GIFT OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF WAR HARRIETT*: AUGUSTA CURTIS5, F. 0. 15 2t rid F. HOMER CURTISS B. 5., U. D., F. 0. 15 Secraton? of ' ilLife (irfeer of (Hfnattaw JEgsttcB Authors of "The Voice of Isis," "Letters from the Teacher,' "Th Soiuwllets SourrfJ, -* > - *3" ^-e-^-*-e^_ : UltlltUIIIIIUIllllltllWIUnillUIIHIIIUIIIlllRmWIIIK.IHHUWIIUHinimfltWMIM^Kii - HOURS 'OINTMENT ONLY F. HOMER CURTISS, B. S., M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURttfcON SUITE BLACK BUILD? Nfc ^GELtS, CAL. THE PHILOSOPHY OF WAR &$ HARRIETTE AUGUSTA CURTISS, F. 0. 15 and F. HOMER CURTISS, B. S. ( M. D., F. 0. 15 Secretary? of %&tyt rfor rrf (Eljrtstum ^gstics Authors of ''The Voice of Isis," "Letters from trie TeacKer," "TKe Soundless Sound," Etc. PRIQH ,2 Published by THE CURTISS BOOK CO. Los Angeles and San Francisco London Agents: 7, Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, E. C. Copyright Irp F. HOMER CURTISS, M. D. 1914 Permission to copy given to those who give due credit. THE PHILOSOPHY OF WAR PART I. THE WAR "The world is a field of battle where liberty strug- gles with inertia by the opposition of active force." Transcendental Magic, Levi, 31. "It is only by the attractive force of the contrasts that the two opposites Spirit and Matter can be ce- mented together on Earth, and, smelted in the fire of self-conscious experience and suffering, find themselves wedded in Eternity. This will reveal the meaning of many hitherto incomprehensible allegories, foolishly called 'fables.' " The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, Vol. II, 108. The chaotic conditions now existing in Eu- wbu rope have elicited many questions from our War* students, especially those in European coun- tries, as to the mystical meaning and the phi- losophical reason for the apparent necessity for war, and why it is permitted by a God of Love and Wisdom. In other words, What is the reason for and the place of war in the Cosmic Scheme or the Grand Plan of the Universe? This lesson is an attempt, in a few paragraphs, to outline asnd make com- prehensible a stupendous subject whose roots go deep into the beginnings of manifestation. For the War is an expression of cosmic law. 3 It is an axiom in occult philosophy that Divine til Realities there can be no manifestation without dual- ity, no shadow without its Reality. In philos- ophy everything that manifests descends from above, its expression on earth being but the shadow or reflection of a Reality in the higher realms. u St. Paul . . . called our World, 'the enigmatical mirror of pure truth/ and St. Gregory of Nazianzen corro- borated Hermes by stating that: 'Things visible are but the shadow and delineation of things that we cannot see.' . . . 'All that is on earth, saith the Lord (Ormazd), is the shadow of something that is in the superior spheres.' . . . It is an eternal combination, and images are repeated from the higher rung of the Ladder of Being down to the lower . . . the lower 'mir- ror' disfiguring the image of the superior 'mirror.' ni And the Zohar also holds strong- ly to the idea that everything manifested in the Universe is the shadow of the Eternal Light or Deity, separated by the prism of Matter into its seven rays, each with its dual principle of light and shadow. Of what, then, is war on earth the shadow? l The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, Vol. II, 280. 4 The first emanation from the Absolute coming into manifestation necessarily had its positive and negative aspects or poles, Spirit and Substance. From the very dawn of the going forth of the Manifested from out the bosom of the Unmanifested, the state of per- fect equilibrium was disturbed and the mighty urge toward union and a restoration of the primordial equilibrium came into man- ifestation. It is this urge toward the resto- ration of the Projected to its Source, the call of the Spirit to Matter, the Father to the Son, the Heavenly Man to the human, the Higher Self to the lower personality, that is the cause back of all war, all desire, hence back of all evolution. For only in a union with its Cause can the Cycle of Necessity be ended, the desire be satisfied and become one with the Will of the Father, the War ended and the evolution be completed. But the impelling Force which caused the Outgoing or downward arc of the projection into Manifestation resists the Indrawing power or upward arc of Realization which is necessary to complete the At-one-ment. This resistance to the uplifting, dematerial- izing and indrawing force constitutes and is 5 the basic principle back of all reflections or inertia phases of the War. In the physical world this resistance is expressed as the war between Matter Spirit and Matter; the resistance due to the density and inertia of Matter to the unfold- ment and expression of the Spirit which, with the descent of the Light, clothed itself in Matter that it might evolve up through it and by so doing spiritualize it and return it to its primordial state. It is the inability of the lower vibrations of Matter to respond to the higher vibrations of Spirit until, through the subliming and etherializing process which results from the friction thus engendered, Matter becomes finer and more plastic and thus more responsive to the expressions of Spirit. Hence in all cosmogonies, " 'There were many Wars,' all referring to the strug- gles of adjustment, spiritual, cosmical and astronomical, but chiefly to the mysteries of the evolution of man, as he is now." 2 The point we wish to emphasize is that these "wars" are all necessary factors in the ad- justment which must occur ere the close of any and every cycle. "There are accounts of three distinct Wars 2 S. D., Vol. I, 215. to be traced in almost every cosmogony. The first War happened in the night of time, be- War tween the Gods and the (A) -suras, and eoyc lasted for a period of one Divine Year." 3 Thus the War began with the "War in Heaven" or the resistance of certain expres- sions of the Godhead to carrying out the Divine Will; again the resistance of the lower to the higher Will. This is far more than merely an expression of the Sun-Myth or the personification of the forces of nature, the war between Light and Darkness. For the various versions of the Sun-Myth are but al- legories expressing the cosmic principle of the resistance of Matter to the expression of Spirit, whether it be represented by the Chris- tian Michael, the Angel of the Sun, slaying the Apocalyptic Dragon; Horus, the Egyp- tian Sun-god, slaying Typhon, the Dragon Apophis; Hercules strangling the Python in his cradle or u Phoibos-Apollo, the Greek Helios, the Sun, 'the Light and Life of the World' . . . who at the moment of his birth asks for his bow to kill Python, the Demon Dragon." They all symbolize the eternal struggle for light, progress and evo- 3 Ibid, Vol. I, 451. A Divine Year is 360 times a Day of Brahm (4,320,000,000 years). 7 lution which constitutes the war between the Light of Wisdom and the Darkness of Ignor- ance; between unselfishness and selfishness; the good of the whole and the ambitions of the few; between civilization and barbarism; between the Angel of Peace and the Dragon of Material Force embodied in Militarism; between Right and might, etc. The second great phase of the War, as reflected in humanity, occurred at the creation of man, when the resistance set up by the de- sires of the lower to the Will of the Higher was exemplified in the struggle which took place between the Lunar and Solar Fathers. Occult philosophy teaches that the physical body or animal man was projected as a "shadow" or was "created" by the Hier- archy of the Lunar Fathers. 4 But the "man" so created was but a human animal without intellect or the spark of self-con- sciousness; he had not yet become "a living soul." As soon as the human animal had been perfected the Hierarchy of the Solar Fathers called "Sons of Mind" projected into that animal form a "Ray" of themselves which became the Divine Spark, .the individ- *For The Origin of Man, see chapter xvii in The Voice of Isis, Curtiss. 8 ual, immortal Spiritual Ego or, as the Bible puts it, they: "Breathed into his nostrils the ^ 8in Breath of Life (breath always being a sym- Suffer. bol of Spirit) ; and (only then) man became rn * a living (immortal) Soul." 5 Man was thus the product of two distinct lines of creative forces, a semi-terrestrial and a Divine; just as a mother brings forth (creates) the terres- trial body of her child, yet has nothing to do with making it u a living Soul." With the incarnating of the Spirit and the lighting of the spark of self-consciousness in man this second phase of the War began, i. e. y the ef- fort of the spiritual Solar Fathers, through the incarnated Ray or Real Man, to control and guide the animal man, to the end that he might respond to the higher law or Divine Will. The control of the Lunar Fathers had been through instinct and did not admit of the power of choice, while the control of the Solar Fathers was and is through the free- will choice of man, even though through his refusal to choose the higher guidance he cre- ates the suffering by which he learns the wis- dom of that choice. The struggle was brought about, therefore, by the resistance offered by ^Genesis 11, 7. the animal instincts and the desires of the senses to voluntarily submitting to the uplift- ing and spiritualizing control of the Divine Will of the Real Man or Father-in-heaven. Origin In the mental world the War manifests as the resistance of the Intellect to the promptings of Intuition; the temporary re- fusal of the Head to obey the promptings of the Heart. Until the self-conscious stage of man was reached the resistance was more or less passive or the resistance of inertia, but with the dawn of free-will and the power of choice the resistance became active and the element of antagonism was added to the inertia. Although the light of self-conscious- ness and the development of the Intellect was the direct result of the incarnating Spirit gradually evolving an adequate instrument by means of which it could relate itself in con- ciousness to the conditions of material mani- festation and through which it could express itself in such conditions, as soon as the spark of Divine Mind burst into the flame of self- consciousness, the human animal thus awak- ened to itself but as yet unable to recognize its Divine Parent placed Intellect upon the throne as the source of its highest guidance. 10 St. Paul refers to this phase of the War when he says: "Whenl would do good (i.e., officc follow the Intuitions from the Higher Self), of the behold evil (or the desires of the lower man) /nte//e ' is present with me." It is the War between Higher and Lower Manas or the resistance of the human or intellectual consciousness to the Illumination and guidance of the Divine. And this phase of the War will continue in man until, by the subliming and spiritualizing process due to the friction ( suffering) en- gendered, the Intellect will admit that it is but the creature and instrument, and must become the willing servant, of the Real Man or Higher Self, to translate the Inspiration of the Spirit into terms of human conscious- ness which shall enable the human personal- ity consciously to follow the Divine Guid- ance. Of all creatures man alone has within him both the Higher Mind the embodied Ray from the Divine Mind and also the Lower Mind which is synthesized by the ani- mal soul and has its highest expression through Intellect. Hence man is the Arbitra- tor, for he can reach up and comprehend God and also reach down into the animal consciousness and comprehend the resistance 11 of matter and the views and arguments of the Lower Mind. By the creative power of his thought he cw* e leaves the impress of his stage of evolution upon all the lower kingdoms. For just as the War in heaven was reflected in man, so has man reflected the War that is going on within himself, upon the lower kingdoms. So it is through man, who has stamped the impress of his imperfections the incomplete stage of his spiritual unfoldment upon ani- mal, vegetable and mineral as antagonism, hatred, disease and death, that the curse has been fulfilled: u Cursed is the ground for thy sake, . . . thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee ; ... in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground (his Source) ; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return." 6 Look- ing at the War as symbolized by this so- called curse, with the eye of Spirit we see that this curse contains a prophecy of the end of the War, i. e. y the ultimate victory of the Spiritual over the mere animal man. Only that which is made of cosmic dust or Matter ^Genesis II, 7. 12 can be cursed by man's disobedience to the ^ Divine Will. In other words only that which 'Promise man received from his Lunar ancestors his physical, astral and desire bodies can be said to be made of "dust" or the unredeemed matter of former world-periods 7 which formed the chaos into which the spiritual Light descended at the beginning of this cos- mic Day of Evolution. Hence the so-called curse may be turned into a blessing, since it assures us that ultimately all that is dust (matter) will be returned to its Source at the end of the War, but with the results of man's higher spiritual understanding of the great mystery of transmutation or redemp- tion impressed upon it. The curse also tells us in a few cryptic words that the cause of the War is the effort of Spirit to redeem (literally "buy back" or return to its Source) Matter. Perhaps the position of man in this great struggle can be better comprehended if we consider an earthly simile. In an earthly war only one who has had experience on both sides or who is so gifted that he can enter fully and understandingly into the point of 7 See The Voice of Isis, Curtiss, Chapter XXIV. 13 jttan v * ew ^ both combatants, is fitted to become an Arbitrator. In the mighty war between Arbar a . Spirit and Matter man is such an Arbitra- tor; for he can, if he will, reach up into the Spiritual Consciousness and comprehend the Divine Plan of Redemption, the power of the Spiritual Consciousness to uplift the ani- mal consciousness; can grasp the reality of the transmuting power of Divine Love, and understand that only through the reign of the Heart can there be peace; for the Intel- lect, when its dominance is insisted upon, can only prolong the War. He can also make his Intellect a powerful servant which can descend into the most microscopic details of Matter and understand the point of view and the cause for which the lower man fights. Through the Light of Intuition he can ascend into the higher realms and grasp the macro- cosmic details of the Grand Plan and realize that through Intellect alone he can never cor- relate with the Spirit of that which the In- tellect has discovered. Thus from his posi- tion as Arbitrator he can not only look down into the suffering, misery and crime created by the resistance of the selfish animal desires, but can also see how only through the spirit 14 of Love and Harmony and through Obe- dience to the guidance of the Spirit can man Remol and nature be redeemed and the curse be re- moved. The victories of the lower mind are precipitated in its home-world, the physical consciousness, as mental and emotional storms, while the victories of the Higher Mind are accumulated in its home-world as so much added power of the Spirit to mani- fest on earth both for the individual, the Race and the planet The War between the Higher and Lower Selves therefore began when the child of the Lunar Fathers became also the child of the Solar Fathers. Hence we find throughout all myth and allegory the frequent reference to wars between the Sun-gods and the Moon- gods or between the Priests of the Sun and the Priests of the Moon. And in the early races, when the Sun-gods u walked and talked with men," that is, when through their Divine Incarnations as great Spiritual Teachers, the Sun-gods taught the intellectually infant hu- manity the principles of all arts, sciences and philosophies many of which are today tem- porarily lost because of the present wave of materialism the great mass of the Race was 15 unable to respond to that higher guidance except for a short time, and there arose a division into two groups, the smaller of which still followed the Divine Teachers, and the larger which followed the call of sense gratification and selfishness represented by the Priests of the Moon-god. As Eliphas Levi says: u Men grew weary of the light, took refuge in the shadow of bodily sub- stance ; the dream of the void, which is filled by God, soon appeared to be greater than God himself in their eyes and thus Hell was created." The third great phase of the War there- Havana fore manifested on earth in the terrible strug- gle which took place at the close of the Fourth or Atlantean Race between Rama, the first of the Divine Dynasty or Solar Kings of the early Aryan Race, and Ravana, the leader of the scorcery-working Atlanteans. As The Secret Doctrine tells us 8 : "With the Fifth, our own Race, the Lunar-solar wor- ship divided the nations into distinct, antago- nistic camps. It led to the events described eons later in the Mahabharatan War." 9 Whether we take this in its historical aspect *S. D., Vol. I, 426. 16 or as a legendary reference to the escape of the Aryans from Atlantis ; as Moses leading 1 ' the Children of Israel out of Egypt; as the w*raoh escape of the higher faculties from the bond- age of the senses, or purely as an allegorical expression of the Sun-Myth, in each instance we have a leader who represents the Divine Dynasty or Light, Progress and Evolution the upward and indrawing power which is the cause of all evolution, civilization, progress and who always leads his followers in tri- umph over the hosts of opposition, which are inevitably swallowed up in the sea. In the Bible account this leader is called Moses, the Law-giver, while in the individual those fac- ulties which choose to follow the Divine Law become the u chosen people." By following the Divine Guidance they are led out of the bondage of the senses and escape from the power of King Desire, 10 represented by Pharaoh. But King Desire is loath to let them escape him and pursues after them, 9 "This served as a prototype ... for the Western na- tions to build their War of the Titans upon. . . . The War of the Titans is but a legendary and deified copy of the real war that took place. . . . It is the record of the terrible strife between the 'Sons of God* and the 'Sons of Shadow* of the Fourth and Fifth Races. It is on these two events . . . that every subsequent national tradition on the subject has been .-milt." S. >., Vol. II, 525. 10 See lesson on King Desire, Curtiss. Sent free on request. 17 who only to be swallowed up in the waters o: Mu3t the Great Sea, even as the hosts o: Ravana were swallowed up by the sinking o: Atlantis. Therefore in all wars, on even plane of manifestation, the forces which rep resent the Sun-god; which fight for progress enlightenment, civilization, the Brotherhooc of Man and of Nations; which truly figh on the side of St. George against the Dragon must ultimately win, for they become chan nels through which the constructive, uplift ing and spiritualizing currents of the Cosmi< Forces can find expression and manifest or earth. As we have already said, before any cycl< can close and the circle return to its primor dial state of equilibrium, everything that per sistently stands in the way and prevents th< manifestation of Divine Will, or the Idea of that particular cycle; everything that re sists the indrawal and union; that refuses t( respond to the higher vibration or key-not< of that cycle, in other words which refuse: to be redeemed, must be wiped out of th< path of that closing cycle and make way fo] the manifestation of the new. Therefon there must be a great adjustment at the clos< 18 of every cycle, whether it be of Race, sub- race, nation or individual. If the cycle is suf- QH it ficiently advanced to permit the adjustment / to be made by responding to the Law of **' Harmony expressed through Love, Toler- ance, Brotherhood and Unselfishness, wheth- er of individuals, nations or Races, then there need be no war, for the resistance has been overcome. But if the resistance to the Divine has built up such a mass of inharmony (evil) that the spiritual force of that cycle is not sufficient to redeem it, then the adjust- ment must come as a physical precipitation of the stored up inharmony, through the avenue of physical conflict or war; just as a cloud which is so saturated with moisture that the sun cannot absorb (redeem) it must be preci- pitated as rain, hail or snow ere the light of the sun can manifest on earth. In the physical body the War is expressed through certain storms of bodily inharmony, illness or disaster which sweep over those who are endeavoring to follow the Higher Guidance and striving to "live the life." When the ideal of a higher life is set up by the consciousness, it sounds a new and higher key-note throughout the body. Those atoms 19 The which can respond answer the call and follow War the new Law-giver and are led out of bond- " j* age into the freedom of a new cycle or expres- sion of Life. While in those atoms which belong wholly to the old dispensation, which have fulfilled their mission and are not suf- ficiently evolved to take on the higher vibra- tion and enter the new cycle, the resistance to the higher call is so great that it brings on the War in which they are vanquished and sloughed out of the body through a cleansing cataclysm of illness which, while it leaves the body temporarily devastated and weak, has nevertheless cleared the field of opposition and prepared for the manifesta- tion of a higher expression of Life. Strife and war among nations are simply evidences of inharmony and sickness in the body of humanity; an effort of the body pol- itic to slough out those atoms which refuse to respond to the higher key-note of civiliza- tion that is struck by the more advanced con- ceptions of Harmony, Brotherhood and Co- operation among nations. 11 War may be H The atoms thus sloughed out are not the individual lives sacrificed in war, but are the false ideals of selfish isolation and is a 20 individual aggrandizement regardless of others, that obstruct th< upward evolution of humanity as a whole. likened to the cruel lancet of the surgeon which opens a festering boil. It causes tem-y/ Wmate porary suffering and bloodshed, but it per- mits the escape of the mass of inharmony and corruption which, if retained, would poison the entire body. And no real healing can take place until the focus of infection is utterly wiped out. In the daily battles for poise, control and harmony which the individual begins con- sciously to fight as soon as he endeavors to follow a higher ideal, he may possibly find himself worsted in some of the skirmishes of the early stages, and evil and inharmony may accumulate until it can no longer be held back and must find physical expression for it is a well known principle of psychology that thoughts express themselves through their creators in terms of action, unless coun- teracted by opposite thoughts of greater power but no matter how many skirmishes are lost, if he persistently follows the Light of his highest Ideal, be it ever so primitive to others, it will lead him step by step to ulti- mate victory. If he finds himself facing such an outbreak, it means that he has created more inharmony or evil than his present stage 21 of spiritual unfoldment is able to transmute, hence the precipitation. In the mental world the outlet will be found through the emotions. The expres- Emotion sion of these emotions becomes a storm which sweeps away the control of those who open the door of their minds through irritation, impatience, anger, jealousy, envy, animal de- sires, etc., and leaves them devastated, yet relieved and ready, in the next time of trial, for an encounter which shall be more suc- cessful, in proportion to the effort made to conquer in the past. This, however, should not be made an excuse for giving way to emo- tional excitement of any kind, for a strong effort should always be made for control and peace, i. e. y to transmute inharmony and turn its perverted forces into constructive and use- ful channels. But if a storm should gather and burst, be ready to set a higher standard and a greater degree of achievement in the period of reconstruction. The War is also reflected in the terrible struggles through which the candidate for Mastery must pass during his Initiation; the struggle of The Christ within to slay the dragon of self; the Guardian Angel to slay 22 I the Dweller on the Threshold. It is also exemplified in the resistance of humanity to H QS new or higher spiritual teachings; the misun- /?e ^ /on derstanding, misrepresentation, condemna- tion, slander, persecution, final crucifixion but ultimate triumph, through which every Light- bearer who comes to humanity has to pass. From the principles outlined above it will be seen that the wars among nations which make for enlightenment, civilization, free- dom, the independence of each nation and the general advance of mankind, are not evi- dences of the failure of civilization or the failure of the particular religion which pre- vails at the time. They are but skirmishes in the War; expressions of the Cosmic Law of adjustment called Karma, by which that which is created by mankind must be faced and redeemed; that which is sown must be reaped. There must be periodic manifesta- tions of the War as long as Matter resists Spirit; as long as barbarism resists civiliza- tion; civilization resists the Brotherhood of Nations; industry resists co-operation; mate- rialism resists altriusm and idealism, in short, as long as any phase of manifestation resists the call of the Divine. But the conflicts should 23 grow fewer and fewer and the periods of peace be more and more prolonged in each succeeding upward cycle, until the Golden Age of the Seventh Great Race of man 12 is reached; until we return again to the rule of the Divine Kings the u Sons of God" as the Bible calls them among men, not as parents ruling over children, as in the beginning, but as Elder Brothers or Senior Partners whose experience and wisdom we gladly accept and follow. The great lesson to be learned from the War is that it is a very real and personal issue with each awakened Soul who has awakened to the call of the Divine and donned the armour of The Christ and be- come a Soldier of the Cross. Each Soul is judged at the close of each life-cycle by the sum total of how much it has overcome, how much of the lower self it has illumined by the higher spiritual consciousness. And strange as it may seem to some, evolution in man is gauged by how successfully he has fulfilled his mission as Arbitrator between Spirit and matter, between the higher kingdoms and the lower, giving to each its rightful place 12 See The Voice of Isis, Curtiss, Chapter XV. 24 while he himself stands calm and unmoved in the midst of the War, confidently know- ing that back of all the turmoil, inharmony and strife are u the everlasting arms" of Di- vine Love and that the true Peace is ever hov- ering, like the Breath of God, over the seem- ing chaos. It is man, therefore, responding of his own free-will to the guidance of the Divine, Man who must bring about u Peace on earth, good <$l/ee will toward men," and not the dictates of an er arbitrary Being who imposes his Will upon a helpless humanity. Hence there is not a single man or woman who cannot be an ac- tive factor in bringing the Golden Age of Love, Peace, Harmony and Brotherhood into manifestation the sooner, through the controlling of thoughts, words and emotions, and by overcoming his or her resistance, and responding more and more understandingly and gladly, to the upward urge of the Divine. Written September 30, 1914. 25 THE PHILOSOPHY OF WAR PART II. THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON "To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot harken: behold the word of the L/ord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it." Jeremiah, VI, 10. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the whole earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. . . . And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." Revelation, XVI, 13-16. The literal meaning of Armageddon is u on the heights" or u on high/' and in this sense it is used to designate the invisible re- alms of the astral-plane. The hosts which are gathered to this great battle are the hosts of the accumulated thought-forms of lust, greed, envy, hate, selfishness and unbrother- liness engendered by the wrong thinking of humanity from the beginning, as well as the results of their evil words and deeds, all of 26 which are ever seeking expression through their creators. Jeremiah specifically refers to these forces as causes when he says: u Hear, O earth : behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, be- cause they have not hearkened unto my words, nor my law, but rejected it." 1 During this battle all the stored up evil must have a focus through which it can pour itself out upon the lowest or physical-plane where its precipitation will end the cycle of its mani- festation, adjust the Karma and permit the good aspect of the forces involved to be ex- tracted, just as ore is crushed or melted that the gold may be extracted. Hence, while many are referring to the present European conflict as Armageddon, the meaning of the word shows that the present war is but one reflection or outpouring on earth of the real battle that has been raging in the higher realms. These forces have accumulated because, during the childhood of the Race the Mas- ters of Wisdom and the Rulers of the sub- races have held them back until the Race grew strong enough to bear them upon its ^Jeremiah, VI, 19. 27 own shoulders ; grew up as it were. But the Race has now grown up. The cycle is closing and the time for the adjustment is at hand. "Therefore I am full of the fury of the Lord (Law) ; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together." 2 The working out and adjustment of these karmic forces must take place at the close of each Race, and in a lesser degree at the close of each sub-race. This adjustment precipi- tates the great race wars which are followed by the cataclysms which mark the close of sub-races and Races; for every particle of matter composing the Race-continents, as well as every particle in the body of individ- ual man, must have its own individual bal- ancing, purification, readjustment and ulti- mate redemption. The last great Armageddon occurred just before the sinking of the continent of Atlan- tis, at the close of the cycle of the Fourth Great Race (Atlantean). "This hints at the struggle between the 'Sons of God' and the Sons of the Dark Wisdom our forefathers; or the Atlantean and the Aryan Adepts. The nm, vi, 11. 28 whole history of that period is allegorized in DMn the Ramayana which is the mystic narrative #' in epic form of the struggle between Rama - the first king of the Divine Dynasty of the early Aryans- and Ravana, the symbolic per- sonification of the Atlantean (Lanka) Race. The former were the incarnations of the Solar Gods; the latter, of the Lunar Devas. This was the great battle between Good and Evil, between White and Black Magic, for the supremacy of the divine forces over the lower terrestrial, or cosmic powers." 3 The sinking of the continent of Atlantis which followed was the balancing of the accounts of the entire Fourth Race. It was a neces- sary preparation (through the purifying ac- tion of the salt water) of the continent for a future Race. The survivors, those who were sufficiently spiritualized, awakened and obe- dient to follow their Divine Rulers, were picked out, separated and trained by the Masters long before the sinking of the con- tinent, and became the seed of the present Fifth (Aryan) Great Race, just as some are now being chosen and trained for a similar function. 3 The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky, Vol. II, 520. 29 Ere this present Fifth Race ends and we are now just entering upon its sixth sub-race 4 . a s ; m ;i ar adjustment of its Race Karma must take place. The great European war now raging offers a focal point through which the Karma of the fifth sub-race of the Aryans can be precipitated on the physical-plane and adjusted. Europe is the focal point because it was in Europe that the greater part of that Karma was engendered, i.e., through the many bitter political wars which drenched its soil in blood; through the sectarian wars car- ried on in the name of the Church, but which perverted religion and made priest-craft a curse; and through the intolerance, selfish- ness, mental and spiritual blindness of the re- ligious leaders which manifesetd in the men- tal war which was finally culminated in the most inhuman persecutions the civilizied world has ever known the Inquisition. The present war is the beginning of the period which will mark the close of the Fifth Great Race. While this present conflict seems wholly evil, it is not entirely so for the Race; for not only will the old karmic debts be ad- justed and thus allow the contending nations to enter into a federation in which the inde- 4 See The Voice of Isis, Curtiss, Chapter XVII. 30 pendence of each nation or people will be guaranteed as brothers, some older, some younger, in the great social family and thus will prevent war for a long period and enter the new era with a clean slate as it were, but the war is developing in the Race as a whole, an enormous amount of the feminine quali- ties love, compassion, sympathy, devotion, unselfishness and service so necessary as the Race enters the Aquarian or Woman's Age, the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens. Among the contending nations the Eng- lish, French and Germans have reached the zenith of their cycles as nations and hence must be tested ere they can enter the new cycle. They are classed among the nations which represent the highest stage of civil- ization, culture, intellectual and material ad- vance on the planet today, but they must now prove the truth of their proud boasts; must prove whether their civilization and culture is the result of true spiritual growth or whether it is the mere veneer of intellectual and material attainment without correspond- ing spiritual unfoldment. Has their so- called advance in civilization brought their people into a greater realization of the spir- 31 ituat basis of all manifestation? Has it led them to strive for a more conscious commun- ion with the realms of spiritual consciousness as a daily personal experience? Has it taught them the folly of seeking to satisfy the ceaseless craving of the Soul for union with its Source, through the gratification of the senses or the possession of material things? Has their scientific study of the wonderful co-operation and brotherhood ex- isting among the cells, tissues and organs of every unit of organic life led them if for no other reason, as a matter of efficiency to follow the same law and express greater tol- erance, co-operation and brotherhood among themselves as members of the body of hu- manity? Have their studies led them to recognize the true position of woman as the Priestess of the household, to complement and co-worker with man; the spiritual head of the family, as man is the material; the inspirer and leader in all spiritual, ethical and moral problems? In time of emergency, stress and strain, when there is scarcely time for thought, will the culture of these nations enable them instinctively to display more love, compassion, self-sacrifice and human- 32 ity, simply because man is man, than the less cultured nations would under similar condi- tions? Or will they relapse to the level of the uncultured animal man who fights solely for self? This is the test which their civil- ization must stand. And those nations which show most conclusively that these high- er qualities have been built into their national consciousness must be the ones to dominate and manifest these qualities more perfectly in the world's arena during the coming cycle of the new age. The Slavonic nations, on the other hand, have not reached the zenith of their evolution, but are on the upward arc. Hence the more primitive qualities of their civilization may be used by the Great Law as instruments with which to accomplish the testing of the more advanced, and to make possible the inauguration of the new era. When the physical conflict is over a ter- rible mental revolt against all forms of re- straint, both in government and religion, will burst forth. It will be a period of extremes, extremes of individualism; a period when the opposition against all systematized or organ- ized spiritual teachings, which is even now manifesting under various doctrines of relig- 33 ious and so-called "soul freedom," will find extreme expression. It will be a period both of extreme agnosticism and extreme individ- ualistic teaching, when any fantastic theory, even without a rational or philosophic basis, will find a hearing and followers. At the same time there will be a strong feeling upon the part of those who cling to the old con- ceptions that it is their duty to humanity to enforce the old religious ideals. Hence all churches, orders, movements and societies professing a spiritual basis will on the one hand have radicals whose extremes will bring them into disrepute, while on the other hand they will have those who will laugh at, rid- icule, discredit, oppose and persecute them. And the same fire that has manifested as physical war will again sweep the world as a mental, spiritual and psychic conflict. It will be a time when all spiritual movements will be under a cloud, when spiritually u The brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son: and children shall rise against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death." Therefore it will be a period of great testing; a period when every heart who has realized the reality of 34 the spiritual world and its forces must be securely grounded in the philosophy, stand firmly and unshakably for his or her beliefs, even though to do so involves ridicule, perse- cution and mental suffering. For every sys- tem of teaching not founded upon the rock of divine reality and expressed in terms suit- able to the new conditions must pass away to make room for the new. These conditions will be so terrible that they will last only a very few years, perhaps only two or three, for we are told that "for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. . . . And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved." The only way that the "elect" can prove themselves is by their sincerity, their stead- fastness, their trust and their determination to hold calmly to their spiritual ideals and to rely absolutely upon their divine, inner guid- ance. Words and arguments will be of no avail. The truth of their beliefs can be proved only by living them. All such will be like bright and shining lights in this period of mental and spiritual darkness, or more cor- rectly, blindness. It will be at the close of this period that the long expected Great 35 Teacher, the Avatar, will appear to reassure distracted humanity of the spiritual basis of all manifestation and to outline a new and higher conception of the spiritual life and its forms of expression. The battles of the physical world are fought on the physical-plane with physical weapons, but the battle of Armageddon must j 3e f ou ght first upon the astral-plane with thoughts and psychic forces for weapons, the conflict now raging being but a pouring out of the evil and a gathering together of the forces of Good for the final battle on the higher planes. This battle has already be- gun, and it will continue throughout the sixth sub-race of this Aryan Great Race. Its prog- ress will be marked by tremendous disasters precipitated upon the physical-plane wars, earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions and meteoric showers, floods, etc. of more or less severity until the final battle and catacl- ysm in which the battlefield and the defeated army will be swallowed up and a new and purified land (the old Lemurian continent in the Pacific) shall rise out of the waters for the new Sixth Great Race to inhabit. The victors will remain as the seed of 36 the new race to people the new land. Just as these changes must take place for the planet, so must they take place in humanity through bloody wars, strikes and other con- flicts which will continue until all conflicts of man with man, and man's resistance to the Divine are swallowed up, and out of the waters of affliction there shall arise a new and greater humanity with true Brotherhood, Love, Peace and Harmony as its watchword. The time has now come when the accumul- ated mass of old Race Karma must be defi- nitely met and conquered ere humanity can enter upon the new sub-race, its next step in evolution. This, in a measure, is to the world what the Dweller on the Threshold is to the neophyte. And as with the neophyte before each important step is taken, it must be met and conquered. For just as the neo- phyte, through his evil thoughts, words and acts, has created an entitized form of evil his indiviual Dweller 5 so the planet has been pouring out its evils throughout its long cycle until they have become entitized as a u dark planet" with a living Ruler, the Anti- Christ. This planet may be called the Dwel- 5 See The Voice of Isis, Curtiss, p. 64. 37 ler on the Threshold for humanity as a whole. The astronomers of Harvard University Confirm* have already discovered the influence of this dark planet the Destroyer which, if en- countered, means the destruction of the earth. Astronomer Serviss is quoted as say- ing that the earth and this whole solar system has gone astray and is trailing off away from its path around the great sun Alcyone in the Pleiades, toward the constellation Andro- meda in the Milky Way. These are but as- tronomical confirmations of the fact that we have entered the sixth sub-race, and that the hosts are rapidly gathering for the great Bat- tle of Armageddon. The earth is being driven through space in this new direction by the character of the thought-force of its col- lective humanity. But there is another planet, not yet recognized by science, which is a bright planet the Redeemer to be drawn into whose aura means salvation. These two planets may be called the camping grounds of the opposing forces, with the earth be- tween as the battle ground. But back of and within the outer cause, as the propelling power, will be the preponderating force of 38 good or evil thoughts engendered by human- ity. Therefore the real battle is to be fought on the mental and astral-planes with thoughts and psychic forces, good and bad, as weap- ons, and later will be reflected and precipi- tated on and in the earth. Hence all ad- vanced students, who consciously determine to make Love, Brotherhood, Purity and Peace their standards of life, enroll them- selves among the Hosts of the Lord and be- come Soldiers of the Cross. The Dragon symbolizes the synthesis of the world's perverted thoughts of sex and is commonly called the Devil. The three un- clean spirits like frogs which come from his mouth symbolize the three great expressions of the dragon-force, i.e., (a) sex impurity, suppression and perversion; (b) the creation of disease by such perversion, and (c) insan- ity or psychic obsession resulting from astral entities -or individual Dwellers on the Thres- hold utilizing sensitive but negative victims through which they can satisfy their desires. The Beast is a symbol of Mammon or greed, expressing through the Money Power. The three evil spirits issuing from his mouth com- prise all the miseries and sorrows that arise 39 as a result of greed and injustice in their threefold expressions of (a) war, prosecuted for territorial or commercial expansion, stim- ulated and financed by the Money Power; (b) poverty, resulting from the unjust distri- bution of wealth, which distribution is con- trolled by the Money Power; and (c) all the train of evils resulting from bodily and indus- trial slavery. The False Prophet symbolizes all the false teachings which have been given out in the name of religion or spiritual teach- ing to justify and uphold both the Dragon and the Beast, but which have misled human- ity and held it back from manifesting Peace, Love and Brotherhood. From his mouth come forth the three frogs of (a) materialized religion, priestcraft and tem- poral power; (b) spiritual pride; and (c) in- tolerance and its handmaiden, religious per- secution. This pride, intolerance and perse- cution did not die out with the Inquisition, but is still active today. It is now directed not so much against the physical bodies of its victims, but is carried on mentally and psychicly through the slanders, scandal and malicious misrepresentation carried on through various publications and commonly 40 called u brutal journalism/' All these fac- tors, as the passage quoted plainly tells us, work for the King of this World, King De- sire and his allies and their cohorts. One of the first rules impressed upon the spiritual aspirant is that to attain at-one-ment fc by the path of Love and Purity he must lay F down all carnal weapons. Jesus emphasized this rule when He said to Peter: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." 6 Yet we find the disciple spoken of as a Soldier of the Cross and commanded to array himself as a fighting factor in the world's salvation. Jesus also said: "I came not to send peace, but a sword." 7 Behind this paradox lies a great truth, the understanding of which is necessary ere any decided con- scious advance in the spiritual unfoldment of either the individual or the Race can take place, i.e., the conquering must take place on the plane where the causes are engendered, and the weapons are Love and Purity. This means that thoughts of Love and Purity must be sent out in such numbers and with such positive spiritual force that they will sur- *Matth. XXVI, 52. 7 Matth. X, 34. 41 round and transmute the impure and antag- Howtc onistic forces, following the same tactics as the white warrior cells (phagocytes) of the blood use in meeting an invasion of disease germs, i.e., not deny the evil, but surround and transmute the evil into Good. The Voice of the Silence tells us: u Strive with thy thoughts unclean before they overpower thee. Use them as they will thee, for if thou sparest them and they take root and grow, know well these thoughts will overpower and kill thee. 1 ' 8 If you find them persistently clinging to you, send out an army of pure and loving thoughts to absorb and transmute them. Science recognizes the fact that, dur- ing epidemics of disease, the mere thinking and talking about the disease will make nega- tive persons more susceptible to it. This does not mean that all disease is merely men- tal, but that by negative thoughts you open a door in your aura through which the dis- ease can enter. This effect is still more evi- dent in moral epidemics and in the epidemics of war-thoughts which sweep over nations. Therefore the spiritual aspirant should lay down all carnal weapons or he will surely 8 Blavatsky f p. 12. 42 perish by the sword, overcome by the hosts of evil thought-forms he has drawn into his aura. Applied to warring nations this principle indicates that we should not waste time and force in specifically directing our prayers and thought forces to the European nations that they shall cease fighting, for they are acting under the tremendous urge of long pent-up karmic readjustment which must take place, and cannot respond to our prayers until after that karmic readjustment has been worked out. There is only one efficacious way to pray for peace and that is to pray that the Will of the Father shall be done on earth, even as it is in heaven. That Divine Will is Love, first, last and all the time. And having prayed thus believe and know that this Divine Love is back of the entire world of manifestation, and that it is ever working to bring about the reign of universal Love, Peace and Harmony, even though it be nec- essary to sweep from its path all that opposes that reign. The terrible conditions which pre- vail today are not the Will of the Father, but are the creations of man; the result of his resistance and opposition to the Divine Will; 43 crea ti ns f unbrotherliness, selfishness and greed, not altogether on the part of those instrumental in precipitating or now participating in the present conflict, but the accumulation of selfishness and greed of the Race, all of which must come up for adjust- ment now at the close of the cycle of the fifth sub-race or the end of the old dispensation, just as the rash must come out in measles, scarlet fever, etc., ere the real healing can begin. Therefore while you pray for the greater Peace, know that that Peace must first come in the hearts of the people of all the nations involved and of the whole world. Try not to think of individuals except in compassion, knowing that the Great Law will adjust their conditions in its own good time. Those who are dying for their ideals, even though those ideals be but of local patriot- ism and loyalty to an earthly ruler, are in a measure redeemers for the Race; for they are dying that the Race may be purged from the war-thought, the war-ideal and the curse of militarism. Hence in the next incarnation they will receive the just reward for their sacrifice. By their suffering and dying they have brought the world to a greater realiza- 44 tion of the utter folly and needlessness of war if the Divine Will were followed. By j their sacrifice they have wiped out much of ^ on the individual and racial Karma and will receive their compensation by being enabled to incarnate the next time under far more ad- vanced conditions of civilization than they could have experienced had they remained a few years longer in the present life. Send your forces of Love, Peace and Brotherhood into the higher realms where they will aggre- gate into a mighty force which shall swallow up all future thoughts of national selfishness and aggrandizement and be a powerful fac- tor in forming a federation of European na- tions on the grounds of common humanity and brotherhood which shall make it impos- sible for the ambitions or passions of a few to plunge nations into bloody and need- less conflicts, and which shall be an important factor in preparing for the coming of the Avatar. All persons who are sensitive have real- ized for some time that there is a terrible commotion in the mental and astral worlds which is now intensified by the physical con- flict going on in Europe and also by the 45 thousands of Souls suddenly thrown out of incarnation carrying with them all the excite- ment, antagonism and hatred which animated them as they fought. This composite force is like a tension or steady pressure upon all humanity tending to make all persons more irritable and excited. Therefore it is the duty of every advanced student to take spe- cial pains to see that he does not make an opening in his aura through which such forces can manifest by giving way to impa- tience, irritation and emotion or to partisan- ship and race antagonism. Instead he should consciously strive to make himself a center from and through which the constructive forces of Peace, Harmony, Love and Broth- erhood can radiate in his family and imme- diate environment and on out into all the world. Arrayed against the hosts of evil stand the thought-creations of Love, Harmony and Purity and upliftrnent of the Race sent out in a steady stream by the Lodge of Masters and by all Great Teachers since the world began, as well as by all who have been able to think vitalized thoughts of Love and Purity, Har- mony and Brotherhood. All humanity have 46 added and are still adding their quota to one side or the other. It is the destiny of the fifth sub-race to see the beginning of this great and decisive battle between Good and evil or, to be more explicit, between Purity and impurity. Hence it is time that all who desire the salvation of the Race and the planet should awaken to the grave conditions we have outlined herein, and determinately array themselves on the side of Good by sending their individual, pure and vital love- force to swell the Hosts of the Lord. For you cannot say a loving word or do a loving deed, even to an animal, without having a loving thought behind it. And every loving and peaceful thought adds strength to the Army of the Good. As the Christ says: "In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." The pure Hosts of the Lord are mustered in serried ranks according to natural law and order, while the forces of evil, being a per- version of nature and abnormal, are not or- ganized. A well known principle of warfare is that a small but well organized army can overcome a much larger force that is unor- 47 ganized. And as evil and impure forces are sent out by haphazard impulse they may be compared to an unorganized mob, while thoughts of Good, because they require will and effort, are consciously created, and can be gathered together by the Masters and formed into a well drilled, well disciplined and well officered army, always in good fight- ing condition. Good is stronger than evil be- cause it is constructive and works in harmony with the Great Law. The Masters of the Great White Lodge, altho small in numbers as compared with the multitudes of humanity, are, nevertheless, able to engender and consciously use a far greater degree of creative force on the side of Purity, Peace, Love and Brotherhood. But even They must work with the Law as Karma and may not forcibly prevent a Race or sub-race from experiencing its karmic ret- ribution and readjustment. But Their ef- forts, being consciously directed and wisely applied, weigh heavily in the scale. They do not act on the physical-plane however, except through Their disciples and those who re- spond to Their inspiring currents of force. Hence Their great need today of those who 48 will consciously make themselves centers of Peace, Purity, Harmony and Love and be ^ ecom more or less conscious instruments through a which They can work. They are the di- Helfier recting force, comparable to the officers of an army, but the disciples must consciously become willing volunteers who shall compose the great body of fighting units which the Masters shall train and direct. Therefore, instead of devoting all your efforts toward unfolding your faculties and developing your personality, set to work earnestly and con- sciously create warriors for the Army of the Lord to the end that not only the Race but the planet itself, shall be saved from destruc- tion. (Written May, 1909. Revised Sept. 30, 1914.) 49 The SOUNDLESS SOUND By the Same Authors "This is one of those truly delightful works which ap- peal forcibly to all who are seeking to penetrate below the surface of existence." Mystic Light Library Bulletin "The transcribers are clearly in touch with some fertile source of spiritual enlightenment." W. J. 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Mystic Light Library Bulletin "Another interesting contribution to the department of occult science." Portland Oregonian "The letters of advice, of which this book is nearly full, bear every mark of culture, of sincerity, and of a lofty thought." San Francisco Argonaut "The book is pervaded with the spirit of loving service. Every question receives a clear and careful answer which must have satisfied the enquirer." American Theosophist "There is no subject in the book that is not treated in a manner so interesting that it is hard to lay it down, but when the chapter on THE SEX PROBLEM is reached there is found some strong food for a strong man with a strong mind. The tone of the whole subject is Purity." Edwards Paul Jones "Its warnings against the dangers of psychism, and its frank and rational discussion of the sex question . . . are to be commended. Editor O. E. S. Critic "Every question receives a clear and careful answer." 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