GIFT OF r* THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AN INTERPRETATION THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE. REV. GEO. CHAINEY. " If there be a messenger with him, an inter- " preter, one among a thousand, to show unto " man his uprightness: Then he is gracious unto " him, and faith, Deliver him from going down " to the pit: I hrve fcund a rarsom." Job 33- 'z.i, '*4 CHICAGO: STOCKHAM PUBLISHING CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1900, BY GEORGE CHAINEY, In the Office of Librarian of Congresi, at Washington, D. C. TABLE OP CONTENTS Page A Foreword 7 Command- ments. 1 The Law of Light 19 2 The Law of Revelation .... 29 3 The Law of Knowledge. ... 39 4 The Law of Might 49 5 The Law of Counsel 61 6 The Law of Understanding . 69 7 The Law of Wisdom 83 8 The Law of Holiness 91 9 The Law of the Manifest. . . 99 10 The Law of the Unmanifest . 109 The Law of the Law, or The One Thing Needful 121 An Afterword 127 390584 A FOREWORD. GOD is. He who is sup- posed to be unknowable, is ready to be known. To know God is to have intercourse with the mighty company of the Celestial Host in dream and vision without loss of conscious- ness or of intelligence of the world without. God is a mul- titude as well as one. He di- vides Himself that we may re- ceive Him according to our capacity. These divisions are many. The greatest, how- ever, are the sacred seven spirits of Light, Revelation, Knowledge, Might, Counsel, Understanding and Wisdom. These seven, operating as one, constitute Holiness. When this Holiness of the Heavens A shall be fully ex- POREWORD. pressed in the Holiness or Wholeness of man's life in time, God will be re- vealed. This is God as the Lord the Manifest, who is the neighbor or perfect grace and companion of God as the Un- manifest. These divisions are the greater Gods or Angels of every religion. The true relig- ion includes every expression of its life. This interpretation of the law, as embodied in the ten commandments, that gov- erns the seven-fold life of God, and its method of transfer into the life of man, is but one branch plucked from a mighty tree whereon is food for all. The value of these words is not in themselves, but in their power to hold a light and show the way to this Tree 8 A of L i f e . This FOREWORD. . , tree is Revela- tion, bearing its twelve manner of fruits, the twelve gifts, rep- resented by the twelve tribes of Israel, and the twelve Apos- tles of the Lord. These are also Gods and are to be known and possessed as living com- panions in the day of the Lord. "And it shall come to pass in "that day, that the light shall "not be clear, nor dark; but "it shall be one day which "shall be known to the Lord, "not day nor night: but it shall "come to pass, that at evening ' ' time it shall be light. " This is the union of the day and night of conscious intelli- gence in sleep, and intelligent conscious sight, hearing and touch of the Spiritual Host when awake. This is the Tree of A Life, guarded by Cherubim - those grasped. Cherubim are composite figures, representing the four great divisions of life in spirit and body, soul and mind. These are respectively the four cardinal points of East and West, North and South of the new state of existence that lieth four-square. To live here is to rightly divide and hold all things together of interest of both the natural in the spiritual and the spiritual in the natural. This equal interest of matter and spirit, time and eternity, intelligence and goodness, man and God, is the stone long re- jected of the builders, now to become the head of the corner. Here all things of the heavens and the earth meet and mingle. It is by searching out and A knowing these FOREWORD. things that men live. Man's future is on earth. The victory over death will come through a state of equi- librium between the principle of waste and supply, by which death will be discharged from the service of life. The only power that can redeem the flesh from corruption and per- petually renew the body's life is the fruit of the Tree of Life, partaken with the leaves, that are for healing, for the leaves denote intelligence of the vision. This is the law that must be ful- filled. All shall arrive. The Spirit in Time will be faithful to the Spirit in Eternity, and never will the Eternal Spirit do for man what man can do for himself. "And it shall be in "that day, that living waters A - s h a 1 1 go out -from Jerusalem, * * half of them toward the former -sea, and half of them toward -the hinder sea; in summer -and in winter shall it be." In these writings the sea and water represent consciousness, the feminine state, and the land intelligence or the masculine. The former sea is the first state of consciousness in revelation from the spirit as a mystery. The hinder sea is the spiritual consciousness made one with the consciousness of the body's life. The summer is the heat of the mind and the winter the white purity of the soul's per- fect goodness in the union of each in all and of all in each, of man in God and of God in man. Then will God be as visible in all the objective world as He is A realizable in the spiritual. This is the goal. This is the purpose God purposed when He resolved to make man in His own image. This purpose has never changed, nor ever halted. We are speeding to this end, as swiftly as justice to both God and man will permit. The only evil is the absence of the spirit- ual from the natural, or of the natural from the spiritual. When each shall be filled with the other, the perfect law will be fulfilled in the perfect beati- tudes of grace. Then evil will be no more. The ten great commandments are the constitution of the spir- itual universe. They are the absolute conditions under which the Divine Being passes into the nature of man. They are the 13 A discovery of God to God. God here communes with Himself and reveals to each division of His own Spirit the destiny im- posed upon each by virtue of its relation to the whole. The first seven commandments concern the Sacred Seven of Light, Rev- elation, Knowledge, Might, Counsel, Understanding and Wisdom. The eighth pertains to the Holy Spirit the full oc- tave. The ninth is the law of the Lord the Manifest. The tenth the law of God the Un- manifest. They contain the whole law that is to be further expanded and illustrated in the method of its work. In them is the very essence of the full- ness of life and knowledge. The Law of Light. First Commandment. EXODUS XX : i, 2, 3, am tft bv0Mjfet tfc^^ 0ut , 0ut 0f the THE LAW or Thefirstcommand LIGHT. . prescribes the law of Light. Man cannot re- ceive God in His fullness at the beginning. So God divides Himself for the purpose of transmission. God is both the one and the many. Of the many, the first God must be the operation of the Spirit as Light. The Lord who speaks is Jehovah. He is the First and the Last. He lightens from the Heavens and rains upon the earth. He makes or causes all things to come to pass. He de- livers the spiritual Host of liv- ing truths from the narrow state of mind and brings them out into the larger life of the mu- tual relations of spirit and body, soul and mind. Of the 19 THE LAW OP first) the begin- LIGHT. f ..? ning of all things in Light, it is said: "Thou shalt have no other Gods be- fore me." The spiritual life in man can know nothing com- pletely at the first. All Divine life in man begins with the first flash of light, dividing itself from the darkness, prompting to wor- ship and to seek the source and cause of life. Before this, man has no place in the world of life, save in the mere form that has been evolved and prepared for such awakening and reception of the varied intelligence with consciousness that makes the character called man . There is no other beginning in either the race or individual. No one can climb up by any other way. No one by force or intellectual seek- ing can enter into the later qual- 20 THE LAW or ities of God's life who does not ap- proach them through simple religion. Light as Religion, comes be- fore any philosophy or creed. Without Religion there can be no other acquaintance with God. He who is not religious in this primary sense is temporarily color-blind, or like one who is without any ear for music. To take the word of such concern- ing God and the soul, is like taking the judgment of one coi- or-blind in art, or appointing one without an ear for harmony as a teacher or critic of music. Such defects are not irremedia- ble. In another embodiment the missing part will be found. All shall arrive. Time will not fail until that which is lost is found. But there can be no UGHT ment in spiritual life that does not rest upon sim- ple religion . ' * Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." This is the first and the last. This is the first quality and in its com- pleteness the highest. There is nothing superior to this feeling of the heart in its hunger for the cause and source of all life. All the strange ways of religion will be justified at the last. Man is to know and approve in religion of the very nature of God. Those who criticize and reject religious light and feeling as a moral defect, or as the survival of barbaric ignorance and su- perstition may in other things do good work. But for them there is no further advance; no higher ideal or God, until they have entered the kingdom of THE LAW or Light and learned LIGHT. to hunger and thirst for God, as the source of all life. It is only by much ardent devotion in the spirit of Light, worshipping God, even in the darkness of the mind, that we are prepared to enter the larger cycles of God's life in man. In the finality of Light man will know that the One in- cludes the All. Then Religion will embrace and hold all Re- ligions. Then all the Mighty Host of spiritual forms will be the messengers of the One God and Father of all. The com- plete man can have no God that is not the God of Gods and Light of every enlightenment. Such will have interest in every form of religion that has touched the hearts of men with wonder, love or praise towards a power 23 THE LAW OP greater than LIGHT. themselves. The most exclusive is the only in- clusive. The complete man will see that each changing ideal in Religion has been beautiful in its own place and time. He will see that such change must continue until in all our world all shall see and know, know and see the All in the One and the One in the All : Man in God and God in Man. The Law of Revelation. Second Commandment. EXODUS XX : 4, 5, 6. irtialt not make unto tkee ant) 0m f en im*g* , or ang likened 0f tti)tkiu0 tknt ij8i in S^av^n ^ft0v^ t or tkat i in th^ ^Hrtk Ireiu^tk, ov tkat i^ in tke wate* wntl^r tk^e j kou i&k^lt not how down to tkm t not mve tkem: for 1 tk* l^otd tkg (Sod urn n jenlou^ Siting the iniquity of tke upon tke rhiUvnt unto tke tkint fourtk flenetntion of tkem ttot Imte me; %n& skewing merea unto tkou- 0wtd0 of tkem tknt love me, and keep m THE LAW or The second REVELATION. CO mmand in this constitution of the spiritual uni- verse relates to the Spirit of Revelation. While Revelation is the greatest of all mysteries, even this mystery is finally to be added to the kingdom of the known. While the beauty of the form of Revelation is the beauty of absolute perfection, such beauty is only to be fully enjoyed after man has found it to be but the ever changing ex- pression of the dear life of a personal God. Revelation is never a fixed quantity. It is a language perpetually expanding by the drawing out of the things of Eternity and the drawing in of the things of Time. After this there will be still a law of 29 THE LAW OF change and ex- REVELATION, pansion in the growing capacity of man to ex- plore still further into the depths of the infinite love and wisdom of God. While Revelation is full of the things in heaven and earth and of the water, or con- sciousness, beneath man's in- telligence, there are none of these to which the Spirit of Revelation can say: "Be my complete embodiment." There may be the highest perfection in the unity of spirit and body or of soul and mind, and yet then the capacity of life will be subject to eternal growth, and its attainments stretch far be- yond the power of this might- iest of all languages to reveal in any one form. The mightiest speech of Rev- elation is the symbolism of the 30 THE LAW OP cherubim-those REVELATION. , grasped, c o m - posite forms that represent the four fold nature of spirit and body, soul and mind. But these are only the guardians of the Tree of Life. Should these be converted into a creed, a definite conception or form exhausting all perfection, we would but give our affections to the doorkeep- ers of the mansion of life, in- stead of passing within to the company of the King and Queen and the feast of life's abundance of all good things. He who causes all things to be, is a jealous God. True jeal- ousy is never cruel. Divine jealousy holds in reserve the best for the best. Only the fullest and most universal in- telligence can have the joy of the cosmic consciousness. Be- 31 THE LAW OP fore any one can REVELATION - know the fullness of the Unmanifest he must be true to the law of the Mani- fest. Those that hate and turn away from the great labor to know and to do the will of God must suffer disappointment and affliction, until they learn to love all the way as well as the end thereof. The imperfection of every- thing that is eternal rests upon the long travail of the Spirit in Time. This must continue until the third or fourth generation. Nothing is perfect until it has reached the fourfold state. There must be at-one-ment of spirit and body, and of soul and mind. Nothing short of this can content the mighty love of God. God is jealous for His children. He will not allow 32 THE LAW Or them even to REVELATION. , ^, cheat themselves. Whenever we are content with the part, He sends into the ob- ject of our love, some stroke of affliction that reveals its incompleteness and causes us to take up our journey to the end purposed for us from the begin- ning. These are the mercies that are shown to those who love and keep God's commandments. The great Spirits of the Elohim never bow the knee to Baal- lord or master. They never force upon man anything. These all love and revere the long travail of the Spirit in Time to bring forth the perfection of God in full honor and justice to man. No matter how often we may think to transcend this law, the great love and jealousy of God for our final good will find 33 THE LAW Or us Qut The REVELATION. true heart of God will never be content until He has bestowed His very best upon all the worlds that He has created. 34 The Law of Knowledge. Third Commandment, EXODUS XX : 7. $h0u tfhatt n0t tafee the name 0f the i^rtd tfeg (S0^i iw vain; f0y the Iprffl wtitt 0t h0M him that tafeeth hfe name in vain. mand of this great constitution of the Spiritual Universe pertains to the Spirit of Knowledge. The name is the character. The character is never represented by word alone. No fullness of speech, out of the fullness of conscious- ness, will ever express the per- fect character of truth. While Spiritual Knowledge is pre-em- inently a state of consciousness, it is not perfect until the mys- tery of life is fully married to the strength of intelligence. There may be an intellectual grasp of things in their uni- versal relations that is not one with life, as well as a fullness of consciousness apart from the unity of intelligence. Neither of 39 THE LAW OP these states can KNOWLEDGE. be regarded as guiltless. Each is crooked or onesided. The work of the Spirit of Knowledge will not be complete until the spiritual state of knowing is married to that which comes of the long labor of man to search out the natural law and facts of the ma- terial world. There is a Divine Realism as well as a Divine Idealism. There is a possible speech that is true to the material facts as well as to the eternal beauty and glory of the moral sense. Moral beauty in its utmost strength and perfection alone, without intelligence, will rust and crumble away in time like the strength of iron. We shall never be immortally strong until God's strength touches man's 40 THE LAW OP strength. When KNOWLEDGE. to live in us and we feel to know, we do not know in the perfect sense, unless this feel- ing of the poet is allied to ex- actness and loyalty to the laws of chemistry, the facts of grav- itation, the geography and his- tory of the material world. Such knowledge comes both by Time and Eternity. It is of all man's striving as well as of God's giving. As Revelation increases man will at first incline to trust this great and beautiful speech too much for knowledge. The forms of men, the facts of his- tory, the elements of nature, and the physical divisions of our globe will live therein; and yet these things cannot be trusted from the material standpoint 41 any more than KNOWLEDGE. . J the science, geography, and history of our earlier Revelations. This is the thing that has to be learned in regard to Knowledge. This is the growth in man for which this Spirit must wait before the spontaneous utterance of the Spirit's life can be perfectly free of guilt. c When we have fully absorbed nature; when we know the limitations of both the in- tellectual and conscious divi- sions of life, and have brought the two together into a just and equal marriage, then will the poetic beauty of the heavensin spontaneous song clothe the dry facts of material knowledge with the moral beauty and sweetness of the soul's life. These are the laws of God that must be kept, because 42 they are the lim- THE LAW OP KNOWLEDGE. God has proscribed to each di- vision of His Own Spirit in the interest of the whole. To ap- ply these to man's actions alone is but the playful ignorance of our world's childhood. As soon as we become men we shall put away these childish things. 43 The Law of Might. Fourth Commandment. EXODUS XX : 8, 9, 10, n. the 0#hlwth day, t0 it Ju% $** ** Jftatt than and d0 #tt tfey writ: ^ut the ^v^wtfc jflajj ij$ tft^ ^btath 0f th^ Iprtrt th 0: in it thou nat 40 any w0ffe t th0u, nor thy dHttflhtet, tbg nay tha tn^itetVKttt, n0t w0tr thy ^ttawji^v thut %# within tht) in $\x &%%$ the heaven ^nd e^tth, the #e, ^U that in them te, nfl tested the seventh fl^tj : wthetef0te the ffetf the sabbath 4ug m& hul- it* THE LAW OP The fourth com- mand of this unal- terable constitution of the Spir- itual Universe governs the con- duct of the Spirit of Might. The usual idea of the Sabbath has about as much to do with this constitution as children playing at marbles. The One Labor along whose path of arduous toil Divine Love has placed bowers of rest, is the Mighty Labor to bring the heavens and earth, eternity and time, God and man, together into one all comprehensive, divided, and yet undivided intelligence and con- sciousness of being. While this is the task of each division, it is in the central life of the fourth the connecting link of the upper and lower triads that 49 THE LAW OP the greatness MIGHT. of the task is found. The word sabbath spir- itually means host. On the fourth day are made sun, moon, and stars. The mind of God consecrated the seventh day to rest, because ' ' in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day." The sixth day is the toil to un- derstand. After anything to be done is clearly understood the mind has rest in its creative task. The rest of the Divine Mind is the perfect adaptation of the heavens to the earth. Each is made for the other. Without the inception and stimulating power of Revelation there would be no intelligence. Without intelligence to search, to ob- 50 THE LAW OP S erve, and finally to clearly .com- prehend, the life of vision would but waste its sweetness upon a barren desert. Without the land, the great sea would be but a shoreless waste and empty void; while withoutthe sea from which to draw the treasures of rain, the land would remain but a vast and treeless desert of barren rocks and drifting sands; so would be intelligence and consciousness without each other. So would man be with- out God and God without man. While these great divisions are, in the ultimate perfection of all things, to perfectly know each other, there is to be no vio- lation of this mutual relation and independence. Along the path of this toil there will be periods when the heavens seem silent; 5* THE LAW or an d others when MIGHT. the intellectual life is wholly subdued by the mighty force of Revelation. But from time to time the per- fect relation and ministry of the two will be seen and known. Then will Rest be found . Then will the spirit of man be as the Spirit of God in its quiet con- fidence and certitude of the final good and perfect salvation of every soul. The idea of the Sabbath even in its literalness is never one of complete cessation. Works of necessity have always been al- lowed. The true Sabbath is a time when man works of neces- sity. Destiny and exertion have come so close together that they act in perfect concert. The ' ' I ought " has seen and embraced the "I would." The pain of 52 THE LAW or duty has been MIGHT. swallowed up in the life of pleasure. The day and the night, the heavens and the earth, have come so close together that there is no fur- ther struggle to come into touch with each other. Effort has ceased to be painful in its en- tire spontaneity. While toil and suffering remain they are still states of rest and quiet waiting upon God in Time, with equal confidence of God in Eternity. Everything that is mightily understood adds its quota to this growing rest. In the green tree there is no fur- ther struggle to draw life from the dead. Sons and daughters, maid- servants and manservants, states of intelligence and con- sciousness both of the spiritual 53 THE LAW or and the natural, MIGHT. , ~, have rest. There is rest even with the cat- tle, the further toil to under- stand. There is rest also for the stranger the ecclesiastical state in Religion. In the right relation of the heavens and the earth these cease to strive with violence, reaching to a feeling of confidence and universality of expectation touching the final good. Though Revelation bring pain of reconstruction it is welcomed with gladness. Though the moral and intel- lectual nature set loftier heights in front to be scaled, it is with calm confidence that the sum- mit is attainable. Though our rest is divided by many enlarge- ments of the creative power, each cycle brings us nearer to the everlasting Rest remaining 54 THE LAW OP to the people of MIGHT. God. This Rest will come when all the Liv- ing Host of the heavens have place in the normal and intelli- gent self-consciousness of the most highly cultivated state of man upon earth. This is the goal towards which all our feet are set in the ways of God. When we stand on the summit of Time overlooking Eternity, our feet will no more know weariness and our hands will never again fall listless to our sides. The things of the Spirit and of nature will fit so closely together that each will contin- ually renew and keep perfect the life of the other. 55 The Law of Counsel. Fifth Commandment. EXODUS XX : 12. thy fath^ and thy nwth- e* : that thy day# mas he long ttpw the land which the l^ffl thy r of Time, and man honors God in giving to God all that is forever, From God comes all inception. He is the primeval and the final, the be- ginning and the end. That which lies between pertains to the co-operative life between God and man. Nothing shall reach the end that is not blessed alike of God and man, honor- ing both father and mother. 6 4 The Law of Understanding. Sixth Commandment, EXODUS XX : 13. ja'halt not full. THELAWOP There are UNDERSTANDING. many de _ grees of spiritual life that are born to slay and dispossess. But those who live by the sword shall also die thereby. Those that slay shall also be slain. But not so the true Understanding. To this por- tion of Himself, in its awaken- ing in the life of humanity, God has said the word: ' * Thou shalt not kill." Those who understand, looking out over the world of ideas and feelings and seeing those that are to be slain, see at the same time other states and feelings, that are following swift on their footsteps with the Divine im- pulse to slay; for thus is evil given to evil. 69 THE LAW OP While Un- UNDERSTANNNQ. derstanding is commanded not to kill, yet it is a great warrior. The victories of peace are greater than those of war. Those who seek no proselytes often win the most converts to what they teach. Those who bide fast in their own convictions, yet draw all men unto them. While this Spirit never attacks it is ever ready for self defense. The one thing most essential to Understanding is the sacred- ness of the individual. There is nothing essential in asso- ciated life that is inconsistent with personal freedom of inter- course between man and God. In the laws of the world the right of self-defense is regarded as above the law. He who kills another in preserving his 70 THE LAW OP own life from UNDERSTANDING, violence is not regarded as one who slays. Nations in the defense of the aggregate interests of a people individually and collectively, take life in war and in the ad- ministration of justice. This is not to kill, but to make alive. He who dies in battle is not slain. On whichever side, the right or wrong, the warrior falls, he is not murdered. Such are so full of life that for them death is but a swift change from one form of consciousness to another. Such deaths are removed far from those that are slain without thought or realization that death was near. The ideas and feelings that are slain in voluntary and conse- crated defense of right and truth, fall with honor; while 71 THE LAW or those that are UNDERSTANDING. slain unex . pectedly, by intrusion of those who would have all men think and feel alike, die before they are ready and these are murdered. The true Understanding will never proselyte. Those who understand will nobly serve truth, but never will they seek to make converts thereto. What they have is freely given for all to take or to let alone, and those who pass by, preoc- cupied with other things, are also the children of God as well as those who find help and sweetest consolation therein. Many cannot teach save by making disciples. The work of those who understand is to set men free and to turn each to the light that burns within. The true teacher, when he shall ar- 72 THE LAW OF rive, will have UNDERSTANDING. no followers. Those who claim to follow will be his worst foes. While the Spirit that gives Understanding is non-aggressive yet is it strong- ly armed against aggression. To resist intrusion is to be a true friend to those who intrude. There is no true health or se- curity as long as man does not reverence the sacred principle of personality. In the crowded places of progress each should be protected in this respect. The jostling and dispossession of the crowd wherein each struggles for himself is heedless of this sacred right. When peo- ple go in crowds the one is lost in the many. There will be no crowding nor haste nor pushing away of others in a world of understanding. The nations 73 THE LAW OP will come UNDERSTANDING. tional agreements, that will make the most of their com- bined powers and yet leave to each the fullest freedom for self- development. Association for any purpose will be brought into harmony with personal whole- ness and integrity and every man will see in each the rep- resentation of all. The under- standing will give place to the fullness of all natural and spirit- ual activity. No one can communicate understanding. While mind may instruct mind, Under- standing cannot communicate. This is always personal. It is a state of both consciousness and intelligence. It is the con- sciousness of the unconscious. It is as free from effort or com- 74 THE LAW OP municable- UNDERSTANDING. ness as the beating of the heart. You un- derstand because you must. It is that which is and cannot be denied, nor affirmed for another. This does not kill. It never in- trudes. It never slays. It comes into possession only where there is no one else to make a claim. It takes the empty house from which the one-sided spirits have gone. It never comes to the selfish, to the irreverent nor to the undeveloped in natural ex- cellence and completeness of nature. It cannot be acquired by any lust for the spiritual that ignores anything that is natural. It depends upon no trick, no practices, no consent of mind. It comes at the right moment as the result of all that is noblest and best like the per- 75 THE LAW OF fume of the UNDERSTANDING. flower Qr ^ ripeness of the peach. It is a power to sleep and to keep awake; to wake and yet to sleep; to live and to let live; to act and yet remain passive; to see and to know; to know and to see. The Spirit of the Under- standing is the Physician of God. It is the healing or making whole that is Divine. It is the awakening into con- sciousness of the unconscious. This cannot slay nor be slain. This gives time and place for every divided state. For it, the sun stands still and the moon goes not down. It no more intrudes upon others than does the silent spirit that tends to the beating of the heart. While those states of mind 76 THE LAW or that try to UNDERSTANDING, break in upon this power may be slain this Spirit is guiltless of the deed. The blood of those who do vio- lence here is upon their own heads. Then the all-healing work of Raphael, Physician of God, will be complete. In the finality of truth there can be neither slaying nor slain. The immortal truth will be the sure harbinger of man's immor- tality upon earth. 77 The Law of Wisdom. Seventh Commandment EXODUS XX: 14. not wwntft THE LAW or The best is for the best. The wisdom of heaven is for the wisdom of the earth. The per- fect life of the skies can only be a destroyer to all that is imper- fect below. The absolute law that governs the life of wisdom is expressed in the word that may not be broken, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." The word of the Lord may not be broken . What God has said must come to pass. God never transgresses His own nature. Other Spirits, like Knowledge or Revelation, may commit adultery. These may be re- lated to states of consciousness belonging to others . The Spirit of wisdom is only known by its own consciousness. 83 THE LAW Or .... , .. WISDOM. Wisdom is by its very nature, a unit. It is in itself an abso- lute identity of the cosmic con- sciousness with universal in- telligence. It is the union of Time and of Eternity, of mat- ter and of spirit. The material life is long a stranger to the spirit. Time is long inhospit- able to the Eternal. Time may not know the full secret of Eternity as long as there is any- thing to be achieved in its own department. God has set metes and bounds about the divisions of His own nature. Each is governed by its own law. These laws are such as make to- gether a perfect whole. These are the sum of all excellence. To know the meaning of these ten words of life is to know the general meaning of existence. 8 4 ' I" Devolution of religious life the idea is never wholly con- crete, never a perfect har- mony of the within and the without, until Wisdom's rest is found. Here no strife can en- ter. Here is no envy of or seek- ing what belongs to another. In Light our consciousness may be seized by Revelation; or in Revelation it may be invaded by Knowledge, while the Intel- ligence still clings to Light or Revelation. Here the apples of discord are eaten. In the life of Wisdom all is peace and harmony. No sounds of war are heard. Every man sits under his own vine and fig tree. The things revealed within are one with the consciousness without. Wisdom is no prop- agandist. It makes no prose- 85 THE LAW OP lytes. It is sat- isfied with its own. It is the child of the heavens and of the earth. It holds the lyre and pours fourth melodious song. It knows the past and the future. It beholds the relation of every part to the whole. There is fullness above and fullness below. There is a consciousness of the uncon- scious and an unconsciousness of the conscious. Things once wholly unknown become known and the things known have rest in the unknown. 86 The Law of Holiness. Eighth Commandment. EXODUS XX: 15. not THE LAW OF The Law of Holi- ness, or Whole- ness, is perfect contentment. This Spirit is the full octave. All is given and all is received. The Law of its life is expressed in the words: "Thou shalt not steal." This is what God has said to His own strength. In the Holy Spirit there is no try- ing to do today what belongs to the tomorrow no trying to take from another what has not been honestly bought and paid for in the great law of universal exchange. In Holiness, intel- ligence beholds itself in the qualities of the soul, and these in turn look with joy upon their own reflection in the strength of the mind. The Spiritual is seen in the material and the 91 THE LAW OP material in the HOLINESS. Spiritual. For long such wholeness seemed un- known to men. We are con- tinually disturbing the serenity of the present moment, by try- ing to penetrate into that which is to come. There is a possi- ble contentment and satisfac- tion with every moment, with- out being false to, or in any way neglectful of, the law of growth. The Holy Spirit is called Gabriel Strength of God . The Strength of God is in the One- ness of past and future, with the present moment. When man shall reach to this great accord between Time and Eter- nity, he will feel himself to beat once in the center and the cir- cumference, and in perfect equality of mind and affections towards both the attained and 92 THE LAW or the attaina ble. HOLINESS. What has been, was good; what is now, is bet- ter; and what shall be will be best of all. Holiness does not the less en- joy the good and the better, be- cause there is a best. In this Spirit there is true order and relationship; and Time has full respect with Eternity. It is this Spirit of true contentment that must complete even the work of the Spirit in the long travail of Time. This One must come after and lead into all truth of both the Manifest and the Unmanifest. To be in touch with this strength of God is to be strong, cheerful, serene, nonchalant, persevering, and yet restful; careless and gay and yet earnest and thoughtful. It is only in 93 THE LAW or suc h company HOLINESS. , u r , with Gods strength that man truly finds his own, and does works of wholeness and finality that take from none butgive to all. This strength is in any life a secret and ever present source of com- fort, and so this Spirit is called also The Comforter. He who would thread the long pass over the heaped up mountains of the fullness of the Spirit's life must carry with him this knowledge of the resting places by the way. There is such rest after every great achievement in the labor to un- derstand and be wise in the ways of God. Blessed are all those who can be glad today without doing wrong to the tasks of to- morrow. These do not steal. 94 The Law of the Manifest. Ninth Commandment. EXODUS XX : 16. mm jtatt n