f EXJIBKB UNIVERSI1Y OF CALIFORNIA^ JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT. MR.AM>MRS.MILTON S.RAV CECILY, VIRGINIA AND ROSALYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNERCDMPANY -' 382 Blades (William) A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, etc., in Connection ..with Printers and the Art of Printing. London, 4to. Cloth, gilt. Large Paper Copy, only 2Srmted. The whole edition was 100 copies, 75 on small paper. Not Printed for Sale. Very rare. Autograph presenta- tion inscription by W. Blades to R. E. Graves. Many plates of medals. _, _ ______ PRINTERS' MEDALS AND JETTONS. MINTING. BLADES (WILLIAM). A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c. in connection with Printers and the Art of Printing. With a number of en- graved plates of medals at end. Small 4to, original cloth, uncut. London, 1869 PRIVATELY PRINTED. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. LARGE PAPER COPY OF WHICH ONLY 25 COPIES WERE PRINTED, the entire edition consisted of only 100 copies. Autograph presentation copy from the Author, with his inscription in ink on fly- leaf, "R. E. Graves, Esq. M. A., with the Author's kind regards." This Edition consists of 100 copies only, of which 25 are upon Fcap. 4/0., and 75 upon Fcap. %vo. Not printed for Sale. TO THE READER. THE present publication, purposely re- stricted to a bare description of each Medal, is intended as a forerunner of a similar work upon a more extended scale. Several reasons have induced me to publish thus prematurely, of which perhaps the chief is an ardent wish to redeem promises made long since to various kind friends and correspondents. Two years ago I thought a month or two would suffice to exhaust the subject ; and little did I then anticipate the many pleasant walks in the bye-paths of lite- AU LECTEUR. GET opuscule limited a dessein, a la simple description de chaque Medaille, n'a pour but que d'ouvrir la voie a un ouvrage semblable, mais sur une plus vaste echelle. J 'ai ete conduit a publier celui-ci prematurement par plusieurs raisons, dont la principale peut-etre est un ardent desir de racheter des pro- messes faites depuis longtemps a nombre d'amis et de correspondants. II y a deux ans, je m'imaginais pouvoir epuiser le sujet en un ou deux mois ; et je ne prevoyais guere alors les nombreux detours agreables qui se trouvent dans les senders de la literature, ni les labo- viii To the Reader. rature, or the plodding research neces- sary, before the subject of Printers Medals could be fully and accurately treated. The materials already collected for this purpose will make a fair volume in Royal 8vo, to be entitled NUMISMATA TYPOGRAPHICA the plan of which will be found in a Prospectus inserted at the end of this volume. Another reason for publishing now is the hope that the very imperfections of this list may tend to the greater perfec- tion of that to come, by drawing attention to Medals at present untraceable or un- known. Lecteur. ix rieuses r6cherches indispensables, avant de pouvoir trailer completement et avec exactitude le sujet des Mtdailles typo- graphiques. Les materiaux deja reunis dans ce but, formeront un fort volume, grand in-8, qui sera intitule : NUMISMATA TYPOGRAPHICA et dont le plan se trouve dans un Prospectus insere a la fin de ce volume. Une autre raison pour faire cette pub- lication anticipee est Tespoir que les imperfections memes de cette liste me permettront de combler les lacunes qui peuvent se trouver encore dans le grand ouvrage, en attirant 1'attention sur les Medailles qui restent inconnues ou dont la trace est perdue. x To the Reader. For much useful information and as- sistance I am indebted to friends and correspondents. I thank them most heartily, and hope to do so in a more particular and personal manner when the forthcoming Niimismata Typographic^ shall appear. Special information has been given me by Mr. Alkan a!n6, of Paris ; MM. Clerot and Caignard, of the Musee des Monnaies, of the same city; Mr. Louis Mohr, of Strasbourg ; Mr. Camile Picque, of the Royal Museum, Brussels ; Mr. Pomba, of Turin ; Mr. Jeronimo de Vries, of Amsterdam ; and by the Messrs. Bom, booksellers, of the same city : to each and all of whom I tender my most hearty thanks. With- Lecteur. xi Je suis redevable de beaucoup de renseignements precieux a des amis et correspondants, que je remercie cor- dialement des maintenant, tout en, me reservant de renouveler ces remercie- ments d'une maniere plus personelle quand les Numismata Typographica paraitront. J'ai re^u des renseignements speciaux de M. Alkan aine, de Paris; MM. Clerot et Caignard, du Musee des Monnaies de la meme ville ; de M. Louis Mohr, de Strasbourg; de M. Camille Picque, du Musee Royal de Bruxelles ; de M. Pomba, de Turin ; de M. Jeronimo, de Vries d' Amsterdam ; et de MM. Bom, libraires, de la meme ville ; a qui collectivement et individuellement, j'ad- dresse mes remerciements sinceres. Sans xii To the Reader. out the generous aid of friends in many cities and towns, far apart, the simple list here given would have been an im- possibility. To make my next List as complete as possible is my ardent wish, and I therefore beg assistance from the reader. There must be many Medals and Jettons connected with Printing hitherto unno- ticed, especially such as have been struck by local Associations for mutual help, by Benefit Societies, Printers' Guilds, and private Firms. Certain Festival Medals also, especially some of the 1740 Jubilee, have hitherto eluded my grasp. A list of these and others, wanted to complete my collection, will be printed at the Ait Lecteur. xiii 1'aide cTamis habitant des villes separees par de grandes distances, il m'eut etc impossible de dresser meme la simple liste qui suit. Je desire ardemment faire ma prochaine liste aussi complete que possible, et a ce titre je demande que mes lecteurs veuil- lent bien m 'aider. II doit y avoir beau- coup de Medailles et de Jettons relatifs a la Typographic, et qui n'ont pas ete decrits ; surtout ceux qui ont ete frappes par les Societes de participation, les Cor- porations d 'Imprimeurs, et des Maisons particulieres. Certaines Medailles de Jubiles anniversaires, particulierement du Jubile de 1740, m'ont echappe jusqu'ici. Une liste de celles-ci et d'autres, neces- saires pour completer ma collection, sera xiv To the Reader. end of the volume under the heading " Desiderata." Should the reader come across any such Medals, he will confer a lasting favour by addressing a letter to the Author, by whom any information will be fully acknowledged and thankfully received. WILLIAM BLADES. ii, ABCHURCH LANE, LONDON, May, 1869. Lecteur. xv imprim6e a la fin du volume sous le titre de " Desiderata." Si le lecteur trouvait par hasard quel- ques unes de ces M6dailles, il rendrait a TAuteur un service signale, en lui adres- sant par 6crit des renseignements qui seraient re9us avec reconnaissance. WILLIAM BLADES. LONDON, ABCHURCH LANE, n, Mai, 1869. A LIST OF PRINTERS' MEDALS AND JETTONS. ALDUS PIUS MANUTIUS. Venice, c. 1500. PLATE A. Obverse. The bust of Aldus to the left, with long hair and a cap upon his head. The surrounding legend is :- ALDVS PIUS . MANVTIVS . R. Reverse. The well-known device used by Aldus in his books : an Anchor, around which is a Dolphin. The legend is : 2TIETAE BPAAEH2, B 2 Printers Medals JOHN PETREIUS. Nuremberg, 1545. PLATE B. Obverse. The bust of Petreius to the right in professorial cap and fur collar. Around is the legend : IOH . PETREIVS . TYPOGRAPHVS . ANNO AET SV^E IIL . ANNO 1545: Reverse. A modification of the device used by Petreius in his books, viz.: a hand holding upright a flaming sword ; on the left side of which are the letters I P. in a monogram. The surrounding legend is : SERMO DEI IGNITVS . ET PENE- TRANTIOR . QUOVIS . GLADIO . ANCIPITI. and Jettons. 3 PARIS. 1551. PLATE C. Obverse. St. John the Evangelist, with a nimbus around his head, standing in the midst of the flames of his martyrdom, his right hand extended in the act of benediction, and his left holding the poisoned chalice, whence serpents issue. Upon the left side of the figure is the letter S, and upon the right the letter I. Reverse. A curved palm branch be- tween two open books, with two clasps each. Above is the date 15 51 in Arabic figures, part on one side, and part on the other, and beneath upon the left side of the branch is the letter S, and upon the right the letter I. 4 Printers Medals PARIS. 1569. PLATE D. Obverse. St. John the Evangelist with a nimbus around his head, standing upon two branches of palm, both arms ex- tended, the left holding the poisoned chalice, whence serpents issue. Reverse. An imitation of the last, but without clasps to the books ; the date 15 69, part on one side, and part on the other. PARIS. 15-, E (NO PLATE) Obverse. The same as the last. Reverse. An imitation of the last, but without date. and Jettons. 5 GEORGE BAUMAN. Breslau, 1601. PLATE F. Obverse. An unfinished building, upon which is a crane lifting up materials, and in front of which a " Builder" stands hold- ing a square. The surrounding legend, between two beaded circles, is as follows : I- GEORG BAWMAN . TYPOGRAPHVS . M.D.CI. Reverse. Within a double circle, bead- ed and ornamented, this inscription in five short lines : AVDI . vi . DE ET TACE . SI . VI . S . VI . VERE . IN . PACE. B2 6 Printers Medals MIDDLEBURG. 1631. PLATE G. Obverse. A rude wooden press with an inking ball on each side. The sur- rounding legend is : * PAVLVS WANTE . EN IAN DE MEY ' BELED. Reverse. A binder's hand-press, upon which is an open book. Legend : * ZACHARIAS ' ' ROMAN, ' DEKEN ' 1631. MIDDLEBURG. 1631. PLATE H. Obverse. The same as the Reverse of the last. Reverse. A funeral bier, over which is the mortuary cloth of the Guild. Legend : HEDEN . MY . MORGHEN . DY. A and Jettons. AMSTERDAM. 1639? PLATE I. Obverse. An old wooden printing- press in a room with two windows, the inking slab with a pair of balls to the left ; a composing-case to the right. The surrounding legend is : DE HEER IOHANES WILMERDONX OVER DEKEN. Reverse. A binder's hand-press in which is a book ; and a binder's plough. From the right side a man's hand issues holding a large flat hammer. The sur- rounding legend, reading on from the Obverse, is : PIETER VAN GOETHEN DEKEN. 8 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1640? PLATE K. Obverse. A female figure representing Typography, her right hand holding a laurel wreath, and her left resting upon the bar-handle of a printing-press. Rays of light descend upon her head. Upon her right a stone pillar rises, em- blematical of durability, upon which is engraved the word TYPOGRAHIA (sic). Over the pillar is the letter S, and over the press the letter C, for Senatus Con- sulto. In the Exergue is only the word HARLEMUM. Reverse. A ship in full sail, with a curiously notched beak at her prow, is breaking the heavy chains drawn across the entrance of a port (Damietta). On each side is a fortress where waves the Turkish flag, and whence the enemy is showering down arrows. Over all is the motto of the city of Haarlem, VICIT VIM VIRTUS, the arms of the city occupying the Exergue. and Jettons. 9 HAARLEM. 1640? PLATE L. Obverse. A reduced facsimile of the last, with the word TYPOGRAPHIA, which is engraved upon the stone pillar, spelt correctly. Reverse. A reduced facsimile, in every particular, of the last. LILLE. 1650? PLATE M. Obverse. The figure of Typography, her right hand holding a pressman's ink- ing ball, and her left supporting a sword, the point of which rests upon the ground. Reverse. Blank for the name of the Guild-member. io Printers Medals ABRAHAM ELSEVIER. Leyden, 1652. PLATE N. [AN OVAL MEDAL.] Obverse. The goddess Minerva, with plumed head-dress and flowing robes, standing upon a platform. From her right hand depends a Medusa's head, and her left arm embraces a standard, upon which are the cross-keys, the arms of the city of Leyden. The legend upon the left side is ACAD-LVGD., and upon the right, BATAV. Reverse. An inscription only, in bold letters, consisting of eight short lines : ABRAHAMVS ELSEVIRIVS ACAD. LVGD. BATAV. TYPOGRAPHVS ANNO MOCLII. and Jettons. 1 1 AMSTERDAM. 1659. PLATE O. Obverse. A winged Mercury, with a caduceus in his right, and a book in his left hand, descends upon an open book. Upon the left is a binder's hand-press and a binder's plough ; a pair of press- man's inking balls and a pair of com- passes being on the right. Reverse. An ornamental, curved car- toon, left blank for the Guild-member's name, over which are the arms of the city of Amsterdam, with the civic crown as a crest, and two lions rampant as supporters. 12 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1660? PLATE P. Obverse. A female seated figure, hel- meted, representing Haarlem, rests her right foot upon a vase, whence flows water, and upon the rim of which is the name of the river running through Haar- lem, SPARE. Her right hand holds a shield, upon which is the head of Medusa, and in her left hand is a laurel wreath and a model of the ship of Damietta. Behind her is a printing-press, upon which is an urn pouring forth types into a composing case beneath. To the left is a fortress attacked by the enemy, over which are the words ARTE ET MARTE. In the Exergue, DAM : CAPT : TYP : INV : URB DEFEN I Reverse. The figure of Prudence seated upon a bale of goods. The fore- finger of her left hand is placed upon her lips, the elbow resting upon a volume and Jettons. 13 bearing the letters s. c. (Senatus Con- sulto). The volume is placed upon a pedestal, upon which are the arms of Haarlem, and the motto VICIT VIM VIRTUS. In the lap of Prudence is an urn full of medals, one of which she is holding out with her right hand. The legend is : COMES CONSILIORUM. The Exergue bears the word HARLEM only. HAARLEM. 1660? Q (NO PLATE). Obverse. An imitation of the last. Reverse. An imitation of the last. New dies were cut for this medal, variations appearing in both Obverse and Reverse ; but the best distinguishing mark will be seen in the Exergue of the Reverse, where the word HARLEM appears without the signs of contraction in the former medal, while in this there is a colon after it, thus, HARLEM : 14 Printers Medals GOT HA. 1700. PLATE R. Obverse. Aurora standing in a winged chariot is drawn by a winged horse in full speed upon the clouds. In her right hand she holds a lighted torch, and with her left scatters flowers upon the earth. Behind is the rising Sun, and upon the front of the chariot is a Cock, the herald of morn, while before her the brightness of the morning star grows dim. The legend, one half of which occupies the Exergue, is : VT AVRORA MVSIS AMIGA SOLEM. || SIC TYPOGRAPHIA RENATVM EVANGELIVM. Reverse. The inscription only : ARTI TYPOGRAPHIC^ A IO I GVTTENBERGIO AR- GENTORATI INVENTS AC OPE CONSILIOQ. IOAN. FAVSTI MOGVNTLE AN. MCCCCL. BIB- LIIS LATINIS AENEO CHARACTERS IMPRESSIS PRIMVM VVLGAT^E QVINTVM JVBILAEVM ANNO CHRISTI IVBILAEO MDCC FELICITER CELEBRANTI SACRVM. and Jettons. 15 PARIS. 1723. PLATE S. Obverse. Land and sea, typical of our world, above which is a mass of clouds. Upon these rests an open printed volume in the full rays of an unclouded Sun. Around is the legend : EX UTROQUE LUX ; and in the Exergue, in three short lines : BIBLIOPOLE ET TYPOGRAPHI PARIS?? Reverse. The arms of the Booksellers and Printers of Paris, surmounted by a crown, and supported by two Sphinxes, couchant. In the Exergue is the date : M.DCC.XXIII. 1 6 Printers Medals JOHN ANTONY VOLPI. Verona, 1737. PLATE T. Obverse. The bust of Volpi to the right, in the dress of a Professor, and wearing a flowing wig. The surrounding legend is : 10 . ANTONIVS . VVLPIVS . ELOQV . PROF . IN GYMN PAT . CIOIDCCXXXVII. Reverse. The Arms of the city of Verona to the left, surrounded with orna- ments. A victor's wreath of bay leaves, tied with a flowing ribbon, to the right. The surrounding legend is : # GAVDET VERONA CATVLLO # DE . CIVE SVO B M. and Jettons. 17 ALTDORF. 1740. V (NO PLATE). [The Author has been unable atpresent to discover any particulars of the above medal.] ANSPACH. 1740. X (NO PLATE). [The Author has been unable at present to discover any particulars of the above medal.] 1 8 Printers Medals BASLE. 1740. PLATE Y. Obverse. Typography, personified by a woman with flowing robes and the winged head-dress of Mercury, is seated in a room at the back of which is a curtain and a window. To her right is an old wooden printing-press, against which leans a folio form of types ; upon the press appears the date 1440. To her left is a compositor's case, and in front of her stands a short classic pillar. She holds in her right hand an inking-ball, and in her left a composing stick. In the Exergue : RERUM TUTISSIMA GUSTOS. Reverse. An inscription only, in bold letters : ARTIS TYPOGR. SACRIS SPECULAR. Ill AVGVST. RAVRAC. FELICITER CELEBR. A. S. MDCCXL. and Jettons. 19 BRESLAU. 1740. PLATE Z. Obverse. A three-quarter bust of Gutenberg on the left, opposite a three- quarter bust of Faust on the right. Be- hind the former the initials I. G. and behind the latter I. F. Over their heads the legend : DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST, which is continued in the Exergue, ERFINDER 1440 ZV MAINZ. Reverse. The Printer's Arms, beneath which is the following inscription : ALS GVTTENBERG VND FA VST DER BVCHERDRVCK ERDACHT WARD WARHEIT VND VERSTAND IN HELLES LIGHT GEBRACHT In the Exergue : DRITTES IVBIL^EVM 1740 D. 24. IVN. 2O Printers Medals DRESDEN. 1740. 2 A (NO PLATE). [The Author has been unableat present to discover any particulars of the above medal.] ERFUHRT. 1740. PLATE 2 B. Obverse. A bust upon a pedestal which bears the name GUTTEMBERG. Fame in her flight places a laurel crown upon the bust. On the flag of her trumpet are the Arms of Mayence. In the distance is a town with buildings and steeples, over which is the word MAINTZ. On either side of the pedestal are books and Jettons. 21 labelled CORP lu. BIBLIA ARISTOT. HIPPOC. Around the whole is the legend : DIGNA VIRO PRO TALIBUS AUSIS. In the Exergue : IUBIL. III. TYPOGR I CELEB. I74O. Reverse. Minerva taking by the hand Typographia, a figure whose dress is covered with letters, and whose head is surrounded with her name, TYPOGRAPHIA. Reclining upon the ground is Time, holding in his right hand the emblem of eternity, a serpent tail in mouth, which encloses three Cs, to denote the three centuries elapsed since the invention of printing. At the feet of Minerva is a Medusa's head, and behind her, an owl. The legend is : FELICI FCEDERE CRESCUNT ; and in the Exergue is the name of the engraver, WERNER FECIT. C 2 22 Printers' Medals GOT HA. 1740. PLATE 2 C. Obverse. From the same die as the Obverse of R. Reverse. The following inscription only : ARTI. TYPOGRAPHICAE . A . IO . GVTENBERGIO . ARGENTOR . INVENTAE . OPE . CONSILIOQVE . IO . FAVSTI . MOGVNTIAE . AB . A . MCCCCXL . EXCVLTAE . IVBILAEVM . TERTIVM . ANNO . MDCCXL . GOTHAE . IN . ANTIQVA . REYHERORVM . OFFICINA . FELICITER . CELEBRANTI . SACRVM . X- This is an adaptation of the Reverse of Medal R to suit the year 1 740. and Jettons. 23 GOTTINGEN. 1740. PLATE 2 D. Obverse. The arms of the Guttenberg family resting upon a slab bearing the inscription : INSIGNIA . GENTILIT . EIVSDEM. In a very small Exergue is the letter K, being the initial of the engraver's name, Koch. Around all is the impious legend : DISSIMVLARE . HVNC . VIRVM . DISSIMVLARE . DEVM . EST. Reverse. Inscription only : * MEMOR . FEL . IO . GVTTENBERG . NOBIL . MOGVNT . ANNO . SEC . Ill . CHALCOGR . MDCCXXXX . AEREO MONVM . MERITO COLENDI QVI . ARTE . A . SE . INVENTA AERE . IMPRESSOS . LIBROS . DEBIT . NOBIS . AERE . MODICO . PARARE 24 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 E. [THE GREAT HOLTZHEY.] Obverse. The city of Haarlem under the form of a Matron sitting upon a throne. In her left hand are the Roman fasces, from which hang three serpents, encircled one within another, denoting three centuries. With her right hand she makes an offering upon an altar, upon the front of which is represented the famous ship of Damiette. Over her head are the Arms of the city of Haarlem, together with those of the four Burgo- masters in office during the festival. In the foreground are shown the chief pro- ducts for which the city is celebrated, Yarn and Tulips. Two Cupids are em- ployed in cultivating the latter, while a third is reading a book, upon which the title "SPIEGEL ONSER BEHOUDENissE" ap- pears. This is said to be the first book printed by Coster with moveable types. and Jettons. 25 Across the river at the back are seen the churches and buildings of Haarlem. The legend is MEMORIAE SACRVM. In the Exergue is HARLEMVM. MDCCXL. ; and upon the border, M. HOLTZHEY FECIT. Reverse. The wood near Haarlem, where Coster is seated upon the stump of a tree, his name appearing in small letters upon the hem of his tunic. In his right hand is the letter A, which he has just cut upon a piece of wood. His left is extended, and he seems to speak with Wisdom, which under the form of Minerva descends upon him from the clouds. The rays from heaven which fall upon him over the head of Minerva shew that the art of Printing originated from a still higher source, coming direct from heaven itself. To the left is a miniature printing-press and materials, with which three Cupids are busily work- ing. Exergue : TYPOGRAPHIA me PRIMVM INVENTA CIRCA ANN. MCCCCXL. Upon the border are the initials of the en- graver, M. H. 26 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 F. [THE SMALL HOLTZHEY.] Obverse. A three-quarter bust of Coster to the right, the left hand hold- ing up to view the letter A. Legend : LAVRENTIVS COSTERVS HARLEMENSIS PRIMVS ARTIS TYPOGRAPHICAE INV. CIRCA A. MCCCCXL. Beneath the right arm is the engraver's name : M. HOLTZHEY. r. Reverse. Inscription : DE DRUKKUNST NU DRIE EEUWEN OUDT DOOR KOSTER VOORTGETEELD UIT BEUKESCHORS, IN *X HAERLEMSCH HOUT AENSCHOUDT HAER's VADERS BEELDT OP DIX MEXAEL, EN ROEPX VERBLYDX, DIX MANNELYK GELAEX, ZY AEN DE ONSXERFLYKHEIX GEWYDX ZOOLANG DE WERELD SXAEX. Above this inscription is a garland of and Jettons. 27 laurel, across which salterwise are the trumpet of Fame and the torch of Truth. Within the garland is an open -book, upon which appears in very small letters SPIEGEL ONS. BEHOUDEN, being the name of the first book in moveable types attri- buted to the press of Coster. Beneath the inscription are three serpents inter- twined, with a branch of palm and a branch of bay, and in the centre the Arms of the city of Haarlem, beneath which are the engraver's initials, M. H. HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 G. [THE GREAT MARSHOORN.] Obverse. The bust of Coster in profile to the left, with the legend : LAUR . JANSZ . KOSTER . HARL. Beneath are the initials of the engraver, G. M. F. 28 Printers Medals Reverse. A printing-press against one end of which rests a shield bearing the Arms of the city of Haarlem : at the other end is an open book " SPIEGEL ONSER BEHOUDENISE 1440," the earliest book printed by Coster. To the left in bold letters, TYP. INV. 1428. Near the press is a shield bearing a dove, the device of Coster. At foot in a cartoon is the engraver's name, G. MARSHOORN, and in the Exergue is the date 1740. The whole is surrounded by three serpents forming a circle, each holding the tail of another in its mouth. HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 H. [THE LITTLE MARSHOORN.] Obverse. Bust of Coster with profile to the left, wearing a cap and senatorial collar of fur. Legend : LAUR. COSTERUS and Jettons. 29 JANI F. SEN. HARL. TYP. INV. Beneath the bust in small characters the name of the engraver, G. MARSHOORN HARL. FEC. Reverse. A printing-press, on the head of which is a shield bearing the Arms of the city of Haarlem, and upon the "winter" or cross piece, through which the screw works, a shield bearing a dove, the device of Coster. Against the press leans an open volume, upon which appears : SPE SAL CUL- VATI HUMA ONIS (Speculum humani salvationis) the title of one of the earliest books attributed by Dutch bibliographers to the press of Coster. The legend is : INV. 1428. PERVULG. 1440. in JUB. 1740. In the Exergue : TYPOGRAPHIA HARLEMI G. M. 30 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 I. [THE GREAT VAN SWINDERN.] Obverse. The bust of Coster to the left, with cap on his head, and official fur collar over his shoulders, placed upon a pedestal bearing the words ALTER CADMUS. Behind the bust is a printing-press, and to the right is a wreath of laurel and a pot of flowers, upon which is the letter H. In front is a serpent, tail in mouth, placed against a pile of books, upon which burns an antique lamp. By the side of the lamp is an open volume bearing the words : SP : ONS BEH : NIS 1440 The legend is : # LAUR. i. COSTERUS. CONS. HARLEM. TYPOGR. INVENT. AD' AN : MDCCCCXL. and Jettons. 31 Reverse. The Arms of the city of Haarlem supported by two lions, and resting upon the Roman fasces and palm and laurel boughs. The city appears in the back-ground, over which a winged figure is flying bearing the first printed book in her right, and a trumpet in her left hand, upon the flag of which appears the word FAMA. The legend is : HINC TOTUM SPARGUNTUR IN ORBEM LITERS ; and under the feet of the right-hand lion the initials N. v. s. F. In the Exergue : PER TRIA SECULA MDCCXL. HAARLEM. 1740. PLATE 2 K. [THE LITTLE VAN SWINDERN.] Obverse. The bust of Coster to the left, around which is the legend : L. i. COSTERUS. CONS. HARL. TYP. INV. AD. AN. 1440. 32 Printers Medals Reverse. Typography personified by a female figure in flowing robes, upon whose head divine rays descend. In her right hand, suspended from a garland of laurel leaves, are seven ovals bearing the Arms of the officials of Haarlem at the period of the Jubilee. Her left arm supports a shield bearing the Arms of the city of Haarlem half-hidden behind her figure, and from her hand escapes a scroll upon which are the vowels A. E. i. o. u. She treads under foot a book upon which are the letters A. G. for " Alexandri Grammatica," said to be the first book printed by Gutenberg at May- ence, with the types which he stole from his master, Coster. The legend is : EX HIS TIBI NECTE CORONAM. To the right N.V.S.F., being the initials of the engraver, and in the Exergue the words : TYPOGR. HAERLEM. Ill IUBIL. 1740. and Jettons. 33 LEIPSIG. 1740. PLATE 2 L. Obverse. Typographia between a print- ing-press and a compositor's case, hold- ing in one hand a composing-stick, and in the other a pair of inking-balls. The legend is : SPES . o . FIDISSIMA . MVSIS. In the Exergue : ANNO TYPOGRAPHIAE SECVLARI TERTIO MDCCXL. Reverse. A Muse, holding in her right hand a manuscript, to whom a winged Genius is shewing a printed book. The legend is : NOVAS . MIRABITVR . ARTES. In the Exergue : FELIX . INVENTVM . GERMANIAE . MCCCCXL. D 34 Printers Medals LEIPSIG. 1740. PLATE 2 M. Obverse. Gutenberg and Fust face to face. Legend : IOH . GVTTENBERG . IOH . FAVSTVS. In the Exergue : TYPOGRAPHIAE INVENTORES MAGONTIACI MCCCCXL. Reverse. A printing-press, near to which, seated on a bale of paper, is a female figure holding in her right hand a pair of inking-balls. A composing- stick is in her left hand, which rests upon a shield bearing the Printer's Arms. The legend is : ARS VICTVRA DVM LITTERIS MANEBIT PRETIVM. In the Exergue : and Jettons. 35 ANNO TYP. SAECVL. III. GRATA POSTERITAS EXCVDIT . MDCCXL. beneath which in small letters : I. DASSIER. F. This medal is commonly but errone- ously attributed to Genevabecause Dassier resided there. It was, however, a com- mission from the Leipsig University, and was distributed in that city upon the oc- casion of the Typographical Jubilee. NUREMBERG. 1740. PLATE 2 N. Obverse. The figure of Germany with the Imperial crown on her head, sitting on a throne, her right hand holding the sceptre, and her left a horn of plenty. At her feet are the globe and a sword, emblems of power and justice. Wisdom, around whose head rays of divine light 36 Printers Medals. play, is placing a laurel wreath upon the head of Germany, an olive branch being in her left hand. Between the two figures is the Roman eagle. To the left is a printing-press, and surrounding the whole is the legend, AVSPICIO IMPERII SVMMAE DECVS ADDITVR ARTIS. In the Exergue, FELIX GERMANIA, beneath which is v. for Vestner the engraver. Reverse. An altar, upon which is placed an open volume bearing the words : BIB SA LIA CRA books of all sizes covering the ground. The surrounding legend is : TVIS HIC OMNIA PLENA MVNERIBVS. The name JAH in Hebrew letters, in an illuminated triangle, throws its radiance upon the book. In the Exergue is : MEMORIA IVBIL. III. TYPOGRAPHIAE MDCCXL. and Jettons. 37 NUREMBERG. 1740. PLATE 2 O. Obverse. A printing-press with a Genius on either side, one holding a composing-stick, and the other the ink- ing-balls used by pressmen. Over the press flies Fame blowing a trumpet, and bearing in her left hand a scroll, upon which are emblazoned the names of GUTTENBERG, FAUST, SCHEFFER, MENTELIN, REGIOMONT. The surrounding legend is : BENEFICIO DEI ET SOLERTIA GERMANORVM. In the Exergue : MEMOR . SAECVLAR . CIDIDCCXXXX. Reverse. A garland of laurel, in which five coats of armour are interwoven. The uppermost is the shield of Nurem- berg, the other four belonging to the Four Curators " rei sacrae et literariae." In the centre is the following inscription : D 2 38 Printers' Medals DEO OPT . MAX . OB BENEFICIVM TYPOGRAPH . A GERM . INVENTAE ET PER III SAEC FELICITER EXCVLTAE VOTA SOLV . ET MVLTIPL. TYPOGRAPHI NORIMB. In the Exergue : CVRAT . REI SACR. ET LITER. NUREMBERG. 1740. PLATE 2 P\ Obverse. Eternity, personified by an aged man with a serpent, tail in mouth, encircling him, descends from the clouds and offers to Germany, who appears in the form of Minerva, a scroll bearing the letters ABC. Upon her breast are the and Jettons. 39 national arm, and surrounding her are boys representing the four quarters of the globe, as symbolised by the orna- ments on their heads, each being busy with various implements of the art. One has a typefounder's mould, another is " working at case," another has a pair of inking-balls, and the fourth exhibits a printed sheet. The surrounding legend is : GLORIA GERMANORVM LVCRVM ORBIS. Beneath, in small letters, are i. L. CE. the initials of the engraver, Johann Laurent Oechsel, and quite at foot the letter N for Ntirnberger the Master of the Mint. Reverse. An inscription surrounded with a laurel wreath : D. G. IVBIL^VM TERTIVM ^ETERN^E ARTIS TYPOGRAPHIC^ MDCCXXXX. 40 Printers Medals NUREMBERG. 1740. PLATE 2 Q. [THE EIGHT PRINTERS.] Obverse. The Arms of the city of Nuremberg surrounded by a garland of palm and laurel branches, in which are four coats of arms, over each of which the initials of one of the four Curators is engraved. Without any inscription. Reverse. A central inscription : ZVM ANDENKEN DES III IVBEL-FESTES SO- DIE VIII. DRVCKEREYEN IN NVRNBERG GEFEYRET HABEN. 1740. Surrounding the whole are eight cartoons interwoven with ribbon, each cartoon bearing the monogram of a printer of Nuremberg. and Jettons. 41 RATISBON. 1740. PLATE 2 R. Obverse. The Arms of the city of Ratisbon sustained in the claws of the Imperial eagle, and illumined by the eye of divine Providence. To the left is a composing-case, and to the right a print- ing-press, at each of which a Genius is working. The legend is : DECUS URBIS ET ARTIS. In the Exergue : MDCCXL. Reverse. An inscription only, within a wreath of laurel : SACRA DEI HONORI AVG CAROLI VI IMPERIO RATISPON^: GLORIA ARTIS TYPOGRAPHIC^ SvEC. Ill IUBIL. CELEBRANTIS MEMORIA. In a trefoil below are the letters L L s. 42 Printers Medals BATH. 1794. 2 S (NO PLATE). Obverse. The Arms of the city of Bath, with supporters and crest, beneath which is the date 1794. In this the " bar wavy," soon after added, is omitted by mistake. The legend is : W. GYE, PRINTER & STATIONER, BATH. Reverse. The figure of Benevolence sitting upon a bale of goods. At her feet are bags of money. Her left hand holds an olive branch, the elbow resting upon a jar ; with her right she is pointing to a prison, towards which a boy is going bearing a key, and with a scarf floiving over his shoulder. The words GO FORTH issue from rays of light. The legend is : REMEMBER THE DEBTORS OF ILCHESTER GOAL. Rim. PAYABLE AT W. TEBAYS, HASTINGS. Examples with the proper rim, as in the following number, are very rare. and Jettons. 43 BATH. 1794. PLATE 2 T. Obverse. The same as the last, with the " bar wavy" added to the die. Reverse. A copy of the last, with the variation of the boy's scarf flowing across his hips. Rim. PAYABLE AT W. GYE's, PRINTER, BATH, There is another variation, in which the Obverse is from the same die as above, the Reverse being from a new die. It may be distinguished by the boy's scarf flowing over both shoulder and hips. 44 Printers Medals LONDON. 1794. PLATE 2 U. Obverse. A very imperfect represent- ation of a printing-press, beneath which is the date 1 794. The legend is : sic ORITUR DOCTRINA SURGETQUE LIBERTAS. Reverse. Inscription only : PAYABLE AT THE FRANKLIN PRESS LONDON. and Jettons. 45 LONDON. 1795. PLATE 2 X. Obverse. Bust of Eaton to the left, with a ribbon underneath, upon which, in small letters, is the motto : FRANGAS NON FLECTES. The surrounding legend is : D. I. EATON THREE TIMES ACQUITTED OF SEDITION. Reverse. A pig-stye with four pigs, one of which is holding up a book in his mouth. Upon a part of the rails stands a dunghill Cock in full plumage. The legend is : PRINTER TO THE MAJESTY OF THE PEOPLE LONDON . 1795. 46 Printers Medals LAMBETH. 1796. PLATE 2 Y. Obverse. Inscription only, in very rude characters : Denton . Engraver & . Printer 7 . Mead Row . . near . the . Asylum . Lambeth. Reverse. A wheat-sheaf, in which is a sickle, between two starlings, with the figures 17 on the left, and 96 on the right. A border of separate oak leaves surrounds the whole. and Jettons. 47 LAMBETH. 1796? PLATE 2 Z. Obverse. Struck from the same die as the preceding. Reverse. Within a border of single laurel leaves are the two towers of the gateway of Lambeth Palace, with tall trees behind, and a rail to the left. LAMBETH. 1798? PLATE 3 A. Obverse. The same as Plate 2 Y. Reverse. A very meagre wreath of oak leaves, within which are the Prince of Wales's feathers and a ribbon with the motto ICH DIEN. 48 Printers Medals J. B. BODONI. Parma, 1802. PLATE 3 B. Obverse. The bust of Bodoni to the left, under which in minute letters : L. MANFREDINI F. The legend is : IOHANNES. BAPTISTA. BODONIVS. MDCCCII. Reverse. Within a laurel wreath this inscription : civi . OPTIMO . DECVRIONI . SOLERTISS . ARTIS . TYPOGRAPHICAE . CORYPHAEO . ERVDITISS . EX . XII . VIRVM . PARM . DECRETO. and Jettons. 49 GRASS AND EARTH. Breslau, 1804. PLATE 3 C. Obverse. A sleeping lion, against whose body leans a shield bearing the device or Arms of Baumgarten, the first Breslau printer. Above is the imperial Eagle encircled with rays of light, whilst two other attributes of the press are symbolised by the sceptre and the Ca- duceus. In the Exergue is the date 1504- Reverse. Inscription only, with a small branch beneath the foot-line : DREI- HUNDERTLEHRIGES IUBIL.EUM DER GRASS UND BARTHSCHEN STADTBUCHDRUCKEREY ZU BRESLAU 1804. Printers Medals IMPERIAL PRINTING OFFICE. Paris, 1 809. PLATE 3 D. Obverse. The bust of the Emperor Napoleon I. to the right, beneath which, in small letters, ANDRIEU F., and around which is the legend : NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROI. Reverse. Within a wreath of oak and myrtle leaves this inscription : JMPRIMERIE JMPERIALE. DECRET DU XXIV. MARS M.DCCC.IX. Space is left beneath for the insertion of a number. and Jettons. 51 PARIS. 1818. PLATE 3 E. Obverse. Bust of Gutenberg to the right, with a fur cap upon his head, and a long beard. Legend : JOANNES GUTTEMBERG. Beneath the bust in small letters, GAYRARD F. Reverse. Inscription only : NATUS MOGUNTLE IN GERMANIA AN. M. CCCC. OBIIT AN. M.CCCC.LXVIII. SERIES NUMISMATICA UNIVERSALIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM. M.DCCC. XVIII. DURAND EDIDIT. 52 Printers Medals PARIS. 1818. PLATE 3 F. Obverse. A similar bust to the last, but without the cap. Legend, the same. Reverse. A copy of the last. This medal is the same size as the next, and a little smaller than 3 E. PARIS. 1818. 3 G (NO PLATE). Obverse. The same as last. This variety is distinguished by having the letter H in JOHANNES, the two previous medals having it JOANNES. Reverse. The same as last. and Jettons. 53 PARIS. 1820. PLATE 3 H. Obverse. Victory, in a chariot drawn by four horses, is galloping over Europe casting the conqueror's wreaths upon the various countries. Reverse. Within a wreath composed of laurel and oak leaves tied together with a ribbon, is the following inscrip- tion : LES SOUSCRIPTEURS ASSOCIES POUR TRANSMETTRE A LA POSTERITE LES VICTOIRES ET CONQUETES DES FRANCAIS DE 1792 A 1815. EDITEUR C. L. F. PANCKOUCKE 1820. E 2 54 Printers Medals PIERRE DIDOT. Paris, 1823. PLATE 3 I. Obverse. A bust to the right, around which is : PIERRE DIDOT L'AINE TYPO GRAPHE FRANCAIS, and in small characters beneath, VEYRAT F. Reverse. An iron printing-press, against the T of which is : PRESSE JULES DIDOT. On the left side of the press is the " ball-rack," in which is a pair of pressman's inking-balls. The surround- ing legend is : HORACE, VIRGILE, RACINE, LAFONTAINE ED? S IN-FOL ; and in small letters, VEYRAT F. 1823. and Jettons. 55 HAARLEM. 1823. PLATE 3 K. Obverse. Science, represented by an Angel with a robe over her right arm, the hand supporting a lighted torch, whose beams are scattered around. The left hand rests upon a shield bearing the Arms of North Holland, behind which is a pile of books printed by Coster, surmounted by a palm branch. To the left is a printing-press, upon the platten of which is the word SPIEGHEL. At the head of the press is Coster's device, a Dove bearing an olive branch. Upon the ground is an open volume bearing the words DONATUS GRAM. QUID. The Arms of the city of Haarlem upon a shield rest against the volume, and surrounding the whole is the legend : LAUS URBI LUX OREL In the Exergue : CIDCCCCXX CIOCCCCXXV. BRAEMT FECIT. 56 Printers Medals Reverse. An inscription, surrounded by a wreath of oak-leaves : SAECULARE IV TYPOGRAPHIAE INVENTAE HARLEMI A LAUR. JANI F. COSTERO. Outside the wreath is : CELEBRATUM HARLEMI X JULII CIDIDCCCXXIII. HAARLEM. 1823. PLATE 3 L. Obverse. The monument erected in 1823 in the wood near Haarlem, with a grove of trees behind. In the Exergue the Arms of the city of Haarlem, and on the border the initials of the engravers' names, D. v. & z. and Jettons, 57 Reverse. An inscription surrounded with a laurel wreath, broken at top by a cartouche, in which is the letter A, with wings ; a symbol which is also en- graved upon the front of the monument. On the left it is broken by a circle surrounding a square, within which is the symbol of eternity, a serpent, tail in mouth ; and on the right by a similar figure containing a lamp burning. The inscription is as follows : TER EERE VAN LOURENS JANSZ. KOSTER. UITVINDER DER BOEKDRUKKUNST DOOR BU RGEMEESTEREN EN RADEN DER STAD HAARLEM. OP HET IV EEUWGETYDE MDCCCXXIII. 58 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1823. 3 M (NO PLATE). Obverse. The same as the last. Reverse. A new die, with slight but very evident variations. HAARLEM. 1823. PLATE 3 N. Obverse. A cast from the Obverse of Plate 2 F. Reverse. A cast (probably from an engraved wood-block) of the following inscription : VIERDE EEUW-FEEST der BOEKDRUKKUNST Gevierd binnen HAARLEM. 10 en ii julij 1823. and Jettons. 59 ROYAL PRINTING OFFICE. Paris, 1823. PLATE 3 O. Obverse. A bust in profile to the left, around which is this legend : LVDOVICVS . xvm . REX . FRANC . ET . NAV ., and in very small characters the engraver's name, DEPAULIS F. In the Exergue : TYPOGRAPHIA REGIA RESTITVTA MDCCCXXIII. Reverse. Inscription only : A FRANCISCO I CONDITA MDXXXIX LVDOVICO XIII IN ^DIBVS REGIIS COLLOCATA MDCXL LVDOVICO MAGNO ILLVSTRATA MDCXC. 60 Printers Medals ROYAL PRINTING OFFICE. Paris, 1831. PLATE 3 P. Obverse. Laureated bust to the left, with the surrounding legend : LVDOV. PHILIPPVS . I FRANCORVM . REX. In the Exergue : TYPOGRAPHIA REGIA INSTAVRATA MDCCCXXXI. Beneath the bust, in very small letters, DEPAULIS F. Reverse. Inscription only : A FRANCISCO I CONDITAM MDXXXIX LVDOVICVS XIII IN JED. REG. COLLOCAVIT LVDOVICVS XIV SVMPT. REG. INSTRVXIT. TANDEM. NAPOLEO NOV. INCREM. AVCTAM PVBL. ET LITT. VTILIT. DESTINAVIT. MDCCCIX. and Jettons. 61 PARIS. 1836? PLATE 3 Q. [AN OCTAGON JETTON.] Obverse. The busts of Gutenberg and Senefelder in profile to the right. On the left side, GUTTEMBERG. 1436 and on the right, SENEFELDER. 1796 Reverse. A wreath of oak and laurel, inside of which is the monogram P D, and outside of which to the left, IMPRIMERIE above, LIBRAIRIE to the right, LITHOGRAPHIE and below, PAUL DUPONT ET C 1E 62 Printers Medals AUGSBURG. 1837. PLATE 3 R. Obverse. T\\e Thorwaldsen statue of Gutenberg, around which is the legend : MON. IO. GVTENBERGII P. M. D. XIV AVG. MDCCCXXXVII. MOGVNT. INAVGVR. Beneath the pedestal is the engraver's name, NEUSS F. Reverse. An inscription only : ARTEM QUAE GRAECOS LATVIT LATVITQVE LATINOS, GERMANI SOLERS EXTVDIT INGENIVM. NUNC QVIDQVID VETERES SAPIVNT, SAPIVNTQVE RECENTES NON SIBI, SED POPVLIS OMNIBVS ID SAPIVNT. and Jettons. 63 BERLIN. 1837. PLATE 3 S. Obverse. The Thorwaldsen statue of Gutenberg erected in Mayence in 1837. The legend is : IOANNI GENSFLEISCH DICT. GVTENBERG COLLATIONIBVS TOTIVS EVROPAE SIGN. PCS. In the Exergue : THORWALDSEN INV. ET DIR. Reverse. Gutenberg seated at a table explains the newly-discovered art to the astonished Schoffer. The legend is : INVENTORI ARTIS TYPOGRAPH. IN URBE p ATRIA PI A LAETANTE. In the Exergue : MOGONTIACI M. AVGVST. MDCCCXXXVII. EX OFF. MON. G. LOOS. Beneath the feet of Schoeffer in small letters ; H. LORENZ F. ROMAE. 64 Printers Medals BERLIN. 1837. PLATE 3 T. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg copied from the Thorwaldsen statue, with the legend : GUTENBERG ERFINDER D. BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. Reverse. The full-length statue from the Thorwaldsen monument, with the legend : ERRICHTET zu MAINZ AM 14 AUGUST 1837. and Jettons. 65 MAYENCE. 1837. [See PLATE Z.] Obverse. The Thorwaldsen statue of Gutenberg, around which is the legend : IN MEMORIAM XIV AVG. MDCCCXXXVII. Reverse. Inscription only : # IOHANNEM GENSFLEISCH DE GUTENBERG. PATRICIUM MOGUNTINUM. AERE PER TOTAM EUROPAM COLLATO POSUERUNT GIVES. MDCCCXXXVII. 66 Printers Medals PARIS. 1837. PLATE 3 X. Obverse. A rude press, with a pair of inking-balls on the right, and a type- founder's mould upon the left. The legend is : LUMEN AD REVELATIONEM GENTIUM. In the Exergue : ANNO D. MCCCCL. and in very minute characters : GIRAUD F. Reverse. A wreath of oak-leaves and acorns, outside of which is : FONDERIE GENERALE DES CARACTERES FRANC.AIS ET ETRANGERS, 1837. ; and inside : COMITE CONSULTATIF D'ART TYPOGRAPHIQUE. and Jettons. 67 PARIS. 1837. PLATE 3 Y. [AN OCTAGON-SHAPED MEDAL.] Obverse. Within a bold wreath of myrtle leaves, tied at foot with a ribbon : IMPRTMERIE LANGE LEVY ET COMP 1 ? 1 ER AOUT 1837. Reverse. Within a similar wreath, of which the half to the right is oak-leaves, and the left, myrtle : MEMBRES DU CONSEIL 68 Printers Medals TURIN. 1837. PLATE 3 Z. Obverse. Bust to the right, with the name on either side, CAROLO BOVCHERONO the remainder of the sentence being upon the Reverse. Reverse. An inscription within a wreath of laurel, continued from the Obverse : OB EGREGIAM OPERAM IN EDITIONEM SCRIPTORVM LATINOR . COLLATAM J. POMBA TYP. M. DCCC. XXX. VII. and Jettons. 69 FIRMIN DIDOT. Paris > 1839. PLATE 4 A. Obverse. A bust, nearly full face, to the right, in modern costume, with the name, on either side, in bold letters : FIRMIN DIDOT. Reverse. A heavy wreath of laurel leaves, tied at foot with a ribbon, within which is this inscription : STEPHANORUM yEMULUS MUSARUM CULTOR F 2 yo Printers Medals AUGSBURG. 1840. PLATE 4 B. Obverse. The Thorwaldsen statue of Gutenberg, around which is this irreverent legend, which is borrowed from the Dutch : DISSIMVLARE . VIRVM . HVNC . DIS- SIMVLARE . DEVM . EST. Reverse. A circular shield, in the centre of which is a Medusa's head surrounded by rays, and on the circum- ference 1 6 stars. The shield is supported on two oak branches, and is surmounted by a sphinx-crested helmet. The legend is : ARTE . SVA . LITER AS . AVXIT . - - IN . MEMOR . SECVLAR.TYPOGRAPHIAE. MDCCCXL. Beneath the shield, in very minute cha- racters, is I. I. NEVSS F. and Jettons. 71 BAMBERG. 1840. PLATE 4 C. Obverse. A printing-press, upon which appears the date 1455, being the year in which the art was first practised in Bamberg. Upon a stool are a pair of inking-balls, and against the press a shield leans bearing the device of Albert Pfister, the first printer at Bamberg. Around is the legend : DEM ANDENKEN ALB. PFISTERS U. SEINER ERSTEN NACHFOLGER : J. U. L. SENSENSCHMIDT, H. PETZENSTEINER, J.PFEIL, H. SPORER, J. PERNECKER, U. M. AYRER. In the Exergue, in very small letters, is : I. I. NEUSS F. Reverse. The city of Bamberg, over which is this legend : DAS KONIGL. BIBLIO- THEKAR. F. D. IV JUBELFEST D. BUCHDRUC- KERKUNST 24 JUNI 1840 ZU BAMBERG. the last word being placed in the Ex- ergue. 72 Printers Medals BAMBERG. 1840. 4 D (NO PLATE). Obverse. The same as Plate 4 G. Reverse. The same as Plate 4 G, with the exception of the Exergue, which, being adapted to this city, reads : VIERTE IUBELF. D. ERFINDUNG D. BUCHDRUCKERKUNST IN DEUTSCHL BAMBERG 24 IUNI 1840. and Jettons. 73 BASLE. 1840. PLATE 4 E. Obverse. The bust of Froben to the right, around which is : JOHANNES FROBENIUS. Across the field, in small characters, is the engraver's name : A. BOVY FECIT. Reverse. An inscription only, occupy- ing eight lines : GEB. zu HAMELBURG. 1460. GEST. ZU BASEL. 1527. SAECULAR-FEIER DER BUCHDRUCKER-KUNST IN BASEL 1840. 74 Printers Medals BERLIN. 1840. PLATE 4 F. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the left, around which is the legend : IOHANN GAENSFLEISCH gen. GUTENBERG and beneath the bust : GEB. Z. MAINZ ZWISCHEN 1393 1400. Under the shoulder is : LOOS D. KONIG F. Reverse. Gutenberg in his printing- office, which is represented as a grand vaulted chamber, with rich columns suit- able to the position of a nobleman of Mayence. The famous printer is seated upon a stool reading a proof sheet. Be- fore him is an antique press, and behind him a composing-case. Upon the wall is a map of Europe, rays of light issuing from Germany. Through the door is and Jettons. 75 seen the sky, with the retiring stars of night. The legend is : DAS IST VOM HERRN GESCHEHEN UND EIN WUNDER VOR UNSEREN AUGEN * PS. 1 1 8 v. 23. In the Exergue : VIERTE IUBELF. D. ERFINDUNG D. BUCHDRUCKERKUNST IN DEUTSCHLAND D. 24 IUNI 1840 BERLIN. 1840. PLATE 4 G. Obverse. A reduced facsimile of the last. Reverse. A reduced facsimile of the last, with the omission of the surrounding legend, and the addition of PS. 1 18. v. 23. upon the boundary line of the Exergue. 7 6 Printers Medals BERLIN. 1840. PLATE 4 H. Obverse. A three-quarter bust of Gutenberg to the right, with a small shield bearing Gutenberg's Arms to the left. Around in gothic letters is : Upon the under edge of the bust is the engraver's name : KRUGER F. Reverse. The Printer's Arms, sur- rounded by a ribbon, upon which, in sunk letters, appear the words $*r asuit bb wtarfcnt Around the whole is the legend : saaularfeier tor * ptrcec**** and Jettons. 77 COLOGNE. 1840. PLATE 4 I. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the left, with the legend surrounding- it in a border: * JOHANN GAENSFLEISCH GENANNT GUTTENBERG GEBOREN ZU MAINZ UM 1393 I4OO+ 1465. Reverse. The Arms of Mayence, Cologne, and Strasbourg united together by a flowing ribbon, upon which are the words UND ES WARD LIGHT. Rays of light dart from the centre to the circum- ference, where are the names : AUGSBURG. FRANKFURT. NUERNBERG. The legend surrounding the whole is : ZUM ANDENKEN DER IV SAECULAR FEYER DER ERFINDUNG DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST * I 840 # 78 Printers Medals FRANKFORT. 1840. PLATE 4 K. Obverse. A representation of the stone monument erected in 1840 at Frankfort, upon the occasion of the Typographical Jubilee. The legend is : GUTENBERG. FUST. SCHOFFER. Reverse. A wreath of oak and laurel leaves, outside of which is : zu EHREN PER ERFINDUNG DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST * FRANKFURT A / M I an ^ inside, in five lines : BEI DER 4. SACULAR FEIER AM 24 JUNI 1840. and Jettons. 79 LEIPSIG. 1840. PLATE 4 L. Obverse. The Thorwaldsen Statue, with the word GUTENBERG in the Exergue. Reverse. The building erected at Leipsig for the Typographical Festival. In the Exergue, which occupies nearly one-half of the field : FESTSALON Z : VIERT : JUBILAEUM D I ERFIND I D : BUCHDRUCKERK : I : LEIPZIG D. 24 . 25 . 26 . JUNI 1840. 8o Printers Medals LEIPSIG. 1840. PLATE 4 M. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the right, with fur cap and fur cloak, around which is IOHANNES GUTENBERG Reverse. A rude representation of the buildings used for the Typographical Jubilee at Leipsig in 1840. In the Ex- ergue, which occupies nearly one-half of the field : FESTSALON Z . 4 . SAECULARFEIER D. BUCHDRUCKERK I. LEIPZIG 1840. and Jettons. 8 1 LEIPSIG. 1840. PLATE 4 N. Obverse. A three-quarter bust of Gutenberg to the left, over which is the legend : * IV . SAEC . F . D . BUCHDR . K . IN LEIPZIG IOHANNES GUTENBERG Beneath the bust, in small letters : SCHRECK ed. WARTIG S. Reverse. A printing-press placed upon a large volume, the volume resting upon the Cross, and the whole supported by a sunlit cloud. Above is : JESAIAS CAP. 9. V. 2. Beneath is the city of Mayence, and in the Exergue the word : MAINZ. 82 Printers Medals LEIPSIG. 1840. 4 O (NO PLATE). Obverse. The same as Plate 4 G. Reverse. The same as Plate 4 G, with the exception of the Exergue, which reads thus : VIERTE IUBELF. D. ERFINDUNG D. BUCHDRUCKERKUNST IN DEUTSCHL. LEIPZIG D. 24 IUNI 1840. and Jettons. 83 LEIPSIG. 1840. PLATE 4 P. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the right, around which is : * JOHANNES GUTENBERG * GEB : Z. MAINZ ZW : 1393 1400. GEST : 1468. Beneath the shoulder is the engraver's name, EHRHARDT F. Reverse. A bust upon a pedestal, whereon, in very small letters, appears the word GUTTENBERG. Divine rays descend from above, while a Matron, personifying the city of Mayence, places a laurel wreath upon the bust, holding in her left hand a copy of the first printed bible. Beside her, upon the ground, are two more books, and close by, a square block bearing upon the front the Arms of Mayence encircled by laurel, and upon 84 Printers' Medals its top a bee-hive in full activity. To the left are placed a printing-press and a composing-case. From the former drops a cornucopia, whence numerous books issue. Leaning against the base of the pedestal is an oval cartouche, upon which are seen two profiles and the words : FAUST SCHOFFER in very small letters. In the Exergue : VIERTE SACULARFEIER which is continued in the lower part of the circumference : DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST . 1840. Over the whole is the legend : * ZUM RUHME DES DEUTSCHEN VATERLANDES # Beneath the woman's feet are the letters E. F. and Jettons. 85 LYONS. 1840. PLATE 4 Q. Obverse. Science, represented by a female figure in loose robes, surrounded by the emblems of Geometry, Geography, Painting, and Medicine, stands in front of a printing-press. In the background are rows of shelves full of books. The legend is : SERVANDIS ARTIBUS UNA. In the Exergue : BIBLIOPOLE ET TYPOGRAPHI LUGDUN. Reverse. Two sphinxes, between whom is a pedestal supporting two oval shields, one bearing the Arms of the Printers and Booksellers of Paris, and the other the Arms of the city of Lyons. G 2 86 Printers Medals LYONS. 1840. PLATE 4 R. Obverse. The profile busts of Guten- berg and Senefelder to the right. Le- gend : I. GUTENBERG. A. SENEFELDER. Beneath the busts, in small characters, is the name of the engraver : PENIN F. LVGD. Reverse. An inscription only : SOCIETE DES IMPRIMEURS DE LYON. MDCCCXXXX IIII ANNIV. SECUL. DE L'INV. DE L'IMPR. and Jettons. 87 MAYENCE. 1840. PLATE 4 S. Obverse. Three busts in profile to the right, over which are the names : GUTENBERG. FUST. SCHOEFFER. The legend is : SIE GABEN MACHT DEM LIGHT DASS ES DIE NACHT DURCHBRICHT Reverse. The Printers' Arms, with the legend : VIERTE SAECULARFEIER DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. 1440. 1840, 88 Printers Medals MAYENCE? 1840. PLATE 4 T. Obverse. A half-length of Gutenberg holding a book, with half-lengths of Schoeffer on his right, and Faust on his left. Legend : PETER SCHEFFER IOHAN GUTTENBERG FAUST In the Exergue : DEN. 24 IUNI. 1840. Reverse. The Printer's Arms, with the legend : VIERTE SECULARFEIER DER BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. 1 840. and Jettons. 89 MAYENCE ? 1840. PLATE 4 V. Obverse. A folio volume, lettered on its side, DIE HEILIGE SCHRIFT. Over it is DAS ERSTE BUCH and beneath is the date 1440. The whole surrounded by a wreath of oak-leaves and acorns. Reverse. An inscription only : ERINNERUNG AN DIE IV SECULAR FEIER DER ERFINDUNG DER BUCHDRUKERKUNST MDCCCXXXX. go Printers Medals MAYENCE ? 1840. PLATE 4 X. Obverse. The Thorwaldsen statue of Gutenberg standing alone. Reverse. Within a wreath of oak- leaves and acorns, this inscription : VIERTES SACULARFEST DER ERFINDUNG DER BUCHDRUCKER : KUNST. GEFEIERT AM 24 T IUNI 1840. There is no engraver's name on either Obverse or Reverse. and Jettons. 91 PARIS. 1840. PLATE 4 Y. Obverse. The usual profile of Guten- berg, behind which is that of Senefelder, both to the right. Beneath, in small letters, is the name of the designer and engraver, MONTAGNY Reverse. An inscription only : IMPRIMERIE GUTTEMBER'G LITHOGRAPHIE SENEFELDER 1796 This Medal was not struck for sale. 92 Printers Medals PARIS. 1840. PLATE 4 Z. Obverse. A rude Press, on the right side of which is a pair of inking-balls, and upon the left a composing-stick. The legend is : FUGAT TENEBRAS LUCEMQUE REDUCIT Above the press, in small letters, is the name of the engraver : H. STEPH In the Exergue : MDCCCXL. Reverse. A wreath of oak-leaves and acorns, outside of which is : ASSOCIATION DES IMPRIMEURS DE PARIS and inside : CHAMBRE DES IMPRIMEURS and Jettons. 93 PARIS. 1840. 5 A (See PLATE 4 Z). Obverse. The same as the last. Reverse. A wreath of oak-leaves and acorns, outside of which is : ASSOCIATION DES IMPRIMEURS DE PARIS MDCCCXL. and inside : CONFERENCE DES IMPRIMEURS. STRASBOURG. 1840. PLATE 5 B. Obverse. The statue of Gutenberg, erected at Strasbourg in 1840. Guten- 94 Printers Medals berg is standing upon a pedestal holding out a sheet of paper, upon which is printed ET LA LUMIERE FUT. At his feet is a small press. Across the field is A JEAN LA VILLE DE GUTENBERG STRASBOURG and, in minute letters, on either side, are the names of the sculptor and of the medallist, viz., F. j. DAVID D 'ANGERS SCULPTEUR. F. KIRSTEIN GRAVEUR. Reverse. The Arms of the city of Strasbourg surmounted by a closed helmet and crest of feathers, and supported on either side by a lion statant. The legend is : INVENTION DE L'lMPRIMERIE A QUATRIEME FETE SECULAIRE 24 JUIN 1840 and Jettons. 95 STRASBOURG. 1840. PLATE 5 C. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the right, with this legend : JEAN GUTTENBERG INVENTEUR DE L'IMPRIMERIE Beneath the bust, in small characters : G. E. EMMERICK F. Reverse. A rude Press, against which is placed a " form" of six pages, and upon which are four books, some sheets of white paper, a pen, and an inkstand. The legend is : ET LA LUMIERE FUT In the Exergue is the date, 1440 and to the left the engraver's name as above. 96 Printers Medals STUTTGART. 1840. PLATE 5 D. Obverse. The bust of Gutenberg to the right, around which is : JOHANNES GUTENBERG Beneath the bust, in small letters, is the engraver's name : HEINDEL. Reverse. An inscription only : ZUR IV SAECULARFEIER D. ERFINDUNG D. BUCHDRUCKERKUNST STUTTGART MDCCCXL. This Medal was not struck for sale. and Jettons. 97 WOLFENBUTTEL. 1840. PLATE 5 E. Obverse. An altar-like structure bear- ing the inscription : SJEC. INV. TYPOGR. CELEBR. Upon the altar in the centre is the shaft of a pillar bearing a flame upon its apex, and on either side is an open volume; that to the left having the words : B A i v B G and that to the right : FE SPE REN RAN DVM DVM Upon the base is the name of the medal- list : THIES. The legend is : ALIIS INSERVIENDO CONSVMOR H 98 Printers Medals and in the Exergue : WOLFENBUTTEL . MDCCCXL. Reverse. The exterior of the library at Wolfenblittel, and in the Exergue : AMICIS C. SCHONEMANN BIBL. AUG. PR.EF PARIS. 1847. PLATE 5 F. Obverse. A mass of clouds, with land and water beneath. Upon the clouds an open printed volume in the full rays of the Sun, over which is a ribbon with the legend : EX UTROQUE LUX In the Exergue : PARIS. and Jettons. 99 Reverse. Arms of the Booksellers of Paris surmounted by a crown, and sup- ported on either side by a sphinx sitting upon a book. The legend : CERCLE DE LA LIBRAIRIE DE I/IMPRIMERIE ET DE LA PAPETERIE. In the Exergue, divided by a large star : FONDE # EN 1847. NATIONAL PRINTING OFFICE. Paris, 1848. PLATE 5 G. Obverse. A seated female figure re- presenting France, with rays issuing from her head. Upon her knee she supports with her right hand the Roman fasces, while her left hand rests upon a rudder, against which is a jar bearing the letters s. v. On her right are the gallic cock, a plough, and a wheatsheaf. In front of ioo Printers Medals her are a Stanhope press, an Alembic, a painter's pallett, and a builder's mallet The legend is : REPUBLIQUE FRANCHISE In the Exergue is the date 1848 beneath which, in diminutive letters, is : E. FAROCHON, D*APRES LE SCEAU DE L'ETAT. Reverse. Within a wreath of oak and laurel leaves the words : IMPRIMERIE NATIONALS outside of which is : LOIS ADMINISTRATION * SCIENCES ET ARTS. and Jettons. 101 BIRMINGHAM. 185060. 5 H (NO PLATE). Obverse. Within a double circle : M. BILLING STEAM PRINTING OFFICES LIVERY ST. BIRMINGHAM. In small letters : COTT RILL ST. PAUL'S Reverse. Three concentric dotted cir- cles, with space in the middle for a number. H 2 IO2 Printers Medals LONDON, c. 1850. 5 I (NO PLATE). Obverse. Within a dotted circle NISSEN & PARKER PRINTERS & EXPORTING STATIONERS 43 MARK LANE LONDON. Reverse. In a similar circle : ACCOUNT BOOKS ALWAYS READY. 6OO CLASSIFIED PATTERNS FOR ALL TRADES, MANUFACTURES & FINANCE. and yet tons. 103 HAARLEM. 1851. PLATE 5 K. Obverse. The bust of Coster to the left, with a branch of laurel in front, and a branch of oak behind him. Above is the word HAARLEM and below, the date 1851 Reverse. The letter A with wings. The legend is : TYPOGRAPHIZCHE VEREENIGING TOT NUT ENGEZEILIG VERKEER. 104 Printers Medals IMPERIAL PRINTING OFFICE. Paris, 1854. PLATE 5 L. Obverse. The bust of the Emperor Napoleon the Third to the left. Legend : NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR and in small letters under the bust, the name of the engraver : BARRE Reverse. A wreath of oak and laurel leaves joined by a bunch of grapes and ears of wheat. In the centre are the words : IMPRIMERIE IMPERIALS and outside the wreath is : LOIS ADMINISTRATION SCIENCES ET ARTS and Jettons. 105 BRUSSELS. 1854. PLATE 5 M. Obverse. A figure, representing Typo- graphy, stands with the right hand rest- ing upon a press, and the left holding a wreath of immortelles. The legend is : LES OUVRIERS VICTIMES DE LA CONVENTION DU 22 AOUT 1852, RECONNAISSANTS. In the Exergue the date 1854. Reverse. Within a heavy wreath of flowers and oak-leaves, the following in- scription : A F. DEQUICK J. B. VERBIST J. LEBON A. MAHIEU A. MERTINS IS. DEMOOR MEMBRES DU COMITE CENTRAL TYPOG. BELGE, io6 Printers Medals DUDLEY. 1856? 5 N (NO PLATE). Obverse. Dudley Castle in a small circle, around which is the legend : HENRY HARPER PRINTER & MAKER OF TOKENS CHECKS &c. DUDLEY. Reverse. A plain circle, for the inser- tion of a number. and Jettons. 107 DUDLEY. 1856? 5 O (NO PLATE). Obverse. The Freemasons' sign, a square and compasses, within a double oval, between the lines of which is : COINS, TOKENS, CHECKS, & PRESSES. The legend is : s. HIRON DIE SINKER ENGRAVER DUDLEY DOOR PLATES. BRASS SEALS. Reverse. A Phoenix rising from the flames. Legend : PRINTING, STATIONERY, & BOOKBINDING OFFICE NEWHALL ST. DUDLEY. io8 Printers Medals HAARLEM. 1856. PLATE 5 P. Obverse. The statue of Coster erected in the market-place of Haarlem, 1856. The legend is : DE ORBE MERVIT PATRIA POSVIT Under the statue : TYPOGRAPHIAE PATER and in small letters on the right : S. G. ELION F. Reverse. An allegorical representation of the Sun breaking through the clouds, with the inscription : DISPVLSIS NEBVLIS FVLGET ILLVSTRIOR INAVG. XVI IVL. MDCCCLVI. and Jettons. 109 AMSTERDAM. 1857. PLATE 5 Q. Obverse. A Printing-press in the full rays of the sun, with the legend : TYPOGR. VEREEN. DE NEDERL. DRUKPERS. 1857. And in very small letters : B. WOLFF. Reverse. Blank, the medal having a ring, and being intended for the breast. BIRMINGHAM, c. 1860. 5 R (NO PLATE). Obverse. A variation of Medal 5 H. Reverse. A plain circle for the inser- tion of a number. i io Printers Medals DUDLEY. 1860? 5 S (NO PLATE). Obverse. 3^ m large characters, around which is : : w. HYATT : NEWHALL S-. DUDLEY CHECK MAKER & PRINTER Reverse. Plain. and Jettons. 1 1 1 SHEFFIELD. 1860. 5 T (NO PLATE). Obverse. A Columbian press, above which is JOHN BLURTON. and beneath, PRINTER. CASTLE STREET SHEFFIELD the whole within a dotted circle. Reverse. Britannia seated, her right arm resting upon a shield bearing the National Arms, and her left holding a trident. Behind her is a lion couchant, and before her the ocean, with a ship in full sail. The legend is : BRITANNIA PRINTING OFFICE. JOHN BLURTON CASTLE STREET SHEFFIELD THE CHEAPEST OFFICE IN THE WORLD. The whole within a dotted circle. 112 Printers Medals PARIS. 1860? PLATE 5 V. Obverse. An imitation of the Obverse of the small medal by Emmerich, for the Strasbourg Jubilee, 1840 (see Plate 5 B). Reverse. Inscription only : SOCIETE POUR LA POURSUITE DES CONTREFAQNS and Jettons. 113 PARIS. 1861 ? } sjj| , : " f; .,s> "'^\'^:' [See PLATE 5 V.] Obverse. The same as the last. Reverse. Inscription only, in six lines SOCIETE POUR LA DEFENSE DE LA PROPRIETE LITTERAIRE ET ARTISTIQUE ii4 Printers Medals PARIS. 1862. 5 Y (NO PLATE). Obverse. A wreath of oak-leaves, out- side of which is : IMPRIMERIE ET LIBRAIRIE CENTRALES DES CHEMINS DE FER * A. CHAIX & C'. E * and inside : COURS DES APPRENTIS. Reverse. Inscription only : sc- SI QUELQU'UN VOUS BIT QUE VOUS POUVEZ VOUS ENRICHIR AUTREMENT QUE PAR LE TRAVAIL ET L'ECONOMIE, NE L'ECOUTEZ PAS, C'EST UN EMPOISONNEUR. FRANKLIN and Jettons. 115 MANCHESTER. 1863? 5 Z (NO PLATE). Obverse. The head of the Queen to the left, imitated from the coinage. The legend is : VICTORIA QUEEN OF GREAT BRIT : The whole within a circle of beads, Reverse. * WILLIAM SHAW * STATIONER & PRINTER MANCHESTER The whole within a circle of beads. ii6 Printers' Medals LONDON. 1863. PLATE 6 A. Obverse. The head of Alex. Herzen, with profile to the right, beneath which is the engraver's name : CH. WIENER Legend : ALEXANDER HERZEN Reverse. A Bell, upon the top of which, in Sclavonic characters, is : ZEMLO E BOLO and upon the edge of which is : vivos voco. To the left is the year 1853, and to the right 1863. The legend is : FIRST DECENIUM OF THE FREE RUSSIAN PRESS IN LONDON. and Jettons. 1 1 7 PARIS. 1866. 6 B (NO PLATE). Obverse. A Bee-hive in full activity, under which is : * PARIS-CLICHY * 1866 Legend : IMPRIMERIE DE PAUL DUPONT OMNIA LAHORE Reverse. Two right hands clasped together ; beneath, in small letters : -X- CAQUE Legend : SOCIETE DE SECOURS MUTUELS * DECERNEE A (space for a name). I 2 n8 Printers Medals BIRMINGHAM. 1868. 6 C (NO PLATE). Obverse. The following inscription only: BILLING BRO- PRINTERS &c. II s- PAULS SQ* BIRMINGHAM. Reverse. A simple ring near the edge, the centre being left blank for the in- sertion of a name or number. and Jettons. 119 SUPPLEMENT. THERE are certain Medals which, al- though struck for men who were some- time Printers, do not in any way refer to their connection with that art. These cannot perhaps, strictly speaking, be called Printers' Medals, nor on the other hand should they be entirely omitted from a list like this. The following are the only specimens of this class that have come under my notice ; but there are doubtless others, information concerning which will be welcomed by the Author. ALBERT DURER. Many medals have been struck in honour of this artist, who was a letter-press printer for many years before his death. He himself engraved a beautiful medallion of his wife AGNES, who as a widow continued the Printing- office for at least two years after her husband's death. 120 Printers Medals. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. At least four- teen medals have been issued in memory of Franklin the Politician, the Patriot, and the man of Science ; but, so far as I can learn, not one has commemorated the fact most interesting to us that he was a famous Printer. JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, F.S.A., &c. A medal in memory of the silver wedding of this well-known London Printer was struck in 1868. BERANGER the French poet was, for a period of his youth, a working Printer. Has any medal of this poet been struck ? INDEX. A, the letter, with wings, 103. Aldus Pius Manutius, i. Alexandri grammatica, 32. Aliis inserviendo, &c., 97. Als Gutenberg und Faust, &c., 19. Altdorf, Medal, 17. Amsterdam, Medals, 7, n, 109. Anchor and Dolphin, i. Andrieu, Medallist, 50. Anspach, Medal, 17. Arms : Amsterdam, n. Bath, 42. Baumgarten, 49. Booksellers and Print- ers of Paris, 15, 99. Cologne, 77. Gutenberg family, 23, 76. Haarlem, 13, 24, 27, 28, 32, 55, Burgomasters of Haar- lem, 24. Arms : Leyden, 10. Lyons, 85. Mayence, 20, 77, 83. North Holland, 55. Nuremberg, 37, 40. Printers of Germany, 19, 76, 87, 88. Ratisbon, 41. Strasbourg, 77. Verona, 16. Ars victura dum, &c., 34. Arte et marte, 12. Arte sua litteras auxit, 70. Artem quse Graecos, &c. ,62. Arti typographies a lo. Guttenbergio, &c., 14. Association des Imp. de Paris, 92, 93. Audi, vide, et tace, 5. Augsburg, Medals, 62, 70, 77- Aurora, 14. Auspicio Imperii summae decus, &c., 36. Ayrer, U. M., 71. 122 Index. Bamberg, Medals, 71, 72. Basle, Medals, 18, 73. Barre, Medallist, 104. Bath, Medals, 42, 43. Baumann, G., 5. Baumgarten, 49. Beehive, 117. Beneficio Dei et solertia, &c, 37. Benevolence, Figure of, 42. Beranger, the poet, 120. Berlin, Medals, 63, 64, 74, 75, 76. Billing Bros., Birmingham, 118. Billing, M., 101, 109. Binder's Press, 7, n. Birmingham, Medals, 101, 109, 118. Blurton, John, 1 1 1 . Bodoni, J. B., 48. Boucherono, Chas., 68. Bovy, A., Medallist, 73. Braemt, Medallist, 55. Breslau, Medals, 5, 19, 49. Britannia Printing Office, in. Brussels, Medal, 105. Caqud, 117. Civi optimo decurioni, &c., 48. Chaix et Cie., Paris, 114. Clichy, 117. Cologne, Medal, 77. Columbian Press, in. Comes Consiliorum, 13. Coster, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 3 2 > 55> 57 I0 3, i8. Cottrill, Medallist, 101. D. V. & Z., 56. Dam. capt. Typ. inv., &c., 12. Damietta, 8, 24. D' Angers, F. J. D., Sculp- tor, 94. Das erste buch, 89. Das ist vom Herrn, &c., 75- Dassier, J., Medallist, 35. De orbe meruit, &c., 108. Decus urbis et artis, 41. De Drukkunst nu, 26. Dem andenken Alb. Pfis- ters, 71. Demoor, J., 105. Denton, J., 46. Deo opt. max., &c., 38. Depaulis, Medallist, 60. Dequick, F., 105. Index. 123 Der Welt die Warheit, 76. Didot, Firmin, 69. Jules, 54. Pierre, 54. Digna viro pro talibus au- sis, 21. Dispulsis Nebulis, &c., 1 08. Dissimulare hunc virum, &c., 23, 70. Donatus gram, quid, 55. Dresden. Medal, 20. Dudley, 106, 107, no. Dudley Castle, 106. Dupont et Cie., 61, 117. Durand, Editor, 51. Durer, Albert, 119. Agnes, 119. Eaton, D. I., 45. Ehrhardt, Medallist, 83. Elion, S. G., Medallist, 108. Elsevier, Abraham, 10. Emmerick, G. E., Medal- list, 95, 112. Erfuhrt, Medal, 20. Et la lumiere fut, 94, 95. Ex his tibi necte coronam, 32- Ex utroque lux, 15, 98. Farochon, E., Medallist, 100. Faust, John, 19, 34, 37, 78, 84, 87, 88. Felici foedere crescunt, 21. Felix Germania, 36. Felix inventum Germanise, 33- Ferendum sperandum, 97. Festival in 1 740 : Altdorf, 17. Anspach, 17. Basle, 1 8. Breslau, 19. Dresden, 20. Erfuhrt, 20. Gotha, 22. Gottingen, 23. Haarlem, 24 32. Leipsig, 33, 34. Nuremberg, 35 40. Ratisbon, 41. Festival in 1823 : Haarlem, 55 58. Festival in 1837 : Augsburg, 62. Berlin, 63, 64. Mayence, 65. Festival in 1840 : Augsburg, 70. Bamberg, 71, 72. 124 Index. Festival in 1840 : Basle, 73. Berlin, 74 76. Cologne, 77. Frankfort, 78. Leipsig, 7984. Lyons, 85, 86. Mayence, 87 90. Paris, 91 93. Strasbourg, 94, 95. Stuttgart, 96. Wolfenbiittel, 97. Festival in 1856 : Haarlem, 108. Frankfurt, 77, 78. Franklin, Benj., 114, 120. Franklin Press, 44. Frobenius, Job., 73. Fugat tenebras, 92. Fust, John (see Faust). Gaensfleisch, 77. Gaudet Verona, &c., 16. Gayrard, Medallist, 51. Gensfleisch, 63, 65. Ghertzen (see Herzen). Giraud, Medallist, 66. Gloria Germanorum, &c., 39- Go forth, 42. Goethen, Peter van, 7. Gotha, Medals, 14, 22. Gottingen, Medal, 23. Grass and Barth, 49. Gutenberg, John, 19, 20, 23, 32,34, 37, 5 1 * 61 65, 7o, 74, 768i, 83, 86 88, 90, 91, 93 96. Gutenberg, His Arms, 76. Gye, W., 42. Haarlem, Medals, 8, 9, 12, 13, 2433, 5558, 103, 108. Hamelburg, 73. Harper, Henry, 106. Heden my morghen dy, 6. Heindel, Medallist, 96. Herzen, Alexander, 116. Hinc totum sparguntur, &c., 31. Hiron, S., 107. Holtzhey, Engraver, 25, 26. Horace, 54. Hyatt, W., no. Ich dien, 47. I. F., 19. I. G., 19. Imperial Printing Office, Paris, 104. Index. 125 Insignia, gentilit, &c., 23. Inventori artis Typogra- phicae, 63. JAH, 36. Kirstein, F., Medallist, 94. Konig, Medallist, 74. Koster (see Coster). Kruger, Medallist, 76. L L S, 41. Lafontaine, 54. Lambeth, 46, 47. Lambeth Palace. 47. Lange Levy et Cie., 67. Laus Urbi, lux Orbi, 55. Lebon, J., 105. Leipsig, Medals, 33, 34, 7983- - University, 35. Les ouvriers victimes, &c., I0 5- Leyden, Medal, 10. Lille, Medal, 9. Lois administration, &c., 100, 104. London, Medals, 44, 45, 102, 116. Loos, G., Medallist, 63, 74- Lorenz, B., Medallist, 63. Louis Philippe, 60. Lugdun (see Lyons). Lumen ad revelationem, 66. Lyons, Medals, 85, 86. Arms of, 85. Mahieu, A., 105. Manchester, Medal, 115. Manfredini, L., 48. Marshoorn, G., 27, 28. Mayence, Medals, 65, 81, 8790. - Arms of, 20, 77, 83. Medallists : Andrieu, 50. Barre, 104. Bovy, A., 73. Braemt, 55. Dassier, J., 35. Depaulis, 60. De Vries and Zoon, 56. Ehrhardt, 83. Elion, S. G., 1 08. Emmerick, G. E., 95, 112. Farochon, E., 100. Gayrard, 51. Heindel, 96. Holtzhey, M., 25, 26. 126 Index. Medallists : Kirstein, F., 94. Konig, 74. Kruger, 76. Loos, G., 63, 74. Manfredini, 48. Marshoorn, G., 27, 28. Montagny, 91. Neuss, 1. 1., 62, 70, 71. Niirnberger, 39. Perrin, 86. Steph, H., 92. Swindern, N. Van, 31, 3 2 - Thies, 97. Vestner, 36. Veyrat, 54. Wartig, 8 1. Werner, 21. Wolff, B., 109. Medusa's head, 10, 21, 70. Memor. fel., &c., 23. Mentelin, 37. Mercury, n, 18. Mertins, A., 105. Mey, Jan de, 6. Middleburg, Medal, 6. Minerva, 10, 21, 25, 38. Montagny, Medallist, 91. Napoleon I., 50, 60. Napoleon III., 104. National Printing Office, Paris, 99. Neuss, 1. 1., Medallist, 62, 70, 71. Nichols, John Gough, 120. Nissen and Parker, 102. North Holland, Arms of, 55- Novas mirabitur artes, 33. Nuremberg, Medals, 2, 3540. Niirnberger, Medallist, 39. Omnia labore, 117. P. D. (Paul Dupont), 61. Pancoucke, C.L.F., Medal by, 53- Paris, Booksellers' Arms, 99. Cercle de la Librairie, &c., 99. Imperial Printing Office, 50, 104. - Medals, 3, 4, 15, 50 54,5961,66,67,91- 93, 9 8 > 99> I0 4, ii2 114, 117. National Printing Office, 99. Index. 127 Paris, Royal Printing Office, 59, 60. Societe pour la pour- suite des contrefaQons, 112. Societe pour la defense de la propriete, 113. Parma, 48. Penin, Medallist, 86. Per tria secula, 31. Pernecker, J., 71. Petreius, John, 2. Petzensteiner, H., 71. Pfeil, J., 71. Pfister, Albert, 71. Pig-stye, 45. Pomba, J., 68. Prince of Wales, feathers, 47- Racine, 54. Ratisbon, Medal, 41. Regiomontanus, 37. Remember the debtors of Ilchester Goal, 42. Rerumtutissimacustos, 18. Reyherorum Officina, 22. Roman, Zachs., 6. Royal Printing Office, Paris, 59, 60. Russian Free Press, ii6> Sacra Dei honori, &c., 41. Schceffer, Peter, 37, 63, 78, 84, 87, 88. Schonemann, C., 98. Schreck, publisher, 81. Senatus consulto, 8, 13. Senefelder, 61, 86, 91. Sensenschmidt, J., 71. Sermo Dei ignitus, &c., 2. Series Numismatica Viro- rum illustrium, 51. Servandis artibus una, 85. Shaw, William, Printers' ticket, 115. Sheffield, Medal, in. Sic oritur doctrina, 44. Sie gaben macht, &c., 87. Spare, the river, 12. Speculum humani salva- tionis, 29, Spes O fidissima Musis, 33. SFIETAE BPAAEfl2, I. Spiegel onser behoude- nisse, 24, 28. Sporer, H., 71. St. John the Evangelist, 3, 4- Stanhope Press, 100. Steph, H., Medallist, 92. Stephanorum aemulus, &c., 69. 128 Index. Strasbourg, Medals, 93, 112. Arms of, 94. Stuttgart, Medal, 96. Swindern, Van, Medallist, 30, 31- Tebays, W., 42. Thies, Medallist, 97. Thorwaldsen Statue on Medals, 62 65, 70, 79, 90. Tuis hie omnia plena, 36. Turin, Medal, 68. Typogr. Vereen, &c., 109. Typographia hie primum inventa, 25. Typographic pater, 108. Typographizche Vereen- iging, &c., 103. Und es ward licht, 77. Ut aurora musis arnica, 14. Venice, i. Verbist, J. B., 105. Vestner, Medallist, 36. Verona, Medal, 16. Veyrat, Medallist, 54. Vicit vim virtus, 8, 13. Virgil, 54. Vivos voco, 1 1 6. Volpi, John Antony, 16. Wante, Paul, 6. Wartig, Medallist, 81. Werner, Medallist, 21. Wilmerdonx, John, 7. Wolfenbiittel, Medal, 97. Wolff, B., Medallist, 109. PI. A - PL B. PI. C. PL D. PL E PI. G. PI. H PL I. PL K. PL L PL M. PL N. PI. 0. PIE EL. R. PI. S PL Y PI. Z. PI. 2.B. PI. 2 C. PI. 2.D. P1.2.E Door KOSTER voort^etedd Zy aen de onTterflyjklieitgewy ano de vrereld " P1.2.H PI. 2.1 PL 2.K. P1. 2.L PI. 2.M. PI. 2.0. PL 2.P. PL 2.Q. PL 2.R. PI. T . _L PI ^T THE J'MAITKILIJ? PHJEJ PI. 2.X. PI. 2. Y. PI. 2. Z. PI. 3. A. PI. 3.B. CIVIL OPTIMO. BECVRIONI, 3OLERT1SS, AMT1S, TYPOGRAPHICAE. COMTHAEO, ESYDITIISS. EX.XH.YIRTM.PARM. DEGRETO PL 3.C. J PI IN GEKMANIA AN.M.GCGG. OE11T .M.CCCC.LXVII PI. 3.E GEMMAN1A AN.M.CCCC. OB1IT M.CCCC.LXVin PL 3.1. PI. 3K. PL 3.L. PI. 3.N PL 3.P. FRANCISCO I CONDITAM MDXXXIX LVDOVICVS XI11 IN^ED. REG.COLLOCAV1T LVDOVICVS XIV SVMPT. REG. INSTRVXIT TANDEM. NAPOLEO NOV. INCREM. AVCTAM PVBL.ET. L1TT, VTILIT DEST1NAVIT MDCCCIX PL 3. Q. PL 3.R. ARTEM OVAE GRAECO.^ LATViTiQviE GKRMAKl SOBERS EXTVBIT rVGElOVM. TETERES SAF1VNT, SAPIVNTQVE UECENTE WON SIBI, SEB POFV1LIS OtMTNIBVS ID SAPTVlfT PI. 3.S. PI. 3.T. J PL 3.X. PL 3. P1.3.Z. P1.4A PI. 4.B. PL 4E. GEB.ZG HAMELBURG, 146 GESTIZU SAECULAR-FEIER DER P1.4.E lUBBtE-B.KKFl! D BUCHDBUCKEREUSrST IS BEUTSCHILANB 4IUNI 1 PL 4.G. PL 4.H. PI. 41 J P1.4.K. BEIDER 4.SACULAR FEIER AM 24 JUNI 1840, P1.4.M. . . PI. 4.N. PI. 4. P. PI. 4.Q. PL 4.R. SOOETE MS IMPWMEURS JDE LYOW, PI. 4.S PI. 4.T. PI. 4.V PI. 4.X. PL 4-.Y IMPRIMEKffi HI G1ITTEMBERG I 1456 PI. 4. Z. PI 5.B. Pi. 5. C. PL 5.D. PL 5. E. PL 5.F. PL 5.G. PI. 5.K Fl. 5. PI. 5.M PL 5. N. 5. P. FTL JLILVSTRI PI. 5. PL 5.V. PI. 6.A DESIDERATA. M. BLADES, 11, Abchurch Lane, London, demande les Medailles ci-dessous decrites: Nota. Les Nume'ros renvoyent a la " List of Printers' Medals and Jettons," par M. Blades, 8vo., London, 1869. Page. PL 1. A. Av. Buste d' " Aldus Pius Manutius." 2. B. Av. Buste de " Ion. Petreius, Typographus." 5. F. Av. Buste de " Georg. Bawman, Typographus." 6. H. Av. Zacharias Roman. Rev. " Heden my morghen dy 1631." 10. N. Av. Minerve. " Acad-Lvgd. Batav." Rev. " Abrahamvs Elsevirivs 1652. 16. T. Av. Buste de I. A. Vulpius. Rev. "Gaudet Verona," &c., 1737. Le Jubile de 1740. 17. V. Altdorf. X. Anspach. 18. T. Basle (Augst). Av. Mercure. Une presse typographique. Reruni tutissima Custos. Rev. Inscription seulement : " Artis Typogr.," &c. 20. 2A. Dresden. Av. " Mein eintzger Schein " " Dringt vielmahl ein." Rev. " Gottes Seegen und Gedeyen " " Wird uns fernerweit erfreuen." 20. 2B. Erfurt. Av. Buste de Gutenberg sur un pie'destal. Quatre livres avec leurs titres : " Digna Viro, &c. Rev. Minerve et la Typographic, le bouclier et le hibou : " Felici Foedere," &c. Werner fecit Erford. 22. 2C. Gotha. Av. " Ut Aurora Musis arnica Solem, &c. 23. 2D. Av. Inscription de 12 lignescommenpanfMoemor. fel. Jo. Guttenberg" et flnisant: "Aere Modico Parare." Rev. Armoiriesde la famillede Guttenberg. "Dis- simulare hunc Virum &c. 27. 2G. Haarlem. Le "Grand Marshoorn." Page. PI. 38. 2P. Nuremberg. Av. Un Vieillard dans les images. Minerye avec un phylactere. Quatre gdnies avec des instru- ments typographiques. " Gloria Germanorum &c. Rev. Inscription : " D. G. lubilaeum Tertium" &c. 41. 2R. Ratisbonne. Av. Armoires de la Ville. " Decus urbis et artis." Rev. " Sacra dei honori." 49. 3C. Grass et Earth, Breslau, 1804. Av. Un Lion, un Aigle, 1504. Rev. " Dreihundertiahriges," &c. 61. 3Q. Un jetton octogone de P. Dupont et Cie., 1836 ? 66. 3X. Un Jetton, " Fonderie g&ie'rale de caracteres fran9aise et dtrangere, 1837." 67. 3Y. Un jetton octogone de Lange L2. 16. T. Av. Buste de I. A. Vulpius. Rev. "Gaudet Verona," &c., 1737. Le Jubile de 1740. 17. V. Altdorf. X. Anspach. 18. Y. Basle (Augst). Av. Mercure. Une presse typographique. Reran tutismna Custos. Rev. Inscription seulement : " Artis Typogr.,"&c. 20. 2A. Dresden. Av. " Mein eintzger Scheiu " " Drlngt vielmahl ein." . Rev. " Gottes Seegen und Gedeyen " " Wird uns fernerweit erfreuen." 20. 2B. Erfurt. Av. Baste de Gutenberg sur mi piedestal. Quatre livres avec leurs titres: ll Digna Viro, Rev. Minerve et la Typographic, le bpoclier et le .. ; __;_re,"&c. 22. 2C. Gotha. hibou : " Felici Foedcre,' Werner fecit Erford. Av. " Ut Aurora Musis arnica Solem, &c. Jo. 2D. Av. Inscription de 12 lignes connuen^ant "MaMiior. fel. Jo. Guttenberg" et flnisant: ''Acre Modico Parare." Rev. ArinoiricsdelafaniilledeGuttcnliL'i-g. Dis simulare hunc Virnra &c. 27. 2G. Haarlem. Lc "Grand Marsboorn." Page. PI. 38. 2P. 41. 2R, Nuremberg. Av. Un Vieillard dans les nuages. Minerve avec un pbylactere. Quatre ge"nies avec des instru- ments typographiqiies. " Gloria Germanorum &c. Rev. Inscription : " D. G. lubilaeum Tertium" &c. Ratisbonne. Av. Armoires de la Villo. " Decus urbis et artis." Rev. " Sacra dei bonori." 49. 3C. Grass ot Earth, Breslau, 1804. Av. Un Lion, un Aigle, 1504. Rev. " Dreihundertiahriges," &c. 61. 3Q. Un jetton octogone de P. Dupont et Cie., 1836 ? 66. 3X. Un Jetton, " Fonderie ge"ne'rale de caracteres fran. 4Q. Me'daille des " Bibliopolae et Tj'pograplii Lngdun." 86. 4R. Jetton de la " Societe des Imprimeurs, Lyon." 89. 4V. Mayehce ? Av. Un livre. " Das erste bucli." Rev. " Erinnerung an die," &c. 91. 4Y. Paris. Me'daille de Montagny. Les bustes de Gutenberg et Senefelder. 0-2. 47.. Jetton pour la " Chambre des Imprimeurs" d"e Paris. 93. 5A. Jetton pour la " ConiVreuce des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 109. 5Q. Amsterdam, 1857. " Typogr. Vereen. dc Nederl. Drukpers. 112. 5V. Paris. Socie'te pour la poursuite des contrcfa9ons. 113. 5Y. Paris. Socie'te' pour la defense do la proprifete' litt. 114. 5Y. Jetton A. Chaix et Cie. " Cours des apprentis." 117. 6B. Jetton Paul Dupont. Society de secours mutuel. I I DESIDERATA. M. BLADES, 11, Abchurch Lane, London, demande les Mcdailles ci-dessous decrites: Xota. Les Numdros renvoyent a 1ft " List of Printers' Medals and Jettons," par M. Blades, 8vo., London, 1869. Page. PI. 1. A. 2. B. Av. Buste d' " Aldus Pius Manutins." Av, Buste de " loh. Petreius, T ypographus." F. Av. Buste de " Georg. Bawman, Typographic." H. 17. X. ,i?\ Zacliarias Roman. Rev. " Heden my morghen dy 1631." Ar. Mincrve. " Acad-Lvsrd. Biitav." Rev. " Abrahanivs Elsevirivs 1652. T. Av. Buste de I. A. Vulpius. Rev. " Gaudet Verona," Sac., 1737. Le Jubilp de 1740. Altdorf. Anspach. . __! Une presse typographique. Rerum tutissima Gustos. Rev. Inscription sculemcnt : " Artis Typogr.," ic. 20. 2A. Dresden. Av. " Mein eintzger Schein " " Dritigt vielmahl ein." Rev. "Gottes Seegen und Gedeyen" " Wird uns fernerweit erfreuen." 20. 2B. Erfurt. Av. Buste de Gutenberg sur un pie'destal. Quatre livres avec leurs titres: " Dignfi Viro, &c. Rev. Minerve et la Typographic, le bouclicr et le hibou : " Felici Fcedere," &c. Werner iecvt Erford. 22 ' 2 Av. ^ Ut Aurora Musis arnica Solcm, &c. 23 2D Av. Inscription de 12 lignescommenoant ^Mcemor. fel. Jo. Guttenberg" et flnisant: "Acre Modico Pui'are." Rev. Armoirics de la famille de Guttenberg. " Dis simularc hunc Virum &c. 27. 2G. Haarlem. Lo "Grand Marslioorn." Page. PI. 38. 2P. Nuremberg? '~ Av. Un Vieillard dans les nuages. Minervc avec un phylactere. Quatre g<5nies avec des instru- ments typographiqnes. " Gloria Germanoruni &c. Rev. Inscription : " D. G. lubilaeum Tertium" c. 2R. Ratisbonne. Av. Armoires de la Ville. " Decus urbis et artis." Rev. " Sacra del honori." 49. 30. Grass et Earth, Breslau, 1S04. Av. Un Lion, un Algle, 1504. Rev. " Dreihuudertiahriges," &c. 61. 3Q. Un jetton octogone de P. Dupont et Cie., 1836 ? 66. 3X. Un Jetton, " Fonderie ge'ne'rale de caracteres franijaise et etrangere, 1887." 67. 3Y. Un jetton octogone de Lange Levy et Cie., 1837. 68. 3Z. Turin. Av. Buste de " Carolo Bouchej'ono," J. Pomba, Typ.. 1837. Le Jubile de 1840. 4K. Francfort. Av. Le monument des trois imprimeurs. Rev. " Zu ehren," &c. . 4Q. Medaille des " Bibliopolas et Typographi Lugdun." 86. 4R. Jetton de la " Socie'te' des Imprimeurs, Lyon." 89. 4V. Mayence ? Av'. Un livre. " Das erste bach." Rev. " Erinnerung an die," &c. 91. 4Y. Paris. Medaille de Montagny. Les busies de Gutenberg et Senefelder. 92. 4Z. Jetton pour la "Chambre des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 93 5A. Jetton pour la "Conference des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 109. 5Q. Amsterdam, 1857. " Typogr. Vereen. de Nedcvl. Drukpers. 112. 5V. Paris. Socidte pour la poursuite des contrcfa(?ons. 113. 5Y. Paris. Socie'te" pour la defense de la propriete litt. 114. 5Y. Jetton A. Chaix et Cie. " Cours des apprentis." 117. 6B. Jetton Paul Dupont. Societe" de secours mutuel. DESIDERATA. - * 4 1 ilJ^U. ft. [, 1. A. 1 I ^ 2. B. .. F. ill * * 1 ^j ^> 11 \ ^ 6. H. ^ 10. N. > 16. T. ^ 5 3 4 ^ ^1H s" ^ ^ I "' I ^ Co A 1^1 p| 4 P .8 i } IS. Y. I $ 20. 2A. t ^> 4 5S K( S ^ J< 20. 2B. ^ -^ 1 1 ^ ^ 22. 20. "I ^ 2 4 > 23. 2D. 1 ^ ^ ^ f 27. 2G. i ^ i X ^ t % M. BLADES, 11, Abehurch Lane, London, deinande les Medailles ci-dessous decrites: Xota. Les Numeros renvoyent a la " List of Printers' Medals and Jettons," par M. Blades, 8vo., London, 1869. p a < pi. Av. Buste d' " Aldus Plus Manutius." Av. Buste de " Ion. Petreius, Typographus." Av. Buste de " Georg. Bawman, Typographus." .!?. Zacharias Roman. Rev. " Heden my morghen dy 1631." Av. Minerve. " Acad-Lvgd. Batav." Rev. " Abrahamvs Elsevirivs 1652. T. Av. Buste de I. A. Vulpius. Rev. " Gaudet Yerona," &c., 1737. Le Jubile de 1740. Altdorf. Anspach. Basle (Augst). Av. Mercnre. Une presse typographique. Rental tutissitna Gustos. Rev. Inscription seulement : " Artis Typogr.," &e. Dresden. Av. " Mein eintzger Schein " "Dringt vielmahl eiu." Rev. " Gottes Seegen und Gedeycn " " Wird uns fernerweit erfreuen." Av. Buste de Gutenberg sur un piedestal. Quatre livres avec leurs litres: " Digna Viro, &c. Rev. Minerve et la Typographic, le bouclier et le hibou : i; Felici Foedere," &c. Werner fecit Er ford. Gotha. Av. " ft Aurora Musis arnica Solem, &c. Av. Inscription de 12 lignes commen^ant " Moempr. fel. Jo. Guttenberg" et finisant : "Aero Modico Rev. 'Armoiries de la famille de Guttenberg. ' Dis- simulare hnnc Virum &c. Ilaarlem. Le "Grand Marshoorn." Page. PI. 38. 2P. Nuremberg. Av. Un Vieillard dans les images. Minervc avec un phj'lactere. Quatre genies avec des instru- ments typographiques. " Gloria Germanorurn &c. Rev. Inscription : " D. G. lubiheurn Tertium" &c. 41. 2R. Ratisbonne. Av. Armoires de la Ville. " Decus urbis et artis." Rev. " Sacra dei bonori." 49. 30. Grass et Earth, Breslau, 1804. Av. Un Lion, un Aigle, 1504. Rev. " Dreihuiidertiahriges," &c. r>l. 3Q. Un jetton octogone de P. Dupont et Cie., 1836 ? 66. 3X. Un jetton, " Fonderie g^ne'rale dc caracteres franchise et dtrangere, 1837." 67. 3Y. Un jetton octogone de Lange Le'vj r et Cie., 1837. 68. 3Z. Turin. Av. Buste de " Carolo Bouelierono," J. Pomba, Typ,, 1837. Le Jubile de 1840. 78. 4K. Franefort. Av. Le monument des trois imprimeurs. Rev. " Zu ehren," &c. 85. 4Q. Jledaille des " Bibliopolae et Typograplii Lugdun." 86. 4R. Jetton de la " Soeiete des Imprimeurs, Lyon." 89. 4V. Mayence? Av. Un livre. " Das crste bucli." Rev. " Eriunerung an die," &c. 91. 4Y, Paris. Medaille de Montagny. Lcs bustes de Gutenberg et Senefelder. 92. 4Z. Jetton pour la " Chambre des Imprimeurs " de Paris. 93. 5A. Jetton pour la "Conference des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 109. 5Q. Amsterdam, 1857. " Typogr. Verceii. de Xcderl. Drukpcrs. 112. 5V. Paris. Soeiete pour la poursujte des contrefa^ons. 113. 5Y. Paris. Socie'te' pour la defense do la proprifete' litt. 114. 5Y. Jetton A. Chaix et Cie. " Cours des apprentis." 117. 6B. Jetton Paul Dupont. Socie'te de secours mutuel. DESIDERATA. M. BLADES, 11, Alx-hurch Lane, London, demaude les Medailles ci-dessous dec-rites: Xota. Les Numeros renvoyent a la " List of Printers' Medals and Jettons," par M. Blades, 8vo., London, 1869. Av. Buste d' " Aldus Pius Manutins." Av. Buste de " Ion. Petreius, Typographus." Av. Buste de " Georg. Bawman, Typographus." Ar. Zacharias Roman. Rev. " Hedeu my morghen dy 1631." 10. N. Av. Minerve. " Acad-Lvgd. Batav.' Rev. " Abraliamvs Elsevirivs 1652. 16. T. Av. Buste de I. A. Vulpius. Rev. " Gaudet Verona," &c., 1737. Lc Jubile de 1740. 17. V. X. 18. Y. Basle (Augst). Av. Mercnre. Une presse typographique. Rerum tutissima Gustos. Rev. Inscription seulement : "ArtisTypogr., &c. 20. 2A. Dresden. Av. " Mein eintzger Scheiu " " Dringt vielmahl ein." Rev. " Gottes Secgen and Gedeyen " " Wird ufis fefnerweit erfreuen." 20. 2B. Erfurt. Av. Buste de Gutenberg sur un pi&lestal. Qnatre livres avec leurs litres: " IMgnu Viro, ^c. Rev. Minerve et la Typographic, le bouclier et le hibou : " Felici Fcedere," &c. Werner fecit Eribrd. 22. 2C. Gotlia. Ar. " Tt Aurora Musis amica Solem, &c. 23. 2D. Av. Inscription de 12 lignes cotnmenc;ant - ; Mcempr. fel. Jo. Guttenberg" et ftuisant : "Ac-re Modico RPV" a Armoiries de la famille dc Guttenberg. " Dis simulare hunc Virum &c. 27. 2G. Haarlem. Le "Grand Marslioorn." P1 - A -- 38. 2P. Nuremberg. Av. Un Vieillard dans les nuages. Minerve avec un phylactere. Quatre g(5riies avec des instru- ments typographiqnes. " Gloria Germanorum &c. RPV. Inscription : " D. G. lubiUcum Tertiutu" &c. 41. 2R. llatisbonne. Av. Armoires de la Ville. " Dccus urbis et artis." Rev. " Sacra dei nonori." 49. 3C. Grass et Earth, Breslau, 1804. Av. UH Lion, un Aisle, 1504. Rev. " Dreihundertiabriges," &c. 61. 3Q. Un jetton octogone de P. Dupont et Cie., 1836 ? 66. 3X. Un Jetton, " Fondcrie gdne'rale de caracteivs franchise et etrangfere, 1837." 67. 3Y. Un jetton octogone de Lange Levy et Cie., 1837. 68. 3Z. Turin. Av, Buste de " Carolo Bouelierono," J. Pomba, Tvp., J837. Le Jubile de 1840. 78. 4K. Francfort. Av. Le monument des trois imprimeurs. Rev. " Zu ehren," &c. 8t>. 4Q, llddaille des " Bibliopola? et Typographi Lugdun." 86. 4R. Jetton de la " Socie'te' des Imprimeurs, Lyon." 89. 4V. Mayenee? Av. Un livre. " Das erste buch." Rev. " Erinnerung an die," &c. 91. 4Y. Paris. Mddaille de Montagny. Lcs bustes de Gutenberg et Senefelder. 9-> Jetton pour la "Chambre des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 93. 5A. Jetton pour la "Conference des Imprimeurs" de Paris. 109. 5Q. Amsterdam, 1857. " Typogr. Vereen. de Xedcrl. Drukpers. 112.5V. Paris. Socidtij pour la poursuite des contrefa^ons. 1 13. 5Y. Paris. Socic'td pour la defense do la propriety litt. 114. 5Y. Jetton A. Chaix et Cio. " Cours des apprentis." 117. 6B. Jetton Paul Dupont. Societd dc seconrs mutuel. PROSPECTUS. Dans le courant de 1'annee 1870, sera publie, grand in-8, avec de nombreuses gravures snr cuivre et sur bois, an livre intitule (Jlumifmafa ou CATALOGUE DESCRIPTIF DE MEDAILLES, MEDAILLONS, JETONS, PLOMBS HISTORIES, &c., RELATIFS AUX IMPRIMEURS OU A L'ART TYPOGRAPHIQUE. PAR IDtHtam LONDON : 11, ABCHURCH LANE, LOMBARD STREET. Prix ios.=fr.i2.$o. TABLE DES MATIERES. PREFACE. Remerciements aux personnes, qui, en Angleterre et u 1'etranger ont bien voulu transmettre ou fournir des ren- seignements a 1'auteur, et 1' aider dans ses recherches. INTRODUCTION. Considerations generales snr le sujet des Medailles Typographiques et plan de 1'ouvrage. Chaque Medaille sera decrite de la maniere suivante : 1. Reference a la planche ou elle se trouve gravee. 2. Explication complete de 1' Avers. 3. Do. du Revers. 4. Ou elle a ete frappee et a quelle occasion. 5. Nom du Medailliste. 6. Si elle est rare ou unique. 7. Dans quel livre et par quel auteur la Medaille a ete d'abord decrite ou gravee. 8. Remarques biographiques, historiques, &c. CHAPITRE I. MEDAILLES PERSONNELLES. Liste de toutes les Medailles frappees en honneur d'lm- primeurs isoles, ou d'Imprimeries particulieres. CHAPITRE II. MEDAILLES DE CORPORATIONS. Remarques sur 1'origine et la nature des Corporations, specialement des Corporations d'Imprimeurs et leurs Jetons de presence, avec notices biographiques sur les Imprimeurs dont ils portent les noms. CHAPITRE III. MEDAILLES DE JUBILES CEXTENAIRES. Revue des fetes publiques et jubiles tenus a differentes epoques, dans toute 1'Europe en honneur des Inventeurs ou de PInvention de Plmprimerie, depuis 1540 jusqu' a nos jours ; avec uce description des Medailles frappees a chaque occasion. CHAPITRE IV. JBTONS DE COMMERCE OU MEDAILLONS Employes par les Imprimeurs comme argent courant, an- nonces, passeports, cheques, &c. CHAPITRE V. SUPPLEMENT. Comprenant les Medailles d'luiprimeurs frappees, non en leur qualite de Typographes, mais en honneur de leurs services distingues dans quelque autre occupation. Cette liste comprend Albert Diirer, Partiste ; Benjamin Franklin, le savant et Phomme d'etat, &c. Touts les renseignements ou demandes doivent etre adresses j\ Mr. WILLIAM BLADES, 11, Abchurch Lane, London. Typ. Blades, East, x LJladcs, 11, Abchurch Lane, London. BBBBBBi : . .-y'-'.tfi &v&