E5A5 B i g Jf %. ^HiBMY0 A r him ; and, unless he be a perfect youth, having no maim or defect in his body that may render him incapable of learning the art, of serving his master's lord, and of being made a brother, and then a fellow-craft in due time, after he has served such a term of years as the custom of the country directs ; and that he should be descended of honest parents ; that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive to the honour of being the warden, and then the master of the lodge, the grand warden, and at ANTIENT CHARGES. 7 length the grand master of all the lodges, ac- cording lo his merit. No brother can be a warden until he has passed the part of a fellow-craft, nor a master until he has acted as a warden, nor grand warden until he has been master of a lodge, nor grand master unless he has been a fellow-craft before his election, who is also to be nobly born, or a gentleman of the best fashion, or some eminent scholar, or some curious architect, or other artist descended of honest parents, and who is of singularly great merit in the opinion of the lodges. And for the better, and easier, and more honourable discharge of his office, the grand master has the power to choose his own deputy grand master, who must then be, or have formerly been, the master of a particular lodge, and who has the privilege of acting whatever the grand master, his principal, should act, unless the said principal be present, or interpose his authority by letter. These rulers and governors supreme and sub- ordinate, of the antient lodge, are to be obeyed in their respective stations by all the brethren, according to the old charges and regulations, with all humility, reverence, love, and alacrity. N.B. — In antient times no brother \ however skilled in the craft, was called a master-mason until he had been elected into the chair of a lodge. ANTIENT CHARGES. V.— Of the MANAGEMENT of the CRAFT in WORKING. All masons shall work honestly on working days, that they may live creditably on holy days ; and the time appointed by the law of the land or confirmed by custom, shall be observed. The most expert of the fellow-craftsmen shall be chosen or appointed the master, or overseer of the lord's work ; who is to be called master by those that work under him. The craftsmen are to avoid all ill language, and to call each other by no disobliging name, but brother or fellow ; and to behave themselves courteously within and without the lodge. The master, knowing himself to be able of cunning, shall undertake the lord's work as reasonably as possible, and truly dispend his goods as if they were his own ; nor to give more wages to any brother or apprentice than he really may deserve. Both the master and the masons receiving their wages justly, shall be faithful to the lord, and honestly finish their work, whether task or journey ; nor put the work to task that hath been accustomed to journey. ANTIEXT CHARGES. 9 None shall discover envy at the prosperity of a brother, nor supplant him, nor put him out of his work, if he be capable to finish the same ; for no man can finish another's work so much to the lord's profit, unless he be thoroughly acquainted with the designs and draughts of him that began it. When a fellow-craftsman is chosen warden of the work under the master, he shall be true both to master and fellows, shall carefullv oversee the work in the master's absence, to the lord's profit ; and his brethren shall obey him. All masons employed shall meekly receive their wages without murmuring or mutiny, and not desert the master till the work be finished. A younger brother shall be instructed in work- ing, to prevent spoiling the materials for want of judgment and for increasing and continuing of brotherly love. All the tools used in working shall be ap- proved by the grand lodge. No labourer shall be employed in the proper work of masonry ; nor shall free-masons work with those that are not free, without an urgent necessity ; nor shall they teach labourers and unaccepted masons as thev should teach a brother or fellow. R io ANTIENT CHARGES. VI.— Of BEHAVIOUR. I. — IN THE LODGE WHILE CONSTITUTED. You are not to hold private committees, or separate conversation, without leave from the master ; nor to talk of anything impertinently or unseemly, nor interrupt the master or war- dens, or any brother speaking to the master ; nor behave yourself ludicrously or jestingly while the lodge is engaged in what is serious and solemn ; nor use any unbecoming language upon any pretence whatsoever, but to pay due reverence to your master, wardens, and fellows, and put them to worship. If any complaint be brought, the brother found guilty shall stand to the award and deter- mination of the lodge, who are the proper and competent judges of all such controversies (unless you carry them by appeal to the grand lodge), and to whom they ought to be referred, unless a lord's work be hindered the mean while, in which case a particular reference may be made, but you must never go to law about what concerneth masonry without an absolute necessity apparent to the lodge. AXTIEXT CHARGES. u 2. — BEHAVIOUR AFTER THE LODGE IS OVER, AND THE BRETHREN NOT GONE You may enjoy yourselves with innocent mirth, treating one another according to ability, but avoiding all excess, or forcing any brother to eat or drink beyond his inclination, or hindering him from going when his occasions call him. or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid an easy and free conversation ; for that would blast our harmony, and defeat our laud- able purposes. Therefore no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or state policy, we being only, as masons, of the universal religion above-mentioned ; we are also of all nations, tongues, kindreds, and languages, and are resolved against all politics, as what never yet conduced to the welfare of the lodge, nor ever will. 3. — BEHAVIOUR WHEN BRETHREN MEET WITH- OUT STRANGERS. BUT NOT IN A LODGE FORMED. You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as you will be instructed, calling each b 2 12 ANTIENT CHARGES. other brother, freely giving mutual instruction as shall be thought expedient, without being overseen or overheard, and without encroaching upon each other, or derogating from that respect which is due to any brother, were he not a mason ; for though all masons are, as brethren, upon the same level, yet masonry takes no honour from a man that he had before ; nay, rather it adds to his honour, especially if he has deserved well of the brotherhood, who must give honour to whom it is due, and avoid ill manners. 4. — BEHAVIOUR IN PRESENCE OF STRANGERS, NOT MASONS. You shall be cautious in your words and car- riage, that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated ; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse, and manage it prudently for the honour of the worshipful fraternity. 5. — BEHAVIOUR AT HOME AND IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD. You are to act as becomes a moral and wise man ; particularly not to let your family, A.NTIENT CHARGES. 13 friends, and neighbours, know the concerns of the lodge, &c, but wisely to consult your own honour, and that of your antient brotherhood, for reasons not to be mentioned here. You must also consult your health by not continuing together too late or too long from home after lodge hours are past ; and by avoiding of glut- tony or drunkenness, that your families be not neglected or injured, nor you disabled from working. 6, — BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS A STRANGE BROTHER. You are cautiously to examine him in such a method as prudence shall direct you, that you may not be imposed upon by an ignorant, false pretender, whom you are to reject with contempt and derision, and beware of giving him any hints of knowledge. But if you discover him to be a true and genuine brother, you are to respect him accord- ingly ; and if he is in want you must relieve him if you can, or else direct him how he may be relieved. You must employ him some days. or else recommend him to be employed. But you are not charged to do beyond your ability ; only to prefer a poor brother that is a good 14 ANTIENT CHARGES. man and true before any other poor people in the same circumstances. Finally. — All these charges you are to observe and also those that shall be communicated to you in another way ; cultivating brotherly love, the foundation and cope-stone, the cement and glory, of this antient fraternity, avoiding all wrangling and quarrelling, all slander and backbiting, nor permitting others to slander any honest brother but defending his character and doing him all good offices, as far as is consistent with your honour and safety, and no farther. And if any of them do you injury, you must apply to your own or his lodge ; and from thence you may appeal to the grand lodge at the quarterly com- munication, as has been the antient laudable conduct of our forefathers in every nation ; never taking a legal course but when the case cannot be otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly advice of master and fellows, when they would prevent your going to law with strangers, or would excite you to put a speedy period to all law-suits, that so you may find the affair of masonry with the more alacrity and success ; but with respect to brothers or fellows at law, the master and brethren should kindly offer their mediation, which ought to be thankfully submitted to by the contending brethren ; and if that submission is impracticable, ANTIENT CHARGES. 15 they must, however, carry on their process, or law-suit, without wrath and rancour (not in the common way), saying or doing nothing which may hinder brotherly love and good offices to be renewed and continued, that all may see the benign influence of masonry, as all true masons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time. Amen, so mote it be. GENERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CRAFT Declaration. 1, BY the solemn Act of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Free-Masons of England in December, 1813, it was " declared and pro- " nounced that pure Antient Masonry consists " of three degrees and no more, viz., those of "the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, " and the Master Mason, including the Supreme " Order of the Holy Royal Arch." Grand Lodge GRAND LODGE. 2. The public interests of the Fraternity are managed by a general representation of all private Lodges on record, together with the Grand Stewards of the year and the present and Past Grand Officers, and the Grand Master at their head. This collective body is styled GRAND LODGE. 17 THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANTIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND, and is hereinafter referred to as ''The Grand Lodge." 8. Every Brother who shall, in accordance General with the laws and procedure of Masonry, p ,? we [ 8 t ^* preside or act in the Grand Lodge, or in ^ ut l^ a U tho. any Provincial or District Grand Lodge, or in rities. any private Lodge, or on any Board or Com- mittee for or in the place of any Officer or Brother who may be absent, shall, while so pre- siding or acting, have all the rights, powers, and duties of the Officer or Brother whose substitute he shall be or in whose place he shall act ; he shall enforce all rules and regulations, and his acts shall have the same validity in all respects as those of such Officer or Brother, unless the contrary is expressly provided for in these laws and regulations. i. The Grand Lodge possesses the supreme All laws superintending authority, and alone has the eman * te inherent power of enacting laws and regula- Lodge^" - tions for the government of the Craft, and of altering, repealing, and abrogating them, always taking care that the antient Landmarks of the Order be preserved, 18 GRAND LODGE. Power ot 5, The Grand Lodge has also the power of decision investigating, regulating, and deciding all matters relative to the Craft, or to particular Lodges, or to individual Brothers, which it may exercise either of itself or by such delegated authority as in its wisdom and discretion, it may appoint ; but the Grand Lodge alone has the power of erasing Lodges and expelling Brethren from the Craft, a power which it does not delegate to any subordinate author! t v. Rank and 6. The members of the Grand Lodge rank in precedence the following order : — * members - i. The Grand Master. 2. The Pro Grand Master. 3. Past Grand Masters. 4. Past Pro Grand Masters. 5. Deputy Grand Master. 6. Past Deputy Grand Masters. 7. Provincial and District Grand Masters. 8. Past Provincial and District Grand Masters. 9. Grand Wardens. 10. Past Grand Wardens. 11. Grand Chaplains. 12. Past Grand Chaplains. 13. Grand Treasurer. 14. Past Grand Treasurers. 15. Grand Registrar. 16. Past Grand Registrars. 17. Deputy Grand Registrar. GRAND LODGE 19 18. Past Deputy Grand Registrars. 19. President of the Board of General Purposes. 20. Past Presidents of the Board of General Purposes. 21. Grand Secretary. 22. Past Grand Secretaries. 23. President of the Board of Benevolence. 24. Past Presidents of the Board of Benevolence. 25. Grand Director of Ceremonies. 26. Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies. 27. Grand Deacons. 28. Past Grand Deacons. 29. Assistant Grand Chaplains. 30. Past Assistant Grand Chaplains. 31. Assistant Grand Registrars. 32. Past Assistant Grand Registrars. 33. Grand Superintendent of Works. 34. Past Grand Superintendents of Works. 35. Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works. 36. Past Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works. 37. Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. 38. Past Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies. 39. Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies. 40. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies. 41. Grand Sword Bearer. 42. Past Grand Sword Bearers. 43. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer. 44. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers. 20 GRAND LODGE. 45. Assistant Grand Sword Bearers. 46. Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearers. 47. Grand Standard Bearers. 48. Past Grand Standard Bearers. 49. Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. 50. Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. 51. Grand Organist. 52. Past Grand Organists. 53. Deputy Grand Organist. 54. Past Deputy Grand Organists. 55. Assistant Grand Secretary. 56. Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. 57. Past Assistant Grand Secretaries. 58. Grand Pursuivant. 59. Past Grand Pursuivants. 60. Assistant Grand Pursuivants. 61. Past Assistant Grand Pursuivants. 62. The Grand Stewards of the year. 63. Such Past Grand Stewards as are Masters or Past Masters of Private Lodges. The Master, Past Masters, and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge, and of every other private Lodge.* Titles, * Note. — The Grand Master, Past Grand Masters, Pro Grand prefixes. Master, and Past Pro Grand Masters are entitled to the appella- and abbre- tion of "Most Worshipful" (M.W.). The prefix of "Right viations. Worthipful" (R.W.) is accorded to and should be used only by the present and past Deputy Grand Masters, the present and past Provincial and District Grand Masters, and the present and past Grand Wardens of the Grand Lodge. The prefix of " Very Worshipful" (V.W.) should be used only by the present and past Grand Chaplains, the present and past Grand GRAND LODGE. 21 7. Brethren ot eminence and ability who Additional have rendered service to the Craft may, byJJjJJ^f* appointment of the Grand Master, or by a vote appointed of the Grand Lodge duly confirmed, be con- or ejected stituted members of the Grand Lodge, with such rank and distinction as may be thought proper. 8. The Grand Master may, by warrant, appoint Represents any Brother to represent him in a sister Grand tiv . es t ^" to Lodge, and may constitute him and also anyjj^^ Brother, regularly deputed from a sister Grand Grand Lodge, a member of the Grand Lodge ofL ^ England, with such rank as the Grand Master may deem appropriate. 9. Every Brother regularly elected and in-Qualifica- stalled as Master of a Lodge, under the con-*j onof T Past stitution of the Grand Lodge of England, who' "*' has filled that office for one year, shall, so long as he continues a subscribing member of any such Lodge, be a member of the Grp.nd Lodge, Treasurers, the present and past Grand Registrars, the present and past Deputy Grand Registrars, the present and past Presidents of the Board of General Purposes, the present and past Grand Secretaries of the Grand Lodge, the present and past Presidents of the Board of Benevolence, the present and past Grand Directors of Ceremonies and no others. The title or address of "Worshipful" (W.) is to be used by the rest of the present and past Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge, and by the present and past Masters of Lodges, and all other members should be styled or designated as " Brother" only. 22 GRAND LODGE. but having for twelve months ceased to be a subscribing member of any English Lodge, he shall no longer continue a member of the Grand Lodge ; nor can he regain the right of member- ship of the Grand Lodge as a Past Master, until he has again duly served the office of Master of such a Lodge. Visitors to 10. A visitor can only attend the Grand Lodge Grand by permission of the Grand Master, and if ge - admitted he shall not speak to any question without leave of the Grand Master ; nor shall he, on any occasion, be permitted to vote. Regular 11, Four Grand Lodges shall be holden in meetings. London, for quarterly communication, in each year, viz., on the first Wednesday in the months of March, June, September, and December. Special 12. The Grand Master, or, in his absence, the meetings. p ro Grand Master, or, in his absence, the Deputy Grand Master, or, in his absence, the two Grand Wardens, may summon special Grand Lodges whenever the good of the Craft shall, in their opinion, require it, the particular reason for convening such special Grand Lodge shall be expressed in the summons, and no other business shall be entered upon at that meeting. GRAND LODGE. 23 13. There shall be a Grand Masonic Festival Grand annually, on the Wednesday next following e3 IV ' St. George's Day, to which all regular Masons who shall provide themselves with tickets from the Grand Stewards of the year shall be ad- mitted ; the price of such ticket not to exceed one guinea. 14, The Grand Master shall, according to Nominati6n. antient usage, be nominated at the Gran d. ele £tjon. and Lodge in December in every year, and at the ^Grand " ensuing Grand Lodge in March the election Master, shall take place. The Grand Master, so elected, shall be regularly installed on the day of the Grand Masonic Festival. 15. The Grand Master, if a Prince of the P»> Grand Blood Royal, may appoint a Pro Grand Master, Master - who shall be a Peer of the Realm. 16. Should the Grand Master die or resign Proceeding during his mastership, the Pro Grand Master, or, on death in his absence, the Deputy Grand Master, or, inji2te£ d his absence, the Grand Wardens, shall summon the Grand Lodge immediately, to record the event ; which Grand Lodge shall, if there be no Pro Grand Master, appoint three of its members 24 GRAND LODGE. to invite the last preceding Grand Master to act until a new election take place ; should he decline or be unable to act, then the last but one, and so on. If there be a Pro Grand Master at the time when a vacancy occurs, he shall forthwith act as Grand Master until a new election at the usual period, but if there be no Pro Grand Master or Past Grand Master willing to act, then the Grand Wardens shall fix a day for the Grand Lodge being summoned to elect a Grand Master for the remainder of the year. 17. If the Grand Master should abuse his power, and render himself unworthy of the obedience of the Lodges, he shall be subjected to some new regulation, to be dictated by the occasion ; because, hitherto, the Antient Frater- nity have had no reason to provide for an event which they have presumed would never happen. 18. Upon the annual installation of the Grand Master he shall appoint the following Grand Officers, who are thereupon to be installed or invested in antient form : — Pro Grand Master (see 15). Deputy Grand Master. Two Grand Wardens. GRAND LODGE. 25 Two Grand Chaplains. Grand Registrar. Deputy Grand Registrar. President of the Board of General Purposes. Grand Director of Ceremonies. Twelve Grand Deacons. Two Assistant Grand Chaplains. Two Assistant Grand Registrars. Grand Superintendent of Works. Two Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works. Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. Twelve Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies. Grand Sword Bearer. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer. Two Assistant Grand Sword Bearers. Two Grand Standard Bearers. Six Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. Grand Organist. Deputy Grand Organist. Grand Pursuivant. Four Assistant Grand Pursuivants. He may also appoint an Assistant Grand Secretary and an Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. The Grand Registrar must be an actual Master or Past Master of a Lodye. 19. The Grand Treasurer shall be nominated Election of at the Grand Lodge in September from those Grand members of Grand Lodge who have not a!readv Treasurer - 20 GRAND LODGE. held Gr?.nd Office*, and be elected at the Grand Lodge in March. Should there be more than one nomination for the office, voting papers shall, within three weeks after the nomination, be sent to the Secretary of every private Lodge, who shall, immediately on receipt thereof, give or send one voting paper to each member of his Lodge who is a member of Grand Lodge. Such paper shall contain the names, ages, addresses, and occupations of all the nominated candidates, together with the names, numbers, and location of the several Lodges to which they belong, and full particulars of their services in Freemasonry. The voting paper shall also contain a declaration that the voter has not already voted at the same election, and shall give directions as to how the voting paper is to be marked. This paper, when signed by the Brother entitled to vote, shall be returned by him direct to the Grand Secretary, so as to reach that officer not later than the 15th day of February. Scrutineers. 19a, Three Scrutineers shall be appointed by the Grand Master, and three other Scrutineers shall be elected by the Board of General Purposes * It is acknowledged that the holding or having held the office of Grand Steward is no disqualification to holding the office of Grand Treasurer. GRAND LODGE. 27 at its meeting previously to the Grand Lodge in March. The Grand Secretary shall deliver the whole of the voting papers to the Scrutineers, who shall, with such clerical assistance as mav be necessary, ascertain the numbers for the respective candi< *s, and make a correct report thereof in a sealed envelope to be delivered to the Grand Master or Presiding Officer at the Grand Lodge in March, when the result of such election shall be declared by him without any further pro- position or seconding. In the event of an equality of votes the Grand Master or other Presiding Officer shall have a casting or deciding vote. The Scrutineers, previous to entering upon their duties, shall solemnly pledge themselves to make a correct report under their hands of the result of the voting, and not to disclose anything pertaining thereto until after the Grand Master or Presiding Officer has declared the result in Grand Lodge. Should the Scrutineers find that any member has sent in more than one voting pap r . all such papers shall be put aside and not counted and a special report in respect thereof shall be made to the Grand Master. 20. The President of the Board of General Appoint- Purposes shall be appointed and invested bythe men t° f Grand Master at his annual installation. p . re ^ of Bd - of Gen. Purposes C 2 28 GRAND LODGE. wppoint- nent of rrand ecretary. 21. The Grand Secretary shall be appointed by the Grand Master, as a vacancy occurs, and shall continue without re-appointment during the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. ippoint- 21a. The President of the Board of Benevo- Vesident lence shall be annually appointed and invested i the by the Grand Master at the Grand Lodge in id. of Ben. December. !$£ of" 22 ' The Grand T y ler sha11 be a Master Mason. Jrand Tyler. He shall be appointed by the Grand Master, as a vacancy occurs, and shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. *o Brother o hold nore than me office. 23. No Brother shall hold more than one office in the Grand Lodge at one and the same time. Removal of irand )ffic*rs. 2$. Should the Grand Master be dissatisfied with the conduct of any of his Grand Officers, he may submit the cause of complaint to the Grand Lodge ; and should it appear to the majority of the Brethren present that the com- plaint is well founded, he may displace such GRAND LODGE. 29 Grand Officer and appoint another. But no Grand Officer can be removed without the ap- probation of the Grand Lodge. 25. The Deputy Grand Master, in the absence Deputy of the Grand Master and Pro Grand Master, shall Grand possess all the powers and privileges of the Grand Master « Master. 26. When the Grand Wardens are in the Grand Grand Lodge no others can supply their places, but in Wardens in their absence the Past Grand Wardens present f T Q ™ d e shall act in the order of seniority. If no Past Grand Warden be present, the Grand Master may direct any other Past Grand Officer or member of the Grand Lodge to act as Grand Warden for that occasion. 27. The Grand Wardens, whenever command- Grand ed, are to attend the Grand Master, the Pro ^attend Grand Master, or the Deputy Grand Master, and Grand while he presides in any Lodge are to act there Master, as his Wardens. 28. The Grand Chaplains shall attend the Grand quarterly communications and other meetings of cha P lnms SO GRAND! LODGE. the Grand Lodge, and there offer up solem-i prayer, suitable to the occasion, as established by the usage of the Fraternity. Grand Treasurer. 29. The Grand Treasurer shall sign cheques, which must be countersigned by the Grand Secretary, for all moneys duly voted by the Grand Lodge. Money and 30. All moneys belonging to Grand Lodge accounts of s h a ll be deposited in such Bank as the Board may Lodge. from time to time determine, subject to the con- firmation of Grand Lodge, in the names of the Grand or Pro Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, and the Grand Treasurer. The accounts shall be annually audited by a professional Auditor, who shall be a Master Mason, elected annually in June by the Grand Lodge, and these accounts when audited shall be presented to the Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication in March. Duties of Grand Registrar. 31. The Grand Registrar shall have the custody of the seals of the Grand Lodge, and shall affix, or may authorise the Grand Secretary to affix, the same to all patents, warrants, Certificates, and other documents issued by the authority of the Grand Lodge, as well as to such as the Grand GRAND LODGE. 31 Master, in conformity with the established laws and regulations of the Craft, may direct. 32. He shall superintend the records of the care of the Grand Lodge, and take care that the several docu- records, ments issued be in due form. 33. The Grand Secretary's duty is to issue Duties of summonses for all meetings of the Grand Lodge, Grand its Boards and Committees, and to attend and taKe Secretar y minutes of their proceedings, to receive the returns from the several Lodges, and enter them in the books of the Grand Lodge, to receive the fees and contributions payable by Lodges or Brethren to the Fund of Benevolence, the Fund of Genera! Purposes or the Building Fund, and pay or cause the same to be paid to the account of the Gran.. Lodge in such Hank as the Board may from time to time determine ; to transmit to all the Lodges the accounts of the proceedings of all the quarterly communications, and all other papers and docu- ments which may be ordered, either by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge ; to receive all petitions, memorials, &c, and to lay them before the Grand Master or other proper authority ; to attend the Grand Master, and take to him any books and papers he may direct ; and generally to do all such things as heretofore have been done or 32 GRAND LODGE. ought to be done by a Grand Secretary. He may. under the authority of the Grand Registrar, affix the seals of the Grand Lodge to such patents, warrants, certificates, and other documents, as shall be specified in any such authority. Grand Secretary s Clerics. 35. The clerks in the Grand Secretary's office must be Master Masons, but are not, by the appointment, members of the Grand Lodge ; and therefore, if not otherwise qualified, cannot attend therein without leave, or speak therein without special permission. But if any clerk be in any capacity a member of the Grand Lodge, he is not, by his appointment, deprived of his rights or privileges. Grand Superinten- dent oi WcrfcR. 35. The Grand Superintendent of Works is to advise with the Board of General Purposes on all building plans or works projected or undertaken by the Grand Lodge, and furnish estimates ; he is to superintend their construction, and see that they are conformable to the plans as approved. He is, at the May meeting of the Board of General Purposes in every year, to report on the state of repair of the edifices of the Grand Lodge, and make such further reports from time to time as he may deem expedient. GRAND LODGE. 33 36. The Grand Director of Ceremonies shall Grand have the arrangement and direction of all pro- Direct orof^ cessions and ceremonies of the Grand Lodge and the care of the regalia, clothing, insignia, and jewels belonging to the Grand Lodge. 37. The Grand Pursuivant is to preside over Grand the Brethren nominated to attend within the Pursuivant porch of the Grand Lodge. He is at every Meet- ing of the Grand Lodge to preserve order in the porch, and with the assistance of the Brethren nominated to attend there, to see that none be admitted except those who are qualified, have their proper clothing and jewels, have signed their names to the accustomed papers, and are in all respects entitled to admission. 38. The Grand Tyler is to receive from the Grand Grand Secretary the summonses for all Meetings Ty'er. of the Grand Lodge, its Boards and Committees, and carefully deliver or post the same. He is to attend all such meetings, assist in the arrange- ments, and see that none be admitted but those properly entitled. 39. Nineteen Grand Stewards shall be annually Appomt- appointed, for the regulation of the Grand Festival, meal and under the directions of the Grand Master. They £ uti « of shall also assist in conducting the arrangements steward* 34 GRAND LODGE. made for the quarterly communications and other meetings of the Grand Lodge. Mode of appoint- ment of Grand Stewards. 40. The Grand Stewards shall be appointed from nineteen different Lodges, each of which shall recommend one of its subscribing members, who must be a Master Mason, to be presented by the former Grand Steward of that Lodge, for the approbation and appointment of the Grand Master ; and who. when so approved and ap- pointed, shall be entitled to wear the clothing of a Grand Steward. Time of recommen- dation of Grand Stewards 41. The name and residence of the Brother recommended as Grand Steward shall be trans- mitted by his Lodge to the Grand Secretary fourteen days at least previously to the Grand Festival. Quaiifica- 42. No Brother shall be eligible as a Grand Grand Steward unless he was initiated in the Lodge by Stewards, which he is recommended, or has been twelve months a subscribing member to it. Grand 43. The Grand Stewards shall so regulate stewards to the Grand Festival that no expense fall on the Grand* * Grand Lodge, and they are strictly enjoined not Festival to permit any refreshment to be introduced into GRAND LODGE. 35 the Hall after the Grand Master or other presiding Officer has departed. ii, Xo Lodge shall, under the penalty of for- Lodges not feiting the privilege of recommendation, subscribe [° s ^£}%* or in any manner contribute towards the expense of Grand to be incurred by any Grand Steward in the dis- Stewards . charge of his duties ; and any Grand Steward who shall accept of moneys towards such expense, or shall neglect to pay his proportion of the necessary expenses, shall forfeit all privilege or distinction acquired in consequence of his serving that office. 45. Should any Brother, recommended as a Grand Grand Steward, decline the office or be incapable declining to of discharging the duties thereof, the Lodge which serve, recommended him shall, when informed of the circumstance, transmit the name of another Brother to supply his place. 46. If any Lodge possessing the privilege r f Forfeiture of recommendation shall neglect to send to thejjf^jjjjjj,. Grand Secretary the name of one of its members, mending or to supply the place of one who shall decline Grand the office or become incapable of discharging the Steward ' duties thereof, as required by the precedit ig articles, the Lodge shall forfeit its privilege, and the Grand Master shall nominate some other Lodge to have such privilege in future. 36 GRAND LODGE. membership 47. The Grand Stewards shall have the ex- ert Grand elusive privilege of becoming members of the Stewards' Grand Stewards' Lodge, subject to its by-laws and regulations. ^G"^ 48. Such Past Grand Stewards, as are mem- placed bers of * he Grand Lodge, shall have set apart for Grand them the front benches on each side in the body Lodge- of the Hall. Business to id. All business to be brought under the con- ^teT™ Uni sideration of the Grand Lod §e at any Quarterly Grand Communication shall be previously communicated Secretary, by notice in writing to the Grand Secretary not less than 48 hours before the meeting of the Board of General Purposes immediately preceding such Quarterly Communication. motto?** 50, Any member of the Grand Lodge desiring to make a motion therein, or to submit any matter for its consideration, shall state to the Grand Secretary, in writing, the terms of such intended motion and the precise nature of the matter to which he wishes to draw attention, that notice thereof may be printed in the paper of business for the next Quarterly Communication. No motions 51. No motion or other matter shall be brought te be dis- into discussion in the Grand Lodge unless it cussed with- sna j j have been previously communicated in accordance with Rules 49 and 50 except it be one GRAND LODGE. 37 of urgency, when, if it be considered by the Grand Master to be urgent, it may be discussed, but it shall be competent for any member of the Grand Lodge to move, without previous notice having been given, the adoption or otherwise of any report or recommendation contained in such report of any Board or Committee appointed by the Grand Master, orbv the Grand Lodge, or by the Grand Lodge and the Grand Master conjointly. a 52. Any notice of motion given to the Grand precedence Secretary in accordance with Rules 49 and 50, of motions, shall be placed on the paper of business in pre- cedence of all notices subsequently received except that those having r< ference to the same subject shall, for the convenience of the Grand Lodge, be grouped in order of their receipt. If the Grand Lodge adjourns the consideration of any motion until a subsequent Quarterly Communi- cation, such -motion shall take p- ecedence at that meeting of any notice afterwards received. 53. Any motion, the substance of which the Motions Grand Lodge has alreadv considered and decided already upon, shall not be again brought forward or decided on « otherwise discussed, save at the instance of the Grand Master, until after the expiration of one year from the date of such consideration or decision, except in cases of appeal under Rules 217 and 273. 3539: 38 GRAND LODGE. General** M * The Board of General Purposes shall direct Purposes ma t any notice of motion, other than one affect- may reject ing its proceedings or decisions, which, in its notices of judgment, is scandalous, irregular, or not within the cognizance of the Grand Lodge, shall be omitted from the paper of business, and in such case the President is specially to report the same to the Grand Master, with a copy of the notice. The member of the Grand Lodge who has given notice of a motion to which objection is to be raised shall be informed of the grounds of objection, and may attend the meeting of the Board at which a decision is to be given, and be heard upon the point of order. When any notice of motion has been decided by the Board to be scandalous, irregular, or not within the cognizance of the Grand Lodge, the member of the Grand Lodge who gave such notice of motion shall like- wise be informed by the Grand Secretary of its omission, at least seven days before the next ensuing Quarterly Communication. Nominations 55. All nominations of candidates tor election Smr5ttees. rto the Boa,d of General Purposes under Rule ' 255a, or to the Board of Benevolence, or to any Committee to be elected by the Grand Lodge, must be made in writing to the Grand Secretary seven days previous to the meeting of the Board of General Purposes to be held next before the GKAXD LODGE. 39 Quarterly Communication at which such Election is to take place, signed by a member of the Grand Lodge, stating the number of the Lodge to which the candidate belongs and his Masonic rank. 56. A paper of the business to be transacted Business in the Grand Lodge at each Quarterly Com- Papers, munication shall be prepared by the Grand Sec- retary, and submitted to the Board of General Purposes at the meeting immediately preceding such Quarterly Communication. It shall contain a statement of the business proposed to be laid before the Grand Lodge, a copy of all reports and representations from the Grand Master, tin Board of Benevolence, the Board of General Purposes, or any other Board or Committee appointed by the Grand Master, or by the Grand Lodge, or by the Grand Lodge and the Grand Master conjointly, the names of all candid . nominated for any such B<>arri or Ccmmittee, the resolutions to be moved, and a statement as to appeals to be submitted to the consideration of the Grand Lodge. 57. The paper of business is to be placed in To whom the hands of each member of the Grand Lodge business on his entrance to the Hall ; and, together with fSEJJJ ^"be a print, d report of the proceedings at the seat immediately preceding Quarterly Communication 40 GRAND LODGE. and the Grand Masonic Festival, it shall be for- warded to all Provincial and District Grand Masters, Past and Present Grand Officers, Deputy Provincial and District Grand Masters, Provincial and District Grand Secretaries, and the members of the Boards of Benevolence and General Purposes, at least ten days before the Quarterly Communication. At the same time such paper of business and printed report shall be forwarded to the Master of each Lodge to the address of the Secretary ? given with the annual list of members, returned in accordance with Rule 173, the parcel to be marked " To be forwarded." All members 58. All members of the Grand Lodge may entitled on have such papers of business and notices of special payment. Grand Lodge meetings, together with all reports of the quarterly communications, forwarded to them by post on registering their addresses and paying a fee of five shillings per annum in advance. Scrutineers 59, At the meeting ol the Board of General fortbeporch Purposes to be held immediately preceding each Quarterly Communication, a sufficient number of Masters or Past Masters of Lodges shall be nominated, who shall attend, within the porch of the Grand Lodge, at such Quarterly Communication for the purpose of assist- ing the Grand Pursuivant in the discharge of his duties. In addition to the Brethren GRAND LODGE. 41 so nominated, four Grand Stewards of the year shall also be summoned to attend for the same purpose in rotation, according to the numbers of the Lodges which they represent. The Grand Master shall nominate a sufficient number of Brethren to attend in the porch of the Grand Lodge, for the purpose of assisting the Grand Pursuivant on the day of the Grand Festival, and also on any special meeting of the Grand Lodge. 60. If, at any meeting of the Grand Lodge. * bs * nce °* the Grand Master be absent, the Grand Lodge MLsterTrom shall be ruled by the member of the Grand Lodge Grand present who shall be senior in rank, according to Lodge. the table of precedence herein contained. 61. The Grand Lodge is declared to be opened Opening <* in ample form when the Grand Master or Pro ^ n ^ Grand Master is present, in due form when a ge ' Past Grand Master or the Deputy presides, at all other times, only in form, yet with the same authority. 62. The Grand Lodge being opened, the Minutes minutes of the last quarterly communication, and ° f Grand of any intervening Grand Lodge, are to be read ° ge ' and respectively put for confirmation : but reports, communications, or documents, approved or re- jected at any previous meeting, shall not be read in extenso, unless called for by a Brother with a view to founding a motion thereon. d 4^ GRAND LODGE. Communi cations and reports. Memorial? and peti ! ' ons. Irregular proposi- tions. 63. All communications from the Grand Master, and reports from the Board of Benevo- lence and other Boards or Committees, are then to be read and taken into consideration and the other business to be regularly proceeded with. 65. No memorial, petition, or other document shall be presented to the Grand Lodge, which shall contain improper matter, or offensive or indecorous language. 65. If it shall appear to the Grand Master that any proposed resolution contains anything contrary to the antient Landmarks of the Order, he may refuse to permit the same to be discussed. The Grand Master likewise shall havtr referred to him any notice of motion received from a member of the Grand Lodge, in accordance with Rules 49 and 50, which concerns the proceedings of the Board of General Purposes, and if such notice of motion shall appear to him to be scandalous, irregular, or not within the cognizance of the Grand Lodge, he shall direct its omission from the paper of business to be brought before the next ensuing Quarterly Communication. The member of the Grand Lodge who gave such notice of motion shall be informed by the Grand Secretary of its omission at least seven days before the next ensuing Quarterly Communication, and he may submit in writing a statement on the point of order for consideration by the Grand Master. GRAND LODGE. 43 66. At the third stroke of the Grand Master's Silence gavel, or whenever the Grand Master shall call to Jeered order, there shall be general silence. 67. All members shall keep their seats, except Members to the Grand Deacons, Grand Director of Ceremonies, *eep their his Deputy, and his Assistants, and the Grand seats - Stewards, who are allowed to move about in the discharge of their duties. 68. Whenever a ballot is to be taken for a Distribution member or members of any Board or Committee, JjJJ 1 ^ the balloting papers shall be distributed under balloting the superintendence of the Grand Director of papers. Ceremonies. 69. The mover of an original resolution shall Xo member have the right of reply, but no other Brothe- to speak shall speak twice to the same question, unles> c in explanation. This rule does not apply to tht Grand Registrar, who is the adviser of the Granc: Lodge. 70. livery one who speaks shall rise and remain conduct of standing, addressing himself to the Grand Master, speakers, and he shall not be interrupted, unless any Brother shall address the Grand Master on a point of order, or the Grand Master shall himself think fit to call the speaker to order, but after he has been of debat 44 GRAND LODGE. set right, he may proceed if he observe due order and decorum Transgress*. 71. If any member shall have been twice called !*$fS* to order for transgressing these rules, and shall nevertheless be guilty of a third offence at the same meeting, the Grand Master shall peremptorily com- mand him to quit the Grand Lodge for that meeting. Hissing. 72. Whoever shall be so unmasonic as to hiss at a Brother, or at what he has said, shall forth- with be solemnly excluded, and declared incapable of being a member of the Grand Lodge, until, at another time, he publicly own his fault, and grace be granted. Motions i - 73, No motion for the erasure of a Lodge, or erasure or expulsion. the expulsion of a Brother shall be made, unless the Master and Wardens of the Lodge, or the Brother incriminated, shall have been first sum- moned to answer the complaint in person in the Grand Lodge, or to make answer in writing as they or he may desire. Resolutions 74, No resolution for a grant of money (except ctnfirmrf- sums recommended by the Board of Benevo- tion, lence), or for a new law or regulation, or for the GRAND LODGE. 45 alteration or repeal of an old one, shall become valid unless confirmed at the next ensuing quarterly communication, provided that no motion for the non-confirmation of any such resolution shall be entertained by Grand Lodge, unless notice thereof shall have been given in conformity with Rules 49 and 50, and printed on the paper of business. 75. All matters are to be decided by a majority Voting, of votes, each member having one vote, and the Grand Master a second or casting vote, unless the Grand Lodge think proper to leave any particular subject to the determination of the Grand Master. Except in elections by ballot or voting papers the votes of the members are to be signified by each holding up one hand, and the motion is then to be declared carried or lost ; but if two members demand that the votes be counted, and such demand appear reasonable to the Grand Master, the counting shall be conducted under the direc- tion of the Grand Director of the Ceremonies. 76, No motion on a new subject shall be made Tcrmina- or any new matter entered upon after ten o'clock * iQ n of at night. busine*. LONDON RANK. 76a. The Grand Master may confer on Past London Masters of London Lodges, to a number not Rank - 46 LONDON RANK exceeding two hundred and sixty three in any one year, the right to wear during the Grand Master's pleasure a distinctive jewel, collar and apron, with the designation of " London Rank." Such rank shall be equivalent to Provincial or District Grand Rank in Provincial or District Grand Lodges ; and the provisions of rule 96 shall apply to the holders of such London Rank, so that they do not by such holding take any rank out of the London area as defined in Rule 153. They shall be, however, entitled to wear their jewels and clothing, as holders of London Rank, in all Masonic Meetings. London 76b. The fees of honour payable by the Rank Fund rec ipi en ts of London Rank shall be paid into a special fund, to bv exclusively appropriated to the relief of Brethren, or the widows or children of deceased Brethren who have been installed Masters of London Lodges, such special fund to be distributed and applied by a Committee composed of thirty members of London Lodges (being Masters or Past Masters thereof) appointed by the Grand Master, of whom twenty at least shall be holders of London Rank. The Rules of such Committee shall be approved by the Grand Master. 47 PROVINCIAL AND DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 77. Provincial Grand Lodges emanate from Origin and the Provincial Grand Masters by virtue of thegj^^ authority vested in them by their patents of a p- Grand pointmem from the Grand Master. It therefore Lodges, follows that Provincial Grand Lodges possess no other powers than those specified in these laws and regulations, and cannot meet but by the sanction of the Provincial Grand Master or his deputy. 78. In Colonies and foreign parts the terms District District Grand Master and District Grand Lodge P^ees are used to distinguish such Officers and Lodges from Provincial Grand Masters and Provincial Grand Lodges in England. 79. On the death, resignation, suspension, oi Death of removal of the Provincial Grand Master, his ^^ cial Deputy shall perform all the functions of Pro- Master. vincial Grand Master, until a Brother is duly appointed Provincial Grand Master, but such Deputy shall not thereby acquire the right to any additional rank. 80. In the event of the death, resignation, re- j^M 1 ° f moval, or suspension of a District Grand Master ^^d the District Grand Lodge shall continue toexercist Master 48 PROVINCIAL AND its functions ; and the Deputy District Grand Master, if there be one, and if not, or in the event of his being absent from the District, and until his return, the District Grand Officer or Past District Grand Officer next in rank then in the District shall assume and exercise the functions of District Grand Master until another District Grand Master shall have received his patent of appointment from the Grand Master, and shall have notified the same to the District Grand Secretary. The Brother so exercising the func- tions of a District Grand Master shall not assume that title ; nor shall he, after having so acted, be entitled to rank as a past District Grand Master, or to wear the Masonic clothing belonging to that office. 81. A Provincial or District Grand Lodge con- sists of the Provincial or District Grand Master, the present and past Provincial or District Grand Officers, the Provincial or District Grand Stewards for the year, the Master, Past Masters and Wardens of all Lodges in the Province or District, and Past Masters of any Lodge under the English Constitution, if members of Grand Lodge ; but no Brother can be a member of a Provincial or District Grand Lodge unless he is a subscribing member of a Lodge within such Province or District. DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 49 82. The appointment of Provincial or District Appoint- Grand Master is a prerogative of the Grand provincial Master, by whom a patent may be granted, during or District pleasure, to any Brother of eminence and ability ^. ra ? d in the Craft whom he may think worthy of the appointment. By this patent the Brother is in- vested with a rank and power in his particular Province or District, similar to those possessed by the Grand Master. He shall be installed at the first Provincial or District Grand Lodge which he may hold after his appointment, and until such installation he shall not be qualified to perform any of the functions of his office except that of summoning the Provincial or Dis- trict Grand Lodge to meet for the purposes of his installation. 83. A Provincial Grand Master must have His quaiifi- served for the full period of five vears. and a« tionf or District Grand Master for the full period of three past rank - years, from the date of his Installation, to entitle him to past rank. 81. To ensure the regular performance of the^P^y. duties of his office, and to prevent inconvenience or ^istrict arising from the neglect of them, the Provincial or Grand District Grand Master may appoint a Deputy to Master. execute all the functions of the office in his name, 50 PROVINCIAL AND and may, for i this purpose, invest him by patent under his hand and seal, with all the requisite powers, during pleasure. Notice r appoint- ment 85. The Provincial or District Grand Master must transmit, in writing, the name and place of abode of his Deputy, to all the Lodges of his Province or District, and also to the Grand Secretary, for Registration, within one month of the appointment. Must be a Past Master. 86. The Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master must have previously served the office of Master in a regular Lodge. Province i or Distric; Grand Office s. 87. The Provincial or District Grand Master ;is empowered to appoint for his Province or District the following Provincial or District Grand Officers and no others. A District Grand Master if a Prince of the Blood Royal may appoint a Pro District Grand Master to rank immediately before the Deputy District Grand Master : — A Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master. Two Provincial or District Grand Wardens. Two Provincial or District Grand Chaplains A Provincial or District Grand Registrar. A Provincial or District Grand Secretary. A Provincial or District Grand Director of Ceremonies. DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 51 Two Provincial or District Grand Deacons. A Provincial or District Grand Superintendent of Works. A Provincial or District Assistant Grand Director »f Ceremonies. A Provincial or District Grand Sword Bearer. Two Provincial or District Grand Standard Bearers. A Provincial or District Grand Organist. A Provincial or District Assistant Grand Secretary. A Provincial or District Grand Pursuivant. A Provincial or District Assistant Grand Pur- suivant. A Provincial or District Grand Tyler. Also Provincial or District Grand Stewards not exceeding six in number. In addition to the above a District Grand Master is empowered to appoint a President of the District Board of General Purposes, who shall rank next to the District Grand Registrar., These Provincial or District Grand Officers are to be annually appointed, except the Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master, and, together with the Provincial or District Grand Treasurer, are to be invested in the Provincial or District Grand Lodge. 88. In Provinces and Districts numbering SO^jJjJ* 1 Lodges and upwards, the Provincial and District c^nts. 52 PROVINCIAL AND Grand Masters are empowered to appoint annually four Provincial or District Grand Deacons instead of two, and also a Provincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. In Provinces and Districts numbering 40 Lodges and upwards, the Provincial or District Grand Masters are empowered to appoint annually " Six Provincial or District Grand Deacons," a "Pro- vincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies," and " Four Provincial or District Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies. . In Provinces and Districts numbering 70 Lodges and upwards, the Provincial or District Grand Masters are empowered to appoint annually " Eight Provincial or District Grand Deacons," a " Provincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies," "Five Provincial or District Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies," and a "Pro- vincial or District Deputy Grand Sword Bearer." In Provinces and Districts numbering 100 Lodges and upwards the Provincial or District Grand Masters are empowered to appoint a " Provincial or District Deputy Grand Registrar " to take rank immediately after the Provincial or District Grand Registrar, " Eight Provincial or District Grand Deacons," a " Provincial or District Assistant Grand Chaplain" to take rank immedi- ately after the Provincial or District Grand Deacons, a " Provincial or District Assistant DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 53 Grand Superintendent of Works," a " Provincial or District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies," " Five Provincial or District Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies," a " Provincial or District DeputyGrand Sword Bearer," and a " Provincial or District Assistant Grand Sword Bearer." In every Province or District numbering seven or more Lodges, the Provincial or District Grand Master thereof is empowered to confer on any Brother of ability who has rendered service to the Craft, the Rank of a Past Provincial or District Grand Officer. But no Provincial or District Grand Master shall have power in any one year to confer such rank upon more than one Brother for every com- plete seven Lodges in his Province or District. Every Brother upon whom such rank shall have been conferred, shall be entitled to wear his Clothing as a Provincial or District Grand Officer in all Masonic Meetings. 89. The Provincial or District Grand Officers Dispeoaa- must all be resident within tbe Province or ^Jj£j^ a ' District, unless the Grand Master grant a dis- pensation for non-residence. 90. No Brother can be appointed a Provincial Quahi attoo or District Grand Warden unless he be the Master fOT ^^ 54 PROVINCIAL AND or Past Master of a Lodge ; nor a Provincial or District Grand Deacon unless he be a Warden or Past Warden of a Lodge. Power to 91. The Provincial or District Grand Master summon may summon the Officers of any Lodge within his k^lti-' ' Province or district to attend him, and to produce the warrant, hooks, papers, and accounts of the Lodge, or he may summon any Brother within his Province or District to attend him and produce his certificate. If the summons be not complied with. or a sufficient reason be not given for non- compliance, a peremptory summons shall be issued ; and in case of contumacy, the Lodge or Brother may be suspended, and the proceeding notified to the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Master. Brethren. To deter- 92. The Provincial or District Grand Master mine eon.- s hall hear and determine all subjects of Masoni' plaints. , . , • 1 -j ,• t complaint or irregularity, respecting Lodges or individual Masons, within his Province or District. and may proceed to admonition, fine, or suspensioii A minute of such proceedings, stating the offence and the law applicable to it, together with the decision, is to be transmitted to the Grand Master. Cannot err^c 93, The Provincial or District Grand Master or expel. ^ as no p OWer to erasela Lodge or Expel a Mason ; when, therefore, the case is of so flagrant a natare DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. as, in his judgment, to require the erasure of a Lodge, or the expulsion of a Brother, he shall make a special report to the Grand Lodge, with his opinion thereon. 94. The Provincial or District Grand Master r< pons- holding his office at the pleasure of the Grand ^y for Master, and the power of the Deputy as well as of £j i^vs. 000 the Provincial or District Grand Lodge emanating from the authority vested in the Provincial or District Grand Master, he or his Deputy must be responsible that the Provincial or District Grand Lodge does not exceed its lawful powers. He is. therefore, to cause correct minutes to be kept of all its proceedings, and to produce them to the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge when required. 95. The Provincial or District Grand Master To report shall correspond with the Grand Lodge, and trans- f p r °J^ ngs mit to the Grand Secretary, at or prior to the secretary. quarterly communication in March, a circum- stantial account, in writing, of his proceedings, and of the state of Masonry within his Province or District. He is to forward, or cause to be for- warded, to the Grand Master a summary of the minutes of every Provincial or District Grand Lodge within one month of the holding thereof, together with the names of all Brethren appointed 56 PROVINCIAL AND to Provincial or District Grand office, the names and numbers of the Lodges to which they belong, and their respective residences. Provincial 96. The Deputy Provincial or District Grand r nd ^o* * Master ' the Provincial or District Grand Wardens, cerehave " anc * °ther Provincial or District Grand Officers do no rank out not take any rank out of their Province or District, they are, however, entitled to wear their clothing as Provincial or District Grand Officers, or Past Provincial or District Grand Officers, in all Masonic meetings. Province or District. Provincial or District Grand Stewards. 97. Provincial or District Grand Stewards, while in office, are members of their own Pro- vincial or District Grand Lodges, they do not take any rank out of their Provinces or Districts, and when out of office they are no longer members of the Provincial or District Grand Lodge, unless otherwise qualified ; they are, however, entitled to wear their clothing as present or past Provincial or District Grand Stewards in all Masonic meetings. Meetings of 98. The Provincial Grand Master should hold Provincial a Provincial Grand Lodge, in such place within his 9"° d Province and at such time as may seem to him most convenient, at least once in each year, when DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 57 there may also be a Masonic Festival. He may convene special Provincial Grand Lodges when- ever in his judgment it may be necessary. 99, District Grand Lodges shall .fix stated times Meetings of for their regular meetings, not exceeding four p ,str 'ct times in the year ; but the District Grand Master Lodg^ may summon and hold a special District Grand Lodge whenever, in his judgment, it may be necessary. The particular reason for calling such special District Grand Lodge shall be expressed in the summons, and no other business shall be entered upon at that meeting. 100. When the Provincial or District Grand Opening of faster presides, the Provincial or District Grand Jfljjjg ,odge is to be declared open in due form. If the Grand )eputy or any other Brother preside inform only. *-• 101. The Provincial or District Grand Lodge By-laws. has the power of framing by-laws for its own government, and of making regulations for the guidance of the private Lodges of the Province or District, provided that none of these be contrary to, or inconsistent with, the laws and regulati ns of the Grand Lodge as laid down in the Book of Constitutions, but such by-laws shall not be valid E 58 PROVINCIAL AND until submitted to, and approved by, the Grand Master. Minuter. ^Q2. Correct minutes of the proceedings of the Provincial or District Grand Lodge shall be kept in a book proper for the purpose, which shall be produced by the Provincial or District Grand Master, for the inspection of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge whenever required. Advice by ^3. Should the Provincial Grand Master Grand desire the opinion of his Provincial Grand Lodge Lodge. on the subject of any Masonic complaint or irregularity within his Province, '.he Provincial Grand Lodge shall fully enquire into the matter and report thereon to the Provincial Grand Master, with whom alone the final decision remains, unless there shall be an appeal to the Grand Lodge. Local fund 104. Great advantage having been ■ experienced from the establishment of a local fund for char- itable and other Masonic purposes, each Provincial Grand Lodge may direct payments to be made by tr e Provincial Grand Officers and the Lodges in the Province for this desirable purpose Cexclusive >f the contributions payable to the Grand Lodge). The payments by Lodges shall not exceed the vinces. DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 59 following sums, viz., sixpence per quarter or part of a quarter for every contributing member of a Lodge, five shillings for every person who has been initiated or who has joined from a Lodge not holding under the Grand Lodge, and one shilling for every member who has joined any Lodge since the last payment. A Provincial Grand Lodge may also direct [he payment of the following fees : — ,- j For registering a new Lodge 220 For registering by-laws ... 050 For registering amendments of by-laws ... ... ... 050 This fund cannot be established without the con- currence of at least tw< the members present in the Provincial Grai nor unless each Lodge in the Province - 2 had due notice of the meeting, and of the intention to pro- pose the establishment of such fund, nor until the decision shall have 1 sequent meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, of which meeting due notice shall have been given. It such fund be established, the mode of contribution by Lodges shall on no pretence be departed from. though the Provincial Grand Lodge may diminish any of the payments, or e part of them at their discretion. Thus Provincial Lodges can. in no case, be subjected to annual dues from contributing members exceeding those paid by E 2 6o PROVINCIAL AND every Lodge within the London district, while their members will have the advantage of a local fund as well as of the general Fund of Benevolence. The Provincial Grand Lodge may make such regulations as they may deem necessary for the application of this fund. Prov. or 105. The Provincial or District Grand Lodge Treasurer to sha11 elect a Provincial or District Grand Trea- be elected surer annually, by whom a regular account of the annually. receipts and disbursements of this fund shall be kept. These accounts must be produced at the annual Meeting of every Provincial or District Grand Lodge, and audited once in each year, and a copy thereof transmitted to the Lodges within the Province or District. Delegation 106. The Grand Lodge delegates to the Dis- °o DMrtet trict Grand Lodges, meeting under District Grand Grand Masters duly authorised and appointed by the Lodges. Grand Master of England, the power of investi- gating, regulating, and deciding on all matters relating to Lodges and individual Masons within their respective districts, which power they may exercise either of themselves, or by a Board or Committee of their bodv. DISTRICT GKAXD LODGES. 107. All powers given by the Book of Con- Powers of stitutions to the Board of General Purposes in Lodges"*"* 1 cases of Masonic complaint or irregularity, may be exercised by District Grand Lodges, or by such Board or Committee as aforesaid, subject to appeal to Grand Lodge. 108. The proceedings and decisions of District Dist^Grand Grand Lodges, and of any Board or Committee governed by appointed by such body, shall in all cases be the Consti- strictly governed and controlled by the laws and tertians. regulations of the Grand Lodge as laid down in the Book of Constitutions. 109. District Grand Lodges may make rules Rules and and regulations for the management and conduct r ^" l . atlo . n ^ of their own proceedings, and of those of any G ran d " C Board or Committee of their own body, and may Lodges. alter such rules as they think fit ; but no rule or regulation shall be in force until approved by the Grand Master. 110. District Grand Lodges may require pay-J? is ^ ict ment to their District Fund of fees larger than are allowed in England under the following regula- tions, viz. : — 02 PROVINCIAL AND That notice in writing of the fees proposed, and also of the day of meeting for the discussion of the subject, be sent to each Lodge in the District two months at least prior to the meeting. That if the proposed payments be agreed to by two-thirds at least of the members present, a day shall be appointed for considering the confirmation thereof, at a period of not less than three months Irom the first meeting, and a copy of the resolu- tions so agreed to shall be sent forthwith to each Lodge with the summons for the second meeting. That any Lodge whose officers may not be able to attend by reason of their distance from the place of assembly, be permitted to state its opinions in writing : provided the same be despatched to the District Grand Secretary within the period of one month from the date of receiving the summons for the second meeting. When the resolutions have been confirmed, a copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Grand Master for his approval, together with copies of any opinions which may have been received in writing. When the Grand Master shall have given his consent, and not till then, the resolutions shall be declared valid, and the fees and payments demanded, which shall in such case be payable from the time when the proceedings were con- firmed by the District Grand Lodge. DISTRICT GRAND LODGES. 63 111. In order to avoid delay, and for the ac- District commodation of Lodges in the Colonies and foreign £ ra, j d parts for which a District Grand Master is ap- i^e c ^ ay pointed, those Lodges may make their returns uicates. and payments to the District Grand Master or such Brother as he may direct, but for the due remittance of which to the Grand Lodge the District Grand Master shall be personally respon- sible ; the District Grand Master is thereupon to deliver Grand Lodge certificates, furnished to him for the purpose, which certificates are to be counter- signed as specified in the following paragraph. 112. The Grand Secretary is to furnish to Blank forms District Grand Masters Grand Lodge certificates, ° f certificate with the necessary alterations in the form, signed n° S hld. Ur ahd sealed, but in other respects left blank ; the blanks to be tilled up by the District Grand Master, or by his order, with the name of the Brother initiated, and the date of his initiation, and passing and raising, as the case may be, in Lodges within his District, or of the Brethren who shall join such Lodges, from Lodges not holding under the Grand Lodge of England, as set forth in the returns made to him ; which Grand Lodge certificates shall have attached to them the seal of the District Grand Lodge, and be countersigned by the District Grand Master, or his Deputy, and by the District Grand Secretary. 64 PROW AND DIST. GRAND LODGES. Duplicate returns to Grand Secretary. 113. When a return with payment for a Dis- trict certificate has been made to a District Grand Master, or other Brother on his behalf, the Lodge making the same shall forthwith transmit to the Grand Secretary in London a duplicate of the return, signed by the Master and the Secretary or Treasurer, specifying the date when and the person to whom the return and payment have been made, and also specifying for whom the District Grand Master has issued certificates. Remittance of dues. 114. The District Grand Master shall imme- diately, or with all reasonable expedition, forward to the Grand Secretary the returns received from the several Lodges in his district, together with the amount payable thereon, so that the Brethren may be duly registered, and the money placed to the credit of the respective Lodges in the Grand Lodge accounts. Dispensa- 115. The Grand Master may confer on District ^ n J t ^L5?"" Grand Masters, and on Masters of Lodges in the Colonies and foreign parts where there is no District Grand Master, a power of dispensation, in cases of emergency, for a Brother to be advanced to a higher degree, at an interval of not less than one week instead of four weeks. fer degrees at short intervals PRIVATE LODGES. 116. Every application for a warrant to Petition for hold a new Lodge must be by petition to the ne^Lodge". Grand Master, signed by at least seven Master Masons regularly registered under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, and specifying the Lodges to which they belong, or formerly belonged. To every petition must be added a recommendation, signed in open Lodge by the Master and Wardens of a regular Lodge with the approval of a majority of the members then present, and notice that any such petition is to be submitted for approval must be given on the summons convening the meeting at which it is to be considered. The petition must then be transmitted to the Grand Secretary ; and in the case of any petitioner who is not a present sub- scribing member of a Lodge, his clearance certifi- cate from the last Lodge must also be transmitted to the Grand Secretary. If the Lodge is pro- posed to be holden in a Province or District the petition and certificates are to be forwarded in the first instance to the Provincial or District Grand Master, as the case may be, or to his Deputy, who is to forward them with his recommendation or opinion thereon to the Grand Secretary for the decision of the Grand Master. 117. The Grand Master may authorize District Proyisionai Grand Masters, in such Districts as he shall think warrants 66 PRIVATE LODGES. proper, to grant provisional warrants for the form- ation of new Lodges within their respective Districts, upon the petition of any seven Master Masons regularly registered under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England. The authority when given to continue during the pleasure of the Grand Master. E f X p hange US* Whenever such provisional warrant shall visional ^ iave been granted, the Master of the new Lodge warrants shall, within one month, apply by petition to the Grand Master for a regular warrant of constitution, and upon receipt of such petition, which must state the fact that a provisional warrant has been granted, and be countersigned by the District Grand Master, a regular warrant shall be issued. Form of 119. The following is the form of petition for a petition for warrant to hold a new Lodge : — warrant. " To the M.W. Grand Master of the United Fraternity of Antient Free , and Accepted Masons of England : " We the undersigned, being regularly registered Master Masons of the Lodges mentioned against our respective names, having the prosperity of the Craft at heart, are anxious to exert our best endeavours to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of the art ; and, for the conveniency of our respective dwellings and other good reasons, PRIVATE LODGES. 67 we are desirous of forming a new Lodge, to be named . In consequence of this desire, we pray for a warrant of constitution, empowering us to meet as a regular Lodge, at on the , and there to discharge the duties of Masonry, in a constitutional manner, according to the forms of the Order and the laws of the Grand Lodge ; and we have nominated and do recommend Brother [A.B.], who has served the office of Warden in a regular Lodge [this qualification is only essential in the case of a petition for a new Lodge in England], to be the first Master, Brother [C.D.] to be the first Senior Warden, and Brother [E.F.] to be the first Junior Warden of the said Lodge. The prayer of this petition being granted, we promise strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Master and the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge.'' 120. In order to avoid irregularities, every new Lodge shall be solemnly constituted, according to * m ™ t b« g * antient usage, by the Grand Master with his regularly Wardens ; or, in the absence of the Grand Master, constituted, by his Deputy. If the Deputy be absent, the Grand Master may appoint some other grand Officer or Master or Past Master of a Lodge to act as Deputy pro tempore. Xo Lodge shall be acknowledged, nor its Officers admitted into the Grand Lodge or '.8 PRIVATE LODGES. a Provincial or District Grand Lodge, nor any of its members entitled to partake of the Fund of Benevolence or other Masonic privilege, unless it has been regularly constituted and registered. *«£ 121. No Brother shall be installed as Master or cannot be invested as a Warden of a new Lodge, except the altered. Brother named in the warrant for such office, unless by special sanction of the Grand Master. Precedence of Lodges. 122. Lodges shall rank in precedence in the order of their numbers as registered in the books of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Stewards' Lodge shall not have a number, but shall be registered in the books of the Grand Lodge, and placed in the printed list at the head of all other Lodges, and rank accordinglv. Grand Stewards Lodge. 123. The Grand Stewards' Lodge, being con- stituted as a Master Mason's Lodge, has no power of making, passing, or raising Masons. Local pre- cedence of Lodges in Provinces and Dis- tricts. 125. Every Lodge in a Province or District shall have a local as well as a general rank, so that if any Lodge be removed from one Province or District into another, although it is to retain its original number in the Grand Lodge books, and PRIVATE LODGES. 69 preserve the same rank in the Grand Lodge, and in all public meetings out of the Province or District into which it may have been removed, yet within such Province or District it is to rank im- mediately after the last Lodge registered therein, as well at the Provincial or District Grand Lodge as at public ceremonies within the Province or District, unless the Grand Master, Pro Grand Master, or Deputy Grand Master preside. The seniority of Provincial or District Lodges in their particular Provinces or Districts is to be deter- mined by the date of their registry in the books of the Provincial or District Grand Lodge. 125. Xo Lodge, except while acting under dis- A Lod^e pensation in the Colonies or foreign parts, can ^hout** meet without a warrant of Constitution from the warrant. Grand Master, which is to be specially intrusted to the Master for the time being at his installation, who is responsible for its safe custody, and shall produce it at every meeting of the Lodge. This regulation does not apply to the Lodge of Antiquity, No. 2, and the Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge, Xo. 4, which act under immemorial constitutions. 126. If a warrant be lost or improperly with- w * lTant held from those lawfully entitled to hold or use ^ c S id° r 70 PRIVATE LODGES. the same, or withheld by competent Masonic authority, the Lodge must suspend its meetings until a new warrant or warrant of confirmation has been applied for and granted by the Grand Master, in such terms or on such conditions as he may think proper, or until the warrant so with- held be restored. Warrant 127. If the warrant of a Lodge be sold, or pro- ^lc^or^ ^ ure d by any other means than through the regular irregularly channel of petition to the Grand Master or District procured. Grand Master, such warrant shall be forfeited, and the Lodge erased, and all Brethren concerned in such sale or irregularity shall be deemed to have committed a Masonic offence. Loducto 128. Every Lodge must be distinguished by bear name a name or title, as well as a number, and no Lodge " shall be permitted to make any alteration in its name or title without the approval of the Grand Master, and in Provinces or Districts, also that of the Provincial or District Grand Master. Any such alteration must be immediately communicated to the Grand Secretary for registration. Officers of a 129. The regular Officers of a Lodge consist of Lodge. the M as ter and his two Wardens, a Treasurer, a Secretary, Two Deacons, an inner Guard, and a PRIVATE LODGES. 71 Tyler. The Master may also appoint a Chaplain, a Director of Ceremonies, an Assistant Director of Ceremonies, an Almoner, an Organist, an Assistant Secretary and Stewards. Xo Brother can hold more than one regular office in the Lodge at one and the same time. In cases where officers other than regular officers are appointed the order of appointment shall be as follows : — .Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Chaplain. Treasurer, Secret Director of Ceremonies, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Assistant Director of Ceremonies. Almoner. Organist, Assistant Secretary, Inner Guard, Stewards, Tyler. The foregoing order of appointment and investi- ture gives no Brother the right to claim advance- ment by rotation. The appointment of all officers, except the Treasurer and Tyler, is in the sole discretion and power of the Master. 130. Every Lodge shall annually, on the day J££jj°g£J d named in its by-laws for that purpose, proceed to of Master elect its Master by ballot from among those of its members who have, or previously to the Installa- tion of such Master shall have, served for one vear (that is to say from one regular Installation Meeting until the next regular Installation Meeting) the office of Master, or Senior or Junior 72 PRIVATE LODGES. Warden, in a Regular Lodge warranted under the English Constitution, the service in case of a Warden to count from the date of investiture. The ballot shall be declared in favour of the member thus qualified who obtains the largest number of votes of the Brethren present and voting. At the next regular meeting the first business after the opening of the Lodge shall be the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting, and if they be confirmed so far, at least, as relates to the election of a Master, he shall be deemed to be elected, and shall be duly installed in the chair according to antient usage. No master elect shall assume the Master's Chair until he has been regularly installed. Should the minutes of the election of Master not be con- firmed, then a summons must be issued for the following regular meeting of the Lodge, setting forth that the Brethren will again proceed to elect a Master, and on the confirmation of the minutes of that election at the next regular meeting, the installation of the Master shall follow. Qualifica- 130a. If the investiture of a Warden shall not tion of have taken place at the Installation Meeting, and Warden for thereby the Member appointed has not served the Chair. rS office for one year as aforesaid, he cannot be in- stalled Master of the Lodge except by special Dispensation from the Grand Master, which, can PRIVATE LODGES. 73 only be granted on petition setting forth the cir- cumstances under which the investiture was delayed, the actual service of the member in the Warden's chair, and any special reasons for asking the Grand Master's intervention. The Installing Master shall not proceed to Installation of a Master unless satisfied that the requirements of Rule 130 have been complied with, or such Dis- pensation shall have been produced to him. 131. Should a Prince of the Blood Royal Deputy honour any private Lodge by accepting the office M: of Master, he may appoint a Deputv Master, who shall be regularly installed, and entitled when in office, to all the privileges of actual Master, and after he has served his period of office to those of a Past Master. 132. Every Master Elect, before being placed Masters in the chair, shall solemnly pledge himself to p re- ooll § atlon - serve the Landmarks of the Order, to observe the antient usages and established customs, and strictly to enforce them within his own Lodge. 133. The Master is responsible for the due J^^ ble observance of the laws by the Lodge over which f 0r he presides. observance of laws. F 74 PRIVATE LODGES. Master of 13$. No Brother shall be Master of more than two Lodge* one Lodge at the same time without a dispensa- tion from the Grand Master, or, if in a District, from the District Grand Master. at same time Master's period ot office. 135. No Brother shall continue Master for more than two years in succession, unless by a dispensation, which may be granted by the Grand Master, or the Provincial or District Grand Master, in cases of actual necessity ; but he may be again elected after he has been out of that office one year. This regulation shall not extend to a Prince of the Blood Royal appointing a Deputy, but it shall to the Deputy. Appoint- ment and election of officers. 136. Upon his installation the Master shall appoint and invest his Wardens and other Officers, and shall invest the Treasurer, who shall be annu- ally elected by ballot on the regular day of election of Master, and also the Tyler, who is to be chosen by the Members of the Lodge, and may at any time be removed for cause deemed sufficient by a majority of the Brethren present at a regular meeting of the Lodge. 137. Expunged June yth, 1899. by Vote of Grand Lodge, PRIVATE LODGES. 75 138. No proprietor or manager of the tavern SSEufar or house at which the Lodge meets shall hold any office, office in the Lodge without a dispensation from the Grand Master or the Provincial or District Grand Master. 139. The Master and Wardens and members ^ SI jr and of every Lodge when summoned to do so, shall att end nS attend the Grand Master or his Deputy, cr thes immonsr. Provincial or District Grand Master or his Deputy, or the Board of General Purposes, or any other Board or Committee authorised by the Grand Lodge ; and if required shall produce the warrant, books and papers of the Lodge under pain of suspension and of being reported to the Grand Lodge. 140. Should the Master be dissatisfied with the Removal cf conduct of any of the Officers, he may lay the° fficers ' cause of complaint before the Lodge at a regular meeting ; seven days' notice thereof in writing having been previously sent to the Brother com- plained of, and if it shall appear to the majority of the Brethren present that the complaint be well founded, the Master shall have power to displace such Officer, and to appoint another. If a vacancy shall occur in any office other than that of Trea- f 2 76 PRIVATE LODGES. surer or Tyler, the Master shall appoint a Brother to serve such office for the remainder of the year, and if the vacancy be in the office of Treasurer or Tyler the Lodge shall, after due notice in the summons, elect a successor for the remainder of the year. Death or 1^1- H the Master shall die, be removed, or be incapacity of rendered incapable of discharging the duties of Master. hj s office, the Senior Warden, and in the absence of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, and in the absence of both Wardens, the Immediate Past Master, or in his absence the Senior Past Master, shall act as master in summoning the Lodge, until the next installation of Master. In the Master's absence, the Immediate Past Master, or, if he be absent, the Senior Past Master of the Lodge present, or if no Past Master of the Lodge be present, then the Senior Past Master who is a subscribing member of the Lodge shall take the chair. And if no Past Master who is a member of the Lodge be present, then the Senior Warden, or in his absence the Junior Warden, shall rule the Lodge. When a Warden rules the Lodge, he shall not occupy the Master's chair, nor can initiations take place or degrees be con- ferred unless the chair be occupied by a Brother who is a Master or Past Master in the Craft. PRIVATE LODGES. 77 142. The Grand Master has full authority to Grand >reside in any Lodge, and to order any of his pr eside Grand Officers to attend him. His Deputy is to when visit. be placed on his right, and the Master of the Lodge in S- on his left hand. His Wardens, if present, are also to act as Wardens of the Lodge during the time he presides ; but if the Grand Wardens be absent, then the Grand Master may command the Wardens of the Lodge, or any Master Masons to act as his Wardens pro tempore. 143. Unless the Grand Master be present, the Deputy Deputy Grand Master has full authority to pre- Gra " d side in any Lodge, the Master of the Lodge being pr eside ° placed on his right hand. The Grand Wardens, when visit- if present, are to act as Wardens of the Lodge in § during the time he presides. 1*4. The Provincial or District Grand Master ^ovinciai or may preside in any Lodge he visits within his^and Province or District, his Deputy being placed Master to on his right, and the Master of the Lodge on his preajdewhen left hand; his Wardens, if pres nt, shall act as us Wardens of the Lodge during the time he presides ; but if they be absent, the Provincial or District Grand Master may direct the Wardens of the Lodge, or any Master Masons, to act as his Wardens, pro tempore. 7» PRIVATE LODGES. Deputy Provincial or District Grand 145. Unless the Provincial or District Grand Master be present, his Deputy may preside in any Lodge he may visit within his Province or District, Master may j^e Master of the Lodge being placed on his right presi e. hand. The Provincial or District Grand Wardens, if present, are to act as Wardens of the Lodge during the time he presides. Rank when visiting. 146. The Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master, when visiting the Lodges in his Province or District, shall, in the absence of the Provincial or District Grand Master, rank for the time being as Provincial or District Grand Master, and take precedence accordingly. Grand Officers visiting by command. 147. The Grand Master may send his Grand Officers, present or past, to visit any Lodge when- ever he may think fit to do so. In the case of over-seas Lodges not included in any District, the Grand Master shall have power to divide them, or any of them, into groups and to confer upon Brethren appointed by him such jurisdiction as he may think fit in respect of such groups, or of any such over-seas Lodge. The Grand Master shall, at any time, and from time to time, have power to alter such groups, to extend or limit such juris- diction, and to remove any Brother so appointed, and to appoint any other Brother in his place. PRIVATE LODGES. 70 148. The Provincial or District Grand Master Provincial may send any of his Provincial or District Grand and District Officers, present or past, to visit any Lodge in his oncers Province or District whenever he may think fit visiting by to do SO command. 149. The Master and Wardens of a Lodge are visiting enjoined to visit other Lodges as often as they enjoined on conveniently can, in order that the same usages v f. ast ? r and and customs may be observed throughout the Craft, and a good understanding cultivated amongst Freemasons. ^al50. Xo Brother subject to the English Admission jurisdiction shall be admitted into a Lodge unless of visitors, he be personally known to, and vouched for by one of the Brethren present, or unless he shall be well vouched for after due examination, and no Brother who is not subject to the English jurisdiction shall be admitted unless his certificate shows that he has been initiated according to the ancient rites and ceremonies in a Lodge belonging to a Grand Lodge professing belief in T.G.A.OT.U. such certificate not to be valid unless granted by a Grand Lodge recognized as such by the United Grand Lodge of England and not unless he himself shall acknowledge that this belief is an essential 8o PRIVATE. LODGES. landmark of the Order. In all cases satisfactory proof of identity must be produced if required, and every visitor during his presence in a Lodge is subject to its by-laws. SESSion to 151< Jt is within the P° wer of the Ma ster of visitors. every Private Lodge to refuse admission to any visitor whose presence he has reason to believe will disturb the harmony of the Lodge, or to any visitor of known bad character. Disqualifi- cation to visit. 152. No Brother who has ceased to be a sub- scribing member of a Lodge shall be permitted to visit any one Lodge more than once until he again become a subscribing member of some Lodge, but this rule shall not apply to the visits of a Brother to any Lodge of which he has been elected a non- subscribing or Honorary Member. London 153. All Lodges held within ten miles of Lodges. Freemasons' Hall, London, are London Lodges, and are to pay the London dues and fees. Provincial 154. All Lodges held at a greater distance than or District ten miles from Freemasons' Hall, London, are Lodges. Provincial or District Lodges, and are under the immediate superintendence of the Provincial or District Grand Master within whose jurisdiction they meet. PRIVATE LODGES. 8i 155. When any Military Lodge, under the con- Military stitution of England, shall be out of England, it ^S" shall be conducted so as not to give offence to the Masonic authorities of the country or place in which it may sojourn, never losing sight of the duties it owes to the Grand Lodge of England, to which communication is ever to be made, and all fees and dues regularly transmitted. 156. Expunged by Vote oj Grand Lodge. March yth, 1017. 157. If the military body to which a Lodge is Surrender or attached be disbanded or reduced, the Brethren exchange of shall transmit the warrant to the Grand Secre- warf ant. tary ; but if a competent number of the Brethren remain together, they may apply for another warrant of the same number, to be holden as a civil Lodge, at such place as may be convenient and approved of by the Grand Master. Such warrant to be granted without any additional expense. 158. No Lodge of Instruction shall be holden sanction for unless under the sanction of a regular warranted Lodge of Lodge, or by the special license and authority of Instructlon - the Grand Master. The Lodge giving its sanction, and the Brethren to whom such license is granted, shall be answerable for the proceedings, and re- sponsible that the mode of working adopted has received the sanction of the Grand Lodge. 82 PRIVATE LODGES. Time and place of meeting of Lodges ot Instruction to be approved. 159. Notice of the times and places of meeting of Lodges of Instruction within the London Dis- trict shall be submitted for approval to the Grand Secretary, and in Provinces and Districts to the Provincial and District Grand Secretaries respec- tively. Minutes ot Lodges oi Instruction. 160. Lodges of Instruction shall keep minutes recording the names of all Brethren present at each meeting, and of Brethren appointed to hold office, and such minutes shall be produced when called for by the Grand Master, the Provincial or District Grand Master, the Board of General Purposes, or the Lodge granting the sanction. • Withdraws! of sanction from Lodge of Instruc- tion. 161. If a Lodge which has given its sanction for a Lodge of Instruction being held under its warrant shall see fit, it may at any regular meet- ing withdraw that sanction by a resolution of the Lodge, to be communicated to the Lodge of In- struction ; provided notice of the intention to with- draw the sanction be inserted in the s ummons for that meeting By-la. 162. Every Lodge has the power of framing by-laws for its government, provided they are not inconsistent with the regulations of the Grand PRIVATE LODGES. 83 Lodge. The by-laws must be submitted to the Grand Secretary for the approval of the Grand Master, being in the case of a Provincial or District Lodge sent through the Provincial or District Grand Master, for his approval previously to transmission. When finally approved, a printed copy must be sent to the Grand Secretar}-, and, in the case of a Provincial or District Lodge, also to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary ; and when any alteration shall be made, such alteration must, in like manner, be submitted. Xo law or alteration will be valid until so submitted and approved. The by-laws of the Lodge shall be printed, and a copy shall be delivered to the Master on his installation, who by his acceptance thereof shall be deemed to solemnly pledge him- self to observe and enforce them. 163. Every Brother shall be supplied with a submission printed copy of the by-laws of the Lodge when to by-laws, he becomes a member, and his acceptance thereof shall be deemed to be a declaration of his sub- mission to them. 164. The regular days of meeting of the Lodge Time and and its place of meeting shall be specified in the Pj^* °* by-laws, and no meeting of the Lodge shall be held elsewhere, except as herein otherwise pro- 84 PRIVATE LODGES. vided ; such by-laws shall also specify the regular meeting for the election of the Master, Treasurer, and Tyler. Meetings 165. Should the regular meeting of a Lodge fall public ° D on Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a public holi- holidaye. day, the meeting may be held on the day before or the day after, at the discretion of the Master ; and if in any Lodge it should become impossible to hold the regular meeting upon the day named in Altering day the by-laws for that purpose, the Grand Master, «f meeting anc i } n provinces and districts the Provincial and tion. 1SPenS 'District Grand Master, may grant a dispensation for the holding of such meeting upon a day not more than fourteen days before or after the day fixed by the by-laws, which day shall for all purposes be deemed the regular day of meeting except that this Rule shall ;not over-ride the provisions of Rule 195. Emergency 166. A Lodge of emergency ma> at any time meeting?. be called by the authority of the Master, or, in his absence, of the Senior Warden, or, in his absence, of the Junior Warden, but on no pretence without such authority. The business to be transacted at such Lodge of emergency shall be expressed in the summons, and no other business shall be entered upon. PRIVATE LODGES. 85 167. Unless otherwise specified in the warrant l'^ 1 , ** 1 °* any Lodge may be removed from one house to another, provided the following regulations be strictly complied with : — If at any regular meeting a notice of motion for the removal of the Lodge be given and signed by not fewer than seven subscribing members, the Master shall summon a special meeting of the Lodge for considering and finally deciding the Question ; such meeting to be at least one week after the issuing of the summons. The proposition shall not be carried unless two-thirds of the mem- bers voting shall agree to the removal. If the Master should fail or refuse to issue the summons, that duty shall devolve on the Senior Warden, or failing him. the Junior Warden. 168. If the meeting of a Lodge at its regular Temporary place should, by any circumstance, be rendered removal. impracticable or improper, the Master shall forth- with apply to the Grand Master or Provincial or District Grand Master for a dispensation to hold a temporary meeting, or meetings, at a specified place, and there, if so authorised by the terms of the dispensation, carry on the general business of the Lodge, or determine, in the manner of voting above described, whether the Lodge shall be per- manent! v removed. 86 PRIVATE LODGES. Consent 169. No London Lodge, or Lodge in the to removal. Colonies or foreign parts not within a District, can be removed without the consent of the Grand Master, and no Provincial Lodge can be removed without the consent of the Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master. If the proposed removal should be from one Province or District into another, the consent of the Provincial or District Grand Master of each Province or District must be obtained. With respect to Lodges within Districts, the consent of the District Grand Master is alone required for the removal of a Lodge from one place to another within the same District. Removal to 170. When a Lodge shall have resolved to be recorded. a jter its place or day of meeting, a copy of the minutes of the Lodge relating to such alteration shall be forthwith sent to the Grand Secretary, and where the Lodge is held in a Province or District, also to the Provincial or District Grand Master, that it may be ascertained whether the laws have been strictly complied with, and in order that the alteration may be duly recorded. The Officers of a removed Lodge shall not be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge or Provincial or District Grand Lodge until these regulations have been complied with. PRIVATE LODGES. 87 171. The jewels and furniture of every Lodge Furniture of belong to, and are the property of, the Master and Lod fc es - Wardens for the time being, in trust for the mem- bers of the Lodge ; and the proprietor or manager of the house wherein the Lodge is held shall have no lien thereon, nor shall he be suffered to acquire the jewels or furniture of such Lodge under the penalty of the forfeiture by the Lodge of its war- rant of constitution. 172. Every Lodge shall keep a book, to be called Minutes. the minute book, in which the Master, or the Brother appointed by him as Secretary, shall regularly enter from time to time : — First, — The names of all persons initiated, passed, or raised in the Lodge, or who shall be- come members thereof, with the dates of their proposal, initiation, passing, and raising or ad- mission respectively, together with their ages. addresses, titles, professions, or occupations. Secondly, — The names of all members present at each meeting of the Lodge, together with those of all visiting Brethren, with their Lodges and Masonic rank. Thirdly, — Minutes of all such transactions of the Lodge as are proper to be written. The minutes can only be confirmed at a sub- sequent regular meeting of the Lodge. 88 PRIVATE LODGES. Annual 173. Every Lodge shall keep a register of its m tUI b rs members, and once in each year transmit direct to the Grand Secretary a regular list, signed by the Master and Secretary, of its contributing members and of the Brethren who have been initiated, passed, or raised therein since the last return, with the dates of conferring those degrees respectively ; also of all Brethren who have joined the Lodge during that period, with the dates of their so joining, and the name and number of the Lodge from which they joined, and also stating the ages, addresses, titles, professions or occupa- tions of all such newly admitted or joining Rrethren. Remittance 17$. Every Lodge, when it makes the return of tees, &c. of its contributing members, and of the Brethren whom it has initiated or admitted, shall make a remittance for the registration fees, joining fees, fees for certificates, and quarterly contributions from each of its contributing members to the Fund of Benevolence [ 306 ], also the annual contributions to the Building Fund according to Rule 308. Payments 175. No Lodge shall pay the quarterly con- not to be tribution or contribution to the Building Fund of members in Grand Lodge under Rule 308, for a member who is arrear. in arrear, but his name shall nevertheless be re- PRIVATE LODGES. 89 turned with the words " in arrear " written against it, and when the arrears are received the con- tributions to the Grand Lodge shall be duly paid. Should a member be three years in arrear. he shall thereupon cease to be a member of delusion of the Lodge (unless the arrears arise by reason of members his having been in the service of the Crown or its :hre ^ years Allies for the time being during a state of war between Great Britain and any enemy, or his being a person whose employment in connec- tion with Naval or Military operations may properly be treated for the purposes of this Rule in the same manner as actual Naval or Military service, or having abstained from attending the Lodge in obedience to anv resolution to that effect passed by Grand Lodge in each of which cases such arrears shall be cancelled), and can only be- come a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to Rule 189. The Lodge may require payment of the arrears as a condition precedent to election. This Rule shall not preven: a Lods^e proceeding against any of its member.- under Rule 210 tor non-payment of contribuii according to its by-laws, for a shorter period than three years, provided such non-payment shall not have arisen by reason of such members having been in the service of the Crown or its Allies for the time 1 iforesaid, or having been Whose employment was of the nature hereinbefore mentioned. When a Brother ceases to be a mem- o 90 PRIVATE LODGES. ber under this Rule, or when he has fallen into arrear by reason of his having been in the service of the Crown or its Allies for the time being as aforesaid, or having been a person whose employ- ment was of the nature hereinbefore mentioned, or having been a person who has abstained from attendance at a Lodge as hereinbefore mentioned the fact shall be forthwith notified to the Grand Secretary, and if the Lodge be within a Province or District, also to the Provincial or District Grand Lodge. The provisions of Rules 211, 212, and 213 shall apply to the case of a Brother ceasing to be a member under this Rule as if he had been excluded by vote. Return by 176. Every Provincial and District Lodge shall Provincial make a return similar to that required to be made Lodges*" * to tne Grand Secretary once in each year, or oftener if required, to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary, and transmit therewith all money payable to the Provincial or District Grand Lodge. Treasurers 177. All money received or paid for or on accounts. account of a Lodge, shall be from time to time regularly entered in proper books, which shall be the property of the Lodge. The accounts of the Lodge shall be audited at least once in every ye'ar, by a Committee appointed by the Lodge. PRIVATE LODGES. 91 178. To prevent injury to individuals, by . Ri .g. hts of being excluded from the privileges of Masonry Brethren through neglect in not registering their names or not pre- paying their Grand Lodge dues, any Brother soi udicedb y circumstanced, on producing sufficient proof that nf-fke * t0 he has paid the full fees to his Lodge, including returns, the registration fee, shall be capable of enjoying all the privileges of the Craft, and the offending Lodge shall be reported to the Board of General Purposes, and rigorously proceeded against for detaining moneys which are the property of the Grand Lodge. 179. Every Lodge, by its Secretary, shall Annual annually, immediately after the installation of the return of Master, make a return to the Grand Secretary of ° fficers - the Master, Past Masters, and Wardens of the Lodge, and of all members who claim to be entitled to attend the Grand Lodge as Past Masters, having served the office of Master in some other Lodge, specifying the Lodge in which each of them has served the office of Master ; and no Brother shall be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge unless his name shall appear in such return. This return shall also contain the full name and address of the Secretary of the Lodge. 180. If any Lodge shall during the space of Penalty for twelve months neglect to make its return and^ e |v^ ctto payments to the Grand Lodge according to these returns. G 2 92 PRIVATE LODGES^ regulations, it shall be liable to erasure, and the Master, Past Masters, and Wardens shall not be permitted to attend the Grand Lodge or sit upon any Board or Committee, by vitrue of any qualification derived from such Lodge. This disqualification shall cease when the returns and payments shall be made. Lodge may 181. The majority of the members present at regulate its an y Lodge duly summoned have an undoubted ceedings right to regulate their own proceedings, provided they are consistent with the general laws and regulations of the Craft ; no member, therefore, shall be permitted to enter in the minute book of the Lodge a protest against any resolution or proceeding which may have taken place, except on the ground of its being contrary to the laws and usages of the Craft, and for the purpose of complaining or appealing to a higher Masonic authority. Voting. 182. Whenever it shall happen that the votes are equal upon any question to be decided by a majority, either by ballot or otherwise, the Master in the chair shall give a second or casting vote. Enquiry 183. Great discredit and injury having been admission brought upon our antient and honourable Fra- of member, ternity from admitting members and receiving PRIVATE LODGES. 93 candidates without due notice being given or enquiry made into their characters and qualifica- tions, and from passing and raising Masons with- out due instruction in the respective degrees, it is declared to be specially incumbent on all members of Lodges to see that particular attention be paid to these several points. 184. Except as provided by Rule 185, no person Election ot shall be made a Mason without having been pro- candidates posed and seconded in open Lodge at one regular forimti:Son meeting and balloted for at the next regular meeting. The particulars required of the Candi- date and his proposer and seconder respectively shall be supplied in the form on pages 159- 102 to the Secret-Tv of the Lodge, previous to the meeting of the Lodge at which the proposition is to be made. If a Cai didate does not present himself for initiation within one year after his election the election shall be void. 185. In cases of emergency, any two Members initiation in of a Lodge may send in writing to the Master, the^^ g ° f name, age, profession, or occupation (if any), and place of abode of any person whom they wish to propose to be made a Mason, and the circum- stances which in their opinion render it desirable that the Candidate should be initiated as a matter of emergency. If in the opinion of the Master the 94 PRIVATE LODGES, emergency be real, he shall require the Candidate and his proposer and seconder respectively, to supply the particulars required of them, in the form on pages 159 - 162, to the Secretary of the Lodge fourteen days previous to the regular or emergency meeting of the Lodge at which the proposition is to be submitted. A statement by the Master of the cause of the emergency shall in every case be specified in the summons (issued in accordance with Rule 189a) for the regular or emergency meeting at which the ballot is to take place. The Master previous to the ballot being taken shall state in open Lodge the cause of the emergency, which shall be recorded in the Lodge minutes. SrlnUiation * 86, No P erson sha11 be made a Mason under the age of twenty-one years, unless by dispensa- tion from the Grand Master or Provincial or District Grand Master. Every candidate must be a free man. and at the time of initiation in reputable circumstances. Declaration ig7. Previously to his initiation, every can- date* 11 U didate must subscribe his name at full length to a declaration of the following import, viz. : — To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers, and Members of the Lodge of No. PRIVATE LODGES. 95 I, being a free man, and of the full .ige of twenty-one years, do declare that, unbiassed by the improper solicitation of friends, and unin- fluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive. I freely and voluntarily offer myself a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry ; that I am prompted by a favourable opinion conceived of the institu- tion, and a desire of knowledge ; and that I will cheerfully conform to all the antient usages and established customs of the Order. Witness my hand, this of Witness N.B. — A person who cannot write is conse- quently ineligible to be admitted into the Order. 188. Expunged by Vote of Grand Lodge. March yth, 1917. : 189. Xo Brother shall be admitted a joining joining member of a Lodge without having been proposed ambers and seconded in open Lodge at one regular meet- ing and balloted for at the next regular meeting. The particulars required of the Candidate and his proposer and seconder respectively shall be sup- plied in the form on pages 159-162 to the Secretary of the Lodge, previous to the meeting of the Lodge at which the proposition is to be made. Before a ballot is taken the Brother's Grand Lodge Certifi- 96 PRIVATE LODGES. cate and the clearance certificate or certificates from the Lodge or Lodges of which he is or has been a member, furnished in accordance with Rule 213, shall be produced. If a Brother so elected does not present himself for membership within one year after his election the election shall be void. When a Lodge has ceased to meet, any former member thereof shall be eligible to be proposed and admitted a member of another Lodge, on pro- ducing a certificate from the Grand Secretary stating the fact, and that the Brother has been registered and his quarterage duly paid. Every Brother who has been initiated into Masonry in a regular Lodge not under the con- stitution of the Grand Lodge of England shall, previously to becoming a member of any Lodge, declare in open Lodge his adhesion to the Book of Constitutions, and promise due obedience to the Grand Master and the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the fact shall be recorded in the Lodge minutes. Candidates 189a The P articulars required by Rules 184, for Initfation l8 5> and l8 9 sna11 be considered by the Master or and Joining, by a Committee of the Members of the Lodge (if any) and read in open Lodge before a ballot is taken and, if the Candidate be elected, shall be countersigned by the Master and sent by the Secretary to the Grand Secretary for filing when the registration fee is paid. In a Province or PRIVATE LODGES. 97 District a duplicate thereof shall be sent to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary. The name, age profession or occupation (if any), and place of abode of the Candidate, and in the case of a joining member the name and number of the Lodge or Lodges in which he is or has been a mem- ber with the names of his proposer and seconder, shall be specified in the summons for the regular or (in accordance with Rule 185) emergency meeting at which the ballot is to take place, and a copy shall be sent to each Member of the Lodge at least seven days before the day of such meeting. In this Rule the word ' Committee " shall mean the Committee (if any) for the time being of the Members of a Lodge to which the proposals for membership thereof are to be submitted for consideration. 190. No person can be made a Mason in, or Rejection on admitted a member of, a Lodge., if, on the ballot, ballot - three black balls appear against him ; but the by-laws of a Lodge may enact that one or two black balls shall exclude a candidate ; and by-laws may also enact that a prescribed period shall elapse before any rejected candidate can be again proposed in that Lodge. J^:\ 191. Every Lodge must receive as a member initiate may without further proposition or ballot, any Brother niembership. initiated therein, except a serving Brother, unless 98 PRIVATE LODGES. such Brother express his wish to the contrary on or before the day of his initiation, as no Lodge should introduce into Masonry a person whom the Brethren consider unfit to be a member of their own Lodge. Candidates 192. No Lodge shall initiate or confer any one on same day Degree on more than two Candidates on the same limited. day un less by a Dispensation from the Grand Master or the Provincial or District Grand Master. The application for such Dispensation shall specify the names of Candidates, the Degree to be conferred, and the special circumstances under which the application is made. The Dispensation, if granted, shall also state the names of the Candidates and the Degree to be conferred. Fee for Initiation. Initiation and status ot serving Brethren. 193. No person shall be made a Mason for less than five guineas, inclusive of the registration and certificate fees, in England ; nor for less than three guineas, exclusive of registration and certifi- cate fees, abroad ; and no Lodge shall remit or defer the payment of any part of this sum. This is not to extend to the making of serving Brethren, who may be initiated by the Lodge which they are to serve, or for the service of the Grand Lodge, provided that no fee be taken, and that a dispensation from the Grand Master or Provincial or District Grand Master, be first ob- PRIVATE LODGES. 90 tamed, which shall be specified in the return made to the Grand Secretary, when the serving Brother shall be registered free of expense, but must pay for his Grand Lodge certificate. A Brother so initiated cannot be a member of the Lodge in which he was initiated unless he be afterwards duly proposed and elected as in the case of a join- ing member, upon which event he shall pay the same fees as an initiate, and on so doing he will be entitled to all the privileges and benefits of the Craft. He is, however, eligible to become a subscribing member of any other Lodge ; and upon being registered a joining member of such other Lodge, and paying his contributions in like manner with other members, he shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits of the Craft. In case there be no other Lodge in the vicinity of his dwelling of which he can become a member he may be permitted to pay through the Lodge in which he was initiated the quarterly dues to the Fund of Benevolence ; and after having served the Lodge and paid such dues for ten years at least, he shall be eligible to be relieved in case of distress, and entitled to the other privileges of the Craft in the same manner as if he had been a regular subscribing member. 194. The member who proposes a candidate is Proposer responsible to the Lodge for all the fees payable £?JSJ ble on account of the initiation. 100 PRIVATEiLODGES, Intervals 195. No Lodge shall confer more than one between degree on any Brother on the same day, nor shall degrees. a higher degree be conferred on any Brother at a less interval than four weeks from his receiving a previous degree, except as provided by Rule 115, nor until he has passed an examination in open Lodge in that degree. Degrees on Candidates om ol their own Lodges 195a. No Lodge shall pass or raise a Brother who has been initiated in another Lodge under the English Constitution except at the written request of the Master, or a Warden or the Secretary of the Lodge in which he was initiated, and, in the case of a Brother who has been initiated in a Lodge not under the Grand Lodge of England, he must in addition be vouched for by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge having jurisdiction over him or by some Brother duly anthorised in that behalf by such Grand Master, if such Grand Lodge is recognised by the Grandi Lodge of England. Initiate 196. Every Brother shall be entitled to a Grand entit ed to Lodge certificate immediately upon his being Lodgt registered in the books of the Grand Lodge, for certificate, which certificate the Lodge shall transmit the fee. PRIVATE LODGES. 101 197. In case a certificate be lost or destroyed, Lost of which satisfactory proof must be adduced, the Certificate. Grand Secretary may issue a duplicate to any Brother applying for the same upon payment of the regular fee. 198. Every Brother to whom a Grand Lodge Certificate certificate is granted must sign his name in the™"^*^ margin thereof, or it will not be valid 199. Xo Grand Lodge certificate shall be issued Dnqua.. - to any Brother if he shall have been admitted to cation for more than one degree of Masonry at a shorter certificate * interval than four weeks from his receiving a pre- vious degree, except as provided by Rule 115, 200. A Brother who shall have obtained ac^tig^^ Grand Lodge certificate of the first or second exchanged degree shall, after he has been regularly advanced after ad - to a superior degree, be entitled to exchange such 1 " 1110 * 13160 ' certificate for one of the superior degree without additional expense. 201. Ail applications for Grand Lodge Cer- Application tificates must be made to the Grand Secretary by f °'U ertifi * a regular Lodge, except in Colonial and For. Districts, where a District Grand Master is ap- pointed, and to whom Grand Lodge certificates maybe forwarded as provided by Rule 112. If 102 PRIVATE LODGES. the name of the Brother for whom the certifi- cate is required has not previously been registered, the fee payable on registration must be trans- mitted at the same time, as no certificate can be issued until such fee has been paid. Certificate 202. No Lodge, or Officer or member of a purpoS. ng Lod &^ shall, under any circumstances, give a certificate or recommendation to enable a Mason to proceed from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in an itinerant manner to apply to Lodges for relief. £J[gg ft 203. No Lodge shall grant a private Lodge certificate, certificate to a Brother, except the certificate mentioned in Rule 213, or a certificate of all dues having been paid to enable him to join another Lodge ; for neither of which certificates shall any charge be made. Assisting at 204. A Brother who has been concerned in irregular making Masons clandestinely, or at a Lodge which gcs ' is not a regular Lodge, or for small and unworthy considerations, or who may assist in forming a new Lodge without the Grand Master's authority, shall not be admitted as a member, or even as a PRIVATE LODGES. 103 risitor, into any regular Lodge, nor shall he be entitled to relief from the Fund of Benevolence, nor to any other Masonic privilege, till he make due submission and obtain grace. 205. No Brother shall print or publish, or Printing or cause to be printed or published, the proceedings publishing of any Lodge, or any part thereof, without the procee consent of the Grand Master, or Provincial or District Grand Master, or print or publish, or cause to be printed or published, anything which by the laws and regulations of Masonry is im- proper to be published. Xor shall any Brother publish or circulate any document relating to any case of Masonic complaint before the regularly constituted authorities, until after final adjudi- cation thereon, and then only if the same be proper to be published according to the laws of Masonry. This law does not extend to furnishing printed copies of documents for the use of any Board or Committee investigating such case of Masonic complaint, provided the same are sent through the Grand Secretary, Provincial or District Grand Secretary, or the Secretary of such Board or Com- mittee respectively, nor to the writing, printing, or publishing of any notice or summons issued to the members of a Lodge by the authority of the 104 PRIVATE LODGES. Public appearance in Masonic clothing. Master, nor to the proceedings of any Festival or public meeting at which persons not Masons are permitted to be present. 206. No Brother shall appear clothed in any of the jewels, collars, or badges of the Craft, in any procession, or at any funeral, ball, theatre, public assembly, or meeting, or at any place of public resort, unless the Grand Master, Provincial Grand Master, or District Grand Master, ac the case may be, shall have previously given a dispensation for Brethren to be there present in Masonic clothing. Breach of regulations 207. A Lodge or Brother offending against any law or regulation of the Craft, to the breach of which no specific penalty is attached, shall, at the discretion of the Grand Lodge, or any of its delegated authorities, or of a Provincial or District Gr:md Master, be subject to admonition, fine, or suspension. 208. If fine be the punishment awarded, it shall be, for the first offence, not less than one pound nor more than five pounds ; for a second offence of a similar nature within three years, it shall be not less than two nor more than ten pounds ; and if the Lodge or Brother shall refuse to pay the fine, or be guilty of a third offence within three years of the second offence, the Lodge shall be liable to be erased or the Brother to be expelled. PRIVATE LODGES. 105 All fines shall be applied to the Fund of Benevolence. 209. If any Brother behave in Lodge in such Exclusion I a manner as to disturb the harmony of the Lodge, from he shall be formally admonished by the Master ; Lod g. e '<* and if he persist in his irregular conduct, he shall ofm^etkig. J be punished by censure, fine, or exclusion for I the remainder of the meeting, according to the opinion of the majority of the members present. or the case may be reported to higher Masonic authority. 210. Every Lodge has the power permanently Permanent to exclude any of its members for sufficient cause, exchu$iOB - provided there shall have been served upon him not less than seven days previous to the meeting, a notice in writing, together with particulars of the complaint made against him, stating the time and place appointed for its consideration, when he mav a:tend and be heard. Not less than seven days' notice in writing shall also be served upon each member of the Lodge of the intention to propose such a resolution. The notices shall be considered duly served if sent by post to the last known address of each member, except that, in the case of the member against whom the complaint is made, service shall be effected by registered post. This power of exclusion can H lo6 PRIVATE LODGES. exercised only by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present. The name of every Brother excluded from a Lodge, with the cause of exclusion, shall forthwith be sent to the Grand Secretary, and, if the Lodge be a Provincial or District Lodge, also to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary. N.B. — The term expelled is only used when a Brother is removed from the Craft by the Grand Lodge. Upon a removal of a Brother from a Private Lodge the term excluded only is appli- cable. Power te reinstate excluded Brethren. 211. Should the Grand Master be satisfied that any Brother has been illegally or without sufficient cause, excluded from any of his Masonic functions or privileges, he may order him to be reinstated, and may suspend, until the next ensuing quarterly communication, any Lodge failing to comply with his order. A Provincial Grand Master has the same power within his Province. A District Grand Master has the same power within his District, and in case of failure to comply with his order may suspend the offending Lodge during such time as he thinks proper. PRIVATE LODGES. 107 212. If any member shall be excluded from his secluded Lodge, or shall withdraw himself from it without Brethren I having complied with its by-laws, or with the K ^^f r I general regulations of the Craft, he shall not be.'.dge. 1 eligible to join any other Lodge until that Lodge 1 shall have been made acquainted with his former I neglect, so that the Brethren may be enabled to ■ exercise their discretion as to his admission, and I any Lodge failing to make due enquiry shall be I Kable to pay the arrears, if any, owing by such i Brother to the Lodge from which he has been I excluded or has withdrawn as aforesaid. 213. Whenever a member of any Lodge shall Cert ; acate resign, or shall be excluded, or whenever at a^ s ^J u ^ nd subsequent time, he may require it, he shall beprr-iuced furnished with a certificate stating the circum- when join- stances under which he left the Lodge ; and such ing - certificate is to be required by, and to be produced to, any other Lodge of which he is proposed to be admitted a member, previously to the ballot being taken. 214. All differences between, or complaints of, Differences members of London Lodges, or of Lodges in places - ld com - where no Provincial or District Grand Master is Pj ^5rincea appointed, that cannot be accommodated privately or Districts, or in a regular Lodge, shall be reduced into writing and delivered to the Grand Secretary, who shall lay the same before the Grand Master or rhe h 2 io8 PRIVATE LODGES. Board of General Purposes, or other Board or Committee specially appointed by the Grand Lodge. When all parties shall have been sum- moned to attend thereon, and the case investigated, such order and adjudication shall be made as the laws and regulations of Masonry authorise. Differences and com- plaints in Provinces 215. Complaints against Lodges or Brethren in the Provinces must in all cases be made to the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy, failing whose attention thereto the complaint may be transmitted to the Board of General Purposes. In Districts. 216. Complaints against Lodges or Brethren in Districts must be made either to the District Grand Master or to the District Grand Lodge. Appeals 217. Any Lodge or Brother who feels aggrieved by the decision of a Provincial Grand Master, a District Grand Master, or District Grand Lodge, or of any Board or Committee or of any other Masonic authority or jurisdiction whatsoever, may appeal against such decision to the next practicable meeting of the Grand Lodge. The appeal must be made in writing, specifying the particular grievance complained of, and be transmitted, to- gether with all documentary evidence, to the Grand Secretarv twentv-one days at least before PRIVATE LODGES. 109 the next practicable meeting of the Grand Lodge, accompanied by a certificate that notices and copies of the appeal have been sent by the appellant to the authority against whose decision the appeal is made, and also to the opposite party ; and upon the receipt of the appeal and certificates by the Grand Secretary, he shall forthwith give notice thereof to the authority whose decision is thereby called in question ; and on the hearing of the appeal the proof of the service of the notices and copies of appeal shall, unless admitted, be upon the appellant. Such notices shall be considered duly served if proved to have been sent by post and registered. No appeal can be received unless couched in proper and respectful language. 218. The Grand Master shall not be applied to Applica- on any business concerning Masons or Masonry, Q° ns ^° except through the Grand Secretary. Master. 218a. In a Colony or Foreign part in which a Meeting to District Grand Lodge exists, if the District Grand discus* Master shall think proper to grant a dispensation sovereign °* for that purpose, it shall be lawful for any Lodge Grand to hold a special meeting, or meetings, to discuss Lod**e. and resolve on the question of the formation of a Sovereign Grand Lodge for or including the PRIVATE LODGES. District or part thereof, or any neighbouring District or part thereof, or any Lodges not in a District. Such dispensation may be granted sub- ject to any conditions that the District Grand Master may deem proper, and also to provisions enabling two or more Lodges to unite in the special meeting ; and, if the District Grand Master should refuse to grant a dispensation, an appeal may be made to the Grand Master. In a Colony or Foreign part in which more than one District Grand Lodge exists the same procedure shall be adopted in each District, and before any Grand Lodge shall be recognised as having jurisdiction over the whole of such Colony or Foreign part, r.he consent of each District Grand Lodge shall be certified by the District Grand Master thereof. Regulations 218b. Whenever Grand Lodge shall, with the to be assent of the Grand Master, recognise a Grand Lodge as a regular and independent Sovereign Body, having jurisdiction in any Colony or Foreign part where a District Grand Lodge or Lodges not in a District exist, and the Grand Master shall signify it is not his intention to grant for the future any warrant for a new Lodge in that juris- diction, the following rules shall apply : — I. Within six months after recognition the Master of every Lodge in such jurisdiction observed. PRIVATE LODGES. m shall convene a special meeting of the Lodge on not less than twenty-one days' notice to every member ; failing the Master, the Dis- trict Grand Master or the acting Deputy shall convene such meeting, and preside thereat. 2. The Brethren present at such meeting, whose names appear as subscribing members on the last return filed with the Grand Secre- tary, shall decide whether they desire that the Lodge shall continue under the Grand Lodge of England or not. If the decision oc to join the new Grand Lodge, the Brethren shall, at the same meeting, decide in whom the property and effects of the Lodge shall be vested, and the Warrant shall be forthwith returned to the Grand Secretary to be delivered up to the Grand Master. A majority of two-thirds of the members present shall be required to carr> such resolutions. 3. Xo questions shall be discussed or put at such meeting other than those above prescribed. 4. Immediately after such meeting a full copy of the minutes and a list from the signature book of all members attending, together with the numbers voting for or against, shall be sent to the Grand Secretary, veri- PRIVATE LODGES. fied under the hand of the presiding Master, and countersigned by the Secretary of the Lodge. No second meeting shall be called to discuss the above questions without the special leave of the Grand Master. Ledge with less than five members. 219, Whenever the number of Subscribing Members of any Lodge, as shown on the last return to Grand Lodge, shall be fewer than five, the Lodge shall cease to meet, and the warrant, books, and papers shall be delivered up to the Grand Master, who may, nevertheless, if he thinks proper, grant a dispensation to enable the members to meet, subject to such conditions as he may deem expedient, until he finally decides whether or not the Lodge shall be continued. Lodge fail- 220. Should a Lodge fail to meet for one year, i ( lug to meet. it|ghall be ]iab]e to be erased. ! s Surrender of warrant. 221. Should a Lodge be dissolved the warrant, books, and papers shall be delivered up to the Grand Master. No warrant can be transferred under any circumstances. H3 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 222. The fund appropriated to the object of Fund of Benevolence shall be solely devoted to charity. 5£T°" 223. Grand Lodge may at any time and from Meetings time co time make grants out of the Fund of and Co. t> Benevolence for charitable purposes, applications g tlo *l c ; or recommendations for such grants to be pre- Benevo _' viously submitted to the Board of Benevolence, lence. Subject thereto the Fund shall be administered by a Board of Benevolence, which shall consist of a Presi- dent, to be appointed by the Grand Master, and two Vice-Presidents, to be elected at the Grand Lodge in December, and of all the present and past Grand Officers, and all actual Masters of Lodges, and twelve Past Masters of Lodges to be nominated annually prior to the Meeting of the Board of General Purposes in November, and to be elected at the Grand Lodge in December, in the manner pre- scribed by Rule 223a : but no Past Master shall be eligible to be re-elected who shall have neglected to attend the Board of Benevolence at six meetings. The distribution and application of the Fund by the Board shall take place at meetings to be held on the last Wednesday but one of every month, except in December, when it shall meet on the third Wednesday. [14 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Election of 223a. The election of members of the members. Board of Benevolence shall be by ballot and for that purpose nominations in writing containing the names of the several Brethren, the names and numbers of their Lodges and their Masonic rank shall be delivered to the Grand Secretary seven days previous to the Meeting of the Board of General Purposes preceding the December Quarterly Communication. The names of the candidates so proposed shall be printed on a ballot- ing card in alphabetical order with the Masonic rank of each candidate and the number of his Lodge, and a copy cf such card shall be delivered to every member attending the December Quarterly Communication. The balloting cards shall be deposited in ballot boxes provided for that purpose and must not be signed. The result of the Poll shall be ascertained and notified in the manner prescribed by Rule 259. Disqualify 225. No Master shall act as a member of the cation. Board of Benevolence if his Lodge has neglected to make its returns and pay its contributions to the funds of the Grand Lodge during the pre- ceding twelve months. Election 225. At the Meeting of the Board of General ai Vice- Purposes next preceding the Grand Lodge in Presidents December, Brethren shall be nominated for BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 115 election to the offices of Senior and Junior Vice- President of the Board of Benevolence, and the names so nominated shall be submitted to the Grand Lodge in December, who shall elect a Senior Vice-President and a Junior Vice-President, out of the names submitted for those offices respec- tively, in the manner prescribed by Rule 223a. 226. If the President, or either of the Vice " ^SaTof Presidents, or any of the twelve elected Pastm^bere. Masters die or be removed, the vacancy shall be filled up. If it be the President, by the Grand Master ; if it be one elected by the Grand Lodge, then by the Grand Lodge at the next quarterly communication. In cases where an election is to take place in the Grand Lodge, notice thereof shall be given in the General Committee, and the names of candidates nominated to fill such vacancies must also then be given. 227. If the actual Master of the year of any Absent Lodge cannot attend, the immediate Past Master ^^7 may supply his place; should that Brother berepre? nt«d unable to attend, any other Past Master of such Lodge may act for him ; but in every case the Past Master must be a subscribing member of the Lodge. u6 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Qusiifi 228. No Brother shall be nominated for re- cation for election as a Vice-President, who shall have failed L Vice- " t° a ^end the Board of Benevolence at six meetings Ptesiden- during the twelve months immediately preceding. Absence of President or Vice Prcsiden 229. In the absence of the President, the Senior Vice-President, and in the absence of both, the Junior Vice-President shall take the chair ; should all three be absent, the Brother present who is highest in rank and seniority shall preside ; and if either of the Vice-Presidents shall be absent, or be in the chair, his place shall be filled in like manner. Reapons bilityoi President 230. The Brother presiding shall be bound strictly to enforce all the regulations of the Craft respecting the distribution of this fund, and shall be satisfied, before any petition be read, that all the required formalities have been complied with. Canvassing not per- mitted 231. The members shall not be subject to can- vass or previous solicitation, but shall have their minds free from prejudice, to decide on the merits of each case with the impartiality and purity of Masonic feeling. If it shall appear that this rule has been wilfully transgressed, the consideration of the case shall be deferred for the space of three months. BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 117 232. If any Master of a Lodge or any mem- J >enalt Z!*f ber of the Board shall canvass or otherwise solicit canvawln *- on behalf of a petitioner, he shall be rendered in- capable of attending as a member of the Board of Benevolence for twelve months. 233. No member shall at any time vote upon Disquaiifi- the petition of any person for whom he may have cation from been canvassed, or to whom he is related, nor votm 2 upon the petition of a Brother, or widow of a Brother who is, or was, a member of a Lodge to which he himself belongs. Such member may be heard on the merits of the petition, but must then withdraw. 234. Except as hereinafter provided, no Mason Qua^c*- registered under the constitution of the Grand r ^[^ or Lodge of England shall receive the benefit of this fund unless he has paid the full initiation or join- ing fee, has continued a subscribing member to a contributing Lodge for at least five years, and during that period paid his quarterly dues to the Fund of Benevolence. Provided that if a Brother has not paid his subscriptions by reason of his having been in the service of the Crown or its Allies for the time being as mentioned in Rule 175 or having been a person whose employ- ment was of the nature therein mentioned, or having been a person who has abstained from n8 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. attendance at a Lodge as therein mentioned, he shall be deemed for the purposes of this Rule during the period of such service or employment to have paid his subscriptions and his quarterly dues to the Fund of Benevolence. The limita- tion of five years, however, does not apply to the cases of shipwreck, capture at sea, loss by fire, or blindness, or serious accident, fulVy attested and proved. Any Brother who has ceased sub- scribing for the immediate past twenty years shall not be eligible to petition the Board unless he has previously subscribed to his Lodge for fifteen years or upwards. Secretaries 235. Secretaries who, by the by-laws of their exempted Lodges, are exempted from the payment of sub- ^P*" 15 " scription, shall be considered in all respects as ^^ regular subscribing members of their Lodges, their services being equivalent to subscription, provided their dues to the Grand Lodge have been paid. Serving 236. A serving Brother who, under the pro- Brethrin. v i s i ons f R u i e 193, has paid, through the Lodge in which he was initiated, the quarterly dues to the Fund of Benevolence for ten years at least, is eligible to be relieved in case of distress, in the same manner as if he had been a regular sub- scribing member. BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 119 237. If, on enquiry into any petition, it shall Neglect appear that any Brother has paid to his Lodge the^^^^ to full fees, including the register fee, and also five or. 'reported, years' quarterage, but that the Lodge has neglected to register such Brother or transmit the dues to the Grand Lodge, the Board of Benevolence may relieve the petitioner, and shall forthwith report the case to the Board of General Purposes, that the Lodge may be rigorously proceeded against for withholding moneys the property of the Grand Lodge. 238. The Board of Benevolence may also grant Relief of relief to the indigent widow, or child, of a deceased widows and Mason registered in accordance with Rule 234 or chLldren - who was a subscribing member of a Colonial Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of England and who would himself have been qualified to receive assistance ; or of a Brother who shall have died within five years from the period of his initiation, or of his having joined an English Lodge from a Foreign Lodge, and who shall have continued a subscribing member to the time of his decease. 239. Before the petition of a widow or child Certifice.tr* shall be taken into consideration, the Grand Lodge required. or other Masonic certificate of the deceased Brother, and those of his marriage and death, or burial, and i2o BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. in the cases of children, of their births or baptisms, shall be deposited with the Grand Secretary. In the case of loss of any of the above-named certi- ficates, or impossibility to procure them, the Board may, nevertheless, giant relief if such loss or impossibility be proved, and the facts otherwise established to the satisfaction of the Board. Limit of 240. When application for relief is made on HS?^*?! behalf of a child or children only, such application must be made within five years of the death of the father, and whilst the child or children is or are under age. relief to children Foreign 241. Brethren under the constitution of the Petitioners. Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland, as well as of Foreign Grand Lodges, and members of Colonial Lodges, may be relieved on the production of certificates from their respective Grand Lodges, or other sufficient certificates and testimonials to the satisfaction of the Board of Benevolence, and proof of identity and distress, and of having paid at least five years' subscription to a regular Lodge, it being understood that in the case of Foreign Brethren, such relief if exceeding five pounds, except in case of sickness, is intended to assist them to return to their native land, or to any country in which they have been established or have friends. BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 121 242. Applications for relief must be by petition, Petitions stating the name, occupation, place of abode, and tor reUet - present circumstances of the petitioner, the name and number of the Lodge in which and the time when he (or the husband or father, in the case of the petition of a widow, child, or children) was initiated, and the other Lodges, if any, which he afterwards joined, The applicant, unless disabled by disease or accident, must sign the petition. 243. To every petition must be added a recom- Recomms mendation, signed in open Lodge, by the Master, d/uorTot*"" Wardens, and a majority of the members then petition, present, of a Lodge to which the petitioner (or the husband or a father, in the case of the petition 1 if a widow, child or children), does or did belong, certifying that they know him or have good reasons for believing him to have been in repu- table, or at least tolerable, circumstances, and that he has or had been not less than five years an actual contributing member, paying the stipulated subscriptions to the funds of a regular Lodge, as ^ell as quarterage to the Fund of Benev ience, when not included in the subscription to the Lodge, with such other observations as they may think proper. Provided that if a Brother has not paid his subscriptions by reason of his having been in the service of the Crown or its Allies for the time 122 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. being as mentioned in Rule 175 or having been a person whose employment was of the nature therein mentioned or having been a person who has abstained from attendance at a Lodge as therein mentioned he shall be deemed for the purposes of this Rule during the period of such service or employment to have paid the stipulated subscriptions as well as quarterage to the Fund of Benevolence when not included in the sub- scription to the Lodge. If the Lodge cannot certify to any necessary fact, the same may be struck out and the real fact inserted, with any explanation that may be advisable. It shall not be permissible for any Lodge to refuse to certify as to any of its petitioning members or their widows or children ; but if a Lodge has been erased or suspended, or has tem- porarily ceased to meet, or its next regular meeting will not be held within a convenient time, then the necessary recommendation may be made by some other Lodge which contributes to the Fund and can give the necessary information. Every petition recommended by a Provincial or District Lodge shall be forwarded to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary of the Province or District in which the applicant's Lodge is situate, for his report on the circumstances therein set forth ; but in the case of members of unattached Colonial Lodges, and of Brethren under the con- stitutions of the Grand Lodges of Ireland or BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 123 Scotland, or of Foreign Lodges, a recommendation attached to the petition and signed by a Brother registered under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England shall be sufficient. 244. To prevent mistakes in the recom- Form of re- mendation of petitions, the following form j s commenda- proposed which may be altered as circumstances require. We, the undersigned, being the Master, War- dens, and majority of the members present, in open Lodge assembled, of Lodge No. called and held at this day of 19 , do hereby certify, that the within-named petitioner has been a regular contributing member, paying the stipulated sub- scription to this Lodge, for the space of years, and that we have known him, or have good reasons for believing him to have been, in reput- able circumstances, and do therefore recommend him to the Board of Benevolence for relief, having satisfactory grounds for believing the allegations set forth in his petition to be true. 245. A visit shall be paid to every applicant by Petitioners the Master or some member of the Lodge, or some to be vi3lted other Brother, who shall, in writing, on a form to 124- BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. be from time to time settled by the President and Vice-Presidents of the Board of Benevolence and the Grand Secretary, certify to the best of his information and belief to the actual condition of the applicant, his age, profession or calling, means of subsistence, what aid he receives from his family, his future prospects, the position he has held in the Craft, and any matter that may guide the Board in adjusting the distribution of relief from its funds. The application of widows or children to be accompanied with a like certificate so far as practicable, with the probable disposal of the funds if relieved. Every Brother certifying shall also state that he is not aware of any circum- stance disentitling the applicant to relief, or which ought to be disclosed to the Board of Benevolence before it deals with the application. In all London cases the Brother giving the certificate, or some other Brother who has visited the case, shall attend the Board of Benevolence on the considera- tion of the petition. N.B. — Masters of Lodges or visiting Brethren are earnestly requested to forward the fullest particulars of each case, to enable the Board to relieve the applicants to the utmost extent of its means. T rSen?kig ^' ^"° P etmon ior relief shall be presented petition to the Board of Benevolence unless it has been BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. 125 left with the Grand Secretary not later than the Thursday previous to their meeting. 247. No petition shall be read unless the petitioner petitioner attend the Board of Benevolence in to attend person ; except in the case of widows and children, Board or of sickness, lameness, imprisonment, or resi- dence in the country, beyond the London district. 248. A Brother who has been relieved cannot Second petition a second time within one year. A widow application. or orphan who has been relieved cannot petition again. 249. The Board of Benevolence may order the ^^5 immediate payment of any sum not exceeding *hich may forty pounds he made - 250. Recommendations for the payment of Grants any sum exceeding forty pounds shall, except as over £40. hereinafter mentioned, be subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge, and on approval shall be payable forthwith. In the cases of such recom- mendations, the President of the Board, or in 126 BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. his absence one of the Vice-Presidents may at his discretion, direct an immediate payment of a sum not exceeding forty pounds on account. In cases of extraordinary urgency, which must be proved to the satisfaction of the President of the Board and the Grand Secretary, an immediate payment may be ordered by them of a sum not exceeding seventy-five pounds. 251. Expunged June 4M, 1913. by vote of Grand Lodge Rxceptional grants. 252. The Board of Benevolence may grant relief to the extent of five pounds to any distressed Mason who has presented his petition in due time, although the conditions and forms above contained have not been complied with ; but this Rule shall not override the provisions of Rule 234. Laws t«" be read in January. 253. These laws and regulations shall be read by the Grand Secretary in the month of January, previously to the Board entering on business, and the President in the chair shall not allow any part of them to be dispensed with or infringed. 12/ BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 255. The Board shall consist of the Grand Constitution Master, Pro Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, of Board the Grand Wardens, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Registrar, the Deputy Grand Registrar, a President, Past Presidents, the President of the Board of Benevolence, the Grand Director of Ceremonies, and twenty-four additional members until the June Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge in 1917 and, subject to Rule 258a. shall subsequently consist of thirty-two additional members. 255, Eight members of the Board shall be A PP 3Int ment annually appointed by the Grand Master at the ofmembers June Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge, and the remaining twenty-four members shall be elected as hereinafter provided. 255a. Brethren who are members of London Election of Lodges attending the June Quarterly Communica- members tion of the Grand Lodge shall in each year elect JJ™|^ ntin8 four members from the Masters and/or Past Lodge" Masters of London Lodges, being subscribing members thereof, and in addition such number (if any) as may be required to fill any casual vacancies in the members of the Board elected to 128 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. represent London Lodges. Such election shall be by ballot ; and for that purpose nominations in writing by members of London Lodges containing the names of the several Brethren, the names and numbers of their Lodges and their Masonic rank shall be delivered to the Grand Secretary seven days previous to the meeting of the board next preceding the June Quarterly Communi- cation. The names of the candidates so pro- posed shall be printed on a balloting card in alphabetical order with the Masonic rank of each candidate and the number of his Lodge, and a copy of such card shall be delivered to every member of a London Lodge attending the June Quarterly Communication. The balloting cards shall be deposited in ballot boxes provided for that purpose and must not be signed. Election of 255b. Twelve other members of the Board members shall be chosen from the Masters and/or Past SSSndS" 2 Masters of Provincial Lodges who must be Lodges. subscribing members of a Provincial Lodge. Each Province in Provincial Grand Lodge assembled. shall be entitled, before the 31st day of December in every year, to nominate one duly qualified Brother for election. Such nomination, containing the name of the Brother together with the number of his Lodge and his Masonic rank, shall, within 14 days, be forwarded to the Grand Secretary, BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 129 who shall prepare a list of candidates, and send a copy thereof before the 31st day of March of the following year to each Provincial Grand Master in the form of a voting paper containing the names of the several Brethren, the numbers of their Lodges, their Masonic rank, and the Province by which each nomination has been made. Each Provincial Grand Master may vote at the first election under this Rule for twelve candidates and at each succeeding election thereunder for four candidates and in addition sucli number (if any) as may be required to fill any casual vacancies in the members of the Board elected to represent Provincial Lodges, but he cannot give more than one vote for any one candidate. The voting papers shall be returned before the following 30th day of April, to the Grand Secretary by whom the votes shall be counted and the names of the candidates required to fill the vacancies who have received the highest number of votes shall be announced to the Grand Lodge at the next June Quarterly Communication as having been duly elected. In the case of an equality of votes the Officer presiding over the June Quarterly Com- munication shall have a determining vote. If more than one candidate is proposed in a Provincial Grand Lodge, the right to be nominated shall be determined in the manner adopted in that Pro- vincial Grand Lodge for the election of Provincial Grand Treasurer. If any Provincial Grand Lodge has held its Annual Meeting in the year [916 [30 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. before the date at which this Rule was confirmed the Provincial Grand Master shall have the right of nominating the candidate in place of his- Provincial Grand Lodge. Qualification 256. Not more than one member of any Lodge of candidate? s ^ a ]j be eligible, as such, for nomination as a candidate for election on the same Board ; but this shall not prevent a duly qualified member, being a subscribing member of another Lodge, from being elected for and representing such other Lodge. Retirement by rotation of elected members. Casual vacancies. 257. Beginning at the June Quarterly Com- munication of the Grand Lodge in 1920, four of the members elected under Rule 255a and beginning at the June Quarterly Communication in 1918, four elected under Rule 255b shall retire annually at the June Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge, but, subject to Rule 257c, shall be eligible for re-election, those retiring in rotation being the members who have been the longest time in office or in the case of their having been members the same length of time then those who received the lowest number of votes when elected. 257a. If any elected member of the Board die, resign, be removed from office or become an ex-officio or appointed member of the Board, the casual vacancy so caused shall be filled up in the- BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 131 manner hereinbef< »re provided. A member elected to fill a casual vacancy shall retire from office at the time appointed for the retirement of the member whose place he has taken. Any casual vacancy in the appointed members shall be filled by the Grand Masttr. 257b. In the event of any appointed member Non-attend- being absent from the meetings of the Hoard or ance . b Y the meetings of any Committee to which he has^J^J^f been elected, for half the number of such meetings held during the year, the fact shall be reported to the Grand Master. 257c. In the event of any elected member Disquaiifi- being absent from the meetings of the Board or cationof the meetings of any Committee to which he has Members been elected, for half the number of such meetings held during the year (except through illness other cause sufficient in the opinion of the Boarc.; he shall be deemed to have resigned from the Board, and shall not be eligible in the next succeeding year for re-election as a member of the Board. 258. The Board shall elect annually one of its Election of members to be Vice-President. dent 1 *™* 258a. Each of the present elected members of Transitory. the Board may, subject to Rule 257c, continue to 132 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. hold office for the residue of the period for which he was elected, notwithstanding that by reason thereof the number of the members of the Board shall be temporarily increased, but any casual vacancies amongst such members shall not be filled up. Each of such members shall be eligible for re-election. Scrutineers. 259. Eight scrutineers are to be elected at the meeting of the Board of General Purposes next preceding the Grand Lodge in June, and eight other scrutineers are to be nominated by the Grand Master or Presiding Officer of that Grand Lodge. The scrutineers shall solemnly pledge themselves to make a correct report under their hands of the result of the ballot. They shall then retiie, and having ascertained the number of votes polled for the several candidates shall present their report to the Grand Lodge. But if their report is not ready by the time that the Grand Lodge is about to be closed, the Grand Master or Presiding Officer shall receive the report and a copy thereof verified by the Grand Secretary shall be immediately posted up in his office, and remain exhibited for one week for the information of the Craft. thePresi- 260. Should the President and Vice-President dent and be absent, the Brother highest in rank and dent PrCS1 seniority shall preside. BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 133 261. Expunged by Vote oj Grand Lodge, June 7th, 1916. 262. The Board shall meet on the third Tues- Meeting*. day in every month at five o'clock precisely. It may also be convened at other times by command of the Grand Master, or by the authority of the President. 263. Five members shall constitute a Board Quorum, and proceed to business, except in the decision of Masonic complaints, for which purpose at least seven members must be present. All questions shall be decided by a majority of votes, the Pre- siding Officer, in case of equality, having a second vote. 264. The Board has full power to inspect all Power to books and papers relating to the accounts of the Q Spe< ? the Grand Lodge, and to give orders for the correct Lodge arrangement of them ; and to summon the Grand books, &c. Treasurer, Grand Registrar. Grand Secretary, or other Brother having possession of any books, papers, documents, or accounts belonging to the Grand Lodge, and to give such directions as may be necessary. 134 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. P^j 01 265. Except when otherwise specially directed by resolution of the Grand Lodge, the Board has the direction of everything relating to the build- ings and furniture of the Grand Lodge, and may suggest any alterations or improvements. It is to cause the necessary preparations to be made for the meetings of the Grand Lodge as well as for the days of festival, public ceremonies, &c, and to take care that arrangements be made for the proper accommodation of the Boards or Com- mittees appointed by the Grand Lodge, and of the private Lodges meeting at Freemasons' Hall. It shall also give orders for all the usual and ordinary articles which may be requisite for the Grand Lodge ; but no extraordinary expense of any kind shall be incurred without the previous sanction of the Grand Lodge. :.: ., ongL- 266. The Board may recommend to the Grand nate Im- Lodge whatever it shall deem necessary or advan- provcments. tageous to the we if are and good government of the Craft, and may originate plans for the better regulation of the Grand Lodge and the arrange- ment of its general transactions, but no recom- mendation or reports of the Board, or of any Committee appointed by the Board, shall be issued tor the consideration of, or be voted upon, by BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 135 the Craft until they shall have been discussed by the members of Grand Lodge, in Regular or Especial Meeting assembled. 267. The Board has likewise the care and care of regulation of all the concerns of the Grand Lodge, correspond- and shall conduct the correspondence between the ence ' Grand Lodge and its subordinate Lodges and Brethren, and communications with sister Grand Lodges and Brethren of eminence and distinction throughout the world. 268. The Board shall have charge of the Chargeof finances of the Grand Lodge, examine all demands finances. upon it, and when found correct, shall order them to be discharged. 269. At the Board next following the close of Quarterly each quarter, the account of receipts and disburse- accounts, ments for the last quarter, shall be balanced. This account shall be printed and transmitted to each Lodge with the report of the proceedings of the next quarterly communication. A list of the con- tributions from Lodges during the financial year shall also be transmitted to every Lodge after the March communication. 136 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 270. At the meeting in January in each year, the Board shall investigate - the accounts of the Grand Lodge for the last year, and prepare them for the auditor : and shall, at the quarterly com- munication in March, state the amount of receipts and expenditure under their respective heads, together with the amount of the property belonging to the Grand Lodge in the public funds or else- where ; and do all such matters as may be neces- sary to give the Grand Lodge full information respecting the receipt and application of its funds. An abstract of this report shall be transmitted to every Lodge, as directed by the preceding article. Committees. 271. The Board, at its regular meeting in June of each year, shall appoint from amongst its members Committees of hot more than nine members, with the addition of the President and Vice-President ex-officio, which shall be de- nominated respectively the Finance Committee, the Colonial, Indian, and Foreign Committee, the Procedure Committee, the P; emises Com- mittee, the Officers and Clerks Committee, and the Library, Art and Publications Committee, to consider all matters having reference to the subjects named, the duty of which shall be to report their proceedings to the Board at its next meeting. The Board also at any time may appoint Committees for specific purposes, which BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 137 shall report to it in like manner. Each such Committee shall have power to invite to its meetings, for purposes of consultation, two Brethren qualified for admission to the Grand Lodge, and not members of the Board, possessed of special knowledge of the subjects with which the appointing Committee has to deal. 272. The Board has authority to hear and deter- p OW er to mine all subjects of Masonic complaint or irregu- adjudicate, larity respecting Lodges or individual Masons, when regularly brought before it, and generally to take cognizance of all matters relating to the Craft. 273. The Board may proceed to admonition, Power fine or suspension, according to the laws ; and its to sus P end decision shall be final, unless an appeal be made to the Grand Lodge. But should any case be of so flagrant a nature as to require the erasure of a Lodge or the expulsion of a Brother, the Board shall make a special report thereon to the Grand Lodge. 275. The Board may summon the Officers of Power any Lodge to attend it, and to produce the warrant, ^^i" 11110 ". books, papers, and accounts of the Lodge, or may Hrethre n" summon any Brother to attend it and produce his certificate. If the summons be not complied with, K 138 BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. or a sufficient reason be not given for non-com- pliance, a peremptory summons shall be issued, and in case of contumacy the Lodge or Brother may be suspended, and the procedings notified to the Grand Lodge. M< -tings 275. The members of the Board shall be in r"r^htn° mC Masonic clothing when they proceed to the in- vestigation of any charge or complaint. clothing. Mode of 276. When the Board has investigated and procedure, decided on any case which, in its judgment, requires admonition, fine or suspension, the offence shall be fully stated in the minutes, shall be de- clared proved, the law relating thereto (if the offence is provided against) quoted, and the decision recorded and acted upon. Complaints 277. In case of any charge or complaint affect - affecting ing a member of the Board of a Lodge to which he belongs, such member shall withdraw whilst the Board considers its decision. members. Communica- 278. No recommendation, petition, or repre- ssions to sentation of any kind shall be received by the Board Board, unless it be in writing, and signed by the person or persons addressing the Board. BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES. 139 279. All communications from the Board to Communica- the Grand Master, the Grand Lodge, or other {j™* d from Boards or Committees, or any private Lodge or Brother, shall be made in writing. 280. Any special matter referred to the Board P ecedtnce by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge shall 01 busine » have precedence of other business. 281. All transactions and resolutions of the Minute*. Board shall be entered in the minute book by the Grand Secretary. 140 REGALIA, CLOTHING, INSIGNIA, AND JEWELS. Clothing and 282. The following clothing and insignia shall Insignia. be worn by the Craft . and no Brother shall be admitted into any Grand Lodge, or any subor- dinate Lodge, without his proper clothing. Prohibited jewels 283. No honorary or other jewel, medal, device, or emblem shall be worn in the Grand Lodge or any subordinate Lodge which shall not appertain to or be consistent with those degrees which are recognised and acknowledged by the Grand Lodge as part of pure and antient Masonry. Grand Officers Jewels 284. The Grand Master ...The compasses ex- tended to 45 , with the segment of a circle at the points and a gold plate in- cluded, on which is to be represented an eye within a triangle, both irradiated. The Pro Grand Master .The same. REGALIA. 141 Past Grand Masters, and < A similar jewel, with- Past Pro Grand Masters... 1 out the gold plate. Deputy Grand Masters The compasses and square united, with a five-pointed star in the centre. Past Deputy Grand Masters. ..The compasses aad square only. Senior Grand Warden The level. Junior Grand Warden The plumb rule. Grand Chaplains A book, within a tri- angle, surmounting a glory. Grand Treasurer A chased key. Grand Registrar A scroll, with seal appended. Deputy Grand Registrars ...Ditto. President of the Board ofi An f ' cr f \<* nd n SU P; General Purposes . { [^ 0t the Grand Grand Secretary Two pens in saltire. tied by a ribbon. President of the Board of (Arms and crest of Benevolence 1 the Grand Lodge. Grand Director of Cere- < Two rods in saltire monies , 1 tied b v a ribbo n 142 REGALIA. Grand Deacons Dove and olive branch. (A Book within a tri- Assistant Grand Chaplains jangle, surmounting a glory. Ass.stantGrandReg.strars^™"*. with seal Grand Superintendent of \X semicircular pro- Works Hractor Assistant Grand Superin- 1 n - ,, tendent of Works > unio Deputy Grand Director of l Two rods in saltire, Ceremonies J tied by a ribbon. Assistant Grand Director \-rytf of Ceremonies J Grand Sword Bearer Two swords in saltire. Deputy Grand Sword \ -q:^ Bearers j Assistant Grand Sword \ rjitto Bearers ) Grand Standard Bearers ...Two staves in saltire, tied by a ribbon, flow- ing from the dexter a standard of the arms of the Grand Lodge, and from the sinister a standard of the arms of the Grand Master for the time being. REGALIA 143 Assistant Grand Standard} r ,._ Bearers } Dltto - Grand Organist A lyre. Deputy Grand Organist Ditto. Assistant Grand Secretary ...Two pens in saltire, tied by a ribbon. Grand Pursuivant Arms of the Grand Lodge surmounting a sword and rod saltire-wise. Assistant Grand Pursuivant. Ditto. Grand Steward A cornucopia be- tween the legs of a pair of compasses extended upon an irradiated gold plate within a circle, on which is engraved "United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Maoris of England." The Jewels of the Grand Chaplain. Grand Regis- trar, Deputy Grand Registrars, President of the Board of General Purposes, Grand Secretary, President of the Board of Benevolence. Grand Director of Ceremonies, Grand Deacons, Assistant Grand Chaplains, Assistant Grand Registrars, 144 REGALIA. Grand Superintendent of Works, Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works. Deputy and Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies, Grand Sword Bearer, Deputy and Assistant Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Standard Bearers, Assistant Grand Standard Bearers, Grand Organist. Deputy Grand Organist, Assistant Grand Secretary, Grand Pur- suivant, and Assistant Grand Pursuivants are to be within a wreath composed of a sprig of acacia and an ear of corn. London Rank Jewel Provincial or District Grand Officers' Tewels. 284a. The jewel of the holders of London Rank shall consist of the square and the diagram of the 47th proposition 1st Book of Euclid pen- dant within it. Such jewel to be placed on a blue enamelled oval medal, and over it the word " London." {The compasses and square, with a five- pointed star in the centre. Past Provincial or District fThe compasses and Grand Masters \ square only. All IZoffiZsofProZ f&ption 'as So™ cialor District Grand* wom P by the Qfficers Loa £ es [of the Grand Lodge. REGALIA. 145 n . . n . . . (Jewels similar to fWiao/ or District ; hose worn b the Grand Stewards } Gnmd stewards . The jewels of the Provincial or District Grand Master and other Provincial or District Grand Officers and Provincial or District Grand Stewards are to be placed within a circle, on which the name of the Province or District is to be en- graven. 286. All Past Grand Officers, and Past Pro- Past Grand vincial or District Grand Officers, shall wear the * 061 " 8 ' jewel of their respective offices on a blue en- Tewels - amelled oval medal. 287. The jewel of a Past Grand Steward, and p ast Grand of a Past Provincial or District Grand Steward, is steward* oval in form, and of the same device as the jewel J ewels - of a Grand Steward, but on crimson enamel instead of the irradiated plate, and of smaller size. 288. All the above jewels to be gold or gilt. to be j»ut. 146 REGALIA. Private 289. Masters of Lodges ...The square. Lodge Tew*is. Past Masters The square and the diagram of the 47th prop. 1st Book of Euclid engraven on silver plate, pendant within it. Senior Warden The level. Junior Warden The plumb rule. Chaplain A book within a tri- angle surmounting a glory. Treasurer A key. Secretary Two pens in saltire, tied by a ribbon. Director of Ceremonies Two rods in saltire, tied by a ribbon. Deacons Dove and olive branch. /Two rods in saltire, Assistant Director of Cere- J surmounted by a bar monies J bearing the word V" Assistant." Almoner A Scrip-Purse, upon which is a heart. Organist A lyre. REGALIA. 147 Assistant Secretary Two pens in saltire, surmounted by a bar bearing the word "Assistant." Inner Guard Two swords in sal- tire. Stewards A cornucopia be- tween the legs of a pair of compasses extended. Tyler A sword. 290. The said jewels to be in silver except To be ot those of the Officers of the Lodge of Antiquity, silver - No. 2, and of the British Lodge, No. 8, which are golden or gilt. CHAINS AND COLLARS. 291. In the Grand Lodge, and when ordered by Grand the Grand Master, the present Grand Officers gg-^ wear chains of gold or metal gilt. 292. At great ceremonials, consecrations, and Grand festivals authorised by the Grand Master, and in^ cers Provincial and District Grand Lodges when desired by the Provincial or District Grand Master, the present Grand Officers wear embroidered collars, and on all other occasions collars of plain garter-blue ribbon, four inches wide. 148 REGALIA. Provincial 293. In the Grand Lodge, and in their GrandMaJ 1 Provincial or District Grand Lodge, and at great ters' Chains ceremonials, consecrations, and festivals authorised and Collars, by the Grand Master, or when officially present at any Lodge in their respective Provinces or Districts, or when visiting any Provincial or District Grand Lodge, Provincial and District Grand Masters wear chains of gold or metal gilt, and on all other occasions cellars of plain garter-blue ribbon, four inches wide. 293a. Expunged by March 6/7/. 1918. Vote of Grand Lodge, Past Grand 294. In the Grand Lodge, and at great Coflars 55 ' ceremonials, consecrations, and festivals authorised by the Grand Master, and in Provincial and District Grand Lodges when desired by the Provincial or District Grand Master, Past Grand Officers wear embroidered collars, and on all other occasions collars of plain garter-blue ribbon, four inches wide. Collars of and V i5istrict 295 - Deputy Provincial and District Grand Grand " Masters, when officially present in Provincial or Officers and District Grand Lodge, or at any Lodge in their London^ ° respective Provinces or Districts, wear chains of Rank. gold or metal gilt of a pattern approved by Grand REGALIA, 149 Lodge, and on all other occasions collars of plain garter blue ribbon 4 inches broad, with narrow edging of gold lace or cord. Other Provincial and District Grand Officers, present and past, and holders of London Rank wear collars of garter-blue ribbon, four inches wide, with narrow edging of gold lace or cord. In the Grand Lodge, those authorised to attend wear this clothing or the collars and jewels of the Lodges and offices respectively in right of which they attend as members of the Grand Lodge. 296. The Grand Stewards for the year wear Grand collars of plain crimson ribbon, four inches wide. Stewards and when attending the Grand Lodge, and on other Collars - occasions when acting in their official capacity, bear white wands. 297. Past Grand Stewards (except the officers Past Grand and Past Masters of Grand Stewards' Lodge), so St ewa J d *' long as they continue subscribing members of a ' Lodge and when attending the Grand Lodge as Masters, Past Masters, or Wardens of private Lodges, wear collars of crimson ribbon, four inches wide, with narrow edging of silver cord. 298. The Officers and Past Masters of the Collars of Grand Stewards' Lodge wear collars of crimson stewards' 1 ribbon, four inches broad. Lodge 150 REGALIA. Collars 299. Provincial and District Grand Stewards of Provincial during their periods of office wear collars of and District cr j ms0 n ribbon, two and a half inches broad. Grand Stewards. Conors f 300. Past Provincial and District Grand Past Provhv Stewards, so long as they continue to subscribe cial and Dis to some Lodge, wear collars of crimson ribbon, StAvardT * wo and a h^ inches broad, with a silver cord in the centre. Collars of 301. Past Masters of Private Lodges, so long oftwivate erS as * ney con tinue to subscribe to some Lodge, shall Lodges. be entitled to wear, on all occasions when Craft clothing may be worn, collars of light blue ribbon, four inches broad, with silver braid a quarter of an inch wide in the centre. Collars of 302. The collars of Officers of Private Lodges Private ° shall be of light blue ribbon four inches broad Lodges, and with the exception of those of the Officers of the of the Lodge j;h ree surviving Lodges of the four which founded No 2 Royai the Grand Lod g e of England in 1717, viz., the Somerset Lodge of Antiquity Xo. 2, the Royal Somerset House and House and Inverness Lodge No. 4, and the Lodg™ 58 Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge No. 12, No. 4, and who shall be permitted to wear a stripe of garter Fortitude D i ue one-third of its width in the centre of the Cumberland co ^ ar - I n a ^ cases where chains are worn they Lodge, r^hall be fastened over the centre of the collar. No. 12. REGALIA. 151 303. The collars of the Officers of private co ^^ Lodges are to be worn only in their own Lodges, of p^ate *" or when representing their Lodges as Masters or Lodges to Wardens in the Grand Lodge, or in their Pro- be ' vorn vincial or District Grand Lodges. 304. Engravings of the jewels, chains and Engravings collars are given in the Appendix. i f J ewel8, APRONS. 305. Entered Apprentice. — A plain white Aprons lamb skin, from fourteen to sixteen inches wide, twelve to fourteen inches deep, square at bottom and without ornament ; white- strings. Fellow Craft. — A plain white lamb skin, similar to that of the entered Apprentice, with the addition only of two sky-blue rosettes at the bottom. Master Mason. — The same, with sky-blue lining and edging, not more than two inches deep, and an additional rosette on the fall or flap, and silver tassels. No other colour or orna- ment shall be allowed except to Officers and past Officers of Lodges, who may have the emblems of their offices in silver or white in the centre of the apron ; and except as to the members of the Prince of Wales's Lodge, Xo. 259, who are allowed to wear the internal half of the edging of garter-blue three-fourths of an inch wide. 152 REGALIA. Masters and Past Masters of Lodges. — Wear, in the place of the three rosettes on the Master Mason' s apron, perpendicular lines upon hori- zontal lines, thereby forming three several sets of two right angles ; the length of the horizontal lines to be two inches and a half each, and of the perpendicular lines one inch each ; these emblems to be of silver or of ribbon, of the same colour as the lining and edging of the apron, half an inch broad. Grand Stewards, present and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined with crimson, edging of the same colour three and a half inches, and silver tassels, except present and past Grand Stewards representing the Prince of Wales's Lodge, No. 259, who wear the crim- son edging two inches and three quarters, and an internal border of garter-blue three quarters of an inch broad. Provincial and District Grand. Stewards, present, and past. — The same as the Grand Stewards, except that the edging is only two inches wide. Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge, present and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined with garter-blue, edging three and a half inches, ornamented with gold and blue strings having the emblems of their offices in gold or blue in the centre. If Masters or Past Masters they may have the Master's emblems REGALIA. 153 of garter-blue or gold. Except in the case of Deputy Grand Masters present and past the word "Deputy" or "Assistant" as the case may be, shall be embroidered in gold letters above the emblems on the aprons of the present and past Deputy or Assistant Grand Officers. London Rank. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined with garter-blue and ornamented with gold, and with blue strings ; they must have the jewel prescribed in Rule 284A in gold or blue in the centre within the double circle in which must be inserted the word " London." The garter-blue edging to the aprons must not exceed two inches in width. Provincial and District Grand Officers, present and past. — Aprons of the same dimensions, lined with garter-blue and ornamented with gold, and with blue strings ; they must have the emblems of their offices in gold or blue in the centre within a double circle, in which must be inserted the name of the Province or District. The word "Deputy" or "Assistant" as the case may be. shall be embroidered in gold letters above the emblems on the aprons of present and past Provincial and District Deputy or Ass Grand Officers. The garter-blue edging oftht .Aprons must not exceed two inches in width. L 154 REGALIA. Deputy Grand Master, present and past. — Apron of the same dimensions, with the emblems of his office in gold embroidery in the centre, and the pomegranate and lotus alternately embroidered in gold on the edging. Grand Master, present and past. — Apron of the same dimensions, ornamented with the blazing sun embroidered in gold in the centre, on the edging the pomegranate and lotus with the seven-eared wheat at each corner, and also on the fall ; all in gold embroidery, the fringe of gold bullion. Pro Grand Master, present and past. — The same. Provincial and District Grand Masters, present and past. — The same as the Deputy Grand Master, but with the name of the Province or District in a circle surrounding the emblem of office. In addition to the foregoing, Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers wear garter-blue silk gauntlets, with the emblems of their respective offices or past offices embroidered in gold. The same rule ipplies to London Rank, and to Provincial or trict and Past Provincial or District Grand fficers. In private Lodges gauntlets of light blue silk with silver embroidery may be worn by the officers. 155 SCHEDULE OE EEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. 306. Payable to the Fund of Benevolence. Fees of Every Brother, on his first appointment to any £ on °. ur . t - of the following offices, or to past rank, shall pay BenevoLi ce to the Fund of Benevolence : — £ s. d. The Pro Grand Master 10 10 c The Deputy Grand Master 10 10 o A Provincial Grand Master (see 307) ... 10 10 A District Grand Master, not residing in his District 10 10 o Grand Wardens 10 10 c Grand Chaplains 10 10 o Grand Treasurer 10 10 o Grand Registrar 10 ±0 o Deputy Grand Registrar 10 10 o President of the Board of General Pur- poses io 10 o Grand Secretary 10 10 o President of the Board of Bene- volence 10 10 o Grand Director of Ceremonies 5 5 o Grand Deacons 5 5 o Assistant Grand Chaplains 5 5 o Assistant Grand Registrars 5 5 o Grand Superintendent of Works 5 5 o Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works 5 5o L 2 156 FEES, ETC. £ s. d. Deputy Grand Director of Cere- monies 5 5 Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies 550 Grand Sword Bearer 5 5 o Deputy Grand Sword Bearer 550 Assistant Grand Sword Bearers 5 5o Grand Standard Bearer 5 5 o Assistant Grand Standard Bearers 5 5 o Grand Organist 5 5 Deputy Grand Organist 5 5 o Grand Pursuivant 5 5 o Assistant Grand Pursuivant 5 5 o London Rank 220 Provincial or District Grand Warden, not residing in the Province or District, for a dispensation 220 Other Provincial or District Grand Officers, not residing in the Pro- vince or District, for a dispensation ... 1 1 o Every Lodge in London, for each of contributing members quarterly 010 or annuall}- 040 Every Provincial or Military Lodge, for each of its contributing mem- bers quarterly 006 or annually 020 (District Lodges are exempt.) FEES, ETC. 157 307. Payable to the Fund of General Purposes. p ee s to f« A Provincial or District Grand Master, £ s. d. <•* General for his patent 3 3 9 *™v™** A Deputy Provincial or District Grand Master, for registration in the Grand Lodge books 220 A Warrant for a new Lodge — In London 15 15 c In the Provinces 10 10 In Districts and foreign parts 5 5 A Warrant for a Centenary Jewel 5 5 A Warrant of Confirmation 220 A Dispensation — In London o 10 6 In the Provinces 5 o {If there is a Provincial Grand Lodge Fund, the fee for a Dis- pensation in the Provinces is to be paid to that fund.) Registration of a Mason — On Initiation — £ s. d. In a London Lodge 1 7 6 In a Provincial or Military Lodge... o 17 In a District or other Lodge abroad 076 (The above fees include Grand Lodge Certificate. 158 FEES, ETC. £ * rf- Registration of a Mason (contd.) — On Joining from a Lodge under the Grand Lodge of England — A London Lodge 050 Any other Lodge 026 ■\ The same On Joining from a Lodge not under f fee J-|? for the Grand Lodge of England X fonon ) initiation. Duplicate Grand Lodge Certificate 066 J£ n£ 308. Every Lodge contributing to the Fund of Benevolence under Rule 174, shall subject to Rule 175 pay to the Building Fund of Grand Lodge the sum of sixpence per annum in respect of each of its contributing mem- bers. The account of such Fund to be kept sepa- rate from all other funds ; and the Board of General Purposes shall from time to time, as they shall be received, cause to be invested such princi- pal moneys (including special donations, if any), together with the income arising therefrom, at compound interest, free of all deductions of any kind, either for commission, income tax, or other- wise. '59 FORM PROVIDED BY GRAND LODGE UNDER RULES 184, 185, 189, and 189a. Application- for Admission to Membership of the Lodge No. To Be Filled up by all Candidates. Name in full Private address Business address Profession or occupation Note. — A precise definition of profession or occupation is essential. If in His Majesty's service^ state previous civil occupation^ if any. To be Filled up by Candidates i-or Initiation only. Date of birth Have you ever been pro- posed for initiation in any other Lodge or Lodges ? Give the name and number of Lodge or Lodges in which you were proposed I desire to become a Candidate for initiation into the Lodge No. and I declare that (1) My application is entirely voluntary (2) I do not expect or anticipate any pecuniary benefit as a consequence of mv being a member of the Craft. i6o FORM PROVIDED BY GRAND LODGE. To be Filled up by Candidates for Joining only. Give the names and numbers of all Lodges of which you are, or at any time have been, a mem- ber, and the rank you held therein. The Candi- date's Grand Lodge Certificate, as well as a Clearance Certificate under Rule 213 of the Book of Constitutions, from each Lodge must be pro- duced or a satisfactory explanation given why the latter is not furnished.* Dated this day of 19 Signature of Candidate PROPOSAL FORM. We, the proposer and seconder of [Mr.] [Bro.] a candidate [for initiation into] [as a joining member of] the Lodge, No. , declare as follows : — (1) The Candidate has been personally known to the Proposer f (2) The Candidate has been personally known to the Seconder f (3) The Candidate is a man of These Certificates should be returned, after insDection, to the Candidate by the Secretary of the Lodge. t State length of time. FORM PROVIDED BY GRAND LODGE. 161 PROPOSAL FORM-contniucd. good reputation, and well-fitted to be a member of this Lodge. Dated this day of 19 Signature of Proposer Address Signature of Seconder Address This form, which is to be obtained from the Grand Secretary, after being filled up and signed, must be read in open Lodge before a ballot is taken. It must be forwarded, with the Certificate of the Master, to the Grand Secretary for filing when the registration fee is paid ; and in Provinces and Districts, a duplicate must be forwarded with the Annual Returns to the Provincial or District Grand Secretary. Certificate of Master. I have made due enquiry with regard to the character and qualifications of the above-named Candidate in accordance with Rule 183 of the Book of Constitutions and certify that in [my opinion] [the opinion of a Committee of the mem- bers of the Lodge] he is a fit and proper person to be admitted a member of this Lodge. I further certify that the application for membership and 162 FORM PROVIDED BY GRAND LODGE. PROPOSAL FORM-contnmed. the proposal were read in open Lodge before the ballot was taken. The Candidate [was initiated in] [became a join- ing member of] this Lodge 19 Signature W.M., Lodge No. Dated this day of 19 This iorm (properly filled up) is to be handed to the Secretary of the Lodge previous to the meeting at which the proposition is made. 163 CEREMONY OF LAYING A FOUNDA- TION STONE, &c, BY THE MAY. GRAND MASTER The Grand Lodge having been opened at a con- venient place, and the necessary directions and instructions given, it is adjourned ; (the Brethren 1-eing in their proper clothing and jewels, and wearing white gloves), and the procession move?- in the following order, viz, : — Two Tylers, with drawn swords. Music. Visiting Brethren. The Lodges according to their numbers Juniors going first. Past Grand Stewards, not being members of Grand Stewards' Lodge. Members of Grand Stewards' Lod^e. Officers of Grand Stewards' Lodge. Architect, or Builder, with the Plans {A Cornucopia with Corn, borne \ by the Master of a Lodge, ( Grand Two Ewers with Wine and Oil, j Steward* borne by Masters of Lodges. ' Past Assistant Grand Pursuivants. Assistant Grand Pursuivants. Past Grand Pursuivants. Grand Pursuivant. Past Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. Past Assistant Grand Secretaries. Assistant Grand Secretarv. 164 LAYING FOUNDATION STONE. Past Deputy Grand Organists. Deputy Grand Organist. Past Grand Organists. Grand Organist. Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. Assistant Grand Standard Bearers. Past Grand Standard Bearers. Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearers. Assistant Grand Sword Bearers. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer. Past Grand Sword Bearers. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies. Past Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies. Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. Past Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works Past Grand Superintendents of Works. Grand Superintendent of Works, with the plate bearing the inscription, Past Assistant Grand Registrars. Assistant Grand Registrars. Past Assistant Grand Chaplains. Assistant Grand Chaplains. Past Grand Deacons. Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies. Grand Director of Ceremonies. Past Presidents of the Board of Benevolence. President of the Board of Benevolence. Past Grand Secretaries. Grand Secretary, with Book of Constitutions or a cushion. LAYING FOUNDATION STONE. 165 st Presidents of the Board of General Purposes. President of the Board of General Purposes. Past Deputy Grand Registrars. Deputy Grand Registrar. Past Grand Registrars. Grand Registrar, bearing the Great Seal. Past Grand Treasurers. and Treasurer, bearing a phial containing the coin to be deposited in the stone. Past Grand Chaplains. Past Grand Wardens. Past Provincial and District Grand Masters. Provincial and District Grand Masters. Visitors of Distinction. Past Deputy Grand Masters. Past Pro Grand Masters. e Corinthian Light, borne by the Master of a Lodge. "he Column of junior Grand Warden, borne by the Master of a Lodge. Junior Grand Warden with the Plumb Rule. ~ , ( Grand Standard Bearer. ) c±~~~a Grand .., ., T) ,- , Grand ™itn the Banner o thf 1° teward. ™ L ^Z117?1*™ Steward Grand Lodge c j le Doric Light, borne by the Master of a Lodge. 'he Column of Senior Grand Warden, borne by the Master of a Lodge. Senior Grand Warden with the Level Junior Grand Deacons. ^ , ( Grand Chaplains, \ ,-> Grand , v ,, - c Gran:. I , ■{ bearing the Sacred > Cf „ , teward T Stev I Law on a cushion. ) 166 LAYING FOUNDATION STONE. The Deputy Grand Master, with the Square. The Ionic Light, borne by the Master ot a Lodge. The Pro Grand Master. A Past Grand Master, or other Brother of eminence, bearing the Mallet. f Grand Standard Bearers,^ Grand J with the Standards of the [ Grand Steward, j Grand Master and the j Steward. I Grand Lodge. J Grand Sword Bearer. The Most Worshipful Grand Master. Senior Grand Deacons. Two Grand Stewards. Grand Tyler. Having arrived within a proper distance of the spot, the procession halts, the Brethren open to the right and left and face inwards, so as to leave room for the Grand Master to pass up the centre, he being preceded by his Standard and Sword Nearer, the Grand Officers and Brethren following in succession from the rear, so as to invert the order of procession. The Grand Master having arrived at his station, on a platform, an ode is sang or music played (as previously arranged). The stone being prepared and the plate with the ; >roper inscription, the upper part of the stone is raised by an engine, the Grand Chaplain repeats a prayer. The inscription on the plate to be de- posited in the stone will then be read, and the Grand Treasurer having, by the Grand Master's command, deposited in the cavity various coins of LAYING FOUNDATION STONE. the present reign, the cement is laid on the lower stone, and the upper one is laid down slowly. solemn music playing. Being properly placed, the Grand Master descends to the stone, proves that i\ is properly adjusted by the plumb rule, level, and square, which are successively delivered to him by the Junior Grand Warden, Senior Grand Warden, and Deputy Grand Master ; after which the mallet is delivered to him, with which the Grand Master gives three knocks. The cornucopia containing the corn, and the ewers with the wine and oil are next handed to the Grand Master, who strews the corn and pours the wine and oil over the stone with the accustomed ceremonies. The Grand Master then delivers to the architect or builder the several implements for his use. The plan and elevation of the building are presented by the Grand Superintendent of Works to the Grand Master for his inspection, who. having approved them, delivers them to the architect for his guidance. The Grand Master re-ascends the platform, music playing. An oration, suitable to the occasion is delivered. Some money for the workmen is placed on the stone by the Grand Treasurer. If the building be for a charitable institution, a voluntary le in aid of its funds. The procession then returns to the place 1 1 which it set out, and the Grand Lodge is closed. i68 CENTENARY JEWELS. Application for permission to wear a Centenary Jewel is to be by petition or memorial to the Grand Master, in which memorial or petition the necessary particulars as to the origin of the Lodge are to be given, as well as proof of its uninterrup- ted existence for one hundred years. When permission has been granted to a Lodge to wear a Centenary Jewel, the privilege of wearing the Jewel is restricted to actual bond fide sub- scribing members, being Master Masons - and for so long only as they shall pay the stipulated subscription to the Lodge and be returned to the Grand Lodge. The design for a Centenary Jewel has been approved by the Grand Master (see plate 23). The fee for a warrant, authorising a Lodge to wear the Jewel, is five guineas. 169 CHARITY JEWELS. A Brother having served the office of Steward to any two of the following Institutions, viz. : — The Royal Masonic Institution for Girls, The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution has the privilege of wearing the charity jewel, provided he shall, at each time of so serving, hare personally subscribed ten guineas at the least. The jewel shall be suspended to a ribbon of one and a half inches in width, the colours of which shall be white and blue, white and red, blue and red, or white, blue and red respectively, according to the Institutions for which the Brother has served the stewardships as above, viz. : — White, for the Institution for Girls, Blue, for the Institution for Boys, Red, for the Benevolent Institution. A Brother being according to the foregoing regulation entitled to wear the charity jewel, and who may have served the office of Steward to any of the Institutions a second time, may wear a clasp attached to the ribbon, and an additional clasp for each occasion of having served the office li 170 CHARITY JEWELS. of Steward to any of the Institutions ; but in no case shall he be entitled to wear such clasp or clasps, unless he shall on each of those occasions at the time of serving such stewardship have personally subscribed a like amount as above named. A Vice-President of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions, being otherwise entitled to the charity jewel, may wear attached to the ribbon immediately above the jewel a rosette of the colour or colours before mentioned, or in combi- nation, according to the Institution or Institutions of which he is a Vice-President. A Vice -Patron of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions, being otherwise entitled to the charity jewel, may wear the same suspended from a ribbon around his neck, of the like width and colour or colours respectively, or in combina- tion, according to the Institution or Institutions of which he is a Vice-Patron. A Patron of any one or more of the Masonic Institutions may have embroidered on the righ! and left sides of the ribbon referred to in the pre- ceding paragraph, a sprig of Acacia one and a half inches long, meeting in the centre, over the colour appertaining to the Institution of which he is a Patron, and the Jewel ensigned with a re- presentation of the Coronet of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, Most Worshipful Grand Master ; the sprig of Acacia and the Coronet to be CHARITY JEWELS. 171 of silver for a Patron of any one of the Institutions, of Gold for a Patron ot two, and enamelled in their proper colours for a Patron of the three Institutions, Every Brother who shall serve the office 01 Steward at any anniversary festival of any one of the Masonic charities, as the Representative of some Provincial Lodge, who shall personally attend such festival, and shall bring up thereto contributions amounting to not less than one hundred guineas, shall have the same rights and privileges as to wearing the charity jewel or clasp as if he had himself contributed the sum of ten guineas while serving such stewardship. No charity jewel, clasp, ribbon, or rosette shall be obtained except through the office of the Grand Secretary, to whom the Secretaries of the respec- tive Institutions shall, after their respective annual festivals, hand lists of the names of the Brethren entitled to the jewel or decorations hereinbefore authorised. 172 INDEX. RULE Absence of Grand Master from Grand Lodge 60 Wardens 26 Master of Lodge from Board of Benevolence 227 President of Board of Benevolence 229 General Purposes 260 Vice-President of Board of Benevolence 229 General Purposes 260 Abuse of Power by Grand Master not contemplated ... 17 Accounts of District Grand Lodges 105 Grand Lodge Audit of 30, 270 Production of. to Board of General Purposes 264 Publication of 269 Private Lodges 177 Provincial Grand Lodges 105 Act of Union. Declaration of, as to recognised degrees 1 Additional Members ot Committees of Board of General Purposes 271 Grand Lodge 7 Officers of District or Provincial Grand Lodge 88 Adhesion to Book of Constitutions, Declaration of, bv Candidate from Foreign Constitution 189 Admission of Visitors to Private Lodges 150 INDEX. 173 Admonition by rulk Board of General Purposes 207,273 District Grand Master 92,207 Grand Lodge or delegated authority 207 Master of Private Lodge 209 Provincial Grand Master 93, 207 Adoption of Reports by Grand Lodge 51 Advancement of Candidates without instruction 183 Advice by Prov. Grand Lodge to Prov. Grand Master 103 Age and time limit for application by children to Board of Benevolence 240 Agenda paper tor Grand Lodge 56,57,58 Almoner, Jewel oi 289,290 Alteration in day of Lodge meeting 165 of Laws, Conrirmation of 74 name of Lodge 128 Officers named in Warrant 121 " Ample Form, 'Vhen Grand Lodge opened in 61 Annual Returns. See under " Private Lodges," p. 200. Antient charge lations p. ii Masom \ of what degrees it consists 1 Antiquity, Lodge of 125, 302 Appeals to Grand Lodge 103, 217, 273 Applicants to Bd. of Benevolence. See " Petit: tder " Board of Benevolence p . : Application tor certificates 201 warrant for new Lodge 116 of fines 208 grants to Foreign Petitioners 241 to Board of Benevolence (second) 248 Grand Master 218 Appointed members of Board of General Purposes a ■ <. L r 255, 257b Appointment 01 additional members of Grand Lodge by Grand Master 7 Deputy District or Deputy Provincial Grand Master ^4,85 District Grand Master...^ 82 i 7 4 INDEX. Appointment of (contd.) rul« District Grand (contd.) Officers 87.88 Stewards 97 Grand Officers 18 Secretary 21 Stewards 39,40 Tyler 22 Officers of Private Lodge 129,136 Past District and Provincial Grand Officers 88 Grand Officers 7 President of Board of Benevolence 21a General Purposes 20 Pro Grand Master 15, 18 Provincial Grand Master 82 Officers 87, 88 Stewards 97 Representatives abroad 8 Appointments to London Rank 76a Approval of By-laws 162 Aprons 3°5 Arrear, Members three years in automatically excluded , 175 Quarterage not to be paid for 175 Arrears of excluded member joining another Lodge, Liability for 212 members on active Naval or Military service 175 precluded from attending meetings 175 Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Jewel of ...289,290 Assistant Grand Officers Appointment of 18 Aprons of 305 Fees of Honour of 306 Jewels of 284,288 Precedence of 6 Assistant Secretary, Jewel of 289.290 Assisting 1 at Irregular Lodges, Penalty for 204 INDEX. I75 Attendance of Petitioners at Board of Benevolence 247 Audit 01 Accounts of ,y Qrand Lodge 30 w Private Lodges * ' ^1 Auditor of Grand Lodge. Election of 30 Ballot for members of Board of Benevolence 223a General Purposes -iSTsSb. 25* Vice-Presidents ot Board of Benevolence 2 2«; in Grand Lodge g| Private Lodges :8 4 , 185, 189 " "1 Sga!" '190'" p 159 Barking- Account of Grand Lodge 30 Begging, Certificate used for 202 Behaviour in Lodge ~ " 200 Benevolent Fund. See - Fund of Benevolence ' 0**193. Black balls at election of Candidates 100 Blank certificates. Issue ot, to Districts 112 Board of Benevolence Absence of President or Vice-Presidents a2 Q Absent Masters, Representation of 227 Application to. See 'Petition to" p, 176. Appointment and Investiture of President of 21a Bailor for members of ,23a Canvassed member cannot vote .".........".."." "233 Canvassing by members 231 232 Certificate of Visiting Brother " " ' 24s Children ^ 3 Certificates required 23q 2AS - Limit of time and age "."'."." "240 Qualification for relief ' "'V 3 s 248 Colonial Brethren, Relief of """.. ' 241 Confirmation of grants bv Grand Lodge 250 Constitution of 223 Death or removal ot members of """"**"****!"""! 226 Disqualification of Petitioners 204, 234 to act as members Ha to vote " 233 170 INDEX. RULE Board of Benevolence (contd.) District and Provincial Lodges, Petitions from 243 Dues, neglectto transmit 237 Election of members 223a Vice-Presidents 223, 325 Exceptional Grants 252 Foreign Grants and Petitions 241 Grand Lodge, Communications trom 63 Officers members of 223 Grants of money by Grand Lodge 223 over ^40 250 to Foreign Petitioners 241 under ^40 249 when conditions not complied with 25a Irish Constitution, Relief of Brethren under 241, 243 Laws and Regulations to be read 253 Masters, Representation of absent 227 Meetings of 223 Membership, Qualification for 223 Neglect to transmit dues 237 Nomination of members for 55 Orphans, Relief of 238, 248 Past Grand Officers members of 223 Petition to by Secretaries exempt from subscriptions 235 Form of 242 from District or Provincial Lodges 243 unattached Lodges 243 Recommendation of 243, 244 Second 248 Time for presenting 246 Petitioners in London to attend meeting 247 to be visited 245 Poll at election of members of 223a President Absence of 229 Appointment of 21a INDEX. 177 Board of Benevolence (contd.) rulk President (contd.) Death or removal ot 226 Fee of Honour of 306 Investiture of 21a Jewel of 284, 288 Precedence of 6 Regulations to be enforced by 230 Responsibility of 230 Qualification for membership 223 relief of Brethren exempt from subscription 234, 243 subscribing less than 5 years 234 under Irish and Scottish Constitutions.. .241, 243 who are not subscribing members 234 Children 238 Colonial Brethren 238 Secretaries exempt from subscription 235 Serving Brethren 236 Widows 238 Regulations, Reading of 253 Relatives of Petitioner cannot vote 233 Relief, Qualification for. See " Qualification " above Reports of, to Grand Lodge 63 Representation of absent Master 227 Scottish Constitution, Relief of Brethren under 241, 243 Second application to 248 Secretaries exempt from subscription 235 Serving Brethren, Eligibility of, for relief 236 Time for presenting petitions 246 Unattached Lodges, Petitions from 243 Vacancy on 226 Vice- Presidents Absence of 229 Death of 226 Election of 223, 225 Qualification of 228 Removal of 226 178 INDEX. Board of Benevolence (contd.) rulk Visiting Brother Certificate of 245 in London cases must attend Meeting 345 Widow Cannot petition twice 348 Certificates required on petition by 339 Qualification of, for relief 238 Board of General Purposes Absence of President or Vice-President ate Accounts of Grand Lodge Audit of 279 Inspection of %*}• Admonition by 173 Appeal from 217, 373 Appointed members of 255, 257a, 257b Appointment of President 20, Authority of President to summon special meetings ... 262 Ballot for members 255a, 255b, 259 Books and papers of Private Lodges. Production of 139, 374 Brethren may be summoned to attend 139, 274 Business, Precedence of 280 Buildings and Furniture of Grand Lodge, Custody of 265 Casting vote of Presiding Officer 263 Casual vacancies 257a Clothing, when to be worn at meetings 275 Committees of 271 Communications from 63, 279 to 378 Complaints affecting members 277 Determination of 372 Record of decisions of 276 Constitution of 254 Correspondence of Gran d Lodge, Conduct of 267 Custody of Buildings and Furniture of Grand Lodge . . . 265 Death of membersof 257a Decision of complaints. Record of 276 Disqualification of Elected Members 257c INDEX. 179 Board of General Purposes {conUL) rulb Elected Member becoming appointed or ex-otricio member 257a disqualification of 257c (present) may continue to hold office 258a Election of Members representing London Lodges 253a, 256, 257, 257a Provincial 255b, 250, 257, 257a Vice-President 258 Erasure and Expulsion, Cases requiring 273 Ex-officio members 254 Finances of Grand Lodge, Charge of 268 Fines by 273 Grand Lodge Accounts 30. 264, 266. 270 Buildings and Furniture 265 Finances, Charge of 268 Recommendations to 264 Inspection of Books and Papers of Grand Lodge 264 Private Lodges 39, 274 Masonic Clothing, when to be worn at meetings 275 Meetings of 262 Members Appointed 255, 257b Ballot for 255a. 255b, 259 Complaints affecting 277 Death of 257a Election of London 255a, 256. 257. 257a Provincial 255b, 256, 257, 257a Ex-officio 254 Qualification of 255 Removal of 257a Minutes 276, 281 Nomination of Members lor 55 Notices of motion in Grand Lodge concerning 65 Officers of Lodge. Summons to attend 139, 274 Poll at election of 2553. 255b, 259 180 INDEX. Board of General Purposes (contd) rule Power to admonish 273 determine complaints 272 fine 273 inspect accounts of Grand Lodge 264 invite additional Brethren to attend Committees 271 reject notices of motion 54 summon Officers and Brethren of Lodges 139, 274 of Grand Lodge 264 suspend 273 Precedence of business at 280 President Absence of 260 Appointment of 20 Authority to summon special meetings 262 Casting vote of 268 ex-officio member of all Committees 271 Fee of Honour of 306 Investiture of 18 Jewel of 284, 288 Precedence of 6 To report irregular notices of motion to Grand Master 54 Production of accounts of Grand Lodge 264 Books and Papers ot Private Lodges 139, 274 Qualification for membership London 255a Provincial 255b Quorum 263 Recommendations to Grand Lodge 266 Removal of Members 257a Reports of to Grand Lodge 62, 63 be submitted to Grand Lodge before being voted on by Craft 266 Resignation of Members , 257a Retirement by rotation 257 INDEX. 181 Board of General Purposes (could.) rul* Scrutineers at election of 359 Special Committees of 271 Meetings of 262 Summons to Officers and Brethren of Lodges 139, 274 Suspension by 273 Vacancies in 257a Vice-President Absence of „ „ 260 Election ot 158 ex-officio member of all Committees 271 Voting at Meetings 263 Withdrawal of Members affected by complaints 277 Book of Constitutions, Declaration of adhesion to. by Cancudate 1*9 Books and papers of Grand Lodge, Inspection of ^ 264 Private Lodges Delivery up on dissolution 321 Inspection of 139 Breach ot regulations 207, 2e8 Building 1 of Grand Lodge. Custodv and care of the... 265 Building- Fund Contributions to 174, 175. 308 Payments for members in arrear 173 Remittance of contributions to r74 Business of Grand Lodge 49, 51 Business Papers of 56, 57. 58 Hour for termination of „ 76 By-Laws of District and Provincial Grand Lodge 10 1. 109 Private Lodges. See under "Private Lodges" p. 210. Call to order in Grand Lodge 70. 71 Candidates. See undo "Private Lodges' p. 210. Canvassed member of Board of Benevolence cannot vote 233 Canvassing Board of Benevolence by member 231.232 182 INDEX. RULE -Care of Grand Lodge Building and Furniture 265 records ... 32 Casting" vote of Grand Master 75 Master 182 Officer presiding over Board of General Purposes 263 Censure tor disorderly behaviour in Lodge 209 Centenary Jewel Fee for 307 Warrant for p. 168 Certificates. See under " Private Lodges " p. 211. Ceremony of laying Foundation Stone p. 163 Chains and Collars Deputy District Grand Master 295 District Grand Masters 293 Officers 294 Stewards 299 Engravings of Appendix Grand Officers 291 Stewards 296 Lodge 298 London Rank 295 Officers of Private Lodges 302, 303 Lodge of Antiquity, No. 2, Royal Somerset House and Inverness L' dge. No. 4, and Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge, No. 12 302 Past District Grand Officers 295 Stewards 300 Past Grand Officers 294 Stewards 297 Past Masters of Private Lodges 301 Past Provincial Grand Officers 295 Stewards 300 INDEX. 183 Chains and Collars contd:) Provincial Grand ri.t.k Master. *93 Officers 295 Stewards 299 Changing name of Lodge 128 place of Meeting 167, 168. 169. 170 Charges and Regulations, Antient p. h of a Freemason p. 3 Charity- Fund of Benevolence to be devoted to 222 Jewels p. 169 Chaplain, Jewel of 289, 390 Cheques, Signature of 29 Children petitioning Board of Benevolence Certificates required 239, 245 Limit of time and age 240 Qualification 238, 248 Claim to membership of Lodge by Initiate 191 Clandestine Lodges 204 Clearance Certificates 189. 203. 213 Clerks in Grand Secretary ^Office 34 Clothing (Masonic) appearing in public in 206 when to be worn at Board of General Purposes -75 Proper, to be worn in Grand and Subordinate Lodges 232 Collars and Chains See '• Chains and Collars" p. 182. Colonial Brethren. Applications by. to Bd.of Benevolence 238, 241 Indian and Foreign Committee 271 Lodges, fee for registration in 307 Committees Co-optation of B'ethren to serve on 271 Nominations for 55 of Board of General Purposes District Grand Lodges 106, 107, 108.109 Communications from Boards to Grand Lodge 63, 1-9 Brethren to Grand Master :i8 Grand Master 3 i«4 INDEX. RULB Communications (contd.) Quarterly, of Grand Lodge II to Board of General Purposes 278 Complaints from Lodges not under Province or District 214 in Provinces or Districts 92, 215, 216 to Board of General Purposes affecting members 277 Determination of 272 Record of decisions of 276 Conduct of Military Lodges abroad 155 speakers in Grand Lodge 7« Confirmation by Grand Lodge of grants by Board of Benevolence 250 or money 74 of minutes of Grand Lodge 62 Private Lodges 130, 172 new Laws 74 Warrants of 126 Consent to removal of Lodges 169 Constitution of Board of Benevolence 223 General Purposes 254 District Grand Lodges 81 Grand Lodge 2 Private Lodges 120 Provincial Grand Lodges 81 Constitutions Alteration of 74 Declaration of adhesion to 189 Sanction of p. i. Contributions to Building Fund 174, 175, 308 expenses of Grand Stewards not permitted 44 Fund of Benevolence 174, 175, 306 General Purposes 307 INDEX. 185 KLL>. Contumacy, Penalties for 91, 139, 274 Co-optation of extra members of Committee 271 Correspondence or Grand Lodge 267 Custody of Records of Grand Lodge 32 Regalia 36 Seals of Grand Lodge 31 Warrant of Private Lodge 125 Day °f Lodge Meeting. Alteration in 165 Deacons, Jewels of 289. 290 Death of District Grand Master So elected member of Boardol General Purposes 257a Grand Master 16 Master of Private Lodge 141 member of Board of Benevolence 226 General Purposes 257a President of Board of Benevolence 226 Provincial Grand Master 79 Vice-President of Board of Benevolence 226 Debate, Transgressing rules of 71 Declaration by candidates for initiation 187 joining, from Foreign Constitution 189 of Act of Union as to recognised degrees 1 adhesion to Book of Constitutions 189 Definition of "Ample Form," "Due Form" and "Form" 61 " Committee " of Private Lodges 189a " District Grand Lodge " and " District Grand Master " 78 " District Lodges " 154 "Due Form" and "Form" in District and Provincial Grand Lodges... 100 " Excluded " and " Expelled " note to 210 "London Lodges" 153 "Provincial Lodges" 154 N 186 INDEX. RULE Degrees, Conferring. See under "Private Lodges," p. 212. Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master Appointment and Duties of 84. S% Chain or Collar of 295 Duties of, on death of District Grand Master 80 Provincial Grand Master lu Fee on registration of 3°7 Jewel of 285. 288 Notice of appointment of 85 Precedence of, when visiting 146 Qualification of 86, 89 Summons by, to Members of Private Lodge 13Q Visiting Lodge in District <>r Province 145. 146 Deputy Grand Master Appointment of 18 Apron of 3°5 Fee of Honour 306 Installation of 18 Jewel of 284, 288 Powers of 25 Precedence of 6 Summons by. to members of Private Lodges 139 Visiting Private Lodges 143 Deputy Grand Officers Appointment of • 18 Aprons of S°^ Fees of Honour 306 Jewels of 284, 2S8 Precedence of 6 Deputy Master 131. 135 Deputy Provincial Grand Master. See - Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master," above. Determination of Complaints by Board of Genera! Purposes 272 Director of Ceremonies. Jewel of 289, 200 Disclaimer of membership by Initiate 191 Disorderly behaviour in Lodge 209 Dispensations Fees for 306, 307 INDEX. 187 RULE Dispensations (eontd.) to alter day of Meeting 165 appear in Public in Masonic clothing 206 confer degrees at short intervals in Districts 115 discuss formation of Sovereign Grand Lodge abroad 218a District Grand Officers for non-residence 89 extend time for office as Master 135 hold office of Master in more than one Lodge 134 initiate minor 186 more than two candidates on one day 19a serving Brother 193 meet with less than five members 219 Proprietor of Meeting-place to hold office 138 Provincial Grand Officers for non-residence 89 temporarily remove Lodge 168 Warden for short service 130a Displacement of Officers of Private Lodge 140 Disqualification for Initiation 186 office in Private Lodge 138 from attending Grand Lodge 9, 179, 180 being Member of Board of Benevolence 224 visiting Private Lodges 152 voting on Board of Benevolence 233 of elected Members of Board of General Purposes 257c Dissolution of a Private Lodge 221 Distribution of Fund of Benevolence 223 District Funds no District Grand Deacon. Qualification of 90 District or Provincial Grand Lodges Accounts of 105 Additional officers of 88 Advice to District or Provincial Grand Master 103 Appeal to Grand Lodge 103, 217 By-laws of 101, 109 Certificates in Districts Feesfor 114, 307 Issue of in, na Return of 113 N2 188 INDEX. RULE District or Provincial iG-randi Lodges (contd.) Committee of 106. 107, ;o8, 109 Constitution ot 81 Definition of (District) 78 governed by Laws of Grand Lodge (District) 108 Grand Lodge, appeal to 217 Local Funds District no Provincial 104 may make rules and regulations (District) 109 Meetings ot District 99 Provincial q8 Minutes of 94, 102 Officers of 87 Opening of 100 Past District and Provincial Grand Officers members of 81 Past Masters, Members of 81 Past Rank in 88 Powers delegated to District Grand Lodges 106 Powers of Provincial Grand Lodges 77 Qualification of members 81 Recommendations of Petitions for relief 243, 244 Reports to Grand Secretary 95 Returns 114, 176 Rules and Regulations of 109 District or Provincial Grand Master Absence of 3 Admonition by 92.207 Advice to, by District or Provincial Grand Lodge 103 Appeals to Grand Lodge from 217 Appointment of 82 Apron ot 305 Certificates, issue of, by (District) in, 112, 113 Chain or Collar of * 293 Complaints to in Districts 92, 216 Provinces 92, 103, 215 Death cr resignation of in Districts 80 Provinces 79 INDEX. 189 RCLk District or Provincial.Grand Master fcontd.) Definition or (District) Duties of ,4. 95, Erasure or expulsion, has no power of Pees for Patent 307 of Honour 306 Fines by 92,207 Gauntlets of 3°5 Installation of 82 Jewel or 285, 288 Past Rank Power to confer 88 Qualification for 83 Powers of 91, 92,93, 106 Precedence of 6 Provisional Warrants, Power to issue (District) 117 Reinstatement of members improperly excluded 21 1 Remittances for Certificates issued (I'istricU n 4 Responsibility of 94 Summons to Officers and members of Lodges to attend 91 1 39 Suspension Dv 91, 92, 207 Visiting Private Lodges 144 District or Provincial Grand Officers Additional Appointment of 87. 88 Aprons of 3°5 Collars ot 295 Dispensation for non-residence 89, 306 Fees of Honour 3°^. 3°7 Gauntlets of 3°5 Jewels of 285. 286. 288 List of Rank outside District or Province 9° Visiting Private Lodges bv Command District or Provincial Grand Stewards Appointment of Aprons of 305 Collars of 299 jewels of 285, 287, 288 Status of 97 190 INDEX. RULE District or Provincial Grand Treasurer. Election and duties of 105 District or Provincial G-rand Warden, Qualification of 90 District or Provincial Lodges Complaints trom 92,213, 216 Definition of 154 exempt trom Quarterage (District) 306 Precedence of 124 Provisional Warrants. See under" Private Lodges " p. 219. Registration Fees 307 Removal of 169 Returns to District or Provincial Grand Lodge 176 Grand Lodge., 173 "Due form" District or Provincial Grand Lodge opened in 100 Grand Lodge opened in 61 Duplicate Certificates Fee for 307 Issue of 197 Duration of office as Master 135 Duties of Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master 84 District or Provincial Grand Master 92,94, 95.98 Grand Treasurer 105 Grand Chaplain 28 Director of Ceremonies 36,68,75 Pursuivant 37 Registrar 31 Secretary 33 Stewards 39, 43 Superintendent of Works 35 Treasurer 29 Tyler 38 Wardens 27 INDEX. 191 KLLK Election of Auditor ot Grand Lodge 30 Board of Benevolence 223a General Purposes 255a, 255b. 256, 257, 257a Candidates for Initiation and Joining 184, 185, 189a, 190, p. 159 District or Provincial Grand Treasurer 105 Grand Master 14 Grand Treasurer 19, 19a Master 130 Treasurer 136. 140. 164 Tyler 136, 164 Vice-President of Board of General Purposes 258 Vice-Presidents of Board of Benevolence 223, 225 Emergency Initiation in cases of 185, 189a, p. 159 meetings 166 Engraving's of Collars and Jewels Appendix Enquiry before admission ot members 183. iS9a Entered apprentice's apron 305 Erasure by Dist, or Prov. Grand Master not permitted 93 Grand Lodge 5, 73, 208, 220, 273 for breach of laws and regulations 208 Examination of Candidates between degrees 195 Exceptional Grants by Board of Benevolence 252 Exchange 01 certificates on advancement 200 provisional Warrant 118 Warrant of Military Lodge 157 "Excluded." Application of term ...note to 210 Excluded Member joining another Lodge, Liabilitv for arrears 01 212 Exclusion. See under " Private Lodges" p. 213. Exemption of Secretary of Lodge from subscription 2$=, Ex-oflicio members ot Board ot General Purposes... 254 ''Expelled." Application of term note to 210 Expulsion. See under " Private Lodges," p. 213. Extension of time as Master 135 IQ2 INDEX. RULE Failure of Private Lodge to make returns not to prejudice members 178 meet for a year 220 Fees for dispensations 306, 307 London Rank 76b, 30*1 Patent fcrr District or Provincial Grand Master ...306. 307 Warrant for Centenary Jewel 307 new Lodge 307 of confirmation 307 of Honour for District Grand Officers 306,307 Grand Officers 306 Past Grand Officers 306 Provincial Grand Officers 306,307 on application for certificates 201, 307 initiation 307 joining 307 Remittance of with Annual Return 174 for certificates issued by Dist. Grand Master 114 to Building Fund 174, 308 Fund ol Benevolence 174, 175, 306 General Purposes 307 Fellow Craft's Apron 305 Festival Grand 13, 14, 43 Final decision of questions nested in Grand Lodge 5 Finance Committee 271 Finances of Grand Lodge 268 Fines Application of 208 by Board of General Purposes 273 for breach of regulations 207, 208. 273 disorderly behaviour in Lodge 209 in District or Province 92 to be devoted to Fund of Benevolence 208 First Officers of Private Lodge 121 Five members, Lodge with less cannot meet without dispensation 219 INDEX. 193 RULi-. Foreign Constitution, Member joining from 189 Degrees on Members from 105a petitions for relief 241 Forfeiture of Warrant 171 " Form" District or Provincial Grand Lodge opened in ico Grand Lodge opened in 61 Forms. Declaration of Candidate for initiation 187 Petition for Warraat for new Lodge 119 to Board of Benevolence 242, 244 Proposal, for Candidates for Initiates and Joining Members p. 159 Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge, Xo. 12 302 Foundation Stone, Ceremony of laying p. 163 Free man. Candidate must be 186 Freemason, Charges of p. 3 Fund of Benevolence Distribution of 223 Fees payable to 174, 175, 306 Fines to be devoted to 208 Members in arrear 175 Remittance of contributions to 174 to be devoted to Charity 222 Fund of General Purposes. Fees payable to 307 Funds. Local District no Provincial 104 Furniture of Grand Lodge. Careof 265 Private Lodges, in whom vested 171 Gauntlets 305 Grand Chaplain, Duties of 28 194 INDEX. RULE Grand Director of Ceremonies, Duties of.. .36, 68, 75 Grand Festival 13. 14. 43 Grand Lodge Absence of Grand Master 60 Wardens 26 Accounts of Audit of 30, 270 Production to Board of General Purposes 264, 270 Publication of 269, 270 Additional members of 7 Adoption of reports by 51 Agenda Papers 56, 57. 58 Alteration of laws by 74 "Ample Form" When open in 61 Appeals to 103, 217, 273 Appointment of additional members of 7 representatives of 8 Auditor of, Election of 30 Ballot in 68 Banking Account 30 Books and Papers, Inspection by Bd.of Gen. Purposes 264 Business, arrangement of 52 to be communicated to Grand Secretary 49, 51 Business Papers 56, 57, 58 Call to order 70, 71 Care of Building and Furniture 265 records 32 Clothing to be worn in 282 Communications from Boards 63, 279 Grand Master 63 Quarterly , 11 Conduct of speakers in 70 INDEX. 195 Grand Ijodgre (contd.) rule Confirmation ot grants by Board of Benevolence 250 ot money 74 minutes 62 new laws 74 Constitution of 2 Correspondence of 267 Custody 01 Building and Furniture 265 records of 3 2 seals of 31 Debate, Transgressing rules of 71 Disqualification from attending 9, 179. 180 "Due form" When open in 6* Erasure or expulsion by 5,73,208,220 273 Final decision vested in 5 Finances of 268 Fines by 273 "Form.'' When open in 61 Grants of money Confirmation of 74 Power to make 223 Guardians of the Porch 59 Hissing in 72 Hour at which business must terminate 76 Improper matter in Petitions 64 Inspection ot books and papers of, by Board of General Purposes 264 Irregular propositions 65 Laws Alteration of 74 emanate from 4 Meetings of ". 12 Member cannot speak twice 69 Members to keep their seats 67 Members to stand while speaking 70 Memorials to 33. 64 Minutes of 62 r 9 6 INDEX. Gr:ind Lodge (contd,) Money Grants. Confirmation of.... Motions for erasure or expulsion 73 grants of money 74 non-confirmation of resolution 74 Notices of 50. 51, 52, 53, 54, 65, 74 Precedence of 52 Rejection of notices of 54 Mover of resolution has right of reply 69 Nominations for Boards or Committees 55 of Scrutineres 59 Notices of motion 50. 51, 52. 53, 54, 65, 74 Opening of 61 Order, calling speakers to 70 Papers of Business 56, 57, 58 Past Grand Officers, members of 2 Stewards, place in 48 Past Masters, Qualification of, as members 9 Petitions to. Improper matter in 64 Porch. Guardians of 59 Power of erasure or expulsion 5,73, 220, 273 final decision 5 granting money 223 Powers of Officers acting as substitutes 3 Precedence of members of 6 motions in 52 Proceedings in, Reports ot 57, 58 Publication of Accounts of 269, 270 Qualification of Past Masters as Members of 9 Quarterly Communications of 11 Recommendations from Board of General Purposes... 266 Records, Custody of 32 Regular meetings of 11 Rejection of reports by 51 INDEX. 197 rt;le Grand Lodgre (contd.) Reply by mover of Resoiutior. Reports, Adoption or otherwise oi 51 Reports of Boards to Consideration of 63 to be submitted to, before being voted on by Craft 266 proceedings in ." 57, 58 Representatives 01 8 Resolution, Right of reply by mover of 69 Resolutions requiring confirmation 74 Seals, Custody of 31 Silence to be observed in 66 Speakers, Conduct of 70 Speaking twice 60 Special meetings of 12 Style of 2 Substitutes, Powers of Officers acting as 3 Supreme authority of 4 Suspension by 207 Terminr' ; .on of Business in 76 Transgiv sing rules of debate in 71 Visitors to 10 Voting in 75 Grand Master Absence of, from Grand Lodge 360 Abuse of power by, not contemplated 17 Applications to 218 Appointment by, of additional membersof Grand Lodge 7 District and Provincial Grand Master 82 Grand Officers 18 Pro Grand Master 15 Apron of 3°5 Casting vote of 75 Chain of 291 Communications from Board of General Purposes to 279 Brethren to 261 to Grand Lodg« from 3$ i 9 8 INDEX. Grand Master (contd.) rule Death of 16 Election of 14 Installation of 14 Jewel of 284. 288 Nomination of 14 Notices of Motion, when referred to 65 when reported to 54 Power to group lodges abroad not under a District 147 order Grand Officers to Tisit Private Lodges 147 reinstate Brethren improperly excluded 211 summon meeting of Board of General Purposes 262 Precedence of 6 Refusal of irregular propositions in Grand Lodge by... 65 Reinstatement of Brethren improperly excluded 211 Removal of Grand Officers by 24 Resignation of ". 16 Scrutineers for the Porch, Nomination of, by 59 Summons by, to Officers and members of Private Lodge 139 visiting Private Lodges 142 Grand Officers acting as substitutes 3 Appointment of 18 Aprons of 305, Chains of 291 Fees of Honour of 306 Gauntlets of 305 Investiture of 18 Jewels of 284, 288 "Members of Board of Benevolence 223 not eligible for election as Grand Treasurer 19 to hold more than one office 23 Precedence of 6 Prefixes of note to 6 Removal of 24 Summons to, to attend Board of General Purposes 264 INDEX. 199 Grand Officers (contd) rule Visiting by command 147 with Grand Master 142 Grand Pursuivant, Duties of 37 Grand Registrar Adviser or Orand Lodge 69 Custody by. of records of Grand Lodge 32 seals 31 Duties of 31 may speak more than once to same question 69 Qualification of 18 Grand Secretary- Applications to Grand Master to be made through 218 Appointment of 21 Business of Grand Lodge to be communicated to 49 Clerks 01 34 Duties of 29, 33 Xotice of Motions to be communicated to 50 to countersign cheques 29 to prepare Business Paper of Grand Lodge 56 Grand Stewards Appointment of 39 40 Aprons of 305 Collars of 296 Contribution to expenses of, not permitted 44 declining to act 45 District. See " District or Provincial Grand Stewards " p. 183. Duties of 39, 43 Eligible for election as Grand Treasurer note to ig Expenses of. Contributions to, not permitted 44 Failure by, to pay contributions to expenses 44 to appoint 46 for the Porch 59 Incapacity to act 4s Jewels of 284. 288 200 INDEX. Grand Stewards (contd.) rule Past Collars of 297 Jewels of 287, 288 Place of, in Grand Lodge 48 Precedence of 6 Provincial. See " District or Provincial Grand Stewards" p. 189. Qualifications of 40, 42 qualified for election as Grand Treasurer 19 Recommendation of 41 Regulation of Grand Festival by 43 Grand Stewards' Lodge. See under • Private Lodges " p. 214. Grand. Superintendent of Works, Duties of 35 Grand Treasurer Duties of 29 Election of 19.19a Grand Officers not eligible for election as 19 Grand Stewards eligible for election as note to 19 Nomination of 19 Scrutineers at election of 19a Signature of Cheques 29 Grand Tyler Appointment of 22 Duties of 38 Qualification of 22 Grand "Wardens Absence of , from Grand Lodge 26 Attendance of, on Grand Master 27 Duties of 16, 27 Grants of Money by Grand Lodge 223 Confirmation by Grand Lodge 74. 250 Exceptional, by Board of Benevolence 252 Immediate payment of 249, 250 over ^40 250 to Foreign petitioners 241 under ^40 249 when conditions not complied with 252 INDEX. 201 Hissing 1 in Grand Lodge 72 Holiday, Lodge meeting falling on 165 Honorary member visiting Private Lodge 152 Immediate payment of grants by Board of Benevo- lence 249, 250 Improper matter in petitions to Grand Lodge 64 Inadmissibility as members of Private Lodge 204 Incapacity of Master 141 Inconvenient dates. Meetings falling on 165 Initiates, Set under " Private Lodges" p. 214. Initiation. See under " Private Lodges ' p. 214 Inner Guard, Jewel of 2S9, 290 Inspection by Bd. of Gen. Purps. of Books and papers of Grand Lodge 264 Private Lodges 139, 274 Installation of Deputy Grand Master IS District Grand Master 82 Grand Master 14 Master 130, 130a Pro Grand Master * 18 Provincial Grand Master 82 Instruction Lodges of. See " Lodges of Instruction " p. 203. of Candidates before advancement 183 Intervals between degrees 115, 165, 195 Investiture of Grand Officers 18 President of Board of Benevolence 21a General Purposes iS Irish Constitution, Relief of Brethren under 241. 243 Irregnlar Lodges. Assisting at 204 motions. Rejection of notice of 54 propositions in Grand Lodge 05 Q 202 INDEX. RULE Jewels Centenary p. 168 Charity p. 169 District Grand Officers 285, 288 Engravings of Appendix Grand Officers 2S4. 288 Grand Stewards' 284, 288 London Rank 76a, 284a, 288 Past Deputy Grand Masters' 284, 288 Past District Grand Officers' 285, 286, 288 Stewards' 287. 288 Past Grand Masters' 284, 288 Officers' 286, 288 Stewards' 287, 288 Past Masters 28q, 200 Past Provincial Grand Officers' 285, 286, 288 Stewards' 287, 288 Presidents of Boards 284. 288 Private Lodges' 171, 289, 290 Prohibited 283 Provincial Grand Officers' 285. 288 Joining- members. See under " Private Lodges " p. 215. Junior Grand Warden. See " Grand Wardens " p. 200. Warden, Jewel of 289, 290 Laws Alteration of 74 emanate trom Grand Lodge only 4 relating to Board of Benevolence to be read 253 Laying 1 Foundation Stone, Ceremony of p. T63 Liability for arrears on election of excluded Member 212 fees for candidate 194 Library. Art and Publications Committee 271 Local Funds District no Provincial 104 INDEX. 203 RULE Local Precedence of District and Provincial Lodges 124 Lodge of Antiquity 125,302 Lodgres abroad not under Districts 147 Fees payable in 307 Clandestine 204 of Instruction Approval of place and time of meeting 150 Minutes of 160 Sanction of 158 Withdrawal of sanction from 161 London Lodgres Definition of 153 Fee for joining from Foreign Constitution 307 registration in 307 London Bank Appointments to 76a Apron of 305 Collar of 295 Fee of Honour 76b. 306 Fund Committee 76b Gauntlets of 305 Jewel of 76a, 2843,288 Precedence of holders of ' 76a Lost Certificates Issue of duplicates 197 Replacement fee 307 Warrant 126 Manager of place of meeting has no lien on property of Lodge 171 Tenure of office by 138 Masonic Clothing Public appearance in 206 When to be worn at Board of General Purposes 275 O 2 20 4 INDEX. Masonic Offences 204, 205, 200, 20; Masonry, Antient, of what degrees it consists 1 Master Mason s Apron 3°5 of Private Lodge. See under " Private Lodges" p. 215. Maximum number of initiates on one day 192 Meeting 1 , alteration in day of 165 Meetings of Board of Benevolence 223 General Purposes 262 District Grand Lodges 99 Grand Lodge 11, 12 Lodges of Instruction 159 Private Lodges. See under " Private Lodges " p. 209 Provincial Grand Lodges 98 Members, Minimum number for Private Lodge 219 Membership of Private Lodge, Disclaimer by Initiate of 191 Memorials to Grand Lodge 33, 64 Military Lodges. See tinder "Private Lodges," p. 217. Minimum Initiation Fee 193 number of members of Private Lodge 219 Minors, Initiation of 186 Minutes Board of General Purposes 276, 281 Confirmation of, in Private Lodge 130, 172 District Grand Lodges 94, 102 Grand Lodge 62 Lodges of Instruction 160 Non-confirmation of , on election of Master 130 Private Lodges 130, 127 Provincial Grand Lodges 94, 102 Misbehaviour in Lodge 209 Money Grants, confirmation of, by Grand Lodge 74 Motions in Grand Lodge for erasure or expulsion 73 grants of money 74 non-confirmation of resolution 74 INDEX. 205 ROLE Motions in Grand Lodge (ccntd.) Notice of already decided upon 53 must be given 49, 50 Rejection of 54 Renewal of 53 Precedence of 52 Mover of resolution in Grand Lodge has right of reply 69 Name every Lodge must bear a 128 of Lodge, Alteration of 128 Neglect to make returns 180, 224 meet for more than a year 220 register members 178 transmit dues of Petitioner to Board of Benevolence... 237 New Laws, confirmation of, by Grand Lodge 74 Lodge Constitution of 120 First Officers of 121 Petition for Warrant for 116. 119 Provisional Warrant for Exchange of 118 Grant of 117 Nomination of Boards or Committees 55 Grand Master 14 Grand Treasurer 19 Scrutineers 59, 250 Non-commissioned Officers, Initiation of [88 Non-connrmation of election of Master 130 Non-residence of Dist. or Prow Grand Officers, Dispensation for. ..89, 306 Non-subscribing" members visiting Private Lodges 152 206 INDEX. RULF Notices for non-confirmation of resolution by Grand Lodge ... 74 of appointment of Dep. Dist. or Prov. Grand Master... 85 motion already decided upon 53 Precedence of 52 Rejection of 54 Renewal of 52 Time for giving t 49, 50 to Grand Secretary 49, 50 te Grand Master 54, 65 Number maximum, of initiates on one day 192 minimum, of members of Private Lodge , 219 Private Lodge must bear a 128 Obligation of Master 132 Observance of laws by Master 103 Offences, Masonic 204, 205, 206. 207 Offensive language in Memorials or Petitions 64 Office in Private Lodge becoming vacant 140 Disqualification for 138 Officers and Clerks Committee... 271 Officers of District Grand Lodge. See "District or Provincial Grand Officers, - ' p. 189. Grand Lodge. See "Grand Officers," p. 198. Private Lodges. See under " Private Lodges," p. 210. Provincial Grand Lodge. See " District or Provincial Grand Officers," p. 189. Opening- of District or Provincial Grand Lodge 100 Grand Lodge 61 Order, calling speakers to, in Grand Lodge 70 Orphans, Petitions by, to Board of Benevolenee 24S Past Deputy Grand Master, Jewel of 284. INDEX. 207 RULE Past District or Provincial Grand Master Apron of 3°5 jewel of 285, 288 Precedence of 6 Qualification of 83 Past District or Provincial Grand Officers Appointment of 88 Aprons of 3°5 Collars of 2 Q5 Jewels of 285, 286, 288 Members of District or Provincial Grand Lodge Bi Past District or Provincial Grand Stewards Aprons of 3°5 Collars of 300 Jewels of 287,28s Status of 97 Past Grand Masters. Appointment of 18 Past Grand Officers Appointment of 7 Aprons of 3°5 Collars of 2 94 Fees of Honour 3°6 Jewels of 284, 286, 288 Members of Board of Benevolence 223 Grand Lodge 2 Precedence of ° Past Grand Stewards Aprons of ->°3 Collars of •■ 2 97 Jewels of 2i v- 28 ^ Place of. in Grand Lodge 4° Precedence ot. Past Masters. See under -Private Lodges," p. 219 Past Provincial Grand .«■*,., Master See " Past District or Prov. Grand Master, above. Officers See " PastDistrict or Prov. Grand Officers.'' above. Stewards. See " Past Dist. or Prov. Grand Stewards " above. Past Rank in Districts and Provinces 88 208 INDEX. RULE Penalties for assisting at Irregular Lodges 204 breach of Regulations 207, 208 contumacy 91, 139, 274 neglect to make returns iSo, 224 register Members 178 selling Warrant 127 Permanent exclusion 210 Petitioners to Board of Benevolence in London, to attend 247 to be visited 245 Petitions for Warrant for Private Lodge 116, 119 to Board of Benevolence Form of 242 from District or Provincial Lodges •. 243 from unattached Lodges 243 Recommendation of 243, 244 Second 248 Time for presenting 246 Grand Lodge 33, 64 Place of meeting of Changing, of Private Lodges 167, 168, 169, 170 Lodges of Instruction, Approval of J59 Private Lodges to be fixed by by-laws 164 Poll at election of Board of Benevolence 223a General Purposes 255a, 255b, 259 Porch of Grand Lodge Grand Stewards for 59 Scrutineers for 59 Power of Grand Master to reinstate Brethren improperly excluded 211 Powers of Deputy Grand Master 25 District Grand Lodges 106, 107 Grand Lodge 5 Officers acting as substitutes 3 Provincial Grand Lodges 77 INDEX. 209 RULE Precedence of business at Board of General Purposes 280 Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master 146 District Lodges 124 Grand Officers 6 Grand Stewards' Lodge 122 holders of London Rank 76a members of Grand Lodge 6 motions in Grand Lodge 52 Private Lodges 122, 124 Provincial Lodges 124 Prefixes note to 6 Premises Committee 271 President of Board of Benevolence. See under " Board of Benev." p. 176. Board of General Purposes. See under " Board of General Purposes." p. 180. Prince of Blood Royal when Dist. or Prov. G. Master, may appoint Pro Dist. or Pro Prov. G. Master 87 Grand Master, may appoint Pro Grand Master 15 Master, may appoint Deputy 131 " hold office indefinitely 135 Prince of "Wales's Lodgre Aprons ot 305 Grand Stewards from 305 Printing 1 and publishing proceedings 205 Private Lodges Abroad, may be grouped when not under a District ... 147 Accounts of 177 Alteration of day of meeting of 165 name of 128 place of meeting 167, 168, 169, 170 Annual returns of members 173 to District or Provincial Grand Lodge 176 Grand Lodge 173 Officers 179 Penalty for neglect to make 180, 224 210 INDEX. Private Lodges icontd.) rule Appeals to Grand Lodge by 217,273 Application for Certificates 201 Appointment of Officers of 129, 136 Aprons in 305 Arrear, Exclusion of members three years in 175 Arrears of excluded member joining another Lodge, Liability for 212 Members on active naval or military service 175 Assisting at Irregular 204 Audit of Accounts 177 Ballot 184, 185, 189. .189a, 190 Behaviour in 209 Black balls at Ballot 190 Books and Papers Delivery up on dissolution 221 Inspection by Board of General Purposes 139, 274 Breach of regulations by 207, 208 By-laws Approval of 162 Days of Meeting to be specified in 164 Master pledged to observe 162 Meeting for election of Master, Treasurer and Tyler to be specified in 164 Place of Meeting to be specified in 164 Submission to 163 Candidates advancement of, without instruction 183 Black balls at election of 190 Examination between degrees 195 for degrees out of their own lodges 195a from other constitutions 195a for Initiation Declaration by 187 Election of in cases of emergency 185, 189a Proposal form p. 159 Procedure at 184, 189a, p. 159 void, Candidate not present within one year 184 without enquiry , 183 INDEX. 211 Private Lodges (contd.) rule Candidates {contd,) Enquiry with regard to 183 Proposal of 184, 189a, p. 159 Qualification of 186 Joining from Foreign Constitution. Declaration by 189 Liability for fees of ' 194 Maximum number of, on one day 192 must be able to write note to 187 a free man 186 Rejection of, on ballot 190 Responsibility for fees of 194 Cannot meet without a Warrant 125, 126 Casting vote of Master 182 Centenary Jewel Fee for 307 Warrant for p. 168 Certificates after exclusion 213 Application for 201, 307 Blankforms of, in Districts 112 Clearance ! 189, 203, 213, p. 159 Duplicate 197. 3°7 Every Brother entitled to 196 Exchange of . on advancement 200 Fees for 3°7 m Districts Fees for 114 Issue of, by District Grand Master Ill, 112 Return of 113 Lost Issue of duplicates 197 Replacement fee 307 not for begging purposes 202 issued when degrees conferred at short intervals 199 Production of, by joining member 150. 189, 213, p. 159 Signature of 198 Changing day of meeting 165 name of 128 place of meeting 167, 168, 169,170 INDEX RUM'. Private Lodges (contd.) Claim to Membership of, by initiate 191 Clearance Certificates 189, 203. 213, p. 159 Clothing to be worn in 282 Collars of 301,302, 303 Committee of the members 189a, p. 159 Complaints from in Districts or Provinces .92, 215, 216 not under Districts or Provinces 214 Confirmation of Minutes 130, 172 Warrant of 126 Constitution of 120 Contumacy 91. 139, 274 Custody of Warrant , 125 Day of Meeting Alteration of 165 to be specified in By-laws -. 164 Death of Master 141 Declaration by Candidate for Initiation 187 ioining f rom Foreign Constrtution 189 Degrees, at short intervals, Certificates not issued for 199 conferred in absence of Master or Past Master 141 on Candidates out of their own lodges 195a from other constitutions :.. 195a Dispensation, in Districts, to confer at short intervals 115 Intervals between 115. 165, 195 Deputy Grand Master visiting 143 Deputy Master of 131, 135 Disclaimer of membership by initiate 191 Disorderly behaviour in * 209 Dispensations. See *' Dispensations " p. 186 Displacement of Officers 140 Disqualification for initiation 186 office 138 Dissolution of 221 INDEX, 213 Private Lodges icontd.) riu e District Grand Master visiting in District J44 Officers „ ,. u v " District Lodges " defined 1- Duplicate Certificates Fee for 307 Issue of Duration of office as Master 135 Election of Candidates. See " Candidates. ' p. 210. Joining members 189, 189a, 190, p. 159 Master 130. 164 Treasurer 136, 140 164 Tyler Emergency Initiation, in case? of 185 Meeting 166 Enquiry before election of candidates Erasure of 5, 73. 208, 220. 273 Examination of Candidates between degrees Exchange of Certificate on advancement Excluded members. Liability for arrears of. on joining another Lodge 212 Exclusion Certificate after 213 for disorderly behaviour in Lodge 200 Member joining Lodge after 212 of members 3 years in arrear 175 Permanent 2 jo Reinstatement after wrongful 21 : Expulsion by Dist. or Prov. Grand Master not permitted 93 Grand Loage 5. 73. 208, 273 Motions for, in Grand Lodge 73 Power of, vested in Grand Lodge 5 Extension of time as Master 1 135 failing to meet tor one year 220 Failure to make returns not to prejudice members 178 2f 4 INDEX. Private Lodges (contd.) rule Fees of Initiates, Proposer responsible for 194 Remittance of 114, 174 Fines for Breach of regulations 207, 208, 273 First Officers of 121 Five members minimum number for 219 Foreign Constitution, Member joining from 189 Forfeiture of Warrant 171 Free man. Candidate must be 186 Fund of Benevolence, members in arrear 175 Furniture of, in whom vested J71 Gauntlets 305 Grand Master visiting 142 Grand Officers visiting by command 147 Grand Stewards' Lodge cannot confer degrees 123 Collars of 298 Precedence of 122 Qualification of members 47 Holiday, Meeting falling on 165 Honorary members visiting 152 Inadmissibility as members 204 Incapacity of Master 141 Inconvenient dates. Meetings falling on 165 Initiates Claim to membership by 191 Disclaimer of membership by iqi Maximum number of, on one day 192 Proposer responsible for fees of 194 Rejection of, on ballot 190 Rights of, not prejudiced by failure to register 178 Initiation Candidate for Declaration by 187 Election of 184, 189a Particulars required by p, 159 fees 307 in cases of emergency 185, 189a INDEX. 215 Private Lodges (contd.) rule Initiation (contd.) Minimum fee for 193 of more than two candidates 192 serving Brethren 193 Proposal form p. 159 Qualification for 180 Inspection of Books and papers by Board of General Purposes 139 Installation of Master 130, 130a Instruction of Candidates before advancement 183 Intervals between degrees 115, 165, 195 Irregular Lodges, Assisting at 204 Irregularly procuring Warrant 127 Jewels of 171. 289, 290 Joining members after exclusion 212 Election of 189, 189a. 190, p. 159 Fees of 3°7 from Foreign Constitutions 150, 189 Particulars required by , p. 159 Production of certifica'tes by 150. 189, 213 Proposal form p. 159 Registration of 3°7 Liability of Lodge for arrears of excluded members 212 Proposer of Candidate for tees 194 Local Precedence of District and Provincial Lodges 124 ■London Lodges defined 153 Lost certificates Issue of duplicates 197 Replacement Fee 3°7 Lost Warrant 126 Manager of Place of Meeting has no lien on property of Lodge 171 Tenure of Office by ..'. 13S Master Absence of from Board o* Benevolence 227 Lodge 3. Mi 216 INDEX. Private Lodges (contd.) rule Master (contd.) Admonition oy, for disorderly behaviour 209 Appointment of Officers by 129, 136 Apron of 305 Casting vote of 182 Confirmation of minute of election of 130 Death of 141 Deputy 131, 135 Dispensation to extend tenure of office 135 hold office in more than one Lodge 134 Displacement of Officers by 140 Disqualification for office 13S Duration cf Office as 135 Election of Date to be specified in By-laws 164 Procedure at 130 Extension of time as 135 Incapacity of 141 in District or Province is a member of District or Provincial Grand Lodge Si Installation of 130, 130a Jewel of 289, 290 Member of Board of Benevolence 223 Grand Lodge , 9 Obligation of" 132 Officers Appointment of 136 Displacement of 140 pledged to observe By-laws 162 Precedence of. in Grand Lodge 6 Prefix of note to 6 Production of Warrant by 125 Qualification of 130, 130a Representation of at Board of Benevolence 227 responsible for custody of Warrant 125 observance of laws 133 INDEX. 217 Private Lodges (contd.) rulk Master (contd.) Right of, to refuse admission to Visitors 151 Tenure of office by Prince of Blood Royal 135 to attend Gd. Master or Board when summoned 139, 274 Visiting by 149 Visitors, Right to refuse admission to 151 Warrant Custody of, by 125 Production of, by 125 Maximum number of Initiates on one day 192 Meet, neglecting to, for more than one year 220 Meeting' Alteration in days of 165 place of 167. 168, 169, 170 Emergency 166 falling on Public Holiday or inconvenient day 165 for election of Master, Treasurer and Tyler must be specified in By-laws 164 Place of, must be specified in By-laws 164 Regular 164 without Warrant 125 Members Annual Return of 173 Enquiry as to, before election 183. 189a in arrear 175 joining after exclusion 212 Particulars required of p. 159 to produce clearance certificate 213 on active Naval or Military service 175 precluded from attending meetings 175 Rights of, not prejudiced by failure to register 178 Military Lodges Conduct of , abroad 155 Exchange of Warrant of 157 Fee for joining : 307 registration in 307 Quarterage 306 Surrender cf Warrant of 157 P 2l8 index. private Lodges (contd,) rule Minimum Initiation fee 193 number of members permitted 219 Minors, Initiation of 186 Minutes Cannot be confirmed at an Emergency Meeting ... 172 Confirmation of 130, 172 Particulars to be entered in 172 Protest against resolution in 181 Misbehaviour in 200 Name Alteration of 128 Every Lodge must bear a 128 Neglect to make returns 180, 224 meet for more than a year 220 register not to prejudice members 178 transmit dues of Petitioner to Bd. of Benevolence... 237 Non-confirmation of minute of election of Master 130 Number, Every Lodge must bear a 128 Obligation of Master 132 Observance of laws 133 Office becoming vacant 140 Disqualification for 138 Officers Additional 129 Annual Return of 179 Appointment of 129, 136 Collars of 302. 303 Displacement of „ 140 First, of new Lodge 121 Jewels of 289, 290 Regular 129 Removal of 140 Summons to, to attend Bd. of General Purposes ...139, 274 Vacancy in 140 Visiting by 149 Overseas, not under a District 147 INDEX 219 Private Lodges (contd.) rllk Past Masters Annual Return of 179 Aprons of 305 Collars of 301 Election to Board of Benevolence 223a Jewel of 289, 290 Prefix of Note to 6 Qualification as members of District or Prov. Grand Lodge 81 Grand Lodge 9 Penalty for neglect to make Annual Returns 180, 224 register members 178 Permanent exclusion from 210 Petition for Warrant 116, 119 Place of Meeting fiaed by By-Laws 164 Precedence of '. 122, 124 Printing and publishing proceedings of 205 Proceedings of. Publication of 205 regulated by members 1&1 Procuring Warrant irregularly 127 Production of Certificate by joining members ...150, 189, 213 Proposer of Candidate for Initiation and Joining responsible for fees 194 Particulars required of p. 159 Proposal form for Candidates for Initiation and Joining 159 Proprietor of Place of Meeting has no lien on furniture or jewels of 171 Tenure of office by 138 Protest against resolution of 181 Provincial Grand Master visiting in Province 144 Officers „ 148 "Provincial Lodges" defined 154 Provisional Warrants Exchange of 118 Issue of. in Districts 117 Publishing Proceedings 205 220 INDEX Private Lodges [contu.) rule Qualification of Master , 130, 130a Qualifications tor Initiation 186 Quarterage for members in arrear 175 Register Neglect to, not to prejudice members 178 •f members 173 Registration fees 307 Members not prejudiced by neglect of 178 Remittance of Fees for 174 Regular meetings of 164 Officers of 129 regulate their own proceeding's 181 Regulations, Breach of 207. 208 Reinstatement of member improperly excluded 211 Rejection of candidate on Ballot 190 Rejoining after exclusion 175 Remittance of fees 174 Removal Consent to 169 of Officers 140 Tyler 136 Regulations as to 167 Temporary 168 to be registered with Grand Secretary 170 Replacement of lost certificate. Fee for 307 Returns, Neglect to make, not to prejudice members 178, 237 of certificates issued by District Grand Master 113 District or Provincial Lodges 114, 176 members, Annual 173 Officers 179 Penalty for neglect !o make 180, 224 Rights of members not prejudiced by failure to make returns 178 Seconder of Candidate, particulars required of p. 150 Secretary, Exemption of, from subscription 235 Selling Warrant 127 INDEX. 221 RULE Private Lodges (contd.) Serving Brother Initiation of 193 Petition to Board of Benevolence bv 236 Status of '. 193 Signature of Certificates 198 Submission to By-laws 163 Subscriptions of members on active Naval or Military service 175 precluded from attending meetings 175 Summons to Officers to attend Board of General Purposes 139, 274 Grand Master 139 Surrender of Warrant 157. 221 Suspension of 207, 273 Temporary removal 168 Treasurer " Accounts of 177 Election of Jewel oi Tyler Election of 136, 104 Removal of 136 Vacancy in officers 140 Visiting* by Honorary Members , 152 Master and Wardens 149 Visitors Disqualification of 152 Qualification or" 150 Refusal of admission to 151 Wardens Jewels of . Precedence of b Service counts from Investiture 130 Short service of 130a to attend Grand Master when summoned 139 Visiting by 149 222 INDEX. Private Lodges (contd.) rule Warrant Alteration of Officers named in 121 Cannot meet without 125, 126 Centenary p. 168 Custody of 125 Exchange of, in Military Lodges 157 Fee for .' 307 Forfeiture of 127 Irregularly procuring 127 Loss of 126 of Confirmation , 126 Penalty for sale of 137 Petition for 116, 119 Production of, by Master 125 Provisional Authority to issue 117 Exchange of 118 Surrender of, in Military Lodges 157 Private Lodges 221 Withholding 126 Procedure Committee 271 Proceeding's of District and Provincial Grand Lodges. Report of 95 Grand Lodge 57, 58 Private Lodges Printing and Publishing 205 Regulated by members 181 Processions in Masonic Clothing 206 Pro District or Pro Provincial Grand Master 87 Production of accounts of Grand Lodge to Bd, of Gen. Purposes... 264 certificates by joining member 159, 189, 213 Pro Grand Master Appointment of ". 15 Apron of 305 Duties of 16 Fee of Honour of 306 Installation of 18 Jewel of 284, 38S Precedence of 6 INDEX. 223 RULE Prohibited Jewels 283 Proposal of Candidate for initiation 184, 185, 189a, p. 159 Proposer of Candidate, particulars required of p. 159 responsible for fees 194 Proposal form for Initiation and Joining Members p. 159 Propositions, Irregular, in Grand"Lodge" 05 Proprietor of place of Meeting has no lien on Lodge furniture or jewels 171 Tenure of office by 138 Provincial Grand Lodges. See " District or Provincial Grand Lodges " p. 187. Master. See " District or Provincial Grand Master " p. 188. Officers. See ' ' District or Provincial Grand Officers " p. 189. Stewards. See " District or Provincial Gd. Stewards " p. 189. Treasurer. Election and duties of 105 Warden. Qualification of 90 Provincial Lodges. See ' District or Provincial Lodges" p. 190. Provisional Warrants Authority to issue 117 Exchange of 118 Public appearance in Masonic Clothing 206 Holiday, Meeting falling on 165 Publication of Accounts of Grand Lodge 269 Publishing" Proceedings 205 Pure and Antient Masonrj', of what it consists 1 Qualification of Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master 86, 89 District or Provincial Grand Deacon 90 Master for Past Rank 83 Warden 90 Grand Registrar 18 Grand Stewards 40, 42 Initiates 186 224 INDEX. RULE Qualification oi (contd.) Master 130, 130a members of Board of Benevolence 223 General Purposes 255 District or Provincial Grand Lodge 81 Grand Stewards Lodge 47 Past District or Provincial Grand Master 83 Past Masters as members of Grand Lodge 9 Petitioners to Board of Benevolence Brethren who are not subscribing members 234, 243 Members subscribing for less than 5 years 234 Orphans 238, 248 Secretaries exempt from subscription 235 Serving Brethren , 236 Subscribing members 234 Widows 238 Vice-President of Board of Benevolence 228 Visitors to Private Lodges 150 Quarterage for members in arrear 175 not payable by District Lodges 306 Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge 11 Contributions for London Lodges 306 members in arrear 175 Provincial Lodges 306 Questions, Final decision of, vested in Grand Lodge 5 Quorum at Board of General Purposes 263 Bank of District or Provincial Grand Officers outside District or Province 96 Recognised Degrees, Declaration of Act of Union as to 1 Recommendation of Grand Stewards 41 Petition to Board of Benevolence 243, 244 INDEX. 225 RULK Recommendations to Grand Lodge by Board of Genera! Purposes 266 Record of decision of Board of General Purposes on complaints 276 Records of Grand Lodge, Custodv of 32 Regalia, Custody of 36 Register of members 173 Registration. See under "Private Lock; Regular Meetings of District Grand Lodge 09 Grand Lodge 11 Private Lodges 164 Provincial Grand Lodge 98 Regular Officers of Private Lodges 129 Regulations Antient charges and p. ii as to formation of Sovereign Grand Lodge abroad 218a, 218b Breach of 207, 208. 273 regarding Board of Benevolence to be read 253 to be enforced by President of Board of Benevolence 230 Reinstatement of members improperly excluded ... 211 Rejection of Candidate on Ballot 190 notices of motion for Grand Lodge 54 Reports by Grand Lodge 51 Rejoining after exclusion 175 Relatives of Petitioner to Board of Benevolence cannot vote 2^3 Relief of Brethren under Irish or Scottish Constitutions 241. 243 Colonial Brethren 238 Qualification for 234 Remittance of Fees with Annual Return 174 Removal of Grand Officers 24 members of Board of General Purposes 257a Officers of Lodge 140 Private Lodges 167. 16S. 169, 170 Tyler 136 Renewal of notices of motion in Grand Lodee 53 226 INDEX RULE Repairs of Grand Lodge Building 265 Repeal or alteration of laws 74 Reply, right of, in Grand Lodge.., 69 Report of Proceedings in District or Provincial Grand Lodge 95 Grand Lodge 57, 58 Private Lodges 206 Reporting 1 disorderly behaviour in Lodge 209 Reports from Boards to Grand Lodge 62, 63 of Board of General Purposes to be submitted to Grand Lodge before being voted on by the Craft 266 to Grand Master 54, 65 Representation of absent Master on Board of Benevolence 227 Representatives, Appointment of 8 Residence within District or Province of Dist. or Prov. Grand Officers 89 Resignation of District or Provincial Grand Master 79, 80 Grand Master 16 members of Board of General Purposes 257a Resolutions of Grand Lodge requiring confirmation 74 Responsibility of District or Provincial Grand Master 94 Master of Lodge for ooservance of Laws 133 Retirement of Members of Board of Gen. Purposes 257 Returns. ">ee under "Private Lodges," p. 220. Rotation of members of Board of General Purposes 257 Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge 125, 302 Rules of Debate, Transgressing in Grand Lodge 71 District Grand Lodge 109 New, Confirmation of 74 Sanotion of Constitutions p. i Lodges of Instruction by Warranted Lodge 158 Withdrawal of 161 INDEX. 227 RULE Scottish Constitution, Relief of Bretkren under 241,243 Scrutineers at election of Board of General Purposes 259 Grand Treasurer 19a for the Porch, Nomination of 59 Nomination of, by Grand Master 59 Seals of Grand Lodge, Custody of 31 Seats in Grand Lodge for PastGrand Stewards 48 Second applications to Board of Benevolence 244 Secretaries exempt from Subscription, Petitions to Board of Benevolence by 235 Secretary's Jewel 289 Selling- Warrant 127 Senior Grand Warden. See " Grand Wardens ' p. 200. Warden Jewel of 289, 290 Service of Warden counts from Investiture 130 Serving* Brother Initiation and Status of 193 Petition to Board of Benevolence by 236 Short service as Warden 130a Signature of Certificates 198 Cheques 29 Silence in Grand Lodge 66 Sovereign Grand Lodge abroad, formation of ...218a, 218b Speakers in Grand Lodge, Cunduct of 70 Speaking twice in Grand Lodge 69 Special • Committees of Board of General Purposes 271 Meetings of District Grand Lodges 09 Grand Lodge 12 Provincial Grand Lodges 98 Status of Past District and Provincial Grand Stewards 97 Steward. Jewel of 289, 290 Style of Grand Lodge 2 Submission to By-laws 163 22b INDEX. RULE Summons to attend Board of General Purposes 139. 26 4- 2 74 District or Provincial Grand Master 91, 139 Grand Master 139 Supreme Authority of Grand Lodge 4 Surrender of Warrant by Military Lodge 157 Private Lodge 221 Suspension by Board of General Purposes 273 District or Provincial Grand Master 91, 207, 92 Temporary removal of Lodges 168 Termination of business in Grand Lodge 76 Time for presenting Petitions to Board of Benevolence 246 limit for application by children to Bd. of Benevolence 240 Transgressing: rules of Debate in Grand Lodge 71 Treasurer. See under " Private Lodges," p. 221. Tyler. See under " Private Lodges." p. 221. Unattached Colonial Lodges Complaints from 214 Recommendations of Petitions for relief by 243 Vacancy in Officers of Lodge 140 on Board of Benevolence 226 General Purposes 257a "Vice-President of Board of Benevolence Absence of 229 Death of 226 Election of 223, 225 Qualification of 228 Board of General Purposes Absence of 260 Election of 258 Ex-officio members of all Committees 271 INDEX. 229 Visiting by rule Deputy District or Provincial Grand Master 145, 146 Deputy Grand Master 143 District or Provincial Grand Master 144 District 01 Provincial Grand Officers 148 Grand Master 142 Honorary Members of Private Lodges 152 Master and Wardens 149 non-subscribing members 152 Visitors to Grand Lodge 10 Private Lodges Disqualification of 152 Qualification of 150 Refusal of admission to 151 Voting at Board of General Purposes 263 by Ballot 184, 185, 189, 189a. 190 in Grand Lodge 75 Wardens. See under " Private Lodges." p. 221, Warrant. See under "Private Lodges." p. 222. Widows cannot petition Board of Benevolence twice 248 Relief of, by Board of Benevolence 238, 239 Withdrawal of members of Board of General Purposes if affected by complaint 277 sanction from Lodges of Instruction 161 With-holdingr Warrant 12'. Write, Candidates must be able to note to 187 Warrington & Co., 23. Garrick Street. London, W.C. May. 1919. APPENDIX. GrajidTU.gistrj die Boai-d -■:'' nosrs Grand DiK-ctnr <-,',' ( <-r-'monir; C.taui De; PL. 9 roiuieialGinndOffreei\>Jeitef» PI.l n tm&AA PI. 20. o*m PL ■ «-^rain»6^vo , o>r _ (— t^S£^.;? rntenarv Je-wel « Vl '1 : ■*d \ University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. . 0CT 16 1995 APR I I 1999 S 199ft ^ iiiiiniiiniiB ii i L 006 212 743 6 ^IWSOV^ ^UNIVEW^. •lttANC£L£r.; otf-UBf B 000 019 939 8 ^10SANGEI% 2 t ^Jr^ \ ~< %3DM)V^ "^HAIHfl-ll^ y 0AHY ^JfrUBRARY^ ^VUBRARY^ Mil MS \» L2