7 fl> i HS 539 V55E75 BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^ ROLL MM.;g;fl;£S ©scutia ltrtitf# Ah. 7, & & .4. M., VIRGINIA, STOREt COUNTS, NEVADA. 3t fUort ilistaty at the ^adg* t /rv 'Dn-eniber fst, ?8G7. SAN FRANCISCO: FRANK EASTMAN, PRINTER 1 H(\*. W c^yyw/i< ^r^r DR.OI-.IL Mmmmm J gstutiat §*$%*, VIRGINIA, STOREY COUNTY, NEVADA. ^ ftowt JUstary ts\ X\u gpodgt, •/?> December fst, /867- SAN FRANCISCO: FRANK EASTMAN, PRINTER, 1 H()S. v^gg OFFICEHS EZJ2CT JPOfl 7868. Samuel B. Ferguson, Hiram H. Conklin, Samuel Owen, - W.\ Master. S.\ Warden. - J.-. Warden. Thos. Parker, ----- Treasurer. John G. Bloomer, - - - - Secretary. *&* Z23<*ZB 1®&- a mm urn x Ah, 7, SI & A. M. /■* ARLY in the fall of 1863 it was proposed, HHS by several brethren, to organize the second Masonic Lodge, in Virginia. After several months' consideration, the friends of the move- ment, fourteen in number, met on the evening of December 31, 1863, and signed a petition to the Grand Master of California, for a dis- pensation. The petition was recommended by Virginia City Lodge, No. 164, Cal. Reg. ; now Virginia Lodge, No. 7, Nev. Reg. On January 22d, 1864, the M.\ W.\ Wm. C. Belcher, G. \ M.\ of California, issued his ' [ 3 ] t, Historical Sketch of dispensation, to open and hold a Lodge of F. & A. M., naming therein Bros. Charles M. Cornell as W.\ Master, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen as S. \ Warden, and Columbus Walker as J.\ Warden. The first communication of the new Lodge was holden on Tuesday, February 9th, 1864. At the next annual Grand Communication of the M.\ W.\ Grand Lodge of California, October 13th, 5864, a Warrant was granted to Bros. Geo. W.. Hopkins as W.\ Master, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen as S.\ Warden, and Columbus Walker as J.*. Warden, and their successors in office, under the name and number of Escurial Lodge, No. 171. The Lodge was constituted, on October 28th, 1864, by W.\ Bro. Robert H. Taylor, P.'. M.\ and Act. Dep. G. \ M.\, according to the ancient usages of the Craft. At the stated communication in November [ 4] ' JZscitrial Z,odge. 1864, at the suggestion of the W.\ M.*., Bro. Geo. W. Hopkins, a committee, consisting of the Bros. Hopkins, Van Bokkelen, and John G. Bloomer, was appointed to confer with the other Lodges in the State as to the expediency of organizing an independent Grand Lodge. At the stated communication in December, the report of the committee and accompanying resolutions in favor of organizing the Grand Lodge of Nevada, were adopted; these reso- lutions were subsequently adopted by six of the eight Lodges then in the State. The Lodges met in convention on January 19th, 1865,, the Lodges surrendering their Warrants to the Grand Lodge of California, receiving new ones from the Grand Lodge of Nevada. Subse- quently the Grand Lodge of California pre- sented the Lodges with their original Warrants, as mementos of their connections with that jurisdiction. [5 ] Historical Sketch oj In December, 1864, the two Lodges organ- ized a joint Board of Relief, to consist of the Masters and Wardens of both Lodges, agree- ing to pay for its support twenty-five cents per month for each M.\ M.\ on the roll, and five dollars for each degree conferred. At the present time only the degree money is collected by the Board, the other being remitted until the Board shall need it to meet its expendi- tures. The Board is now clear of debt and has Loaned out at z\ percent., - - - $1455.10 In Treasury, ------ 127.93 Due from Lodges, ----- 75.00 Interest due, - 35-°° Assets Dec. 1st, 1867, - - - $1693.03 At the stated communication, February 13, 1866, the Lodge By-Laws were amended so as to abolish the fee for affiliation. This at the time was considered of doubtful expediency, but [ M Escurial Lodge. of it every Brother who voted for the amend- ment should be proud : the experience of a few months proved that it was a move in the right direction. And so evident were its good effects in reducing " the army of non-affiliates, " that the Grand Lodge on September 18, 1867, unanimously amended the Grand Constitution so as to prohibit the collection of any fee for affiliation. In the year 1866, a committee was appointed to procure and have properly arranged, jointly with the other Masonic bodies, a suitable burial ground. Eight acres of land have been pur- chased, and a portion of it fenced and laid out. Thus briefly have we sketched the prominent landmarks in the history of Escurial Lodge, during its short existence. In the number of its members it now ranks as second in the jurisdiction. [ 7 ] H Historical Sketch of Summary of Work, Ac, from Organisation to December 1st, 1867. Members named in Dispensation, 14 Of whom now members, ... 8 Of whom dimitted, .... 4 Of whom susp. for non-pay't dues, 2 Members acquired by affiliation, 96 Members acquired by conferring third degree, . . 57 167 Dimitted members named in Dispensation, 4 " members acquired by affiliation, 20 " members acquired by third degree, 8 3 2 Died, 1 Suspended for non-payment of dues, 5 38 Present number in good standing, 129 Number of degrees conferred — 1st, 65 Number of degrees conferred — 2d, ... 60 Number of degrees conferred — 3d, . 57 ^182 Entered Apprentices received from other Lodges, 3 [ 8 ] Escurial Lodge. Summary of Finances from Organization to Nov. 18th, 1807. Received for degrees, 86,825 00 Received for dues, 3,333 56 Received for affiliation, 326 00 Received from sundries, 217 00 Amount due from members, .... 469 33 •Si 1,170 89 Amount of dues overpaid, . $ 44 25 Amount of expenditures, . . 9,824 93 9,869 18 Total assets November 18th, 1867, . $1,301 71 Of the present members, 123 reside in Virginia. a " " " 6 reside in the State of Nev. " a " " 2 reside in California. " " " " I resides in South America. " " " " 2 reside in Wales. [ 9] Historical Sketch. ^ 7 OJFF'IC&ftS. i «•» Mentioned in Charter, Oct. 1864, to Dec. 1865. George W. Hopkins, W.\ Master, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen, . . S.\ Warden, Columbus Walker, J.'. Warden, Erasmus W. Haines, > Secretaries. George D. Keeney, * Dec. 1865, to Dec. 1866. Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen, . . . W.\ Master, John G. Bloomer, S.\ Warden, Ellis H. Morton, J.'. Warden, Erasmus W. Haines, | Secretaries. George W. Hopkins, > Dec. 1866, to Dec. 1867. George W. Hopkins, W.\ Master, Samuel B. Ferguson, S.\ Warden, Hiram H. Conklin, J.'. Warden, John G. Bloomer, Secretary. Board of Trustees, 1867 and 1868. Thomas Parker, John Clay Hampton, Wm. A. M. Van Bokkelen. [io] SO £ vC vo" ^ vO „ _C £ \ V e i # 7 * £■> < S" < ai r\ O oo CO - X r\ •"• "* « * £ £ ££ VO VO **">VO vrj VO vo )P vo • )F vo 5 1 ~-j*— r " " » •»•«■> ,> r ^-^ r .* >■> >> *J • >-, >> >-, bo _• 'E to >. Du C -5 rt a S s < < 3 3 O fl 3 >5 £,< £ < < £, < £ x ^ r) vn i-i H ON O ^"1 O t-> r«~> «**"> r^. t--. 1 s H n rl nh m rt rl H « « m rl Q Q<^<<^<<<(^<^^^^C<< . d . ' • o X pq . e» . -a . * M J < X Q o ?• Z w B z~ * & § _, W W J 05 > z £ < w 05 55 o ?? H * £ ° « ^ > 05 « z ~ z ~ 1*) o o j ' 2 CU s ^ < z z J. s x Q w w ^ 05 c/T W P w z z g £ s os 5 O ~ < 05 j 2 « < * fc o z ^ « 05 a ° ; 05 < CQ j £ < s < < o o o d -; cq « * pQpqcQcqpQCQeQmcQpQeqeqpqeqsa •jaqiun^ U~> U-, _ o o> t^ r^ rooo vo t^- ^ « ^nasaaa 1-1 M co r< *o ^h vr> >-000 ON « m •aaqumji t-^oo u-> c* Koo ooo fl O >flM m vO t-^oo vo to . agpoq m rt M -. -+ ^ vriVO 00 t^OO OO h rt ^- -t /toll of Members <>/ I I O i° i° "3 !> !> ""• ^ £ S "tt f^ *4 £:' >^ > u t?" u >-> *- c- a, a, « -- o aj ^ S ^ o c«cflcfl< i — »Z Q on Q i — >C A 13 Mar., '66 A 24 Nov., '66 A " R 12 Jan., '67 QQ^<< « p, u > J * _ Z fc o« & U g c 05 < £ < Z OS 5? O X * SB O O C u u o o o u c < 2 2 .Si 1 5 o c Cook, Aaron .... Chapman, John .... commerford, michael Dunn, Thos. H. . . . Davis, Simon — (P. M.) Daley, Peter .... Durkee, John V. ■aaqinnx MOiimnx »8pon h«o m »"> ro m c ) o c > t+- M O C > vC O O ""< [■4] SggGSK--" •■-- -^aM f Escurial Lodge* % <*- ■g. X vO vO )p vO nC 5 » c a.3 > CU 3 a ?; 3 U £ £« 5 * C* oc oo oo i- 1 1 H rl cl r» ^ ^ ^-vo + ^^° r^ ^ ^ ^ K ? vOvOvo ^ fl ^c 5 1 ^C vO VO VO ^ vO P3 April, June, Oct., ' June, Nov., Aug., Oct., ' Nov., "* 1 co vO ^vO *f On rj- vO co OO tj- / = I < cl >-> c* n H n c* ri Q < & < < < < < e* rv/ j ' ' > ] « ' " I as <" 05 J 2 j U 05 < ft • J ^ s W ^ § ^^ J P ONAS C. AL, Mo , NiCHO fc £ KR, RDS, s, L ING, JSON TH, ERA Ge z z £ >■ - 1 2 J 1 < 5 S 2 3 & S tf w w z < afe5l W uq W W 05 W £> as 05 u O W J < W O U < U- U, U. i i u. u. w w c 05 Q5 S ooo •;, ■jaqnniK f^NO ON ON vO HO OnnO co rj- C*1 ') }U3S0.IJ ON M N O H vo w> c< co r* oo •aaqmnjj r~> O co O On On r^ r^OO r^OO lo co On <*■ ') aSpoq M ►-> C* CO Cn r» co oo oo unvo rj> U~l M V ^ 1^ [ ■5] jP w$k dh--..-^-. — .-..ys(^)«m g@y" /So// of Members of sO vO so >° S V ~ 5>* c/3 i — jUh Z N fl f) H ^^^^ vO vO ^ ^ vO ► 'O < S ta Q < < hi o •<*■ Tt" H ON w ro mh m h n m h < ^c QQ^^<- >- S5 5 < < < %v6 *&< l W I h " W « < Q O < - J Z W g •— jO* 2 « W . r 05 ,. o < rr <: ta £ sT H s ^ ^ * h 3 2 . S £ £ £ as J o > 2 2 os J g as =j < D < < W < X X S X X X X ff\fl N H M d ro rj- O OOO w ONOO ON rl ^hoo ON O O rt i^ TJ- in -i m^- ro O w-iso i-i r< rl cou~>sO jp K ~ --**» JE?scui -ial J. ()(/(/(. .1 vO vO VI VO vo ;, i I -C oT OJ ,' ■? § rs c c § * S 3 3 •< ?. m rt ro a * rt rt ** ) 5 ji tJ- u-) r^ t~^ *3" <+ w-u^TvO NO VO so t^ ^ u-i «J-i ; 5 S ^O VO vo vO ^p^OvC.r'vOVOvOvOvONO VO vo B ca £-o r c r if a- n,-* o rt 3 aj u "9, °- ■si 1 S£^£ Ji^^ r^-txj vO ro tJ- •"*- on •; "" a mnOO rt^M^rt rl H m • C* < < < tftf<<< o w •jaqumjj r^ <«*■ O <-i OO rovo mvO ff\N h W-: }uo»o.ia n OO O rt rt ro ^VD tsvo oo •-« rt / •jaqran^i vo O ""> rt tJ-"«0 r^vo rt on v. t^oo on ON "*■ fc a8poq H ^-h M [•7] CO rfr- *Roll\of Members of sO "-*">. ■ = v© so SO >. Cu rs o i o > s d c< ** 5 £ £ * -so so t^ r^ 5 SO SO SO so ,. rz *■< cv T\ o o 1 ^ c fa fc c * S = 1 < ^ C^ < 0$ ■ a&ct&c4 >ge, Geo. . , Harris F. >avid M. . "rank .... rt, C^sar A. S. I, Ellis H. . nt, Stephen D. . LBERT. II, Joseph . ISADORE . ISADORE Leopold . , Andrew . ', John W. . ., Samuel H. . . A y Nathaniel . jhlin, Tames P. . » E w ° : z £ > z I < W O < S3 •jaqutnM to rj- On r* •jaqiun.vi f)8poq to ro rj- so »o |< S «« of I 5'S 3 5 1 < E. << rJ C*> * LO i a M M r< r* 3- i^ ON i— IN — vO * w * M ? tioll of Members of u~ sC VC VC vd ^ * s c >^ c 9 3 s 3 1*1 «-n rJ s m rl rl ' : £ £ C/5 vO vo f~^ ■ i° ^ i° ^vO so VO *o vo vo >0 VO vO vo vo ^ &. H cL j * x u" ^ r r u u «5 r£ «S 3^ rt U 3 3 June, April, Tune, 2 « i? u c/: Q en S M f) OO ao \0 u-i un H u-i r*->oc c< <4" O H < cl rt rt t* H >■« rl fl rl ■* cl rl < << <&<&<&<&< u * = E < Q5 Q- CU CU •jaqointf ^ O tf ! \ vO ft. < & i 6 Sept., '66 23 Feb., '67 4 May, '67 27 July, '67 28 Sept., '67 26 Oct., '67 23 Nov., '67 ^ U^VO ^ VO k vO vc vo i° vO vo J- J >. s. bo *J _• ^o3, < o£ ^ to el rj-vo to ~ r* t* H H p< < c4 < <<<<< < ffj < < < < < H — Spier, Wm. J. Stout, Alfred H. . Scott, Peter H. . . Skerry, Daniel Scribler, Rudolph . Stewart, Robert M. G. Strasser, George Sherlock, David C. Symons, Henry . . . Titus, Fred. J. Thomas, Alex Tritle, Fred. A. Tamkin, Henry Taylor, Rob't H.— (P.M Tuttle, Cephas . Thomson, Neil .... vo 00 On 11 M H O *-> «J~> CO c* U-iVO to rt w vi uovo On Maqmnji r* O O «"> On H co rj- wi u~>vO vo VO 1 ^MTf woo 1 •^- W-iOO OO ON ON rl '';:""/ Ttoll of Members of ££ £ > VO VO >£, sb - 1 1 «2 J2 § fr ° "§ ^ °- © C 3 1 — 1 5 < O f>00 OO C7s r<-> O f^ r«"> 2n & & o <<&<&<&<< < 5 < -i w M « z S & . X u h §s CO I „ u X > y ° o < 1 a| . 12-1* Ofc^ z°| H g < E < ■ CO z~ < a o < a x > >> £•£££»£&££££ •aaqranx a8poq H * 1/-. [22] Escurlal Lodge, F F L L () W CRA F TS : Libbey, Daniel C. Letterer, Leonhard, Henry, John e x t f h f i) i r r it f ntic f s . *Brodie, John S. Chapman, Samuel Chamberlin, — Haas, David James, Rich Myrrick, Joseph P. Scheel, Hermann J. T. Stover, Samuel * Died 21st Doc. !*»>«. [»3]