2-NRLF *B ma PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL: CONTAINING* FORMS FOR THE RECORDS OF THE SESSION, PRESBYTERY, AND SYNOD; AND FOR THE JUDICIAL AND OTHER ECcfelASTICAL PROCEEDINGS REQUIRED BY THE POLITY BY REV. JOHK N. LEWIS, tATELY STATED CLRK OF THE SYNOD OF NEW YORK ANB NEW PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, mi CHESTNUT STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, In the year 1SCO, by WM. L. IIILDEBURN, TREASURER, in trust for l/ie PRESBYTERIAN Pl^LTCATION COMMITTEE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. BXfilltOTtPFD BY L. JOHNSON & C PHILADELPHIA, CONTENTS. Records of a Session. 5 Informal Meeting of Session 9 Election of Additional Elders 10 Death of a Ruling Elder 13 Death of a Pastor 14 Temporary Supply of a Vacant Pulpit 15 Election of a Pastor 18 Certificate of Dismission of a Church-Member 19 Letter of Credence for a Church-Member 21 Dedication of a House of Worship 22 Minutes of Presbytery 24 Adjourned Meeting of Presbytery 46 Special Meeting of Presbytery 51 Organizition of a Church 59 Discipline Common Fame 66 An Individual Accuser 83 Investigation by Request of the Ac- cused , 90 i 11 CONTENTS. PAOB Discipline Contumacy 97 Citations..... 101 Appellate Jurisdiction 104 Dissents and Protests 109 Records of a Synod 115 Standing Rules 138 Docket of Business.... .... 141 THE Manual which is herewith presented to the Church is believed to be the only book of its class. The labor of preparing it was undertaken by the Rev. John N. Lewis, at the request of a Committee of the General Assembly. The original design was to append the "forms" to the new Digest of the Acts and Decisions of the Assembly, which the com- mittee had been appointed to arrange. When, however, it was ascertained that the Digest must be made so much more voluminous than was at first intended, Mr. Lewis was requested to enlarge the plan of the Manual, and to prepare it for publication as a separate and independent work. The labor expended upon this volume has been by no means inconsiderable ; but it is believed that the attention thus bestowed by one so eminently qualified by experience and 4: PREFACE. information for the task, has been well spent. The Manual will meet the wants of a multitude of Presbyterian ministers and elders, and prove to them a great saving of time and trouble. To know how to do a thing rightly at first is a privilege which will be appreciated by those whose lot it has been to halt for lack of this information with regard to the details of ministerial and official duties. In other de- partments books of forms have long been used, and are considered indispensable ; but for ecclesiastical proceedings no " Clerk's Assist- ant" has been put forth. "TiiE PRESBYTE- RIAN MANUAL" will doubtless prove acceptable and helpful to office-bearers in all branches of the Presbyterian Church. J. W. D. THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. f0r tfoe Retorts jof a E , January 1, 18. PURSUANT to the call of the Moderator, the Session met in the church, after the Prepara- tory Lecture, and was opened with prayer. Present, the Rev. A B., Moderator, Mr. C D., " E. R, G II., I. K.- l-:ide<. -Absent, Dr. L. J. and Mr. M. 'X. Tiio minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. M.r. II. gave his reason for being absent, from the last meeting of the Session; which wus sus- tained. L. M., and C. his wife, and N. O., appeared before the Session as candidates for admission to the full communion of the Church, and O. E. ; and S., the wife of T. E., (both unbaptized,) 1* 5 6 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. as candidates for admission to the privileges of church-membership.* They were severally examined respecting their experimental acquaintance with the Chris- tian religion, their approval of the doctrinal standards of the Presbyterian Church, and their readiness to submit themselves to the disci- pline of Christ's house; and, their examina- tion having been sustained, it was * The different forms of expression in this minute are in- tended to mark the important albeit too much neglected distinction between the children of the Church and the people of the world, though the latter may. be regular attendants upon public worship, and connected with the religious society as known to the civil law. The former, having been born within the pale of the visible kingdom of Christ, are to be recognised as the infant members of his Church. As such, they have a right to receive "the seal of the covenant/' and to enjoy all the privileges appropriate to this infant relation, including the special oversight, instructions, and prayers, as well as the affectionate interest of the pastor, the elders, and the whole body of Christ; and when they arrive at Christian maturity, indicated not so much by the amount as by the satisfactory evidence of the reality of their Christian ex- perience, they are to be received into the full communion of the Church. The latter, having no birthright privileges in the Church of Christ, may be considered as "proselytes of the gate;" who, jn exhibiting credible evidence of "repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ," may be admitted, as "proselytes of righteousness," to the privileges of church-mem- bership, inclu-iixig tLo sacraments and th-a brotUeriiGoJ of tho people of tik>& RECORDS OF A SESSION. 7 Resolved, That the candidates be, and they hereby aie, received to full communion, and that next Sab- bath they make a public profession of their faith. J. B. presented his certificate of dismission and recommendation from the Presbyterian church in II , N.Y., and requested that he might be admitted to the membership of this church. The certificate was found to be in order, and the request of Mr. B. was granted. D. Y. presented a similar request, accom- panied by a certificate from the Congregational church in C , Conn. His certificate having been found to be in order, his request was granted. E. C. requested a certificate of dismission from this church, and of recommendation to the Presbyterian church in N , Pa. His request was granted. Mr. D. reported that he had attended the stated autumnal meeting of the Presbytery at M., and also the adjourned meeting at D., and the special meeting at G. Mr. II. reported that he had attended the annual sessions of the Synod at P , K.Y. Mr. F. was appointed to represent this Ses- sion at the stated spring meeting of the Pres- byter}^ and Dr. J. was appointed his alternate. The folio wing minute was adopted; namely: 8 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The Session being informed that Mr. O. New- ton had been commissioned by the Board of Pub- lication as a colporteur for the Presbytery; on the nomination of the Presbyterial Publication Committee, it was # Resolved, That the pastor be requested to give notice of the fact on the next Lord's morning, and to urge upon all our families a hearty co- operation with the colporteur in his labors within the bounds of the congregation. Messrs. D. and N. were appointed a committee to examine the condition of the Sabbath-school connected with this congregation ; and to report, at the next meeting of the Session, what mea- sures, if any, can be adopted to promote the efficiency of that important institution. The Moderator and Messrs. K. and F. were ap- pointed a committee to rearrange our scheme of collections in aid of the several Boards of the Presbyterian church, with a view to secure the more general and more liberal co-operation of the members of the congregation. The Session then adjourned. Concluded with prayer. A. B., Moderator, [or E. F., ClerL] INFORMAL MEETINGS OF THE SESSION. 9 Informal fleeting* uf the jStssum. [The exigencies of business, as well as the circumstances of the several ddcrs, often make it convenient for the pastor to call a meeting of the Session at the close of some religious service, when time is not afforded for holding a formal meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted does not render it essential. In such cases, the matter may bo acted upon without delay, and the record may be appropriately entered upon the minutes of the next regular meeting, in the following form : ] It appeared that, at certain informal meet- ings of the Session, holden since the last regu- lar meeting, D. K., and P. his wile, were dis- missed, and recommended to the Presbyterian church in W , N.J.: Mr. D. was appointed to represent this Session in the stated autumnal meeting of the Presbytery, and Mr. F. was ap- pointed his alternate: and Mr. II. was ap- pointed the delegate to attend the annual meet- ing of the Synod, and Dr. J. was appointed his alternate. Whereupon, it was Resolved, That the above proceedings of the informal meetings be approved and entered upon the minutes. [The appropriate place for this minute is immediately after the record of the excuses of absentees; or, if there is no such record, it should follow that of the reading and approval of the minutes. 10 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The order of time should always be preserved in such a minute; and the several items of business should be care- fully separated from each other, as above, by a colon and dash. If a single informal meeting only has been holden, the minute should be commenced, ] It appeared that, at an informal meeting holden, &e. [If only one item of business has been attended to in this manner, the resolution should be expressed, ] Eesolvedj That the above action of the in- formal meeting be approved and entered upon the minutes. dlwtbra [A matter of so great concern as the election of additional elders will naturally be made the subject of conversation in the Session, and probably at several meetings, before it will be advisable to take notice of it in the minutes. When, however, the opinions of the several members begin to assume a more definite form and to approach a harmonious result, it will be proper to introduce the subject in a formal manner, which may be done by the following minute: ] The subject of an increase of the eldership in this church, having been discussed informally at several recent meetings of the Session, was again taken up for consideration, and ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL ELDERS. 11 The remainder of the meeting was spent in consultation upon this important subject : Pending which, The Session adjourned, to meet on [Monday] next, at, &c. [At the adjourned meeting, after recording the preliminary business, the minutes may proceed, as follows : ] The unfinished business of the last meeting namely, the subject of an increase of the eldership in this church was then taken up for consideration. After a full and free interchange of opinion, it was Resolved, As the unanimous judgment of the Session, that the welfare of this church, and the interests of religion within our bounds, render it expedient that the number of the eldership should be increased, without unne- cessary delay. Resolved, That the Session will, and hereby does, recommend to the church the election of additional ruling elders. Resolved, further, as the deliberate, cordial, and unanimous judgment of the Session, That the following named persons all being "male members in full communion in this church" be, and the same hereby are, nominated to the church as candidates for election to the office of ruling elder, namely : 12 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Messrs. K. B., T. L. C., and P. S. Messrs. K. and D. were appointed a com- mittee to wait upon the candidates above named, and to inform them of the purpose of the Session to nominate them to the church for the purpose aforesaid, and also to obtain, if possible, their acceptance of the nomination. [At a subsequent meeting, the committee being prepared to report, the following record should be made : ] The committee appointed to wait upon the candidates for nomination to the eldership re- ported, that it has performed the duty which was assigned to it by the Session, and that the candidates have all signified their acceptance of the nomination. The report was accepted; and, In view thereof, it was Resolved, That the nomination of the said candidates be presented to the church on the next Sabbath, and that it be repeated on the Sabbath following. Resolved, That the election for ruling elders be holden in the lecture-room, at the close of the first weekly lecture after the nomination shall have been published the second time; and that notice to that effect be given from the pulpit at each time of publishing the nomi- nation. Resolved, That the candidates, if they shall DEATH OF A RULING ELDER. 13 be elected by the church, be ordained to the office of ruling elder on the Sabbath in next, [or inst.] [The candidates having been elected and ordained, a meet- ing of the Session should be holden, on the earliest convenient day, for the purpose of receiving and enrolling the new elders. After the reading of the minutes, and the excuses of absentees, the record should proceed as follows : ] It appeared that the brethren nominated by the Session as candidates for the office of ruling elder, having been duly and unani- mously elected by the church, Were solemnly ordained to that office on the Sabbath, the day of inst. The new elders, being present to-day, were cordially welcomed to their seats as members of this Session ; and Their names are now enrolled, as follows, namely : Mr. E. B., T. L. C., " P. S Elders. rtsgtttinjj % gtaty flf a $nlinjj (JHter* [The following minute is recommended as being sufficiently full, unless in very extraordinary cases, and as avoiding the liability to invidious distinctions, against which great care should always be taken to guard the records of deliberative, and especially of ecclesiastical bodies.] 2 14 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Our esteemed brother, Mr. P. D., having been removed by death since the last regular meeting of the Session, The following minute is unanimously adopted, namely : With humble submission to the dispensation of God's holy providence, the Session records the death of one of its members, Mr. P. D., who departed this life on [Friday] the day of inst., [or ult.,] in the year of his age. Itate rtsptrfhig % gta'tj! 0f a f)ast0r. [The sentiment of the note prefixed to the minute re- specting the death of a ruling elder has influenced the prepa- ration of that now given. In all such cases, a true taste will indicate simplicity rather than panegyric-] The Eev. C. D., the pastor of this congrega- tion, having been removed by death since the last regular meeting of the Session, The following minute is unanimously adopted, namely: With humble submission to the dispensation of God's holy providence, the Session records the death of the Eev. C. D., the beloved and lamented pastor of this congregation, who departed this life on [Monday] the day of inst., [or ult.,] in the year of his SUPPLY OF A VACANT PULPIT. 15 age and the of his ministry; having been the faithful pastor of this congregation for the space of years. Ipuites respecting the empantjj Suplfi jof a ihcaut pulpit. [When the vacancy has been occasioned by the death of the pastor, tho following minute should succeed the one in which the formal record of the death is made : ] The following minute also was adopted : The pulpit of this church having been now made vacant by the decease of our pastor, it lias become the duty of the Session to provide for the regular maintenance of the ordinances of public worship, until God, in his great mercy, shall send to us another pastor, in whom the hearts of our bereaved congregation may be united. Be it, therefore, Resolved, That Messrs. D. and II. be ap- pointed a committee to procure supplies for the pulpit, that the people may not be deprived of the means of grace in their accustomed place of public worship. Resolved, That the Committee of Supplies be directed to present a respectful request to the 16 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Presbytery for the appointment of occasional supplies, from its own members, for our pulpit; provided, that at the time of the next meeting of the Presbytery there shall appear to be no immediate prospect of our obtaining a pastor. Resolved, if the Board of Trustees shall concur, That the treasurer of the congregation be authorized and directed to pay to the ministers who may occupy the pulpit during the time of its continuing vacant, the sum of ten dollars for each Sabbath's services, and of five dollars for each Preparatory Lecture, to- gether with a suitable allowance for their travelling expenses. [If the vacancy shall have been occasioned by the resigna- tion of the pastor, the fact of the dissolution of the pastoral relation, and of the consequent vacancy, may most appro- priately be brought upon the records of the Session in the report of the elder who represented the church in the Presbytery at the time of its action in the premises. The record should be : ] Mr. D. reported that he had attended the special meeting of the Presbytery, holden at D., which was called for the purpose of dis- missing our esteemed pastor, the Eev. C. D., who has felt it to be his duty to resign his pastoral relation to this congregation, &c. [This minute may be completed, according to the facts, by adding On account of protracted and serious indisposition ; or, in order that he may enter upon another sphere of service, SUPPLY OF A PULPIT. 17 Ac. ; or, in order that he may become the pastor of the church in . Then let the record proceed : ] Whereupon the following minute was adopted, namely: The pulpit of this church having been made vacant by the dismission of our pastor, it has become the duty of the Session to provide for the regular maintenance of the ordinances of public worship, until God, in his great mercy, shall send to us another pastor, in whom the people of this congregation may become united. [The same resolutions should then follow as in the preceding formula.] [At the first meeting of the Session holden after the resigna- tion or death of the pastor, it should, without fail, elect a Stated Clerk, unless it already has euch an officer. The fol- lowing is a suitable record to be made of his election ; and it should immediately succeed the resolutions respecting the supply of the pulpit : ] Mr. E. F. w r as then elected to the office of Slated Clerk of this Session. After which, The Session adjourned. Concluded with prayer. E. F., Stated Clerk. 2* 18 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. rtsjctting % Mm of a Castor. [It is provided in the "Form of Government," chap. kv. sec. i., that when "the people appear prepared to elect a pastor, the Session shall take measures to convene them for the pur- pose." In pursuance of this direction, the following record should be made : ] The following minute was adopted : The Session, having reason to believe that the people of this congregation are prepared with a good degree of unanimity to elect a pastor, adopted the following resolutions, namely : Resolved, That a meeting of the congrega- tion, for the election of a pastor, be holden in the church on Wednesday, the inst.; and that the notice of this meeting be given from the pulpit on the next Sabbath, in accordance with the "Form of Government," chap. xv. sec. iii. Resolved, That the Stated Clerk be directed to invite the Rev. R. A. to attend the meeting of the congregation, and to preside in the pro- posed election of a pastor. [When a pastor shall have been elected by the congregation, and the candidate shall have intimated his willingness to accept the "call," if a regular or an adjourned meeting of the Pres- bytery is near at hand, no further action by the Session will be necessity, as "commissioners to prosecute the call" before tha CERTIFICATE OF DISMISSION. 19 Presbytery ought always to be appointed by the congregation. But if it shall appear to be desirable that a special meeting of the Presbytery should be holden to install the pastor, the Ses- sion should take order, as embodied in the following minute, which may be passed at an "informal meeting/' and entered upon the records as directed in the formula under that head : ] Messrs. F. and II. were appointed a commit- tee to take the necessary measures for con- vening a special meeting of the Presbytery for the installation of our pastor elect; and also to make arrangements for the entertain- ment of the members of Presbytery when they shall be assembled here. [At the first meeting of the Session holden after the installa- tion of the pastor, the elder who represented the church in the Presbytery should make his report, which maybe entered upon the record thus: ] Mr. D. reported that he had attended the adjourned [or special] meeting of the Presuy- UTV. which was holden in this place on Wed- nesday, the day of inst., [or ult.,] for the purpose of installing the Rev. A. B. as the pastor of this congregation. Jl Certificate jof giswis?i0m E , January 1, 186. This is to certify that R. C. is a member in good standing of the First Presbyterian 20 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Churcli of A , and that he is hereby dismissed at his own request, and affection- ately recommended to the fellowship of -the Presbyterian church in N , Pa., or oi any other church in our communion, with which God, in his providence, may order his lot, and when so received his responsibility tc this church will cease. Ey order of Session. A. E., Moderator. This certificate is valid only for one year from its date, " except where there is no op- portunity of presenting it to a church/' See Eook of Discipline, chap. xi. sec. ii. [When the person dismissed is a ruling elder, the following paragraph may be added to the above certificate : ] it is proper to add that Mr. C. has, for the space of years, sustained the office of ruling elder, to the edification of the church, and enjoyed the fraternal confidence and affection of his brethren in the eldership. [When the person dismissed is a deacon, the same paragraph may be added to the certificate, only substituting the title " deacon" for that of "ruling elder," and for the words "of hia brethren in the Session" the words " of its officers."'] [When the person dismissed has "neglected, for a reasonable time, to apply for" a certificate, the Book of Discipline directs (chap. xi. sees. iii. and iv.) that the certificate shall not endorse LETTER OF CREDENCE. 21 "his demeanor" during the interval, " unless the judicatory have good information of a more recent date.' 1 In ordinary cases here contemplated, it will be sufficient to add to the first clauso of the foregoing certificate, after the word " standing,"] Up to the time of his removal from our bounds. & f tttar 0f Crttona. E , January 1, 18 . This is to certify that II. N. is a member of the [First] Presbyterian Church in this [vil- lage], in good and regular standing. As he contemplates spending some [weeks] in journeying, this Letter of Credence is given to him, that it may introduce him to the people of God, and facilitate his occasional commu- nion with :iny church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ among whom he may for the time be sojourning. By order of the Session. A. B., Moderator. [In such a letter, if the person to whom it is given is an officer in the church, the title of his office as ruling elder, or deacon should be substituted in the first line for the word member. A Letter of Credence may, in many cases, be appropriately given by the pastor, without the action of the Session. Its general introduction is earnestly recommended, as adapted to promote the comfort of those who carry it, ard to be, in many ways, of great utility. 22 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Such a letter may also be given to a member of the church who is about to remove from its bounds, but who may not be able to designate, at the time, the church to which he will desiro to be recommended. In such a case, the second paragraph should commence : ] As he is about to remove [or, has removed] from our bounds, but has not yet been able to determine with what particular church to connect himself, this Letter of Credence, &c. [In the case of a member removing Ms residence beyond the bounds of the church, as contemplated in the preceding formula, the following paragraph should be added to the letter, namely : ] It is understood that, when he shall have located himself, he will, without delay, apply for a certificate of dismission from this church, that he may place himself regularly under the care of some evangelical church of Christ which may be convenient to his new residence. 0f a f mt at [After the sermon is ended, let the elders, the deacons, and the trustees arrange themselves in front of the pulpit, while the other heads of families rise in their places, or come forward, as may be convenient, that they may be addressed by the minister who is to offer the prayer of dedication. Then let the minister say : ] According to the notice publicly given, we DEDICATION OF A HOUSE OF WORSHIP. 23 have assembled to-day to dedicate this house to the worship of the only living and true God, Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Now, if it is your desire that we should pro- ceed to this service, let the officers of the church, and the trustees, together with all the mem- bers of the congregation, declare unto us, and say: Have you been moved to the erection of this edifice by a sincere desire to establish [or, to continue] among you the regular and solemn worship of the Most High God, for the spiritual benefit of yourselves and your families, and of this community? Answer. We have. Is it your sincere desire, and your solemn purpose, that this edifice shall be a house of worship, separated from secular uses, and de- voted sacredly to the ordinances of religion, according to the customs and order of the Presbyterian Church in tiiese United States? Answer. It is. Do you now, with one heart, give up this house to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to be henceforth a house of prayer, a temple to his praise; and do you promise to provide for and to maintain here religious worship, seeing to it that nothing shall be wanting that may be needful for the decency, 24 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. and propriety, and convenience thereof, accord- ing to the customs and order, as aforesaid, of the Presbyterian Church ? Answer. "We do. Elessed be the Lord God, who hath put it into your hearts to build this house unto his name. The Lord accept the labor of yout hands, which you have offered unto him this day, and make good to you, and to your children after you, the word which he hath spoken: "In all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee!" Let us pray. [This order of dedication may be introduced at any part of the exercises, as may be deemed expedient; although the most natural place for the dedication is that already indicated,- " after the sermon."] f 0rw f0r % Iptwfos 01 a STATED MEETING. The Presbytery of H. met in the Presby* terian church in C. on Tuesday, April 17, 18 , at three o'clock, P.M., and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, the Kev. A. B. ; from MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 25 1 Cor. iii. 11 : " For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ/' After the sermon, the Moderator oifered prayer, and the Presbytery proceeded to the transaction of business. The roll was made out, and is as follows : * MINISTERS. CHURCHES. ZLDEES. J. D. R A. C. J. M. A. B. E. E. F. C. E. B. J. B. N. L. E. B. D. W L. K. The following ministers were absent, namely the Eev. Messrs. O. E., D. P., and E. F. The following churches were unrepresented, namely: D., A., J., and M. The Eev. B. J. was elected Moderator, and * In making out the roll, the names of the ministers should always follow each other according to their seniority of ordi- nation. The name of each church should be placed on the same line with that of its pastor or stated supply. The name of a minister without charge, or of one whose church is not represented, should not have that of a church on the same line; and a vacant church, or one whose pastor is absent; should oc- cupy a line by itself, as in the text. 3 26 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. the Ecv. Messrs. E. A. and C. E. were elected Clerks. The minutes of the last stated meeting, and also of the adjourned and special meetings, were read. The members who had been absent from either of these meetings, and also the Sessions which had been unrepresented, were called upon for their excuses : and The excuses, having been rendered, were sus- tained. The Key. Messrs. D. O., of the Presb3^tery of L., E. K., of the Association of B., Mass., and W. E. N., of the Presbytery of T., being present, were invited to sit as corresponding members. The docket of business was then presented, and read by the Stated Clerk. The Treasurer presented his annual report, which, having been read, w r as referred to Messrs. L. and F. ? elders, for examination. The Moderator gave notice that the Pres- bytery was ready to receive such letters and papers, designed to be brought before it for consideration, as may be in the hands of per- sons present.* * The " Committee of Bills and Overtures" is deemed by gome not unskilful in ecclesiastical matters to be unnecessary in a body whoso members are so few as in many of our smaller MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 27 The Rev. D.O. presented a certificate of dis- mission and recommendation from the Presby- tery of L., and requested that he may be re- ceived as a member of this Presbytery. The certificate, having been read, was found to be in order, and the Eev. Mr. O. was re- ceived, according to his request. A paper was presented purporting to be a call from the congregation in W. for the pas- toral services of the Rev. D. O.; and Messrs. L. K., K. M., and II. S. appeared before the Presbytery as commissioners on the Presbyteries ; and in its place this " call for papers" has been adopted. According to this mode, business is introduced on the "call for papers," and may bo cither considered at once and de- cided, or placed upon the docket for future consideration, or referred to a special committee, on whose report the Presbytery proceeds to issue the matter. When any of the " papers" presented are found to pertain to judicial business, a "judicial committee" should always be appointed, to which such papers should be referred at once, without reading, so that the "merits of a case" may not come prematurely before the body which may have to act judi- cially upon it. The "call for papers" has been exhibited in the text, as a mode that has proved satisfactory where it has been adopted. Presbyteries which prefer making the appointment of the Committee of Bills and Overtures and the Judicial Committee as standing committees, are referred to the " Form for the Record of a Synod," in which the appointment and operation of these committees are fully given. 28 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. part of the congregation, appointed to prose- cute the call. The paper, having been read, was found to be in order; and, by the direction of the Pres- bytery, it was presented to the Rev. Mr. O. for his consideration. The pastor elect then signified his acceptance of the call; and, At the request of the commissioners, it was Resolved, That the Presbytery will proceed to install the Rev. D. O., as pastor of the con- gregation in W., on the 2d day of May next, agreeably to the desire of the congregation; and The Eev. Messrs. B. and O., and Mr. K., elder, were appointed a committee to make the necessary arrangements for the installa- tion. The Rev. R. K. presented a certificate of dis- mission and recommendation from the Associa- tion of B., Mass., and applied to be received as a member of this Presbytery. The certificate w r as read, and was found to be in order.* # Upon the application of a minister of another denomina- tion for admission to a Presbytery, it is the privilege of mem- bers of the Presbytery to satisfy themselves, by inquiry of the applicant, as to his agreement with the doctrines held by the body. MINUTES OF A PRESET TERY. 29 The Moderator then proposed to the appli- cant the 2d, 3d, 4th, and 6th questions pre- scribed in the "Form of Government/' chap. xv. sec. xii. Satisfactory answers to these questions having been received, The application of the Eev. E. K. was granted, ar-d he was received [or enrolled] as a member of this Presbytery. A recess was then taken until seven o'clock. At seven o'clock the Eev. J. D. preached, ac- cording to appointment, on the doctrine of the Trinity, from 2 Cor. xiii. 14 : u The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all Amen/' After the services were concluded, The Presbytery resumed tho transaction of business. The Eev. E. F. and Mr. J.E., elder from the church in M., appeared in the Presbytery, and gave their reasons for late attendance, which were sustained. The Moderator announced the following com- mittees* * At this point, at the stated spring meeting, the Moderator should appoint a " Committee on the Minutes of the Synod," 30 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. On the Records of the Sessions: Of the Church in C. The Eev. Mr. D. ; and Mr. L., elder. Of the Church in KThe Eev. Mr. A., and Mr. D., elder. Of the Church in B. The Eev. Mr. K, and Mr. K., elder. Of the Church in R. The Eev. Mr. K., and Mr. M., elder. Of the Church in W The Eev. Mr. E., and Mr. R, elder. Of the Church in M. The Eev. Mr. O., and Mr. F., elder. It was made the order of the day for to- morrow morning, at ten o'clock, to hear the Narratives of the State of Eeligion, and the Statistical Reports, of the several churches: and The Eev. Messrs. F. and B., and Mr.D., elder, were appointed the committee to prepare the Narrative of the State of Eeligion within the bounds of the Presbytery. It was made the second order of the day for to-morrow morning, to elect commissioners to if they have been printed; and, at the stated autumnal meet- _ng, a " Committee on the Minutes of the General Assembly." For the appropriate minutes respecting such committees, and the action of the body on their reports, see the "Form for the /lecords o/ a Synod," pages and . MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 31 represent this Presbytery in the next General Assembly. The Committee on Presbyterial Missions re- ported. Their report was accepted; and it was, unanimously, Resolved, That the Presbytery renew its ap- pointment of the Rev. B. B. as its missionary, to labor, as heretofore, within the bounds of this Presbytery, and at the same salary as the past year; and that the Committee on Presby- terial Missions consist of the same members as before, with the substitution of Eev. Mr. O. for Eev. J. T. A communication was received from the General Assembly's Board of Publication, re- specting the objects and plans of the Board ; and it was placed upon the docket for future consideration. A paper was presented, which purported to be a complaint of certain parties in regard to the action of the Session of one of the churches under the care of this Presbytery. The paper was referred to the Judicial Com- mittee, to be appointed b}' the Moderator before the adjournment of the Presbytery this even- ing. A request was received from the Session of the church in B., that the Presbytery will grant to them supplies for their pulpit for at 32 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. least one Sabbath in each month, until the next stated meeting of the Presbytery. The request was granted ; and The Eev. Messrs. E. and F., and Mr. D., the elder representing that Session, were appointed a committee to arrange the order in which the members shall supply the pulpit of the church inE. The Moderator announced the Judicial Com- mittee as follows, namely : The Eev. Messrs. B. and D. ? and Mr. E., elder. The Presbytery then adjourned, to meet to- morrow morning, at eight o'clock, in this place. Concluded with prayer. Wednesday, April 18, 18. The Presbytery met, pursuant to its adjourn- ment, and was opened with prayer. The roll was then called; and, in addition to the members present yesterday, the Eev. D.P., and Messrs. B. W., elder from the church in A., and E. !N"., elder from the church in J"., ap- peared in the Presbytery, and gave the rea- sons for their previous absence; which were sustained. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved. The examination of candidates for licensuro \ MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 33 to preach the gospel was made the order of tho day for two o'clock this afternoon. Mr. K., elder, and the Eev. Mr. P., were ap- pointed a committee to nominate a preacher, and to propose a subject for the discourse to be delivered on the Tuesday evening of the stated autumnal meeting of the Presbytery. The committee to audit the Treasurer's accounts presented the following report, namely : The committee to which the Treasurer's accounts were referred for examination begs leave respectfully to report, that, having care- fully examined the said accounts, it finds them to be correct, as compared with the vouchers accompanying them. To this report the com- mittee, having been advised by the Treasurer that the balance in his hands is not sufficient to meet the incidental expenses of the Presby- tery, would add the recommendation, that a tax of one dollar should be collected from each of the churches. The report was accepted, and the recom- mendation of the committee was adopted. Mr. W., elder, was appointed a committee to collect the amount specified from the elders present. Mr. N., elder, stated to the Presbytery that the congregation in J. has called the Eev. T. 34 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. S., of the Presbytery of IL, to become its pastor, and that he and Mr. Z. H., who is also present, have been appointed commissioners to prosecute the call. The commissioners then placed the call in the hands of the Moderator, and requested leave to prosecute it before the Presbytery of U. The call was found to be in order; and Leave was granted to the commissioners to prosecute it before the Presbytery of U. Mr. N". had leave of absence from the re- maining sessions of the Presbytery. The next stated meeting of the Presbytery was appointed to be holden in the Presby- terian church in A., on the fourth Tuesday in September next, at three o'clock, P.M. The committee appointed to make arrange- ments for the installation of the Eev. D. O. as the pastor of the congregation in W., reported, recommending that the sermon be preached by the Eev. C. E.; that the Moderator preside, and "constitute the pastoral relation;" that the Eev. J. D. deliver the charge to the pastor, [or bishop,] and the Eev. A. B. the charge to the people; and that the concluding prayer be offered by the Eev. D. P. The committee further recommends that, at the close of the present sessions, the Presby- MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 35 tery should adjourn, to meet in the Presby- terian church in W., on the 2d day of May next, at ten o'clock, A.M.* The report of the committee was adopted. 1 The Presbytery then proceeded to the order of the day. The Statistical Eeports of the Churches were read, and the Narratives of the State of Eeligion were given by the pastors and elders of the several churches. The second order of the day was then taken up, and the Presbytery proceeded to the elec- tion of commissioners to represent the Presby- tery in the next General Assembly. The Kev. A. B., and Mr. J. E., elder, were duly elected the commissioners ; and the Eev. * When the person to be installed is already an ordained minister, and a member of the Presbytery with which the church is connected, if there is no other business to call for an adjourned meeting of the judicatory, it is usual to appoint the members, to whom the several parts of the service are assigned, a committee to perform the installation, in the name and on behalf of the Presbytery. This course is allowed in the " Foi-m of Government," chap. xvi. sec. iv. Such a committee is often called a commission, because it is empowered to act, in the busi- ness assigned to it, in the place of the judicatory, and its report is made to inform the body that the business is consummated ; whereas the report of a committee presents business arranged in proper order for the consideration and action of the judicatory. This distinction is presented here, because it is regarded by many as at once convenient and important 36 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL D. P., and Mr. N. L. ; elder, were elected their alternates. The roll of the churches under the care, of the Presbytery was then called, and the amounts collected in the several congrega- tions for the Commissioners' and Contingent Funds of the General Assembly were paid to the Treasurer. The total amounts received were, $ for the Commissioners' Fund, and $ for the Contingent Fund : and The Treasurer was directed to forward the same to the Treasurer of the General Assem- bly. The communication from the General As- sembly's Board of Publication, which had been put upon the docket, was taken up for con- sideration. The communication was read, and The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, 1. That the Presbytery has heard with satisfaction the resolutions of the General Assembly with regard to the means for the promotion of the work intrusted to its Publi- cation Board. Resolved, 2. That the session of each of the churches under our care be earnestly exhorted MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 37 to take measures to carry out the recommend- ations of the Assembly. Resolved, 3. That Messrs. D. B. and E. be a committee to ascertain the best mode of se- curing the circulation of the publications of the Board within our bounds, and that they report at the next stated meeting of Presby- tery. Messrs. D. and W., elders, had leave of ab- sence from the remaining sessions of the Pres- bytery. A recess was then taken until half-past one o'clock. After the recess, The committee to collect the tax for the incidental expenses of the Presbytery reported that he had received one dollar from each of the elders present: the total sum received being eight dollars. The Treasurer was directed to obtain the tax from the church in D., which has not been represented in the present Sessions of the Presbytery. The committees on the Eecords of the Ses- sions of C., E., R, W.y and M., severally re- ported, recommending that they be approved, as far as written. The reports were adopted. The Eev. D. P. assigned the reasons why the 38 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. records of the Session of the church in A, had not been laid before the Presbytery during the present meeting. The reasons were sustained. The committee on the Records of the Ses- sion of B. reported, recommending that they be approved as far as written, with the follow- ing exceptions, namely: 1. That the records are not signed, either by the Moderator or by the Clerk. 2. On pages 75 and 77, the Session appears to have adjourned, in both instances, without concluding their meeting with prayer. 3. On pages 79-81, in "recording the pro- ceedings in a case of judicial process, the reasons for the decisions'' made are not "re- corded at length," as required by the "Book f Discipline," chapter iv. section xxiii. The report was adopted. IChe order of the day was postponed for the purpose of receiving a report from the Judicial Committee. The report was in the words following, namely : The paper which was referred to the Judicial Committee purports to be a complaint against the Session of one of the churches under the care of the Presbytery, because of its refusing to commence a case of judicial process against MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 39 an individual specified, on the ground of com mon fame. The committee, having carefully considered the statements set forth in the paper, is clearly of the opinion that there is no ground of complaint against the Session, be- cause, by the showing of the complainants themselves, the offence, if any, was strictly of a private nature, according to the " Book of Discipline," chapter ii. This will be evi- dent on the reading of a brief extract from the paper. The committee presents this extract only, since the reading of the whole paper would tend to give unnecessary publicity to the mat- ters involved, and of the truth of which there is no evidence properly within the reach of the Presbytery. In conclusion, the committee recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the said paper, purporting to be a complaint, be dismissed for the reason stated in the foregoing report. The extract referred to by the committee was then read ; and The report was unanimously adopted. The Presbytery then proceeded to the order of the day, namely : the examination of can- didates for licensure. 40 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The Eev. A. B. introduced to the Presbytery Mr. J. (jr., a member of the church in E., and recommended him as a suitable person to -be " taken on trials" as a "candidate for Keen- sure." The Presbytery proceeded to examine Mr. G. " respecting his experimental acquaintance with religion, and the motives which influence him to desire the sacred office." The examination having proved satisfactory to the Presbytery, it was sustained, and Mr. G. was " taken on trials" as a " candi- date for licensure." The Eev. Messrs. B. and P. were appointed a committee to recommend the subjects to be assigned to Mr. G. for his trial-pieces. Mr. T. Y., a candidate under the care of the Presbytery, then made application for licensure at the present meeting. Mr. Y. having completed the usual course of study in preparation for the ministry, and his examination in several departments of learn- ing required by the " Form of Govern- ment," as well as the trial-pieces which he has presented, having at a former meeting of the Presbytery been sustained as " parts of trial," The Presbytery proceeded to examine him " on Theology, Natural and Revealed, and on MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERS'. 41 Ecclesiastical History, the Sacraments, and Church Government."* The examination in each of these depart* ments having been sustained, Mr. Y. was directed to come this evening prepared to read his " popular sermon." Messrs. S. H. and J. T. appeared in the Presbytery as commissioners from the congre- gation of P., in the Presbytery of D., deputed to prosecute a call to the Eev. E. F. to be- come their pastor. The commissioners (t produced a certificate from their own Presbytery, regularly attested by the Moderator and Clerk, that the call has been laid before them, and that it is in order/' and requested leave to prosecute the same. It having appeared that "the parties" are "not prepared to have the matter issued" at the present Sessions of the Presbytery, it was Ordered, That the Stated Clerk address a written citation to the Eev. E. F. "and his congregation to appear before the Presbytery" at the adjourned meeting; and the Eev. C. E. was appointed to preach at M. on the next Sabbath, and to read the citation " from the * The appointment, yearly, of examiners upon each de- partment will greatly promote order, comfort, and thoroughness in the examination of candidates. 42 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. pulpit in that church/' "immediately after public worship."* The committee to which was referred the matter of arranging the order of supply for the pulpit of the church in R. reported the [* If the call from a congregation in another Presbytery shall be addressed to a minister "without charge," the minute should be as in the text, through the second paragraph, and then proceed : ] By the direction of the Presbytery, the call was placed in the hands of Mr. D. for consideration ; and, He having signified his disposition to accept it, The following resolution was adopted, namely : Resolved, That the Rev. J. !>., having accepted the call from the congregation of P., be, and he hereby is, dismissed from this Presbytery, and recommended to the Presbytery of D.; and he is hereby required " to repair to that Presbytery, thafc the proper steps may b taken for his regular settlement in that congregation." [If such a call shall be addressed to a licentiate, the words "the Rev. R. F./' in the first paragraph of the minute of the text, should be replaced by the words "the licentiate D. R." Then, after the second paragraph, if the licentiate is present, proceed : ] The Presbytery directed that the call should be placed in the bands of Mr. R. for his determination thereon; and, He having signified his disposition to accept it, The following resolution was adopted, namely: Resolved, That the licentiate D. R., having accepted the call from the congregation in P., be, and he hereby is, dis- missed from the jurisdiction of this Presbytery, and recom- mended to that of the Presbytery of D.j and he is hereby MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 43 following schedule, which w^as adopted, name- ly:- SUPPLIES FOR THE PULPIT AT 11 . The Rev. Mr. D. to preach and administer the Lord's Supper in May; the Sabbath to be arranged by him after conference with the Session; The Eev. Mr. F. to preach on the third Sabbath in June; The Eev. Mr. B. to preach on the first Sab- bath in July; The Rev. Mr. O. to preach on the third Sabbath in July; The Eev. Mr. J. to preach and administer the Lord's Supper on the second Sabbath in August; The Eev. Mr. A. to preach on the fourth Sabbath in August; and required "to repair to that Presbytery, and there to submit himself to the usual trials preparatory to ordination." [If the person to whom the call is addressed, whether a minister without charge, or a licentiate, should not be present in the Presbytery, it will be necessary that he should be cited to attend the adjourned meeting; and the record, after the second paragraph in the text, should be : ] The Rev. J. D. [or Mr. D. R.] not being present to answer the call, The Stated Clerk was directed to cite him to appear before the Presbytery at the adjourned meeting. 14 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The Kev. Mr. P. to preach on the second Sabbath in September. The Moderator stated that only a very few items of business remained upon the docket, and suggested that, in the session of the Pres- bytery this evening, it would be peculiarly appropriate, both to the close of the sessions and to the nature of the matters yet to be attended to, if the transaction of the busi- ness should be alternated with devotional exer- cises. The suggestion was cordially and unani- mously adopted. A recess was then taken until seven o'clock. After the recess, The committee appointed to nominate a preacher and to propose a subject for the dis- course to be delivered on the Tuesday even- ing of the next stated meeting, reported, recommending that the Eev. C. E. be ap- pointed the preacher, and that the Kev. D. P. be his alternate. The committee also pro- posed the following subject for the discourse, namely : " The Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ." The recommendations in this report were adopted. The committee which was appointed to propose the subjects for the trial-pieces of the MINUTES OF A PRESBYTERY. 45 candidate J. G., made a report, recommending the following subjects, namely: 1. For a Latin Exegesis: De Sanctificatione. 2. For a Critical Exercise: Eomans viii. 19-23. 3. For a Lecture: Galatians v. 22-25. 4. For a Popular Sermon : Hebrews v. 9. The report was adopted. The committee which was appointed to prepare the Narrative of the State of Eeligion within the bounds of the Presbytery presented a report, which was adopted; and The Stated Clerk was directed to transmit it, together with the Statistical Report of the Presbytery, to the next General Assembly. The following is the NARRATIVE. [The Narrative may here be engrossed as a part of the minutes, or be put upon file, at the discretion of the Presbytery.] Mr. Y., the candidate under examination, read his Popular Sermon, and it was sustained as a "part of trial. The final vote was then taken, and it was Resolved, That the Presbytery, having been well satisfied with the several "parts of trial" of the candidate T. Y., will now proceed to license him to preach the gospel " as a proba- tioner for the holy ministry." 46 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The candidate was -then licensed in the manner and form prescribed in the "Form of Government/' chapter xiv. sections vii. and viii.; and The Stated Clerk was directed to furnish the licentiate T. Y. with the usual certificate of his licensure. The transaction of business this evening was alternated with devotional exercises, under the direction of the Moderator, according to the previous agreement. The minutes of the proceedings of to-day were read and approved. After which, The Presbytery adjourned, to meet in the Presbyterian church in "W., on the 2d day of May next, at ten o'clock, A.M. Concluded with prayer, singing the Doxo- logy, and the benediction. A. B. ; Stated Clerk. The Presbytery met, pursuant to adjourn- ment, in the Presbyterian church in W., on Wednesday, May 2d, 18 , at ten o'clock, A.M., and was opened with prayer by the Moderator, the Eev. B. J. ADJOURNED MEETING OF PRESBYTERY. 47 The following members were present, name- [The names are here to be inserted, as in the minutes of the tated meeting. The names of the absent members, also, and of the churches which are not represented, are to be recorded as at a stated meeting.] So much of the minutes of the stated meet- ing as pertains to the several items of business whi 1'h were laid over for the action of the Presbytery at this adjourned meeting was then read for the information of the judica- tory. After which, The call of the congregation of P. to the Her. E. F. to become its pastor, was taken up for consideration. The Stated Clerk reported, that, according to the order adopted at the stated meeting, he had cited the Kev. B. F. " and his congregation to attend the present meeting," for the purpose of having the matter issued respecting his translation to the congregation of P., in the Presbytery of D.* The Kev. C. E. reported that he had preached * The " Form of Government," chap. xvi. sec. ii., directs that " at least two Sabbaths shall intervene betwixt the citation and the meeting of the Presbytery at which the cause of th translation is to be considered." 48 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. at M., according to the direction of the Pres- bytery, and had "read the citation from the pulpit in that church immediately after public worship." Messrs. J. E. and L. E. appeared before the Presbytery as commissioners appointed by the congregation of M. to represent it in the matter of the proposed translation of its pastor. The commissioners from the congregation of P. were also present. By the direction of the Presbytery, the call from P. was placed in the hands of Mr. F. for his reply; and, He having signified his disposition to accept it, The commissioners from the congregation of M. were called upon to state whether that congregation "agrees to the translation" of the Rev. E. F. to the congregation of P. Whereupon, The commissioners from M. proceeded to state at length certain objections which that congregation had directed them to present for the consideration of the Presbytery. The commissioners from the congregation of P. were also heard in the presentation of argu- ments in favor of the translation. When they had concluded, The hour for the public services of the ADJOURNED MEETING OF PRESBYTERY. 49 installation of the Eev. D. O. having ar- rived, The further consideration of the call to Mr. F. was postponed until after the instal- lation. The Presbytery then proceeded to the instal- lation of the Eev. D. O. as pastor of the con- gregation of W., and The services were conducted according to the arrangement which was adopted at the stated meeting. After the services, The Presbytery resumed the transaction of business. The call from the congregation of P. to the Rev. E. F. was then again taken up. When all the parties had been fully heard, The Presbytery, after careful deliberation, Adopted the following resolutions, namely : Resolved, 1. That the pastoral relation here- tofore existing between the Eev. E. F. and the congregation of M. be, and the same hereby is, dissolved, with a view to his accepting the call from the congregation of P. Resolved, 2. That the Eev. E. F., having accepted the call from the congregation of P., be, and he hereby is, dismissed from this Pres- bytery, and recommended to the Presbytery of D. ; and he is hereby required " to repair to 5 50 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. that Presbytery, that the proper steps may be taken for his regular settlement in that con- gregation/' The Eev. J. D. was then appointed to preach at M., and, in the name of the Presbytery, to pronounce the pulpit vacant. Mr. E. 1ST., one of the commissioners to prose- cute the call of the congregation in J. to the Eev. T. S. before the Presbytery of IT., informed the Moderator that that Presbytery had placed the call in the hands of Mr. S., and that, he having signified his acceptance of the same, the Presbytery had dismissed him, and had re- quired him " to repair to this Presbytery, that the proper steps may be taken for his regular settlement." He then laid before the Presbytery "an authenticated certificate" of these transac- tions, "under the hand of the Clerk" of the Presbytery of TL, which was read, and Mr. S. was received as a member of this Presbytery. The commissioner from J". then informed the Moderator that it is the desire of the congre- gation that the installation may take place on , the day of next, at two o'clock, P.M. Whereupon, it was Resolved, That when the Presbytery shall SPECIAL MEETING OF PRESB 1TTERY. 51 adjourn, it will adjourn to meet in the Presby- terian church in J. on , the day of next, at one o'clock, P.M. The minutes of the proceedings of this ad- journ ev I meeting were read and approved. After which, The Presbytery adjourned, to meet in the Presbyterian church in J. on , the day of next, at one o'clock, P.M. Concluded with prayer and the benediction. A. B., Stated Clerk. [The .adjournment ot an adjourned meeting should be in the same form as that of a stated meeting, except that generally the singing at the close may be omitted. If there is to be no adjourned meeting before the time of the next stated meeting, the adjournment, whether of a stated or of an adjourned meet- ing, should always be to the place and time of the next staled meeting.] 0f The Presbytery met in the Presbyterian church in B. on Thursday, February 15th, 18 , at eleven o'clock, A.M., pursuant to the call of the Moderator, the Eev. A. B., and was opened with prayer. The call of the Moderator was then read, and is as follows : 52 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. CIRCULAR LETTER. [Here insert the Moderator's letter in full.] The following members were present, name- [The names are to be inserted here, as in the minutes of the stated meeting. The names of the members who are absent, and of the churches which are not represented, are also to be recorded.] The Presbytery proceeded to the transaction of the business for which it had been convened. The Eev. C. M. requested leave to resign the pastoral charge of the congregation in E., and assigned the reasons which have induced him to make this request. Messrs. B. D. and G. E. appeared before the Presbytery as commissioners from the congre- gation at E. 7 and stated that a meeting of the congregation had been h olden, at which it had been determined to offer no obstruction to the granting of the request of the pastor, although it would be greatly to the v satisfaction of the people to have him remain* among them as heretofore. The reasons presented by Mr. M. for his request were then deliberately considered; and it was Resolved, That his request be granted, and that the pastoral relation which has existed SPECIAL MEETING OF PRESBYTERY. 53 between him and the congregation at JR. be, and the same hereby is ; dissolved from this day. The Eev. D. P. was appointed to preach at R., and, in the name of the Presbytery, to pronounce the pulpit vacant. The Eev. C. M. then requested a dismission from this Presbytery, and a recommendation to the Presbytery of 1ST., into the bounds of which he expects shortly to remove. His request was granted. Mr. J. K, a licentiate under the care of tho Presbytery of B., presented a certificate of dismission and recommendation from that body, and requested to be taken under the care of this Presbytery. The certificate having been found to be in order, His request was granted. A joint application was then received from the licentiate J. K., and the Session of tho church in J., requesting the Presbytery to proceed to ordain him, the said licentiate, as an evangelist, with a view to his taking charge of the congregation at J. as its stuicd supply. Mr. E. N., the elder representing the Session of J., made a statement of the situation and prospects of that congregation, and of the 5* 54 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. reasons which had induced the Session to join in the present application. Whereupon, After a protracted investigation of all the circumstances of the case as the same are now before the judicatory, It was unanimously Resolved, 1. That while the Presbytery is disposed to grant, so far as it consistently can, every request of the Session of the church in J., and while it has great confidence in the wisdom and prudence of the said Session, and also in the character of Mr. N., so far as it has en- joyed the opportunity of becoming acquainted with him, it is yet, by a careful examination of the whole matter, constrained to decide that the way does not appear to be prepared to proceed to the ordination of the said licentiate, J. N., at this time. 2. That the further consideration of the joint application be postponed until the stated meeting. The minutes of the proceedings of this spe- cial meeting were read and approved. The Presbytery then adjourned. Concluded with prayer and the bene- diction. A. E., Stated Clerk. SPECIAL MEETING OF PRESBYTERY. 55 NOTE. Respecting the Dismission of a Pastor. In the minutes of the stated and adjourned meetings the subject of the dismission of a pastor has been treated in exact accordance with the provisions of the "Form of Govern- ment/' In the minutes of the special meeting we have introduced the matter in conformity with what is now the more general custom. When a minister has decided to leave his congrega- tion for some other field of labor, it is custom- ary for him to call a meeting of the congrega- tion, and to request it to unite with him in requesting the Presbytery to dissolve the pas- toral relation. Of this meeting and its action report is made by its commissioners to the Presbytery, and that body then proceeds to act upon the application without delay. That this custom has its advantages, is not denied ; chief among which are: 1. The saving of time to the Presbytery; which, according to the method in the "Book," must hold an adjourned meeting, -having, it may be, this request as its only business; and, 2. Abbre- viating, possibly, the period during which a congregation may be held in suspense, if not in anxiety, on the subject of its pastor's resignation. But it is a serious question, whether this 56 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. compendious method may not have been pro- ductive of evil quite as much as of good : whether, by reason of the facility with which it disposes of the pastoral tie, it may not have exerted a real and not inconsiderable influence in rendering the connection so unstable, that in many sections of the Church the office of pastor has fallen into disuse to an alarming degree. Other causes have, indeed, existed; causes which, in many instances, have been more obvious. Still, the inquiry is submitted, whether many pastors have not been dismissed because it was so easy to dissolve the relation, who, had the mode prescribed in the "Book" been the only one by which they could have disengaged themselves, would have remained at the post of duty, and lived down and labored down the difficulties which for a season might have disturbed their peace. Iterator f0r % (Ming 01 a Special llceting 0f % frtsbfitorg. To the Eev. A. B., Moderator of the Presbytery of H. REV. AND DEAR SIR : In accordance with the provisions of the " Form of Government," chap. x. sec. x., you are hereby requested to call a special meeting THE MODERATOR'S CIRCULAR. 57 of the said Presbytery, to be holden in the Presbyterian church in B., on Thursday, the 15th day of February next, at eleven o'clock, A.M., for the purpose of considering, and if the way shall be prepared of issuing, the follow- ing matters of business, namely : I. An application from the Eev. C. M. for leave to resign the pastoral charge of the con- gregation in E., together with the action of the said congregation thereupon. II. The request of the Rev. Mr. M. for a dis- mission from this Presbyter}^ and a recom- mendation to the Presbytery of !N". III. An application from Mr. J. IS"., a licen- tiate of the Presbytery of B., to be received under the care of this Presbytery. IV. The joint application of Mr. 1ST. and the session of the church in J., requesting the Presbytery to ordain him as an evangelist. if the way shall be prepared, with a view to his taking charge of said church, as its stated supply. We are, Eev. and dear sir, Very respectfully, Your brethren and friends, (Signed) E. A. D. P. J. H., Elder of the Church in J. W T., Elder of the Church in B. January 29, 18 . 58 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. fMtrator's fetter, railing a Special at CIRCULAR LETTER. B - , January 31, 18 . Application having been made to me, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the " Form of Government," chap. x. sec. x., a special meet- ing of the Presbytery of II. will be h olden, (D. V.,) in the Presbyterian church in B., on Thursday, the 15th day of February next, at eleven o'clock, A.M., for the. purpose of con- sidering, and if the way shall be prepared of issuing, the following matters of business, namely : [Hero specify distinctly every item of the business \vhich is to be presented for the action of the Presbytery, as in the fore- going application to the Moderator.] (Signed) A. B., Moderator. [Annexed to the circular should be the following invita- tions : To a Pastor, or a Stated Supply.] To the Eev. B. A. BEV. AND DEAR BROTHER: You are hereby notified of the special meet- ing of the Presbytery of H., as above called, and requested to attend the same, accom- ORGANIZATION OF A CHURCH. 59 panied by the representative of the Session of the church in C. Yours, fraternally, A. B., Moderator. B , Jauuary 31, 18 . [To the Session of a Vacant Church.] To the Session of the Church in J. DEAR BRETHREN : You are hereby notified of the special meet- ing of the Piv>l>yU'ry <>i JI.. as above called, and ivqiu atu-nd the same, by your itativc. Yours, fraternally, A. i;.. .Moderator. -, January 31, 18 . (Organisation 0f a Ourrjj. [When a number of individuals, with their families, desire to be formed into a church, after full consultation and agree- ment among themselves, they should send a delegation, of two or more of their number, to apply to the Presbytery, within whose bounds they reside, for direction and counsel in effecting their organization. Of this application of the delegates, and of the action of the Presbytery thereupon, the following record may be made in the minutes : ] Messrs. B. A. and J. C. appeared before the Presbytery as a delegation from a number of 60 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. individuals residing in O., who desire to bo organized, with their families, into a Presby- terian church in connection with this Presby- tery, and requested that all the measures necessary to effect this object may be taken by the Presbytery without unnecessary delay. The delegates were then heard in an ex- tended statement respecting the number and circumstances of the applicants, and the pros- pective support and increase of a Presbyterian church in O. and its vicinity. After a free conversation with the dele- gates, and In view of all the information that was elicited, The Presbytery appointed a commission, consisting of the Eev. Messrs. A. B. and C. D., and Mr. E. F., elder, to meet at O., on Tues- day, the day of next, at two o'clock, P.M., to confer with the applicants, and with others interested, and to make all necessary in- vestigations, and if the way shall be pre- pared to proceed to the organization of a Presbyterian church, according to the request to that effect which has been presented by the delegation. The delegates from O. were requested to make all the arrangements for the meeting of the commission which may be necessary; and, ORGANIZATION OF A CHURCH. 61 particularly, to represent to the applicants the great importance of obtaining immediately, from the churches with which they are seve- rally connected, certificates of dismission, re- commending them to the Presbyterian church about to be organized. [At the time appointed, the commission should seek all the information necessary to a judicious decision of the question intrusted to it. If the way shall seem to be prepared for or- ganizing a church at that time, the commission should proceed to receive the certificates of the applicants, and to examine such as may desire to make, on this occasion, their public pro- fession of religion. The names of all whose certificates, or examination, are approved, having been enrolled, a private meeting should be holden in some suitable place, at which the commission may confer freely with the applicants, giving them such advice as their circumstances may seem to require; proposing to them a form of a confession of faith and covenant for the adoption and use of the church to be organized; and making all necessary arrangements for the public services of the organization of the church. At this private meeting the ruling elders and deacons should be informally chosen, so that there may be no delay at the public services. It should also be ar- ranged that all the persons to be received into the new church shall be seated together at the organization service. When the time for the public services shall have arrived, it is proper that one of the members of the commission should preach a sermon adapted to the occasion. After which, the chairman should state to the audience the several steps which have been taken, and the nature of the duty about to be per- formed. He should then read from the register the names of the persons who are to be organized into a church, mentioning the churnh by which each one has been recommended, and 6 62 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. indicating those who are to be received on the profession of their faith. Then, calling upon the whole company to arise, he should read to them the Confession of Faith, requiring from each individual some distinct token of adoption, either by the voice, or by raising the hand, or by an inclination of the head. If any of the new professors are to be baptized, that sacrament should now be administered. The chairman should then read the covenant, and, all having given their assent thereto, as before to the Confession, he should solemnly ad- dress himself to the company, in the following, or like words, his colleagues now standing by his side : ] Having received from you this confession of your faith, and your public assent to this cove- nant, \ve, constituting the commission of the Presbytery of H., and for this purpose repre- senting it here, do, in the name and on behalf of the said Presbytery, and in the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, the ever-living Head of the Church on earth and in heaven, pronounce and declare that you are this day regularly organized and established as the First Presbyterian Church in O., in ac- cordance with the order of the Presbyterian Church in these United States : and may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, descend upon and abide with you and your children from this day forth, to establish and strengthen you, to comfort and guide you, and to conduct yon at last to the General Assembly and Church of the First- ORGANIZATION OF A CHURCH. born, in his own glorious tempi Amen. ,. \ ^ [The members of the new church being ag^fc s%atcd^ chairman should say, ] The following persons, having been in ally chosen to the offices of ruling elder and deacon in this church, are now to be con- sidered as properly nominated for election by the church, if so it shall please. Listen to thy complaint, some individual, not a party in the case, complains of the course pursued or of the decision made by the body before which the case was investi- gated, and asks the superior Judicatory to review the proceed- ings, and to rectify the wrong which it is claimed has been done. The complaint differs from an appeal chiefly in this : that the appeal must be made by a party to an investigation, claiming to have been injured by the decision of the inferior Judicatory. The complaint may be brought by any person who is not a party. The principles involved in the "complaint" are exhibited in the iv. section of the vii. chapter of the "Book of Discipline;" but the appropriate forms of procedure would differ so little from those required in the case of an appeal, that it seems tc be unnecessary to furnish them.] Jisstnts Bift 1 rofests. [The "Book of Discipline," chapter viii., defines the nature of these important safeguards of the rights of a minority, and settles the principles on which they are to be employed. The following "forms" have been carefully adapted to the directions of that chapter, 10 110 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. A dissent by a single member of any Judicatory may be recorded in the following terms: ] The Eev. E. C. desired that his respectful dissent from this decision [or, resolution, or, opinion] may be entered upon the minutes. [A protest, even by a single individual, should be preceded by a notice, which, in all ordinary cases, ought to be given immediately after the decision against which the member desires to protest. Sufficient time can then be taken to prepare the protest with its reasons. The minute should be: ] The Eev. E. C. gave notice of his intention to enter his protest against this decision [or, proceeding]. [If the minority is composed of several members, the notice may be recorded in the following manner : ] The Eev. E. C., for himself, and for others who may wish to join with him, gave notice of their intention to enter their dissent from [or, protest against] this decision. [When the dissent or protest shall have been prepared and signed by all who desire to join in it, it should be introduced upon the record in the following manner : ] In accordance with the notice which was given yesterday, [or, which was heretofore given,] the following dissent [or, protest] was presented; and, having been read, it was or- dered to be entered upon the minutes : DISSENTS AND PROTESTS. Ill [The dissent may be expressed in the language which fol- lows : ] The undersigned ask leave to record upon the minutes their respectful dissent from the decision [or, resolution, or, action] of the majority of the Presbytery [or, Synod] in regard to [here let the matter be indicated as briefly as possible]. (Signed) E. C. B. Y. E. G., &c. [The following is a suitable form for a protest with rea- sons : ] The undersigned respectfully ask leave to record upon the minutes of the Presbytery [or, Synod] their solemn protest against the deci- sion [or, action] of the majority in reference to [here indicate the matter], for the following reasons, namely: I. [Here present the reasons and arguments which have influenced the minds of the members protesting, and add the signatures of all who desire to unite in making the protest.] [If the Juclicatory shall be of opinion that the protest ought to receive an answer, in order that the "principles or reason- ings" which influenced the action of the majority may be accurately represented, a committee for this purpose should bo appointed, the members composing it being taken from the majority, thus : ] The Eev. Messrs. A. and B. were appointed a committee " to draw up an answer'' to the 112 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. foregoing protest; [or, if the committee shall not be appointed until after the transaction of other business shall have intervened, to thq protest of the Rev. E. C. and others.] [When the answer to the protest is introduced, the minute should be in the following form: ] The committee which was appointed "to draw up an answer to the protest" of the Eev. E. C. and others, presented its report, which was adopted as the answer of the majority of the Presbytery, [or, Synod,] and is as fol- lows : The action of the Presbytery, against which the Eev. E. C. and others have entered their protest, is not justly liable to the objections urged by the members protesting, for the fol- lowing reasons, namely: [or, as will appear from the following considerations, namely:] I. [The reasons or considerations should be so framed as to answer all the arguments of the protest; yet they should be presented as briefly as possible.] [If the members who signed the protest should "consider the answer of the majority as imputing to them opinions or con- duct which they disavow/' or as doing injustice to the argu- ments which they had advanced in their protest, they may desire to modify in some respects the protest which they have entered; and the minute should be : ] The members, to whose protest the fore- going answer was made by the majority of DISSENTS AND PROTESTS. 113 the Presbytery, requested "leave to take back their protest," that they might " modify it in such manner as to render it more agreeable to their views." And Their request was granted. [The modified protest having been presented, the record should state that] The modified protest of the Eev. E. C. and others was presented; and, having been read it was ordered to be entered upon the minutes in the words following: The undersigned, &c. [If the "alteration" which is made in the protest shall seem to require "a corresponding alteration in the answer of tho majority," the alteration may be made in the house, or the paper may be referred back to the committee for the purpose, as follows : ] The modifications in the protest as now presented having rendered proper "a corre- sponding alteration in the answer of the majority," The original answer was referred again to the committee which drew it up, for the pur- pose of making the necessary modifications. [When the committee shall report the modified answer to the protest, the record may be : ] The committee on the " answer to the pro- test of the Eev. E. C. and "thers" presented 10* 114 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. the document, as now modified in accordance with the alterations which have been made in the protest, and it was adopted, as follows: The action of the Presbytery, &c. [When a protest is " accompanied with a complaint to a superior Judicatory" as provided in the chapter "of Dissents and Protests," sec. iv. the "form" may be as follows: ] The undersigned ask leave to record their solemn protest against the decision of a majority of the Presbytery in regard to [hero state the matter], and give notice of their in- tention to complain of the same to the Synod of N.. at its next meeting, 'for the following / o> o reasons, namely: I., &c., [Here present the reasons, as before directed.] [If the complainants desire more time than they can com- mand during the sessions of the Judicatory, to arrange the reasons for their complaint, they are permitted, by the section " Of Complaints," sub-section iv., to present them to the Moderator " within ten days" after " the rising of the Judica- tory." If they design to avail themselves of this privilege, the last clause of the above notice "for the following reasons, namely :" should be replaced by the following words : The reasons for the complaint they will "lodge with the Moderator" within ten days after the rising of the Presbytery.] FORM FOR THE RECORDS OF A SYNOD. 115 |ornt for % $ct0rfcs 0f a SYNOD OF N - . A.D. 18. The Synod of N - met in the Presbyterian Church in H., on Tuesday, October 17th, A.D. 18 , at seven o'clock P.M., and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, the Eev. H. L., of the Presbytery of K., from 2 Timothy i. 13 : "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." After the sermon, the Moderator offered prayer, and presided during the constituting of the Synod. The roll was made out, and is as follows: MINISTERS. CHUKCIIES. ELDERS. Of the Presbytery of H. J. D. E. A. C. P. K A. B. B. L.F. E. *G. S. Of the Presbytery of B J.F. L. D.E. E. B. F. *W. T. *B. S. K G. E. * Not present at the opening of the Synod. [The entire roll of the members in attendance upon the 116 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Of the Presbytery of E. II. L. P. J. B. S. M. L. *C. G. *T. a. Of the Presbytery of S. E, K., W. F. P. M. O. T. *B. K Ministers. 47. Elders. 32. The Eev. E. B., of the Presbytery of B., was elected Moderator; and the Eev. Messrs. O. J. and D. P. were elected temporary Clerks. The Committee of Arrangements presented the following report, which was adopted, namely: , The committee recommends the following arrangement for the devotional and business sessions of the Synod: 1. That the Sy nodical Sermon be preached in the church, on Wednesday evening, at half- past seven o'clock. 2. That the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper be celebrated in the church, on Thursday, at half-past two o'clock P.M. sessions of the Synod should be inserted. The members coming after the opening session will be recognised in their proper places in the minutes; but they should be indicated in the roll by an asterisk prefixed to their names, as in the text, and re- ferring to a note at the bottom of the page, as above.] a * Not present at the opening JrUsion of the Syno^. MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 117 3. That the Sy nodical Prayer-Meeting be liolden in the church, on Thursday evening, at half-past seven o'clock; and 4. That the business sessions of the Synod be liolden in the lecture-room, of this church, as follows: The morning session to commence at half- past eight o'clock, and to continue until half- past twelve; The afternoon session to commence at half- past two o'clock, and to continue until half- past five; and The evening session to commence at half- past seven o'clock. The Synod then adjourned, to meet to- morrow morning, at half-past eight o'clock, in the lecture-room of this church. Concluded with prayer by the Moderator. WEDNESDAY, October 18, 18 - The Synod met, pursuant to adjournment, and engaged in devotional exercises, according to the standing rule.* The roll was then called, and the following * The Synod whose records have been taken as a guide in preparing the "Form" in the text has a standing rule requir- ing that its "daily sessions shall be opened with devotional exercises, to be continued at least three-fourths of an hour." 118 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. additional members were reported as being present, namely: * Of the Presbytery of H., Mr. G. S., elder. Of the Presbytery of R., the Eev. J. G-. ; and Of the Presbytery of S., Mr. B. K, elder. The minutes of the opening session wero read and approved; and printed copies of the minutes of the last annual meeting were dis- tributed among the members f Information was received from the Eev. Messrs. S. F., G. L., P. S., D. B., J. W., II. T., and D. M., communicating the reasons of their absence from the present sessions of the Synod. The Eev. Messrs. G. D., of the Synod of P., L. H., D.D., of the Synod of J., E. C., of the * This minute is formed in accordance with another rule of the same Synod, by which members coming at any time after the opening session are required to report themselves, and their excuses, to the chairman of the Committee on Leave <>f Absence. The clerks enter their names upon the roll as they are reported to them by the chairman of the committee. Time otherwise consumed in hearing excuses for late attendance in a numerous Synod, often serious in its aggregate is thus saved; and an unpleasant interruption to business, frequently recurring, is obviated. The operation of the rule has proved to be highly satisfactory. f If a Synod has not the useful practice of printing its minutes for circulation among its members and the churches under its care, the second clause of this minute should be re- placed by the following: "and the minutes of the last annual meeting were also read." MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 119 Berkshire Association, Mass., and A. B. L., D.D., of the Synod of A., being present, were invited to sit as corresponding members The docket of business was then presented and read by the Stated Clerk. The Moderator announced the Standing Committees, as follows: 1. Of Bills and Overtures. The Eev. Drs. A., E., and M., and Messrs. A., J., and "VV., elders. 2. Judicial Committee. The Eev. Dr. S., the Eev. Messrs. P. and H., and Messrs. B. and P., elders. 3. On Leave of Absence. The Eev. Messrs. G-. and C., and Dr. J., elder. 4. On the Narrative. The Eev. Messrs. C., M., and W., and Messrs. Gr. and J., elders. 5. On the Minutes of the General Assembly. The Eev. Messrs. F. and S. T., and Mr. T., elder. On the Records of the Presbyteries. Of H. The Eev. Messrs. L. and C., and Mr. B., elder. Of B. The Eev. Messrs. T. and S., and the Hon. M. P., elder. Of R. The Eev. Messrs. F. and B., and Dr. E,. elder. Of S. The Eev. Messrs. P. and A., and Mr. S., elder. The Committee of Arrangements presented a report ; recommending the following order of 120 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. exercises for the celebration of the Lord's Supper on Thursday afternoon, namely: 1. Introductory Remarks, and Hymn, by the Moderator. 2. Prayer, by the Rev. Mr. T. 3. Address, by the Rev. Dr. A. 4. Administration of the Sacrament, by the Rev. Dr. C. 5. Address, by the Rev. Mr. D. 6. Prayer, by the Rev. Dr. W. 7. Hymn, and Benediction, by the Moderator. The committee also recommended the follow- ing order of exercises for this evening: [In- sert order.] The recommendations of the committee were adopted. The Treasurer of the Synod presented his annual report; and, having been read, it was referred to Mr. J. and Dr. W., elders, for ex- amination. Mr. P., elder, was appointed a committee to receive from the several Presbyteries the amount assessed upon them in the standing rule to meet the contingent expenses of the Synod.* * An assessment upon the several Presbyteries, arranged according to the number and ability of the churches under the care of each, has been found to be the most satisfactory method of obtaining the funds required for the incidental expenses of the Synod. MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 121 The next annual meeting of the Synod (vas appointed to be holden in the First Presby- terian Church in N., on the third Tuesday in October, A.D. 18 , at seven o'clock P.M.; and the Eev. Drs. A. arid B., the Eev. Mr. C., and Messrs. D. and E., and Dr. F., elders, were ap- pointed the Committee of Arrangements. The Rev. Dr. A., the Eev. Mr. C., and Mr. H., elder, were appointed a committee to nominate a preacher, and to propose a subject for the sermon to be delivered during the next annual meeting of the Synod. It was made the order of the day for to- morrow morning at ten o'clock to hear the statistical reports of the several Presbyteries, and the Narratives of the State of Eeligion within their bounds. The committee on , appointed at the last annual meeting of the Synod, reported progress, and requested to be continued; and also that Messrs. G-. and H., elders, may, for reasons which were briefly assigned, be added to the committee as at present constituted. The report was accepted, and the requests of the committee were granted. The committee appointed at the last annual meeting to consider the subject of pre- sented a report, which was accepted. 11 122 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. On the question of adopting the report, a protracted discussion arose; pending which, A recess was taken until half-past two o'clock. After the recess, the following additional members were reported as being present, namely : Of the Presbytery of H., the Eev. B. J. and Mr. E. T., elder; Of the Presbytery of E., Mr. C. Gr., elder. The unfinished business of the morning, namely, the report of the committee on the subject of , was then taken up for con- sideration; and, After further discussion, In view of the importance of the subject, the report was referred to the Eev. Dr. S., the Eev. Mr. II., and Messrs. B. and J., elders, to give it further consideration, and to report at the next annual meeting of the Synod. The committee to audit the Treasurer's ac- counts reported that it finds them to be correct, as compared with the vouchers ac- companying them. The report was accepted. The Committee of Bills and Overtures re- ported that an overture No. I. had been presented to it, proposing that measures should be taken with a view to the division of this MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 123 Body into two Synods. The committee recom- mends that no action should be taken on this subject: and The recommendation of the committee was unanimously adopted. The committee also reported that it had re- ceived an overture "No. II. in reference to the erection of a new Presbytery, to be composed of portions of the Presbyteries of B. and E. In regard to the subject of this overture, the committee is of the opinion that there exists no occasion for the exercise of the Synod's power "to erect new Presbyteries/' in the absence of any request to that eifect from the Presbyteries concerned. The com- mittee therefore recommends that no action should be taken in the premises by the Synod. The recommendation was adopted. The committee further reported, Overture III. In our "Form of Govern- ment/' chap. xiii. sec. ii., do the words "church" and "congregation" mean the same body? The committee recommends that this inquiry be answered in the affirmative. This report was accepted, and referred to the Rev. Messrs. M. and N., to prepare a minute which shall express the judgment of the Synod upon the subject. 124 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. A recess was then taken until half-past seven o'clock, in the church. At half-past seven o'clock, the Eev. E. !N". B. preached, by appointment, on " The Doctrine" of Eegeneration," from John i. 13: "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God;" and the exercises were conducted according to the previous arrangement of the Synod. After the services, The Synod adjourned, to meet to-morrow morning, at half-past eight o'clock; in the lecture-room. Concluded with prayer. THURSDAY, October 19, 18, The Synod met, pursuant to adjournment, and engaged in devotional exercises, according to the standing rule. The calling of the roll was dispensed with. - Mr. C. G., elder, of the Presbytery of /., was reported as being present. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved. The Committee of Arrangements made a report, recommending the following order of exercises for the Sy lodical Prayer-Meeting at half-past seven o'clock this evening: [Insert Report.] MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 125 The report was adopted. The committee which was appointed to ex- amine the Minutes of the General Assembly reported that it would call the attention of the Synod to the following items, namely : 1. On page 482 : The recommendation by the Assembly of the observance of the first Monday in January as a day of prayer for the conver- sion of the world, and also of the last Thurs- day in February as a day of prayer for colleges. 2. On page 496: The subject of the " Church- Erection Fund" of the General Assembly. 3. On page 503: The resolution of the Assembly on the subject of Temperance. 4. On page 511 : The action in regard to the Presbyterian Board of Publication. 5. On page 513: The subject of the Educa- tion of Young Men for the Office of the Gospel Ministry. And, : 6. On page 538 : The recommendation of the General Assembly of 1821, That "all the churches under our care observe the afternoon or evening previous to the meeting of the General Assembly as A SEASON OF SPECIAL PRAYER to Almighty God for his blessing" upon its sessions. The report of the committee was accepted. The first item of the report was then taken up for consideration; and the Synod recom- mended to all the churches under its care to ll* 126 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. observe the first Monday in January, and tho last Thursday in February, in the manner contemplated in the recommendation of the General Assembly. The second, fourth, and fifth items of the report were put upon the docket for future consideration. The third item of the report on the subject of Temperance was taken up, arid the resolu- tion of the Assembly was adopted, in the words following, namely: [The insertion of the minute itself is not deemed to be essential to the purpose of these " forms."] The sixth item of the report respecting special prayer for the General Assembly was then taken up for consideration; and the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Synod heartily concurs in this important recommendation of the Assembly of 1821, and would express its earnest desire that the observance of the ap- pointed season of special prayer in behalf of each General Assembly may be revived. The Committee of Bills and Overtures re- ported, Overture IV. May an accused person who fails to appear4for trial, and is proved to bo guilty of ths charges alleged against him, MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 127 be sentenced on evidence taken in his ab- sence? This overture was put upon the docket for future consideration. The Synod then proceeded to the order of the day. The statistical reports of the several Presbyteries, and the Narratives of the State of Eeligion within their bounds, were read; and the latter were referred to the Committee on the Narrative of the Synod. The Judicial Committee reported the appeal of M. N. from the decision of the Presbytery of A. as having been regularly conducted on the part of the appellant, and recommended that it be taken up in the order prescribed in the " Book of Discipline/' chap. vii. sec. iii. sub- sections viii. ana ix. The report was adopted; and It was made the order of the day, for this afternoon, after the services of the communion, to take up the said appeal. The second item of the report of the Com- mittee on the Minutes of the General Assembly, respecting the Assembly's u Church- Erection Fund" was taken up for consideration. A circular letter from the trustees of the fund was read, and, after discussion, The Rev. Messrs. B. and O., aid Mr. P., elder, were appointed a committee to prepare a 128 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. minute which shall embody the views of the Synod as expressed in this discussion, and to report the same during the present sessions. The Committee on the Eecords of the Pres- byteries of H., B., E., and F. severally reported, recommending that the books be approved as far as written. These reports were adopted. The Committee on the Eecords of the Pres- bytery of S. reported that the Book of Eecords has not been in the house during the present sessions of the Synod; Whereupon The committee was discharged. The Committee on the Eecords of the Pres- bytery of A. requested leave to withhold its report until after the action of the Synod in the judicial case which has been reported shall have been completed. The request was granted. The committee which was appointed to nominate a preacher, and to propose a subject for the sermon to be delivered during the next annual meeting of the Synod, reported, recom- mending that the Eev. O. P. be appointed the preacher, and that the Eev. E. S., D.D., be his alternate. The committee proposed also the following subject for the discourse, namely: "The Doctrine of the Divine Decrees; particu- larly that of Election." MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 129 The recommendations in this report were adopted. The fourth item in the report of the Com- mittee on the Minutes of the General Assembly referring to the Presbyterian Board of Publi- cation which had been put upon the docket, was then taken up for consideration; and The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, [Engross the resolutions.] The fifth item of the report, on the subject of Education for the Ministry, was taken from the docket; and, After a brief discussion, The following minute was adopted, namely : Whereas, in the judgment of this Synod, the subject, &c. [Here proceed to engross the preamble and resolutions on this subject.] A recess was then taken until half-past two o'clock, in the church. At half-past two o'clock, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in the church, and the services were conducted ac- cording to the previous arrangement. After the services, The Synod retired to the lecture-room and resumed the transaction of business. The committee appointed to receive the assessments for the incidental expenses of the 130 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. Synod reported that he had received from all the Presbyteries the amount of the assessment, as directed by the standing rule, the total sum received being $ . The report was accepted; and it was Ordered, That the amount be placed in the hands of the Treasurer. The resolution adopting the report of the Committee on the Eecords of the Presbytery of E. was reconsidered; and The following minute was adopted as a sub- stitute, namely : The minutes of the Presbytery of E. were approved as far as written, with the following exception : On page 205 a record is made of a resolution to proceed to the ordination of a licentiate by a committee, instead of by the Presbytery itself as required by the " Form of Government/' chap. xv. sec. xii. The Synod then proceeded to the order of the day. And The appeal of M. 1ST. from the decision of the Presbytery of A. was taken up. The appellant requested that the Ecv. G. K. may be assigned to him as counsel, to aid him in conducting his appeal before the Synod. The request of the appellant was granted, and the Eev. G. K. was assigned to him as counsel, MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 131 The Moderator solemnly announced "from the chair that the Synod was about to pass to the consideration of the business assigned for trial, and enjoined upon the members to recol- lect and regard their high character as judges of a court of Jesus Christ, and the solemn duty in which they were about to act." The sentence appealed from was then read. The reasons assigned by the appellant for his appeal, and which are on record, were also read. The whole record of the inferior Judicatories in the case, including all the testimony, was read. The original parties were then heard, in part; and The further consideration of the case was postponed until after the Synodical Prayer- Meeting this evening. The Committee on tne Narrative of the State of Religion within the bounds of the Synod presented its report, which was adopted and ordered to be read at the prayer-meeting this evening, and to be published. (See Ap- pendix.)* * If the minutes of the Synod are printed, the Narrative need not be engrossed in the records, but should be placed in an appendix, with a reference in the printed copies as in the text. If the Synod docs not print its minutes, tlie minute in 132 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. A recess was then taken until half-past seven o'clock, in the church. At half-past seven o'clock the Synodical Prayer-Meeting was attended in the church by the Synod ; in connection with the congre- gation present, and the services were conducted according to the previous arrangement. After the services, The Synod retired to the lecture-room and resumed the transaction of business. The committee which was appointed to prepare a minute expressing the views of the Synod in relation to the Church-Erection Fund of the General Assembly reported the follow- ing resolutions, which were adopted, namely: Resolved, That, &c. [The resolutions should here be engrossed, being part of the records.] The .unfinished business of the afternoon, namely, the appeal of M. JS"., was then taken up. The original parties were heard in continua- tion of their respective arguments, until they had concluded; After which, The Synod adjourned, to meet to-morrow morning at half-past eight o'clock. Concluded with prayer. the text should end with the words "this evening;" and the Narrative should then be inserted as in the "Form for the Records of a Presbytery" on page 24 of this Manual. MINUTES OF A SYNOD. 133 FRIDAY, October 20, 18^ The Synod met, pursuant to adjournment, and engaged in devotional exercises, according to the standing rule. The calling of the roll was dispensed with. The minutes of the proceedings of yesterday were read and approved. The Synod then resumed the consideration of the unfinished business, namely, the appeal of M. N". from the decision of the Presbytery of A. The Session by which the case was originally tried was heard; and The committee of the Presbytery appointed to defend its proceedings in the case was heard, until the arrival of the hour for recess, when A recess was taken until half-past two o'clock. After the recess, the Treasurer was directed to pay the salary of the Stated Clerk, and the janitor's bill, amounting to $ . The unfinished business was taken up, and The committee to defend the Presbytery was farther heard. Other members of the inferior Judicatory were also heard in explanation of the grounds of their decision, or of their dissent from it. After all the parties had been fully heard, and the original parties and all the members of the inferior Judicatory had withdrawn from the house, 12 184 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. The roll was called, that every membei might have an opportunity to express his opinion on the case; After which, The final vote was taken, and The appeal was unanimously sustained.* The Ilev. Messrs. A. B. and C. D. were ap- pointed a committee to prepare a minute for adoption by the Judicatory, setting forth its decision and the grounds thereof; and The committee had leave to retire for the purpose of preparing its report. The Eev. Drs. J. M., J. W., and H. R, and Messrs. T. K. and C. S., elders, were elected the Synod's "Committee on Church-Exten- * The final vote may be merely "sustained," or "not sus- tained/' and the record should be made accordingly, as in the text. But if the vote should be very much divided, or the principles involved in the decision seem to require it, the "yeas and nays" may be demanded by "one-third of the members present;" in which case the record should be as follows: The final vote was taken; and, The yeas and nays having been ordered, The appeal was sustained [or, the Synod refused to sustain the appeal] by the following vote, namely : To SUSTAIN. Ministers: A. B., C. D., E. F., &c. Elders : R. S., T. W., (4.) On the Narrative, to consist of three ministers and two elders; 142 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANIAL. (5.) On the Minutes of the General As- sembly, to consist of two ministers and one elder; (6.) On the Records of the Presbyteries/ two ministers and one elder to each Presbytery. 5. Reports of the Committee of Arrange- ments: (1.) In regard to the times for the Devo- tional and Business Sessions; (2.) Order of exercises for the Synodical Sermon; (3.) Order of exercises for the Communion Service ; (4.) Order of exercises for the Synodical Prayer-Meeting. 6. Treasurer's Report to be received and read. 7. Auditing Committee to be appointed. 8. " report. 9. Committee to receive the assessments upon the Presbyteries to be appointed. (See VIII. Standing Rules.) 10. Committee to receive the assessments to report. 11. Place for the next annual meeting of the Synod to be appointed. 12. Committee of Arrangements for next year to be appointed. 13. Appoint committee to nominate the DOCKET OF BUSINESS. 143 preacher and the subject for the Synod- ical Sermon next year. Ji. Committee on Preacher and Subject to report. la Appoint order of the day for hearing the statistical reports and the ^Narratives of the Presbyteries. 16. Report of the Committee on ; Rev. Dr. G., chairman. 17. Report of the Committee on ; Rev. J. II., chairman. 18. Report of the Committee on "Church-Ex- tension," required by the xi. article of the General Assembly's "Church-Erection Plan ;" Rev. Dr. M., chairman. 19. Appoint a similar committee for the en- suing year. It must consist of "at least five members/' 20. Take order in regard to the Stated Clerk's salary, and the janitor's bill for stationery and attendance. [To the original docket tfre Moderator will make additions from time to time, during the progress of the sessions, as fol- lows : ] 21. Order of the day for Thursday, ten o'clock A.M. : statistical reports and Narratives of the Presbyteries to be read. 22. Wednesday A.M. Report of Committee on , unfinished at recess. 144 THE PRESBYTERIAN MANUAL. 23. Overture III.: Eev. Messrs. M. and N. committee to report a minute. 24. Second item in Eeport on Assembly's Min- utes : " Church-Erection Fund." 25. Fourth item in Eeport on Assembly's Min- utes: " Presbyterian Board of Publica- tion." 26. Fifth item in Eeport on Assembly's Min- utes : " Education for the Ministry." 27. Overture IY. : " Accused person failing to appear: can he be sentenced?" 28. Order of the day, after the communion services: appeal of M. ]ST. 29. Church-Erection Fund :" Eev. Messrs. B. and O., and Mr. P., elder, committee to report a minute. 30. Committee on Eecords of the Presbytery of A. to report after the appeal shall have been issued. 31. Appeal of M. !N". : further hearing after Synodical Prayer-Meeting. 32. Appeal of M. N. : further hearing, Friday morning. 33. Appeal of M. N. : further hearing, Friday P.M. 34. Committee to report a minute of the Sy- nod's finding in the case of the appeal of M. N. ; Eev. Messrs. A. B. and C. D. THE END. INDEX. A. PAOB Admission to Church-Membership 5 Adjourned Meeting of Presbytery 46 Appeal from Session 78 from Presbytery 107, 127, 130, 133 Appellate Jurisdiction 104 B. Benevolent Collections 8 Bills and Overtures 122, 126, l;J5 Business Docket 141 C. Church-Membership 5 Certificate of 19 Letter of Credence for 21 Trial 66 Certificate of Dismission of Church-Member 19 of Minister 27, 28 Complaint 31, 38, 109 Church Dedication of 22 13 145 146 INDEX. PAGE Church, Organization of 59 Common Fame, Accusation by 66, 95 Call for Special Meeting of Presbytery 57 Citations ..... 101 Call by a Church in Presbytery for a Member of the Presbytery 27 Ca,ll of a Minister of another Presbytery 33, 50 Call from a Church of another Presbytery 41, 47, 49 Commissioners to General Assembly 31, 35 Commissioners' Fund 36 Committee on Bills and Overtures 122, 126, 135 D. Death of Ruling Elder 13 Pastor 14 Dissolution oT Pastoral Relation 49, 52 Dismission of Church Member 19 Minister 27, 28 Pastor 49, 52, 53, 55 Docket of Business 141 Dissents 109 Dedication of House of Worship 22 Deacons, Election of 63 Discipline 66 E. Elders, Election of 10, 63 Death of 13 Certificate of 20 Election of Elders 10. 63 Pastor 13 INDEX. 117 General Review and Control 104 Installation of Pastor 28, 34, 48, 50 Individual Accuser 83 J. Judicial Committee 31, 32, 38, 127 Investigation 72, 79, 90 L. Letter of Credence 21 Moderator 58 Licensure 32, 39, 44, 45 Licentiate, Reception of 53 M. Moderators Letter, calling a Meeting of Presbytery 58 Minister, Suspension of 88 Minutes of General Assembly in Synod 125 N. Narrative of State of Religion... 30, 35, 45, 121, 127, 131 0. Organization of a Church 59 Ordination Refused , 8 53 148 INDEX. P. PAGS Pastor, Death of 14 Election of 18 Dismission of 49, 52, 55 Call of 27, 33, 41, 47, 49, 50 Installation of 28, 34, 48 Presbytery, Stated Meeting of 24 Adjourned Meeting of 46 Special Meeting of 51, 56 Uniting with by Certificate 28 Trial of a Member of 83, 96, 107, 130, 132, 136 Presbyterial Mission 31 Prosecutor Rebuked -. 88 Private Rebuke 79 Protests 109 Publication, Action upon 31, 36 R. Records of a Session 5 in Presbytery 30, 37 of a Presbytery 24 in Synod 119, 128, 130, 136 of a Synod 115 Request for Investigation 90 Reference 105 Rules 138 s. Session, Records of 5, 30, 37 Informal Meeting of 9 INDEX. 149 PAGE Session, Stated Clerk of 17 Discipline in 66, 97 Reference by, to Presbytery 106 Supply of Vacant Pulpit 15, 31, 42 Stated Supply 53 Sabbath-School. 8 Synod, Records of 115 Special Meeting of Presbytery , 51, 56 Suspension of a Minister 88 Standing Rules 138 T. Treasurer's Report 26, 33, 120, 122 Y. 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