VOCABULARY RHYMES ARRANGED ON A NEW PLAN REV. SAMUEL W. BARNUM * ASSISTANT EDITOR OP WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY (1847), EDITOR OF THE COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, SPECIAL EDITOR OF PRONUNCIATION IN WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, ETC. SECOND EDITIOI NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT PUBLISHED BY THOMAS R. BARNUM 1896 . Entered according to act of Congress, in the j'ear 1870, by SAMUEL W. BARNUM, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Copyright, 1904, by THOMAS K. BARNUM. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Inasmuch as a new edition of the Vocabulary of English Rhymes has become necessary in spite of the fact that during much of the time since its pub- lication comparatively little effort has been made to bring the work into general notice, it is proper to make a brief statement, such as the author would gladly have made before, in regard to the origin of the book. The late Leonard Case, Jr., of Cleveland, Ohio, Founder of the Case School of Applied Science, and a poet whose gift won wide recognition in his anonymously published "Treasure Trove," under- took to make for his friend, Dr. Alleyne Maynard of Cleveland, a rhyming dictionary * ' arranged without regard to spelling, but according to the vowel sounds in the accented syllables of the rhymes." The result of Mr. Case's labor was embodied in a beautiful manu- script volume containing perhaps half of the words in this present Vocabulary. He found difficulties in the details of arrangement, however, which he could not settle to his satisfaction, so he proposed to his college friend, Samuel Weed Barnum, that he should undertake to work out the idea. Mr. Barnum de- voted two years and a half to the work, Mr. Case paying him generously for his time, defraying all the 9841 11. PEEFAOE TO THE SECOND EDITION. expenses of publication, presenting the author with the books, plates, and copyright, but characteristic- ally insisting that his own connection with the mat- ter should be carefully concealed. This wish was scrupulously respected while Mr. Case lived, but now it is right to take this opportunity not only to acknowledge his share in the conception and execu- tion of this work, but also to make grateful mention of one of those generous acts with which he quietly filled his life. In this edition the few typographical errors which have been discovered have been corrected, but no attempt has been made to add the small number of words available for rhyming which have come into our language since the book was first published. It has been thought best on the whole to have more ample margins than before and a different binding. The unique binding and small page of the former edition were desired by Mr. Case in order to make as compact a volume as possible for pocket use. The test of experience during these years on the part of those best qualified to judge has seemed to prove true the claim made in the former preface, that this Rhyming Vocabulary is far better for its purpose than any other known work. THOMAS R. BARNUM. January 1O, 1896. PREFACE. In 1775 Walker's "Rhyming Dictionary" was published, and in 1791 his "Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language " appeared. For about half a century the latter was a leading authority in its department wherever the English language was spoken ; but it was long ago superseded both in the United States and in Great Britain. The "Rhyming Dictionary," however, of which the author's last revised edition was published in 1804, has now been for a century the only ex- tended and well-known work of its sort in our lan- guage. Originally published with definitions, it has also been abridged and published without them. Yet one may easily show that the attempt to use this dictionary for rhyming purposes must often be an utter failure. It says of itself : " As in other dictionaries words follow each other in an alphabeti- cal order, according to the letters they begin with, in this they follow each other according to the letters they end with." This principle of arranging the words solely according to their orthography makes it necessary to separate those which rhyme with one another, but are not spelled in the rhyming part with the same letters ; and again, to insert together words which end with the same letter or letters, but have little or no likeness in sound and no rhyming affinity. Thus "a," which stands at the very beginning, rhymes with "play," "obey," "prey," and other words scattered through the last fourth of the work, while "neigh" and words of like orthography are near the end of the first third; and so "die" is in iV PEEFAOE. the first fourth, but it rhymes with "eye" and "nigh" in different parts of the second fourth, and with "try" and "buy" near the end. Again, the first three words are "a," "baa," and "abba"; the last three are "mizzy," "whiz," and "buzz;" while almost every opening of the book will disclose words placed together, which have no closer relationship for rh} r ming than "be" and "babe, "or "valour "and "flour." One who knows just what he wants may find it in Walker's "Rhyming Dictionary"; but the unfortunate and weary versifier, who is at a loss for a word to rhyme with what he has, may find his own word (as "potato" or "fulgency") without another in the book to match it, or the desired word may have half the book between it and the word with which he starts, as in the case of "spite" and "right." It maybe added, that, if Walker's "Criti- cal Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor" is too meager and antiquated for the present day, the same is true of his "Rhyming Dictionary," which con- tains less than 30,000 words, hundreds and even thousands of them without any rhyming companion, and many others entirely obsolete, while other mul- titudes of words in good use can not be found in it at all. But on what principles should a new work in this department be constructed ? Should it have defini- tions, like Walker's own work? No: these would make it much more bulky and expensive, without any corresponding addition to its real value, so long as other excellent dictionaries are or maybe at hand. Should the words be arranged according to their rhyming adaptations or sounds? Certainly; but how ? The intricacies and differences in both orthog- raphy and pronunciation must be encountered and Somehow systematically settled or exhibited or ig- nored; authorities, often clashing with one another and sometimes inconsistent with themselves, must be consulted, compared, and allowed their due weight ; words must be obtained and disposed of, by varied research, examination, introduction, rejection, insertion with others, reference from others, &c.; and the work as a completed whole must be charac- terized by simplicity, uniformity, compactness, and practical utility. Such, in brief, have been the pro- cesses and the aim; the book itself as published brings before others the results. The degree of skill shown in the execution of its plan, and its value as exhibiting the analogies and structural forms of our language or as guiding through mazes of orthogra- phy and pronunciation, will, no doubt, be variously estimated : but it has certainly more than doubled and, in effect, by its references, perhaps quadrupled its venerable predecessor's number of words, dis- criminated the whole according to their adapta- tions for rhyming, and arranged them in groups where they can be readily found when they are wanted ; while it has, to a great extent, omitted ob- solete and rhymeless words, and added multitudes that are new and important, it has not intentionally rejected any that promise usefulness now; so that this Rhyming Vocabulary is confidently claimed to be far better for the particular purpose intended than any other known work. It will aid poets and versi- fiers, it is hoped, to do their work better and more easily; and thus it will assist in the cultivation of good taste and feeling, the improvement of litera- ture, the promotion of human welfare, and the glory of Him who is Lord of all. NEW HAVEN, CT., July 20, 1876. KEY TO THE KEY TO THE SOUNDS. In arranging words by their sounds, it seems best to regard one particular letter or character or com- bination of letters as standing for each particular sound; to select the characters, as far as needed, from Webster's Dictionary (quarto editions of 1804 and afterward); and to make the notation and ar- rangement as clear and simple as possible. The following Key shows the letters and characters used in the arrangement and their order. The letters here italicized in any one sentence are equivalents in sound, silent letters which are combined with the proper equivalents being italicized with them in or- der to represent more clearly to the eye the pronun- ciation and the general principle of arrangement by sound which is the characteristic of this Vocabulary. a [including e], as in mate, apparatus (?), mam, straight, gaol, may, pla^d, re, rein, eight, prey, pr<^d, break, gauge, dengM? ; French fete, charge? , e\eve, crochet, ay, as in sommeil (?), Isa/ah (see y). In verbs ending in "ate" the ii is usually very distinct, but in nouns and adjectives in "ate" the fi is often obscure, even taking the sound of e or i. a, as in fat, bade, plaz'd; regularly in verbal, Christian, &c., colloquially pronounced with ii. a [including e], as in fare, fa/r, Ayr, prayer, where, their (?), eyre, hear, e'er, connoisseur (?). The dictionaries generally represent this a to be a modi- fied by the following r ; and this may be regarded as the standard pronunciation in parent (?), e'er, con- noisseur, and a few other words (see ar, p. 11] ; but most words marked with a and its equivalents in our dictionaries are pronounced in America, as KKY TO THE SOUNDS. Vli well as by many in England, with the sound of a prolonged and modified by the following r. a, as in far, apparatus (?),. haunt, heart, guard, calf, halm.: regularly in vulgar, monarchy, &c., which are colloquially pronounced with u. For the French octroi, uy, tight, mdict. i [including y and shortened e], as in pm, d/vi'na- tion, elevation, English, b^n, n?!che, marr^ge, par- l&raient, chamberlm, forf^rt, foreign, Rurleigh, alley, sevenn?^7^t(?), s^ve, women, bi/sy, bmld, n^mpli, plag^, tortoise (?), bmwfin (?), champ's (?). For main, straight, vein, eight, see a ; for pl^'d, see a ; for, fair, the/r(?), see a ; for smie, machme, chief, turqu(?^'s(?), see e ; for s^^'d, liefer, f riend, see e ; for Incfr'an(?), solder, see j ; for oil, see oi ; for ad/m, view, viewed, jm'ce, frwt(?), puisne, see u ; for sir, elixir, see u ; for f amikar, convenient, see y ; for vi-s^'on, see zh under z. j [including g- soft or g], as in jet, #aol, ^em, judgment, plum/6, ^iant, E^ypt, edge, exaggerate, solder, adjure ; and colloquially in educate (see TT), verdure, grandeur, InrZmn(?). For hallelu/ah, see y; for jalousie, see zh under z. k [including c hard or -, -eh, and q], as in kick, wacA^(?), leaA:, Man, ban&, handkerchief, cap, scep- tic, cuirass, liougJt, anchor, sc7iool, li^or, X KEY TO THE SOUNDS. guest, acquit, sacque (see w). For know, see n ; for nk, as in hank, &c., see under n. ks, as in lacs, blacks, folks, stomacJis, aches, rakes, antiques, sacques, vex. ksli, as facfo'on, famous, luxury (see u), com- plexion, no#ous, hiccms docfr'us or hiccius doctfius. I, as in let, fall, metal(?), victual, doub^, shovel, devil, evil, shovder, shov^ing, sera^io, kiln, muscle, episfe, twelvemontli(?). ly (both consonants), as in million, seraglio, sommei^(?), survei^ance (? ; see y). in, as in madam, small, lamm, dawp, drachm, dumb, phlegm, hywtt. For accompt, &c., see under on ; for comptroller, see under n. II, asin^oo^, inn, mnemonics, gnat, know, raven, even, heaven, often, ravin, reckon, We^^sday. For ki^, seel; for hymn, see m. "Comptroller" is pronounced like "controller" [kon-tro / lur, or col- loquially kiin-tro'lur]. The Spanish n = ny, as in ca?7on. n (or n), in the digraph nk and its equiv- alents, nearly approaches ng in sm#, but is less prolonged, as in bank, UTicle, a?zr, antique, sacque, see k ; for antiques, sacques, see ks under k; for aune, hautboy, beau, court, though, see o ; for hough, see o ; for bwo#(?), D^tsch, see oi ; for croup, manflwvre, see oo; for boi^nd, miaul, sauer-kraut, "accompt,'' Arc., see ou; forgwano, csdrass, bwoy(?), hwisher, angwisli, perszmde, z#wave(?), qwest, acquit, see w. v, as in tain, do#e, of, Stephen. For tweive- month(?), see 1; for sevenniglit, see n. \\ , as in wet, reheard, war, gwiniad, guano, cwirass, bwoy(?), h^isher, angwish, persuade, zo^ave(?), qwest, acq?/it, choir. AVft, as in war, b?<0y(?). The French oi or oy, as in octro?', devour, reservoir, \oy- ageur, pat0fc, sang-froid, feu-de-joie, bourg^#('0> bourgeoisie, is variously pronounced as wa, or W T O, or wa, or wa, or even wa. " Buoy " is pronounced boi orbwoolor bwoi; <4 one" (with its derivatives) is pronounced wfm. For jaw, awe, see a; for who, when, see h ; for sew, groic, owe, see o ; for knowledge, see o ; for vow, see ou ; for ^?'ing, see r ; for an^zcer, see s ; for two, see t ; for meaw, new, view, hewed., viewed, yew(t), ewe(?), see u ; for gallo^s(?), see ti. X is not used. For the equivalent of soft x or j, KEY TO THE SOUNDS. XV as in exist, see gz under g; for the common or sharp x, as in vex, see ks under k ; for luxury, complexion, noxaous, see ksh under k ; for xylography, see z. y [consonant], as in young, beyond, familiar, con- vement, grandeur (see d, j, u), hallelu/ah, surveil- lance^). The French " sommeil" is pronounced som-maly' or som-may' (y consonantal in each case ; see ly and ay). For may, prey, played, preyed, see il ; for J.yr, prayer, eyre, see a ; for key, quay, see e ; for says, see ; for dry, rye, bayou, ley or lye, eye, bwy, see 1 ; for busy, alley, nymph, plaguy, see i ; for boy, bw d^ tached su per add o ver glad adz adds [ad, above] adze or adz af chaff? daff?* flafff gaff graff?f naff raff? [af, p. 37] be dafff a graff gi raff e? || ca rafe|| afs gaffs [af, above] aft chaffed? [af, above] naft [aft, p. 37] un quaffed? ag: 18 SINGLE RnYMES, JVJ* alv brag un. bagged lac dag un tagged knack drag pack fag iigz plack flag bags rack gag [rig, above] wrack hag dagges sack jagw sac jagg aj sacque cag badge shack crag fadge slack quagt hadjjl smack lag cadge snack nag madge sprack* knag stack rag ajcl tack ragg badged tact sag [aj, above] thack* shag thrackt shragt ak thwack scrag back track slag bac|| wacke?|| snag black yak|| sprag brach?H stag brack a back swag chack pa gack|| tag hack a lack wag whack re pack jack un pack un bag jak ar rack? out brag cack at tack clack un tack agcl crack bagged quack cul-de-sac|| [ag, above] lack Fron tign ac|| or SINGLE KHYMES, ak al Fron tin iac un der taxed un stacked ab stract? tac a ma hac? akt sub stractf act in tact aks backed at tract ax or [ak, above] de tract axe bract dis tract backs fact ex tract? [ak, above] fractf con tract? blacks packed en tr'acte|| flax pact pro tract crax tacked re tract lacks tact sub tract lax tracked un tracked or max tract un tract packs pax|| en act re-en act tacks ex act in ex act tax co actf un ex actt wax out act re tro act or zax pre act ret ro act re act in ter act re lax red actf coun ter act sub act o ver act o ver tax trans act in com pact un backed re com pact akst ol fact un com pact taxed dif fract un at tacked [aks, above] in fractf pre con tract? re fract re laxed un hacked sem i-com pact un taxed im pact un waxed com pact? al un racked dal un re laxed un sacked gal 19 20 SINGLE EHYMES, al aiH cal* calque|| alts mall? talc or as phalts pal or talckf [alt, above] pall? sal]| de f alkf alv shall alvef skallf cat a falquell valve cabal alks alvd ca nal calks? valved che val|| [alk, above] calx|| alvz Prai ri al|| valves Ger mi nalji alp chap ar ral|| alp alz palp ca bals alb scalp [al, above] alb alps am albz palps am albz [alp, above] bam dam aid alpt damn scald? or palpedf dram skald|| scalped drachm flamf ca baled or un scalped gram ca balled grammelf alt ham aldz alt jam scalds? or salt?f jamb skalds shalt cam cham alk as phalt|| kamf calk? or as phalte|| clam SINGLE EHYMES, am an cram amp un stamped lamb champ un vamped lamm champe mam damp amz pam camp hams pram clamp [am, above] ram cramp sham lamp an shram* ramp an slam samp ann* stram scamp ban swam stamp bran tram tamp dan yam tramp fan vamp ganf or un dam 'gan ex camb* de camp hanf be lam* en camp jan|| chu nam|| un camp can ni zam|| en stamp or khan?|| in stamp kanf or i flamb? or clan or i flamme?|| re-en stamp or cran* mil 11 gramme?]] re in stamp quan|| kil o gramme?!) man hec to gramme?!! amps nan* camps pan myr i a gramme? I [amp, above] plan ran amd ampt scan dammed camped span damned? [Snip, above] tan [am, above] than un damped van un rammed un cramped wan?f 21 SINGLE IIIIYMKS, ail itllg* ky an ancli un fanned rou anne|| flanch? un hand im banf ganch a land re dan?|| hanch re land se dan|| panch ex pand be gan planch re pand bro gan? ranch un planned pe can? [anch,p. 37; anch, un scanned sha inan?|| p. 30] out stand un man up standt ja pan audit with stand tra pan ganched trc pan [Such, above] un der hand fore ran o ver land? out ran and al le mande?|| caf tan?|| and co-ex pand rat tan or band un der stand ra tan banned di van|| [an, above] mul ti pli cand? ban ian? bland mis un der stand ban yan? brand pti san? fandt aiidz gland hands Ram a dan?! || grand [and, above] cai ma can?! || hand un der ran land aiig o ver ran rand bang o ver span sand bangue|| or car a van? stand bhang Par me san strand fang bar ti zan? [and, p. 37] gang cour te san? hang par ti san dis band whang im band clang cat a ma ran|| ne fandt krang or SINGLE KHYMES, itllg" crang un pangedt tank lang* [ang, above] thank pang twank rang aiig*z yank* sang bangs slang [ang, above] em bank or spang* im bank sprang aiij un bank stang flange point-blank strang* out flank swang anjd dis rank tang flanged en rank twang out rank vang ank un thankf wangf bank blank o ver rank be guin?|| brank* un hang dank anks ta langf drank banks ga min|| flank [ank, above] tre pang or frank Manx or tri pang francll Manks ha rangue hank se rang|| clank itiikt crank banked un der hang lank [ank, above] o ver hang plank coup de main? || prank un banked par a sang rank un flanked sank un franked o rang-ou tang?|| or shank un thanked ou rang-ou tang?|| shrank slank aiis aiigd spank hance?f banged stank Hanse|| SINGLE RHYMES, ailS itp manse bac chant?]] ants stance* bac chante?!! crantsf transe?t de cant plants [ans, p. 37] des cant? [ant, above] out cant Nantes?l| bo bancetll re cant Ro mance gal lant? anz ro mance ro mantf bans fi nance|| dis plant [an, above] ex panse im plant banns a skance? re plant sans?||f sup plant out ro mance trans plant ap com plai sance?|| co rantf chap? cou rant?|| dapf SlllSll crois sant|| fapt Ro mansh|| or a skant? flap Ro manschjl bou tant?|| frap pnsh, p. 31] le vant gap pro vant?f hap anst be zant? or cap ro manced by zant? clap [ans, above] lap con fi dant?|| Lapp ant con fi dante?|| map brant un gal lant? nap cant pont-vo lant |1 nappe quant gov er nante?H knap lantf re-im plant knappef plant fig u rante?!! pap rant dil et tant rap scant pike-de vantt wrap tant com plai sant?|| sap trantf shrapf un com plai sant scrap SINGLE EHYME8, ap ash slap de lapse as snap e lapse as?H strap il lapse brasse tap col lapse gas? trap pro lapse cassf vapf re lapse crassf wapp quass|| or yap apst quas|| lapsed rasse af frapf [aps, above] wrasse may hap sassef mis hap pre ter lapsed strass|| un hapf trass un cap apt [as, p. 38] un lapf apt be wrap happed a bas|| en wrap or [ap, above] ba gasse|| in wrap rapped fou gasse|| cou rap rapt me gass? un wrap me gasse? be trap in apt alas? en trap or un apt mo lasse?|| in trap a dapt da masse?|| un napped cui rass? o ver lap en rapt mo rass en wrapped or ca vass|| or aps in wrapped ka vass|| or apse un sapped ca wass chaps ere vasse|| [ap, above] apts paill asse|| or lapse aptsf pall iasse laps schnapps]] a dapts ash ash per haps bashf 25 SINGLE RHYMES, asll Sit brash in ter dash ast dash cal i pash bast fash brastf flash asht hast gash dashed cassedf hash [ash, above] snastf cash [ast, p. 39] cache|| un thrashed clash bom bast? crash un a bashed lash at lache?|| ask at mash Basque?|| bat gnash basque?|| brat nash* hask chat pashf laskf fat plash pasch or flat rash pask or gatt sash pasque|| hat shashf [ask, p. 38] cat slash mat smash asks matte splash basques matt tache?||f [sk, above] gnat thrash pat trash asp plat- asp? rat a bash jaspf sat or squa bashf [asp, p. 38] satef be dash scat out flash asps scratf re hash asps? slat ca lash jaspsf spat un lash sprat unrash tat SINGLE RHYMES, tit ar that spatts heir vat bare ba ratz|| bear here at blare where at av chair there at have char? or era vat chare az dare or ange at|j as? fair gas? fare ath has flare hath nasf gare mat lit glair wrath? where as glare rath or Shi raz?|| hair rathe hare scath ar azin where scathe? phasm care snath* chasm Clare strath* plasm craref [ath, p. 39] spasm lair laref aths em pasm mare scathe naref [ath, above] aziud ne'er? chasmedt pair atlit pare scathed? azmz pear chasms rare un scathed? [azm, above] raer* share iits ar s>care bats air skare* [at, above] ere? * square batz|| [ar, p. 11] snare 27 SINGLE KHYMES, ar ars spare com pare laird* stair pre pare stare re pair un aired sware trans paret un heired swear en snare or un haired tare in snare ' un cared tear? un snare un paired their? de spair un pared there out stare un shared vair?|| up stare un scared varef for swear un squared ware mis swear un spared wair out swear wear? un swear un de clared were? up tear un im paired yaref a ware un pre pared be ware un re paired how e'er? out wear wher e'er? un waref ardz when e'er? cairds* what e'er? how so e'er? [ard, above] co-heir mill ion aire? for bear un der bear arn fore bearf o ver bear bairn* or up bear o ver dare bearnf be daret pre de clare cairn out dare deb o nair tairn af fair un a ware un fair o ver wear ariiz un hairt bairns* else where ard [arn, above] de clare beard? bo nairt cared rs dis pair '[{Ir, above] scarce im pair? caird* SINGLE RHYMES, aFZ aft arz a ha gal lop ade || airs ha-ha en fi lade?|| [&r, above] fra cas?|| es ta cade|| hoi la? prom e nade?|| up stairs mam ma ret i rade|| un warest tour nois?|| pav e sade faux pas|| self-af fairs pa pa adr un a wares hur ra? or sadr|| hur rah? a oc troi?|| adz a? [a, pp. vii & 36] fa 9ades ah huz za [ad, above] baa bah us que baugh? af drap|| 9a i ra|| daff?* fall ma jo rat|| graff?f ha pa di shah|| half hah tiers-e tat|| haaf|| Jah coup d'e tat calf ma quaff? hors de com bat|| laugh [af,p. 37] ad pah spaadf be half shah out laugh spa?|| fou gade|] va|| rou lade|| afs za|| ti rade?|| calf's fa 9ade?|| laughs ca bas|| pe sade?|| [af , above] Vau dois?H es trade]] sol-fa?|| bou tade||t aft sang froid|| huz zaed laughed nou gat|| [a, above] [af, above] o* 30 SINGLE KHYMES, at a* be calm staunch ay? or un calm aye? sa lam|| or un stanch? -sa laam|| [ttnch, p. 22 ; al imam?! || anch, p. 37 ; kraal?|| py rame|| anch, p. 43] lo cale|| amd ancht po kal|| calmed haunched fa nal|| [am, above] [iinch, above] mo rale|| un em balmed un launched Pro ven ^alH amz and iilv alms laund?f salve? balms maund? [am, above] alz a mende?|| kraals? an [al, above] guan al le mande?|| am dou ane|| andz balm pa cane|| maunds? calm fir man?|| [and, above] qualm? i man?|| malm to man?j| aiig palm sul tan?|| ri ant?|| praam)! psalm aiich res tau rant?|| haunch soi-di sant?|| em balm or craunch [ong, p. 125] im balm launch ma dame|| paunch? aiig-s mes dames|| scranch? [ans, below] vi dame|| stanch? or SINGLE RHYMES, aiij ar 31 anj iiiit [ant, above^ fon tange?|| aunt [anzh, below] daunt aiiz flaunt? guans aiis gaunt? [an, above] jauncef haunt? launce han't? anzh trauncet jaunt or me lange?|| vauncef jant fon tange?|| can't se ance?H shan't? ap fai ence?H taunt? gape? ou trance?l| trauntf vaunt? a gape? vrai sem blance|| non cha lance?|| a dauntf aps es pe rance?||t dis haunt gapes? re nais sance?|| bac chante?|| gal lant? apt ou tre cui- cou rant?|| gaped? dance?||f a skant? re con nais- a taunt? ar sance?|| or a vantf are re con nois- sir vente?|| bar sance?|| ra sante?|| char [ans, p. 37; ons, charre p. 125] com man dant|| dar* un gal lant? far ansli gov er nante?|| gar manchejit or fig u rante?|| jar maunch? car coun ter cou rant lar|| carte-blanche|| mar [ansh, p. 24] ants narf aunts gnarf SINGLE RHYMES, JIT gnarrf si mare or iiirbd knar si marrell or barbed? par ci mar or [Srb, above] pan- cy mar scar ca nard?|| un barbed? skar* un sparf snarf in star arbz spar vous soir|| barbs star gui tar [arb, above] tar ca tarrh tarref pe tarf arch thar ba zaar or arch yarrf ba zar|| larch czar || or bi zarre|| march tsar || or hus sar|| parch ksar|| or starch tzar|| myr i are?|| mil li ard?|| in arch li ard|| jag u ar out march de bar jem i dar?|| dis bar zem in dar?|| o ver arch em bar cho kee dar|| coun ter march? out bar de o dar o ver march un bar hos po dar || up bar jac a mar?|| ii relit sir dar|| tin ta marf arched a far av a tar? pirch, above] re far bou le vard?|| ci gar or jan i zart en arched se gar un parched ba har|| arb un starched a jar barb las car?|| garb ard sir caril barred si mar or de barbt [ar, above] SINGLE RHYMES, ard. ark 33 bard re tard target charred gaill iarde|| chard dis charge fardf Sav oy ard|| en charge guard un de barred mis charge gardf dis re gard o'er charge hard cav al lard* out charge card in ter lard re charge lard un der sparred? sur charge nard un be starred un charge pard en large sard cam el o pard? shard or un der charge? scard* Srdz su per charge? scarred bards o ver charge? yard [ard, above] o ver large hards bom bard? arjd un charred arf charged be ghard or scarf [arj, above] be guard|| swarf* bel gardf un dis charged re gard arfs un en larged sauve garde || scarfs un guardf [arf, above] ark dis card arc pla card arft ark en lard or scarfed bark in lard [arf, above] barque'H f ou lard|| charkf un marred arj dark ca nard?|| barge hark un scarred charge carkf un sparred large clerk? pe tard|| marge lark 34 SINGLE EHYMES, ark arn mark co arctf thann* marc un marked marquell dis arm park un re marked fore arm? sark* gis arm shark arl be charm spark farlf de charm stark harl un charm yark* carlf gen darmef marl gen darmes?|| or de bark gnarl or gens d'armes|| dis bark knarl a larm em bark or parlef im bark snarl dis en charm un bark coun ter charm? be darkf im parl mis mark en snarl or armd re mark in snarl armed dis park [arm, above] im park arid gnarled or en armed dis em bark knarled un armed re-em bark or [arl, above] un harmed re im barkf coun ter mark? arlz un a larmed dis im park arles snarls armz arks [arl, above] arms barks . [arm, above] [ark, above] arm arm ser geant-at- arkt barm $rms? barked charm [ark, above] farm arn harm barn SINGLE EHYMES, am arvd 35 darn ars in dart karn* Darse un heartf sarn* farce pan carte?|| scarn* carse* a part tarn parse de part yarn sarsef dis part sparse im part in earn tarse com part as sart arnd arsh up start? darned harsh [arn, above] marsh arth barth* arnz arst garth barns farced hearth [arn, above] [ars, above] harns* arths art hearths arp art [arth, above] harp chart carp dart arts sharp hart arts scarp heart [art, above] cart es carp carte] arv quart?] carve arps clart* larve harps mart starve [arp, above] part swarve* sartf arpt charte] arvd harped smart starved [iirp, above] start [arv, above] tart un carved 36 SINGLE RHYMES, ai"VZ arvz lath? zou ave?|| carv ^s path? [arv, above] wrath? avcl [ath, p. 39] halved iirz [iiv, above] bars aths [ar, above] bath's un halved [ath, above] as laths? avz tasse?|| halves atht [af & iiv, above] da masse?| lathed? staves coup de grace 1 atli az [as, p. 38] lath? baas lathe? Jah's iish path? [a', above] ron dachell pa nache|| atftd huz zas pa tache || lathed? Shi raz?|| inus tache? or [iith, above] mous tache || azh un pathed me nage|| ranz-des-vachesil mi ragef atliz asht baths bad i nage|| mus taclied? or [ath & at!i,above] per si flage?H mous taclied av a ast halve Yau dois?|| a ghast? calve pie droit?|| [ast, p. 39] salve? tour nois?|| Slave?|| oc troi?|| ath zouave? || Gan tois?|| bath pa tois?|| SINGLE EIIYMES, a -aiis 37 Ten voy?|| quaffed? [anch, 'above] [af , above] Gen e vois?|J raft un branched feu-de-joie?|| shaft [a, p. 29 ; waft and a, p. 39] mandf a baft af re draft de mand chaff? en graft or com mand draff or in graft re mand draugh?f mis graft graff?f re graft re de mand quaff? out craft self-corn mand raff? un quaffed? rep ri mand? staff? be raft coun ter mand? [af, p. 17; [and, p. 22] af, p. 29] afts drafts andz in grafff or [aft, above] de mands en grafff [and, above] mis grafff anch blanch aiis afs branch chance chaffs? flanch? dance staff's? cranch?! glance [af, above] lanch?! hancef or scranch? hauncef aft stanch?! lance aft [anch, p. 30] prance daft trance draft dis branch transe?f draught un stanch? graft be chance haft anclit mis chance craft blanched per chance 3 38 SINGLE EHYMES, iillS en hance or ants cask in hance grants casque | e lancef [ant, above] mask en trance? or masquell in trance t as task ad vance ass bass^ [ask, p. 26] o ver glance brass in cask dis en trance glass be mask re-ad vance grass dis mask class im mask anst lass un mask danced mass [ans, above j pass o ver task [as, p. 25 ; ant as, p. 36] asks ant asks chant or me gass? [ask, above] chauntf me gasse? grant alas? askt pant mo lasse?|| masked sha'n't? a mass [ask, above] slant out pass vantf re pass un tasked sur pass en chant or trans passf asp in chc.ntf asp re grant o ver pass gasp gal lant? grasp a slant ask hasp ask clasp dis en chant bask rasp un gal lant? Basque?|| fig u rante?l| basque?|| en grasp flask en clasp or SINGLE KHYMES, asp U in clasp a ghast? at re clasp fore cast? laths? un clasp mis cast re cast i asps un cast awe grasps up cast? braw* [asp, above] un classed chaw out last daw aspt dis mast draw gasped re mast faugh hasped re passed flaw [asp, above] re past haugh* con trast? haw un grasped a vast jaw caw or ast un der cast kaw blast o ver cast claw fast o ver mast craw gastf un sur passed law ghastf o ver past la? cast lawe caste|| asts maw classed blasts gnaw or [as, above] [ast, above] knawf last paw massed ath raw mast lath? wrawf passed [ath, p. 27; saw past ath, p. 36] shaw vast pshaw [ast, p. 26; atlis scrawf ast, p. 36] laths? squaw|| slaw bom bast? atht spa?|| or un fast lathed? spaw 40 SINGLE RHYMES, ft -ttf staw* bur geois? ftd straw [a, p. 36] awed taw [a, above] thaw o ver awe bawd thraw* us que baugh? broad wawej- coun ter draw? fraud yaw o ver draw gaud o ver slaugh? laud ad awf maud Ian dau? ftb saudj out draw aubef sawed re draw daub yawd* up drawf with draw be daub sub audf Vau dois?[| un awed guf f aw ftbd a broad haw-haw daubed Tin flawed ma caw [ab, above] de fraud in law be laud out law? un be daubed col laudf pil lau|| or ap plaud pi lau|| ftbz ma raud un law?f daubs un thawed be gnaw or [ab, above] be knawt adz u nau|| ftCll frauds pa paw or nautchlj [ad, above] paw paw fore saw de bauch ftf ba shaw or auft pa sha?| or ftCllt cough? pa cha?|| or de bauched cauf pa shaw 1 off? be straw t un de bauched trough? bour geois?|| or [o in Key, p. x] SINGLE RHYMES, ftlS ftl afs mawkf fall coughs? pawk faulef [af, above] squawk gall stalk Gaul aft talk hall coughed? walk haul or [af , above ; oft , [ok, p. 122] hale? p. 121] whall or out talk whaul as* out walk call te taug[| or caul tau taug|| o ver talk crawl [og, p. 121] o ver walk kraal? || mall? or aj aks maul bauge?]] auks nallf or [ozh, p. 120] [ak, above] nawlf faux?|| pall? ak mawks paul auk pawl awkf akt wrawlf balk or hawked saul baulk [ak, above] shawl bauk scall bawkf un chalked scrawl chalk squall dakjl or ai squawl dauk or all small dawk awl spall gawk ball spawl hawk bawl sprawl cawk or brawl stall cauk drawl tall calk or dwaulf or thrall caulk dwaulef trawl 41 SINGLE RHYMES, 4\1 wall there with al ais waul or o ver haul? false wawi re in stall! halset or yawl dis in thrall! or dis en thrall! haulsef jack al? with al aid falsedf be fall or befal auld* bald [als, above] to f allf ben gal Jin gall?! || mis call or balled bawled [al, above] scald? ait fault gait* or gault* halt mis cal re call! un galled un called haultf malt ti cal|| be maul un palled un walled salt smalt ro mal|| ap pall or ap pal e paule?|| be scrawl un re called un ap palled un in stalled un en thralled or spalt vault wait? ex alt be spawl fore stall or un in thralled de fault as sault fore stal a,ldz ba salt? in stall! scalds? en vault un tallf be thrallf en thrall! or alii fallen? su per ex alt in thrall! en wall or be fallen? ftltS faults in wall , [alt, above] waltz where with al yaulp* SINGLE RHYMES, aiz brawn al co ran?|| balls chaunf un with drawn [al, above] dawn smalls drawn &nch faun maunch? am fawn paunch? aam|| or flawnt raunch! aume|| or gawn* awm gone? ftiicht dawmlj khan? || or maunched? haulm or kaun|| or [anch, above] halm or kan?|| or haum kawn|| and jaum* lawn awned qualm? pawn [an, above] paumf paune[| laund?f or shawm or prawn lawndf shalm shawn* maund? walmf spawn yawn un pawned i mam?H or i maum|| un drawn al le mande?|| with drawn (imd out fawn (Viig [ttiig] paumedf fore gone? walmedf pe can? angxl [ongd] i man? || &mz fir man?|| or (ings qualms? fir maun ou trance?|| [am, above] em pawn or [ans, p. 31 ] im pawn ftii su pawn* or ang^z [ftngrz] awn sup pawn* or aulnf se pawn* ftllS bawnf pauncef 44 SINGLE RHYMES, Hilt for Mes si dor| daunt? cor| ob li gor flaunt? quar* ap pel lor gaunt? mliorrf nom i nor? haunt? moire 1 rouge-et-noir? I taunt? nor res cus sor? vaunt? knorf re les sor want? saur* leg a tor wa'n't scaur bu cen taur? Thor pres en toirj ro maunt tor* es cri toire?|| a taunt? war re mon toir v || a vaunt warref or res er vor waur* a breu voirf ants res er voir|| wants? bail or? man-of-war [ant, above] pay or cog ni zor? or pawn or cog ni sor? anz pledg or awns bou doir?|| re cog ni zor? or [an, above] there for re cog ni sor? ab hor ftP ar moire 1 &rb scaup les sor? orb yaup* or hur toir|| corb yawp* mon toir?| corbe||f scru toire sorb aps de voir| scaups ab sorb [ap, above] in dors or? or re sorb en dors or? W mort gage or re ab sorb or as sign or dor con sign or? arbd dorrf com pra dor|| orbed SINGLE RHYMES, &rbd fll'k 45 [arb, above] ac cord dis cord? forge? dis orbed con cord? gorge re cord? George un ab sorbed un cord storge?j| re mordf arbz a ward dis gorge orbs re ward en gorge or [arb, above] in gorge bel-ac cordf re gorge arch scorch su per re ward o ver gorge torch ardz arjd archt chords gorged scorched cords [arj, above] [arch, above] [ard, above] en gorged un scorched arf un gorged dwarf ard wharf un dis gorged ordf corf bordt ark dorredf be dwarf orcf or fiord?] orkt or gordf arfs orchf chord dwarfs fork cord [arf, above] cork lord stork sord?t arft torque|| or sward dwarfed tore ward [arf, above] wark warred un cork ab horred morgue|| 3* SIX<;LE KIIYMES, ftrks jirml CVrks per form *\rn forks re form ornf [ark, above] trans form born un f ormf dorn flrkt be storm horn forked out storm corn [ark, above] up swarmf lorn torqued? morn mis in form sorn an un con f ormf scorn orle mis re form thorn wharlf re trans form warn whorl? schorl 1 or a rm (I sub orn shod formed un born [arm, above] a dorn arid dis horn whorled? un formed for lorn un stormed be scornf arlz un warmed out scorn whorls? fore warn [arl, above] un de formed pre warn un in formed rm pre con formed re-a dorn form? un con formed o ver cornf corm un per formed norm un re formed fti'iitl storm un trans formed horned swarm [arn, above] warm ftrmtli warmth un horned de form un scorned ; n form ftrmz un warned con form storms mis form [arm, above] un sub orned SINGLE RHYMES, 47 un a domed scorcef swart torse tort a,rnz thwart horns en dorse or wart [arn, above] in dorse norns|| un horse a bort pre morse? or de hortf a r p pra3 morse? ex hort dorpf re morse es cort? wharp* dex trorse? a mort thorp ex trorse as sort warp in trorse be sort re trorse con sort? un warp de tort a,rsk dis tort a,rps torsk ex tort corpse in tort warps ftrst con tort [arp, above] horsed re tort [ars, above] a thwart a,rpt re sort warped ad dorsed [arp, above]- re morsedf o ver thwart? ab sorpt un en dorsed or f o li o mort un in dorsed dorsef art north gorse ortf swarth gorcef bort horse quart? artlis corse? mort 1 - norths morse sort swarths Norse short scorse?f or snort 40 SINGLE RHYMES, ftl'tllt fttllS ftrtht hoi o caust? up brought f northed un fought asts un fraught arts ex hausts un caught orts [ast, above] up caught? [art, above] ar raught quarts ftt be wrought f quartz aught in wrought shorts ought out wrought bought? un wrought arvz brought be sought wharves fought un sought fraught be straughtf . arz ghat|| or be taughtf sors|| ghaut|| un taught wars groat be thought [or, p. 44] haughtf or fore thought? hautf me thought de horsjl caught un thought qua torzejl naught dis traught nought ex traughtf as wrought hawse? raughtf un der wrought haussell roughtf o ver wrought paas* sought un be sought sauce straughtf [os, p. 126] taught ath taut wrath? ast thought wroth? haustf thaughtf swath sauced vautf [5th, p. 128] [ost, p. 127] waucht* or waught* aths ex haust wraths? un bought swaths SINGLE RHYMES, [Sths, p. 128] dree* stee* drie* tea &ts fee the?i" groats flea thee?t [at, above] flee me? free ffiee? az ghee|| three braws* glee tree gauze greet we hawse? he wee cause gee or ye caws jee yea? [a, p. 39] key clause quay? al be or claws kee* al bee pause quef bau bee* or paws cleef baw bee* yaws lea jam beet lee un bet be cause ley? de bris|| ap plause me gran dee mi|| Chal dee self-ap plause net Cul dee knee on dit?l| azd pea bail ee paused peet debt ee [az, above] plea draw ee ree goat ee un caused rei coach ee sea pay ee e see pawn ee be sill pledg ee bee she vouch ee blea scree* feof fee? bleef spree pon ghee|| 50 SINGLE RHYMES, e Thug gee tou pee or Bel oo che or agree tou pet?|| Bel oo chee a gre||t warn pee par a dis|| de gree bo ree? de fen deet con greet do ree? seb un dee?|| bo hea gauche rie|| in diet ee spa hee?|| or cho ree trans fer ee spa lii?|| jacque rie|| bar gain ee te liee be see prom is ee? wang hee|| or fore see re leas ee whang hee||, &c. les see Brah man ee? or con ge?|| o'er see Bra man ee? con gee Par see mes mer ee o gee pre cis|| gar nish ee pon gee sy cee|| ap point ee sub jee|| gran tee dis seiz ee mar quee|| or cut tee as sign ee mar kee? mes tee or con sign ee ra kee|| mus tee ref er ee de cree pat tee or rev er ie?j| alee pa tee ad vow ee be lee pon tee av ow ee or mam mee se tee a vow ee sal mis|| set tee al ien ee a knee sut tee char iot ee? do nee trus tee rat a na?|| Paw nee cor vee|| o ver free ra nee|| or app ui|| dis a gree ran nee|| et ui|| or re-a gree coo pee et wee ped i gree? cou pee?|| enn ui|| mort ga gee rap pee f u see per i gee? rom pee ra zee ob li gee ru pee bou gie?|| ap o gee? ta pis?|| ref u gee SINGLE KHTMES, 6 GCll 5 sel va gee Ash an tee co-leg a tee ju bi lee? guar an tee ded i ca tee Ben ga lee? rep ar tee mag net i zeef ap pel lee pat en tee re cog ni see? or con fir mee pres en tee re cog ni zee? nom i nee muf f e tee* res i gnee al lot tee? dis con tin u ee cramp o nee|| com mit tee? in ter ro ga teej cap a pie|| per mit tee cal i pee dev o tee eb ep o pee? pic o tee or glebe bel-es prit|| pick et tee grebe beaux-es prits|| war ran tee con fer ree ar res tee* ebz san ga ree ab sen tee glebes rap pa ree or vis-a~-vis|| grebes rap a ree eau-de-vie|| ex pi ree point d'app ui|| ecli pot-pour ri|| Mec ca wee beach co te rie?|| dev i see beech f ric as see cog ni see? or bleach in dor see cog ni zee? breach res cus see bour geoi sie?|| breech co-les see each re les see sur ren der ee keechf li cen see ex am in ee cleche?[ sans-sou ci|| cov e nant ee queachf di vor cee char i ot ee? leach o ver see pe ti tion ee leech deb au chee|| im par son ee meech or ab a tis?|| or ma chi cou lis|| meach ab at tis?|| co-nom i nee peach leg a tee 11 lu mi nee pleach man a tee|| or jig ga ma ree preach man a ti|| cha ri va ri|| reach SINGLE KHYMES, CCll retch? deed teadf or screech feed tedef sleetch freed tweed speech [e, above] weed teach glede or yeadf or teache glead yedef gleedf un breech? greed be bleedf ap peachf heed in breed im peach or keyed up breed em peachf creed in deed out preach lead? mis deed fore reach mead un feed ' out reach Mede un freed be seech meed a greed mis teach need re gredef un teach knead mis lead kneed up leadf o ver reach peedf im pede plead stam pede edit predef im plead or beached read? em plead [ech, above] redef mis plead reed re plead un bleached cede je reed|| or un preached seed je rid|| or un reached seid?|| dje rid|| skeed mis read un im peached screed out redef skreed ac cede ed snead* or dis cede bead sneed* ex ceed bleed speed con cede bredet steed pre cede breed Swede pro ceed? SttfGLE RHYMES, eel re cede neaf f or treaguef se cede nieff tweagt sue ceed neif tweaguet out speed neife prieff be leaguef in ter breed reef in league o ver breed sheaf col league? o ver feed thief re nege?f un de creed sa rigue?|| in va lid? en feoff? fa tigue in va lide|| be lief sque teague in ter plead or re lief in triguejl en ter plead coun ter plead dis be lief o ver fa tigue su per sede fore be lief T e tro cede or mis be lief egrcl ret ro cede un be lief leagued in ter cede bas re lief [eg, above] edz efs un fa tigued beads briefs [ed, above] chiefs egz needs [ef, above] leagues [eg, above] ef be lief s beef ej brief eft liege chief leafed siege deaf? [ef, above] tigejl feoff? fief eg o blige? grief briguet re nege?f leaf feaguef as siegef lief or league be siege leeff Teague 54 SINGLE KHYMES, ej el dis o blige? seek be seekf sekef ca cique|| ejd sheik? || or re seek siegedf sheikh? || or be speak [ej, above] scheik?|| mis speak shriek out speak o bliged? screak re speak [Ijd, p. 85] squeak un speak sleek an tiquell ek sneak cri tique|| beak sneek* pra tique?|| bleak speak be zique|| cheek steek* phy sique|| eke or streak ca zique|| or eekt or streekf ca zic|| eekef teak or feakf teekf o ver speak fleak tweak o ver weak freak weak gleekf week eks Greek beaks keek* ca ique?l| [ek, above] clique|| a leak Sikhs or creak bel lique||t Seiks creek ob lique?|| leak re lique||t ekt leek sa lique?|| beaked meek si lique?|| [ek, above] meakf un meek cheeked peak cli nique|| peek u nique|| un wreaked pique|| a peak reek ap plique|| el wreak a reek beal reakf be wrekef deil* SINGLE EHYMES, el eld 55 deal veal im be cile? eel velef coun ter seal feel weal cli en tele||t heal weelf un gen teel heel yeelf car o teel helef zeal com mon weal? wheal wheel a bele eld gealf mo bile?|| beeld* or jeelil pro file? bield* keel un healf eildf creel un helef field leal* en wheel or healed meal in wheel [el, above] kneel con geal neeldf nealt va keel|| peeled neelef a nelet pieled peal an neal shield peel che nille|| weald piel ap peal wield reel re peal yield seal en seal ceil en seel afield seel con ceal in field? sheal* or un seal un peeled shiel* bas tile?j| un reeled skeel* gen teel squeal pas tille|| un con gealed steal re veal un a neledf steel Bra zil?|| or un an nealed stelef Bra sil? un re pealed sweal un con cealed teal coun ter wheel un re vealed teil coch i neal? tweel manch i neel 56 SINGLE RHYMES, elclz en eldz scheme dis es teem fields scream mis es teem v* [eld, above] steam self-es teem healds steemf stream emci elz team beamed feels teem [em, above] [el, above] theme un dreamed em a beam beam ad deemf un re deemed bleyme fore deemf bream mis deem emz bremet re deem beams deem out dream [em, above] deme bias pheme disme||t be nemef me seemsf dream su preme eamef or be seem en emef en seam or bean fleam or in seam been? phleme mis seem bleinf gleam ra ceme? dean beam un seam digne||t cream un seemf e'en quemef be teemf ean learn es teem eenf lemef cen time|| glean pegmf dis tream gleenf ream ex treme glene?|| reamef re gime|! green reem|| keen reimjl ac a deme clean seam mis be seem queen seem un be seem quean SINGLE KIIYMES, en lean sar dine? || ter rene lien? sor dine? tu reen or mean sub dean ter reent mesne|| un dine be seent mien tre phine?|| Es sene meinef cha green or fas cine || plenef sha green fore seen preen un greenf cas sine|| seen be guine|| con signe|| scene ru gine?|| Ni cene? seine or sa gene or ob scene seanf sa jene un seen sphene nan keen ma chine || sheen ze chin? be screen schenell un clean can teen skean* or un queen po teen or skene* or ba leen pot teen or skeine* or mou line|| po theent skeyne* mousse linel| rat teen screen or sea lene rou tine || skreenf up leant ton tine|| spleen de mean a tweent steen or de mesne? be tween steant ve nenet poi trine|| strenef chiop pint ad venet teenf cho pin? e venet teine cho pine| con vene threne im pregnt pre venet treenf ca reen ra vine|| visne?|| ca renet sub vene wean ma rine|| sur venet ween mo reen al iene yean se rene cui sine|| si rene|| ca dene]) squi reen gab ar dine 57 58 SINGLE RHYMES, eil gab er dine guil lo tine?|| f ndz hab er dine? har ra teen fiends hal low een Lo ret tine teinds* Tu nis ine bea ver teen? tab or ine? re con vene eiiz vel vet een su per vene beans wol ver ene or in ter vene [en, above] wol ver ine con tra vene greens car ra geen or un der weenf means car ri geen o ver ween teens fel la hin?|| mag a zine pal an keen|| or bom ba zine or ep pal an quin|| bom ba sin|| or cheap dam as keen bom ba sine cheep Mai lor quine ar mo zeen or deep o ver clean ar mo zine heap mis demean keep phil ip pine? ul tra ma rine clepef maz a rine|| su per ter renef creep Naz a rene leap tain bou rine|| flu vi o-ma rine neap tim bu rinef sa li no-ter rene nepe man da rin|| peep or Al ge rine eiicl piept sub ma rine fiend reap trans ma rine gleaned seep* Pal my rene [en, above] sheep pis ta reen teendt sleep bal za rine?|| sneap par a scene un gleaned steep un fore seen un screened sweep o ver seen un spleened threap* mat a chin?|| un weaned weep cap u chin quar an tine? un con vened out leap SINGLE RHYMES, 59 bo peep blear cere a sleep cheer sphere out sleep dear shear in steep deer sheer en sweep deref shire? es trepe drear skleref be weepf ear smear out weep fear smeir feeref or sneer un der keep feref or spear o ver leap pheerf speer* or un der peepf fleer or spere* o ver sleep flearf steer gear tear? eps geer tier heaps hear tweer or [ep, above] here twier heer veer ept jeer vire|| heaped keir weir or [ep, above] clear wear? or leaped? queer wier reaped? leer were?f learf year up heaped? leref be neaped mere um breref or un reaped mear um brieref un steeped meer up cheer un weepedf near en dear or peer in dearf er pier voir dire || or beer rear voire dire|| bier sear ma drier?|| bear?* or seer? cash ier . bere* sere pick eer or 60 SINGLE RHYMES, el* piqu eer mon sieur?|| ey let eer af f earf plan ceer wal let eer af f eer pro ceref ser mon eer y f eref red sear son net eer un fear sin Cere can non eer or un gear en sphere or can non ier ad here in sphere pul pit eer fore hear un sphere gar ret eer in here be smear can eel ier jag hire|| up spearf auc tion eer ca hier?| aus tere trun cheon eer co here fron tier? moun tain eer myn heer|) bre vier|| f u sil eer or mis hear ea viare? fu sil ier re hear la veerf in ter fere fa kir?|| or re vere o ver hear fa quir|| se vere chan ti cleer? un clear vi zier?|| or gas a Her e mir?|| or vi zir?|| cav a Her e meer|| chev a Her chi mere brig a dier cor de Her a nearf gren a dier chan de Her de nier|| pet ar dier or ban do Her or souve nir?| pet ar deer ban de Her ve neer bom bar dier gon do Her ap pear bel ve deref dou a nier|| beau peer?! || ba ya dere?|| car bi neer com peer hal berd ier muf fi neer out peer In dian eer? chif fo nier?|| ar rear pam phlet eer en gi neer ar riere|| tar get eer or buc ca neer or ca reer tar get ier hue a nier up rear mus ket eer dom i neer fore seer cir cult eer cap o niere|| gla cier?l| waist coat eerf pi o neer KHYME8, er tim o neer erd en pierce? bar po neer beard? im pierce? mu ti neer bleared trans pierce? scru ti neer [er, above] pon to nier or meeredf o ver fierce? pon ton nier|| weird dis ap pear erst re-ap pear un cheered pierced? fin an cier a feardt [ers, above] cui ras sier un feared in sin cere un peered ua 'pierced? un sin ceref un reared o ver seer un seared ert tab a sheer un steered peart or can di teer re vered peert gaz et teer mu le teer un en deared erz vol un teer un re vered jeers pri va teer jears per se vere erdz shears un se veref beards? [er, above] weirds* sub-brig a dier es In di an eer? erj fleece ar que bus ier or cierge?|| geese liar que bus ier [firzh, p. 12] grease? gon fa Ion ier greecef or par lia ment eerf ern griecef char i ot eer? dearn?f gris||t e lee tion eer crease car a van eer ers creese trench-cav a lier fierce? lease? bas-chev a lier|| pierce? mease? con ge d'e lire|| tierce? mise|| car a bi neer [urs, p. 166] niece 4 6& SINGLE RHYMES, SS Sit' peace f ron tis piece mo distell piece pre de cease? bat iste|| cease north-east or speecef Sal a man quese? north-east south-east or o bese esli south-east be grease? keesh out feast es quisse|| leash un leased de crease un priest f in crease? or un leash ar tiste|| en crease bak shish?|| or mi licelt bak sheesh?| or un in creased pe lisse| buk sheesh?||, &c. po lice|| ests re lease esht beasts sub lease leashed [est, above] va lise?|| Chi nese? un leashed et [ez, p. 65] beat pu nese? est beet a piece beast bleat dis peace east bleit?* im prese feast cheat ca price fleeced cheet de cease [es, above] eat gla cis? || geest feat sau cisse?|| queest feet sur cease least fleet priest gleet Si am ese? ceased greet Por tu guese? seest? heat re-in crease [e, p. 49] wheat un der lease? yeast? geat Jap a nese? jeatf man ga nese? un beast cleat SINGLE EHYMES, et etll Crete re greet es treat leat re heat ill-treat leet mun jeet mal treat or ineat ve getef male treat meet mes quite?!| or ' mis treat mete mus quite?|| re treat aeat ac crete vi site] peat de creet* plait? or de cretef o ver eat pleat dis creet o ver heat reatef dis crete in dis creet reitt ex crete in dis crete Beat con crete? - un dis creetf sheet or se crete o ver neat sheatf e lite|| mis re peat skeet de lete in com plete schreight be mete un com pletef sleet un meet sub te rete speetf ap petef self -de ceit street com pete mis con ceit sweet re peat pre con ceit suite] com plete self -con ceit teat re plete mis en treat treat te rete weetf de ceit sem i-te rete dis seat e vil-en treatf he bete?f fa cetef carte-de-vi site] sur beatf con ceit out bleat re seat eth es cheat re ceipt eathf ex cheatf un seat greithf out cheat de suetef heath re cheat un sweet meathf de feat en treat or wreath? ef fete in treatf sheath SINGLE RHYMES, etll CV smeath be queathe deave* smeeth* be neath? deve* sneath* en wreathe or deev|| teeth? in wreathe eave un wreathe eve un eath?f or in sheathe greave un neth?f un sheathe grieve be neath? greeve* un der neath? heave un der neath? o ver seethe keeve or kieve eths efTul cleave heaths breathed leave |eth, above] [eth, above] lieve levef un nethest un breathed naevef mis sheathed prevef or effr prievef beathf in ter wreathed reeve or breathe revet meathef etfiz reavet wreath? breathes seavef wreathe [eth, above] sheave seethe wreaths? shrievef sheathe wreathes sleave sneathe* sleeve teeth? ets steeve teathe* seats steve [et, above] thieve in breathe theave* out breathe ev threavef re breathe beevef vive?|| up breathef breve weave un eath?t chie^ef or yevef be queath or chevef SINGLE RHYMES, CV 3Z a chieve un a chieved wheeze ag gileve un re lieved creaze up heave un re prieved quese be lieve self -de ceiv,ed lees be leavef un con ceived lease?f re lieve un per ceived leesef re prieve un re ceived mease? be reave miseiif un reavef evz neesef un reeve beeves peas de ceive eaves pease con ceive [ev, above] pleas per ceive greaves please re ceive heaves preaset re trieve leaves seize in weave squeeze un weave ez sneeze bees teas dis be lieve [e, above] tease mis be lieve bise?|| these un be lievef breeze tweese or in ter leave cheese tweeze un de ceive ease vezef fore con ceive fees mis con ceive f eaze or dis ease pre con ceive feeze un easef mis re ceive pheese be grease? in ter weave feesef Luc chese feizef mar quisef rec i ta tive freeze tur quoise?|| or frieze or tur kois? or evct frize tur cois? grieved grease? ba lize|| [ev, above] greesf or va lise?|| sheavedf greezef, &c. che miseil 4* SINGLE RHYMES, &Z C Ber nese Jap a nese? un pleased Chi nese? Jav a nese un seized [es, p. 61] Mil a nese un squeezed ap pease Am boy nese tra peze Mo de nese un ap peased dis please Si en nese es plees Vi en nese eb dis seize or man ga nese? bleb dis seise Po lo nese ebb fore seize Cre mo nese neb gla cis?|| Le o nese snebf re seize Ver o nese web Mai tese Mes si nese pa vise or o ver please ebd pa vesef An dor rese ebbed Fer ra rese [eb, above] Si am ese? Na var rese Ben gal ese re dis seize or un webbed Cey Ion ese re dis seise Ver mont ese Gen e vese ebz Ti mor ese Bo logn ese webs Gen o ese [eb, above] Tyr ol ese As tra khan ese Ton quin ese che val-de-frise|| ech To rin ese chev aux-de-frisei| dretchf As sam ese Sal a man quese? etch Can ton ese fetch gall iard isef ezd fletcht o ver frieze eased ketch For tu guese? [ez, above] quechf Nep au lese friezed letch - 2ja lese or reezedf lechf 011. a lese retch? An a mese un eased wretch Hav a nese self-pleased sketch SINGLE RHYMES, cll 67 stetch* spread in stead tretch stead or un thread vetch stedf re tread ted un tread out stretch thread mis wed tread un wed gclit wed etched zedt go-a head [ech, above] o ver head a bed o ver spread un stretched im bed or un gain said? em bed d sur bed Sdtli bed un bed breadth bled in bred bred un bred eclths bread be deadf breadths dead un fed dread ahead Mz fed be head beds fled un head [ed, above} head mis led lead? un led Sf led dis pread deaf? ped unread feoff? plead or gain said? kef|| pled un said clef read? un shed neft red un sped chef|| said be spread shed o'er spread en feoff? or shred out spread in feoff? sled re spread sned* un spread efs sped be steadt clefs SINGLE RHYMES, fs k [f, above] segf al ledget skeg en hedgef eft steg* deft teg* fore al lege! eft mis al lege! feoffed? [ef , above] out beg un peg in ter pledge heft* Sid. cleft klephtf left begged [g, above] edged [Sj, above] reft un fledged theft g-z un hedged weft begs un pledged [eg, above] a leftf un al leged be reft dis guise re sur prise J)ib SINGLE EHYMES, lb id 93 dib quitch un en riched drib quichf un be witched fib lich?f gibf michf or Id glib michef bid jib niche chid jibb knitcht did gibbet pitch fid crib rich hid quib sich kid nib scritch kydf rib slich quid sib* or stitch lid sybf switch mid squib twitch rid snibf twich Cid|| witch skid Xbd scridf fibbed un hitch squid [ib, above] en rich slid un stitch strid* *bz be witch thrid dibs|| un witchf tidf fibs Pb, above] un der ditch for bid o ver rich out bid Xch un bid bitch icht un chid ditch ditched un did dichf [Teh, above] a mid fitch fitched or be strid flitch fiched hitch un der bid which un ditched un for bid itch o ver bid 94 SINGLE EHYMES, Idst Ig'Z idst Wt l s bid'st drift big [Id, above] gift bigg didst clift brig rnidst lift dig rift diguef a midst shift fig shrift gig? Idth sift grig width smift whig sniffed jig idths [if, above] gig? widths snift ligt swift nig Mz thrift Pig bids tift prig [Id, above] tiffedt rig wrig If a drift snig* gift up lift? snigg* glyph un thrift?! sprig giiff* swig grifff o ver swift tig whiff trig if mil twig cliff fifth wig miff skiff miis un rig sniff fifths stiff fed tiff ifts rigged drifts [Ig, above] tts [Ift, above] cliffs igz [If, above] digs SINGLE RHYMES, Ig'Z 95 pg, above] Keh?j| kyxf nick mix pick nicks bridge prick nix fidget rick pnyx|| flidgef schlichll picks fridgef sick pyx or midge sikt pix ridge sic|| six slick sticks a bridge snick* Styx en ridge spick* strix|| stick d stich affix? bridged strickf in fix [fj, above] thick post fix? tick pre fix? un bridged tic|| re fix up ridged trick suf fix? wick trans fix un a bridged un fix un quick pro lix? Ik be stick ad mix bikhll im mix brick o ver lick com mix chick re mix dickg kin ni ki nicj or flick kil li ki nick] in ter mix glickef o ver mix kick Iks click or fix ikst klick flicks fixed crick flix [Iks, above] quick kicks 'twixt lick pk, above] 96 SINGLE RHYMES, Kkst un mixed or e vict prill un mixt con vict? rill a twixt shill* be twixt un pre dictt shrill con tra diet sill un in ter mixed in ter diet? skill o ver strict squill *ksth spill sixth Xkts still Picts swill Yksths ptkt, above] thill sixths thrill n till Xkt MU trill flctt brill twill pictf chill vill Pict dill will picked drill ptk, above] fill co dillell strict frill spa dilleJI gill? tre dille ad diet grill qua drille?|| pre diet grillell fulfils af flict hill f ul fill in flict ill refill con flict? jill up fillf de lict gill? up hill? un licked kill jon quille?|| de pict kiln ma nille|| un picked quill in stil or un pricked lillf in still up pricked mill un stillf con strict nil|| dis til or re strict nill dis till as trict pill un til SINGLE EHYMES, fl 97 cal villell un swilled silk self-will? un tilled thilkf self-willed? wilk des ha billed or un willed dis ha bille Hks o ver fill un ful filled silks o ver gild [ilk, above] HcIi un dis tilled filch Hkt milch Hdz bilked pilchf builds plk, above] pid, above] Hcht un milked filched flf shilff flm na sylph film build billed ma gilph or in film pi, above] me gilph chilled flmd childe? Hfs filmed gild sylphs guild pif, above] in filmed un filmed out build flj re build bilge Hmz un build films un chilled *ljd un drilled bilged in films un filled en gild Hk n p re gild bilk ma gilp or un killed whilk me gilp un milled ilk* un skilled milk SINGLE RHYMES, Hs frnp Us nts slim grilse hilts swim [Ht, above] trim nt skilts* built stilts be dim gilt dis limbf guilt n v dis limnf hilt dilve* en limnf jilt be trim kilt Hz re trim quilt bills lilt* [fl, above] o ver brim milt brills o ver trim silt guills? skiltf Imd smiltf tin brimmed spilt brim [im, above] stilt dim tilt frimt un dimmed twilt* glim un trimmed wilt grim him o ver brimmed un built hymn be gilt whim Xmf un gilt gimf lymph un spilt limb nymph a tilt limn lym par a nymph? o ver built nimf o ver tilt plim* Xmfs prim nymphs nth rim [Tmf , above] filth shim spilthf sym?f Imp tilth skim gimp SINGLE KHYMES, Imp lUCl imp hin re win jimp* whin crimp in vi o lin limp inn un der pin pimp jinn|| o ver spin primp* gin? shrimp kin inch scrimp lin* chinch .tyrnp linnet finch lyn* flinch Imps pin inch glimpse shin clinch imps sin quinchf pmp, above] skin linch spin lynch impt thin pinch limped tin skinch* Pmp, above] twin winch win Imz wynn un clinch hymns be pinch pm, above] be gin out grin incht In cha grin?!| finched been? here in [inch, above] bin where in blinf there in ind chin with in blind? or din a kin blinde fin ber lin? lind Finn unpin pinned gin?f or out sin [in, above] gynf un sinf rynd giynt out spin tindf grin beg uin?|| tyndt 90 100 SINGLE KHYMES, Illtl lllk tinned ting cringe wind? wing mingef singe ab scindf out bring scringe* or ex scind re kingt skringe* pre scind un king springe re scind un cling swinge un skinned en ringt tinge out ring twinge in ter scind re ring un ring be fringe Yudz out sing in fringe winds? un sling un hinge [Ind, above] out spring im pinge up spring? ab stringe tiig un stingf con stringe bing un string per stringef bring out wing at tingef ding as tringe fling un der sing gingt o ver spring Xiijd ingt hinged king higd [ftyj, above] cling ringed ling [Ing, above] un fringed ring un singed wring un winged un tinged sing sling Ingz un in fringed spring wings sting [fag, above] Ink string blink swing *nj brink thing fringe chink thringf hinge drink SINGLE RHYMES, ink frit ink bob o link? mince kink in ter link? prince clink ap pro pinque rinse link coun ter sink? since mink wince pink Inks prink chinks dis prince shrink [mk, above] un princef sink jinks - in trinsef cinque || or lynx e vince sinquef minx con vince scink or sphinx|| re vincet skink slink me thinks Iiish spink Ru minsch stink *nkt swinkf or linked Inst swinckt [Ink, above] minced think tinct [Tns, above] tink trink un pinked un rinsed twinkf pre cinct? wink pro cinctf un con vinced zinc or sue cinct zink dis tinct *nt ex tinct dint out drink in stinct? flint dis link glint en link in dis tinct hint un link in ex tinct quint? be think un ex tinct lint fore think mint un thinkf Ins print chinse squint o ver drink quince splint 101 ()* 102 SINGLE RHYMES, tilt Ipt stint drip a trip tint or flip teintf grip o ver slip grippel o ver trip im print? hip com print? hyp tps mis print whip chips re print? gip pp, above] trans printf gyp thrips| a squint kip clip e clipse re-im print quip el lipse lip tilth nip tpst plinth pip e clipsed rip ab sinthe|| ship un e clipsed sip tilths skip tpt plinths scrip chipped slip Pp, above] liits snip dipped or chintz strip dipt flints tip whipped or [Int, above] trip whipt crypt liiz in clip script bins e quip pn, above] un rip un dipped crinze out ship un whipped winze re ship un clipped trans ship or un stripped IP tran ship chip un ship un e quipped dip out strip SINGLE RHYMES, Is 1st 1 is dish o da lisque?|| bj SSt fish bliss kish isks hios cuish? or disks! kiss quish? frisks kris lish psk, above] cuisseli or pish cuish? slish iskt lisst wish frisked miss Psk, above] nis?t fore wish risset un wisht *sp siss crisp spisst in ter wisht lisp Swiss wisp this Xsht visll fished isps wist psh, above] lisps yes? [Isp, above] un wished a byss ispt de hisce Xsk lisped be kisst bisk [tsp, above] un kisst bisque]] cou lissell brisk fst a miss disk or blistt dis miss disc fist per misst fisc fristt re miss fiskt glistt sub miss flisk grist va risse frisk hissed y wist hisk* ps, above] whisk hist ish risk or whist bish risque gist 103 104 SINGLE EHYMES, 1! *t It list re sist cit missed sit mist co ex ist skit* pist 07* pre ex ist slit piste || re-en list smitt wrist un dis missed smitt schistll in ter twist spit cist had i wistf split cyst sprit sist* sts tit sissed lists twit trist* 07 [Tst, above] wit tryst* twist it un bit wistt bit befit xyst . bitt misfit brit re fit ex ist chit un fit a gist ditf a frit un kissed fit un hit ac quistf flit tu whit en list 07- frit ac quit in listt grit a mitt be mistf hit ad mit un missed whit de mit as sist it e mit de sist git im mit in sist kit com mit con sist quit o mit per sist mitt per mit? sub sist nit re mit en twist 07* knit sub mit in twist pit trans mit un twist plitt in knit un wistf writ un knit SINGLE RHYMES, it iz be sit forth with? [ft, above] out sit here with? bitts be spit where with? grits re split there with? its un split quits torn tit it hin or itti]y out wit rhythm? iv un witf give itlimswitlimz live? re-ad mit rhythms? sieve re com mit re trans mit iths for give in tro mit friths mis give in ter mit [ith, above] out give pre ter mit or re give prse ter mit itht un givef man u mit pithed up givet in ter knit smithedt out live o ver wit withed? re live urr livef ith ftfe frith with o ver live gith withe? grithf ivd kith forth with? lived lith [fth, above] [Tv, above] myth or mythe itlid ivz pith withed? gives rythf [iv, above] sithf iffcz smith withes? iz stith* dizzf titht its fizz withe? bits phiz or 105 106 SINGLE RHYMES, fe 6 phyz dough row? friz or flow show or frizz floe shew his flof shrowf hizzf foe scrow whiz fob* slow is fro sloe quiz froe* snow nis?f or . glow so nyst go sew? 'tis grow soe* gros|| sault?|| *zd growef sow? frizzed ho stow PZ, above] hoa? strew? or hoe strow izm hoghf though or ism whoa? tho' chrism jo* thot prism joe throe schism crow throw lo throwe* a bysm low toe mow? tow Izmz mof trowf schisms moe voe* pzm, above] no wo or know woe O zho blow Oh beau|j owe up blow bo poh em bow or bow? pro|| im bow do?|| prow? sa bot|| doe? roe un bow? SINGLE RHYMES, o ocli 107 ra deau|| un slowf mal ap ro pos?|| ri deau| be snow ron deau|| be stow 5b jet d'eau|| be strew? globe in flow mis throw lobe out ^flow? up throw probe re flow ba teau|| or robe a glow bat teau ago cou teau|| con globef fore go cour taud|| dis robe out go? pla teau|| en robe out grow cha teau|| un robe up growf al though so-ho out throw obd alow pro vost?H globed below che vaux] [ob, above] hoi la? boy au?|| hoi lo? noy au|| Obz hoi low? globes rou leau| o ver blow [ob, above] tab leau|| o ver flow? bon mot? 11 un der go och be know o ver go broach fore know un der growf brooch? four neaull o ver grow coach un know per si cot?|| loach de pot?|| o ver crow loche a row en tre pot|| poach bu reau|| o ver sew proacht fore show or o ver snow roach fore shew mis be stow pre show o ver strow or a broach mor ceau|| o ver strew? in coach re sow o ver throw? ac croach trous seaujl en croach 108 SINGLE RHYME*, och og ap proach rowed o ver load re proach roed al a modef shoad or dis com mode re-ap proach shode in com mode self -re proach showed or o ver rode shewed un be stowed ocht scrode or broached schrode odz [ach, above] strode bodes strowed or [od, above] un broached strewed? toad of un ap preached towed goaf un re proached troadt koff? trodef loaf od woad oaf blowedt wodef [0, above] yodef ofs bode loaf's chodet a bode oafs glodef fore bode [of, above] goad un bowed? code re load oft load un load loafed lode com mode? lowed un mowed ogr mode e node brogue mowed? un owed cogue node dis plode proguef ode ex plode rogue owed e rode vogue od? in road oadf cor rode " em bogue road un sowed col logue rode be strode pi rogue|j or SINGLE KHYMES, Og" 51 109 pc rogue 1 poake o ver pro voke pro rogue prokef roke* or oks dis em bogue roak* chokes scoke [ok, above] ogd sloke folks pro rogued smoke hoax [og, above] soak coax soke* ogz spoke okst rogues stoak hoaxed [og, above] stoke coaxed stroke oj toque|| okt doge|| yoke choked yolk? [ok, above] gam boge? or cam boge? un brokef un smoked un cloak or un soaked ok un cloke broke be smoke un in voked choke a soak un pro voked folk be spoke un re voked joke e voke cloak or in voke 51 cloke con voke bole coke pro voke boll coak re voke bowl? croak a woke choule?f loke* un yoke dole moke droll oak sol i loque?|| foal oke un der stroke goal poke e qui voque?|| gholelj poak or mi pro voke golef 110 SINGLE KHYMES, 51 51(1 hole con dole self-con trol whole seg holll jowl un wholef old jole ca jole bold jollt bri cole|| bowled coal es croll [ol, above] cole pi nole foaled mole e paule?|| fold mollll en rol or gold? knoll in rolf or hold pole en roll or cold poU? in rollf coaled prollj pa role?H or mould or prowl? pa rol? mold rolell un roll old roll up roll scold shoal or vi role|| sold sholet in scroll or soled scroll in scrol told sol?|| feme-sole? || or toled sole or femme-solell tolled soalf con sole wold soul un soulf woald stole pis tole|| yoldf stroll or con trol or strowlf comp trolf en fold or thole or pa trol or in fold thowl pa trole re fold tolf pe trolf un fold tolef be hold toll? gir an dole?|| un holdf troll or dis en rol or up hold troul or dis en roll with hold trowl pass-pa role a-cold vole par a sol?|| re mould or SINGLE EHYMES, Old O1H 111 re mold oln olts un mould or boln bolts un mold bollen? [olt, above] un polled stolen? out scold swollen? or olz un sold sworn coals un soled [51, above] un souledf olp fore told golp oin mis told holpf brome|| re told dome un told olt foam un trolled bolt or gloamf boultf glome o ver bold dolt gome un en rolled holt home un con soled hoult holm? un fore told jolt comb un con trolled colt chrome moult or crome* oldz molt loam folds nolt* mome [old, above] polt nome poultf gnome oik smolt pome yolk? tolt roam volt sloam oiks stream yolks? un bolt tome|| un coltt olm re volt? a foam holm? be f oamf thun der bolt? a plome?|| olmz holms? ex os tome? 113 SINGLE RHYMES. Ollld Oil omd sewnf re pone foamed stone ma rone [om, above] strown or mo rone strewn?f out shone un combed throne un shown thrown un sown oinz tone be strown homes trone* as tonef [om, above] wonef de throne zone en throne or on in throne aunetll out blown? out thrown blown un blown un throne bone trom bone? un thrown drone con done a tone flown la drone at tonet fonef out grown in tone groan un grown tes tone|| grown ma hone pa vonef hone cha cone veil on|| cone a lone o zone crone Co logne loan co lonef o ver blown lone re loan un der grown moan be moan o ver grown mown un mown un be known known fore known un fore known own un known in ter ponet pone* dis own dis en throne prone de pone* re-en throne or roan im ponef re-in thronet shone? com pone o ver thrown shown 01 op pone shewn post pone eau-de-Co logne|] sown pro ponef RHYMES, Olid 6r 113 ond em bronze? opt boned groped [on, above] onzd [op, above] monde?|| bronzed? un hoped un boned em bronzed? beau-monde?H or un moaned op bloref un owned grope boar un zoned hope bore cope chore?* un be moaned lope* door un a toned mope floor nope* fore ong ope four mont?|| pope froref [6ng, p. 125] rope gloarf scope gloref onj slope gore or al longe?|| soap or goarf sopef hoar ons stope whore? at toncef tope core trope chore?f Ollt corps? || don't e lope crorell won't? un pope lore a slope Jlower? onz more bones in ter lope Jmower [on, above] mohr|| bronze? ops oar nones hopes o'er trones* [op, above] ore pore 114 SINGLE RHYMES, pour ig nore orch proref de plore porch roar ex plore trower im plore ord shore out pour board slioarf re pour bored score out roar [or, above] smoref up roar? ford snore a shore gored soar in shore gourd sore out soar hoard tsower up soar whored? spore re store horde store for swore soared Jstower out wore? sord?f swore be zoar? sword tore ttoward Jtower? mat a dore? wore mir a dor|| a board yore pic a dor|| a bord|| lou is-d'or?|| af ford for bore Ther mi dor|| be gored a dore out-of-door? un gored ban dore? or Fruc ti dor| un hoard pan dore? here to fore up hoardf moi dore? roq ue laure?|| re stored out door? mat ta more?!) a fore ev er more un a dored be fore re-ex plore un de plored be whore un der score un ex plored eu chlore|| o ver store un im plored de coref un re stored en core|| for ev er more ga lore* or ordz go lore* boards SINGLE KHYMES, OFClZ Ol't [ord, above] be mourn dis course un shorn re course orj for sworn re source forge? out sworn di vorce un sworn orjcl be torn re-en force or forged? un torn re-in force out worn un forged? un worn orst forced ork o ver borne [ors, above] pork o ver worn un forced orm orncl form? or mourned un en forced fourm un di vorced be mourned ormz ort forms? or ornz fort fourrns bourns? forte?|| [orn, above] court orn port borne ors Porte i| bourne? or force sport bourn? hoarse frornt coarse de port mourn corse? dis port mournet course ex port? shorn scorse?f or im port? sworn scoursef com port torn source rap port || worn re port de force sup port for borne en force trans port? be fornf per force 115 116 SINGLE RHYMES, 6rt 6S re-ex port? dose car nose re-im port gross cri nose mis re port close? lig nosef os?|| spi nose? orth ve nose forth bul bose vi nose fourth gib bose vul nose glo bose quartz ose hence forth? mor bose stu pose whence forth?t nim bose e rose thence forth? ver bose gy rose la brose? crib rose? orths f ron dose mo rose fourths no dose squar rose forthsf -bri gosef vi rosef ru gose o tiose? orts stri gose fruc tose? courts en gross or lu tose? [Ort, above] in grossf se tose floe cose schis tose? or orz jo cose shis tose? cores pre cocef ven tose? [or, above] spi cose ni trose corps?l| tal cose fa vose a quose nse vosef a doors pi lose ner vose a dores vil lose ri vose out doors gru mose all-fours co mose? sub glo bose mam mose? ten e brose? out-of-doors? plu mose un der dose? ra mose o ver dose? OS ri mose o ver gross boce stru mose? var i cose? brose* va mose bel li cose? SINGLE RHYMES, OS Ot 117 pu li cose?t su ber ose? ga loche?|| ver ru cose? tu ber ose? guil loche?|| ven tri cose? spon gi ose? ca roche|| sil i quose? o le ose? nu bi lose? pol lin ose? osht tu bu lose? vul ner ose? ca roched lam el lose? sea ri ose? ru gu lose o ti ose? ost cap il lose? tor tu ose? boast pax il lose? ac er ose? dosed strig il lose? op er ose? [os, above] plu mu lose? ad i pose? ghost tu mu lose? bed e rose? host an nu lose? sub e rose? coast squar ru lose? sop o rose? most loc u lose? com a tose? post mac u lose? ac e tose roast neb u lose? stig ma tose? toast . ram u lose? sar men tose set u lose? to men tose? re coast squam u lose? ne crosed spin u lose? ver ru cu lose? al most? tor u lose? si lie u lose? dis postt ven u lose? - ver mic u lose? en dos mose? ra cem u lose? un en grossed rac e mose? ve sic u lose? o ver post ex os mose? mul ti ra mose o ver roast s:ib ra mose? si lig i nose?f lach ry mose? al bu mi nose? osts di ag nose? . e dem a tose? boasts ad e nose? [ost, above] ar e nose? osh pru i nose? gauche|| ot ven e nose?f mochell bloat lac u nose? blote 118 SINGLE RHYMES, Ot Otfrz boat troat Otll bote vote blowtht doat or wote?f blow'th dote yote* [o, above] float both flote* be dotef growth frotet a float quoth? gloat be quote loth? or goat mis quote loath gote* ca lote oath gr ought t ge motet wroth? hotel pro mote sloth? coat re mote cote de note mis growth quote ig notef lote con note oths moat pre note growths moatet ca pote| sloths? mote gar rote|| note un smote otli n'otef de vote clothe oat ga vot?t loathe wrote out vote rote un vote en clothe shoat a zote? un clothe shote scoat ta ble-d'hote?i| otftcl sloat o ver float clothed slote post-re mote [oth, above] smote pre-re mote sotef coun ter vote otfiz stoat or o ver vote clothes? stotet loathes throat wit en a ge mote?f oaths tote* SINGLE RHYMES, OtS OZ 119 ots [of, p. 108] toset boats toze [Ot, above] OZ grotest beaus or un f-rozet beaux) dis close ov bows? en close or drove [o, p. 106] in close govet chose? fore close grove does? per close hove doze re close Jove froze un close clove glows tab leaux?U cove gloze or de pose mauve 11 glosef dis pose rove hoes ex pose shrovet hose im pose stove clothes? com pose strove close? op pose throve crows pro pose wove croze re pose nose se poset al cove? knows sup pose in wove noes trans pose un wove pose or be prosef poze trans proset in ter wove prose a rose roes ven tose?|| ovd rose ni vose|| roved rows? [ov, above] chose?|| un dis close* slows dis in close or ovz those dis en close droves throes in ter close [ov, above] throws en dos mose? loaves toes fore dis pose 120 SINGLE RHYMES, OZ in dis pose un de com posed ka bob|| pre dis pose na bob? re dis pose ozh be robf un dis posef bauge?H re-im pose Sbd de com pose e loge|| bobbed dis com pose [ob, above] pre com pose 6 re com pose pa tois?|| un robbed re-op pose [a, p. 36] su per pose 5bz pre sup pose ob bobs in ter pose blob [ob, above] bob scobs pre in dis pose fob su per im pose gob? och hob blotch ozd job botch dozed cob crotch [oz, above] kob|| quatcht quab notch un glosedt quob potcht un hosed lob Scotch mob scotch un dis closed nob swatchf un in closed knob watch un dis posed rob un ex posed squab out watch self-im posed snob un im posed sob o ver watch un com posed swab or un op posed swobf Scht un pro posed throb botched un re posed [och, above] un trans posed ca bob || or SINGLE KHYMES, 6cllt 5g" 121 un watched 6dz oft odds doffed 1 5d [Sd, above] [of, above] dodd croft 1 god 6f loft 1 God 1 ? doff 1 oft 1 hod goff ! t soft 1 clod cloff 1 or toft 1 cod clough 1 ? quadf coff* a loft 1 quodf cough? un soft ! f nod DA P- 40] od? koff? ofts odd loffef lofts 1 plod moff 1 [oft, above] pod gnofff prod off 1 og rod shroff 1 1| bog shod scoff 1 brog scrod soph dog 1 squad sough? flog snod* toph fog - sod trough 1 ? frog sprod* gogt swad here of? grog tod where of? hog trod there of? jog wad clog wadd har ry soph* cog quag? be godf 6fs log 1 ? un godf doffs 1 nog es crod [of, above] prog un shod shogt un trod scrog* 122 SINGLE RHYMES, Og 6kt be fog drock* ca poc? agog flock un stock un clog frock in cog hock in ter lock egg nog hough in ter shock tau tog|| clock o ver stock? cock 6gd crock 5ks frogged loch blocks [5g, above] lough* [ok, above] lock box ogz mock 1 phlox|| bogs knock fox [6g, above] nockf hoxt oc cox j ploc|| ox bodgef pock pox or dodge rock pocksf lodge roc|| prox* podge shock vox|| rodge shough?t woxf or smock woxef dis lodge soc re lodge sock em box or un lodge stock im box un box 5jd Me doc small-pox? dodged un dock [6j, above] un frock 5kst un cock boxed ftk be lock [oks, above] block in lock brock un lock 6kt chock up lockf blocked dock be mock 1 [ok, above] SINGLE EHYME8, 6kt 6m 123 de coct *lj pre re solve con coct volgef re-re solve un shocked 61m 6lvd un der stocked holm? solved [olv, above] okts olinz de cocts holms? un solved con cocts 61t un ab solved? 61 la volt un e volved doll re volt? un in volved goHt un ab solved? collt olts un dis solved quoll revolts? un re solved loll [olt, above] nollf 5lvz poll? 61v solves 80l?|| solve [olv, above] toll? woll* ab solve? 61z de volve dolls a toll|| e volve [51, above] ex tol in volve con volve con sols? par a sol?|| re volve ab solve? 6m 6ltl dis solve bom lolled re solve domf [61, above] from dis in volvef clombf 61f re-in volve pommell golf cir cum volve rhomb? in ter volve scommf re dis solve stromb 124 SINGLE EHYME8, 6lH 6lldz swom?f 01I1Z there up on tomt rhombs? fan fa ron?|| [5m, above] there from 5iid a plomb?|| 611 blonde]] bon?|| blond|| 5mb bonne|| bond rhomb? don brondf font donned 6mbz gone 1 fond rhombs? con frond on Fronde]] 6mp shone? conned chomp* swan cond clomp ton?|| pond pomp wan? stondf romp yon strondf stomp wand swamp a gone ! f wanned tromp be gone 1 ? yondf cha connell 5mps here on pla fond|| pomps where on un conned [omp, above] there on a mende?|| a non beau monde?|| 5mpt or font up on ab scond prompt? ju pon|| or de spond romped? jup pon re spond [omp, above] se pon 1 * be yond as tonf o ver prompt? o ver fond woe be gone 1 cor re spond Smptsmhnts di es non? || prompts? here up on oiidz where up on bonds SINGLE RHYMES, 5nflz ftnS 125 [ond, above] Jba ton?|| 611 g-z Jbe ton?|| songs 1 611 g" Jbon ton?|| [ong, above] tbon?H pe tong tongs 1 gong in throng 1 hong|| tsa vant|| ftiigzh clongt Jbouill on?H me lange?|| cong du yong|| [anzh, p. 31 ; long 1 Jga zon?|| onj, below] prong 1 [ang, p. 30; wrong 1 ong, p. 113] oits do? Hin doo? quoits doe?f to-do [oit, above] gout?|| un do who bur goo? or oiz coo bur gout? boys loo liaut gout|| [oi, p. 129] moo ra goutj froise|| gnoo! |] tu whoo noise pooh al loo poise or shoe hal loo poizef shoo or to lu? toise|j shough? ca noe toys sloo sham poo or sou || cham poo tur quoise?l| or sous?|| da roo tur kois? or sault?|| goo roo || tur cois? to? sis soo?|| ca moyst too ca shew? out noise two ca shoo out poise woo here to yull where to coun ter poise? [u, pp. xiii Key, Gen toof o ver poise? and 144] tat too there to av oir du pois|| bam boo?|| un to? de but?|| vir tu?|| oizd ta boo|| or Char treux?|| noised ta bu|| [u, p. 161] [oiz, above] Mant choo or bi jou|| Man choo bi joux|| un poised a do for dot mar a boulj 00 mis do hub bub boo boo or out do car i bou?|| boohg chan doo un der do SINGLE RHYMES, GO OOJ 138 6 ver do ca puchedf re proof sap a jou?|| un roof trous-de-loup|| ood tar tuife?|| ' gar dy loo Boodh|| or mo lu? brood oofs wan der oo|| food hoofs kan ga roo mood [oof, above] cock a too mooed here in to? pood|| ooft where in to rood hoofed there in to shrood* [oof, above] here un to snood loofedt where un to wooed there un to [oo, above; oogr passe-par tout|| ud, p. 145] vugg? or ren dez vous?|| vugh? juste mil ieu?|| un wooed jug? lang ter a loo ooclz OOg'Z moods yugs? ooch [ood, above] [oog, above] brooch? smooch oof ool zoutch gooff buoy? hoof ca poch or loof? re buoy? ca pouch ouphet car touch or proof ooW car touche|| roof buoyed? woof oocht re buoyed? brooched? be hoof un buoyed? [ooch, above] aloof ap proof f ooj ca poched or dis proof bougef 8INGT.K I!IIYME*,OOJ OOlli gouge?|| lool oolz pool fools gam boge? poule|| [ool, above] school oojd spool 00111 gouged? stool bloom [ooj, above] tool boom Jtulle?|| broom ook brougham? flook or Ix- fool doom flowk? out fool gloom looch un fool groom nook? se moulell whom snook cloomf spook un be fool coom strook?f comb? oold combe chi l)ouque|| or fooled coomb* chi bnukll [ool, above] coombc* ka book gold?t croom* caout chouc? uouldf loom ta look|| woold room would? [urn, p. 146] ooks sloom* spooks un schooled spoom [ook, above] stoom ooldz tomb ool woolds toomt doolef womb drool oolp fool poulp? a bloom ghoulll or cm bloom ghoole|| oolps out bloom cool poulps? re bloom koulll fore doom SINGLE EHYME8, OOiH OOll 185 pre doom soon tarn poon? be gloomf spoon flo roon en gloomf swoon ca roon si moomjl or toon car roon* su moom [un, p. 147J quad roon en tomb or ma roon in tomb a boon* mar roon un tomb gam broon mar ron|| en womb bri doon se roon or car doon se ron?|| o ver gloom go droon ce roon dis en tomb spa droon bas soon buf f oon eft soonf ooiiid ty plioon or gos soon* bloomed ty f oonf or cais son? [oom, above] tu foonf mon soon dra goon ba toon un doomed la goon fes toon un gloomed co coon car toon pac coon|| pla toon un en tombed rac coon or pon toon or rac oon or pon ton|| oomx rack oon ra toon rooms ty coon || rat toon [oom, above] bal loon spit toon doub loon spon toon oon gal loon tes toon boon sa loon quin troon coon shal loon pa troon|| croon Wai loon pol troon loon ra moon ga zon?|| moon si moon noon bab oon rig a doon roonf har poon pat a coon) shoon* lam poon bar ra coon? 136 SINGLE RHYMES, OO11 OOl'bZ pan ta loon houpf un looped mus ket oon whoop? blat ter oonf joupf oor mac a roon cloop boor pic a roon coop bourf oc to roon or croup dour* oc ta roon loop dur|| o ver soon loupf whore? due a toon poop moor bal la toon roup* poor pul pa toonf roopf smoorf scoop spoor|| mel o co toon or sloop stoor mel o co ton|| or soup tour|| mel i co toon stoop stoup pan dour? ooncl swoop re coure swooned troop . a mourlj [oon, above] troupe J un moor wound? woop? tour nure?|| mon sieur?|| oonz ag group de tour|| boons un hoop? hau teur?|| [oon, above] re coup or con tour re coupell fri sure?|| cram poons sa loop [iir, p. 148; eft soonsf ur, p. 161] cal zoonst oops loops oorb pan ta loons [oop, above] fourbe||t courbf oop oopt droop pooped oorbz group [oop, above] fourbest hoop? [oorb, above] SIHGLE RHYMES, OOrch Got 137 oorch oos [oos, above] courche* or boose?* oost curch?* goose roost loose oord loost un roost bourdf moose gourd? noose? costs Koord or roosts Kurd ca boose or [oost, above] loordf cam boose moored un loose oot [oor, above] bur noose?|| r boot soordf ber nouse|| or hoot or bour nouseJI, &c. whoott oorn coot bourn? or cal a boose* loot bourne? moot oosh knout?|| oornz douche || pout?* bourns? or rouchell or root bournes? ruchel! route?|| shoot oors bonne-bouche|| chute?!! bourse!! de bouch [at, p. 149] ba rouchell soot? oorsli sootef bursch?!! pi e douche!! strootf toot oort oosht tout?* yaourtjj de bouched un boot oorz cost ma hout|| boors boost e coute|| [oor, above] giustt raj pootll loosed dis root 8* 138 RHYMES, OOt OO'A en root oolH re move out root booth trans movef che root? smooth ap prove unroot smoothet dis prove up root soothe im prove out shoot re prove up shoot un smoothf un sootf or coun ter move un sootef ootfrcl dis ap prove sur tout|| smoothed dis im prove [ooth, above] mis im prove mar a bout|| coun ter prove o ver shoot un soothed oovcl ooth ootfiz grooved couthf booths [oov, above] sooth [ooth, above] tooth self-moved oots un moved un couth boots un proved for sooth [oot, above] un tooth wootz un re moved un ap proved ooths oov un dis proved tooths groove un im proved tooth's hoove self -re proved move un re proved un tooths prove oovz ootlit be hoove or grooves toothed be hove [oov, above] a move un toothed ad movef ooz com movet blouse?|| pro movet boose? RHYMES, ooz oucht 130 booze ou ko tow|| choose bow? a vow [flz,p. 150] bough bow wow? whose brow pow wow? lose dow noose? frow o ver bow nowest how o ver brow ooze or clough? re-en dow ouset or cow dis al low ouzet mow? dis a vow rooze* mought re-a vow shoes mowet [oo, above] now oucli snooze plow or couch woos plough crouch prow? ouch or mis choose row? owchet re choose scow or pouch skowt slouch ren dez vous?|| slough? smouch sow? vouch oozd swoughf zoutch? oozed swow [ooz, above] thou re couch trow? a vouch oozh vow dis vouch bouge?t mis vouch roiige|| out bow un bowt dis a vouch gam boge? en dow or in dowf oucht oozlul al low crouched rouged e nowf [ouoh, above] [oozh, above] ere now ko tou| or fore vouched 140 SINGLE EHYMES, OUCllt OlllpS un vouched o ver proud dowl un a vowed foul un a vouched fowl ouclz gowlf oucl clouds growl bowed [oud, above] howl [ou, above] cowl goudf ouf noulf or cloud wowf* nowlf crowd owl loud ouj prowl? proud bouge?f scowl shroud bowgef sowlf shrowd* gouge? sowlef snowd scrouge* woult stroud oujd mi aul un bowed? gouged? afoul be cloud [ouj, above] be foul in cloud de foul* un cloud ouk be howlf a loud douc? un cowl al lowed gowk un plowed or ould Un ploughed ouks cowled en shroud gowks [oul, above] o'er shroud [ouk, above] un shroud un fouled a vowed oukt un vowed gowkedf oulp poulp? un en dowed Olll o ver cloud boul* oulps o ver crowd bowl? poulps? un al lowed dowle or SINGLE RHYMES, OVllZ OUI1S 141 oulz ouiicht im pound fowls mounchedf or com pound? [oul, above] mounchtt pro pound a round otm oinicl sur round brown bound out sound down browned re sound? drown [oun, above] un sound frown found as tound gown gowned un wound clown ground re sound? crown hound lownf mound ir re nowned mount oundet un re nowned noun pound mis ex pound rount round de com pound town sound stound su per a bound em brown or swoundf o ver a bound im brown wound? a down ounclz go down a bound bounds out frown im bound [ound, above] un gown re bound zounds dis crown un bound un crown re dound ounj re nown un drowned lounge up town con found pro found ounjd o ver drown re found lounged un found ouncli a ground onus mouncht mis ground bounce un ground flounce ex pound frounce 142 SINGLE RHYMES, OU11S OUS jounce a mount Jde flower ounce dis mount de vour pounce out mount rounce re mount in ter sourf trounce sur mount ourd an nounce o ver count floured de nounce o ver mount [our, above] e nounce t pro nounce cunts un scoured re nounce counts un soured [ount, above] pre an nounce ourz mis pro nounce OU11Z ours nouns hours ouiist [oun, above] [our, above j pounced [ouns, above] our OUS tbower browse? un an nounced [ouilr, p. 543] chouse un de nounced flour douse un pro nounced Jflower dowse glour* or grouse ount tglower house? fount giaourU houssf count lourf or louse comptf Jlower? mouse? mount our nous|| hour poussef ac count or owret rouse? ac compt scour sous?| dis count? or sour souse or dis comptf stourt sowcef mis count? touse?* re count de flour or [ VK 1 T X SINGLE 1&HY.MES, OU> *t ouz oust skout ' OUtllS choused snout drouths [ous, above] soutt mouth's doused spout souths? dowstf sprout oust stout outlit roust* stroutf southed? tout?* ousts trout OUtfc ousts mouth? rousts* about south? mis doubt out re doubt outlid bout be lowtt mouthed bought? here outf southed? choutll where outf doubt there out outfrz doutf through out mouths drought with out souths? flout dis rout gloutf un shoutt outs gout? de vout bouts gowt [out, above] grout here a bout clout where a bout here a bouts crout|| there a bout where a bouts lout un de vout there a bouts mought knout?|| outh ouz out drouth or blouse?|| or pout drowtht blowse rout crowthf blowze route?|| mouth? bows? shout south? [ou, above] scout bowse 143 144 SINGLE RHYMES, OUZ U browse? few shrew? drowse fugh? screw? growsef feu|| skew or house? flew skuet mouse? flue slew owse glue or slue rouse? glewf smew spouse grew? snew* touse? gue sprew? trouse hew sprue? hue spue or dis house whew spew un house Jew? strew? es pouse clew or stew a rouse clue sue ca rouse crew? sew? up rouse cue or threw? queue|| through? or dis es pouse lieull thro'? lewf thew ouzd lu true? browsed mew tew [ouz, above] meawf view mue ewe? un roused new yew? or gnu?|| eugh? knew you? u pew [u, p. xiii; oo, blew puet p. 132] blue pugh? brew? puh? de but?|| chew? rew?t em brew? drew? rue? im brue? or dew shu? or em brue? due shough? im bue SINGLE EHYMES, U lid 145 es chew? un true? lewd ca dew vir tu?|| nude with drew? re view prude? a dieu|| sur viewf rude? be dew shrewd? en due or o ver drew? shude in due o ver due screwed? per du?|| or or mo lu? [ood, p. 133] per due?|| un der hew strewed? sub due o ver strew? strude? un due stewed en glue ub un glue cube un brewed? fore hew tube un chewed un clew ex elude ac crue? ubd in elude con crew?f cubed con elude pur lieull tubed pre elude tolu? se elude em mew or ubz al lude en mew or cubes de lude in mew tubes e lude trans mew il lude a new uch col lude re new zuche pre lude? a rew?f al mude] be shrew? ud de nude un screw? blued sub nude a skew [u, above] un rude? be spew chewed? un strewed? be strew? flewed? tran sude en sue feodf or de trude? mon sieur?l| feud ex trude? pur sue jewed in trude? where through?! crude? ob trude? 9 146 SINGLE EHYMES, U<1 pro trude? ugz gule re trude? fugues mewl or sub trude?f meawlf 6 tude|l uj mule un viewed huge pule ex ude rule? uk yule? un im brued? duke un im bued fluke re 'culef self-sub dued hukef mis rule? un sub dued juke in ter elude lukef or o ver rule? sem i-nude leuket un re newed puke uld un pur sued spuke guled un re viewed stukef [ul, above] yuke?* ndz ra guled or feuds re buke rag guled [fid, above] arch duke un ruled? un duke uf ulz lufe* tiks gules scufe* dukes mules [uk, above] [ill, above] tar tuffe? ukt UIH fits jukedf brume? ||t scufes* [uk, above] [oom, p. 134] [uf, above] flume un re buked fume ugr glume fugue ul grume? buhl plume dreul? rheum? SINGLE RHYMES, UlU 147 spume un con sumed op por tune pic a yune?|| per fume? umz le gume? fumes in ter com mune ex hume [urn, above] mal a ca tune? in hume re im por tune il lume un in op por tune re lume dune de plume hewn und dis plume June tuned un plumet lune [un, above] ab sume prune? un pruned? as sume [oon, p. 135] self-unedt con sume rune?|| sub sume tune un im pugned tran sumef bi tume? la gune un im por tuned cos tume un hewn pre sume je June? unz re sume com mune? dunes re prune? [un, above] re il lume ex pugn co-as sume im pugn or P re-as sume em pugnt drupe? oppugn [oop, p.. 136] umcl re pugnf dupe plumed at tune jupe [urn, above] en tune pupe mis tune stupe in fumed re tune un fumed un tune tips tri une? dupes un per fumed [lip, above] self -as sumed self -com mune un as sumed im por tune 148 SINGLE EHYMES, Upt US upt im pure urd duped cou pure|| dured [up, above] un puref [ur, above] as sure? t ur be sure? un ab jured dure bro chure? un pro cured cure in sure? or un al lured lure en sure? cir cum mured mure un'suret un ma nured pure ob scure self-as sured? sure? bat turejj un as sured? Jsewer? ma ture un in sured? [uur, p. 559J voi ture?|| un ob scured uret in ure or im ma tured your? en ure un in ured Jewer? bri sure? || fri seur?|| urse en dure fri sure|| cures ob duret [ur, above] out duref in se cure ab jure un se curet US ad jure con tra mure? deuce or con jure? coun ter mure? deuse or pro cure re-as sure? duse re cure de bou chure? || juice se cure em bou chure?|| juisef al lure? re-in sure? cruise? il luret clare-ob scure cruse? co lure con nois seur?|| [oos, p. 137] si lure am a teur?|| luce de mure im ma ture mucef im mure pre ma ture pruce?f ma nure em bra sure?|| puce e purel! Russ? gui pure| coun ter se cure sluice E RHYMES, fls fit 149 spruce? cir cum ducef shute struse? re pro duce chute?|| truce? in tro duce scute use? eau-de-luce?|| skute sub ob tuse sputef a buse? suit ab duce su per in duce ad duce re-in tro duce em brute? or de duce hy pot e nuse? or im brute? e duce hy poth e nuse? con fute in duce re fute con duce fist ad jutef pro duce? sluiced re cruit? re duce ["us, above] a cute se duce be lute sub duce un in duced di lute tra duce un pro duced e lute dif fuse? un re duced pol lute ef fuse? un se duced sa lute pro fuse? so lute oc clusef un in tro duced un lute re cluse vo lute ex cuse? tit e meute?H in cuse bruit? com mute un sluice brute? per mutef ab struse? [oot, p. 137] trans mute re truse?f flute cor nute? dis use? fruit? mi nute? mis use? jute de pute ob tuse cute dis pute per tuse lute im pute re tuse meute com pute mute re pute self -a buse newt hir sute? re-in duce puitf non suit? 150 SINGLE RHYMES, fit pur suit uz ex cuse? ver sute blues re cusef as tute [u, p. 144] a muse bruise? pe ruse? per a cute [ooz, p. 138] con tuse sub a cute chuse?f dis use? re sa lute Druse? or mis use? sem i mute? Druze? com mi nute fuse dis a buse mis com pute fuze re-in fuse dis re pute guze cir cum fuse mis re pute cruise? re-ac cuse mews re pe ruse? su per vo lute muse news su per in fusef uth ruse?|| cruth?f screws? ftzd ruth? scruze?f used sleuth* trews?* [uz, above] truth? ewes? youth? use? de bruised? [ooth, p. 138] yews? un bruised? un fused un truth? a buse? be mused af fuse per tused uths dif fuse? un used truths? ef fuse? [uth, above] in fuse un a bused con fuse un dif fused tttht per f usef un con fused truthed?f pro fuse?f in ter fused re fuse? un ac cused tits suf fuse un ex cused flutes trans fuse un a mused [at, above] ac cuse un pe rused? SINGLE RHYMES, lib til" 151 tib tibz lid blubt dubs blood bub [lib, above] bud chub fubst chudf drub flood dub tich fud fubt Dutch hud* grub grutchf crud hub hutch cud jubt clutch mud club crutch rud cub cutch rudd nub* much scud knub scutch spud rub slutch stud shrub smutch thud scrub such slub touch be bloodf snub tuchf dis bud stub out bud trubf un clutch be stud tub re touch tidz re dubt for as much buds in as much [ud, above] un der grub* in so much duds o ver much suds ubd wudz dubbed ucht [ub, above] crutched ttf [uch, above] bluff un dubbed buff un rubbed un touched chough un shrubbed chuff duff 152 SINGLE EHTMES, tlf UJ fluff [uf , above] snug fuff* sprugf gruff lift sug huff cuffed Thug? clough? [uf, above] trug* cuff ruft tug luff roughed vugg? or loof? tuft vugh? muff yug? knufft be puffed pluff* un stuffed ttgd puff hugged rough o ver stuffed [fig, above] ruff shruff* lifts tig-z scruff* rufts bugs scuff* tufts [tig, above] slough? yufts slugs snuff stuff *g ftj sough? bug budge tough drug drudge tuff dug fudge hug grudge re buff jug judge e nough lug nudge un rough plug sludge be snufft pug smudge tar tuffe? rug snudgef shrug trudge blind-man's-buff shug* *' coun ter buff? scug* or be grudge skug* ad judge ttfs slug fore judge cuffs smug mis judge SINGLE RHYMES, ttj ill 153 pre judge mis luck con duct? re judge a muck|| pro duct? un struck re duct ujcl be stuck sub duct budged un tuck tra duett [uj, above] re luct iiks un plucked un grudged bucks e ructt un judged ducks in struct [iik, above] con struct? un ad judged dux|| ob struct flux|| un sucked tik huxf buck crux|| mis con duct? chuck lux| or* re con duct duck luxe cir cum duct buck mux* in tro duett cluck nux|| mis in struct luck yuxf pre in struct muck re in struct knuck ef flux? mis con struct pluck ku-klux* re con struct Puck de ob struct ruck ukst shuck fluxed tikts struck [uks, above] ducts stuck [ukt, above] suck ukt truck ducked ul tuck [uk, above] bul yuck* duct dull gull put chuck? or ab duct hull put chuk? de duct cull be duck in duct lull 9* 154 SINGLE RHYMES, 111 mull mulched un in dulged null un di vulged. null! ttld scull dulled ulk skull [ul, above] bulk strull hulk stull* un culled pulk* sullt un mulled skulk or trull sculk tulle|| tUf sulk wull* gulf or gulphf ulks Mo gul sulks ahull en gulf or [ulk, above] an nul in gulf iilkt dis an nul tilfs hulked gulfs [ulk, above] tilb [ulf, above] mulct bulb iilft filkts ttlbd en gulfed or mulcte bulbed in gulfed ulm ttlbz ay culm bulbs bulge stulm illch in dulge ttllllZ gulch ef f ulge culms hulcht pro mulge [ulm, above] cultch di vulge mulch illp itljd gulp ttlcht bulged culpef gulchedf [iilj, above] pulp SINGLE fcHYMES, illp 1155 sculpt tilt gum stulp* Cult gom?|| hum in sculpt a dult crumt in dult|| crumb ttlps oc cult come gulps un cultf lum* [tilp, above] pe nult? mum in suit? mumm ulpt con suit numb gulped ex ult plum [ulp, above] re suit plumb rum ills non-a dult rhumb? bulse|| scum or dulcet an te pe nult skumt dulse slum mulse tilts strum pulse cults stum [ult, above] some ad dulcet sum ap pulse? tilz swum or ex pulset culls swom?t im pulse? [ul, above] thrum or re pulse thrumbt in sulset tim thumb con vulse bomb bum be gum? ftlst chum ac cumbt re pulsed drum be come [tils, above] dum re cumbt a vulsed dumb sue cumb fumt be numb un con vulsed glum un plumb grum SINGLE RHYMES, ttlli tin mis be come stump [iimpt, abovi un be comet sump o ver come thump iiiiiz trump drums iiinb tump [urn, above] rhumb? be thumpf tin Mini)/ brim* rhumbs? o ver jump bun or bunn fuml tiiilpf or tiinf done drummed humph dun thumbed sumph* fun [urn, above] gun timpfswtimfs Him un summed humphs cun sumphs* mun* timp none bump limps nun chump bumps pun dump [limp, above] run frump dumps shun gump clumps spun hump mumps stun jump numpsi^ sun clump son crump timpt or tinit sunn lump bumped ton? lomp [ump, above] tun mump one numpt as sumptt won plump tran sumpt pump out done rump iimptsoriimts un done slump tran sumpts be gun SINGLE RHYMES, All - -iiiigz un nunf un shunned young fore run un stunned out run un sunned un bung up runf ob tund be dung a stunt re tund up flung ro tund un hung un der done a mong o ver done o ro tund? un rung un be gun un wrung un der run tindz un sprung o ver run funds un stung [und, above] un sung iincli munds un swung bunch out tongue hunch ting un tonguet clunch bung crunch dung un der hung lunch flung or o ver hung munch flongt punch hung iingcl scrunch clung lunged trunchf lung [ting, above] nung unclit pung* tingst bunched rung or hung'st [unch, above] rong?f [ung, above] wrung find slung a mongst dunned sprung [un, above] strung iingth fund stung youngthf cund sung swung \\ngz re fund tongue lungs jm mundf tongt [ung, above] 158 SINGLE EHYME8, UIlj ttnj slunk uncef lunge or spunk or once? longe sponk plunge stunk pe tunsejl sponge or sunk spungef trunk tint tunk blunt al longe? brunt em plunge or spe luncf bunt im plunge un shrunk duntf re plunge un sunk front dis punge grunt ex punge ttiiks hunt hunks juntf mus kal longe? monks lunt [unk, above] punt ttnjd yunx|| runt or plunged ront?t [imj, above] tinkt shunt bunked* sprunt* un ex punged [unk, above] stunt wont unk de f unct won't? bunk* ad junct? chunk* dis junct a front drunk con junct?f af front flunk* com punctf con front? funk un wontf hunk* iinkts junk de functs unth crunkf [unkt, above] month monk punk tins ttnths shrunk dunce months skunk nonce? SINGLE RHYMES, UlltS 159 tints in cor rupt tish blunts un cor rupt blush [unt, above] in ter rupt brush grunts flush tipts frush pe t unt se|| or cor rupts gush pe tuntze|| [upt, above] hush crush iiiiz iir [for] lusht suns mush [tin, above] iis plush bus rush tip buss slush dupf fuss thrush crup* cuss tush cup mus|| nupt muss out blush pup plus|| out gush scup* pusll out rush sup rhus|| tup* Russ? o ver flush up thus] thus tisht tips truss blushed cups us [ush, above] [up, above] dis cuss un brushed tipt in cuss un hushed cupped con cusst un crushed [tip, above] per cuss non plus?|| tisk ab rupt un truss brusque II or dis rupt brusk cor rupt re per cussf busk un suppedf dusk 160 SINGLE RHYMES, USk lit husk fust self -dis trust cusk fussed o ver trust luskf gust musk joust lists rusk just busts tusk crust [ust, above] lust sub f uscf must fit un husk mussed brutf rust but iisks thrust butt husks trust butte|| [usk, abovej glut com bustf gut iiskt ro bust hut busked a dust jut [usk, above] be dust crut au gust? cut un husked dis gust nut ad just put?f iisp un just rut cusp en crust or shut in crust scutt tisps un lustf slut cusps ve nustf smut be trustf strut tispt dis trust stutf cusped en trust or tut in trust ut||t iist mis trust bust ve tustf a but bussed re but [us, above] co ad just un glut dost re-ad just un cut dust un dis cussed be shut SINGLE RHYMES, tit tir out shut tivz chirref un shut doves fir be smut [uv, above] fur a strut guhr|| tiz her or tith buzz hirf doth does? hurrf quoth? fuzz whir huzzf whur un cuthf cuz cur coz murrf tits suz murre* butts tuzf myrrh [ut, above] knurf or ftzd nur tiv buzzed per|| dove [uz, above] purr or glove pur love ft purre shove creux?|| shirr scur* a bove bas-bleu?H skirrf un glove prie-dieu?|f squirt or be lovef Char treux?|| squirrf un love slur prie-di eu?|| spert or tivd juste mil ieu?|| sperrf loved spur [iiv, above] tir spurre* blur stir be loved? birr sir [u, p. xiv, Key] serrf un be loved bur err burr were? burhf 161 102 iiiivvfEB, Ar ftrd (lc fer re-in,ter pearcht in fer ti raill eur?|| smirch con for voy a geur|| search pn- t'er vol ti geur|| re fer dis church trans fer? re stau ra teur?|| un church in cur lit te ra teur?|| be smirch t eon cur re search li queQr?!! Arb in- cur- curb o ver perch ve cur herb? tnins curf verb Archt de niur perched dou cciir?!| re curb [urch, above] mon si eu r? || un curb ulias seur?|| su perb un smirched IM- stir a cerh un searched de ter (li,s lurb Imu tc;ur?|| per furb ii rr lurch third dis en tert perch or erred? SINGLE RHYMES, lircl 168 verd surf serge|| word therff urge turf verge be furred erf 1 virget be gird en gird firfs e merge un gird serfs im merge un heard [urf, above] re merge un slurred sub merge un stirred iirft ex purgef ab surd turfed ab stergef re wordf de terge un werredt ftrg re urge berg di verge un de f erred bergh* con verge un con f erred burg or un pre ferred burgh re-e merge un trans ferred re-im merge un der gird ex ergue o ver gird Cirjcl un ab surd ftrgz merged un de terred burgs [firj, above] un in terred [ftrg, above] o ver word un purged Arj un scourged urdz dirge un urged birds [u, p. xiv, Key] [ftrd, above] gurget Ark hurds lourgef burke merge chirk* tirf purge dirk kerf scourge [u, p. xiv, Key] scurf splurge* firkt serf spurge jerk [u, p. xiv, Key] surge kirk 164 SINGLE RHYMES, Ark Arm clerk? Arkt un furl quirk or jerked up whirl querk [urk, above] be curlf lurk kirkedf un curl merk em pearl merkef Arl un twirl mirk birlf murk burl Arid perk churl furled shirk smirk or dirl furl [firl, above] whorled? smerkf girl whirled stirk* or hurl world sturk* whirl circf or whorl? Arldz cirquel) curl worlds Turk kerl erkef querl* or Ariz irkf quirl* curls work merl or [url, above] yerk merle knurl Arm a work pearl berme in work pirl chirmf or out work? purl churmef shirl derm un der work? skirl* firm conn ter work swirl [fi, p. xiv, Key] o ver work? thirl* fermf thurl germ Arks twirl squirm works earl sperm [firk, above] [u, p. xiv, Key]term verlf turmf worm SINGLE RHYMES, urm urnt 165 af firm hern e ternejlf in firm kern ex tern con firm quern in ternf ob firmf learn in terne|| un firmf pern noc turne|| mis term pirn re turn in erm shearnt or up turn shernt in urn dis af firm spurn dis cern mis af firm stern re-af firm scernt o ver burn re con firm tern re-ad journ turn self -con cern urmd tourn un con cern termed earn un der turn [urm, above] [u, p. xiv, Key] o ver turn ern* un wormed erne* urnd urn burned un af firmed yearn or [ftrn, above] un con firmed yernt learned? urmz out burn un burned worms ad journ un churned [urm, above] so journ? un turned mis learnt un earned urn out learn burn un learn un re turned churn ex cernf un dis cerned dernf or con cern dearn?t se cern urnt derne* al tern? burnt fern a stern learnt gernt at torn girnf e tern* or un burnt 166 SINGLE RHYMES, UFnt UFSt un learnt fierce? as perse [era, p. 61 ; dis perse ftrnz u, p. xiv] ab sterse turns hearse co erce [urn, above] herse a verse hyrse ad verse urp curse di verse? chirp mercet in verse stirpf. nurse con verse? irpf or pierce? ob verse? irpef purse per verse [u, p. xiv, Key]spersef re verse searcet ren verse de cerpt thyrse sub versef dis cerpf terse tra verse? ex cerpf tierce? or trans verse? ex tirpt tercet u surp ers re dis burse Erse re im burse urps verse mis re hearse chirps worse in ter sperse [urp, above] dis burse firsli urpt im burset earsh* or chirped in hearse or ersh* [urp, above] in herse re hearse first de cerptt ac curse burst ex cerpt ex curset durst pre curset first urpts un curse hurst or ex cerpts a merce hyrst im merse cursed? or urs com merce? curst burse sub merse [urs, above] SINGLE RHYMES, Ul'St Ul't 167 thirst birt or dis sertf erst burt ex sert [u, p. xiv, Key] chert in sert earst dirt con. cert? versed flirt or be spirtt or verst or flurtf be spurtt werst girt a stertt worst gurt ex ert hurt in ert out burst? whort or a vert ac cursed? or whurtf ad vert ac curst curt di vert un cursed or pert e vert un curst shirt in vert e mersed skirt con vert? sub mersed squirt ob vert un pursedf spirt or per vert? a thirst spurt re vert re versed stertt sub vert un versed sturt trans vertf syrtf or de sert? un ac cursed sirtf des sert un re hearsed vert|| un a merced wert in ex pert un im mersed wort un ex pert in dis persed re-as sert un dis persed be girt re-in sert un re versed en girt or dis con cert? in girt pre con cert? ursts un girt re-ad vert bursts un hurt feme-co vert?| [urst, above] a lert re con vert a pertf un per vertt ftrt ex pert in tro vert blurt as sert con tro vert? l68 SINGLE KHYMES,firt U(l re tro vert? urv un pre served in de sert curve kervet iirvz an i mad vert nerve curves [u, p. xiv, Key] [urv, above] urth serve turvesf berth stervef [u, p. xiv, Kej r ] swerve iirz birth verve || burrs dearth [fir, p. 161] firth in curve furs girth re curve furze mirth in nerve hers murth* re nerve earth un nerve fit worth dis serve e mefite?|| yearthf con serve? mis serve uz un girth sub serve creux?|| un earth de serve out worth ob serve bas-bleus? un worthf pre serve prie-dieux?|[ re serve [plurals of fi, p. firths 161] berths mis ob serve births un re serve u [firth, above] to? urvd urtlit curved ud berthed [urv, above] good [firth, above] hood un served could urts should hurts un de served stood [firt, above] un ob served would SINGLE EHYMES, tid. Upt 169 wood un hook [ul, above] out look? a good up lookf un pulled un goodf un shookf un hood for sook ulf up stoodf be took wolf with stood mis took in wood par took ulfs wolf's un der stood o ver look un with stood un der took ulvz o ver took wolves mis un der stood uks iilz udz books bulls goods [uk, above] [ul, above] woods [ud, above] ukt unt hooked? won't? uk [uk, above] book up brook un booked hoop? dook* un cooked whoop? flowk? woop? hook ul crook bull un hoop? cook full quookf pull ups look tulle?| hoops? nook wool [up, above] rook shook o ver full iipt strook?f hooped? stook iild [up, above] took fulled ' 10 170 SINGLE KHYMES, Ul* UtS ur push un put tour nure?|| [or, p. 136J usht un der foot bushed un der put ursh pushed bursch?| uts ut foot's us foot puts puss put? [ut, above] soot? bush ush a foot PART II. DOUBLE RHYMES, aa ab aa a beyant fable drayage Jgabel paagef- zayat?|| gable weighage [act, below] cable Jlabel aa ab IsabalJ! naiad? saba|l sable [aed, below] ca aba?|| stable pi aba?| table kayak?H co paibail dis able [ayak, p. 221] en able gaban un able de f rayal [a & ban?] in stable be trayal un stable por trayal tabes? || dis en able sur veyal [abiz, below] sem i-fable be traj^als labentf fabled [aal, above] [a & bent?] [abl, above] un cabled maian, &c. baby un en abled [ayan, p. 221] gaby may-be? ablest a beyance tablest con veyance babies [abl, above] pur veyance or [abl, above] pour veyancef Jtabes?|| gablet re con veyance cablet able naiant? Jbabel gablets 172 DOUBLE RHYMES, ab ML [ablet, above] fabricks? nature, &c. tlabrax?|| [atyur, p. 218] en ableth [abl, above] glabrous ad Jlabrose? heyday ably labrus?|| pay-day stably scabrous play-day cabling craber heydays stabling labor || or [ada", above] [abl, above] labour neighbor! nadab|| abler saber or [a & dab?] fabler sabre|| stabler tabor! 1 aidancet, &c. tablert be labor! [adens, below] day-labor! fablers out labor! veda?|| tablersf o ver labor! jan gada?|| ci cada?|| fables qua-bird ar mada?|| dis ables labored! pa nada?|| [abl, above] sabered or am bre ada?|| sabred tar di grada?|| nabob?|| [abur, above] [a & bob?] un labored! Adar?|| un neighbored! [adur, below] nabobs? [a & bobs?] crabers hades? || [abur, above] [adlz, below] fabric? or fabrick? ach jaded [a & brick?] aitches cock aded [ach, p. 3] [ad, p. 3] fabrics? or un aided DOUBLE RHYMES, Hd 173 two-bladed shady cradled un faded ci cadae?|| [adl, above] ar caded un shady in shaded aidless un shaded radix?|| fadeless un traded spadix?|| shadeless un a braded tradeless un up braided gradin un de graded [adn, below] ladlest un per suaded [adl, above] un in vaded lading shading cradleth Jaidancef trading [adl, above] cadence [ad, p. 3] de cadence? sub aiding laidly* dem i cadence? un fading staidly or un trading stayedlyt Jaidantf cadent shadings cradling de cadent [adtng, above] [adl, above] madest jadish cradlings [ad, p. 3] old-maidish [adlmg, above] trod o mon tadist thades?|| cradles fadeth cadi's? [adl, above] [ffd, p. 3] ladies [Mf, above] gladen shadeful tgradin spadeful cradle laden tradeful ladle maiden paidle* men haden or fady dis cradle man haden cadi?|| en cradle lady staidness or 10* 174 DOUBLE KHYMES, atl af stayednessf strap padoed ^tradesmen un staidness bas ti nadoed [ado, above] ae maidens un bar ri cadoed bayed? [a"dn, above] [a, P . l] gam badoes Jnaiad? spado?| [ado, above] Jnaid gam bado stoc cado gadus?|| gayest sea lado gradus?|| mayest ar mado Jex trados?|| playest fu madoll Jin trados?| [a, P . 1] gre nado or tar di gradous? Jes sayist? gra nadof gym no cladus?ll tpro saist? pa nado Jal ge braist? tor nado JAdar?|| [alsts, p. 176] strap pado Jador?|| do rado?|| aider jayet|| era sado? glader Jzayat?|| pas sado? nadir?|| pin tado|| trader brayeth bra vado wader payeth des per ado? cru sader o beyeth ren e gado? per suader [a, P . 1] im bro cado in vader Jsa baoth?|! bar ri cado [ad, p. 3] am bus cado tmas ti gador?|| af av o cado or Jmas ti cador chafest ref or mado?|| safest car bo nadof traders [f,p. 5] bas ti nado [adftr, above] cam i sado vouch safeth mus co vado maid's man? [af, p. 5] a mon til lado?|j tmaids' men? ad e Ian tado?|| tradesman chafing DOUBLE EHTMES, Jtf 175 [af, P- 5] ag sago Jpaigle or lum bago?|| chafings Ipagil plum bago?|| [aflng, above] plagal fi lago?|| vagal ga lago?|| crayfish i mago?|| [a & fish?] Jagon?||t far rago?|| safish lagan ce rago?|| pagan vi rago?|| safely Jpo hagen|| Gal lego?|| un safely sem i-pagan med i cago?|| gal li nago?|| safeness pagans un safeness [agan, above] vi ragoes? [ago, above] safety aga?|| un safety! saga?| flagrance saiga|| fragrance naphew ta legaj tafeu?|| fa nega|| flagrant bad i aga?|| fragrant afer?|| ru ta-baga?|| vagrant chafer con flagrantf Kafir?|| sa gas? in fragrant safer |~a"ga', above] un fragrant [f, p. 5] wafer plaguest sagra?|| vaguest po dagra?ll wafers pel lagra?|| [fifur, above] plagueth al magra?) vaguetht chi ragra?|| playful preyfult plaguing sagum?|| swayfult vaguingf par vagum?|| trayful 176 DOUBLE RHYMES, ag" a magus?|| He braic e laine? or sagus?|| Ju dale e lain? vagousf Chal dale [Syan, p. 221] cho ragus?|| spon dale ar chi magus?|| Al caic baying ar chaic haying Jfragor?|| trp chaic swaying maigrellf Ro maic o beying plaguer Si naic [*, P- 1] tnagor?|| Al taic un paying Jsagar del taic un staying vaguer vol taic un weighing soupe-maigre?| Mo saic un de caying mo saic un de laying plaguers pro saic [agur, above] stan zaicf bayings al ge braic [atng, above] all Sad du caic mayhem or Ar a maic dais|| maihem Ptol e maic [36s, p. 186] Jslay 'em Cyr e naic [a & 'em] mes a raic or grayish mes e raic wheyish at Phar i saic clayish clayey pre-mo saic wheyey un mo-saic es sayists? sty la gal maic? or pro saists? naid sty lo gal maic? al ge braists? [agd, above] par a di saic [agst, p. 174] an te mo saic caicf or Laismf caique]] laics Mo saisrn? laic [atk, above] Ar a maism sale Phar i saism? The bale Jcrayon DOUBLE RHYMES, aK aj 177 Ar a maisms wages re-en gagement [atzm, above] Jam bages?|| en gages en gagements aj [aj, p. 5] [ajment, above] raja?|| or im pages?|| rajah?|| tcom pages?|| pageryf el caja?|j ragery?f ragefulf stagery?t rajahs? pre sagef ul [aja, above] Jmagian? magi? II Jplum bagine or aged? cho ragi?|| Jplum bagin paged? con tagion PJ, P- 5] gauging staging magians? agent [aj, p. 5] [ajim, above] pageant? un en gaging co agent ragiousf re agent stagings cour ageous sub agent [ajtng, above] urn brageous? vice agent out rageous un der-agent cagit con tagious in ter agent [aj & it?] non-con tagious ad van tageous agents ageless an ti con tagious [ajent, above] [aj & less?] dis ad van tageous sagest sagely gager or wagest stagelyt ganger [aj, p. 5] Jmajor|| en gagement sager rageth pre sagementf stager [aj, P . 5] as suagement [aj, p. 5] dis en gagement wager ages pre-en gagement 178 DOUBLE RHYMES, HJ ilk wagers akSd, below] bakings [ajur, above] [Skfng, above] spakest ak takest rakish pacate [ak, p. 5] snakish placate vacate breaketh sakis? o pacate?f [ak, p. 5] [aki, above] placates wakeful made? [akat, above] [ak & full?] [akal, above] Jmacle? snake-head makeless pacal stake-head slakeless Jtackle? [ak^d, above] clo acal lakelet Jde bade snake-heads [ak & let?] stake-heads fracas?|| brakeman or [akus, below] achy breakmanf braky tbrakemen phaca?|| flaky wakeman* paca?|| laky Jwakemen* raca?|| maki?|| clo aca?|| quaky bakenf por tu laca?|| saki?H bacon pas ti naca?[ shaky kraken [ekft, p. 334] snaky tlakin shaken makebate aching [ak, p. 5] [ak-& bat?] baking waken [ak, p. 5] un shaken naked un aching un taken waked? un quaking a waken [Jk, p. 5; un for saken DOUBLE RHYMES, ilk ill 179 un mis taken baker greylag daker or [a & lag?] wakened dakir a wakened fakir Kaland un wakened quaker layland un a wakened maker [a & land?] nacre?|| or krakens naker Kalands wakens nakir [aland, above] [akn, above] saker or sacre|| or ex halant draco?|| saikyr Jin halent cacao? shaker Jtrans calent paco?|| taker as sailant tou raco?|| [ak, p. 5] Jin trans calent con-acre sacral un quaker gala?| am bu lacral > mala?|| acred scala?|| sacra?|| fakur, above] ci cala?|| am bu lacra?|| sacred?t shil lalah|] or shill lelahll sacrum?|| acres|| am bu lacrum?|| [akur, above] alar [alur, below] tfracas?|| al Jpacos?|| bailage re gale?|| $rachis?|| or treillage?|| [air, below] trhachis?|| ma cacus?|| alate ailed? o pacousf malate [31, p. 6] sem i-o pacous py ro malate or taled?|| pyr o malate acrell |faillis|| Jachor?J graylag or playless iso DOUBLE EHYME8, , al rayless haily ailing staylessf kali?|| failing Jtalus?|| paly grayling wayless sailyf whaling {dig i talis?|| shaly wailing [alleX below] scaly [SI, p. b] taillie* un ailing wailest twaylay? un failing [al, p. 6] re gale?||t un quailing se cale?i| un a vailing aileth un scaly un pre vailing [ill, p. 6] shil laly|| or sliil lely,| failings baleful cor o nale?|| [Sling, above] pailful ra tio nale?|| or talefult ra ti o nale?|| alish wailful palish bailiff cali?l| calif or dailies kali?]] caliph or [alt, above] [al&I; a&ll?] kalif sailless day-line bailiffs scaleless saline? [allf , above] tailless sub saline? veilless or beylic vailless elilite Gaelic? [ales, above] daylight malic py ro malic or frailly bailyf pyr o malic palely bailey stalelyf bailie* beylics daily calyx?|| or ailment gaily or calix bailment gayly salix?|| [SI, p. 6] DOUBLE EHYMES, al am 181 re galement sailor Jsur veillant?|| as sailmentf [31, p. 6] su per salient?t Jsqualor?!! bailments tailor tailzie* or [alme'nt, above] tailzee* jailers! ca per cailzie frailness [alur, above] paleness tailzies* staleness palewise [SlzT, above] tale-wise halo?|| dalesman cem balo?|f Jalien? Jdalesmen bi lalo?|| Dae dalian? salesman pe dalian? ^salesmen haloid West phalian? talesman squaloid tte naillon| ^talesmen U ralian?H halos? Phar salian? am [alo, above] Thes salian? Jhamate Cas talian? pla3nnate bailpiece bac cha nalian? squamate tail-piece ses qui pe dalian? des quamate JBalaam|| bac cha nalians? playmates malum?H [alyan, above] des quamates talar dahlia?|| caymanll or bailer or bat talia?|| caiman] tbailor a zalea?|| drayman whaler [aim, p. 613] layman jailer or Shaman? jailor or dahlias? high wayman gaoler [alya*, above] [ameX below] Jmalar sailer salient? Shamans? n DOUBLE RHYMES, [a'me'nz, below] Jstamin tstamins ex amen?||f drama?|| du ramen?|| lamest glama? fo ramen?|| [am, p. 8] krama?|| die tamen?|| JRamist lama?|| pu tamen?|| llama?|| gra vamen?|| frameth mel o drama?|| o le amen? I [am, p. 8] cos mo rama?|| cor o namen?|| di o rama?|| blameful ge o rama?H ^claimant gameful ne o rama?|| Jclamant shameful pan o rama?|| payment myr i o rama?|| raiment hamite pol y o rama?|| em bayment samite pan ste re o rama?|| de f rayment zamite hy per myr i o ra- Jde claimant ma?|| tre claimant flamy al layment gamy dramas? non-payment [ama, above] pre payment framing re payment [am, p. 8] cambric be trayment un aiming [am & brick?] un re claiming payments chamber [amgnt, above] framings in chamberf [amlng, above] an te chamber? amens? [am & bur?] flamens? chlamys?|| tcaymans or [amus, below] amen?|| Jcaimans draymen Jlayman's lamish [aman, above] [ama'n, above] tarnish flamen?H JShamans? stamen?|| stamens? blameless DOUBLE EHYMES, am an 183 fameless glamour or ana? flameless glamer* grana?|| claimless lamer rana?|| nameless de claimer scena?|| shameless dis claimer ar cana?|| tameless [am, p. 8] [anum, below] re claimless tes tamur?|| ja cana?|| no lana?l| lamely de claimer s bi mana?|| namely [amur, above] ba nana?|| tamely cam pana?|| an ang sana? || lameness drainage cur tana sameness gainage sul tana?|| tameness grainage ig u ana?|| cranage sab el lana?H glaymore wainage ni co ti ana? [ claymore ip e cac u anha?|| [a & more?] lanate sub lanate? kaynardf gamester com planate? reynard? [am & stir?] anal kaynardsf famous veinal [anard, above] hamous de canal? camousf re mainder tcamis?f com plainant at tainder camus?t con tainant de tainder tchlamys?] ramous com plainants re mainders squamous [anant, above] [andur, above] man damns?!! sub ramous anas?|| ranse?|| ig no ramus?|| [anus, below] [ana, above ; SnI 7 below] 184 DOUBLE BHYMES, canes?|| manes?l| [a"niz, below] veined? [an, p. 8] tzaniedf iout zanied [anne's & anus, below] gainest plainest [an, p. 8] feigneth [an, p. 8] gainful painful dis dainful [an, p. 8] un gainful un painful canine? ranine pay-night [a & nit?] thranite grainy cany maneh?|| rainy ranae?|| [ana, above] trainyf veiny [an, p. 8] wany zany? as lani?]| out zany ar bor Di anse?H paynimll [aniun, below] training [an, p. 8] un feigning self -ex plaining un com plaining un at taining un sus taining un en ter taining trainings pining, above] canis?|[ [anus, below] brainish [an, p. 8] Danish An glo-Danish manehs? Jmanes?|| [anez, above] zanies [am, above] angel arch angel rangest strangest [anj, p. 10] es trangeth [anj, p. 10] changes [Snj, p. 10] ranging [anj, p. 10] rangings [anjing, above] ar rangement de rangement es trangement in ter change- mentf dis ar rangement mis ar rangement DOUBLE RHYMES, an ar rangements pro f anely [an & pan?] [anjmSnt, above] un gainly hu manely mainprise danger in sanely [an & prize?] granger [an, p. 8] manger swainship ranger en chainment thaneship [anj, p. 10] or dainmentt stranger ar raignment swainships en danger re strainment [ansMp, above] mon ey-changer? at tainment de tainment ac quaint ance strangeredf con tainment in ac- quaint ance en dangered ob tainment non-ac quaint- un en dangered as cer tainment ance en ter tainment pre-ac quaint- dangers ance [anjur, above] en chainments un ac quaintance [anment, above] brainless sainted painless plainness [ant, p. 10] paneless [am% above] un painted stainless saneness un tainted [an, p. 8] [an, p. 8] un ac quainted un at tainted chainlet vol cano|| veinlet rip i eno?|| faintest hur ri canof paintest chainlets pseu do-vol cano [ant, p. 10] [anlet, above] al to-rip i eno?|| tainteth gainlyt volcanoes [ant, p. 10] mainly [ano, above] plainly dainty vainly gainpain fainty 186 DOUBLE RHYMES, an i fainting at tainture re dis trainer painting [an, p. 8] [ant, p. 10] at taintures un fainting [Sntyur, above] strainers [anftr, above] paintings granum?|| Banting, above] tpainim or banewort tpaynimll Banewort faintish ar canum?|| quaintish so lanum?|| baneworts ol i banum?|| [anwtirt, above] plaintive con straintivef tanas?i| ad heinous ca cao? paintless Jcanis?|| ma cao? || plaintless Jmanis?! ci cis beo?|| taintless veinous in canous crayon faintly e lanus?|| [Sin, p. 176] quaintly bi manous? saintly |a nanas?|| tdais?|| un saintly va ranus?|| chaosll [anes, above] pro naos?|| faintness quaintness gainer ftp Jmainor papal fainter plainer [apl, below] painter planer [ant, p. 10] strainer apes?|| cbi caner stapes? II painters Jmain tainor [antfir, above] re tainer papess tdis trainor [apis, below] painturet dis trainer tainturef pa per-stainer? JPapist DOUBLE RHYMES, tip 111* shapest Jcapel or aper? [ap, p. 11] caple draper tred-tapist maple gaper? [aplsts, below] Jpapal caper staple paper es capeth Jsapor?|| [ftp, p. 11] chapeless scraper grapeless [ap, p. 11] napi?|| shapeless taper [apus, below] scapeless tapir?|| vapor || or grapy shapely vapour cape?|| un shapely out caper crapy maples papered scraping [a"pl, above] [apur, above] [ap, p. 11] scapement aproned? scrapings es capement un aproned? [aping, above] capon? capers apis?|| shapen [apur, above] lapis?|| Jyapon? tnapus?!! mis shapen ar ipapess un shapen Arab? Jscapus?!! Jkarob tapis?] apron? si napis?|| tcaprine? caranx?|| [armks, below] papismf jack a napesesg red-tapism [aps, p. 11] ara?|| gara?|| Papists napus?|| ti ara?|| [Spgst, above] scapus?|| Ma deira?|| [apis, above] sa mara?|| 188 DOUBLE RHYMES, Silt cran tara? un wary? faro?|| of dul ca mara?|| coch le are? || pharaoh?||f or con dot tierill pharo?||t ti arae?|| in ter vary taro?|| [ara 1 , above ; Ja pi a cere|| fu ero|| Sri, below] som brero|| varied ran chero] harem?|| Jti araed bo lero|| [arum, below] quan daried?|| ig naro?||f in varied pam pero|| carex?|| un varied [artks, below] in ter varied ran cheros [aro, above] vari?|| hay-ricks mus cari?|| Jcarex?!! karob cer ti o rari?|| varix?|| [a"rab, above] [arfsez, p. 633] playwright pharos? || eu cairite? pharynx? || saros?|| Jcaranx?!! [Srus, below] aerie? larynx?|| chary? arum?|| dairy po laris?|| garum?|| clary? [arus, below] tharem?|| prairie? larum? scary* dairies a larum?f vary varies [erum, p. 335] wary? [arf, above] ti ar8e?|| Ipharos [ara, above] charism [ar6s, above] quan dary? car bo narism garous? va gary carus?|| de nary? charisms scarus?|| ca nary [arizm, above] tpo laris?|l pe trary [erus, p. 335] DOUBLE RHYMES, OS 189 as Jbasist Dacian re naissance?|j Ga latian [asens, below] placet?! crus tacean tacet?|| ce tacean o beisant? [ashun, below] [asent, below] chaseth [as, p. 12] Dacians o masa?|| [ashan, above] [asiim, p. 214] aces im presa|| bases? a cacia?|] cases tes tacea?|| bases?|| [as, p. 12] gal i matias?|| or phases? || gal li matia?||f [asls, p. 212] graceful eu tlia nasia?|) spacefulf [ilzha, p. 221 ; {a baisance or dis graceful ashia, p. 617] |o beisance? un graceful ad jacence patience Jre naissance?|| satiate? im patience com placence in gratiate? cir cum jacence e maciate? facientf in ter jacence [ashiat, p. 617] patient im patient jacent facial ru be f acient tnaissant?|| glacial? sor be facient |o beisant? spatial cal e facient ad jacent ab batial stu pe facient sub jacent bi facial f eb ri facient com placent tri facial liq ui facient cir cum jacent pre glacial o ver patient su per jacent sub glacial par tu ri facient in ter jacent pa latial u ni facial patients basest in ter facial [a'she'nt, above] [as, p. 12] dip lo matialf 11* 190 DOUBLE RHYMES, fraches cu bation pa cation [ash, p. 12] li bation pli cation pro bation sul cation char geship cri brationf trun cation [a & ship?] li bration va cation vi bration vo cation ratio?| foun dation Jpan cratian pis tachio?!| fron dation e quation gra dation li quation ratios? lau dation ab lation [asho, above] . no dationf de lation nu dation di lation? pan cratium?H tpre dacean e lation cy matium?|| hy dration JGa latian [ashlum, p. 617] tSe fatian il lation af Hation co lationf JAsian ef flation col lation JDacian in flation lal lation JLatian con flation ob lation lationf suf flationf pro lation nation le gation re lation ration? li gation tse lacian station ne gation sub lationf JThracian nu gation trans lation pur gation val lation fix ation ri gationf JDal matian flux ation ro gation for mation fri ation mi gration hu mationf ere ation JA cacian? gem mation lax ation fal cation cla mation lux ation Jpho cacean ere mation stri ation fus cation chris mation tax ation fur cation li mation vex ation JCau casian? na mation jo bation lo cation JSar niatian DOUBLE RHYMES, 191 sum mation do tation fil tration ag nation flo tation frus tration dam nation flir tation cas tration do nation gus tation lus tration en nation hor tation Jos tracean pho nation jac tation pros tration car nation ges tation ti tration co nation cap tation cur vation cog nation Jcrus tacean? JNo vatian I]} nation eras tation no vation nun nation cunc tationf ner vation pro nation cur tation o vation stag nation quar tation pri vation ver nation quo tation sal vation pal pation lac tation star vation stu prationf lu tation cau sation a ration mac tationf du ration mu tation co ax ationf tHo ratian nic tation tra be ation gy ration no tation re bo ationt nar ration nu tation ver ber ation neu ration op tation i de ation o ration plan tation me di ation ser ration po tation ra di ation JEu rasian pres tation cren el ation! JA1 sacian or rep tation fil i ation JA1 satian ro tation lin e ation cas sation rue tation ru in ation quas sation sal tation ag ger ation pul sation Jce tacean in cho ation sen sation ci tation pro ere ation ces sation spu tation re-cre ation? arc tation temp tation ar cu ation den tation lies tacean re lax ation or die tation vas tation rel ax ation 192 DOUBLE RHYMES, f o li ation glom er ation ad um bration mal le ation it er ation ob um brationt pal li ation gen er ation re vi bration spo li ation col or ation rec or dationt sub lux ation lac er ation em en dation per me ation lib er ation in feu dation or nu mer ation mac er ation in feo dationt an nex ation mod er ation de f rau dation ex pi ation op er ation ox i dation or am pli ation cin er ation ox y dation as per ation tol er ation trep i dation des per ation ven er ation val i dationt lau re ation de vi ation com men dation rec re ation? ob vi ation de nu dation or va ri ation mel ior ation? den u dation fas ci ation al ien ation en o dationt gla ci ation grad u ation deg ra dation nau se ation sin u ation dep re dation sa ti ation sit u ation ex su dation! t vi ti ation vac u ationf re su dation per son ation val u ation tran su dation men stru ation vid u at ion t re tar dation or in cer ation con glo bation ret ar dation can cer ation co ho bation fee un dation ul cer ation ac cu bation in un dation JAus tral asian in cu bation liq ui dation al ter ation pre li bation des u dation flus ter ation sty lo bation ex u dation! ac tu ation ap pro bation ex suf flation es tu ation im pro bation in suf flation flue tu ation rep ro bation ev a gationt punc tu ation per tur bation prop a gation el ux ationf eel e bration ag gre gation a er ation ter e brationt con gre gation fed er ation lu cu bration del e gation DOUBLE RHYMES, 193 del i gation sur ro gationf in f u cation lev i gation cor ru gation in fus cation lit i gation in sti gation ob fus cation or mit i gation fus ti gation of fus cationf nav i gation cas ti gation bi fur cation rel e gation di va gationf in fur cation ren e gation di vul gation or ded i cation con ju gation div ul gation def e cation sub ju -gation con fla gration em i cation ob JUT gation em i gration lor i cation in la gation rem i gration med i cation ad le gation def la gration pred i cation al le gation im mi gration rad i cation al li gation com mi grationf ves i cation col li gation trans mi gration des ic cation ob li gation in te gration in cul cation sub li gation e lin guation_ pub li cation e Ion gation or def al cation rep li cation el on gation de bar kation trip li cation pro Ion gation or em bar kation or vel li cation prol on gation em bar cation al lo cation fu rni gation u bi cation-f- dis lo cation pro mul gation or ini bri cation col lo cation prom ul gation lu bri cation re lo cation ab ne gation em bro cation trans lo cation der o gation ab di cation de mar kation or ex pur gation in di cation de mar cation com pur gation clau di cation t for mi cation ir ri gation mor di cation for ni cation seg re gation men di cation av o cation ab ro gation vin di cation ev o cation ad ro gation man du cationf prov o cation ar ro gation con us cation rev o cation pro ro gation suf fo cation ap pli cation sub ro gation con f ri cation du pli cation 194 DOUBLE RHYMES, ex pli cation self-de lation i so lation im pli cation glan du lation vi o lation com pli cation un du lation ap pel lation sup pli cation flab el lation com pel lation im pre cation flag el lation cu pel lation dep re cation cren el lation! com pi lation fab ri cation stran gu lation op pi lation det run cation? ex ha lation ir re lation oc ce cationf in ha lation co-re lation ex sic cation an he lation cor re lation in sic cation dep i lation mis re lation mas ti cation rev e lation SLT ra lation ur ti cation sphac e lation can eel lation ex tri cation sib i lation tes sel lation de trun cation? civ i lation floe cil lation ob trun cationf lap il lation os cil lation al ter cation tit il lation in so lation cor us cation vac il lation con so lation ad vo cation vex il lation in stal lation in vo cation leg is lation con stel lation con vo cation con ge lation in stil lation ed u cation re ge lation in su lation des e cration per co lation den ti lation ex e cration de col lation mu ti lation con se cration cal cu lation ven ti lation ob se cration os cu lation dis til lation el i quation sar cu lation pos til lation in e quation cir cu lation scin til lation il li quation pul lu lationt mis trans lation col li quation im mo lation re trans lation ob li quation cu mu lation pos tu lation an ti quation an nu lation us tu lation ju bi lation av o lationt trans vo lation am bu lation des o lation o vu lation tu bu lationf is o lation or ad u lation DOUBLE RHYMES, USll 195 em u lation in hu mation con do nation gran u lation an i mation ar e nation grat u lation dec i mation div i nation jac u lation hy e mation dom i nation cop u lation rac e mation cat e nation mac u lation ac cla mation crim i nation mod u lation ex cla mation lam i nation nid u lation con cla mation mach i nation pab u lation ac cli mation nom i nation pyc u lation in ere mation pag i nation pop u lation des qua mation sag i nation! reg u lation dec la mation sal i nationt sim u lation proc la mation sem i nation spec u lation rec la mation Jsol e nacean stim u lation col li mation ven e nation stip u lation sub li mation des ig nation tab u lation dep lu mation res ig nation trib u lation des pu mation each in nation ul u lation lach ry mation ex car nation def a mation con sum mation in car nation def or mation mis sum mation in cli nation ref or mation? es ti mation dec li nation in for mation in ti mation tgal li nacean con for mation ul ti mationf rec li nation mal for mation or JAth a nasian? f ul mi nation male for mation em a nation ger mi nation mis for mation prof a nation com mi nation re-f or mation? sub or nation cul mi nation trans for mation com bi nation ru mi nation in flam mation tur bi nation ter mi nation de phlegmation0r hi ber nation or ver mi nation deph leg mation hy ber nationf det o nation af fir mation eon dem nation cor o nation con fir mation or di nation im pa nation ex hu mation in dig nation su pi nation 196 DOUBLE RHYMES, USll ex pla nation con tern plation res pi ration im preg nation con stru pration sus pi ration ex pug nationt prep a ration trans pi ration op pug nationf rep a ration cor po ration cit ri nation sep a ration ex plo ration u ri nation sub ar ration sup pu ration fas ci nation in au ration ob scu ration cal ci nation in du ration in spi ration Ian ci nation ab er ration con spi rationt vac ci nation per er ration per spi ration as sig nation pre flo ration or in stau ration con sig nation prse flo ration men su ration ob sig nation per f o ration de ter ration sub sig nationt fur f u ration res to ration per so nation sul phu ration trac to ration con ster nation au gu ration punc tu ration des ti nation f ul gu ration mel io ration? glu ti nation del i rationf dep u ration pec ti nation cam e ration ep u ration con tig nation lev i ration fig u ration in to nation ab ju ration mat u ration al ter nation ad ju ration proc u ration fra ter nationt con ju ration sat u ration o zo nation ob ju ration trit u ration syn co pation dul co ration del ap sation in ere pation dec la ration con den sation oc cu pation clef lo ration com es sationj ex cul pation ad mi ration in eras sation in cul pation pig no ration de cus sation dis si pation ad o ration sue cus sation for ci pation dec o ration dis pen sation con sti pation per o ration com pen sation ob sti pation vap o rationf pre sen sation ex tir pation as pi ration sus pen sation u sur pation ex pi ration in spis sation RHYMES, con ver sation grav i tation com men tation mal ver sation hab i tation ce men tation or re-in station lieb e tation cem en tation pre mon strationt hes i tation seg men tation re mon strationlw im i tation im mu tationt rein on strationt cap f tation com mu tation dem on stration cog i tation per mu tation ad ap tation crep i tation trans mu tation co ap tation lev i tation trans na tation dev as tation lim i tation an no tation dil a tation lie i tationf con no tation co arc tation med i tation sub no tation ex al tation rec i tation per noc tation du bi tationf veg e tation den o tation in den tation vis i tation men os tation lam en tation vol i tationf im pas tation plac en tation ar gen tationf im par tation' pres en tation de can tation or ex pec tation cem en tation? dec an tation pal pi tation det es tation or in can tation de plan tation or de tes tation re can tation dep Ian tation mol es tation or in crus tation dis plan tation mo les tation aus cul tation im plan tation prot es tation oc cul tation re plan tation af fee tation fre quen tation sup plan tation in fes tation mis quo tation trans plan tation con fron tation ab lac tation ex ploi tationt con fu tation de lee tation or com po tationt en graf tationf del ec tation as por tation an gus tation ob lee tation de por tation or pre gus tation aug men tation dep or tation sub has tation de men tation ex por tation ex nor tation f o men tation im por tation ag i tation f ru men tation trans por tation dig i tation fer men tation am pu tation 198 DOUBLE RHYMES, dis pu tation vol u tationt con ser vation im pu tation in vi tation es ti vation or com pu tation ar bi tration aes ti vation sup pu tationt fen es tration cap ti vation ar ren tation in fil tration cul ti vation ar res tat ion t pen e tration en er vation ir ri tation min is tration pres er vation as sen tation reg is tration res er vation ac cep tation or ches tration ob ser vation mis ci tation il lus tration den i zation ex ci tation per lus trationt splen i zation in ci tation im pe tration ac cu sation con ci tation per pe tration trul li zation os ci tation em plas tration sol mi zation per scru tation con cen tration rec u sation con sul tation self-cen tration . per sul tation cal ci tration in e bri ation de cer tationf e ven tration pro tu ber ation dis ser tation seq ues tration or di ver ber ation os ten tation se ques tration re ver ber ation sus ten tation ag gra vation re pu di ation at tes tation der i vation di ra di ation con tes tation el e vation e ra di ation ob tes tation sal i vation ir ra di ation jac ti tation ex ca vation cor ra di ation nic ti tation in ca vation pre pon der ation re trac tation or con ca vation de sul phur ation ret rac tation in cur vation ef fig i ation er uc tation re cur vation as phyx i ation ex ul tation sub le vation af fil i ation eq ui tation in no vation lix iv i ation dep u tation in ner vation de lin e ation ref u tation ren o vation col lin e ation rep u tation dep ra vation sub lin e ation sal u tation dep ri vation di mil i ationf DOUBLE RHYMES, ash 199 hu mil i ation in i ti ation con cil i ation ex cru ci ation prin cip i ationf e ma ci ation re tal i ation an nun ci ation ox y gen ation de nun ci ation ex ag ger ation e nun ci ation e nu cle ation pro nun ci ation ab la que ation or re nun ci ation ab laq ue ation ex pa ti ation il la que ation pro pi ti ation de fo li ation ap pre ci ation ex fo li ation de pre ci ation pre f o li ation or li cen ti ationt prae fo li ation as so ci ation ex po li ation dis so ci ation de spo li ation con so ci ation an nu mer ation sub stan ti ation e nu mer ation per fee tion ation con nu mer ation im per son ation re-an nex ation in car cer ation ca lum ni ation ex ul cer ation re mu ner ation e vis cer ation ap pro pri ation e lu tri ation im pro pri ation ex pa tri ation ex as per ation re pa tri ation re cu per ation ex auc tor ation con tern per ation a dul ter ation vi tu per ation ex en ter ationf ex co ri ation ex pec tor ation lux u ri ation re flue tu ation dif far re ation con fed er ation con far re ation re frig er ation de for ci ation ag glom er ation con gla ci ation con glom er ation ne go ti ation re it er ation 300 DorBLE RHYMES. de gen er ation in gen er ation re gen er ation in cam er ation con cam er ation de col or ation dis col or ation di lac er ation de lib er ation al lit er ation ob lit er ation com mis er ation im mod er ation ex on er ation in op er ation co-op er ation ac eel er ation as sev er ation de sid er ationt con sid er ation vo cif er ation in cin er ation in ten er ationt in tol er ation in vet er ation ab bre vi ation al le vi ation ex u vi ation de liq ui ation ab al ien ation non-al ien ation ha bit u ation in fat u ation ef feet u ation per pet u ation ash ac cent u ation in sin u ation at ten u ation ex ten u ation con tin u ation e vac u ation dis val u ation e val u ation re val u ation dis ap pro bation im per tur bation ex ac er bation re eel e bration ex cer e bration e qui li bration an ti li bration coun ter li bration sub in feu dation ret ro gra dation or re tro gra dation ex her e dationf di lap i dation e lap i dationf de ox i dation or de ox y dation dis ox i dation! con sol i dation in tim i dation in val i dation dis com men dationf rec om men dation ac com mo dation self-deg ra dation e lu ci dation re liq ui dation botJBLE KHYMES, noc tiv a gation dis ag gre gation de fat i gationf va ri e gation mis al le gation dis ob li gation suf f u mi gation re pro mul gation su per pur gation in ter ro gation in ves t'i gation in ter mi gration re din te gration dis in te gration re-in te gration dis em bar kation re em bar kation co-in di cation sub in di cation ad ju di cation pre ju di cation re ven di cationt al bi fi cation ru bi fi cation lu bri fi cation co di fi cation or cod i fi cation lu di fi cation mun di fi cation san gui fi cation de i fi cation ed i fi cation gas i fi cation grat i fi cation gross i fi cation li 20i chyl i fi cation clar i fi cation qual i fi cation mod i fi cation nid i fi cation pac i fi cation or pa cif i cation pal i fi cation pleb i fi cationt ram i fi cation rat i fi cation sal i fi cation scar i fi cation speech i fi cation spec i fi cation strat i fi cation ver i fi cation vil i fi cation viv i fi cation jol li fi cation mel li fi cation mol li fi cation nul li fi cation dig ni fi -cation car ni fi cation lig ni fi cation sig ni fi cation u ni fi cation am pli fi cation sim pli fi cation glo ri fi cation nig ri fi cationt or ni gri fi cation pet ri fi cation pu ri fi cation 202 DOUBLE RHYMES , ash sco ri fi cation com mu ni cation thu ri fi cation e quiv o cation vit ri fi cationt u niv o cationf dul ci fi cation in ap pli cation f al si fi cation mis ap pli cation flos si fi cationf re-ap pli cation clas si fi cation con du pli cation os si fi cation re du pli cation ver si fi cation mis ex pli cation for ti fi cation cir cum pli catioa fruc ti fi cation quad ru pli cation jus ti fi cation mul ti pli cation quan ti fi cation re cip ro cation mor ti fi cation av er run cation mys ti fi cation so phis ti cation no ti fi cation phlo gis ti cation rec ti fi cation de cor ti cation sane ti fi cation ex cor ti cation tes ti fi cation re mas ti cation ni tri fi cation do mes ti cation pu tri fi cation prog nos ti cation .pre ded i cation au then ti cation re ded i cation self-ed u cation syl lab i cation mis con se cration pro lif i cation re con se cration hy poth e cation? per am bu lation e rad i cation fu nam bu lation in tox i cation som. nam bu lation di var i cation tri an gu lation pre var i cation or an ni hi lation prae var i cation hor rip i lation re pub li cation as sim i lation mis col lo cation in ter ca lation in ter lo cation mach i co lation in ter mi cationf car bun cu lation bOtfBLE RHYMES, ilsll 208 mis cal cu lation ar tic u lation e mas cu lation den tic u lation ad os cu lation gra tic u lation in os cu lation ges tic u lation re pul lu lation re tic u lation ac cu mu lation ma trie u lation ar i o lation cir cum val lation a re o lation con tra val lation vit ri o lation coun ter val lation e ti o lation cir cum vo lationf vac u o lation mis in for mation in ter pel lation mal con for mation or re com pi lation male con for mation in ter po lation re trans for mation sub con stel lation sub in flam mation ac cep ti lation dis af fir mation e ven ti lation a mal ga mation ex pos tu lation im post hu mation co ag u lation dis an i mation pan die u lation ex an i mation pe die u lation in an i mation con fab u lation re an i mation in fib u lation trans an i mationf con grat u lation vi ges i mation self-grat u lation le git i mation e jac u lation ap prox i mation ver mic u lation re sub li mation ge nic u lation dis es ti mation ma nip u lation self-es ti mation in oc u lation pre in ti mation ca pit u lation a pos te mation de pop u lation in teg u mation re pop u lation ac com bi nation dis sim u lation re com bi nation in stim u lation de fi bri nation 204 DOUBLE RHYMES, ash pre con dem nation dis in cli nation fore-or di nation re ger mi nation in or di nation a cu mi nation co-or di nation il lu mi nation pre-or di nation fer ru mi nation re-or di nation de ten- mi nation sub or di nation ex ter mi nation self -in dig nation in ver mi nation per e gri nation re su pi nation im ag i nation mis ex pla nation ex am i nation hal lu ci nation ex ac i nationt re vac ci nation a bom i nation as sas si nation pre dom i nation pre des ti nation in gem i nation ag glu ti nation in cat e nation con glu ti nation con cat e nation sub al ter nation dis crim i nation pro eras ti nation re crim i nation in doc tri nation ge lat i nation re ju ve nation e lim i nation an tic i pation ag nom i nation par tic i pation an nom i nation in oc cu pation de nom i nation pre-oc cu pation cog nom i nation e man ci pation pre nom i nation ex hil a ration de rac i nation non-prep a ration o rig i nation im per f o ration dis sem i nation in au gu ration con tarn i nation cir cum gy ration va tic i nation e dul co ration e vag i nation self -ad mi ration in vag i nation e lab o ration e mar gi nation col lab o ration mis ce ge nation me li o ration? DOI'KLE RHYMES, 205 com mem o ration cor rob o ration de vap o ration di vap o ration e vap o ration in vig o ration in cor po ration con cor po rationf ad men su ration com men su ration ex pec to ration a mel io ration? de ter io ration? dis fig u ration con fig u ration pre fig u ration trans fig u ration ex trav a sation re con den sation im prov i sation ter giv jer sation in ad ap tation co-ad ap tation self-ex al tation non-pres en tation o ri en tation af for es tation sii per fe tation in af fee tation man i fes tation sub ag i tation de bil i tation in hab i tation co hab i tation de cap i tation ex cog i tation pre cog i tation de crep i tation il lim i tation non-lim i tation fe lie i tation pol lie i tation so lie i tation pre med i tation ca pac i tationf ex ped i tation fa cil i tation pre cip i tation re vis i tation re gur gi tation cas tra me tation ar gu men tation al i men tation el e men tation or na men tation in stru men tation tes ta men tationf in ter mu tation su per na tation a er os tation pre-ex pec tation non-ex por tation re-ex por tation non-im por tation re-im por tation in ter pre tation mis com pu tation cir cum ro tation con tra ro tation mis ac cep tation DOUBLE KHYMES, ash ne ces si tation re sus ci tation dis rep u tation rep re sen tation in u si tationf ad niin is tration sem i-cas tration re cal ci tration re-ag gra vation in sal i vation co-ac er vationf self-pres er vation ag gran di zation mor al i zation re al i zation ver bal i zation sym bol i zation ar bor i zation hy brid i zation or hyb rid i zation en den i zationf in den i zation lev el i zationf le gal i zation or gan i zation civ il i zation Lat in i zation lo cal i zation vo cal i zation vol can i zation vul can i zation e qual i zation tran quil i zation or tran quil li zation po lar i zation so lar i zation hu man i zation mam mon i zation mes mer i zation pho net i zation mag net i zation meth od i zation can on i zation pau per i zation pat ron i zation spe cial i zation fos sil i zation vi tal i zation sys tern i zation au thor i zation e ther i zation f er til i zation sub til i zation u til i zation neu tral i zation cau ter i zation Chris tian i zation mod ern i zation pul ver i zation na sal i zation pre-ac cu sation an a ly zation par a ly zation met al li zation mob i li zation syph i li zation al ka li zation tan ta li zation crys tal li zation max i mi zation DOUBLE EHYMES, 207 dol o mi zation self -re nun ci ation sol em ni zation in ap pre ci ation re cog ni zation or con sub stan ti ation rec og iii zation tran sub stan ti ation har mo ni zation un re gen er ation det o ni zation pre de lib er ation col o ni zation in con sid er ation synch ro ni zation re con sid er ation de thro ni zation dis con tin u ation en thro ni zation or un der val u ation in thro ni zation o ver val u ation fra ter ni zation or in di vid u ation frat er ni zation re con sol i dation vap o ri zation dis ac com mo dation tern po ri zation su per fee un dation hep a ti zation cir cum nav i gation re bap ti zation su per er o gation mon e ti zation re-in ves ti gation a mor ti zation or con tra-in di cation a mor ti sation be at i fi cation ad mor ti zation re-ed i fi cation cic a tri zation dis qual i fi cation e lee tri zation syl lab i fi cation so lid i fi cation in ter me di ation sub lim i fi cation pre de lin e ation si lie i fi cation in ter lin e ation re mod i fi cation dom i cil i ation ge ner i fi cation rec on cil i ation re nid i fi cation de ox y gen ation gra nit i fi cation dis ox y gen ation la pid i fi cation su per an nu ation sa pon i fi cation mis ap pro pri ation a cet i fi cation or dif f er en ti ation a ce ti fi cation mis pro nun ci ation a cid i fi cation DOUBLE EHYMES, f os sil i fi cation per son i fi cation e ther i fi cation re viv i fi cation e bur ni fi cation in dem ni fi cation Sem i ni fi cation or sem i nif i cation ex car ni fi cation in car ni fi cation o zo ni fi cation ex em pli fi cation nier cu ri fi cation trans mog ri fi cation de vit ri fl cation. de cal ci fi cation in ten si fi cation di ver si fi cation i den ti fi cation re for ti fi cation im mor ti fi cation un sane ti fi cation e lee tri fi cation ex com rnu ni cation cir cum am bu lation self -an ni hi lation re-as sim i lation con co ag u lationt re co ag u lation tin tin nab u lation re ca pit u lation dis ar tic u lation ex ar tic u lation in ar tic u lation co ar tic u lation il le git i mation r su per or di nation in sub or di nation cross-ex am i nation pre-ex am i nation re-ex am i nation self -ex am i nation in dis crim i nation in ter lam i nation ra ti oc i nation? re-il lu mi nation in de ter mi nation pre-de ter mi nation self -de ter mi nation su per im preg nation ad i poc e ration a me li o ration? de te ri o ration? dis in cor po ration su per sat u ration su per ex al tatioa re lia bil i tation pres ti dig i tation in ter dig i tation in ca pac i tation trans el e men tation ex per i men tation in teg u men tation mis in ter pre tation coun ter-ir ri tation mis rep re sen tation in ter pen e tration mal ad min is tra tion or male ad min is tration pre ad min is tration DOUBLE RHYMES, ash 209 de ox i di zation or im mor tal i zation de ox y di zation i de al i zation de mor al i zation sen su al i zation na tion al i zation? vol a til i zation ne ol o gi zation re crys tal li zation e lee tro ly zation a nat o mi zation gen er al i zation lit er al i zation min er al i zation re col o ni zation de meph i ti zation de mon e ti zation mac ad am i zation sil i ca ti zation Chris ti an i zation? ac cli ma ti zation me di at i zation re bar bar i zation fo ris fa mil i ation de car bon i zation ir rec on cil i ation de o dor i zation in ter co him ni ation dis or gan i zation in or gan i zation mer or gan i zationf re or gan i zation al co hoi i zation coun ter ne go ti ation re cor por i fi cationf im per son i fi cation in ter strat i fi cation sem i vit ri fi cation in civ il i zation in ter com mu ni cation un civ il i zation e van gel i zation Af ri can i zation e lee tro-punc tu ration ar te ri al i zation ma te ri al i zation for mu lar i zation de po lar i zation pop u lar i zation tab u lar i zation spir it u al i zation par tic u lar i zation de bi tu mi ni zation a nath e ma ti zation an i mal i zation dec i mal i zation in di vid u al i zation ar o mat i zation de mag net i zation vit ri ol i zation nat u ral i zation stationed gra dationed un stationed im pat ron i zationf 12* 210 DOUBLE RHYMES, ash nations schor laceous or [ashim, above] shor laceous vo lacioust glaciousf fu macious gracious glu maceous caseous? gem maceous . spacious li maceous vex atious pal maceous bi baciousf po maceous her baceous squa maceous se baceous ul maceous um bratiousf pug nacious au dacious spi naceous e dacious te nacious lar daceous vi naceous? mor dacious dru paceous men dacious ca pacious pre daceous ra pacious to phaceous a raceous tu faceous fe raciousf fu gacious por raceous sa gacious ce raceous dis gracious ve racious un gracious vo racious jun caceous cac taceous mi caceous char taceous o craceous ere taceous lo quacious crus taceous se quacious myr taceous f al lacious pul taceous fi laceous ru taceous chy laceous ce taceous pear laceous or se taceous per laceous psit taceous sa lacious temp tatious* DOUBLE RHYMES, 211 tes taceous trut taceous spa thaceous mal vaceous vi vacious? mu saceous ro saceous lil i aceous al li aceous fo li aceous pa le aceous co ri aceous sco ri aceous os tre aceous hed er aceous pip er aceous cin er aceous pul ver aceous sep i daceous sap in daceous or chi daceous tsci re facias?|| ef fi cacious er i caceous sal i caceous per spi cacious ur ti caceous cor al laceous am y laceous strob i laceous cap il laceous ar gil laceous f rin gil laceous con chy laceous vi o laceous cor ol laceous am pul laceous sal so laceous pis til laceous fer u laceous stip u laceous a glu maceous sub glu maceous con tu macious sol a naceous tur bi naceous car bo naceous mem bra naceous ar e naceous ac i naceous av e naceous er i naceous far i naceous gram i naceous res i naceous sol e naceous or so le naceous cin cho naceous gal li naceous sap o naceous per ti nacious in ca pacious cyn a raceous por phy raceous fur fu raceous ol e raceous pap y raceous cyp e raceous ster co raceous cich o raceous DOUBLE RHYMES, bu ty raceous am en taceous rain en taceous pyr i taceous f ru men taceous lo men taceous sar men taceous dis pu tatious os ten tatious al u taceous ac an thaceous mel an thaceous con fer vaceous ol i vaceous eu phor bi aceous zin zi ber aceous? con chyl i aceous pa pav er aceous in ef fi cacious ra nun cu laceous me las to maceous a run di naceous pro te i naceous pa pil io naceous cu cur bi taceous su pra ere taceous su per ere taceous sem i-crus taceous nu cu men taceous mar ga ri taceous e qui se taceous or eq ui se taceous un os ten tatious ly co po di aceous or ly co pod i aceous su pra f o li aceous ex tra fo li aceous in tra f o li aceous in ter fo li aceous o vate-cyl in draceous car y o pliyl laceous o va to-cyl in draceous ar gil lo-ar e naceous racy eu tha nasy? basic bi basic tri basic pol y basic gyn o basic mon o basic quad ri basic dracine [asn, below] bracing facing ps, p. 12] self -a basing facings [astng, above] basisfl phasis|| glacis?] crasis?|| DOUBLE KHYMES, 213 o asis?|| self-a basement hastest tbo nasus?|j [flat, p. 12] tab o masiis?| basements ant an a clasis?|| [asme'nt, above] pasteth [esis, p. 337] [flat, p. 12] basenf suasivef basin or tasteful oc casive basont wasteful cor rasive chasten dis tasteful as suasive tdracine un tasteful dis suasive hasten un wasteful per suasive tcaisson?|] e vasive mason hasty in vasive Jsasin|| pasty? per vasive re chasten tasty un per suasive tja maicine un hasty o ver hasty dis suasives basined per suasives chastened em paistic [asn, above] [a & stik?] baseless un chastened [as, p. 12] pasting hastens [ast, p. 12] baseman masons un tasting Jbasemen [asn, above] un wasting laceman placemen peso|| bastings placeman say-so pastings ^placemen [asting, above] tasted basement [flat, p. 12] tasteless casement? un tasted [ast & less?] em basement un wasted [as, p. 12] chastely sur basement chastest un chastely 214 DOUBLE RHYMES, tlS at bare facedly? acer?|[ al bata?|| shame facedly? baser ju gata?|| bracer so nata?|| chasteness macer er rata?H wastenessf pacer [atum, below] un chasteness placer can tata?|| bare facedness? racer ra di ata?|| shame facedness? tracer im bro cata?||t em bracer lem nis cata?ll pastry |em braceor un gu lata?|| [as & tree?] [as. p. 12] an nu lata?|| ser e nata?|| pastries bracers su per strata?]' [as & trees?] [astir, above] de sid er ata?|| ar l^ic u lata?]] chaster at in am o rata?|| waister fatal waster natal ere ator?|| [ffst, p. 12] tplatell [atilr, p. 217] wastorf or [atel, below] wastourf statalf nates?|| post-natal pe nates?]] wasters car y ates?| [fist fir, above] Satan?]] op ti mates? || [atn, p. 216] [atiz, below] nasute [a & suit?] blatant fated Jlatent grated playsomet natant hated o masum?|j tpatent? latedf ab o masum?|l statant [at, p. 13] su per natant un baited bo nasus?H un batedf [a"sis, above] data? !| un dated? strata?|| un freighted DOUBLE RHYMES, at 215 un mated Jstatist scathless? un plaited un sated prateth un stated [at, p. 13] bathos?|| un waited pathos?|| un a bated fateful tprog nathous un de bated grateful Jor thog nathous self -ere ated hateful un ere ated plateful (th) sub di lated de batef ul swathest un di lated in grateful [ath, p. 14] un e lated un grateful un col lated scatheth un re lated spatha?!! [ath, p. 14] un trans lated mar an atha?|] ad dle-pated? bathing a cid u lated graithestf or [ath, p. 14] e lee tro-plated? greithestf scathest? bathings platel|| [athing, above] ratel graithetlif [atal, above] [athest, above] bather rather? platels faithful [atel, above] scathful? cog nati?|| un faithful ma nati?|| latent lit er ati?|! [Stant, above] playthipg 11 lu mi nati?|| scathing? ad vo catess? [athest, above] eighty [fitis, below] platy playthings slaty gratest [Sthmg, above] weiglity greatest co ati?|| [at, p. 13] faithless t ma chete|| 216 DOUBLE RHYMES, ilt ju bi late?|| vre ative coun ter-state- di lative? ment? caitiff col lative metif?|| [at, p. 13] statements un native [atment, above] caitiffs mis ere ative [atff, above] greatenf datives tSatan?|| ver batim?|| natives straighten se ri atim?|| straiten un ci atim?|| eighties lit er atim?|| co atis?| greatenedf [Stum, below] Jma chetes|| [atn, above] [atez, above] un straightened baiting un straitened bating dateless grating freightless greatness [at, p. 13] gateless [atli, above] im sating mateless ob lateness un a bating sateless! o ver greatness e lee tro-plating? stateless weightless tSatan's? gratings straightens [Sting, above] greatly [atn, above] lately gratis?l| stately ra batot or tad vo catess? straightly re batot [atus, below] straitly to mato? se dately po tato latish in nately? av i gato|| or straightish av o cato|| statement in am o rato?|[ dative [at, p. 13] native re batement po tatoes stative un der statement [ato, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, at 217 satrap? [a & trap?] Jmatrice? traitress waitress ere atress trans latress [atfir, below] me di atress matrix? || natrix?|| rix atrix?|| ci catrix?l| re latrix?|| cu ratrix?| quad ratrix? die tatrix?|| spec tatrix?l| tes tatrix?j| trac tatrix?|| me di atrix?]| gen er atrix?|| os cu latrix?|| sep a ratrix?|| im i tatrix?|| im pro pri atrix? ne go ti atrix? ad min is tra- trix?|| ve ratrine? [atron, below] matrice? [a"tres, above] matron? natron?]] patron? Jve ratrine? matrons? [atron, above] af flatus?|| in flatus? || co natus?|| ma natus?|| tka rat as? 1 1 lit er at us? |i ap pa rat us? || sal e ratus? or sal 33 ratus? || pos se com i ta- tus?|| natrum?|| [atis, above] ve ratrum?|| datum?|! stratum?!) po matum? er ratum?i| sub stratum?!) pos tu latum?!! ul ti matum?|| un der stratum? su per stratum? de sid er atum?|| scan da lum mag natum?|l o pus op e ra- tum?!| [atmi, above] flatus?!! status?! stratus?]) hi atus?|| me atus?|| 13 gaiter grater greater hater cater crater later mater?|| metre? || satire?] satyr? stater? traitor waiter [at, p. 13] ere ator|| [ashun, above] a bator pro bator|| man dator|| re grater or re grator 51 8 DOUBLE EHYMES, at e quator al lo catur?|| ex ca vator?U di later? ex e quatur?|| con ser vator?|| dilator? leg is lator?|| cen tu ri ator?|| col lator|| per co lator?l| ab bre vi ator?|| re later am bu lator?!] con tin u ator?|| re lator|| dec a metre?|| in ves ti gator?) trans latorll pi a mater?|| pa cif i cator?i| do nator|| sta bat mater? 11 ab e run cator? pro nator|) con fir mator|| av er run cator? || pal pator|| dec i metre?]] myr i a metre? || cu rator|| pet it-maitrell a mel io rator? )| nar rator|| phy co mater?|| glos sator||t col li matorll gaitered die tatorl) mil li metre?!! catered cunc tator||f al ma mater?H traitoredf punc tator|| kil o metre?!! ro tator|| im pri matur?|| gaiters ci tatort du ra mater?|| caters spec tator|| cen ti metre?!! [atur, above] tes tator]! liec to metre?!! le vatorl) buc ci natorll nature? no vatorll per so nator|| ill-nature? cau sator||t su pi natorl! un nature?! me di ator]| f (He-cham petre?|] die tature? ra di ator|| per fo ratorll no men clature? glad i ator?|| con ju rator|| leg is lature? ar chi ater? as pi rator]| con ci atorj! im pe rator?) natured? ar en dator?]| in stau ratorllf good-natured? nav i gator?]] proc u rator?|| ill-natured? al li gator?|| dem on strator? com pur gator?| ad mit tatur?|| leg is latures? in sti gator? |1 com men tator?|| [atyur, above] div ul gater? ar pen tator den i grator?|| ex ci tator|| DOUBLE RHYMES, ail av 219 au ava?|| gravy brayer guava? cavy gayer kava?|| clavy layer lava?|| navy mayor? co paiva|| or Jnevell payer co payva wavy player ang sava?|| a gave? prayer? cas sava? preyer lavic slayer ave?|| pan-Slavic? or weigher [avt, below] pan-Sclavic? o beyer me tayer| aves?|| Davyne be trayer claves?|| [avn, below] con veyer [avis, below] pur veyor braving sur veyor clavel? fav, p. 15] dis o beyer - [avl, below] e lee tro-en grav- [*, P. 1] ing? bravest layers gavest bravings [aur, above] [Sv, p. 15] en gravings tpan-Slavist or [avtng, above] av Jpan-Sclavist neve| avis? || [avt, below] saveth clavis?|| [av, p. 15] mavis cavatef ra ra avis?| clavate favi?| [iTvus, below] ob clavate pec cavi?|| ex cavate? knavish [avtt, below] Avitet slavish Davite naval davit [avl, below] ave?|| Davyt 220 DOUBLE EHTMES, havens [jJvn, above] ces savit?|| craven con cavous af fi davit?|| Jpavon sax i cavous in di cavit?|| raven? mul ti cavous dev as tavit?|| shaven [avts, above] sig ni fi cavit?|| en graven [Svat, above] un graven . aver?* un shaven braver cavies [Sv, p. 15] [Svf, above] braveness favor|| or gra.veness favour flavor or flavour graver claver?f craver quaver laver paver saver savor|| or savour shaver slaver? waver waiver ca daver?|| dis favor! navew en graver [ft & view?] pa paver?|| dem i-quaver?f navews sem i-quaver? [avu, above] dem i-sem i-qua- ver? favus?|| hem i-dem i-sem- flavoust i-quaver? clavel? tnaval navel sea-navel bravo?|| pavo?|| oc tavo?|| ri li evo?|| bravely dem i-ri li evo?|| gravely al to-ri li evo?|| un gravely mez zo-ri li evo?|| [evo, p. 343] lavement bravoes? oc tavos? [Svo, above] graveless waveless pavement en gravementt de pravementf en slavement pavements [Svmgnt, above] tDavyne Jflavine graven haven DOUBLE RHYMES, aV aZ wavered ay pliasel [avur, above] kayak? || [azl, below] ill-favored! [a & yak?] im favored! praisest un flavored! kayaks? [az, p. 15] un wavered [a & axe or yaks?] raiseth quavers maian [az, p. 15] [avur, above] A chaian Bis cayan blazes haviorf or Ma layan [az, p. 15] haviourf Al taian ^daisies pavior or [ain, p. 176] tjaseys pavier or paviour naiant? gazeful savior or pant, p. 171] praisefulf saviour a mazef ul Jwaivuret maians Jwavuref [ay&n, above] xe rasia?|| be havior or xen e lasia?|| be haviour ayah?|| eu tha nasia?|| mis be havior! khaya?|| an ton o masia?|| rayah?|| saviors pit a haya?|| azure? [avyur, above] [azhur, below] ayahs? aw [ay&, above] suasion hayward oc casion naywardt az ab rasion tnaywordf nasal e rasion vawardf [azl, below] dis suasion wayward per suasion lazar e vasion haywards [azur, below] in vasion [award, above] ca vazion S8 DOUBLE KHYMES, az ab per vasion blazings JYa laisan cat a basion [Szlng, above] Jdi a pason?|| JAth a nasian? Jbis di a pason?|| [ashun, p. 190] daisies Jdis cli a pasonVJi mis per suasion [azez, above] tri di a pason?l| Jsem i di a pa- oc casions tphasel son?H [azhun, above] hazel Jtet ra di a pa- hazlet son? 1| Jazure? Jjazelf brasier Jnasal brazened brazier tazel [azn, above] glazier Jap praisal un blazoned grazier Jrasure? or phraseless raisins Jrazure praiseless [azn, above] Jem brasure? Je rasure hazels blazer [azl, above] gazer brasiers [az, p. 15] [azhur, above] casement? Jlazar a mazement mazer or daisy ap praisement rnaserf hazy razor jasey ap praisements a baiser crazy [azinSnt, above] lazy blazers mazi|| blazon [azur, above] mazy brazen or lack a daisy brasenf ab prason?|| cabbage blazing raisin sea-cabbage [az, p. 15] em blazon or o ver praising iin blazonf sabbatJI out brazen [abit, below] DOUBLE EHYMES, 223 sabbath!| shabby cabins [abeth, below] scabby [abm, above] slabby * scabbard tabby tabbot tabard|| habit [abftrd, below] I crabbed Jrabbet rabid rabbit scabbards ^scabbed Jsabbatil [abard, above] tabbied in habit tabid co habit crabbed re in habit . [Sbld, below] syl labic tris yl labic habits abbess dis syl labic [abit, above] tcabos Muz a rabic dec a syl labic abbeys stabbest pol y syl labic rabbis? or [ab, p. 16] monosyllabic rabbies tet ra syl labic tabbies rabbet quad ri syl labic [abl, above] [abit, below] oc to syl labic do dec a syl labic JabhalU grabbeth hen dec a syl lab- babble fab, p. 16] ic brabblef Jsabbathll im par i syl labic dabble drabble abhal|| flabile Jflabile [abl, below] [abl, below] gabble grabble abbey cabin thabilef abbe|| rabbin mabblef flabby sabine knabblet crabby rabble mabby blabbing shabble rabbi?|| [ab, p. 16] scabble 224 DOUBLE RHYMES, ab ach scrabble [ablish, above] jabber out babble un es tablished clabber* . be dabble slabber? babbler be slabber? babbled [abl, above] bon ny-clabber? [abl, above] babblers jabbered dabblest [ablur, above] [abfir, above] [abl, above] ^clapboard rabbles Jscabbard ablet scrabbles Jtabard|| or tablet [abl, above] taberd drabbleth abnet|| taberds [abl, above] [&b & net?] [Sburd, above] tablets clapboard , blabbers [ftble't, above] [abfird, below] jabbers [abdr, above] babbling cabos [abl, above] [abSs, above] ach cabbling hatchel? scabling abbot ratchel* [ablt, above] satchel or babblings sachel [Sbllng, above] fabric? or fabrick? hatchels? babblishf tshabrackj [achel, above] stablish es tablish fabrics? catchest pre es tablish [abrfk, above] [ach, p. 16] re es tablish blabber hatchet un stablished [ab, p. 16] latchet e tablished drabber ratchet DOUBLE RHYMES, ach. && 225 satchet? hatchments daddy [achment, above] caddy hatcheth m cady* [ach, p. 16] hatcher laddie* Jhaclmre Paddy hatchets catcher paddy [achet, above] [Sen, p. 16] Jstature madid hatches Jan te staturef faded, above] matches [ach, p. 16] hachured dy adic scatches Jstaturedf no madic mo nadic dis patchf ul hatchers va nadic [ach & full?] [achur, above] spo radic So tadic atche|| ad is chi adic patchy addax|| Dal ri adic scratchy [adoks, below] [adok, below] patching madam padding [ach, p. 16] tf or bade 'em [ad, p. 17] [ad & 'em?] patchings paddings [aching, above] madded [Ming, above] [ad, p. 17] matchless Jmadid addicet [ach & less?] hatchment gladdest claddest caddice caddis cadisil catchment at tachment [ad, p. 17] baddish de tachment re-at tachment gaddeth .[ad, p. 171 gaddish [M, p. 17] radish 13* SO DOUBLE RHYMES, aU adit madly saddens [M & it?] sadly [adn, above] [M, p. 17] caddies caddow [MI, above] gadling shadow paddling o ver shadow ladkinf [adl, above] [M & kin?] shadowed addlings* un shadowed addle gadlings o ver shadowed daddle [Mlmg, above] [ad & od?J faddle paddle paddler caddows raddle [Ml, above] [Mo, above] saddle skaddle* paddlers daddock staddle [Ml fir, above] haddock straddle paddock ske daddle* saddles raddock un saddle [adl, above] shaddock a straddle [adlk, above] be straddle gladden fid dle-faddle? madden Jaddaxjl sadden haddocks addled JA baddon|| [adok, above] [adl, above] un saddenf gladsome saddlest gladdened [ad & sum?] [adl, above] [Mn, above] un gladdened adder straddleth un maddened bladder [adl, above] gadder badness gladder badly [Mil, above] [Sd, p. 17] gladly hadderf bOTTBLK RHYMES, ad 227 ladder tel e graphic *au to graphic madder mi cro graphic pho to graphic padderf cal li graphic! glyp to graphic sadder sty lo graphic pan to graphic sea-adder xy lo graphic ep i taphic po mo graphic in ter traffic? ladders seis mo graphic lex i co graphic [adur, above] eth no graphic horn o lo graphic pho no graphic crystal lo graphic af ich no graphic ker a mo graphic graffest?f cli no graphic mech a no graph- [f , p. 17] bi o graphic ic ge o graphic sel e no graphic or chaffeth? glyph o graphic se le no graphic [&f , p. 17] hoi o graphic u ra no graphic lith o graphic i de o graphic or graphite log o graphic id e o graphic scaphite? my o graphic or gan o graphic mon o graphic phys i o graphic taffy or o graphic li chen o graphic [afi, p. 294] seen o graphic or sten o graphic lich en o graphic graphic typ o graphic or i con o graphic Sapphic ty po graphic traffic or top o graphic traffick zinc o graphic se raphic zo o graphic di a graphic cho re graphic or ste re o graphic or par a graphic chor e graphic ster e o graphic hy dro graphic chi ro graphic cal i graphic! cho ro graphic or lex i graphic chor o graphic pas i graphic pet ro graphic pol y graphic tach y graphic bib li o graphic he li o graphic pa le o graphic o re o graphic hi er o graphic het er o graphic sid er o graphic hy e to graphic pen ta graphic e pis to lo graphic or tho graphic au to bi o graphic ass DOUBLE RHYMES, at J me te or o graphic baffled zaffre an a glyp to- [afl, above] graphic Jscaffold chaffers e lee tro-tel e- un baffled [afiir, above] graphic e lee tro-chron o- baffledst? ag 1 graphic [afl, above] agate hor o lo gi o- [agot, below] graphic inafflest 1 - [afl, above] blackguard sapphics haggard . traffics'. daifleth laggard di a graphics [afl, above] [agurd, below] ep i graphics i de o graphics? raffling blackguards [^f!k, above] [afl, above] [agard, above] chaffing baffler haggedf [ftf, p. 17] [afl, above] jagged cragged chaffings bafflers knagged [aflog, above] [aflur, above] ragged tsphragide baffle snaffles shagged . daffle [afl, above] scragged gaffle snagged? Jgafol c r aff er [ag, p. 17] haffle* gaffer kaffle graffer waggel mafflet Caffre or [agl, below] raffle Kaffir, &c. shaffle* Jquaffer draggest scraffle* sapphire? [ag, p. 17] snaffle zaffer|| or zaffir or braggetf DOUBLE KHYMES, [agot, below] gaggle daggles haggle straggles waggeth straggle [agl, above] [ag, p. 17] waggle twaggel or bagman baggy twagel Jbagmen flaggy be daggle dragman jaggy be draggle Jdragmen craggy ragman quaggy draggled |ragmen knaggy [agl, below] naggy* magmail shaggy stragglest stagma||t scraggy [agl, above] ma lagma|| slaggy snaggy aglet fragment swaggy taglet ante pagment [ag, p. 17] waggleth fragments sphragide [agl, above] [agment, above] [aged, above] taglets agnate flagging [aglSt, above] magnate sagging stagnate Pfc P- 17] haggling [agnet, below] [Sgmg, above] haggish waggish daggle draggle [Sgl, above] stagnates hagglings [agnat, above] [aglmg, above] stagnant haggler re stagnant! straggler bag-net hagglers dragnet [aglur, above] magnet 230 DOUBLE RHYMES, ag"-~ 3 di a magnet hagship aj e lee tro-magnet Cadjar [&gnat, above] flag-ships [ajar, below] [agshlp, above] magnets badgest [agngt, above] flag-stone [aj, p. 18] ragstone magnum|| fadgeth sphagnumjl flag-stones [a], p. 18] [agston, above] agnus|| hadjil! sphagnous tag-tail cadgy wagtail how ad jill dragon flagon tag-tails magic wagon or [flgtsl, above] tragic waggon el lagic sea-dragon? bragger pe lagic [Sg, p. 17] cho ragic dragons dagger hem or rhagic [agon, above] jagger ar chi pe lagic lagger tagate sagger agile Jbraggetf stagger fragile fagot swagger maggot tagger im agined magot un im agined daggered fagots Jlaggard cadging [agot, above] [agitrd, above] KJ, p. 18] staggered magpie swaggered had j is Pg & PI?] [&JT, above] daggers flag-ship [agftr, above] badgeless DOUBLE RHYMES, ttj ilk 23l [j, p. 18] al pacas [ak, p. 18] [aka, above] badger bracket tCadjar?|| or jackal Jhakot JKajar?|| [8k & all?] jacket cadger packet JMagyar?!! jack-block placket rack-block racket badgers snacket* [ajur, above] . jack-blocks Jsnacot [Skblok, above] stacket ak tackett package backboard [akat, above] sackagef blackboard stackaget slacketh trackage backboards [ak, p. 18] [akbord, above] baccate brackets braccate hackbut or [ake"t, above] saccate haquebut bi saccate sackbut black-flag? [aket, below] jack-flag hackbuts clachan* [akbut, above] black-flags? [akn, below] [akflag, above] facture? bacca|| [aktyur, below] wrackful po lacca|| sackful Ka nacka or hackee* [ak & full?] Ka naka [akl, below] al paca|| at tacca|| cracked? backhouse jar a raca|| [ttkid, below] pack-house as a ra bacca|| blackest brackyf DOUBLE KHYMES, hackee* pack-cloths 1 tacklings lackey [akkloth, above] [Sklmg, above] laquayf knacky grackle or cackler wacke|| or grakle [Ski, above] wacky hackle or hatchel? cacklers lackeyed cackle [aklur, above] Slacked? crackle [ak, p. 18] quackle mackles un lackeyed made? [akl, above] mackle Bacchic shackle hackman sto machic tackle? thackmen un shackle jackman slakin Ijackmen [akn, below] shackled packman [Ski, above] Spackmen racking [ak, p. 18] sacklessf drachmajl trackless tet ra drachmajl rackings [aking, above] tackiest acme? || [akl, above] drachmae?!! blackish [akma, above] brackish crackleth quackish [akl, above] im packmentf knackishf [ak & meant?] [ak, p. 18] blackly hackly acmite lackeys shackly* [ak & mlt?] [akl, above] slackly blacken pack-cloth 1 tackling bracken* sackcloth 1 [akl, above] Sclachan* DOUBLE RHYMES, ak 2S3 Islakin back-rent axes?]|, &c. slacken rack-rent [from axis; pi. of ax or axe, see blackened back-rents aksez, below] [ukn, above] [akrent, above] ifacundf quackenedf un slackened acne?|| ihackney a raclme?|| blackness slackness taxed? nacrite [aks, p. 19 ; [ak & rlt?] aksrd, below] acrid ant acrid sub acrid axalf iaxil iaxile iaxle accent? |re laxant accents? Jre laxants hackney iaxle access? [akne, above] bi axal [aksis, below] u ni axal hackneyed in ter axal , laxest un hackneyed waxest re laxant [aks, p. 19] slackens [aksent, below] [akn, above] backset a braxas|| ima laxatef shako|| [aksis, below] ire traxit|| squacco zaccho jack -saw taxeth che bacco rack-saw [aks, p. 19] to bacco or ta bacco||t jack-saws iaxes?|| [aksa, above] [aksis, below] squaccos axes? [itko, above] baccae?|| td-xes [akst, below] [aks, p. 19] 234 DOUBLE RHYMES, JActian? action faction fraction pactionf taction traction ex action in action co action re action self-action trans action re daction ol faction dif fraction in fraction re fraction corn paction ab straction sub straction at traction de traction dis traction ex traction con traction pro traction re traction sub traction un der-action re-en action re tro action or ret ro action in ter action coun ter action o ver action hi bri faction un der faction ar e faction ben e faction cal e faction chyl i faction or chy li faction lab e faction mal e f actionf pat e faction rar e faction tab e faction tep e faction sat is faction tu me faction stu pe faction pet ri faction tor re faction vit ri faction as sue faction! pu tre faction liq ue faction dis sat is faction self-sat is faction un sat is factionf col liq ue faction coun ter-at trac- tion factions [akshun, above] factious fractious vaccine? [ak & sin?] bacc8e?|| [ilka, above] braxy flaxy waxy phyl lo taxy flaccid Jtaxed? [aks, p. 19] laccic a taxic axil axile [aksal, above] Jtax him? [aks & him?] laccine vaccine? [aksn, below] re laxing [aks, p. 19] un re laxing re laxings [aksing, above] DOtJBLE RHYMES, 235 ^access? Jlaccine ab lactatef axis|| Saxon? sac cho lactate praxis] | Jvaccine? taxis|| waxen lactates Ja braxas|| An glo-Saxon? [aktat, above] sy naxis|| syn taxis|| backstaves? actafl in ter axis|| [akstiif, below] facta|| ep i staxis|| par a taxis) | back-stays ex actor phyl lo taxis|| jack-stays [aktfir, below] par a sy naxis|| backstaff acted re traxitll jack-staff bracted [aksSt, above] pack-staff [akt, p. 19] frac.ted axle backstaffs un acted [akstil, above] [akstaf, above] un ex acted un co acted taxless tax-stone un re fracted [aks & less?] back-stone* ret ro fracted? or re tro fracted? cracksman back-stones* in com pacted Jcracksmen jack-stones un com pacted tacksman* in ab stracted ttacksmen* laxer un at tracted taxer or un dis tracted blacksmith Jtaxor un ex tracted jacksmith [aks, p. 19] in con tracted sub con tracted blacksmiths taxers un con tracted [aksmith, above] [aksur, above] un re tracted un coun ter acted flaxen lactate caxont tractate! actest 236 DOUBLE KUYMES, [akt, p. 19] dactyl or actings ^practiced or dactyle [akting, above] ^practised tactile }un practiced! tractile Jcactusll a dactyl or practice at tracteth a daetyle practise! [akt, p. 19] di dactyl mal practice or syn dactyl male practice Tractite tri dactyl coun ter practice sta lactite at tractile teat a ractous Ap o tactite dis tractile in tractile practiced! Tractites con tractile [aktest, above] [aktlt, above] re tractile hern i dactyl! active lactic pach y dactyl tractive practicf pter o dactyl en active tactic le po dactylet in active di dactic tet ra dactyl co active ec phractic mac ro dactyl! self -active em phractic pen ta dactyl ol faotive ga lactic an ti dactyl dif tractive sta lactic lep to dactyl ab stractive pro tactic at tractive syn tactic dactyls! de tractive cat a phractic tet ra dactyls dis tractive par al lactic mac ro dactyls! ex tractive proph y lactic [aktil, above] con tractive sac cho lactic pro tractive phyl lo tactic Jacton re tractive lactine sub tractive tactics ga lactine re tro active or [Sktlk, above] ret ro active di dactics acting coun ter active cat al lactics [akt, p. 19J chyl i factive DOUBLE RHYMES, ~ 237 stu pe f active de tractress ben e factor|| pet ri factive ben e factress mal e factor|| self -at tractive sub con tractor un at tractive tractrix|| hy dro-ex tractor coun ter-at tract- cli mact'rics? ive [ak & tricks?] factors [akt, p. 19; [aktur, above] ftkshun, p. 234] actum|| an ti pu tre factive factum|| facture? non est factum|| fracture? actless nu dum pactum|| an fracture? bractless com pacture?f tactless cactus 1 vit ri facture? [aktis, above] man u facture? ex actly com pactly actor]] factures? ab stractly? [aktiv, above] [aktyfir, above] in ex actly factor|| tractor|| Bacchus;] en actment ab actor|| jacclmsjl re-en actment en actor [ak & us?] ex actor|| ex actness ex acter backer [aktll, above] [akt, p. 19] blacker trans actor]] [ak, p. 18] factoll ol factor flacker* de facto|| cli macterf whacker ox post facto|| at tractor cracker [ak & to?] de tractor|| lacquer ex tractor lacker acton con tractor|| knacker [aktm, above] pro tracter nackerf pro tractor thacker* actress re tractor ex actress un der actor backers 238 DOUBLE KHYMES, ak al [akfir, above] coun ter balance da alder j| o ver balance black wax? chalders [ak & wax?] balanced [aldftr, above] packwax [alans, above] un balanced calends 0r bacule kalends macule gallant? [al & ends?] saccule ttalent challenged bacules jalap un challenged [akyul, above] plop, below] talent al ballast [alant, above] palace pitst, below] [Sits, below] salep? Allah|| [alop, below] palate calla [algt, below] palla!! ca balest! pallah|| [alist, below] ballad valla salad [alum, below] ballet? [altd, below] val lialla|| or Jballot wal hallail Jgallate? ballads tal e gallai) callett [alad, above] cal ca valla! | tcallott inalett ballan callas mallet [alon, below] [ala, above] tpalate palett balance scaldic palette!) valance or he raldic tpallat ^valence - pallet out balance chalder sallet e qui balance scalder valet?|| DOUBLE RHYMES, H 1 239 Jmet a gallate shil li-shalli? or py ro gallic or Jcir curn vallate shil ly-shally? pyr o gallic coun ter-tally? did as calic or mallets di das calic [alet, above] Iballad non me tallic dallied sub me tallic algor| [all, above] un me tallic Ire-algar calidf ep en ce phalic callidt mes en ce phalic fi dalgo|| pallid pseu do-me tallic hi dalgo|| Jsalad sem i-me tallic |salade||or gan o-me tallic algumll valid la, malgam in valid Jbalasef or Jballacef or algums phallic? Jballassf [algiim, above] gallic? chalice Gallic calice phalli?|| grallic tpalace? thalli?l| salic or fort alice? salique?|| hem e ro callis| alley ox alic [altis, below] dally me dallic galley or Van dalic Jballast gaily? ce phalic chaliced rally orn phalic malicedf sally vo calic Jca balest or challis or ro palic tea ballest shalli or I talic Jun ballast chally me tallic tally naph thalic valleys or valley am yg dalic vallies torn-alley en ce phalic [all, above] te o calli|| ith y phallic kak a rallilj met a gallic talg?|| 240 DOUBLE RHYMES, al ne phralgy calculet aloe neu ralgy an i malcule ballowt nos talgy fallow o talgy? calculesf gallowf ceph al algy? [alkul, above] hallow o don talgy? or callow od on talgy? calcous mallow talcous sallow neu ralgic shallow an talgicf palmate tallow [aljT, above] bi palmate all-hallow sem i-palmate un hallow falcate marsh-mallow de falcate palma!) sum mer-fallow? talma win ter-fallow? calcar| ed ri oph thalma|| Jvalkyrlj alme|| or calkest? or almeh] calquest oph thalmy? de falkestf hy droph thalmy ex oph thalmy calketh? JCalmuck? or t Kalmuck? palmic oph thalmic? [alke'st, above] Jbalconf calkin? gri malkin pod oph thalmic? calquing [a'lke'st, above] alco|| falcoil JAlmant JAlmainf palmine Calmuck?|| fallowed [tilo, above] un fallowed un hallowed aloes [alo, above] lign aloes? Jballan gallon Jsaline? stallon talon Jtom-alline gallons [alon, above] cat a falcojl [almik, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, 241 dallopt palpingf pis as phaltum gallop scalping ret in as phaltum galop|| 1 jalap palpus]] tsaltier or Jsalep? or ped i palpous Isaltire Salop psalter? shallop calcite ses qui alter]] scallop? talcite mu ri calcite psalters? gallops [altur, above] [Slop, above] calcites [alsit, above] Jfallaxllt ballot hallux [algt, above] calcined? Ice phalics un calcined? salpa|| sem i calcined? alum talpal] vallum 1 ca talpa]] as phaltic co ralluml] sys taltic or in ter vallum] |f sus taltic salpae?]] an a staltic phallus]] [alpa 1 , above] di a staltic gallows? cat a staltic Jcallose Jalpist per i staltic callous palpestt an ti per i staltic callus]] scalpest thallous alto]] thallusll palpetht di-salto|| Jbi callose scalpeth con traltoll bi callous [alTs, above] Alpine? altos]] Cis alpine? [alto, above] pallor]] sub alpine? valor| or Trans alpine? as phaltum valour|| per saltumjl tea bailer 14 242 DOUBLE RHYMES, R! alvus|| se raglios [alyu, above] bi valvous [alyo, above] dallier? calver? scallion [aliur, p. 625] salver? stallion es palier|| Jsalvor me dallion ras callion or es paliers salvers? ras calionf [alyur, above] [alvur, above] tram pallianf rap scallion am Italian bat talion damage [alyon, below] %l talian ramage?f tat ter de malion en damage or Jsalient? in damagef valiant scallions [alyon, above] damaged galeas? [amaj, above] paillasse?|| or shall you? un damaged palliasse? [al & you?] value di gammate scaglia|| dis value [amut, p. 247] taglia?|| mis value out value mammal galliard re value [amel, below] halyard or un der value halliard o ver value lammas palliardf [amis, below] valued balliardsf [alyu, above] ammall halyards in valued drama? || [alyard, above] un valued [ama, p. 279] gamma || cas calho?|| shall use? mamma? || se raglioll [al & use?] di gammall in taglio?|| values pro gramma || DOUBLE EHYMES, it HI 243 grammar famble crambo [amur, below] gamble sambo|| or ^gambol zamboll dramas ramble [ama', above] shamble flambeaux?|| or scamble flambeaus lambent scramble [Smbo, above] [am & bent?] tramble gambol i ambize brambled [ambl, above] [Sm & biz?] [Smbl, above] lamboys ambe|| or ramblest [am & boys?] ambi|| [ambl, above] ex cambie* bamboo? [| nam by-pamby? ambleth jambeuxll or [ambl, above] giambeux?|| ttambac i ambic trambling bamboos? clio li ambic [ambl, above] giambeux?|| cho ri ambic rambuse? or dith y rambic bramblings rambooze [amblmg, above] gambist gambrel cambist gambler cambrel or [ambl, above] chambrel gambists above] gamblers gambrels [ambl, above] [ambrgl, above] ambit tgambet scrambles i ambus] | gambitll [ambl, above] cho ri ambus|| dith y rambusll amble ambo|| bramble flambeau)) amber 244 DOUBLE EHTME8, camber camels mammy clamber [ame!, above] rammy tambour?|| chamoisll tliq uid ambar? or ament shamois? liq uid amber Jammant shammy rament tammy ambered [ambfir, above] aments amide [ament, above] t crammed? clambers [am, p. 20] [ambur, above] jammest [am, p. 20] ramming ambush [am, p. 20] en ambush slammeth [am, p. 20] A damic amel a gamic tamyle camphiret tri grammic whammel* samphire? dy namic camel marsh-samphire? cin namic Jlambale ce ramie lamel chamfer bal samic Imammal Jcaniphor pre-a damic rammelf samphire? phen o gamic shammel marsh-samphire? cryp to gamic stammel tel e grammic trammel chamfers mon o grammic en amel [amf ftr, above] A bra hamic en trammel a dy namic or imon o grammal ammite or ad y namic hammite cos mo ramie trammeled or grammite di o ramie trammelled psammite pan o ramie [amel, above] phan e ro gamic tin trammeled! clammy ep i tha lamic manima3?| hy dro dy namic DOtBLE KHYMES 245 ther mo dy namic mon o dy namic i so dy namic par al lei o gram- mic e lee tro-dy namic [amok, below] dy namics [mink, above] my o dy namics phar ma co dy- namics a er o dy namics famine tamine ex amine cross-ex amine pre-ex amine re-ex amine [amon, below] Jgammoned ex amined [amin, above] un ex amined Jgammons [amon, below] ex amines [jimm, above] amice or Jamessf camis?t hammocks Jcammas [amok, above] Jcamus?f tlammas tamma:i'| tamis gammon tmon o grammous mammon salmon famish back gammon rammish[amln,&c. , above] tstramash* en famisht lambkin slamkin* tamkin lambkins [amkin, above] lampate [am & pate?] lampad tstamped? [amp, p. 21] pampasll [ampus, below] hamlet camlet or Jcamelot or dampest trampest chamletf. [amp, p, 21] samlet crampeth [amp, p. 21] hamlets [amlet, above] rhamnus] die tamnus|| rampiref vampirell or vampyre hammock vampires cammock [ampir, above] mammockf [Smik, above] dampyf 14* 246 DOUBLE RHYMES, crampy tramplest grampus [ampl, above] campus|| lampic Jlampass [am & pick?] sampleth Jpampas|| [ampl, above] hip po campus] | ampyxll [am & picks?] amply damper damply hamper stamping pamper [amp, p. 21] trampling pampre|| [ctmpl, above] Jrampier stampings scamper [ampmg, above] tramplings stamper [ampl, above] tamper dampish tramper scampish ampler vamper sampler [Snip, p. 21] ample [ampl, above] o ver pamper Jampulf gramplef samplers pampered sample [ampler, above] [ampur, above] trample un hampered ex ample? examples un pampered en sample?f [ampl, above] dampers sampled de campment [ampur, above] [ampl, above] en campment lampers un trampled un ex ampled dampen kamsin|| or Jsampanll khanisin|| lampless JtainponU [am & sin?] ex amplesst [amp & less?] an a camptic hamster pho no camptic [am & stir?] amplest DOUBLE EHYMES, am ail 247 hamsters stammers grannam [am & stirs?] [aniur, above] |per annum|| salmon [amon, above] gamut Jniammetf Jdi gammate gamuts [anmt, above] Jdanunarl or |damar|| gammer Igrammar hammer clamorll or clamour 1 1 crammer mammerf rammer Jsamare shammer stammer en amor or en amour dis en amor! hammered pimur, above] un hammered un en amored! tip damsel ^mademoiselle? 1 1 damson ramson damsons [amzn, above] an manage pannage mis manage : managed mis managed un managed Jannat or annate tgannet granatef tgranite khanate? tplanet stannate tannate pome granate? gancheth annates [anchest, above] [anat, above] manchetsf annaj I cannali mannail ban dana|| or ban danna al canna|| pe cana? ven tannaf sa vanna|| or sa vannah ho sanna|| dul ci ana|l ig u ana?!l e cac u anha?|| anarch [an & ark?] ho sannas [ana, above] ganchest planchest ranchestt manchetf planchct 48 DOUBLE EHYMES, ail [anchgt, above] mu tandajl blandest no tandall [and, p. 22] plancliing prop a ganda|| tprop a gandist [anche'st, above] mem o randa | ob ser vanda|| brandeth franchise [and, p. 22] Branches * landau? or [&nch, p. 22] landaw band-fish af franchise [and & awe? or land-fish dif franchise t an & daw?] dis franchise land-flood ef franchise bandbox sand-flood en franchise or sand-box in franchise land-floods dis en franchise banded sand-floods [and, p. 22] franchised Jbandied handful [anclriz, above] tbrandied [find & full?] un franchised Jcandid Jcandied hand-glass plancher landed sand-glass [anchur, p. 295] stranded un banded bandy bandaged un branded brandy un bandaged tun candid dandy ex panded handy mandate un dis banded candy [andlt, below] un der handed randy* un ex panded sandy sandal un handy fandl, below] candent scandent candid panda]] [andant, p. 295] [and^d, above] a bandal] ve randa]] bandest Ice landic DOUBLE RHYMES, illl 249 [andok, below] handle [andl, above] candle banding Jmanclil ^chandler landing Jsandal dandier un der standing Jscandal [andl, above] [and, p. 22] Jstandel not with stand- JYandal dandlers ing o ver handle [andlur, above] landings landlord candles [tlnding, above] [and & lord?] [andl, above] blandish landlords disbandment brandish [andlard, above] [andment, p. grandish 295] standish dandled out landish [andl, above] blandness up landish Jsandaled grandness un handled blandished tun sandaled bandeau? i| [andish, above] nandow?|j handless ca landojl bandit landless tre niando?|| ^mandate len tandojl [an & date?] handiest lor zando?|| pandit [andl, above] sfor zando?|| rin for zando? || bandits dandleth ac eel e randoil [andit, above] [andl, above] [ando, p. 280] candies [andl, above] bandle* dandle - blandly grandly brandling handling bandore? mandore pandore? candock 250 DOUBLE RHYMES, ail Jlce landic androns randonf sland'rous a bandon hand-rake an androus +t'er randine mandrake di androus Jthe andric hex androus a bandoned me androus [ihidiin, above] hand-rakes tri androus un a bandoned [andrak, above] de candrous gy nandrous ne fandousf dry andra|| mo nandrous re pandous ca landrail hep tandrous oc tandrous bander mandrel pen tandrous blander Jmandrill te trandrous [and, p. 22] spandrel pol y androus dander en ne androus gander mandrels do de candrous candor or [andrel, above] i co sandrous candour mander?f ar chi mandrite handsome? pander or [Snd & rlt?] [ansum, p. 256] pandarf tpandoor?| or ar chi mandrites |pandour?|| [andrlt, above] tgrandam slander random me ander me andry ttandemll phi lander [andrf, p. 295] a bandumll so lander mu tandumll ger mancler tandronjl no tandumll po mander? Al ex andrine mem o randum|| gy nander sal a mandrine ad cap tandum|| mo nander ob ser vandum|| dit tander android oc tander sal a mandroid bandonf o le ander Jrandan* co ri ander DO I HLE RHYMES, ail 251 al ex ander channeled or [ang & full?] sal a mander? channelled ger ry mander?* [anfel, above] angle un channeled! bangle dandcred* branglet glandered t annals dangle mandered?f flannels fangle pandered [anel, above] jangle slandered mangle ^standard plannest rangle* me andered [an, p. 21] "wrangle ger ry rnan- JtanistH spangle dered?* Jal co ranist strangle tangle glanders planet twangle sanders [ttnat, above] im branglet slanders new-f angle [andur, above] scanneth tpha langal [an, p. 21] tga langal grandeur be manglef [anjur, p. 253] farfare be spangle [an & f^r?] en tangle or Janil in tanglef channel manful un tangle fannel panful in ter jangle flannel un manful dis en tangle tganil* re cip i angle Jmanil bangest panel sangest mangled pannel [tog, p. 22] [ttnggl, above] rannelf new-fangled? scrannelf twangeth un mangled stannel [tag, P- 22] quin que angled em panel or un en tangled im panel ha ranguef ul DOUBLE RHYMES, All wrangles! [anggl, above] dangletli [anggl, above] tangly new-fanglyt jangling [anggl, above] j anglings [anggling, above] Anglof vanglojl fangless fangot Jlangate fangots banger Jlangates hangei* [ang, p. 22] clangous $praiigos|| ha ranguers slangoust [angur, above] spa tangus|| manhood anger [3n & hood?] angor|| ciangor|| or Danite clangour mannite jo hannite rein mannite sanguine en sanguine un sanguine dangler [anggl, above] en sanguined danglers [anggwm, above] [anggl ur, above] anguish Angles languish angles [anggl, above] languished [anggwish , above ] mango fan dango|| hanging fran gi panni|| a rango|| [ang, p. 22] Hin du stani?|| or Hin doo stance? | mangoes hangings [anggo, above] [angmg, above] ibannock Jdannock* branny granny canny* or cannie* cranny ranny shanny scranny* un canny su ra danni|| Is pa li . BLE KHTMES, it 11 ijannock* al e mannic panic tal is manic stannic Mus sul manic? tannic Al co ranic cy anic char la tanic Ste phanic Pu ri tanic man ganic va le ri anic or ganic hy dro cy anic pa ganic sul pho-cy anic me chanic fer ro-cy anic vol canic Ar is to phanic me lanic pseu do vol canic Brah manic hy dro gal vanic Ger manic hy dro fer ro cy- Ro manic anic planish Spanish vanish re banish Ja pannish e vanish al co ranish banished [anlsh, above] self-banished granite [anat, above] tym panic? crannies Pu ranic panics [ant, above] ty rannic? [anik, above] tjo hannes] u ranic hu manics bo tanic frangentf Bri tannic tannin plangentf mon tanic [anon, below] tangent sa tanic co-tangent sul tanic tanning sub tangent te tanic [an, p. 21] sem i-tangent? Ti tanic ti tanic tannings grandeur? gal vanic [anlng, above] o ce anic Mes si anic anise di a phanic Jstannous lex i phanic in or ganic banish Mag el lanic? clannish al der manic mannish 15 pha langer grandeurs [anjur, above] rankest [ank, p. 23] 354 DOUBLE RHYMES, an banket [Snkl, above] un anxious blanket o ver anxious thankless thanketh [nk & less?] tnancus [ank, p. 23] [ank & us?] hanklest* tpa lankas|| blankets [ankl, above] [ankSt, above] anchor crankleth anker thankful [Snkl, above] banker un thankful flanker [ank & full?] blankly hanker frankly canker cranky lankly pranker lanky rankly ranker scranky* [ank, p. 23] rancor|| ttwankay chancrell or Yankee rankling shanker cy nanche?|| [ankl, above] spanker un anchor banking crankles spanking [ankl, above] anchored or [Snk, p. 23] ancredt blankness Jblancard dankish [anklt, above] tbrancard||f Frankish tflankard prankish banco|| hankered sal tin bancot cankered ankle or cal a manco or jitankard anclef cal li nianco un anchored hankie* crankle sanctioned cankers rankle un sanctioned [ankur, above] ankled banquetjj DOUBLE KIIYMES, it'll 255 lanquetll cannon fans, p. 23] Jstannine Jro inancist banquets Jtannin [ankwet, above] dem i-cannon? lancet ^transit tranquil canons [itnk & will?] [anon, above] ro manceth [3ns, p. 23] vanquished sanpan|| un vanquished swanpan|| lancets [anset, above] manless ransacked planless un ransacked ^fancies [anslk, below] [onst, p. 256] manlike manses un manlike tbranslef [ans, p. 23 ; ans, [an & like?] chancel p. 37] handsel? or manly hanself sub stantiate? un manly cancel cor y bantiate? spancel* cir cum stantiate? manlingt +ex pansile tran sub stantiate? tanlingt [anshfclt, p. 630] canceled or manlingst cancelled fi nancial [anlTng, above] [ ansgl, above] sub stantial un canceled! cir cum stantial anode in sub stantial [an & od?] chancels con sub stantial [ansel, above] un sub stantial bannock un cir cum stan- [artfk, above] transept tial sem i-transept su per sub stantial fanon canon hancestf banshee|| DOUBLE KHYMES, illl [an & she?] fancies vo lante?H [ansez, above] can tante?|| stantientf dil et tante?|| transient handsome in transient hansom vantage? ransom [ftntffj, p. 296] clanship transom cour te sanship? un handsome vantagedf [antaj, above] mansion handsomedf un vantaged panshon* ransomed scansion un ransomed bantam stanchion? Jphantom or Jfi nancianf ransoms Jfantomt ex pansion [ansum, above] Jad i antum?|| mansions anser|| antajl [anshun, above] answer santaU cancer V^e dantaf fancy re-answer in fanta|| pancyt mer ganser?|| ma ranta|| ro mancer fancied [ans, p. 23] antes?! rancid tahanties un fancied answered va gantesy|| Jhansard At lantes?|| Francic re answered Cor y bantes?|| transack un answered [aiiPilkt, above] re canted cancers [ant, p. 24] ro mancing [ansftr, above] un planted [tins, p. 23] un scanted an dante?|| un re canted ex pansive in fante?|| un sup planted ad vancivef bril lante?|| un trans planted .K iniVMKs, ail tfantastt a canthusll antic cantest Jen canthis|| frantic JKantist ai lanthus mantict gal lantest? he manthusll pe dantic [nt, p. 24] mo nanthous gi gantic rhi nanthus|| At lantic ranteth Je ranthisll ro mantic [ant, p. 24] lo ranthus|| Cor y bantic am i an thus|| syc o phantic zo antha|| he li anthusll cis at lantic a banthail hys ter anthous trans at lantic a cant ha|| pol y anthusll hy dro mantic pro ter anthous ge o mantic anthem gyr a canthus|| on o mantic ex anthem nem a canthus|| chi ro mantic am a ranthus|| nee ro mantic xanthic py ro mantic or ce nanthic anther pyr o mantic hy drox anthic panther un ro mantic sea-panther? hi er o phantic xan thine pseu do-ro mantic eux anthine anthers a canthine [anthur, above] antics pa ranthine At lantic's am a ranthine Jfcntae?!! [antik, above] canty* anthrax|| ranty Jcanton xy lanthrax|| shanty Jpanton scanty plantain canthuell bril lante?|| tsanton|| xanthous du rante?|| Bra bantine an anthous non ob stante?|| dra gantine ep anthous dil et tantill le gantinef syn anthous con cer tante?|| | in canton Ja canthice [antl, p. 281] a lantine 258 DOUBLE RHYMES, Jill la mantin|| or la mantine le vantine? By zantine? el e phantine Di o phantine ad a mantine ath a mantine planting [ant, p. 24] plantings [ilntmg, above] plantains [antln, above] mantis Jpantess? Jai lantus|| Kantism rantisni Kantisms [antizm, above] shanties [antez, above] cantle or cantelt Jcantile mantel mantle un com plai saut- scantlet ly? tantle* [antll, p. 290] dis mantle in mantlet mantling out mantlet scantling un mantle tantlingt Iquad rantal [antl, above] Jcon so nantal scantlings tantled* [antling, above] [antl, above] antler plantless pantlcr [ant & less?] dis mantle r be zantler mantlest [antl, above] pantlers [antltir, above] gantlet cantlet mantles mantlet or [antl, above] mantelet? || plantlet scantness scantlett [antll, above] cantletht canto j| [antl, above] mantot port manteau] mantlets co rantot or [antlet, above] cou ranto?|| quo war ranto?|| scantly gal lantly? al lantoid? com plai santly? el e phantoid? DOUBLE EHYMES, OH 259 ad a mantoid re canter mannered tro chanter || im bannered cantos sup planter un bannered [anto, above] in stanter|| ill-mannered le vanter un mannered cantrap [ant, p. 24] man-trap tal ma cantart or tanners |al mu cantart [anur, above] cantraps [antr&p, above] cantered canvassed [ant fir, above] un canvassed gantry? cantred pantry lanyard or [antrf, p. 296; lantern laniard antrl, p. 281] [an & turn?] panyardt Spaniard pantries banters tan-yard [antrl, above] [antur, above] lanyards jantu|| per annum || [anyard, above] mantua?|| [anam, p. 247] spaniel? antrejt stannous staniel or banter [anis, above] stanyel chanter? team pagnol?|| Jcantaril banner canter fanner spaniels? panter?f lanner [anygl, above] Iplantar manner planter tmanor Jbanian? or ranter spanner Jbanyan? santer tanner faniont tranter* [an, p. 21] franiont en chanter? canon || or de canter bannered canyon 260 DOUBLE RHYMES, ail Jmas cagnin|| [apl, below] companion clappest canyons [ap, p. 24] [anyun, above] JTrappist lanier or lanyer panier?|| pannier? lappet tapet tappet tappeth [ap, p. 24] laniers [anyur, above] lappets ganza|| or [apet, above] stanzal) ro manzal ex trav a ganza] lapful S apf ul sap-head strap-head stanzas :, above] sap-heads pansy [aphgd, above] tansy chappy happy knappyf nappe|| nappie nappy pappy sappy [ftp, P- 24] tapis?|| / chim panzee?|| pansies t, above] ap capture [aptyur, below] chapel wappe un happy Jclapped? [ftp, P. 24] rapid sapid vapid wrapping [ftp, P- 24] wapping-f- wrappings [ftpihg, above] trappings Lappish knappishf snappish tapishf nappies wappes flapjack slapjack* Pp & jack?] apple Jchapel dapple grapple knapplef crapplef DOUBLE RHYMES, 261 trappel Jrapil scapple chaplains ' [apsSst, above ; [tiplm, above] ap & saith?] strapplet fraplerf apses? thrapple grappler re lapses Ad am's-apple [aps, p. 25 ; win ter-apple scapples ap & says?] [apl, above] appled caption fchapeled happen re caption dappled Jrapine de lapsion [apl, above] frappen|| e lapsiont col lapsion hapless grapnel or pro lapsion or napless crapnel pro laption sapless shrapnel u su caption? dapplest grapnels captious [apl, above] [apnel, above] un captious grappleth clap-net lapsing [apl, above] tapnet [apsest, above ; ap & sing?] chaplain clap-nets . grapline [apnet, above] cap-stone caplin lapstone lapsest dappling de lapsest lapstones [apl, above] e lapsest [apston, above] sapling il lapsest col lapsest JapsisJI saplings pro lapsest grapsusj! [aplmg, above] re lapsest lapsus!) taplings pro tapsusll lapseth 15* 262 DOUBLE RHYMES, tip i re lapser [up & sir?] aptedf [apt, p. 25] Jmer captide co a dapted un a dapted aptly a daptlyt [apt, p. 25] pappusj] ttapis:'i| trappous aptness dapper [aptli, above] flapper capper aptote clapper pen taptote? rapperf aptest te traptote? wrapper [apt, p. 25] sapper Jbaptist chapter * snapper tan a baptist |captor|| strapper Jpe do baptist? or rapterf trapper Jpse do baptist? traptor||t wapper Jhem e ro baptist a dapter un der strapper? Jre captor [ap, p. 24] rapteth in ter chapter [apted, above] wrappers chapters [apur, above] captain [aptur, above] Jmer captan lapwork sea-captain? capture strap-work rapture a dapting re capture lapworks [apted, above] en rapture [apwvirk, above] captive raptured a daptive [aptyur, above] un raptured baptism re baptism captures an a baptism [aptyur, above] pe do baptism?^/' ur harraget Jcarriagy t marriage parage spar age t yaragef pas do baptism pappous tmis carriage DOUBLE KHYMES, UF 263 Jre marriage tarrace or barreled! dis parage tarras [arel, above] tin ter marriage de barrassf un ap pareled! em barrass harragedf Jco-heiress? barrels dis paraged herb-paris [arel, above] un dis paraged dis em barrass barren Arab? harassed [aron, below] JCarib [aras, above; Jcarob arest, p. 275] clarence scarab tstarost Jfor bearance Jspare-rib? un harassed [&rens, p. 275] un em barrassed arrach garret arrack?lj carat [arot, below] barrack [arot, below] carack or farryf carrack or arrah|| harry carac sirrah? carry tparrock* si marra|| marry Jtarrock* parry Jvarecll taril tarry [arlk, below] barrel mis carry carrel re carry arrant Jcarol re marry [arent, p. 275] Jcarrol o ver carry tparol in ter marry arras|| tparral or {arris parrel arid barras|| un barrel carried harass ap parel [&rf, above] Jheiress? dis ap parel tparisll re-ap parel taropht Jsquarrous Jparaph 264 DOUBLE RHYMES, JIT US tariff larynx?|| baron sac cho pharynx? I] tdanviu Jparaphed Jgarran or tariffed marish? garron parish Jlarin tariffs [artsh, p. 276] [arm, p. 276] [ftrlf, above] daric carries Jgarret Jvaredl [art, above] garrotll ste aric harrot+ bar baric arrow Jcarat Pin daric barrow carrot mar garic farrow tclaret Me garic harrow marrot Am haric carrow* Jnarratc? sac charic marrow parrot po laricf narrow f u marie sparrow carrots Ge marie yarrow [arot, above] Tar taric sea-barrow? tar taric tcarrom Him yaric harrowed larum? Bal e aric [aro, above] ^marram sem i-bar baric un harrowed a larum?'!' py ro tar taric or liar um scarum? pyr o tar taric marrows pf r iik, above] [aro,, above] larrup [arup, p. 277] darics tarrock Pin darics [arak, above] as brassage larin carol passage [aron, below] [itrSl, above] re pa] catlics [att, above] attle or Jattal battle battel battil chattel? liattle* cattle Jpatile prattle rattle spattle tattle em battle be rattle re em battle Latin atlas [a"tn, below] thatless pit, p. 26] batting matting em battled" [at, P . 26] pitl, above] tatting battiest brattice [atl, above] lattice battleth DOUBLE KHYMES, Jit 273 [Stl, above] tplaten matrass tplatin |matrice? flatly Jsatin mattress or [at, p. 26] Jhar mattanJI matress mu lattress battling fatness [atl, above] flatness i atric fatling patness the atric flatlingt am phi the atric catling fatner or fattener? matron? fatlings flattener? patron? [atlmg, above] fatners matrons? battler [&tntir, above] [atrun, above] [atl, above] fattens tazza?|| battlers [atn, above] pi azza?|| [Stlur, above] mu latto tattarll rattles ar natto batter [atl, above] blatter hattoc.kf chatter batten mattock fatter fatten snattock* flatter flatten [atik, above] hatter flatten clatter JLatin mattocks latter tmatin [atok, above] matter Jpaten or patter tpatin or rat-trap platter tpatine satrap?|| satire?|| Jpatten shatter tplatan rat-traps scatter Jplatane [Strap, above] slatter 274 DOUBLE RHYMES, at smatter staturedf avid spatter [achurd, p. 225] gravid splatter tatter statute gravict out batter coun ter statute? Jhavoc or be flatter Jhavock out flatter av Slavic or be spatter ravage Sclavic chattered savage scavage bavin [at fir, above] sem i-savage? cavin un battered Ipavan or un flattered ravaged Jpaven or un shattered savagedf pavin un scattered un ravaged Jravin graven? pattern gavel savin Saturn? gravel spavin slattern javel Jcavil spavined patterned travel [Svnd, below] slatterned travel un patterned Jtravail Javens dis gavel savins patterns tun ravel [avln, above] '[at lira, above] out travel lavish matters graveled or ravish [atur, above] gravelled un lavish [avel, above] en ravish statue un traveled! o ver lavish [at & you?] gavels lavished stature [a>el, above] [avlsh, above] [achur, p. 225] un ravished DOUBLE EHYMES, &P 275 davit? un traversed me lasmajl $gavot?t phan tasma) |f slavers? javelin [avur, above] A ar ravelin? [a-, p. vi] az air-built javelins hazard spare-built [a vim, above] rnazard or mazzard heirdom ravin hap hazard [ar & dumb?] [avm, above] hazards |for bearance ravened [aza'rd, above] ap parencef tspavined trans parence? tbasil [arens, p. 263] glaverf dazzle haverf or* drazelf parent? claver?* or* be dazzle tfor bearant?f slaver? out dazzle Jde clarant?t pa laver? ap parent? be slaver dazzled trans parent? [azl, above] un ap parent? glaveredf un dazzled sub trans parent? [avur, above] un trans parent? ^basils sem i trans par- cavern dazzles ent? tavern [&zl, above] heiress caverned mi asmal co-heiress in caverned phan tasmal [aras, p. 263] taverns asthma?) fairest [Svurn, above] phasmallt [fir, p. 27] plasmall traversed mi asma|| spareth 276 DOUBLE RHYMES, [fir, P- 27] airing barely bearing fairly barefaced daring rarely fairfaced [ar, p. 27] squarely [ar, p. 27] fairing sparely un bearing un fairly wherefore? un sparing deb o nairly therefore? un for bearing un de spairing chairman darefult Jchairmen careful bearings fairman? prayerful [armg, above] [ar & man or un careful men?] o ver careful bearish tpearmain? gairish or barefoot garish de clarementf harefoot harisht im pairmentf marish? re pairment airy squarish chary? [arish, p. 264] re pairments fairy [Srme'nt, above] glaryt fairies glairy [arT, above] bareness hairy [Srll, above] [fir, p. 37] airless clary ?t heirless air-pipe nary? hairless hare-pipe snary careless wary? prayerless air-pipes un chary? [arplp, above] air-line glairine hair-line heirship Jhairent con nois seurship? [Srcm, p. 264] air-lines [fir & ship?] [arlln, above] BOTTBLE RHYMES, ar Hg 1 277 e claircise gal lop aded [a, p. 29] [to & siz?] [ad, p. 29] af Jharem?!! prom e nadest? graffest?t larum? [ad, p. 29] [at, p. 29] har um-scarum? prom e nadeth? quaffeth? flare-up [ad, p. 29] [af , p. 29] Jlarrup* [sir & up?] radix? 1 1 laughing [adiks, p. 173] [af, p. 29] bearer fairer en fi lading? laughings [a>, p. 27] [ad, p. 29] [afmg, above] un der bearer en fi ladings? laughsome bearers [admg, above] [af & sum?] [&rilr, above] dado|| after? air-way ex al tado|| laughter fair-way ad e Ian tado?|| rafter? stair-way [ado, p. 174] [aftur, p. 295] air-ways gadus?|| afer?|| [Srwa, above] [adus, p. 174] [af ur, p. 175] halfer ab nadir?|| laugher ca aba? 1 1 prom e nader? [af, p. 29] [aba, p. 171] [adur, p. 174] ad a^ hag gada|| hoi laest? [aga, p. 175] me ladail [a, p. 29] ar mada?|| fragor?|| p. 172] huz zaeth [agur, p. 176] 278 DOUBLE RHYMES, fig' i mago?|| aj sacrum?|| [ago, p. 175] am bages?|| [akrum, p. 179] [ajez, p. 177] sagra?|| ma cacus?|| [agra, p. 175] rajah?|| [akus, p. 179] [fvja, p. 177] sagum?|| al [agum, p. 175] magi?|| fi nale?H [ajl, p. 177] pas to rale] magus?|| ra tio nale?|| or [agus, p. 176] iik ra ti o nale?|| . paca?|| [all, p. 180] pi ragua?|| [aka, p. 178] Nic a ragua?|| pa taca|| gala?|| per i agua?|| [ala, p. 179] maki?|| ko alall a* [akl, p. 178] . ai|| calyx?| aye? paco?|| [alTks, p. 180] tspahill or [ako, p. 179] Ispahee gua naco|| or dahline liua nacoll Jfalun|| serairll assai|| aye-aye?i| hur raing?! [a, p. 29] [ako, above] cracowes di gi tails?] pacos? or [ale's, p. 179] pacoes? halo?!) [alo, p. 181] hur raings?! nacre?|| [aing, above] [akur, p. 179] schaalstein|| fi acrelj strahlstein|| ais po lacrell [al, above] Jsqualor?|] sacra?ii thaler?|| [akra, p. 179] DOUBLE RHYMES, al till 279 faklerzll [am, p. 30] canes? || thalers tpsalmist nianes?|| Stalilian? em balmcth a nanas?|| Thes salian? [am, p. 30] [anus, p. 186] [alyan, p. 181] balmy do ganaj dahlia?|| calmy i guana? II [alya, p. 181] palmy pe cana? ba nana?|| cas calho?H Brahmin ze nana|| in taglio?|| [aman & amSn, ke rana|| above] pu ranall am sul tana?|| Brahman or be calming [ana, p. 183] JBrahmin or [am, p. 30] poz zo lana or JBramin? puz zo lana or Shaman? calmish poz zu o lana|| [amSn, below] qualmish? a qua To fana|| fa ta mor gana|| drama? tvamos|| [ffma, p. 182] ig no ramus?|| ba nanas? lu camall [&mus, p. 183] [ana, above] mar in o rama?|| calmer launchest amen?|| [am, p. 30] staunchest stamen? || palmer [anch, p. 30] [amSn, p. 182 ; tes tamur?|| aman, above] launcheth calmers [anch, p. 30] stamens? [amur, above] [amgn, above] haunches an [anch, p. 30] calmest ranae?|| palmest pne, p. 183] craunching 280 DOUBLE RHYMES, [a nek, p. 30] laundries guanos [andrt, above] [a'no, above] craunchings [a'ncMng, above] launder jauncestt maunder? launcestt stancher? or tea landre|| trauncestt stauncher tdoub le en ten- vauncestt pinch, p. 30] dre?|| [ansest, p. 295] tjaundiced launders jauncetht maundest?t [andur, above] [ansest, above] [ande'st, p. 295] tun jaundiced maundeth?t [andeth, p. 295 ; andeth, p. 803] jaundice be jaundice saunders launces , p. 31] pi anists for zando?|| [ando, p. 249] scher zando?|| [anTst, above] smor zando?| ri tar dando?|| fon tanges?| ral len tando?|| [anj, p. 31] Gahnite [a & nit?] jauncingf maneli?|| [ansSst, above] ka hani|| vo lante?|| pi anist [&ntS, p. 256] so pranist haunted? [ant, p. 31] un daunted un haunted laundress tcom mandress? laundry? [andrl, p. 295 ; guano|| pi ano|| so lano|| so prano|| Si cil i ano| gauntest? hauntest? [ant, p. 31] taunteth? [ant, p. 31] Sndrt, p. 509] mez zo-so pra- vauntful?f no?|| [ant & full?] DOUBLE RHYMES, an ar 281 aunty saunters? [are, p. 188] jaunty or [antur, above] sol feg giare?|| janty con so la to [antT, p. 257] ar canum?jj del mare!) [animi, p. 186] [art, below] jaunting? [ant, p. 81] va ranus?|| ti ara?!| [anus, p. 186] *[ara, p. 187] jauntings? Fer rara'l [anting, above] me langes?|| sol fa tarajj [anzh, p. 31] dauntless? barbed? [ant & less?] ao garbed? t ma cao?|| de barbed? t gauntlet? u rao?|| un barbed? dem i-gauntlet? |Sntlfct, p. 258] ap bar best cape? || [arbe'd, above] gauntly se rape|| [anttt, p. 258 ; barbeth antir, p. 296] gapest? [arbSd, above] [a & pest?] tauntressf barbing [acre's, p. 296] lapis?|| [arbe'd, above] [apis, p. 187] gantry? barbel?]] kantry chapeau?|| barbie [antrf, p. 259 ; da capo] tgarbel antrl, p. 296] garble aper?|| jarble* daunter? [apiir, p. 187] marble [ant, p. 31] gaper? saunter? garbled traunter ar marbled [ontur, p. 514] ti arae?|| un garbled 16* DOUBLE KHYMES, Jarblast garblest marblest garbleth marbleth garbling arbour barber harbor or harbour en harbor! un harbor! arbored! marbling [arbur, above] larboard? garbler starboard? marbler harbors! garblers [arbur, above] marblers archest garbles marchest [arbl, above] [arch, p. 32] garboard parcheth larboard? [arch, p. 32] starboard? [arbflrd, below] arches marches carbon|| [arch, p. 32] charbon|| hy dro carbon archy starchy garboilf parboil starching [arch, p. 32] garboilst parboils starchings [arching, above] arborj] or archly starchly archness starchness archer lurcher marcher tparturet starcher Jde part ure marchers [arch fir, above] Jardent gardant|| or guardantll re gardant]] or re guardantll guarded [ard, p. 32] un guarded un carded un larded un re garded un re tarded fardel tpardalet sardel fardels DOUBLE RHYMES, &1 f 288 rdel, above] bardish bo cardo|| hardish hardest guardship re tardest guardless hardship [ard, p. 32] re gardless [ard & less?] guardships cardeth hardships [ard, p. 32] bom bardment re tardment ardor|| or guard fult ardour yardful bom bardments guarder re gardf ul re tardment s harder dis re gardf ul [ard, p. 32] un re gardf ul garden? larder Jgardon lardite harden larders le on hardite Jlardon [ardftr, above] Jnardine hardy pardon vari?]| shardy Jsardine? [an, p. 188] tardy Jbom bardon un hardy o ver harden carex?|| o ver hardy win ter-garden? [Sreks, p. 188] bardic hardened barrest Jhardock [ardn, above] [to, p. 31] Lorn bardic un hardened bez o ardic un pardoned starreth an a cardie [to, p. 31] per i cardie gardens [ardn, above] scarfest yarding swarf est* [ard, p. 32] pardo|| un re garding tardo|| scarfeth bom bardo|| swarf eth* 84 DOUBLE RHYMES, ar scarfing gargled un argued swarfing* jargledt argus|| gar-fish garglest py gargusll star-fish jarglestf spar-hawk barf ul or gargleth star-hawk barrfulf jargletht [ar & full?] spar-hawks gargling star-hawks margay jarglingt [ar & gay?] barrel! cargo barry margays largo|| charry [ar & gaze?] em bargo knarry bo targo sari || or garget po targo saree|| or Jmargot su per cargo sary]| target scarry cargoes sparry gargets [argo, above] starry [argSt, above] tarry? margrave van? I Jargal or [ar & grave?] [ari, p. 188] Jargol coch le are?|| gargil margraves car bo naril) Igargol [ar & graves?] [arS, above] Jgargle tjarglef argue varix nargilj out argue [Srlks, p. 188] nargilelj re-argue re darguet jarring bargain [ar, p. 31] tjargon argued un jarring [argu, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, a ,r 285 jarrings chargeless Jdarkies faring, above] [arj & less?] haarkies|| markees? larynx?|| largeness [ilrmks, p. 188] o ver largeness darkest markest po laris?|| bargerf [ark, p. 33] [Srls, p. 188] charger ^ol i garchist? larger yarrish* sparger em barketh czarish [arj, p. 33] [ark, p. 33] argent * chargers arkite margent [arjuT, above] Arkite sergeant? or [ar & kite?] Serjeant? Jmarket ex archate? barky largest de marcatef JcharquiH dis chargest te trarchate? darky [arj, p. 33] pa tri archate Jmarkee? ol i garchy? parget tarchil? [tarj & it?] Jsparkle the archicf a narchalf a narchic chargeth mo narchal mo narchic [arj, p. 33] pa tri archal hep tarchic hi er archal? pa tri archie charges ol i garchal? ol i garchic [arj, p. 33] cli ma tarchic carcass margin Jan a sarcous barking [arj & in?] [ark, p. 33] ca sarca|| sarking en larging an a sarca|| o ver carking [arj, p. 33] 286 DOUBLE RHYMES, barkings darksome scarlet [arkftig, above] [ark & sum?] varlet darkish farctatef harleth sparkish co arctate [arl, p. 34] sparkle barker marlite [ark&l, above] darker starlight marker barkless marcor(t barley [ark, p. 33] sparker marly [ark, p. 33] gnarly darkly parley starkly* markers win ter-barley? [arkftr, above] darkling tcharlock sparkling garland garlic or un sparkling tmarlined garlick dis garland tharlock Jarchon|| en garland carlic Jbarcon sea-garland? Jcarlock darken Jsarlac or hearken parlance sarlykJI em parlance or pil garlic! darkened im parlance hearkened sarlyks! un darkened scarless [arlTk, above] starless darkness carlin* starknessf JCarlist carlinc? snarlest marline tbarcons [arl, p. 34] darkens darling hearkens tharlot carling Jcarlotf gnarling DOUBLE RHYMES, JiF 287 [flrl, p. 34] charmeth charuiings sparling [arm, p. 34] [arming, above] starling armful armless darlings charmful charmless [Srlmg, above] harmful harmless marlings un harmful [arl, p. 34] JarmetU army carmot harlot barmy marmot [arlSt, above] ad arme|| |armets|| parlor or ptarmic marmots parlourll a lex i pharmic snarler armor or ptarmics armour parlors [armTk, above] charmer [arlfir, above] farmer armil [arm, p. 34] harmel Jharmel un der farmer [arnul, below] armils farmers garment [armfl, above] [armftr, above] sarment de barment arminf in carnate un garmentf harmine [amSt, below] tcarman garments Jcarmen charnel [armSnt, above] darnel arming Jcarnal armest charming carnelf [arm, p. 34] un charming parnelt Jharmost a larming un charnel $a larmist [arm, p. 34] un a larming darnels 288 DOUBLE KHYMES, 111* [arnel, above] garnish carpeth tarnish [arp, p. 35] farnesst varnish harness de garnisht harpy Jcarnous dis garnish charpiejl un harness sharpie* garnished darnest [arntsh, above] am phi carpic [iirn, p. 34] un garnished per i carpic harnessed un tarnished [iir & pick?] un harnessed un varnished scarping Jarnot or arnut [arp, p. 35] tarnut [arngt, above] garnet harpings Jjarnut darner [a'rpmg, above] tyarnut garner Jin carnate harpies Jun in carnate darners [arpi, above] garners in carneth tarpen or [arn, p. 34] maro|| tarpine taro?| sharpen garnets pro, p. 188] re- sharpen [arnt, above] can taroll tpol y carpon tmon o carpon blarney carpal carney ^carpel sharpens carny* met a carpal [arpn, above] darning harpest harpress [ftrn, p. 34] Jharpist [ar & press?] sharpest darnings [arp, p. 35] carpus|| [arnmg, above] a carpous DOUBLE KHYMES, ar 289 en carpus]) syn carpous met a carpus] | pol y carpous cau lo carpous gym no carpous sych no carpous ap o carpous mon o carpous an tho carpous ar to carpous ar to carpus]] au to carpous an gi o carpous e lae o carpus || het er o carpous Jtib i o tarsal marshalled dis marshaled! court-martialed un marshaled! parcels tarsels parceled or parcelled sarceled! tarshine]] or tarschm Marsian? Tarsian? farce st parsest bi partient sarsestf tri partient sparsest su per partientt su per bi partient es parcetl] [ar & set?] tarsi?|| [arsiis, below] farceth carper [arse'st, above] marcite sharper sparsethf [ar & sit?] harper harpers [arptir, above] Parsee? [ar & se?] Parsees? [arse, above] parcel sarcel Jtarsal tarsel |met a tarsal farces [are, p. 35] marshal mareschal||f martial partial arch marshal farcy a darce]) marcid {parsed? [are, p. 35] Tarsic dis marshal [ar & sick?] sub marshal im partial farcing un partial! [Srsest, above] marshaled or farcings 17 290 DOUBLE RHYMES, &F [arslng, above] tartar partite [a'rtftr, below] bi partite? arsis|| tri partite? darsisll dartars quad ri partite? Jtarsusll Tartars ca tharsisjl [artftr, below] hearty Jmet a tarsus|| clarty* darted party parsley [art, p. 35] ex-parte|| sparsely un charted pour party un parted arson un im parted ca thartic Jfarcin an a ca thartic parson cartel? cat o ca thartic martelf parsons ^startle bi partile [arsn, above] Jbi partile [artel, above] tarsus|| carteledt martin met a tarsus|| [artel, above] [artn, below] [arsis, above] martels parting carcer|| [artel, above] [art, p. 35] parser self-im parting sparser dartest [artist, below] partings parsers [artlng, above] [arsftr, above] starteth [art, p. 35] smartish cartage startish partagef artful tartish cartful Spartan startfulf artist [ftrtn, below] un artful chartist Jdartest DOUBLE RHYMES, IIF 291 [art, p. 35] com partment dis heartens heart 1st t [artn, above] tbarton artists hearten or es partoil [artist, above] hartenf [ar & to?] Jcartonil hearties Jmarten barton parties Jmartin [artn, above] smartenf startle JSpartan tartrate [artel, above] . ttartan py ro tartrate or dis hearten pyr o tartrate artless en hearten [art & rate?] cliartless tea thartine heartless cart wright dis heartened Mont martrite Bartlett [artn, above] [art & nt?j heartlet un dis heartened martlet cartridge partlet smartness partridge tartlet tartness barter Bartletts martnet charter [artist, above] [art & net?] darter Idartrell artlyt Jheartener garter martlyf partner carter partly co partner [art, p. 35] smartly martyr tartly partnered! Jtartar un partnered! {Tartar a partment tarter de partment partners re charter im partment [artnftr, above] pro to inartyr?]| co partmentf hi er o martyr? 292 DOUBLE RHYMKS, UP US bartered marvels Jnarwhale chartered [ilrvfil, above] [ilr & whale?] gartered varvels martyred as un chartered harvest placet? || un gartered car vest f tacet?|| [arv, p. 35] charters Jcarvist Cau casian? [artur, above] [Sshtin, p. 190] Jdartars harvests [arvSst, above] pasha?|| or de parture pacha?|| [archur, p. 282] starveth ma asha?|| [arv, p. 35] tes tacea?|| arum?|| [asha, p. 189] [arum, p. 188] carving [arv, p. 35] ratio?|| carus?|| [asho, p. 190] [arfis, p. 188] carvings mus tachio|| ca tarrhous [arvmg, above] [ftr & us?] mus tachioed marv'ling [a & showed?] Jarval or starveling arvel or ratios? Jarvil carver [asho, above] jarvel* [arv, p. 35] carvel marver pan cratium?|| Jlarval [ashum, p. 190] marvel carvers [arvur, above] crasis?|| jarveledl* [asts, p. 212] marveled: farewell?t varvelcd! [fir & well?] tasto?|| Inarwal or [&stO, p. ! carvels Jnarwhal or DOUBLE KHYMES, at 293 at [ath & full?] ob bli gato|| nates? || mod i- ratojl [atez, p. 214] lathy? mis u ralo|| wrathy? ag i tato| du rate || sti ac ci ato|| pe tate|| lathing? con tor ni atol- ju bi late?|| pathing? in am o rain [ate, below] [ato, p. 216] pathless toe cata|| wrathless? to matoes? so nata?|| cas tratos [ata, p. 214] bathos?|| [atO, above] can tata?|| pathos?|| in am o rata?|| matrix?]] (th) [atrfks, p. 217] 11 lu mi nati?|| father [ati, p. 215 ; ata, rather? natrum?|| above] [atrum, p. 217] fathered spatka?|| un fathered tazza?| [atha, p. 215] [tsa, p. 273] ver batim?|| Bath-brick [attm, p. 216] datum?!! lath-brick [Stum, p. 217] m bato| Bath-bricks fu gato|| flatus?!! lath-bricks le gato|| [atus, p. 217] spic cato||t lathest? stac cato|! mater? || pathest? sfu mato|| stater?! to mato?|| pi a mater?|| latheth? cas trato|| du ra mater?|| patheth? sfor zato|| im pe rator?|| smor zato|| [Stur, p. 217] wrathful? ob li gato|| or 294 DOUBLE RHYMES, av af av bravoes? chaffy ave?|| oc tavos? draffy so a ve|| [av5, above] ftaffy a gave?|| ca daver?|| graffing?f guava? [ilvur, p. 220] [af, p. 37] lava? pa laver? [avftr, p. 275] drafflsh favi?j| raffish pec cavi?|| Uy staffisht ayah?|| halvest ray ah? || chaffless pv, p. 30] [aya, p. 221] staffless calveth ayahs? drafted [av, p. 36] [aya, above] [aft, p. 37] un grafted salving? az un wafted [av, p. 36] xe rasia?|| [azha, p. 221] graftest clavis?|| [aft, p. 37] [avis, p. 219] mi rages?|| [azh, p. 36] rafteth af fi davit?|| [aft, p. 37] [avlt, p. 219] prason?|| pten, p. 222] draughty Slavism? di a pason?|| crafty pan-Sclavism? or rafty* pan-Slavism af un crafty quaff est? bravo?H [af , p. 37] shafting pavo?|| [aft, p. 37] oc tavo?|| raffeth?t al to-ot tavo|| [af, p. 37] shaftings [aftmg, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, af an 95 draughtsman or draftsman {draughtsmen! craftsman [anchmg, above] {craftsmen un branching de mandest [and, p. 37] blanchings de mandeth [and, p. 37] raftsman {raftsmen branchless stanchless? de manding [and, p. 37] after? blancher grafter brancher mandmentf [aft, p. 37] stancher {dis bandment hat' terf ptnchur, p. 248 ; com mandment rafter anchur, p. 280] re mandment here after there after blanchers com mandments branchers [andme'nt, above] rafters [aft fir, above] quaffer [af ur, p. 277 ; af ur, p. 228] branch- way panchway de mandress com mandress branch-ways chandryf panchways com mandry [andrf, p. 280] an de mandant stanchest?! re mandant slander? [anch, p. 37] [andent, p. 248] [andur, p. 250] de mander brancheth de mandants com mander [anch, p. 37] [anda'nt, above] com manders branches de manded [andftr, above] [anch, p. 37] [and, p. 37] un de manded chancest blanching un com manded [ans, p. 37] [anch, p. 37] 296 DOCBl.K K1IYMES, ail A danceth [ans, p. 37] glances [ans, p. 37] un en chanted or un in chanted prancing [ans, p. 37] pantess? [antts, p. 258] en chanted [flntrt, p. 259 ; [ant, p. 38] sintrT, p. 281] un chanted un granted prancmgs [anstng, above] lancelet [ans & let?] en hancement en tranoement ad vancement grantest [ant, p. 38] panteth [ant, p. 38] slanting [ant, p. 38] ad vancements pantings [ansment, above] [anting, above] answer? slantly dancer [ant It, p. 281 ; lancer antli,,p. 258] prancer gal lantly? [ans, p, 37 ; anser, p. 256] en chantment dis en chantment dancers [ansiir, above] chantress Jtauntresst vantage? en chantress ad vantage? dis ad vantage? chantry chanter or Jchantor grant rr <>r tgrantor panter? [ant, p. 38] sub chanter chanters [ant fir, above] as classest [as, p. 38] masseth [as, p. 38] masses [as, p. 38] mo lasses? brassy grassy massy [ast, p. 266] passing [as, p. 38] massive? DOUBLE RHYMES, I [itslv, p. 267] Jpassmeu askest [ask, p. 38] basket flasketf casket [askSt, p. 267] a massment en tassment?f fasten re fasten un fasten [asm, p. 266] s 297 un con trasted castest vastest [ast, p. 39] lasteth [ast, p. 39] inastful basketh claspest [ast & full?] [ask, p. 38] [asp, p. 38 ; Sspfet, p. 267] blastyf caskets nasty? [askgt, above] gaspeth vasty [asp, p. 38] [astf, p. 267] masking [ask, p. 38] rasping mastiff [asp, p. 38] [ast & if?] maskings [asking, above] raspings casting [aspmg, above] [ast, p. 39] asker un fasting [ask, p. 38] grasper ev er lasting un masker clasper rasper castings askers [Sspur, p. 267] [astmg, above] [askur, above] claspers mastless grassless [aspur, above] [ast & less?] passless blasted fastly classman [ast, p. 39] ghastly or tclassmen un blasted gastlyt passman un der masted lastly 17* 298 DOUBLE RHYMES, aS fttl vastly masser [adtt, below] [as, p. 38] fastness lauded ghastnessf or massers [ad, p. 40] gastnesst [as fir, above] un de frauded vastness un ap plauded H b caster or drawback broadest castor]] clawback de fraudest faster [ad, p. 40] fast, p. 39] drawbacks master clawbacks ap plaudeth pastor]] [ad, p. 40] plaster daubest plaister* be daubest fraudful un pastorf [a & best?] gaud ful be plaster em plastert dauby bawdy un der master gawby* gaudy o ver master [astilr, p. 269] jaw-bone ma rauding rawbone [ad, p. 40] mastered un ap plauding [astftr, above] dauber un mastered un der dauber* ma raudings un plastered [adtng, above] [flstftrd, p. 267] ftch de bauchest broad ish masters [a & chest?] gaudish [astur, above] nautches audit pasture de bauches Jcaudate de pasture* plaudit re pasture ad ie caudate caudate Jcur vi caudate DOUBLE KHYMES, 299 Jofflsl^ 1 plaudits [ad, p. 40] [adit, above] sawder ma rauder? chauffer dawdle gauffer Jcaudal ma rauders? cougher? caudle [adfir, above] [5fu*r, p. 499] maudlef tsub caudal $& chauffeurs knawel [afftr, above] caudled twith drawal [adl, above] awful knawels tfaufel|| maudlestf [al, above] t caufle [adl, above] lawful drawest un lawful dawdleth [adl, above] fraudless gaudlessf rawest [6fl, p. 499] [a, p. 39] o ver awful paweth [a, p. 39] auger augur ,ftf mauger or offest? 1 maugre Jofflcedf yager or coughest? jagerf [5gilr, p. 500] Joften? 1 per i auger|] dauphin || |dauphine|| augured coffin? 1 maugredf $un often?! 1 tawdry [5fln, p. 499] augers [agur, above] broader craw-fish lauder [a & fish?] maudlin [ad & Itn?] dawdling [adl, above] caudles ' [adl, above] bawdry 800 DOUBLE RHYMES, ftll ftl fth pawky* daucus|| tquahaug or stalky glaucous quahog glaucus|| [a & hog?] {falcon caucus calkin? raucous ft* malkin or flawy maukin balker jawy tgyr falcon? or hawker strawy Jger falcon? or calker or thawy Jjer falcon? caulker or caukerf or drawing talking cawkert thawing [ak, p. 41] mocker? 1 [a, p. 39] stalker un with drawing talkings talker [aklng, above] walker thawings [alng, above] calkins? talkers [akin, above] [aku~r, above] dawish rawish balkish fti mawkish? hallage ft k haulage walkest gawkies naulagef [ak, p. 41] hawkeys smallage stallage talketh stalkless [ak, p. 41] [ak & less?] gall ate? [al & at?] balky* falcon chalky [akin, above] halberd? gawky [al & bird?] hawkey auction cawky [ak & shun?] scalded mawky* [al & dead?] JLKM'ULK KHYMES, 801 baldest haulest Jbe fallen? ecaldest tallest tun fallen? [ni, P> 41] a cauline scaldeth tar paulin tal & death?] calleth fol, p. 41] brawling faldingf [al, p. 41] scalding law-like [alllk, below] brawlings chaldron? [allng, above] caldron draw-line? Pauline Gaulishf chaldrons? smallish caldrons gaily? tallish whally alder rawly hall-key balder saulie* palkee|| scalder? squally stalder* smallyf awl-like tally?f tlaw-like alders thrall-like [aldftr, above] aulic |un law-like gallic? awless tWallach e paulement?|| flawless hy draulic in stallment or tcaulisll pa shalic or instalment clawless pa chalic in thrallment! or lawless in ter aulicf en thrallment! Jshawlless re in stallment! Jthrall-less aulics dis in thrallment! Ja caulose hy draulics Ja caulous pa shalics! fallen | mo rus mul ti- [aim, above] caulisll fallen? cauhne sinallness 302 DOI'HI.K HHY.MKS, tallness vaulted [altmg, above] ex alted gall-nut [alt, p. 42] faultless walnut? un salted saltless bi vaulted? gall-nuts un vaulted paltry walnuts? un ex alted [al & tree?] un as saulted balsam waltzer Jgalsomet saltest [alt & sir?] o po balsam or [alt, p. 42] op o balsam waltzers halteth [alt & sirs?] falsest [alt, p. 42] halsestf or Jaltar haulsestf faultful alter [alt & full?] balterf falsesf falter halsesf faulty faulterf salses salty halter vaultyf palter also walty?f psalter? [al & so?] un faulty salter waiter?* falchion? Baltic de faulter JSi gaultian co baltic? [alt, p. 42] ba saltic falsism altered [al & schism?] smaltine [altftr, above] ba saltine un altered palster [al & stir?] salting saltern [alt, p. 42] sub altern? falser [al & sir?] saltings salterns DOUBLE KHYMES, {jl- sub alterns? ftii khanate? halters [Jan & it?] [alt fir, above] maunchestf bawler paunchest? smaller raunchestf [al, p. 41] [an & chest?] bawlers paunchetli? [alfir, above] [anchest, above] alway maundies? hall-way fench, p. 43] always paunching? [alwS, above] [anchest, above] awlwort Jstalwart? wall-wort awlworts [alwfirt, above] laundestt maundest? laundethf maundeth? laundingf maunding? stal worth? f [al & worth?] maunder? am [andfir, p. 280] cauma| en caumalj Jfaunist pawnest qualmish? [an, p. 43] mawmisht yawneth -||il 303 [an, p. 43] awny brawny lawny sawny scrawny tawny awning yawning [an, p. 43] awnings [antng, above] awnless dawnless daunted? [ant, p. 44] un wanted wantest? [ant, p. 44] vaunteth? [ant, p. 44] vauntful?f [ant & full?] flaunting? [ant, p. 44] a wanting 1: DOUBLE RHYMES, ftl!- dauntless? nr wantless aurate de auratef gauntree or in aurate gauntry or in stauratef gawntree [an & tree?] aura|| laurall saunter? vaunter? orbate [ant, p. 44] Jorbit sorbatef saunters? tsorbet 304 ab sorbeth [arb, p. 44] orbyf corby* orbic sorbic Jcorbel or corbil or corbeil twarble [antur, above] [ar & bflt or bit? arb & at or it?] corbils faunus|] [arbfl, above] [an & us?] * orbed? % morbid re sorbing brawner ab sorbed? [arb, p. 44] fawner [an, p. 43] corbel orbis|| [arbfl, below] Jsorbus]| fawners pla norbis|| [anur, above] corbeled or Jchol e ra mor- corbelled bus|| ftp Jwarbled pauper warble scauper sorbentt [arbfl, above] yauper ab sorbent dis pauper re sorbent warbled [arbSld, above] paupers orbest [apur, above] [arb, p. 44] the orbo Jthe orbist [ar & bO?] DOtJBLE KHYMKS, 305 sorbusll un dis cordant lordly [arbls, above] un lordly chorded orchard [ard, p. 45] jorden [artyilrd, p. 313] ^sordid tcordon? un lorded t sordine scorchest un ac corded warden [ar & chest?] un re corded Inian i chordon uri a warded scorches un re warded wardens torches [ardn, above] bordelf scorcher cordelle lordship torcherf wardship Jtorture bordelsf [artyur, p. 313] Jcordals lordships cordelles wardships scorchers [arch fir, above] lordest ac ro chordusll [ard, p. 45] [ard & us?] cordate Icon cordist Jsordet order ob cordate chordeth border sub cordate [ard, p. 45] warder [ard, p. 45] ac cordance dis cordf ulf em border or dis cordance re wardf ul im border con cordance re corder ac cording dis order mordant [ard, p. 45] re-order con cordant un ac cording sub order [ardttns, above] un re warding dis ac cordant bordered in ac cordant re wardless [ard fir, above] un ac cordant [ard, p. 45] un ordered 806 DOUBLE RHYMES, ftl* un dis ordered Jaurist morphine warrest [arf&n, above] orders ab horrest [ardftr, above] [Sre'st, p. 517] dwarfing tun morrised wkarfing cordial? tpe taurist? ordeal? forfeit pre cordial? warretli [ar & fit?] un cordial? ab horretb. pri mordial? a morphism orphan di morphism ordure ^morphine tri morphism bordure met a morphism Jforger? dwarf est pseu do-nior- [arj, p. 45] wharf est phism Jmet a morphist pol y morphism warred? Jan thro po mor- pie o morphism ab horred? phist zo o morphismf [SrTd, p. 517] i so morphism dwarfeth ho nice o mor- aura3?|| wharfeth phism [art, below] pie si o mor- py ro morphite or phism taural pyr o morphite an thro po mor bawrel an thro po mor- phism laurel? phite i so tri morphism [ore 1 !, p. 517] i so mer o mor- Orphic phism laureled or met a morphia laurelled hem i morphic met a morphosed [Orftld, p. 517] pol y morphic un met a mor- un laureled! pan ta morphic phosed het er o morphic laurels? an thro po mor- a morphous [arel, above] phic [arfizm, above] 1)01 HI. K UHY.MKrt, 307 tmet a morphose Jgor-hen hom o morphous laurine mon o morphous taurine py ro mor- warine plious or [orln, p. 518] pyr o morphous o phi o mor- warring phous ab horring mortgaged cordial? .un mortgaged [ardyttl, above] organ aurist JGorgon [ar&st, above] Jde mo gorgon kal lif thorgan porgee|| or porgy|| storge?|| kraurite [a & rlt?] gorgest [arj, p. 45] gorgeth [arj, p. 45] Jorgies gorges [arj, p. 45] [ara, above] orgy saury tstorge?|| warryt phil o storgyf [ort, p. 517] gorging auric [arj, p. 45] JDoric 1 [ortk, p. 517] dis gorgement Tauric en gorgement porcate [ark & at?] orchal or orchel or orchil Jcorcle or Jcorcule Ma jorcan Mi norcan Ma jorcans Mi norcans Jorchid forked? torqued? [ark, p. 45] forkest [ark, p. 45] un corketh [ark, p. 45] forky corky corking [ark, p. 45] orchis [ar & kiss?] DOUBLE RHYMES, f orkless con f ormance [armYng, above] corkless per formance non-per formance formless warlike stormless un warlike dormant schorly warlyf Jtorment? in formant mis in formant warmly u ni formly? warmness wharlingt in f ormants u ni f ormness? whorling? [armant, above] morling mormon]] shorling warmest Mormon [arm, p. 46] JNorman wborlings? con formest JAn glo-Norman [arltng, above] icon formist Jre formist Mormons formate tnon con formist [arm5n, above] con formate Jnon u ni formist cormus|] formeth in formous* [arm, p. 46] e normous mul ti formous formful stormful warmfulf formal Jformyle tformill* mormalf normal wormal Jwormul in formal un formal a normal storming [arm, p. 46] un in forming ab normal non con forming sub normal un per forming o ver swarming Norman dormer or tdormar former warmer in former per former re former [arm, p. 46] re formers [armo'n, below] stormings [armflr, above] DOTTBLE RHYMES, ftl 309 ta dornall [arn, p. 46] cornus|| cro morna|| [amis, above] warnings nornas [arning, above] horner cro mornas corner [arna, above] |cornus|| sorner* cornice scorner cornel Jbi cornous [arn, p. 46] Jwornil* or di nornis|| warner wornel* or no tornis|| sub orner Jwornal* tu ni cornous a dorner tquad ri cornous cornest Jtau ri cornousf corners [arn, p. 46] meg a lornis|| [arnur, above] Jcornist tre cip ro cornous torpid hornet hornish Jwarped? cornet Cornish Jornate for lornish orpin orpine scorneth hornless [arn, p. 46] cornless warping thornless un warping hornets [arne't, above] hornpipe ab sorption corn-pipe re sorption horny re ab sorption corny hornpipes scorny [arnplp, above] corpus] | thorny porpoise or un thorny horn- wrack porpusf or corn-rack Jporpessf or horning tporpessef morning hornstone ha be as corpus?|| warning corn-stone* 310 DOUBLE KIIYMKS, {\Y torpor|| torsion ^horsemen warper tortiont Norseman ab ortion i Norsemen corsair de tortion or [arsur, below] de torsion morceau?) dis tortion torsojl dorsal ex tortion [arsel, below] in torsion or morceaux?|| in tortion torsos|| in dorsor? con tortion or [ftrsur, below] con torsion dorsum|| re tortion or [ar & sum?] I dorsal re torsion Jdorsalet dorsert dorsel con tortions Jhorse-hair morsel [arshun, above] Jcorsair torsel in dorser or tpre dorsal orcine en dorser tdex trorsal porcine Jin dorsor? or |ex trorsal [ar & sin?] ten dorsor? tdeforsor?!t morsels horsy [arsel, above] |torsi|| en dorsers [arsur, above] in dorsest un horsing [ars, p. 47] [ars, p. 47] mortal [artn, below] corset horseless [tars & it?] re morseless sortancet un re morseless im portance horseth self-im portance [ars, p. 47] horsely un im portance re trorsely morses im portant [rs, p. 47] horseman [art&ns, above] mortar [art fir, below] cortes?|| sortes?|| [artls, below] sorted waited fert, p. 47] un sorted un as sorted un dis torted un ex torted Jortyxjl cortex I vortex|| Jmortised shortest thwartest [art, p. 47] as sorteth [art, p. 47] orthite a northite py rorthite Northman ^Northmen [arth & man or men?] 311 northness swartish swarthnessf mortised forty [artest, above] sortle?!| warty ortive tortive cortile ex ortive quartile a bortive Jmortal [arslmn, above] Jsortalf tortile forties Jim mortal sorties Ja ortal tortoise? sem i quartile [artez, above] Jun im mortal wartless [art & less?] cortiles [artfl, above] snorting storthing|| [art, p. 47] snortings [artlng, above] Jcortes?|| cortis mortise shortly thwartly mortmain [art & man?] sortmentt a bortmentt as sortment as sortments tortoise? [artme'nt, above] sea-tortoise? a qua-fortis?|| Jquartan Jquartine shortish shorten 312 DOFBLE KHYMES, ill' i.lS fore shorten un quartered shortened fore shortened un shortened un fore shortened shortness swart ness thwart ness o ver thwartnesst shortens [artn, above] quarto|| torteau|| vi ges i mo-quar- toll quarters [art fir, above] win ter-quarters? ^orchard hortyardf Jtortured [artyur, below] fortune be fortune mis fortune dorturet torture pre torture self-torture plei o saurusl! meg a lo saurus|| pa le o saurusll or pa lae o saunis te le o saurusll pie si o saurusll ich thy o saurus|| ab horrer [orur, p. 518] corvus|| torvoust forward hence forward thence forward o ver forward quartos tortured torteaus [artyard, above] fortress tortures fauces?)] mortresst [artyur, above] [asez, below] quarter aurous saucest mortar laurus|| [ose"st, p. 518] shorter taurus|| ex liorter the saurusll faucet ex torter mo sa saurusll or [Jos & it? or as &. [art, p. 47] mos a saurusll or it?] mo so saurusll or quartered mos o saurusll sauceth mortared pli o saurusl) or [oseth, p. 518] DOUBLE RHYMES, ftS 313 Jfauces?|| plausive [ostlv, p. 521] hawses? ap plausive in ex haustive [as, p. 48] un ap plausive ex haustless caution fausen [SstlSs, p. 521] in cautiont [asm, above] pre caution austral causson claustral [asm, above] auster|| auspice [ostftr, p. 521] tcross-piece 1 cautious nauseous in cautious pre cautious un cautious [ospls, p. 520] o ver cautious ex hausted saucy [ostgd, p. 520] [6sl, p. 519] in ex hausted un ex hausted glaucic [a & sick?] ex haustest awesome [a & sum?] halser or hawser? saucer [osfir, p. 522] [ostgst, p. 520] saucers bawsin?t or [astir, above] |bawson?t ex hausteth Jfausen [6st6th, p. 520] at glaucine broughtest Jcausson caustic Jflautist en caustic tautest bawsins?t di a caustic taughtest [asm, above] cat a caustic [at, p. 48] gal va no-caustic? saucing thoughtful [6smg, p. 519] ex hausting [at & full?] [ostmg, p. 521] un thoughtful saucisse?|| er e ma causis|| ex haustive author 18 314 DOUBLE RHYMES, ftt CU [othtir, p. 522] & drawer haughty sawer naughty tawer vauty [a, p. 39] nautic drawers Ar go nautic [aur, above] a er o nautic thoughtless [at & less?] oughtnessf tautness autumn [Jat & >em] daughter Jfautorlit cauter slaughter taughter or tauter pauseth hawses? causes [az, p. 49] causeful [az, p. 49] causey mawworm gauzy straw-worm causeyed mawworms [azd, above] straw-worms causing ay pausing lawyer sawyer bawsin?t or bawson?t lawyers [az & in or on?] sawyers causeless [az, p. 49] causal water [ozl, p. 525] slaughtered watered un slaughtered un watered daughters [atur, above] caused? Jcauseyed paused? causest pausest causeth hawser? causer pauser causers [azur, above] ea keyage quayage DOUBLE RHYMES, ea ea 315 peagell paean pyg mean or tpaeon?|| pig mean i deatet Jpeon Tho mean? or [eft, p. 323] Jrheine Tho maean? [Gin, p. 322] Et nean or a Phre bean Mi nean fealt tple beian Lin nean or leal? [eyan, p. 344] Lin naean real Sa bean or Ler nean tSheol?|| Sa baean Rhi pean or i deal Eu bean or Ri pean pi neal? Eu boean Tern pean un real An dean Be rean beau-i deal Ju dean or Pe rean or un i dealt Ju daean Pe raean ep i geal Chal dean or lyn cean? phar yn geal? Chal daean Cir cean lar yn geal? to deon|| Pro tean? per i neal Pan dean Cu thean hy me neal? Ven dean Le thean per o neal Or phean? Ipan theon? em py real nym phean pe trean per i to neal Ri phean or am e bean or Hi phaean am e baean i deals Ar gean am oe baean [eal, above] Au gean Car ib bean JE gean or Mac ca bean or Jbehen M gaean or Mac ca baean [eheX p. 322] E gean As si dean Jbrehon* A chean or Sis y phean Jaeon?|| or A chaean pan om phean Jeon Hyb lean or per i gean tpheon Hyb laean lar yn gean? tlien? Cad mean ap o gean pean07 Cri mean hyp o gean 316 DOUBLE RHYMES, Gil eb Man i chean or seance?!] gon or rhea or Man i chsean gon or rhoea?|| Gal i lean peans! leu cor rho3a?|] Her cu lean? feSn, above] blen nor rhea or mau so lean blen nor rhoea?|| Ar a mean or creatl! xan tho rhoea?|| Ar a maean [eft, p. 323] pan a cea?|| An o moean er y thraea?!! Pyr e nean ea di om e dea?|| hy me nean rhea?|| [eya, p. 344] As mo nean or shiah?|| As mo naean thea?|| eb Ad o nean zea?|| peba?|| pri a pean i deal) a moeba?|| pol y pean nym phgea?|| mus ta iba|| or cy clo pean? pe kea?|| mos ta hibal! Eu ro pean? tra chea?|| Naz a rean scyl lsea?|| rebec or Cab i rean dysp noea?|| rebeck Cyth e rean Ler naea?|| treebok|| em py rean? cyp rsea?!! xebec? Sad du cean spi ra3a?|| Phar i seanf al thea or rebecs! Med i cean al th8ea?|| [e'be'k, above] col os sean rat a fia?|| or cad u cean? rat i fia freebench gi gan tean ep i gaea?|| [e & bench?] At Ian tean hyp o gea?|| Ar chi me dean prop y lflea?|| phoebe?|| or Ep i cu rean? ath e naeall phaBbe Py thag o rean? [eum, below] gleby La od i cean or thop noea?|! a mo3bae?|| ad a man tean di ar rhea or di ar rhoea?H feeble creance ap or rhoea?|| Jnebelll DOUBLE RHYMES, eb ed 317 en feeble or breaches im peachments infeeblef [ech, p. 51] [echment, above]- en f eebled or breachful ca priccio?i| in f eebledf speechfulf [fchyO, p. 420] un en feebled beachy bleacher feeblest breachy [ech, p. 51] en feeblest queachy ^feature leachy ^creature feebler peachy preacher en feebler reechy teacher screechy [etyur, p. 342] Jnebels lean ta trice|| en feebles Jim prov i sa- teachers trice|| or [echur, above] pla cebo?|| Jim prov vi sa- ga zeebo trice|| ed mo a chibo|| pedal? teaching [edl, below] febrile? [ech, p. 51] an ti febrile? un bleaching seda?Ji un preaching veda?|| Phcebus?|| po drida|| glebous teachings ol la po drida|| rebus?|| [echTng, above] a mcebous beaded reachless [ed, p. 52] Sell speechless un deeded preachest teachlessf un heeded |ech, p. 51J un kneaded preachment un needed be seecheth im peachment un pleaded [ech, p. 51] [ech, p. 51] un ceded un seeded 18* 318 DOUBLE RHYMES, un weeded predy Jbedelt un im peded preedy* tdsedal un pre ceded reedy wheedle un sue ceeded seedy needle speedy Jpedal? credence weedy tpredal pre cedence o ver greedy tweedle an te cedence mar a vedi?)| sub beadle sea-needle? credent beading Jbi pedal? [Sde'ns, above] [ed, p. 52] Jtri pedal? sedentf bleeding Ad am's-needle? de cedent breeding tsem i pedal? pre cedent? cleading Ises qui pedal? Jsuc ceedant pleading tquad ru pedal? ret ro cedent or reading re tro cedent reeding in ter cedent sheading needled un bleeding [edl, above] feedest un heeding [ed, p. 52] ex ceeding heedless ten cy clo pedist pro ceeding needless non-ac ceding reedless needeth mis pro ceeding seedless [ed, p. 52] steedless readings weedless heedful [edmg, above] needful wheedlest speedfulf eadish [edl, above] un heedful Swedish un needf ulf tweedleth un speedful in va lidism? [edl, above] en cy clo pedism greedy wheedling needy beadle or [edl, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, 319 seedling mon o cot y le- hep ta hex. a he- don?!! dral seedlings pen ta hex a he- [edllng, above] di hedral or dral di edral tri a con ta he- wheedler tri hedral or dral needier tri edral cu bo oc ta he- ca thedral dral wheedlers dec a hedral cu bo do dec a needlers hex a hedral hedral rhom bo hedral an ti-en ne a he- beadles hem i hedral dral [edl, above] pol y hedral en ne a con ta- pla gi hedral hedral credo?!! hoi o hedral To ledo?[ tet ra hedral cedrat tor pedo?|| oc ta hedral [ed & rat?] te redo?|| pen ta hedral u redo?|| sub tri hedral eph edra?U al cedo?|| do dec a hedral ex edra?il or di hex a hedral ex hedra? tor pedoes en ne a hedral ca thedra?!! [edo, above] di tet ra hedral dec a hedra! i co sa hedral [edron, below] JEdenll tri oc ta hedral tmedin|! pyr i to hedral Jcedry Jredan?!! te tar to hedral aph edrae?|| Jreeden trap e zo hedral ex edrai?|| bou stro phedon?|| di do dec a he- ca thedrae?|| cot y ledon?!| dral a cot y ledon?|| tri do dec a he- oc ta hedrite di cot y ledon?! dral [ed & rlt] pol y cot y le- tet ra hex a he- don?H dral tcedrine tri hedron 320 DOUBLE RHYMES, dec a hedron or breeder pro cedure? dec a edron leader [ejfir, below] hex a hedron! reader rhom bo hedron Jcedar beads-man hem i hedron fore leader Jbeads-men pol y hedron! mis leader seedsman tet ra hedron! re pleader Jseedsmen hep ta hedron! sub reader oc ta hedron! or se ceder lien? oc to hedron [ed, p. 52] [eSn, above] pen ta hedron! do dec a hedron! leaders deessf chil i a hedron [edur, above] [eus, below] en ne a hedron! sea le no hedron mediate? seest? i co sa hedron im mediate? [e, p. 49] hex oc ta hedron [edffit, p. 646] de creest? tris oc ta hedron dis a greest? pyr i to hedron in ter medial? [cist, p. 323] trap e zo hedron [edlal, p. 046] tet ra hex a he- freeth? dron o bedience? [e, p. 49] hem i oc ta he- ex pedience? dron [ejans, below ; ef en ne a con ta- edrens, p. 646] chief age t hedron leafage o bedient? cedrus?|| [edie'nt, p. 646] epha|| or hex a hedrous ephahll pol y hedrous or medium? || ac a lepha?|| pol y edrous tedium? or syn a lo?pha?|| or pen ta hedrous! taedium?) syn a le pha freedom tedious? briefest sedumyjl [ejus, below! ^eefest DOUBLE RHYMES, el eg- 321 [ef , p. 53] [ef & man?] [egl, below] reefeth deafen? Mo hegan [ef, p. 53] tac a lephan Gal legan leafy briefness bega|| reefy [efll, above] Vegall sheafy ziega|| ephod? o mega?|| beefing* Jfeoffed? briefing [ef, p. 53] leaguest feoffing? [eg, p. 53] leafing trefoil reefing marsh-trefoil? fa tigueth [ef, p. 53] [e & foil? or ef [eg, p. 53] un reefing & oil?] in triguing reefings nephrite? [eg, p. 53] [efing, above] [e & fright? or ef & rlt?] in triguings briefless [eging, above] chiefless briefer griefless feoffer? beagle leafless reefer eagle re liefless [ef , p. 53] tgregalt tlegal briefly reefers reigle chiefly [efur, above] Jregal deafly? sea-eagle? thieflyf gleeful til legal Jgriefful Jun regal deflux?t treeful . tvice-regal reflux in veigle or eg en veigle briefman legal tpre ter legalf 322 DOUBLE KHYMES, g" Jsu per regal ul ti mus re- 61 tmed i co-legal gum?|| Jleod ul ti ma ra tio JPleiad eagless regum?|| J& ne id? or leaguelessf E neid? negus beagles era tsegus?|| am breic [egl, above] stra tegus?j| cat' feic cho leic ego?|| cheger? or ma leic chigoe or chegre? met o leic chegoe? eager myth o poaic gregoll or eger e ryth ro leic griegoll leaguer Gal lego?|| meager or geine or ser pigo?t|l meagre gein as i nego|| or be leaguer rheine! as si nego in triguer theine! o ver eager zeine! chigoes?! co deine [egf>, above] be leaguers cat' feinel [egfir, above] co neine teagrass lu te o leine egress? eh e ryth ro leine negress behen [ean, above] * regress? peahen Jsea-grass sea-hen being [ean, above] fleeing megrim seeing [e & grim?] key-hole [e, p. 49] tSheol?|| in being negro well-being al legro? brehon* all-seeing [eSn, above] un seeing begum?|| un fore seeing IKH'ULK K1IYME9, el k 8&3 beings legend? region [emg, above] [ej & end?] under region deist regent legions theist tsejant or [ejun, above] an ti theist sejeant? [eest, p. 320] Jal legiant?f taegis?|| or co-regent tegisf deists non-regent tedious? [elst, above] vice-regent e gregious? sac ri legious tcreat|| liegest sor ti legious JSciot Jlegist o ver tedious? al beit siegestf how beit [ej, p. 53] liegerf Ji deatef o bliger? [e & it?] o bligeth? be sieger [ej, p. 53] Ipro cedure? deism dis o bliger? theism sieges Jsu per sedure?f weism [ej, P- 53] Par seeism? be siegers sut teeism be sieging [ejur, above] Sad du ceeism , [ej, p. 53] ab sen teeism un o bliging? ek hy lo theism? fecal or mis o theismf ligementt faecal an ti theism o bligement?f pecal? or au to theismf be siegement Jpecul? dis o bligement? caecal ej tseclef ligeance or ligementsf thecal liegance [ejme'nt, above] ttreacle al legiance? bib li o thecal? [edy&ns, above] legion DOUBLE KIIYME3, e piquant?!) leaky bleakly precant peeky* meekly secant reeky treacly , co-secant sleeky weakly in ter secant streaky weekly ob liquely? precants zechin?|l [ek, p. 54] [ekilnt, above] [ekn, below] bi-weekly tri-weekly bekah?|| fleaking chicall shrieking Greekling theca?H [ek, p. 54] weakling ca beca?l| un speaking a reca?|| Greeklings eu reka?H shriekings weaklings sper ma theca?|| [eking, above] hy po theca?|] beacon glyp to theca?|l bleakish deacon pan tech no the- freakish meeken ca?|| Greekish tsteekan|| bib li o theca?|| cliquish weaken peakish Jzechin?|| peaked? weakish arch deacon streaked? sub deacon [ek, p. 54] Greekism Jsal picon?|| cliquism meekest beaconed seekest Greekisms [ekn, above] [ek, p. 54] cliquisms Jfecund? Jsecund? speaketh treacle un weakened [ek, p. 54] [ekal, above] bleakness bleakyf wreakless [eklT, above] creeky [ek & less?] KHYMES, ek el 338 weakens equal [ekwtn, above] [ekn, above] ^sequel in equal el fico?|| Co equal tHelot pekoell sub equal chelate pico'j un equal prelate? ma ticof velate bee a flco?|| equaled or equalled he-lamb? Jbechicf un equaled! [e & lam?] meacockf melam peacock equals Jcoelum?!! [ekw&l, above] J velum? lj peacocks [ekok, above] frequence! eland|| sequence [e & land?] C8ecum?|| in frequence tecum?|| melas?|| album Grae- tequant tfelis?! cum?|| frequent? Jtreeless va de mecum?|| sequent tzealless du ces tecum?|| in frequent Jver melus?|| [e & come?] un frequent? tdi ccalous o ver frequent |sekos?|| ela?i| pi thecus?!! tequants chela?i|f prop i thecus? I! sequents selah?|| stela?|| beaker equine? se quela?|| meeker requin|| phil o mela?|| speaker sequin|| or au di ta que re- [ek, p. 54] chequin or la?|| zequin speakers wieldancef ekur, above] sequins yieldancef 326 DOUBLE RHYMES, M field-day fielder tgen teelly ttildell [eld, p. 55] team pa nile|| Jim gen teelly shielded fielders [eld, p. 55] [eldur, above] pan helic un shielded [e & lick?] un yielded healest [el, p. 54] felix?|| wield est helix? 1| [eld, p. 55] dealeth co no helix? || [el, p. 54] an ti helix?!! yieldeth [eld, p. 55] healful dealing [el & full?] feeling fieldfare healing [eld & f r?] keelhaul heling [el & hal?] keeling fieldyf ceiling wieldyf bee-line shealing or un wieldy feline? sheeling or shieling or . fielding Dreelite shielling [eld, p. 55] Leelite un feeling un yielding Scheelite self-healing un der dealing fieldings dele?|| un ap pealing [elding, above] freely wheelyf feelings shieldless chelyt keelings wieldlessf mealy [eling, above] yieldlessf seelyt stela?? || con gealment fieldenf steely con cealment wealden weely* se quelae?|| con cealments DOUBLE RHYMES, Ol Oil I [elment, above] Cor nelian? leman? au relian? seaman ineloe pro coelian? Jseamen pu pelo* Ar un delian? Jtemenll [el & o? or e & Jper i helion?|| tpa Ia3inon?|| 16?] am phi coelian? tcac o demon 1 Ar is to telian? tlii er om ne- elops?|| Mach i a velian? mon?|| [e & lops?] car nelians? freeman's Helot? [elyan, above] tfreemen's [elilt, above] tdemons lo belia?| [eman, above] keelson? aph elia?|| [el & sun?] ant helia?|| bema?|| par helia?|| schema?|| feeler au relia?|| 03 dema?|| keeler tor tillall u lema?|| peeler per i helia?|| e nema?|| stealer ec zema?|| [el, p. 54] 0111 em py ema?|| steeler female ec pho nema?|| doub le-dealer? [e & mal?] ter za-rima?|| em phy sema?|| feelers tbeemol|| or ex an thema?|| [eliir, above] JbemolU er y thema?|| henial or ep i pho nema?li tapli elion?|| haemal ep i chi rema?|| He gelian? hy emal? tant helion? tpar helion? Jcha meleon? tpom melionf car nelian? or cor nelian? tdemon freeman Jfreemen gleemaht Jgleemenf demarch sea-mark demarchs sea-marks DOUBLE RHYMES, seamen ra cemic su premely feman, above] be seemly no emics? un seemly cement? [e & mix*] ex tremely a greement dis a greement dreaming nemo?|| [em, p. 56] primo?|| a greements reeming [eme'nt, above] un seemingf demon un teeming [5man, above] dreamest un be seeming [em, p. 56] tremor?! || Jschemist dreamings [6mur, below] ex tremest [emmg, above] Jex tremist deemster* [emists, below] emys?|| seamsterf tra cemous? teamster deemeth [em, p. 56] Rhemish teamsters squeamish [emstur, above] dreamful schemef ul schemists emu or streamf ul ex tremists emeu or teemfulf [eme'st, above] emew [S & mew? 0r 5m' beamy beamless & you?] dreamy [em, p. 56] fleamyt emir?|| gleamy beamlet dreamer creamy streamlet femur?H seamy cremor?|| steamy beamlets lemur? || streamy [emlet, above] learner memoir? vehmic? seemly reamer Dorm.K iniYMEs, fm oi 320 screamer renal mo lyb clena or steamer thcnnl mo lyb dsena?|| streamer Jtreenail? ser a phina|| tremor?|| or venal mar i kinaj tremour Jweanelf phil o pena re deemer or sur renal sig no rina|| He deemer su pra renal cav a tirm|| [5m, p. 56] scar la tina?|| lena?|| con cer tinaJ| steamers ver bena?|| pseu do-ga lena?|| [5m fir, above] mo dena?|| gut ta-se rena?|| hy ena or memoir? hy aena?| hy enas! [5m & war?] sa phena?!| [emi, above] mos chinall memoirs ga lena?|| kleene-boc|| or [5m & wars?] al mena?|| kleene-bok|| sub pena|| or steenboc|| or on sub poena?|| steenbok|| teenage* a rena?|| ca reenage fa rina?|| kleene-boks! ma rena [enbo'k, above] phenate py rena?|| crenate cza rina|| or fiendisb ttenet? tsa rina| or [en & dish?] bi crenate tza rina|| ve nenate? dra csena?|| gleanest ex tra venate?t ca tena?|| greenest pa tina?|| [en, p. 56] phenates pla tina?|| tplenist Jtenets? o zaena?|| or Jma chinist [5na"t, above] o zena|| Jmag a zinist am phis l)8ena?|| [entsts, below] tphenol phag e clena or penal phag e dsena?|| tenet 330 DOUBLE RHYMES, [ent, above] leaneth [en, p. 56] Jzenith?|| sceneful spleenful tu reenf ul scenic? zenik?|| Hel lenic? phenix or plicenix?|| Jsenex?H zeniks? meanly sheenlyt se reiH'ly ob sccnely [en, p. 56] (Milling weanling yeanling gleaning Kenite greening eanlings yenite? or meaning [enlTng, above] jenite? [en, p. 56] un meaning scene-man Kenites Jscene-men yenites? or greenings [en & man or jenites? meanings men?] [enTng, above] glene?|| screenings greenness genie?|| cleanness leanyt greenish [enlt, above] lene?| spleenish un cleanness sheeny [en, p. 56] spleeny keno teeny* Es senism? me dino| veney?f man da rinism ton dino|| visne?|| dol cinoll or hy aenae?! ma chinists dul cinol! si lene?|| [enest, above] me rinoJl a renae?H ca sino|| ca tense?!! greet? : ./ cas sinoll [ena, above] keenly mes tino| fan toe cini|| cleanly! ^iar as chino|| par a se lene?H queenly gial lo lino? par a se lenae?l| leanly sem o 1ino| DOL'JiLE RHYMES, CU & 331 pep e rino|| cleaner lenient? por po rinoll }thenar|| [enygns, above] vet tu rino|| con gener?|| su per venient? an dan tino|| de meanor or in ter venient? al to-rip i cno?|| de meanour su per ad ve- al to-vi o linoJI mis de meanor! nient?! mag a zinert finosll genio?||t me rinos cleaners ma cigno|| [eno, above] [entir, above] genius?|| glenoid genial? in genious? sphenoid menial? un in genious? ctenoid venial? taenoid con genial? seignior or un genial? signor|| or deanship un venial? signior queenship in con genial? seniorf un con genial? deanships ho mo geneal? eo queenships pri mo genial? geode het e ro geneal? [e & od?] frsenum?|| [Mai, p. 649] plenum?) Creole mo lyb denum Fenian? Sheol?| du o denum? || Ar menian? triole sag a penum?|| [enlan, p. 649] [ehol, p. 322] Jfreeness Fenians? Creoles genus?|| [enyan, above] [eol, above] venous Venus?H lenience? C5 sub genus?|| con venience? leod pliag e denous pre venience?! [eld, p. 322] in con venience? 832 DOUBLE RHYMES, e5 6J) peon sweeping steeply [ein, p. 315] un sleeping un weeping replum?|| Sciot [ep, p. 58] [e & plum?] [eft, p. 323] sweepings steeples ep [epftig, above] [epl, above] epact [e & packed? or lepis?|| cheapen ep & act?] [epus, below] deepen tcrepane epacts cheapish Jcrepon [ep & acts?] deepish steepen sheepish lepas?) cheapened [epus, below] creeplef [epn, above] people repent? Jsepal? cheapness [e & pent?] steeple [eplt, above] dis people cheapest re people deepens reapest un people [epn, above] [ep, p. 58] o ver people depot?|| leapeth tsepaled? or quipo[ [ep, p. 58] Jsepalled? pepo?|| steepled heapy [epl, above] depots? seepy* un der peopled quiposl] sheepy sleepy sleepless epoch? steepyf [ep & less?] [e & pock?] sweepy un sleepy cheaply sepoy or deeply seapoy DOUBLE RHYMES, ep CF 333 tea-poy feral weirding* Iquerelet sepoys! spheral series?|| [epoi, above] ep i meral [6rlz, below] ilepas?|| clearance ^clearance [Je & pass?] [erSns, below] ad herence tlepis?!! in herence lepus?|| era|| or co herence [ep & us?] sera? || tout clearance gerah?|| Jap pearance |hepar?||t Ma deira?|| in ter ference keeper chi mera or in co herence [ep, p. 58] chi maera?|! [er, p. 59] Jtepor?|| oen an thera?|| tnon-ap pearance un der keeper eras! || Jgerant reapers [era, above] gerentt [epur, above] vice gerent smeardab |se derunt?) er [er & dab?] ad herent clearagef in herent peerage bearded? co herent pierage weirded* in ad herent steerage t [erd, p. 61] dis co herentf ar rearage un bearded in co herent sem i-ad herent cerate beardest? speratef weirdest vice gerents vi zierate? [ere'nt, above] beardeth? cerates weirdeth* peeress [erSt, above] [er & death?] [eras, below] earalf bearding? 19* clearest 334 DOUBLE KIIYMKS, [Or, p. 59] peril un fearing Jquerist peery ve neering queerest spheryf Jcerused smeary hearings teary [ermg, above] feareth weary [Br, p. 59] un cheery terins a weary [erfn, above] cheerful out weary fearful? un weary mel i ceris?| sneerfult ia la mire [ [5rus, below] tearful mis e rere?|| un cheerful o ver weary queerish un fearful [er, p. 59] if eared? seerhandll [er, p. 59] querist [Br & hand?] queried [ere'st, above] wearied cerite out wearied queries Si berite? un wearied peris yt tro-cerite? o ver wearied [erl, above] o zo cerite Jseries?|| eryx?|| or beery erix cierges? bleary [e & ricks?] [erj, p. 61] cheery deary Jdzeren or earlap dreary Jdzeron [er & lap?] aerie? or Erin eirief cerine cheerless eerie* or terin earless eery* fearless heryf hearing peerless query [er, p. 59] [er, p. 59] qusere?|| God-fearing DOUBLE KIIYME8, 335 cheerly clearness pierceth? dearly queerness [ers, p. 61] clearly nearness queerly [erll, above] pierces? merely tierces? nearly hero [ers, p. 61] rearly* zero yearly pri mero|| meerschaum || sin cerely mon tero?|| [er & sham?] aus terely ped e rero or se verely pet e rero or meerschaums cav a lierly pat e rero [er & shamz?] [er, p. 59] sem i-sos piro| seership shearling heroes o ver seership steerling zeros [er & ship?] yearling? [e & rose? ; ero, above] o ver seerships shearlings [ershtp, above] [erlmg, above] spheroid? chi maeroid or piercing? earlock chi meroid [ers, p. 61] [er & lock?] piercel piercings? shearman tiercel [ersmg, above] tshearmen spearman piercels fiercer? Jspearmen tiercels piercer? cerement fiercest? serum? || en dearment piercest? con ci o ad cle- af feerment [ers, p. 61] rum?|| cerements tiercet? ferous [erme'nt, above] [Jers & it?] Jmeros?|| or 336 DOUBLE KHYMKS, Si* merus?!! tpri va teersnien fleeces tpeeress [es, p. 61] tceruse es tseeress I viyan or peaceful serous I vizan? in creaseful sclerous tin ter necine? un peaceful tri merous? di o cesan? sub serous ap preciate? sag u erus?|| o beisance? de preciate? tmel i ceris?|| [esens, below] dis ap preciate? tmet ro si de- ros?|| or o beisant? fecial met ro si derus?|| [es6nt, below] per i chtetial [er( wed whelmeth un mellowed Melchite [elm, p. 72} [el & kite?] felloes o ver whelming fellows belkestf [elm, p. 73] [elo, above] kelkest* welkest helmless bellon realmless felon welketh imclain [Slkest, above] fellness melon un wellnessf inellon welkin Jstelene Jpa relcon|| bellow Jflu dim felloe Jphil hellene welking fellow JA tellan [elkSst, above] mellow yellow melons welcome out bellow [lon, above] un welcome re bellow bor dellotll de veloj) or welcomed du ellofH de velope un welcomed ni ello|| en velop or pru nello en vel< >pc? DOUBLE EHYMES, 361 de veloped [elptir, above] stealthfult en veloped wealthfult un de veloped bell-rope un healthful well-rope Helot? healthy zealot? bell-ropes stealthy [Slat, above] well-ropes wealthy un healthy Helots? melrose un wealthy zealots? [el & roz?] Celtic helpest el sin* cat a peltic pap, p. ra] [61 & sin?] Hi ber no-Celtic whelpeth keelson? or belting [Sip, P. ?3] kelson [Jilt, p. TO] [81 & sun?] helpful beltings un helpful peltate [Siting, above] [Sip & full?] bi peltate peltry yelping pelted sweltryt P*lp, P. 72] [git, p. 72]- un belted feltre yelpings un melted felter [Piping, above] un pelted kelter un welted shelter helpless smelter [Sip & less?] meltest spelter [git, p. 72] swelter helper welter PHP, P. 73] melteth in shelter fel low-helper [Sit, p. 72] hel ter-skelter? helpers DOUBLE KHYMES, sweltered dweller delvers weltered feller elvers un sheltered Jcellar seller melwel felters Jstellar [61 & well?] [eltQr, dbove] teller pro peller bell-wort deluged [61, p. 70] felwort un deluged Jeer e bellar tin ter stellar selion* skellumf stellion? vellum dwellers re bellion la bellumll [Slur, above] ta bellion du ellum|| cir cum cellion? fla gellumil elvan car pellumll thelvine re bellion s sa celluml] [elyun, above] ros tellumll delvest scu tellumll [elv, p. 72] m cer e bellum|) gemmate an te bellum|| velvet [SmSt, below] in vol u cellumil [elv & it?] gemma|| bellows? helveth lemmall jealous [lv, p. 72] stemma]] zealous di lemma?]] un jealous shelving tri lemma]) a pellous teiv, p. 72] an a lemmall o cellus]] sar co lemma]] vi tellusll shelvings my o lemma]] cer e bellous [living, above] o ver jealous lemmas o ver zealous delver [m&, above] [clles, above] elver remble* DOUBLE RHYMES, &H1 semble tremblings No vember tremble [emblmg, above] dis re member* as semble mis re member dis semble trembler re semble [Smbl, above] membered re as semble [e'mbftr, above] tremblers un re membered as semblage [Smblur, above] re as semblage embers trembles [embflr, above] semblance [embl, above] as semblancet hemmel* dis semblancef bi membra! whemmel* re semblance tri membral gemel non-re semblance quad ri membral gemels semblantf re membrance [emel, above] re semblant un re membrancet clement trembled re memb'rest cement? [Smbl, above] [embur, below] in clement un as sembled JSep tembrist un dis sembled tchemist? a lembroth|| stemmest tremblest tre memb'reth [em, p. 73] [embl, above] [8mb fir, below] emmet as sembleth ember tgemmate [Smbl, above] member dis member gemmeth trembling non-member con demneth? [Smbl, above] re member [Sm, p. 73] un trembling un member un dis sembling De cember gemmy Sep tember tgemma3?|| 64 DOUBLE RHYMES, CIll jemmy hemlessf emptiont semi stemless a demption wemlesst re demption chemic? ex emption en demic con demnest? co emption pan demic con teinnest? pre emption al chemic? arch-chemic? con demneth? ex emptions po lemic con temneth? [Smpshun, above] a naemic sys temic? con demning? ^emptied ac a demic con temning? tempted ep i demic [empt, p. 73] the o remic con demner? tun emptied phi lo po lemic con temner? un tempted un at tempted en demies con demners? no emics? con temners? ex emptest po lemics [empt, p. 73] [mlk, above] stemple temple at tempteth Fleming an te temple?t [Smpt, p. 73] hemming [6m, p. 73] template empty lemming or templet kempty leming con template? o ver emptyt lemmings templar tempting [foiling, above] ex emplar [e'mpt, p. 73] un tempting blemish templars un at tempting Flemish ex emplars temptings blemished tempoll [emptlng, above] un blemished [emp & o?] DOUBLE RHYMES, 365 re demptive hemmer pennant [e'mpshun, above] [em, p. 73] tenant at ternptivef Jtremor?! or Jtenentt Jtremour? co-tenant empties lieu tenant? kempties hemmers sub tenant [emur, above] terre-tenant|| or tempter ter tenant ex empter de cemvirll un der tenant pre empter sep temvirjl sub lieu tenant? at tempter quin de cemvir|| tenants tempters de cemvirs [enant, above] [SmptUr, above] [Smvur, above] hennall or semper|| memoir? khenna|| temper [^m & war?] sennall at temper du enna|| des temper memoirs? si enna|| dis temper [&m & wars?] al hennaj con temper Ge hennafl mis temper n an tenna|| menace tempered tenace henbit [Smpur, above] Jtennis [en & bit?] un tempered Jim pennons un at tempered tvag i na-pen- trenchant un dis tempered nous in trenchantt dis tempers menaced quenchest [Smpur, above] [Snest, below] [gnch, p. 74] lemon senate blencheth tleman? [Sn^t, below] [Snch, p. 74] sea-lemon? 866 DOTTBLE RHYMES, trenches pre bendal tin ter de pend- [gnch, p. 74] pu dendal ent tsu per in tend- drenching sendal s ent [Such, p. 74] [endal, above] un blenching e mendals* de fendants [endant, above] drenchings at tendance [inching, above] [endSns, below] ad denda|| ere dendafj quenchless pendant pu denda|| wenchless tpendent a genda|| tsplendent de lendall Frenchman de fendant ha ci enda|| ^Frenchmen of fendantf cor ri genda|| henchman ap pendant J henchmen de pendant bended tde pendent [end, p. 74] in trenchment or Jim pendent t splendid en trenchment tpro pendentf un blended re trenchment as cendant un ended de scendant un friended bencher tde scendent un tended [gnch, p. 74] ttrans cendent un de fended trencher Jre splendent un of fended tventure ttran splendent t nn be friended [entyur, p. 378] at tendant un a mended wencher ex tendant un com mended in tendant un ex pended benchers pre tendant self-sus pended [Snchur, above] dis ap pendantf un sus pended Jin de pendent un as cended sendal Jself-de pendent un at tended ttrendel tin ter scendent un dis tended ttrendle sur in tendantf in ex tended DOUBLE RHYMES, & n 867 un ex tended lendeth [endal, above] un in tended [end, p. 74] un con tended endless o ver of fended a mendful friendless un ap pre bended [end & full?] un com pre bend- friendly ed bendy un friendly un rec om mend- liendyf ed ef fendi|| be friendment reis-ef fendi?|| a mendment trendel in tendment [nd&l, above] 'Zendik|| born blendic a mendments pendencet sub born blendic [e'ndme'nt , above] ttendancef tendencef Zendiks cres cendo| tap pendance cox endix|| pro ce dendo|| de pendence ap pendix|| in nu endo|| or im pendence in u endo tran scendence bending de cres cendo|| re splendence [end, p. 74] di min u endo|| tat tendance un bending in de pendence un ending rho do dendra|| con de scendence un de fending [endron, below] tnon-at tendance un of fending scol o pendra|| in ter de pend- self-de pending ence un de pending of fendress su per in tend- un at tending con tendress ence un con tending un pre tending dendrite in de pendent [gnd & rlt?] [Pndilnt, above] bendings [ending, above] tendronf bendest rho do dendron|| [end, p. 74] trendle leu co dendronjj 368 DOFB1YK RHYMES, lith o dendron|| Jvendace [e'ndfir, above] lep i do dendron|| tre mendous 1 malacodendronll stu pendous fennec bal sa mo den- hor rendousf [entk, below] dron|| lir i o dendronjl bender fennel e lae o dendron|| fender kennel ga lac to den- gender vennel dron|| lender sea-fennel? prender en kennel rho do dendrons render un kennel [endron, above] slender Jan tennal splendor|| or ep i dendrumll splendour kenneled or [8n & drum? or tender kennelled gnd & rum?] trender* Jmenaldt or vender Jmenildt friendship t vendor? en kenneled! un friendship of fender un kenneled! en gender or ha bendum|| in gendert kennels ad dendum|| per pender [e'nel, above] |com mendam|| sus pender ere dendum|| sur render kennest a gendum]| en tender [en, p. 74] de lendumll pre tender ^menaced cor ri gendum|| [Snd, p. 74] Jtennisedf tin com mend- un tender Jun menaced am|| up per-tendom tendered bennet ad in qui ren- [gndfir, above] dennet dumj 1111 tendered genet or un sur rendered jennet blendous Ipennate Jpendicef of fenders rennet fJOTJBLE RHYMES, ll 369 tsenate lengthens splenic sennet [gngthn, above] sthenic tsennit al phenic tsennight? or hen-harm eu genie Isevennight? [en & harm?] li chenic tenet? ga lenic herb-bennet Prehnite Hel lenic? tin genitet sevennight? or se lenic tcon genite sennight? i renic tbi pennate du frenite ar senic? Jim pennate pho cenic ttri pennate en denizet or Pru tenic tpla ni pennate in denizet as thenic [en & eyes?] Par thenic penneth phag e denic [en, p. 74] any hy gi enic tzenith?|| bene or py rox enic or benne pyr ox enic pen-fold blenny met a genie tenfold fenny par a genie jenny path o genie? lengthfulf many py o genie strengthfnl meinet or pho to genie meinyt zo o genie lengthy penny phil hel lenic strengthyf veney?t pan hel lenic wenny ec u menic or lengthen an tennae?|| oec u menic strengthen Sar a cenic re strengthen benickel] hy per stenic or tfennec hy per sthenic strengthened phrenic am as thenic [Sngthn, above] tlehnock* meg as thenic un strengthened tpenock|| cal is thenic or scenic? cal lis thenic 1* 370 DOUBLE RHYMES, ll mi cros theme vengeance [fin & 0?] Dem os theme a vengeance! crys tal lo genie re vengeancet threnode em bry o genie [en & od?] or gan o genie mengestt ge o se lenic vengestt menows sul pho-ar senic a vengest [en & Oz?] re vengest tfennecs penock|| phrenics a vengeth [enTk, above] hy gi enics [en jest, above] eal is thenics or tdenim cal lis thenics vengeful venom a vengef ult en venom or denning re vengeful in venomt [en, p. 74J un re vengeful out venom tennis phengite or venomed [enas, above] fengite [friom, above] mengite fennish venoms plenish* engine [finom, above] Rhenish ma lenginet wennish pennon re plenish re venging tenon [e'nje'st, above] Jli chenine? plenished re plenished venger tenons un re plenished a venger [finon, above] re venger con genite ensate |enet, above] cleanly? sensate un cleanly? con densate pennies com pensate? [finT, above] menow in sensate K'HYMKH, 1171 in tensatef dif iVr Com pensates? [en sat, above] f o rensal [ens!!, below] densest fencest [ens, p. 75] Jsensist dis penseth [Sns, p. 75] fences [ens, p. 75] JWal denses|| +A1 bi genses|| ta man u enses|| henceforth? thenceforth? li centiates? [enshat, above] ere dential pru dential sci entialf tan gential PCS ti lential ex po nential in es sential co es sential quint es sential non-es sential un es sential com pla cential pen i tential se quential un prec e dentialt tor rential ju ris pru dential es sential o be di ential cir censial ex pe di ential po tential un in fer ential sen tential cir cum fer ential cas trensial ex pe ri ential Pro vencial in tel li gential pre sential e qui tan gential con fi dential in con se quential ev i dential un con se quential prec e dential su per es sential pres i dential rem i nis cential prov i dential om ni pre sentialt res i dential an ti pes ti lential un pru dential menseful* in flu ential ro dentia?|| sensefulf dif fer ential va lencia? or of fencef ulf or in fer ential va lentia? of fensefulf sa pi ential re spon dentia?|| pre tenseful! def er ential dif fer entia?|| pref er ential es sentiate?f ref er ential sentient? li centiate? rev er ential as sentient po tentiate? in dul gential dis sentient pre sentiate?f con se quential in sentient DOUBLE RIlYMKs, V,, consentient retention ill-intentioned pre sentient teas trensian well-in tentioned tin sentient in vention con vention con ventions pre vention [e'nahun, above] sub vention ap pre hension dis sensious* or dis sentious li centious con tentious por tentious pre tentious sen tentious con sci entious un pre tentious un sen tentious re con vention un con sci entious cir cum vention su per vention censure con tra vention tensuret in ter vention de clension di mension pro pension sus pension tLau rentian ac cension tgentian mention pension tension com pre hension pre hension rep re hension con de scension in at tention non-at tention in ex tension co ex tension ther mo tension as cension JCom plu t ensian de scension dis sension in cension JPi centian JPla centian re cension in ap pre hension Jcir censian mis ap pre hen- ab stention sion at tention pre ap pre hension de tention in com pre hen- dis tention or sion dis tensiont tClu ni a censian ex tension JPre mon stra ten- JHor tensian sianf in tension in tention con tention ob tensiont pre tension mentioned pensioned un mentioned un pensioned censured un censured censures tensuresf ensign [en & sin?] f o rensic [en & sik?] Jmensal pencelf DOTTBLK RHYMES, 73 pencil di mensive in tensely pensile [c^nshun, above] [ns, p. 75] stencil ex pensive tensile as censive com mencement pre hensile de scensive in censementf Jbi mensal dis tensive re com mence- |fo rensal ex tensive ment ex tensile in tensive u tensil os tensive tenseness sub pre hensile pro tensivet [ensll, above] non-ex tensile in de fensive self -de fensive census|| penciled or in of fensive Ja man u ensis|| pencilled un of fensive stenciled! ap pre hensive denser tensiledf com pre hensive fencer un penciled! rep re hensive censer un in flu encivef Jcensorll u tensils in ap pre hensive Jsensor [gnsfl, above] un ap pre hensive spencer in com pre hen- tenser fencing sive ttensor|| [8ns, p. 75] un com pre hen- Jsus pensor|| un dis pensing sive tin censor]] Jex tensor|| fencings fenceless ac i pencer|| [nstng, above] menseless* de f enseless! censers a man u ensis|| [ens, p. 75] [ensur, above] [('nsiis, below] densely mor dente?l| pensive tensely [e'ntY, below] tensive im mensely do lente|| de f ensive pre pensely lar ga menteil of f ensive pro pensely so a ve mentej 374 DOTTBT.E RHYMES, rentagef centage ventagef fre quentagef per centage dentate bi dentate e dentate tri dentate de mentate? os tentate? lat i dentate quin que dentate quad ri dentate de cem dentate mul ti dentate oc to dentate cur vi dentate o ri entate an gu lo-dentate e dentates [Pntat, above] at tentates or |at tentats dental Jdentil Jdentile tgentil tgentle tgentile? Jkentle Jlentil or ten e mental ex ere mental fir ma mental or na mental de part mental com pie mental com pli mental sup pie mental at ra mental sac ra mental rec re mental det ri mental in stru mental tes ta mental sen ti mental nu tri mental gov ern mental doc u mental mon u mental con ti nental im pla cental la bi o dental co in ci dental un o ri ental Jlentile mental rental trental tventail bi dental e dental cli ental ar gental Jim gentle frag mental fer mental mo mentalf pig mental ce mental scg mental sub mental Jtor mentil? pa rental pla cental lin gua dental tran seen dental ac ci dental in ci dental oc ci dental pre die a mental Jin ter dentil im ped i mental o ri ental ex per i mental lig a mental med i ca mental nid a mental un or na mental fun da mental de vel op mental ru di mental pre sen ti mental ar gu mental e mol u mental al i mental un ex peri mental el e mental reg i mental rentals DOUBLE RTtYMfcS, [gntal, above] un ce mented menthaB?!! un tor mented ne pentlie?!! {sentence un re pented re pentance un ac cented gentile? ir re pentance un con sented pentile un re pentancet o ver scented rep re sentancet mal con tented or gentiles? male con tented pentiles re pentant un con tented un re pentant un in vented benty rep re sentant un pre vented lente?l| un pre sented plenty ventafU un re sented twenty po lenta|| un rep re sented mor dente?|| mo mental] Ian guente?l| [gntum, below] sentence pla centae?l| pi menta|| [enta'ns, above] dol ce mente?l| ra nienta|| gra ve mente?|| pla cental! sentenced di a pente?|| re jec ta mental! un sentenced cog nos cente?|| cog nos centi|j rented sentest sem i-di a pente?H tented [entist, below] [grits, above] [ent, p. 76] re dented con tenteth i dentict sub dented [gnt, p. 76] ar gentic un rented cres centic un scented scentful au tlientic un tented tentful un au thentic un in dented tor mentf ulf un f re quented e ventful lentile! un re lented in ventful [entitl, above] un aug mented re sentful un fer monted un e ventful dentine un la mented un re sentful Jlenten DOtTBLK RHYMES, $1 Tri dentine ar mentine?t la mentin|| or la mentine tor rentinef ad ventinef plic i dentine os te o dentine re penting [ent, p. 76] un re lenting un re penting un con senting un re senting re pentlngs [inttng, above] penticef prentice ap prentice [entiis, below] non com pos mentisll dentist Jbentest [ent, p. 76] ap prenticed as si entist dentists [entTst, above] pen dentive gently as sentive un gently in centive in tently at tentive por tentive gentling re tentive jentling ad ventive in ventive in dentmentf pre ventive re lentmentf re sent i ve| ab sentment in at tentive as sentmentf un at tentive con tentment ir re tentive pre sentment un re tentive re sentment un in ventive dis con tentment cir cum ventive re sentments pen dentives [e'ntme'nt,above] in centives lentoll cento)) me mentoll pi mento|| as si ento|| par a mento|| bas ti mentofH cin que-cento|| kentledge a yun ta mi ento|] [ent & ledge?] re par ti mi entof pro nun ci a- scentless mento|| re lentless pro nun ci a mi- re pentless ento|| con tentless me mentos pre ventives centism anti rentism gentle [ental, above] DOTBLE PJIYMES, [SntO, above] sel e no centric or im mo mentousf se le no centric un mo mentous entrails he li o centric at ra mentous put & rails? or ped e tentousf tn & trails?] ent'ring non est in ven- centring tus| central [entftr, below] [tfntis, above] ventral self-centring ex central enter sub central entries Jlentorll bi ventral? [entrl, above] Jmentorll renter entrance? mentumll Cent, p. 76] re-entrance nn guentum|| center or lo mentumll centre tor mentress mo mentum|| Jcentaur in ventress o mentum|| Jstentoi'l pi lentum|| tenter entry per-centum|| venter gentry au ri pig men- re-enter sentry or tumll sci enter|| centryf fre quenter mis entry mo mentums fo menter re-entry [Sntum, above] ce menter tor menter or centric lentous Jtor mentor a centric cru entousf tac centor|| ec centric un guentousf $bu centaur? ex centric mo mentous dis senter con centric pig mentous con center or par a centric sar mentous con centre ho mo centric to mentous tpre centor|| ge o centric por tentous re center! Jo vi centric? fil a mentous Jsuc centor Sat ur ni centric lig a mentous in ventor or 378 DOUBLE RHYMES, 11 &p in venter penner benzole Jself-tor mentor tenor|| or ni tro benzole an ti-renter? tenour met a center coun ter tenor? p thip po centaur? lepal Jin ter ventor|| penners sepal? Jcir cum f e renter [gnfir, above] lepals entered envied sepals? [Sntur, above] un envied self -centered or ^threepence? self-centred venew?f dis crepance? un entered venue? [en & you?] jeopard dis senters leopard [Sntftr, above] tenure Jlepered non-tenure Jpeppered venture Jshepherd de benture senza|| sea-leopard? in denture ca denza|| ad venture in flu enza|] strepentt a venture Jdis crepant? co ad venture Wednesday mis ad venture [gnz & day?] steppest per ad venture mis steppest [gnchur, above] Wednesdays out steppest [gnz & days?] o ver steppest ventured [entyur, above] Jfrenzied or steppeth tphrensied [e'pe'st, above] de bentures cleansed? [entyur, above] un cleansed? lepidf ^stepped? im pennous benzine [Sp, p. 77] [enas, above] Jvenison? tepid RHYMES, 870 sub tepid in trepid epic Jepoch? or tko epic stepping [epe'st, above] de crepit [ep & it?] Jheppen* weapon? met a lepses?|| [Spsfs, below] Jmet a lepsies? [pst, below] a deptionf ab reption di reption e reptionf pro reption sub reption sur reption ac ceptionf de ception ex ception in ception con ception pro ceptiont per ception re ception sus ceptiont self-de ception mis con ception pre con ception ap per ception im per ception mis per ception in ter ception su per con cep- tion in tro re ception in tro sus ception in tus sus ception de ceptions [epshun, above] de ceptiousf ex ceptiousf con ceptiousf a pepsy? dys pepsy? eu pepsy? an a lepsy? cat a lepsy? met a lepsy? ep i lepsy? pros o po lepsy pepsin Istep-son pro lepsis|| syl lepsis|| pseu do blepsisil per i blepsis|| an a lepsis|| cat a lepsis|| met a lepsis|| ap o trepsisj ep an a lepsis|| heptade [epted, below] ac ceptance non-ac ceptance ac ceptant ex ceptant lepta|| a septa|| theptade ac cepted ex cepted un ac cepted un ex cepted in ter cepted un in ter cepted creptest Ja deptist in eptest [gpt, p. 77] 380 DOUBLE RHYMES, &p &T Jseptate de ceptive Jceriph septet or [Spshun, above] tscherif|| or septette]) pre ceptive $sherif|| or [gpt & it?] un ex ceptive JcheriffU or ir re ceptive Jshereef] ac cepteth in sus ceptive Jsheriff ex cepteth teraph in ter cepteth scepter or Jxeriff? sceptre|| Jun der sheriff peptic ac cepter or septic Jac ceptorll seraphs sceptic or Jex ceptor|| [grSf , above] skeptic Jin ceptor|| pro leptic tpre ceptor|| herald syl leptic in ter cepter Iperiled! dys peptic [grfl, below] eu peptic sceptred or co herald a septic sceptered an a leptic un sceptred! errand? cat a leptic tgcrund met a leptic scepters! ep i leptic [Sptur, above] errant an ti septic ab errant an a treptic leper Jde terrent?t a cat a leptic pepper ant ep i leptic ttepor?|| terras or gan o leptic [e'rvis, below] i a tro lepticf lepers [gpur, above] terra |i ep i leptics si erra|| [gptfk, above] r serrate |ab errance ac cepting [grit, below] trans ference? or [e'pte'th, above] trans ferrence? seraph de terrence?t DOUBLE RHYMES, 381 errest? re buried mes en teric de ferrest? un buried am pho teric [fir, p. 161] Jout-Herod phy lac teric cho les teric? ferret derrick es o teric [ertt, below] ferric ex o teric cleric ne o teric erreth? spheric mas se teric pre f erreth? su beric sci a therict [fir, p. 161] Ho meric sci o theric kra meric ho 11103 o meric cerri?|| mes meric a lex i teric flos ferri?|| nu meric an ti-ic teric ge neric berry a eerie derricks bury en teric es o terics cherry hys teric [ertk, above] ferry ic teric wherry diph theric beryl merry per i pheric ferrule? perry at mos pheric ferule? serryf v pan e gyric? peril sherry met a meric tsquirrel? skerry pol y meric sterile very i so meric tverrel re bury con ge neric im peril or un bury sub ge neric em perilt e querry? hel i spheric win ter-berry? hem i spheric periled or win ter-cherry? per i spheric perilled plan i spheric [grfl, above] berried sem i spheric buried dim ac teric? beryls ferried dys en teric [grfl, above] serried li en teric merils 882 DOUBLE RHYMES, v r OS erring? herring ab erring?f un erring? [fir, p. 161] herrings [Siing, above] cherish perish cherished perished un cherished Jferrate Jferret gueritell Jwherrett merit nerite Jserrate Jskirret? Jteretf Jterret in herit de merit tbi serrate dis in herit o ver merit merits [grit, above] berries errour buries tcrror||or [Sri, above] terrour JXeres?|| terrors! heron [erur, above] perron|| Jserin herons [Sron, above] ferrule? ferule? perule cerule?f spherule OS essay? [8s & a?] message pesage presage? ex pressage tresayle hem i spherule [esl, below] spherules re dressal [erul, above] [Ssl, below] cherup in cessant sirup? [esfent, below] cherups [erup, above] bestial? ce lestial? sub ce lestial? ferrous un ce lestial? cerrusll su per ce lestial? Jsherrist JteiTace question Jterras [gstyun, p. 389] errorll or questioned DOUBLE RHYMES, OS [e'styund, p. 389] in can descence in co a lescence re cru descence re ju ve nescence blessed? flu or escence in ef f er vescence [Ss, p. 78] ac qui escence o pal escence essenced vessel in tur gescence quin tessenced [Ssl, below] su per crescencef del i quescence hy a lescence co a lescence rev a lescence in ca lescence essence pu bescence ru bescence fron descence can descence em mol lescence qui escence tur gescence con va lescence in tu mescence ev a nescence con se nescence ju ve nescence ar bo rescence ef flo rescence in flo rescence re flo rescence phos pho res- cence del i tescence ex crescence con crescence ca lescence spu mescence se nescence tor pescence a cescence fruc tescence quin tessence? lac tescence la tescence pe trescence pu trescence ob mu tescencef de fer vescence ef fer vescence vi trescence er u bescence ir i descence or ex ac er bescence i ri descence non-ac qui es- lap i descence cence vir i descence su per ex cres- ex can descence cence Jjessant crescent tcessant al bescent her bescent pu bescent ad o lescence [esens, above] ob so lescence ru fescent ni grescent su gescentf ac crescent de crescent in crescent li quescent cau lescent ig nescent ca nescent spi nescent pa pescent vi rescent a cescent or Jas cessantt glau cescent tin cessant mar cescent ran cescent lu tescent fla vescent 384 DOUBLE RHYMES, fer vescent stressful un re freshing al ka lescent sue cessf ul a can lescent dis tressful re freshings vi o lescent un sue cessful [eshing, above] spin u lescent gan gre nescent special fleshly mat u rescent es pecial freshly suf fru tescent in ac qui escent Hessian fleshment an ti pu trescent [eshun, below] re freshment crescents nescience freshen qui escents prescience? [eshun, below] tin cessantst lap i descents freshest freshened con va lescents threshest tpro cessionedf [gsh, p. 78] dressest pressure [es, p. 78] freshet [eshur, below] [tesh & it?] cresset ^freshen messet* flesheth JHessian [esh, p. 78] pression presseth cession [6s, p. 78] meshes session [esh, p. 78] con fession cressets pro fession [&sSt, above] fleshf ulf ag gression re freshful di gression blesses e gression dresses fleshy in gression [es, p. 78] meshy con gressiont lesses pro gression vesses* re freshing re gression [Mi, p. 78] trans gression DOUBLE RHYMES, S 385 dis cretion precious blessings de pression [esh & us?] [esuig, above] ex pression im pression flesher crescive com pression fresher re dressive op pression ^pressure ag gressive re pression thresher [eshun, above] sup pression [esh, p. 78] con crescive ac cession Jtressure ex cessive in session Jcom pressure un ag gressive con cession Jcoun ter pres- im pro gressivef ob session sure? un pro gressive pos session? in ex pressive pre cession Jmessieurs?!! un ex pressive pro cession ^pressures un im pressive re cession threshers in op pressive se cession [eshur, above] un op pressive sue cession pred e cessive re tro gression? dressy un sue cessive in dis cretion jesse|| mis ex pression tressy frescadef re im pression in essell [esk & aid?] in tro pressionf de be ne esse|| dis pos session? descant? pre pos session? sessile [es & cant?] self-pos session? [esl, below] re pos session? bur lesquest su per session blessing gro tesquest in tro cession dressing [esk, p. 79] re tro cession? [es,p. 78] in ter cession un con fessing deskethf cir cum in cession un pos sessing? bur lesqueth un pre pos sess- sessions ing? deskingf [eshun, above] bur lesquing 386 DOUBLE RHYMES, eS gro tesquely Jmesole cheslips pic tu resquely nestle Jkeslops pestle gro tesqueness wrestle nestler pic tu resqueness Jsessile wrestler Jtresayle fresco trestle or nestlers Ar a bo Te desco Jtresself wrestlers [gsk&o?] Jvessel Jim becile? Jfesels escrow Jre dressal nestles [s & crow? or un nestlet [esl, above] sk & r(J?] Jsub sessile ^vessels o ver wrestle fescue chess-man rescue nestled Jchess-men [esl, above] desman fescued tdesmine rescued re dressless pressman un rescued sue cessless ^pressmen ex press-man fescues wrestlest tex press-men rescues [esl, above] cessmentt Jeschar pestleth re dressment bur lesquer [sl, above] im pressment gro tesquer as sessment nestling? ps, p. 78] bur lesquers [esl, above] re-as sessment , above] nestlings? im pressments tchessel [Ssllng, above] [gsment, above] Jdecilt or tdecile cheslip lessen Jmesself |keslop lesson DOUBLE RHYMES, CS 387 Jpesane testa|| mo lestful vestall [est, p. 79] lessened po desta|| lessoned si esta|| testy un lessened zen da vesta|| Jtestae?|| un lessonedf westy* po destas yesty mesole [e'sta' , above] [esl, above] prestige?! breasted vestige tdespot vested respite [est, p. 79] gestic un rested as bestic Jdespots un tested a grestic respites un in fested ma jestic in di gested te lestict hesper|| un di gested te lestich? vesper|| un re quested do mestic un mo lested al ka hestic hespers un ar rested un ma jestic vespers un at tested cat a chrestic in con tested un do mestic Jsestet or un con tested an am nestic Jsestett or un pro tested an a pestic tsestettejl un di vested testate un in vested do mestics in testate [estik, above] ab in testate rest est [&st, p. 79] destine festal Jclit ston vestal testeth tteston||t [fat, p. 79] as bestine gestantf Jse bcsten restant jestful clan destine con testant restful pre destine 388 DOUBLE KHYMES, ce lestine? westlingf pa IsestraH in testine nestlings? tbreast-rails destined westlingsf kestrels pre destined [e'stra'l, above] un destined vestment sug gestment?f t oestrus? || vesting ar restment Jlestrisll westing di vestmentt sug gestress? [est, p. 79] in vestment an cestress? un resting re-in vestment un de testing estrich vestments [est & rich?] vestings [e'stme'nt, above] westings estridge [e'stmg, above] presto || [&t & ridge?] man i festoj] destines or chestric [gstm, above] cheston [Sstrft, above] [Sstm, above] festive lestrisll restive se questrate [estres, above] in festivef fe nestrate di gestive ma estro|| con gestive Jbreast-rail [est & ro?] sug gestive? Jkestrel in vestivef [estrelz, below] oestrum?!! un sug gestive? fe nestral se questrumll cam pestral crestless an cestral? oestrus? || restless [estres, above] con testless cestra?!! [est, p. 79] [estrum, below] cestusU or chestra?|| as bestous nestling? pa lestra or Jas bestos|| or DOtTBLE KHYMES, s 380 as bestus|| [estfir, above] [estyur, above] fester test-word cu pressus|| Jgestorf westward con sessusjl jester tqusestor?|| or bestial? dresser Jquestor [eschal, above] lesser pester Jlessor? presterf question cesser or tester di gestion cessor yester 6 gestion con fesser se quester in gestion con fessor?|| sa mester or con gestion pro fessor|| sa mestre sug gestion? ag gressor|| se mester|| in di gestion e gressor tri mester pre di gestion trans gressor|| ar rester or mis sug gestion? Jco lessor Jar restor de pressor at tester or questioned com pressor tat testor un questioned op pressor|] Jin vestor sup pressor|l south wester con gestions du ressor o ver pester [gstyun, above] as sessor|| in sessor]] festered esturet con sessor||t [e'sttir, above] gesture pos sessor? || vesture sue cessor? || hesternf pur presture or co-as sessor testern pour presture pred e cessor western di vesturef dis pos sessor? yestern pre pos sessor? north-western gestured an te cessor|| south-western vestured in ter cessor|| un der pos sessor? pesters gestures 22* 390 DOtTBLE RHYMES, &S op pressors gettest a weather [Ssur, above] [t, p. 80] al to gether Jdi e tetist o ver weather messuage [&S & wage?] letteth feathered [t, p. 80] [triur, above] creswell un feathered [& & well?] bretfulf un tethered fretful pressure threatful weathers [e'shftr, above] for getf ul [e*tliftr, above] re gretf ul t un for getful betty or metal? betteef [8tl, below] bethel*|| fretty ethelf jetty or gam betta|| Jmethyl? or jetteelJ co detta|| Jmethyle netty?H bur letta|| petit?! ar i etta|| breathfulf petty deathful pretty? gam bettas sweaty [Sta, above] breathless con cettill deathless debted fetid! Jfetid or (tn) [gtSd, above] tfoetid feather petted heather metic? [, p. 80] whether ta betic in debted leather aux etic un fretted nether no etic un a betted tether po etic un in debted weather Ja phetic un re gretted wether pro phetic in ter fretted to gether Gan getic DOTtBLE RHYMES, &t 301 syn cretic? di a betic an aes thetic! ath letic al pha betic ep i thetic au letict as yn detic cos mo thetic bo letic ge o detic nom o thetict col letic ab i etic syni pa thetic e metic al o etic un pa thetic her metic un po etic hy po thetic or co metic un pro phetic hyp o thetic cos metic ex e getic an ti thetic mi metic? en er getic di a no etic pho netic syn er getic chy lo po etic fre netic? or cat e chetic myth o po etic phre netic? horn i letic a pol o getic ge netic am u letic in en er getic ki netic ant e metic an ti e metic mag netic par e neticf log a rith metic sple netic? un mag netic met a ge netic thre netic di ar rhetic or pol y ge netic? her petic di ar rhcetic his to ge netic phlo retic ap y retic di a mag netic ou retic cath e retic par a mag netic u retic is chu retic an ti sple netic? a cetic? anch o retic di a pho retic as cetic Mas o retic un the o retic dip setic pleth o retic an ti py retic Do cetic the o retic pyr o a cetic? syn tetic em po retic per i pa tetic ze tetic syn te retic ag o no thetic ba theticf di u retic the o pa thetic dys thetic e qui setic or un sym pa thetic ses thetic or eq ui setic an ti pa thetic es thetic di e tetic pol y syn thetic pa thetic ap a thetic ga lac to poi etic pros thetic ep en thetic un a pol o getic syn thetic par en thetic e lee tro-mag- 392 DOUBLE RHYMES, netic kettle nettlers id i o pa thetict metal? settlers o nom a to po- mettle etic or on o- nettle kettles mat o po etic Jpetal [Stl, above] Jcetyle po etics settle hetman e metics re settle [St & man?] [etfk, above] un settle py retics hetman's cyn e getics nettled [et & man's?] strat e getics [etl, above] phon as cetics dis mettledt a betment [et, p. 80] etym debtless re vetment [$t & him?] [gt & less?] a betments betting nettlest [etmc-iit, above] [, p. 80] [8tl, above] bletting fretten retting settleth threaten un setting [etl, above] un sweating threatened settling un threatened frettings [etl, above] [Sting, above] setness settlings wetness lettuce [Stling, above] tprin cettas Ghetto|| fetlock jetteau pettish [et & 15k?] pettoll wettish li bretto] co quettish nettler du etto|| settler lar ghetto|| fettle* sti lettoll DOUBLE RHYMES, et 393 pal metto cli no metric no netto|| ge o metric fer retto|| chron o metric bas setto|| [Smitftr, p. 715] fal setto] log o metric con cetto|| mon o metric quin tetto|| ped o metric ses tetto|| rhe o metric sex tetto stich o metric ca vetto|| py ro metric or cor vetto pyr o metric ter zetto|| hyp so metric am a detto i so metric al le gretto|| or tho metric laz a retto|| pho to metric vol u metric sti lettoed mon o di metric [Bt & od?] cy lin do metric ca lor i metric li brettos en dos mo metric [e"to, above] trig o no metric o zo no metric metric eii di o metric tetrict mag net o metric di metric go ni o metric tri metric a re o metric [fmftur, p. G89] ste re o metric or ob stetric ster e o metric di a metric a er o metric hex a metric i so bar o metric [Smltur, p. 627] hy dro metric hy gro metric plan i metric ther mo metric pres tezza|| mor bi dezza|| ca detship [et & ship?] Petzite [& & sit?] betso|| mezzo?|| in ter mezzo?|| [St & so?] better bettor debtor fetter fretter [gt, p. 80] jetter letter setter tetter a better or a bettor be detter en fetterf un fetter belles-lettres|| un der setter fettered [gtur, above] un lettered betters [e'tu'r, above] 394 DOUBLE RHYMES, fretwork chevy tLevyne network heavy tplevinf clevy seven v levee?|| yevenf bevel? levy e leven Jbevile re plevy tre plevin Jdevil o ver heavy o ver leaven? kevel level levied leavened revel un levied [Svn, above] Jbe devil re plevied un leavened Jsea-devil? un level bevile seventh di shevel? [e've'l, above] e leventh Jdem i-devil? re plevin sevenths leveled or [Svn, below] e levenths levelled [eVel, above] clevis leavens un leveled! crevice [eVn, above] crevis* revels ever [eVel, above] levies clever [gvl, above] lever? cheven never [eVn, below] bevel? sever devil en deavor or crevet [eVel,. above] en deavour levetf for ever trevet* tcheven who ever heaven how ever crevets leaven wher ever [8v8t, above] levenf when ever |leven* whence everf bevy Jlevinf which ever DOUBLE RHYMES, &V la 395 what ever so ever mi never? as severf dis sever who so ever pheasants whom so ever [ezant, above] whose so ever ^present treasures sea-pheasant? [gzhur, above] un pleasant Jbezanll resin mu ezzin o le o-resin torn ni present how so ever bezel? resins where so ever [fczl, below] [8zm, above] when so ever whence so ever tpleasance? bezel? which so ever presence . bezzlef what so ever om ni presence em bezzle or whith er so ever plu ri presencef im bezzlet mul ti presence severed gesling* ten deavored! present em bezzling dis severed [ezant, above] un severed la un dis severed leisure? liagef measure viaget levers? pleasure [eVur, above] treasure striate mis measure [iSt, below] Sz out measure bezan|| re measure la [gzln, below] dis pleasure dyad un treasure dryad pleasance? o ver measure triad [e'z&ns, below] Jtried? measured [I, p. 82] pheasant [Szhur, above] Jer e miad or peasant un leisured? |Jer e miadeJl pleasant un measured 396 1 DOUBLE RHYMES, la la dryads iambs? o le fiant? [ld, above] lyamsf self -re liant in com pliant Dyak? Chian - el e giac? [I5n, p. 409] giants [Ifint, above] dial ^science phial af fiance bias gyall de fiance dry as || tnihilll al liauce Jdryos prial re liance eyas rial? ap pliance lias)) ryal com pliance niasf or trial Jin science?! nyasf vial mis al liance Jpious Jviol re al liance trias sub dialf self -re liance un bias de crial dis com pliance Mes sias?l[ de nial in com pliance Jni si prius?|| es pial non-com pliance Jan ti bac chius? || pa rial mis trial Jlionced biased! Jbass-viol? or Jsciencedf p&t, below] Jbase-viol? af fianced self -de nial un af fianced fiat?|| [Ie% below] dialed or giant dialled Jclient la phialed! pliant Shiah?|| af fiant stria?|| trials de fiant via?|| [lal, above] ' re liant du lia?|| com pliant Mes siah|| iamb? un pliant la tria?|| lyamf Jin scient? as the nia?|] DOUBLE RHYMES, la Id 397 psy chi a tria?|| [Ib, p. 83] fibrous sub fibrous byard twibil Jhired [Ibel, above] briber [ir, p. 88] fibre or liard?f im bibing fiber [Ib, p. 83] giber Ib un sub scribing [Ib, p. 83] tribal liber?|| [Ibel, below] im bibings [IbTng, above] fibered or ibex?|| fibred [I & becks?] bible [I & bird?] [ibSl, above] tbible bribers libel bribeless [Ibftr, above] Jtribal [Ib & less?] Jtwibil ich be libel librate righteous? in ter libel vibrate self-righteous? re vibrate un righteous? libeled or e qui librate o ver righteous? libelled [Ibel, above] librates Id [Ibrat, above] Friday libels [Idl, below] [Ib81, above] fibril Jlibralf guidage Jlibantf hidage or de scribent pibroch? hydage Jtribrach bribest bridal fib, p. 83] pibrochs? tbridle Jtribrachs didal as cribeth iidle DOUBLE KIIYMES, Td Jidol de cided side-wheels Jidyl? [Id, p. 84] tide-wheels Jsidle un de rided tidal un de cided JFriday Jtwidle? in di vided tidy Jun bridle un di vided tydyt Jun idle un pro vided vide?H co-tidal un tidy horn i cidal? Jdidym prop a gan da fi- reg i cidal idem?|| de?|| su i cidal? Jquidam?! frat ri cidal? i bidem?H idyl? mat ri cidal? [Idal, above] par ri cidal strident pat ri cidal? trident riding sep ti cidal Jdi vidantf [id, p. 84] lu ni tidal? tridingf loc u li cidal hidest un a biding ty ran ni cidal fid, p. 84] un de ciding fis tu lidan bideth ridings [idn, below] [Id, p. 84] [Idmg, above] sidings guidance prideful tidings a bidancef [Id & full?] mis guidance tidies Jsub sidence side-gate [Idez, above] tide-gate fides?]] bridle Jtidies side-gates [Idal, above] Jtydiesf tide-gates bridled ttidied side-wheel [Idl, above] un chided tide-wheel un guided guideless DOUBLE RHYMES, id 1 idlesst or piedness didus?|| idlessef wideness nidus?|| pridelessf tideless widens glider [Idn, above] hider idlest eider|| [Idl, above] dido?|| rider [I & do?] ryder sidleth cider or [Idl, above] didos cyderf [I & doz?] sider idly spider widely idol Jstridorll [Idal, above] out rider? bridling sea-spider? [Idl, above] hydrate pro vider sideling [Id & rate?] . [Id, p. 84] sidling hydrant spiders bridlings [Id & rant?] [Idur, above] [Idling, above] hydra?H brides-man bridler clep sydra?|| Jbrides-men idler sidesman hydras? 1 Jsidesmen bridlers clep sy drae?| tidesman idlers Jtidesmen pol y hydrite widen [Id & rtt?] le |te thydan skyey |fis tu lidan hydrous striae?! hydrus?|| vige?|( widened an hydrous un widened en hydrous 1^ science [la'ns, above] If trifled biform [ifl, above] client pliform un rifled [lant, above] triform un stifled Jbiased or Jfifed? lifeless Jbiassed [If, p. 84] wifeless [la's, above] bifid driest trifid triflest highest sub trifid [ifl, above] [I, p. 82] }el e giast? hyphen stifleth tlifenf [Ifl, above] diet |siphon|| or tflatq Jsyphon lifelike Jeyot? JTyphonll . un wif elike quiet |triphane|| piet or lifelyt tpiot or hyphens rifely tpyot [Ifgn, above] wifely Jriot JryotU fifest stifling Jstriate rifest [Ifl, above] dis quiet [If, p. 84] un trifling un quiet Jmul ti striate lifeful stiflings strifeful [Ifllng, above] sigheth [I, p. 82] fifing rifler tgo liath] |knifing [Ifl, above] diets rifle riflers [iSt, above] stifle [Iflur, above] trifle trifles DOUBLE RHYMES, If it 401 [Ifl, above] au ri^a? i digram quad riga?|| trigram siphon! [Ifen, above] diglyph digrams triglyph trigrams siphoid mon o triglyph? typhoid migrant xiphoid? diglyphs [I & grant?] [Iglif, above] scyphus?|| nigrine or Jtyphos?iit ru bigo?|| nigrin typhous lo ligo?|| tigrine typhus?|| mel ligo?|| ser pigo?f|| Jligure? bifer?|| pru rigo?|| tiger fifer len tigo?|| man tiger? rifer ver tigo?|| cipher im pe tigo?|| Ih de cipher in ter trigo?|| heigh-ho [I & ho? ; lo, p. ciphered bygone 1 408] de ciphered Jligan un de ciphered trigon fl trygon|| skyey flfers [le, above] [If fir, above] migrate re migrate? dying dryfoot [I & grfft?] dyeing [I &^foot?] frying digraph [I, p. 82] IT trigraph snying trigoin tying au rigal digraphs vying trigraphs un dying biga?|] un sighing 402 DOUBLE RHYMES, it lk o ver lying non-com plying un com plying fryings [Img, above] dryish skyishf bigse?|| [Igii, above] hygiene? Jtrigyn digest? o bligest? dis o bligest? [I & jest?] o bliges? dis o bliges? o bliging? dis o bliging? un o bliging? un dis o bliging? o bligement?t dis o bligement? o bliger? dis o bliger? Ik plicate spicate bi plicate? ses qui plicate? Iglycol Jcycle I si clef psychal in i mical? mica|| pica|| plica?j| spica?|| trica?|| e rica?|| lo rica?| my rica?]| lee tica?l| bicorn tricorn dicast high-caste? [Ike'st, below] psyche?|| [Ikl, below] lichened? ^likened [Ik & end?] tdicast [Ikast, above] likest [Ik, p. 85] striketh [Ik, p. 85] likehoodf [Ik & hood?] psyche?|| spiky psychic [I & kick?] psychics [I & kicks?] liking [Ik, p. 85] viking likings [Iking, above] pikelet* spikelet pikelets* spikelets likely ob liquely? un likely cycloid ep i cycloid Jeikon?|| or Jicon?||t Jlichen?|| liken dis liken un likenf likeness [Iktf, above] fico?|| mico?|| en deictic ep i deictic ap o deictic ficus?|| |cycas?|| spicous Jon o brychis?|| diker [Ik, p. 85] |ichor?|| dikers [Ikftr, above] RHYMES, Ik Jnon liqiiet?] si quis?|| Jin iquousf Tl milage or mileage pilage lilac or lilach [l&lSk?] Jshylock lilacs! [Ilak, above] smilax?|| [Ileks, below] Jguylenedf highland [I & land?] island Tl 463 mildest wildest un mildest childingf wilding childish [lid, p. 86] childlyf mildly wildly mildness [Ildll, above] bileduct chyle-duct aisled? filed? [II, p. 85] Jeyelid [Ilum, below] phylarch sky-lark phylarchs sky-larks silex?|| pet ro silex?|| or pe tro silex?|| [Ilaks, above] silenced un silenced liquate childestf smilest 404 [ DOUBLE RHYMES, ll Jstylist slily kyloes vilest Jvilely plo, above] [11, p. 85] wily an cile?|| bilestone eyelet un wily milestone islet o ver highly tile-stone Jpilot stylet filing milestones [11, p. 85] piston, above] de fileth hilingf [11, p. 85] * lnlum?|| filings whilomt islets [Iltng, above] pilum?] [!!&, above] a sylum|| guileless guileful smileless Jeyeless wileful plus, below] chylous pilous skylight de filement stylus?|| stylite be guilement de pilous? twilight ex ilement pile's, above] xylite com pilement re vilement filar skylights re com pilement filer [Hit, above] rec on cilement? [11, p. 85] ir rec on cilement? hilar dryly or stilar or drily de filements stylar highly [Ilme'nt, above] tiler kyleyll tyler nighlyt shiloh|| de filer rily silo a stylar shyly or sub stylar or shily bilobed sub stilar slyly or trilobed u ni filar? DOUBLE KHYMES, H In 405 cy clo stylar timan?|| primely Jpieman timely filers piemen sub limely [ilur, above] tprimine un timely vimen?|| Im Ji so chimene primeness climate fal si crimen?|| sub limeness primate JzaimetU climbest Jdrimys?|| ac climate Jrhymist chymous con climatef ttimist limous e limatef [Imists, below] primus?) arch primate sub limest rimous [Im, p. 86] Jcimiss climates cymous [Imat, above] rhymeth Jcymose? [Im, p. 86] simous climaxll thymus?|| limax?|| grimy timoust an ti climaxll limy Jim primis?! rimy primal slimy chimer i so cheimal or thymy climber i so chimal primer? i so crymal priming rhymer [Im, p. 86] rimer rima?|| [Im, p. 86] cyma?|| or primings scrimerf sirna?] [Immg, above] |symar ec thyma?|| rhymists climbers Jflyman [Imest, above] [Imur, above] flymen highmen rhymeless In hymen?|| timeless Mnate 406 DOUBLE RHYMES, In kinate an ti clinals dat u rina?|| Jcrinet jam a cina?|| quinate dynam er y thryna?|| e chinate? [Inum, below] Bi o tina?|| in fra spinate ver a trina?|| china? al va-ma rina?|| pinax?||f quina?|| [Ine'ks, below] mina?|| dinar|| um brina?|| [Inftr, below] binalf pru ina?|| final the ina?|| blinded crinalf an gina?|| grindedf Jcrinel sa gina?|| minded rhinal va gina?|| [ind, p. 87] spinal she kinah?|| or un minded Jspinel? she chinah?|| un re minded trinal tri china?l| va ginal? quin quina?|| findest syn clinal sa.lina?|| [ind, p. 87] en crinal tel lina?|| e quinal strych nina?|| bindeth ca ninal fa rina?|| [Ind, p. 87] pis cinal? ca rina?|| vi cinal? tho rina?|| blindfold pre spinal dra cina?|| un blindfold i so clinal glu cina?|| an ti clinal pis cina?l| mindful med i cinal? vac cina?|| re mindful su pra spinal jan thina?|| un mindful in ter spinal vi trina?|| [ind & full?] mat u tinal jer vina?|| pseu do-china? binding Jcrinels pal u dina?|| [ind, p. 87] ^spinels? me an drina?|| syn clinals sol a nina?|| bindings DOUBLE KHYMES, Til 407 [Indfng, above] high-necked cy prini?|| wrynecked [Intis, below] kindlessf mindless crinel quinine? rindless [Inal, above] [I & nine?] blindly ad finem?|| finite kindly [Inum, below] crinite [Ind, p. 87] pinite? dryness or plat y crinite blindness driness kindness Jfinis?|| . briny [tod, p. 87] highnesf |minae?|| dis kindness wryness miny o ver kindness shyness or piney shiness piny binder slyness! shiny blinder Jspinous sine?|| grinder spryness spiny hinder? [I, p. 82; tone's tiny? or [Ind, p. 87] & Intis, below] tynyt viny binders dinest winy [Indur, above] tdynast cas sine?|| finest pav o ninae?!! minse?|| [In, p. 86] [ml, below] lining pineth pining high-neck [In, p. 86] re pining Jkinic [In, p. 86] Jpinic de signful? un con fining wryneck [in & full?] un de clining un re pining tpinax?IJt del phini?!! un de signing? wrynecks e chini?|| 408 DOUBLE KHYMES, In TO linings kino?|| e chinus?)! [mlng, above] crino?|| de clinous rhino sa linousf cynips?|l al bino? cy prinus?|| Je cliinops?|| ju re di vino?]| gy rinus?l| Jbi spinose brinish spinose? thyl a cinus?|| swinish [Inus, below] in ter spinous ser pen tinous? wineless clinoid [Ine's & InneX con fineless? crinoid above] de signless kinoyle tdinar|| finely [In & oil?] finer in dignly [in, p. 86] con dignly swine-stone liner ma lignly wine-stone miner be nignly minor)] su pinely tdynam signer di vinely crinum?|| ma ligner [In, p. 861 tad finem?|| de signer? tho rinum?|| con signer or con finement glu cinum?|| con signor? re finement pla tinum?|| di viner a lignment pet ro se linum?H as signment me di as tinum?|| miners con signment [Inftr, above] re signment binous [in, p. 86] minus?|| Io pinus?|| Jheigh-ho fineness sinus?|| io?|| [Intf, above] Jspinose? Clio?|| sa lineness spinous trio?l| su per fineness? vinous pnes, above] del phinus?|| ios? DOUBLE RHYMES, 15 lp 409 [lo, above] my lo-hyoid con dis ciple sty lo hyoid Jar che typal? 16 viol Ip dis cipled [lal, p. 396] biped un dis cipledf striped? Jhyenf [Ip, p. 88] ripen Jeyenf Jtripod? o ver ripen ion? || par al lei o piped? JChian ripened Jlien? bipeds Jstipend lion [Iped, above] un ripened cion or o ver ripened scion stipend Jstyanf or [Ipnd, below] ripeness Jstianf un ripeness Zion|| pipest o ver ripeness sea-lion ripest JTha lian [Ip, p. 88] hypo tco niine typo . tHa waiian wipeth JPar a guayan [lp, p. 88] triposil JHim a layan Jbrach y typous dan de lion? gripeful pad e lion [ip & full?] cypress [I & press?] lions striping cypres|| [I5n, above] [lp, p. 88] $cypris|| ttriens?] Jcyprusllt stripings sum rner-cypress riot [Iping, above] [let, p. 400] griper Jstipel hyper|| orf hyoid Jtypal piper pyoid dis ciple riper DOUBLE EHYMES, Ip IF viper as pirant? ireful wiper ex pirant gyrefulf Jsein per virentf de sirefulf pipers [Ipur, above] spirants Ca biri?fl cipers [Irimt, above] ca chiri?|| pa pyri?|| Ir lyra?|] irate he gira?|| or irite gyrate he jira?|l Ar to tyrite lyrate pal myra?l| [I & rlt?] pirate e peira?H de liratef fiery? cir cum gyrate?! tiredness firyt le vo gyrate re tiredness eyrie? or eyry? hyrax?|| bireme miry styrax?|| trireme squiryf spiry gyralf biremes wiry pyralf triremes trans ire?l spiral en quiry or tstyrole siren! U in quiry Jvirile? [Ir6n, below] un miry sus piral ve nire?]| con cho-spiral direst prsem u nire?|] or mul ti spiral hirest prem u nire [Ir, p. 88] spirals Jirised firing sus pirals Jlyrist? [ir, p. 88] un tiring gyrantf tireth un in quiring spirant [ir, p. 88] un ad miring tyrant un as piring Jvirent direful un de siring DOUBLE KHYMES, IF IS 411 firings Jhirenf pa pyrus?|| [Irmg, above] iron? de sirous gyron?|| un de sirous dirish Jsiren?|| or [ir, p. 88] tsyren direr Irish Jtyranf con spirer en viron [ir, p. 88] in quiries! lep i do siren? || [Irt, above] con spirers ironed? [Irur, above] fireless en vironed hireless Is tireless irons? ice-boat de sireless [IrQn, above] ad vice-boat direly fireship ice-boats squirely squireship ad vice-boats en tirely or in tirelyf fireships dice-box squireships ice-box hireling tirelingt fire-stone ice-bird irestone [is & bird?] ac quirement re quirement fire-stones Nicene re tirement irestones an te nicene [I & sen?] ac quirements tiresome [Irme'nt, above] [Ir & sum?] crises)] phthises?! direness |iris?|| en tireness irousf licensed pyrus?|| re licensed tiro?|| virus?!! un licensed tyro?|| a pyrous? 412 DOUBLE KHYME8, IS It nicest de cisive thyson pricest in cisive tnisan|| [is, p. 89] di visive tptisan? in de cisive or spliceth un de cisive hyssop? [is, p. 89] cic a trisive? [is & up?] prices priceless dicer [is, p. 89] [Is & less?] geyser? keiser|l nisi?|| nicely nicer veni vidi vici?|| in cisely [is, p. 89] con cisely Jin cisor?|| eyesight pre cisely Weissite dicers ice-man [isur, above] icy tice-men misy vice-man It niseyf tvice-men pightel* spicy cital SpiC86?|| en ticement ttitle e ricae?l| [Is & meant?] vital lee ticae?|| ma rital? niceness re cital icing [IslI, above] re quital en ticing tdis title [is, p. 89] trispast ten title or [is & past?] tin titlet en ticings tmis title [Islng, above] diestock de trital [I & stock?] mis re cital crisis!] tdis en title phthisis?!] bison? to ver title bissonf in ter vital de risive grison e lee tro- vital DOUBLE RHYMES, it 413 vitals un con dited kitefoot [ital, above] un af frighted light-foot un re quited white-foot Titan un de lighted [It & foot?] [Itn, below] un be nighted un ig nited knighthood Jre nitent un u nited [It & hood?] ex citant? un ex cited in citant un in cited (th) fore-re cited blithest ba ryta?|| un in vited tithest ne rita?|| o ver de lighted [rth, p. 91] o ver ex cited o phites?|| kytheth* phrag mites?|| item [Itti, p. 91] . ba rytes?|| [Itiim, below] Qui rites?|| writhing py rites?| brightest [Itll, p. 91] so rites?|| lightest tithing or as cites?|| [It, p. 90] tythingt pra sites? || trithing? trog lo dytes?|| smiteth tym pa nites?|| [It, p. 90] writhings a e tites?|| tithings [Itls, below] frightful [Itnmg, above] lightfulf whited rightful blitheness nighted sightfulf litheness [It, p. 90] spiteful un blighted de lightf ul blithesome un frighted un rightful lithesome? un lighted de spiteful un plighted [It, p. 90] blither un cited un de lightful either? un in dieted lither 414 DOUBLE RHYMES, it neither? co litis?|| dys en te ritis?|| tither phre nitis?H mes en te ritis?j| sple nitis?|| per i os i flighty i ritis?|| ex o gas tritis?|| lightyf neu ritis?|| mity pleu ritis?|| bright ish mighty glos sitis?|| whitish slighty ar thritis?|| kitish al mighty mas titis?|| lightish un mightyf o titis?!| nightisli a qua-vit8e?|| cys titis?|| Mid i an itish? ar bor vitae?|| Jde tritus?|| Ish ma el itish? lig num-vit8e?|| gas tritis?|| Is ra el itish? pen den te lite?H cer e britis?|| ton sil itis?|| title biting phar yn gitis?|| [It ill, above] [It, p. 90] lar yn gitis?|| whiting men in gitis?|| titled spriting ceph a litis?|| [Ital, above] re biting my e litis?|| un titled un writing ret i nitis?!! un in viting pneu mo nitis?|| frightless col o nitis?|| lightless bitings tym pa nitis?|| sightless [ItTng, above] ar te ritis?|| [It, p. 90] en te ritis?|| tsitus?|| hep a titis?|| knightly vitis?|| stom a titis?|! nightly phle bitis?|| par o titis?|| sightly car ditis?|| en do car ditis?|| sprightly or me phitis?|| per i car ditis?|| spritelyt ne phritis?|| u re ter itis?|| up rightly? bron chitis?|| en cepli a litis?|| [It, p. 90] ra chitis?|| par a phre nitis?|[ un sightly tra chitis?! per i to nitis?|| un sprightly DOUBLE RHYMES, It 415 in dictment or lightning nitrous en dictmentf tight'ning citrus?|| in ditement [Itn, above] hy po nitrous de sightment ex citement lightnings brightsome in citement [Itnmg, above] lightsome o ver ex citement de lightsome brightens un lightsome ex citements [Itn, above] [Itme'nt, above] titem?|| ditone tqui tarn? || brighten tritone ba rytum? Jphyton?!) dem i-ditone pie bis citum?|| frighten hem i-ditone ad infinitum?|| heighten or sem i-ditone highten [It5n, below] liter or whiten litre?l[ Jchitine ditones lighter tchiton?|| [Item, above] miter or lighten mitre?H rightenf chiton?|| niter or tntan [Itn, above] nitre?|| tighten reiter|| itriton?|| nitrate righter en lighten or titrate writer in lightenf [It, p. 90] nitrates in dieter or brightened titrates Jin dictor [Itn, above] un mitre! un brightened nitrite un whitened [It & rlt?] mitredl un en lightened un mitred! nitric brightness [I & trick?] writers [Itll, above] [Itur, above] 416 DOUBLE RHYMES, It IV nightward friar nivalf rightward frier rival higher ar chival? figbtwite eyer sa lival? [It & wight?] crier! ar rival liar co rival or whitewashed lier cor rival un whitewashed plyer! out rival prier ses tival or righteous prior|| es tival [lohus, above] cyar|| re vival tiarf sur vival 111 tier?|| [iv, p. 91] triumphed [ir, p. 88] non-ar rival un triumphed trier or sub stan tival? trior lion? de fieri rivaled or [l5n,- above] sub prior|| rivalled out rivaled! lionced briered un rivaled! Jscienced hired? [ir, p. 88] bivalve pious Jliardt trivalve [I&S, above] [lard, p. 31)7] bivalves Ift iron? trivalves buyer [I & urn?] brier ar rivals drier or pliers or [Ivitl, above] dryer plyers dyer or [Iiir, above] con nivance dierf ar rivaneef fiar* TV con trivance flier or private sur vivancef flyer [Jlv & it?] DOUBLE RHYMES, IV 1Z 417 sa liva?|| un en livened byword sem per viva?j| Jskyward ad vivum?|| drivest sem per vivum?|| ly [iv, p. 91] Ha waiian ac clivous? [Ion, above] thriveth de clivous [iv, p. 91] pro clivousf 1Z sa livous? Jsizel ivied or ap prizal ivyed diver com prisal tde prived? [iv, p. 91] re prisal [iv, p. 91] livre?|| sur prisal livorllf re visa! striving shriver en do rhizal [iv, p. 91] skiver ex o rhizal or un thriving sliver? ex or rhizal un con niving stiver] su per visal un con triving wiver con niver re prisals strivings re viver or [izal, above] [Ivlng, above] re vivor sur viver or bisa?| or hiveless sur vivor biza?|| livelessf co ryza?|| wivelesst divers o ryza?|| [Ivftr, above] pe ziza?|| lively em ber iza?|| wivelyf Iw en do rhiza?|| un lively byway ex o rhiza?|| or highway? ex or rhiza?|| JSivan?H glyc yr rhiza?|| en liven meiwell xan tho rhiza?|| [I & well?] en livened sizar 418 DOUBLE RHYMES, IZ [Izfir, below] men?] as sizor* in cisor|| nizey ap prizement Jsub sizar* sizy as sizement ad viser co ryzae?|i bap tizementf de viser; [lzft, above] ad visement de visor; ag gran dize- di visor prizest ment? pro visor|| wisest ad ver tisement? re viser [iz, p. 92] ad ver tiser? ad ver tisements? im pro viser despiseth [Izme'nt, above] su per visor [Iz, p. 92] al le go rizer bison? prizes Jdizen? ad visers [iz, p. 92] tbe dizen? [Izur, above] re prizes! ho rizon ib up rising hyssop? ribald de vising [Iz & up?] pbld, below] [iz, p. 92] self-suf ficing en do rhizous glibbest un dis guising ex o rhizous or cribbest un bap tizing ex or rhizous [ft, p. 92] [Iz & us?] de visings gibbet [Izftig, above] guiser libbet* Kaiser|| scribbet wisely miser zibet un wisely prizer Jex hibit o ver wisely Jsizar Jin hibit sizer tpro hibit ex ciseman wiser Jre-ex-hibit Jex cisemen e lisor [Iz & man or as sizer dibbeth HflYMES, ft> foil 419 tlb, p. 92] nibbled tran scribbler pbl, above] gibbets tribald Scribblers pbe% above] pblfir, above] ribless Sibyl pb & less?] nibbles pbl, below] [Ibl, above] Jbiblist cribbing scribblest tribute ribbing [Ibl, above] at tribute prb, P . 92] dis tribute driblet or con tribute cribbings dribblet re tribute! [Iblng, above] giblet re dis tribute triblet exhibit tributes [tbeX above] quibbleth pbyut, above] [Ibl, above] tchibbal or gibbon Jchibbol or giblets Jribanf or Jcibol pbl&, above] ribbon dibble dribble glibly bibber fribble trebly? fibber kibble or prb, P . 92] tkibbel scribbling gibber cribble pbl, above] glibber quibble jibber nibble kibblings tsibyl scribblings bibbers scribble pbllng, above] pbur, above] thribble* * treble? bibler ich be scribble scribbler fiched? or [Tbl, above] fitched? 420 DOUBLE EHYMES, Xcll pitched? riches ca priccio?![ [Teh, p. 93] pell, p. 93] pas ticcio?|| hitchel itchy Id mitchell* pitchy riddance stitchel for biddancet switchel breeching? itching hiddest hitchels witching pd, p. 93] pchel, above] Pch, p. 93] middestf kitchen itchings biddeth lichen? || pchlng, above] riddeth Pd, p. 93] kitchenedt itchless lichened? pch & less?] biddy pch & end?] giddy en richment kiddy kitchens be witchment middy lichens? sfiddy* en richments widdy* pitchest pchmSnt, above] richest Sa hidic pch, p. 93] fitchew Dru idic pt & yu? or Ich ju riclic fitchet & yu?] chlo ridic knitchett or Da vidic Jknitchitt ditcher al de hydic? Pch & it?] micher?t e la idic or pitcher el a idic be witcheth richer pyr a midic Pch, p. 93] Pch, p. 93] idyl? breeches ditchers pdl, below] ditches pchftr, above] DOUBLE RIIYMES, M if 421 bidding diddling bidder prd, P . 93] kidling didder midding* middling kidder [Ml, above] ridder biddings tidder pding, above] kidlings for bidder pdltng, above] con sider middies re con sider pdl, above] fiddler pdl, above] con sidered diddle re con sidered fiddle fiddlers un con sidered griddle pdl fir, above] Jidyl? bidders kiddle griddles pdfir, above] quiddle pdl, above] middle hideous? piddle bidden per fidious? riddle pa, p. 93] in sidious? tiddle* midden* fas tidious? twiddle slidden in vidious? un riddle un bidden pjiis, below ; un chidden idms, p. 679] fiddled un hidden [idl, above] un ridden If un for bidden sniffest lidless stiffest [id & less?] kidnap [if, p. 94] ; [Id & nap?] Jhi er o glyphist? fiddlest pdl, above] kiddow whiffeth widow [if, p. 94] riddleth pdl, above] kiddows jiffy or widows gi% .24 DOUBLE RTIYMKS, cliffy spe cific hi er o glyphic cms tific un sci en tific glyphic lac tific mor bific nio tific spe cities ru bific pon tific su do rifles ta bific pe trific pfik, above] fe brific vi vific gran dificf ten e brific beaufin? or tri glyphic lap i dific biffin de ific an a glyphic griffin or al gificf di a glyphic Jgriffon lu crific chem i glyphic ^stiffen sa crific lith o glyphic tiffin chy lific phy to glyphic mel lific pho to glyphic skiffing pro lific or gan ific W P. 94] dam nific tor por ific fi nificf col or ific whimngs cor nific im pro lific [TfTng, above] mag nific cer u lific mu nific sem i nific griffins om nific su do rific [ffm, above] som nific dol o rific u nifict frig o rific stiffish vul nific cal o rific tiffish hor rific sap o rific mi rific son o rificf whiffle ter rific sop o rific sniffle* clas si fie vap o rific f u cific un pa cific whiffled mu cific con spe cific sniffled* os sific un spe cific pa cific l)e a tific whifflest sen sific pres en tificf snifflest* sic cific sci en tific DOUBLE RHYMES, ft whiffleth un thrifty pg, p. 94] sniffieth* sifting triggeth whiffling [Tft, p. 94] JTfcp.94] sniffling* un sifting un ex isting piggy whiffles spriggy sniffles* siftings twiggy Pftlng, above] drifted biggin clifted driftless tbiggon pit, p. 94] shiftless piggin un gifted thriftless Jtwiggenf un lifted un shifted shifter rigging un sifted swifter Pg, p. 94] un up lifted [Tft, p. 94] diggings liftest shifters Pgftig, above] swiftest pftur, above] Pfft, p. 94] biggins differ pgTn, above] siftetli stiffer Pft, p. 94] pf, p. 94] whiggish jiggish diphthong? *8' niggishf triphthong? frigate piggish Pgot, below] priggish diphthongs? riggishf triphthongs? niggard {sniggered whiggism drifty Jvigoredf priggism fifty shifty biggest giggle thrifty diggest higgle 424 DOIBI.K KRYMES, jiggle whiglings niggle wrigglings wriggle or pglmg, above] rigglet Jrigolf giggler Jrigoll niggler scriggle* pgl, above] squiggle* sniggle gigglers wiggle* pgl fir, above] giggled pgl, above] twigless wigless higglest pgl, above] gigletf Jgiglot riglet wiggleth* Pgl, above] gigletsf pglet, above] wriggles pgl, above] figment pigment strigmentf figments pgme'nt, above] sigmall stigma] | e nigina|| sigmas above] signal tspignel giggling coun ter-signal? niggling pgl, above] signals whigling pgnal, above] in dignancef ma lignance be nignancef in dignant ma lignant be nignant non-ma lignant bigness Jlignousf Jcygnusl! trigness Jpy ro-lignous or tpyr o lignous signet cygnet spignet signets pgnt, above] lignite pol y mignite rigoll pgl, above] bigot Jfrigate Jgigget gigotf spigot DOUBLE RHYMES, ifg" t 425 bigots figured ridgil [tgot, above] pgyur, above] sigil un figured strigil twigsome vigil pg & sum?] figures pgyur, above] vigils bigger pjn, above] chigre or *.i chigger bridgest a bridging digger PJ, P. 95] ra, P. 95] jigger ligger Jdigit a bridgings nigger fidget pjmg, above] rigger nidgetf Dfe, P- 94] digit rigor|| ridgeth pjgt, above] snigger PJ, P- 95] swigger bridgeless trigger fidgets Pj &less?] vigorll pjet, above] pigeon sniggered ridges widgeon or Pgftrd, above] pj, p. 95] wigeon ba digeon|| triggers bridgyf re ligion Pgur, above] ridgy ir re ligion mis re ligion figure frigid ligure? rigid pigeons dis figure Jridged? pjiin, above] con figure PJ, p. 95] pre figure sub rigid pro digious re figure o ver rigid re ligious trans figure li tigious Jridgel or ir re ligious 24* DOUBLE RHYMES, Xj f prams, p. 679 ; klicket sickish Idyus, p. 421] cricket thickish picket trickish ik piquet or siccatet picquet bricklet de siccate? pricket fickle ex siccate? smicket frickle Pkt, below] Jsticket* ickle* thicket mickle* piquant?|| ticket tnickelj de siccant wicket pickle ex siccant pkat, above] piclef tpicul?|| siccal! kicketh prickle styca?|| Pk, p. 95] sickle stickle vicar crickets strickle or pkur, below] pk&t, above] strikle rickets tickle picked? trickle pk, p. 95] brickyf mis pickel?|| piked dicky or o ver mickle* wicked dickey Jkup fer nickel|| pricky |cop per-nickel nickel!) sticky pkl, below] tricky sickled tickled chicken licking pkl, above] pkn, below] pk, p. 95] un tickled ticking stickest wicking sickless thickest strickless pk, p. 95] lickings Pk & less?] tickings clicket* pkmg, above] ficklest 1>OUBLR RHYMES, 427 trickiest pickles ad mixtion pkl, above] pkl, above] Pkstyiin, p. 428] trickleth Ichicken mixed? pkl, above] quicken pks, p. 95] sicken Jas phyxied fickly stricken quickly thicken fixest prickly ticken Pks, p. 95] sickly Jwicken smicklyf re quicken mixeth thickly Pks, p. 95] thickened cyclic pkn, above] tpixies ge o cyclic un quickened [tksr, below] [Ik & lick?] un thickened sixes Pks, p. 95] chickling quickness an te fixes pickling |lychnis|| pkl, above] sickness diction slickness fiction picklings thickness friction pkllng, above] in diction ichnite pre diction ticklish pycnite af fixionf ticklish or nith ichnite pre fixion or ni thoid ich- suf fixion fickler nite trans fixion stickler pk & nit?] af fliction strickler in fliction tickler ^chickens re liction tdickens e miction sticklers thickens de pictionf pkliir, above] pkn, above] ad striction , con striction 428 DOUBLE KRYMES, ob strictionf [Tks, p. 95] ad mixtion re striction com mixtion as triction fixings per mixtion dis trictiont [TksTng, above] e viction mixer con viction pyxis|| [Tks, p. 95; Tk ben e diction ap o dixisll & sir?] mal e diction ker a to nyxis|| e lixir val e diction ju ris diction mixen mixers con tra diction Jmyxine [Tksur, above] in ter diction tmyxonll Pkt, p. 96] vixen dictate cru ci fixion nictate der e liction vixens self-con viction pksn, above] dictates self -con tra dic- nictates tion trickster self -der e liction [Tk & stir?] re licted con stricted fictions tricksters con victed [Tkshiin, above] [Tk & stirs?] pkt, p. 96] un ad dieted fictiousf fixture? un pre dieted con tra dictiousf mixture? un af flicted af fixture? un in flicted fixy ad mixture? un re stricted pixy* or im mixture? self -con victed picksy* com mixture? un con victed tricksy in ter mixture? UB. con tra dieted as pliyxy un in ter dieted Jan te fixae?U fixtures? kick sy-wicksy [Tkstyiir, above] strictest fixing mixtionf af flictest pkt, p. 96] DOUBLE RHYMES, Ik 429 re strictetli af flictive pictures [ikt, p. 96] in flictive [iktyur, above] con flictive ichtliine [Ikt, p. 96 ; Ik- hiccough? or [Ik & thin?] shim, above] hickupf Jan tichthon|| kick-up dictum]! snickup Je richthusll [Iktim, above] pte richtliysll hor tus siccus | meg a lichthysll ictus) | [Ik & us?] Jep i nyctisll ictic bicker psyclitic fictor|| dicker* ep i dictic lictor|( flicker ap o dictic stricter clicker* [ikt, p. 96] klicker fictile victor || * knicker* Je dictal pre dictor licker in flicter liquor? || Jdictumll con strictor|| nicker victim con tra dieter or picker con tra dictor || pricker con tra dieting bo a-con strictor|| sicker [Ikt, p. 96] sikerf victors smicker con tra dictings pfktur, above] snicker [Iktrng, above] tricker picture [Ik, p. 95] Pictish ricturef Jvicar strictish stricture wicker de picture i fictive o ver picture bickered in dictive pkfir, above] pre dictive strictured JPicard vin dictive [Iktyur, above] wickered 430 DOUBLE KHYMES, ik fl un liquored? pen i cillate cas ca rilla'] ver ti cillate? sac cha rillall prickers [Hot, below] mot a cilia!) snickers di er villa|| pkiir, above] villa] sar sa pa rillajj zillah|| hickway chin chillall pillar pk & way?] co dilla plur, below] ce dillall hickwall frin gilla|| pillared Pk & wall?] ax illa|| Plurd, below] max ilia [ chick-weed vex illa|| villas tliquid plum, below] pla, above] sea-chickweed? or chillall Jsem i-liquid ra chillall stilbite bis millah|| ep i stilbite 11 ma nilla|| pi & bite?] grillade?] ma nila| e brillade] va nilla|| filches pa pilla]| pilchesf grillades?|| ba rilla|| [ilad, above] go rillajl filcher sal sillall pilcher billage flo tilla|| grillage man tilla|| filchers pillage scin tilla|| pilchers tillage fo villajl village gran a dilla|| kildeer sab a dillaf pi & der?] pillaged sap o dilla or un pillaged sap po dilla gilded cor o nillall pld, p. 97] dis tillate es to pilla|| un gilded pis tillate cam a rilla?|| DOUBLE RHYMES, fl 431 buildest quillet chillil! pid, p. 97] millet dilly rillet filly gildeth skillet grillyt pld, p. 97] Jtillot hilly [flat, above] illy building gillie [Hd, p. 97] filleth lily e lee tro-gilding pi, p. 96] shrilly silly buildings billets stilly [fld&ig, above] plet, above] swilley* twilly builder skilful or willy gilder skillful max illa??|| guilder wilful or Pla, above] skilder* willful in den tilley wilder? un skillful! re builder Jhillock be wilder villi?|| killick or la pilli?|| tkillock* skildered* car y o phylli?|| silique?!) wildered [tlus, below] Jsillock be wildered Iwillock phyllite um bilic builders ap o phyllite? i dyllic pldur, above] chlo ro phyllite? tea dillacll py ro phillite? or o dylic shrillest pyr o phyllite? tro chilic tillest pic ro phyllite? a mylic PL, p. 96] an tho phyllite? me thylic as te ro phyllite? dac tylic billet ba silic Jbillot billy mor ox ylic fillet chilly py rox ylic or 32 DOUBLE KIIYMES, ll pyr ox ylic lilies skill-less! sal i cylic pll, above] plus, below] syn dac tylic? zyg o dac tylic? bilgy ful fillment or mac ro dac tylic squillgee ful filment in stillment! tro chilics bilkest dis tillment! [IlTk, above] milkcst non-ful lillment! Jsillonll milky ful fillments! villain silky plment, above] villein Jvillanf milking, &c. filmy tmo rillonll pikest, above] pi & me?] to rillon|| out villain milkman chillness bre zilineJI Jmilkmen illness pod o phyllin or silkman shrillness pod o phylline Jsilkmen stillness car y o phylline? er y thro phyl- milkenf billow line? silken killow pillow billing milker cillo pi, p. 96] [11 & cur?] tillow shilling trillo|| BchillingH milkers willow skilling pi & curs?] cm billowt trilling ra pillo|| willing milkweed pul villojl un willing silk-weed sea-willow? un der filling gren a dillo milkweeds sap a dillo or shillings silk-weeds sap pa dillo [TITng, above] pec ca dillo DOUBLE RIIYMES, fl 433 ar ma dillo[| billowed phyllode pillowed tillowed willowed un pillowed billows plo, above] hillock Plik, above] sillonll pirn, above] billot plt, above] pilser pi & sir?] pilsers [ft & sirs?] hilted kilted stilted [tit, p. 98] un quilted jilteth p. 98] pod o phylluml! tiltest pit, p. 98] 25 Jkillas tkillesse Jcilice Jsilicet Jskill-less or tskilless villous mor bilious fi brillous? tfi brillose? a phyllous? di phyllous? tri phyllous? ar gillous? sea millusll pa pillous? a rillusll dec a phyllous? hex a phyllous? en do phyllous? ep i phyllous? pol y phyllous? quilter mi cro phyllous? [tit, p. 98] ex o phyllous? milter hyp o phyllous? in filter nion o phyllous? tet ra phyllous? filters quad ri phyllous? pltur, above] mac ro phyllous? hep ta phyllous? vex illumll pen ta phyllous? lei o phyllum|| as per gillus| mes o phyllumll Jam a ryllis|j guilty silty stilty un guilty quilting pit, p. 98J ' quiltings pitting, above] guiltless pit & less?] filtrate in filtrate filter philter or philtrell kilter 434 DOUBLE KHYMES, fl pen i cillusll [n & vine?] fa miliars ver ti cillus|| en dec a pliyl- silver manilioll lous? de silver pa pilio|| ad e no phyllous? punc tilioll car y o phyllous? silvered pul villio?|| car y o phyllusf un silvered ves per tilio?|| myr i o phyllous? co le o phyllous? con ciliate? billion het er o phyllous? pirat, p. 684] million pillion filler filial prillion miller un filial trillion pillar tour billion or spiller Jbrilliance tour l:illor.|| or thiller dis silience? tur billion* tiller re silience? man dilion max illar? tran silience? mo dillion dis tiller ver milion [fl, p. 96] brilliant vir milion f ill-wilier Jdis silient? ma niglion cat er pillar? Jre silient? no nillion pam piliont pillared aux iliar JKoo rilian? or tillered fa miliar }Ku rilian? un pillared con ciliar?t quad rillion un fa miliar de cillion millers tSi cilian? plur, above] billiard [man, p. 685] steelyard? tCas tilian Jmilvine? co tillion or silvan or billiards co tillon?|| sylvan steelyards? quin tillion oc tillion milvine? aux iliarst pos tilion?! DOUBLE KHYMES, H f 435 tilian? sep tillion sex tillion pa vilion Jci vilian? |Bra zilian JMax i milian in ter mo dillion ver milioned ' pa vilioned tin pa vilioned billionth plyun, above] billions [flyim, above] bilious punc tilious? at ra biliousf su per cilious? fm image scrimmage* or skriminage* limbate [Tm & bat?] tymbal! pmbl, below] limbat timbrels [fin & bat?] Pmbrel, above] nimbi?|| [finbus, below] dimblef tgimbal? or Jgimbol nimble Jcimbalt tcymbal or Jsymbalf ^symbol thimble Jtymbal or Jtimbal wimble gimblet |simblot|| thimbles pmbl, above] kimbo limbo a kimbo symbol Pmbl, above] whimbrel or wimbrel timbrel Cimbric pm & brick?] limbus] nimbusll co rymbusjl co rymbous tco rymbose? limber timber timbre 1 1 un limber coun ter-timber? iguimbardf limbered [mibur, above] un timbered timbers pmbur, above] dimmed? Pm, p. 98] Jtimid dimmest pm, p. 98] ^chemist? or tchymistf 436 DOUBLE RHYMES, If in swimmeth syn o nymic grimly [Ira, p. 98] met ro nymic slimly pat ro nymic trimly lymphatet li po thymic or Jnymphett lei po thymic whimling an ti zymic cymling nymphal pmful, below] mimics whimlings Pmik, above] cymlings imphee Jlymphy women gymnal nymphge?|l tper simmon hymnal tkymnelt nymphish skimming Jsimnelt pm & fish?] pm, p. 98] hymnals brimful skimmings Pmnal, above] Pm & full?] Pmlng, above] tnymphal dimness dimmish or Pmll, above] dimmy dimisht slimness whimmy slimmish jimmy hymnest? limit tgymnast chemic? or pre limit limnest chymict Pm & it?] dis limnestt mimic or en limnestt mimickf brimless al chemic? or limbless limneth al chymict Pmn^st, above] dys thymic gimlet cher u bimic pm & let?] gymnite cac o chymic limnite pan to mimic dimly Pm & nit?] met o nymic pm, p. 98] DOtTBLfi RHYMES, frit 437 hymnic impish pimples gymnicf limpish pmpl, above] hymning? dimple import? limning whimple [Tm & port?] pmne'st, above] crimple pimple impost gymnote rimple [mi & post?] [Im & note?] simple wimple impress? impact? [Im & press?] [mi & p&kt?] dimpled pmpl, above] imprest? crimped? un rimpled pm & pressed?] Pmp, p. 98] Jlimpid implex imprint? simplex I [mi & print?] limpest pmp, p. 98] crimplest glimpses simplest pmp & says?] limpet pmpl, above] Pmp & it?] Jsimplist impulse? pm & pulse?] crimpeth dimpleth [Imp, p. 98] pmpl, above] whimper limper O lympic dimply shrimper Pm & pick?] pimply simper simply scrimping whimpered [Imp, p. 98] dimpling simpered Pmpl, above] scrimpings whimpers pmplng, above] dimplings pmpftr, above] [Impllng, above] 438 DOUBLE KHYMES, fill I'll primrose pinnace lynchings* pfm & r<5z?] E rinnys|| [Inching, above] Icon cinnoust brimmer inchpin gimmerf innate? linchpin glimmer pinnate jimmer* bi pinnate inchpins limmer tri pinnate linchpins nimmerf par i pinnate primer im par i pinnate clincher shimmer pnt, p. 439] [Inch, p. 99] simmer skimmer finback clinchers swimmer pn & back?] [Inch fir, above] timmer trimmer inborn pindal twin-born pndl, below] glimmered [in & born?] pmtir, above] pindar inboard pndftr, below] shimmers pn & board?] [Inrnr, above] brinded pinchest winded flimsy [Inch, p. 99] pnd, p. 99] whimsy un re scinded slimsy? flincheth pnch, p. 99] index|| crimson ^syndics en crimson inches vindex|| [Inch, p. 99] ill linden cuinage lynching* [Indon, below] pinnaget pnch, p. 99] spinach? or un flinching windest? spinage [Ind, p. 99] DOUBLE KHYMES, 111 439 ex scindeth Jwindlacef hindered? [Ind, p. 99] Jwindlass kindred windless findyf [fad & less?] cy lindric shindy sem i-cy lindric windy kindlest [Indl, above] hinder? Indict Ipindar syndic grindlet pindert pnd & let?] cinder re scinding tinder [Tnd, p. 99] swindleth pndl, above] hindered brindle un hindered dindle* kindling dwindle [Indl, above] flinders grindle? hinders kindle kindlings pndftr, above] tpindal pndllng, above] shindlef indwell spindle swindler Pn & dwell?] swindle [Tndl, above] Jtindal spinach?! trindlet swindlers [Inaj, above] windle pndl ft r, above] en kindle thinnest mis kindle dwindles Pn, p. 99] re kindle phdl, above] Jvi o linist re-en kindle tlinden ginnet brindled sindon|| linnet kindled co rindonf Jminute? [Tndl, above] pinnett self-kindled sindons sinnet un kindled [Tndon, above] spinet? 440 DOUBLE RHYMES, spinnet png, p. 100] vinnet pnfit, p. 438] sinneth [In, p. 99] linnets , above] inf are or infair [In & fair?] infelt [In & felt?] infix?t [in & fix?] influx [In & flux?] sinful skinful un sinful ingate pn & gate?] kingdom sub kingdom [tng & dumb?] singest? mingled pnggl, above] un singled! dingeth [Tng, p. 100] singlest inga] pnggl, above] mo ringajl sy ringall tingleth pnggl, above] dingle ingle shingly tgingal?|| or chingly + Jjingal?|| singly jingle or ginglef jingling cringle pnggl, above] Jlingel linglef jinglings mingle pngglTng, above] shingle chingle English cinglef un-English single In do-English? springlet Englished un-Englished swingle swingel? tingle tringle shingler be minglet pnggl, above] im minglet com mingle sliinglers un minglet pnggl ur, above] Jes pringal sur cingle? ingles in ter mingle Pnggl, above] DOUBLE KHYMES, 111 441 dingo ex tinguish un kinglike jingo mis dis tinguish lingo con tra dis tin- kingly stingo guisli un kingly fla mingo e ringo or dis tinguished ingot e ryngo [Inggwlsh, above] Jlinget or un dis tinguished lingot fla mingoes un ex tinguished [mgg(5, above] ingots clingy [Ingot, above] finger springy linger stingy? ingrain? ma linger? stringy [In & grain?] wingy fingered ingrate? l Tnggur, above] ringing [In & grfft?] [Ing, p. 100] fingers clinger [Inggur, above] ringings whinger [Inglng, above] png, p. 100] lingual bi lingual kingless clingers col lingual [Ing, p. 100] [Ingur, above] sub lingual tri lingual kinglet binny den to-lingual ringlet finny springlet guinea bi linguar winglet hinny tri linguar whinny ringlets jinneell pinguidf [Tngle't, above] ninny e linguidf shinny kinglike skinny dis tinguish springlike spinny or 25* DOUBLE KHYMES, frl spinney be ginning ret ro mingent? tinny [to, p. 99] sub as t ringent tiny? un sinning vinny* un be ginning as tringents man da rining [Tnjrnt, above] clinic Jpinnock innings cringest cynic [Intng, above] [mj, p. 100] rab binic O clinic finish fringeth a clinic Finnish [Inj, p. 100] di clinic minishf tri clinic thinnish hinges en crinic di minish [Tnj, p. 100] Brah minic Jme ninges?!! ful minic finished ri cinic [Tnlsh, above] dingy sue cinic im finished fringy ac tinic u-n di minished lingy* pla tinic stingy? Jac o binic minute? ar thro dynic pnt, above] ginging mon o clinic cringing man da rinic guineas singeing sul plio-vinic [YnT, above] [mj, p. 100] tar tro-vinic ringent gingings clinics stringent [Tnjtng, above] [Tntk, above] tingentf re fringent fringeless minim im phigent hingeless Jminumf con stringent [Jm & him?] re stringentf in f ringement con t indent un hingementt inning as t ringent im pingement DotTBT/BJ 443 in fringements klinkets be sprinkle pnjme'nt, above] trinkets per i winkle? injured inkhorn wrinkled un injured stinkhorn [Inkl, above] Jma lingered? un sprinkled inkhorns ginger stinkhorns drinkless Jin jure [Ink & less?] cringer chinky Pfnj, p. 100] inky sprinklest ma linger? slinky [Inkl, above] zinky or cringers zincky twinkleth [Injur, above] [Inkl, above] shrinking tincal [Ink, p. 100] [Inkl, below] inkling un shrinking [Inkl, above] un sinking un thinking inklings un winking [Inkling, above] blinkard stinkard ^tinkered shrinkings sprinkler blinkards [Inking, above] [Inkl, above] stinkards inkle or sprinklers drinkest incle pfnklur, above] [Ink, p. 100] kinkle crinkle kinkles klinket wrinkle [Inkl, above] trinket sprinkle Jtincal increase? thinketh tinkle [In & kres?] pnk, p. 100] twinkle un wrinkle lynxes 444 DOUBLE RHYMES, ll [Inks, p. 101] phktlT, above] tinkered [Tnkard, above] dis tinction lincture ex tinction cincture tinkers in tinction tincture [Tnkur, above] in dis tinction vincturef con tra dis tine- dis tincturef de liuquent tion re linquent cinctured dis tinctions tinctured inquest? [Tnkshun, above] un cinctured [Tn & quest?] un tinctured ink-stone vinquish clinkstone or cinctures re linquish klinkstoue [Tnktyfir, above] stink-stone re linquished income un re linquished ink-stones [Tn & come?] [InkstOn, above] icrincum inlay? [Tn & lay?] tinctestf incus|| sue cinctest* scincus]) inland dis tinctest zincous [Tn & land?] or ni tho rhyn- dis tinctive clms|| finless in stinctive [Tnk & us?] sinless un dis tinctive skinless con tra dis tine- blinker tive [Tnk, p. 100] inlet clinker [Tn & let?] sue cinctly sinker dis tinctly tinker inly in dis tinctly free-thinker? thinly tal tincar sue cinctness inmate bOTTBLE RHYMES, frl pn & mate?] ginseng pnslng, below] inmost pn & most?] incense? frank incense? whinnow* [tn & sense?] minnow or minowf winnow incest con vincest [Ins, p. 101] linsey wincey ca incic ex trinsic in trinsic ninsin & sin?] winnowed tginseng un winnowed inset? mincing [m & set?] pns, p. 101] minnows un con vincing pno, above] winceth pns, p. 101] mincings tpinned? posing, above] pn, p. 99] Jlinseys synod minces princely quinces un princely windrow pns, p. 101] pn & rd?] e vincement pro vincial con vincement inroad? com pro vincial windrowed ex tra pro vincial instep pn & rod?] pn & step?] kinship windrows pn & ship?] pn & roz?] inside linseed Pn & sld?] pn & seed?] insight insect pn & sit?] linstock pn & stock?] minster spinster pn & sect?] Quincite minsters spinsters 44(1 winsome pn & sum?] rinser con vincer [Ins, p. 101] pincers rinsers pnsftr, above] mintage vintage intake [In & take?] syntax [In & tflks?] Jan thel mintics? pntlks, below] quintal [fata, below] tinted pnt, p. 101] un dinted un printed un stinted Jkintalf or Iquintal quintelf Jquintile RHYMES, Til lintel Jsintocll Jpintail an thel mintic? Jpintle Jtri gintal quint ics Jbi quintile [Intlk, above] 'teem i quintile iutine lintels quintain or [Intel, above] quint in tquintan hintest quintine pnt, p. 101] ex intine? sthiteth printing [tnt, p. 101] pnt, p. 101] hel mintliic printings an thel minthic pntlng, above] lab y rinthic printless stintless ab sinthine ter e binthine lab y rinthine hy a cinthine col o cynthine ter minthusllf liy a cinthusjl flinty lintie? linty tintoB mez 7.0 tinto'J into here into? vintryt wintry chintzes shinty [Int & says?] quintic minter DOTTHLK KIIYMES, fll f 443 printer sinew? [myfin, above,] cinter in sinew?t sinter|| un sinew? miniousf splinter con tinue ig no minions? twinter* dis con tinue winter re con tinue quinzaine|| or quinzain splintered sinewed? tninzin wintered pnyil, above] [Inz & in?] printers pinnule crinzes [mtftr, above] pinulet winzes spinule dinner *P wliinner* pinnules flippant inner [Inyiil, above] trippant sinner [tn, p. 99] con tinues chipped? [Inyn, above] [Ip, p. 102] dinners Jtripod? [mur, above] minion tin sipid pinion par al lei o piped? invoice Jchignon!] [In & voice?] I Ar minian? dippest do minion [Ip, p. 102] whinyardf o pinion migniardf or chain pignon|| tpipit miniardt un pinion sippet* vineyard pre o pinion skippetf self-o pinion snippetf vineyards strippett pnyiird, above] pinioned tippet [myiin, above] flnew slippeth [In & you?] minions pp, p. 102] 48 DOT BI.E KHYMES, Ip tippets dripplef ship-light ppPt, above] fipplet triplite|| gripple [Ip & lit?] shipful cripple pp & full?] nipple rippling ripple [Ipl, above] chippy stipple stripling hippeH swiple or slippy* swipple striplings tipple ppllng, above] typic ttripel a dipic triple ripples Ca lippic sub triple ppl, above] phi lippic par ti ciple? a typic shipment pho no typic crippled e quipment mon o typic [Ipl, above] re shipment ste re o typic or un crippled trans shipment or ster e o typic tran shipment e lee tro typic lipless un shipment [Ip & less?] pippin shipments Jshippen* or tipplest ppmSnt, above] tshippon* ppl, above] Phi lippine? Jippo liplet pp & 0?] chipping riplet PP, P- 103] shipletf el lipses?|| un slipping triplet ppsSz, below] clippings stippleth e clipseth pplng, above] [Ipl, above] pp & saith?] pippins liplet s tgipsies or ppln, above] pplc't, above] Jgypsies DOtTBLE RHYMES, 440 e clipses Jdipsas|| diptychs el lipses? thlipsisll Pptlk, above] pps, p. 102] tripsisll lith o glyptics Jel lipses?|| el lipsis|| ppsts, below] ec thlipsis|| de scriptive par a lipsis|| tran scriptivet JE gyptian Ppshiin, above] as cription gipsies! in de scriptive de scription ppseX above] in scription diptote con scription whipstaff triptote pre scription tipstaff pro scription diptotes re scription diphthong? triptotes sub scription triphthong? tran scription nipter|| cir cum scription diphthongs? he mipter su per scription triphthongs? rhi pipter in cir cum scrip- strep sipter tion diptych tlith o triptor? glyptic Jlith on triptor? de scriptions cryptic [Tpshim, above] styptic or he mipters stiptict pptur, above] gipsire triptych Pp & sire?] e cliptic hippus|| el liptic cippus|| ipsef an a glyptic gipsy or hoi o cryptic chipper* gypsy or lith on thriptic or dipper gypseyl ith on thryptic or PP, P. 102] tipsy lith on triptic flipper a poc a lyptic fripper e clipsing i a tra liptic kipper [Tp & sing?] nipper 450 DOUBLE EHYME8, p ripper pyrrhic stirrups skipper Ca biric [Trup, above] slipper spa gyric snipper em piric? birrus|| Tipper bu tyric cirrusll or sa tiric cirrhus chippered* pan e gyric? cirrous or kippered cirrhous slippered lyrics Jcirrhose or [Mk, above] tcirrose slippers scirrhus|| or ppfir, above] Jsquirrel? skirrhus virile? scirrhous or re cipient? skirrhous ppKnt, p. 693] lyrist? pan e gyrist? *s stipuled missal bi stipuled Jskirret? [Tsl, below] spirit *r tirritt lyssall cirri? || dis pirit or nyssaj scirrhi?|| dis spiritf thrissall [Mis, below] in spirit me drissail un spiritf zo pissall Quirite re-in spirit ab scissa] myrrliite? pyrite girrock ab scissas pyrrhite [Mk, above] [Tsii, above] pyrites? chirrup Christian [Tnt, above] tpyrope pfstyitn, below] sirup? or Jgirrock syrup? lyssse?|| lyric stirrup? [isa, above] inyrrhic bOUBLE RHYMES, IS 451 missel ju dicial pahun, below] psl, below] of ficial ex itialf mi litia?|| de hiscence in itial co mitia?H tpu issance? po licialt a plysia?|| fa tiscence co initial a sitia?|| in de hiscence pri mitial tim pu issance? pu nicialf de ficience i 1 em i niscence an spicialt pshSnt, below] res i piscencet sol stitial pro spicience rev i viscence in ju dicial im pro ficiencet prej u dicial de hiscent ben e ficial de ficient tpu issant? ed i ficial ef ficient [Tsens, above] ex of ficial pro ficient in of ficial per ficient missest un of ficial suf ficient PS, p. 103] su per ficial vo litient sac ri ficial om niscient kisseth ar ti ficial in de ficient ps, p. 103] trib u nitial ben e ficientf f u tu ritialf mal e ficient kisses in ter stitial in ef ficient PS, p. 103] ex tra ju dicial co-ef ficient un ben e ficial non-pro ficient misfaith ex tra-of ficial in suf ficient PS & faith?] in ar ti ficial self -suf ficient un ar ti ficial blissful ex ere men titial pro ficients un blissful rec re men titial pshSnt, above] re missful of ficials wishest vitiate? or [fehftl, above] psh, p. 103] viciatc?t psMat, p. 004] lo gician disheth 453 DOUBLE RHYMES, [Tsh, p. 103] [ Tshu, above] o mission per mission dishes ditionf re mission [Tsh, p. 103] fission sub mission Jsu per ficies?|| JLycian? trans mission mission vo mition dishful am bition ig nit ion fishful JHe briciant cog nit ion wishful tru brician JPhe nician or ad dition tPhoe nician fishy e dition mo nition ta plysise?!! con dition mu nition [Tsha, above] per dition JTu nisian? red dition u nitionf fishing ren dition JA pician [Ysh, p. 103] se dition tSul pician? tra dition Jsiin plician fishings ven dition sus picion [TshTng, above] fru ition tPa risian? co ition tpe riscian? bishop trans ition? de sition arch bishop tu ition in sition? co bishop Jlo gician tran sition? un bishop Jma gician den tition IGa lician? for tition issue no lition top tician tissue JCi lician? par tition re issue sub lition pe tition o ver issue vo lition Jprac tician ad mission Jtac tician issued de mission at trition [Ishu, above] dis mission de trition in ter tissued e mission con trition im mission nu trition tissues com mission Jpa trician DOUBLE RHYMES, 1! tphy sician in tro mission tmu sician in ter mission po sition pre ter mission irn bi bition man u mission ad hi bition in a nition ex hi bition tmech a nician in hi bition def i nition pro hi bition pre cog nition re hi bition il li nition sub au dition ad mo nition pre con dition pre mo nition ex pe dition sub mo nitiont non-ren dition am mu nition ex tra dition pre mu nition er u dition tmnem o nician cir cu ition-f- ttrib u nician or ex spu itiont ttrib u nitian in tu ition trhet o rician pre ter ition ap pa rition ac u ition fu tu ritionf co a lition mic tu rition re bul litionf par tu rition res i litiont dep u rition ab o lition su per stition dem o lition tral a tition em ol lition de den tition dis si litionf tdi e titianf eb ul lition tpol i tician non-ad mission rep e tition re ad mission tstat is tician re com mission deg lu tition tat o micianf bi par tition ex pro mission com par tition in sub mission re par tition ex tra mission tri par tition or 453 trip ar tition tmag ne tician ap pe titiont com pe tition Je lee trician tsym me trician in nu trition Job ste trician ac qui sition dis qui sition in qui sition per qui sitionf dep o sition or de po sition prep o sition prop o sition ap po sition dis po sition ex po sition im po sition com po sition mal po sition op po sition post po sition re po sition sup po sition trans po sition req ui sition su per ad dition :Melchisedician tac a de mician in in ter mission ex in a nition pre ad mo nition co ad u nitiont 454 DOUBLE RHYMES, vom i tu rition non-com mis- tnic titionsl self-rep e tition sioned nu tritiors Jmath e ina tician un com mis- um am l/itiovs +a rith me tician sioned in ju dicious quad ri par tition ex pe ditious coun ter-pe tition missions in of ficious an ti at trition [Miun, above] un of ficious tge om e trician Jan tiscians? ic ter itious Jpo et-mu sician lat er itious trnet a phy sician vicious or cin er it ions non-dep o sition vitioust un de licious in dis po sition am bitious sat el litiousf pre dis po sition ju dicious un ma licious mis ex po sition se ditious gen ti litioust in fra po sition spa diceous in aus picious de com po sition of ficious un aus picious re com po sition fla gitious un pro pitious eir cum position de licious self -sus picious su per po sition ma licious un sus picious pre sup po sition ci licious av a ricious jux ta position si liceous or su per stitious an te po sition si licious tral a titious con tra po sition pu miceous ad di titious in.ter po sition ver micious sub di titious+ o vi po sition phe nicious del e titious JNe o pla to ni- pu niceousf rep e titious* cian per nicious cem en titious su per im po si- aus picious pro fee titious tion pro pitious ad jec titious sus picious re jcc titicr.s missioned ca pricious se ere titio;:s or con ditioned se riceous sec re titior.s tphy sicianedf fac tit ions as crip titious [Ishun, above] fie tit ions stil la titious un con ditioned pac titious deg lu titiousf DOUBLE RHYMES, 455 com men titious piscine? e licit s ces pi titious vicine?f [felt, above] ir rep titiousf ob rep titiousf hissed? missive sur rep titious PS, p. 103] dis missive ad sci titious or tviscid e missive as ci titious com missive ad ven titious si licic o missivcf mer e tricious par a disic? pro missivcf in nu tritious flu o si licic per missive con nu tritious hy dro flu o si li- re missive un nu tritious cic sub missive o ver of ficious trans missive pet ro si licious missile ir re missivef sup pos i titious [M, below] un sub missive ex ere men titious in ter missive rec re men titious byssine o ver su per sti- Psn, below] Jbiscuit tious tbrisket kissing Jfrisket fisher PS, p. 103] twhisket Jfissure Jwisket Jscissure kissings con fiscate? wisher Psmg, above] lem niscate Jjus ticiar? ex piscatef ill-wisher licitt in viscate well-wisher? pie biscit tcon tra fissure e licit con fiscates? Jcoun ter-nssure? il licit Pskat, above] so licit fishers ex plicit? discal Pshftr, above] im plicit fiscal in ex plicit friskalt disci?|| un ex plicit me niscal Pskiis, below] un im plicit ob e liscalf 456 DOUBLE RHYMES, friskest cisco tflssile [Isk, p. 103] ino risco|| gristle whistle brisket discoid Jmissal [IsktTt, above] me niscoid Jmissel Jmissile whisketh discount? pistlet Psk, p. 103] miscount? scissel? Jscissil friskful miscull tscissilet Psk & full?] psk & you?] thistle ta byssal frisky discous tdis missjil whisky or discus|| e pistle whiskey viscous |cir cum scissile risky* viscus|| hi biscus|| bristled griskint me niscus|| whistled whiskin* leu ciscus|| miskin dy tiscusll bristlest siskin len tiscus|| whistlest JFran ciscan ab a ciscus|| bristleth risking brisker whistleth [Tsk, p. 103] frisker whisker bristly riskings risker gristly Pskmg, above] thistly whiskers re missly siskins pskilr, above] pskm, above] bristling Jdiscord whistling biscuit whiskered pskat, above] whistler bristle e pistlerf DOUBLE RHYMES, IS whistlers {hispid e pistlerst wisped? Psp, p. 103] thistles psl, above] crispest Psp, p. 103] isthmus?! {Christmas crispeth trismusll psp, p. 103] s stra bismus?|| lar yn gismus?|| lisping psp, p. 103] {byssinf {byssine lispings glisten pspftig, above] christen listen whisper {vicine? crisper mis christen psp, p. 103] un christen {he risson?|| whispers {nar cissine pspur, above] listened cristate psn, above] {wistit a ristate glistens con tristatet [Isn, above] distal hyssop? crystal ps & up?] {listel|| {pistil byssoid {pistol cissoid crystals i 457 pstal, above] distance pstSns, below] distant pstnt, below] vistali bal listall ge nistali a ristall le rista|| xystarch Pst & ark?] vistas psta, above] bal listse?!) pstl, below] cystes?[| an tistes?|| ag o nistes?|| cysted or cisted pst, p. 103] en cysted un as sisted un re sisted {distance 458 DOUBLE RHYMES, ex istence wistful lo gistic ab sistence re sistful bal listic Jas sistance sty listicf Jde sistancet cisti?|| he mistich? in sistence pal ma Christi?|| pa pistic con sistence Cor pus Christi?H sim plisticf per sistence e risticf |re sistance distyle ju ristic sub sistence systyle cho ristict Je qui distance a rae o systyle or po ristic in ex istence a re o systyle ar tistic co ex istence bap tistic noa-ex istence distyles sta tistic post ex istence pstll, above] pa tristic pre ex istence Meth o distic in con sistence misty El o histic Jnon re sistance tristyf du al istic Jbal list8B?|| re al istic tdistant Ja rist8B?|| sym bol istic con sistent [Tata, above] He bra istic pstSns, above] Ju da istic self -ex istent distich eu phu istic un ex istent fistic e go istic self -con sistent mistic ni hil istic tin e qui distant mystic Lat in istict pistict pu gil istic re sistest cystic or Per kin istic Pat, p. 103] cistic Tal mud istic schistic jour nal istic twisteth Bud dbistic at om isticf pst, p. 103] so phistic can on istic lin guistic so cial istic listfult de istic fa tal istic mistful the istic a the istic tristful phlo gistic di the istic DOUBLE KHYMES, 459 pan the istic sync re tistic bib li op o listic tri the istic Je ho vistic su pra nat u ral- Cal vin'istic phi los o phistic istic cas u istic un ion istic Pu sey istic ol i gistic aph lo gistic dis lo gisticf syl lo gistic eu lo gistic syn er gistic cat e cliistic the o christic cab a listic fam i listic sci o listic eu phe mistic al che mistic Hel le nistic com mu nistic ag o nistic i de al istic su per nat u ral- istic nom in al istic sen su al istic ra tion al istic? distichs lib er al istic lin guistics rit u al istic [Isttk, above] e van gel istic sphra gistics par al lei istic bal listics nat u ral istic chre ma tistics pol y the istic mon 6 the istic pistil char ac ter istic [Tstal, p. 457] an ti phlo gistic di a lo gistic tpiston ep i lo gistic pristine ne ol o gistic cystine pter i pie gistic Sistine anomalistic Jphlo giston?[| cu ri a listic Phi listine synch ro nistic som nain bu listic pol y cystine Mon ta nistic cam e ra listic am e thystine cith a ristic II lu mi nistic Jcor net-a-piston|| eu cha ristic an tag o nistic a o ristic an ach ro nistic listing aph o ristic phi Ian thro pistic pst, p. 103] di o risticf for mu la ristic trysting* an a bap tistic un as sisting sep a ra tistic non-re sisting ma te ri al istic un re sisting spir it u al istic e go tistic or un char ac ter is- listings eg o tistic tic pstmg, above] sol e cistic er e thistic Don a tistic pi e tistic 460 DOUBLE RHYMES, IS It Phi listines schistous Jmistionf [Mm, above] cistus|| plilo gistian JcystisH un Christian de sistivef Jcystose tper mistion per sistive xystusll an ti Christian re sistive ac a thistus|| an ti phlo gistian listless bister or Christians as sistless bistre [Istyttn, above] re sistless blister glister lissom or a gistment glyster lissome en listment hister PS & sum?] re en listment clyster lister byssusll en listments mister nar cissus|| pstmSnt, above] sister tryster hisser pistol twister kisser [Istai, p. 457] pst, p. 103] dis misser xyster|| piston ma gister|| kissers pstm, above] bal lister? psftr, above] phi lister|| mistral?] si nister?|| \t Jpi pistrel Jpol y histor|| ac quittal ar cu ba lister? ptl, p. 463] mistrals? Jpi pistrels blistered quittance pstilr, above] pittance sistra] ad mittanoe co nistra|| sisters [ft, p. 104] pstftr, above] hystrixli shittahl! PS & tricks?] Christian vitta|| DOtTBLE RHYMES, ft 461 sa gitta|| pithy cithern smithy zithern vittsB?|| stithy? or sa gittse?|| stythy? slithers* ptt, below] withy smithers* bitted lithic withwind? [Itfd, below] mythic or sea-withwind mithict mitten or nithic (th) ptn, p. 464] meg a lithic prithee or mon o lithic prythee e mittent neph ro lithic stithy? re mittent py ro lithic or in tro mittent pyr o lithic hither in ter mittent an ti lithic whither cys to lithic lither? fittest thither pt, p. 104] smithing wither pthe'st, above] tgittithll withered hitteth smithies un withered pt, p. 104] ptM, above] chitty fitful pithless ditty spitful pth & less?] fitty flittyt pithest rhythmic? gritty smithestf log a rithmic kitty withest? nitty rhythmus|| pity pitheth ec rhythmusjl pretty? pth&st, above] city slither* witty frithyf smither* ban ditti 26* 462 DOUBLE KHYMES, tsa gittoe?H ra chitic di a lytic [fte, above] tra chytic cat a lytic com mil tee? en clitic par a lytic self-pity pro clitic poec i litic or un witty mel litic poi ki litic sub com mittee pop litic syph i litic sper ma ceti?|| pal mitic ar gil litic psam mitic num. mu litic tbitted gra nitic bi o lytic [It, p. 104] lig nitic car o litic dittied py ritic o o litic nitid? pleu ritic ze o litic pitied eu ritic cop ro litic citied as citic pi so litic tspitted leu citic grap to litic tun bitted ar thritic o to litic un pitied tri lo bitic stal ag mitic tun ac quitted Jac o bitic er e mitic or tun ad mitted cen o bitic her e mitic tun com mitted trog lo dytic dol o mitic tun per mitted ep i phytic mel a nitic tun re mitted lith o phytic sel e nitic tun trans mitted zo o phytic Sy e nitic tun in ter mitted Ad am itic sy e nitic or Is lam itic si e nitic or critic Si na itic si en nitic pres bytic u ran itic en cri nitic den dritic ton sil itic pneu mo nitic me phitic ti tan itic tym pa nitic ne phitic dol er itic Naz a ritic Ham itic Jes u itic Syb a ritic Sem itic? or di a critic por phy ritic Shem itic? hyp o critic phos pho ritic squill itic hy per critic mar ga ritic au gitic an a lytic Cab i ritic ^ RHYMES, 463 di o ritic diph the ritic Him. ya ritic par a sitic mar ca sitic my o sitic an thra citic ant ar thritic hem a title ste a title stal ac title ab ra zitic ant aph ro ditic her maph ro ditic an ti ne phritic pre-ad am itic Is ra el itic men ac can itic bet er o clitic o nei ro critic or o ni ro critic an tho phyl litic a ren i litic mil i o litic the od o litic a er o litic Mon o the lytic e Ice tro lytic sub por phy ritic an thro po mor- phitic A re op a gitic or Ar e op a gitic an li par a lytic an ti syph i litic critics be little* ptfk, above] |com mittal |re mittal sitting Jtrans mittalf pt, p. 104] re victual un fitting tnon-com mittal un flitting Jre com mittal . un witting un be fitting whittled un re mitting ptl, above] un sub mitting un in ter mitting bitless witless sittings [tting, above] whittlest ptl, above] British skittish be littleth ptl, above] cities ptl, above] fitly unfitly brittle whittle whitling* kittle* whittling kittelf kitlingf little victualing? knittle witling smittle be littling* spittle ptl, above] Jspitalf thwittle* whittlings tittle ptllhg, above] victual Jac quittal brittlish 404 DOTTBLE RHYMES, Yt kittlish sittenf [It & rlt? or ft & littlish smitten trite?] smittlish* un bitten un written citric brittler tin do-Briton py ro citric or ptl, above] pyr o citric titler fitness witness citrine titlers un fitness quer citrine? ptlfir, above] witnessed citron whittles un witnessed quer citron? ptl, above] pome citron skittles kittens win ter-citron? victuals ptn, above] citrul pitman ditto ptral, above] Jpitmen ban dittof Je ryth ro litmine Switzer Briton [Tt & sir? or Its re fitment ptn, above] & her?] ac quitment com mitment pitpat Switzers re mitment a pitpat pt & sirs? or Its re com mitment & hers?] Jwhittret* com mitment s citrate bitter ptme'nt, above] bittor or Jwhittrets* bittour bitten citrates chitterf JBreton fitter tBriton lit'ral pt, p. 104] kitten tcitrul flitter Jmitten fritter written phos phyttrite glitter BOTTBLE KHYME8, ft iv 465 quitter Jdivot livings quittor Jpivot pving, above] litter privet titter rivet civism twitter civet in civismf em bitter or trivet im bitter Glen livet drivel ad niitter un rivet rivel re mitter shrivel re mittor for giveth Jcivil trans mitter PV, p. 105] snivel dis em bitter or swivel dis im bitter civets Jin civilf pvSt, above] Jun civil glittered privy driveled or ptur, above] tivy drivelled un em bittered or tan tivy? pvl, above] un im bittered un shriveled! livid bittern Jlived? livelong gittern Pv, p. 105] pv & long?] tlitorn vivid cittern shrivels civic pvl, above] bitterns un civic ptftrn, above] driven civil given bitters pvl, below] riven ptur, above] JSivan?|| living striven Xv Pv, p. 1051 thriven givest un giving re driven pv, p. 105] un for giving un driven ev er living for given DOUBLE RHYMES, IV 1Z mis given JLivian? e lysia?|| un given ob livion? Ar te misia?!| un shriven un for given *z scission visage vision pivot en visage trans ition? pvt, above] al lision visaged e lision giver en visaged JE lysian? ftv, p. 105] il lision kiver ptisan? col lision quiver pzn, below] mis prision liver de rision river gizzard ir rision shiver pzurcl, below] ab scission sliver? de cision tiver* wisdom ex cision de liver un wisdom in cision out liver in sition? re de liver chisel con cision pzl, below] Jpre cisian quivered pre cision pvur, above] frizzest re cision riveredf pz, p. 105] re scission un shivered di vision white-livered? fizzeth pre vision uii de livered [Tz, p. 105] pro vision re vision clivers? quizzes in de cision rivers PZ, p. 105] cir cum cision pvilr, above] ^busies im pre cisionf pzT, below] mis di vision con vivial? sub di vision pvlal, p. G98] fizgig su per vision pz & gig?] un cir cum cision RHYMES, 467 visioned whizzing Islam || pro visioned [to, P- 105] pz & lam?] visions whizzings frizzled col lisions Pztng, above] pzl, above] pzhtin, above] grizzled or visit grisled tscissure? pz & it?] vizier? or re visit fizzlest visier? in ter visit pzl, above] tin cisure visits mizzleth busy pzlt, above; tz pzl, above] dizzy & its?] physyf chisley frizzy busies drizzly mizzyf pzt, above] frizzly un busy grizzly o ver busy tchisel grisly drizzle misly busied fizzle dizzied frizzle sizzling un busied grizzle pzl, above] gislef physic crizzel or sizzlings phthisic or crizzle pzlftig, above] tisicf mizzle par a disic? misle or fizzler met a physic mistle frizzier sizzle met a physics swizzle fizzlers pztk, above] tzizel or frizzlers tzisel physicked ten chisel drizzles un physicked pzl, above] 468 f)OUBLE KHYMES, dismal dizened? oft chrismal wizened flowagti a "bysmal pzn, above] stowage bap tismal un prisoned towage par ox ysmal un im prisoned cat e chismal in choate cat a clysmal prisons [08t, below] em bo lismal pzn, above] an eu rismal oa hyssop? Jnowel schismall pz & up?] Jthowel tli a schisma|| be stowal quizzer en to zoal clysmicf scissor eni bo lismic visor be stowals aph o rismic [Oal, above] disardt or stra bismus?|| dizzard pro to zoans lar yn gismus?|| gizzard [oon, p. 482] izzard Jbison? lizard Oil dizen? rizzered boa|| his ? n scissored hoa? niizzen visard or whoa? prison? vizard moa|| risen visored Jmohall tptisan? wizard or poa|| wizen wisardt proa|| be dizen? un visored jer boa?[ dis prison die koa| im prison gizzards a noa|| a risen pzurd, above] qui noa|| im risen lei poa|| up risen scissors hy dro zoa|| re-im prison pzftr, above] dip lo zoa|| DOUBLE KHYMES, 6a 5b 460 an tho zoa|| [Obal, above] mobled?f en to zoa|| en nobled pro to zoa|| globest [Obi, above] [06n, p. 482] [Ob, p. 107] a mor pho zoa|| nobless? or robeth noblesse?|| froward [Ob, p. 107] [0 & bless?] flowered? toward globy moblest?f un toward goby noblest obi || or [Obi, above] Ob oby|| globate Ja dobe|| lobelet Jhobitf [Ob & let?] lobate mobile? Jobit?|| [Obi, below] mobleth?f probate en nobleth in globate probing [Obi, above] con globate? [Ob, p. 107] bi lobate? nobly tri lobate? probings ig nobly tpost-obit? [ObTng, above] un noblyf quin que lobate quad ri lobate gobies mobling?f pin nat i lobate [Obi, above] en nobling a cu ti lobate [Obi, above] moble?f koba|| ^mobile? mobles?f ar roba|| noble nobles ig noble [obi, above] blowball en noble dough-ball un noblef row-boat snow-ball dis en noble tow-boat snow-balls |kobold?l| row-boats 27 470 DOTTBT/E RtTYMES, ft!) 6d tow-boats [OcluT, above] [Och, p. 107] hautboy or broachest poachers hoboyf [och, p. 107] [fichflr, above] [0 & boy?] en croachetli od globous [och, p. 107] mul ti nodate Ja cobusll [o & date 1 ?] [Ob & us?] coaches croches?) tbodle* sober re preaches modal dis rober [och, p. 107] nodal im sober Jodyle Oc tober coaclif ul Jyodel or Jmes o lobar re proachful Jyodle un re proachful trl nodal tglobard or ep i sodal tglowbardt poachy [odlz, p. 471] snow-bird [Oche, above] sobered coda'l ap proaching sodaj snow-birds [och, p. 107] pa godaj| [dbtlrd, above] un re proaching kol podaj sal-soda sobers ap proachless [Ob fir, above] re proachless kol podes?|| [Och & less?] xe rodes?] Och sot to voce?|| en croachmeiut loaded mez za voce?]| ap proachmentf [od, p. 108] [oche, below] ttoadknl en croachments woaded coachee ap proachmentsf un goaded poachy un cor roded |mez za voce?l| poacher DOUBLE RHYMES, (1(1 codex|| [Odmg, above] dodoes [0 & decks?] [0 & dOz?J modish yodel toadish |Odin|| or [Odttl, above] un modish JWodan|| or J Woden I rodent co dists meg a lodon| e rodent [Odst, above] cor rodent loadstone or brodekin w lodestone Jcodist brodequinll shoad-stone Jmodist [Od & kin?] toad-stone [Odfsts, below] a bodest yodle [Od, p. 108] loadstones! [ddal, above] [OdstOn, above] goadeth odelet roadster [od, p. 108] toadlett [Od & stir?] [Od & let?] bodeful roadsters [Dd full?] odelets [od & stirs?] toadlets odize? modus || [o & ell/?] bodies nodous yodles or mul ti nodous odyle Jyodels [odttl, above] loader bodementt [od, p. 108] boding fore bodement odor || or [Od, p. 108] in com mode- odourll shoading or mentf mal odor or shoding male odor un fore boding dodo|| ma rauder? [0 & do?] bo( lings loaders 1-51* [fulfil*, above] [0t, above] Sofi|| or Sophi me lodious? 5f strophe? || [odlus, p. 700] sofa| trophy ja tropha!) o lloafed? poem sofas trophied proem ja trophas |E lohimll profile? |bry o zoum|| strophe?|| [o&fill?; Ofi.ll, [Off, below] below] poems proems profile? oafishf [o & feel?] [0 & fish?] blowess loess beaufet trophies prowess? sofettf [Off, above] |psoas|| Tophet tophus 1 or sowest beaufets tofus [0, p. 106] [of^t, above] trophusllf |E lohist [o & fuss?] |liy lo zoist profile? [Ofsts, below] [o & file?] gopher loafer ICroat profiles? poet [d & files?] gophers |in choate loafers tin troit? ophite [0 & it?] Ophite hofulf [o & fight?] Iprofile? knoweth soeful* [0, p. 106] ophites woful or [Oflt, above] woeful poets [0 & full?] KHYMES, p donor|| copal lonely owner nopal only Jzonarll opal pronely [On, p. 112] sem i-opal per i tropal? dis ownmentf owners post ponement [onur, above] opahll [On, p. 112] mon o tropa?H Bo lognian de thronements Si monian? topau?H [Onme'nt, above] [Onffin, p. 703] [0 & paw?] lonenessf bronzes? sopor|| proneness [onz, p. 113] [Opur, below] a lonenessf un knownness 56 copeck|| or [onus, below] Jblowen kopeck Jgrowan [0 & peck?] lonesome |Ar goan [On & sum?] hy dro zoon]| gropest a i zoon]| [dp, p. 113] bonusjl Jep i zoan Jtropist conus|| ep i zoon|| ^u topist DOUBLE KHYMES, 5p Or 488 [Opfets, below] opened borate re opened Jfloret hopeth un opened chlorate [op, p. 113] JkoretH opens lorate hopeful re opens tmorat mopefult orate un hopeful copestone bi borate soap-stone bi florate ropy de florate slopy copestones bi forate? soapy [OpstOn, above] bi chlorate per chlorate coping tcopos|| de ploratef [Op, p. 113] mopust flu o borate opusj] tsem i floret? copings la gopus|] hy dro chlorate [Oping, above] tglau copis|] oc topus|| borates glau copis|| phal a ropus?|| [Ora"t, above] [Optis, below] groper borax || mopish [Op, p. 113] toryx?|| popish roper storax|| ropish Jsopor|| thoraxil toper pro thoraxj] tropists in ter loper nyc ti corax|| [Optfst, above] met a thoraxj) gropers hy dro thorax ]| hopeless [opur, above] mes o thoraxil [op & less?] or floral open borage? horal re open shorage chloral storage choral 4 DOUBLE KHYME8, Or oral fordeth sorel? roralf [ord, p. 114] [oral, above] roral Jsorel? hoarding borest thoral [ord, p. 114] Jflorist tri floral Jchorist tri horal hoardings [Ortsts, below] ail roral fording, above] soarest sem i-horal sorest mad re poral fordless [or, p. 113] swordless chorals poureth [oral, above] bordman [or, p. 113] swordman dorall forehand floral! foredoom? a forehand fowl Jwhoredorn be forehand moral! [or & hand?] oral! foredooms? psora!) ^whoredoms hoarhound or ma sora|| or horehound ma sorah|l boarder [or & hound?] noc thora?|| hoarder sig norall sworderj chori?|! pas si flora?]] [orus, below] ox y moral! boarders a pri ori?|| [ord ft r, above] a for ti ori?|| boarded sworded dorees? porime [ord, p. 114] glories [0 & rhyme?] un forded [orl, p. 485] fos sores?!! porimes hoardest scan sores?)! [0 & rhymes?] [ord, p. 114] con tra bo nos mores? 1] chlorite DOTTBLE RHYMES, Or 485 porite Thorite chlorites [orlt, above] Jdoree?|| dory froryf glory gory hoary lory oary poryf rory or roary story storey tory John dory vain glory mag giore?|| coun ter-flory? im prov vi sa- toriH Jim prov vi sa- tore|| or im- pro vi sa tore?|| {floored? [or, p. 113] gloried chloride or chlorid roridf sporid storied un storied hy dro chlorid ! ses qui chloride! hy drar go-chlo- ride! goarishf whorish sorish Morisk [o & risk?] florists [ore'st, above] sporids [drtd, above] stories [01% above ; Orez, chloric p. 484] choric psoric Dorism per chloric porism eu chloric flu o boric Dorisms hy dro chloric [orlzm, above] ox y chloric hy per chloric oryx|| [oraks, above] roaring [or, p. 113] roarings [orftig, above] doris|| [orus, below] bearish forger re forger forecast? [or & kast?] floorless shoreless door-lock forelock oarlock doorman foreman 486 DOUBLE RHYMES, Ol* long shoreman? di vorced? [ors, p. 115] [ors, p. 115] doormen a foresaid dis coursings [ormttn, above] [orsTng, above] forcest foremost hoarsest ^lowermost [ors, p. 115] en forcive dis coursivo di vorcive morenessf en forcetli soreness [ors, p. 115] mournest forces be mournest [ors, p. 115] [or & nest?] forceful mournful re sourcefulf [orn & full?] portion ap portion forceless re sourceless di vorceless hoarsely coarsely forcernentf de forcemont en f orcement di vorcement bournless [orn bobbins [obi, above] tHobbist [obln, above] Jkobold?) robbest squabbest [ob, p. 120] gobbet [obit, below] mobbish hobblest squabbish [obi, above] snobbish goblet [ob & let?] Jgobbet obit?|| post-obit? jobbeth [ob, p. 120] obits? hobby [obit, above] lobby mobby hobbies nobby [obi, above] knobby* squabby Hobbism snobbisni wabbleth [obi, above] goblets JOblats squabbling [obi, above] strobile [obi, below] bobbin dobbin robin robbin sea-robin? gobbing sobbing [ob, p. 120] sobbings [oblng, above] squabblings [oblmg, above] gobble hobble oblong coble o vate-oblong cobble o va to-oblong ^mobile? [ob & long?] moble?t Jobole or gobbler Jobol knobbler squabl)]e nobbier* Istrobile [obi, above] wabble con jobble gobblers |im mobile [oblilr, above] cobbled hobbles ft DOtTBLE KHYMES, ob OCl [5bl, above] [6ch, p. 120] [och & or 6t & sho?] obol! crotchet [Sbl, above] rochet?|| tocher* watchetf watcher lobster [och, p. 120] [Sb & stir?] botcheth [och, p. 120] watchers blobber [ochur, above] dobber* crotchets jobber rochets? 6cl [ob, p. 120] tbodied knobber blotches [odl, below] robber [och, p. 120] dodded slabber? or codded slobber watchful pcdded swabber or un watchful [od, p. 121] swobber o ver watchful Ja ble-bodied? be slobber Jun em bodied blotchy robbers botchy model [obur, above] [odl, below] botching obverse? watching goddess [ob & verse?] [och, p. 120] [5dts, below] dobule watchings modest globule [Selling, above] oddest lobule troddest Scotchman [Sd, p. 121] globules ^Scotchmen im modest [5byul, above] watchman o ver modest Jwatchmen och ploddeth scotchest n* nochio? [6d, p. 121] DOUBLE KHYMES, 497 godhead syn odic bodies [od & head?] ex odic [MI, above] e podic godhood pa rodic bodkin [od & hood?] e sodic dodkin rhap sodic odizo? me thodic bodkins [od & eyes?] ar throdic [odkm, above] hel la nodic body hy dri odic coddle or cloddy ox i odic codlef quoddy e lai odic t model noddy chlo ri odic noddle roddyf pe ri odic swaddle shoddy ep i sodic toddle soddy an ti spas modic twaddle toddy ceph a lo podic waddle twaddy an ti cau sodic tnew-model wady|| an ti pe ri odic Ire-model em body or im bodyf me lodics waddled un body [odtk, above] [odl, above] dis em body re-em body or nodding godless re im body [od, p. 121] [od & less?] cod dy-moddy wadding swaddlest dis em bodied noddings [odl, above] [oded, above] [odTng, above] toddleth odic? bodice or [odl, above] me lodic boddice psal modic tgoddess godlike spas modic Idem i-goddess [od & like?] i odic 23* 40B DOUBLE RHYMES, ttd 6f godly quadrate mod wall oddly mod'rate [od & wall?] un godly bi quadrate con quadrate! modwalls godling sub quadrate [Sd & walls?] coddling sem i quadrate [odl, above] godwit codling {quadrinf [od & wit?] twaddling {quadrune squadron godwits codlings [Sd & wits?] [5dltng, above] {quadrinsf squadrons module toddler nodule twaddler godship waddler [Sd & ship?] moduledf noduled toddlers dodder [odlftr, above] fodder modules codder nodules coddles modderf [odl, above] odder 5f plodder offal 1 dodman* [od, p. 121] [Sfl, below] liodman podder {hodmen solder? or doffest 1 rod-man soder? [of, p. 121] {rod-men un solder?! {sophist sodden doddered prophet throdden* [odilr, above] [offt, below] trodden un trodden fodders scoffeth 1 [odiir, above] [of, p. 121] {quadrat DOTJBLE RHYMES, ftf tig 409 coffee 1 scoffings 1 toftman 1 8trophe?|| [ofmg, above] Itoftnien 1 toffee 1 or toffy 1 coffins 1 ofter 1 ! [offa, above] softer 1 coffees 1 [6fT, above] offish 1 * ofttimes 1 spoffish 1 * [5ft & times?] strophic? ja trophic profit doffer 1 phil o sophic? Jprophet goffer 1 the o sophic soffit coffer 1 cat a strophic dis profit Jcougher per i strophic [6f & it?] offer 1 mon o strophic proffer 1 an ti strophic profits scoffer 1 ant a trophic [offt, above] ap os trophic coffered 1 hy per trophic coffle 1 [5fur, above] un phil o sophic? Joffal 1 un offered 1 the o phil o sophic waffle 1 [aful, p. 299] proffers 1 coffin 1 [of ur, above] toften 1 soften ! Jsoften 1 [ofin, above] g tophin 1 logan or oftener 1 ? loggan coffined 1 softner 1 ? or Jnoggenf Jsoftened 1 softener 1 ? tnoggin un coffined 1 tun softened 1 oftest't logans softest 1 [5gitn, above] offing 1 moggans* scoffing 1 softman 1 * [Of, p. 131] Isoftmen 1 * dogged? 1 600 DOTTBLE RHYMER, tig" &j [fig, p. 121] floggings [Sglur, above] [oglng, above] cloggest goggles >g, p. 121] doggish 1 [ogl, above] hoggish dogget doggrel 1 hogget joggles hoggrel Jloggat poggies dogger joggeth boggle flogger >g, p. 121] broggle* hogger goggle jogger doggets joggle cogger ;tft, above] coggle logger 1 * toggle [agur, p. 299] dogfish 1 frog-fish boggled floggers hog-fish [ogl, above] [ogur, above] bog-house fogless dogwood 1 loghouse 1 [og & less?] logwood 1 boggy boggiest hogshead foggy [ogl, above] [5gz & head?] froggy groggy broggleth* 6j joggiell [ogl, above] project? cloggy coun ter-project? poggy joggling scroggy* [ogl, above] lodgest soggy flJJ, p. 122] boggier flogging [5gl, above] dodgeth >g, P- 121] [Qj, p. 122] nogging bogglers DOUBLE KHYMES, ftj 5fc 501 lodges so cio logic? lodgment or 122] pho to logic lodgement on to logic dis lodgment! tau to logic win ter-lodgment! as tro logic dodger codger lodger logic eu logicf dem a gogic par a gogic ped a gogic i sa gogic mys ta gogic mor pho logic phys i co logic o phi o logic phys i o logic kyr i o logic or JMagyar?|| cyr i o logic or cu ri o logic codgers ep i logic de mon o logic or [oj ur, above] my co logic dem on o logic sar co logic her pet o logic 6k psy cho logic so ci o logic? dockage eth no logic os te o logic lochage pho no logic an throp o logic or lockage phre no logic or an thro po logic socage or phren o logic mar tyr o logic soccage tech no logic hi er o logic eth o logic phra se o logic cockal phil o logic hel min tho logic [Ski, below] ge o logic or ni tho logic chron o logic me te or o logic lochan* lith o logic Mo roccan my o logic an a gogics myth o logic i sa gogics brocardil ne o logic [Sjlk, above] Jcockered gno mo logic or pockarred or gnom o logic lodging pockared path o logic [oj, p. 122] pos o logic knockest the o logic lodgings [5k, p. 123] trop o logic [5jmg, above] JLockist nee ro logic >02 DOUBLE RHYMES, 6k brocket rocky hockled docket or socky cockled doquetf stocky cocket Jtockay frockless crocket lockless locket jockeyed rockless pocket [okhed, above] smockless rochet? sockless rocket bocking socket frocking hocklest marsh-rocket? cocking cockiest sea-rocket? stocking un socketf [ok, p. 122] hockleth cockleth rocketh stockinged [5k, p. 122] un stockinged hockling cockling dockets stockings rockling [oket, above] [5kmg, above] rocklings rock-fish blockish [Skiing, above] stock-fish brockish pockish socles?! blockhead stockisht [okl, above] | jockeyed Jknocked? jockeys socman [ok, p. 122] [6kT, above] tsocmen stockman bockey* hockle Jstockmon flocky Jcockal hockey cockle /occo jockey mocklef mo rocco|| crocky socle? or si rocco lockyt zocle? ba jocco|| pocky strockle DOUBLE RHYMES, 5k 503 em boxest Jfoxed? oxlips [6ks, p. 122] [Sks, p. 122] [Sks & lips?] oxide or foxeth oxyd boxenf [Sks, p. 122] tproxiedt cockswain? or hy droxide! coxswain? boxes ses quoxydt oxen [Sks, p. 122] bi noxide! Jproxene Jproxies di oxide! ttocsin [Sksl, below] per oxide! woxenf sub oxide! Jpic ro toxine tri noctial quad roxide! e qui noctial deu toxide! cockswains?! pro toxide! [oksn, above] coction tri toxide! de coction ses qui oxide! boxer con coction hy per oxide! [ok & sir?] re coction su per oxide! boxers noxious toxict [5k & sirs?] in noxious par a doxict ob noxious octave hie cius doctius? boxing [5ktrv, below] un ob noxious [Sks, p. 122] de cocted flocci?!! boxings con cocted cocci?|| [okstng, above] un con cocted oxeye proxies octetf doxy [oksT & 5ksz, [okt & it?] foxy above] proxy coctile or tho doxy? oxlip octile het er o doxy? [Sks & lip?] tri octile 504 DOUBLE RHYMES, 5k 61 toctave cockered bollard de coctive [okard, p. 501] collard* con coctive collared |sub octave rockers Lollard [okiir, above] pollard doctor)! proctor clock-work Lollards con cocter rock-work [olilrd, above] pro proctor stock-work mollahs doctored clock-works [ola, above] proctored [okwurk, above] a bollae?|| nocturn 61 co rolla3?|| [5k & turn?] solace [Ola, above; 51T, Jtor ti collis?!! below] nocturns [ok & turns?] de collate college [olet, below] knowledge doctors ac knowledge [oktftr, above] holla? fore knowledge mollahjl pre knowledge floccusl) olla|| self-knowledge coccus!! a bollall dis ac knowledge di coccous co rolla 1 ! tri coccous sar co colla'! ac knowledged tet ra coccous lith o collaj [oltfj, above] pen ta coccous tau ro colla||unac knowlcdp-d sas so rolla I! cocker os te o col la 1 solemn locker ich thy o colla|| [olum, below] mocker 1 knocker collar l)rc pollencet rocker [olur, below] e qui pollence or eq ui pollence \ \ DOUBLE ' 505 Jvolant? dolly di a bolic pre pollentf folly met a bolic at tollent holly par a bolic e qui pollent or jolly am phi bolic eq ui pollent kolly hy per bolic collief al co holic hollen qually mel an cholic Jcolin mollell ep i colic pollen trolley* ric i nolic volley va ri olic hollens sea-holly? vit ri olic [61n, above] ep i polic olidf ep is tolic lollest solid ap os tolic [61, p. 123] squalid bib li o polic Jsolaced stolid un ap os tolic Jun solaced volleyed JTJck e walist sur solid frolics! un solid [61Yk, above] colett Jex tolled? tpollux|| collet [61, p. 123] tprolate? frolicked swalletf frolic! rollicked wallet Jhollock Jde collate colic! colin Jpollack or [61n, above] ex tolleth Jpollock [61, p. 123] rollic lolling car bolic [61, p. 123] collets sym bolic [olet, above] Ar golic polisn bu colic a bolish dolphin E olic or de molish Ru dolphine ^E olic re polish sys tolic in ter polish 89 7 506 DOUBLE KHYMES, o ver polish pollock scolloped [Silk, above] [olup, above] polished [Sllsh, above] Voltal! dollar un polished la voltall collar un a bolished choler un de molished voltill toiler walty?f scholar follies sollar* [oil, above] waiter?* ex toller re volter? Jdollman| collared dolmen|| or waiters?* [Slard, p. 504] tolmen re volters? dollars fullow column [Slur, above] holloa? collumll hollo? ^solemn solvend? holla? Jun solemn re solvend hollow sem i-column? collowf solvent swallow collop in solvent volowf loUopf e volvent wallow Jpolyp or dis solvent sea-swallow tpolype?ij re solvent en wallow scallop? or scollop or solvents followed escalop? [61vnt, above] [51(5, above] trollop un followed wallop solvest un swallowed es calop? [olv, p. 123] hollows wallops re volveth [610, above] [Slup, above] [Slv, p. 123] DOUBLE RHYMES, 61 6lll 507 re volving Jbombate comber? [olv, p, 123] combat? omber? or un dis solving wombat ombre?H un re solving in ter combat? scomberli somber? or re volvings combats? sombre? || [olvtng, above] [ftmbitt, above] domett de volvement Lombard? Jcomate? e volvement Jsombered? or comet in volvement tsombred? grommet or re volvement gromet rhombi?|| Jvomit de volvements [ombus, below] Jre vomit [SlvmSnt, above] bornbic comets solver rhombic? [omSt, above] [olv, p. 123] Jtombacll or tho rhombic comic re volvers gnomic [olvftr, above] wamble Jhommock en semble?|| vomic mollienty tout-en semble?|| un comic e mollient? a tomic re mollient?f wambles dys tomic [ombl, above] en tomic volume pal in dromic en volumet rhomboid lox o dromic a nom o rhom- or tho dromic volumed boid tiag i-comic en volumedt cin na momic rhomb us 1 e co nomic or ttm strombusj ec o nomic or domagt't thrombusll 03 co nomic? homage ag ro nomic 508 DOUBLE RHYMES, fall chi ro nomic [omgt, above] Jnon compos[J i so nomic [Smp & us?] au to nomic rompest as tro nomic [5mp, p. 124] common gas tro nomic t commune? || an a tomic swampeth dis common di a tomic [omp, p. 124] un common lith o tomic in ter common lie ro i-comic romping se ri o comic [omp, p. 124] oil he li o chromic nonage ste re o chromic rompings [on & age?] or [ompmg, above] ster e o chromic nonaged complicet [on & aged? or on ac complice & edged?] phys i og nomic ste re o tomic or ster e o tomic ac complished connate? lox o dromics un ac complished [onSt, below] [omlk, above] phor o nomics compound? monad? py ro nomics or de compound? tas toniedt pyr o nomics su pra de com- pound donna|| gromill ma donna'l Jwammell* prompted bel la donnaH un prompted pri ma donna]! pomace?! promise promptness monarch ver promptness [6n & ark?] promised fore-promised im promptujl ma donnas un promised [ompt & you?] [om't, above] vomit pompous ton dit?|| BOTTBtE RHYMES, 6 tt 509 Spondee spondyle frondous wandy* di spondee condyles fonder [ondfl, above] [ond, p. 124] spondees conder di spondees cor re spending condor 1 [ond, p. 124] ponder bonded in cor re spond- squander [6nd, p. 124] ingt wander yonder de spondence conduit? de spender re spondence in condite? doub le-en ten- cor re spondence re condite? dre?|| in cor re spon- tre spondet] dence t sem i-re condite? wandered [ondur, above] frondent* fondle un pondered de spondent [ondfl, above] un squandered [ondens, above] dis cor re spon- rondeau? || or ponders dent rondo [ondilr, above] se condo|| hyp o chondres? fondest JGi rondist t laundry? donnest ab scondest hyp o chondry [on, p. 124] [ond, p. 124] honest ^laundries? dis honest re spondeth hyp o chondries un der honestt [ond, p. 124] hyp o chondres? bonnet tfondle conduct? Jdonnat* condyle mis conduct? Iconnate? Jrondelt safe-conduct sonnet Jrondlef un bonnet spondyl or fondus|j 610 DOUBLE KHYMK8, ftli conneth congoil pro longers 1 [on, p. 124] pongo|| [5ngfir, above] tongoli sonnets Johnite [tinSt, above] drongos Sonnite? [5nggO, above] longest 1 ? Johnites throngest 1 congerjl Sonnites? [Ong, p. 125] longer 1 ? stronger 1 bonny be longeth 1 conny* [Ong, p. 125] be longing 1 nonny [ong, p. 125] in cony?t wrongful 1 as tonyf songful 1 be longings 1 [SngTng, above] phonic e longate? clonic pro longatef longish 1 conic sub e longate [Ong, p. 125] chronic chroniquell JMongol wrongless 1 ! tonic diph thongal? songless 1 car bonic triph thongal? a donic mon oph thongal longly 1 He donic wrongly 1 sar donic longan] strongly 1 a phonic wangan?!]* si phonic longness 1 ! sym phonic longans wrongness 1 eu phonic wangans?* a gome longer 1 ? jar gonic longest 1 ? wronger 1 cy clonic strongest 1 pro longer 1 Dra conic [ong, p. 125] gly conic drongoil cro conic DOUBLE RHYMES, &11 511 la conic Teu tonic mon o tonic me conic Scla vonic or su per tonic ob conic Sla vonic i so tonic Ty chonic chal ce donic sul pho-car bonic a cronyc cal ce donic sten to ro phon- har monic di a phonic icf mne monic cat a phonic pa thog no mon- gno monic pol y phonic ic pneu monic cac o phonic per ip neu monic po monic mon o phonic O lym pi onic pul monic an ti phonic Am phic ty onic ser monic cos mo gonic an ti ma sonic ca nonic ge o gonic Ne o-Pla tonic I onic the o gonic ar chi tec tonic zo onic i so gonic e lee tro-tonic Aa ronic pol y conic phys i og no- i ronic an a chronic monic pyr rhonic mon o chronic in ter gan gli onic ma sonic Bab y Ionic per sonicf heg e monic conies gna thonicf en har monic [onlk, above] py thonic phil har monic mi cro phonics ti thonic in har monic meg a lonyx?H a tonic eu har monic en tonic an ti monic conning cro tonic Phar a onic [8n, p. 124] Me tonic em bry onic Mil tonic al cy onic monishf Pla tonic sten tor onicf tonnish Plu tonic his tri onic wannish pre tonic ge o ponic ad monish syn tonict mac a ronic pre monish stra tonic au toch thonic sub monishf sub tonic di a tonic as tonish tec tonic sem i tonic fore-ad monish 512 DOFBT-K RHYMES, 6ll pre ad rnonish rhonchtisll tonsure ad moDished conquer? stnmtiuin?|l [ftnlsh, above] pre conquer? dra contium?i| un ad moniihed re conquer? un as tonished s])onsion Jconcord Jslrontian? bonnies conquered? JLe pout inn [6nl, above] un conquered? re sponsion plonges conquest- sponsions [5nj, p. 125] re conquest [onshun, above] concave jonquil? or conscious hi concave jonquille? self-conscious pla no-concave [on & quill?] un conscious con ca vo-con- sein i-conscious cave spousal con vex o-con- [onsul, below] soncy* or cave sonsy* [8n & cave?] nonsense un sonsy* or [on & sense?] un sonsie* bronchi? || rhonchi?]] sconcest sconcing tAl fonsist spousing bronchi? 1| en sconcest en sconcing [onkl, above] donkey sconceth Al fonsist swankie* or en sconceth [onsest, above] swanky* [on & saith?] re spon si ve donkeys montia?J| cor re sponsive strontia?!) un re sponsive [5nkl, above] bronchusll t monsieur? [I consound DOUBLE RHYMES, 5 ii 513 [tin & sound?] $ con sole? piano-horizontal con sul i| constant Jsponsal montant in constant Jtonsil [ontent, below] un constant! ttonsile pro consul || frontier? de monstrate? [on & ter?] pre monstratet consult? re monstrate ju ris consult tquantumH montemll re monstrates consuls [tinstnTt, above] [tinsiil, above] content? Jmontantll monstrance sponsor] re monstrance tonsor|| contents? Jmontants pre monstrant sponsors re monstrant tonsors frontest? an ti re monstrant [tint, p. 126] con tra re mon- concert? contest? strant dis concert? pre concert? fronteth? construe? [tint, p. 126] mis construe? frontage? monteth? pontage construe?! monte?|| monster cis montane pontee? sea-monster? tra montane? wanty* ul tra montane nonsuit in ter montane quantic [tin & suit?] [tintm, below] JPontac Pontic nonsuits fontal! ar chontic [tin & suits?] frontal dra contic hor i zontal mas to dontic 29* 514 DOTTBLE KIIYMK8, fill t A nac re ontic Yer monter quantics Ver monters A nac re ontics [ontvlr, above] tbonten Jbonton?!! Jfrontonl) Jmonton Pontine J want on dra contine Jcis montane [5ntiJn, above] Bi pontine Jo ver wanton pontees? wanties* Jonto* o dontof lionorfl or honour Conner? wanner tzonnar|| tgenre?|| dis honor! honored! dis honored! un honored! un dis honored! honors! [onur, above] convex [on & vex?] bonton?|| pla no-convex [ontln, above] con ca vo-convex con vex o-convex contract? pre contract? bronzest? sub contract Jbronzist? em bronzest? contrite? un contrite bonzes bronzes? ren contre?|| em bronzes? [ant fir, p. 281] bonze? || bronzy? ftp coppel [opl, below] stoppest [op, p. 126] hoppet moppet topet croppeth [op, p. 126] hoppet s [opet, above] cropful topful choppy floppy* copy poppy sloppy soppy re copy copied (stopped? [op, p. 126] boTTBLK RHYMES, O p 515 topic tgloppen* [5pl, above] tropic coppin hy dropic chapless cy clopic chopping stoplessf a copic [op, p. 126] topless my opic topping [op & less?] pres by opic ^vhapping or E thi opic whopping hopplest hy gro scopic [opl, above] per i scopic choppings tel e scopic [5p!ng, above] droplet di chro scopic [op & let?] mi cro scopic chopins? ther mo scopic [optn, above] stoppleth bar o scopic [opl, above] steth o scopic foppish nee ro scopic froppisht droplets phil an thropic goppish* [op & lets?] mis an thropic the an thropic* copies drop-light psi Ian thropic poppies hoplite al lo tropic re copies top-light i so tropic ste re o scopic or hopple hoplites ster e o scopic tcoppel [opllt, above] met o po scopic copplet un phil an thropic popple fopling leu co-e thi opic stopple toppling the o phil an- thropple [opl, above] thropic topple Jes toppel or foplings topics es topple [Splmg, above] [tfplk, above] coppled popples chopin? toppled [6pl, above] 516 DOUBLE RHYMED shopman dropsies di optric Jshopmen [opst, above] sci optric topman Jcopses ca toptric Jtopmen mopseys cat a di optric |sy nopses?|| hoppo|| [opsts, above] di optrics [6p & 0?] ca toptrics a dopted option re-a dopted ca toptron|| a doption un a dopted pol y optron|| pre option a doptest a dopter options re a doptest tri diopter [opslmn, abovej ho mopter a dopteth di opter dropsy re a dopteth ho ropter copsy chei ropter mopsey Coptic neu ropter dys opsy optic ca topter au topsy? scoptic lep i dopter pho topsy sy noptic phen i copter sci optic hy men opter ly copsis|| au topticf thy san opter sy nopsis|| om pha loptict het er opter di opsis|| my opsis|| optics a dopters mel a nopsis|| om pha lopticsf [opt fir, above] pil e opsis|| het er optics me con opsis|| chopper ga le opsis|| a dopting hopper ca ry opsis?|| or re a dopting [5p, p. 126] ca ri opsis? whapper* or co re opsislj di optra|| whoppcr* ce re opsis|| ca toptra|| copper than a topsis|| [optron, below] cropper DOtTBT/E RHYMES, Op OV lopper quarrel 1 forest 1 proper laurel 1 ? af forest 1 stopper lore! 1 ! dis forest 1 im proper Jmoral 1 en forest 1 un der propper? morel 1 ? dis af forest 1 Jmoril 1 co af forest 1 coppered sorel 1 ? [are'st, p. 306] loppered sorrel 1 stoppered ttorril 1 Jforay 1 ? or Iworral 1 or Jforray 1 ? knoppern worrel 1 correi 1 * [op & lira?] Izoril 1 quarry 1 Jim moral 1 lorry 1 or coppers [arel, p. 306] lorrie 1 [opur, above] sorry 1 Jcoraled 1 or [art, p. 307] ttr Icoralled 1 foray 1 ?! quarreled 1 ! florid 1 [4 DOtTHLK RHYMES, OO1' OOS leg a tura?|| tourist sooceyS ap pog gia tura?|| [oorest, above] ac ci ac ca tura|| loosely con nois seurship? ab strusely? roorbachli* am a teursliip? [oor & back?] [ oor & ship?] Jdoucine|| loosen sourdet worsted? 1111 loosen [oor & debt?] [oor & stead?] looseness Koordish or oos ab struseness? Kurdish boosest? [oor & dish?] loosest boosted noosest? [oost, p. 137] poorest un loosest un roosted tourest [oor, p. 136] looseth boostest Jtourist [oos^st, above] [oost, p. 137] whoreth? goose's roosteth [oor, p. 136] looses [oost, p. 137] ca booses fleury? [oos, p. 137] roosting houri?|| [oost, p. 137] moory de bouches ba rouches giusto|| mooring [oosh, p. 137] [oos & to?] [oor, p. 136] goosy booster moorings soocey|| rooster* [oorlng, above] loosing boosters boorish [oose'st, above] roosters* Moorish poorish goosies DOUBLE 1JIIYME8, OOt OOft 535 oot (PO rootless booted smoothest [oot, p. 137] soothest? rootlet [oot & let?] shootest smootheth [oot, p. 137] sootheth sos te nuto| [oo & to?] mooteth smoothing [oot, p. 137] soothing kreutzer?j| [oot & sir?] sootjiest?f smoother toothest soother? kreutzers? un couthest [oot & sirs?] un toothest smoothers soothers? fouter tootheth hooter un tootheth booty [oot, p. 137] fruity? stooter|| toothyf rooty tooter or youthy?f shooty* touter sooty? free booter? toothing tutti|| ac couter or un toothing a goutijl or ac coutre a gouty soothlyt ac coutered or un couthly hooting ac coutred [oot, p. 137] un ac coutred! soothnessf un couthness hootings shooters [potnig, above] [ootur, above] toothsome un toothsome a goutis! ooft [ootl, above] doer soother?f sewer? un couther bootless wooer 586 DOUBLE RHYMES, OOZ [oo, p. 132] movement ooy ap provement buoyance?f doers im provement up buoyance?f [ooftr, above] dis im prove- mentf ooz oov mis im prove- choosest re moval ment [ooz, p. 138] ap proval conn ter-move- dis proval ment loseth re proval [ooz, p. 138] ir re moval movements dis ap proval [oovmcfnt, above] blouses? || snoozes re movals hooven [ooz, p. 138] [oovftl, above] hoven? proven* bougest?f provest dis proven* rougest [oov, p. 138] souvenir?!] bougeth?t moveth [oov & near?] rougeth [oov, p. 138] groover* bouges?t be hoovef ul louver or rouges [oov & full?] louvre m' loover or bouging?f grooving lover? rouging [oov, p. 138] mover self-moving [oov, p. 138] boosy or un moving ma nceuvre?!! boozy or un ap proving out ma nceuvre?|| bousy un im proving oozy self -re proving movers [oovur, above] oozing groovings [ooz, p. 138J [oovtng, above] DOUBLE KHYMES, OOZ OU(1 537 oozings tsowins [ouch, p. 139] [oozing, above] [ouen, below] Jvouchor losel?f oub vouchers ousel or cowboy [ouchfir, above] ouzel plowboy or bam boozle ploughboy oud clouded ousels! cowboys [oud, p. 140] [oozl, above] [ouboi, above] un clouded un crowded bosom? oucli un shrouded cm bosom? or a vouchest un be clouded im bosom? [ouch, p. 139] un bosom? crowdest dis em bosom? croucheth loudest [ouch, p. 139] [oud, p. 140] booser chooser couching be cloudeth [ooz, p. 138] [ouch, p. 139] [oud, p. 140] choosers couchings dowdy [oozur, above] [ouching, above] howdy* cloudy OUil couchless cowdie a vowal pouchless crowdy* [one 1 !, below] rowdy* gauchojl shroudyt al lowance [ouch & o?] pan dowdy a vowancc un cloudy dis al lowance gauchosll [ou & chose?] shrouding go wans [oud, p. 140] sowans or coucher snowding Jsowens or voucher strouding 538 DOUBLE RHYMES, Olid Ollj shroudings [oudlng, above] loudish proudish dowdies [oudl, above] cloudless shroudless loudly proudly loudness proudness chowder louder [oud, p. 140] powder be powder chowdered [oiulilr, above] un powdered powders [oudur, above] ouS a vowee? [out, below] bowel dowel howel bowet rowett al loweth rowel [ou, p. 139] towel trowel out vowel frowey dis bowel frowy em bowel or sloughy? im bowelf a vowee? un bowel Ja vowal bowing? dis em bowel [ou, p. 139] tills a vowal un bowing sem i vowel bowings? doweled or [oumg, above] dowelled [ouel, above] sowins un voweled! [outln/, above] bowels ouj [ouel, above] gougest? [ouj, p. 140] Jgowan ouan/, above] bowgetht rowen [ouj, p. 140] bowess bouges?t prowess [ouj, p. 140] bowest scrouging* [ou, p. 139] [ouj, p. 140] bOTTBLE imYMES, Ollk OUI1 639 ouk fowler un grounded toucan?|| [oul, p. 140] tin mounded [ou & can?] jovvler Un pounded owler? un founded howker un sounded [ou & kftr?] fowlers un wounded? [oul fir, above] un con founded oul un ex pounded browless oum un com pounded [ou & less?] bowman? un sur rounded tdowlas Jbowmen? un de com pound- plowman or ed foulest ploughman howlest Jplowmen! soundest [oul, p. 140] [ound, p. 141] im bowmentt howlet or en dow r ment boundeth houlet dis en dowment [ound, p. 141] owlet? dis a vowmentt madge-howlet pounding [ou & let?] en dowments [ound, p. 141] [oument, above] in ter wounding? prowletli? [oul, p. 140] ouii soundings drownagef [oundmg, above] growling clownaget [oul, p. 140] roundish groundage [ound, p. 141] growlings poundage [oulmg, above] im poundage boundless groundless foulish rounded soundless owlish [ound, p. 141] woundless? un bounded fouler un founded groundlyf 540 DOTTBLK KHYMK>, Oil II roundly crownet crownletf soundly [oun & it?] townlet pro foinidly uii soundly crowneth townleta [oun, p. 141] [ounle't, above] foundling groundling downfall downlooked [oun & fall?] [oun & looked?] foundlings groundlings re nownful downright [oun & full?] [oun & rlt?] roundness [oundll, above] downhill ^council [oun & hill?] counsel foundress mis counsel [oun & dress?] brownie* brownyf counseled or groundsel downy counselled Igroundsill mis counseledl [ound & sl?] browning un counseled! [oun, p. 141] flounder an nouncest founder brownings [ouns, p. 141] [ound, p. 141] [ounTng, above] pro nounceth floundered brownish [ouns, p. 141] foundered . clownish townisht bounces founders ounces [oundur, above] downcome [ouns, p. 141] [oun & come?] brownest township frownest crownless [oun & ship?] [oun, p. 141] townless re nownless townships DOUBLE RHYMES, OUI1 &4l [ouji & ships?] [ount, p. 142] countorf en counter bouncing re counteth ren counter? [ouns, p. 141] [ount, p. 142] Countered jouncings fount ful en countered [ounslng, above] [ount & full?] ren countered un en countered an nouncement bounty de nouncement county counters e nouncement moimtyt [ountiir, above] [ouns, p. 141] fountain bounteous? an nouncements mountain un bounteous? [ounsment,above] mounting browner de nouncer [ount, p. 142] drowner [ouns, p. 141] [oun, p. 141] mountings de nouncers [ountlng, above] drowners [ounsur, above] [ounur, above] fountains mountantf mountains downward ac countant or townward ac comptantt bounties [ounti, above] downwards mounted townwards [ount, p. 142] countless un counted [ount & less?] downweed un mounted [oun & weed?] un ac counted downtrod un re counted [oun & trod?] gownsman un sur mounted Jgownsmen counter groundsman countest [ount, p. 142] ^roundsmen 31 INH'BLE KHY.MES. Ollli Ollt [ous, p. townsman ^townsmen our dowralt ma croural an o moural dowress hourly sourly tdowress ma crourous a nourous sourer de vourer [ourus, below] [our, p. 142] securest de vourers sourest [ourur, above] [our, p. 142] ous floureth dousest [our, p. 142] [ous, p. 142] chowry souseth dowry [ous, p. 142] floury houri?|| mouse's cowrie souses a vowry ho mo ousian? de vouring ho moi ousian? [our, p. 142] tau to ousian self -de vouring household de vourings [ous & hold?] [curing, above] ho mo ousious? dowries tau to ousioust [ourT, above] grousing houseless [ous & less?] a coustic di a coustic ot a coustic mi cro coustic pol y a coustic [on & stick?] a const ics [oustlk, above] cat a const ics dowser [ou & sir?] dowsers [ou & sirs?] house-wife? souse-wife house-wives? souse-wives out routed [out, p. 143] un doubted un routed shoutest DOUBLE RHYMES, Out OUU stoutest poutings [out, p. 143] [out, p. 143] [outtng, above] jowterf outer doubteth loutish pouter [out, p. 143] stoutish powter come-outer doubtful outlaw un doubtful [out & law?] doubters de voutful [outur, above] doubtless nioutliful spoutless ouii [outh & full?] de voutless bower dower (tn) stoutly flower mouthcst de voutly glower* southest? in de voutly cower un de voutly lower? mouthetli power southeth? stoutness shower? de voutness tower mouthing em bower or southing? outrage? im bowert [out & rage?] be flower mouthings en flower southings? outright. al lower [out & rlt?] [ou, p. 139] doughty em power or droughty outside im powert gouty [out & sld?] dis em power grouty o ver power snoutyi outskirt o ver tower [out & skirt?] [our, p. 142] pouting [out, p. 143] ohowtert bowered un doubting doubter [ouur, above] f>44 Dorm.K IMIYMKS, oitil- fia Jfloured [ou/iil, above] towzer or [onrd, p. 142] towser flowered rousest tcoward [ouz, p. 143] browsers cowered [ouzur, above]" Jcowherd es pouseth trousers or un dowered [ouz, p. 143] trow so rs un showered un towered houses Ufl . dis em bowered mouses brewage? un em bowered fuage un de flowered blow/y sewage? un cm powered drowsy truare?f frouzy cowers frowsy fluate [ouur, above] lousy [ilet, below] ouw browsing aft bow-wow? [ouz, p. 143] dual pow-wow tdiiel WOW-AVOW browsings [uel, below] [ouzing, above] sub dualf bow-wows? re newal [ouwou, above] tousle! pur sualt [ouzal, above] re viewal ouz thouselt spouseless duals spousal - [ouz & less?] [ri^l, above] ttousle or Jtousel browser pur suaiice es pousal [ouz, p. 143] [uens, below] a rousalt mouser ca rousal ouser tfluent touser suant* or es pousals tou/er or Jsuent* norm/Hi RHYMES, fia ud 645 truant? cubest tcrudle? pur suant tubest udal pa ludal Jfluents cubic truants? pubic de luded che rubic? [ad, p. 145] na un ex eluded leeward? cubing, &c. u n con eluded steward [iibst, above] un de luded tsewered un e luded [nftr, p. 559] pubis|| un ob truded? trnbiis?|| un pro truded? Oft cruor?|| cubit prudence? [nur, p. 559] shubitH im prudence? ju ris prudence? ttb lubricf [n & dense?] Cuban rubric? Jrubine prudent? tuber|| student jubajl [il & burr?] oc cludent subahj im prudent? tuba|| tubers ju ris prudent? [il & burrs?] jubae?|| students Jruby? uch ju ris prudents? tubae?|| future [lityiir, below] tfeudist pubes?|| lewdest Jrubies? ud in cludest de nudate?^ [fid, p. 145] bluebell ex udatet Jnubile se cludeth Iruble? feudal or [Ud, p. 145] feodal 546 IXH'KLK 1MIY.MKS, ftd 111* pudic Q6 newest Jsudakl lues?i| [il, p. 144] [a & ez?j ex uding tbruit? [ad, p. 145] li chuet? non-con eluding {dual tflualc un con cludingf [uttl, above] cruet? <>r n n ol> tr uding? duel crevvet?t fuel or Ipewit? or crudish? fewelt pewet? <>r prudish? gruel? puet rudish? jewel? rewet?f cruel? suet feudist crewel? [Udest, above] newel heweth sewel [n, p. 144] crudely? tewel shrewdly? be jewel bluets [ud, p. 145] cruets? dueled or [net, above] rudeness? duelled [ud, p. 145] fueled!* (if jeweled! stufa?|! scudo?|| be jeweled! tufa?Jl tes tudo?|| duels nupharll lewder [ul, above] tupher or JmudarJI tufer in truder? fluencet [ud, p. 145] tpur suance stufas? tufas? in truders? fluent [udur, above] [iUtnt, above] dew-tali tuefall* mewest DOUBLE RHYMES, ftf Tik 547 duefult rugous? ruins? rueful? bi jugous? [utn, above] ttruffle? se jugous? tri jugous? bluing ttg quad ri jugous? [u, p. 144] Newgate mul ti jugous? newing* rugate? bi jugate? nt brewings? tri jugate? blueyf [fitng, above] u ni j ugate? dewy quad ri jugate? gluey brewis? puyll JJewess tbugle spewy lewis frugal? thewy jugal be dewyf bluish in frugal? gluish un frugal? Druid? Jewish feb ri f ugal? tduad newish fluid shrewish? fugall Jmewed? stewish yugal [Q, p. 144] a JugaJ sem i-fluid ty be lugall hugyt fluids euge?||f bugle [Old, above] a juga3?|| [ugal, above] [tiga, above] bruin? bugler Jduanf mugil|| Jjug'lar ruin? pugil tyewen al bugo|| tPe guan? uk 8e rugo?|| fucate fer rugo?l| ruined? mucate [u & go?] un ruined? ni tro leucate py ro mucate or 648 DOUBLE RHYMES, fllv ftl pyr o mucate nucules Ulans! [ulan, above] ducal bruchus?|| arch ducal fucus|| dewlap Pen ta teuchal Jglucose t julep leucous :tuiip kruka?|| mucous ca clmca?|| mucus|| dewlaps e ruca?l ca ducous [uljip, above] lac tuca|| man ducus|| noc ti lucaf sub mucous Beulahll fast, p. 556] fes tucous?t gulall och ro leucous dukedom noc ti lucous duledge arch dukedom [u & ledge?] lucre re bukest tmucor|| culexll [Qk, p. 146] euchre pulex|| re buker ulex|| puketh [uk, p. 146] [uk, p. 146] in vo lucre? dewless hueless un duking lucredt tjulisl] [uk, p. 146] euchred Jjulusjl in vo lucred viewless fucoid Je pulis|| [u & coyed?] euchres Jpa rulis?|| [ukur, above] JI ulusll in vo lucrumjl [u & krtim?] 01 rulest? Ulanll or [Ul, p. 146] lucule Hulanll or nucule Uhlan mewleth yulan?|| [ul, p. 146] lucules DOUBLE RHYMES, til Fllll 549 bluely puler brumal? [fl, p. 144] ruler? dumalt duly glumal guly mewlers Jglumellell muley [iilftr, above] newly human ruly?f Julian? [umen, below] smuly* A pulian? or Thule?R Ap pulian? puma? || truly? Qe tulian? or struma:|| ule?|| Gae tulian? lu cuma!] viewly* [ilMn, p. 726] em py reuma?|| un duly Mon te zuma|| un ruly? A pulians?! un truly? [QlySn, above] jumart [Q & mart?] pulic mulier?|| es culic or pe culiar? rumex?|| ses culic tsumachs! Tim guling fumage Ihuman ruling? plumage thumine [ul, p. 146] rumen?|| Jfumet or al bumenll rulings? Jfewmet le gumen|| [tiling, above] in humate Jle gumine de spumate? Jin human mulelessf ttrans human ruleless? in humates a cumen|| [urnSt, above] a lumen|| pulu?|| Jen lumine Zulu?H thumic |il lumine sumach? or ire lumine Jgular sumac? or tich neumonll mcwler shuinac? ce rumen? || 31* 550 DOTH I.K KIIYMKS, fUll tin bi tumen|| fumy plumule ser al bumen|| plumy [a & mule?] o val bumenjl pumyt en cr gumen? rheumy? dumous Jsu per human spumy dumusll tpre ter human famous cat e chumen fumidt gltim( )US Jre-il lumine humid grumous? tumid himiusjl jumentf tper fumepl? JkiimissJ strewment?t [um, p. 146] plumous im bruement? Jpumicc? im buement il lumine spumous es chewment?t [ume'n, above] strumous? en duementf or an ti strumous? in duementf il lumined sub duementt [umm, above] humor?|| or ac crument?f or humour? ac cruement?f per fuming rumor?! 1| [am, p. 146] tumor! jumentsf un as suming per fumer [ume'nt, above] un con suming [um, p. 146] un pre suming con sumer cat e chumens cos turner? [amen, above] per f umings dis humor?! [amTng, above] as sumest humored?! [am, p. 146] kumiss'] [am fir, above] [umiis, below] un humored?! fumeth [am, p. 146] fumisht rumors! kumish : | [firnur, above] thumite [a & mit?] fumeless fill plumeless lunate DOUBLE RHYMES, fill 551 [unit, below] tri bunal la cunal com munal luna|| a buna|| la cuna|| bo yuna|| lunar tRuner? ttuner [un, p. 147] la ciinar!) sub lunar tpro pugner sem i lunar su pra lunar su per lunar in ter lunar no vi lunar cas su munar|| a bunas bo yunas lunae?|| la cunae?|| blueness ducnessf fewness newness Jpunese?t or units Jpunice [unTt, above] trueness? un dueness tuneless Jla cunous [un & less?] below] je junely? tunest op por tunely [Fin, p. 147] in op por tunely im pugnetli im pugnment [un, p. 147] [un & meant?] tuneful je juneness un tuneful [unit & lines, [un & full?] above] Punic eunuch Runic? [unlk, above] tunic Jeunuch je junumll e plu ri bus u- tunics num[ Jeunuchs la cunous pruning? [unes, above] [un, p. 147] tuner primings? [un, p. 147; liniir, [unlng, above] above] Jlunate tuners 1 llunetf [uniir, above] unit [Cm & it?] union? 552 DOUBI. ,E KHYMES, mi ftr coin munion lupines? curate art-union supines urate dis union ob durate? re union iduped? hy dro tel lurate non-com munion [np, p. 147] self-coin munion Cupid curates in tor com mun- stupid [Qrat, above] ion duping juralt unions? stuping Jkuril [nnyiin, above] crural? duple mural nr> Jcupel neural duofl Jpupil plural [n & o?] scruple? pleural sub duple rural? ftp Jcom pupilt sural upas|| bi crural? [uptis, below] scruples? tel luralt [upl, above] C8e sural? or stupor? || ce sural? [up fir, below] lupoufl e qui crural?t lupusjl an te mural cupel Jupasf] ex tra mural [upl, below] Jbo hun upas'] in ter mural in ter neural dupest stupor?!] brach y ural stupest super|| plurals dupeth ur [urtll, above] stupeth murage tsewerage? durance lupine? ma nurage en durance supine as surance tjurat!! en surance or DOUBLE KHYMES, 553 in surance lurest py ruric? pre-as surance Ipurist dys uric re-as surance surest cy a nuric re-in surance [Or, p. 148; ig a suric tirfets, below] py ro-uric or durant pyr o-uric non-jurant Jurith* hy dro sul phuric ob scurant en dureth hy po sul phuric [Or, p. 148] hy dro tel luric pleura] gym nurali eurite purimll mis tura|| Mac lurite urim|| vet tura?|| [a & nt?] cee sura? || or burin ce sura? brewery? or murine con dy lurall brew'ry neurine en do pleurall fleury? urine leg a tura?|| fury |ma cruran? ap pog gia tura?|| J U1 T? da turine cam e ra ob scu- Jewry? sci urine? ra|| pleurae? || Jthys a nuran [uril, above] ig a surine ce suras?! ewry? [ttra 1 , above] de jure|| during lu sus na turse?|| non-juring juror ma nuring [nrur, below] tdured? [ur, p. 148] ' [ilr, p. 148] un en during cse surse?!) lurid un al luring [lira, above] rnuride ma nurings duress? uric [urlng, above] [urtis, below] sul phuric? tel luric burins ljurist hip puric [firm, above] 554 DOUBLE KIIYMKS, fir Jurensll am a teurship? curers [ur & ship?] [ilrilr, above] jurists purists surety? fis [ure'st, above] co-surety? nuisance coun ter-surety? ttrans lucence juries? [nrf, above] eurule? me dusall [a & rule?] in clusall durelessf cureless Jduress? me dusa3?l! eurusll [usl, p. 556] purely urus|| [Or, p. 148] ma crurous? fusel? sub ob scurely tpro curess tfusil? si lurusll pucelt pro curement thip purisjl tpeucile se curementf nee turusll Jpusilt im inurement pla turus|| tpro trusile? ma turementt dol i churus|| tcir cum fusile in urement mel a nurusll thy poth e nusalt pal i nurusf al lurements cyn o surusll lucent [urinSnt, above] trich i urusll ab ducent mal ap te rurus?|| ad ducent pureness re ducent [ur, p. 148] furor|| tra ducent juror re lucent bureau?|| curer trans lucent chi ar-os curo?)| purer sub trans lucent cla ro-ob scuro?|| [ur, p. 148] in ter lucentf chi a ro-os curo?|| co juror con jurer? sprucest? con nois seur- con juror in ducest ship? non- juror? [u, p. 148] DOUBLE EHYMES, 555 cruset? tucetf sluiceth [us, p. 148] crusets? tucetsf juices con duces [tls, p. 148] useful a busefulf un useful cruciate? prussiate? ex cruciate? crucial? fl ducial? in dusial? crucian? [Clshun, below] fuchsia?!! mi nutia?|| mi nut ire? || [usha, above] dis cutient per cutient in vo hit ion con vo lution {crucian? dim i nution {Prussian? com mi nution {Russian? {Lil li putian tea ducean? in sti tution {me dusian? con sti tution/ {Tra ducian sub sti tution {Con f ucian des ti tution {thel phusian? pros ti tution lo cution res ti tution ab lution re dis tri bution {A leutian in ex e cution di lution mal ex e cutionf pol lution non-ex e cution so lution cir cum lo cution vo lution ven tri lo cution {Mal tlmsian? in ter lo cution ret ri bution self-ev o lution at tri bution ir res o lution dis tri bution self -in vo lution vcon tri bution cir cum vo lution ex e cution in ter vo lution pros e cution coun ter-rev o- al lo cution lution el o cution su per in eti tu- con se cution tion ^> per se cution dev o lution in sti tutions ev o lution [Qsliun, above] rev o lution v res o lution fuci?|| ab so lution muci?|| dis so lution fa & sigh?] ad vo lution 556 i DOUBLE RHYMES, ttS Brucite? peucile in trusive? crucite? [usel, above] ob trusive? leucite pro trusive? Reussite? Brucine? dis con ducivef An da lusite glucine self-dif fusive py ro lusite or leucine! un ex elusive pyr o lusite mucine in con elusive or tpusane un con clusivet drusy? Reussin? un de lusive juicy un a musive sluicy sluicing in ob trusive? {me dusae?|| [us, p. 148] un ob trusive? Je rucse?|| un con ducing {lac tUC8B?|| juiceless a busive truceless? Jdeuced or de ducive useless {deused con ducive ex cuseless {drused? dif f usive lucid ef f usive sprucely? mucid in fusivet dif f usely {sluiced? per f usive pro f usely [as, p. 148] trans f usive re clusely di lucid ex elusive ab strusely? pel lucid in elusive ob tusely trans lucid con elusive sub pel lucid pre elusive de ducement seni i-pel lucid re elusive in ducement se elusive re ducement glucic al lusive se ducement mucic de lusive tra ducement prussic? e lusive su per in duce- lac tucic il lusive ment ni t ro leucic col lusive py ro mucic or pre lusive spruceness? pyr o mucic a musive [asll, above] 1)OLTBLE KHYMES, US tit 557 lmso|| brutal? un com puted [u & so?] Jfutile un re puted Jrutil? or eustyle Jrutile? gluten [u & stll?] Jutile? [iitln, below] re futal the op neustic flutest [u & stick?] nutant ^flutist con f utant tlutist fusorne* co ad j utant? a cutest grewsome* or com putest gruesome* utas! || [ut, p. 149] viewsome* [utts, below] Jconi putist? [il & sum?] jther a peutist scuta|| Jphar ma ceutist sprucer? sputa!) [litists, below] pro ducer cus cuta|| [us, p. 148 ; u & ci cut a 1 suiteth sirV] [fit, p. 149] non-pro ducer Jdutied fluted fruitful? pro ducers [fit, p. 149] un fruitful? [usur, above ; u Jputid o ver fruitful? & sirs?] un suited [tit & full?] un con f uted tit un re futed ruthful?f fruitage? un re cruited? truthful? frutage?f un di luted youthful? mutage un pol luted un truthful? putage un sa luted scutage con vo luted? ruthless? un de puted truthless? scutate in dis puted bi scutate un dis puted beauty un im puted duty 558 DOI'HLE J{I1YMKS, , fit fluty [fit, p. 149] re putelessf fruity? un suiting go muti?|| brutely? ther a peutae?|| dis put ings mutely [fitmg, above] [nt, P. 149] dutied ar gutelyt [uted, above] cutis|| *Jutas|| or ar gutenessf scor butic utist a cuteness A leutic Jar butus|| [nt, p. 149] to reutic? pro pse deutic brutish? cor nuto?|| her me neutic a cutish sos te nuto?|| ther a peutic phar ma ceutic flutists Teuton em phy teutic lutists [iitm, above] di a zeuticf [ilte'st, above] an ti scor butic neutral res o lutive? un neutral Jfrutex?|| in sti tutive? pai deutics con sti tutive? suitress her me neutics sub sti tutive? tutressf [utlk, above] co ad jutress duties futile [utt, above] tutrixllt [utal, above] co ad jutrix brutism? pros e cutrix? Jgluten mutism per se cutrix?|| glutine ab so lutism? mutinet lustring? JTeuton brutisms? lutestring [utTzm, above] [fit & string?] luting muting fruitless? scutum|| dis puting dis puteless sputumjl DOUBLE RHYMES, tit 560 [Qta, above] futures fcy sutures thuja?|| or ar butusli thuya|| [utls, above] beauteous? al le luia|| or duteous? al le luiah fluter un duteous? lial le lujah|| or [nt, p. 149] hal le luialill feutert frit neuter brewer? Hz pewter [u, p. 144; ur, usage suitor p. 148] dis usage sutor* Jfluor mis usage tutorj Jfeuar* or ad jutorjl Jfuar* Jfusel? cor. nutor whewer* Jfusil? mis tutor tcruor?|| musalt sub tutor puerjl re fusal co ad jutor sewer? ac cusal pros e cutor?|| suert pe rusal? prol o cutor?|| skewer re pe rusal? per se cutor?|| Pe guer? un der tutor en ter mewer? re f usals in sti tutor?!) [uzal, above] in ter lo cutor? skewered [uftr, above ; . usance tutored uard, p. 545] non-usancet be tutored mis tutored brewers? ac cusant un tutored [titlr, above] re cusant? suitors ttv niusall [Utur, above] ad juvant in clusa?|| co ad juvant? future fusel? suture [QzSl, above] 560 DOTTBLK niTYMES, flZ ftl) re fusest e lusion un re fusing [nz, p. 150] il lusion un a musing col lusion useth pro lusion fusings [az, p. 150] JCar thusian [ft/Tug, above] tMal thusian muses ab strusion? Jmuset or con fuses de trusion? musit [nz, p. 150] ex trnsion? [nz & it?] in trusion? museful con trusion?t museless [nz & full?] ob trusion? [n/ & less?] pro trusion? fusion re trusion? a niuseincnt trusion?f con tnsion mis usement af fusion ob tusion dif fusion per tusion a musements ef fusion cir cum fusion [tlzment, above] in fusion in ter fusion con fusion cir cum elusion bruiser? pro fusion in ter elusion [n/, p. 150] per fusion self-de lusion Jmusar re fusion non-user suf fusion fusions trans fusion [uzhtin, above] bruisers? dis clusiont [u/ur, above] ex elusion fusuret in elusion usuref ttb con elusion chubbed oc elusion fusil? scrubbed? pre elusion [n/ttl, above] stubbed? re elusion [fib, p. 151] se elusion fusing al lusion [u/, p. 150] clubbest de lusion un musing [fib, p. 151] DOUBLE KHYME8, tlfo 561 tclubbistf bubble stubbly double rubbeth grubblef public [lib, p. 151] knubblet re public nubblef un public tubful pubblef [tib & full?] rubble bubbling re double bubby chubby fubby* hubby* hub ble-bubble? cubby sem i-double? shrubby scrubby bubbled stubby [ubl, above] tubby un troubled o ver troubled stubble [tibl, above] trouble bubblings un double [tibling, above] publish re publish published re published un published drubbing [rib, P . isi] tubbing drubbings [fibfng, above] clubbish rubbish un rubbish cubless troublous shrubless [fables, above] {troublous bubbler troublest [fibl, above] [ubl, above] bubblers doublet [iiblftr, above] [fib & let?] doubles cubbies doubleth [tibl, above] [ftbt, above] [tibl, above] club-man subject? un subject bubbly doubly rubbly {club-men tub-man Jtub-men 562 DOFBLE RHYMES, ftl) 4 subtile? touches tid. o ver subtile? [tich, p. 151] blooded (bloodied blubber duchy budded drubber slutchy [ud, p. 151] [fib, p. 151] touchy {muddied dubber arch duchy [udT, below] lubber [tiche'z, above] un blooded rubber {un bloodied slubber touching {un studied tubber [ticn, p. 151] sea-blubber? be slubber touchings [uchTng, above] blubbered [tibilr, above] Dutchman cupboard lubbardt [uch & man or blubbers men?] [libur, above] scutcheon fich {smutchinf duchess es cutcheon arch duchess in es cutcheon tcudden {mud-hen sudden floodest {Dutchmen [ud, p. 151] touchmant scuddeth [fid, p. 151] bloody cuddy muddy ruddy study un bloody clut chest es cutcheoned [uch, p. 151] un scutcheoned muddied toucheth scutcher [Me(i, above] [uch, p. 151] toucher studding {duchies scutchers [ud, p. 151 J [fichl, below] touchers clutches buddings bbltBf/E RHYMES, tid ttf 563 Ming, above] puddling duddered [ftdl, above] [udflr, above] studies [full, above] pilddlings rudders [fulling, above] [udur, above] huddle fuddle fuddler bloodwort huddle huddler mud-wort cruddle* puddler cuddle til- cudle puddlers gruffest muddle [udlur, above] puffest nuddlef [fif, p. 151] puddle buddies ruddle muddles buffet scuddle [fidl, above] re buffet [fif & it?] fuddled cudden [tidl, above] [uden, above] snuffeth [fif, p. 151] bloodless juddock [tid & less?] puddock* bluffy ruddock buffy cuddlest JTal mudic? chuffy [tidl, above] fluffy juddocks fuffy* bloodlet [udok, above] huffy budlet puffy dudder sloughy? huddleth flooder snuffy [tidl, above] fudderf stuffy* pudder bloodlets rudder buffinf budlets shudder muffin udder puffin 504 BOFBI.K KHYME3, ttf- [ufl, above] rag a muffin [ftfn, below] stuffing [ftf, p. 151] roughings* stuffings [ftfTng, above] ruffleth [ufl, above] gruffly roughly toughly shuffling [ufl, above] muffins [ft fin, above] shufflings huffish fufllng, above] roughish [ftf, p. 151] scuffler [ftfl, above] Imfflet duffle or scufflers tduffel [uflilr, above] muffle ruffle snuffles shuffle [ftfl, above] scuffle snuffle roughen truffle? toughen be muffle [ut'In, above] un muffle un ruffle roughened coun ter-scuffle? toughened muffled bluffness [ftfl, above] gruff ness [ftfll, above] muffiYst roughen^ toughens [tiflnz, above] tuftest [ftf & test?] mufti tufty buffer [ftf, p. 151] duffer huffer Juffert luffer suffer out suffer suffers [ft filr, above] muggsrdf tpuggeredt sluggard rugged tugged? [ftg, p. 152] druggest [ftg, p. 152] Jdruggist snuggest ooruLte fcHYMES, tig ttj drugget mugget nugget snuggle struggle f)<5f> op pugnant re pugnant out juggle un re pugnant huggeth smuggled [tig, p. 152] [ugl, above] un smuggled druggets , above] smugnessf snugness ruggyt [ugl, above] fruggin rugmf bugger hugglestf druggerf [ftgl, above] hugger buggy lugger mu ggy juggleth puggerf tugger hug ger mugger? smuglyt or smugglyf puggeredt i| <: snugly [ugftrd, above] tugging ugly [tig, p. 152] huggers struggling [ugur, above] tuggings [ugl, above] [iigftig, above] tilj strugglings judgest fruggins [ugltng, above] [uj, p. 152] muggins ruginsf juggler budget [iigl, above] [uj & it?] muggish an ti guggler sluggish budgeth snuggish jugglers |_uj, p. 152] [tiglfir, above] guggle judges huggle snuggles [uj, p. 152] juggle [ugl, above] smuggle podgy or DOUBLE RHYMES, tlj ilk pudgy [ukl, below] bucking Sludgy ducking buccan [uk, p. 153] drudging fluccan or rnj. P. 152] flukan duckings un Budging Jstruckent [liking, above] drudgings yucca || buckles* [frjTng, above] fe luccajl duckies judgment or structure? Jbuccal judgement! [uktyfir, below] buckle ad judgment! chuckle fore judgment.'! pluckest huckle mis judgment! [tik, p. 153] mucklet pre judgment! knuckle bucket stuckle bludgeon ducket* or suckle dudgeon Jducat truckle goodgeon? sucket un buckle gudgeon tucketf hon ey suckle? cur mudgeon sucketh buckled bludgeons [fik, p. 153] [ukl, above] [ttjim, above] Jcuckold grudgeonsf buckets un suckled [uk^t, above] sludger luckless [ft], P. 152] buckle* pluckless ducky sludgers lucky sucklent [ujfir, above] muckyt [ukl, above] plucky ttk un lucky chuckleth buccal [ukl, above] DOtTBLE RHYMES, ilk 567 duckling suckling [ttkl, above] ducklings [ftkllng, above] buckler [ttkl, above] bucklers [tiklftr, above] truckles [ukl, above] luxate e luxatet ad duction de duction e duction in duction con duction pro duction re duction se duction sub ductionf tra duction trans duction af fluxion de fluxion ef fluxion de struction in struction con struction ob struction sub struction fluxest ex suction huxestt non-con duction luxestt cir cum duction yuxestt non-pro duction ef fluxestt re pro duction in tro duction fluxeth ret ro duction or [liksest, above ; re tro duction uk & saith?] self -de struction mis in struction fluxes mis con struction. [uks, p. 153] re con struction su per struction fluxion su per in duction suction o ver pro duction ab duction re-in tro duction de ductions [tikshiin, above] druxey or druxy muxy* fluxing [ukstst, above ; uk & sing?] huckster or huxterf [uk & stir?] buxom un buxom re luctate e ructatet re luctant un re luctant con duct a'| pro ducta|| fructed ab ducted [ukt, p. 153] un con ducted un in structed un con structed un ob structed DOUBLE KHYMES, tlk ill de ductest ob structer un succored! [ukt, p. 153] non-con ductor un tuckered in tro ductorjif re lucteth man u ductor|| suckers [tikt, p. 153] [ukur, above] con ductors ductile [uktfir, above] til in ductile gullaget pro ductile ducturef sullaget fructuref ullage in structing structure? [ukt, p. 153] con structure? bullate non-con ducting sub structure? [lilSt, below] un in structing su per structure? bullail de ductive structures? nullahll [ukshtin, above] [uktyur, above] me dullall un pro ductive am pullail un in structive ex succous or un ob structive ex uccous gulchestt [tik & us?] mulchest con ductress pro ductress bucker gulchetht se ductress doucker mulcheth in structress ducker in tro ductress muckert gulches pucker cultches ab ductorj sucker [filch, p. 154] ad ductor| succor or e ductorj succour gulching* in ductorjj tucker mulching con ductor|| [ilk, p. 153] in slructor|| or gulchingst in structerf puckered mulchings con structer [ukur, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, til culture [til & fate?] tdully [ultyur, below] gully sulphite hully bullse?!! hy dro sulphite cully [till, below] hy po sulphite sully [ill & fight?] me dulla3?|| sullen am pullse?!! [ttlln, below] sulphide or sulphid gullied dullest ten gulfed cullied hullest sub sulphide! sullied [til, p. 153] ses qui sulphide! Jan nulled? tport cullised [til, p. 153] sulphur un sullied Jbullate [til & ftir?] gullet mullein or cullet vulgate Jmullen mullet pro mnlgate tsullen Jcu cullate? di vulgatet me dulline or sur mullet e vulgatet me dullin re pro mulgate culleth culling [M, p. 153] pro mulgates [M, p. 153] [tilgat, above] gullets cullings [tilSt, above] Jf ulgor||t or [tiling, above] tfulgourf sulphate vulgar mulleins bi sulphate un vulgar [ultn, above] di sulphate su pra vulgarf sub sulphate cullis hy dro sulphate Lu cullite port cullis hy po sulphate [til & light?] su per sulphate dullish pro to sulphate bull8B?|| gullishf 32* 670 DOfKI.K KHYMES, gullies [tiljme'nt, above] se puldire? [till, above] in dulger bulkers in diligence [filj, p. 154] [tilk fir, above] ef fulgence re fulgence in dulgers an nulment H(>li'-in diligence [tiljfir, above] dis an n.ilment fulgent in dulgent [Til jens, above] e mulgent tri sulcate un in dulgent ere bri silicate in ter fulgent quad ri sulcate mul ti sulcate bulged? [tilj, p. 154] skulkest tfulgid [tilk, p. 154] in dulgest hulketh [til], p. 154] [tilk, p. 154] sulcate in culcate [tilmfis, below] bi sulcate ulmic sac chill mic bulgeth [filj, p. 154] bulky hulky* sulky fulmine tculmenjl ulmine sac chnlinins Jbru turn ful- men|| culmusll ulmusll ex culpate bulges in culpate [tilj, p. 154] sulking [til & pate?] [tilk, p. 154] di vulging gulpest [til], p. 154] sulkings [tilp, p. 154] [ulktng, above] in dulgementf pulpeth di vulgementf bulker [tilp, p. 154] skulker! in dulgementsf se pulcher? or sculpin or 8, til 571 skulpinf vulpine? sculping! ffilp, p. 154] pro pulsion re pulser re pulsion [tils, p. 155] a vulsion di vulsion ulcers e vulsion [tilstlr, above] con vulsion sculpture re vulsion ex ultance in sculpture! re-ex pulsion re sultance sculptured ex pulsions ex ultant in sculptured [tilslum, above] re s ultant un sculptured sub dulcidf a dultedt re pulsest Jcon vulsed? oc culted [tils, p. 155] [ills, p. 155] [tilt, p. 155] un in suited dulcet ad dulcingf un con suited [ftl & set? or [tils, p. 155] tils & it?] in sultest tpulsate pulsivet [tilt, p. 155] e rnulsive con vulseth [ulshtin, above] ex ulteth [fib, p. 155] self -re pulsive [tilt, p. 155] ret ro pulsive? pulses an ti con vulsive con suiting con vulses id i o re pulsive [tilt, p. 155] [tils, p. 155] self -ex ulting pulseless un con suiting pulsiont re pulseless de mulsion [Ms & less?] con suitings e mulsion [tilting, above] ap pulsion fulsome ex pulsion [til & sum?] con sultive im pulsion sub sultivet com pulsion ulcer re sultivet fits DOTTBLE RHYMES, ill tiltl a dullness vultures hulvers oc cultness [filtyur, above] [tilvtir, above] in dulto?|| flU & to?] cultusll sin gultous sin gnltusll sub sultusjl cultert a dultert con suiter [ttlt, p. 155] pre suitor or pro? siiltor?|| ag ri ciiltor?!! con suiters [ftlttir, above] culture multure duller [M, p. 153] culler color|| or colour cruller or kruller muller spuller* tmedullar bi color! con color! t dis color! mul ti color!? o ver color! dullard colored! dis colored! un colored! un dis colored! vulture par ti colored?! or self-culture par ty-colored?! o ver colored! un culture flo ri culture? ter ra culture* ag ri culture? hor ti culture? ar bor i culture? cultured un cultured cullers colors! [ulftr, above] hulver culver sea-hulver? Million mullion scullion slub ber de gul- lion scullions [ulyfm, above] ill 11 pommago rummage or romage scrummage* pomace! [ftmtiR, p. 570] con summatc? [umet, p. 574] stomach [umok, p. 575] stomached [fan & act?] lumbar [limbilr, p. 574] bombard? [umbilrd, p. 574] DOUBLE RHYMES, ttm 573 umbel scumble grumblers [umbl, below] stumble [umblur, above] tumble de cumbence humble? Jdumb-bells re cumbence I umbel mumbles su per in cum- be jumble [umbl, above] bence o ver tumble numbles or nombles cumbent humbled? umbles ac cumbent [umbl, above] Jumbels de cumbent un humbled? [limbens, above] be tumbled gumbo in cumbent un tumbled umboll pro cumbent co lumbo un re cumbent humbless [fan & bless?] umbratet co lumbite ad umbrate yt tro-co lumbite humblest? in umbrate [urn & bite?] [umbl, above] ob umbratet plumbic rumbleth cumbrance rhombic? [umbl, above] en cumbrance or co lumbic in cumbrance humbly? dis en cumbrance bumble crumbly drumble umbra|| Jdumb-bell stumbling pe numbra|| fumble [umbl, above] grumble umbrae? |j humble? stumblings pe numbr8e?|| jumble [uinbllng, above] crumble tumbrel or tlumbalf grumbler Jtumbril mumble [umbl, above] umbrel? rumble Jumbril Mill 'iinhral tin cumbered cor un numl- tumbn-K un in < [Timbrel, alxjve] or un en cum- plummets bered [uin- cumbrous slumbers comfit itnbroust [uinbdr, u' discomfit [fun A: I Imrnbug humdrum [um & bug?] [um & drum?] comfits [funfTt, above] hum' fuminel [tun & bugs?] huuim'I durn* pommel or [um & found?] cumber pummel tlumbar comfort lumber humiu* ' discomfort numtwr pon re comfort slur pumm'i urnler humhum 'er fummel* [fim&h': r or [finv . in citmlwrt mals dummy umber gltimmyt tpre lumbar DCMsMsl gummy outnumber UOBMSl crummy dis en cumber [um, p. 155] mir tsummist rummy an te number scummy plummet thnimmy :^on summate? mun Lomljard? tun con summate [am, p. 155] nor MI. K I:IIYMI>, rtm 675 thummiinll thumblcss sea-compass? [umum, below | drumlyf jumprst humming dumbly [limp, p. 15(1] [uin, p. 155] gruinly {compassed plumbing comely j umpas, above) un be coming un comely {un compassed tun en compassc.l hummings be numbment [inning, above] [um & meant?] crumpet strumpet pumice? Jsumnerf trumpet [ umus, below] co lumnar semi-columnar dumpeth summit [finip, p. 160] [umet, above] dumbness numbness crumpets dummies Ja lumnus|| [ump^t, above] [uml, above] hommock or dumpy bumkiii hummockll frumpy? Jlnmipkin tstomach ii:nimpy tpumpkin \\\\\ to stomach? humpy thumbkin clumpy* hummocks crumpy thumbkiiis [umok, above] lumpy [finikin, above] lummox plumpy slumpy* plumb-liiu' dumpage stumpy rhumb-line stumpage* thumping plumb-lines compass [ump, p. 150] rhumb-lines Jrumpu8 en compass thumpings sumless out compass [ftmplng, above] 570 Dorm.K UIIYMES, itm dumpish gumption bumpers frumpish sumptiont [umpur, above] lumpish or as sumption lompisht con sumption numskull mumpish sub sumption [fun & skfil?] Iran sumptiont pumpkin pre sumption numskulled [fuukm, above] re sumption [um & skuld?] re-as sumption crumple numskulls rumple as sumptions [fun & skulls?] un rumple [limpshiin, above] sometime crumpled bumptious [fun & time?] [fimpl, above] scrumptious* sometimes rumpless as sumpsitjl [fun & times?] [limp & less?] non-as sumpsit|| [fimp & sit? or hummuinj' crumplest fimps & it?] summum|| [fimpl, above] }thurnmim|| as sumptivo rumpleth[fimpshiin,abov( i ] Jcumin or [fimpl, above] Jcummin bumper summon dumpling jumper re summon crumpling [limp, p. 156] [umpl, above] lumper summoned mumper re summoned dumplings plumper un summoned [ftmpllng, above] rumper stumper summons rumples conn ter-jump- re summons [umpl, above] er? gummoua DOUBLE RHYMES, ttlU tin 577 [tim & us?] tpomace or Jpummacef tpumice? dun-birds sun-birds lunchest [unch, p. 157] bummer dumber muncheth [urn, p. 155] [unch, p. 157] comer mummer punches plumber [unch, p. 157] rummerf scurnmer bunchy summer punchy trans summer punching scumraered [unch, p. 157] summered punchings plumbers [unching, above] [umur, above] Monday Sunday Junde or tundy or tundee JSal ma gundi|| mundane in fra mundane su pra mundane su per mundane an te mundane ex tra mundane nl tra mundane in ter mundane fe cundate? se cundatet in undate re-in undate o va to-ro tundate luncheon [undit, below] cen tumvirll puncheon du umvirll Jpunchin Mondays tri umvir|| truncheon? [tmda, above] till luncheons a bundance re dundance su per a bundance cruncher muncher a bundant puncher [ftnda'ns, above] |ob tundent crunchers in undantf [unchur, above] dunnage [unchun, above] gunnage tonnage or tunnage dun-bird sun-bird 578 DOUBLE KIIYMES, fill e runda|| pundlef fundusll ro tundajl rundle [und & us?] Jrundel funded trundle blunder [find, p. 157] Jfu ri bundal dunder* tin funded plunder un re funded bundled sunder trundled thunder rundel under [undl, below] rundles wonder [undl, above] re funder fundest a sunder ro tundest ne gundo|| dis sunder [und, p. 157] hi rundo|| there under ro tundoj cundethf tri ges i mo-se- plundered [tind, p. 157] cundoll [tindftr, above] un plundered mundil hundred [tindl, below] [un & dread?] blunders [undur, above] ob tunding hundreds [und, p. 157] [un & dreads?] funnel un re funding gunnel or sundry gunwale conduit? thund'ryt runnel punditjl ^treenail? tfe cundate? thund'rous trunnel [tindat, above] Sundress? tunnel wondrous conduits? funneled or [ftndlt, above] pundumjl funnelled co rundum|| tunneled! bundle tad e undem|| Jmundil runnels DOUBLE EHYMES, fill 579 [tinel, above] bungo bunny mungo dunny dunnest funny [tin, p. 156] fungoid gunny spongoid? honey punnet coney? or runnet fungous cony? fungus!) money stunneth mun dungus sunny [tin, p. 156] tunny or hunger thunny dun-fish mongerf sunfish tpungar honeyed or younger honied bungest moneyed or wrungest hungered monied [ting, p. 157] mongered un moneyed dungeth hungers cunning [ling, p. 157] [unggftr, above] running [im, p. 156] dung-gate dungy un cunning fungate pungy o ver cunning tonguey bungle runnings tfungalf bunging [lintng, above] jungle tonguing [iing, p. 157] dunnish bungled nunnisht pungled lungless punish tungeld? tongueless punished jungles ungual un punished [ftngl, above] sub ungual conies?! 580 DOUBLE RHYMES, till moneys! Jconjure? |nnkid [turf, above] plunger sponger drunkest plungest ex punger crunkestf [tin], p. 158] [link, p. 158] plungers spongeth [frnjftr, above] junket ' [tin], p. 158] [tinkflt, above] juncate lunges t junket trunketh [tin], p. 158] Jplunket [fink, p. 158] truncate plungyf de truncate trunkful spongy ob truncatet [link & full?] av or runcate? or blunging ab e runcatef chunky* plunging flunky [tin], p. 158] juncates monkey [tinkfft, above] spunky plungings mor punkeejl [unjmg, above] truncal [linkl, below] bunking* dungeon [link, p. 158] donjonil drunkard tfungine Dunkard monkish plungeon unkard* skunkish dungeons drunkards flunkies [ftnjtin, above] [tinkiird, above] [unkT, above] lungeous* juncture? crunklet Jlungisf [linktyur, below] Jtruncal [unj & us?] uncle or chunked* unklet blunger unked or pe duncle DOUBLK KWYMES, iin 681 crunklest [tinkl, above] drunken shrunken sunken function junction punction unction un con junctive adjunctly con junctly juncture? puncture? dis juncture? con juncture? junctures? ad junction [unktyur, above] disjunction juncusil juncoust uncoust a duncous ob uncous in junction con junction s"ub junction ex punction com punction in unction in ter junction in ter punction functions [unkshun, above] unctious com punctious punctate bi punctate im punctate tri punctate uncial quin cunchil pro nuncial in ter nuncial uncia?|| o puntia?j| nnciae?|( o puntia3?|( sonship [un & ship?] nuncio?|| in ter nuncio?|| nunchion truncheon? $O puntian bunker D tinker or Tunker nunchions hunker* [unshun, above] yonker or younker bunkers [unkur, above] shunlessf sonless sunless ad junctive e nunciate? [tinkshun, above] [unshftlt, p. 736] nuncius?j| in ter nuncius?|| gunstonef sun-stone gunstonesf sun-stones gunsterf punster DOUBT J2 KHYMKrt, till tip gunstersf punsters nonesuch [tin & such?] [tintmg, above] bunting?! bunters nmnting?! hunters [tintur, above] blunt ings gunner dinner or blunted gruntlet conner wonted dis gruntle runner [unt, p. 158] con tra puntal [fin, p. 156] un blunted fore runner bi fronted frontless un hunted wontlessf gunners un stunted [unur, above] u n wonted junto|| punto|| brunion bluntest bunion or [tint, p. 158] juntos bunyon Jcon tra puntist puntos munnion onion hunteth unto? ronion or [tint, p. 158] [un & too?] ronyon or runnion monthly huntress trunnion bi monthly [un & tresS?] sea-onion? Le huntite [tin & tight?] country onions Jef frontery [unyfin, above] buntine?! countries ftp muntin?! [iintrT, above] rupture struntain* [iiptyUr, below] Mo guntine bunter hunter suppest blunting [tint, p. 158] [up, p. 159] [tint, p. 158] punter DOUBLE HHYMES, tip 583 cuppeth juppon? [fiptSth, above] [lip, p. 159] [up & on?] e ruptive cupping nuptial [upshun, above] [tip, p. 159] an te nuptial [tip & shall?] ab ruptly cuppings [iipt, p. 159] [tiplng, above] ruption ab ruption cor ruptness couple di ruption [upt, p. 159] supple dis ruption ac couple e ruption ab rupter un couple ir ruption cor rupter un supple cor ruption in ter rupter pro ruption coupled in cor ruption cor rupters [upl, above] in ter ruption in ter rupters supplest cor ruptions rupture [upl, above] [lipshiin, above] dis rupture ac coupleth ab ruptedt ruptures [tipl, above] dis rupted dis ruptures [upt, p. 159] coupling ir rupted dupper [upl, above] un in ter rupted crupper? cupper couplings ab ruptest scupper [upltng, above] [upt, p. 159] supper upher? coupler dis rupteth upper suppler cor rupteth in ter rupteth cruppered? un couples supperedf [upl, above] dis rupting 584 DOUBLE KUYMES, ftp tig scuppers bluslif ul con cussions [upfir, above] [ush & full?] [ushun, above] fts bhishyf luscious de cussate brushy o ver luscious [us^t, below] mushy? [ush & us?] rushy com bustion slushy brusher [ustyfin, p. 588] [fish, p. 159] brushing flusher dis cussest [tish, p. 159] huslier* [us, p. 159] un blushing plusher usher gusset brushings russet [fishing, above] ushers Jde cussate [iishur, above] blushless trusseth [ush & less?] musci?|| [us, p. 159] [us & sigh? or mushroom us & I?] gussets [Gsh &> room?] [tisfit, above] fuscite mushrooms Hussite fusses [ush & rooms?] mussite [us, p. 159] [fis & sit?] ^Prussian? blushest ^Russian? Hussites [tish, p. 159] dis cussion [tislt, above] in cussionf rusheth con cussion fussy [tish, p. 159] per cussion juasi|| re cussion mussy flushes sue cussion |musca3?j| [tish, p. 159] fl de j ussion pussy? re per cussion DOUBLE RHYMES, fts -585 prussic? ^Muscat cor puscule [ftsok, p. 586] musket or ere pusculef musquett opuscule ) fussing tin f uscate trussing Job t'uscate or ma juscules [us, p. 159] Jof f uscatef [uskul, above] jco ruscate? fussiugs fuscous [ftsmg, above] musketh sub f uscousf [ftsk, p. 159] mol luscous dis cussive per cussive muskets brusquer sue cussive [usket, above] husker re per cussive [ftsk, p. 159] busky Jtuscor co ruscate? dusky [fiske't, below] husky buskers musky [iiskur, above] Jbuskin tusky tcuskint musquashll Tuscan buskin [us & quash?] mol luscan [uskiin, above] E truscan brustlet husking bustle Tuscans [lisk, p. 159] hustle [ftskitn, above] justle huskings muscle muscall [usktng, above] mussel mol luscall nustlef duskish rustle brusquest luskish thrustlet buskest tussle [usk, p. 159] ma juscule ere pusclet ul cuscule o puscle busket mi nuscule 33* 586 DOUBLE RHYMES, bustled cuspis|| thrusteth [usl, above] a ruspice or [ust, p. 160] muscled ha ruspice gustfult hustlest musrole? or lustful [usl, above] musrol? rustful [us & roll?] trustful justleth dis gustful [usl, above] musroles? dis trustful [us & rolls?] mis trustful musclingt on trustful rustling Jfustet [usl, above] an gustate dusty in crustatet fusty rustlings gusty [usllng, above] . mustang crust ae?H [listing, below] [tistft, above] bustler crusty [usl, above] frusta|| lusty [ustum, below] musty bustlers crustaj rusty [uslftr, above] lo custa|| trusty un lusty rustles mustard un trusty [usl, above] [tisturd, p. 587] o ver lusty fussock* dusted fustic tprussic? [ust, p. 160] lustict tussock or a dusted tmustac Jtussuckf un crusted rustic un trusted lo custic Icusped? un ad justed ap o crustic bi cuspid tri cuspid trustest rustics [ust, p. 160] ap o crustics DOUBLE RHYMES, 587 [ftsttk, above] mal adjustment custom ar bustumjl tAu gustan ad justmenta ac custom Au gustine? [ustm&nt, above] dis ac custom [fist & in?] justness customed tmustang [ustlt, above] [ustum, above] rusting un customed [fist, p. 160] bustoil un ac customed un mis trusting gustol) frustums hustings frustrate [iistftm, above] lustings lustratef [tistlng, above] il lustrate bluster buster justice frustrates duster tcustoslit [ustrSt, above] fust, p. 160] in justice fluster tcustrelf juster ar bustive lustral cluster com bustive la custral luster or ad ju stive lustreli flustrall muster lustlessf frustrall out lustre! trustless lustrajl a plustre?j| dis trustless fil i buster? or mis trustless blust'ring fil li buster lustring? justly must'ring bustard ro bustly custard augustly blustrousf mustard un justly lustrous mustered un lustrous [ustur, above] ad justment [fist, p. 160] frustumj blusters DOUBLE KHYMES, flS tit clusters (th) ruttish [fistftr, above] brother sluttish mother tfustian pother? jutties ustionf smother [titf, above] am bastion t'other com bustion other guttlet a dustiori an other cuttle ex ustion shuttle in ustionf mothered scuttle mox i bustion smothered subtle [utftfir, above] suttle dia cusser {southward? ta buttal [us, p. 159] Jre buttal res cussor? mothers tsur re buttal fl de jussorll [utftilr, above] su per subtle dis cussers tguttae?|| shuttled [usfir, above] gutty [utl, above] jutty ttt cutty scuttlest re buttal putty subtlest [titl, below] rutty "[titl, above] smutty jutted tutty guttlethf [tit, p. 160] un smutty [titl, above] tputtied un glutted butting suttling* cutting [titl, above] gluttest nutting [fit, p. 160] [lit, p. 160] butler guttler shutteth buttings cutler [tit, p. 160] [titfcig, above] sutler subtler bOITBi.K KHYMtfS, tit llV [fttl, above] nutter covin arch-butler gutter [iivn, below] clutter butlers cutter shoving [titlur, above] [lit, p. 160] [uv, p. 161] mutter un loving cuttles putter [fttl, above] rutter shovings shutter [tivihg, above] butment splutter a butment sputter shovel strutter scovel button stutter glutton utter gloveless mutton re butter loveless un button sur re butter o ver flutter lovely buttoned un lovely gluttonedf buttered un buttoned [utur, above] shovels un buttered scovels buttons un uttered [utn, above] tcovin flutters oven buttock [titur, above] sloven? futtock puttock tiv ovens lovest [uvn, above] buttocks [ttv, p. 161] [utfik, above] glover covet hover buttress [uv & it?] cover arch-buttress lover gloveth [uv, p. 161] butter [&v, p. 161] plover DOUHJ.K KIIYMKS, llV dis cover Jhussiefl muzzlings re cover [uzltrig, above] un cover fuzzy pre dis cover liussy guzzler re dis cover muzzy puzzler o ver cover buzzing guzzlers hovered [uz, p: 161] puzzlers [uvur, above] un dis covered buzzings puzzles un re covered [uzmg, above] [iizl, above] govern fuzzlet dozen mis govern guzzlo cousin muzzle cozen or governed nosel cosenf mis governed nuzzle un governed nousle dozens nousel [iizn, above] covert puzzelt dis covert puzzle musrole? or feme-covert? un muzzle musrol? [tiz & roll?] glovers guzzled [fivur, above] [uzl, above] musroles? un muzzled [uz & rolls?] ttz huzzestf puzzlest ftr [tte, P . 161] [uzl, above] borage? courage fuzzeth fuzzletht stirragcf [6z, p. 161] [uzl, above] dis courage en courage buzzes muzzling -ie murrage [to, p. 161] [uzl, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, couragedt [firSj, above] un dis couraged currant [urent, p. 593] durra? gurrah? sirrah? surbase [urbfts, below] durbar|| [urbur, below] Jsherbet?|| or Jscherbet?!! Jturbit a cerbate tcu curbit or Jcu curbite per turbate?t ex a cerbate? [ftrbSt, below] a cerbates [urbat, above] herbal verbal turban un dis turbing Jturbine urban curbings sub urban [firblng, above] dis turbance per turbance in dis turbance furbish re furbish su perbish turbans herbist [urban, above] [flrbest, above] perbend? curbless Jturbaned herbless tun turbaned burbot Iherbist turbot curbest [urbat, above] i'surbased su perbest burbots [lirb, p. 102] [ilrbot, above] curbeth [ilrb, p. 162] turbethf or tturbitht herbid tcurbed [Orb, p. 162] turbid un turbid herbous [firb & us?] Jaurbase tdurbari! Jherbarf herberf su perber dis turber [ilrb, p. 162] herbals curbing dis turbers [urbfil, above] [firb, p. 162] [firbfir, above] 692 DOUBLE , Ar purchase churchless heardest re purchase searchless herdest ab surdest purchased churchly [urd, p. 162] [firchest, below] un churchly girdeth ^purchased birchen [urd, p. 162] searchest [urchin, above] [urch, p. 162] birdie tre purchased virtue? curdy tun purchased [Urt & you? or lurdy* ur & chew?] sturdy percheth wordy [urch, p. 162] lurcher hur dy-gurdy? nurture? birches percher birding [urch, p. 162] searcher wording mis nurture? [urd, p. 162] re searchfulf re searcher [urch& full?] [urtyurd, p. 607] thirdings wordings kerchiefed or nurtures? [tirduig, above] kerchieft searchers un kerchiefed [urchfir, above] de perdit [urd & it?] Jbirchen surdal urchin [tirdl, below] girdle sea-urchin? hurdle verdant curdle churching un verdant Jsurdal [urch, p. 162] en girdle un searching curded [urd, p. 162] girdled churchings un worded [urdl, above] [urchlhg, above] un curdled DOUBLE KHYMES, 593 curdless wordless girdlest [tirdl, above] hurdleth [tirdl, above] thirdly ab surdly curdling [tirdl, above] hurdles [ftrdl, above] sea-girdles? birdman Jbirdmen herdman Jherdmen burden Jburdon Jguerdon? burden* Jlurdanf dis burden un burden o ver burden Jly co perdon|| burdened [urdn, above] squirrels? [urel, above] burdens [Urdn, above] trans f erence? or trans ferrence? perdu?| or in currence perdue?|| con currence [ftr & du?] oc currence re currence turdusll trans currence lig ni perdous de terrence?f non-con currence birder in ter currence girder herder Jcurrant murder current self-murder ex current con current murdered [urSns, above] un murdered un current lu ni current? murders non-re current f urdfir, above] coun ter-current? herdsman Jherdsmen wordsman twordsmen burrel Jscurrile squirrel? turrel spi gurrel stirrest [ur, p, 161] skirret? turret |worrit spurreth [ur, p. 161] turrets 694 DOUBLE K1IYMES, [fir^t, above] curfew burry [fir & few?} flurry perfect? furry im perfect virgate gurry plu perfect? ob jurgate hurry un perfectf ex purgate? whurryt plus quam per- curry fectf ob jurgates cunie pre ter perfect [firg&t, above] lurry pre ter im per- knurryt fect tergal purree [firgl, below] scurry* or ^surfaced skurry* turfest yergas spurrey or [firgus,, below] spurry scurfy urry surfy burgall worry turfy [fir & gall?] hur ry-skurry?f surfeit gurgle hurried [fir & fit?] Jtergal [firf, above] un curried $f earful? ergoj un worried purfle virgo| Jpurfilef sul phuric? mergusll [firSk, p. 602] turfless Jyergas [firf & less?] pol y ergusjj murrain thau ma turgus| murrhine? purflew [fir & flu?] burgher blurring an ti burgher [fir, p. 161] Jfurfurl! erring? wherefore? Con durrite? ab erring?t therefore? [fir & It or nt?] un erring? DOUBLE RHYMES, Ar 695 cur murring urgent surgy un stirring e mergent ac i urgy in con curringf ab stergent per i ergyf non-re curring as surgent thau ma turgy? un re curring in surgent de tergent turgid blurrings di vergent purged? [tiring, above] con vergent [urj, p. 163] flourish in surgents chi rurgicf currish [ilrjent, above] li turgic nourish en ergic re flourish urgest the urgic o ver flourish [urj, p. 163] met al lurgic Jthau ma turgist thau rna turgic flourished dem i urgic [Uriah, above] mergeth un nourished [Urj, p. 163] li turgics thau ma turgics flurries Jburgees [iirl, above] [urjl, below] virgin purges [rjun, below] burgee [urj, p, 163] [vlrjl, below] Bo an ergesjl purging [urj, p. 168] urgencef surgeful e mergence [tirj & full?] purgings sub mergence [urjlug, above] di vergence mergi?i| con vergence [urgus, above] surgeless [urj & less?] tsergeant? or . burgee tserjeant? clergy burgeon[j or Jsurgeant? lurgy* bourgeonf turgent perge?[| gurjunj) 596 DOUBLE RHYMES, Ul* sturgeon shirketh firkins surgeon [urk, p. 163] [ftrklh, above] Jvirgiri dis burgeon workfulf quirkish ha bergeou? [urk & full?] Turkish chi rurgeonf jerky burkism gurgeonsf murky or Turkism surgeons mirky [firjun, above] perky burkisrns shirky* Turkisms perjure? smirky or purger smerkyf circuit [fill, p. 163] turkey [urkst, above] verdure? verger Jbirken clerklike? firkin Turklike perjured? gherkin or un clerklike? verdured? girkinf un perjured? jerkin circle tquerken* surclef purgers merkin turkle [urjur, above] perkin tlu percal?j| tpurcon en ckcle or furcate Jzirconlj in circlet Jcircuit Jno vercal [urk & it?] jerking sem i circle? bi furcate jerquing* Jho mo cereal tri furcate [(Irk, p. 103] Jhet er o cercai un smirking no vercal a working clerkless? [urkl, below] un working worklessf lurkest jerkings circles [urk, p. 163] [urkmg, above] [urkl, above] DOUBLE RHYMES, 597 kirkman workers knurly Jkirkinen [urkur, above] pearly Turkman sliirley workman burltiee surly ^workmen [urles, below] early un der workman hur ly-burly? Jun der workmen pearlash [urlish, below] berlin?|| Turkmans merlin workman's worldly $merlon|| [urkmiln, above] un worldly purlin or purline purcon Jburlace smerlin [firkin, above] spurless stirless furling clerkship? [url, p. 164] workshipt furlest hurling [M, p. 164] hirling irksome merling mirksomef sterlet spirling or [urk & sum?] [urlot, below] spurling sterling quercus|| hurleth surlingf circusii [url, p. 164] yearling? bi f urcous cys ti cercus|| girlhood merlings [url & hood?] [urltng, above] burker pearlings jerker perlite Lurk, p. 163] Zurlite merlins jerquer* [urltn, above] Jcircarll burly pearlins sub worker churlyf un der worker hurly churlish curly girlish 598 DOUBLE RHYMES, tpearlash shirleys [firll, above] furlough [fir & 10?] mermaid [fir & mad?] mermaids [fir & mSdz?] men i spermate [fir & mate? or merlonli firmtt, below] [firlm, above] furlong [fir & long?] firlot Jsterlet firlots Jsterlets curlew purlieull heniKi permad syrmal! mo nermafl ter ra firmaH Hennee?|| syrmoc?l| thermoe?!! Hermes?!! kermes?|| or chermes?!! termes?!| vermes?!! * al kermes?li mermen dermal thermal t vermeil tvermilf syn thermal ep i dermal pach y dermal di a thermal i so thermal [firmm, below] i so ge o thermal ferment? taf firmant pre ferment de terment in terment a verment cour ter ferment? dis in terment Birman or Burman curlews firman?!! purlieus German merman burler[firmm, p. 599] hurler [firl, p. 164] af firmance curler con firmancet ferments whirler dis af firmance [firrn^nt, above] whorler? re af firmance firmest curlers af firmant termest [firlfir, above] [firment, below] [firm, p. 164] DOUBLE RHYMES, U r 599 $tax i dermist? JBurman skirmish Jfirman?|| af firmeth tgerman skirmished [firm, p. 164] ^German un skirmished tgermen termite tmerman hermit f ilr & mlt?] tmermen permit? Jsermon Jmen i spermate termites? ermine [unnlt, above] vermin hermits de termine [tirmlt, above] gurmy men i spermine Hernias? Jl fore de termine firmless [urme, above] pre de termine termlessf wormy tax i dermy? tsermonedt firmly ermined termlyt dermic de termined in firmly thermic [urmrn, above] en dermic in de termined firmness en do dermic un de termined in firmness ep i dermic un firmness tax i dermic squirming ec to dermic [urm, p. 164] dermoid en do spermic ep i dermoid pseu do-spermic squirmings pach y dermoid ep i spermic [urmmg, above] men i spermic lith o spermum[| di a thermic de termine s my ro spermum|j a di a thermic [urmin, above] sermon vermilf dermis [urmm, above] [urmul, above] [urmiis, below] Idermis IBirman or firmish a spermous 600 DOUBLE RHYMES, di spermous sea-worniwood tri spermous [firm & wood?] in ermous |ep i dermisf surname?! pol y spermous [firnum, below] gym no spermous mon o spermous furnace coel o spermous [urntis, below] tet ra spermous pen ta spermous tburnet oc to spermous tgurnet di a thermous ternate en ne a spermous Jyer-nut cam py lo sper- co thurnate mous al ternate? an gi o spermous bi ternate ep i pliyl lo sper- fra ternatet mous qua ternate an gi o mon o- tri ternate spermous sub al ternate firmer [ten, p. 164] murmur termor re murmur murmured re murmured un murmured murmurs [urmur, above] wormwood thernhill journal tkernel Jcolonel|| Ipernel sternal urnal vernal tvernile hi bernal in fernal su pernal lu ceraal ex ternal fra ternal in ternal . ma ternal noc turnal pa ternal di urnal ep i sternal co e ternal un fra ternal sem pi ternal di u turnal ho di ernalf sem i-di urnal journals [urn SI, above] vernantf Jse cement al ternant pernall sterna'! [Urnum, below] e burna|| par a phernaj dcrnier?|| vernier? i| burned? [lira, p. 165] Jjourneyed learned? DOUBLE RHYMES, &P 601 ttourneyed journey dis furnish mis learned? spurney re furnish un learned? tourney? or un furnish turneyf un der furnish kernel at torney [flrniQ, above] burnished journeyed [ftrnish, above] se cement [urned, above] [tirniint, above] journeys vernile [ftrnt, above] burnest [ftrnal, above] [tirn, p. 165] re turnless Jfumacedt learning [Urn & less?] sternest turning un earnest [urn, p. 1G5] ad journment o ver earnest un burning dis cernment con cerning [urn, p. 165] . burnet un dis cerning at tornment|| [firnilt, above] un con cerning ua re turning ad journments turneth [urnment, above] [ftm, p. 165] turnings earnings sternness urnful [urnlng, above] [urnus, below] earnfult yearnfulf turnip or noc turnoll turnep [flrn & o? or fir hernhiU [tarn & up?] & no?] [firnal, above] pernisll sternum|| e ternize [tirniis, below] tsurname? or fra ternize? tsirname? [(irn & eyes?] burnish al burnum|| furnish la burnum|| ferny kernishf vi burnum|| 84 602 DOUBLE KHYMES, &T in 8B ternum| burrock purple purrock* be purple Jburnosl! or Jsul phuric? ern purple or Jburnoosell im purple Jfurnace burrocks Jpernis|| purrocks* purplest cernous [urpl, above] Jsternness ex tirpate? Jsurpliced al burnous [ur & pate?] purples yer-nut quirpele [urpl, above] [firnat, above] [urpl, below ] purport learner herpes? || [ur & port?] pernor [ur & pez?] turner in terpret so journer serpent mis in terpret [firn, p. 165] sea-serpent? purprise learners chirpest [ur & prize?] [urnur, above] [urp, p. 166] tpui-posed de cerption borough $un purposed dis cerption burrow ex cerptiont furrow turpeth thorough or u surpeth purpure thorowf [urp, p. 166] [ur & pure?] un der furrow chirping purpose burrowed [tirp, p. 166] dis purpose [ftr5, above] un furrowed chirpings purposed [urplng, above] [urpe"st, above] furrows [uro, above] tquirpele chirper DOUBLE KHYMES, 603 u surper tersest worshiped or co ercest worshipped cliirpers [firs, p. 166] [firshlp, above] u surpers un worshiped! purset ter gi versate? tercet {Mercian [ilrset, below] tiercet? mersion {ter gi versate? {Persian? hearsalt {tertian {tercel nurseth version re hearsal [firs, p. 166] dis cursion sue cursalf ex cursion re versal pursets in cursion trans versal [firset, above] de mersion qua qua versal e mersion u ni versal {mercies ira mersion purses sub mersion re hearsals dis burses as persion [ursal, above] [firs, p. 166] a pertionf dis persion versantf purseful ab stersion re cursant [firs & full?] as sertion tex ercentf in sertion con versant?f tertial con certiont com mercial con sertionf bursar un com mercial {la certian? [firsfir, p. 605] ses qui tertial de tersion con tro versial nas turtion cursed? {Cis tercian ac cursed? curshipt ex ertion [firs, p. 166] worship in ertionf mis worship co ercion tercel self-worship? a version [ursal, above] connois seurship? di version am a teurship? e version 604 DOUBLE RHYMES, &T in version hircine self -sub versive con version Jperson an i mad versive ob version tercine per version ursine Persism re version ^worsen Turcism sub version de sertion tercines Persisms in ter spersion [tirsm, above] Turcisms re-as sertion self-as sertion cursing mercies re-in sertion [firs, p. 166] [tirsez, above] dis con certion un con versing pre con certion re verselessf tsem i tertian cursings [urs & less?] Jses qui tertian [firsmg, above] in ex ertion tersely re con version persis [urs, p. 166] un con version [ftrsiis, below] ex tra version purslain or con tra version cursive purslane ex tro version pursivef sea-purslane? in tro version de cursive re tro version? dis cursive verseman an i mad version ex cursive Jversemen in cursive [urs & man or versions pre cursive men?] [urshftn, above] as persive dis persive dis bursenient mercy ab stersive im bursernentf pursy de tersive a mercement gra mercy co ercive re im bursernent e versive liircic con versive dis bursements Persic per versive [ursme'nt, above] sub versive DOUBLE KHYMES, 605 person versus|| un as serted [firsm, above] dis cursus|| un con certed ex cursus|| un ex erted a verseness ad versus|| un a verted [firs, p. 166] re versis|| un di verted un in verted thirsted Jbursar un con verted worsted? curser un per verted [first, p. 166] cursor un re verted mercer un sub verted burstest purser un dis con certed [first, p. 166] searcerf worserf ad vertence worsteth pre cursor in ad vertence [first, p. 166] a mercer an te cursor ad vertent thirsting in ad vertent [first, p. 166] pursers [firsfir, above] blurtest thirst ings curtest [firstmg, above] curtate [firt, p. 167] [firt & fit?] burster hurteth thirster curtal [firt, p. 167] [firtl, below] bursters hurtful thirsters thirteen? un hurtful " [firtln, below] de sertfulf hirsute? [firt & full?] [fir & suit?] Jdirtied girted earthest cursus|| [firt, p. 167] [firth, p. 168] Jpersisll un shirted thyrsusli ex sorted bertheth ursus|| con verted [firth, p. 168] 34* DOUBLE KHYMES, mirthful {thirteen? turtle worthfulf un curtain tin fertile in certain tun fertile girthing la certine tex sertile [firth, p, 168] un certain hurtled birtliless curtained kirtled mirthless un curtained tcurtaledf worthless spirtled flirting earthly shirting hurtless un earthly [firt, p. 167] tcurtelassef self -as serting shirtless (tfc) burthen curtains hurtlest dis burthen [urtm, above] spirtlest un burthen furtive hurtleth worthy as sertive spirtleth un worthy ex ertive di vertive curtly further re vertive pertly murthert un as sertive [firt, p. 167] cherty dirties hurtling dirty thirties spirtling thirty turtling Tri murtiil {fertile hurtel?* myrtles fertile hurtle [firtl, above] [firtl, below] whortle Jcurtal burton Jburton kirtlc [urtm, above] curtain myrtle certain spirtle a lertness DOUBLE KHYMES, [to, p. 167] con certo] [ur & to?] concertos [tir & toes?] scherzo?!! [urt & so?] as sertor|| per verter [urt, p. 167] stirrups? [tirup, above] Jnouricef su surrousf su surrusjl spurrer stirrer [ur, p. 161] a pertor|| stirrers cham pertor? [tirfir, above] as serter or curvate Jcurvet? in curvate re curvate 607 Jvervels Jfervencef ob servance re servance in ob servance non-ob servance Jfervent curvant servant con servant ob servant un der servant in ob servant un ob servant as serters [firtfir, above] virtue? [tirt & you?] nurture? servants bi nervate [urv&nt, above] e nervate tri nervate con ferva|| a cervate con tra yerva[| co a cervate servest in curvates [tirv, p. 168] [urchur, p. 592] [urvSt, above] curvetli nurtured? tchervil [urv, p. 168] mis nurtured? curval un nurtured? serval nervy Jservile? scurvy stirrup? a cerval tsurvey? sirup? or top sy turvy syrup? servals [urv^l, above] fervid 608 DOUBLE EHTMES, rl Jnerved? cervusl) hoodeth [tor, p. 168J re curvous [ud, p. 168] e nervousf chervil [ftrvls, above] goody [tirval, above] woody fervorli or o ver woody jervine fervour nervine ob server pudding cervine? [urv, p. 168] wooding vervain? [ud, p. 168] ob servers sea-pudding? swerving [urvur, above] [tor, p. 168] puddings un swerving tirwit? [lading, above] un de serving [ilr & wit?] un ob serving goodlessf furzy hoodless swervings jersey woodless [urvtng, above] kersey goodly nervines jerseys woodtyf vervains? [tirzT, above] un goodlyf dervis or t;d goodman dervise hooded tgoodrnenf service wooded woodman dis service un hooded Jwoodmen eye-service in wooded un der service un wooded pudden [urvus, below] wooden stoodest nerveless wouldest? goodness [urv & less?] woodest woodnessf [i,id, p. 168] DOUBLE RHYMES, Tig -ill 609 Kg bookless [ul & fish?] sugared [uk & less?] un sugared bully booklet fully uk brooklet mulley hooked? pulley crooked? booklets woolly [i.ik, p. 169] brooklets un crooked? bullied hooker pulleyed! hookest cooker [uk, p. 169] looker fulling pulling looketh hookers Djk, p. 169] [ukftr, above] bullish fullishg brooky ul hookey pullent bullies hooky woolen or [ult, above] cooky or woollen cookie pulpit rooky Jbullistt [ul & pit?] fullest cooking pullest woolsey [uk, p. 169] lin sey- woolsey? bullet cookings pullet fuller [uktng, above] puller fulleth un der puller bookish pulleth un bookish fullers o ver bookish bullets [ulftr, above] pullets hookeys bulwark cookies woLfish [yl & work?] 610 DOUBLE RHYMES, lllll um woman? un woman? hooper? crupper? cooper? hoopers? [upftr, above] us bushest pushest bushet Jcushat [ush & at?] busheth pusheth bushes [utgst, above] pushes footy* bushing sooty? pushing footing busher [ute'st, above] pusher footings bushers [utmg, above] pushers putter? ut six-footer footed [ut, p. 170] sooted? putters? footest [utflr, above] puttest sootest? uz un der puttest bosom? [oozum, p. 537] footeth PART III. TRIPLE RHYMES, aa ad aa scabious [abur, p. 172] drayages [flbr&ns?] [flffj, p. 171] neighborly! dis ablementf [Sbur, p. 172] aa en ablementt un neighborly! con veyances en tablement [aans, p. 171] ad ableness un aidable aa [abl, p. 171] per suadable payable Je vadible swayable Ca labrian un e vadable weighable Can tabrian [ad, P. 8] de frayable re payable Ca labrians cadences un payable [abrian, above] [adSns, p. 173] con veyable sea brousness gladiate? ab [abrus, p. 172] radiate babianf or va nadiate tbabionf laborest! ir radiate Fabian [abilr, p. 172] tgabion badian|| Sabian taboreth! A cadian Suabian or [abtir, p. 172] Ar cadian Swabian Leu cadian Mo grabian neighboring! Ca nadian A rabian sabering! [fibur, p. 172] A caditms Sabians [Sdltin, above] fffbtan, above] laborless! 619 TRIPLE RHYMES, ad stadia?]) iig" [aiton, above] pal ladia?l| flagrancy t'ragrancy aj gradient vagrancy plagiary? {radiant {stageryf flagrantly gradients [agrtlnt, p. 175] plagiaries? {radiants {stageriesf radii?|| laical agedly [udlus, below] He braical en gagedly Ju daical up braidingly tro chaical agedness de gradingly Mo saical en gagedness [adlng, p. 173] mo saical pro saical agency stadium?!! al ge braical [ajnt, p. 177] pal ladium?!! Phar i saical va nadium?! par a di saical ragingly [aj, p. 5] pal ladiums? prayingly [admm, above] o beyingly cour ageously [a, p. 1] [ajus, p. 177] gladius?|| radiousf gaiety or out rageonsness radius?l| gayety [ajus, p. 177] laity ae ak dis mayedly gaieties! vacated, &c. [a, P . l] laity's [akat, p. 178] un de layedly phaeton breakable de cayedness {Nic o laitan [ak, p. 5] [a, p. l] placable phaetons un breakable EHTMES, il Iv tl III eis im placable nn shakable or un sbakeable un mis takable! im placably un mis takably! bracbial? tracheal? quakingly un sbakingly mis takingly [flk, p. 5] mis takenly [ak, p. 5] for sakenness [ak, p. 5] aqueous ter raqueous ftl bailable [SI, p. 6] un salable or un saleable in ex halable un a vailable salably or saleably [alitbl, above] alias?|| galeas? Jpaleousf Jalien? West phalian? mam malian? [alytin, p. 181] salient? [alyent, p. 181] dahlia?[ galea?|| re galia?|| bru rnalia?|| bat talia?|| a zalea?|| ter mrnalia?|| Sat ur nalia?|| pen e tralia?|| par a plier na- [fllya, p. 181] dalilias? [aim, above] galea3?|| , above] dailiness tailoress waileressf nailery tscalary?f am blamable or blameable [fim, p. 8] un blamable! un framable! un tamable! ir re claimable blamably! [ama'bl, above] blamefully [amful, p. 182] shamefulness [amful, p. 182] ramial |samiel?|| tcamion|| Samian pol y gamian phen o gamian mon o gamian cryp to gamian did y namian scaliness plian e ro gamian 014 TRIPLE RHYMES, Hill till tet ra dy namian feignedly Man ri taniatl Un feignedly Penn syi vanian Samians con strainedly Tran syl vanian [Smtan, above] re strainedly Med i ter ranean un con strainedly blamelessly un re strainedly Bar daniana [amles, p. 182] [anlan, above] feignedness sliamelessness [anedll, above] cranium?|| [amles, p. 182] sue ce daneum?|| painfully per i cranium?]) ig no ramuses? [anful, p. 184] [amus, p. 183] banefulness an [anful, p. 184] drainable [an, p. 8] crania?|| un drainable [Snium, below] un gainable un ex plainable un con strainable cranial sub ter ranealf un re strainable un at tainable Al banian un main tainabie Dar daman un ob tainable Lu canian un sus tainable Vul canian Ale manian granary? lanary planaryf Jchi canery Tas manian His panian Cam panian I raniaii Lith u anian granaries? Jchi caneries samous mem braueous pe daneous a raneous cu taneous spon taneous ex traneous sue ce daneous mis eel laneous sub ter raneous co 6 taneous col lee taneous si mul taneous or sim ul taneous ab sen taneous dis sen taneous con sen taneous in stan taneous cir cum f o rane- ous San de manian ex tempo raneous Pom e ranian con tern po rane- sub ter ranean ous or TEIPLE RHYMES, HI1 016 co tern po raneous changeable ex changeable un changeable ar rangeable de rangeable in ter changeable changeably [anjabl, above] apery drapery grapery naperyf papery vapory capering, &c. [Spur, p. 187] draperies [Spurt, above] ar areal yi carial Arian Pharian Carian Marian Parian glos sarial nee es sarian nee tarial Sub lap sarian no tarial sab ba tarian com mis sarial prol e tarian sec re tarial Trin i tarian veg e tarian U ni tarian Jan i zarian sti pen di arian a be ce darian at ra bi larian Varian cor pus cu larian non a ge narian sex a ge narian oc to ge narian vet er i narian Cat i li narian A pol li narian dis ci pli narian a grarian pre des ti narian I carian in fra lap sarian cer carian su pra lap sarian A quarian hu man i tarian gram marian par lia men tarian Ba varian ne ces si tarian Ce sarian or lat i tu di narian Cae sarian val e tu di narian Sem i- Arian sep tu a ge narian die tion arianf an ti-Trin i ta- Ber en garian rian an ti quarian cat e narian bar barians sem i narian [arian, above] mil le narian cen te narian area?j| ap Bri arean capable bar barian shapable li brarian es capable Bui garian in capable Hun garian un shapable Li garian Me garean 616 TRIPLE CHYMES, her baria?U [Srlum, above] [arltim, below] ma laria?j| ta laria?|| glob u laria?U ad ver saria?l| e rasable tper suasible? glareous un traceable carious te vasible scarious |im per suasible? various Jin e vasible ci barious areas? bi farious in effaceably H, above] ne farious [Ssitbl, above] gre garious pre carious com placences vi carious [tis^ns, p. 189] hi larious Jconi placencies de narius?H [asensl, below] lu tarious tar tareous ad jacency con trarious com placency o variousf in ter jacency om ni farious mul ti farious gracefully at ra bi larious [Ssful, p. 189] sal sa men tari- ous dis gracefulness [asful, p. 189] variously? [arms, above] satiated?, &c. pshat, p. 189 ; ashlat, below] mariet? Jcom mis sariat mariets? |com mis sariats dairying, &c. [Hri, p. 188] charily? [ffrf,p. 188; rf- II, p. 639] wariness? [arl, p. 188; urines, p. 639] pharynxes? [Srlnks, p. 188] her barium?|| a quarium?| hon o rarium?|| her bariums? pre cariousness? [Srlus, above] facially as spatially chasable [flsliSl, p. 189] traceable ef faceable patiently dis placcable [ashe'nt, p. 189] TRIPLE RHYMES, US 617 glaciate?f sen sational [ashus, p. 210] satiate? con gre gational spatiate?f ed u cational spaciousness in gratiate? ter mi national [ashus, p. 210] e maciate? con ver sational ex patiate? ob ser vational per suasively in satiate? de nom i nation- [aslv, p. 213] rc-in gratiate? al [asliun, p. 190] e vasiveness satiates? [flslv, p. 213] [flshtat, above] tstationest [Sshun, p. 190] chastening, &c. glacial? in flationist [asn, p. 213] [Sshul, p. 189] ed u cationist Res to rationist suasory A cacian? [ashumzm, be- Jtracery Ga latian? low] Jem bracery [flslian, p. 189] dis suasoryf in flationists per suasoryt a cacia?|| [ashuntst, above] [asurlz, below] [flshft, p. 189] pan cratia?|| Res to rationism tastefully [ashium, belowj con ver sation- [astful, p. 213] ism a caciae?|| [ashun, p. 190] wastefulness eu tha nasise?|| [Sstfijl, p. 213] stationer pan cratium?|j pro bationer tastily cy matium?|| foun dationer* [Sstr, p. 213] [aslmn, p. 190] national? hastiness rational? stationers [Sstl, p. 213] stational [aohunur, above] pro bational traceries ir rational? graciously [Ssorl, above] 618 TKIPLE KHYMES, US &V em braceries scathf ulness? ere atorship tdis suasoriesf [atlifi.il, p. 215] trans latorship pit fir, p. 217] at weightily fatally [Stall, above] trans latorships [atSl, p. 214] [aturshlp, above] Jweightily weightiness [atl, p. 215] [atl, p. 215] traitorous [at arcs, above] batable gratingly hatable pratingly aft ratable aerie? ere atable natively faery?t a batable [atifv, p. 216] de batable av di latable ere ativeness de pravedly col latable [atfv, p. 216] [&r, p. 15] trans latable un trans latable traitresses en slavedness [toe's, p. 217] [av, p. 15] ratably [titftbl, above] atria?|| Flavian latria?|| Navian datary Bel gravian stataryt matronal? sub clavian Jtrans latory? patronal? Mo ravian Ba tavian gratefully cateress Oc tavian [ittful, p. 215] Jcrateroust Scan di navian traitoress hatefulness ^traitorous Mo ravians [atfijl, p. 215] [avtitn, above] catering, &c. faithfully [atftrd, p. 218] caveat?|| [Sthf ijl, p. 215] tland graviate KHYMES, aV &k 610 caveats? favorer or dis praisingly Jland graviates favourer [az, p. 15] quaverer cravingly waverer blazoning [ilvlng, p. 219] brazening favorers! [azn, p. 222] savingness [avflrilr, above] [living, p. 219] brazenness az [azlne's, above] knavishly a mazedly [avtsh, p. 219] [az, p. 15] &b cabalist slavishness crazedness tpa rabolist [avlsh, p. 219] [az, p. 15] cabalists bravery eu than asia?!| [Sballst, above] gravery par o no naasia?|j knavery an to no masia?|| cabalism savory or [ashia, p. 617] [ttboltzm, below] savoury slavery tpraisable abbacy un savory! Jraisable chabasie? suasible? wavering, &c. per suasible? a nabasis|| [avur, p. 220] im per suasible? me tabasisjl knaveries ^hazelly abbacies [flvurl, above] lazily [&bM, above] [Szl, p. 222] favorless abature [avur, p. 220] tbrazenness thabituref craziness flavorous [azt, p. 222] Jcrabbedly savorousf rabidly [avur, p. 220] a mazingly [Sbtd, p. 223] 620 THIPLE , jib tabidness [fiblt, p. 223] Jabcrratef [flbld, p. 223] Jcabaret Jabatised Jtaboret labefyt in habitest, &c. e laborate tabefy [ftbtt, p. 223] syl labify clapboarded* clis syl labify iabatude Jscabbarded habitude syl labifled, &c. tabitude pabular [ttbtfl, above] tabular habitudes con fabulart syl labical [ilbltiid, above] [flblk, p. 223] jabbering, &c. A rabical stablishmentt [abtir, p. 224] es tablishment shabbily pre es tablish- jabberer l, p. 223] ment slabberer? re es tablishment flabbiness jabberers babblementt slabberers? rabblementf [ftbt, p. 223] Jabanet cabinet rabinet or Jrabanetf tabulate con tabulate babblements! rabblementst tabulates pa rabolall [itbydlat, above] cabuiets me tabola||t , above] fabulist Jcabalism vo cabulist habitant di abolism in habitant pa rabolism fabulists co habitant [jXbyultst, above] pa rabolist habited, &c. [Sbah y st, above] fabulous ^rabbeted pabulousf TEIPLE RHYMES, al> jig" 621 sabulous un der graduate? [Sged, p. 228] &ch. at' jaggedness catchable affable [aggd, p. 228] inatchable [ilfabl, p. 639] at tachable scraggily de tachable affably [agl, p. 229] [afabtf, p. 639] bachelor flagginess hatcheler or grapliical [agT, p. 229] hatcheller se raphical ge o graphical di agonal bachelors [afik, p. 227] hex agonal [tichelur, above] hep tagonal aphyllous? oc tagonal scratchingly hex aphyllous? pen tagonal snatchingly de caphyllous? te tragonal [3ch, p. 16] hep taphyllous? pen taphyllous? agonize spatulate, &c. te traphyllous? an tagonize [atyiilat, p. 637] en de caphyllous? [afl & us?] ad radical tradicle spo radical additive traditive maddening, &c. [Sdn, p. 226] graduate? post-graduate? chafferyf |ad i aphoryt blackguardly haggardly 35* Imaggoty or tmaggottyf raggedly agonized an tagonized agonist an tagonist agonists an tagonists agonism an tagonism agonisms an tagonisms 22 TRIPLE RHYMES, g- ilk maggoty! hex agynous [ilkn, p. 232] [gga'tr, above] de cagynous f er raginous acolyte sci agraphy vo raginous phacolite vol tagraphy hep tagynous pen tagynous acrityi po dagrical te tragynous a lacrity chi ragrical o le aginous en ne agynous taxable staggering, &c. do de cagynous re laxable [ftgftr, p. 230] rnu ci laginous un taxable car ti laginous staggererf fractional swaggerer agitate pactional sagittate staggererst actionist swaggerers ak factionist packages re actionist aj [gka-j, p. 231] magical actionists tragical macarize [tlkshunlst, saccharize above] agilely [fijll, p. 230] . saccharized factiously [tlkarlz, above] fractiously fragileness [ajn, p. 230] bracketed, &c. factiousness [aket, p. 231] fractiousness saginate Jbaccated vaginate axillar blackenest maxillar? paginal [akn, p. 232] vaginal Jto bacconist tactablet im aginal tractable slackening, &c. Jin f ractiblef TEIPLE RHYMES, 633 {com pactible {in tactible at tractable {dis tractible ex tractable or {ex tractible in tractable }con tractible re tractable or {re tractible un tractable tractably [ttkttibl, above] bracteal lacteal com pactedly ab stractedly dis tractedly con tractedly pro tractedly com pactedness , above] sta lactif orm ex tractiform practical tactical [Skttk, p. 236] un practical {cactuses practices [ftktfe, p. 236] actively [aktlv, p. 236] at tractiveness [flktlv, p. 236] factory {lactary tractory ol factory re f ractory phy lactery de tractory cal e factory sat is factory man u factory dis sat is factory un sat is factory factories [akturf, above] factorship con tractorship tactual con tactual cackerel mackerel hackeryll quackery {vaccary* flackering* lacquering or lackering hackeries pkurl, above] acuatet vacuatet e vacuate e vacuates [SkyuSt, above] jaculate maculate e jaculate im maculate factorships jaculates [akturshlp, [akyulat, above] above] pi acular actual ver nacular factualf o racular 324 TRIPLE KHYMES, ilk H! faculae?H salaries aliblef maculae? || [ttlari, above] fallible in fallible tmaculose? Jballotinf pi aculoust palatine calefy a baculusl) salify mi raculous Jballotinst o raculoust palatines calefied salified, &c. Hi calendar galantine Jcalender rallying, &c. Jvalentine? palendart [alt, p. 239] en allagel) ^calendars calycle [aloft p. 626] [alendar, above] Jme tallical tmalanders or calami?|j mallenders aliment thalami?)! sallenders [rai, & meant?] Jcalamint calaraine? tgafiot?|| tmon o thalaman malleate galleon palliate calyon calamusJI re taliate thalamus]) caliper a thalamous palliates [alopurz, below] pol y thalamous [allat, above] mon o thalamous calyces? || dalliance [allks, p. 180] alary ralliance Jchalices Jgallery salliancef [alls, p. 239] Jraillery? valiance?t an alyses?|| salary di alyses?H scalaiy? palliai^ [rilisis, below] in ter calary? [alluin, below] calycine TRIPLE RHYMES, 625 salicine na tion ality? spir it u ality a calycine no tion ality il lib er ality ra tion ality? me rid ion ality? an alysisll sen su ality con ject u rality di alysisll per son ality con nat u rality cat alysisll ac tu ality u ni ver sality par alysisll mu tu ality in stna men tality punc tu ality in hos pi tality gen er ality in cor po re ality lib er ality im ma te ri ality lit er ality su per fl ci ality prod i gality co es sen ti ality il le gality cir cum stan ti al- rad i cality ity ver ti cality con sub stan ti al- in for mality ity an i mality in di vid u ality fern i nality me rid i o nality? prin ci pality re ality ver balityf mo dality so dality f ru gality le gality re gality lo cality ras cality vo cality for mality car nality ve nality mo rality plu rality bru tality fa tality mor tality to tality vi tality neu trality es sen ti ality bes tiality? sub stan ti ality cau sality po ten ti ality cor di ality con di tion ality un re ality pro por tion ality par ti ality ir ra tion ality? Bpe ci ality im per son ality re alities [ami, above] de caliter? myr i aliter? im mo rality cor po rality tern po rality im mor tality hos pi tality con ge ni ality? cor po re ality de caliters? ma te ri ality [alltur, above] im par ti ality alliumll ballium|| palliumll thalliumll dallier H p. 239] 626 ' TRIPLE RHYMES, al dalliers a nalogy gallery [tttlftr, above] thy pallage|| [ftlflrf, above] pa ralogy palmistry gen e alogy? baluster psalmistry? min er alogy Jar cu balister? galloway di alogist balusters Jtallowy a nalogist [itlftstftr, above] [ulojl, above] fallowest Jsaliently? Jfallowist di alogists valiantly shallowest, &c. [itlojist, above] [310, p. 240] am a nalogies damages tallowing, &c. [ulojt, above] [Smaj, p. 242] [Slo, p. 240] a nalogisni dramatize or tallowish pa ralogism dramatise [Slo, p. 240] an a grammatize! a nalogisms halogen pa ralogisms dramatized! thallogen [Smfttlz, above] callowness halogens [ulo, p. 240] dramatist thallogens an a grammatist gallopers ep i grammatist a nalogize! tcalipers chron o gramma- pa ralogize! tist gen e alogize! balloted Jcalletedt dramatists a nalogized! Jpalatedt [ftmftttst, above] [alojlz, above] balloting arnblingly tdi allageil [filoted, above] ramblingly Jen allageil [tobl, p. 243] TEIPLE KHYMES, 627 ambrosin ramif orm ca lamities Jcambrasine [tmiftl, above] dy namical bal samical pan o ramical ambuktef per ambulate f u nambulate par al lei o gram- cir cum ambulate mical clambering, &c. Pmbur, p. 243] JFamilist en amelest or en amellest [amel, p. 244] Jen amelist! trammeling! , &c. [Sniel, p. 244] en amelists! [flme'le'st, above] [amik, p. 244] Farnilists ve] amyloid mammiloid laminate staminate con taminate di ameter hex ameter de cameter? pa rameter pei rameter or pi rameter pen tameter myr i ameter? sem i-di ameter diameters [ftntfttir, above] scammony stramony Jtaminy fo raminall llamellar trammeler! $en amelar! en ameler! ex amining, &c. [fimm, p. 245] trammelers! ', above] fo raminous [Snun & us?] staminates con taminates gammoning, &c. laminajl [timMng, above] staminajl champion IGrampian campion rampion tampion chamfering, &c. [flinf ur, p. 244] mammiform champions n, above] amity ca lamity hampering, &c. plmpur, p. 24G] 628 TRIPLE RHYMES, am an hammering, &c. manacles sand-boxes [fimur, p. 247] [ilnlklz, below] andiron amorous hampers brand-iron clamorous Jcanniperst andirons amulet granary? brand-irons Jfamulatef panary or pannaryf mandible amulets stannary Jun der standable Jfarnulatest ^tannery [iindabl, p. 642] an granaries candidly annalist [ttna'rt, above] un candidly [a'ne'le'st, below] tun der handedly sanative tcannibal ex planative candidness manablef tun der handed- sanable franchisement ness in sanable dis franchise- ment handiest, &c, managest en franchisement [undl, p. 248] mis managest [Linchtz & Jap panagist meant?] dandify candifyf manager un der standable tanager [tlndtbl, below] dandified mis manager candifledt scandalize managers vandalize dandifies [ttnftjur, above] candifiest scandalous manakin [ilndl & us?] candying, &c. [Ltnlkln, below] [ffndl, p. 248] bandboxes liHYMES, &n 620 dandyish de candrian hex angular sandyish gy nandrian sex angulart mo nandrian tri angular handiness hep tandrian de cangular sandiness oc tandrian e quangular un handiness pen tandrian quin qnangular te trandrian quad rangular un der standingly Al ex andrian hep tangular [finding, p. 249] pol y andrian mnl tangular en ne andrian oc tangular blandishing do de candrian pen tangular brandishing, &c. i co sandrian rec tangular [ondlsh, p. 249] sep tangular slandering, &c. a cut angular blandishment [tmdur, p. 250] e qui angular [Sndlsh & meant?] ob tus angular landererf blandisher pandererf languishment brandisher slanderer [SnggwMt & meant?] blandishers slanderers brandishers [ftndftrur, above] Jmanacle panicalt handier glandulous Jpanicle [ttndT, p. 248] [tlnjflus, below] tsanicle or ganical ag grandizement? Jannalist me chanical [findlz & meant?] panelest or Jim manacle panellest, &c. ty rannical bandoline [onel, p. 251] bo tanical mandolin sa tanical en tanglement char la tanical di andrian [&ngl & meant?] [Snlk, p. 252 ; hex andrian ftnlklz, below] tri audrian angular TKIPLE KHYMES, till . Jcanakin Jmanakinll manikin pannikin manikins [unfkm, above] banister canister banisters canisters sanity vanity in anity tanchoress cankerous rancorous can tankerous Ichancery car a vansary Jmanacles in anity car a vansaries panicles ur banity [ftnsM, above] sanicles hu manity [unlkal, above] ini manity chancellor? in sanity [anse'lu'r, p. 642] animate Chris tianity? canceller dis animate in hu manity ex animate an ti-chris tianity? cancellers in animate pmselftr, above] re animate vanities [ftnftt, above] fi nancially animusll [Snshai, p. 255] mag nanimous frangible u nanimous tangible sub stantialness pu sil lanimous in frangible [itnshttl, p. 255] re frangible banishing, &c. in tangible sub stantiate? [{Man, p. 253] cor y bantiate? angelusjl cir cum stantiate? banishment Jglandulons con sub stantiate? vanishment! tran sub stantiate? e vanishment anxiously [flntsh & meant?] [ankshiis, p. 254] banishments hankering, &c. [ttnlshment, [anktir, p. 254] above] sub stantiates? t, above] v cancerous [tinsflr & us?] TRIPLE RHYMES, HU &p 631 antelope canticles annulate {cantaloupe? planticles {annulet [Snttkal, above] granulate antelopes cam panulate {cantaloupes? franticness .[antlk, p. 257] {annulets pantheon?!! granulates {xantheine cantillate {Xanthian {mantelet?!! annular a canthion|| branularf {Er y manthean cantillates granular {mantelets?] cannular pantheons? [itnthTon, above] bantering, &c. annttlus|| [Sntur, p, 259] {annulose? mis anthropy granulous ly canthropy annual phi lanthropy manual &p cy nanthropy {E manuel Appian aph i lanthropy {Im manuel trappean a canthuses [flnthus, p. 257] {canticle ranula|| {planticle cam panulail pe dantical ro manticalf ranuloe?!! ge o mantical [SnyQlS, above] on o mantical syc o phantical banneret pntlklz, below] lanneret anticly [Sntlk, p. 257] annuals rapidly , above] [gptd, p. 260] vapidness [Sptd, p. 260] happily [apt, p. 260] {capelan w capelin {si napoline nappiness bannerets lannerets 689 TEIPLB BHYMES, ttp &f [ffpt, p. 260] [ftrgntll, p. 639] [aragrSf, above] apices?I| harassing, &c. barracan [apl & sez?] [SrSs, p. 263] maracan capsular harassment* Saracen bi capsular em barrassment Jsarasin or mul ti capsular dis em barrass- Jsarrasin or ment tsarrasine capturing, &c. [flrlsn, p. 633] [fiptyur, p. 262] era barrassments [SrSsm^nt, narrative rapturous above] de clarative [Sptyur & us?] com parative arable pre parative crapula|| nan'ablef re parative papulaJI parable scapulall sparable narratives in arable [Sratlv, above] scapulae?!! [firabl, p. 639] ia, above] barratry parables tparrotry crapulousf sparables tpapulose? barrator papulous paragon tap paritorjl tarragon &r barrators arages, &c. paragons tap paritors ], p. 262] [ffrftgOn, above] barrenness dis paragement tbarograph prune's, p. 634] [arflj & meant?] tmarigraph paragraph barrener arrantly Jap parently? paragraphs TRIPLE RHYMES, tchariot [gritoBt, below] barrister lariat [Jfirgst & her?] tmariet? pharynxes? [brinks, p. 264] charity lariats Jcarroty [Mat, above] arenose? parity farinose rarity? harridan bar barity a caridan mariner vul garity [Sre'nur, above] hi larity harridans po larity [flrldtin, above] dariole dis parity cariole|| im parity as carides?|| sol i darity can tharides?|| darioles an gu larity carioles sin gu larity aridness sim i larity [firedneX p. 639] chariot mus cu larity [&rlftt, above] cir cu larity arefy joe u larity clarify Pharisees pop u larity narrifyf carices?|| reg u larity rarefy? varices?|| sec u larity scarify [iirSks or a" r&ks] tit u larity fa mil i arity? arefled garrison pe cu li arity? [ftrffl, above] tea parison dis sim i larity com parison? un pop u larity clarifies [arisen, above] ir reg u larity [Mil, above] par tic u larity garrisoned per pen die u lar- carrying, &c. tea parisoned ity [M, p. 263] com parisons? charities clarinet [ftrfen, above] plrftf, above] 634 TRIPLE RHYMES, UF carrion baroness national? clarion {barrenness passional {narrowness rational? barrier [firings, p. 639] ir rational? farrier harrier or baronet {fashionest harier {clarinet [ashun, p. 265] carrier fashionist [flrf, p. 263] baronets Passionist hen-harrier {clarinets fashionists barriers as Passionists [arTflr, above] passages [Ssaj, p. 264] passible arrowy im passible marrowy basseted, &c. re nascible [Ssgt, p. 265] i rascible harrowing, &c. [asa'bl, p. 642] [tiro, p. 264] fascia?|| cassia?'! i rascibly marrowish [Sslbl, above] narrowish flashily [Ssht, p. 265] placidly {barruly [ttstd, p. 266] narrowly trashiness [SshT, p. 265] acidness narrowness [Sstd, p. 266] [artines, below] dashingly [Ssh, p. 25] classify carroty pacify [SrltT, above] passionate dis passionate classified parrotry com passionate pacified , above] in com passionate classifies TRIPLE RHYMES, J 635 pacified ^fascicle classical tin classical sphacelate ^vacillate sphacelates ^vacillates fascinate ex acinatef de racinatef as sassinate fascinates , above] acetate ca pacitate in ca pacitate acetates [MtSt, above] au dacity e dacity mor dacity men dacity f u gacity nu gacity sa gacity pro cacity lo quacity aspirates Se quacity f [&spfrat, above] sa lacity mi nacity castanet pug nacity Jpro crastinate ca pacity o pacity castanets ra pacity Jpro crastinates ve racity vo racity bastardize! vi vacity dastardizel per spi cacity in ca pacity bastardized! [astilrdlz, above] crassitude lassitude massively? [uslv, p. 267] bastardy dastardy bastardlyf dastardly passiveness [aslv, p. 267] a nastases?|| [ustiisis, below] gasoline sassolin or a nastasis|| sassoline me tastasisj] vasoline plastical bassorine [ttsttk, p. 268] ^passerine nastily asperate tdi astole|| aspirate ex asperate a nastrophell ca tastrophej) TRIFLE RHYMES, US a nastrophes gatherer the o cratical ca tastrophes luthererf ap o statical hy po statical? lacerate gatherers a nath e matical macerate latherersf ep i gram mati- di lacerate cal liy datides?|| [titlk, p. S70] lacerates car y atides?|| [itstirflt, above] con catenate gratify ge latinate ut ratify pa latinate com batable? be atify ^compatible con catenates un come atable gratified [iitmut, above] Jin com patible [attfl, above] Latinize! ratany! ratines platinize! [iitGnl, below] [tttlfl, above] Latinized! platanist statical platinized! [tttnest, below] ab batical sab batical satiny cataract em phatical [liton!, below] [jatfir & act?] clog matical dra matical Latinists di atheses?|| grammatical [iitnest, below] [titMsts, below] prag matical schis matical Atticism di athesisU fa natical gram maticismf rne tathesis|] pi ratical fa naticism em blem atical coo prob lem atical Atticisms gathering, &c. math e matical [utlsTzm, above] [atfcur, p. 270] e nig matical dem o cratical attitude TRIPLE RHYMES, &t 68? gratitude Jratany or flatterest latitude tratanhy or [tour, p. 273] platitude Jrhatany ^satirist be atitudo Jsatiny in gratitude battery fratricide flattery latitudes matricide mattery [a'tltud, above] patricide spattery battlement fratricides scattering, &c. prattlement [tltrlsld, above] [Stur, p. 273] [iJtl & meant?] un flattering matronage battlements patronage batteries prattlements flatteries matronal? fattenest, &c. patronal? patterning, &c. [&tn, p. 273] pturn, p. 274] JLatinist matronize! tplatanist patronize?! smatterer JPlatonist? ini patronize! f [atur, p. 273] [attnlsts, above] matronized! tatimy [StrOnlz, above] atomyf smatterers above] a natomy lateral gratulate )h a latomy bi lateral spatulate col lateral con gratulate atomist tri lateral a natomist e qui lateral spatula?]! u ni lateral ter e bratula?i| atomists quad ri lateral a natomists mul ti lateral spatulee?] sep ti lateral [fityQla, above] atony in e qui lateral TRIPLE RHYMES, &t &V flatulent tcon gratulant maturate saturate maturates saturates natural con natural non-natural un natural su per natural coun ter natural pre ter natural maturant saturant travelin?|| gavilans L , above] ex travagant avarice [Svurus, below] tcaviling or Caviling! ^cavilling [ttvelmg, above] traveling or travelling, &c. gavelock?* [avel, p. 274] havelock Jcaviler! travelerl gavelocks?* havelocks Jcavilers! lavishing, &c. travelers! [Svlsh, p. 274] chavender lavender maturants navigate saturant s re navigate tex travagatef fatuous cir cum navigate flatuousf ig nis t'atuusjl navigates St & you & us? [aVfgSt, above] or Sen & you & us?] cavicorn clavicorn ravagest cavicorns savagest clavicorns Jnavigant gavilan|| lavishment ravishment en ravishment lavishments [ftvfshme'nt, above] gravity cavity pravity suavity con cavity de pravity cavities [uvttl, above] TRIPLE RHYMES, ilv &1I1 680 slavering, &c. tap parenciesf tin sparingly [avftr, p. 275] Jtrans parencies [&rfrig, p. 276] tsem i trans par- Javarice encies un sparingness avarousf Coring, p. 276] ca daverous Jarrantly pa paverous ap parently carelessly [to&it, p. 275; [drlfia, p. 276] z 6, p. vi] mi asniatall prayerlessness [SzrM, p. 275] Jarrantness [tote's, p. 276] trans parentness &r [toent, p. 275] un fairnesses bearable [tongs, p. 276] [fir, p. 27; carefully Srabl, p. 632] [6rful, p. 276] St- un bearable laughable un wearable prayerfulness [&f abl, p. 621] un re pairablef [^rful, p. 276] laughably bearably airily [ttfablX; p. 621] [ftrabl, above] [to, p. 276] charily? Uj de claredly warily? agio?|| pre paredly un warily? ad agio?l| un pre paredly [arflt, p. 616] [to, p, 27] Urn hairiness Brahmanisni or Jaridness [firflT, above; JBrahminism de claredness Strtnes, p. 616] Shamanism [to&lH, above; S, p. vi] daringly ig no ramuses? glaringly [amiis, p. 279] trans parences sparingly [SrSns, p. 275] de spairingly 640 TRIPLE RHYMES, &n Sir Un [ardful, p. 283] [ttrj, p. 33] maundering? &c. [andur, p. 280] guardian markablet Sardian re markable tauntingly? per i cardian un re markable vauntingly? [ant, p. 81] guardians an archialt [ardftm, above] mo narchialf &r Jarborist! hardily an archical barberest tardily mo narchi cal harborest! ol i garchical hardiness hi e rarchical arborett tardiness an ti mo narchi- carburet cal hardening, &c. carburets [Srdn, p. 283] darkening, &c. [arburet, above] [arkn, p. 286] gardener barbering, &c. [ardn, p. 283] darkener [arbur, p. 282] hardener hearkener pardoner arborous darkeners barbarous gardeners hearkeners harborousf [a'rdnflr, above] [arbur & us?] charlatan[| arduous? tarlatan guardable carduus?|| re gardable charlatans re tardable margarin or [arlatSn, above] margarine dis re gardf ully Jmargaron harlotry [ardful, p. 283] Jvarletry chargeable re gardf ulness en largeable harmaline KHYMES, Rl* 641 iCarmelin martialize! larceners partialize! [arsmftr, above] a larmingly [arm, p. 34] martialized! tartarous partialized! tartarus|| charmingness [artftr & us?] [arm, p. 34] partially [arslml, p. 289] faint-heartedly? harmony [artgdnes, below] dis harmony martialists- [ar & money?] partialists heartednessf [arshale'st,above] faint-hearted- tarmory ness? farmery* martialismf free-heartedness? gen darmery partialism hard-hearted- ness? farmeries martialness o pen-hearted- [armtirt, above] [arshal, p. 289] ness? [art, p. 35] harnesses marshaler! [arnes, p. 288] partialerf artfully [artfi.il, p. 290] blarneying, &c. larceny [arm, p. 288] co parceny startf ulness [artful, p. 290] tarnishing, &c. larcenies [arnlsh, p. 288] co parcenies marshalest fd [Tb8t, p. 418] pdlat, above] quiddity mor bidity stibious pre sidial flu idity am phibious noc tidial fri gidity ri gidity am phibolous Lydian tur gidity [ibl & us?] o phidian li quidity to phidionj) ge lidity liberate Nu midian ca lidity de liberate i ridian pal lidity in de liberate me ridian so lidity un de liberate as cidian sto lidity Pi sidian va lidity flbular quo tidian fu midityf tribular cys tidian hu midity man dibular Dra vidian ti midity ves tibular sol i Mian cu pidity in fun dibular nul li fidianf ra pidity as ter idian sa pidity at tributive post me ridian stu pidity dis tributive an te me ridian te pidity con tributive va pidity re tributive Nu midians a r idity [Tdlan, above] flo ridity *ch a cidity stitchery ju ridical flac cidity witchery fa tidical lu cidity pyr a midical mar cidity Xd pla cidity Jicliot giddiness ran cidity di midiate Jli bidinous vis cidity in sidiatet a vidity di a grydiate idiot li vidity [Tdiat, above] in va lidity di midiates in si pidity TRIPLE EHTMES, id in tre pidity quiddities pdltt, above] idiom ru bidium idium 1 ridium hideous? o phidious? per fidious? la pideoust de sidioust in sidious? vidual?f widual?f di vidual?f re sidual? in di vidual? nidulate?t a cidulate? nidulates?f a cidulates? me ridional? ob sidional? hideously? r 679 am pliflcatef spe cificatet pon tificate cer tificate vi vificatet re vi vificatef cer tificates pfikat, above] mor biflcal spe cifical pfTk, p. 422] fas tidious? pdyus, p. 421 ; in vidious? Idlus, above ; Tjtus & Ijusir, below] [Tdyus, p. 421] ach la mydeous stil li cidiousf per fidiousness? idiot pdjusll, above] above] as siduous middlingly de ciduous riddlingly pd & you & us?] pdl, p. 421] If hiddenly tiffany for biddenly e piphany |de siderate con siderate in con siderate tiffanies e piphanies diphyllous? triphyllous? po lyphyilous? e piphyllous? quad riphyllous? [Jffl & us?] mag nificence mu nificencfi mag nificent mu nificent o pificerf ar tificer pificerst ar tificers diffiuencef mel lifluence 680 ) TRIPLE RHYMES, ft' ig 1 diffluentf pal mif erous sal u tiferous mel lifluent po miferous ro rifluentf co niferous fe brifugal? la niferous ver mif ugal stiifener om niferous cen trif ugal Jan tiphoner? pru niferous so niferous is stiffeners soni niferous bigamy tan tiphoners? spi niferous digamy au rif erous trigamy pe riphrases?|| flo rif erous po lygamy an tiphrases?!! ro rif erous cir rif erous bigamist pe riphrasisll thu riferous pgilmt, above] an tiphrasisij bac ciferous dor siferous bigamists thriftiest, &c. coc ciferous pgamtst, above] Pftt, p. 423] cru ciferous lu ciferons bigamous thriftily vo ciferous trigamous pffi, p. 423] fa tif erous am phigamous fruc tiferous po lygamous shiftiness lac tiferous he inigamous pftl, p. 423] mor tiferous pes tiferous stigmatize biferous cor ym biferous e nigmatize glan dif erous met al liferous san guiferous um bel liferous stigmatized fru giferousf vas cu liferous e nigrnatized ter giferous sob o liferous mel lif erous rac e miferous stigmatist stel liferous lu mi niferous e nigmatist ar mif erous o do riferous flam mif erous sop o riferous stigmatists cul mif erous an a tiferous e nigmatists TKIPLE EHTNTES, ig" 681 in dignancyt ma lignancy in dignantly Pgnitnt, p. 424] dignify lignify signify dignified Pgntfl, above] signifies pgirffl, above] dignity in dignity con dignity ma lignity be nignity dignities [Ignltt, above] igneous ligneous py ro ligneous or po lygonous Ij fidgeted, &c. lex igraphy pjt, p. 426] bra chygraphy ta chygraphy ef figiate cal ligraphy or fas tigiate ca ligraphy po lygraphy ef figiates e pigraphe?||t fas tigiates e pigraphy au rigraphy Phrygian pa sigraphy Stygian O gygian tfigaryf Or tygian wjiiggery Can ta brigian piggery I a pygian priggery mal a cop te ryg- ian Jfigariesf ac an thop te ryg- piggeries ian rigorous Phrygians vigorous [ijtan, above] figulate ligulate dis figurement pyr o ligneous [fgyiir & meant?] frigidly rigidly frigidness rigidness trigonal am biguous Jme ridional? po lygonal ex iguousf o riginal ir riguous ab o riginal digonous con tiguous trigonous ver tigines?|| TRIPLE RHYMES, Ij I [igO, p. 401] ab o rigines?|| digerentt pkiltlv, above] Jre f rigerant bel ligerent pickedness wickedness stickiest, &c. [Tkl, p. 426] digynous trigynous re frigerants in digenous bel ligerents f u liginous po lygynous u liginousf om nigenous ser piginous pru riginous len tiginous ten tiginous cru cigerous sickliest, &c. ver tiginous . pkU> p. 427] im pe tiginous ik ser pen tigenous de siccated?, &c. prickliness [Ikete'd, below] sickliness hideous? mal a cop te ryg- ious ac an thop te- rygious cricketed, &c. pkfit, p. 426] ar migerousjde siccated?, &c. plu migerous [Ika"t, p. 426] cor nigerous cri nigerous la nigerous cir rigerous cru cigerous me dicament? sicknesses pre dicament pknes, p. 427] an te pre dica- quickening, &c. [tkn, p. 427] ment pigeonest pre dicaments |re ligionist [Ikame'nt,above] Jhideously? Dfdytistt, p. 679] pro digiously [ijus, p. 425] re ligiousness JTjuslI, above] fricative siccative in dicative? vin dicative? de siccative ex siccative siccatives chiccory hickory tpickery Jtrickery hickories [tkort, above] fixable mixable T RIPtE RHYMES, 1J * 688 mixedly? pkur, p. 429] gal e riculate pks, p. 95] in ar ticulate bickerer fixedness snickerer ar ticulates pks, p. 95] pkyulat, above] bickerers fixity snickerers spiculall siccityf fe briculall pro lixity u biquity si liculall in iquity au riculail dictated, &c. ob liquity cur riculail [tost, p. 428] an tiquity a ciculall len ticulall ad dictedness an tiquities af flictednessf pkwltf, above] spicular [tkted, p. 428] or bicular u biquitous pe dicular vin dictively in iquitous ver micular [iktlv, p. 429] f u nicular spiculate ca nicular re strictiveness or biculate au ricular pktrv, p. 429] ca lyculate a cicular ver miculate fas cicular victory f u niculate i ve sicular val e dictory au riculate ver sicular con tra dictory a ciculate ar ticular in ter dictory fas ciculate co ticular ve siculate cu ticular victories ar ticulate len ticular pktOrf, above] den ticulate par ticular ges ticulate re ticular trickery re ticulate cla vicular pkorl, above] ma triculate? per pen dicular ap pen diculate ad mi nicular bickering, fce, can a liculate quin quar ticulart 684 TRIPLE RHYMES, k fl un par ticular plandur, above] par ticulars pkyular, above] spiculse?! pkyula*, above] pe diculous ri diculous Hilary Plurf, p. 688] syllable tillable lilacine dis syllable? sinilacine tri syllable? dis tillable be wildering, &c. un tillable pldur, p. 431] pi, p. 9G] pol y syllable? billeted, &c. Jsi liculose? mon o syllable? plet, p. 431] ver miculous quad ri syllable? Jver ti ciliated? Jver miculose? pillager willfully I villager [flful, p. 431] cu niculousf fas ciculusH ve siculous $ve siculose pillagers skillfulness! viUagers plful, p. 431] con spicuous per spicuous villakin filiate tran spicuous pllkon, below] Jpileate [Ik & you & us?] ciliate filament af filiate 11 Jha biliment hu miliate villages Jsta biliment con ciliate plsj, p. 430] ca pillament sub tiliatet dom i ciliate ver ti ciliated? filaments pitted, below] plamgnt, above] filiates 1 pQIa"t, above] bilander pillaret filander Jex hilarate chiliad ^cylinder OB iliad?t pillarets filandera Jex hilaratea chiliads TMPLtt HltYMES, te iliads?f siliconll militate Jspilikin de bilitate Ilian Jvillakin fa cilitate Pani phylian Jba silican Yir gilian or ba silicon|| militates Vergilian pllkmz, above] p tlltst, above] Ma nilian Si cilian? tsiliquose? a bility ci vilian? siliquous de bility tgran diloquous mo bility Pam phylians Jmul tiloquous no bility pMn, above] $ven triloquous sta bility mul ti siliquous ni hility silliest a gility pit, p. 431] sillily f ra gility pit, p. 431] tran quillity filiform hu mility pilif orrn ha biliment a nility stilliform [Ilame'nt, above] se nility villiform scur rility max illiform filemot ste rility tphilomotf vi rility silicate guillemot || do cility um bilicate fa cility cylinder due tility filical pltmdfir, above] f u tility tsilicle f er tility um bilical chilliness hos tility ba silica! pll, p. 431] gen tility trac tility silicall thrillingly u tility ba silicail pttng, p. 432] ci vility ser vility spilikins willingness am a bilityf Jvlllakins [King, p. 432] dis a bility TRIPLE RHYMES, ft ju ve nility im be cility in do cility vol a tility in due tility in fer tility ver sa tility in u tility in ci vility mal le a bility a mi a bility im me a bility im prob a bility ac cen di bility in ef fa bility def la gra bility in flex i bility re flex i bility f ri a bility in a bility prob a bility ad di bility af fa bility flex i bility flux i bility cred i bility ris i bility vis i bility fran gi bility tan gi bility pec ca bility pla ca bility e qua bility fal li bility gul li bility im mo bility ca pa bility cul pa bility du ra bility com press i bility cu ra bility dis cerp i bility di vis i bility in vis i bility re fran gi bility el i gi bility in tan gi bility im pec ca bility ac qui ra bility ad mi ra bilityf men su ra bility per spi ra bility fig u ra bility de si ra bility ad mis si bility im mis ci bility ex pan si bility im pas si bility im pos si bility cor ro si bility in sen si bility ac ces si bility ex ten si bility im i ta bility di la ta bility im mu ta bility pas si bility pos si bility sen si bility ces si bility in sta bility mu ta bility par ti bility sal va bility sol u bility in cred i bility com mu ta bility com pat i bility ac cep ta bility de fee ti bility im par ti bility ap pe ti bility cor rup ti bility de cep ti bility per cep ti bility re cep ti bility sus cep ti bility im pla ca bility de struc ti bility ap pli ca bility dis cerp ti bility in fal li bility con trac ti bility vol u bility in flam ma bility tea si bility in ca pa bility plau si bility sep a ra bility pu er ility in cu ra bility con ver ti bility re sis ti bility pen e tra bility dis J|ol u bility TRIPLE RHYMES, fl 687 in sol u bility in dis sol u bility in su per a bility in de fat i ga bil- ir ref ra ga bility ity in com pat i bility un in tel li gi bil- in' com press i bil- ity ity in com mu ni ca- in di vis i bility bility in el i gi bility in com men su- in tel li gi bility ra bility com mu ni ca- in com pro hen- bility si bility in sep a ra bility im men su ra bil- a bilities ity [Ilftl, above] com men su ra- bility mil liliter? in de fen si bility de ciliter? in ex ten si bility cen tiliter? in ev i ta bility in im i ta bility mil Hitters? in ex ci ta bility pltttir, above] in com bus ti- bility in de fee ti bility in cor rup ti bil- in de struc ti bil- ity in dis cerp ti bil- in con ver ti bil- ir re sis ti bility im pen e tra bil- ity nlius?|| ileus?|| pileous? punc tilious? su per cilious? milkiness silkiness illnesses pine's, p. 432] billowy pillowy willowy billowing, &c. [HO, p. 432] trilogy am bilogyt am philogy trilogies [flojl, above] gran diloquence [flokwent, below] gran diloquent mag niloquent al tiloquentf sane tiloquent stul tiloquent so liloquize ven triloquize so liloquized ven triloquized so liloquy dul ciloquy pau ciloquyf stul tiloquy ven triloquy 688 TRIPLE RHYMES, ft fltt so liloquies biliary? op simathyf plokwl, above] miliary? ciliary? par en chyma- gran diloquous aux iliary? tous pllkwus, p. 685] fa miliaryt [JlmTt & us?] sem i ciliary? guiltiest su per ciliary? limbering, &c. plff, p. 433] pmbur, p. 485] aux iliarly Hilary fa miliarly chymicalf or Jpillory un fa miliarly chemical? cilery mimical ax iliary? vermilioning, &c. in imical? max iliary? [flyim, p. 434] al chymicalf or ca pillary? al chemical? pa pillary? punc tiliously? cac o chymical ar tillery [flyus, p. 435] met o nymical dis tillery pat ro n} r mical su per cilious- dis tilleries ness? as similate pliM, above] [tlyus, p. 435] pmOlflt, below] con ciliated?, &c. Im criminate [fly tit, p. 434; images discriminate mat, p. 684] pmaj, p. 435] re criminate e liminate brilliances Jcriminoust in dis criminate plye'ns, p. 434] Ion gimanous ^brilliancies |dis criminousf criminates plyttnsl, below] pnxtnflt, above] immanent brilliancy [Imln^nt, below] criminal $re siliency? viminal? $tran siliency?! ttimothy re giminal po lymathy TRIPLE RHYMES, fill frl Jimmanent scimiter or simulate Jimminent scimitar stimulate dis criminant trimeter dis simulate e liminant per imeter mil limeter? simulates dis criminants e lirninants swimmingly trimmingly cen timeter? pm, p. 98] cimeters! dimity pmtttir, above] prox imity sub lirnity immolate op tiniity Jas similate Ion ga nimityf e qua nimity immolates mag na nimity [imoltit, above] u na nimity timothy pla nimeter [miyulSt, above] de symeter de cimeter? al timeter pu sil la nimity dimities pmitt, above] pmiitM, above] limpingly scrimpingly Pfrnp, p. 98] stimuli?! limulusll stimulus|| flimsiest, &c. Pmzt, p. 438] In Jminuted? pinnated Pnat, p. 438] Jspinetedf innately? pinnately symmetry pmp, p. 98] binnacle Ion gimetry Pnlkal, below] pla nimetry implement a symmetry pmplf & meant?] a dynamy al timetry tan tinomy? is o per imetry whimpering, &c. pmpur, p. 437] cinnamon dimeter Pntm^n, p. 690] limiter glimmering, &c. cimeter or pmtir, p. 438] car minative 690 TlttPLE RHYMES, 111 [Mtlv, below] Sar dinian skinniest, &c. di gynian [M, p. 441] indicate tri gynian syndicate Vir ginian ^binnacle vindicate Tar quinian Jbinoclc Ar minian? finical indicates Fla minian clinical [IndlkSt, above] cza rinian Jpinnaclo Li cinian cynical fingering, &c. So cinian pinical Pnggur, p. 441] Bi thynian rab binical dec a gynian $ad minicle . fingerer hex a gynian do minical Pnggur, p. 441] pol y gynian cher u binicalf mon o gynian lingerers tet ra gynian Jpinnacles Pnggur ur, above] hep ta gynian ad minicles pen ta gynian pnlkiil, above] springiest, &c. Car tha ginian pngt, p. 441] oc to gynian Guineainan Ab ys sinian JGuineamen springiness El eu sinian Jcinnamon stringiness Pal es tincan or Pal es tinian liniment de lineate en ne a gynian minimentf la ciniate do de ca gynian liniments finial Sar dinians minimentsf lineal [tman, above] pinealf grinningly un lineal linear winningly sta inineal rec ti linear [In, p. 99] cur vi linear Plinian post li miniar finishing, &c. Ga binian [rnlsh, p. 442] TRIPLES RHYMES, 1H finisher trinities di minisher pnltl, above] finishers di minishers ministress Jsinistrous minister sinister? ad minister sub ministerf minuted? I, above] trinity af finity in finity finitude in finitude in de finitudef gra mineous sta mineous tes tu dineous ar un dineous al bu gineous post li minious ig no minious ^stringencies pnj&nst, below] con tingences stringency con finity f pnjent, p. 442] vir ginity con cinnity stringently vi cinity con tingently La tinity [mje'nt, p. 442] di vinity dingiest, &c. [mjt, p. 442] con san guinity de finitive in finitive tear minative in finitives pnlttv, above] stingily pnjT, p. 442] dinginess PnjT, p. 442] 691 cringingly swingeingly pnj, p. 100] injury |ma lingery? injuring, &c. pnjur, p. 443] injuries |ma lingeries? injurer tma lingerer? injurers tma lingerers? drinkable thinkable un drinkable un sinkable un thinkable shrinkingly winkingly un shrinkingly Pnkmg, p. 443] dis tinctively pnkttv, p. 444] in stinctiveness pnktlv, p. 444] TBtPLE RHYMES, fa f sinlessly integrate in sinuates skinlessly dis integrate pnyuat, above] red integrate an tinomy? con tinuing, &c. Pnamt, above] integer pnyu, p. 447] tvintager vincible sinuous e vincible integers sinewousf in vincible {vintagers con tinuous con vincible dis con tinuous in con vincible hintingly squintingly pinionest in vincibly {o pinionist Pnsfbl, above] interest un pinionest winterest mincingly pntftr, p. 446] minioningt Pns, p. 101] pinioning printeryt o pinioning! con vincingness splintery un pinioning Pns, p. 101] wintery insular? splintering, &c. bipartite? pe ninsular? pntur, p. 446] tripartite? quad ripartite? vintages in cinerate Phtttj, p. 446] i tinerate biparous po lyparous Cynthian in cinerates gem miparous Ca rinthian i tinerates ver miparous Co rinthian u niparous ab sinthian tminuet dor siparous Za cynthian - sinuate mul tiparous in sinuate o viparous Ca rinthians con tinuate vi viparous phthla'n, above] o vo vi viparous TRIPLE RHYMES, 693 bipedal? tripedal? ses quipedal? se mipedal? Jan tipodal in cipience in sipiencet per cipience ac cipient ex cipient in cipient in sipientf per cipient re cipient sus cipientt in ter cipient nippingly trippingly Pp, p. 102] stipitate pre cipitate an cipital bi cipital oc cipital cen tripetal mul ti cipital pre cipitance [IpOtSns, below] an cipitous bi cipitous pre cipitous triplicate ses quiplicate? mul tiplicate? triplicates Ppllkst, above] an tipodal Pptdal, above] dipody tripody po lypody dipodies ppodl, above] cipolin Tripoline ar mipotence ig nipotence om nipotence pie nipotence tpre cipitance om nipotent ppotens, above] mul tipotent el liptical Pptlk, p. 449] scriptoryt Jpe riptery frippery slippery kippering, &c. Ppur, p. 449] stipulate ma nipulate ex stipulate stipulates ppyulat, above] stipular ma nipular re cipiency? pptent, above] 39* cryptical miracle prfkal, below] miracles spiracles? de liracyf con spiracy 694 TEIPLE RHYMES, fr Is styracine pyritous pro pitiable? prMn, below] spiritous jus ticiable? de liraciest de liriumll Jdysnry? con spiracles col lirium|| ^fishery ju diciary? Syrian Siriusll jus ticiary? Tyrian stiriousf ben e ficiary? Ca birian de lirious ben e ficiaries? Syrians pyrulal) [TsharT, above] [IrfSn, above] spirula|| de ficiencies de liriall Is [tshens, p. 451] col lyriall rem i niscences Jdc ficiencies [teens, p. 451] pshenst, below] pyriform cirrif orm rem i niscencyt de ficiency rev i viscency pshent, p. 451] lyrical al liciencyt Jmiracle blissfulness in sitiency?t Jspiracle? [fefijl, p. 451] em pirical suf ficiently satirical vitiated?!, &c. om niciently Praklz, above] pshst, p. 451 ; pshent, p. 451] Ishftit, below] myricine vitiate? or Jstyracine ju dicially vdciate? psMl, p. 451] of ficiate? lyricism in itiate? em piricism ben e ficialness pro pitiate? pshSl, p. 451] pa triciate? lyricisms no vitiate? em piricisms pa tricianism un in itiate? pshunlzm, below] TRIPLE RHYMES, 695 vitiates?! psMSt, above] mi litia?|| co mitia?|| pshft, p. 451] tissuing, &c. pshu, p. 452] missionatef con ditionate com missionate con ditionates pshunSt, above] ad ditional po sitional pshun, p. 452] un con ditional Jtra ditionist com missionest Pshun, p. 452] Jco a litionist Jab o litionist pshiinfets, below] par titioning, &c. Pshun, p. 452] ab o litionists [Tshune'st, above] tra ditionism $pa tricianism ab o litionism pshun, p. 452] missionert com missioner pa rishioner pe titioner prac titioner ex hi bitioner Pshun, p. 452] com missioners Pshun fir, above] viciously ju diciously Pshus, p. 454] of ficiousness Pshus, p. 454] pro pitiable? Pshabl, above] miscible scissiblet ad missible a missiblef per missible per miscible re missible in ad missible in a missiblef ir re missible ver ticillate? Ps5lat, below] for tissimol gen e ral issir vicinal fi dicinal me dicinal of ficinal ricinusll ac a lycinous an ticipate par ticipate dissipates pslpSt, above] lu bricity men dicity pu dicity f e licity pub licity du plicity sim plicity tri plicity cle ricity sphe ricity rus ticity spas ticity 696 TRIPLE RHYMES, IS styp ticity per missively isolate? ver ticity pslv, p. 455] Jver titillate? im mun dicity in fe licity sub missiveness di missory? mill ti plicity pslv, p. 455] re scissory? e las ticity au then ticity con riscated?, &c. distally e lee tricity pskat, p. 455] Jmistily ec cen tricity friskiest, &c. Distances fe licities pskl, p. 456] ex istences Psftl, above] pstens, p. 457] friskily Jcon sistencies licitlyf pskT, p. 456] pstenst, below] il licitly Pstt, p. 455] riskiness* Jclistancyt pskl, p. 456] ex istency ex plicitness con sistency pstt, p. 455] pro miscuous pstens, p. 457] psk&you&us?] spissitude ^distantly so licitude discuses con sistently vi cissitude pskiis, p. 456] pstgnt, p. 458] vi cissitudes ischury tristfully psttud, above] Jpiscary wistfully Pstful, p. 458] f e licitous glistening, &c. so licitous psn, p. 457] so phisticate in fe licitous phlo gisticate un so licitous listener de phlo gisticate psn, p. 457] so licitor so pliisticates ex pliciterf listeners pstfkSt, above] Psnftr, above] TRIPLE RHYMES, IS ft mystical dysury? [fettle, p. 458] Psharf, above] twistical ft mistily pittances [fetal*, above] ptans, p. 460] 697 thitherward wittiest, &c. ptt, p. 461] litigate mitigate listlessly fittablef pstles, p. 460] quittable litigates knittable mitigates re sistlessness ad mittable or Pstles, p. 460] tad mittible litigant tcom mittible mitigant e pistrophell Jtrans mittible an tistrophe|| or dittying, &c. an tistrophyf bittacle ptl, p. 461] ptlktil, below] bistoury Ibittacle blistery . psittacus|| critical history JLe viticusll ptlk, p. 462] mystery un critical con sistory? litany po litical prytany Le vitical blistering, &c. im po litical pstur, p. 460] litanies A bra ham itical prytanies met ro po litical mysteries pstftrt, above] pithiest, &c. pthl, p. 461] sisterly si nisterly? hitherto (th) un sisterly thitherto fistulate? a ristulate? hitherward whitherward pitiless ptr, p. 461] wittily ptr, p. 461] Jwittollyf le gitimist 698 TRIPLE RHYMES, It I Je pitomist iterates e quivalent ptfirat, above] Jve livolant le gitimists |e pitomists literal privative Jlittoral de rivative prettiness? pres byteral ptt, p. 461] bi literal privatives il literal de rivatives fittingly tri literal ptlng, p. 463] u ni literal riveted, &c. quad ri literal pvet, p. 465] un re mittingness [itmg, p. 463] tittering, &c. trivial ptur, p. 464] lix ivial criticism ob livialf citicism situate? quad rivial witticism La bit u ate? con vivial criticisms situates? Livian? ptMzm, above] La bituates? Job livion? brittleness ritual? vividly ptl, p. 463] La bitual? Pvtd, p. 465] witnesses titular? lividness ptnes, p. 464] ca pitular? pvld, p. 465] e pitomist *v Jprivily ptlnrfst, above] mun divagantt civilly mul tivagantf un civilly iterate noc tivagant literate livingly re iterate mul tivagousf for givingly il literate noc tivagous ob literate privity TRIPLE RHYMES, Iv tz 699 ac clivity pvlur, above] in sec tivorous de clivity pvur & us?] pro clivity e quivocal pas sivity u nivocal Xz ac tivity mul tivocal visional fes tivity trans itional cap tivity frivolous di visionalf na tivity [Jivl & us?] pro visional in ac tivity re visional in fes tivityf flam mivomous ab sorp tivity ig nivomous visionist per cep tivity tpre cisianist livery de clivities shivery visionists pvftl, above] de livery Jpre cisianists jail-de livery or bivious? gaol-de livery risible niveousf re de livery visible ob livious di visible las civious shivering, &c. in visible pvur, p. 466] in di visible drivelest! |civilest liveries risibly pvl, p. 465] pvurT, above] pzlbl, above] Icivilistf her bivorous busying, &c. shriveling or ver mivorous Pzl, p. 467] shrivelling, &c. gra nivorous pvl, p. 465] car nivorous physical om nivorous quh:zical driveler! pa nivorous phthisical or Jciviler os sivorous tisical pvl, p. 465] pis civorous met a physical phy tivorous drivelers! gram in Ivorous busily 700 TEIPLE RHYMES, fo 5(1 [M, p. 467] Oa stowages visitor or [oaj, p. 468] visitor in quisitof H oa knowable visitors! rowable in quisitors un knowable busier, &c. frowardly [M, p. 467] [oiird, p. 469] pro sodiac al lodial pro sodial ep i sodial Clodian todeon Rkodian Jme lodion He rodian pro sodian cus todian par ox ysmally towardness pzmal, p. 468] [oiird, p. 469] Rhodians dismalness in choative [odian, above] pzmal, p. 468] Jex troitivef odiblef im prisoning, &c. Ob cor rodible [Tzn, p. 468] globated in cor rodible lobated con globated? prisonrnentf im prisonment [Izn & meant?] och. broacliablef rliizopod ap proacliable schizopod? re proacliable in ap proacliable rhizopods un ap proachable schizopods? ir re proacliable un re proacliable misery [och, p. 107] Jre scissory? odium?ll sodiumll al lodiumH ex odiumjl e rodiumJl di a codium]] niodiusi) odious? me lodious? com modious? dis com modious? od in com modious? zodiac TRIPLE RHYMES, 5d 6l 701 odiously? ok focuses [odlus, above] brokages! [okus, p. 475] [okfij, p. 474] me lodiousness? ol [odlus, above] focalize tollages localize [OlSj, p. 476] og" vocalize ogresses Tollable [Ogre's, p. 473] focalized tollable [okallz, above] con solable ol con trollable showiest, &c. locally in con solable [01, p. 473] vocally un con trollable stoical locative polarize he roical pro vocative? solarize [OTk, p. 473] lochial polarized flowingly pa rochial solarized knowingly [Olng, p. 474] pa rochianf bolary An ti ochian Jdrollery ex troitivet tcoalery [oiitlv, above] smokiest, &c. molary [okl, p. 475] polary B solaryt A lojian pro vokingly tea jolcry Al lo brogian [ok, p. 109] [olurfz, below] ge o logianf the o logian brokenly shouldering, &c. [okn, p. 475] [oldur, p. 476] the o logians [ojlttn, above] out spokenness foliate [Okn, p. 475] oleate spoliate 702 TRIPLE KHYMES, 61 out bi foliate oleine! cen ti folious ^x foliate [ollan, above] ro tun di folious per foliate as per i folious tri foliate holily ten u i folious in ter foliate lowlily as per i foliate un holily wholesomely [olsiim, p. 478] foliates holiness [ollat, above] [oini, above] dolesomeness [olsum, p. 478] Jolein or folio? toleine olio? drolleries Joleon [olyo, p. 479] [olitrT, above] Mon golian Ja croleine foliose om Bag nolian oleose? somatist E olian or di plomatist M olian folios? Cre olean [61! o, above] somatists tna poleon di plomatists uE tolian na poleon Pac tolian [oMn, above] comatous met a bolian glau comatous? Cap i tolian doliumil a romatous loliumJl car ci nomatous? Mon golians scholiumil ste a tomatous? [oMn, above] pe troleum|| nomial scholia!! scholiums bi nomial [ollum, below] [oltum, above] tri nomial pol y nomial holiest folious quad ri nomial [Oir, p. 477] coleusll mul ti nomial ^scholiast oleous plan i folious foamiest TRIPLE RHYMES, OIH 6p 703 [Ontf, p. 480] Ne ronian i doneous ten coin last Smith sonian sym phonious Bos tonian eu phonious cliromium|| Dal tonian fe lonious en cpmiuinll Ca tonian liar monions New tonian er roneous on Plu tonian ul troneousf donative? T)e vonian in liar monions conative Fa vonian un liar monious Scla vonian or al i monious co lonial Sla vonian quer e monious ba ronial be zonian cer e monious cer e monial Cal e donian ac ri monious mat ri monial Mac e donian par si monious pat ri monial myr mi donian an ti monious an ti monial Pat a gonian sane ti monions tea ti monial Cat a Ionian Ab e Ionian loneliness cer e monials Bab y Ionian onlinessf tes ti monials Lye a onian Sic y onian bonuses Si donian or stu ri onian [onus, p. 482] Zi donian Cic e ronian tpronenesses Gor gonian Am .a zonian tonne's, p. 482] Ba conian Lac e de monian Dra conian [onyan, p. 482] op La conian Ce cropian che Ionian Si donians! cor nopean Am monian [Oman, above] Eu ropean? de monian E sopian Brn nonian boniest, &c. U topian Pan nonian [Onl, p. 481] E thi opian \ oniaii I onian stoniness cor nopeans IIu ronian [onl, p. 481] [oplan, above] 704 TEIPLE RHYMES, 6p Or U topia borable tex torial cor nu copia a dorable tu torial de plorable seign iorial soapiest, &c. re storable im me morial [opt, p. 483] in cor poreal a dorably pro fes sorial ropily de plorably in ses sorial [opt, p. 483] sen a torial ex plorative pur ga torial ropiness re storative ed i torial [opt, p. 483] un ex plorativet mon i torial e qua torial hopingly boardable gral la torial slopingly fordable di rec torial [op, p. 113] ter ri torial boreal con sis torial mopishly Joriel die ta torial [opish, p. 483] en chorial am bas sa dorial ar morial gla di a torial ar popishness me morial glad i a torial [optsh, p. 483] ma norial me di a torial ux orial in quis i torial ap propriate cor poreal leg is la torial im propriate cur serial gu ber na torial in ap propriate ra serial pro cu ra torial ri sorial vis i ta torial popery cen sorial ropery scan sorial me morials spon sorial [orial, above] or ton sorial storages men torial Jchorionll [onlj, p. 483] pic torial Jmorionjl rap torial cen sorian orally rec torial his torian [Orni, below] sue torial prse torian ar TRIPLE RHYMES, Or 705 pre torian glorying, &c. cen sorious sten torian [orf, p. 485] no torious hy per borean ster torious sen a torian hoarily sue torious pur ga torian [drT, p. 485] us torioust con sis torian torally vie torious val e die torian [oral, p. 483] mer i torious sa In ta torian hoariness forcible his torians [Orf, p. 485] |en f orceable or [orlan, above] en forcible a doringly di vorcible or scoriall [Orthg, p. 485] Jdi vorceable me moria|| [ors, p. 115] a poria|| chorionll ern poriall [orfSn, above] courtable [Orlum, below] portable Vic toriall em poriumll ex portable sen soriumll im portable boreas] cas toreumll com portable [orms, below] pre torium or re portable pro? toriumll sup portable hoariest, &c. un portable [ori, p. 485] em poriums un re portable [orlum, above] in sup portable or glorify un sup portable scorify Jboreasll storifyf giorious in sup portabty scorioust [Ortabl, above] glorified ar boreous [ortfl, above] la borious sportingly in glorious re portingly scorifies vain glorious [Ort, p. 115] [OrffI, above] ux orious up roarious portliest, &c. TRIPLE RHYMES, 5r Ot [ortir, p. 487] ne gotiate? cor rosivenesS as sociate? [osiv, p. 490] courtliness dis sociate? [ortlf, p. 487] con sociate? boastingly re-as sociate? [ost, p. 117] courteously? [ortyus, p. 487] as sociates? ot [oshiat, above] sac er dotally choruses [otal, p. 491] [orus, p. 488] notional e motional totalness porously [oshun, p. 488] [otal, p. 491] [orus, p. 488] un de votional boatable quotable notable? potable tot, P- 117] so norousness [6ms, p. 488] motionist notionist le motionestf gloriously? [oshun, p. 488] [orms, above] de votionist no toriousness? notionists [orms, above] [oshunist, above] OS pre cociously ne gotiated?, &c. [oshus, p. 489] [oshfit, p. 488 ; osMat, below] a trociousness [oshus, p. 489] sociable? ne gotiable? docible? as sociable? un sociable? notables? potables dotaryf Jmotory notary otary rotary votary notaries in docible? [otitrT, above] cor rosible notedly sociably? ex plosively [ot, p. 117] oshabl, above] [oslv, p. 490] ' KftYMES, 6t lid de votedness re posedness Gobelin [Ot, p. 117] in dis posedness |my robalan or dis com posed- Jmy robolan rotiform ness scrotiform [Ozd, p. 120] liobblingly [obi, p. 495] dotingly roseal?t floatingly am brosial? obolus|| [ot, p. 117] [obi & us?] am brosia?!! lotuses! [ozhii, p. 494] bobbery ^notices jobbery [Otus, p. 492] tprosaist? robbery prosiest slobbery Ov [ozl, p. 494] snobbery jovial sy novial cozily or robberies cosily [obuii, above] oz prosily Mosaism? od prosaism doziness goddesses coziness! [odisez, below] Mosaisms? prosiness prosaisms rosiness modestly im modestly closable posingly o ver modestly de posable dis posingly dis posable im posingly codify? im posable modify op posable 5b sup posable lobbiest codified? ^lobbyist modified dis posedness nobbiest ex posedness [Sbl, p. 495] codifies? .corn posedness modifies TRII'LK KTIYMES, Oil ttl* nodical me thodical [Sdlk, p. 497] im me thodical un me thodical cop rophagous e sophagus or oe sophagusl| phy tophagous pan tophagous rhi zophagous bodices! o phi ophagousf Jgoddesses ich thy ophagous [odls, p. 497] an thro popha- gous oddity com modity prophasis|| a pcpliasisj Ja pophysisj) thy pophysisll a pophygy [Of ajl, above] sophicalf phil o sophical un phil o sophical dis com modityf an drophagi?H sar cophagi?|| 03 sophagi?|| oddities ich thy ophagi?)| [odftt, above] an thro pophagi?|| en dophyllous? ma crophyllous? mi crophyllous? mo nophyllous? ex ophyllous? foddering, &c, sar cophagy hy pophyllous? [odfir, p. 498] Ja pophygy ad e nophyllous? pan tophagy car y ophyllous? modular ich thy ophagy myr i ophyllous? nodular an thro pophagy co le ophyllous? het er ophyllous? 6f pan tophagist sar cophagan ich thy ophagist coffining 1 , &c. zo ophagan [ofTn, p. 499] cop rophagan pan tophagists ich thy ophagists a pophysisjj sar cophagans [of iisfe, above] [of agan, above] the ophany [SfonT, below] sophister an drophagous [of ^st & her?] sar cophagous prophases?|| sar cophagusll [Sfa'sTs, below] softening 1 , &c. 20 ophagous ^prophecies? [oflh, p. 499J TRIPLE KIIYMKS, t>f 5g* bron chophony mo nogamists ca cophony [ogamlst, above] co lopkony? Jthe ophany phe nogamous or Jsa tan ophany plise nogarnous mo nogamous ca cophonies cryp togamous [ofonl, above] ae the ogamous phan e rogamous cry ophorusll zo ophorusf de rogativet py rophorus|| pre rogative py rophorous in ter rogative pte rophorus]| ta can thopherous boggiest, &c. [5gl, p. 500] offering 1 , &c. [Sf fir, p. 499] foggily cofferer 1 offerer 1 profferer 1 [6gT, p. 500] cofferers 1 hoggishly [Sffirur, above] [ogtsh, p. 500] bg 1 doggishness 1 mo nogamy [ogtsh, p. 500] mi sogamy cryp togamy cos mogony deu ter ogamy ge ogony the ogony mo nogamist l, above] cos mogonies [ogonl, above] 40 [5gt, p. 500] grogginess pseu dography hy drography chal cography mi crography cos mography psal mography ich nography see nography ste nography bi ography ge ography my ography zo ography ty pography to pography ho rography chi rography cho rography glos sography or thography li thography au tography phy tography pho tography cryp tography as trography lex i cography met al lography an e mography steg a nography ad e nography sel e nography u ra nography an gi ography ha gi ography 710 TRIPLE RHYMES, &g &k bib li ography 6j moccasins ste re ography or logical ster e ography [ojtk, p. 501] docketed, &c. hi e rography il logical [okSt, p. 502] his to ri ogra- ap a gogical phy syn a gogical rockiest, &c. an a logical [okl, p. 502] chi rographist [aloft p. 626] pho tographist ge o logical Joccamy or Pgraff, above] sym bol ogical ochimy or [olojl, p. 712] ockcmy pho tographists ca cochymy? [SgritfTst, above] progeny an drogyne?||f mockingly 1 bi ographies ho mogenyt shockingly [ogrilflf, above] mi sogyny [ok, p. 122] hy drographer en dogenous de mocracy ge ographer an drogynous mo nocracy [Sgrafif, above] an drogynusjjt the ocracy a erogenous thy pocrisy hy drographers ha logehous au tocracy [5grSf ftr, above] mo nogynous sta tocracy ex ogenous gyn e cocracy doggerel py rogenous id i ocrasy hoggerel oc togynous ar is tocracy taugury 6k de mocracies doggery 1 dockages [okrasi, above] groggery [okfij, p. 501] hoggery prochronism?f toggery bocasine?] i sochronism moccasin toggeries prochronisms?f [ogftrt, above] bocasines?H i sochronisms TRIPLE RHYMES, ok ol 711 toxical [okyiipl, above] ac knowledg- par a doxical un occupied ment or ac knowledge- doctorsliip nocuousf ment proctorship in nocuous [olej & meant?] [6k & you & us?] doctorships squalidest, &c. proctorships 61 [olid, p. 505] Jpollenine crockery solanine solidly mockery 1 [olid, p. 505] rockery co rollary? [olurr, p. 718] squalidness crockeries [olid, p. 605] [okurf, above] i dolatry cos molatry mollient? jocular py rolatry [oly^nt, p. 507] locular he li olatry ocular Ma ri olatry jolliest bi locular de mon olatry volleyest tri locular bi nocular i dolatries qualify mo nocular [ola'trt, above] mollify mult ocular dis qualify u ni locular i dolater un qualifyf mul ti locular Jki loliter? Jhec toliter? qualified flocculent he li olater [olifl, above] poculentf Ma ri olater mollifies occupy i dolaters [ollfl, above] pre occupy [ola'tur, above] re occupy Jfollicle colature? colical occupied $politure?f sym bolical *J18 TRIPLE RHYMES, ft! [511k, p. 505] im politic [olojiz, above] un politicf frolicking, &c. sym bology [ollk, p. 505] jollity pseu dology quality den drology frolicsome or polity psy chology frolicksome e quality eu chology [Silk & sum?] fri volity phi lology in e quality cos mology de molishing, &c. co e quality spas mology [olish, p. 505] phre nology jollities cliro nology polishment [olltr, above] me nology [olish, p. 505] splanch nology mollitude bi ology polisher solitude dox ology [Sltsh, p. 505] ge ology mollitudes my ology polishers solitudes the ology [ollshur, above] zo ology hollowest a pology solecism swallowest tro pology ca tholicism [515, p. 500] ho rology Ro man-Ca thol- neu rology icism wallowing, &c. do sologyf [515, p. 506] no sology? solecisms po sology [olMzm, above] ge ologize an thology the ologize e thology Tri politan a pologize my thology Ne a politan my thologize pa thology cos mo politan as trologize phy tology met ro politan [olojt, below] cryp tology on tolofy politic a pologizcd tau tology TRIPLE KIIYMES, ol &1T1 713 as trology a pologies Jsolvible me trology [olojt, above] ab solvable? am phi bology in solvable phar ma cology Jsock dolager* un solvable et y mology phi lologer dis solvable or phys i ology chro nologer tdis solvible ha gi ology as trologer in dis solvable ar cha? ology or [olojf, above] ar chai ology re solvedly i con ology? as trologers ir re solvedly de mon ology? [olojtir, above] [Slv, p. 123] ich thy ology e ti ology or colony in volvedness ae.ti ology? polony? [olv, p. 123] os te ology en ter ology colonies solvency mar tyr ology polonies? [olvBnt, p. 506] a er ology pkra se ology follower soluble an thro pology hollower voluble or ni thology [510, p. 506] in soluble ter a tology un solublet ar is tology followers pneu ma tology [olour, above] volubly so ma tology? [olyubl, above] me te or ology scolloping, &c. ap o neu rology [olop, p. 500] e molument [ol & you & sym bologist volery meant?] ge ologist Jco rollary? myr i ologist 6m [oloji, above] voleries lo gomachy |co rollaries? mo nomachy ge ologists sci omachy pflOj&t, above] solvable or the omachy 40* 714 TRIPLE RHYMES, mo nomachist homily ab dominaj[ [5ma*kl, above] Ja nomaly phe nomena or phae nomcnaj mo nomachists homilies prol e gomenal] [oma'kfet, above] Ja noinalies phe nomenon or lo gomachies dominate phse nomenon |] [ftma'kl, above] nominate prol e .goinenonil ominatct a nomaly a bominate dominusll [5mm, below] pre dominate ^commonness de nominate ominous ho momalous pre nominate ab dominous a nomalous pre ominate tun commonness comata?!) dominates Ma hometan [oma, p. 479] [omlnat, above] Jau tomaton|| au tomata|| dominance Ma hometans au tomatonll ^prominence Jau tomatons [omMn, below] pre dominance comity glau comatous? dominant Je nomoty sar comatous tpromincnt car ci nomatous? pre dominant comities ste a tomatous? sub dominant |e nomoties domical nominal o dometry comical ab dominal hy drometry [omlk, p. 507] bi nominal hy grometry cox comical plie nomenal ge ometry quad ri nomical cog nominal ho rometry zo o tomical tri nominal py rometry neu ro tomical inul ti nominal an e mometry trig o nometry TRIPLE RHYMES, 715 ster e ometry de spondency bonniest, &c. a er ometry [ondns, p. 509] [ont, p. 510] ap o me cometry condiment chronical ge ometries [onde & meant?] [orrfk, p. 510] [omftrl, above] ponderatef o dometer pre ponderate [tirnftrt, above] e qui ponderate pe dometer den drometer ponderance mi crometer [5nd(lrat, above] tchronicle ^monachal syn chronical ca nonical i ronical thra sonical pla no conical Id lometer? ther mometer pondering, &c. ca nonicals chro nometer [ondftr, p. 509] [Snfca'l, above] ge ometer ha rometer wanderer me tonymy hectometer? [tfndur, p. 509] [Snonrf, below] as trometer an e mometer wanderers ho monymous [ondftrftr, above] a nonymous mi crorneters par onymous [omitdr, above] honestly syn onymous dis honestly commonness o ver honestly as tonishing, &c. [omtnus, above] [ontsh, p. 511] sonneted, &c. [on^t, p. 509] glomerate ag glomerate con glomerate ttn donative Jmonitive monishmentf ad monishmentt onfalon pre monishment as tonishment Gonfalon gonfalons Gonfalons monishmentsf [onlshme'nt, above] 716 TRIPLE RHYMES, Oil Op [opt, p. 514] monislier e conomists [SnMi, p. 511] [onoinist, above] monishers e conomies [onfshur, above] [onoml, above] clironogram monogram chronograms monograms e conomize Jsyn onymize as tronoraize e conomized [ftnomlz, above] sponsible re sponsible ir re sponsible constantly [onstant, p. 513] monument [on & you & meant?] op al lopathy the opathy chi ropodist Jor thopedist dii ropodists IOT thopedists cos mopolile me tropolitef cos mopolites me tropolitesf a cropolis|| ne cropolisjl me tropolis|| mo nopolist my ropolistt e conomy $ho monymy Jsyn onymy ho me opathy or tax onomy ho moa opathy mo nopolists au tonomy e nan ti opathy [opolTst, above] Jme tonymy as tronomy copiest gas tronomy Jcopyist me tronomy sloppiest Deu ter onomy [5pt, p. 514] id i opathy phar ma copolist dropsical au topsical e conomist topical Jsyn onymist tropical gas tronomist [opik, p. 515] Deu ter onomist copier optical syn optical au topticalf di optrical ca toptrical TRIPLE RHYMES, 6p 6r 717 operate [5r81, p. 517] ^quarantines? Jsoporatet isorrily co operate warrener moralist [ormur, below] operates [orelest, below] [optirfft, above] forester quarantine? Jchorister copperas [or^nten, below] Joperousf foresters Jsoporous oracle ^choristers [orlkal, below] foppery floridest coppery orator|| [orld, p. 517] tme moriter) coppering, &c. floridly [opilr, p. 516] JBorrelist [ortd, p. 517] quarrelest operose [6rel, p. 517] horridness tsoporose Jmoralist [orld, p. 517] [orelists, below] copulate horrider populate quarrelet [orld, p. 517] de populate [orol^t, below] Jcorridor|| populates Borrelists ar boriform [opytilSt, above] Jmoralists [arifarm, p. 644] [orele'st, above] populous horrify scopulousf florences torrefy [orgns, p. 517] cor porifyt or 1 [o, p. x] his torifyf corallite Florentine? IVoraulite tquarantine? horrified [orifl, above] morally Florentines? 718 TKIPLE RHYMES, &r 6s loricate au thority [orotir, above] rhe toricatef inel iority?f sen iority or corollet loricates se ni ority Jquarrelct rhe toricatesf in fe ri ority sii pe ri ority corollcts tcoracle an te ri ority Jquarrelets toracle pos te ri ority tauricle 6s his torical ma jorities posseting, &c. rhe torical [orltl, above] [oset, p. 518] cat e gorical or a torical quarrier washiest, &c. [orlk, p. 517] sorrier [osM, p. 519] warrior? rhe toricals docible? [orikal, above] quarriers possible warriors? in docible? sorrily cog noscible [orall, above] horizon?f im possible orison foreigner possibly Jcoroner horizons?! [oslbl, above] lorinert orisons twarrener glossiest 1 , &c. sorrowing, &c. [osl, p. 519] foreigners [ord, p. 518] [orlhu'r, above] focillalcf coroner oscillate chorister [orlnilr, above] [orgsttir, above] focillatesf borrower oscillates ma j ority [oro, p. 518] mi nority i sosceles?|| pri ority borrowers [osll & ez?] TRIPLE RHYMES, 58 719 docilest? spi nosity " u roscopyf Jfossilist fe rocity u ra noscopy [osH, p. 519] mo rosityt deu ter oscopy po rosity a er oscopy glossily 1 se rosity met o poscopy Jsaucily scir rhosity ab dom i noscopy mon strosity wassailing, &c. a trocity phi losophize Poll, p. 519] ten e brosity the osophize pen du losity docilerf an gu losity phi losophized wassailer tu mu losity the osophized scru pu losity dressiness 1 fab u losity phi losophy [osf, p. 519] sab u losity the osophy an i mosity an thro posophy docity* e bri osity gib bosity ni dor osity phi losophist glo bosity pon der osity the osophist ver bosity ca ri osity chi rosophist no dosity cu ri osity fun gosity vi ti osity phi losophists jo cosity tor tu osity [osofist, above] mus cosity unc tu osity pre cocity vir tu osity phi losophies vis cosity gen er osity [osofi, above] a quosity rec i procity gu losityt im po rosity phi losophism cal losity ac e tosity the osophism pi losity im pet u osity ve locity phi losophisms gum mosityt ve locities the osophisms plu mosity [osltl, above] car nosity tBosporus|| cri nosityf mi croscopy prosperous 720 TRIPLE RHYMES, tin prosperous 6t hy drotical cottages an ec dotical costated [otSj, p. 522] [otlk, p. 523] a postatedf cottager Jcottonoust ac costable potagerf knottiness [astlbl, p. 645] [otl, p. 523] cottagers Jrottenness tcaustical potagersf a crostical 1 cottises notable? [otls, p. 523] frostily 1 al lottable Jhostilely sottishly hip po potamusll [otlsh, p. 523] Jhosteler? [otomtis, below] postiler or sottishnees postiller botany [otlsh, p. 523] [otonl, below] postilers! Jbotanist [Qstfltlr, above] botanist cottonest [Stnest, below] rottenest costively 1 [ostTv, p. 521] wrathfully? cottony [otlifijl, p. 522] [otonl, below] costiveness 1 [ostTv, p. 521] slothfulness rottenness [othful, p. 522] [otlnes, above] rostrated [ostrSt, p. 521] (tR) phle botomize fothering di chotomize pre posterous [otRiir, p. 522] [osttir & us?] phle botomized knottiest, &c. [otomlz, above] co lossuses [oti, p. 523] [5sus, p. 522] scotomy TRIPLE RHYMES, 6t Oia 721 phle botomy Jbotany [5zft, p. 525] an drotomy bottony chon drotomy Jcottony positive bron chotomy mo notony dis positivef di chotomy com positive tri chotorny Jbotanies op positive des motomy mo notonies post positive sple notomy pre positive te notomy |cottonousf sup positive zo otomy ho motonous a potome?]| mo notonous de positorj neu rotomy dis positorlj tar sotomy lottery ex positorll li thotomy pottery com positor|j phy totomy slotteryf pre positor cys totomy totteryf o vi positorJ! gas trotomy al lottery! phar yn gotomy oia lar yn gotomy tottering, &c. voyages syr in gotomy [otilr, p. 524] [oiffj, p. 525] ich thy otomy os te otomy lotteries oia ar te ri otomy [ottirl, above] loyally royally phle botomist 5v dis loyally [otoml, above] tgrovelest! hovelest! Jloyalest phle botomists novelest [oiffl, p. 525] [Stomtst, above] {novelist loyalist royalist di chotomous hoveling!, &c. tri chotomous [Svel, p. 525] loyalists ax otomous royalists Jhip po potamusjl 5z de posited, &c. loyalty 41 722 TRIPLE RHYMES, Ola COS royalty toyishness ool dis loyalty [oilsh, p. 527] foolery vice royalty schooleryt oil loyalty's oiliest, &c. oom royalties [oilf, p. 527] gloomiest, &c. [oialtl, above] [ooml, p. 532] oin oili pointedly gloomily en joyable [oint, p. 131] [ooml, p. 532] em ployable de stroyable dis jointedness roominess [oint, p. 131] [ooml, p. 532] old voidable ois oon a voidable roistering, &c. buf foonery un a voidable [oistur, p. 529] co coonery pol troonery cy cloidian boisterous [oonrT, p. 533] cri noidean [oistur & us?] hy oidean buf f ooneries oit [oontirl, above] cy cloidians loitering, &c. [oidJ&n, above] [oitur, p. 529] oor As turian? co noidical ood Mis sourian sphe roidical moodiest, &c. [oodl, p. 530] As turians? em broidering, Mis sourians &c. ool [oidur, p. 526] cooingly boorishly wooingly [oorlsh, p. 534] oil [oo, p. 132] boyishly oos [otfsh, p. 527] loosenesses TRIPLE RHYMES, OOS OUU 723 [oosngs, p. 534] ooz [oul, p. 140] choosable oot losable oun sootiest?, &c. un losable poundages [oott, p. 535] [oundffj, p. 539] OUil oov al lowances soundable movable or [ouans, p. 537] com poundable moveable provable! oua. boundary im movable! plowable or Jfoundery un movable! ploughable ap provable! al lowable boundaries ' dis provable! a vowable Jfounderies im provable! . dis al lowable re provable! un al lowable un boundedly ir re movable! [ounde'd, p. 539] un re movable! a vowably un im provable! [ouiibl, above] con foundedness ir re provable! [ounded, p. 539] un re provable! oud dowdyish boundlessly movably or rowdyish [oundlSs, p. 539] moveably [oova"bl, above] ou groundlessness al lowedly [oundlSs, p. 539] ap provedly a vowedly [oovd, p. 138] foundery boweling or [oundfirl, above] re movedness bowelling, &c. [oovd, p. 138] [ouel, p. 538] floundering, &c. [ound&r, p. 540] movingly oul ap provingly growlingly downiest, &c. [oovlng, p. 536] scowlingly [omrf, p. 540] 724 TEIPLE RHYMES, OUU ttb clownishness ovifi [u81I, &c., below] [ounlsh, p. 540] flowerful powerful Jfluency countable truancy mountable bowery [Mnt, p. 544] ac countable dowery dis countable flowery ua sur mountable lowery suable un ac countable showery es chewable in sur mountable towery sub duable un sur mountable re newable cowering, &c. pur suable un ac countably [outir, p. 543] re viewable [ountabl, above] dowerless lib out flowerless Nubian doughtiest, &c. powerless Da nubian [outf, p. 543] showerless Mar rubian doughtily ouz Nubians goutily drowsiest, &c. [ubtan, above] fouzt, p. 544] doughtiness cubiform droughtiness drowsily rubiform goutiness [ouzT, p. 544] tubiform doubtingly lousiness cubical floutingly [ouzl, p. 544] che rubical? poutingly ua dubious doubtlessly brewages? rubious?! de voutlessly [naj, p. 544] in dubious clouterlyf ua lubricate outerly dually, &c. rubricate? TRIPLE KHYMES, ftb tt& lubricates ud studious rubricates? de ludable pre ludioust [iidTbl, below] un studious lubrical o ver studious rubrical? feudary or feodary us lu gubrious tprudery? re newedness sa lubrious [uldngs, below] feudaries! subulate [ndc'lrl, above] Jdualist tubulate duelest or pudency duellest suberate con cludencyt Jduelist or ex tuberatef Jduellist pro tuberate Jde ludable jewelest! e ludible cruelest! suberates un con cludible [uburSt, above] tdually ab judicate cruelly? ex tuberauco ad judicate pro tuberance pre judicate jeweling! ex uberance [agl, p. 546] lat i tudinal ex tuberant Ion gi tudinal tdualness [uburans, above] at ti tudinal cruelness? suberose? pa ludinous duelerf or tuberose? lat i tudinous duellert mul ti tudinous fuelerlf puberty jeweler! liberty! crudity? crueler?! nudity suberous jewelers! tuberous crudities? [G.e'ltlr, above] uberousf nudities 726 tTEIPLE RHYMES, fte ftm fluency con ti guity Her culean? [uanst, p. 724] con spi cuityf A pulian? or per spi cuity Ap pulian? at in ge nuity ce rulean? fluidness con ti nuity Ge tulian? or tre newedness per pe tuity Gse tulian? in di vi duityt [ulyan, p. 549] lewises dis con ti nuity [ills, p. 547] ere dulity fruitive?f se dulityf Jewishly in tuitive gar rulity? [nish, p. 547] in ere dulity an nuities shrewishness? [ttltl, above] mulier?|l [alsh, p. 547] pe culiar? cir cuitous suicide fa tuitous mulierly?f [01 & aid?] for tuitous pe culiarly? gra tuitous an nuitant pi tuitous um SU per fluitantf in humated, &c. nj [iimfit, p. 549] con gruity la nuginous cir cuity e ruginous? or humanize va cuity SB ruginous? [umlnlz, below] an nuity fer ruginous? te nuity sal suginousf humanist fa tuity tin humancst for tuity uk til luminest gra tuity luculent teat e chumenistf as si duity muculent [union, p. 549] su per fluity truculent? in con gruity con sumable ani bi guity ni pre sumable ex i guity Julian? re sumable TRIPLE RHYMES, flttl 727 in con sumable f umingly con sumingly pre surnably [tim, p. 146] [iimabl, above] ad buminose? quad ruuianous le guminose [iimmus, below] a cuminose al bumenize [Umtniz, below] humidest [amid, p. 550] Jhumanatef ruminate? a cuminate ca cuminate il luminate bi tuminate teat e chumenate ruminates? , above] il luminest [ftmantst, above] fluminous luminous al buminous le guminous a cuminous a luminous tri luminous ' vo luminous tquad rumanous ce ruminous? bi turninous tin liumaner al luminer il luminer cumulate tumulatef ac cumulate t humanize cumulates |al bumenize [umul&t, above] il luminize bi tuminize humuli?[| [umulus, below] bi tuminized [ummlz, above] cumulose? plumulose? tumulose? humulusj cumulusll tumulusjl numerate an numerate e numerate humeral humoral? numeral humorest? or humourest? Ihumorist? rumorest?! plumery per f umery humoring?!, &c. [umur, p. 550] humerusll numerous rumorous?f tumorousf humorous? grumousness? [umus, p. 550] 728 TRIPLE RHYMES, tin CU* tin unities tir tunable [unltf, above] pluralize im pugnable? ruralize? un tunable junior?l| punier pluralized cuniform ruralized? luniform funeratef uniform muneratef plurally re munerate [nrill, p. 552] tunicate Jeunuchatef re muneratea pluralist com municate [untirSt, above] ruralist? ex com municate tip pluralists com municates duplicate ruralists? [anlkat, above] in duplicate re duplicate pluralism funicle sub duplicate ruralism? tunicle quad ruplicate cen tuplicatef pluralisms funicles ses qui duplicate ruralisms? tunicles duplicates ruralness? unity [upllkat, above] [ural, p. 552] im munity com munity lupulus|| durable im punity scrupulous? curable dis unity en durable im por t unity re cuperate per durable?! op por tunity vi tuperate in curable in ter com mu- pro curable nity re cuperates ma nurable [upftrSt, above] un en durable punitive unitivef durably TRIPLE RHYMES, Ul* 729 [Orabl, above] curacy Jpleurisy ob duracy? luridly, &c. [iiredir, &c., above] in se curity im ma turity pre ma turity curacies [uriist, above] prurient? ^luridly [tirfens, above] as suredly [ur, p. 148] muriform puriform Jluridness as suredness prurience? se curities par turiencef [tirftl, above] Jlux uriance durion tpa gurian de curion I Ar thurian I As turian? cen turion JEp i curean? muricate suricate :murices?|| pro curesses [urus, p. 554] al luringly [ur, p. 148] en duringness [ur, p. 148] muriate in f uriate lux uriate murices?|| in f uriatcs [uresez, above] , above] pleurisy au gurial [urast, above] mer curial cen turions [urmn, above] furious curious spurious sul phureous in jurious in curious pe nurious lux urious u surious cen turial seign eurial Ep i curean? [urliin, below] 41* curiously? purity [lirffis, above] se curity im purity in juriousness? ob scurity [urlus, above] f u turity ma turity 730 TEIPLE RIIYMES, US fit US se ducible brutally? tra ducianist tra ducible Jfutilely [iishiinist, below] ir re ducible mutable con tri butionai cruciform? scrutableVt in sti tutional luciform suitable con sti tutional nuciform con f utable re f utable Jtra ducianist mucilage iin mutable JCon fucianist pucelage com mutable el o cutionist trans mutable ev o lutionist a busively dis put able? rev o lutionist [ilsTv, p. 55G] im putable com putable el o cutionists con duciveness in scr utable? [uslmrilst, [iislv, p. 556] un suitable above] ir re f utable? lusoryt un re cruitable? cv o lutionism in f usory in trans mutable [ushtmist, con clusoryf in dis putable? above] de lusory in com putable e lusory ex e cutioner il lusory mutably rev o lutioner col lusory [utabl, above] pre lusory ex e cutioners lutanist rev o lutioners at Jmutiniest? fruitages? crucible? [ntaj, p. 557] putative de ducible con futative e ducible brutali/c? com mutative in ducible Jutili/e ster nutative con ducible dis putative pro ducible brutalized? im putative re ducible ^utilized re putative TRIPLE RHYMES, ftt llV 1 [Qtflr, p. 559] re putedly f utilely p. 557] [utctll, above] glutinate ag glutinate con glutinate mutiny scrutiny? mutinies scrutinies? glutinous mutinous scrutinous?f beauteous? - duteous? un beauteous? un duteous? pol lutedness [tttSd, p. 557] youthfully? juthful, p. 557] truthfulness? [lithful, p. 557] ruthlessness? truthlessness? brutify? beautify, &c, beautiful dutiful un dutiful Jcuticle suitresses scor butical [utres, p. 558] [ntlk, p. 558] co ad jutrixes mutilate [utrtks, p. 558] rutilate?t tutoress mutilates [fit urns, below] rutilates?t fruitery? utilize pewtery z, above] mis tutoring, &c. butyrous Jfruiteress? ^tutoress uterus|| fruiterer? feutererf pewterer fruiterers? feutererst pewterers beauteously? [utyus, p. 559] duteousness? [utyiis, p. 559] fiv ef fluviate di luviatet ex uviate ef fluviates [uvtat, above] fluvial pluvial ef fluvial al luvial di luvial tTRIPI.E RHYMES, ttV tab luvion [uzabl, above] fubberieS tal luvion shrubberies di luvian con f usedly * Jdi luvion a musedly ftci Ve suvian [ilz/'dnes, below] bloodiest Vi truvian? [lull, p. 562] post di luvian dif f usedness an te di luvian con f usedness muddying, &c. un usednesst [iidl, p. 562] ef flu via 1 [uzd, p. 150] al luvia|| muddily di luviall fusion ist [udt, p. 562] ex clusionist ef fluviumll in trusionist? ruddiness [uvla, above] [uzlmn, p. 560] [udl, p. 562] pluvioust fusionists bloodier uveous [u zhuntst, above] studierf al luviousf [udt, p. 562] fusible 1\z [uzabl, above] blood-sucker tfusible mud-sucker usable musical a busable im musical blood-suckers Jdif fusible un musical mud-suckers +in fusible con f usable ttb shuddering, &c. re f usable chubbiest, &c. [udur, p. 563] Jtrans fusible [tiW, p. 561] ac cusable uf ex cusable fubbery buffalo a musable shrubbery tzuffolo? in ex cusable blubbering, &c. buffaloes in ex cusably [ubdr, p. 562] Jzuffoloes? .ti UHYMES, iif ill ?38 chufflest, &c. xi j re luctated, &c. [uff, p. 563] pudgiest, &c. [uktst, p. 567] [ujr, p. 565] chufflly ductible [tiff, p. 563] drudgingly con ductible grudgingly de structible huffiness [tijfog, p. 566] in structible [ivff, p. 563] in de structible uk puffingly luckiest, &c. pro ductively stuffingly [tiki, p. 566] [uktfv, p. 56S] huffishness luckily de structiveness [uffsh, p. 564] [tiki, p. 566] [tiktlv, p. 568] shufflingly pluckiness in structresses [ufl, p. 564] [tiki, p. 566] [uktrgs, p. 568] gruffnesses succory puckery [tifngs, p. 564] [iikfirt, below] tsuccory roughening, &c. fluxional puckering, &c. [tifn, p. 564] in ductional [ukdr, p. 568] in structional 7Aiffolo? con structional til [ufalo, above] ullages fluxionist [ulfij, p. 568] ug de structionist buggiest, &c. con structionist tu multuous? [ugt, p. 565] [ukshun, p. 567] [iiltyatis, below] jugglingly fluxionists pro mulgating, [tigl, p. 565] [likshunlst, &c. above] [tilgat, p. 569] ^34 TRIPLE RnYMES, til tlttl sullying, &c. com pulsiveness ac cumbency [uir, p. 569] [ulslv, p. 571] de cumbency dis cumbency in diligences de pulsoryt in cumbency [ulje'ns, p. 570] com pulsory re cumbency re pulsory fulgency plumbean in dulgency ultimate Co lumbian [ulje'ns, p. 570] pe nultiinate fumblingly in dulgently ultimates [umbl, p. 573] [ulje'nt, p. 570] pe nultimates Cumbrian sulcated in sultingly Umbrian in culcated ex ultingly North umbrian [ult, p. 155] bulkiest, &c. North umbriaus [tilkl, p. 570] a dultery [umbrian, above] Jde sultory?t bulkiness Jsub sultory slumbery sulkiness Jco lumbary? cultural fulminate flo ri cultural? slumbering, &c. culminate ag ri cultural [limbur, p. 574] Ipulmonate hor ti cultural numberless culminates tu multuous slumberless [ulmlnat, above] [ult & you & us?] cumbersome culpable scullery [umbfir & sum?] ex culpable |me dullary? in culpable slumberous tim [umbur & us?] con vulsively stomaching JTilsIv, p. 571] [umoklng, below] lumberer* TRIPLE RHYMES, iiin ttn 735i numberer dumpiest, &c. tin slumberer [umpT, p. 575] bunchiest, &c. [imcM, p. 577] lumberers* dumpishly [umburilr, above] [iimpTsh, p. 576] in undated, &c. [imdat, p. 577] pommeling!, &c. lumpishness [iimel, p. 574] [umplsh, p. 576] re dundances [undans, p. 577] gummiest pre sumptively Jre dundancies mummiest [urnptiv, p. 576] [uml, p. 574] a bundantly con sumptiveness [undant, p. 577] gumminess [iimptiv, p. 576] [umt, p. 574] pro fundity sumptuous? fe cundity .be comingly pre sumptuous? , jo cundity [urn, p. 155] ju cundity f un be comingly flummery ro tundity mummery ru bi cundity numbnesses ^nummary in fe cundity [mime's, p. 575] plumbery ^summary pro f undities hummocking [undlti, above] Istomaching summering, &c. [umur, p. 577] thundering, &c. dumpages [undur, p. 578] [timpaj, p. 575] mummeries [umiirt, above] wonderment compasses [und fir & meant?] [mnpas, p. 575] cen tumvirate du umvirate thunderous trumpeted, &c. tri umvirate [unddr & us?] [umpgt, p. 575] blunderer 736 TEIPLE KHYMES, till tlS [tindur, p. 578] e munctory blunderers [undurur, above] tunneling or tunnelling, &c. [tinel, p. 578] hungering, &c. [unggur, p. 579] sunniest, &c. [tint, p. 579] honeyless moneyless ex suscitatef re suscitate car buncular ca runcular in fuscated, &c. a vuncular [uskst, p. 585] dra cunculi?|| duskiest, &c. ra nunculi?i| [uskt, p. 585] dra cunculusJI duskily ra nunculusj] [uskl, p. 585] nunciate?t huskiness an nunciate? [uskl, p. 585] de nunciate? e nunciate? muscukr ar buscular runcinate cor puscular uncinate ere puscular cunningly pining, p. 579] un wontedly ad justable funnier [tinted, p. 582] [ustibl, below] rnoneyer [tint, p. 579] stuntedness lustfully wontedness [tistful, p. 586] truncated, &c. [tinted, p. 582] [tinkat, p. 580] drunkenness [unkn, p. 581] functional con junctional per functor}- trustfulness gunnery [tistfi.il, p. 586] nunnery Jgustablef gunneries com bustible nunneries a dustible Jad justable iis in com bustible suscitatcf TRIPLE KHYMKS, tlS Ar 737 tgustablest tit sluttery com bustibles (th) smothering, &c. fluttering, &c. dustiest, &c. [iit&fir, p. 588] [tit fir, p. 589] [ustt, p. 586] brotherless iiv lustily motherless covinous or [ustt, p. 586] Jcovenous brotherly Jslovenness?t trustiness [uthur, p. 588] [ustt, p. 586] southerly? covering, &c. [uvilr, p. 589] frustrated, &c. smuttiest [ustrSt, p. 587] [utt, p. 588] ftr dis courages frustrable juttyingt [uraj, p. 590] un frustrable puttying, &c. il lustrable [utt, p. 588] dis couragement en couragement frustrativef sluttishly [liraj & meant?] il lustrative [uttsh, p. 588] un il lustrative in ferable?! ruttishness con ferrable in dustrious [uttsh, p. 588] Jre ferrible?! il lustrious trans ferable?! un in dustrious buttoning, &c. tin currible [utn, p. 589] un trans ferable blustering, &c. [iistur, p. 587] butterfly a cerbating pitur & fly?] [urbSt, p. 591] pustulate? ustulate? butterflies verbally [utur & flies?] |hy perbole?|| buttery herbalist 738 TRIPLE KHYMK8, Al* verbalist curdiness su perfiuous sturdiness in terfluous herbalists wordiness sub terfluoust verbalists dis burdening, ex purgated?, herbalism &c. &c. verbalism [flrdn, p. 593] [urgat, p. 594] berberry murderer in currible Jherbary verderer or [urSbl, above] herberyf Jverderor Jturbary worrying, &c. murderers [urf, p. 594] berberries verderers! [urbSrf, above] nourishing, &c. verdurous? [urlsh, p. 595] sub urbialt [urjftrus, below] ad verbial nourishment pro verbial ^currencies [lirlsh & meant?] [iMnsf, below] hy perbole?|| trans ferences furrier [ilrbalT, above] [fire'ns, p. 593] hurrier currier herbulentf currency spurrier turbulent con currency worrier re currency virtuous? furriers [urtyuus, below] currently [ilrlur, above] [ilrent, p. 593] sturdiest, &c. tsergeancy? [urdT, p. 592] perfectly isurgeoncy [urfekt, p. 594] urgency sturdily vergency wordily scurfiness e mergency turfiness in surgency TRIPLE RHYMES, Ar 739 di vergency perjurous? surliness con vergency Jverdurous? earliness urgencies furcated churlishly [ftrjensl, above] tcircuited girlishly }di vergences [lirktlt, p. 596] [urjgns, p. 595] churlishness murkiest!, &c. girlishness urgently [flrkr, p. 596] di vergently Jermelin or [ilrjent, p. 595] percolate termilin tin tercalate turmaline! Sergian Jha bergeon? percolates permanent Jin tercalates [lirmmant, clergicalf below] surgical irksomeness chi rurgical mirksomenessf spermary li turgical in firmary the urgical circulate met al lurgical surculatef spermaries tu berculate in firmaries perjury?, &c. o perculate [ilrjurt, below] germinate furcular terminate burgeoning!, &c. circular verminate [lirjiin, p. 595] tu bercular in germinate o percular re germinate perjury? sem i circular de terminate purgery ex terminate surgery burliest, &c. con terminate chi rurgeryf [urtf, p. 597] in de terminate pre de terminate surgeries burliness [ftrjurl, above] curliness germinates 740 TRIPLE RHYMES, [ftrmYna't, above] germinal terminal con terminal germinant tpermanent de termining, &c. [ilrmm, p. 599] tGermanism terminism journalize e ternalize journalized e ternalized tkernelly in fernally [urnol, p. 600] journalist e ternalist di urnalistf un con cerned- ness [urn, p. 165] kernelly [ilrnalT, above] Jternion e burnean Hi bernian Fa lernian tqua ternion Sa turnian A vernian journalists terminusll [urnaltst, above] Hi bernians verminous [firnltln, above] con terminous burnable learnable dis cernible sermonist un learnable [ilrnftbl, above] Jterminist re turnable tde terminest tdis cernible dis cernibly tin dis cernible [urnftbl, above] sermonists Jun dis cernible tterminists ir re turnable tourneying?!, &c. [ilrnt, p. 601] furnaces ternary [urnus, p. 602] [urnviri, below] yearningly dis cerningly co thurnated learnedly [timing, p. 601] al temated? un learnedly fra ternatedt con cernedly burnishing, &c. un dis cernedly [ftnrfsh, p. 601] al ternating?, &c. un con cernedly [urnate'd, above] burnisher TRIPLE RHYMES, 741 furnisher burrowing, &c. [firshal, p. 603] [ilro, p. 602] versionistf burnishers furnishers al ternity e ternity f ra ternity ma ternity pa ternity co e ternity serpentine turpentine ex cursionist im mersionist chirpingly ex cursiomsts u surpingly[urshuntst, above] tpursilyt u ni versally con fra ternity [ursul, p. 603] tac i turnity sem pi ternity con versable, &c. di u turnity [urslbl, below] fra ternities bursary [ilrnltl, above] [ftrsorl, below] qua ternion [frrnlan, above] dernier?|| vernier?|| Turnerite Wernerite fernery Jternary turnery tqua ternary ferneries turneries bursarship [ursurship, below] tco ercitive ad versative con versative cursedly dis persedly re versedly co ercible icon versable con versible re versiile ire im bursable in co ercible iin con versable ir re versible icon versably ir re versibly [tirslbl, above] ursiform di versiform mercifyf versify di versify versified [ursffl, above] cursedness re versedness di versifies [urslfl, above] com mercially 742 TKTPLE RHYMES, ad versity tan ni versary in vortible di versity [urstirfz, below] con vertible per versit} r per vertible 11 ni versity tcircinate re vrrtihlo personate sub vertible co ercitive im personate in con vertible or [ftrsatrv, above] un con vertible personates con tro vertible ad versities [ursumlt, above] in con tro vert- [ursltt, above] ible tcircinal cursitorll personal con vertibly ex ercitorll im personal [firtfbl, above] cursitors tbursaries dirtieth ex ercitors nurseries thirtieth tan ni versaries as persively Jdirtily de tersively tbursarship Jfertilyt co ercively mercership fertilely [urstv, p. 604] pursership in fertilely dis cursiveness pursersliips pertinence [firsTv, p. 604] [ClrsurshTp, Jpurtenancef an i mad versive- above] tap purtenance ness im pertuience in vertedly tbursary pre con certedly pertinent cursory tap purtenant tmercery worthlessly im pertinent tnnrsery [Crthles, p. 606] dis cursory flirtingly pre cursory mirthlessness di vertingly per cursory [urthles, p. 606] as persory certitude TKIPLE KHYMES, ftl* 111 743 in certitude in ertitude pre servable un ob servable courteous? ob servably dis courteous? [tirvabl, above] un courteous? [tirtf & us?] curvative con servative furtively pre servative as sertively re vertively con servatives pre servatives hurtlessness shirtlessness Jfervidly re servedly virtuous? [urvld, p. 607] un virtuous? [urt & you & us? un re servedness or ftrch & you [urvid, p. 607] & us?] fervency in curvated, &c. [lirvansi, above] [urvat, p. 607] fervently tfervency [ftrvftntll, above] con servancy ob servancy fervidly [firvedll, above] Jfervently scurvily ^servilely un swervingly ob servingly [Irving, p. 608] curvit} r in curvity re curvity pro tervityf uk hookedly crookedly hookedness crookedness bookery cookery rookery rookeries [ukurl, above] ob servantly [urvant, p. 607] servable con servable servient in servientf sub servient nerviest, &c. bullary , below] bulliest pulleyestf woolliest ob servable [lirvl, p. 607] bullying, &c. 4 TKIPLE RHYMES, 111 [utt, p. 609] fullery fulleries Jbullary Jbullaries PART IV. QUADRUPLE RHYMES, at as al an stationary He braically at tainableness stationery Ju daically [anabl, p. 614] pro bationary mo saically rep re sen tation- pro saically ex traneously ary al ge braically [annas, p. 614] Phar i saically nationalize? spon taneousness rationalize? pro saicalness [annas, p. 614] de nationalize? Phar i saicalness changeableness nationalized? aj [anjftbl, p. 615] [ashunallz, cour ageously? above] [ajusli, p. 612] ap capableness nationally? ak [Spabl, p. 615] rationally? placableness de nom i nation- [flkabl, p. 612] ar ally variously [ashtinal,p. 617] al [firlus, p. 616] salableness! Con gre gational- a vailableness ne fariousness ist [alabl, p. 613] [anus, p. 616] [aslmmWzm, below] galeases? as con ver sationalist [aMs, p. 613] traceableness [asabl, p. 616] Con gre gational- ain ists blamableness! ex patiated?, &c. [ashunaltst, [amabl, p. 613] [ashtat, p. 617] above] 42 746 QUADRUPLE RHYMES, aS illv nationalism? vo cabulary [ultyiir, p. 572] rationalism? con stabulary sen sationalism aj Congregational- vocabularies magirally ism con stabularies* tragically [Sshunal, p. 617] tabulated, &c. sex aginary? at [abyulst, p. 620] i maginary ratableness sep tn agenary un trans latable- acli ness rnatchableness sex agenaries? [atabl, p. 618] [Schabl, p. 621] [ajmari, above] cateresses ad saginated traitoresses Jadditoryf [avjlnat, p. 622] gradatory av o le aginousness favoringly! af mu cilaginous- un waveringly affableness ness [ttvfir, p. 220] [af ablnes, p. 749] [ajmtis, p. 622] az graphically ak per suasibleness? [aflkal, p. 621] actionary [azlbl, p. 619] f actionary t se raphicalness fractionary ab [afTkal, p. 621] re actionary tabefying, &c. [ftbffi, p. 620] a# a-xillary? di agonally maxillaryv syl labically [agonttl, p. 621] sub axillary A rabically sub maxillary [Sbtk^l, p. 620] agonizing, &c. [agonTz, p. 621] tractableiiess e laborated, &c. Icon tractibleness [aborilt, p. 620] agriculture? [^ktabl, p. 622] QUADRUPLE RHYMES, ilk illl 747 practically pa ralogizing!, an. tactically &c. sanatory di dactically [alojlx, p. 626] ex planatory un practically syn tactically am dandifying, &c, [aktrkal, p. 623] dramatizing!, &c. [andifl, p. 628] [amatlz, p. 626] sat is factorily angularly pktfirt, p. 623] amatory [Ymggular, de famatory p. 629] re fractoriness in flammatorj^ [aktftrl, p. 623] de clarnator} r me chanically ex clamatory [anikal, p. 629] e vacnated, &c. des quamatory [Skyuat, p. 623] or ganicalness fu nambulated, [anikal, p. 629] maculated, &c. &c. [akyulat, p. 623] [ambitlat, p. 627] mag nanimously [anTmus, p. 630] o racularly bal samically [akyuliir, p. 623] [amikal, p. 627] u nanimousness [ammiis, p. 630] ill fo rammated palliated, &c. con taminated planetary [ttliat, p. 624] [amina-t, p. 627] sanitary dalliances laminating tangibleness [Allans, p. 624] staminating, &c. [anjtbl, p. 630] [animat, p. 627] palliative cor y bantiated?, re taliative amorously &c. [amilms, p. 628] [ansMat, p. 630] calefying, &c. [SITfl, p. 624] clamorousness anserated [Smurus, p. 628] cancerated 748 QT'ADuri'i.E J:ITYMKS, an at frantically garrisoning, &c. sphacelated, &c. pe dantically [arfsn, p. 633] [Ssflat, p. 635] [Sntlk, p. 257] as fascinated, Arc. annually nationalize?! [Ssmat, p. 635] manually rationalize?! de nationalize?! as sassinator annulary [asmat, p. 635] granulary nationalized?! [aslmnallz, above] as sassinators annulated [a'sma'tur, above] granulated nationally? rationally? acetated annularly ir rationally? [asftat, p. 635] granularly nationalism? bastardizing! ,&c. ai> rationalism? [astardlz, p. 635] capillary? papillary? nationalisms? bom bastically rationalisms? [itstlk, p. 268] &r em barrassingly nationalness? macerated, &' [ejlus, p. 647] [erfal, p. 650] de ceivableni'ss re trievableness el im perialist [evabl, p. 652] con gealableness [erial, p. 650] re pealableness ab breviator? re vealableness im perialists [evlat, p. 652] [ela'bl, p. 648] [erialTst, above] ab breviators? em e tlierealism [e via tur, above] re deemableness [ertal, p. 650] [emabl, p. 648] previously ma terialness [evliis, p. 652] en [erial, p. 650] genially? deviousness ri.K KHYMES, ev &k - 751 [evitis, p. 052] medicative regularly predicative tegulavly ez ir regularly feasibleness medicable de feasibleness predicable j in feasibleness im medicable legislature? Jap peasableness [fftyiir, p. 218] Jim ap peasable- meditated, &c. ness [edftat, p. 653] k lectionary reasonable creditable con fectionary seasonable dis creditable con fectionery treasonable he reditable in sur rectionary mi reasonable mi seasonable creditably sectionally [edTtabl, above] [ekshunSl, reasonably p. 655] [G/nitbl, above] credulously [edyulus, p. 654] de lectableness cell re spectableness lecherously sedulousness [gkttbl, p. 655] treacherously [edyulus, p. 654] hectically lecherousness ^1* di a lectically treacherousness effluency [Skttkal, p. 655] refluency ed pectorally edibleness preferable [ektdral, p. 650] credibleness referable [edtlil, p. 653] rectoresses g [ektures, p. 656] dedicated, &c. regulated medicated tegulated in tel lectually [rdtkat, p. 653] un regulated [ektyual, p. 656] 752 QUADRUPLE RHYMES, k ef fectualness eligibly [e'morat, p. 659] [Sktyual, p. 656] [gttjfbl, above] tin temcratcdt con jecturally [elvtyural, p. 656] peculated, &c. [SkyQlfft, p. 656] relishable em bellishable deletoryt pellitory tap pellatory peculator|| ac celerated, &c. speculator|| [elflrSt, p. 658] peculators speculators ex ecutively emanative tdis seminative con tcmptible- ness [empttibl, p. 659] emulously tremulously emulousness tremulousness en plenarily? [enurall, below] con secutively emigrated, &c. [ekyutfv, p. 656] [gmtgrat, p. 658] tvendibleness com mendable- ness rec om menda- bleness ^1 ef f eminated, &c. relatively [emmat, p. 658] [elRttv, p. 657] eminences ap pellativeness [emtnens, p. 658] sti pendiary [Slatlv, p. 657] teminencies in cendiary [emtnensT, relegated, &c. below] sti pendiaries [Slight, p. 657] in cendiaries un delegated eminency tremanencyf bi ennially eligible su per eminency [enTal, p. 661] in eligible in telligible com memorated, benefices un in telligible &c. veneficesf QUADRUPLE RHYMES, 753 penitences in tentionally rep re sentative- [enftens, p. 661] con ventionally ness Jim penitencies [e'nshiinal, [enttensr, below] p. 662] i dentically [enttkal, p. 664] im penitency sensibleness [enfte'ns, p. 661] de feasibleness an thenticaluess [ensfl)!, p. 662] [enttkal, p. 664] in dis pen sable- I'm dis pensable- ness ness ac centuated, &c. [ensiblneX [entyuat, p. 664] below] f o rensically [ensfkal, p. 663] e ventually dis pensatory [entyual, p. 664] [ensfturf, below] non sensicalness [gnstkal, p. 663] generator|| dif fer entiated?, venerator|| &c. sensitory [enshat, p. 371 ; Jdis pensatory generators SnsMat, p. 662] tcom pensatory venerators mensurable rentableness generally censurable pre ventableness Jplenarily? im. mensurable [enta'bl, p. 663] com mensurable generable un censurable tentatively venerable in com mensura- ar gu mentative- in generable' ble ly rep re sentatively venerably censurably in generably [enshurabl, tentativeness above] fer mentative- in genuously ness [enyuus, p. 665] pensionary ar gu mentative- con ventionary ness strenuousness 754 QUADRUPLE RHYMES, eil eS [enyutis, p. 665] un meritable [esftilt, p. p veritably desolated reparable in heritably [gsolat, p. 668] separable ir reparable meritoryf Jdi gestibleness in separable territory de tcstablencss Jim peratory [i^sttbl, p. 668] reparably [e'piinibl, above] derogated, &c. do mestically [erogat, p. 667] [esttk, p. 387] pro leptically [eptlkal, p. 665] es ma jesticalness cessionary [esttk, p. 387] er con fessionary im peratoiy dis cretionary destituted, &c. [grttfM, below] con cessionaryt [e'stitut, p. 669] pro cessionary terrableness pe destrially terribleness pro fessionally [estrlal, p. 669] [eshunal, p. 667] nu merically estuary? ge nerically com pressible- questuary?f [ertk, p. 381] ness in ac cessible- estuaries? sphericalness ness questuaries?t [Mkal, p. 666] [esibl, p. 668] in cestnously? perilousness desiccated?, &c. [estyuus, p. 669] [^rtlus, p. 666] [eslkat, p. 668] tcm pestuons- heritable decimally ness? meritablef [^sTmal, p. 668] [estyuus, p. 669] veritable in heritable ne cessitated, QUADKUPLK KIIYMES, TO Ij violators? Xcl jus tificative? tan nihilators? di midiated, &c. [IdTat, p. 678] vo ciferously Violable pt'urus, p. 680] Jan nilriiable ju ridically in violable pdlknl, p. 678] sop o riferousness [ft flriis, p. 680] tr me ridionai? re spirablefiess ob sidional? Kg* de sirablenes* stigmatizing, &c. un de sirableness per tidiously? [lirmatTz, p. 680] |idius. p. 079] gyratory signify ing, Arc. ex piratory fas tidiousness? [Tgntfl, p. 681] per spiratory [rdtiis, p. 679] re spiratory rigorously re sidually? Pgftrus, p. 681] gyromancy? in di vidually? chiromancy? vigorousness pyromancy? a cidulated?, &c. pgHrus, p. 681] tyromancy? [Idyulat, p. 679] o neiromancy figulated it' Dfeyuist, p. 681] It cer tificated, &c. in dictableness [ffTktit, p. 679] am biguously ex citableness Pgyuus, p. 681] [Itilbl, p. 676] sci en tincally pflk, p. 422] con tiguousness Iti pgyutis, p. 681] lionizing! , &c. spe cilicalness [Iftniz, p. 671] pflk, p. 422] y ef figiated v/L mun dilicative fas tigiated ad visableness sig nificative [Iziibl, p. 677] am plilicaliveir originally K KIIYMES, Ij til 757 l, p. 681] de pilatories imitable platurl, above] limitablo in digenously in imitable f u liginously biliary? il limitablo [Tjlnus, p. 682] miliary? milliary in imitably tk ciliary? pfmtttibl, above] sickeningly aux iliary? [Tkn, p. 427] dom i ciliary? immolated, &c. su per ciliary? [imolat, p. 689] dictionary re strictionary filiated, &c. simperingly [iliat, p. 684] [Tmpur, p. 437] spiculatedf ca lyculated silicated stimulated, &c. ver miculated um bilicated [imyultTt, p. 689] an riculatcd ar ticulated, &c. de bilitated, &c. ill [Tkyulat, p. 683] [fiTtfit, p. 685] minatory? [InatCirt, p. 755] or bicularly punc tiliously? com minatory an ricularly su per ciliously? cal cinatory a cicularly fas cicularly punc tiliousness? vindicated, &c. articularlyt superciliousness? [TndTkiit, p. 690] par ticularly per pen dicularly mag niloquently indicative? plokwent, p. 687] vindicative? XI dilatory tin indicator!! filatoryf mimically vindicatorj stillatoryf [tmlkill, p. 688] de pilatory indicators os dilatory? criminated, &c. vindicators dis tillatory [tmtnat, p. 688] 43 758 QtJADKUPLE KHYME3, til f{4 de lineated [ihyfitis, p. 692] jus ticiary? la ciniated ben e ficiaiy? un de lineated p tripartitely ? ben e ficiar i e? finically quad ripartitely? [rshtert, above! [Mkal, p. 690] cryptically con ditionated, cynicalness el liptically & c . [Mkal, p. G90] [TptTk, p. 449] [tshunat, p. 695] drinkableness stipulated, &c. con ditionally [Tnk, p. 100] [ipyfilat, p. 693] [Tshunal, p. 695] cinerary fr missionary i tinerary sa tirically con ditionaiy [Trikal, p. 694] se ditionary i tinerated, &c. tra ditionary [rnilrfit, p. 692] gyromancy? pe titionary [IromtlnsT, p. 756] clis qui sitionary sinuatecl, &c. [tnyufit, p. 692] is missionaries in itiatory? [TshiinerT, above] in sinuative pro pitiatory? con tinuativc me dicinally in itiatories? of ficinally in sinuator?|[ pro pitiatories? con tinuator? dissipated, etc. of ficiated?, &c. [Tsipilt, p. 695] in sinuators? [TsliTat, p. 694] con tinuators? dissipable pro pitiable? par ticipable sinuouslj jus ticiable? [myiiiis, p. 692] isolated? ju diciary? Jver ticillated? con tinuousness of ficiary'/f QITADRTTPLK KHYME8, s ^Z 759 so phisticated,&c. literally [Mai, p. 698] [fottkilt, p. 696] ptHral, p. 698] un so phisticatcd trivialness iterative pvlitl, p. 698] mystically re iterative [TstTkal, p. 697] al iterative ob liviously a the istically ob iterative [Yvltis, p. 699] ag o nistically aph o ristically glitteringly las civionsness twitteringly [Miis, p. 699] so phisticalness [It firing, p. 698] Pstlkal, p. 697] e quivocally situated? u ni vocally glisteringly ha bituated? [Istfir, p. 460] quiveringly ha bitually? pvilr, p. 466] It Ptyiial, p. 698] vitellary? Iz [Itllerl, below] titulary? visionary ca pitulary? trans itionary mitigated, &c. di visionaryt [ItTgiit, p. 697] titularies? pro visionary ca pitularies? re visionary critically po litically titularly? pro visionally ptTkitl, p. 697] [Ttyuliir, p. 698] pzhtina'l, p. 699] fritillaiy Iv risibleness Jvitellary? privatively [TzTbl, p. 699] [Iviitlv, p. 698] fritillaries pliysically Jvitellaries? de rivativeness quizzicalty pviltlv, p. 698] pztkal, p. 699] ob literated, &c. t, p. 698] con vivially miserable TOO QTTADKFPLE KHYMKS, Tz Ot scissorable on glorifying, &c. com miserable mat ri menially [OrTfl, p. 705] [onto!, p. 703] oct gloriously? me lodiously? de monianism forms, p. 705] [oduis, p. 700] Cic e ronianism la boriousness? odiousness? fe loniously [orlus, p. 705] [odms, p. 700] [onlus, p. 703] forciblenesa ot liar moniousness [Orsibl, p. 705] stoically [onitis, p. 703] [olkal, p. 701] portablencss or [ortabl, p. 705] 6k a dorableness localizing, &c. de plorableness 6s [okallz, p. 701] re storableness sociablcness? [osMabl, below] 51 ex ploratory? in con solableness re storatory ne gotiated?, c. un con trollable- [oshTat, p. 700] ness pic torially in ven torially sociable? solarizing, &c. [onal, p. 704] ne gotiable? [olarlz, p. 701] [oshitbl, p. 700] me morialist con dolatory cor porcaliat notionally con solatory? [orfctl, p. 704] [osliunal, p. 706]' foliated, &c. me morialists cor rosibleness [ofta-t, p. 701] [orTalist, above] [osibl, p. 706] spoliative cor porealness ot ex foliative [orlal, p. 704] notablencas potableness QUADKTI'IVE KIIYMKS, ot Oil 761 [dt ;i1 >1, p. 706] olitory [omtnant, p. 714] Jcon solatory? 6d a bominable modifying, &c. solubleness do nominablo [odtfl, p. 707] [olyubl, p. 718] doi amative me thodicall}' 6m nominative [odlkal, p. 708] dromedary? de nominative Jheb domadary pe ri odicalness tdominancies [odikal, p. 708] an a tomically [ommansT, above] [omlkal, p. 714] prominencies oj [omlnans, p. 714] logically comicalness an a gogically [omlkiil, p. 714] oil [ojlkal, p. 710] donatory nominated, &c. [onttvirt, below] olc [ominat, p. 714] ocularly wanderingly [Skyiililr, p. 711] dominator|| [ondurlng, nominatorll p. 715] 61 de nominator con solatory? i ronically [51Tturt, below] dominators [onikal, p. 715] [onitnilt dr, above] sym bolically ca nonicalness par a bolically nominally [onikal, p. 715] hy per bolically [omtnal, p. 714] ap os tolically a nonymously dominancy [onTmiis, p. 715] sym bolicalness [SmTn^ns, p. 714; [ollkall, above] SmlnSnsIz, be- as tonishingly low] [onfeh, p. 511] polishable a bolishable pro dominantly Jdonatory 7