Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Atnex Our Devoted Friend The Dog BY SARAH KNOWLES BOLTON Author of "Every Day Living," "Girls Who Became Famous," " Boys Who Became Famous," " Famous Types of Womanhood," "The Inevitable, and Other Poems," "A Country Idyl," " Social Studies in England," etc. Illustrated " If I had my way I should abolish all dog laws and dog catchers :" UGENE FIELD. BOSTON L. C. PAGE fef COMPANY MDCCCCII DF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES Copyright, iqoz BY L. C. PAGE & COMPANY (INCORPORATED) All rights reserved Colonial $h-;-a : Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simonds & Co. Boston, Mass., U. S. A. TO MY LITTLE GRANDSON l¬olte Bolton AND HIS DOG TIM Preface IN the past two years I have made clippings from a few newspapers how many more thousands could have been obtained showing the devo- tion, bravery, and intelligence of animals, especially dogs and cats. Dogs have saved people from drown- ing, houses from burning, died of grief for their loved ones, and yet all over the country our laws concerning these faithful creatures are brutal. We tax them out of all proportion to their money value. We let them starve and freeze with no apparent interest, and if homeless, or an unjust tax is not paid, we encourage theft and cruelty by offering twenty-five cents apiece to have them caught on the streets and taken to dog pounds, or we empower police or societies to kill them by poison, or gun, or the fumes of sulphur or gas. Lost creatures, petted and fondled by some child, instead of being buried after death are thrown into garbage wagons, with no thought of tenderness, or decency. We care for idiots and insane and dissolute, and for- get creatures of rare intelligence, temperate and trust- worthy. We arrogate to ourselves the thought that we alone of all created things have souls, and that we alone can enter heaven. How do we know all this? We cruelly destroy birds by the millions for our per- sonal adorning; we let cats starve on the streets be- Preface cause we do not wish to have any cares ; we wantonly hurt and leave dying on the great plains thousands of buffaloes; we kill by savage methods elephants whose intelligence seems sometimes above the human; we are horrified at bullfights, yet we tear deer and foxes and rabbits to pieces with dogs in so-called " sport." Are we forever to go on without mercy for our dumb friends ? My thanks are due Mrs. Frances A. Moulton of New York city, and Mrs. F. B. Powell of Woodstock, Vt, for clippings sent me; also Mr. Eugene Glass, editor of The Dog Fancier, Battle Creek, Mich., and the editors of Pets and Animals, Springfield, Ohio, for photographs. SARAH K. BOLTON. Table of Contents PAGE Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 13 Dogs Save from Drowning 37 Dogs Save from Fire 49 Dogs Save from Burglars 67 Dogs Save Life 74 Dogs Guard their Dead 107 Gratitude of Dogs 116 Affection of Animals for Each Other 141 Faithfulness of Dogs 167 Dogs' Love of Home 184 Dogs Commit Suicide 193 Intelligence of Dogs 202 Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 285 Hospitals for Dogs 345 Cemeteries for Dogs 355 Homes for Animals 376 Cruel Laws about Dogs 400 How to Care for Animals 423 Our Duty to Animals 442 List of Illustrations PAGE Laddie, St. Bernard, owned by Mr. John D. Rockefeller . Cover Stanwood and His Dog Tim Frontispiece \. Dog Cemetery at Hawarden Castle. 2. Gladstone and His Dog Petz 14 i. Duke of Somerset, owned by the late Dr. E. W. Bovett. 2. Dr. Bovett, Duke, and His Thoroughbred Colt, Baby . 19 i. Monument to Charles Gough. 2. Monument to Jack, owned by Dr. H. H. Kane, New York City (p. 362) . . . .31 i. Moorlander, Skye Terrier, owned by Mr. George Caverhill, Montreal. Never exhibited without winning a prize. 2. Champion Nubian Rebel, Brown Pomeranian, Swiss Mountain Kennels, Germantown, Pa. Won thirty-two first prizes in England, and about the same number in America. 37 St. Bernard Puppies and Yorkshire, owned by Mr. W. C, Fyfe, Montreal, Canada 49 Madam Spitz and Her Second Family of Puppies, owned by Mrs. F, W. Toedt, Hamburg, Iowa 67 Rob Roy McGregor, Collie, owned by Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard, wife of former ambassador to Great Britain . . . 76 i. Greyfriars' Bobby (p. 28). 2. Philo, owned by Colonel H. C. Page, Bayonne, N. J. (p. 338). 3. Gip, owned by Mrs. Charles H. Shephard, Dorchester, Mass. 4. Jack, owned by Mrs. Adele Horwitz Stevens, Hoboken, N. J. (p. 336) . . 84 i. Great Dane, Champion Major McKinley. First prizes in many cities, formerly owned by South Bend (Ind.) Kennels. 2. Little Son of Gilson Willets and Curly, prize St. Ber- nard. 3. Gladys Cummings and Her English Terrier, Xenia, O. 4. Little Girl and Her Faithful Dog Jumbo, owned by Mr. W. H. Fedder, Cleveland, 107 List of Illustrations PAGE Collie, owned by Mr. Halsey D. Miller, Cleveland, O. . . .121 Susanne and Anonymous, Arctic Sledging Dogs, owned by Mr. Walter Wellman 130 I. Sultan, owned by Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, President N. W. C. T. U. (p. 149). 2. Challifond Hero, owned by Prof. R. D. Bohannan, Columbus, O., winner of first prize among thirty- three collies at New Orleans ; also prize at Philadelphia, New York, St. Louis, and Kansas City ...... 143 I. Prince and Polly, owned by Mr. Gary Carpenter, Bolton, Conn. 2. Toss, owned by Mr. Charles R. Zacharias, Asbury Park, N. J. (p. 225) 159 Kittie and Bernie, both owned by the author. A remarkable friendship 163 I. Queen A., Fawn-colored Greyhound, prize winner, owned by Mr. O. R. Cannon, Shawnee, Oklahoma. 2. Champion Irish Setter, Lord Lismore, winner of seventeen first prizes, owned by Mr. J. S. Wall, Auburn Park, 111., and said to be worth $20,000 184 I. "Big Four." 2. Ted, a Trick Dog, standing with the "Big Four," all owned by Mr. James Christie, Escanaba, Mich. . 211 I. Rover and His Master, Harry Spence, Wisconsin. 2. Caesar, owned by J. and W. Koebler, Cleveland, O. (p. 210). . . 228 I. Ginger, owned by Mr. Henry C. Buchanan, Trenton, N. J. (p. 218). 2. Roy, owned by Miss Mildred Sherman, Syracuse, N. Y 242 Schnapsie, owned by Mrs. Herbert Allingham, London, England . 258 I. Dandy, owned by Capt. A. S. Paige, Brookline, Mass. (p. 273). 2. Sergeant Jack and the Boston Police 270 I. Leon, owned by Mr. Thomas Biskit, Norwich, Conn. (p. 208). 2. Waldo and Sampson, owned by Mrs. Ada H. Kepley, Effingham, 111.- 272 I. Owney, the U. S. Mail Dog. 2. Joe Hart, owned by Mr. E. H. Hart, Meridian, Miss. (p. 276) 282 Mrs. Cushman K. Davis and Her Russian Terrier Bebe'e . . 296 Nio, Russian Wolfhound, owned by Mr. Charles A. Post, Cleve- land, 298 List of Illustrations PAGE i. Julia Marlowe and Taffy (Courtesy of Miss J. L. Gilder, editor of The Critic). 2. Anna Chapin Ray and Glencoe . . 302 I. Queen Victoria with One of Her Dogs. 2. Queen Alexandra with One of Her Pets . 304 Fluffie, whom Queen Victoria Petted on Her Dying Bed at Osborne House ......... 306 i. Wang, Chow Dog from China, owned by the Gordon Boys' Orphanage, Dover, England. 2. "Chums," Don and Tit- willow, owned by Mr. A. W. Palmer, Natick, Mass. (p. 330) . 320 i. Beveryck Punster, Fox Terrier, a prize winner. 2. Drummer. 3. Gentleman Joe, all owned by Mrs. A. D. Campbell, Denver, Colo 330 i. Ponto, St. Bernard, owned by Mr. Frank P. Marsh, New York City. 2. Champion Alton II., Smooth St. Bernard, winner of thirty-two prizes, value $5,000, owned by Mr. Dudley E. Waters, Grand Rapids, Mich 342 Monuments in the Paris Cemetery for Dogs, lie des Ravageurs . 358 Two Views of Dogs' Cemetery, Victoria Gate, Hyde Park, London 363 i. Little Belle, Yorkshire Terrier, owned by Miss Irene Ackerman, New York City. 2. Dot, Black and Tan, owned by Mr. W. V. Babcock, Brooklyn, N. Y 367 I. Button, French Poodle, owned by Miss L. C. Thayer, Indian- apolis. 2. Mrs. Mary O. Elster, founder of the Frances Power Cobbe Refuge 382 i. Noted French Bulldogs from Shawmut Kennels, New York City. 2. First Prize Collies, Verona Selection, Champion Old Hall, Admiral, and Champion Heather Mint, owned by Mr. James Watson, New York City 400 I. Imported Blenheim Spaniel, Champion Rollo, winner of 156 prizes, owned by Miss L. C. Moeran, New York City. 2. White Maltese Terriers. First prize winners ; pronounced the best in America, owned by Miss Josie Newman, Kansas City, Mo. 414 i. Norna, Deerhound (value, $5,000), with children of the owner, Mr. W. D. Griscom, Philadelphia, Pa. Holder of the United States championship for several years. 2. Scamp, Deer- List of Illustrations PAGE hound (value, $5,000), owned by Von H. G. G. Pickering, Minnedosa, Manitoba, winner of many first prizes . . . 423 I. Champion Loki, Pug Dog (value $5,000), winner of fifty prizes, bred and owned by Mr. Al. G. Eberhart, Camp Dennison, O. 2. L'Ambassador II., Bulldog (value $5,000), winner of. many prizes, owned by Mr. Eberhart. -3. Champion Valenza, Italian Greyhound, always a prize winner, owned by Dr. F. H. Hoyt, Sharon, Pa. 429 I. Boston Terrier, Escape, prize winner, owned by Mr. A. M. Sherwood, Joliet, 111. 2. Nig, King Charles Spaniel, ov/ned by Mr. Walter Reppert, Burlington, Iowa. 3. American Bloodhound Puppy, owned by Mr. H. M. Ramsay, Houston* Texas. 4. Willoughby Pug, Trip, a prize winner, owned by Miss Ella E. Noble, Santa Barbara, CaL .... 440 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog CHAPTER I Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings THE devotion of a dog is the same in the homes of the rich and the poor. He licks the hand of a millionaire in a house of luxury, or goep to jail with a wanderer or a drunkard, and sleeps on the hard floor of a police station. He listens with ears alert for the kind voice of the master who loves him, and sits dejected under curses, offering no response to the harshness. Recently, a drunken man was arrested for kicking his dog and breaking his ribs, so that the poor creature had to be shot. Before the man was taken to prison the dog crawled to him and licked his boots. Would any human being do this? The affection of dogs is one of the strongest reasons why they should receive every kindness from man, rather than death at his hands, because homeless or unlicensed. The recorded instances of the death of dogs through grief are many. Petz, the last favorite of Mr. Glad- stone, is an example. There were always several dogs at the lovely home at Hawarden, who walked with the great man in his rambles over valley and hill, and slept 14 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog at his feet as he studied and wrote. Petz was a black Pomeranian, Gladstone's constant companion for the last ten years of his life. " In the dining-room," says a writer in the Strand Magazine for December, 1898, " he expected his biscuit from the master's hand ; in the drawing-room he reposed before the fire, in sociable mood; at St. Deniol's library, when Mr. Gladstone sat reading in the corner and no one dared disturb him, Petz, when he considered that the horses must be kept waiting no longer, pushed his little cold nose against the master's hand, and suggested an immediate ad- journment of the sitting. Petz's vitality and energy seemed inexhaustible." As the end drew near for Mr. Gladstone, he was urged to go to Cannes in the south of France for the winter. Petz was sent to the home of his daughter Mary the wife of Rev. Harry Drew, where he could romp with the bright little granddaughter, Dorothy. But the faithful creature could not be pacified. He pined for his master, refused to eat, and was returned to Hawarden the very day, March 23, that Gladstone came back. It was too late to save the broken hearted creature, who died of grief. Petz lies buried in the dogs' cemetery on the estate not far from Hawarden Castle. " A great old oak overshadows the spot, the ruins of the old castle are seen on the opposite hill, and down in the dale the rapid stream is gurgling its way along towards the waterfall and the fishponds." There are quite a number of these small mounds, and over each of them is placed a simple granite stone with an inscription. One of these stones, the largest, z. DOG CEMETERY AT HAWARDEN CASTLE. 2. GLADSTONE AND His UOG PETZ. Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings i 5 dates back twenty years. It was placed there in 1878 in memory of three favorite dogs, who died within a few weeks of each other and are here buried. " Mosses have crept around the stone, tall grasses wave over it. and the leverets play their baby games about it. It is getting somewhat difficult to make out the second part of the inscription on this stone, but we had the valuable assistance of an old village dame whose husband had been a woodman on the estate, and who knew every nook and corner in the park. She showed us how by dint of a little rubbing and scouring the text might be laid bare. It was this : ' When Thou hidest Thy face they are troubled, when Thou takest away their breath they die, and are turned again to their dust.' " Next, there is a small stone, with no other inscrip- tion than this: 'Toby, 1881,' but our friendly guide remembers Toby well. ' She was a dear little dog, and a great pet with the ladies/ she tells us, and then, by contrast, she points to another stone, on which the writ- ing is still quite distinct : ' Sheila. Died July 7th, 1886,' and below, ' Ask now the reason, and they shall teach thee.' Sheila, it seems, was one of the biggest dogs that ever was made a pet of at Hawarden Castle, and ' everybody was afraid of the creature,' we learn. " There is one other little gravestone. ' Peggy, 1884,' is engraved upon it. Then comes the grave of little Petz. . . . This evening in May only a small wreath of moss lies on the hillock under the old oak, and someone has scattered a handful of blue hyacinths and rosy rhododendrons on the brown soil. A robin is singing in the white hawthorn, the sunset flames in the sky, and we leave the graveyard in its silent, sunny 1 6 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog peace." The headstone of Petz bears this inscription : " Petz. Born at Schwalbach, 1886; died at Hawar- den, March 27, 1898. Mr. Gladstone's favorite dog. Faithful unto death." When Emile Zola was in prison in France for the part he took in the Dreyfus case, when the whole world read and acted as judges to save an innocent man from disgrace and death, the little dog of the novelist mourned and waited at home for his master. Week after week passed with no release, and finally the faith- ful creature died without seeing the one who had petted and loved him as a devoted friend. Leland Stanford, Jr., for whom the great University in California is named, the heir of many millions, was very fond of animals. Mrs. Sallie Joy White tells this story of him. " One day, when he was about ten years of age, he was standing looking out of the win- dow, and his mother heard a tumult outside, and saw Leland suddenly dart out of the house. Presently he reappeared covered with dust, holding a homely yellow dog in his arms. Quick as a flash he was up the steps and into the house with the door shut behind him, while a perfect howl of rage went up from the boys outside. Before his mother could reach him he had flown to the telephone, and summoned the family doctor. Think- ing from the agonized tones of the boy that some of the family had been taken suddenly and violently ill, the doctor hastened to the house. " He was a stately old gentleman, who believed fully in the dignity of his profession ; and he was somewhat disconcerted and a good deal annoyed at being con- fronted with a very dusty, excited boy, holding a Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 17 broken-legged dog that was evidently of the mongrel family. At first he was about to be angry; but the earnest, pleading look on the little face, and the perfect innocence of any intent of discourtesy, disarmed the dignified doctor, and he explained to Leland that he did not understand the case, not being accustomed to treating dogs, but that he would take him and the dog to one who was. So they went, doctor, boy, and dog. in the doctor's carriage to a veterinary surgeon, the leg was set, and they returned home. Leland took the most faithful care of the dog until it recovered, and it repaid him with a devotion that was touching." A few years later while fitting for Yale College, Leland traveled abroad with his parents. While in Athens he contracted the fever, and died at Florence two months before his sixteenth birthday. The death was crushing to his parents, whose hopes and lives were centered in their only child. They brought his body back to Palo Alto, and on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1884, in a sarcophagus of white Carrara marble, they laid him inside his tomb. The little yellow dog had been waiting impatiently for the return of his beloved young master. When he came, there was something wrong, and the poor crea- ture knew it. After the body had been placed in the tomb the dog lay down in front of the door and could not be coaxed away even for his food. One morning he was found there, dead, and was buried near the youth who had been his protector and friend. It was a sorrow without words or tears, but it was unbearable and death alone could end it. The New York papers of August, 1897, tell this 1 8 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog pathetic story of a Newfoundland dog, Kaiser. When his master, Jacob Wohle, of Carlstadt, New Jersey, died and was placed in his coffin, the big dog remained beside it, and when it was taken to the cemetery, ac- companied it. He realized that his master was there, and would not leave the grave for a whole day. Then after much coaxing he returned home. He whined constantly, and visited the grave daily. Possibly he thought the master would come back to meet him there perhaps he really knew what death is, and that there is no return. The family tried to make friends with him, but he was too overcome with grief. He ate little, and finally refused altogether. One morning, after two weeks, seemingly hopeless, he made his lonely mile pilgrimage as usual, to the grave of the man he loved. To be near him was the only comfort. In the afternoon, the family thought Kaiser stayed away longer than usual and went to the cemetery. There they found the noble creature by his owner's grave, dead of a broken heart. Others might miss the absent member of the household, and be sad and dis- consolate, but to Kaiser the loss was irreparable. No one could take his place. Death was better than sepa- ration. Kaiser was buried tenderly by those who loved him for his own sake, and for his devotion to his master. A friend tells me of a dog belonging to her father, who was thrown from his horse and so badly hurt that he died after three days at the age of twenty-five, leav- ing a wife and unborn child. He was buried in the private cemetery of the family, on their own land. It was a great shock to the young wife, and hard to be I. DUKE OF SOMERSET, owned by the late Ur. E. W. Bovett. 2. DR. BOVETT, DUKE, AND His THOROUGHBRED COLT, BABY. Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 19 borne, but the faithful dog, the inseparable companion of horse and rider, rebelled against the decree of fate. He howled incessantly, determined to find his dead master, and spent a whole night digging down to the coffin, to awaken. the one whose face he longed to see once more, and whose familiar and beloved voice he must hear again. A Denver, Colorado, paper has the following ac- count of Duke a St. Bernard dog, owned by a well- known veterinarian of that city. " The most loving friend Dr. E. W. Bovett ever had never shed a tear or said a word when the doctor's cold, white body was taken from Bowles Lake, October 26, 1898, in whose icy waters life had left it. But this loving friend died this morning at 3 :3O o'clock grieving for him. " It was Duke, or by his full and rightful title, Duke of Somerset. A dog of royal blood, son of Lord Alton, and grandson of the great Sir Bedivere. His lineage was perfect with no mongrel cross or stain to mar it. His good breeding showed as plainly in his conduct as in his face and majestic carriage. No finer gentleman ever trod the streets of Denver, and there never was a nobler heart than that which throbbed beneath the shaggy coat of this great St. Bernard. " Whenever and wherever it was permissible Duke trod beside his master. When it was impracticable to have him a word was sufficient. Duke walked patiently back to his kennel in the stable at No. 1430 Curtis street and waited, his solemn eyes watching for the return of his master, and when he came Duke's wel- come was sure, for Duke's vigil was tireless. Stand- ing nearly three feet in height, his grand face showing 2O Our Devoted Friend, The Dog plainly the white and red markings and noble linea- ments of his ancestor, his huge body, firm pose, and plume-like tail, he made a picture that would make the artist instinctively reach for his brush. He was the ideal dog, the perfect specimen of his race. " The day following the death of his master, Duke began to show great uneasiness. He ran back and forth about the stable yard, and gazed wistfully into the face of Dr. F. W. Hunt, who had taken charge of the establishment, and then sought out T. Broderick, who had assisted Dr. Bovett for years, and on whom he turned his eloquent eyes so anxiously, so questioningly, that Mr. Broderick turned away his own swimming eyes. As the days went by, his master still missing, Duke's anxiety became frantic, his whines and plead- ing eye-questions piteous. " ' I'm going to take him down to the undertaker's and let him see the body, maybe he will understand, poor fellow,' said Mr. Broderick, the day before the funeral. " ' Take him,' assented Dr. Hunt. " Duke did not understand what was meant when a chair was placed for him beside one of the long gloomy boxes at the undertaker's, but he climbed upon the chair when told to do so, for obedience was one of his strong traits of character. Then while he watched curiously, the lid of the coffin was removed. " What was that down there rigid and white in the satin cushions, strange and yet familiar? Not Duke's master, so still? But yes, it was. Duke bent his head low down over it and gazed eagerly. Yes, it was he, and yet there was something about him that sent a Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 21 chill to Duke's heart. What was it? Again Duke gazed and now his ears cocked happily. His master was asleep; that was it! One touch of that lolling, affectionate tongue and he would awake and pat his head and say the old fond nothings which were the very life of Duke. " The dog leaned down still further and licked the upturned face, then started back affrighted. Cold, ir- responsive; something had happened to his master. " Duke knew nothing of death. He licked his master's face again and then he knew. Deep down in his white soul where grew affection and obedience, nothing else, he knew that the end had come; that the being to whom in loving slavery he had bound himself forever would know him no more ; would never fondle of talk to him again. That was all he realized, but that was enough. Propping back in the chair, throwing back his noble head, he gave vent to his grief in hollow howls that were too piteous to be borne. He had to be dragged away from the place. " Next day he tried to follow to the funeral, but was gently led back to the stable, where he lay down, and dropping his huge head between his paws, gave up and waited for the end. It came eight days later this morning. All sorts of dainties were brought to him by old friends who knew his tastes. " Beef hearts prepared in a way he had particularly liked was offered him. At such times he merely lifted his melancholy eyes to the face of the giver for a mo- ment, looked his thanks, and dropped his head again. " Every day he walked around to all the places that the doctor had frequented, hopelessly, to be sure, but 22 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog evidently with a faint notion that maybe, maybe, his master might come back. 4< ' Poor old fellow ! ' they would say to him at the Tabor barber shop, and pat him kindly. " ' Poor old dog! ' was what he heard at Findlay's stables, at George Walker's, and at other places he visited. But he would not eat. " Dr. Hunt sat up with him and nursed him as if he had been an ailing infant. " At 3 130 this morning Duke gave a moan that was hardly more than a sigh, and went out into the infinite in search of his master. " Will he find him ? " The New York Herald, February, 1900, tells this incident : " Not long ago a young woman in this city, who owned a Gordon setter that was very fond of her, was married, and moved to Lakewood. The dog was left behind, and at once became inconsolable. He would eat nothing, and stood looking out of the window for hours at a time, whining and moaning pitifully. The dog was wasting away from exhaustion. Those who knew him said he was dying of a broken heart. When it was seen that he would die if he could not see his mistress he was taken to her. His joy at seeing her was extravagant, and he at once got better. His mis- tress came to New York for a two weeks' visit, and left the dog with the servants in Lakewood. When she returned she found him dead, lying on one of her gar- ments. The poor brute, thinking himself again de- serted, lay down to die, and could not be driven or coaxed from his place, neither would he eat nor drink." Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 23 London Black and White has a pathetic sketch by Lester Ralph, its special correspondent, called 4> The Faithful Terrier." At the battle of Graspan, in the war between England and the Boers, 1899-1900, Major J. H. Plumbe of the royal marine light infantry, was among the many killed while storming the main kopje. He had a pet dog, a terrier, which ran up the hill with him under the fiercest fire. When he fell, the dog sat down and guarded his body until the ambu- lance removed it six hours later. " The pathos of the situation," he writes, " baffles description." The New York Times tells this touching incident of the love of a deserted dog for a dead child : " When a small dog, ragged and soiled, sat on the steps of 244 West One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street last night and howled, a policeman rushed up. " ' What's the matter with that dog ? ' he asked, and none of the crowd of children who stood by said a word. " ' Who owns him ? ' still nobody said a word. " Just then a woman came up. She knew all about the dog. A family had lived in the house, and the little dog had been the pet of a curly-haired child. But the child died, and when the family moved they left the dog behind. ' 'Cause,' said the woman, ' the dog reminded them of the baby.' " ' Didn't they want to remember the baby ? ' the policeman wanted to know. " The woman did not know how that was, but, anyway, she said the dog was left, but he came every few days to sit on the steps where he had formerly sat 24 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog with the little child, and, although the tenants drove him away, he always came back. " The policeman looked at the animal, thought a mo- ment and remarked: 'He's mad/ And the woman said, ' May be he is.' " So the policeman shot him and the children kicked the body into the street." A young man twenty-six years old, in New York, accompanied by his little fox-terrier, acted queerly at the corner of Forty-fifth street and Second avenue one evening. Some said he was overcome with the heat, and others thought he was intoxicated. When the children annoyed the man, the dog flew at them and bit them. Then a policeman decided to arrest the man. but the dog sprang at him, and bit him. The faithful creature was defending his owner, whether worthy or unworthy, but the policeman shot him, and took his master to jail. Little Mary O'Brien, eight years old, says the New York World, February n, 1900, went over to the church to have her prayer-book blessed, and her big Newfoundland dog, Nero, went with her. He had been her inseparable companion for five years, and never allowed harm to come to her, while he accom- panied her to school and went after her when school was over. They two had reached the corner of Sixth avenue and Eighteenth street, she holding on to his brass collar, when she was run over by a sewing ma- chine wagon and fatally injured. After the accident, the dog rushed back to her home, moaning dismally, The servant opened the door and he rushed up stairs, barking and howling. The mother patted him on the Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 25 head, when he jumped up and licked her face, then seized her dress in his teeth and dragged her out of the room. As soon as she reached the sidewalk she was told that little Mary had been taken to the New- York Hospital by the driver who hurt her. He could not press through the crowd, so a policeman took her in his arms, and ran, but nothing could save her. She was dying. It was hard to get Nero home, away from his dead playmate. He would not eat, lay on the mat outside the children's room, and refused to be comforted. An unhappy young wife committed suicide in No- vember, 1898, in New York city. She wished to ride on her wheel, and was forbidden by a cruel husband. When her body was found, her pet spaniel, Nellie, was on her breast, whining piteously and licking her hand. She left a note to the man saying, " Take care of Nellie for me." Great Caesar, a great Dane dog costing $250, came from Ulm, Germany, when he was two years old, and became the pet of William Texter, the proprietor of Ulmer Park, and of his wife, for eight years. Some months ago, Mr. and Mrs. Texter left Great Caesar at Ulmer Park in charge of an employee. The dog pined, refused to eat, and was inconsolable. He would not lift his paw to shake hands as was his custom. Dr. R. B. Rageman of New York city was called in and said Great Caesar was dying of a broken heart. The Youth's Companion relates this incident : " The Duke of Hamilton had a favorite bulldog, called Dumpling, who used to accompany his master on his daily walks or drives. One day, however, the 26 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog duke left Dumpling at home, and took a younger dog with him. From the moment that Dumpling saw his rival get into the carriage and drive off he refused to eat, and began to pine. " A dog doctor was summoned, but failed to detect any symptoms of illness. At length he asked whether anything unusual had happened to disturb the dog's routine of life. The servant then told him how, for the first time, Dumpling had been left behind by his master. " ' I can do nothing for him ! ' exclaimed the doctor. ' The poor fellow's heart is broken.' " Dumpling never recovered from the blow to his affections, and in a short time died of grief." The New York World, June 5, 1898, tells this story of the murderer of a helpless old man and woman who, as he lay condemned to death in prison, cursing chap- lain, warden, turnkeys, all who came near, softened only to a half-starved yellow cur that had somehow wandered into the prison yard. He took the dog in his arms. " Let me have him," he said. " He at least won't shrink from me. There's a sympathy between us. He never had a chance in life; neither have I. He's fighting his battle alone ; so am I. Everybody's hand's against him, and everybody's hand's against me. We're fit to be together. I wouldn't exchange this dog for all the men I ever met." And thus through the weeks that followed man and dog, companions, remained together in the little cell, and the dog shrank not from the caress of the hand that had struck down the two aged beings. Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 27 The day came when the murderer was to be led out to be hanged, and the dog fought with those who tried to hold him back. He beat at the cell door with his paws. Then for many days and nights he lay in the cot on which the murderer had slept, moaning for the loss of the only friend that he had known and re- fusing all food and drink. The moaning ceased one day, and they found that he was dead. He had starved him- self to death. Mr. M. J. Van Name disappeared from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. W. A. Sloane, in Port Richmond, S. I., on January 8, 1900. His St. Bernard dog, Beauty, was heart broken, after he left. His daughter writes me, March 7 : " The dog refused to eat for two weeks, just grieving himself to death; was so weak he could scarcely walk. He would walk up and down in front of the house, expecting my father to come and feed him. They were inseparable. We have to coax him every day to eat. He is still very weak, but we hope to save him. Like a person, he is heart broken. If you could see him you would love him, he is so hand- some and affectionate." Nothing has been heard of the father. " Every clue," she says, " has been care- fully followed up by us with relatives and friends, but it has so far amounted to nothing. Still we pray and hope that good news may yet come." When Mrs. Kate Burns of Lexington avenue, New York, went to the room of Daniel Higgins, a veteran of the civil war, seventy years old, March 24, 1900, she found him lying dead on the floor. His old dog Prince was standing over him, sadly licking the face of his 28 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog master, either to waken him, or to show his affection. Mr. Higgins was a gardener in Central Park, and had boarded with Mrs. Burns for several years. Duke, a St. Bernard belonging to Mr. George H. Nichols of Montclair, N. J., defended the three chil- dren of his master in March, 1900, from what he sup- posed to be abduction. Asking a friend for a ride in his sleigh, it was gladly accorded, but as soon as the chil- dren clambered in, Duke became furious, bit the friend, tore his clothes, and when he was whipped off, he nipped the horse on the leg. The children seeing Duke's strange actions got out of the sleigh, when he jumped about, licked their faces, and showed extreme joy that they were not to be carried away. The little girl cried, in her fright, but Duke crouched beside her and comforted her. Eva Blantyre Simpson, in Chambers Journal for March, 1900, tells this true story of the devotion of Grey friars' Bobby : " For not paying his annual seven shillings of tribute, another Edinburgh dog first came into notoriety by appearing in Court in 1867. Sum- moned along with him was a compassionate restaurant- keeper, who was accused of ' harbouring ' the dog, for he had fed the desolate beast, who sat among the tombs which the windows of his house overlooked. The dog and his human friend were tried before three magis- trates, who seasoned the law with mercy. After hear- ing Bobby's story they forgave him for not paying his rates, and so saved him from drinking a Lethean draught. Bobby's master, one Gray, died in 1858, and his chief nay. almost only mourner was his shaggy terrier, who refused to leave his grave in Greyfriars' i Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 29 Churchyard. In vain was he hourly driven out. Bobby stubbornly returned to the spot where he had seen his master's coffin laid. He loitered for years with in- effaceable memory round the soon effaced mound over the humble grave. Bobby's trial made him notorious. The Baroness Burdett Coutts visited Greyfriars, and saw the Highland mourner sitting patiently watching the sacred spot. Mr. Gourlay Steel painted the leal little terrier. The masterless dog, fed on charity, had by an irony of fate great length of days granted to him, and when his lease of life ended, he like his master, was buried in Greyfriars' Churchyard. At the street corner, near by the churchyard gate, a granite foun- tain, with an effigy of the dog sitting on guard, bears the inscription, " Greyfriars' Bobby, from the life, just before his death. A tribute to the affectionate fidelity of Greyfriars' Bobby. In 1858 this faithful dog followed the remains of his master to Greyfriars' Churchyard, and lingered near the spot until his death in 1872. With permission erected by the Baroness Burdett Coutts." The Rev. F. O. Morris, in Dogs and their Doings, adds still further to the account of this faithful Scotch terrier. James Brown, the old curator of the burial- ground, remembered poor Gray's funeral and said the dog was the most conspicuous mourner. After Bobby had lain shivering in the cold and wet for three days on the grave, James took pity on him and gave him some food. He never spent a night in all those years away from his master's grave. In bad weather when the attempt ,was made to keep him in doors, he howled so dismally, that he was allowed to have his way. For 30 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog many years he was regularly fed by Mr. John Trail, of the restaurant, 6 Greyfriars Place. Bobby knew when Sunday came, and 'that the restaurant was closed, so he saved during the week old scraps of food, and hid them beneath a tombstone, near the grave where he kept watch for so many years. He knew the time for his midday meal by the firing of the time-gun. While sitting for his portrait in Mr. Steel's studio, Bobby on hearing the time-gun got quite excited and refused to be pacified until supplied with his midday meal. Rev. Mr. Morris tells the following, among many instances of devotion : " Donald Macdonald, who had been a shepherd for some years with Mr. Sutherland, at Tannachy, near Fochabers, died lately, and left a favorite collie, devotedly attached to its master. When Donald was lying in his coffin, the faithful dog was observed to stand up and place his paws on the edge of the coffin. He gazed for a considerable time on the face of his deceased owner, as if taking a final fare- well, and he accompanied the funeral procession to the burial ground at Chapelford, in the Enzie, a distance of four miles from his master's residence. Two days after, the poor, disconsolate animal was observed scraping upon the grave, and the mound had been so far cleaned out that the coffin was exposed. The de- voted collie was removed with difficulty, and has since then formed an uncommon attachment to the sexton." " A gentleman was obliged to go a journey periodi- cally. His stay was short, and his departure and re- turn were true to the appointed time. The dog was always uneasy when he first lost his master.-^nd moped in a corner, but recovered gradually as the time for i. MONUMENT TO CHARLES GOUGH. 2. MONUMENT TO JACK, owned by Dr. H. H. Kane, New York City (p 362). Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 31 his return approached; and when he was certain that his owner \vas not far from home, he bounded away to meet him. At length the old gentleman grew infirm, and incapable of continuing his journey. The dog by this time was also grown old, and became at length quite blind, but this misfortune did not hinder him from fondling upon his aged master, whom he knew from all other persons. The old gentleman died. The dog watched the corpse, blind as he was, and did his utmost to prevent the undertaker from screwing up the body in the coffin. He now grew disconsolate, lost his flesh, and was evidently verging towards his end." The London News, November 22, 1890, says that a monument has just been erected upon Helvellyn, to the memory of Charles Gough. who in the year 1805, was killed by falling from the high crags on the ridge that joins Stirling Edge to the summit. He was returning to Wythburn, where he lodged, from a fishing excursion in Patterdale. Probably a false step during a blinding hailstorm or dense fog, caused his death, on April 18. Three months afterward on July 20, his bones were found, still watched by his starving dog, a little yellow rough haired female terrier. She had given birth to puppies which were found dead by the side of the corpse. It is believed, though unable to secure food to make milk for her young, which died of starvation, she maintained her own life by bits of carrion sheep not infrequently found on the hills, but she probably had to search far and wide. She did not touch the remains of her master. She died a few years after- ward at Kendal. Frances Power Cobbe suggested 32 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog the monument, and her designs have been carried out by the aid of the Rev. N. D. Rawnsley, Vicar of Crosth- waite, erected by Jos. W. Bromley of Keswick. After two verses of Wordsworth's beautiful poem, these words are cut on the stone : "In memory of that love and strength of feeling, this stone is erected." The European edition of the New York Herald gives the following: " A touching story of canine fidelity is told by the Lille correspondent of the Figaro. There lived at Marcq-en-Baroeul, near the busy manufacturing city, a little old gentleman who cared for only two things in the world, his sister and his dog. " There 'was nothing very remarkable about the dog. He was a sort of mongrel terrier, rejoicing in the democratic name of Ouat'-Sous, and was indeed a very plebeian among dogs, but he loved his master. " A few months ago the little old bachelor fell ill dangerously ill and Ouat'-Sous was a changed dog. He moped, scarcely ate enough to keep himself alive, and went sadly in and out of the sick room, with his head hanging and his tail between his legs. At last the little, old gentleman died, and, with his last breath, he confided Quat'-Sous, standing wistfully at the foot of the bed, to the care of his sister, to whom he left his little fortune. ' The sister accepted Ouat-Sous as a sacred trust, but, do what she would, he still refused his food and moped and whined piteously. He was petted and caressed, the choicest tidbits were kept for him. and at last he was tied up that he might be sure of taking his meals at regular hours, but it was all in vain. Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 3 3 " A veterinary was called in and advised that Quat'- Sous should be allowed to run loose. ' The dog is not exactly ill,' he said, ' but he is mourning for his master. Let him go out and play with other dogs and he will be cured of his melancholy and recover his health and appetite.' ' The advice was followed, but the chain had scarcely been unfastened from Quat'-Sous' collar when he darted off like an arrow to the cemetery, a good kilometre away. On reaching it he sniffed at all the graves,, and at last stopped at one, the grass on which was not yet green, and, after walking round it two or three times, lay down on it. It was his master's. " Since then he has not been tied up again, and never a week passes without the little terrier going to the cemetery and spending some time on the grave of the man he loved." " The Figaro relates a touching souvenir of the poet de Musset, as mentioned by the poet's governess, Mme. Adele Colin Martellet, who has just published her memoirs. " The poet had a small dog named Marzo. After the poet died the dog, supposing him absent, continued to await his return at the same hour every evening for a period of seven years, when it also died. " Mme. Martellet's husband took the dog to Auteuil to be buried, and found some workmen engaged in digging out a new street. The faithful dog was buried by the men, and the street in which the animal's re- mains were laid is called the rue de Musset." Field and Stream, 1898, tells this story of the de- votion of a setter: 34 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Last fall, I went to North Carolina to shoot, tak- ing Jessie and two other dogs. After the first day out, which proved to be a very exhausting day's work, both for myself and the setters, Jessie showed signs of dul- ness, and seemed to lose, all at once, her dash and spirit. The next day I chained her in the stable. On my re- turn, I hurried to let her loose and examine into her condition. I found to my dismay that she was a very sick dog; her eyes were way back into her head, her breathing quick, and she would eat nothing, though I forced some extract of beef down her throat. " When I mounted my horse the next morning, Jessie staggered down the steps, and I got down, petted her, and told her to lie down on the mat on the porch. She looked at me with a wistful, longing gaze, that puzzled me then, but was made clear afterwards. I thought she would be all right in a few days, for she had been seriously sick several times, and I rode gayly off. After a splendid day's hunt, my friend and myself returned home. On reaching the gate, which was an unwieldy affair, I got down to open it. I had led the horses through, when to my amazement I saw a dog crawling towards me. " ' Jessie! ' I exclaimed. ' Can that be Jessie? ' " As I spoke she gave a whine of joy, and made a staggering run, and fairly leaped into my outstretched arms. " It was her last effort. She licked my hand, and with a whimper of content, her faithful eyes glazed, and I felt her form shiver, and thrill, and then stiffen in death. With her keen instinct she knew that death was near, and, nursing her strength, dragged her dying Devotion of Dogs to Human Beings 35 form for nearly a mile, to see her master before she died. " Is there a man on earth who would not have dropped a tear over the dead body of such faithful love? " " Another story showing the love and devotion of dumb brutes," says the Lewiston (Me.) Journal,, comes from Milford, where two little white dogs, whose master, Edward McDade, was drowned more than a year ago, still may be seen every morning trot- ting through Milford and Oldtown to the ferry landing where their master went into the river, and then going back the four miles home, after satisfying themselves that he has not returned." " ' Ted ' was only a dog. But he was a faithful and affectionate animal, and he is believed to have died of grief for the death of his owner, John Gorman of West Hoboken. Gorman worked at the Weehawken coal docks. When Gorman went home at night there was always a race between Gorman's four children and ' Ted ' to see which should be the first to greet him. One day about two weeks ago Gorman met with an accident. He was crushed between two coal cars, and was taken to St. Mary's Hospital, Hoboken, where he " When the body was taken home ' Ted ' sat at the head o the coffin and refused to be driven away. When the body was taken to the church, ' Ted ' followed the funeral procession, waiting patiently outside the church. Then he followed his master to the cemetery. He remained there when the family went home, but returned to the house shortly after sundown. 36 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Then he took the place he had occupied while he sat beside the coffin. The children, whose grief was no keener than his, tried to induce him to play, but he would not leave the place he had selected. He also refused to eat. Various kinds of meat were set before him, and he was also tempted with saucers of milk, but he would neither eat nor drink. On Thursday night he died, and Mrs. Gorman says he deliberately starved himself to death through grief for the death of his master. " Yesterday the four little Gorman children placed : ' Ted's ' body in a box, and buried it in the garden under a tree." I. MOORLANDER, SKYE TERRIER, owned by Mr. George Caverhill, Montreal. Never exhibited without winning a prize. 2. CHAM- PION NUBIAN REBEL, BROWN POMERANIAN, Swiss Mountain Kennels, Germantown, Pa. Won thirty-two first prizes in England, and about the same number in America. CHAPTER II Dogs Save From Drowning SULTAN, a handsome Newfoundland dog, helped to rescue his little friend Mina Schumacher, on the Harlem River, September. 1897. She and her mother had gone with a rowing party and the boat capsized in the Harlem Ship Canal, as old Spuyten Duyvil Creek is now called. Young William Harrison, the only one of the party who could swim, helped to save Mrs. Schumacher, and his father, and then turned to little Mina. He could not at first see her, but Sultan had her dress skirt fastened between his strong teeth, and was swimming toward the shore. At first the dog would not let the young man touch her, but finally seemed to realize that he could trust him to help, as he was Mina's friend. William took the child, the dog swimming beside them, till, being nearly ex- hausted, he grasped the long hair of Sultan, and the dog towed them both to land. Rex, a St. Bernard, saved two boys at Fort Hamil- ton, July, 1899. Eddie Ouinn, aged eleven years and his friend Charles Goodwin of the same age, were bathing at the foot of Fifth street. The undertow car- ried them into deep water, where they soon would have been drowned. There was no one near, but the intelligent dog. Catching Eddie by the bathing suit, Rex swam through the surf, and laid the boy on the 38 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog beach. Then he swam and saved young Goodwin. Mr. Quinn had been offered $250 for Rex, but now money could not buy him. Lester, the seven-year-old son of John Voorhees, 4 Bayard street, New Brunswick, N. J., was playing with some companions on the banks of the Raritan River, in the middle of July. They were throwing pieces of wood into the stream for their dog to bring to shore. Lester lost his balance and fell into the river. The playmates screamed, but were powerless to help. The dog sprang into the river, seized Lester, and brought him safely ashore. The Boston Beacon, October 21, 1899, has the fol- lowing : " A German contemporary describes the following incident, which has recently occurred in the district of Samland, near Konigsberg. Two youngsters a boy of ten and a girl of eleven years were playing on the brink of a deep piece of water, and, while trying to reach a piece of wood, overbalanced themselves and fell into the water. The dog began to bark, but created little attention. The animal then sprang into the stream and swam to the children. Seizing the clothes of one with his teeth, he brought it to the shore, and plunging again, succeeded in bringing the other like- wise. Then Jordan, for so the dog was called, ran to the manor house and howled. Thinking something amiss, the dog was followed to the scene. The chil- dren were on the shore, senseless. When they re- gained consciousness, the dog began to lick their faces and hands, dSid pranced about with the utmost delight. The next day the boy, apparently none the worse, Dogs Save From Drowning 39 clambered as usual on the back of the faithful St. Ber- nard. But the dog now took its youthful rider in an opposite direction to the water. Jordan is to be re- warded with a brand-new collar, with the date of the rescue engraved upon it, and will receive a lifelong pension from the family for his sagacity." Five years ago, A. A. Martin from New London, Conn., was hunting on the James River, above Rich- mond, Va., with his Newfoundland dog, Colored Boy. Hearing a cry of distress, the dog jumped over the side of the boat, swam out to what proved to be a man, and brought him to the shore. When consciousness was re- stored, the man, whose name was Jenkins, offered to buy the dog who had saved his life, but his owner would not part with him. Several times afterwards, the man tried to buy the dog, but was always refused. December, 1899, Mr. Jenkins died, and left to the master of Colored Boy, $2,000 in cash and other prop- perty, in remembrance of his life being saved by the noble animal. The dog went with his master to receive the bequest. The San Francisco Chronicle of January, 1897, re- cords the following noble deed : " Among the many heroic deeds performed at the wreck of the City of Chester, there is one which should not go unrecorded. Captain Wallace had on board the Chester a large, finely built Irish setter dog named Jerry. Amid the general confusion which reigned aboard the doomed vessel Jerry didn't get much atten- tion. He ran up and down the deck among the fright- ened people looking for his friends, and being unable to find them, remained on board, and, according to the 40 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog testimony of First Mate McCallum, was the last living being on the deck. He was drawn under by the suction when the vessel sank, but came up again and began swimming about among the people in the water. He came to a woman floating about helpless and almost gone, and the noble animal caught her dress in his teeth and began swimming for the lifeboats. He was seen by several persons from the deck of the Oceanic as well as by the first mate, who was in the water him- self, and when McCallum, the mate, was picked up, he directed the boat to the dog, and both woman and animal were taken into the boat and saved. The dog found a friend in McCallum and remained with him, and last night, when the mate went to the morgue to announce that he was not dead, Jerry was following at his heels as if he knew what a brave part he had played, and wanted to be seen in the company of the man who launched the first lifeboat." Saxon, a Newfoundland dog, belonging to Harry Stimms of Passaic avenue, Arlington, N. J., saved the life of little Mary Anderson, who fell from a float into the river, and was being carried away by the current, August, 1897. The dog plunged in after her and brought her to shore. Little Isaac Hopper of East Sixteenth street, New York, was playing on the pier when he fell into the river, June, 1897. Cervera, his dog, barked loudly for help, and knowing there was no time to lose, jumped into the water, and held the lad up by the coat collar till two men came and pulled them both out. In Findlay, Ohio, an intoxicated painter attempted to end his life in May, 1897, by jumping into an old Dogs Save From Drowning 41 quarry bed containing fifteen feet of water. His Eng- lish setter, with head clearer than that of his master, sprang in after him, pulled him to the side of the quarry, and by his barking attracted the attention of passers by, so that the man's life was saved. Frank Wentz, a boy of eleven, at Springville, S. 1., June, 1899, not returning home when he was expected, his father searched for him two hours, thinking he might be lost in the woods. He called many times but there was no answer. Frank's Newfoundland dog ran through the woods for a short time, but soon started for a deep pond. The father heard his loud barking, and hastened to the spot. The dog had dragged the body of his boy from the water, and lay beside it. Frank had gone in to bathe and lost his life. A St. Bernard saved the three-year-old child of Au- gustus Howe of Ryder's Corners, N. Y. The boy had wandered a short distance from the house to the bank of a stream and had fallen into deep water. The dog, though held with a cord, plunged forward with suffi- cient force to break it, hastened to the stream, and brought the little one to the shore. The howling of the St. Bernard alarmed the parents who hastened to the place, and took their child home rejoicing, and thankful to their dumb friend. The New York Herald, September 8, 1899, has this story of " Westmore : " " From a dock at High Bridge yesterday afternoon a Newfoundland dog jumped into the Harlem River, seized in its teeth the waist of the dress of a drowning girl, swam with her close to the dock and supported her there until both were rescued. t 42 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " The child, who is seven years old, is the daughter of Mrs. Jennie Dorian, who lives at Sedgwick avenue and Wolf street. The dog was owned by Edward S. Jordan, who lived in Devoe street, but is now a resi- dent of Philadelphia. The animal, who answered .to the name ' Westmore,' had strayed away from home just before its master's removal from Harlem, and since then has been roving about the docks in that section. " Mrs. Dorian and her daughter were amusing them- selves on the High Bridge dock about five o'clock yes- terday afternoon, when the little one fell overboard. The mother, unable to reach her, screamed for help. " ' Westmore,' attracted by her cries, saw the strug- gling girl and plunged into the water after her. The work of rescue by the intelligent dog was completed by Policeman Michael Shea, of the High Bridge squad, who lowered himself over the edge of the dock and lifted rescued and rescuer on top of it. " The child was taken home and soon recovered. The dog has been adopted by the police of the High Bridge station. They have rechristened him ' Dewey/ which name is to appear on a collar, the money for which the admiring bluecoats have already subscribed." A St. Bernard, owned by the wife of Lieut. Powell of the First United States Infantry, gave the alarm, and thus saved the life of Miss Fitzgerald, only child of Attorney General Fitzgerald of California in the fall of 1898. Fainting on the shore near Fort Point, she fell into the water, and had twice gone under, when she was rescued by the men from the United States life-saving station near by. Dogs Save From Drowning 43 In June, 1898, Dinah, a Newfoundland dog, tried in vain to save ten-year-old Annie Barrows. Mr. Fred- erick Barrows, of Rahway, N. J., lives close to the river, his yard forming a portion of the bank. The baby and the dog played on the grass, till the mother chained the dog to her kennel. While she was gone to the front gate to make some purchase of a huckster, she heard Dinah howl, and turning back, saw her drag- ging her heavy box toward the river, although the chain was near choking her. She did not realize for the moment what her frantic leaps meant, and then she thought of the child. Running to the bank, she saw Annie disappear for the last time. Screaming, and unable to swim, she sprang into the water, six feet deep at that point, and would have been drowned, save for the huckster, who rushed after her, and brought her ashore unconscious. Had the dog not been chained, she would without doubt have saved the life of the child. Sefton Hero and Rufford Ormonde, two prize collies of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, of New York, saved a young woman from drowning in July, 1897. Robert K. Armstrong, the Superintendent of Mr. Morgan's kennels, with his wife, baby, and friend were upset in their boat on the Hudson, and thrown into the river. The friend could not swim, and the noble dogs plunged to her rescue. Rufford Ormonde took hold of one arm with his teeth, and Sefton Hero placed himself so that the woman rested squarely on his back. Working to- gether they dragged her safely to shore. Mr. Arm- strong writes me : " I still have them both in the kennels, and there were never two more faithful dogs." 44 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Commodore, a small fox terrier, saved a life in De- cember, 1897. A boat was moored at the foot of East Sixteenth street, New York, with James Meany, and Captain John Foster's dog on board. In the middle of the night the boat began to sink, through some acci- dent. The faithful dog on the deck, realized it, and dashed below to wake up Meany. He jumped into the bunk, then barked, and seeing that the man did not waken, he pawed his face. As soon as he was awake and saw the water pouring in, Commodore leaped about for joy. Meany fell and broke his arm in his eagerness to escape, and his cries brought a watchman who had him carried to a hospital. The boat kept on sinking till only the pilot house was visible, and on this the poor dog sat whining piteously. When the Captain was notified of the sinking of his boat, he hurried to the scene, and saw Commodore begging for help. " I think as much of that dog as I do of myself," said the Captain, who at once procured a long ladder and climbed up to the frightened crea- ture. Commodore sprang into the arms of his master, and gave a bark of gratitude and affection. The Baltimore Sun tells this incident: " The large pet dog of Charles Hagerman of Irish- town, Adams County, saved the life of his three-year- old son in a singular manner while the two were at play in the yard. The child had a chain fastened around its body and attached to the neck of the dog. They were strolling about, when the boy accidentally fell into the cistern, containing several feet of water. The dog, bracing himself for the shock, pulled on the chain with sufficient force to hold the child's head Dogs Save From Drowning 45 above the water. The pitiful cries of the boy were heard by a young lady residing with the family, who hastened to the scene and rescued the little fellow from his perilous position." The Wheeling Intelligencer has the following of a man who, crossing the Seventeenth street bridge, lost his balance as he leaned over the balustrade, and fell into a deep hole in the creek : " He either could not swim, or was rendered powerless by fright or the effect of his concussion head first with the water, and floun- dered about helplessly. A few spectators were in sight, and all rushed to the bank expecting to see the man drown. He sank twice, and was about going down the third time never to rise alive, when a huge, shaggy Newfoundland dog dashed down the bank, leaped into the creek, swam to the man, and grasping him by the coat held him up and pulled him toward the shore until the man's feet were dh the solid ground, not letting go his hold until both were clear out of the water. Then the shaggy brute shook his coat dry, and walked off wagging his tail, amid the plaudits of a hundred odd men and boys who had been attracted by the shouts of the few people who witnessed the man's tumble. The man, as much dead as alive, waited until he had re- covered his senses entirely and drained somewhat, and then walked off. Neither the man nor the dog was known to any of the eye-witnesses." Mrs. R. Lee, in her Anecdotes of Animals tells how her father, when a boy, was missing, and he was traced to a deep pond in his mother's garden. His New- foundland dog Trial was called, his young master's clothes were shown him, and the pond pointed out. 46 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Trial dashed in and soon brought out the body. He watched most intently all the efforts made to restore animation, and at last when dry himself got into the bed, and by his own warmth gave heat and circulation to the half expiring child. Mrs. Lee tells also of a Scotch Terrier which be- longed to her mother. Peter was at one time stolen by a dog-dealer or rather dog-stealer, and placed in a cellar with other dogs, either to be shipped away, or returned if the reward offered seemed large enough. The dog refused to eat, seemed insensible to kindness or anger, and was brought back because they thought he would die in a day or two. During the last three months of the mother's life, Peter was almost always on her bed, day and night, and when death was daily expected, he became sad and dull, and crept into a corner under the bed, his place of refuge when in trouble. When his mistress wished to say farewell to him, he became so dejected, and trembled so violently, that they thought he would die. After her death, as long as the body remained in the house, he took every opportunity to walk around it and lie under it. After she was buried he grew indifferent to every one except Mrs. Lee's brother, never played again, and four years afterwards was found dead in his corner of refuge. Mrs. Lee tells of a poor little expiring puppy, a Scotch Terrier, which she found one day by the edge of a pond, and brought him home and saved him. Bruin became a great pet, and very mischievous. The chickens began to disappear, and he was watched, and found to be guilty. Mrs. Lee scolded him, but he for- got three days afterward and killed more chickens. Dogs Save From Drowning 47 Mrs. Lee tied a dead chicken to his neck, and shut him up all day in the tool-house, visiting him several times and telling him how naughty he was. He felt the rebuke so keenly that he could not eat, but recovered his wonted gayety when he found that he was entirely forgiven. He never touched a chicken again. Noir, according to the New York Herald, April 29, 1897, saved the life of one of the crew of the " Marie." " The steamship ' Munchen,' of the North German Lloyd line, which reached port last night, brought with her the crew of the French fishing brigantine ' Marie,' which had been dismasted in a gale. The ' Marie ' was waterlogged and in a sinking condition when the ' Munchen ' sighted the craft. " The hero of the party was Noir, a shaggy New- foundland. While the crew were dropping into the boats from the abandoned vessel, one of them fell overboard. In an instant Noir leaped into the water, and as the man rose he seized his blouse in his teeth, supporting him until his companions pulled him into the boat. Noir then scrambled in and wagged his tail happily, while the rescued seaman hugged him in a true French burst of gratitude." " Frederick T., the fourteen-year-old son of Thomas Hunt of Greenwich, while skating on Seeley's pond, was drowned, and a colored man who went to the boy's assistance had a narrow escape from the same fate. " While the man was putting on his skates the boy, who was skating, disappeared. Going out on the ice, the man found the youth struggling in the water. He went to his rescue, but the ice being thin, both were 48 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog soon in the water. The colored man held the lad's head above the water as long as strength lasted, calling for help all the while. Becoming benumbed with cold, he was compelled to release the boy, who then sank. " The family dog, hearing the cries, brought help, and the half -frozen man was rescued. Later the body of the boy was recovered." " When Robert Kirkland, a nine-year-old boy, of Smithville, New Jersey, fell in the Rancocas River, his cries attracted the attention of his dog, some dis- tance away. " The Newfoundland immediately plunged in, seized the coat collar of young Kirkland and brought him ashore in an unconscious condition. Then the dog ran to the Kirkland house and by his queer barking made Mrs. Kirkland to realize that something was wrong. He ran in the direction of the river and she followed, with two daughters of Robert Powell, a neighbor. " The dog led them to the spot where Robert was lying insensible. Mrs. Kirkland and the two Powell girls carried the boy home, where physicians revived him." CHAPTER III Dogs Save From Fire ONE rarely takes up a newspaper without finding an account of life saved by a dog, either trom fire, or drowning, or burglars. %i Our Dumb Animals" for January, 1900, has the following: '* San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30. The home of Alice Rix, a well-known California newspaper writer, was burned at Belvidere yesterday. That she and her husband did not lose their lives was due to the Great Dane ' Pharo,' which had been a favorite watch dog. The family were aroused from sleep by the dog howl- ing at the door of the house and hammering on the knocker with his huge paws. Her husband opened his chamber door and found the hall full of smoke. He slid out of an upstairs window by a line made from the bedclothes and then put up a ladder for his wife and her maid to escape by. The fire destroyed the house and all its contents." The family of William O'Donnell, near the Bronx Zoological Gardens, New York, were saved from burning, November 15, 1899, by their large watch dog. At three o'clock in the morning the dog saw the two story frame house on fire. He bounded up the porch, dashed through the window where the man and his wife were sleeping and awakened them by his bark- ing and running about in great agitation. $o Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Mr. O'Donnell carried his sick wife and baby a month old out into the rain and deep mud to the nearest house, shouting to his five other children as he went, and then rushed back to try and save them. The firemen had reached the house meantime, and together they rescued the children just before the flames reached them. Had it not been for the alert, faithful dog, probably eight persons would have perished. The burning house was in sight of the animals at the Gardens, and the buffalo, elk, bears, foxes, wolves and monkeys were all terrified, rushing about and making all manner of noises in their pitiful fright. " If it had not been for ' Duke/ the large St. Ber- nard dog owned by John B. Gill of Bourne street, Forest Hills, Boston, there would doubtless have been two lives lost in the fire that broke out at ' Wood- bourne ' early yesterday morning," says the Boston Post, October. 1899. " Mr. Gill, who is a lineman in the employ of the L road, is engaged by the Minot heirs as a caretaker in one of the three houses that comprise the ' Wood- bourne ' property. When he started for his work Sunday night Mr. Gill, according to his usual custom, left a lamp burning in the front hall. " Mrs. Gill and Archie Simmonds a six-year-old boy who boards with the family, were asleep on the first floor. About one o'clock there was a cry of fire and the neighbors who were awakened were startled to see the sky lighted with the glare of flames. " An unknown man ran to a nearby box and pulled in an alarm. When he returned to the scene with others of the neighbors he found the occupants of the Dogs Save From Fire 51 house running out scantily clad. Rushing about in front of the house, barking in a frenzy, was the dog. It was he that had aroused the sleepers. " Yesterday Mrs. Gill told the story of the fire as she lay prostrated from the shock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, who are neighbors of hers. " ' Yes/ said she, ' if it hadn't been for Duke we would surely have been burned or suffocated. About one o'clock I was awakened by a terrible barking. Duke had my arm in his mouth and was trying to drag me from bed. When I got up to see what the matter was there was Duke dragging Archie along over the floor towards the door. Then the dog came back and tugged at my night dress till I rushed to the door leading to the front hall. ' The hallway was full of smoke and flames, and snatching up Archie I started out through the kitchen to the back door and got out safely. All the time Duke was barking and tugging away at our garments in an effort to get us out quickly. Why, he even pounced against the closed door and tried to break it open. He behaved like a hero throughout.' " Duke, the great shaggy St. Bernard, has been in the family for over a year." A Great Dane dog saved Swen Olson of Chicago from death by fire in December, 1898. He lived alone with his dog in a frame house and was asleep on the second floor, when the animal awakened him by bark- ing and pulling at his bed clothes. The smoke had half suffocated the man, sixty years old, so that he was unable to escape. The faithful dog stayed by his master till he saw 52 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog the walls burning around him, when he ran into the street whining and barking to attract the attention of the firemen, who were trying to extinguish the flames of an adjacent building as well as the one where Olson was living. They hastened to the second story, guided by the Great Dane, found the man un- conscious, and carried him out of the house. The dog had saved his life. Two water spaniels in the month of December in Chicago saved the lives of George Miland and his wife, who were asleep in apartments over their laundry. The dogs were locked in the laundry for the night, and at two o'clock awakened the man and his wife by barking. The flames had started in the boiler room and had gained considerable headway. The Philadelphia Press tells how Paddy, a black and white bull terrier, by his barking awakened Mrs. Sweeney and her two children in time to save their lives. A hanging lamp had fallen to the floor, and the oil caught fire. The mother hastened to the neighbors at two o'clock in the morning, and the fire was ex- tinguished. A pet dog by his barking saved the lives of Mrs. Erskine Latimer Waite and her household at Rahway, N. J., December 9, 1899. The elegant home with its art treasures was destroyed, but the family escaped in their night-clothes from the second story down the frame lattice work which enclosed the porch. A little Skye terrier, Trix, by her barking saved the life of Frank Miller in June, 1898, at the house of the Bloomingdale Boat Club, at the foot of West iO2nd street, New York. He was the steward and slept there Dogs Save From Fire 53 during the boating season, his dumb friend, who was devoted to him and he to her, always keeping him com- pany. When Trix gave the alarm Miller hastily picked up some clothing and ran towards the door opening out on the bridge which spans the New York Central tracks. Trix followed in the blinding smoke. The fire had burned a hole in the floor, which the little crea- ture could not see, and into this she fell and was killed instantly. She had saved her master's life, but lost her own. Prince, a Skye terrier owned by Mrs. S. A. Spector, of Derby, Conn., ran half a mile and gave an alarm to the police, thus saving an entire block of houses. A fire broke out in the box factory of John Gil- martin, 481 Cherry street, New York, the last of May, 1898. A black and white dog, who had hung about the place for months and been fed by the workmen, was alone in the factory. He ran up and down from one end to the other, barking at the top of his lungs. A police- man heard him and rang for the engines, but the dog did not know this, and kept on barking till the firemen broke in the doors. The dog wagged his tail and seemed delighted. A dozen horses were in the building and these were led out and saved. The dog jumped about their feet trying to express his joy at their de- liverance. The lives of many persons were saved, as well as the horses and buildings, by this faithful dog. Prince, a spaniel, owned by a shoemaker in the base- ment of a five-story tenement house, 787 Seventh ave- nue, New York, saved the lives of the occupants in December, 1899. His barking awoke a man on the first floor, who aroused the other people. The poor 54 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog dog was not forgotten as is sometimes the case, but was liberated by a person breaking the door. Fido, in the night awakened his master, William Courtney, 380 West Fourteenth street, New York, and called his attention to a burning barn, which was en- dangering the lives of many persons in the adjacent houses. Flora, a pet dog at 910 Columbus Avenue, New York, in December, 1898, awakened the people in the large apartment house by her barking. The owner tried to stop her, but did not succeed, and was grateful to her when he found that there was a fire in the cellar. The firemen were sent for, and it was extinguished. Fifteen families were saved by the dog. A setter dog belonging to the janitress saved the lives of the inmates of the apartment house, 335 East Seventeenth street, New York, September, 1897. The fire broke out in the second story, at two o'clock in the morning, and the forty persons in the house were awakened by the dog's constant and furious bark- ing. Our Fellow Creatures quotes from The New York World, June 18, 1897: " The cottage of Mrs. Charles Smith, a widow, was one of the prettiest in all Pelham Manor, that village of dainty houses. It was surrounded by trees and lawns and beds of flowers. Mrs. Smith lived there with her young son, Fred, and several servants. " Mary Wilson, a maid, was aroused at 3 A. M. yesterday by the loud barking of a dog and the efforts of somebody to drag her from her bed. The room was full of smoke. Mary could hardly breathe and Dogs Save From Fire 55 she was so overcome by the smoke that her mind was not clear. Presently she realized that Gyp, the family pet, a big Newfoundland dog, had barked to awaken her, and rinding this ineffective, had tried to drag her from the bed. " Mary ran upstairs and called Mrs. Smith, who was nearly suffocated by the smoke which now filled every part of the house and could hardly be awakened. Fred Smith was asleep in a room at the end of the hall. The passage was black with thick clouds of smoke, but Mary Wilson ran through it, picked up the boy without waking him and carried him to his mother. " It was with the greatest difficulty that Mary aroused the other servants, but soon all the occupants fled to the lawn. " It is supposed that the fire was started by some prowler who was trying to rob the house. Pelham Manor is just outside the New York city line. " Gyp has been admired and petted by every one in Pelham Manor during the day. She bears her honors modestly." Two fox terriers saved the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence, Camden, New Jersey, February 19, 1901. Both dogs were burned. A shoemaker in Camden, N. J., September, 1897, was awakened by his pug dog, Tip, barking in a rear shed. Going downstairs, he opened the kitchen door, when the flames burst upon him from head to foot. He ran to the fire-box and gave the alarm, and then carried his aged and helpless grandmother downstairs. The housekeeper escaped without injury. The poor dog meantime had ceased to howl. The firemen found 56 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog his blackened body in the shed, from which his alarm had saved three lives. Rex, a shaggy dog, saved the Trenton Hardware Company's store, one of the largest in Trenton, N. J., January, 1899. He had no home, but the clerks gave him welcome, and he guarded the store in gratitude. The night watchman saw Rex with his paws against the glass door, barking furiously. The man broke in the door, and Rex led the way to the cellar, where was a pile of shavings all ablaze. In five minutes, the appeals of Rex would have been too late to save the building, or his own life. Dewey, a brindle dog, tried to save his little three- year-old playmate to whom he was devoted, Mary Tonis, of Paterson, N. J., September, 1898. She and another child were playing with matches in the barn, while the dog was asleep on the barn floor. Awakened by her screams, he saw little Mary in flames. He grasped her dress with his teeth and dragged her out into the yard, barking and pawing, as though he were stamping out the flames. The mother poured water on her child, whose clothing was quite burned off, and she was taken unconscious to the hospital. Humane Christian Culture for July, 1899, tells the story of Bruno, a Newfoundland dog, who in a fire in a hotel in the oil regions, awakened every sleeper by barking and pawing on each door in the corridors. He tried in vain a second time to awaken the drunken clerk, his master, and pulled him out of the fire to a place of safety, his torn clothing showing the marks of Bruno's teeth. When the morning came the charred body of the faithful dog was found. He was put into Dogs Save From Fire 57 a clean box and buried, and a marble slab, telling of his bravery, placed at the head of the grave. The London " Spectator " tells the story of a Rus- sian poodle, Zulu, that slept in the basement of a house in that city. One night he went to the top of the house and awakened one of the servants. She let him in, but the dog would not allow her to sleep. At last she got up, went into the hall and saw a light, showing that there was a fire somewhere. All the family were gotten out, and the house itself saved from burning. One of the London insurance companies has presented the dog a silver medal, with his name engraved upon it, as Zulu saved not only the family, but the house from burning. In New Buffalo, Ohio, December, 1899, Mrs. John Elseis caught fire, and running in her fright, the flames spread over her. Her faithful dog, realizing her dan- ger, jumped upon her, knocking her to the ground, and then tore the burning garments from her body. By this her life was saved, although she was badly burned. In Findlay, Ohio, the loud barking of his dog awakened Daniel Dubois, who found his house in flames. He succeeded in taking out his family in their night clothes, with the thermometer eleven degrees be- low zero, but the noble dog, rushing into the building, was burned to death. In Massillon, Ohio, December, 1899, a dog was barking furiously, when his master called to him to stop. Not succeeding, the man went upstairs and found that clothing hung too near an overheated stove- pipe had caused a fire. But for the dog, who is now the hero of the neighborhood, not only the master's 58 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog home, but others close to it, doubtless would have been burned. In Cleveland, Ohio, in a two-story brick building on Pearl street, a fire broke out in the shoe store on the first floor. Above slept Mrs. Larson, her son Johnny, and a boarder. All slept soundly and did not realize the dense smoke, and their danger, till Johnny's dog, a mixture of water spaniel and St. Bernard, jumped on Mrs. Larson's bed and pulled at the bed clothes with all his might. Half suffocated though he was, he tore about the rooms, barking and arousing the other sleep- ers. All escaped safely into the street. The Cleveland Press, April 2, 1900, tells of a mar- velous escape from fire : " At 3 -.20 A. M., Monday, a fierce fire broke out in a two-story brick factory building at Mason street and the C. &. P. tracks, used by the Hill Syrup Company. The fire spread rapidly, and soon the entire building was filled with a blinding, dense smoke. " Chas. Vane, watchman of the company, sleeps on a cot in the engine room. Vane has a Great Dane dog, which sleeps in the same room. Little by little, the engine room filled up with the insidious smoke. The dog barked, but his master did not move. In his sleep he was inhaling certain death. " Then the faithful animal seemed to realize that desperate measures were necessary, or his master would die where he slept. Up on the cot the animal jumped, and licked Vane's face, barking all the time. The half- conscious man did not stir, and the smoke was growing thicker. " Then the dog, seizing the bed clothes and Vane's Dogs Save From Fire 59 night clothing, yanked and pulled in desperation. Then he pawed at his master's face. " With a start, Vane woke up and saw the situation at a glance. He opened a door which led to safety, but the flames burst fiercely into the engine room. To make his escape, Vane was forced to break a window and jump a distance of ten feet. He succeeded in dragging out the dog that had saved his life. Vane's hands and face were cut by the glass." A fox-terrier saved three lives at a fire, 274 West 1 1 7th street, New York city, January, 1898. At three o'clock in the morning, Dandy, the dog, jumped upon Mrs. Bartholdi's bed and woke her with a shrill bark. The room was full of smoke and the crackling flames could be heard. She aroused her husband, and hur- ried into the street with her daughter, Rosie. Mr. Bar- tholdi rang all the bells in the apartment house, and then turned in the alarm. The family on the fourth floor were surrounded by flames. Firemen ran up the stairs and rescued Mrs. Garvey and her mother, by means of the air shaft. William Florence threw himself across the shaft, and Sergeant Hulslander helped the women over the human bridge formed by his body. Mrs. Garvey seized her pet dog in her arms, and it was rescued with her, but her poor cat and canary bird left behind, were smoth- ered by the smoke. Tray, belonging to William J. Clark, 39 Pacific street, Brooklyn, saved a family of six from burning. At one o'clock in the morning, Mr. Clark was awakened by his dog pawing at the front door, but paid no attention till the dog whined impatiently. 60 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Then Mr. Clark arose, and found smoke pouring into his room. He aroused his wife, who is an invalid, and his four children. Meantime policemen had come and forced the front door. Mrs. Clark was carried out, and the children saved just in time, as the building was destroyed. Prince, a red Irish setter, at three o'clock in the morning, aroused the people of 346 West 36th street, New York city, by barking and scratching at the doors. It is believed that he was tearing down the blazing curtains which started the fire. Eighteen families were on the upper floors, and all were saved. The New York World for November 23, 1897, tells the following story of Yaller, the canine pet of the Eldridge Street Police Station, when a fire broke out in the basement of 26 Allen street : " The house is a six-story double tenement, narrow and crowded, a typical east-side structure of the days before building reform. The first floor is occupied by two small stores. Above these are five floors crowded by twelve fami- lies. " Every one in the house was asleep when Samuel Berkowitz, who drives an express wagon in Jersey City, came home. His cry of ' Fire ! ' brought Police- men Stiller, Cohen and Cunningham. With Cun- ningham came Yaller. " Into the house ran the policemen, rousing the ten- ants. All the lights were out and the policemen stum- bled, but Yaller had no trouble. Up the stairs he ran, barking loudly and pawing at each door. " When they thought all the tenants had been awakened the policeman left, calling the dog. But Dogs Save From Fire 61 Yaller remained behind, pawing at a door on the fifth floor until Cohen went back. He found one family had not been awakened. He roused the members and then the dog followed to the street, but a moment later was heard barking loudly again inside the house. " Policeman Cunningham and a fireman ran through the smoke and upstairs. On the third floor they found Mrs. Nathan Tusk and her little baby overcome by smoke and terror. Yaller was alternately tugging at the woman's dress and barking for assistance. Babe, dog and woman were carried down in safety and Yaller left satisfied. " Yaller, after finishing his regular tour of duty with Cunningham, returned to the station. He slept all the afternoon under Sergeant McDermott's desk and was out on post again last night. " He was with McLaughlin once when two men rifled a weighing machine in Orchard street. The policeman caught one thief, but the other ran until Yaller overtook him, caught him by the leg and held him until another policeman arrived. " After that Yaller followed Policeman Gazell in a chase over roofs after two thieves. The latter went through a skylight and disappeared, but Yaller fol- lowed and cornered them until Gazell came. " His visit to the ' Horse Show,' as the police call the trial-room at Headquarters, is historical. Patrol- man Sullivan was on trial. Yaller sat beside the po- liceman until the case was called. Then the dog marched up to Commissioner Grant's desk. Colonel Grant was at first indignant. 62 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " ' That's Sullivan's witness,' whispered an attend- ant, who introduced Yaller. " ' I'll have him up here on the bench, then/ said the Commissioner, smiling, and Yaller promptly seated himself beside the Colonel. " The charges against Sullivan were dismissed, and with a bark of satisfaction Yaller left the bench and followed his friend." A bull dog belonging to Theodore D. Rich, a New York publisher, living on the Kingsbridge road, New York, discovered a fire in the barn where he slept, ran upstairs and aroused the coachman. He had barely time to jump from a window and save his life. The dog returned to the door on the first floor and whined piteously to be let out, but before the firemen could break in the door, he was suffocated. In Pawtucket, Rhode Island, on the night of Febru- ary I9th, 1899, fi re broke out in the house of David Moreau. Mr. Moreau, his wife and children would have probably all been burned alive but for his large St. Bernard dog, which jumping upon his bed with loud barking tore off the bed-clothing and awakened Mr. Moreau. The man saved his wife and children, and with the help of neighbors saved a part of his house. A pretty story was told me by a friend at Christmas, 1899. A lady sat in her room upstairs sewing, leaving her baby girl to play with a St. Bernard dog below stairs. After a time the dog came upstairs, barked, and apparently asked her to go down, but hearing no sound from the child, she paid no attention. The dog came up a second time, but she kept on sewing, Dogs Save From Fire 63 He came a third time, and seeing that she did not re- spond, went back and did not return. Finally, the woman smelt something burning, and hastened down. The baby lay asleep near the open fire, from which sparks had nearly touched her clothes, and between her and the hot grate, the St. Bernard had stretched him- self to save the child. The sparks had burned his long hair, and nearly or quite blistered him, but he was do- ing his duty even unto death, if need be. The Rev. Geo. Leon Walker, D.D., tells this pathetic story of the heroism of a dog : " It was in a Central New York village. A drunken hostler had gone to bed in the barn adjoining a hotel. He had dropped his lantern where it presently set the barn on fire, which swept shortly into the hotel. Fortunately the hostler had a dog who did not drink. The inferior creature dragged his master out of bed to the floor and barked in his ear until he aroused him enough to stagger to the hotel and open the door. Then the dog went through the house, barking at every chamber. All the people were aroused, and got safely out. Only one frantic mother who had six children rescued, mis- takenly thought one of them was left behind. She rushed toward the entrance, wildly waved her arms and shrieked for help for the missing child. Dogs know a good deal, but are not omniscient, and this one thought there must be still some one in there whom he had not roused, and in he went to do it. He never came out. But does any one hesitate to say that more nobleness died with him in that heroic endeavor than if his master had perished instead of him?" 64 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Our Animal Friends " tells of Bruce of the New York Fire Department : " Twice in his first winter he had distinguished him- self by his life-saving- services. Any one of the com- pany will delight to tell you in an idle hour of what Bruce did at the burning of the Eleventh Avenue Paper Factory, which was one of the largest fires of the sea- son. In the excitement and rush the firemen had for- gotten the horses, and left them harnessed to the engine so close to the fire that one of the brave ani- mals was burned, and having made no sound or out- cry, no one noticed or knew except Bruce. But Bruce, barking furiously, rushing from one fireman to another, finally attracted some one's attention, so that the horses were released from their cruel position." The Brooklyn Standard Union, March 13, 1900. gives an account of the saving from fire of the family of Nicholas Fuller, 121 West i/th street, Manhattan, and the lives of twenty horses by the barking of Mr. Fuller's dogs. " Sport," a small fox terrier, saved 507 West 26th street, New York city, from burning, giving the alarm at four A. M. by furious barking. " The family of Hoke Smith, formerly Secretary of the Interior, had a narrow escape from death by fire at Atlanta, Ga., at an early hour on the morning of June 2. Had it not been for the persistent beating against the panels of the door with his paws by a faithful Newfoundland dog, the pet of the household, and the continuous lugubrious howls he uttered, which awoke Mr. Smith's young son, a catastrophe might have resulted. Dogs Save From Fire 65 " The family occupied the north side of the house and were sound asleep, all unconscious of danger, while the flames were eating into the framework on the other side of the house. While they slept the faith- ful sentinel gave the alarm in his own way. Mr. Smith was absent in Washington. His son was aroused by the noise on the door, and on going out to investigate the cause, he discovered the fire. " The neighbors were aroused and promptly came to the rescue. The hose in the yard was put into use, and by this means they succeeded in checking the flames until the arrival of the fire department. The prompt awakening of the household, and the quick response of the fire department prevented the building from being- burned to the ground. Considerable damage was done to the building, and the furniture was injured by water." " The dog referred to is dead," Mr. Smith writes me, " and I regret that I have no picture of him that I can send you." " Fire occurred from spontaneous combustion in the basement of the livery stable at 56-58 East lOQth street at 8:30 p. M., starting in an accumulation of refuse in a wooden shaft in the rear of the stable. In the basement were about fifty horses, mostly ' boarders.' An employee, aided by two policemen, cut the halters of the horses and drove them into the street. " An unknown woman happened to be passing the stable at the moment leading a collie dog. The horses came dashing up the runway into the street frightened by the smoke and the clanging of the arriving fire engines. The instincts of the dog were at once aroused, 66 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog and he took it upon himself to manage the horses. As each horse came out he ran in front of it and snapped at its legs until it turned back. By a won- derful amount of barking and running the dog herded about thirty of the horses in a bunch in the middle of the street. The employees of the stable were then able to catch them and took them back to their stalls as soon as the blaze was extinguished." Mrs. Catherine Kennedy in Hoboken owes her life to her pet dog Jack. At two in the morning the dog barked frantically, and she awoke to find her apart- ments filled with smoke. Seizing Jack in her arms she hurried into the street. Jack will have a new collar with his life-saving act inscribed upon it. " Harry Grant of Franklinville, N. Y.," says the New York Times, " owned a mastiff which he spent weeks in teaching to put out fires with his paws. This morning, in illustrating to a friend the efficiency of his dog, Grant lighted a fuse attached to a dynamite cart- ridge. The faithful and obedient dog rushed at the smoking fuse and endeavored to put it out, but failed. " Seeing the danger of his pet, Grant grabbed the animal by the tail and endeavored to pull him away. The explosion that followed tore the dog tc pieces and fatally injured Grant." CHAPTER IV Dogs Save From Burglars BISMARCK, a fox-terrier, seized the leg of a robber eighteen years old, after he had stolen $25 from the till of his master at 520 5th street, New York, December, 1899. The dog held the thief until his master arrived, when he was turned over to the police. An Irish setter saved the life of W. P. Aspen, 381 Bradford street, Brooklyn, January i, 1900. Two rob- bers knocked him down with a club when near his home. The setter alternately bit the robbers and barked as loud as possible. Fearing that so much noise would lead to their detection, they took a one hundred dollar diamond stud, and fled, leaving Mr. Aspen insensible. The dog then went to a neighbor and brought him to his master, thus saving him from freezing to death. Shortly after midnight, February, 1900, his dog aroused Mr. Mara of Flushing, L. L, who found two men trying to break into his barn. He fired two shots and the men escaped. A dog awoke the stable man, Bjno found that two horses belonging to John N. Beyer were already hitched to a wagon ready to be driven away, but the dog had frightened them off. A dog with an interesting history has just died in France. He was a Newfoundland named Sultan, and 67 68 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog he counted among his exploits the arrest of a thief, the capture of an assassin, the rescue of a child from drowning in the Marne, and of a man who attempted to commit suicide by jumping from the Pont-Neuf into the Seine. For his gallantry the Society for the Protection of Animals presented him with a collar of honor three years ago. Latterly Sultan was owned by the Countess Foucher de Carell, who relied on him to protect her castle at Perdy, near Corbell. Quite re- cently he prevented the castle from being robbed. The noble dog has paid his devotion to duty with his life, for he was found dead in the park, poisoned by his enemies. A policeman in Cleveland, February, 1900, hearing a dog bark near him, turned and saw a young man leav- ing a barn, and kicking the dog as he passed by him. Feeling sure that a man who was doing right, would not kick a dog, he hastened after the burglar, who re- fused to stop even when a pistol was fired. He was found later lying in the bottom of a grocery wagon, and was locked up. Miss Salen of Cleveland was awakened by the vio- lent barking of a pet dog. She saw a man trying to crawl through the window of her room, who left when he found he had been discovered. A lady at Spring Side, near Burlington. N. J., alone with her five-year-old son, found a brutal looking man in her dining-room. " What do you want? " she asked. " Something to eat, and quick, too," said the man advancing towards her. A big shepherd dog in another room, hearing a Dogs Save From Burglars 69 strange voice, bounded out and rushing past his mis- tress attacked the intruder. At first the man tried to shake the dog off, and then he begged for mercy. The woman, fearing he would be killed, called the dog and held him, while the man hobbled away, prob- ably to go to some other house where they were not wise enough to keep a dog for protection. " Help," a bull terrier owned by Mr. J. W. Crane, of Elm street, Arlington, is well named, says " Our Fellow Creatures," June, 1898. His master thinks there is nothing too good for him. He was fed on all sorts of tidbits and was petted yesterday because he courageously assisted his master when he was at- tacked by three thieves Tuesday just before midnight on the Greenwood Lake Trestle Bridge. Mr. Crane was about to walk upon the trestle which crosses the river at the height of eighty feet. He had taken hardly three steps upon this elevated passage- way when out of the darkness sprang three men. Two seized him by either arm, while the third grabbed him about the neck from behind. " Help " had lagged behind, but the noise of the scuffle brought him on a' run. He is a thoroughbred bull terrier, with a long ancestry of fighters. Without a note of warning the footpad who held " Help's " master half-strangled w r as seized in the calf of the leg and bitten by " Help " until the flesh and muscles seem to have parted from the bone. The New York Herald, December 18, 1898, has the following : " Prince, the ' policeman dog,' whose watchfulness and prompt action have twice caused the arrest of bur- 70 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog glars while they were looting his owner's apartments, is lost. Miss McGuire's big St. Bernard followed her to church Sunday night. For this he was put to bed without his customary supper of chicken bones and coffee. Prince disappeared on the following day, and a reward is now offered for his return. " Although of the usual tawny color, Prince is not an ordinary dog. His great face, marked in black and white, shines with unusual intelligence. When friendly he would place his white forepaws on his master's shoulders and stand even with him in height. He possessed an accurate knowledge of time. As soon as his master or mistress turned the corner of the street he would dash out of the house, eager to carry papers or a cane. " Miss Jane McGuire, who lives with her nephew, Michael B. Rock, at No. 315 West Fourteenth street, always fed the dog with her own hands. He soon be- came very fastidious in his diet. She told me yes- terday that the dog Prince Charming, she called him always insisted on having chicken or broiled steaks or chops for a meal. His favorite drink was coffee. No trash would do for him no soup meats or dog food; he wouldn't eat a bit of it. " Prince caused the arrest of Henry C. Porter, a thief, in January, 1897. The burglar was lifting a marble clock from the mantel in the parlor when the faithful watchdog sprang upon him. The man dropped the clock with a crash and ran into the hall. There he was held in terror by the St. Bernard. ' " In capturing his man Prince never bites. With a spring he places his big paws about his victim and Dogs Save From Burglars 71 holds on until assistance arrives. In this way he held Porter while Miss McGuire called lustily for help. When a policeman reached the house, he was able quietly to handcuff the intruder and lead him away. " Another night burglar was caught by Prince in Miss McGuire's apartments last March. He was a ragpicker, and had half filled his bag with valuable plunder before Prince sprang upon him. The man's loud cries brought the household to the scene. He was badly frightened and stood motionless in the dog's embrace. Prince always had a strong dislike for rag- pickers, coal men or any one who was not well dressed. " Miss McGuire fears that one of the dog's two burglars has returned from prison and has carried Prince away in revenge." Belle, a bull-terrier, saved her master at 387 Fourth avenue, New York, in October, 1898. She was chained in his saloon, when a half-drunken crowd came in to rob. One of the men attacked the keeper, while the others proceeded to the cash machine. Belle broke her chain, bit two men who were taking the money, so that they fled, and then sprang for the man who was grappling with her master. Closing her teeth in his side, she held him till the police arrived, when she gave up the robber and jumped about her master joy- fully as if conscious that she had saved his life. Our Fellow Creatures, March, 1900, gives this incident from the New York Times : " One night last month my wife was left alone in the house, and hearing a knock at the basement door went down- stairs and opened it, when she beheld a drunken tramp. Without a word he thrust his leg into the passage, 72 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog and in reply to a question as to what he wanted replied . ' Money to get a night's lodging and summ'at to eat.' ' Remove your foot and I will get you what you want,' she said, terrified almost to fainting. " ' No ; ha ! ha ! ' and then suspecting that she was alone, he thrust his foot further and soon had her pressed against the wall almost breathless and on the point of fainting. " She felt something whizz past her shoulder, and a yell of pain came from the tramp. "'O, what's that?' " Tiger had been asleep in the kitchen, and hearing the commotion had darted over my wife's shoulder into the brute's face. " With a rush for the street, where he went sprawl- ing, what might have been a tragedy ended, and dear old Tiger had saved his mistress's life." The Philadelphia Record gives this account of an intelligent collie : "Wilmington, Del., Feb. 28. While Albert Spear of Christiana Hundred, with a wallet containing $200 in his pocket, was on his way home last evening he passed a number of tramps in the West Yard who became threatening. He was accompanied by his dog, an intelligent collie. Quickly pulling the wallet from his pocket, Spear placed it in the canine's mouth and said, ' Take that home quick.' ' The dog started down the road at a rapid rate and a tramp who saw the wallet in its mouth started in pursuit. The canine rapidly outstripped his pur- suer, and Mr. Spear also escaped. When Mr. Spear reached home he found the dog lying in the woodshed Dogs Save From Burglars 73 of his house with the wallet tightly between his fore paws." " John C. Uhrlaub owns a fine St. Bernard dog named ' Bow Wow,' " says a Chicago paper. " Baby Ruth Ehrlaub and a servant, Techia Strandeil, and Bow Wow went forth for a promenade December 23. Little Ruth was in a baby carriage, and Bow Wow near the vehicle. " When Clark street was reached the nurse stepped into a photographer's establishment, leaving Ruth to the care of Bow Wow. The servant, upon her return, laid the photographs, together with her purse, on the baby's lap. A minute later a man passed, turned about, snatched the pocketbook and pictures, and ran. " Bow Wow started in pursuit, reached the thief a block away, jumped, and seized him by the neck. Many persons wanted to pull the dog off, not knowing the circumstances, but Bow Wow chewed and shook her prisoner until the lacerated thief shouted ' Take him away and I will give back the package and pock- etbook ' " The articles were turned over to Miss Strandeil, and the robber's freedom was restored." CHAPTER V Dogs Save Life IF we could gather from all parts of the country accounts of lives saved by dogs each year, we should be astonished at the number. The Topeka State Journal relates this touching inci- dent: " Sam Dodge, a ranchman living southeast of Caney, went to Vinita, Indian Territory, on business, and shortly after he had gone, Bessie, his five-year-old child, wandered away from home in an attempt to follow him. Mrs. Dodge discovered her absence about two hours after Sam's departure. She made a thor- ough search of the premises, and failing to find the child, notified the neighbors of her disappearance. They turned out in force, and scoured the prairies all that day and all that night and all the next day, search- ing for the little wanderer. " Late Saturday evening an Indian came upon her fast asleep, just south of Post Oak Creek, in an old road known as the ' whisky trail/ Across her body stood a Newfoundland dog, which had always been her companion about the ranch. The dog was torn and bleeding, and near his feet lay the bodies of^two wolves. Although her cheeks were stained with tears and cov- ered with dust, Bessie was unharmed. She and her protector were taken back to her home, a distance of Dogs Save Life 75 twelve miles from where they were found, where the dog died of his wounds that night. He was given a decent burial, and yesterday Sam Dodge ordered a marble monument, which will be placed at the head of the faithful animal's grave." Baby Harold Potter, two years old, wandered away from his home in Palmer street, Watertown. His parents and friends searched for him, and a hunting dog- belonging to the family was put upon the trail. He started off so rapidly, that he was lost sight of. The police were notified and continued the search all night, and until eight the next morning, when the child was found near the edge of a pond, half a mile from home. The dog was lying beside him and had hold of his dress. He would allow nobody to touch the baby except the parents. The boy was cold and hungry, but called to his mother, as soon as he saw her, " Mamma I'm all right." The New York World, September 18, 1898, tells this story: " Little Eddie Kleintop, the six-year-old son of Ed- ward Kleintop, of Eldred Township, Pa., owes his life to a dog's fidelity. For two days and nights he was lost in the wilds of the Pocono mountains. The child's ac- count is simple. This is it : " * I slept all night, mamma, and doggie was close to me. I took him for a pillow. He was so nice and warm. He didn't have anything to eat, but I picked an awful lot of berries.' " The Kleintops live in the country, on the border of Carbon county. Last week Eddie went out with some of the neighbors to pick huckleberries. They were j6 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog so busy with their berrying that they forgot about the little fellow and he wandered off. " The woods and the mountain sides were searched in a vain effort to find the missing child. " That night a fearful storm swept over the moun- tains. It was such a night as the bravest man would not care to be alone in the mountains. When the Klein- tops thought of their little child, thinly clad and un- protected, at the mercy of the elements and perhaps of wild beasts, they shuddered. ' He is dead,' they said. ' He could not have lived through that awful night.' " Two days later Penrose Walck, mountaineer, slowly made his way to the home of the Kleintops. In his arms he carried the lost Eddie, and at his heels trotted the faithful dog. Walck said he had found the little fellow four miles from the place where he was lost. ' The wonderful devotion of the dog was shown in a singular manner. Walck offered Eddie some food he had with him, but the child refused to eat it. Then it was offered the dog. but despite the fact that it had not tasted food in two days the dog refused to touch it until his little master offered it to him. Then he devoured it ravenously. " Never did a child have a truer friend than this dog was to Eddie. When Walck approached them the dog growled ominously and prepared to attack him. But Eddie recognized in Walck a friend and ran to him, and then the dog came up and meekly licked his hand." A collie, Rob Roy McGregor, belonging to Mrs. Thomas F. Bayard, wife of our former United States Ambassador to England, stopped a runaway horse in Dogs Save Life 77 Wilmington, Delaware, and saved the lives of a mother and her child. The collie sprang while the horse was at full speed, caught the reins in his mouth, and held on. Once before, a horse was loose in a field and no- body could catch him. The beautiful collie fastened his teeth in the halter-strap and held him. Mabel Kelly, five years old, of New Milford, Conn., saw a poisonous snake three feet long in September, 1899, sunning itself in the road. She took a stick to kill it, when the snake turned upon her. and she was saved by her little dog, a yellow mongrel, but very dear to her. The dog shook the snake to death, but was so badly bitten that he dragged himself to the roadside to die, looking pitifully in the face of his little mistress whose life he had saved by giving his own. " Mrs. Arthur Beagle," says the Baltimore Sun, " accompanied by her ten-year-old daughter, was pick- ing berries near Rood's Creek, and accompanying the two was a water spaniel. When the two arrived near their home the dog acted strangely, brushing against the child as if to warn it of danger. As the child kept on the dog would lie down in the path in front of her, and finally it was discovered that the faithful brute was on top of a rattlesnake, which bit the dog in numer- ous places. The child escaped unhurt, and its mother dispatched the reptile, but the dog died within an hour from the bites." In October, 1898, Engineer Dorsay saw a dog on the track near Edwardsport, on the Indianapolis and Vin- cennc.s Road, acting in a strange manner. He shut off the steam, and soon perceived that the dog was jump- 78 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog ing up and down as though much frightened. An object was seen upon the track and the train was stopped. It proved to be a baby from a neighboring farm house, who had fallen asleep between the tracks. When the engineer picked her up, the dog jumped upon him and barked as though wild with joy. Little Willie Slone, two years old, was saved by his Newfoundland dog, March, 1896, at the foot of Jones Fork Mountain in Kentucky. A gray eagle, seven feet from tip to tip, swooped down upon the child and buried its talons in his side. The dog caught the eagle by the leg, and the father arrived in time to assist the dog in killing the eagle. Johnny Soper, in Essex county, New York, went to find a lost calf in a piece of woods near the Bouquet river. His dog, St. Bernard and pointer combined, went with him. Suddenly in the growing darkness the boy heard his dog fighting, and hastening to the place, found that he had killed a bear cub. The mother soon appeared and sprang towards the boy, thinking probably that he was the cause of her loss, her claws brushing his clothes. In another instant she would have crushed him, but the noble dog sprang forward and fought the animal, while the boy escaped. It was found afterwards by the tracks, that the bear had two cubs, and had probably buried the dead one in the soft sand of the river bed. Reuben Harps, a Wilkesbarre hunter, was saved by his faithful dog, the last of November, 1899. He started out from Stauffers, Pa., on Monday, and on Tuesday evening his dog returned, covered with blood. The villagers became alarmed and a searching party Dogs Save Life 79 of twenty men with guns and lanterns started out. In a dense thicket they found Harps, unconscious, and in a dying condition, covered with wounds, and by his side a large black bear, dead. Dog and bear must have fought, perhaps after the bear had been wounded by the hunter. Finding that there was no response from his unconscious master, the dog crawled to the village for aid. David Murray, living near Denning, Canada, went out to visit his traps. Suddenly a wild-cat sprang upon him from behind, and felled him to the ground, breaking his arm and tearing his face and breast with her claws. When nearly exhausted, the man heard his dog howling in the distance. Summoning all his strength he called for " Spot." The dog flew through the forest, and was soon engaged in a death struggle with the cat. When' Murray revived from a fainting spell, both dog and cat were dead on the snow beside him. The dog had saved him, but died in the attempt. Fido saved the life of his master, Henry Miller, of Chicago, in October, 1896. Having gathered some nuts, the man espied a woodchuck, and borrowing a shovel from a house a mile away he proceeded to dig the animal from its burrow. Suddenly a portion of the overhanging bank gave way, and the man was buried in gravel up to his head. He shouted for help, but there was none at hand. Then he told Fido to dig, and the faithful creature understood, and dug as fast as possible for a half hour. Then Miller was able to move one arm, and finally extricate himself from a lingering death. The Alliance, New York, has this strange story of 80 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Dan, a deerhound : '' L. C. Meachamp, who lives at Homer, La., is a great hunter, and has a fine deer- hound, Dan. of which he is justly proud. A few months ago Mr. Meachamp was going squirrel-hunt- ing, and in order to keep Dan at home he was compelled to tie him up. The hound whined and begged, but finding his master was obdurate, he at last lay quite peaceably before his kennel all day. " At five o'clock in the afternoon, however, when Mrs. Meachamp was beginning to look for her husband's return, Dan became so unusually restless that she went out to see what was the matter. In spite of her re- peated efforts she could do nothing to pacify him, and at last, to her utter astonishment, he broke the rope, bounded away over the fence and into the woods. He was gone probably a half hour, when he came running back, panting and almost breathless, with his master's hat in his mouth. " Mrs. Meachamp became at once alarmed, and call- ing her son they set out to find Mr. Meachamp, the dog all the time bounding along in front and leading the way. At last they came upon Mr. Meachamp lying helpless in the woods, where at precisely five o'clock he had fallen in a little ditch and broken a small bone in his leg. The dog's knowledge of the accident at the very moment of its occurrence seems almost incredi- ble, but the truth of this is beyond dispute." Fred Emerson, of Bolivar, Allegany county, N. Y., February. 1900, while hunting squirrels, came across the tracks of a strange animal. He followed until he reached a small cave, and looking in saw a pair of gleaming eyes, and fired. The creature, a black pan- Dogs Save Life 8 1 ther escaped from a traveling circus, which if left alone, would probably have hidden in peace, was slightly wounded, and rushed upon her pursuer. The faithful dog tried to save his master, and was torn in pieces. The panther was finally killed, but not until the hunter was seriously injured. Dr. John Nugent, Coroner of Suffolk county, who practices in Southampton, Long Island, fell into the quicksand near that town in November, 1897. His Newfoundland dog saw him fall, and at once ran off, returning with Mr. A. Cornith, who rescued the doc- tor. Mr. Cornith followed the dog, aroused by curi- osity at his strange actions. Captain Van Brunt of the Deal Lake, N. J., Life- Saving Station, patrolled the beach every night, though ill, accompanied by his Newfoundland dog One night he fell in the sand, half conscious. He reached out his cane, and the dog seizing the end in his teeth, dragged him to his feet. Several times he fell before reaching the station, each time helped by his faithful dog. Mr. Jeff Stringham, of North Fairfield, Ohio, was crushed to the ground by his heavy barn door falling upon him when he attempted to open it, early one De- cember morning in 1897. He called for his family, but all were asleep. His dog, seeming to realize the perilous position of his master began barking and run- ning between the house and barn, and finally awakened the wife, who saw that something was wrong. When she reached her husband, she could not lift the heavy weight, and hastily called the neighbors. The man was badly injured, and could not have survived, had not his faithful dog brought him aid. 82 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " On Thursday night of last week," says the Phillips- burg Ledger, quoting from the Coalport Standard, " Farmer L. Imler, living near Utahville, returned from Houtzdale, where he had been to collect some money, and while putting his horse away in the barn was assaulted by two unknown ruffians, who had, doubtless, followed him from Houtzdale to rob him. One of the ruffians struck him with a knife while the other beat him with a club. They would have mur- dered him but for the sudden appearance of Mr. Imler's huge farm dog, which bounded on the scene and pinned one of the villains to the ground, allowing Mr. Imler to escape to the house, where he aroused his family and rang the farm bell and brought the neighbors to the rescue. The dog in the meantime fought valiantly, but the two robbers managed to escape from him and got away in the darkness." A shepherd dog, Gyp, found Timothy J. Smith who lives between Morris Plains and Littleton, N. ]., un- conscious in a snowdrift, February 17, 1900. He had gone to Morristown to purchase supplies, and attempt- ing to walk home, fell exhausted about ten o'clock within a short distance of his house. The dog whined and barked at the door of the Smith family and led them to the spot. In another hour the man would have been dead from exposure. A dog persistently barked at the front gate of Mr. I. F. Miller who lives three miles south of Mexico, Mo., one cold night in early March, 1899. After being awakened, he went out and followed the dog to where Samuel Colver lay by the roadside, apparently dead Dogs Save Life 8'v; from cold. He was taken into the house and revived though hands and feet were frozen. A bridge jumper connected with the Wild West Show jumped from a railroad trestle at Canal Dover. Ohio, into a creek. His head was cut badly, and in an unconscious condition he was dragged from the water by his pet Newfoundland dog. David Symon, wife and child were nearly suffocated by coal gas in their home, at Springfield, Ohio, Decem- ber, 1898, and were saved by the continual barking of their dog, which awakened them. They were nearly overcome, but Mr. Symon, though very weak, managed to get to a door. The Boston Herald, January 14, 1900, gives the following account of two lives saved by a dog: " Several families living in the vicinity of Meeting House Hill, Dorchester, had a narrow escape from asphyxiation early Friday morning, owing to a neglected break in a gas main, caused, it is thought, by blasting nearby during the day, which cracked the pipe and allowed the gas to escape. " About four o'clock in the morning, Mrs. Charles H. Shephard of 198 Hancock street was awakened by the whining and barking of a dog in her sleeping apart- ments, and at once noticed a strong odor of gas. Arous- ing her husband, they both arose, but were so over- come by the fumes that they fell to the floor. " Mr. Shephard had just enough strength left to call his brother, who occupied a room overhead, and the latter went to the assistance of the couple, who were 84 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog carried to a neighbor's house. A doctor was called and, after some time, they were revived. " A cat in the cellar was found dead later, and it would probably have only been a question of a short time when both Mr. and Mrs. Shephard would have met a like fate had it not been for the faithful animal that awoke them." A dog saved Stephen Traub from a terrible death in December, 1899, at Duncott village. Pa. A bull which he was leading threw him to the ground, pawed and horned him, until his dog by his fighting diverted the attention cf the angry animal. Some neighbors with clubs rescued the nearly dead man. Sport, a shepherd dog, saved the life of a little child belonging to Martin Fitzgerald, near Monroe. Ind., in the summer of 1898. The child had gone into a pen where there were hogs, and they were seeking to tear it to pieces. Sport kept them at bay by his frantic barking till his master appeared. Sport was old, and his barking had so annoyed the farmer neigh- bors, that it had been decided to kill him. Now that his barking has saved the life of their child, he is grate- fully cared for, and appreciated for his devotion. Mrs. Florence Cook, of Chicago, in January, 1899. being called to her door, her collie growled sus- piciously, and despite her command to lie down, stood close to the door as she unlocked it. In an instant he attacked the man who had intended to throw carbolic acid on the woman, but who missed his aim in part. As the man fled down the back stairs, the dog rushed after and fought him till captors arrived. The dog was badly burned on his back and exhausted by blows Dogs Save Life 85 irom the unknown assailant, but his mistress had been saved from death, or disfigurement for life. Jennie Buschell, twelve years old, living near Bath Avenue, Bath Beach, N. Y., brought home a littk yellow dog in September, 1899, that did not look, to the family, worth keeping. He became deeply attached to the young girl, and was always at her side. One day, going down the street, a mastiff came along and seized the little dog. The girl tried to rescue him, and succeeded in getting him in her arms, when the mastiff, now become angry, sprang upon her and bore her to the ground. The yellow dog jumped from her arms. and instead of running away in fright, caught the mastiff by the lower jaw and held on. He was soon shaken off and killed by the big dog. Meantime a policeman appeared and shot the mastiff, and carried the unconscious girl to her home. She mourned deeply for the pet who gave his life to save hers. F. W. Spang, in the November, 1899, Dog Fancier, relates the following: " In the borough of Norristown, Montgomery County, Pa., a certain lady unexpectedly received a large sum of money about $1,600 being delivered to her by express, after banking hours. She was a widow, lived alone, and was afraid to keep the money over night. Shortly afterwards her milkman came around on his evening trip, and having been acquainted with him for eleven years, and knowing him to bear an ex- cellent reputation, she confided to him and asked his advice as to what she ought to do. The milkman readily agreed to help her, stating that he would bring his watch dog, and assured her that she and the 86 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog money would be perfectly safe. An hour later the milkman returned with the dog. a white English bull- terrier, and told the lady to keep the dog in her own room over night. She was no lover of dogs, at least at that time, yet she followed the milkman's advice. She slept soundly that night, having implicit confidence in the milkman's word that the dog would protect her and the money. " On the following morning when she awoke she was shocked to see lying on her bedroom floor the dead body of a man her milkman, with his face and throat frightfully torn by his own faithful watch dog. It was clearly evident that the milkman's intention was robbery. Whether the dog recognized his master at the first leap, is of course not known, but he probably did not. The milkman gained an entrance through a window, immediately inside of which the body was lying, showing that the dog awaited his opportunity and then performed his work in a manner that was swift, sure and terrible, yet commendable. " The other incident happened in New Jersey, also illustrating the value of the bull-terrier as a watch dog. A lady, living alone had a presentiment that she would be murdered that night. She was in great agony and went to a neighbor's house to ask one of the family to come and stay with her. The members of the family were all away, except the mother, who sug- gested that the lady should take home with her their watch dog. This proposition was agreed to. The dog accompanied the distressed lady to her home, and fol- lowed her about the barn and garden while she was doing her evening work, and when she retired for the Dogs Save Life 87 night she locked the dog in the room with her, During the first part of the night she was wakeful, but after midnight she slept soundly. She remembered of being awakened once, towards morning, when the dog jumped up on her bed, but hearing no disturbance, she supposed the dog was restless and ordered him off the bed. The animal obeyed and the lady slept again. In the early morning when she opened her eyes and glanced toward the window she was horrified to see a man's body hanging across the sill, his head inside of the room. His right hand still clutched a big butcher knife, and the blood was oozing from great gashes in his throat. He was dead. But the dog, motionless, stood watching him. The man was the lady's son-in- law. The bull-terrier is no respecter of persons and when he is assigned to guard life or property, or both, does his duty.'' The story of Barry, the St. Bernard dog who lived with the monks in the Convent of St. Bernard is well known. He served the hospital in the Alps for twelve years, and saved no less than forty persons. He used to go out alone in the deep snow in search of lost travelers, barking at the top of his lungs as he went, sometimes falling from exhaustion. When he could not drag back a traveler alone, he hastened to the hos- pital for aid. One day he found a child apparently dead from cold between the bridge of Dronaz and the icehouse of Balsora. He licked the boy till he warmed him into consciousness, when he induced him to tie himself to his warm, shaggy body and he carried him to the hospital 88 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog When Barry was too old to help, the friar of the Convent pensioned him at Bern, and when he died, his skin was stuffed and placed in the museum of that town. The little flask which he used to carry about his neck filled with brandy for persons exhausted in the mountains, is still hung about his neck. The Humane Alliance for December, 1899, gives this account of Red Cross Dogs. St. Bernard dogs are also trained in the United States, to carry food, water and medicine to wounded soldiers on battlefields, as in the French and German armies : " A man in Germany named Bungartz has been training clogs for hospital use. He has had the best success with collies, and so he calls them Red Cross dogs, after the Red Cross, whose members go to the battlefield and do what they can to help the 'wounded or ill. They wear a red cross on their uniform, and the dogs, trained to help them, wear a harness with a large red cross on the saddlebags, in which are carried restoratives. A lantern is strapped on the dog's back at night, so he can be seen, and when he is car- rying a message between the officers of the dif- ferent ranks of the hospital columns he has a small flag with a red cross on a white ground fastened on him. " The professional training of a Red Cross dog be- gins in a room in which the dog has learned his lessons of obedience to his master. His master holds him in the leash, while the assistant takes the dog's rug and lies down on it in another corner of the room. The master leads the dog a little way in the opposite di- rection, then turns suddenly, and with the command, Dogs Save Life 89 ' Forward, march ! Seek the wounded ! ' leads the pupil directly up to the prostrate man. The latter then gives the dog some favorite morsel, but first the pupil must have obeyed the command to give tongue. Then the process is repeated again and again, until on com- mand, ' Seek the wounded ! ' the dog, without leash, goes directly to the assistant and gives tongue. Then the lessons are repeated out-of-doors, where the dis- tance is lengthened, and, finally, the assistant hides himself in a bush or ditch until the dog learns to seek independently. " The last lessons and the tests of the pupils are held at night, and Bungartz tells of remarkable work done by his dogs on nights so dark that the seeking party passed within five feet of the prostrate man on open ground, and but for the collie would not have found him. Bungartz's prize pupil, a female collie not quite a year old, learned in two weeks to find the most carefully hidden man with perfect ease, and independ- ent of any help but the command, ' Seek the wounded ! ' The dogs are also taught to crouch beside the wounded man, if he shows signs of life, that he may open the bag and find restoratives." Peepsie, a little Scotch terrier, saved the life of his aged mistress the last of November, 1898. A woman old and feeble was walking with her pet dog in Central Park, New York, when they became separated in the snow. She searched for him, and finally exhausted, sat down on a bench and fell asleep. When the dog found his owner he began to bark and try to jump into her lap. His barking attracted the attention of a policeman, who went to find the cause of it, and 90 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog aroused the woman. " I owe my life to my little dog," she said. Our Dumb Animals, May, 1897, tells how a child was saved from savages : " Several years ago in Wisconsin, before the Indian had retired from the neighborhood of the white man, a mother and her little girl were alone in their cottage on the edge of a great forest. Everything seemed peaceful and there was no thought of danger. The mother sat beside the door sewing, while the child was in the bright sunshine playing; their large black dog Cuff was the only other member of the family. Sud- denly half a dozen Indians fresh from a recent raid on whiskey stood in the door-way and demanded more whiskey. The lady had no whiskey but offered them food and drink. The Indians, however, were drunk, and before the mother could interfere the roughest seized the little girl and was making off with her, when the dog, which had wandered away a short dis- tance, came bounding back. In an instant he had the savage by the throat and threw him to the ground ; the others, having no fire-arms, beat a hasty retreat. The dog kept a tight grip on the Indian until they had all gone, then released him and he also departed." In Sagacity of Animals, a book beautifully illus- trated by Harrison Weir, this story is told of a mastiff saving life : " Sir Henry Lee had a mastiff, which guarded his house and yard, but was never admitted into the house. One night as Sir Henry, attended by his favorite Italian servant, was retiring to his cham- ber, the mastiff silently followed him upstairs, which he had never been known to do before; and although Dogs Save Life 91 they tried to drive him away, he scratched so violently at the door, and howled so piteously, that at last Sir Henry desired his servant to open the door and admit the dog. The animal, having thus gained an entrance, crept under the bed, and laid himself clown, as if in- tending to remain there for the night. The master, to save further trouble, allowed him to lie there, and shortly afterwards the servant withdrew, and all was still. In the dead of night the chamber-door was opened, and some person was heard softly creeping across the room. The dog immediately sprang from his hiding place and pinned the disturber to the spot. Sir Henry, having awoke from his sleep, rang for lights, when, what was the master's astonishment to find that the man was his Italian servant! This man afterwards confessed that it had been his intention to murder his master, and then rob the house. This horrible design was prevented by the singular sagacity of the dog, and his devoted attachment to his master. A full-length picture of Sir Henry with the mastiff by his side, and the words ' More faithful than favored/ is still preserved among the family pictures." The Philadelphia North American gives this inci- dent of an electric car in Chicago, in August, 1899: " Alice Pedro, six years old, went out for a walk this evening with her Newfoundland dog, Don, and while crossing the street car track at North Clark street and Sunny Side avenue, she caught her toe and fell to the ground. Not far to the northward a trolley car was coming toward the child, who, shocked by the fall, lay in the middle of the track. " It took the dog about ten seconds to take mental 92 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog note of the situation, and then he began to show signs of great distress. He gazed anxiously up the track in the direction of the approaching car. He pranced about the child and barked. He took her dress in his teeth and pulled, but the dress tore. For a moment the dog seemed to be in despair. The car was coming fast and something had to be done, and then he wheeled about and started up the track as fast as his body would allow, to flag the car. " Barking furiously, the big dog ran right in the middle of the track. If there ever was a clear case of reason in animals there was one here. The motorman saw the dog coming and at first thought the beast was mad. He clapped on the brakes and as the car slowed up and stopped Don was compelled to run backward to keep out from under the wheels. He would not get off the track. " The instant the car had come to a standstill the dog bounded back to his small mistress, who by this time was on her feet. The only reward he asked was a pat on the head." Our Dumb Animals quotes from the Philadelphia Press of August 30, 1899 : " Deeds of heroism have been enacted in Alaska which history will never chronicle. The mantle of death forever covers scenes which will be buried in oblivion until the time when all secrets are revealed, and justice stern, implacable justice is meted out to all. " Upon the desolate waste of that inhospitable glacier, the Valdes. which has proved a sepulchre to so many bright hopes and earnest aspirations, last winter Dogs Save Life 93 a party of prospectors we Damped ; day after day had the men worked their way, uc has a dog named Sport, which will wear a license " Bio FOUR." 2. TED, A TRICK Don, standing with the "Big Four," all owned by Mr. James Christie, Escanaba, Mich. Intelligence of Dogs 211 tag the rest of his life as a reward for meritorious services," says a Chicago correspondent of the Wash- ington Times. " A week ago Sport was practically con- demned to death, his owner thinking him not worth $2.25 as a license fee. Yesterday Mr. Moore was lean- ing over a catchbasin in the street and dropped his wallet, containing considerable money and some papers. into the sewer. He hastened to the mouth of the sewer, and when the wallet came out the dog swam out into the lake after it, captured it a hundred yards from shore, and returned it. Mr. Moore thinks the dog has earned the right to live." Mr. James Christie, Escanaba, Mich., among many valuable dogs has the " Big Four," a Newfoundland, weighing 174 pounds, a brother named Claudy, 181 pounds, and one of the finest pacing dogs in the world, a St. Bernard named Tip, 176 pounds, and a brother named Top, 172^/2 pounds. " The Big Four," Mr. Christie writes me, " are the best driving dogs in the state. I can always make eighteen miles an hour with them, and can drive within an inch of anything I wish to stop at. They are good natured, and when out of their harness are full of play, but while harnessed are just the opposite." His dog " Ted " is called the most remarkable dog in the state. He sells cigars for a large Chicago house. The Gentry Brothers offered Mr. Christie $1,000 for him, which was refused. An Exchange says : " Aside from his numerous ' impromptu ' tricks, ' Ted ' has one which solely originated with Mr. Christie, and it is this one that has made the dog's fame world wide. In this trick some 127 blocks are used, containing all 212 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog the letters of the alphabet, figures from i to 10 and many words. With these he will spell words and answer questions asked by his master, and that without a slip. He will tell you the name of any large city between Milwaukee and Calumet more readily than the average traveling man. " At the Arlington Hotel ' Ted ' went through part of his work and astonished some thirty of the ' lobby- ists ' by his phenomenal performances. In answer to the question ' Which is the best hotel in Calumet ? ' ' Ted ' bounded off and brought back the block upon which was printed ' The Arlington.' " Old Boz the famous and world-renowned Scotch collie, is dead," says the Chicago Inter-Ocean. " That simple sentence will cause many a regret to thousands of hearts, even if Boz was only a dog. " He was better known than thousands of men that think themselves eminent. He once slept in Windsor Castle and was petted by Queen Victoria. The Prince of Wales offered $5,000 for him after witnessing his marvelous tricks. ' The dog walked through the Vatican. He was entertained by the President of France, the Czar of the Russias, King Oscar of Norway and Sweden. In fact, he had been to almost every foreign court and had received the attention of dignitaries in every de- partment of life's activity in this and other lands. President Cleveland stroked his shaggy coat in the White House. " Boz died at San Antonio, Texas, a few days ago, and the intelligence was conveyed to George B. Gas- son, No. 50 Bryant street, this city. He belonged to Intelligence of Dogs 213 D. H. Harris the stock breeder at Mendon, Mich., and was fourteen years of age at his death. " The dog was never on public exhibition, but was the traveling companion of his owner, who took su- preme delight in showing the animal to his friends. " The dog could select any card in the deck when told, and if it was not there a whine would follow. He could distinguish between colors as well as a human being. More wonderful than all, he could count money, make the proper change to an exact cent. If told to bring $31.31, or any sum from coins of various denominations, he would do so without a mistake. " When told to walk like a baby, he would creep along the floor and imitate a child to perfection. He could pretend he was lame and walk most pitiably. Boz would also wash his feet, or any one foot as di- rected. He would bring any object that he could carry when sent after it. When once told a person's full name he never forgot it, but would always deliver a letter or package to that very individual at any place he had ever visited. Boz had often been in Chicago. He was once at a circus on Sixty-third street with his owner, and he grew tired and came back to the Sherman House where they were stopping, and went to the room that had been assigned to them. " When he was once taken to a place he always re- membered it and would return to it if sent on an er- rand. Many persons who have crossed the sea on the same vessel as the dog will recall his wonderful feats performed on deck for the benefit of the Sailors' Relief Fund. Mr. Harris had often refused $10,000 for the truly wonderful animal. 214 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Boz leaves just as wonderful a descendant, she being Bozzie, owned by Mrs. George B. Classon, No. 50 Bryant street. The daughter in some respects ex- cels her sire. She cannot be puzzled in any arithmeti- cal problem in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or a combination of two or more of these processes in whole numbers under twenty. She gives results by barks and never makes a mistake. Several persons can hold pieces of paper with numbers on before her. She looks at each one. designates the units by so many barks, and at the close will add the entire series and give the result by the required number of barks. Bozzie will also tell the time of day in hours by barks. She will go to any room in the house, upstairs or down, and bring any article which she is bidden." The New York World, March 31, 1900, has the following : " Bozzie, a famous educated collie, was buried to-day with much ceremony. Fifty school children attended the funeral. Bozzie had always shown an eagerness to perform for them and they surrounded the coffin and strewed flowers upon it. " Mrs. Classon, who owned the dog, and whose insep- arable companion she had been for years, had the body placed in a silk-lined white casket and wrapped in the silk coverlet which had long been her covering at night. On the top of the casket was a silver plate with this inscription: BOZZIE, Born Jan. 17, 1895, Died March 28, 1900, FROM BEING MALICIOUSLY POISONED, Intelligence of Dogs 215 " The dog could count, find hidden articles, and do all the tricks known to dog wisdom." Elizabeth Nunemacher, of New Albany, Ind., says in the Chicago Record : ' Bab ' is a fox terrier that counts as her very own that portion of the world immediately about her. She is a quick and reasoning animal, and displays traits which are strongly human. Recently, she became the proud mother of two roly-poly puppies, white, with a few black spots scattered upon their tight coats. " One morning Matilda came in from the kennel with the information that one of the little ones was dead and the other one nearly so. A relief corps at once visited the kennel and the surviving puppy was brought into the house. A few drops of stimulant were forced between his lips with great difficulty. Then a small hot water bottle was placed against the lit- tle stomach, which seemed unnaturally hard and swollen. Next he was placed snugly in an old fruit basket with a scrap of blanket, and developments awaited. " Poor Bab was heart-broken. She followed the ministering angels into the house. Placing her sensi- tive nose under the chin of her sick infant, she wailed mournfully and long. She was tenderly comforted, advised to bear up, be brave, and so forth. After a time Matilda, observing that the water was cooling, took the bottle away to be refilled. To this Bab objected strongly. But when she saw Matilda returning with the bottle, she trotted nimbly toward her and offered to take the bottle in her mouth. Matilda let her have it, , wonderingly. Bab at once went to the basket and awk- 2i 6 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog wardly poked the bottle again under the small invalid's stomach. " The puppy rapidly recovered. Its improved con- dition was evident to Bab, for she disappeared and re- turned, tenderly carrying the dead puppy. It was clearly her desire that it, too, should receive treatment. But the plump little body was beyond help. " After a time, much to the annoyance of the other nurses, Bab climbed upon a chair with the sick puppy. But they waited to see what she would do. Then she made a second trip to the basket and brought the water-bottle to the chair. The small fruit basket had hampered her in cuddling her baby, but upon the chair she formed a happy group mother, sick puppy and hot water bottle, in close and comfortable conjunc- tion." Dick, a mongrel, seemingly a mixture between a Yorkshire and French poodle, performs wonderful tricks. He turns somersaults, rolls a barrel across the stage of a theatre, keeps step to music, and dives into a net from a platform 75 feet above the stage, climbing to the platform on a common stepladder. There is no doubt that many performing animals are taught through fear and harsh measures, although tricks are sometimes performed, evidently with a desire to please a master whom they love. A writer in the Louisville Courier-Journal in a pa- thetically true manner thus describes the " tricks of a tramp dog." " He pays no attention to men, while boys he only watches warily for stones and clods for which he was the target evidently in memory. Let a woman pass along, however, and he is all alertness. Intelligence of Dogs 217 Trotting along with her, he perks his head aside and says as plainly as a dog can : ' Look here, madam, I am a right good little dog. Suppose you take me home and give me a bath and a bone, and let me play with the children. I am lots bet- ter than I look to be.' " This failing to elicit any answer other than an oc- casional ' Get away, you ugly little beast ! ' he plays another card. Scampering into the street he returns with a twig or a bit of paper and renews the conver- sation. " ' Just look at me a moment, please,' he says. ' Don't you see I am a smart dog? I can carry a twig in my mouth. The children will have no end of sport with me if you just take me home.' " So he persists until the end of his self-appointed beat is reached and the woman passes on. He stops then, disconsolate and disgusted, dropping his air of cheeriness and relapsing into a plain, uncouth dog. " Another woman comes along about then, however, and hope again rises within him. Time after time he repeats his little confidence game, but so far with the same dispiriting result. He is working hard for his rise in life. He deserves it, and more than one passei by who has watched him day after day hopes that he will yet gain the snug quarters he deserves." Having read in the New York World about a dog named Ginger, who had assisted the police in catching thieves, and the newsboys in delivering messages, I wrote to his present owner, Mr. Henry C. Buchanan, New Jersey State Librarian at Trenton, and received the following interesting letter : 2i 8 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog "Feb. 22, 1900 " MY DEAR MADAM : " Ginger is a reality, and is known to more Trentoni- ans than any other dog or person probably in the city. Apparently he is a cross between a French poodle and a setter or pointer certainly some kind of bird dog. His poodle pedigree is shown in his head, but he has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, and when he looks into one's face it seems as though he was almost human and knew what you were saying. But he does not. In some respects he is very intelligent, and in others apparently the dumbest dog I ever saw. His age is about six or seven years. " He is large, clumsy, curly-haired, black, with a large white ' vest.' So far as I can learn anything of his antecedents, he appeared several years ago at a racing park near Trenton, where he was made comfortable until he displayed great diligence in chasing poultry. He then was given to a Trenton man who lived near St. Mary's Cathedral. Here he developed a liking for joining in the angelus call. His new master had be- come accustomed to the noise of the bell, but could not stand the barking at the early morning call, so Ginger was driven away. " For a time in the summer and fall he wandered about the street, apparently delighting in lying stretched out in the center of the pavement near the most crowded part of the city, where his size prevented men from kicking him out of the way, while ladies and children walked around him. " In the winter he became attached to the boys in the District Messenger service, who harbored him at their headquarters and occasionally at their homes. They were glad of his company on lonely night runs, and Ginger was willing and is now to go with them. I was then news editor of the State Gazette, and made Ginger's acquaintance during his calls with the ms- Intelligence of Dogs 219 senger boys. Then be began escorting the reporters home and coming back for me, and spending wet and cold nights in the editorial rooms. One night I took him home with me and fed him, and be became ac- quainted with the members of my family. Since then I have owned him, so far as is possible without a title. I have found him in my tax bills and have willingly paid for him. Muzzles innumerable I have bought to keep him from falling into the dog-catcher's hands. He knew so many boys, and had such a way of appeal- ing to them to be relieved of his muzzles, that it was pretty hard to protect him until he fell into the dog- catcher's hands one day. The boys heard of it first and took up a collection and redeemed him. Since then there has been little trouble about keeping him muzzled during the ' close ' season in July, August and September. " He is a great coward the French poodle strain. If a strange dog, large or small, starts for him, Ginger immediately lies down on his side, displaying the most abject fear and cowardice. If he sees a cat on the street, he starts for it immediately and chases it to cover; but if the cat stops and shows fight, Ginger runs on by, apparently unconcerned and as though he had not been in pursuit. I have seen a two months old kitten put him to flight. " His bark is loud and angry, and he rushes fiercely to the door when any one enters the house, but so far as I know he has never attempted to bite any one. When let out on the street, if a tramp or poorly dressed work- man is in sight, Ginger makes a rush at him, but makes no demonstration toward a well-dressed person. The only person who fears him is our milkman. Ginger knows the man fears him, and takes delight in flying at him every morning. If he happens to be on the door-step, he starts up or down the street in fear, the milkman 01 -e having driven him away with a whip. 220 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Frequently he has accompanied me on walks in the country, and never fails to chase the half-grown brown, red or speckled chickens we may chance to pass. I have watched him many times, and have never known him to go after a white or black chicken, or one full grown, or turkeys, geese or ducks. That is why I believe he is descended from some breed of bird-hunt- ing dogs, though dog-fanciers have told me he seemed to be part Newfoundland, judging from his appear- ance. " I don't believe there is a drop of Newfoundland blood in him. I have seen him run in fear from a two- weeks-old calf, from horses and cows innumerable in fact when we chance to meet a cow when out for a walk. Ginger keeps close to my heels. In summers I have had him clipped by a livery man, in order to re- lieve him of the annoyance from fleas that find refuge in his heavy curly coat. Then I had a boy at the livery stable give him an occasional bath during the summer, as it was impossible to get Ginger to go into the water voluntarily for a bath. After his first clipping and bath he would not follow me past the entrance to the livery stable, but would cross the street invariably be- fore we reached the entrance, and rejoin me later. Twice when I tried to coax him to follow me in, he went into a neighboring cigar store, from which he was led out by a boy with a rope. After that he would start back home when I turned in the entrance to the stable, and apparently finding from experience that that did not save him from a bath, he has refused to follow me into the block in which the livery stable is located, excepting after dark, when the stable is closed. " When I came to the State Library a year ago, Ginger came with me, but discontinued his visits to the library last summer, excepting when I come by some other route than that leading by the stable. At first he took great delight in riding on the elevator in the Capitol building, and would make two or three trips Intelligence of Dogs 221 at a time. This finally became a nuisance to ladies and children, and he was excluded. " The dog has lost the religious turn he had, and now pays no attention to the angelus bells, but there is one particular ' siren ' whistle that blows at seven, twelve, one and six o'clock that he recognizes, and adds to the noise by a long-drawn dismal howl whenever he hears it. He pays no attention to the dozens of other whis- tles on the factories, but whether running along the street or half asleep in the house, seldom fails to add his song to the wail of the siren. I think he has been encouraged in this by my boys, whose efforts have overcome those of my wife and daughter to break him of the habit. A threat to throw a few drops of water on him will usually prevent the outbreak. " Ginger's worst habit is the chasing of trolley cars and wagons. Several times he has been struck on the head and shoulders, and received bad wounds, but he persists in the practice excepting when he is with me. Often he has started for a wagon, then apparently re- membering that his ears had been boxed for it, has stopped and come crawling back toward me; at other times a word from me has checked him. " Notwithstanding he barks freely and loudly on almost all occasions, we have not been able to teach him to ' speak ' when he wants a drink of water, or is out- side the house and wants to come in. When thirsty he will go to the kitchen sink and knock his bowl about with his fore paws, and then lie stretched until some one draws water for him. When he is on the street and is ready to enter the house, he scratches on the front door, and as a result we are unable to keep the lower part of the door in presentable condition, and when he keeps late hours he has been compelled to re- main out all night because no one heard him scratch on the door. " Once he was caught by the dog-catcher, and re- membered it. A few weeks later he was without his 222 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog muzzle, and the dog-catchers went after him with their nets and ropes. A policeman who saw the proceedings told me the story. Ginger started for the horse of the dog-catcher and barked at him till the horse started; then the dog ran behind a waiting trolley car, and per- mitted the dog-catcher to chase him around the car two or three times, until an assistant went to the dog- catcher's aid, when Ginger ran at full speed down the street and escaped. It is the only time I have known of his running from any one excepting the milkman. " Very truly yours, HENRY C. BUCHANAN. Mr. Buchanan writes me of another dog: " You will be glad, I am sure, to read about ' Frank/ whose story I have from his master, Mr. Horace G. Hough, who is a thoroughly veracious gentleman, and who recounted some of Frank's doings while sitting in a store recently. Ginger's presence started the con- versation. Frank died a year or so ago. " He was a red Irish setter, a thoroughbred from fancy stock owned by a wealthy New York friend of the Hough family. Mr. Hough obtained him as a puppy, and his training for the performances described was altogether accidental, as he said. When he wished to smoke in the evening Mr. Hough usually went to a small shed near the house, with Frank for company. To amuse himself he would throw articles for the dog to recover, and finally began to use his keys and knife and other such belongings. Then he would make the dog carry the article to some other person, if one hap- pened to be around. " One day, wishing to send a luncheon to the men working in the harvest field, Mr. Hough called his dog, Intelligence of Dogs 223 and placing the bale of a tin pail in his mouth, bade him go to the men with it, pointing in the direction he was to go. Frank started at once and delivered the luncheon, notwithstanding he was very fond of the cookies in the kettle which was under his nose. " Another day Mr. Hough was driving a mowing machine, and missed a wrench which he wanted to use to tighten one of the nuts on the machine. He re- membered having used it half an hour before, on the other side of the field, and calling Frank, bade him go in search of the wrench. The dog started back around the course over which Mr. Hough had driven, and soon came running across the field with the iron wrench in his mouth. This is the more remarkable when it is remembered that while almost any dog can be taught to carry wood and some other materials, they do not care to set their teeth against iron. " One evening Mr. William Hough (now dead) called to his son Horace, and asked him to look for his gold watch, which had been lost. Mr. Hough said he had looked all over in the places he had visited, but could not find it, and offered Horace $10 if he recovered it. ' I'll get it if it's on the farm,' replied Horace, who called his dog. Horace learned that his father had been in the barnyard, feeding the cattle, and with Frank he started for the yard. Here the dog was set at work, and in less than ten minutes came up to Horace with the watch, the chain of which the dog had between his teeth. In order to recover it, he had to burrow under a pile of corn stalks which Mr. Hough had thrown aside in the stable yard. " On another occasion, Mr. Horace Hough was 224 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog driving from Lawrenceville to his home in Ewing township in the evening, when a shower came up. It was dark, and Mr. Hough started to pull up the top of his buggy. In doing so the ring on a finger on his right hand came off and fell to the ground. Mr. Hough made search for the ring, but without success. Then he drove home, and calling for Frank took him in the buggy and drove back to the spot where he had lost the ring. Bidding the dog ' hunt it/ he sat waiting for not over two or three minutes, when Frank jumped back into the buggy. Putting his fingers into the dog's mouth, Mr. Hough found his ring. " These stories appear to me to be too wonderful almost for belief; but knowing Mr. Hough as I do, I would no more doubt them than I would if I had been one of the chief actors. The stories were not told to me in a spirit of boasting, but as a recital by one man who loves dogs, to another. " Perhaps this little story may also interest you : About the time that Ginger began to give up some of his tramp-habits, he had as a companion a half-grown dog of apparently shepherd or Scotch collie breed a poor, half-starved animal, so timid or wild that he would permit no one to touch him. Ginger had a favorite habit of chasing wagons and trolley-cars in the streets, dodging the whips of the wagoners and the kicks of the car conductors. ' Shep ' soon learned to do the same thing, and the dogs, with their barkings and yelpings would keep it up for half an hour at a time. One day Ginger was knocked on the head by a wagon or car, and had a bad wound for a week or so. That is when he came to us. When he had recovered he re- Intelligence of Dogs 225 sumed his pastime with ' Shep/ and one day ' Shep ' was not quick enough and a trolley car took off the ends of the toes on one of his front feet. The poor dog, with bleeding foot upheld, went yelping through the street, and soon attracted a crowd of young hood- lums, who pursued him with sticks and stones and cries of ' mad dog.' A policeman joined the pursuit, but ' Shep ' escaped, and was in hiding about a week. Going home about two o'clock one morning I saw him in a corner, and as I had established a sort of friend- ship with him before he was hurt, I was soon able to pat him on the head. He followed me home and re- mained there a day or two, until I found a new home for him with J. W. Vernam, a farmer in Ewing town- ship, who is also a milkman. Mr. Vernam informs me that this poor, half-starved, frightened dog has de- veloped into the best watch-dog he ever saw ; that he will permit no one but Mr. Vernam and his children to put their hands on him not even the farm-hands may touch him; no tramp dare enter the yard, though any one of evident respectability may enter unnoticed; and ' Shep ' will round up the cows and bring them from the field at a word from his master." Mr. Charles R. Zacharias, manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company at Asbury Park, New Jersey, writes me of an intelligent pet. " The little dog belongs to my daughter Marguerite and is a Water Spaniel two years old. I've owned a number of dogs in the past, but never one so intelligent as Toss. " He will sit up, stand up, lie down, turn over, be dead, say his prayers, resting his paws against the 226 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog wall, on a chair, or against the chair back on command. He catches his food, while sitting up, and eats it or not, as told to, puts out a lighted match, will sneeze when told, will shake himself when told, will jump through arms, over cane, etc., to eat food placed in front of him, but when told to do so will bring food to me instead of eating it. " My daughter dresses him in her doll's clothes and plays with him as a doll, and he seems to enjoy the sport quite as much as the child. When I reach home at night, he appears restless until after he has brought my slippers, which he does just when I begin unlacing my shoes. " On a test he has found my hat, my cap, my over- shoes and a pocketbook, by first showing him the article and then hiding it. The finding of my cap was an old trick with him, but the others were suggested by a friend, and the dog never failed in his first attempt to find the article I asked for. ' Toss, do you want a biscuit ? ' sets him dancing. He will then take a coin from my hand and go to a near-by bakery where the ladies gives him a cake which he brings to me. " He can pick up small coins as cents, nickels, dimes and quarters, but half dollars and silver dollars he has hard work to pick up, though he tries hard to do it. " The dog has no pedigree and there may be smarter ones, but in our family Toss is looked upon as ' just all right.' One trick that creates considerable amusement is to see him sitting on the sidewalk on his hind legs and I a block away. As soon as I whistle he comes running." Intelligence of Dogs 227 Mrs. Fairchild Allen, editor of Our Fellow Creatures sends me the following story of Rover : " ' Rover Spence/ as he was called, was born at Aus- tin, 111., and was a mixture of St. Bernard and Labra- dor. His coat was black and white, beautifully fine, wavy and glossy. In disposition he was gentle and affectionate, although he had strongly marked likes and dislikes. " For his young master, Harry Spence, Rover enter- tained a devotion most profound. It can never be de- termined whether or not he knew that Harry rescued him from the dog destroyer's hands, and hastened with ; his new possession from the vicinity, offering to the policeman in the case his little store of hoarded wealth 25 cents. (Be it recorded to that policeman's honor that he refused to accept the fee and sent the boy away happy with his four-footed friend and a written order that he would not be molested. ) ' " From that time on Rover lived happily with the Spences until the day of his death about thirteen years later. He grew to magnificent proportions, his head being even with an ordinary table. His intelli- gence was phenomenal. He seemed, in time, to under- stand everything that was said to him and much con- versation that was not directed to him. After he had been in his new home only about forty-eight hours he was stolen by his old mistress, but he soon returned to his new friends with his gnawed rope dangling from his neck. " When the muzzle fiend appeared, Rover entered a vigorous protest. He might usually be seen with it hanging loose upon his neck; but finally he hit upon a 228 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog method of release from the hateful contrivance and buried it securely (as he thought) in his mistress' flower-bed. " For Harry's mother he entertained an adoration equally with that bestowed upon her son especially as the dog grew older. When Harry left home and Rover grew aged it was she who ministered tenderly to his infirmities, helping him up the stairways when his rheumatic limbs refused their office. " During the childhood of Harry and his sister, Laila, Rover was their companion and their guardian. They lived near Clear Lake in Wisconsin, and like all children were ' possessed ' to be in the water. Rover disapproved of this, for he foresaw danger; and if they tried to have him confined at home their plans never succeeded. He would invariably be seen bounding over the hills to the lake soon after they supposed they had him safely secured at home. " Finding the children would go in the water Rover would follow and nip their legs in the endeavor to get them to shore. This failing, as a last resort he would swim to land and start to run away with their clothes! This had the desired effect. Harry and his followers would then reluctantly repair to terra firma promising Rover many punishments which it is scarcely necessary to say he never realized or feared. " In due time Rover was handsomely fitted out with sulky and harness and drew his young master about the village roads. He had a weakness for chasing cats and rabbits, and upon one occasion, being harnessed to his cart, a rabbit ran across the street and through the fence and Rover followed, leaving his master and cart Intelligence of Dogs 229 on one side the fence, with himself and the rabbit (which doubtless escaped) on the other. " Harry vowed vengeance as he went home crying, with the remnants of the cart and harness, but, as usual, forgave his dear dog when the latter at last returned home. " Notwithstanding his dislike of cats in general, Rover learned to respect the rights of the family cat and even assisted in the rearing of her kittens by re- maining with and watching them during the mother's absence. One kitten of one litter, however, was so different in color from the balance of the feline family, that Rover must have considered it belonged elsewhere, so, without ever hurting it, he would carry it out and hide it in the tall grass. When asked where it was, he would hang his head like a child conscious of wrong doing. He took a dislike to another cat and when it tried to eat from his plate he would ' spread himself ' over the plate and walk round it so as to exclude the cat from the feast. He was phenomenally good tem- pered amid all his experiences. " During the last year of Rover's life he was moved from his country village home into the city of Chicago. He had a large yard, however, in which to range, and soon became reconciled to the change. Here began his acquaintance with ' Chiffon,' a lovely, aristocratic Angora cat. The two were first fastened at opposite sides of the yard where they could view but not injure each other. After a brief pretence of antagonism they became good friends. ' Chiffon ' would sometimes slap his comrade across the face, unexpectedly, but was always forgiven by the nobler spirit of the dog. 230 Our Devoted Friend, The " At one time Chiffon was absent from his home nine days to the great grief and consternation of the family. Upon his return, being very much soiled and altogether demoralized, he was at once put in his bath. So sen- sible was he, seeming to realize what relief a bath would effect, he purred in the water. " Rover manifested great pleasure at Chiffon's re- turn, and during the operation of bathing lay down close by the tub and scarcely took his eyes off the truant until he was taken out and thoroughly dried with towels. Chiffon was so gentle and seemingly self -abased that he was finally laid down close by Rover on the floor but alas, the cat most unexpectedly drew up one paw and struck Rover in the face. ' This blow to his affection and self respect was not resented by a growl or showing of the teeth, but the fond dog was deeply grieved. He at once arose and left the room and after that time seemed not so fond of the great cat quite a natural result. " He passed away not very long afterward, leaving behind him sentiments of regret and affection and a loving memory accorded only to a few among human kind. Who shall say that the attributes which so en- deared him to his human friends by which he was recognized as a kindred spirit will be resolved to earth in the dog, and be preserved in eternity for man? " The Boston Beacon, July 15, 1899, quotes this inter- esting story by Clare Jerrold, about Clever Fritz : ' The following true story of a dog's intelligence is given as nearly as I can remember in the words of a friend from whom I heard it : " Years ago I was staying for some weeks at a fairly Intelligence of Dogs 231 large hotel, and I picked up one of the most delightful friends I ever made in my life. His name was Fritz, and he had a long black body, four short legs, the toes well turned out, a cold nose, floppy ears, and a pair of beautiful brown eyes. He belonged to the hotel keeper, but quite fell in love with me at our first meeting. So we always went for walks together, and when I went into the gardens where no dogs were admitted, Fritz somehow always managed to elude the gate-keeper, and came trotting after me with a triumphant flourish of his tail after I had been there a few minutes. He slept most nights outside my bedroom door, and sometimes inside; indeed, we grew such chums that I asked the hotel keeper to sell him. He agreed, and Fritz, who was standing by, made his eyes snap and sparkle with delight, wriggling round and round my feet in his ex- citement. " When my maid was packing for our departure Fritz understood all about it, and stretched himself on my door-mat with a sigh of contentment, but alas! in the morning he was gone. We looked everywhere, and called inside and outside the house, but he was not to be found. Mrs. Hotelkeeper had, I expect, hidden him, for she did not want him sold, and so I had to go with- out my Fritz. " Two years later I went back to the same place, my husband and baby being with me, and my little pet terrier. Fritz was on the platform with his master to meet us. At the sight of my face he uttered a howl of recognition, and, as soon as the door was opened, rushed frantically to welcome me. In the midst of his joy the little dog I carried began to bark. Fritz 232 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog bounded away as though shot, and stared at me with unbelieving-, reproachful eyes. But he found it was true; I had another dog with me! Drooping his head and dragging his tail, he walked slowly away. " Poor Fritz was jealous; he would not forgive me. If I called to him he pretended not to hear, nor did he ever come to my bedroom door. " At the end of three weeks my husband went home and took the terrier with him. I stood at my window to see him go, and Fritz sat on the hot pavement on the opposite side of the road. He watched the luggage go, he watched us saying good-bye, and he watched Frank walk off to the station with Tiny under his arm. When Frank turned the corner Fritz trotted after him, and putting his nose round to the cross street, watched him until he reached the station at the end. Then, as though demented, he turned and flew back to the hotel, up the steps, up the stairs, until at my door he scratched and barked loudly for entrance. When I let him in, his leaps of happiness and his kisses were overwhelm- ing, and we were again fast friends. " Once more I asked the landlord to sell him and once more we agreed to a price. " The day before I was leaving I told Fritz that he was to go with me. He looked as though he under- stood, but did not come to sleep either outside or inside my room that night. " In the morning, however, no Fritz was to be found, and when I asked for him I was told that he had not been seen since the previous afternoon, nor had he come in for his supper. After breakfast thoueh. on looking from the window, I saw my black friend sitting Intelligence of Dogs 233 in his favorite place on the opposite pavement. The landlord saw him, too, and called him, but he only wagged his tail. Bones and food were put on the hotel steps, but though he kept looking at them from the corner of his eye, he would not approach the house. " Then he lay with his nose upon his paws, blinking in the sun, as my luggage was taken away. He saw the nurse carrying the baby up the street, and still he sat there. At last, having settled with everyone, I ap- peared at the door and called him. He started to his feet and wagged his tail, but would not cross the road even to me. As I walked along one side he trotted along the other, until we came to the bend. Then he cautiously peeped round the corner and watched his master going along to the station, for he was a polite man who always saw his guests off by train. Feeling himself safe so far, Fritz darted across, leaped up at me, and ran down a cross-street which led by an unfre- quented way to the station. A few yards down he stopped and looked back with such imploring eyes that I could do nothing but follow him. " When we came out close to the line Fritz stood still ; on the wooden platform he saw his master giving orders about luggage, while the train was waiting, so he made a dash toward a clump of bushes, and crouch- ing beneath, refused to come out for any entreaties. " I had to leave him, and walking across the plat- form, took my seat, shaking hands with the good hotel keeper who had seen after everything for me. The guard turned to shut my door, when a black streak shot from under the bushes, jumped up the steps, and hid beneath my feet. The door banged, and the train 234 O ur Devoted Friend, The Dog moved off, but not for an hour did the dear dog feel that it was safe to creep from his hiding-place. Then he sat by my side and was fed with sandwiches and bis- cuits to make up for his long fast. And ever since he has been my constant companion." Captain John Codman, of Boston, writes in the New York Times : " Many years ago I was the second mate on the ship Carolina of Boston, commanded by Captain Ste- phen Lemist. He had on board a fine black shaggy Newfoundland dog called Neptune. ' Nep ' was the pet of all hands as well as of his master. He had the full liberty of the quarter-deck, and sometimes availed himself of it by carelessly walking about on the taff- rail. We were bound to New Orleans, and were being towed up the Mississippi in company with four other vessels. ' Nep ' was walking on the rail as was his occasional custom, when he unfortunately lost his bal- ance and fell overboard. It was impossible to stop without disarranging the tow, which the captain of the tug would not consent to do. So Captain Lemist and the grief-stricken crew were constrained to leave the dog to his fate. For a while he swam after the fleet, but finding that he could not keep up with us, he struck out for the Western shore of the river, seeing that he was nearest to that side. The only satisfaction that we had was that his life was in no danger, for we were sure that he would reach the land. As for ourselves, we mourned that we had forever parted company with our dear shipmate, and the captain, as I can see him now, laid his head upon the binnacle and sobbed like a child. We were about fifty miles below New Orleans Intelligence of Dogs 235 at the time of the accident, and in a few hours were berthed at the levee, where we remained for three days discharging our cargo. A freight of cotton and tobacco for London was engaged and we were towed up to Lafayette, some three or four miles above, to take it in, and were berthed the third outside in a tier of vessels, the cargo being carried on planks over the decks of the others. One morning after we had been there two days, as we were busily engaged at our work, to our utter astonishment ' Nep ' walked on board ! " It is almost needless to say that our joy equalled his own. Wagging his organ of recognition, as a dog's tail has so aptly been termed, and crying in a dog's language of delight, he jumped upon every one of his old friends, entirely ignoring the stevedores, whom he did not know, and then rushed down the companion- way in search of the captain, who did not happen to be on board. Then he came on deck dejected and woe-be- gone, taking no further interest in any of us beyond casting about his inquiring looks. I expect to be be- lieved, for I am telling the truth, when I say that the big tears stood in his eyes. The captain had gone ashore to his consignee's office in the city, as the chief mate knew. ' Come, Nep,' said he, ' come along.' Nep understood him readily enough as he jumped on the stage over the other vessels' decks, and followed him down to the office, where he was clasped in his fond master's arms. There is not a particle of fiction in this pathetic story. How Neptune found his ship was beyond our ken ; we merely guessed that he had traveled fifty miles up the river till he came to th?*ferry, crossed over to New Orleans and then found his way up to La- 236 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog fayette, walked over two tiers of ships and reached his old home again. " How did he find it ? He yearned to tell us, for he knew that it was in our minds to ask him. But, alas, he could not speak. He was denied the gift that God has given to so many human brutes who have immortal souls, while he, when ' life's fitful fever ' was ended, went back to dust whence all of us came. But who knows if this is true? Why should a dog not be im- mortal because, although with two legs more than a man, he happens to have no voice, and why should all men be immortal because they can stand up on two legs and make more noise than dogs from their mouths? " Mr. Angell in Our Dumb Animals, March, 1898. well answers the question about " Any future life for animals? " "John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, thought there was. So did those eminent Christian bishops, Jeremy Taylor and Bishop Butler. Coleridge advocated it in England, Lamartine in France and Agassiz in America. Agassiz, the greatest scientist we ever had on this continent, and a man of profound religious convictions, was a firm believer in some future life for the lower animals. A professor of Har- vard University has compiled a list of one hundred and eighty-five European authors who have written on the subject. Many years ago a man left by will to Mr. Bergh's New York Society about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Relatives contested the will on the ground that he was insane because he believed in a future life for. animals. The judge, in sustaining the will, said he fmind that more than half the human race believed the same thing." Intelligence of Dogs 237 Agassiz said : " In some incomprehensible way, God Almighty has created these beings, and I cannot doubt of their immortality any more than I doubt of my own." Luther, Horatius Bonar, Dean Stanley, Dr. Adam Clark, Mrs. Somerville, Canon Kingsley, Byron, the Rev. Dr. Chalmers, Keble, General Gordon and others believed with Agassiz. The New York Times tells of a large black New- foundland dog who used to draw a little boy in his cart each morning to school, and go after him at the close of the day. One evening as the dog lay appar- ently asleep, his owner, who had been fined for neglect- ing to pay his dog tax, said, " Wife, I must get rid of the dog; I cannot afford so much expense for him." The dog got up, went to the door and asked to go out. He ran away, and never could be persuaded to return. He went to a store where the clerk had some- times petted him, and insisted upon staying, so the clerk bought him. He would carry messages or parcels to the house from the store, and if disturbed on the route by any other dog, he would deliver his bundle, and then return and whip the offender. A friend of mine vouches for this story : A mem- ber of the household said, " The dog tax is two dollars, and I cannot afford to pay it. The dog will have to be killed." The dog disappeared and later returned with something in his mouth. It was examined and found to be a two dollar bill. It was believed that the dog knew where a pocket book was kept, opened it, and took out the money, probably not knowing trflT value of the bill. 238 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog An intoxicated man in Trenton, says the New York World for September, 1898, tried to climb a telegraph pole, when his Scotch terrier caught hold of his cloth- ing and attempted to stop such a dangerous exhibition of himself. A policeman ordered the man down and arrested him. The man was fined five dollars in the Police Court, and got permission to send his dog, Tinker, home for the money. He was sufficiently sobered by this time to write a note, and then said to the dog as he tied it to his neck, " Go right straight home and then come right back here." Tinker wagged his tail, and ran out of court. In a half hour he re- turned, still wagging his tail, and the man took the note off his neck, which had five dollars in it, and paid his fine. Tinker was quite as much rejoiced as his master, and jumped about and barked in a most joyous manner. The proprietor of the Sheridan House, at Elizabeth, N. J., owns a valuable setter, Fannie, says the New York Journal. The receipts of the hotel for two days he had placed between the leaves of his bank book, and started for the bank to deposit the money. When he reached the bank he put his hand in his pocket, but the book was missing. Hurrying back toward the hotel he met Fannie coming toward him with the book in her mouth. She had found it probably as he left the hotel and had scented his footsteps to follow him. Dogs can be taught to steal as well as to be honest. A lady and her husband were standing before the Hoff- man House, New York, says the New York World, March. 1900, when a black and tan terrier snatched a handsome purse from the lady's hand, and rushed Intelligence of Dogs 239 away to a showily dressed woman who disappeared in the crowd. Dogs become almost as skilful as their masters, if properly taught. It is said that the dog of Herr Gus- tav von Moser, the naturalist, who has collected snakes from almost every part of the world, has a dog, Disc, a bright little fox terrier, who knows a harmless snake from a poisonous one, as quickly as his owner. The New York Commercial Advertiser tells of a boy in Chicago who taught a Great Dane puppy to sit on the seat of his delivery wagon, hold the reins in his teeth, and pull back if the horse started before the boy came back. Recently, the horse shied, threw the driver from his seat, and started to run away, the reins drag- ging on the ground. Then the dog put into practice what he had been taught. He dashed after the run- away, seized the lines, and pulled back with all his might, till his master, not seriously injured, came to the rescue. A white setter stopped another runaway in Chicago in the summer of 1897. The driver had been thrown out, when the setter climbed upon the seat, seized the lines in his teeth, then jumped into the bottom of the wagon, running to the rear and bracing himself. He pulled and sawed as he had seen his master do, prob- ably, till the horse slackened his speed, and a half dozen men stopped him. Then the dog jumped down under the horse's head, and awaited the coming of the driver. G. de Montanban in Forest and Stream, tells of his St. Bernard, who every morning when the mail car- rier has passed the house, at 9 130, plants himself at the 240 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog front door and waits for him to go to the Post Office. He whines and howls till his master goes, and expresses great delight when he is ready. At i 150 p. M V the time for the afternoon mail, he repeats his wish to go, and joy at going. The dog is so gentle and kind, says the writer, " If a whole regiment of tramps were to parade through the house, I doubt if he would do any- thing but put up his paw and ask to be petted. Last summer I had him at the lake, and when I went away for two days he just sat on the extreme end of the boat landing and silently wept. I didn't know dogs could cry that way." My own St. Bernard, when I went to Chicago to the World's Fair, howled day by day, all the time I was gone, and became thin and dejected. When I returned, her joy was so great, that we feared she would die. The pet dog of Asa Gray, the renowned botanist of Harvard University, died of joy when his master re- turned after a year's absence in Europe. A grizzly St. Bernard decided a case in court the other day in the Superior Civil Court, to the satisfac- tion of judge, jury and witnesses, says the Boston Daily Traveler, November 14, 1898. " About a year ago the dog was kidnapped from a Revere farmer, and subsequently sold to a Brookline livery stable keeper for $50. " The Revere farmer advertised, but to no purpose. Business one day took him to Brookline. He was ac- companied by his six-year-old daughter. ' They were driving slowly through the main street. Suddenly the child uttered a cry. "'Look, pa! Oh, look! look! Carlo! Carlo!' Intelligence of Dogs 241 " There on the green, with tail extended and eye dilated, his great body trembling with the excite- ment caused by that voice he loved, stood kidnapped ' Carlo.' " ' Oh, come, Carlo ! ' cried the child eagerly. There was a merry bark, and the dog was by the side of the wagon in a twinkling, wagging his bushy tail and prancing in doggish glee. The farmer of course took possession of the dog. The Brooklinite laid his griev- ance before the court. " It took two days to hear the case. " The complainant put in evidence to show that he purchased the dog of the man who reared him. On the other hand, the defendant described every mark and scar on the dog. " ' I think I'll postpone the trial in order to have the dog in court as a witness,' said the judge. " A deputy sheriff brought the canine to court the day following. " ' Carlo ! ' called the livery stable keeper. The dog only sniffed and moved uneasily. '*' ' Oh, Carlo ! Carlo ! ' cried the farmer's child. The huge St. Bernard's tail went round. In another second he was bounding down the corridor to his mis- tress. " The case then was submitted to the jury, and after five minutes' deliberating the jury returned with a verdict for the farmer." Dash, who carried the mail for ten years for his master, Walter C. Wilmer, postmaster at Vailsburg, N. J., died in January, 1899. The mail came twice a day by trolley car from South Orange, and rain or shine, 242 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Dash was there to carry it to his master, and receive a soda cracker for his good deed. Roy is an English mastiff, belonging to Miss Mil- dred Sherman of Syracuse, N. Y., says the New York World for October 28, 1898. " He has come into notice particularly the past year or two, because of his association with the Kanatenah Club House, which is one of the historic mansions of the city, as it was the homestead of the Hamilton White family, pioneers in cultivation and wealth among Syra- cuse's best people. " Mrs. Sherman sold the homestead to the club and when the family left the house, Roy, the family dog, was also removed; but he rebelled against a change of quarters and refuses to live anywhere but at the club house. " This club is the largest social club in the State and has for a membership nearly 300 of the representative women of the city. Roy is indifferent to blandish- ments, never anything but gentle, yet always dignifiedly reserved. " His intelligence has been evinced in many ways, but in none as in his deportment during several opera- tions for the removal of a growth from one of his eye- lids. " A prominent specialist consented to take Roy as a patient because ' he is so near human,' as the doctor says. " Roy was impressed with the ordeal the first time, and the second time, while waiting in the doctor's re- ception room, he acted as if he were bracing himself for the ordeal. When the time came, after demurring i. GIVGER, owned by Mr. Henry C. Buchanan, Trenton, X. J. (p. 218). 2. ROY. owned by Miss Mildred Sherman, Syracuse, N. Y. Intelligence of Dogs 243 vigorously, he listened to his young mistress for a few moments while she reasoned with him. Then he rushed up the stairs into the operating-room, stepped into the chair and turned his head toward the doctor and quietly permitted the operation. Once since he has had the excrescence removed and returned the next day, as if to thank the doctor for his kindness. Roy is social in his* habits, and after going to a place once always returns soon after to make a call. He visits one store for meat, the milk association for milk, a boarding-house, and is a frequenter of a saloon. He does not indulge in intoxicants, so why he visits the last named place is not known. " He resents a snub of any kind, and never puts him- self in the way of a second one. One of the resident members of the club, to whom he became attached, sent him from her room one evening, and he has never paid her any attention since." I wrote to Miss Sherman to verify these facts and received this interesting letter : "In regard to the article in the New York World about my dog Roy, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that it is all true and a great deal more besides that would be of interest to any lover of animals. The article in the World was an extract from a much longer one that appeared in a Syracuse paper and I regret very much that I am not able to send it to you. Roy lived to be nearly ten years old, a ripe old age for a mastiff, I believe. He died last summer. " He was a remarkable dog in many ways, not a thoroughbred, although a fine dog, and had the intelli- gence that is so often found in a cross. He came to 244 O ur Devoted Friend, The Dog me when he was only three weeks old and from that time we were constant companions. But every other affection was overshadowed by his love for his home. The first night we spent in our new house, he cried like a homesick child and early next morning was gone and never stayed with us for more than two or three days at a time after that until he grew so lame that it was very hard for him to walk and then he made us longer visits. " Roy was very fond of company and could not bear to be alone, and as our new home was quite a distance from the center of the city and his old haunts, he did not like it. " Every one in town knew him and when he walked anywhere with me he was greeted by almost every one we passed with a familiar ' Hello, Roy.' People whom I had never seen seemed to know him well. But he was never demonstrative and usually received caresses with a bored air. One of the funniest things about him was that he usually came to see us at the new home on Sunday. He would arrive late Saturday night or early Sunday morning and remain until Monday. We accounted for this by the fact that the saloons and grocers where he spent a good deal of his time were closed. No impression could be made on him by whip- ping, but he remembered a scolding for weeks. When I would get ready to go out, Roy would look at me in an appealing way, but he was too proud to make any effort to follow me unless I called him. But if I did not take him, he would not look at me when I returned and would hardly notice me for days. He was like a sensitive, high-tempered person. Intelligence of Dogs 245 " The most intelligent thing he ever did was when my uncle, Mr. Hamilton White, died. It was a little over a year ago. He had always been very much interested in fires and had a fine private engine house. He finally lost his life at a fire and the ac- count of his tragic death was printed in the papers all over the country. There was a tremendous crowd at his funeral, the church was filled and many people stood outside who could not get in, and in the midst of it all was Roy. How he got there, we never knew, as he had been at the club for a week. Every one said that the grief displayed by that dog was the saddest thing they had ever seen. He stood outside the church doors and would not be driven away, but walked mournfully up and down with droop- ing head and tail. At last some one who knew him came and insisted on taking him inside the church, saying that it was as evident as if he had spoken that he understood. " While he was undergoing the operation referred to in the World, Roy showed more courage than most hu- man beings would under the same circumstances. The tumor had to be cut from his eye three different times and Dr. Brown who did it and who is a very well known specialist said that Roy was one of the best patients he had. The dog would tremble all over with pain and fright, but would stand with his front feet on a chair and hold his head immovable. He had an ab- scess on his foot at one time, and when it was lanced he showed the keenest interest in the operation. " I hope that you will be able to use some of the anecodotes that I send you, and if you wish for further 246 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog details, I should be delighted to give them, as Roy's strange and intelligent doings are an inexhaustible subject. " Very sincerely, " MILDRED SHERMAN." Our Dumb Animals, March, 1897, quotes from the Philadelphia Ledger as follows: " A physician residing in New Hope, N. J., has a favorite dog, which usually meets his master at the rail- road. On a recent occasion the doctor did not find him at the station. On reaching his house the doctor found the dog waiting him on the porch, with another dog. As the doctor passed into the house his own dog remained outside, as well-bred dogs are taught to do. But the strange dog pushed in and overwhelmed the doctor with caresses. When he took a chair the dog climbed with his breast upon the doctor's knee, and one paw affectionately upon his shoulder. This very de- monstrative behavior led to investigation, and upon ex- amining the other paw a pin was found sticking in the flesh. It was of course extracted. It could not be said in this case that the doctor's fee was ' no great shakes/ for the vibrations of the tail of the patient. ' discharged cured/ were something to wonder at, as he trotted out. It is not remarkable or uncommon that a dog should, when in pain, .appeal for help. But that a physician's dog should bring his master a subject 'for treatment, certainly is a remarkable proof of animal sagacity." Our Dumb Animals for May, 1897, has this incident showing memory and gratitude: " Hon. Francis S. Hesseltine of our Boston Bar Intelligence of Dogs 247 sends us the following written to him by Dr. J. Lang- don Sullivan, a prominent physician of Maiden, Mass. : " ' The facts you ask for are as follows : Twenty years ago a gentleman brought to my office, 310 Main street, Maiden, a large, very handsome intelligent spaniel dog, whose nigh foreleg was badly broken, the bone being grown out of place. On the master's assur- ance that the dog would not bite me, I set the leg. Drawing the bony fragments into place caused severe unavoidable pain. The animal whimpered, but dis- played no anger, and allowed the dressing to remain undisturbed until I removed it, when firm union had resulted. I saw no more of my canine patient nor of his owner for two years. Then (again on a summer's morning) I heard a loud scratching at my office door, I opened it and there stood my old spaniel friend, wag- ging his tail. Beside him stood a fine black and tan with a round French nail driven clear through his right paw. I patted the spaniel, called both dogs in, removed the nail and sent both away happy, trotting side by side as if nothing had happened. I have never seen any- thing of either since.' ' Lemuel Collins of Bath, Me., has a dog named Pomp, who whenever requested to do so, will fill the wood box, carrying the wood stick by stick in his mouth from the shed to the kitchen and depositing it in the wood box, until the box is filled. A Boston terrier, running on the thin ice of Jamaica Pond, broke through about a hundred feet from the shore. A boy procured a rope and threw the end to him, which the dog at once seized with his teeth and 248 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog held on while the boy drew the grateful creature to the shore. Mr. J. St. Loe Strachey in his Dog Stories from the Spectator, gives the following: " Dr. Walter F. Atlee writes to the editor of the Philadelphia Medical Times : " In a letter recently received from Lancaster, where my father resides, it is said : ' A queer thing occurred just now. Father was in the office, and heard a dog yelping outside the door; he paid no attention until a second and louder yelp was heard, when he opened it, and found a little brown dog standing on the step upon three legs. He brought him in, and on examining the fourth leg, found a pin sticking in it. He drew out the pin, and the dog ran away again.' The office of my father, Dr. Atlee, is not directly on the street, but stands back, having in front of it some six feet of stone wall with a gate. I will add that it has not been possi- ble to discover anything more about the dog. ' This story reminds me of something similar that occurred to me while studying medicine in the same office nearly thirty years ago. A man named Cosgrove, the keeper of a low tavern near the railroad station, had his arm broken, and came many times to the office to have the dressings arranged. He was always accom- panied by a large, most ferocious-looking bull-dog, that watched me most attentively, and most unpleas- antly to me, while bandaging his master's arm. A few weeks after Cosgrove's case was discharged, I heard a noise at the office door, as if some animal was pawing it, and on opening it, saw there this huge bull-dog, accompanied by another dog that held up one of its Intelligence of Dogs 249 front legs, evidently broken. They entered the office. I cut several pieces of wood, and fastened them firmly to the leg with adhesive plaster, after straightening the limb. They left immediately. The dog that came with Cosgrove's dog I never saw before nor since. Do not these stories adequately show that the dogs reasoned and drew new impressions for a new experience? " The December, 1899, Journal of Zoophily copies from the Denver Post this interesting account of some shepherd dogs : " The most celebrated breed of shepherd dogs ever known in the West," said Jud Bristol, the old-time Sheep man of Fort Collins, Col., " were those bred from a pair of New Zealand dogs brought to Colorado in 1875. I had several of their pups on my ranges, and could fill a volume with instances of their rare in- telligence and faithfulness. " I remember one pup in particular. He was only six months old when he was sent out one day to work on the range. At night, when the herd was brought up to the corrals, we saw at once that a part of the herd was missing. There were 1,600 head in the bunch when they went out in the morning, but when we put them through the chute we found that 200 were miss- ing. The pup was also missing. Well, all hands turned out for the search. We hunted all that night and all of the next day, and did not find the lost sheep until along toward night. But they were all herded in a little draw, about five miles from home, and there was the faithful dog standing guard. The wolves were very plentiful in those days, and the dog had actually hidden the sheep from the animals in the draw. The 250 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog poor fellow was nearly famished, as he had been for thirty-six hours without food or water. From that day he became a hero, but was so badly affected by hunger, exposure, and thirst, and subsequent over-feed- ing and petting, that he died not long afterward. " This same pup's mother was an especially fine ani- mal. One night the herder brought in his flocks and hurried to his cabin to cook himself some supper, for he was more than usually hungry. But he missed the dog, which usually followed him to the cabin of an evening to have her supper. The herder thought it rather strange, but made no search for the dog that night. But when he went down to the corrals the next morning he found the gate open and the faithful dog standing guard over the flocks. This herder, in his haste the night v before, had forgotten to close the gate, and the dog, more faithful than her master, had remained at her post all night, though suffering from hunger and thirst. " On another occasion this same dog was left to watch a flock of sheep near the fyerder's cabin while the herder got his supper. After he had eaten his supper he went out to where the sheep were and told the dog to put the sheep in the corral. This she re- fused to do, and, although she had had no supper, she started off over the prairie as fast as she could go. The herder put the sheep in the. corral and went to bed. About midnight he was awakened by the loud barking of a dog down by the corrals. He got up, dressed him- self, and went down to the corrals, and there found the dog with a band of about fifty sheep, which had strayed off during the previous day without the herder's knowl- Intelligence of Dogs 251 edge, but the poor dog knew it, and also knew they ought to be corralled, and she did it." The New York Sun relates this story of a dog called Jim, in eastern Oregon, owned by Bob Thompson : " At the time of the Bannock uprising Thompson and his men were herding sheep ten miles from Pendle- ton. One morning a messenger rode up in hot haste, warning the shepherds to flee for their lives, as the Indians were on the war-path. The shepherds fled. Only the dogs and sheep were left. " For the next few days the dogs came straggling into Pendleton one by one, and within a week they were all present or accounted for, all but Jim. At the end of a month the Indian uprising had been put down and Thompson went out to look for his sheep. " He had left 2,000 and he found 6,000, all quietly feeding together. As he rode near he saw, perched on a tall butte, a black object that turned out to be Jim, who gave his master a frantic welcome and then proudly started with him to inspect the band. " Single-handed, Jim had taken care of those sheep for thirty days, driving them to fresh pastures each day. Every stray band that he met he had chased into his drove, until he had become the king herder of the bunchgrass country. Hard work had agreed with him, and he was as fat as a possum in persimmon time. Jim is gone now, but his memory is respected by every wool puller in Umatilla county." A. R. Alpine tells this story of two shepherd dogs : "The late Rev. Myron Reed, in addition to being an able champion and warm-hearted friend of the poor and oppressed of the human race, was also a great lover 252 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog of animals. Some years ago he told me the following true story of the remarkable sagacity of two dogs, which he considered the greatest dog story he had ever heard. " It was the custom of several sheep-ranch owners in Colorado to winter their flocks in a" certain sheltered valley in the mountains. Their summer ranches were , widely separated ; and the sheep were driven many miles, usually in October, to the winter rendezvous. " Among the number who thus wintered their sheep were two men who were partners, and their flock was generally among the first to arrive. But one fall their flock had not reached the valley, even after all the other ranchmen, with their thousands of sheep, were assem- bled. This occasioned much uneasiness; but, finally, the leaders of the belated flock began to come in, and in a day or two the last of the flock were driven in by the two dogs belonging to the partners. And still the men themselves did not appear. Fearing foul play, the other ranchmen detailed two of their number to make a thorough investigation. Accordingly, these men rode over the trail made by the flock, making care- ful search for the missing partners. At the end of the second day they reached a stream, on the further side of which the flock had evidently been halted for several days, waiting for the high water in the river to subside before they could cross. But no traces of the owners could yet be found. Not until the two men had ridden back over the whole route, and reached the summer ranch, was the mystery solved. There they found the remains of the unfortunate partners, murdered, as was Intelligence of Dogs 253 subsequently learned, by a party of Mexicans in Au- gust. " From that time until October the flock had received no care except from the two* faithful dogs; and the instinct or reason of these two sagacious animals was so very wonderful that, when the proper time came to take up the march for the distant winter quarters, these two noble creatures, unaided, started, guided, and drove the large flock over the entire distance, which consumed two weeks' time, and but one of the dogs had ever been over the route before." Old Shep, the guardian of the Central Park sheep in New York, is thus described by Franklin H. North in St. Nicholas, August, 1884. " At one end of the fold, distant only a few feet from the sheep, lies the collie. Indeed, Shep would not be at ease away from the sheep, for, though eighteen years old, he has lived among them from his infancy. Like many another shepherd dog, Shep, when but a few weeks old, was put under the care of an ewe whose lambs had been taken from her to make room for him, and hence he doubtless feels himself a sort of kinsman of the flock. Even for a collie, Shep is unusually sagacious, and in many in- stances has shown an intelligence almost human. " A few years ago, Shep being even then an old dog, an attempt was made to supersede him with a younger dog of more acute hearing. So poor old Shep was led away; and, evidently divining what was going on, showed many signs of distress. He was given to a gentleman who owns a farm in Putnam county, New York more than fifty miles distant from New York 254 O UF Devoted Friend, The Dog city. Arrived at the farm, Shep was wont to sit on the lawn before the house and look intently in the direc- tion whence he had been brought. Neither the kindly words of his new master nor the marrowy bones plenti- fully bestowed upon him by his mistress, served to cheer up his faithful old heart or lessen his longing to be back with the flock he loved so well. " One day the Park Superintendent came up to the farm on a visit, and Shep's heart beat with delight ; for he imagined, though wrongly, that it was for him that the visitor had come. His new master took the su- perintendent out into a field to see some fine cows, and Shep followed; but the cows became restive at the sight of the dog. " ' Go home, Shep ! ' said his new master, turning sharply upon him. Shep, when he got this command, brightened up immediately. His eyes opened wide and his bushy tail, which had drooped ever since he took up his new quarters, rose high in the air and curled over his back with its wonted grace. He understood the words of the order perfectly; but he knew only one * home/ and that was in the Central Park sheep-fold, and with an alacrity that did credit to his good lirhbs, he bounded off in the direction where he knew it stood. He had come by way of a steamboat that landed at Poughkeepsie, and with a sagacity that might he looked for in a human being, but could hardly be expected in the canine family, he found his way at once to the wharf. There, not being able to read the time-table posted upon the wharf-shed, he sat down behind some barrels and waited patiently for the boat to come. But the boat started from the upper Hudson and did not Intelligence of Dogs 255 call at Poughkeepsie until late in the afternoon. Shep seemed to know that it would come at last, however, and he improved the interval in taking a few quiet dozes under the shed. When the boat arrived, almost the first passenger to get aboard was Shep; he made the embarkation in just three bounds, and forgetting all about buying a ticket, hid himself at once among some great cases of merchandise lying on the main deck, where he remained, composed and comfortable, during the journey. The boat, in due time, reached the wharf at the foot of West Twenty-third street, New York city; and, as may be imagined, Shep did not tarry on the way between the wharf and the Central Park. Long before his fellow-passengers had their lug- gage safely landed, Shep had reached the fold and was being hailed by the sheep with unmistakable evidences of delight. And from that day, the Park Superintend- ent, Mr. Conklin, a warm-hearted man, would not per- mit any one to remove the faithful collie from the fold. " Shep, much to his disappointment, found another and a younger dog in his former position of protector of the flock, but he was at once appointed as instructor to the young dog." The writer adds this good story about the younger Shep ; " Sheep dogs, like old Shep and young Shep, rarely get bones, and consequently, when they do have the good fortune to receive such a delicacy, they are in- clined to take very good care of it. " Young Shep, when he had picked the bone to his complete satisfaction for the time, used to dig a hole in the yard, and put the bone in it, thus making pro- vision in time of plenty for a possible famine in the 256 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog future. Seeing this, old Shep, who, if he is losing his hearing, is by no means parting with his scent, got into the habit of going about the yard in want of a nibble, and digging up the youngster's favorite bones. This was too much for young Shep, and he set himself to outwit the learned canine professor. Being given an unusually delicious and delicate chicken-bone one day, just after his dinner, he looked around for a safe de- pository until his appetite should return and he could enjoy the feast to his heart's content. As said before, young Shep is a thinking dog, and it did not take him long to hit upon a plan by which the voracious appetite of his revered instructor might be foiled at least in so far as the appropriation of his junior's property was concerned. " He first dug an unusually deep pit, scratching away with his forepaws for a long time. In the bottom of the deep hole he carefully buried the juicy chicken-bone, covering it with a good supply of fresh clay. The hole was now only half full, and young Shep was seen searching the yard from end to end. Finally he found what he sought! It was an old bone that had been picked clean and even the edges of which had been nibbled off. This he carried over to the newly made hole, into which he dropped it, covering it in turn with a bountiful supply of clay. ' The next day old Shep bethought him that he would like a good bone to nibble. So he searched about the yard. The newly turned earth assured him that a bone was below, and his nose affirmed it. He went to work with a will, and his labors were soon rewarded by the sight of a bone. But such a bone! No meat ad- Intelligence of Dogs 257 hered to its sides, and it was almost white in some places from exposure to the weather. Old Shep just toyed with it for a few moments and then carried it to the farther end of the yard, where he dropped it. Meantime, young- Shep had come to the door of the fold and had seen what was going on with ill-concealed anxiety. No sooner had Shep retired from the vicinity of the hole, however, than the younger dog was there, digging with all his might; and a few minutes later old Shep, at the other end of the yard, saw him extract from the same hole where he himself had been digging, a fine, juicy chicken-bone, that almost made his mouth water." Old Shep used to count the sheep at night, stand- ing at the gate of the fold and touch each one with his fore-paw as it passed in. If one was missing he always knew it, and rushed off after it, and brought it back. Young Shep was finally taken away from the park by his owner, and the dog at present, March, 1900, with the sheep was given about a year ago by Hon. W. R. Grace. A bird dog and a Newfoundland are owned re- spectively by Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Murray of Rock- ton, N. Y. Both animals are devoted to Mrs. Taylor's four-year-old boy. Recently, one morn- ing Frank, the bird dog came to his mistress and pulled at her dress. As she paid no attention, the dog went upstairs to the bed of the little boy, and pulled his nightclothes to wake him up. Then he went down- stairs and ran to the front door barking. Mrs. Taylor, thinking that something must be wrong, opened the door, and followed her dog. They soon found the New- 258 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog foundland with his foot caught fast in some stone work from which he could not extricate it. Both dogs followed her into the house, and remained for several hours, as though to show their gratitude. Pearson's Magazine has the following interesting story. Squire Rutlandshire lost two hunting dogs, and made up his mind that they had been stolen. After a long time they returned, thin and miserable. A neighbor who was hunting, came across a broken bank, where his dogs seemed uneasy at a hole in the ground. They would not leave the place, until he procured a spade and began to dig. Eight feet of earth was cleared away, when he discovered the dogs of his neighbor, where they had been buried by the bank caving in, when they were digging for a rabbit, prob- ably. They had been confined for thirteen days, and were nearly starved. The rescuing dogs followed the rescued home, and prompt attention saved their lives. In England dogs are often used as collectors for charitable institutions. Leo, a St. Bernard, collects for the Cork Women and Children's Hospital. Since 1892 he has taken in 2,500. Leo knows his own bank and pays his money regularly. Schnapsie, a dachshund, the property ol Mrs. Her- bert Allingham, 25 Grosvenor Square, London, has collected for children at the Great Northern Central Hospital and for other charities about 1,500. The cot in the hospital will be called " Doggie's Cot " in the Duchess of York's ward. He is assisted by Dai Mikado, a Japanese spaniel, who recently collected 3 at a children's afternoon party. Tim, an Irish Airedale terrier, collects for the Widows' and Orphans' Fund on SCHNAPSIE. Owned by Mrs. Herbert Allingham, London, England. Intelligence of Dogs 259 the platform at Paddington Station. Jack, a yellow re- triever, collects for orphans, on the Basingstoke Station platform. Spot, of Salisbury, has collected in two years for various charities 25,166 coins, which he has picked up himself and put in his box. Joe, the Folkes- tone collector, has added over 21 to the Hospital. A toy spaniel collects on Hospital Saturday at Charing Cross railway station. Pat, the " Pet of Southsea," a collie, for over three years has collected for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The latter seems especially appropriate work for dogs. " I was once staying with Lord Kinnaird at hi z seat in Scotland," says an exchange, " when his Lordship expressed a wish that I should see some of his prize sheep, which were then feeding with some hundreds more on the brow of a hill, about three miles from the house. Calling his shepherd he kindly asked him to have the prize sheep fetched up as quickly as he could. The shepherd whistled, when a fine old sheep-dog ap- peared before him, and, seated on his hindquarters, evi- dently awaited orders. What passed between the shep- herd and the dog I know not, but the faithful creature manifestly understood his' instructions. " Do you believe that the dog will bring the sheep to us out of your flock? " I asked. " Wait awhile, and you will see," said his lordship. The dog now darted off towards the sheep, at the same time giving a significant bark, which immediately called forth two younger sheep dogs to join in the mission. Accustomed as I was to the remarkable sagacity of collie dogs, I was amazed at what now took place. On one side of the hill was a river, on the other side a dense 260 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog forest. One of the younger dogs, on arriving at the foot of the hill turned to the left, while the other darted off to the right. The former stationed himself between the sheep and the forest, while the latter stood between the sheep and the river. The old dog now darted into the middle of the flock, when the sheep scampered right and left, but were kept at bay by the two watchers. The old dog^ speedily singled out the particular sheep desired and in a few minutes the three dogs were quietly driving them towards us; within about an hour of receiving the instructions the dogs brought the sheep up to the door of the mansion." " This is a true story. The dog lived in Algiers. This dog was clever about doing things. He was taught to go every morning to the baker's, and bring back a basket containing twelve rolls of bread. He was an honest dog, and never ate any of the bread. But one morning they could only find eleven rolls in the basket. Had any thief stolen a roll? This happened more than once, so they watched the dog. They were much astonished to find that on his return from the shop this kind-hearted dog passed a dark corner, where a poor suffering dog, with her starving puppies, lay quite helpless, and that he gave her one of the rolls. As he did this each morning the baker was told to send thirteen rolls, and the dog continued to bring home twelve. Presently he brought home thirteen, and they judged from this that his poor friend was quite well again and able to earn her own living." A correspondent of The London Spectator sends the following from Calgary, in Alberta: " My dog, a half-retriever, half-setter, has been with Intelligence of Dogs 261 me for six years since I rescued him as a puppy with a can on his tail. He has followed me constantly, and though always very friendly with everybody, has been devoted to me both, indoors and out. Lately a change has come over him ; he would come into my room when called, but would take the first opportunity to go out. " He seemed to be dull, to have lost his old joyous- ness in our companionship. Last fall my children went to England, and I thought he missed them. He would leave my room to lie under the kitchen table, and would follow the hired boy about the place, so I told the house- keeper to keep him out of the kitchen, and the boy to take no notice of him. It made no difference. Forbid- den the kitchen, he would leave my room and lie in the hall. " He had always been accustomed to follow me al- most everywhere, whether riding or driving; but this year, thinking the journey to town (sixteen miles) and back too much for him, I had left him at the ranch when going to town. Last Saturday I was driving to town, the dog started to follow, and as the boy was going to send him back I said : ' Oh, never mind ; let him come,' and he came with us. " Now the whole mystery is explained. On our re- turn the dog quite resumed his old habits. The change was extraordinary. He comes into my room and stays there as a matter of course ; he greets me every morning on coming down stairs; he jumps around in the old joyous fashion when I go out in fact, is himself again. Evidently the trip to town was one of his most cher- ished privileges, and he took his own way to show that he had no use for a master who deprived him of it." 262 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog This pretty story is told of the grandson of Robert Louis Stevenson and a Skye terrier : " The last that was seen of Mr. Stevenson, before the seizure which terminated in his death, he was laugh- ing on the porch with his wife's grandson, over little Austin's French lesson. Now, when this same Austin Strong was a baby, one night his parents were invited out to dine at the house of an intimate friend. They took their child with them, and when they went down stairs to the table, they left him asleep on the lounge in the hostess's dressing room. In the family of this hostess was a very bright pet dog. On this occasion Zoe for that was her name surpassed herself. When the baby's mother came back up stairs to look after him, she found him still asleep on the lounge. But beside him on his pillow was carefully laid a bone. Evi- dently Zoe had concluded, in her sage, canine mind, that he was neglected at this dinner hour, which always meant some tidbit, even for her. And so she had brought him something of her own to eat." Lippincott's Magazine tells this story of a dog who could count : ^.^ " A high bred collie received an injury a year or so ago through which she became permanently and totally blind. Recently she gave birth to a litter of six puppies, all of which were uniform in size and in mark- ings. Immediately after the birth of the puppies, the dog's owner had mother and young removed from the dark cellar in which they then were, and carried to a warm well-ventilated room in his stables. In the darkness of the cellar one of the puppies was overlooked and left behind. As soon as the mother entered the Intelligence of Dogs 263 box in which her young had been placed, she pro- ceeded to examine them, nosing them about and lick- ing them. Suddenly she appeared to become very much disturbed about something; she jumped out of the box and then jumped back again, nosing the puppies as before. Again she jumped from the box and then made her way toward the cellar, followed by her astonished owner, who had begun to have an inkling as to what disturbed her. She had counted her young ones, and had discovered that one had been left behind. Sure enough, the abandoned puppy was soon found and car- ried in triumph to the new home. " So astonished was the gentleman at this blind crea- ture's intelligence that he resolved to experiment fur- ther. He removed another puppy and held it in his arms. It was not long before the blind mother showed her distress so plainly that her lost young one was re- stored to her." The Youth's Companion gives this story from the diary of Sir M. E. Grant Duff : " The clergyman has a small dog, which would de- light your soul. It is accustomed to sleep with his children, but never knows in whose" bed, as they fight for it every night. One evening all the household had gone out, leaving their supper, consisting of meat pies and little cakes, on the kitchen table. When they re- turned the eatables had entirely disappeared. When the children went to bed, however, each child found, under its counterpane, a meat pie and a little cake. In its uncertainty as to its resting-place, the dog had de- termined to be prepared for all emergencies." , "I am sure," says a correspondent of The Boston 264 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Transcript, " you will enjoy this story of a dog's in- telligence, which has the merit of being absolutely true. Schneider was a large, full-blooded, handsome setter. He was very fond of being with the boys, and one day they took him when they were going bathing. They bathed in a pond which was crossed by a railroad bridge carrying one track. While the boys bathed, Schneider sat on the track and watched them. Sud- denly, to the horror of the boys, a train appeared ; there was no time for the dog to get off the bridge, and it was too high for him to jump. The boys turned away to avoid the sight of the dog's death, and after the train had passed, looked about with a shudder at what they expected to behold. To their amazement the dog trotted off the bridge entirely unhurt. The engineer of the train explained afterward how the dog had es- caped. As the train approached, Schneider evidently saw that his situation was desperate, and quickly thought out his only way of safety. He stepped over the rail to the projecting ends of the sleepers, laid him- self down as flat as he possibly could, and let the train pass over him. The engineer saw it all, and as the train passed he looked back and saw that the lowest step just grazed the dog's back. Could a human being have reasoned more correctly and acted more quickly than the dog?" " When the reserves were called out in Greece in 1897," says the London Daily News, " many poor sol- diers had to leave a dog unprovided for. One owner- less animal found a means of turning an honest penny. He used to visit a cafe under the arcade of Corfu, and beg, until some one gave him a pendura (Greek half- Intelligence of Dogs 265 penny), which he promptly carried to the counter, and 'exchanged for a cake. Those who frequented the cafe dubbed him ' Patata/ and were very good to him, as Greeks generally are to animals." Book-Bits has the following incident : " One summer afternoon a group of children were playing at the end of a pier which projects into Lake Ontario, near Kingston. The proverbir. . careless child of the party made the proverbial step backward from the pier into the water. None of his companions could save him, and their cries brought no one from the shore, when just as he was sinking for the third time, a superb Newfoundland dog rushed down the pier into the water, and pulled the boy out. Those of the chil- dren who did not accompany the boy home, took the dog to a confectioner's on the shore, and fed him with as great a variety of cakes and other sweets as he could eat. The next afternoon the same group of children were playing in the same place, when the canine hero of the day before came trotting down to them with the most friendly wags and nods. There being no occa- sion this time for supplying him with delicacies, the children only stroked and patted him. The dog, how- ever, had not come out of pure sociability. A child in the water and candy and cakes stood to him in the close and obvious relation of cause and effect, and if this relation was not clear to the children he resolved to impress it upon them. Watching his chance, he crept up behind the child who was standing nearest to the edge of the pier, gave a sudden push, which sent him into the water, then sprang in after him and gravely brought him to shore." 266 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " An incident which would seem to prove that a dog learns to understand the language of his country was related by one willing to vouch for its truth," says The Philadelphia American, and this is the story : " A dog had come to be very old in a family in a country village. One of the family remarked on a certain day, as the dog lay in the room : " ' I think Sancho ought to be put out of the way. He is only a nuisance now.' " That afternoon Sancho disappeared, and as the days passed did not return. In the course of a week a neighbor said : ' I see that your dog is up at the poor- house.' On inquiry it was learned that Sancho, hav- ing called at the poorhouse and been kindly received, had continued on as a guest. And ever after, although he sometimes made a brief call at his old home, he lived at the town farm, and there peacefully ended his dog's life." The London Spectator publishes the following: " Several years ago I had a beloved mongrel fox terrier named Joe. We were staying some months at Penzance, and the dog went everywhere with us, and knew the place well. One day we were, as usual in t'.ie afternoon, on the club tennis ground, when the Secre- tary came up and warned me that on the following day, as there was to be a tournament, no dogs would be ad- mitted to the inclosure. I promised to shut Joe up at home. That evening we missed the dog, and in the morning also he was not to be seen. When we went to look on at the tournament in the afternoon we found Joe waiting for us; the ground man told us that the dog had been there all night, and would not allow him- Intelligence of Dogs 267 self to be caught. He had never slept out before, and he certainly must have understood what was said. " We often used to say, ' We will drive to such a place to-day, but Joe must stay home,' and almost invariably, in whatever direction it might be, before we had driven a mile, we found Joe waiting for us by the roadside; he always grinned when we came up with him." " Isaac Banes, the Pennsylvania railroad's freight agent at Bristol," says the Philadelphia Record, " is the owner of a very intelligent setter dog. About a month ago, while he was frisking about the yards, some freight fell on him, breaking two of his legs. Mr. Barnes had the animal's legs set in splints, and, in order to keep him quiet, had the dog placed in a box filled with straw. Then the fertile brain of the freight agent gave birth to a brilliant idea. He procured half a dozen eggs, and, knowing it would be several weeks before the dog would be able to leave his quarters, he placed the eggs in the straw under the dog's body, and proceeded to await developments. At the termina- tion of three weeks six tiny chickens made their ap- pearance, and all are doing finely. The dog seems very fond of his proteges, and guards them with jealous care." " A. N. Honeywell of Port Chester has a valuable dog noted for his intelligence," says the New York Times. " Yesterday, a neighbor of Mr. Honeywell dropped her pocketbook in the snow while getting into her carriage. She did not discover her loss until she had reached her destination, and a thorough search of the 268 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog vehicle failed to find the purse. She gave it up as lost, but was agreeably surprised to have Mr. Honeywell return it to her later in the day. The dog had found it in the snow and carried it in his mouth to his master. The purse contained a large sum of money and the owner's card." " Mary's little lamb has a modern rival in ' Pro- fessor Jack Cook,' who," according to the Chicago Tribune, " is one of the unique features of the Oak Park public school. Jack is a dog, and every day he accompanies the children of F. W. Cook to school. Professor Cook is subjected to no confinement dur- ing his stay in the school building. He is allowed to roam about the rooms much as he in his wisdom deems best. He understands the spirit of the situa- tion, and sets an example of decorum. Every morning when the school bell rings he sets out from home, and he is never late at his post. " Never but twice has he interfered with recitation or made himself obnoxious. Once was when a small vulgar dog a dog impossible in educated society stopped outside the building to give vent to a series of howls. Professor Jack mounted a window sill and by threats induced the small loafer to move on hurriedly. The other time was when he first saw calisthenic exer- cises. His excited applause on this occasion brought him into temporary disrepute, but after the matter had been sufficiently explained to him he desisted. Professor Jack's last report card showed him perfect in deportment, perfect in punctuality and standing high in ' science,' upon which subject he is supposed to be deeply learned." Intelligence of Dogs 269 Rex. a collie, belonging to Mr. W. N. Rogers of Middletown, N. Y., says the World, having disobeyed his master by going to the armory where the men petted him, was sent home. He is never whipped, as that breaks the spirit of a collie, as indeed of every other kind of dog, but he is sometimes shut up in a large dark closet, for wrongdoing. As soon as Rex reached his home, he went straight to the closet, and as no one was present to close the door, he pulled it together, where he punished himself by remaining several hours. The Cleveland Press of May, 1899, tells of a three- year-old girl who climbed the stairs of the Y. M. C. A. building, her big Newfoundland dog beside her. " I want to go home," she said, but could not tell where her home was. A crowd gathered and took her down Erie street, but the dog did not go willingly. Three times he followed her and then ran back towards Huron street. The crowd finally turned and followed the dog, who led them directly to her home. Many engine houses and police stations have pet dogs. Spot belonged to Engine Company No. 30, Spring street, New York. Whenever the firebells rang he was greatly excited, always leading the way, and barking as he ran. He saved the life of Henry Martin, foreman from another company, who had been over- come with smoke, and fallen on the stairs. The dog stood over him and whined, and, finding that no one came, rushed down the stairs and barked till a fireman, noticing his peculiar actions, followed him through the smoke and rescued the unconscious man. Spot was devoted to Jumbo, a big black engine horse, and would 270 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog never allow the engine house cat to remain in his stall. Jumbo and Spot were very great friends. Jumbo acci- dentally stepped upon Spot and killed him instantly in June, 1898, and the great creature mourned sincerely for his companion. Captain W. T. Beggin writes me, " I regret that we have no picture of Spot. Jumbo is still with the com- pany." Sergeant Jack is a Boston police dog, who was home- less and made friends with a policeman one night on his rounds. The Boston Herald gives this history of Jack : " Officer Keane has the horse route, and, seeing Jack, and thinking he might be thirsty, he took him into the station. He gave him some water, and getting some scraps of meat also gave them to Jack. " This was very pleasing to the dog, and he mani- fested his pleasure by wagging that inevitable appen- dage. Officer Keane and Jack promptly became fast friends, and since that time he makes it a point to strike Officer Keane's route at the usual hour, and he invaria- bly enjoys a light repast. Jack has been affiliated with police duty at Station 6 for some little time now, and his interest has never lagged. Since his introduction to the police department he has given up the friend- ship of all mere private citizens, with the exception of his master. " He also refused to recognize officers of other divisions, and this has caused much comment, as it appears strange that the dog can tell one from the other. In some mysterious manner he is also able to tell the hour of roll call, and almost every evening he is present at the station at five o'clock to go on duty with the I. DANDY, owned by Capt. A. S. Paige, Brookline, Mass. (p. 273). 2. SERGEANT JACK AND THE BOSTON POLICE. Intelligence of Dogs 271 men. He is also familiar with the house days, and frequently he takes it upon himself to perform house duty, which to all police officers is a very irksome one. " On frequent occasions, while doing house duty, Jack has been seen to climb upon a settee, and lying down on his side, stretch out and enjoy a short nap, just as he has seen the men do. The name Sergeant has frequently been applied to Jack, and, in order that he might not lose his original name, Patrolman Murphy had a plate affixed to Jack's collar, bearing the inscription, ' Jack the Bunker, Station 6.' " He never enters a house, and on more than one occasion the sergeant has discovered a patrolman who, perhaps, has entered a building to quell a disturbance, by seeing Jack standing on the sidewalk outside the door. It is related that on one occasion the sergeant was in search of an officer, but he was unable to locate him. Finally, on turning into a side street, he discov- ered Jack standing on the sidewalk outside the en- trance to a building. " The sergeant walked down the street with a rapid gait, the rubber heels on his shoes giving forth no sound. On the doorstep with a pipe in his mouth, from which miniature clouds of smoke ascended, sat the officer of whom he was in search. " This incident, and the fact that Jack will not enter a house or store, has had a tendency to keep the men in evidence while Jack is with them." " Bow-legged Jack " has been one of the faithful police of Mamaroneck, New York, for ten years. When he was a mouse-colored puppy he was taken out of a snow bank by a kind-hearted policeman, and has shown 272 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog his gratitude for the saving of his life, by guarding the town. Every night, whether fair or stormy, he patrols the streets, going with the night watchman. Jack saved the life of Mr. John C. Fairchild's five year old son, Winton. While playing in a boat in the bay, the child fell overboard and was drowning, when Jack saw him, rushed to his rescue, and dragged him to the shore. When the license fee was to be paid, or poor Jack, with other martyrs to a cruel law, would be shot, Winton Fairchild, the boy he had saved, paid the dog's license. Jack also saved the little daughter of William Taylor from drowning. Seeing a fire raging in Henry Winter's barn, just as it was about to reach the house, Jack gave the alarm by his loud bark, and the children were saved and carried to a place of safety. When a man attempted to break into the Mamaroneck Bank, Jack scared him away, then chased and caught him with his teeth, till the con- stable arrived and made the man prisoner. The village trustees in July, 1897, presented Jack with a fine new collar and a bronze medal for his noble services to the town. Sampson and Waldo, two most intelligent dogs, saved their owner, Mrs. Adah H. Kepley, of Effing- ham, Illinois, when knocked down by a masked man concealed in her house. Sampson, the smaller, is a mongrel, about twelve years old. He is named for Dominie Sampson, in Scott's works. " He is coal black," writes Mrs. Kepley to me, March 19, 1901, " and the queerest compound of things as a dog. He tries his best to talk or at least to speak by sound lan- guage his love. Intelligence of Dogs 273 " Waldo is orange buff, with white and black, with handsome eyes, and is a fine fellow. He is pleasant in disposition and biddable (which Sampson isn't). He was shot in the left foot." Mrs. Kepley is a lover of animals, and cares for many homeless ones. Dandy, a brindle bull terrier, owned by Captain A. S. Paige of Brookline, Mass., almost daily attends court with his master. He is a most affectionate and intelli- gent dog, and has often taken long walks with the author. " Not long ago," writes a friend, " a bull dog and fox-terrier were fighting opposite the police station. Dandy saw them, went across, took hold of the bull dog, shook him and threw him one side, then went over to the station and lay down on the steps, the fox-terrier following and playing with Dandy most of the morning." The New York World, June, 1899, tells of a New- foundland dog who tried at Trenton Junction to follow his master into a Baltimore & Ohio train, but was put off by one of the men. The dog ran forward and un- observed, got upon the pilot of the locomotive and re- mained there till the cars reached Jenkintown station. He then jumped off and rejoined his owner, who left the train at that station. Dogs have often helped as detectives. A letter from Bucharest to the London Mail in April, 1899, has this incident : " Some few days ago the proprietor of a wine shop in the Calea Dorobautzilor, one of the most populous of Bucharest's streets, was foully murdered and robbed by some person, who broke into his dwelling, which stands behind the shop, and shot him through the head. 274 O UF Devoted Friend, The Dog " In spite of the efforts of the police the murderer had remained undiscovered, although several individuals were arrested on suspicion. " At the time of the murder the shop boy was sleep- ing on a bench in the shop and a dog was lying at his feet. The boy stated that he heard the shot, and shortly after, as he lay quaking with fear, a man opened the back door and entered the shop. At that moment the dog sprang up barking, and the man, who no doubt expected to find no one in the shop and meant to rob it, fled out at the door, followed by the barking dog. Since then the dog had not been seen, although searched for on every side. Yesterday it came back alone. " As soon as it arrived, Police Inspector Mischi- mescu, who has the case in hand, bethought himself of a means of deciding as to whether he had the real mur- derer in his hands. Accordingly he had the shop ar- ranged just as it was on the fatal night, closed all shut- ters and doors, and then bade the shop boy lie down with the dog. " Then one by one the ' suspects ' were ordered to enter the shop. Three went in and came out again without the dog making any sign, but as the fourth, a man of the name of Dracu, entered, the dog leaped at him, barking and snarling, and the man rushed out of the door, still followed by the enraged hound. ' Enough,' remarked the inspector, as he drove off the dog-detective, and ordered the attendant gendarmes to handcuff Dracu. It may be added that until being ' picked out ' by the dog this man was the least sus- Intelligence of Dogs 275 pected among those arrested, he being quite a friend of the proprietor's family." In November, 1898, says the New York World, Susan Anderson was murdered in New Canaan, Conn. Her murderer, an employee, after three weeks of self- torture, burned her home and hung himself from a tree. When the woman's pet hound, Dandy, was released, he wandered about as though he had lost his best friend. Then he went to a pile of dirt back of the tool-house and began to dig. Men went to the dog's assistance with spades, and soon found the body of the murdered woman. Not far from Dover, Delaware, some counterfeiters were detected in the fall of 1898, says the New York World, by an ordinary dog belonging to a woman who lived near. The dog had seen the two men, and had taken a great dislike to them. He was put on the trail and led the officers to the place where the counterfeit money was buried. " A few days ago Bertha, the pretty four-year-old daughter of John C. Putnam, of the little settlement of Mill Village, Vt, disappeared/' says Our Dumb Animals for February, 1897. "All the neighbors joined in the search for her. Night and day the hunt was continued, but not a trace of the little one could be discovered. The parents were in despair. It was feared that the child had been kidnapped. Finally, the father, in desperation, suggested that the State bloodhound Pilot could find some trace. Anxious to do anything that would in the least relieve the father's mind, the officials took the dog to Mill Village. 276 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " The dog was then given a tiny shoe that had been worn by the child the day before she disappeared. This he held in his mouth for a minute. Then he dropped it and sniffed the air. He seemed puzzled and the knowing ones were beginning to remark that they knew the hound would not be of any use. " It really seemed as if the animal understood their words, for he suddenly put his nose to the ground and was off like a shot, dragging his keepers after him. On he went, crossing roads, fields and timber stretches, until he reached ' Devil's Camp,' a point about a mile below Rutland, where there is a small mill stream. Here the animal suddenly brought up at the edge of the water, gave one long bark, and refused to go further. " Then the men got to work. They procured hooks and poles, and the bed of the stream was thoroughly searched. All this time Pilot, stood by the water side, though attempts were made to drag him away. For the first time since he had been in the state he refused to obey the voice of his keeper. Toward night the body of the missing child was found. As it was drawn to the shore, Pilot sprang forward, took the dress in its mouth, and raising the child as tenderly as though it had been in its mother's arms, trotted back to the house, the long line of searchers following." ' Joe Hart,' a liver-colored pointer with white feet, chest, and white ring about his neck," says Our Dumb Animals, October, 1899, " belongs to Mr. E. H. Hart, Baggage Master at the Union Depot, Meridian, Mis- sissippi, and is called ' Assistant Baggage Master ' by all the railroad men who run into that city. Intelligence of Dogs 277 "Joe knows perhaps over 100 tricks, and never for- gets anything taught him, although months may elapse before he is called upon to perform some feat learned in the past. " He seems to understand perfectly every command given by his master, besides performing all the ordinary tricks (such as sitting in a chair, giving right or left paw, bringing any object whatever to his master, leading a horse or riding him, carrying notes, bringing his master's slippers, then replacing them); besides he hunts for his master's key at a whisper in his ear, shuts the door, knows red paper from white, seats himself on the scales when asked how much he weighs, knows an apple from an orange, and knows every member of the family (eight in number) by name. Joe really thinks that he is in the employ of the railroad company and meets all of the day trains promptly and is particu- larly attentive to the ladies, especially if they happen to carry a lunch basket. Anything belonging to his master he guards as a sacred trust and none dare molest. The children are quite fond of him, and together they spend many happy hours in the twilight after he returns from the ' office.' "Joe's playmate is a magnificent Gladstone setter, Don, and it is quite amusing to see him kiss Don when told to do so. " When Joe's master is ill the dog can't be persuaded to leave the bedside, but lies there constantly, only occasionally rising to try and kiss his master's hand. " When Joe was carried to have his picture taken for The Southern Fancier, the photographer said : ' I do not take pictures of dogs, for they will not sit still 278 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog and are too much trouble.' However, being prevailed upon to break his rule in this instance, Joe was com- manded to sit up in the chair for his picture. " No doubt he felt insulted by the photographer's insinuation that he hadn't sense enough to sit for his picture, for there he sat, immovable as stone, until he was told to get down. " If you ever visit Meridian, Joe Hart will greet you at the depot with a kindly wag of the tail, and should you carry a lunch basket he will be your constant attendant until you leave, or the contents of the basket are ' non est.' " A book might be written about this remarkable dog." Mr. Fred L. Rowe, the Managing Editor of the Christian Leader, writes as follows to Mr. Angell : "CINCINNATI, OHIO, Dec. n, 1896. " DEAR SIR : While taking a short stage trip between Monticello and Burnside, Ky., I rode with the driver. At a midway point on our trip I noticed ahead of us a young kitten, and was also surprised that it did not move as we approached it. The cat was too young to realize its danger, and when we were almost upon it, a large dog, which had been standing watching some men at work, saw the kitten and leaped into the middle of the road. He hesitated a moment, apparently reali- zing that his sharp teeth might hurt it. Then jumping behind the kitten, he literally boosted it out of the road with his nose, and when it was out of danger, returned to watching the men." Intelligence of Dogs 279 The San Jose Mercury tells this story of Fido, an Irish setter, the paid employe of a railroad: When a puppy he was picked up in the yards of the Chicago, Lake Shore and Eastern Road, and cared for by the company. " For three years Fido received his pay from the company every month. His name was on the pay- master's books just like those of other employes, and when Paymaster James M. Wentworth made his regu- lar paying-off rounds to the company's office there was always an envelope for Fido. In fact, Fido would take his place among the employes on these occasions, march up to Paymaster Wentworth when the latter called his name, place his front paws upon the table, grin compla- cently, wag his tail knowingly, receive the usual fond- ling from the paymaster and then depart from the office with the others. " The dog's envelope was always turned over to Agent A. E. Kennedy, who was Fido's banker, as well as his guardian, and always provided for his wants with a lavish hand. He never touched the dog's accumula- tions of money, however. This account had grown to a considerable figure for a dog's wealth, and Mr. Kennedy will now devote the money, with other sums to be con- tributed by Fido's hosts of friends, to the erection of a stone slab in commemoration of the dog's faithful service to the road. " It is interesting to know how Fido came to be on the pay roll. He saved the road once from a possible lawsuit that might have grown out of an accident which would have happened, and would have been fatal 280 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog had it not been for Fido. It was this feat of the dog that first brought him to the attention of the high officials of the company, and won for him a place on the pay sheet. " Fido, shortly after entering the railroad business, developed a singular attachment for locomotive No. 50, that is used in switching. He was always with the engine. In a short time he learned the various switch- ing signals and began to run alongside and ahead of the locomotive during working hours. Engineer Joseph Hermes came to consider Fido as good a flagman as the next one. The dog would flag crossings with the intelligence of a man. " About three years ago Fido was running ahead, as was his custom, to flag Wabansia avenue crossing. A peddler was approaching the crossing. The dog was fifty yards ahead of the engine, and in dog fashion he warned, or tried to warn, the peddler of danger. The peddler, however, paid no attention to the dog, but kept on. Just as he got within three feet of the track Fido jumped up and knocked him back prostrate. A moment later the engine passed. But for the dog the peddler would have been killed. Fido then ran ahead as if nothing had happened. " W. G. Brimson was then president of the road, and when he heard the story from General Superintendent Richey, Fido was placed on the company's pay roll. ' Two years ago Fido caused a small riot in the yards. A dog catcher had him in tow and was about to take him to the pound. One of the office boys of the company, however, recognized the dog, jumped from his bicycle and went to the rescue. The boy caught Intelligence of Dogs 281 Fido by the neck, and the catcher, a big, burly fellow, was trying to unloose him. It was at noon hour, and from the steel mills, within a stone's throw of the scene, the mill hands saw the struggle, attracted by the bark- ing of the dog. " They all knew Fido and would have fought a battle for him if need be. When they reached the scene they were about to do the dog-catcher bodily harm. A riot call was sent in, and the arrival of a squad of police was the only thing that saved the captor of Fido from hurt. * * * " Fido was killed by the wheels of his favorite engine in an encounter with a dog that attacked him." Owney, the railroad dog of the United States, " the greatest dog traveler in the World," has an interest- ing and pathetic history. M. I. Ingersoll, in St. Nicholas, March, 1894, tells how a little homeless puppy, hungry and cold one autumn night in 1888, crept into the post office at Albany, N. Y., for shelter and the clerks found him asleep in the morning on the leather mail bags. He wagged his tail, and said by his eyes, beautiful brown eyes, almost human in expression, " Please let me stay." One man brought him soup and the next day another man brought him steak. " Who owns him?" was the oft repeated question, till finally he was called " Owney." The shaggy little terrier, be- tween Irish and Scotch, with gray curly hair, liked the leather bags and followed them into the car. The men knew him and brought him back on the return trip. Finally the clerks took up a subscription and bought a collar for fear he would be lost, putting on it " Owney, Albany P. O.", and asking clerks to fasten tags on the 282 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog collar telling to what places the dog traveled. After he had been in Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, California, Mexico, where a silver dollar was put on his collar, through the South and to Washington, D. C, Postmaster John Wannamaker saw that the weight about his collar was too heavy and had a har- ness made for him. A Boston clerk later wrote to Al- bany asking that they have pity on the dog, as the tags weighed two pounds, and to take off the harness and preserve it, which was done. Owney would not ride on a passenger car. When the train stopped twenty minutes for dinner he would walk into the station and bark for bones. When the bell rang he was the first one on the train. If the men were sleeping and forgot a station, the dog barked and awakened them. Owney when tired would often slip off his collar and then put it on himself. The clerks en- joyed this skill so much that he was often asked to do it for friends. His picture was taken by Mr. George H. Leek, of Lawrence, Mass. " I made the picture of the dog Owney while he was detained here much against his will," Mr. Leek writes me, " as the letter carriers wished to take him to a picnic." Mr. Charles H. Holden says in St. Nicholas, July, 1896, that Owney started August 19, 1895, on the ship Victoria from San Francisco, for a trip around the world. He carried in his bag his blanket, brush and comb, and letter of introduction to postal authorities. He soon became the pet of all the crew. He reached Yokahama October 3, received as his passport the seal of the Mikado, addressed to the American dog traveler, reached Kobi October 9, received medals at Fouchow, i. OWNEY, THE U. S. MAIL DOG. 2. JOE HART, owned by Mr. E. H. Hart, Meridian, Miss. (p. 276). Intelligence of Dogs 283 Hong Kong and other cities, visited Algiers, the Azores, reaching New York December 23, then west to Tacoma, having gone around the globe in 132 days, and added over 200 medals to his collection. Owney was loved by all the Post Office clerks in the country. Walter Schutt, the superintendent of mails at the Cleveland Post Office, said, " I remember the last time he was in Cleveland. It was about three years ago. We found him outside the window pawing the pane and trying to get in. One of the clerks opened the window and ' Owney ' was admitted. He visited with everybody and then went to see Postmaster Anderson. He remained with the postmaster long enough to have an extra tag put on and then he went to the depot and climbed aboard the mail car. When he arrived in this city he did not wait for the mail wagon, but ran to the post office ahead of it. I believe he could find the way to any of the big postoffices in the country, lie left in the same manner. He has traveled several hundred thousand miles, without a doubt." Poor Owney was shot at Toledo, Ohio, at four o'clock on the afternoon of June 12, 1897, by a police- man, by order of Postmaster Brand. About midnight, a postal clerk entered the basement of the Post Office where Owney was sleeping and guarding, and attempt- ing to fondle him, was bitten. Before any of the clerks could rescue the dog and get him to the depot, he was shot, to the great regret of thousands who loved him. Orders had been given that Owney should not be car- ried on mail cars, but the clerks could not refuse him. His body was taken to a taxidermist and is now in the Post Office Museum at Washington, D. C. 284 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Nig, owned by C. N. Davis, the station master at Forks Creek, Colorado, saved a train from destruction and the life of Superintendent T. H. Sears of the Col- orado and Southern Railway, in January, 1901. Not being able to throw the switch on account of ice, as he usually did with his nose, he seized a flag in his teeth, and rushing up the track saved the train. Nig is four years old, a combination of setter and spaniel. Money could not buy the dog from Mr. Davis, now stationed in Denver. CHAPTER XIII Devotion of Human Beings to Animals APATHETIC story was told in the New York papers in the fall of 1896, about Tim Leahy and a homeless dog. At 400 East Forty-eighth street on the top floor of a tenement house lived Tim, and his aged aunt, Mrs. Kelly. She was a woman sixty years old, and sold candy and apples in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth avenue, when orphan Tim, two years old, was sent to her from Ireland to bring up. In cold days she tucked little Tim under her shawl, and cared for him as best she could. One warm summer night, when Tim was just old enough to walk about, a homeless, half starved big yellow dog fol- lowed Tim up the tenement house stairs, licking his little hands. Though very poor, Tim's aunt could not turn the dog away, so he stayed and shared their pov- erty. Tim was sent to the Roman Catholic Orphan School on Fifth avenue and grew very fond of read- ing, and at home Tige always listened as though he enjoyed it. Mrs. Kelly's health failed, she was obliged to give up her candy stand, and after pawning nearly all the scant supply of furniture which she possessed, she went to the hospital. Tim and Tige were given a little food by the poor neighbors about them, until one of them ap- plied to the Gerry Society to take care of the child, thus 285 286 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog left alone with his dog. They were found side by side, nearly starved, and Tim was taken to Drumgoole Mis- sion on Third street. He went away weeping for Tige. The poor heart-broken creature crawled under the broken stove, and refused to eat the food which the neighbors brought him. A wealthy woman in New York read the story in the papers, and determined that Tim and Tige should not be separated if she could prevent it. She went to the mission and made arrangements to bring the dog there. When brought into the office, the meeting of boy and dog brought tears to the eyes of those standing near. The dog became a favorite among the boys, but loved none so well as the child who saved him from starvation when he was homeless. The New York World for August, 1898, tells of the drowning of a little hero who loved his dog. Jimmy Dillon of East Trenton, N. J., picked up a homeless creature in the street and took it home. The father was displeased, and when the dog caught some chickens, a habit that has been broken in thousands of cases, he determined that the puppy should be drowned. In vain the boy wept and pleaded for his pet, and caressed him all day long, before doing as his father had commanded. He could not bear to watch the poor thing as it struggled in the water, so taking a bag from the barn, he went at sunset to Assanpink Creek with an aching heart. He played with his pet for an hour, putting off the cruel edict as long as possible. At last he put the dog in the bag, tied the end, and waded into the creek up to his neck. With sinking heart he flung the bag from him, slipped and fell into the water. His cries for help were Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 287 heard by Miss Lillie Boughner, who attempted to save him, but the current carried him beyond her reach. The first person she met was the father. An hour later the dead body of his boy was recovered, and soon after the body of the little dog was pulled ashore. Another boy was drowned in Chester, Pa., while trying to save a dog. " Too bad," remarks an ex- | ; change. ' The world needs such people." The World, March 20, 1900, gives an account of a young hero, who saved a dog : " David Orr, eighteen years old, risked his life yes- terday to save a yellow dog. The animal was discov- ered imprisoned on a ledge of rock projecting into the basin of the Passaic Falls, Passaic, N. J., eighty feet 1 below the chasm bridge. It had been there nearly two days before its howls attracted attention. " President Bishop, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, was notified, and young Orr volunteered to rescue the dog. " Orr crawled along the ice-covered rock that rises from the basin and reached the dog, but found it neces- sary to use both hands to maintain his position on the rock. " Meanwhile a great crowd had gathered on the bridge and the falls' grounds. " ' Get a rope ! ' shouted some one, and this was done. Two men leaning out on the peak of the rock lowered the rope, and Orr succeeded in fastening it around the dog. The animal seemed to realize all that was being done for it, and when hauled to safety showed its appre- ciation by licking the hands of all who approached. The crowd gave a rousing cheer for Orr. 288 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Nicholas Van Ness, an officer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, took the dog to his home. It is presumed that the dog was thrown over the chasm bridge, and the society is making an investi- gation. The animal was almost dead from cold and hunger." Mark Anthony Dramond, aged forty-eight, says the Cleveland Press, December 24, 1898, died at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans, from devotion to his pet dog. The dog bit a man, and when the case came before the Court, as Dramond refused to give up the dog to be killed, he was sent to prison for thirty days, the third time he had served a sentence for his beloved dog. In prison he contracted pneumonia, and died, saying he would rather remain a prisoner forever than give up his dog to be killed. The St. Louis Republic, November 13, 1897, gives this affecting story of Fannie, the victim of a cruel law, which permits property to be taken and destroyed, without the consent of the owner. Some cities, as in Chicago, are more humane, and allow a dog to be removed to another place, rather than killed. " ' Come, kiss me, Fannie, for the last time. A prej- udiced and unfeeling public is clamoring for your life. The executioner is here to carry out the mandate of the law, and, sorely as it grieves me, we must part.' " With these words Mathew De Four, a veteran fire- man living at 3417 Manchester avenue, consigned his pet dog. Fannie, to her fate. Big tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke, and the dog, seemingly cogni- zant of his master's distress, looked pleadingly into the Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 289 old man's face, and, having embraced him, and licked away the tears, lay down to partake of its fatal meal of beefsteak and strychnine. " The little house clock had just recorded the hour of three, and five minutes later Fannie was no more. Deputy Marshal Volmer had witnessed the carrying out of an order from Judge Peabody, and with tears in his eyes, and the pitiful pleadings of an aged woman ringing in his ears, he moved from the scene to the Four Courts, where, with quivering voice, he reported to his associates the pathetic scenes accompanying the execu- tion of the dog. " Fannie was a half-breed mastiff, four years of age. Old Mrs. De Four had raised it from a puppy. Her husband's vocation kept him away from home most of the time and through the long, dreary nights and days Fannie was her sole companion and comforter. Fannie was vigilant and obedient. " She had learned to go errands for her mistress, and made frequent trips from the house to the No. 20 engine-house, where Matt De Four was assigned to duty, carrying him little dainties that his wife had pre- pared between meals. It was while making one of these trips several days ago that Fannie got into trouble with the children of the neighborhood. One of the children innocently attempted to take from the dog a little basket. The dog knocked the child down and snapped it on the arm. The child's parents aroused the indignation of the neighbors against the faithful Fannie. It resulted in Matt De Four being summoned into Judge Peabody's court. The dog was present at 290 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog the trial to prove in its mute way its docility, but the clamor of the neighbors was intense, and the result reached was an order for the dog's destruction. " When old Mrs. De Four heard of it she wept night and day. Her husband tried in vain to have the order recalled, and when Deputy Volmer appeared at the house yesterday, both husband and wife were in tears. " Fannie was there in her favorite position beside the old woman. " ' I really believe that the poor dog knew what I was there for,' said Volmer. The old woman was cry- ing and, as I entered the room the dog crept toward me, looking pleadingly into my face. Then it raised on its hindquarters and began to motion with its forepaws, as if begging for mercy. While in this attitude, it would look first at the old lady, who was in tears, then at me. By gosh, I soon found myself crying. Then Mr. De Four came into the room, and, calling the dog to him, said: ' Fannie, come kiss me for the last time.' The dog raised up and throwing its paws over its master's shoulders, began to lick his tears away. " ' You ain't heartless enough to kill this dog,' said De Four to me. ' I couldn't speak for a minute. Then my reply was that the law demanded it.' " ' I'll give you $100 if you don't,' said he. ' My refusal was followed by another outburst of tears. Then the dog left its master and, placing its forepaws on my shoulders, began in its mute way to plead with me.' " ' From me it turned to the old woman and its master, and, having embraced and licked their faces in turn, lay down at my feet.' Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 291 " ' Well, I suppose the time has come for us to part,' said De Four to the dog. ' A prejudiced and unfeeling public demands your destruction, and the executioner is here.' ' Have you any objection to my poisoning the dog?' " ' I answered no, and he went out for beefsteak and strychnine. When he returned the old lady caressed the dog and left the room in tears. " ' Then De Four placed a bit of the poisoned meat on the floor before the dog. It looked up at me, then at its master, as if to say " Must I? " " ' Yes, it is so decreed,' spoke De Four. " ' The dog took the meat in its mouth, then threw it out again, and began to beg as before.' " ' Do you still persist in killing the dog? ' pleadingly asked De Four. " ' I hated to say so, but answered in the affirmative. " ' Eat it, Fannie ! ' said De Four, turning away. " ' Fannie did so and was no more.' ' The New York Journal, July 1899, gives an interest- ing account of Rover, a fine IS T e\vfoundland dog, of Jersey City, who bit Mrs. Jennie Hay, and was there- fore sentenced to death by Justice Potts. Mr. Jacob Boucher, the owner of the dog, inasmuch as Rover was greatly beloved by his children, protested against such a fate, and asked Lawyer C. J. Peshall to defend the dog. " He having saved several condemned murder- ers from the gallows, knew what he was about. Be- fore appearing in court, he appealed to the Court of Appeals against the decision of Justice Potts, and then served notice on the executioners. 292 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " Therefore Rover was brought before the Justice yesterday to show cause why he should not be executed. " ' Look here, now/ said Mr. Peshall, ' Mrs. Hay here has a superstitious notion that this dog ought to be shot in order to escape hydrophobia. If the dog is killed, it won't save her, and in addition the dog isn't mad. Why, it was merely playing with her.' " Mr. Peshall then announced that if Mrs. Hay agreed, the dog would be sent into another state. " ' No,' said Mrs. Hay. ' I want the dog shot.' " ' Now, see here, Mrs. Hay,' said Justice Potts, ' I'm just as much afraid of dogs as you are, but it's foolish to think you will get hydrophobia if Rover isn't killed. Moreover, I don't think I have any right to order an execution.' " Then Mrs. Hay insisted that the dog ' be killed right away.' " ' You can't,' said Lawyer Peshall. ' If you have any redress, it is in a civil action. There's no law per- mitting you to have the dog shot.' " ' Defendant is remanded in the custody of his owner,' said the court, whereupon Rover withdrew, wagging his tail." Desiring to know the fate of Rover, I wrote to Mr. Peshall, and was glad to receive his answer, dated Feb- ruary 25, 1900: "I am happy to inform you that Rover is now alive and in good spirits." The Daily Iowa Capitol tells this story : " A boy about ten years old went to the central police station in Kansas City, Kan., one day last week, leading a fine shepherd dog by a short piece of rope tied to his Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 293 collar," relates the Kansas City Star. The boy's face was red and swollen and he was crying. " ' Well, well, well, what's the matter here? ' asked a big policeman, stooping down and looking into the boy's face. " It seemed like a long time before he. could stop crying. " ' Please, sir,' he sobbed, ' my mother is too poor to pay for a license for Shep, and I brought him here to have you kill him.' " Then he broke out with another wail that was heard all through the city building. Shep stood there mute and motionless, looking up into the face of his young master. A policeman took out his handker- chief to blow his nose and the desk sergeant went out into the hall, absent-mindedly whistling a tune which nobody ever heard before, while the captain remem- bered that he must telephone somebody. Then Chief McFarland led the boy to the door, and, patting him on the head, said kindly: " ' There, little fellow, don't cry any more; run home with your dog. I wouldn't kill a dog like Shep for a thousand dollars.' " ' Oh, thank you, sir.' They were tears of joy now. He bounded out into the street and ran off towards his home with Shep prancing along and jumping up and trying to kiss the boy's face. It was hard to tell which was the happiest, the boy or the dog." The Detroit Daily Journal of March 16, 1898, gives an incident illustrating the usual results of a cruel and uncalled for license law : " The dog man captured her but she was quickly res- 294 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog cued. The boys stormed the wagon like Cuban insur- gents. " Ruby, the fat, little pug dog mascot of the Home Messenger corps, was the heroine of an exciting inci- dent this morning. Ruby had long been the object of admiration of hundreds of citizens. She watches her opportunity for a ride and when a boy starts on a trip she capers about and begs to be taken along. Perched on the shoulders of a messenger, no speed is too great for the rollicking pug to enjoy; in fact the faster goes the boy the more contented is the dog. " When not riding for her dogship's health she spends her time in front of the Home Savings Bank perform- ing tricks for the amusement of the messengers and passersby. " The ' dog man ' decided that Ruby was altogether too popular and early this morning began a waiting game in the vicinity. About 9 130 the pug wandered out into Griswold street, and with a swoop was gathered up in a big net. Then Ruby, wagging her tail and won- dering what the new trick was, disappeared in the ' dog wagon.' " ' Hey dere, mister, youse let dat dog loose,' yelled a newsboy. " In less than a minute twenty newsboy admirers of Ruby popped out from alleys and around corners and had surrounded the prison. Their demands for Ruby's release were not couched in the most elegant language, but a chorus was fired at the man who had bagged Ruby. Two of the boys notified the messengers and just as the ' dog ' wagon started away there was a lively rush of boys of all ages, colors and conditions. Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 295 " The wheels were blocked by sturdy arms and a club dashed a hole in the rear door of the wagon. Then followed a breaking of boards and before the dog chaser could recover his breath, Ruby was sailing away down Michigan avenue on the back of a messenger boy and a second cur was yelping joyously among the crowd of boys, who scampered away cheering for Ruby, groan- ing for the ' dog man,' and protecting their prize." The instances are almost numberless of adults as well as children who have loved dogs. Rich and poor alike love them, and value them. Frank Gould, it is said, paid $60,000 for four beautiful St. Bernards who made an attractive picture at a dog show in Cleveland in 1899. Mrs. Gillig of New York has three dogs which cost her $22,500. Two cost ten thousand each, and for one she paid $2,500. Two are French bull dogs, and one an English bull dog. They live in the greatest luxury, have the run of an elegant home, have had three minia- tures painted on ivory, and are like petted children. Clara Morris has an aged Skye terrier who has trav-. eled with her nearly all over the world, and to whom she is deeply attached. Mrs. Walter Stanton, President of the Pet Dog Club of New York, has a Russian corded black poodle, Hector II., who has taken twenty-seven prizes. His cords are handsome; the cord on the end of his tail is twenty-seven inches long and drags on the ground. A Russian maid cares for Madame Hector, and nine little poodles. Mrs. Stanton, at her very fine kennels at Hillsdale, N. J., her country place, has never less than twenty thoroughbred dogs. She has a good word for 296 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog mongrels, however, and says, " They are very clean and can be taught almost any trick." The kennels near the house, to which latter place they have free access in the recreation hours, are of stone, which are cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The food of her dogs, it is said, besides dog biscuit, consists of thoroughly boiled beef three times a week. The puppies are allowed very little meat, but are given bones as these are essential for their teeth. In winter a dish of boiled meat, the water thickened with corn meal and salted, is much liked by the dogs. Chuckle, the French poodle born in China, the favor- ite dog at the Russian embassy in Washington, with Cosette and their offspring, Mosquito and Crickett, with their white silk coats dressed every morning, are much beloved by the Ambassador and his niece, Coun- tess Cossini. They always ride on the front seat in the carriage, go with the family to their apartments in hotels, and traveled to Russia and back with the Am- .bassador and his suite in the summer. Mrs. Cushman K. Davis, the brilliant wife of the late United States senator from Minnesota has a petted Russian terrier named Bebee, who, it is said, under- stands her mistress in four languages. She always travels with Mrs. Davis when she goes abroad, and is cared for as delicately as a child. She is most affec- tionate and intelligent. A friend, Mr. Charles A. Post, a banker of Cleve- land, at my request sends me the following sketch of his pets, especially Nio, a beautiful Russian wolf hound. " While a lover of dogs from earliest youth, having been possessed of and been very fond of the individuals MRS. CUSHMAN K. DAVIS AND UKR RUSSIAN TKRKIKR T.^ Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 297 of a long list both of high and low degree, I have many times resolved never to keep another, so tragic were the takings off and the partings so hard. But again and again I have broken my resolution, feeling that after all, ' It was better to have often loved and lost than never to have loved at all.' " My thought goes back to childhood, and mentally I call the roll of my dumb friends, cared for and cher- ished, best loved from then until now. Beside those I shall name, others came and went, some appearing in such an evanescent way that they are but dimly remem- bered; here are those that in memory still live, though most have been in the ' Happy Hunting Ground ' full many a year. ' Fellow,' a black and white dog of breed much mixed, but handsome, affectionate and a ' War- rior Bold,' and thus endeared to an active and unregen- erate small boy; * Tip,' a bright, fond and faithful black and tan ; ' Pepper,' a Grade Scotch terrier, true as steel, an inveterate enemy of the cat family, and thereby hangs many a tale of flight and fight. He could almost talk, and was the most dog for his inches I ever owned ; ' Prince ' an English greyhound of purest breeding, and who, an exception to the rule in his family, had undaunted courage and was a scientific fighter, able to care for himself anywhere, and the vic- torious hero of many an exciting street fight, forced upon him by dog-bullies, who came, saw and were con- quered with such lightning speed and skill, that their respect for the ' slim ' breeds must have been much in- creased and their wisdom added to; and then poor ' Rom/ or as he was fully and appropriately christened, ' Romulus/ being the son of a wolf-mother and a noble 298 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog greyhound father, wolfish in appearance, shifty, shy and nervous to a degree, almost unapproachable by strangers, but pathetically affectionate with the few persons admitted to his great heart ; but none can com- pare with ' Nio,' my most recent dog friend, for whose loss I am not yet consoled, so I venture a description of her, her habits and characteristics. " She was a wolfhound of excellent breed, standard size, and while apparently delicate and slender was yet a very fleet and powerful dog, weighing between ninety and one hundred pounds. She was a beautiful, nerv- ous, sensitive, intelligent, affectionate creature, with eyes large, fawn-like and lustrous, who smiled and laughed, pouted and sulked, as surely as a person does. Having all the moods of a spoiled coquette, she was immensely clever and amusing, and more companion- able than many persons, being, indeed, a Russian Prin- cess among dogs. " Her father and mother were imported from Russia by the late lamented Major John A. Logan, son of Gen- eral Logan. She was of royal breeding, and the hand- somest wolfhound I have ever seen. Her coat, a mag- nificent one, in color a beautiful tawny yellow ; she had four white feet, a white stripe in her breast, and the tip of her glorious brush, carried aloft in graceful curve, was like ' The White Plume of Henry of Navarre.' A little child once said of her, ' Her tail is just like a plume,' and a lady remarked, ' I believe her tail is wired up/ " It was one of her great delights to walk in the park or across country with her fond and proud master, who had to answer many curious questions as tc her 300 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog strength and fleetness were her protectors, and I think her keenness of scent led her from afar to barbarous midnight feasts with other dogs, where offal was thrown, in out of the way places, in the gullies of the suburbs. Her range was wide on these nocturnal ex- cursions, as I have had her reported to me, a solitary wanderer of a moonlit night, miles away from her de- serted home. Some one would say, ' I saw " your big yellow dog " at such a place; I'd think you'd be afraid to let her run so.' Yet I never heard complaint or knew of damage or molestation of person or property. " She had, when stretched out at full length upon her side, with ears erect, a strange likeness to a deer. This was emphasized by her hair shading into a lighter color underneath, as is the case with many wild animals. Once when I entered the Bird and Monkey house at the park, she following hurriedly, when a lady visitor started aside and screamed in affright, saying, ' Oh, I thought that was a deer coming in here.' " She was proud of her ability to run and jump and would race at full speed round and round in broad cir- cles, when taken into the fields and told to start, appar- ently quite aware she was doing her ' stint ' for the en- tertainment of friends. " When I was out of town, or if for any reason her presence was not desired at the house, she was put in possession of a fine large box stall at the stable of a most kind neighboring veterinary, where the Doctor, and her faithful attendant and beloved friend ' Wil- liam ' made her life a happy one with kindest care and when possible the run of the large stable and yard. She had an inclination to burrow and could in a sur- Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 301 prisingly short time dig an ample den to shield from summer heat from which she suffered much. " At one time she had a mate, a male called ' Czar,' who, while larger and a little coarser as became his sex, was of the same color, and similarly marked. They made a most picturesque and striking looking pair. He died while young, although he had nearly attained his growth, and was a fine specimen. " Nio loved to travel, having been taken to New York twice and to Washington, and farther south in Virginia. She was quite at home on the train, in a carriage or cab, at a hotel, or in a railway waiting room. She was also fond of electric car riding about town and in the suburbs. Neat and well behaved, she was so well trained and attractive that I was often allowed to take her into fine restaurants in different cities, and once in Buffalo was permitted to keep her in my room at a first class hotel. When she had in any way given offence, or was reproved, she seemed to feel assured of forgiveness when she ' begged ' with most graceful ges- ture of her fore-paws, with the beautiful head held on one side with such a coquettish droop, and the lovely eyes so much in evidence. Ordinarily kind and gentle, she was fierce as a tiger on occasion, as when followed or molested by strange dogs, and her rage when mules came in sight was both amusing and terrifying. " Petted and most kindly cared for, loved and loving in life, her end was too sad to relate. There were sin- cere mourners at her burial, and her memory is still green with the many who knew her but to love and admire. " Ernest Seton Thompson says, ' No wild animal 302 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog dies of old age. Its life has soon or late a tragic end.' Is this not true of nearly all our domesticated animals, the pets and companions we become so much attached to?" Nio was one of the most beautiful and intelligent dogs I have ever seen. She seemed almost human, and was prized as one might a beloved friend. She was supposedly poisoned, Mr. Post tells me, by some mis- creant, as have been other beautiful and valuable dogs. How any human being could have done such a das- tardly deed it seems impossible to conjecture. She was found dead, having passed through her last agony alone. Anna Chapin Ray, the author, writes me : " All my life we have had pet dogs, but Glencoe is the dearest of them all. I have just had a life-size picture of him to hang over my writing table. " Eight years ago this summer, I was boarding in a village among the New Hampshire hills. Our family collie had just died, and the sorrow for his loss led me to make friends with the collie next door. To my sur- prise, I was at once asked if I would take him as a gift. The farmer who owned him was a strict utili- tarian. Glencoe refused to go to pasture and bring home the cows, therefore there was no use in allowing Glencoe to live. Two days before my arrival, the old man had taken an axe, tied Glencoe to the tail of his wagon and driven away into the woods. Later, he re- turned, sheepish and apologetic, with Glencoe capering at his side. ' He looked so steady into my eyes that I couldn't,' he confessed. ' Next week I'll do it.' But before next week came, Glencoe was adopted into his new home. Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 303 " He was little more than a puppy then, a puppy who ran after his own tail and leaped over the horse's back in sheer puppy joy of living. Now, old, sedate, stately, he is nearing the end. But, from the hour of my bring- ing him home up to the present moment, his devotion and loyalty have never failed me. Going from side to side of the house in order to lie under the window where I am sitting, running for long miles beside my bicycle, trudging solemnly at my heels when I go to market and pressing close at my side at the approach of suspi- cious-looking strangers, for hours at a time snoozing on the couch in my writing-room, to the manifest det- riment of the pillows; during all these years, he has been my constant companion. Standing at the window and peering in, he is deaf and blind to the other mem- bers of the family. " Petted by all, he ignores all their blandishments and looks through and over them to me at the far end of the room. Eager and alert when he sees me put on my hat, a simple ' It's Sunday, Glencoe/ or ' I'm going in town/ makes the tail droop and the eyes grow dull. His only sin lies in his affinity for the subsoil of our flower-beds. The Man with a Hoe is an idler in comparison with Glencoe. " It counts for little to me that he is a registered, thoroughbred collie, that he is intelligent and obedient. It does count, however, that his life centres in mine, that his eager, questioning eyes grow sorry or glad with my frown or smile. And if, now that he is old and infirm, he brings me into social disgrace by tum- bling headforemost into a neighbor's waste-pit in his search for stray tidbits, by being discovered there and 304 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog assisted to clamber out by means of a step-ladder, and by coming home, a sodden, ashy bundle of apologies, one look of those brown eyes, one wag of that bushy tail makes me forget everything but the many good times we have spent together. His days are passing all too fast; but my own Happy Hunting Ground has plenty of room for Glencoe beside me." Queen Victoria was very fond of dogs. " The dog houses of Windsor afford excellent examples of minia- ture architecture. They are on a beautiful slope by the home of the keeper. When the Queen drives up, and the favorites have the freedom of the ' smooth shaven lawn,' gambols, races and barking beggar description. " One pet collie rejoiced in the name of Sharp. He had all his meals with his mistress, being seldom away from her. Though such a favorite, says a "writer in Lloyd's Weekly, the popularity of the quadruped had limits. The households used to retreat before him, for Sharp not only barked with vigor, but could bite with spite. Even the Queen mentions that the pet was fond of fighting. Referring to him after a ramble, she men- tions that the collie varied the monotony of the walk by numerous ' collie shangies ;' it is the Highland phrase for a set-to between dogs of Sharp's breed. One of them, pure white, Lily, always travels with Her Majesty. Other special favorites have been a merry romping little, tan colored, German Spitz dog, Marco, and his wife, Lenda. They have had a large family, of which several members have been given away as presents. The earlier royal favorites were Skye terriers and turn- spits. But during later times Her Majesty has shown preference for collies and spitzers. Snowball, a partial- Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 305 larly graceful collie, is, as his name implies, of snowy whiteness. This animal was presented to her on the occasion of her jubilee. " One dog, the elder Noble, given nearly twenty years ago to the Queen by the Duke of Roxburgh, has been commemorated by the recipient. It is in the auto- biographical ' Leaves.' The writer speaks of him as the ' good, dear Noble,' and continues : ' He is the most biddable dog I ever saw so affectionate and kind. If he thinks you are not pleased with him he puts out his paws and begs in such an affectionate way.' He had a special privilege once upon a time of guarding the Queen's gloves. The record of the dog has a touch of pathos. Not only has Noble's once rich brown muzzle grown white with years, but the dog's eyesight has gone. Tied to a string he follows a keeper. Yet the veteran now and again snatches an exceeding joy. The Queen's affection for the dog has increased with his in- firmities. And when the royal hand caresses him as of yore Noble is as happy as when he rejoiced in the breezes and sunshine of Deeside." " Marie Antoinette's Jet lives in history. It is one of the most graphic points in Dumas' ' Chevalier of the Red House,' where the Queen's pet is introduced. But for the noise made by the dog in a prison corridor dev- otees of the unfortunate Queen believed that they might have carried her off in safety. Tenanting a house near the gaol these loyalists had burrowed a thor- oughfare under part of the building in which the Queen was kept. Allowed to walk in a passage out- side, she shared the exercises with Elizabeth, Mme. Royale and Jet. His acute ear caught sounds beneath 306 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog one of the corridor trap doors. A turnkey's attention was drawn to the extraordinary noise of the pet and an alarm was sounded. A search revealed the subterran- ean excavation, but the conspirators had escaped. Af- ter this Jet was taken from his mistress. She shed bitter tears at the separation." " That extraordinary woman, Queen Christina of Sweden, with her love of field sports, horses and ath- letic games, had in her time as many favorite dogs as Queen Victoria. Caesar, a dashing wolf hound, always during his life sat with her at church. Having been lamed he was left alone one Sunday, but leaping from the window he hobbled to the cathedral and rent the air with cries for admission. They were heard by the Queen. Soon Csesar appeared. Christina's finger pointed to her feet. The dog reposed there like a stone effigy." " Catherine of Russia possessed a lovely French spaniel, which she called Babe. He literally cost her his weight in gold, his owner being a capital fellow at driv- ing a bargain. Catherine used to comb and dress the pet herself." " In February, 1643, Queen Henrietta landed in Yorkshire, at Burlington. Sounds of battle were in the air. They were from Batten's ships, who tried to frustrate the royal landing. Foiled, the admiral began a furious cannonade upon the house where the Queen had taken refuge. Batten wanted her life, for she had been voted guilty of high treason by the Parliament, to whom she was an object of hatred. Her friends pressed her earnestly to leave. She did this, and took shelter in' a ditch outside the town. Perilous, indeed, Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 307 was her position, bullets fast and furious going through the air and dropping about. She told Mme. de Motte- ville all her sad and tragic adventures. One point shows the woman's heart. "'I had an old, ugly dog,' she said, ' called Mitte. I loved Mitte very much. When in the middle of Bur- lington street I remembered I had left the dog at the mercy of the Parliamentary sailor. I instantly turned, went again to the house, rushed upstairs, caught up the dog sleeping on the bed and brought her away.' It was after this brave and tender exploit that Henrietta Maria gained the ditch." " Good Queen Bess was a lover of hounds and all sorts of dogs. When the princess was undergoing imprisonment at Woodstock, Sir Thomas Bedingfield won her heart by the present of a hound. She found him such a companionable fellow that she named him Friend. When she returned to Hatfield, Friend was her constant playfellow. By a coincidence the incarceration of Mary, Queen of Scots, cousin of Elizabeth, had a ray of sunshine in the latter part of the time. It was the gamboling affection of a little French dog. He was in the hall at Fotheringay on the memorable occa- sion of the execution, February i, 1587. 'All her beauty had gone/ wrote Dickens, ' but she was beauti- ful enough to her spaniel, who lay down beside her headless body.' He caressed the body, refused to leave till forcibly withdrawn, and died of grief in a day or two." From Everywhere tells this story of Florence Nightingale, found also in Little Folks. "There is a beautiful story told of Florence Night- 308 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog ingale, the famous nurse of the Crimean War, which shows that when she was a child she had the nursing instinct strongly developed. " Her wounded patient was a Scotch shepherd dog. Some boys had hurt and apparently broken its leg by throwing stones, and it had been decided to hang it to put it out of its misery. ' The little girl went fearlessly up to where he lay, saying in a soft, caressing tone, ' Poor Cap, poor Cap.' It was enough. He looked up with his speaking brown eyes, now bloodshot and full of pain, into her face, and did not resent it when, kneeling down beside him, she stroked with her little ungloved hand the large, intelli- gent head. " To the vicar he'%as rather less amenable but by dint of coaxing he at last allowed him to touch and examine the wounded leg, Florence persuasively telling him that it was ' all right.' Indeed, she was on the floor beside him, with his head on her lap, keeping up a continuous murmur, such as a mother does over a sick child. ' Well,' said the vicar, rising from his examina- tion, ' so far as I can tell, there are no bones broken ; the leg is badly bruised. It ought to be fomented to take the inflammation and swelling down.' ' How do you foment ? ' asked Florence. ' With hot cloths dipped in boiling water,' answered the vicar. ' Then that's quite easy. I'll stay and do it. Now, Jimmy, get sticks and make the kettle boil.' " There was no hesitation in the child's manner; she was told what ought to be done, and she set about doing it as a simple matter of course. ' But they will be ex- pecting you at home,' said the vicar. ' Not if you tell Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 309 them I'm here,' answered Florence; ' and my sister and one of the maids can come and take me home in time for tea, and,' she hesitated, ' they had better bring some old flannel and cloths ; there does not seem to be much here. But you will wait and show me how to foment, won't you? ' ' Well, yes,' said the vicar, carried away by the quick energy of the little girl. And soon the fire was lit and the water boiling. An old smock frock of the shepherd had been discovered in a corner, which Florence had deliberately torn in pieces, and to the vicar's remark, ' What will Roger say ? ' she answered, ' We'll get him another.' And so Florence Nightin- gale made her first compress and spent all that bright spring day in nursing her first patient the shepherd dog." " Sir Walter Scott was perhaps the most devoted dog lover that ever was," says the Westminster Review. " Anyone who has ever read Lockhart's ' Life ' will readily admit this. ' Scott and his dogs ' is a well- known picture, and has become a well-known phrase. " Who can forget the description of Camp and Maida? It was Camp who once bit the baker, and was severely reproved for his misdeed, after which he never heard the word ' baker ' mentioned, even in the most casual way, without crawling under the table in the most dire distress. " Scott felt Camp's death acutely. It is said that on the evening of the sad event he excused himself from at- tending a dinner party, pleading as his apology 'the death of a dear old friend.' " Maida was, if possible, even more beloved. She was a cross between a wolf and a deer hound. Scores 310 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog of artists painted Maida's likeness. Once a friend of Scott's picked up at Munich a common snuffbox, price one franc, with Maida for a frontispiece, and the su- perscription, " Der liebeling Hund von Walter Scott," showing how far the fame of the dog lover had traveled. " Maida died of sheer old age. The well-known epitaph for her grave, by Lockhart, ran thus : " Maidae marmorea dormis sub imagine Maida, Ad ianuam domini sit tibi terra levis," which Scott translated into English thus: " Beneath the sculptured form which late you wore Sleep soundly, Maida, at your master's door." " Ouida " is very fond of dogs and opposed to muz- zling, as are most persons who have given the matter any thought: " A short time ago Willie Strange, son of Alderman Strange, of Eastbourne, was fined by the Eastbourne Magistrates for allowing a pet dog to be at large un- muzzled. The little boy produced a money-box in court and paid the fine in small coins. ' Ouida,' hav- ing seen an account of the case in the foreign news- papers, has sent the youthful defendant a letter from Italy, dated January 24. The letter, which is in the possession of Mr. Nevile Strange, of Leamington, the boy's brother, is as follows : " ' MY DEAR BOY : I have seen your action as re- corded in the papers with much pleasure. Any devo- tion you pay to your dog will be repaid to you a thou- sand fold by his affection. It is only men who betray those who befriend them. The muzzling craze is a brutal folly and a disgrace to England. Accept this Devotion cf Human Beings to Animals 311 little half napoleon for your savings-box, and if ever I can be useful to you or your dog command me. 1 re- main yours, with much sympathy. OUIDA.' ' Yet all these pets are no dearer to the rich, than are the pets of the poor to them; no dearer than Jack to the children of Thomas O'Hanlon, a laborer in Pater- son, N. J. He was a homeless waif whom boys stoned, and who had crawled into an out-of-the-way place to starve, when the O'Hanlon children found him and took him to their poor abode. When the dog's license had expired, a dog ought not to be licensed any more than a pet canary or a pet cat, but should be kept in the homes of the poor as a guard and companion there was no money in the house to pay for the renewal of Jack's license. The World, for October 24, 1897, thus describes the devotion of the family for Jack : " O'Hanlon was summoned to court and reprimanded for not getting the license renewed. When he ex- plained that he had no money to buy bread, much less dog licenses, the magistrate committed him to jail for ten days, remarking that a man so poor had no business to keep a dog. " The dog was to be taken away from the O'Hanlon home. The four children were sobbing with grief and terror. Jack, their pet, their companion, and friend, was to be dragged, howling, from their embraces. Mrs. O'Hanlon had a little money she had earned by going out washing and scrubbing. She needed it sorely to buy food. But she took it, went out and gathered a lit- tle more from sympathizers, paid the license fee and the costs to the county of her husband's arrest, brought him home and kept the dog. 312 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog " A Sunday World reporter went to Paterson to see the dog who could arouse such devotion and self- sacrifice in the breasts of poor, toiling, humble people. The O'Hanlons live in a tiny, weather-beaten shed, set well back from the street. It was the abode of dire, cruel poverty. The furniture was old and broken ; there was no fire in the stove; the three little children were in rags and tatters, and all, even the baby, were barefooted. " ' May I see your dog ? ' I asked the little girl. "'Jack?' she asked, while a smile lighted up her little face, serious and anxious enough for a woman of twenty-five. ' Oh, yes, ma'am, you may see Jack. We've been having lots of trouble about Jack lately. We're so poor, ma'am,' she continued with artless simplicity. ' Sometimes we don't have anything to eat but bread and tea. And my father couldn't buy a license for Jack. So they put him in jail, and were going to take Jack off and kill him, I guess. But my mother she goes out to work, you know she had eighty cents, and she got about two dollars that was due my father for being watchman at Gallin's, and so we saved Jack.' " ' Do you love Jack so much ? ' ' Oh, yes, ma'am, I don't know how we could live without Jack. He knows such a lot. He can't do no tricks, but he knows me and the children and loves us so.' " She ran ahead until she came to a dreadful back yard, where, among coal cinders, rags, old bottles, tin cans, and refuse of all sorts, a homely, scrubby black dog lay huddled in the dirt, looking up with wistful, Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 313 hungry eyes at the sound of the childish voices. Jack rose, and slouched up to his friends, wagging his apol- ogy for a tail, and licking the tiny, thin hands held out to him. " ' Wouldn't you sell Jack? ' I asked. " Mamie's eyes filled with tears. ' Oh/ she said, with a world of pathos in her voice, ' we couldn't sell Jack.' " But if you were to sell Jack perhaps you could have toys, even a doll.' " Mamie's eyes shone for a moment. ' I should love a doil,' she said thoughtfully; then, looking down at the humble black friend who sat on his haunches regarding her with a look of anxiety as if he felt she was deciding his fate, ' but, oh, ma'am, I'd rather have Jack.' " Jack rose and wriggled to his loyal little friend, bobbing his head as if in recognition of her fidelity, and licked her cold, red fingers. " ' Would you share your food with Jack? ' " ' I have, many a time, ma'am. I always will. Of course Jack don't get bones or meat very often because we're so poor. And dogs don't like bread crusts very much, and ' with unconscious humor ' they can't drink tea. So Jack goes hungry a good many times.' " As the reporter came away the sunny-haired baby was patting the dog's head and cooing to it. Jack had risen on his hind feet and was gently licking the baby's face with his long, rough tongue." The St. James Gazette tells this story of Jack, the pet fox terrier of Sir Henry Hawkins : ' ' Jack had an inherent hatred of suspicious customers likely to be dangerous/ the judge remarked. ' He could detect one in a moment, and he also appeared to know a dog- 314 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog stealer by intuition. These gentry were constantly after him, but as I, from sad experience, was tolerably well versed in their ways, I need scarcely tell you that I never let Jack wander a yard out of my sight at any rate, out of doors. Had I done so, he would have been snapped up instantly, for, as you are aware, he was not a stranger in the land. Whenever I passed a man who seemed to me to be a member of the dog-stealing bri- gade, I used to say : ' Jack, come here is that a dog- stealer ? ' He knew the meaning of these words, and would rush to my side immediately. He was never stolen/ " Jack knew the time of day when his master was wont to depart for the law courts, and often delighted in jumping into the cab and accompanying the judge to his work. ' Jack liked his muzzle, after once he became accustomed to it/ Sir Henry observed presently, ' and for a very good reason he found that wearing it was the only way to get out. Poor little fellow ! he was taken ill, and although he received unremitting attention he gradually sank.' Sir Henry was with him at the end and was convinced that he knew he was going to die. ' No, I shall never have another dog/ Sir Henry added, deeply touched at the recollection of his lost pet. ' After having liked a dog and lived with it for years one can't replace it. I loved my little Jack, and it was a terrible shock when he was taken from me.' Until his death a few years ago, Jack, the fox terrier, was Sir Henry's inseparable companion and friend." " Du Maurier," says Harper's Weekly, " loved dogs, as we all do who are normally constructed. His pic- tures are good evidence on this point, and one of the Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 3 1 5 conspicuous ornaments of his Hampstead house was the skin of his huge Newfoundland pet. One day, while taking his favorite walk about the heath, he saw a gathering of people on the borders of the shallow pond which is a particular attraction to Hampstead. A thin coating of ice covered the water, excepting where a little dog had broken through and was ineffectually strug- gling to get out again. The ice was, however, so weak that whenever the little creature drew its front paws up over the edge it broke under its weight, and forced him to repeat this painful operation again and again, until it looked as though the poor animal would become exhausted in its efforts. " Du Maurier was in delicate health at the time, and knowing that the water was nowhere more than three feet deep, called to the idlers in the crowd, ' Here's half a crown for the man who fetches that dog ashore ! ' The offer was not accepted; at least, not soon enough to satisfy the mercurial artist. So, despite the doctor, into the pond rushed Du Maurier, breaking his way through the thin ice until he reached the drowning doggie, which he seized in his arms and brought ashore amid the cheers of the bystanders." The American Missionary Association, New York. says that Abraham Lincoln when a schoolboy rescued a little dog that was being abused by schoolmates, and taking it up in his arms, carried it to a place of safety, facing the ridicule and stones of his companions. Another story of Lincoln illustrates his kind heart. He was riding with a party of lawyers from one town to another to attend court, when as they passed some trees, he noticed that a little bird had fallen from a 316 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog nest and was fluttering by the roadside. Mr. Lincoln stopped his horse, took up the bird tenderly and set it on a limb near the nest. His companions laughed and asked why he had delayed them for such a little thing as that. Lincoln replied, '' I can only say this, that I feel better for it." Miss Sarah J. Eddy, in Friends and Helpers, a book which should be used in every school for supplementary reading, tells this story of a brave kinsman of mine. " Some years ago, General David Sloane Stanley, of the United States Army, was leading a force across the plains. He was laying out the route for a great rail- road. There were two thousand men, twenty-five hun- dred horses and a train of two hundred and fifty wagons heavily laden. " One day the general was riding at the head of the broad column, when suddenly his voice rang out, 'Halt!' " A bird's nest lay on the ground directly in front of him. In another moment the horses would have tram- pled on the nestlings. The mother bird was flying about and chirping in the greatest anxiety. But the brave general had not brought out his army to destroy a bird's nest. " He halted for a moment, looked at the little birds in the nest below, and then gave the order, ' Left oblique ! ' " Then horses, mules, and wagons turned aside and spared the home of the helpless birds. Months and even years after, those who crossed the plains saw a great bend in the trail. It was the bend made to avoid crush- ing the birds' nest. Truly, great hearts are tender hearts, and the loving are the daring.' " Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 3 1 7 Frances Power Cobbe in her Autobiography says John Bright told her " of a poor cripple woman in a miserable cottage near Llandudno, where he usually spent his holidays. He had got into the habit of visiting this poor creature, who could not stir from her bed, but lay there all day long, her husband being out at work as a laborer. Sometimes a neighbor would look in and give her food, but unless one did so, she was en- tirely helpless. Her only companion was her dog, a fine collie, who lay beside her on the floor, ran in and out, licked her poor useless hands, and showed his ap- preciation in a hundred ways. Bright grew fond of the dog, and the dog always welcomed him each year with gambols of joy. One summer he came to the cottage, and the helpless cripple lay on her pallet still, but the dog did not come out to him as usual, and his first question to the woman was, 'Where is your collie?' The answer was that her husband had drowned the dog to save the expense of feeding it! " Mrs. Evans, great aunt of Charles Stewart Parnell, lived next door to Miss Cobbe at Newbridge. Sh died in Paris. " Her remains, enclosed in a leaden coffin," says Miss Cobbe, " were brought back to Portrane and her Irish terrier, who adored her, somehow recognized the dreadful chest and exhibited a frenzy of grief, leap- ing upon it and tearing at the pall with piteous cries. Next morning, strange to say, the poor brute was, with six others about the place, in such a state of excitement as to be supposed to be rabid and it was thought neces- sary to shoot them all. One of them leaped the gates of the yard and escaping bit two of my father's cows, which became rabid and were shot in my presence. 3 1 8 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Mrs. Evans was buried beside her beloved husband in the little roofless and ruined church of Portrane, close by the shore. On another grave in the same church be- longing to the same family, a dog had some years pre- viously died of grief." Elsewhere Miss Cobbe writes : " Later on I had the companionship of another beautiful mouse-colored Pomeranian, brought as a puppy from Switzerland. In my hardworking life in Bristol in the schools and workhouse she followed me and ingratiated herself everywhere, and my solitary evenings were much the happier for dear Hajjin's company. Many years after- wards she was laid under the sod of our garden in Hereford Square. " Another dog of the same breed whom I sent away at one year old to live in the country was returned to me eight years afterward, old and diseased. The poor beast recognized me after a few moments' eager exami- nation and uttered an actual scream of joy when I called her by name; exhibiting every token of tender affection for me ever afterwards. When one reflects what eight years signify in the life of a dog almost equivalent to the distance between sixteen and sixty in a human being some measure is afforded by this in- stance of the durability of a dog's attachment. Hap- pily, kind Dr. Hogan cured poor Dee of her malady, and she and I enjoyed five happy years of companion- ship ere she died here in Hengwrt. I have dedicated my ' Friend of Man ' to her memory." Robert Browning loved animals and wrote Miss Cobbe : " I would rather submit to the worst of deaths so far as pain goes, than have a single dog or cat tor- Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 319 tured on the pretence of sparing a twinge or two. I shall rejoice if that abominable and stupid cruelty of pigeon shooting is put a stop to. The other detesta- ble practice, vivisection, strikes deeper root, I fear; but God bless who ever tugs at it." An exchange has the following account of Mr. Henry Manget of Atlanta, who took the prize for garden farming at the Omaha Exposition, and who trains ani- mals as wonderfully as he grows vegetables. " In speaking of them recently, he said : ' When we call in dumb beasts to be our assistants we should be kind to them. Love is the great ruling power of the uni- verse. If my dog loves me, my horse or my cow, I get from them a return which it is impossible to get from dumb driven beasts suffering under the brutal lash.' Here, calling his collie dog, he told it to kiss the horse, a feat which it performed in most artistic manner. 1 Nor is that all,' said Mr. Manget. ' Here is my flock of ducks. They understand English as well as you do. It is now noonday. Yet upon my word you will see them go to roost and to sleep.' " Then calling out to the ducks, about eighteen or twenty in number, he said : ' Go to bed.' The order struck the ducks with some evident amazement, for while they stopped their plucking of grass and looked upon him as if in semi-revolt, yet upon observing his steady gaze, the leading duck started off to the fowl- house, walked into the small door, followed by all its companions, and they remained there until Mr. Manget gave the word for them to come out again. " ' I train everything about me in this way,' said he, 1 so that there is a perfect understanding upon the place. 320 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog The land understands me, the horse understands me, the ducks understand me, my dog understands me.' " By this time, having been walking toward the house during the conversation, he reached the stable. ' I want you,' said Mr. Manget, ' to see how this stable is arranged. Here is a stall for my horse. You observe there is a double window in it, that it is per- fectly clean, and that there is an abundance of food in the loft. To a horse has been given the gift of sight and of the enjoyment of scenery. After my horse has worked hard for me, he has earned a right to all the enjoyments which I can give back to him, and for this reason you see here a window washed as clean as the window in my house,- so that the horse, while in his stall, can look out and see what is going on. The same thing is true in my cow stall here. If I expect God to reward my labor, I must in return reward the labor of those who work for me.' ' There is a dog, Wang, at the Gordon Boys' Orphan- age at Dover, England, that once belonged to General Gordon of the English army, which money could not buy. General Gordon on leaving China for Khartoum, brought three rare Chow puppies with him, and gave one of them, Wang, to the daughter of Sir John Adies, then commanding at Gibraltar. Wang stayed with this lady until her husband, in the Royal Artillery, went to London. Wang was then given to Major Seel of the King's regiment, and later, to the orphanage. He is over fourteen years of age, deaf and lame, but greatly loved by all, and tenderly cared for by his little keeper, Robert Robinson. Robert was turned out of doors by a bad father in Crewe, when he tramped from place to i. WANG, CHOW DOG FROM CHINA, owned by the Gordon Boys' Orphanage, Dover, England. 2. "CnuMS," DON AND Trr- WILLOW, owned by Mr. A. W. Palmer, Xatick, Mass. (p. 330). Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 321 place, and was finally found in London, a mere bundle of rags and bones, asleep at the foot of the Gordon statue in Trafalgar Square, whence he was taken to the orphanage and became the keeper of Wang. " Wang died recently, and Robert is a soldier in the army now." Mr. Thomas Blackman, the founder, at Gordon's death in 1885, and treasurer of the orphanage, writes me, " The institution has over one hundred homeless, or- phan boys, and the founder wisely allows them many pets, dogs, cats, pigeons, etc." The Dog Fancier, Battle Creek, Mich., January, 1899, tells this incident of the courtesy of Washington, and his kindness to dogs : " A new story is told in the lately published memoirs of the Chevalier de Pontgibaud, a volunteer in the American Revolution. On one occasion he and a party of officers were dining with General Washington at Valley Forge. In the middle of the meal conversation was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a large and handsome sporting dog, whose collar and neat appear- ance showed that he had an affectionate and devoted master. He was evidently very hungry and thirsty, and General Washington, to the joy of the Frenchman, treated him as a guest and gave him a hearty dinner. The dog became friendly, and allowed the general to read the inscription on his collar, which was ' General Howe.' The great commander called an orderly, and sent the dog, under a flag of truce, to the British lines. The same afternoon General Howe sent back a letter of thanks for the distinguished courtesy of his foe." The Chicago Record tells this kindly incident of a colored corporal in the Spanish- American war : 322 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog "The night of the El Caney affair," said the late lamented General Lawton, " when my division was marching back to El Paso to take up a new position the next morning, I was sitting with Major G. Creighton Webb, Inspector-General of my staff, and one of the pluckiest men I know, at the side of the road. My men were filing past, and we watched them. They were tired out, but full of ginger. The day was just begin- ning to dawn when we heard some one coming down the road, talking at the top of his lungs. He talked and laughed and laughed and talked, and the men with him were chattering and joking. " * Here come the colored troops,' said Webb, and sure enough the Twenty-fifth Infantry came along. The man who was doing the talking was a six-foot cor- poral. He carried two guns and two cartridge belts loaded full, and the man to whom the extra gun and belt belonged was limping alongside him. The tall cor- poral was weighted down with his blanket and haver- sack, but in his arms he carried a dog, the mascot of his company. " ' Here, corporal/ said Webb, " didn't you march all last night ? ' " ' Yes, sir/ said the corporal, trying to salute. " 'And didn't you fight all day? ' " ' Sure, sir/ ' And haven't you been marching ever since ten o'clock to-night ? ' " ' Yes, sir/ said the corporal. " ' Well, then/ shouted Webb, ' what are you carry- ing that dog for ? ' Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 323 ' Why, boss, the dog's tired/ was the reply." With all the indifference to animals in the world, there are yet thousands of kind hearts. Many a good woman does not fail to put out a dish of water and one of food for the stray dog or cat that may come near her home. She has " given a cup of cold water in His name and she will in no wise lose her reward." Or she makes effort and finds a home for the homeless, not forgetting to keep some in her own house, however much care they may be, realizing that life i not given us to shirk responsibilities, but to do our duty as far as possible for those who are speechless, as well as for human beings. The New York World tells of Mrs. Mary Hansler of 309 East Twenty-sixth street, who has three former strays which she cares for in her own home, Rollo, a shepherd dog who was found seven years ago in a snow- drift, nearly frozen; Pico, a pug, who nearly starved, was taken off the street, and Jack, a big black creature saved in a blizzard. Mrs. Hansler has found homes for many, and when injured beyond help, she has them mer- cifully killed. In a " mad dog " scare, when so many helpless creatures, either lost, or ill, are goaded into frenzy by a thoughtless crowd, Mrs. Hansler did a noble act on Fourteenth street. People were running in every direction through fear, when a little woman in black said, " Don't be afraid. He is not mad, only hungry," and approached the snapping and frightened animal, talked to him softly, laid her hand upon his head, and carried him home, and thus saved him from a brutal death. 324 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog The celebrated Russian surgeon, Professor Nikolai Pirogow, became very fond of animals in his later years. He wrote in his memoirs : " Thirty years ago I looked upon sympathy with dogs being vivisected, and even upon any affection for animals, as affected and sentimental. Time changes many things, and I, who once had no pity for the suf- ferings which I inflicted on dozens of animals by vivi- section (chloroform was not known at that time), would not now decide to cut a dog open out of scien- tific curiosity, and I can easily believe what at first struck me as incredible : that Haller, in his old age, sank into melancholy, attributing it to having vivisected in his youth, as Zimmermann, if I mistake not, tells us in his work, ' Ueber die Einsamkeit.' " Those incidents which weigh especially heavy upon me are when I tortured animals unnecessarily out of ignorance, inexperience, folly, or God only knows why. In fact, the most bitter melancholy overcomes us at the thought of violence done by us against our proper feel- ings. With whatever indifference we have wounded the feelings of others, we can never be certain that it may not sooner or later be revenged on our own feel- ings. When * My Lady,' dying in agonies, kept her eyes fixed on me, and, notwithstanding her sufferings and groaning, wagged her tail slowly to greet me, then the remembrance of the tortures inflicted thirty or forty years ago on hundreds of dogs like ' My Lady ' came to my mind with the love for my little dog, and my heart was unutterably sad." Rev. Dr. George Leon Walker, the late able and beloved pastor of my old church in Hartford, Conn., Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 325 the First or Centre Church, said to his people in May, 1891, in a sermon on Our Humble Associates: "I have been the possessor of the affection of two dogs, as unlike one another, though of the same nominal breed, as any two men. And when I think of the big heart and boundless passionate love which one of those two creatures gave me, I count it one of the great mistakes, yea, sins of my life that I allowed a friend of mine in a great city to take him to keep awhile, when he mourned for me, as I afterward learned, with con- stant and inconsolable sorrow, and was finally hope- lessly lost, I doubt not in unavailing effort to find me again. I hope no one here will smile when I say, sol- emnly, that the pain of that poor heart has lain upon me for near twenty years a remorse and a burden." He speaks of a little dog who was for eleven years a member of his household. ' This little dog knew just as well as I did when he had broken some household rule or behavior; and on such occasions he received the small chastisement allotted for disobedience with per- fect recognition of its desert and with eager readiness to be reconciled. But on one occasion when he was thus lightly disciplined for a supposed offense, his behavior arrested my notice from its peculiarity and awoke the instant inquiry in my mind, whether he had, perhaps, not done the thing supposed. He showed none of his customary desire to be restored to favor. He went sadly to his cushion in the corner and refused to re- spond to my caress. No physical hurt could explain his behavior. He could scarcely be said to have been physically hurt at all. I inquired into the matter. He had been wronged. He had not done the thing for 326 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog which the trifling discipline had been inflicted. He had been treated unjustly, and he knew it. And he made me know it also. I apologized to him, and he knew that I apologized, just as well as any man could know; but it was forty-eight hours before he would condescend to forgive the injustice. . . . The little dog who made me a wiser and I hope a better man for his eleven years' companionship with me, was brought up with a much older and larger one; who, when my little friend was about a year old, fell sick, rheumatic, and appe- titeless, as do many other old people. Whereupon the little dog constituted himself nurse and comforter to his older companion; carried him food from his own supply; danced about him to cheer his spirits up; and when he could induce him to eat, displayed the liveliest indications of delight. What trained nurse could do much more ? " Many persons have provided at death for the animals they loved, and all should do so. Anton Seidl, the famous musical conductor, in his will executed April 21, 1897, left his magnificent collection of Wagner's music to the Richard Wagner Museum of Weimar, Germany, and the income of property at Middletown, N. Y., in case of the death of his wife, to Bertha Seiffert, for life, provided she cares for their dogs. If the dogs outlive her, another is designated to care for them in comfort. The property eventually goes in equal shares to the relatives of himself and wife. Seidl's favorite was a St. Bernard, Wotan, named like all his dogs after the Nibelungen heroes. Mime, a pet of Mrs. Seidl, was killed by Wotan, as, being al- lowed many privileges, and fondled by her master, the Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 327 big dog seemed jealous, lest he be supplanted in the affections of the musician. Mrs. John M. Clay, who owns and manages the Ash- land stock farm at Lexington, Ky., that was owned by Henry Clay, caresses and pets her animals who will come at her call, like children. Speaking of her year- ling colts, she said sadly, " I have put up those babies to be sold, and there is no telling how they will be treated; why, these little things have never had a cross word." Every superannuated animal on her place is well cared for, and provided for in her will by fifty dollars annually for each one for life. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Coldwell, of Richmond, S. I., left a fund of ten dollars a month for the care of her pet Newfoundland which survives her. George Harwood, a wealthy farmer of Clear Springs township, Indiana, bequeathed sixty acres of land to a man who worked for him, in consideration for which the man was to care for a pet black horse and steer, and at their death they are to be buried near him in a five-acre lot, with a handsome monument for all. They were faithful friends and he did not forget them. The Denver Republican in the spring of 1896 tells of a fox terrier, a stray in the streets of Philadelphia, which being picked up by a wealthy resident of that city, Mr. Davis, they became inseparable companions. When Mr. Davis fell ill, the dog refused to eat or sleep, and would not be comforted. When his master died, he left $50,000 as a legacy to the dog. The terrier soon after became ill, and though the best medical advice was ob- tained, it was found that he had consumption and was taken by the relatives to Denver, Colorado. A nurse 328 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog attended the devoted creature daily, but care could not save him. It is a pity that the money cannot be used for a home for animals. The will of Sarah E. Gardner, a niece of Commodore Perry, was probated at Newport, R. L, May 28, 1900, giving her property, $30,000 or more, to the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals. In 1842 her mother died, and after that time for years she lived as a servant in various homes. For the past twenty years she lived alone, stooped by age, and emaciated from want of proper nourishment, it is said. But she saved her money for a noble cause, quite in contrast to some other residents of Newport. The widow of Representative Amerman of Pennsyl- vania died in Worcester, Mass., in June, 1900, leaving $10,000 for the care of two horses and a dog. The animals are to be tenderly cared for when beyond the age of usefulness. Mrs. Ellen Cheney Johnson, late Superintendent of the Reformatory Prison for Women at Sherborn, Mass., left $300 to Emma A. Pond of Sherborn, and her pet dog Duchess, " in full confidence that she will provide a home for her as long as the said dog may live." Her horse, Thomas Lancaster, when the execu- trix shall deem best, " is to be humanely killed and decently buried, as it is my wish that no other person may own him who may abuse him in his old age." Mrs. Johnson left to the city of Boston $10,000 for the erection of a memorial drinking fountain for man and beast. How much better than a granite monument ! Mr. William C. Royal, of Germantown, Pa., died May 31, 1900, leaving his entire estate, $50,000, to the Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 329 Humane Society, his wife having her annuity for life of $200 a month. In his will he gives to his wife his "horses, dogs, and any other animals I may possess; but should my wife be so situated at any time as to make the care of said animals inconvenient or burden- some, then, and in that case, it is my wish that upon her request the care and custody of said animals shall devolve upon the woman's branch of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and I bespeak from my said wife and from the said society the same kind treatment for said animals as they have received from myself. They have been my faithful serv- ants and amply repaid by their companionship and af- fection all the attention that they have received at my hands, and I desire, therefore, to make due provision for their comfort and support after I am gone. I am sure the society will carry out my wishes in this respect." The Journal of Zoophily, June, 1900, says : " A lady has lately died in Paris and left her whole fortune to the Society for the Protection of Animals. That organization seems to be in luck, for it is only a short time since it received the legacy of Mme. de Chassegros, amounting to something like two hundred thousand dollars. We wish it might be enabled thereby to do something more for the benefit of the Paris cab horses." Miss Ellen A. Griffin, who died April 12, 1901, in New York city, left $10,000 to her housekeeper, Mrs. Mc- Givin, for the care of her pet black and tan dog, Dandy Jim, while he lives. The dog lay at her feet while she was dying, and sincerely mourned for her when she was dead. Mrs. Joseph T. Johnston of Victor, Colo- 3 30 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog rado, left $10,000 to a friend to care for two water spaniels to which she and her husband had been deeply attached. Mr. McDougal, the friend, is not to marry as long as the dogs live. A large picture hangs in my home of " Chums," two pets owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Palmer of Natick, Mass., so loved by them " that no inducement to part with them would for a moment be considered." The pets are Don, a pure Scotch collie, five years old, very affectionate, and Titwillow, a fine tiger cat, three months younger than Don. Both are very fond of each other. Many steel engravings have been made of these two fine animals. Mrs. Adah D. Campbell of Denver, Colo., sends me pictures of her mastiff, " Joe," and his little kennel com- panion, " Drummer." She has oil paintings of both dogs. She writes me concerning these pets : "I was never lonely with Joe for a companion. He loved me as I loved him and understood every word, look and mood of mine. We had a little game that we called bone or biscuit.' If he thought I was lonely or sad, he would get one or the other, and toss it in the air to attract my attention. Then he would want me to look everywhere about him for it, lift his feet, look in his mouth, under his collar. Finally I'd say ' Josie, where is it? I can't find it.' Then he would pitch it up, he'd had it under his nose all the time and throw it up again. Sometimes I'd hide it under my dress, or in my lap, and he would hunt for it. " I left him at a stable for a short time, and the boy taught him to put his paws on his shoulders, so when he came home he wanted to do so with me. As he i. BEVERYCK PUNSTER, Fox TERRIER, a prize winner. 2. DKTMMER. 3. GENTLEMAN JOE, all owned by Mrs. A. I). Campbell, Denver, Colo. Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 331 weighed two hundred and ten pounds, and I a hundred less, he would almost push me over, so I got in the habit of turning my back to him. The first thing I knew his arms were around my waist, and his head on my shoulder. He would walk all over the house and yard in that manner and never hurt me, as he supported his weight on his hind legs. When people called he was always friendly, but if they or I moved, he was at my side in a moment. " He never considered that he had to obey anyone but me. When he was a puppy, if Mr. Campbell dis- pleased him, he would go to the bedroom closet and get one of his shoes and throw it in the air several times, but never try to injure it in any way. The only thing that he ever destroyed was a weekly paper that we sel- dom read. If Mr. C. had offended him, he would pick out this paper, tear it into bits, and then bark at my husband as if to tell him he had ' got even.' " Every evening he wanted to go for a walk, and no matter whether we spoke of the matter in Spanish or English, he would run for his strap. " I have a folding bed which he liked to lie under in the summer, and upon it in the winter. He would try to get it down with his nose and then call me to come and assist him. There was nothing I had too good for him. He was only a dog to others but everything to me. He always slept in the house at night, some- times on the floor on a bed of his own, but usually on the lounge. Every morning after I got up, he had to get into my bed for a while. " For six weeks before he died with acute laryngitis he suffered intensely. I gave him my bed, and at the 332 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog last the little he could eat I fed him with a spoon. The last three or four days of his life he was blind, and only moved about by the sound of my voice. " I had a coffin made for him, wrapped him in the blanket he had been sick on, and put on his collar, as he could never bear to be without it when well. He is buried in the Dog Cemetery. ' He was born a dog, lived like a gentleman, died like a soldier.' " Little Drummer came to me before he could stand on his hind legs, and had to be fed from a bottle. The first time he saw Joe, the latter yawned and Drummer crawled through his mouth, dear old Joe waiting pa- tiently for him to do so. " Drummer is the dearest, sauciest, crankiest little terrier you ever saw, but we all love him. He has al- ways slept in the bed with me since the first night. I had a nice box for him, but he tumbled out the second night, and had to be taken up. " Now he is always the first in bed, and will crowd and growl unless he gets all the room he wants. He can walk all around on his hind legs and do many cute tricks. He is very jealous and always hated the mas- tiff puppies, while Joe thought the world of them and would let all five sleep on his side or back. Whenever there was any disturbance Joe was there in a moment. Several times persons have tried to enter the house, both day and night, but were always prevented by Joe. " I refused a thousand dollars for Joe, twice, before he was a year old, but a million could not have bought him. The only thing Joe was afraid of was thunder. Then he'd hide his head in my lap, and if it got too Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 333 severe, wanted to lie down in a dark closet and have me sit by him, which I always did." Joe was a great friend to Mrs. Campbell's Canary bird. When she would take off the bottom of the cage, and place the cage on the ground, Joe would lie with his nose close to it, while the bird would pull his ears. pick at his nose and chirp to him. " Joe is dead a year," she writes, " but I grieve over him and miss his dear, sympathetic face every day of my life." Baron Adolph de Rothschild left by will 6,000 to the Society for the Protection of Animals, and a life annuity of 100 to each of his own horses. " Anna Louise Duncan, an American, who had lived in Paris for twenty years, committed suicide at the dog cemetery, where six of her pets had been success- ively buried," says the New York World, May 12, 1900. " Last week she lost Rob Roy, a great Newfound- land, of whom she was fonder than of any of his pre- decessors. Rob Roy was crushed by a tramcar. " Miss Duncan tried to survive the cruel grief, and bought a new canine companion. " Yesterday she shot herself on Rob Roy's tomb after having distributed her property among poor neigh- bors." " George Kendall, a widower, who boarded at 5 Delancey street, New York city, was found dead in his bed last night. He had filled the crevices of the door and windows with paper and turned on the gas. "On a table near the bed was found a letter ad- dressed to John Mitthauer, Old Homestead, Ninety- 334 O ur Devoted Friend, The Dog first street and Third avenue, New York city. The letter was dated January 23, 1899, and read as fol- lows: " ' If I am found dead will you please have my body taken to an undertaker's and have him cremate my body and blow my ashes to the winds ? And oblige yours, George Kendall.' There was a postcript which read: " ' I would rather be with my dog " Sport " in the other world.' " The dog mentioned died last September, and was Kendall's only companion for a number of years. After the death of the animal Kendall became despondent and often said that he would kill himself. He was sixty- nine years of age." The following incident shows how the poor often love their dogs, and how unjust a tax is, when they have no other property : " At the Sunbury Petty Sessions yesterday Mr. John Ashby in the chair William G. Saunders, a laborer, from Feltham, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license. Defendant : I'm guilty, but I've got a license. I pawned my coat for the dorg; there's the ticket for the coat. Why, not long ago you fined me ten bob for 'aving the dorg without a muzzle, and I went to prison seven days for this 'ere tyke. The Chairman: Why do you keep the dog if you can't afford it? Defendant: 'Cos I love the dog, and that's more than some of you do on this bench. I picked the dorg up on the road when it was 'ungry, and I'll stick to it. I love it, and pawned my coat for it, and you can fine me i or 2; it makes no difference. The Chair- Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 335 man : You will have to pay ten shillings and costs or go to prison. Defendant : Then I'll go to prison, for I 'ain't got the money, and I love that 'ere dog. And Saunders went to jail for seven days." " In an effort to get a dog out of the way of a trolley car, Helen Kane, of Pottsville, Pa., five-year-old daugh- ter of Conrad Kane, was instantly killed May 25, 1900." Jacob C. Meinzer, a lawyer of Brooklyn, committed suicide July 9, 1900, three weeks after the death of his wife. He seldom spoke after she was buried, but said. ' They can't keep us apart long." Both were devoted to a little fox terrier which was sent to a kennel during his wife's illness, and brought home after her death. The man was seen at his office holding the dog in his arms so tightly that it moaned with pain, and he, him- self, was sobbing audibly. Later his body was found in the woods at Williamsburg. It is thought that he killed the dog and buried it before killing himself. The couple had no children, and gave a wealth of affec- tion to each other and to their dumb companion. Clara Thompson, who lives near Highland county, Maryland, risked her life May 20, 1900, to save her pet dog which had fallen into a well, fifty-five feet deep. Two buckets were in the well, hung to a chain passing over a wheel. A ladder was attached to one end of the chain in place of the bucket and she was lowered, and clasped her dog. As she was being raised by her parents the frame holding the chain broke, and she was plunged into the water. The ladder, however, was just long enough to keep her head above water. She re- mained an hour and a half in this position before she was rescued. A man was lowered into the well, who 336 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog put a rope around her, and she and her dog were saved. She fainted when she reached the surface. An exchange tells of a fox terrier at the wedding of Miss Adele Horwitz of Baltimore, Md., to Mr. Francis B. Stevens, Jr., of Hoboken, N. J., at the home of the bride. There was neither maid of honor nor brides- maid, but the little fox terrier with orange blossoms about his neck tied with white ribbons, entered with the bride, and after viewing the guests sat down upon the floor at her feet during the ceremony. At my request, Mrs. Stevens writes me, Feb. 6, 1901, concerning her dog : " The dear little fellow passed on this October, leaving my mother and myself heart- broken. How we loved him Ihis brilliancy, his keen intelligence, his delightful and refreshing love for sport and fun for he was a sportsman in every sense of the word. Dear Jack ! ' Taking him all in all, I ne'er shall look upon his like again.' To have had Jack, makes the possession of all other dogs so ' stale, flat, and unprofitable.' He was a gentleman! And many long pages could I fill in his praises. " The way he behaved on my wedding day, was just in keeping with everything he did. On that memorable morn, he seemed to know better than I could tell him, just what was going to happen our future separation, as I was not allowed to take him with me, he having been originally given to my father as an excellent ratter ! and afterwards experienced the fate of Murat in being raised from the stable to the throne. " But previous to our sad parting we had passed eight years as closest comrades and truest friends. He was my partner going the rounds with me and doing all that Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 337 I did, excepting only the theatres and church, for which he seemed to have no fondness. Wherever he went he was always loved first, and generally famous, before taking his departure. " He had battled with the waves at Atlantic City, Narragansett and Bar Harbor, and many times had en- joyed driving along Bellevue avenue at Newport or down Fifth avenue when in New York. I never saw the dog that Jack considered too big to do battle with ! " And so, it came to pass, that on the day of our sep- aration we were mutually grief-stricken. He remained with me every instant of the time, before the ceremony which was unusual, as there were all the guests ar- riving and the front door being opened every minute which heretofore had always demanded Jack's personal attention; but on this occasion he sat on the chair next to my toilet, just watching me, and when finally the time came to go down stairs, I exclaimed, ' Jackie, you shall be my best man/ and quickly tied a big bow of white ribbon and orange blossoms on his collar and so, we went, he pressed close by my white panne velvet skirt, and my father on the other side down the long stair- way, through the hall, into the drawing room, up to the flower-made chancel, the aisle made by satin ribbons which held back the guests. Jack never noticed a soul (all very contrary to his usual inquisitiveness of sniffing every visitor who ever came to the house). There he stood, by me, he facing the people and eyeing them sadly, never leaving me, even at the breakfast which followed; and when I finally left the house, he had to be held, and as I drove off, I could hear him howling, above all the music and laughter. Poor little Jackie! 338 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Every night since my departure, he took mamma's letter to me up to the box the nearest he could come to writing himself." Colonel H. C. Page, editor and publisher of the Bayonne (N. J.) Herald, gives in his paper of January 21, 1899, this most interesting account of a pet dog, Philo : " ' Dear little Philo ' died. In the Christmas number of the Bayonne Herald, 1896, we told the story of 'Dear Little Philo,' a ' Good Doggie Who Had Found a Good Home ' with the Herald family. We said, after some introductory remarks, anent the loving little creatures who made other homes happy : " The dog of whom we are particularly to write bears the name of ' Philo,' which is said to stand for friend, and he is a friend, indeed. He is called ' Phil- ander ' for long and ' Phi ' for short, and is a little black-andi-tan, weighing about eight pounds. He has bright eyes, and his intelligent countenance lights up with happiness when his master or mistress one or both return to their home after an absence. Then the welcome he gives is right royal; with an exuberance unsurpassed. ' Phi,' as he is familiarly called, is, of course, the pet of the house, and to tell of all his cunning ways would require more space than the Bayonne Herald has to spare in its Christmas number. " He was found in an ' Orphan Asylum,' so to speak; in other words, a dog-and-bird store, on West Twenty- third street, in the great metropolis. Where he came from, no one knows. With a number of others of his species, he was ensconced in a rough ' cage ' of wood, and when he was let out for inspection, he sought refuge in the visitor's lap and nestled there. Very evi- Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 339 dently he desired to be adopted, and he was, for and in consideration of a ten-dollar note. When people in pursuit of ' pups ' entered the ' orphan asylum.' the poor creatures set up a barking and howling, all anxious to get out. But ' Phi ' didn't make the slightest noise. He looked yearningly and longingly out of his large, liquid eyes, which spoke more than ' bark ' or ' whine. ' He told, by his manner, as much as words could tell, that he wanted to get away into some family where he would be kindly treated, for the poor creatures are often roughly used in these dog-and-bird stores. " On his way Bayonneward, the little creature clung closely to his captor, as if he feared he might be re- turned to his place of imprisonment. But he reached his new home in safety and on entering the door looked up with such a wistful look as he interrogated the ne\v master with ' Please, may I stay here ? ' by the falter- ing way in which he wagged his tail. In a trice he was warmly welcomed, and in a few days, with good food, a bath, and the use of a comb and brush, was made to look quite respectable. His coat was silky and glossy, and his flesh was as soft as a woman's. His little heart was full of affection, and his disposition that of a lamb. He is formed like a greyhound, almost perfect in symmetry, but we fear he may grow portly with age, like some of his human friends. He loves to run up the Boulevard, and stroll through the meadows and brush. He is fond of flowers, and understands the use of the telephone, which he eyes curiously, and sometimes barks at vociferously about meal time, if his master is late to lunch. ' Philo ' is about five years old, we should judge, and though he is generally rollicking, he can 34 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog also be sedate as a judge when anything goes wrong. He has a pretty ' harness ' and a collar, and sleeps in a basket constructed as a sort of ' crib ' for the canine creation. He has good treatment and repays everything by the wealth of love in his little heart. " Dear little ' Phi ! ' You are the type of many other creatures of your race whose companionship and fidelity endear them to many hearts and homes. You linger near the threshold when eventide comes to welcome the master, whose gentle hand is sure to caress you, and your demonstrations of delight gladden his heart as his caresses do yours. With Bulwer we can say : ' Never yet the dog the country fed Betrayed the kindness or forgot the bread.' " It is said that ' spaniels that fawn when beaten will never forsake their master/ and the dog is soonest of all created beings to forgive. One of the races of dumb animals too often neglected or abused, of which Cowper said: ' I would not enter on my list of friends, Though graced with polished manners and fine sense, Yet wanting sensibility, the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.' " And thus may we go on in life, ' Phi ' and I, and all of us, culling from the experiences of each day the flowers that decorate our pathway and enjoy the fra- grance of home and happiness as we may. Shadows are for the twilight, but they chase one another away as the fire glows in the grate and we think of God's goodness to us and ours. So in the twilight of life the hours pass pleasantly by. Adown the green slopes of Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 341 the future we glide toward the setting of that sun which will never rise for us, except in the glory of a consum- mated faith in our dear Lord and Redeemer. " The ' shadows of the twilight,' we regret to say, have come upon the little home of which ' Philo ' was an inmate. On Tuesday, January I7th, 1899. about 12 o'clock, noon, the little inoffensive creature was mur- dered, as is believed, by two pistol shots which were heard on Fifth street, between Newman and Humph- reys avenue. He struggled to reach his home, but the second shot finished him and he laid down and died, his blood saturating the green sward over which he played many a time. Whoever the dastard is that committed this crime, ' he should have his reward.' That reward should be the contempt of his fellow men, of his family and kindred, and punishment by the strong arm of the law. " ' Philo ' was interred under the protecting limbs of a weeping mulberry, near the home he had made so happy by his gentle presence, leaving an aching void in the hearts of those who loved him. Hail and farewell, my little friend." A letter received April 4, 1900, says:. "Our little doggie, we have since learned, was not shot, but crushed by a larger animal of his race between two huge jaws. The ' Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,' Hudson county, N. J., took great interest in the matter, but the poor little creature is no more. Yours in the cause of humanity, H. C. Page." Mr. Thomas T. Barrett was buried in Hillside Ceme- tery, Plainfield, N. J., early in June, 1901. His collie that he had raised from a puppy disappeared the day 342 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog he died. A week from that time the dog was found in the cemetery four miles away, stretched at full length on the grave, dead. In its issue of November 12, 1899, the New York Herald contained the following in a dispatch from Greenwich, Conn. : " It has cost Frank P. Marsh, a New Yorker, resid- ing at Broadway and Fifty-second street, $1,000 and much trouble and anxiety to discover what and who were responsible for the death of his pet St. Bernard dog, Ponto. " The man who starved it to death admitted the fact in the Borough court here to-day. Mr. Marsh having satisfied himself that he had no neighbor mean enough to kill his pet, but that it had simply died of wilful neg- lect, asked Judge Burnes to suspend execution of the sentence, which, in this case, might have been $250 fine with costs or one year in jail, or both. The judge heeded the request, for Mr. Marsh said : ' Two hearts, those of my wife and myself, have been broken over the death of Ponto, and should this young man go to jail, two more, those of his mother and sister, would be broken/ " Mr. Marsh purchased the Wolf place, in King street, in this town, five years ago. He and his wife had no children; consequently they were greatly at- tached to a large St. Bernard dog, which they named Ponto. They reared him from a pup, and as he was very intelligent he became the constant companion of Mr. Marsh and did many tricks. Mr. Marsh left his place last winter and went to New York, leaving the PONTO, ST. BERNARD, owned by Mr. Frank P. Marsh. New York City. 2. CHAMPION ALTON II., SMOOTH ST. BERNARD, winner of thirty-two prizes, value $5,000, owned by Mr. Dudley K. Waters, Grand Rapids, Mich. Devotion of Human Beings to Animals 343 house, along with four horses, a cow and Ponto, in care of Jesse M. Turverey, an employee. " Turverey was told to purchase a pound of steak and a quart of milk daily for Ponto's food, and other dain- ties occasionally. The man made the purchases, but he appropriated the food to his own use. Mr. Marsh ran up to his country residence occasionally during the winter, and when oh a visit on March 8, found that Ponto was dead. His body had been found in a field near the house the previous day. It had apparently been there for some time. Mr. Marsh found that the meat and milk for Ponto had been delivered right along, even after the dog's death. " Turverey ventured the opinion that some one had poisoned the animal. Mr. Marsh and his wife wept over Ponto's death, and then, to ascertain if poison had been administered, had an examination made. Not a particle of food was discovered in the body. Mr. Marsh could not believe that his man had starved Ponto, so he took the dog's stomach to a specialist, who also decided that it was not poison, but lack of food, which had caused the dog's death. " Turverey soon left Mr. Marsh's service and re- turned to his home in Western New York. Mr. Marsh engaged James F. Walsh, of Greenwich, to bring a suit against him, and several letters were written to Tur- verey to come on to New York. He and his mother wrote in reply, giving excuses. Finally Mr. Marsh conveyed to him the intimation that he had found a man who had poisoned the dog, and if he would come on to New York his expenses would be paid. Turverey had 344 ^ ur Devoted Friend, The Dog a friend, a woman, living in Glenville, just over the Connecticut line, and it was believed that if he came this way he could not refrain from calling upon her. " They guessed rightly. He arrived at Mr. Marsh's New York office on Friday, and was taken to a lawyer's office in Port Chester, where he made an affidavit in a supposed case against a dog poisoner, in which he stated that on the morning of the dog's death he gave it food, and it was in good health. Later Turverey disap- peared, but Deputy Sheriff Fitzroy, of Greenwich, who had been watching his movements all day, went to the house of his friend, in Glenville, and found a party in progress in honor of Turverey's return. Turverey was taken into custody, and in court admitted what he had done." A man who would starve a dog and use the money himself, deserved the full penalty of the law, and save for the kind heart of Mr. Marsh and his wife, Turverey would now be in jail for his cruelty. John Doerflinger of New York city in the winter of 1901, seeing a little dog on the elevated railroad track climbed a pole, reached the dog, and put it inside his coat. In descending he fell and broke his leg in three places. Our Animal Protective League, New York, Mrs. Myles Standish, president, raised a thousand dol- lars as a reward for his kind act, and Mr. Doerflinger has recovered and gone to a fruit farm in North Caro- lina, CHAPTER XIV Hospitals for Dogs IN Pets and Animals, April 15, 1899, Prof. John Heiss of Harvard University has a very interest- ing description of the Free Hospital for Animals, at 52 Piedmont street, and another at 50 Village street, Boston, both under the supervision of the Veterinary Department of the University. The establishment at 50 Village street is the regular Veterinary Department of the University, and has extensive rooms for boarding the animals under treatment. The charges are very low. The Free Hospital is intended for the treatment of animals whose owners or friends cannot afford to pay. " The graduate students of the Village street institution," says Mr. Heiss, " treat all the animals of the poor free of charge. To be sure, it serves a double purpose. It is not only a boon to the people, but gives the students practice. ... In the Free Hospital there is no room for boarding animals under treatment except a few extraordinary cases. From thirty to forty cases are brought in every day, but they are treated and kept at home, only visiting the hospital as often as necessary." Concerning the Village Street Hospital, Mr. Heiss says : " The cleanly cement floors, the shining, red- painted walls, and the fragrant wheat straw in the 345 346 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog animals ' beds, evidenced the careful attention given these brute patients." The first floor is occupied by horses, each in a com- fortable stall. In one ward of the second floor are the cats. " In another ward on the same floor were a part of the dogs. In contrast to the death-like stillness of the cat ward, here was a small pandemonium. First there were two beautiful brown and white pointers that were not a bit sick, and were ' just boarding,' and they were sure they didn't like the place and wanted to get out. So they barked, stretched their tethers, stood up and wagged as if they would follow you to the end of the world if they had the shadow of a chance. Next to them squatted a huge St. Bernard of high degree, smil- ing on them sadly, as if saying, ' Enjoy yourselves, boys, I'd be with you if I hadn't a boil on my neck.' Next to him were two pugs, a setter, a bull-terrier, and a few others, all dogs of neither low nor specially high degree, and having no serious ailments. " The main ward for dogs is on the third floor, where most of the dogs of gentle blood are kept. Here they are not tied at intervals along the wall, but each has its own apartment. In the first kennel lived a very high- priced English bull-dog, as ugly as King Lud. He, like most of the dogs on this floor, was only board- ing. " It would take hours to tell all the interesting things about the dachshund and the three wee, woolly King Charles Spaniels, and the greyhound, and the puppy coach-dog covered with splashes of black, just a little too large to be called pepper and salt, and several stray dogs that were brought in. Then in the row of kennels Hospitals for Dogs 347 on the other side were various kinds of dogs. There was one dog that especially attracted my attention. This was a large handsome collie running loose, be- cause he could not have been tied without hurting his sore neck. He was so gentle that he never got into trouble when he called on his long list of friends. He was brought in with a wide cut on his neck, as if some one had tried to cut his throat. Indeed, the cut was so deep that the larynx was actually exposed to view. The doctors examined him carefully and decided that he had been cut. But one of the doctors, while patting his head, accidentally felt something like a sting under the hair, and, on searching, found a strong rubber elastic, which, it was afterward learned, had been slipped over the dog's head by a little girl, and had gradually worn through the skin and flesh. This hospital is a Samari- tan refuge for suffering animals because of many deeds of humane charity for stray cats and dogs, which are soon restored to health or relieved of their forlorn con- dition, and then started out in the world again. " I turned away from this model animal charity and the courteous physicians in charge asking myself, What greater satisfaction could any man or woman well have or desire than to feel that through him or her the condi- tion of some suffering brute creature had been allevi- ated. When one thinks of the many pleasant and profitable hours these patient and faithful dumb serv- ants bring man, does it not seem but a just return for such services that every city and town should provide free shelter and care for those forlorn outcasts and sick animals which are to be found in every community ? I am told that this work of Harvard University has not 348 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog been paralleled by any other college in this country. In Berlin, Germany, a similar work is carried on at the Royal Veterinary Academy the most perfectly ap- pointed institute of its kind in the world. Here ten thousand suffering animals are treated yearly, and a large number of these are charity patients. This hos- pital maintains a large corps of physicians and trained nurses. The patients are mostly dogs injured while pulling the tradesmen's carts." Any person can take a dog to the hospital where it will be treated at a cost of less than eight cents a day. There are other Dog Hospitals in Boston, and in sev- eral cities in the United States. A National Animals' Hospital is to be built in Eng- land, and funds are being raised for it by " Our Dumb Friends' League," 164 Buckingham Palace Road, Lon- don. The objects of the hospital are : 1. To provide veterinary advice and nursing for animals whose owners cannot afford to pay for them. 2. To provide veterinary advice and nursing for animals brought in injured from the street. 3. To provide nursing (upon payment) for ani- mals whose owners can afford to pay, but have not the skill, accommodation or appliances necessary for the occasion. 4. To despatch proper ambulances to bring in in- jured animals from the streets. " Our Dumb Friends' League," which has a very suc- cessful Children's Branch, not only encourages kindness to animals, but gives money to various societies, Home of Rest for Horses at Acton, Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association which has Hospitals for Dogs 349 712 drinking- fountains, and 762 troughs, and expends $40,000 yearly, gives to homes for dogs and cats, gives rewards for humane acts, helps to find employment for persons who have lost places by refusing to be in- humane, and tries to awaken the public against asphalt pavements, which being slippery for horses cause much suffering, and urges a supply of sand upon the roads. The President, Mrs. George R. Mathew, promises at her death to leave $5,000 to the Home of Rest for Horses, and while she lives, the League may use a stall for the horse of any poor person, free of charge. Tickets are also provided for the poor, that their ani- mals may be attended to at " The Animals' Institute," without pay. One of the Committee, Rev. L. S. Lewis, and prob- ably others, believe with John Wesley, Martin Luther, and many more, that there is a future life for animals, as for man. He says in The Animals' Friend, " Can you believe that a poor creature whose whole life has been made a misery here through no fault of its own will have no compensation hereafter? Can you believe this, and continue in the world? If this were true, all hope, all light would forever have gone out of this life. " Can you believe that so much virtue, the virtue of holy, meek endurance, such pathetic forgiveness, such absolute devotion, will ever die? The suffering is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be re- vealed. God is love. " There are things which we believe, but which we cannot prove to others. But to us they are burning realities. To me as a child, as I looked at a dog that I 350 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog loved, came a revelation of its future life. The light that came has never paled. I have lived in it. " ' Eternal form shall still divide, Eternal soul from all beside.' " ' And I shall know him when we meet.' ' The Journal of Zoophily says : " It is proposed to build in London a large animals' hospital in memory of Jack, ' the Judges' dog.' The objects are to carry out the humane treatment of domes- ticated animals, the study of comparative pathology without vivisection, and the alleviation of pain and suf- fering in the lower animals. Operations are to be con- ducted under chloroform, and there is to be an anaes- thetic chamber for the painless destruction of aged and incurably diseased animals. Subscribers are to receive tickets for distribution among the poor, whose animals will have treatment and medicine gratis, on the owners producing their tickets at the institution." There is a hospital for dogs in Paris called Hos- pital Barat, at No. 9 Rue de 1'Etoile, an account of which is given in the New York Herald, December n, 1898: " The hospital has been established ever since 1815," said the proprietor, " and was founded by my father, M. H. Barat. I personally have had the care of it for the last twenty years." There are twenty kennels in a clean, well lighted and well ventilated room. Each kennel is one meter high and ninety centimeters wide, made of oak covered with enamel, and built on a slight incline, raised thirty centi- meters above the cemented floor, so as to allow air to Hospitals for Dogs 351 circulate underneath. The temperature is eighteen de- grees centigrade. Each dog has a straw bed. Upstairs is the convalescent ward, or winter garden, for the dogs. The room is bright and cheerful with here and there a rug for the dogs. Adjoining this room is a large bath-room, the floor inlaid with tiles, with large zinc bath tub. There is a reception room for dog owners, and a consulting room. The hospital is regularly visited by the sanitary inspectors of the Pre- fecture of Police. Mr. Barat said that pet dogs should have usually food composed of two-thirds bread and one-third meat, and all the vegetables they wish. More meat could be given if they exercised freely. They should be bathed only at reasonably long intervals, and not exposed to the air until thoroughly dried, but cleaned daily with comb and brush. A daily bath is ruinous, as a rule, and the dog sooner or later contracts some disease. They should have a short run three times a day, at least, and a ball to play with in the house for exercise. " Dogs are exposed to terrible dangers while travel- ing to and from Paris on the railways," said Mr. Barat. " The kennels are simply horrible. The wind sweeps through them from both ends, and the dog contracts weakness from which perhaps he never \vholly re- covers. I should recommend ventilation from above, and not from below. Moreover, the railway companies should provide a compartment for passengers traveling with their dogs." Mr. Barat said he knew a dog that lived to be twenty- four years old, and he was doctoring a little terrier nineteen years old. 352 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog There is a dog hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, conducted by Dr. W. C. Fair, the skillful veterinary surgeon of the Cleveland Humane Society, to which many dogs are carried, and another by Dr. William F. Staniforth, which has accommodation for about one hundred dogs. His ambulance goes about the city, at call, for sick or wounded dogs. Dr. Staniforth bought some land for a Dog Cemetery, which is coming to be the custom, both in this country and abroad, as it is but natural that those who love their pets wish to give them proper burial. As the land purchased was within the city limits, ad- jacent owners objected, and much to the discredit of some of the city officials, several pet dogs whose coffins and graves had been paid for by their owners, were dug up and carried in garbage wagons to the works of the Newburg Reduction Company. Almost all promi- nent veterinarians provide accommodations for the sick animals under their care. An Indian Hospital, the Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals, is thus described in Pets and Animals for July- August, 1899 : " The hospital house is situated near the government house at Parel, Bombay. It was founded in 1883 by Sir Dinshaw M. Petit, Bart., a Parsee mill owner, and was formally opened in 1884 by Lord Dufferin. The hospital occupies an area of 40,000 square yards of ground, and there are about forty buildings, large and small on the premises. The entrance gateway and the large fountain in the center are excellent examples of Indian architecture. The na- tive cotton and grain merchants and mill owners of Bombay have organized a system of voluntary taxation upon the import and export of grain and seeds, and on Hospitals for Dogs 353 the sale of cotton to the local spinning and weaving mills, by which the sum of 40,000 rupees a year is col- lected for the maintenance of the institution. There is also a large endowment, the interest of which is devoted to the current expenses of the hospital. There are five cattle wards, two horse wards, one dog ward, a consul- tation ward, a dispensary, post-mortem and dissecting room, a chemical laboratory, a patho-bacteriological laboratory, and a veterinary college is connected with the hospital. " The college is maintained at the expense of the government. At the hospital there is accommodation for 200 head of cattle, 60 horses, and 20 dogs. ' The hospital is unique of its kind in the world, and animals belonging to poor owners of the public carts and conveyances plying for hire are treated free of charge. A nominal fee is charged for treating the in- patients. The splendid manner in which the whole hospital is arranged and run is an object lesson to western countries." The Humane Alliance for April, 1899, had the fol- lowing : " In India, the Hindoos have established homes or asylums for aged and infirm beasts and birds, says the New York Press. One of these, near the Sodepur sta- tion, and about ten miles from Calcutta, is under the control of a manager, with a staff of eighty servants and an experienced veterinary surgeon. In this place at present there are 979 animal paupers 129 bulls, 307 cows, 171 calves, 72 horses, 13 water buffaloes, 69 sheep, 15 goats, 141 pigeons, 44 cocks and hens, 4 cats, 3 monkeys and 5 dogs. The asylum is described as 354 O ur Devoted Friend, The Dog being systematically and mercifully managed. The cows have especially a good time of it, inasmuch as, on festal occasions, natives go from far and near to decor- ate and worship them. " One of the established sights of the city of Bom- bay is the Pinjrapole, a spot whither worn-out or dis- eased creatures are sent by benevolent Hindoo citizens, and are maintained, until they become restored to health or die, out of a charitable fund." CHAPTER XV Cemeteries for Dogs MRS. CAROLINE EARLE WHITE of Phila- delphia writes in the Journal of Zoophily, June, 1899, on Cemeteries for Dogs: '' The same thought seems to have struck some of the inhabitants of both hemispheres at the same time, and had its result in the plan of a setting apart of a cemetery for pet animals. On this side of the ocean the project was originated in New York State, and an association has been formed at Troy, having in view the establish- ment of a burying-place to be used exclusively for pet animals and birds. The association is known as the Dellwood National Cemetery, the president of which, a resident of Troy, has been identified with the design- ing of the landscape features of a large number of cemeteries. A company has been formed with $200,000 as a capital stock, and of this $80,000 has already been subscribed, mostly by New Yorkers, and no acres of land have been purchased on a beautiful slope near Coxsackie Station on the Hudson. The project first suggested itself to Mr. Lane, President of the Inter- national Railway Equipment Company, from his com- munication with a wealthy New York woman who had just lost a beautiful dog, to which she was greatly at- tached. He mentioned it to several others, and the plan met with instant favor. A meeting has been lately 355 356 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog held in New York, where a complete list of the sub- scribers has been made out, and everything seems to be going on swimmingly. " In the other hemisphere a similar project has been started in France. There also a stock company has been formed, with a capital of 300,000 francs, shares of which can be bought for 100 francs (twenty dollars). A site for the cemetery has been selected on an island in the Seine, made familiar by Eugene Sue in his novel. ' The Mysteries of Paris/ and bearing at present the name of The Isle of Ravagers, but which is to be changed to The Isle of Dogs. The monthly paper at Paris called ' L' Ami des Chiens ' has accepted the prop- osition eagerly, and Monsieur Harmois, director of this paper, writes warmly in defence of it. He says, in one of his articles : ' What is there so extraordinary in creating a cemetery for dogs? The entire Parisian press has spoken of it, and has been unanimous in ap- plauding it. Is not the dog an animal that we can exalt without any reservation? Is he not worth as much as many men and more than some others? Has he not, according to President Magnaud, that great superiority over the human race of possessing such remarkable constancy and sincerity in his affections? Is he not capable of the utmost devotion ? ' Then, after speaking of the different services rendered to man by these ani- mals the dog who, careless of danger, throws himself into the waves to rescue a human being; the one who, guardian of a flock of sheep, if a wolf attacks them, allows himself to be torn in pieces before he will desert them ; the one who saves the traveler in the mountains who falls senseless in the snow, overcome by cold and Cemeteries for Dogs 357 fatigue; the one who conducts his blind master through the crowded city streets; the one who follows his mas- ter's body to its last resting-place, and refuses to quit the spot where he is buried he then adds : ' The motto of the dog, engraven on his crest, is, " Duty, Sincerity, Devotion, Fidelity.' ' ' There are many reasons mentioned besides senti- mental ones why there should be such a cemetery the health of the city, which must suffer, it is urged, from the throwing of so many dead animals into the Seine; the difficulties in families of getting rid of their pets that have died, and their likelihood of being fined no matter what they do ; and the avoidance of the disagree- able sights which often result from this state of things." Monsieur Georges Harmois says in the European edition of the New York Herald that in connection with the Cemetery, the plan is " to found a museum for por- traits of pet dogs and of dogs which have saved human life or shown peculiar devotion to their masters. Tablets can also be erected to the memory of dogs which have shown extraordinary intelligence, etc. " All this cannot but have a good and humanizing influence on society at large, and children are certain to profit by the plan. Finally, the object of the society will embrace the propagation through the columns of ' L'Ami des Chiens,' of kindness to dogs and animals generally. " It is estimated that there are 150,000 dogs in Paris and its suburbs. Assuming the average life of a dog to be eight years, we have an annual mortality of twelve per cent, or 20,000 dogs. Now, suppose one-sixth of all that die in Paris and its suburbs are buried in the 358 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog proposed cemetery this means 3,300 dogs. Also, sup- pose that 2,500 dogs' graves are paid for (the rest being buried in a common or pauper's grave). " Let us say that 2,000 dogs are buried at the rate of thirty francs, then we have a revenue at once of 60,000 francs. And if, say, 475 of the 2,500 dogs above referred to are buried at the rate of 100 francs, in con- sideration of special concessions, such as the mainte- nance of the grave for a certain number of years, you get 47,500 francs. Suppose one per cent, of the total number of funerals is paid for at the rate of 500 francs this would represent 12,500 francs. " It is reasonable to suppose that some profit would arise from the sale of monuments, etc., such as are seen in the London Dog's Cemetery, and if we place this profit at 20,000 francs, I do not think it would be an exaggerated estimate. All these items make a grand total of 140,000 francs a year in receipts. " No one who has petted and become attached to a good dog wishes to see his poor little lifeless body thrown into a scavenger's cart," truly says M. Harmois, and yet, strange to say, some refined, Christian people, will do this, and shut their eyes and hearts to the piti- ful and revolting sight. The New York Herald, Sunday, June 10, 1900, gives several pictures of tombstones in the He des Ravageurs Cemetery for dogs from the " Monde Illustre." " It is on the route of the Madeleine-Gennevilliers tramway, on an island between the Communes of Clichy and Asnieres. Here is to be found a memorial to the fa- mous Mont St. Bernard Barry, which saved the lives of forty travelers, and which the sculptor, M. Henri Ede- Cemeteries for Dogs 359 line, has represented in the act of bringing a child to the Hospice. Already there are over four hundred tombs in the cemetery of the He des Ravageurs, and among the tombs is conspicuous that of Pompon, the soldiers' dog, raised in its memory by the artillerymen of the Camp of Chalons." The New York Evening Telegram, May 20, 1900, says: "If any doubt as to the purity of Seine (Paris) water exists it is easily dispelled by the fact that during the last year the following objects were taken from the river: " Two thousand and twenty-one dogs, 977 cats, 647 rats, 507 fowls and ducks, 210 rabbits and hares, 25 sheep, 2 horses, 66 sucking pigs, 5 pigs, 27 geese, 27 turkeys, 2 deer, i parrot, 609 small birds, 3 foxes, 150 pigeons and 3 hedgehogs." There is another cemetery for dogs near Paris, where thirty or more are buried, and flowers are often put upon their graves. Some owners have erected tomb- stones for their pets. The New York World, October 30, 1898, gives an account of a cemetery for dogs in Hartsdale near Tarry- town a short distance from New York city, where ani- mals are buried, some with headstones, or larger monu- ments. It is modeled after the dogs' cemetery, in Lon- don. The prices are five dollars for a single inter ment of cat or small dog, and eight dollars for a large dog, or a burial plat can be purchased for ten or fifteen dollars, where several pets may be buried. The plan is due to a lover of animals, Mrs. Emily Berthell, 247 West Twenty-ninth street, New York city. Many 360 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog pugs, spaniels and St. Bernards are already buried there. One little spaniel, owned by Mrs. E. B. Thornton, 360 West Fifty-fifth street, was buried in a regular coffin, and the owner who loved it often visits the grave and puts flowers upon it. The New York Journal, July 12, 1900, gives the fol- lowing account of " Major " and his burial at Harts- dale: " ' Major ' the dog of fifty tricks is dead. He died at the New York Veterinary Hospital mourned by a host of dog friends and especially by his mistress, Mrs. John T. Stephens, a widow, of 429 West 23rd street, this city. " His death has broken a brace of as fine a pair of spaniels as ever wore a blue ribbon. " But he died. Died and was buried in a gold collar, in a rosewood casket, satin lined, in the Hartsdale Dog Cemetery. " A week since his mistress saw that ' Major ' was not very well. He was sent to the Veterinary Hospital, where Dr. Edward M. Leavy did all he could to save his life. " When it was decided that ' Major ' was dead, Mrs. Stephens ordered a coffin of fine rosewood, the dimen- sions being 3 feet long by 14 inches broad and I foot deep. " It was lined with white satin. On the outside were placed four silver handles, and an oval glass plate was set in the top so that ' Major ' could be seen to the last. " ' Major ' was then washed, combed and a gold collar placed around his neck. Then he was placed in Cemeteries for Dogs 361 the casket, and after lying in state the casket, covered with flowers, was taken in an ambulance to the Grand Central Station and placed on the train for Hartsdale. " In a well-tended, level and grassy enclosure of thirty-five acres, ninety-three dogs and cats lie in peace together in graves laid out in rows as in human burial grounds. ' Major ' was reverently lowered into his grave and a marble slab ordered for him at once. " As the last sad detail in the dog's funeral was finished Mrs. Stephens turned to an Evening Journal reporter and said : " I am heartbroken. I loved him as much as a human being, and he had more intelligence than a good many human beings and was far more faithful. He died of inflammation of the lungs. ' Major ' was eleven years old when he died and we had him ever since he was three weeks old. He was valued at $1,500 and knew fully fifty tricks. He could even talk in a way; at least I could understand him. He could also sing in three languages. " He has traveled all over Europe, the United States and Mexico with Mr. Stephens and myself. He had his seat at the table beside me and took his meals like one of the family. He was very fond of coffee. Every morning his coffee was brought up to his separate bed- room by the servant, but he would not touch it until a napkin was tied under his chin, then he would drink it off and hold up his mouth to be wiped. " Three years ago he saved a boy of ten from drown- ing near Atlanta, Ga. The boy's father presented ' Major ' with a handsome gold medal. About two 362 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog years ago he saved two other children from drowning at Rockaway Beach. " On one of our trips to Europe he cleared the ship of rats, and the captain gave him the freedom of the ship. Two years ago my little boy died. He and ' Major ' had been great playmates, and ' Major ' was heartbroken and the hair on his head turned gray, I believe from sorrow. " ' Major ' loved to hear the doxology sung, and I sang it to him as he lay dying. Poor, dear ' Major '; faithful to the last; how I shall miss him ! I can hardly realize that he is dead. There will never be another dog like him." Dr. H. H. Kane, 138 West 34th street New York city, President of the New York Road Drivers' Association, who loved his pet bull dog " Jack " well enough to bury him in the grounds of his country home at Cedarhurst, L. L, with a granite headstone, and " Jack's " photo- graph under glass, imbedded and cemented into the stone, proposes to establish a Horse Haven and Little City of the Dead for old animals. A farm is to be secured where worn out horses may live and die in happiness, and a cemetery is to be provided for dumb animals. Dr. Kane has given $1,000 to it, and others have promised generous aid. The need for such cemeteries for animals grows more and more apparent. Some cities have laws which make it a misdemeanor to bury any animal within the city limits or within 300 feet of a dwelling. Where persons have extensive grounds it is a comfort to bury pets on one's own land, but this is not possible for the majority of city residents. To have them carried to Photograph!" from Elliott & Fry, London. Two VIKWS OF DOGS' CEMETERY, VICTORIA GATE, HYUK PARK, LONDON. Cemeteries for Dogs 363 garbage crematories is abhorrent to all the finer feel- ings. Pets whom we love are sometimes buried in our own cemetery lots, but this is not generally permitted. There are thousands of instances which show our tender affection for some devoted creature. " The largest and best-appointed animal cemetery in the world," says an Exchange, " is undoubtedly that attached to the Summer Palace, Pekin. Here repose, in coffins of polished orris-wood elaborately carved, more than a thousand dogs, the defunct pets of former Em- perors of China. The ' tombstones ' are mostly of marble; but a certain number are of ivory, lapis-lazuli, silver, and even gold. At the sacking of the palace by the combined British and French troops in 1860, con- siderable loot was obtained from this unique burial- place." " Coming nearer home, everybody has heard of the ' Dogs' Cemetery ' situated behind the keeper's cottage at Victoria Gate, Hyde Park. Here are interred some two hundred dogs and eight cats. Each grave is be- tween two and three feet in depth, and some contain as many as three dogs, each in its separate little coffin. The pets of all classes of society are represented. " The Duke of Cambridge has erected a headstone to his ' Poor little Prince.' Not far away is the grave of ' Dear Toppy,' the favorite dog of the late Reverend Lord Petre. A monument that always attracts the at- tention of visitors is that erected by Miss Florence St. John. It is of pure Carrara marble, and bears the fol- lowing inscription : ' Pompey, the favorite dog of Florence St. John. In life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, foremost to defend. November loth, 1895.' 364 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog 44 Considerable sums are sometimes spent upon these funerals. For instance, a Pomeranian belonging to a titled lady living near the park was lately consigned to his last resting-place in a coffin of polished oak, with silver mountings; and the lid, instead of being screwed on, is secured by two locks, one at each end, the keys being retained by the disconsolate owner. As a rule, however, the cost of an interment is between three and five pounds." A cemetery is attached to the new home for dogs at Hackbridge, Surrey. " Another very interesting dogs' cemetery is that at Oatlands Park, near Weybridge, where are interred be- tween forty and fifty dogs, once the property of a dead- and-gone Duchess of York of unhappy memory. Each grave is surmounted by a tombstone, generally of the plain, oval-topped variety, on which is inscribed the name and date of death of the deceased pet. Sometimes a short verse is added presumably the composition of the Duchess herself. In this connection it is curious to note what ingenuity the solitary, friendless lady has dis- played in finding names for her canine proteges. For instance, ' Powski,' ' Cartouche/ ' Randney,' ' Ramla,' ' Fury,' ' Asa,' and ' Palleasse ' alternate with the more conventional 4 Ponto,' 4 Rover,' ' Dash ' and ' Jack.' One of the most ornate stones is erected to the memory of 4 Poor Devil.' One wonders vaguely what strange for- gotten canine tragedy the sad appellation enshrines. Over one grave will be noticed what may be an exceedingly elaborate monument, or, alternatively, merely the dis- carded capital from some Ionic column. This marks the last resting-place of ' Faithful Queenie,' the favorite Cemeteries for Dogs 365 dog of Sir William Drake, in whose possession the grounds were until a few years ago. " In March, 1871, the Queen paid a special visit to this strange and nearly-forgotten cemetery, and notic- ing that some of the monuments were falling to decay, gave instructions that they were to be renovated at her expense. This was, of course, immediately done. " It may have been the sight of the loving care ex- pended upon these dead pets by one of Her Majesty's own immediate ancestors which first put it into the Queen's mind to establish a private dogs' cemetery of her own. Anyhow, shortly afterwards a plat of ground at Osborne was set aside for this purpose, and it now contains the bodies of about a dozen dogs and several cats. It is not open to the public, but the writer was shown over it one day recently, when visiting Her Majesty's Isle of Wight home on another and alto- gether different errand. The cemetery is situated at the upper end of a sort of chine overlooking the sea. The gravel paths are mostly bordered with box, and each grave is enclosed with terra cotta tiles. The head- stones are of white marble uniform, plain, and each about eighteen inches high. " Of course the above by no means exhausts the list of animal cemeteries, for, following the example of Royalty, numerous great personages have of late years established private burial-grounds for their pets upon a more or less extended scale. At Strathfieldsaye, the princely Berkshire home of the Duke of Wellington, there is a small but very beautiful one; also another, rather more pretentious, at Chatsworth. The one at Blenheim was founded by the late duke, and was at one 366 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog time one of the sights of the place. Of late years, how- ever, it has been suffered to fall into decay. Another class of animal cemeteries, of which several exist scat- tered up and down throughout the country are those attached to the great racing stables. Here repose in peace, safe from the knacker's desecrating knife, all that remains of many a once famous but now forgotten ' gee-gee.' " But, after all, the most wonderful animal cemetery in the world is situated, not in England, nor even in far-away China, but at Luxor, on the Nile. Here are to be seen tens of thousands of granite sarcophagi and marble mausoleums, built to hold the mumified bodies of millions of sacred cats. The common or garden pussy was, of course, worshipped by the ancient Egyp- tians during life; and after death the defunct tabbies were invariably carefully preserved, and laid to rest, with impressive ceremonies, side by side with the mortal remains of kings, emperors, and warriors innumerable." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins of Janesville, Wiscon- sin, says the Cleveland World, March, 1899, buried their pet in an oak coffin costing fifty dollars, with trim- mings as for a person, his head resting on a pillow as in sleep. This casket was placed in a suitable box, before burial. A celebrated and beautiful Yorkshire terrier, Little Belle, belonging to Miss Irene Ackerman, 20 West Fifteenth street, New York, says the New York Herald, March, 1900, was buried in a handsome maple coffin, lined with white satin. The silver plate bore one word, Belle. The dog was taken to Nyack, N. Y., by Miss Ackerman's mother, the widow of Col. J. G. Fay, and Cemeteries for Dogs 367 placed in a vault. Belle had been a household pet for fifteen years, and lay in a basket quilted with blue satin, and trimmed with lace. Miss Ackerman owns several valuable dogs, among them Dick, an intelligent spaniel that took first prize at the New York dog show, and Jumbo, first prize in London, England. Mrs. Rebecca J. Marr of Orange street, Wilmington, Delaware, says the Philadelphia Record, had her dog buried in a handsome walnut casket lined with white silk and satin, with its head resting on a pillow. On the silver plate on the lid were the words, " Dottie, died January 27, aged thirteen years." The casket stood in the parlor, like that of a friend, as indeed the intelligent creature had always proved herself to be. Mildred Beresford Hope, niece of the Marquis of Salisbury, left $500 to her brother to keep green the grave of her dog Quiz, and to a friend a locket contain- ing some of his hair. Fanny, an intelligent Newfoundland dog, three and one-half years old, died at the New York Veterinary Hospital, 115 West Twenty-fifth street, of Bright's dis- ease, in September, 1899, and was buried in a satin lined coffin at the head of which stood forget-me-nots and lilies of the valley. He died in the arms of his owner, Mrs. M. Douglas of 27 East Twenty- fourth street. The dog was buried in the Animal Cemetery at Hartsdale, N. Y. Dot, a little black and tan weighing seven pounds, who had been the pet and companion for twenty-one years of Mr. William V. Babcock, who lives at the Clarendon Hotel, Brooklyn, was buried after being 368 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog embalmed, in a rosewood coffin, in the Hillsdale ceme- tery for pets at Harlem, N. Y. Mr. Babcock took the coffin to Hillsdale, dug the grave with his own hands, and will erect a monument to Dot's memory. When Mrs. Babcock died several years ago, Dot was sadly distressed, and refused food for a long time. Mr. Babcock was for several years connected with the Treas- ury Department at Washington. Dot was a gift from his son Theodore, and Mr. Babcock had made provision in his will for his pet. " Dot had been all over the United States and Canada," Mr. Babcock writes me, " and was a favorite in the Clarendon Hotel." Donald, a pug dog, owned by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Leach of No. 184 Hart street, Brooklyn, was buried in a handsome coffin with silver handles. His body was carried in a coach to the Long Island Railroad Station; and thence to Lynbrook, L. L, the country home of the owners. Dr. Charles Burnett buried his pet St. Bernard in his family plat in Monumental Cemetery at South River, a village near New Brunswick, N. J., in January, 1900. The Journal of Zoophily, February, 1900, says of Wagner's dog : " In none of the accounts of Wagner's funeral was mention made of the fact that the mausoleum at Wahn- fried had been used already. When the composer's dog Russ was poisoned by some miscreant, a few years since, his remains were placed in the tomb destined to receive the body of his master. Wagner had carved by the entrance to the mausoleum the effigy of his favorite in an attitude of repose, and, underneath the legend, ' Here Russ rests, and waits.' ' Cemeteries for Dogs 369 Matthew Arnold was devoted to his pets. In his beautiful poem on Geist's Grave he says : We lay thee close within our reach, Here, where the grass is smooth and warm, Between the holly and the beach, Where oft we watched thy couchant form, Asleep, yet lending half an ear To travelers on the Portsmouth road ; There build we thee, O guardian dear, Marked with a stone, thy last abode. Gyp, a fox terrier, belonging to Dr. Charles Collins, in North street, Middletown, N. Y., says the World for December, 1898, was buried in a plush-covered, satin lined, silver handled coffin. The dog was run over by a trolley car when following Mrs. Collins. The body was embalmed and buried temporarily back of their home, but disinterred in the spring and buried in the family plat in the cemetery at Westboro. Moxie, a King Charles spaniel belonging to Mrs. Emma Parker of St. Louis, after fourteen doctors had examined him, died in November, 1898, and was buried as tenderly as though he had been a child. Several friends attended the funeral. Trixy, a Hamburg Spitz dog, three years old, belong- ing to Mrs. S. W. Whitney and her daughter, of Tarry- town, was buried in a handsome casket, under a linden tree, on a hill overlooking the Hudson river, in Feb- ruary, 1899. A floral pillow with Trixy on it, and roses and violets were laid on the mound. An effort was made by those who loved him, to bury him in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, but this was denied them by the town author- ities. Trixy was bought from a German nobleman, and a month after his arrival in this country was lost, to the 37 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog great grief of the family. Two weeks later he was found by detectives, wandering in the woods at Glen- ville near Tarrytown, poor and desolate. Flora, a Skye terrier belonging to Mr. William Ritchie of Newkirk and Bedford avenues, Flatbush, N. Y., was buried in February, 1898, in a coffin covered with white broadcloth, with silver nails, and lined with satin. Her silver collar worn from puppyhood was about her neck. She had been a pet for eighteen years. She was buried under a gray old oak, near the home of the Cortelyou Club in Flatbush, which Mr. Ritchie of the Hoe Printing Press Company, helped to organize. A little girl of four years laid flowers upon Flora's grave. Diana, a pet dog belonging to A. J. Chevalier of Co- lumbus, Oho, died from poison in April, 1898, and was buried in a white coffin with silver plate. Being refused burial in the regular cemeteries, she was buried secretly, lest the body might be stolen. Mr. Chevalier and his friends took carriages at night, and at the grave re- counted the fidelity and true nobility of their dumb friend. A dog in Ohio has this inscription on his tombstone, nearly a copy of the one written by Byron for his Newfoundland dog, Boatswain, buried at Newstead Abbey, November 18, 1808. Here Lies the Body of One Who Possessed Beauty without Vanity, Courage without Insolence, And All the Virtues of Man, Without His Vices. Cemeteries for Dogs 371 This, if Inscribed on the Tomb of Man, Would be Fulsome Flattery, But it is a Just Tribute to DOG DICK, Who was Born in Ohio, Sept. n, 1885, Died at Terrace, June, 1894. Fido, the little Skye terrier of Mrs. Dey, Matawan, N. J., was buried in a white plush lined coffin, with white satin cushions inside. She felt, and rightly, that to throw her pet into the ground without a covering, would be brutal. A few of Mrs. Dey's friends went with her to the little grave in a near field. Lassie, a beautiful Scotch collie, was buried close to the grave in Union Field Cemetery, where a month be- fore was buried the friend who had reared her from a puppy, Mrs. Bertha Wice, 303 West i37th street, New York. Mrs. Rose Levere, her daughter, the first woman admitted to practice at the Bar in New York county, built a handsome mausoleum for her mother. " From the day of Mrs. Wice's death," says the New York Herald, April 10, 1900, " Lassie was a changed dog. From a gentle, loving animal, she became morose, sullen and threatening. While Mrs. Wice's body was in the house Lassie kept watch beside the coffin and would allow no one to approach it unless accompanied by Mrs. Levere, " After Mrs. Wice's body was taken away Lassie re- fused to eat and resented the usually welcome greetings of her friends. Mrs. Levere tried her best to comfort her pet. She even obtained the services of veterinary surgeons, but all to no purpose. Finally Lassie became 372 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog so weak that she had to be carried up and down stairs. Mrs. Levere dearly loved the dog and did all in her power to save its life. Lassie failed rapidly, and Fri- day evening she gave one last mournful look at her mis- tress and died. " Mrs. Levere determined to give the dog a fitting burial. In a dainty white satin coffin, trimmed, inside with tufted purple silk, with silver handles on the sides, and a plate, with this inscription, LASSIE, aged 15 years. Died of a broken heart, April 13, 1900, the body of faithful Lassie was placed yesterday, and, drawn by two black horses, was taken to the grave. For the coffin alone Mrs. Levere paid the sum of $200. " ' I had considerable trouble in finding a burial place for poor Lassie,' Mrs. Levere told me. ' Several places were offered me, but none of them was good enough for that dear creature. She was the best dog that ever lived. I found a place, however, near where poor mother rests, in a plat of ground outside the ceme- tery, where a gentleman had buried two of his pet dogs. I am building a handsome mausoleum, to cost $15,000, in Union Field Cemetery, where mother will be placed, and, if I can, I intend also to remove poor Lassie to the mausoleum when it is completed/ " Lassie's funeral was held yesterday. There was a little service, and then the grave was quickly filled in, and several floral pieces sent by friends, were placed on the mound." Cemeteries for Dogs 373 " A monument costing $200 is to be erected over the grave of Caesar, a Great Dane belonging to Mrs. T. B. M. Cardeza, of German town, which died last week," says the New York World, June 14, 1900. " Caesar was nine years old and three feet tall, and was a great pet among the Cardezas' large collection of animals. The dog was buried in a fine coffin, with real silk lining and silver handles. " On the monument which is now being constructed will be inscribed the following ' Erected to an old and faithful friend.' " " A pretty little monument, resembling a tree stump, has been erected over a little grave at Upper Sandusky, Ohio," says the Cleveland Press, July 24, 1900. The only inscription is the word ' Mack,' carved deeply in its base. The grave which the memorial marks is kept covered with flowers. " Mack was a valuable rat terrier, the property of Warner Clark. He was a village pet, and received, dur- ing his last hours, much attention from his admirers. A funeral was held over the dog's remains, at which flowers covered the body." " Mrs. Mary Alston was a mourner to-day in the Ewing Cemetery in Trenton, N. J.," says a correspond- ent of the Philadelphia Record. " Her pet bull terrier, Endymion, had died in the morning as the result of a series of deadly conflicts, and she was attending his formal interment. Endymion had always been kept in the house and within the bounds of the extensive grounds surrounding the Alstons' residence, and when, two days ago, he wandered away for a time, he met such serious receptions at the hands of the more hardened canines 374 O UF Devoted Friend, The Dog that twelve hours after his return to the house he rolled over on a rug and breathed his last. " Immediately after the dog's death an undertaker was called, Endymion was prepared for burial, and in the afternoon the body was consigned to the earth in the regular family plot of the Alstons." Zip, who has always acted with Mrs. Manning, died at her home, 211 East 21 ith street, New York city, and Mrs. Manning's father, a New York sculptor, will make a death mask in marble of the dog. " Zip lay in state in his velvet robe, surrounded by a guard of two fox terriers and bull dog. A walnut coffin, highly polished, was made, and in it the body was laid. Floral pieces sent by the performers at the music hall surrounded the coffin. The funeral started from the Eleventh street house early yesterday after- noon, and later Zip was laid beside the body of his gifted parent, Fly, at New Bergen. Marking the rest- ing-place of the two dogs a granite stone of respectable size will be erectel." " Lily, the favorite dog of the late Professor Alex- ander Hermann, was buried with considerable ceremony in Whitestone, Long Island. The dog, which was twelve years old, and had been owned by the magician since she was a puppy, died on Friday. After her death Mrs. Hermann took the body to New York, and had it photographed. She also had a blue plush casket made for the animal. Professor Leon Hermann was director of the funeral. The dog was buried in the grounds of the Hermann place. Its grave was marked with lilies of the valley." Mrs. Frank Leslie of New York city is devoted to Cemeteries for Does ^"/c O J / ^ pets, taking her valuable Yorkshire terrier, Beau Brum- mel, with her to her editorial office, giving them every comfort, and burying them at death as she would any other true friend. The New York World, June 2, 1901, describes a Dog and Cat Hospital on West Fifty-third street, and an animal cemetery in Stockport. .It is sometimes asked, if it is right to thus love ani- mals? We should do discredit to our own hearts, if we did not return the affection of a poor dumb crea- ture. Is it right to spend money for the burial of ani- mals that we love? With equal propriety we might ask, is it right to spend money for fine houses, expensive clothes, and handsome carriages? The only question, it seems to me, is whether, instead of spending so much for self, and for the creatures we love, either human or speechless, we spend an equal portion for the home- less child or the homeless dog, and see to it that others fare as tenderly as our own. The man who kicks a homeless dog and pe.ts his own, has not true manhood. The woman who turns a homeless dog or cat away from her door to starve or freeze, and pets her own, is far from true womanhood. Each city or town, either by individual gift or appro- priation, should have a cemetery for animals, as it has for persons, and sometime this will be done. A nation, for its own well-being, needs to encourage every hu- mane sentiment. CHAPTER XVI Homes for Animals THE GIFFORD HOME I N a house on Newbury street, Boston, there is a picture of a very beautiful girl with blue eyes 1111- r and golden hair. A red scarf is thrown car lessly about the shoulders. It is the face of Ellen Martha Marett, afterwards Mrs. Arthur N. Gifford. of New York. She was the only child of Philip Marett, descended from a prominent French family. Mr. Marett, born in Boston, September 25, 1792, married, soon after becoming of age, a lovely girl of seventeen, Martha (Bird) Knapp, of Boston, whose eldest sister married Lemuel Shaw, one of the great chief justices of Massa- chusetts. . Mr. Marett was extensively engaged in European commerce, was president of the Common Council of Boston, president of the New England Bank, library trustee, warden of King's Chapel, and noted for the hospitality of his handsome and cultured home on Summer street. Mrs. Marett shared his intel- lectual tastes, and both were devoted to their daughter Ellen, who inherited her mother's beauty and charm of manner. " Mr. Marett," says Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, presi- dent of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, " continued to the last to maintain his interest in the events of the day and in its current literature. Occa- 376 Homes for Animals 377 sionally he sent an article to the local newspapers. When a real or fancied case of hydrophobia induced the city authorities to authorize the killing of all dogs found on the streets unmuzzled, he wrote in this way quite an essay in their defence, urging the better exam- ple set by London, where, he said, wandering dogs were taken in charge, and sold at auction, the proceeds MOing to a ' Home for Lost and Starving Dogs.' ' r Mr. Marett retired from business when he was fifty- three, traveled abroad for a time with his wife and daughter, and then settled in New Haven, Conn., where he died March 22, 1869, leaving $700,000 to charities, with the life use to his wife and daughter. A fifth went to the New Haven Hospital, a fifth to the aged and infirm poor, a fifth to orphan asylums, a fifth to Yale College, and a fifth to buy books for the Young Men's Institute and to provide for a free public library. It was not strange that his daughter, Ellen, married to Mr. Gifford eleven years before her father's death, should follow such a noble example of giving. A lover of dogs and cats, she gave constantly to the Massachusetts and the New York societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and wrote fre- quently for Our Dumb Animals, published in Bos- ton by Mr. George T. Angell. She endowed four beds in perpetuity in as many hospitals. Through years of ill health she retained her cheerfulness and her sweet, gentle, sympathetic nature. Mrs. Gifford, with her tender heart and eyes that were open to suffering, had learned something of the misery of poor dumb animals. She knew how some owners of cats turned them into the street to starve, 378 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog when going away for a summer vacation, and how many who called themselves by the sacred name of Christians turned hungry, or half frozen dogs and cats away from their doors in winter. She could feel something of the anguish of a petted dog lost in the streets of a great city, or possibly deserted by some brutal owner, who received from the faithful animal more love than he deserved. For a lost child homes were provided; for a lost animal, only a " pound," or a so-called " shelter," where, after two or three days of longing for his home, he was put to death. About six years before Mrs. Gifford's death (Captain Nathan Appleton, of Boston, brother of Longfellow's wife, gave in 1881, a portion of his estate for a home for animals, and Mrs. Gifford with her large wealth was glad to carry out his project) some acres of land were obtained in Brighton, in the suburbs of Bos- ton, and $20,000 was given by her to build the " Sheltering Home for Animals." While she lived she supported the institution almost entirely, and at her death, September 7, 1889, she left to " The Ellen M. Gifford Sheltering Home Corporation, of Boston," $85,390 to carry on the work for " homeless, neglected, diseased or abused animals." Besides this amount she gave to the American S. P. C. A., New York, $50,000, to the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cru- elty to Animals, $55,000 ($30,000 of this being given in trust for the "Animal Home Corporation,"), to hospitals, to widows, to children, to the aged, the blind, and to prison associations, about a million dol- lars. The objects of the Gifford Home for Animals are: Homes for Animals 379 " First, to aid and succor the waifs and strays of the city; second, to alleviate the sufferings of sick, abused, and homeless animate; third, to find good homes for those who come to the shelter, as far as possible; fourth, to spread the gospel of humanity towards dumb creatures by practical example." Some time ago I visited the Sheltering Home for Animals on Lake street, Brighton, easily accessible from Boston by the Beacon street and Newton Boule- vard cars, and found an institution whose principal features might well be copied in every city in the land. Besides the home for the superintendent, there is a long, one-story brick building, divided by wire par- titions into compartments, to accommodate dogs. Each has a bench to sleep on, about a foot from the floor, which may be covered with hay or straw. The build- ing is heated by a stove. A large yard adjoins the house, where the dogs exercise and play peaceably together. All the dogs welcome the coming of a visitor, and crowd around eager to be petted. Some are old and infirm, some large, some small, but all, if they could speak, would bless the memory of the woman who has given them a home for life unless some suitable one is provided for them. One large shepherd dog, just brought in from the streets of Boston, had a fur rug to sleep on till her little ones should be born. Many persons come to this home to obtain a dog, and are expected to pay something for it if they are able, thus to defray the expenses, but often a dog is given away to a good home. Not far away is the cat house, a two-story structure 380 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog with tiers or shelves on every side, covered with hay, where two hundred and fifty cats may lie in the sun and sleep when not exercising in the large wire-cov- ered playgrounds. The males and females are in sepa- rate parts of the house. This is also heated by a large stove. The dogs are fed on a mixture of meat and meal or graham flour cooked together, and the cats on milk and meat, all having roast beef usually on Sunday. Cats may be brought to the home whenever home- less, and the superintendent calls with his wagon for a dog whenever notified that one is lost or abused, or without a home. None are killed unless incurably diseased. When the license law takes effect in Boston, about May I, for the summer months, many dogs are turned upon the streets and become homeless, because some owners are unwilling, and quite often unable, to pay the license fee. If the Home could receive all such dogs before they become homeless and half starved, it would be a greater blessing even than it is now. Per- haps some home in the future, with a larger income, can save from homelessness and starvation the un- wanted dogs; or perhaps, with a higher degree of civili- zation and humaneness, we shall do away with license laws which destroy thousands of affectionate creatures through the mistaken idea that cities would be over- run with dogs without such laws. Some cities, as in Cleveland, Ohio, with 400,000 or more population have no license laws for animals, and experience no inconvenience from a surplus of dogs and cats. Comparatively few animals are ever seen on public thoroughfares in any city or place of business. The rich keep theirs in their own grounds. If those of the Homes for Animals 381 poor are sometimes on the streets they are usually the back streets, where there is less traffic either by wagon or cars. A license law in large cities works harm among the poor, where a dog or a cat is a humanizing agent. One of the greatest blessings a child in poverty can have, or indeed one brought up in a home of wealth, is a pet animal to love and care for. Professor Wesley Mills wrote in the Popular Science Monthly for May, 1896: " I strongly advocate each family having some one animal, at least, to be brought up with the household to some extent, whether it be a bird, cat or dog." A poor woman living not far from the Brighton Home was notified by the police that her dog and pup- pies must be killed, because she could not pay the license fee of five dollars. Her children cried and be- sought the officer not to take their pets, but the law which, alas ! is so poorly enforced in regard to so many evils, must needs be enforced in regard to dogs. Fortunately the Sheltering Home heard of the case, took the dog and puppies to the institution, and the Children visited them and played with them every day. The animals at the Home appreciate the kindness of their keepers. Joe, a dog with three legs, has been the pet of the house for fourteen years, and is now deaf and nearly blind. A Newfoundland dog brought to the Home was purchased by a man from Philadelphia. When the owner returned to Boston with a boat load of coal, the dog jumped off the boat near Charlestown bridge and found his way to his old companions. Another dog was given twice in each case to persons in Boston, Brookline and Watertown, and, always 382 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog returning, finally was permitted to live and die among the strays. An editor in Nova Scotia recently sent a picture of himself with his dog, taken from the Home, to which he had become tenderly attached. Cats have been sent to various portions of the country from the cat house. Two recently went to Fort Worth, Texas, by express. While I was visiting the Sheltering Home two cats were sent for from Boston, and two pretty creatures, black and white, were picked out as suitable companions for each other in the new abode. A few old horses are at the Home, and pass the rest of their days happily, though I am told that owners usually prefer to sell them for a pittance after their lives of hard labor, that they may be killed, rather than give them to the home. Such a charity as the Ellen M. Gifford Home for Animals would be an un- told blessing in all of our large cities. FRANCES POWER COBBE REFUGE A very interesting home for dogs and cats is the Frances Power Cobbe Refuge of Indianapolis, Indiana, conducted as a labor of love, by Mr. and Mrs. Elster, cultivated and humane people. " We use our own house, a modest little cottage," Mrs. Mary O. Elster informs me. " The cats have free access to the kitchen and conservatory opening from it, and the dogs mostly sleep at the barn. We have a good barn, warmed in cold weather by natural gas, with every comfort for the dogs. Some of the smaller dogs sleep in the kitchen with the cats. All are perfectly friendly Homes for Animals 383 with the cats. But you may imagine that with usually fifty to shelter, the work of feeding and keep- ing clean is a heavy one. We have no servant or assist- ant to relieve us of any of this labor, We feed milk, bread and milk, mush, and meat once a day only. The milk the pets have twice a day. We cook nearly all the meat, occasionally giving it raw to the cats. As to how we get them kind people who find strays bring them to us; children often bring them. We find them as we drive about town, or they come to our door of their own accord. ' You ask how long we keep them. That depends on their condition. We love them so that we cannot bear to put them to sleep. I would like room to keep a great many and make them happy, as I believe they were designed to be. Ours is simply our own idea of what God has given us to do. Our hearts are very sore over the wrongs of animals. We lack both room and means to care for all that need our care in this growing city." This refuge became incorporated in the spring of 1900. If many persons all over the land would do such work as this what a different world this would be for animals. " Until a short time ago," says the Indianapolis News for July 21, 1900, " Mr. and Mrs. Elster con- ducted the refuge at their home, 2264 North Pennsyl- vania street. But recently a much more suitable place has been found near Irvington. There, on a beautiful piece of rolling ground, a quarter of a mile long, lives the happiest family of dogs and cats imaginable. Just now, there are no horses at the refuge, as quarters have 384 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog not yet been arranged for them. But before long Mr. and Mrs. Elster hope to establish a ' rest ' for horses, as a similar London charity is called, where not only stray horses may be taken, but where also the foot- sore barebones of the poor workingman may be pas- tured for something like twenty-five cents a week, until he is able to work again. " Entering from the road, between two fine walnut trees, the visitor to the refuge passes up and down little knolls, across a rustic stone bridge embowered in green, drooping willows and sweet flag, for an eighth of a mile before he comes on the old house which is serving tem- porarily as headquarters. No sooner does he pass the well than out burst twenty or thirty dogs, black, brown white and spotted, trim, smart terriers, fuzzy-wuzzy French poodles, Great Danes, water spaniels, Blenheim spaniels, ugly, interesting pugs, Scotch collies, shepherd dogs, thoroughbreds and mongrels, all barking, yelping and frisking about him. If he is not timid he under- stands that this is merely dog-talk for ' Good-morning. How do you do ! Come right in ! ' " A human welcome quickly reinforces the canine one, for Mr. and Mrs. Elster are fond of their refugees, and are glad to show them. As they and their visitor sit and talk about the work, the dogs are all about, per- fectly at home. Their own special quarters are at the extreme end of the grounds, but they are devoted to their benefactors and are happiest when with them. At present, forty dogs and almost as many cats are being cared for. The number varies constantly, as homes are found for the homeless and new ones are brought in. Homes for Animals 385 Besides caring for stray animals, Mr. and Mrs. Elster conduct a boarding house for pets, where the most pampered cat, the most fastidious dog, may be sure of the best of care and the kindest treatment. " One of the boarders this summer is old Fritz, a wheezy, asthmatic pug, whose breathing can be heard all over the house. Fritz has stuffed cake and candy until he is so fat he can scarcely walk. Mrs. Elster is dieting him, and hopes by the time his owner returns from her summer vacation to reduce his weight and in- crease his comfort. He is a comical looking old fellow, of little use in the world, but dear to his mistress. On giving him to Mrs. Elster she said that if it were not for the refuge she would have been obliged to stay home all summer. Fritz, of course, could never be left to the mercy of servants. Poor old Fritz! He is already in the last stage of dog existence. Pretty soon it will be sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans every- thing ! " Just across the room the opposite extremity of dog life is illustrated. Lying curled up in a little soft ball, black as ink, is a tiny pup whose eyes have been opened on this world just a single day. He is a sleepy little fellow, and all day dozes on his carpet bed, the black dog in his mother's family, for she is as white as snow. June is her name. She and her puppy also are board- ers. Their owners are just now living at a hotel, where, of course, dogs are not allowed, and so for the time being they are exiled. June only came the other day, and still feels strange. Brought out to show her fine, silky coat, she trembles all over, and when her pup 386 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog is taken from her a moment she climbs upon you piti- fully and begs to have it again. Mr. and Mrs. Elster may take the pup safely, but no dog dares molest it. " Other interesting members of the dog family are Billie, who lies on a couch, nursing his two broken legs; Kentucky Babe, a pretty Scotch collie; Nevina, a curly-haired, black, bright-faced little fellow, a cross between a King Charles spaniel ana a water spaniel; Pinkie, a terrier, who runs around with a chain fastened to his neck, and who must be tied when Mr. and Mrs. Elster leave, to keep him from running away. Pinkie is a favorite with the neighborhood chil- dren, and they often come to borrow him. Nance is a brown and white, kind-eyed shepherd dog, who is boarding at the refuge for the third or fourth time. Ralph is a smart-looking, black and white dog, stumpy- tailed, who has a good deal of Great Dane blood in him. Then there are Mother Rice, Preacher, a white- breasted terrier; Adelina Patti, an aristocratic thor- oughbred Scotch collie; Flossie, a little pug, and her chum, Nellie, a fox terrier; Fred, a black Newfound- land; Bynum, Ralph, a bull terrier, who, Mr. Elster says, must have needed a home, and have been told of the refuge, as he simply followed him out f om the city one day; Zip, a terrific barker, and Jack. Jack is the musician of the refuge. When properly instructed, he will sit down on his hind legs, raise his fore paws and yelp most musically. He is shy before strangers, but when alone with Mr. Elster, and encouraged by the accompaniment of a whistle, he displays a doggish voice of remarkable range. " Jack is a dog of strong character. He has a good Homes for Animals 387 face and many good traits, if he is only a stray, yellow cur. He is ' boss ' of the other dogs, though by no means the largest of the lot, and in order to keep his position, must do considerable righting. Other dogs, however, must never fight in his presence. When he sees a quarrel begin, he at once separates them. He is extremely jealous of attentions to other dogs, particu- larly to Bynum. Sometimes, when Mr. Elster calls Jack, he will not answer, but a call for Bynum brings not only Bynum, but Jack as well, growling and show- ing his teeth. The refuge is a perfect place in which to study dog character. A little girl who heard of Jack's singing was somewhat puzzled. Finally she asked, ' Can he say the words ? ' " Several of the dogs Mr. and Mrs. Elster regard as their own. One of these is a cunning little terrier, Teddy. All the dogs, even the waifs, have names, and one is treated as kindly as another. They are all fed once a day, often enough for them, says Mrs. Elster. The cats are mostly kept in a wire inclosure, back of the house. They get milk twice a day. A little beyond this inclosure is the one for dogs. Here new dogs are kept for a time until there is no danger of their straying off again. This part of the grounds is called the ravine. It is hilly, and through it runs a little stream that affords bathing for the dogs. As Mr. Elster led a troop of them down to the creek they all rushed ahead, and, leaping into the water, began swimming and splashing in keen delight. Nance settled herself for a cool, watery nap, and all around her the big and little dogs played hide-and-seek. "Just beyond the creek is the grave-yard. As yet 388 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog there is only one little mound in it. This is under a big, shady tree, and it is marked by a headstone, on which doggie's name is to be carved some day. Not all the dogs that die at the refuge will be buried here, but only those that have attained distinction from being there a long time, or from some special facts in their history. The dog now buried there had an unusual history. He was an old circus performer [the Gentry show], a Yorkshire terrier, grown too feeble to serve his master any longer, and cruelly given away to the first boy that happened along. This boy's mother would not let him keep the dog, and if it had not been for the refuge he would have had a hard time. Mrs. Elster says he was wretched and sick when she got him, but she nursed him faithfully, hoping to bring him back to strength and to a green old age. But the poor fellow had been beaten and starved too long. The mere sight of a whip, she says, made him tremble, and finally they decided to put him to sleep with chloroform. All maimed ani- mals, which are beyond the possibility of health and happiness, are thus treated. In the last four years two thousand dogs have been cared for or put out of misery." To the great grief of her many friends, human be- ings as well as animals, Mrs. Elster, the founder of the Frances Power Cobbe Refuge at Indianapolis, died December 26, 1900, of internal cancer. She was a well educated and very superior woman. She had written much for the press both in original work and in translating from other languages. Born in Newark, New Jersey, November 9, 1842, and joining the Baptist church when she was eleven years of age, Homes for Animals 389 she became a school teacher at sixteen, and taught school almost uninterruptedly in Champaign, Illinois, Chicago and Indianapolis, until her death. Even when ill, she taught daily in the public schools, also in the evening, that she might earn money to carry on her beloved Refuge now left with little means. " In nearly seventeen years of teaching " her hus- band, Mr. A. C. Elster writes me, " she was out of school but four and one-half days, one half day on account of her boy Percival's sickness, two days at her father's death, and two days because of her own sick- ness. " I first knew her in 1868. At that time she told of a little dog she had cared for, that had a broken leg. They became very much attached to him, and kept him till he died of old age. " When she came to Indianapolis she brought two dogs. The one in the picture I send you she found on a north porch of a house in Champaign. She in- terceded with the woman in the house, but of no avail. She would not feed the dog nor leave the rug for fear she would stay, as she was soon to have puppies. When Mary went home from school and saw the little thing close in the corner she could not stand it, so took it home and provoked her mother's bitter disapproval, and kept her till she died of old age. " The other dog was a Newfoundland which she rescued from some boys in Lincoln Park, Chicago. He was a puppy, seven or eight months old, and the boys had him in one of the little lakes, and were throwing sticks at him to keep him from getting out. Mary stopped them, took the puppy back to her boarding 390 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog house and arranged to have him kept until Saturday so she could take him to her home in Champaign, 128 miles distant. He lived to be old and paralyzed. Mary was naturally timid, but when there was an animal suffering she was fearless." She was a friend to horses, always when possible preventing their overloading or high checking. " She was always," says Mr. Elster, " doing for somebody or something; self was the last thing thought of." A year before she died, she wrote and left a pathetic letter to her husband : "Dec. 3, 1899. " DEAR ALBERT : " As death is certain to come to me before very long, I will ask you to carry out strictly and sacredly the requests herein made. First, do not incur any unneces- sary expense for my burial. The most obscure and unpretentious spot is good enough to bury me in, and I wish the very plainest coffin and appointments." The second and third requests were for a private funeral, and the reading of the Episcopal burial service as her son belonged to that church, and a " Statement," " as the last good I can do our dumb friends." Her last request was, " I trust you can find a way to carry on the work for them O, so earnestly I hope it ; but if not, never let one of these we now have leave you. Send them to me as you know how to do. I will meet little Teddy and the rest, and we shall all be so glad together." (Teddy died soon after his mistress.) " My greatest wish for my darling son is that he may live to accomplish some little of the work that his Homes for Animals 391 mother tried so hard to do. May he love and cherish every living thing." In the " Statement " after repeating the confession of faith from the prayer book, she wrote: " Believing all this most fully I have not for many- years identified myself with any church, chiefly because I do not know of any church which looks upon the animal world outside of man as included in its mis- sion of ' good will on earth.' " My idea of the ' holy Catholic church ' is one which shall reach out its protecting hand to every animal into which God has breathed the breath of life even the humblest of them all, which shall shelter them, defend them from torture at the hand of their most relentless enemy, man; forbid mutilation, vivisection and every form of cruelty known to fashion or science; which shall esteem their rights as equal to our own ; yea greater, even as they are weaker and incapable of speech. " To live and teach this Gospel has been my life work. From a little child I have suffered for and with the animal world ; have suffered ridicule, loss of friends and position, but my faith is still strong that toward this goal is the world reaching. " And I trust that our Father in the next world will be merciful to me as I have been merciful to them in this." REFUGE IN PARIS All over the world the interest is deepening with re- gard to our dumb friends. Since 1884 Baronne d'Her- pent has devoted her time and money to the care of homeless dogs and cats in Paris. She has found good 392 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog homes for about 6,000 dogs. At her home, No. 12 Place Chateaudun, at Levallois-Perrel, she keeps about thirty dogs in the " home lot," as she calls it, and at her Refuge, No. 27 Route de la Revoke, at the right of the Porte de Courcelles, she has 300 waifs and strays. She has plenty of clean straw for beds and wholesome food. Unlike most so-called " homes " or " shelters " where animals are gathered off the streets only to be killed in twenty-four or forty-eight hours, Mme. d'Her- pent will not hear of killing. They must die a natural death. The cost of keeping up the Refuge is about $200 a month. She uses kitchen remnants given her by rich families, horse flesh, stale bread, milk, etc. She pays a dog dealer's tax, and therefore has the right to keep as many dogs as she chooses. Many American ladies have helped the baroness, and she thanks them through the pages of the New York Herald, March 10, 1901. That paper has shown by its cordial support of her work how much a newspaper can aid a good cause. The French press has been aroused by its articles, and over $1,000 has just been subscribed through the Herald columns (the paper giving 1,000 francs), much of it coming " in memory of two skye terriers," or " three faithful four-footed friends," etc. It is stated that Kipling has just sent the baroness $500. Paris has become awakened to the shame of its " Fourriere," or pound, where men employed by the police catch stray dogs, often stealing them, and get twenty-five cents apiece for their brutal work. The dogs are driven into pens, kept without food or water, Homes for Animals 393 put into a gas tank where the tube has leaked for years, and, after several minutes, are pronounced dead. They are then put into a wagon and driven away to be skinned, and their bodies used for the refuse heap. The drivers say that often a half -suffocated dog comes to life in the wagon, and they have to kill it with a hammer. HACKBRIDGE HOME, SURREY, ENGLAND In connection with the Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs at Battersea Park Road, London, a Branch Home was opened at Hackbridge, Surrey. October 29, 1898, the Duke and Duchess of Portland presiding. A fox-terrier was given to the Duchess as a memento of the occasion. This one was selected as it sat up and begged when the Duchess arrived, a pretty trick, it had doubtless been taught by some fond owner. She probably had many other dogs, but a woman with a generous heart usually has room for one more homeless animal. The cost of this Hackbridge Home was 6,171, including 3,194 for the land, and 1,197 for the kennels. Each kennel is nearly large enough for a horse. There is a trough of water almost large enough for a bath, and a raised plank bed lib- erally provided with straw. Edith Hawthorne gives a most interesting account of this Home, in a Souvenir daintily illustrated and prepared for this noble and noteworthy opening. She describes a crowd gathering, and a large covered van coming out of the police yard, while a driver with his whip tries to separate two big dogs. She inquires the cause and is told by a work- 394 O UF Devoted Friend, The Dog man " that a big un or two inside is a upsettin' of the little uns. Pore beggars! I'm allus sorry fur it's a bit rough to die afore yer time comes, aint it, mum ? an' jist becos you was found a wanderin' about the streets with nothin' on' so to speak no muzzle an' no collar, yer know." " The long summer through," says Miss Haw- thorne, " each morning is darkened for dog lovers by the same pitiful sights. Open carts and covered vans filled with hapless creatures, some with drooping heads and despondent hearts, others dismally wailing, some again, innocent guileless things, thinking they were out for a holiday jaunt, and greeting passengers awheel and afoot with gleesome cries, yet all, the young and old, the sick and well, the merry and sad, the hand- some and ugly, all, all alike rotating to the same dire axis, to meet on the same common threshold, and to be. alas! condemned to the same hard and bitter fate, hundreds waiting with weary, aching hearts for the masters that never come to seek them." And then she presents a different picture : " We looked over the stone parapet, and beheld one of the prettiest sights we have yet come across in our rambles. " A large meadow or open space where forty or fifty couple of dogs were running races with one another, frisking and frolicking about in all the abandon of youth and health, and high spirits. A mixed pack, truly! For no two dogs were akin in size, or breed, or color. " An intelligent black-and-tan collie came bounding forward to inspect us. But one sniff and glance con- vinced him we were neither robber nor rogue, and he thrust his moist muzzle confidently into our hand, indi- Homes for Animals 395 eating that he would prove at once a zealous protector and an affectionate companion. There, away in the middle of the enclosure, monarch and king of the crowd, a big tawny St. Bernard, a guardian born for those lonely detached houses we had passed on our travels that morning. Here, a curly tailed pug, racing over the grass as contentedly as if at home romping about his mistress's boudoir. Where, oh, where could she be that she had not yet sought her little playful pet ! There, again, a neat, cobby terrier, bubbling over with energy that little less than a warehouse full of rats could subdue. Against the palings, a living monu- ment of wistful patience, a bob-tailed sheep-dog, fidelity writ clear in his blue, brown eyes. Here at our feet, a sleek dachshund, with sweeping velvety eyes, a lady's diminutive slave, ever ready to attend her on her shopping expeditions with an unflagging patience and good nature that none other could perform without serious loss of temper. " There they were big dogs, little dogs, giddy, volatile youths, sober, sedate matrons, and with not a cowed, scared, or frightened look among them. " ' And are all these happy creatures,' we asked, ' awaiting their owner's arrival to claim them ? ' " ' Some few, perhaps, madam; but the majority of them are wanting purchasers; for some extraordinary reasons, they have not been claimed.' " Asking Mr. Ward, the Secretary at London, how this beneficent country home came to be opened, he re- plied, ' For many years the Committee have felt the great need of a Country Home for the dogs who might be sold, but who, if kept in the Battersea Home, are 396 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog liable to contract disease, and it is in order to save these dogs that the Country Home is founded. But neces- sary as this Home is, the Committee were unable to commence operations until a lady, a great lover of dogs and a staunch supporter of the Battersea Home, most generously gave 1,000 towards this specific ob- ject. This noble example was followed by a donation of 1,200 from another lady, and so, with such a start and the aid of other donations, we were enabled to purchase the land at Hackbridge and erect the fine quarters you inspected this morning. We shall now be able to retain the dogs longer, and in a better and healthier condition, and give them also a fairer chance of finding new owners, should their old ones fail to claim them. The Queen will also be pleased to hear of this scheme for the better welfare of her favorite animal the dog, for when Her Majesty became patron of the Home the period for the retention of the dogs was extended from three days to five days at her kindly request. It therefore rests with the public to support us in our efforts to continue the good work so generously commenced by our noble-hearted dog lovers.' " ' And the public will support you, Mr. Ward, we feel sure, when it hears of this splendid and much needed branch.' ' Yes, we all hope so, for we shall be saving the lives and improving the condition of every dog it is not necessary to put in the lethal chamber. Many dogs come to the Home who are never claimed, and if these can be medically treated and enjoy comparative free- Homes for Animals 397 dom and exercise in country air, they will be restored to sound health and be ready for sale in a good and happy condition.' ' Miss Hawthorne urges all to visit the Home, eight or nine miles by carriage, or twenty-five miles from London by rail; "if, at any time, they should be in need of an alert guardian to protect their property, or an affectionate little pet to fill with life and gaiety a desolate childless home, they are asked, nay. implored, to bear in mind the hundreds of poor dogs waiting anxiously, yearningly waiting for owners upon whom to bestow their protection and their love. " Then standing upon the little bridge not a hundred yards from the railway station, he will look down upon this finely situated Home. For just below is the keep- er's pretty cottage, reached by a slightly undulating avenue of shrubs and trees. Beyond is the courtyard and receiving house, where the neat dark green van dis- charges its happy, expectant load, and each animal is examined by the keeper to see if it is in need of any special treatment, or can at once be drafted into the kennels. Clear of these quarters is a broad vista of greensward, where dogs are seen playing together like schoolboys out of school; adjacent is a long double row of kennels, the male and female members of this fortu- nate community being kept strictly apart. Adjoining the kennels is another sweeping expanse of grass, deputed to the fair sex for exercise and diversion ; and to the right is the proposed canine cemetery, soon, doubtless to be dotted with tiny, white tombstones, bearing appropriate inscriptions to the virtues of 398 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog deeply mourned and dearly cherished friends. The whole framed in a setting of fine old elms. " For be it ever remembered that until this Branch opened, thousands of poor dogs, aye, every whit as full of frolic and gaiety as those we saw at Hackbridge, were condemned to death through sheer inability to provide them with food and shelter for a longer period than five days. An appalling massacre of true and faithful hearts that was as regrettable and painful, as unfortunately it was inevitable." As long as license laws are allowed to exist, so long will the " massacre of true and faithful hearts " be inevitable, unless such Homes are provided. There is plenty of wealth all over the land for such homes, as much as for poor orphan children, and invalids, and aged. We shall come sometime, I believe, to such a true civilization that we shall feel and know that it is wrong wantonly to destroy God's creatures, who have a right to live, and besides can be made so helpful to mankind. We shall perhaps have to overcome a selfish desire to live at ease and have no care either of dumb pet or child. If not a sparrow falls to the ground with- out His notice, we shall sometime learn that we have a duty toward any speechless, homeless thing; not to kill it, a creature so devoted, so intelligent, so faithful, but to save it and make a home for it. We look with horror upon China destroying her female children, and India putting her aged people by the Ganges to die, while they in turn look with horror upon the treat- ment of animals by professedly Christian nations. Ralph Waldo Trine well says in " Every Living Creature" : Homes for Animals 399 " It is said that in Japan, if one picks up a stone to throw at a dog, the dog will not run, as you will find he will in most every case here in America, because there, the dog has never had a stone thrown at him, and con- sequently he does not know what it means. This spirit of gentleness, kindliness, and care for the animal world is a characteristic of the Japanese people. It in turn manifests itself in all of their relations with their fellowmen; and one of the results is that the amount of crime committed each year in proportion to its popu- lation is but a very small fraction of that committed in the United States. " In India, where the treatment of the entire animal world is something to put to shame our own country, with its boasted Christian civilization and power, there, with a population of some three hundred millions, there is but one-fourth the amount of crime that there is each year in England, with a population of less than twenty millions, and only a small fraction of what it is in the United States, with a population less than one- fourth the population of India. These are most signifi- cant facts; they are indeed facts of tremendous import, and we would do wisely to estimate them at their proper value." CHAPTER XVII Cruel Laws About Dogs THE cruel laws about dogs in many of our states can only be accounted for by the fact that the speechless have no votes, and laws have been made by their enemies, while their friends too often have kept silent. In the Massachusetts Public Statutes, chapter 102, page 551, section 90, we find this license law : " The mayor of each city and the chairman of the selectmen of each town shall annually, within ten days from the first day of July, issue a warrant to one or more police officers and constables, directing them to proceed forthwith either to kill or cause to be killed all dogs within such city or town not licensed and col- lared according to the provisions of this chapter, and to enter complaint against the owners or keepers thereof; and any person may, and every police officer and con- stable shall kill or cause to be killed all such dogs whenever or wherever found. Such officers, other than those employed under regular pay, shall receive one dollar for each dog so destroyed from the treasuries of their respective counties, except that in the county of Suffolk they shall receive it from the treasuries of their respective cities or towns." By the above law, any person may kill an unlicensed dog, and every police officer and constable shall kill " wherever found," no matter how well-kept, or loved 400 SHAW.MUT KKNNEI.S, New I. NOTED FRENCH BULLDOGS FROM York City. 2. FIRST PRIZE COLLIES, VERONA SEI.KX TKN, CHAMPION OLD HALL, ADMIRAL, AND CHAMIMON HEATIIKR MINT, owned by Mr. James Watson, New York City. Cruel Laws About Dogs 401 the dog may be. It need not be homeless, and may be devoting its life to some companionless child, but the great state of Massachusetts, the friend of the slave. and the helpless, gives a dollar for each helpless dog that is killed, so that the officer must needs kill many if he would have a living salary. Four thousand or more are thus killed yearly in Boston. A Boston official told me that once when he seized a dog from a hallway to which it had run from the street for protection, and threw it into his dog-wagon, a girl of six went nearly into convulsions, only faintly able to cry out, "My doggie! my doggie! " The offi- cer paid the license fee from his own pocket, and re- stored the dog to the almost heart-broken child. Another time when about to take an unlicensed dog, he found the owner, a sailor, absent from home, and the old mother, deaf, and both legs paralyzed. The dog was her only companion, and guard, and comfort. He complied with the cruel law by paying the license fee himself, and restored the dog to the poor cripple. The license fee is two dollars for a male, and five dollars for a female dog. A poor woman in a town in Eastern Massachusetts sold her only bureau to the town clerk that she might have money for that one year to save her dog. What she sold to preserve its life the following year, I do not know. During my last visit in Boston, in August, 1900, I saw the dog-wagon filled with dogs who cried and climbed against the front, in a vain attempt to get out, while two or three scores of little children ran after the wagon, knowing probably that their pets would soon be killed. This work of breaking little children's 402 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog hearts, by destroying the pets of the poor, begins at 6 130 in the morning, and when the wagon is full, it is taken to the Dog Repository on Washington street, where the helpless creatures are killed at once by poison. If this were a heathen nation, we might not be sur- prised, although such a thing would not be tolerated in India or Turkey, but we call ourselves Christians, and profess to "go about doing good " like our Great Exemplar ! New York city has the following law, Chapter 115, Laws 1894: " Every person who owns or harbors one or more dogs within the corporate limits of any city having a population of over eight hundred thousand, shall procure a yearly license and pay the sum of two dollars for each dog. * * * Dogs not licensed pur- suant to the provision of this act shall be seized, and if not redeemed within forty-eight hours, may be de- stroyed or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the society empowered and authorized to carry out the provisions of this act." Thousands in New York city are too poor to pay a dog-license, and do not know that they must travel to the headquarters of the American Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals, on Madison Avenue and 26th street, to pay the license. When any of the five dreaded dog-wagons with their two stalwart drivers each, appear on the poor streets, and any person attempts to save his pet, by interfering with the dog- catcher, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, pay not less than $25 nor more than $100 or be im- prisoned not less than ten days or more than thirty, or be punished by both fine and imprisonment! Or if he Cruel Laws About Dogs 403 owns or harbors a dog and does not pay a license he is " guilty of disorderly conduct " and shall pay a fine or go to prison until the fine is paid ! He cannot take in a homeless creature if he would, unless willing to go to jail unless the license is paid. Man, woman and child must stand silent and see their property taken from them to be destroyed, and utter no word against a brutal law, easily obtained because there are few to plead for the speechless dog, and few, also, to plead for his poor owner. As a result of this New York city law, the almost in- credible number of about 90,000 dogs and cats were destroyed by gas in 1899 in that city, probably about half of these being cats, found without collars. I know of no other city in the world where harmless and use- ful cats, the property of their owners, can be thus sacri- ficed by a cruel law. This New York dog-license law executed by the S. P. C. A., was tested in the courts and it was decided in January, 1898, that a Legislature " cannot vest a society with power to kill or dispose of other people's property." A similar decision was given with regard to the Ohio Humane Society in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 8, 1898, that a dog is private property and cannot be taken without due process of law, without violating both State and National Constitutions. In many other states the dog laws are not very dif- ferent from those of Massachusetts and New York. In Indiana the law reads : " It shall be unlawful for any dog to roam about over the country unattended by its owner or the agent of said owner, and that when such dog shall be found roaming over the country unat- 404 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog tended as provided in this act the same shall be deemed a runabout dog and it shall be lawful to kill such a dog." Ohio had at one time such an unjust law which allowed any person to kill any dog at large unaccom- panied by his master, but fortunately this was repealed by the O'Neil Bill of 1898, which gave to dogs all the rights of other live stock. In Indiana a female dog over ninety days old is taxed $3.00, " more than a man is taxed on his fifty or one hundred ewes and lambs. Justice says such a law is a disgrace to all voters of our state," writes a man from Indiana. A lady from that state writes me : " Here in the city an additional tax of one dollar makes the keeping of a female dog a very great burden upon poor people. Even the rich are unwilling to pay four dol- lars a year for tax on a dog. The result is, female puppies and dogs are dropped all over the city. We find them homeless and starving." It is difficult to see why a dog should be taxed any more than a pet cat or a pet bird, but if licensed and the tax not paid, why the dog should be killed, any more than a man's horse or ox. In New Hampshire, where the tax is two dollars for a male and five for a female (and it is the same in Connecticut, a tax often out of all proportion to the value of a dog, or the tax paid on other property), " No person shall be liable for killing a dog which shall be found not having around his neck a collar of brass, tin or leather, with the name of the owner carved or engraved thereon." In Nebraska, where a dog is " personal property," " It shall be lawful for any person to kill any dog found Cruel Laws About Dogs 405 running at large on whose neck there is no collar as aforesaid, and no action shall be sustained for such killing." Michigan in 1899, passed a dog law, obnoxious to all dog-owners, and all lovers of clogs. In 1885 she passed a law making dogs " personal property " and subject to taxation like horses and cows. Now she compels all township boards and city councils each to appoint a dog-warden. He collects one dollar for each male dog and three for each female, receiving twenty-five per cent, for collecting, and any dog not wearing his collar shall be killed by him or his owner, and he receives one dollar for each dog killed under his jurisdiction ! The Dog Fancier published by Eugene Glass at Battle Creek, Mich., pertinently asks, " Can a person be com- pelled to pay a license for owning personal property subject to taxation ? A few months ago, when the dog- wardens received their appointments and went forth on their merciless mission, a wave of dissatisfaction and protest went up from all over the state, and many a little child's eyes will fill with tears to this day if men- tion is made of ' Tim/ or ' Jack,' or ' Flossie,' who will never again gladden their little hearts by joining in their childish play." Mr. Glass calls upon " all owners and friends of the only animal on earth that remains faithful and loyal to man, even to isolation from its kind and unto death, to unite in one general demand of the next legislature that the present dog law be repealed." It seems strange that Michigan, after taking away the pets from the children, should so realize the human- izing effect of animals upon people that in her State 406 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Prison at Jackson, she allows over 800 birds to be kept by her 800 prisoners, to be tended and loved by them, to make them more gentle ! Would it not be well to make them gentle before they become convicts? What are the results of all such dog-license laws? The killing of tens of thousands of devoted, helpful creatures, who have been the joy of children, and the protectors of homes : the hardening also of the public conscience by the sight of dog-wagons and dog-catchers and the brutalizing of many of the men themselves. An official told me this summer that it was very diffi- cult to obtain the proper men for the cruel work, and that in a large number of cases their work so hardened them, that he was obliged to discharge them for kick- ing the animals or other rough treatment, and hire others in their places. When a dog-license law was in force in Cleveland, Ohio, a gentleman told me that he saw a dog-catcher call a dog from the side of a poorly dressed little girl. The child ran, caught the animal in her arms and hugged it under her thin shawl. Again the man whistled, and probably supposing a bone was to be offered him, the dog jumped from her arms. When a few feet from her the man shot the dog, which lay bleeding and gasping before the child, who cried as if her heart would break. The dog-catcher received his pittance from the city for his dastardly deed. " The poor should not keep dogs," say some persons. It is useless to argue with a certain class in the community, who think the poor have no place nor rights in this world. Some years ago in Cleveland, instead of being shot Cruel Laws About Dogs 407 by policemen on one's door-step, the dogs were gath- ered up by eager men and boys and drowned in a big receptacle, where they struggled and cried till the look- ers-on were sick at heart as one animal after another became exhausted and died. One big, shaggy New- foundland, I was told, appealed to the bystanders with his great, dark eyes and intelligent face, as he made a desperate struggle for life, but there was no help tor him in a great city that must have money or the death of the unlicensed. Several years since a lover of dogs, a? member of the Cleveland Kennel Club, Mr. C. M. Munhall, real- izing how the license law bore heavily on the poor who could ill afford to pay, and believing that the dog is " property," and that a city has no right to kill it, any more than a man's horse or cow, brought suit against Cleveland, and a " perpetual injunction " was granted by the court, " restraining the city from killing dogs." The license law was of no effect after this decision was rendered. Mr. Munhall proved himself by this test case a public benefactor. Mr. Munhall says, " The course I pursued is the only way to wipe out such illegal laws." If other cities would follow his example, through some man or woman who is a friend to ani- mals, we might be spared the yearly slaughter of thou- sands in some of our large cities. A prominent vivisector in Cleveland has urgently advocated a dog-pound to " prevent pet animals from straying into the colleges, and it would give the latter a regular channel through which their material might be derived." Every day in our cities, there are scenes which would 408 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog not be tolerated, if we witnessed them. Dogs loved and petted by many a child, noble creatures who would die to protect their owners, are terrified by having a net thrown over them, or a lasso, and dragged along the street, thrown by dog-catchers into wagons, hurried off to pounds or shelters, and killed by gas or poison, or drowning. A lady in St. Louis had her little black-and-tan dog seized and carried to the city pound, last August. When she reached the pound the trembling creature did not know her or her little boy. The heat of the place was intense and there was no ventilation. The big dogs had killed some of the little ones, whose sides were torn open, and trampled them under foot. The sad owner carried home her dog, called a veterinary sur- geon, but her pet soon died from the fright and brutal treatment he had received. The dog-license fee in St. Louis is three dollars for each dog, and if unlicensed he is caught and after four days " smothered to death by chemicals." In an Eastern town recently, a man seventy-five years of age, having a little dog which had no collar on, was knocked down by a dog-catcher who attempted to seize the animal. When the catcher was about to be ar- rested for bruising the old man and tearing his clothes (his beloved little dog was lost) the constable was at- tacked by him with a steel chain. Does it not matter what men we select to execute even brutal laws ? In a large Western city, a lady writes me that the unlicensed dogs are gathered up in summer I do not know what the method is in winter put in a pen where they remain, usually without food or water, two days Cruel Laws About Dogs 409 in the burning sun, and then, while scores of anxious boys are peering through the knot-holes in the high board fence surrounding the pound, men with big clubs knock the shrinking and frightened creatures on the head, each knowing that his turn to be murdered will come soon. If these dogs were really homeless, and liable to abuse on the street, there might be some excuse for gathering them up, but even then they should be provided with a " Home," in a Christian city, and not killed. However, in large measure, they are simply un- licensed, and not to blame because the fee has not been paid by a poor, or perhaps negligent owner. The ani- mals when seized are often playing before their own homes with some child who loves them. A writer in the Journal of Zoophily, September, 1897, thus describes the Dog Pound in New Orleans at that time: " The situation there is intolerable. The dogs are lassoed, thrown into dirty, unwholesome quarters, kept forty-eight hours, either without food or fed on bread green with mold; their water is covered with a thick green slime. Dead dogs, injured in the catching or dying of sickness, lie around in the pen, and to crown all, when the time comes, they wait their turn to be knocked in the head. Mrs. Ledoux says they huddle against the farthest wall, and with such looks of terror and with such frenzied expressions as she never saw elsewhere except among maniacs in an asylum." Of course one of the chief reasons adduced for li- cense is a revenue for the city, or the Humane Society. In 1898 the Cleveland Humane Society, needing money, tried to obtain through the legislature a dog- 41 o Our Devoted Friend, The Dog license law, but was not successful. One of the most prominent judges in the city wrote me : " I have been pretty well informed that the dog-license law will not pass the legislature on account of its question of con- stitutionality. I am glad to think that the poor dogs and poor people who take comfort in them, are shielded by the great constitution of the state of Ohio. * * * I do not believe in the bill at all. It is in- human, and the idea of a Humane Society entering upon such a ' slaughter of the innocents ' is repugnant to the purposes of the society itself. Our Humane So- ciety is one of the best institutions in the city, but it would seem to me that funds ought to be raised in some other way than through a law which would re- sult in destroying thousands of these companions and guardians of children, and faithful and devoted friends of mankind." A letter lies before me from a well-known Ohio man, who has sixty dogs in his kennels. He says : ' I love dogs all dogs and believe that they have all a right to live, and that no law is a just one that allows them to be killed by any society or any person. I believe in humane societies for the good they do, and it is not good they do when they destroy the life of any dog or other animal, unless said animal has been hurt, or is diseased and cannot live." One of the old arguments that license is necessary to prevent the increase of dogs, is refuted by the experi- ence of Cleveland, a city of 400,000 inhabitants. There is no surplus of dogs in Cleveland except possibly to a few persons who dislike animals. There are always Cruel Laws About Dogs 411 some homeless creatures, but comparatively few where there is no license. Whenever a tax is imposed, some dogs will be turned upon the street, because many owners cannot or will not pay the tax. When the license reaches the exorbitant sum of $7.15 for female dogs, as in Hartford, Conn., or $5.00 as in Boston, many persons who would gladly keep a dog or give a stray animal a home, find it well nigh impossible to do so. A kind woman in Boston seeing a dog-catcher run- ning after a homely little creature, who, frenzied almost to madness, sought refuge in her cellar, was so touched by the helplessness of the lost animal, that she paid the five dollar fee, and though not well able to do so, has paid it for some years, and been rewarded by a remark- able devotion. What use for a license law, which causes all this suf- fering? Does a city or a humane society need a rev- enue which comes from the death of devoted animals? If we are anxious to prevent " mad-dog " scares, li- cense and muzzling are not the remedies. There are not so many supposed cases of hydrophobia in Cleve- land as in places where the license law is enforced. In Constantinople, where a man is fined $50.00 for abus- ing a dog, and not allowed to kill one, hydrophobia is said to be unknown. Fortunately in America muzzling is not common, as most people know it is harmful and cruel, the dog needing the open mouth for perspiration as well as breathing, and that the muzzle promotes madness rather than prevents it. The report of the Home on Battersea Park Road, 412 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog London, for 1896, says, after the muzzling order of that year, about 700 dogs were gathered up each day for several weeks. " From morning till night the Home was crowded with, not only dogs, but persons seeking for their dogs. All day long, a string of vans laden with dogs might be seen waiting in the road to discharge their burden. In addition, police constables were constantly arriving on foot leading three or four dogs each." Men worked till midnight and even one o'clock at the Home, and came again at six in the morn- ing, for the destruction of these blameless, unmuzzled creatures. What a picture of an easily passed muzzling law, with little thought apparently by the council of the misery and death of the poor victims! A speaker at a recent meeting in London, said the Exchequer receipts showed that dog licenses produced in the year 1895-96 over 500,000, and added, " Where shall we find another class of tax-payers who contribute so largely to the revenue and receive so little in return ? " Arthur Westcott in the New York Tribune quotes Dr. Stockwell, a celebrated authority on dog diseases: " ' Distemper, toothache, earache, epilepsy and the whole class of nervous diseases to which dogs are sub- ject are constantly taken for rabies. Personally, after more than thirty years' experience as a dog owner and student of canine and comparative medicine, I have yet to meet with a genuine case of rabies in the dog, and of some scores of so-called rabid dogs submitted to me for my inspection I have found one and all to be suffering from other and comparatively innocent dis- eases." Cruel Laws About Dogs 4 1 3 " This is not by any means an uncommon experience among veterinary surgeons. In the spring of 1897 a ' mad dog ' scare was raised in London, England, by a certain class of people who, as muzzle manufac- turers, had a commercial interest in raising such scares. They, as usual, received every assistance from a credu- lous public and a sensational press. The Board of Ag- riculture finally took the matter up, and issued an order to the effect that all dogs appearing on the public high- ways should be muzzled tightly with a wire-cage muzzle., invented by the aforesaid manufacturers. Dur- ing the first three months of the scare over sixteen thousand dogs were seized in the streets as ' vagabond strays,' and not a single case of rabies was discovered among them." A London Journal says : " There are two men who are responsible for the new muzzling order Sir Everett Millais and Mr. Victor Horsley. Both are theorists, and therefore faddists; and both are licensed vivisectors. It was entirely at the bidding of the twain that Mr. Long, President of the Board of Agriculture, issued the order which has already brought a hornet's nest about his ears, and which he will have perforce, ere Jubilee Day, to repeal. A more pitiful, useless, un- fair, silly, and above all, monstrous measure, was never brought forward even by a member of Parliament." Public opinion grew so strong and bitter 'against the muzzling order, that it was revoked by the London City Council, October 27, 1899. The feeling is so wide spread against muzzling dogs, the universal testimony of dog owners being that it is most unhealthy, irritating, and often death-producing 4i 4 O ur Devoted Friend, The Dog to animals, that it is allowed but in few states. Hu- mane Societies are one and all, opposed to it, as an in- humane measure. Washington, D. C., has a muzzling law passed June 19, 1878, more than twenty years ago, that still remains unchanged. " Section 7. Whenever it shall be made to appear to the commissioners that there are good reasons for be- lieving that any dog or dogs within the District are mad, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to issue a proclamation requiring that all dogs shall, for a period to be defined in the proclamation, wear good, substantial muzzles, securely put on, so as to prevent them from biting or snapping; and any dog going at large during the period defined by the commissioners without such muzzle shall be taken by the pound- master and impounded, subject to the provisions of section 3." This cruel law, leaving the health and happiness of all the dogs in Washington, as well as the dog-owners, in the hands of three commissioners, was enforced for the first time in many years, from December, 1899, to June, 1900, the commissioners " believing that there was a mad dog or dogs in the District," being so in- formed by the Health officer. This is not the first time that too much power has been given into the hands of one man. The order caused the most intense opposi- tion, and large public meetings were held ; it was shown that dogs had become sick and died, and lost thei sight or gone crazy from the muzzle. Senator J. H. Gallin- ger of New Hampshire, a well-known physician, brought the matter before the Senate Commitiee. " I I. IMPORTED BLENHEIM SPANIEL, CHAMPION ROLLO, winner of 156 prizes, Downed by Miss L. C. Moeran, New York City. 2. WHITE MALTESE TERRIERS. First prize winners ; pronounced the best in America, owned by Miss Josie Newman, Kansas City, Mo. Cruel Laws About Dogs 415 have no hesitancy," he said, " in saying that there lias not been a case of hydrophobia in the District this year, last year, or the year before, and I do not believe that there will be a case in the years to come. * * * In a medical experience of over thirty years I have never seen a single case, and I have heard several of the best known physicians of the country make the same statement. * * * In my opinion the muz- zling order is absolutely needless, nonsensical, and un- warranted." Dr. Charles W. Dulles the eminent lecturer on the History of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania says of hydrophobia that he has failed " after sixteen years of investigation to find a single case on record that can be conclusively proved to have resulted from the bite of a dog or any other cause." In the Medical News, June 22, 1895, Dr. Dulles says in regard to the treatment of a dog-bite : "I am strongly opposed to the practice of cauterizing with silver nitrate. I have seen and treated very many dog-bites, and have not used lunar caustic for thirteen years, and no per- son that I have treated has yet developed hydrophobia; so that the mortality of those treated by me is less than that of those treated in Pasteur institutes. My treat- ment is simply thorough surgical cleaning and the ap- plication of a simple antiseptic dressing for a few days, with the positive assurance that there will be no danger of any disease." Dr. Irving C. Rosse, F. R. G. S., in a paper read be- fore the American Neurological Association, Phila- delphia, June 3, 1896, says, " In Asia Minor and in Constantinople, the home of pariah dogs, one never 4i 6 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog hears of hydrophobia. The secretary of the Japanese Legation in Washington tells me that he has never heard of the disease in Japan, and that in Korea, with more dogs than any other country such a thing as hy- drophobia is unheard of. In London with its five and a half million inhabitants, but one case was reported in 1892." Dr. Dulles finds from statistics gathered in the United States, that there is only one hydrophobia case to four million inhabitants. Of 267 persons in the United States bitten by dogs supposed to be rabid, he says, only eight have died. To his honor, be it said, one of the Washington Commissioners, Hon Henry B. F. Macfarland, opposed the muzzling order. " It is evident," he said, " that in their zeal to maintain a theory, those who want the dogs muzzled have grossly exaggerated the danger from hydrophobia and rabies. They are to be especi- ally condemned when, as in the present instance, they are caused in part by pride in a theory, and by cupport- ers of institutions established ostensibly for the cure of hydrophobia in the name of humanity, but which will not treat a case unless the payment of from $100 to $150 at least is forthcoming." The Pasteur treatment is believed to be productive of more harm than good by many of the best physi- cians. Professor Peter, the able editor of the French Medical Journal, says : " M. Pasteur does not cure hy- drophobia he gives it ! " A physician describes the system as the " inoculating usually wholly uncontami- nated human beings with the most terrible virus known to science to wit, that of hydrophobia." It should be remembered that the Pasteur advocates admit that only Cruel Laws About Dogs 417 from five to ten per cent, of the persons bitten by a really rabid animal have hydrophobia with no treat- ment whatever. How foolish then the common fear about dog bites. I have been bitten three or four times, and would never allow cauterizing as have many of my friends. Mr. Al. G. Eberhart of Cincinnati, says ; " I have been bitten by dogs over a hundred times in my life and carry scars now that I've had for twenty-five years. Some of the so-called mad dogs have bitten me, but yet I am not mad. Had I been nervous and easily scared I would very likely have been buried long ago." Even if there be such a disease as hydrophobia, which is probably mistaken for blood-poisoning in man (the thorn of a rose, the prick of a pin, the point of a lead-pencil have all caused blood-poisoning) or rabies, mistaken for distemper or epilepsy in ani- mals, it does not seem to be found among the home- less and unlicensed dogs, which are killed from the cruel supposition that they especially are dangerous. Dr. Matthew Woods of Philadelphia, says : " At the Philadelphia dog pound, where, on an average, over 6,000 vagrant dogs are taken up annually, and where the catchers and helpers are frequently bitten, not one case of hydrophobia has occurred during its entire his- tory, of twenty-five years, in which time about 1 50,000 dogs have been handled." The testimony of the offi- cials at the dog shelter in New York, where thousands are taken up each year, is identical with the above. Among the several thousand dogs killed after the Washington muzzling order was enforced, not one was found having rabies. 4i 8 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog Chicago has a law giving the mayor power to muzzle dogs when he " shall deem it necessary." Such a law should be repealed. Massachusetts by Public Statute says, " The mayor and aldermen of a city or the select- ment of a town may order that any dog or dogs within the limits of such city or town respectively shall be muzzled." An attempt to muzzle dogs in Boston was made by some who disliked animals, but the better sen- timent was aroused by the S. P. C. A. and the cruel plan was thwarted. In the evidence given before the select committee of the House of Lords to investigate hydrophobia in man and rabies in animals, it was declared by Surgeon General Gordon that " muzzling would be an evil rather than a good." Mr. J. Rowe, President of the Veterinary Medical Society of London said, " Muz- zling is useless; even if a rabid dog were muzzled (which he would not be) the saliva would drop from the mouth." Mr. South, F. R. C. V. S., said, " Any efficacious muzzle is cruel and irritates the dog." In Bavaria, muzzling was in force in Munich for seven years; the number of dogs diminished by one half ; that of persons bitten increased. Dr. Soudermann (formerly an advocate), " sums up strongly against the muzzle." In Denmark, " muzzling is no longer en- forced having been found ineffective." In Austria, " rabies increased largely in Vienna after muzzling was introduced; the order is now suspended." Our Animal Friends, July, 1897, has this about mad dogs: i. It is supposed that a mad dog dreads water. It is not so. The mad dog is very likely to plunge his Cruel Laws About Dogs 419 head to the eyes in water, though he cannot swallow it and laps it with difficulty. 2. It is supposed that a mad clog runs about with evidence of intense excitement, it is not so. The mad dog never runs about in agitation; he never gallops; he is always alone, usually in a strange place, where he jogs along slowly. If he is approached by a dog or man he shows no signs of excitement, but when the dog or man is near enough, he snaps and resumes his solitary trot. 3. If a dog barks, yelps, whines, or growls, that dog is not mad. The only sound a mad dog is known to emit is a hoarse howl. 4. It is supposed that the mad dog froths at the mouth. It is not so. If a dog's jaws are covered or flecked with white froth, that dog is not mad. The surest of all signs that a dog is mad is a thick or ropy brown mucus clinging to his lips, which he often tries vainly to tear away with his paws or to wash away with water." All who love animals should be thankful for the in- creased interest in anti-vivisection laws, and socie- ties. The first anti-vivisection society was organized in London, 1875, with the Archbishop of York, Lord Shaftesbury, Frances Power Cobbe and others among its members. Now there are over 100 societies, and the number is rapidly increasing. Many physicians belong to these societies. Massachusetts by law, prevents vivisection in her public schools, and other states should follow. So many atrocious experiments are made on animals in the name of science, often to demonstrate facts already 420 Our Devoted Friend, The Do? proved, or to gain notoriety, that there is no question that all the laboratories of the land and medical col- leges, should be open to properly appointed inspectors, such inspectors appointed with the approval of our State Humane Societies. Dr. Albert Leffingwell of Aurora, N. Y., writes : " To cut out the stomach of a living dog the infamous ex- periment of Megendie I have seen it done not in Eu- rope but America. To cut down upon the spinal cord of a dog for the demonstrations of its functions is an operation which Dr. Michael Foster of Cambridge University has never seen performed from horror of the pain. Where is there a medical college in America in which it has never been done? To freeze rabbits to death before a class of young men and young women merely to illustrate what everyone knew in advance it is done annually. To divide the most acutely sensi- tive nerve in the whole body to prove what nobody doubts it is one of the regular experiments. To mu- tilate a living animal so severely that left to itself death might occur, to fasten it so that struggle is useless, to set in operation delicate machinery which shall cause it to breathe by artificial force and so keep it through a long night of terror and pain, till ' wan^d ' for the final sacrifice of demonstration before students on the following day it is not of infrequent occurrence in American laboratories." Dr. Lefrmgwell quotes Dr. Latour who said, "I re- call to mind a poor dog, the roots of whose vertebral nerves Magendie desired to lay bare, in order to demonstrate Bell's theory, which he claimed as his own. The dog, mutilated and bleeding, twice escaped from Cruel Laws About Dogs 421 the implacable knife, and threw its front paws round Magendie's neck, as if to soften his murderer and ask for mercy. I confess I was unable to endure that heart- rending spectacle." We do not have to go out of the state of Ohio to learn of the most revolting experiments on living dogs ; " paws crushed, tearing out the nerves of the fore- limbs, various nerves stretched, abdomen opened, shoulders, spinal column and ribs mutilated, cutting the sciatic nerve, pouring boiling water on the intes- tines, etc." Dogs used for such purposes are often stolen pets, some depraved men wishing to earn a trifle for liquor by their sale, or homeless creatures that need love and care instead of torture. " What shall we do with our surplus animals? " is the oft-repeated question. Repeal the license laws, let the poor keep their pets, and we shall have few surplus animals. Every family is better for having some pet animal to love. Where it is impossible to repeal li- cense laws, let the license fees be given, not to city or humane officials, or to public schools to teach children kindness to animals, or publ'c libraries to spread knowl- edge, but to build homes or find homes for unlicensed animals. For the really homeless dogs and cats, let us do our personal share in caring for them, and let homes be provided as for others of God's helpless creatures. When we find a homeless animal, let us advertise it in the papers, saying that we will give it to a good home, and then take pains to find out if the home is a good one. Let agents be employed, not to kill homeless creatures, but to seek homes for them as we do for unfortunate children. A philanthropic woman gave 422 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog several hundred dollars in the winter of 1898 to pro- vide food for homeless dogs and cats in Boston, and an agent was hired to carry out her noble thought. We give to hospitals, to libraries, and to poor-houses. What do we give to animals? Perhaps our legislatures will sometime grant money to humane societies as they do to schools and libraries, for the elevation of the people. Helpless children and helpless animals as well, are in a large sense the wards of the state, and anything to better their condition should receive the sympathy and aid of the state. The West Virginia S. P. C. A. has obtained from the legislature an appropriation of $3,000 annually, to aid the work of the society. Let the Kennel Clubs or Dog Owners' Protective Associations obtain laws making the dog " property " so that nobody has a right to kill him, any more than a man's horse or cow, and then test the license law in the courts. The question of revenue from dependent creatures who look to us for safety and protection, and killing them by the tens of thousands because the money is not paid, or because they are homeless, and we wish to shirk responsibility and care, is unworthy a Christian people. Each day the dreadful work goes on. While we walk in the sunshine and enjoy per- chance homes of luxury, the dog-catchers with their wagons are carrying the terrified friends of man to pounds or so-called shelters, and to death. Let us forever oppose a license law for cats, which would mean thousands turned homeless into the streets, and tens of thousands killed. NORNA, DEERHOUND (value, $5,000), with children of the owner, Mr. W. D. Griscom, Philadelphia, Fa. Holder of the United States championship for several years. 2. SCAMP, DEERHOUND (value, $5,000), owned by Von H. G. G. Pickering, Minnedosa, Manitoba, winner of many first prizes. CHAPTER XVIII How to Care for Animals rREAT them with kindness. William Youatt, the noted writer on dogs, says, " Harshness of manner and unkind treatment will evidently aggravate many of their complaints. I have sometimes witnessed an angry word spoken to a healthy dog pro- duce instant convulsions in a distempered one that hap- pened to be near; and the fits that come on spontane- ously in distemper, almost instantly leave the dog by soothing notice of him." It is a well known fact that the milk of cows who are treated harshly even by words is made feverish and less wholesome, while canary birds have fallen dead in their cages from a command to stop singing. Animals love to be praised and com- mended, as much as people like it. Only persons of small intelligence or much vanity, are eager to show how easily they can govern their child or their dog. Years ago an old sailor said to me, when he saw me walking with my St. Bernard, " Don't ever whip that dog, Madam, or you will spoil her," and I carefully obeyed his good suggestion. Another once whipped her because she would not follow, and the great, noble creature never forgot it and could never be induced to follow the person a step afterwards. I once saw a professing Christian man whip his dog, 424 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog and his influence with me was destroyed thereby. There are so many ways of gentle correction, that the lash seldom or never benefits child or dog. The man who strikes his horse three times with a whip is arrested in Norway and Sweden. It would be a wise law in America. A man who will kick a horse or a dog is of course, no gentleman, and deserves the scorn which he usually receives, or the stern hand of the law. One can easily judge what kind of master a dog has when the devoted animal cringes at his feet. " Flogging hounds in the kennel," says Youatt, " the frequent practice of too many huntsmen, should be held in utter abhorrence. . . A young foxhound may possibly mistake the scent of a hare for that of a fox, and give tongue. In too many hunts he will be unmercifully flogged for this, and some have almost died under the lash. Mercy is a word totally unknown to a great proportion of whippers-in, and even to many who call themselves gentlemen." Cropping or cutting the ears of a dog is very pain- ful, sometimes causes deafness, is called cruel by vet- erinarians, and is now disallowed by Kennel Club rules. " A spayed (ovaries removed) or castrated dog can- not win a prize on the bench," says Professor Wesley Mills of McGill Unversity. Montreal, and he adds. " The author would not allow any dog he owned to be thus operated on, and he hopes the time is not far distant when every reputable veterinary surgeon will take the same views of the case, and absolutely refuse to run the risk of destroying the dog as a dog merely to gratify the whim of some owner who wishes to shirk his How to Care for Animals 425 responsibility." Dr. J. W. Hill, of England, Fellow of the R. C. V. S., says these operations cause " loss of energy, physical strength, and acuteness of the senses," and are " inhuman and useless." The late Dr. Edward Mayhew, member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, in his book, " Dogs, their management," partly rewritten by Dr. A. J. Sewell, Canine Surgeon to Queen Victoria and the Prince and Princess of Wales, urged that dogs be not ridiculed. " They understand," he said. " much more than men choose to give them credit for. Their pride is enormous and through this feeling they are easily moved. Laughter, when directed against himself, no dog can endure, and the slightest reprimand is always answered by an immediate change of aspect." Some persons wrongly punish a dog for barking, when that is his only way to tell the approach of a stranger, or to guard the house and the people he loves. Do not chain a dog, or keep him tied up. Professor Mills says in his book, " The Dog," " To keep any dog constantly chained is simply downright cruelty. The yard should always, when at all possible, allow of moderate exercise and freedom. Even with the free- dom such circumstances permit, every dog should be introduced daily, weather permitting, to the larger out- side world, for change, to develop his intelligence and to stimulate him to greater efforts and attainments. To lead a dog out by a chain is better than no exercise at all, but it is at best but a poor substitute. . . . Dogs, like other animals, indeed much more so than most others, require exercise to keep them in health." A dog should not run with a bicycle. In summer he 426 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog becomes overheated, runs too fast, and is often ruined and not infrequently killed by it. Yet this cruel practice of chaining is seen in both city and country. The dog generally becomes vicious in consequence, or unhealthy, and certainly unhappy. " We can ruin the best temper in the world, if we try hard enough," says Miss Kendall in her " Witchcraft of To-day," " and I know of no way that will accom- plish this as effectually as a chain and kennel." The excuse usually given is that we " have no time to take an animal out for exercise." We have time for much useless shopping, for idle conversation, many unnecessary calls, much inconvenient ceremony of liv- ing, much overdressing, much lazy lounging, eupho- niously called " rest." If we used our time as we ought, there is enough and to spare, for all our needs. We waste it more prodigally than money. Wash and brush dogs. A good bath, not too warm, if properly taken, is as refreshing to a dog as to a per- son. He will often take it for himself, if near the water, though to throw him in and thus frighten him, shows the lack of sense of the owner. " The dog," says Dr. R. B. Plageman of New York, in his " House Dogs, their care and treatment," " has a remarkable memory and does not forget an injustice or a wrong done him as long as he lives." Dr. Plageman thinks in summer a bath once a week often enough for any dog, and Dr. John Woodroffe Hill, of England, says, " If the coat is regularly brushed and combed, once a month is quite sufficient. Once daily, twice if possi- ble, I have all my dogs thoroughly groomed; they enjoy it, the sensation affords them pleasure, and the How to Care for Animals 427 dog accustomed to the practice will look for it as regu- larly as he does his meals." The water for bathing should be tepid, some cold water being put upon the head of the dog before the bath, and if soap is used it should be thoroughly rinsed out of the hair, as it is apt to cause irritation of the skin. and make the hair harsh. For this reason many pre- fer to rub the dog with the yolks of eggs, and then wash thoroughly. " A free use of soap," says Dr. Mayhew, " has the disadvantage, especially in dogs like collies, of removing the under coat which is so much thought of." After bathing the animal should be rubbed dry with cloths; especially the head, neck and breast, lest he take cold. The ears should be carefully cleaned and dried, as water left in may produce canker and that may bring on deafness. " As to the matter of soaps," says Dr. Plageman, " use white castile. Carbolic and other strongly medi- cated soaps are dangerous to use on dogs, and their use should be discouraged. There are many so-called ' dog soaps ' and ' flea soaps ' which should never be used on a dog." Dr. Mayhew says, " Puppies are frequently killed through be'ng washed with strong carbolic soap (five per cent.)." Cats are not infre- quently killed in the same way. Miss Helen M. Wins- low, in her book, " Concerning Cats," says, " Carbolic acid has a particularly bad effect on cats, and should never be used around them in any way. Cats have been known to die of paralysis brought on by the use of car- bolic soap." " A bath in carbolic acid though well diluted," says Dr. Mayhew, " often has a bad effect, even though the dog has not been allowed to lick him- 428 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog self, as it becomes absorbed into the system by the skin." What shall he eat? " Change is at the foundation of life itself," says Professor Mills, " and must be recog- nized by all who would understand the management of dogs." Most persons advocate two meals each day, morning and night, especially for small dogs, and vari- ety in these is as necessary as for people. Professor Mills says, " To feed a dog but once a day during the severe weather seems little short of cruelty in the larger proportion of cases." He thinks beef and mutton the best meat for dogs, well-cooked, as half-cooked food destroys the stomach as easily as in man. Raw flesh, at long intervals, in small quantities, acts as a tonic. Dog biscuits are recommended for some meals, especially in the morning, not by any means constantly, although so advertised, and soup with vegetables and meat, or bread, or rice, and now and then bread and milk. Dr. Hill says an animal should eat until he is satisfied, un- less he has been previously starved. Cats are very fond of vegetables and should be given corn, asparagus, and the like, often. Dr. Mayhew says the meat should be cooked fresh every day, as " nothing upsets a dog more than stale food," and that boiled fish, the bones having been removed, is good for both dogs and cats. All their dishes should be kept scrupulously clean, both for drinking and eating. While overfeeding and lack of exercise will produce skin disease, says Dr. Mayhew, the same is produced by " improper feeding, such as keeping a dog on a milk and oatmeal diet, or debarring him entirely from meat." Cats also should have cooked meat once a day, says CHAMPION LOKI, PUG DOG, value $5,000, winner of fifty prizes bred and owned by Mr. Al. G. Eberhart, Camp Dennison, O. 2. L'AMBASSADOR II., BULLDOG, value $5,000, winner of many prizes, owned by Mr. Eberhart. 3. CHAMPION VALENZA, ITALIAN GREYHOUND, always a prize winner, owned by Dr. F. H. Hoyt, Sharon, Pa. How to Care for Animals 429 Harrison Weir, the noted artist. A lady who has large cat kennels at South Weymouth, Massachusetts, gives bread and milk in the morning, meat with oatmea. and gravy at noon, and warm milk at night. Raw meat occasionally does not harm cats any more than mice for food, but is not good for kittens. Miss Wins- low suggests that cats like butter, and a half-teaspoon ful now and then is good for them. Mr. Al. G. Eberhart, who has large kennels at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, feeds his dogs biscuit in the morning, gen^ erally, and beef and mutton at five o'clock, cut fine in a large sausage machine. After the supper the dogs have bones, but not before, as contrary to the belief of some economical persons, dogs and cats cannot live on bones. All dogs must be able to find and eat grass occasionally. It is as necessary as catnip to keep cats in health. " Puppies," says Dr. Mayhew, " before six weeks of age, should be fed five times a day, and afterwards four times during the twenty-four hours until three or four months old, and then until six months of age thrice daily." The milk should be boiled or scalded, or lime water used with it, and often thickened with rice or bread or oatmeal. Soup with vegetables, carrots, turnips, potatoes, beets, etc., is a nourishing change for them. Sometimes a little finely- cut cooked meat is added. For toy dogs eggs are useful instead of too much meat. Soft-boiled eggs are excellent for cats. Give plenty of water. Dr. Hill says, " There are few animals to which the denial of water is felt to a greater degree than the dog." A bowl of water, al- ways clean, must be kept night and day where they 430 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog can at any time obtain it. I know several good women who keep water in buckets or pans or earthen jars, and food also, that stray animals may have the drink which they crave, and cannot always obtain. All drink- ing fountains for people, should have a side cup for dogs. The amount of water which they need is sur- prising. Where shall they sleep? " If you have only one or two dogs," says Mr. Eberhart, " your own house is none too good or suitable a place for them to sleep at night, and their access to the house during the day is all right, for a thoroughly \vell-b6haved dog is a most desirable companion to have around for company, and especially at night, for any dog is liable to prove of great value or assistance in case of burglars or unwel- come visitors." Where people are so neat that they cannot have a dog in the house, one may be sure that such persons are not Sir Walter Scotts, or Bismarcks, or Sir Edwin Landseers or Queen Victorias, who all have kept dogs in their homes. I have known professedly Christian people who put a dog or a cat out of doors at night in the winter, trusting that Providence will direct them to some- body's shed or barn, even if there is not such a building within half a mile. In summer nights cats are put out to be devoured by dogs, sensible women even asserting that a cat can take care of herself, which is not true. The number of cats killed by dogs proves that this remark is made simply to ease our consciences. I have known a lady in a large city solemnly assert that a cat would run up a tree and save herself, when there were only brick walls and stone pavements about her, and How to Care for Animals 43 1 no tree within two or three miles. Any cat can be kept neat by providing her with a tin pan of sawdust or sand changed daily; not a wooden box, as wood absorbs moisture. " All this is too much care," says someone. Those persons who wish to lead a selfish life, shirk responsibility, and avoid care, are scarcely fitted for this earth of ours. Some persons profess to be so neat that they would not allow a cat to sleep in the same room with them. Miss Winslow tells of her affectionate cat, " Pretty Lady," who " kept her kitten in the lower drawer of my bureau. When he was large enough, she removed him to the foot of the bed, where for a week or two her maternal solicitude and sociable habits of nocturnal conversation with her progeny interfered seriously with my night's rest. . . For years the ' Pretty Lady ' ate with us at the table. Her chair was placed next to mine, and no matter where she was or how soundly she had been sleeping, when the dinner bell rang she was the first to get to her seat, where she sat patiently until I fixed a dainty meal in a saucer and placed it on the chair beside her, when she ate it in the same well- bred way she did everything." Miss Winslow insists that all the kittens at birth should never be taken from the mother, " as the cat is pretty sure to have milk fever," and often dies from it. We put dogs in basements to sleep, and then wonder why they have rheumatism. Or, we build a thin kennel, perhaps open to the north, scarcely large enough for him to turn around in, without straw or other bed- ding, and while he shivers, we sleep under warm blan- kets, in a good-sized room, and feel grateful perchance 432 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog for our blessings, forgetting that we are to care for God's creatures. I have seen St. Bernard dogs in such kennels in America, the excuse being made that their native land was a cold one. Such people seem not to know that animals in Switzerland are usually housed with the peasants themselves, a portion of the house being used for a stable. The monks at the St. Bernard Pass always keep these life-saving dogs in their own warm house, cared for like children. If a dog has a kennel, " for a good-sized dog," says Dr. Mayhew, " the covered house should be five feet wide and eight feet deep, the roof sloping from nine feet at the back to seven feet in front, and a window situated at the top of the back of the kennel, swung at the bottom so that the kennel can be well ventilated and the dog not be in a draught." The kennel should be light, with windows, a door to keep out the cold, and plenty of straw, into which the dog can make a hole for himself, and thus keep warm. The kennel should, if possible, be open toward the south, for dogs, as well as people, cannot be healthy without the warmth and light of the sun. " A dark kennel," says Professor Mills, " is a wretched dog prison, unfavorable alike to health and canine happiness. The walls should be thick, filled between the boards with sawdust, and cov- ered with tar paper within." Cats and dogs to be healthy must have pure air and plenty of it. Bad air soon produces disease. Professor Mills urges that all places where animals live or sleep " be aired several times a day when the animals are out, by the doors and windows. . . Apart from the vitiation of the -atmosphere (by their pans of dirt or How to Care for Animals 433 sawdust) there is that more fatal poisoning that arises through emanations from the lungs and skin of the animals." The kennel should be elevated above the ground, so that dampness will be impossible. A noble friend of mine, one of the neatest house- keepers I have ever seen, provided a mattress in the house for her Great Dane dog, and was an example to her neighbors in many other ways. She has now gone to her reward, I doubt not a very happy one. Bed-ticks filled with straw keep animals from cold, and are easily made at little cost or trouble. Common remedies for disease. Medicine can easily be given by pulling out the loose flesh or cheek from the mouth of a dog, so that a little funnel is formed, into which pour the liquid, with a spoon. As a rule, the less medicine given the better. If a dog or cat is very ill, a veterinarian should be called, for we ought not to consider it a waste of money, to spend for the dumb creatures who love' us, or indeed for anything that is suffering, and needs our care. Better go with- out some new article of clothing, and help the helpless. Strong medicines are probably not as much used for man or beast as formerly. Dr. May hew says, " Mer- cury and its compounds are all very poisonous to dogs. Dogs take mercury even when given in small medicinal doses, very badly. A dose of calomel that would be beneficial to a person would in many cases make a dog very ill, and perhaps prove fatal." Many veterinarians will not give calomel in any case. Professor Mills says, " Dogs are peculiarly liable to be salivated, or even fatally poisoned, by a comparatively small dose of calomel, or mercury in other form, . . . nor 434 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog is it safe to use, in most cases, mercurial ointments." Turpentine is also dangerous for dogs. Youatt says, " The common mercurial ointment is now compara- tively little used. It has given way to the different preparations of iodine." " The tincture of iodine is often used to remove tumors or swellings," says Dr. Mayhew. " It seldom has any beneficial results, ex- cept in cases of goitre, when it is sometimes useful," but even then, he says, if used too long or over too large a space, it poisons the dog by absorption through the skin, and severe constitutional disturbance results. Fleas. I have known cats and dogs to be killed by their owners either because they could not or would not take the trouble to rid their animals of these pests. A good washing with some safe disinfectant used in small quantities, or safer still without any, will so nearly kill them, that they can be easily crushed be- tween the thumb nails. " There are many powerful drugs recommended by different writers," says Dr. Mayhew, " but though all of them are sufficiently po- tent to annihilate the' parasite, most of them are also strong enough to kill the dog." He says, " A little powdered camphor rubbed into the coat will mostly abate and often eradicate the nuisance." T have seen the beautiful black coat of a dog turned to a dirty brown by the use of coal oil, cats killed by carbolic acid solutions, and kittens killed by Persian insect powder, which seems generally to do no harm if applied only to a portion of the body and well shaken out of the fur. Professor Mills says, " Nothing but watchfulness and work " will keep an animal free from these pests, which fortunately never pass from them to a human How to Care for Animals 435 being. The condition of some dogs and cats made thin and wretched by vermin, is a great discredit to their owners. A red cedar box to lie in or sleep in is said to be a preventive from fleas, as they detest this wood. A lady suggests that one drop of pennyroyal rubbed in the fur, or a string dipped in the pennyroyal extract and tied about the cat's body will drive away fleas. Worms. Dr. Plageman says, " Worms and distem- per kill more young dogs than all the other diseases put together." He thinks ninety per cent, of all pup- pies are infested with parasites, and it is probably the same with kittens. Worms cause fits, colic, vomiting, coughing, etc. Simple and useful remedies are, a quarter to half a teaspoonful of powdered charcoal in the milk, or food, once or twice a day, occasionally; a little powdered sulphur now and then smeared on the forepaws with lard for a cat, or in milk for a dog; a little wormwood tea mixed in the milk; or " tea made from hulled pump- kin or squash seeds, stewed to a pulp and the fluid poured off, given in teaspoonful doses," says Professor Mills. Some doctors recommend from half a grain to a grain of santonine in a teaspoonful of castor oil, in the morning, half an hour before eating, two or three times a week. For a fox terrier, five or six weeks old, Professor Mayhew says, give half a grain in a tea- spoonful of castor oil; for collie, same age, three- fourths of a grain; for a St. Bernard, same age, one grain. Professor Mills recommends areca (betel) nut, freshly ground, one grain to the pound weight of the animal, not to be given to a dog under five or six 436 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog weeks old. The danger always is that the dose of medicine will be too large. Better use half the quan- tity suggested than an overdose. Authorities differ about areca nut, as about other medicines, some claim- ing that it is harmless, others that it makes the animal sick, is dangerous, and never to be given. It must be used with castor oil. Fits. These are convulsive movements of the body caused by worms, sudden fear, undue excitement, over- heating, indigestion, constipation, distemper, exhaus- tion from nursing their young, and sometimes from overfeeding of meat to young animals. Miss Winslow says, " Half the fits which cats have are caused by indi- gestion. In all cases their meat should be cut fine." I once had a large pet cat who always enjoyed walks with me and my dogs. I soon found that if the walk was extended beyond a short distance, the cat fell on his side and twitched convulsively while foam covered his mouth. The natural thing is for the animal, half- frenzied, to run away the moment it partially recovers, and perhaps never return. I always took the cat at once in my arms, put a little cold water on his head as soon as possible never plunge an animal into cold water soothed him with kind words, wrapped him in a warm shawl, as the fit lessens the vitality, placed him in a quiet, darkened room, and let him sleep for some hours. There is little danger of being bitten, and if so the bite is not poisonous. I have seen women put a little cat out of doors on a winter's night because it had a fit, an inhuman thing to do, or run away from it in fright, as though a poor helpless creature could bring harm to any one. How to Care for Animals 437 Dogs are often subject to fits, and if on the street, the cry of " mad dog " is usually raised, and the innocent creature is run after by a crowd, and shot by some unskilled policeman. " During the fit nothing can usually be done but to prevent the animal injuring him- self as far as possible, and from escaping when deranged mentally," says Professor Mills. A very simple remedy for fits given in Pets and Ani- mals for September, 1900, is to smear a teaspoon ful of castor oil on a cat's forepaws, and he will lick it off, and be purged thereby. The same paper says of hydro- phobia, that men who have cared for dogs for years have not known a single case, the real trouble being worms, apoplexy, neuralgia, or the like. " It is a known fact among these men that a good dose of castor oil will cure a large per cent, of ' hydrophobia ' cases." In chronic cases of epilepsy or fits, both Dr. Mayhew and Professor Mills suggest bromide of potassium, the daily dose from two to eight grains given in water, according to the size of the animal. One grain may be given to a cat. A lady cures her cat by putting one- half a teaspoonful of bromide of potassium in a half glass of water, and giving a teaspoonful of the mixture once an hour. She thinks a pinch of sulphur in milk " a sovereign remedy for all of pussy's ailments." Mange. What passes for mange or dog itch is quite often eczema, which is very common, and requires a long time to cure. It is a skin disease caused usually by overfeeding or underfeeding. ' The half-starved dog is very liable to eczema," says Professor Mills. Mange is contagious, but Dr. Mayhew says that it has not been proved that dogs can give it to cats, or other 438 Our Devoted Friend, The Dog animals. Eczema, sometimes called red mange, is not contagious. The blood must be purified. Epsom salts once a week, with a little ginger or sugar added, or sulphur, will be found helpful. Soothing and cooling lotions may be applied; a little sodium carbonate (wash- ing soda) in the water with which the parts are bathed. Dr. Mayhew says, " The treatment of mange consists in applying agents to destroy the parasite, and the only remedy in my opinion worth mentioning is sulphur, mixed with some excipient, as lard, vaseline, or oil, one part sulphur to eight parts vaseline, to make it more easily applied to the skin. The sulphur treatment is most effective; and however much the dog licks the dressing it does no harm beyond acting as a slight purge. ' There are numerous other remedies recommended for the cure of this disease, such as the different prepara- tions of mercury, which I never use or recommend, as they are very poisonous ; also the different preparations of tar and its products, as carbolic acid (also very poi- sonous for dogs), oil of tar, etc. . . For short coated dogs I always use the ointment made with vase- line, as it is more easily worked into the skin, besides being, in my opinion, more easily absorbed than when made with lard. For dogs with long thick coats the sulphur is best mixed with vegetable oil. The dressing should be used every other day for a week; then, after a couple of days or so, the dog should be thoroughly washed, as the skin cannot perform its proper functions when filled with oil continuously." For dogs kept in the house, he says, Balsam of Peru may be mixed with the sulphur instead of the vaseline, as it is free from How to Care for Animals 439 grease. I know a lady whose cat, when seemingly past help, was completely cured by sulphur and lard rubbed on the diseased spots. Dr. Hill uses for eczema a liniment composed of oxide of zinc, odorless petroleum oil, a little oil of tar and sulphur; or oxide of zinc and olive oil each one- half ounce; or arnica tincture two drams with rose- water seven ounces, the latter applied two or three times a day. Mrs. Mary O. Elster, after washing a dog with cas- tile soap, used an ointment which she wrote me is good " on all sores and mangy spots. Take fourteen ounces of vaseline, one ounce zinc (chemically pure), about a teaspoonful of pine tar and a little mutton tallow. Warm them all together until thoroughly mixed. It is fine for man or beast." Diarrhoea. Professor Mills recommends a dose of castor oil. Dr. Hill says, " The treatment of diar- rhcea in its early stages is exceedingly simple. A mild dose of castor oil to remove the irritant, and bland mucilaginous food, without solids will generally effect a cure, or mutton broth thickened with rice, or barley water." Miss Winslow says, " put the cat in a warm room, give a scant half teaspoonful of castor oil, and six or eight hours afterwards repeat the dose, with two drops of laudanum added to it. Follow up this treat- ment with a teaspoonful, three times a day, of chalk mixture, with half a drop of laudanum in each dose." Distemper. This is a contagious disease somewhat like influenza, found especially among young dogs. It is known usually by a watery discharge from eyes and nose, coughing, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite an