0f&tf*&*eijfr. r J S-0ESE LIBRARY, T \ UN TV VERSiTY OF CALIFORNIA. & Received.. Accessions No ^ (7 ^ Shelf No. __ *O THE ACTION OF LIGHTNING THE MEANS OF DEFENDING LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM ITS EFFECTS BY AKTHUB PAENELL MAJOR IN THE CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS i/TT ' 1 U ' LONDON CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND CO. 7, STATIONEES' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL 1882 FSIWTBD BY J. S. VIRTUE AND CO., LIM7TBD, CITT BOAD. PREFACE. THE object of this work is to present in some detail the probable nature of the action of lightning, and to suggest means which shall tend to give better and more economical defence to life and property against its effects than is afforded by the methods now in use. The work is divided into three Pari;s. Part I. consists of recorded facts and opinions. The latter have been compiled partly as supplying evidence of the ideas generally entertained on the subject, and partly for the purpose of fortifying the views now advanced. Part II. is a superstructure of theory erected on the foundation of fact and electrical law comprised in the fore- going Part. Part III. is the practical outcome of this theory, and describes the various defensive measures advocated. DEVONPORT, April 30^, 1881. TABLE OF CONTENTS, LIST OF AUTHORITIES. PART I. FACTS AND OPINIONS. CHAPTER I. NOTES ON LIGHTNING. PAGE SECTION A. ELECTRICAL NOTES . . . . 1 (a) Electricity 1 (b) Electrical Measurement . . . . ... 2 (e) Potential 3 (d) Insulation 4 (e) Induction . . . 4 (/) Condensation 5 (g] Electric Sparks 6 SECTION B. THE CONDUCTIVITY OF MATERIALS . ... 6 SECTION C. THE ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH 10 (a) Atmospheric Electricity 10 (b) Rain and Hail ; . . 12 (c) Clouds . 13 (d) Terrestrial Electricity 14 (e) Earth Currents 16 (/) The Earth's Magnetism 17 (g) Aurorso 20 (*) St. Elmo's Fires . . . . - . . . .21 (i) Waterspouts 22 <*) Earthquakes 23 (I) Volcanic Eruptions 25 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE SECTION D. LIGHTNING DISCHARGES 26 (*) The Nature of Lightning 26 (b) The Action of Lightning on Materials . . . .30 (e) Return Strokes 31 (d) The Effect of Lightning on Persons . . .32 (e) The Effect of Lightning on Telegraphs .... 33 SECTION E. THE INFLUENCE OF METALS ON LIGHTNING . . 35 SECTION F. PRESERVATIVES FROM LIGHTNING . . . .36 SECTION G. STATISTICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES . . .39 CHAPTER II.- NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. SECTION A. HISTORICAL NOTES 47 SECTION B. DETAILS OF LIGHTNING RODS 52 SECTION C. POINTS OF RODS .59 SECTION D. EARTH CONNECTIONS OF RODS 65 SECTION E. THE APPLICATION OF RODS 70 SECTION F. THE INSPECTION OF RODS 75 SECTION G. THB PROTECTIVE POWERS OF RODS . . .77 CHAPTER III. SOME INCIDENTS OF LIGHTNING ACTION. CHAPTER IV. SOME INSTANCES OF EXISTING LIGHT- NING RODS. PART II. THE THEORY OF THE ACTION OF LIGHTNING. CHAPTER V. ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS AND DATA. SECTION A. ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS 145 (a) Fundamental Terms 145 (b) The Influence of Bodits 147 (c) The Nature of Condensers 147 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Vll PAGE SECTION B. ELECTRICAL DATA 148 (a) Electrical Formulae 148 (b) The Three Elements of Electricity 149 (c) Collectors and Insulators 150 (d) Electrical Explosions 150 (e) Electrical Keturn Strokes 151 (/) Electrical Leaks 151 (g] Illustrations of Electrical Action 152 CHAPTER VI. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRES- TRIAL CONDENSER. SECTION A. THE FUNCTION OF THE EARTH IN THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER 154 (a) The Relation between the Earth and the Clouds . .154 (b) The Earth's Electricity 156 SECTION B. THE THEORY or DESCENDING LIGHTNING . . 160 (a) Facts Regarding Descending Lightning . . . .160 (b) Descending Lightning from the Aspect of Electrical Law 165 SECTION C. THE OUTLINE OF THE TERRESTRIAL PLATE . .167 SECTION D. THE INFLUENCES OF THE MATERIALS COMPOSING THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER . . . .170 (a) Table of Influences of Various Substances . . .171 (I) Remarks on the Table 174 SECTION E. THE DISCHARGE OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER 174 (a) The Various Forms of Terrestrial Electrical Discharge . 174 (b) The Rationale of Thunderbolts 176 CHAPTER VII. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. SECTION A. THE ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE 179 (a) The Accumulation of Electricity on the Earth's Surface 179 (b) Surfaces of Water 180 () Moist Earth . . . 182 (d) Rocky and Dry Surfaces 182 (e) Paved Surfaces 183 (/) Surfaces Formed by Railway Metals . . . .185 (ff) The Shape and Geological Formation of the Ground . 185 (h) Analysis of Incidents in regard to Conditions of Surface 186 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE SECTION B. DETAILS OP THUNDERBOLT ACTION . . . .187 (a) Classification of Objects on the Earth's Surface . . 187 () Electrical Connection 189 (c) Explosive Action 190 (d) Local Plates . 194 (. f u~v,*^ -} / 24th July, 1829, che application of lightning 18th March, 1846, conductors for the protection V ' } W. 0. ^ of powder magazines andj ( 6th A 1875 . other buildings. ' [NOTE. The appendixes A and B to W.O. Instructions of 25th of May, 1858, are by Sir W. Snow Harris.] TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI 11 (25.) "Rough Notes on Electricity." Chatham. 1873 . Chath. (26.) "Lightning Conductors, their History, Nature, and Mode of Application," by Richard Anderson, F.C.S., F.G.S., Member of the Society of Telegraph Engineers. London : Spon. 1879 And. (27.) " Encyclopaedia of Experimental Philosophy." "Electri- city," by the Rev. Francis Lunn, A.M., F.R.S. . Lunn. (28.) Clark and Sabine's Electrical Tables and Formulae . Clark. (29.) Desohanel's "Natural Philosophy," edited by Professor Everett, F.R.S. 1872 Desch. (30.) "How to Build a House," a translation by B. Bucknall, Architect, of Viollet-le-Duc's ' Histoire d'une Maison." London : Sampson Low & Co. 1874 . . . Violl. (31.) Buchan' s "Handy Book of Meteorology." Second Edition. Edinburgh: Blackwood. 1868 . . . . Such. (32.) " Scrambles amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-69," by Edward Whymper. London: Murray. 1871. . Whymp. (33.) Report of Major Majendie, R.A., H.M. Inspector of Ex- plosives, to the Home Secretary, dated 17th September, 1878 Rep. Expl. (34.) Royal Engineers' Journal, 1876.; No. Ixiii. . . R.E.J. (35.) The Wellington Weekly Gazette W.W.G. (36.) The Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review . . . Tel. (37.) Symons' Meteorological Magazine . . . S.M.M. (38.) The Times newspaper . . . . * . . Times. (39.) The Illustrated London News I.L.tf. (40.) The Standard newspaper Stand. (41.) The Graphic newspaper Graph. (42.) The Western Morning News W.M.N. (43.) The Western Weekly News W.W.N. (44.) Kentish newspaper K.P. (45.) Mr. Von Fischer Treuenfeld, M.S.T.E. . . . Trett. (46.) M. Francisque Michel franc. Mich. (47.) Mr. G. J. Symons, F.R.S Sym. (48.) Mr. Latimer Clark, F.R.S Lat. Clark. (49.) Mr. James Graves, M.S.T.E. .... Grav. (50.) M. E. Nouel Nouel. (51.) Captain D. Galton, F.R.S., C.B Gait. (52.) Professor Abel, F.R.S Abel. (53 ) Mr. W. E. Ayrton, M.S.T.E Ayrt. (54.) " A Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," by J. E. H. Gordon, B.A. Camb., Assistant Secretary of the British Association. London : Sampson Low & Co. 1880. . Gord. I. A a 1-4 ON LIGHTNING. fart S. FACTS AND OPINIONS. CHAPTEE I. NOTES ON LIGHTNING. (A.) ELECTRICAL NOTES. (a) Electricity. (1.) ELECTRICITY is one form of energy, and therefore necessarily force, and not matter. (Preece, 337.) (2.) " Electricity is a powerful physical agent which manifests itself mainly by attractions and repulsions, but also by luminous and heating effects, by violent commotions, and many other phenomena." (Gan. 584.) (3.) "It may be impossible that we shall ever arrive at a perfect knowledge of the subtle operations from whence the phenomena of electricity result. Therefore any theo- retical view of them, as of many other questions in physical science, is but a sort of intellectual contrivance for representing to the mind the order and connection sub- sisting between observed phenomena." (Harr. 66.) (3a.) " We have as yet no conception of electricity apart from the electrified body; we have no experience of its independent existence." (Gord. i. 1.) (4.) The science of electricity "has two great divisions ; the one called 'Frictional electricity,' the other 'Voltaic electricity.' " (Tynd. 19.) 2 LIGHTNING. I. A I 58. (5.) Electricity is derived from the following sources, viz. : 1. Friction. 2. Induction. 3. The contact of dissimilar metals. 4. The contact of metals with liquids. 5. " A mere variation of the character of the contact of two bodies." 6. " Chemical action produces a continuous flow of electricity (roltaic electricity)." 7. "Heat, suitably applied to dissimilar metals, produces a con- tinuous flow of electricity (thermo-electricity)." 8. The heating and cooling of certain crystals (pyro-electricity)." 9. " The motion of magnets and of bodies carrying electric currents (magneto-electricity) ." 10. " The friction of sand against a metal plate." 11. "The friction of condenged water particles against a safety valve, or, better still, against a boxwood muzzle, through which steam is driven (Armstrong's hydro-electric machine)." (Tynd. 110.) (b) Electrical Measurement. (6.) In electro-static measurement, it is found by experi- ment that when F is the force of repulsion or attraction between two small electrified bodies, Q and Q^ the charges or quantities in those bodies, and D their dis- tance apart, then F = -j^ 1 , and, where Qj = Q, F ^ 2 , whence the value of Q, can be determined. (Jen. 95.) (7.) If Q is the quantity of electricity on a body, S ,, ,, capacity of such body, and P ,, potential then Q = PS. (Jen. 96 & 97.) (8.) " The following table of dimensions and constants is taken from the British Association Report on Electrical Standards, 1863." " Fundamental units Length = L. Time = T. Mass = M." NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 3 I. A c 912. Derived mechanical units Force = F = ^ L . Velocity =V==." " Electrostatic system of units Quantity of electricity = Q = _1. T . Strength of electric current = = Electro-motive force = E = .. m Eesistance of conductor =. R =_." L (Jen. 163 & 164.) (9.) Distance = 1. Mass = m. Time = t. Velocity = 7 7 T . Acceleration = - = _. Force = acceleration x mass t t t* = ~. Work = force X distance = ~. (Desch.) t t (10.) Quantity = fll = ^LL*. Potential = work t quantity = ^. Capacity = ^ntity t potential (11.) Ohm's law. n Electro-motive force / T Q0 N Laurent = =r ; . (Jen. 82.) Resistance (0) Potential. (12.) Potential may be compared with a head of water. 07^. 10 & 40.) B2 4 LIGHTNING. I. A de 1320. (13.) " Difference of potential is a difference of electrical condition in virtue of which work is done by positive electricity in moving from the point at a higher potential to that at a lower." (Jen. 26.) (d) Insulation. (14.) An insulated surface can only lose its electricity gradually. (Jen. 3.) (15.) " We may expect that if from any cause the distribu- tion of electricity in a body can be varied, even without its total amount being changed, this redistribution will take place almost instantaneously in the electrified conductor, and much more slowly in the electrified insulator." (Jen. 3.) (16.) " No substance is found to insulate so perfectly as to possess the power of keeping the two electricities asunder for more than a limited time. A perpetual leak- age is always occurring from the one to the other through the mass of the insulator, until the combination or neutral- isation is complete, and all signs of electricity disappear." (Jen. 8.) (e) Induction. (17.) If a positively charged body A be brought near an uncharged body B, "it attracts negative elec- tricity to that end of the body B which is near it, and repels positive electricity to the remoter portions of B." (Jen. 11.) (18.) "Induction of electricity must take place in the space surrounding every electrified body." (Jen. 12.) (19.) "Induction always takes place between two con- ductors at different potentials separated by an insulator." (Jen. 13.) {20.) " The very existence of the original charge im- plies the induced charge." (Jen. 13.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 5 I. A/ 20a 26. (200.) " The only manner in which we can in any way account for the observed facts of attraction, repulsion, and induction is by assuming that the forces are transmitted by a strain or distortion of the medium which fills the space between the electrified bodies." (Gord. i. 20.) (/) Condensation. (21.) " Whenever a conductor is charged, a kind of Leyden jar is necessarily formed. The conductor is the inner coating, the air the dielectric, and the nearest sur- rounding conductors . . . form the outer coating." (Jen. 19.) (22.) "A condenser is an apparatus for condensing a large quantity of electricity on a comparatively small sur- face. The form may vary considerably, but in all cases consists essentially of two insulated conductors, separated by a non-conductor, and depends on the action of induc- tion." (Gan. 622.) (23.) Condensation is the " operation of obtaining elec- tricity of high potential from a source of comparatively low potential." (Chath. 134.) (24.) Franklin found that the electricity in a condenser resides in the dielectric. This can be proved by making the coatings of a Leyden jar movable. (Tynd. 78.) (25.) "The coefficient by which the capacity of an air condenser must be multiplied in order to give the capacity of the same condenser when another dielectric is sub- stituted for air is constant for each substance, and is called the ' specific inductive capacity' of the dielectric." (Jen. 97.) (25#.) Specific inductive capacity is " the specific power of the substance of which the insulator is composed of receiving and transmitting that electric strain which we call induction." (Gord. i. 69.) (26.) Approximate specific inductive capacities : 6 LIGHTNING. I. A ^27 31; Bl, 2. Air 1 Pitch 1-8 Glass . .1-9 India-rubber. . . . 2*8 Gutta-percha. . . .4*2 Mica 5 (Jen. 96.) (g) Electric Sparks. (27.) Electric sparks are said to overcome the resistance of the air, but this resistance has nothing in common with the resistance which is the subject of Ohm's law." (Jen. 92.) (28.) Sir Charles Wheatstone found in a special case the duration of an electric spark to be TT&tro of a second, but this was the maximum. In other cases it was less than nn>fcoTT "pure water. ) ^ R ain water." (/3) Between "rain water" and "snow," "ice above 13 D Fahr." is inserted, (y) For "earths and stones in their ordinary state" "moist earths and stones." (i) Between "porcelain" and "air," "dry vegetable bodies" are inserted. (Lunn t 72.) (9.) Extracts from Tyndall's list of conductivity : " Conductors." The common metals. Well-burned charcoal. Bain water. Linen. Vegetables and animals. " Semi-Conductors." Wood. Marble. Straw. " Insulators" Chalk. India-rubber. Paper. Hair. Silk. Glass. (Tynd. 18.) (10.) Conductivity of pure copper = 100,000,000. Ditto of solution of concentrated common salt = 31-52. (Clark.} NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 9 I. B 1114. (11.) Extracts from list in E. E. Aide-Memoire of ' ' Bodies arranged in the order of their relative conducting power : " " Conductors." "Most Perfect" All known metals. Well-burned charcoal. Plumbago. Burning gaseous matter, as flame. Smoke. " Less Perfect." Dry chalk and lime. Marble and porcelain. Paper. Wood in its ordinary state. Water. Snow and ice from 32 to 0. Living animals. Living vegetables. Aqueous vapour. Common earth and stone. "Non-conductors or Insulators." " Less Perfect." Ice below of Fahrenheit. Dried vegetable substances. Dried animal substances. Parchment, leather, feathers. Fur and hair. Silk. Most Perfect." Dry air and other gases. Pure steam of high elasticity. Glass and all vitrefactions. All resins and resinous bodies. (R. E. A. 56.) (12.) Order of conductivity of metals, fro.: Silver 100 Copper 99-9 Gold 80 Zinc 29 Platina 18 Iron 16-8 Tin 13-1 Lead 8*3 German silver . . . 7'7 Mercury 1*6 Bismuth 1*2 Graphite 0-07 (. E. A. 56.) (13.) Those bodies are " conveniently designated as conductors which when applied to a charged electroscope discharge it almost instantaneously, semi-conductors being those which discharge it in a short but measurable time a few seconds for instance ; while non-conductors effect no discharge in the course of a minute." (G-an. 587.) ( 14. ) The following list * ' is arranged in order of decreas- ing conductivity, or, what is the same thing, of increased resistance. The arrangement is not invariable, however. Conductivity depends on many physical conditions." The following are extracts from the list : B 3 10 I. B 15, 16. " Conductors." Metals. Well-burnt charcoal. Graphite. Aqueous solutions. Water. Snow. Vegetables. Animals. Linen. Cotton. LIGHTNING. Ofll 3. " Semi-conductors." Wood. Ice at 0. " Non-conductors." Ice at 25 C. Lime. Caoutchouc. Air and dry gases. Dry paper. Silk. Glass. Resins. (Gan. 586.) (15.) The average result of the researches of Sir Humphrey Davy, Becquerel, Lenz, Ohm, and Pouillet as regards the relative conductivity of copper and iron fixes the proportion as that of 100 to 16. (And. 55.) (16.) Specific resistances of substances in absolute units, as given by Professor Everett, F.R.S., in his "Units and Physical Constants : " Silver, hard drawn Copper Gold Iron, annealed 1609 1642 2154 9827 Lead, pressed .... 19,847 Water at 22 C. . . 7' 18 X 10 10 Gutta-percha at 24 C. 2-53 X 10 23 (Gord. i. 259.) (0.) THE ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH. (a) Atmospheric Electricity. (1.) "The electric telegraph forces us to combine our ideas with reference to terrestrial magnetism and atmo- spheric electricity. We must look on the earth and air as a whole a globe of earth and air and consider its elec- tricity, whether at rest or in motion." This science is that of " terrestrial electricity." (Thorns. Tel. 15/1/74.) (2.) " The subject of atmospheric electricity is yet in its infancy, and is one of extreme difficulty." (Do. S. T. E. 369.) (3.) "No connection between atmospheric electricity, thunderstorms, or generally the state of the weather, has yet been discovered." (Do.} NOTES QN LIGHTNING. 11 I. C4 14. (4.) "There is no reason to suppose that clouds are essential to electrical discharge in the atmosphere. On the contrary, instances are recorded, both in ancient and modern times, of lightning flashes occurring in a perfectly clear sky." (Do.) (5.) " In fair weather, the surface of the earth is always, in these countries at all events, found negatively elec- trified." (Do. Tel. 15/1/74.) (6.) " Positive electricity of the air is merely inferential. The result obtained in daily observations is precisely the same as if the earth were electrified negatively, and the air had no electricity in it whatever." (Do.) (7.) " Probably all space is non-conductive, and the upper regions of the air have no electricity." (Do.) (8.) The atmosphere always contains free electricity, sometimes positive, and sometimes negative. (Gfan. 827.) (9.) The electricity of the ground is always negative; but it varies according to the hygrometric and thermometric states of the air. (Do. 828.) (10.) " Many hypotheses have been propounded to ex- plain the origin of atmospheric electricity. Some have ascribed it to the friction of the air against the ground, some to the vegetation of plants, or to the evaporation of water. Some again have compared the earth to a vast voltaic pile, and others to a thermo- electrical apparatus. Many of these causes may in fact concur in producing the phenomena." (Do.) (11.) Yolta showed that evaporation produced electricity, and Pouillet and others have proved that the evaporation must be that of undistilled water. (Do.) (12.) Evaporation and vegetation are great sources of the electricity of the atmosphere. (Her&ch. 127.) (13.) Friction is probably one of the causes of atmo- spheric electricity. Evaporation is a more powerful source, but it must be accompanied by chemical decomposition. Combustion and vegetation are also sources. (Kaem. 336.) (14.) "It is considered that electricity is being per- 12 LIGHTNING. I. C I 1522. petually evolved from the earth (as from a huge electric machine) by the incessant changes in the mechanical as well as chemical condition of its constituents ; such changes for instance as those accompanying variations of tempera- ture produced by the enormous extent of evaporation from the land and fresh water as well as from the ocean by the absorption and re-irradiation of solar heat ; by the escape of central heat ; or by the decomposition and recomposition perpetually in progress over the face of the earth, of all descriptions, from slow putrefaction to rapid combustion, &c., &c., all of which are more or less associated with changes in electric condition." (Nets. A. M.} (b) Rain and Sail. (15.) D'Alibard and Franklin found that every shower of rain is accompanied by electricity. (Kaem. 328.) (16.) Rain and (especially) hail are probably causes of lightning. The electriferous globules of the clouds coalesce into rain, and a sudden increase of electric tension results. Each great flash of lightning is generally suc- ceeded by a sudden rush of rain. (HerscJi. 131.) (17.) The condensed vapours liberate electricity. Rain or hail follows flashes of lightning. These are the effect of rain rather than the cause of it. (Kaem. 368.) (18.) Rain falling during thunderstorms contains nitric acid. (Ar. 64.) (19.) Thundery weather is known to turn milk sour, to spoil beer, and to hasten the corruption of meat. (Do. 98.) (20.) " The formation of hail appears to be indisputably connected with the presence of an abundant quantity of fulminating matter in the clouds." (Do. 235.) (21.) Hail commits great ravages in France on agricul- ture, and especially in the vine districts. (Do. 233.) (22.) The use of pointed captive balloons is suggested by Arago in order to dissipate hailstorms and thunder- storms. (Do.} NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 13 I. C 023 32. (23.) " Hailstorms are those in which the development of electricity attains the largest proportions. The thick clouds in which the meteor becomes elaborated are laden with a large quantity of electrical fluid." (Flam. 442.) (24.) Hail is formed of globules of ice, and generally precedes thunderstorms. It is not well accounted for. (Gan. 816824.) (25.) It generally falls in the hottest time of day, and in spring or summer. (Do.} (26.) Electricity is present in dew, fog, and snow. (JTaem. 342.) (c) Clouds. (27.) Cloud is only fog. Fog is always in a compara- tively high electric state. (Hersch. 129.) (28.) The following heights of thunderclouds have been observed : By De L'Isle, at Paris, in 1712 .... 26,510 feet. Abbe Chappe, at Tobolsk, in 1761 . . 10,960 Lambert, at Berlin, 1773 . . . { ^ Le Gentil, at Mauritius .... 2,953 ,, Pondicherry, in 1769 . . 10,827 D'Abbadie, at Abyssinia, in 1843 5 . ( a f Q l\ ( O,DOU ) Once in Austria (See incident No. 3, Chap. III.) 92 (Ar. 17.) (29.) Thunderclouds are about 1,300 to 1,400 yards distant from the earth in winter, and 3,300 to 4,400 in summer. (Gan. 816 824.) (30.) The thickness of a low-lying stormcloud at Gratz, in Austria, on 15th June, 1826, was found to be 120 feet. (And. 69.) (31.) Clouds approach each other either by electric action, or when driven by winds. (Harr. 59.) (32.) Wind and electric attraction tend to make the clouds approach the earth. (Mann. 1875, 531.) 14 LIGHTNING. I. C 21 18-05 19-29 5th 1st Derby J ( Middlesex (extra Metro- " III. politan), Hertford, } Buckingham, Oxford, i (Northampton, Hunt- 21 17-45 8-03 5th 2nd ingdon, Bedford, and Cambridge . . . . j IV. ( Essex, Suffolk, and Nor- } 11 11-01 13-55 8th 3rd 1 folk . J IX. Yorkshire 23 11-25 9 97 2nd 4th ! Durham, Northumber- j X. land, Cumberland, and > Westmoreland . . . ) 15 12-26 5-46 7th 5th / Gloucester, Hereford, \ VI. \ Shropshire, Stafford, / j Worcester, and War- I 23 10-15 7-35 2nd 6th \ wick / / Surrey (extra Metropo- II. \ litan), Kent (extra 1 Metropolitan), Sussex, 22 11-94 4-48 4th 7th \ Hants, and Berks . . XL Wales and Monmouth . 11 9-34 6-62 8th 8th VIII. Cheshire and Lancashire 26 9-09 4-11 1st 9th {Wilts, Dorset, Devon, V. Cornwall, and Somer- 11 7-24 3-23 8th 10th set . I. ( London(includingMetro- \ \ politan District) . . } 8 2-92 33 llth llth For England and Wales . . . 192 10-09 6-50 (Compiled fro /n Rtg. Eny.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 43 I. G12 18. (12.) In the Government report of 1852, the average number of persons in France stated to be annually killed by lightning is 69. This is probably below the truth. (Ar. 134.) (13.) The following is an imperfect list, culled by Arago from newspapers, of persons killed in a small portion of France : Year. Months. Numbers of killed. Remarks. 1841 May October 12 1 on banks of Seine. 1842 May September 15 ( 4 in a boat at Marseilles, { 3 under trees, 1 in a bed. 1843 April September 16 | 7 under trees, 3 under \ a corn-rick. 1844 March October . 21 ( 1 under tree, 2 ringing 1 bells. 1845 May October 11 ( 3 under trees, 1 ringing \ bells. 1846 May September 18 / 3 under trees, 1 ringing I bells. 1848 July August 4 1849 March May . . 8 2 under trees. (Do. 135.) (14.) In France, in the 17 years from 1835 to 1852, 1,308 persons were killed. (Mann, 1875, 540.) (15.) In the United States, in 1797, from June to August inclusive, 24 persons were struck, of whom 17 were killed. (Kaem. 351.) (16.) In Prussia, 1,004 persons were killed during the 9 years from 1869 to 1877. (And. 170.) (17.) In Austria, during the 8 years from 1870 to 1877, 1,702 fires were occasioned by lightning. (Do. 174.) (18.) In Switzerland, 33 deaths occurred from light- ning in the two years 1876 77. (Do. 175.) 44 LIGHTNING. I. G19 30. (19.) In Sweden, during the 60 years from 1816 to 1877, 664 persons were killed, of whom 15 were in towns, and 649 in the country. (Do. 172.) (20.) In Russia (except Poland and Finland) in the 5 years, 1870 74, 2,270 persons were killed by lightning, of whom 109 were in towns, and 2,161 in the country. (Do. 171.) (21.) During these 5 years, the following fires were occasioned in Russia (except Poland and Finland) by lightning, viz. in towns 93, in the country 4,099. (Do. 171.) (22.) The year 1880 appears to have been one of general terrestrial electrical disturbance in Europe ; thunderstorms were frequent; earthquakes and volcanic eruptions oc- curred ; and auroree, earth currents, and waterspouts were manifested. Earthquakes also occurred during this year in Smyrna, in the Philippine Isles, and in Chili. (23.) In Lima, and in Lower Peru generally, there are no clouds, and no thunder and lightning, but a permanent opaque vaporous fog. (Ar. 109.) (24.) No rain falls in lower regions of Peru, and a S.W. wind prevails. (Enc. Met. 111.) (25.) Beyond 75 lat. thunderstorms are unknown in the open sea. (Ar. 110.) (26.) In Iceland, they are very little known. (Do. 111.) (27.) In St. Helena, they are very little known. (Do. 123.) (28.) It appears that there are frequently slight shocks of earthquake in the valley of the Cabul river, in the Punjab and Afghanistan ; but never thunderstorms. (29.) In Jamaica, from November to April, lightning and thunder are of almost daily occurrence at the summits of the Port Royal Mountains. (Ar. 115.) (30.) In Devonshire, Cornwall, and the neighbourhood of Swansea, thunderstorms are frequent in proportion to the absence of metallic mines, a fact probably due to their furnaces and tall chimneys. (Do. 116.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING. 45 I. G31 39. (31.) In America there is an opinion that barns full of grain or forage are more often struck than other buildings. (Do. 199.) (32.) Thunderstorms disperse, or turn off, at Niort, Mayenne, France, where much diorite containing iron exists. (Do. 117.) (33.) At Grondome, in the Apennines, there is a pointed eminence containing iron in serpentine rock, where frequent short thunderstorms occur. (Do.) (34.) In New Granada, the position of Tumba Barreto, near the gold mine of Vega de Sapia, is avoided by the miners, many having been killed there by the frequent strokes of lightning. (Do. 180.) (35.) "In the interior of the great towns of Europe, men appear to be very little exposed to danger from lightning." Do. 178.) (36.) " According to an opinion widely prevailing, arsons are much more exposed in villages and in the open country." (Do. 180.) (37.) In the Mediterranean, in 15 months of the years 182930, 5 of H.M. ships were struck. (Ar. 186.) (38.) Table of frequency of thunderstorms. Place. No. of years obser- Years in which observed. Mean No. of days vations. per year. Paris 41 1785 to 1837 13-6 London . 13 1807 1822 8-3 Berlin . 15 | 1770 1785 18-3 St. Petersburg 11 1726 1736 9-1 Toulouse 7 1784 1790 15-4 Padua . 4 1780 1783 17-3 Cairo 2 1835 1836 3-5 Rio Janeiro 6 1782 1787 50-6 Pekin . . . 6 1757 1762 5-8 (Do. 128.) (39.) Thunderstorms are more numerous in Schleswig- Holstein than in any other part of Central and Northern 46 LIGHTNING. I. GUO 42. Europe. The province is intersected by rivers and canals. (And. 222.) (40.) On August 9th, 1863, Mr. E. Whymper, in at- tempting to ascend the Matterhorn, experienced, near its summit, a severe snowstorm which lasted 26 Hours, and shortly after its commencement became a heavy thunder- storm, with much thunder and lightning all round his position. All this time fine weather prevailed below the mountain, only a small cloud having been observed near its summit. ( Whymp. 169.) (41.) On July 30th, 1869, Mr. E. B. Heathcote, of Ching- ford, Essex, was with 3 guides within 500 feet of the top of the Matterhorn, when he was surrounded by mist and heard close to him much thunder. There was no wind nor rain at the time, nor apparently did he see any lightning. The Matterhorn, like all Alpine rock summits, is frequently struck by lightning. (Whymp. 414.) (42.) On the 15th July, 1880, at 1.30 a.m., an explosion occurred at the Eisca coal pits near Newport, Monmouth- shire, ' ' while a tremendous thunderstorm was raging over the district." The shaft is 280 yards deep to the landing place. The men at the time in the mine, numbering 119, were killed, and the engine house, fan, and adjacent shaft were greatly damaged. " Yery vivid and frequent light- ning was observed." The cause of the explosion has not been ascertained, but it was conjectured at the time that ' ' the electrical condition of the atmosphere above ground may have had something to do with it." (Stand. 16/7/80. Graph. 24/7/80.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 47 II. A 1-6. i- DIVERSITY CHAPTER II. NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. (A.) HISTORICAL NOTES. (1.) " MANY centuries before Christ it had been observed that yellow amber (electron), when rubbed, possessed the power of attracting light bodies This is the germ out of which has grown the science of electricity, a name derived from the substance in which this power of attraction was first observed. This attraction was the sum of the world's knowledge of electricity for more than 2,000 years." (Tynd. 1.) (2.) In A.D. 1600, Dr. Gilbert observed that various spars, gems, stones, glasses, and resins, possessed the same power as amber. (Do. 2.) \_Seealso I. C. 63.] (3.) In 1675, Robert Boyle observed that rubbed amber became itself attracted. He also saw the light of elec- tricity by rubbing a diamond. (Do.) (4.) About 1675, Otto von Guericke, Burgomaster of Magdeburg, and inventor of the air-pump, devised the electrical machine in the form of a ball of sulphur. He also noticed the power of repulsion. (Do.) (5.) In 1675, electric light was first observed by Pickard, and in 1705, John Bernouilli and Hawksbee experimented on it. (Do.) (6.) In 1708, Dr. "Ward experimented with amber and wool, and produced cracklings and light ; and he says, " This light and crackling seem in some degree to repre- sent thunder and lightning." This is the first published allusion to thunder and lightning in connection with elec- tricity. (Do. 3.) 48 LIGHTNING. II. A 7 13. (7.) In 1729, Stephen Gray also observed the electric spark, and that the power evolved seemed to be of the same nature with that of thunder and lightning. In the same year he first noticed the actions of conduction and insulation. (Do. 13 and 14.) (8.) In 1733 37, the influence of moisture as a conduc- tor was first demonstrated by Du -Fay, who sent a charge through 1,256 feet of pack-thread. He also discovered that there are two kinds of electricity, vitreous and resinous. (Do. 22.) (9.) On the 23rd January, 1744, Ludolf, at the opening of the Academy of Sciences at Berlin by Frederick the Great, first ignited substances by the electric spark. (Do. 80.) (10.) On the 4th November, 1745, Kleist, a clergyman of Cammin, in Pomerania, announced by letter to Dr. Lieberkiihn, of Berlin, the discovery of the principle of the Leyden jar. Kleist missed the explanation of the prin- ciple, but the Leyden philosophers gave it, whence it derived the name of " Leyden jar." (Do. 66.) (11.) In 1748, Dr. Watson and Dr. Bevis improved the apparatus so as to arrive at the form of the present day. (Do.) (12.) Benjamin Franklin was born at Boston in January, 1706. He was a printer by trade, and kept a general store at Philadelphia for some time. He first heard of electri- city at a lecture by Dr. Spence in 1746. He then inves- tigated the subject and made experiments himself , sending accounts of them to the Royal Society. In 1750 he reported on the identity of electricity and lightning, and submitted the idea of fixing sharp pointed iron rods to the summits of buildings in order to protect them from light- ning. Buffon, the great naturalist, had Franklin's pamphlet on the subject translated, and through this means it spread over Europe. (And. 18.) (13.) At Buffon's instigation, M. D'Alibard made ex- periments, according to Franklin's suggestions, with a NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 49 II. A 1419. pointed iron rod 1 inch in diameter and 80 feet long, at Marly, near Paris; and on the 10th May, 1752, during a thunderstorm, the custodian of the rod (during D'Alibard's absence) observed at it vivid flashes. (Do. 20.) (14.) Unconscious of D'Alibard's success, Franklin himself experimented with a kite having a thin iron wire 1 foot long at the top, and on the evening of the 4th July, 1752, during a thunderstorm, he drew flashes with this kite in a field near his house at Philadelphia. (Do. 23.) (15.) In 1752, Franklin erected an iron lightning rod at his house, with a sharp steel point projecting 7 or 8 feet above the roof, and with the other end 5 feet in the ground By means of a contrivance, two bells were rung whenever an electrical current passed through the rod. He found that the bells rang sometimes "when there was no light- ning or thunder, but only a dark cloud over the rod;" sometimes, after a flash of lightning they would suddenly stop ; and at other times, when they had not rung before, they would suddenly begin to ring ; and there were con- siderable fluctuations in the currents. (Do. 26.) (16.) Franklin advertised, recommending people to erect their own iron rods, and giving simple directions ; houses thus armed were, however, found to be struck by lightning owing to the rods having been put up wrongly, or by im- postor professors. (Do. 29.) (17.) "The untaught multitude and the bigoted zealots opposed in Europe, as they did in America, the establish- ment of lightning conductors." To these was added "a not numerous but powerful section of literary men," chiefly French. The Abbe Nollet (teacher in Natural Philosophy) considerably retarded the introduction of lightning rods. (Do. 35 and 18.) (18.) Mr. Wilson, against the opinion of Franklin, Cavendish, and Watson, advocated the use of blunt con- ductors. (Tynd. 101.) (19.) Franklin devised the theory of a single electric P 50 LIGHTNING. II. A 20 28. fluid to explain electrical phenomena. Symmer devised that of two fluids, which is simpler. (Do. 22.) (20.) The inscription on a medal dedicated to Franklin after the declaration of American Independence was JSripuit fulmen ccelo, sceptrumque tyrannis. (HerscTi.) (21.) In 1753, Professor Eichmann was killed at St. Petersburg by "a thundercloud which discharged itself against the external rod " of his apparatus. (Tynd. 101.) [See III. 38.] (22.) In 1757, Be Romas, at Nerac, in France, sent up a kite 400 or 500 feet into the air during a moderate storm, and obtained thirty flashes, 9 or 10 feet long and 1 inch broad, in less than an hour, besides a thousand of 7 feet long and under. (Ar. 234 and Hersch.} (23.) About 1772, Beccaria experimented, during thunderstorms, at Yalentino Palace, Turin, with rods whose lower portions, connected with the ground, were slightly separated from the pointed upper parts, and obtained vivid sparks across the gap. (Ar. 230.) (24.) The destruction of the steeple of St. Bride's Church in London on the 18th June, 1764, led Dr. Watson to force the claims of rods on public attention in England. He erected the first rod in England at his own cottage at Payneshill, near London, in 1762. (And. 38.) [See III. 62.] (25.) The first lightning rod placed on a public building in Europe was at St. Jacob's Church, Hamburg, in 1769. (Do. 43.) (26.) In 1769, St. Paul's Cathedral was protected by lightning rods. (Tynd. 102.) [See III. 145.] (27.) The fact of Purfleet storehouse, when defended by a rod, being struck and damaged on the 15th May, 1777, led to an outcry against pointed rods. (And. 41.) [See III. 39.] (28.) In 1779, Lord Mahon (afterwards Lord Stanhope) published his " Principles of Electricity," with an explana- tion of " returning strokes." (Tynd. 102.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 51 II. A 2935. (29.) In 1829, solid iron rods 1 in. diameter, with tops of copper tipped with gold, were ordered to be used for the War Department powder magazines. (A. M., W. 0. 1829.) (30.) " The most decisive evidence in favour of conduc- tors was obtained from ships." Sir William Snow Harris's fixed lightning rods for ships were of great value. (Tynd. 102.) (31.) In 1820, Sir W. Snow Harris turned his attention to the best means of protecting H.M. ships from damage by lightning. In 1839, a Government Commission was ap- pointed, and on their report Harris's system was adopted. In 1855, he designed a system of protection for the new Houses of Parliament at a cost of 2,314, consisting mainly of copper tubes and bands. In 1858, he was called upon by the War Office to give advice as regards protect- ing powder magazines, and his recommendations were adopted. (And. 85 98.) (32.) In 1822, the French Minister of the Interior ordered all public buildings to be protected by rods, and applied to the Academy for advice ; this body nominated a Committee, who, through M. Gay Lussac, one of their number, presented a report, dated 23rd April, 1823, which laid down rules for guidance as to the area over which rods possessed a protective power. (Do. 76.) (33.) " When thirty years had passed, the instances of buildings " armed with conductors " being struck became so numerous that it was impossible to ignore them any longer, and another Committee of the Academy was selected ; their report was made on the 1 8th December, 1854, and was drawn up by Professor Pouillet. (Do. 78.) (34.) On account of the Palace of the Louvre having been struck, though armed with rods, a third Committee of the French Academy assembled, and presented (again through Professor Pouillet) a report dated 19th February, 1855. (Do. 81.) (35.) Twelve years afterwards, several powder maga- zines with rods on them having been struck, a fourth D2 52 LIGHTNING. II. B 18. Committee of the Academy was nominated. Marshal Vaillant, Minister of War, and M. Becquerel, were members of it. Professor Pouillet was again the author of their report, which was dated 14th January, 1867. (Do. 82.) (B.) DETAILS OF LIGHTNING EODS. (1.) The disadvantages of rigid bars are now (1855) avoided by the use of flexible metal cords. (Ar. 247.) (2.) According to facts collected, square or cylindrical bars of iron T 8 . A. 3, 4, 5.) (F.) INSPECTION OF EODS. (1.) The state of the earth should be tested by means of galvanometers. (Mann, 1875, 537.) (2.) M. de Fonvielle has recommended an arrangement of a short circuit wire, with a galvanometer, to be fixed to each separate conductor, sp that an examination can always be made. (Do.} (3.) A convenient form of galvanometer for testing con- ductors has been devised by Mr. E. Anderson. (Do. 1878, 339.) (4.) Lightning rods should be periodically examined as to points, continuity, and earth, and tested with a galvano- meter and current. (Preece, 347.) (5.) Frequent inspections are needed. (W. 0. 1875, 43.) (6.) "Most of the lightning conductors in Paris have been neglected for so many years that they are positively dangerous, instead of being useful protecting apparatus. When examined with a strong magnifying glass, the points of the stems are blunted or burnt (a criterion of the bad conduction of the communications), and the points have fallen from several, or rather, having been badly joined, the solder has failed, and they only hold together by the pins ; the vibrations of the stem when agitated by the wind have worn away the connections, so that a great number are easily shaken by the hand. The contact is very bad, E 2 76 LIGHTNING. II. F7 15. consequently the preventive effect of the apparatus is absolutely null. But these great deteriorations are not confined to the stems, since the point of juncture of the conductor to the base of the stem is almost everywhere in a deplorable state. This juncture I have always found to have been made with a strap or iron collar, whose pieces are rusted, so as to render the electric communication next to nothing." (Franc. Mich. Tel. 44.) (7.) The joints of the above rods being badly arranged, have been affected by the dilatation and contraction due to variations of temperature. (Do.} (8.) " Where the conductor penetrates the soil it is not covered with any protecting substance ; so that the alter- nation of dryness and moisture in the soil deeply corrodes the iron and ultimately cuts it through." (Do. 45.) (9.) Without periodical tests, " there is really no trust- worthy security of protection in lightning conductors." (And. 61.) (10.) The French committee who reported on the 14th January, 1867, stated that conductors, to be efficient, should be regularly inspected, at least once every year. (Do. 84.) (11.) The conductors of Westminster Palace have never been tested since they were fixed. (Do. 120.) (12.) The inspection of conductors after once they are put up is generally overlooked in this country. (Do. 218.) (13.) The regular inspection of lightning conductors, as yet unknown, or all but unknown, in England, has been for a long time in practice in several States of Continental Europe, among them Germany and France. (Do. 222.) (14.) "There is really nothing else to make a lightning conductor a safe protection under all circumstances, and at all times, but regular, constant, and skilful examina- tion." (Do. 226.) (15.) The writer recently tested 16 "earths" of the lightning conductors of some large powder magazines with NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 77 II. G 17. one cell of a Le Clanche battery and an ordinary vertical detector galvanometer, all the arrangements being made by a practised telegraphist. The " quantity " coil of the gal- vanometer gave no deflection at all for any of the "earths," and the " intensity " coil gave about 2 for those tried with it. On a subsequent occasion one of the same " earths" was tested with 3 Le Clanche cells, and a 3 -coil galvano- meter, by the 10 coil of which a deflection of from 25 to 35 was registered. (Q-.) THE PROTECTIVE POWERS OF EODS. (1.) The Section of Physic of the French Academy, consulted in 1823 by the Minister of War, considered that a rod protected a circular space whose radius was equal to twice its height. (Ar. 237.) (2.) Arago knew of no case in which pointed conductors had failed to preserve buildings from damage, in which there had not been palpable errors of construction. (Do. 264.) (3.) In 1765, the physicist, Nollet, opined that rods attracted lightning, and occasioned it to strike a house more frequently than would otherwise be the case. (Do. 265.) (4.) Another physicist, Wilson, supported this view. He and Nollet thought that rods were, on the whole, more dangerous than useful. (Do.) (5.) A definite radius of protection could not always be assigned to rods ; and experience showed that their influ- ence was only in furnishing " an easy line of conduction " to the discharge. (Harr. 117.) (6.) The cases in which buildings with rods had been damaged, bore only ' ' a small proportion to the great mass of instances in which lightning falling on buildings has struck on the conductors attached to them." (Do. 120.) (7.) In 1838, the East India Company, owing to the 78 LIGHTNING. II. G8 14. representations of their scientific officers, ordered the rods to be removed from their powder magazines and other public buildings. (Do. 176.) (8.) In a work published in 1829 by a Civil Engineer in the Government service, entitled " Three Years in Canada," the following passage occurred: " Science has every cause to dread the thunder rods of Franklin ; they attract destruction, and houses are safer without them than with them." (Do. 177.) (9.) Harris says that the theory just mentioned is not warranted by any sound argument drawn from experience. (Do. 184.) (10.) It is inferred from "the fact of so many buildings being repeatedly struck by lightning before they are furnished with lightning rods, and so seldom struck after- wards, and from the fact of lightning having seldom, if ever, been observed to fall in an explosive form upon buildings involving pointed metallic conductors in the con- struction," that the rods had "rapidly neutralised the electrical state of the air and so prevented the occurrence of a dense explosion." (Do. 189.) (11.) In the experience of nearly half a century, "not a single case can be adduced in which a lightning rod, in the act of transmitting a heavy charge of lightning, had thrown off a lateral explosion on semi-insulated masses near it." (Do. 201.) (12.) Faraday had stated (previously to 1843) that he was "not aware of any phenomenon called lateral dis- charge which is not a diversion of the primary current." (Do. 208.) (13.) "The few accidents on record can scarcely be urged as an objection to the general principle, especially when we take into consideration the great number of lightning rods set up in various parts of the world." (Do. 224.) (14.) "The lightning stroke is certainly more likely to fall where a lightning conductor, of whatever kind, is NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 79 II. G 1523. placed, than it would be if there were no such appliance." (Mann t 1875, 333.) (15.) " The old dogma, that a conductor does not attract electricity, is open to modification. The induction draws a strong charge to the top of the rod, and thus brings about a stronger tendency to discharge." (Do. Times, 23 NOG. 1877.) (16.) It is doubtful if a conductor of insufficient size is better than none at all. (Do. 1875, 533.) (17.) Attention is called by Dr. Mann to the cases of tall chimney-stacks with conductors being struck ; and this he attributes to the frequently insufficient size of the latter, which causes the discharge to leap through the brickwork to the soot-covered surface within. (Do.) (18.) When the point is blunt, or the earth contact bad, rods attract lightning. There is no attraction in a well- constructed conductor. (Do. 1878, 330.) (19.) It is contended that the usual view of a conical space being protected by a conductor is not trustworthy ; and the only absolute protection is to cover the entire structure with intermeshed lines of defence. (Do.) (20.) After the city of Pietermaritzburg, in Natal, had been largely supplied with pointed lightning conductors under Dr. Mann's fostering influence, "the actual dis- charge of violent lightning strokes within the area of the town became almost unknown." (Do. 1875, 335.) (21.) The radius of cone protected by a conductor should be taken at half the height of the conductor. (Preece, 348.) (22.) " The methods that have been adopted for protec- tion, based upon the damage inflicted on ships, have pro- bably led to the adoption of unnecessarily costly and super- fluous measures to protect buildings and instruments." (Do. 342.) (23.) "As regards ships, the method adopted by the great authority, Sir William Snow Harris, has proved itself so efficient and perfect that no improvements have been required, nor can any well be suggested. . . . Such 80 LIGHTNING. II. G24 32. vessels as have been struck have been invariably un- protected." (Do. 344.) (24.) It is " sufficiently correct for practical purposes " to take the protective radius of the conductor the same as its height above the ground ; but this cannot always be relied on. (W. 0. 1875, 26.) (25.) " Conductors of themselves have no attraction for lightning, which seeks them only on account of the facility they afford for the combination of the opposed states of the electricity of the clouds and the earth beneath them, sepa- rated by the atmosphere, which is a bad conductor." (Do. 27.) (26.) "A lightning conductor, buildings, trees, or any object on the surface of the earth is only to be regarded as diminishing the resistance due to the air." (Do.) (27.) "When an electrified cloud is passing over the earth, and its potential is just counteracted by the resis- tance of the air, a body, however small, which reduces the resistance will cause a discharge." (Do.) (28.) "Even a change in the nature of the soil over which the cloud is passing may have this effect on it." (Do.) (29.) " It is very frequently produced by a fall of rain." (Do.) (30.) An angle of a building may receive a discharge, while another angle is provided with a conductor. Im- portant buildings containing explosive materials should have every prominent elevated part provided with a con- ductor. (Do. 28.) (31.) "A conducting rod, in whatever way it may be applied, is to be considered merely as a means of perfect- ing the conducting power of the whole mass so as to admit of intense discharges of lightning being securely trans- mitted, which otherwise would not pass without interme- diate explosion and damage." (Do. 94.) (32.) The idea of lateral discharge from conductors is absurd. (W. 0. 1858, App. A. 8.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 81 II. G 3340. (33.) Masonry, ships' masts, and lightning conductors transmit a certain quantity of electricity without explosive action. The conductor relieves the wood and the masonry. (Do. App. B. 2.) (34.) Experience having shown, soon after the introduc- tion of conductors, that by their use lightning became without effect, "it was thought that storms might be dissipated if a sufficient number of paratonnerres were raised, so as to neutralise the electricity of the atmosphere." The houses at Zurich are studded with paratonnerres. (Eaem. 353.) (35.) M. Viollet-le-Duc, the distinguished French archi- tect, considers it prudent to put up two rods on a typical country house (the design and construction of which is the subject of his book), since the recognised theory is that " lightning conductors only protect the points enclosed in a cone of which they are the summit." ( Violl. 253.) (36.) " Between ourselves, physicists are not quite agreed respecting the effects of the electric fluid, the rela- tive efficiency of conductors, and the precautions to be used in putting them up." (Do.) (37.) "I rely on my own experience which has proved to me that no building, however exposed, has been struck by lightning when the lightning rods were numerous, made of good conductors, put in communication with each other, and with their lower extremity dipping in water or very damp earth." (Do.) (38.) M. Viollet-le-Duo does not see the advantage of using insulators. (Do.) (39.) " Projections such as trees, spires, lightning con- ductors, lead off the negative electricity of the ground quickly, thereby diminishing its tension, and conduct the electricity of the clouds to the earth without violence." (R. E. A. 56.) (40.) As regards the lightning conductor, "the advan- tage gained by it consists, not in protecting the building in case of a discharge by allowing a free passage for the E 3 82 LIGHTNING. II. G4i_46. electric fluid to escape to the earth, for it is but a poor protection in such a case ; but in quietly and gradually keeping up the communication it tends to maintain the electric equilibrium, and thus to prevent the occurrence of a discharge." (Such. 300.) (41.) The result of the report of the committee of the French Academy in April, 1823, that rods would protect a circular area of a radius double their height, led to rods of enormous height being erected. (And. 77.) (42.) The French Committee of December, 1854, reported through M. Pouillet that the theory of a fixed area of protection was inadmissible. (Do. 78.) (43.) They gave as their reason the varying shapes of buildings and materials of construction, and said "it is clear, for example, that the radius within which the con- ductor gives protection, cannot be so great for an edifice, the roof, or upper part, of which contains large quantities of metal, as for one which has nothing but bricks, woods, or tiles." (Do. 79.) (44.) They also said "a lightning conductor is destined to act in two ways. In the first place, it offers a peaceful communication between the earth and the clouds, and by virtue of the power of points the terrestrial electricity is led gently up into the sky to combine with its opposite. In the second, it acts as a path by which a disruptive dis- charge may find its way to the earth freely." (Do.) (45.) The French Commission who reported on the 14th January, 1867, as regards powder magazines, stated "that the best protection against lightning would be afforded by the most substantial metal rods ; made of iron, surrounding a building on all sides, and passing deep into the ground."* (And. 84.) (46.) In a work entitled "Three Years in Canada," published in London in 1829, Mr. F. McTaggart, C.E., * Gmllemin, in his " Application of Physical Forces," says that these rods are proposed to be attached to wooden masts separated from the magazines. NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 83 II. G47 50. wrote about lightning rods, " Were they able to carry off the fluid they have the means of attracting, then there could be no danger ; but this they are by no means able to do." (Do. 92.) (47.) The general presumption in France is that "a terminal rod will protect effectually a cone of revolution of which the apex is the point of the rod, and the radius of the base a distance equal to the height of the said rod above the ridge multiplied by 1-75." (Do. 126.) (48.) " The function of a lightning conductor is twofold, In the first instance, it operates as a medium by which ex- plosions of lightning, or, to speak more accurately, dis- ruptive discharges of electricity, are led to the earth freely. In the second instance, the conductor acts as a means whereby the accumulation of electricity existing in the atmosphere is quietly drawn off and carried noiselessly into the earth, and dissipated in the subterraneous sheet of water beneath it." (Do. 142.) (49.) Professor J. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S., has proposed a system of lightning protection without points or earth connections. He says, " What we really wish to prevent is the possibility of an electric discharge taking place within a certain region say in the inside of a gunpowder manu- factory. . . . An electrical discharge cannot take place between two bodies unless the difference of their potentials is sufficiently great compared with the distance between them. If, therefore, we can keep the potentials of all bodies within a certain region, equal, or nearly equal, no discharge will take place between them." (Do. 164.) (50.) To do this he proposes " to enclose the building with a network of good conducting substance. For in- stance, if a copper wire, say No. 4, B. W. Q-. (0-238 inches in diameter), were carried round the foundation of the house, up each of the corners and gables, and along the ridges, this would probably be a sufficient protection for an ordinary building against any thunderstorm in this climate." (Do.) 84 LIGHTNING. II. G51 54. (51.) In respect of lightning rods generally, Mr. Ander- son says, ''Subject to the constant effects of moisture, to wind, ice, and hailstorm, there is always a possibility of the slender metal strips being damaged so as to interrupt their continuity and thus destroy the free passage of the electric force. Instances have happened in which the damage done was so slight as to be scarcely visible, and still to destroy the efficacy of the conductor." (Do. 219.) (52.) The improved drainage now going on everywhere constitutes a serious danger to lightning conductors, since the moisture is being sucked out of the ground. (Do.} (53.) " Constant alterations in the interior of buildings, private residences, as well as public edifices, may serve to destroy the efficacy of a conductor which was originally good even to perfection. Thus a roof may be repaired, and lead or iron introduced where it was not before ; or clamps of iron may be inserted in the walls of houses, to give them greater strength ; or in fact any changes may be made which bring masses of metal more or less in proximity to the conductor There are hundreds of instances to prove that changes made in buildings such as the addition of a leaden roof without, or the iron balustrade of a staircase within, diverted the current of the electric force from the conductor on its way to the earth, originally well provided for." (Do. 220.) (54.) "A lightning rod protects a conic space whose height is the length of the rod, whose base is a circle having its radius equal to the height of the rod, and whose side is the quadrant of a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the rod." ..." There are many cases where the pinnacles of the same turret of a church have been struck where one has had a rod attached to it ; but it is clear that the other pinnacles were outside the cone, and therefore, for protection, each pinnacle should have had its own rod. It is evident also that every point of a build- ing should have its rod, and that the higher the rod, the greater is the space protected." (Preece, Tel. 15/12/80.) NOTES ON LIGHTNING ENGINEERING. 85 II. G55,56. (55.) A conductor of insufficient sectional area, " if con- nected with the earth, would protect a house from injury, though it might itself be destroyed." (Lat. Clark, S. T. E. 374.) (56.) Mr. Graves recommends erecting numerous light- ning conductors everywhere, especially upon high hills and high buildings, in order, so far as possible, to prevent the occurrence of thunderbolts. (Cfrav. S. T. E. 413.) NOTE. Whilst this work was passing through the press, the Eeport of the " Lightning Rod Conference " (London : Spon, 1882) was pub- lished. The Report is dated 14th December, 1881, and is signed by delegates from the Meteorological Society, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Elec- tricians, and the Physical Society. The Report says, "A light- ning conductor fulfils two functions : it facilitates the discharge of the electricity to the earth, so as to carry it off harmlessly, and it tends to prevent disruptive discharge by silently neutralising the con- ditions which determine such discharge in the neighbourhood of the conductor." The points must be "high enough to be the most salient features of the building, no matter from what direction the stormcloud may come." The following instructions are given : Tops of rods to be blunt, but 1 foot below them a copper ring with three or four sharp copper points to be fixed points to be either platinised, gilded, or nickel plated ; the best material for rods is cop- per ; the best form is a copper rope \" diameter, or a copper tape t " X i" 5 joints to be always soldered ; iron rods to be painted (except at points) even if galvauised ; insulators not to be used ; gas and water mains to be utilised as earths ; earth plates to be of the same metal as the rods, to be at least 9 square feet in area, and to be sunk in holes so deep that the earth around them is always moist ; in rocky sites, besides earth plates, 3 or 4 cwt. of iron to be buried at the foot of rod ; the space protected by a rod is a cone with a base having a radius equal to the height of rod ; rods must periodically be examined visually and tested electrically ; internal masses of metal (except soft metals and gas-pipes) to be connected to earth, or to the rod ; external masses of metai to be connected to each other and to earth direct, or to the rod. OS %2 H~ti 1-1 . I n if m ig * &..S c g g * _g ' 'ais 2 d &1 - w-S 9 d O II i"|J S 60 . Packet Sh New Yor sa PR flr-T i d-^ s - _d -^> ' .2 ^^ O' II r^ CO d - sion.* Walls ove e stones th ards dista stone of wn 60 yar r stone fo s off. So 55 A thro e d .S ^ i s.g.g" pp -a i A I fj^P M S^ i >> . . -30 c c Q) I1 .8 co a TJ< O tf CO G i 5 Ji 3 sSS-S 05 a* * ^'S_3 u iFli.lli CJ rt T3 -g" o3 o m " e 20 cloc Bell g p lon cla t l -3'. || c 1 -2 ^ .a N, be fi H| '111 6 .a ^ a s I S S?' HI: . *-* j j ^ i 4j ^ rt 05 4-i i i hr ^'rflM ii ; Kill If-* o I! ^ !l M 6 C 'a ' I- 2 ll Si's -9 I I ~ oT "8 n ft ll a'sa M.a rd S^W 2 a \S M**1 O O OM I II .a With belfry. hained by waist. 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Bark of lower stripped off. 40 ft. line the flash among Air pu Stru 40 ft Above the tr was di the br l .Soo *4~ 6Ccc M S3 co ^ *fl '"' O (M M CO CO Main-mast shattered ll to pieces. -Afote i Author. 03 00 p] M 2'J ~.J. *&. lill I ill a a S-B 8.81 o T I O O I o CQ J2 . H - ||i| Jl:lf ! if II PH > o B Xr-H'50 - ffiilli o> *j ^5 03 & . 1g!| - g l! Mfil 'll 3 2 m r] aj cj P-.0 92HF > aGO-fl fl - t> H i^H' Bl5|||||-93^ 8 5l| Isfllll^ o o S 3 s-5>9 O^J'3 11 .S *** d .H 'd :iiiiy| o--= so'go.ej&gg H P M fi. Cu,0 O ^ C ^^ .H .2 a |j a |-8 l 3 l j| w - fi 'r'^C^'Q.rf-li-CS C3 " T3 ' I* r-lO"^ 05^ C.Sr^^J Sc ^.5 S ^^ S^'| |^ Fl.lllllS^lllSeJ 1 03 J : Iron rod 10 ft. dis- tant from S. E. corner of building. rjiliifiljilrli *-to^:I*i^>. -aa- & fee . II S >2 -a cs s ij ^^H H S ^4 1 OQ 5 >> sis -* 3 oo u i 1 : I|S cc a - Hi oo " G2 r-J 0) - 00 Riding along a road in ad- vance of a gig. ; lr il s Haydon Bridge, North umberland. fl CO O> ??g - II X 2 ri;3 -M 03 JH ^ S & I til S 1T.9 9 * 1-i . 2 siJ^'S g S.s^J.s S w i Claren Franc IM II la '-' g O S t- ,-^h5QO C4 co 5^ 1*3 stack shat- ral servants truck down ch injured. '3-eg * ~ 5 III * 11 g-l *>x j| ^3 03 ^ F^ . -^3 i--J -X ^W -i=i ^*-J CO rt a a S &>- to -e >> si ^ K I ifr5Bl*J M JD a rC] -2 CU,Q a- o gs SO - ^liii.si-si -I- 3 "* 0503_3o3O oS H ^p.S'3o^r-l W ^ &>cp|^ ^H 3 2 02 43^' . ^ : it |S S flO (30 S3 co rs GO (-5 CO 1-5 CO oo '-' co "* co n ^ M: fts ftd St f^J^ HI'S i- 3 | ^_ 2 M !*fs li : !l 1 h s P> ework on south ind pavement in of poich, broken ments. sd. a a cS o3 11 -ga s ;er pipe at top of ing ho use struck; ; fell on a glass t the back of the doing much dam- ^ i'g'i r .-s ?'E'ii Hl|i| l^llll .SO >1H s,_, -g^^-^o^. m rl 2 O m O 3 * S o 4,5 ^1111 1 I l^5i *%&.** If , 33 a a -0 3 -g g .ft ^ffli dWg.g^ |1 ^j|tl|M *JH I 1 o S-g 3 co 1-5 CO CO rH 1-5 CO 1-5 CO CO rH CO "^ =00 1-3 CO li ^-s co . *a w I-S 00 (M go 3 00 t-500 (M eS bor2 ,3 &D ^ ,i J2 i ^ o*.f31.S s I 2 S3 ^ 2*1 fl ^^^ 1 ? n 5P^J 13 o 11= pre!i:iiiiii!! -2^.2 11^: S-S ^ ? 3 p ^' Q --d ^ I ge er un lf =s r a g>' ^^ o 3 00 t-5 00 eo r - 1 f i^iflp *f jj i ji jf|f f iji ii _00 rj f ^MfljHl Il^i~jpl|l3 SljiS g 1 3 3*8 li i^Jif-i " til- si d lflij?- fl ^i' e I .2 5r H'S "S ^g^^'flOO^ ' 5 OJO a 9So--'ll rf i M I- KiSS^ iHlilJJl i 1 cs>3*3^3 > ooH t? bojn Cr3" ceHrQ y> a c^2 03*^^2 h Ao tals present. 9 g i to 1 | Particulars. 2>fl^ J > jg e * H ^rtWoQ^ce "eg '^0* _2 SD^OkSs^'C^ ew-2 2 S"^ oH 2 "S~orS o ^ ^^ ^S OT I 5.9'i'i <^ J S^ 8 -J.9 a flH-3^45 > o i 6 g a -S < a r jUl^l ^gJs M ^ g x . o^^S 2-5 ^^5a ate5N i*;it? a^lfiill S 13 g b g cU^tfbC ,3^tJD &M S^ i'l^a 5-" >.S :.slf , < are if ction Bu and t ; for th esults m ;*s ll*j -2 o fee B "g-a^Sa M g g 0$> O 8 -Sglr s o Ug o,' GQ r-H 10 i a: P It g I! OS II- tfll.,.- hn d S^.-^QD.^ ai 1 ^ a 5||sgs|| - ? f So 55 PH 02 3 II B P CO GO OO 00 ^ w w '3 '3 g =S o o l^ll liflU I .s II II d ut (I.) G trands, (2.) A (3.) A Copp wo re I*J S fn'T 1 C3 i '7* OJH Hoi.d H|t5 3 o rtH-2 iHjII il |F" P< - CXuS i 111 I s 3 a a^-ra P^ a (D^.-a ^ Or5 t O 0^4? 3^ fl -^ o J3 &g.a g a 4^ o _ 5 & to lac d doo pe ta ti s'^l ^-s 11 g^s^ IIB' 5 1 < i^l.Bol-a it. fa in o a ^^ .So ^ .y.5? >2 S^^^o' o' l^i-' 'r- g^S o o a, "33 1^ 60 . II 0) O II I it 3 02 > 1|| 11 P SI 0-7 00 p flfS'S op i-asa 2~J, lll 1 1 I I . fe.s G EODS. (Co & d bo 'M -^ <> ^ o 'o 5 .,- "- .33.$ 13 g>U iT& .oco &g>-g a "soil's i CO 03 I ter, at intervals of 6 feet the spire. A brush an angle of 30 to t its summit. Disfig Iron rod -inch di insulators. Prong 53 d 5 rj'o &o X ^ PH .S 1 * I-H 14 I 58 .'s 5 ^ .^^^ **% ***** .a 2"^ 2* -s *lf & iiioi-i:ii ^.a-sg g.s a 1 *! Ilisllilll 5"^^^ >;^0 2 fn T. O d fl p i 60 to II II M W 8 V. A a 16. fart H. THE THEORY OF THE ACTION OF LIGHTNING. CHAPTER V. ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS AND DATA. (A.) ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS. (a) Fundamental Terms. (1.) Electricity is a temporary state of forced separation of a physical property, normally dormant in all bodies, into two active agencies, each, possessed of a power due to a tendency to reunite. 1 (2.) Positive electricity, or positive charge, and negative electricity, or negative charge, are the names given to the two agencies respectively. 2 (3.) An electrified body, or a charged body, is one in which either of the electricities is present. (4.) Quantity is the form of agency present with electri- city of either nature. 3 (5.) Potential is the form of power present with electri- city of either nature. 4 (6.) Capacity is the form of restraint present with electri- city of either nature. 5 1 I. A . 2 II. A 19. 3 I. A 6, 7, 10. 4 I. A 6, 7, 10. s L A 6) 7> 10 . N.B. These footnotes are references to other Chapters, Sections, and Taragraphs. 146 LIGHTNING. Y. A 717. (7.) Attraction is the property which electricity of one nature has for that of another. (8.) Repulsion is the property which electricities of the same nature have for each other. 1 (9.) A collector is a body qud its property of permitting electricity on it to distribute itself, and hence to accumu- late. 3 (10.) An insulator is a body qud its property of prevent- ing electricity on it from distributing itself, and hence from accumulating. 3 (11.) A conductor is a body qud its property of permitting electricity to be transmitted through it. 4 (12.) Discharge is the act of reunion of two electricities of different natures, involving the execution of work, and the restoration of the bodies on which the charges were collected to their normal passive state. (13.) An explosion is an instantaneous discharge through an insulator. 5 (14.) A return stroke is an instantaneous discharge through a collector, occasioned by a reunion of the two electricities originally separated. 6 (15.) A leak is a continuous discharge through an insu- lator. 7 (16.) Electro-motive force is the force manifested in the obliteration of difference between the potentials, or the states of potential, of two electrified bodies when joined by a conductor. 8 (17.) A current is a transmission of electricity by electro- motive force through a conductor; and it comprises all discharges through a conductor, whether instantaneous or continuous. 9 1 I. A 2. 2 I. A 15. 3 I. A 1416. * I. A 15. 6 I. A 2731. 6 I. D 51. 7 I. A 16. 8 I. A 8, 13. 9 I. A 8, 13. ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS AND DATA. 147 Y. A b c 1830. () The Influence of Bodies. (18.) Influence is the inherent property, manifested by various actions, that bodies possess for affecting electricity. (19.) Collection is the action of distributing electricity and of imparting by it electricity of the same nature. 1 (20.) Induction is the action of imparting one kind of electricity by means of the other. 2 (21.) Insulation is the action of isolating or enveloping electricity, and of limiting its distribution. 3 (22.) Facilitation is the action of hastening explosion, and of transmitting its operation without obstruction.* (23.) Restraint is the action of delaying explosion and of obstructing its operation. 5 (24.) Conduction is the action of transmitting current. 6 (25.) Resistance is the action of retarding current. 7 (c] The Nature of Condensers. (26.) A condenser is such a juxtaposition of two col- lectors, one of which is electrified from some extraneous source, that by means of mutual induction through the separating insulator the potential of the electricity is appreciably raised. 8 (27.) A collecting plate of a condenser is the surface, nearest to the insulator, of the collector which receives its original charge from some extraneous source. (28.) A condensing plate of a condenser is the surface, nearest to the insulator, of the collector which receives its original charge by induction from the other collector. (29.) A dielectric of a condenser is the insulator separating the collecting from the condensing plate. 9 (30.) An explosion of a condenser is an instantaneous dis- 1 I. A 15. 2 I. A 1721. 3 I. A 1416. * I. D 2, 6. * I. A 27. I. D 17. 6 I. A 15. 7 J. A 8. 8 I. A 2126. 9 I. A 24. H2 148 LIGHTNING. V. A 31, 32; B 1. charge, through, the dielectric, of the electricities accumu- lated on the plates. 1 (31.) A return stroke in a condenser is an instantaneous discharge of the electricity on one of its plates, through the plate itself, owing to the electricity on the other plate having become discharged by some extraneous means. 2 (32.) A leak in a condenser is a continuous gradual dis- charge, through the dielectric, of the electricities accumu- lated on the plates. 3 (B.) ELECTRICAL DATA. (a) Electrical Formula. (1.) The following formulae express mathematically the chief laws on which electrical science is based. 4 /. Fundamental. = m. Distance = /. Time = t. IX. Mechanical. rr 7 -, distance I Velocity = v = ^ = . X time t JcHkrM* = a = Telocity = J :. time t- Force ==/= acceleration x mass = w = . p ?FbrA = w = force X distance =// = -^-. ///. Electrical. 1 73 Quantity = q =. Vforce X distance = /4J =: - a 1 I. A 27, 29, 30. 2 I. D 5158. 3 I. A 16, C 88. II. D 11. * I. A 611. ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS AND DATA. 149 V. B I 25. T> . , 7 work Potential = p = - - quantity ill [Hence potential =: \/'orce. Capacity = . = *"*" = f = potential p t [Hence capacity = distance.] Electro-motive force = e difference of potential = jt>. R I _ time ^ t electro-motive force e current c (i) The Three Elements of Electricity. (2.) Quantity, potential, and capacity are the three essential elements of electricity. 1 (3.) The basis of electrical law is the expression denot- ing quantity, which is derived experimentally from the amount of force of repulsion or attraction developed be- tween two small electrified bodies placed at a certain dis- tance apart. 2 (4.) Potential is the impelling or moving quality of electricity. It is the measure of the capability that elec- tricity has of doing work, in proportion to its quantity. 3 (5.) Capacity is the restraining or limiting quality of electricity. Its action is directly antagonistic to that of potential. It is the element that allows of the electricity being tangible. 4 1 I. A 7. 2 I. A 6. I.A 10. * I. A 10. 150 LIGHTNING. V. ~Bcd6ll. ( Q j. CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. 165 VI. Bi. (b) Descending Lightning from the Aspect of Electrical Law. As to the scientific side of the question, doubtless one of the reasons for maintaining th lightning usually descends to the earth, has arisen from the fact that the electricity on the earth's surface during fair weather has been found to be usually of a negative kind ; l hence it has been inferred that the same holds good during thunder weather, and that the electricity of the clouds is then of a positive nature, and that on analogy from the hypothesis that a current traverses a conductor in the direction from positive to negative charge, the direction of the lightning discharge would generally be from the clouds to the earth. 2 Premising that we appear to have at present no definite knowledge of the nature of the electricity resident during thunderstorms on the earth or in the clouds (except that, from the fact of explosions occurring between clouds, it is evident that they may possess either kind of charge), the above reason would seem principally to fail owing to the obvious fact that lightning strokes, and electric sparks generally, are evidences of explosion and not of current. 3 There is apparently no ground for assuming that the action of an explosion follows the same law as that of a current. 4 On the contrary, inasmuch as the scene of the one is formed by bodies which have an exactly contrary influence to those which form the scene of the other, it is only reasonable to presume that the action of the one is also very different from that of the other. 5 This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that, in all lightning explosions, the course of the discharge through any metals that happen to be in the dielectric does not follow the longest dimension of these metals, as it would if they were conducting it like a current, but simply utilises as i I. C 5. 2 I. D 12. II. C 43. s LA 27; D 11, 16. V. A 13, 17, 30. 4 I. A 27. 5 V. A 13, 17. VI. D a. 166 LIGHTNING. VI. B I. stepping-stones such portions of them as happen to lie in its path of least restraint to the condensing cloud's elec- tricity, and leaps over any intervals occurring between them ; and their influence on the discharge appears to have exactly the same result as if they attracted it. 1 In the case of an electric spark leaping across a small gap in a conductor, through which a strong current is passing, the electricity is certainly brought to the edges of the gap on each side, by means of the current ; but there the work of the current ends, and what makes the spark pass across is the formation of a condenser, and the explosion of it resulting from the potential accumulated on either side of the gap. 2 In the case of the lightning electric spark we have two electricities, positive and negative, lying respectively on either side of the great gap formed by the atmosphere. The combined force of the two potentials has accumulated to that stage where the capacity of the gap is no longer able to restrain their fierce embrace ; but there is no reason for supposing that positive has at this time more attraction for negative than negative has for positive. 3 The conclusion, then, seems irresistible that, if there is any element of time in the case at all, the lightning spark leaves the two plates, the earth and the clouds, simul- taneously, and coalesces half-way between; and this would result in an invariable upward direction of the stroke im- mediately above the surface of the ground. 4 Probably mythological traditions have had a consider- able share in the formation of the belief that thunderbolts strike the earth from the skies. It is submitted, then, that the idea of the clouds being the originators of thunderstorm electricity is devoid of foundation so far as it rests on the theory that lightning descends. 1 I. E 2, 6, 912. VI. D a. 2 V. A 30. 3 I. D 10, 13, 15. * I. C 39 ; D 7, 9, 10, 12, 14. CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. 167 VI. C. (C.) THE OTJTLINE OF THE TERRESTRIAL PLATE. Independently of the question whether the collecting plate of the terrestrial condenser is formed by the earth or the clouds, it is of importance that the exact outline of the terrestrial plate should be determined ; for it is impossible to deal satisfactorily with the subject of protecting life and property from the ravages of thunderbolts until a definite opinion has been formed on this point. The theory on it of most recent acceptance appears to be this, viz. the outline of the terrestrial plate is the upper- most surface of the most collective stratum of the earth's crust. 1 By this theory it follows that the rocks and less collective portions of the earth's surface overlying this more moist and collective stratum, form, equally with the air, parts of the terrestrial dielectric. 3 Since, however, those portions of the earth's crust which are not actually rock, and are consequently more liable to receive moisture, e.g. earth, clay, loam, and sand, are merely disintegrated rock, it is evident that all portions of the earth's crust are allied in physical composition more nearly to each other than to air, and that, therefore, cceteris paribus, the actual rocks are the less likely to become electrically separated from their moister earthy surround- ings and to join the air in forming the dielectric of the condenser ; and especially so when it is borne in mind that stones and rocks can have but little inductive capacity. 3 Assuming, however, that the rocks on the earth's surface may actually have inductive capacity sumcient to form part of the dielectric of a condenser, it is certain that their restraining power would be considerably less than that of the air, and, by so much as would be due to that fact, would facilitate discharge from the collecting plate below them. 4 1 I. C 47, 48. II. D 44. 2 V. A 26^29. 3 VI. D a. * VI. D a. 168 LIGHTNING. VI. C. Rocky masses overlying moist strata would thus rather encourage discharge ; and in the open country these strata thus overlaid ought not infrequently to be the scenes of thunderbolts ; and as we know from experience that the action of explosion passing through substances of the same nature as rocks, i.e. stone spires and walls, is of a mechanically expansive, rending nature, it would follow that sometimes, during thunderstorms, rocky strata would be rent in pieces, mountains would be uprooted, houses and even towns would be thrown down ; and the effects of thunderbolts would, in fact, occasionally resemble those of earthquakes. But is this the case ? Do not our records tell us in the first place that, as a rule, according to the generally adopted form of expression, " lightning seeks good earth?" l And what is this but telling us, in other words, that discharges do not generally occur at rocky surfaces at all, wherever moist surfaces are adjacent, and other things are equal ? 2 And, in the second place, even at the rocky summits of high mountains, where the facilitating element of great elevation so overpowers the restraining one due to the rocky surface that thunderbolts are not uncommon, do we ever hear of crags and peaks being torn asunder by light- ing? 3 But the stone walls of buildings being of the same nature as rocks would facilitate explosion equally, and the massive stone walls and arches of powder magazines ought to be sources of danger to the powder, whilst the brick and stone walls of dwelling-houses would tend to bring destruc- tion rather than protection to their inmates. The presence of rain during thunderstorms, so far as it would affect the question, would appear to be entirely against the theory of the rocks on the surface forming part of the terrestrial dielectric, since, during rainfall, it is 1 I. C 45. 2 VII. A d. 3 I. G 33, 41. VII. A g. CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. 169 VI. C. obviously the surface of the earth that first, and in the greatest amount, receives moisture, and some time must necessarily elapse before any lower strata receive the access of collectivity due to this cause. 1 The theory that the outline of the terrestrial plate is formed by the uppermost surface of the more collective stratum of the earth's crust, rather than by the actual surface of the earth, appears to have originated from the fact that lightning rods and the buildings to which they were fixed, have occasionally been struck when the earth connections of the rods have been sunk in dry ground. 2 It has apparently been reasoned from this that the falling lightning, having been denied an outlet in moist soil, has reacted injuriously on the rod and the building, and that it is imperatively necessary, in order that an easy passage to the earth's great reservoir of electricity may be afforded to the lightning, that the earth connections of all lightning rods should be rooted in the more moist ground, which is presumed generally to underlie the dry stratum nearest the surface. 3 This conception of the cause of the injury to the rods and buildings in question appears to rest on the idea of lightning striking the earth from above, and to stand or fall with that idea ; * but we hope to show, later on, that a much more simple and natural cause can be produced to explain the fact of injuries to lightning rods that are not in good connection with the earth. 5 On the whole, then, the theory we have been considering appears to have no good foundation, and does not prevent the natural and primd facie view of the question being taken. This view is clearly that the uppermost surface of the globe, however such surface may be formed, and whether by natural or by artificial substances, constitutes the out- line of the terrestrial plate. 6 i II. D 44. 2 II. D 47. 3 II. D 21, 22, 49, 64. II. G 48, 52. * VI. B b. 5 VII. B/ VIII. B a. 6 I. A 24 ; C 46, 51. V. A 2629. I 170 LIGHTNING. VI. D. This theory will, it is submitted, be found to harmonize with experience regarding the action of lightning ; and it is difficult to see what other hypothesis as to the outline of the terrestrial plate would do so. (D.) THE INFLUENCES OF THE MATERIALS COMPOSING THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. Having now discussed the functions fulfilled by the earth and by its surface in the economy of the terrestrial condenser, it will be convenient to deal with the relative powers of the various substances, natural and artificial, forming the prin- cipal constituents of this surface (and of the condenser generally) that tend to influence the collection of charge and the occurrence of discharge. 1 The following table, compiled from the works of eminent authorities, and as the result of general research, gives the more important substances in what is deemed to be the approximate order of their relative influences ; 2 it must not, however, be considered as other than an imperfect one, for there is, except as regards metals, very little accurate information in existence on the subject. Substances which are not usually in a position to affect the terrestrial condenser in any important degree, in regard to life or property, are purposely omitted. 1 V. A b ; B 79. 2 I. A 26 ; B 116. m .2* ii .1:1 sin s n rSJ ft f g fibi 1 - - ff-g *>8 |rf|| r3 o 2 &o,o * of b gl&l Stf4^.&u, ZJilP'jrl l-ftilfu 11 t-H no CO ?! .rH r-< I csi 1 1 a & ?! % g p,.S 1 2 ^ r S - be % B grC 33 d .9 SM g,.J ^^3 S'g g ..HH ^ > 03.^ *I^138*1 engin forti tire ticle 1 rf . R s EJ3 -f b ^ i . IT 'S a CO s -r"" i i ii i i i i i """^ o "~ 1 lly when in the open air), le, sheep, dogs, pigs, &c. . standing corn, grass, new- ds, foliage generally . . y , huts, barns, fences, rafters \ rs, doors, shutters, windows, agstaffs, ts, ships, ships' rniture, bsteads, walking j iages and ts, verandahs, osts . spSpSOs&s ?tf iii-Htra Jf1f M 5f|| 3 O cij -.^oi^^fco B 0^2 0^0 JQ &00^ 3 oW^-gll^OO - s S^s-s^ Surface of eriodically o graphic "bad Rocky surf building and lime, mortar, porcelain Straw ( paper, he 1 < * 6C I I '9 w noiso^dxg; jo 174 LIGHTNING. VI. D I; Etf. (J) Remarks on the Table. Some kinds of trees and woods probably belong to Group III. There appears to be very little precise information ob- tainable as to the relative influences of the building materials, comprised under the heads of " Wood," " Dry Earth," "Koekand Stone," "Clay Manufactures," and " Dried Vegetable Substances." In fact, there is undoubtedly scope for useful experiment in determining accurately the relative influences of the whole of the substances in Groups II. and III. ; for it would manifestly be advisable to know the particular materials best adapted for the construction of buildings * needing special protection against lightning strokes, and also the kinds of soil best suited as sites for such buildings. 2 As regards the influence of the metals, it can be de- duced from the table that iron is 240 times more collective of charge and facilitative to explosion than the most collective non-metallic substance, 533,000 times more so than sea water, 7,500,000 times more so than spring water, rain r snow, hail, ice, human beings, animals, vegetation, wood, clouds, fog, earth, sand, shingle, rock, stone, brick, earthenware, straw, cotton, linen, paper, hemp, wool, silk, leather, and bone, and 340,000,000,000,000,000,000 times more so than air, asphalte, and glass ; and we gain from these figures some idea of the enormous power possessed by metals relatively to non-metallic substances for influencing lightning dis- charges. 3 (E.) THE DISCHARGE OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. (a) The various forms of Terrestrial JZlectric Discharge. We now come to the vital question of the discharge of the terrestrial condenser ; 4 and so far as our present i II. E 20, 21 ; G 43. 2 VII. A. 3 I. E 112. * Y. A 1215, 3032; B 1012, 21. CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. 176 VI. E a. state of knowledge enables us to judge, the following are the forms in which it occurs, viz. : 1. A thunderbolt, or an explosion between the earth and the clouds, through the intermediate air, constituting an explosion of the terrestrial condenser. 1 2. A cloud explosion, or an explosion of a condenser formed by two separate clouds, through the intervening air. 2 3. A terrestrial return stroke, or a discharge back into the earth from its surface, induced either by a thunderbolt or by a cloud explosion. 3 4. A terrestrial leak, or an escape of electricity through the air, between the earth and the clouds. 4 It is with the thunderbolt that we are mainly concerned, but the actions of the other three forms of discharge are so closely connected with it that their study cannot well be dissociated from it ; and they are of great value in assist- ing us to form a true idea of its exact nature, and of the best means of preventing it. We will now refer to the principal manifestations by which these various forms of discharge display their presence. We know that both thunderbolts and cloud explosions are generally manifested by what are known as thunder and lightning ; 5 return strokes are necessarily without atmospheric manifestation, and show themselves chiefly in the forms of shocks and currents ; 8 whilst leaks are occasionally visible in the form of auroree, 7 heat or sheet lightnings, 8 and St. Elmo's fires. 9 On examining the conditions of these phenomena, it will be found that the element essential to the luminous appearances connected with them is the air. 1 I. D 1, 2, 3, 11. V. A 13, 30 ; B 10, 11, 21. VI. A a. I. D 16. V. A 30. 3 I. D 63. V. A 14, 31 ; B e. * I. A 16. 11.011. V. A 15, 32; B 15 20, 21. I. D 16. I. D 53, 6670. 7 I. C 78. I. D 4, 20. I. C h. 176 LIGHTNING. VI. E I. The visible token in the air of explosions is lightning, and of leaks, light. We are taught that lightning is the appearance of in- candescent matter suspended in the air. 1 It cannot, there- fore, be the proper term with which to describe the explo- sion itself, nor can it be correct to apply the term to that portion of a thunderbolt explosion which passes through any other substance than air, e.g. through walls, metals, or human beings. In England the word lightning is generally used to ex- press promiscuously thunderbolt explosions, cloud explo- sions, leaks shown by " heat lightnings," and the luminous phenomena attendant on these discharges. In France, however, the term lafoudre, or thunderbolt, is always used in designating a lightning discharge with the earth, 2 whilst V eclair expresses the lightning itself. The term thunderbolt has the confirmation of lexicology and the sanction of antiquity ; and it evidently expresses conveniently the distinction between the harmless lightning that plays among the clouds, and the terrible shafts that visit the earth. 3 (1} The Rationale of Thunderbolts. Explosion is evidence of work, 4 and, as we have seen, work is, electrically speaking, the product of quantity and potential. 5 There may, however, be, on the one hand, immense quantity present, and yet nowhere sufficient potential to determine explosion ; and, on the other hand, an enormous potential may be developed, yet with such minute quantity that again the combination is inadequate to produce explosion. In the latter case, however, discharge might probably ensue in another form, viz. that of a leak. 6 1 I. D 5, 6. 2 I. D 3, 11, 18. 3 I. D 1, 2. 4 V. A 12. 5 V. Ba. II. C 11. V. A 32; B 17, 18. CONSTITUTION OF THE TERRESTRIAL CONDENSER. 177 VI. E I. A terrestrial explosion, or thunderbolt, requires, there- fore, for its formation two distinct agencies, viz. sufficient quantity, and sufficient potential ; and it only occurs at a point on the earth's surface when the combined effect of the quantity and potential accumulated thereat, and of the reciprocal quantity and potential accumulated on the under- surf ace of the clouds, is powerful enough to overcome explosively the restraint of the intervening air. 1 The quantity originates with the charge from unknown causes acting from below, and the high potential is due to the condensing influence of the clouds. 2 It is clear that the immediate cause of all discharge must be charge. It is therefore to charge, and to all circum- stances that tend to collect it, and to raise its potential, that we must first direct our attention in investigating the origin of thunderbolts. Where lightning discharge is seen at the earth's surface, there, it is obvious, that charge must, just before, have existed. 3 To put the same fact in another form, it is only at the spot where the charge that causes the lightning resides that the latter can possibly " make earth." This fact appears to have been constantly, almost systematically, lost sight of ; but it must undoubtedly be at the root of all inquiry as to the action of lightning on the earth, and as to the best means of defending life and pro- perty from its effects. Of course, if we knew the original cause for the existence in the earth of electricity, and the exact method in which it collects itself at places on the surface, we should have the best, and indeed only sure, foundation for our endea- vours to prevent thunderbolt explosions ; but, as we have already said, we know at present next to nothing of this cause and method ; 4 so all that we can do is to make the 1 I. D 11, 17. V. B 11. 2 I. C 36. 3 V. B 11. 4 VI. A b. i 3 178 LIGHTNING. VI. E b. most use possible of the facts and laws to be deduced from the researches and experiments made by eminent men, 1 and to study the experience which, unfortunately, is con- tinually accruing from the very disasters which we wish to prevent. 2 Having settled then that the existence of charge or electricity on the surface of the globe is the cause of light- ning explosion, and being unable to account for the origin of this electricity, our investigations must be essentially devoted to the conditions that tend to affect its explosive- ness. 3 1 I. 216, 19, 2124, 28> 31, 3235. II. C 26,. a i. Q 1 _ 42 . III. 1203. 3 Y. B 12. TIL A a. CHAPTEE VII. THE ACTION OF THUNDER- BOLTS. (A) THE ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE. (a) The Accumulation of Electricity on the Earth's Surface. ALTHOUGH, as we have said, both quantity and potential are necessary in order to produce explosion, still the main and immediate element in its production is necessarily potential; 1 it is therefore to the circumstances of the terres- trial condenser affecting the accumulation of potential, that we must principally direct our attention ; and, first, we have to consider the conditions of the natural surface of the earth in this respect. The earth collecting plate receives its charge, by a method unknown to us, from the source in the interior. This charging process goes on for a certain period of time, and presumably with some uniformity of action. The area thus charged, limited probably by the geo- logical conditions of the earth's crust below it, usually consists of surfaces composed of substances of various degrees of influence. 2 The quicker collecting of these substances would, cceterit paribus, collect their full measure of any limited quantity of electricity with which the whole area might simul- taneously commence to be charged, in a proportionally shorter time than would the substances of lesser collec- tivity. 3 1 V. B 4, 11. * VI. D a. . V. A 9, 10, 19, 20. 180 LIGHTNING. YII. A &. Hence, if tlie area should be charged from a source of unlimited electricity, the more collective substances or surfaces would, in any given time whilst the charging process lasted, collect the greater charge, i.e. would (capacity being unaltered) attain to a higher potential. 1 Now the earth is undoubtedly a practically unlimited source of electricity, 2 and it may be presumed that, just previous to a thunderstorm, its surface is charged in such a .manner that electricity is continuously accruing thereon, though perhaps at a rate almost imperceptible. It follows then that the more collective portions of this surface will collect, in any given time during this charging, the more electricity, and thus will obtain the higher potential. The various portions of the charged area being, previous to a thunderstorm, in these relative states, would all accu- mulate potential at a much greater rate as soon as a thundercloud should begin to condense them ; 3 but these accelerated rates would again vary (on the principle just enunciated) in proportion to the different collective powers of the surfaces. The result is, therefore, that the more collective any particular portion of the earth's surface may be, the more will potential tend to accumulate thereat, and the more likely will explosions be to spring therefrom. 4 (I) Surfaces of Water. On referring to the Table of Influence, it will be seen that water of all kinds is the most highly placed of all natural collectors on the earth's surface, and that the sea takes the precedence. 5 This points to the danger that all bodies on or near 1 V. B 1, 7, 12. 2 I. C 52, 53. 3 V. A 28. * I. C 3745 ; E 6 ; G 3134, 39. II. D 54 ; G 28. VI. D a. VII. A h. 5 VI. D . THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 181 VII. A b. natural sheets of water, and especially ships on the sea, are subject to during thunderstorms. 1 An additional element of risk would appear to attend on vessels when they are in motion during such storms, since it would evidently be possible for a vessel to proceed from one explosively charged area to another, or to keep company, more or less, with a highly condensing cloud in its course above the ocean, either of which circumstances would tend to cause the ship to be the scene of repeated explosions. 2 There is, however, a very important aspect of large col- lective surfaces to be noticed, viz. the capacity of their dielectrics, qua area ; for the action of this area would, proportionally to its extent, reduce the probability of potential accumulating at any particular portion of it. 3 The immense uniformly collective area of the ocean would, therefore, by increasing the capacity tend to decrease the potential, of any charge arising at its surface from below, and this would constitute a source of protec- tion to ships ; though, on the other hand, it would give scope for the presence of a charge in greater quantity. Sheets of water, such as small rivers, streams, pools, and ponds, would probably be the natural surfaces of all others that would most assist in bringing about explosion, pro- vided their areas were not too limited to furnish a sufficient quantity of electricity ; and, as a matter of fact, we know that when lightning does occur between the earth and the clouds, it generally " makes earth," or appears when close to the earth, at pools and places where moisture abounds ; 4 and this (as we have before submitted) is only another way of expressing the fact that the charges which caused the lightning accumulated at these places, and that from them the lightning sprang. 1 II. E 1. VII. C 2. 2 VII. C 11. 3 V. B 1, 7, 12. 4 I. C 3739, 43, 45; E 6; G 39. II. D 43, 49, 54; G 48. VII. A h. 182 LIGHTNING. VII. A C d. (c) Moist Earth. Moist earth, or telegraphic "good earth," such as con- stitutes the greater portion of the surface soil of England in its ordinary state, is clearly, according to the views we have advanced, somewhat receptive of charge. 1 It becomes evident then that the best positions for erecting buildings, so far as their defence from the action of thunderbolts is concerned, are away from the banks of rivers and lakes, and from the vicinity of pools, streams, and moisture generally; that the better drained and the drier the ground is around the buildings, the better ; and that the theory of moist earth being necessary in the neighbourhood of a building for the purpose of defending it from the effects of lightning is exactly contrary to the real requirements of the case. 2 Vegetation, which per se is more collective than moist earth, probably increases the collectivity of the ground ; 3 and this idea accords with the apparent fact of the greater frequency with which thunderbolts occur in the fields and in the open country than in the towns. 4 As in the case of the sea, the potential of the charge on moist earth would tend to vary inversely as the extent of collective area over which it was spread, so that a com- paratively small portion of moist earth circumscribed by rock or dry earth would be all the more dangerous. 5 (d) Rocky and Dry Surfaces. From what has been stated, it is clear that rock and dry earth, being less collective than ordinary moist earth, would, in any given time, collect a smaller charge, i.e. would not attain so high a potential. 6 Hence, such sur- faces would tend to be sources of protection, and a house built on a rocky or very dry surface, or at a distance from 1 VI. D a. 2 II. D 7, 22, 26, 28, 3d, 43, 49, 63, 54 ; G 52. a VI. D a. * II. G 1921, 35, 36. 5 VII. A h. 6 VI. D a. VII. A h. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 183 VII. A 9. moisture, ought to be, ipso facto, less liable to be struck by lightning. This view is fortified by the experience, already cited, that lightning is found, as a rule, to seek moisture ; l for this clearly implies that it avoids, by preference, places where moisture does not abound, viz. rocky and dry surfaces. By rocky surfaces we mean those formed of the bare rock, and not merely rocky sites ; for it will frequently be found that rocky sites are more or less overlaid in places by thin coverings of soil or sod, and places so covered would not come within the category of rocky surfaces. 2 Even coverings of snow and ice on otherwise rocky sur- faces, as e.g. Alpine summits, would doubtless completely alter their character, and would make them more suscep- tible of collecting charge than the bare rock ; and there is reason to believe that, in most cases where explosions spring from rocky sites, these sites have been covered with some extraneous substance tending to faciliate the accumu- lation of electricity. 3 The curious "fulgurites" that is occasionally produced where the ground is struck by lightning is an apparent instance of explosion occurring from a slowly collective surface ; but without a full knowledge of all the concomitant circumstances in cases of " fulgurites," it would be difficult to form an accurate opinion as to its cause. 4 On the same principle as that already mentioned in regard to collective surfaces, rocky, dry, and all slowly collective or insulative surfaces would be proportionally less influenced by the condensing action of thunderclouds. (e) Paved Surface*. From the consideration of surfaces naturally rocky we are led to that of surfaces artificially BO, viz. stone pave- ments. 5 1 VI. C. * III. 54. I. G 40, 41. * I. D 39, 42, 43. * VI. D a. VII. A h. 184 LIGHTNING. VII. A e. Here we appear to have very similar conditions of slow collectivity, though probably the thickness of the paving would be an element in the question, since it cannot be supposed that, in practice, however theoretically correct the idea may be, a mere film of slowly collecting matter on the earth's surface would have so much effect in preventing explosion as a thicker stratum; for since the surface receives its original charge from below, the thicker the mass of slowly collecting substance immediately below the surface should be, the farther would the bulk of this charge be kept from it, and the less likelihood would there be of its receiving any appreciable quantity of electricity. In the case of ordinary well-laid stone nagging, there would seem, to be good ground for presuming that the sur- face would be proportionally less collective than if the soil had not been covered at all. Brick pavements would probably be more insulative than stone, and asphalted ones more so than those of brick. On the same principle we have reason to expect that a layer of metal laid on the earth's surface could greatly increase the collectivity of the plate thereat. It is submitted that the paved surfaces abounding in cities and towns, and especially close around buildings therein, are among the causes that contribute to protect the build- ings from thunderbolts. 1 The essential idea that we have been urging regarding the influence of rocky and slowly collecting surfaces is that the electricity derivable from the interior of the earth has every reason to accumulate by preference in places of good collectivity, and that even if slowly collecting surfaces do become charged from below, they are only in a com- paratively small degree condensed by the clouds; hence such surfaces are the less likely to accumulate potential, and consequently explosions are the less likely to spring from them. 1 I. G 11, 35, 1921. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 185 VII. Kfg. (/) Surf aces formed by Railway Metals. An artificial feature, partaking somewhat of the nature of metal pavement, and appertaining largely to countries where civilisation prevails, is the network of iron, formed by the railway system. 1 Here we have a surface highly capable of accumulating potential, qua its metal, 2 but of great capacity qua its surface, 3 and thus in a condition somewhat analogous to that of the ocean. The influence of railways cannot, however, be thoroughly discussed without taking into account a third condition attached to them, viz. the leaks occasioned by the angularities of their metals. The subject will there- fore be dealt with again under the head of Terrestrial Leakage. 4 (g] The Shape and Geological Formation of the Ground. Turning now to the topographical feature of the ground, 5 it is evident that the higher any place is above the level of the sea, and, hence, the nearer to the clouds, the less thick is its dielectric. General elevation thus tends to reduce capacity, qud its thickness, and therefore, cceterisparilus, to increase potential ; hence it is a source of danger. 6 Table lands, mountain ranges, and watersheds generally, would on this account be regions in which potential would tend to accumulate, in preference to basins. On the same principle, any feature of the ground elevated above its surroundings, independently of its general level, would be, qud that fact, a source of com- parative danger, and the summits of mountains and hills 1 VII. A h. 2 VI. D a. 3 V. B 1, 7, 12. 4 VII. O d. 5 vil. A h. 6 I. D 17, 35. II. C 43 ; G 26. V. B 1, 7, 12. 186 LIGHTNING. VII. A h. would be places more exposed to risk than the sides and valleys. 1 Lateral prominence of ground would also lead to increased exposure to chances of condensation by a cloud approaching, but not as yet arrived at, the zenith of the place, in comparison with other portions of ground not horizontally exposed in so great a degree. The sides of hills and the sea coast are examples of this condition of prominence. The geological nature of the earth's crust at any place would probably constitute a most important element affecting the occurrence of charge on the surface. 2 So little, however, appears to be known of the relative influences of the various kinds of rocks and geological formations as regards terrestrial electricity, that there is not much scope for enlargement on the subject ; 3 though there is probably not much doubt that certain formations favour the collection of electricity much more than do others. A thorough study of the earth's crust, with reference to terrestrial electricity, and to the actual localities of thunder- bolt explosions, would probably throw much light on many points as to which we are at present in darkness, and would materially assist in solving the problem of the cause of the earth's electricity. (A) Analysis of Incidents in regard to Conditions of Surface, The following incidents in Chapter III. contain more or less allusion to conditions of surface : Sea (except cases of Ships}. tfos. 44, 83, 96, 117, 123, 179, 180. Rivers. Nos. 15, 125, 127, 137, 181. i I. Q 33, 40, 41. I. C 41 ; G 30; VII. A A. ' VI. D b. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 187 VII. B a. Lakes. Nos. 30, 31, 85. Wells, Pools, and Streams. Nos. 49, 82, 103, 155. Dry Earth, Sand, or Rock. Nos. 22, 86, 117, 156, 44, 87, 128, 157, 64, 89, 131, 178, 65, 91, 147, 179. 64, 103, 155, Other natures of Soil or Ground. Nos. 10, 117, 168, 54, 118, 176, 56, 129, 182, 90, 147, 202, 116, 161, 203. Charcoal Trenches. No. 47. Pavements. Nos. 24, 112, 181, 183, 192, 203. Railways. Nos. 88, 98, 151, 198. Elevated or Exposed Ground. 1 Nos. 4, 95, 117, 155, 55, 108, 128, 156, 79, 116, H7, 181. 94, Valleys or Low Ground. Nos. 3, 54, 59, 203. (B) DETAILS OF THUNDERBOLT ACTION. (a) Classification of objects on the Earth's Surface. "We now come to the consideration of the principal objects, not forming integral portions of the earth, met * VII. B e. 188 LIGHTNING. VII. B a. with on its surface, such as the artificial features presented by buildings, ships, and constructions of all kinds, and the extraneous features formed by natural objects, such as human beings, animals, and trees. In Chapter VI., Section C, we have submitted that the uppermost surface of the globe, whether such surface is formed by natural or by artificial features, constitutes the outline of the terrestrial plate. Under this aspect, it is evident that the sides and upper surfaces of the artificial and extraneous objects we are now dealing with, form, wherever these are isolated features on the natural surface of the earth, portions of the earth's collecting plate. An important element, however, comes into play with these objects, and that is their amount of electrical con- nection with the earth's natural surface. If this connection be good, then the object under con- sideration, qud its exterior sides and surfaces, takes an active share in the general collecting plate, and constitutes what may, perhaps, conveniently be called a local col- lecting plate, or local plate. If, however, this electrical connection should not exist, or should be bad, then the outer surfaces of the object, whatever may be their collectivity, are, like the rocky and dry surfaces considered in the last section, merely passive portions of the general collecting plate ; but, unlike the rocky surfaces, the objects we are now treating of present, as a rule, when taking only a passive share in the earth's collecting plate, a special feature which causes them to play an active part in another sphere of influence. This special feature consists in the more or less vertical surfaces presented by the sides of buildings and other objects, which surf aces must materially influence, according to their powers of restraint, the dielectric immediately over the portions of the natural surface of the earth lying close outside the bases of these vertical sides. 1 i V. A 23, 29. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 189 YIL B I. In fact, these sides necessarily form local dielectrics to the ground immediately adjacent to them, and the whole of the outer surfaces of the building or object, so long as their direction with regard to the ground in question is at all inclined upward, must, since the direction of a con- densing cloud may be at almost any angle above a hori- zontal plane through any part of the building, take a greater or less share in these local dielectrics according to the circumstances of the case ; and indeed, an instance is on record of a thundercloud having been even below the level of a building struck through its agency. 1 All the objects, then, to be met with on the earth's natural surface, are capable of being grouped either as local plates or as local dielectrics, according as they are, or are not, electrically connected to the ground. 2 (b) Electrical Connection. It becomes necessary now to consider what constitutes good electrical connection. Good electrical connection between two articles or sub- stances means the existence of such intimate contact between them, that electricity freely distributes itself between the two, without meeting obstruction at the points of contact. This condition can only apply between two articles or substances which are themselves good collectors or con- ductors, and cannot be said to exist in the case where either body is a slow collector, still less where one of them is an insulator. 3 Electrical connection is not the same as mechanical contact, for even when the latter exists between two articles of the same metal, considerable hindrance to electrical distribution is frequently caused by the slight film of air existing at the apparent contact ; and to make 1 III. 4. 2 VII. C 1518. 3 VI. D a. 190 LIGHTNING. VII. B C. good electrical connection between an object and the ground, the presence of some degree of moisture appears to be generally requisite, the action of which seems, by means of some kind of electrolytic action, to render contact more electrically perfect. For a collector, then, to be in good electrical connection with the earth, it would generally be necessary that the surface crust should be more or less in a moist state, and that the collector should either be itself in close contact with this crust, or should be joined thereto by some form of continuous metal, this metal being itself incorporated with the collector at one end, and buried in the ground at the other. No other substance than metal would seem to provide efficient connection between the earth and a metal or collector separated from it. It is then assumed, as a broad rule, in the following paragraphs, that an object not composed of collective material, or, if a collector, not in contact with the surface of the earth nor joined thereto by metal, is not electrically connected to the ground, and consequently forms a local dielectric ; whilst those collectors that are thus electrically connected constitute local plates ; and by the term ' ' ground ' ' or " earth," the kind of ground, in its average state of moisture, which forms the ordinary surface soil of England, is intended. 1 (0) Explosive Action. Explosive action necessarily follows the line of least restraint between the points of explosion on the collecting and condensing plates. 2 Experience shows, however, that in the terrestrial con- denser it is quite impossible to foresee the exact direction and path of this line ; and this is the less remarkable when we consider that the plate formed by the cloud is 1 VI. P a. ' I. D 31, 32. V. A 30. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 191 VII. B C. always more or less in motion, and that the precise position it will occupy over any particular building or place on the earth's surface at the moment when potential has accumu- lated to explosive point can obviously never be pre- dicted. 1 The zigzag appearance of lightning is an undoubted proof of the irregularity of the course of an explosion's line of least restraint. Explosive action can only exist in a restrainer or slight facilitator ; 2 and it always proceeds through one of these substances, though this piercing action may occasionally take a path coinciding with the plane of contact between two dissimilar substances, as e.g. over the exterior surface of a wall whilst piercing the film of air in contact therewith. 3 The fundamental law concerning explosive action appears to be that it springs from the collecting and con- densing plates, and acts within the dielectric. Explosion, therefore, affects terrestrial objects very dif- ferently, according as they form local plates or local dielectrics. The chief manifestations of terrestrial explosive action appear to be as follows, viz. : 1 . Spark or Lightning. 2. Heat. 3. Expansive or rending force. 4. Uplifting force. 5. Shock to animal systems. 4 Explosion, when passing through the air, is manifested by lightning and heat ; and, when through other restrainers, or through slight facilitators, by rending, uplifting, and heat. In the case of local plates, explosion only injures them in the act of springing from or leaving them, and the 1 II. E 35. * V. A 22, 23. VI. D a. 3 II. G 33. * I. D 16, 37, 39, 40, 41, 4446, 53. 192 LIGHTNING. VII. B o. injury takes different forms according to the substance of the plate. 1 Thus when metals form local plates, explosion frequently fuses them at the exact places where it leaves them, where, in fact, it is in contact with them in the form of great heat, viz. lightning ; but it does not otherwise damage them. 2 In leaving human beings and animals it usually causes a fatal shock to the system, accompanied by traces of burning. 3 In leaving woodwork, it generally shatters the extremi- ties, and occasionally sets it on fire. 4 In its action on local dielectrics, explosion is necessarily more violent, and is accompanied by an uplifting force or blow. When it passes through metals forming local dielectrics, it generally fuses them at the points where it enters, as well as where it leaves them, at which points the character of the explosion is necessarily influenced by the non- metallic substances which it leaves and enters, respectively ; but the bodies of the metals, except in the case of thin wires, do not appear to be heated or otherwise materially affected, a circumstance probably due to the great influence possessed by metals for facilitating the passage of the explosion when they are strong enough to resist its mechanical shock; in other words, to the fact that they do not afford sufficient time for the work of an explosion passing through them to manifest itself in the form of heat. 5 Thin wires are occasionally recorded as having been melted, such having doubtless at the time been considered as the most obvious manner of accounting for their disap- pearance ; but it would seem probable that the metal of very small wires, e.g. bell wires, is of too small extent to exercise much facilitating influence on the explosion, and that they are usually disintegrated and dispersed by its 1 VI. Da. 2 I. D 36, 47. VII. C 3. VIII. C 9. 3 VII. C 8, 9. * VII. C 1 n, 6. 5 I. A 31 ; D 36, 47. VII. C 3. III. 27, 28. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 193 VII. B e. mechanical force or blow, 1 and the not infrequent action of explosion in breaking in pieces slender lightning rods not electrically connected to the ground, would appear to confirm this view. 2 When human beings form local dielectrics, they must experience, firstly, the blow from the explosion ; secondly, the shock due to its passage through their bodies ; and thirdly, the shock due from its contact on leaving them.* When woodwork forms part of a local dielectric, ex- plosion appears sometimes to shiver it, and at other times to set it on fire. 4 Trees and woods probably differ from each other con- siderably in their influence, and little seems to be known as to their relative powers for collecting charge or for facili- tating explosions. A portion of a construction made of one kind of wood might act as a plate, whilst the same object in the same position, made of another kind, might act as a dielectric. 5 It is when passing through brick and stone, and through all restrainers and slight facilitators, that an explosion manifests itself most violently. It here exhibits a powerful rending force, 6 which necessarily has a disastrous effect on the buildings which experience it, and also an uplifting force. 7 This latter force occasionally lifts heavy stones, and transports them to considerable distances ; and the result of the two forces is frequently not unlike that due to a gunpowder explosion. Church spires of stone, surmounted by metal work, and containing within them much metal in different forms at various elevated levels, are more especially apt to ex- perience the rending force of thunderbolts. 8 When it is merely the exterior surface of a brick or 1 II. B 22. III. 18, 19, 52, 65, 67, 119. 2 VIII. C 5, 10. 3 VII. C 8. 4 VII. C 1 /*, 6. 6 II. G 33, 39. VI. D a, b. 6 I. D 45, 46. VII. C 1 TT, 14. 7 I. D 40. VI. B . 8 VII. C 1, a, *. 104 LIGHTNING. VII. B d. stone building that acts as a local dielectric, it is probable that there is less scope for the display of this rending action, since most of the expansive force would be dissipated in the atmosphere. Explosion occasionally ploughs a path horizontally along the surface of the earth, for some distance from the place whence it springs, before it utilises an object on the surface in order to rise therefrom. 1 In our present state of knowledge it would probably be quite impossible to give exhaustively all the various manners in which explosive action is liable to act ; but, from what has been submitted, it would appear certain that the injury it effects on an object is as a rule far greater when that object is a local dielectric than when it is a local plate. (d) Local Plates. If a construction of wood, or of metal, or of any sub- stance of good collectivity, should be electrically connec- ted to the ground, the exterior surfaces would receive charge therefrom, and would constitute a local plate. A wooden or metal building, thus circumstanced, being more collective than the surrounding surfaces, 2 would, on the same principle as that already mentioned in the case of two unequally collecting surfaces of ground, attain to a higher potential; for the combined surfaces of such a building would in any given time accumulate a greater amount of electricity than an equal area of ground. It is thus evident that a metal building is liable to form a local plate of great accumulating power, 3 and that an explosion is, cateris paribus, more likely to spring from such a building than from the ground immediately around it. All metal constructions and objects, however, when forming local plates, contain the element of leakage in a * VII. C 13. 3 VI. Da. 3 I. E 3, 7, 9. VI. D b. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 195 vn. B d. greater or less degree ; and this element (which is treated on hereafter in Section F *) probably exercises consider- able influence in preventing explosions from them. The comparative absence of leakage conditions in wooden constructions renders it likely that, as local plates, they are more dangerous than metal buildings. 2 We have now to consider brick and stone buildings containing, on their walls or roofs, metal surfaces, such as roof coverings, eaves gutters, rain-water pipes, finials, vanes, and other articles, all electrically connected to the ground. 3 These surfaces come into the same category as metal buildings, and constitute local plates of more or less importance in proportion to the surface of metal they display ; and there is no reason for assuming that any form they may possess such e.g. as long slender rods, bands, tubes, or wire ropes, or that any direction these may take, whether vertical or otherwise, in any way alters their collecting power ; although this would, of course, be affected by leakage, on the same principle as for metal buildings. It is clear that an explosion possesses more power to injure a brick or stone building containing various metal surfaces than one formed wholly of metal. 4 One element, however, in connection with metals gene- rally, would have a great influence over explosion, viz. their elevation above the ground; and this influence would be present in all local plates. Elevation would act as follows : In proportion to the height of a local plate above the general surface of the ground the thickness of the air dielectric would be dimin- ished ; thus capacity is to the same amount reduced, and (quantity being unaltered) potential becomes proportionally increased. 5 1 VII. F c. 2 II. E 42. VII. C 1 t. 3 VII. 03. 4 I. E 2, 6, 10, 12. VII. C 3. 5 I. D 17, 35. II. G 26. V. B 1, 7, 12. 196 LIGHTNING. VII. B 0. Elevated metal in tlie form of a local plate is thus a condition tending greatly to promote explosion. 1 Ships, when afloat, are well connected to the earth's surface (formed by the sea) ; thus they generally constitute local plates; and, for the same reasons connected with leakage as mentioned in the cases of wooden and iron buildings, wooden ships, would generally be more dange- rous than iron ones. 3 The following objects would probably also be liable, during thunderstorms, to form local plates, viz. : 1. Human beings and animals standing on the ground in the open air. 3 2. Trees. 4 3. Flagstaff s and telegraph poles springing from the ground. 5 It is evident that a construction or other object may occasionally form partly a plate and partly a dielectric, as e.g. when a metal surface on the lower part of a stone building is electrically connected to the ground ; in this case all the rest of the building, especially any part above or adjacent to the metal surface or its connection to the ground, is liable to constitute a local dielectric to the local plates formed by the metal. 6 Local plates are also always liable to act accidentally as local dielectrics to each other, or to adjacent portions of ground to which they themselves are not electrically con- nected. This condition will be more fully discussed after the question of local dielectrics has been considered. 7 (e] Persons in the Open Air. That human beings on the ground, in the open air, when killed by lightning, do usually form local plates seems almost certain from the following facts, viz. : 1 IT. G 43. VII. C 15, 16. VIII. C 6. 3 VII. C 2. > VI. D a. VII. C 8, 9. 4 I. F 58. VII. Co. I. D 44. 5 VII. C 6. s VII. C 16. 7 VII. B g. THE ACTION OF THUNDERBOLTS. 197 VII. B ;. III. 49, 55, 67, 79, 117, 121, 160, 177, 183, 186. 7 III. 184, 200, 201. 8 I. G 31. III. 113, 163, 202. 9 I. G 11, 26, 27, 30, 32. 276 LIGHTNING. IX. B t>. in these regions there would be less necessity for taking special measures for the defence of private buildings. The surroundings of the house, e.g. water, rock, trees, adjacent buildings, the features of the country, the eleva- tion, the degree of exposure, are, of course, all matters to be taken into account. 1 Lastly, the occupier's pocket, and his or her views generally concerning the importance of the dangers due to thunderbolts, are important factors in the question. 2 It is considered that ordinary town houses, without prominent features, in towns supplied with gas or water, would not as a rule need special treatment for defence from lightning, either as regards metals, or in any other way. 3 (b) The Reduction of the Explosiveness of the Ground. It would be advisable to build all constructions on tho- roughly dry sites, and, wherever practicable, on rocky ones. 4 Powder magazines should be constructed underground whenever such a course is feasible. All buildings, as to which it is an object that they should be specially protected from lightning, should be kept well away from the banks of small rivers and small sheets or surfaces of water ; 5 and probably the sites of all new con- structions of the kind we have proposed to take precautions with as regards metal, would be worthy of special atten- tion in regard to the nature of the soil and of the sur- roundings. These measures would, however, be hardly needed in the cases of such buildings forming parts of the streets of towns supplied with gas or water. Having done, then, all we can, by natural means, to diminish in the immediate vicinity of such buildings as we 1 VII. A, * III. 121. 3 VII. G rf. < VII. A d, 5 VII. A b. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 277 IX. B b. specially desire to protect from thunderbolts the conditions tending to cause them, the question arises whether the collectivity of the surface of the ground lying close to the walls may not be advantageously reduced by artificial means, viz. by paving. 1 The constructions to which, provided they contained no metal on the exterior surfaces of their outer walls, the measure of paving the ground immediately around those walls might advantageously be applied, would probably be all those proposed to be treated in regard to metal, except labourers' cottages, where, in most cases, the expense would probably be too great. The pavement proposed is one of the following kinds, or of a nature kindred thereto, viz. : (1.) Squared stone flagging not less than 2 inches thick, set in cement, and bedded on concrete. (2.) Bricks, flat or on edge, set in cement, and bedded on concrete. (3.) Cement concrete. (4.) Concrete coated with asphalte. (5.) Tar pavement. The total depth of masonry should in no case be less than 6 inches ; the kerb should be at least 6 inches high above the ground adjacent ; the width of the paving should be from 3 to 6 feet, and there should be thoroughly good contact between it and the wall of the building. From a sanitary and a . convenient point of view, a pavement around any building is always an advantage ; and, qua lightning, the walls would certainly when thus girt appear to run less chance of being utilised as a path- way by an explosion from the adjacent ground. The system would be especially applicable to buildings of no great area, such as usually are magazines and factories for explosives, and monuments or works of art ; 1 VII. A e. 278 LIGHTNING. IX. B c. for the expense of completely surrounding such construc- tions with pavement would not be great. At buildings containing elevated features, as, e.g. furnaces with tall chimney-stalks, and churches with towers or spires, the pavement would, where desirable, merely surround the bases of such features, or would cover the nearest ground thereto close to the walls, if such bases did not reach the external ground. In the latter case, the following would be a convenient rule for obtaining ap- proximately the length of pavement required, viz. find from the plan the girth which the base of the elevated feature would approximately have, supposing its walls or sides had everywhere reached the ground, perpen- dicularly from where they are stopped ; and take this girth as the length of the inside edge of the necessary paving. We have already adverted to the fact of most buildings in towns being enclosed by pavements. 1 (c) The Conversion of Chimney -grates into Electric Taps. The best forms of lightning protective apparatus for buildings now demand our attention. In the country, the portions of houses that most cause explosions and most suffer from them are generally the chimneys. 2 We propose, therefore, to apply a special arrangement to the fireplaces on the lowest floors of country houses and cottages, whereby, if possible, these masses of metal, and the sooty chimney flues leading from them, may have their usual function of local dielectric converted into the much less dangerous one of local plate, 3 and the grates or ranges themselves may form portions of taps for the purpose of ridding the ground adjacent to them of charge. The proposed plan is merely to connect the grate by means of one or more iron bars to the ground below, and to fix on the grate a few short sharp iron spikes. * VII. A e. 2 VII. B k. 3 II. E 7. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 279 IX. B e. The connection might be in the form of a single piece of iron of any convenient shape, riveted or otherwise fastened to the bottom of the ironwork of the grate, or range, and extending about 12 inches vertically into the natural soil below the hearth ; but two or three of such connections would be better than one. The spikes might be quite small (say 2 inches long), and might be fixed in any convenient parts of the grate, and so as to point either upwards, downwards, or in any other direction ; for their action would be the same in all cases, and however placed they would certainly tend to eject at all times any electricity which might collect in the ground adjacent to the chimney. The fact of these points being practically inside the house would not affect their power. 1 The application of the above measure in its simplest form to the grate of a labourer's cottage in the country would be very inexpensive, and could easily be effected by a village blacksmith. For the defence of the chimneys of sitting-rooms on the lowest floors of country houses it might perhaps be worth while expressly to manufacture grates with wide vertical horns projecting from their bottoms (to sink into the soil), and numerous ornamental pointed projections on any portion of them above ground. The points of grates arranged as proposed could always be kept sharp without difficulty ; and the hearth-stones could be arranged so that (if required) parts of them could be periodically lifted in order to examine the earth contact of the connections. It is submitted that, with the basement fireplaces treated as proposed, labourers' cottages, and all ordinary houses in the country, such as, e.g. country gentlemen's seats, parsonages, and farm-houses, without prominently elevated features or any great amount of elevated metal on their 1 V. B 20. 280 LIGHTNING. IX. B d. exterior surfaces, and not otherwise in need of specia treatment, would be fairly well defended from thunder-- bolts. The chimney-stalks of furnaces l would also doubtless be rendered more secure if similar measures were adopted with regard to any masses of metal connected with the boilers or fireplaces lying near the bottom of the shaft. (d) The Application of Electric Taps to the Ground surrounding the Building. The form of lightning protector which we advocate as a substitute for the lightning rod in present use will now be described. "We have submitted that the advantages of the present form of lightning rod are measured by the extent to which, by means of its root and point, it taps the ground around the building ; that as a rule the root is so arranged as to tap a minimum portion of this important ground ; that the stalk is an unmitigated disadvantage ; and that the system when carried out in the complete manner advocated by modern authorities is costly to erect, and liable to several sources of failure after erection. 2 The principal conditions, then, that we propose to adopt in the new form of apparatus are as follows, viz. : (1.) The protector must be arranged so as to tap the ground lying close around the building or feature to be defended to the maximum extent. (2.) It must have no stalk or exposed elevated surface of metal. (3.) It must be cheap to erect. (4.) It must not be liable after erection to any material source of failure. Acting on these views, we suggest a form of lightning- 1 II. G 17. 2 VIII. B D. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 281 IX. B d. protector for buildings which may not inaccurately be termed an electric tap. 1 It consists, in its complete form, of a plate of iron laid in the ground a few inches below the surface surrounding the building, close either to the walls or to the kerb of any pavement, of the nature and dimensions proposed, adjoining them, and presenting slightly above the surface of the ground numerous sharp iron points. Old metal of any kind or shape would do for the plate, and any sort of metal spikes attached thereto, and appear- ing above the ground just so high that the points could be conveniently kept sharp and free from injury, could act as points ; but, in order to assist the ideas, it may be useful to suggest a definite form and dimensions, which, under ordinary circumstances, would be efficient, convenient, and inexpensive. The following specification is therefore submitted for the construction and fixing of these taps, viz. Wrought- iron plates, 4 feet long, 6 inches wide, and ^ inch thick, laid flat in the ground with the edge on one side touching the wall, or vertically underneath the edge of the pave- ment kerb, at a depth of 6 inches below the surface, and placed end to end in contact with each other ; each plate to have riveted in it two round wrought-iron vertical rods, each | inch in diameter, 12 inches long, and sharply pointed at the upper extremity ; the rods to be fixed at 2 feet distance from each other, 1 foot from each end of the plate respec- tively, and 1 inch from the edge of the plate's inner side ; the soil excavated to be compactly refilled over the plates to the original level, so as to allow of the upper 6 inches of the rods to project above the surface of the ground; the exposed portions of the rods to be painted or tarred. The weight of such a plate made at Devonport was 20 Ibs., and the cost of it was 5s. 7^d. ; thus the expense of the system, including all labour, may be put at Is. 6d. per running foot. 1 VII. G c. 282 LIGHTNING. IX. B d. The plates can be prepared by any smith, and can be laid by the occupier of the building without the interven- tion of an electrician ; the points can always be seen and be kept sharp ; there is practically no exposure of metal ; the building is not disfigured; and whenever it is con- sidered desirable to examine the plates, all that is needed is to remove the small layer of superincumbent earth. Cast-iron taps, with continuous vertical webs of an ornamental pattern surmounted by a fretwork of points, might be appropriately employed at certain kinds of buildings, in lieu of the wrought-iron form above specified. Such an apparatus as proposed would, according to our views, exercise a beneficial tapping function in any kind of ground that it was placed in, however rocky or dry the site might be. Wherever the metal should touch the rock, the electrical contact between the plate and the earth would doubtless be less complete than when a certain amount of moisture was present; but in these rocky situations, according to the theory advanced in Part II., there is proportionally less possibility of a charge accumulating to any extent ; l and if it should do so, the amount of electricity tapped by the apparatus would be correspondingly increased ; in fact, the power of the tap would vary with the explosive condition of the ground; and the more the apparatus should be needed, the more it would respond to the call. That such a contrivance, or indeed any that can be devised, can be relied on absolutely to prevent explosion, seems quite out of the question ; but, so far as we are aware, it certainly is not liable, qua the object for which it is intended, to any source of failure. Although, in its complete form, the proposed electric tap would surround the whole building, still it is con- sidered that this course would only be needed with buildings like powder magazines, which require extra- i VII. A d. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 283 IX. B d. ordinary precautions, though it might conveniently be applied also to others which only occupied a compara- tively small area, such, e.g. as monuments. When applied, then, to buildings in general, the tap would usually merely embrace either the base of any prominently elevated feature needing special protection e.g. the spire or tower of a church, the chimney-stalk of a furnace or the pavement enclosing that base, and where such feature did not reach the ground on all sides, the length of tap to be used might be approximately regu- lated by the same rule as that already suggested for the length of the inside girth of the pavement proposed to be laid adjacent to the feature's imaginary base, and the tap would be disposed over the length or lengths of ground lying close to the walls or pavement kerbs nearest to such imaginary base ; but the exact arrangement of the tap would of course depend on the circumstances of the building. It might occasionally be considered sufficient if only the salient angles of the base or imaginary base of an elevated feature were each guarded by a short length of tap. Where any particularly elevated features were wanting, those most prominent laterally, e.g. the corners or pro- jecting portions, might be protected. In cases where the building is enclosed with pavement as proposed, it is considered that the efficacy of the apparatus in tapping the electricity at the base of the walls would not generally be affected by the short distance the tap would be kept therefrom, necessitated by the width of the pavement ; but should the nature of the ground lead to the idea that this might possibly be the case, the pavement would have to be omitted. The following constructions would, as a rule, be supplied with electric taps, viz. : (1.) Buildings for manufacturing, manipulating, or storing gunpowder or other explosives. These would be the only kind of buildings that 284 LIGHTNING. IX. B d. (it is proposed) should, of necessity, be completely surrounded by the taps. At the rate of Is. 6d. per lineal foot, the cost of defending an existing magazine holding 10,000 barrels of powder (500 tons), the girth of the pavement around which is 474 feet, would be 35/11. The actual cost of defending a similar magazine, holding only 2,000 barrels, on the system now in force, has been found to be 112/2/11. (2.) Tall chimney-stalks of furnaces. To be dealt with qua the stalks only. (3.) Monuments, columns, and works of art. To be surrounded when of small area. (4.) Churches and other buildings with prominently elevated features. To be dealt with qua the elevated features only. (5.) Large stores, warehouses, and factories, in exposed positions. These would generally not present any elevated features, and the prominent corners should in such cases be protected for a short distance on each side of the angle, and especially those most exposed to the winds usually accompanying the thunderstorms of the locality. Ordinary country houses, and country labourers' cottages are not intended, as a rule, to be provided with these taps. In the case of country houses, however, it would probably, as we have already stated in re metals, be a question dependent on circumstances whether such special protection would be desirable or not ; and since the expense of the proposed taps would be small, doubtless it might sometimes be worth while to employ them at such houses, and especially in cases where the removal of external elevated metal should cause no inconvenience. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 285 IX. B 9. We have mentioned the manner in which we consider that the ground around the houses of large towns is already tapped by means of their gas and water pipes ; and of course houses in the country supplied with either of these services would be to a great extent in a similar condition. (e) Summary of Proposals for the Defence of Buildings. The following is a summary of the arrangements recom- mended for the defence of buildings of various kinds from the effects of lightning ; but, provided that pavement was never employed without the removal of external metal, it would generally depend on the circumstances of the par- ticular building whether all of the proposed measures would be needed, or whether the adoption of some one or more of them would be sufficient. (1.) Buildings connected with Gunpowder or Explosives. (a) Choose a rocky or dry site, remote from the banks of rivers and small sheets of water, and as little exposed as possible. When practicable and convenient, select an underground site for a magazine. (ft] Avoid elevated features in the building, and keep it as low as possible. (y) Omit all metal on its external surface, in the body of the walls, and adjacent to the outer walls inside the building. (8) Pave the strip of ground immediately around the building. (e) Lay an electric tap in the ground around the building. (2.) Chimney Stalks of Furnaces. (a) Omit all metal on the external surface, and, so far as practicable, in the body of the walls and inside the shaft. 286 LIGHTNING. IX. B e. (ft) Pave the ground adjacent to the base of the stalk. (y) Convert the metal work of the furnace into an electric tap. (8) Lay an electric tap in the ground adjacent to the base of the stalk. (3.) Monuments, Columns, and Works of Art. (a) Avoid surmounting with metal in the form of a statue, trophy, or other work of art ; and omit all metal on the external surface. (ft) Pave the ground all around the pedestal of the work. (y) Lay an electric tap in the ground around the work. (4.) Churches and other Buildings, with Prominently Elevated Features, not included in (2) or (3.) (a) Omit all metals as in (1) at the elevated features, and all external elevated metals at the rest of the building. (ft) Pave the ground all round the building, or adjacent to the bases of the elevated features, (y) Lay electric taps in the ground adjacent to the bases of the elevated features. (5.) Large Stores, Warehouses, and Factories, in Exposed Positions, not included in (4.) (a) Keep the amount of external elevated metal at a minimum. (ft) Pave the ground all around the building or adjacent to the prominent angles, (y) Lay electric taps in the ground adjacent to the prominent angles. (6.) Country Labourers' 1 Cottages, (a) Omit all external elevated metals. (ft) Arrange the grates on the lowest floors as electric taps. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 287 IX. B/. (7.) Country Houses, not included in (4) or (5), and not other- wise considered to need special protection. (a) Omit external elevated metals so far as con- venient. (/?) Arrange the grates on the lowest floors as electric taps. (8.) Farm Buildings. Omit external elevated metals so far as convenient. (9.) Town Houses where gas or water is laid on, not included in (4) or (5.) Nil. (/) The Defence of Coal Mines. The dangers possibly due to the deep shafts of mines have been already alluded to ; * and it seems quite possible that the recent terrible accident at the Bisca Colliery during a severe thunderstorm may have been caused by an accu- mulation of thunderbolt explosive conditions at the bottom of the shaft, and by the absence of restraint caused by the sides of the shaft. 2 It is suggested that coal mines should always be treated, qua lightning, as stores of " fire-damp," and should, in like manner as stores of other explosive substances, such, e.g. as gunpowder, be defended by all known means from being ignited by lightning. Coal mines would seem in fact to be far more in need of such protection than powder magazines; for the former generally contain at all times of the day and night a great number of human beings, whilst the latter seldom contain any, and never when a thunderstorm is known to be in progress. In dealing with mines, we are as yet without actual experience ; for there is apparently no case on record of a 1 VII. B/. 2 It appears from the Report of the Lightning Rod Conference that on the 12th July, 1880, lightning actually entered the workings of Tanfield Moor Colliery. 288 LIGHTNING. IX. B y. mine positively known to have been exploded by a thunder- bolt ; still, every reasonable precaution would probably be worth adoption ; and if the theory of the proposed electric taps be sound, much benefit might arise from the use of them at the bottom of deep shafts. It seems quite possible that the coal at the foot of the shaft may be able to collect electricity with some rapidity ; for carbonaceous substances appear to rank after metals in their influence as collectors ; and if we once allow that lightning ascends from the earth instead of descending on it from the clouds, 1 there is good reason for presuming that mines may occasionally be the scenes of thunder- bolts. (g) The Defence of Ships. We do not propose to make any detailed suggestions regarding the defence of ships, and for the following reasons, viz. : (1.) Iron ships, whether carrying lightning rods or not, are apparently never struck by thunderbolts. 2 (2.) The form of lightning rod in use in H.M. ships appears to have been (though not without ex- ceptions) 3 successful in tapping any electricity that may have accumulated around them. 4 (3.) To judge from "Lloyd's List," lightning acci- dents at sea seem, at the present time, to be rare ; 5 nevertheless, it appears that the larger wooden merchant ships seldom carry lightning rods, and the smaller ones never ; hence the inference is that, in these days, thunderbolts do not often occur at sea, and certainly not so frequently as formerly. 6 It is submitted, however, that the principle of electric taps, as proposed for buildings, could readily and ad- i VI. B b. 2 VII. B d. 3 III. 69, 70, 99102. * VIII. B. s III. 125. I. G 1-4. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 289 IX. B#; Co. vantageously be applied to all kinds of ships ; for all that they need for this purpose is the application of short points at convenient places inside the hull in connection with the iron or coppered bottom; and this would permit of the dangerous and costly copper bands and tubes, fixed to the masts and shrouds, in the present system of ships' lightning rods, 1 being dispensed with. (C.) THE DEFENCE OF INDIVIDUALS. (a} Rules for the Guidance of Individuals. As regards the defence of individuals from thunderbolts, much good would probably result from the knowledge, and carrying out, of a few simple rules. It is submitted that one of the forms of Government supervision might, in rural districts, advantageously consist in circulating printed directions on the subject of defence from lightning. Pending the obtaining of further experience, the fol- lowing suggestions are now offered for the guidance of individual action during the progress of thunderstorms : Inside Houses? (1.) Whenever not inconvenient, vacate kitchens and all rooms on the lowest floor where there are fireplaces. (2.) Where this is impracticable or inconvenient, carefully avoid the neighbourhood of such fire- places. (3.) In all rooms, keep, as a rule, clear of the fire- places and of the outer walls; and remain as much as possible in the middle of the room. (4.) Especially avoid the vicinity of any metals on or near the outer walls, such, e.g. as balconies, rain-water pipes, window bars, iron shutters and doors, gas-pipes, water-pipes, tie rods, bell wires, 1 III. 69. IV. 44. 2 I. F 17. 290 LIGHTNING. IX. a. speaking tubes, safes, cisterns, sinks, large mir- rors, gildings, and bedsteads. (5.) Keep all windows, doors, and other openings closed. (6.) An underground vault or cellar is usually a secure place. 1 (7.) Always keep chimney flues, and especially the kitchen flue, fairly clear of soot. 3 In the Open Air. (1.) If you be about to walk, ride, or drive, in the country, during the summer or autumn in thunderous weather, do not carry more metal in any form about your person than is absolutely necessary. 3 (2.) Under the above circumstances, when walking, take an umbrella with you with as little metal on it as practicable, and not a walking stick. 4 (3.) If overtaken by a thunderstorm get as soon as possible inside any masonry building that may be near, 5 or failing a house of this kind, the nearest house of any sort ; but avoid wooden sheds and out-buildings. 6 (4.) If there be no houses near, do not attempt to obtain shelter anywhere ; but choose the ground near you that appears to be naturally the least exposed and the driest, and that is not close to water of any kind, and sit or recline there covered by your umbrella. 7 (5.) Avoid especially the neighbourhood of trees, 8 hedges, fences, walls, 9 steep faces of rock, and all similar shelters. 10 i i. F i_3. 2 vn. B k. 3 I. F 15. VII. B e. * VII. C 8, 9, K. III. 10. 5 II. E 22. e VII. Brf,/; 08, p. 7 I. F13, U. VII. C 5. 9 III. 20. 10 I. F 10. PRACTICAL MEASURES ADVOCATED. 291 IX. C b. (6.) If overtaken when riding, dismount ; l and, if practicable, leave or secure the horse standing on a site similar to that mentioned in (4), and sit or recline in another similar position yourself, some little distance away. (7.) If overtaken when driving, 2 stop, and if in a covered carriage, dismount from the outside, and either get inside or take up a position, as in (4), at some distance from it. If the conveyance be uncovered, all should dismount and dispose them- selves as in (4), at some distance off. Some authorities have recommended the portions of ground near, but not close to, shelters, such as trees, as being safe positions, in comparison to other places, on the principle that the shelter itself would as a rule be struck by any thunderbolt that might occur thereabouts, and thus the ground near the shelter, but not immediately con- tiguous, would probably be rendered comparatively safe. 3 We must, however, remember that this neighbourhood and especially if a human being were in it would, if a thunderbolt struck the shelter, generally be the scene of a return stroke ; and therefore, though life might be secure there, still it would probably be at the cost of a more or less severe shock ; moreover, it would be impossible to estimate accurately the distance from the tree or shelter at which immunity from a thunderbolt striking the tree might end, and danger from other thunderbolts might begin. (i) Agricultural Labourers. The persons who appear to be most exposed to the effects of thunderbolts are agricultural labourers. 4 They are frequently working in the fields when a thunderstorm comes on, and they naturally seek refuge at i VII. B e; 8, n . 2 VII. B e; C 8, r,. I. F 11, 12. * I. F 9; G 8, 9, 1921, 36. VII. C 8, d, i, v. o 2 292 LIGHTNING. IX. C b. the nearest shelter ; but this shelter is generally a tree or slight wooden shed, and, so far from affording them pro- tection from lightning, is constantly the cause of their deaths by it. 1 The remedy that we propose is the substitution of masonry for wood as the material for the construction of field sheds, and the use of these sheds in greater numbers. The labourers should be careful to leave their tools where they have been working. * I. F 10. VII. C 8, X, in. INDEX. ABEL, Professor, 34, 71 Acceleration, 3, 148 Accidental dielectrics, 201, 220,260 Adair, Mr., 93 Afghanistan, 44 Africa, South, 79, 113, 128 Agency, 145 Agram, 25 Aide - Memoire to the Military Sciences, 12, 24, 25, 51, 73, 128 Air, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 28, 30, 61, 173, 189, 199, 204, 222, 290 Airth, Alexander, 124 Almshouses, 142 Amber, 47 America, North, 43, 45, 49, 58, 64, 73, 87, 89, 90, 93, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 112, 115, 123 America, South, 45, 102, 108, 111 Ampere, M., 18 Analysis of incidents, 209, 258 Anderson, Joseph, 126 Anderson, Mr. K., 10, 13, 15, 16, 24, 29, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50,51,52,57,58,64, 68,69,70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 84, 99, 102, 106,116,117,118,119,120, 121, 122, 123 Angularities, 152 Animals, 7, 9, 10, 31, 32, 39, 173, 192, 194, 218 Apennines, 45 Arago, Professor, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,36, 37, 38, 39,43,44,45, 50, 52, 59,65, 72, 73,77,86,87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 103, 104, 105, 107, 162, 223 Architects, 243, 273 Architectural arrangements, 257, 272 Architecture, works on, 74 Areas, large, 267 Articles of dress, 171, 172 Artillery, 38 Ashes, 7, 67, 68, 172 Asphalte, 71, 183, 184, 272, 276 Asphyxia, 33 Associated dielectrics, 220 Atlantic Ocean, 22, 86, 103, 108 Atmosphere, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 20, 46, 63, 80, 83, 154, 220, 231 Attraction, 1, 5, 6, 13, 35, 47, 80, 83, 146, 166, 199, 225, 226 Augustus, Emperor, 36, 37 Aurora, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 156, 159, 175, 232, 269 Austria, 43, 86, 92, 104 Aylesford, Lord, 87 pALCOMBE (a boy), 131 _D Balconies, 171, 272, 289 Balfour Stewart, Professor, 16, 19,20 Balloons, 12 Balls, 272 Balustrades, 171 Barns, 45, 73, 211 Batteries, coast, 71 294 IKDEX. Beccaria, M., 50 Becquerel, M., 10, 52 Beds, 43, 217 Bedsteads, 172, 173, 290 Beer, 12, 228 Belfries, 200, 205, 274 Bellion, Mr., 90 Bells, 39, 43, 171, 205, 273, 275 Bell wires, 30, 289, 292 Beranger, M., 88 Berlin, 45 Bernouilli, John, 47 Be vis, Dr., 48 Bismuth, 9 Bituminous substances, 7, 173 Blomfield, Mr., Ill Boats, 173 Boilers, 171 Bone, 173 . Boyle, Eobert, 47 Bracini, M., 25 Brass, 56, 171, 213 Bricks, 82, 173, 184, 193, 194, 272, 276 British Association, 2, 265 Bronze, 171, 213 Brush discharge, 6, 64 Brussels, 54, 60, 65 Buchanan, Mr., 82 Bucharest, 25 Buffon, M., 48 Buildings, 30, 31, 35, 36, 70, 71, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 171, 172, 173, 174, 184, 199, 203, 210, 246, 262, 265, 271, 290 Buildings set on fire, 211 Bushes, 172 Butter, Mr. E., 123 Buys, Mr., 113 CAIRO, 45 Callaud, M., 65, 69, 73 Campaniles, 273 Canvas, 173 Caoutchouc, 10 Capacity, 2, 3, 145, 149, 150, 151, 153, 167, 185, 194, 199, 200 Carbonaceous suhstances, 172,288 Carriages, 173, 291 Carts, 173, 291 Cast-iron electric taps, 282 Castle, Mr., 112 Castles, 275 Cattle, 173 Causes of lightning rod failures, 259 Caves, 36, 203 Cavendish, Mr., 6, 49, 59, 92 Cellars, 290 Cement, 173, 276 Chalk, 7, 8, 9, 173 Chambers's Dictionary, 26 Chappe, Professor, 13, 27 Charcoal, 7, 8, 9, 10, 65, 69, 172, 252 Charcoal trenches, 187 Charge, 176 Chatham notes, 5 Chemical action, 2 Chili, 24, 25, 44, 160 Chimneys, 38, 44, 70, 71, 79, 206, 215, 278, 279, 290 Chimney-pots, 171, 200, 207, 272 Chimney-stalks, and shafts, 141, 142, 172, 200, 207, 208, 274, 278, 280, 284, 285 Chittenden, Mr., 131 Churches, 35, 50, 66, 84, 137, 138, 139,140,141,142,143,144,210, 272, 274, 278, 284, 286 Cisterns, 65, 67, 290 Clarke, Samuel, 126 Clay, 167, 173 Clerk, Maxwell, Professor, 83 Cliffs, 201 Clocks, 171, 205, 273, 275 Clothes, 171, 172, 197, 218 Clouds, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28, 29, 31, 46, 63, 80, 81, 154, 156, 157, 173, 176, 221, 223, 224, 225 Cloud explosions, 175, 223, 225, 228 Coalmines, 46, 201, 287 Coast, sea, 186 Coke, 7, 65, 66, 172, 252 Collecting plates, 147, 152, 156, 160, 191 Collection, 147 Collective substances, 179, 181 Collectors, 146, 150, 171, 172, 173, 288 Columns, 138, 171, 200, 258, 273, 274, 284, 286 INDEX. 295 Comazants, 22 Combustion, 11 Concrete, 71, 173, 272, 273, 276 Condensation, 5 Condenser, 5, 147, 150, 151, 152, 155 Condenser, terrestrial, 154, 170, 174, 203 Condensing plate, 147, 152, 191 Conduction, 48, 80, 147 Conductivity, 6, 9 Conductors, 4, 5, 9, 10, 146, 17 1, 172, 173 Conservatories, 173 Constructions, 188, 203, 211, 259, 270 Contact, 189, 190 Copper, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 68, 83, 171, 213, 249,250, 255, 272, 274 Corn, 43, 173 Cost, 51, 70, 74, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 265, 281, 284 Cottages, 207, 208, 211, 274, 275, 278, 279, 284, 286 Cotton, 8, 10, 173 Countries, defence of, 267 Country, 45 .Country houses, 208, 278, 279, 284, 287 Cows, 173 Cramps, 171, 273 Crosses, 171, 272, 274 Culley, Mr., 16, 68 Cupolas, 274 Current, 3, 18, 19, 20, 33, 49, 58, 146, 147, 149, 165 Cuvier, Professor, 24 D'ABBADIE, 13, 29 D'Alibard, 12, 48, 49, 241 Dam of reservoir, 152, 153 Dangers to interiors, 204, 206 Davy, Sir Humphrey, 10 Deaths, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 292 Decomposition, 11,228 De Fcnvielle, M., 75 De la Rive, Professor, 20 De la Rue, Dr. Warren, 58 DeL'Isle,M., 13 Delia Torre, M., 25 Denmark, 120 Density of atmosphere, 231 De Romas, M., 50, 241 Deschanel, Professor, 3 Deviations of explosions, 261 Dielectrics, 5, 147, 152, 1G7, 191, 204, 220 Dillwyn, Mr k , 14 Distance, 148 Districts, defence of, 267 Districts, rural, 289 Discharge, electric, 6, 11, 59, 61, 83, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178 Diversities of opinion, 243 Doors, 173, 205, 289, 290 Dogs, 173 Donkeys, 173 Drainage, 84 Drain pipes, 70, 171 Driving, 198, 290 EARTH, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 63, 80, 154, 156, 157, 177 Earth, "bad," 173, 259 Earth, dry, 66, 67, 68, 69, 173, 182, 189 Earth, "good," 173, 182 Earth, moist, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 81, 162, 173, 182 Earth connections, 56, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 79 Earthquakes, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 44, 160, 269 Earth currents, 16, 17, 20, 159, 269 Earth's crust, 186 Earthenware, 173, 273 East India Company, 77 Eclair, 1', 176 Electricity, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150., 151, 152, 153, 155 Electricity, atmospheric, 10, 20, 223 Electricity, negative, 4, 11, 15, 63, 145, 166 Electricity, positive, 4, 11, 63, 145, 166 296 INDEX. Electricity, terrestrial, 10, 14, 21, 82, 156, 157, 179 Electricity, thermal, 2, 11, 18, 19 Electricity, voltaic, 1, 11 Electric connection, 188, 189 Electric fluid, 50, 62, 81 Electric machine, 47 Electric sparks, 6, 28, 47, 48, 166, 234, 241 Electric taps, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287 Electricians, 69, 74 Electrified bodies, 1, 2, 4, 145 Electrolytic action, 65, 66, 190 Electro-motive force, 3, 146, 149 Elevated features, 274, -278, 283, 284, 285, 286 Elevated positions, 187, 274, 286 Elevation, 72, 185, 194, 200, 276 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 23, 24 Encyclopedia Metropolitana, 44 Energy, 1 Engines (railway), 172 England, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 55, 59, 69, 74, 76, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99. 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 173, 222, 240, 242, 243, 267, 269 Eruptions, volcanic, 17, 24, 25, 26, 156, 160, 269 Etna, Mount, 26 Evaporation, 11 Everett, Professor, 10 Explosion, 30, 146, 147, 150, 153, 165, 176, 177, 202, 208 Explosive action, 190, 191 Explosive conditions, 271, 276 Exposed positions, 187, 274, 286 TUCILITATION, 14 ? _L Facilitators, 171, 172, 173 Facilitators, great, 171, 172 Facilitators, slight, 173, 191 Factories, 274, 275, 284, 286 Factories, gunpowder, 271, 274, 283, 285 Faraday, Professor, 61, 78 Farm-houses, 275, 279, 287 Fat, 8 Feathers, 7, 8, 9 Felt, 173 Fences, 171, 173, 190 Fields, 182 Finials, 171, 172 Fires, 38, 4 + Fire balls, 229 Fire damp, 287 Fire-places, 38, 71, 279 Flagging, 277 Flagstaffs, 71, 162, 173, 194, 216 Flame, 7, 9, 63, 172, 207 Flammarion, M., 13, 20, 21 Floors, 38, 171, 173, 273 Fog, 44, 173 Foliage, 173 Force, 1, 3, 148 Force, expansive, 30, 31, 191 Formulae, electric, 148 Foudre, la, 176 France, 24, 26, 38, 39, 43, 45, 50, 57, 58, 59, 64, 74, 76, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 98, 123, 126, 176, 222, 242 Francisque Michel, M., 56, 62, 68, 76. Franklin, Benjamin, 5, 12, 30, 37, 38, 48, 49, 56, 59, 60, 63, 69, 70, 74, 78, 92, 102, 238, 240, 241, 242, 248 Eraser, Lieut. T., 26 Friction, 11, 12 Fulgurites, 30 Fur, 7, 9, 173 Furnaces, 172, 208, 274, 280, 284, 285 Fusion, 30, 192, 260 r\ ALTON, Capt. Douglas, 71 Ij Galvanometers, 75, 255 Galvani, Professor, 31 Galvanic action, 255 Ganot, Professor, 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 37, 56, 57 Gaps, air, 50, 166, 241 Gas, 7, 8, 9, 10 Gasholders, 206 INDEX. 297 Gas-pipes, 66, 67, 73, 171, 205, 235, 251, 253, 270, 273, 276, 285, 287, 289 Gas works, 142 Gates, 171 Gavarret, Professor, 60 Gay-Lussac, Professor, 51, 173 Geography, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45 Geological formation, 185, 186 Germany, 59, 76, 90, 105, 116, 119, 120 Gilbert, Dr., 17, 47 Gildings, 38, 62, 213, 290 Girders, iron, 171 Glass, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 38, 47, 60, 173, 200, 273 Gold, 9, 10, 171 Gordon, Mr., 1, 5, 10, 17, 19, 64 Government, 267, 268, 269, 289 Graphic newspaper, 23, 46 Graphite, 7, 9, 10, 172 Grass, 173, 233 Grates, 70, 171, 207, 278, 286, 287 Gratings, 273 Graves, Mr., 28, 85, 115 Gravity, force of, 225, 226 Gray, Mr. Stephen, 48 Griswold, Mr., 23 Ground, 11, 14, 15, 179, 185, 187, 190, 281 Guillemin, M., 82 Gunpowder, 72, 91, 105, 117, 128 Gutta-percha, 6, 7, 10 Gutters, eaves, 73, 171, 172, 173, 200, 272, 273 HAIL, 12, 13, 84, 172, 221 Hair, 7,8, 9, 173 Halley, Professor, 19 Hamilton, Sir Win., 25 Halls, 275 Hare, Professor, 65 Harris, Sir Wm. Snow, 1, 6, 7, 13, 15, 22, 35, 39, 51, 52, 53, 55, 60, 72, 77, 78, 79, 86, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 162, 244, 249 Hartley, Mr. Thomas, 92 Hawksbee, Mr. 47 Hay, 173 Heat, 2, 16, 23, 191, 192 Heathcote, Mr. K. B., 46 Hedges, 173, 290 Hemp, 173 Henley, Mr., 6, 37 Herschel, Sir John, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 50 Hills, 185 Historical notes, 47, 238 Holtz, Professor, 36 Horses, 173 Houses, 173 Howorth, Mr., 24 Human bodies, 173, 192, 193, 194, 196, 202, 216, 217, 218,229 Humboldt, Herr Von, 18 Huts, 173 Hydraulic simile, 152 JOE, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 84, 172, 183 Iceland, 44 Illustrated London News, 111 Incidents, lightning, 86 India, 44, 103, 109, 113 Indian Ocean, 101 India-rubber, 6, 8 Individuals, defence of, 289 Induction, 1, 4, 5, 32, 33, 79, 147, 155 Inductive capacity, 5, 150 Influence, 147, 170, 171, 172, 173 Insulation, 4, 14, 48, 147, 270 Insulators, 4, 8, 9, 73, 74,81, 146, 150, 151, 173, 189, 244, 257 Interiors of buildings, 203, 204, 212, 273, 289 Ireland, 41, 109, 115, 128, 129 Iron, 6, 9, 10, 17, 35, 45, 49, 54, 65, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 82, 171, 172, 213, 214, 272, 273, 279, 288 Iron-pointed plates, 281 Iron ships, 288 Iron spikes, 278, 279 Italy, 45, 50, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 99, 104, 105, 110, 119, 122 Ivory, 173 298 INDEX. JAMAICA, 44, 123 tl James, William, 124 Jenkin, Professor F., 2, 3> 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19, 28, 31, 64 Joists, iron, 171 KAEMTZ, Professor, 11, 12, 13, 27, 43, 81 Ksempfer, M., 36 Kentish paper, 107, 129, 130, 131, 132 Kitchens, 207, 289 Kites, 50, 240 Kleist, Herr, 48 Kriel, Professor, 24 T ABORATORTES, gunpowder, Lt 271,273,285 Labourers, 40, 41, 274, 275, 291 Lakes, 182, 187 Lambert, M., 13 Latimer Clark, Mr., 8, 29, 55, 71, 85, 115 Law, electric, 149, 165 Lead, 6, 9, 10, 70, 71, 73, 172, 213, 272, 273 Leaks, 4, 146, 148, 151, 153, 176, 194, 270 Leaks, atmospheric porous, 231, 232 Leaks, terrestrial, 175, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Leather, 7, 8, 9, 173, 197 Le Gentil, M., 13 Lenz, Herr, 10 LeRoy, M., 116 Leydenjar, 5, 48 Lieberklihn, Dr., 48 Lighthouses, 60, 211 Lightning, action of, 30, 86 Lightning, ascending, 27, 28, 161, 264 Lightning, ball (globular), 26, 29, 229 Lightning conductors, 36, 63, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 242 Lightning, definition of, 26, 28 Lightning, descending, 27, 28, 160, 169, 242 Lightning discharge, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 46, 47, 48, 174, 176 Lightning engineering, 47 Lightning flashes, 11, 12, 26, 29, 49,50 Lightning, heat, 28, 156, 175, 232 Lightning incidents, 86, 209 Lightning, mechanical force of, 163, 164, 168, 193, 219 Lightning protectors, 34, 230 Lightning, sheet, 26, 28, 156, 175, 232 Lightning, zigzag, 26, 29, 191 Lightning rods, 48, 49, 50, 53, 73, 171, 202, 238, 288 Lightning rods, action of, 239, 245, 261 Lightning rods, application of, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 Lightning Rod Conference, 85, 265, 287 Lightning rods, cost of, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 265, 284 Lightning rod details, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 76, 137, 244, 254 Lightning rods, disadvantages of, 246, 280 Lightning rods, disfiguring ten- dencies of, 257 Lightning rods, fused ends of, 260 Lightning rods, history of, 47, 238 Lightninar rod incidents, 258, 261, 262, 263 Lightning rod inspections, 75, 76, 255, 256, 257 Lightning rods, instances of, 137 Lightning rods, mechanical in- juries to, 260 Lightning rod points, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 75, 79, 238, 250, 251, 253, 256, 257, 264, 265 Lightning rods, protective power of, 51, 77,78,79, 80,81,82,83, 84, 85 Lightning rods, roots of, 238, 245, 246, 247, 251, 252, 256, 264, 265 Lightning rods, stalks of, 238, INDEX, 299 244, 247, 248, 251, 254, 255, 264, 265 Lightning rods, sources of failure of, 264 Lightning rods struck, 50, 51, 77, 78, 163, 164, 169, 193, 243, 258 Lightning strokes, 32, 78 Lightning strokes, accurately de- fined, 219, 230 Lightning strokes, divided, 29 Lightning strokes, horizontal, 219 Lightning strokes, repeated, 219 Lightning strokes, simultaneous, 208, 218 Lime, 7, 9, 10, 173 Limestone, 14, 173 Linen, 8, 10, 173 Lloyd's List, 288 Local dielectrics, 189, 192, 193, 198, 207, 208, 220, 260 Local plates, 188, 191, 192, 194, 196, 219, 260 London, 42, 45, 50, 95, 97, 101, 105, 106, 108, 116, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 131, 141 Ludolf, Herr, 48 Lunn, Mr., 8, 27 MACTAGGART, Mr., 82 Maflei, Professor, 27 Magazines, gunpowder, 51, 55, 69, 71, 72, 82, 139, 211, 271, 274, 276, 283, 284, 285 Magnetic storms, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 158, 269 Magnetism, 10, 17, 30, 158 Magnetism, the earth's, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 157 Mahon, Lord, 31, 50, 162 Majendie, Major (report of), 117 Malaise, 24, 228 Malta, 127 Manilla, 25, 26 Mann, Dr., 13, 14, 29, 32, 35, 37, 43,53,54, 60, 61, 65, 66, 73, 75, 79, 113, 114 Marble, 7, 8, 9 Market buildings, 138 Masonry, 81, 212, 277, 290, 292 Mass, 2, 3, 148 Masts, 21, 39, 53, 72, 81, 82, 144, 173, 202, 216 Matthiesen, Professor, 7 Matterhorn, 46 Matting, 172 Mattresses, 38 Maxwell, Mr. Hugh, 37 Meat, 12 Mediterranean, 45, 103, 110 Melloni, Professor, 95 Melsen, Professor, 54, 57, 60 Mercury, 9, 172 Metals, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 31, 35, 36, 58, 52, 72, 73, 82, 84, 171, 172, 174,185,190,192,194,197,198, 199, 200, 205, 206, 213, 236, 237, 246, 247, 271, 272, 273, 285, 286, 287, 289 Metal points, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237 Mica, 6 Michselis, M., 107 Milk, 12 Mines, 34, 44, 45, 201, 230, 287 Mirrors, 38, 172, 273, 290 Mist, 46, 173 Moisture, 8, 48, 65, 69, 76, 84, 181, 190, 224, 232, 251, 253 Money (in purses), 171 Monuments, 274, 277, 284, 286 Mortar, 173 Mould, vegetable, 67 Mountains, 44, 45, 46, 185 Mountain summits, 46, 168, 183 Municipal authorities, 269 VI AILS, 31, 171, 272 1>I Nelson, Colonel, 12, 73, 128 Newall, Mr., 57, 58, 64 Nickel, 17 Night, 222 Nitric acid, 12 Nitrogen gas, 22 Nollet, Abbe, 31, 49, 77 Non-conductors, 9, 10, 173 Nouel, M., 28 OCCUPIERS of houses, 273, 275 \J Odour, sulphurous, 28 ^ Ohm, Professor, 3, 10, 58 300 INDEX. Oil, 173 Oil tanks, 73, 172, 206 Openings in buildings, 205 Opposition to lightning rods, 242 Ores, metallic, 7 Organs, 171, 273 Ornaments, 171 Owners of houses, 273 T)ALMIERI, Professor, 26 JL Paper, 7, 8, 9, 10, 173 Paratonnerres, 73, 81, 242 Paralysis, 32 Parchment, 7, 9, Paris, 22, 45, 60, 75, 89, 90, 99, 100, 116 Parliament, Houses of, 57, 76 Patterson, Mr., 59, 65 Pavements, 183, 184, 187, 235, 277, 278, 285, 286 Paving stones, 173 Pekin, 45 Peltier, Professor, 16, 23 Persons, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 196, 216, 217, 218, 289 Peru, 18, 44, 160 Petit, M., 29 Philippine Isles, 44 Pickard, Mr., 47 Pigs, 173 Pinnacles, 274 Pipes, hot- water, 171 Pitch, 6, 38, 173 Plate, terrestrial, 167, 169 Plates, iron pointed, 281 Platina, 9, 59, 60, 63, 64, 171, 250 Plaster, 173 Pliny, 25, 36 Plumbago, 7, 9 Points, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 152, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 278, 281, 289 Ponds, 172, 181 Pools, 187 Porcelain, 7, 8, 9, 173 Portlock, Col. J., 24, 25 Portugal, 25, 109 Potential, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 28, 34, 64, 66, 80, 83, 145, 149, 150, 151, 153, 176, 177, 179, 182, 185, 194, 199, 241 Pouillet, Professor, 10, 11,51,52, 63, 68, 82 Power, 145 Practical measures, 266 Preece, Mr. G. E., 35 Preece, Mr. W. H., 1, 27, 29, 33, 34, 39, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 66, 70, 71, 75, 79, 80,84, 115 Press, the, 269 Preservatives, 36 Priestley, Dr., 22, 59 Private houses, 139, 141, 143, 210 Prussia, 43, 144 Public buildings, 210 Pumps, 172 QUANTITY, 23, 145, 148, 149, 151, 153, 176 Quartz, 30 RAILINGS, 171 Eailways, 138, 172, 173, 185, 187, 218, 236 Rain, 12, 28, 80, 168, 172, 221, 224 Rainwater-pipes, 67, 70, 73, 171, 172, 272, 273, 289 R. E. Aide-Memoire, 9, 56, 81 R. E. Journal, 127 R. E. Professional papers, 26 Record of thunderbolt incidents, 267 Registrar-General of England, 39, 40, 41, 42 Registrar-General of Ireland, 4 1 Reily, Mr., 129 Rending force, 193 Repulsion, 1, 5, 146, 225 Reservoir of water, 152, 153 Resin, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 47 Resistance, 3, 6, 10, 28, 29, 147, 149 Restrainers, 173, 191 Restraint, 145, 147, 150, 151, 190, 199, 200, 202 Return strokes, 31, 50, 146, 148, 151, 175, 227, 228, 229, 230 Richmann, Professor, 50, 92 INDEX. 301 Riding, 198, 290 Ridges, 171, 172 Riess, Professor, 62 Risca colliery, 46, 287 Rivers, 15, 43, 46, 172, 181, 186, 253, 276 Roberts, Mr., 124 Rocks, 35, 45, 167, 173, 182, 183, 187, 276, 282 Rocky ground, 276, 285 Rods, tie, 273 Roofs, 171, 172, 173, 200, 216, 272 Roget, Professor, 8 Russia, 25, 44 8ABINE, Colonel, 16, 18 Sabrina, isle of, 24 Safes, iron, 273, 290 Salt, 8 Sand, 15, 30, 66, 67, 173, 187 Sap, 30,162 Sash weights, 171 Schelthorn accident, 198 Schleswig-Holstein, 45 Scotland, 88, 98, 103, 125 Sea, 22, 67. 70, 172, 181, 186 Sealskin, 37 Seamen, 39, 53 Secchi, Father, 122 Seneca, 76 Shape of ground, 185 Shaw, Dr., 33 Sheds, 173, 211, 290, 292 Sheep, 173 Shingle, 15, 66, 67, 173 Ships, 51, 52, 53, 70, 79, 172, 173, 181, 194, 202, 212, 246, 248, 263, 288, 289 Ships, H.M., 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 144, 249, 288 Ships, merchant, 22, 53, 288 Shock, 3, 32, 175, 191 Shutters, 171, 173, 205, 289 Siemens, Dr. Werner, 34 Silk, 7, 8, 9, 10, 38, 173 Silver, 7, 9, 10, 61,64,171,250 Silver, German, 9 Skylights, 173 Slate, 31, 173, 272 Smoke, 7, 9, 172, 207, 231, 235 Smyrna, 25, 44 Snow, 7, 9, 10, 46, 172, 183, 221 Society of Arts Journal, 113, 114 Society of Telegraph Engineers' Journal, 10, 11, 23, 28, 29, 34, 35, 55, 71, 85, 114, 115, 123, 128 Soil, 174, 187 Soldiers, 218 Soot, 70, 79, 172, 207, 290 Spain, 25, 115 Spence, Dr., 48 Speaking tubes, 171 Spindles, 171, 272, 275 Spires, 22, 31, 54, 81, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 173, 193, 200, 205, 272, 273, 274, 278 Springs, 66, 172 Staircases, 171, 173, 273 Statistics, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44 Standard newspaper, 17, 25, 26, 46, 90, 92, 104, 116, 121, 132 Statues, 171, 274 Steam, 7, 9 Steel, 17 Steeples, 22, 50 St. Elmo's fires, 21, 22, 175, 234 St. Helena, 44 St. Petersburg, 45, 50, 92 Stobart, Mr. H. S., 121 Stone, 7, 8, 9, 30, 31, 47, 173, 193, 194, 272, 273, 276 Strain, 5 Stores, 274, 275, 284, 286 Straw, 8, 173 Streams, 181, 187 Subterranean thunder, 14, 25 Suetonius, 36 Sun, the, 16, 19, 20 Sun spots, 19 Surface, 150, 151 Surface of the earth, 179, 187, 194, 201, 221 Surfaces, moist, 167, 168 Surfaces, rocky, 167, 168, 184 Survey, electro-geological, 268 Sweden, 44 Switzerland, 43, 93, 107 Symmer, Professor, 50 302 INDEX. Symons, Mr., 39, 114 Symons 1 Meteorological 23, 116 mABLE-LANDS, 185 J_ Tanfield Moor colliery, 287 Tanks, 67, 68, 181, 253 Tar, 173, 276 Telegraphs, 16, 20, 33, 34, 68, 171, 173, 194, 216, 230, 236, 253 Telegraphic Journal, 10, 11, 17, 19, 24, 28, 56, 59, 62, 68, 76, 84, 98, 99, 105, 106, 110, 111, 112,115, 124 Temperature of the air, 222 Tents, 37, 211 Terra cotta, 173, 272, 273 Testings, 75, 76, 255, 256, 257 Theory, 26-5 Thickness 150, 151 Thomson, Sir William, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 265 Thorns, 62, 233 Thunder, 22, 2o, 28, 44, 46, 47 Thunderbolts. 26, 27, 28, 36, 42, 85, 156, 175, 176, 177, 187, 221, 230, 275, 288, 291 Thunderclouds, 13, 14, 15, 23, 27, 32, 35, 50, 60, 63, 70, 165, 180, 183, 189, 233, 234 Thunderstorms. 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 154, 159, 226, 290, 291 Tie rods, 289 Tiles, 173, 272 Tillard, Captain, 24 Time, 2, 3, 148 Times newspaper, 79, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129 Tin, 6, 9 Toaldo, Professor, 72 Tomlinson, Mr., 118 Tools, 292 Towers, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 200, 205, 273, 274, 278 Towns, 45, 184, 210, 218, 235, 269, 270, 276 Town-halls, 54, 60, 65, 137 Town houses, 276, 287 Trees, 30, 35, 37, 43, 70, 81, 173, 193, 194, 215, 276, 290, 291 Truenfeldt, Mr. Von, 29 Turrets, 273, 274 Tylney, Lord, 89 Tyndall, Professor, 6, 8, 21, 22, 31, 32, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 63 TTNDERGROUND sites, 285 U Underground vaults, 36, 290 Umbrellas, 290 Uplifting force, 191, 192, 193 TTAILLANT, Marechal, 52 V Valetta, Signer, 25 Valleys, 186, 187 Valves, terrestrial, 235 Vanes, 171, 272, 274, 275 Vapour, 7, 9, 22, 23, 173 Varley, Mr. S. A., 34 Vaults, 36, 290 Vegetable bodies, 7, 8, 9, 10, 173 Vegetation, 11, 173, 182 Velocity, 3, 148 Ventilators, 171 Vesuvius, Mount, 24, 25, 26 Vines, 222 Viollet-le-Duc, M., 81 Volcanic eruptions, 17, 24, 25, 26, 156, 160. 269 Volta, Professor, 11, 32, 38, 239 Von Guericke, Otto, 47 Von Yelin, Herr, 116 WALES, 40, 41, 42 Walker, Mr. C. V., 17 Walking, 198, 290 Walking sticks, 173, 290 Wallace, Mr., 125 Walls, 38, 72, 203, 206, 290 Ward, Dr., 47 Warehouses, 274, 275, 284, 286 War Office instructions, 6, 15, 30, 31, 35, 51, 55, 56, 62, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 80, 81, 123 Watches, 171 Water, 6, 7,9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 35 67, 68, 69, S3, 180, 251, 276 INDEX. 303 Water, head of, 3, 153 Water, rain, 8, 172 Water, sea, 8, 172 Water, spring, 8, 172 Watersheds, 185 Waterspouts, 22, 23, 206, 290 Watson, Dr., 48, 49, 50, 52, 92 Weather, 10, 11, 222 Weathercocks, 171, 200, 272, 274 Weissenborn, M., 29 Wells, 66, 68, 69, 172, 187, 253 Wellington Weekly Gazette, 121, 126, 130 Wellsted, Mr., 131 West, Mr., 102 West Indies, 89, 95 Western Morning News, 106, 108, 120, 121, 129, 130, 131 Western Weekly News, 110, 115, 119, 120, 131, 132, 133 Wheatstone, Sir Chas., 6 Wheel tires, 172 Whirlwinds, 23 Whymper, Mr. E., 46 Whyte, Mrs., 125 Wilson, Mr., 49, 77 Wind, 13, 44, 84, 225, 284 Windows, 171, 173, 205, 273, 290 Winter, 222 Winthrop, Dr., 37 Wires, 30, 192 Wire guards, 273 Wood, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30, 82, 173, 194, 206, 272, 288, 290 Wooden ships, 288 Woodwork, 192, 193, 216 Woodman, Mr. N., 124 Wool, 8, 173 Work, 3, 148, 176 ZINC, 6, 9, 171 ZoUner, Dr., 24 Zurich, 81 THE END. 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