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TRINITY BUILDrNG (REAR ARCADE^ E ONLY CORRECT AND AUTHORIZED EDITION. l\ J r I » n r?»rM»#i i» •»• r»i J» *: % tr-»^r\ ^y/^ <* > PULLMAN'S THEATRE TICKET OFFICE 111 Broadway, New York City (Trinity Building, Rear Arcade) OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF Opera Librettos AND PLAY BOOKS IN ALL LANGUAGES TELEPHONES, RECTOR 8817, 8818, 8819 DOCTOR CUPID (L'Amore Medico) I NEW YORK : G. SCHIRMER Paris: SociETEDEsfiDiTioNS Musicales A All rights of reproduction, translation and representation reserved for all countries, including Denmark, Sweden and Norway Copyright, 1913, by Josef Weinberger Copyright, 1914, by G. Schirmer G. S. 24674 Music Library 50 L'AMORE MEDICO COMMEDIA MUSICALE IN DUE ATTI PERSONAGGl II Signor Arnolfo, vecchio e ricco possidente LuciNDA, sua figlia Clitandro, giovane cavaliere LiSETTA, cameriera Tomes [ Dottori Desfonandres Macroton Bahis Un Notaro Familiari, Contadini, Contadine. — Musici. — Amici DI CASA. — GlARDINIERI. — PAGGETTI, BaLLERINI. — Farmacisti. Una splendida villa, nei dintorni di Farigi. Durante il regno di Luigi XIV. DOCTOR CUPID A MUSICAL COMEDY IN TWO ACTS CHARACTERS Arnolfo, a rich, elderly landowner. LuciNDA, his daughter. Clitandro, a young cavalier. LiSETTA, Lucinda's maid. Tomes Doctors. Desfonandres Macroton Bahis A Notary Servants and Dependents; Peasants and Peasant- girls; Musicians; Friends and Acquaintances; Gardeners; Pages and Dancing-girls; Apothe- caries. Scene: A magnificent villa, near Paris. Period: The reign of Louis XIV. VI STORY OF THE OPERA The oft-merited charge that librettists maltreat the classics does not hold in the case of this clever adaptation of "L'Amour Medecin"; for without losing any of the rollicking mirth and trenchant satire of Moliere's ori- ginal, Signor Golisciani has produced a comedy that lends itself admirably to music and modern stage effects. The scene of the first act is the garden of a magni- ficent villa near Paris. At the rise of the curtain, Arnolfo, the owner of the estate, is being condoled by his friends for the declining health of his only child, Lucinda. But their sympathy is of no avail; he dismisses them with thanks. Then Lucinda enters, dressed in. childish clothes that are absurdly at variance with her real age. She is pale and depressed. Arnolfo makes gro- tesque efforts to cheer her: he takes her on his lap and sings her a lullaby; he presents her with childish toys and trinkets: nothing can arouse her interest. Then there comes to him the disconcerting idea that she may be in love. He questions her in trepidation. "Yes, Papa!" she answers naively; whereupon he bursts into a senile fury, which is greatly aggravated by the behavior of Lisetta, Lucinda's pert maid, who, arriving suddenly on the scene, declares that "a husband is what she needs," and repeats this assertion with in- creasing combativeness until Arnolfo, beside himself with rage, beats a retreat. Then the voice of Clitandro, her lover, is heard outside the garden wall, begging her to tell him whether his love is requited or no. Lucinda is so overcome with emotion that she is unable to speak, and he goes away unanswered. She is in despair. Then Lisetta, appealed to for help, bids her go immediate- ly to bed, and speaks mysteriously of a wily scheme that will solve all difficulties. Her mistress complies, still vii in bewilderment, and they go off to put the ,cheme into operation. Arnolfo enters, bearing garden tools, and dallies with his plants and flowers, all the while muttering how he will carry off his daughter to some inaccessible place and keep her all to himself. Yielding to the spell of the sunny air, he falls asleep and snores peacefully. From this tranquil siesta he is aroused and frightened out of his wits by Lisetta, who screams that Lucinda is in a fearful condition and may die at any moment. Jump- ing up in a frenzy, he summons all his servants and retainers, bidding them fetch all the doctors in Christen- dom, He, too, starts out in search of doctors; but, as he is hurrying away through the gate, he is bowled over by an inrushing horde of apothecaries, who, seeing that he has slightly hurt his hand in the fall, swarm around him and insist on applying bandages and lotions. Then four doctors stalk solemnly in and friends and neigh- bors appear on the scene, babbling the news and offering sympathy. Amid the ludicrous hubbub that brings the act to a close, Lisetta slips away to fetch "a doctor that she knows." The second act, the scene of which is a salon in the villa, begins with a consultation of the four doctors. Each one of these solemn quacks makes a different diagnosis and proposes a corresponding remedy. They argue heatedly, but accomplish nothing, and finally leave in disgust, after each has extracted a large fee and pronounced his colleagues to be idiots. Then, when Arnolfo has given up all hope of seeing his daugh- ter cured, Lisetta brings in "Doctor Codignac, the prince of doctors," who is really Clitandro in disguise. The latter, upon examining the patient, declares her trouble to be mental — an unfortunate obsession of the idea that she should get married. As "doctor of the mind" he proposes to cure this malady by having a bogus wedding ceremony performed, his "secretary" posing as notary. Arnolfo readily consents to this subterfuge for the sake of his daughter's health, little realizing that the "sec- retary" is a real notary. He is delighted with the in- genuity of the treatment until, undeceived by the sud- den departure of the lovers, he discovers that he himself has been duped. vni DOCTOR CUPID (L'Amore Medico) L'AMORE MEDICO ATTO PRIMO Un giardino nella villa di Arnolfo. A sinistra la palazzina; al- I'esterno una scala di marmo che conduce a una piccola tcrrazza. Statue lungo i ^viali, al fondo un la|hetto. Un sedile di pietra, una fontana. E un mattino di estate. SCENA PRIMA Al levarsi della tela Arnolfo e seduto, il viso nascosto in un grande fazzoletto, quasi piangesse. Lo attorniano alcuni vecchi amici. Piu lontano sono i familiari e i servi, tutti in comico attcggiamento di dolore. Un servo offre al padrone il cioccolato, che Arnolfo non beve. AMICI, FAMILIARI, SERVI Bella come il sole !... Poveretta !... Buona come il pane !... Che peccato !... Nostra padroncina prediletta, Fiore che sbocciando s' appassi !... O padrone, o padre disgraziato ! Noi tutti vi piangiamo, notte e di !... ARNOLFO Grazie, mille grazie, cari miei !... Ma r affetto vostro che mi fa ? Esser piu infelice non potrei... Mi lasciate solo, per pieta ! Gli amid tentano confortarlo , inutilmente, poi escono silen- ziosi dalla destra ; i familiari se ne vanno, a griippi, lentamente. AMICI, FAMILIARI, SERVI, allontanatidosi. Bella come il sole !... Poveretta !... Buona come il pane !... Che peccato !... DOCTOR CUPID FIRST ACT The garden of Arnolfo's villa. House on the left: a small terrace, approached by marble steps. Avenues with statues: a small lake at the back. Stone seat, and fountain. A summer morning. FIRST SCENE Arnolfo is discovered seated, and sobbing with his face buried in his handkerchief: around him are old friends and, at a distance, servants and dependents, all wearing a comical expression of grief. A servant is handing chocolate to his master, Arnolfo, who waves him away. CHORUS Lovely as the sunshine, poor young lady! Pretty as a peach, and more's the pity! All adore the dainty little mistress, Withering away in early bloom! Poor, unhappy, broken-hearted father! Your friends here weep for you by night pjkI day! ARNOLFO Thank you, I am grateful, kindly friends, But your words of comfort are in vain! No man could be sadder, or more wretched ; Leave me to niy sorrow, if you please. His friends try to console Arnolfo, hut in vain. Friends and servants slowly disperse. CHORUS, departing. Lovely as the sunshine, poor young lady! Pretty as a peach, and more's the pity! 4 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° Tutti si allontanano mestamente. ARNOLFO, rimaslo solo, fra se, incerto. Una figlia malata da due mesi !... Preocciipato. Di Che ? Ma !... Chi lo sa ? Fosse amor ? Quell' amore a cui serrai tutte le porte ? Che ridur m' a fatto in questo romitaggio ?... E penetra ugualmente ? E donde ?... Come ?... Con affettuosa tristezza. Non 6 al mondo che lei !. E la voglio per me ! Commovendosi. Intanto mi si strugge Come la cera !... Scattando. Maledetto 1' amor ! SCENA SECONDA Tra i viali, alfondo, appare Liicinda. ^ E vestita di bianco, semplicementc come una bambina. E pallida, sofferente ; a le trecce bionde per le spalle. Sospira, sosta lungo i viali, come pensosa, contetnplando i fiori. Arnolfo la scorge ; si sofferma ad osservarla. -I ARNOLFO Ah ! Eccola ! Ah guarda... Poveretta f Sempre mesta cosi... scnza un sorriso ! Sospira ! Guarda il ciel... lagrima... mormora ! LUCINDA, tra se soavemente. Voci diffuse nell' aria, spiranti tristezza, deir anima mia solitaria echi voi siete ! V odo, o voci di pianto, ne d' altro 6 vaghezza. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 5 They all go out dolefully. ARNOLFO, alone. For two months past my daughter has been ill ! Thoughtfully. Of what? Ah — who can tell? Is it love? Love! to which I closed All doors and windows? How could it happen here In this secluded villa? How could love find an entrance? How could it? How so? Sadly and affectionately. She is all that is left me! I want her for myself! For me, alone! Moved. I bow to all her fancies, Bend like a willow! • Angrily. All my curses on love ! SECOND SCENE Lucinda appears up the avenue at hack. She is simply dressed in white, like a small child. She is pale with suffering; her hair is fair and hangs down. She sighs and comes slowly forward, stopping now and then to look at the flowers. Arnolfo pauses and watches her. ARNOLFO Ah! Here she comes! Discretion! Poor darling! Always moping and sad — never a smile. She suffers — poor darling! She sighs now — lifts her head — Murmurs — sheds a tear — LUCINDA, musingly. Breathe soft and low, gentle voices around me — Make one with my sadness; My lone heart cries out in my pain. You echo my sighing. Charm me, voices of sorrow! No others delight me. 6 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto F ARNOLFO Parla coi fiori, come a gente viva ! Che fissazione !... Ah, Lucinda 1 Cuor mio ! LUCINDA E voi, fiori, sapete perche gemo tanto ! Una smania segreta, un' ansia irrequieta, talora in me s' accende, ch' ebbra quasi mi rende... Tanto mi fa soffrir, mi fa tanto gioir, che in quell' ardor vorrei bruciar, svanir ! Cinge, fervidamente, con le hraccia una statiia di Ebe, al pHncipio dd viale. ARNOLFO, sorhendo il cioccolato, fissando la figlia amoro- samente. Con quel tuo delirar Tu mi farai morir ! Lucinda abbandona la statua, accorata. LUCINDA, guardando il cielo. Nubi, che vaghe per 1' aria sfumando passate, quest' anima mia solitaria con voi librate ! con voi lassu, per non discenderne mai piu... mai piu. Avanza, lungo il giardino, lenfa, assorta. ARNOLFO, sorgendo, chiamandola. Lucinda ! Lucinda ! La trae a se carezzandola. Vien qua, cuoricino, caro mio tesoretto ! Idoletto ! Cherubino del tuo piccolo pap^ !... Act I DOCTOR CUPID 7 ARNOLFO She speaks with the flowers as with hving companioiivS — FooUsh illusion! Ah, Lucinda, my treasure! LUCINDA The cause of all my complaining, Blossoms, you know well. A mysterious fever, With never a respite. So rages within me. That my mind is. bewildered ; Torment and cruel pain ! Yet the joy is so fierce That in its flames I could consume and die! Lucinda embraces passionately a statue of Hebe, which stands at the entrance of the avenue. ARNOLFO, sipping his chocolate, watching his daughter affectionately. Ah! All these vapours of yours Will surely cause my death! Lucinda, exhausted, looses her hold on the statue. LUCINDA, gazing upward. Clouds of the air overhead, That are drifting and melting. Set free my poor soul that is lonely, Bear me away. Bear me on high. Let me descend to earth No more! No more! Absorbed in thought, she paces the garden slowly. ARNOLFO, rising, tenderly calling her. Lucinda! Lucinda! Drawing her to him, coaxingly. Come hither, my sweetest! Come, dearest little lambkin! Little angel, little cherub. Loving father's baby girl! 8 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° Lucinda tenia tin sorriso ; sospira. Perche sospiri sempre ? Non la godi quest' ombra e la frescura di questa villa cosi tranquilla ? Non ti place il glu-glu delle fontane ? E poi, non c' e papa ? Le sue carezze, i baci ? Coprendolci di baci. To', cara, to' !... Vien qua. Va dolcemente a sedersi, traendola con se, ada^iandola sulle proprie ginocchia, cullandola come una bimba. Ninna naiina, la mia bambina, Dormi e sogna le belle cose, Un lettino sparso di rose, la campana della mattina. Un' azzuro di ciel sereno, un laghetto di cigni pieno: Dormi, dormi, la mia bambina, sui ginocchi del tuo papa. LUCINDA, sospirando. Ah !... Dalla villa escono paggetti, recando scatole, astucci, gio- cattoli, ninnoli di ogni foggia. Arnolfo li accenna a Lucinda ; li chiama a se. Essi si accostano ; Arnolfo . svolge efa ammirare a Lucinda i bei doni. ARNOLFO Vedi ! Un abito alia moda ! Color smagliante ! senza 1' uguale ! A mano a mano ripone gli oggetti nominati ; prosegue Venumerazione. Calzine !... Una piuma !... Scarpine splendide !... Un nastro scarlatte fiammante ! Tra i capelli puntato un gioiel ! Le punta il nastro tra i capelli, con comica grazia : Lucinda non si scuote. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 9 Lucinda tries to smile, but sighs. But why this constant sighing? Does seclusion not please you, The cooling shade of this quiet villa, The peaceful garden? Are you deaf to the music of plashing fountains? And then! You have papa! His sweet caresses, his kisses! He covers her with kisses. There, darling, there! Come here! Drawing her gently on to his knee, and rocking her to and fro like a baby. LuUa, lu-lullaby, my baby, Roses white on your pillow falling; May your thoughts still linger in dreamland, When at morn the bells are calling. Clear blue skies shall the angels send you. Silver swans shall you have to tend you. Lulla, lu-lullaby, my baby. Here you rest on Father's knee. LUCINDA, sighing. Ah! Small pages come out of the house, carrying boxes, cases, toys and trinkets of every shape and size. Arnolfo draws Lucinda's attention to them, and beckons to the pages. They gather round and Arnolfo tries to arouse Lucinda' s interest in his pretty gifts. ARNOLFO Look! A gown of latest fashion! A lovely colour — What could be finer? Describing various articles as he displays them one by one. These stockings! And a feather! And dancing-slippers! A flame-coloured ribbon of scarlet; Now a jewel to shine in your hair. Puts the ribbon in her hair, with comical gallantry; Lucinda remains impassive. 10 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° E poi, ve' ! Bamboline, bainbolonc ! Mostra una gran hambola vcstlta riccamcnte. La rcgina delle bambole ! Gran miracolo ! Mcrce fina ! Eh ?... Le posa in braccia la hambola ; continiia. Un bambolon da la rotonda faccia, che muove ganibe e braccia ! Sta a veder ! (E un piacer !) Su e giu, su e giu ! Fa ballare il pupo, poi le presente un teatrino. Teatro completo — con maschere, eccetera !... Muove i hurattini a filo, ne imita le voci. Ehi ! Mascarillo ! Signor Sginarello ! Su, balla il saltarello ! Hop-la !... E c'e il colmo ! Un carillon dal concento sopraffin ! Carica il carillon. Crin crin, crin crin ! 11 carillon si mette a suonare. I paggetti rientrano alia villa saltellando . Nulla riesce ad interessare Lucinda. Arnolfo brontola tra se, deluso. Niente !... La incalza di domande. Dimmi... Un cembalo vorresti ? LUCINDA, sospirando. No, papa. ARNOLFO Una maestra che t' insegni musica ? LUCINDA No, pap^. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 11 And here, look! Here are dolls too, dolls to play with! Showing an ernormous doll, magnificently dressed. And the royal queen of all the dolls! What a miracle! What a triumph ! Eh! He places the doll in her arms and continues. A nice plump fellow, very round and chubby, His legs and arms are jointed. Watch it work: Up, down! Up, down! Jerking the dolVs legs and arms with a string. And here is a theatre. With cast complete, et cetera. Works the puppets by means* of strings, mimicking the voices. Hey, Mascarillo! Messer Sganarello! Up! Dance the saltarello! Houp-la! — Now the climax! A peal of bells, of incomparable tone! Winding it up. Click click, click click! He sets the carillon going. The pages remove the gifts, dancing off to the music of the bells. Nothing arouses Lucinda's interest. Arnolfo grumbles aside, disappointed and baffled. Useless . Overwhelms her with questions. Tell me: A clavichord might please you? LUCINDA, sighing. No, Papa. ARNOLFO A music-mistress — you could learn to sing and play! LUCINDA No, Papa. 12 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° ARNOLFO Gioiclli da far strepito ? LUCINDA No, papa. ARNOLFO Di', vorresti un gattino, un canino, un canarino ? LUCINDA No, papa ! No, papa ! ARNOLFO Ma insomma... ahime ! avresti forse visto, disgraziata, qualche bel vagheggino... che ti piace ? LUCINDA, prontamente. Si, papa ! ARNOLFO, retrocedendo, minaccioso. Ah !... SCENA TERZA LiSETTA, die da poco e apparsa sulla terrazza, in ascolto, li interrompe, con brio pettegolo. Sissignore ! sissignore ! Lo dovreste aver capito ! E un marito che ci vuole ! Un marito ! un marito ! Discende la scalinata. ARNOLFO, tappandole la hocca, con stizza. Ssss ! LUCINDA, Jacendosi animo, semplicemente. Si, papa ! questo ci vuole, L' ai sentito in due parole 1 Per paura solamente non t' avevo detto niente ! ARNOLFO Zitta, sciocca \ Act I DOCTOR CUPID 13 ARNOLFO Some jewels with a tinkling sound? LUCINDA No, Papa. ARNOLFO Well, a cat or a kitten? Or a puppy, a pet canary? LUCINDA No, Papa! No, Papa! ARNOLFO In short then, alas! My miserable child has met with some one, Some well-favoured young coxcomb, who can pleasse her? LUCINDA, quickly. Yes, Papa! ARNOLFO, recoiling sharply. Ah! THIRD SCENE LiSETTA, who has appeared on the terrace unobserved, in- terrupts them volubly. Honoured master, honoured master! Surely you must know the reason? It's a husband that she yearns for. Just a husband ! Just a husband ! Coming down the steps. ARNOLFO, slapping her mouth in his vexation. Hush! LUCINDA, plucking up courage, simply. Yes, Papa, I want a husband, You have heard it in a twinkling! But for fear I have been silent. Never daring to confess it. ARNOLFO Witless idiot! 14 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° LiSETTA, stiizzicandolo . E un papa non se n' e accorto ? Perdonate... avete torto ! Vuoi tacer ? ARNOLFO LUCINDA Tu mi tratti da bambina ; io mi sento gia donnina ! ARNOLFO Scandalosa !... LISETTA, mentre Lucinda, con nioine e carezze, trattiene Arnolfo. Un marito ! sissignore ! Quello e il mal del nostro cuore, ed e quello la ricetta, quello sol la medicina ! Un marito ! e in tutta fretta guarira la padroncina ! Un marito, signer mio, per noi altre giovinette e il regalo che il buon Dio a suo tempo ci promette ! Un marito e 1' ideale il piu schietto e naturale ! Un marito e siam contente, non c' importa piu di niente ! Un marito, gia si sa, ce lo danno in tre : 1' Amore, il Signore ed il Papa ! Ecco tutto... e bastera ! ARNOLFO Cospettone ! anche la serva la lezione mi fara ! Figlia indegna ! e tu proterva, la finite ? Zitte la ! LUCINDA Papjl mio, non ti scaldare, Troppa collera, papi\ ! Non la merito, mi pare, Tutta questa crudeltk ! Act I DOCTO-R CUPID IS LiSETTA, provokingly. Yet poor Father never saw it! By your leave, you were mistaken! ARNOLFO Hold your tongue! LUCINDA You would treat me like a baby; But I know I am a woman! ARNOLFO This is treason ! LISETTA, while Lucinda fondles and coaxes Arnolfo Just a husband, honoured master. That is all that is the matter. Now we know the way to cure her, There is only one good physic. Yes, a husband, taken quickly. Will soon cure my little mistress. For a husband, honoured sir. Is a gift ordained by heaven. And the prize that should be every Maiden's portion in due season. Yes, a husband is the one great boon That makes a woman perfect. With a husband we are happy, And all other cares are nothing. And a husband, you must know, Is a trinity of lover And of master and papa! If you have these, then you have all! ARNOLFO Brazen, interfering hussy, Make an end and get you gone! Devil take her! Is a serving-maid To read me sermons now? Out upon you, stupid jade! LUCINDA Papa! Do not rail or chide or frown at me, Or give me angry looks. Papa! No, relent, be kind and gentle: — Why am I so hardly used? 16 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° LISETTA Un marlto, ma si sa !... Vergognatevi, cospetto ! Testardaccio d' un papa ! Chi dagli altri vuol rispetto, Signer mio, cosi non fa ! Insistendo con maggior Jorza. Un marito ! un marito ! ARNOLFO Strega ! LUCINDA, trattenendolo. Babbo ! LISETTA, ostinatae conforza. Si, un marito ! ARNOLFO Voglio darti il benservito ! LUCINDA Babbo, frenati ! Arnolfo insegiie Lisetta, per ghermirla ; essa gli sfugge, apparendo e sparendo tra i viali. LISETTA Un marito ! ARNOLFO Vanne al diavolo ! LISETTA Un marito ! ARNOLFO, afferrando il carillon per scagliarglielo. 10 ti vStritolo !... 11 carillon si mctte a suonare ; egli s' arresta per la bile. Ah !... LISETTA, ricomparendo ad un tratta, dopo essere scomparsa. Un marito ! Arnolfo getta furioso il carillon, e dispare tra i viali. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 17 LISETTA Blush for shame and turn repentant, More an ogre than a man! He who seeks to be respected Should act otherwise, my lord! Louder and more insistently. Yes, a husband! Yes, a husband! ARNOLFO Viper! LUCINDA, restraining him. Father! LISETTA, increasingly persistent; obstinately taunting. Yes! A husband! ARNOLFO I'll dismiss you from my service! LUCINDA Father! Calm yourself! Arnolfo chases Lisetta; she dodges him from one path to another. LISETTA A husband! ARNOLFO Go to the devil! LISETTA A husband! ARNOLFO, snatching up the carillon for a missile to fling at Lisetta. I could flog you! It starts playing; he stops, speechless with fury. Spluttering. Ah! LISETTA, suddenly reappearing after running off. A husband! Arnolfo throws the carillon after her, and strides off in a rage. 18 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto T LiSETTA, gridandogli dietro. Un marito ! SCENA QUARTA LUCINDA, angosciosamente. Ah ! Lisetta mia, fammi morire ! Al di Id del giardino si ascolta la voce di Clitandro. CLiTANDRO, fiiori, a sinistra. Sembra ai miei sguardi il mondo beato sol di te : per tutto, angelo ];iondo, tu sei vicina a me. LUCINDA, in ascolto, felice. Ah !... Lui !. LISETTA, gaiamente. Eh ! Altro che morire ! LUCINDA, beandosi tutta. L' odi ? Che smania ! LISETTA, con un sorrisetto d' intenzione. Vedo ! Orsij, fate coraggio ! LUCINDA Oh dolce melodia... Mi sento il cor languir ! LISETTA, tenendo le mani di Lucinda. La dolce melodia Me pur fa intenerir ! CLITANDRO, come sopra. Ah, che in te sola assorto te sola in core io porto ! Deh, parla, di' se anch' io vivo ti sono in cor ! Act I DOCTOR CUPID 19 LiSETTA, shouting after him. A husband! FOURTH SCENE LUCINDA, anxiously. Ah, my good Lisetta, let me die! Outside the garden the voice of Clitandro is heard. CLITANDRO, off to the left. Loved one, you turn all to enchantment, Life with you, for you, alone is joy, Sweet charmer, angel of beauty. Be mine for ever, ever mine! LUCINDA, listening with delight. Ah!— He!— LISETTA, gaily. No more talk of dying! LUCINDA, in rapture. Listen! It thrills me! LISETTA, smiling meaningly. Splendid! Take heart! Pluck up your courage! LUCINDA Oh music, sweet and tender. You fill my lone heart with longing! LISETTA, taking Lucinda's hand. O song, so sweet and tender. You thrill my heart as well! CLITANDRO, off. Loved one, you alone can enthral me, Your heart only shelters my own, Now and ever! Come, tell me, Will you grant me a haven there? 20 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° LiSETTA, ^ corsa in Jondo alia scena a spiare. Presto, venite : Guardiam... chi sa ? Ah, lo si vede ! dietro al cancello... Eccolo la ! A Lucinda, che non si muove. Or voi, che fate ? Venite qua ! LVCiNDA, abbracciando Lisetta, e baciandolacon trasporto. lo t' amo ! oh quanto t' amo ! Che smania, Lisetta mia, Che smania ! LISETTA, scostandosi birichina. Ih ! ih ! che furia ! Ma con me che vi giova ? A baciarsi tra donne Che gusto ci si prova ? Lanciato da Clitandro cade nel giardino un fiore. Lisetta lo raccoglie e lo off re a Lucinda. A voi ! LUCINDA, baciando il fiore. Caro ! LISETTA, impaziente. Oh insomma ! Ditegli una parola, o se ne andra ! LUCINDA, quasi piangendo. C) un nodo qui alia gola ! Non posso a lui parlar ! LISETTA, guardando verso la parte dove dispare Clitandro. Ve' ! s' allontana... svolta... Non lo vedo piu... CLITANDRO, allotitanandosi sempre pitl, svanendo. Morro, se un sogno e il mio, Per questo sogno d' or ! Act I DOCTOR CUPID 21 LiSETTA, who has run to the hack to look. Quickly, come hither and look! — Perhaps — Ah! I can see him! Behind the railings: He is out there. Calling her mistress, who stands lost in ecstasy. What are you doing? Why don't you look? LUCINDA, embracing and kissing Lisetta in her excitement. Ah, I love you! Dearest, how I love you! What rapture, Lisetta, Rapture of purest delight! USETTA, freeing herself and rallying her. Oh, oh! What passion! But you waste all your kisses! For a kiss from a woman Is hardly the thing to give enjoyment! A flower, thrown by Clitandro, falls at their fed; Lisetta picks it up and hands it to Lucinda. For you! LUCINDA, kissing the flower. Darling! LISETTA, impatiently. Oh, come now! Give him one word of welcome, Else he will go. LUCINDA, almost in tears. Some strange choking sensation Prevents me, and stops my words. LISETTA, watching Clitandro disappear. Look, he is going — Almost — now quite out of sight. CLITANDRO, his voice dying away in the distance. Come, death, and, let me perish! I was but dreaming a golden dream of love! 22 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto T LUCINDA Partito ! lo che faro ? LISETTA Povera padroncina, davver mi fa pieta ! LUCINDA, gridando con ardore, dietro a Clitandro. Ah ! t' amo anch' io, si, io t' amo ! Giuro che tua saro ! LISETTA, cotnicamente. E glielo dite adesso ? LUCINDA, cade in ginocchio dinanzi a Lisetta, supplicandola tra i singhiozzi. Ah ! Lisetta ! dammi aiuto ! Io non ne posso piu ! LISETTA, asciugandosi una lagrima. Me pure fate piangere. Si concentra ; pensa per un attimo. Ebbene... Si hatte in fronte come se abbia u na idea. A letto ! LUCINDA, balzando, stordita. A letto ?... Perche ? LISETTA, energica. V aiuto ! ma ubbiditemi ! Saprete il mio progetto ! A letto ! LUCINDA A letto ? LISETTA A letto ! Lisetta trascina Lucinda, che non capisce, sii per la scala. Arrivata sidla terrazza, volgendosi dalla parte donde e uscito Arnolfo : Act I DOCTOR CUPID 23 LUCINDA He's gone! — What shall I do? LI SETT A Poor little lovesick mistress, I p'ty you, indeed! LUCINDA, calling passionately after Clitandro. Ah! I love you also, I love you! Yes, I am yours till death! LISETTA, lightly. And so at last you tell him! LUCINDA, fallifig on her knees, she appeals to Lisetta, with tears and sobs. Lisetta! Will you help me? I have no strength left! LISETTA, wiping away a tear. And now you make me cry as well ! Thinks hard for a moment. I have it — Tapping her forehead, as if struck hy an idea. To bed! LUCINDA, starting up, amazed. To bed! But why? LISETTA, insisting. To bed now! I'll help you — but obey me! You'll hear about my project — in bed! LUCINDA, nervously. In bed? LISETTA, sternly. To bed now! She drags the bewildered Lucinda up the steps. Pausijig on the terrace, she turns to the direction in which A rnolfo went. 24 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° IJSETTA Ah ! Rimarrai deluso Vecchio egoista !... va ! Ti ridero sul muso, Amor trionfera ! Lisetta fa per trascinare in casa Lucinda, ma questa vis to il jiore di Clitandro caduto a terra in mezzo alia scena, scende rapida per riprenderlo... Ma vis to il padre tra i viali, non fa a tempo : risale la scala e scompare in casa con Lisetta. SCENA QUINTA Ritorna A rnolfo, accigliato e iracondo. Porta un cappellone di paglia ; a un rastrello suite spalle e alia cintola una forbice grande di giardiniere. ARNOLFO, tra se. Maledetto amor !... Ma no ! e poi no ! Vede il fiore e se lo pone air occhiello. Deposto il ra- strello, va a prendere un annaffiatoio; borhotta sordamente. annaffiando i fiori. Me la porto in cima a un monte, il piu ripido ! il piu alto ! che nemmen Bellerofonte vi potrebbe dar 1' assalto ! £>' un colpo prorompendo. Una figlia !... quella figlia !... Sbuca un tizio e se la piglia ! Beir affare in verita !... Prosegue ad annaffiare ; mormorando : In un' isola deserta sol di bestie in compagnia, una plaga tanto strana che ne ignore ognun la via ! Si ferma ancora ; scattando come prima : Darla in braccia a un bellimbusto, sol perche fu di suo gusto ? Fossi matto ! Non ti par ? Act I DOCTOR CUPID 25 LISETTA Ah! You shall learn a lesson, Selfish old monster! Wait! Soon all the world shall mock you, And Love be lord of all! Lisetta is about to hurry Lucinda indoors, when the latter, catching sight of Clitandro's flower on the ground, runs down again to pick it up. But her father's approach leaves her no time. She scuttles back again and dis- appears into the house with Lisetta. FIFTH SCENE Arnolfo returns, frowning and angry. He wears a straw hat, carries a rake over his shoulder, and large garden shears in his belt. ARNOLFO, alone. Oh, this love's a curse! — But no, I'm not sure! He catches sight of the flower and sticks it in his buttonhole. He puts down the rake and takes up a watering-pot. He mumbles to himself, as he waters the flowers. I will bear her to a mountain. Such a steep and lofty mountain. That Bellerophon's own horse Would scarcely find a way to reach it. He pauses — Breaking out. A daughter! Such a daughter! And some coxcomb attempts to rob me! Pretty doings, 'pon my word! Continues watering. Muttering: I must find a desert island. Where the only living things Are savage beasts, yes, savage beasts! So far from every haunt of man That no one knows of its existence. Pausing again: then breaking out once more. Must I give her to fop or dandy. Just to please a passing fancy? Downright madness! Is it not? 26 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° Depone r flnnaffiatoio. Impugna le forbid e si mette a Jorbiciare le piante qua e la. lo mi compro un ba'stimento ; sto con lei, tra cielo e mare, con i pugni contro il vento, che non 1' abbia da rubare ! Me ne vado all' altro polo... me ne vado in capo al mondo... con lei solo, tutto solo in un antro mi sprofondo ! Ripetendo, egli da delle gran forbiciate efa gesti di minaccia colla forbice. Va a seder e ; estrae una pipa, V accende con una lente al sole. E questione di aspettare ! Quando vecchia un di sara !... 5" apre il panciotto e fiima godendosi del sole. Sorride felice, pensando alia propria furberia. Ah ! ah ! ah ! ah ! Avverra lo sboUimento, Sara tutta di papa ! Fuma, senipre piU soddisfatto. Sono un uomo di talento ? Eh ! del sale qui c' e ne ! A me, no, non me la fanno ! No, per Bacco ! Eh ! eh ! eh ! eh ! Vinto dalla delizia del silenzio e del sole s' addormenta man mono ; russa in tono e senza esagerazioni. SCENA SESTA Appare stdla terrazza Lisetta, e furlivamente, Lucinda. Guardano Arnolfo : Lisetta fa verso di lui un gesta di allegra minaccia. Lucinda e pallida, scarmigliata ; a un cenno di Lisetta ella si ritira. LISETTA, a tutta voce. Ah ! ARNOLFO, si sveglia di soprassalto. Eh ! Act I DOCTOR CUPID 27 He puts down the watering-pot and takes out the shears. He starts snipping and pruning here and there. I will buy a sailing vessel, Live between the sky and ocean, And these hands of mine shall guard me From attacks of wind and pirates. Or I'll seek the Polar Regions, Or I'll find some distant corner Of the universe, or hide myself With her in some dark cavern. Brandishing his shears threateningly, he repeats the last lines; then sits down, pulls out a pipe, and lights it with a burning-glass. This can all be solved by waiting: Some day she'll be getting old! He opens his waistcoat, and sits sunning himself, chuckling over his astuteness. Ha! ha! ha! ha! Then she must boil down a little. And be Father's very own. He smokes on, more and more self-satisfied. Am I not a man of genius? Yes, perhaps I know too much. Not a man alive can cheat me! No, odzookens! He! he! he! He succumbs to the charms of the sunshine and the silence and gradually falls asleep. He snores musically, and without exaggeration. SIXTH SCENE Lisctta appears on the terrace, followed by Lucinda on tip- toe. They watch Arnolfo; Lisetta flings at him mock threatening gestures. Lucinda is pallid and dishevelled; at a sign from Lisetta, she withdraws. LISETTA, screaming at the top of her voice. Ah! ARNOLFO, waking with a start. Eh! LISETTA ARNOLFO 28 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° LISETTA Soccorso ! soccorso ! Accompagna le grida con gesti disperati. Scende a preci- pizio la scala. ARNOLFO Lisetta ! Oh sventura ! Lisetta ! ch' e statu ? Che dice ?... che fu ? LISETTA Disgrazia ! iattura ! piangete !... ARNOLFO Lisetta ! Ma insomma !... LISETTA Signore ! ah ! signore ! lo piu non ho fiato, cervel non ho piu ! Finge di coder e come sveniila tra le braccia di Arnolfo. Egli la rincera, le fa vento col Jazzoletto. Lisetta racconta con esagerato accent o drammatico. L' amata vostra figHa... poveretta ! udi gl' irosi accenti dal vostro labbro usciti, e nel mirar delusa ogni speranza, in camera s' e chiusa, il balcone sul lago spalanco... e... ARNOLFO In acqua si getto ?... LISETTA, esitando come per inghiottire delle lagrime mentre A rnolfo le pende dalle lahbra. No ! Rinserro le iinposte lentamente, ed a letto si pose. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 29 LISETTA, accompanying her cries with wild gestures of despair. Oh, save us! Oh, save us! She dashes down the steps. ARNOLFO Lisetta? LISETTA Ah, too dreadful! ARNOLFO Lisetta? What is it? What's happened? Speak out! LISETTA Amazing! Appalling! Disaster ! ARxVOLFO Lisetta! Speak out, girl! LISETTA Oh, master! Honoured master! My breath nearly fails me — I reel, I am faint! — She pretends to swoon in Arnolfo's arms. He holds her up, fanning her with his handkerchief. She tells her story, exaggerating dramatically. Your dearly cherished daughter, Poor young lady, Took fright because you scolded And chid her so unkindly. And, desperate because her hopes were shattered Locked herself within her chamber. Opened the window that overlooks the lake — And— ARNOLFO She jumped into the lake? LISETTA, hesitates, as if gulping down tears, while Arnolfo hangs upon her words. No! First she closed the window very slowly. Then sank back on her pillow. 30 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° In due fonti di pianto le si mutaron gli occhi, per lo schianto ; tutto il suo viso scolori... imbianco... ARNOLFO Che ? Mori ? LiSETTA, esitando come prima. No ! Ma un tremor la colse si violento, di tale svenimento ella e in poter, ch' io dubito se viva fino a sera ! ARNOLFO, prorompendo, concitatissimo. E non r ai detto subito, dannata cameriera ? Chiamando ad alte grida verso casa, correndo di qua e di Id affanno same file, mentre Liselta rientra. Qui, Lelio ! Qui Aurelio ! Fabrizio ! Maurizio ! Ilario ! Macario ! Crispino ! Germano ! Martino ! Silvano ! Cirillo ! Leone ! Vincenzo ! Lorenzo ! Camillo ! Simone ! Su ! Farmachi ! Sali ! Decotti ! Cordiali ! Essenze ! Teriaca ! Elixir ! Serviziali ! Accorrono d' ogni parte familiari, giardinieri, paggelti, servi, contadini e donne, in disordine. Si interrogano, curiosi. Sta male mia figlia ! Peggiora ! sapetc ? CORO Peggiora ? La nostra padrona ? che dite ? Ahime ! Sentite ! Act I DOCTOR CUPID 31 Then the tears fell in torrents, Robbing her lovely eyes of all their lustre. Then all the colour left her cheeks, She turned white — and — ARNOLFO What?— She died? LiSETTA, hesitating as before. No, but she shook in violent convulsions: So motionless and lifeless is she now. That I dare not hope She will live until the evening! ARNOLFO, in an outburst of agitation. And only now you tell me this? The plagues of hell confound you! Shouting at the top of his voice to those within, rushing breathless to and fro, tvhile Lisetta goes in again. Here, Lelio! Aurelio! Fabrizio! Maurizio! Ilario! Macario! Crispino! Germano! Martino! Silvano! Cirillo! Leone! Vincenzo! Lorenzo! Camillo! Simone! Get the smelling-salts, Lotions, and mixtures. And cordials! Get poultices, Tinctures, injections and leeches! From all sides come rushing in disorder members of the household, gardeners, pages, servants, peasantry, eagerly questioning one another. My poor little daughter is weaker and sinking! SERVANTS AND DEPENDENTS, Crowding in. Much weaker? Our poor little mistress? You mean it? Alas! 32 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° ARNOLFO Dieci, venti, quaranta dottori ! Cento, mille ! i maggiori ! i migliori ! Come frecce partite, volat-e ! Domandate, cercate, girate ! Quanti sien che per via ne incontrate, qua, dottori soUeciti, qua ! Si precipita in casa CORO Cento, mille, duemila dottori ! Come frecce partiamo ! voliamo ! Quanti sien che per via ne incontriamo, qua, dottori solleciti, qua ! Alcuni domestici salgono a cavallo, partendo al galoppo. LiSETTA, dalla terrazzina. Ah ! salvatela ! datele aiuto ! Se ritardano e tempo perduto ! I dottori ! ma presto i dottori ! L' infelice fa proprio pieta ! Rientra. Accorrono, a griippi, dal giardino gli amid. GLI AMICI Ma che chiasso ! Che avvien ? CORO, ai sopraggiunti. Un soqquadro ! una vera rovina ! Se ne muor la gentil padroncina ! GLI AMICI Ah !... ARNOLFO, accorrendo dalla casa. E nessuno che arrivi ? nessuno ? Corro io stesso ! 5" awia harcollante. Dalla destra arrivano farmacisti c garzoni con medicinali, boccette, serviziali. 5' imbattono in Arnolfo, che cade seguito da qiialcuno di loro. Arnolfo rimane ferito ad una mano. ARNOLFO Ah ! Act I DOCTOR CUPID 33 ARNOLFO Twenty, thirty or forty physicians, Hundreds, thousands; the best and the finest! Go like Hghtning and find them and bring them, Go and hunt them in every direction! Dig them out of their holes and drag them hither, All the doctors alive in the world ! But get them at once! He rushes into the house. SERVANTS AND DEPENDENTS Hundreds, thousands and millions of doctors! Quick as lightning we'll find them and bring them! Let us hunt them and drag them all hither, All the doctors alive in the world! Some of the servants leap to their horses and gallop off like mad. LiSETTA, appearing on the terrace. Hasten quickly to bring her assistance, Every moment you waste is so precious! Bring the doctors, but quickly. Lest your mistress be gone when they come. Goes in again. Friends come running in from the garden. FRIENDS Why this uproar? Explain! CHORUS What disaster! How appalling, how tragic, If our dear little mistress should die now! ARNOLFO, running in from the house. Is there no one arrived yet? What, no one? I'll run myself, then! Ah! He staggers off. From the right enter apothecaries and apprentices, with all sorts of mixtures, lotions, etc. Ar- nolfo cannons into them and they fall in a heap. A rnolfo hurts his hand in falling. ARNOLFO Ah! 34 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto P CORO, futti addosso ad Arnolfo con Jazzoletti e bende. Qua filacce ! Qua bende ! Fasciamolo! LiSETTA, accorrendo a liii dalla ferrazza, jingendo grande premura di soccorrcrlo. Ah ! Lo viiol fasciare per forza con nn fazzoletto, tanto per trattenerlo net giardino. Qua Padrone ! la mano vi fascio ! Che disdetta !... Ma no, non vi lascio ! Qua la man ! Anche voi ? Questa e proprio disdetta ! Che diluvio ! la figlia e il papa ! ARNOLFO, divincolandosi. Non importa, non serve ! Tu m' impacci... va via, maledetta ! Lasciami ! Tutto il sangue che 6 adosso vo' perdere ! Voglio andar ! Vo' veder come sta ! CORO Povcr' uom ! che disgrazia ! che orrore ! D'una sorte spietata al furore Questa casa sfasciando si va ! RAGAZZi, accorrono, annunziando. I dottori ! i dottori che arrivano ! Entrano quattro solenni medici, in parrucra e toga nera, con il grande hastone. Traversano la scena, inchinati e saliUati, ed entrano in casa. CORO Riveriti ! Riveriti ! ARNOLFO Ah ! Lucinda ! Cuor mio ! Saluta in fretta i dottori, ed entra in casa correndo. Act I DOCTOR CUPID 35 CHORUS All press round Arnolfo with handkerchiefs. Here's a bandage! Here's ointment! I'll bind the wound! LI SETT A Running from the terrace avd pretending to help Arnolfo up with great solicitude. She makes a great to-do of binding up Arnolfo with a handkerchief and dragging him off to the garden. Ah! — Honoured Master! Let me make a bandage! You, too? How unlucky! Where's your hand? No, no, sir, you shall not go! You as well? This is really too dreadful! Oh, my lord! What misfortune! Both father and child ! ARNOLFO, freeing himself. It is nothing, release me! You annoy me, you impudent baggage! Let me be! Let me lose all my blood, every drop of it ! Let me go and find out how she is! ALL Poor old man ! How distressing, how ghastly ! Ah! Is not fate too relentless? This great house is unlucky indeed! CHILDREN, running in with the news. All the doctors are coming now! The four Doctors come in solemnly, in wig and goivn, carrying long canes. They cross the stage, amid general bowing and scraping, and go into the house. CHORUS Humble greeting! Humble greeting! ARNOLFO. Ah! Lucinda! My darling! He salutes the Doctors hurriedly, and runs indoors. 36 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 1° LiSETTA, sola, al proscenio con malizia. Vo' chiamare il dottor che so io, e guarita Lucinda sara ! Scappa dalla destra allegra. CORO, lamentosamente. Ah ! che colpo atroce ! che saetta ! Ah! misera figliuola ! poveretta ! La gente si river sa per entrare nella casa, seguendo i dottori. I servi li trattengono a stento. Tutti estraggono i faz- zoletti e piangono. TELA Act I DOCTOR CUPID 37 LiSETTA, in the foreground, aside, laughing. I will call in a doctor I know, And Lucinda shall quickly be cured! Disappears, left, with a laugh. CHORUS, dolorously. Ah ! What a calamity ! What a blow ! Oh, poor unhappy daughter! poor young lady! All crowd after the Doctors into the house. Servants try to keep them back. All pull out their handkerchiefs and hurst into tears. CURTAIN ATTO SECONDO Un' ampia e ricca sala in casa di Arnolfo. Al fondo una porta, chiusa da cortine. Alia parete di destra un' altra porta ; sul davanti una finestra. Una finestra alia parete di sinistra. Un oro- logio. La scena e vuota. Alcuni paggi alzano la cortina del fondo, ed entrano meditabondi, con caricata gravita, Tomes, Desfonandres, Macroton, Bahis. I paggi avanzano dei seggioloni, dove i dottori si siedono : offrono ioro cioccolato e liquori. Poi i dottori estraggono la tabacchiere, scambiandosi le prese. Infine i paggetti escono. SCENA PRIMA Rimasti soli i dottori, comincia il consulto. TOMES Colleghi stimatisslmi, grave 1' inferma a un vizio, cioe, " sanguinis ebollitio ,, ! Oportet salassar ! DESFONANDRES Colleghi colendissimi, deir ammalata il male congestio est gastricale ,, ! Emetici a da usar ! MACROTON Colleghi orrevolissimi, " est morbus inflammatio, Vaporum fumigatio ,, ! Necessita purgar ! BAHIS Colleghi ammirandissimi, piena e costei di " humorum cerebri glutinorum ,, ! Tisane a da pigliar ! SECOND ACT A spacious, handsome salon in Arnolfo's house. In the Vnick- ground a curtained door. In the right wall, another door, with a window down stage. In the left wall, a window. A timepiece. The stage is empty. Pages throw back the curtains, ushering in the doctors, Tomes, Desfonandres, Macroton and Bahis, all absurdly solemn. The pages bring forward a chair for each, and the doctors sit. Chocolate and liqueurs are handed round. The doctors pull out their snuff- boxes and exchange pinches of snuff. Finally, the pages go off. FIRST SCENE The Doctors are left alone and the consultation begins. TOMES Most worthy, learned gentlemen, I recommend this remedy: For "sanguinis eboUitio" Our patient should be bled! DESFONANDRES Renowned and honoured gentlemen, I would pronounce the mischief "Congestio gastricale"; A draught should be prescribed. MACROTON Most highly gifted gentlemen, "Est morbus inflammatio, Vaporum fumigatio," And I advise a purge. BAHIS Most marvellous of gentlemen, "Est plena nunc humorum Cerebri glutinorum"; A tonic's what she needs. 40 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto ir TOMES, accendendosi. Mi spiace, ma sostengo : grave 1' inferma ha un vizio : cioe sanguinis ebollitio ! Oportet salassar ! DESFONANDRES, come sopra. Ed io confermo e replico : deir ammalata il male congestio est gastricale : Emetici a da usar ! MACROTON, C. S. Io poi sostengo e peroro : est morbus inflammatio, vaporum fumigatio ! Necessita purgar ! BAHIS, c. s. Un corno !... io grido forte : piena e costei di humorum cerebri glutinorum ! Tisane a da pigliar ! DESFONANDRES, alzausosi, sempre piu accalorandosi. Ma che dite ?... MACROTON, C. S. Non capite ! TOMES, C. S. Vi sbagliate ! BAHIS, c. s. Sragionate ! TOMES Torto avete ! Confondete ! DESFONANDRES Mente ottusa ! MACROTON Gente intrusa ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 41 TOMES, getting heated. Though I regret to differ, Still, I insist respectfully, For sanguinis ebolLtio Our patient should be bled. DESFONANDRES, also getting heated. And I assert yet once again, I'm well assured the mischief Congestio est gastricale: A draught should be prescribed. MACROTON, ditto. And I assert yet once again, Est morbus inflammatio, Vaporum fumigatio, And I advise a purge. BAHis, ditto. And I protest my loudest, Est plena nunc humorum Cerebri glutinorum; A tonic's what she needs. DESFONANDRES Hses, getting more and more heated. Would you dare, Sir? MACROTON, doing likkwise. You know nothing! TOMES, ditto. Silly fellow! BAHIS, ditto. You talk nonsense! TOMES You are wrong. Sir! And you know it! DESFONANDRES Feeble-minded! MACROTON Witless dullard! 42 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° A QUATTRO, gHdando tutti, minacciandosi coi bastoni. Pu !... ridicolo !... profano !... Homo nuUus !... Ciarlatano !... lo so darvi la lezion con la scienza e col bastoii !!.». SCENA SECONDA Dietro le cortine appare Lisetta. Vede i dottori ; fa lui atto d' impazienza. Guarda, sospirando, /' orologio. LISETTA Ancor qui ?... Noiosi or son ! Frusta, frusta i parruccon ! Viene avanti, disinvolta, e si rivolge bruscamente ai dottori, che cessano dal bisticciarsi. E che ?... non si conclude ? La poveretta muor ! Se non sapete niente, non fate i professor ! I QUATTRO, offesi. Oh ! oh !... Che impertinenza ! LISETTA Eh, via ! che siete inutili ! Vi faccio riverenza ! Ma, in tutta confidenza, qui non occorron farmachi : Occorre il bel dottor ! I QUATTRO, pavoneggiandosi. II bel dottor ?... II bel dottor ? ... TOMES, a Lisetta, galantemente, invilandola a venire in mezzo a loro. Venite avanti ! DESFONANDRES, C. S. Prego ! MACROTON, C. S, Di grazia ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 43 ALL, shouting and brandishing their canes threateningly. Pooh! Ridiculous imposter! Homo nullus, medicaster! Go to school again and learn, Get a lesson-book and cane! SECOND SCENE Lisetta appears from behind the curtains. She sees the Doctors and gives signs of impatience. She glances at the clock. LISETTA Not gone yet! The prosy bores! I must rid me of these old fools! Comes forward with easy assurance and reveals herself suddenly to the doctors, who stop squabbling. Come, come! Have you not done yet? My poor young mistress dies! If you can think of nothing. Why all this learned talk? THE DOCTORS, hurt. Oh! oh! This is an insult! LISETTA Now go, you are incompetent! I make you humble courtesy. But, in confidence, I tell you, This is no case for medicine: Her doctor must be a handsome man! THE DOCTORS, preening themselves. A handsome man? — A handsome man? TOMES, gallantly, to Lisetta, inviting her to join them. Come here a moment! DESFONANDRES, SoUcitOUsly. Won't you? MACROTON, insinuatingly. I beg of you ! 44 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° BAHIS, C. S. Per favor ! DESFONANDRES, p/endendo carezzosamente una vrano a Lisetta, studiandola. Exagitatio erotica ! MACROTON, sollevandole il capo, esaminandole gli occhi. Lux vivlda oculorum ! BAHIS, alle spalle di Lisetta, spiandole, attraverso le lenti, il seno. Exorbitatio pectoris ! TOMES, sqiiadrando ilpiedino, cheLisettaagitanervosamente. Et sine requie membra ! I QUATTRO, da se. Ah ! ah ! LISETTA, con fine malizia. lo di latino non ne capisco, ne tanto ambisco ! Nulla 6 studiato, nulla 6 imperato : fo la servetta, e punto li ! {S'inchina.) Ma circondandomi tanta sapienza, con voi nel quintuple gruppo confusa, sento die un fluido quasi magnetico tutti in simpatico senso ci uni. E in un soUetico chiaroveggente temo d' intendervi perfettamente ! I QUATTRO, immobili, tutti infila. In un solletico chiaroveggente Act II DOCTOR CUPID 45 BAHis, coaxingly. Be so kind! DESFONANDRES, pressing Lisetta's hand warmly , and feeling her pulse. Exagitatio erotica! MACROTON, raising her head and examining her eyes. Lux vivida oculorum! BAHIS, peering over Lisetta's shoulder through his eyeglasses. Exorbitatio pectoris! TOMES, eyeing Lisetta's foot, which she twitches nervously. Et sine requie membra! Hm!hm! THE DOCTORS, aside, laughing. LiSETTA, saucily. I do not pretend To learning and Latin, Nor do I want to! I am no student, I am no scholar. Only the servant. And nothing more. {Curtseying) But in the midst of Such wisdom and knowledge, The thought of union With four men of science Tells me that we are united In sympathy; magnetic fluid Runs swift through my veins; Strange and unaccountable Tickling sensations Warn rae and counsel me To keep my distance. THE DOCTORS, motionlcss, in a row. Strange, unaccountable Tickling sensations 46 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto li"^ teme d' intenderci perfettamente ! Ah ! ah ! ah ! LISETTA Intendo, per esempio, che voi altri siete venuti per curar 1' amore ; ed ecco, che s' io resto, poveretti ! il male a voi si attacca ! Ed io che 6 il cuore l)uono, ne so accopar nemmeno un pulce innamorato, che mi pungichi il seno ; vi dico adesso poi : curatevi tra voi ! Scappa, dalla porta alfondo. I dottori hi inseguono eccita- tissimi. I QUATTRO Siste ! siste ! parva puella ! SCENA TERZA ARNOLFO, entrando dal fondo, imhattendosi nci dottori, che si rimettono sidnto in gravita. Ebben, magni dottori, che c' e ?... Qual decision ? TOMES, avanza?idosi verso Arnolfo per primo. Consulimus Hyppocratem ! Costor... Tende la mano chiedere la mercede ; addita con sprezzo i collegia. Arnolfo porge con discrezione a Tomes del dcunro ; cgli Io intasca rapidamente, concludendo : ...son dci buffon ! Esce solennemente dalla deslra. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 47 Warn her and counsel her To keep her distance! Hm! hm! hm! hm! LISETTA The case appears to be That you four doctors Came to this house To find a cure for love, And now if I stay here, Oh, poor wretches, The fever will seize you, too; And I am so soft-hearted, I could not even murder The meanest lovesick flea That dared to sting me in its ardour; So this is my advice— To cure yourselves, or try to cure each other! She flies out through the door at hack. The Doctors, in great excitement, scramble after her. THE DOCTORS Siste! siste! parva puella! THIRD SCENE ARNOLFO, entering at back and colliding with the Doctors, who hastily resume their former air of solemnity. So then, excellent doctors. What news? What is your verdict? TOMES, addresses Arnolfo first. Consulimus Hippocratem! He holds out his hand for his fee. Those three — Arnolfo fees him discreetly. Tomes hastily pockets his fee and concludes: Ignorant fools! Exit solemnly at right. 48 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° DESFONANDRES, cou uguale cofitroscena. Diagnosis nee curatio non son... {intasca il denaro) ...affar per lor ! Esce. MACROTON, C. S. Dixi quod dixi et sufficit ! Longe... {intasca il siio denaro). ...dagl' impostor ! Esce. BAHis, incominciando , Galenus .. Ma 5' interrompe, hishigliando il seguito nelV orecchio d' Arnolfo, che non capisce. Ergo !... Tende con insistenza la mano ; Arnolfo gli porgc il denaro ; egli lo intasca, concludendo : ...Grazie, signor ! Raggiimge frettoloso i colleghi. ARNOLFO, stordito. Che cos' a detto ? Gli grida dietro. Fermalo ! Brigante d' un dottor ! Z rinccrre. SCENA QUARTA Dalla porta di mezzo avanzano Lisetta e Clitandro, ca- muffato da dottor e ; dalla toga aperta traspare /' abito di cavalier e : a in mano il berretto nero. CLITANDRO, <2 Lisetta. Eh ? che ne dici ? Va ben cosi ? LISETTA Ssss !... Indicandogli di tacere, va a vedere in punta di piedi dalla parte da cui e uscito Arnolfo, poi torna. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 49 DESFONANDRES, goes through similiar antics. Diagnosis, nee curatio, — Those three — no use at all! Pockets his fee and goes out. MACROTON, as above. Dixi quod dixi — et sufficit! Those three — are quacks and frauds! Pockets his fee and goes. BAHis, approaching Arnolfo cautiously. Galenus — Breaks off and whispers to Arnolfo, who does not under- stand. Ergo— He holds out his hand pointedly: Arnolfo gives money, which Bahis pockets. Thanks, honoured sir! He hurries off to join his colleagues. ARNOLFO, bewildered. What did he tell me? ah! Pursues him, shouting: Stop that man! The buccaneering shark! Goes off after Bahis. FOURTH SCENE Lisetta comes in at the other door, with Clitandro dressed up as a doctor: his open gown betrays his cavalier's dress underneath: he carries a black cap in his hand. CLITANDRO, to Lisetta. Well, shall I do? Is this correct? LISETTA Sh-h-h-h! She motions to him to be silent, steals to the door by which Arnolfo went out, and then returns. 50 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° CLITANDRO Per un dottore passar potro ? LI SETT A Siete d' incanto !... Indicandogli la porta di mezzo. Ma dentro li ! CLITANDRO, con Ml moto d' impazienza. Ancora ? LISETTA, imperiosa. Oh insomma !... CLITANDRO Pazientero. Sei tan to buona ! LISETTA, rahbonita, sorridendo. Non c' e di che ! Sospirando, con graziosa canzonatiira. Oh amore ! amore ! CLITANDRO, che 6 uscito, fjccndo capolino dalle cortine. Amore ! LISETTA, udendo dei pas si, dalla destra, a Clitandro, per che si nasconda. La ! Ve' ! Clitandro torna a celarsi ; Lisetta, con le mani dietro il dor so, si pone contra la porta, fingendo indifferenza. SCENA QUINTA ARNOLFO, ritorna seccato, sbuffando, dalla destra. Cento Luigi, spesi inutilmente... e ancora non so niente ! LISETTA, andandogli incontro hirichina, constringendolo a hallare con lei. Su, allegro, padrone ! Danzate ! cantata ! La la, la la I Act II DOCTOR CUPID 51 CLITANDRO Shall I pass for a doctor now? LISETTA Simply enchanting! Pointing to door at back. But go in there. CLITANDRO, with a gesture of impatience. More waiting? i LISETTA, sharply. Now, quickly! CLITANDRO Well, if I must— You're so good-natured! LISETTA, mollified, smiling. It is not hard. Sighing, with a light touch of pleasantry. Oh, love! love! CLITANDRO, who has gone out, pokes his head through the curtaiyis. Oh, love! LISETTA, hearing footsteps on the right, motions Clitandro to hide. Quick! Hide! Clitandro hides. Lisetta, with her hands behind her back stands against the door, in an attitude of assumed in- difference. FIFTH SCENE ARNOLFO, returning, annoyed and out of breath, right. A hundred louis thrown away like pebbles, And stiil I am no wiser! LISETTA, jauntily approaching him, and forcing him to dance with her. Come, good master, Make merry with dancing and singing! La, la, la, la! 52 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° ARNOLFO, svincolandosi infastidito. Ma, dico... Lisetta ? LiSETTA, con gran gioia. La pena e finita ! Lucinda e guarita ! ARNOLFO, colpito vivamente, non osando credere. Che?! LISETTA V 6 pescato un medico ! II fior dei medici, il re dei medici ! Fa dei miracoli ! ARNOLFO All ! dov' e ?... dov' e ? LISETTA L' Q condotto con me ! ARNOLFO, serrandole le mani tra le sue, con riconoscenza. Cara Lisetta ! Grazie ! LISETTA, in ascolto. Silenzio !... E lui ! Con importanza. II dottor Codignac ! ARNOLFO, ripetendo il nome ignoto, con ammirazione cieca. Codignac ! Si avvia, per riceverlo, verso il fondo. SCENA SESTA Clitandro solleva le cor tine ed avanza, camuffato perfetta- mente da dottore. A al hraccio due piccoli canestri di vimini, che depone, entrando. Inchina profondamente Arnolfo. CLITANDRO Salvete ! ARNOLFO, imitandolo goffamente. Salvetote ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 53 ARNOLFO, irritably, trying to free himself. Make merry? — Lisetta? LISETTA, in great joy. Our troubles are ended, Lucinda will recover! ARNOLFO, astounded, scarcely daring to believe the news. What? LISETTA I have found a doctor! The prince of doctors. The king of doctors! Perfectly marvellous! ARNOLFO Ah! But where? Yes, where? LISETTA He is here in this house! ARNOLFO, squeezing her hands in gratitude. Dearest Lisetta! Thank you! LISETTA, listening. Now listen! And wait: Importantly. , It is Doctor Codignac! ARNOLFO, repeating the strange name, in blind admiration. Codignac! Goes toward the back, to receive him. SIXTH SCENE Clitandro lifts the curtains and comes forward, quite the doctor. He carries two small baskets, which he puts down as he enters. CLITANDRO, bowing low. Sal vete ! ARNOLFO, following his example awkwardly. Salvetote ! 54 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF CLITANDRO, Hpetendo V inchino, con piil solennitd. Munifico signore, ricolmo d' ogni dote ! ARNOLFO Grandissimo dottore, di qualita ben note ! CLITANDRO Salvete ! ARNOLFO Salvetote ! 6" inchinano ancora. Arnolfo intanto si appressa a Lisetta e le dice, quasi alV orecchio, additandole Clilandro : Giovane molto... LISETTA, piano ad Arnolfo, accompagnando la frase con il gesto. Eh ! storie ! Non sta il saper nell' epa ! ARNOLFO, ancora un po' dijfidente. Capisco... Eppure... LISETTA, tra se. Crepa ! Si ritira alfondo, godendosela. Che ridere !... Ah ! ah ! ARNOLFO, scrolla le spalle, ricomincia gli inchini. Dottore ! Salvetote ! CLITANDRO, sccoudandolo. Mio signore ! Salvete ! ARNOLFO, a la schiena indolenzita dai troppi inchini ; invila Clilandro a sedersi. Prego ! CLITANDRO, C. S. Prego ! Si siedono. A RNOLFO Ebben... Act II DOCTOR CUPID 55 CLITANDRO, bowing again, with increased solemnity. Most generous of patrons, Endowed with every blessing! ARNOLFO Oh, most renowned of doctors, Famous the wide world over! CLITANDRO, howing again. Salvete ! ARNOLFO Salvetote! He turns to Lisetta, and whispers to her, indicating Clitandro. Quite slim and youthful! LISETTA, in a low voice to Arnolfo, with a meaning gesture. Oh, come now, the brain's not in the stomach! ARNOLFO, still slightly mistrustful. Perhaps not, yet somehow — LISETTA, aside. Booby! Ridiculous! Ha, ha! She goes to the back laughing to herself. ARNOLFO, more bowing. Great doctor! Salvetote! CLITANDRO Your obedient! Salvete! ARNOLFO, whose back aches from all the bowing, invites Clitandro to sit. Sit, Sir! CLITANDRO, inviting Arnolfo to sit first. You, Sir! They seat themselves. ARNOLFO Now! 56 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IP CLITANDRO, disiflVoUo. Mio buon amico, in me vedete un medico di quelli eccezionali. LiSETTA, dietro Clitandro, appoggiata alio schenale della sua poUrona. Gia ! CLITANDRO Abborro i vecchi metodi, per la mia strada io vo ! Arnolfo segue attentamente it discorso ; Lisetta sottolinea e approva. Purghe, salassi, pillole, decotti, serviziali... tutti rimedi empirici, a cui valor non do ! Si falla nelle basi ! Sol io me ne persuasi ! II corpo in prima linea ? Ma che, signor, ma che ? Io son dottor dell' anima, O i miei criteri a me 1 ARNOLFO, sofferermandosi a guardare le due ceste di vimini; alzandosi : E... perdon ! che contengono quelle due ceste ? CLITANDRO Fiori. ARNOLFO, sorpreso. Fiori ? CLITANDRO Di tutti i generi e di tutti i colori. Con espressivo gesto misterioso, alzandosi. r anima ad attirar ! Arnolfo volge alle ceste uno sguardo pieno di religioso stupore. ARNOLFO Ah, si ? Act n DOCTOR CUPID 57 CLITAKDRO, affably. Most worthy magnate! In me you see a doctor Of most uncommon order. LISETTA, behind Clitandro, leaning against his chair. Yes. CLITANDRO Despising old-fashioned methods, I take the path I choose! Arnolfo follows attentively, Lisetta punctuates and nods approval. Physics and salts and antidotes, Specifics and all nostrums — All the old tricks of quackery — Will do more harm than good. Fallacious, a priori — Which I alone discovered. Are all diseases bodily? Not so, my lord, not so! Know then, I'm the doctor of hearts in pain. The secret's mine alone. ARNOLFO, catching sight of the two baskets and jumping up. Pray forgive me, may I ask What is in those two baskets? CLITANDRO Flowers. ARNOLFO, surprised. Flowers? CLITANDRO Of every sort and kind, Every pattern and colour, With weird, mysterious gestures, rising. Spells to charm and win the heart. ARNOLFO, gazing at the baskets in superstitious awe. Ah! Yes! 58 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF LiSETTA, da se. Ora e il momento ! La faccio qui portar ! Scivola via dal fondo. Clitandro 5' avvicina con s guar do ipnotizzante, facendo dei ^esti cabalistici verso Arnolfo, die istintivamente retrocede. CLITANDRO Cifre, esorcismi, musiche ; anelli costellati da talismani magici, agir con arte io fo. Con tuono tutto affatto diver so, dolcissimo. Ma i fiori incanti esalano arcani innumerati, e in lor potenza mistica il genio mio trovo. Prende da un cesto un fiore e ne adorna il panciotto d' Ar- nolfo. Si falla nelle basi ! Sol io mi persuasi ! II corpo in prima linea ? Ma che, signor, ma che ? Gli misura al ventre un piccolo colpctto confidenziale. Io son dottor dell' anima, ne 6 tutti i miei perche ! ARNOLFO, come intontito. Voi siete una grand' aquila, In mia fe ! SCENA SETTIMA LISETTA, sollevando le cortine, col dito sidle labbra. Ssss ! ... Attesa trepida di Clitandro. Ridicolo commozionedi Arnolfo. Lucinda, vestita di bianco, il capo affondato nei guanciali, t portata innanzi sopra un seggiolotie, dai paggi e Act II DOCTOR CUPID 59 LISETTA, aside. Now is the moment To bring her in here! Disappears through door at hack. Clitandro approaches Arnolfo as if to hypnotise him with cabalistic gestures and passes. Arnolfo instinctively recedes. CLITANDRO Cipher, incantation, amulet. And horoscope and philtre, Magical rune and talisman, All serve my mystic art. With a sudden change to tenderness. All blossoms conceal, in witching store of perfume, Charms none may number; and here I bring you mystical signs of pow'r, Unknown to others, but brought to light By my wondrous skill. He takes out a flower and sticks it in Arnolfo' s waistcoat. Fallacious a priori. As I alone discovered. Are all diseases bodily? Not so, my lord, not so! He gives him a playful confidential tap on the chest. As doctor of hearts in pain, I've never lost one case. ARNOLFO, stupefied. Stupendous giant, king of men. No mightier was ever born, I declare. SEVENTH SCENE LISETTA, raising the curtain, with a finger on her lips. Sh-h-h! Clitandro is tremulous with anticipation, Arnolfo ahsurdedly excited. Liicinda, dressed in white, her head supported by cushions, is brought in on an armchair, by pages and an elderly 60 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IP da tin vecchio servo. Poi il servo esce, riportando presso Lucinda tin tavolo ingombro di boccette, di tazze, di barattoli, di medicinali, s' inchina e va. Clitandro e Lucinda si guardano furtivamente, sospirando. ARNOLFO, ai servi mentre trasportano Lucinda. Piano, piano, poveretta ! Si rasciuga una lacrima. LiSETTA, furbescamente. Ecco qua 1' ammalata ! ARNOLFO, accostandosi a Lucinda, amorosamente. Mia piccina !... Tesoro !... Sappi che t' 6 chiamato un nuovo medico, il fior dei medici, ii re dei medici !... Additandole Clitandro. il dottor Codignac ! LUCINDA, sillabando sospirosamente, con intentione. Ah !... Co — di — gnac !... Riaffonda il capo tra i guanciali. LISETTA, attirando a se Arnolfo, per allontanarlo da Lucinda ; piano. Noi la in fondo !... ARNOLFO, sorpreso, a bassa voce. Perche ? LISETTA Perche sovente i dottori an da fare domande a le ragazze, che gli uomini non debbono ascoltare. ARNOLFO, convinto. E vero ! e vero ! Clitandro 5' affaccende a studiare i fiori, contemplandoli, come investigandone V occulta potenza. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 61 manservant, The servant places on a table near Lucinda cups, phials, medicines, etc.; he bows and retires. Clitan- dro and Lucinda eye one another surreptitiously, sighing. ARNOLFO, to the servants carrying Lucinda. Gently! Gently! My poor darling! Wiping away a tear. LISETTA, mischievously. Here you see our poor patient! ARNOLFO, approaching Lucinda, affectionately. My beloved, my treasure! Look, little darling, Here is your new doctor, The prince of doctors, The king of doctors, Presenting Clitandro. The great Doctor Codignac! LUCINDA, sighing, with intentionally slow repetition. Ah! Co-di-gnac! Sinks back again on the cushions. LISETTA, aside to Arnolfo, drawing him away from Lucinda. We must retire! ARNOLFO, surprised, in a low voice. But why? LISETTA Because a doctor Sometimes has to ask Certain question of a lady That cannot well be answered in men's hearing. ARNOLFO, convinced. You're right! You're right! Clitandro affects to study the flowers, as though considering their occult virtues. 62 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° LISETTA, conducendo Arnolfo a tin tavolo da giiioco. Un partita ? ARNOLFO, svogliato. Son distratto ! LISETTA, tentandolo, graziosamente. Sta a veder che vi do lo scaccomatto ? Affaccendandosi a preparare la partita. Ecco qua. Le pedine... il tavolinc... Sediam... Comincia il giuoco ! V obbliga a sedere al tavolino : giocano agli scacchi. Ar- nolfo si sofferma, distratto, Lisetta lo chiama. A voi !... ARNOLFO, seccato. Se non 6 voglia ! LISETTA Evvia ! Tra se. Cocciuto ! ARNOLFO, movendo, con mala grazia, una pedina. La ! LISETTA, fingendo di ammirare la mossa di Arnolfo. Oh ! Oh ! Ed or che mossa faccio . Intanto Clitandro si e appressato a Lucinda, affissandola Inngamente. CLITANDRO, prendendo una mano a Lucinda. Manus subtiles ! Sfiorandole lievemcnte la f route colle dita. Lineas exiles ! Sfiorandole i capelli sciolti. Capillorum suavitas ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 6S LI SETT A, leading Arnolfo to a chess-table. A little game? ARNOLFO, out of hiimor. My mind wanders. LiSETTA, tempting him playfully. Will you wager that I cannot mate you? Arranging the hoard. King and queen — pawns and bishops — And knights and castles: — Sit down. Forces him to sit at the table. You make first move! Lisetta and Arnolfo play chess. LISETTA, rousing Arnolfo from listlessness. Your move! ARNOLFO, bored. No, it is tedious. LISETTA Play oni Aside. The blockhead ! ARNOLFO, moving a piece ill-humouredly. Theie ! LISETTA, pretending to admire Arnolfo' s move. Oh! Oh! And now — what shall my move be? Meanwhile Clitandro has sloivly approached Lucinda. They look at each other lovingly. CLITANDRO, taking Lucinda's hand. Manus subtiles! Passing a hand over her forehead. Lineas exiles! Running his fingers through her hair. Capillorum suavitas! 64 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IP LiSETTA, giocando. Soffio r alfier ! — Cavallo avanti ! ARNOLFO, stanco. Basta ! LISETTA Perche ? Se siete sul piu bello ? ARNOLFO Uff ! Clitandro trae dalle ceste fiori in quantita e li sparge in giro a Lucinda ; gliene adorna i capelli e le inani ; le gira lentamente intorno, come se eseguisse una danza ieratica ; solleva le braccia, esclamando con solennita come esorcizzando : CLITANDRO. Salus ! Robur ! Resurgite in puella ! ARNOLFO, attirato dallafrase e dal gesto di Clitandro, piano a Lisetta. Ed or che fa ? che dice ? LISETTA, piano. Le sta piegando 1' anima ai suoi volar, per averla ubbidiente ! Capita ? ARNOLFO, meravigliato . Bagattella ! CLITANDRO, appressandosi a Lucinda e parlandole al- Vorecchio, sommessamente, con somma tenerezza. E sara ver ch' io stia accanto a voi cosi ? LUCINDA, rispondendogli con un hishiglio amoroso. E sark ver che gli occhi io fissi in voi cosi ? A DUE O desiato istante, sospir d' un cuore amante ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 65 LiSETTA, playing. Bishop away! — Your knight's in danger! ARNOLFO, tired. Stop now. LISETTA Why stop? You're very near to winning. ARNOLFO Pshaw! Clitandro takes a quantity of floivers from his baskets and drops them into Lucinda's lap. He scatters them in a circle, showers them on her hair and hands. Meanwhile he makes mystic gyrations round her. Raising his arms solemnly, as if exorcising a spirit: CLITANDRO Salus! Robur! Resurgite in puella! ARNOLFO, attracted by Clitandro's phrases and gestures, whispers to Lisetta: What does he mean by that? LISETTA, softly. He does that to mould her spirit To his will and make her obey him; You see now? ARNOLFO, marvelling. Very curious! CLITANDRO, coming close to Lucinda and whispering with great tenderness. Can it be true that I am near you. And stand here by your side? LUCINDA, answering him in a low whisper of passion. Can it be true that I see you, And gaze in your dear eyes? BOTH Supreme and blissful moment, Two loving hearts together! 66 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11" ARNOLFO, inforcando gli occhiali, alzandosi, per meglio osservare i due amanti. Ma mi par che adagio adagio il dottor le s' avvicini oltre ai debiti confini che la scienza gli assegno ! LiSETTA, trattenendolo. Ma... padrone, che dite ? Ma che ? Egli studia a suo bell' agio deir inferma i lineamenti ; operare dei portenti senza studio non si puo. CLITANDRO Ah, cara !... Oh non terreno fascino ! LUCINDA Oh magica poesia ! CLITANDRO Potervi dire alfine quanto io v' amo ! LUCINDA Deh, proseguite, angelo, il tenero linguaggio che il cor raggiar mi fa ! ARNOLFO, impaziente. Oh! ma insomma, io non permetto ! LISETTA, sforzandosi a rattenere Arnolfo. Ma giocate !... State qua ! Nella lotta gli strappa un hottone. Un botton ! ARNOLFO, respingendola. Che fa ? Attacarlo si dovr^ ! LISETTA, ostinata. Cospetto ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 67 ARNOLFO, putting on his glasses and standing up to get a better view of the lovers. But it seems that imperceptibly The doctor's getting near her, And is undertaking duties That are quite outside his sphere! LiSETTA, holding Arnolfo back. Sir, I beg you to trust him; He is studying the beauty And the outUne of the patient, For a diagnosis Made without long study is a fraud. CLITANDRO Loved one! No earthly gift is mine to-day. LUCINDA Divine and sweet enchantment! CLITANDRO My life's too short to tell how much I love you! LUCINDA Whisper again, dear love of mine, Those tender vows of passion That make my heart so glad! ARNOLFO, impatiently. This must end, it is not seemly! LISETTA, trying to hold Arnolfo back. Go on playing! Wait awhile! A button comes off in the struggle. Look, a button! ARNOLFO, pushing Lisetta away. Let go} LISETTA, nothing daunted. Disgraceful ! I must sew it on again! 68 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IP Lo trascina per V abito ; prende da un cesto ago e filo e si mette ad attaccargli il bottom. Pensate che gran gioia per me, signor, per voi, se coi segreti suoi guarir ve la far^ ! ARNOLFO, guardando Lucinda, rassiciirandosi a -mano a mano. Difatti... alle sue guancie ritorna il bel colore ! Che gioia !... e che dottore, se me la guarira ! ARNOLFO e LISETTA Ah, sola la speranza intenerir mi fa ! CLITANDRO e LUCINDA Sembra ai miei sguardi il mondo beato sol di te ! O sogno mio giocondo ! II ciel si schiude a me ! ARNOLFO, avvicinandosi a Clitandro, traendolo delicata- mente in disparte. E cosi, che ne dite ? CLITANDRO, cou naturaUzza. Semplicissimo ! II male sta nell' anima. Una maligna ubbia ! Un chiodo ! Un' ossessione : volersi maritare ! Poveretta! Che voglia malinconica ! Si puo esser piu gruUi di cosi ? ARNOLFO, tra se. Gran testa quadra ! CLITANDRO, con caHcata serietd. Pero il caso ^ grave ! Exulceratio cordis ! Guai se s' indugia ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 69 Lisetta pulls Arnolfo by his coat: taking needle and thread from a basket, she sews on the button. Oh, think of the rejoicing For you and me, good master, If his mysterious magic Restore her health once more. ARNOLFO, watching Lucinda, and gradually reassuring himself. Now surely she is reviving. Her cheeks are red and glowing! What rapture, if this doctor Restore her health once more! LISETTA AND ARNOLFO Ah ! Though so faint and slender. The hope gives me new life. CLITANDRO AND LUCINDA Love, you turn all to enchantment, With you alone is joy! Oh, fair and glorious vision, The gates of heav'n unfold! ARNOLFO, approaching Clitandro, and discreetly taking him aside. And now, your opinion? CLITANDRO, carclessly. Very simple. The trouble's purely mental ; Hallucination, delusion! A strange obsession: She hankers after marriage! Ah, poor lady! A strange idea of happiness! How can people have so little sense? ARNOLFO, aside. A man of wisdom! CLITANDRO, with assumed serioicsness. But still it is serious: Exulceratio cordis Kills if neglected. 70 L'AMORE MEDICO Alto 11° ARNOLFO, con affano. Ahime ! CLITANDRO, sentenzialmetite. Recipe : fingere d' assecondarla ! Prende a hraccetto Arnolfo, passeggiando in sii e in giii al suo fianco. lo gia le dissi dolci paroline ; le sospirai d' amor : ed ecco, subito Sbirciando Lucinda e cost fa anche Arnolfo. ella rivive, il volto le si imporpora, e le splendono gli occhi. ARNOLFO, raggiante. Ah ! CLITANDRO Se credete, continuo ! Permettete ? ARNOLFO Vi permetto sicuro : proseguite ! CLITANDRO Mi date carta bianca ? ARNOLFO Ma bianchissima ! CLITANDRO E allor la piu sicura e darle a credere... che me la vo' sposare addirittura ! ARNOLFO, esultante. Trionfo ! CLITANDRO Garantisco : Scandendo le sillahe. io, con siffatta pilloletta in core, in due di la guarisco. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 71 ARNOLFO, with a gasp. Alas! CLITANDRO, oracularly. Recipe: Make pretence, Indulge her fancy. Taking Arnolfo by the arm and walking him up and down. Just now I made her soft and pretty speeches, Whispered and sighed of love; — now watch her. Look at her, see how she brightens. Eyeing Lucinda; A rnolfo does the same. Her face regains its colouring. And her eyes their old sparkle. ARNOLFO, radiant. Ah! CLITANDRO You believe me? You wish it? May I continue? ARNOLFO I believe you and wish it, So continue. CLITANDRO You trust to me entirely? ARNOLFO Most undoubtedly! CLITANDRO Well then, to solve this problem, We must make her believe — That I desire to marry her this instant. ARNOLFO, gleefully. A triumph! CLITANDRO On my honour! Syllable by syllable. Trust her to me. Let me prescribe the treatment: In two days I will cure her. 72 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° ARNOLFO, rasciugandosi una lagrima. Ah !... CLITANDRO In quanto al poi... ARNOLFO, ancora commosso. Che serve ? Non e mica difficile ! Una volta guarita, si svela la commedia... ed e finita. CLITANDRO, assenteudo. Cosi ! ARNOLFO, stringendogli la mano. Grazie di cuore ! CLITANDRO Figuratevi ! Andando verso Lucinda. Damigella, sappiate... ARNOLFO Lucinda, sappi... CLITANDRO, ititerrompendolo , sottovoce. (Parlerete dopo ! Or tocca a me !) A Lucinda, chiaramente. Sappiate, damigella, Ch' io non sono dottore... ARNOLFO, come tra se, forte. Egli non e dottore ! CLITANDRO, mentre Amolfo assente ad ogni sua parola ...ma mi son travestito da dottore per introdurmi in casa sino a voi e potervi parlar liberamente. LisETTA, stupita, distratta. Eh ! ARNOLFO, tra se, trattenendo le risa. E ci crede ! Che sciocca ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 73 ARNOLFO, mopping up his tears. Oh! CLITANDRO And after that — ARNOLFO, still agitated. Be easy! It should not be so difficuh. • When the cure is effected The farce will be ended — and soon forgotten. CLITANDRO, agreeing. Of course! ARNOLFO, grasping his hand. How can I thank you? CLITANDRO Quite a pleasure! Going towards Lucinda. Dear young lady, allow me — ARNOLFO Lucinda, listen— CLITANDRO, in an undertone, interrupting him. You can talk later! Let me speak now. To Lucinda, with great deliberation. Allow me to inform you That I am not a doctor — ARNOLFO, half to himself. No, he IS not a doctor. CLITANDRO, while Arnolfo punctuates every word with a nod. — But I make this pretence to be a doctor, That I may be admitted to your presence And exchange words with you, free from all hindrance. LISETTA, startled and scared. Eh? ARNOLFO, aside, surpressing a laugh. She believes him. The ninny! 74 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF CLITANDRO, continuatido . Damigella, io v' adoro e, se credete... son vostro sposo. ARNOLFO, die non pud piii tacere, con enfasi. E tuo papa acconsente ! LUCINDA, balzando in piedi., Dassenno ? LI SETT A, hattendo le niani. Evviva ! ARNOLFO, tra se. Che sciocca ! che sciocca ! LUCINDA, ad Arnolfo. Ed e possibile ? ARNOLFO Signora, si ! LUCINDA Proprio sul serio ? ARNOLFO Signora, si ! LUCINDA, a Clitandro. Che ? Voi m' amate ? CLITANDRO Di tutto cuor ! LUCINDA, ad Arnolfo. E acconsentite ? ARNOLFO Senza timor ! LUCINDA, infantilmente. Ma il contralto vogl' io ! ARNOLFO, a Clitandro, turbato. To' !... come fare ? Act II DOCTOR CUPID 75 CLiTANDRO, Continuing. Sweet young lady, I love you, And if you wish it, I'll be your husband. ARNOLFO, unable to hold his tongue, with emphasis. And with your father's blessing! LUCINDA, springing to her feet. My husband? LiSETTA, clapping her hands. A triumph! ARNOLFO, aside. The ninny, the ninny! LUCINDA, to Arnolfo. Can it be possible? ARNOLFO It is, my child! LUCINDA Really and truly? ARNOLFO It is, my child! LUCINDA, to Clitandro. What? Do you love me? CLITANDRO With all my heart! LUCINDA, to Arnolfo. You give consent, too? ARNOLFO Bless you, my child! LUCINDA, naively. There's a contract to sign! ARNOLFO, to Clitandro, in dismay. Yes! — Think of something! 76 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IP CLiTANDRO, piatio, ad Arnolfo. O r uomo che mi scrive le ricette ! Quelle potrebbe... ARNOLFO, terminando il discorso. ...funger da notaro ! CLITANDRO Evviva ! ARNOLFO Secondiamola ! CLITANDRO, audando alia finestra, chiamando : Ehi, la ! Signer Agapito ! LUCINDA, hattendo i piedi. II contratto ! ARNOLFO, a Lucinda, allegramente. Sicuro ! C e il notaro ! CLITANDRO Venite ! LUCINDA, abbracciando Arnolfo. O caro ! o giubilo ! Non reggo piu ! Tutto il mio spasimo un sogno fu ! ARNOLFO, stringendola a se. Si ! care mie viscere, salva sei tu ! con questa trappola non muori piu. LiSETTA, gettando dalla finestra le medicine. Giu, gill, barattoli, boccette, giu 1 La padroncina non muore piu. CLITANDRO, C. S. Ehi ! Signor Agapito ! Presto ! Un contratto ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 11 CLITANDRO, aside to Arnolfo. My man is here who keeps my books and letters. He might assist us — ARNOLFO, finishing the sentence. Posing as the lawyer ! CLITANDRO Ah, splendid! ARNOLFO Let us call him in! CLITANDRO, going to the window and calling. Here, you! Signor Agapito! LUCINDA, stamping her foot. Where's the contract? ARNOLFO, gaily, to Lucinda. All ready! Here's the lawyer! CLITANDRO Come here, sir! LUCINDA, embracing Arnolfo. Oh, perfect happiness, Past all belief! All my pain melts away Like a dream at dawn! ARNOLFO, embracing Lucinda. Yes, my own, my darling one! You are quite well! The danger's over now, I fear no more. LISETTA Flings the medicines out of the window. There! There! Away with you, you noxious drugs! My mistress lives now, In joy once more! CLITANDRO Here! Signor Agapito! Quick with the contract! 78 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF Animo ! Ratto ! Venite su ! TUTTI Un giorno simile non torna piu ! Lisetta chiama due paggi, die porto.no V abito di Lucinda ; cL preso un paravento e vi nasconde Lucinda, aiutandola a vestirsi V abito da festa. I paggi vanno e vengono, affaccendati a portare le robe di Lucinda. Lucinda lascia fare, contenta ; va e viene dal paravento alia scena. SCENA OTTAVIA 5" avanza it Notaro, un vecchio originate, dalla voce stentorea, armato di grossi scartafacci. IL NOTARO, complimentoso Ossequio a tutti I ARNOLFO e CLITANDRO Salute a lei I ARNOLFO Si tratta • • • IL NOTARO So! ARNOLFO, indicando lo scrittoio. Ecco da scrivere... IL NOTARO, sedendo. Pronto ! CLITANDRO, gettandosi a sedere sulla poltrona di Lucinda, baciando i cuscini,felice. Oh delizia ! ARNOLFO Id detter6 ! Cammina su e giU, dettando con importanza. La mia figliuola Lucinda... IL NOTARO, scrivendo velocemente. Fatto ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID 79 Come up at once! Hurry now, faster, faster! ALL TOGETHER More perfect day of joy Never was known! Lisetta calls two pages, who bring Lucinda's clothes. She hides Lucinda behind a screen, and decks her out in gay attire. The pages run in and out with Lucinda s garments. Lucinda contentedly submits. A constant buzz of movement to and from the screen. EIGHTH SCENE The Notary comes in, a quaint old fossil, with a stentorian voice: he carries bundles of papers. NOTARY, with polite gravity. Your humble servant! CLITANDRO AND ARNOLFO Most worthy man! ARNOLFO The business — NOTARY Yes! ARNOLFO, pointing to the writing-table. Sit there, and write. NOTARY, sitting. Ready ! CLITANDRO, throwing himself on Lucinda s chair, hugging and kissing the cushions in delight. Joy and rapture! ARNOLFO I will dictate. Walks back and forth, dictating pompously. My well-loved daughter Lucinda — NOTARY, writing very fast. — 'cinda 80 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° ARNOLFO, si meraviglia, poi continua a passeggiare. E il gran dottore... IL NOTARO Lo so, lo so ! ARNOLFO Meta de' beni... IL NOTARO (// meravigliato stavoUa e il Notaro!) Meti... ARNOLFO, a Clitandro. L' anello ! Clitandro offre a Lucinda un ricco annello e glielo pone in dito. LUCINDA e LiSETTA, ammirando l' anello. Bello ! IL NOTARO, a Clitandro e Lucinda. Le firme ! II Notaro va afarfirmare ilfoglio daLucinda e da Clitandro. LUCINDA e CLITANDRO Fatto ! ARNOLFO, strizzando V occhie, a Clitandro. Si vola ! CLITANDRO, ad Amolfo sottovoce. Tutto per ridere ! ARNOLFO, cercando di assumere un' intonazione solenne ; congiungendo le mani di Clitandro e di Lucinda. Sposi, v' unisco ! Stende le mani sul loro capo, in atto di benedizione. Che il ciel felici vi possa far ! LISETTA, con compunziojie comica. Amen ! II Notaro si avvicina a Clitandro ; gli porge il contralto, che Clitandro sollecitamente intasca. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 81 ARNOLFO, stops in surprise, then continues pacing up and down. And this great doctor — NOTARY I know, I know! ARNOLFO One-half my property — NOTARY, surprised in his turn. One-half. ARNOLFO, to Clitandro. The ring, Sir! Clitandro places a handsome ring on Lucinda's finger. LiSETTA AND LUCINDA, admiring the ring. Lovely ! NOTARY, rising, to Clitandro and Lucinda. Now sign your names. The Notary makes Lucinda and Clitandro sign in turn. LUCINDA AND CLITANDRO All done! ARNOLFO, winking at Clitandro. Like lightning! CLITANDRO, to Amolfo, tinder his breath. All for a jest, you know. ARNOLFO, in solemn tones, joining Lucinda and Clitandro' s hands. Children, my blessing! Stretching out his hands in benediction. May heaven guard you through all your life! LISETTA, with comical misgivings. Amen! The Notary hands the contract to Clitandro, who pockets it carefully. 82 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF IL NOTARO Fatto ! Fatto ! LUCINDA, graziosamente a Clitandro. Siete dottor dell' anima ! Da dubitar non v' e ! CLITANDRO Sono dottor dell' anima ! Da dubitar non v' c ! LISETTA, ARNOLFO II, NOTARO Egli e dottor dell' anima, A i suoi criteri a se ! SCENA ULTIMA Dal fondo avanzano musici, ballerini, danzatrici. Ai- tratti dal rumore Jestoso accorrono i Jnmiliari. Grnnde meraviglia di tutti. ARNOLFO, che non romprende, si rivolge a Clitandro, in- terrogandolo. Che roba e qiiesta ? CLITANDRO Niente ! Son musici e ballerini, per tripudiar ! ARNOLFO Ma voi... CLITANDRO Ne 6 sempre al mio servizio, gl' infermi spiriti a rallegrar ! ARNOLFO, convinto. Che testa !... Alia gente che entra a mano a mano. Avanti ! Ma che legion ! Act II DOCTOR CUPID NOTARY All done! 83 LUCiNDA, prettily, to Clitandro. My heart is cured by you alone! Is cured by you alone! CLITANDRO Her heart is cured by me alone, No man can doubt this truth! LISETTA, ARNOLFO, NOTARY. This man can cure the heart in pain, The secret's his alone. NINTH SCENE Musicians and dancers enter at hack; attracted by the music, the household assembles. All are greatly astonished. ARNOLFO, not understanding, questions Clitandro. What is this fooling? CLITANDRO Nothing; — some dancers, A few musicians to wish us joy. ARNOLFO Then you — CLITANDRO I keep them in my service. To drive the dumps away And cheer sad hearts. ARNOLFO, satisfied. A genius! To the people streaming in. Gome in then! But what a crowd! 84 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto IF A I colnw della soddisfazione, a Clitandro. Cane d' un medico ! Qua qua un bacion !! Abhraccia e bacia Clitandro, che sorride trionfante. Dan- zetta di ballerine piccole, che riescono a distrarre Arnolfo, che le guarda ballare, felice. Frattanto i paggi adornano Lucinda di gioielli. Musici e FAMILIARI, trattenendo r stento le risa. Sor Arnolfo, molto ben ! Esemplare d' un papa ! Nozze e feste in un balen f Ah ah ah ah ah ah ! ARNOLFO, godendosela, col Notaro. Qui ciascun per fermo tien che sul serio qui si fa ! Nozze e feste in un balen ! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ! LUCINDA, a Lisetta e Clitandro , compassionand o sun padre. lo ne 6 rimorso ! Mi fa pieta 1 CLITANDRO Dell, non pensiamoci ! Perdonera ! LISETTA Eh, non pensiamoci ! Perdonera ! Clitandro e Lucinda si uniscono alia danza. In un momento che Arnolfo volge le spalle, Clitandro s' apre un varco tra le ballerini e Irascina via con se Lucinda. Le danzatrici grandi e belle circuiscono ora Arnolfo sempre piu stretto, danzandogli languidamente intorno ; Arnolfo e affascinato e si mette a danzare lid pure. II movimento si fa sempre piil incalzante. A un tratto Arnolfo, stupito di non vedere Lucinda, s' insospet- tisce ; la cerca ; si fa largo tra le danze ; interroga ansioso Lisetta, che, in piedi sopra una sedia, e intenta a batter e il tempo. Act II DOCTOR CUPID 85 Simply delighted, to Clitandro. Devil of a doctor! My own dear son! Embraces and kisses Clitandro, who smiles triumphantly. — The smaller dancers seek to amuse Arnolfo with their antics; he watches them delightedly. Meanwhile, pages adorn Lucinda with jewels. CHORUS, all trying to restrain their laughter. Sir Arnolfo, here's good luck! What a father we have here! Like a flash this wedding comes! Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ARNOLFO, with Notary, trying to restrain his laughter, chuckling to himself. Ha! They all believe it's true! They believe it's solemn truth! Like a flash this wedding comes! Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! LUCINDA, to Lisetta and Clitandro, with a twinge of com- punction. I feel remorseful! My poor Papa! CLITANDRO Dearest! set your mind at ease! He will forgive! LISETTA Come, set your mind at ease! He will forgive! Clitandro and Lucinda dance together: Seizing a moment when Arnolfo' s back is turned, Clitandro opens out a passage through the ranks of the dancers and hurries Lucinda off. All the dancers crowd on to Arnolfo, dancing alluringly round him. Arnolfo is fascinated, and begins to dance too. Little by little, the whole assembly, musicians and all, join in the rhythmical movement. The excitement grows faster and faster. Suddenly Arnolfo realizes, to his amazement, that Lucinda is not there: with growing suspicion he seeks her among the dancers: he questions Lisetta anxiously: she is standing on a chair, beating time to the music. 86 L'AMORE MEDICO Atto 11° ARNOLFO Ma Lucinda e il dottore... dove son ? LiSETTA, come cadendo dalle niivole. E domandate a me, signor padron ? LUCINDA e CLITANDRO, da lofitano. Sembra ai miei sguardi il mondo non fatto che di te ! ARNOLFO, comprendendo finalmente ; baltendosi la fronte. Ah ! me I'an fatta ! Tenia di uscire, impedito rumorosamenle da tutti. Manigoldi ! Canaglia ! CORO Sor Arnolfo, molto ben ! Gli ballano furiosamente intorno, shallottandolo qua e Id, impedendogli di uscire, facendolo danzare a forza. Lisetta, cK' era uscita, ritorna con la grande bambola deir alto prima e gliela getta Ira le braccia. Grande allegria. CALA LA TELA RAPIDAMENTE Act II DOCTOR CUPID 87 ARNOLFO But Lucinda and the doctor — where are they? LiSETTA, as though suddenly brought down to earth. And how should I know that, my honoured lord? LUCINDA AND CLiTANDRO, in the distance. Love, you turn all to enchantment, With you alone is joy! ARNOLFO, understanding at last, beating his forehead. Ah! They have tricked me! He tries to run out, but is surrounded and forced to join in the whirl of the dance. You wretches! you scoundrelly pack! CHORUS Sir Arnolfo, here's good luck! They dance around him furiously, pushing him hither and thither, making him dance with them, and preventing his escape. Lisetta, who had gone out, returns with the big doll used in the First Act, and throivs it into Arnolfo' s arms amid general merriment. QUICK CURTAIN RULLMAN^ THEATRE TICKET OFFICE 111 Broadway, New York City (Trinity Building. Rear Arcade) OFFICIAL PUBLISHER OF Opera Librettos AND PLAY BOOKS IN ALL LANGUAGES Telephones, Rector 8817, 8818, 8819 •iMiu nc PMiF. LIBRARY. LOS ANGECEJ "^ * ^OiX. kS^Ji. V Half the Enjoyment of a Great Opera Is in going home and sitting down to 3^our piano, and going over the same themes that fascinated 3'ou the night before. Perhaps you think that you cannot play them \\ ith faultless technique. But you can, if you have AnAUTOTONE This marvelous instrument, with its mir- acle-working devices, enables any true lover of music, to play any opera with marvelous skill, and all the musical expression that he or she can feel. No J over of the Opera would be without an AUTOTONE if its wonderful possibil- ities were generally realized. It would be a real pleasure to demonstrate the AUTOTONE for you, at your con- venience. Hardman, Peck & Company Founded I842 Brooklyn Store 524 Fulton Street HARDMAN HOUSE 433 Fifth Avenue New York lOSANC[lfj> :a3AiNa3v\v •lIBRARY-a^, o &.n&, ^OFCALIFO/?^ 33 ^Z-« '^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles SEP 3 ir87 1 jO^ This book Is DUE on the last date stamped below. iF-CAiiM X»/?/<^ fOJIlVD \ ^^^t■LIBRARYQr '^ 1 1^ ^ AHViiail-^ lOSANCEl/ ^a3AiNn-3W LIIBRARY6> IFCAIIFO;?^ ?3 D ^ \jr ^. ^^ ^(?AJlVl % %a3Ai 1 t^ mm c % .>^of 4? '^J^ilJ'JNVi>01^^ '^/iii3AIN(13V\V .~s- L 007 030 767 3 lijii^MnrflrnH REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 337 661 *.!?