UC-NRLF $C 31 5^6 An analysis of the misspellings of the rural school pupils of San Bernardino County, California. By John W, Groyes A.B. (Central College) 1893 Thesis Submitted in partial satisfaotion of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Education in the GRADUATE DIVISIOK of the OTIVERSITY OF CALIFORITIA Appr eyed . Instructor in Charge. I eoUc/n-toH oK«fT3 I. Table of Contents* Pages*' 1 . The Problem Stated, 1 2. Introduction. 1 3. The Test Ueed - InstruotionSy 2 The V/ord Lists, By Gradee. J 4* She Ihimber of >3ohool3 Tested • 4 5* Table I* Showing the XhuHber of V/ords Spelled Correotly (liitire Goxmty), 5 6. Table II. Smmiiary of I'able I . 7 7. Table III. The Distribution of Omitted Words. 9 8. Table IV. The Distribution of Correct V/ords. 10 9. Table V. The Distribution of Misspelled Words. 11 10. Table VT. Sunaary of Tables III, IV, and "V. 12 11. Tables VII, VIII, and IX. Analysis of Misspellings. ^3 12. The Standeords Used in Classifying the Misspellings. 16 15. Obserrations Based on the Analysis. 18 14. Table X. Showing v/ords Most iPreq^ently Misspelled on aooount of Vowel Diffieulty. 21 13* Table XI, Showing a Special List of Misspellings in the v;ord Lists of the Eighth Grade Qroap. 22 16. Table XII. Sliowing v/ords lioet JVeq^iently Misspelled on aooount of a Consonant Diff ioxilty. 23 17 • Other iSrrors, not in Tabular S'orm. 24 18. Comparisons of Misspellings in Boston Schools and in Rural Sohools of San Bernardino County, California. 28 19. Quotations. 33 20. Table XV. Showing ifords Arranged iu 3eq:u.enoe aooording 34 to their Difiioult/, as shown by this Analysis. 21. Sumary. 37 638100 II. 22, Conoluslon* 38 23. Bibliography. 44 Suppl«ment€ary Data. I. Distribution by Grades , Showing per oonts for the Hiamber of v/ordo Spelled Correotly, To Supplement Table IV of tlie Report. 3 - 1 II. Explanation of the following pages of Misspelled Jfarmm as Written by the X^ipils. 3-2 III. All ootual ?oms as they appeared on the Papers of tlxe Pupils 9 ana ths freqiaeney of the forms. Garade Swo, S » 3 Ggn4M Shree^ S - 7 Grade Pour, S - 13 Grade Pire, S - 19 Grade Six, S «• 24 Grade Seren, S • 29 Grade Eight, S - 34 Grade Jfine. S - 39 IT. SoBBnavy of tlie ICisapellings Shown on Pages 3-3^. This Tabxilation is by Grades and shows the Hesults, Word by V/ord. S - 43 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/analysisofmisspeOOgrovrich 1. The Problem Stated* To sake aa analysis of the spelling of the children of the email er roral eohools of 3an Bernardino County » California : To determine ;(a) their ability to spell » and (b) the nature of their misspellings. Introduotion* San Bernardino County is one of the largest oounties in the United States. Beginning about thirty-six miles east of Lo8 -^^eles it extends to the eastern boxindary of the State of California, and embraoes an area of 19*94? 8qp.are miles. The sohools of the oounty are administered by a County Superintendent, who has one office assistant but no field assistant. There are several centers about which the schools are grouped more or less closely , and the superintendents of these systems are acting deputies of the County Superintendent, but work without extra compensation in this added capacity. Supervision of the actual work of the schools is limited, and teachers are Icirgely responsible for the product of their respective schools^ especially in the rural sohools. In December, 1920, Dr. Cyrus Mead of the University of California, Dsfpartment of i^ucation, distributed copies of a %mBt throughout the state for the purpose of collecting data to be used in a comparative study of the spelling ability of pupils in grades two to nine, inclusive, in rural schools. In town sohools, and in city schools* The words chosen were the last twenty words in the several col\imns of the Buckin^aa Brtension of the Ayres Scale which are standardized so that the giren class may be expected to spell 73 per cent of the woids oorreotly# All of the schools of San Bernardino Coxinty except three mall schools returned the papers of the ]?upils for use in the inrestigatlon. These papers came into the hands of the writer n^o obtained permission of Br* Head to make the special study here presented* The first part of the study dealt with the marks of the pupils as indlTiduals, by grades » and by schools* When these sarks were compared to the standard 73 per cent it was STldent that a farther study of the spellings woiild enable us to classify the miaspellings and ttous analyse these as a means of improTlng the spelling* A similar study had been made a few years before in a school of about a thousand elementary pup 11 s^ so it was determined at this time to make the study based on HkM work of the rural schools of the County, In the report of the misspellings we hare considered only schools of less than four teachers, with one exception which is noted later* The Test* The following instructions for glylng the tests were sent from the Uniyersity by Dr* Mead :- Instructions ; "Gire the list of twenty words to the ffradea deaJfrnfttftTJ as near December icth, 192c as is practicable. Do no teaching of the words* Provide your class with such materials as they reg- ularly use in a spelling lesson* Dictate the spelling lists» ■feQ the proTier 4pyaAegy as you would ordinarily in a written spelling period* If necessary , you may use a word in a sentence in order to make clear its meaning* Hare the pupils spell, how- erer, only tlie word. Collect and ^"^^X ali ^ pa-oeya on the per- centage basis, fire for each correctly spelled word. An omitted word should count as an incorrect spelling* It is not probable that many pupils will spell correctly all the words of their list. " -mim 5. She Word Lista* (By Grades). RAAOnd. third Fifth. very needle dangerous or posh nobody debt thank point oar dried dear within palace exercise west done penny grammar •old body pitoher Indian told belongs regualr Journey best oheeae repeats laid form earn reprore onion far feather sailor praise gave fenoe aentenoe properly alike honey shining salary add letters surface searched hrave orange sweeping smooth oorn pooket sweeps thirteen danoe shoes thief touoh dinner stairs waist towel agg stream waiting nmbrella looks tiny weary veal rioh words writing weapon SCYCOltllt • iOZLJilU grooery elegant cordially coonterfeit handkerehief emperor oharaoter dessert listened ezoellent separate digestible loose grateful February iporsel heir antiq:ae leopard aUkel hoar Ml bicycle nleoe ioiole calendar millionaire pistols ignoranoe oonseguenee mucilage purohased interfere disease orchestra parrel ■asioian fatigue parliament reeess nejrfcral foreigners perceived saoosr patienoe grease possess slei«^ pigeons isthmus precipice sooiety rehearse nonsense reoommended MWVM reverence resources I'esemblanoe sp^eoh asnoy solaiise restaurant stMk siege seoreoy seised telsphone vegetable sensible superintendent trolley veil vehicle surgeon nhistla wetoh vicinity thorou^^hly bf^d £^'^f^ ^ T Tp^'^ '. «i 4. These words are the last twenty words of the Buokin^am Extension of the Ayres Seals in the ooltunns as follows :- Seoond Grade List, CoItudb I; Third Grade List, Column L; Fourth, 0; Fifth, <i ; Sixth, S ; Seventh, U ; BiC^th , W ; and Ifinth, Y. Ifomber of Sohools Tested* Thirty-ei^t one-room sohools, thirteen two-room or three* room sohools and twelve town and city sohools having four or ■ore teachers sent papers written by their pupils in response to the reccnest to take part, or tabulated reports of the work done by the pupils* The following table indicates the result i of the test for the entire oounty* 6C * 'tr ■ «*»- f.ffjt ■ ^^ ;ra&£ii^ 5. 9t»m X* %h« iMilnr of papils la oaoh ^pemdm vbo •pellod bo •oorrootly, ooo word oorrootlj, two words o«cr»otlr« oto* M^ of oorrootlr* t 90 III ^ 7 71 VII Tin IX !tota.l« » 24 6 7 18 3 12 219 1 78 72 44 24 23 30 7 20 298 2 42 72 65 3Z 32 34 18 14 329 3 68 84 61 40 26 30 19 31 359 4 78 93 74 52 24 42 34 36 433 3 81 74 66 63 47 54 29 57 471 6 65 81 73 39 39 48 38 57 460 1 76 57 66 61 45 50 47 54 456 S 56 80 87 76 50 59 52 52 512 9 63 68 58 67 57 49 53 70 485 10 6Z 56 58 69 62 58 50 51 466 t1 » 58 68 75 56 60 63 43 474 12 60 33 48 64 70 51 49 48 445 13 57 3i 75 65 8c 66 33 43 492 14 39 51 39 76 67 70 41 40 459 15 to 45 46 53 82 56 70 34 446 16 45 40 42 87 78 41 76 37 446 t? 48 36 47 75 100 34 52 25 417 18 42 31 29 33 57 37 58 21 330 19 36 33 24 39 48 26 47 9 262 20 27 26 13 10 20 9 22 1 128 1262 1224 1127 1146 t070 922 88I 75j5 5J57" W^ m « ^ Cf ^^ ''^ o « «■'**'-■ 6. Table I reads as follows :* 90 pupils in the second grade spelled "0". no word, oorreotly; 78 pupils spelled one word oorreotly ; 62 spelled two words oorreotly, eto, 1262 second grade pupils were tested. Heading across the top row of figures :- 90 pupils in the aeooad grade spelled no word oorrodtly ; ^9 third grade pupils spelled no word oorreotly ; etc. a total of 219 pupils spelled no word correctly. The total number of pupils tested in all grades was 8.387* exisi/^ :r Is^9# erf! *J Table II. Showiag b7 grades :- (a) the mimber of pu^pils tested ; (b) the nmb^r of vevds spoUod oorreotlx by all the pupils of the grade ; and , (o) the arerage ixumber of words spellML oorreotly per pupil. Piort "i."» data for oxie *- roou ( one t«a4ter ) schools; Part "B", data for the entire oounty ( 8,38? pupils,). Part "A" Arerago ITo. of JEIo. of Total Ho, of oozTttot words SaoAtLM, \£&fiilflu. GorrflQt Worto* par PttPlla ,, II 69 675 9.78 III ^8 ^d3 9.0^ 17 71 766 10.79 T ^ MO 10.11 VI 64 735 11.48 VTI 30 371 12.37 VIII 27 343 12*70 n 1 18 18.00 Part "B" II 1262 10,874 8.62 III 1224 10,240 8.37 IV 1127 10,205 9.03 V 1146 12,280 10.71 VI 1070 12,342 11.72 VII 922 9,264 10.04 VIII 881 10,402 11.81 H 733 7,124 9.44 Table II reads as follows z- (Part ''A") 69 pupils In the second grade, in one teaoher schools spelled 673 words oorreotly; this Is 9*78 words per pupil, out of a possible 20, (Part "B") 1262 pupils In the second grade In the entire county spelled 10,874 words correctly. This Is an arerage of 8.62 words per pupil. Sie rtaadaard for eaoh gmte is 14.60 w«gpds out of a possible 20 words pronouneed to eaoh pupil. '^ /*k*i»c-M*A^ "^Jti* K*^ \ For a more detailed report see the supplement to this »ral report. The l«rc« number of misspelled words led to an inquiry as to the reasons for so manj pupils falling below the standard established for the soale* All the papers of pupils in the rural sohools haying lass than four teaohers were arallable for definite analysis and so the task was oonmenoed* i^nls task has required oonsiderable time, but the results shown In the following pages seen to Justify the olaim that a oontributlon has been made to ths information already obtained from analyses of the misspellings •f sohool pupils* The olaim is made here beoause the study has been made of the errors of rural pupils oomlng frosi ^ widely different situations, from many teaohers and therefore typioal of ohlldren generally* The word lists of the ohlldren in the Chino Sohools hare been inoluded in the tabulations of the elementary grades, twe to ei|^t, Inolusirs*. The analysis of the ^inth Grade misspellings is made tttmn. the papers of the Ninth Grade pupils of the Chaffey Union Hlglh Sohool Distriot - this dlstrlot draws its pupils from ei/B^t nural and town distriots regularly, fihile mmmy pupils are added inoidentally, i«e* pupils i^ose parents have mored into ths dlstrlot from other distriots, oounties or states* -ifc^'ii^-jiao "l«rT??T «5* Table III, :•» (a) the asBKber of sohools represented in the „ analytic atcuSy; (b) the aomber of teaohers haring pupils in the ClTta gradles ; (o) the nomber of pupils whoee papers were used in the aaaljsis ; (d) the avera^ number of times eaoli word was OBitted b7 the iprade group ;(e) the standard deriation of each froup from the aTeraipe anmber of times the words were omitted, the si0na, or staadasd Asriation was found hj obtaining the stuare root of the aritiaMtlo mean of the squares of tlie deria* tioms f^om the aTStrage of the distribution. } ; (f } the per oent of words diotated to each grade whioh were omitted from the papers returned, i.e. the per oent of words vhioh the pupils of the grade did not eren attempt to spell* ATerage ar> JBTo. of sohools repre- Ho. of teachers in these aoboQla. ITo. of pup 11 3 - Jbftalfid* Ho. of times Total eadh words weard was fOTiti1rrt>aiUti^. Stand- ard Devia- Per- oent of wo: II 38 39 214 1532 77*6 1:2' 36.3 III 35 36 209 616 30.8 6.6 14.3 IV 42 44 221 680 34.0 3.6 1344 T 38 39 185 348 17.4 :^.5 9.4. yi 34 33 183 330 26.3 4.8 14.3 YII 23 23 119 600 30.0 7.1 23.2 Tin 27 27 107 130 6.5 3.9 6.1 IX 1 3 230 38a 19.1 8.0 8.3 Table III reads as follows :- In the analysis of misspellings of Moood, grade pupils the papers from 38 sohools were used; these 38 sshools had 39 teadhers doing second grade worlc ; there were 214 pupils in the second grade, these pupils omitted 1332 words tram their written work; the awerage number of times each, of the 20 words pronounoed, was oaittea was 77.6 by 214 pupils ; the arerage rariation from this arerage was 7.2 (the standard deriation or sl^sa) ; the per oent of words omitted by the seoond grade group was 36.3 • ^SO099^' M wo riP. ,XX0£« f%J^ \ it^a^: 3^1e «^} i^l^ _ I; A M<r SI #CHl4 o.^l QtT J-iltiO "^ Table 17* Showing :- (a) the total number of woirds spelled oorreotLy b7 eaoh grade (same number of pupils as shown in Table III) ; (b) the wera£^ number of times eaoh word was oorreotly spelled; (o) the standard deviation troai "b" ; (d) the per oent of words spelled oorreotly by the grade group. Average No# of fL^^* Total No. of times eaoh word • words spelled was spelled G^aAe. rtoyrftotlv, nflrrBQtlTa II III IV % VI VII VIII IX 1296 1^88 1814 1908 10^8 1190 1930 32.7 64.8 79*4 90.7 93*4 ^2.9 59.^ 96.3 Per oent of Stand- words pronomo* ard ed whioh were Deria* spelled liiQiii QQrraQtly« 18.0 24.4 31.1 3U0 26.7 35.9 21.9 49.0 19*0 5U6 14.1 44.3 I3»l 33*6 32.4 41.9 Table IV reads as follows :- the 214 pnpils of the seocnd grade spelled 1034 words oorreotly ( oat of a possible 4280^ i*e* 20 times 214) ; the average number of times eaoh word was spelled oorreotly by the pupils of the seoond grade was 32*7 ; the standard deviation^ in the seoond grade, flrom the average number of times eaoh word was spelled oorreotly was 18.0 ; the per oent of the entire number of words pronounoed to the seoond grade whioh they spelled oorreotly was 24.4 •' •%Stm^-- ih^li^n xl^Q^vt^t 'o cat .^ts^irsQii ?.^^ f^ r. TT 71 J .c i 3 ; o S«^or 1X7 s, ♦>-' \ lo ^HO ) \ l^c.f :» •JBMii^> t^Lxi 0«r £4 ^«^B IUi» i^ioa^ uSssssi it 11. Table V« Showing :• (a) tlie total xramber of words misspelled, by grades; (b) the ayera^ number of times eaoh word was misspelled; (o) the 8tand€Lrd deriation fro« "b" ; (d) the per oent of words misspelled* ( Same number of pupils as in fables III & IT)»* Total Ho* of words Ayerage Uo.of times eaoh word was Standard nflYlfttlfttta. Per oent of words pronoxmoed which were- XI 1686 84.3 14.9 39.4 III 2260 113.^ 27.0 34.0 ^ XT 2U8 107*4 23.9 48.6 T 1540 77*0 20.8 41.6 YI 1266 63.3 13*9 34.2 VII 702 33.1 11.0 29*3 Till 822 4U0 13.4 38.3 zx 2290 114.5 33.0 ' ^ 49.8 ^ Table V reads as follows :• 1686 words were misspelled by the 214 pupils in the second grade, out of a possible 4280 (20 times 214) words ; eaoh *f the 20 words was missed an arerage of 84.3 times by the 214 pupils of the second grade; Hbm standard deyiation (sigva) from this ay^rmge number of timmm was 14.9 ; in the second grade 39*4 per oent of the words pronounoed were actually misspelled. kBlJ^tKiawlm nam .i ?;t--,.i»3i sjtrxow ?-«^- ^,-1: -* " ^ vx Xx'i r/&.^. 9liA^' muf^m) r 12. Table 71w Showing :- the per oent of words in eaoh grade whloh were; (a) spelled oorreotly^ (b) caitted^ (e) misspelled. Also, the number of pupils tested in eaoh grade* JSTo. of xrapils Per oent of words pronounoed whioh were* GemJLm^ loatsd. wpalled aprreotly. II 2U 24.4 III 209 31 .0 IV 221 33-9 T 183 49.0 VI 183 31.6 Til 119 ^ , 44.3 Tin 107 ^3*^ H 230 41.9 Table VI reads as follows :- there were 214 pupils in the seoond grade who had 20 words pronounoed to them ; of these 4280 possible spellings, 24,4 per oent were spelled oorreotly, 36.3 per oent were omitted, i.e. not erexi at- tempted by the pupils of the seoond grade, and 39.4 per oent were attempted but misspelled. 56.3 39.4 14.3 34.3 15.4 48.6 9.4 41.6 • 14.3 34.2 25.2 29.3 6.1 38.3 8.3 49.8 ■UM e.8 d.r- ^i:. VT IXV if^ r^t> 15. Table VII, Shotiriili^ :- (a) the amber of pupils tested ; (b) the ayerage number of ways the pronounoed words were misspelled ; (o) the standard derlatlonCsiffaa) from the arera^ shown in '^"; (d) the arerai^e number of tines a misspelled form ooonrred witSi a frequenoy of but one ; (e) the standard derlatlon from the arerage shown in "d"« Arera^ Arerage Uo. of Ho* of So* of times a wrong ftradflt pupils- ways mlaaea> StcuEidard DfiTlatioa. form appeared Standard - J2ftTlaiUa&. II 2U 49.4 8.2 40.0 6.9 III 209 53.8 13.4 41.4 11.4 17 221 50*4 19^2 . 39*0 16.3 ^ miA^ 185 185 54.0 13*3 25.5 18.7 10.8 VI 25.8 10,2 8.2 711 119 17.4 ^•^ 12.0 4.6 7III 107 21.5 10.8 16.3 9.8 IZ 230 31.2 14.9 18.5 10.3 fable VII is read as follows :• the 214 papils in the seoond grade missed the 20 words pronounoed to them an arerage of 49.4 different ways, i.e. they used on the arerage 49.4 different ways of spelling the pronounoed words » all of whieh were Inoorreot foiij^s ; the standard derlatlon (siffita) f jfom this ayerago was 8.2 words or forms ; there was an arerago of 40. c different fozms used in these aimrpelllngs whioh occurred but onoe for the word pronounced ; the standard derlatlon (slgma) from this arerage was 6.9 times . t»tr -«^ ^•l> uSBBSsBK "mmr -' • K'C. tttM' aw>^ t^T^- • fj *?t: "X3T' faUe VIII. Showlac <* (^) ^^ number of possible spelling per grsi&e; (b) the number of words per thousand words pronounoed which were &ttsBipt«d by the pupils ( this prorides a eonparatiye basis ) ; (o) the oomber of words per thousand missed beoause the pupil spelled another word souzzding like the pronounced word ; (4) the number of words per theiUHMid whioh were reoo|piieable as aetual words, but not sounding like the prma^iuneed word, slui^ly' misunderstood; (e) the somber of words per thousand which were Mrelj Jumbles of letters, not readily reoognizable as real words* Ma* of words ITo. of per pOSsi- 1000 ble at- ITomber of words per thousand misspelled spell- tempt- apparently beoause they were II 4280 640 1 76 161 III 4180 851 16 73 31 17 4420 845 29 59 44 T 3700 906 4 16 34 VI 3700 838 3^ 9 n VII 2380 740 24 13 14 VIII 2140 940 2 4 13 rr 4600 917 29 4 2 Ayera^e.... 837*1 17*1 29.3 38,3 Stand. Dev. 92.7 12.6 27*9 48.0 This table reads as follows :- twenty words pronounced to eaoh of the 214 pupils in the seoond grade made possible 4280 spellings; of that number the grade actually attempted to spell o4C words per 1000 ( the number correct plus the number misspelled dirided by 4.28c ) ; of the number of words missed in the second grade, l word per 1000 , was a homonym ; 76 words per 1000 were actual words in form but were not the pronounced words ; I61 words per ICOC were not recognizable as words, but a jumble of letters. v.? . V' V X^'^siJJiliS'Mti.Liii . aX^ ;*ISWX< 15. Table IX. Shonrln^ :- the xxomber of times per thoasand misspelled worts the following types of errors appear : (a) haviac ^ronrel errors ; (b) harln^: oonsonant errors ; (o) having errors in endlnirs ; (A) baring errors due to silent letters; (e) haring capital letter errors ; (f ) haring transposed letters ; (g) having errors due to length of word* lumber of errors per lOGO due to diffioulty in use of error due to .Sr.YQffela. oonso« nantSt end-.' ingHt silent - Ifittexia* oapital IfittfiTS. transposed letters* word leftKtihi II 238 217 8 39 4 4 III 421 224 43 77 5 12 7 IV 403 232 13 93 f5Sk ^- ■■"- ■'• %- '- J ■>'» -' 13 9 T 329 131 10 98 ' ^'-'f 26 20 VI 203 TH 233 142 126 19 3 10 50 - 'a effort 1« 32 8 11 5 VIII 282 199 1 68 2 18 n 436 241 13 19 40 19 Aver. 32 1.1 S.JD. 7^.1 189.9 43.0 14.0 12.0 37.0 30.9 2.1 2*3 20.3 ^^"^ 16.7 ^ 10.3 7.1 Table IX reads as follows :* the errors in spelling in the seeoBd grade are as follows ; 238 misspellings per 1000 words sreaoiinoed w«re due to errors in the use of vowels » 217 eroors due to use of oonsonfimts^ 8 per 1000 due to errors in endings , 39 due to xkBQ of silent letters^ 4 due to oapital letters , 4 diM to transposition of letters » and due to the length of -tile word. 0': ust isi m's^: jJliM: lb. She Standards set up for olassifyin^ misspelling* The followiniE olassifioation is the basis upon whioh th« words grouped in the tabulations of Tables VIII and II« fh# alsspelled words fall naturally into two ^oups wiiltli a^ln ar« readily brolcen into smaller groups as indioated* Z* Vhen the pupil atteilpta to spell a word other them the word actually pronounced :- JL* When the word spelled by the pupil is a word that sounds like the word ptonounoed, a homonym. Szaaple ; word pro<-> nounoed^ d*e-a-r ; word actually written , d-e-e-r* B« Ihen the word actually written is a good ISbglish word or is so nearly correct as to indicate what the child intended to write, the result being an entirely different word to the word pronounced. Example : word pronounced, w-a-s ; word written, w«e-8«*t« C* When the result of the pupil's effort is simply a jumble of letters not readily recognisable as a definite word , in place of the word pronounced* Ibcaaple : word pronouno- •d« 8-o«-l-d ; word, or rather letters, written, u*o*a*t-e« II« Ihea th« ehild was eridently trying to spell the word actually pronouncedt- A* An error in the Towels of the word» a* By use of the wrong rovel* b* £br Adding a romel^ •• 1^ OBitting a rowel* B* A consonant error* a. By nsing a wrong oonsoaant* ¥• 9y sdilfng one or more consonants* #• By doubling consonants or failing to do so* ♦XI biSA IT IV *^I^mf ^r> ^?*. i ./-. <■ •*» _ r- ? -y^. **.• ■T^J ff*yffl |frfC i»i» ga i i«fc • 3 R»if .i*'.-,..--;^^!. 1 8i /i? ■&£:£ > /• d. By omitting oonsosaiits. C* Error in ending* a. Use of 8iB|^8ur for plural^ or rioe rersa. b» Use of past tense for present, or the reyerse* o» An oooasional "in^" or similar ending not belon^^i^*' ])• ^rrera due to silent letters. a* Silent letters omitted* b» Letters added, but silent* B. ESrrors in the use of oapital letters. a. A •apital letter used where a small letter was re- gnaired. b» A small initial letter where a oapital was req.uir4d.' F, Transposed order of letters in the word, i.e* all the letters were used but not in proper se<xaenoe* Example: word pronounced , s-i-1-e-n-t ; written form, s-i-e-1-n-t* Gr» Errors due to len^h of word as eyidenoed by :- a* Omission of part of the word, letters or S7llab]bes. b* Addition of letters, partioularly of syllables* 0* Confasion of letters or syllables* Vote* In olassifying the errors a giyen form of misspelling alu^t be classed under seryaral heading, 9»e,;yror(L poroiUKnurad, t-r-y ; written form t-r-i-e-s * This misspelling contains three types of errors and would be eoantad in eaoh group , yowel error, oonsonaat error, and error is rem . i eWttliig* J^iSBQ tme ".e ^ 18. Obserratlona Ba««d upon the Tabulations* Sh« tables presented before the Ei^^th and Iflnth wer« presented to fozin a baolcground for these two* To obtain farther information the entire oontents subnitted in the sapplenent are offered* The ao trial forms written by the ohildren are shown as well as certain preliminary tables* Besides the data oontainel in the main report and in the supplement there was a c^eat mass of material whioh has been exoluded fj^on this work* 2^ioh of that material has items of Tslue whioh it seems proper to mention incidentally in these notes and obserrations* Pupils of the second grade are in a class by themselTWtf in most points of the analysis* This is due to sereral causes; they lack experience and, therefore » do nothias many times i^em their more experienced school mates attempt to spell a word^ but commit an error instead* As an illustration of this point, it will be noted that the per cent of homonyms was snail in the second ^ade • An experiment was made with third grade pupils to bring out this point* About a hundred of them spelled the second grade list of words* These spellings were eheclced aaft it was found that the third grade pupils erred in the matter of homonyma substituted for the pronounced words to the extent of 12 words per thoamaai, wiMireas tha second grade pupils eired to the extent of but one word jfmt thotuiaiid* The same one hun- dred pupils made an error in h(^onyms in the third grade to the extent of 14 words perthousand* Pupils in the seoond grade are not sudh encouraged to write their spelling lists in Southvm California. ^nnottBlmfA* .^4 19. fhere was less opportunity for homonyms in the lists of the fifth and eig^ith ^^radea than in others. In all the grades the substitution of homonjms was saall enough to indioato that the sentenoes used hj the 3? teaehers were well adapted to their purpose* In all the grades the ayerage use of some other aotual word 9 usually properly spelled » was 30 per thousand with a standard deriation of 28, A glaaoe at the table (VIII ) indioates that the grades improre in this respeot oonsistently, with the exoeption of the sereath whioh la allg!htly in exoeaa of the sixth grade; there was one mm4 W&p^ iihtoh oauaed this type of error in the seventh grade list than there was in the sixth grade list. This was prored by giring both grade llata to about fifty pupils in eaoh of these two grades, the result being that the results were ezaotly rerersed. It is lilcely that in all grades the pupils who made this type of error did 80 beliering they were writing the word pronoonoed* In the Xawar grades there is less tendenoy to differentiate betweaa raaal sounds of words pronoiinoed aa well 9lb leas experienoe in the uae of these words* A study of the group spell inga i^ioh represent no partiorular aotual worda offers little of ralue to a general analjaia* It ia iadiaatire of indiridual diffioultiea often. The only souroe of determination of what was intended by the pupil is to reoon- struot his effort by a system of introapeotion » thia aeema to be ralueleas as the ohild's eomplexes are neoessarily different to those of the adxilt who is doing the analytic worlc. Since the word the child meant to write is uncertain, the analysis is Also. m- i: '»^ In the BooonSL ^rade there is suoh a wide deriation that we ean see no relation to the work of the other iprades in this re9p#rt» the work of the third » fourth and fifth grades is in one olass in this respeot* There is a distlnot laproTenent in iStm work of the sixth, seyenth and ei£^th ^prades in this type of error » these ai^aia Wiac ^ ^ elass toother* ITo doubt tto broader experienoe of these pupils in spelling: and in the uan of these words brinies the true word pronounoed to thdir under* standinsf i«e* these pupils hartt a lari^oir ability to rooofnise words pronounoed for spelling purposes. In oonsiderinip other errors as raported in the tables l^wen in these pages we xaay assuae that pupils were attMiptln^j^ to spell the words pronounoed by the teaoher girin^ the test* The speoial oonoem of this report is with the data gathered into a olassified form as shown in Table IZ«^ Vowel errors are the most oommon type and therefore pre- sent the greatest diffioulties to the pupil. An inspeotion of the table shows timt the arerage of the number of rowel errors lios between the fifth and sixth grades, with all in the lower grades greater in number and the entire somber abore being less •xoept in the second azid ninth grades* EcG.lom has pointed out that the rowels are partioularly troublesome in such wozds as bioyole, bureau, and ooourrenoe* In this analysis the following words were missed as indioat ed ^ •^^^•,4. ^ • wol diffioulties and indicate something of en aeoounT; ox re the extent to frtifch the error reaches* # Arthur w. Kallooi. " Some Causes of Misspellings." t& MT' immi - .?.^';':... ..•■■?■ r'i^ 21 • fable X. Showing :- the two words in eaoh grade misspelled Boat H^qiaontly beoauso of rowel dilTf loultv , JSbsmAq dinner Per oent of elass makia^ Tovvl error iMSLOm Per ole van JUL. ' oent of ,9B makinj^ ^1 error • II ^^^^mm^^ >» 33 III strMs to honey 61 IV surfaee 48 thief 55 T ipnomar 49 •alary 51 71 souroe 34 trolley 36 YU iperateful 30 ioiole 45 Till foreiffiers 41 aatiqiete 50 IX parliament 76 sazMalade 77 Table X is read as follows :- the two words moot f3?e- qp.ently misspelled in the oeoond grade on aocount of yowel dlffieultiee were dirmay and ^t^^^- 3^1 per oent of the olass lAieee written work was tabulated in this aualyais missed the word <^1tit^ai*» 33 per oent misspelled the word <^|f\w^<^,^ In this test the word "bioyole" occurred in the ei^ith iprade list. The following Table will show how the word "bioyole" raaked with other words in this group of 107 rural school pupils* <i^ •Hrt5* faUe XL. ahevlac t«» all of the eij^th ^ade words irhieh were aissod ■ore treqjoiejitlj thajn tho word "^Icyolo" with the per oont of tho olasB ■issyollln^ tho saso. (On aocount of TOwel orror») JasX Pay aant WQ£d £flr OQIlti Wordt Pay aiitJ aatiqiuo 50 foreigners 41 fatigue 39 isthmaa 37 ooaseq^ienoo >3 rioinity 32 Msaaiblo 30 oalendar 29 bioyole 29 Table XI reads as follows :-> 50 per oent of the eighth Ippede rural pupils misspelled the word "antique" on aocount of a Towel diff ieulV* ^ ^^a list of 20 words there were eiitht words as freqcuently or nore freqouently misspelled oa tuts aooount than the word "bioyole" whieh has been pointed out by XalloB as aa eepeeially dif f loult word to spell fjfos the point of riew stated** A detailed analysis of the Towel errors made by 230 ninth grade h.i|^ sehool pupils in their attenpts to spell the word "parllaaHit ** giro 3 the follo-^ing i* 32 per ewit of the entire number left out the last "a", 26 per oent left out the "i"» 12 per eent vaed "e" instead of "ia"« in the middle syllable. Shese mistakes mate a total of 10 per oent of the olass and indioate a definite » easy way of assisting the pupils to oorreot their error in this word« ( This word is sosewhat extrea, but represents the type In eertain rowel diff ioulties* ) A great improrement oculd be brought about by the teaoher who would take a littlo trouble to determine the weakaess* V. MftJ{t.,.'7a> 9S ttw^. ( •m'^l^Timf'^^ifi ^'^ '^ 2^. Table XII. Shovia^ th« tvo vordUi in •aoh iprade meat trnqjimatly mis*- gy^ltd «i aeocnxnt of ooaMMAUt dlff ioulty* Worda. dinner Par aant of alaaa making: aonsonant arrar la tha add Per oent of olaas malcln^? ooaaonant error In tha II 32 35 III fenoa 36 poolcat 52 IT aentenoe 40 pltober 45 T axaroiae 30 dabt 56 TI raaaaa 24 q^Arrol 59 ▼II ant07 20 azeallant 24 Till reaoviroaa 37 antlqccia 44 rx poaaeaa 49 moolla^ 70 Thla table la read au foUowa :- the two words moat f^qoantly miaspelled by yaplla ef the aeoond iprada ware dinner and add* «dien rleired from the ataadaopd of consonant dlffloultgr. 32 per oent ef tlie olaas who misspelled the woxd "dliuaer'* erred on aocoont of a oo^iaonant dlfTloxilty ; 33 per oent had a oonsonant dlffloulty with tlie word^add**" A stody ef the mlaapellliiipi mi the «e«d "mneilage " raraala a— m helym feats* Of the 23c pupils to ahom 'ttils word was yronouneed, only six aMlttad it entiroXy^ shevinir they thone^t taaw hew to ap^Ll it or at leaat knew aliat was wairtad ; three miaiinAaMiteai. the word, that wamibwr uaad a word Mifit was not to be idamtifled as standing for tie pronomoed word. !nhe word '^moeila^ " was the best nndersr^ood word in •^ M 24. the ilintli grade lisi* Of the 221 pupils who attempted to spell the word "Buoilage", 3^ spelled It oorrectly,thls Is 1? per oent ef those atteopting it ; 4^ per sent substituted "s" for "e" In the first syllable; 19 per oent used "ss" for the "e"; 7 per oent used a "d" in the last sjrllablt* f te e e tn^B of errors aooount for l^ per oent of all the errors made in this wooHl* It would seeoi to be rather a simple mattor to so present the word that tliese dlffloultles oould be remored* In trie word ^'g:u.arrel" « pronounoed in the sixth grade list, 22 per sent of the errors out of a total of 39 per oent of the pupils in ti e olaas made an error in failing to use two "r's*^, i&ile 6 per oent used two "I's"^, showing that the idea of a double oonaonaat was present but did not foeus in the rij^t plaae* Xkllem afOted that the doubling of the oonsonant was a fruitful souroe «f error • S!hi8 analysis oonfirms that opinion. Shaae example? are plainly indieatire of steps say taaoher mi^^t talce to improre oertain typaa of error. It will be noted in the table that the endings were the eause of error most freg:tiently in the third grade* 32 par oaat ef this grade made errors by writing the singular instead of the plural form whioh was pronounoed* This error oan be orer- a eme by greater oare in pronounoing, by oareful illustration in its use in sentenoes* 0/ftr r^^ ^mm^ 25. Of 416 errors due to wron^ mnd,tn^s made la the 29,400 spell in^rst 10 errors or 1? per oent were djom to the cnlssion of the past tense ending ; 182 erreirSf eir 44 per oent were due to the use of the sln^^ar xrambor instead of the plural » the ehlld foousses upon the word Instead of the oeotpleted fom aaA is astlsfied as soon as he writes the main part of the pronounoed word* la the list of I60 words used in the eli^t grades, there were 12 plural words aad 5 wevds i^ren in the past tense. It is noted in i^e studx oef silent letter errors that there are 49 words whloh oontained siltttrt letter elennents* These resulted in 1404 errocrs in the use of these silent letter features. Most of these are easily learned and thus easily lessenedf e.g* in the word '^add", 50 seeoid grade pupils, 23 psr eent, left off one ^^d** ; 97 pupils, 46 per oent of the third grade pupils left out either the "^e*^ or the ""y"' in hlWT I 74 piikpila^ 55 por oent of the fourth grade pupils left the "i'» out of joisfefl. ^e errerv edP this type ware not oeBflne<!l to the lower grades. 53 pupils, 25 per sent, of the ninth grade pupils left the ''e" or the "i" out of the word pftcSL&izsl* XalloB's ebserration that silent letters are reoognized as a diffioulty and ajre usually taui^t well is rerified in this study, there beiag a total of 1404 errors, 16.1 per oent in aa opportunity for aaVIng 8702 errors of this type* msft ««B ' -i- % ■ -t- *» it ^•^1 The BubBtltution of amall Initial letters for oapltalo, and the use of capitals for small Initial letters was negligi- ble In this set of 1470 papers. But two words used in the group of l6c words pronounced require a eapit41 letter, ^* 15 pupils of the fifth grade group used a aaall letter to begin the word Indian ; no pupil made an error in the use of the capital initial letter of the word Febmar]^ in the ei£^th grade list. Including the 15 errors in the word Indian there were but 57 errors in the use of capital letters in a possible 29,400 aases, less than two-tenths of one per cent, There is some tendenoy to use all the letters of a word but to disarrange them in the written form. Other writers seem not to hare mentioned this form of difficulty. It is of frequent ooourrence in this group of papers to warrant us in giring it some mention. In this type of error the exact number of letters aro Med, b4t in a transposed order, e.g. "thus" appears as "tulia; "thstt^.etc. It is of especial interest to notice that there is an increasing tendency toward this type of error from grades two to six inclusire, reappearing hl^^ ag41n in the ninth grade,' It appears that certain letter o<»blnations are rery rich in possibilitiee for the pupil in making this type of error, "ie" becomes transposed into "ei" as in ; tt l tf > grade four list, 25 pupils, 1^.4 per cent, MlMOU ««*^ eix list, 44 pupils, 27.3 per cent, ragalYfta . «rade nine, 53 pupils, 24.2 per cen^, aalaaA, grade nine. 45 tmT)iiii. pi.k n«v* »r.yi^ 5. Tzftrrsn *ro^ J?*- Jx^ t^SW 15 V ni ft? *4" '>'XI^ il^ 27. made this pturtloular error* In the word "Indian'', the "Ian" beoame "ain" in 30 oaseSp 17*7 P«r oent of the fifth grade group • In the word **niokel"9 the "el" beoame "le" in 65 oases, 40.6 per oent of the sixth grade group • If one letter were omitted the error oould be olassed as one due to silent letters* not so in these easos, for both letters appear, it is a matter of order of letters, there ie a different oomplex ctotlng upon the mental aorement of the ohild in these eases* There vmat be a different oausc in this type of error* Teaohers mi^^t easily diseerer this type of error if it is present in a group and by speoial attention to the difficulties, i.e. teaching to fortify the pupils against then, and by sufficient drill to build up proper neural patterme , it oo\xld be generally eliminated* It has been done by aotual experiment* Che length of the \¥ord nrnmmd to be but a minor error in these tests, yarying from nono in the aseand grade to 20 pmr thousand in the fifth grade* Both the ei^th and the ninth Crmdee approMlted the same nomber per thousand* The number of words in eaah grade whleh contributed to this group of errors to tho extent of f iro or more errors which meesed to be caused by difficulty on aooount of the leogth of the wevd appears below* Grade II , none; Grade III, two; Grade 17, one ; Grade V, five; Grade VI, two; Garade VII, none; Grade VIII, two; Grade IX, three. Tf'X^TtSd.C *'ffT ftitii i£tlf ;i-,tf^ 28. 9vo faotors entered into the reactions of the pupite whioh lessened the number of errors of this t7P0» first, they probably attended better to the lon^ar words and produced the written foxM sere often oorreotly than wae done with sone other words ; second, the lon^ words whiek broniT^t oonfasion were often emitted , not seorin^ as aotnally nlsspelled, so far as aoalTsin^ the errors was ooneGmed* Ceaparisons of Misspellinca of worda Boston and Saa Bernardino Coontx • The following tabxilations are offered as a oomparatire stndjr of spelling diff ioulties of children under widely differ^ ent situations* The data from the report of Xallom are based upon the work of oity children in ^raAad schools, flill in the ninth ^ade* The data ooaceminip the Saa Bernardino misspell- iniTS is baaed en the work ef pupils la snail rural schools on words appeariai^ in the tests of grades four to nine, inolusire* One is a crsfup in the extreme eastern part of - the United States » the other in tlie e xtr e st e western part* The ooBber of pupils takini^ part in the BMrtea te*t was 9930 in the San Bernardino County teat, froai 10? to 230 • In the final ecsipaftaon it is aee^ssary to reduce the data to a coaparatiTe basis; per ceats hare beea used* ■^ Te ^^^. flAlo XIII. ShowioiS :- the woxds used in both testB, Boston , and in San Bomardino County ; the §p:nAM in nhioh the word was used in Ssn Bernardino County • the number of Boston pupils aissini; tbe word» and the numberof San Bernardino Cotinty pfupila niesln^ the word ; aad» these two nuabors rednoed to per oents • Sea Bernardino Cminty grade tested. Ho* in lo» of paplls Per oent nisspellin^ Missiai^ word iftLown^ word, fi^B i ^n ir "Rrrntli Bfti^ ^' float. 3m Bd^ bioyole oaleadar JNbmary haadkerehief nieoe pltoher separate rftiwing superintendent thorouj^ily Tefetable patient patieaoe 8 8 8 6 6 4 8 4 9 9 7 107 107 107 185 185 221 107 221 250 250 119 11!? 475 315 268 285 181 200 270 579 381 241 65 31 31 19 48 100 139 30 79 92 105 22 37 48 32 27 29 45 18 20 27 58 38 24 7 29 29 18 26 34 63 28 36 40 45 18 31 This table is read as fellows :- the word "bioyole" was pronouneed in tht ei^th £prade list in San Bernardino County, 107 pupils* written spelling were oonslAared in this analysis ; 993 pupils papers were oonsidered in the BoStesa stady ( all these were in the ninth |p*ade) ; 475 pupils in the Boston i^ \. LU ) X iO^ -^ii^^^' "r?$ *if:t -"t. ; i^Birs^ 30* group » and 31 pupils in the San Bernardino County ^^oup misspelled the word '^bioyole " ; these numbers are 48 per oent and 29 per oent respeotiyely of the two ^oups beini^ « •oMparod* -■^» .' ,.■ ■ r^tS-.-J -V 31 • fabi« xrr. ft- th« aMib#r of different ways the Bisspellixi^ ft9pear«d la the work of the Boston group « and in the Saa Bexxiardlni Cotinty er<>up2 the «#«t oenttoii forms o^ mlsspellliid and their freq^ionoles ; and, the per oeut of the entire ju M b er of aisepell- ixxi^s these fon&s reporeeeated* Vo» of different San Bernardino wa73 the words Boston County were misspelled Uast eonmoa F!re-> F^- in the ^onps- foirms of g^ea* Per- gaea<^ Per £fialuau San gt gQ* mlBiitninflri aJjuu. .afioju. iHasu. asoi* 6c 12 Ijyeiole 22C 46 l6 5C 30 11 3 10 18 5 ealeader 239 76 l6 30 ealander >2 10 il 33 22 9 T^Vasxy 126 43 2 10 92 34 3 16 f'ebraary 10 4 7 37 1 31 22 baakerohief I13 40 14 30 iMa&erehief 22 8 8 haadtoreheif 26 9 5 7 24 aaiM 423 96 44 44 9 2 m,T 8 8 8 8 24 46 piotnr© (pitcher) 98 54 23 17 pieher 16 9 43 34 8 3 aeperate 187 94 23 83 12 29 *hinnin« 210 78 16 20 shiaeimr 23 9 20 23 ^a 101 49 aa9«rlnteaadant224 39 20 21 sapereatendent 46 8 6 7 ' ■ ' 37 6 i 7 a 32. MOf of different Saa Bemai^lno waj8 the words Boston Coanty were misspelled Most oomznon Pre* lYo* In the groups - forms of q^aen* Per-- guem* P«r • BoHt^oti. s&n b.Cq. ainaiafilltoft^ iiiu* nftnti jeUjui* jbjbiI* 84 28 tlhroTi£;rily I08 28 25 24 *^'^ thourougiOy 49 3 8 8 thourgjily 26 7 ^5 15 24 10 reipELtable 125 51 10 46 TO«lta'ble 22 11 2 ? TVCtiOas 28 12 2 9 20 patent 5^ 14 "' 25 paolenoe 6 16 patience 20 31 patient 5 8 ^ Table XIV is read as follows :«- Boston pupils misspelled th0 word "biojTole** in 60 different ways^ San Bernardino County pupils in 1 2 different ways ; by«iiql, f was the f ozu used by 220 ptpils, 46 per oeat of the Boston group, the same foxm was Hied by 16 pupils, ^ per eeat of the San Bamardino County group. The Boston list contained the word "patient" » 20 pupils •f the group substituted the word" pat ieas«" , this was 31 per cent of the errors made in the group. !Che San Bernardino County list contained the word " patlezioe", 3 pupils« 8 per oent of the group substituted the word "patient". There ape sereral striklag ooinoidenees in the order of errors as well as the per cents, eren thou^ the words appear in lower grades in one ease than in the other. In such words as "superintendent" the similarity is close enou^ that it miglht be of diagnostic ralue. 10 r%, trir tt i 33. Qnotations* " Aim of spelling, to give the pupil ability to spell a word oorreotly when needed." ( Kallom) ** Spelling, an a^t of seeing or hearing aoonrately what may t>e written or spoken, and translating that visual or aural image into motor aotivity* If the Image is oorreot and the motor oontrol aoo\irate, the word will be spelled oorreotly, otherwise, inoorreotly. In a sense spelling may be said to be psyohologioal." (Kallom) "Obriously poor spelling may be due to one or another of the quite different defects » or to a eombination of these* Spelling is a complex ability— and gires room for a great rarlety of defioienoies* The underlying oauses may be disoorered only by means of psyohologioal examination oorerimg the mental prooesses inrolred • ( Hollingworth* ) After enumerating eleven oauses of poor spelling as determined by laboratory methods at Teaohers' College, Dr. Hollingworth says further, " ISni^ish Spelling calls largely for rote learning ;'it van be aoq[p.ired only by the formation of thousands of bonds, arbitrarily prescribed **• Leta S» Hollingworth, "The Psyohologioal Examination of Poor Spellers." L9qn 0^ »it • ^tcHi-ncoe h9l ' . ^-.^^^ !3W< !>g ■• «^?;5:!"'^ >0 'ir 54. Table X7« Showing :- the words la the order of their dlffleultsr as bjr this test ; the WBamher of papers oonsldered In eaoh ; the zrumber of pupils spelling eaeh word oorreotly; and, Hue w^r oent of the £pcpkp •yelling the ^T«n word oorroetl/. Seoosd Grade* (214) Third Grade* (209) Foortth Grade* (221) Word* ITo . 5^ Word* I7o* f^ Word* ITo. ft or 19 37 within 129 62 nobody 147 69 sold 77 36 third 117 50 needle 119 34 told 77 36 words 101 48 writing 110 50 looks 74 35 letters 100 48 reprore 109 49 best 68 32 push 92 44. iOilnlni^ 108 49 form 62 29 belong 91 44 penny 91 41 west 60 28 tliqr 74 ^$ waltlni^ 87 39 eom 37 37 body V 34 sweeps 87 39 far 37 27 point 69 33 sailor 8o 36 dear 36 26 shoes 63 30 sweeping 78 35 care 34 25 done 59 28 palaee 77 35 alike 52 24 fenoe 56 27 repeats 77 35 rloh 48 22 oheese 33 26 weaiy 65 29 rery 44 21 orange 39 19 sentenoe 64 29 •66 43 20 stairs 36 17 waist 59 27 thank 42 20 pooket 35 17 pltoher 33 25 add 31 14 honey 29 14 sorfaoe 48 22 brare 31 14 stress 27 13 •av 44 20 dinner 26 12 feather 28 13 thief 44 20 danoe 16 7 earn 24 11 re^^ular 38 17 <i ^^ 3$. Fifth Grade. (185) Word, jQi ^ dried 127 69 properly 123 66 laid 118 64 Indian 112 60 onion 112 60 touoh 111 60 praise 103 56 dangerous 102 55 thirteen 95 51 cnooth 86 48 Toal 86 46 weapon 85 46 debt 84 45 towel 84 45 wnbrella 73 39 gF«BB«F 71 38 •zeroise 70 38 searohed 62 34 salary 33 30 Joorney 52 28 Sixth Grade (185) • SeTsnth Grade* (119) wora. ffOt '^ Word. ...M» _i. loose n^ 11 hoeirse 11 65 telephone 117 63 l|^orane« 73 61 handkerchief 113 61 xmisioian 73 61 pistols 110 60 reyerenoe 62 52 reoess lOB 58 siege 61 51 grooery 107 58 heir 61 51 speech 106 57 emperor 59 50 lihisUe 104 56 reisetable 57 48 8tea3c 100 54 pigeons 53 45 listened 97 52 patienos 33 45 q]aarrel 93 50 gratefol 53 45 trolley 89 48 wretoh 52 44 8lei|^ 86 46 •legaat 51 43 sooiety 83 45 rehsarse 48 40 niolcel 83 45 Toil 47 39 mBXMmt 82 44 sausy 46 39 Morsel 74 40 exoellent 45 38 poTstased 73 40 interfere 36 30 •o«ro« 71 38 iolole 35 29 nieoe 69 37 asutral 15 13 tiroS ►^ „. .tdftfe.- . iffefiBlM f&i 11 tmm R ii ?.^ ^^ tr r 3b. El^th Grade (107) '• ■Inth GrHde, (230) ■ Worat ,. -Jfta _-* lOXAa. Stta -i I^braapy 85 19 vorseon i6o 70 gt%9LB9 83 78 Ijniaezuie 143 62 Bolexioe 81 76 poroelT* 129 56 oordlally 73 68 mannEil«kd.e 125 ^5 separate 73 68 superintendent 123 55 bloyole 73 68 oroheatra 122 53 oalendar 71 66 aelscA 112 49 •haraotar 70 65 reeoDimend 108 47 Tehlole 62 58 reaenUaa** 104 45 dlaeacM 57 53 leopard 103 45 •««M^Mnoe 53 49 oounterfett 89 39 fatli^a 53 49 thorou^-ly 88 38 MMlbla 53 49 ■Ulioaalre 87 38 rlolnlty 50 47 preoipl«« 32 36 foreigners 49 46 poss««B 81 35 M^^ir^v 44 41 dessert 72 31 nonsense 43 40 Aisestlble 65 28 antique 41 38 irestaurant 62 27 rasouroea 40 36 ■neila^ 38 17 IStlQBCLa 36 34 perllMMat 36 16 This table reads :- (sse abora) in the ei^th grade olasa ef 107 paplls, 85 spalled the word "February" oerraetly ; this is 19 par eent of the class * »t^i£?5ftfiSS>rS*: yi In arammla^ up the Miaspellln^s , th« ••ooad and ninth Cradea are omitted ; tiia oecoad, on account of Its limited «»arienoe, the ninth, beoauae it waa lees ot a rural type than the othera and was not studying spelling at tha tiaa the test was i^Itsb* Oat of a possible 18.520 words spelled by 926 pupils in Cradea three to eight, iuolaeiTe, 2,923 words, 15.8 per oant, ware omitted ; 8,746 words, 47.2 per oent.were actually misspelled; i»a»U,666 words. 63.0 per oent, were not spelled oorreotly. SJha apallins of theae 926 pupils was 37.0 per oent effi- cient on a list of words haring a standard of 73 per centi aa 8,746 aotual misspellings were done by pupils writing 4.037 different forms in plaaa of the re«airad 120 foimai Of theae 4.037 forma. 3,038 occurred but once eaehi 332 words. 17.9 per cent, ware homonyms. 320 w«vda. 28.1 per cent, ware actual words, evidently uaad beeauaa pupils misunderstood what was pronounced. 47i: words. 23.7 Ptr o^nt, ware not clearly worda at all!' 3,679 words. 30,3 per oent, contained vowel errora. 3,132 worda, 17. T>ar cent, contained consonant errorsi 1,^18 ^oris, 6.3 par cent, had silent letter errors. • '■-'N y\«-» i> ;■ > . 1 .Dffr ;:?o O'lX' '.■^ib^.'^ Hi :?X?gj B&e^ m .^T »i tw 38* Conclusion* In oonolndin^ the analysis ot tho misspellings of roral pupils thars are sererGil general viticgastionB whioh should be iMlpful to teachers of math pupils in improring the work of the children in apellinc* 1» Of the entire list of misspelling^, 17«? per cent vere due to the use of homonymsi better illustrations iai TumUm eentenoea to aake the intended word olear would elia- m inate Boat of the errors of this type* A single illustration will suffice ; in the fourth grade list the word '^oar" was pronounoedt 44 pupils out of 221 spelled the oorrect form, while 56 pupils spelled " ore" instead* Theae woi^o oust be tau£^t in oonneotion with their definitions and pirtipar uses*^ 2* Aotual words as aubatitutes for the pronounced worda were U8ed^28«1 per cent of the oaaea of miaapallings* SeTcral causes contributed to this type of error; aametiaea a already pronounced was spelled, usually there was no eapeoial connection with the word pronooneed other than a phonic resem- blance sufficiently cloae to auggeat a wrong word* Minor errors aoooxmt for a small part of theae errors, inattention aeems to hare oauaea moat of them, inattention to the pronun- ciation, inattention to thing being written; in a word inatten- tion to the details of spelling* The renedy for thia type of error is to be sure that cne has the attention of the examiaaea; and that more generous use be made of aentenoes and definitions to indicate the use of the required word* m yi^iaiNpNlt "j i, if', i'i .'•■ ' 59. 3* Of all the mlaspellod foms 25. 7 per cent were not of definite form enou^ to be recognised as anything like the ^^ word at all and usoally not like any reoognizable word* Often it appeared as if the intention was simply to males OMis rsAstion bsoause it was sxpeoted, no matter what the ont* SOBS* A |p.aaos at the list will explain better than the jlWiflss following :-> under the list of words showing the astual spellings made by pupils when the word" tiny " was pronoimoed, may be seen ; tiv^ latts, temen, tingues^ tome* (S«e pa^ 3*1 2^ of the sopplement*) Ifo osrtainty oan be dsolarsd as to why those fox«8 wore written* The 1^#8 per ocnt of omitted words, plus the 25.7 por ooat of this group y a total of 41 .5 of the words pronounoed wore not spelled oorreotly beoause the pupiljt did not know what word was w«mt«d or Icnow he did not know how to spell it. Had all other words been spoiled oorreotly the errors dlio to those two oauses alone would hare brou^t the group under the •tamdard for the words used. !0wo things may bo dono; first, see that all pupils hare opportunity to know the words that are expected of their grades. Copies of the aoale prore useful for this purpose. Seoond, an amslysis of the papers of a olass will show n^at pupils fail to oyeroome this error at any time, special drill for those will surely go far to relieve the situation, especially if the teacher will study the pupil and his work and aim at his particular difficulty. This will ap ly to each of the paragraphs following as wall as to this one. .^ lit 40. 4* learlj cni»->thxx-vx vx . e words oilaspelled, 30.5 pei^ ••at, contained vowel errora; (a) rowels omitted, (b) vowels added, or (o) Towels substituted* This is 0BS of the most fruitful fields for error, das largely to the phonio systems of teaohing reading* If those in authority oould be persuaded of the proper plaoe of "phonios ", the spelling diffiotiltios would bo greatly lessened • SxSBplos of errors of this type are here presented :• (See pa^ S • 12, supplement under the word "tlay"*) tine, tinoy, tuyny, tieny, tinie, tin, tainp, tineey, tienoi, tony, tini, tolny, tuiny, teny, tone,tyni, fhe types of errors are plainly shown hero and this will suggest the Icind of teaohing no oos o ogf to overoome the difficulty* There is not much excuse for the use of "o" or " oi" for the "1" p the "o" indioates a pronunoiation of "tee-ny"; the other forms are simply wronir sots of bonds established in lesLmii^ tho word, if it had ever booa teia^t* 5, The consonant errors are as easily olassified into tho MBO £p?oups as Indioatedin the last iproup of errors, and , in this analysis oonstitutod 17*^ por cent of tho entire group of •rrors» The doubling of the rowel, or doubling it in improper plaoeo added to the oonsomaat errors* (See page 3-9, supple- ment, two columns, "fonco" and " honogr") • • • • • fens, fonts, fece, fes, fentoe, fenoh, fencer, fens, feng, fond8| hunny, huning, hunne, hoail, haqr, hond, joni, hungo, gonei* Often the child intoadod to write the proper letter, but on account of Intense imterest, slownoss, inattention, ot other diatraotii^ element made Bome blunder which can be eliminated Tr i ■•''T »l^ 41 • \$ oloser attention to his habits «€ writing hia lessonSp and ••p^o tally to his approach in leaimizi^ his word iaa^tts* 6* Silent letters oontributed 6.5 per oent to the errors as grouped in this analysis* Examples follow :- ( See ya^ S* 11 ^ of the supplement); for the word jeOiuuta we hare, shoae ( freqcaenoy of 30); stars ffor ataira^ (F*29); aad^ strem» f eg atreaa (7. 3>3 )• About the only way to pge y wi t errors of this type is to taaiii the word in its correct fom until tlie "^ bonds" are firmly established and become sutomatio when the pupil once begins bo write the word* 7« ^o per oent of all errors were made by pupils who vaed the prop«r aoMber of letters and the oorrect letters, but •enbiaad them in the wrong sequence* This seems to indicate that the pupil has a proper riaual Image of the v^ord but hia motor reflexes do not respond in the rii^t order* Examples ; i^ose» stiarsy lettrea, fence, f aether, eanr, oonr* The child's mental habit of study sltould be found out and modified* This error ia close kin to the one that falls to note an omitted letter* Children often look at a writtem word and fail to disoorer an omitted letter or a wrong aaqjneoee in the lettera* In thia case the child leama hia apelling by the auditory image and does not reoogniee the riaual* SVhia •an bo determined by noting vAiether the child can diaoorer hia error by an inapeotion of hia work* Children naually aire not taa^t to do this* ( See the State Speller for directions and help* ) fid I 42, The fore^poin^ au^^^Btions would ellmlntite about 90 per ocnt of all the errors fouztd ixi the papers analysed if it were poeelble to praotioe then eeapXetely* Ulnor errors appeared In eertain aohoola which though not general deserre •one notiee as they represent some ot the things ehioh mig^t affeot some of the teaeliers if they had certain pupils itrhose W0g^ is uniformly inefficient » and » on the other the work •f sons teachers which is reflected on the pupils mi^t hare "brought less efficient work fro« pupils v;orlcing under their pronunoiationp.. To illustrali these two types the following is offered^ certain pupils show tlieir foreign ancestry and langnage in their spellings* In one particular school the papers indi- cated that there was but one pupil of the teeriean type, the spellings indicated Italian and Spanish speaking ohlldren for all the others - there aiay hare been one Irish boy. In one district the predominaat error was to terminate the words r;ith an "a'\ Examples ; shoesa, stairsa^ streaBa^wordsa, It is not difficult to plaoe the blaae for the poor spelling of words w^loh have not been capeoially studied for the regular lesson* In riie wrii^xcn spelling taken up by the teaeber, based on an assigaed lesson, the pupil knows tiAiat is expected and the teacher does not know that her own peculiarity of pronunoiation causes the pupil to misunder- staad what is intended. A list of words not specially prepared and later oarefully analysed will help a teaser to see hereelf in a new lic^t sometimes. ^'i♦ CXi 43. In some distrlots there is utter disregard of the use of oapital letters* Shis error does not seea to reaoh lari^e proportions for the oounty in general* It is a natter for the local distriots* Peer hand writing is a ninor souroe of error and is ■snh more preralent in sone districts than in others* In this t^ype of error it is usually easy to tell what the pupil intended, but in an exaet analysis the actual faot was regarded as the best guide for placing the word* The smber of such errors was anall end oould be largely •lininated by attention to the difficulty in a few districts*' Tl.ore B.re a ttm psychological principles whleSi teachers asy learn to apply to sfslling as well ss to the rarious other subjsots which sAdoA to tho idsa of soalysing the work of indiridual pupils to looate their errors would improve the wori<: in spell ia^p to the point that it would talce its plase in the habitual respoasss of the pupil and giye him and thos e who road his written wordi:! satisfaction in the product as a thing well done, tliat is^ properly done* % ¥■ 44, Biblloipraphyi ** Che Psyobolosioal SxMilnation of Poor Spellers*^ » Leta S. Holllii£Worth« f^Mhers* Collet R«oo3rd. 20 : 126 -• l^2« (H;i9) " Some C««868 of Misspelling" » Artlxnr W« KalloBi, Jomraal of ^^daoatiosal P970holos7» Sopttaibor »1917 *> Spell or for Sleoentary Soihools^^ (Hpaeo K* Peraald, Ph.D* California Stato Series » Seaehere* ifaimal. S 1, SaUe S«X. SRiowing tlic per oent in eaoh 4pnA» ^ttin^ aiQr iplTeti of the proaovmoad words oorreot* Vo. of , ' 'o ' ffrpA«> Gar. 2 Qi»^ , 3 Qg>4 Gr'^ ^^ 0^f> CW*^7 Qi*>^ Gy>q , C 7.1 4.8 2.1 U.^ 0.6 1.9 0.5 1.6 1 6.2 ^.9 3.9 2.1 2.1 3.3 0.8 2.7 2 4.9 5.9 5.7 2.8 2.9 3.7 2.1 1.9 3 3.4 6.9 3.4 ^.^ 2.4 3.3 2.2 4.1 I 6.2 7.6 6.3 4.3 2^2 4.6 3*9 4.8 u 6.4 6.1 5.8 3.3 4.4 3.9 3.3 7.;' 3.2 6.6 6.4 3.1 3.6 3.2 4.3 7*3 6.0 4.7 3*8 ^.^ 4.2 3.4 3.4 7.1 8 4«4 6«6 7«7 6.6 4.7 6.4 3.9 6*8 9 3.0 3.6 3.1 3.8 3.3 3.3 6.C 5.1 10 4.9 4.6 3.1 6.L 3.8 6.3 3.7 6.7 11 4.2 4.8 6.0 6.3 3.2 6.3 7.6 5.S 12 4.8 4.3 4.2 3.6 6.3 ^.^ 3.6 6.3 13 4.3 4.3 6.7 3.7 7.1 7.2 6.C 3.6 14 4.4 4.2 3.2 6.6 6.3 7.6 4.7 3.2 13 4.8 3.7 4.1 4.6 7.7 G.Q 8.0 4.3 16 3.6 3.3 3.7 7.6 7.3 4.3 8.6 4.9 3.8 2.9 4.2 6.3 9.3 3.7 3.9 3.3 ]l 3.3 2.3 2.3 4.8 3.^ 4.4 6.6 2.7 19 2.9 2.7 2.1 3*4 4.3 2.8 ^•^ 1.0 20 2*1 2.1 1.1 0.8 1.8 0,1 2.3 0.1 Ta1)le S-I is road as follows :- 7.1 per oent of tlio Crade pap lis of the entire eounty spelled no word oorreotly; 6.2 p«r oent spelled one word correotlj ; 4«9 Ptr aent spelled two words eorreotly* In the third ci^ade^ 4.8 spelled no ttord oorreetly; 3.9 per oent spelled eoe word oorreotljr ; etc. '£1 3 - 2. Table of Misspelled Forms* On the following pa^^s will be fauiid all of the Bisspellin^ of all the pupils whose written work was used in ooapilin^ this report. All of the forms actually written by pupils in the iproups frott QrAde ^^o to Cirade I^ine^ InolusiTe, are shown* Thm figures in front of the forms indioate the number of freqpiencies for the form following. The vrords and figures at the top of eaoh oolu]in« abore the line » are the frequeaoiee of » and oorreot forms* Many forms are not reoognisable as words at clLI, ^any will be reoognised as harlng been intended for another word in tlie list. A few will be recognljiad as resulting from the pupil beginning the pronounoed foxm^ only to give up the attempt after a good start had been made* Share are two ralues to be plaoed upon this list as it staadii; It is a faithful reeord of a long and tedious tabulation of facts as found regarding tlie actual reaotions of rural sohool children to a standard test in spelling^ and is adaptable as a source for further olassifioations not reported in tl.ese pages, Sereral suvh olassifioations hare been made but do not seem to be essential to the particular problem being considered at this tine* ♦Jfj;??. Seoond Grade iUs spell lii|^, ^ — -«- .♦^Uw ^ x^. yw-o^ ^ -"^^^ 7? or AP 4:V>mV ?6 flniir Cc> ffflrt 12 9 Z 3 2 2 rere na?e wrll foe UTil Ttrly Tlry ▼ele TirU T«we« T«la Tar yav Terry flry Tear rery yare 12 ore 5 ar our orr oro oair yoar are tup yor tire r ajBBL ome oir orer onr ro arr opar aroiid oU dan^o doft Tor saa thowk thoe fe bere Vra thalc thae 'thaae thiak thalflk thaattk thaa thk thlas tae th«ak foroT Tiri was oit there fae fre flTe be fkile brad bwt raTe Tone taiiOlc thek thlA thk teiBk thaook thaao thlank thexiolce thowk thiok tfattt thoaa 15 15 3 4 sae marl ohoa •aod tomg baeen bnr foke fo^ d2ie yoa faa Tiaa hak dlHk fant fatle don apiak feak eat 8T0U Wl say a^EUfia^ thane thii tao taw dir 1 IpDk soo see next dar dir deer Dear dr dara da«r theor derr tara far de:*ray trar den dard dier die de bury dllaa thar die hler ther dare dera bear drir deep daw fir dee tier dam ter ker tmilflff 27 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 dre Ten wist uat waad eart wat waaat wat nat gaaat wata taeat wrait wares Tots was arst wiast Wi5d uset test diaet wat whaa wter whTwat Just sord whra best wheat wase wasat west reT% rrold iur wader wel doracaii daa waaat east 3-4. 77 aolfl 77 told 6fi hftat ^2 f om ^7 far ^^ f^^n SOTXld 80 Aolde sot •ed sld sol •oold 807d 800 80W •olald sola •lad dswld €9^e8 oiro 80% old 8d#t salel STOl solr sotd aofli oold oolao SOTVd uoato ▼•r taiis H soul saU Mil Mi saU 7 7 2 2 2 a tolo tol tod toM tolld tal toald toldo tttld toald tatld tas talt tl8 told towld toes talld tald tolt tlod t08t Itet tot sal tatel toad t#lc tld thas tolerd toold lost 26 bast 3 fMt 2 last 2 Bast tt^Ll tes tat toild torb 3 toll 2 tad 2 taXl 2 tald 1 tllso 1 most 1 tord 1 ton^ 1 toob 1 boros fest bas bat blst bt bst lost brast Isst basd bsstt sr brvs Idias has bsts daat Tisst bat rest bese baste baan bet bood was oas flnts Tast bats bete brat beast boss dest 7 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 foxme torn for fom far fam fr fMrinas 'I 3 4 2 2 2 2 fen bm fairln fixot tat thor fjm ehas forre forld feroM ftrll fors floras t» ftporre some f< hent froB llry fm Toir fajt fane fo foaa Pood l^t doiPt for fare far favd farr fa fir fralm flsee fer fet farla bar frr fmr foar far! b9Rld flSTV farde f jwe fred blare 14 car 10 ^r% S gar 5 «a 4 gar 4 gave 2 gab 2 gere 2 gre grad gore yar bare garre gaa garde gafs gabe gled gaos Fere alan fral twin .8 fore sar trre boeat ba fUir tur foare gafe kaf Tareo gOT daieo gaje glar fae ta for ganb gaut galse geif «lf gof «•» gore IBS ^ % t^-: Tnn V 1X£!Ju. . -A^,.^^ B£Im r S - 5. 52 alilcft 31. .add 48 ad 18 teftTi liraT 1 baf ^ (sorn 1£ 27 15 AlllC 7 oon daaa 9 alio I at 7 bara 1 1 Bgar 5 oam 13 das 4 alak« ade 3 brar 1 1 rou 3 oan 6 danso 3 al 2 adde 3 birau. 1 ras 4 horn 7 danoB 3 alak 2 01 3 ftra 1 1 f ef 4 oor 4 dard 2 borr 2 atd 3 braf 1 1 bojo 3 oone 3 daaa 2 oofad 2 ada 2 brear 1 breif 3 am 2 daado 2 alioe 2 adal 2 ^ff^re bars 2 Icon 3 daaat 2 alo ala 2 \K3PT i Braro 2 000 2 dass 1 alld a 2 bav 1 1 brat 2 oord 2 dinso 1 ilark old 3 bn 1 1 braa 2 koxn 2 daao 1 11«# ahad 2 fjpay 1 oorad 3 danta 1 alka tmtr bar fMt 2 dens 1 alllce ahalc ftaf oouo 2 daat 1 taio aira brora oam dalt 1 allloe «ao brak kkom drird 1 axei£ attd baer oaao oord 1 ftll artd teas onom darso 1 alira alld brax oar drases 1 alap aid «r«t yooan daa 1 allak atda rar oola baa 1 tau* aat draf oonem hast 1 allte aud gra OlBOO daat 1 allgo aood bradd oaolcor daOHM 1 «Ili:e atld braro km denr 1 ailtke addm botaa kor doas 1 bareoa azTsa bs oas dmoo 1 allt aer bhr «l«et Daiioo 1 like aod brie oolm baak 1 akil too brata bomo daguwo 1 alia atd dad OOtBlO derie 1 alym adt buara trmt 1 alit S'" braf» OAlOM da 1 allao tiajT oron daa^^ 1 ala aad bru ba»B d08 1 alio aad fraapa ooar bra 1 oary taara orrar ode oars 1 da ado or ooos tlM 1 thlt aU brayofa alle t«HP 1 llo bray oaao tas 1 lou birat oost fata 1 allotf baf jpoott at 1 at hrsM blab fao 1 g^\> Ea» da 1 aliolc for |P*an iorao 80T«i 1 aliai^ ol den 1 aap#« brrr OOBf thaas 1 olo fa MOi tore 1 adik drat oam danoke 1 llo Bob deands 1 laoh drot 1 alk done 8 tns S - ^ >• 11 JCUCCL. 74. iQOlifiL- 4? riQh 24 dlnr 1 1 dener 18 a« 4 look 8 reeh 1 roT 8 diner 1 derlonal 1 «M 4 lues 3 rih 1 1 regr 5 dear 1 deanr 8 M»» 3 loks 3 rsh 1 1 riy 3 daar i 1 dinar 3 egg« 3 laes 3 araA I rier 3 dlnre i 1 denQRi 3 eggs 2 likes 3 rith 1 ribhi 2 dlnnr ' 1 defr 2 age 2 eas 2 rig 1 reir 2 dnr 1 tinb 3 •ag 2 luoks 2 red I rals 3 deare 1 1 dinars 3 gag 2 looos 2 rio I rit 2 denner 1 Dinner 2 eog 2 lis 2 reo 1 brisat 2 din 1 den 2 ege log 2 rlk 1 wioh 2 dnre ^ 1 ape gll Inks 2 m 2 dlnnlr 1 dinnar agae loooe 2 rah 1 thinor 1 esre ome lookes 2 reaoh 1 Mad 1 denar ao book reok ad luo rea 1 dnuf •go Lome rist 1 d«m gg« es rioe 1 aisa a^ llKTS rone 1 derd aggs adoneg loiit rlhs 1 dlnoe leos rogo 1 drinr aggie linlooJcs 1 llik 1 dura aegg Inkss regd 1 der ak looks reg 1 dinra agog lyss rinen 1 tim oogg kooks riohlng 1 tin ages lokes rige 1 dtner aga luoo reks 1 denier agger manoll reaa 1 eas rry Its reak 1 dearell aaem lak reoth 1 dimar •ggea Iboo neao 1 dinea«r go aood rio 1 Dlnery alcsd looe rang 1 Dlnre am loos xou 1 domar OUOtt lags refy 1 dlnlna T too reke 1 dlmire tso res 1 dlnrren Ik 1 shtl 1 dlndr osgg lao reure 1 dan agll lo reh 1 daenr »SS Irsk raa 1 Tiry aers lookl rito 1 Inne eg Ins reehe 1 dlnlp agog boos rin 1 dim oyrar illrs retr 1 ter geek los reh 1 tenr looes re SB 1 tdood lys raz 1 ta loss 1 f er bossk 1 dmok bookaj ■%ij^^ J Cv ^39 ; 561U : xrov i l?C ins ' vi©^ 1 ^' ^IftJVO ^ :^ ^^.f r a-jlk r ,.-» ; .^ rf . f^^.^'*^^ .,;/,-^»^ S - 7. 117 thiri ii PQiat 129 within 52JkU IP therd 21 paoh 2^ pent 6 wihin 42 duB ^ ©ilrd 11 poosh 15 p Clint 3 wthin 23 Urn 3 thTd 11 posh 3 poynt 3 whtiB 10 daa 7 thrld . 4 poush 6 poet 2 withi 7 dotta 4 there 4 4 poeKt 2 whithin 3 done 3 thred 2 pose 3 poTt 2 with-in 3 doni^ 2 thlpde 2 poooh 3 pint 2 winiB 3 down 2 3vd 2 poy 3 pot 2 whin 2 dOB 1 bib peA 2 poyt 2 win 2 duett 1 f Ird faohe 2 paint 2 we thin 1 duad 1 ttpd puohod 1 port 2 thin 1 daaite 1 ^tA paeh Bohe 3 ponit wiia 1 done 1 trode pi on we^in 1 doned 1 credo poi<rtL ponte wethine 1 donet 1 throof pewA poxiret wlhtin 1 doon 1 thord pest poiate wey 1 don 1 thnrd poth porte witia 1 doeode 1 thrrd poohe punt whi2ie 1 dunn 1 t^iirth paehe poont wmla 1 doone 1 nird PCpAi pnt wilJcIn 1 dunoe 1 taeerd helom poot dihtin 1 doint 1 thirt ted pote widhin 1 thaa 1 th ba*e poyd beni 1 daoB 1 thee poaA poin in 1 dane 1 thrrul bdh poyit whim 1 des 1 Irk pool ponint withe 1 now 1 tlMld pok poient potin 1 thlae 1 fhltd pohe piont witea 1 theoa 1 thered bot patm withias 1 palae 1 tlie pin pont wiela 1 dora 1 f^red pinoh pane with 1 lonlt 1 fhirde boah paentdo whitin 1 4ore bttflb pain wit 1 that poroe pa wi^6B|? 1 dard pnrhe baoks plrti pn^eM pooh peete puot pon poeit poned potene ponoh poushe poen pulnt poiet bat white weala whi wdim weden arlMa m& Of ear' - ■is:. HOC e. S «. 8. 71 toAY 91 beloTLga 5? QhOftBQ 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1$ bod« B badr 4 boody bad« body boddy bobj Body babe baddy boy bodey bale boa« baye baty biy bury bate bory boday bood bodyt buddy dody dcmdy bopy fooot bold boat bodde Bobea bo] batd bodaa bod hi ten bothy bra^ bo^d bwrld boad bodley boidy b-d here bldie bathere bvdl bore bare barl boly bo the bode boade boody pody balne badje boole bae bole 40 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 belong blong belons bellng bllobng belomg blon^ blone blO|^ be-loni^ belones BeloniTB belaipd beloem beloa blons billans blaai^ bloon heamgB bio one bealong belonge bellong blon belong 's bllongs the belinss beloneo bee bio blalngs belonse beloags bio lag blan beige fielone bels byloags 2^ oheea 21 em 1 1 srsm 1^ oheee 9 urn 1 t esiA 14 ohes 6 ohese I md 1 rornn 4 oheaee 3 om 1 emrs 4 ahees 3 ron 1 rened 4 eheas 4 erne 1 ersa 4 flbee 3 rean i r«Qtt 3 ahees 3 emd 1 earea 3 ohls 3 rubn i roy 2 ohise 3 pne 1 rivm 2 ohies 3 am 1 elssa 1 Shis 3 om 1 asm 1 ehesa 2 ram 1 raas 1 ohene 2 eaim 1 ma 1 sjB^eise 1 ohues 2 eirm 1 oren 2 zmi 1 rue 1 oese 2 ren 1 Rone 1 ohees 2 amd 1 sheesh 2 omd 1 sheas 2 erne 1 Jannt oeme 1 ohesess rar 1 oees ame 1 eessnt rine 1 oheeses omth 1 o^eeoe wlnl 1 chioh uoreng 1 ohens rearte 1 eheess horn* 1 oehas anen 1 kertiia rot 1 fl^iels ared 1 ehldso eea 1 oheasg mst 1 ohlss oxim 1 ohesses eria 1 ohoes renol 1 aas rrdn 1 ehenr ar 1 cheoere arid 1 ohld ran 1 oheaes med 1 oheser rung 1 ohense erwa. 1 ehiess easns 1 oes earnes 1 gee vine 1 shease or 1 tfieey ome 1 oheehs bnoh 1 eheis wrans 1 oh las rar 1 sheese harness *t;V-^4^ •/- •• *^"^ : It.:: Slf idfejBff : -. f - - r .■ M -r^, vi. S • 9. 7 28 faathar 56 fenoe f ' 59 father 1 1 fear 24 feu 1 fanos 24 hoay 1 haala 10 fatber 1 fine 15 feae 1 feoensi^ huaar i 1 h-um 6 f erther 1 fhttee 8 f aaoe 1 faute 14 haae i i h«M 4 f eder 1 f etf er 7 feBM 1 fats 7 lioBnjr 1 1 laaam 4 fear 4 fathr 1 far 1 faietex 7 feats • 3 teno 1 faads I feass 7 htianj 6 hoiM ISS" 2 fftder i f edr 3 f eaeeer 1 f aa 3 himlng 1 hlalae 3 f earth er 1 fesar 2 faoe 3 haae 1 hlolae^r 3 f ethp 1 1 faithei * 2 f aae 2 hamr 1 hena 4 fethre 1 f erth 2 fee 2 Keay 1 1 hoaaey 2 f athre 2 f enee 2 tomaj 1 i ^ftmg 2 fither 2 fins 2 haazQr i 1 ««ael 2 f edar 2 f aose 2 Ime 1 hoaae 1 flether 1 f ese 2 Imamr ^ 1 haae 1 feeder 1 foes 2 Iraane i 1 heal 1 fahte 1 finee 1 hale 1 feter 1 fiioe 1 hoaae 1 faith 1 fants ft lerls 1 f atlie 1 f eaen 1 hney 1 flthjp 1 seeste 1 huat 1 fethir 1 fentoe 1 Xaae 1 Pethee 1 feaast 1 heall 1 feer 1 feoe 1 bene 1 feree 1 fenos 1 hoajrey 1 feetrea 1 f enoh > heaery 1 fiirlae 1 feaeer 1 liooae 1 f ef er 1 fast 1 hond 1 f eoher 1 tma 1 hoaee 1 foalat 1 tmtm 1 hat 1 felr 1 f ooie 1 huey 1 f eddr 1 you t bwe 1 fater 1 Jes 1 heals 1 father 1 fcfwm 1 dla 1 f ear 1 f eae 1 ftat 1 fatherde 1 f ials 1 Matter 1 faher 2 fasa 2 honyo 1 fttflt 1 faasd 1 hone 1 f eedr 1 faaes 1 Haee 1 f arer 1 fas 1 handee 1 teth 1 f eaado 1 hey 1 fahter 1 fleaoe 1 haaerd 1 fens 1 fends 1 honneye 1 fetaer 1 f 1 1 haas 1 Bone 1 f inoe 1 han^ 1 f er 1 f tnoh 1 hoalee 1 hetater 1 femse 1 hay 1 feteter 1 fons 1 tasaaey 1 fetr 1 faal 1 hlae 1 ftrer 1 festu 1 hyaoair 1 beather 1 f aat 1 hloe silsmti f Z&&3^ Tttittfi^ Vfure^; r •r '-•r'-: 8 • 10. 100 lattapfl lam 19 mmaummm 1 oego i LJBfiSltti ?1 poket 12 latter 1 15 oiiM(« 1 paroit 6 liters 1 letr 1C orani^ 1 orek 11 pooet 1 puoliot 4 lattera 1 lettres^ orinff 1 allre 3 paot I bog^ 4 letrs 1 laftars8 oms 1 pooat 3 poket 1 pottit 2 litters 1 orinoh 3 oreaeh 1 omolc 3 palct 1 pooete 2 litter 4 oreaiEe 1 orgeae 3 paoat [ booat 2 leitler 2 orin^ 1 oveege 3 packet 1 paokt 2 lers 2 om^ 1 eranoh 3 pocat ! puok 2 latter 2 organ ^ 1 9BT^ 3 poot ! pooant 2 lettrese 2 orcaff 1 ohere 3 pokit i peoh 1 leadee 2 orage 1 omlie 3 pooot 1 booket 1 latere Z oraasB 1 orenj 2 puoat 1 puhet 1 leallte 2 omgs 1 2 pookit pok 1 nooat 1 ledr 2 omeg 1 oreiohs2 poohet 1 leteir oronge 1 orging 2 pook 1 pooit 1 lettrs oraeag 1 emje 2 paeet poohe 1 lettlea amah 1 oryeh 2 poekt 1 poo ted 1 letteree swepping 1 orenohe! pert 1 pain 1 latre orong 1 eriaohoi paehat 1 balr 1 leathers orge&B 1 erangy 1 balkt 1 pooite 1 lurs orag 1 org 1 paots I pooit 1 lettirs Oregon 1 orgnthel beet 1 pxet 1 letr omoh 1 omenohl poet 1 bodjer 1 lettles orenoh 1 oqng peket pao 1 lillte omer i onege poit 1 pookeat 1 letterrs origlge 1 oow paoit 1 lether orriag 1 oreoke pokat 1 lathr orgene 1 ormige pouoet 1 the oranege i arenge pakep 1 latrs ernes 1 orege pookes 1 laets omgo 1 ooh pokkete 1 lattrs omglng ' 1 areg poohat 1 letrss emgigg 1 omig poker 1 latMonra omger i 1 omnge pokiter 1 little oreing l 1 poite horennoh orin^t poete 1 leas ooirag poeke 1 letter's omege poke 1 lour oremgr palset 1 lettls orenglt pogot 1 lerttle orgesse pooket 1 lltrs onag pohet 1 lorls '4 oinge poet 1 lairs Dings host 1 letras orig orotin poVei 1 lards pokt 1 lares oraftie Jap 1 lars ormeaf shih 1 leder ermoher pokes ^;:<^^".«?i S - 1U 1^ fOkimn 36 Bt^ira £1 .jLiiXisam \Q shooe 31 stars 33 stroa 1 astolna ) shoos 29 stars 12 streoa 1 atraraa 3 8h08 b staxes 11 stria 1 straea 5 shows 6 staara 8 stem 1 steme ^ shoas 4 atires 8 streme 1 stone ^ ohoos 3 steirs 7 strea 1 stime 3 tSaxLB 3 stair 3 steaa 1 straaaa 4 ihoe 3 stras 4 strmiT i stri» 3 aihoass 3 ater 3 streaa 1 stmya 2 ohoss 2 atola 3 straaa 1 1 aatla 2 shosss 2 stars 3 stria 1 artlsip 2 ohos 2 stores 3 stens 1 steram 2 ahms 2 stats 3 straa i strima 2 idlMMS 2 staaraa 2 atraaa 2 shoas 2 stirs 2 stores 1 saos 2 stearss 2 stam 1 wiowi 2 satrs stime 1 tfiovss 2 star stenipa 1 Sh»«9 2 staras 3 torn 1 ^l^^sss 1 staara strisa 1 shoues 1 stres astens 1 ohos 1 astaro steon 1 shosts 1 sthiars steim 1 shea 1 atalra srtm 1 shosrss 1 atalraa araaa 1 afr 1 ataar atroBM 1 stsou 1 strs steams 1 sohas 1 the strtman 1 Shu 1 tralrs srime 1 ohas 1 thka srim 1 soas 1 Starr ston 1 Bhiies 1 starga fos 1 ghohe 1 saaaa aatraaa 1 ohsese 1 atr atxaa 1 shaos 1 strshe aaa 1 tfhosr 1 3 tans arena 1 Mhois 1 stair's atan 1 shoies 1 stoas strain 1 ihftsss 1 stuara •trerl 1 A0«t8 1 tiooa iftirln^ 1 ho ins 1 atari sttrsa 1 iAbSAMIS 1 atlra atxa 1 ilmss 1 atarts atrlaaiT 1 ohoses 1 strars strrs 1 shors 1 aathra atoa 1 obsras 1 aatara fftla 1 ohase 1 stas atrai ns 1 ohuor 1 sear St 1 ohoos sine 1 6hmmB stuthe 1 lAiouss alaa '-r»f*« •(» <i«*t<'4'ie» t^ t-XjESt^ i.r'iLi3>i :- ^09»»0m l*»*#?i ■ ff^j^. s>fe- S - 12. 74 tlar 1Q1 ffordn [\ tine 1 1 wrds 1 werdes 1 tinny 7 wev&s \ wise 6 tinoy i wmm 1 werse 2 toyny 5 «r0 1 wordes 2 tieny 2 was 1 wer 2 tinie 2 weres 1 werer 2 tin 1 werthe 1 wkrs 4 tinn«y 1 tnaae 1 word 2 tain 1 ritin« 1 werdt 1 taa 1 worde 1 worlds 1 tladiac 1 wres 1 cards 1 tiry 1 wros 1 1 weirds 1 tlainif 1 sherds wards 1 tim«y 1 wrods 1 1 whar 1 tintey 1 srsh 1 tiate 1 tlffl^ini: \ w&nn 1 wFoa 1 tlffline 1 wordis 1 time 1 vnss 1 urns 1 tuno 1 worsas 1 tin2*8 1 1 vevAd 1 tir 1 1 MiHn % 1 Ummx 1 axil 1 Utt« 1 witi 1 tm 1 wooe 1 tinner 1 1 wlds 1 tieaei i 1 wearis 1 tini; 1 1 wers 1 win« 1 1 wis 1 time 1 1 wrsd 1 ton 1 1 weeds 1 tizi^e 1 wrdse 1 tily 1 boors 1 tin^iMe 1 wms 1 tony 1 1 wods 1 tini 1 1 wredea 1 tome 1 ttea 1 stine 1 whord 1 toiny wrss 1 tuiny works 1 teney 1 wrasds 1 line 1 wose 2 tone 1 worse T:?;'^i?v s - 13. 1^7 WQhfldy 9 needle 8 atdle 5 nowbody 56 ore 8 % knonbodj 21 or 8 6 aeadle i nobady IJ our 7 4 needl ^ nobaiy 10 ower 6 3 aiddle ; 2 nobudy 8 oer 5 2 neeld 2 liobogr 1 nobidy 7 owr 4 2 nidle 5 orer 4 2 n«adll 1 nobodey 2 ory 4 1 atdol« 1 aowboody 2 eor 3 1 tt«ii&«l 1 noboby 1 oraw 3 1 nAlAles 1 nobcath 1 oroe 2 1 aeelttd 1 nouboudy 1 ore sore a 2 1 neede i non 1 ors 2 1 BM«11« 1 ooboary 1 cure 2 1 nmAA 1 1 soobody 1 oreaer 1 nadel 1 noTibjrt 1 ojPor 1 wed 1 nobo^ 1 ard 1 Mdlle t aonblody 1 aorln^: 1 needole nomodly 1 owe 1 nee^nd I aobaby 1 orl 1 nlller 1 t^owbody 1 eMer 1 Mid ' nobdtty 1 aare 1 nedll t nobosrd 1 nobodagr 1 houre 1 needol 1 1 om 1 aealdle nobury 1 era 1 neled 1 nobode 1 rem 1 noaldy 1 neldel ^ nople 1 orther 1 noboody 1 aor 1 nelad 1 negal 1 , ^ 1 needll /</ -> 1 aeadel 1 nlld 1 media 1 B«do 1 nldell 1 nellre 1 nidel 1 aiale 1 alllor 1 all 141 1 nildel 1 aeid. 1 aedlee 1 ftlAMd 77 T^alftae 8 place palaae paloe palloe palaa palls pales pallas palese paleoe places pallaoe palleee palass pleoe plioe plalls poloao pllse peal is palaoes polase palxui pass polys pelaoe pallaye palaiss plaise pleaoe pelass plals pllo pallo paloae plaoess poola plaston plasaea plalas passes pleas 8 plas paloo palish palaslo llaloe pllues peales peales pelles pallia pallsas plased plas is plaes paloes peoples pelas plasi palles paelaoe palls plaaoe paleso ■ie.^'' mmlXMq, s . u. 3 3 3 2 2 3C peny 20 peney 1? p«im«3r 4 p«tt« peaxQr paay p«nne peaie paney P«tEny P#«SMI panny p«a«ly poaej p«es«y paaaoe pieny pennel paazi«gr p^ea pazmie pinn^y 43 pioher 23 pioture 4 peaoher 3 piothure 3 pecher 7 piture 3 puoture 2 plther 2 ploth 2 plcthar 2 ploker 2 ploture 2 plsher 2 piotar plpteure plohup pitohar peottr paifhvr pe««fti ploe plots ple3coher pyohar plotxtr piotoher paobtar pltohur prlohar pisah p&oture pittnre piteore plotuar pihar poroh pioaoli paatope piottur plolier pa toiler pitohr pltanre pooar padhar partner 14 regular 11 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ra^ar railar rac^ar ragalra ragular ra«Lar rigler re^lar raaiflar regl-ore raagolar rai^Ilar rliEBrarl ragaral nsuita re^llar raenlard raan^rlar raguliir •ccolar wry or ra^^ala raibiorsld repaohar raa^lar ragttlalr rorar raipralar rai^ator asteon raramll roai^ara rudl ar ratcola readily rulur ra^urle raid rogXar reggur regglar arlgar redl rlcar roglor eureglar redear rel«|^ ragytmr ragalar regnla regolaar rarlar reuor regor raai^ar ranlar regalar dragyouler reglyoulard lagilar raaabar aragar reary rellar regolara ruyoua«re ralanla rellyvr ralljpfa ragttlara raglTir regaar re^aroar Irragulara lagnar Aar^onasa ralaga ruaglng regal ir ra^la 3 - 15. 77 ra-peata 20 rep«t8 8 r«p6t«9 6 r«p«tt8 5 repeat 5 rolpito 4 reapeats 4 repta 3 ropes 3 repeaots 3 yeapta 3 repoatas 2 reptee 2 repass 2 reaplts 2 ripets 2 reaps repltes repit3 rela^pir represt rlplt repiese repolt reapas rpeats repeate report riplts repets repter repeal re pis repette repeoh rapess repis repeots repeot merlpel repiet reprets reapt reproof roprool reapeat 109 r^^var^ ripeoh reapeees repeas terepper reptse rerpet repMT repet reperts repies repeser reaprye 11 7 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 reprure repore veaprere repperoYs roproovu reprare repnrfe repas reprf repure replse repry repooT repoTer reperoT repra replrln reapuT ropuver reporore eaom repruTed repprored reprun reporex^e reper poul repred repoon reaprobe reproortrs repruvede rewprine ruper reiTude reprae repraMI repoT repopre reprets reproved reproob reproof reproQ# 80 aalloy 16 salor 15 sailer 15 saler 3 sallar 3 sealer 3 salare 3 sailer 2 sallr 2 sarler salalr sailed sayler saelor oaler sailors solar sallar sol? re sail sa;fx>r S6Llar salevjr sesser seller sailovrar nlfer sal il oar slories oentry slarons sailor slaer sal our sawsBjr flSier saylor sail our salllor pal or sailors sailor seller selere slore sally salors slery salowor solair siolar sollor sal ore saleor selor sailbar sallr© saluer sorls salllor S - 16, M nfintoMfi 20 sentans 6 sentanoe 6 sentds 3 aentenoes 4 oentens 4 sentenae 3 aautenta 3 senoes 3 aautana 3 oenteuoa 2 ooutents 2 aentdn 2 ••ntzies 2 aantnts 2 aentent 2 aentncd aeatens ootenta anetenoe atenoea 8«ntolra aenteanoa aanda sentlenta aanties ataxia aantaa aantanaa aoentioua aentainaa aentanoMi aoantena Buaaen oantaao aants aentar aenaoent famanta aenaata aeutaina alnoad aen aataloG aenttena sentgra aantena aantan'a aamoaat iq8 ablning 48 mu^&om aantlnes aentint aendtenta aenoes aentena 8at«Ba saiitanaa aanea centaaoa aentaanta slnten atrent aata sentinoe aent aantueno aenoaa oauoaa aentoents flerenoa aanda aentaxia aantanoa aontua aetnaa aeiiazio«a 2C 4 2 ahlneln^ ah Inn lug ablni; ahiziy shine ahininy ahinla ahtiyya^ idilmig ahlnan ahin^r aiiigas ahanlng shines ahiny aonny ohuny ahaony c! in;- aianinn^ aweeng Shining ohinaing aohaor ahnlg aonizi^ ahraing shening iftiixmay 14 aerfaoe 6 airfaoa 5 aerdPoa 4 aurftiB 3 aerfea 4 aufaoe 3 aarvaa 3 aurfes 3 orfaa 2 aarfaoa 2 airfoa 2 acrreaa 2 aorfusa 2 arfaa 2 snrfaoe 2 oTirras 2 aerfaea 2 aarfioc 2 snirfaceo 2 air BUS 2 oirfes 2 aurafaoe oirfas fl^cy8pa aerTeoa anrfaaa aorfla arenas a\irva^ arfia aurfiah aorfaoe aarer 8rave3 ariaa aurdTaaea olrfis aoTuae awifaa aarres aaroea aarpets aares aazrfaat arifaa aairfiaa arfiaa aarflot aelefiae aurar oerfaoa aaufaoa airfioe orfaca arorfaa aurraol airfea aaraa 88f ra aerfo asorfea arfaoaa oupfaoe opuer a if eat Bhrta farioa aerf&ae . ouraan aearraaa atire-faoa eve a aorfioaa aerfaca aarerfao aarfaaa aarric aurTaoa aarpes fevaara aaufaa 87^1188 S • 17. ?1 21 flpveps 11 24 thaaf 39 wftiat 48 waat RT wa<t<T|f 30 sweplaic 37 wating 3 Bweapin* 6 aweps 22 thaif 34 waata 9 wateing 5 0iriplii|^ 5 aweaps 13 thaf 9 waast 4 wayting 3 imeplxic 4 Bwlpa 8 thafa 6 wayat 3 wattiii^ 3 ■wlpplnif 4 fiweepes 6 thidP 2 wlaat 2 wanting 2 swiniE 4 aeps 6 thaaf 2 waaa 3 waatlag 2 8wpla« 3 aepes 4 thilf 2 waat 2 wating 2 spelni^ 2 awepes 4 thafa 3 waaat 1 uatiag 1 wayatiag 2 Bepln^ 2 awep 4 thaath 2 waata 2 Bwepplnif 2 aapia 2 thiara 1 walaataa 1 wiatiBg 1 slpin^ 2 aaapa 2 thaifa 1 waiata 1 waring 1 finreln^ 2 eweppa 2 thaft 1 wates 1 wonlg 1 ffaipttn 1 aaaata 2 thatli 1 wayta 1 wantaing 1 StMippS t^ aaappa faath 1 waia 1 waiatlng 1 seeplxm ahipla^ thifth 1 awaaa 1 wa thing 1 fiftilppe awifpts thaph 1 waata 1 wirting 1 sirinlxi^ 9«l8 rath 1 waytin^^ 1 wintiag 1 spltig swapias thaafa 1 waat in 1 wailhing 1 sepein^ aplpa thaae 1 waita 1 waning 1 soaping aaapaa tohaaf 1 wlat 1 wataa 1 auipln awaepar aheef 1 wayist 1 waytan 1 seweapta^ wiupa thaalf 1 watsa 1 waing 1 flfti«eplzi|^ awap tifa 1 woat 1 wahting 1 simiii^ seepoh haaf 1 waiataa 1 deond 1 sweln^ speeta thipfa 1 uaist 1 wathana 1 8hlpin« wflhaa thiath 1 daask 1 shading 1 speuln^ witting thioane 1 waadia 1 wainig 1 uefeln^ svppa thaap 1 rlfl^t 1 waing 1 swetin^ avata wary 1 waast 1 wheat ing 1 Bweppe 1 vareaty stlayar faf 1 boata 1 witing awaata thlff 1 waythlng 1 watiis 1 flraripin awpad aaaafa 1 wasete 1 Bupln aaaap thaeth 1 wattling 1 sepin afiaopaa thira 1 ph&aAi 1 sveopli^ awpiaa thialf 1 waad 1 sueaplng alapaa thap 1 worst 1 Bvlplcy ahipa difa 1 streboan awapana thaii* 1 SWOL •iwac^pas tlaf 1 trepeain^ awaw^poa thana 1 awpeealn^ awaepaa aflat 1 8wep«izi« MBatha aafii 1 ■eppln^ aapida thafh 1 ouepin^ awapaa thieaf - 1 mplzi^ awaepaas thafit 1 speepla^ auapaaia thaaft 1 8l2l« spaats aweth 1 staas fgmmpB thetir 1 0GPttl|p9 aaaaa spaeta tnis taiAi thaaat thiafa fif theenf m^mi s - I Vy, 6'? wflftry 18 werry 14 w^atmj 7 wery 4 wire 4 were ^ wereln^r 2 weery 2 veerizii^ 2 welpy 2 werrey 2 wlnry 2 werer 2 weapey 2 wearle 2 woPiT werrted wolry ueaaey weraer weere werlnc weeap werwey wiery wearer ng wrltiag weare wearing werty wearty wrery v^eare firalry beroe werir wrere wirey uelry wiry wereajp woepy plrm wwreer weerie wearw wirle werese idiired wlri werrea war! weerey ware werla reare wre wejplre weiry writhing rwalnlnj weavyin^ 22 wrlteinip 6 rltiM 4 rl^^tlgoip 4 wri^^itln^ 4 wrlttin« 3 wlrtin^ 3 writhing 3 rltetn^ 3 rightlaij wri^in^ rittin« raten rletin^: rytlng re at in wrieten writeBf wrtaizi^ wrinting wrltlTlniE rlntlnc fWplsi^ rithia^ wltin^ writiac 3P«yte wrotlii^ writon wrl^t rltanlzi^ wrlthealai^ wrotolng writhen^: wrlten ristia^i; wire wrtln^ writtiu^e ^rr »B*~ s - 19. 1,Q2, Aaftgeroua 2v dfifat */■/ arlal 70 •t-mmi— 15 Aani^enut ^ dma^ous 3 dBj3^rou 3 dangeres 2 daxi£«nui0 2 danrouB 2 dangrott 2 daas^rs 2 dan^roB 2 daaeoua 2 dAB^Eoroua 2 daa^«rlou3 daatrous daajfooB deAffnraB Hjm^gtar^B dazMproBs dazi^OB daHMT dB&WOUB d«id«riB8 daactrvctiB dan^Bas dBII#0QrOUB dsagerouBB dBzodixr daacolB dangert daagorasit daasarouBB daai^raa da^ras^rB daa^roBB daacarisB 6 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 -V -n • 20 dept 13 dBt daat dete deot detth date death deate detl dent aiet detb dlte delt dout dil; deated dcabt dt^&td d'doaty debet depet dort Celt dota dei^t dicLth dobe dued deai^t handterofale^ 16 dr/ed 8 dride 2 druld 2 dry drod dri«e drlded dryd drld dridy drlae daide dread dax'oard drayed drlud llBtened 10 exorsiae 3 erexolse 3 exersloe 3 exersiae 3 exBlae 4 ezoeralae 3 exerolBB 2 exoerlBB 2 ezoeroise 2 exuraiae 2 exoerolea 2 BBzerBlae 2 exorise 2 exerolat 2 exeolTBe erxelBB BZBUlTBlaB eaoeride BBoriea Bxelae exeraieB exoerlBB 9y^9TBYB exerieae Bxeraese ererside eatraioe exroiae exiriese exBuries exoerae exeroiued exserolse exearlae exroleB exreolBlBB exerioe eerxisiaB exraos eXBTiOlBB •xerelBBBB exeroiaea •xerolB exert ae exolrae exrlBlSB exardy exerlBBB azrauB Bzocroijie exnrolBB xoerBlBB exerais exaoiae exrooBB exlrerlea exoirslBB 3 m 10. 7 ^ iTfir*i f^"^ 24 Indalii 3Z 21 laarnay Jumey 1 1 8 laid 19 land 14 lade 1 1 ? OT^I ft« 4 oualon 34 grvHMT 8 indiaa 11 jamey 4 anion 3 graaaar 2 ia&ala 10 Joumy 6 laiod 4 anyon 3 irasaer 2 ixidaii 3 JTipny 3 laad 3 onyon 2 gtaemmr 1 2a«mi 3 joraay 2 laad 3 anyaa 1 irrflBi«r 1 loiiaaa 4 geroy Had 3 olaon 1 «ram7 1 Indoon 4 gamey lalad 1 oinyoa 1 furaoier 1 Tn^<^ 2 jounoy laded 1 ola^^ao 1 taimai 2 eerxtey Jouraey laadlt 1 laoa 1 Isdlna 2 lay! 1 anaion 1 iadla Z joroaey iv 1 oniao 1 JTiflalna 2 Joumary laydy 1 aaay 1 InAlen 2 j ornery Had 1 oaaayen 1 IziA&ir S^mlG leaid 1 onyom 1 Zodea jomy 1 ioaoa 1 lazsdlan goumoy 1 anoan 1 Iladiaa Jolaery 1 aala 1 Inlan gaftitis 1 oiajnm 1 Ilndaln jU3rr 1 oala 1 Indlna fiTont iv 1 oyaia 1 Iii.*.a2ie Jonaral 1 oyoa 1 lad^aia ^Timad 1 inloa 1 Idain Joroory 1 oaiMa 1 Idlaa Jauory 1 1141' MU 1 findian Juraaary jTcnmery curziy 3ouae?*r JOUIV. V jorenney J-'iraijai'' iiima iWEieny wtmeary ; ouraay ^ aoraa^y 1 ozmoas 1 oliia 1 aaoao 1 aoand 1 oiaio t anoaa 1 aayiaa 1 oaiaa 1 aaooa 1 oaaoa 1 ania 1 jlaam ;raTizi jTim*oy jpmey haxaa pottery joiaay Jemer jUQUtdl' * ebemay Jeruing Juraagr gui'uay jauory Jounnoy jouraanay japnaixy JftO ,., .... .^ i S • 2U 1^^ 'nyftiiift 121 properly ?■? Bfllary 11 10 9 4 4 4 praxas nraim« tarlea yoraiB yralses WPTB pray irlode vraarerx parl«e 11 3 3 2 2 proply propley prop«rl«y prcpparljr proper ely Iparoy Xay P- pox'orxejr profodely propaarly proprly prali^^ propprly probaly puperl^ pruprly pro perl e 9rop«rlia proplly problaiy proprlly proprelo proper prola(y proplo 44 salary 6 aalry 3 •alary 4 aalury 4 aaL ory 4 aalr^ 2 oalazy 2 aalra 2 aalaray 2 aallary 2 aaleray 2 aaluaxy aealray oellory aa-Iolray eallra aalaer •arllor aXaylrla lalary eellarry aurody aalarrle sdller slarey aolury aaily salary aalary awrlay ralerly salarly sarlay sagnpy salioury oarilar •alary •alray •alarms •alaary •alarea •arary soory •aliry •alaraly salaary •uroliad. r,P aAaT>ii>ii^ 28 7 4 3 3 2 2 2 ••ay^ aaroh sara^d sffUToliaA slrobed •tanroii ••raraliad aorabad oreohad at arte aeroalld aawraebad ••raalivA shusaly surst sreejad oarohad shnat srhure saaaroh aartohad sirolie shFiroed frahad saoar airtah rasahad sorath saish shaarshad siohat sarget •aoarohad sraaohad saaharahad shurthad aarohat shark aOiraasohad sa&rshad STOh't soaraMA sxiraa 8alL«7tath starah^d saaohA •aari^ ••arokt^ aaroht ••h«r«ht •••apalirt aarehta staarii^t * f h^^.- S - 2?,. ,98 MOflth _^s thiiHiiiitn 11,1 tminTL 84 toffftl 4 3 3 2 anoth asuouth netht sMothed anatb OBSL't^^d HIOO aaowa BudAsa flBMll o&oed noob nmas flMOOS •OMiuth soonth anoot^ed socmy 14 therteen 7 tairdtGen 7 tha7t«en 4 threete«n 3 thr«te8]i 4 thertlne 3 thrteen 2 therteen 2 tliurt0«iid 2 thrltten tlmrdln^g thertl^l&eoa thirtheen flrdteea thrlety thirty thertween thlrtien thertey thrdteea tl euteen thirtene Xhertlae thri<^tl«i Thirteen thrithteen tliereeu thireteen tliertien therten Fifteen therdten thritlion 24 tttoh 7 tatch 2 toeh 2 toooh 2 4;otoh touach taods iaohed thU8d towoh tcutoli toutohed treaoh toaoh toiLohed top taeth taeh toia^t toi^t 4 I 2 2 2 28 towl 9 toul %mam toil totKle towel tor/le towll tourel tanal tloirl taowl toaty toller tawell tanll tall tolwl tawell toull till touel trowel talley hMxl tacyl toteul twol tonate taul tooivl toal tows.1 tolel S - 23. nz umhrQiia 86 Tttfll S..'a waflpon 1^ mbcrella tosbrela umlnralia lEOlirella xniberalla -umlierala tzBberala -a&berlla toibala tBib«rla xuili«rala vibreluA wilHnrle aatoalla i0te«all tDiU>a7#lTa nalmlad aatolla umbrelloe umbarela iaberelly TBibr«lli lonborlia tnabarlly «i>raUla laito^alla ovunbTran imbralu uubrelbl imbrill© taabereeXa "omborlajr Imbrala 'ambmXT' -ussyarlla Tmbax^aw ambralla Timbraalo ombrillow toaberallow TSBbpaX taabra •umbrila imbrla 20 rial 15 veil 12 reel 4 Tela 4 veil 2 Taail 2 n#al 2 yal 2 rial Mall ▼•111 ▼alia da ly ▼apalld ball baall ▼111 ▼a ill ▼alal ▼iaal ▼laid vaiil ▼l«al ▼aala beild ▼iaa ▼aalX ▼ill raaX ▼ll«a 26 v/epon 9 wapaa 5 wappott 5 wappaa 4 wapau 2 waopas 2 wapaad 2 wapon 2 waayam plapaa iraapla waa^uft wadpctt luldan waapon wapoad weopn wabtn wopan vaptrai wept la wapwa i^aap^i woBpaa awapan vaapLjla waaporua vapun wlrea wapaas wapath waap«Ba wlpan vappontf S ^ 2<i« JiJL 77 liatenad ia^ iqqw 6 ipro««rie 3 grootepy 3 iprooATlas 3 crooiers 2 growers 2 iproeles l^ororoiea £^rooery iprooaxy KTOOlery crouoery roaery grooeriey ^ooozy ^rosoyos croeey poserey gtonery iprooerioey ^rooopos iprooires ^osry l^orooery (prooeis grooerys croaeresy l^oary ipfooryoa CroBoalea grooireoa 14 haaJtarohlaf 8 hazidarohlef 3 haodohiaf 3 liazidkarohif 3 haadkarohelf 2 h;uidiceohiaf 2 horulkohlar haaahlnohef haiicQierobief handkeroief handerkeroli iaf haadrohlaf handliarohiafe handcherpief hait^^iarf hanlcarohljPf hazio^iersifa loiarolilef h«2]doerohiaf hankeohler haakerohlafa hanpiaha 6 4 4 3 3 2 liatand llstan llsaenad lls^ond lisend llaanad lissend listnad lianad laasonad llaanad llaan laaoon liatlend laaaened llatined laaaened liaaad laatenad lio end laasand llatanod leastoned llssea 21 lose 2 looa 2 Inaa 2 loaa 1 luaa 1 loasl } louaa 1 loaaa 1 loaaa 1 looae 1 fateful a 3 - 2p. 6? Biao<> , 14 moro«l 13 morsal 3 morole ^ morale 3 BorfRil 2 aosel 2 aoroll 2 aoreaal 3 aoraaell 2 Boraael 2 a«r8il 2 morsol 2 Bioroal 2 morse sorasol moroeal mors ill norseled inoraaie moroedl nor i sol BOroele aorsolo «or#«lo aorso Bor«el aorsell Boaroel moraely aoreojrl* aorool* more 89 orarole morse 11 aoresttls pormzlt 32 iilokl« 3 niols 2 kniokle 2 nlokal 2 nookol 1 noolde 1 nlosl 1 nllke 1 knioksl 1 nikle 1 niokell 1 niokll 1 ttikal 1 niohal 1 neoale 1 taolcell 8 6 3 44 asl«* 8 iisaoe neass nloo neoe ais« iQiess aeas aeos alo««« aossaj aemeai aaeea aioaa aaaoa nlaoaa naaoaa neeae naae aaala ^ plstlas 6 pistoles 6 pistol 6 pistals 4 pistols 3 pastola 2 piataloa pistils plstul pistle pistolda pistol pistol plslol pistal pasties piotola piotla post lis paitalaa piattala ^■'.^.1^' - 2b^ 15 p«rohas«d b purohaat 5 perohest 4 purpoehst 3 paorolieaed 3 pez^hAaa 2 purohe#ed 2 peirolmaod 2 puroh«a 2 purohaa 2 perdhlat perolilsed pitX-Oddt p«rah&8« p«^l««d p#(70hau8e peroliia p^reiiaatad poraarted p#reliaa porohise p«2roh«a86d peraheaat parolkestd prT"»"''*i. pc. , t parohustad plraata plrohised parohuat poroliaa perohiat purohioat puroiied paroliaBa praaohlaa purohuat purp«:iO"h purohaalad prahaatad perohad paraohaat paraaalad poraoliast paroh 9,^ quarrel It guarl 8 q.uar8l !) auarral 4 <2:uLrral 4 <iuarall 3 q^iATll 3 qioarrl 2 q.uorl 4 q.iiaral 1 q.'urral 2 qjiarrall qoarrla q:a«arl taarrel g^iorrall qaroal qrasrel Vuorla taitral vurall qLarrcl krul Ouiorly Qialral q;y«rrol l^aarla ^tararl 1C raooaaa 3 raaaa 3 raaaaa 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 raoaaaa raaaas raaoas rasMNia raaoeas reouaa raaasa raasa raaaoaa ziuiaaa raas raasls raeaaaaa T99Bt09 raaoaa reaaaa raeeaa T99€VM raaoaas raouaa 19 aauaar 6 aooar 2 auoer 3 aaoar 2 •amar 3 2 2 2 aouoar 2 aouaar 2 aacar aoaaipa aattraif aoarear aauaaar aaora aawaar auaar 9u 00 ar aoaaur aauouara auore aoooor soooer aawaar aaeuaar aauoa aaaar sausaar aoalr smiaor aauaaar aaawar 8€uraar aaaoar auaaar •aUla aaaaar eaaaara auaaar •awalr ^2 slay 7 sXie^ 3 alalia 3 8lei£ht 3 alay 2 slate 2 slars •la slish •slel^t Mlly alls sleajr slais^ sla^ sla^ slah slald sllax slaw si aye slae slaying sley^ ided salve slaiely slate S - 27. 83 aooiety 71 aOttTQft, 12 soolty 30 7 sooelty l i 4 soBlty 10 3 sooltey 4 3 soolo-^ 3 2 sauoity 2 2 soeieaty 2 1 sosiaty 2 1 soso^e 2 •eslety •••elety seoitiey sooolley seticeteoty sololtly soloity soooiety SCO it soasity soaoiety soeietie sositeteo soauty saeslety ■aoiety soeitity •oeyety •eoiett soooiety soeetity sosltlety sosleaty sosinete soeietey , •oayetey ' •oeloel^ floieaty sosledy sosttly sositeity •ositly socio Ity soroe sorse aourse soaroe so ore e souoo soarse sours seouroe sowroe aorese soreh snroo souaroe saras aourioe aorase saxiore aoorce a or sea aoresy sooreee so or ore sores so ores sore soroas aorioe aotiros rose 1 Q6 aoeaoft 46 speaeli 2 spetsli apeoh speaok spaoh apeao^io apectofh beaeh j:^#JLf«5LlS. 'O^OSi S - 2r?, iriO jKJbMk 1 1 7 ^^gApvhn^ - 45 8ta)c« 10 talaphone ^ 8t»ao]c 8 t«lphon« 2 Bt&JC 5 telephone 2 ataolc 4 tell •phon« 2 BtMJfc 1 teleaphona stMke 2 telephone BtalK 1 teliephome Btaoh 1 tele-p^^*i 8ta«ka . 1 tall if one staohe 1 telf one beefstaake 1 telefone 1 tell If one 1 telophoa^ 1 tellophone 1 tellopohn 1 teleplion 1 Talphone 1 telesrphone 1 tellaphone B? trollflT. ^^4 iblatlii 40 trolly 7 troly 4 trally 2 troll la 1 trowley 2 trolla trooly tully trollye troll ery teraly trayly trail ie trolie totorly tralley trolaay traily trolay trollys tolley IC 7 5 lihisle whlstel whlcel wistle whlole ntleal whisliel wisal bristle wtiistlad wise ahsal wheeatla wletal Wl83il whisty nftiisal wisila ahistte whistal whistil wisliel wistal S - 2Q. 51 ol 4^^ gxflrliJgBt ?4 cratfifal ^^ "^^^^ 8 ele^ront 3 elll^nt 2 eligent 2 eXij^ant 2 ellegent •llgant illi^^azit alll^ent ^Imn^pant eledont elen^nt •logaat elgryit ellgenat alegU£::ont ale^ent leggHt alle£;an.t 7 emporer 2 OBpira 3 6inp^*oop 3 «mperior 2 6oipeor 1 0BrpCT 3 «Bp<n.*er ■sprlor «iper<yre «Mperoftr Qiperor MBprer •■ipror isporor omper €9BP69rail attpearl flMperler «ip«r«r «ipolr9 MlpOira ^ •xeelent 2 exollttBt 4 •xooll«ait 3 •i^aat 2 exXent 2 %r.ml±nt •SBtlmat •xaeXaat eoXent •xeXX«nt •xolent eadXant 21 ier«atfaX 5 sreatroXl 3 «ratf\a 3 ffratefuXX 1 crfttifoU 1 greetfuX 1 gratlI*uJl 1 grft«tful 1 ippMi'tlFtiXX 1 grafuX 1 gratftiXX 5 Air 4 liair lii«r a«lr alr« h««r a«re hire hMir l«ar are a«r error 'i'V \ s • y:. 77 hoarog 3? laUlfl 7J1 imf^rttWif 4 ''oxir??e 3 hops© 2 hoars 2 hoarso 1 llOUPS 1 hoarsen 1 hooi*3e 1 horcc 1 horaea 1 hoasre 1 hoares 1 horcsoe 1 HhOPtDO ioyole loeyola loaoiole •oyolo ioeole ioeslole iolBOloIy loeoyal loaelkla tceyolc loasiokle i0880le ioikle toalacyl iooleolda loyaiole leoTale loeocltl:^ leakla ia3clo yotajlo iaesloel iaaltl loaeyal loa<»lcla lasaolaa 3 tsttor^iHts 2 lipaoranoe iiszioi^asoa Ifforanee irgloandrt IgnoGmiaa an^noranoa itif^eaaoa agnoroxinoa emoranoe i^EOoraat l^a&ta a&cfliora emoroes agnamta f emolann 1 Ignaranoo 14 iaterfer 8 litt^rflap 7 interfaap 5 Interfeer 1 ant erf ear 2 ertf^rfer© interbar Iptffer intcrrfiar intaflara Intarfan Indefaar antjflar entafler antaolTar 3 - 5U J,? Bttqtnlaa 1? agfttnvl S4 TWttfBMin ^^ -ni^ftiiy 3 aaaltloa 2 itfosioaa mis io ion uuios^g&lzi BKLsoloain neuoslon UEaoioiaa imBoltin Brasi&ent Buciolon muioion BXttStfUSl IKLOdlon nasoislon ■aoisclan inialon mi 80 Ian aoniolin uaission araesition ■aeisiaa 5 1 2 2 28 aatrral 8 sutrol > uuteral austral recess netruel auttrel tnitrall uutnraX nuttrell ztetrorral noutjrel notral netaral netursi nutrlll xxutrlal newtroll nutor nutril neatral mitlll noteral 6 pcu^lenoe > patianoe 3 patient 3 patenoe 3 patients 2 paahents 2 pae tents 1 paetinoe 1 patienol paition paolanee palteation patrlshon patio^noe patten pa^soiemoG patients patotenee pat to ants paotton pantton padhtonet paeentents paslon ptnuns 6 3 2 2 2 peg^oais Picons plS£:lon9 pl^ens pte^eons pticeoa P' pteiTon plgtones ptdetones pteiTOB* pigions ptj^ona pe^on iptdgeons pt|^n pl|;es planes S • j52. 48 yHkhnnr^m d? rflTirrtPftft 61 nlfign 15 3 ^e 2 ^^- -.3 rehxiroe rebarse reahurse 38 1 3 Pfsrvrmod 21 revrenoe rcYoanoo rcfeaoe ref*r«aoa reverres referaB06 saasy Baolaey 00887 sauoa UtOfSJ rinoe 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 'i 1 i 1 1 DlBOlty 1 BOflitt 1 sawBee 1 BtaiLoa^ 1 Ot sauele auooy 21 2 2 sals* cea^ 88S» 8«ad9 seQ9e elB8d. ohe^ oeasage ^elAc8 Qce^ eeeo«8« 90 ie^ neiJc^ \yf Msm^y ■L t?<^>.' <■' S - 33. ^7 T^MWtaldg 47 Tfiil 10 rentable 14 rail 11 wreoh 2 Teiltabl« 13 Yale 4 retoh 2 Te table 5 Tiol 2 wreolc 2 TOCtabl* 2 raila 2 reoh 1 T9agttbl« 2 Telle 2 wreaeh 1 rei^table 1 reel 2 wreneh 1 regable 1 rail 1 rea^a 1 radt^ble 1 vaiel 1 releh 1 Tta«table 1 TSdtable 1 raye 1 rea«e 1 Tlela 1 wrerth 1 vTTesoh 1 r^oh 1 reroh 1 rieoh 1 er«9«e ,,^15^- 3 - jJ.t, Jj HWH^ T a-'^ T y i-^- 7v aftWMTft tril ?.5 saperato 6 ■17 4 oaraoter 7 -^^"brorary 2 c Qx\' uly 3 ohaMtar 2 flMipp^irate 3 Pobiiraiy 2 oai*dull3r 3 oareetor 1 sepeata 2 Fel^uray oorgoly '» cr.rlcte 1 aei)<uate 2 J^ebruery ooTv^relly s o"* '— -tor 1 •eperat t Fe"btLry OG ;Mllly 2 0^ 'or 1 .^eLueray oord^«l7 2 c.iarohter 1 Pebarway ooridlal7 o!: net or t Pe'braart oarlturo 1 Fatearay oordually ocrl oor^ly ohsreotor noi'lulay Of- r let or core tally oarriotor cor<lly ohaoter oordLaly ohareeter cordTiilly oa:-^\i #^rtY«^Tl1V oherraoter ^ ly oapotor OOl / oaoraoetar cor . ;.y oacaohter oorduially ejiarloter oorduliai^ oaraotor cordidly oharlotxope S . 35. 4^ p.ntjgMi 7^ i>lnrwrihi 71 nMmrtar ^t^ nfmntTmnnan 12 6 4 4 4 3 2 2 aixtio aateak anteo antlek ant lot abtek antdlc aateook alntloe ozttelolc aateeo estuege anteaaus ant lee antloue •atelk tttttlegs antiuee antlko antieot aatl aatuone l6 byolola 3 bycjcle 2 bialoly 2 byololle 1 l)j9le 1 lnuoyole 1 byoycle 1 l^oloyle 1 l^oikle 1 l^oicel 1 byoyoilaa 1 bycyle 16 11 2 1 1 oaleader oalander oalandar olandar oaliznder ^t I oonoectuenoe 3 ooBq]aenoe 3 oonoqLULensa 2 oonoiq.unoe 2 o«noeq:aenoe 2 oonolquenoe o 0080 lessee oonseee o one (men oonseoexLse conoeauense oonaauleiiee oonsolauenee oonslqiaeaee conseqioeiie oon8lq:aenee8 oQttoeq:iient8 oonslqiaent c onouoent oonq^zienee c(oiielolq:aent8 oonsl^ieuioe oonce<raeii8 conoq.u9]iee Qoectunoe 3 • 36. 1^ 3 2 2 2 di«A8e desoasa deoiese do 1 sea disalse dease deaseese dlseso deaisd dioease das de seise desoaTa dlsaaoa diasaaae dasiaee deaoes daaaaasa deoiese ^^ faiilma ^) fatl« ^ fatiga a fatiega 2 4,9 fgralffilOT^ 8^ graaae 2 fatua^a 2 fatlaq^e 2 fat^oa 2 fatinipe 2 fatoe^a Tataalc fatlq&le fatel^e fatega fatege fotia fatue Tata^o i^ltise fatee^ fat^a ptiatai; fate^e fataa^ fat fate J'atlrfme fatead fatai; fitaac^ mi« 6 forlag&ara 3 forigaars 3 foral^^nors 2 faz^anars 2 foreniers 2 foreigner 2 f orenars 2 fol^rlenara forlnar fomorlas foreglxiars fomlers forglnors foryiners foreiners foToaiP fomars forge Inern fori^enaira fovleagar forgeniers forlaipaa forigaars fomo^ora forai^or foalgaar foralgaara foralgnaars forlgara fora^lar forgaair forngers fori<3^ors forlgtmrs forgiaalre forla^ fordaigeer forla^a forenora 6 gt^eoe 3 graaaa 3 ffpaas 2 sraaaa 1 ffisa 1 greaa r^^t' 3 . 37. 'A ^fttr'fnua : Q?Q^1*^^^ 11 naifiTiAA 14 IsthMaa ^7 uanaeziae 21 reeouracfl slanoa 6 isnae 6 notumanaa 13 reaoroef ;> elaxia« 5 IstHua 2 nozLoaxuie 7 resoraas 2 aolanas 3 i8l2S»a» 2 sonaaaa 7 reaoraaa aolnaa 2 ithana 1 noonaanae 2 reoouraaa aaeinoa 2 isanaa J none^ ra sores elaanaa 2 ISHUa xiuaauoa reaoraaa slnoaoe 2 Ismis nonaolenofj reaoTires? Bloitioa 1 iawuta fionsoinoa reacraroe soiazLoe 1 Ismaaa aoxiaoaaaa raaoroeaea !3oenoa 1 ysmaa tM99iiM9n ra8<nrta solnea 1 b aonesanoe rasortas 1 laciuaa aonaliiaa raaoTira 1 ithmea ZI0ZL80 anaa rcssoresa 1 iamlatii ttonaaaoe raooureaa 1 iaaaatla aonnenoe raooraos 1 lathM raaaa 1 ianaas 1 istliaaiaa 1 Isaniae 1 lathuaiTLa 1 Isth^iisaa 1^ laalauuia 1 Isiiu 1 iathti&aa 1 Isamaaa 1 laKuae 1 yathvuB 1 iHiaaa S - ^8. A^ riaoyfv^y ^^ fffinilMg ^2 7QhJ.nIn !?Q YlQ^nlty I seoretoy saoresy 6 saoraoy 2 saoreasT- 8*#ret0oy SAotary •••#3ceroy 0eetra89 seorotoie »eoreo Boretaroy seocroery socroaoT ae era trey aeoretse aooeraoy aooeotec sogxLoay soireoy aloeroy aoreteoy saoretireoy oecraocy aaoary aaovaay aooaaroy aaorazz aaoretaoy aareacy aaorotaoj aaooraay aaora tasQT saorcoay aeoor€U) ay 88or".tefly 300r030 saoreoy ^ aenoibla 4 aanaabla 4 aaasaabla 4 aaaaaaUa 4 seziMkbla 2 aeno labia 2 aanaible aaaaaibla aanauble aoanaebiile senaable aoioaebla aeaiabla aazLlala aa&ibla aenacbal aeaaaibla aizitibla aanaable •wiaiblla aanaablo aenaeaible aasible Tahiol^a Tahioal T^iayola Talole ▼^ielola Taaitla veioul Taahlbla Taalilla Tlhiola Tihlabla rlhtoyola ▼ollbal ▼lalala velliole rehlaole reirliela T'Okichle Tiayole vabloyla Telola Taual veyiole Tlhioel reloylo rahlaldy reclla Tiaayle ralliiole Tlhloly vyclole ▼lohloal Yoolal 7 4 2 2 2 yeoenty reoinlty Tlointy ▼loinaty Tisinlty Taalnatia Tloanlty Tlolnite Tiaalnlty TlTliiata raaalnaty ▼aalalty Tlaainfcy ▼eaainilty Tiolaty Tlaialoy Taowoaty rlaelnlty ▼ionay vaoclnlty Tiolanoy Tlaaanlty Yiioinlty Ttnolnity violnirity Tinoanty vaoQnaty raslnaoa S - 39. RQ ftonnterfeit 7P daane-rt 6^ digflfltll^ln 1 61 oounterfit 124 39 count erf lot 3 7 oonterfit 2 ^ oounterfet 2 2 ooTinirfeit 2 oonterfeit 1 oonterfiet 1 oounteflt 1 oounterfaet 1 ooiinterfaet 1 count erf elfifht 1 oounterfied desert 89 dii^stable deseart 16 dli^atiable des&rt 5 dijestable dlsert 4 degistable deoert 3 dljeBtible dirsert 2 di^stibale desoret 2 dejestable deseret 1 def^stlbal desirt 1 de^estlble dessart 1 degiestable deslrte l deglstiable dlseart 1 dejoeible dissert 1 dejestlble destolbal die£^st table di£^83ed dlgastlbable delist Ible di^stlbul divisible digestball diiTistlble dlgestlbly digastable dlgestubel dljustlble dlj^stable dljustlable dise^risabile doi^stable 19 'I 6 6 3 3 immeneo imense amense enciiee enease enmenee Imenoe emanee on&nse emanoh •Blnoe aiBmlnoe eoninse tfBBiest ttRinse iments Iffllnoe iminse ^m]{e8e C s - <0, 1Q? loQPftra IP? aamftlBilft 87 MiinoTiAii*^ 2? lepard 19 leapard 15 laapord 14 lepord 8 leppard 7 lepard 4 leopord 3 laoperd 3 lepoeird 3 leporad lapord laaparda leaporad lepar lapaord laphard lapor lappared lappared lappalrd Xapward llpapd lippard liprerd leporad lepar ed 3^ marmolade 10 I 3 2 2 mazmelade marmalald ■areOLade maxalade marmalade marabade marlade marbleade marmlad marmaled aarmalayed marmilaid marmorlade mamalade aarmelald majmalaled maxmerlade aaronalade Bomelade monllade Boraalade Borelead ■naelaid MomllMd Bomllade mamlades aarmllade aaamorlaid 36 ■lllionalr 35 ■lllionare 3 milllonheir 3 millinaro 4 mllloniare 3 Billionar 3 millonare 3 millonaire 3 Blllionler 2 millonaire 2 millionaire 2 aillionare 2 millonar 2 millionarie 2 milliner 2 millioniar mileniare mellionculire millionars milleonare milionier millinare millianiare mittenare nnilljonare melioniar millyounare milloniar millioneir ^'•»*' t***?* ^fmSM^. '\ 0- p2;^I-xa.,: - ^^^mqq^l 1 /■ »" - * I^WItt-^ ■" v"^4ii«'5M,ja ♦ -w - i)id0.£9ttes 3 MsXemui t i&^MSmma r ateXUMBMR r J&lalirwiiei^' ■ 4i. 30 musila^ 12 ausoila^e 11 10 6 4 4 3 12,2 OTQllgatra ^6 Tjayllamftnt cusoelage ■oaoilai^ 8 ■aaillge 7 ■oeilege 3 ]mi8ula|^ 4 muoiila^ 3 ■n^llig* 3 Bni8l«d^ 2 muohle^ 2 Kaohila^ 2 ■usoiUa^ 2 Hasaal^ 2 ■osilei^ 2 BOSllid^ 2 Bnisolliege 2 Kasslafe 2 flmsllad^ 2 nniselea^e 2 amaelad^ 2 ■assilico 2 voamla^ zDUoali^ niuoelege muoelage muolalage ■oolllaf^ moilig ■nftlla^e KQAsala^e ■oesolige ■alloha ■iiJiil< nviB 8X0^0 snissla^e nassila^e amssale^ ■usole£:e ■aislaise nnisllaiEe musolai^s Busullai^ iBUBiola^a masoleipe musella^ snxaell^^ mosall^ mxLShiai^ nnislalaiE* ■osiolic* muailli^ mualaAa ■ualld^ ■itaoXi^^ ■nsolaXa^a 18 orohastra 6 orohester 5 orohrestra 4 orohesta 2 oroeatar 2 orkeatra 2 orohreata orohratre oraches tra oraohart oroastra orohaata oroharata orohaatare oroharatra orobarlator oroharatair orchaatry oroharater orchaater orohaatrle oroheatria oroherater orohestery oroliiatra orohoroha oroherater oroharata orohreaoha orohroa orohustra ororaster orgaatra or^^eatar orgeatra orgreatra orkeatry orkatra orq:aeater orqioaatur oraueatra oratrloa aatora 64 parlimant 30 parXament 19 parXement 4 paraXement 4 parXiemeut 3 parXXament 2 parXment 2 paraXXament 2 paraXiment 2 parXimment 2 pareXament pairXe&ant paXoment paraXeoten^ paraXment pariment parXaiaint parXamount parXlmant parXimiaat parXoment parXamant parXimenat parXalznent parXemant paroXment aprXarment parXXiment parXXemenoe perXalment perXiaeat pXaanent ^smfsJL^ I- »' ^ 4-, .'.-.-. S . 42. ipq pftyftftivftd 81 PQaBann 82 proQliaiQQ 3 4 38 paroiered ^ p«reeed J> p6r8l«T«d perslTOd preoeired preo leTtd peireeT^d 4 persoleped 4 perse ired 2 peraeared 2 peroired pereefed peroere pervevled pereolTed perserflld persloiyed preoeeds preoldad pre BO ired purse ire purslTsd 4C posess 36 posses 1^ poeasB 5 possese 3 possessed 2 poetess 2 poses 2 possoess possess posese possed posoess possesses posse possire poeess profess prossess presses 6 perolploe 6 preo ipsa g 6 presipioe 5 praoipis 5 presclpioa ^ preoipea 5 prealpes 4 preoipeae 4 preoiplo 4 preoipiae 4 perolploe 4 preslpiee 3 preslpesa 3 preslpaoe 3 preolpaoa 3 presipis 2 perolpea 2 preolpleee 2 preoepess 2 presepus 2 presplee 2 presslpes 2 prespesa 2 preolples 2 preolpo^s perolploe perlolplee preolpus preolpaoe preoepls preolplss preopase preoeaplee preoelpt pr^oleploe preoiplo preoepelouB preolpe preolpaa preepoloe preapldlae prealppla prealploea preapleoe prealolpua preaolpla preapea preaoploe preaalploe proa ape sod preaalpeat prlplols pros 3 If s preaoolpea prlsolpes presslpess preoipea preaaplta preaaploe presapess presaploe preslpess preseploe presfloe pre spar prespuoe presploles presploe A3 Ofi'fC? »??«©.• 3 - 43. 25 reoomended 33 23 reoosmend 30 14 raooamanded 6 8 reoooomiended 3 4 reoooaend 2 4 reoonesd 2 2 reoomented 2 2 reoxunended 2 2 recanended 2 1 reolclmendad 1 reolaaendad 1 raamanded 1 raooBfl&aadad 1 reoonenad 1 reooq:aemezided r«8emblenoa r«e«lanibl eno a reofblanoe reseaiblGs rassamblanoa rasamblano^ srossambXans iblanse ibelanoa raoamblanoe rotaenlas reeamblanoa raoselblents ralanble ramembelanoa rasembanoe raa«abl«ns rasambladanea rasemblaanaa rasamplas rasanbulaas raaemblamansa rasMibla rasamanses ra aeabllxioa rasimblanoa raaimblanoa raslamanoa razamblanoG rasasblaboa ^2 reflttturant 43 resturant 13 raatratuit IC reatoraunt 6 restuarant 6 restrant 6 restaiirent 3 ra 8 taraunt 3 restaurant 3 restruant 4 restarant 4 resturant 3 restarant 3 ra 8 tuarnt 2 raasteruant 2 ressatint 2 rastairent 2 ra 8 torant 2 restauant 2 restruant 2 reatrurant 2 resaurant raausturant teastruant ra tar ant rastaunt raateraunt restrumant rastruarant restrantant rasteruant rastreant restrond rastrauant resturanta resturant reus t rant I 3 2 2 2 43 slasad 14 aeased sized aeisad see sad eaisad saasad aaisad oal^^ad aasad dlsaflUMd sol sad saalsad saisaed salaad seal sal aaalrad aaasad salasaA sai^ad saslad alBftad sazad BlssaAi. ««i.*-:j-'^ !^^v. ;-'■*,' iu.p'; L0&t- S « 44. 12^ grtit)ftrlTt-»:#»Tn^<%T^^ 2C super intezxdant 6 mp^rtendent 6 vnpereutendent i saporentendaat 3 supemtendent 3 si^arent luted 3 saprentendent 2 srapeznitendant 2 superintend 2 superindentent 2 Bupyerintendent 2 suprintendent 2 8«urententant 1 tximentdented 1 supeatenand 1 Kvperenteodlaat 1 saperenteoded 1 sapenaent 1 sap«r«&tented 1 supereatendant 1 aupenendent 1 superienteatezit 1 superdendent 1 auperantent 1 superdentant 1 soperendent 1 aeparatenant 1 sepaarentenaat 1 sapcrlanteadent I 8iip#raient8 1 srupentendaat 1 cmperintintezid 1 super intindit 1 saperlnteadsd 1 8UPS3r^6Sld0B 1 superintedent 1 supert indent 1 super t intant 1 supFsnent 1 supintenand 1 supirintlndint 1 Bupprsitsndflot 1 supperentaated 1 suppert indent 1 srupperut indent 1 supretendant 1 supperent 1 suprintendent 1 suspertenant 1,6q aurffgoa 8 sur^ea 3 seri^an 3 sermon 3 sur^ent 3 suri^on 3 suTffoa 2 ssrsaat 2 sugea 2 seri^eoa 2 suergon 2 ser^^oa 2 suregon soergaat seuripoa seri^ea ssargsat ssrgasa seorgeon ssrlcoa siriEoa surgeant surgin suri^eat sru^la surgoae qg thoroMhly 23 throu^ly 13 thour^^y 8 thourly 8 thoupou^fhly 7 thourally o thu^ily 3 thour^ily 3 throxwijr 2 thourohiy 2 throfu^tly 2 thoup^ally 2 thopouly 2 thoup^ly 2 thoruallT 2 thourou^ty 2 thouruly 2 thurelly thealley thsroly throuly thoroly thottvouXy thoiurtiallx thourty througholy throully thurely thuroo^^ily i^^H- .^i TaUe S - II. Sh.owiz3^ the number of times eaeh word was spelled oorreotly; the number of times eaA word was ositted; and the number of times •fli^ word was spelled inoorreotly ( misspelled) by the pupils ot the i:iTen grade. Also the per oenta each of these numbers an or the number of pupils tested in each grade for that word. The number of ways eaoh word was misspelled and the number of forms oooxirring but onoe for eaoh word misspelled are aliewn* Grade Two (214 Pupils^) B6»0f Ho .of Per Vo.of ways So* of Per words eent ways with Ke« of Per words oent mis« mis«- mis- f^- •.YordS' oent - omit- omit- spall* spell- spall- qj^&noj" 44 21 89 42 81 19 37 74 35 61 . 42 20 88 41 84 dear 56 26 78 37 80 west 60 28 72 34 82 aaU 77 36 69 32 68 taU 77 36 a 31 71 best 68 32 68 32 78 62 29 73 33 77 far 37 27 82 38 73 gara 54 23 76 36 84 alike 32 24 77 36 85 add 31 U 67 32 116 31 14 83 39 ICO 37 27 80 37 77 16 7 83' 39 113 26 12 79 37 109 ^^ 43 20 78 36 93 iaoka 74 ^3 74 33 66 wUit 48 22 83 39 83 This table is read as follows :- 44 pupils spelled the word "very" correctly; this is 21 per oent* of the group of 214 pupils, 89 pupils omitted the word "rery" ; this is 42 par aent of the group, 81 pupils misspelled the word '^ery" ; this is 37 par oent of group. The word" Tory" was misspelled in 49 different ways* 42 of these ways appeared but onoe. The words of the other grades follow tust as abore. 11 49 42 36 28 39 68 56 U 42 36 44 35 32 ^ 38 33 46 40 36 tl n 33 41 33 39 44 35 40 52 43 34 |9 31 n 63 51 49 38 34 |5 39 31 64 52 44 46 36 30 ^1 42 39 58 45 Ic S - 46. Third Grade (209 Pupils.) Ho .of Ho. of Per Ho. of ways Ho* of Per words oent ways with Ho .of Per words oent mis- ais- Bl8- ftre- words oent OBlit- omit- spell- spell- spall- quenoy JEfiS^Uril* riri:vti r1<tl,ti» JittLk. x^^ ttli^ ... fA. ii«. . of ontt' third 117 56 20 10 72 34 35 n push 92 44 26 12 91 44 42 34 point 69 5^ 32 15 108 52 46 35 within 129 62 24 11 56 27 39 28 don* 59 28 31 15 119 57 31 22 body 71 34 40 19 98 47 64 52 belong 91 44 2^ 12 93 44 41 31 oheese 35 26 26 12 128 62 54 42 earn 24 n 45 22 140 67 n 51 feat}' or 28 13 29 14 152 73 47 . fenoe 56 27 27 13 126 60 V 43 honey 29 14 37 18 ^^3 68 65 50 letter ICO 48 27 13 82 |9 54 44 or«n«e 39 19 33 17 135 64 84 70 pootet 55 17 44 Z\ 130 ^2 74 57 8ho«« ^5 30 26 12 120 58 51 36 stairs 36 17 36 II 137 66 48 2? stream 27 13 33 149 71 64 48 tiny 74 ^§ 27 13 108 52 ^l 34 words 101 48 27 13 81 39 58 52 ^ «: \ ♦- •^d ^V S - 47. Fourth Grade (221 Pupils • ) No. of Per Ho. of ITo.of ways Ho. of Per words oent ways with le.of Per words oent mis- mis- ■is- fre- words cent 0Hit« omit- spell - spell- spsll- quency - WQ3nla» rli^t. ri£^t* laflL*- tfi(Lu fid. ,. ftda ,,. flll . Qf QQfia needle 119 ^"^ 29 13 73 33 45 28 37 nobody 147 67 31 14 43 19 22 oar 44 20 34 13 143 65 28 19 p&laoe 77 3^ 33 13 111 50 65 51 penny 91 41 32 14 98 45 23 14 pitoher re^lar 35 38 23 17 28 48 13 22 138 135 62 61 46 96 II repeats 77 3^ 29 13 115 52 a 41 reprove 109 49 38 17 74 M 36 sailor 80 36 29 13 112 51 59 50 sentence 64 29 30 14 127 n 74 58 shining 108 49 34 15 79 12 P Burfaoe 48 22 42 19 131 59 82 60 sweeping s? ^^ 48 22 95 43 49 39 weeps 39 37 17 97. 44 51 39 thief 44 20 3^ i6 142 ^ 54 41 waist |9 27 27 12 135 61 36 27 waiting 87 39 30 14 104 s 11 24 wsarj 63 29 35 16 121 68 53 writinc 110 30 28 13 83 37 40 31 , .JjGi:."- S - 48. Fifth Garade ( I85 Pupilo. ) lo.of Ho«of Mm^^ Par ways waya Ko.of Par #«^ •mt Bl8- with Vo.of Per worda oant sla- ■18- 8pall- fre- words - cent onlt- omit- , apell- 8^11- ad. (ffudooy WAPda. 1 102 84 riffht* 45 10 14 ted, ftd. id. 40 47 ft-f on«. dazu^roni debt 1 21 41 32 28 18 dried 127 69 17 9 41 22 17 13 •ztrolse 70 ^§ 22 12 9| 5C n 42 grWBIDBT 71 58 16 9 98 53 3 Ixidiiui 112 60 16 9 57 1^ 25 21 joiopuyr ^S 28 20 11 113 61 54 41 laid 118 64 14 8 53 28 14 9 OBion 112 61 25 12 S 27 36 30 pro 186 103 56 18 10 34 27 20 properly 123 66 17 10 44 24 28 23 salary 55 50 19 10 111 60 46 34 eearohad 62 53 22 12 101 ^^ ^§ 50 MMtil 88 48 15 7 84 45 28 22 «lliVt#«B 95 51 17 75 40 3^ 25 touoh 111 60 17 9 11 51 25 20 t«V9l 84 45 19 10 45 34 26 taitoella 11 59 17 I ?^ 52 50 57 Teal t2 15 84 45 ^9 21 weapon 85 16 9 84 45 36 27 >^; 3 - 49. SlztSi QpAde ( 183 Pupil s.) No. of No .of Ho. of Per w«y« v/ays Vo.of Per Ho. Of Per words oent Bis- with vozds eent -words cent mis- ■18- spell- fre- • Tl^t. rifl^t.omit- omit- sjr"~ apoll- ed. quenqy* JboAiL*- . iMfti- iiftfl. •fl. of one J Wfmry 107 58 29 16 49 26 34 n haalkerolilef 113 61 24 13 48 26 22 listexiad 97 52 ^? 13 61 33 24 16 loose U3 77 4 34 19 11 7 ■•rsel 74 40 30 16 81 44 36 22 nlokel P 45 25 13 77 42 16 11 Bieoe 69 1' 26 14 90 49 24 19 pistolB 110 60 2^ 13 it 27 21 14 porshaMd 73 4C 26 U 47 47 3^ qiaarrel 93 50 27 13 65 33 29 18 reoess 108 59 28 13 49 26 27 17 •ftoaar 82 44 11 13 76 41 43 32 slal^ 86 47 15 7i 38 28 21 society 83 ♦1 34 18 68 37 42 33 souiree 71 38 27 13 87 47 30 21 vpeeeh 106 57 23 14 ^ 29 8 6 8te&3c 100 1* II 13 58 31 11 7 telepaone ^v^ ^1 14 42 23 19 13 trolley 89 48 26 U 70 38 21 17 idilstle 104 56 31 17 50 27 23 If 1 :> 3 - 50, GwAe ( 119 Papils.) He»bf He. of Per Ko.of wayii Ho. of Per words oent ways with Ho .of Per words oent BiS«> mia- sia-- fre- M^«: wolrds rlAt. 51 oent 43 oait- ±ltd« 30 OMit- 2I 38 spell- 32 > spell- 24 quanay •legaat 18 •BP«ror ^9 ^S 22 18 38 32 24 IB •zeellant 4^ 38 ^5 32 36 30 13 8 ^atafol 54 43 26 22 39 33 11 I heir 61 51 31 26 27 23 13 hoarse 77 63 22 18 20 17 13 9 ioiole 35 29 ^^ 28 31 43 26 17 il^oranoe ^1 61 26 22 20 17 17 13 interfere 36 ^^ 37 31 46 39 13 n nnisioiwi 73 61 20 17 26 22 23 21 neutral 13 13 33 29 69 38 Z3 16 patienoe 34 43 23 21 40 34 23 18 pi^ettM ^1 43 33 29 31 26 18 12 rehearse 48 41 33 29 36 30 13 9 rsTsreaee 62 32 29 24 28 24 14 11 sane/ 46 39 43 36 30 23 21 16 siaire 61 ^l 14 12 44 ?1 17 12 re^e table 37 48 40 ^5 32 10 6 Teil 47 40 31 26 41 34 10 3 wrotoh 52 44 33 29 32 27 13 9 \ , S ^ 31 • subtil Gra4e ( 107 PtLplls). ITo.of He. of Per No .of ways • Ho* of Per vords oent wjyrs with »»«of Per words oent mis- mis- BlS- fre- vords* oent omlt- owlt- spell- spell- spell- qpMW&j- jgHi. rUht. V 68 .tQdi^ , 4 4 28 23 ft-r ATIA^' cordially 30 20 oliaraoter 70 ^3 2 2 33 33 23 16 separate 11 68 4 4 30 28 3 J Feljruapy 7? 3 3 19 18 9 if antique 41 38 11 10 33 32 26 bloyole 73 68 3 3 31 29 12 8 oalendar 71 66 5 5 31 29 3 2 onse ^e&oe 33 30 6 6 48 44 28 21 disease 37 ^^ 8 7 42 40 21 15 fatlgae ^^ 30 8 7 46 43 33 24 foreigners P 46 I 3 5^ 49 ^% 31 £prease 83 78 8 7 16 13 6 2 Isttess ^l 34 14 13 37 33 29 21 nonsenat 43 40 5 3 39 33 16 12 40 37 9 9 38 34 17 12 solenoe 81 73 3 3 2^ 22 11 8 seereoT sensible 44 41 3 3 38 34 42 38 33 30 4 4 30 46 24 1? rehiole 62 38 1 1 44 41 34 30 Tioixaty 30 47 17 16 40 37 28 23 S ^ 52. linth Grade ( 230 Pupile.) Mo»ot Per Bo.ef wejrs Ho. of Par werds oeiit vajB with 5o,of Per words oent mis- mis*- mis* tro^ v/orda- oont omit- omit* spell* apell* spell- WoraSf viehtm xieSii* tfi^t :baS^ fidi "^^^ AdU_ eountorfeit 8? 39 89 39 122 52 "^ dessert 72 31 lB 6 UO 6l dlipestlble 63 28 21 9 U4 63 Immense 143 62 14 6 73 32 leopard I03 43 7 3 120 32 ■axaalade 123 34 I8 8 87 38 ailllonalpe 87 38 19 8 124 54 mollace 38 17 ^ 3 186 8c eopohewtra 122 ^^ 33 U 75 33 parll'^eat 36 16 19 8 173 76 peroeired 129 36 H 5 90 39 possess 81 3^ 29 13 120 32 proolplee 82 36 16 7 132 37 reoooMiided 108 47 9 4 II3 49 reseoAlaaoe 104 43 22 10 104 43 restaursat 62 27 24 10 144 63 seised 112 49 21 9 97 42 TOperlntendentl23 ^^ 13 7 92 40 surgeon 160 70 21 9 49 21 thoroTiflihly 88 38 39 17 103 43 12 6 13 9 30 23 24 ]l 26 29 22 2? 13 66 43 36 32 21 22 12 19 11 69 44 15 6 31 22 36 n 24 49 ?6 26 14 28 11 FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This boolclsmie on tnE^st'^ity^^fcftttB^WIIIijelow, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. USE ■ ! n G 1 B" r) itiilONS LD 21-100m-2,'55 ,, .Genial Library / Ri QOooo^/l7R University of California (i!lJ9s22)476 Berkeley 'i