West Point wooing, and other stories. By Clara Louise Burnham. Weston, Jessie. Sir Gawain and the green knight. Re- told in modern prose. Wheel of God. By George Egerton. When knighthood was in flower. By Edwin Caskoden. When rogues fall out. By Joseph Hatton. When the sleeper wakes. By H. G. Wells. " Where angels fear to tread," and other tales of the sea. By Morgan Robertson. White lady of Khaminavatka. By Richard Henry Sav- age. White mail. By Cy Warman. KREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION : Whiteing, Richard, to Finley, Martha. 11 Whiteing, Richard. No. 5 John Street. Whitney, Afrs. A. D. T. Square pegs. Widower (A) and some spinsters : short stories. I?y Maria Louise Pool. Widow's tale, and other stories. By Mrs. Oliphant. WiGGiN, Kate Doug-las. Penelope's progress. WiLDMAN, Rounsevelle. Tales of the Malayan coast. WiLKiNS, Mary E. The Jamesons. Wilkinson, Florence. Lady of the flag-flowers. Wli.i-IAMS, Jesse Lynch. Adventures of a freshman, — Stolen story, and other newspaper stories. Windy Creek. By Helen Stuart Thompson. Windyhaugh. By Graham Travers. Winter, John Strange [Mrs. H. E. V. Stannard]. Wed- lock. — Name to conjure with. Wire cutters (The) By M. E. M. Davis. Wolf's long howl [and other stories]. By Stanley Water- loo. Woodrangcr (The). By G. Waldo Browne. Worshipper of the image. By Richard Le Gallienne. Worthing ro.N, Elizabeth Strong. How to cook hus- bands. Yankee from the west. By Opie Read. Yarn of a bucko mate. By Herbert Elliott Hamblen. Yeats, S. Levett. Heart of Denise, and other tales. Yellow danger (The) ; or, what might happen if the divi- sion of the Chinese empire should estrange all Eu- ropean countries. By M. P. Shell. Young April. By Egerton Castle. Young lives. By Richard Le Gallienne. Young Mistley. By Henry Seton Merriman. Zangwill, Israel. "They that walk in darkness": Ghetto tragedies. Zodiac stories. By Blanche Mary Channing. B. Juvenile Fiction alphabetically ar- ranged by Authors and Titles. Adams, William T. SeeOvTic, Oliver. Adventures of a Siberian cub. Transl. from the Russian. Alden, Afrs. G. R. See " Pansy." Alger, Horatio, jr. A boy's fortune ; or, the strange ad- ventures of Ben Baker. — Rupert's ambition. — Young bank messenger. Amateur fireman (An). By James Otis. At the court of Catherine the great. By Fred. Whishaw. Avery, Harold. Mobsley's Mohicans. Babcock, William H. Cian of the chariots : romance of the days of Arthur. Badger, Joseph E.,jr. The lost city. Ballard, Susan, lra}isl. Fairy tales from far Japan. Barbara's heritage ; or, young Americans among the old Italian masters. By Deristhe'L. Hoyt. Barbour, Ralph Henry. The half-back : story of school, football and golf. Barnes, James. Drake and his yeomen. Barton. William E. When Boston braved the king. Beacon prize medals, and other stories By Albert Bige- low Paine. Bellamy, Charles J. Return of the fairies. Ben Comee : a tale of Rogers's rangers, 1758-g. By M. J. Canavan. Betty Leicester's Christmas. By Sarah Orne Jewett. Bingham, Rev. J. F. Sw(;ct little maid. — Twin sisters of Martigny. Blanchard, Amy E. Revolutionary maid. Book of knight and^ Barbara. By David Starr Jordan. Book of legends told over again. By Horace Scudder. Booth, Maud Ballington. Sleepy-time stories. Boy life on the prairie. By Hamlin Garland. Boyd, Alex. J. The shellback. Boy's fortune (.-k) ; or, the strange adventures of Ben Baker. By Horatio Alger, jr. Boys of dormitory three. By H. IBarrow North. Boys of Scrooby. By Ruth Hall. Brahmin's treasure. By Geo. A. Hcnly. Braine, Sheila E. Princess of hearts. [Fairy tale.] Brereton, Capt. Y . S. With shield and assegai : a tale of the Zulu war. Browne, G. Waldo. The woodranger. Brushwood boy (The). By Rudyard Kipling. Burgess, Gelett. Lively city o" Ligg. [Fairy tales.] Cadet Standish of the St. Louis. By William Drysdale. Camping on the St. Lawrence. By Everett T. Tomlin- son. Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee : a tale of Rogers's rang- ers, 1758-59- Captain of irregulars. By Herbert Ilayens. Captain Tom, the privateersman. Ed. by James Otis.. Castle.mon, Harry [Charles Austin Fosdick]. Pony ex- press rider. — Ten ton cutter. — White beaver. C.\therwood, Mary Ilartwell. Spanish Peggy : storj-of young Illinois. Cattle-ranch to college. By Russell Doubleday. Chami'NEY. Elizabeth W. Patience : a daughter of the Mayflower. Chappell, James. My friend Kathleen. Child, Frank Samuel. House with 60 closets. Church, Rev. A. J. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Cian of the chariots : romance of the days of Arthur. By William II. Babcock. Clutterbuck's treasure. By Fred. Whishaw. COLLINGWOOD, Harry. Secret of the sands ; or, the " Water lily " and her crew. Coombe, Florence. Her friend and mine. CosTELi.o, F. H. On fighting decks in 1812. Courage, true hearts. By Gordon Stables. Court of Boyville. By William Allen White. Cowmen and rustlers. By Edward S. Ellis. Cruise of the " Comet." Ed. by James Otis. CULE, W. E. Mabel's prince Wonderful ; or, a trip to storyland. Danish fairy and folk tales. By Svend Gruntvig and others. Dash and daring. By G. A. Henty and others. Daughter of France. By Eliza F. Pollard. Despatch boat of the Whistle : a story of Santiago. By William O. Stoddard. Dix, Beulah Marie. Soldier Rigdale. Dorothy and her friends. By Ellen Olney Kirk. Dorothy Day : a story for girls. By Julie M. Lippmann. Dorsey, the young inventor. By Edward S. Ellis. Douin.EDAY, Russell. Cattle-ranch to college. Dozen from Lakerim. By Rupert Hughes. Drake and his yeomen. By James Barnes. Drumgoolk, Will Allen. A moonshiner's son. Drysdaie, William. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis. Dunn, Byron A. General Nelson's scout. — Young Kentuckian series : On general Thomas's stafT. Ellis, Edward S. Dorsey, the young inventor. — Lost in the Rockies. — Northwest series, No. 2. Cowmen and rustlers. — Secret of Coffin-Island. — War chief series : Iron heart, war chief of the Iro- quois. F!lsie in the south. By Martha Finley. Fairy Tales. Ballard CSus^n) iransl. Fairy tales from far J.ipan. — Bellamy (C. J.). Return of the fairies. — Braine (Sheila E.). Princess of hearts. — Cule (W. E). Mabel's prince Wonderful ; or, a trip to storyland. — Gruntvig- (S.) aud others. Danish fairy and fglk talcs. — Jordan (D. S.). Book of knight and Barbara. Fellow wi'.o won. By Andrew Home. Fenn, G. Manvillc. Fix bay'nets ! Field, Caroline Leslie. Nannie's happy childhood. . Fife and drum at Louisbourg. By J. Macdonald Oxlcy. Finley, Martha. Elsie in the south. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," Riving the AUTHOR'S N.\ME. the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 12 3— FICTION AND JUVENILE FICTION: Finn, Francis J., /^ Race for life. Finn, Francis J. That football game, and what came of it- First cruiser out : a Cuban war story. By William O. Stoddard. Fix bay'nets ! By G. Mannville Fenn. Floiver of the wilderness. By A. (.'•. IMympton. FoOTE, Mary llallock. Little lig-tree stories. " P'orward, inarch": a tale of tlie Spanish-American war. By Ivirk Munroe. FOSDICK, Charles Austin. Seir Castlemon, Harry. Garfanu, Hamlin. Boy life on the prairie. General Nelson's scout. By Byron A. Dunn. Girl captives : story of the Indian frontier. By Bessie Marchant. GOMMF., George Laurence, et/r. Prince's story book. AWi'. — Stories from English history. Graham, Ennis, See .Moi.eswokth, A/rs. Grant Burton the runaway. By W. (Jordon Parker. Gkeen, E. Everett. Heir of Hascombe Hall. [Early Tudors.] — Tom Tufton's toll. Grinnei.L, George Bird. Jack, the young ranchman. CiKUNTVIG, -Svend, and others. Danish fairy and folk tales. Half-back (The) : story of school, football and golf. By Ralph Henry Barbour. Hali., Ruth. Boys of .Scrooby. Hamblen, Herbert Elliott. Tom Benton's luck. Hamp, Sidford F. Treasure of Mushroom Rock. Harrison, Frederick. Wynport college : storv of school life. Havens, Herbert. Captain of irregulars. — Vanished nation. Heir of Hascombe Hall. By E. Everett Green. Henry in the war ; or, the model volunteer. By Gen. O. O. Howard. Henty, George A. Brahmin's treasure. — No surrender ! tale of the rising in La Vendee. — Roving commission (A). [Black insurrection at Hayti.] — Won by the sword : tale of the 30 years' war. — edr. Yule-tide yarns. — and others. Dash and daring. Peril and prowess : stories. Her friend and mine. By Florence Coombe. Heroes of chivalry and romance. By Rev. A. Church., Andrew. Fellow who won. House with 60 closets. By-Frank Samuel Child. Hovvard, Gei7. O. O. Henry in the war ; or, the model volunteer. HOYT, Deristhe L. Barbara's heritage ; or, young Amer- icans among the old Italian masters. Hi'GHES, Rupert. Dozen from Lakerim. Inman, Henry. Ranche on the Oxide. Iron heart, war chief of the Iroquois. By Edward S. Ellis. (War chief series.) Island impossible (The). By Harriet Morgan. Jack, the young ranchman. By George Bird Grinnell. Jersey boy in the Revolution. ByT^verett T. Tomlinson. Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Johnston, Annie Fellows. Two little knights of Ken- tucky. Johnston, William. Tom Graham, V. C.: a tale of the Afghan war. Jordan, David Starr. Book of knight and Barbara. 'Kaler, James Otis. See Oris, James. King, Kennedy. Love and a sword : tale of the .\fridi war. Kipling, Rudyard. The Brushwood boy. Kirk, Ellen Olney. Dorothy and her friends. Krause, Lydia F. See Yechton, Barbara. Lang, Andrew, edr. Red book of animal stories. Life savers (The) : story of the U. S. Life-Saving Service. By James Otis. Light o' the morning : story of an Irish girl. By L. T. Meade. LiPPMANN, Julie M. Dorothy Day : a story for girls. Little Bermuda. By Maria Louise' Poole. Little daughter of the Revolution. By Agnes Carr S.age. Little fig-tree stories. By Mary Hallock Foote. Little folks at Brookside. By Mrs. D. P. Sanford. Little "Jim Crow," and other stories of children. By Clara Morris. Little maid of Concord town. By Margaret Sidney. Lively adventures of (Javin Hamilton. By Molly Elliot .Seawell. Lively city o' Ligg. By Gelett Burgess. Lost city (The). I'.y Joseph E. 15adger, jr. Lost in the Rockies. By Edward S. Ellis. Love and a sword. By Kennedy King. Mabel's prince Wonderful. By W. E. Cule. Madam Mary of the Zoo. By Lily F. Wesselhoeft. Marchant, Bessie. The girl captives : a story of the Indian frontier. Marsham,, Emma. Master Martin. Master Martin. By Emma Marshall. Meade, L. T. Light o' the morning : story of an Irish gill- Midshipman Stuart ; or, the last cruise of the " Essex." By Kirk Munroe. Minute boys of Bunker Hill. By Edward Stratemeyer. Mobsley's Mohicans. By Harold Avery. Molesworth, I\Irs. (" Eiuiis Graham.'") Old pin- cushion. Moonshiner's son. By Will Allen Drumgoole. Morgan, Harriet. The island impossible. Morris, Clara. Little " Jim Crow," and other stories of children. Munroe, Kirk. " Forward, march " : a tale of the Span- ish-American war. — Midshipman Stuart ; or, the last cruise of the " Es- sex." — Shine Terrill : a sea island ranger. My friend Kathleen.* By Jennie Chappell. Mystery of the Pacific. By Oliphant Smeaton. Nannie's happy childhood. By Caroline Leslie Field. Nesbit, E. Storj' of the treasure seekers. No surrender ! a tale of the rising in La Vendee. By (J. A. Henty. North, II. Barrow. Boys of dormitory three. Norton, Charles Ledyard. Queen's rangers : story of Revolutionary times. Old England on the sea. By Gordon Stables. Old pincushion. By Mrs. Molesworth.' On fighting decks in 1812. By F. H. Costello. On general Thomas's staff. . By Byron A. Dunn. Optic, Oliver [William T. Adams] and Stratemeyer, Ed- ward. The Blue and the Grey — on land : An un- divided union. Otis, James. [James Otis Kaler.] An amateur fireman. — Life savers : story of the U. S. Life-Saving Service. — When Dewey came to Manila. — With Perry on Lake Erie. — edr. Captain Tom, the privateersman. Cruise of the " Comet." Oxi.ey, J. Macdonald. Fife and drum at Louisbourg. Page, Thomas Nelson. Santa Claus's partner. Paine, Albert Bigelow. Beacon prize medals, and other stories. "Pansy" [Mrs. G. R. Alden]. Yesterday framed in to-day. Parker, W. Gordon. Grant Burton, the runaway. Patience : a daughter of the Mayflower. By Elizabeth \V. Champney. Peggy. By Laura E. Richards. Peril and prowess : stories by G. A. Plenty. Phillpotts, Eden. The human boy, Plympton, a. G. Flower pf the wilderness. Pollard, Eliza F. Daughter of France : a story of Acadia. Pony express rider. By Harry Castlemon. Pool, Maria Louise. Little Bermuda. Prince's story book. Ed. by George Laurence Gomme. Princess of hearts. By Sheila E. Braine. Queen's rangers : story of Revolutionary times. By Charles Ledyard Norton. Quicksilver Sue. By Laura E. Richards. Race for life. By Fred. Whishaw. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 4— HISTORY : American History and Travels. 13 Ranche on the Oxide. By Henry Red book of animal stories, lid. by Andrew l.anf . Remember the Maine. By (lordon Stables, ketiirn of the fairies. By Charles J. Bellamy. Revolutionary maid. By Amy E. Blanchard. Richards, Laura E. Peggy. — Quicksilver Sue. Roving commission. By G. A. Henty. Rupert's ambition. By Horatio Alger, jr. RussF.i.L, George Ilanby. Under the sjambok : a tale of the Transvaal. S.\r.E, Agnes Carr. Little daughter of the Revolution. St. John, Henry. Voyage of the "Avenger." Sankord, Mrs. D. P. Little folks at Brookside. Santa Claus's partner. By Thomas Nelson Page. ScUDUER, Horace. Book of legends told over again. Seawell, Molly Elliot. Lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton. Secret of Coftln-Island. By Edward S. Ellis. Secret of the sands. By Harrv Collingwood. Shellback (The). By Alex. J.' Boyd. Shine Terrill : a sea island ranger. By Kirk Munroe. Sidney, Margaret. Little maid of Concord town. — Stories Polly Pepper told. Sleepy-time stories. By Maud Ballington Booth. Smeaton, Oliphant. Mystery of the Pacific. Smith, Mary P. Wells. Young Puritans series : Young Puritans in captivity. Soldier Rigdale. By Beulah Marie Dix. Spanish Peggy: story of young Illinois. By Mary Hart- well Catherwood., Gordon. Courage, true hearts. — Old England on the sea [Admiral Drake]. — Remember the Maine [Spanish Amer. war]. — Twixt daydawn and light [Alfred the great]. Stockton, Frank R. Young master of Hyson Hall. Stoddard, William D. The despatch boat of the " Whistle" : a stor}- of Santiago. — First cruiser out : a Cuban war story. — Visitors at Grampus Island. — Tale of an oar. Stories from the old-fashioned children's books brought together by Andrew W. Tuer. Stories Polly Pepper told. By Margaret Sidney. Story of Betty. By Carolyn Wells. Story of the treasure seekers. By E. Nesbit. Stratemeyer, Edward. Minute boys of Bunker Hill. — Under Otis in the Philippines (" Old Glory series "). Sweet little maid. By Amy E. Blanchard. Tale of an oar. By William O. Stoddard (With his " First cruiser out"). Ten ton cutter. By Harry Castlemon. That football game, and what came of it. By Francis J. Finn. Tom Benton's luck. By Herbert Elliott Hamblen. Tom Graham, V. C: a tale of the Afghan war. By Wil- liam Johnston. Tom Tufton's toll. By E. Everett Green. ToMLlNSON, Everett T. Camping on the St. Lawrence. — .\ Jersey boy in the Revolution. Treasure of Mushroom Rock. By Sidford F. Hamp. Ti KK, Andrew W., edr. Stories from the old-fashioned children's books. Twin sisters of Martigny. By Rev. J. F. Bingham. 'Twixt daydawn and light. By Gordon Stables. Two little knights of Kentucky. By Annie Fellows Johnston. Under Otis in the Philippines. By Edward Stratemeyer. (" Old Glor)' series.") Under the sjambok : a tale of the Transvaal. By George llansby Russell. Undivided union. By Oliver Optic and Edward Strate- meyer. (" Blue and the Grey — on land.") Vanished nation. By Herbert Hayens. Visitors at Grampus Island. By William O. Stoddard. (With his " First cruiser out.") Voyage of the " Avenger." By Henry St. John. Wabeno the magician : sequel to " Tommy- Anne and the three hearts." By Mabel Osgood Wright. War chief series. See Ellis, Edward S. Wells, Carolyn. Story of Betty. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Madam Mary of the Zoo. When Boston braved the king. By William E. Barton. When Dewey came to Manila. By James Otis. Whishaw, Fred. At the court of Catherine the great. — Clutterbuck's treasure. — Race for life. White, William Allen. Court of Boyville. White beaver (The). By Harry Castlemon. With Perry on Lake Erie. By James Otis. With shield and assegai : a tale of the Zulu war. By Capt. F. S. Brereton. Won by the sword : tale of the 30 years' war. By G. A. Henty. Woodrangers (The). By G. Waldo Browne. Wrighi", Mabel Osgood. Wabeno the magician : sequel to " Tommy-Anne and the three hearts." Wynport college : story of school life. By Frederick Harrison. Yechton, Barbara [Lydia F. Krause]. Young savage. Yesterday framed in to-day. By " Pansy." Young bank messenger. By Horatio Alger, Young Kentuckians series. See Din.n, Byron A. Young master of Hyson Hall. By Frank R. Stockton. Young Puritans in captivity. By Mary P. Wells Smitli. Young Puritans series. See Smith, ^iary P. W. Young savage. By Barbara Yechton. Yule-tide yarns. Ed. by G. A. Henty. PART 4.-HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. A. American History and Travels. ALASKA AND THE KLONDYKE. Arn.ETONs' Guide-book to .\Iaska and the northwest coast. New ed. P 7013 Bruce. Alaska : its history a:id resources, etc. 2d rev ed. ' P 7537.a, Garland. '1 rail of the goklseekers. [Alaska.] P 7162 Heilprin. Alaska and the Klondike. P 7192, Hitchcock. Two women in the Klondike. P 7624 Pal.mer. In the Klondyke. P 7342 NORTH AMERICA GENERALLY. Diross^. f .\niericana. No. 2. Amerique du Nord et regions arctique. [1896.] B 4506. i Harvey. Newfoundland in 1S97. P 7187. Prowse. Historj' of Newfoundland. 2d ed. P 7716. Roberts. Canadian guide-book. Revised to date. P 7374- UNITED STATES. Description andTravels ; Separate States and Cities. .\l.LEN. Blue-grass region of Kentucky, and other Ken- tucky articles. Q 9008. Archer. America to-day. Q 14. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Visitor's guide to the city of N. Y. on the occasion of the return of Admiral Dewey. Q 9060. Fowler. Journal : from Arkansas through the Indian territor^•, Mexico, etc., 1S21-22. Ed. by Elliott Coues. ' Q 593- In asking for l)ooks, use the " Boo'.c Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NA.ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NVMBER- 14 4— HISTORY: American History and Travels. Hemstkeet. Nooks and corners of old N. Y. Q 9194. Hic.GiNSON. Old Cambridge. Q 9202. Kipling. American notes. Q 245. Mead. Historic homes of the South-West Mountains, Virginia. Q 9676. Moss. American metropolis from Knickerbocker days to the present time. 3 v. in i. Q 9317- Powell, edr. American historic towns : historic towns of the Middle states. Q 97r4-^- Smith. History of Dover, Massachusetts. Q 9412. r/. United States. Interior Departtyieni. \ Report of the governor of Alaska for 1892. — '94, '96. B 6580. + Report of the governor of Arizona, 1896 and '97. B 6580. f Report of the governor of New Mexico, 1896 and '97. B 6580. f Report of governor of Oklahoma, 1896. B 65S0. f Report of the Utah Commission, 1896. B 6579. History. -Abb.\tt. Crisis of the Revolution : the story of Arnold and Andre. Q 4801. Bunker Hill Monument Association. f Proceedings, June 17, 1895. B 7528. Byington. The Puritan as a colonistand reformer. Q3542. Catherwood. Heroes of the middle west. Q 3079. 'Chamberlain. John Adams, the statesman of the Ameri- can Revolution, with other essays. Q 1081. DoDD. Song of the Rappahannock. Q 7123. Earle. Child-life in Colonial days. Q 3i3i.r. Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, f Register, 1899. Q 4582. Fiske. Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2 v. Q 3i50.«'. GiBBS. Pike and cutlass : hero tales of our navy. Q ir66. G.RlFFis. Romance of conquest : story of American ex- pansion. Q II75- Guerber. Story of the great republic. Q 11 78. Hackluyt, transl. f True pictures and fashions of the people of Virginia. B 7529. Note. — Reproduced from the London edition of 15S5. Harland, Marion [Mrs. M. V. Terhune]. More colonial homesteads and their stories. Q 3612. w. Hariot. t Narrative of the first English plantation of Virginia. B 7529. Note. — Reproduced from the London edition of 1588. Harper (F. P.). f Catalogue of books relating to America, 1897. B 4507. Hinsdale. Old northwest : beginning of our colonial system. Rev. ed. Q 1623.^7. Larned. \ History of the Battle monument at West Point. Q 7657- M'Cartiiy. Short history of the U. S. Q 1276. McLaughlin. History of the American nation. Q 1282. New England Society (N, Y. City), f 91st and 92d an- niversary celebration Dec. 22, 1896 and 1897. B 7530. Rhodes. History of the U. S. from 1850. v. 4., 1S62- 64. Q 7723. Ropes. Story of the Civil War. Part 2. Q 7726. TOTTEN. f Our inheritance in the great seal of the U. S. [Prospectus.] B 35. Trevelyan. American Revolution. Pt. i — 1766-76. Q 47(^8. United States. War Department. f Report of the Board of Publication of the Official records of the Union and Confederate armies (1S96). B 7528. f War of the Rebellion : official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Series 2, v. 3-8. Q 7773-,?-- + Same, Series 3, v. T and 2. Q TiTS-h. Vespucci (Amerigo). First four voyages of. [With translation.] Facsimile reprint. B 7529. V1LLA.RD. t Early history of Wall Street. B 7529. Whittemore. f Heroes of the Revolution and their I. descendants. Battle of Long Island. Q 4S97. Wise. End of an era. Q 7792. Indians. Friends (Society of), f Proceedings of Committee for Improvement and civilization of the Indian natives (1S05). B 38. Indian Rights Association (Phila.). f [Pamphlets.] '^ 75=7. Contents: "Civilization's lesson to 'barbarism,'" June 27, 1897. — Summer tour among the Indians of the southwest. By Frances E. Leupp. — 15th annual report for 1897. — Answer to charges against W. N. Hailmann, supt. of Indian schools (June, 1898). — Let there be no backward step (Feb. 20, 1S97). — Import- ance of retaining Dr. Hailmann, supt. of Indian schools (Feb. 20, 1897). — Indian school management (Feb. I, 1897). — Response to senator Pettigrew (Feb. 25, 1897) — Early Moravian Indian work (May, 1897). — Ring rule (Feb. 13, 1896).— The Teller bill. — Held up by the sen ate (Feb. 24, 1S9C). — On the verge of a scandal (Apl II, 1896). — 14th annual report for 1896. — [On the allot ment of 160 acres to Oklahoma Indians] (June 8, 1898) — Review of the Spotted Hawk case (Augt. 189S). United States. Board of Indian Commrs. f 30th an nual report, 1S98. Q 2-]-!2-l> — Hoi Springs Reservation, f Report of supt. for years ended June 30, 1896 and '97. B 6579 — Office of Indian Affairs. \ Annual report of the com missioner, 1896. B 6582 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. Austin. Uncle Sam's soldiers. G 6020. BiGELOW. Reminiscences of the Santiago campaign. P 8040. Bonsal. Fight for Santiago. P 8530. Draper. Rescue of Cuba. P 8126. Elmendorf, edr. Memorial souvenir of the 71st regt. N. Y. Vols, in Cuba. P 8827. Goode. With Sampson through the war. P 8603. Hall. Fun and fighting of the Rough Riders. P 8181. Hermann. From Yauco to Las Marias [Porto Rican campaign]. P 8197. HoBSON. Sinking of the " Merrimac." P 820S. Howard. Fighting for humanity ; or, camp and quarter- deck. P 8213. International Navigation Co. In war and peace [American line]. P 8634. — f Same. P 8634. Kennan. Campaigning in Cuba. P 8241. McCooK. Martial graves of our fallen heroes in Santiago de Cuba. P 8666. McIntosh. The little I saw in Cuba. P 8856. Marshall. Story of the Rough Riders. P 8288. MiLEY. In Cuba with Shafter, P 8304. MusGRAVE. Under three flags in Cuba. P 8324. Roosevelt. The Rough Riders. P 8727. SiGSBEE. The "Maine": her destruction in Havana harbor. P 8405. A^(^/,f.— See also under Spain in Div. B, and Philip- pine Islands in Div. C. SPANISH AMERICA. Cuba and Porto Rico, f New constitution [for]. 1898. B36. DiNWiDDiE. Puerto Rico: its conditions and. possibili- ties, P 8121. FiSKE. The West Indies. P 8151. Fitzgerald. The highest Andes [Argentina], P 9591. Hamm. Porto Rico and the West Indies. P 8184. Morris. Our island empire : handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. P 8317. Ober. Puerto Rico and its resources. P 8335./. Pepper. To-morrow in Cuba. P 8346. PlERRA. f Sp.Tnish misrule in America. B 7528. Robinson. Porto Rico of to-day. P 8375./. Romero. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. P 8726. Stevenson. Maximilian in Mexico. P 8754. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 4— HISTORY : Oriental History and Travels. 15 B. European History and Travels. ENGLAND AND GREAT BRITAIN. Allbut. Rambles in Dickens' land. R loio. Cassell & Co., pubs, f Queen's empire : a pictorial and descriptive record. R i547-«- Not(. — Illustrations from photographs. — f Queen's London : a pictorial and descriptive record. R 1547. Note. —Photographic illustrations. — f Sights and scenes in England and Wales. R 1547. 3. Note. — Over 300 photographic illustrations. Colby, edr. Selections from the sources of English his- tory. R 1096. Demolins. Anglo-Saxon superiority : to what it is due. R II 18. GoMME. London in the reign of Victoria. R 1171.5. GwYNN'. Highways and byways in Donegal and Antrim. R 21S0. Johnston and Robertson. Historical geography of the clans of Scotland. 3d ed. by Dickson. R 2S47. Krout. Looker on in London. R 1254. McCarthy. Story of the people of England in the 19th century. 2 pts. R 1277.^. I. iSoo-35. 2. 1832-98. Malan, edr. Famous homes of Great Britain and their stories. R 1858. MuNRO. Story of the British race. R 1322. O'Brien. The round towers of Ireland. New ed. R 2701. Smith. The united kingdom : a political history. 2 v. R I4II.M. Strong. Building of the British empire : Elizabeth to Victoria. 2 v. R 1425. Trevelyan. England in the age of Wycliffe. R 1768.1?. Tyler. Glimpses of England. R 1451. FRANCE, SPAIN, AND ITALY. Abbot. Blue jackets of '98 : history of the Spanish- American war. S 2002. Blakeney. a boy in the peninsular war : an autobiog- raphy. S 2527. Catrd. History of Corsica. S 3071. Ciiampney. Romance of the feudal chateaux. S 1550.^. Halstead. Full official history of the war with Spain. S 2611. Hancock. French revolution and the English poets. K 1 184./. Hewlett. Earthwork out of Tuscany. S 3201. Hopkins. Idler in France. S 1212. James. Toledo: story of an old Spanish capital. S 2227. King. History of Italian unity. 2 v. S 3646. Lodge. War with Spain. S 2663. LowELb. Impressions of Spain. S 2273. Martin. Stones of Paris in history and letters. 2 v. S 12S9. Meredith. Odes in contribution to the song of French history. K i6So. Ober. Spain [" History for young readers"]. S 2336. Plummer, compiler. Contemporary Spain as shown by her novelists. S 2354. Reign of terror : narratives of the horrors of revolution- ary France. 2 v. S 1720. RoLFE. Naples in the nineties. S 3376. Shand. War in the Peninsula, 1808-14. S 2402. Thirlmere. Idylls of Spain. S 2438. Watson. Story of France. 2 v. S 17S2. Young and Moore. Reminiscences and thrilling stories of the war. S 2799. Note. — For other works on the Spanish-American war see, in this part, under A ("Spanish American War") and under C (" Philippine Islands "). TEUTONIC AND SLAVONIC COUNTRIES. Blok. History of the people of the Netherlands. Pt. 2. From [1501] to 1559. R 8528. DAndlikkr. Short history of Switzerland. R 9568. Du Chaillu. Land of the long night. R 3128. Engelhardt. a Russian province of the north. S 4582. George. Napoleon's invasion of Russia. S 4598. GiKFORU. Germany : her people and their story. R 4166. Griffis. American in Holland. R 8176.0. Guerber. Legends of Switzerland. R 9178. Headlam. Story of Nuremberg. R 4192. j. Hugo. The Alps and the Pyrenees. R 9216. Hyne. Through Arctic Lapland. R 3632. Lees. Peaks and pines : another Norway book. R 3264. Meldrum. Holland and the Hollanders. R 8297. Meyer, f Revolution, 1S48. Antiquariatskatolog, No. 8. B 4506. Stieler. The Rhine from its source to the sea. 2 v. R 4422. Verstchagin. " 1812 " : Napoleon I. in Russia. S 4459. Whitman and McIlraith. Story of the nations : Aus- tria, R 4482. ROME AND GREECE. ArriAN of Alexandria. Roman history. Transl. by White. 2 v. N 9013. I. Foreign "wars. 2. Civil wars. Boissier. Roman Africa : archaeological walks in Algeria and Tunis. N 9048. r. Botsforo. History of Greece. N 8053. GREGOROvifS. History of the city of Rome during the Middle Ages. v. 1-3, and 6(2 pts.). S 3175. Hodgkin. Walls, gates and aqueducts of Rome. N 9625. Lanciani. Destruction of ancient Rome. N g26o.d. Sergeant. Greece in the 19th century. S 7741^. Thomas. Roman life under the Caesars. N 9438. Van Millingen. Byzantine Constantinople. S S774. Wells. Short history of Rome to the death of Augus- tus. 2d ed. N 9473. C. Oriental History and Travels. Beeman. Twenty years in the near East. Nb 3519. Griffis. America in the east. Nb 3176. Ragozin. History of the world : earliest peoples. N 5362./%. Ramsay. Everyday life in Turkey. S 8363.^. AFRICA. Ansorge. Under the African sun [Uganda]. P 3506. Britain and the Boers : both sides of the South African question. P 5536. 1. England and the Transvaal. By Sydney Brooks. 2. Vindication of the Boers. By a diplomat. 3. Transvaal view of the South African question. By Dr. F. V. Engelenburg. Brown. On the South African frontier. P SSS^.**. Cloete. History of the great Boer trek. P 5<^4' Ferryman. Imperial Africa, v. i. British west Africa. P583. Fitzgerald. Transvaal from within. P SSgi- Hii.legas. Oom Paul's people. P 5203. Lloyd. In dwarf land and cannibal country. [Central Africa.] P 3662. Hourst. French enterprise in Africa : exploration of the Niger. P 3*^28. Johnston. History of the colonization of Africa bv alien races. P 233. Little. Sketches and studies in South Africa. P 5662. Macdonald. (}old coast past and present. P 4278. Phillips. Some south African recollections. P 57il- ScH REINER. South African question. P 5394- In asking for books, use the " Book Order," {riving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 16 4— HISTORY: General History and Travels, HISTORY. O 9527- g the Babv- N 7241.//. N 72C1. palanquin. 9264. he has done N 7348. 9762. N 7481. EGYPT AND THE SOUDAN. Churchill. The River war : reconquest of the Soudan. 2 V. P 2553. DovAS, fuhlishcr. Souvenir of Egpyt : monuments. temples, mosques, and scenes from every-day life, P2S25. N'ote. — Photographic illustrations without te.\t. Erman. Life in ancient Egypt. N 6583. Neufeld. a prisoner of the Khaleefa. P 2697. Penfield. Present-day Egypt. P 2346. Petrie and otitcrs. History of Egypt, v. 4 and 5. N 6348.;^. 4, Mahaffy, J. P. History of Egypt under the Ptole- maic dynasty. 5. Milne, J. G. Ilistorj' of Egypt under Roman rule. Ward. Pyramids and progress : sketches from Egypt. N 6779. Wousford. Redemption of Egypt. P 2795. HOLY LAND, SYRIA, AND JEWISH Hi.iss. Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-97. Ken r. History of the Jewish people durin Ionian, Persian and Greek periods. Latimer. Judea from C'yriis to Titus. Lent. Holy Land from landau, saddle and Peters. Justice to the Jew : story of what for the world. Thomas. Two years in Palestine and Syria White. Modern Jew. CENTRAL ASIA. P.ookwalter. Siberia and central Asia. O 3531. Kra'JSSE. Russia in Asia, 1 558-1899. O 3652. Reid. Through unexplored Asia. O 3720. Skrine and Ross. Heart of Asia : Russian Turkestan and the central Asian khanates from the earliest times. O 3746. Waodki.i.. Among the Himalayas. O 3777. INDIA AND IN DO-CHINA. Hljntkr. History of British India, v. I. O 5630.^^. J EPSON and Beames. On the edge of the empire. O 5230. Karaueorijevitch. Enchanted India. O 5237. Metc.\lfe, transl. Two native narratives of the mutiny in Delhi. O 5681. C>:u.EANS {Prince H. d'). From Tonkin to India, 1895-6. O 4868. Robertson. Chitral : the storj^ of a minor siege. o 5725.^. Shadwell. Lockhart's advance through Tirah. O 5742. Shoemaker. Quaint corners of ancient empires : south- ern India, Burma and Manila. O 403. .Smyth. Five years in Siam, 1S91-6. 2 v. O 4412. SiEEVENS. In India. O 5421. TKMri.E. Bird's-eye view of picturesque India. O 5435- VoL'NG. Kingdom of the yellow robe. O 4799. CHINA AND JAPAN. P.KRESKORD. Break-up of China. I)i63Y. The new far East [Japan]. Douglass. China. Hear.n. Exotics and retrospectives. Little. Intimate China. PiCKERi.VG. Pioneering in Formosa. Smith. Village life in China. Thomas. Journeys among the gentle Japs. O 2523. O 2574. O 2125.^. O 2192. c. O 2662. O 2712. O 2412. O 2438. OCEANICA. Bancroft. The new Pacific. P 6515. BKCKEawr/jEFFERY. Naval pioneers of Australia. P 6034. Ri.ACKMA.N. Making of Hawaii. P 6527. Carnegie. Spinifex and sand: 5 years in western Aus- tralia. P 6545. Carpenter. America in Hawaii. P 6076. Christian. Caroline Islands. P 6552. Mitchell, f Annexation of Hawaii, with map : speech. (1898.) B 7528. Reeves. Long white cloud : ao tea roa [New Zealand]. P 6367. Roth. Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. P 6727. Spencer and Gillen. Native tribes of central Australia. P 6750. Swetteniiam. Real Malay : pen pictures. P 6430 r. Thurston, f Handbook on the annexation of Hawaii. B 752S. TwoMBLY. Hawaii and its people. P 6450. Webster, Through New Guinea and the cannibal coun- tries. P 6783. Young, Real Hawaii, P 6498. r. Philippine Islands. Davis. Our conquests in the Pacific. P 6114. Halstead. Story of the Philippines. P 65io. Lala. The Philippine Islands. P 6655. Millet. Expedition to the Philippines. P 6305. Morris. Our island empire : hand-book of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine Islands. P 8317. Shoemaker. Quaint corners of ancient empire : south- ern India, Burma and Manila. O 403. YouNGHUSBAND. The Philippines and round about. P 6799. D. General History and Travels. TRAVELS AND GEOGRAPHY. Allen, The European tour. Na 3008. BuLLEN. Cruise of the "Cachalot": round the world after sperm whales. N 2064. — Idylls of the sea. N 2064./. Jackson. Thousand days in the Arctic. N 2636.'. Jacobs. Story of geographical discovery. N 1226. Johansen. With Nansen in the north. N 2234. Keane. Evolution of geography. N 1238. Kipling. From sea to sea : letters of travel. 2 v. N 3245. Miller. Travels and politics in the near East [Balkan states, Greece, etc.'\. Na 3683. Phillips, f Virginia cartography : a bibliographical de- scription. B 1520. Stanford's Compendium of geography and travel (New issue). North America, v. i. Canada and New- foundland. By S. E. Dawson. N 1421. Stoddard. Lectures. 10 v. N 3755. 1. Norway. — Switzerland. — Athens. — Venice. 2. Constantinople. — Jerusalem. — Egypt. 3. Japan. — China. 4. India. — The passion play, 5. Paris. — La belle France. — Spain. 6. Berlin. — Vienna. — St. Petersburg. — Moscow. 7. The Rhine. — Belgium. — Holland. — Mexico. 8. Florence. — Naples. — Rome. 9. Scotland. — England. — London. 10. Southern California. — Grand canon of the Colo- rado River. — Yellowstone National Park. Story of the sea. Ed. by Q. N 4754, W.\LKER. f Elements of geography and historj-, N 1778. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. Arnold. Historic side-lights. N 4015. Fratelli Boca. \ Catalogo, N. 27. Storia. B 4504. Holden. Our country's flag and the flags of foreign countries. T 62io.<'. Lo.NG. Naval yarns from i6i.>-i83i. N 2273. MiLN. Little folk of many lands. T 8305. Newboi.t. Stories from Froissart. N 432?. New York State. Grand Lodge of Masons. \ Proceed- ings, 1 18th annual communication, T 9697. r?. Point and pillow lace. T 8355. Walker. \ Elements of geography and history. N 177S. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: Bibliography and Library Economy. 17 PART 5-LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. A. Bibliography and Library Economy. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. lit ti, ION. f Catalogue of scientific and technical peri- odicals, 1665-1895. 2d ed. [Part 3.] M 753o.«. — t Select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897. ist supplement. M 7530.^. f I'.oohC reviews, v. 6 (May-Dec. 1898). M 7533. (i.uii of Odd Volumes, f lOth anniversary exhibition. 1897. B 37. COTGRK.WE. f Contents-subject index to general and periodical literature. [Prospectus.] B 4506. IIarpkr. f Books relating to America, 1899. M 7612. lloKi'Ll. f Catalogo, N. 108. Bibliografia. B 4506. Lawrence. Classified reading: books for the school, the library, and the home. M 7657. Kanck. f Need of additional copyright depositories. B 36. .SiECHEKT, publisher, f Catalogue of French books and short lisi oi .Spanish books. M 7421. f \Vashini;ton book chronicle and bulletin, v. 2, Nos. 12, 13, 15, 17. (Oct. 1896-Jan. 1898.) B9583. WiitiE and others. Modern book-plates and their de- signers. M 7897. LIBRARY ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT. American Library Association, f i8th general confer- ence, Sept. 1-4, 1S96. B 9004. — f Handbook, June 1898. B 9003. Dkkxel Institute. \ Library class. [Prospectus.] B 95S3. I'en TON .Metallic Mfg. Co. f Souvenir, American Library Association Conference, Lakewood, on Chau- tauqua, 1S98. B 9570. AWt'. — Views of libraries using metallic stacks. ('■•'{EKN. f Use of pictures in libraries. B 9583. Greenwood's Library year-book for 1897. f ^ieview of certain portions of. B 9583. N'ote. — .V defence of indicators vs. open shelves. Jrrskv City. Free Public Library. ■}• Rules and regula- tions, 1S91. B 9003. f Library journal, v. 24 (Jan. -Dec. 1899). M S662. f Library journal. General inde.x to, v. 1-22. (1S76-97.) M 8662 a. Macfari.ane. Library administration. M 8279. New York Library Association, f Object, constitution, etc. [i8qi]. B 9003. New York State. Library. \ Sist annual report, 1898. M 8698./;. t State library bulletin. Legislation, Nos. 6-9, 1896-S. B 9582. f Same, Library school, No. 2, 1897. B 95S2. College Library, f How to use the library, by one of the staff. B 9004. Oci.E. The free library: its history and present condi- tion. M 8336. Pratt Institute (Brooklyn), f School of library training, 2d year course, 1S96-7. B 9004. Uniteii States. Bureau of Education. \ Statistics of libraries and library legislation in the U. S. [1895-6]. B 9583. LIBRARY CATALOGUES. P.osroN Public Library, f Annual list of books added, 1897-8. M 8531.0'. — f Periodicals received in the libraries of Boston and vicinity, 1897. B 450S. BownoiN College Library (Brunswick, Me.), f Biblio- graphical contributions. No. 6. B 9579. Cincinnati Public Librar)-. f Bulletin of books added during 1S98. M S818./. Helena (Montana) Public Librar}'. f Bulletin, Nos. 15 -18 (July 1895-July 1896). B 9004. New York Free Circulating Library, f Monthly bul- letin, V. 2. (Nov. r896-Oct. 1897.) M 8696.w.-. New York I'ublic Library, f Bulletin, v. i (Jan. -Dec. 1897). M 8696./. New York State. Department of Public Lnstrtiction. \ Catalogue of the teachers' librar)'. B 9583. — Library. \ Stale library bulletin, Additions No. 4. Sept. 1896. B 9582. f Same, Bibliography, Nos. 2-5, 1897-8. B 9582. 2. Reading list : Colonial New England. 3. .Select bibliography on travel in North America. 4. Reading list on the history of the 17th century. 5. -Selection of reference books for cataloguers. — University, f Extension bulletin, No. jS. Library of 500 books and 35 periodicals selected for the State Commission in Lunacy. B 9569. Same. Nos. 14 and 15. Class list of a $500 librarv recommended for schools. B 9569. Public Libraries Division, f 489 books of 1896. B 9CX)4. — \ 500 books of 1897. B 90C4. Newark Free Public Library, f Periodicals and news- papers in the Central Library reading room. B 9003. Peoria Public Librar}'. f Classified catalogue, not in- cluding fiction, juveniles, and German. M 8708. z^. Phil.\deli'hi.a Library Co. f Bulletin, New series. No. 38, 1897. B 9574. Providence Public Librarv. t Monthly bulletin, v. 3, 1897. ' M 8871. J. San Francisco Free Public Librar}'. f Finding list of the Juvenile department, 1S96. M 8731./. — f Monthly bulletin, v. 3. (Jan. -Dec. 1897.) M 8731./. LIBRARY REPORTS. Aberdeen (Scotland) Public Library. \ 12th and 13th annual reports, 1896-7, B 9572. Aguilar Library (N. Y. City), f 7th-9th annual reports, 1895-7. B 9578. Boston Public Library, f Annual reports, 1895-7. B9581. BoWDOiN College Library (Brunswick, Me.). f 14th annual report of the librarian for year ending June I, 189S. B 9579. Brooklyn Librarv. f 38th-40th annual reports, 1896-8. B 9577. Buffalo Librarv. \ 6oth and 6ist annual reports, 1896- 7. ' B 9577. Buffalo Public Librar}- [formerly Buffalo Librar}'], f 1st annual report, 1897. B 9577. Chicago Public Library, f 24th annual report, June 1896. B 9574. Cincinnati Public Librar}-. f Annual reports ending June 30, 1896-7. B 9574. Cl.ERKENWEi.L (London) Public Librar}'. f 9th annual report, i8g6. B 9572. Crane (Thomas) Public Library. \ Annual reports for 1896-7. B 9580. Crerar (John) Library (Chicago). \ ist-3d annual re- ports for 1895-7. B 9575- Detroit Public Librar}-. f 32d and 33d annual reports for 1896-7. , B 9574. Fletcher Free Librar}' (Burlington, Vt.). f 23d and 24th annual reports, 1896-7. B 9579- Forbes Library (Northampton, Mass.). f ist-3d annual reports, Nov. 30, 1895-7. B 95S0. Friends Free Library (Germantown). f Report, 1897. B 9574. Gloversville Free Library, f i8th annual report, 1898. B 9577. Gr.\nd Rapids Public Librar}-. f Annual reports for 1895-6, and 1S96-7. B 9573. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S N.\ME. the Srst part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 18 5— LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE : Literary History and Criticism. Hamilton (Ontario) Public Library, f gth annual re- port for 1897. B 9572. Harlem Library (N. Y. City), f Annual report ending May 31, 1896. B 9578. — f Same, 1898. B 9004. Hartford I'ublic Library, f 58th-6oth annual report, June I, 1896-8. B 9579. Hoboken I'ree Public Library, f 8th annual report, 1898. B 957O. Japan. Imperial Library^formerly Tokyo Library. \ Extract of annual report, 1897. B 9572. Jersey City Free Public Library, f 5th-7th annual re- ports, Dec. 1, 1895-7. B 9576. Liverpool Public Libraries, f 43d-45th annual reports for 1895-7. B 9571. Los Angeles Public Library, f Annual report, Dec. 1897. B 9573- Maimoniues Free Library (N. Y. City), f Report of the librarian for 1895 and 1896. B 9578. Manchester Public Free Libraries, f 44th annual report, 1896-7. B 9571. Milwaukee Public Library, f i8th-2oth annual reports, 1895-7. B9573- Minneapolis Public Library, f 6th annual report for 1895- B 9573. New Bedford Free Public Library, f 44th and 45th annual reports, 1896-7. B 95S0. New PL-iven Free Public Library, f Reports [9th-iith], 1895-7. B 9579. New Jersey. State Library, f Annual report for 1898. M 8696. 7<'. New York City. Free Circulating Library, f i6th-i8th annual reports, 1895-7, B 9578. — Mercantile Library, f 65th and 66th annual reports, 1895-6. B 9578. — Society Library. \ Annual reports, March 31, 1896-8. B 9578. New York State. University. f Extension bulletins, Nos. 16, 20. Report of public libraries division, 1895. 1896. B 9569. Newark Free Public Library, f 8th and 9th annual reports, 1896-7. B 9576. Newberry Library (Chicago), f Report for 1896. B 9574- Philadelphia Apprentices' Library Co. f 76th annual report, Apl. 28, 1896. B 9575. Philadelphia Free Library. \ ist and 2d annual re- ports, Oct. 1896-7. B 9575. Philadelphia Library Co. f 64th annual report, Jan. 1897. B 9574. Pratt (Enoch) Free Library (Bait.), filth and 12th annual reports, Jan. i, 1897-8. B 9574. Pratt Institute (Brooklyn), f Report of the free library for year ending June 30, 1897. B 9577. Providence Athenaeum, f 6oth-62d annual reports, Sept., 1895-7. B 9579. Providencf. Public Library, f i8th-20th annual reports, 1S95-7. 15 9579- QuiNCY Public Library [Thos. Crane Public Library]. f Annual report for 1895. B 95S0. Reynold's library (Rochester), f nth and 12th annual reports, Sept. 30, 1896-7. B 9577. St. Louls Mercantile Library, f 51st and 52d annual reports, 1896-7. B 9573. St. Louis Public (Ffee) Library. \ Annual reports, 1895-6, and '96-7. B 9575. Salem Public Library, f 8th and 9th [annual] reports, Dec. 1S96-7. B 9575. San Francisco Free Public Library, f Reports for years ending June 30, 1895-7. B 9573. San Francisco Mercantile Library, f 43d annual report, 1895. B9573. SCRANTON Public Library, f 6th and 7th annual reports, 1896-7. B 9574. SiRlNCEiRLD (Mass.) City Library Association, f 35'^^ and 36th annual reports, May 1896-7. B 9580. Syracuse Central Library. \ Annual reports ending June 30, 1896-7. B 9577. Taunton Public Library, f 31st and 32d annual reports, 1896-7. B 9580. ToKA'o Library, f Extract of annual reports, 1895-6. B 9572. Worcester (Mass.) Free Public Library, f 36th-38th annual reports, Nov. 1S95-7. B 9580. B. Drama and Plays. DuGAN. King's jester, and other short plays for small stages. K 2128. Contents: King's jester. — Cinderella. — Gypsy girl of Hungary. — Queen's coffer. — Sleeping beauty. — Pandora. — Gift of Aphrodite. — Nino's revenge. — Apple of discord. — Undine. — Flight of the sun goddess. Fleming. How to study Shakespeare. Series 2. K 2154. Hauptmann. Lonely lives : a drama. K 3189./. — The weavers : a drama of the forties. K 3189.W. Head. Shakespeare's insomnia and the causes thereof. K 2192. Heywood and Rowley. Fortune by land and sea : tragi-comedy. Acting version arranged bv Janet E. Walker. K 2621. Johnson. Testimony of the sonnets as to authorship of the Shakespearean plays and poems. K 2233./. Jon-es. Carnac Sahib : play in 4 acts. K 2235. f. Jussekeau. Shakespeare in France under the ancien regime. K 2611. Nirdlinger. Masques and mummers. K 2331. Pinero. Trelawny of the "Wells": comedietta. K 2712. Rostand. The romancers : comedy in 3 acts. K 4378.^. Scott. Drama of yesterday and to-day. K 2738.. 1'. Sophocles. Antigone. Transl. by G. H. Palmer. K 8415.^. Syle. Essays in dramatic criticism. K 2432. Thomas. Alabama: a drama in 4 acts. K 2438. — Arizona : a drama in 4 acts. K 2763. Ward. History of English dramatic literature. New and rev. ed. 3 V. K 2779. a. Winter, edr. Shakespearean [and miscellaneous] plays of Edwin Booth. 3 v. K 2485. j. 1. Hamlet. — Macbeth. — King Lear. — Julius Ctesar. — Merchant of Venice. 2. Othello.— Richard IL— Richard HL— Henry VHL — Much ado about nothing. — Katharine and Pe- truchio. 3. Richelieu. — Fool's revenge. — Brutus. — Ruy Bias. — Don Cresar de Bazan. WooDBRlDGE. The drama : its law and its technique. K 2490. C. Essays and Miscellany. Banks. Anecdotes and morals. M 3026. FisKE. Century of science, and other essays. M 4150.1:. Grant. Search-light letters. M i,\-]i,.s. JouBERT (Jos.). A selection from his thoughts. Trans!, by kath. Lyttelton. M 3234. Putnam. Representative essays by Irving, Lamb, etc. M 4716. Tennyson. [His] men and women. Chosen and ar- ranged by Rose Porter. M 3436. Van Dyke. Fisherman's luck, and some other uncertain things. M 4457-/- D. Language and Phonography. Lippmann. Lessons in graphic shorthand (Gabclsberger). W 1661 Peck. What is good English ? and other essays. W 2345. Sauer. Spanish conversation-grammar. W 5387. E. Literary History and Criticism. Abrahams. Chapters on Jewish literature. M 9002. Adams. Essays in modernity. M 9004.YRD. Laboratory manual in astronomy. D 6070. Campbell. Elements of practical astronomy. 2d ed. revised. D 6544. Great Britain. Admiralty, [f Sailing directions for the coasts of China.] G 7605. — Board of Trade, f British code list for 1874, 1S75. G 7605.^. f International code of signals. G 7605. <7. HoLDEN. Family of the sun : conversations with a child. D 6210. — f Mountain observatories in America and Europe. B 1520. Martin. Treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy. 3d ed. D 6673./. ToDD. Stars and telescopes : a hand-book of popular astronomy. D 6443. j. B. Botany. Atkinson, f Some fungi from Alabama. B 1513. Campbell. Evolution of plants. E 11 73, Coulter. Plant relations. E 1102. Davis, Ornamental shrubs for garden, lawn, and park planting. E 1569. Ganong. Teaching botanist. E 1161. Going [E. M. Hardinge]. Field, forest and wayside flowers. E 11 71. Knobel. Grasses, sedges and rushes of the northern U. S. E 1650. Lounsberrv and Rowan. Guide to the wild flowers. E 1273. Lubbock. Buds and stipules. E 1274.^. Millspaugh and Nuttall. f Flora of West Virginia. B1515. — f Contribution II. to the coastal and plain flora of Yu- catan. B 1515. — f Contribution III. to the coastal and plain flora of Yu- catan. B 1515. New York Mycological club, [f List of the principal works on fungi in Greater N. Y.] B 1513. In askincT for books, use the "Book Ordei,' Riving the AUTHOR'S NA.ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the .NUMBER. 20 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS : Medical Science. Parsons. How to know the ferns. Si EP. Romance of wild flowers. E 1343- E 1421.;-. C. Chemistry. Austin flWi/CoRiAT. Laboratory manual of physiologi- cal and clinical chemistry and toxicology. D 5020./. Clarke, f Constants of nature, Pt. 5 : a recalculation of the atomic weights. D 5555. CoHN. Indicators and test-papers. D 5096 i. CiETMAN. Elements of blowpipe analysis. D 5165. Green. Soluble ferments and fermentation. D 5605. Hewitt. Organic chemical manipulation. D 5201. HiLLYER. Laboratory manual. D 5622. Howe, f Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group. IJ 1519- Lachman. Spirit of organic chemistry. D 5256. Lengfeld. Inorganic chemical preparations. D 5264. Morgan. Tables for quantitative metallurgical analysis. D 5690. Reychler. Outlines of physical chemistry. D 5370. SlEBEL. Compend of mechanical refrigeration. 3d ed. D 5405. TiLDEN. .Short history of the progress of scientific chem- istry. D 5442. Waddell. Arithmetic of chemistry. D 5462. Walker. Introduction to physical chemistry. D 5778. Wanklyn aW CoorER. Sewage-analysis. D 5464.^. D. Electricity, Magnetism and Heat. Anthony. Theory of electrical measurements. D 4012. Biggs. First principles of electricity and magnetism. D 4040. Brady. Tales of the telegraph. [Fiction.] Brooklyn. Board of Commrs. of Electrical Subways. f Report, Oct. 31, 1896. B 1513. Cleveland. Practical electricity. D 4093. Fa HIE. History of wireless telegraphy. I 1141. Fle.ming. Centenary of the electric current, 1799-1899. D4i52.f. Franklin and Williamson. Elements of alternating currents. D 4594. Heaviside. Electromagnetic theory, v. 2. D 4615. Hinnen. Continuous-current dynamos. D 4622. Leaf. Internal wiring of buildings. D 4263. Marshall. Small accumulators. D 4287. OUDIN. Standard polyphase apparatus and systems. D 4340. Poole. Calorific power of fuels. D 4713. Note. — Founded on Scheurer-Kestner's " Pouvoir calorifique des combustibles." ScRUTTON. Electricity in town and country houses. D 4398. E. Evolution and Ethnology. Argyll (Duke oj). Organic evolution cross-examined. F 1014. 'DKi.ioOKatid otiiers. Evolution by atrophy in biology and sociology. F 11 18. DoRSEY. f Bibliography of the anthropology of Peru. BI5I4. — f Observations on a collection of Papuan crania. B 1514. Holmes, f Archeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico. B 1517. HuTTON. Darwinism and Lamarckism old and new. F 1218. Mackintosh. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd : the ap- peal to biology for human guidance. F 1280. Ratzel. History of mankind, v. 3. E 9719. Ripley. Races of Europe : a sociological study. 2 v. E 9724. Thompson, f Ruins of Xkichmook, Yucatan. B 15x4. F. Geology and Physical Geography. BoNNEY. Volcanoes ; their structure and significance. D 7530. Brend. Sloiy of ice in the past and present. D £057. HOLDEN. f Catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific coast, 1769-1897. B 1521. LuQUER. Minerals in rock sections. D 9CO4. United Slates. Geological Survey, f Bulletin, Nos. 87- 89, 149-156. D 8773.^. 87. Schuchert. Synopsis of American fossil brachi- opoda, including bibliography and synoncmy. 88. Bagg. Cretaceous foraminifera of iS'cw Jersey. 89. Ransome. Some lava flows of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. 149. Weeks. Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and miner- alogy for 1S96. 150. Uiller. Educational series of rock specimens collected and distributed by the U. S. (Jeological .Survey. 151. Hill and Vaughan. Lower cretaceous grj'- phKUs of the Texas region. 152. Knowlton. Catalogue of the cretaceous and tertiary plants of North America. 153. Weller. 13ibliographical index of North Amer- ican carboniferous invertebrates. 154. Gannett. Gazetteer of Kansas. 155. Perrine. Earthquakes in California in 1896-7. 156. Weeks. Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and miner- alogy for 1S97. f Geologic atlas of the U. S., folios 36-45. D 8991./". 36. Pueblo folio, Colorado. 37. Downieville folio, California. 38. Butte special folio, Montana. 39. Truckee folio, California. 40. Wartburg folio, Tennessee. 41. Sonora folio, California. 42. Nueces folio, Texas. 43. Bidwell Bar folio, California. 44. Tazewell folio, Virginia-West Virginia. 45. Boise folio, Idaho. f Monographs, v. 30. D 8891./. Contents : Walcott. Fossil medusae. f Topographic atlas of the U. S. folio i. D 8991./^. Contents : Gannett. Physiographic types. G. Mathematics. Blaine. Quick and easy methods of calculating : theory and use of the slide-rule, etc. D 1044. Burnside and Panton. Theory of equations, v. i. D 1540. De Morgan. Study and difficulties of mathematics. U iri8. Eaton. Home study circle : Mathematics. D 1131. Edser. Measurement and weighing. D 1134. Gould. Primer of the calculus. D 1171. Halsey. Use of the slide-rule. D 1182. Lagrange. Lectures on elementary mathematics. D 1257. Schubert. Mathematical essays and recreations. D 1737. Taylor. Introduction to differential and integral calcu- lus. I) 1434- Wansbrough. The A. B. C. of the differential calculus. D 1464. H. Medical Science. American Humane Association, f Report on vivisection. B3517. BoWHILL. Manual of bacteriological technique and special bacteriology. F 4533. Brown. Secret of good health and long life. F 2061. Channing. f Characteristics of insanity. B 3003. — f Medical expert testimony in the Kelljy murder trial. B 3517. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 6— NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS: Physics. Cohen, f Air of towns. B 1522. Conn. Story of the living machine. F 1099./. + Druggists' circular, Price list supplement to, 1898. F 3826. Harlem Eye, Ear and Throat Infirmary. t^4th annual report, 1896. B 35. 'Ikwlett. Manual of bacteriology, clinical and applied. F 4201. KneH'P. f Practical guide for [his] method of cure. B 3003. — f Same. [German.] B 3003. Leffingwell. t L)oes science need secrecy ? [Against cruel vivisection.] B 3003. I.n.l.Y, Eli & Co. f Formaldehyde. [Disinfectant.] B 37. Manhatian Eye and Ear Hospital, f 27th annual re- port. B 35. Martin. The human body: text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene. 5th ed. by Fitz. F 1289.//. Newman. Bacteria. F 4697. New York City. Health Department, f Upon free dis- tribution and sale of diphtheria anliloxine. (1S95.) B35. \ Scientific bulletins, Nos. i and 2. B 3517. Contents: i. Bacteriological investigations and diag- nosis of diphtheria, May 4, i893-M"ay 4, 1894. 2. Sanitary supervision of tuberculosis. By II. M. Briggs and J. ri. Huddleston. — Study of a bacillus found in milk and American cheese. By W. 11. Park and others. — Possible agency of writing utensils in the spread of diphtheria. By II. M. Briggs and others. — Northern Dispensary. f69th-7ist annual report for 1895-7. li 3517- New York Dispensarj'. \ 107th and io8th annual reports for 1896 and '97. B 3517. New York Good Samaritan Dispensary. fGth annual report for 1896. B 3518. New York Hospital, f 125th and 126th annual report for 1895 and 1896. B 3518. New York Orthopoedic Dispensary and Hospital, f 29th annual report (Oct. I, 1895-Oct. i, 189G). B 3517. — f 30th year book (Oct. i, 1896-Oct. i, 1897). B 3517- New York Post-Graduate and Medical School and Hos- pital, t ^^th annual announcement for 1897-8. 63517. — f 13th annual report ending Oct. i, 1897. B 8005. New York State. Charities Aid Association, f 3d and 4th annual reports to the State Commission in Lu- nacy, 1896-7. B 3517. OAKLANDChemical Co. (N. Y. City), f Monograph on hydrogen dioxide. B 35' Parvin. f A physician on vivisection. B 36. RussEi.L. f Atmosphere in relation to human life and health. B 1522. Smith. Text-book of anatomy, physiology and hygiene. F 1412./. Degeneracy : its causes, signs and results. F 5432. Unii'ED States. Interior Department, f Report of the Freedmen's Hospital, 1S96 and '97. B 6581. ■)• Report of the Government Hospital for the Insane for 1S95. ' B 3517. + Same, for 1896 and '97. B 6583. t Report of the Washington Hospital for Found- lings, 1S97. B 6579. United States Cremation Co. f Modern thought on modern cremation, 1896. B 3003. — I Same. 2d ed., 1897. B 3003. — I Same [German]. 1S96. B 3003. — f Same. 2te aufi., 1898. B 3003. Varigny. t ^''' ^^^^ ''f^- B 1522. Walustein. Subconscious self and its relation to edu- cation and health. F 2464. Wide. Hand-book of medical gymnastics. I 7789. WiNSLOW. Mad humanity : its forms apparent and ob- scure. F 5487. Winthrop. Diet in illness and convalescence. F 4485. I. Natural History. Adams. Nature studies in Berkshire. E 503. Bartlett. Wild animals in captivity. 3d ed. E 2029. Bkice. f Report on the fisheries of Indian River, Florida. B 1513. Cherrie. f Contributions to the ornithology of San Domingo. B 1516. Cragin. Our insect friends and foes. E 4104. Cram. Little beasts of field and wood. E 8104. Cramer, f Cranial character of the genus sebastodes (Rock-fish). B 1523. Dewar. Wild life in Hampshire highlands. E 121. Elliot, f List of mammals from Somali-land. B 1516. — f Lists of species of mammals, principally rodents, [from] Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada and California. B 1516. — f On sundry collections of mammals. B 1516. — -f Remarks upon two species of deer from the Philip- pine archipelago. B 15 16. Hay. f On some collections of fishes. B 1516. Hogg. The microscope : its history, construction and application, lathed. E 625. Howe. On the birds' highway. E 72I4.<'. Jordan and Everman. \ Fishes of north and middle America. Pts. 2 and 3. Bulletin 47 of C 4773-''- — and?,VAKK?>. f Fishes of Puget Sound. B 1513. Kappel. t British and European butterflies and moths. E 4848. Kearton. Wild life at home : how to study and photo- graph it. E 2238. Kellogg, f New mallophaga. [Parasites.] B 1523. Kennedy. Beasts : thumb-nail studies in pets. E 2241. Knobel. Field key to the land birds. E 7250. Lang, ^a'/'. Red book of animal stories. [Fiction.] Meek. \ List of fishes and reptiles [from] Somali-land. B 1516. Miller. First book of birds. E 7305-/- Mills. Nature and development of animal intelligence. E 2305. Morley. The bee people. E 4316. — The honey-makers. E 4316.*. Page. Aquaria: treatise on fancy gold fish, etc. E 5341. Rafinesque. Ichthyologia Ohiensis ; or, natural his- tory of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio. E57I8. Sclater. Geography of mammals. E 8738. ScuDDER. Every-day butterflies. E 4398.^. Thompson. Lobo, Rag, and Vixen. E 2438./. N'ote. — Stories of animal intelligence. Thomson. Outlines of zoology. E 2438. a. Troeger. Nature-study readers. 3. Harold's quests. E448. United States. Fish Commission. \ Bulletin, v. 17, for 1897. E 5891. rt. — f Report, pt. 24, for year ending June 30, 1898. E 5773. — I Same, for year ending June 30. 1897. B 1513. \Wke\), compiler. The insect world. _ E 447I.J. Weir. Dawn of reason ; or, mental traits in the^ lower animals. E 2472. J. Physics or Natural Philosophy. Awdry. Early chapters in science. Ed. by Barrett. D 20. Cajori. History of physics. D 72. Crew. Elements of physics. D 2104. Field Columbian Museum (Chicago), f Annual report of the director for 1895-6, 1S96-7. B 1518. — f 2d annual exchange catalogue, 1897. B 8005. Frauenhofer. Prismatic and diffraction spectra. D 3157- Gay-Lussac and others. Free expansion of gases. D 316.3. GOODE. f Condition and progress of the U. S. National Museum during year ending June 30, 1896. D 603. In asking for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NA.ME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER. 22 7— POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Education and Mnemonics. Gray, f Smithsonian physical tables. 15 1520. Harden. Rise and development of the liquefaction of gases. !-> 31S6. Harris. Handbook of acoustics. 4th cd. D 31S7. HuRsr. Colour : a handbook of the theory. D 3631. McAdie. f Equipment and work of an aero-physical observatory. li 1519. PoYNTl.Nc; and Thomas. Text-book of physics : sound. 1> 3713- Sloane. Liquid air and the liquefaction of gases. D 3410. PART 7.-POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. A. Annals of Legislative Bodies ; Public Documents. New York State. Assembly. \ Calendar of bills printed I2ist session, 1S9S. U 26g~.u. + Documents, 120th session, v. 27. U 2866. \ The wider view : a search for truth. Y6ii3.t^. Drummond. New evangelism, and other addresses. Y 6127.6. FiSKE. Through nature to God. Y 6151./. Gladden. How much is left of the old doctrines? Y6169./5. f Gospel temperance tracts : the bricklayer's conversion. B35. James. Human immortality. Y 6227.//. KiREEFF. f Correspondence on infallibility [with] a Jesuit. B 36. Mauie. Life of the spirit. Y 7276. Ryland. f Partiality and unscriptural direction of Socinian zeal : reply to Rev. Mr. Rowe. B 5509. Satterlee. New Testament churchmanship and the principles upon which it was founded. Y 63S6.6. Savage. Life beyond death. Y 6387.5. Snyder, f^l^rist, the true God : essay. B 5509. Van Dyke. Gospel for a world of sin. Y 6456. /4. Wheeler. Dionysos and immortality : Greek faith in immortality as affected by individualism. Y 6479. Whipple and others, f How shall we keep Sunday ? B 37. SERMONS. Abeel. f Discourse, Apl. 6, 1801, before N. Y. Mission- ary Society. B 5005. Abercrombie. f Sermon, May 9, 1798. [Fast day.] B 5005. Alexander, f Missionary sermon, May 23, 1814. B 5509- Allison. f Sermon, Sept. 6, 1809, on ordination of Rev. William Boswell. B 5509. — f Sermon, Sept. 15, 18 12, before N. J. Baptist Asso- ciation. B 5509. TiovK-iiE, ptcblisher. f Prophecy : a discourse, Augt. 18, 1814. B 5509. Ely. f Sermon for the rich to buy that they may benefit themselves and the poor. B 5509. Green, f Obedience to the laws of God the defence of nations : discourse, May g, 1798. B 5005. Inglis. f Discourse, Oct. 2, 1814, before ist regt. of artillery, B. M. M. B 5509. Jay. f Loss of connexions deplored and improved ; ser- mon, -Sept. 26, 18 1 3. B 5509. — f Mutual duties of husbands and wives : sermon. B 5005. Latta. f Sermon, Jan. 12, 1815. [Fastday.] B 5509. Livingston, f Glory of the Redeemer: sermon, Apl. 23, 1799- B 5005. McKnight. Life to the dead : sermon, Apl. 24, 1799. B 5003. Mason, f Pardon of sin in the blood of Jesus : sermon. B 5005. Maynard. f Government and guidance of the tongue : sermon. B 37. Miller, f Sermon, May 9, 1798. [2 Tim. 3. i.] B 5005. Potts, f Discourse on the immortality of the soul, Feb. 17, 1814. [Death of Rev. James Boyd.] B 5509. Ryland. \ Necessity of the trumpet's giving a certain sound : sermon, June 10, 1813. B 5509. Stanford, f Utility of learning to a young minister considered : a discourse, June 14, 1814. B 5509. White, f Sermon : reciprocal influence of civil policy and religious duty. B 5005. C. Ecclesiastical History. Bright. .Some aspects of primitive church life. Y 3059- -f- French. Christ in art. I 4157. Gasquet. Eve of the Reformation. Y 3598. Hall. Papias and his contemporaries. Y 4183. Hazard. Narragansett Friends' meeting in the XVHl. century. Y 3615. Henson. Apostolic Christianity. Y 3197. New York IVIissionary Society. f Instructions to tlir missionaries among the Indians. B 5005. Noble. Redemption of Africa [Missions]. 2 v. Y 3332. Pastor. History of the popes from the close of the Middle Ages. 2 v. Y 3707. Stearns. Manual of patrology : chief persons, sects, orders, elc, in Christian history. Y 3751. D. Mythology and Various Religions. Atterbury. Islam in Africa. Z 6019. Clodd. Myths and dreams. 2d ed. revised. Z 7C94. Curtin. Creation myths of primitive America. Z 8565. Fleeson. Laos folk-lore of farther India. Z 8 152. Groome. Gypsy folk-tales. Z 8605. Hearn. In ghostly Japan. Z 8192. International Folk-lore Congress (Columbian Exposi- tion). [Proceedings] v. i. Archives of the Inter- national Folk-lore Association. Z 8634. Lang. Myth, ritual and religion. 2 v. Rev. ed. Z 8260. w. Mac Manus. In chimney corners : merry tales of Irish folk-lore. [Fiction.] f Talmud (Babylonian). New ed. Transl. by Rodkinson. v. 6-8. Z 5887. 6. Section Moed (festivals). Tracts Yomah and Hagiga. 7. Section Moed (festivals), Tracts Betzah, Succah and Moed Katan. 8. Tracts Taanith, Megilla, and Ebel Rabbathi or Seniahoth. Teit. 'IVaditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia. Z 8761. E. Occult Literature. Braid. On hypnotism : neurypnology ; or, the rationale of nervous sleep. New ed. by White. X 4534. Dresser. Methods and problems of spiritual healing. X 5126. Hingston. {"■ Gabriel") Gospel of the stars; or, wonders of astrology. X 5203. Newton. Christian Science : truths of spiritual healing. X 5350- Osman. Osman's palmistry instructor. X 4339. Short. Christian science. X 5403. Taylor. Alleged haunting of the B — house. Ed. by A. Goodrich Frere and [the] Marquess of Bute. X 5434- Wallace. Miracles and modern spiritualism. X 5464. F. Philosophy : Mental. Aitken. Five windows of the soul. X 3006. BiNET. Psychology of reasoning. Based on researches in hypnotism. X 3042. Harold. Knowledge of life. X 3186. James. Talks to teachers on psychology. X 3225./. "Knowlton. Art of thinking. X 6250. Ladd. a theory of reality. X 3654./. MULLER. Six systems of Indian philosophy. X 2693. MOnsterberg. Psychology and life. X 3322. Powell. Truth and error ; or, the science of intellec- tion. X 3357. Walter. Vital science based upon life's great law. X 3464- '•• Windelband. History of ancient philosophy. X 1791. FREE LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. >— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS : Architecture and Building. 27 G. Philosophy : Moral. AsrnON. History of gambling in England. X-gsio. I'RUCE. Moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought. X 8062. Hopkins. Power of womanhood ; or, mothers and sons. X ()2l2.p. l.ECKV. Map of life : conduct and character. X 8264. Lemmon. The eternal building ; or, the making of man. hood. X 9263. RowNTREK. The temperance problem and social reform. X 9379- Rouge et Noir. Gambling world. X 9727. f To the owners of horses and other animals. B 37. Trumbull. Friendship the master passion. X 9768. WiNlERBURN. I'rom the child's standpoint :" views of child life and nature. X 9485./. PART 9.-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. 116. 117. 118. 119. A. Agriculture and Horticulture. American Forestry Association, f The forest reservation policy. IVit/i H 1505. — f Proceedings, v. 11, 12 (1S94-7). II 1505. HURBURY. Amateur orchid cultivator's guide book. Amer. ed. H 2540. California, University of. f Address of regent, Jan. 15, 1898. H 1543. — Agricultural Experiment Station. f Bulletin, Nos. III-120. ~ li 1543. 111. Work of the College of Agriculture and experi- ment station. 112. Distribution of seeds and plants. 113. California walnuts, almonds and chestnuts. 114. Causes of "frogging" and "bloating" of prunes. 115. Remedies for insects and fungi. The California vine hopper. Control of the temperature in wine fermentation. Distribution of seeds and plants. Vine pruning. The olive knot. — f Partial report of work of the Agricultural Experi- ment Stations for 1895-6, 1S96-7. II 1543. «. Farle. More pot-pourri from a Surrey garden. H 2131. Haggard. A farmer's year : his commonplace book for 1898. H 1181. HiLLUOUSE. House plants and hov/ to succeed with them. H 2203. Jekyll. Wood and garden. H 2637. Maynard. Landscape gardening as applied to home decoration. H 2296. Mil.MAN. [Mrs. Caldwell Crofton.] My roses and how I grow them. H 2304. New York State Reservation at Niagara, f 12th and 13th annual reports (Oct. i, 1894-Feb. i, 1897). B 2525. Romero. Coffee and india-rubber culture in Mexico. H 1726. Rl'SSELL. Scientific horseshoeing. H 1729. SARr;ENT. Corn plants : their uses and ways of life. H 13S6. L^iited States. Agricultural Department. {Division of Forestry) f Is protection against forest fires prac- ticable? With II 1505. f Facts and figures regarding our forest resources. With H 1505. f Forest fire legislation in the U. S. With H 1505. — Interior Department. \ Report of acting superinten- dent of the Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, 1896. B 6579. f Report of acting superintendent of Yellowstone National Park, i8g6. B 6579. f Report of the acting superintendent of Yosemite National Park, 1S96. B 6579. — State Department, f Olive culture in the Alpes niari- timcs. B 2524. VooRiiEES. First principles of agriculture. H 1461. Wilkinson. Story of the cotton plant. H 1483. Wright. Fruit culture for amateurs. 2d ed. H 2493/. B. Architecture and Building. BUILDING. Butler. Portland cement : its manufacture, testing and use. G 9541. Campin. Constructional iron and steel work. (i 9074. Christie. Chimney design and theory. G 9553. Christy. Joints made and used by builders. G 90S8. CUMMINGS. .American cements. G 9107. Gerlach. :j:Ornamente alter Schmiedeeissen. G 9S34. GiBBS. Lighting by acetylene. G 9166. Hodgson. Estimating frame and brick houses. G 92o8.. Webb's Academy of Naval Architecture and Marine Engi- neering, f [Plan of Studies.] B 35. HISTORICAL AND LOCAL ARCHITECTURE. J Architecture franifaise. io« serie. 08904^. Bajot. X Motifs Louis XVI. G 8906.(7. Bond. English cathedrals illustrated. G 8050. Butler. Scotland's ruined abbeys. G 8541. Dehio und Bezold. X Rirchliche Baukunst des Abend- landes. 7te Lieferung. G 8924. Farrar. Westminster Abbey. G 8144. In asking for books, use the " Book Order." givinfj the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NUMBER, 28 9-USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Engineering. GfeLis-DiDOT et Lambert. % Hotels et maisons de Paris. G 8933- Gerlach. ± Nurnbergs Ekker, Giebel und H6fe. G 8833. GuiMARD. X Le castel Beranger. G 8936. «. GuRLiTT. :|; Baukunst Frankreichs. Lieferung 6. G 8937. Haupt. X Backslcin Bauten der Renaissance in Nord- deuts;hland. G 8940. Havard. X Histoire ct philosophic des styles (archi- tecture, ameublement, decoration). (Premier vol.) G 8939.(1. Hessling. X Villencolonie Grunewald. 2 Serie. Ci S840. X Interieurs anglais. G 8945. JoLY. X Mcisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunst- gewerbes aller Lander und Zeiten. v. 1-6. 1. Italien i. G 8847. 2. Deutschland i. G 8847. . Shaw. Perfect Wagnerite : commentarj- on the Ring of the Niblungs. I 6402. Singleton. Guide to the operas. I 6407. Smith. Stories of great national songs. I 6412.J. Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. I 6402. H. Sports, Games and Amusements. Blakey. Angling ; or, how to angle and where to go. I 7045- "Blue ribbon of the sea": history- of the America's cup from 1851 to the present d.ay. I 7047. BUDD and others. Football. I 7063. Camp and Brooks Drives and puts ; a book of golf stories. [Fiction.] Cornish. Nights with an old gunner, and other studies of wild life. I 7101. In asking^ for books, use the " Book Order," giving the AUTHOR'S NAME, the first part of the TITLE, and the NU.MBER. 30 9— USEFUL AND FINE ARTS: Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. CuNNINGTON. IIow to play chess. New ed. I gioS.yi. — Modern chess primer. I 9108. w. Ci'RTis. Queer luck : I'oker stories from the N. Y. Sun. [Fiction.] Dalton. IIow to swim. I 71 12. Vox. After big game in central Africa. I 7592. FORI). Cricket. I 7155. rRKEUOROUGii, ^(/r. Select chess end-gamcs. I 9157. j. Gr.wes aW fMcrj. Cycling. I 7.i7i- C.REY. Fly fishing. I 7I75-3- Hoffmann anc/ McCui.locii. Dominoes and draughts. I 9209./*. "JORROCKS." The private stable. I 7640. Kenealy. Yachting wrinkles. I •j2J[i.y. Knickerbocker Athletic Club, f Amateur billiard ch.-xm- pionship of America (Class A). I 9249. McLean. Rowing, punting and punts. I 7282. Schreiber. Medical indoor gymnastics. Revised by Graefe. I 7736. Sears. Fur and feather tales. I 7399. Wide. Hand-book of medical gymnastics. I 7789. Young. Major tactics of chess. I 9799. w. I. Useful and Miscellaneous Arts. American Institute (N. Y. City), f Charter, by-laws and regulations, 1S96. B 35. Armour Institute of Technology. f Year book for 1895-6-1897-8. B 8559. Collins. Metallurgy of lead and silver. Pt.i-Lead. G3558. Compton and Groot. Advanced metal-work. I't. i. The speed-lathe. G 3098. j-. f Densmore (The) : the world's greatest typewriter. [De- scription.] B 35. Johnson, compiler. Manual of receipts. II 233. Kirk. The cupola furnace. G 3647. Livache. Manufacture of varnishes, oil crushing, eU. H 8658. LocKERT. Petroleum motor-cars. II 8272. P.-VRK. Cyanide process of gold extraction. 3d ed. d 3343. Pe.\rson. Crude rubber and compounding ingredients. II 8707. ScHN.\BEL. Handbook of metallurgy. G 3736. United States. Comnirs. to the Paris Uni-.iersal Exposi- tion {iSbf) Reports. 6 v. 1870. H 772. «. FREE LIBR.'^RY OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YOJ-iK YD t574B -^7 J 3