z SaM© i 7 UC-NRLF B 3 fiET 77L4 Music Li brar\ San Francisco Public Library MUSIC CATALOGUE SAN FRANCISCO 19 9 MUSIC TRUSTEES OF THE LIBRARY. JAMES D. PHKLAN, President. C. H. BENTLEY. COLIN M BOYD, R. B. BALE. K.U'Lll ('. HARRISON. SHELDON 0. KELLOGG, THE MAYOR GBOBGE A MII.LIN. A.L.MANN JOSEPH O'CONNOR. M.C. SLOSS. 1.1) WARD R.TAYLOR. JOHN H. WISE. Secretary. WILLIAM R. WATSON. Librarian. MAIN LIBRARY. HAYES AND FRANKLIN STREETS Telephone No., Market 658. BRANCH LIBRARIES. No. l-MISSION, - - 3322 Twenty-Third Street Telephone No., Market 1517. MISS N. A. CASEY, Librarian. No. 2-McCREERY, - Sixteenth Street near Market Telephone No., Market 1314. MISS M. CARSON, Librarian. No. 3-NORTH BEACH. - - 1457 Powell Street Telephone No., Douglas 3848. MISS A. WOODMAN. Librarian. No. 4-RICHMOND, - - - 254 Fourth Avenue Telephone No., Pacific 1905. MISS S. D. MORGAN. Librarian. No. 6— FILLMORE. - - 2435 Sacramento Street Telephone No., West 855. MISS M. L. WHITCHER, Librarian. Library Hours. Main Library and Branches Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 6: 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, 1.30 to 5 p. m. Branch No. 4: 2 to 9 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. ; 2.30 to 9 p. m. Sundays, 1.30 to 5 p. m. Delivery Stations. A — Ocean View, - 145 Broad Street. B— Potrero, - - 1 188 Kentucky Street. C— Noe Valley, - 1301 Castro Street. D— Sunset, - - 1232 Ninth Avenue. E— South S. F., - 1202 Railroad Avenue. F— Glen Park, - - 2975 Diamond Street. G — Oceanside, - - Forty -eighth Ave. and H St. II— VisitacioD Valley, - Raymond Street. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Library is greatly indebted to Mr. Julius R. Wbbkb for his expert advice and assistance in re-establishing the collection of music. Nearly all of the works represented in this catalogue were secured upon hi- recommendation, and in many instances through his personal efforts. INFORMATION FOR BORROWERS. Borrowkrs. Residents of San Francisco, ten years of age and over, and non-resident taxpayers may become borrowers. Holders of Library cards may use the same at any of the branches or stations. Expiration of Cards. Cards expire two years from the date of issue. New applications should then be filed. Renewal of Books. Books are issued for a period of two weeks. Excepting new books and others for which there is a considerable demand, they may be renewed for an additional period of two weeks. Application for renewal should state the name and address of borrower, class number of book and the date on which it will be due. It may be made in person, by mail or telephone, but not earlier than five days prior to the date on which the book will be due. Orders from Branches and Stations. Daily mes- senger service is maintained to the branches, and semi-weekly deliveries are made to the stations. Books in the Main Library will be sent on re- quest to any branch or station. Postal Cards. To avoid frequent and fruitless calls for books in great demand, cardholders may purchase printed postal cards from the Secretary or the branch librarians, state thereon the num- bers of the books wanted and present them at the desk properly addressed. The cards will be tiled and mailed to the applicants as the books become available. MUSIC MUSIC. General Works. Apthorp, William Foster. Musicians and music-lovers, and other essays. 1894. 780 Ap84 Edwards, John Harrington. God and music, (c. 1903.) 780 Ed96 Elson, Arthur. Music club programs from all nations, giving an historic out- line of each national school of music, with questions for study, and a series of programs for the use of clubs and other organizations. Front. Ports, (c.1907.) (Music students 1 library.) 780.9 E178 Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. Illus. (incl. facsims.) 1904. 780H31-.1 — My musical memories. 1884. 780 H31 Huneker, James Gibbons. Mezzotints in modern music ; Brahms, Tschaikow- sky, Chopin, Richard Strauss, Liszt and Wagner. 3d ed. 1906. 780 H89 Kobbe, Gustav. How to appreciate mu- sic. 1906. 780 K79 — The pianolist : a guide for pianola players. 1907. 786.4 K79 Krehbiel, Henry Edward. How to lis- ten to music ; hints and suggestions to untaught lovers of the art. 3d ed. PI. Plan. 1897. 780 K87 Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians. Tr. by W. Marchant. Ed. with addi- tions on music in America, by H. E. Krehbiel. 2d ed. Illus. 1899. 780 L39 — Musical education. Tr. from the French by Esther Singleton. 1903. (Appleton's musical series.) 780 L39:l Moscheles, Ignatz. Recent music and musicians, as described in the diaries and correspondence of Ignatz Moscheles. Ed. by his wife and adapted from the original German by A. D. Coleridge. (Complete catalogue of compositions, pp. 421-428.) 1889. (Amateur series.) 780 M85 Music teachers' national association. Papers and proceedings at its annual meetings. 28-29th; 1906-7. *780.6 M97 Die Musik: illustrierte Halbmonats- schrift. Berlin. Herausg. von Bern- hard Schuster. 1-3 Jahrgang. (12 Bde.) Oct. 1901-Sept. 1904. *q780 M97 Patterson, Annie W. Chats with music lovers. Front, (port.) n. d. (Music lover's library.) 780 P27 Runctman, John F. Old scores and new readings: discussions on musical sub- jects. 1899. 780 R87 Streatfeild, R. A. Modern music and musicians. PI. Port. (incl. front.) Facsim. 1906. 780 St83 Surette, Thomas Whitney. Apprecia- tion of music. By Thomas Whitney Surette and Daniel Gregory Mason. Front. Ports. 1908. 780.7 Su77 Wa-Wan Press. Publications, v. 1-6. 1901-7. q780W36 Dictionaries. Elson, Louis Charles. Elson 's music dic- tionary; containing the definition and pronunciation of such terms and signs as are used in modern music, . . . and a short English-Italian vocabulary of musical words and expressions. (c. 1905.) *780.3 E178 Grove, Sir George. Dictionary of music and musicians. Ed. by J. A. Fuller Maitland. v. 1-4. Fronts. Illus. PI. Ports. 1904, 1906-8. *780 G91 Hughes, Rupert, ed. Musical guide; con- taining a pronouncing and defining dic- tionary of terms, instruments etc., . . . an explanation of the construction of music for the uninitiated ; a pronounc- ing biographical dictionary; the stories of the operas ; and numerous biograph- ical and critical essays by distinguished authorities. 2 v. PI. Tables. Charts. 1903. *780 H87 Niecks, Frederick. Concise dictionary of musical terms. To which is pre- fixed an introd. to the elements of mu- sic. 2d ed., rev. and enl. (c. 1884.) *780 N55 Riemann, Hugo. Dictionary of music. Tr. by J. S. Shedlock. n. d. *780 R44 History. Crowest, Frederick James. Story of the art of music. Front. Illus. 1906. (Library of useful stories.) 780 C88 Hamilton, Clarence G. Outlines of mu- sic history. Front, (port.) Illus. (c. 1908.) (Music students' librarv.) 780.9 H18 182051 MUSIC Hope, Robert Charles. Mediaeval music: an historical sketch. Diagrs. 1894. 780 H77 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. English music in the XTXth century. 1902. (Music in the XlXth r, ntery, 1 •) ~ s 0.9 M28 Oxford history of music. 6 v. 1901-5. 780.9 0x2 Contents. — l: The polyphonic period. Pt. l-i': Method of musical art, 330-1600, by H. E. Wooldridge. 8: Music of the seven- tenth century, by C. H. H. Parry. 4.: The age of Bach and Handel, by J. A. F. Mait- land. 6: The Viennese period, by W. H. Eadow. 6: The romantic period, by E. Dannreuther. Paine, John K. History of music to the death of Schubert. 1907. 780.9 P16 Pratt, Waldo Selden. History of music: a handbook and guide for students. Front. Illus. Maps. Fold map. 1907. 780.9 P88 Theory and Harmony. Banister, Henry C. Music. (List of works at beginning.) 2d ed. 1873. (Cambrige school and college text books.) 781 B22 Draeseke, Felix. Anweisung zum kunst- gerechten Moduliren. 1876. 781 D78 Foote, Arthur. Modern harmony in its theory and practice. By Arthur Foote and Walter R. Spalding, (c.1905.) 781.3 F73 Hauptmann, Moritz. Nature of harmony and metre. Tr. and ed. by W. E. Heathcote. 2d ed. Illus. 1893. 781.3 H29 Prout, Ebenezer. Harmony; its theory and praetice. 11th ed. Rev. and largely rewritten, (c.1903.) 781 P94 RlCHTKR, Ernst Friedrich. Richter's manual of harmony; a practical guide to its study; expressly prepared for the Conservatory of music at Leipsic. Tr. by J. P. Morgan. 14th ed. 1880. 781 R41 Williams, Charles Francis Abdy. The story of notation. Front. Illus. PI. Ports. 1903. (Music story series.) 781 W67 Opera. Annesley, Charles. Standard opera glass; containing the detailed plots of one hundred and twenty-three cele- brated operas, .with critical and bio- graphical remarks, dates, etc. 1907. 782 An76 Armour, William Foster. The opera, past and present; an historical sketch. Front. Ports. 1901. (Music lover's li- brary.) 782 Ap84 Beethoven, L. van. Fidelio: opera in two acts. (With Italian and English words.) Ed. by Arthur Sullivan, n.d. 782 B39:6 Bellini, Vincenzo. Norma: opera in two acts. (With Italian and English words.) Ed. by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pittman. n. d 782 B41:14 — La Sonnambula: an opera in two acts. Ed. and translated into English by Natalia McFarren. n.d. 782B41:19 Bizet, Georges. Carmen: opera in four acts. The English words by Henry Hersee. n. d. 782 B.55;3 Boito, Arrigo. Mephistopheles. English adaptation by Theo. Marzials. Piano- forte arrangement bv Michele Saladino. n.d. 782B63-.13 Dannreuther, Edward. Richard Wag- ner, his tendencies and theories. (Com- plete list of Richard Wagner's publica- tions, pp. 104-8.) 1873. 782.2 D23 Davidson, Gladys. Stories from the operas, with short biographies of the composers. Front. (1906.) (Music lover's library.) 782 D28 Ditson, Oliver, and Co., pub. Librettos. n. d. 782.1 D63 Contexts. — Donizetti. Lucia di Lammer- moor, LaFavorita. — Mozart. Don Giovanni. Halevy. The Jewess. — Petrella. lone. — Verdi. Rigoletto. — Myerbeer. L'Africaine. — Gounod. Faust. Donizetti, Gaetano. Don Pasqualc Opera in three acts, with Italian words and a new English adaptation by Charles Lamb Kenney; ed. by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pittman. n.d. 782 D71:4 — Lucia di Lammermoor (The bride of Lammermoor) : An opera in three acts. Tr. and ed. bv Natalia Macfar- ren. n.d. 782D7l:12 Dvorak, Antonin. Spectre's bride: a dramatic cantata. Written by K. J. Erben. Music composed for soli, chorus and orchestra. (Op. 69.) Pianoforte MUSIC accompaniment arranged by Heinrich von Kaan. English version by J Trout- beck, n. d. 782D95;19 Flotow (Friedrich von). Marta (Mar- tha); opera in four acts. (With Italian and English words.) Ed. by Arthur Sullivan, n. d. 782F66:13 — Opera of Martha; or, The fair at Rich- mond. With Italian, German and English words, (c.1860.) q782.6 F66 Gluck, C. von. Orpheus: an opera in three acts. Ed. and the pianoforte accompaniment rev. according to the French score by Berthold Tours. En- glish version by J. Troutbeck. n. d. q782.6 G52 Gounod, Charles. Le Don Juan de Mo- zart. 2d ed. 1890. 782 G74 — Faust: opera in five acts. With Ital- ian and English words, the latter by H. F. Chorley. Ed. by Arthur Sulli- van, n. d. 782G74:6 Guerber, Helene Adeline. Stories of famous operas. Front. PI. Ports. 1899. 782 G93 — Stories of popular operas. Front. PI. Ports. 1904. 782.1 G93 — Stories of the Wagner operas. Front, (port.) PI. 1899. 782G93:1 Hall, Gertrude. The Wagnerian ro- mances. Front, (port.) 1907. 782.2 Hl4 Henderson, William James. Richard Wagner, his life and his dramas; a biographical study of the man and an explanation of his work. Front, (port.) 1901. 782 H38 Humperdinck, E. Hansel and Gretel: a fairy opera in three acts by Adelheid Wette. Tr. and adapted into English by Constance Bache. (c.1895.) 782 H88 Krehbiel, Henry Edward. Studies in the Wagnerian drama. Illus. 1891. 782 K87 Lavignac, Albert. Music dramas of Richard Wagner and his Festival thea- tre in Bayreuth. Tr. from the French by Esther Singleton. (Bibliog. . . . books published in French, pp. 313- 315.) Front. Illus. Ports. Tables. Diagrs. 1905. 782 L39 Leoncavallo, R. Pagliacci; opera in two acts. English adaptation by Frederic E. Weatherly. n. d. 782 L55:16 Mascagni, Pietro. Cavalleria Rusticana (Rustic chivalry). Melodrama in one act. By G. Targioni-Tozzetti and G. Menasci. English tr. by Frederic E. Weatherly. n. d. 782 M 37: 3 — Iris. Libretto di Luigi Illica. Canto e pianoforte. Front, (port.) (c.1898.) 782 M37:9 Meyerbeer, G. Gli Ugonotti (Les Hu- guenots) : opera in five acts. With Italian words by M. Maggioni, and an English adaptation by Frank Romer. Ed. by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pitt- man, n. d. 782M57.-7 Mozart, W. A. Don Giovanni: an opera in two acts. Tr. into English and cor- rected according to the original score by Natalia Macfarren. n. d. 782 M87:4 — Le nozze di Figaro: opera in four acts. With Italian words and a new English adaptation by Charles Lamb Kenney. Ed. by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pitt- man, n. d. 782M87.-14 — Die Zauberflote : Deutsche Oper in 2 Acten. n. d. 782 M87:26 Newman, Ernest. A study of Wagner. 1899. 782 N46 Ponchielli, A. La Gioconda: an opera in four acts. The libretto by Tobia Gorrio. English adaptation by Henry Hersee. Complete arrangement for voice and pianoforte by Michele Sala- dino. n. d. 782 P77:7 Puccini, Giacomo. The Bohemians, (founded upon "La vie de Boheme," by Henry Murger) : an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica. Music by Giacomo Puccini. English version of acts I and II by William Grist; acts III and IV by Percy Pinkerton. Arr. by Carlo Carig- nani. c. 1897. 782 P96:2 — Manon Lescaut: lyric drama in four acts. English version by Mowbray Marras. Complete arrangement for voice and pianoforte by Carlo Carignani. (c.1893.) 782P96:13 — Tosca: an opera in three acts by V. Sardou, L. Illica, G. Giacosa. (English verson by W. Beatty-Kingston.) Music by G. Puccini. Arr. for voice and pianoforte by Carlo Carignani. Front, (port.) c. 1905. 782P96:20 / MUSIC Rossini, Gioacchino. II barbiere di Si- viglia (The barber of Seville) : a comic opera in two nets. Ed. and tr. by Na- talia Macfarren. n. d. 782 R73:2 — Guillaume Tell (William Tell): an opera in four acts. Ed. by Berthold Tours, and tr. into English by Natalia Macfarren. n. d. 782 K73:7 Saint-Saens, Camille. Samson and De- lilah: opera in three acts. By Ferdi- nand Lemaire. (English version by Nathan Haskell Dole. Music by Ca- mille Saint-Saens. Vocal score com- plete, c. 1892. q782.4 Sa28 Schumann, Robert. Paradise and the Peri: a cantata. The words written and adapted from Moore's "Lalla Rookh" by H. W. Dulcken; the music com- posed by Robert Schumann (Op. 50). n. d. 782 Sch86 Singleton, Esther, ed. and tr. A guide to the operas; description and interpre- tation of the words and music of the most celebrated operas. PL 1902. 782 Si64 Streatfeild, Richard A. The opera: a sketch of the development of opera. With full descriptions of all works in the modern repertory. With an introd. by J. A.Fuller-Maitland. 1902. 782 St83 Thomas, Ambroise. Mignon: opera in three acts. Poeme (Francaise) de Mi- chel Carr& et Jules Barbier. English adaptation by Arthur Matthison. Port, n. d. 782T36:13 Tschaikowsky, P. Eugene Onegin: lyric scenes in three acts. After the Russian of Pushkin. German tr. by A. Bern- hard. English version by Henry Graf - tun Chapman, c. 1907. q782 1 T78 Upton, George P. Standard cantatas, their stories, their music and their composers: a handbook. (Bibliog. pp. 353-364.) 8th ed. 1903. 782.U P 8:2 — Standard light operas, their plots and their music: a handbook. 1902. 782 Up8 — The standard operas; their plots, their music and their composers. 1905. 782Up8:l >r, Giuseppe. Aida. Complete ar- rangement for voice and pianoforte by M. Baladino with English and Italian words. Port. n. d. 782 V58:l — Otello: a lyrical drama in lour acts (founded on Shakespeare's tragedy) by Arrigo Boito. (English version by Francis Hueffer.) Complete arrange- ment for voice and pianoforte by Mi- chele Saladino. n. d. 782 V58:15 — ■ La traviata: a lyric drama in three acts. Ed. and the pianoforte accom- paniment rev. by Berthold Tours. Eng- lish tr. by Natalia Macfarren. n. d. 782 V58:20 — II trovatore (Troubadour) : an opera in four parts. Ed. and translated into English by Natalia McFarren. n. d. 782 V58:21 Wagnalls, Mabel. Stars of the opera; a description of twelve operas and a se- ries of personal sketches, with inter- views, of Marcella Sembrich, Emma Ean.es, Emma Calve, Lillian Nordica, Lillie Lehman n and Nellie Melba. PL Port. 1899. 782 W119 Wagner, Richard. Flying Dutchman: a romantic opera in three acts. Ed. by Berthold Tours. English version by J. Troutbeck. n. d. 782 W12:6 — Gotterdiimmerung. English transla- tion by Frederick Jameson. Vollstan- diger Klavierauszug erleichterte Bear- beitung von K. Klindworth. C. 1900. 782.W12:7 — Lohengrin: a romantic opera in three acts. Ed. by Berthold Tours and tr. into English by Natalia Macfarren. n. d. 782.W12:12 — Mastersingers of Nuremberg. English translation by Frederick Jameson. Vo- cal score by Karl Klindworth. e.1903. 782.W12:13 — Parsifal with accounts of the Perceval of Chretien de Troies and the Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach. Tr. from the French of Maurice KufTerath by Louise M. Heuermann. Front. PL 1905. 782W12:15 — Poems: The ring of the Nibelung. Explained and in part translated by George Theodore Dippold. 2d ed. rev. Front. 1906. 782W12:16 — Das Rheingold. English tr. by Fred- erick Jameson. Vollstandigcr Klavie- rauszug erleichterte Bear beitung von K. Klindworth. c. 1899. 782 W12:18 \ MUSIC — *Rienzi (The last of the tribunes), Der letzte der Tribunen (L' ultimo dei trib- uni). English version by J. Pittman. n. d. 782W12.-17 — Siegfried. With an English transla- tion by H. and F. Corder. n. d. 782.W12:19 — Tannhauser and the tournament of song at Wartburg: romantic opera in three acts, ed. and tr. into English by Natalia Macfarren. Front, (port.) n. d. 782W12:20 — Tristan and Isolda. Vocal score by Hans von Biilow. English tr. by H. and F. Corder. n. d. 782 W12:21 — Valkyrie. English tr. by Frederick Jameson. Complete vocal score in a facilitated arrangement by Karl Klind- worth. n. d. 782 W12:23 Weber, K. Der Freischiitz (II Franco arciero). Opera in three acts. (With Italian, English and German words.) Ed. by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pittman. n. d. 782W38:6 Weston, Jessie L. Legends of the Wagner drama: studies in mythology and ro- mance. 1896. 782 W52 Win worth, Freda. Epic of sounds: an elementary interpretation of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring. (1897.) 782 W73 Sacred Music. Brahms, Johannes. Requiem; the words selected from the Holy Scriptures for solo, chorus and orchestra. (Organ ad libitum.) Op. 45. n. d. 783 B73 Dvorak, Anton. Stabat Mater; for soli, chorus and orchestra. (Op. 58.) n. d. 783 D95 Elgar, Edward. Dream of Gerontius by Cardinal Newman. Set to music for mezzo-soprano, tenor and base soli, chorus and orchestra, by Edward El- gar. (Op. 38.) c. 1900. 783.E131 France:, Cesar. The beatitudes (from the Gospel) ; celebrated oratorio. Words written by Lady Colomb. Tr. by C. M. Bradley, c. 1899. 783 F84 Gounod, Charles Francois. The redemp- tion: a sacred trilogy. Pianoforte accompaniment arr. by Berthold Tours. English translation by J. Troutbeck. n. d. 783 G74 Handel, G. Sacred oratorio. The Mes- siah. (Composed in the year 1741.) In vocal score. Ed. with pianoforte accompaniment arranged from the com- poser's score, and the additional instru- mentation of Mozart by W. T. Best, n. d. ' 783 H19 Haydn, J. The creation: an oratorio in vocal score. Composed in the years 1797 and 1798. With a separate accom- paniment for the organ or pianoforte, arranged by Vincent Novello. n. d. q783.3 H32 — The seasons : an oratorio in vocal score, composed in the year 1800. Ed. and the piano accompaniment arr. by Vincent Novello. n. d. 783 H32 Hayter. A. U. Church music: a collec- tion of psalm and hymn tunes, chants, services, anthems, etc. n. d. 783 H33 Mendelssohn, Felix. Elijah: an oratorio. The words selected from the Old Testa- ment. The English version by W. Bar- tholomew. Music by Felix Mendels- sohn. Vocal score, n. d. q783 M52 — Saint Paul: on oratorio in vocal score. Pianoforte accompaniment arranged by the composer, n. d. 783 M52 : 1 Rossini, Gioacchimo Antonio. Stabat Mater. (Tribulation.) With English words adapted by William Ball. n. d. 783 R73 Spohr, Louis. Calvary; an oratorio in vocal score. English version by Ed- ward Taylor. Ed. and the pianoforte accompaniment arranged by Joseph Barnby. n. d. q783.3 Sp64 Upton, George Putnam. Standard ora- torios; their stories, their music and their composers ; a handbook. 1887. 783 Up8 Songs and Ballads Barrett, William Alex. English glee and madrigal writers. Two lectures read at the London Institution on January 18th and February 15th, 1877. 44 pp. 1877. 784.1 B27 Beach, Mrs. H. H. A. Song albums No. 1-2; a cyclus of 28 selected songs with piano-forte accompaniment. c. 1891. 784B35:1 — Songs, (c. 1885-1904.) 784 B35 8 MUSIC Beethoven, Ludwig van. An die ferae Geliebte; a cycle of .songs by A. J tit- teles. (And) Six songs. English tr. byTheo.Baker. c.1902. (High voire.) q784.3 B39 Bsahmb, Johannes. Forty songs. Ed. by James Huneker. For high and low- voice. Port. (c. 1903.) {Musician*' library.) 784 B73, 784 B73.-1 — Songs. English tr. byTheo.Baker. With a prefatory note by H. E. Kreh- biel. c.1902. (Ed. for high voice.) q784.3 B73 Chadwick, G. W. Song album. 17 songs for alto or baritone with pianoforte accompaniment. Also, 15 songs for soprano or tenor with pianoforte accom- paniment. 784C34:1 — Songs. 784 C34 Duncan, Edmondstoune. Story of min- strelsy. (Literature dealing with min- strelsy, pp. 309-310. Song collections, pp. 310-323.) Col. front. Illus. Fac- sims. 1907. (Music story series.) 784.4 D91 Field, Eugene. Songs of childhood: verses by Eugene Field, music by Reg- inald de Koven, and others. 1903. 784 F45 Finck, Henry T., ed. Fifty master songs by twenty composers, for high and low voice. Fronts, (ports.) (c. 1903.) (Musicians' library.) 784 F49, 784 F49:l Fitz-Gerald, S. J. Adair. Stories of famous songs. 2 v. Fronts. PI. Ports. 1901. 784 F57 Foote, Arthur. Songs. 784F73:1 — Songs, c. 1892. 784 F73 Franz, Robert. Fifty songs. Ed. by William Foster Apthorp. For high voice, (c.1903.) {Musicians' library.) 784 F85 Same. For low voice, (c.1903.) 784F85:1 Hale, Philip, ed. Modern French songs for high and low voice. 2 v. v. 1: Bem- bergtoFranck. v. 2: Georges to Wi dor. Ports, (c. 1904.) (Musicians' libram.) 784 H13, 784 H13:l Handel, George Frideric. Songs and aire, Ed. by Ebenezer Prout. 2 v. v.l: For high voice, v. 2: for low voice. Ports. (c.1905.) (Musicians' library.) 784 H19 Hopekirk, Helen, ed. Seventy Scottish songs, for high and low voice. Front, (port.) (c.1905.) (Musicians' tibrari/.) 784 FI77, 784 H77:l Hughes, Rupert, ed. Songs by thirty Americans. For high and low voice. Ports, (c.1904.) (Musicians' library.) 784 H87, 784H87:! Johnson, Helen Kendrick. Our familiar songs and those who made them ; three hundred standard songs of the English- speaking race, arranged with piano ac- companiment, and preceded by sketches of the writers and histories of the songs. 1907. q784 J62 Kobbe, Gustav. Famous American songs. Front. PL Ports. Facsims. (c.1906.) 784 K79 Krehbiel, H. E., ed. Songs from the operas for soprano. Ports, (c.1907.) (Musicians' library.) q784 K87 MacDowell, Edward. Songs. 784 M14 Our national war songs; a complete col- lection of grand old war songs, battle songs, national hymns, memorial hymns, Decoration Day songs, quar- tettes, etc. With accompaniment for piano or organ, (c.1892.) q784.4 Ou7 Parisotti, Alessandro, ed. Anthology of Italian song of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Selected and ed. with biographical notices by Alessan- dro Parisotti. English tr. bv Theo. Baker. 1894. q784 P21 St. Nicholas songs. Illus. (c. 1885). 784 Sa24 Schubert, Franz. Fifty songs. For high and low voice. Ed. by Henry T. Finck. (Bibliog. p. 23.) Port. (c. 1904.) (Musicians' library.) 784Sch78, 784Sch78:l — Songs with pianoforte accompaniment. English tr. by Theo. Baker, (c. 1895.) q784.3 Beh78 Schumann, Robert. Fifty -five songs with pianoforte accompaniment. English tr. by Theodore Baker and others, c. 1903. q784.3Soh86 — Fifty songs. Ed. by W.J. Henderson, for high voice, (c. 1903) (Musicians' library.) 784 Sch86 — Fifty songs. Ed. by W.J. Henderson, for low voice, (c. 1903) Musicians 1 library.) 784Sch86:l MUSIC Smith, Wilson G., ed. Grand Army war songs: a collection of war songs, battle songs, camp songs, national songs, marching songs, etc. , as sung by our boys in blue in camp and field. To which is added a selection of memorial songs and hymns for use on Decoration day and other special occasions, c. 1886. q784.4 Sm68 Swedish songs, n. t. p. 784 Sw34 Troyer, Carlos. Works, v. 1: Indian songs, v. 2: Songs and instrumental music. q784 T75 Vincent, Charles, ed. Fifty Shakespere songs. For high and low voice. Port, (c. 1906.) (Musicians' library.) 784 V74, 784 V74:l Volkslieder buch fur Mannerchor. Herausg auf Veranlassung seiner Ma- jestat des Deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm II. 2 v. n. d. 784.4 V88 Wagner, Richard. Lyrics for soprano. Ed. by Carl Armbruster. (Bibliog.) Port. Chronological tab. of the vocal works of Richard Wagner, (c. 1904.) {Musicians' library.) 784 W12 — Lyrics for tenor. Ed. by Carl Arm- bruster. (Bibliog. p. xv-xvi.) Port. (c.1904) {Musicians' library.) 784 W12 : 1 — Wagner lyrics for baritone and bass. Ed. by Carl Armbruster. (Bibliog. pp. XV-XVI.) Port. (c. 1907.) Musicians' library.) q784 W12:2 Whitehead, Jane Byrd Radcliffe, ed. Folk-songs and other songs for children, (c. 1903.) 784 W58 Wolf, Hugo. Gedichte von Eduard Morike fiir eine Singstimme und Kla- vier (English tr. by Julia von Bose.) — Gedichte von J. von Eichendorff fiir eine Singstimme und Klavier (English tr. by John Bernhoff.) Ports, n. d. q784.3 W83 Singing; Voice Culture Browne, Lennox. Voice, song and speech: a practical guide for singers and speak- ers; from the combined view of vocal surgeon and voice trainer. By Lennox Browne and E mil Behnke. Illus. 1904. 784.9 B81 Marchesi, Mathilde. Ten singing lessons. Preface by Madame Melba. In trod. by W. J. Henderson. Front, (port.) 1901. 784.9 M33 Mills, Wesley. Voice production in singing and speaking, based on scien- tific principles. Front. Illus. PI. Col. pi. 1906. 784.9 M62 Panseron, Auguste Mathieu. A B C of music; or, Easy solfeggi; to which is added, a short and easy method of vocal- ization. Tr. by William J. Wetmore. To which is added the voice part of Fifty lessons, Book 1; Twenty-five lessons, Opus 10: and Eighteen solfeggi for two voices, by J. Concone. (1865.) 780 P19 Ripley, Frederic H. Music reader. Nos. 1, 3-4. By Frederic H. Ripley and Thomas Tapper. Illus. (c. 1895) 784 R48 Russell, Louis Arthur. Commonplaces of vocal art; a plain statement of the philosophy of singing, in a series of in- formal chats with vocalists, teachers, students, platform-speakers, and all who wish to use their voices correctly. 74 pp. c.1907. (Music students' library.) 784.9 R91 Santley, Sir Charles. Art of singing and vocal declamation. 1908. 784.9 Sa59 Orchestral Music. Elson, Arthur. Orchestral instruments and their use; giving a description of each instrument now employed by civil- ized nations . . . and an explanation of its value and functions in the modern orchestra. Front. Illus. Ports. 1903. (Music lover's library.) 780 E178 Gilman, Lawrence. Stories of sym- phonic music; a guide to the meaning of important symphonies, overtures, and tone-poems from Beethoven to the present day. 1907. 785 G42 Goepp, Philip Henry. Symphonies and their meaning. First series. 6th ed. 1905. 785 G55 — Second series . 1 902 . 785 G55 : 1 Upton, George P. Standard symphonies, their history, their music and their composers: a handbook. 10th ed. 1905. 785 Up8 Weingartner, Felix. Post-Beethoven symphonists. Symphony writers since 10 MUSIC Beethoven. From the German by Arthur Hies. Front. Ports, n. d. 785 W43 Piano. Album for piano. Four hands. Twelve original pieces by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Clementi, Kuhlau, Weber. (Also) Original compositions and ar- rangements (Gade, Jensen, Moszkowski, Rubinstein and others). Ed. and lingered by W. K. Bassford. 1895. 786.4 A115 Bach, Johann Sebastian. Englische Buiten. 61 pp. n. d. 786 B12:5 — Piano compositions. Ed. by Ebenezer Prout. v. 1: shorter compositions. (Bibliog. p. XXI.) Port. (c 1907.) (Musk-ians' library.) q786.4 B12 — Short preludes and fugues for the pian- oforte. (And) Two and three part in- ventions for the pianoforte. Ed. by Wm. Mason, c. 1894-5. q786.4 B12:l Beach, Mrs. H. H. A. Compositions for the pianoforte. 786 B35 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Concertos for the pianoforte, provided with fingering, and with a complete arrangement, for pianoforte, of the orchestral accompani- ment, by Franz Kullak. Introd. and notes tr. from the German by Th. Baker, c. 1901. q785 B39 — Sonaten fur Pianoforte solo. Heraus- gegeben von Louis Kohler und Rich. Schmidt. 3 v. Front, (port.) n. d. 786 B39 — Symphonies, Nos. 1-4, 8-9. Arranged for piano. Four hands. 1894. 785 B39:2 — Symphonies, Nos. 6-9. Arranged for piano. Four hands. 1894. 785B39:1 Bennett, William Sterndale. Selected pieces for pianoforte. Ed. and fingered by Karl Klauserand Wm. Seharfenberg. Biographical sketch of the author by W. J. Henderson. 1897. q786.4 B43 Bkahvs, Johannes. Hungarian dances for pianoforte. Fingered by Wm. Seharfenberg. 1898. q786.4 B73 — Symphonies, Nos. 1-4. Arranged for piano. Four hands. 1893. 785 B73 Century library <>f music; ed. by Ignace Jan Paderewski; associate editors, Fanny Morris Smith, Bernard Boekel- man. 20 v. Fronts. Illus. PI. Ports. Facsims. 1900 786 C33 Chadwick, G. W. Characteristic and other pieces for the pianoforte. 786 C34 Chopin, Friedrich. 48 studies for piano- forte. Op. 10 u. 25. New academic edition critically revised with regard to notation, tempo, pedal signs, marks of expression. Gradually arranged and fingered for the study by Heinrich Ger- mer. 786 C45: 1 — Forty piano compositions. Ed. by James Huneker. Front, (port.) (c. 1903.) {Musicians' library.) 786 C45 — New academic edition of favorite piano- forte compositions. Critically revised with regard to text, tempo, pedal, fin- gering and expression and arranged in pr6gressive order for teaching purposes by Heinrich Germer. n. d. 786C45:2 — Sammtliche pianoforte-werke. Kritisch revidirt und mit fingersatz versehen von Herrmann Scholtz 3 v. n. d. 786 C45:3 Diabelli, Anton. Album of favourite compositions arranged in the sonatina style as pianoforte duets. By Anton Diabelli and Jacob Schmitt. Ed. for teaching purposes by Heinrich Germer. (c 1906.) 786 D54 Esposito, M. Early Italian piano music ; a collection of pieces written for the harpsichord and clavichord. ("Italian composers for the harpischord" : p. [ix]-xivj PI. (c 1906.) {Musicians' library [vol. xxn].) 786 Es65 Foote, Arthur. Compositions for the pianoforte. 786 F73 Germer, Heinrich, ed. Academical edi- tion of classical pianoforte works for educational purposes. For middle grades, n. d. 786 G31 — Academical edition of classical piano- forte works for educational purposes. For upper grades, v. 1-4. n. d. 786G31:1 — Album of selected compositions from the pianoforte works of F. Schubert, J. Field, F. Mendelssohn, R. Schumann and F. Chopin. Comp. for instructive purposes. (Also) 8 notturnos by John Field. Critically revised for instruction in pianoforte playing, n. d. 786 G31:6 MUSIC II - How ought one to studp piano technic? Methodical manual of practical study. Tr. by John Bernhoff. (Also) Rhyth- mical problems. Op. 29. Tr. by Wm. K. Steiner. (Also) Musical ornamen- tation; appendix to opus 28. English version by J. Bernhoff. 3d enl. and imp. ed. n. d. 786.3 G31 - Klange der Jugendzeit. Sammlung beliebter Volksweisen. Und elementar- Album fur den Klavierunterricht der Unterstufe. (1895.) 786G31:3 - School of octave- and chord-playing for teaching purposes in the middle grade. Eng. trans, by W. K. Steiner. Bookl-III. n. d. 78.6 G31: 4 - Technics of pianoforte playing. Musi- cal ornamentation. Manual of tone- production in pianoforte-playing from "How to play the pianoforte." Op. 28 and Op. 30, pt. 1, tr. into English. c. 1886. q786.3G31:l - Technics of piano-forte playing re-ar- ranged as a methodical plan of instruc- tion in four courses, having the form of concentric circles, for the purpose of study. Op. 28. Tr. by W. K. Steiner. 10th ed. c. 1896. 786G31:8 - Theoretico-practical elementary piano- forte school for students of the lower, middle and upper grades. Op. 32. By Heinrich Germer with the cooperation of B. Boekeiman. c.1887. 786G31:2 - 36 Etuden fiir den Klavierunterricht der Mittelstufe. Heft I-III. Opus 31. (Also) Etiiden-Fibel fiir die klavier- spielende Jugend : 58 praktische Studien fiir den Unterrichtsgebrauch auf der unteren Mittelstufe zur musikalischen Aneignung technischer und rhythmis- cher Spielarten , eines dynamisch beleb- ten, ausdrucksvollen Vortrags wie eines korrekten Pedalgebrauchs. Heft I-III. Op. 36. n. d. 786G31:7 - Vorschule fiir poly phones Clavierspiel im contrapunktischen Style. Method - ischer Lehrgang ausgewahlter Tons- tucke von G. F. Handel. D. Scarlatti, W. F. Bach und J. S. Bach, kritisch revidirt in Bezug auf Textdarstellung, Tempo und Vortrag wie mit Vorwort und Fingersatz versehn von Heinrich Germer. Op. 35. (Also) Sonaten-Stu- dien im altklassischen Stil (von) Do- menico Scarlatti, n. d. 786G31:5 Grieg, Edvard. Compositions. Zu 4 Handen. 786.4 G87 Contents. — Holberg-Suite. — Peer Gynt- Suite, I— II. — Sigurd Jorsalfar. — Concert Ou- verture: Im Herbst. — Lyrische Stiicke fiir pianoforte. Op. 12. 16 pp. n. d. 786 G87 Haydn, F. J. Twenty piano composi- tions. Ed. by Xaver Scharwenka. (Bibliog. p. XV.) Port. (c. 1907.) (Musicians' library.) 786.4 H32 — Symphonien. Fur Pianoforte zu 4 Handen arrangirt von Hugo Ulrich. n. d. 785 H32 Haendel, Georg Friedrich. Concerte fiir Orgel und Orchester. Fur Pianoforte, zu 4 Handen arrangirt von Adolf Ruth- ardt. n.d. 785 H19 Henselt, Adolf. Selected pieces for pi- anoforte. (And) Twelve characteristic concert-studies for the piano. Bio- graphical sketch of the author by Philip Hale. 1896, 1902. q786.4 H39 Hofmann, Heinrich. Aus meinem Tage- buch (Leaves from my journal. ^ (And) Italienische Liebesnovelle (Italian love story.) v. d. q786.4 H67 Hummel, Johann Nepomuk. Selected compositions for pianoforte. Ed. and fingered by Karl Klauser. 2 v. v. 1 contains a biographical sketch of the author by W. J. Henderson. (Also) Piano-concertos. Op. 85 in A minor. Op. 89 in B minor, (c. 1896-7.) q786.4 H88 Italian overtures. Collection of Italian overtures for piano, four hands, v. 2: Overtures by Bellini, Donizetti, Spon- tini, Verdi. Ed. and fingered by Wm. Scharfenberg. (c. 1895.) 785 Itl Jensen, Adolf. Album for pianoforte; Eroticon, seven piano-pieces; Songs and dances; Wanderbilder (scenes of travel). Biographical sketch of the author by Richard Aldrich. v. d. q786.4 J45 Kjerulf, Half dan. Selected pieces for pianoforte. Ed. and fingered by Karl Klauser. Biographical sketch of the author by W. J. Henderson, c. 1897. q786.4 K65 12 MUSIC Kleinmichel, Richard, ed. Ouverturen- Album. Sammlung der beliebtesten Overture!) fiir Pianoforte zu vier Han- den arrangirt. n. d. 785 K<>7 Kohleb, Louis. Melodien- Album. Be- sbte Melodien fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Handen. a. d. 786.4 K82 LiSZT, Franz. Ten Hungarian rhapsodies. Ed. by August Spanuth and John Orth. (Bihliog.) Port. (c. 1904.) (Musicians' library.) 786 L69 — Twenty original piano compositions. Ed. I>y August Spanuth. (Bihliog., p. XV.) Port. (c. 1903.) {Musicians' lib rani.) 786.L69;1 — Twenty piano transcriptions. Ed. by August Spanuth. (Bibliog., p. xv.) Port. (c.l!)03.) (Musicians' libran/.) 786.L69:2 MacDowell, Edward. Compositions for the pianoforte. 786 M14 — Six idyls after Goethe. Six poems after Heine; Marionettes: Sea pieces; Fire- side tales ; New England idyls. 786 M14 : 1 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Ouver- turen fiir Pianoforte zu vier Handen. n. d. 785M52:1 — Sammtliehe Werke. Ouverturen fiir Pianoforte zu 4 Handen arrangirt. Xeue Ausgabe von Richard Kleinmi- chel. n. d. 786.4 M52 — Sammtliehe Werke: Symphonien fiir Pianoforte zu vier Handen arrangirt. n. d. 785 M52 — Thirty piano compositions. Ed. by Percy Goetschius, with a preface by Daniel Gregory Mason. (Bihliog., pp. XHI-XIV.) Port. (c. 1906.) (Musi- cians' Libran/.) 786 M52 MoscHELES, Ignaz. 24 studies for piano- forte. Op. 70. New academic edition critically revised by Heinrich Germer. n. d. 786 M85 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Concertos for the pianoforte in D Minor, C Major, E Flat Major, C Minor, D Major. Critically revised, fingered and the or- chestra] accompaniments arranged for a second piano by Franz Kullak and others. English tr. by Th. Baker, c. 1901. q785 M87:l — New academic edition of selected piano- forte works. Critically revised with re- gard to tempo, pedal, expression and fingering indications, and provided with an explanatory preface and ana- lytic texts to facilitate study by Hein- rich Germer. 3 v. n. d. 786 M87:l — Sonaten fiir Pianoforte solo. Heraus- gegeben von Louis Koehler und Rich- ard Schmidt. Front, (port.) n. d. 786 M87 : 2 — Symphonien fiir Pianoforte zu vier Handen arrangirt von Hugo Ulrich wnd Aug. Horn. 2 v. n. d. 785 M87 — Twelve celebrated symphonies. Ar- ranged for piano four hands by Hugo Ulrich and Aug. Horn. n. d. 785 M87:2 — Twentv piano compositions. Ed. by Carl Reinecke. (Bibliog. p. XXI.) Port. (c. 1906.) (Musicians' library.) 786 M87 Onslow, G. Berlihmte Sonaten fiir Pi- anoforte zu 4 Handen. Opus 7u nd 22. n. d. 786.4 On7 Ourville, Leon d'. Soirees musicales. Eight pieces for piano. Four hands. 1898. 786.4 Ou7 Ouverturen von Auber, Boieldieu, Her- old, Spontini, Nicolai, Kreutzer, Don- izetti, Himmel, Schneider, Kalliwoda. Fiir Pianoforte zu vier Handen. n. d. 785 Ov2 Philipp, Isidor, ed. Anthology of French piano music. 2 v. v. 1 : Early com- posers, v. 2: modern composers. Ports, (c. 1906.) (Musicians' library.) 786 P53 Pianoforte music. Bizet, Georges. L'Ar- lesienne. Grieg, Edvard. Two sym- phonic pieces; Peer Gynt suite, 1. — Hoffmann, Heinrich. Italiensche Lie- besnovelle. — Liszt, Franz. Les pre- ludes. — Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Be- riihmte Stiicke. — Tschaikowsky, P. Casse-noisette. Arranged for piano. Four hands, v. d. q786.4 P57 Raff, Joachim. Lenore. Symphony (No. 5 in E Major). Arranged for piano. Four hands. 1897. 785 R12 — Selected pieces for pianoforte. Bio- graphical sketch of the author by Philip Hale. 1896. q786.4 R12 Rubinstein, Anton. Selected pieces for pianoforte. Biographical sketch of the author by Philip Hale. 1896. q786.4 R82 Scarlatti, Domenico. Twenty-two pieces MUSIC 13 for the piano. Ed. and fingered by G. Buonamici. With a biographical sketch of the author by Philip Hale, c.1895. q786.4 Sc74 Scharwenka, Xaver. Album fur piano- forte, n. d. q786.4 Schl7 Schubert, Franz. Beruhmte Klavier- Compositionen. Herausgegeben von Louis Kohler und Richard Schmidt, n. d. 786Sch78:l — Compositions. Fur pianoforte zu vier Handen. 785Sch78:l — Jubilee edition of selected pianoforte works. Critically revised with regard to the text, tempo, pedaling and signs of expression, and provided with a pref- ace and fingering for the purposes of study by Heinrich Germer. 3 books (in 1vol.) Book I: Moments musicals. Bool II: Impromptu, Op. 142, No. 2-3. Book III: Impromptus, Op. 90, No. 1- 4. n. d. 786. Sch78 — Sammtliche Tanze. Fur pianoforte zu vier Handen arrangirt von Hugo Ulrich . n. d. 786.4 Sch78 — Schone Mullerin, Winterreise, Schwan- engesang und 22 beruhmte Lieder . Fur Pianoforte zu vier Handen arrangirt von Hugo Ulrich . 786.4 Sch78 : 1 — Symphonien fur Pianoforte zu vier Handen bearbeitet von Hugo Ulrich. n. d. 785 Sch78 Schumann, Robert. Carnival. Op. 9. (Also) Symphonic etudes in form of variations. Op. 13. Fantasia. Op. 17. Carnival pranks. Op. 26. For piano- forte. New academic edition critically revised by Heinrich Germer. n. d. 786Sch86:l — Fifty piano compositions. (Bibliog. p. xiii.) Port, (c 1905) (Musicians' library.) 786 Sch86 — Symphonies. Arranged for four hands. 1901. 785 Sch86 — Werke fur Pianoforte solo. Revidirt von Alfred Dorffel mit Fingersatz verse- hen von Richard Schmidt. 2 v. n. d. 786 Sch86:2 Sherwood, Win, H. Compositions for the pianoforte, c. 1883 q786 Sh58 Sin ding, Christian. Thirty-one pieces for pianoforte. Selected, ed., and fingered by Louis Oesterle. Biographi- cal sketch of the author by Richard Aldrich. 1904. q786.4 Si63 Suppe, Franz von. 6 Ouverturen. Fur Pianoforte zu vier Handen. n. d. 785 Su76 Taylor, S. Coleridge. Twenty-four Negro melodies. Transcribed for the piano. With a preface by Booker T. Washing- ton. Port, (c 1905) (Musicians' librarx/.) 786 T21 Tschaikowsky, P. Funfte Symphonie fur grosses Orchester. Op. 64. Fur Pian- oforte zu vier Handen von S. Taneeff. n. d. 785T79:1 — Selected pieces for the pianoforte. Biographical sketch of the author by Philip Hale. 1896. q786.4 T78 — Symphonie pathetique. 97 pp. (c 1897) 785 T79 Wagner, Richard. Selections from the music dramas of Richard Wagner. Ar- ranged for the piano by Otto Singer. With a preface by Richard Aldrich. (Bibliog.) Port. Facsim. (c 1905) (Musicians' library.) 786 W12 Organ. Bach, Johann Sebastian. Compositionen fur die Orgel. Kritisch-korrecte Aus- gabe von Friedrich Conrad Griepenkerl und Ferdinand Roitzsch. v. 1-5, 7-9. n. d. q786.8 B12 Hopkins, Edward John. The organ, its history and construction: a comprehen- sive treatise on the structure and capa- bilities of the organ . . . Intended as a handbook for the organist and the ama- teur. Preceded by an entirely new his- tory of the organ, memoirs of the most eminent builders, etc., by Edward F. Rimbault. 3d ed. Fold, front. Illus. Diagrs. 1877. 786.5 H77 La Villa, Paola. Progressive organist; a collection of preludes, postludes, offertoires, marches, etc., for the pipe organ, c 1897. 786.5 L39 Robertson, Frederick Ewart. Practical treatise on organ-building. (Bibliog. v. 1, pp. 324-336) 2 v. PI. Tables 1906. 786.6 R54 Violin ; Violoncello ; Mandolin ; Flute. Abele, Hyacinth. The violin: its his- tory and construction illustrated and 14 MUSIC described from many sources. Together with a list <»f Italian and Tyrolese vio- lin makers. Tr. in full from the Ger- man of Abele and Niederheitmann, by John Broadhouse. Front. PL Fold pi. n. d. 787.1 Ab35 Bba< b, Mrs. H. H. A. Compositions for violin and piano. 1: La Captive. 2: Berceuse. 3d: Mazurka. 4: Sonate in A moll. 5: Invocation. 6: Romance. 787.1 B35 David, Ferdinand. David's violin school ( Violinschule) . Ed. by B. Listemann. Pt. 1: The beginner. 49 pp. Illus. n. d. q787.1 D277 Davidson, P. The violin: a concise ex- position of the general principles of construction theoretically and practi- cally treated; including the important researches of Savart, an epitome of the lives of the most eminent artists, and an alphabetical list of violin makers. Illus. Diagrs. Fold, diagr. 1871. 787.1 D28 Foote, Arthur. Violin music with piano- forte accompaniment. 1: Morgenges- ang. 'i*. Menuettoserioso. 3: Romanze. 4: Melody. 787.1 F73 Haweis, H. R. Old violins. (Diction- ary of violin makers, pp. 239-280. Bibliog. pp. 281-286.) PL Ports. Fac- sim. 1905. {Collector series.) 787.1 H31 Langey, Otto. Tutor for the flute, n. d. q788.5 L26 — Tutor for the violoncello, (c.1892.) q787.3 L26 Schebek, Edmund. Violin manufacture in Italy and its German origin. An historical sketch. Tr. from the Ger- man by Walter E. Lawson. 28 pp. L877. 787.1 Sch21 Tocaben, Louis. Complete method for the mandoline; containing a course of progressive exercises arranged in an- interesting manner as duets for the teacher and pupil. 57 pp. Illus. (c. L885.) 787.6 T56 Biographies of Musicians. Chai-in*. Anna Alice. Masters of music; their lives and works. Front. Port. 1906. 927.8 C365 Crowest, Frederick James. Great tone poets; being short memoirs of the greatest composers. 1875. 927 C886 Hadow, William Henry. Studies in modern music. 6th ed. Ports. 1905. 927 H117 Lahee, Henry Charles. Famous pianists of to-day and yesterday. Front. Ports. (1906.) 927.8 L139 — Famous singers of to-day and yester- day. Front. Ports. 1898. (Music lov- ers' series.) 927 L139 Mathews, William Smith Babcock. A hundred years of music in America: an account of musical effort in America during the past century, including pop- ular music and singing schools, church music, musical conventions and festi- vals . . . creative activity and the be- ginning of a national school of musical composition. Illus. Ports. Facsim. 1889. 927 M420 Sharp, Robert Farquharson. Makers of music; biographical sketches of the great composers, with chronological summaries of their works, facsimiles of their compositions and a general chronological table. Front, (port.) Facsim. Table. 1901. 927 S53 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY, Bach, Johann Sebastian. Williams, Charles Francis Abdy. Bach. 3d ed. Front, (port.) PI. Facsim. Music. 1906. (Master musicians.) B B122:23 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Crowest, Frederick James. Beethoven. 5th ed. Front. Illus. PI. Ports. 1908. (Master musicians.) B B393:3 Nohl, L. Life of Beethoven. Tr. from the German by John J. Lalor. 9th ed. Front, (port.) 1902. (Biographies of musicians.) BB393:14 Brahms, Johannes. Erb, J. Lawrence. Brahms. Front, (port.) PI. 1905. (Mader musicians.) B B7304:5 Chopin, Frederic Francois. Hadden, James Cuthbert. Chopin. Front. PL Ports. Facsim. (1906.) (Master musicians.) B C455:8 MUSIC 15 Debussy, Achille Claude. Liebich, Louise. Claude- Achille De- bussy. Front. Ports. 1908. (Living masters of music.) B D354: 12 Gluck, Christop Willibald, Ritter von. Newman, Ernest. Gluck and the opera; a study in musical history. (Chrono- logical list of Gluck's works, pp. XV- XVI.) 1895. 780 N46 Handel, Georg Friedrich. Williams, Charles Francis Abdy. Han- del. Front. Illus. PL Port. Facsim. 1904. (Master musicians.) B H19l;23 Haydn, Franz Joseph. Hadden, James Cuthbert. Haydn. Front. Illus. Ports. Facsims. 1902. (Master musicians.) B H324:8 Nohl, L. Life of Haydn. Tr. from the German by George P. Upton. 7th ed. Front, (port.) 1902. (Biographies of musicians.) B H324:14 Liszt, Franz. Nohl, L. Life of Liszt. Tr. from the German by George P. Upton. 6th ed. Front, (port.) 1902. (Biographies of musicians.) B L699:14 MacDowell, Edward Alexander. Gilman, Lawrence. Edward MacDowell. 80 pp. Front. Ports. PL Facsim. 1906. (Living masters of music.) 780 G42 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Letters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles. Tr. from the originals in his possession and ed. by Felix Moscheles. Front. PL Ports. Facsims.' 1888. B M523 Rockstro, William Smyth. Mendelssohn. (Complete catalogue of Mendelssohn's works, p. 141-147.) 2d ed. 1888. ( Great musicians.) B M523 ; 17 Hensel, Sebastian. The Mendelssohn family (1729-1847), from letters and journals. 2d rev. ed. Tr. by Karl Klingemann and an American collab- orator, with a notice by George Grove. 2v. Fronts. Ports. 1882. B M523:8 Stratton, Stephen Samuel. Mendelssohn. 3d ed. Front. Illus. PL Port. Facsim. 1904. (Master musicians.) B M523.-19 Moscheles, Felix. Fragments of an auto- biography. Front. Ports. 1899. B M850 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Breakspeare, Eustace John. Mozart. (Classified list of Mozart's compositions, p. 257-262.) (Bibliography, p. 263-8.) 2ded. Front. Illus. PL Port. Facsim. 1906. (Master musicians.) B M877.-2 Nohl, L. Life of Mozart. Tr. from the German by John L. Lalor. 8th ed. Front, (port.) 1902. (Biographies of musicians.) BM877.-14 Puccini, Giacomo. Dry, Wakeling. Giacomo Puccini. Front. Plates. Ports. Fold, facsims. 1906. (Living masters of music.) 780 D84 Rubinstein, Anton. M'Arthur, Alexander. Anton Rubin- stein, a biographical sketch. (List of Rubinstein's works, p. 129-138.) Front. PL Ports. 1889. B R825:13 Schubert, Franz Peter. Duncan, Edmondstoune. Schubert. (Bibliog. p. 229-238. List of Schubert's works, p. 239-253.) Front. Illus. PL Ports. Facsim.) 1905 (Master musicians) B S382: 4 Schumann, Robert. Letters. Selected and ed. by Dr. Karl Storck. Tr. by Hannah Bryant. Front. Port. 1907. BS389 Patterson, Annie Wilson. Schumann. (Catalogue of Schumann's published compositions, p. 217-221. Bibliography, p. 222-3) Front. Illus. Ports. 1903. (Master musicians.) B S389 : 16 Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour. Findon, B. W. Sir Arthur Sullivan, his life and music. (Appendix, comprising a complete list of Sir Arthur Sullivan's work, p. 203-214) Front, (port.) Fold, facsm.) 1904. B S950:6 Thomas, Theodore. Theodore Thomas, a musical autobiography. Ed. by George P. Upton. 2 v. , Fronts. PL Ports. Facsims. 1905. B T367:21 Tschaikowsky, Peter Hich. Tschaikowsky, Modest Ilich. Life and letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. Ed. from the Russian with an introduction by Rosa Newmarch . ( Chronological list of Tchaikovsky's compositions from 1866-1893, p. 726-749. The plots of 16 MUSIC Tchaikovsky's chief operas, p. 750- 761.) Front. PI. Ports. Facsims. 1906. BT2196.-19 Evans, Edwin. Tchaikovsky. (Chron- ology of works, p. 193-202) Front. PL Ports. Facsims. 190G. (Master musi- cians.) BT2196:5 Nkwmakch, Rosa. Tchaikovsky; his life ami works with extracts from his writ- ings, and the diary of his tonr abroad in 1SSS. (List of works, p. 359-411) Front, (port.) Facsim. 1908. BT2196.-14 Wagner, Richard. Glasenapp, Carl Fr. Life of Richard Wagner: being an authorised English version by Wm. Ashton Ellis of C. F.I Glasenapp's "Das Lchen Rich;ird| Wagner's." 6v. Front, (port.) 1900-6. B W12S Lidgey, Charles A. Wagner. (Chrono- logical list of Wagner's compositions,! p. 247-252. Literary works, p. 253-5. )| 3d ed. Front. Illus. PI. Ports. Fac- sim. 1907. (Master musicians. ) B W125: Nohl, L. Life of Wagner. Tr. from the| German by George P. Upton, (it!) ed, Front, (port.) 1902. (Biographies o] musicians.) B W125: BROS., INC. Manufacturers Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. Wm m wmfi ^M mSm DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley ISP©?