PR C2 COP ,2 A^ ^^^ _ Ai g = 33 = 30 ^^S ^^^ 3 = ^^ CD 4 m = 2 — i> 5 = = CD ^S 3J 1 6 — = > 1 ^^ 3) ; ■^^ -< 8 = — 3> / — ^g O alifornia clonal ility .^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PRINTED FOR THE MALONE SOCIETY BY CHARLES WHITTINGHAM & CO. AT THE CHISWICK PRESS THE INTERLUDE OF CALISTO AND MELEBEA 9 ,. •' • * THE MALONE SOCIETY REPRINTS 1908 This reprint of Calisto and Melebea has been prepared by the General Editor and checked by Frank Sidgwick. OB. 1908. W. W. Greg. C £ « C < -etc > « t The only known copy of this ' new comodye in englysh in maner of an enterlude,' sometimes known from the heading as the Beauty of Women but more usually from the chief characters as Calisto and Melebea, is preserved among Malone's books in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. It is a folio volume printed in ordinary black-letter of the size known as English (20 11. = 9 3 mm.) . At the end appear the words ' lohes rastell me imprimi fecit/ and Rastell's device also occurs, but it should be noticed that the upper ornament on Ai and that on the right of C4 are found associated with the device of John Skot in a Modus Observandi Curiam printed c. 1530. John Rastell was in business from 1516 to 1533, Skot from 1521 to 1537. The interlude is a partial rendering of the great Spanish dramatic novel Celestina, which literary history connects with the names of Juan de Mena, Rodrigo Cota, and Fer- nando de Rojas. The names of the characters are retained with the exception of Pleberio, who becomes Danio, but the English play only reproduces the first four out of the twenty-one acts of the original, and the conclusion is entirely different. In the attack on the stage known as * A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and Theaters/ printed in 1580, occurs a passage: ' The nature of their Comedies are, for the most part, after one manner of nature, like the tragical Comedie ofCa/istus; where the bawdresse ASf^/^-j-Z/w^^ inflamed the maiden Melibeia with her sorceries * (sig. G8^). This was most likely the play entered to William Aspley in the Stationers' Register, 5 October 1598, as: 'The tragicke Comedy of Celestina, wherein are discoursed in most pleas- ant stile manye Philosophicall sentences and advertisenientes verye necessarye for younge gentlemen Discoveringe the V sleightes of treacherous servantes and the subtile cariages of filthye bawdes ' (Arber's Transcript, III. 127). It does not appear to have been printed, and whether it bore any direct relation to the present piece is not known. The Celestina itself first appeared in England in James Mabbe's translation under the title of the Spanish Bawd, 1631. The original impression of this interlude is by no means a bad piece of printing if we except a few passages in which there are a somewhat unreasonable number of instances of turned ' m.' The press-work is good, and ' n ' and ' u ' (when not turned) are quite readily distinguishable. The present reprint is, of course, reduced in size, but in other respects it aims at reproducing the original with the same fidelity as previous volumes issued by the Society. It should perhaps be remarked that in the outer bottom corner of A6^ there is a fragment of a manuscript note which apparently runs: 'of y^'' c5... begin as y*^ Bi befor.' The meaning is not apparent. Irregular and Doubtful Readings. 27. 3!nfapt5 128. tl^atfpje 34. a mp0 130. la(lptf(lattpt^?) 46. ftreilC (last letter blotted) 140. [C] 48. VDomatt toll 146. 31 nouffl) 50. manp£ettmp(?) 147- ^nt 55- lipffeceu0 150. feepptl) in fjpm feeppt^ 65. [C] 156. obegfanusJ 67. be come 162. ^ (omit) 68. feueto ^tooman 77. atoapto 163. pone . . . plapu 87. Cjceatuc^ 168. (jeupu 91. [C] 172. jacOf 99. toiti)ont 179- auannce 123. Bnt 191- Cff^tpnge vi 195- countenannce 532- maitfer (maifter: readmi 196. Juconftannce ther doubtful) 212. pctjetDljpt 533- featr^c!) 215. fortuue 544. poptull (iopMl) 216. ^oman 556. [Ce] 219. tl)ouff^t (tl)OUff!)) 563. a non 234. mcomparlfon 570- CenCnall 252. m ore (?) 589. [€] 256. tooiuan 596. C (belongs to 1. 595) 257. lo ue 604. ^ImbaffaDf 260. abbot (ab^or) 611. me 261. topnnpug:/ 630. 1£1 308. COinpn (i.e. common = com- 639. paciueno mune) 640. came . . . tooman 311. Cejuannt 641. am 316. Centifoje 643. t?om 329. t|)pnfepua: 644. luaD 337. bpm (tipm) 645. toomen 349- ponr 646. map 353- tljpuapt^ 648. [cr 369. tt)On . . . qlH (i.e. quod) 649. modec 370. Part of this line has been cut out 650. gdD (pU) of the original. 654. on to bcrteta BSoutftrpff canapue If^cto not )mg tpcate ?nDSert0notl,m3t,nDcttJ,cfiti.wment tDitl) an? oftct in all popntcs cquttwlciu Upper Portion of A i recto Cr f the (mk of t\)c ?nrrc!ictr tpcrc fccn before •Mrrf)bj>fOiCft:'irc to fa!lbcii;oaIpUciv ^hD ^ooD Ift tye i orbniaunc^e niabc tbcrf ci c Co put a trar tljc f aiifr/ f» tocrc bed reincoi tobat(9tbecdufctlmtti)ctbc fo uumv /C^ef tf d robbc:ic9/' it is be rauic mc be Brriwn therto by nebe (t pouertc C3InD toljat 16 tbe bcre v caufe of tfyu ncDc 25e caufe tber fabur not for tfjcr r Iv^v ng ^nDtretoti) iotbcpfannottoell labour inDcOc jac caufe in routb of tbqn: rbpU t)pbr)' tut tbi6 tbpng fball neuer couie to refortnrng 75ut t^c tDorlD c5rrnuallr ftafbe nougljt 3l6lottga0)Jongpeprllbreueilbpbrougbt Ctoberforc tbe eternall gob that ravnytlj on t)yc ^enD bi0 inercif ull grace t mf luens Co all gouemours tl^at tljicy ctrrumfperrtr H^ar rule tijcrc inf erioure bp fuel; pruDenrc Cobr?»ng t^nn to berteto t Det» obcDpeus 3InD t^at tt)ep * toe all by l)t0 gretc inercp l^av be ptcnejs of ^r^ blclTyb glo?r» 3lmen. 3of)f 8 raSell tne tntprimi fecti Cnmpctnflestorc$tau C 9 VERSO T"^^. 'I W'^J^ C 4 RECTO C4 VERSO FACSIMILES BY HORACE HART, M.A., AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS a neto comoDpe in cnglpl!) in maner <3Df an cntccIuUe rpp;t)t elpjant i fullof craft of ret!)ojpk / toljejein (0 fljetoU $ tipCqpbpd ajs toell tte faetDte f ffooD pcopejtc0 of toomen / a0tl)eprtpcg0$cupUcoDiciO!S/tDit^amoraU coclutton I c;cl)Cirtacpon to tjcrteto a^eletiea CifcanciCcugf petcaccu^ t^z poet latoreate ^a?t^ tljat nature tofjpcl) 10 mother of all tl)inff to out ftrpff can q^uz Ipfe to notl)tng: create Sinh Craclito t\iz tojCe clerfe in |)igf torptpng: fe>apt^ m all tl)pngf create (Irpff igf t^epje tno^fepng ;anli ttier 10 no t^ino; tntier t|)e firmament toitt) anp otlier in all popnte0 equitalent C^anti accojDpnff to tjep^e Dictp0 re^erCpD ajs t^u0 •ail tljpnffC are create in maner of ftrpfe 10 %^ztz folpfi) loue^iS t^en t^at be Co amerou^ jfro pleafure to DlCpleaCuje toto leUe t^ep tliep^ Ipfe ^oto Corp noto Cati noto %o^ou0 note jbenCpfe Slla& 3 po?e mapden tban tobat flfjall % do Combrpd b^ dotage of one Califto d knotD tSat nature batf) ffpupn me betote toitt) Canppnpou0 compleccpon fauour $ fapjenejJ Cbe moje to pd ouffljt 31 to do fetote \x}it\^ topll Ipfe laud and loue of perfptne^ 1 denp not but califto 10 of grete toortbpne^ 20 SiU Bur \Dljat of tijat for all tj^js Ijpfflj eftate !t?p0 dcCprc 31 Dcfp $ tjtterlp lljall Ijate C€) lji0 fajjnpjs $ futes Co impomme Cljat of mp Ipfe Ije makpt^ me almoft toer? ip i)P0 lamentacponis $ e';i:clamacpon0 on fortune to fimilptuDe maner a0 one tljat ftjulD Dp 2But toljo tljall ppte tljp$s 3|nfaptlj not 3| feiljall 3 accoplpii[j t)p0 carnall tiefpre ^ap pet at a ftabe rather bren in a fpre €)3Df troutl) 31 am forp foj l)p0 troble 3° ^0 ftrpue topt^ tpni felf tt)u0 for loue of me But t^ouglj l)p0 forotD0 laffure pou fljulD doble lop anli all mp pleafaun^ aia0 ala0 noto to me toliat nopaunjs ^ 2Deto ffarti mp lorDf anti 50D be in tW place 80 C ^empjonio / &♦ pe fpr* C» a fpc 3I Hereto t^p face Cto^ tiaft tl)ou bene from me fo long abfent ^ ifoc 3( fiauc bene about pour bpfpne0 •^0 ojDej fuel) tl)png;f ajs toeje conuenient pour l)oufe and Jocfe anU all tlipng: toajs to dceff C flD fempconio ^aue ppte on mp Dpttreg ipor of all c;ceatucf 3 am tl)e toofulleft ^ ^oto fo tol)at 10 tbe caufe of pour tnceft C C jfoc 3 ffcue in loue to tlje gooDlpeft t^png '^Tjat 10 or euer toa0* »>♦ to^at 10 fte 90 3It 10 one tol)icl) 10 all otlier e;;cetipnff %\\z picmre of angellf pf tt)ou ber fee ^^tbu0 or pbebe no comparpfon map be %o ^tv. ^. tobat ^P5l)t ilje / C* melebea 10 bcr name ^ S^arp fpr t^i0 toofti mahe a toplD borgf tame C C3 Pt^ap t^f fempronio po fet me mp lute SLnti bjpng; fome cbapre or dole toitb tbe %\iz arffumentf of loue t^at 3 ntap liifpute to^pct) fcpen0 3 fpnti tt)e arte tottbont ppte !^p tbe fempronio I^ip tbe 31 prap tbe 100 fe> »>pr fljortlp 3 alfure pou it iljalbe Done € %^tn faretoell crpft fend tlje agapn fone C i3D tobat fortune 10 epll tjnto mpne <3D toliat toofull topgbt toitb me map compare %\\t tt)urft of foroto 10 mp mprpD topne tobicb tiaplp 3 drpnk toptl) Deepe draugbtf of tare fe> ^uii) fpr be merp let pa0 atoep tbe mare ll^oto fep pou banc 3 not ^yz^ me Ipffbtlp SiiU ^ere ijS jour cfiapce anti lute to mafee jou merp C CSl^^p quoD a/nap tliat topll not be no But 31 nuift nelip0 ipt foj tiecp feblene^ (Bpue me mp lute ann t^ou (ijalt fee l^otD 31 fljall fpnff mpne bnl)appj)ne5S ttt)p0 lute Isf out of tune nolo ajj 31 P!^^ tren5tt Ipffljtne^ $ bepond tl)i0 pcljetDl)pt ifortune l)at5 pactpd toitlj pou of l)ec inauengf ifor to be able of Ipberall e;i;pen3 Cifor ti3ptl)out ffoodf toljerof fortune ijS ladp il^oman can l)aue toelt^ ttiecfore bp coniectuce poto (]|)uld be beloupd of euecp bodp Califto But not of Sl^elebea note 1 am Cure and tbougljt t!)ou Ijadft prapCpd me toout meCuce and compacpd me toitbout companCon 220 pet t1)e 10 aboue in euerp condition C Bebold l)ec noblenegi l)ec auncpon Ipnage * i^er gcet patrpmonp "^er e;rcellent topt !^ec refplendent ijecteu ^pe portlp cocaffe !^er ffodlp ffcace Ijec Cuffecepn betote pecfpte i^o tong; i0 able toell to e:t:preire it But pet 31 pcap t\}t let me Cpeke a topple 9^£ Celff to refref^ in re^ecCpng; of mp ttple Cl btQ^n at ^er tecr tol)icl) i0 fo podlp CriCppd to tier l)elp0 tped toitl) fpne lafe 230 ifarr Itjpnpnff bepond fpne gold of arabp j t^oto tlje Con colec to 6pt map gpff place Cl)at tol)o to behold it mpgljt t)aue_tl)e gjace toold Cap incompariCon not^ipng coute?uaplp0 S> %^tn i0 it not Ipke ^eje of affe taple^ Ca CJ3D tot)at foule compariCon t^i0 feloto raplp0 ^tl gap glaCpng epen Co fap^e and bjpgfit l^e? bcotoe^ ^ti noCe in a meane no faCCponfaplp^ !^e? mouttfppej 1 feate tec teetl) Cmallttot)pgt)t !^ej IpppiiS ruddp liej bodp ttjepgl)t t)pjpgljt 240 H^ti IpttpU tetp0 to tl)e epe 10 a pleaCu^e flD toSat 3op it 10 to Ce Cuc^ a fpffuje C^ec ffepti of tol)^tne0 entiarfeptl) tl)e Cnoto toptt) roCe colour ennetopU 3 tt)e enfuje l^ej iPttpU tiantif in meane mane? t!)i0 i0 no t^oto ^ec t^ngej0 Cmall t long to naplp0 cutiDp molt puje J3D£ pjopojcpon none fuel) in pu?tcaptu?e toit^out peje toojtljp to Ijaue foj fap?ene0 'Slje apple ttiat parp0 gaue tjenu0 tjie ptiDe^ fe) ic ^aue pe all Done* C* pe ma^P tDt)at tljan 250 g> 31 put cafe all tl)i0 pe taue fapti be treto pet aje pe more noble fptl) pe be a man C tol)enn* ^* fltje i0 tinperfpte 31 toold pe feneto ja0 all toomen be anti of leCCe tialeto pijplojoptetrs fap t^e matter i0 leff toojtijp '2ri)an tl)e fo?me/fo i0 tooman to man fujelp C C 31 lo ue not to ^eit tl)i0 altercation Bettoene melebea anti me l)er louer ^ poffpble it i0 in euerp contiicpon '^To abbor ter a0 mpcf) a0 pou tio loue l)er 260 31n tlje topnnpus/beffilpng i0 t!)e tiaunger Cljat pe (|)all fee tiere after toptlj epen fre C toitt) tDl)at epen* »>♦ toitt) clere epen truft me C C tol)p toptl) tobat epen no 1 fe nolo ^ toptt) Dpme epen tol)pct) rtjeto a Iptpl tl)pnff mucl) But foj pe fljall not nifpapre 31 attuje pou i^o labour nor Dplppn0 in me fljall ff^uclj »>o t^uftp $ frpnuelp pe iljall fpnti me fuel) in all t^pngf poffpble tljat pe can aoquije Cl)^ ttpng to accomplpilS to pouj tiefpre 270 C C (Bod brpng: tl)at to pafe fo fflati it i0 to me 'Eo ftere tfie tl)u0 tlioufft) 3J Ijope not in tfip tiopng: »» P^t 31 fl)all tJO pt truft me for a furete C (BoD retoard tl)e for tl)P gentpU intendpng 31 ffpff tl)e tl)i0 cftapn of 50H1 in retoarbpng & »»ir ffoti retoard^ou $ fend t30 good fped 3 dout not but 31 fljall performe it in dede C2But topt^out retoardf it i0 l)a?d to too?k toell C 31 am content fo tt)Ou be not neclpgent »> iSap be not pou / fo? it paffptli a meruell 280 %\it mafter ftoto /tje feruant to be dplpgent C l^oto tl)pnfeptt it can be (l)eto me tljpne inttnt fe> »)ir 31 tjaue a nepffPour a moder of batod?p %^at can pjouofee tl)e ^ard rolifip0 to lec^erp Cln qU tn^W deDf lltje i0 pcrfct to^fe 3 trotD mo?c tljan a 9^ tpcffpnis l^auc licne Dlftropeti lip Ijec fubtell tieupCe ifoc I1)e ncucr faplptlj bijece fljc lieffpnmsS ail onclp bp tljpcf qaft Ijcc Ipffpnff ii)e to^nmss a^aptif topffpsf topDotoS anil euecpcljone 290 3f fljje onejs mcliDpll tljej fbapptlj none C C ^oto mpfftjt 31 Cpcbe toptlj gee Cempjonio ^ J fljall b^pnn; t)ec lipUpr bnto tlji0 place 33ut pe muft in anp topCe let cetoarDiss 50 anD fljeto bf? pour gjeiipis in euecp cafe C Cllpjs toece 31 not toojtbp to attapn grace But ala0 femppnio tl)ou tacpeft to long ^ ^pr 50D be toi'tlj pou* €♦ C^j^ft make t^e ft^ong C^^e mpffljtp anD perDticable pU be l)i0 gpDe ia^ t}t ffptipd tlje ill fepngf in to bedleme 300 ifrom t^e eft bp tbe ftacr and agapn lipli pjoupue iagf tbep?e contJuct to reto^n to tbep^e oton reame »>o rpetie mp fempjonio to quenclj tl)e leme
te tatl) equall potoer of mp Ipff bnder god ^ Ctol)erfore to l)er do pe make fuc^ foroto ^l)pnk pe in Ijer ar0 tber 10 anp (jame %y contrarp tol)o tellptl) pou be neuer l)i0 borroto ifor a0 mucb flje glorpfpetlj be^ in ber name 'io be callpd an old bore a0 pe toold of fame 410 2Doffg:f in tbe ftrete and c^pldren at euerp dore Bark and crp out tljer gotb an old tore C Cl^oto knotopft all tljijs doft tt)ou knotD ter ^ pe tbat [ dap] apne ifor a fal0 bore tlje deupll ouer ttroto \\zv 9^p moder toben tlje dped smt me to f\tv alone janD a fitvkti baud toajs tljec ncuec none ifoc ttiat 31 fenoto 3 Dare toell Ce iet Ce t^e cotracp tu^o can lep C 3 tauf bene at tiec ^otD0 i Cene f)ec trpnfeettC 420 jfor papntpng tljpngf inumerable ^qualmp0 $ balmp0 31 toontiec totjete flje gettf '^fie ttpngf tijat l§e l)at^ toitf) folfeC foe to fable and to all bauDrp eue^ agceable pet toors t^en tbat tolipcB tiipl neuer be laft jl^ot onlp a baud but a topcb bp \\tv craft Ce C »>ap toljat tljoto toplt fon fpace not me ^ i ptap ttje pecmeno lefe t|)p malpcpou0 enup p !|ark tjpdpr fempronpo ^eue 10 but Voe f^ce 3|n t^at 31 l)auc Capd canft t|)ou denpe 430 Ca Com l)fn0 permeno 31 low^ not tljps 31 and pod motljec gceue pou not 3i pou pcap a^p mpnde 31 (fjall fl)eto nolo liarfe toljat 31 Cap CflD notable tooman iD auncpent tecteto €) 0:lorpou0 t)ope of mp deCpcpd intent l^^ende of mp delectable bop^ to reneto a^p ceffeneracion to tW Ipf^ pjeCent IReCurreccon fjom detb/Co ej;cellent %fio\i art aboue ot^ec/31 deCpre tumblp •^0 lip0 tbp l)ande0 toljejin Ipetlj mp remedp 440 CBut m^ne tntooctl)tne0 mafeptb reCpftence pet iDorfljip 31 tbe ground t^at tbou goft on 25eCec^in0 tje good tooman toitb mod reueren^ j3Dn mp papn toitt) tbp ppte to loke tppon toitbout tbp comfort mp Ipfe 10 gone ^0 rebpue mp dede Cprptf tbou mapft preferr me toitt) tbe \iiorde0 of tbp moutb to make or marr me Ce C^iempronio can 3 Ipff toitb t!)eCe bonpef "QDbat tbp matter ffpffptb me b^t^c for to ete toordesf are but topnd tberfore attonjs 450 Bpd tpm cloCe \ii& moutb and to l)i0 pur0 get ifor monep mafeptl) marcbaunt t^at muft 3lft 3! l)aue b^id l^i^ too^rde^ but toftere be t)i0 dede^ Jor to out monep to me no tljpng Cpedp0 Ca Ctobat Cept^ flije Cemp^onio ala0 mp liart blede0 tirtat 3 toptb pou pod tDoman mpftruft (Ijuld be fpr fbe tbpnkpti) tjat monep all tljpng fedp0 €^b^i^ toiTte on Cempronio 3f prap tbe toptb me and tarp Ijeje moder a tobple 3 P^ap tlje ifor totiere of mpftrutt pe baue me appelpd 460 & ^am fjeje mp clofee tpll pour Hout be affopliU & C iIio\D Do pc tocll foe toeD^ among: cojn il2or fufpetiouss to frpnDf dpH ncuec tocU j3Dc faptijfulncjs of toorDf tocnpli to a fkom ^akptlj mpnDf doutfuU gooti reafon Dotj tell Ca Come on femp^ionio tljou ffpffpft me pod counCell & (15o pe before $ 31 flljall toapt pou tjppon ifa^etoell motljer tne topll come agapn anon ^ tr^oto fep n mp lojtii0 fe pe not tl)i0 Cmoke In mp mamec0 epesJ p tl)ep Ho call 470 %^z one liattj ^10 cliapn tlje ottiec |)i0 cloke SLnn J am fuje tljep topll t)^aue all at laft (Cnfample map be bp tljief p 10 paft l^otD feriiauti0 be UiCtaptfull intbepr maiftec^ folp i^otbpng but foj lucre 10 all tl)epr batotijp Ce C 31t pleaCptb me parmeno tbat toe to geUpr a^ap Cpefee toljerbp t|)ou maid fe 31 loue tl)e pet tnDeferupD note tljou compft bpDpr to^erof 31 care not but terteto toarnptl) me %Q fle temptacpon $ foloto c^arpte 480 %o Do gooD agapn0 pll $ fo J rebe t^e »)empronio $ 31 topll ^tlpt tbp neceffpte C^nd in tokpn noto tbat it (pall fo be 31 prap tbe among t0 let tJ0 fiaue a fong Jor tobere acmonp 10 tber 10 ampte p tDl)at a olb iDoman fpng/Ce*tobp not among 31 prap tbe no lenger tbe tpme prolong P (Bo to tDben tbou toplt 31 am rebp Ce ^l)all 3 begpn / p* pe but tafee not to ^pe / * camant C i^oto fep pe noto bp tbi0 Iptpll pong fole 490 C ifor tlje tbprb parte femp^onio toe mutt get after tbat tf\P maitter (ball come to fkole %o fpng t^e fourtlj parte p l)i0 pur0 (ball ftoet ifor 31 fo craftelp tl)e fong can fet ^bougl) tl)p maitter be ^or0 l)i0 pur0 (bal fpng cle^e and taugbt to folf tbat tooman0 flefb (0 bere C^^oto fepft to t^i0 tbou pratp parmeno •Ebou knotopft not tl)e too^lb noj no Delpti0 t^erin 2Doft tinberftanD me infeptl) 31 tro no ^^ou art pong inougb tbe game to begpn 500 %y^ maitter bat^ toabpb bpm felf fo farr in ^nb to brpng bpm out Ipetlj not in me old poje ^ 'QTbou (bnldptt fep it Ipetj not in me old ^oje Ce C a l)orefon a (bame take fucb a knaue !^otDDarftt!)ou topt!) me tf)Ou bop be Co bolD 2^ Be cauCe Cucb knolege oftlje J tiaue Ce toljp toljo art/p /pmeno fon to albert tbe old 31 Dtoelt to tbe bp tbe rpuej toljece toptte toajj Colli iand tljp moder J troto l)pgbt claudena %^at a tupld fpje been tje celeltena 510 Ce cSut tbp modec toa0 ajs olde a bore ajs 31 Come bpdpr t!)ou Iptpll Cole let me Cee tbe ia t't 10 euen Ije bp our blpffpd ladp tobat Iptpll brcbpn baft Corgotpti me tobe tbou lapft at mp beddf fete boto mejp toe^e toe 1^ Si tbou old matrone it toere almpgf tbou toere ded ^oto tDoldelttbou plufe me bp to tbp beddf b^d C^nd inbrace me bard tinto tbp belp iand for tbou fmellpdpft oldlp 31" ran from tl)e Ce Si (l)amefull borefon fp tppon tbe fp fp 520 Come bptber aud note fi[)o^tlp 31 cbarge tl)e ZITbat all tbi0 folpfl) fpekpng; tbou let be Eeue toantonnes of poutb tban (|)alt tbou do toell ifolob) tbe doct^pne of tbp (Elders and counfell C^o tx»bo tbp paretf on tobo^ Couli0 god l^mt mcp 3|n papn of curfpng bad tbe be obedpent 3In papn toberof 3j command tbe ftraptlp ^0 mucb I mafterltJip put not tbpne intent il5o truft i!3 in tbepm if tbpne otoen be Cpent Sl^apfte^^ noto adapgf cobept to biipng about 530 ^11 fo;i tbepm felf f let tbepre Ceruantegf p toitljout e.^])^ maiffer mm tz^ and ajs 31 tbpnk be be But ipgbt karpcb not lobo come to bis ferupte jFaire toordf (ball not lali but Cmal retoardC truft me Slpafee fempronio tbp frpnd in anp topfe iFor be can bandle bpm in tbe beft g:pfe l&epe tbpsf * for tbp profet tell it to none But lofee tbat fempronio and tbou be one ^ CSlBoder celettpne 3! toot not tobat pe meane Calido i0 mp mapfter and Co 31 topll tafee \^^m 540 iand ajj for rpcbejj 31 defpe it tlzm jfor tobo Co euer toitb torono; rpcb dotb mafee \\^m »>oner tban be ffat it/ittopll fojCake bpm 3! loue to Ipfe in popfull pouerte ^nd to Cerue mp mapfter to tretotb and bonefte Ce Cclrotb and bonefte be rpcbe0 of t})e name But Curete of toeltb i£f to baue rpcbesf iand after tbat for to get bpm good fame Bi, Sinn fptt) tljefe balotif get gooti pjouokpng kt^tiv 31 tjuft aateup iljall fpeDe ao toell a0 liatoDejp i^ic ejceat pavmeno et intret melebea C3 piap pou came tl)i0 looman Ijejc neuec f?n 640 31 n fapttj to mtit Ijeje 3] am Ijalf ati?aD ^iiti pcttDljp fo/3 maj bolDlp com in 31 am Cu?e f?om pou all 31 Ajau t^ot be IjaD But ittu& iefu0 lie tljeCe men fo mati <3Dn toomen agf tljep fep/ljoVo fljulU It be 3|t 10 but Cabled anb IpejS pe map tcutt me 3ntcet Celeftina (Bod be Ijeje I a^^toljo 10 ttje? C*topl pe bpe an? tliieli pe marp good moDer 3 p?ap pou come in Ccpft faue pou fapje mcft^ejs 1 pu be pour fpede 650 anD Ijeltt be to pou $ all pour fepn ^nti macp ffoDdf motbec tljat bleffpD tpcffpn P?c(erue 1 pjoCper pour toomanlp perfonage ^uU toell to iniop pouc poufflj $ puCell age Cifor tbat tpme pleaCurp0 ace moft eCcljpupli ^nd ap 10 tlje IjoCpptall of all manec CpKeneiS %^z rettpng: place of all tl)ou0;l)t tnceleupd 'ZIEbe fpo^te ot tpme paft ttie ende of all qui1ine0 l^cpbouc to detb a djp ftofe toptbout ftoetnejs SDiicomfo^te diCeaCe all age alotoitl) 660 Si tiz tDitbout fap ttat fmall cbajp botoet^ 9p C 1 mecuell moder pe fpeke Co mucl) pll <3Df age tljat all folfee deCpje effectuouttp C %^z^ deCp^e burt foj tljem felfa0 all of topll and t^z caufe tD:^p tl)ep defpje to come tljecbp 310 foj to Ipff fo^ det{ 10 Co lof^lp !|e tljat 10 Cot:o\33full toold Ipff to be Cocpec Sinn be tl)at 10 old todld Ipff to be elder C ipapje dameCell tobo can fltjeto all tl)e Ijujtf of age 1^10 tDerpne0 feblene0 W diCcontentpng: 670 !^i0 cbpldi(l[)ne0 fjotoa?dne0 of bi0 rage torpnkelpng; in tlje face lah of Cpffbt and t^rpng: !^olotDne0 of moutb fall of tetj fapnt of gopng and too?ft of all poffeffpd tott^ pouerte and tbe lpmmp0 arettpd toitb debplite 9^ CSl^oder pe \\mz tafepn g^ete papn fo^ ap tDOld pe not jetorn to t^e begpnnpng C ifolps are tliep tl)at are paft tbepje paffap %o beffpn agapn tol)icl) be at tbe endpng ifoj better 10 poffeflion t^an t^e deCprpng 680 9^ IMnt to Ipff Itmm no l toeU oc no C "uCljat pe OeCpce toell 31 t^pnfe not Co CiFor a0 Cone gotl) to marbet tt)e lambp0 fell jai5 t|)e fljpppf / none Co old but map Ipff a pere iand tl)ej 10 none Co pong but pe toot loell 9pap dpe in a dap tijen no aduauntap 10 l)ete IBettoen pout^ $ a^e J matter 10 tlece 9^ toptlj ttjp Cablpnff $ t|p teConpng: J topgf 31 am begplpd but 3,l)aue fenotoen tl)e or tlipgf C Sivt not celpftpne p dtoellpd bp tlje cpuec Cpde 690 C pe t'o^ Cotlj / ^ in dede age liatlj arap tlje %^at ttou act it)z noto can Ckant be eCpped 9pe tf)pnfeptl) bp tftp Cauouj tl)Ou iljuldPft be flje Cbou ajt Core cfiauhgid t^ou mapft beieue me jfapce mapdon feepe tgou locll tl)p0 tpme oCpoufb 25ut betote flljall paCCe at p laft tljp^ 10 tcutt) Cpet 31 am not Co old a0 pe iasz me (Bood moder31 iopmucl) oCtl)pne accopntanaunce jand t^p modeclp reaCon^ rpffljt toell pleaCe me jand notD 31 t^anfe tlje t^ce Cor tl)p paftaunce 700 ifare tocll tpll a not!)er tpme ^ Ijap map c^aunce iappn tljat toe ttoo map mztt to gedpr Sl^ap l)ap pe Ijaue bpCpne^ 1 knoto notto^et^ec C C€) anplpb pmage pie Co pcpou0 our pod toorfep0 toljer m 31 tafee Come papn pC pe li'noto not mp mpnd noto all 10 in bepn 710 9^ C »>^eto me moder f)ardelp all tl)p neCelCte ^nd pC 31 can 31 fl)all prou^de t^t remedp C 9pp neceCKte nap god toot it 10 not for me ^0 for mpne 31 laft it at Ijome Curelp 1^0 ete toSen 31 topll 1 drpnfe to^en 3I am drp jand 31 tfiank god euer one penp ^atl) be mpne %o b^ bred to|en 3ll?ft I to Ijaueaiii^Cor topne C^fore 31 toa0 topddoto 31 carpd neuer for it ifor 3IJjad topne pnouffij of mpne otone to Cell iand to a tott in topne bp tl)e fpre 31 coud Cpt 720 toJudoCen^Coppf tl)e collpk to quell But noto to me it i0 not Co toell jfor 31 tiaue nottipng; but tt)at 10 brought me 3n a pptcljec pot of quartp0 Ckant t^rc C'^'buiS H prap pti Tjelp t!)cm t^at lie neD? ^01 3l fpebc not for mp felf alone 25ut ajs toell foe otljec toto euer fpeUe 1 ^^e tnfprmpte 10 ^ot mpne tl)oufflj tljatj] grone 3It 10 foe a notl)ec p 31 make mone Slnti not fo^ mp feff it 10 a not^er toap 730 But toljat 3l mutt mone toljeje J Daje not Cap 9^ C»>ap toljat tljou top It $ for tnljom t^ou left C noto gracpouiS tiamCeU 31 tpnfe pou tljan fljat to ffpf auDpenjS pe be fo preft Ipbecall reDpne0 to me olU tooman tobptlj ffpffptlj me boloney to ftjeto lDljat31 can <3Df one tbat Ipetb m Daunger bp Cefeene^ IRempttpng: bpsf lanpur to pour ffetpllnes 9^ Ctoljat meanpft tljou 31 prap tbe ffooD moUej (Bo fojtt) to tljp Demaund a0 tbou Ijaft tione 740 j3Dn t^e one pte tbou prouotipft me to anger anti on tlje ot^er fptie to compalTpon 3! fenoto not boto tbp anCtoeje to fallpon %f^t toortie0 tobpclj tbou Cpefepft in mp pjefence 3t Co mpftp /I pfepue not tbp fentence C C3I l^apd 31 latt one in tiaunffej of tzkem^ 3Dratopn0: to Detb for ougbt tbat 31 can Ce fpoto cljofe pou 0? no to be murlie^eiS flDj reupue bptn ^ a toorti to come from tbe 9p l ^^ ftappp pf mp too^U be of fucb necelTpte 750 •1^0 bclp anp crpftpn man oj ellgf putif fojboti Co Do a ffooD Dede 10 Ipfepng to pti Cifor good Hetif to poti men be a lotoable Sini} fpecpallp to neUp aboue all otbej Sinn euer to poD Detip0 pe iljall fpnti me agjeable Cruttpnff pe topll erbojt me to non otber %fizmv fere not fpefe pour peticio ffooD motljer jfor tbep tljat map bele Cekefolk $ tio refuCe tbepm ^uerlp of tbepje Detb tljep can not ercufe tljepm Ce c full toell $ giiacpouflp tbe cafe pe conCpDer 760 ifor 31 neuer beleupD tbat pd m tjapn toold ffpff pou fucb countenaunnce $ betote to pdpj But cba^pte tbertoitb to releue folfee in papn ^nd a0 ffod batb ffpffpn pou fo gpff bpnt agapn ifo^ folk? be not made toi t\)tm felf onelp ifo^ tben tbep iljuld Ipff Ipke beftf all rudelp C^mong tojpcb beftf pet fome be pptefnl %\^t tnicojne bumblptb \\^m felf to a mapd •anti a Dog; in all Iji0 potoer prefull %n a man fall to gcounti W anpr 10 lielapU 770 %^n0 bp nature ppte 10 conuepD %^z kok totjen l)e acapitlj 1 Ijappit^ mete to f^nd Callitt fo^ W bennf lo Ce tje ffentpll kpntie C^ljulD l)umapn qeatujp0 t^an be of cjuelne0 ^tlulD not tljep to tljepiie nepbou?0 ftjeto c^a^pte anD Cpecpallp to tljem bjappgti in Cefeenes %^m t^ep ttjat map Ij^le t^epm caufe p infirmpte Sl^otter toittout delap toi ffotidf Cahe fljeto me 31 p^ap t^e Ijactlp toptt)out moje pjapeng to|)e?e i0 tbe patient tljat Co i0 papnpng; 780 Ce C jFapje daCell tl)ou maitt toell taue knoVoleffe ^e^to 'Ejat in tW Cpte i0 a pone; knp5t)t ^nd of clere Ipnage callpd Califto tot)oCe Ipfe 1 boDp i0 all in t^e i plpfftt ^t)f pellpcan to i^jeto naturp0 rpfflit if eDpt^ W bprdps me tljpnfeitt i fljulft not pet t^e %^on tootift tobat 3 meane lo nature iTjuld tec^ tt)e 9^ C ^ ba 10 tbi0 tbe entent of tbp eoncluCpon 'Eell me no mo?e of t\i\0 matter J charge tt)e 310 tbp0 t^e Dolent for toljom tboto makpft petpepo 790 ^rt tboto come bptber tbu0 to deffepue me Cboto berdpd dame (Ijameles tljou femett to be 310 tti0 be tbat batb tbe paflio of foliibne0 '^blkptt tboto rpbaud 3| am fncb one of letodne0 C31t i0 not Capd 3 Ce toell in tiapn %^z tong; of man $ tooman toorft member0 be ^boto brut baud tboto gret enmp to bonefte certapn CauCe of Cecret errour0 3bu ll)w bnedicite ^0 pod bodi take tbi0 old tbefe fro me %^at ttu0 toold me diCCepue me to Ijer fal0 Oepg^t 800 (Bo otot of mp Cpffbt noto / pt tbe b^n0 ft?ep5bt C C In an pupil botore cam 3 bptb^r 3 map Cap 3 toold 3 l)ad brokpn mp leggf ttoapn (Bo \fzn^ tl)ou brotl)ell ffo bfn0 in tbe dpupll toap Bpdpft tl)ou pet to increaCe mp papn toplt tboto make me of tbp0 Cole to be fapn Co ffpue bpnt Ipfe to make bpnt merp peke out* Ce^fo ferti 3f am of pour lipfpleafuje pour anger 10 fo gcete 31 pfepue it fure and pour pacpen0 10 in fo gjet an t)ete ^t)at toi too $ feje 31 botj toepe $ ftoete 9^ C Upttpll 10 tt)e Ijete in coparpfon to fap '^0 ttie sitt bolDne0 of t|)p tiemeanpng Ce ifapre mapden pet one toord noto 31 pou pjap ^ppeafe tJ> pacpen0 | l^tvz mp fapeng 840 3It 3I0 fo^ a praper meftre0 m^ nemaundpno: 'l^!)at 10 fapD pe \\mz of fepnt appolpne ifo^ tt)e tott ake toiler of tt)i0 man 10 m ppne € ^nD tlje ffprdle t^ere tjou toerpft about tl)e C»>o manp Jolp relpkf it l)att totocl)pd i:t)at tt)p0 knpg^t tjpnkpt| l)i0 bote tljou maift be Cjejfore let tl)p ppte noto be a boucl)id iFo^ mp Ijart fo^ fere/lpke adog i0 coucljpd ^\\z delpfftt of tenffenni0 toljo fo dotlj tfe ^^tz at t|ep;ie nede ftjall tl)epm refufe 850 C pf tl)i0 be tjeto tbat tl)Ou fepft to me noto Sl^pn tajt 10 Ipffbtnpd perfepupng tljecafe 31 toold be content toell pf 31 lopft Ijoto •1:0 brpng tt)i0 feke knpe;l)t tinto fome fola0 Ce iFapre damfell to tlje be teltl) $ g^ace jfoj pf tl)i0 bnpff^t I pe toere aquapntpd botl) ttoo pe toolti not luUge fiim t^e man tl)at je lio CBp pti $ bp mp Coule in !)im 10 no malpntolg \Dit^ grace mDetDiD in fcetiome a0 al£j;anlice 3in ftcenglit a0 tettouc in countenaunce mecg 860 $caciou0/enup in Ijim repnpo nmer flDf noble blod a0 t^ou fenotopft / f pf pe euec &ato ^im armpd t^ femetl) a Cepnt george flatter t^an to be maue in nature forge C^n anffell t^ou toolOift iuliffe fiim 3 mafee auoto '^^e ffentpll narcifo tDa0 neuer To fapre '^Jat toagf inamorpti on ^i0 oton (l^aDoto to^erfoje fapre mapHe let tjjp ppte repapre Het mercp be tbp mother $ tjou ^er Ijepre ^t)i0 bnps^t \j)l)om 1 come for neuer CeaCptl) 870 But crpetl) out of papn t^at ttpll encrefptB 9^ C l^oto long tpme j prap t!)e tatb it Ijoltipn |)pm Ce 3 tlipnk lie be»rj;iiii»pere0 of age 3 fato tipm born $^ofpe for to fold tpm a^ 3 demaunn t^e not tberof tijpne anftoec aCtnage 3 afk t^e toto long in tl)i0 painfull rage ^t l)at^ lepn/Ce* of tretotf) fapr maptipn a0 te fap0 ^e |atb be in t^i0 agonp t^i0»tiii*liap0 CBut !)e fempttj ^e Ijati lepn t^i0»tjii»pere 9^e fl) ^otD it greuptt me t^e il of mp pacpent 880 l&noVDpng t)i0 agonp $ tbp innocencp b^l^ 5Ilnto mpne anger tljou Jatt made reaften0 tD^erfore tljp demaunu 1 graunt in recompen0 l^aue ^t\t mp gprDpll t^z pjaper i0 not rctip %o moroto it fl)albe/ come agapn fecretlp C merueloujs god tDl)at a dreme bad 3! to npgijt 930 apott terrpble tpCpon to report and be?e 3 bad neuer none fucb noj none pertbelp topff^t aia0 toben 3 tbpnfe tberon 3 quak for fe?e 3t toa0 of melebea mp dougbter deje (I3od fend me good tptbpugf of |)er (ijo rtlp ifor tpll 3 \\^t from ber 3 can not be merp 9^ C ^ deje fat jer notbpng: map me moje difpleaCe 0otl)pno: map do me moie anopan^ ^otbpng map do me gretter difeaCe %^an to fe pou fatber in anp perturban0 940 ifor me c^eflp or fo? anp otber cbaun0 But fo^ me j prap pou not to be fad jfor 3 l)aue no cauCe but to be merp and glad 2Da C€) ftoete melebea mp dougbter deje 31 am replete toitb 3op and felpcpte JFoj tfiat pc be noto in mp preCen^ fiece ja^ 3] percepue in 3Jo^ $ pcoCpccite ifrom detij to Ipfc me tfipnkptt) it reupupt^ me Joe t|)e fecefuU tijeme p 1 Jao latelp toliat nreme Cpr toa^ tljatjl pcap pou teml^ 950 2D c 2DotDtle0 me t^ougf) ^ 3| toas toalfepng; 3n a fapce orclja^D toljere toece placp0 ttoo 'Elie one toa0 a ^ote batlj IjoUome $ pleaCpng: Co all people t^at DpD repapre tl)erto 'Eo toaCi^ tf)em $ clen^ t^em from fekene^ alCo 'Etie otljec a p^t of foule ftpnfepng; toatec itioutelp tljep DpeD all tljat tljer in DiU enter C^nti tnto t^i0 tolefome batlj me t^oug^t p ^e 'iln tl)e rp8;!)t pat^ toece coming: apaCe But before t^at me tljouffljt tljat 31 tipo Cee 960 Si foule roug;^ bpcl) apcilicrpD cur it toajS toll^cl) ftcakpng: |er botip along; on tbe grajS Sinu to Ijer ta^le Ipkfepti ber Co tljat ftje a^ade ber Celfe a fapre fpaniell to be C %\)^0 bpcb tben me tboug;bt met pou in tlje toa? Eeppj?ng: $ fatonpng; tppon pou a paCe SinJ) rotonD a botot pou D^li renne $ plap, tobpcb made pou tben d^fport $ ColasS tobpcb Ipkpd pou To to ell p in (Ijort Cpace %lz toap to tbe bote batb anon pe left it 970 ^nd toke tbe ftre?g;bt toap to tbe foule p^t Ciand euer pe lofepd continually tppon tbat fame bpcb i Comocb \^tv eped '^bat pe cam to tbe fonle ppt brpnk fodepnlp %^kz to l)mz fallpn in $ to \)aiif: bene dplljojed tobpcb toben 31 fato anon tban 31 crped ^tertpng; in mp aepe $ tbertb dpd atoake 't^^at pet for fere me tbpnk mp bodp dotb quake CtoasS not tbi0 a ferefull dreme $mejuelou0 31 prap pou douffbter tobat tbpnk pe noto to tW 980 i&ic melebea cetto tempore no loquit feti uuitu lamentabli refpicit totp fpeke pe not tobp. be pe noto £0 ttudiouiS 30 tbere anp tbpng; p batb cbauncpd pou amp0 3 am pour fatber tell me tobat it 10 ^ Si la0 noto pour d?eme tob^cb pe ^mt erpjeffpd C i^atb made me all penCpfe $ fo?e abafltjpd 31 prap pou dere doug:bter noto tell me \ji^^ ^ ^ir 3i knoto tbe canfe of pour tiaon ;and tobat pour dredefull dreme dotb Cg;npfpe ^^er of toold 31 fapn noto baue noticion 990 €ii^ 9^ aiatf licrc falict alajs toljat ^auc 3i done iDtfenDpd ffod a0 a torcct) tjntoorttjp 2D tD^eceiri/ H^fpapuc not god 10 Cull of mere? Ct genuaectat CZIT^an on mp knee0 noto 3 fall tiotone •and of goD ct)efelp aCfepng; focffpfnc^ iand ncjct of pou foj m to oblpupon 31 ^aue put pouc doctcpne $ lelTon^ dototlejai 2D ife^e not doug^tej 5 am not mejcilejs 31 trutt ?e l)aue not 10 gcetlp offended 1000 25ut t^at cpffljt toell it map be amended 9^ C ?e Ijaue fottecid me tp full loupnfflp Jn berteoug! difcpplpne tol)pclj 10 t^e ?pgl)t pat^ uo all 5?ace $ teneto toljpcl) dot^ Cpffnpfpe 15p pouc dreme p fapre plefaunt iolefome bat| '^ITge foule ppt to'ti^reof pe djempd to^icl) liattj 2Deftjopd Co manp betoknetj tpCe $ fpn 3into^pct) ala0 31 5adalmoafallpn31n C'Ete prifepecpd cure $ tl)e foule bpcl) tofjic^ made ^ec Celf fo fmotb $ fapce to fee 1010 Betofeenpt^ an old quene a baud? topc^ Called celpftpne tl)at too mpffljt i\)e be tobpc^ \jb ter fapre toordf ap fo pftoadj^d me Ciiat flje Jad almoft brougpt me tiere into %o fulfill tl)e foule lua of califto 2D C )aia0 dece dougliter 31 taught pou a leffon to!)pc^ toap pe ll[juld attapn tjnto tecteto ^^at toa^ euecp mornpng to Cap an ocaCon Pcapenff god foe grace all tpce to eCclieto 9^ flD dere fader t^at leffon 31 Ijaue kept treto 1020 toljpcl) preCerupd me /for tjougliil dpd coCet 3In mpnd / pet ^ad be neuer bp0 intent 2D C '^Ije terteu of t^at p^ape? 31 ^^ ^^^^ on t^mg i^at^ preferupd pou from tje ftjame of t^at Cn But becaufe pe tuere Comto^at cbfentpng pe §aue offend id pd gretlp t^erin tD^erefore dougtter pe muft note begpn !^umblp to befec^ god of !)p0 mercp ifor to torgpue pou pour fpn $ mpierp 9^ C flD blpCBd lord $ fader ceiediall 1030 tD^oCe ini^nite merci no tong can erprefe 'Etiouffl) 31 be a ttnner torecl) of torect(0 all pet of tl)p gret merci graunt me forgifne^ ifull Core3i repent mp Cpn31 cofefe UntenHpng; Ijen^ fort!) nmtv to offenD more j^oto ijwmblp 31 beCecj tt)p mercp tl)ccfore 2D Cil^iotD J 10 toell Capd mpne one fapce Uoufffitec fetanH tp t^erfoce foe 3 fenoto tecelp 'E^at ffoO iiS good $ mercpfuU euec %o all fpnner0 Volipc^ topll affe mercp 1040 ianti be repentaunt $ in topU clerelp Co fprt no more/^e of ^pis ffcete ffoolinc^ topll gcaunt t^em ttierfoce W ffcace 1 focgifne^ C ILo tjece pe map Cee VDl)at a tbpng it iis Co bcpng tip pong; people becteouttp Jn ffooD cuftome / foe grace Hotl) neuer mp0 Co f^em t^at tjCe good praper^ oaplp to^icS ^at^ preCerupd ttp0 mapHebntioutpDlp ianli kept $er fjo actuall Dede of flljame Brouffljt !)er to grace preCecupd t^r good name 1050 C tolierfore pe tprgpnis 1 fapre mapden^ all 5anto tl)i0 erample noto tafee good l)ede fe>erue god daplp tlje Coner pe fljall Co ^onette $ goodne0 no dout precede and^god fljall fend pou euer l)i3 grace at nede Co toftand all eupll temptacionjS C^at if)all come to pou bp anp occaConief C 5lnd pe fader0 mode?0 1 otfier toliirl) be B,uler0 of pong folbf pour charge 10 dototle^ Co brpng tliem bp tjerteouflp | to fee 1060 Cljem occupied ftpll in fome good bpfpneiJ i^ot in idell paftpme or tintl)rpftpne0 But to tecfje tutrix fome art craft or lernpng tol)erebp to be able to get tbepr Ipffpng CC^e brpngerjf tip of pout^ in tW region !^aue done gret batme becaufe of t^epj neclpgejS /^ot puttpng ttiem to lernpng nor occupacpon0 ^0 tDl)en tbep §aue no craft nor fcien0 jand cDm to man0 ftate pe fee t^ejrpience C^at manp of tljem compellpd be 1070 Co beg or ttele bp Ijerp neceolte C But pf t^ere be tfierfore anp remedp Cl)e ^edp0 $ rulers muft furu be dplpgent Co make good latoe0 $ ejcecute tbeni (traptelp Sllppon fuel) mapftrc0 t^at be neclpgent ^la0 toe make no latD0 but ponpnjment to^en men baue offendpd / but lato^ euermo^e toold be made to preuent tl^e caufe before C pf tl)e cauCe of tl)e mpfcfieflff toere Ceen before tofocl) bp coiecmre to fall be moft Ipfeelp loso Sint good latogf $ ordpnaunc?0 maoe tjecfore to put a toap tbe cauCe/p toece beft remeUC Id bat i!2f tbe cauCe tbat tjec be Co manp ^Ijeft^ f robbejie0/ it I0 be caufe me be 2Dcpueit tberto bp nelie $ pouecte C ^itti tDbat 10 tlje tecep cauCe of tbat netie Be cauCe tbep labuc not for tbepr Ipffpnj ^nb tretDtb 10 tbep can not toell labour in bene IBe cauCe in poutb of tbepr pbjll bpbrpngpng: But tbijs tbpng i^all neuer come to reforming 1090 But tbe tDorlb cbtpnuallp (][jalbe nougbt Si0 long aj5 pong peppll be euell bpbrougbt C toberfore tbe eternall gob tbat rapnptb on ^pe »»enti bi0 mercifull grace $ inauenss •tlEo all 5ouernour0 tbat tbe? circumfpectlp Sgap rule tbepr inferiour^ bp Curb prudence ^0 brpng tbem to berteto $ beto obebpeujj 5lnb tbat t^ti^ f toe all bp W P^te mere? Sl^ap be ptenej0 of b20 bleCCpD glojp* iamen. 10^0 rattell me imprimi fecit Cum priuilegio tcgali I-. I ^^W 2 3 m? ^ tf-onr ..iiR# AiV Los Angeles UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 345 687 ITN VERSITY of CAWFORNIa. TJBHARY 1 1 1 9: i. J Universitji Souther Librar v^