m STORIES FROM THE RUSSIAN OPERAS iu STORIES FROM THE RUSSIAN OPERAS. BY GLADYS DAVIDSON Author of "Stories from the Operas," "Tales from the Woods and Fields," etc. ^^^ PHILADELPHIA ].. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY M ^•^1 Printed in Great Britain, I PREFACE The composers of the Russian Operas have been fortunately placed as regards dramatic and fantastic subjects for the libretti of their operas. The works of their famous poet and romanticist, Poushkin, proved quite a gold- mine for several of them ; and no difficulty appears to have been experienced in finding interesting and happy subjects for their in- spiration. The stories selected for this volume are those of the Russian Operas best known to opera- goers in this country, most of them having already been performed in London or else- where. The object, as in the case of my former Stories from the Operas^ has been to present all the incidents of each libretto, exactly as they occur in the various acts and scenes, in the clear, readable form of a short story. The work thus serves the purpose of a text-book F90 > / > vi STORIES FROM THE RUSSIAN OPERAS for opera-lovers, while providing at the same time a collection of dramatic tales of consider- able interest to the general reader, giving glimpses of Russian history and legendary lore and pictures of Russian scenes and character. AUTHOR'S NOTE It is desired to acknowledge with thanks the information and assistance rendered by Messrs J. & W. Chester, Ltd., of ii Great Marlborough Street, London, W.i, in the preparation of this volume. It is also desired to acknowledge the source of ** Mademoiselle Fill," the libretto of which is based upon Guy de Maupassant's well- known story. G. D. CONTENTS PAGE Notes on the Operas . . . . x BORODIN 1. Prince Igor ..... i GUI 2. " Mademoiselle Fifi " . . .12 DARGOMIJSKT 3. The Stone Guest . . . -23 MOUSSORGSKT 4. Boris Godounov . . . .42 5. Khovanstchina . . . .61 RACHMANINOV 6. Aleko ...... 77 7. Francesca da Rimini . . -84 RIMSKT-KORSAKOF 8. A Night in May . . • 97 9. Ivan the Terrible . . . .118 10. Mozart and Salieri . . .138 11. The Golden Cockerel . . • i49 vii viii STORIES FROM THE RUSSIAN OPERAS PAGE RUBINSTEIN 12. The Demon . . . . • i75 STRAVINSKY 13. The Nightingale . . . .186 TCHAIKOVSKT ■ 14. Eugene Oniegin . . . .193 Is. Iolanta ..... 206 16. The Queen of Spades . . .225 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Remorse and a Guilty Conscience Frontispiece (Chaliapin as Boris Codounov) Facing page The Tartar Maiden dances before her Captive Lover ...... 6 (Mile Nesterosiska as Khonchakovna) "FiFi's" Partner i8 (Mile Dobrovolska as Rachel) The Pretender's Queen .... 54 (Mile Germanova as Marina Mnichek) Dositheus calls upon his Followers to DIE FOR their FaITH ... .74 (Chaliapin as Dositheus) The Tsar realises that Olga is his Daughter i 30 (Chaliapin as Ivan the Terrible) The Enchantress charms King Dodon . 166 (Mme Thamar Karsavina as The Queen of Shemakhan) The Preoccupied Bride- elect . . .180 (Mile Drusikina as Tamara) Unhappy Memories 202 (D. a. Smirnoff as Eugene Oniegin) IX CO W O w H O W O 2 CO O o 4) cn s. rt D O O a o >-i •-I i-j M "g -3 : O (A J3 U « 2 >o 3 E IH o 3 U3 in s ^ a o c o .J Ho . 00 . ■^2 3 o O O O di (u'C a o Oc/5 o.jS tS 3 2^ CUO > o en . O w >, rt ^ o E o (1) 00 t-l J3 ^ . '^ -^ c ^ ^ ri eI- £?E O rt (/) w w rt §•0 >. rt ^ C -O O M w to *j o V) (/] 0) (/] •a 3 o o O 0) J3 H o E o o O . 73 . w ON e '^J O r^ r ON >5 00 O 00 »=; f-H ,_, i-i > 2 J2 E 3 3.S cS o ^ r^E-3 ^ a m ... 3 > O 2 D- H c E C (V) «^;2 x: >, tn >, > O ►-< ^ /3 "S o C^H O rt e£ rt a (1) cd o 3 «> 304 •a g :2p 0} cd C/3« 3 O £ 3 w it Q) E o 3 iji O u m iJ x: o .3 .0 c4 3 O Q •a w t'~* v-4 S V « 1^ 3 t— » ^g" £:• S| 2 0> 3 Q a" •S o o «no •o fti c a .M O o (/}l-] J >. >» .!. x> s« >, a bo •a 60 ii u ■w l§ w >— • 0) en .3 3 >, . 6 s - "5 ^ C i^ 05 p o w »2 w rt w ■" •a -O 3C/3 (U %o > o -s >• 2 «-« . o -^ S 3 Cd (A 3 5 = §^ O 3 o n u g 'W O O D 2:5 K o o H 3 < ri < o < 3 o 3 < h < O (I] H ;2: l-H O *- IS g w rt o e^ o - 02 &^ > ."S Oh £ <0 en O ca O a o 0Q:S2 J cj o o . (U •^ .-1 m CQ x: CO - 3 (U.I—, (/) o CO iJ S I-. J-. a5^ ^ o -'^ i^ in in . o m < cn Q z < h < O S 0. u E ii rt tt. E rt u rt Q ii Qi - O >-- 3 ^ O Or- O pa o o o '§^•9 0) '-' h -a 3 rt 3 O S 3 OCIh B bi -3 O . ■-M > w O ci +-> ^E Si 'R •>-• i-l 3 >, OX3 TS c fl) c w .2 Tofj 3 3 2-JB 3 3 o < O Q a O " 3 go O Q. -i^E > s > o rt as . o ri ^ .2 6 J 0!! !S wo Q ^ (u , rt 4) o:5£ c/3.5 Ul 0) -a 3 < m O rt X E 2iJ *" rt >,l=l n (A c/) o 60 •J - HH -3 O "rt '^ Q Ul H ^3 13 X! rt w •=5 S O O 0) >> 13 *-> O Q >.2