HF 1700 T4- IC-NRLF 3 EXCHANGE IEXCHANG, BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF/TEXASlL ISSUED SEMI-MONTHLY No. 158 EXTENSION SERIES NO. 6 t NOVEMBER 1, 1910 Public Discussion and Information Division OF THE Department oj Extension Bibliographies for Prohibition, Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities, Commission Form of Government for Cities, Educational Improvement and Social Re- form, Compulsory Education, The Tariff and Free Raw Materials The Tariff and Free Raw Materials PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS Entered as Second-class mail matter at the postoffie at Austin, Texas EXCHANGE Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. . . . It is the only dictator that freemen ac- knowledge and the only security that freemen desire. President Mirabeau B. La mar. DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION CORRESPONDENCE DIVISION The University of Texas now offers for home study correspond- ence courses as follows : CORRESPONDENCE COURSES OP COLLEGE GRADE 3 in Botany 4 in Greek 7 in Civil Engineering 10 in History 3 in Drawing 10 in Latin 4 in Economics 11 in Law 10 in Education 11 in Mathematics 16 in Electrical Engineering 5 in Mining Engineering 6 in English 6 in Philosophy 6 in French 9 in Public Speaking 3 in Geology 9 in Spanish 17 in German 3 in Zoology 1 in Government CORRESPONDENCE COURSES PREPARATORY TO TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES Algebra History, General Bookkeeping Literature Chemistry Physics Geometry, Plane Psychology Geometry, Solid Trigonometry History of Education Since the Department of Extension was organized in 1909, 400 have registered for one or more correspondence courses of study. PUBLIC DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION DIVISION This Division is engaged in the preparation of reference lists on subjects of general interest, and in the collection of small traveling libraries to be loaned to citizens of Texas upon appli- 4 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN. cation. Such lists and libraries are now ready upon the follow- ing subjects: The Liquor Problem Penitentiary Reform Compulsory Education Commission Form of City Government Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities Free Raw Material PUBLIC LECTURE DIVISION Provision has been made to allow members of the staff of in- struction to deliver public lectures in Texas towns, when asked to do so. About a hundred lectures in fifteen different lines of work are now available. For complete catalogue of the Department of Extension, ad- dress Director of the Department of Extension, Austin, Texas. THE TARIFF AND FREE RAW MATERIALS. The recent "insurgent" movement within the Republican party has given a new impetus to the long-debated tariff question, and the public discussions of the subject of free raw materails have aroused special interest in this particular phase of the subject. The follow- ing bibliography gives references on the tariff generally, together with specific references on raw materials. GENERAL REFERENCES ON THE TARIFF. 1. ENCYCLOPEDIAS, ETC. Mulhall. Dictionary of Statistics, pp. 556-566. Cyclopedia of Political Science, vol. 3, pp. 412-423, 423-440, 856- 867 ; vol. 2, pp. 289-312. History of Ready Reference, vol. 4, p. 3074. The New International Encyclopedia, vol. 14, p. 580; vol 16 p 494. The New International Year Book for 1908, p. 681. The New International Year Book for 1909, p. 686-690. Statesman's Year Book for 1908, pp. 440-444; 447; 484, 460. Statesman's Year Book for 1909, pp. 368-384. 2. GENERAL TREATISES. Ashley, Percy. Modern Tariff History. London, 1904. E. P. But- ton & Co. Price $3.00. Ashley, "W. J. The Traiff Problem. London, 1904. Atkinson, Edw. Facts and Figures, the Basis of Economic Science. Boston and New York. Houghton Miflin & Co., 1904. Price $1.50. Bastable. Chas. F. The Theory of International Trade. London and New York. The McMillan Co., 1903. Price $1.25. Bastable, Chas. F. Commerce of Nations. London. Methuen & Co., 1899. The Dingley Tariff Bill. New York, 1897. Farquhar, A. B. Economic and Industrial Delusions. New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. Price $1.75. George, Henry. Protection or Free Trade f New York, 1898 Price $1.00. Jordan, David Starr. The Fate of Iciodorum. New York. H. Holt & Co., 1909. Price 90 cents. Lowe, A. M. Protection in the United States. London P S King & Sons, 1904. Michael, W. H., and Pulsifer, Pitman. Tariff Acts Passed From 1789 to 1895. Washington, 1896. (First Session, Fifty-fourth Con- gress, Senate Document 219.) Palgrave. Dictionary of Political Economy. Article on Free Trade. 6 * UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN. Patten, S. N. The Economic Basis of Protection. Philadelphia, Lippincott- Co., 1890. Chapter XI, entitled "The Future of Raw Ma- terial, "is an argument for the taxation of raw materials. Payne Tariff Law, Text of, with changes. New York, C. S. Ham- mond, 1909. Pierce, Franklin. The Tariff and the Trusts. New York and Lon- don, the McMillan Co., 1907. Price $1.50. Penniston, A. Both Sides of the Tariff Question. New York, 1890. Porritt. Sixty Tears of Protection in Canada. Rabbeno, Ugo. American Commercial Policy. London, 1895. The McMillan Co. Price $3.25. Robertson, J. M. Trade and Tariff. Smart, Wiilliam. The Return to Protection. Stanwood, Edw. American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century. This is perhaps the best book for one to read in order to get a good idea of the tariff question. It deals largely with raw materials, which can be found by reference to the index. Boston and New York. Houghton Miflin & Co., 1903. Price $5.00 ; postage 75 cents. Sumner, W. G. Lectures on Protection in the United States. New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. Price 75 cents. Tarbell, Ida M. Tariff Mysteries and Cruelties. T series of ar- ticles beginning in the American Magazine for October, 1910. Tariff Hearing Before the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Sixtieth Congress, First Session. 8 vols and index. Government Printing Office, "Washington. Taussig, F. W. State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff. Cam- bridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1893. New York, H. Holt & Co. Price $1.00. . Tariff History of the United States. This, with Stanwood 's work, is one of the standard references on the tariff question. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons (fifth edition). Price $1.25. U. S. Congress. Story of a Tariff, being a compilation of parts of the Congressional Record, showing the history of the tariff act of 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. FREE RAW MATERIALS. 7 REFERENCES ON FREE RAW MATERIALS. ON FREE RAW MATERIALS IN GENERAL. American, An. Protection for Raw Materials. Protectionist, No- vember, 1906 ; Vol. 18 ; 328-330. Clark, Champ. The Tariff. Saturday Evening- Post, October 1, 1910. Edmonds, R. H. Tariff and the South. Manufacturers' Record, March 18, 1909, Vol. 55; 48. Foss, E. W. American Manufacturers and Foreign Markets. An- nals American Academy, Vol. 29; 515. McCumber, P. J. Use of the Free List for National Protection. Independent, July 8, 1909, Vol. 60:66-69. Miles, H. E. Tariff Revision from the Manufacturer's Standpoint. Popular Science Monthly, May, 1909, Vol. 74:450-456. Nation Editorial. McKinley's Explanation of the Tariff. Na- tion, 54:144. Oberholtzer, E. Paxon. The Manufacturers and the Tariff, Inde- pendent, June 27, 1901; Vol. 53 ; 1491-1494. Outlook, Editorial. Free Raw Materials and the Ultimate Con- sumer. Outlook, July 31, 1909; Vol. 92; 810. Popular Science Monthly, Editorial. Tariff Revision from the Man- ufacturer's Standpoint. Popular Science Monthly, May 1909 ; Vol. 74; 442-449. Ringwalt, Roland. Free Raw Material. Protectionist, March, 1910, Vol. 21 ; 619-523. Sargent, J. B. The Need of Reciprocity; Free Raw Materials. Boston, American Free Trade League, 1902. 8 pp. Springer, W. M. Tariff Reform the Paramount Issue. Speeches and writings on the questions involved in the Presidential election of 1892. New York, C. L. Webster & Co., 1892, 420 pp. Tariff Reform, published semi-monthly by the Tariff Reform Com- mittee of the Reform Club, New York, April 15, 1889, to January 1, 1894, Vols. 2-7: What raw materials would do for the manufac- turers, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 96-99. Benefit of free raw materials to the farmer, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 99-100. U. S. Congress. Debates and Speeches on the Wilson Tariff Bill 1893-4. In Congressional Record, 53d Congress, 2d Session, Vol 26 nts 1-10. Washington, 1894. U. S. Congress. Debates and Speeches on Payne Tariff Bill, 1909. Congressional Record, 61st Congress, 1st Session, Vol 44 Washing- ton, 1909. One of the most important speeches on the raw material question is that of Senator Bailey of Texas, June 24, 1909, which can be pro- cured from the Government Printing Office at Washington, or by writing to Mr. Bailey for a copy. The Bryan-Bailey Debate on the Raw Material Question. I n the daily papers of the State of Texas for September 15, 19, 27, and October 2, 1910. The Dallas News has a pamphlet containing 'these speeches; price, 10 cents. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BULLETIN. REFERENCES ON SPECIFIC RAW MATERIALS. (a) COAL AND PETROLEUM. Elkins, Hon. Stephen B. Tariff Rates on Coal and Petroleum, Congressional Record, 61 Cong., 1st Sesion, June 2, 1909, Vol. 44: 2664-2676. Hill, F. A. Removal of the Coal Duty, Mines and Minerals, March, 1909, Vol. 29 ; 359. Humphrey, W. E. Tariff on Coal, Congressional Record, 61 Congress, 1st Session, Vol. 44, Appendix 20-21. Nation, Editorial. Free Coal, Nation, 76 :64. Tariff Reform, published by the Tariff Reform Committee of the Reform Club, New York, 1889-1894. Coal and the Tariff, Vol. 3, N. 10, pp. 141-148. (b) COTTON. Smith, E. D. Tariff on Cotton, Cong. Record, 6st Cong., 1st Ses- sion, Vol. 44:2585-2591. (c) HIDES. Bannon, H. T. The False Plea for Free Hides, American Econo- mist, June 22, 1906, Vol. 37, 286-289. Healey, A. A. Hides, Leather, Boots and Shoes and the Tariff. Annals American Academy, September 1908, Vol. 32: 31-35. Healey, A. A. The Leather Industry and the Tariff, Annals American Academy, May, 1907, Vol. 29 -.553-555. National Association of Tanners, The Free Hide Textbook. Chicago National Association of Tanners, 1908, 45 pp. Nation, Editorial. Shoe Prices and Free Hides, Nation, March 8, 1906, Vol. 82:191-192. Page, C. S. The Tariff on Hides, Congressional Record, 61st Con- gressflst session. Vol. 44:3586-3598. Warren, Francis E. Live Stock Statistics: Shall there be a duty on hides? American Economist, July 13, 1906. Vol. 38:20-23, 32-34. Warren, Francis E. Speech in Senate, June 27, 1906. (d) IRON ORE. Congressional Record, 53rd Congress, 2nd session, p. 6453, 1892. Gunton's Magazine, Editorial: Is the duty on iron ore unneces- sary? Gunton's Magazine, June, 1903, Vol. 24:529-531. Manufacturers' Record, Editorial. Possible Results that would fol- low a reduction of duty on iron ore, Manufacturers' Record, May 27, 1909, Vol. 55 :43-44. ' Manufacturers' Record, Editorial. The Effort to Secure Free Iron Ore, Manufacturers' Record, April 22, 1909, Vol. 55:41-42. Tariff Reform, published semi-monthly by the Tariff Reform Com- mittee of the Reform Club, New York, 1889-1894. What Free Iron Ore Would Do : Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 400-403. (e) LUMBER. American Review of Reviews, Editorial. Lumber, Wheat, Sugar. and the Free List. Review of Reviews, June, 1909, Vol. 39, 646-654. FREE RAW MATERIALS. 9 Chicago Wholesale Lumber Dealers, Argument for Free Lumber. Chicago, G. K. Hazlitt & Co., printers, 1882. Mershon, W. B. The Tariff and the Lumber Trade, Annals American Academy, May, 1907, Vol. 29:556-588. Nelson, Knute. The Tariff on Lumber, Congressional Record, 61st Congress, 1st session. Vol. 44:159-1599. Piles. S. H. Tariff on Lumber, Congressional Record, 61st Con- gress, 1st session; Vol. 44 :1560-1579. (f) SILK. Mason, F. R. The American Silk Industry and the Tariff. The American Economic Association, 1910. Price $1.00. Pages 33-39 give the history of the efforts to raise raw silk in the United States. (g) WOOL. Cox, Theodore. Wool and the Tariff, American Journal of Poli- tics, September, 1892, Vol. 1 :231-238. Social Economist, Editorial. Probable Effects of Free Wool, Sep- tember, 1894, Vol. 7 :145-148 ; Wool and Woolens in the Tariff, Jan- uary, 1894, Vol. 6 :22-30. Tariff Reform, published semi-monthly by the Tariff Reform Com- mittee of the Reform Club, New York, 1889-1894. Wool and Tariffs, Vol. 2, No. 18, pp. 341-338. White, H. The Keystone of the Tariff, Nation, May, 20, 1897, Vol. 64:372. Wright, C. W. Wool Growing and the Tariff Since 1890, Quar- terly Journal of Economics, August, 1905, Vol. 19, 610-647. Wright, C. W. Wool Growing and the Tariff, Boston and New York, Houghton, Miflin & Co., 1910, Price $2.00, postage 17 cts. (h) WHEAT AND SUGAR. American Review of Reviews, Editorial. Lumber, Wheat, Sugar, and the Free List. Review of Reviews, June, 1909, Vol. 39 :646-654. Nation, Editorial. Wheat Corners and the Protective Tariff. Na- tion, 88 :426. QUESTIONS FOR DEBATE. Among debatable questions in the fields of the tariff and free raw materials, the following are suggested: Resolved, That the time has now arrived when 'the policy of Pro- tection should ~be abandoned by the United States. Resolved, That the Democratic party should maintain the doctrine of a