L2$ 3 ^ f^y?-* 'JN wwi Q \) I >^\ ^^^^ ^3 y ^vlLIBH %)-mv -IF(% ^ahymh^ 3l3DNV-S0V^ 7T30N> Lrf /Or - * fi" ^"■■■■j L. 31 ^L^ 1 3uttfintftr$ of JLinotoUi IN THE Ittt&lrte ®tntutit$. amiiiiiitir o of UnotoUi IN THE ^rutmiro ; INCLUDING THE TOPOGRAPHY BY w tlltant ©ctgmsrtm AND THE LIFE OF WiiUiam @angitgc& BY THE REV. JAxMES DALLAWAY. 13 vt0tol : MIRROR OFFICE. 1834. 6° TO GEORGE WEARE BRAIKENRIDGE, Esq., F.S.A. and F.G.S., Of Broomwell House, Brislington. My dear Sir, Added to claims of friendship, you have those of my approbation, for your singular perseverance in perpe- tuating the memorials of our native city. Allow me, then, to offer this small volume under your patronage j which contains chiefly the Itinerary, as far as it relates to Bristol, made in the close of the fifteenth century, by the venerable William Wyrcestre, the earliest of our topographers. The many localities now totally superseded, which he has marked out in description, you have identified in IV. DEDICATION. their several remains, with a liberal encouragement of competent artists, by no less than 1544 accurate drawings. Your highly embellished library is still more distinguished by so rare and excellent a collection. It has been my grateful task to endeavour to smooth the rugged- ness of my very ancient author ; and to induce a perusal of him, by a partial translation of his desultory memoranda, as well as by explanatory notes. And it should be consi- dered, that this singular M S. consisted of memoranda only, and those preparatory to a perfect work. The Essay on Canynges and his times, is the result of more investigation of his personal history, than was previously known. I am, my dear Sir, With truth and regard, Your faithful Friend and Servant, JAMES DALLAWAY. Letherhead, Surrey, February 20th, 1834. The Antiquaries of Bristol may be gratified by a more detailed account of Mr. Braikenridge's Collection of Drawings. Of subjects in the Parish of St. Ewin's there are 44 All Saints 17 St. Werburgh's 34 St. John's 66 St. Stephen's 32 Christ Church 42 St. Peter's 69 St. Philip's 48 St. Nicholas 113 St. Mary Redcliff 126 Temple 70 St. Thomas 28 St. James 67 St. Michael 36 Castle Precincts 13 St. Leonard's 11 St. Paul's 7 St. Mary Le Port 17 St. Augustine 30 St. Mark's 69 Cathedral 160 Miscellaneous Drawings relating to Bristol 34 The Bridges and course of the River Froome 52 River Avon 74 Coloured Drawings of ditto 96 Vicinity of Bristol 54 Of Brislington only 135 Total number 1544 ERRATA. P. 27. The note is transferred from p. 120 of Nasmith's Edition of the Itinerary. P. 45. For Villa read Villae. P. 62. For officium read offertum. P. 106. For Lane read Loud, and dele the asterisk. P. 134. For Jocobi read Jacobi. P. 136. For Hartery read Harptree. P. 152. For Johis read Johes— Johannse read Johanna.— quoram read quorum. P. 153. For demiferunt read demiserunt. AN ATTEMPT TO DESCRIBE THE FIRST COMMON SEAL USED BY THE nUtQt>g Of UujStOU FROM THE ARCHAEOLOGIA, VOL. XXI. AN ATTEMPT TO DESCRIBE THE FIRST COMMON SEAL USED BY THE BURGESSES OF BRISTOL. The first municipal Seal now extant, which was used by the commonalty of the burgh of Bristol, is no less curious for the excellence of the engraving as a work of art at the time of its execution, than the historical design, concerning which, I submit some Observations which have occurred upon a careful examination of it. I have referred the adaptation of this design to a single event in the history of Bristol, of im- portance enough, as I would suggest, to have been thus commemorated ; when the privilege of using a Seal was first conceded to the burgesses, by King Edward the First, as lord of the castle, in the early part of his reign. Upon an inspection of the more ancient Borough Seals, 1 believe that it will be found, that the device of a castle is peculiar in a great degree, to those which were under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord, from whom they derived all their municipal privileges, and that the representation of a castle was retained upon those seals as evidence of their original dependance, long after their liberties were confirmed. The seal under consideration is circular, having a diameter not exceeding three inches, cast in a composed metal, the basis of which is brass, and very skilfully intagliated or engraven. The Device is a Castle, having a high portal, or gateway, inserted between four towers rising from the banks of a river, and surrounded by a wall. The tower on the left hand is considerably larger than the others, intended to represent the keep. It has three tiers of circular arches ; that on the right hand does not exceed half the dimensions of the keep, upon the top of which is placed a warder blowing a trumpet: the other two are low and diminutive. Of the great gateway, the arch is circular, and the door of timber frame has orna- mented hinges of iron, but there is nothing to mark a portcullis. I have given a more minute descrip- tion, because I have good reason to think that a representation of the castle of Bristol, as extant when the seal was made, was purposely intended. The earliest Seal of the city of Norwich bears a similar resemblance to its contemporary castle. The legend is engraven in the Lombardic character, « SIG1LLVCP. COOXDVNe. BYRG6NSIVCD. BRISTOLLie." But the obverse is the imme- diate subject of this disquisition. This is doubt- less an equally exact representation of the other great gate of the ancient castle, which rose, flanked by towers, above the ditch into which the river Avon was admitted, and by which means, upon any disagreement with the burgesses, their mari- time vessels might be seized and impounded. At the end of a wall is a lofty circular arch, having a high embattling or embrasure, upon which stands a man with his arm held out, and as if beckoning with his forefinger to a ship or large vessel rigged with a single mast and sail, and a pilot steering it with a rudder projected from the side, a rather resembling a broad plank, than the rudder of later usage. A similar form may be traced in the earliest delineations of the Norman aera. a The most ancient rudder by which the ship was guided, in the time of the Romans is called by Virgil " claims," (in distinction from " remits/') and was attached to the side of the ship. "Ipse sedens clavumque regit, velisque ministrat." aEn. 1. x. 218. And in the 9th plate of the Bayeaux tapestry (published in theArchaeologia) the pilot holds the rudder in one hand,and the sail in the other. Upon the Trajan column, the clavus appears to have been likewise attached to the side of ships, and it is probable, that this usage prevailed during the whole period of the Roman empire, and that it was trans- mitted by them to the conquered provinces. That the Normans adopted the form and place of the rudder from them, the Bayeaux tapestry affords us several instances, with some variation, indeed, in its lower part. See plates i. ii. vi. vii. viii. ix. And in illuminations of a M.S. of Henry Knighton. C C. Coll. Oxon. D. 4. f. 5. Legend: X. SeCReTI. CLAVIS. SV. PORT'. NAVITA. NAVIS b PORTA\ C VSTODIT. PORT'.VILIL. 1NDIC6. PDIT. " Secreti clavis sum portiis. Navita navis Portam custodit. Portum vigil indice prodit." " I am the key of the secret port. The pilot steers the helm of the ship. The warder points out the port, with his fore-finger." The arch-way and tower are intended to represent the secret port large enough to admit vessels of considerable size, as an inlet or slip, immediately communicating with the larger or common port of the town, and occasionally serving the purposes of protection or annoyance. To whatever circumstance this device, evidently historical, may indisputably owe its origin, it was certainly the prototype of all the City Seals, how- b " Portam navis" is translated (meo periculoj at the steerage or helm of the ship, for I am unable to adduce any instance of its having been so used either in classic or monkish latinity. Such a pleonasm as " navita navis" can scarcely have been intended, and it was not the fact that the pilot kept the gate (of the castle.) The play upon the words "porta and portus" was too delightful to have been rejected by a rhyming monk ; and he therefore used the former in a sense for which he had no authority. In the 14th century the clavus above mentioned appears to have been superseded by a rudder affixed to the stern, more resembling those of modern usage, and as may be seen in one of the illuminations of the Froissart, in the British Museum, like one half of folding gates, turning upon a hinge. ever varied (as the building of the castle itself varied) in their mode of describing- the circum- stance : and likewise of the Arms of the City. There are strong coincidences by which I am confirmed in an opinion, that the following event, which took place in 1275, gave occasion for this representation. This seal was used jointly for public acts, and for deeds issued by individual burgesses. The first mention I have seen of a common seal of the burgesses, is in the charter granted them by King Edward III. in the 47th year of his reign, 1373, for the choice of a sheriff. "Sub sigillo communi dictae ville Bristol ;" but this circumstance does not prove that the common seal was then first made, but rather, that it had been previously extant. I will now subjoin the historical fact, as related by the chroniclers of that age. A large ship, which, by stress of weather, had been driven about in the British channel, was discovered, when becalmed, (expansis veils) hover- ing at the mouth of the Avon, by some pilots (cives not nautce). Walsingham says only four, who were in small boats. The ship excited the greatest astonishment, both from its size and furniture, and the certainty that persons of great consequence were on board. The cives (pilots) induced them, by promises of safety, to enter the harbour of Bristol, for it was not possible that they could have compelled them by actual force. Wykes, it is true, says "puppim ipsam cum told sarcind capienles, invitos perduxerunt, intrinsecus" <; (into the creek and water-gate of the castle,) that is, after they had perceived that they had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and that all opposi- tion would be useless. But Speed, from T. Wal- singham, says only, that they were surprised. Almeric de Mountfort had taken his sister, the daughter of the great Simon Earl of Leicester, (slain at the battle of Evesham,) accompanied by certain ladies, knights, and priests, with an inten- tion of landing her on the Welsh coasts, and giving her in marriage to Leoline, or Llewellin, Prince of North Wales, who was then at war with King Edward the First. The treachery, or successful manoeuvre, was the piloting of this ship, carrying, possibly, the marriage portion of the bride, with other splendid furniture, into the creek or secret port of the castle, instead of the open port of the town ; and there surrendering the prize into the hands of the king himself, who, it may be inferred, was at that time keeping his court within his castle of Bristol. The lady was treated with the courtesy, and the men with the savage barbarity, peculiar to that rera. Wykes relates that these " cives" of Bristol gave " prcedam ipsam no?i ignobilem Domino Regi, triumphali Icetitid ;" and it is borne out by these circumstances, that the device or delineation of this achievement was represented upon the com- mon seal of this burgh and port, and a superscrip- tion was added in monkish Leonine verse, obscure in itself, excepting that it be allowed to allude to this historical fact in particular ; and it was then, first of all, confirmed by the royal authority. In Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, Almerike de Montfort is said to have been condemned by the parliament, held at Northampton. The whole family of Simon de Montfort had effected their escape into France. He gives an account of the transaction above alluded to, with a certain varia- tion of some of its circumstances ; but those are not less applicable to the device of this seal. A metaphrase may be more convenient for the present purpose; the original being subjoined in a note. d " In the year after King Edward's coronation, Llewellyn Prince of North Wales sent into France to offer marriage to the daughter of Simon de Montfort, to which proposal her friends consented. And as they were now sailing or rowing towards c " Almerike ov Montfort deprived was \>ere And be tressure that he had in kepyns." Edit. Heame, p. 222. d " The next sere followand of Edward coronment ; Leulyn of Walsland, into France he sent De Montforts dough ter to wedde, her frenbes all consent, Almirike her ledde to schyp, now ere hir went Now they sail anb row to Wales to Lewellynes, A burgeys of Bristowe chargyd was with wines He overtoke )>ere schyp, widens hir were ? Hii said wis Kins Philipp to Wales wold hir fare. What bub Ms burseys ? disturbed his wenbins, De may and hir hernesse did lede unto •Se king ; De mayden Edwarde toke, als he was full courteis, In safety did hir loke and thankid \>e burgeys. Whan Lewlyne hard say to warrc sone he began, For tene he wend to die, Kit taken was his leman." Edit, ut sup. v. B 8 Wales, to Llewellyn, Almerick her brother having her under his protection, a certain burgess of Bristol, who was in a vessel laden with wines, overtook the ship and demanded who they were ? they answered that they were going with King Philip into Wales. What did this burgess? He misdirected their voyage by a stratagem, and took the maid and all her wedding furniture to King Edward. The maid the king took, and confined her for security, treating her with courtesy, for he was himself very courteous. The burgess he thanked and rewarded. When Llewellyn was informed of this event he prepared for war, for he was vexed mortally at the detention of his bride." Trivetus, in his account of the place where Leoline's ship was first discovered and detained, is evidently mistaken. It was near a small island called Silley, on the Glamorganshire coast, and not the rock, better known by the same name at the land's-end, Cornwall. Elenor de Montfort was born in England and educated in France, married to Prince Leoline at Worcester, upon his pacification with Edward I. in 1278, " et anno sequenti mortua est." f Such is the historical fact upon which I would ground my opinion, that it supplied the subject of e « Comitissa de Leicester, vidua Simonis de Montfort, filiam suam transmisit in Walliam Principi maritandam ; qui suspectum iter habentes per Angliam imraenso multi maris spatio, ad insulas Iduras (quae terminos Cornubias respiciunt) devehuntur." p 248. Seyer's Mem. of Bristol, vol. ii. p. 70. f Ex registro Abbat. de Kainsham. 9 the obverse of the Great Seal of the Burgh of Bristol, which, from the circumstance of its castle having been both a garrison and a royal palace, was considered during the first Norman centuries as Ihe metropolis of the West of England. The usage of the Lombardic character in all inscrip- tions for a great part of the thirteenth and the first years of the fourteenth century, 5 will fix the true aera of the seal under discussion, to 1275 ; when Edward the First, being resident in his castle of Bristow, and having there received so acceptable a prize " triumphali laetitia," it was very probable that he allowed an event, and the service so per- formed by the men of Bristow, to be commemo- rated upon their Common Seal as a royal boon or indulgence. It is expressly said by Langtoft, that " he ■Sankede )?e burgeys ;" and it might have been by this recognition. The royal, baronial, ecclesias- tical, and municipal seals of this aera, are most of them executed with extraordinary skill and care, as to architectural representation, though those of men are beyond proportion, in this, as well as in other instances. As I have been politely favoured with impres- sions in wax, taken from the ancient Seals now preserved in the archives of the city, by E. Lud- low, Esq., Serjeant at Law, the present Town b The last Great Seal of England, the legend of which is inscribed in the Lombardic character, is that of Edward the Third, first used upon his claim of the crown of France, in 1338. 10 Clerk, I am greatly obliged to him for the oppor- tunity of attempting a description of them, as a continuation of the former subject. h II. This seal, which bears the full face and bust of a king crowned, crossed by a lion passant at the breast, and with a castellet on either side, is known from the legend to have been first issued by Edward I. It is likewise in the Lombardic character ; " S. EDW. RSL. ANE. AD. R6- COLN. DeBITOR' AP'D. BRISTOLL." That the two castles are affixed, is an undoubted evi- dence that the first Edward is meaned, because they appear so placed upon his Great Seal, with reference to his Queen Elinor of Castile, as also upon several others. III. This smaller seal, an impression from which is affixed to a deed in 1352, is inscribed : " SIEILLVM. MAIORITAT1S. VILLE. BRIS- TOLLIE," and was confined to the use of the Mayor and Sheriffs. It is a variation from the original already described, retaining the design. 1 h These are engraved in Seyer's Memoirs of Bristol, vol. 1. p. 378. 1 In Vincent's Collection of Drawings from Seals (MSS. Coll. Arm. No. 88. p. 42.) there is a later variety, in which the quarter for France has only the three fleurs-de-lys adopted by King Henry the Fifth, and the beacon is omitted. The legend is " Sigillum Majoritatis ville de Bristoll." It is affixed to the following deed. " Ego Thomas Halleway de Bristollia concessi tenementum, &c. Et quia sigillum raeum quam plurimis est incognitum sigillum majoritatis ville Bristoll apponi. Dat. 10 Henrici 6ti 1432." Thomas Halleway was Mayor 1434, and founded a Chantry in the parish church of All Saints, with a com- 11 The ship has so far entered into the water-gate of the castle as to conceal its mast and sail. Upon the prow is displayed a pennon, large in propor- tion, bearing the arms of France and England quarterly, as they were first borne by King Edward III. and the Gothic letter 33 behind it. The water- gate only of the castle, not the keep as in the for- mer instance, is represented, and there are two warders with trumpets instead of one. On the highest turret there is a beacon, and near it a vane, upon which is a fleur-de-lys. The castle is no longer delineated as a Norman fortress ; but the towers, which are lofty and slender, attached to the angles, have deep machicolations as introduced in the middle centuries after the Conquest. IV. Is a Seal of small dimensions. Within a circle, covered with fleur-de-lys, is a leopard's face open-mouthed, with the tongue depending, and very deeply engraven. Legend ; " S. MAIOR. STAPVLE. BRIST." Bristol was one of the seven staple towns in England, confirmed by King Edward the Third, in 1354, 27th of his reign, by whom it was enacted, in each of these towns, a seal should be kept by a distinct officer, styled the Mayor of the Staple. petent endowment, in 1450. This is one only of very frequent instances of such an usage, for which the consent of the Mayor was previously obtained, upon petition. In a deed of Lucia Turteye 1350, " Et quia sigillum meuin &c. ad rogatum meum specialcm et personalem, Sig. Majoris villae Bristoll, presentibus est appensum. Many of the curious deeds collected by the late Mr. Seyer and Mr. G. Cumberland, exhibit impressions of these several seals. 12 A question may arise, whether the architectural delineations of churches or castles engraven upon Seals are mere inventions, or in some instances accurate representations of buildings at the time they were made ? 1 submit my opinion, that an analogy to the prevailing style was always in- tended. Conventual seals, upon which a church is the device, cannot perhaps be proved to repre- sent accurately, that of the Convent to which they belong, as in the instance of that of St. Augustine, Bristol, yet the arches are circular, as were those of Fitz-harding's edifice. Upon a minute examina- tion of the series of Royal Seals, from the Con- queror to King Henry VII. it will be seen that the architecture or shrine work of the thrones upon which each monarch is sitting, is at first composed of simple round arches, and that they then follow the style of the Gothic architecture, even to its final exuberance, in niches and cano- pies. It may be said, that they did not describe the precise form of any contemporary building, but that they sufficiently demonstrate the style. We have still an opportunity of comparing the Castle of Norwich with the representation of one upon the Seal of that city, and shall find them analogous, in all respects, if not exactly resem- blant. This reasoning may be applied to the more ancient Bristol Seal, as far as it relates to the general form of its castle, and more particularly of the water-gateway above the Avon. As perspective or proportion were equally beyond the powers or conception of the graphic artists of that aera, we must be satisfied with a 13 general idea only of all they intended to represent, and conclude that they described to the extent of their talents the transaction before mentioned, omitting none of the chief circumstances which if not of national were of local importance, as belonging exclusively to the History of the City of Bristol. 3*. 50. SIVE LIBER RERUM MEMORABILIUM WILLELMI BOTONER DICT. de WORCESTRE. E codicibus MSS. in bibliothecd C. C. C. Cantab, asservath primus eruit cdiditque, Jacobus Nasmith ejusd. Coll. nuper Socius. Notulas addidit, cum indice, Jac : Dallaway. 1822, Wfynt manncre ittan ijc foas — pert&aunce, ¥e mag befjolt* tfje Oratsemblaume. W. Botoner, ca//ec? Wyrcestre. 17 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. William Wyrcestre was the son of a person of the same name, who was a worthy burgess of Bristol, and engaged in trade. He was born at a house in a street called Saint James's Bee, in 1415. His mother was Elizabeth Botoner, of an opulent family settled at Coventry ; by two rich individuals of which, the sumptuous church of the Holy Trinity in that city was erected, upon the authority of Dugdale, who describes their arms, — " Argent on a cheveron gules, three bezants, between three lions' heads erased and crowned, or." After having passed four years as a student of Hart-hall, in Oxford, he became a retainer to Sir John Fastolf, of Caistre Castle, in Norfolk, and, in process of time, his secretary, physician, and finally his executor. In the Past on letters, published by Sir John Fe?i?i, in 1787, vols. 1, 3, and 4, there are several from him, respect- ing his employments, and the affairs of his executorship, and of the siege of Caistre Castle by John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk. He then assumed the designation of W. Botoner, called Wyrcestre, preferring his mother's name to that of his father. In the decline of life he established himself in Bristol, having a house and garden near St. Philip's church-yard gate, and various other property, " tria gardina W. W." There he cultivated medicinal herbs, and practised physic. His chief amusement in his old age was most minutely to survey his native town by paces and measure- ment, and committing the result of such investigation, daily, to his note-book. This circumstance will account for the desultory manner in which the MS. we are now examining is compiled and written. There is evidence collected from his notes, that he died about the year 1484. 18 He so frequently mentions the individuals of his family, that the following sketch of his descent may be considered to be proved : — HSOtOlltt', otherwise Qj&VVtt&tVC. Argent on a cheveron between 3 lions' heads erased, gules, crowned or, 3 bezants. BOTONER, == of the city of Coven try. 1 . William Botoner, mayor of Coventry, mayor of Coven- 1359—1373. Dugdale.tTj, 1385. ob. 1386. Dugdale. i i 2.AdamBotoner,== 3. Thomas Botoner,=Maud, of Broad Mead, Bristol. Agnes Botoner=Thomas Randolph, of Lawford's gate, Bristol. ob. 1402. William Wyrcestre,= will dated 1420. William Botoner of Withybrook, near Coventry. i i Elizabeth Botoner.=William Wyrcestre, of St. James's Bee, Bristol. William Botoner,== called Wyrcestre. | Joan = John Jay, ob. 1480. 1. Richard Botoner MS.Letter. C. C. C. Camb. copied in Cole's MSS. v. 43. Brit. Mus. Lewis. A daughter. (Archceolog. v. xxi. p. 269). John Jay, Jun. 19 In order to fix local reference, the following Table is given from Wyrcestre's Survey of Bristow, 1470 — 1480. Points. Streets. Churches. Convents,Chapels, and Hospitals. E. Wynch-street (now from Wine-street). the Mary Port. St. Mary in High Foro, or Le Cross. Peter (formeily Castle- Port. street). St. Peter. Defence-lane. S.E. Castle-street (on the site of the Castle). The old (or Castle) Mar- Barsta pie's Hospital, ket. Lawford's Gate. King's-street N.E. The Pithay St. James the The Franciscans. Great. Broad-mead The Gray Friars. Lewyn's-mead. The Dominicans. St. James's Back (or Bee, on the banks of the Froome). v^nuicn-yaru I >tU lull The Castle (Suburban). The Benedictine cell to the abbey of Tewkes- bury. Parish of St. Philip, and St. Philip and James the Less. James the Less. W. The Tholshyll. All Saints. The Calendars. Corn-street St. Werburga. St. Leonard's, with the St. Leonard Lanes. (destructa). St. Augustine the Less St. Laurence Abbey of Canons of St. (Suburban). (destructa). Augustine (now the Cathedral.) St. Augustine's Bee (on The Gaunt's Hospital. the banks oftheCanal) s.w. High-street, or St. Ni- cholas-street. St. Nicholas. Baldwyn-stieet. Baft-street March-street. The Welsh Bee. N.W. Small-street St. Giles (de- structa). St. Leonard's ) T St. Stephen's \ S " St. Stephen. Carmelites. N. Broad-Street. Holy Trinity, or Christ- church. Chapel of St. George. The Quay. St. Audoen (destructa). 20 Points. Streets. Churches. Convents, Chapels, and Hospitals. St. John. St. Michaclf Suburban). St. Michael Nunnery of St. Mary Magdalene. N.E. Tower-lane. N.W. H ore-street (now Horse- street). Knifesmith-street (now Hospital of St. Bartho- Christmas-street. lomew. S. High-street. St. Mary's Chapel on the bridge. The Bridge. Knap's Chapel of St. John. St. Thomas-street. St. Thomas. S.E. Mary Port-street Worscep-street and Bo- cherew (now Bridge- street.) Defence-lane. St. Mary in Foro, or Le Port. Temple-street. Temple, or Holy Cross. Tucker-street. Augustine Friars. S.W. Redcliffe-street (Subur- St. Mary Red- ban). cliffe. The discrepancy complained of, which frequently occurs in William Wyrcestre's measurements, may be best examined by the collation of a single building ; and there- fore I select the Avon bridge, which is described with the greatest variation, and of which eight several mensurations are given in different parts of his MS. So great a difference as that between 184 steps and 94 steps (gracilis meos each exceeding 20 inches) may be accounted for, by concluding that he measured from St. Nicholas church to Redcliff-street. We know that he used the half eight for the Arabic 4, which will reduce 184 to 144. The rise and fall on either side the bridge is included, so that the 94 steps, 150 feet (which measure is twice repeated) was exactly the length of the bridge, from the extremities of the stone piers between the gates. Another measure which he gives, of 72 yards (216 feet), may not be in fact contradictory, but depend upon the precise point 21 beyond the stone work from which Wyrcestre began to measure. The width between the houses upon the bridge is five yards, as he states, (once as nine steps, which at 20 inches make five yards), and ten yards, five on either side, to the outside walls of the houses, which were extended upon scantlings, placed upon the piers, and projected from them. In his measurement of the chapel on the bridge there appears to be some contradiction. Forty steps is the external measure, and thirty the internal. Twenty-five yards is the length of the whole building, which rested upon piers, in the river, and crossed the street on the bridge. Corrected readings are necessary to make any sense of some of William Wyrcestre's sentences; " ponspontis" should be " frons frontis," which Nasmith has mis- taken. There were never two bridges over the Avon. His own account of measures is satisfactory. "26 gradus i.e. passus. 5 palmae, computando a pollice ad extremum punctum medii digiti. 60 steppys meos quae sunt 84 virgae. 24 steppys sive gress&s mei, faciunt 12 virgas. 50 virgae faciunt 85 steppys. 5 virgae sive 8 gressus." Here then is a positive statement. It may be presumed that Barrett's measurements, actually taken for his History of Bristol, have a claim to accuracy. The subjoined is a fair comparison of the Collegiate church of the Gaunts : — William Wyrcestre. Barrett. F. 1. F. Total length of the nave /l 8 72 Nave only to the end~) -, , OQ a. • n i , oai c *u c .t. • i y al-123 tt. in all, by 24* of the South aisle J ., , W1 . , c««»i. wide and .3/ high; South aisle 72 ft. by 14£. 22 and of the Holy Cross or Temple. William Wyrcestre. Barrett. YARDS. Total internal length 57 Total length 156 ft. by 59 Square of the Tower 5 wide and 50 high. — Nave 82\,^ 62 Chancel 74 J Is the discrepancy in these measures so great as to dispa- rage Wyrcestre's general authority ? Upon an average, the "gressus" or pace will be found to be two thirds of a yard. " Brachia, vethym or fathom," six feet each. In Nasmith 3 s " Prefatio " are collected certain notices of William Botoner, called Wyrcestre. " Itinerarium, sive liber memorabilium William Wyr- cestre script, in viaggio de Bristol, usque ad montem S. Mich, in anno M.C.C.C.C LXXVII1." Notabilia Villa- Bristoliae. MSS. C. C. C. Cantab. Miscell. M. " quod fere omnia continet, quae habentur in autographo alio, in folio, forma oblonga, manu valde deformi, exarato," which is the genuine note-book of William Wyrcestre. There is another MS. somewhat different, as including more, in the Lambeth library. MSS. Wharton L. p. 107. Archbishop Parker procured a copy to be made from the original MS. in C. C. C. library, which Nasmith condemns, as being inaccurate. The late indefatigable Cambridge antiquary, W. Cole, began to transcribe the original, but left it incomplete ; it is to be found among the numerous volumes of compilations, which he bequeathed to the British Museum. MSS. Cole. vol. 42. He observes, that however Mr. Nasmith may conceive that he has done justice to his author by omitting many curious particulars, by this caution in his preface " omnia quidem in editione nostra retinuimus, quae ad historiam 23 vel topographiam pertinent, sive majoris sive minoris momenti, ceetera omittenda duximus." I do not well know how he can escape censure, which he has thus passed on the copy of this MS., which was taken by order of Archbishop Parker. " Habetur in Mc bibliotheca apographum hujus codicis, sed parum fidele." Cole has extracted Page 35. Additions. " Expensus a Bristoll a die mer- curii usq. ad diem Nativ. B. M. Virginis 8 die Septemb. et usq. Tynterne per ij dies. Item pro candelo cerse 2d — pro 9 billets de la Forest 8d. pro butyro ob. pro vino et repastis 3d. — pro equorum prsebend. 9d. pro ferrua 9d. pro reparatione sellse 9d. pro medicina equi 2d. Summa 3 sol. lid. Apud Welles caenandi, in toto, cum praebend : equorum 8d. ob. Apud Glastonbury in pre- bend : et repast : Item in pranditione per viam de Bristoll usque ad Glastynbury, 2 sol. 2d." This extract, it must be allowed, is curious merely upon account of the prices he paid for the necessaries of his journey. The pretensions of W. W. to learning, as it was pro- fessed among the few erudite ecclesiastics, may be subject to several considerations of abatement. But his love of learning was at all times superior to his acquirements, and his industry in copying many MSS., is sufficiently proved by those which are still extant. Nor can we say, concern- ing those which treat of science only, that he did not, in some degree, make them his own. As to his historical collections, and the memoranda which he made of what was passing in his own times, he must, in candour, be allowed all the merit which, in such times, was due to any lay-man, who dedicated his leisure to a literary pursuit. Several historical anecdotes of the reigns of Henry 5 and 6 arc not to be found elsewhere, which came within his own knowledge. The following catalogue is, I have reason to believe, more comprehensive and accurate than any already made. D •24 From his habit of transcription, it is almost certain that he must have left many more MSS. Those which remain have been widely dispersed — yet it is certain that, as they are now preserved in celebrated libraries, they must have been held in considerable esteem. Although these excerpts or selections do not entitle him to be considered as a man of deep learning, they will amply prove that he possessed an inquiring mind and great industry, especially as he was employed by his patron, Sir John Fastolfe, in the camp, in various negociations, and as seneschal or steward of his estates. Twelve distinct MSS., some of which are voluminous, which may be still seen in different libraries, to which due reference is made in the annexed list, will afford sufficient proof that his diligence of transcription always seconded his opportunities. If we consider the general dispersion and frequent annihilation of such MSS. as are written upon paper, it is a matter of no small wonder that so many of them remain ; and we may conclude that his industry in literary collections would have supplied many more, which have been destroyed. May it not be candidly inquired — have not so many been preserved upon account of their intrinsic value ? MSS. of William JBotoner, otherwise Wyrcestre, which are preserved in different Libraries. 1. — In Bibliotheca Coll : Magdalen : Oxon. Gulielmi Vigorniensis de sacramentis scriptum 1473. Librum hunc Dno. Fundatori inscripsit Auctor. 2. — MSS. Cotton Julius F. vij, 5, W. Botoneri Registratio seu excerptio versuum, proverbiarum de Libro Ovidij de arte Amandi, de Fastis et de Epistolis A.D. 1462. 3. — MSS. Cotton, 504, p. 10. Catalogus illustrium Virorum, prsecipue ecclesiasticorum scriptorum, a passione Christi usque ad ann. xiv. Theodosij, ex Diodoro Hispali- •25 ensi, Gennadio Massiliensi &c. excerpt, per W. W. Lon- dini 1469. 4. MSS. 364. 5. Benet Coll : Cantab : De civitatibus, monasteriis, abatiis, &c. 5. Ejusdem. MS. 101. 221 pages. Codex chartaceus Henrici Principis Angloruni, Aristoxenus Musicus Oxoni- ensis doctissimus mense Maij 1474. Notse de famosis actionibus illustrium virorum in quibusdam temporibus — mense Maij anno Xti. 1«79 (1479.) Ejusd. MS. p. 115. Excerpta de quodara libro Magistri Willelmi Plombe Collegij Gonvile Cantab, anno 1471 per me W. W. de Caistre. Vocalia Hebraica in latino expo- sita, habita in quodam Psalterio Hebraico, &c. scripta 20 die Augusti A. Xti. 1471. per W.W. Explicit Alphabetum in lingua Hebraica de antiquo Psalterio Colleg : Sti. Petri Westmonasteriens : scripturn in lingua et Uteris Hebraicis." 6. Mus : Catalog : Ayscough. N. 169. W.W. de ordinibus religiosorum tain nomine quam regula per W.W. de Bris- tollia in Diocesi Vigorniensi compilatis de diversis cbro- nicis in civitate London, ad compilationem Dni. Nicholaj Ancrane, Prioris Sti. Leonardi prope Civitatem Norvic : 1464. 7- No. 179 — Ejusd. De diversitate linguarum et gram- matices secundum fratrem Ord. Francisi ad papam Cle- mentem Quintum per W.W. Declaratio effectus vere mathematica Rogeri Bacon. 8. MSS. Laud Bodleian Oxon. Tabulse Alphonsi regis scripta, satis eleganter, per W.W. 9. Ejusd. MS. Stellae versificatae pro anno Xti. 1440, ad instantiam J. Fastolfe militis. Aliae tabulse pro eodem. 10. MSS. Soc : Antiq. London, No. 44. A paper volume in 4to., compiled by W. W., and addressed by his son to K. Edward 4th. A Collection of State Papers, chiefly relating to the regency of John Duke of Bedford, in France, Sir J. Fastolfe, &c., 22 articles. It is supposed to have been transcribed in the reign of Henry viij. 26 11. Brit: Mus: Catalogue MSS. Ayscough 4. 22. Receipts for catching fish. Collection of divers receipts from several authors, both English and Latin, with a treatise called Dietarium Sani- tatis custodiendse, with several charms. No. 17. Art. 26. Extracta Physical de libro Bertholi, de Johanne Greene Bristollise die Octobris 12 : 1*70 (1470.) MSS. Coll. Arm. London. Lamentatio Regis Edwardi secundi (published by Hearne and Walpole.) 12. Biblioth. Lambeth MSS. De gestis Bedfordise Ebor. et Somerset Ducum. D. 6. Excerpta de eodem D. 85. pp. 91—107- Dr. Chandler, in his life of Waynflete, relates Wyrces- tre's conduct respecting the affairs of Sir J. Fastolfe, in his dispute with John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, and con- cerning the possession of the Castle of Caistre, as Sir J. Fastolfe's executor, in 1464. W.W. gave to the library of Magdalene College, Oxford, a book intitled "De Sacramentis. Dedicationis sermo," which had belonged to Sir J. F. This MS. in 8vo. is still preserved there. Wyrcestre has inserted an account of his present and a date, 16 Dec, 1473. He had translated Cicero's treatises de Senectute et de amicitia, which he presented to Bishop Waynflete, and he complains that " se nullum regardum (reward) de Episcopo accepisse." Chan- dler observes that he probably obtained from the Bishop as much as it deserved. Yet, if his translation had been so imperfect, Caxton would scarcely have thought it worthy to be selected for his press. See Ames's History of Print- ing. Edit. Herbert, v. 1. p. 42. This translation was undertaken by W. Wyrcestre by command of his patron Sir J. Fastolfe, not from the Latin but from the French version of Laurence Primierfaict. THE tropograpljtcal Account of iivtotoU) Commences at Page 166 of Nasmith's Edition of THE ITINERARY OF WILLIAM WYRCESTRE. Longitudo pontis Bristolliae continet circa 72 virgas. Latitude* ejus continet 5 virgas. Sed tota latitudo cum mansionibus domorum scituatarum super pontem edificatarum continet . . Longitudo capellae Beatse Marise, in medio pon- tis scituatae continet 25 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 7 virgas.* Longitudo vici le Bakk proxime continuati ab occidental dictae pontis, per longam keyam, coram aqua de Frome currit, continet in longitudine 220 gressus, vel tres 60 et 40 gressus. Longitudo marisci ex parte murorum villae pro- piendo a meridie ab extrema banci aquae Avenae prope le domura de rope-crafft vel latrinam officium, extendendodirecte a perca/cetoi ad aquam de Frome a " By the cause-way." * Longitudo capcllae pontis Bristol continet 36 steppys. Latitudo capcllae praedictac 12steppys. Itinerary. 28 per b rubeum calcetitm juxta muros villae continet sic in longitudine dicti marisci videlicet sepcies 60 gressus, id est 420 gressus. Longitudo viae a porta Sancti Leonardi usque le key, transeundo per le custom-hous usque per le condyt, et directe per shyppard hous c velut via trianguli continet 90 gressus. Longitudo viae Baldewyne-strete tercies 60 et 30 gressus, 210 gressus. Longitudo venellae a porta Sancti Leonardi tran- seundo per cimiterium in Smalstrete 214 gressus. Longitudo viae vocatae Seynt Laurens-lane a Smal-strete per Sanctum Laurencium 120 gressus. Longitudo viae de Smal-strete continet 240 gressus usque ad finem viae ad portam Sancti Egidii ducentem ad unum vicum vocatum Seynt Laurens-lane. Longitudo voltae Sancti Johannis Baptistae conti- net praeter le chauncelle 29 virgas et dimidium. Latitudo ejus continet 7 virgas. Longitudo a cruce alta eundo per vicum de Wynch-strete ad le pilorye* faciunt 150 gressus. Et alepyloire, continuando usque Newgate novies 60 id est 560 gressus. Et via de le Newgate ad pontem de le Were continet . . gressus. Via de aqua de Weere eundo d per fratres predi- b " Cause-way of red earth." c The house of J. Shipward, Mayor in 1477. d The Convent of the Dominicans or Friars Preachers. * The Collistrigium, or Pillory, was a high circular building of stone, upon the area of which this instrument of punishment, constructed with wood, was placed, so as to be always in public view. 29 catores et pontem ad finem viae vocatse Brodemede continet 224 gressus. * Via a dicta fine viae de Brodemede eundo per Marshalle-streetf ad le barresubi tenentes prisonei morantur de fatuis mulieribus continet . . Longitudo cimiterii Sancti Jacobi Bristoll con- tinet 150 gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 100 gressus. Latitudo navis ecclesiae Sancti Nicholai inter victim vocatum Sancti Nicholai ex parte boriali et vicura subteriorem ultra *voltam vocatam introitus ad le bakk, continet nisi 5 virgas. Memorandum a porta turris vici Baldwyn-stret usque cornerium magnum in principio de le key per murum villae sunt tres vices 60 id est 180 virgae. Item a porta Sancti Johannis eundo per Crist- mas strete usque principium pontis portae de Frome-yate sunt 124 gressus. Longitudo pontis de Frome inter duas portas continet 24 gressus. Item via de principio ultra et prope Newgate ad finem viae ultra le Weere et le wateryng-place prope He graunt orchard continet occies 60 et 20 = Called the Entrance Vault. f The great Orchard within the Castle walls. * "Via a dicta fine viaede Brodemede ubi tenentes patris mei morantur ad les Barres de fatuis mulieribus, continet," &c. &c. Coles transcript. British Museum. A curious distinction is afterwards made by W. W. between the first-mentioned and " honestce mulieres." f Mar shalle- Street — now corrupted to Merchant-Street, was so named from being the great military way, leading from the Castle, by which the garrison were marched 30 gressus id est 500 gressus, et Sanctae Mariae de la port* continet nonies 60 et 20 gressus, id est 560 arressus. Via prope ecclesiam Sancti Petri ducente de Wynch-strete ad principium cornerii viae orien- talis partis incepcionis de He hochery continet ex transverse- prope fontem de via prope ecclesiam Sancti Petri etc, continet . . gressus. Via incipiente ex parte orientali de le bochery eundo per longitudinem vise AeHez shamlys conti- nuando ad finem portae Sancti Nicholai continet in longitudine quinquies 60 et 34 gressus, id est 334 gressus. g The Butcher-row, called likewise Worship-street, because the King's Custom-house was situate there, now Bridge-street. h " The Shambles." towards the Mons acutus (Montacute) and King's down, for warlike exercise and sports. The ground plan of ancient Bristow formed an irregular circle, and it is remarkable, that the four cross streets are not built in a regular line ; every other circularly, one behind another, still following the outline of the Town walls. THE SEVEN HILLS OF BRISTOL. 1 The Castle, central point. 5 St. Brendan, W. 2 St. James, N.E. 6 St. Mary Redcliff, S. 3 St. Michael, N.W. 7 Mons acutus N w> 4 St. Augustine, S.W. King's down. * Sanctce Maria in Foro, where was the market for the city. The market for the garrison in the castle was the " viel mercate " the Old Market. St. Mary de la Port. Port anciently meant the burgrh or town. The common meadow near Oxford, which is free to the townsmen, is still called Port-meadow. And the lane under the town wall, in Redcliff-Street, is still called Port-Lane. 31 Longitudo tie 4 domibus magnis de le bochery continet 25 gressus. Latitudo 4 domorum magnarum de bochery* con- tinet . . gressus. Et subtus dictarum magnarum domorum sunt grossae et magnae voltae. Vicus qui incipit a prima parte pontis et fluminis de Radclyff-strete usque cornerium via? incepcionis de Temple-strete apud Stallage-crosse* continet sexies 60 id est 360 gressus, et iiniens dicta via apud le slepe de Avyn in angulo vise borealis tran- seundo per magnum fontem. Via incepcionis apud le Avyn in parte boriali de Stallage-crosse, eundo per longam viam ad Temple- yate continet 110 gressus usque crucem vocatum Stallage-crosse ; et continuando dictam viam de cruce prope ibidem vocata Stallage-crosse usque ecclesiam l Crucis Sane t as Templi ecclesiae predictae continet 300 gressus ; et sic continuando ad finem porta? vocatae Temple-yate continet 320 gressus. m Porticus Templi longitudo continet 9 virgas ; latitudo portae templi continet 3 virgas. Latitudo principii viae Temple-strete ex parte boriali de Stallage-cros continet . . gressus. Latitudo viae in fine apud Temple-gate continet 20 gressus. Temple-strete, vicus ultra portam templi versus k The ancient Slaughter-houses and Flesh-market. I " Holy Cross, or Temple." m The Porch of Temple Church. * Stallage or Market Cross stood in the midst of the market stalls, near Temple Church, belonging to the Knights Tem- plars, for the supply of the tenants of their peculiar district. E 32 ecclesiam Sancte Marise de Radclyff continet 420 gressus. Latitudo vise de le Temple-strete prope portas ecclesiee "fratrum Sancti Augustini continet 20 gressus. Domus altissimse et lata? regis cum voltis in vico de Worshyp-strete, alias shamellys, sive bocherye. In vico vocato le shamelys sunt 3 profundissimi cellarii regis* sub tribus domibus magnse et altee edificaturee, quae fuerunt ordinatse pro lanis etmer- candisis custodiendis ad onerandas naves Bristol- lice ad exteras partes ultra-marinas. Et similiter sunt in dicto vico 4 alii cellarii. Volta profundissima sive cellarium °fortissimum subtus portam Newgate. Super pontem Bristoll. est pulcra volta larga, artificiose operata subtus capellam Beatee Maria? v pro consulihus et juratis villa Bristolliw sedendis, et ad conciliandum pro communi utilitate villae. Super dictum pontem Bristolliae sunt 4 cellaria in fine et principio pontis. Spacium super He Tolsylle, ubi major et conci- liarii villee obviant de die in diem, quando videtur n " The Hermits of St. Augustine." » " A Dungeon arched with stone. P " For the Common Council and jurats of the town." 1 " The Tolsey." * These very numerous and spacious cellars for the safe keeping of the heavier merchandise, as well for the King's customs, as the cargoes belonging to individual merchants, formed in fact the " subterranean Bristol." In some instances, a floor was made by large transverse beams of timber ; in more, the vaults were of stone, pointed arch j rarely with ribs or other ornament. 33 expediens, sub r coopertura de cyling turn plumbo, coram s /wstinm occidentale ecclesiae Christi continet 5 virgas ; et ex alia parte coram Hygh-strete con- tinet . . virgas. Officium domus conciliarii tam majoris, vice- comitis, ballivorum villae ac conciliariorum principa- lium eorundem, tam de principalibus mercatoribus cum expediens fuerit, est scitum propeleTolsylle- court, est proxime sequens spacium apertum de stacione super le Tolsylle ex opposito cancellae ecclesiae Omnium Sanctorum,* cum cameris desu- per honestissime preparatis pro conciliariis guber- natorum dictse villa? annexis in parte meridionali ecclesiae Sancti Adoeni. Pyll-strete in parochia Sancti Stephani.f Via a porta Sancti Leonardi, incipiente sub porta Sancti Leonardi, videlicet a fine viae de Baldwyn- strete, directe eundo per venellam conducentem ad le key Bristoll., ubi le custom hows in principio t tria?iguli super le key, qui quid em triangulus est in parte meridionali de le key, in medio cujus trianguli excellens domus conducti de frestone scita est et r A ceiling covered with a fiat roof of lead." s " The west door." 1 The triangular open space on the Quay, where were the Custom-house, and the Castellet of a Fountain, now covered with warehouses. The fountain remains. * The ancient site of the Tolsey had, like the present, one front opposite the west-door of Christ-church, and the other opposite the chancel of All Saints. f There were two streets bearing nearly similar names ; Pyll street in St. Stephen's parish, and Pile-street, which branched from Redcliff-hill. 34 construitur ; et dicta via modo est finis de la Pylle strete, continet 100 gressus. Latitudo dictae venellae continet 5 virgas ad in- cepcionem anguli dicti trianguli de le custom-hows, et ibidem finiente. a Ve?iella parvissima et stricla eundo de Hygh- strete prope altam crucem inter ecclesiam omnium sanctorum et "ojficium artis cocorum villce* exten- dendo per cimeterium ejusdem ecclesiae et meridio- nalem partem dictee ecclesiae juxta murum novae alae, edificatum diebus juventutis meae per hostium meri- dionale ecclesiae predictae ;| et juxta quern murum dominus Thomas Botoner presbiter fait sepultus in parte orientali x hostii meridionalis, sed credo ossa dicti domini Thomas sunt remota tempore edifica- tionis novae alae, et tumba de frestone ejus similiter est remota ; et dicta stricta venella in longitudine extendit ad parvam et curtam viam in occidentali parte dictae ecclesiae ad Jinem hospitii alti y prioris »"A very small and narrow lane." w " The shops of the art or mystery of the Cooks of the Town." * " Door." / " The lofty dwelling- house." * It appears from this and similar passages, that the arti- ficers were supplied from cooks' shops, and not from domestic establishments. In King's street, there ^were likewise such shops for the supply of the soldiers of the Castle. There were many cook shops near the church and gate of St. Nicholas. t This south aisle of All Saints'-church was rebuilt in the time of W. W.'s youth (about 1420) by the Calendaries, whose college was adjacent, and served for their chapel. In 1451, John Gyllard Prior died. He had expended £217 upon the library over the north-aisle, with a curious ceiling of carved oak, now taken down. 35 collegii vocati Hez kalenders, ubi dictus dominus Thomas Botoner fuit, ut supponitur, consocius, et in domo prioratus hospicii obiit, ex certa scientia Elizabet sororis suae, matris meae, michi relatae, circa aetatem juventutis meae quasi sex annorum ut suppono, quia quamvis fui presens secum die mortis suae cum matre mea valefaciendo die ultimo vitae suae, non *habui discrecionem ad noticiam per- sona? suce ; et ut credo cartae et evidenciae tam hereditatis sua? in tenemento suo prope Yelde-hall in Bradslrete ex parte meridionali dictae Gyldhall, necnon de hereditate ejus per Thomam Botoner patrem ejus et matris meae in villa de Bokyngham, in Westrete jacentem versus aquam in parte . . scitam ac in villi's adjacentibus de racione deberent remanere, quando queratur de priore kalendarii* si remanent inter eorum evidencias z The College of the Calendaries, or Public Registrars. a " I was too young to remark her person." * The Prior and Confraternity of the Kalendaries of Bristol. " The Calendaries, otherwise caullid "the Gilde or Fraternitie of the clergy and commonaltie of Bright- stow," was first kept in the church of the Trinitie, sens at All Hallows. The original of it, is time out of mynd." — Leland Itin. v. 7. p. 94. Leland has " a remembraunce of memorable acts done in Brightstow, owt of a litle boke of the antiquities of the howse of Calendaries in Brightstow." — Itin. v. 7- p« 94. John Harlow, Prior of the Kalendaries, and his brethren are mentioned in a charter dated Rot. Pat. 34 Ediv. '6tij. p. 2. m. 13; and "Domus Calendariorum Bristol" was valued at the dissolution at £10. 18s. 8d. a year. The last 36 tie evidenciis domini Thomse Botoner consocii eorum. Lonaitudo dictae h venell& strictm continet 60 gressus. Latitudo dictas venellse continet tres pedes sive imam virgam. Via brevis de Corn-strete returnando per occi- dentalem partem hospicii prioris de kalenders continet in longitudine 170 gressus. Latitudo vise continet 5 virgas prope Corn-strete. Cellarium unum, vel duo, "pro vinis vendendis, est in dicta via parva. circumgirata, quae quid em venella alciora et ulte- riora trium dictarum venellarum, quarum una incipit venella in medio vici vocato Horstrete ad angulum muri gardini fratrum carmelitarum ad ymaginem Beatco Maricc in muro predicto scitam* continuat usque crucem de lapide et fontem remo- b " Narrow lane." c " Used by Vintners for selling wine by retail." Prior was Thomas Sylke. Their office was to record all memorable matters, as they occurred in the Burgh. Robert Ricart, a Calendar, who held the Town-clerkship, compiled a register (18 Edw. 4) 1478, which is a singu- larly curious M.S., now preserved among the City Ar- chives. It is written upon vellum and paper, with several coloured delineations, but extremely rude. * It was customary to place statues of the Virgin Mary at the angular parts of the streets, in great towns, in lofty niches, for the adoration of the people. 37 ciorem ad caput raontis vise de Stepe-strete; et venella secunda incipit ad dictam fontem sive crucem,* et vocatur Frog-lane, et continuat in parte retro ortorum ecclesiae de Gauntes et sanc- tuarium. Venella in Horstrete juxta occidentalera partem ecclesiae Sancti Bartholomei vocata Stype-strete, Hiicipiendo et descendendo ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis usque ad crucem et fontem de frestone continet . Venella secunda in Horstrete incipiendo ad finem muri f rat rum Carmelitarum, e uOi ymago Sanctce Maricc ponilur in tabernaculo muri fratrum, et transeundo versus montem Sancti Michaelis usque ad finem dictae venellse vocatae .... continet . . gressus. Via de inceptione dictae venellae in Horstrete ex dextra, viam eundo per murutn fratrum ad introi- tum ecclesiae fratrum continet coram le bak fra- trum in opposito de le key Bristolliae 80 gressus. Venella alia ex sequenti via de Horstrete ad Sanctum Augustinum eundo, sed incipit ad por- tam introitus ecclesiae fratrum Carmelitarum per viam de He bakk, et sic eundo ad borialem plagam d " Setting out and going down." e " Where the image of St. Mary is placed within a niche in the wall of the friar's garden." f St. Augustine's Bee." * Upon the summit of St. Michael's hill, called Stype or Steep Street, there was a cross of stone, which sur- mounted a covered well, for public accommodation. The lower part was called Stoney hill, immediately above the very spacious gardens which belonged to the Carmelite Priory. 38 per Froglane scindendo viam, et sic continuando dictam venellam borialiter ad finem dictae venellse continet 240 gressus versus montera Sancti Mi- chaelis. VenellcB super le key coram aqua de Frame cur rente de le key. Prima venella super le key eundo ad Mersh- strete, incipiendo ad domum principalem lapideam* inceptionis de le key versus le mersh ex opposite . . . continet 80 gressus. Secunda venella sequens versus ecclesiam Sancti Stephani infra latitudinem viae 30 gressuum, conti- net ejus longitudo 90 gressus. Tertia venella de keya eundo ad ecclesiam Sancti Stephani e per portam meridionalem novam ecclesice usque ad finem ecclesiae orientalem con- tinet 180 gressus. Quarta venella de le key eundo per alteram partem ecclesise Sancti Stephani per le north door usque le Mersh-strete continet 84 gressus. Quinta venella eundo abdomo, incipiente coram portam meridionalem ex novo factam ecclesiae, eundo novum campanile et h costeram parietis bori- alis ecclesice continet 90 gressus. Sexta venella a loco trianguli de le key de domo g" Before the South porch of the Church, then newly erected." 1480. h " The side of the North wall of the Church." * Large houses, built of stone, were then rare in Bristol. 39 magistri* Shyppard subtus celarium, sic eundo ad ecclesiam Sancti Stephani ex parte boriali usque ad ... . continet 90 gressus. Triangulus vicus de le key in quo loco magni spatii dicti trianguli, ubi pulchrum conductum aquae scitum est de frestone erectum pro comraodo villas, computando sive numerando ab angulo de vico vocato le key coram aquam de Frome, et eundo directa via ad oppositum loci, viz versus *The connection by intermarriages, between the families subsequently noticed, is remarkable. In several instances, one family has become the heirs-general of another. Descent o/ Shipward, as proved from Deeds and Wills. Stiptoarfc. Argent a cheveron between three anchors sable. John Shipward=Katherine Bailiff 1413. I John Ship ward; Mayor 1453, Will provedl473,Foun- der of St. Stephen's Tower. =Gwinett John Shipward == Mayor 1477. Completed the I same John Shipward. Agnes==Edmund Westcote. Isahcl=John Norton, of Bristol. 40 cimeterium Sancti Leonard i, ubi incepcio l solarii domorum edificatarum super trabes*, ita quod homo potest sicco pede transire per keyam ad ecclesiam Sancti Laurencii, continet 49 gressus. De muro villce circa le mersh et le key. Mums villas ; longitudo videlicet a prima porta vocata le mersh-yate prope finem vise de le bakk, ab aqua de Avyn sic transeundo per le mersh prope dictum rniirum, usque portam secundam villse ad finem viae de mersh-street continet in longitudine 440 gressus ; et continuacio dicti muri vocati le towne-walle eundo de dicta porta secunda vocata le Mersh-yate, transeundo per locum ubi naves de novo sunt erectae et composite, ac arbores et mas- tys de hyrre cum anchoris jacent et cellarii plures et spacium magnum infra dictum murum usque primum angulum de le key Bristolliae in occiden- tali parte de le key, ubi naves magna? jacent in He ivoose in parte occidental de le key, eundo versus ecclesiam Sancti Stephani et ecclesiam Sancti Laurentii, continet longitudo dicti muri 320 gres- sus : et in toto dictus murus a prima porta de le bak usque eundem primum locum inceptionis pavimenti de le key, continet 760 gressus. Chambers of houses built upou transverse beams, under which was a cloister or covered way for the foot passengers, j" Fir timber." k " Mud or slough." * This cloister or covered way was made beneath the upper floor of the houses, laid upon beamsj like those called the " Rows," still remaining at Chester. 41 Altitude dicti muri continet per estimationem 40 pedes. Latitudo dicti muri continet 8 pedes. Apud hygh-crosse 4 viae quadriviales, videlicet, Hygh-strete, Bradstrete, Wynchstrete, et Seynt l Collas-strete. At Seynt Collas yate in the north syde of the yate meten acrosse wyse mi weyes, whych ben the shamelys and Seynt Nicholas strete, the waye entryng to the m hogge-yB.te t and the seyd Hygh- strete. At the sout-side of Seynt Collas yate meten twey chyff weyes, the chieffbryggeupon mi grete arches of x vethym yn hyth, and the fayre chap- pelle upon the v arch, and the second way havyng the space of a tryangle goyng to bak by Seynt Nicholas chyrch. Item at the begynnyng of the bakk, there the fyrst gryse called a slypp, ben twey weyes, the fyrst wey ys the seyd slepe of . . . yerdes long, goyng to the water called Avyn-water to wesh clothes, and to entre ynto the vessels and shyppes that comen to the seyd bak* and the second way entryth yn Baldwyne-street. 1 Nicholas. m Pig-market. * " The haven by Avon flowithe about a two miles above Brightstow bridge. The ships of olde tyme cam only up by Avon to a place caullyd the Beck, wher was and is depthe enowghe of watar, but the bottom is very stony and rughe ; sens by policye they trenched somewhat alofe by north weste of the olde key on Avon, anno 1247, and in 42 At the Crosse yn Baldwyne strete been mi crosse wayes metyng, one waye goyng ys a grete wyde way goyng to Bafft-strete, the second waye goyng northward by a hygh grese called a steyr of xxxn steppys ynto Seynt Collas strete 5 the other tweyn metyng wayes at the seyd cros of Baldwyne streete. At the south syde of Seynt Johnys ys yate meten also mi crosse weyes, whych one chief way ys Bradstrete, the second ys Toure-strete bye Seynt John ys chyrch goyng streyt too Wynch- streete, and ys bnt a streyt way goyng by the old towne walle and the old toune yate called blynd yate, streyt by the auntient fyrst yate called Pyttey-yate uppon the hylle entryng ynto Wynch- strete, called Castel-streete. The in d wey ys Seynt Laurens-strete goyng from Seynt Johnys yate ynto Smalle-strete. The im d way throw the seyd yate of Seynt John goyng ynto Cristmas-strete, called Knyf- smyth-strete. In the north syde of Seynt Jonnys yate ys a in triangle ways, one way goyng right to Cristmasse- strete warde. The second way goth n rygh est by the woult of Seynt Johnys chyrch, °goynt ynto Gropecount- n Right east. ° Immediately. continuance bringing the course of Avon ryver that ways hath made a softe and wosy (oozy) harborow for grete shippes." — Leland Itin. v. vij. p. 89. 43 fane* to Monken-brigge a pryson place some- tyme. The in way goyng a crosse way to the kay by the lower way of Seynt Laurens, and by the old temple yewys where be grete vowtes under the hygest walle of Bristow, and the old chyrch of Seynt Gylys was byldyd ovyr the vowtes yn the way goynt to Seynt Laurens laane ynto Smal strete. At Seynt Leornard yate yn the east syde meten wythynne the yate mi quadryvyalle weyes, as Corn-strete in the est parte, the second way toward the north ys Seynt Leonard way goyng from the chyrch streyt into Small-strete ; the in way goth esterly from Seynt Leonard chyrch ynto Seynt Collas strete. The yate of Seynt Leonard under the seyd chyrch crosseth n weys, the south-east way ys Baldwyne strete goyng to the bak ; the secund way ys called Pylle strete, there of old dayes renne the water called Frome by Baldwyne-strete to the bakk, fallyng ynto Avyn-water,t and whych Pylle strete gooth streyt north by the old custom- house to the kay, where ys a grete space lyke to a large tryangle, and yn the myddel of the seyd triangle ys a fayre tour of frestone bylded. * So mentioned in the description of the house of T. Lawrence, in a lease dated 12 Edw. 3tij. There were lanes so named in Oxford and Coventry. — Leland. So nar- row that two persons could not pass through them ahreast. f When the Harbour was made in 1247, and the river Froome turned into it, the course behind the present Baldwyn street was filled up. 44 Item yn the myddys of Pyle-strete toward the new cbyrch toure of Seynt Stevyns metyn mi ways dyversly at the entree of Seynt Stevyns chyrch yerd at the style or lytille yate ; the first way westward ys a large and a long way called Mersh-strete during to Mersh yate, there many merchauntes and also maryners duellin.* At the seyd chyrch style ys a laane goyng yn the south syde of Seynt Stevyn chyrch, going by the chyrch yerde to the kay by old Leycetyr dore in the north syde of the toure of the chyrch by the new doore to the seyd kay. Item at the eende of the seyd Pylle-strete by the seyd lane that retorned by the begynnyng of the seyd fyrst lane ys another laane, that goth evyn ryght by the este ende of Seynt Stevyn chyrch under the hygh auter, and so contynewyth the seyd laane to the seyd kay northly. Item out of that laane that goolh by the est eende of Seynt Stevyn chyrch returnyth another laane from the north syde of Seynt Peter chyrch by the west dore of the seyd church, turnying to aforeseyd fyrst laane so entryng to the kay. At New-yate, ubi quondam scola grammatica permagistrum Robertum L.ane\ principalem gram- * Marsh Street contained many very capacious and curiously constructed houses of timber-frame ; in which, from its contiguity to the Quay, the principal merchants of that age were induced to reside. No street in the city was, at that time, inhabited by more opulent merchants and mariners. f Loud. See inscription in St. Peter's church. 45 maticum cum Leland* magistro grammaticorum in Oxonia, dicebatur fuisse flos grammaticorum et poetarum temporibus annis plu- rimis revolutis, et tempore quo primum veni ad Oxoniam universitatem scolatizandi, obiit in ter- mino paschae anno Christi 143*2 circa mensem junii, quando generalis eclipsis, dieSanctiBotulphi, accidebat. At the seyd New-yate yn the west part of yt wythynne Bristow there meten II large weys ; and the norther way is called Towr - strete aliter Wynch-strete, and so goth by the old yate of the toune about 120 steppys yn length to the hygh crosse ward, where the olde towne walle stode. Memorandum quod a principio franchesiee de sanctuario Sancti Augustini abbathise, incipiendo ad metam cimiterii antiquae ecclesiae isto anno Christi I480noviter constructae, eundo, per medium sanctuarii ad finem ejusdem, videlicet ad descen- sum terrae ad finem sanctuarii vocatum le west partye, per primum murum et viam domus lapideae in eadem parte viae, eundo versus v ly moles ubi ecclesia de Gauntes habet introitum in ecclesiam predictam, continet 360 gressus. Latitudo dictae viae eundo ad lymotes sub Bran- don-hille continet 42 gressus. Et a dicto angulo domus muri in orientali parte ecclesiae q de la gauntys continet 720 gressus, videli- P Limites Villa. i The Gaunt's, or St. Mark's Chapel. * Laylond. c 'Ut Rosa florum, sic Laylond grammati- corum." His name was John. — See Tanner's Bibliothcca. 40 cetsub monte BeatiBrandani* ecclesiae de Gauntes ex parte boriali sanctuarii Sancti Augustini in eundo ad mansionem versus villam Rownam et Ghyston-clyff vocat Lymotes, ubi lapis altus de freestone longitudinis unius virgse sive trium pedum pro meta, limita five butta, quae est ultimus finis libertatum et franchesiae de villa Bristollise super aquas de Avyn et Severn currentes ad Rownam directe sub pede montis Sancti Brendani, continet a principio introitus sanctuarii usque dictam do- mum de Lymotes, hoc est intelligendo dictum introitum ad dictum sanctuarium Sancti Augustini computando ad veins et primam ecclesiam dictae abbathiae, quae modo est ecclesia parochialis noviter edificata, continet in toto 980 gressus.f * " Here beginneth die life of St. Brendane," over a wooden cut of that saint, in full length, holding an open book in his left hand, and a croisier in his right, with Caxton's Cypher. It begins thus — " Seynte Brendane the holie man was a monk and borne in Ireland. And then he was Abbot of an hous, wherein were a thousand monks." Emprynted by Wynkyn de Worde. Herbert's History of Printing. V. 1., p. 220. Upon the summit of Brandon-hill there stood anciently a chapel, to which the Irish mariners resorted upon their reaching the port of Bristol. Upon the same spot, during the Civil Wars, a bastion was erected connecting the Royal Fort with the river. No vestige now remains of either. f Here Cole's transcript ends. The Itinerary was tran- scribed before Nasrnith's publication, in part only, and not completely, by the Rev. William Cole, the celebrated Cambridge antiquary, who bequeathed many MS. volumes to the British Museum. It occurs in the 42d volume at the beginning. Upon collating it with the printed copy, 1 found very few variations, and those of no consideration. 47 Apud rupem altissimam de Ghyston-clyff, quse incipit prope villain passagii de Rownam usque heremitagium et castellum in altera parte aqua- rum de Avyn et Frome, quae rupis altissima incipit per unius miliaris spacium de villa Bristolliae, et eontinet dicta rupis in altitudine per longitudinem unius miliaris et ulterius versus Rownam-rode pro navibus reponendis, et dicta rupis eontinet in altitudine ab aqua de Avyn et Frome 60 brachia, videlicet de firma terra ad quoddam heremitagium, cujus ecclesia fundatur et dedicatur in honore Sancti Vincentii, sunt in altitudine 20 brachia, et a dicto heremitagio ad profundum aquarum predic- tarum sunt 40 brachia, et intellige quod brachium eontinet 6 pedes longitudinis. Castellum super altitudinem terras non distans per quartam partem miliaris de Ghyston-cliff, ut dicitur a vulgaribas plebeis, ibidem fore fundatum ante tempus Wilelmi conquestoris per Saracenos vel Judeos per quondam Ghyst gigantem in terra et quod tale castellum* verisimile erat antiquis temporibus fundatum remanet in hodiernum diem in magno circuitu congeries mag- norum lapidum et parvorum sparsim seminatorum, valde mirabile visu dictos lapides ita globose jacentes in ordine et circuitu maximo, quod ibi videbatur fuisse castrum fortissimum, quod r cente~ nariis annis pieteritis fuisse dirutum et ad terram r " many hundred years ago." * Castellum evidently means the Roman Camp. F 48 funditus prostratum, et ideo quod est decus et honor patriae Bristoll. et comitatui Gloucestrise habere vel audire fundaciones nobilium fortalicio- rum et castrorum, hie inter alia scribo per modum meinorandi de isto castro sive fortalicio. Via trianguli a porta Sancti Nicholai usque le bak per principium pontis Bristoll. Trianguli latitudo de angulo domus conducti aquae de frestone in prirao introitu ad le bak, eundo ad portam Sancti Nicholai contra Hygh- strete, et eundo *per et prope le croud e continet 40 gressus. Latitudo viae ad dictum introitum de le bakk ad angulum cornerii proximi continue dictam domum de frestone* prope angulum strictum unius grocer ibidem in parte dextra continet 5 gressus. Pars lati trianguli predicti eundo de le boteras in parte de le bocherew infra principium pontis usque ad supradictum angulum prope principium de le bakk prope dictam domum conducti aquarum continet 40 gressus. Caput trianguli predicti de inceptione prima? partis pontis Bristollise ex parte sinistra usque " by and near. * Houses constructed with freestone were rare in the ancient town. Many of timber frame were erected in the principal streets, which contained spacious rooms, a few of which still remain. They had projecting fronts upon large brackets, richly and curiously carved, and bay windows, with the intermediate space likewise filled with glass. 49 directe eundo ad angulum oppositum viae latitu- dinis pontis predicti continet 20 gressus. Latitudo viae Touker-strete* ad finem pontis Bristoll. eundo versus Stallage-cros continet J 4 gressus. Latitudo viae de Seynt Thomas strete stricte ad inceptionem et introitum viae strictae in longitudine circa 66 gressus continuando per niurum longum, eundo continue ad Seynt Thomas strete, continet ilia latitudo 5 gressus; et sic continuando ad vicum Seynt Thomas strete et per domum quadra- tarn de frestone pro aqua gentibus illius parochiee et circum manentium usque ad murum villae Bris- tolliie retornando versus Radclyff-yate continet in longitudine 305 gressus. Longitudo de Seynt Leonardes yate usque ad ecclesiam Sanctae Werburgae continet 120 gressus ad medium introitus ecclesiae Sanctae Werburgae; et sic continuando per altam crucem continue usque eundo per officium domus de le Pyllorye, continuando ad antiquissimam portam de le Old- gate muri villae ad viam sive venellam, eundo et retornando ad portam ecclesiae Sancti Petri, vocat Castell-strete ;f in qua via sive venella murusanti- * Vicus Fullonum — The street of the cloth workers. The whole manufacture of druggets, blankets, coarse cloth, and felts, was carried on in the three parishes which lie beyond the bridge over the Avon. "Fullo," "Towkere," and " Webbe," all signified a clothworker. The first clothier upon record is Thomas Blankett. — Rot. Pat. 7 Edw. 3tij. f Peter- street, originally Castle-street, the modern Ca.?//e-street having been built upon the site and with the ruins of the Castle, 1654—1660. 50 quus port* villae Bristoll. scituabatur citra tene- menta patris mei, (quondam i\gnetae Randolf,) in quibus unus aurifaber manet, modo, in anno Christi 1480, et de novo edificavit dicta duo tenementa in sinistra manu eundo ad portam novam Newgate : continet tota predicta via a porta Sancti Leonardi directe eundo per Corne-strete ac per altam cru- cera et per ecclesias Sanctae Werburgae et Sanctae Trinitatis, ac directe eundo per Yinch-stret* ab antiquo vocatum Tour-strete, dimittendo murum anliquum villa 1 ac antiquissimam portam villae citra Pyttey-yate aliter diet. Ayllevvardes t yate in sinistra manu dicta antiquissima porta scita in vico de Pyttey super montem de Pyttey, prope vicum de Toure-strete, eundo ad portam antiquissimam vocatam prope cimiterium Sancti .Johannis Baptistae ; et sic longi- tudo predictae longae viae a porta Sancti Leonardi, directa linea eundo per officium domus justitiae de le pyllorye usque ad illam venellam quae ducit in eundo versus ecclesiam Sancti Petri, in loco prin- cipii dictae viae sive loco erat antiquis temporibus porta antiqua scita citra ^juniorem portam de new. * Finch-street, not JFine-stveet, which is a subsequent cor- ruption. "Vicum vocatumWine-street." 1457. 1 conjecture that Wynch, the first name given to this street, referred to the Pillory or Collistrigium, commonly called "the Wynch," which was erected near the east end of it, and was placed on a turning beam. "Wynch" means a tourniquet or windlass, as a " Wynch Well." f Aylward's, or the " Old Gate," in distinction to " New Gate." 51 Newgate modo prostrata ac murum antiquissimum Bristolliae, quae predicta via sic incipiendo a porta Sancti Leonardi in occidente scita ad locum portae antiquissimae "sic dirutcc in parte orientali prope castrum villa continet in longitudine 580 gressus. Via vocata * Irysh -mead e aliter Rush-lane scita directe ad finem viae de Brode-mede in parte boriali ecclesiae fratrum predicatorum vocat. Castel-frerys, et via Mareshalle-strete veniente de castro intersecat viam Brode-mede et dictam viam de Jrys-mede super quandam pontem lapideam in inceptione dictae viae ; et longitudo ejus a principio viae de Brode-mede usque ad quandam antiquam viam sive venellam scitam in orientali parte, et boriali, ultra ecclesiam fratrum predicatorum veni- ente ab antiquis temporibus per viam de Kyngys- strete de campis borialibus villae Bristolliae ex parte Horfelde et Rydyng-felde ad antiquum mer- catum villee Bristolliae per orientalem partem chori dictorum fratrum vocat. Castell-frerys aliter frere- prechours, et in dicta via olim coci et venditores victualium ibi manebantdiebus antiquis, f et longi- tudo dictae viae continet 370 gressus vel circa ; latitudo predictae viae continet 14 gressus. u " thus dilapidated. * Qy. Rush ? now Rosemary-lane. f These were cooks and sellers of victuals, established there when the garrison of the Castle was constantly full, as it was in the reigns of K. John and Henry III. (1217) — " olini " "et temporibus antiquis." 52 De voltis, de archis et cellariis de petra factis cum mearenno et arbore coopertis secundum informa- tionem Willelmi Clerk de vico Seynt Mary the Port-strete, die sabbato . . . septembris, anno Christi 1480. In Hygh-strete sunt 19 wolta archuata et 12 cellaria, de voltis vero in toto 31. In Bradstrete ultra 20 volta et cellaria. In Corn-strete sunt 20 volta et cellaria. In Pyttey aliter Aylewarde-street, in orientali parte viae altae ubi antiqua porta villae est edificata prope vicum strictum de Toure-strete, eundo ver- sus ecclesiam Sancti Johannis per Blynde-yate, sunt 4 cellaria. In Wynch-strete sunt 27 volta et cellaria, 3 in. . In vico Shamelys, volta quam lata longa et pro- funda 12, continet quaelibet volta longitudinis 12 virgas. In Seynt Marye Port-strete in utraque parte viae sunt 15 volta et cellaria. In Radclyff-strete sunt plura volta et cellaria. In Shamely quondam Worshyp-strete sunt 12 volta et cellaria in una parte kyngys-shamelys. In Seynt Colas strete sunt ultra 12 volta et cellaria. In Smal strete sunt . . . volta et cellaria circa 12 et ultra. In * Hoor-strete aliter Horstrete sunt ultra 6 cellaria seu volta. * William Hore or Hoor was Mayor in 1312, 5 Edw. II., and probably resided in tins street. 12 Edw. 3tij. 1338, John Le Hoor covenants to build a stone wall of sixty feet 53 In vico Brode-mede una volta de petra con- structa de propriis expensis Willelmi Botoner diet. W. Worcestre in anno Christi 1428.* The Halle of the chapell-j" of Seynt Vincent of Gyston-clyfF ys ix yerdes long. And the brede ys 3 yerdys. The length of the kechyn ys . . . yerdes. in length, in " Scapefulle strete," near the Town Marsh. His seal, an "eagle displayed," is affixed to this deed. Ue ?i}orr. Argt-nt, an Eagle displayed within a bordure engrailed, sable. Thomas Hore was Sheriff in 1449, 27 Henry VI. * The number of the Vaults and Cellars in the principal streets was \6\), besides those in the piers of the bridge and the other side of the river. f At present we should search in vain for any ledge or station of the rock, upon which a hermitage of the size specified could have been placed. There are some expres- sions in Wyrcestre's account of it, which lead us to sup- pose that the cave called Foxhole, was capacious enough to have contained these apartments. The height as described above the river, and the steps of descent from the main land, authorise this opinion, as well as that it was not less than forty feet deep and proportionably wide and high. There was likewise a chapel dedicated to our Lady in the rock at Dover, which was visited by Henry VII. — See Household Book. 54 And the brede of the kechyn ys 3 yerdes. And from the chapelle of Seynt Vyncent ys to the lower water 40 vethym. And from the ovyr part of the mayn ground e londe of the seyd hygh rok downe to the seyd cha- pelle of Seynt Vyncent ben xx vethym rekened and proved ; and so from the hygh mayne ferine londe of the seyd rok downe to the lowest water ground of the channel of Avyn and Frome is 60 vethym and much more, proved by a yong man of smythys occupacion yn Radclyff-strete, that seyd yt to me, hath both descended from the hyghest of the rok downe to the water syde. Fons est ibidem circa lowshot apud le blak rok in parte de Ghyston-clyff in fundo aquae, et est ita calidus sicut lac vel aqua Badonis. v Scarlet-welle est fons preclarissimus emanens de alta rape in parte oppositaaquee in dominio deLye? et est in altitudine in altiori parte de le rok de parte villas de Lye altitudinis 12 pedum. Rok Breke-faucet per unum jactum lapidis versus Bristolliam in parte Ghyston-clyff. Fox-hole est volta mirabiliter scita super in alto de Ghyston-clyff super ripam de le rokk altiorem, et valde periculosus locus ad intrandam voltam, ne cadat in mari profunditatis 60 brachiorum et ultra. De heremitagio et capella Sancti Vincentii in qiiadam rupe altissima sive scopula durissima et pro- funditatis usque ad x aquam venientem de Bristotlia, viz. Latitudo aula? heremitagii est 7 virgae. v Bath, w Leigh. x "when the tide was out." 55 Longitude capellae Sancti Vincentii 8 virgae. Latitudo capellae Sancti Vincentii 3 virgae. Longitudo domus coquina3 6 virgae. Viae ascensus de capella in rape 20 brachiorum circa medium rupis Ghyston-clyffascendendo ad terram altam, eundo etascendendo per W. Botoner diet. Worcestre, eundo et numerando die dominica 26 die mensis Septembris, in annoChristi 1480, con- tinet dicta altitudo a capella heremitagii 124 gres- sus ; et sic patet, quod quilibet ascensus in eundo contra aliquem montem semper secundum racionem altitudinis 20 brachiorum, anglice a vathym, compu- tabitur inaltitudine ascensus 124 gressus vel circa. Via de Horstrele* de porta Frome-yate, eundo per ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomei, eundo per figu- ram Beatae Mariae virginis in muro horti carmelita- rum, sic eundo usque ad bakkam Sancti Augustini, continetad ediheationemdictae viae in parte sinistra versus aquam de Frome 420 gressus. Longitudo trium domorum magnificarum et magnae altitudinis vocat le Seynt Mary port\ cum profunda volta de lapidibus archuata in profundi- * //ore-street was at first corrupted into Horse-stveet ; now, by a pretended correction, it is written and called .#W-street, because, it is said, that the Host was carried in procession through it. This was not done exclusively, for whenever the ceremony was required for any person "in articulo mortis," it was taken to him through any street in the town. f Called likewise in several old wills " Ecclesia B. M. Virginis in Foro." The market for the town was originally held there ; and for the Castle in the Old Market — " veyl mercate." The ancient "Bocherew," now the site of Bridge-street, stood in this parish. 56 tate graduum quasi circa 40 gradus, id est steppys, continens in longiiudine a vico de lez shambles usque intrando in domibus tribus magnis predictis 18 virgas. Longitudo rupis Ghyston-clyff est inceptio per spacium duorum miliarium ab Hygh-strete cruce Bristolliae, eundo per villulam Clyffton, cujus domi- nusvillse est N . . . Broke, dominus Cobham.* Breke-faucet est quaedam rupis in Ghyston-clyff, locus periculosus pro obviatione navium tempore introitus navium tarn magnorum quam parvorum. * John Broke, Baron Cobham, summoned to Parliament 14/2, 12 Edw. IV. The manor of Clifton was afterwards granted to Sir John Chokke, Chief Justice. Gules on a cheveron, argent, three lions, rampant, sable. In the chancel of Redcliff church is the following monu- mental inscription : — $)te jacet corpus beneraotlt'S btrt ^oljanntS Broolt quonfcam serbientiS att legem tltuStrtSSimt prtnetpts feltris memoriae regis fj^enriu ortabt et juStict'artt ejuStfem regis pro aSStSaS in partibuS oeritientaUouS &ngltae et rapitaXt'S SeneSeijali illiuS IjonoralultS bomus et monaSterit SSeatae ^lariae be (SlaSeonta m eomitatu Somerset, qui quibem JJofjanneS oout 25 bte menSiS liecembriS Unno J3omini mtllcstmo qutngenteSStino 25°, et jurta earn requieSctt ^oijanna uror ejus una filtaruin et Jjerebum iitrfjarbt & menftc, quorum animauuS propitietur JBeuS, Hmen, 57 quorumcunque ponderum seu quantitatis fuerunt, in fundo aquae de Frome et Avyn venientium de Bristollia; et y morabitur navis supra dictum Breke- Jaucet, quousque Jiuxus marinus flueudo ad portum Bristolliw accrescet, et distat a rupe et capella Sancti Vincentii versus Bristolliam per spaciura jactus sagittae. Ledes sunt rapes fractae profundissimae in infe- riore parte aquarum de Avyn et Frome currente de Bristollia, et dictae rupes fractae continent latitu- dinem totius aquae de le chanelle a loco vocato le Ghyston-clyff transmeando ad aliam partem rupis alterius partis vocat. rupis in dominio villae de Ashton-L?/e z de comitatu Somerset, directe in op- posita parte Ghyston-clyff, ubi portus de Hung- rode cum navibus magnis intrant. Et dictae rupes fractae, quando non fluit mare, faciunt naves ex carente aqua* subito descendere in infimum locum anglice dictum aldere-fall. Via longa de Kyngystrete apud Beggher-welle continuata, quae via venit de Monken brygge, inci- piendo dictam viam de Kyngstrete ad Beggher- welle continet . . . gressus. Et sic a dicta via de Beggher-welle continuando viam directa via in sinistra manu de Erlesmede usque ad finem occidentalem dicti prati, continet longitudo a dicta fonte vocata Beggher-welle 840 gressus. Via alia longa borialis, incipiendo a fine orientali > " And a ship borne towards the port of Bristol, would be foundered upon the rock of Brekefaucet, at the influx of the tide." z Legh. a "for want of water." 58 de Erlesmede,* et directe retornando ad pontem le bryg citra molendinum quondam diebus meis vocatum Bagpath-mylle, in quo loco lit aliqui dicunt libertas et franchesia villae Bristolliee ex- tendit usque dictum pontem, qui est pars orienta- lissima et finis orientalis dicti b pulchri prati, per quam pontem aqua de Frome transit per dic- tum pontem, et sic continue transit per latus meridionale dicti famosi prati et per castrum villae par latus vici de la Weer. Et sic longitudo retornacionis dicti prati ad caput finis quadranguli per dictum pontem orien- talem citra predictum molendinum, vocatum Bag- path-mille, continet in latitudine dictiErles-medevv .300 gressus. Ecclesia fratrum carmelitarum, viz., navis eccle- siae, continet 4S gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 25 gressus. Latitudo turris campanilis continet 5 gressus. Chorus ecclesia? fratrum predicatorum continet 45 gressus. Claustrum eorum ex omnibus 4 partibus continet 40 gressus. Ecclesia religiorum vocat. le Gauntes, videlicet navis ecclesia;, continet 43 gressus in longitudine. Latitudo ejus continet 26 gressus. Sanctuarium locum Sancti Augustini ab oriente ubi introitus sanctuarii est in occidentem ad por- b " fair meadow. * So called, as being part of the original demesne of the Castle, when founded by Robert Consul, Earl of Gloucester. 59 tam extremam c ad intrandam curiam abbatis de ojficiis domorum, granariorum , pistorum , pandoxato- rum, stablaorum, pro dominis, Sec. continet 360 gressus eundo juxta ecclesiam Sancti Augustini. Latitude dicti Sanctuarii a porta predicta ad venellam intrantem vocat. Froglane continet 240* gressus. Latitudo sive distantia loci ab occidental! parte portae de Gauntes ad portam introitus ecclesiam abbathia? Sancti Augustini continet ex transverso 180 gressus. Frog-lane incipiendo ad borialem finem ecclesiae de Gauntesf intrando per orta et gardinam de lez Gauntes et per murum fratrum carmelitarum\ usque " c entering into the Abbot's court of offices, granaries, bakehouse and brevvhouse, and stables for his horses," or those of the superior guests, — Dominorum. * Wyrcestre in various of his MSS., which I have exa- mined, always uses the half eight « for the 4, which has rendered several of his measurements obscure or incorrect, in the transcription. f Annexed to the College of "Bonhommes " (commonly called the Gaunts, from the name of the original founders) were a large orchard and garden, upon which Orchard- street now stands. Upon the lower part of Stony-hill, adjoining, stood their columbarium, " Culver, or pidgeon house," upon which Culver-street is now built with houses, some of which are upon terraces, with gardens, "horti pensiles." There were only two other Colleges of Bon- hommes in England, at Ashridge in Buckinghamshire, and at Edington in Wiltshire. % Carmelite or White Friars. 60 ad Styp-stiete altitudinem ubi fons est de frestone versus ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis continet 660 gressus. Venella magna vocat le pryour ys lane Sancti Jacobi, quae apud le style in angulo cornerii de Lewynesmede usque ad murum extremum direc- tum super Montague-hill, eundo per murum fra- trum Sancti Francisci* ex una parte et murum monacorum ex orientali, continet usque returnum ad montem Sancti Michaelis directa linea .360 gressus, scilicet sic retornando venellam ad eccle- siam Sancti Michaelis per continuationem dictae venellae versus occidentem. Venella a capite anguli muri fratrum minorum^ vocat le pryour lane monachorum in parte occi- den tali, sic eundo ad montem Sancti Michaelis versus ejus ecclesiam usque ad locum et montem vocat Styp-strete prope fontem de frestone, conti- net . . gressus. Vicus de Shamelys ab antiquo vocatus Worshyp strete,\ ubi portus navium et lenarum existebat, continet in longitudine a porta Sancti Nicholai, directe eundo ad quandam finem loci viae quad rata? , 300 gressus. Vicus defensorius\ incipiente ad finem viae vocatae * Franciscan Friars, Minorites, or Grey Friars. f The Benedictine Monks of St. James, a cell to the Abbey of Tewkesbury. % In Worship-street, were the King's Storehouses for his prisage of Wool and Wine, on the banks of the Avon, above the bridge. § The "Vicus defensorins" or Defence-lane, was built against a very strong and lofty wall by the Burgesses, after 61 le Shamelys, directe incipiendo ad locum rectum quad rati per vicum de extransverso de Seynt Peter-strete coram novo fonte facto c de bonis Canyngs* de alta domo de frestone ab exteriore parte via de Wynch-strete continet 135 gressus. Via parva quamvis lata in occidentali parte ecclesiae omnium sanctorum et collegii kalendarii prope ibidem intrando versus meridiem in parte juxta cimiterium dictae ecclesiae continet 60 gressus. Collegium presbiterorum vocatum le kalenders in occidentali parte ecclesiae omnium sanctorum, in quo collegio Thomas Botoner avunculus meus fait frater collegii, et sepelitur in meridionali novae else ecclesiae omnium sanctorum, ab antiquo funda- tum diu ante conquestum Willelmi Conquestoris. Domus conducti aquae pulchra sub domo kalen- darii est scituata. De capella Sanctcc Annce per duo milliaria de Bristollia.^ Quidam dominus De le Warr fundavit primo capellam Sanctae Annae. c " out of Canynge's Estate." the memorable siege of the Castle, in the reign of Edward the Second. * By virtue of the Will of W. Canynges, in 1474, his residuary property in Bristol was given to W. Spenser, his Executor, in trust to the Corporation, for public works, provided, his grandchildren, William and Agnes, died minors, which happened. Spenser built this fountain, near St. Peter's, and a hospital. f The Chapel of St. Anne was situated in the parish of <>2 Capella Sanctee Annee continet in longitudine 19 vireas. Latitudo ejus continet 5 virgas. Et sunt tie boterasses circa capellam 19. Item sunt duae cerese anglice quadratae,* una de dono officii artis vvevers, de terra ad cooperturam archuati volti continet altitudo 80 pedes. Et densitudo unius cerse quadratae lez e officium arlis corduanarii continet in latitudine 10 pollices fere unius pedis. Et in densitate 8 pollices. Et cera quad rata data per f ojfficium artis textorum e " Guild of Shoemakers." f " Guild of Weavers." Brislington, near the batiks of the Avon. It was held in high consideration, and was much frequented by the inha- bitants of Bristol, by way of pilgrimage, on account of its supposed superior sanctity. Elizabeth of York, wife of K. Henry VII., when at Bristol in 1502, went to make an offering there. — See he?- Privy Purse Accounts. Nicolas. This Chapel of St. Anne was originally founded by one of the Barons La Warr, probably by the same who founded the Hospital of St. Bartholomew in Bristol. It was an insulated building, supported by 19 buttresses. Length 57 feet (interior) by 15, which are the dimensions of a considerable structure. * Square wax lights for the Altar, given by guilds or companies of artificers, established in Bristol. Such wax lights were called " mortars." These contributions were annually renewed, and are still made by artisans in the Catholic countries. 63 anglice wefers continet in longitudine ad voltam capellae 80 pedes Latitudo 8 pollices. Densitudo 7 pollices. Et quolibet anno dicta? cereae sunt renovatse erga diem pentacost. Et quaelibet cera quadrata ex ponderibus cerae et fact lira constabat 5 libr. Et sic duae predictse cereae constabant 10 libr. Et sunt in dicta capella 32 naves et navicular* ac de caracis navibus. Et sunt de navibus de argento formatis et factis 5 naves, precium cujuslibet navis 20s. Et coram ymagine Sanctae Anna? sunt 13 cereae quadratae, appreciatae ad . . . In orientali via de Radclyf chyrch, capellae Beatae Mariae, est murus longus versus Pyle-hille fontem, ad eundem ad Sanctam Annam ; continet dictus murus in longitudine 50 virgas sive 70 gressus per s Jilium meum numeros virgarum numerat. ad incepcionem muri prope orientalem partem cimiterii dictae ecclesiae. Et ab inceptione dicti b muri in orto claudati 8 Lewis. h "stone-wall inclosure." * Small vessels made of silver to receive and contain offerings, and sometimes to burn incense in. William of Wykeham bequeaths to the Cathedral of Winchester "one elemosynary dish in the form of a ship." Among Cardinal Wolsey's plate was " oone lytell shippe for francin- cense silvar and parcell-gilte — poiss. xoz." The quantity of plate belonging to parish Altars, Chapels, and Chantries, may be thus accounted for. G 64 juxta cimiterium orientalis partis muri predicti a dicto merestone, in eadem parte eundo per cimi- terium predictnm juxta collegium capellanorum Willelmi Canyngys ad domum camerarum dictorum capellanorum continet in latudine 150 gressus. Latitudo vise de Radclyff-hill de cameris pres- biterorum predictorum ad alteram partem domo- riun l operariorum de frestone pro fundacione ecdesicB de Radclyff, sunt 40 gressus. Et a loco camerarum Willelmi Canyngys in fine occidentali cimiterii predicti usque ad Radclyff yate continet circa 180 gressus. Columna principalis quatuor columpnarum, quae portant turrim competentem ^coram hostiiim chori occidentalis ecclesiae Radclyff continet 103 bow- tells.* Circumferentia principalium columpnarum, et quselibet earum quatuor columpnarum continet 6 virgas. Circumferentia aliarum columpnarum tocius ecclesiae continet 4 virgas. Latitudo viae de Radclyff-stret coram turrim ecclesiae de Radclyff continet 14 gressus, et eadem latitudo durat infra Radclyff-strete. Via infra Radclyff-strete per murum vocatum le toune-wall eundo versus Seynt Thomas strete, cujus sinistra pars viae est bene edificata, et altera 1 Freestone masons, the builders of Redcliffe Church. k " before the entrance into the Choir." * Boltellae. Bowtells — perpendicular mouldings sur- rounding the shaft of a pillar. 65 pars, dextramanu, eslmurus vocatus le toune walle, continet in longitudine 152 gressus. Longitudo via3 de le toune walle ad Seynt Thomas strete de angulo ex parte . . de muro edificatorum eundo ad pontem Bristol conti- net 660 gressus. Latitudo de Brodemede* continet 28 gressus. Latitudo brevis via? de Kyngys-strete a principio dictae viae prope turrim de Monkyn-brygge in qua- dam venella usque le style ad eundum ad cimite- rium Sancti Jacobi in parte x anguli hospicii* Willelmi Pownam apud crucem et pontem, eundo l "corner of the dwelling-house." * The " Broade mede " in the parish of St. James, was the first inhabited part of it, as appendant to the town, and as such, was granted to the priory by William Earl of Glou- cester, by patent, t. Hen. 2di. Patent of Inspeximus 2do. Hen. 4ti. m. 7« "totum novum burgum de Prato apud Bristolliam" — meaning that it was then first covered with buildings. t An ancient tenement or house, during the early cen- turies, as inhabited by the Burgesses of Bristow, was thus constructed. The souterrain was a very large cellar (cellarium) with a groined and ribbed roof of stone, and when extending under the street, divided by arches and pillars. Such instances are not so frequent as those covered by timber beams. In these were deposited the heavier goods. The ground floor was divided into narrow shops (shopae) three or four upon the same ground plan, with stalls or bulk heads, and open to the street. They were for daily traffic with the inhabitants, and numerous frequenters of tbe town. In the houses of the chief mer- chants there was built behind these shops, a ball (aula), Co- in dicta via per lez barrys et usque Erlesmede continet 100 gressus ; et a principio cimiterii Sancti Jacobi eundo per lez barrys, eundo ad pra- tura Erlysmede. Latitudo vise in principio de Lewenysmede prope ecclesiam Sancti Jacobi 8 gressus eundo usque Frome-yate. Crux decens de frestone erecta super arcum voltae unius gradus viae intrantis ad aquam de Frome, anglice a slypp, in vico Knyfesmyth-strete, aliter Cristmas strete. Venella brevis scita in angulo ultra crucem pre- dictam ad quendam hostium usque aquam de Frome per prope Frome-yate in boriali parte pre- dictae crucis continet in longitudine circa 60 gressus in fine Cristmasse strete. Crucis latitudo de Hygh-strete, continet 2 virgas. De Cellariis etc. In alto vico, Hygh-strete, sunt in parte orientali of the hygh-crosse de Seynt Cholas yate 17 cellarii. Et in opposita parte occidentali dicti Hygh- strete sunt 12 cellarii. Item inCorn-strete, de cruce alta, in parte boriali vici ad portum Sancti Leonardi per ecclesiam Sanctae Werburgse sunt 18 cellarii computati. with a high arched roof of timber frame. It served com- monly to hold linen, woollen, and spices, and the more valuable goods, and at set times for their feasts. The first floor contained the habitable house (Camerae) bed- rooms, parlour (parlatorium), kitchen (coquina), all of which are mentioned in deeds and wills. And lastly (So- laria) garrets, which had two projecting stories under the roof. 67 Item in parte meridionali vise de alta cruce eundo per ecclesiam omnium sanctorum sunt 17 cellarii. Venella parvissima de Hyghstrete juxta meridi- onalem partem ecclesiae omnium sanctorum et officium cocorum contiuet 60 gressus. Item in vico Bradstrete eundo ab alta cruce ad partem orientalem de Bradstrete per ecclesiam Sanctae Trinitatis continet 15 cellaria. Item eundo in parte occidentali dictae viae per tenementum magistri Willelmi Botoner ac domum Gyldhalle ac capellam Sancti Georgii, sunt 15 cellaria. In Wynch-strete, aliter Castel-strete, ab alta cruce in parte dextra sive meridionali dictae viae per le pyllory eundo ad portam New-gate sunt 21 cellarii. Et a dicta cruce eundo in Wynch-strete per latus boriale dictae viae continue usque ad portam Newgate 14 sunt cellarii, et alterius continuando ad finem orientalis viae de le Weere per molendi- num castri, sunt 10 cellaria.* Domus justiciae et officii collistrigiit scita circa medium de Wynch-strete coram finem viae de Pittey-yate est rotundum, constructum de opere frestone decenter, tarn amplitudinis quam altitu- dinis, cum cameris ac fenestris cum barris de ferro artificiose compactis, continet in spacio circuitus * There were cellars or vaults, in all, 139, as above. f It was a high frame of timber beams, and the punish- ment was very severe. Mr. Douce, in his illustrations of Shakspeare, has given a very curious account of "Collis- trigia," from illuminations in ancient MSS. 68 domus dicti officii . . gressus. Et de m super domus collistrigii est instrumentum de arboribus opere carpentarii constructum ad n collistrendum infames homines deliquentes in pistura, quarum tor- tarum etccet. In Pyttey-strete infra Aylward-yate five Pyttey- yate prope ibidem in magno spacio, veluti locus trianguli est fons ampla et profunda cum frestone bene circumdata et alta pro hominibus hauriendo aquam fontanam, et dicta fons °bene tegulata desuper ad custodiendum homines aquam hauri- entes de pluvia seu procellis ; et sunt in boriali parte vise Pittey 2 cellaria. Officium domus latrinse anglice a privey tam pro mulieribus quam hominibus in latitudine meridi- onali spacii dicti trianguli. Longitudo via? ab angulo principii pontis ad portam Sancti Nicholai sunt 9 virgae. Longitudo portae Sancti Johannis Baptistae 8 virgee. In vico Sancti Nicholai sunt 12 cellarii de porta Sancti Nicholai usque portam Sancti Leonardi. In venella Sancti Leonardi prope cimiterium eundo in Smalstrete sunt plures voltae sive cellarii de sub terra, quia v tota venella est, et cimiterium est magncc altitudinis respectu vice trianguli de le hay quasi circa 10 pedum subtus via cimiterii eundo ad Small-strete. m "The house upon the platform of which the pillory was placed." n " Collistrigia — Neckstretchers for infamous men, delinquents in baking of bread, of which wrongs, &c." ° " with a tiled penthouse above." P " The whole lane and churchyard are of great height, with respect to the triangular space upon the Quay." 69 In parochio Sancti Stephani. Vicus Pylle-strete est via a Seynt Leonard ys yate ad triangulum venellarum ad orientalem fene- stram altaris ecclesiae Sancti Stephani, viz. venella una retro orientalem fenestram Sancti Stephani, q venella alia apud le style ecclesice Sancti Stephani ad keyam dimittendo cimiterium in manu dexira, et tercius vicus est longus incipiente a fine predicti Pylle-strete, et eundo per Merstrete longa via ad Merse yate. Apud le kay in spacio trianguli largi est in medio dicti trianguli pulcherrima domus de fres- tone erecta T sumptuose operata, in qua est conduc- tus aquarum de plumbo conduct, de fonte,* cujus principium fontis est apud . . Via alia de Pyll-stret extendendo ad domum custumae regis, ubi vendunt salsas pisces ad prin- cipium trianguli 64 gressus. Cristmas-strete vel Knyf-smyth-strete continet in latitudine 12 gressus, id est . . virgas. 1 " Another lane at the stile of St. Stephen's churchyard, leaving it on the right hand." r " of rich architecture." * A castellet was a stone inclosure to contain the reser- voir of water brought by pipes from a distant head, for the supply of the particular district. It was generally composed of ornamental architecture, and the top crenellated or em- battled, whence that name. Leland particularises the several castellets in Bristol in his time. The last of them rebuilt in the reign of Elizabeth, attached to St. John's Church, was entirely removed in 1828. The castellet on the key, " a most beautiful house and sumptuously wrought in masonry," must have been the most remarkable, then, to 70 Via? latitudo ad le key de Seynt Johnys yate continet 6 gressus. Triangulus, qui est magnum et amplum spacium apud le key, ubi domus conducti aquae in medio trianguli scituatur continet ex tribus partibusdele custom-hous ad key am et de keya ad . . Porta de Frome-yate, duae portae cum cathena ferri, cum vacuo spacio longitudinis dictarum por- tarum, continet 22 virgas super archus et duas portas edificatas. Cristmastrete. Pons sive archus sub una cruce decenti de frestone desuper erecta ad quendam angulum ad modum trianguli super pontem archus erecta in fine viae vocatae Cristmas-strete aliter knyfe-smyth- strete prope Frome-yate continet . . gressus. Gradus, anglice *a stepe, subtus archus et crucem ad eundum ad aquam de Frome pro lotura vesti- mentorum lineorum seu laneorum in fine de Crist- mastrete continet circa . . gressus. Latitudo viae de Cristmastrete incipiendo apud portam Sancti Johannis continet 12 gressus. « " a slip.' be seen. It was probably built by one of the Frampton's, who had a large mansion near it, in 1480. Castellets in Bristow. Cis pontem. St John's, hard by St. John's gate. The Key Pipe, with a very fair castellet. (near St. Stephen's.) St. Nicholas Pipe, with a castellet. Ultra pontem. Redclive Pipe, with a castlet, harde by Redclive Churche. Leland. v. 7. f. 71- 71 Radcliff-hylle ultra ecclesiam. Via de Radclyff-strete, incipiente in parte meri- dionali villae Bristoll. ultra ecclesiam Radclyff apud angulum viae ducentis ad Trillye-myllys* usque ad ultimam portam prope conductum portae de Rad- clyff, continet novies 60 gressus, quod est 540 gressus. Latitudo viae majoris loci continet ex opposito turris campanilis Radclyff 12 gressus. Memorandum quod longitudo turris campanilis in volta nova facta continet 24 pedes ab oriente in occidentem, et 22 pedes a boria in meridiem. * Item basis quadrati fabrications sperm de Rad- clyff, quce est de octo panis, primus cursus super locum quadrature sperce constat in densitudine lapidibus duorum pedum ex duabus petris cementatis, quia durum contrahere unum lapidem talis densitu- dinis, et sic continuat ininuendo usque ad certam altitudinem, ac quatuor sconci de lapidibus ab uno quarterio anguli in proximum ad ligandam speram, quae quidem spera stat modo ultra 100 pedes. t t " The base of the square building of the spire of Radclyff which consists of eight panes or pannels. The first course above the square part of the spire has the thickness of blocks of two feet, made by two stones cemented together, because it is difficult to con- tract or narrow a single stone of such thickness — and thus it continues to diminish to a certain height ; and the four pinnacles of stone issue from each angle which tye or bind the spire." This is a curious architectural notice. * Trene mills. Fulling mills made of wood in distinc- tion to the stone molendina, for grinding corn. t Are we to conclude that the Spire, after having been struck with lightning, was still 100 feet high ? Does modo 72 Item domus longitudo presbiterorum Canyngis in longitudine 20 virgarum vel 19 virgarum, cum 4 baywyndowes de frestone pro cameris 4 presbite- rorum. Dedicacio ecclesiae Sancti Johannis Baptistae Bristoll. die 17 jullii. Longitudo ecclesiae Sancti Johannis Baptistae 21 virgae. Latitudo ejus 8 virgae. Via vocata Radclyff-strete incipiendo a porta de Radclyff, continuando viam usque principium pontis Bristoll. continet 710 gressus. Latitudo viae continet 12 gressus. Spacium tenementorum mansionum ex quolibet latere pontis* Bristoll 10 virgas continet. Item spacium interceptum in loco latrinarum apply to W. W.'s time ? It has not such an elevation now. "Stat modo" is certainly the present time. Perhaps it was written " stetit modo," stood once, or not long since. * Comparison of the ancient bridges of London and Bris- tol. London bridge begun in 1176, completed in 1205, by Isenbert de Xainctes, a Norman architect, who built the bridge there. It was 926 feet long and 40 wide, having 19 broad pointed arches,and was covered with houses. The chapel of St. Thomas a Becket was erected upon the tenth pier; was 40 feet high, and had a plain gable only surmounted by a cross, with four buttresses, with crocketed finials, dividing the western end into three parts. In the interior were two stories, both consecrated to sacred pur- poses, and the roof of the lower was richly vaulted. The street of houses was complete on either side, which were of timber frame, and chiefly of large dimensions. One was so remarkable as to have been called the "Nonsuch." There were likewise two large towers with gateways. 73 officii* super pontem ad inceptionem mansionum primae partis pontis de Radclyff-strete verae incep- cionis pontis continet 18 virgas. Le Bakk Bristollice. Via vocata le bak, ubi naves Walliee intrant, con- tinet a principio domus conductae prope pontem usque ad portam extremara vocatam Mersh-yate in longitudine 3030 gressus per aquam Avon. Latitudo dictae viae vocatae le bak ad projicien- dum bosca et alias mercandizas continet secundum majus et majus 30 gressus. Altitudo maris Avone, quando novus refluxus maris est, "in prima die commutacionis lunce, ut u " In the first day of the change of the moon, as I have seen and heard, in the first lunation after the entrance of the sun into libra, the rise of the spring tide at the Bak is 7 or 8 fathom, at least 40 feet." Both the chapel and Nonsuch house were occupied as warehouses for stationery goods, since the reformation, and which remained till 1/58, when the whole was taken down, and the platform and arches of the bridge were reconstructed. Of Bristol Bridge there was a general coincidence, ex- cepting that it was so much smaller. It was built between the years 1240 and 1247- The breadth of the river is 200 feet. The bridge was built upon four arches, between very large and wide piers and starlings. The street was con- tinued on either side, having some spacious houses, the road between them being no more than 19 feet. Of the chapel dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, built by Elyas Spelley, Mayor in the reign of Edw. III. W. W. afterwards gives a particular account. The bridge was rebuilt between 1761 and 1708; when the houses which remained after the conflagration in 1644 were taken down. * Mentioned in Canning's Will as Avon's Privey. There was another in the Pithay. 74 vidi et andivi in lunacione proximo, ante introitum solis in libram est 7 vel 8 brachia apud le bak, anglice valhym, et brachium continet 6 pedes. Viee longitudo vocatae Baft-strete incipiente ex opposito crucis in Baldwyne-strete usque murum villas in opposito de le Mersh, continet w a retro capellcc de le bak in occidentali parte dictae capellae 240 gressus. Latitudo dicta; viae ad spacium 180 gressuum continet 20 gressus, sed in prima incepcione vise apud crucem in Baldwyne-strete per spacium lon- gitudinis 60 gressuum ejus latitudo est stricta via nisi latitudinis 3 virgarum. Viae quatuor ex omni latere in occidentali parte capellae de le bak in edificatione quadrata per A. B. facta continet ex quolibet 4 lateribus . . gressus. Porta Sancti Nicholai continet a boria in meri- diem in longitudine 7 virgas. Latitudo viae de Hygh-strete finiente ad dictam portam continet 20 gressus. Porta Sancti Leonardi continet ex parte orientali in longitudine 7 virgas. Altitudo porta? cum campanile continet per esti- macionem . . . Latitudo viae vocatae Smalstrete ad finem portae Sancti Leonardi continet 30 gressus. Porta Sancti Johannis Baptistae continet in lon- gitudine a boria in meridiem versus Bradstrete 7 virgas, et ab oriente in occidentem versus le kay latitudo viae de Bradstrete ad finem dictae portae continet 28 gressus. w " behind the chapel on the Back." 75 Latitudo viae vocatae Seynt Laurens lane conti- net 6 gressus. Porta3 duae super pontem de Frome-yate continet in longitudine . . virgas vel 34 gressus. Pons duorum archuum aquam de Frome tran- seuntium continet in longitudine . . virgas . . gressus. Obiit Johannes Barstable burgensis villae Bristoll. A.D. 141 1, quinto decimo kalend. Octobris, etha- buit Nicholaum Barstable presbiterum magistrum capellae Sanctae Trinitatis. Ecclesia Sanctae Werbur^ae* continet in latitu- dine 19 virgas vel 34 gressus. Argent a cheveron engrailed between 3 garbs sable. Deseent of Darby from Wills. Walter Darby, =j=Joan of the parish of St. Wer- burg. Will dated 1385. Mayo r T.367. I Walter Darby, =(Jhristina Founderof St. Werburgh's Church. William Joan John Alice ux. W. Warminster, Isabel ux. John Barstaple. 76 Tunis quad ratus dictae ecclesiae continet ex omni parte x quatuor costarum 5 virgas. Tour-strete : longitudo viae de Wynch-strete apud le pyllorye continuans per cimiterium Sancti Johannis prope blynde-yate usque Brad-strete con- tinet 370 gressus. Latitudo dictae viae continet ad minus 2 virgas, sed a orientali parte ecclesiae Sancti Johannis Baptistse continet 3 virgas. Porta vocata Blynd-yate continet in latitudine 9 pedes, et in latitudine viae 3 virgas id est 9 pedes desuper edificata. Longitudo ecclesiae Sanctae Werburgae continet 21 virgas. Latitudo ejus L9 virgae. Turris ecclesiae quadratae continet 5 virgas ex omni latere. Columpnae archus 6, fenestras 6 in una parte, et in qualibet fenestra 5 panell, et totidem columpnae et archus in alia parte. Fenestra una in orientali et alia in occidentali . . Venella viae a vico de Smalstrete per ecclesiam Sanctae Werburgae ad introitum viae vocatae Seynt Colastrete continet 145 gressus, ex opposito venellae viae per spacium 32 graduum ad Baldwyne- strete. Venella viae ad Baldwyne-strete ex opposito superscriptae, eundo per certos gradus inferiores ad numerum 32, et . . gressuum ad vicum Baldwyne-strete ex opposito crucis lapideae con- tinet cum dictis 32 gradibus gressuum et . . gressibus. x " four sides." 77 Via ab ecclesia Sancti Nicholai cum 5 gressibus areae dictae ecclesiae ad introitum ecclesiae voltae vocatae le r crowd, cum spacio latitudinis voltae de dicta ecclesia arcus ac spacio latitudine 20 gressi- busad descensum voltae de le croude ultra diet. 20 gressus praeter 2 virgas. Tamen longitudo tocius voltae cum duobus alis ex numero 5 z pyllerys archuatis continet 12 virgas. Et 5 magnae columpnae ac 5 archus sunt in dicta cripta five volta. Item turris quadratus campanilis ecclesiae pre- dictae continet 5 virgas ex omni parte. Ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis. Via in occidentali parte ecclesiae Sancti Bartho- lomei Bristolliae eundo ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis super altissimum montem, a via vocata le Stype-strete, incipiendo a collegio Sancti Bar- tholomei semper ascendendo ad quandam fontem et crucem lapideam in monte Sancti Michaelis, sic eundo ad *ecclesiam religiosarum Beatae Mariae Magdalenae, pauperis religionis trium monacharum continet 360 gressus. Et a dicta ecclesia religiosa sive ecclesia paro- chiali Sancti Michaelis usque ad lapidem altum y Crypt. z " Pillars which support arches." * This was the nunnery of St. Mary Magdalene, consist- ing only of three professed nuns, but of many novices, by whom the daughters of the principal inhabitants were educated. At the reformation they were held in so great estimation, that the visitors strongly recommended that they should not be dissolved, but without effect. 78 assignatum pro limite franchesiae villae Bristolliae, prope crucem et locum furcarum pro justitia legis pro traditoribus et latronibus suspendendis et executione mortis, 420 gressus ascend endo semper ad montem. Sed a dicta petra quae est a finis fran- chesice Bristollice plages meridionalis ab alta cruce ad locum justiciae exequend continet in toto, cum 120 gressis, 540 gressus. Capella sanctae crucis super Thyrdam-doune versus collegium de Westberye continet in longi- tudine 9 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 5 virgas et habet mantel- lum .... Ecclesia collegii b diaco?iata de Westbery continet in longitudine 42 virgas vel lx gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 24 virgas. 1447. Memorandum quod c navis Roberti Sturmey in primo viagio suo de Jerusalem fuit submersus prope Modon insulam* ex fortuna casu in nocte fracturae, et 37 homines Bristolliae suae navis vocatae le Cog\ Anne, et ipsi 37 homines sepulti apud a " The end of the Bristol liberties from the High Cross towards the South" b " having a Dean." c " ship belonging to." * Modon is not an island, but a port on the continent of the Morea, not many leagues below the island of Zante, open to the Mediterranean. This vessel was conveying pilgrims or votarists to the Holy Sepulchre, a circumstance which caused the Bishop of Modon to consecrate an ora- tory to their memory. Robert Sturmye was one of the Merchants venturers. He was Sheriff in 1442, and Mayor in 1452. t A Cog was a ship used to convey merchandize, but of the exact measure of its tonnage, we have no account. 79 Modon, et episcopus patriae fecit capellam novam ad orandum pro animabus eorum. Touker-strete* Venella prima inTouker-strete de ponte Bristoll. continet 90 gressus ad aquam Avonpe. Venella secunda versus Stallage-cros continet 100 gressus ad aquam de Avyn, et ista venella est apud Stallage-cros ex opposito. Latitudo dictae venellae est 4 gressus. * The first establishment and residence of the family of Canynge was in Tucker-street, which was entirely in- habited by clothiers or drugget makers, one of the more ancient manufactures in Bristol. W. Canynges made his will in 1396, and was buried in the chapel of Our Lady, in the church of St. Thomas, martyr. John, his son, in 1405, bequeaths his body to be buried in the same. " Item Johannae ux. meae 4 shopas situat' in Touker-strete, et duas aulas cum pertinentiis in vico predicto — unam aulam cum una shopa adjacente in Touker-strete, &c, usque ad Law- ditch posterius." The celebrated W. Canynge was their third son. By his will, dated 1474, he gives " duo tene- menta unum in suburbiis villse Bristol, in vico vocatoWest Touker-strete in parochia Sti. Thomae Martyris inter tene- menta Prioris Domus Carthusianae de Wytham, ex utraque parte, et duo messuagia cum suis pertinentiis situat' super pontem Abonae," &c. This property remained in the Canynge's family until its extinction by the death of the grand-children of W. Canynge, William and Isabel, during their minority, and not long after his own demise. John, their elder brother, is not mentioned in W. Canynge's will, because he inherited his mother's very ample jointure. The manufacture of cloth was brought from Normandy to Bristol, and the West of England, early in the reign of Edward 1. Cloth workers were called Toukers, from the river Toque, near Abbeville. In deeds of that date, these H 80 Via in fine Toker-strete incipiendo a retro de Temple-strete ultra magnum fontem prope mag- num et profundum gradum, anglice a stepe, in fine de Toker-strete, et eundo coram aquam de Avyn per prata in boriali parte aquae continet ad retor- nam venellse in Temple-strete ad le pyllorye 420 gressus; et dicta via est edificata in una parte versus dexteram manum, et alia pars vise est cursus aquae de Avyn. Latitudo dictae vise est ultra circa 8 gressus, et aliquando 20 gressus. Venella secunda existens coram aquam Avyn in dicta via versus ad Temple-strete continet 90 gressus. Venella ^secunda in dicta via coram aquam de Avyn continet circa 90 gressus, et transit in retorno de quadam pervicina ponte arboris quod equus mm transiet ad prata coram aquam Avyn, et sic retor- nando ad Temple-strete ex opposito le pyllory prope ecclesiam Templi, continet ut super 90 gradus. Latitudo dictse venellae continet 4 virgas. d " a second lane in the same direction on the banks of the river Avon extends about 90 paces, and then turns off to a neighbouring bridge of wood, not passable by a horse, leading to meadows on the banks of the Avon." several terms occur — Textor, Weaver; Fullo, Cloth worker ; Tinctor, Dyer ; Feltere, Felt- maker ; John le Tannere ; Webbe ; Chaucer calls his clothier, in the Canterbury Tales, "a Webbe." In 1334, a complaint was made against Thomas Blankett for having in his house foreigners, and foreign instruments of manufacture. 81 Ecclesia templi sanctce cruris. Longitudo ecclesiae de templo sanctae cruris con- tinet 57 virgas, et circa 1 00 gradus per estimacionem. Latitude- ejus continet 42 gradus. Turris novus* ecclesiae campanilis continet 5 virgas ex omni parte quadrates . Via subtus le toune-wallys incipiendo a parte Temple-strete, et eundo infra muram, juxta murum intrando per viam vocatam Seynt Thomas strete continet . . . gressus. Venella in Temple-strete ultra ecclesiam templi ex parte meridionali de Temple-strete, id est in parte opposita ecclesiae versus portam templi, quae est secunda venella a cruce de Stallage-cross versus et ad Radclyffe-strete eundo . . . gressus. Longitudo muri viltee Bristoll. transeundo per ortosTemple-yate, sed incipiendo ultra orientalem partem^ cancellae fratrum August. *super borduram aquce de Avyji, continuando usque Temple-yate continet 600 gressus. Et sic continuando a porta e " Upon the bank of Avon-water.'' * It is most singular that William Wyrcestre does not mention the very extraordinary fact of the great declination of the original tower, adverting only to the addition made to it in his time. Indeed his own architectural notices are totally deficient; as he contented himself with mensuration only : but will the Itinerary of Leland always give satisfacto- ry information, either by critical observation or comparison ? f This fixes the site of the small convent of the Hermits of the rule of St. Augustine, near to the Temple gate, but bordering on the banks of the river Avon. Founded in 1310 by Sir Simon, or Sir William, Montacute j to which 82 Temple-yate per muros villae* ad primam portam de Radclyflf-strete, qui est finis dictae viae de Rad- clyflT-strete, continet 435 gressus. Et sic in toto ab aqua Avonae predictus murus continet usque ad portam primam de Radclyff-yate 1035 gressus. Muri densitudo super viam quam homines ambu- lant 2 virgae-t Spissitudo tocius muri continet 2 virgas et duas pedes. A^enella in Radclyff-strete a prima porta Rad- clyff, vocata Hounden-lane, continet a via Radclyff usque Seynt Thomas strete in longitudine 170 gressus. Latitudo dictae venellae continet 2 virgas. Venella ex parte meridionali ecclesiae Sancti Thomae eundo juxta ecclesiam continet in longitu- dine 170 gressus. last mentioned, a patent "de manso elargando" was granted in 1317. Sold in 1543 to Maurice Dennis. * This is now the only remaining part of the town wall, and is partly perfect for several hundred yards to Redcliflf- street ; where the gate originally stood. It was built, or rather rebuilt, at the expense of the Butchers' Company. It now forms the boundary of gardens. In one of the earliest deeds now extant, dated in the year 1220, relating to tenements in RedclifF-street, the purchaser is T. Kull- bullock. In another a butcher is styled "Carnifex," a flesh-monger. "Port Waulle is the fairest part of the Towne waul. The sayinge is, that certein bochers made a fair peace of this waulle ; and it is the highest and strongest peace of all the towne waulls." — Leland v. 7, f. 71. f The space of six feet was sufficient for a publick walk or passage, or to man the walls during a siege. Such still remain at Chester and York. 83 Venella in parte boriali ecclesiae Sancti Thomae transeundo per cimiterium continet Ecclesia Sancti Thomae cum chore- continet in longitudine 80 gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 35 gressus. Muri longitudo ex parte orientali villae prope Pyttey-yate, incipiente in meridionali de Pyttey- yate, usque ad viam ducentem ad portam vocatam le Blynde-yate continet 170 gressus versus Monk- enbrygge, et continuando usque Frome-yate sic continet ulterius Muri villas Bristoll. videlicet a principio de Frome-yate, et sic retornando usque per Lewlyns- mede, et retornando per Seynt Jamys bak et Brode-mede ac le f bak parvum usque Pyttey-yate, continet dictus murus per aquam de Frome gyran- do 1000 gressus. Via de fine Seynt Thomas-strete incipiente apud le toune-walle continuando sub le toune-walle ad portam primam de Radclyff-yate, qui est finis longae vise de RadclyfT-strete, continet 170 gressus, edificata in parte orientali de le toune-walle. Latitudo dictae viae continet 8 gressus. Via incipiente apud occidentalem finem de cimi- terio Radclyff-chyrch, sic transeundo per viam ducentem ad Trene-myllys, et continuando usque domum hospitalis Beatae Mariae Magdalenae* in f " the little Bee." * The Matrix of the Seal of the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalene of Brightbow is still extant. It was founded for the reception of paupers afflicted with leprosy. 84 dextra manu, eundo versus pontem de Bryghtbow ad crucem et capellam dicti hospitalis, continet 300 gressus ; et a dicta domo hospitalis usque pontem de Bryghtbow continet 230 gressus, ubi libertas villa? Bristoll. extendit, sic in toto 530 gressus. Pons aquae de Bryghtbow* versus ecclesiam hospitalis Sanctae Katerinae continet 24 gressus in longitudine. Via predicta continuando a ponte de Bryghtbow versus Bedmynster ad capellam liberam hospitalis Sanctae Katerinae continet 170 gressus. Via de hospitali ecclesiae Sanctae Katerinae usque pontem vocat. Bryghtbow, eundo versus ecclesiam de Radclyff continet in longitudine 240 gressus. Pons vocat Bryghtbow, ubi extrema pars liber- tatis villa? Bristoll. existens versus occidentem, eundo usque Wellys per Bedmynster continet 17 virgas longitudinis, sive 3b* gressus. Latitudo dicti pontis continet 5 virgas. Viae longitudo de porta vocata Radclyff-yate ver- sus Bedmyster, et transeundo per ecclesiam Rad- clyff etdomum mansionis presbiterorum Canyngysf usque ad pontem vocatum Bryghtbow, ubi ad dic- tum pontem libertas et franchesia villa? Bristollia? extendit in occidentali parte villa? Bristoll. continet 1200 gressus. * Bow is always applied to the single arch of a bridge ; as at Stratford-le-Bow, near London, which Chaucer calls tapte, iuro;cntapIe, quae obtj't. 9.D. D when Clare-Street was built. 101 Viae latitudo a fine venellae ducentis de porta Sancti Leonardi, viz., a principio domus de le cus- tom-hows usque venellam ab hospicio . . . . . . . Shyppard* ad introitum venellae eundo ad occidental em partem campanilis Sancti Stephani continet 70 gressus. Venella parva supra-nominata, eundo ad eccle- siam Sancti Stephani per orientalem partem eccle- siae Sancti Stephani et altaris principalis ecclesiae predictse, continet 80 gressus. Latitudo via? de le key ex parte de le custom- hows usque directe eundo ad quandam venellam, incipiendo h a retro domus Shyppard, eundo ad por- tam occidentalem ecclesiae Sancti Stephani 34 gressus, versus locum apertum partis de le key, ubi in medio conductus aquae de petra frestone scituatur. Venella proximaadjuncta, eundo per le stile per h " The back of Shyppard's house. * In Wyrcestre's time there were several very large and handsome houses belonging to the more opulent inhabi- tants, which he has particularised : — 1. Shipward's; near St. Stephen's Church. 2. Canynges ; in Redcliffe Street. 3. Norton's ; behind St. Peter's Church. 4. Olyver's ; in Wynch Street. 5. Bagod's ; upon the Town Wall, and in a tower rebuilt by Clement Bagod, near the Grey Friars' Church. 6. Pavye's ; near St. Giles's Church, Small Street. 7. Pownham's ; Lewin's Mead. 8. Vyell's place ; on the Quay beyond the Marsh-gate. 9. Newton (the Recorder's); in Castle Street, opposite to St. Peter's porch. 10. Sturmye's; upon the Welsh Bee. 102 cimiterium, incipiendo ab orientali parte ecclesiae SanctiStephani, et sic directe eundo per meridiona- lem partem cimiterii dictae ecclesiae usque le key, continet cum 30 gressibus per cimiterium predic- tum, et tunc directe transeundo per occidentalem partem ecclesiae predicts ad locum vocatum le key continet 90 gressus, sed i equi havers non transeunt per dictam venellam. De operacione artificiosa porticus borialis* ecclesiae Sancti Stephani de opere manuali JBenet le free- mason.^ A cors wythout.(l)! A casement.(2) A bowtelle.(3) A felet.(4) i "• Equi halliers," horses drawing sledges. * There is no porch on the North side of the Church. " Portam meridionalem ecclesiae de novo factam." See page 38. The South is evidently described. It has been lately restored, but imperfectly, for the modern battle- ments have been retained. This very minute and work- manlike account was doubtless communicated to William Wyrcestre, by Norton, the master mason of Redcliff, subsequently mentioned. f The French term Frere Macon has been anglicized into Free-Mason ; and refers not to their immunities, but to their Gild or Fraternity. \ Masonic terms in the 15th Century : — 1. A basement or plinth immediately above ground. 2. A moulding deeply hollowed. 3. Boltellus. Boutel. A perpendicular shaft attached to a pillar. 4. A narrow flat moulding. J 03 A double ressaunt. (5) A boutel. A felet. A ressaunt. A felde. A casement wyth levys. (6) A felet. A boutel. A felet. A ressant. A felet. A casement wyth trayles f.(7) A felet. A boutel. A felet. A casement. A felet. A casement. A felet. In the myddes of the dore a battelle. (8) Ecclesia de Radclyjf. * Longitudo tocius ecclesiaeBeatae Maris de Rad- clyff continet 6'3 virgas piaster capellam Beatae Maris. 5. Now called an ogee moulding, either double or single. 6. A moulding formed of curved foils, rosettes, or leaves, sometimes with crockets. 7. A casement with Trefoils, exactly resembling a window closed, in the solid wall. 8. This term sometimes means battlement, but it does not apply in this instance. Perhaps it may mean here the arch formed by three quarter open circles conjoined, after the Burgundian manner. ' From page 82 of Nasmith's Edition. 104 Longitudo capellae Beatae Mariae 13 virgae 1 pes et dimidium. Latitudo capellae 7 virgae. Latitudo ecclesiae tocius 18 virgae. Summa tocius longitudinis continet 77 virgas. Longitudo secundaria? porta? ex parte boriali 7 virgae. Latitudo dicta? porchae 4 virgae et quarta pars. Longitudo de crosse-isles 38 virgae. Latitudo trium elarum voltarum cum lapidibus 14 virgas continet. Latitudo cujuslibet arcus infra columpnas, con- tinet 10 pedes. Longitudo de le crosse-isle continet 8 arcus a boria in meridiem. Et quaelibet fenestra in le ovyrstorye continet 5 panellas. Et quaelibet fenestra in latitudine continet 10 pedes. Et quaelibet fenestra finis cujuslibet elae continet 3 panellas vitreatasJ * Turris ecclesiae RadclyfFin longitudine continet 23 pedes dimid. et in latitudine 24 pedes. Altitudo turris continet 120 pedes, et altitudo de le spere sicut modo fracta continet 200 pedes.f Et diameter in superiori fracturae continet 16 pedes. * " Panellcs vitreatce," divisions of a window composed of stained glass, in distinction to common glass. The word is so used by William Wyrcestre, and elsewhere, " Panella glasatta," are merely glased windows. f Meaning 200 feet of total elevation. 105 Et habet 8 pannas.* Et quilibet lapis in incepcione sperae continet in densitate duos pedes; et apud He topp in altiori parte ubi crux scituatur, continet densitudo 4 pol- lices ; et quilibet lapis in fabricacione est 8 pedes latitudinis .... in densitudine ; et latitudo de le garlondf continet xi pedes. Densitudo murorum turris de Radclyffinfunda- mento 7 pedes. Et in altitudine 120 pedum continet murus 5 pedes. Longitudo prima? portae porticus ecclesiae Beatae Mariae continet 7 virgas, et capella continuata ad portam introitus porta? ecclesiae principalis continet G virgas. Latitudo dictre capellae continet 5 virgas.| Turris campanarum ecclesiae Sancti Jacobi ab boria. in meridiem continet 6 virgas. Et ab oriente in occidentem 5 virgas. Ecclesia Sancti Audoeni in latitudine 14 virgas. Latitudo ecclesiae Sancta? Trinitatis continet 32 gressus. j " At the summit. * Panes or segments of the Spire inclosed within ribs. f The ballustrade which surrounds the broken spire. X Dimensions of Redeliff Church according to Barrett's History of Bristol, p. 573. Total length 239 feet ; Tran- sept 117=44; Breadth of Transept and side isles, 59; Height of ailes, 25 feet ; Nave, 54 ; and the transept of equal height ; Nave from the West end to the high Altar, 197 : Our Lady's Chapel 42=24, and 26 feet high. 100 Longitudo ecclesiae Sanctae Trinitatis continet 22 virgas. Latitude) ecclesiae Sanctae Werburgae continet Ecclesia Sancti Petri continet in longitudine preter chorum 54 gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 30 gressus. Ecclesia Sanctae Marias de la port continet pre- ter chorum in longitudine 27 gressus. 1469 Mr. Robertus Lane* obiit, grammaticus villse Bristoll- die 23 febr. Longitudo navis ecclesiae de Radclyff continet 13 archus altos cum 3 fenestris desuper le ovyrsto- rye, et quaelibet fenestra habet 5 panes altitudinis 12 pedum, et latitudinis 4 virgarum vitreatarum sic in toto. Et quaelibet fenestra continet 4 virgas latitudinis, et habet 5 panys vitreatas quaelibet fenestra: sed in duabus alis ecclesiae quaelibet fenestra non habet nisi quatuor panellas vitreatas. Ghyston-clyff. Breke faucet est subtus Ghyston-clyff apud Ly- motes sub valle Brandon-hille. Fons calidus emanet de profundo aquae Avyn, sicut est Bathoniae, in le rok de Gyston-clyff, in eadem parte in le shole-place. Scarlet-welle est directe in parte opposita, in alta parte de Hungrode, emanente de rupe. *Ledes est unus rokk under Gynston-clyffi, a dan- k " Ledes is a rock under Ghystone-Cliff, and there is danger if a ship comes to enter Bristol, that is, too hastily over these stones ; or if it delays too long, the tide makes it dangerous to hoist a sail, on account of the rocks, which lie at the bottom of the course of the river, under Ghystone-Cliff." 107 ger si venit et intrat JBrislollice, id est nimis tempes- tive ovyr stone, et si diu tardat Jiuxum maris est peri- culosus ad velandum pro rupibus jacentibus in f undo maris cursus de Gyston-clyjf. Brand on-hylle* in Hibernia scita est; altissimus raons tocius Hiberniae ultra Blasquey in occiden- talissirna parte tocius Hiberniae ; et ibi sunt lapides vocat cristalle-stonys. A porta Sancti Leonard i vise de Baldwin-stret usque le custom-hons. Latitudo viae ibidem 5 virgqe ad angulum trian- guli de le custom-hous incipiente. Corne-strete continet 17 cellaria in parte omni- um sanctorum. Via de Hygh-strete in parte posteriori ecclesiae omnium sanctorum continet 00 gressus. Latitudo dictae viae continet imam virgam. Latitudo parvae viae omnium sanctorum a retro occidentals ecclesiae 5 virgae. In via predicta parva est unura cellarium pro vino. Naves Uris toll ice pertinentes in anno Christi 1480. Mary Grace 300 doliata. Le . . 360 doliata.f * See the Legend of St. Brendane, an Irish saint, who was likewise said to have been a giant, printed by W. de Worde. f That ships of so great a burthen could, at that time, have been received into the Port of Bristol, may admit of doubt. I have been informed by an intelligent friend, that it is probable that ships, here said to have been 360 tons, did not, as to their actual burthen, exceed one-half of that tonnage at present, (1480 — 1830.) Ships as now con- 108 George 200 doliata. Katervn 180 dol. Mary Bryd 100 dol. Cristofer 90 dol. Mary Shernman 54 doliat. Leonard 50 Tontyghe. Mary of Bristowe . . lex. Le George qui quer . . Johannes 511 tonne. . . . navis, qui dispositus est ad mare. Johannes Godeman* habet navium . . Thomas'!" Straunge circiter xn. Potis Uristoll. Altitudo turris quadratae campanilse in sinistra capellse edificatse de petra ab area continet ad cameram campanarum 15 brachia et per cordas campanarum mensuratas, et altissima camera con- tinet in altitudine circa tria brachia, sic in tota alti- tudine circa 18 brachia. structed, measuring 500 tons, will in fact convey 800 or 900 tons. Whereas, it is strictly probable, that those mentioned in this list, or those belonging to W. Canynges, would not have borne a burthen equal to their measurement. " Although the greater ships had English names, there is a doubt whether we had ships of that size of our own building. Canynges might have taken or purchased them from the Venetians, Hanseatics, or Genoese, all of whom had ships of even a larger burthen at that time." — Ander- son's Hist, of Commerce, V. 1., p. 271. * John Godeman does not occur as holding any muni- cipal office. f Quaere Robert ? The family of Strange was one of the most opulent of the merchants. Robert Strange was Mayor 1483, and Burgess in Parliament 1484. 109 Longitudo pontis predicts continet. 94 gressus.* Memorandum quod Helyas Spelly burgensis villae Bristoll. est, et fuit cum majores benefactores capellae predicts, ut patet in fenestris vitreatis cum figura eorum et uxorum sua- rum in dictis fenestris, videlicet Helyas Spelly. | 1446. Memorandum quod mense julii ante fes- tum Sancti Jacobi, Robertus Sturmyn mercator villae Bristolliee incepit viagium suum de porta Bristoll. a Kyngrode ad Jerusalem cum circa 160 peregrinis, et navigando per Cyville, eundo ad por- tam Joppa et Jerusalem ; et in redeundo versus Angliam per Modon insulamf ex subita procella et forti vento orto in atra. et obscura nocte 23 diei Decembris incaute ex improviso navis ejus vocata le Cogg-Anne ad rupem et terram prostrata fuit, et 37 homines et marinarii submersi fuerunt in max- imum dolorem amicorum eorum Bristollise et eorum uxorum. Sed quidam devotus episcopus de Mo- don in Grecia fecit corpora mortuorum 37 predic- torum honorifice sepeliri, et fundavit sanctam * The height of the tower of the chapel of St. Mary on the Bridge : — From the area of the bridge to the summit of the belfry, 90 feet ; to the top of the tower, 18 feet ; total, 108 feet. f This very slight notice of stained glass windows, with portraits of benefactors, is the only one which occurs in the whole of Wyrcestre's survey. Such must, in his day, have abounded in the churches of Bristol, but he was too intent upon measuring floors, to raise his vision to the gorgeous windows, or they were too frequent to attract his minute observation. \ Modon lies on the Continent. 110 capellam de nova ibidem ad orandum pro animabus eorum et omnium lidelium defunctorum. Longitudo sive spacium viaeapud le bak in paro- chia Sancti Nicholai erga capellam de le bakk con- tinet 50 gressus apud Crane. Gradus primus, anglice a slypp, super le bak de aqua Avyn, proxima vico vocato Baldewyne-strete continet in longitudine ad fundum aquae Avenge ascendendo ad altum vicum de le bak 80 gradus, anglice steyres. Gradus secundus, anglice a slypp, proxime se- quens in dicto vico de le bak, propinqua capellae Sancti Johannis Evangelistae, continet in longitu- dine circa 80 gressus. Latitudo duorum longorum graduum de le bak usque fundum aquae de Avyn, ubi mulieres lavant pannas lineos, aliquando 12 mulieres simul ad pe- dem aquae de Avyn lavantes pannos lineos et alia necessaria vidi ; ut mulieres honestae* sic ibidem * In distinction from mulieres fatuae before mentioned — "Honestae et fatuae mulieres," are discriminated by William Wyrcestre, but in the ancient ordinances of the Camps, their female followers were called u Lotrices and Mere- trices," with the same meaning. This publick " Lavanderie " is still practised at Paris, in the Seine. These slips or stone-stairs from the Bee to the river, were of infinite accommodation to the female inha- bitants of this most closely compacted town, with so dense a population, as it then inclosed, within its walls. The river, even in the reflux of the tide, must have been never " clara et pura," but fit only for certain domestic uses. Bristol was not deficient in public wells and fountains, brought by leaden pipes into castellets or receptacles of stone, as mentioned by Leland distinctly. Ill quando fluxus maris returnat versus mare, et quod aqua Avyn veniente a porta Bristolliae sit clara et pura, sic lavant certis temporibus diei. Naves navicular et cimbse, ac navicular vocatae anglice wodbryshys cachecys pycardes, venientes de portubus villarum Walliae ; sunt de villis et havyns de Tynby, Myllford-havyn, West Her- ford, Lawgher-havyn, Lanstefan-havyn, Kedwelly- havyn, Swansley-havyn, Neth-havyn, KerdyrT- havyn, Newport-havyn, Wsque-havyn, Kerlyon- havyn, Tyntern monasterium super flumen de Wye, Chepstow-havyn, Betysley-water super aquam de Wy, et aliae portus sive hamones de comitatibus et portubus Cornwalliae, oneratis cum stangno pisci- bus etcset, ac de portubus de Devynshyre, Somer- setshyre, applicant cum eorum navibus ad le bak ad exonerandas et discarcandas eorum naves de eorum mercandisis. Capella decens, longitudinis . . virgarum super le bak Bristolliae prope Mersh- yate est edificatum per venerabilem mercatorem cognominatum Knapp, pro duobus capellanis susti- nendis in terris et tenementis, ita quod semper omni die, hora v in mane, illi, vel unus dictorum suorum capellanorum, dicent missam pro mercato- ribus marinariis et artincis ac servientibus, possunt adire ad audiendas missas tempore matutinali.* * This chapel stood on the Welch Back, near the Marsh gate. The Irish and Spanish sailors were bound to hear mass and present offerings, at the Chapels of St. Vincent and St. Brendane, when they came into the harbour. Those who sailed in the Bristol Channel, at the Chapel of St. Blaise, upon a hill in the parish of Henbury. K J12 Le crane, officium instrumenti, super le bak est scitum, prope portam vocatam le mersh-yate, bene fund at um et fortiter in terra fixum. Domus et hospicium pro communi utilitate villae vocatum a cloth-hall e est super le bak ordinatum, quondam Roberti Sturmyn* venerabilis mercatoris villae Bristoll. manentis et hospicium amplum cus- todientis tam pro externis mercatoribus quam aliis generosis. * jrturmgf. Argent — 3 Gryphen's heads erased gules. The cloth hall upon the Welch Back was part of the mansion house of Robert Sturmye, Mayor in 1450, and the most hospitable of merchants, who kept there an open table, daily, for foreign merchants and the gentlemen of Bristol, to the great benefit of commerce, then first assu- ming its present system. Sturmye's hospitable reception of the foreign merchants who frequented or resided in Bristol, affords proof that the commercial intercourse with other nations was then considerable. 36 Hen. 6. (1458). " In this year, after some auctors, a merchant of Bristowe, named Sturmye, which with his ship had travailed in divers parts of the Levaunt and other parts of the Est, for so much as the fame ranne upon him, that he had gotten some green pepper and other spyces to have sette and sown in Englande as the fame went, therefore the Janawayes (Genoese) wayted him upon the sea and spoiled his ship and another. But this is full like to be 113 Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Audoeni cum capella fraternitatis in honore Sancti Johannis Baptistae* scita directa linea inter ecclesiam Sanctae Wer- burgee ex parte occidentali et vicum vocatum Bradstrete ex parte orientali ; et magna fenestra orientalis altaris dicta? ecclesia? scita super stratum Bradstrete. Ecclesia parochialis Sanctae Trinitatis scita in directa linea ecclesiae Audoeni ex parte occidentali dictae ecclesiae; ac x buttat super orientali parte vici Bradstrete ; et meridionalis pars dicta? ecclesiae est scita cum porta ejusdem apud crucem altam in quadrivio de Bradstrete, Hygh-strete, Corn-strete, et Wynch-strete quondam Castel-stret ; et dicta ecclesia habet turrim quadratam cum campanis ac speram altam cum lapidibus de frestone conde- center operatam. 1 abuts untrue that the Januwayes should spoil him for any such cause ; for there is no nacion in Europe that dealeth so little in spyces. But were it for this cause or other, the trouthe is, that by that nacion an offence was done for the which all the merchants Janawayes in London were arrested and sent to the Flete till they had found sufficient security to answer the premises. And finally for the harmys that theyr nacion had done to this Sturmye vi M. markes was sette to their payne to paye, but how it was paid, no mention I finde." Fabyan's Chronicle. Qto. (reprint), p. 663. * This was a fraternity of Merchant Tailors, and was the largest and most opulent, composed of the tradesmen, in Bristol. St. John was the patron Saint. 114 Ecclesia parochialis omnium sanctorum scita super vicum Corn-strete in parte boriali, et prope crucem altam de Hygh-strete ex parte orientali, et habet turrim quadratam pro campanis pulsantibus. Ecclesia parochialis Beatee Marias de Radclyff in altera parte pontis Bristoll. super altum montem scituata, etedificata velut ecclesia cathedralis cum turri quadrata larga occupata cum . . campa- nis largae quantitatis et ponderis. Memorandum de navibus ad expensas Domini Wil- elmi Canynghys* de novo fabricatis in villa Bristollite.^ Dominus Wilhelmus Canyngis qui fuit major, 5 vicibus, per octo annos exhibuit 800 homines in navibus occupatos, et habuit operarios et carpen- tarios, masons, &c. omni die C. homines. De navibus habuit le Mary Canyngys de 400 doliatis. Argent— 3 Moors heads erased proper boudest azure and argent. t Inserted in page 99 of Nasmith's Edition. The ships supplied by Bristol to the armament in 1372, from the M.S. of W. de Ayrmine, Comptroller of Accounts, is published in Seyer's Memoirs, v. 2., p. 151. There were not more than two or three of 100 tons ; and mostly of 40 or 50 tons. 115 Le Mary Radclyf pondere 500 doliatarum. Le Mary et John pondere 900 doliatarum, constabat sibi in toto 4000 marcas. Le Galyot navis pondere 50 doliatarum. Le Cateryn pondere 140 doliatarum. Le Marybat pondere 220 doliatarum. Le Margyt de Tynly pondere 200 doliatarum. Le lytylle Nicholas pondere 140 doliatarum. Le Kateryn de Boston pondere 220 doliatarum. Le navis in Iselond perdita, circa pondus 160 doliatarum. Item, ultra ista, Edwardus Rex quartus habuit de dicto Wilhelmo in millia marcarum pro pace sua habenda.* Ecclesia parochialis de sancta cruce, quondam ordinis templariorum in templo Jerusalem, modo de Sancto Johanne Baptista ordine in Jerosolimi- tana civitate primo orta et fundata, ac diebus modernis, ecclesia religiosorum ordinis praefatae Jo- hannis Baptistse apud insulam de Rodes rlorente. Et dicta ecclesia parochialis Bristolliae in diocesi Bathoniensi et Wellensi super aquam de Avyn scituata in altera parte de Avyn. Altitudo tnrris quadratae de novo fabricatae circa annum Christi 1460. per parochianos villas pro campanis magnificis pulsandis et sonandis. Capella Sancti Johannis Evangelistse super le Bakk fundata per magnificum virum mercatorem et burgensemt Bristoll. scita super le . . * For his acquittal in the Exchequer. Canynges was Mayor and King's Seneschal, and Chief Commissioner for the subsidy then levied. f Thomas Knappe Mayor, 1403. 116 Capella pulcherrima cum volta larga et alta archuata cum lapidibus, subtus capellam Beatae Marise Virginis super medium locum pontis Bris- tollia3, ac super pontem fortissimum archuatum cum magnis boteraces, cujus frons extendit ab occidentali pontis Bristolliae contigue cum longo ponte Bristolliae, et archus dictae frontis, m brevis respectu alterius pontis ad partem orientalem super aquam Avyn. Turris quadratus pro campanis pulsandis super fundum capellam predictae continet in altitudine 18 (brachia.) Capella hospitalis Sanctae Trinitatis in veteri mercato anglice old market. Capella Sancti Spiritus antiquissima juxta eccle- siam Beatae Mariae de Radclyff. Porta prima de Frome-yate ex parte viae versus ecclesiam Sancti Johannis continet longitudine 20 gressus. Spacium longitudinis viae a dicta prima porta edificata, et cum archu, sive longitudo pontis de Frome inter dictas duas portas continet . . gressus. Porta secunda edificata desuper versus eccle- siam canonicorum quondam Sancti Bartholomei continet in longitudine 12 gressus. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Augustini, noviter isto anno 1480 constructa et erecta in longitudine cum duabus alis excepto choro, continet in longi- tudine 24 virgas. Latitudo dictae ecclesiae, videlicet navis ecclesiae Sancti Augustini, continet 6 virgas, id est 18 pedes ; m "shorter than the other." Butterasses and arches were attached to the old bridge, upon which the chapel was founded. 117 et quaelibet ela continet in latitudine 4 virgas sive 12 pedes ; in toto ejus latitudo continet 42 pedes, mihi relatas per parochianum. Longitudo cancellae continebit, quando con- structum fuerit, 10 virgas. Australis pars marisci sexies 60 usque oppositum ecclesiae Radclyff. Secunda pars boria ex opposito ecclesiae de Radclyff usque ultra sepcies 60 gressus. Tercia pars ab extremitate viae coram .... sunt sexies 60 gressus ad portam de Baldwyne- strete. *... Incepcio prims partis de le key Bristoll. incipi- endo a porta Baldwyne-strete usque m cornerium capitale incepcionis de le key, sunt 90 gressus. Memorandum quod tota longitudo de le key, id est a le graunt corner-place prope incepcionem de le key ex opposito introitus ecclesiae parochialis Sancti Augustini, sunt quinquies 60 gressus et 46 gressus. Item a cornerio incipiente transire ad Smalstrete, eundo per templum ecclesiam Sancti Egidii et Sancti Laurencii* ad portam Sancti Johannis, sunt 110 gressus. Item longitudo ecclesiae Sancti Joannis cum cripta voltae continet 50 gressus. Item a porta Sancti Joannis per Cristmas-strete usque principium portae et pontis de Frome-yate sunt 124 gressus. m " the chief corner entrance into the key. * Now both destroyed. 118 Et pons de Frome-yate eontinet 24 gressus. Item a porta Frome-yate per Lewenysmede usque murum cimiterii Sancti Jacobi, qui est finis ejusdem vici, eontinet *octies 60 gressus. Item vicus vocatus le bak incipit a fine predicti Lewenysmede, eundo de Frome-water ad dictam portam introitus cimiterii Sancti Jacobi, ubi scita est °curta porta, usque portam de Pyttey-yate, eon- tinet 290 gressus. Et pons ad Pyttey-yate eontinet 9 virgas. Item a porta vocata Pyttey-yate usque le pylory ascendendo, vocat. vicus Pyttey, ubi profundus fons scituatur, eontinet . . gressus. Item via de le hygh-crosse ad portam Sancti Joannis eontinet 290 gressus. Item via de le hygh-cros ad portam Sancti Ni- cholai eontinet 200 gressus. Memorandum latitudo vici vocati Brodemede eontinet 30 gressus. Longitudo de le Brodemede eontinet usque Kyngystrete ad murum v fratrum predicatorum 300 gressus. Longitudo chori ecclesiae fratrum predicatorum eontinet 26 virgas vel 44 gressus. Latitudo chori eontinet 8 virgas vel 14 gressus. Longitudo navis ecclesiae eontinet 31 virgas vel 58 gressus. Latitudo ejusdem eontinet 21 virgas vel 34 gressus. Mauricius Berkley chevalier, dominus castri de Beverstone, obiit 5 die Maii post annum Christi 1466. n " eight times." ° " a wicket." p Dominicans. 119 Longitudo ecclesiae navis fratrum Augustini con- tinet 30 virgas vel 54 gressus. Longitudo chori ecclesiae fratrum* Augustini, viz. chorus continet 30 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 9 virgas vel 16 gressus. Longitudo chapter-hous 24 virgae. Latitudo ejus 8 virgae. Longitudo claustri continet 30 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 3 virgas. 1320. Pridie idus Jullii consecratus est locus fratrum heremitarum ordinis Sancti Augustini. Longitudo navis ecclesiae fratrum heremitarum Sancti Augustini continet 30 virgas vel 60 gressus. Latitudo ejus continet 5 virgas. Est in ecclesia parva navis, et una tantum ala. In martirologio kalendarii fratrum predicatorum Bristollicc. Johannes Vielle armiger, primus vicecomes Bris- tolliae, obiit 29 die marcii. Walterus Frampton obiit die 2 januarii. Willelmus Curteys, qui fecit fieri magnam crucem in cimiterio, die 2 aprilis. Ricardus Spicer mercator obiit primo die junii. xMattheus de Gurnay obiit 28 die augusti, unus fundatorum fratrum predicatorum. Domina Matilda Denys, quae obiit die . . octo- bris anno Christi 1422. * It is evident that these measurements could not apply to the house of Augustine friars or hermits, but to the Church of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, now the Cathedral. " Fratrum" was written by mistake for " Sancti." The next article rectifies the error. 120 Dominus Mauricius de Berkle, et domina Jo- hanna uxor ejus, q jacet in choro in sinistra alta- ris, die primo octobris. Dominus Wilelmus Dawbeny miles, qui jacet in choro. Cor domini Roberti de Gornay jacet in ista ecclesia, qui obiit die 20 novembris. Dominus Ancelinus de Gurnay, qui jacet in choro, die 15 novembris. Dominus Mauricius Berkley miles obiit 26 die novembris 1429. Frater Wilelmus Botoner obiit die 15 de- cembris. 1361. Dedicacio capellae pontis Bristoll die 4 febr. Longitudo capellae 25 virgae. Latitudo capellae 7 virgge. Altitudo capellae 50 gradus, computatur super q quatuor stages. Et est volta in inferiori loco pro aldermannis villae, continet tautam longitudinem sicut ecclesiae cum navi. Et 4 fenestrae magnae quolibet latere, et quaelibet fenestra habet 3 luces. Et alta fenestra in orientali parte altaris con- tinet . . 1 Et aliud parvum altare cum parva capella in ori- entaliori principalis altaris circa longitudinem 3 virgarum. Et capella continet voltam, capellam, ac aulam i stages or stories. r "And another small altar in a little chapel more eastward of the High Altar.*' 121 cum officiis, altam cameram ac altiorem cameram de lapidibus.* Via Seynt Nicholas strete de porta Sancti Nicholai usque ad principium portse Sancti Nicho- lai continet *sexies 60 et 30 gressus. Ecclesia Sancti Stephani continet in longitudine 30 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 19 virgas. Altitudo ejus continet 44 pedes ; et continet 7 archus in quolibet latere, et continet 7 fenestras ; et in quolibet latere et qualibet fenestra 4 t dayes. Longitudo partis occidentals turris Sancti Ste- phani exterius cum lez boterasses triangulariter continet 9 virgas. Memorandum quod Kyngystrete a Monkyn- brygge et Erles-medew continet in meridionali parte ecclesiae cimiterii Sancti Jacobi 1000 gressus. Longitudo vise a Monkyn-bryge ex parte occi- dentali, eundo versus orientem meridionalis cimi- terii Sancti Jacobi, dimittendo per Kyngystrete de cruce pontis cimiterii Sancti Jacobi inter angulum u domus pandoxalorii Pownam, et continuando ad valvam orientalem versus lez barres, ad angulum tenementi patris mei ubi mulieres meretrices mane- bant vocat. lez barres, continet 200. » six times. l The space of glass between the mullions. u " The house of Pownham, the Brewer." * From this description, it is evident that this Chapel of St. Mary was an elegant Gothic structure. The Chapel on London bridge was likewise so ; and that still remaining on the bridge at Beverley is of admirable workmanship. 122 Et sic continuando viam de Kyngystrete ad pratum vocatum Erlesmedew ad imam altam pe- tram de frestone scitam apud fontem clausum quadratum vocatum Baggewelle Via coram aquam Frome, ubi domus elemosi- narii scita est, retornando de angulo Brodemede ad principium viae returnandi de Chedder tene- ment* ad principium de le slepe ex opposito hostii de le sopemaker continet 50 gressus. Via returnacionis ad le Pyttey-yatef alias De- rych-yate per pontem continet 50 gressus. Via de Pyttey-yate per le welle usque ad anti- quam portam Tourstrete-walle altiori in parte montis de Pyttey continet 130 gressus, intrando viam de Toure-strete versus cimiterium Sancti Johannis Baptistse coram portam antiquissimam. Via vocata Seynt Thomas strete usque murum de le toune-walle versus portam de Temple strete seu Radclyff-strete continet 424 gressus a domo sororis meae, sed a ponte .... Latitudo de Erlesmede de Begghers-well usque aquam de Frome, eundo versus castrum Bristolliae * The family of Chedder had large possessions both within and without the town. John de Cheddre was burgess in Parliament in 1298, 26 Edw. 1. " Inquisit. post mortem Tho. Chedder^ Arm. 21 Hen. 6th. 1443. Bristol. 84 messuagia, 5 gardin : et 2 clans : et redditus £14. 8s. per ann. Other estates and rent charges in the several Counties of Gloucester 6. Devon 9. Cornwall 2. Somerset 50. Dorset3." His coheirs were Joan, wife of Richard Stafford, and Isabel, wife of Richard Newton, the Recorder. f Pithay or Pittey — from the Norman Puit, a well, and Hai or Hey, a hedge, or inclosure of stone. — Well close. 123 et le wateryng-place vocat le weer continet 224 gressus. Longitudo viae de Erlysmede eundo per Frome- water ad angulum muri castri vocati le were conti- net 666 gressus in parte meridionali. In Cartel-street alias Seynt Petyr-strete. Via defensiva Defenstrete* videlicet a Castel- strete veniente de JNewyate usque secundam venel- lam directe intrantem in dictam viam a vico vocato Seynt Fetyr-strete coram fonte novo de frestone noviter erecto et fundato de bonis Willelmi Ca- nyngysj" ex transverso dictam viam intrantem et defendentem magnum murum inter cast mm villa? Bristol, qui quidem murus adherebat murum dej'en- sorem villae predictee. \ Dominus Wilelmus Canynges ditissimus et sapientissimus mercator villae Bristolliae, decanus ecclesiae Westbury, obiit 17 die Novembris anno Christi 1474 ; et exaltatus fuit in ordine presbi- * Nicholas Exeestre, Burgensis et Mercator, by Will 1434. " Item lego Johannse uxori meae totam aulam meam cum 14 Shopis, situat' ex opposito placeae St. Petri, inter shopas Dnae. Reginae quas Simon Olyver de novo edeficari fecit ex parte unius venellae vocatae Strete-Defence." Book of Wills. M.S. Archiv. Corporal. f By the will of W. Canynge, Jun., 1474, after the demise of his grand children, William and Isabel, a large residuary sum was left to be disposed of by W. Spenser, Mayor, his Executor, who built this conduit, and a hospi- tal for men in Le win's Mead, opposite to the convent of Franciscans. % Transferred from p. 83 in Nasmith's Edition. 124 teratus 7 annis ; et quinquies Major dictse villae, fuit electus pro republica dictse villae.* Venella prima proxima scituata post introitura de Newgate per viam de Castel-strete alias dictam Seynt Peter strete ex parte boriali, opposita eccle- siae parochialis Sancti Petri, ubi Olyver juris-peritus w rectidator Bristoll. manet, continet 60 gressus. Yia vocata Worshyp-strete, aliter voeata Sha- mells, alias dicta le Bochery, antiquo vocabatur Worshyp-strete, eo quod fuit vicus honoris propter mercandisaslanarum veniencium et portum navium oneratarum. Et sic continuando dictam viam de Kyngstrete a Monkyn-brygge per cimiterium Sancti Jacobi ad angulum Carfoxf per tenementa anguli patris mei, eundo continue ad pratum vocatum Erlesmedew ad usque principium dicti prati, ad imam altain petram unius virgae altam ad Beggherswelle scitu- atam, quae est ultima libertas franchesiae villae w recordator. * He was burgess in Parliament in 1451. f I entertain some doubt as to the meaning of this word. Carfax at Oxford evidently means Quarter-voys, Quadri- vium, and this angle is one of four. Colfox is an ancient term for the animal, and it has been likewise either the name of the owner of a corner house, or that it was an hostel or inn having that sign. Col-Foxe occurs in Chaucer, and is explained in Skinner's Etymologicon to mean a fox of a blackish colour, as coal. 125 Bristolliae ex parte orientali, continet in longitudine a dicta via anguli de Barrys 120 gressus ; sic via Kyngystret continet a Monken-brygge usque prin- cipium Erlesmede 1000 gressus. Ecclesiafratrum yn Leivelynsmede. x Ecclesia et conventus f rat rum Sancti Francisci Bristoll. in parochia Sancti Jacobi in vico Lewenys- mede, videlicet chorus ecclesiae continet in longi- tiidine 28 virgas sive 50 gressus. Latitudo chori continet 9 virgas sive 18 gressus. Longitudo navis dictse ecclesiae cum duabus magnis alis continet 28 virgas sive 50 gressus. Latitudo dictae navis cum duabus alis continet 27 virgas sive 52 gressus. Latitudo campanilis turris quadratae continet 4 virgas sive 7 gressus. Archus 4 sunt in boriali navis ecclesiae, et tot in meridionali. Frome-yate. Longitudo duarum portarum apud Frome-yate continet cum distancia duarum poncium ibi arched ut ... flumen de Frome cum naviculis pro bosco oneratis ad manentes super Seynt Jamys bak ac LewynsmedeBrodemede et apud Marchal- stret ad fratres predicatores per aquam de Frome possunt cariare boscum mearennium et alia neces- saria, continet via de Frome-yate 33 gressus. Venella brevis et parva prope extra portas de dicta Frome-yate in parte meridionali de Horstrete ex opposita ecclesiae religionis Sancti Bartholomei ad aquam de Frome continet 20 gressus. Locus vacuus ad projiciendum sive custodien- dum boscum pro igne domiciliorum et alia neces- x " Leojrpinej-mebe." 126 saria, vocatus anglice a bakk, coram aquam de Frome continet in longitudine 33 gressus. Latitudo died vacui spacii continet circa 20 gressus. Latitudo portae Sancti Johannis Baptistae conti- net 3 virgas cum duobus pedibus. Domus de frestone in meridional! ecclesiae pro conducto aquae per canales plumbi continet in longitudine .... In vico Sancli Nicholai. In vico Sancti Nicholai sunt duae venellae qua- rum una transit ad portam orientalem ecclesiae Sanctae Werburgae prope le graunt steyr et continet 120 gressus. Venella alia in eodem vico Sancti Nicholai prope ibidem in dicta parte alterius venellae, transit ex opposito directe hostii meridionalis ecclesiae Sanctae Werburgae, 135 gressus. Ecclesia Sancti Laurencii continet in longitudine 28 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 9 virgas. Latitudo Gylhalde Bristolliae in vico Bradstrete continet cum capella Sancti Georgii et cellariis 23 virgas. Ecclesia Templi* Cimiterii amplitudo ex omni parte continet 570 gressus. Longitudo Templi ecclesiae continet 53 virgas bis per me mensuratas. Venella incipiente prope conductum aquae de Seynt Thomas strete ad Temple-strete continet 100 gressus. * Holy Rood, Sanctae Crucis. 127 Latitudo venellae continet 3 virgas. Ecclesia Sancti Thomae continet in longitudine 43 virgas. Venella secunda de porta boriali Temple-strete eundo ad Seynt Thomas strete continet 160 gressus. Latitudo venellae continet 3 virgas. Vicus Sancti Thomae intersecans venellam pre- dictam continet in latitudine 14 gressus. Venella alia de Seynt Thomas strete adjacens ad Ratclyff-strete, continet longitudo 120 gressus. Vicus Radclyf-strete continet in latitudine con- tra dictam venellam 14 gressus. Venella directe trium venellarum predict deRad- clyff-strete in parte boriali ad aquam de Avyn cum le slepe continet 100 gressus. In parochia Sancti Nicholai. Venella de vico Sancti Nicholai ad Smal-strete eundo 132 gressus. Pontis longitudo 184 gressus a principio ad finem anguli viae le bak. Longitudo viae inter duas portas* pontium conti- net 34 gressus. Spacium viae sub qua edificantur duo pontesf Muri viilae longitudo a fine key, incipiendo apud lez via) de le key, ubi mums * A gate at either end. f By " duo pontes" W. W. means the scantlings of timber frame which were thrown out beyond the stone- bridge, and were supported from one pier to another, for the enlargement of the houses. The same was done on the contemporary bridges of London and York. L 128 altus incipit edificii tenementorum abbatis de Bathe, transeundo ad portam Smalstrete, continet 40 gressus ; et a dicta porta Smalstrete usque por- tam Sancti Johannis per y altum murum templi et ecclesiae Sancti Egidii continet 1 10 gressus. Longitudo venellse viae vocatae Myghell-hylle, incipiendo ad ymaginem Sanctae Marias de Hor- strete, ducendo ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis in occidentali parte de Stepe-strete, z eundo per orien- talem ortum fralrum carmelilarum,^ sic continu- y The high wall of the Jews* tabernacle, between St. John's gate and St. Giles' church. z "going by the east side of the garden of the Carmelites." f Now the Red Lodge, and the premises extending to Colston's Hospital. The Carmelite's convent and garden were the best and largest in Bristol. Excepting the Gaunts, the three other friaries were mean buildings. Sir John Young, a wealthy merchant, rebuilt the house near St. Augustine's bee ; and there received Queen Elizabeth. The Red Lodge was at first a prospect house, belonging to the Prior's garden. The family of Young had obtained the grant of it at the suppression. It appears that in Broadmead and Lewin's-mead there were many gardens behind the streets. Two of the Men- dicant Orders, the Carmelites and Franciscans (White and Grey Friars) possessed large tracts of garden ground near their convents, which were cultivated by their own labour and skill, as they were partly maintained by the sale of their produce. They taught the art of horticulture, then rarely known to, or practised by others. We have in England but few indigenous vegetables : those now so plentifully culti- vated have been imported to us, but very few of them before the reign of Henry the Eighth. 129 ando ad crucem lapideam cum fonte lapidis de frestone continet 170 gressus, versus ecclesiam Saucti Michaelis non multum a cimiterio Sancti Michaelis. Longitudo venellae vocatae Frogstrete prope finem venellae vocatae Myghel-hille, incipiendo ad crucem et fontem in alciori parte de Stepstrete, et eundo versus et a retro ecclesiam abbathise Sancti Augustini et le Gauntes, continuando ad finem sanctuarii Sancti Augustini, eundo ad locum voca- tum Lymotes, continet 840 gressus ad principium montis Sancti Brendani. Mons Sancti Brandani ecclesiae ejusdem altitu- dinis, incipiendo a principio finis de Froglane prope quendam murum in parte dextra, sic eundo per dictum murum, et prope ibidem ascendendo semper usque capellam Sancti Brandani in summi- tate montis predictae, continet in altitudine et lon- gitudine viae circa 840 gressus ; et dicitur ab heremita custode dictae capellae quod altitudo suprema dictae montis . .* Capellae longitudo Sancti Brandani continet 8 virgas cum dimidio. Latitudo ejus 5 virgas continet. Circuitus muri capellae Sancti Brandani continet 180 gressus. Altitudo montis capellae Sancti Brandani dicitur, ut heremita ibidem michi retulit, quod nautae et discreti homines dicunt esse alciorem alicujus pina- culi sive ecclesiae de RadclyfT quam aliarum eccle- * Brandan Hill rises 250 feet above the lowest level of the present city. J 30 siarum per spacium altitudinis 18 brachiorum (anglice a vathym), etquodlibet brachium continet 6 pedes; et nota quod turns et spera sive pinacu- lum cum turri quadrata ecclesia? Beatre Maria? de Radclyff continet in altitudine, videlicet turris . . . . pedes et spera pinaculi integri conti- nebat . . . pedes, sic summa tocius altitudi- nis tarn turris quam spera? continet in toto . . . pedes. Venella tercia super Myghell-hylle citra eccle- siam Sancti Michaelis crucem lapideam et fontem de Stepe-strete videlicet occidentaliorem fontem duarum foncium de petra circumgirata. Ecclesia canonicorum Sancti Augustini. Dominus Ricardus Newton Craddok miles, jus- ticiarius de communi banco, obiit A. C. 1444, die Sancta? Lucia?, 13 die Decembris. Capella Sancta? Maria? in longitudine continet 13 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 9 virgas et dimidium. Spacium sive via processionum a retro altaris principalis coram capellam Sancta? Maria? continet 5 virgas. Chori longitudo de le *rercdes principalis altaris usque ad finera chori continet 29 virgas, incipiendo a fine predicti spacii. Latitudo tarn navis chori quam duarum elarum chori continet 24 virgas. Capella decens* edificata in boriali parte else a " reredoss. * Bradstone's Chantry. 131 chori* continet in longitudine .... virgas. Via vocata Froglane, cujus prmcipium est in parte boriali ecclesia? religionum de Gauntes ad finem de le seyntuary, in parte occidentali et bori- ali dicti sanctuarii Sancti Augustini ordinis, et sic continuando dictam viam per posteriorem viam gardinorum de Gauntes et per murum occidentalem fratrum carmelitarum, sic continuando usque ad crucem et fontem de superiori vico vocato Pyle- strete, ex opposito ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis super montem, ubi tres viae concurrunt et obviant videlicet via Stepstrete eundo ad Horstrete, alia via in parte occidentali eundo ad Giston-clyff, tercia via eundo ad ecclesiam collegii de Westbery, et alia via versus orientem ad venellam longam Sancti Jacobi continet in longitudine 720 gressus. Via vorata Stanley incipienteex opposito crucis et fonte h alcioris monticulcc de Stepe-strete, transe- undo usque ad Gyston-clyff per villam de Clyfton continet in longitudine, eundo per montem altissi- m um capellse de Brandon-hille dimittendo capel- lam in dextra manu, . . . gressus. Via vocata Seynt Myghelle-hylle versus eccle- siam "religionum nonitarum de Sancta Maria Mag- dalena, ac etiam ad ecclesiam et turrim Sancti b " the summit or highest elevation." c religiosarum novitarum — " novices." * " Elae Chori," which affords another proof, if any were wanting, that the Nave of the present Cathedral was the Choir of St. Augustine's. 132 Michaelis, et similiter ad petram de frestone prope locum justitiae vocat anglice lez fourches sive galowes, et sic transeundo A cathedralem ecclesiam de Westbery, continet in longitudine ad montem ecclesias Michaelis et ecclesiam religiosarum muli- erum Sanctse Magdalene . . gressus. "Venella sive via de le Stipestrete ad crucem et fontem Stype-strete, retornando ad Horstrete ad ymaginem Beatse Mariee, continet 120 gressus. Crux magnifica* apud Hygh-strete, vel vocata Hygh-cros in continet 2 virgas vel 6 gressus. Latitudo domus officii justitiae vocata Gylhalda Bristolliae continet per viam deBradstrete 33 gressus sive 23 virgas. Vicus latitudo de Radclyff-strete incipiente ad pontem Bristolliae continet in principio dictae vise 4 virgas sive 7 gressus ; sed ampliat versus eccle- siam de Radclyff ita quod ante venellam proximam in boriali parte ecclesiae Sancti Thomae latitudo dictae viae continet 12 gressus. Latitudo venellae predictae ex parte boriali eccle- siae Sancti Thomae continet 2 virgas. d conventualem. e " The Lane. * This description of the High Cross is general only ; it is " magnifica" only by comparison. William Wyrcestre has never spoken of it more minutely, although it was most perfect in his time, and was remarkable for the excellence of its ornamental architecture, and sculptured regal effigies. The remains of it were removed and re-adapted by Mr. Hoare, and are now placed in the gardens at Stour-head, Wilts. 133 Turris quadratus ecclesiae de Radclyff continet in altitudine 148 pedes, et spera .... Maxima campana de Radclyff continet in pon- dere de lyggeyng wyght septem milia 24 lib. Secunda campana fere v milia lib. id est mi milia et . . . Tercia campana continet mmmccclvii lib. Quarta campana ponderat mmcc lib. Quinta campana minor continet mdlxx lib. Sexta minima campana continet mccc lib.* Turris Sancti Elphegi continet in altitudine 120 pedes. Et habet 163 gradus, id est anglice steppys, et quilibet gradus continet 8 pedes [pollices ?] Turris altitudo ecclesiae de Radclyff continet . . Sperae altitudo, ut isto die stat quamvis defal- catur ex fortuna procellae et fulminis, 200 pedes, per relacionem Norton ^agistri ecclesiae de Rad- clyff. Memorandum de le severee duarum fenestrarum unius ex opposito alterius inter duas columpnas continet apud ecclesiam Radclyff 22 pedes, et in longitudine 16 pedes. Turris et spera sive le broche ecclesiae carmeli- tarum de fratribus carmelitarum Bristoll. continet altitudo 200 pedes. f " master mason." * This was a singularly heavy ring of Bells, and such, it is probable, that no other parish church in England pos- sessed. The whole peal has been recast, and enlarged in number. The great Bell at Gloucester is 7000 lbs. weight, less than was that at Redcliff by 24 lbs. 134 Latitudo dictae turris continebat nisi 9 pedes ex omni parte.* Densitudo murorum turris continet nisi duas pedes. Longitudo duarum portarum de Frome-yate cum spacio longitudinis pontis duarum archuum subtus aquam de Frome fluentium cum spacio intercepto dictarum duarum portarum continet 22 virgas. Longitudo muri primae portae desuper edificatae continet 8 virgas cum volta lapidibus desuper edi- ficata. Latitudo secundae portae desuper edificatae con- tinet . . . gressus sive 6 virgas cum domo desuper edificato. Spatium s interceptum inter duas portas continet 8 virgas. Memorandum quod in cimiterio Sancti Jocobi, quasi versus fratres Sancti Francisci, h capella pul- cra quadrangula totum de frestone fundata tarn, in coopertura\ tecti quam fenestris, et continet ex s " contained within the two gates." h " a fair chapel, quadrangular, all composed of freestone, as well in the roofing of the building as in the windows. * Meaning that the internal square of the tower was only nine feet, which must be an erroneous transcript of the MS. Such a diametre could not carry 200 feet, but 1 know not what number to substitute — perhaps 14, the 9 mistaken for ft, and the decimal omitted. The measure- ment at p. 58 is 5 gressus, which at 20 inches each, is 8 feet 4 inches. f This kind of roofing is singular, and very few instances occur to my recollection. There is one still extant in the chancel of Withingham in Cambridgeshire, and another in the Treasury of Merton College, Oxford. 135 quolibet latere capellae 18 pedes quadratas cum 8 boterasses. Capella vocata Knapp* per ipsum fundata pro n presbiteris continet in longitudine 13 virgas, et in latitudine sex virgas. Latitudo portae Sancti Nicholai continet 7 virgas. Via longitudo incipiendo ad pedem pontis Sancti Johannis infra Bradstrete, et continuando per altam crucem de Hygh-strete, eundo directe ad portam Sancti Nicholai per Hygh-strete, continet dicta Integra longitudo ad interius partis dictae portae Sancti Nicholai undecies 60, quae faciunt 660 gressus. Via longitudo ab oriente in occidens, videlicet a loco longitudinis antiquae portae villae citra portam novam vocatam ex opposito venellae in Wynch-strete alias Castell-strete, directe qua itur ad portam sive hostium ecclesice Sancti Petri * The Arms of Knapp are inserted in p. 89. Knapp=p Thomas Knapp, =Avice. Walter Knapp. Mayor 1391 and 1396 ob. 1404. i Margery Daughter and heir==John Droyes, Mayor 1406 and 1414. The Chapel on the Welsh Bee, dedicated to St. John Baptist, was founded by Thomas Knapp, for an early Mass to be celebrated by two priests for the sailors leaving the Port of Bristol. He endowed, likewise, two Chantries in the church of St. Nicholas. Vide p. 111. 136 perdomumubi Ricardus Newton* justiciarius regis manebat quando fuit recordator villae Bristolliae, est proxima venella citra Newyate, continet . . . gressus, quae via est altera medietas tocius integrse viae ab oriente in occidens. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Jacobi prope eccle- Argent on a cheveron azure 3 garbs or. Sir Richard Cradoc, : firtstcalledNevvton, Recorder, ob. 1444, buried in the Abbey of St. Augustine. Justice of the Com- mon Pleas. Emma, daughter of Sir Thomas Perrott, John Newton,=Isabel, daughter and coheir ofBarrsCourt in Bitton of Richard Cheddre, of Bristol. Richard Newton==Daughter and heir of Richard Hampton. John Newton==Margaret, daughter of Sir Anthony Poyntz. Sir Henry Newton,=Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas of East Hartery, Paston, of Norfolk. Co. of Somerset, ob. 1599. In a sepulchral chapel adjoining the South transept of the Cathedral, were brasses, now removed, of Judge Newton, 1444. A monument, with an effigy of Sir Henry Newton, of Barrs Court, ob. 1599. Theodore Newton and his son, Sir John Newton, Bart., and Grace his wife, ob. 1661. 137 siam prioratus in parte orientali villae Bristoll. continet . . Ecclesia parochialis prope abbathiam canonico- rum regularium Sancti Augustini, in honore Sancti Augustini dedicata. Ecclesia parochialis in sanctuario Sancti Augus- tini ex parte boriali villlae Bristoll. vocata le Gauntes, ubi ecclesia religiosa in honore Sancti Marci dedicata. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Philippi in meridi- onali parte villae Bristoll. in loco quondam priora- tus l religionum ordinis Sancti Benedicti. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Stephani prope le key Bristoll. in loco scituata ubi quondam ab antiquo tempore, ut audivi, fuit ecclesia prioratus religiosorum monachorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti, et fuit cella pertinens monasterio de Glastynbery. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Egidii scituata in alto loco ad finem vici de Smalstrete, super por- tam ad finem viae dictae Smalstrete, ad introitum principii de le key k pro navibus applicandis cum mercandisis; sed dicta ecclesia estunita ad ecclesiam Sancti Laurencii parochialem vel ad ecclesiam parochialem Sancti Leonard i circa tempus regis Edward i tercii. Templum judeorum* quondam scituatum sub antiquas voltas directe subtus ecclesiam quondam * religiosorum. k "for the harbour of ships with merchandise." * Jews' Temple or Synagogue. This room was in a vault beneath St. Giles's Church, where the Jews assembled to worship previously to the reign of King John, who per- secuted, and then expelled them. 138 parochialem Sancti Egidii super principium de le key scituatam, nomine certae deae Apollinis vel hnic simile honorificatum, ut quam plures gentes michi retulerunt ; et modo sunt cellarii pro mer- candisis custodiendis in dicto templo prophanato. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Laurencii scita di- recta linea exparte orientali ecclesiae parochialis Sancti Egidii. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Johannis Baptistae cum volta inferius archuata cum capella Sanctae Crucis, in qua ecclesia famosus mercator burgensis villae predictae in tumulo jacet desuper sepultus, et fecit de novo fundari et construi Ham ecclesiam quam portam pulcram cum turri cum alta spera de frestone cum campanis desuper pulsantibus ; et dicta porta est scita contigue ecclesiae Laurencii ex parte occidentali. Ecclesia parochialis Beatae Mariae vocata Seynt Marye-a-port, et jacet in vico Seynt Mary at Port, directa linea ex parte occidentali ecclesiae Sancti Petri et turris Bristoll.* Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Nicholai scita supra portam pulchram vocatam Seynt Colas yate, id est porta Sancti Nicholai, cum turri quad rata et m mag- num pinaculum sive spera de mearenno elevalo cam plumbo coopcrlo, et cum pulcherrima volta de arcu lapidum ac fenestris, cum capella in honore sanctse crucis. Ecclesia parochialis Sancti Leonardi scita supra 1 "a church with a fair gate under a tower with a high spire of freestone.'' m a spire of beams of timber framed together (me- rennum), and covered with lead. * The Keep of the Castle. 139 portam Sancti Leonardi, cum turri desuper porta in pro campanis pulsantibus, sed parva ecclesia, sic scita inter viciun Baldwyne-strete, in quo vico aqua de Frome currebat ab antiquis temporibus ex parte meridionali, ac viam eundo ad keyam et vicuna \ocntum a Mers Ire te, et ad ecclesiam Sancti Stephani ex parte boriali ecclesiae Sancti Leonardi. Ecclesia parochialis Sanctse Werburgaa cum turri condecenti, operate artificiose, pro campanis pulsan- tibus, scituata in vico principali vocata Corn-strete inter ecclesiam Sancti Leonardi directa linea ex parte orientali et ecclesiam Sancti Audoeni ex parte orientali directe. Temple-strete ; latitudo ejus est 30 gressus in principio per totum vicum 22 gres- sus, 144 gressus. Venella, via ex opposito ecclesiae Sancti Thomae. Latitudo dictae vise continet 10 pedes eundo versus Temple-strete. Et a fine dicta? venellae, continuando ad Temple- strete, et retornando versns Stallage-crosse usque ad cornerium vici vocati Toker-strete, retornando ad pontem ex opposito Stallage-crosse in boriali parte de Stallage-crosse versus Touker-strete, continet ilia pars viae de Temple-strete 100 gressus in longitudine. Via dextrae partis de Toker-strete ultra Stallage- crosse versus magnum fontem ad le slep in angulo finis de Touker-strete, continet 140 gressus a Stallage-crosse. Via vocata Seynt Thomas strete incipiendo ad pontem usque mansionem sororis meae in longitu- n Marsh-street. 140 dine continet, continuando versus muros Bristollia? par le condyt in Seynt Thomas strete, retornando versus Radclyflf chyrch, sic de dicta ponte usque mansionem predictam sororis mea?* continet 160 gressus, et ab hide continuando ad le toune-wall continet longitudo dicta? viae usque le tonys wallys 305 gressus. Latitudo vise Seynt Thomas strete continet 22 gressus. Latitudo pontis Bristolliae continet 9 gressus. t Via de Hygh-strete, longitudo ejus est ad altam crucem per cokery de Seynt Nicholas yatej sunt 176 gressus. Via vocata Corne-strete ab alta cruce ad portam Sancti TNicholai continet 300 gressus. Latitudo dicta? viae ad finem porta? Sancti Leo- nard i continet 22 gressus. Via de Mersh-strete ad portam de Mersh-yate continet 360 gressus versus le Mers-yate. Latitudo ejus continet 9 gressus ad portam de Mersh-yate. Via qua? incipit a porta de Mersh-yate ad prin- cipium de le key, a turri rotunda ubi Burton shyp^j fnit edificata usque ad mansionem cornerii de lapi- dibus magnis vocatam Viell-place continet 220 * The wife of John Jay. f Fifteen feet from one house to its opposite. X Public cooks' shops and taverns. Many of these were placed together in different parts of the town. The lower orders were generally supplied by them. % At that period the largest and most remarkable ship built in Bristol by John Burton, a principal merchant. 141 gressus; et sic continuando a dicto cornerio domo Henrici Wielle* per longitudinem de le key usque finem ejus erga domum Johannis Pavyef prope templum ecclesiae Sancti Egiclii prope vicum vocatum Smalstrete continet 480 gressus ; et sic continet longitudo tocius key coram aquam de Frome 700 gressus. Via de exteriori parte de Frome-yate vocata Horstrete usque ultiorem domum prope introitum sanctuarii abbathke Sancti Augustini, videlicet usque fratres carmelitas ad cornerium in sinistra * 179*11. Argent a tiss nebule between 3 annulet*, gules. Henry Vielle== I John Vyell= 1398._ | l i Jdlin Vyell ^Elizabeth Henry Vyell=EHz. Extract testamento Johannis Vyell Burgensis, Bristol. Dat. 1398. " Item, lego procuratoribusEcclesiee Sti. Ste- phani unura annulum ferentem unum lapidem de Colump- nae ad quam Domlnus noster Jesu Christus fuit ligatus ; item quod reponatur cum reliquiis in dicta ecclesia." John Blikker, Burgess of Bristol, dates a deed in 1473, Et quiasigillum meum est incognitum, sigillum, Johannis Vyell, Junioris, Generosi, apposui." f William Pavye, Sheriff in 1448, was the father of John Pavye, whose daughter and heir was the wife of Sir John Choke. u 142 manu edificatum coram aquam de Frome continet 360 gressus ; et continuando a dicto cornerio prope fratres carmelitas ad introitum sauctuarii Sancti Augustini continet alias 360 gressus, in toto 720 gressus. Via de Pyttey a Pyttey-yate, porta vocata Nether Pyttey, usque antiquam portam Pyttey* usque viam ducentem ad Wynch-strete continet 140 gressus. Pons, longitudo apud Frome de Pyttey-yate continet 10 virgas. Porta Pyttey-yate continet 4 virgas. Via a fine Pyttey usque Wynch-street, inci- piendo ab angulo de Wynch-strete ex oppo- sito de le pyllorye, continuando ab illo loco ad cimiterium Sancti Johannis ad locum vocatum le blynd-yate, continet 240 gressus, et a dicta porta vocata le blynd-yate usque vicum de Bradstrete per ecclesiam Sancti Johannis Baptistse continet . . . gressus. Et dicta via continet in longitudine 140 gressus. Latitudo dictae viae venellre continet 6 pedes. Via a porta vocata le blynd-yate veniente de Pyttey-yate per vicum vocatum le Grope-lane, et de Gaste vocatum le Monken brygge continet 180 gressus. Porta Blynde-yate continet in longitudine et latitudine quadrate 4 virgas. Via a porta Pyttey usque per Grope-lane usque ad portam vocatam le Blynde-yate supra nomina- * There were two gates in the Pit-hay, which was anciently inclosed. 143 tam cum uno retorno continet ut supra 180 gressus usque murura in angulo vocatum le touu-walle. Via de Pyttey-yate vocata Grope-lane ad viam incidentem usque BIynde-yate continet l'20gressus. Latitudo viae predicts; continet 10 pedes. Via a Monken-brygge usque cimiterium Sancti Jacobi continet 60 gressus ad crucem super pon- tem coram cimiterium portus Sancti Jacobi. Latitudo viae de Bradstrete prope portam Sancti Johannis continet 20 gressus. Latitudo viae de Smalstrete ad finera portae Sancti Egidii continet 15 gressus. Porta latitudo nova prope ibidem continet 10 pedes. Longitudo portae de edificacione prioris de Bathe continet . Latitudo viae vocatae Corn strete ad portam Sancti Nicholai continet 31 gressus. Latitudo viae cimiterii Sancti Leonardi est 10 pedes. Hospitalis domus pro pauperibus in ecclesia quondam canonicorum regularium Sancti Augus- tini, et modo domus hospitalis pro pauperibus sus- tinendis in ecclesia Sancti Bertholomei. Capella decens ab antique fundata per se scita, in merdionali parte ecclesiae de Radclyff, in honore Sancti Spiritus dedicata. Capella ampla in honore Sancti Georgii fundata par Ricardum Spicer* famosum mercatorem et burgensem dictae villae, circa tempus regis Edward i tercii seu Ricardi regis secundi, et est frateruitas * Richard Le Spicer, Mayor, 1371. M 144 dignissima mercatorum et marinariorum Bristollise dicta? capellse pertinencia. Capella in parte meridionali ecclesiee parochialis Sancti Audoeni, quae capella est in honore Sancti Johannis Baptistae, et fraternitas magnifica* perti- net dictre capellae. Capella pulcra scita in amplo cimiterio ecclesiae parochialis Sancti Jacobi, totum de frestone fun- data, et continet 10 pedes longitudinis et 10 pedes latitudinis. Ecclesia parochialis de kalenders collegii sive fraternitatis vocatae et fundatae in honore festi cor- poris Christi, et ab antiquissimis temporibus fun- data ante tempus Willelmi Conquestoris Angliae circa annum Christi 700, ut per literas certificato- rias tempore Sancti Wolstani episcopi sub antiqua manu vidi et legi ; quae ecclesia scita est in meri- dionali parte ecclesiae parochialis omnium sancto- rum, et ante tempus Edwardi regis tercii fuit scita in ecclesia parochiali sanctae trinitatis, ut per rela- cionem prions dicti prio- ratus certificatum fuit. Voltae et cellarii 10 in numero, id est 5 voltae in orientali parte vies de Bristow-brygge, et 5 aliae voltae in occidentali parte de Bristow-brygge cum fortissimis archubus petri clausis et fundatis. Voltae duae in parte orientali viae eundo ad Bris- * This gild or fraternity of Merchant Taylors was by far the most wealthy and respectable in Bristol. The term "fraternitas magnifica" in William Wyrcestre's latinity, means only a very rich Brotherhood, in comparison with other Gilds in the town. 145 tow-brygge, unde una pulcra volta prope portam Sancti Nicholai, unde una est . . Volta principalyssima et amplissima, sub capella Beatse Marias fundata.* Turris rotundus 24 gressus, tunc sunt 100 gres- sus, et Turris quadratus 12 gressus, tunc mariscus inter duas turres. Murus spacium continet 120 gressus. Turris tercius quadratus continet 9 virgas. °Murus vacuus proxime sequens continet 110 gressus. Turris quartus quadratus continet 10 virgas. Murus vacuus sequens continet 94 gressus. Turris quintus rotundus continet 8 virgas. Murus vacuus sequitur usque portam Temple- yate continet 100 gressus. Porta cum turri quadrata, vocata Temple-yate. Turris alius citra portam Temple-yate latitudinis sex vigarum. Turris alia ex opposito Seynt Thomas strete latitudinis sex virgarum. Turris alius inter finem Seynt Thomas strete et portas duas vocatas Radclyff-yates continet 6 vir- gas latitudinis. Porta? duaB vocata? Radclyff-yates desuper edifi- catae continet in longitudine . . Memorandum in mansione pulcherrima de le bak ex posteriore parte de Radclyf-strete super aquam ° the wall void of towers. * On the Bridge. 146 de Avyn est pulcher turris per Willelmum Canyn- gis edificata,* continet 4 fenestras vocatas Bay- wyndowes, ornatissimo modo cum cameris, conti- net circa 20 virgas, in longitudine 16 virgas. Una porta apud primam portam Mersh-yate per le bakk continet in latitudine muri portarum, in quolibet latere portae non desuper edificatae, 2 virgas. Turres duse sunt apud le mersh-walle, et quaeli- bet turris continet 16 virgas in rotunditate exterius. Porta alia in altera parte Mersh-yate, qua? con- tinet 16 virgas in rotunditate, non desuper edificata. Turris alia incipiente ubi navis Johannis Burton edificata fuit, in circumferentia 16 virgarum. Turris alia in muro incipiente le graunt key con- tinet ut supra. Turris prenobilist per Johannem Vielle armige- rum edificata continet in circuitu ultra 30 virgas super primum angulum de le key. Porta Sancti Johannis Baptistae. Turris alius magnus quadratus| non multum a * The house towards the street remains in part, with the Hall and Oratory, the roof of ornamented timber frame still perfect ; but this tower with its bay-windows towards the river has not the smallest vestige left. 1833. This must have been a very considerable mansion, as the front extended 60 feet towards the river, and the depth to RedclifF street was 48 feet, according to this account. The ornamented bay-windows were probably in the best style, common in the reign of Henry 6th, of which many specimens may be still seen. f This Tower was of dimensions to include the whole dwelling-house. X A similar instance. 147 cimiterio Sancti Joannis mercator manet. Porta prima in altiori loco de Pyttey-yate prope Wynch-strete non super edificata cum domibus. Turris quadratus v cum mansionibus desuper pro honesto viro ad murum villas per 60 gressus ultra Pyttey-yate, vocat Aldrych-yate, super pontem de Frome. Porta vocata Pyttey-yate supra pontem aquae de Frome. Turris rotundus ex opposito Brode mede. Turris rotundus ex opposito le Seynt Jamys bak. Turris alius principalissimus quadratus cum multis mansionibus ad pontem vocatum Monken- brygge, ubi quondam fuit locus fortissimus pro prisonariis custodiendis. Turris rotundus. Turris rotundus. Turris alius quadratus citra Frome-yate edifica- tus in fine de Cristmasse-strete prope cimiterium Sancti Laurencii, in quo turri honestus vir manet. Portae duae apud Frome-yate fundatae, et ambo desuper bene edificatae. Turris quadratus prope portas Frome-yate di- recte in angulo finis Cristmas strete, super parvum pontem sive archus coopertus subtus viam anglice vocatam unum slepe, sive gradus circa 30 nutnero ad aquam de Frome, et una crux de frestone desuper edificata super archum anglice unum vowt. Turris Hongus et largus quadratus versus turrim P " with chambers built above it." 1 " lofty and large." 148 de Monken-bryge ex opposito ecclesiae conventus Sancti Francisci, in quo turri Bagod* manet. Turn's rotund us, non amplus, proximus de turri de le Monken-brygge ex opposito chori.f The quantite of the dongeon of the castell of Bristol after the information of porter of the castell. The tour called the dongeonj ys in thykness at fote 25 pedes, and at the ledyng place under the leede cuveryng 9 feet and dimid. And yn length este and west 60 pedes, and north and south 45 pedes, with mi toures standyng upon the fowre corners. And the hyest tonre called the mayn, id est myghtyest toure aboue all the mi towres, ys v fethym hygh abofeall the nil toures, and the wallys be yn thykness there vi fote. Item the length of the castelle wythynne the wallys est and west ys 180 virgee. Item the brede of the castell from the north to the south wyth the grete gardyn, that ys from the water- yate to the mayng rounde of the castell to the walle northward toward the blak-frerys 100 yerdes. * Clement Baggod Mayor in 1442. f It should appear from this description of the Towers, which were connected with the Town walls, that when licence was obtained to repair them, several of the more opulent merchants frequently enlarged them, and made them into dwelling-houses. The most ancient towers were of very coarse architecture. % The largest tower of every Castle is, in modern lan- guage, styled " the Keep." 14!) Item a bastyle* lyeth southward beyond the water-gate, conteynyth yn length 60 virgae. Item the length from the bullwork at the utter- yate by Seynt Phelippes chyrch yerde conteynyth 60 yerdes large. Item the yerdys called sparres of the halleryalle contenyth yn length about 45 fete of hole pece. Item the brede of every sparre at fore contey- nyth 12 onch and viii onch. Ecclesia hospitalis domus Sanctae Trinitatis apud LafTordys-yate in mercato. Ecclesia hospitalis domus Sanctae Marias Magda- lenae leprosorum in occidentali parte de Radclyffe- hylle in boriali parte viae ad pontem Bryghtbow.f Hospitalis in ecclesia religionum prioris et con- ventus Sancti Johannis Baptistae scitum super aquam Avyn in altera parte ecclesiae de Radclyff. Hospitalis domus in ecclesia Sanctae Katerinae, ubi magister Henricus Abyndon musicus de capella regis est magister. Hospitalis domus in vico vocato Lewelynys mede ex opposito ecclesiae fratrum et conventus Sancti Francisci, fundata per . . . Spencer mercatorem et burgensem villae de bonis domini Willelmi CanyngysJ decani collegii Westbery circa annum Christi 1478. * A Bastyle was a very high embattled wall, not sur- mounted with towers, as the Bastille at Paris, now erased, was originally built. f The official seal of this Hospital or Lazar-house of St. Mary Magdalene, at Brigbtbow, is still extant. It is a very well engraved matrix of bell-metal. J From the contingent bequest of W. Canynges. 150 Hospitalis domus cum pulcra ecclesia in honore Sancti Laurencii in occidentali parte villse per dimidium miliare de Laffordys-yate sicut itur Londoniis, pertinenti modo ut dicitur collegio canonicorum ecclesiee de Westbery. Ecclesia heremitagii super montem altissimum Sancti Brendani, pertinenti prioratus religionum* Sancti Jacobi, et ut dicitur dictus mons est similis monti CalvariaB prope Jerusalem. Ecclesia pulcherrima domus templi in honore sanctae crucis fundatae in dominio et vico vocato Temple strete, et ei est de magnis libertatibus et frachesiis. 1 lleremitagium cum ecclesia in rape periculossimcv\ scita vocata Ghystonclyff, in projundo loco rupis viginti brachiorum prqfunditatis in dicta rupe super aquam de Avyn, in honore Sancti Viucentii. Blake-stonys scita in aqua de Severn apud Ho- lowbakkes, distans a Bristollia ultra Hungrode per 4 miliaria, ubi naves et naviculae morantur pro r " The Hermitage, with an oratory or chapel in the most dangerous part of the rock, called Ghyston Cliffe, situated in a cave of the rock, twenty yards in depth in the said rock, above the River Avon, in honour of St. Vincent." * religiosorum. f By the expression " in rupe periculosissima," it may be concluded that the Hermitage was built within the great cave, as observed of that in the rock of Dover, p. 53. Nov. 13, 1532. "It'm paied to the Kiuge's own hands for his offeringe to o'r Lady in the Rocke, at Dover, iiijs. viijrf. — Henry $th's Privy purse Expenses, 8vo. p. 273. 151 novo refluxu maris, et dictae rupes parvae quando mare de Severne incipit refluere versus Bristolliam per Kyngrode et Hungrode et per Ghyston-clyff, ac . . . . cooperinntur cum mare quam cito, sic per refluxum incepcionis maris omnes naves apud le holow-bakkys de Hispania, Portugallia, Bardegalia, Bayona, Vasconia, Aquitania, Britannia Islandia, Irlandia, Wallia, et ceteris patriis trahunt eorum anchora et disponunt ea velare versus Bris- tolliam. Kyngrode . Hungrode in parte altera Ghyston-clyffsed multo inferius versus Kyng-rode in dominio villae de Lye in comitatu Somersetiae. Ecclesia hospitalis Sancti Bartholomei, longi- tudo ejus continet 18 virgas vel 32 gressus. Longitudo a pede viae ducentis ad ecclesiam religionum trium Mariae Magdalenae usque ad separationem vise vocatae Hez hurras versus West- bery prope ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis, continet 420 gressus, ascend endo ad ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis. Longitudo ecclesiae religionum S. Mariae Mag- dalenae continet 27 gressus cum rancella. Latitudo constat ex navi et tribus elis ac 4 arches. Longitudo ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis continet 46 gressus vel 26 virgas. Latitudo ejus continet 10 virgas 20 gressus. Turns quadratus campanilae novae continet qua- drate ex quatuor partibus, quaelibet costera conti- net extra murum 5 virgas. • "The Bars.'' 152 Porta borialis ecclesige continet xi pedes, et lati- tudo 10 pedes Via vocata Grope-lane incipiens ad portam Sancti Johannis Baptistse, ducens per voltam Sancti Johannis ad prisonam de Monken-brygge ad angu- lum finis dictae viae continet 300 gressus. Latitudo viae continet 8 gressus. Via parva ab Monken-brygge ad venellam veni- entem et obviantem viam Gropelane dacente ad Blynde-yate continet 100 gressus. Porta Sancti Johannis continet in longitudine versus Brode-strete 7 virgas. Longitudo altae viae de Hygh-stretede alta cruce usque portam Sancti ISicholai continet 152 gressus. Johannes Jay secundus maritus Johannae sororis meae obiit die 15mensis Maii anno Christi . . . Alius Roberti Ash, quasi aeta- tis . annorum obiit 19 die septembris, et sepelitur in ecclesia Sancti Thomae. 1480 die 15 julii, navis .... et . . . Jay junioris* ponderis 80 doliorum inceperunt viagiumapudportum Bristolliaede Kyngrode usque ad insulam de Brasylle in occidentali parte Hi- berniae, fulcando maria per * John Jay, Senior, was Bailiff in 1456. John Jay, Junior, Sheriff in 1472. On the floor of the Chancel of Redcliff Church is a slab, inlaid with the portraits of a man and woman in the burgess dress, with smaller, representing six sons and eight daughters. tyit jacent Join's Ja» quontfam btcetomesS t£ttu$ irillff, et Johanna: uy. et q. qut. quftrem Jofrfe Jag obiit . . Hie . . meng . . &°23 m £M££€ , quoiam am'mafoug proptttetuv l@eu$, &nun. 153 et t Thlyde est magister navis scientificus marinarius tocius Anglice;* et novae venerunt Bristollise die lunae 18 die septembris, quod dictse naves velave- runt maria per circa 9 menses, nee invenerunt insulam, sed per-tempestates maris reversi sunt usque portum in Hibernia pro reposicione navis et marinariorum. Memorandum quod quidem Dynt artifici unius plump-maker villas Bristollise dixit diversishomini- bus ab auditu senium etantiquornm gencium, quod retulerunt sibi videre unum arborem vocatum anglice " a haw -tree" crescentem in loco Hygh- strete, ubi crux magnifica scita est. Item apud viam vocatam le Pylle, eundo inter portam Sancti Lenoardi et introitum cimiterii ecclessiae Sancti Stephani fuerat domus edificatae, et pro fundamento fuit ita debile fundamentum quod foderunt 47 pedes "beismurerre facere funda- mentum, et ibi invenerunt in profundo fundamento imam cimbam cum una togh de raycloth, ac etiam invenerunt imam magnam arborem longitudinis 10 pedum squaratum, et demiferunt in fundo nee corruptum sed integre sanum, et . t " Llyde was master of the ship, the most scientific mariner of all England." u Ooze, or slimy mud. * One less skilful would not have been entrusted by Jay, the merchant, upon so hazardous an expedition. He had several successors beside Sebastian Cabot. Robert Thome, Mayor in 1514, planned a voyage of discovery of a North West Passage, and sailed in 1527, with two of the King's ships, one of which was lost. — Hackluit's Voyages. — Hail's Chronicle. 154 Radclyjf- church. Dimencio sive proporcio artificiossime de fre- masonwork operata in porta hostii occidentalis ecclesiae Radclyff.* The west dore fretted yn the hede with grete gentese and smallf and fylled wyth entaylej wyth a double moolde costely don and wrought. Latitudo porta? 7 pedes. Altitudo porta? 9 pedes. The square yn the dore : §A champ. A fylet. A bowtelle. A bowtelle. A casement. A fylet. A fylet. A casement, A double ressant wyth a filet. A fylet. A casement. A grete bowtelle. A fylet. A fylet. A bowtelle. A casement. A fylet. A filet. A grete bowtelle. A lowryng casement. * Ex informatione Norton, Magistri Operum Ecclesiae de Radclyff. Vide p. 133. f Carved open work in stone. The term " gentyse" is not found in any architectural glossary which J have seen. " Gentil entaile" occurs in Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose, as applied to goldsmith's work, like lace. May not the term have been transferred to stone ? \ Entail, " lacework," sometimes used for lace in the poetic description of female dress. 1 have no doubt but that this term originally confined to Orfevrie or goldsmith's work, was adopted by the free-masons for their more delicate and elaborate open-carving in stone. " A worke of rich entayle, and curious molde." Spenser. F. Q. § See explanation of these terms, p. 102. 155 A casement. A fylet. A fylet. A resaunt. A bowtelle. A fylet. A fylet. A resaunt lory mer,* A casement. A casement. A cors wythoute. Isti 4 proporciones in ambabus : A champ ashler, j" A cors wyth an arch buttant.| A boterasse. A body boterasse^ and a corner boterasse. De castro et le dong-eon de Brisloive. Porticus introitus aulae 10 virgae longitudinis cum volta archuata de super ad introitum magnae aulae. The inner entre ad porticum aulae 140 gressus, hoc est intelligere spacium et longiludo inter portam muri de fortificacione murorum de area de le utterward. Longitudo aulae 36 virgae, in gressibus 54 vel 52. Latitudo aulae 18 virgae, vel 26 gressus continet. Altitudo murorum 14 pedes extra aulam mensu- ravi. Aula quondam magnifica in longitudine latitu- dine, altitudine, est, totum ad ruinam. Fenestrae in aula duplatae, altitudo de 11 days continet 14 pedes altitudinis. * An Ogee, with an edge so deeply carved, as to form a drip or " larmier" to conduct water, f A water-table of ashler work. X Open or flying arch. § A buttress against a plain wall. 156 Longitudo tignorum aulae, anglice rafters, con- tinet 32 pedes. Camera principis, longitudo 17 virgse, in sinistra parte aula? regis. Latitudo ejus camera? 9 virgse continet, et per duas columpnas de magnis trabibus paratas* sed valde veteres. Longitudo de le front coram aula cum . . . 18 virgse. Longitudo tabula? de marble-stone 15 pedes, scita in alia parte aula? pro mensa regum ibi sedencium. Turris longitudo in orientali parte turris 36 virgas continet. Latitudo ejus ex parte occidentali et meridionali 30 virgas continet. Longitudo de le utter ward castri a media porta, et nuper separata ab interiori warda capellse prin- cipal aulse camera, continet 160 gressus. Longitudo primi introitus ad castrum perportum 40 gressus, hoc est intelligendum de vico Castel- strete intrando ad primam portam castri sive vocat. le uttervvard. Capella in le uttervvard, id est prima warda, in honore Sancti Martini est dedicata, tamen in devo- cione Sancti Johannis Baptistse, et monachus prio- ratus Sancti Jacobi omni die deberet [celebrare] in dicta capella, tamen non celebrat nisi per domini- cam mercurium et venerem, in septimana. f The great halls of the more ancient Castles were divided by a row of beams of oak, which were placed upright in the centre to sustain the roof. The old Boothall, at Gloucester, was so constructed, and several others. 157 Capella alia magnifica pro rege et dominis et dominabus scita in principalissima warda ex parte boriali aulae, ubi earners pulcherrimae sunt eclin- catae, sed discoopertae nudae et ™ vacua; de planckers et coperlura, Domus officiariornm coquinae et hag pertinentes sunt in interiori warda juxta aulam in parte sinistra, id est in meridionali parte aula?. Domus officii constabularii est scita in exte- riori warda prima in parte meridionali turris magnificae,* sed totum ad terram prostratae et di- rutae x unde magna pietas surgit."\ Radclyffe. Hostium occidentale ecclesiae [RadclyfF?] con- tinet 9 virgasj et 6 pollices. Cimiterinm ecclesiae de RadclyfF continet 500 gressus. Crux pulcherrimaartificiose operata est in medio dicti cimiterii. Latitudo capellae Beatae Mariae de Radclyff* in occidentali parte ecclesiae continet 10 virgas. Longitudo volta? frettae archuatae usque . . . Altitudo volta? frettae archuatae usque coopertu- ram plumbi . . Altitudo voltae archuatae tocius ecclesiae, tam navis ecclesiae quam duarum alarum, nee non qua- w " void both of floors and roof. x " which is a great pity." * The Keep. f When Leland saw the Castle it was still farther dilapidated. X pedes. 158 tuor alarum voltarum et archuatarum, a parte boriali in meridiem continet, computando per nu- nierura graduum 89 anglice steppys, Y de terra ad supcriorem partem cooperturce tignorum et plumbi cooperancium totam ecclesiam, secundum relacionem plumbatoris dictae ecclesiae mihi dicta3 7 die sep- tembris anno 1480 in dicta ecclesia operante de steppys superius recitatis ; et quilibet gradus sive stepp anglice dictns continet 8 pollices ad minus, sic in toto altitudo operis cooperturae dictae ecclesia; continet 53 pedes et 4 pollices. Longitudo ecclesiae navis cum choro de Rad- clyff preter capellam orientalem Beatae Mariae continet 113 gressus. Latitudo z brachiorum ecclesiae ante chorum a meridie in boriam continet 67 gressus. Longitudo capellae Beatae Mariae in orientalissima parte ecclessiae prediclae continet 16 virgas. Et omnes boterasse in meridionali parte tocius ecclesiae cum boterass campanilae continet 25 in numero praeter lez boterasses campanilis quae con- tinet in numero .... boterasses. Latitudo a trium alarum in meridionali parte ecclesiae continet 26 gressus, et 26 gressus in parte boriali ecclesiae. In boriali parte ecclesiae Beatae Mariae de Rad- clyffsunt 16 boterasses, ab orientali capellae Beatae Mariae usque ad principalem capellam sunt ^bote- rasses magnee, quorum aliquae sunt in latitudine y " From the ground to the highest part of the roof, of timber frame and lead, which covers the whole church." 2 The Transept. a three aisles. 159 inferius apud le table versus et prope terrain 2 virgarum, et aliquse boterasses minus. Qu&ntilas b rotunditatis principalis capellae Sanclae Mariae c cum ymaginibus regum operatis subtiliter in opere de frestone continet in circuitu, cum hostio introitus subtiliter operato 44 virgas. In via de Radclyffin parte sunt venellas. Prima venella est prope murum de le toune-wall vocata .... Longitudo trium alarum in parte boriali ecclesiae de Radclyff continet 15 virgas, et tot virgae latitude* in parte boriali ecclesiae. Secunda venella sequens est Howndon-lane et continet .... gressus. Tercia venella est in meridionali parte ecclesiae Sancti Thomae et continet . . . gressus. Quarta venella in meridionali parte ecclesiae Sancti Thomae prope ibidem ecclesiam continet . gressus. Quinta venella est ex altera parte cimiterii Sancti Thomae, ubi tumba David Ruddok* est facta in quodam muro, et continet 180 gressus. In alia parte viae deRadclyff-strete proximaaquaj de Avyn, in boriali parte viae de Radclyff, est prima venella a porta de Radclyff-yate, usque aquam Avyn, et continet 150 gressus, ubi dominus Moysi Lombardus manebat Portae duae in fine de Radclyff-strete cum spacio b " circular space." c " with statues of Kings, curiously wrought in free-stone." * Sheriff, 1419. N 160 de le wateryng-place ac conducto parvo in le wateryng-place continet 32 gressus, sed spacium inter duas portas continet 20 gressus. Memorandum quod venella in parte boriali de Radclyff-strete transiens usque Avyn-water. Venella secunda alia versus pontem Bristolliae non multum distat a prima venella, quasi [per] spacium 60 gressuum, et continet in longitudine circa 110 gressus. Venella tercia in eadem forma coram aquam de Avyn, transiens cum una via ad aquam de Avyn anglice a slepe, aliter ..... et continet in longitudine ad aquam de Avyn* . . . . et est ex opposito venellae in altera parte venellae eundo ad ecclesiam Sancti Thomae. Longitudo viae in parte occidental! ecclesiae reli- gionum et hospitalitatis Sancti Johannis Baptistae ex altera parte turris ecclesiae de Radclyff continet 154 gressus usque aquam Avonse. Latitudo dictae vise continet 3 virgas. Heremitagium est scitnm in occidentali parte ecclesiae Sancti Johannis super aquam Avonae, in rubeo clivo super aquam Avonae anglice Avyn.f Longitudo viae in parte boriali super Radclyf- hill, ultra ecclesiam de Radclyff in parte dextra versus calcetum de JBrightbow, et citra domum hospitalis Beatae Mariae Magdalenae, conducens ad molendina super aquam Avyn scita de lapidibus murata, continet 400 gressus, et vocatur J. . . myllys. * a repetition. f Hermitage of St. John on the opposite Bank of RedclifF. % Trene. 161 Latitudo viae molendinorum continet 3 virgas. Ecclesia hospitalis Sancti Johannis Baptistae ex opposito ecclesias Beatae Marias de Radclyff. Longitudo aulas continet 21 gressus. Latitudo aulas continet 13 gressus. Longitudo claustri continet 32 gressus. Latitudo claustri continet 30 gressus. Stagnum aquas conductus quadratus est in medio claustri. Porta ad venellam sive viam in parte occidentali ecclesias quam prope murum ecclesias predictas usque ad aquam de Frome continet 150 gressus. Latitudo portas et viae 4 virgae. Longitudo ecclesiae Sancti Thomas continet 73 gressus sive 48 virgae. Latitudo ejus continet 21 virgas. Latitudo portas Sancti Nicholai 4 virgas : longi- tudo portas 9 virgae 14 gressus.* Latitudo portas Sancti Leonardi 4 virgas : longi- tudo portas 9 virgas in parte orientali. Latitudo portas Sancti Johannis 4 virgas : longi- tudo portas 7 virgas. Latitudo portas Newgate 4 virgae : longitudo dictae portae 9 virgas. Latitudo viae Sancti Thomas incipientis apud pontem Bristollias 4 virgas. Jovis ultimo die augusti applicui Bristoll. Dominica 10 die septembris equitavi ad colle- * Near St. Nicholas gate was an establishment of Cooks' shops. Walter Frampton, by will in 1388, leaves a tenement in " Coking-rew." Others were in the passage behind All Saints Church. 162 giumWestbery, etlocutus fui cum JohanneGryftyth de Bristoll. merchant ibi morante. Item equitavi usque Shyrehampton, loquendo cum Thoma Yong armigero, pro 1 1 libris meis recuperandum, unum de libro magno ethicorum, alium de libro vocato le myrrour de dames* cooperto rubeo coreo, et d jantavi secum, dedit michi letum vultum pro amore patris sui, cum uxore ejus sui favore. Dominica predicta applicui Bristoll. Martis 12 septembris fui apud Ghyston-clyffet mensuravi rupem profundum usque heremitagium ad profunditatem 20 brachiorum, et unus juvenis officii fabri dixit mensuram residui rupis dicta die michi ad aquam anglice ebbyng-water, et dixit mensurare a capella dicti heremitagii 44 brachia, sic in toto continet 64 brachia profunditatis.f Martis 20 die Septembris, fui apud heremitagium ultra aquam de Avyn, quando mare exiit id est ebbyng-water, per villam Rownam in batilla con- ductus, directe in monte opposita seu contraria Ghyston-clyfF in dominio Ashton, cujus dominus est Johannes Chokj chevalier. d "breakfasted." * Translated into French by Lawrence Premierfaict. t In English, p. 54. % There is a Tomb erected for Sir Richard Choke in Ashton Church. The arms are upon the Tomb, and in the window above it. "Thehowse oftheChoks was first greatly avaunsed by Choke. Chefe Juge of England, that attayned lands to the some of 600 marks by the ycre, and kepte his chefe house at Longe Aschton, by Bristow, having great furniture of sylvar." Leland. Itinerary, v. 7-P> 84. 163 Memorandum quod isto anno Christi, 1465, die epiphaniae Brisloll, relatum fuit mihi per Elizabet Nicholl, quod Elizabet Nicholle, e commater mea obiit per 35 annos preteritos, viz. quando Leycestre fuit major London. e " my Godmother. > " my Grandmother. * The term " Cog" as applied to a particular kind of vessel, is of very early application. Matthew Paris has " Cogones." 1066. venit Gul' Conq. in Angliam cum 300 cogonibus. Spellman, in his Glossary quotes Chaucer: — " He found Jason and Eracles also Shutte in a Cog to land were y go." In the more ancient poem of Richard Cceur de Lion, different vessels are particularised — " Cogges and Dromounds, many galeye, Berges, Schontes, Trayeres fele, That were charged with al wele/' to accompany that heroic king in his expedition to the Holy Land. A barge or lighter was called a " Balenger." 165 et Willelraus Wyrcestre K jiliaster ejus, et habuit exitus dictum Wilelmum Botoner, Elizabet spon- satam Willelmo Wyrcetyr, et Aliciam sponsatam Thomae Benysham. Memorandum quod mense Jullii, anno quinto regis Henrici quinti Willelmus Wyrcetyr primo inhabitavit in tenemento Colyns in Bermodsey- strete. Anno 48 regis Edwardi tercii, tenementum patris mei in Brodemede fuit venditum Thomae Botoner k avo meo et T. Botoner filio suo primo genito. Anno secundo regis Henrici quarti,W. Wyrcestre pater meus primo cepit in firmam tenementum Johannis Sutton super le bak in parochia Sancti Jacobi, in quo tenemento W. Wyrcetre natus fuit.* Anno Ohristi 1412, Johannes Randolf obiit, et fecit executores, Agnetam consortem suam et Wil- lelmum Knolyn. Memorandum quod Adam Botoner de Coventre fuit frater Thomae Botoner avi mei, per relacionem A gnetae Randolf x amicice mece et „ . . Bracey filiae ejus ; et dictus Adam m habuit exitum Agnetam Botoner de Laffordes-yate Bristolliae, et obiit apud Coventre tempore magnae pestilenciae, » " her Son-in-law." k " my Grandfather." ' " my Aunt.' m "had issue." * Deed dated 41 Edw. 3 tij. 1368. Walter Staunton, Bursrensis, &c. confirmasse dedissc and concessisse W. Wyrcestre, Glover, totum illnd tenementum quod nunc inhabitat, quod extendit se a vico (St. James's Bee) ante- rius usque ad aquam Froome posterius, &c. J 66 anno Christi 1386, et misit filiam suam prefatam Bristolliae ad Thomam Botoner fratrem suum custodiendam, et quidam Johannes Randolf de Laffordes-yate duxit dictam Agnetam de Coventre ad Bristoll. Memorandum de nominibus Tychemersh prope villam Wyrcestre, vel prope villam de Ekyngton prope Pershore, quod ipsi sunt de consanguinitate Willelmi Botoner et Agnetas Randolf secundum suam relacionem. ** a titaner latin corrupt, toa* lite apecl)*, ISut algate t&erfcp toajj $e DttUeratontre." Chaucer. Man of Lowes tale. FINIS. AN ESSAY atft anii Wtttxtg of mm. fiCaueugc& MERCHANT, OF BRISTOW, IN TIK rilTEENTH CKNTURT. a o ** ft o u H a W <** « Q O ♦k *•* x». G w - ® - £5 A5 8 « y co o FQ s o hi 3 O H bD B c 03 o t. a> JO o J3 4) • u to a v .S a 0} 1^ *** ~— ■ • n CD M •§£ 5. 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