CATA I .( X ; U E Bmrrtran Hffcrarg OF THK MR. GEORGE BRINLEY OF HARTFORD, CONX. THIRD PART. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE-ROOM, ASTOR PLACE AND EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK, ON T Monday, April 4th, and the following days, TWO SESSIONS DAILY, Commencing at 3.30 and 7.30 P.M. The books will be on view for a week previous to the sale. Cards of admittance may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers. A. LEAV1TT & CO., AUCTIONKKRS. Catalogues will be supplied by the Aucti< ' PRICE, O.VE DOLLAR FIFTY CENTS: Or, with LIST OF PRICES (when printed) Two DOLLARS. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise betwen two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within three days from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. In preparing the Catalogue, care has been taken to make the description of every book full and accurate, and every deficiency and imperfection which was discovered has been noted : but the sale of any Volume or Lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. The books will be exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and will be sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. CATALOGUE OF THE $tnmran ilfforarg OF THE LATE MR. GEORGE BRINLEY is OF HARTFORD CONN. PART III. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST THE UNITED STATES GENERAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY BIOGRAPHY MEXICO THE WEST INDIES CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA THE AMERICAN INDIANS BIBLES CATECHISMS AND PRIMERS MUSIC AND PSALMODY HARTFORD PRESS OF THE CASE LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1 88 1 "Z. 1-3-07 V.3 X I H -3 $~ Bancroft L&ruy CONTENTS. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST: ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI ; FLORIDA, . . . . p. i LOUISIANA, ........ 7 WESTERN STATES and Territories, . . . . .12 OHIO, The N. W. Territory, . . . . .18 KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, . . . . . .23 ILLINOIS and INDIANA, . . . . . .25 MICHIGAN, . . . . . . .27 IOWA, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, The LAKES, . . .27 MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, KANSAS, . . . .28 The ROCKY MOUNTAINS, UTAH; CALIFORNIA, . . 29 OREGON, The N. W. COAST, . . . . .29 TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, COLORADO, . . -32 THE UNITED STATES: General Civil, and Political History, . . 35 Military and Naval History, . . . . . .56 Biography, ........ 69 MEXICO, . . . . . . . . .84 DARIEN, PANAMA, THE WEST INDIES, . . . .86 SOUTH AMERICA, ........ 88 THE AMERICAN INDIANS : Origin, History, Manners and Customs, . 90 Treaties and Conferences, . . . . . .104 Wars and Expeditions, . . . . . .107 Captivities, 1 1 1 ; Missions, . . . . , . 117 INDIAN LANGUAGES, . . . . . . .123 BIBLES, . . . . . . . . .146 ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE, ..... 130, 131 SAUR'S GERMAN BIBLE, . . . . . .146 The GUTENBERG BIBLE, . . . . . .152 CATECHISMS and PRIMERS: The NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER, . .158 The CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM, . . . . . -162 MUSIC and PSALMODY, . . . . . . .163 PSALMS and HYMNS, . . . . . .172 SOME RARE BOOKS. IX AMERICAN INDIANS. 5361 BOTURINI. Idea de una Nueva Historia. Madrid, 1746 537S DAMMARTIN. Explication de la Pierre dc Taunston. Paris, n. d. 5395 The Four Kings of Canada, uncut. London, 1710 5398 GUMILLA. Hist, de las Naciones del Orinoco. Barcilona, 1791 L'EsxRANGE. (H.) Americans no lewes. Lond. 1652 5441 SCHERER. Recherches historiques, etc. Paris, 1777 5456 SQUIER and DAVIS. Ancient Monuments. N. Y. 1848 5463 THOROWGOOD (T.) lewes in America. London, 1650 5484 Articles of Peace, with the Indians of Virginia. London, 1677 5485 Conference with the Eastern Indians. Boston, 1727 5488 Treaty with the Six Nations, at Lancaster. Williamsburg, Va., 1744 5492 Treaty with the Mickmacks of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1753 5506-11 Hist. Account of (Bouquet's) Expedition. (4 editions.) 1765-69 5512 Life of Col. Cresap, by J. J. Jacob : orig, edition. Cumberland, 1826 5516 DODDRIDGE. Notes on Indian Wars of the West. Wellsburgh, 1824 5529 LOUDON'S Selection of Narratives, etc. Carlisle, 1808-11 5531 MATHER (Incr.) Brief History of the Warr. Boston, 1676 5532 METCALF'S Collection of Narratives, etc. Lexmgton, 1821 5538 WITHERS. Chronicles of Border Warfare. Clarksb. 1831 5540 DICKINSON. God's Protecting Providence, etc. London, 1720 5592 ELIOT Qohn) Further Account of Progress of the Gospel. 1660 5609 SHEPARD (T.) Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel. London, 1648 5610 STRENGTH OUT OF WEAKNESSE. London, 1652 INDIAN LANGUAGES. 5645 Nehiro-Irinui Aiamihe Massinahigan. Quebec, 1767 5667 SUMMERFIELD. Grammar of the Chippeway. Cazenovia, 1834 5679 WILLIAMS (Roger) Key into the Language of America. Lond. 1643 5682 ELIOT'S Indian Bible. (John Allan's copy.) Cambridge, 1660-63 5683 2d edition. (Gov. Stoughton's copy.) Cambridge, 1685-80 5684 2d edition. (Jonathan Edwards's copy.) Cambridge, 1685-80 5686 COTTON (John) Spiritual Milk for Babes, in Indian. Cambridge, 1691 5687 MATHER (I.) Sermons, transl. into Indian, by Danforth. Boston, 1698 5688 Confession of Faith, in Indian. Boston, 1699 5694-5 Mareschit and Abnaki Prayer Books (MANUSCRIPT). 5698 CAMPANIUS. Lutheri Catechismus. Stockholm, 1696 5700 ZEISBERGER (D.) Delaware- Indian Spelling Book. Phila. 1776 5701 Collection of (Delaware) Hymns. Phila. 1803 5708 Mohawk Prayer Book. Boston, 1763 5709 Order for Morning and Evening Prayer. New York, 1769 5710 The same. Quebec, 1780 5711 The same. London, 1787 5718 Mohawk Primer. London, 1786 5742 Tracts. Iroquois and Muhhekan. 1789-1813 5765 MSS. Vocabularies, N. W. Coast. 5766 ARENAS. Vocabulario du la lengua Mexicana. Los Angetos, 1793 5768 AVILA. Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1717 X SOME RARE BOOKS. 5771 MOLINA. Vocabulario Mexicano. Mexico, 1555 5772 NEVE Y MOLINA. Arte del Idiomi Othomi. Mexico, 1767 5773 PAREDES. Promptuario Manual Maxicano. Mexico, 1759 5774 PEREZ. Catechisms, traducido en Mexicano. Mexico, 1723 5775 TAPIA ZENTENO. Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Mexico, 1753 5776 Noticia de la lengua Huasteca. Mexico, 1767 5777 VELASQUEZ DE CARDENAS. Breve Practica, etc. Mexico, 1761 5780 BELTRAN. Arte de el idioma Maya. Mexico, 1746 5783 BRETON. Dictionnaire Caraibe. Auxerre, 1664-6 5786 Domingo de S. Thomas. Arte de la lengua general. Cordova, 1560 5788 M ARE AN. Arte de la lengua Moxa. Lima, 1702 5789 Ruiz DE MONTOYA. Tesoro de la lengua Guarani. Madrid, 1639 BIBLES, ETC. 5791 FIRST Am. edition of the Bible in German. Germantown, C. Saur, 1743 The First Bible printed in a European language, in America. 5800 Third edition of Saur's German Bible. Germantown, 1 776 5806 New Testament. First New Jersey edition. Trenton, 1788 5807 First New York edition. N. York, 1790 5808 Bible. First New Jersey edition. Trenton, 1791 5809 First Folio, printed in the U. States. Worcester, 1791 5820 First Greek Testament printed in the U. States. Worcester, 1800 5825 Bible. First Connecticut edition. Hartford, 1809 5827 Hebrew Psalter. First American edition. Cambridge, 1809 5829 Hebrew Bible. First American edition. Phila., 1814 5839 BIBLIA LATINA. FIRST PRINTED EDITION. Mentz, J. Giitenberg, 1450-53 CATECHISMS, PRIMERS, ETC. 5861 NOTES (Jas.) A Short Catechism. Boston, 1714 5862 STONE (S.) A Short Catechism. Boston, 1720 5865-6 The NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER (12 editions). 1737-1802 5877 The CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. Cambridge, Marm. Johnson, 1671 Music AND PSALMODY. 5881 WALTER (T.) Sermon on Regular Singing. Boston, J. Franklin, 1722 5885 TUFTS (J.) Introduction to the Art of Singing. Boston, J. F., 1721 5886 WALTER (T.) Grounds and Rules of Musick. Bost. J. Franklin, 1721 5889 LYON (J.) Urania; collection of Psalm Tunes. Phila. 1761 5892 BAYLEY (D.) The American Harmony. Neivburyport, 1771 5964 BAY PSALM Book; I3th edition. Boston, 1706 6022-4 OCCOM (Samson) Hymns: Three editions. N. London, 1774-85 6045 WATTS'S Psalms : FIRST American edition. Boston, 1741 ABRIDGED TITLES OF SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS. FLORIDA. 4346 Case of the Inhabitants of East Florida. St. Augustin, 1784 4353 GARCILLASSO de la Vega. La Florida del Ynca. Lisbon, 1605 4357 LAUDONNIERE. L'Histoire notable de la Floride. Paris, 1586 4359 LE MOYNE. Brevis Narratio, etc. Frankfort, 1591 4360 NUNEZ CABE^A DE VACA. Relacion y Commentarios. Valladolid,\m 4365 ROMANS (B.) History of East and West Florida. New York, 1775 43^7 The same. (2d edition.) New York, 1776 LOUISIANA. 4399 COXE. Description of the Province of Carolana. London, 1727 4413 JACQUEMIN. Memoire sur la Louisiane. Paris, 1803 WESTERN STATES. VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 4491 HENXEPIN. Nouvelle De'couverte, etc. Utrecht, 1697 4492 New Discovery of a Vast Country, etc. London, 1698 4493 Nieuwe Ontdekkinge, etc. Amsterdam, 1702 4508 MILLER (Andrew) New States and Territories. n.p. 1819 4522 THEVENOT. Recueil de Voyages. Paris, 1681 4526 WALKER (A.) Journal of two Campaigns. Keene, 1816 OHIO. N. W. TERRITORY. 4545 [CUTLER (Manasseh)] An Explanation of the Map. Salem, 1787 4579-80 Scioto Company. Avis, etc. Paris, 1789 4583 WARD (Nahum) Brief Sketch of Ohio. Glasgow, 1822 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 4590 FILSON. Discovery. . and Present State of Kentucke. Wilmington, 1784 4594-5 HAYWOOD. History of Tennessee. Nashville, and Knoxmlle, 1823 4599 (Toulmin's) Description of Kentucky. Lond., 1792 ILLINOIS, INDIANA. 4627-8 Illinois and Oubache Land Companies. Phila., 1796-1803 4632 View of the Title to Indiana. n.p. 1775 TEXAS. 4721 L' Heroine du Texas. Paris, 1819 4725 HARTMANN et Millard. Le Texas. Paris, 1819 4731 LHERITIER. Le Champ-d'Asile .. Tableau du Texas. Paris, 1819 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4752 ADAMS (J.) Correspondence. Boston, 1809-10 4783 BURR (A.) Trial. Wash., 1807-08 4784 Reports^of the Trial; and Appendix. Phila., 1808 4786 CALLENDER (J. T.) Political Progress of Britain. Phila., 1794 4788 History of the U. S. for 1796. Phila., 1797 4789 The Prospect before us. Richmond, 1800 Vlll SOME RARE BOOKS. 4794-97 CHEETHAM'S publications. N. Y., 1802-07 4798 CHEETHAM'S Trial for Libel. N. Y., 1807 4800-08 Cincinnati Society. Proceedings, Addresses, etc. 1783-1864 4815 COBBETT (Wm.) The Rush- Light. N. Y., 1800 4818 COLLES (C.) Survey of the Roads of the U. States. N. Y., 1789 4843-4 HAMILTON (Alex.) Letters from Phocion. N. K, 1784 4845-9 Reports, as Sec. of the Treasury, (Official Copies} N. Y., 1790-94 4856-7 HAMILTON Eulogies (7). v.p. 1804 4858 The Hamiltoniad; by a Young Gentleman. Phila., 1804 4873 CARPENTER (Stephen C.) Memoirs of Jefferson. N. K, 1809 4947 WOOD (John) Letter to Alex. Addison. Phila., 1801 4948 Hist, of the Administration of John Adams. N. K, 1802 495 Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, uncut. Newark, 1802 4952-53 (McKean) Pamphlets, 5 vols. 1800-13 MILITARY AND NAVAL. 4989 Courts-Martial (Collection of Trials by). v. p. 1807-35 5009 HARMAR (Gen. J.) Proceedings of Court of Enquiry. Phila., 1791 5039 McAFEE. Hist of the War in the Western Country. Lexington, 1816 5961 St. Clair's Expedition. Phila. 1792 5081 WILKINSON'S Memoirs, etc. 6 vols., uncut. 1809-1816 5086 FULTON (Robert) TORPEDO WARFARE, uncut. N. Y., 1810 BIOGRAPHY. 5153 BURROUGHS (Steph.) Memoirs (with Autograph}. Hanover, 1798 5162 COGLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs. N. K, 1795 5168 COTTON (John) Life, by J. Norton. London, 1658 5263 PYNCHON (Col. John) Stoddard's Funeral Sermon for. Boton, 1703 5264 Ralegh (Sir Walter) Life, and Tryal. London, 1677 MEXICO. 5309 GOMARA. Historic of the Conquest of the W. India. Lond. 1596 5312 OYANGUREN DE SANTA INES. Arte de la Lengua Japona. Mexico, 1738 5317 RlfCEL. Compendio . . d'la manera de como se ha de hazer las processiones, Mexico, Juan Cromberger, 1544 DARIEN. THE WEST INDIES. 5326 Darien. Humble Address of the Lords. London, 1699 5327 Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien. n.p. 1700 5329 Barbadoes Acts of Assembly, 1648-1738. London, J.Baskett, 1732-39 5332 Jamaica. Book of the Continuation of For. Passages. London, 1659 5334 Jamaica Laws, 1681-1737. London, 1738 SOUTH AMERICA. 5337 A Publication of Guiana's Plantation. London, 1632 5339 WARREN (G.) Description of Surinam. London, 1667 5339 Poyntz (J.) Present Prospect of Tobago. London, 1683 5344 NODAL. Relacion del Viaje. Madrid, 1621 5345 CiE9A DE LEON. Chronica del Peru. Anvers, 1554 5346 ZARATE. Descubrimiento y conquista del Peru. Semlla, 1577 5350 SPILBERGEN and LE MAIRE. Speculum Navigationis. Lugd. Bat. 1619 PREFACE. The Third Part of the catalogue of Mr. Brinley's library is now offered to the public. It comprises 1717 lots, and about twenty-seven hundred titles. A list of some of the rarest and most important works, is subjoined. Among them will be found several volumes of extraordinary rarity, any one of which would suffice to make the approaching sale noteworthy in the annals of bibliography. First of the first, by double right of primogeniture, stands (No. 5839) the GUTENBERG or " MAZARINE " BIBLE, eldest-born of all the issue of the press ; concerning which, see, in its place, a too-long note. Since that note was in type an imperfect copy of the Gutenberg Old Testament, only, has been sold at Sotheby's (Feb. isth), for 760. Next to the first-printed book of the Old World may be named one of the first books printed in the New (RIKEL, No. 5317) ; a volume as fresh and bright as it came from Juan Cromberger's press, in Mexico, in 1544, a land-mark in typography, half-way from Gutenberg and the First Bible, to Stephen Daye and the Bay Psalm Book of 1640. Then follows, only a few years later, from "the house of Juan Pablos," in the same city, the first edition of MOLINA'S Mexican Dictionary (No. 5771); a book so rare that even the indefatigable Ludewig doubted its existence, and of which only five extant copies are kncwn to bibliography. Next, in order of time, is (5682) ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE, represented not merely by a single or an ordinary copy, but by one of the first edition and of the " Royal " type (with the Dedication), in its well-preserved original binding ; a well-known copy, described seventeen years ago as " the crowning glory " of Mr. John Allan's library ; and two fine copies of the revised second edition of 1680-85, one of which (5683) formerly belonged to Gov. Stoughton of Massachusetts, the other to Jonathan Edwards. Rarer even than Eliot's, in either edition, is (5791) SAUR'S GERMAN BIBLE of 1743, the First Bible printed in America in a European language ; and scarcely less rare (5800), its third edition, of 1776. Vi PREFACE. Of other exceptional rarities, the two editions of BERNARD ROMANS'S History of Florida (4365-6), and (5531) a copy in fact two copies of INCREASE MATHER'S Brief History of .the War with the Indians, Boston, 1676, will not escape the observation of book-lovers. Like its predecessors, the Third Part of the catalogue will be found rich in First Works and First Editions. Mr. Brinley's collection of Bibles, for instance, though small in number of volumes, includes not only the first printed Bible, and the first American edition (Eliot's), but the first Pennsylvania (Saur's), the first New Jersey (5808), the first New York (5809), the first Connecticut (5825), the first Quarto and Folio (5809) editions; the first Greek Testament (5820), and the first Hebrew Bible (5829) printed in this country ; and many of the first editions of the Bible and parts of the Bible in various languages of the American Indians. The catalogue is not less rich in the extent and completeness of special collections : such as that of American Biography and Personal History, Nos. 5087-5302 (to be supplemented, hereafter, by more than twelve hundred Pamphlets) ; of the Military and Naval History of the United States, especially, the history of the last War with Great Britain, 1812-14; of works relating to the American Indians, and their Languages (among which the very rare Mexican imprints deserve special mention) ; of early American Music ; and of American versions of the Psalms, and Hymns (of which about a hundred volumes remain to be catalogued in the Fourth Part) ; and, not the least remarkable, the collection of New-England Primers and Catechisms, which is, probably, unequalled in any public or private library. When the Second Part of this catalogue was published, last spring, it was hoped that the Third and Fourth would be printed before the end of the year. This was found to be impossible. The general arrangement of the Fourth (and last) Part is completed, and a portion of the copy is already in the hands of the printers. It will comprise small collections in Law, Medicine, Agriculture, and other Arts and Sciences, and Bibliography: and larger collections, on Episcopacy and the history of the Episcopal Church in the United States ; the Methodists, Baptists, and other denominations ; Education, including early School Books ; Chap Books ; American Poetry and the Drama ; General Literature, including early American editions of English authors ; Classified Pamphlets ; ADDENDA to Parts First and Second, and Duplicates ; Broadsides, Maps and Prints, etc. JJL. ,. jM. MARCH ist, 1881. CATALOGUE PART III. THE SOUTH AND THE WEST. ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI. 4334 ALABAMA Historical Society. Transactions, at First Annual Meeting, 1851, //. 54, i. 8 Tuskaloosa, 1852 4335 Heads of the Alabama Legislature, at the Session of 1842-3. By the Editor of "The Independent Monitor,"//. 178, doth. 8 Tuskaloosa, 1843 4336 HOLCOMBE (H.) History of the Baptists in Alabama, cloth. 12 Phila., 1840 4337 MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY. President's Message on Mississippi Territory, with the Laws, etc., pp. 16. 1801 Mississippi Question fairly stated, by Camillus, //. 48. 1803. 2 Pamphlets. 4338 MISSISSIPPI. Letter from Gov. Holmes, transmitting the Consti- tution &c. of Mississippi,//. 23, uncut. 8 Washington, 1817 4339 Mobile Directory, 1837. 12 Mobile, 1837 4340 PICKETT (A. J.) History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, 2d edition, e?igravings. 2 vols., cloth. sq. 12 Charleston, 1851 4341 ROYALL (Mrs. Anne) Letters from Alabama, boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1830 4342 Pamphlets (2) R. T. Brumley's Letters on a Geological Survey of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, 1845 Nail's Discourse on The Dead of the Synod of Alabama; with Appendix, //. 52. Mobile, 1851. 8 FLORIDA. 4343 BARTRAM (John) Description of East-Florida ; with a Journal kept upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's, etc. Third edition, enlarged, 2 maps, and plan of St. Augustine, pp. viii, 40 ; xii, 36, large and fine copy, half calf , gilt tops. 4 London, 1769 2 FLORIDA. 4344 BARTRAM (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. . with Observations on the Manners of the Indians, folded map, Portrait of Mico Chlucco, and six other engravings, calf, neat. 8 London, 1792 oooo Berguin-Duvallon. See Nos. 4405, 4406. 4345 DARBY (Wm.) Memoir on the Geography, and Natural and Civil History of Florida, with a Map, etc., bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1821 y/ 4346 East Florida. The Case of the Inhabitants of East Florida. With an Appendix, containing Papers, by which all the facts stated in the Case, are supported, half blue morocco, VERY RARE. 8 St. Augustine, John Wells, 1784 One of the EARLIEST OF FLORIDA IMPRINTS. Thomas (Hist, of Printing, ii. 169, 394,) states that John Wells, who had been a printer and bookseller in Charleston, S. C., fled from that city when the British army evacuated it, and established his press at Nassau, N. P., where he published " The Royal Bahama Gazette." It appears that he was for a short time in St. Augustine, before going to Nassau. 4347 East Florida. Account of East-Florida, with Remarks on its Future Importance to Trade and Commerce, pp. (6), 90, clean copy, half calf. 8 London, [1766] The First edition. SCARCE. 4348 - - Titles, and Legal Opinions thereon, of Lands in East Florida, belonging to Richard S. Hackley, [under a deed from the Duke of Alagon,]//. 71, uncut, scarce. 8 Fayetteville, N. C., 1826 4349 Legal Opinions on the Title of Richard S. Hackley, to Lands in East Florida, 3 maps, half calf , SCARCE. 8 New York, 1831 " Relates to the grant by the King of Spain to the Duke of Alagon, previous to the cession of Florida to the U. States. It includes nearly half of East Florida." G. B. 4350 Everglades. Report of the Committee on Public Lands feoth Congress, ist Session) on the bill to authorize the draining of the Ever Glades in the State of Florida ; made to the Senate, Aug. 12, 1848 ; with accompanying documents, //. 141. 8 {Washington, 1848] The documents include J. Buckingham Smith's report of his Reconnoisance of the Everglades, in 1847. This is one of the extra copies of the Congressional Report, printed for Hon. J. D. Westcott, with additional letters, notes, etc. 4351 FAIRBANKS (Geo. R.) The Early History of Florida. An Introductory Lecture before the Florida Historical Society, April J 5> l8 57- (With the Constitution and List of Members of the Society,) //. 32. 8 St. Augustine, 1857 J 4352 FORBES (J. G.) Sketches, historical and topographical, of the Floridas; more particularly of East Florida, maps, half russia. 8 New York, 1821 4353 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA (el Ynca) La Florida | del Ynca. | Historia del Adelanta-|do Hernando de Soto, Gouernador y capi-|tan general del Reyno de la Florida, y de | otros heroicos caualleros Espanoles e | Indies ; escrita por el Ynca Garcilasso | de la Vega, etc., 10 prel. leaves, n. n., 352 leaves, and 6 n. n., best grosgr. levant red morocco extra, sides paneled and gilt, g. e. (Bradford). sm. 4 Lisbona, Pedro Crasbeeck, 1605 VERY RARE. The FIRST EDITION of Garcilasso's narrative of the Conquest of Florida and account of the Indians. FLORIDA. 3 4354 GARCILASSO DE LA VECJA. Histoire de la Conquete de la Florida : ou Relation de ce qui s'est passe* dans la De'couverte de ce Pa'is par Ferdinand de Soto, compose'e en Espagnol par L'Inca Garcilasso de la \ Vga, \ trudiiite en Francois par Sr. Pierre Richelet. 2 vols. in one, //. (26), 5X2, folded map and plates, old calf gilt, fine copy. sin. 8 Leide,P. Vander Aa, 1731 4355 Impartial Inquirer (The) ; being a Candid Examination of the Conduct of the rivshlrnt of the U. States, in execution of . . the Act of May i, 1810; [with] Reflections on the Invasion of the Spanish Territory of West-Florida ; by a Citizen of Massachusetts, //. 96, hf. bd. 8 [Boston], 1811 4356 IRVING (Theo.) The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando de Soto. 2 vols. cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1835 4357 LAUDONNIERE et GOURGUES. L/Histoire | notable de la Flo-|ride sitvee es Indes | Occidentales, contenant les trois voya-|ges faits en icelle par certains Capitaines & Pilotes Francois, descrits par le Capi-|taine Laudonniere .... a lequelle a | este' adioustee vn quatriesme voyage fait | par le Capitaine Gourgues. | Mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, | leaves, (8), 123, (i), fine copy, in handsome old tree calf gilt, pages red-lined. 8 Paris, Guill. Auuray, 15^6 From Heber's library; with engraved book-plate of John [Holies] Duke of Newcastle. "Except the Relacam [of 1557], this is perhaps the RAREST BOOK RELATING TO FLORIDA." SABIN'S Dictionary, 39234. " This RARE little volume is dedicated to Sir Walter Ralegh, in whose praise there are also several Latin poems ; one of them by Hakluyt. It contains an account of Ribaulfs voyage, in 1562, Laudonniere 1 s in 1564, Kibaiilfs second voyage in 1565, and Gonrgues' in 1567." RICH, No. 67. 4358 Histoire notable de la Floride, . contenant les trois voyages . . descrits par le capitaine Laudonniere, etc. mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, pp. xvi, 228, red mor. gilt. 1 6 Paris, Chez P. Jannet, 1853 This reprint is now VERY SCARCE. The edition was limited to 100 copies. 4359 LE MOYNE (J.) Brevis Narratio | eorum quae in Florida Americae Proviwcia | Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam Nauigatione, du-|ce Renato de Laudoniere classis Praefecto : | Anno MDLXIIII. | engraved title-page, and 42 engravings by 7'. De Bry, clean copy, vellum. fol. Francofurti ad Moenum, Typis J. Wecheli, 1591, 1609 The Second Part of De Bry's " Great Voyages." This copy contains good impressions of the 42 plates by De Bry ; but will be sold not subject to collation. 4360 NUNEZ CABECA DE VACA (Alvar) La relacion y Commentarios del gouernajdor Aluar Nunez cabeca de vaca, de lo acaescido en las | dos iornadas que hizo a las Inclias, | Con priuilegio. | . . . [Part IL] Commenta|rios de Alvar Nvnez Cabe|ca de Vaca, etc. \ Scriptos por Pero Hernandez scriuano y secre-|tario de la prouincia etc., original vellum. sm. 4 Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1555 A FINE COPY of the EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION of the Commentaries (with the second edition of the Relacion) of Cabeca de Vaca. It is divided into two parts: the first, supposed to have been written by himself, is a recital of his shipwrecks and disasters (Naufragios de Alva Nunez cabeca de vaca) ; the second (Comentarios, ,*/,-. ) written by his secretary, Pedro Hernandez, while Nunez was in prison. See FIELD'S Indian Bibliography, No. 230, for a full description. Collation: Title, with large wood-cut of arms (fol. i.); verso, License, fol. ij. Prohemio (2 pp.): Naufragios, fol. iij liiij (verso): Tabla, fol. Iv, Ivj, (verso of Ivj, blank.) COMMENTARIOS; Title and Prohemio, 2 11. n. n. and fol. Ivij : Text, fol. Iviij cxlij, verso: Tabla, fol. cxliij, cxliv. Colophon, on verso of fol. cxliv. 4 FLORIDA. V 4361 Official Correspondence between Don Luis de Onis, Minister from Spain, and J. Q. Adams, Secretary of State, in relation to the Floridas and the Boundaries of Louisiana, etc.) pp. 130, half calf, gilt. 8 London, 1818 4362 OGLETHORPE. An Impartial Account of the late Expedition against St. Augustine under Gen. Oglethorpe. Occasioned by the Suppression of the Report made by a Committee of the General Assembly in South Carolina, . . with an exact Plan of the Town, etc., pp. 68, clean copy, half calf . 8 London, 1742 4363 Pensacola. Sale of Town Lots at Pensacola, with a Description of the Place, Climate, &c., //. 8, Map, and large folded plan of the New City. 8 [New York, 1836] 4364 ROBERTS (W.) Account of the first Discovery and Natural History of Florida, with a map and particular plans by T. Jefferys, London, 1763 BARTRAM (J.) Description of East Florida, with a Journal, etc., Third edition, enlarged, maps, London, 1769. 2 vols. in i, calf. 4 / 4365 ROMANS (B.) A Concise Natural History | of | East and West Florida ; containing | An Account of the natural Produce of the * Southern | Part of British America, | in the three Kingdoms of Nature, particularly the Animal and | Vegetable. | Likewise, The artificial Produce now raised, or possible to be raised, and .manu- factured there, with some commercial and po-|litical Observations in that part of the world ; and a cho-|rographical Account of the same. | To which is added, by Way of Appendix, Plain and easy Directions to Navigators over the Bank of Bahama, the Coast of the two Floridas, the North of | Cuba, and the dangerous Gulph Passage. Noting also, | the hitherto unknown watering Places in that Part of | America, intended principally for the Use of such Ves-|sels as may be so unfortunate as to be distressed by Weather in that difficult Part of the World. By Captain Bernard Romans. | Illustrated with twelve Copper Plates, | And Two whole Sheet Maps. Vol. I. \Frontispiece, Dedication, five other copperplate engrav- ings and three maps, pp. (2), 4, viii, 342, (2), Ixxxix, (3), half bound, neat. 8 New York, for the Author, 1775 A large and fine copy of this EXTREMELY RARE volume. " No copy has been found with either of the whole-sheet Maps, and all are more or less deficient in the number of Plates referred to in the title page. From the arrangement and tenor of the title, as well as from the sense of the '' Advertisement ' at the end of the volume, we are clearly of opinion that it was the Author's design to distribute the ' twelve copper plates, and two whole sheet maps,' throughout the two volumes into which he intended to divide the work." Menzies Catalogue, no. 1722. The second volume was never published : and in copies of the work issued in 1776 (see the following number) ' Vol. I." disappears from the title-page. The copperplates were designed and engraved by the author. They are (i) Frontispiece, Vol. I. (2) Dedication " To John Ellis Esqr." the naturalist, "Agent for the Province of West Florida." (3) Avena aquatica Sylvestris (Wild Oats), facing p. 31. (4) " Character! stick Chicasaw Head" p. 59. (5) Characteristick Chactaw Busts, p. 62. (6) Treatment of the dead, by the Chactaws, p. 89. (7) Characteristick head of a Creek War Chief, p. 92. Maps in the Appendix : (8) Entrance of Tampa Bay, p. Ixxviii ; (9) Pensacola Bay, p. Ixxxi; (10) Mobile Bar, p. Ixxxv. 4366 ROMANS (B.) A | Concise | Natural History of East and West- Florida. | Containing, | An Account of the Natural Produce of | all the Southern Part of British America, in the | Three Kingdoms of Nature, particularly the Animal | and Vegetable. | Likewise, The FLORIDA. 5 Artificial Products now raised, or possible to be raised, and | Manufactured there, with some Commercial and Political Obser- va-|tions in that Part of the World ; and a Chorographical Account| of the same. | By Captain P.ernard Romans. | Engraved Dedication, six other COppTpIaU engravings, and le, pp. (2), 4, 342, original binding. 8 New York, sold by R. Aitken, 1776 Tin- sluvts ut tin- uii:;iiial edition, \vitli ,i new till, p.i < .md irpiintrd Intrudm tn>n ( |i|i . i. I'lii' Kniiitispirt r. Lists <>!' Sulist i il>.-i ,, Appriidix., :unl " Air>ii:'i>i^ tli;it is not found in tlu-finlict . lli'iii'.di in. ntiniicil in tin- h'xt (p. in-). || n-pifsriits two "Indian hirniidypliii k p.mitiiiL'.s," i-xt i utrd My C Imi taws .ind ( 'n-i-ks. This illustration piokiNv not i n .[sun tin ins, ition in tin- (list issiir. 4367 ROMANS (Bernard) and others. Complete Pilot for the (lull Passage; or, Directions for Sailing through the dull" of Morida, //. 74 BISHOP (Capt.) and others. Complete Pilot for the Wind- \\ard Passage,//. 92. 2 in i vol. 8 London, 1789 Two leaves inserted, containing Corrections, Additions, &c. made by Lieut. D. Woodriffe, in 1790. 4368 St. Augustine. SEWALL (R. K.) Sketches of St. Augustine, plates, cloth. 12 New York, 1848 4369 A Brief Account of St. Augustine and its environs. Prepared and compiled by John F. Whitney, Second Edition, //. 32, folded map, and Advertisements (12 pp.). 8 St. Augustine, 1873 4370 Seminole War (1818-19). Vindication of the Measures of the President and his commanding Generals in the commencement and termination of the Seminole War; by a Citizen of Tennessee. 8 Washington, 1819 4371 Seminole War (1835-36) The War in Florida: an exposition of its Causes, and an accurate history of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. By a late Staff Officer, map (needs mending], cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1836 4372 COHEN (M. M.) Notices of Florida and its Campaigns. By M. M. Cohen (an officer of the Left Wing), cloth, map and picture of Oseola. 12 Charleston, S. C., 1836 4373 Sketch of the Seminole War, and Sketches during a Campaign. By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing, half cloth. 12 Charleston, 1836 4374 SPRAGUE (J. T.) History of the Florida War (1835-42), map and plates, pp. 557, cloth. r. 8 New York, 1848 4375 ~- Report of Senate Committee (Feb. 1819) on the Message of the President relative to the Seminole War ; [censuring Gen. Jackson for the execution of Arbuthnott and Armbrister ; ] with accompanying documents, //. 40 Letter of Sec. of War (Feb. 1819) transmitting information in relation to the destruction of the Negro Fort in East Florida, in July, 1816, //. 26 President Monroe's Message (Feb. 6, 1819) transmitting Gov. Bibb's Letter to Gen. Jackson, concerning Military Operations in Florida, //. 6. 3 Pamphlets. 8 Washington, 1819 4376 Massacre and Destruction of Indian Key Village, Aug. 1840; Col. Harney's Expedition through the Everglades, etc., no title page, curious wood engravings, half mor., pp. 28. 8 Philadelphia, E. C. Gill 6- Co., n. d. 6 FLORIDA. 4377 SOTO (Fernando de) Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards under the command of Fernando de Soto ; written in Portuguese, by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Now Englished. To which is subjoined [with separate titles, but continuous paging] Two Journeys of the Emperour of China into Tartary in 1682 and 1683 : with Some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Island of California, in the year 1683, 8 preL leaves, and pp. 272, half vellum, extra, gilt. sm. 8 London, John Lawrence, 1686 " Apparently a translation from the French edition, printed in 1685." Rich, No. 416. 4378 --The same collection, without the general title, for which is substituted *'Two Journeys of the present Emperour of China into Tartary," etc., 8 prelim, leaves, pp. 272, old calf neat. sm. 8 London, John Lawrence, 1687 Bishop White Kennett's copy (with his autograph on title). Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 24865) mentions this edition (1687) which he had not seen on the sole authority of Kennett's Bibl. Am. Primordia. 4379 --The Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinando de Soto, written by a Gentlemen of Elvas, translated by Richard Hakluyt. Reprinted from the edition of 1611. Edited . . by W. B. Rye, map, cloth, uncut. 8 Hakluyt Society, London, 1851 4380 Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida. Translated by Buckingham Smith. [Bradford Club Publications, No. 5.] Portrait, uncut. r. 8 New York, 1866 Subscriber's copy (75 printed), No. 28. See GARCILASSO, Nos. 4353, 4354- 4381 Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten na Florida, door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues en andere : gedaan in het Jaar 1512, en verfolgens ; etc., map and fifteen folded plates, pp. 171, (19), scarce. 8 Ley den, P. Vander Aa, 1706 For full title and collation, see SABIN'S Dictionary, no. 24902. y 4382 VIGNOLES (C.) The History of the Floridas, from . . 1497, to the cession to the U. States, in 1821, sheep. 8 Brooklyn, N. Y., 1824 y 4383 WILLIAMS (J. L.) View of West Florida, embracing its geogra- phy, topography, &c., large colored map, pp. 178, hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 4384 WILLIAMS (J. L.) The Territory of Florida ; Topography, Civil and Natural History, large colored map, and portrait of Oseola, pp. 304. 8 New York, 1837 4385 Winter in the West Indies and Florida ; by an Invalid. 12 New York, 1839 .' 4386 Amelia Island. Message of the President [Monroe] commu- nicating information of the troops of the U. S. having taken possession of Amelia Island, in E. Florida. Washington, 1818 Message of the President transmitting . . . information relative to the occupancy of Amelia Island, St. Marks, Pensacola, etc. Washington, 1819. 2 Pamphlets. 8 LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA # * IOUTEL, N I|I-:NNI'.I'IN, No-,. .\ \iane, //. 412, uncut, scarce. 8 Nouvelle- Or leans, A. L. Boimart, 1831 Impinm- |a l'.irU| chez Paul Renouard." This w<>rk is signed (//. 412) by B6nard de la Harpc, who was in Louisiana from 1718 to 172^, at which time the Journal ends." RICH, iS?i, no. 1 1. 4415 LE PAGE DU FRATZ (I' Abbe) Histoire de la Louisiana, map. 3 vols., old calf gilt. 12 Paris, 1758 4ji<> LE PAGE DU PRATZ (fAbbe) History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, with a Description of the Countries that lye on both sides of the Mississipi, maps. 2 vols., ///. 12 London, 1763 IP 7 - The same ; new edition, map, old calf , neat. 8 London, 1774 4418 LIVINGSTON (Edw.) Report to the Gen. Assembly of Louisiana, on a Penal Code for the said State, //. 159. 8 New Orleans, 1822 Autogr. presentation, on title: " E. Livingston to H. G. Otis." 4419 System of Penal Law, prepared for the State of Louisiana; comprising Codes of Offences and Punishments, of Procedure, of Prison Discipline, and of Evidence applicable as well to Civil as to Criminal Cases ; and a Book of Definitions, etc., //. 164, 263, (i /.), 27, (i blk.\ 65, hf. russia neat, fine copy. sm. folio, New Orleans, 1824, '25 4420 System of Penal Law, etc. Another copy, clean and fine, wanting the Code of Reform and Prison Discipline, pp. 164, 263, (i blk.) 27, (i blk.), hf. sheep. sm. folio, New Orleans, 1824, '25 With two autograph presentations " To the Hon. Sani'l Lathrop, from his most obed't serv't, Edw. Livingston." 4421 - - Introductory Report to the Code of Prison Discipline, . . being part of the system of Penal Law prepared for the State of Louisiana, //. 78, boards, uncut. 8 Phila., 1827 4422 Louisiana. Ausfiihrliche Historische und Geographische-Besch- reibung des an dem grossen Flusse Mississipi in Nord-America gelegenen herzlichen Landes Louisiana ; In welches die neu- aufgerichtete Franzosische grosse Indianische Compagnie Colonien zu schicken angefangen; etc. Andere Auflage, map of old Louisiana, pp. (6), 102, polished green calf extra, g. e. (Zaehnsdorf), VERY SCARCE. sm. 8 Leipzig, 1720 At the end (pp. 99-102) is a satirical poem on "La Compagnie de Mississipi:" "Aujourd' hui il n'est plus question, Ni de la Constitution, Ni de la Guerre contre 1'Espagne : Un nouveau Pais de Cocagne, Que Ton nomme Mississipi, Roule a present sur le Tapis." etc. 4423 MARTIN (F. X.) History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. 2 vols., half vellum, gilt. 8 New Orleans, 1827, 1829 4424 ME MOIRES historiques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrive' de plus memorable depuis I'anne'e 1687. Composes sur les memoires de M. Dumont par M. L. L. M. [I'Abbe' Le Mascrier], maps and plates. 2 vols., old calf gilt. 12 Paris, 1753 See Rich, 1753, no. 13. IO LOUISIANA. 4425 MISSISSIPPI COMPANY, (Tracts relating to) Some Considera- tions on the Consequences of the French Settling Colonies on the Mississippi, from a Gentleman of America to his Friend in London, map, uncut. .London, 1720 The Chimera: or the French Way of paying National Debts laid open. London, 1720 Impartial Enquiry into the Right of the French King to the Territory West of the Mississippi. London, n. d. Full and Impartial Account of the Company of the Mississippi, . . projected and settled by Mr. Law; in French and English. London, 1720. 4 in i voL, new, half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 4426 [MISSISSIPPI COMPANY.] Lettres Patentes sur Arrest concernant la Commerce de la Nouvelle Colonie de la Loiiisianne Edit du Roy concernant la Ferme Generale du Tabac Arrest du Conseil d'Estat concernant les Soldats, etc. engagez au Service de la Compagnie d'Occident, & des Habitans qui passent a la Loiiisianne Ordonnance du Roy centre les Vagabondes Arrest [con- cernant] les Vaisseaux armez par la Comp. d'Occident Lettres Patentes, qui permet an Sieur Crozat, de faire seul le Commerce dans . . la Louisiane Lettres Patentes, portant Etablissement de la Compagnie d'Occident Arrest, qui nomme les Directeurs de la Comp. d'Occident Arrest, qui nomme des Commissaires pour passer les Contracts de Rentes de la Comp. d'Occident. 9 RARE PIECES in i vol., fine clean copies, half vellum. 4 Paris, 1712-20 4427 New Orleans. A Faithful Picture of the Political Situation of New Orleans at . . the beginning of 1807, //. 48, uncut, scarce. 8 Boston, 1808 4428 Another copy, a small piece torn from head of title leaf. 8 Boston, i8o 4429 LIVINGSTON (Edw.) Address to the People of the U. States, on the measures pursued by the Executive with respect to the Batteau at New Orleans, etc., pp. 50. 8 New Orleans, 1808 4430 JEFFERSON (Thos.) The Proceedings of the U. S. Govern- ment in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Mississippi, at New Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edw. Livingston, folded plan, pp. 80, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1812 4431 Addresse de J. Lakanal, President du Colleg^ d'Orleans, a ses concitoyens de la Louisiane, //. 26, uncut. 8 Nouvelle- Orleans, 1822 4432 PAXTON (J. A.) New Orleans Directory and Register; with Notes [historical and statistical] on New Orleans, fine clean copy, paneled calf , gilt, RARE. 12 New Orleans, 1822 The FIRST New Orleans directory. " The labour attendant on the collection of the names and necessary information for this undertaking, was very great, more particularly so, as it may be said to be the FIRST (complete) publication of the kind, attempted in the State of Louisiana." Preface. Appended is a VOCABULARY, in English and French, of terms of trades, &c. 4433 LOUAILLIER (Lewis) sen. Appeal against the crime of High Treason, and explaining the transactions at New Orleans, pp. 28, used copy, uncut. 8 \New Orleans], 1827 M. Louaillier had opposed, in the Legislature, the suspension of the writ of Habeas Corpus, demanded by Gen. Jackson, in 1815. LOUISIANA. I I 4434 (New Orleans.) NORMAN'S (K M.) New Orleans and Environs ; containing a brii ( Historical Sketch of Louisiana and New Orleans from the earliest period, plates, pp. 223, doth. 16 New Orleans, 1845 4435 Sketches of Life and Character in Louisiana . . By a Member of the New Orleans Bar, //. 83, (i). 8 New Orleans, 1847 - "Truth is stranger than Fiction." New Orleans as it is.. By a Resident, //. 79, SCARCE. 8 Utica, N. Y., 1849 4437 -- BARNWELL (R. G.)ed. The New Orleans Book, [containing Extracts from New Orleans writers], cloth, gilt edges. 12 New Orleans, 1851 - HALL (A. Oakey) The Manhattaner in New Orleans ; or, Phases of "Crescent City" Life, //. x, 190, cloth. 12 New York, 1851 4439 Report of the N. Orleans Canal, Jan. 22, 1835 Thoughts on a Railroad System for New Orleans. [1851] 2 Pamphlets. 4440 PRESENT STATE of the country and inhabitants of Louisiana. By an Officer at New Orleans to his Friend in Paris . . . To which are added, Letters from the Governor [Vaudreuil] of that Province, on the Trade of the French and English with the Natives, etc. Translated from the French originals, //. 55, hf. mor., good copy. 8 London, 1744 VERY SCARCE. The Louisiana of this book included Alabama, and the whole of the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys, and the Country of the Illinois. For the full title, see SABIN'S Dictionary, no. 42283. 4441 ROBIN (C. C.) Voyages dans I'lnte'rieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidentale et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de St. Domingue, 1802-6 ; . . suivis de la Flore Louisianaise, portrait, and folded map. 3 vols., French calf gilt. 8 Paris, 1807 4442 ROBIN (C. C.) Flora Ludoviciana ; or a Flora of the State of Louisiana ; translated and revised by C. S. Rafinesque, hf. bd. 12 New York, 1817 4443 STODDARD (Maj. Amos) Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana, calf. 8 Phila., 1812 4444 VERGENNES (M. de) Me'moire historique et politique sur la Louisiane, portrait, pp. 315, hf. bound, gilt. 8 Paris, 1802 4445 Pamphlets (14) Ramsay's Oration on the Cession of Louisiana, 1804 Abr. Bishop's Oration on the Acquisition of Louisiana, New Haven, 1804 S. Brazer's Address on the Cession of L. to the U. S., Worcester, 1804 D. A. Leonard's Oration [on same subject] at Raynham, Mass., Newport, P. /., 1804 Debates in U. S. Ho. of Reps, on Louisiana treaty, 1804, pp. 171 Jos. ^uincy's Speech in Ho. of Reps, 1811 (2 copies) Bullard's Disc, to Louisiana Hist. Society, 1836 Address of L. Native American Association, 1839 ( 2 copies) Barbarous Treatment of two unfortunate females by two Blacks, 1844 Rev. Dr. Hawks's Report on the Univ. of Louisiana, 1848 and 2 others. 12 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES, THE WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES ; AND THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 4446 Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen der Mittleren. und Westlichen Staaten. Nebst Histor. Skizzen von den Feldziigen der Generale Harmar, St. Clair, und Wayne, gegen die Indianer im Nordwesten, etc.; iibersetzt von Benj. S. Schneck, folded engravings, pp. 537, sheep. 8 Lancaster, Pa., 1842 4447 ASHE (Thos.) Travels in America performed in 1806, for the purpose of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi, etc., pp. 366. 12 London, 1808 4448 -- The same, back gilt. 12 New York, 1811 4449 ATWATER (Caleb) Writings of; comprising a Description of the Antiquities discovered in the Western country ; Tour to Prairie du Chien ; thence to Washington ; etc., pp. 408, plates of ancient earth-works, etc. 8 Columbus, 1833 4450 BEECHER (Lyman) A Plea for the West, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1835 4451 BELL (Solo.) pseudon. Tales of Travel West of the Mississippi. With a Map and numerous engravings, half cloth. 16 Boston, 1830 4452 BELTRAMI (J. C.) La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere Langlante, Description du Cours entier du Mississippi, etc. Observations sur les Moeurs, la Religion, les Superstitions, etc. de plusieurs Nations Indiennes, sewed, uncut. 8 Nouvelle- Orleans, 1824 4453 BELTRAMI (J. C.) A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, lead- ing to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, etc., portrait, maps, and other engravings. 2 vols., bds., uncut, fine copy. 8 London, 1828 The second volume is chiefly devoted to the author's observations on the manners and customs, the origin, etc., of the American Indians. 4454 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri in 1811, //. 247, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1815 4455 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Recollections of Persons and Places in the West, //. 244. 12 Philadelphia, n. d. [1834] 4456 BRADFORD (Wm. J. A.) Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi, cloth. 12 New York, 1846 4457 BROWN (Samuel R.) The Western Gazetteer: or, Emigrant's Directory, containing a Geographical Description of the Western States and Territories, pp. 300. 8 Auburn, N. Y., 1817 "Contains much curious matter relative to the Indians and Antiquities." SABIN. 4458 CARVER QONA.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Third Edition.. Added some Account of the Author and a copious Index, portrait, 2 maps, and colored plates, pp. (xxii), 543, calf, fine copy. 8 London, 1781 AND VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. 13 4459 CARVKR QONA.) Three Years Travels, etc. [with others, as under.] 8 Phil., 1784 (Select Lives of Foreigners] no title Narrative of the extraordinary case of Geo. Lukins ..1 Y.itton, co. Snim-isrt. who was possessed of Evil Spirits. 3d ed. Lend, 1788 Life of Arnu-lK- Nicolas. Bristol [Engl.] 1772. 4 in i vol. 4460 -- Travels, /d. 12 Boston, 1797 4463 The same. 4th Am. Edition. 12 Charlestown, Mass., 1802 Hl -The same. 12 Walpole, N. H., 1813 4465 [CRAMER (Zadok) ] NAVIGATOR (The), containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, etc., with a Description of the Towns, Villages, etc. and maps of the Ohio and Mississippi ; [with] an Appendix containing an Account of Louisiana, and of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, as discovered by Lewis and Clarke. Sixth edition, improved and enlarged, charts, plan of Pittsburgh, pp. (2), 156. 12 Pittsburgh, 1808 4466 Another copy, clean and fine, wants plan of Pittsburgh. 4467 - - The same ; 8th edition, enlarged, //. 360. 12 Pittsburgh, 1814 4468 The same ; 9th edition, pp. 307. 12 Pittsburgh, 1817 See CUMINGS (S.) The Western Pilot, No. 4470. 4469 CUMING (F.) Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country, through the States of Ohio and Kentucky ; a Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a Trip through the Mississippi Territory, and a part of West Florida (1807-1809), etc., pp. 504. 12 Pittsburgh, 1810 4470 CUMINGS (S.) The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio River, and of the Mississippi, with Directions for Navigating the same, and a Gazetteer, etc., 23 engraved charts, and 2 plates, pp. 104. 8 Cincinnati, 1829 4471 - - Another edition, 23 charts, 3 plates, pp. 151. 8 Cincinnati, 1832 4472 DANA (E.) Geographical Sketches on the Western Country, designed for Emigrants and Settlers, pp. 312, sheep, neat. 12 Cincinnati, Looker, Reynolds 6 Co., 1819 4473 DARBY (Wm.) Emigrant's Guide to Western and Southwestern States and Territories, map, pp. 311, xiii. 8 New York, 1818 4474 DEARBORN (Gen. H. A. S.) Letters on the Internal Improve- ments and Commerce of the West, //. 119, (i). 8 Boston, 1839 4475 ELLICOTT (A.) The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late Commis- sioner (1796-1800) for determining the boundary between the U. States and the possessions of His Catholic Majesty, containing Remarks on the Situation etc. of the countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico, with Six MAPS . . . Added, An Appendix containing Astronomical Observations, etc., pp. vii, 299, 151, half russia, fine copy. 4 Philadelphia, Wm. Fry, 1814 " The pioneer account of regions then desert, and now teeming with life, activity, and civilization." SABIN. 14 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES, 4476 ELLIS. NEW BRITAIN. Narrative of a Journey, by Mr. Ellis, to a Country so called, discovered in the vast Plain of the Missouri, and Inhabited by a People of British Origin, with some Account of their Constitution, Laws, Institutions, Customs, etc., //. 336, uncut. 8 London, 1820 4477 FAUX (W.) Memorable Days in America; Journal of a Tour to the United States, undertaken to ascertain the Condition and Prospects of British Emigrants, including account of Mr. Birkbeck's settlements in the Illinois, plate, pp. 488, half calf . 8 London, -1823 4478 FEARON (H. B.) Sketches of America : a Narrative of a Journey of 5000 Miles, contained in Reports, etc., with Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's " Notes " and " Letters." 2d edition, half calf . 8 London, 1818 For Birkbeck's Letters, and Notes, see Nos. 4619-21. 4479 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Maps of the Indian Country East and West of the Mississippi to the 46th Degree of North Latitude, and of the Minnay Sotor River. 2 maps, folded in a case. [1835] 4480 FLINT (James) Letters from America, containing Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, etc. London, 1822 WELBY (A.) Visit to North America, and the English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Residence at Philadelphia, 14 lithographic plates. London, 1821. 2 in i vol., half calf. 8 4481 FLINT (Timo.) Recollections of the last Ten years, passed in . . the Valley of the Mississippi, pp. 395, bds. uncut. 8 Boston, 1826 4482 FLINT (Timo.) Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols., bds. uncut. 8 Cincinnati, 1828 4483 - - The same ; 2d edition, [to which is appended, a brief Physical Geography of the] United States and other Divisions of the American Continent. 2 vols. in i. 8 Cincinnati, 1832 4484 HALL (Fredk.) Letters from the East and from the West, cloth. 8 Washington, [1840] 4485 HALL (James) Legends of the West, boards, uncut. 12 Phila., 1832 4486 HALL (James) Letters from the West ; containing Sketches of Scenery, Manners, and Customs,//. 385, hf. calf. 8 London, 1828 4487 HALL (James) Statistics of the West, at the close of the year 1836, //. 284, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1837 4488 HALL (James) Notes on the Western States, containing Descriptive Sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery, //. 304. 12 Phila., 1838 4489 HALL (James) The West : its Commerce and Navigation, pp. 328, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1848 AND VALLEY OF THK MISSISSIPPI. I 5 4490 HARDING (Benjamin) A Tour through the Western Country, A. D. 1818 & 1819 .. Published for the use of Emi-r.ints, pp. (2), 17, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New London, S. Green, 1819 "i x ! ) Nouvelle De'couverte d'un tres grand Pays siiue dins 1'Amcrique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale, engraved title-page, two maps and two plates, mottled calf, gilt, joints \rti. sm. \2 - Utrecht, Guill. Broedclet, 1697 Tlu- RARE ORIGINAL EDITION of the " Nouvelle De"couverte," dedicated by Hennepin t.. William III. <-t Kn^land. Fine impressions of the maps and the View of Niagara. 4492 HENNEPIN (L.) A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, Extending about Four Thousand Miles, between New Ki ance and New Mexico .... With a Continuation : Giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The taking of Quebec by the English ; With the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan .... To which is added, Several New Discoveries in North America, not publish'd in the French edition, maps and plates, large and fine copy, old calf . 8 London, for M. Bentley \& others}, 1698 Pp. (22), 299, (i) ; Continuation, pp. (32) 178; New Discoveries,^. (2), 303-355; 2 .!/6." EXTREMELY RARE, in this condition. 4528 WILLIAMS (W.) Appleton's Southern and Western Travellers' Guide ; with new and authentic maps, pp. 140, cloth. 1 6 New York, 1852 4529 WISLIZENUS (F. A.) M.D. Em Ausflug nach den Felsen- Gebirgen im Jahre 1839, pp. 126, map. 12 St. Louis, 1840 4530 Pamphlets (6) Schermerhorn (J. F.) and Mills (S. J.) A Correct View of the U. S., west of the Alleganies, pp. 52, uncut. Hartford, 1814 Mills (S. J.) and Smith (D.) Report of Mission Tour to that part of the U. S. west of the Allegany Mountains, //. 64. Andover, 1815 Miller (Andrew) New States and Territories, in their real characters, etc., Map-Table of Ohio, pp. 32. n. p. [1818], RARE Harding (B.) Tour through the Western Country. New London, 1819, RARE Hoskins (N.) Notes on the Western Country, //. 108, uncut. Greenfield, 1833 Featherston- haugh's Geol. Report on country between the Missouri and Red Rivers, pp. 97. 1835. 8 OHIO. THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 4531 ATWATER (Caleb) History of the State of Ohio, natural and civil. Second edition, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, [1838] 4532 BURNET (J.) Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- Western Territory, cloth. 8 New York, 1847 oooo CARVER (Jona.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. See Nos. 4558-64. 4533 CHASE (Salmon P.) Sketch of the History of Ohio, //. 40, scarce. 1. 8 Cincimiati, 1833 4534 CINCINNATI. DRAKE (DANIEL) Natural and Statistical View, or Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami country, engraved plan, new half morocco, uncut. 12 Cincimiati, 1815 4535 The Cincinnati Directory, containing the Names, Profession, and Occupation of the Inhabitants of the Town, etc., illustrated by a Copperplate Engraving, exhibiting a View of the City. By a Citizen, pp. 156, sheep, neat, fine copy, RARE. 12 O. Farnsworth, \Cincinnati\, 1819 " The First Cincinnati Directory." AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 19 4536 CINCINNATI. The Cincinnati Directory, another copy, no plan, uncut. i O. Farnsworth, 1819 4537 DRAKK (B.) and MANSFIELD (E. D.) Cincinnati in 1826, plate of U. S. Branch Bank, pp. 100. 12 Cincinnati, 1826 - Cist (C.) Cincinnati in 1841 : its Early Annals and Future Prospects, plates, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1841 4539 ~ ~ Cincinnati Miscellany ; or Antiquities of the West. Com- piled from the Western General Advertiser by C. Cist. Vol. i. (Oct. i844-May, 1845), .PP- 2 7 2 - 8 Cincinnati, 1845 4540 Gov. Bebb's Anniversary Address before the Y. M. Library Association, April 18, 1848 Cemetery of Spring Grove: Charter, Rules, etc., with Hon. J. M'Lean's Address, 1849. (2 Pamphlets.) .15 1 1 CLEVELAND Directory, 1837 (the first one published ; with a History of Cleveland^ 1846, 1850. 3 vols.. 12 and 8 4542 Cleveland. City Documents : Mayor's Address, Financial State- ment, Reports of Departments, etc., for 1859-60, //. 94. 8 Cleveland, 1860 543 WHITTLESEY (Col. Chas.) Early History of Cleveland, . . with Biographical Notices, etc., views, plans, and other illustrations, pp. 487, cloth. 8 Cleveland, 1867 4544 COLUMBUS Business Directory, 1843-4 (with a brief History). Kinney's Directory for 1845-6. 2 vols. 12 Columbus. 4545 [CUTLER (Manasseh) ] An Explanation | of the | Map | which delineates that part of the | Federal Lands, | Comprehended between Pennsylvania West Line, the Rivers Ohio | and Sioto, and Lake Erie ; confirmed to the United States by sundry Tribes of Indians, in the Treaties of 1784 and 1786, | and now ready for Settlement. | //. 24, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. 8 Salem, Dabney and Cushing, 1787 " It is found, by late experiments, that sails are used to great advantage against the currents of the Ohio : And it is worthy of observation, that in all probability STEAM- IJOATS will be found to do infinite service, in all our extensive river navigation." p. 13. 4546 DELAFIELD (J.) jun. A Brief Topographical Description of the County of Washington, in the State of Ohio, folded plate of the Campus Martius (Marietta), pp. 39, SCARCE. 8 New York, J. M. Elliott, 1834 The first Ohio County History. 4547 FENWICK (Bishop Edw.) Korte Beschryving van de Zendeling- schap van Pater Fenwich, Bisschop van Cincinnati, in Ohio, . . na de Fransche uytgave, pp. 8, uncut, SCARCE. 8 teAntwerpen, n. d. [1824] 4548 GNADENHUETTEN Massacre. A True History of the Massacre of Ninety-six Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuetten, Ohio, March 8th, 1782. Published by the Gnadenhuetten Monument Society, //. IT. 8 New Philadelphia, O., 1844 4549 The same. 12 New Philadelphia, 1847 4550 Granville. ROBBINS (S. P.) Sermon at Granville, Dec. 14, 1808, at ordination of the Rev. Timothy Harris,//. 17. Marietta, S. Fairlamb, 1809 Rev. J. Little's New Year's Sermon, 1838, and his Twenty-five New Years' Sermon, 1852. 3 Pamphlets. 2O OHIO, 4551 HALL (JAMES) Statistics of the West, at the close of the year 1836, doth. 12 Cincinnati, 1837 jir For other Publications by Judge Hall, See Nos. 4487-89. 4552 [CUTLER (Lieut. Jervase) ] Topographical Description of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, and a concise Account of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi ; to which is added an interesting Journal of Mr. Chas. Le Raye while a Captive with the Sioux Nation, etc. By a late officer in the U. S. Army, pp. 219, plates, old calf, neat. 12 Boston, 1812 The Journal of Le Raye, not published elsewhere, is of considerable value. The volume contains (p. 42) an engraved view of Cincinnati in 1812. 4553 HARRIS (T. M.) Journal of a Tour into the Territory west of the Alleghany Mountains, in 1803 ; with an account of the State of Ohio, maps and views (plates somewhat foxed}, boards, tmcut. 8 Boston, 1805 4554 HAWLEY (ZERAH) Journal of a -Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, the North part of Pennsylvania and Ohio, including a year's residence in New Connecticut or Western Reserve, boards, uncut, fine copy, RARE. 12 New Haven, 1822 4555 HILDRETH (S. P.) Pioneer History of the Ohio Valley and the N. W. Territory, map and plates, pp. xiii, 525. 8 Cincinnati, 1848 4556 HILDRETH (S. P.) Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, ... to which is annexed a Journal of Occurrences ... at Cambridge, Mass., in A.D. 1775, by Col. R. J. Meigs, portraits and plates ^ embossed morocco. 8 Cincinnati, 1852 " This is the second volume of the Early History of Ohio, prepared by Dr. Hildreth, and published under the auspices of the Ohio Historical Society." 4557 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Journal, Part I. Vol.1., Columbus, 1838 Transactions, Part Second, Vol. I., sheep, Cincinnati, 1839 Journal, reprinted by R. Clarke 6 Co., 1872. (3 vols.) 8 The first edition of the Journal (1838) is slightly water stained. 4558 HUTCHINS (Thomas) A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehending the rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, etc. With Plans engraved on copper: And an Appendix, containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal, and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians, etc., half morocco. 12 Boston, J. Norman, 1787 The special valtieof this copy is in several pages it contains of MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS AND NOTES, by a gentleman who visited the Ohio Land Company's tract in 1787, the year before the permanent settlement of Marietta : " 100 men are to go on this fall, and build too houses on three sides of the city." etc. 4559 HUTCHINS (Thomas) Topographical Description of Virginia, etc., maps, &>c., uncut. 8 London, 1788 4560 JENKINS (W.) The Ohio Gazetteer, and Traveller's Guide ; revised edition, with Census for 1840, etc., map, pp. 578, sheep. 12 Columbus, 1841 4561 KILBOURN (J.) The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary. 3d edition, improved, map, plans of Columbus, and of Mounds at Circleville, pp. 74. 8 Columbus, J. Kilbourn, (printed by P. H. Olmsted,) 1817 AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 21 JVILHOURN (J.) The Ohio Gazetteer and Topographical Dic- tionary, 3d edition, improved, //. 180, boards, uncut, dean. 8 Albany, Joshua Fish, 1817 The Ohio Gazetteer and Topographical Dictionary, 5th flition. improved, map, plans of Columbus and of Indian Mounds at Cirdeville. 12 Columbus, 1818 The Ohio Gazetteer, yth edition, carefully revised and corrected, map. 12 Columbus, 1821 4565 The Ohio Gazetteer, 8th edition. 12 Columbus, 1826 - The Ohio Gazetteer, etc., loth edition, revised, enlarged, and corrected, sheep. 12 Columbus, J. Kilbourn, 1831 4567 KILBOURN (J.) Public Documents concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River, //. 452, 29, half bound. 8 Columbus, 1832 4568 MCDONALD (J.) Biographical Sketches of General Nath. Massie, Gen. Duncan Me Arthur, Capt. Wm. Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton, early settlers in the Western Country, VERY SCARCE. 12 Cincinnati, 1838 4569 The same, illustrated, doth. 12 Dayton, 1852 4570 MADISON, Geauga County. Sermon by Rev. E. T. Woodruff, at the Ordination of Rev. Jona. A. Woodruff, to the pastoral charge of the United Congregations of Unionville and Centreville, June 25, 1834, pp. 14. 8 Painesville, O., E.D. Howe, 1834 4571 MARIETTA. Oration delivered at Marietta, July 4, 1788, by the Hon. James M. Varnum, Esq., . . Speech of his Excellency Arthur St. Clair, Esquire, . . and Proceedings of the Inhabitants of the City of Marietta, pp. 14, half red morocco, VERY RARE. 4 Newport (R. /.), Peter Edes, 1788 An AUTOGRAPH LETTER of Gen. Varnum, from New York, March, 1787, is laid in. 4572 -- DROWN (Sol.) Oration delivered at Marietta, April 7, 1789, in Commemoration of the Settlement formed by the Ohio Company, LARGE PAPER, half ' morocco, uncut. r. 4 Worcester, Mass., 1789 4573 STORY (Isaac) Sermon, Aug. 15, 1798, at Ordination of Rev. Daniel Story, to the pastoral care of the Church in Marietta, pp. 43, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Salem [Mass.], 1798 4574 -- HALCYON ITINERARY (The), and True Millenium Messenger, [published] monthly, Nos. 1-6, half bound. 12 Marietta [0.], Samuel Fairlamb, 1807 One of the earliest books printed in Ohio. 4575 -- SHEPARD (Enoch) Deacon of the First Presbyt. Church in Marietta. Thoughts on the Prophecies ; applicable to the Times, // J 57> snee P- 12 Marietta, Joseph Israel, 1812 4576 WICKES (Rev. Thos.) Historical Discourse, commemorative of the Congregational Church in Marietta, delivered, Dec. 6, 1846, PP- 3- 8 Marietta, 1847 4577 MATIIKR (W. W.) First and Second Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio, 2 vols. in i, half calf, plates. 8 Columbus, 1838, '39 22 OHIO J AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. oooo MILLER (Andrew) New States and Territories, or the Ohio, etc. See No. 4509. 4578 Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of the Hon. Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, and their associates ; for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, etc. With Observations and Remarks, half morocco, neat, RARE. 8 London, 1772 4579 SCIOTO COMPANY. [Avis de la Compagnie du Scioto, e-tablie a Paris pour 1'exploitation & la vente de trois millions d'acres anglois de terres, situes dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale], n. t , pp. 15, half mor. 4 Paris, 1789 4580 Nouveau Prospectus de la Compagnie du Scioto, avec plusieurs extraits de Lettres, ecrites du Scioto meme, en date du 12 Octobre, 1790, new half morocco, RARE. 8 n.p. [Pans], 1790 4581 Tallmadge. Sketch of the Settlement and Progress of the Township of Tallmadge, Summit Co.; by Charles Whittlesey, pp. 29, scarce. 12 Cleveland, 1842 4582 Topographical (A) Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, . . and a concise account of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. To which is added the Journal of Mr. Chas. LeRaye while a captive with the Sioux nation- By a late Officer in the U. S. Army, view of Cincinnati, and other plates, pp. 219, sheep. 11 Boston, 1812 4583 [WARD (NAHUM) ] A Brief Sketch of the State of Ohio, one of the United States of North America ; with a MAP, etc. By a resident of Twelve years at Marietta, Map, pp. 16, half roan. 8 Glasgow, 1822 "This Pamphlet, one of the RAREST relating to the State, .. was published by Nahum Ward, of Marietta, to induce emigration to this section of the State." P. G. THOMSON'S Bibliogr. of Ohio ', nc. 1370. 4584 Pamphlets (18) Articles of an Association by the name of the Ohio Company. Worcester, 1786 (12) Evidence reported to the U. S Senate, in the case of John Smith, a Senator from Ohio (indicted for treason),//. 93, uncut. 1807 State Constitution. 2d ed. Chillicothe, 1803 Report of Canal Comm'rs, and Documents, 1824 [Proceedings at] Commencement of Ohio Canal, 1825 Bishop Chase's Defence of Kenyon College, 1831, //. 72 Narrative of late proceedings against the Liberty of the Press in Cincinnati, 1836 Doc'ts rel. to the Portsmouth Comp'y (Sciota Co.), 1836 Catalogue (etc.) of Marietta College, 1837-8 C. Whittlesey's Hist. Sketch of Tallmadge, 1842 Whittlesey's Discourse rel. to the Exped. against the Indians on the Scioto, in . 1774. Cleveland, 1842 Rev. Sam'l Chase's Review of Jubilee College, plan, 1843 Hist. Sketch of Pickaway County. [1844] National Magazine, Dec., 1845 (containing an Account of Cleveland, by J. Bar.) Wickes's Hist. Discourse, Congr. Church in Marietta, 1847 Gallagher's Disc, before Ohio Hist. Society, //. 88, 1850 Rev. A. Kingsbury's [25th anniv.] Sermon, Presb. Church in Putnam, 1860; and another. 8 and 12 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 23 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. ACTS AND LAWS of Kentucky; See TUU.MIN (H.) No. 4615. IJOONK (Col. Daniel) Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, the First White Settler in the State of Kentucky . . Written by himself. . Annexed, Is an Eulogy on Col. Boon, and choice of Life, by Lord Byron, //. 36, portrait, fine copy, hf. mor., top gilt, UNCUT, VERY RARE. Brooklyn, for C. Wilder, 1823 The FIKST EDITION of this Pamphlet, of which Field's Indian Bibliography (no. 152) notes the second edition (Brooklyn, 1824), and Sabin's Dictionary (no. 6370) ribcs the third (Providence, H. Truinbull, 1824), as "a very rare pamphlet." The three editions were printed with the same types as was also the " Rev. James Steward's " History of the Discovery of America ("Brooklyn, L. I., Grant & Wells," n. d.) in 1809, and several editions of H. TrumbulPs Indian Wars, at Norwich, Conn., and Boston. 4586 BUTLER (Mann) History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, engravings, pp. xi, 396, fine copy. 8 Louisville, 1834 4587 History of Kentucky. 2cl edition, enlarged,//, xvi, xiii-lxxii, 551, portrait, bds., uncut, clean and fine. 8 Cincinnati, 1836 4588 COLLINS (Lewis) Historical Collections of Kentucky, map and numerous engravings, pp. 560, half roan, good copy. 8 Lewis Collins, Maysville, 1847 4589 DAVIDSON (Rev. R.) An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave, and Barrens of Kentucky ; with notices of the Early Settlement of the State, //. 148, cloth. 16 Lexington, Ky., 1840 FILSON (J.) The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke . . To which is added An Appendix, containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, etc., pp. 118, polished calf, gilt, VERY RARE. 8 Wilmington, James Adams, 1784 See IMLAY (G.) Nos. 4597, 4598. i FILSON (J.) Histoire de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a 1'Ouest de la Virginie. . traduit de PAnglois . . par M. Parraud, map, pp. (2), xvi, 234. 8 Paris, 1785 592 FITZROY (Alex.) The Discovery, Purchase, and Settlement of the Country of Kentucke, no map, pp. 15. 8 London, 1786 4593 HALL (James) The Harpe's Head ; a Legend of Kentucky, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1833 4594 HAYWOOD (JOHN) The | Natural and Aboriginal | History of | Tennessee, | up to the I First Settlements therein by the White People, in the year 1768, \pp. viii, 390, liv, sheep, fine copy. S" Nashville, Geo. Wilson, 1823 "EXCEEDINGLY RARE and high prized .. The author describes with great minuteness and care the relics of the race which once inhabited the territory, its utensils, skeletons, crania, and fortifications," etc. FIELD'S 2nd. Bibliography. 4595 HAYWOOD (John) The | Civil and Political | History | of the | State of Tennessee, | from its | Earliest Settlement up to | the year 1796; j including the j Boundaries of the State. | 3 prelim, leaves, PP- 54> VERY RARE. 8 Knoxville, Tenn., Heiskell and Brown, 1823 " Only less rare than the Aboriginal History, by the same author." FIELD'S hid. Bibliography. 4596 IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America ; . . added, A delineation of the Laws and Government of the State of Kentucky,//, xv, 247, half vellum, gilt. 8 London, for J. Debrett, 1792 24 KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. 4597 IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory, etc. . and The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, and An Essay towards the Topography and History of that country, etc. By John Filson. 2 maps and plan, pp. xxiii, 260, 204. 2 vols. 12 New York, S. Campbell, 1793 The second volume contains the reprint of Filson the second edition in English; "being a Supplement to Imlay's description of the Western Territory." 4598 The same. 3d edition, with great additions, 4 maps, pp. xii, 598. (28), calf, gilt. 8 London, 1797 4599 KENTUCKY. A Description of Kentucky in North America ; to which are prefixed Miscellaneous Observations respecting the U. States, map, pp. 121, (3), RARE. 8 n. p. [London], Nov., 1792 " There is a letter at the end from Mr. Imlay, dated Feb. 2, 1793. Said to be written by Mr. Toulmin." RICH, 1792, no. n. 4600 Pamphlets (5) Nicholas (Geo.) Letter to his Friend, justifying the conduct of citizens of Kentucky. Repr.,Phila., 1799 Report on state of Education in Louisville. Louisville, 1833 Memorial of Ken. Hist. Society, relating to a Geological Survey, 1847 ^ x (D. L.) Review of the condition of the State Penitentiary, etc., pp. 40. Frankfort, 1845 Description of the Mammoth Cave, etc., pp. 44. Boston, 1850. 8 v. y. 4601 Knoxville. The Half-Century of Knoxville. Address and Proceedings at the Semi-Centennial Anniversary, Feb. 10, 1842 . . Added, an Appendix, with Historical Documents, etc., pp. 106, SCARCE. 8 Knoxville, Tenn., 1842 4602 McMuRTRiE (H.) M.D. Sketches of Louisville and its Environs ; including a Florula Louisvillensis, map, pp. viii, 255, boards, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Louisville, S. Penn, Jun., 1819 4603 MARSHALL (Humphrey) The History of Kentucky. Including an account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of the Country. Vol. I. (all published}, frontispiece, used copy. 8 Frankfort, Henry Gore, 1812 4604 MARSHALL (H.) The History of Kentucky. 2. vols., pp. v, 47, 465, 9 ; v, 524, sheep, fine copy. 8 Frankfort, 1824 The completed work, the first volume having been revised and rewritten. 4605 MOREHEAD (J. T.) Address in commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky, . at Boonesborough, May 25th, 1840, [with Historical Appendix,] //. 181, SCARCE. 8 Frankfort, Ky., A. G. Hodges, 1841 4606 OWEN (D. D.) Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky, maps and plates, cloth. imp. 8 Frankfort, 1856 4607 PUTNAM (A. W.) History of Middle Tennessee ; or, Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson, illustrated, pp. 668, cloth. r. 8 Nashville, 1859 4608 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky, with a survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, etc., //. iv, 39, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Frankfort, for the Author, 1824 4609 RAMSEY (J. G. M.) Annals of Tennessee . . to the End of the i8th Century, two maps, pp. 744, cloth. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1853 4610 Tennessee. A Short Description of the Tennassee Government, or the Territory of the U. S. south of the River Ohio, pp. 20, scarce. 8 Phila., M. Carey, 1793 ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 25 |5u TENNESSEE. A Short Description of the State of Tennessee, . . l'iviixi-d, the Constitution of that State, //. 44, boards. 12 Phila., M. Carey, 1796 4612 - T roost (G.) Third, Fifth, and Sixth Geological Reports .;$, 1839, 1841). 3 Pamphlets. 8 Nashville, 1835-41 - Pamphlets (4) J. G. M. Ramsay's Address, before the East Tenn. Histor. Society, May 5, 1834 Ett Nytt Kalifornien eller ( hcrokcr I ;iltcn pa Walden's Ridge i Ostra Tennessee, maps, pp. 36. Stockholm, 1849 Ashbel Smith's Letter on establishing a I' Diversity in Memphis, 1849 Humes (T. W.) Address on the- se mi-cent. Anniversary of the Settlement of Knoxville, . . Added, an Appendix, etc. Knoocville, 1852. 4614 SPALDING (M. J.) Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions in Kentucky, from 1787 to 1827, pp. 308, cloth. 12 Louisville, n. d. 4615 TOULMIN (H.) Collection of the Public and Permanent Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky now in Force, etc., sheep, nice. 12 Frankfort, 1802 oooo TOULMIN (H.) See KENTUCKY, Description of, No. 4599. ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 4616 ALTON Trials: of W. S. Gilman [and others], and of John Solomon [and others], for a Riot, frontispiece, pp. 158, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 46 1 7 - - Beecher (E.) Narrative of the Riots at Alton, in connection with the Death of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy. 12 Alton, 1838 4618 BECK (Lewis C.) A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri, map and plates, pp. 352, bds. uncut. 8 Albany, 1823 4619 BIRKBECK (M.) Letters from Illinois, 2d edition. London, 1818 Notes on a Journey in America, 3d edition, map. London, 1818. 2 in i vol., fine copies, half calf . 8 See FAUX (W.) No. 4777; and FEARON (H. B.) No. 4778. 4620 BIRKBECK (M.) Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois, title-page ink-marked. 12 Belfast, repr. 1818 4621 The same, 2d edition, 2 maps. 12 Phila., 1819 4622 BROWN (Henry) The History of Illinois, map (needs mending), title-page wanting, pp. 492. 8 New York, 1844 4623 DANA (E.) A Description of the Bounty Lands in the State of Illinois : also, the principal Roads and Routes, through the Territory of the United States, from New Brunswick to the Pacific Ocean, bds. uncut. 12 Cincinnati, 1819 4624 ELLSWORTH (H. W.) Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, map and other plates, pp. 175, sewed. 8 New York, 1838 4625 The same, cloth. 12 New York, 1838 4626 HEBERT (W.) Visit to the Colony of Harmony, in Indiana; with a Sketch for the Formation of a Co-operative Society, //. 35. 8 London, 1825 26 ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. 4627 ILLINOIS AND OUBACHE Land Companies. [Smith (Wm.) ] An Account of the Proceedings of the Ilinois and Ouabache Land Companies in pursuance of their Purchases made of the Natives, 1773 and 1775, pp. (16), 55, and others (as under), dean copy, half vellum, RARE. 8 Phila., 1796 Memorial of the I. and W. Land Company [to Congress] Jan. I797,//. 8 Statements to the Committees of the Senate and House, on the I. and W. Memorial, Nos. I, II, III, tP> 8, 7, 7- 4628 Memorial of the Ilinois and Ouabache Land Companies to Congress, //. 20, 74, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, 1802-03 4629 ILLINOIS in 1837 ; a Sketch of the State, with a Letter on the Cultivation of the Prairies by H. L. Ellsworth, map, pp. 143. 8 Phila., S. Augustus Mitchell, 1837 4630 Illinois. Pamphlets (8) Constitution of the State. Washington, 1818 Birkbeck (M.) Extracts from a Supplementary Letter from the Illinois, . Reply to Wm. Cobbett, etc., pp. 29, N. York, 1819 Report of Meeting in Wheeling, Va., on forming a settle- ment in Illinois, pp. 12, n. p., n. d. [1830] Sketches of Illinois, pp. 32. Phila., 1838 N. Y. & Boston Illinois Land Company, Articles of Association, etc. Phila., 1839 Western Emigration. Narrative of a Tour to, and Residence in " Edensburgh " (Illinois), by Major Walter Wilkey, curious cuts, pp. 24, VERY SCARCE. New York, 1839 Haines (E. M.) Historical Sketches of Lake County, //. 112. 16 Waukegan, III., 1852 Rail-roads and Commerce of Chicago, 1854. v. s., v. y. 4631 Colleges. Hist. Sketch of Illinois College [by Theron Baldwin]. N. York, 1832 (2 copies) Wabash College, Catalogue, 1843, an d Baccal. Address Jubilee College, Review of, by Rev. S. Chase, 1843, 2 folded engravings Knox College, . with review of a pamphlet, etc., by Rev. J. W. Bailey, pp. 131. 5 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 v. y. 4632 (INDIANA PROPRIETORS.) View of the Title to Indiana, a Tract of Country on the River Ohio, containing Indian Conferences at Johnson-Hall in May, 1765 ; the deed of the Six Nations to the Proprietors of Indiana ; etc., and the opinion of Counsel on the title of the Proprietors of Indiana, half morocco, neat, first and last leaves mended; pp. 24, VERY RARE. 8 n. p., n. d. [1775] 4633 INDIANAPOLIS. Howard (A. C.) Directory of Indianapolis, with a Historical Sketch, FIRST ISSUE, map, pp. iv, 292. 8 Indianapolis, 1857 4634 NEW-SWITZERLAND. Reisebericht der Familie Kopfli & Suppiger nach St. Louis, und Griindung von New-Switzerland im Staate Illinois, sewed, pp. (6), 297, RARE. 16 Sursee, [Switzerland,} 1833 4635 PECK (J. M.) Guide for Emigrants, containing Sketches of Illinois, Missouri, and the adjacent parts, map. 16 Boston, 1831 4636 Gazetteer of Illinois in three Parts, //. 376. 1 6 Jacksonville, 1834 4637 SHEPARD (C. U.) Geology of Upper Illinois, pp. 31, stitched. 8 New Haven, 1838 4638 SMITH (O. H.) Early Indiana Trials : and Sketches, portrait, pp. 640, cloth. r. 8 Cincinnati, 1858 MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. 2/ 4639 VAN ZANDT (N. B.) A Full Description of the Soil, Water, Timber, and Prairies of each Lot, or Quarter Section of the Military Lands between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, //. 127, bds. uncut. 8 Washington, 1818 4640 WOODS (John) Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, etc., map, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1822 MICHIGAN. 4641 BLOIS (J. T.) Gazetteer of the State of Michigan, with a Succinct History of the State, //. 418, cloth. 12 Detroit, 1838 4642 DARBY (Wm.) Tour from New York to Detroit, 3 maps. 8 New York, 1819 4643 Detroit. MACCABE (J. P. Bolivar) Directory of the City of Detroit for the year 1837, containing an epitomized History of Detroit. 12 Detroit, 1837 4644 Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michigan, comprising a series of Discourses before the Historical Society of Michigan, and other papers, //. 215, VERY SCARCE. 16 Detroit, 1834 4645 XANMAN (J. H.) History of Michigan, map, pp. 398, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1839 4646 Pamphlets (6) Schoolcraft's Discourse before Historical Society, 1830 Proceedings on Admission of Tennessee, a precedent for Michigan, 1835 Constitution of 1835 Account of the Town of Huron, 1837 Second annual report of [Douglass Houghton] State Geologist, 1839, pp. 123 Dubuisson's Official report of the War at Detroit in 1712. Detroit, 1845. IOWA. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. THE LAKES. 4647 FEATHERSTONAUGH (G. W.) A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor; with an account of the Lead and Copper Deposits in Wisconsin, etc. 2 vols., maps and plates, cloth, uncut. 8 London, R. Bentley, 1847 4648 FOSTER (J. W.) and WHITNEY (J. D.) Report on the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District. 2 vols. and Maps. 8 Washington, 1850-51 4649 The same, Part II. (Iron Region and general Geology), and Maps. 8 Washington, 1851 4650 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Report of a Geological Recon- noissance in 1835, from Washington, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie, engraved diagrams, pp. 168. (2 copies.) 8 Washington, 1836 4651 FREEMAN (S.) Emigrant's Guide to Wisconsin, //. 148. 8 Milwaukee, 1851 4652 FULLER (S. M.) Summer on the Lakes, in 1843, plates, pp. 256, cloth. 12 Boston, 1844 28 IOWA. WISCONSIN. MINNESOTA. KANSAS. ARKANSAS. 4653 KEATING (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, &c., in the year 1823, under the command of S. H. Long, Major U. S. T. E., engravings. 2 vols., calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 The Appendix contains Say's Reports on Natural History, Indian Vocabularies, etc. 4654 LANMAN (C.) A Summer in the Wilderness ; a Canoe Voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. 12 New York, 1847 4655 LAPHAM (I. A.) Wisconsin ; its Geography and Topography, History, Geology, and Mineralogy, map. 12 Milwaukee, 1844 4656 The same, 2d edition, map, cloth. 12 Milwaukee, 1846 4657 McLEOD (Donald) History of Wiskonsan ; including a Geological and Topographical Description with a Catalogue of Plants, map, pp. 310, cloth, scarce. 12 Buffalo, 1846 4658 Minnesota Historical Society. Annals, 1850-51, and 1852. 2 vols. S St. Paul, 1851, '52 4659 PLUMBE (John) Jr. Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin, taken during a residence of Three Years, //. 101, scarce. 8 St. Louis, 1839 4660 SEYMOUR (E. S.) Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, map, pp. 281, cloth. 12 New York, Harper 6 Bros., 185^0 4661 Wisconsin. Sketches of the West, or the Home of the Badgers : an Early History of Wisconsin. 2d ed., map, pp. 48. 8 Milwaukee, 1847 4662 MILWAUKEE City Directory (the first published ; containing Mac Cabe's History of Milwaukee, the city Charter, etc.), 1847, 1848, 1851. 3 vols. 12 and 8 4663 Statistics of Dane County : with a sketch . . of the Village of Madison, wood cuts, pp. 16. 8 Madison, 1852 4664 - - Pamphlets (8) Sketches of the West, or the Home of the Badgers, 2d ed. Milwaukee, .1849 Cyfansoddiad Talaeth Wisconsin [Constitution, in Welsh]. Madison, 1848 Charter of the Sheboygan and Fond du Lac Road Co. 1848 Kip (Win. I.) A Few Days at Nashotah, //. 31. Albany, J. Munsell, 1849 Inauguration [with Address] of J. H. Lathrop, Chancellor of the Univ. of Wisconson. Milw., 1850 Statistics of Dane County, 1852 Catalogue of State Library. Madison, 1852 Wisconsin, //. 16 [1852]. v. y. 4665 -- State Historical Society. M. L. Martin's Address, 1851 Lewis N. Wood's Annual Address, 1852 Collections, Vol. III., PP- 547- 3 Pamphlets. 8 and 12 MISSOURI. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. 4666 GREENE (Max.) The Kanzas Region : with Incidents of Travel, etc., //. 192, 2 maps. 12 New York, 1856 4667 NUTTALL (T.) Journal of Travels into the Arkansa Territory in 1819, map and plates, half calf , gilt. 8 Phila., 1821 MISSOURI. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. 2Q 4668 ST. Louis Directory, 1842 (with Historical Sketch), 1847, l8 4 8 - 3 vols. 12 and 8 4669 I'.usiness Directory, for 1847; containing the History of St. Louis, from its first settlement, etc., //. 176. 8 1847 4670 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) View of the Lead Mines of Missouri; with some Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, etc., of Missouri and Arkansaw, plates, (foxed) calf. 8 New York, 1819 4671 St. Louis. W. G. Eliot's Address before the Franklin Society, .1836, and Discourse at Dedication of First Cong. Church, 1837 A. Bullard's Hist. Sermon, ist Presb. Church, Jan. 1839 Proceedings of Chamber of Commerce, rel. to Improvement of Navigation, etc. 1842 Report of Celebration of Anniversary of founding St. Louis, 1847 T. M. Post's Discourse on Congrega- tionalism, Jan. u, 1852 Wm. S. Potts's Sermon, after the Great Fire, May 20, 1849 Annual Review. Hist, of St. Louis, Commercial Statistics, etc., Jan. 1854, map A. Homes's Ded. Sermon, Union Presb. Church, Jan. 1854. 9 Pamphlets. 8 St. Louis, 1836-54 4672 SPALDING (C. C.) Annals of the City of Kansas . . with Statistics of the West and South- West, pp. in, engravings. 8 Kansas City, 1858 4673 WETMORE (A.) Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, map and frontispiece. 8 St. Louis, 1837 THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. UTAH, CALIFORNIA, AND OREGON. THE NORTH-WEST COAST. 4674 California and New Mexico. Message from the President of the U. States, transmitting information on the subject of California and New Mexico, maps, pp. 976, hf. roan. 8 ^Washington, 1850] Exec. Doc. no. 17, 313! Congress, ist Session. 4675 California. Report of the Debates in the Constitutional Con- vention, 1849 ; b 7 J- Ross Browne, //. 479, xlvi, (i), cloth. 8 Washington, 1850 4676 Oration, by E. J. C. Kewen, and Poem, by Frank Soule, before the Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco, Sept. 9th, 1854 California State Almanac and Ann. Register for 1856. Sacramento, 1856 S. H. Willey's Two Historical Discourses, at close of the First Ten Years' Ministry in California, San Francisco, March, 1859. 3 Pamphlets. 4677 Cox (Ross) Adventures on the Columbia River, including a Narrative of residence on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, //. 335, cloth, uncut. 8 New York, 1832 4678 DIXON (Capt. George) Voyage round the World ; but more particularly to the North- West Coast of America, 1785-88; 2d edition, maps and plates, calf, gilt, FINE COPY. 4 London, 1789 3O THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. OREGON. 4679 DUNN (John) The Oregon Territory, and the British North American Fur Trade, etc., doth. 18 Philadelphia, 1845 4680 FARNHAM (Thos. J.) Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean, pp. 96, a bit torn from title leaf, scarce. 8 New York, 1844 "4681 FEDIX (M.) L'Oregon .et les cotes de 1'Ocean Pacifique du Nord ; apercu geographique, statistique, et politique, map, pp. 258, half calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1846 4682 FISHER (Wm.) New Travels among the Indians of North America ; being a compilation, taken partly from the communica- tions . . of Captains Lewis and Clark, . and partly from other authors . . With a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. Compiled by William Fisher, Esqr., 2 portraits, pp. 300, sheep, fresh copy. 12 Phila., Jas. Sharan, 1812 4683 FREMONT (J. C.) Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. Printed by order of the Senate, large folded map and plates, pp. 693, hf. russia, uncut. 8 Washington, 1850 4684 Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. 2'd edition, pp. 278, half bound. 8 Washington, 1840 [for 1845] 4685 Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, with large folded Map, pp. 40, hf. cloth. 8 Washington, 1849 4686 GALLATIN (A.) The Oregon Question, pp. 75, half red mor. 8 New York, 1846 oooo GASS (Patrick) Journal of Voyages, etc. See No. 4694. 4687 GREENHOW (Robert) Memoir, historical and political, on the Northwest Coast of No. America and the adjacent Territories. [Senate Edition,] map, pp. xii, 228, hf. rose calf, gilt. 8 Washington, 1840 4688 History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories of the N. W. Coast of North America, //. xviii, 482, map, uncut. 8 Boston, 1844 4689 HARMON (D. W.) A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the interior of North America, . . extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean . . To which are added a concise description of the face of the Country, its Inhabitants, their Manners, Customs, Laws, Religions, etc. and considerable specimens of their Languages, etc., portrait, pp. 432. 8 Andover, 1820 It includes An Account of the Indians living west of the Rocky mountain (pp. 279-310) : A General Account of the Indians on the East side of the Rocky mountain (pp. 311-383) : Vocabularies of the Cree or Knisteneux and the Tacully or Carrier Tongues (pp. 385-413). 4690 IRVING (Washington) Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains, map. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 4691 The Rocky Mountains; or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West, maps. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1837 4692 LEE (D.) and FROST (J. H.) Ten Years in Oregon, map and wood cuts, pp. 344, cloth. 12- New York, 1844 The Appendix contains " specimens of Indian dialects " of the Northwest coast and Columbia River. THK ROCKY MOUNTAINS. CALIFORNIA. OREGON. 31 4693 LEWIS and ( i \KKK'S Kxpedition. Message from the President, . communicating Discoveries made in Exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Wushita, by Capts. Lewis and Clark, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, . . with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent ; read in Congress, Feb. 19, 1806, //. 128, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1806 " The ' Message ' forms the first published account of the Explorations of Lewis and Clarke." SAUIN'S Dictionary. Dr. Sibley's Sketches of the Indian tribes of the South- west is of permanent interest and value. 4694 GASS (Patrick) A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a ( 'orps of Discovery under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. ( larke, calf, large copy. 8 London, repr., 1808 4695 - - The same. 4th edition, six engravings, hf. bd., nice copy. 12 Phila., for M. Carey, 1812 4696 The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke to the Pacific Ocean ; containing delineations of the Manners, Customs, etc. of the Indians, . . and a Statistical View of the Indian Nations, map, pp. ix, 309, old tree calf, gilt. 8 London, 1809 "Contains some documents not published in any other edition." SABIN. oooo New Travels, etc. Compiled by Wm. Fisher. See No. 4682. 4697 History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the - Rocky Mountains, and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, etc. Prepared for the press by Paul Allen. 2 vols., maps, calf, neat. 8 Philadelphia, Bradford and Inskeep, 1814 The BEST EDITION. " Mr. Allen has paraded his name as the editor, when in fact the work was done by Mr. NICHOLAS BIDDLE from the material left by Captain Lewis." SABIN'S Dictionary. 4698 LONG (S. H.) Account of his Expedition . . to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819 and '20; compiled by E. James. 2 vols. of maps and plates and Atlas, calf, gilt. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 4699 MERCER (A. S.) Washington Territory. The Great North- West, her Material Resources, etc., pp. 38. 8 Utica, N. Y., 1865 4700 Oregon. C. Cushings's Lecture on Oregon, Boston, 1845 Lieut. N. M. Howison's Report on the coast, harbors, rivers, etc. of the Territory of Oregon, 1847. 2 Pamphlets. 8 4701 PALMER (Joel) Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the Mouth of Columbia River, etc., with a description of Oregon Territory,, scarce. 12 Cincinnati, 1847 4702 PARKER (Rev. Samuel) Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, 1835-37. 2d edition, Map of Oregon Territory, and plate, pp. 400, cloth. 12 Ithaca, N. Y., 1840 An Appendix, pp. 385-398, contains Vocabularies of the Nez Perce, Klicatal, Calapooa, and Chinook languages. 4703 PARKMAN (F.) Jr. The California and Oregon Trail, two illustrations by Darley, cloth, uncut. 12 New York, Geo. P. Putnam, 1849 4704 STANSBURY (Capt. H.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, many engravings; with Atlas of 'maps. 2 vols. cloth. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1852 4705 The same. 2 vols. cloth. r. 8 Washington, 1853 -h 32 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 4706 Twiss (Travers) The Oregon Question examined in respect to Facts and the Law of Nations, two maps, pp. x, 391, cloth, uncut. 8 London, Longmans, 1846 4707 Twiss (Travers) The Oregon Territory, its History and Discovery ; including an account of the Convention of the Escurial, also the Treaties and Negotiations between the U. States and Gr. Britain, for the settlement of a boundary line, etc., cloth. 12 New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1846 "The Oregon Question," reprinted under a new title. 4708 VENEGAS (M.) Natural and Civil History of California, con- taining an Accurate Description of that Country, the Customs of the Inhabitants, etc., translated from the Spanish, map and other engravings. 2 vols., old calf , scarce. 8 London, 1759 4709 WHITE (Dr. E. and Mrs.) Ten Years in Oregon [1836-46], compiled by Miss A. J. Allen, //. 399, portraits, cloth. 12 Ithaca, N. Y., 1848 4710 WHITNEY (Asa) A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific, map, pp. viii, 112, scarce. 8 New York, 1849 4711 WILLEY (Samuel H.) Two Historical Discourses, at the close of the first Ten Years' Ministry in California, //. 46, scarce. 8 San Francisco, 1859 4712 WILKES (Geo.) The History of Oregon, geographical and political. With an examination of the project of a National Rail Road, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, map, pp. 127. 8 New York, 1845 4713 WYETH (J. B.) Oregon; or a short History of a Long Journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the region of the Pacific, by land, etc., pp. 87, half bound, scarce. 12 Cambridge, 1833 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. COLORADO. 4714 ABERT (Lieut. J. W.) Report to the Secretary of War, commu- nicating a Report and Map of the Examination of New Mexico, pp. 132, plates, no map. 8 Washington, 1848 4715 Arizona LAWS. The Howell Code, adopted by the First Legis- lative Assembly of the Territory, Sept.-Nov., 1864, pp. 491, hf. cloth. 8 Prescott, 1865 4716 Arizona. Pamphlets (6) Message of Gov. Goodwin, 1864 Charter etc. of Arizona Historical Society, 1864 Mining Laws of the Territory, 1864 R. C McCormick's Oration at Prescott, 4th of July, 1864 Hon. C. D. Poston's Speech in U. S. House of Reps., on Indian Affairs, 1865 Gov. McCormick's Message, 1865. 8 4717 BONNELL (Geo. W.) Topographical Description of Texas.. Added, an Account of the Indian Tribes, bds., nice, VERY SCARCE. 1 6 Austin, [Texas,] Clark, Wing, and Brown, 1840 oooo Champ d' Asile (Le) See F n (G.) L'He'roine du Texas, No. 4721 ; Hartmann et Millard, No. 4725 ; and Lheritier, No. 4731. TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 33 .1; i S EDWARD (DAVID B.) The History of Texas, Map, pp. 336, sheep, gilt. 12 Cincinnati, 1836 > EMORY (W. H.) Notes of a Military Reconnoisance, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, in California, plates, and large fMtdmap, cloth. 8 Washington, 1848 4720 Encarnacion Prisoners: comprising an Account of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande; with_ a history of the captivity of the American Prisoners, etc. By a 1'risoner, //. 96. 8 Louisville, Ky., 1848 i F N (G...n.) L'He'roi'ne du Texas, on Voyage de Madame * * * aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique, plan of Le Champ (T Asile, half mor., " SCARCE. 8 Paris, Plancher, 1819 4j22 GARRARD (L. H.) Wah-to-yah, and the Taos Trail; or Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances, //, vi, 349, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1850 4723 GREEN (Gen. T. J.) Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier, subsequent imprisonment of the Author, etc., plates, pp. 487, cloth. 8 New York, 1845 1724 GREGG (J.) Commerce of the Prairies : or the Journal of a Santa F6 Trader, and a residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico, 5th edition, engravings. 2 vols., cloth. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1851 '25 HARTMANN et MILLARD (MM.) Le Texas, ou Notice historique sur le Champ d'Asile, plan, half red mor., SCARCE. 8 Paris, 1819 -26 HOLLEY (Mrs. M. A.) Texas. Observations .. in a Series of Letters [from] Austin's Colony, map, pp. 167, cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1833 '27 HOLLISTER (O. J.) History of the First Regiment of Colorado / Volunteers, //. 80. 8 Denver, T. Gibson 6- Co., 1863 ~ '28 HOUSTOUN (Mrs.) Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or Yachting in the New World, portrait of Santa Anna, pp. 288, cloth. 16 Philadelphia, 1845 4729 HUGHES (John T.) Doniphan's Expedition ; containing an account of the Conquest of New Mexico, etc., map, portraits, and other illustrations, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1 8 48 4730 History (A) of Texas ; or the Emigrant's Guide to the New / Republic. By a Resident Emigrant; with Introduction by Rev. \ A. B. Lawrence, view of Austin, pp\^^, sheep. 12 New York, 1844 4731 LH[ERITIER] (L. F.) Le Champ-d'Asile, Tableau topographique _ et historique du Texas, //. viii, 247, half mor., SCARCE. 8 Paris, Ladvocat, 1819 4732 MANSFIELD (E. D.) The Mexican War: a History of its Origin, a detailed account of the Victories, etc. i oth edition, plates, pp. 365, cloth. 8 New York, 1850 4733 MARCY (R. B.) and MCCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, and Atlas. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 34 TEXAS. NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA. 4734 MAYER (Brantz) History of the War between Mexico and the United States. Vol. I. Portrait of Santa Anna, and battle plans, cloth. 8 New York, Wiley 6- Putnam, 1848 4735 MILAM (pseudonym.} Texas. Sketches of Character ; Moral and Political Condition of the Republic ; the Judiciary, etc. ; by Milam, pp. 95, cloth. 18 Phila., 1839 4736 MOORE (Francis) Jr. Map and Description of Texas, plates, pp. 143, i, cloth. 18 Phila., 1840 4737 NEWELL (Rev. C.) History of the Revolution in Texas, particu- larly of the War of 1835 an d '36 ; together with the latest . . Accounts of that Country, map, pp. 215, cloth, SCARCE. 12 New York, 1838 4738 PARKER (A. A.) Trip to the West and Texas, in 1834-5, pp. 276, cloth, used copy. 12 Concord, N. H., 1835 4739 PIKE (Major Z. M.) Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique, traduit de 1'Anglais par M. Breton. 2 vols., maps, old tree calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1812 4740 SITGREAVES (Capt. L.) Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, maps and many fine plates, pp. 198, cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 4741 STIFF (Col. E.) The Texan Emigrant ; a Description of the Soil, Climate, Productions, etc., with a Statement of Events in Texas from 1692 to 1840, map, pp. 367, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1840 4742 Texas. Pamphlets (8) Ashbel Smith's Notice sur la geographic du Texas, //. 24. [Paris j\ n. d. The War in Texas, instigated Xby Slaveholders, etc., pp. 56. Phila. 1836 The Texan Revolution, 1842 Appeal to the People of Massachusetts, on the Texas Question, 1844 Thoughts on the proposed Annexation of Texas. N. York, 1844 : J. B. Newman's Texas and Mexico in 1846, map Report of Comm. of Legislature of Texas, on the burning of Brenham. Austin, 1866 S. B. Buckley's prelim, report of Texas Geological Survey. Austin, 1866. j 4743 Sketch of the History of Spanish America, [a fragment, PP* I 3~3^> bound up with a thick volume of blank paper, and a large colored map of Mexico and Texas. The binder's title is "Texian Revolution"]. 12 [Hartford, 1849] i*jL-4744 THORPE (T. B.) Our Army on the Rio Grande, engravings, pp. 196. 12 Philadelphia, 1848 < 47^5 VISIT TO TEXAS (A) : being the Journal of a Traveller through those Parts most Interesting to American Settlers, map, and pretty engravings, pp. 264, (4), cloth. 12 New York, 1834 4746 The same, second edition. With an Appendix, containing an Account of the Late War, pp. 262, cloth. 18 New York, 1836 4747 WOODMAN (David) Jr. Guide to Texas Emigrants, map, pp. 192, cloth. ' 12 Boston, 1835 THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY: LIVKS AND WRITINGS OF STATESMEN AND MEN PROMI- NENT IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS: DESCRIPTION, TRAVELS, ETC. 4748 ADAMS (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, pp. xxiii, 390, (4), hf. bd., name cut from head of title. 12 London; repr. New York, H. Gaine, 1778 4749 The same, pp. xxx, 317, contains a list of subscribers (6 pp.), old calf. 12 London; repr. Boston, Edm. Freeman, 1788 4750 The same. 3 vols., calf, gilt, yellow edges, elegant copy. 8 London, 1788 4751 The same. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8 Phila., W. Young, for Wm. Cobbett, 1797 oooo Essay on Canon and Feudal Law . . to which is annexed, the Political Character of the said John Adams . . By an American. Phila., R.Bell, 1783. See Tracts, No. 4955. 4752 Correspondence of the late President Adams. Originally published in the Boston Patriot. In a Series of Letters. No. I. [-X.], pp. iv, 572, SCARCE. 8 Boston, Everett and Munroe, 1809-10 These letters (63 in number) were published between April loth, 1809 and Feb. roth, 1810; and, immediately reprinted, in pamphlet form, in ten numbers, here bound together, with Introductory Remarks by the publishers. The complete collection is VERY SCARCE. Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, vol. i, no. 231) mentions only the first number " pp. iv., 36." 4753 Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams . . and the late Wm. Cunningham, Esq. 1803-1812, pp. x, 219. Boston, 1823 Review of the Correspondence, etc. By Timothy Pickering. Second Edition, pp. 140. Salem, 1824. 2 in i vol., calf. 8 The Inadmissible Principles of the King of England's Proclamation of Oct. 16, 1807, considered. By the late President Adams. Originally published in the Boston Patriot, pp. 20. Boston, 1809. See Pamphlets, 1809-13, No. 4953. 4754 COLMAN (H.) Sketch of the Character of John Adams. Delivered in Salem, gth July, 1826, //. 28 BANCROFT (A.) Sermon, in Worcester, July gth, 1826, on the Death of John Adams, //. 15. 2 Pamphlets, uncut. 8 1826 4755 CRANCH (Wm.) Memoir of the Life, Character, and Writings of John Adams, pp. 71. 8 Washington, 1827 4756 ADAMS and JEFFERSON. A Selection of Eulogies, pronounced in the several States, in honor of those Illustrious Patriots and Statesman, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, //. 426, sheep, gilt. 8 Hartford, D. F. Robinson & Co., 1826 36 THE UNITED STATES. 4757 ADAMS and JEFFERSON, Eulogies on, and Commemorative Addresses : C. Gushing, Newburyport, July 15, uncut. C. S. Daveis, Portland, Me., Aug. 9, uncut. T. Ford, Charleston, S. C., Sept. 14, uncut. N. L. Frothingham, Boston, July 9. W. R. Johnson, Germantown, Pa., July 20. S. L. Knapp, Boston, Aug. 2. J. Sergeant, Philadelphia, July 24. J. E. Sprague, Salem, Mass., Aug. 10, uncut. Dan'l Webster, Faneuil Hall, Aug. 2, uncut. Wm. Wirt, Washington, Oct. 19. $d ed., uncut. The same, another copy, uncut. ii Pamphlets. 8 v. p. 1826 4758 ADAMS (John Quincy) Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis ..on the 'present State of our National Affairs; with Remarks upon Mr. Pickering's Letter to Governor [Sullivan], pp. 32. Boston, 1808 The same. New Haven, 1808. 2 Pamphlets. 8 The same, 2d ed., in Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. 4759 The same, hf. mor. 8 Repr. London, 1808 4760 [ ] American Principles. A Review of the Works of Fisher Ames. First published in the Boston Patriot, pp. 56, scarce Remarks on the Hon. J. Q. Adams's Review, etc. [By John Lowell], pp. 50. 2 in i vol. sewed. 8 Boston, 1809 4761 Jubilee of the Constitution; Address delivered in New York on the 5oth Anniversary of the Inauguration of Washington, pp. 136, hf. mor. 8 New York, 1839 4762 The Treaty of Ghent, and the Fisheries ; or the Diplomatic Talents of John Quincy Adams, candidly examined (by " Massa- chusetts "), pp. 27. 8 Boston, 1824 4763 QUINCY (Jos.) Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams, fine portrait, and facsimile, cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 4764 Discourses, etc., occasioned by the Death of John Quincy Adams: The Adams Memorial, //. 46. Boston. Addresses in Congress, and Fun. Solemnities, portrait. Wash. J. H. Allen, Discourse, Washington. Wash. Joshua Bates, Discourse, in Worcester, Mass. Worcester. Edw. Everett, Eulogy, in Faneuil Hall. Boston. S. W. Hanks, Sermon, in Lowell, Mass. Lowell. W. P. Lunt, Fun. Sermon, in Quincy. Boston. Testimonials of Respect, by the Mass. Legislature. Boston. Theo. Parker, Discourse, in Boston. (2 copies.) Wm. H. Seward, Oration, before the N. Y. Legislature. Albany. R. S. Storrs, Address, in Braintree, on the Inauguration of J. Q. Adams to the Presidency, Mch. 4, 1825. Boston. Discourse, in Braintree, Mch. 5, 1848. Boston. R. C. Waterston, Discourse, on the Life and Character. Boston. 14 Pamphlets. 8 GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 37 4765 ADAMS (Mrs. Abigail) Letters of Mrs. Adams, wife of John Adams : with a Memoir by Charles F. Adams. 2 vols., portrait, cloth. 12 Boston, 1840 4766 American Oratory, or Selections from Speeches of Eminent Americans, portrait of F. Ames inserted, pp. viii, 531, marbled calf . 8 Philadelphia, 1836 Compiled by John W. Williams, Esq. 4767 American Remembrancer (The); or, an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc., relative . . to the Treaty with Great Britain. 3 vols., sheep. 8 Phila., for M. Carey, 1795 4768 AMES (Fisher) Works . . To which are prefixed, Notices of his Life and Character, portrait, pp. xxxi, (6), 519, marbled calf , gilt. 8 Boston, 1809 4769 AMES (Fisher) Works ; with a selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Ed. by his son, Seth Ames. 2 vols., Portrait, cloth. 8 ? Boston, 1854 4770 ANDREWS (I. D.) Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British No. American Colonies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers ; with Maps. 2 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 4771 BANCROFT (G.j History of the United States, Vols. I.-VL, portraits and other engravings, 6 vols., cloth. 8 Boston, 1838-5 Vol. I., 4th edition ; Vol. 11., 3d edition ; Vol. III., 5th edition. The first three, uncut. 4772 -- History of the United States. Vols. I. (3d ed.), and II., 2 vols., portraits, cloth. 8 Boston, 1838, 1837 4773 BARBER (J. W.) Interesting Events in the History of the United States, map and numerous engravings, calf, yellow edges. 12 New Haven, 1832 4774 BARLOW (Joel) Political Writings, half bound. 12 New York, 1796 4775 BARLOW (Joel) Strictures on Bishop Watson's Apology for the Bible. N. York, 1796 Letter to People of Piedmont on Advantages of the French Revolution. N. York, 1795 Two Letters to the Citizens of the U. S., and one to Gen. Washington, written from Paris in 1799- New Haven, 1806 Advice to the Privileged Orders in the several States of Europe. London, 1792 Prospect of Peace ; a Political Composition delivered in Yale College. New Haven, 1778 Letters from Paris to the citizens of the United States on their Commercial Policy. London, 1800 Letter to the National Convention of France on Defects in the Constitution of 1791 ; to which is added, The Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem. N. Y., n. d. Notice sur la Vie de M. Barlow, Ministre, etc. (Extrait du Mercure de France du 10 Avril, 1813). 8 in i vol., new halfmor. (Roxburghe\ all but one uncut. 8 4776 Bibliotheque Ame'ricaine, contenant des Me'moires sur 1'Agricul- ture, le Commerce, les Manufactures, les Mceurs, et les Usages de I'Amerique, etc. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1807 Scarce, in this complete form. 4777 BISHOP (Abraham) Proofs of a Conspiracy against Christianity and the Government of the United States, exhibited in views of the Union of Church and State in New-England, pp. 166, boards, 3 THE UNITED STATES. uncut. Hartford, 1802 Oration, in Wallingford, nth of March, 1801, before the Republicans, of Connecticut, at "their General Thanksgiving for the election of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi- dency, etc.,^. in, uncut, scarce. New Haven, Wm. W. Morse, 1801. 2 vols. 8 4778 BRADFORD (Alden) History of the Federal Government, . . 1789-1839, halfmor. gilt. 8 Boston, 1840 oooo [Burke (^Edanus) ] Address to the Freemen of So. Carolina . . By Cassius. (Phila., 1783.) See Tracts, No. 4955 Considerations on the Society of the Cincinnati. See No. 4803. 4779 BURR (Aaron) Memoirs of, with selections from his Corres- pondence j edited by M. L. Davis. 2 vols., portraits, cloth. 8 New York, 1836 4780 BURR (A.) Private Journal ; edited by M. L. Davis. 2 vols., doth. 8 New York, 1838 4781 (Burr) An Examination of the various charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President . . and a Developement of the Character and Views of his Political Opponents. By Aristides [Wm. P. Van Ness], pp. 77, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1803 4782 An Examination, etc. A New Edition, revised and corrected, with additions, //. (4), 116, uncut. 8 n. p., for the Author, 1804 The " Virginia edition Of the various Charges exhibited, etc., by Aristides ; with the exception of such parts as are of a local nature," etc. (Virginia, 1804), is in Pamphlets, 1800-1806, No. 4592. 4783 The Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, on an Indictment for Treason, before the Circuit Court of the U. States, held in Richmond, Va., May Term, 1807 : including the Arguments and Decisions . . and on the Motion for an Attachment against Gen. Wilkinson. Taken in Shorthand by T. Carpenter. 3 vols., sheep, (binding of one volume injured), good copy. 8 Washington City, Westcott 6 Co., 1807-08 4784 Reports of the Trials of Colonel Aaron Burr. . for Treason, and for a Misdemeanor . . in the Circuit Court of the U. States, held at the City of Richmond, 1807 . . Added, an Appendix con- taining the Arguments and Evidence in support . . of the Motion . . to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhasset, and I. Smith, to be sent for Trial to the State of Kentucky, etc. Taken in Short hand by David Robertson. 2 vols., //. (8), 596 ; 539, half calf, neat. LINE COPY. 8 Philadelphia, Hopkins and Earle, 1808 See WILKINSON (J.) Burr's Conspiracy Exposed; and CLARK (D.) Proofs of Corruption, No. 5081. 4785 BUTLER (Fred.) History of the United States, to the year 1820, portraits. 3 vols., calf, gilt. 8 Hartford, 1821 4786 [CALLENDER (J. Thompson)] The Political Progress of Britain: or, an Impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire in Europe, Asia, and America: from . . 1688, to the present time. Part I. Second Edition, all printed of this edition, pp. 80, calf. 8 Phila., Wrigley 6 Berriman, 1794 "The first edition . . was published at Edinburgh and London, in autumn, 1792 . . While the author was preparing for the press a second number, along with a new edition of the first, he was, on the 2d of January, 1 793, apprehended, and with some difficulty made his escape." Preface. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 39 4787 [Callender (J. T.)] American Annual Register, or, Historical Memoirs of the U. States, for 1796, //. 288, uncut. 8 Phila., Bioren 6* Madan, 1797 The library stamp of the New York Historical Society, on title-page. 4788 [CALLENDER (J. T.)] The History of the United States for 1796 ; including a variety of Interesting Particulars relative to the Federal Government previous to that Period, //. viii, 312, boards, uncut, dean and fine copy. 8 Philadelphia, Snowden 6* McCorkle, 1797 Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth's copy, with his autograph on title. " When the fifth number of this book was published, Mr. Alexander Hamilton printed in Fenno's Gazette, a denial of his connection with Reynolds. He has now come from New-York to complete a satisfactory statement. Like the pot whitewashing the kettle, he lias already received from Mr. Wolcot a certificate of his virtue. He is, at present, also soliciting Mr. Monroe and Mr. Muhlenberg . . to attest his innocence, that is to say, their belief of his having debauched Mrs. Reynolds" Preface. 4789 [CALLENDER (J. T.)] The Prospect befores us. 2 vols. in i,fine clean copy, RARE, in such condition. 8 Richmond, Va., printed for the Author, 1800 Vol. I., //. 184; Vol. II. Part I., //. i<;2. The Preface to the Second Part is dated from " Richmond Jail, Nov. 3, 1800." "The most difficult to obtain complete of any of Calender's racy productions." SABIN. 4790 The Prospect before us. Another copy, in the original blue wrappers, without title-page (as published}. 2 vols. uncut, VERY RARE. 8 {Richmond, 1800] 4791 CARPENTER (Stephen Cullen) Select American Speeches, autograph letter of Carpenter and portraits of F. Ames and Jas. Ross inserted. 2 vols., half calf, neat. 8 Phila., 1836 For Carpenter's Memoirs of Jefferson, see No. 4873. 4792 (CENSUS) Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the several districts of the United States, //. 57, new, half morocco. 8 Phila., Childs and Swaine, 1791 The FIRST CENSUS of the United States. 4793 Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services, with their Names, Ages, etc., pp. 195. 4 Washington, 1841 4794 [CHEETHAM (James) ] A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams, . . Added, a Biography of Thomas Jefferson and of General Hamilton : with strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, etc. 2d edition, revised. By a Citizen of New York, //. 72, uncut. 8 New York, Dennisto?i and Cheetham, 1802 4795 [ ] A View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq. Vice-President . . By the Author of the "Narrative,"//. 120, UNCUT. 8 New YoPk, Denniston and Cheetham, 1802 4796 [ ] An Antidote to John Wood's Poison. By Warren, //. 63, nearly uncut. 8 New York, for Denniston and Cheetham, 1802 See Woon (John) History, No. 4948 ; Correct Statement, No. 4949, and Full Exposi- tion, etc., with Remarks on Warren's pamphlet, No. 4950. 4797 A Reply to Aristides. By James Cheetham, Author of the NARRATIVE, etc., //. 134, uncut. 8 New York, for Jos. Cheetham, 1804 See An Examination . . by Aristides, Nos. 4781, 4782. 4O THE UNITED STATES. 4798 [CHEETHAM (James)] The Trial of the Hon. Maturin Livingston, against James Cheetham, for a Libel, . before the Hon. Judge Spencer. Taken in short-hand by Wm. Sampson, pp. 63, uncut, RARE. 8 New-York, S. Gould, 1807 4799 Tne Life of Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, &c., PP- 347? Boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 New York, Southwick and Pelsue, 1809 4800 CINCINNATI. The Institution of the Society of the Cincinnati . . Published by order and for the use of the Members in the State of New York. [With the organization and Proceedings, 1783-84, of the NEW YORK State Society,] pp. 32 (a leaf wanting), clean, uncut. N. York, S. London, 1784 Extracts from the Proceedings of the N. York State Society, July 4th- Aug. i2th, 1786, pp. 20, clean and fine J. M. Mason's Oration commemorative of Major- Gen. Alexander Hamilton, before the N. Y. Society of the Cincinnati, July 31, 1804, pp. 40, tmcut. N.York, 1804. 3 Pamphlets. The second tract " contains fuller details of the forms and customs of the Society, than any other publication." SABIN, Dictionary, no. 13119. 4801 Proceedings of the PENNSYLVANIA Society of the Cincinnati . . Prefixed, the General Institution of the Order, as originally framed, and afterwards altered at the General Meeting, May, 1784, engraved frontispiece, pp. 88. 8 Phila., John Steele, 1785 4802 The Institution and Proceedings of the Society of the Cincin- nati . . With the Proceedings of the MASSACHUSETTS State Society . . 1783-1811, engraved frontispiece, pp. 112, boards, uncut, clean and fine. 8 Boston, T. B. Wait and Co., 1812 4803 Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati ; lately instituted, etc. By Cassius. Supposed to be written by ^Edanus Burke, Esq., pp. 23. 8 Hartford \reprl\, B.JVebster, n. d. [1783] 4804 The same, pp. 16, uncut. 8 Newport, repr. by S. Southwick, n. d. 4805 Observations on a late Pamphlet, entituled, " Considerations upon the Society or Order of the Cincinnati," clearly evincing the Innocence and Propriety of that Honourable and Respectable Institution . . By an Obscure Individual, //. 28, clean, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, Robert Bell, 1783 4806 Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus ; to which are added, as well several Original Papers . . as also A Letter from the late M. Turgot . . on the Constitutions of America ; and an Abstract of Dr. Price's Observations, etc., Transl. from the French of the Count de Mirabeau, pp. xii, 284, hf. red mor., uncut. 8 London, J. Johnson, 1785 4807 Proceedings of the Cincinnati, at Philadelphia, May, 1790, Third General-Meeting, pp. 7. folio, New York, 1790 4808 Addresses delivered before the Society of the Cincinnati. 1786: E. Hitchcock, Providence, R. I. 1787: Rob. R. Livingston, New York; Wm. Rogers, Phila., portrait inserted; Jno. Brooks, Boston; Joel Barlow, Hartford, Conn. 1788: Wm. Hull, Boston 1789: Samuel Whitwell, Boston; Wm. Rogers, Phila. 1790 : Wm. Smith, Phila.; [Wm. Tudor] Boston 1791 : GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 4! Robert Porter, Phila. (2 copies); Theo. Dwight, Hartford 1794: D. Ramsey, Charleston ; Elijah Waterman, Hartford 1795 : Timo. I ) wight, New Haven 1796 : Wm. Smith, Charleston, S. C. 1798 : Thos. Day, Hartford 1799: Zech. Lewis, New Haven 1801 : Timo. Dwight, New Haveti 1802 : Benj. Silliman, Hartford 1804: junius Smith, Hartford. 22 Pamphlets. 8 and 4^1876-1804 4809 CLAY (Henry) Biography of, by Geo. D. Prentice, portrait, sheep, gilt. 12 Hartford, 1831 4810 Life and Times, by Calvin Colton. 2d edition, portrait. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1846 4811 CLINTON (De Witt) Memoir of, by D. Hosack, portraits and folded map, additional portrait and autograph letter of Gov. Clinton, laid in, mottled calf , gilt, FINE COPY. 4 New York, 1829 4812 Life and Writings, by W. W. Campbell, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1849 4813 [Cobbett (Wm.)] Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, . . with a Comprehensive Story of a Farmer's Bull. The Third Edition A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats ; or, Observa- tions on a Pamphlet entitled " The Political Progress of Britain." 2 in i vol., sheep. 8 Phila., 1795 4814 Porcupine's Political Tracts of 1794 and 1795 : containing (i.) Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Priestley; (2.) A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, Part I., 4th ed., and Part II. j (4.) A Kick for a Bite, 2d ed. ; (5.) A Little Plain English: a Defence of the British Treaty ; (6.) A New Year's Gift for the Democrats, 2d ed. ; (7.) A Prospect from the Congress Gallery, 2d ed.;Jtne copy, half calf , neat. 8 Phila., 1795-97 4815 [ ] The Rush-Light. Nos. I.-V. (Feb. 15 to April 30, 1800). By Peter Porcupine, in the original wrappers, uncut, VERY RARE. 8 New York, 1800 Duyckinck, in Cyclopaedia of Am. Literature, i. 266, mentions this publication, as " a periodical iamo pamphlet, in four numbers." 4816 Porcupine's Gazette, No. 779 (//. 49-72), uncut. 12 New York, Wm. Cobbett, 1800 This number contains Cobbett's account of his quarrel with Dr. Rush, of the sale of his press, etc., in Philadelphia, under execution, to satisfy the judgment obtained against him by Dr. Rush, for a libel etc. 4817 - - The Bloody Buoy thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America ; or, a Relation of a Multitude of Acts of Barbarity . . in the French Revolution. By Peter Porcupine. Third edition, with additional notes, and as copious Appendix, frontispiece, pp. 217, sheep. 12 Phila., 1823 oooo [Coleman (Wm.)] An Examination of the President's Reply to the New Haven Remonstrance, //. 69. New York, 1801. See Pamphlets, No. 4906. A Collection of Tracts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-Gen. Alex. Hamilton. N. York, 1804. See HAMILTON (Alexander), No. 4855. 6 42 THE UNITED STATES. [Coleman (Wm.)] Remarks and Criticisms on the Hon. J. Q. Adams's Letter to Hon. H. G. Otis, Boston, 1808. See Pamphlets (Political) 1807-09, No. 4553. 4818 COLLES (Christopher) A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America. 80 copper-plate maps, (Numbers 34-39 wanting) uncut, Iqose, in a cover, VERY RARE. sm. 4 \_New York~\, 1789 Each plate contains a delineation of near 1 2 miles of road, on a scale of one and three- quarter inches to the mile, noting all cross-roads, streams, taverns, etc. The collection comprises the roads from New York to Stamford, Conn, (maps 1-8), N. York to Poughkeepsie (9-13), Poughkeepsie to Albany (14, and 21-25), Stratford to Poughkeepsie (15-20), Albany to Newburgh (26-33); New York to Elizabethtown (40), N. Y. to Brunswick (41, 42), to Kingstown (43), to Trenton (44), to Bristol (45), to Cranberry (45*), to Frankfort (46), to Allentown (46*), to Philadelphia (47), to the Blackhouse (47*), to Mount Holly (48), to Philadelphia (49, 50), Phila. to Annapolis (51-61) ; Annapolis to Bladensburgh (62, 63), to Alexandria (64, 65), to Dumfries (66), to Fredericksburg, Va. (67, 68), to Todd's Ordinary (69), to Bowling Green Ordinary (70), to Head Lynch's Ordinary (71), to Hanover C. H. (72), to Hanover and New Castle (73), to New Kent C. H. (74, 75), to Williams- burgh, (76), to York (78, 79); Williamsburgh to Aylett's Warehouse (80, 81), to Sneed's Ordinary (82), to Port Royal (83, 84), to Hove's Ferry (85, 86). " This rare work is referred to in Francis' ' Old New York.' " SABIN'S Dictionary, iv. no. 14411. Mr. Sabin's description gives the work only 74 Plates. This set, it will be observed, contains eighty ; and if the plates wanting to complete the numerical series (34-39) were ever published, the whole number must have been eighty-six. On the inside of the cover is pasted a copy of Colles's Prospectus and advertisement of the work. 4819 Constitution. Plan of the New Constitution for the United States of America, agreed upon in a Convention of the States. With a Preface by the Editor, //. 30, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, J. Debrett, 1787 4820 The Constitution of the United States of America . . With the Articles of Amendment, as adopted by the Congress of the said States, in 1789, pp. 23, a small stain on a few leaves, hf. mor. sm. 4 Windsor [?.], Alden Spooner, 1790 Gen. Ira Allen's copy, with his name on the title-page. 4821 of the United States, according to the latest Amendments : annexed, the Declaration of Independence ; and the Federal Constitution, with the Amendments thereto, pp. 176, old calf neat. 12 Phila., Carey, Stewart, and Co., 1791 Contains the Constitution of Vermont, not in any former edition. 4822 The same, . . with the Ordinance for the Government of the North Western Territory, etc., //. 256, a name torn from head of title, sheep. 8 Phila., W. Duane, 1802 4823 The same: with the Acts for the Government at the Territories, //. iv, 392, old calf , nice copy. 18 New York, E. Duyckinck, 1813 4824 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; Articles of Con- federation; Declaration of Rights; Non-Importation Agreement, etc. With an Appendix containing the Treaties [with France and Gr. Britain], and (never before published} an Authentic copy of the Treaty [with the United Netherlands]. Arranged, with a Preface and Dedication, by the Rev. Wm. Jackson. Second Edition, rare portrait of Washington (engr. by W. Sharp}, pp. xxix, (3), 472, good copy. 8 London, J. Stockdale, 1783 4825 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America ; the Declaration of Independence ; Articles of Confed- KM, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 43 eration ; Treaties, etc. The Second [American] Edition, //. 181, 29, sheep, nice copy. 12 Boston, Norman and Bowen, 1785 For the First edition, of which only 200 copies were printed by order of Congress, i. see No. 4188 (in Part II.) of this Catalogue. 4826 COOPER (J. Fenimore) The American Democrat ; or, Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. 12 Cooperstown, 1838 4827 COOPER (Rev. Mr.) The History of North America; containing A Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, etc. Added, An Appendix^ containing the Constitution of the U. S., etc., //. 264, old calf , nice copy. 12 Albany, S. Shaw, 1818 4828 COXE (Tench) View of the United States of America, in a Series of Papers [1787-1794], pp. 13, 513, sheep. Philadelphia, 1794 The same, pp. xiv, 439, calf neat, nice copy. Dublin, 1795 (2 vols.) 8 4829 [DWIGHT (Timo.)] Remarks on the Review of Inchiquin's Letters published in the Quarterly Review; addressed to the Rt. Hon. Geo. Canning. By an Inhabitant of New-England, //. 176, boards, uncut. 8 Boston, 1815 4830 EDWARDS (Brian) Thoughts on Proceedings of Government respecting the Trade of the W. India Islands with the United States, half bound. 8 London, 1784 4831 ELLIOT (Jona.) The Debates in the several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution . . With the Journals of the Federal Convention, etc. 2d edition, with considerable additions. 4 vols., law calf. 8 Washington, 1836 4832 The same. With a Diary of the Debates of the Congress of the Confederation as reported by JAMES MADISON . . revised and newly arranged . . in one volume supplementary to Elliott's Debates. 5 vols., law sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1859 4833 FEDERALIST: (THE) A Collection of Essays, written in Favour of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787. 2 vols., pp. vi, 227 ; vi, 384. 12 New York, J. and A. McLean, 1788 Fine clean copy of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. See Hamilton's Works, (Vols. I., II.) No. 4854; but by the binder's carelessness, Vol. II. wants sig. B (pp. 13-24), having in place of it, the corresponding signature of Vol. I. 4834 FRANCE (Relations with) Correspondence between Citizen Genet . . and the Officers of the Federal Government, . [with] the Instructions from the Constituted Authorities of France to the said [Genet], pp. (4), 26, uncut, Phila., 1793 Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, concernant le Commerce Itranger dans les Isles Fran9oises de I'Amerique, n. t. p., Paris, 1784 Scheme of a Convention between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States for regulating the Functions and Privileges of Consuls, etc., n. t. p. 1784. 3 in i VQ\.,~ half vellum, folio. 4835 Actes et Mdmoires concernant les Ne'gociations qui ont eu lieu entre la France et les Etats-Unis, 1793-1800. 3 vols., sewed, uncut. 12 Londres, 1807 The documents in this collection are in the languages (French and English) in which they were first written. 44 THE UNITED STATES. 4836 FRANCE (Relations with) State Papers relating to the Diplo- matick Transactions between the American and French Govern- ments, from 1793, to the Conclusion of the Convention, 3oth of September, 1800. Collected by A. G. Gebhardt. 3 vols., half calf , uncut. 12 London, 1816 The " Actes et Memoires," with a new title in Vol. I., and an Advertisement (2 pp.) in English. 4837 American Review of History and Politics, [by Robert Walsh] Vol. II., No. 2 (Oct. 1811), hf. russia, neat. 8 Phila., 1811 Containing An Enquiry into the State of Our Relations with France, and A Memoir on the Conduct of France and England towards Neutrals, etc. : and in the Appendix, The Commercial Code of the French Empire. 4838 A Review of the Administration of the Government of the United States since the year Ninety-three ; or, the Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the French Minister, on that Subject, pp. 87, hf. bd., neat. 8 Boston, B. Russell, 1797 oooo Harper (R. G.) Observations on the Dispute, etc. SeeNo. 4862. 4839 Scipio's Reflections on Monroe's View of the Conduct of the Executive . . connected with a Mission to the French Republic. 1794-96, 12 Boston, C. P. Wayne, 1798 These letters, first printed in the Boston "Federal Gazette," have sometimes been attributed to Alexander Hamilton. They were written by the Hon. Uriah Tracy, U. S. Senator from Connecticut, 1796-1807. They attracted the attention of Gen. Washington, and excited his curiosity as to their authorship. In January, 1798, he wrote to Oliver Wolcott : " Mr. Monroe, I am told, appears in a voluminous work ! . . A writer under the signature of Scipio, will, I conceive, work him pretty well. Who is Scipio? I am fishing for no secrets, but if the author is known, or conjectured on good grounds, I should like to know who he is." Wolcott replied : " I have good grounds for believing Mr. Tracy to be the author of ' Scipio ' ; but this is not, and I believe will not be generally known." 4840 GOLDSMITH (L.) Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America, illustrated by Cases decided in the Council of Prizes in Paris. 2d edition, pp. 99, hf. bd. 8 New York, 1810 4841 GERRY. The Life of Elbridge Gerry. With Contemporary Letters. To the close of the American Revolution. By James T. Austin. Portrait. 2 vols., half calf . Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1828, '29 4842 GOODRICH (C. A.) History of the United States, portraits and other engravings, good copy. 12 Hartford, 1823 4843 [HAMILTON (ALEXANDER)] A Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New-York, On the Politics of the Day, pp. 23, UNCUT, RARE. 8 New-York, Samuel Loudon, 1784 4844 [ ] A Second Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New- York. Containing Remarks on MENTOR'S Reply, //. 43, UNCUT. 8 New York, S. Loudon, 1784 For Mentor's Reply, see Tracts, No. 4955. 4845 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, to the House of Representatives, relative to a provision for the Support of the PUBLIC CREDIT of the United States . . Presented, the i4th day of January, 1790. Published by Order of the House of Represen- tatives, //. 51, clean, uncut, RARE. folio, New York, Fr. Childs and J. Swaine, 1790 4846 Report relative to further Provision for establishing the Public Credit, Dec. 13, 1790, pp. 22, n. t. p., clean, uncut, RARE. folio, \New York, F. Childs and'j. Swaine, [1790] This Report contains the plan of a National Bank, and sets forth its advantages. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 45 4847 HAMILTON (ALEXANDER) Report of the Secretary of the Treas- ury . . on the subject of MANUFACTURES. Presented . . Dec. 5, 1791, pp. (4), 58, clean, uncut, RARE. folio, [New York,] Childs and Swaine, [1791] Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth's copy, with his autograph. - - Report . . on the subject of the PUBLIC DEBT. Presented, Feb. 7, 1792, //. 15 Report . . respecting the Redemption of the Public Debt; and the Reimbursement of the Loan made of the Bank of the United States. Presented, Nov. 30, 1792, //. 10. 2 Pamphlets^ clean, in original wrappers, uncut. folio, New York, Childs and Swaine, [1792] 4849 - - Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, respecting the Tonnage of Vessels. [Presented, Jan. 7, 1794,] //. 4, with two Tabular Statements, clean and fine, uncut. \_New York,'] Childs and Swaine, 1794 Report. . relative to the establishment of a MINT, //. 22, n. t. p., clean and fine, in original wrapper, uncut. {New York,] Childs and Swaine, n. d. 2 pamphlets, folio. oooo An Examination of the late Proceedings in Congress, respect- ing the Official Conduct of [Alexander Hamilton] the Secretary of the Treasury. Printed within the United States. [1793.] See Pamphlets, No. 4956. 4850 Observations on certain Documents contained in No. V. & VI. of "The History of the United States for. . 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton . . is fully refuted. Written by himself, pp. 37, Iviii, UNCUT, FINE COPY. 8 Phila., for John Fenno, by J. Bioren, 1797 The rare original edition of "the Reynolds pamphlet." 4851 Letter from Alexander Hamilton, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, Esq., President of the U. States. The Second Edition, pp. 54, uncut. 8 New York, John Lang, 1800 The Third Edition (N. Y., 1800) is in Pamphlets, (Political 1800-1806), No. 4952. 4852 A Letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist, pp. 3-10, n. t. p. 8 n. p., n. d. Signed, ARISTIDES. Written by Noah Webster. There is a copy which has Webster's name in autograph, in Pamphlets, Political (1800-1806), No. 4952. In same volume, see A Letter to Major-Gen. Alex. Hamilton containing Observations on his Letter, etc. By a Citizen of these States [the Rt. Rev. U. Ogden, Bp. of New Jersey.] N. K, 1802. 4853 The Examination of the President's Message, at the Opening of Congress, Dec. 7, 1801. Revised and corrected by The Author, //. 127. New York, Office of the N. Y. Evening Post, 1802 4854 Works : comprising his most important Official Reports ; an improved edition of THE FEDERALIST . . and PACIFICUS, on the Proclamation of Neutrality. 3 vols., portraits. 12 New York, Williams and Whiting, 1810 4855 [COLEMAN (Wm.)] A Collection of the Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton ; with Comments : together with . . Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies . . on his Life and Character. By the Editor of the Evening Post, //. (4), 238, sheep. 8 New York, Hopkins and Seymour, 1804 46 THE UNITED STATES. 4856 HAMILTON Eulogies. OTIS (Harrison Gray) Eulogy on Gen. Alexander Hamilton, pronounced at . . Boston, July 26, 1804. 26. edition, pp. 24. Boston NOTT (Eliph.) Discourse, delivered in . . Albany, occasioned by. . the death of Gen. Hamilton, July 29. (with Appendix, containing his Will, etc.), pp. 87-138, n. p.; The same, //. 31. Repr. Stockbridge, \Mass.~\ MASON (J. M.) Oration commem.. of the late Major-Gen. Hamilton, before the N. Y. Soc. of the Cincinnati, 3ist July, 1804, pp. 40. New York SPRING (Sam.) Discourse, in consequence of the late Duel, in Newburyport, Aug. 5, //. 28. Newburyport DWIGHT (Timo.) A Sermon on Duelling, preached in the Chapel of Yale College, New Haven, Sept. 9, 1804, and in New York, Jan. 21, 1805, //. 38. N. York. 6 Pamphlets, ALL UNCUT. 8 1804-05 4857 FURMAN (Rich.) D. D. Sermon on the Death of Major Gen. Hamilton, preached in Charleston, S. C., before the State Society of the Cincinnati, Aug. 15, 1804, pp. 22, new hf. morocco, clean and fine, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Charleston, W. P. Young, [1804] 4858 HAMILTONIAD : or, the Effects of Discord. An original Poem- In Two Books. With an Appendix ; containing a number of interesting Papers relative to the late unfortunate Duel. By a Young Gentleman of Philadelphia, //. 55, UNCUT, fine clean copy, RARE. 8 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1804 4859 The Hamiltoniad : or an Extinguisher for the Royal Faction of New-England. With copious Notes . . By Anthony Pasquin, Esq., //. 104, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, n. d. [1804] FINE COPY ; with a name and address sta'mped on title. 4860 HARDIE (Jas.) The American Remembrancer and Universal Tablet of Memory, pp. (8), 259, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1795 4861 HARPER (Rob. Goodloe) Select Works : consisting of Speeches' on Political and Forensic Subjects . . and sundry Political Tracts. Vol. I. (the only one published^), pp. iv, 400, (2), half rose calf, marb. edges, nearly uncut, AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER (5 //.) laid in. 8 Baltimore, 1814 4862 Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France. 6th edition, pp. 109, half mor. 8 Phila., printed; London, repr., 1798 4863 Reflexoens sobre a Questao entre os Estados Unidos e a Franqa, Offerecidas . . aos seus Constituintes em Maio de 1797- Traduzidas em Portuguez, //. 322, sewed, uncut. sq. 8 Londres, 1798 RARE. This Portuguese translation has escaped Mr. Sabin. oooo Hartford Convention. See Nos. 5013, 5014. 4864 An Historical Review and Directory of North America. * 2 vols. (wanting the 3d. vol.), sheep. 16 Dublin, 1788 4865 [HOLROYD (J. B.), Lord Sheffield.] The Orders in Council and the American Embargo beneficial to the Political and Commercial Interests of Great Britain, //. 51, hf. roan. 8 London, 1809 oooo Observations on the Commerce of the American States . . With Additional Notes to the Second Edition A Letter from an American now resident in London . . containing strictures on Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet. Phila., 1784. See Tracts, No. 4955. ! K.U., CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 47 4866 [INC.ERSOLL (C. J.)] Inchiquin the Jesuit's Letters during a late Residence in the United States, hf. bd., clean. 8 New York, 1810 4867 An Inquiry into the Present State of the Foreign Relations of the Union, as affected by the late measures of Administration, //. 183, hf. bd. 8 Phila., 1806 4868 JACKSON (Andrew) Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson. By A Free Man. Portrait, pp. 216, bds., uncut. 12 Boston, 1831 " We hope he will be wise enough to decline a second election, or, if he does not, he will be disappointed. His reign has verified the forebodings of his enemies, and disappointed every hope of his friends." p. 202. 4869 COBBETT (Wm.) Life of Andrew Jackson, portrait, doth. 16 New York, 1834 4870 -- GOODWIN (Philo A.) Biography of Andrew Jackson, portrait, pp. xi, 422, sheep. 12 Hartford, 1832 4871 JARVIS (Wm. C.) The Republican; a Series of Essays on the Principles and Policy of Free States, having a particular reference to the United States, and the Individual States, pp. 368, bds. 12 Pittsfield [Mass.], P. Allen, 1820 4872 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Report of the Secretary of State, on the subject of establishing a uniformity in the Weights, Measures and Coins of the United States, pp. 49, thick paper, FINE COPY, RARE. 8 New York, F. Childs and J. Swaine, 1790 Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth's copy, with his autograph on the title. 4873 [CARPENTER (Stephen C.)] Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson . . containing a concise History of [the United] States . . With a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country. 2 vols., calf. 8 n. p. Printed for the Purchasers, 1809 A fine copy of this VERY SCARCE work, which the printers suppressed after they were informed by their legal adviser that " he found, on the average, a libel to every page." See the Menzies Catalogue, No. 335. 4874 RAYNER (B. L.) Sketches of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of Thomas Jefferson, with selections of . . his Private Correspond- ence, portrait, and view of Monticello, pp. 556, sheep, gilt, marbl. edges. 8 New York, 1832 4875 LINN (Wm.) The Life of Thomas Jefferson, portrait, pp. 267, marbl. sheep, fine copy. 12 Ithaca, 1834 4876 TUCKER (Geo.) The Life of Thomas Jefferson . . with parts of his Correspondence never before published, and Notices of his Opinions on Questions of Civil Government, etc., portrait. 2 vols., half calf gilt, fine copy. 8 London, C. Knight &> Co., 1837 4877 (Jefferson.) The Pretentious of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency examined; and the Charges against John Adams refuted . . Part the Second, //. 48, uncut. United States, November, 1796 The Federalist: containing some Strictures upon a Pam- phlet entitled " The Pretentious of Thomas Jefferson, . examined," etc., which Pamphlet was first published in the Gazette of the United States, in a series of Essays under the signature of " Phocion." [Part L] //. 48, clean, uncut. Phila., M. Carey, 1796. 2 Pamphlets. 8 48 THE UNITED STATES. 4878 (Jefferson.) The Claims of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency, examined at the Bar of Christianity. By a Layman, pp. 54, uncut. 8 Phila., Asbury Dickens, 1800 4879 (Jefferson.) Cursory Reflections on the Consequences which may ensue should Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr have equal Votes from the Electors and States, //. 25, uncut, RARE. 12 New York, Furman and Loudon, 1801 4880 (Jefferson.) A Letter to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. By Junius Philaenus, //. 64. 8 New York, P. R. Johnson, 1802 oooo Eulogies on. See ADAMS and JEFFERSON, Nos. 4756, 4757. 4881 LACO. The Writings of Laco, as published in the Massachusetts Centinel, Feb. and March, 1789; with the addition of No. VII. which was omitted, pp. 39, clean, nearly uncut, a small piece torn from head of title leaf, SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1789 Attributed to Stephen Higginson. 4882 Ten Chapters in the Life of John Hancock. Now first published since 1788, pp. 68, cloth. 8 New York, 1857 A reprint of the Letters of LACO. 4883 LEGARE (Hugh S.) Writings : prefaced by a Memoir of his Life. Edited by his Sister. 2 vols., portrait, pp. Ixii, 558; 598, hf. mor. 8 Charleston, S. C., 1846, 1845 oooo Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the U. States, containing some Observations on Funding and Bank Systems. By an American Farmer, //. 24. Phila., 1793. See Pamphlets, No. 4956 4884 Letters from Washington, on the Constitution and Laws ; with Sketches of some of the Prominent Characters of the U. States. Written during the Winter of 1817-18, by a Foreigner [George Watterston], pp. 139, Ids., uncut. 12 Washington, J. Gideon, Jun., 1818 4885 LIVINGSTON. Life of Edward Livingston. By C. H. Hunt, with an Introduction by Geo. Bancroft, portraits (India paper) of Livingston and Gen. Jackson, hf. mor., gilt tops, uncut. imp. 8 New York, I). Appleton and Co., 1864 4886 LLOYD (Thos.) Congressional Register, or Proceedings and Debates of the First House of Representatives of the United States. 4 vols., new hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe) uncut. 8 New York, 1789-90 The 4th vol. is not quite complete, ending at p. 152. A Supplement contains the Laws passed at the First Session of the First Congress. oooo Lowell (John) : Peace without Dishonour War without Hope . . A Calm and Dis- passionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, etc. By a Yankee Farmer. Boston, 1807. In Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. Thoughts upon the Conduct of our Administration in relation to Gr. Britain and France, . . especially in reference to . .the Attack on the Chesapeake. By a Friend of Peace. Boston, 1808. In Pamphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Gr. Britain and France. Boston [1809]. In Pamphlets (Political), 1800-1806, No. 4953 and Tracts No. 5069. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 49 Supplement to the Analysis, etc. (n. t. p. 1809). In Pamphlets, 1809-13, No. 4953. Remarks on the Hon. John Q. Adams's Review of Mr. Ames's Works. Boston, 1809. /// I'.imphlets (Political), 1807-09, No. 4953. The New-England Patriot .. A Candid Comparison of the Principles .nit! Conduct of the Washington and Jefferson Administrations, etc.,/*/. i.jS. u. i. Boston. iSio. /// Pamphlets (Political), 1810, No. 4953. Ten Hints addressed to Wise Men ; concerning the dispute which ended, Nov. 8, 1809, in the dismission of Mr. Jackson,//. 115. [Boston, iSio.] /// Pamphlets, 1810, No. 4953. The Impartial Enquirer; a Candid Examination of the Conduct of the President, in execution of powers vested in him by the Act of May I, iSio, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, pp. 96. Boston, 1811. In Pamphlets, 1810, No. 4953. An Appeal to the People on the Causes and Consequences of a War with Great Britain, pp. 36. Boston, 1811. In Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. Mr. Madison's War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declaring an Offensive and Ruinous War, etc. By a New-England Farmer, pp. x, 63. Boston, 1812. See No. 5038 ; and Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. Perpetual War, the Policy of Mr. Madison, etc. By a New-England Farmer, pp. 119. Boston, 1812. In Tracts, No. 5073. The Road to Peace, Commerce, Wealth, and Happiness. By an old Farmer, pp. 18, n. t. p. [Boston, 1813.] In Pamphlets, Political, 1809-13, No. 4953. 4887 LOZERE (Comte Pelet de la) Precis de 1'Histoire des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, half calf , gilt. 8 Paris, F. Didot, 1845 4888 LYON (James) The Scourge of Aristocracy, and Repository of important Political Truths, Vol. I., Nos. 1-4, //. 192, new half mor., uncut, VERY SCARCE. 12 \_Castleton, Vt^\, Oct.-Dec. 1798 4889 MADISON. A Letter addressed to the Hon. James Madison, Secretary of State, [on the Proclamation of July 29, 1807], //. 35. 8 Printed in America, 1808 4890 MAYO (Robert) Political Sketches of Eight Years in Washington, //. 216, facsimile of a letter of Gen. Jackson, cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1839 4891 MELISH (John) Map of the United States, mounted on linen and folded, in octavo case. Philadelphia, 1820 4892 (Militia.) Plan for the general arrangement of the MILITIA of the United States. [By Gen. H. Knox, Sec. of War.] Published by order of the House of Representatives, //. 26, mor., neat, clean and fine. folio, New York, 1790 4893 Mitchell's Accompaniment to the Map of the United States containing an Index of all Counties, Districts, Towns, etc., and of the Rivers ; with a general view of the U. States, //. 324, hf. mor. 8 Philadelphia, 1834 4894 [MORRIS (Gouverneur) ] An Answer to "War in Disguise," or Remarks upon the New Doctrine of England, concerning Neutral Trade, //. 76. 8 New York, 1806 4895 MORRIS (Gouverneur) Life ; with selections from his Corres- pondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By Jared Sparks. 3 vols., portrait, hf. cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1832 5O THE UNITED STATES. 4896 MORSE (Jedediah) The American Geography ; or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States . . Illustrated with two Sheet Maps, etc., pp. 534, (2), sheep. 8 Elizabeth Town \N. 7.], Shepard Kollock, 1789 4897 Remarks on the American Geography. By J. F[reeman], //. 6 1, i, scarce. 8 Boston, Belknap and Hall, 1793 4898 Geography made Easy : being An Abridgment of the American Universal Geography . . 5th edition, maps, sheep, neat. 12 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1796 4899 The American Gazetteer . . with a particular Description of The Georgia Western Territory . . Illustrated with Seven new and neat Maps, old calf gilt, nice copy. 8 Boston, 1797 4900 - - An Abridgment of the American Gazetteer, map of N. America, pp. 388, sheep. 12 Boston, Thomas &* Andrews, 1798 4901 MUNSELL'S Historical Series. 10 vols., half levant red morocco extra, gilt tops, UNCUT. Albany, J. Munsell, 1857-61 The series comprises the following works : I. Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book. Expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759, Map. 1857 II. Easton's Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip's Indian War, 1675-6; with other Documents. Ed. by Dr. F. B. Hough, Map. 1858 III. Orderly Book of the Northern Army, Oct. 1776-Jan. 1777^ with notes, etc. 1859 IV. Diary of the Siege of Detroit, in the War with Pontiac. Also, A Narrative of the Principal Events of the Siege, by Major Robert Rogers. Ed. by F. B. Hough. 1860 V. Obstructions to the Navigation of Hudson's River, etc. Ed. by E. M. Ruttenber, Map. 1860 VI. Loyal Verses of Jos. Stansbury and Dr. Jona. Odell ; relating to the Am. Revolu- tion. Ed. by Winthrop Sargent. 1860 VII. Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, until his Surrender at Saratoga, 1 6th Oct. 1777, Map, portrait, and facsimile. Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan. 1860 VIII. Early French Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavalier, St. Cosme, LeSueur, Gravier, and Guignas. Introduction, etc., by J. G. Shea. 1861 IX., X. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Introduction and Notes by F. B. Hough. Three Maps. 2 vols. 1861 4902 MURAT (Achille) The United States of North America. With a Note on Negro Slavery, by Junius Redivivus. 2d edition, col. map, pp. xxxviii, 402, clean, uncut. 12 London, 1833 4903 Brieven over de Zeden en Staat Kunde der Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika ; door Achilles Murat; uithet Fransch. 2 vols., half green mor., uncut. 8 Te Zalt-Bommel, 1834 4904 OTIS (Harrison G.) Otis' Letters in defence of The Hartford Convention, and the People of Massachusetts, //. 103, calf, scarce. 8 Boston, Simon Gardner, 1824 4905 OUSELEY (Wm. G.) Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States. Added, Statistical Tables, etc. boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1832 4906 Pamphlets. A Defense of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the Rights of N. E. vindicated, //. 28, and 10 //. manuscript notes. Boston, 1804 British Influence on the Affairs of the U. S., proved and explained [by 'Marcus']. Boston, 1804. S. Taggart's Oration at Conway, July 4, 1804. Northampton, 1804 [A. HAMILTON'S] ' Examination of the President's Message. N. Y. 1802 [W. Cole- man's] Examination of the President's (Jefferson's) Reply to the GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 51 New Haven Remonstrance, etc. N. Y. 1801 Political Intol- ;ice, or The Violence of Party Spirit: exemplified in a recent Removal [of Winthrop Sargent] from Office, etc. Boston, 1801. 6 scarce pamphlets, in i vol., sheep. 8 4906 PERKINS (Samuel) Historical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 1815 to 1830, bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1830 4907 PICKERING (Timo.) Letter, exhibiting to his Constituents a View of the Imminent Danger of an Unnecessary and Ruinous War. Addressed to His Excellency James Sullivan, Governor of Massachusetts, pp. 16, uncut. 8 Boston, 1808 ;her copy, in Pamphlets (Political), 1800-1806, No. 4952. In same volume: Interesting Correspondence between .. Governour Sullivan and Col. Pickering; in which (he latter vindicates himself against groundless charges, etc., Boston, 1800; and Mr. Pickering's Speech in the U. S. Senate, Nov. 30, 1808, on the Embargo, etc. 4909 - - Political Essays. A Series of Letters addressed to the People of the U. States, //. 215, bds. 12 Canandaigua, J. D. Bemis, 1812 4910 PINKNEY. Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. -By Henry Wheaton, portrait and facsimile ( foxed}, pp. 616, hf. cloth. 8 New York, 1826 4911 PITKIN (Timo.) A Political and Civil History of the United States, from 1763 to 1797, portrait of Washington. 2 vols., half mor. gilt. 8 ? New Haven, 1828 4912 PRENTICE (A.) A Tour in the United States, with two Lectures on Emigration, 6th edition, portrait and map, pp. 217, cloth, gilt. 1 6 London, 1850 4913 Presidents' Speeches. The Speeches, Addresses, and Messages of the several Presidents . . Also, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. S., Washington's farewell address, etc., six miniature portraits, and facsimiles, of the Signers, pp. 536, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, R. Desilver, 1825 4914 QUINCY. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy Jun. of Massa- chusetts: by his Son, Josiah Quincy, bds., uncut. 8 Boston, 1825 4915 RAMSAY (D.) History of the United States, from . . 1607, to 1808. .. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent by S. S. Smith, and others. 3 vols. calf. 8 Phila., M. Carey, 1816, '17 4916 SABINE (Lorenzo) A Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas, //. 317, cloth. 8 Washi?igton, 1853 oooo [SARGENT (Winthrop)] Political Intolerance, or The Violence of Party Spirit ; Exemplified in a recent Removal from Office : with a comment upon Executive Conduct, etc. Boston, 1801. See Pamphlets No. 4906, and Pamphlets, Political, (1800-1806,) No. 4952- 4917 SCHEFFER (Arnold) Histoire des Etats-Unis, //. 312, paper, uncut. 12 Paris, 1825 oooo Scipio's Reflections, etc. See No. 4839. 4918 SEYBERT (Adam) Statistical Annals .. of the United States, pp. xxvii, 803, old calf . 4 Philadelphia, 1818 52 THE UNITED STATES. 4919 Sham-Patriot (The) Unmasked; or an Exposition of the fatally successful Arts of Demagogues, etc. Written by Historicus [Ezra Sampson?], and first published in "The Balance," //. 143, clean, uncut. 18 Hudson \N. K], Sampson, Chittenden, 6* Croswell, 1802 4920 The same. Another edition, pp. 92. 12 Middletown \ConnI\, n. d. [1802] 4921 Sketches of Scenery and Manners in the United States. By the author of the "Northern Traveller," lithographic prints and etchings. 12 New York, A. T. Goodrich, 1829 4922 SNOWDEN (R.) The History of North and South America, . . to the Death of Gen. Washington, 2 maps. 2 vols. in one, pp. 167, 132, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1819 4923 Speeches in Congress. [A collection of (117) noteworthy speeches, on important topics, in both Houses of Congress : alphabetically arranged.] 4 vols., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe]. 8 1788-1850 4924 [SULLIVAN (Wm.)] History of the United States . . for the use of schools and families. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, portrait of Washington, pp. 276, sheep. 12 Keene, N. H., J. Prentiss, 1823 4925 SULLIVAN (W.) Familiar Letters on Public Characters, and Events, 1783 to 1815, pp. xi, 468. 12 Boston, 1834 The Appendix (containing the Evidence collected by the sons of Jas. A. Bayard, on Jefferson's calumnies; Jay's Letter on Washington's Farewell Address, etc.) was omitted in the Second Edition. 4926 -- The same. Second edition, pp. xxiii, 345, cloth, uncut. 12 Boston, 1834 Revised and corrected ; with an additional Preface. 4927 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation pending between his Britannic Majesty and the United States, conditionally ratified by the Senate, June 24, 1795. With a Copious Appendix, pp. 283, old calf . 12 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1795 " From among the multiplicity of publications, pro and con, the ' Features of Mr. Jay's Treaty,' and the ' Vindication ' of that instrument have been selected, as including nearly all the arguments that have been advanced by the writers on both sides." 4928 Debates in the House of Representatives, ist Sess. of the 4th Congress, on the Constitutional Powers of the House with respect to Treaties, and upon . . the British Treaty. 2 vols in i, // 386, 362. 8 Philadelphia, for B. F. Bache, 1796 4929 VAN BUREN (Martin) Life, by W. M. Holland, portrait, cloth, damaged by water. 12 Hartford, 1835 4930 CROCKETT (David) The Life of Martin Van Buren, heir- apparent to the "Government," and the appointed successor of Gen. Andrew Jackson . . . With a concise History of the Events that have occasioned his unparalleled elevation, etc., pp. 209, cloth. Philadelphia, 1835 4931 The same, with portrait of Crockett, pp. 209, cloth. 12 New York and Philadelphia, 1845 4932 Vindication (A) of the Measures of the present Administration. By Algernon Sidney [Gideon Granger, of Connecticut,] pp. 32, uncut. 8 Hartford, Luther Pratt, 1803 GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 53 4933 WALSH (Robert) An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Uritain respecting the United States, old calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 4934 - - The same, bds. uncut. 4935 -- The same. 2d Edition, old calf . 8 Philadelphia, 1819 4936 [ ] Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government, //. iv, 253, bds. uncut. 4937 War in Disguise ; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, //. (4), 215, half calf, neat. 8 New York, repr. for I. Riley 6- Co., 1806 For an Answer, See Morris (Gouverneur), No. 4894. 4938 -- The same. 2d Amer. edition, //. 228 [MORRIS (G.)] An Answer to War in Disguise. 2 in i vol., old calf. 12 New York, for I. Riley 6- Co., 1806 4939 ~ The Dangers of the Country. By the Author of War in Disguise, //. (4), 227, hf. roan. 8 London, 1807 4940 WARDEN (D. B.) Statistique, historique, et politique Description des Etats-Unis. 5 vols., map (by Tardieu), and plates, half calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1820 4941 WEBSTER. Knapp (Sam'l L.) Memoir of the Life of Daniel Webster, portrait (foxed), pp. 234, cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 4942 -- A Memorial of Daniel Webster, from the City of Boston, [ed. by Geo. S. Hillard,] fine portrait and view of Marshfield, pp. x, 270, cloth. 8 Boston, Little, Brown 6 Co., 1853 4943 WKLD (Isaac) Jun. Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-7. 4th edition, 16 maps and plates. 2 vols., diamond calf gilt, fine copy. 8 London, 1807 4944 WILLARD (Simon) fan. The Columbian Union : Explanations of the Government, and the Columbian Constitution, //. 487, boards, uncut. 12 Hudson, 1814 4945 [WiRT (Wm.)] The Letters of .the British Spy. Originally published in the Virginia Argus, 1803. The Third edition, //. 128, sheep, nice copy. 16 Richmond, S. Pleas ants, Jun., 1805 With fine Autographs of HENRY LAURENS (on the title) and Eliza Rutledge Laurens (p. 5), and manj' of the blanks neatly filled in Mrs. Laurens's handwriting. 4946 WOLCOTT (Oliver) Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying a Plan for laying and collecting Direct Taxes . . Presented, Dec. 19, 1796, //. 68, and Appendix containing Documents [Tabular Statements]* clean, uncut. folio, Published by Order of the Ho. of Reps. [1796] 4947 WOOD (John) A Letter to Alexander Addison, President of the County Courts of Pennsylvania, in Answer to his Rise and Progress of Revolution, //. 23, hf. mor., RARE. 8 Philadelphia, R. Folwell, 1801 " Being a stranger in America, it cannot be supposed I write either under the influence of party, or from personal pique . . A desire to undeceive all those who may unhappily have been ensnared by the artful forgery of [the Abbe] Barruel is my only motive," etc. 54 THE UNITED STATES. 4948 WOOD (John) The History of the Administration of John Adams, esq. late President of the United States, portraits of Adams and Mrs. Abigail Adams, inserted, pp. 506, old calf . 8 New York, 1802 A FINE COPY of the rare "Suppressed History." 4949 A Correct Statement of the various sources from which The History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled, and the Motives for its Suppression by Col. Burr : with some Observa- tions on A Narrative, etc. Second Edition corrected, with Notes, //. 58, uncut. 8 New York, G. 6- R. Waite, for the Author, 1802 For (Cheetham's) " Narrative of the Suppression," etc., and "Antidote to John Wood's Poison," see Nos. 4794, 4796. 4950 -- A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati ; with an Account of the Writer of the Narrative, . . also, Remarks on WARREN'S Pamphlet, pp. 56, fine copy, UNCUT. 8 Newark, for the Author, 1802 4951 WRIGHT. Life and Times of Silas Wright, late Governor of the State of New York. By Jabez D. Hammond, portraits of Governors Wright, Bouck, and Young, pp. 749, cloth. 8 Syracuse, 1848 4952 Pamphlets. Political (1800-1806) 17 in i vol. sheep, neat. 8 ? ALEX. HAMILTON'S Letter concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams. 3d edition. N. York, 1800 [NOAH WEBSTER'S] Letter to Gen. Hamilton, occasioned by his Letter to President Adams. By a Federalist. n. p., n. d. [1800] [Bishop U. OGDEN'S] Letter to Major Gen. Hamilton, containing , Observations on his Letter, etc. By a Citizen of the U. S. N. York, 1800 Political Intolerance, or The Violence of Party Spirit exemplified in the removal from Office [of Winthrop Sargent]. Boston, 1801 A. GALLATIN'S Views of the Public Debt, etc. of the U. S. 2d ed. Phila., 1801 [J. CHEETHAM'S] Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of J. Adams. N. York, 1802 An Examination of the Question, Who is the writer of two forged Letters to Pres. [Jefferson], attributed to John Rutledge ? n. p., 1803 An Examination of the various charges against Aaron Burr. By Aristides [W. P. Van Ness]. Virginia Edition : with an Appendix by a Gentleman of N. Carolina. RARE. Virginia, 1804 A Defense of the Legislature of Massachusetts, or the 'Rights of New England vindicated. Boston, 1804 British Influence on the Affairs of the U. S. proved. Boston, 1804 The Defence of Young and Minns, Printers to the State* [of Mass.] before the Committee of the Ho. of Reps., etc. Boston, 1805 An Answer to the Question, Why are you a Federalist? [Boston,~\ 1805 An Address [Republican] to the People of Massachusetts, Feb. 1805. A Letter to a Federalist, [in defence] of the present Administration. Feb. 1805. n. p. A Parody [in verse] on . . passages in . . " A Letter to a Federalist." By Vernon H. Quincey. RARE. Portsmouth, N. H. 1805 An Appeal to the Old Whigs of Massachusetts (Federal). 1806 An Inquiry into the present state of the Foreign Relations of the Union, etc., pp. 183. Phila., 1806 The scarce and valuable pamphlets in this and the four following volumes (No. 4954) were collected by, and bound for, the Rev. Dr. Joseph McKean, of Cambridge, Mass. Each volume contains a manuscript list of the contents. Many of the pamphlets were presentation copies, and several of the anonymous ones have the autographs of the authors. GENERAL, CIVIL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY. 55 4953 Pamphlets. Political (1807-1813) 61 Pamphlets (2539 pages) including mdny which are VERY SCARCE, and of prime importance for the political history of the period over which their publication extends, in 4 vols., sheep, neat. 8 Among the scarce tracts contained in these volumes are the follow- ii) U : Vol. I. (1807-1809) J. Q. Adams's Letter to Harrison Gray Otis. 2d ed., 1808 [Wm. Coleman's] Remarks and Criticisms on Adams's I.rttfr. 1808 [J. Q. Adams's] Review of Works of Fisher Ames, 1809 [J. Lowell's] Remarks on Adams's Review, etc. 1809 [S. P. P. Kay's] Political Sermon to the Electors of Middlesex [1809] Algernon Sidney's Address to the People of N. E. [by Gideon Granger,] 1809. Vol. II. (1808, 1809) Alex. Baring's Inquiry into the Causes, etc. of the Orders in Council, 3(1 ed. 1808 (pp. iv, 179) Timo. Pickering's Correspondence with Gov. Sullivan, 1808 [J. Lowell's] Analysis of the Correspondence with Gr. Britain and France, 1809 [Rob. Walsh's] Letter on the genius and dispositions of the French Government, loth ed., pp. 252, London, 1810 L. Baldwin's Thoughts on the study of Polit. Economy, etc. Cambridge, 1809. Vol. III. (1810.) The N. E. Patriot. A Comparison of the Adminis- trations of .Washington and Jefferson, [by J. Lowell,]//. 148, 13 A Word to Federalists and to those who love the Memory of Washington [March, 1810.] [J. Lowell's] The Impartial Inquirer.. Examination of the Conduct of the President, etc. By a Citizen of Massachusetts, 1811 Reflections on the Corresp. between Secretary Smith and F. J. Jackson, the British Minister, pp. 97, Baltimore, 1810 [J. Lowell's] Ten Hints addressed to Wise Men, etc., pp. 115, [1810.] Vol. IV. (1809-1813.) Address to the Citizens of Mass., on the Causes and Remedy of National Distresses, rSo8 The Essex Resolutions [on the Embargo, etc.], Oct. 1808 The Newburyport Resolutions ; and Memorial, Jan. 1809 [J. Lowell's] Supplement to the Analysis of the Correspondence, etc. [John Adams's] The Inadmissible Principles of the King of England's Proclamation, considered, April, 1809 Remarks on . . the Murder of Mr. Paul Chadwick, at Malta [Me.], Sept. 7, 1809, pp. 24 [J. Lowell's] Appeal to the People, on the causes and conse- quences of War with Gr. Britain, 1811 Declaration of the County of Essex (Ipswich convention), July, 1812 [J. Lowell's] Mr. Madison's War: A Dispassionate Inquiry, etc. By a N. E. Farmer, pp." x, 63, 1812; and The Road to Peace, etc., pp. 18, [1812.] Report of Mass. Committee on the subject of Impressed Seamen, pp. 84, 1812: etc. 4954 Pamphlets. Speeches in Congress, 1806-1814. 21 in i vol. hf. sheep, neat. 8 John Randolph's (Two Speeches) on Mr. Gregg's Non-Importation Resolution White's, in the U. S. Senate, on the Bill prohib. Intercourse with St. Domingo, Feb., 1806 Jos. Quincy's, in Com. of the Whole, on the Fortification bill, Apr. 15, 1806 Lloyd's, on Repeal of the Embargo laws, Nov., 1808 Hillhouse's, in the Senate, on the Embargo bill, Nov. 29, and Dec. 21 Gardiner's, on Foreign Relations, Dec., 1808 Dana's on the Resolution concerning F. J. Jackson (the British Minister), Dec. 19, 1810 Jos. Quincy's (on the same subject) and 10 others. 4955 Tracts. Observations on the Commerce of the U. States [by Lord Sheffield] ; also, An Essay on Canon and Federal Law by John Adams . . to which is annexed the Polit. Character of Mr. Adams, by an American. 1783 A Letter from an American, resident on London, containing Strictures on Lord Sheffield's Observations. . Added, Mentor's Reply to Phocion's Letter ; with Observations on Trade, etc. 1783 An Address to the Freemen of So. Carolina; by Cassius [^Edanus Burke]. 1783 The Rise 56 THE UNITED STATES. and Continuation of the Substitutes, in the Continental Army. . With the Opinion of several eminent Lawyers. 1777 PLATTE'S (Gabriel) A Discovery of Subterranean Treasure : containing Useful Explorations, concerning all manner of Mines and Minerals, from Gold, to Coal; with Directions and Rules for finding them, etc., etc., pp. 38. 1784. Six in i vol., hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1777-84 4956 Tracts. An Examination of the Late proceedings in Congress, respecting the Official Conduct of [Alex. Hamilton] the Secretary of the Treasury, //. 28. Printed within the United States, n. d. [1793] An Enquiry into the Principles and Tendency of certain Public Measures ; [against the Bank of the U. S., and the Funding System,] pp. 92. Phila., 1794 The Path to Riches. An Inquiry into the Origin and Use of Money, etc. By a Citizen of Massa- chusetts, //. 77. Boston, 1792 Letters to the Yeomanry of the U. S., on Funding and Bank Systems. By an Am. Farmer. Phila., 1793. 4 in i vol., hf. bd. 8 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY: INCLUDING BIOGRAPHY, AND TRIALS BY COURTS-MARTIAL. 4957 Adventures of Uncle Sam in search after his Lost Honor; by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq., //. 142, boards, uncut. 12 Middletown, Conn., 1816 A burlesqued history of the War of 1812-14. The motto on the title-page is : " Taurum per caudam grabbo." 4958 ADYE (S. P.) A Treatise on Courts Martial . . To which is added, An Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards, //. ii, iv, 139, (9), hf. sheep. 12 New York, H. Gaine, 1769 RARE. The author was a First Lieutenant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and had been appointed Judge-Advocate by General Gage, to whom he dedicates his book. " No author, I believe," he says, "has ever wrote on Courts-Martial before, though something on that subject was much wanting for the Guidance of Officers who may be employed on that duty ; therefore, if this Treatise has no other merit, it may certainly claim that of being new." A list of Subscribers (6 pp.) is appended, which is of interest, as giving the full names and rank of nearly all the British officers serving in America in 1769. 4959 ARMSTRONG (Gen. John) Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, 1840 4960 ATHERTON (Wm.) Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the North-Western Army, under Gen. Winchester, //. 152, bds. 12 Frankfort, Ky., 1842 4961 - - The same, fresh copy, bds. 4962 BACHE (Lt. Col. Louis) Proceedings of a General Court Martial for the Trial of Lieut. Col. Louis Bache, commanding a detachment of Volunteers and Militia of Pennsylvania, in Oct. 1814, with an Appendix, pp. 66, 12, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 4963 BAILEY (Isaac) American Naval Biography, pp. 257, sheep. 12 Providence, (R. /.), Is. Bailey, 1815 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 57 I Ii>tory of the Late War, with a Critical Appendix by 11. ( uiuinins, />/>. 167, xlvii, sheep, nice copy, SCARCP:. 12 Baltimore, B. Edes, 1820 not expected that the dominions of his late Majesty, George III., contained a h Mjl>j(.-rt who. . . would cl.m- to tell John Hull to his teeth, that Brother Jonathan had hrokt-u hi* nose and spilled his claret; but the reader will find in the history of Mr. |;.im--> m.i:i\ instances ot thi> d.iring." Am. Editor's Preface. Barbarities of the Enemy exposed, in a Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives of the U. S. . . and the Documents accompanying said Report, pp. 192, sheep. 12 Troy, 1813 See Report of the Committee, etc. No. 5058. 4966 - - The same, //. 192, sheep. 12 Worcester, L Sturtevant, for R. Dunnell, 1814 4967 BARNEY (Commodore Joshua) Biographical Memoir ; edited by Mary Barney, portrait, pp. xvi, 328, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1832 IIINNEY. Documents relative to the Investigation . . of the Official Conduct of Amos Binney, U. S. Navy Agent at Boston . . Published by the Accused, pp. iv, 260, uncut, scarce. .8 Boston, 1822 Presentation copy to Hon. Harrison Gray Otis. 4969 A Brief History of an existing Controversy on the subject of Assimilated Rank in the Navy of the U. States. By W. S. W. R., pp. 1 08. 8 Philadelphia, 1850 Relating to the rank of surgeons and pursers. 4970 Battle of Lake Erie. BURGES (T.) The Battle of Lake Erie, and Commodore Elliott's Conduct in that Engagement, diagrams, pp. 132, cloth. 12 Providence, 1839 4971 COOPER (J. F.) The Battle of Lake Erie; or, Answers to Messrs. Surges, Duer and Mackenzie, pp. 117, i, sewed. 12 Cooper stown, 1843 4972 [BLYTH (Stephen C.)] History of the War between the United States and Tripoli, and other Barbary Powers, pp. 144, bds., y. e., fresh, clean copy, RARE. 12 Salem, Gazette Office, 1806 4973 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the Late War. 4th edition, corrected, //. 348, engravings, sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1818 4974 - - The same, pp. 298, illustrated, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 4975 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Histoire de la Guerre entre les Etats- Unis d'Ame'rique et I'Angleterre, 1812-15 > tra d- P ar A. de Dalmas. 2 vols., engraved map, uncut. 8 Paris, Corbet, 1820 4976 BROWN (Samuel R.) Views of the Campaigns of the North- western Army, etc., pp. 156, fresh copy, boards, uncut. 12 Troy,N. Y., 1814 4977 The same, wood-cut frontispiece, pp. 156, boards. 12 Philadelphia, 1815 4978 BROWN (S. R.) An Authentic History of the Second War for Independence. 2 vols. 12 Auburn, 1815 4679 Another edition, in i vol., pp. 264, 129, (2), clean and fresh, boards, uncut. 12 Auburn, 1815 4980 CAMPBELL (J.) Lives of the British Admirals : containing a new and accurate Naval History : with a continuation to 1779, maps and frontispieces. 4 vols., calf. 8 London, 1781 8 58 THE UNITED STATES. 4981 CHRISTIE (R.) The Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the late War, including also, The Political History of Lower-Canada, 1807-1815, //. 235, uncut. 12 Quebec, 1818 4982 CLAIBORNE (N. H.) Notes on the War in the South [the Creek War], with Sketches of Lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, Gov. Claiborne and others, //. 112, sheep, fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 12 Richmond, Wm. Ramsay, 1819 4983 CLARK (Thos.) Sketches of the Naval History of the United States, with an Appendix of important Documents, frontispiece (Constitution and Guerriere), pp. 107, cxxxix, bds. uncut, slightly foxed. . 12 Phila., for M. Carey, 1813 4984 COBBETT (Wm.) The Pride of Britannia Humbled ; or, the Queen of the Ocean Unqueen'd, by the " American Cock-Boats," frontispiece (injured), pp. 215, i, hf. bd. 12 Phila., 1815 4985 Letters on the Late War, pp. 407, hf. calf. 8 New York, 1815 4986 COOPER (J. Fenimore) History of the Navy of the United States, 2d edition, with corrections, map and diagrams. 2 vols., half calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 4987* Lives of distinguished American Naval Officers. 2 vols., sheep. 12 Auburn, N. Y., 1846 4988 Correspondence relating to America, presented to Parliament in 1810, pp. 95, (4), calf, SCARCE. 8 London, A. Strahan, 1811 4989 COURTS-MARTIAL: Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry upon Capt. James Barren, of the U. S. Navy, May, 1821, pp. in. Washington, 1822 Letter from the Sec. of the Navy, transmitting . . the Proceedings of a Court Martial, ordered at the instance of Midshipman Marston for the trial of Capt. John O. Creighton : and also, the Memorial of sundry Midshipmen and Officers of the Mediterranean Squadron, etc., pp. 25. Washington, 1818 Proceedings of the Court-Martial ordered, on the Mediterranean Station, for the trial of Capt. Oliver H. Perry ; also, for the trial of Capt. John Heath, of the Marine Corps, pp. 34. Washington, 1818 Defence of Lieut. Col. Gardner Burbank, before the General Court- Martial .. in Worcester, Sept., 1818, against charges preferred by Col. Prentice Gushing and others : [with] all the Evidence adduced upon his Trials, ^.-44. Worcester, 1819 Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry held at the request of Commodore John Rodgers, Aug., 181 1 [on the affair of the " Little Belt."] n. p. Trial of Brig. Gen. William Hull, for Treason, Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, etc. With the Sentence of the Court, and Remission thereof by the President, pp. 28. Boston, 1814 The Trial of John Wilson, alias Jenkin Ratford, for Mutiny, Desertion, and Contempt . . Subjoined, a few Cursory Remarks, pp. 28. 12 Boston, 1807 Trials by Court Martial of Capt. Samuel Watson, 2d., D. Livermore, D. Kent, and Wm. Prouty, of the . . Mass. Militia, 1810, pp. 104. Worcester, 1811 Minutes and Proceedings of a Gen. Court-Martial, at Boston, for the trial of Major Joseph Loring, Jr., on a complaint made by Brig. Gen. Arnold Welles, pp. 130, (2). Boston, 1813 Record of Proceedings of a Gen. Court-Martial, in Salem, Mass., Sept. 28, 1812, on the complaint of Lieut. Col. S. Brimblecom et al., against Major-Gen. Eben Goodale, of the Mass. Militia, pp. 75. Cambridge, 1812 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 59 Trials of Lieut. E. B. Babbit, on charges preferred by Com. J. D. Elliott, before a Naval Court-Martial, at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Oct. 1834, //. 120. Bo.ston, 1835 1 i Pamphlets, all but one uncut, in I vol., new hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 See, also, BACHE, No. 4962 ; GARDNER, No. 5001 ; HARMAR, No. 5009 ; HULL, No. 5019; JACKSON, No. 5030; PORTER, No. 5055, 5056. 4990 The Militia Reporter; containing the Trials of Capt. Jos. Loring, Jun., on the charges of Gen. Winslow ; Capt. Jos. Loring, Jun., on the charges of Maj. Davis ; Capt. Amos Binney, on the charges of Maj. Osgood ; Capt. Thos. Howe, on the charges of Maj. Messinger ; pp. 299, hf. bd., neat. 8 Boston, T. Kennard, 1810 "The illegality of the Legionary Brigade [of which Gen. John Winslow was the Commander], arranged as it was in Boston, created dissatisfaction and dissension among the officers, which led to the following Trials. Gov. Gore and his Council have supported these principles, by deranging the Legionary Brigade, and destroying every vestige thereof." Advertisement. 4991 Dartmoor Prison. Message of the President [Monroe], trans- mitting a Report of the Secretary of State . . in relation to the Transactions at Dartmoor Prison, //. 184, folded table, (title-page blottea,} 8 Washington, 1816 4992 Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts captured by the British, folded plan of Dartmoor Prison, sheep. 12 Boston, 1816 4993 [ANDREWS (Chas.) ] The Prisoners' Memoirs, or Dartmoor Prison ; containing a History of the entire Captivity of the Ameri- cans in England, . . and, of the Horrid Massacre at Dartmoor, Apr. 6, 1815, doth. 12 Neiv York, 1852 4994 [DAVIS (JOHN)] The American Mariners : or, The Atlantic Voyage ; A Moral Poem. Prefixed is a Vindication of the American Character from the Aspersions of the Quarterly Reviewers. To which are added Naval Annals ; or an Impartial Summary of the Actions fought at Sea, and on the Lakes, . . during the Late War [1812-15], ..//. xn > 384? dean, uncut; with autograph of S. T. Coleridge. 12 Salisbury, \Eng.\ n. d. [1822] The book was dedicated to Robert Southey, and this was probably the dedication-copy, for its covering shows the workmanship of Southey's family-bindery, as easily to be recognized as is Mr. F. Bedford's. 4995 DAVIS (Paris M.) An Authenfick History of the Late War, . To which will be added, The War with Algiers, and the Treaty of Peace, etc., //. 360, sheep. Ithaca, 1829 The same, frontispiece (Battle of New Orleans}, hf. mor. gilt. New York, 1836. (2 vols.) 12 4996 DECATUR (Stephen) Life, by S. Putnam Waldo, portrait, sheep, water -stained. 12 Hartford, 1821 4997 Dispute (The) with America considered ; in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergyman, hf. mor. 8 London, [1812] 4998 EATON (Gen. Wm.) Life, collected from his Manuscripts, portrait, sheep, marbled edges. 8 Brookfield, 1813 4999 ELLIOTT (Com. Jesse D.) Biographical Notice of, containing a Review of the Controversy between 'him and Com. Perry, and a History of the Figure-Head of the U. S. Frigate Constitution. By a Citizen of New York [Russell Jams], boards, water-stained. 12 Phila., 1835 See Tracts, No. 5073. 6O THE UNITED STATES. 5000 FAY (H. A.) Collection of Official Accounts of all the Battles fought by Sea and Land, 1812-15, PP- 2 95> sheep. 8 New York, 1817 oooo Florida War. See Seminole War, Nos. 4370-4376. 5001 GARDNER (Major Chas. K.) Trial of, by Court Martial on Charges preferred by Maj. Gen. Ripley. 8 n. p. \Bostoti\, 1816 5002 General Armstrong (Brig} A Collection of Sundry Publications . . in relation to an Attack . . upon the private armed Brig, General Armstrong, of New York, commanded by S. C. Reid, Sept 26, 1814, at Fayal, pp. iv, 46, hf. bd. 12 N. York, J. Gray, 1833 5003 General View of the Late War between the U. S. of America, and Great Britain, pp. 118, bds. 32 n. p., n. d. 5004 GILLELAND (J. C.) History of the Late War. 2d edition. 12 Baltimore, 1817 5005 [GLEIG (G. R.)] A narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans . . in 1814-15 ; By an Officer who served in the Expedition, pp. (4), 377, (i), boards, uncut. 8 London, 1821 5006 [GLEIG (G. R.)] A Subaltern in America; comprising his Narrative of Campaigns of the British Army, at Baltimore, Wash- ington, etc., during the Late War, pp. 266, boards, uncut. 12 Phila., Carey 6- Hart, 1833 5007 GOLDSBOROUGH (Chas. W.) The U. S. Naval Chronicle, Vol. I. PP- 395 > xii, and slip of Errata, half russia, clean and fine copy. 8 Washington City, 1824 5008 HAMILTON (Schuyler) History of the National Flag of the United States, plates, pp. 115, newspaper cuttings laid in, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1852 5009 HARMAR. Proceedings of a Court of Enquiry held [at Fort Washington, Sept. 15, 1791,] at the request of Brig. Gen. Joseph Hannar, to investigate his conduct, [in] the Expedition against the Miami Indians, 1790, pp. 31, half mor., UNCUT, RARE. folio, Philadelphia, J. Fenno, 1791 5010 HARRISON. Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Major Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, . . by Moses Dawson, portrait, pp. 464, (8), half bound. 8 Cincinnati, M. Dawson, 1824 5011 Another copy, a different portrait inserted, and a slip of ERRATA, added, sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1824 5012 HALL (James) Public Services of Wm. Henry Harrison, portrait, pp. 323, water-stained, cloth. 16 Phila., 1836 5013 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates . . convened at Hartford, Dec. 15, 1814. 2d ed. corrected, //. 32. Boston, 1815 A Short Account of the Hartford Convention, taken from Official Documents . . Added, an attested copy of Secret Journal of that Body, //. 36. Boston, 1823 [Harrison Gray] Otis's Letters in Defence of the Hartford Convention, and the People of Massachusetts, //. vii, 103. Boston, 1824. 3 Pamphlets, mi cut. 8 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 6l 5014 Hartford Convention. DwiGHT(Theo.) History of the Hartford Convention ; with a Review of the Policy of the U. S. Government which led to the War of 1812, pp. 447. 8 New York, 1833 5015 History of the American War of 1812, portrait of Gen. Z. M> /V/r, and plates, sheep. 12 Phila., Wm. M'Carty, 1816 5016 [The same, in German :] Geschichte des Americanischen Kriegs von 1812, . . ans dem Englischen iibersetzt, portrait and other plates, pp. 273, sheep. 12 Reading, 1817 5017 The History of the Late War, etc., wood engravings, pp. 144, bds. uncut. 12 New York, Lomax 6- Mitchell, 1832 5018 HOWE. The Life of Richard, Earl Howe, K. G., Admiral of the Fleet, etc. By Sir John Barrow, portrait and facsimiles, pp. xvi, 432, cloth. 8 London, John Murray, 1838 5019 HULL (Gen. Wm.) Report of the Trial of Brig. Gen. Wm. Hull, commanding the North-Western Army of the U. S. . . by a Court Martial held at Albany, . 3d Jan., 1814. . Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes, pp. (4), 119, 29, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1814 5020 Defence of Brig. Gen. W. Hull . . with an Address to the Citizens of the United States. Written by himself, //. xlvi, 215, boards, uncut. 12 Boston, 1814 5021 -- Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army, A. D. 1812. With an Appendix, containing .. the Revolutionary Services of the Author, //. 229, half calf . 8 Boston, 1824 5022 Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen. Wm. Hull : prepared from his Mss., by his daughter, Mrs. M. Campbell ; with a History of the Campaign of 1812, by his grandson, James Freeman Clarke, plans of battles, pp. 482, cloth. 8 New York, 1848 5023 HUNT (G. J.) The Late War between the U. S. and Gr. Britain, 1812-1815 : written in the Ancient Historical Style. . Also, a Sketch of the late Algerine War . 3d edition, portrait of Decatur, sheep, gilt. 12 New York, D. D. Smith, 1819 5024 - - The Historical Reader; containing "The Late War," etc. . Altered and adapted for the use of Schools. 3d edition, boards. 12 New York, J. A. Bur tees, 1819 5025 INGERSOLL (C. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain. Embracing the Events of 1814, sewed. 8 Philadelphia, 1849 5026 IZARD (Maj. Gen. George) Official Correspondence with the Department of War, on the Military Operations of the Am. Army under [his] command, on the Northern Frontier, in 1814-15, pp. vii, 152, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 5027 JACKSON (Andrew) Memoirs of, by S. Putnam Waldo, portrait, calf, autograph letter of the author laid^ in. 12 Hartford, 1819 5028 The same, old calf . 12 Hartford, 1818 5029 Memoirs of, compiled by a citizen of Massachusetts [J. V. C. Smith], bds., uncut. 16 Boston, 1828 62 THE UNITED STATES. 5030 JACKSON (ANDREW) Official Record, of the Proceedings of the Court Martial which tried, and Orders of Gen. Jackson, for Shoot- ing Six Militia Men, . . showing that these American Citizens were Inhumanly & Illegally Massacred, pp. 32, hf. bd., SCARCE. 8 Washington, 1828 See A Dialogue . . in relation to . . the Execution of the Six Militiamen, etc., in Tracts, No. 5073. 5031 JAMES (Win.) Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States, plates, pp. xvi, 528, ccxvi, (16), half red mor., uncut. thk. 8 London, 1817 5032 A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of Late War between Great Britain and the United States, maps and plates. 2 vols., fine calf. 8 London, 1818 5033 LATOUR (A. L.) Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15, portrait of Gen. Jackson, half russia, with Atlas in boards, uncut. (2 vols.) 8 Phila., 1816 5034 The same. Another copy, maps bound in, hf. calf, (wants portrait and one plated) 8 Phila., 1816 5035 LAWRENCE (Capt. James) Biography of, with a Collection of . . Papers, relative to the Action between the Chesapeake and Shannon, //. 244, old calf gilt, no portrait. 18 New Brunswick, \_N. ?.] 1813 5036 Life of Capt. James Lawrence, to which is added, a Collec- tion of Interesting Papers, relating to the Capture of the U. States Frigate Chesapeake, by his Britannic Majesty's Frigate Shannon : and the Death and Funeral of Capt. Lawrence, pp. 81, bds. sm. 12 Hartford, 1814 5037 Laws relating to the Military Establishment of the U. S., in force July i, 1813: with the Regulations for .. the Army.. Annexed,- a List of the General Staff, Tables of Pay, etc., with the Fortifications of -the U. S., pp. 198, sheep. 16 New York, 1813 5038 [LOWELL (John)] Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madison; by a New England Farmer, pp. 78, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1813 See, under No. 4886, references to other (anonymous) tracts by Lowell. 5039 [McAFEE (R. B.)] History of the War in the Western Country, 5 fine portraits inserted, also 46 leaves of mounted newspaper cuttings, and an Autograph Letter of Gen. WM. H. HARRISON (2 //. 4to), fine calf, VERY SCARCE. . 8 Lexington, Ky., 1816 " This valuable work is now scarce. It is one of the most authentic books on the sub- ject, and is the source from which many subsequent writers have borrowed very freely. SABIN. 5040 MALHAM (J.) The Naval Gazetteer ; or* Seaman's Complete Guide, illustrated with a Correct Set of Charts. First Amer. Edition, fine clean copy, old calf . 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1797 5041 Message from the President, . . with Documents, . on the Failure of the Arms of the U. S. on the Northern Frontier, Feb. 2, 1814. (Parts I. and II.) pp. 88, 90, sheep. 12 Albany. 1814 oooo The Militia Reporter. See Courts-Martial, No. 4990. 5042 Military Operations (A Brief Sketch of the) on the Delaware, during the Late War : with a copy of the Muster-Rolls . . of the Advance Light Brigade, etc., map, pp. 96, sheep, very scarce. 12 Philadelphia, 1820 MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 63 5043 MUHLENBERG (Maj. Gen. Peter), Life of, by H. A. Muhlenberg, pt>rtraif. chth. 12 Philadelphia, 1849 5044 Naval Temple (The) : containing a Complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the U. States, from . . 1794, to the present time, engravings, pp. 322. 8 Boston, B. Badger, 1816 5045 Naval Battles (American) : being a complete History of the Battles fought by the Navy of the U. States from . . 1794, to the present time, //. 278. 8 Boston, C. Gaylord, 1837 Attributed to Horace Kimball (the proprietor of the copyright). 5046 Naval Monument (The) ; . . Accounts of Battles fought . . during the Late War; and an Account of the War with Algiers. 25 engravings. Boston, A. Bowen, 1816 5047 O'CONNOR (T.) An Impartial and Correct History of the War [of 1812-15.] 4th edition, revised, //. 336, sheep. 12 New York, John Low, 1817 5048 PALMER (T. H.) The Historical Register of the United States, 1812-15. 4 vols., hf. roan. ^Philadelphia, 1814-16 Second edition of Vols. I. and II. 5049 PARKER (Sir Peter) Biographical Memoir of Sir Peter Parker, Baronet, . killed in action while storming the Am. Camp, at Bellair, near Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1814, by Sir G. Dallas. 2d edition, portrait, calf, gilt borders, and blind tooled, fine copy. 4 London, 1816 5050 PERKINS (S.) History of the Political and Military events of the Late War, //. 512, sheep, neat. . 8 New Haven, $83 5 5051 PERRY. Serious Charges against Capt. O. H. Perry, by John Heath, pp. 24, hf. bd., RARE. 12 [Washington, 1817] 5052 - - Judge Fletcher's Charge to Grand Jury of Wexford [1815] on Necessity of putting down the Orange Societies ; to which are added, Heath's Charges against O. H. Perry, and Poems on Battles of Lakes Erie and Champlain,//. 96, boards, uncut. 12 n. p., n. d. See Battle of Lake Erie, Nos. 4970, 4971. 5053 PORTER (Capt. D.) Journal of a Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in the Essex, 1812-15, portrait and 14 plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 Many of the plates were omitted from the Second Edition. 5054 The same; 2d edition. 2 vols. in i, portrait and other engrav- ings, half calf. 8 New York, 1822 5055 PORTER. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Courts of Inquiry and Courts Martial in relation to Capt. David Porter, at Wash- ington, D. C-, July, 1825. Printed by Authority,//. 576 An Exposition of Facts and Circumstances which justified the Expe- dition to Foxardo; and the Consequences thereof : With the Pro- ceedings of the Court of Inquiry thereon. By D. Porter, //. 107. 2 in one vol., boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1825 5056 BEALE (Rob.) A Report of the Trial of Commodore David Porter . . before a General Court Martial, at Washington, in July, 1825. To -which is added, A Review of the Court's Decision, //. viii, 244, (68*), boards, uncut. 8 Washington, 1825 5057 QUITMAN (John A.) Life of, by J. F. H. Claiborne. 2 vols., portrait, and plan, cloth. 12 New York, 1860 64 THE UNITED STATES. 5058 Report of the Committee [of Congress] relating to the Spirit and Manner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy, PP- J 93> uncut. 8 Washington, 1813 Republished, under the title, " Barbarities of the Enemy exposed," etc. See Nos. 4965, 4966. 5059 RUSSELL (B.) Jr. History of the Late War, compiled chiefly from Public Documents, //. 464, sheep. 8 Hartford, 1815 5060 The same, sheep. 8 Hartford, 1815 5061 ST. GLAIR'S Expedition. Report to the U. S. House of Repre- sentatives of Committee appointed to inquire into causes of the failure of the late Expedition under Major-General St. Glair, pp. 13, n. t. p., half mor., uncut. folio, [Philadelphia^ 1792] 5062 Sketches of the War [of 1812]. 2 vols. in one, pp. 496, sheep. 8 Rutland, Vt., Fay and Davison, 1815 5063 SMITH (Charles) The Monthly Military Repository. Respectfully inscribed to the Military of the U. S. of America. 2 vols. in i, PP' 33 6> 216, portraits of Washington and Greene, engraved maps and plans, sheep, neat. 8 New York, for the Author, 1796, '97 5064 STARK (Gen. J.) Memoir and Official Correspondence; by Caleb Stark ; with notices of other officers of the Revolution ; and a biography of Capt. Phineas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, //. 495, portrait, cloth. 8 Concord, 1860 5065 THOMPSON (D.) History of the Late War, //. 300, boards, uncut, scarce. 12 Niagara, Upper Canada, 1832 5066 THOMPSON (J. L.) Historical Sketches of the Late War, engraved plans, and 7 portraits, pp. 359, i, boards, uncut. 12 Phila., T. Desilver, 1816 5067 The same. 5th improved edition, portrait of Gen. Brown, and 5 wood engravings, sheep. 12 Phila., 1818 5068 TORREY (F. B.) Journal of the Cruise of the U. S. Ship Ohio (Commodore Hull,) in the Mediterranean, 1839-41. 12 Boston, 1841 5069 Tracts (Political) Tanguy de la Boissiere (C. C.) Observations on the Dispatch of Mr. Pickering to Mr. Pinkney, Jan. 16, 1797, transl. from the French by Samuel Chandler, Phila. 1797 [LOWELL (J.) ] Remarks on J. Q. Adams's Letter to H. G. Otis. Boston, 1808 HARPER (R. G.) Observations on the Dispute between the U. S. and France. London, repr. 1797 BARING (Alex.) Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council, etc. N. Y., 1808 [STEPHEN. (James)] Dangers of the Country. Phila. 1807 [LOWELL (John)] Analysis of the Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France. Boston, 11. d. Letters under the Signatures of " Senex " and "A Farmer," on the Conduct of our Executive towards France, etc., //. 108. Baltimore, 1809 A Sermon. The Question of War with Great Britain, examined, etc. Boston, 1808 Desultory Reflections on the New Political Aspects of Public Affairs in the U. S. N. Y. 1800 [LOWELL (John)] Supplement to the late Analysis of the Correspondence, etc. (see above), n. t. p. THE ICHNEUMON; an Essay on Politics. Written in the District of Maine, July, 1814. MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 6$ By Don Quixotte, n. p. [1814], RARE ADAMS (J. Q.) Correspond- ence with several Citizens of Massachusetts, relative to the alleged design to Dissolve the Union. 2d edition. Boston. 1839. 12 in i vol., new half blue mor., all uncut. 8 |5F" This volume will be offered singly, or, with the privilege of the five following lots (5070-5074, in uniform binding), at the auctioneer's option. 5070 Tracts (Political) Message from the President, with Documents obtained from [John Henry, employed by the British Government] in fomenting dissatisfaction and bringing about resistance to the Laws, etc. Wash., 1812 Address of Members of the House of Reps., to their Constituents, on the War with Great Britain. Alexandria, 1812 Letter to Wm. Roscoe, containing Strictures on his "Considerations on the present War." N. Y. repr. 1808 British Influence on Affairs of the U. S. proved and explained. Boston, 1804 Address of Members of the House of Reps., to their Constituents, etc. (see above}. New Haven, 1812 ; The same. Hartford, 1812 [LOWELL (J.) ] An Appeal to the People on the Causes and Consequences of War with Great Britain. Boston, 1811 AIKEN {Rev. Solomon) Address to Federal Clergymen, on the War. Boston, 1813 Description of British Possessions in North America, ;/. t. p. Address of the General Assembly of Connecticut, to the People of the State, Feb. 27, 1809, n. t. p. Report of Committee [of House of Reps.] on the Spirit and Manner in which the War has been waged by the Enemy. Wash. 1813 President's Message, with Documents, on the Failure of the Arms of the U. S. on the Northern Frontier. Baltimore, 1814 President's Message, and Documents, relating to the Operation of the Orders and Decrees affecting Neutral Commerce, since Nov. i, 1810. Wash. 1811 Message and Documents, relative to Negotiations for Peace with Great Britain. Wash. 1814 Report of the Sec. of War, on the Amount of Pensions granted to Widows and Orphans of Soldiers of the late War. Wash. 1818. 15 in i vol. new half blue mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 8 5071 Tracts (Impressments; Affair of the Chesapeake; etc.) All Impressments Unlawful and Inadmissible. Boston, n. d. [1810] Copies and Extracts of Documents on British Impressments of American Seamen. N. Y. 1813 Report of Committee of Massa- chusetts House of Reps, on Impressed Seamen. Boston, 1813 [LOWELL (J.)] Peace without Dishonour War without Hope. . Enquiry into the Chesapeake Question, and the necessity of War. Boston, 1807 [EVERETT (David)] Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to Fugitives from Justice; with ref. to the Affair of the Chesapeake: by an American. Boston, 1807 [DALLAS (A. J.) ?] Exposition of Causes and Character of the late War, n. t. p. \Boston~] Report of Com. on For. Relations, with a Bill for Regulation of Seamen on board Public Vessels and in the Merchant Service. Washington, \^\^ PICKERING (Timo.) Letter to Gov. J. Sullivan, with Gov. Sullivan's Answer, ist Hartford edition. Hartford, 1808 Message [and Documents] on the Attack on the Chesapeake. Wash. 1808 The same, with a different title-page. Wash. 1808 [MADISON (J.)] Letters from the Secretary of 66 THE UNITED STATES. State to Mr. Monroe, [and other Documents] on the subject of Impressments, etc. Part II. Wash. 1808 Report of Com. on Ind. Affairs, on Excitements of the Indians to Hostility against the U. States, by the British Subjects. Wash. 1812. i2ini vol. new half mor., all uncut. 8 5072 Tracts (Personal and Political) M'LEAN (Jas.) Seventeen Years' History of (his) Sufferings as an Impressed Seaman in the British Service. Hartford, 1814 HART (Cyrus W.) Essays on Gov't, Parties, the late War, etc. With a Sketch of the Author's Life, n. t. p. Proceedings of Officers of the Late War in refer- ence to an Application to Congress for Lands. N. Y. 1826 Account of the Battles of the Late War, with Adventures of Corporal Samuel Stubbs (a Kentuckian). Boston, 1817 WILSON (R. G.) Sermon on the Victory at New Orleans. Chillicothe, John Andrews, 1815 LEIGH (Jos.) Illustrations of the fulfilment of the Prediction of Merlin, in the Attack on the Chesapeake. 3d edition, Portsmouth, 1807 M'CLURE (Gen. Geo.) Causes of the Destruc- tion of Towns on the Niagara Frontier, and Failure of the Campaign of 1813. Bath, N. Y., 1817 Official Correspondence between the Envoys of the American States, and M. Talleyrand, on the Disputes between the two Countries. Lond. 1798 The Embargo Laws, with the Message from the President, and an Appendix, //. 174. Boston, 1809 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to H. G. Otis on National Affairs. Walpole, N. H. 1808 [GRANGER (Gideon)] Address to the People of New England. By Algernon Sidney, n. t. p. RANDOLPH (John) Speech on the British War. May 12, 1812, n. t. p. Considerations on the Embargo Laws, n. t. p. \New Hampshire, 1808] Instructions to the Envoys and Ministers from the U. S. to the French Republic, and their Dispatches. Phila. [1798] FAUCHET (Jos.) Coup d'ceil sur 1'Etat actuel de nos Rapports politiques avec les Etats-Unis. Paris, 1797 Important Documents presented to Congress with the President's Message, Nov. 29, 1809. Worcester, 1809 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to H. G. Otis, etc. (see above). Newburyport, 1808. 17 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5073 Tracts (Personal) Review of a Pamphlet purporting to be Documents on Differences . . between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. By a Citizen of Mass. Bost. 1834 The Republican Crisis, or . . Political Jesuitism of James Madison. By a Citizen of the District of Columbia. Alexandria, 1815 Documents relating to the Differences between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. Washington, 1821; Boston, 1834 ARMSTRONG (K.) Examination of T. L. McKenney's Reply to the Review of his Narrative of the Battle of Bladensburg, etc. N. Y. 1847 BoYD (Gen. J. P.) Documents and Facts relative to Military Events during the late War. n. t. p. A Dialogue between a Colonel of the Militia and a Militiaman, in relation to the Rights of Militiamen, and the Execution of the six Militiamen shot by order of Gen. Jackson. n. p., n. d. [LOWELL (John)] Mr. Madison's War. Dispassionate Inquiry into reasons alleged for declaring War. Boston, 1812 A Compendious History of the late War. Boston, J. W. Burditt, MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. 6? 1815 [LOWELL (John)] Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madi- son. Boston, 1812 Official Record of the Proceedings of the Court-Martial which tried, and the Orders of Gen. Jackson, for shooting the Six Militia-Men. Wash. 1828 SMITH (Robert) Address to the People of the U. S. n. t. p. 1811 LLOYD (James) Speech in the U. S. Senate, on the Bill "concerning the Naval Establishment," Feb. 28, 1812. n. /./. MADISON (James) Reply to Mr. Rose, in discussing the Affair of the Chesapeake. N. Y. 1808 Facts relative to the Campaign on the Niagara in 1814. Boston, 1815 Concise Narrative of Gen. Jackson's First Invasion of Florida, and Immortal Defence of New Orleans, with Remarks. 4th edition, n. p., n. d. WINDER (Wm. H.) Statements of Occur- rences on the Niagara frontier in 1812. Wash. 1829. 16 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5074 Tracts (Personal and Political) ELLIOTT (Com. J. D.) [Com- memorative and Autobiographical] Address at Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 14, 1843, views and plan. Phila. 1844 CALVERT (Geo. H.) Oration on 4oth Anniversary of Battle of Lake Erie, Newport, Sept. 10, 1853. 2d edition. Providence, 1854 ADAMS (J. Q.) Letter to Hon. H. G. Otis on National Affairs. 2d edition. Boston, 1808 ADAMS (J. Q.) Correspondence with several Citizens of Mass, concerning an alleged design to Dissolve the Union. Boston, 1829 Defence of Conduct of Com. Morris in the Mediterranean, Map. N. Y. 1804 BLAKE (Francis) Examination of the Consti- tutionality of the Embargo Laws. Worcester, 1808 PICKERING (Timo.) Letter to Gov. Sullivan; with his Answer. Hartford, 1808 Acts of Congress relating to Direct Tax and Duty on Furniture and Watches, n. p. 1815 DAVIS (John) Report on Claim of Massachusetts on the U. S., for Militia Services in the last War. Boston, 1831 Public Doc'ts of Mass.; including Remonstrance to Congress on the War. Boston, 1813. 10 in i vol., new half mor., nearly all uncut. 8 5075 TREAT (Capt. Jos.) Vindication, against the Atrocious Calumny contained in Major Gen. Brown's Official Report of the Battle of Chippeway, //. 62, hf. bd. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 5076 United States. Messages from the President [Madison] to Congress, Nov. 4th, 1812, to March i, 1813, with accompanying documents. [Executive Documents, 2d Sess., i2th Cong.], law calf. 8 Washington, 1813 5077 United States Army Registers [Annual], 1815-1821 Organiza- tion of the Military Peace Establishment of the U. S., 1815 [Annual] Catalogues of Cadets at the Military Academy at West Point, 1819, 1820. 10 in i vol. The army Registers are certified by the (autograpJi) signatures of D. Parker, Adjt. 6* Inspec. General, and 26 pages of manuscript additions to and alterations of the Registers (by General Orders} are bound in ; calf, neat. 12 Washington, 1815-21 5078 VAN RENSSELAER (S .) A Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown, in the War of 1812, folding map, cloth. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1836 68 THE UNITED STATES. 5079 WALDO (S. Putnam) Biographical Sketches of distinguished American Naval Heroes in the War of the Revolution, . Nicholas Biddle, John Paul Jones, Edw. Preble, and Alex. Murry, etc., portraits of Com. Murray, and President Monroe, and another plate, somewhat foxed, pp. 392, old mottled calf , gilt. 8 Hartford, S. Andrus, 1823 oooo WALKER (Adam) Journal of two Campaigns . . in the Michigan and Indian Territories, 1811-12. See No. 4526. 5080 WAR (The) ; being a [weekly] Record of the Transactions of the War. Vols. I. and II., in one vol., hf. bd. 4 New York, S. Woodworth <5- Co., 1812-14 In 100 numbers, published from June 27, 1812, to June \\, 1814 ; with Title-pages and Indexes. 5081 WILKINSON (Gen. James) Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols., hf. red mor., uncut, and $to Atlas of diagrams and plans. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 CLARK (Daniel) Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connexion with Aaron Burr, etc., pp. 150, 199, boards, UNCUT, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, 1809 Burr's Conspiracy Exposed ; and General Wilkinson Vindi- cated against the slanders of his Enemies, pp. 18, 99, 136, hf. red mor., UNCUT. 8 [Washington City,'] 1811 PRIVATELY PRINTED and "EXTREMELY RARE. . We know of two other copies only in existence. The late Peter Force was in the habit of showing his copy as one of the modern rarities of his immense collection." SABIN, in the Menzies Catalogue, no. 2137. (6 vols.) 8 5082 WILKINSON (Gen. J.) Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. and Atlas, boards, uncut. (4 vols.) 8 and 4 Philadelphia, 1816 5083 WILSON (Thos.) The Biography of American Military and Naval Heroes, portraits. 2 vols., sheep. 12 New York, 1817 Portraits of Gens. Warren, Washington, Greene, and Jackson, Commodores Perry and Decatur. 5084 The same. 2d edition, revised. 2 vois. 12 New York, 1821 5085 WYATT (Thos.) Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and Commanders, who distinguished themselves in the Army and Navy during the Wars of the Revolution and 1812, and who were pre- sented with Medals by Congress. Illustrated by 82 engravings on steel, from the original Medals, pp. 315, hf. morocco. r. 8 Philadelphia, 1848 5086 FULTON (Robert) Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions, jive full-page plates, pp. 57, (3), half turkey morocco, UNCUT, VERY SCARCE. obi. 4 New York, Wm. Elliot, 1810 Dedicated to President Madison and Congress. "My conviction," writes Fulton "that this invention, improved and practised to the perfection which it is capable of obtaining, will be of the first importance to our country, has induced me to present you . . a description of my system, with five engravings, and such demonstrations as will give you an opportunity to contemplate its efficacy and utility at your leisure." BIOGRAI'IIV. 69 BIOGRAPHY. GENERAL AND COLLECTED. 5087 ALLEN (William) American Biographical Dictionary (the First Editioti], forty portraits inserted, boards, uncut. 8 Cambridge, Mass., 1809 5088 BELKNAP (Jer.) American Biography. 2 vols., calf gilt, fine. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and JS. Andrews, 1794, '98 Isaiah Thomas's copy, with his engraved book-plate. 5089 Biographia Americana ; by a Gentleman of Philadelphia, engraved title, portrait of Washington, and ten other portraits, half morocco. 8 New York, D. Mallory, 1825 5090 BRADFORD (Alden) Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England, Statesmen, Patriots, Physicians, Clergymen, and Mechanics, //. 464, cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 509 1 CALAMY (E.) D.D. Nonconformists' Memorial ; being an Account of Ministers ejected or silenced after the Restoration ; edited (with additions) by Sam'l Palmer, 26 portraits, old half calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1775 5092 CAMPBELL (J. W.) Biographical Sketches, and other Literary Remains, portraits of the Author and Gov. R. y. Meigs, cloth. 8 Columbus, O., 1838 5093 COFFIN (Charles) Lives of Major Gen. J. Thomas, Col. Thos. Knowlton, Col. A. Scammell, and Major Gen. H. Dearborn, cloth. 12 New York, 1845 5094 DELAPLAINE'S Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distin- guished American Characters. Parts i, 2, and 3, in one vol., pp. v, (2), 1 06, x, (2), 107-122, (148), engraved titles, emblem, frontis- pieces, and portraits, new half mor. (Roxburghe), UNCUT. 4 Philadelphia, 1815-16 5095 Eccentric Biography ; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Female Char- acters, including Actresses, Adventurers, Authoresses, Fortune- tellers, Gipsies, Dwarfs, Swindlers, and Vagrants, portraits, sheep, scarce. . 12 Worcester, Is. Thomas, yun., 1804 5096 EDWARDS (B. B.) Biography of Self-Taught Men, portrait of Roger Sherman, pp. li, 312, cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 5097 Epitaphs and Elegies, [selected from monuments in several States, from Maine to Virginia], //. 72, wood-cuts, fresh copy, scarce. 12 New York, S. Wood & Sons, 1816 5098 HARDIE (J.) The New Universal Biographical Dictionary and American Remembrancer. 4 vols. portraits, old calf . 8 New York, 1805 5099 KINGSTON (J.) The New American Biographic Dictionary, portrait of Washington. 16 Baltimore, for yohn Kingston, 1810 5100 KNAPP (Samuel L.) Biographical Sketches of eminent [American] Lawyers, Statesmen, and Men of Letters, //. 360, half calf gilt, marbled edges. 8 Boston, 1821 76 BIOGRAPHY. GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 5101 KNAPP (S. L.) Female Biography: Notices of Distinguished Women, in different Nations and Ages, //. 501, 3, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1846 5102 Lives of American Merchants ; 5th edition, slightly water-stained, portrait of John Hancock. 16 New York, 1846 5103 Lives and Exploits of Noted Highwaymen, Robbers and Mur- derers, to the present time, pp. 288, wood-engravings, used copy. 8 Hartford, Ezra Strong, 1838 5104 MOORE (Jacob B.) Memoirs of American Governors, Vol. I. (all published), portraits. 8 New York, 1846 5105 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans; con- densed by J. B. Longacre and J. Herring, fine impressions. 4 vols , half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. 8 N. York and Phila., 1835-9 5106 Public Characters, or contemporary Biography, pp. viii, 496, old calf. 8 Baltimore, Bensal and Niles, 1803 5107 ROGERS (T. J.) A New American Biographical Dictionary. 4th edition, portraits, pp. 400, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1829 5108 STILES (Ezra) A History of three of the Judges of King Charles I, Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell, etc., portrait of the Author, and plates, fresh and fine copy, in the original sheep, yellow edges, VERY SCARCE. 12 Hartford, E. Babcock, 1794 5109 United States Senators of the Session of 1837-8 (Sketches of) By " A Looker on here in Verona," pp. 67, cloth, scarce. 12 Washington, 1839 5110 Universal Biographical Dictionary, frontispiece of 20 (miniature) portraits, old calf gilt. 8 Richmond, Va., Normand White, 1826 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. 5111 ABBOT. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley ; etc. Compiled by Rev. Abiel Abbot, D.D., and Rev. Ephraim Abbot, pp. xx, 197, cloth. 1. 8 Boston, 1847 5112 ALDEN (Timo.) Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscrip- tions, with Occasional Notes. 5 vols., boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE in such condition. 18 New York, 1814 5113 The same. 5 vols., hf. mor. extra, tops gilt, UNCUT. VERY SCARCE. 18 New York, 1814 5114 ALLEN (Asa W.) Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families, pp. 251, portrait, cloth. 12 Salem, O., 1872 5115 BURKE and ALVORD Memorial. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Richard Burke, of Sudbury, Mass, [and] of Alexander Alvord, of Windsor, Conn. Compiled by J. A. Boutelle and Wm. A. Burke, pp. 239, cloth, scarce. 8 Boston, H. W. Dutton 6- Son, 1864 51 16 Dudley Genealogies and Family Records ; by Dean Dudley, view of Dudley Castle, and arms of Dudley, pp. 1 44, cloth. 8 Boston, 1 848 GENEAL'H.Y \\DI-\MILYHISTORY. 71 5117 FARMKK (John) Genealogical Krister of the First Settlers of Nev .'r i lean and fresh copy, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE, in such condition. 8 I^ncaster, Mass., 1829 5118 The same, another fine fresh copy, boards. 5119 Genealogies and Family History. Dodd (S.) Family Record Daniel DOD, Branford, 1644, \New Haven,\ 1839 Godclard (W. A.) Descendants of E. GODDARD, Worcester, 1833 Pease (F. S.) Ancestors and Posterity of Isaac LAWRENCE, Albany, 1848 Account of the Family of DRAKE [By Samuel G. Drake ; privately printed, Boston,] 1845 Adams (Jos.) Descendants of Richard HAVEN of Lynn, Boston, 1843 : with additional pages, and connec- tions, //. 54, 50, Boston, 1849 Park (J. C.) Address at Meeting of Descendants of Richard HAVEN, Framingham, 1844, Boston, 1844 Sesqui-Centennial Gathering of the Clan DARLINGTON, in East Bradford, Pennsylvania, Aug. 20, 1853, Lancaster, 1853 Whitmore (W. H.) Cavalier Dismounted ; Essay on the Origin of the Founders of the thirteen Colonies, Salem, 1864 Barry (J. S.) The STETSON Family, Boston, 1847 Goodwin (N.) Descendants of Thos. OLCOTT of Hartford, Hartford, 1845 Hill (W. H.) The LEE Family, Albany, 1851 Whitmore (W. H.) Families of TEMPLE and BOWEOIN, Boston (privately printed}, 1856 Whit- more (W. H.) The HALL Family of Medford, Mass., Boston, 1856 Proceedings at Meeting of the CHAPIN Family, Springfield, Mass., Sept. 17, 1862, Springfield, 1862. Genealogies. The Browns of Nottingham, Penn. [by Gilbert Cope], //. 18, n. t. p. Judd (Sylvester) Thomas JUDD and his Descendants, pp. 112, Northampton, 1856 Genealogy of the Family of Wm. Smith of Peterboro', N. H., Keene, 1852 Morgan (N. H.) Our Family Genealogy. Hartford (priv. printed), 1851 Whitmore (W. H.) Descendants of Francis WHITMORE, Boston, 1855 Genealogy of the Family of Anthony STODDARD of Boston, Boston, 1849 DANE (John) Remarkable Providences in my Life, 1682 ; to which is added, Pedigree of the Dane Family, Boston, 1854 Gary (Moses) Genealogy of the Families in the North Parish of Bridgewater, Mass., //. 46, uncut, Boston, 1824, very scarce Watson (Thos.) John WATSON, of Hartford, Conn., and his Descendants, portrait, N. Y., U. Q. Club, 1865 Descendants of Robert DAY, of Hartford, 2d edition,//. 129, Northa?npton, 1848 Rawson (S. S.) The RAWSON Family, 2 portraits, pp. 146, Boston, 1849 Lincoln (S.) Notes on the LINCOLN Families of Massachusetts, and the Family of Abraham Lincoln, Boston, 1865 Nason (E.) Notes of Joshua COFFIN, ;/. /. /., //. 4 Will of Rev. R. MATHER, n. t. p., pp. 8 Fowler (W. C.) Conditions of Success in Genealogical Investigations, etc., Boston, 1866 Lewis (W.) Valedictory Address as Pres. of N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Feb. 7, 1866, Boston, 1866 Whiting (W.) Address before N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, Jan. 12, 1853, Boston, 1853. 32 (of which several are privately printed, and VERY SCARCE,) in 2 vols., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 v. y. In the 2d vol., is laid in, a genealogy (folio broadside) of the family of Drake of Hampton, N. II.: by Samuel G. Drake, Boston, 1867 (privately printed). /2 BIOGRAPHY. 5120 Heraldic Journal (The) ; recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families. Vols. I IV. 4 vols. in one, half green mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 8 Boston, y. K. Wiggin, 1865-68 5121 HERRICK Family, Genealogical Register of, from 1629 to 1846 ; by Jedediah Herrick, arms, pp. 69, cloth, gilt. 8 Bangor, 1846 5122 HUNT. Genealogy of the Name and Family of Hunt : compiled by T. B. Wyman, cloth. sm. 4 Boston, 1862-3 5123 HUTCHINSON and OLIVER. A Brief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver ; by W. H. Whitmore, large paper. 4 Boston, S. G. Drake, 1865 " Reprinted, with additions, from the N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Register for 1865." 5124 MATHER Family. Genealogy of the Mather Family, from about 1500 to 1847 ; with biographical notices. [By John Mather.] Engraved arms, pp. 76, cloth, SCARCE. 16 Hartford, 1848 5125 MOODY Family, Biographical Sketches of; by C. C. P. Moody, . pp. 1 68, cloth. 1 6 Boston, S. G. Drake, 1847 5126 SAVAGE (James) Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. 4 vols. cloth, uncut, SCARCE, r. 8 Boston, 1860-62 5127 SIGOURNEY Family, Genealogy of; by Henry H. W. Sigourney, //. 31, cloth. r. 8 Boston, 1857 5128 SPRAGUE Family, Memorial of; with a Poem by Richard Soule, Jr., recited at a Meeting of the Descendants of Seth Sprague, Duxbury, Mass., July 4, 1846, portraits, views, and facsimiles, pp. xii, 191, cloth. 12 Boston, 1847 5129 TAINTOR Family, The Genealogy and History of, by Chas. M. Taintor, //. 82, corner margin of first five leaves clipped, scarce. 1 6 Greenfield, 1847 5130 WILLIAMS Family, Genealogy and History of, by Stephen W. Williams, M.D., portraits and arms, pp. 424, cloth. 12 Greenfield, 1847 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 5131 ADAMS (Madam Abigail), consort of the Hon. John Adams. Sermon after her interment, Nov. i, 1818 ; by Rev. Peter Whitney; with obituary notices, etc., two or three leaves stained, uncut. 8 Boston, 1819 5132 ADAMS (Miss Abigail) Journal and Correspondence of Miss Adams, daughter of John Adams ; edited by her Daughter [Mrs. C. A de Windt], fine portrait and view at Qmncy, pp. xii, 247, doth. 12 New York, 1841 Miss Adams became the wife of Col. Wm. S. Smith. 5133 ADAMS (Miss Hannah) Memoir, written by herself, portrait, pp. iv, no, cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 5134 ALLEN (Col. Ethan) Memoir of, by Hugh Moore, cloth, pp. 252. 12 Pittsburgh, N. Y., 1834 5135 ALLEN (Ethan) and the Green Mountain Heroes of '76. With a sketch of the Early History of Vermont. By H. W. DePuy, map and engravings, pp. 428, cloth, used copy. 12 Buffalo, 1853 BIOGRAPHY. 73 5136 ANDROS (Sir Edmund), Memoir of, by Wm. H. Whitmore. Reprinted from the "Andros Tracts," fine portrait, pp. 49, (i), uncut. 4 Boston, 1868 5137 ANTHONY (Miss Susanna) of Newport, Life and Character of, by Rev. Samuel Hopkins. 12 Worcester, 1796 5138 ASHMUN (Jehudi) Life, by R. R. Gurley, portrait, cloth. 8 Washington, 1835 5139 BAILEY (Robert) Life and Adventures, from his infancy up to Dec., 1821, interspersed with Anecdotes, and religious and Moral Admonitions ; written by himself, //. 348, wood cuts, half russia, neat. 8 Richmond, for the Author, 1822 CURIOUS, and VERY SCARCE. The author was a native of Chester county, Pennsyl- vania, a son of Major Wm. Bailey, who fell in the battle at the Cowpens. Inter a/ia, the work contains many serious reflections on faro playing, criticisms of the Virginia laws prohibiting it, cautions to young men against it, and a final admonition to those who "are determined to indulge in such follies, to see if they play out of a box. They will say, ' it is Bailey's patent box'; be sure to examine and see that my name is stamped on the box, and then shuffle and cut the cards, and they cannot cheat you." 5140 BALDWIN (Elihu W.) D.D. Memoirs of, by E. F. Hatfield ; with an Introduction by S. H. Cox, D.D. ; portrait, cloth. 12 New York, 1843 Dr. Baldwin was the first Pastor of the Seventh Presbyterian Church in New York, and the first President of Wabash College, Indiana. 5141 BALDWIN (Thos.) D.D. Memoir, by D. Chessman, water-stained. 16 Boston, 1841 BARR (John) History, written by himself. 16 Phila., 1833 BENEZET (Anthony) Memoirs, by Roberts Vaux, engraving, bds., uncut. 12 Phila., 1817. (3 vols.) 5142 BELCHER. Prince (Rev. T.) Sermon on the Death of the Honourable Mary Belcher, Consort of his Excellency the Gov- ernour, author's autograph presentation, "To my Dear Mrs. Deborah Prince of Boston : Presented, 1736, pr. T. Prince,"//. (2), 42, half calf extra, SCARCE. sm. 4 Boston, y. Draper, 1736 5143 BELKNAP. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D.D., the Historian of New Hampshire, with selections from his writings; collected by his grand-daughter, //. 253, portrait, cloth. 16 New York, 1847 5144 BENEZET (A.) Mdmoires sur la Vie de, par Roberts Vaux, bds., uncut. 12 Londres, 1824 5145 BOWDITCH (Nathaniel) Memoir of, by his Son N. I. Bowditch, portraits^ foxed), author's autograph letter inserted, bds. 4 Boston, 1840 5146 BOWDITCH (Nath'l) Eulogies on, by John Pickering, D. A. White, and Alex. Young. 3 in i vol., half calf, neat. 8 Boston and Salem, 1838 5147 BOONE (Daniel) Biographical Memoir of, by Timo. Flint: With Incidents of the Early Annals of the Country, curious wood engrav- ings, pp. 252, nice copy, SCARCE. 12 Cincinnati, Geo. Conclin, 1841 5148 BOYLE (Robert) Life, by Thomas Birch [with an Appendix, relating mostly to New England affairs], old calf ; two fine portraits inserted. 8 London, 1744 10 74 BIOGRAPHY. 5149 BREWSTER. Steele (A.) The Chief of the Pilgrims; Life of Elder Wm. Brewster, five steel and four other engravings, cloth. 8 Phila., 1857 5150 BREWSTER (James and Mary) Account of their Golden Wedding, Sept. 1 8, 1860, portraits, presentation note to Mrs. Sigourney inserted, cloth. 8 New Haven, 1860 5151 BROWN (Chas. Brockden) Life of, by Wm. Dunlap, with Selec- tions from his printed Works, Letters, and unpublished Manuscripts. 2 vols,, calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 5152 BURKE. Memoir of William Burke [late of East Haddam, Conn.], a Soldier of the Revolution ; from a Journal kept by Himself ; added, an Extract from a Sermon at his Funeral, by Rev. N. Miner, half bound, scarce. 12 Hartford, 1837 5153 BURROUGHS (Stephen) Memoirs of, [by himself,] the ORIGINAL EDITION, long AUTOGRAPH LETTER inserted, sheep, neat, fine fresh copy, RARE.' 8 Hanover, N. H., Benj. True, 1798 A copy of his "Sermon delivered in Rutland, on a Hay-mow" (n. t. p., but printed at Suffield, about 1798), is laid in. 5154 BURROUGHS (Stephen) Sketch of the Life of, as given by himself, bds. 1 6 Greenfield, 1812 5155 The same, bds. 12 Hartford, 1818 5156 BUSHNELL (Rev. William C.) Memoirs and Select Remains. New Haven, 1833 CHEEVER (Ezekiel), [formerly, Ezekiel Cheever Whitman ; born at Ashby, Mass., 1783.] Sketches of his Life, with his Discourses, and Poetic Effusions,//. 295. Northampton, 1835. (2 vols.) 16 5157 CALHOUN (John C.) Life, by J. S. Jenkins, fine portrait, pp. 454, sheep, fresh copy. 8 Auburn, 1851 5158 CHEVERUS (Cardinal John) Life, by Rev. J. H. Doubourg, translated from the French by R. M. Walsh, cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 5159 CLAP (Roger) Memoirs, [1609-1691], Relating some of God's remarkable Providences to him, in bringing him into New England, etc., //. 39, scarce. 8 Boston, W. T. Clap, 1807 With Appendix, containing an Account of the Author and his family, by James Blake, Jun. 5160 The same. [Reprinted, with a Preface, etc., for the Dorches- ter Antiq. and Hist. Society,] bds. 12 Boston, 1844 5161 CLINTON (De Witt) Tribute to the Memory of, by a Citizen of Albany, portrait, hf. bd., neat. 12 Albany, 1828 5162 COGHLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs of, written by Herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation ; being Interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War, //. xix, 184, old calf , large and nice copy. 12 New York, 1795 5163 COKE (Rev. Thomas) D.D. Extracts from his Journals, com- prising several (six) Visits to North-America and the W. Indies, etc. Prefixed, a Life of the Doctor, //. 271, old calf , neat. 12 Dublin, 1816 5164 COLBURN (Zerah) Memoir, by Himself, portrait (at eight years of age), cloth, uncut. 12 Springfield, 1833 BIOGRAPHY. 75 5165 COLBY. Life, Experience, and Travels of John Colby, [Baptist] Preacher of the Gospel, written by Himself. 2 vols. in one,//. 248, 64, cloth. 12 Lowell, Mass., 1838 5166 COLEMAN (Dr. Seth) of Amherst, Mass. Memoirs, //. 288, old calf, water-stained. 12 New Haven, 1817 5167 COLLINGWOOD (Vice- Admiral) A Selection from his Public and Private Correspondence ; with Memoirs of his Life, by G. L. N. Collingwood. First Am. edition, portrait and plan of Battle of Trafalgar, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1829 5168 COTTON (John) Abel being Dead yet speaketh ; Or, The Life & Death of that deservedly famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton, Late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New-England. By John Norton, Teacher of the same Church, //. 51, (7), hf. calf, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 London, Tho. Newcomb for Lodowick Lloyd, 1658 5169 Memoir of John Cotton, by John Norton ;with a Preface and Notes by Enoch Pond, cloth. 16 New York, 1842 5170 CRAFTS (Wm.) A Selection, in Prose and Poetry, from the Writings of the late Wm. Crafts (of Charleston, S. C.). With a Memoir of his Life, //. 1, 384, bds. 8 Charleston, 1828 5171 CRAWFORD and CLARK. Considerations on the Purity of the Principles of Wm. H. Crawford, Esq., deducible from his Conduct in connection with that of Charles Tait, Esq., towards the author of this publication. With some Remarks on the Introduction of Africans into [Georgia], contrary to the laws of the U. States. By [Gen.] John Clark, //. 208, VERY SCARCE. 8 Augusta, Ga., 1819 5172 CROCKETT (Col. David) Sketches and Eccentricities of, //. 209, uncut, poor copy. 12 New York, 1833 CROSSWELL (Jos.) Sketches of the Life and Extracts from the Journals, etc. of Joseph Cross- well, for more than forty years [1753-1799] an itinerant preacher, in New England, //. 96, stained. 12 Boston, 1809 DANE (John) A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life; Ipswich, 1682. With a Pedigree of the Dane Family, and a few Notes, by a member of the N. Eng. Historic-Genealogical Society, //. 16. 8 Boston, 1854. (3 vols.) 5173 DODGE (David L.) Memorial of, consisting of an Autobiography; with a few Selections from his Writings, //. 325, doth. 8 Boston, Published only for the Family, 1854 5174 DRAKE (Sir Francis) The Life, Voyages, and Exploits of, by John Barrow, //. xv, 428, lithographic facsimile, cloth, uncut. 8 London, J. Murray, 1843 5175 DUNTON (Rev. John) Dunton's Remains, or the Dying Pastour's last Legacy. . . Prefixt, the Author's Holy Life and Triumphant Death : and . . his Funeral Sermon. The Second Edition,//. (16), 387, (portrait spoiled^) calf. 8 London, John Dunton, 1684 The father of John Dunton, the Bookseller. 5176 DUNTON (John) Life and Errors, written by Himself in Solitude, with an Idea of a New Life ; together with the Lives and Charac- 76 BIOGRAPHY. ters of a Thousand Persons now living in London, //. (18), 463, 200-251, polished calf extra, gilt edges (Pratt}, FINE COPY. 8 London, for S. Malthus, 1705 5177 DUNTON (John) Life and Errors. To which are added, Dunton's Conversation in Ireland ; and Selections from his other genuine works, portrait, pp. xxxii, 773, calf. 8 London, 1818 Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. B. Nichols. 5178 DURAND (James R.) Life and Adventures, during a Period of Fifteen Years, from 1801 to 1816; in which time he was Impressed on board the British fleet, and held in detestable Bondage for more than Seven Years, Written by Himself, pp. 129. 12 Rochester, N. K, 1820 SCARCE. The author was a native of Milford, Conn. He was on board the Pactolus, of Commander Hardy's squadron, during the attack on Stonington, in August, 1814, and gives a good account of the action. 5 179 DWIGHT (Pres. Timothy) Sermon at the Funeral of, by C. Chapin, half roan. , 8 New Haven, 1817 5180 DYER (Giles) A Sermon Preach'd at the Queen's Chappel at Boston, August i5th. 1713. At the Funeral of Giles Dyer Esq. Late High Sheriff of the County of Suffolk : and Commander of the Troop of Guards. . By Mr. Harris, One of the Ministers of the said Chappel, pp.^l, smooth calf extra, RARE. sm. 4 Boston, B. Green, 1713 5181 EDWARDS (Jona.) D.D., the Elder. Life and Character of, with a number of his Sermons, autograph of Rev. Dr. Benj. Trumbull, 1770. 8 Boston, 1765 5182 The same. With Two Dissertations ; I. Concerning the End for which God created the World ; II. The Nature of True Virtue. 2 vols. in i, pp. 279 ; v, 191, old calf . 8 Boston, 1765 5183 Life and Character, with Extracts from his Diary, and eighteen select Sermons, boards, uncut. 12 Edinburgh, 1799 5184 Life and Character of, with Extracts from his Diary, and seventeen select Sermons, sheep. 12 Northampton, 1804 5185 ELDRIDGE (Eleanor) Memoirs of, portrait, pp. 128. sq. 16 Providence, 1841 Born at Warwick, R. I., 1785. The grand-daughter of a Narragansett Indian Squaw and a native African. 5186 ELIOT (John) the Apostle. Life of, by Cotton Mather; a new edition, half calf , neat. sm. 12 London, 1820 5187 Memoirs of the Life and Character of John Eliot, by Martin Moore, pastor of the Church in Natick, sheep, good copy, SCARCE. 1 6 Boston, 1822 5188 Life, by Convers Francis. (Sparks' Am. Biog., Vol. 5.) 12 Boston, 1836 5189 Memoir of, by Martin Moore; Second edition, revised and corrected, new hf. morocco extra, uncut, top gilt. sm. 12 Boston, 1842 5190 EMERSON. Worcester (Samuel) Sermon, Beverly, Nov. 14, 1808, on the Death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson ; to which are annexed Writings of Mrs. Emerson and a Sketch of her Life, pp. 96, hf. bd. 12 Boston, 1809 BIOGRAPHY. 77 i<)t EVERETT (Edward) Tribute to the Memory of, by the N. K. Historic-Genealogical Society, at Boston, Jan. 17 and Feb. i, 1865, portrait, and plate, cloth gilt, uncut. 8 Boston, 1865 5192 FENNELL (James) Apology for (his) Life, written by Himself, />/. 510, portrait, half calf, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1814 " So great have been the contrarieties of my disposition, that occasionally I was light as tlu- gossamer, suffering myself to be guided by the softer breaths of Nature at their will, till having provided myself a vacuum, I descended, like a feather in the exhausted receiver of an air pump with a celerity equal to that of the most precious metal." Preface. 5193 FINLEY (Robert) D.D. Memoirs of, by Rev. Isaac V. Brown, portrait (silhouette}, pp. 370, half bound. 8 New Brunswick, 1819 5194 FIRMIN (Rev. Giles) Brief Memoir of, by John Ward Dean, pp. 1 6, uncut. 8 Boston, 1866 One of a few copies, separately printed, for presentation. 5195 FRANKLIN. The Life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Written by by himself. Montpelier, Vt., 1809 (2 copies.) The same ; with The Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary. Boston, 1811 The Works (Life and Essays), portrait. 2 vols in i. New York, Tiebout and Obrian, n. d. ; Another copy, no portrait The Works (Life and Essays), portrait, N. York. 1825. (6 vols.) 12 5196 FULLER (A.) Ryland (John) Life and Death of Rev. Andrew Fuller, sheep. 12 Charlestown, 1818 5197 FULTON. The Life of Robert Fulton, by his friend Cadwallader D. Golden . . With an Appendix, portrait (foxed}, pp. vi, 371, hf. calf. 8 New York, 1817 5198 - - The same, no portrait. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, half mor. r. 9? New York, 1817 5199 GANO (John) Biographical Memoirs, written principally by Himself, boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1806 The Rev. John Gano, minister of the first Baptist church in New York and Chaplain to General Clinton's brigade in the Revolutionary War, died in Frankfort, Ky., 1804. 5200 - - The same, boards, uncut. 5201 [GRAYDON (Alex.)] Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Penn- sylvania, bds. uncut. 8 Edinburgh, 1822 5202 GRIFFIN (Rev. Edm. D.) Biographical Memoir, by J. McVickar, D.D., cloth. 12 New York, 1832 5203 HARRIOTT (Lieut. John) Struggles through Life, exemplified in various Travels and Adventures. 2 vols., fine portrait laid in, calf. 12 (Repr.) Philadelphia, 1809 5204 HAYNES (Rev. Lemuel) Sketches of his Life and Character; by Rev. T. M. Cooley, D.D., portrait, cloth. 12 New York, 1839 5205 HIBBARD (Rev. B.) Memoirs of his Life and Travels . . for nearly Thirty Years, //. 368, sheep. 12 New York, 1825 5206 HILL (Isaac) of New Hampshire ; Biography, with selections from his Speeches, etc. 18 Concord, N. H., 1835 5207 HINES (David Theo.) of So. Carolina, alias, Dr. Hamilton, Col. Hamilton, Dr. Haynes, Col. Hayne, Dr. Porcher, Col. Singleton, etc., etc. Life, Adventures, and Opinions ; Written by himself, //. I 95> V- cloth, clean copy. 12 New York, 1840 In "Letters addressed to his Friends" Mordecai M. Noah, James Gordon Bennett, Jacob Hays, Hon. Richard Riker, et al. 7 BIOGRAPHY. 5208 HOBART (Bp. J. H.) Sermon at the Funeral of, by Benj. T. Onderdonk, D.D., Sept. 16, 1830, author's autograph presentation to Bishop Brownell, pp. 91. 4 New York, 1830 5209 HOLCOMBE (Henry) D.D. The First Fruits, in a Series of Letters [Autobiographical], portrait, pp. 228, scarce. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1812 Dr. Holcombe was pastor of the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia. 5210 HOLYOKE (Edward A.) M.D. Memoir of, 2 portraits, pp. 80, doth. 8 Boston, 1829 5211 HOPKINS (Samuel) D.D. Sketches of the Life of, written by Himself ; added, A Dialogue on . . Christian Submission, and a Serious Address to Professing Christians ; with Dr. Hart's Sermon at his Funeral ; published by Stephen West, D.D., portrait, pp. 240, sheep. I2 ? Hartford, 1805 5212 -- Life, written by himself, etc., another copy, portrait. Hartford, 1805 Memoir of his Life and Character, by John Ferguson, //. 196. Boston, 1830. (2 vols.) . 12 5213 HOUSTOUN (James) Dr. Houstoun's Memoirs of his own Life- time. Containing among other curious particulars, during upwards of Thirty Years' Travels, . . i. The Scotch Settlement at Darien, etc., pp. (4), 435, old calf gilt, fine copy, SCARCE. 8 London, 1747 Includes notices of " the Rise and Fall of the Grand South Sea Bubble," and an account of the reduction of Cape Breton (//. 356-367). 5214 HOXSE (John) The Yankee Tar. An Authentic Narrative of the Voyages and Hardships of John Hoxse and the Cruises of the U. S. Frigate Constellation, and her Engagements with the French Frigates Le Insurgente and Le Vengeance ; . . written by Himself, //. 200, cloth. 1 6 Northampton, J. Metcalf, 1840 5215 HYDE (Nancy Maria) of Norwich, Conn. Writings ; with a Sketch of her Life, ^.252, boards. 12 Norwich, 1816 5216 JARRATT (Devereux), Rector of Bath Parish, Dinwiddie Co., Va. Life, written by himself, //. 223, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1806 With it is bound : Thoughts on some Important Subjects of Divinity. . By the Rev. Devereux Jarratt, pp. 83. 5217 JOHNSON (Col. Richard M.), Authentic Biography of, //. 93, hf. cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 5218 JOHNSON (Samuel) D.D., First President of King's College, New York. Life, by Thos. B. Chandler, D.D., //. (4), 208. 12 New York, 1805 5219 KEITH (Isaac S.) D.D. Sermons, Addresses, and Letters, with a Memoir, portrait, water stained, calf. 8 Charlestown, 1816 Dr. Keith was one of the ministers of the Independent (Congregational) Church, in Charleston, S. C., 1788-1814. 5220 KER (John) of Kersland, Memoirs of, containing his Secret Transactions and Negotiations in Scotland, England, the Courts of Vienna, Hanover, and other Foreign Parts ; published by Himself, portrait, calf. 3 vols. old calf , neat. 8 London, 1726 VERY SCARCE. Vol. 2 contains a map of Louisiana, and much curious information concerning the French dominions in America. For publishing this work, E. Curll was set in the pillory. See ALLIBONE, and SABIN'S Dictionary, no. 37,600. Three English editions were published, and it was translated into French and Dutch. The third volume contains " Remarks on the Government of several Parts of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the United Provinces," etc. by William Ker, Esq., late Consul for the English Nation at Amsterdam. Printed in Amsterdam, 1688 ; repr. London, 1727, pp. 160, 16. BIOGRAPHY. 79 5221 LADD (Joseph B.) Literary Remains, with a Sketch of his Life, by W. B. Chittenden. 12 New York, 1832 5222 -- LAFAYETTE ([Gilbert de Motier] Marquis de) Historical Sketches illustrative of the Life of, and the leading events of the American Revolution ; by an American, boards, uncut. 12 New York, 1824 5223 Memoirs of, by Gen. H. L. Villaume Ducoudray Holstein ; translated from the French Manuscript ; pp. (4), 305. bds. uncut. 12 New York, 1824 5224 Sketch of (his) Tour in the United States, 1824; with Biographical Notices of his Life ; by John Foster, portrait, half bound. 8 Portland, 1824 5225 - - Life of, by Robert Wain, Jr., portrait, sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1825 5226 Memoirs of General LaFayette, Embracing Details of Public and Private Life, Sketches of the Am.' Revolution, etc.,//. 455, portrait, water stained. 12 Hartford, Barber 6* Robinson, 1825 5227 - - Lafayette (M. de) en Ame'rique, en 1824 et 1825, ou Journal d'un Voyage aux Etats-Unis, par A. Levasseur. 2 vols. //. (4), iv, 509 ; (4), 632 ; 12 plates and map, calf. 8 Paris, Baudouin, 1829 5228 Mdmoires, Correspondence, et Manuscrits ; public's par sa Famille. 6 vols., half calf , marbled edges. 8 Paris, 1837-39 This collection was edited by his son, George Washington Lafayette. 5229 Impeachment of Mr. LaFayette: containing his Accusation (to the National Assembly 8 Aug. 1792), supported by Mr. Brissot of Warville ; and his Defence by Mr. Vaublanc ; with a Supplement, etc. Transl. from the French, by Wm. Cobbett, pp. 104, hf. mor., scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1793 5230 LAWRENCE (Abbot) Memoir of, prepared for the National Portrait Gallery, by Wm. H-. Prescott, fine portrait, cloth. 4 n. p. Printed for Private Distribution, 1856 5231 LEE (Rev. John) Methodist Minister. Life, by [his brother] Jesse Lee, //. 179, sheep. 18 Baltimore, 1805 5232 LIVERMORE (George) Memoir of, by Charles Deane. LARGE PAPER, uncut. \. 4 Boston, 1869 5233 LIVINGSTON (William) Life, by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., portrait, half calf, marbled edges. 8 New York, 1833 5234 MAFFIT (Rev. John N.) Tears of Contrition : or Sketches of the Life of John N. Maffit ; with Religious and Moral Reflections, to which are appended Poetic Effusions. Written by himself, pp. 260, 40, bds., scarce. 12 New London, Conn., 1821 " From the romantic retreats of far-famed Erin borne on the fickle winds of adverse fortune a lonely stranger brings his mite of sorrow, and lays the dew-starr'd treasure at Columbia's feet." 5235 MARSH (James) D.D., President of the Univ. of Vermont. Remains, with a Memoir [by J. Torrey], 3d edition, //. 642, cloth. 8 Burlington, Vt., 1852 5236 MATHER (INCREASE). Parentator. Memoirs of Remarkables in the Life and the Death of Dr. Increase Mather [by Cotton Mather], portrait, half russia, scarce. sm. 8 Boston, 1724 80 BIOGRAPHY. 5237 MATHER (COTTON) Memoir of, with a Genealogy of the Mather Family, by S. G. Drake, portraits of Cotton and Increase Mather, pp. 1 6, doth. 8 Boston, 1851 5238 MATTHIAS [Robert Matthews] and his Impostures, by Wm. L. Stone, 3d edition, cloth, water-stained. 16 New York, 1835 " These pages will be found to comprise a history that is perfectly unique a delusion sui generis -whether arising from individual fanaticism, or enthusiasm, or madness ; or combined, or individual imposture/' Preface. 5239 MAYHEW (Jona.) D.D. Memoir of his Life and Writings ; by Alden Bradford, //. 484, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1838 5240 MONROE (James) President's Tour through the United States, with a Sketch of his Life ; by S. P. Waldo, portrait, sheep. 12 Hartford, F. D. Bolles 6- Co., 1818 5241 MORE AU (Gen. J. V.) Some Details concerning General Moreau, and his Last Moments: with a Biographical Sketch; by Paul Svinine, half mor. 16 Baltimore, 1814 5242 NEWELL (Rev. E. F.) Life and Observations : portrait, cloth. 1 6 Worcester, 1847 Mr. Newell (a native of Brookfield, Mass.) was, for more than forty years, an itinerant minister of the Methodist Epis. Church in the New England conference. This memoir was compiled from his manuscripts, by C. W. Ainsworth. 5243 NORTON (Prof. John P.) Memorials of, portrait, cloth. sm. 4 Albany (privately printed), 1853 5244 OEHLER (A.) Life, adventures, and unparalleled sufferings; written by Himself, curious. 12 Trenton, 181*. 5245 OGLETHORPE (Gen. James) Biographical Memorials of, by T. M. Harris, portrait, map, and facsimile, pp. xxii, 424, cloth. 8 Boston, 1841 5246 OSBORN (Mrs. Sarah) Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, R. I., Aug. 2, 1796, by Samuel Hopkins, D.D., sheep. 12 Worcester, 1799 5247 PAINE (Thos.) The Life of Thomas Paine . . With a Defence of his Writings. By Francis Oldys, A.M. [Geo. Chalmers ?]. First Boston edition,//. 40, scarce. 8 Boston, Manning 6 Loring, 1796 5248 Life, by James Cheetham, half green morocco extra, top gilt, uncut, SCARCE. 8 New York, 1809 5249 Life, by T. C. Rickman, portrait, boards, uncut, fine copy, scarce. 8 London, 1819 5250 Life, with Observations on his Writings; by G. Vale, v &z^" cloth. 8 New York, 1853 5251 PEABODY (Geo.) Proceedings at the Dinner given by (him) to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, Oct. 27, 1851, cloth, gilt edges. 8 London, W. Pickering, 1851 5252 PENN (William) The Life of, by Mrs. Hughs, //. 224, hf. bd. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1828 5253 PERSON (William) a Student of Harvard University. Life and Letters, with Poetical and Miscellaneous Pieces, old mottled calf, gilt. sm. 12 Cambridge, 1820 BIOGRAPHY. 8 1 PETERS (Hugh) History of, by the Rev. SAMUEL PETERS, portrait, (a name cut from head of title?) good copy, boards, uncut. 8 New York, 1807 5255 -- [Defence of the] Character of Hugh Peters [by Rev. C. W. Upham], ii //. (no title-page), uncut, rare. 8 \Salem, 1829] 5256 A Memoir, or Defence of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt, .portrait, pp. 67, scarce. 8 Boston, 1851 5257 An Historical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters, after the manner of Mr. Bayle, //. 41, portrait. sm. 4 London, G. Smeeton, 1818 5258 PHELPS (Matthew) Memoirs and Adventures, particularly in .two Voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi ; compiled from his Journal ; by Anthony Haswell, nice copy. 12 Bennington, A. Haswell, 1802 5259 POTTER (Israel R.) Life and Remarkable Adventures of, portrait, pp. 1 08, half sheep. 1 2 Providence, J. Howard, for I. R. Potter, 1824 First edition: SCARCE. 5260 PRENTIES (S. W.) Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Voyage from Quebec, in 1780, uncut, scarce. 12 London, 1782 "An interesting narrative, related with moderation and good sense." RICH. The author, Ensign of the 84th Regiment of Foot, was a bearer of dispatches from Gen. Haldimand to Sir H. Clinton. 5261 PRESCOTT. The Life of William Hickling Prescott, by Geo. Ticknor, portrait, LARGE PAPER, top gilt, uncut. 4 Boston, Ticknor 6* Fields, 1864 5262 PUTNAM. An Essay on the Life of Major General Israel Putnam. . by Col. David Humphreys, with Notes and Additions. With an APPENDIX, containing a Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, by S. Swett, portrait, old calf , fresh clean copy. 12 Boston, 1818 5263 PYNCHON (Col. JOHN) God's Frown in the Death of Usefull Men. Shewed in a Sermon Preached at the Funeral, of the Honourable Col. John Pynchon Esq. Who Deceased January the 1 7th. i7o. By Solomon Stoddard, Pastor of Northampton, //. (2), 28, smooth calf extra, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1703 1264 RALEGH (Sir W.) Life of the Valiant and Learned Sir Walter Ralegh, Knt., with his Tryal at Winchester, old calf, rare. sm. 8 London, 1677 565 Life, compiled from the most approved authorities, and curious Manuscripts, portrait, pp. 576, old calf , rebacked. 8 London, 1740 5266 -- Life, by Arthur Cayley, jun. 2 vols. in i, fine portrait, bds. uncut. 4 London, 1805 5267 - - Life, by P. F. Tytler; ist Am. edition, boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1833 5268 Brief Memoir by S. G. Drake, fine portrait, pp. 35, cloth, privately printed. sm. 4 Boston, 1862 5269 RITTENHOUSE (David) Memoirs of, by Wm. Barton ; With Appendix containing sundry Philosophical and other Papers, portrait, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1813 ii 82 BIOGRAPHY. 5270 ROGERS (Rev. Ammi) Memoirs, written by Himself, //. 264, half bound, slightly injured by water, very scarce. 12 n. p. 1824 5271 [ROGERS (Geo.)] Memoranda of the Experience, Labors, and Travels of a Universalist Preacher, //. 400, sheep. 12 Cincinnati, 1845 5272 SAMPSON (William) Memoirs, Letters, History of Ireland, etc., sheep. 8 New York, for the Author, 1807 5273 SAUNDERS (Daniel) jr. Journal of (his) Travels and Sufferings, as a Mariner on the Ship Commerce of Boston, cast away on the Coast of Arabia, July TO, 1792, sheep. sm. 12 Salem, Mass., 1794 5274 - - The same. sq. 16 Leominster, Mass., Charles Prentiss, 1797 5275 [SCHUYLER Family] Memoirs of an American Lady: with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America . . previous to the Revolution ; by [Mrs. Grant,] the Author of " Letters from the Mountains," etc. 2 vols. bds. uncut, fine copy. 12 London, 1808 Archdeacon Francis Wrangham's copy, with his autograph. 5276 SHARAN (James) Adventures, compiled from his Journal, written during his Voyages and Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. 12 Baltimore, 1808 5277 SHEPARD (Rev. Thos.) Autobiography; with additional Notices of his Life and Character, by Nehemiah Adams, cloth. sm. 12 Boston, 1832 5278 SHERBURNE (Andrew), a Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Memoirs, written by himself. 2d Edition, //. 312, sheep. 12 Providence, 1831 5279 SIMPSON (Thomas), the Arctic Discoverer. Life and Adventures by Alex. Simpson, portrait and map, cloth. 8 London, 1845 5280 SMITH (Moses) History of (his) Adventures and Sufferings, in the Miranda Expedition, etc., 2 plates, pp. 121, hf. bd., scarce. 12 Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1812 5281 SMITH (Elias) Life, conversion, preaching, travels and suffer- ings of, written by himself. Vol. I (all published), portrait, pp. 400, sheep. 12 Portsmouth, N. H., 1816 Elder Smith was a native of Lyme, Conn., born 17 June, 1769. 5282 Stiles (Ezra), President of Yale College; Life, by Abiel Holmes, portrait, calf, gilt. 8 Boston, Thomas 6- Andrews, 1798 5283 SYMMES. Brown (John) Funeral Sermon after the Death of Rev. Thos. Symmes of. Bradford, Mass., who died Oct. 6, 1725; to which are added Memoirs of his Life, Ministry, &c., boards, pncut. 24 Newburyport, 1816 5284 TENNENT (Rev. Wm.) Memoirs of (his) Life [by E. Boudinot] ; different editions, as follows : N. York, E. Duyckinck, 1818 ; Salem, \_N. J. ?] 1814; Kingston, Zenas Covell, 1813; Poughkeepsie, 1815 ; Springfield, 1822. Five in one vol., half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 16 5285 THOMAS (E. S.) Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years, commencing with the Battle of Lexington. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Hartford, 1840 BIOGRAPHY. 83 I'HORBURN (Grant) Forty Years' Residence in America, or a Particular Providence exemplified in (his) Life, portrait, cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 5287 Tn.tiHMAN (Wm.) Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Life, by John Golder, portrait, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 55288 TURELL (Mrs. Jane) Two Sermons, preach'd at Medford, April 6,1735. By Benjamin Coleman, D.D. . after the Funeral of his beloved Daughter Mrs. Jane Turell. [With] some Memoirs of her Life and Death, by her Consort, Mr. Ebenezer Turell, //. vi, 129, boards, scarce. 8 Boston, 1725 Includes selections from her writings, in poetry and prose. 5289 VANDERBILT. Memorial of the Golden Wedding of Corneliun and Sophia [Johnson] Vanderbilt, December 19, 1863, bds., gilt edges. 8 New York (Privately printed), 1863 5290 VAN RENSSELAER (Cortlandt) Memorial of, portrait, cloth. (2 copies.) 8 Philadelphia, 1860 5291 VAN SCHAACK (Peter) Life, by his son H. C. Van Schaack, pp. xii, 490, portrait, cloth. 8 New York, 1842 Embracing selections from his Writings, during the American Revolution and his exile in England. 5292 VANS (William) Life of, written by himself, stating the conduct of John and Richard Codman, merchants in Paris, two wood cuts, pp. 114, boards, very scarce. 12 n. p., n. d. [1826] 93 WALLACK (James W.) Sen. Sketch of [his] Life, etc., portrait, LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, //. 61 (i). 1. 8 N. York, T. H. Morrell, 1865 " Edition, 250 copies." 1294 WARD (Rev. Nath'l.) Memoir of, by John Ward Dean, with Notices of his Family, cloth, uncut. 8 Albany, 1868 1295 WARNER (Seth) Life, by D. Chipman : [with] the Life of Ethas Allen, by J. Sparks, cloth. 16 Middlebury, 1848 5296 WEST (Benjamin) Memoirs of the Early Life of, by John Gait. 2d edition, frontispiece, hf. bd. 16 Boston, 1832 >7 WHITE (Bishop Wm.) Infe, by Bird Wilson, portrait, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 1298 WILLARD (Sidney) Memories of Youth and Manhood. 2 vols., cloth. 12 Cambridge, J. Bartlett, 1855 [299 WILSON (A.) Sketch of the Life of Alex. Wilson, author of the American Ornithology; by George Ord, scarce portrait laid in, half cloth, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1828 5300 WINTHROP. The , Character I and j Blessedness of the Upright. A Sermon \ Occasion'd by the Death of the Honourable j Wait Winthrop Esq ;j Who Expired, Nov. 7. 1717. 1 yEtatis 76. By Joseph Sewall, A.M. j Pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston, | pp. (2), dark levant mor. extra, g. e. (Bedford}, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, T. Crump, 1717 5301 WOOLMAN (John) Journal of (his) Life, Gospel Labours, and Christian Experiences, a name cut from title, pp. xii, 339, cloth. 12 Warrington (Eng.), 1840 ;o2 ZINZENDORF (Count N. L.) Life, by Rev. A. G. Spangenberg, portrait, pp. xxxv, 511, cloth, uncut. 12 London, 1838 MEXICO. 5303 CAMPOS MARTINEZ (J. Greg, de) Amorosa contienda de Francia, Italia y Espana sobre la Augusta Persona de el Senor Don Carlos III. exaltado al trono espanol. Certamen poetico, metrica palestra, ingenioso combate, a que . . . convoca las Racionales Musas de su docto floreciente Parnaso, la . . Universidad de Mexico, i.$prel.lL, pp. 208, basane gilt, fine copy. 4 Mexico, en el Colegio de S. Ildefonso, 1761 Maximilian's copy, with his book plate, and that of J. M. Andrade. A scarce and curious collection of poems, Spanish and Latin, recited by members of the University of Mexico, and others, at a sort of literary tournament in honor of the accession of Don Carlos III. A fine specimen of Mexican typography, of the last century. 5304 CLAVIGERO (F. S.) The History of Mexico. . Illustrated by Charts and Other Copper-Plates. Translated by C. Cullen. 2 vols., tree calf gilt, fine copy. 4 London, 1787 5305 DIAZ (Bernal) Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo ; containing a true and full account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. I. Lock- hart. 2 vols., cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1844 5306 - - The True History of the Conquest of Mexixo. . Translated by M. Keating, engraved plan, calf gilt, fine copy. 4 London, 1800 5307 FURBER (Geo. C.) The Twelve Months Volunteer; or, Journal of a Private, in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the Cam- paign in Mexico, 1846-7. . . Including a History of the War with Mexico, map and engravings, pp. 640, doth. 8 Cincinnati, 1850 5308 GILLIAM (A. M.) Travels over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico, 1843 and '44, including the biographies of Iturbide and Santa Anna, map and plates, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1846 5309 [GOMARA.] The Pleasant Historic of | the Conquest of the West India, now called new Spaine. Atchieued by the most woorthie Prince | Hernando Cortes, Marquis of the Valley of | Huaxacac, most delectable to reade. | Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by T. N. [Thomas Nicholas] Anno 1578. j Mark Utter, old English red morocco, full gilt, with crown and cipher of George III. on the sides, g. e. (joints cracked}, RARE. sm. 4 London, Thomas Creede, 1596 " The Second Part of Gomara's ' Chronica de Nueva Espana ' and the only portion oi the works of the '. Father of American history,' in English. . The laudatory verses are by Stephen Gosson, author of 'The School of Abuse.' " SABIN, no. 27752. 5310 LATROBE (C. J.) The Rambler in Mexico, 1834, map, cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1836 \."*s MEXICO. 85 MORENO i|u;in Deccna) Relacion del Funeral Entierro, y .juias (!L- el 111" 1 " Si. Dr. I). Manuel Rubio | y Salinas; Arxobispo que fue de esta Santa Inglesia | Metropolitana de Mexico, with an engraving of the Catafalque, designed by " D. Miguel Calvera, Pintor Americano" pp. (10), 155, half vellum, RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, 1766 The Emperor Maximilian's copy, with his book plate. 5312 OYANGUREN DE SANTA INES (El Hermano Pr. Fr. Melchor) Arte De la Lengua Japona, | dividido en quatro libros i segun el Arte de Nebrixa, i etc., pp. (20), 200, (2), best grosgrain levant russia- red morocco, sides paneled, g. e. (Bedford). sm. 4 Mexico, per Jos. Bern, de Hogal, 1738 FINE BRIGHT COPY of this EXCESSIVELY RARE book, unknown to Brunet, Rich, and other bibliographers. " It is not a little singular that a Grammar [and Vocabu- lary] of the Japanese tongue should have been produced at Mexico?'' 5313 [POINSETT (J. R.)] Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822, accompanied by a sketch of the Revolution, etc. By a * Citizen of the U. States, map, half cloth, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 5314 POINSETT (J. R.) Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822, etc., map, half cloth, uncut. 8 London, 1825 15 Popular Description of Mexico and Guatimala, geographical, historical, and topographical. 2 vols. in i, plates and map, pp. viii, 350, 301, half russia, neat. 16 Boston, Wells 6* Lilly, 1830 5316 PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, and the life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. 3 vols., portraits, uncut, cloth. 8 New York, 1843 oooo Ranking (J.) Historical Researches, etc. See No. 5348. 53 r7 RIKEL (D.) Este es vn compendio breve que tracta d' la | manera de como se ha de hazer las pr^cessiojnes : compuesto por Dionisio Richel cartu|-xano : que esta e lati e la pr/mera parte d' sus pranosos j opuscules : romana^do para. comu vtilidad. | English vellum. 4 Mexico, 1544 Gothic Letter. No title-page : 12 leaves, not numbered. At the end, is the colophon : "A honors, y gloria de ns'o serior Jesu xpo y d'la virgew seta Ma|ria su madre: a qiu se acaba este breue cowpendio | que tracta dela | manera que se ha de tener enel haier de las Processiones. El | qual se imprimio en esta gran ciuidad d' Tenuchtitlan Mexico | desta nueua Espana por mandado del muy reuerewdo senor don | Fray Juan 9ummaraga : pr/mer Obispo dela misma ciuidad. Del | consejo de su majestad etc. y a su costa. En casa de Juan cromber\gex. Ario de M.D.xliiij." With the book-plate of the Emperor Maximilian ; no. 2667 of the Catalogue Andrade, where it is described as a "volume D'UNE RARETE EXTRAORDINAIRE qui est regarde comme le SECOND LIVRE imprimi en Mexique. EXEMPLAIRE MAGNIFIQUE." The copy is really "magnificent," bright and clean as when it first came from the press of Juan Cromberger, three hundred and thirty -six years ago almost a hundred years before the Bay Psalm Book was printed at Cambridge. Its title to be reckoned the second book printed in America has been questioned, some bibliographers maintaining that a press was established in Mexico as early as 1541, but as to its EXTRAORDINARY RARITY or the interest which attaches to it as ONE OF THE EARLIEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE PRESS IN AMERICA, there can be no difference of opinion. 86 MEXICO. DARIEN. 5318 ROBINSON (W. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, includ- ing the Expedition of General X. Mina ; with observations on the practicability of opening a Commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, through the Mexican Isthmus . . and at the Lake of Nicaragua, etc., pp. xxxvi, 396, hf. mor. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 5319 Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution; including a Narrative of the expedition of General X. Mina, etc. 2 vols. portrait of Gen. Mina, and Map, half bound. 8 London, 1821 5320 RODRIGUEZ (P. J.) Relacion de le Acaecido en la celebridad de y el Jubileo de el Ano Santo en esta Ciudad, y Arzobispado de Mexico, //. (6), 82, hf. mor., fine copy, RARE. sm. 4 Mexico, 1753 5321 RUXTON (G. F.) Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Moun- tains, cloth. 12 New York, 1848 5322 SOLIS (Antonio de) Historic de la Conqueste du Mexique, trad, de 1'Espanol, par 1' Auteur du Triumvirat. 4me edition. 2 vols., map and plates, old calf , gilt. sm. 8 Paris, 5323 SOLIS (A. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, translated by T. Townsend, revised by N. Hooke. 2 vols. Portrait of Cortes ami 2 plates, old binding. 8 London, 1738 5324 GAGE (Thomas) A New Survey of the West Indies . . containing a Journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America, etc. . With a Grammar, or some few Rudi- ments of the Indian Tongue, called Poconchi, or Pocoman. Second Edition enlarged, 4 maps, pp. (10), 220, (12), half calf, neat. folio, London, 1655 The best edition, and the first that contains the (copperplate) maps. 53 2 5 Reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien. . van Thomas Gage. . Overgeset door H. V. Q. Tweeden Druk, numerous fine engravings pp. (18), 450, (67), vellum, neat. sm. 4 Amsterdam, 1700 DARIEN. PANAMA. THE WEST INDIES. 5326 DARIEN. The Humble Address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented rx^Xt-e^ **-r**i to His Majesty, Feb. 12, 1699. And His Majesties most gracious Answer thereunto, pp. 4, VERY RARE. folio, London, 1699 The Address urges the abandonment of the Scotch Colony at Darien, it being " incon- sistent with the good of the Plantation Trade of this Kingdom." 53 2 7 A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien: Including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there. Authore BRITANNO sed Dunensi, //. (12), 50, hf. mor. neat, RARE. sm. 8 n. p. Printed in the Year, 1700 " This Pamphlet was ordered to be burnt, by the Parliament of Scotland, Wm. III., the Ninth Session. See Scotch Acts. P. W." MS. Note. The Epistle Dedicatory is signed Phil. Scot. oooo HOUSTOUN (Dr. James) Memoirs. See No. 5213. PANAMA. THE WEST INDIES. 8/ 5328 PITMAN (R. B.) Succinct View and Analysis of Information on the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus, map, half calf. London, 1825 WHEELWRIGHT (Wm.) Observations on the Isthmus of Panama ; Illustrated with a Map of the various routes proposed for connect- ing the Two Oceans, pp. 31, uncut, scarce. London, 1844. (2) 8 5329 BARBADOES. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Barba- does, from 1648 to 1718; [and] Part II. Additional Acts, 1717- 1738 ; old law calf, title-page, and first leaf of Index imperfect ; other- wise a FINE COPY. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1732, 1739 533 ~~ CARIBBEANA : containing Letters and Dissertations, together with Poetical Essays on various Subjects and Occasions, wrote by several Hands in the West Indies ; also, divers Papers relating to the Trade, Government, and Laws of the British Sugar-Colonies, and of Barbadoes in particular. 2 vols., old calf , rebacked. 4 London, 1741 These volumes are made up of selections from the Barbadoes Gazette, edited by Samuel Keintfr, who went to the West Indies, from Philadelphia, about 1 733. 5331 GRENADA. A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of H[ills]b[oroug]h, . . on the Present Situation of Affairs in the Island of Gr-n-da, pp. 54, hf. mor. neat. 8 London, 1769 5332 JAMAICA. A Book of the Continuation of Forreign Passages. That is, Of the Peace made between this Common-wealth, & that of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, Apr. 5. 1654. And the Articles of Peace [between England and Sweden, May 9, 1654. The Treaty with France, Nov. 20, 1654, etc.'] Moreover, An Attempt on the Island of Jamaica, and taking the Town of St. Jago de la Viga, May 10, 1655, etc. etc., Map of the West Indies and 7 copper-plates by Will. Pass and T. Jenner, fine copy, old red morocco, neat. sm. 4 London, M. S. for Tho. yenner, 1657 RARE. The Towneley copy, with book-plate. 5333 HICKERINGILL (Capt. Edm.) Jamaica Viewed : with All the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settle- ments thereunto belonging. Together, With the Nature of its Climate, &C. With several other collateral Observations and Reflections upon the Island. The Third Edition, Map of Jamaica, ^prel. leaves, pp. 44, polished calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}. sm. 4 London, 1707 RARE. The first edition was printed in 1661. 5334 LAWS. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica : from 1681, to 1737, inclusive, pp. xxii, 327 An Abridgment of the Acts of Assembly, passed etc., 1681-1737, pp. 328-387, i, binding broken, large and fine copy, VERY SCARCE. folio, London, J. Baskett, 1738 5335 [ROCHEFORT (Cesar de)] Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles d'Amerique. Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures des Raretez les plus considerables. . Avec vn VOCABULAIRE CARAIBE, engraved title t fine portrait of J. Amproux de Lorme (to whom the work is dedicated), and many copperplates, 8 prcl. leaves, pp. 527, (12), old calf , gilt. 4 Rotterdam, Arn. Leers, 1658 The FIRST (and scarcest) edition : from the libraries of the Duke of Sussex, and Hon. John Davis. The impressions of the plates are much superior to those of later editions. Many copies want the Portrait and the Dedication. THE WEST INDIES. SOUTH AMERICA. 5336 ROCHEFORT (Cesar de) Relation de 1'Isle de Tabago, ou de la Nouvelle Oiialcre, Tune des Isles Antilles,//. (16), 128, old vellum, VERY RARE. sm. 12 Paris, Lovys Billaine, 1666 SOUTH AMERICA. 5337 GUIANA. A | Pvblication | of Gviana's | Plantation, i Newly under- taken by the Right Hon ble - the Earle of Barkshire Knight | . . . and Company for that most famous River of the Amazones, in America, i etc., pp. (2), 24, good copy, sprinkled calf gilt, RARE. sm. 4 London, William Jones, for Tho. Paine, 1632 5338 BARRERE (PIERRE) Nouvelle Relation de la France Equi- noxiale, contenant la Description des cotes de la Guiane ; de 1'Isle de Cayenne, etc. & les Mceurs & Coutumes des diffe'rens Peuples Sauvages qui Phabitent, 3 maps and ^folded plates, pp. iv, 250, (i), fine copy, old calf gilt. 12 Paris, \Piget, 1743] " Tres-recherchee pour son exactitude." LECLERC. It contains much valuable information concerning the Indians of Guiana, well illustrated by the plates. In this copy a slip with the names of Gogut 6 Nte de la Rochelle is pasted over the original imprint. 5339 WARREN (George) An Impartial Description of Surinam upon The Continent of Guiana, With a History of several strange Beasts, Birds, Fishes, . . . and Customs of that Colony, &c., UNCUT. Lo?idon, 1667 POYNTZ (Capt. John) The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago : With a Description of the Situation, Growth, Fertility and Manufacture of the said Island. [And] Proposals for the Encouragement of those that are minded to settle there, large copy. London, 1683. Two VERY RARE tracts, in one vol., half blue levant morocco, top gilt. sm. 4 5340 DUCOUDRAY HOLSTEIN (Gen. H. L. V.) Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, President Liberator of the Republic of Colombia ; and of his principal Generals, etc., pp. 383. 8 Boston, 1829 5341 GIBBON (L.) and HERNDON (L.) Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, with 2 atlases. 4 vols., cloth. 8 Washington, 1874 5342 MIRANDA (Don F. de) History of (his) Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America, with a Sketch of his Life. 2d edition, sheep. 12 Boston, 1810 5343 MOLLIEN (G.) Voyage dans la Republique de Colombia, en 1823. 2de edition. 2 vols., map and fine plates, half calf . 8 Paris, 1825 5344 NODAL (B. G. and G. de) Relacion | del Viaje qve por [ orden de sv Mag d . y acverdo del Real Consejo de Indias. Hizieron los Capitanes | Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gongalo de Nodal hermanos, naturales de Ponte j Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estre- cho | nuebo de S. Vicente, y reconosimj . | del de Magallanes. j A Don Fernando Carrillo | Cauallero del abito de Santiago. Presi- dente en el mismo Consejo, | engraved title-page with portraits of the brothers Nodal, and the ORIGINAL CHART engraved on copper (want- SOUTH AMERICA. 89 ing in most copies}, and several wood-cuts in the text, large and fine copy, in a handsome old binding, red Spanish calf, gilt, arms of Spain on the sides. 4 Madrid, Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1621 12 prel. 11., engr. title and map and 11. 65. A supplement (not mentioned by Rich or Ternaux ), separately paged, contains a " Tabla para saber las horas." (i l.)and ' Kclacion Svmaria de los Servicios de los Capitanes . . Nodal " (11. 2-15). "La PREMIERE EDITION d'un livre du GRANDE RARETE Leclerc. "Ce volume, TRES RARE, a e^e" souvent pave" un PRIX EXORBITANT." Ternaux, 431. "A book of great rarity, particularly with the original chart." Rich, 158. " Ouvrage rare ; une des plus importantes du commencement du 171116 siecle." Trtimel, So. The volume gives the /0^and daily journal of the voyage made, 1618-19, by command of Philip III. of Spain, to verify the discovery of the Strait of St. Vincent (Le Maire) by Schouten and Le Maire in 1617. 5345 PERU. CIECA DE LEON (P. de) Parte primera | de la Chro-| nica del Peru, que tra eta la demarcacion de sus prouincias, la descripcion dellas, . . . los ritos y costumbres de los Indies, y otras co-jsas estranas, etc., ff. (8), 285, (9), curious wood-cuts, morocco gilt, extra, g. e. (Morrelt), a BEAUTIFUL COPY. sm. 8 Anvers, en casa de luan Steelsio, 1554 This edition is mentioned by Rich (No. 27), Ternaux (66), and Harrisse (p. 318, note), but without giving the colophon: "Anvers, en casa de luan Lado, M.D.LIIII." Cieca's Chronicle of Peru is justly characterized as " one of the most remarkable literary produc- tions of Spanish conquest in America" (C. R. Markham). Only this "first part" was published. 5346 ZARATE (A. de) Historia del Descvbrimiento y conqvista de las provincias del Peru, etc., good copy, half bound, ff. (3), 117, (4), VERY RARE. folio. Sevilla, en casa de Alonso Escriuano, 1577 The second edition, "FORT RARE, publide d'apres celle $ Anvers, 1555." LECLERC, Bibl. Amer. (1878), no. 1862. " Ouvrage qui me"rite d'etre e"tudi6 avec soin." TERNAUX. 5347 CONSTITVCIONES SYNODALES del Obispado de la Cividad de Nvestra Senora de la Paz, en el Peru, hechas y ordenadas por il 111 S. Dr. D. Feliciano de Vega, Obispo . . de la Paz, etc., pp. (6), 78., (6), half russia, g. e., RARE. folio, Lima, Geronymo de Contreras, 1639 Ternaux's copy, with his crest and initials on the side. A fine specimen of early Peruvian typography. See RICH, 1639, no. 223. 5348 RANKING (John) Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, etc., in the i3th Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants, etc., maps, and portraits of the Incas and Montezuma, boards, uncut. 8 London, Longman, 1827 5349 RIVERO (M. E.) and TSCHUDI (J. J. von) Peruvian Antiqui- ties; translated by F. L. Hawks, cuts, cloth. 8 New York, 1853 5350 SPILBERGEN (J. van) and LE MAIRE (Jacob) Specvlvm | Orientalis Occidentalisqve Indias Navigationvm ; | Quarum una Georgij a Spilbergen classis cum potestate Praefecti, altera lacobi le Maire auspicijs imperioque directa, Annis 1614, 15, 16, 17, 18. | Exhibens Noui in mare Australe transitus, etc., //. 175, 25 copperplates by De Bry. obi. 4 Lugd. Batav., Nic. a Geelkercken, 1619 The Latin translation of the (Dutch) narrative of the voyages of Spilbergen and Le Maire,' published the same year. Not in Rich or Ternaux. " Livre RARE ; avec des planches curieuses." Cat. Sobo- Uwski, no. 4098. "EXTREMEMENT RARE." Lcclerc,*\o. 1993. 5351 WATERTON (C.) Wanderings in South America, the N. W. of the United States, and the Antilles, 1812-24, frontispiece ("A non- descript",) slightly foxed, pp. 326, half calf. 4 London, 1825 12 THE AMERICAN INDIANS: THEIR ORIGIN, HISTORY, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, ETC. (INCLUDING AMERICAN PREHISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY.) 5352 ADAIR (James) The History of the American Indians ; particu- larly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia : con- taining an account of their Origin, Language, Manners, etc. . . With a new Map of the Country referred to in the History, map, pp. (10), 464, boards, UNCUT. 4 London, 1775 5353 Another copy, sheep (broken), name on title. 4 London, 1775 5354 Geschichte der Amerikanischen Indianer;.. aus dem Eng- lischen iibersetzt, half levant green morocco, extra gilt, uncut. 8 Breslau, 1782 5355 AmeVique (De 1') et des Ame'ricains, ou Observations curieuses du Philosophic La Douceur, qui a parcouru cet Hemisphere pendant la derniere Guerre, en faisant le noble metier de tuer des Hommes sans les manger, pp. 116, hf. bd. neat, SCARCE. 1 6 Berlin, Samuel Pitra, 1772 In refutation of the statements of De Pauw in his " Recherches philosophiques." " Le but principal de cet Auteur, 6toit de d6montrer que la sol du terrein de cet he"mis- phere, ses productions, les hommes, & les animaux qui Thabitent, avoient degenere et degenerent encore. Le mien, est de de"montrer que rien n'a degenere', au contraire" (P 15)- Some of the author's observations are, certainly, " curieuses " : see, in Chap. VII. his " polissoneries philosophiques" (pp. 56-62) in reply to DePauw's assertions of the moral and physical inferiority of the Americans. 5356 APES. A Son of the Forest. The Experience of Wm. Apes, a Native of the Forest, comprising a Notice of the Pequod Tribe of Indians. Written by himself, hf. bd. 18 New York, 1829 Apes was a humbug. He claimed to be " a descendant of one of the principal chiefs of the Pequod Tribe so well known in that part of American history called King Philip's War. This tribe inhabited a part of Connecticut and lived . . in the town of Groton, and was commanded by King Philip." The story helps us to estimate the value of Indian " tradition," so termed. The Pequod tribe was blotted out about forty years before "King Philip's war," and neither King Philip nor his tribe (the Wampanoags) ever lived in or near Connecticut. Apes had, probably, some Narragansett blood ; his father was a half- , breed, he says ; and he was born in Coleraine, Mass. He certainly was not a " Pequod." 5357 Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massa- chusetts, relative to the Marshpee Tribe . . By William Apes, an Indian and Preacher of the Gospel, frontispiece, pp. 168, cloth. 12 Boston, 1835 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 9! 5358 ATWATER (Caleb) Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien ; thence to Washington City in 1829, sheep, nice copy. 12 Columbus, O., Isaac N. Whiting 1831 This (the first) edition contains (pp. 149-172) " Rudiments of Grammar of the Sioux Language," by John Marsh, omitted in the edition of 1833. See Field's Ind. Bibliography, p. 12. 5359 BARTON (Benj. S ) New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, //. xii, cix, 83, half calf, large Jin e copy, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 Comparative vocabulary and notes, pp. 1-83. 5360 BLUNT (Joseph) Historical Sketch of the formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the limits and the jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes, //. 120. New York, 1825 Examination of the controversy between Georgia and the Creeks. (From the N. Y. Review, Aug., 1825.) n. t. p. Examination of the Relations between the Chero- kees and the U. S. N. York, 1829 A Statement of the Indian Relations : with a reply to the N. A. Review on the Removal of the Indians. N. York, 1830 Anniv. Discourse before the N. Y. Hist. Society. N. York, 1858. 5 in i vol., hf. calf neat. 8 5361 BOTURINI BENADUCI (Lorenzo) Idea de una Nueva Historia general de la America Septentrional ; [to which is added :] Catalogo del Museo Historico Indiano del Cavallero L. Boturini Benaduci, pp. (38), 167; (6), 96, frontispiece and portrait, vellum, fine copy, scarce. sm. 4 Madrid, 1746 " Nous avons peu de documents aussi curieux et qui offre autant d'inte"ret que le cata- logue du mus6e de Boturini." LECLERC. His plan of a history of America, founded on Mexican picture-writing and other aboriginal records was never executed, and his invaluable collection has been dispersed and the greater part of it is lost. 5362 BOUDINOT (Elias) A Star in the West; or, A humble attempt to discover the lost Ten Tribes of Israel [in America], fine portrait inserted, pp. 312. 8 Trenton, N. J., 1816 5363 BRADFORD (A. W.) American Antiquities ; and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race, //. 435, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 5364 BRETT (Rev. W. H.) The Indian Tribes of Guiana, illustrations, PP> 352, cloth. 1 6 Neiv York, 1852 5365 BROWNELL (C. De Wolf) The Indian Races of North and South America, illustrations, some colored, pp. 763. thk. 8 Hartford, 1864 An account of the Sioux Massacre (1862), by J. T. Headley, is appended, pp. 717-763. 5366 BUCHANAN (Jas.) Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the N. A. Indians, //. xi, 371, map, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1824 5367 BURDER (George) The Welch Indians; or, a Collection of Papers respecting a People whose Ancestors emigrated from Wales to America, in the year 1170, with Prince Madoc, , . and who are now said to inhabit a beautiful country on the West side of the Mississippi, //. 35. half mor. neat. 8 London, [1787] " A VERY RARE piece, not included in Mr. Field's Bibliography." SABIN. Q2 , THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5368 CARLI (le Comte J. R.) Lettres Ame'ricaines, dans lesquelles on examine FOrigine, FEtat Civil, Politique, Militaire & Religieux, les Arts, FIndustrie, les Sciences, les Mceurs, les Usages des anciens habitans de FAmerique, etc. . Avec des observations & additions du Traducteur. 2 vols., map, hf. bd. 12 Boston [Paris], Buisson, 1788 "Translated from the Italian, with note", by M. Lefebure de Villebrune. Count Carli states that his object is to confute the statement of M. de Pauw, in his Recherche* Philosophiques, and to show that the Americans were descended from the ancient Atlantides." RICH. 5369 [CASS (Lewis)] Remarks on the Condition, Character, and Languages of the N. American Indians. From the N. American Review, for Jan. 1826, //. 70, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1826 5370 COLDEN (Cadwallader) The History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York. . Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York edition (1727). With an Introduction and Notes by J. G. Shea, portrait (India paper), cloth, Large Paper, uncut. imp. 8 New York, T. H. Morrell, 1866 One of 30 copies printed on Large Paper. 5371 The same work, paper, uncut. 8 New York, 1866 125 copies printed. oooo Cherokee Indians (The Case of) See PETERS (R.) No. 5432 : BLUNT (J.) No. 5360 : Report of Committee, No. 5437 : Ross (John) No. 5439 : Cherokee Country. See DRAKE (S. G.) No. 5387. 5372 Collection (A) of Indian Anecdotes, frontispiece, pp. 190, boards. 32 Concord, N. H., 1837 5373 Copway (George), Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation, pp. 298, cloth, uncut, fresh copy. 16 London, 1850 illustrations of Indian picture-writing are given on pp. 128 and 134-136. 5374 Recollections of a Forest Life : or, the Life and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, or George Copway, Chief of the Ojibway Nation. 2d edition, cloth, uncut, fresh copy. 16 London, 1851 5375 CRAWFORD (Charles) An Essay upon the Propagation of the Gospel, //. 60, hf. bd. neat. 16 Philadelphia, 1799 The first edition. In the second (1801) the title was extended: " In which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes." 5376 CUSICK (David) Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations, cuts, pp. 35, hf. mor. interleaved. 8 Lockport, 1848 With manuscript notes by Dr. Joseph Barratt (of Middletown, Conn.) 5377 Another copy, in original paper cover, clean. 5378 DAMMARTIN. Explication de la Pierre de Taunston [Taunton], dans FAme'rique Septentrionale, autotype lithograph, pp. 28, and two folded plates, n. t. p., hf. mor. 8 [Paris,] n. d. The name of the author of this explication of the Dighton Rock inscription appears only on the binding : "Dammartin. Pierre de Taunston. Paris." It seems to have been written between 1840 and 1850. The author regards the inscribed rock, as "a fragment of an oriental celestial planisphere, or as an astronomical theme for the 25th of December, at midnight, the epoch of the winter solstice " ; and infers that it is " a monument of some nation foreign to America." 5379 DELAFIELD (John) Jr. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America. . With an Appendix, by Jas. Lakay, M.D., 10 plates (5 colored}, and the facsimile of the long "Aztec map," pp. 142, cloth, gilt, fine copy. 4 New York, 'j. C. Colt, 1839 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 93 5380 DEL Rio and CABRERA. Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque, in Guatimala, translated from the Spanish report of Captain D. Antonio Del Rio : followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or, a Critical Investigation . . into the History of the Americans, by Dr. Paul Felix Cabrera, 17 plates, pp. xiii, 128, /if. russia, uncut, FINE COPY. 4 London, H. Berthoud, 1822 5381 DOMENECH (TAbbe Em.) Manuscrit Pictographique Ame'ricain, pre'ce'dd d'une Notice sur I'Ide'ographie des Peaux-Rouges, //. viii, 119, and 228 pages of lithographic facsimiles, half levant red mor. extra, gilt top, uncut, SCARCE. r. 8 Paris, Gide, 1860 For a long notice of this remarkable work, which " afforded to the literary world of Europe a sensation not less unusual than universal," see Field's Indian Bibliography, pp. 104, 105. 5382 La Ve'rite' sur le Livre des Sauvages, par I'Abbe' Em. Dome- nech, //. 54, and 10 leaves of lithogr. facsimiles, hf. calf, gilt tops, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Paris, E. Dentu, 1861 5383 DRAKE (Benj.) Life of Tecumseh, and of his brother the Prophet; with a Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians, pp. 235, cloth. 12 Cincinnati, O., 1841 5384 The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk, with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War, (wood-cut} portraits, pp. 252, cloth. 16 Cincinnati, O., 1838 5385 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Indian Biography, containing the Lives of more than 200 Indian Chiefs : . . and a History of their Wars, etc., engravings, calf gilt, fine copy. 12 Boston, Josiah Drake, 1832 5386 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America. . yth edition, numerous engravings and EXTRA PLATES inserted, hf. red morocco, gilt, FINE COPY. 8 Boston, 1837 "Twenty-seven extra plates. The last copy of the edition, for sale. Sept. 9th. 1840. J. G. Roberts, binder." Pencil note, on fly leaf, by the Aitthor. 5387 DRAKE (S. G.) Early History of Georgia,, embracing the Embassy of Sir Alex. Cuming to the Country of the Cherokees, 1730 ; with a Map of the Cherokee Country, from an Indian draft, pp. 20, uncut. sm. 4 Boston, 1872 5388 EASTMAN (Mrs. Mary) Dahcotah ; or Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling, etc., illustrations, pp. xi, 268, cloth. 12 New York, 1849 5389 E[NGEL] (E. B. d') Essai sur cette Question : Quand et com- ment 1'Ame'rique a-t-elle dtd peuplee d' Hommes et d'Animaux ? //. xi, (5), 6 10, hf. French sheep, gilt, best edition. 4 Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1768 5390 Events in Indian History, Beginning with an Account of the Origin of the American Indians ; . . and embracing concise Biog- raphies of the Principal Chiefs and Head-Sachems. . with Narratives of Captivities, etc. [compiled by J. Wimer,] 8 (folded} lithographs, pp. 633, sheep. 8 Lancaster [Pa.], 1841 5391 [EVARTS (Jeremiah)] Essays on the Present Crisis in the Con- dition of the Am. Indians ; first published in The National Intelli- gencer, under the signature of William Penn,^. 112, hf. bd. 8 Boston, 1829 94 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5392 [EVARTS (Jeremiah)] The Removal of the Indians . . An Exam- ination of an Article [by Lewis Cass] in the North American Review, etc., //. 72, hf. mor. 8 Boston, 1830 5393 FALCONER (Capt. R.) Voyages, dangerous Adventures, and imminent Escapes, . . containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America, his Shipwrecks, etc., frontispiece, pp. viii, 72, 136, 179, (i), old calf rebacked. 8 London, 1720 5394 Fort Braddock Letters : or A Tale of the French and Indian Wars, at the beginning of the i8th Century, frontispiece, pp. 98, hf. red mor. 24 Worcester, Dorr 6* Howland, 1827 First published in the "Connecticut Mirror" (Hartford). 5395 FOUR (The) KINGS OF CANADA. Being A Succinct Account of the Four Indian Princes lately arriv'd from North America. With a particular Description of their Country, [Manners and Customs, etc.,] //. 47, (i), fine clean copy, smooth calf gilt ( W. Pratt}, UNCUT. 12 London, John Baker, 1710 An UNCUT copy of this curious tract is EXTREMELY RARE. For its contents, and an interesting extract, see an article by Hon. John R. Bartlett, in The Magazine of American History for March, 1878, "The Four Kings of Canada." 5396 GARCIA (fr. Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el Nuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentales, averiguado con Discurso de Opin- iones . . Segunda Impresion, emendada, 16 prel. leaves, pp. 336, Table (80), large paper, cart., fine copy. folio, Madrid, 1729 5397 GOOKIN (D.) Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. . By Daniel Gookin, Gentleman, one of the Magistrates of Massachusetts Colony, etc. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript, pp. 143-232, hf. bd., neat. 8 [Boston,] 1792 From the first volume of the Mass. Hist. Society's Collections. 5398 GUMILLA (P. Joseph) Historia Natural, Civil y Geografica de las Naciones Situadas en las Riveras -del Orinoco . . Nueva Impresion : mucho mas correcta que las anteriores . . Corregido por el P. Ignacio Obregdn. 2 vol. in one, folding map, portrait of the Author, and 6 other plates, marbled Spanish roan, gilt, red edges, a large and VERY FINE COPY. sm. 4 Barcelona, 1791 5399 HALKETT (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of N. America ; with Remarks on the Attempts made to convert and civilize them, //. 408, bds. uncut. 8 London, 1825 5400 HAVEN (Samuel F.) Archaeology of the United States. [Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge.] pp. 168, cloth. 4 {Washington, 1856] 5401 HAWES (Barbara) Tales of the North American Indians, frontispiece, pp. xii, 362, cloth. 16 London, Longmans, 1845 5402 HECKEWELDER (Rev. John) An Account of the History, Man- ners, and Customs, of the Indians Nations, who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbouring States : [in Transactions of the Hist and Lit. Committee of the Am. Philos. Society, Vol. I., //. 1, 464, i, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 This volume also contains Duponceau's Report on the Indian Languages, and his Correspondence with Heckewelder; a collection of Words and Phrases in the " Lenni Lenape" language, by Heckewelder; etc. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 95 5403 Hi.c -KIWI in KR (Rev. John) Histoire, Moeurs et Coutumcs des Nations Indiennes qui habitaient autrefois la Pensylvanie et les Etats voisins ; traduit de 1'Anglais par le Chevalier Du Ponceau, // ( a ) 5 22 russet calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1822 5404 HENRY (Alex.) Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, 1760-1776, portrait, pp. vi, 330, sheep. 8 New York, I. Riley, 1809 5405 HILL (Ira) Antiquities of America explained, fresh copy, sheep, pp. 131. 12 Hagers-town, [Md.], W. D. Bell, 1831 A very curious and VERY SCARCE volume. On pp. 71-75 are figures from the Dighton Rock inscription, with Mr. Hill's interpretation. (Not in Field's Indian Bibliography.) 5406 HILL (Ira) An Abstract of a New Theory of the Formation of the Earth, //. 211, bds. uncut. 12 Baltimore, 1823 Dedicated to Gen. Andrew Jackson. 5407 HORNII (Georgi) De Originibus Americanis libri quatuor, fine copy, pp. (20), 282, russia gilt. sm. 8 Haga Comitis \Lugduni Batav\ 1652 First edition. Ternaux' copy, with his crest and initials. 5408 The same, engraved title. 1 6 Hemipoli\Halberstadt\ J. Mulleri, 1669 5409 HUNTER (John D.) Manners and Customs of sevaral Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi . . To which is prefixed the History of the Author's Life during a residence of several years among them, //. 402, bds. uncut. 8 Philadelphia, for the Author, 1823 5410 Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians, with their Manners and Customs and an Account of the Soil, Climate and Products of the Territory West of the Mississippi. A new edition [with change of title,] portrait, pp. ix, 447, boards, uncut. 8 London, 1823 541 1 HUMBOLDT (A. von) Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de PAmerique, 19 plates, several colored. 2 vols. half calf. 8 Paris, N. Maze, 1816 (1824) Printed in 1816, except the titles, which were printed in 1824. 5412 JARVIS (S. F.) A Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America, delivered before the N. Y. Historical Society, Dec. 20, 1819, pp. in, half mor., uncut, scarce. 8 New York, 1820 5413 JONES (George) The History of Ancient America, anterior to the time of Columbus : proving the identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites, etc. The Tyrian .^Era. 3d edition, 8 prel. leaves, pp. 461, cloth, uncut. r. 8 London, Longmans, 1843 5414 LAET (J. de) Notae ad Dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, //. 223, vellum. sm. 8 Amstelodami, L. Elzevir, 1643 Interesting to philologists, for its comparative vocabularies of various European and American languages, pp. 139-151. [Mr. Field mentions a maf, but none belongs to the volume, as published.] g THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5415 LAET (J. de) Responsio ad Dissertationem secundam Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, pp. (4), 116, (8), blue mor. antiqite, g. e. (Hay day). sm. 8 Amsttlrodami, Lud. Elzevir ; 1644 This second reply by De Laet to Grotius is much scarcer than the first. It contains an Index to BOTH volumes. (Two leaves of this Index have been misplaced by the binder after the Title.) 5416 LAFITAU ( P. Jos. Fr.) Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps, plates. 2 vols., half ca tf, gify nearly uncut. 4 Paris, 1724 An exceptionally large and fine copy, with excellent impressions of the plates. 5417 The same work. 4 vols. plates, old calf , gilt. sm. 8 Paris, 1724 5418 De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika. . Door J. F. La Fitau, . . in 't Fransch beschreven, en nu in zuiver Nederduits vertaalt, plates. 2 vols. in one, half bound, uncut. folio, Amsterdam, 1751 5419 Laws of the Colonial and State Governments relating to Indians and Indian Affairs, from 1633 to 1831 ; . . and the Laws of Congress, 1800 to 1830, on the same subject, //. xv, 9-250, 72, cloth, scarce. 8 Washington, 1832 5420 LE BEAU. Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, . ou Voyage curieux et nouveau, parmi les Sauvages de PAmerique Septentrionale, map and plates. 2 vols , old calf gilt, g. e., fine copy. 12 Amsterdam, 1738 " How much of truth and how much of fiction are blended in the narratives of the class to which this of Sieur Le Beau belongs, is often not easy to decide. . His work has, it is fair to say, been deemed by good scholars a veracious history." FIELD. 5421 L'ESTRANGE (Harmon), Knt. Americans no lewes, or | Improba- bilities that the | Americans are of that race. | //. (4), 80, levant dk. green morocco extra, sides paneled and ornamented, ins. borders, g. e. (Riviere), FINE COPY, RARE. sm. 4 London, W. W., for Henry Seile, 1652 An Answer to Thorowgood's "Jewes in America" (No. 5463). 5422 [M'CuLLOH (J. H. Jr.)] Researches in America: being an Attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborigines of America. By an officer of the U. S. Army; //. (6), 130, (i), boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1816 5423 M'CuLLOH (J. H. Jr.) Researches, philosophical and antiqua- rian, concerning the Aboriginal History of America, Map, pp. 535, boards uncut, slightly water stained. 8 Baltimore, 1829 5424 MCKENNEY (T. L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, and of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway Language, 29 lithographic engravings, boards, uncut. 8 Baltimore, 1827 5425 MARRYAT (Capt. F.) Travels and Romantic Adventures of Monsieur Violet, among the Snake Indians and Wild Tribes of the Great Western Prairies. Map. 3 vols. cloth, uncut. 8 London, Longmans, 1843 5426 The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet, in California, Sonora, and Western Texas, pp. iv, 350, cloth, uncut. 16 London, R. Bentley, 1849 The same work as the preceding, with change of title. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 97 5427 MclNTOSH (John) The Origin of the American Indians ; with i I )escription of their Manners and Customs, etc. New edition, enlarged, //. 345, cloth. 12 New York, [1846] 5428 MAURAULT (TAbbe J. A.) Histoire des Abenakis, depuis 1605 jusqu' a nos jours, pp. xi, 631, (8), new turkey mor. gilt, marbled edges, scarce. ' 8 Sorel, 1866 The author succeeded Father P. Bland, as missionary to the Indians of Saint Francis, in iS^j, and had resided among them for twenty-five years when this history was published. 5429 MORGAN (Lewis H.) League of the Ho-de'-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois, map and plates, pp. 477. 1. 8 Rochester, 1851 The work of a writer more than ordinarily fitted for the task. It is indeed rare that and learning so well combine with the experience of a life-time to favor the researches dt a historian in examining the scanty records of the Am. Indians." FIELD. 5430 MORSE (Jed.) Report to the Secretary of War on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in 1820, . . for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual condition of the Indian Tribes, portrait and map, pp. 96, 400, half russia. 8 New Haven, 1822 5431 (OsAGES.) Histoire de la Tribu des Osages, dcrite d' apres les six Osages actuellement a Paris, par M. P. V., half mor., top gilt, uncut, RARE. 8 Paris, Ch. Becket, 1827 5432 PETERS (Richard) The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia; argued and determined at the Supreme Court of the U. States, Jan. Term, 1831: with an Appendix, //. 286, boards, uncut, scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 This volume contains the arguments of the Counsel, and numerous documents essential to the full development of the Case, not included in the official report (5 Peters). 5433 POST (Chr. F.) The Second Journal of Christian Frederick Post, on a Message from the Governor of Pensilvania to the Indians on the Ohio, pp. 67, calf extra, g. e. ( W. Pratt}. 8 London, for J. Wilkie, 1759 A BEAUTIFUL COPY, large and clean, of this VERY SCARCE Journal the sequel to the one which was published by Charles Thomson in his " Enquiry in to the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware & Shawanese Indians." 5434 The same, //. 67, good copy, new half green morocco. 8 London, J. Wilkie, 1759 5435 PRIEST (Josiah) American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West. 3d Edition, revised, illustrations (the plate preceding the title is torn at a fold}, sheep. 8 Albany, 1833 5436 The same. 5th Edition, clean fresh copy, sheep. 8 Albany, 1835 5437 Report of Select Committee of the House of Reps., [on the Georgia Controversy, with the Southern Indians,] with Accompa- nying Documents, //. 846, sheep. 8 Washington, 1827 oooo Removal of the Southern Indians. See BLUNT (J.) No. 5360 ; Speeches, No. 5455 ; Tracts, No. 5479 ; Ross (John), No. 5439 ; EVARTS (J.), Nos. 5391, 5392. 5438 RHODES (JOHN) The Powow, being a complete and an exact description of an Indian Banquet, held in the southerly part of North- America, A. D. 1777, pp> 144, crushed grosgr. red levant morocco, gilt, VERY SCARCE. 24 Otsego \N. K], E. Phinney, 1808 9 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5439 Ross (John) Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Letter in Answer to a Friend [John Howard Paine], regarding the Cherokee Affairs with the U. S., //. 31, hf. mor. 8 [Washington, 1836] 5440 RUSH (Benj.) Oration before the Am. Philos. Soc. at Phila., Feb. 4, 1774, containing an Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicine among the Indians in North America, and a compara- tive view of their Diseases and Remedies, //. 118, half mor. neat. 8 Philadelphia, [1774] 5441 SCHERER (J. B.) Recherches historiques et ge'ographiques sur le Nouveau Monde, map and & plates, pp. xii, (4), 352, old French calf, gilt, fine copy, scarce. 8 Paris, Brunei, 1777 " Copies of this work, "with the plates, are uncommon." RICH. " Ouvrage estime et important ... La carte et les pi. manquent souvent." LECLERC (1878), no. 534. A dissertation on the affinities between languages of the Old and the New World, by Court de Gebelin, occupies pp. 302-345. 5442 SCHOOLCRAFT (Henry R.) Algic Researches, comprising Inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the N. A. Indians. First Series : Indian Tales and Legends. 2 vols., cloth. 12 New York, Harpers, 1839 5443 Notes on the Iroquois, or Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and Ethnology, //. xv, 498, two colored portraits, and cuts, cloth. 8 Albany, 1847 5444 -- Personal Memoires of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers, 1812-42, portrait, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1851 oooo Six Nations (The) See COLDEN, Nos. 5370, 5371 ; CUSICK, No. 5376 ; Four Kings of Canada, No. 5395 ; STONE, Nos. 5457-58. 5445 Seneca Indians, in the State of New York ; The Case of, illustrated by Facts, pp. 256, cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 5446 SMITH (Samuel Stanhope) An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. . . Added, Strictures on Lord Kaims's Discourse on the Original Diversity of Mankind, pp. (2), in, 31, half vellum, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1787 5447 An Essay on the Causes on the Variety of Complexion, etc. . . Added, Animadversions on Remarks made on the first edition, by Mr. Charles White, . with an Appendix. 2d edition, enlarged, //. 410, sheep, fresh copy. 8 New Brunswick, 1810 5448 [SNELLING (Wm. J.) ] Tales of the Northwest ; or, Sketches of Indian Life and Character. By a Resident beyond the Frontier, pp. viii, 288, cloth, uncut, scarce. ' 16 Boston, 1830 5449 Society (American) for the Benefit of Indians, organized at Washington, 1822. Constitution and By-Laws, hf. mor. 8 {Washington, 1822] 5450 Society of Friends. Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes, in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsyl- vania, etc., 2 colored maps, pp. 247, cloth. 8 London, 1844 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 99 5451 -- A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in 1795, by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey, etc., for promoting the Improvement and gradual Civilization of the Indian Natives, pp. 48. London, 1806 A Brief Account, etc. by the Yearly Meeting in Baltimore, //. 47. Lond., 1806. With others (as under), in one vol., hf. bd. 8 v. y. The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke . . to the Pacific Ocean, . 1804-1806 . . And a Statistical View of the Indian Nations, map, pp. ix, 309. London, 1809. [Blodgett (Samuel)] Economica: or a Statistical Manual for the U. States, pp. viii, 202, xiv. Washington, 1806. 5452 Societe' Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Memoires, 1836-39, // 385* (3), maps and plates. The same, 1840-44, pp. 439, plates. The same, 1845-49, //. 438, map and plates. In 2 vols., hf. mor. gilt tops, uncut. < & Copenhagen, [1836-50] 5453 Annals. Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-1837, //. 346, (2), 7 plates and maps, hf. bd., neat. 8 Kjobenhavn, [1838] 5454 Speech (The) of a Creek-Indian, against the Immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors.. To which are added, i. a Letter from Yariza, an Indian Maid, to the principal Ladies of New York : 2. Indian Songs of Peace : 3. An American Fable : etc., pp. 68, half vellum, scarce, and curious. 8 London, R. Griffiths, 1754 5455 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, in Congress, April and May, 1830, pp. viii, 304, bds. uncut. 12 Boston, 1830 5456 Squier (E. G.) and Davis (E. H.) Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley . . Published for the Authors, pp. xxxix, 306, fine paper, plates and wood-cuts, cloth. 4 New York, Bartlett & Welford, 1848 The Author's edition ; VERY SCARCE. " This was the first systematic work published, with descriptions of the Mound-builders. . . The book has been out of print for some years, and the Smithsonian Institution [of whose "Contributions to Knowledge" it was the first volume,] is now buying up all available copies." P. G. THOMSON'S Bibl. of Ohio, no. 1094. 5457 STONE (Wm. L.) Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), includ- ing the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns, etc., portraits and other plates. 2 vols., cloth. 8 New York, 1838 5458 Life and Times of Red Jacket, or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha ; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations, portrait, pp. xi, 484, cloth. 8 New York, 1841 5459 SMITH (Ethan) View of the Hebrews ; or the Tribes of Israel in America. 2d edition, improved, pp. 285, sheep. 12 Poultney, Vt., 1825 5460 [THOMSON (CHARLES)] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, etc. Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose negotiations, the Indians on the Ohio, were withdrawn from the Interest of the French. With Notes by the Editor; Map, pp. 184, a fine copy, half calf , absolutely UNCUT, but has been punctuated throughout, a?id many words under- scored, apparently with a view to re-printing the work, VERY SCARCE. 8 London, for J. Wilkie, 1759 IOO THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5461 [THOMSON (CHARLES)] An Enquiry, &c. Another copy, large and clean, map backed with linen, sprinkled roan, neat. 8 London, 1759 5462 THOMPSON (G. A.) A New Theory of the Two Hemispheres ; whereby it is attempted to explain . . the Time and Manner in which America was Peopled, half mor. uncut. 8 n. p. \London\ 1815 . The writer (the translator of Alcedo's Dictionary, etc.) infers "that the grand division of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, . . did not take place till about half a century after the deluge." 5463 THOROWGOOD (Thomas) IEWES IN AMERICA, | or, | Probabilities | That the Americans are of | that Race. | etc., brown morocco antique, paneled sides, gilt top, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, W. H. for T. Slater, 1650 FIRST EDITION. The author was the friend and correspondent of John Eliot, and a very efficient promotor of missionary effort among the Indians. The greater part of his book relates to New England, and a full account is given (pp. 104-128) of "the successe of the Novangles in Gospellizing the Indians." The collation is as given by Mr. Stevens (Nuggets, p. 728), but this copy has one additional leaf, immediately preceding the text, containing a table of contents. 5464 THOROWGOOD (Thomas) lewes in America. 4 London, W. H. for Tho. Slater, 1650 Another copy, red levant morocco extra gilt, inside borders, g. e. (Riviere]. This has the licenser's Approbation, on a leaf preceding the Title, which is missing in most copies (and is not noted in Stevens' collation). 5465 THATCHER (B. B.) Tales of the Indians, . . from Authentic Sources, plate, pp. 253, cloth. 16 Boston, 1831 5466 -- Indian Biography: or, an Historical Account of Individuals distinguished among the N. A. Indians. 2 vols. hf. calf, gilt. sm. 12 New York, 1832 5467 TURNER (G.) Traits of Indian Character. . . Drawn from various sources ; partly from personal observation. 2 vols. cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 5468 ULLOA (A. de) Noticias Americanas : Entretenimientos Fisico- Historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional oriental, . . . con una Relacion particular de los Indies de aquellos Paises, sus Costumbres y Usos, etc., pp. (14), 342, Spanish basane, nice copy. sm. 4 Madrid, 1792 " Ouvrage curieux et fort int6ressant" LECLERC. The last chapter (p. 323) contains observations on the Indian languages and speculations as to how America was peopled. 5469 VAIL (Eugene A.) Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du Nord, four finely colored portraits of Indians, drawn from life, and colored map, pp. 244, half calf . 8 Paris, 1840 5470 VOLNEY (C. F.) Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Amdrique, half calf . 8 Paris, 1822 Contains (pp. 478-492) " Vocabulaire delaLangue des Miamis"; and many interesting particulars concerning the Indians of the West. 5471 WILLIAMS (John) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, concerning the Discovery of America, by Prince Madoc ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170, pp. viii, 82, (3) Farther Obser- vations on the Discovery of America by Prince Madoc, etc., Containing the account given by General Bowles, the Creek or Cherokee Indian, lately in London, etc., pp. ix, 52. Two vols. in one, new calf, gilt, fine copies, nearly uncut. 8 London, 1791, 1792 At the end of the first tract, are nearly 2 pages of manuscript notes and additions, with references to other publications concerning the " Welsh Indians." Both tracts are VERY SCARCE. \MI KI< AN INDIANS. IOI -2 \\ ii i JAMS (John) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition x concerning the Discovery of America. By Prince Madoc, etc., pp. viii, 82, (4), half red mow MI neat. 8 London, 1791 ; \VHRSLEY (Israel) A View of the American Indians, . shewing them to be the descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel, //. xii, 185, bds. uncut. 12 London, 1828 4 Lives of Celebrated Indians: by the Author of Peter Parley's Tales, illustrations. 16 Boston, 1843 Our Israelitish Origin: by J. Wilson, cloth. 12 Phila., 1851 An Indian Speech, in answer to a Swedish Missionary, at Conestogo, Pa. (1710), //. n, hf. bd., scarce. 12 Stanford, N. Y. 1804 Account of the Kehavior of some Indians, mostly of the Minusing [Minnisink] Tribe,//. 22, hf. bd. 12 Stanford, N. Y. 1803 Indian Narratives ..from Martha's Vineyard : by Experience Mayhew. 18 Boston, [1829] Stories of Capt. John Smith, of Virginia, hf. bd. 18 Hart- ford, 1829 Frontier Sketches .. ed. by D. P. Kidder, hf. mor. 18 New York, 1851. (7 vols.) 5475 Tracts. (Ante-Columbian History.) INGRAM (Rev. Rob't) Accounts of the Ten Tribes of Israel being in America ; recently published by R. Manasseh ben Israel. With Observations thereon, etc.,//. 56. Colchester, [England,'] 1792 RAFN (C. C.) America discovered in the Tenth Century,//. 32. N. York, 1838 On the Aborigines of America, //. 6, [privately printed.] New Albany , Tnd., 1841, VERY RARE NEWMAN (John B.) Origin of the Red Men ; an authentic history of the peopling of America, by the Atlantians and Tyrians, portrait of Montezuma, pp. 48. N. Y. 1849 BRADLEY (Abr.) A new Theory of the Earth., shewing, that after the Deluge, it was repeopled by a new Creation of Men and other Animals, //. 63. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1801, very scarce NOAH (M. M.) Discourse on the Evidences of the Am. Indians being the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. N. Y. 1837 DAVIS (A.) Antiquities of Central America, and the discovery of N. England by the Northmen, etc. xoth ed. Buffalo, 1842 : The same, 6th ed. N. York, 1842 : The same, i3th ed. Troy, 1845 SQUIER (E. G.) Observ. on the Aboriginal Monu- ments of the Mississippi Valley, illustrations, pp. 79. N. Y. 1847 RAFN (C. C.) Me'moire sur la De'couverte de PAmerique an 10 me Siecle, 2 maps. Paris, 1838. In i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe.) 8 5476 Tracts. (Historical) WHITTLESEY (Chas.) Discourse on the Expedition of Lord Dunmore, against the Indian Towns on the Scioto, in 1774. Cleveland, 1852 LAW (John) Address before the Vincennes Hist, and Antiq. Society, map. Louisville, Ky. 1839 HARRISON (Wm. H.) Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio, plate. Cincinnati, 1838 Official Report, by M. Dubuisson, of the War at Detroit, 1712, between the French and the Indians. Detroit, 1845 Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War : and of the Escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey and her children. N. Y. 1836 Transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsylvania, 1791-2. London, 1792 DUPONCEAU (P. S.) and FISHER (J. F.) Memoir of the Treaty made by Wm. IO2 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Penn with the Indians, pp. 63. Phila. 1836 BARRATT (J.) The Indian of N. England . . with [Etchemin] Vocabularies. Middle- town, Ct. 1851 TYSON (J. R.) Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race. Phila. 1836 McCov (I.) Remarks on the Practicability of Indian Reform ; embracing their Colonization. Boston, 1827: The same. 2d edition. With an Appendix. New York, 1829 Constitution etc. of The American Society for promoting the Civilization and Improvement of the Indians. [Washington, 1822] Vindication of the Cherokee Claims, addressed to the Town Meeting in Philadelphia, Jan. u, 1830 Rights of the States: a Reply to Hon. Wm. Wirt's " Rights of the Indians " : by a Member of the Mississippi Bar. n. p. 1830. 14 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburgh^), 8 5477 Tracts. (Captivities, Travels, and Theories.) Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison . . to her death at the Seneca Reserva- tion, near Buffalo, N. Y. 1833, wood-engravings. Rochester, 1840 Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns, who was scalped by Seminole Indians, in E. Florida. Charleston, 1837 Narrative of the Massacre of the wife and children of Thomas Baldwin .. in Kentucky, wood cuts (one folding). IV. York, 1835 Report of a Visit to some Tribes of Indians west of the Mississippi : by John D. Lang and Samuel Taylor, Jr. Providence, 1843 Appeal .. on the condition and prospects of the New York Indians ; in answer to "The Case of the N. Y. Indians," etc. ; by N. T. Strong. N. Y. 1841 Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory : by the Secretary of the Board of Missions of the P. E. Church, 3 maps. N. Y. 1844 Examination of the Controv. between Georgia and the Creeks. From the N. Y. Review, 1825 Narrative of the Committee of Friends of N. York in relation to the Indians. N. York, 1839 Address on the Condition and Prospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of N. A., with particular reference to the Seneca Nation : by M. B. Pierce, a Seneca Chief. Stcetts Press, 1838 Report to Council of Mass., on the memorials of the Seneca Indians and others. Boston, 1840 Memorial of Committees of Friends to the President of the U. S., in relation to the Indians of N. Y. State. N. Y. 1840. In i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 Bound in, is : Encarnacion Prisoners : an Account of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry to the Rio Grande, etc. with Incidents and Sketches on the Route and in Mexico. By a Prisoner. Louisville, Ky. 1848. 5478 Tracts. (Apes, Occorn, Cusick, et al.) Thrilling Sketch of the Life of the distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee, alias, Wm. Chubbee, of the Choctaw Nation. By Rev. L. L. Allen. N. Y. 1849 APES (Wm.) The Experiences of Five Christian Indians of the Pequod Tribe. Boston, 1833: The same. 2d edition, Boston, 1837 : Eulogy on King Philip, as pronounced at the Odeon, in Boston, by the Rev. Wm. Apes, an Indian. Bost. 1836 : OCCOM (Samson) Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New Haven. Hartford, E. Watson [1772] 4: The same, N. London, T. Green, n. d. [1772]: The same, 3d edition, New London, T. Green, 1772: The same, 4th edition, ibid. 1772: The same, Boston, J. Boyles, 1773 : The same, Northampton, 1801 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. IO3 CUSICK (David) Ancient History of the Six Nations, wood engravings, Lockport, N. Y. 1848. FESSENDEN (J.) Sermon at Deerfield to Indians, descendants of Eunice Williams, Greenfield, 1837 SQUIER (E. G.) New Mexico and California: The Ancient Monuments, etc., illustrated, n. t. p. [1848] Rev. Jos. Baxter's Journal of Visits to the Indians on the Kennebec River, 1717: with Notes by E. Nason, (one of 12 copies repr.from the N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Register], Boston, 1867. First Ann. Report of the Am. Society for prom, the Improvement of the Indian Tribes, New Haven, 1824. In i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5479 Tracts. (Removal of the Indians. Seminole War.) Speeches of Messrs. Frelinghuysen, and Sprague, in the U. S. Senate, and Messrs. Edw. Everett, Kensey Johns, J. W. Huntington, and Wilde (of Georgia), in the Ho. of Reps., April and May, 1830, on the Bill for Removing the Indians. (6) Washington, 1830 President's Message, with Report of Sec. of War, of Expenditures for the Civilization of the Ind. Tribes. Wash., 1822 Correspondence betw. Gen. Jackson and J. C. Calhoun, on the course of the latter, in Mr. Monroe's cabinet, on the Seminole War. Wash., 1831 Speech of Alex. Smyth, of Va., in the Ho. of Reps., January 21, 1819, on the Seminole War. n. t. p. Report of Committee of U. S. Senate on [Gen. Jackson's conduct of the War in Florida], 1819. n. t. p. President's Message, transmitting information in relation to the War with the Seminoles, //. 165. Wash. 1818. ii in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5480 Reports (2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th Annual) of the Regents of the University of New York, on the State Cabinet of Natural History, and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection, plates, many colored, plans of earth works, and wood cuts. 4 vols. in one, hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 Albany, 1849-52 5481 Tracts. GOLDSMITH (Rev. J.) View of the Character, Manners, and Customs of the N. Americans, comprehending an Account of the Northern Indians, etc., plates. Phila. 1810 [FRANKLIN (B.)] Observations on the . . Indian Nations of this Continent. Phila. 1784 Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Gallery. N. York, 1838 Atala, or the Amours of Two Indians, in the Wilds of America, //. 129, plate. London, 1802 Hist. Sketch of the Church and Missions of the United Brethren, //. 97. Bethlehem, Pa., 1848 BROMLEY (W.) Appeal . . in behalf of the Indians of N. America. Halifax (N. S.), 1820 HUMPHREY (Heman) Indian Rights and our Duties. 2d ed. Amherst, 1830 HILHOUSE (Wm.) Indian Notices : or Sketches . . of the Several Nations [of British Guiana], pp. 133, with a comparative vocabulary, n. p. \_London\, 1825. 8 in i vol., hf. blue mor. 12 5482 Tracts. Account of a Visit made to the Quakers in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, and other Indians, chiefly of the Minisink Tribe. London, 1761 ATHERTON (Wm.) Narrative of Suffering and Defeat of the North Western Army, under Gen. Winchester, //. 152. Frankfort, Ky. 1842 Chronological Table of remarkable Events in the Province of the Mass. Bay, 1602 to 1770. Containing . . An Account of the Indian Wars, etc., curious wood-cut, scarce. 104 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Boston, 1771 Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Harriot Lewis and her three children, folding wood-engraving. Boston, 1818 The Indians; or Narratives of Massacres and Depredations on the Frontier, in Wawasink and its Vicinity . . By a Descendant of Huguenots,//. 79. Rondout, 1846 Singular Adventures and Captivity of Thomas Barry, among the Monsipi Indians (1797-99), Colored plate, pp. 62, uncut. Sommers-Town, 1802 Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity : by himself. 4th ed., with Notes,//. 120. Burlington, C. Goodrich, 1846 7 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5483 Graphic Sketches from old and authentic works, illustrating the Costume, Habits, and Character, of the Aborigines of America. 23 plates, (from DeBry] cloth, slightly water-stained. 8 New York, 1841 TREATIES AND CONFERENCES. 5484 (VIRGINIA.) Articles | of | Peace | Between | The Most Serene and Mighty Prince | Charles II. . . And Several | Indian Kings and Queens, &c. | Concluded the 2gth day of May, 1677. [ Pub- lished by His Majesties Command. |//. 18, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, John Bill, Christ. Barker, [e genuine throughout. The Second copy [of the " Brief History"] to have the missing portions replaced by careful facsimile, the missing portions being a piece of the title, pp. 1=5, 16, and a few words at the end. . I do not care about preserving any of the MSS. notes, if a cleaner piece of work can be made by washing them off : but as they are nearly contemporary, I think they cannot be successfully removed . . I rely more upon the judgment of Mr. Bedford than I do upon my own . . . The " Serious Exhortation," is mentioned in the title-page of the " History," but is rarely found with it. I wish to have it bound uniform with the beat copy of the ' History.'" The larger copy of the " Brief History," formerly belonged to the Rev. Zechariah Symmes, of Charlestown (Harv. Coll., 1657,) whose autograph is on the margin of p. i, and the underscoring and marginal notes are doubtless his. This copy was interleaved by the late Samuel G. Drake, and contains several manuscript notes in his hand. The second best copy of the "History" is imperfect, as before mentioned ; but the last page, of the " Postcript," with the Errata, is complete, and supplies the slight deficiency of the other copy. The " Serious Exhortation " is a GOOD COPY, complete throughout (except a name cut from upper margin of Title) and is handsomely half bound, in black morocco. The three volumes will be sold as two ; enabling the purchaser to perfect one copy of one of the RAREST OF AMERICAN BOOKS, and, with the aid of the facsimilist and binder, to secure a second complete and desirable copy of the " Brief History," of which Mr. Sabin (Dictionary, no. 46,640) observes that " two copies only are known : Mr. Brinley's and one in England." One of Mr. Brinley's copies was sold with the First Part of his library, in 1879 (No. 948). In the hurried preparation of the Catalogue the other two were overlooked. 5532 METCALF (Samuel L.) A Collection of some of the most interesting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, containing an Account of the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boone, . . . also, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Indians, etc. ; . . added, an Account of the Expeditions of Gen'ls Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, & Wayne, pp. 270, fine portrait of Boone inserted. Lexington, Wm. G. Hunt, 1821 A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benj. Gilbert and his Family, in 1780. Philadelphia, Jos. Crukshank, 1784. Two in i vol., both large and fine copies ; a selection of newspaper cuttings inserted (in an envelope}, half bound, neat. 8 Metcalf's Collection has, (as Mr. Field observes) "become as rare as the works it sought to preserve from oblivion. Every succeeding year brings with it an augmentation of the price at which it is sold ... It will probably always preserve its rank among rare and costly books." Ind. Bibliography, p. 274. Mr. Brinley's copy (formerly E. D. Ingraham's) is exceptionally large and fine, nearly UNCUT. The FIRST EDITION of Gilbert's Narrative is scarcely less rare. 5533 MOORE (Wm. V.) Indian Wars of the United States, from the Discovery to the present time, illustrated, pp. 321, cloth, gilt. 12 Philadelphia, 1840 CAi'Tivmi til 5534 PARKMAN (F.) History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, etc., Maps, cloth, uncut. 8 Boston, 1851 5535 PENHALLOW (Samuel) The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians . . Reprinted from the Boston Edition of 1726, with a Memoir and Notes, pp. 129, cloth. 4 Cincinnati, for W. Dodge, 1859 5536 Present (The) State of New-England with respect to the Indian War. (London, 1675.) mor - l & &&? Boston, Josiah Drake, 1833 With notes by Samuel G. Drake and Edw. Tuckerman, Jr. 5537 ST. CLAIR (Gen. Arthur) A Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in the year 1791, was conducted under the command of Major-General St. Clair, etc., //. xix, (24), 273, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 5538 WITHERS (ALEX. S.) Chronicles of Border Warfare, or a History of the Settlement by the Whites, of North- Western Virginia : and of the Indian Wars and Massacres, in that Section of the State; with Reflections, Anecdotes, &c., pp. 319, (i), original binding, FINE CLEAN COPY, UNUSED. 12 Clarksburg, Va., Jos. Israel, 1831 " Of this scarce book, very few copies are complete or in good condition . . . Most of the copies lack the table of contents." The work " is considered by Western antiquarians the best collection of frontier life and Indian warfare, that has been printed." FIELD. This copy (like the following, and three other copies I have seen in their original binding and in good condition) has no table of contents, and the make-up of the last signature which has four blank pages after the Advertisement shows that the addition of this table, in a portion of the edition, was an after-thought. " One of the best collections of narratives of frontier life and Indian Warfare. It ranks favorably with ' Doddridge's Notes,' and is even more scarce than that work." THOMPSON'S Bibl. of O/iio. 5539 ~- Chronicles of Border Warfare, another copy, (with autograph of Mary J. Withers, on title,) in fair condition, sheep. CAPTIVITIES. 5540 DICKINSON (Jona.) God's Protecting Providence, Man's surest Help and Defence : . . Evidenced in the Deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from the Devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst which they suffered Shipwrack ; and also from the cruel Devouring Jaws of the Indian Canibals of Florida, . . . The Third Edition, pp. (10), 94, new, half morocco, neat, VERY x SCARCE. 8 Phila.; repr. London, 1720 5541 - - The same, another good copy, in the original binding, clean. 5542 Narrative of a Shipwreck in the Gulph of Florida; shewing God's Protecting Providence, Man's surest Help, etc. The Sixth Edition, pp. 96, hf. bd., nice clean copy of a scarce edition. 12 Stanford, N. Y., Darfl Lawrence, 1803 5543 DOLPHIN (James) A Narrative or History of the Travels of James Dolphin ; who was born in Liverpool, in England ; his Voyages and Travels through a great part of America, being taken by the Indian Savages, and redeemed by a Spanish Lady, in Mexico : . . And his Marriage afterward with his first, or former Lover, Polly Seamour . . In a Letter to his Brother-in-law, 1796, //. 32, uncut, fine copy, except brown stains on first and last leaves. 8 n. p., Printed for the Purchaser, 1800 Fictitious of course : but curious, and EXTREMELY SCARCE. THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5544 DRAKE (Samuel G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness; or, True and Authentic Narratives of Captives, who have been carried away by the Indians, from our Frontier Settlements, etc., //. 360, wood-cuts, doth gilt. 12 Boston, 1846 5545 The same, new half green mor. (Roxburghe), uncut. 12 Boston, 1841 5546 D'ERES. Memoirs of Charles Dennis Rusoe D'Eres, of Canada, who was with the Scanyawtauragahroote Indians eleven years, With a particular Account of his Sufferings, etc., pp. 176, half calf extra gilt. 12 Exeter, H. Ranlet, 1800 " If there ever existed a tribe of savages who were recognized by such a title, it was sufficient warrant for their extermination. . . . His narrative is one of the RAREST OF BOOKS relating to the Aborigines. FIELD. 5547 FILLEY. Life and Adventures of William Filley, who was stolen from his home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, 1837, and his safe return from Captivity, Oct. 19, 1866, portrait and other illustrations, pp. 112. 8 Chicago, Filley & Ballard, 1867 5548 FLEMING. A Narrative of the Sufferings and Surprizing Deliverance of William and Elizabeth Fleming, who were taken captive . . near Conecochieg, in Pennsylvania, as related by themselves, //. 28, paneled calf antique. 12 Philadelphia, n. d. [1755-56] 5549 GILBERT. Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his Family ; who were surprised by the Indians, and taken from their Farms, on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania, in the Spring, 1780, pp. 96, hf. mor. neat, uncut, except a name cut from head of title and first leaf. 8 Philadelphia, Jos. Crukshank, 1784 Fine clean copy of the First Edition, VERY SCARCE. 5550 The same work, pp. 124, hf. green mor., fine fresh copy. 12 Repr. London, J. Phillips, 1790 5551 HALL. Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, [with] a Narrative of the Captivity of Philip Brigdon, [and] an Account of the War with Black Hawk, cuts, pp. 26, half roan. 8 n. p., n. d. [1832] 5552 HARBISON. Narrative of the Sufferings of Massy Harbison, from Indian Barbarity . . , With some Account of the Cruelties of the Indians on the Allegheny River, etc., 1790-94, //. 66, new, half calf , VERY SCARCE. 12 Pittsburgh, S. Engles, 1825 " Notwithstanding the singular and almost incredible nature of the above narrative, it is considered truthful, by good authorities. The editor of the work, whose initials (J. W.) will be found at the end of the Preface, was John Winter, a citizen of Zelinople, Pennsylvania." THOMPSON'S Bibi. of Ohio, no. 502. 5553 HOLLISTER. A Brief Narration of the Captivity of Isaac Hollister, who was taken by the Indians, Anno Domini 1763,^. 8. New London, n. d., [1767] A Very Surprising Narrative of a Young Woman discovered in the Gloomy Mansion of a Rocky Cave, after having been taken by the Savage Indians, in 1787, and seeing no Human Being for Nine Years, title soiled and a portion (below the imprint} torn off, pp. 10. New Haven, 1802. Two VERY SCARCE TRACTS in one vol., half mor. 12 CAPTIVITIES. 113 5554 JOHONNOT. The Remark:il>lt Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, of Massachusetts, who served as a Soldier . . in the Expedition under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair : containing An Account of his Captivity, Sufferings, and Escape from the Kickappo Indians. Written by himself, pp. 24, an unused copy, uncut. 8 Greenfield, Mass., Ansel Phelps, 1816 "VERY SCARCE. Brought $16.00 at Hughes's sale in Cincinnati, 1871." SABIN. 5555 JOHNSTON. A Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of Charles Johnston of Botetourt County, Va., made prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in 1790, etc. To which are added Sketches of Indian Character and Manners, half morocco, uncut. 12 New York, J. 6- y. Harper, 1827 5556 The same, boards, uncut. 5557 Knight, Slover, Scott. Narrative of a late Expedition against the Indians with an Account of the Barbarous Execution of Col. CRAWFORD and the Wonderful Escape of Dr. KNIGHT and John GLOVER from Captivity in 1782. [With] A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. FRANCES SCOTT, pp. 46, clean copy, half red mor. neat, uncut, very scarce. sm. 12 Andover, Ames 6* Parker, n. d. 5558 Another copy, same edition, wanting title-page, uncut. oooo LERAYE (Chas.) Journal while a Captive with the Sioux Nation. See CUTLER (Jervase) Description of Ohio, etc. No. 4552. 5559 (MANHEIM (Fred.) and others?) Affecting History of the dreadful Distresses of Frederic Manheim's Family . . Added, the Sufferings of John Corbly's Family, . . Adventures of Capt. Isaac Stewart, Deposition of Massey Herbeson, Sufferings of Peter Wilkinson [Williamson], Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, Account of the Destruction at Wyoming, etc., pp. 48, plate, hf. calf, neat, SCARCE. 8 Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1800 5560 The same, no plate, hf. bd. 5561 MILET (P.) Relation de sa Captivite* parmi les Onneiouts, 1690-1, //. 56, cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Nouvelle-York, Presse Cramoisy, 1864 One of Mr. J. G. Shea's Cramoisy Series of Jesuit Memoirs. This interesting relation of Father Milet's captivity among the Oneidas is printed from his original manuscript, discovered by the Hon. Henry C. Murphy, in Holland. 5562 OWEN. The Life and Travels of James Tudor Owen ; who . . gives an account of his being in an East Indian Campaign ; . . his Voyage, Shipwreck, etc. . . He is wounded in battle [in America], and taken by the AGIGUANS, a Warlike Nation inhabiting the Wilds of America, etc., copper-plate (" Tudor Owen, with shouts of victorious exultation, leading on the British Forces to charge the Enemy,"} pp. 42. 8 London, S. Fisher, n. d. Possibly Fictitious. If authentic, the account of the warlike Agiguans deserves the attention of all American Ethnologists. 5563 PATTIE. The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis ... to the Pacific Ocean, etc. ; in which he and his father . . were made Captives, etc. Edited by Timothy Flint, plates, pp. 300, sheep, fine copy. 8 Cincinnati, 1833 1 14 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5564 PRIEST (Josiah) The Low-Dutch Prisoner ; an Account of the Capture of F. SCHERMERHORN, . by a Party of Mohawks, in the time of the Revolution. Also, The Story of the HermitJ found in a cave of the Allegany Mountains; and of The Miners of the Minisink, etc., illustrations, pp. 32. Albany, 1839. A True Narrative of the Capture of DAVID OGDEN, among the Indians, in the time of the Revolution, illustration, pp. 32. Lansingburgh, 1841. 2 wo in one vol., half morocco, neat. 1. 8 5565 RHODES (J.) The Surprising Adventures and Sufferings of John Rhodes, a seaman of Workington, containing an Account of his captivity and cruel treatment [by] the Indians and in different prisons among the Spaniards in South America, pp. 250, original binding, fine, clean copy. 12 New York, for R. Cotton, G. Forman, 1798 5566 The same, another good copy, sheep. 5567 ROACH. Surprizing Adventures of John Roach, mariner of Whitehaven, containing an Account of his Cruel Treatment during a long Captivity amongst the Savage Indians, and Imprisonment, by the Spaniards, in South-America, etc., pp. 64, clean copy, boards, VERY SCARCE. 8 Whitehaven, [Eng.~\ n. d. [ab. 1783] 5568 ROWLANDSON. A Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings and Removes of Mrs. Mary Bowlandson, Who was taken Prisoner by the Indians, with several others ; and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile Savages . . Written by her own Hand, etc., pp. 57, hf. calf antique, large and fine copy. 12 Boston, S. Hall, 1794 5569 Stories of the Indians during the Revolution ; with a brief Sketch of the Customs of the Sauxes and Foxes, wood-engravings (one folding), half bound. 8 New York, 1836 Contains the Narrative of John Slover, who was taken prisoner by the Miami Indians. From Library of Samuel G. Drake, with a MS. note by him. 5570 SMITH (Col. JAMES) of Bourbon County, Ky. Account of Remark- able Occurrences during his Captivity with the Indians, 1755-59, etc., pp. 162, half blue calf, neat, a scarce edition. 1 6 Philadelphia, 1834 5571 SMITH (Mrs. Mary) Affecting Narrative of [her] Captivity and Sufferings, folding plate, half mor. uncut, pp. 24. 12 Providence, for L. Scott, n. d. [1818] The folding frontispiece is from the same plate used for the earlier editions of H. TrumbulPs Indian Wars. 5572 The same, wood-cut, pp. 24, new mottled basane, neat. 12 n. p., n. d. 5573 SPENCER (Rev. O. M.) Indian Captivity : a True Narrative of [his] Capture by the Indians [in 1792], in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, woodcuts, half mor. neat. 1 6 New York, Lane <5r* Scott, 1852 5574 Spirit Lake Massacre (History of) and of Miss Abigail Gardiner's Three months' Captivity among the Indians. According to her own account, as given to L. P. Lee, pp. 48, woodcuts, scarce. 8 New Britain, Conn., L. P. Lee, 1857 CAPTIVITIES. IIS 5575 TANNER QOHN) Narrative of (his) Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Years' Residence among the Indians ; edited by Edwin James, portrait, pp. 426, sheep, neat. 8 New York, 1830 5576 WILLIAMS (J.) The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion : or, A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, etc. . . Also, An Appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. Likewise, an Appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. With a conclusion to the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston, //. 188, sheep. 12 New Haven, W. W. Morse, 1802 5577 ~- Tne Redeemed Captive, etc. The Fifth Edition, //. 66, uncut, scarce edition. 8 New London, T. Green, n. d. [ab. 1780] 5578 WILLIAMSON. French and Indian Cruelty exemplified, in the Life and various Vicissitudes of Fortune of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen in his Infancy, and sold for a Slave, in Pensylvania, etc. ; [with] his Captivity among the Indians, etc. The SEVENTH EDITION, with ADDITIONS, pp. vi, 150, portrait of P. W. in the dress of a Delaware Indian, and a folding map of N. America ; fine copy, old calf neat. 12 Dublin, 1766 VERY SCARCE. The additions include an account of the proceedings of the magistrates of Aberdeen against the author. Indignant at his statement that many boys had been kidnapped in Aberdeen to be sold as servants in America, the magistrates ordered the first edition of his book to be seized and the leaves containing the offensive passages to be cut out and burned, and they banished Williamson from the city. He sued them, and recovered 100. damages. The depositions by which he sustained his statements are printed in full, in this edition, pp. 109-133, and are perhaps the most valuable part of the work. 5579 WYOMING Captives. A Narrative of the Capture of certain Americans, at Westmorland, by Savages, and the perilous Escape which they effected ; [with] some Account of the Religion, Govern- ment, Customs and Manners of the Aborigines of North America, frontispiece (Massacre of Wyoming) inserted, pp. 24. 8 Hartford, n. d. [about 1779] Fresh and clean copy of an EXTREMELY RARE tract. 5580 Narrative of the Life and Death of Lieut. Joseph Morgan Willcox, massacred by the Creek Indians, on the Alabama River, Jan. 15, 1814, pp. 23. Marietta, O., 1816 Affecting Account of the Tragical Death of Major Swan, and the Captivity of Mrs. Swan and Child in April last (1815). Boston, n. d. [1815] Narrative of the Sufferings of Seth Hubbell and Family, in his beginning of a Settlement in Wolcott, Vt. Danville, Vt., 1829 Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Hannah Lewis and three children, taken prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis, May, 1815. 2d edition, folding woodcut, colored. Boston, 1817 The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johonnot, of Massa- chusetts . . containing an account of his captivity . . and escape from the Kickappo Indians. Greenfield, Mass., 1816 Affecting Narrative of the Captivity of Thomas Nicholson, a native of New Jersey, six years a prisoner among the Algerines, woodcut portrait. Boston, 1818. 6 VERY SCARCE tracts, in one vol., new hf. brown morocco (Roxburghe) ; all fine copies, and all uncut. 8 Il6 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5581 Tracts. BRADMAN (A.) Narrative of the extraordinary sufferings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his Wife, and Children, during a Journey through the Wilderness from Canada to the Kennebeck River, in 1784: [added: A Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. Frances Scott,] //. 1 6. Phila., 1794 Dreadful Sufferings and.. Adventures of an Overland party of Emigrants to California, their terrible Conflicts with . . Indians, etc. . From the Journal of Mr. Geo. Adam : by Prof. Wm. Beschke, pp. 71, woodcuts. St. Louis, 1850. Narrative of the Capture and . . escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall . . taken prisoners by the Savages, near Indian Creek (1832); added, the Narrative of the Captivity of Philip Brigdon, a Kentuckian, etc., wood-engraving, pp. 24, orig. cover. \New York,~\ 1832 Authentic Narrative of the Seminole War ; and of the . . Escape of Mrs. Mary Godfrey, and her Children, large folded wood-engraving, pp. 24. Providence, 1836 PECK, (Peter V.) Inklings of Adventure in the Florida Indian War, //. 72, covers. Schenectady, 1846 Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. Jane Lewis . . made prisoner by a party of Sacs and Foxes, commanded by Black Hawk, woodcuts, pp. 24, covers* n. p. 1834 LEE (L. P.) History of the Spirit Lake Massacre, 1857, and of Miss Abigail Gardiner's Captivity, //. 48, wood cuts. New Britain, 1857 Narrative of the Massacre . . of the Wife and Children of Thomas Baldwin, folded wood-engraving, pp. 24. New York, 1837 Ross (J olm ) Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation : Letter to a gentleman of Philadelphia, //. 40, n. p., n. d. [Phila., 1837] Catalogue of 115 Indian Portraits .. from the collection in the War Department, most of which were taken from the Life by Mr. King, pp. 24, n. p., n. d. [1836] WALTON (V. A.) History of the Detection, Conviction, etc. of John A. Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate . . with a biographical Sketch of Mr. Virgil A. Stewart, //. 75. Athens, Tenn., 1835 Ethan Allen's Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga, and of his Captivity and Treatment. 5th ed., with notes. Burlington, 1849 ') an ^ one other. 13 in one vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe), mostly uncut. 8 5582 Tracts. PRIEST (Josiah) The Fort Stanwix Captive . . Life and Adventures of Isaac Hubbell, among the Indians of Canada, etc., //. 63, wood cuts. Albany, 1841 PRIEST (Jos.) Stories of the Revolution. With an account of the Lost Child of the Delaware, etc., folded woodcut. Albany, 1836 [Priest (Jos.)] Stories of the Revolution, another edition, n. t. p., wood-engraving PRIEST (Jos.) Stories of early Settlers in the Wilderness; the Life of Mrs. Priest, . Account of Brant, . and of the Massacre of Wyoming, folded wood-engraving. Albany, 1837 True History of the Massacre of 96 Christian Indians, at Gnadenhuetten, O. New Philadelphia, 1847 Narrative of Miss Perine, on the Massacre at Indian Key Village, Aug. 1840, and others, wood cuts. Phila., E. C. Gill 6* Co., n. d. Indian Speeches, by Farmer's Brother and Red Jacket, two Seneca Chiefs. Canandaigua, 1809, rare Principal Events in the Life of the Indian Chief Brant, n. t. p., pp. 8 [EVARTS (Jer.)] Essays on the Crisis in the condition of the Am. Indians, by Wm. Penn, pp. 112. Boston, 1839 Review of an Article [by Lewis Cass] in the N. A. Review for Jan., 1839, on the CAPTIVITIES. MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. I 17 Relations of the Indians Brief View of the Present Relations between the U. S. and the Indians, //. 8, n. t. p. The Removal of the Indians . . An Examination of an Article in the N. A. Review, etc., pp. 72. Boston, 1830 Report of the Sec. of War, rel. to the Abolition of Indian Trade Establishment, etc. Wash., 1818 Letter from the Sec. of War, rel. to payment of claims of the friendly Creek Indians. Wash., 1819 Report of the Com'rs rel. to the condition of the Indians in Massachusetts, Feb., 1849 {Boston, 1849]. 1 I v l-> V' b? ue mor - (Roxburghe\ mostly uncut. 8 5583 Tracts. The Fort Braddock Letters, a Tale of the Old French War . . With the Capture of Capt. Kidd, //. 128. Peekskill, 1832 - Narrative of the Travels of John Vandeluer, on the Western Continent, cont. an Account of the Conversion of an Indian Chief and his Family: Written in 1796, //. 87. HallouielL 1817, very rare Life, Travel, Voyages, etc. of Paul Jones . . To which is prefixed, the Life and Adventures of Peter Williamson, who was kidnapped .. and sold for a Slave in America, pp. 108. Albany, 1813 Indian Narratives: containing. . Sketches of Converted Indian Chiefs and others, on Martha's Vineyard : by Experience Mayhew, wood-cut, pp. 108. Boston, [1829] SMITH (Elbert H.) History of Black Hawk, . with a Description of the Black Hawk War, etc., pp. 120. Milwaukee, 1846, very scarce True Narrative of the Capture of Rev. O. M. Spencer, by the Indians, in the neighbourhood of Cincinnati, pp. 160. N. York, 1852. 6 scarce Tracts v. s. in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 16 MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. 5584 ALDEN (Timothy) Account of sundry Missions performed among the Senecas and Munsees ; with an Appendix, portrait, pp. 1 80, hf. mor., scarce. 24 New York, J. Seymour, 1827 5585 APES (Wm.) The Experiences of Five Christian Indians of the Pequod Tribe, //. 60. 8 Boston, 1833 5586 BEATTY (Charles) Journal of a Two Months Tour with a view of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsyl- vania [and] the Indians to the Westward of the Allegb-geny Mountains; [with] Remarks on the Language and Customs of some particular Tribes among the Indians, etc., large clean copy, pp. no, half mor. 8 London, 1768 "The first [this] edition is quite difficult to procure complete." FIELD'S Ind. Bibl. This was Robert Southey's copy, and has his book-plate at back of title. 5587 [BERKELEY (George) D. >.] A Proposal for the better Supply- ing of Churches in our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda, //. 24, RARE. 8 London, 1725 Il8 THE AMERICAN INDIANS.. 5588 BRAINERD (David) Mirabilia Dei inter Indices, or the Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace amongst a number of the Indians in . . New-Jersey and Pennsylvania, justly represented in a Journal, etc., pp. viii, 253. Phil., W. Bradford, n. d. [1746] Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, . . chiefly taken from his own Diary and other writings . . By Jona. Edwards, pp. xii, (18), 316, (2). Boston, 1749. 2 vols., hf. calf antique, red edges. 8 5589 Mirabilia Dei inter Indices, etc. Phila., Wm. Bradford, n. d. [1746] An Abstract of the Journal of a Mission to the Delaware Indians, west of the Ohio, entered upon June 19, 1742 ; by the Rev. Messrs. David Maccluer [McClure] and Levi Frisbie, I 773> PP> 44-68 ; taken from Wheelocfts "A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School," etc., 1773. In one vol., old sheep. 8 The Rev. David McClure's copy, with his autograph, and SEVEN PAGES MANUSCRIPT ADDITIONS to the " Abstract of the Journal." 5590 An Abridgement of Mr. David Brainerd's Journal among the Indians. [With a Dedication by P. Doddridge,] //. vi, no, (4), old calf. 12 London, 1 7 48 5591 CRANZ (David) The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren : a Narrative of the Prot. Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum: translated by Benj. LaTrobe, //. (16), 621, and Index, calf neat, fine copy. 8 London, 1780 5592 ELIOT (JOHN) A further Account of the progress | of the | Gospel Amongst the Indians | In New England : | Being | A Relation of the Confessions made | by several Indians, etc. Sent over to the Corporation .... by Mr. John Elliot, etc., pp. (8), 76 ; Addenda, i leaf) levant red morocco, extra, g. e. (Bedford). 4 London, John Macock, 1660 "This is ONE OF THE RAREST of the series known as the Eliot Tracts." FIELD'S Ind. Bibliography. This copy has the additional leaf, rarely found, containing the attestation of President Chauncey and Elijah Corlet, to the proficiency of " five Indian Youths, instructed and educated in the Grammer School at Cambridge." 5593 ELLIOTT (Rev. Charles) Indian Missionary Reminiscences, principally of the Wyandot Nation, //. 216, cloth. 1 6 New York, Lane 6- Scott, 1850 5594 FINLEY (Rev. Jas. B.) History of the Wyandot Mission, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, pp. 432, sheep, fresh copy, scarce. 12 Cincinnati, 1840 5595 GODWYN (Morgan) The Negro's & Indians Advocate, suing for their Admission into the Church, etc. Added, A brief Account of Religion in Virginia, fine copy, calf neat, pp. (14), 174. 8 London, 1680 Sign. I is mis-paged, the page numbers of the preceding signature (97-112) being repeated, instead of 113-128. 5596 The same, original binding, neat. 5597 HECKEWELDER (John) A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren, among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, 1740-1808, portrait of D. Zeisberger, pp. 429, boards, uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 MISSIONS. 1 19 5598 HECKEWELDER (John) Life, by Rev. E. Rondthaler, portrait, doth. (2 copies.) 12 Phila., 1847 55'f) HOLMES (John) Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren, //. (8), 472, boards, uncut. 8 Dublin, 1818 The Mission in North America occupies 122 pages (112-233); ' n South America and the W. Indies, 136 pages (234-379). 5600 HOORNBEEK (Joh.) De Conversione Indorum & Gentilium, Libri Duo, //. (54), 265, and Index, vellum. sm. 4 Amstetodami, Jansson, 1669 With the autographs of President EZRA STILES and Rev. Dr. ABIEL HOLMES, and several interesting MANUSCRIPT NOTES by the former : see pp. 62, 70, 103, 153, etc. 5601 HOPKINS (Samuel) Historical Memoirs relating to the Housa- tunnuk Indians, //. iv, 182, last leaf in manuscript, first leaves slightly stained, half mor., UNCUT. 8m. 4 Boston, 1753 VERY SCARCE. See also " A Letter from the Rev. Mr. Sergeant" etc. No. 5608. 5602 JESSEY (HENRY) Of the | Conversion of | Five Thousand and Nine Hundred | East-Indians, | in the Isle Formosa, | neere China, | . . By means of M. Ro : Junius, a Minister | lately in Delph in Holland. | Related by his good Friend, M. C. Sibellius . . | . . in a Latine Letter . | Translated to further the Faith and Joy of many | here, by H. Jessey, a Servant of | Jesus Christ. | With a POST-SCRIPT of the Gospels good Successe also amongst the | WEST-INDIANS, | in New-England, //. (8), 38, (i), the last three leaves mutilated, in other respects a sound copy, UNCUT. sm. 4 London, John Hammond, 1650 VERY RARE. The Post-script fills more than half the tract (pp. 13-38) and comprises a brief account of the beginning of the Indian Work in New England, and abstracts of the first three tracts in the "Progress of the Gospel" series (" The Day- Breaking," "The Clear Sun-shine," and "The Glorious Progress",) and of the Act constituting the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel in New England, etc. On the last page is "part of another Letter writ by Mr. Eliot to Mr. Hugh Peters," from Roxbury, Oct. 12, 1649. The last leaf containing six lines of Errata (verso blank) has lost its lower half, taking only two or three words from the last line of Errata. The inner half of the last seven lines, on pp. 35, 36, is gone, and also a portion of the last seven or eight lines of Eliot's letter on p. 38. 5603 KIP (Wm. Ingraham) The Early Jesuit Missions in N. America, map, pp. xiv, 321, cloth. 12 N. York, Wiley and Putnam, 1847 5604 LOSKIEL (Geo. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Indians in N. America; translated by C. I. LaTrobe, map, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8 London, 1793 Fine Autograph of "ROBERT SOUTHEY, Keswick, Sept. 29, 1808," at foot of title, and Southey's (armorial) book-plate on back of title. 5605 McCoY (Isaac) History of Baptist Indian Missions : embracing Remarks on the former and present condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, //. 611, cloth. 8 Washington and N. York, 1840 5606 MAYHEW (Experience) A Discourse shewing that God Dealeth with Men as with Reasonable Creatures, In A Sermon Preach'd at Boston, N. E. Nov. 23, 1718. With a brief Account of the State of the Indians on Martha's Vineyard, & the Small Islands adjacent, . 1694 to 1720, pp. (2), 34, 12, crimped morocco, extra filleted sides, g. e. (Bedford), RARE. sm. 8 Boston, B. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1720 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. 5607 MAYHEW (Experience) Indian Converts : or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of . . Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard . . To which is added, Some Account of those English Ministers who have . . presided over the Indian Work. By [the Rev. Thomas] Prince, //.xxiv, 310, (List of Books) 16, smooth calf gilt, yellow edges, (.Bedford,} FINE COPY, SCARCE. 8 London, for S. Gerrish, Boston, 1727 5608 SERGEANT (John) A Letter from the Rev. Mr. Sergeant of Stockbridge, to Dr. Colman of Boston j containing Mr. Sergeant's Proposal of a more effectual Method for the Education of Indian Children . . . With some general Account of what the Rev. Mr. Isaac Hollis has already done for the Sons of this Indian Tribe of Houssatannoc, etc., pp. 16, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1743 5609 SHEPARD (Thomas) The | Clear Sun-Shine of the Gospel breaking forth | upon the | Indians | in New-England. | Or, An Historical Narration of Gods | Wonderfull Workings upon sundry of the | Indians, etc., pp. (14), 38, margin of title-page restored, calf extra, g. e. (Riviere). sm. 4 London, R. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1648 VERY RARE. One of the most important of the " Progress of the Gospel " series of tracts ; containing a long letter from John Eliot, giving an account of the beginning of his Indian Mission Work. 5610 STRENGTH | out of \ WEAKNESSE ; | Or a Glorious MANI- FESTATION Of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians [ in NEW ENGLAND. Held forth in Sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the | Corporation established by Parliament for | promoting the Gospel among the Hea- | then in New-England; and to particular Members thereof since the last Trea- tise to that effect, Pulished (sic) by Mr. Henry Whitfield late Pastor | of Gilford in New-England . | . .//. (16), 40, russia-calf, antique. sm. 4 London, M. Simmons for John Blague and Samuel Howes, 1652 VERY RARE. The FIRST of three issues or editions of this tract, having the Epistle Dedicatorie signed by twelve ministers, the Epistle To the Reader, signed by fourteen, and the additional Address To the Christian Reader. (See, in PART I, Nos. 464-466.) On the front margins of two leaves of the Epistle " To the Reader," two or three marginal reference-notes have been slightly trenched on by the binder. 5611 STRENGTH out of\ WEAKNESSE; another copy, clean, with good margins, except at the top which is close cropped though without trenching on the head-lines, pp. (16), 40, For el, neat ( W. Pratt}. sm. 4 London, 1652 The same edition as the preceding. 5612 SMET (P. J. DE) S. J. Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains in 1845-46, map, portrait of a Flat-head chief, lithograph title-page, and other illustrations, pp. 408, cloth. 12 New York, E. Dunigan, 1847 5613 Spangenberg (Rev. A. G.) An Account of the manner in which the Prot. Church of the . . United Brethren preach the Gospel, and carry on their Missions among the Heathen,//, viii, 127, hf. bound. 8 London, 1788 MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. 121 3<>i4 United Brethren. Periodical Accounts of the Missions of the ( 'hurch of the United Brethren, among the Heathen. Vols. III.-VI. (1801-1817), 4 vols. /// bd. 8 London, 1802-1817 A p.iit of this puMic atioii was devoted to accounts of the missions to the North Amrtu.m Indians, thfl \\Vst India Island^, and Surinam. UKI.SI'KKGER (Samuel) Ausfiihrliche Nachricht von den Saltz- burgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben, etc., //. (14), 242. Halle, 1735 Erste Continuation der ausfiirl. Nachricht, etc., //. (20), 243-574. Halle, 1738. In i vol., map of u The County of SAVANNAH," and portraits of Tomo Chachi Mico iUiii /i is brother, nice dean copy, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 5616 WHEELOCK (Eleazer) Sermon, in Lebanon, June 30, 1763, at the Ordination of the Rev. Charles Jeffry Smith, with a view to his going as a Missionary to the remote Tribes of Indians in this Land . . Added, A Sermon, by Nath'l Whitaker, D.D., after the ordination, //. 45. 8 Edinburgh, 1767 At the close of Dr. Whttaker's Sermon is his address to his "dear son Joseph," who was to accompany Mr. Smith as his interpreter. This was the young Mohawk chief, Joseph Brandt, " Thayandanega " who had been for two years a scholar at the Indian Charity School in Lebanon. 5617 A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School in Lebanon in Connecticut . . The Second Edition, with an Appendix, //. 63. 8 London, 1767 Pages 1-48 correspond with the former edition. The Appendix " makes mention of some other fresh important Testimonials as well as some other further Accounts . . which have lately come to hand," etc. SCARCE. 5618 WALCOT (James) The New Pilgrim's Progress; or, the Pious Indian Convert. Containing a faithful Account of Hattain Gelashmin, who was baptis'd into the Christian Faith by the name of George James . . Together with a Narrative of his . . Travels among the Savage Indians, etc., pp. 316, old calf, nice copy. 12 London, 1748 Rich (1748, no. 15) notes: "This volume contains the adventures of Mr. Walcot at Jamaica, Charleston, &c. He was a religious enthusiast." " The Journal of George James in his Pilgrimage among the Inland Natives ['the Oieckbatoe Indians'] of the Countries adjoyning to South Carolina," begins on p. 252, and doubtless is as authentic and trustworthy as the romantic adventures of the author and his friends in Charleston, which occupy the preceding pages of this very curious book. 5619 WILLETT (Rev. Wm. M.) Scenes in the Wilderness: a Narrative of the Labours and Sufferings of the Moravian Missionaries among the N. A. Indians, frontispiece, pp. 208, hf. roan. 1 8 New York, Lane 6- Scott, 1851 5620 WILSON (Thomas) Bishop of Sodor and Man. The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made Easy to the Meanest Capacities : or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians ... In Twenty Dialogues, nth edition. pp.xxiv,2%o,oldcalf. 12 London, y. Rivington, 1770 5621 Tracts. An Essay towards Propagating the Gospel, among the Neighbouring Nations of Indians, in North America . . By a Friend to Church, and Common-wealth, //. 18, uncut. 16 New London, May 10, 1756 A Letter from Rev. [John] Sergeant of Stockbridge to Dr. Colman of Boston, etc. \_see, before, No. 5608.] Pemberton (E.) Sermon in New- Ark, June 12, 1744, at the Ordin. of Mr. David Brainerd, a Missionary among the Indians . . with an 16 122 THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Appendix, touching Indian Affairs. Boston, 1744 Dr. C. Chauncy's Sermon in Boston, at the Ordin. of Joseph Bowman, to the work of the Ministry, . especially among the Mohawk Indians, Aug. 31. Boston, 1762 Sermons at Lebanon, June 30, 1763, by Eleazer Wheelock and Nath'l Whitaker, at the Ordin. of Charles J. Smith, a Missionary to the Indians. London, 1767 An Account of some late Attempts by the Comm'rs of the Soc. for propagating Christian Knowledge, to Christianize the N. A. Indians, //. 12. Edinb. 1763 Brainerd (David) Mirabilia Dei inter Indices., represented in a Journal, etc., pp. 84. (Repr.} Worcester, 1793 Am. Indian Mission Association, Proceedings, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, & gth Ann. Meetings. Louisville, Ky., 1845-52 McCoy (Isaac) Ann. Register of Indian Affairs, within the Indian (or Western) Territory : Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Shawanoe Bapt. Mission, Ind. Ter. 1836-38 The Indian Advocate [ed. by Rev. I. McCoy], Vol. I., Nos. i, 3, 5. Louisville, Ky., 1846. 19 in i vol., nearly all uncut, hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5622 Tracts. LATROBE (B.) A Succinct View of the Missions established among the Heathen by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. London, 1771 Letter to a Friend, giving an Account of the Brethren's Soc. for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen: by J[as.] Hfutton]. Lond. 1769 Brief Account of Proceedings of . . Yearly Meeting of Friends, at Baltimore, for the Improvement . . of the Indian Natives. (Repr.) Lond. 1806 Proceed, of Com. of Yearly Meeting of Friends of Penn., N. J., &c. (Repr.} Lond. 1806 (Robert Southey's copy, with his book-plated) Kohlmeister (B.) and Kmoch (Geo.), Missionaries of the U. Brethren : Journal of a Voyage from Okkak, Labrador, to Ungava Bay, to explore the coast and visit the Esquimaux, //. 83, map. Lond, 1814. Boudinott (Elias), a Cherokee: Address to the Whites. Phila. 1826 Memorial of Robert Campbell of Savannah, in behalf of the Cherokees. n. p., 1829 Haensel (Rev. John) Missionary of the U." Brethren : Letters on the Nicobar Islands,//. 78. Lond. 1812 Proceed, of Com. of Yearly Meetings of Friends, for the Civilization, etc. of the Seneca Indians, 1847-50, //. 119. Bait. 1850 Further Illustration of the Case of the Seneca Indians in N. York, (a Review of N. T. Strong's "Appeal,") //. 84. Phila. 1841 Perkins (S.) General Jackson's Conduct in the Seminole War delineated in a History of that Period, etc. Brooklyn, Conn., 1828. 12 in i vol., hf. blue mor. (Roxburghe). 8 5623 BROWN (Wm.) History of Missions; or, of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen . . With a Preface and 'Notes by B. Coles. 2 vols., sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 Anglo-American Missions (New England, New Jersey, Oneida,) Vol. I., pp. 35-137 : Missions of the United Brethren (in America), pp. 283-521 : Methodist Missions, in the West Indies, Vol. ,11., pp. 117-144 : List of Translations of the Scriptures, pp. 535-556. 5624 CHAPIN (Walter) The Missionary Gazetteer, . . so constructed as to give a particular and general History of Missions throughout the World, sheep. 12 Woodstock, 1825 LANGUAGES. 123 INDIAN LANGUAGES. GENERAL TREATISES, AND COLLECTIONS. 5625 American Ethnological Society. Transactions. 2 vols., plates, half green mor. {Roxburghe), uncut. 8 New York, 1845-48 With Vol. II. is Ixuuul Dr. J. K. Bartlett's "Progress of Ethnology, an Account of recent Archaeological, Philological and Geographical Researches," //. 151, uncut. 5626 [CUOQ] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de 1'Ame'riqiie. Par N. O. Ancien Missionnaire, //. 157 Jugement Erron^ de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages : par 1'Auteur des " Etudes Philologiques." 2ne Edition, re'fondue, pp. 112, i. (2 vols.) 8 Montreal, Dawson Bros., 1870 5627 DUPONCEAU (P. S.) Me'moire sur le Systeme Grammatical des Langues de quelques Nations Indiennes de 1'Ame'rique du Nord, //. xvi, 464, hf. levant morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt tops. 8 Paris, 1838 The original French edition of Duponceau's celebrated Memoir ; with an introductory notice by J. B. B. Eyries. 5628 HECKEWELDER (John) Names given by the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to Rivers, Streams, Places, &c. in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, etc. . with their Significations . . Prepared for the press by P. S. Du Ponceau, pp. 48, hf. bound, very scarce. 4 Philadelphia, 1833 5629 PICKERING (JOHN) An Essay on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America, pp. 42, (foxed, ) half morocco, scarce. 4 Cambridge, 1820 5630 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the U. States, with brief critical notices, pp. 28, hf. mor., very scarce. 8 Washington, 1849 Autograph letter oi Mr. Schoolcraft, inserted. 5631 SHEA (John G.) Library of American Linguistics. 13 vols., uncut. imp. 8 New York, 1859-1864 This important collection comprises the following works : 1. A French-Onondaga Dictionary, from a MS. of the I7th century; edited by J. G. SHEA, pp. viii, 103. i85o,-oo 2. A Selish or Flat-Head Grammar ; by the Rev. Gregory Mengarini ; pp. (4), viii, 122. 1861 3. A Grammatical Sketch of the Heve language ; transl. from a Spanish MS., by Buckingham Smith, pp. 26. 1861 4. Grammar of the Mutsun Language, spoken at the Mission of San Juan Bautista, Alta California ; by Father F. Arroyo de la Cuesta, pp. 48. 1861 5. Grammar of the Pima or N6vome language of Sonora, from a Manuscript of the i8th century ; edited by Buckingham Smith, pp. 97, 32. 1862 6. Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language, by Rev. M. C. Pandosy : transl. by G. Gibbs and J. G. Shea, pp. 59. 1862 7. Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, California, by Father B. Sitjar, pp. xix, 9-53, i. 1861 8. A Vocabulary or Phrase book of the Mutsun Language, by Father F. Arroyo de la Cuesta, pp. 96. 1862 124 THE AMERICAN INDIAN 9. Grammar of the Mikmaque [Micmac] of Nova Scotia; edited by J. M. Bellenger, from the manuscripts of the Abbe Maillard, pp. 101. 1864 10. Radical Words of the Mohawk Language ; by Rev. J. Bruyas, pp. 123. 1863 n. Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi ; by Geo. Gibbs, pp. 40. 1863 12. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon; by Geo. Gibbs, pp. 44. 1863 13. Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language ; by Geo. Gibbs, pp. 23. 1863 5632 COURT DE GEBELIN. Monde Primitif analyse* et compare avec le Monde Moderne, etc., map and many plates, 9 vols. /if. vellum, fine copy. 4 Paris, 1773-1782 Vol. VIII contains (pp. 489-560) an Essay on the relations between the languages of America and the ancient world, and (561-568) " Observations on an American monument,' ' the Dighton Rock, with an engraving of the inscription, from a copy communicated to the author by Professor Sewall. 5633 Cherokee Almanac, for 1850. Park Hill, Mission. Press, 1850 "Important Indian Manuscripts; translated by L. S. Backus, Professor of the Sign Language, Editor of the Canajoharie Radii, &c.," wood-cut, pp. 16, curious. Canajoharie, N. Y., 1840 The same. Part Second, //. 16. Canajoharie, N. K, 1840 The Indian in New England . . The Life of an Indian Hunter of the Etchemin Tribe, . with Vocabularies, etc. By Joseph Barratt, M.D., pp. 24. Middletown, Conn., 1851 Key to the Indian Language of New England in the Etchemin or Passamaquoddy Language. By Jos. Barratt, No. I., //. 8. Middletown, 1850 PARSONS (Usher) Indian Names of Places in Rhode-Island, PP> 3 2 > fine portrait, scarce. 8 Providence, 1851 Barrett (Jos.) Indian Proprietors of Mattebeseck (Middletown, Conn.) and their descendants, //. 4. 8 Middletown, 1850 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Ancient History or Annals of Kentucky; a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, //. (4), 39, uncut, SCARCE. 8 Frankfort, Ky., 1824 Jones (N. A.) Indian Bulletin, No. I. A brief Account of the N. A. Indians, and the Interpretation of many Indian Names, //. 1 6, worthless, but curious. 8 New York, 1867 SCHOOLCRAFT, (H. R.) Onedta or the Red Race of America. No. I. Aug. 1844, //. 64, very scarce. ANDREWS (Lorrin) A Vocabulary of Words in the HAWAIIAN Language, pp. iv, 132, SCARCE. 1. 8 Lahainaluna, 1836 SQUIER (E. G.) American Ethnology, //. 14. 1. 8 [CuoQ (J/.)] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de 1'Ame'rique. Par N. Q.pp. 160. 1. 8 Montreal, 1866 - Jugement Errone' de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages. 2e ed., //. 113. 1. 8 Montreal, 1869 14 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe). 8 LANGUAGES. (ESKIMO.) ESKIMO. 5634 EGEDE (Paul) Dictionarium Gronlandico-Danico-Latinum, complectens Primitiva cum suis Derivatis, etc., //. (16), 312, old half calf gilt, fine copy, UNCUT. 8 Hafnice, G. F. Kisel, 1750 5635 EGEDE (P.) Grammatica Gronlandica Danico-Latina, edita a Paulo Egede, //. (16), 256, half bound, UNCUT, RARE. 8 Havniit, G. F. Kisel, 1760 5636 Catechismus Mingnek D. M. LUTHERIM Aglega Innusuinnut Innungnullo Gum. Okausianik illisimangangitsut, etc., pp. 160, old russia, neat. 8 Kibbenhavn, G. F. Kisel, 1756 I .nther's Catechism, with a selection of Hymns, translated into the language of Greenland, by P. Egede. VERY SCARCE. 5637 FABRICIUS (O.) Forsog til en forbedret Gronlandsk Grammatica, ved Otho Fabricius, Sognepraest ved vor Frelsers Kirke paa Christianshavn. Andet Oplag. [Essay to improve Greenlandish Grammar, 2d edition,] pp. 388, polished calf gilt, g. e. 12 Kibbenhavn, 1801 5638 Den Gronlandske Ordbog, forbedret og foroget, udgivet ved Otho Fabricius, etc. [The Greenlandish Dictionary, amended and enlarged ; edited by O. Fabricius, etc.], pp. viii, 795, polished calf gilt, g. e. 12 Kibbenhavn, 1804 Indispensable to the student of the Eskimo and related languages. 5639 Nalegapta Jesusib Kristusib Piulijipta Pinniarningit, Anialervinga Nelliutingmet Okautsinnik Tussarnertunnik, etc. [The Life of Christ, in the Labrador-Eskimo dialect], pp. 132, hf. bd. neat. 1 8 Barbime \Barby\, 1800 5640 Imgerutit attorekset illagektunnut Labradoremetunnut, pp. xii, 340, cloth. 1 6 Lbbaume, J. A. Durold, n. d. A Collection of Hymns, in the Labrador dialect. 5641 The Gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, translated into the Language of the Esquimaux Indians on the coast of Labrador; by the Missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or, United Brethren, residing at Nain, Okkah, and Hopedale, //. 416. 12 London, 1813 The gospel of St. John, though named in the title page, was not included in the volume. 5642 Okalloutit Sabbatinne akkudleesiksaet, Evangeliumit sukuiautejt okiokun attuaegeksaet, kattersorsimarsut Kaladlidlo okauzeennut nukteVsimarsut Pellesimit Peter Kraghmit. [Prayers and Lessons on the Gospels, for Sundays and Holy-days ; translated by Peter Kragh,] //. viii, (2), 464, (4). 12 Kjbbenhavn, 1833 5643 Eskimaux and English Vocabulary, for the use of the Arctic Expedition, //. xvi, 160, cloth, scarce. obi. 12 London, 1850 5644 POK, kalalek avalangnek, nunalikame nunakatiminut okalug- tuartok. ANGAKORDLO, palasimik napitsivdlune agssortuissok, etc. [Pok, a Greenlander, who has traveled [in Europe] and after his return relates his adventures to his countrymen. And a Diviner (Wizard) who meets a Priest and disputes with him. After old manuscripts found at Godthaab in Greenland,] curious illustrations, colored, pp. 18, hf. calf extra, gilt top, uncut. 8 Nongme, [Godthaab,} 1857 Written, printed, and illustrated by natives of Greenland. The wood-cuts, and their coloring, are curious specimens of native art. 126 THE AMERICAN INDIAN ALGONKIN. CANADA, and the NORTH-WEST. Montagnais (a dialect of the Cree) : 5645 NEHIRO-IRINIUI | AIAMIHE MASSINAHIGAN, | Shatshegutsh, Mitinekapitsh | Iskuamiskutsh, Netshekatsh, | Misht', Assinitsh, Shekutimitsh, | Ekuanatsh, Ashuabmushuanitsh, | Piakuagamitsh, | Gaie missi missi Nehiroirinui Astshitsh | ka tatjits, ka kueiasku aiamihatjits ka utshi, | pp. 96, best levant red mor. gilt, filleted sides, g. e. sm. 8 Uabistiguiatsh, \ Massinahitsetuau, Broun gate Girmor, 1767 A VERY FINE COPY of this RARE volume A Prayer Book, Catechism, etc., in the language of the Montagnais Indians of Canada (a dialect of the Cree), printed at Quebec, by Brown & Gilmore, who were the first printers in that city and in Canada; and it is one of the earliest, if not the first, productions of their press. It was compiled by Father J. B. de La Brosse (S. J.) whose name, in an Indian translation Tshitshisahigan, /'. e. "la brosse" appears in the approbatur of Bishop Briant, prefixed to the volume. 5646 Nehiro-Iriniui | Aiamihe | Massinahigan, | etc. Another copy, original binding, water-stained. [Quebec] 1767 Cree (Knisteneaux, Killisteno) : 5647 CHAPPELL (Lieut. Edw.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay . . containing some account of the Tribes | inhabiting | that | remote | region, | map and ^engravings, pp. (10), 279, hf. calf, gilt. 8 London, 1817 Contains (//. 256-279) "A Vocabulary of the Language of the Cree or Knisteneaux Indians inhabiting the Western shores of Hudson's Bay." 5648 HOWSE (Jos.) A Grammar of the Cree Language ; with . . An Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect, pp. xx, 324, half calf , gilt top. 8 London, 1844 With the author's autograph presentation to Dr. Charles Daubeny. 5649 Oo Meyo Achimoowin St. MARK. The Gospel according to St. Mark ; translated into the language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, North-west America, //. iv, 87, sheep. 12 London, B. and F. Bible Society, 1855 5650 Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, Psalms and Hymns, and the First Epistle General of John, in Cree (syllabic characters), lithographed, pp. v, 52, 13, hf. bd. 8 London, Ch. Mission- House, [1856] The Introductory Observations and appended diagrams supply a key to the " Phonetic Syllabic Symbols " of the text. 5651 Ayumehawe Mussinahikun. The Book of Common Prayer, etc. Translated into the language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, North-west America, pp. iv, 274, sheep. 12 London, Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge, 1855 Comprises (pp. 249-274) a selection of Hymns. 5652 The Book of Common Prayer . . Translated in the Language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, " Archdeacon Hunter's Translation," printed in syllabic characters, pp. (4), 190, sprinkled sheep. 12 London, Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge, 1860 5653 Prieres, Cantiques, Catechisme, etc., en Langue Crise, in syllabic characters, pp. 288, cloth. 19 Montreal, L. Perrault, 1857 On the title-page (in characters) "Ayamihe Nehiyawe-Masinahigan," i. e. Christian Cree-Book. I \V,i IG1 S, ( ALGONKIN.) 127 5654 (Cree) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns translated into the ' nt tlu* York Indians of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, by the Rev. W. Mason, //. 161. 32 London, 1860 Printed in Evan's syllabic clur.u ( TS. The language is Cree. 5655 - LACOMBE (le Rev. Perc Albert) Dictionnaire de la Langue des Cris. Grammaire de la langue des Cris. 2 vols. in i, //. xx, 712 ; iii, 190, paper, uncut. 8 Montreal, 1874 Father Lacombe, a missionary for more than twenty years among the western Crees, lus clone for their language what Bishop Baraga so well accomplished for the Otchipwo. This excellent dictionary and grammar must be the chief reliance of students of this wide- spread language. Algonquin [Nipissing] : 5656 Aiamie TipadjimoSin Masinaigan ka Ojitogobanen kaiat ko NiinaSisi Mekate8ikonaie8igobanen Kanactageng, 8ak8i EnaSindi- banen, //. 337, (2). Moniang [Montreal], John Lovell, 1859 Ka Titc Tebeniminang Jezos, ondaje Aking. Oom Masinaigan ki ojitogoban ka ojitogobanen Aiamie TipadjimoSin Masinaigan, 8ak8i EnaSindibanen, pp. 396. 18 Moniang, J. Lovell, 1861 2 vols. in one, hf. mor. Old-Testament Stories, and the Life of Christ, in the Algonquin [Nipissing] dialect ; by the missionaries at the Lake of the Two Mountains (Kanactageng). 5657 - - Aiamie TipadjimSin Masinaigan, etc. [Old Testament Stories,] //. 337, (2), cloth. 18 Moniang [Montreal], y. Lovell, 1859 5658 -- Catechisme Algonquin avec Syllabaire et Cantiques. Niina Aiamie Kak8edjindi8inimasinaigan ate gaie Kekinoamagemagak . . . Kanactageng, //. 52. 18 Moniang, {Montreal] J. Lovell, 1865 5659 Niina Aiamie Masinaigan ou Recueil de Prieres et de Cantiques, a I'usage des Sauvages de Temiscaming, d'Abbitibi, du Grand Lac, de MataSan et du Fort William, pp. 277, hf. cloth, new. Moniang, J. Lovell, 1866 5660 [CUOQ] Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages, de 1'Amerique, par N. O., ancien missionnaire, //. 160. 8 Montreal, 1866 Comprises the elements of Algonkin and Iroquois grammar, and a comparative view of the two languages ; with critical remarks on the works of Schoolcraft and the Memoir of D u ponceau. Chippeway (Ojibua, Otchipwe) : 5661 LONG (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. . . To which is added, A Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, . a List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a Table, shewing the analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway Languages, map, pp. xi, 295, tree calf, yellow edges, a large and exceptionally fine copy. 4 London, 1791 5662 NEW TESTAMENT. Kekitchemanitomenahn | Gahbemahjein- nunk | Jesus Christ, | otoashke | Wawweendummahgawin. \pp. 484, sJieep, unused. 12 Albany, Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1833 RARE. The FIRST Chippeway version of the (whole of the) New Testament It was ftiade by Dr. Edwin James, with the help of John Tanner. The translation is by no means a literal one ; in many passages, it is very free to say nothing of other faults. On the last leaf are the Ten Commandments and a Hymn (^Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove") in the Chippeway language. 128 THE AMERICAN INDIAN. 5663 The same, fresh copy, sheep. 12 Albany, 1833 5664 lu | Otoshki-Kikindiuin au | Kitogimaminan gaie Bema- jiinvng Jesus Krist : | ima Ojibue Inueuining giizhitong. | | The | New Testament, | etc. \ translated into the Language | of the | Ojibwa Indians, | pp. iv, 643, sheep, fresh copy. 12 N. York, Am. Bible Soc., 1844 Not in O'Callaghan's List of Am. Bibles. 5665 The same, stamped morocco, good copy. 5666 Ewh | Oowahweendahmahgawin | owh Tabanemenung Jesus Christ, keahnekuhnootuhbeegahdag Anwamand egewh Ahneshenahbag Ojibway anindjig. //. 766, SCARCE. thick 8 Toronto, H. Rowsell, 1854 Published by the London Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge. (Not in O'Callaghan's List of Am. Bibles.) 5667 - - SUMMERFIELD (John) alias Sahgahjewagahbahweh. Sketch of Grammar of the Chippeway Language, to which is added, A Vocabulary of some of the most common Words, //. 35, hf. red mor., VERY RARE. 1 6 Cazenovia, [N. Y.] 1834 "The FIRST ATTEMPT to reduce the Chippeway language to any [grammatical] system." It was written while the author (a full-blood Chippeway) was a student at the Oneida Conference Seminary, in Cazenovia, in the winter of 1833-34. He died, a year or two after this little book was printed. 5668 Nf/gi/mouinyn genimz/gumouat igiu Anishinabeg Am;miajig, [i. e. Hymns to be sung by Praying Indians,] //. 52. Boston, A. B. C. F. M., 1856 Kishemanito Mt/zinaig^/n Tezhiuindi'nuin, Josip Tf/zhimint, Auesi^g Pineshii/g gaie T^zhimintuag, or Old Testament Bible Stories, Story of Joseph, and Natural History, wood-cuts, pp. 72. Boston, 1835 lu Pitabyn ; gema gaie Okikinoamaguziuiniua igiu Abinojii>g The Peep of Day ; or a Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving, //. 144, uncut. Boston, 1844 O-jib-ue Spelling Book, designed for the use of native learners. 2d ed. enlarged, //. 107. Boston, 1835 Gallaudet's Picture Defining and Reading Book: also, New- Testament Stories, in the Ojibua Language, //. 123. Boston, 1835 Short Reading Lessons in the Ojibwa Language ; translated by Rev. P. Dougherty, aided by D. Rodd, pp. 95. Grand Traverse Bay, for the A. B. C. F. M., 1847 6 in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5669 The Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and Apostles' Creed ; also, other portions of the Church Service : together with a Selection of Hymns, in the Ojibwa (or Chippewa) Language, //. 32, (i). 1 8 Toronto, H. Rowsell, 1840 Ojibue Spelling Book. Parts Land II., wood-cuts, pp. 64, 96, fresh copy. 2 vols. sq. 16 Boston, 1846 5671 The same, clean, unused. 2 vols. LANGUAGES. I2Q 5672 OJEBWAY NUHGUHMONUN, kanuhnuhguhmowahjin egewh Uhneshenahbaig, kahahnekuhnootuhmobeeungin owh Kahkewa- quonaby, etc. A Collection of Chippeway and English Hymns, for the use of the Native Indians, translated by Peter Jones, Indian Missionary . . Added, a few Hymns translated by the Rev. James Evans and George Henry, //. vi, 289, sheep, nice fresh copy. 32 N. York, Lane 6- Tippett, 1847 English and Indian on opposite pages. The second edition. Printed for the Miss. Society of the Meth. Episc. Church. 5673 -- The same, sheep, fresh copy. 32 N. York, Lane and Tippett, 1847 5674 -- The same, sheep, fresh copy. 32 N. York, Lane & Scott, 1851 5675 -- The same, sheep, unused. 32 N. York, Carlton 6- Porter, n. d. 5676 -- The same, //. vi, 236, sheep. 18 Toronto, for Wesleyan Miss. Society, 1860 5677 luPitabim; gema gaie Okikinoamaguziuiniua igiu Abinojit/g - The Peep of Day ; or, A Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving, wood-cuts, pp. 144, fresh, uncut. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, for A. B. C. F. M., 1844 oooo -- See HOWSE (J.) No. oooo Micmac. See SHEA (J. G.) Library of American Linguistics, (no. 9.) No. 5631. 5678 Potawatomi: The Gospel according to MATTHEW, and the ACTS of the Apostles ; translated into the Putawatomie Language. By Johnston Lykins. Carefully compared with the Greek text. Published . . by the Board of Managers of the Am. Indian Mission Association, pp. 240, sheep, VERY SCARCE. 16 Louisville, Ky., W. C. Buck, 1844 NEW ENGLAND. Massachusetts and Narragansett Dialects : 5679 WILLIAMS (ROGER) A Key into the Language | of | America : | or, | An help to the Language of the Natives | in that part of America, called | New-England. | etc., pp. (16), 197, (3), large copy, dk. brown levant morocco, extra, sides double panel-gilt, outside and inside borders, g. e. sm. 8 London, Gregory Dexter, 1643 5680 -- A Key into the Language of America, etc. [Reprinted, in Collections of the R. I. Historical Society, Vol. I.], with a Sketch of the Life of Roger Williams, //. 163, (2), facsimile, hf. mor., neat. 8 Providence, R. /,'i827 5681 A Key into the Language of America. Reprinted, with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Hammond Trumbull, cloth, uncut. sm. 4 Providence, 1866 Narragansett Club Publications, Vol. I. The volume also contains, John Cotton's Letter ; R. Williams's Mr. Cotton's Letter Answered ; and a Bibliographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Williams, by R. A. Guild. I3O THE AMERICAN INDIAN ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE. FIRST EDITION, WITH THE DEDICATION. JOHN ALLAN'S COPY. 5682 The | HOLY BIBLE: | containing the | Old Testament | and the New. | | Translated into the | INDIAN LANGUAGE, | and | Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies | in New-England, | At the Charge, and with the Consent of the | Corporation in England For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New-England. | Cambridge : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. \ MDCLXIII. Collation : i blank leaf : English Title, within a border of printer's ornaments, acorn pattern; verso blank (i leaf): Dedication, "To the high and mighty Prince, Charles the Second," etc. 4 pp. (A 3, 4): i leaf, recto blank; on verso, Names of the Books: Text, Genesis Malachi (A-Mmmmm2), in fours: Indian Title to New Testament, in a border, with lozenge-shaped ornament composed of printer's marks ; verso blk. : Text, Matthew to end of Luke, A 2 to L 4, in fours ; John to end of Revelation, Aa to verso of Xx3, in fours: i blank leaf (Xx 4); WAME Ketoohomae etc. (the Psalms in metre), 50 leaves, n. n. (A-N 2, verso) : Catechism, i leaf: i blank leaf (N 4). In the original smooth dark blue morocco binding, sides fileted and panel-gilt, gilt edges. Size of leaf, 7^ inches by 5^, full. In a Solander case of maroon morocco, lettered. At the head of the title is the (partially defaced) autograph of Sir Wm. AsMurst, who was a prominent member (and became Governor) of the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel in New England. The Allan copy has long been known to collectors, as one of the largest, finest, and most desirable of all known " Royal " or Dedication copies. Only twenty copies of this description were sent to England, by order of the Corporation, for presentation to the Universities and to such persons as the Governor of the Corporation should think fit. These were bound in England, and probably in uniform style. ELIOT'S BIBLE. SECOND EDITION. GOV. STOUGHTON'S AND THE REV. JOHN DANFORTH'S COPY. 5683 Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe UP-BIBLUM GOD Naneeswe | Nukkone Testament | kah wonk | Wusku Testament. | Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ | noh asoowesit | JOHN ELIOT. | Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. | Cambridge. \ Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. [New Testament :] Wusku | Wuttestamentum | Nul-Lordumum lesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. | | Cambridge, Printed for the Right Honourable \ Corporation in London, for the propagation (sic) of the Gospel among the In-\dians in New-England 1680. | 4 One blank leaf; Title (Indian), i leaf; Old Test., A to Ppppp, in fours; names of the , Books, i leaf, recto blank ; N. Test., Title (as above), i leaf, verso blank ; Text, A2 to (recto of) Kk 2 ; Psalms in Metre, 53 n. n., Kk 3 to Yy 4 ; Catechism, i leaf. Elegantly bound (by Mr. F. Bedford) in levant black morocco, extra, filleted and pan- eled sides, richly ornamented, gilt edges, double vellum guard-leaves. Size of page, 7^ by 5 inches. On the verso of the blank leaf preceding the Title, are the autographs of two former owners, WILLIAM STOUGHTON (Chief Justice and Lieut.-Governor of Massachusetts, died, 1701,) and the Rev. JOHN DANFORTH, 1713. (The latter married the neice of Gov. Stoughton.) A VERY FINE COPY, remarkably free from stain and set-off. Only the first few leaves show any evidence of having been used. The head of the title-leaf and of the first leaf of text have been mended (to the width of about a quarter of an inch. ) LANGUAGES. 13? While the First Edition of Eliot's Bible is the more attractive to collectors of rare Americana, and deserves the pre-eminence that is accorded to it, as a monument of early American typography and as the first version of the Bible printed in the New World, it should not be forgotten that, to students of the American languages and to the general philologist, the Second is the more valuable ; and that all critical references to Eliot's version are, or should be, made to this revised and corrected edition. ELIOT'S BIBLE. SECOND EDITION. JONATHAN ED WAR OS'S COPY. 5684 -- Mamusse | Wunneetupanatamwe | UP-BIBLUM GOD etc. 4 Cambridge, 1685, 1680 Title (Indian), i leaf; Old Test., A to Ppppp, in fours; Catechism (misplaced by the binder), i leaf; i blank leaf; Names of the Books, i leaf, recto blank; Title (Indian) to the N. Test., i leaf, verso blank ; Text, A 2 to recto of Kk 2 ; Psalms in metre, 53 leaves, n. n. Kk 3 to Yy 4. Size of page, ;J by 5$ inches. In levant red morocco extra gilt, sides and back elaborately tooled, in an elegant design, gauffered gilt edges, vellum linings and guard-leaves. The binding is one of Mr. Bedford's master-pieces. The volume has been skillfully cleaned throughout, the margins of some short and worn leaves extended, and the deficiencies, if any were found, are supplied in facsimile so perfect as to escape detection. It will be observed, from the collation, that by the binder's mistake, the " Catechism " which belongs at the end of the volume has been inserted at the end of the Old Testament. 5685 ELIOT (JOHN) The Indian Grammar Begun, etc. (Cambridge, 1666) A Grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Language.. A New Edition; with Notes and Observations, by P. S. Du Ponceau, and an Introduction and Supplementary Observations by John Pickering . .//. 22, (4), 66, Ivi, half vellum, uncut, VERY SCARCE. 8 Boston, 1822 One of very few copies separately printed, with title-page from the Mass. Histor. Collections. It has an autograph presentation "To the Hon'ble John Davis, LL.D. from his obed't and h'ble serv't, Jno Pickering." 5686 COTTON (JOHN) Nashauanittue Meninnunk | wutch j Mukkie- sog, | ... qushkinniimun en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit, wutch conenehikqunaout Indiane Mukkiesog, nashpe Grindal Rawson, etc. [Cotton's "Spiritual Milk for Babes," translated into the Indian language, for the use of Indian children, by Grindal Rawson,] //. 13, blue crimped morocco, elegant, full gilt back, sides double- paneled, corner ornaments, g. e. (Bedford), beautiful copy. sm. 8 Cambridge, Samuel Green kah Bartholomew Green, 1691 VERY RARE. See Proceedings Am. Antiq. Society, Oct., 1873, pp. 55-6. 5687 - - MATHER (INCREASE) and DANFORTH (S.) Masukkenukeeg | Matcheseaenvog | Wequetoog kah Wuttooanatoog | Uppeyaonont Christoh kah ne | Yeuyeu | Teanuk | etc. . . Nashpe Increase Mather. . . Yeush kukkookootomwehteaongash qushkinnumunash en Indiane Unnontoowaonganit nashpe S. D[anforth], pp. 164, best levant brown mor. paneled sides, extra gilt, g. e. (Bedford), ELEGANT COPY. sm. 8 Bostonut, Printeuoop Bartholomew Green kah John Allen, 1698 Five Sermons by Increase Mather, translated into the Indian language by Samuel Danforth. The first Indian book printed in Boston. See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society, No. 61 (Oct. 1873), p. 56. 5688 A | CONFESSION | OF | FAITH | Owned and consented unto by the | Elders & Messengers | of the Churches | Assembled at Boston in New England, | May 12. 1680. | . . Boston, B. Green and John 132 THE AMERICAN INDIAN Allen, 1699. WUNNAMPTAMOE SAMPOOAONK [etc., translated into the Indian language, by Grindal Rawson, etcl\, 8 prelim, leaves, pp. 161, (4), levant brown mor. extra, filleted and paneled sides, center ornaments, full gilt back, g. e. (Bedford}, FINE COPY. 8 MUSHAUWOMUK \Boston\ Printeuun nashpe Bartholomew Green, kah John Allen, 1699 English and Indian on opposite pages. (See Proceedings of Am. Antiq. Society. Oct. 1873, p. 57.) 5689 COTTON QOSIAH) Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian Language, pp. 112, half vellum, uncut. 8 Cambridge, 1829 With introductory Remarks by J. D[avis] and J. P[ickering,] and an Appendix by Mr. Pickering, who edited Cotton's Manuscript for the Mass. Hist. Society. This vocabulary was compiled about 1707. Muhhekaneew (or Mohegan) : 5690 EDWARDS (JONATHAN) D.D. Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians . . Communicated to the Conn. Society of Arts and Sciences, pp. 16, uncut, half green morocco. 8 New Haven, Josiah Meigs, 1788 The original edition, VERY SCARCE. This copy, which probably was the author's, has been marked and corrected throughout, for another edition. It is slightly wormed, (only) on the lower margins. 5691 The Assembly's Catechism [in the language of the Mohegan Indians], pp. 31. Stockbridge, Mass., Loring Andrews, 1795 Teyeriwakowata, [a Hymn] in the Mohawk Tongue. By Wm. Alvis, i page. n. p., n. d. Remarks on Some Words in the Language of the St. John's or Wlastukweek Indians ; by H. E. H. [Horatio Hale], //. 4. n. p., n. d. {Cambridge, 1834.] 3 in i vol., hf. calf. 12 5692 Quiripi (Quinnipiac) : PEIRSON (Rev. Abraham) Some Helps for the Indians : a Catechism in the Language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony. Reprinted from the original edition, of Cambridge, 1658; with an Introduction by J. H. Trumbull, pp. n, 67, facsimile of original title. 8 Hartford, 1873 Only i oo copies were printed. Of the original edition only two copies are known, one in the British Museum, the other in the Lenox Library. Abnaki and Etchemin Dialects: 5 6 93 BARRAT (Joseph) M.D. The Indian of New England and the North-Eastern Provinces . . With Vocabularies in Indian and English, giving the names of the Animals, Birds, and Fish, the most complete that has been given . . in the languages of the Etchemin and Micimacs, pp. 24 Key to the Indian Language of New England, in the Etchemin or Passamaquoddy language, spoken in Maine, and St. Johns, N. B. . No. I. [all published,] pp. 4. 2 in i vol., hf. mor. 12 Middletown, Conn., 1851, '50 5694 MANUSCRIPT BOOK OF PRAYERS, etc., in the Mareschit (or Maliseet) and Caniba dialects. A little volume of 82 pages (measuring 5 by 2^ inches) written by some French mission- ary to the Abnakis. It is complete and well-preserved, though its pages bear traces of long and frequent use. It formerly belonged to Dr. John Pickering, to whom it was presented by Bishop (and Cardinal) Cheverus. It contains "Priere du Matin, en Marichit," " Cantique," "Priere du Soir, en Caniba," " Priere avant la Confession," " Interrogation pour la Confession," " Prieres avant [et apres] la Communion," " Catechisme," " Maniere de Baptiser," etc. LANGUAGES. 133 The mission for which this was compiled included Indians of at least two tribes, the Canihis, of whose principal hiketz/. Muskokee Hymns, collected and arranged by Rev. R. M. Loughridge, . and David Winslett, Interpreter. 3d ed., revised, //. (4), 216, cloth, new. 24 N. York, Presbyt. Mission, 1859 LANGUAGES. 14! 5757 (Cherokee, Choctaw, Muskokee. Osage.) Cherokee Hymns compiled from several authors and revised. By E. Boudinott and S. A. Worcester. Printed for the A. B. C. For. Missions, //. 50, (2). 24 New Echota (Ga.) y. 1<\ Wheeler, 1829 The first printing in the syllabic chaia. i by Sequoyah (George Guess) was for the "rherokci- I'lm-nix," In February, 1828. The "Cherokee Hymns" was the/rj/ tract printed in that character; and is now VERY RARE. Washashee W'ageressa Pahz/ n greh tse. The OSAGE First Book, //. 126, VERY SCARCE. 18 Boston, 1834 CHAHTA HOLISSO ai isht ia z/mmona. The CHOCTAW Spelling Book. 5th ed. revised, pp. 107. Boston, 1849 The same, 6th ed. revised, pp. 107. Boston, 1852 TcHiPAYATiK-O-MiKAN. Kanctchtegaii g [The Way of the Cross, In the (Nipissing-Algonkin dialect, of the Mission of the Lake of the Two Mountains,] //. 26. Moniang [Montreal], 1843 KAIATONSERASE. TsionkSe hetsiseSanenton ne RaSenniio. [Prayers and Hymns in the Iroquois language,] pp. 132. 12 Tiotiaki [Montreal], 1860 7 in i vol., new hf. mor. (Roxburghe). 12 DAKOTA. 5758 Genesis and a part of the Psalms, in the Dakota Language : translated from the original Hebrew, by the Missionaries of the Am. B. C. F. M. and Mr. Joseph Renville, Sen. Wicoicage Wowapi qa Odowan Wakan, etc., pp. 295, margins stained, sheep, RARE. 12 Cincinnati, O., Kendall 6- Barnard, for A. B. C. F. M., 1842 5759 RiGGs(S. R.) Wowapi Mitawa. Tamakoce kaga. My Own Book: prepared from Rev. T. H. Gallaudet's "Mother's Primer," etc., //. 64, wood-cuts. sq. 16 Boston, 1842 5760 The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan. In the Dakota Language, translated by Stephen R. Riggs, A. M., Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., engravings, pp. 264, cloth. 1 8 New York, Am. Tract Soc., n. d. [1857] 5761 Dakota Odowan. Hymns in the Dakota Language. Edited by Stephen R. Riggs and John P. Williamson, mor. 16 N. York, Am. Tract Soc., [1865] 5762 The same, cloth, new. 5763 Osage. Washashe W'ageressa Pahz/ n greh tse. The Osage First Book, wood-cuts, pp. 126, hf. bd., fresh copy, very scarce. 18 Boston, for the A. B. C. F. M., 1834 5764 The same, another copy, clean, unused. NORTH-WEST COAST. 5765 MANUSCRIPT VOCABULARIES of Some of the Indian Tribes of N. Western America. "To Peter S. Duponceau Esq. with J. K. Townshend's respects. Fort Vancouver, Columbia River, September, 1835." 82 //., in two books, foolscap 8. From the Library of Dr. John Pickering, to whom, probably, they were presented by Mr. Dnponceau. They comprise vocabularies of the following languages and dialects : 142 THE AMERICAN INDIAN A language spoken by the following tribes in Puget's Sound, viz. the Nisqually, Poo- iyal-aw-poo, Tough-no-waw-mish, So-qua-mish, Skay-wa-mish, Too- wanne-noo. (72 words) Walla-walla, near Walla- walla Fort, Columbia River (53 words) Nez-perces (53 words) Chinook (194 words and phrases) [Chinook Jargon] used as the means of communication between the Indians and whites on Columbia River (146 words) Carrier or Taculli Indians of New Caledonia (342 words and phrases) Kayouse Indians, lower waters of the Columbia (131 words) Kootenai, near the sources of the Columbia (206 words) Japanese, taken from three men cast- away on the N. W. coast (74 words). MEXICO. 5766 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castellana, y Mexicana, en que se contienen las palabras, preguntas, y respuestas mas comunes, y ordinarias que se suelen ofrecen en el trato, y comunicacion entre Esparioles e Indies, //. (12), 145, wants two leaves (139-42), gr. morocco extra, g. e., slightly wormed. sm. 8 Reimpreso, en la Puebla of Los Angelos, en la Oficina de Don Pedro la Rosa, en el Portal de las Flores, Aho de 1793 A scarce Spanish-Mexican and Mexican-Spanish vocabulary. The first edition is ( 161 1 ) excessively rare. 5767 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las lenguas Castellana y Mexicana, in que se contienen las palabras, preguntas, y repuestas mas comunes . . en el trato, y comunicacion entre Esparioles, 6 Indios, pp. (n), 132, hf. mor. gilt. 1 6 Reimpreso en Puebla, 1831 5768 AVILA (P. F. Francisco de) Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, y breves Platicas de los Mysteries de N. Santa Fee Catholica, y otras para exortacion de su obligation a los Indios. 12 prelim, leaves, n. n. ; ff. 38, [pp. 76], red morocco, extra g. e. ( W. Pratt}. 1 6 Mexico, por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel de Rib era Calderon, 1717 This Mexican Grammar is VERY SCARCE. 5769 CAROCHI (P. Horacio) Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, dispuesto con brevidad, claridad, y propriedad, por el P. Ignacio de Paredes, pp. (24), 202, old vellum. sm. 4 Mexico, 1759 Fine large copy : with the engraved frontispiece representing the triumph of St. Ignatius de Loyola (Zapata sc.), which is seldom found with this RARE grammar. 5770 VASQUEZ GASTELU (Ant.) el Rey Figueroa, Arte de lengva Mexicana, . Corregido segun su original por el Br. D. Antonio de Olmedo y Torre, 2 prel. and 54 numbered leaves, old vellum, very scarce. 4 La Puebla [de los Angeles], Ferd. de Leon, 1726 FINE CLEAN COPY, of this well known Mexican Grammar, a revised reprint of the first edition of 1689, which is excessively rare. 5771 MOLINA (Fr. ALONSO DE) Vocabulario Mexicano. il Aqui comienga vn vocabula|rio en la lengua Castellana y Mexicana. Compuesto | por el muy reuerendo padre fray Alonso de | Molina : Guardian d'l couewto d' sant Antonio d' Tetzcuco d'la ordew de los frayles Menores. | [ Wood-cut of, St. Francis receiving the stigmata, and, on three sides of it: C Signasti domine servum *%*tuum Franciscum sig4*nis redemptionis nostre . : .] Below, four lines of Latin verse In colophon : Imprimiose e la muy gra^de & insigne y muy leal ciuidad de Mexico, en casa de Iua pablos Acabose d. 1-71; Galatians James, //. 1-84; i Peter Revelations,//. 1-56; without separate title pages. The latter part of the volume, from Acts ii. 46, -was printed at Oahu, at the Mission Press, and at the end of the New Testament is the colophon: "Oahu ; Mission Press, May, 1832 : Ed. 10,000." A press was sent to the Sandwich Islands by the American Board of Comm'rs for Foreign Missions, in November, 1827: and among its first works was the completion of the .Hawaiian version of the New Testament of which the first part (the Four Gospels and beginning of the Acts) had been printed at Rochester, in 1828 and '29. This copy, unused and in nice condition, was presented to " Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, from his friend, H[iraml Bingham, Oahu, Dec. 18, 1832." This FIRST EDITION of the HAWAIIAN Testament was unknown to Dr. O'Callaghan, and is now VERY RARE. (See Nos. 5846-5848.) 5833 The Holy Bible . . . Stereotype edition, calf. 12 New York, 1831 " Published by the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. . . Printed at the New York Prot. Episcopal Press, No. 46 Lumber St." 5834 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version. With Amendments of the Language, by NOAH WEBSTER, LL.D., sheep, marbled sides, scarce. 8 New Haven, Durrie & Peck, 1833 With a Preface and an Introduction in which "the principal alterations in the language of the common version of the Scriptures, made in this edition, [are] stated and explained." A slip containing " Corrections in this Edition " is inserted at the end of the volume. 152 THE BIBLE, 5 8 35 The Holy Bible . . . With Amendments of the Language by Noah Webster, LL.D., sheep, fresh copy, scarce. 32 New Haven, Durrie 6- Peck, 1841 The errors noted in the slip of errata in the octavo edition are corrected in this. 5836 The Child's Bible. With plates. By a Lady of Cincinnati ; pp. ig2j in sixteens, pretty wood cuts, stamped cloth, neat. (2 copies.) 96 New York, J. Q. Preble, n. d. Size, 2 by if inches. "Stereotyped by J. A. James, Cincinnati." Copyright dated, 1834. See O'Callaghan, 1834, no. 22.) 5837 The Holy Bible . . . Stereotyped by Henry Wallis & Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Engraved title and frontispiece, morocco, with tuck, g. e. 32 Concord, N. H., Charles Hoag, 1836 The New Testament is dated 1834. 5838 The Books of PSALMS : being the Authorized Version of that part of the Sacred Volume. Metrically arranged by James Nourse, pp. 224, stamped red morocco, g. e., very neat. 32 Boston, Perkins 6 Marvin, 1836 FOREIGN. THE GUTENBERG BIBLE. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED WITH TYPES. 5839 The BIBLE, in Latin ; with the prologue of Saint Jerome. The First Edition. <$otlUC type : hundreds of illuminated capital letters, brilliantly colored and decorated, many of them heightened with gold. 2 vols. In the original binding, thick oak boards covered with stamped calf, ornamented brass corners and center-pieces, with bosses ; many leaves with uncut edges ; measuring 15^ by n inches, on the leaf. folio [MENTZ, JOANNES GUTENBERG, 1450-55?] Without titlepages, pagination, or signatures : 641 leaves printed in double columns, 42 lines to a full column ; the initials and rubrics, in manuscript, throughout. The first volume contains 324 leaves, (of which one is in facsimile) and ends with the Psalms; the second has 317 leaves (sixteen in facsimile). A copy on vellum in the National Library in Paris, has at the end of the second volume a note, that it was " illuminated, bound, and completed, on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Aug. 15), 1456, by Henricus Albch, alias Cremer." " The honour of producing the first, and as many think, the most perfect book, is now ascribed to Gutenberg alone, Fust not coming in for a share of the credit of the invention until after his famous lawsuit in 1455, w ^ en the Bible had been finished. We call it, therefore, the GUTENBERG BIBLE, and have no sympathy for any French name given to it simply because a copy found in a Paris library had the honour of being described by a French bookseller." H. STEVENS (in Caxton Celebration Catalogue). It was formerly known as the "Mazarine Bible," from the fact that the earliest published description of it, was based on a copy discovered by peBure, in the Mazarine Library. " Some copies, which may be called a SECOND ISSUE, have 40 lines on each of the first eight pages, forty-one on the ninth, and the rest forty-two. . In the later issue, the three red lines at the beginning, are in type and not in manuscript, as AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE.' 153 in the 42 line issue." The] distinctions between the two issues are pointed out by Mr. B. Quaritch, in his description of the Perkins copy (priced, 3000 guineas,) in his General Catalogue, no. 17545. It may be added, that, in the first volume of the Brinley copy, the beginning of the prologue to the Pentateuch (recto of 4th leaf), of the book of Genesis (recto of 5th leaf), and the title and finis (Incipit and Explicit] of each of the books from Genesis to Ruth, inclusive, are rubricated in manuscript, not printed. Mr. UrinKv's copy was purchased in 1873, through the agency of Mr. II Stevens, in London. It had been discovered, a few years previously, in the Archiv of the Predigcrkirche of Erfurt. A very full and accurate description of it was published in the Serapeum (Aug. I5th and 3ist, 1870; pp. 230, 241, ff.) by Dr. Bruno Stiibel of Leipsic, who had the rare opportunity of collating "the new-found forty-two-line copy" with two other copies, one from the Munich Library, the other from the Library of Leipsic. The Gutenberg Bible has, as Dibdin remarks in his description of Earl Spencer's copy, been "justly praised for the strength and beauty of the paper, the exactness of the register, the lustre of the ink, and the general splendor and magnitude of the volumes." In Asher's announcement, in 1873, the Brinley copy is claimed to be " the most beautiful of all known copies on paper. It is not only the tallest, and almost uncut, but it is of remarkable } freshness and purity, and, though it has never been subjected to washing, is without the least stain. . . One sees by the costliness of its binding and by the beauty of its painted initials, heightened with gold and decorated in arabesques, that it was intended for the library of some prince or great nobleman. This exceptional excellence brought it ill fortune ; for some barbarian, or crazed amateur, has taken from it a few leaves, doubtless for the sake of their capital letters." By extraordinary good luck some ancient paper was found, like that on which the Bible was printed, and the missing leaves were reproduced in photolithographic facsimile, with such success that it is not easy to distinguish them. The copy is so nearly uncut that many of the manuscript cues for the rubri- cator, are preserved at the extreme upper margins of the leaves. Very few errors of the press have been discovered in this first edition of the Bible. One, in Isaiah xxxvii. 20, "pona circulu ergo in auribus [for naribus\ tuis," has been noticed by Dibdin and Pettigrew. Another, in the beginning of Psalm xxx. (xxxi. of the English Bible), has been corrected in the Brinley copy, probably by the rubricator, by marking a caret in the text and writing the omitted word " speravi " in the margin. This is the first time and it is not unlikely to be the last that a copy of the FIRST PRINTED BOOK is offered at public sale, in this country. In 1769, a vellum copy brought, at the Gaignat sale, 2100 francs: in 1815, the same copy, at the McCarthy-Reagh sale, was purchased by Mr. Grenville, for 6260 francs. Mr. Perkins's (vellum) copy, with two leaves in facsimile, was bought by him in 1825, from Messrs. G. & W. Nicol, for 504: in 1873, Jt was sold at ^3,400. Of the best known paper copies, that belonging to the Duke of Sussex was bought at Perry's sale, for .168; was sold in 1841, for 190; and in 1858, at the Bishop of Cashel's sale, for 596. The Perkins copy the only one which came into the market for sixteen years after 1858 was purchased at Sir M. M. Sykes's sale, for 199.10; and was sold in 1873, for 2,690. At every sale, the advance in price had been marked : and the commercial value of copies has been at least quintupled in the last thirty years. What may it reach in the next fifty ? 20 154 THE BIBLE, 5840 BIBLIA SACRA | sive Testamentum vet 9 | Ab Im. Tremellio et | Fran. Ivnio ex Hebraeo Latine redditu. | Et | Testamentum novu | a Theod. Beza e Graeco | in Latinum versum . | . . Engraved title, by W. Marshall, sigs. A to lii 6, in twelves, broken binding. 12 Londini, Typis Milonis Flesher lii Kahiko i Unuhiia mai ka Olelo Hebera. | | Buke I. | Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. pp. 924. - The same, Buke II., pp. 887. 12 Oa/iu, na na Misionari i Pat, 1838 The last page is dated May loth, 1839. - Ke | Kauoha Hou | a ko Kakou Haku e Ola'i | a lesu Kristo : | oia ka | Olelo Hemolele no ke Ola, | a na Lunaolelo i Kakau ai. | | Ua unuhiia ma ka olelo Helene. | Ua paiia na ko Amerika, etc., //. 520. 12 Honolulu, ka na Misionari mea Pai, 1837 3 vols. in i, very thick (2331 pages), sheep, clean and unused, VERY SCARCE. 12 The FIRST EDITION of the Bible printed in the Sandwich Islands. Printed at the charge of the Am. Bible Society ("Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala"). 5847 Ka Palapala Hemolele a lehova ko Kakou Akua o ke Kauoha Kahiko a i me ke Kauoha Hou i unuhiia Mailoka mai o na Olelo Kahiko. Paiia no ko Amerika Poe Hoolaha Baibala. //. 1451, sheep, unused, SCARCE. 8 Oahu, na na Misionari i Pai, 1843 The New Testament (Ke Kauoha Hoic, etc.) has Honolulu; na na Misionari i Pai, 1843." The revised version (by the Missionaries of the American Board), printed "at the Mission Press." 5848 -- Ke Kauoha Hou etc. The New Testament etc. Hawaiian and English, in parallel columns (with Scripture references between), pp. 727, sprinkled sheep, fresh copy. wide 12 JVew York, Am. Bible Society, 1860 The Third edition of the Hawaiian New Testament, published by the Am. Bible Society. 5849 BURKITT (Wm.) Expository Notes with Practical Observations, on the New Testament, old calf, one joint broken. folio, Leeds, Binns and Brown, 1796 5850 CARTWRIGHT (T.) Harmonia Evangelica, Commentario analy- tico, metaphrastico, practice, illustrata, //. 1142, (35), old calf , fine copy, VERY SCARCE. 5 Ludg. Batav., Fr. Hackii, 1647 5851 HARRIS (Thaddeus M.) The Natural History of the Bible. 12 Boston, 1793 A Dictionary of the Bible. First American, from 2d London edition, enlarged. 16 Worcester, I. Thomas, Jun., 1798. (2 vols.) 5852 MOLLER (H.) Enarrationis Psalmorvm Davidis, . . novissima editio, old calf rebacked, neat. folio, Geneves, P. Chouet, 1639 The title-page bears the autographs of the Rev. JOHN WILSON, THOMAS WELD (1691), and JOSHUA GEE ("hunc librum jura possidet, anno 1715 "). 5853 NEWCOME (Wm.) D.D. A Harmony in Greek of the Gospels, with Notes. Reprinted from the Text and select Various Readings of Griesbach, . . under the superintendance of Moses Stuart, //. xvi, 424 ; Notes, //. 188 ; sheep. 8 Andover, 1814 156 BIBLE, 5854 NEWMAN (Rev. Samuel) A Large and Compleat Concordance to the Bible in English, According to the last Translation. (A like Work formerly prepared by Clement Cotton,) Now this third impression corrected and amended, . . far exceeding the most perfect that ever was extant in our Language, . By Samuel Newman, Now Teacher of the Church at Rehoboth in New-P]ngland, old calf, rebacked, neat. folio, London, 1658 A good copy of this scarce Concordance. " The first edition was published at London, 1643, * n folio. After Mr. Newman's removal [from Weymouth] to Rehoboth, he revised this Concordance and greatly improved it, using, in the evening, according to President Stiles, pine knots instead of candles." BLISS, Hist, of Rehoboth. 5855 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) A List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, and Parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860, half dk. green mor. extra, gilt top, UNCUT. 1. 8 Albany, Munsell 6- Rowland, 1861 5856 Remarks on the Book of Daniel and on the Revelations, pp. 503, (2), sheep, sound clean copy. 8 New York, Greenleafs Press, 1794 5857 SAMPSON (Ezra) Beauties of the Bible : being a Selection from the Old and New Testaments, with Remarks, etc. 2d Hudson edition, //. 338, sheep, used copy, scarce. 12 Hudson, Sampson, Chittenden &* Croswell, 1802 5858 Tracts. Winthrop (James) Prophecies relating to Antichrist, with their application to the course of History,//. 32. Boston, 1795 Winthrop (J.) Attempt to arrange in order of time those Scripture Prophecies remaining to be fulfilled. Cambridge, 1803 Winthrop (J.) Attempt to translate the prophetic parts of the Apocalypse of St. John in familiar Language. Boston, 1794 Sewall (S.) Scripture Account of the Shechinah. Boston, 1794 Sewell (S.) Scripture History relating to the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. Boston, 1796 Thoughts upon .. Passages of Scripture . . relative to Jacob and Esau ; by Philotheorus, pp. 60. Worcester, 1791 Bacon (John) Conjectures on Prophecies. Boston, 1805 A Paraphrase on eight chapters of Isaiah. Worcester, 1795 Webster (N.) Errors and Obscurities in the common version of the Scriptures, etc., //. 24, n. t. p. - Hastings (G. H.) Illustrations of Original Use of Sacred Lyrics, with musical notes. Phila. 1843 Report on History of English Version of the Bible, made to the Am. Bible Society, N. Y. 1857 Brown (John) Brief Concordance to the Scriptures, pp. 92. N. Y. 1812. 12 in i vol., new half. mor. (Roxburghe), nearly all uncut. 8 5859 Tracts. Gale (Benjamin) A Brief Essay [on the Periods of Prophecy], uncut. New Haven, n. d. Gleason (Dr. James) Exposition of the three first Chapters of Genesis,/^. 190. Norwich, ^0.7 Attempt to Illustrate the Great Subject of the Psalms, . . with a Digression on Baptism. Boston, Mills 6* Hicks, 1773 A Prophetic Leaf, containing an Illustration of the Signs of the Times. New Haven, 1798 Smith (Lem.) The History of Job. Utica, 1806. 5 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe). 8 AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 157 5860 Tracts. Notes upon Mistranslations [in the N. Test], //. 71, uncut. Boston, 1804 Priestley (Jos.) Familiar Illustration of certain Passages of Scripture, uncut. Phila., 1794 Priestley (J.) General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God, uncut. Phila., 1794 Northern Light; or, a New Index to the Bible: by a Citizen of New- York //. 101, v. Troy, X. Moffitt 6- Co., 1800 [Devens (K.) ] A Paraphrase of some Parts of the Book of Job. Boston, 1795 The Trial: Calvin and Hopkins vs. the Bible and Common Sense : by a Lover of the Truth, n. p., n. d. Pillsbury (P.) The Bible; its History and Inspiration. Boston, 1848 Balfour (W.) Letter to Rev. B. Whitman, on the term Gehenna, uncut. Boston, 1834. 8 in i vol., new half mor. (Roxburghe}. 12 CATECHISMS. THE NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER. 5861 NOYES (James) A Short | Catechism | Composed | By Mr. James Noyes, | Late Teacher of the Church of Christ in Newbury, | in New-England. | For the use of the Children there. \pp. 15, str. grained olive morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges (Bedford}. sm. 8 Boston, Bartholomew Green, 1714 A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this ExRTEMELY RARE Catechism. 5862 STONE (Samuel) A | Short | Catechism | Drawn out of the | Word | of God. By Samuel Stone, Minister of the Word at Hartford in | Connecticut. | //. (2), 13, str. grained olive mor., filleted sides, gilt back and edges (Bedford ), UNCUT. sm. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for D. Henchman, 1720 Hardly less rare than the First Edition (see No. 867, in Part I.). 5863 VINCENT (Thomas) An Explicatory Catechism : or, an Explan- ation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism, etc., pp. (8), 326, wants the last leaf (half a page) and a corner torn from a preliminary leaf, old sheep, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, repr. by John Allen, 1711 The same, worn copy, wants a few leaves, pp. viii, 315. (2 vols.) sm. 8 Boston, for D. Henchman \et #/.], 1729 5864 WESTMINSTER Confession and Catechism. The Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger Catechism ; Composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines then Sitting at Westminster . . With a brief Sum of Christian Doctrine, //. (2), 161, (i), original sheep, VERY RARE. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1723 The same, another good copy, original sheep : with the auto- graphs of Rev. Isaac Stiles, 1742, and Rev. Dr. Benjamin Trumbull, 1761. (2 vols.) sm. 8 5865 The | NEW- ENGLAND | PRIMER | Enlarged. | For the more easy attaining the true Reading of English. | To which is added, | The Assembly of Divines | Catechism. | Boston : Printed by T. Fleet, \ and Sold by the Booksellers, 1737. 40 leaves, n. n. On the recto of the first leaf, an awesome woodcut of " The POPE, or Man of Sin," fearfully and wonderfully made : on the reverse, the head of " King George the Second," facing the Title. The familiar rhymes from " In Adam's Fall | We sinned all," to "Zaccheus he | Did climb the Tree | His Lord to see," with their twenty- four illustrative woodcuts, are on leaves 6 and 7. Mr. John Rogers burns at Smithfield, " his Wife, with nine small Children, and one at her Breast, following him to the Stake," on the 1 6th leaf. The New-England Primer Improved. .For the more easy attaining the true reading of English. To which is added, The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism. Boston: Printed for, and Sold by John Perkins, in Union- Street. 1768. 40 leaves, n. n. (A to E) in eights. Cotton's Catechism (entitled "Spiritual Milk for American Babes. Drawn out of the Breasts of both Testaments") was printed in the earliest editions of the Primer, but was omitted in that of 1737 : as was also "A Dialogue between Christ, Youth and the Devil," which is restored in this edition. The copy perhaps wants a leaf preceding the title. THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. 159 The New-England Prinu-r Improved ... To which is added, The Assembly of Divines Catechism, &c. Boston, William Me Alpine, 1770. Sigs. A to E8, in eights. A leaf preceding the title has, on the recto, the head of " King George tin Thinl i rown'd September 22d, 1761, Whom God long Preserve"; on the reverse, "A l>ivinr Smi^ i' I'I.UM-" In l>i. \\atts. 'J'liis edition agrees page for page witli that ot i7f>S, hut is in I.ULMT type .uul <>\\ I.UL;IT paper. The AMERICAN Primer Improved, etc. Concord: Printed an J sold by N. Coverly, . . 1776. 40 leaves, n. n. (A to E8) in eights. On the first leaf, a head, which evidently was int.-iuleil tni of King George III., serves for "The Hon. John Hancock, Esquire." In other respects, this is a reprint of the Primers of 1768 and 1770. - The same. Boston : Printed by Edward Draper, . . and sold by John Boyle, 1777. 40 leaves (A to E) in eights. On the first leaf, recto, " The Honorable JOHN HANCOCK, . President of the American Congress," displaces King George. - The New-England Primer, Enlarged and Improved : or an easy and pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts. Also the Catechism. Newburyport : Printed and sold by John My call, n. d. [1790.] 40 leaves, n. n. (A. to E8) in eights. This differs in many respects from any of the preceding editions. There are more woodcuts, some of which are copied from Isaiah Thomas's " Royal Primer" of 1785. Mr. Cotton's Catechism is omitted. [The first two leaves of the Westminster Catechism are misplaced by the binder.] 6 vols. sm. 1 6 (32), elegantly bound in best levant brown morocco, backs full-gilt, sides filleted and panel-gilt, with centre ornaments, g. e. (F. Bedford ) ;ina str. grained olive morocco Solander case, lined with velvet, and lettered. It is unnecessary to remark on the EXTREME RARITY of early editions of this Primer, which has been called " the little Bible of New England." The late Mr. George Livermore, one of the most persevering and successful collectors of early Catechisms and Primers, in one of a series of articles on the origin and history of the N. E. Primer (published in 1849,) said: "I have not been able to find a copy of the work bearing an earlier date than the year 1775 . . Nor have I seen a person who has seen a copy of an earlier date." 5866 The New-England Primer (and others); 1784-1802 : - The New-England Primer Improved, etc. Boston: Printed and sold by the Booksellers, 1784. 32 leaves, n. n. (A to D8) in eights. Follows the standard editions, but omits Mr. Cotton's Catechism. On the first page a woodcut head of "General Washington," in an oval, surrounded by military trophies. - The Royal Primer ; or, An Easy and Pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts, //. 72. Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1784. This has little in common with the New England Primer, but may have been a more attractive book to some of the boys and girls of its day. It contents "A short Scripture Catechism," but not the Westminster Assembly's, nor Mr. Cotton's. There are woodcuts of animals and birds, and in illustration of Bible stories ; and the cuts are far superior to those in earlier editions of the N. E. Primer. It is probably a reprint of an English primer. - The New-England Primer ; much improved. Containing, A Variety of Easy Lessons, for attaining the true reading of English. 40 leaves, n. n. (A and B, in twelves ; C, D, in eights?) Philadelphia, T. Dob son, 1797. No woodcuts, except one of the burning of John Rogers (in which, by the way, Mrs. Rogers's " nine small children and one at her breast " may be fairly enumerated). A very pretty edition. l6o THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. - The American Primer. Improved. Or, an easy and pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorned with Cuts. To which is added, The Assembly of Divine's Catechism. Medford ': Nathaniel C overly, 1798. The New-England Primer, Or, the first Step to The Art of Reading. To which are Added, The Shorter Catechism, And many Things proper for Children. Revised, Corrected, and Improved, pp. 79, cuts. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, n. d. [1802] A fresh clean copy of this handsome edition. The New-England Primer, Improved. . Added, The West- minster Assembly's Catechism, wants a leaf or two of the Catechism. Printed for Simeon Butler, Northampton, n. d. 6 vols. 32, smooth calf gilt ; enclosed in a pull-off case of fine russet calf, lettered. 5867 The New England Primer. 32 Hartford, 1803 The same. 32 Concord, N. H., Isaac Hill, 1813 The same, facsimile of Boston edition of 1777. 32 Hartford, 1843 The Columbian Primer, . . Added, a Catechism for Children of four or five years old. And A Larger Catechism formed by the Westchester Associated Presbytery, and approved by the Morris County Assoc. Presbytery, pp. 71. 24 New York, 1805 The New England Primer Restored. Copied chiefly from a London edition of 1771, pp. 62. 1 6 Trenton, for Rev. E. R Cooley, 1846 The Child's Instructor, //. 72. sm. 12 Portland, A. W. Thayer, 1822 Six (v. s.) in i vol., half blue morocco. (Roxburghe). 16 5868 The New England Primer. 32 Massachusetts, 1810 The same, //. 63, in covers. 32 Newark, B. Olds, 1824 The same. Boston, Mass. S. S. Society, 1843 The same. (With the Episcopal and Assembly's Catechisms.) 24 New Haven, S. Babcock, n. d. The same. Rochester, 1827 - The same. Middletown, Ct., 1825 Six (v. s.) in i vol., half blue morocco. 16 5869 The New England Primer. Boston, fas. Loring, n. d. - The same. Walpole, N. H., I. Thomas 6- Co., 1814 The same, with cover. Hartford, G. Goodwin & Sons, 1820 - The same, with cover. Newark, B. Olds, 1842 The same . . With a Historical Introduction by H. Humphrey, D.D., pp. 64. Worcester, n. d. [1848 ?] The same. Boston, Mass. $. S. Society, n. d. Six (v. .f.) in one vol., half blue morocco. 16 5870 The New England Primer, //. 36, cover. Phila., M. Carey, 1810 The same, in cover. Philadelphia, F. Scott, n. d. CATECHISMS. l6l The American Primer. 4th ed., woodcuts, covers. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1813 The Youth's Primer (with Westminster Catechism and Proofs) : by Jona. Fisher, woodcuts, engraved by the compiler, pp. 108. Boston, 1817 The Franklin Family Primer. Improved Edition. Boston, Manning 6* Loring, [1811] The Evangelical Primer: by J. Emerson, //. 72. Boston, 1820 Six (12) in i vol., half blue morocco. 16 5871 The New-England Primer, bds. Massachusetts, for the Purchaser, 1810. The same, bds. Walpole, N. H., I. Thomas d^ Co., 1814. The same, good woodcuts (by y. W. Barber], paper cover. Hart- ^ ford, Geo. Goodwin 6 Sons, 1820. 3 vols., clean, unused copies, in the original binding. 32 5872 Catechisms (1742-1801) The Shorter C., of the Westminster Assembly. Boston, T. 6- y. Fleet, 1765 A Short C agreeable to the Doctrine of the Moravian Church, [transl. from the German of] J. Bechtel. Phi/a., Isaiah Warner, 1742 The Shorter C. with the Scripture Proofs. Boston, 1762 The Master and Scholar attending Catechising. Boston, B. Edes 6- Son, 1787 Mr. [Samuel] PIKE'S Present Thoughts of the Assembly's Shorter C. Boston, 1768 STINTON (B.) A Short C., 4th edition. Boston, repr. 1745 WATTS (I.) The Young Child's Catechism. Cooperstown, E. Phinney, 1801 The Articles of Belief professed by followers of Calvin, Luther, and Arminius ; respecting the Five Points about which there is much Dispute. Norwich, Green 6* Spooner, [ab. 1774] Shorter C. with Scripture Proofs. N. London, 1746 : The same. Boston, 1768 WATTS (I.) The First Set of Catechisms and Prayers, or, the Religion of Little Children, etc. 8th ed. Boston, 1770 A Scripture-C., or, the Principles of the Christian Religion . . in the Words of the Bible, n. p., n. d. Twelve in one vol. (v. s.) clean copies, mostly uncut, half mor. extra (F. Bedford}. 12 5873 Catechisms. The (Assembly's) Shorter Catechism, . with Proofs. Lansingburgh, \N. Y.], 1795: The same. Hartford, 1809 I. Watts' C. for Children. Windham, [Conn.'] n. d. H. Ballou's Child's Scripture C. 2d edition. Boston, 1819 The Baptist C. Wilmington, 1809 Dr. Watts' Catechisms for Children. Canandaigua, 1827 Catechism of the Church of Geneva (Calvin's); trans, by Rev. E. Waterman. Hartford, 1815 The Churchman's C., by Wm. Jones. Norwalk, [Conn.], 1819 Wilbur (H.) Sabbath-School Edition of the Biblical C. loth ed. Boston, 1821 The Shorter C. with Proofs. Hartford, 1835 The Church C. ; broke into short Questions and Answers, by Bishop Hobart. New York, n. d. Eleven (v. s.) in one vol., half blue mor. (Roxburghe). 16 5874 Catechisms. Dr. Watts' Catechisms for Children, with the Westminster Catechism, &c. Exeter, [JV. H."\ 1792 Short Biblical Catechism; by Hervey Wilbur. 4th ed. Exeter, 1813 The 21 1 62 CATECHISMS. THE CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. Catechism of the Prot. Episcopal Church in the U. S. [with] a Cat. recommended by the Bishop and Clergy of N. York. 6th ed. JV. K, 1814 New Catechism compiled by the Worcester Assoc. of Ministers. Worcester, 1804 Watts' Catechisms for Children. Hartford, 1820 The Assembly's Shorter Catechism. Concord, [N. If.], 1806 A Catechism of Scripture Doctrine ; by W. R. Weeks. 26. edition. Albany, 1818 A Catechism (Westminster Larger and Shorter) for Youth. Phila., R. Aitken, 1783. Eight in one vol., blue half mor. (Roxburghe). 12 5875 Catechisms. A Catechism containing the First Principles of our Religious and Social Duties ; by Armiriius Calvinus. Boston, S. Hall, 1795 The Assembly's Shorter Cat. : with a brief Explication, by I. Watts. 6th edition. Boston, 1748 New Catechism, compiled by the Worcester Assoc. of Ministers. 3d edition. Worcester, 1810 Catechesis Religionis Christianas Brevior HEBRAICE, versa per Gulielmum Seaman, M.D. Editio secunda per Timo. Alden. Phila., Gul. Fry excud. 1821 Minor Catechism, extracted from the Evangelical Primer; by Joseph Emerson. Providence, 1821 Scripture C. ; by a Clergyman of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1804 MARSHALL (W.) C. for Youth, [with] a Catechetical Explanation of sundry Terms belonging to Religion, //. 172, uncut. Phila., 1783 C. of Scripture Doctrine by W. R. Weeks. Albany, 1816 Smith (Ethan) Prophetic Catechism. Boston, 1839 Abstact (sic) of Sacred History, being the First Part of the Geneva Catechism, uncut. Boston, 1823. Ten (v. s.) in one vol., half blue morocco (Roxburghe}. 12 5876 Catechisms, etc. Channing (W. E.) Elements of Morality and Religion, in the form of a C. 7th ed. Boston, 1831 Sunday School Book, No. I. Portsmouth, 1835 [Ballou (A.)] Manual of Exercises for Opening and Closing a Sabbath School. Boston, 1836 Ballou (H.) Child's Catechism. Boston, 1821 Hudson (Chas.) Evidences of Divine Revelation ; in the form of a C. Boston, 1830 : and others. Seven in one vol., continuous MSS. paging, hf. bd. neat. 16 THE CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. 5877 A 1 Platform ] of | Church-Discipline | Gathered out of the | Word of God j | And Agreed upon | By the Elders and Messengers of the Churches | Assembled in the Synod At Cambridge in N. E. | To be presented to the Churches and General Court for their Consideration and Acceptance in the Lord, the 8th Month, Anno 1649. ! (6'//*r, quotations^) 6prel. leaves, pp. 33, (3), best grosgr. levant red morocco, sides filleted, center ornaments, back full gilt, ins. borders, g. e. (F. Bedford), UNCUT. 4 Cambridge: Printed by Marmaduke Johnson, 1671 The second American edition of the Cambridge Platform, VERY RARE in any condition, anrl of HIGHEST RARITY, UNCUT. The title is in facsimile, admirably executed. It would have passed the compiler of the Catalogue, as genuine, had it not been for Mr. Br nicy's penciled note.. The margins of two or three leaves have been skillfully mended and restored. MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 163 5878 A Platform of Church-Discipline, . . agreed upon by the . . Synod at Cambridge. . Anno 1649, //. (25), 64, unbound. sm. 8 Boston, Barth. Green 6- John Allen, 1701 " Reprinted for the First Church of Christ in Boston, pursuant to a Vote of that Church, Febr. loth, 1700-01." VERY RARE. A Platform of Church Discipline: etc. pp. xvi., 40, calf gilt, good copy, RARE. sm. 8 Boston, J. Allen, f or N. Boone, 1717 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. ** For Music engraved in, or bound with, early editions of the Psalms in Metre, see, under PSALMS and HYMNS, Brady and Tate's Version, Boston, 1713, 1755, 1762, 1763, 1771: New England Psalm Book, Boston, 1718, 1730; Barnard's Psalms, Boston, 1752; Watts's Psalms, 1767, 1772, 1781. 5880 GOSPEL MUSICK, or, The Singing of Davids Psalms, &c., In the publick Congregations, or private Families asserted, and vindicated ... By thy loving Brother, N. H. [Nathaniel Holme ?] D. D. M. M. S. Unto which is added, the ludgement of our worthy Brethren of New-England touching singing of Psalms, etc., pp. (2), 30, half morocco, mat, VERY SCARCE. sm. 4 London, for Henry Over ton, 1644 " The Preface to the New-England Psalms" is reprinted, pp. 25-30. 5881 WALTER (Rev. Thomas) of Roxbury. The sweet Psalmist of Israel. A Sermon Preach'd at the Lecture held in Boston, by the Society for promoting Regular & Good Singing, And for Reforming the Depravations and Debasements our Psalmody labours under, In order to Introduce the proper and true Old Way of SINGING. . .//. (8), 28, crimped olive morocco extra, filleted sides and insides, gilt tops, (Bedford?) UNCUT. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for T. Fleet, 1722 One of the RAREST tracts from James Franklin's press. It was unknown to Hood, who mentions Symmes's "Discourse concerning Prejudice" etc., printed the same year (see No. 5882), and [Mather's] "Pacificatory Letter" of Dec. 1723. Walter dedicated his Sermon to Paul Dudley, as, "with respect to its Publication, the First-Fruits of [his] Young Minister." 5882 SYMMES (Thomas) A Discourse concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion. Or, An Essay To shew the Nature, Causes, and Effects of such Prejudices : And also the Means of Prevent- ing, or Removing them, //. iv, 21, i, hf. cf., neat, VERY RARE. sm. 8 Boston, S. Kneeland, for S. Gerrish, 1722 " Though the words ' music ' and ' singing ' do not once occur in it, yet it was aimed at and, to use the words of the preface, 'partly occasioned by, a most unhappy and unreasonable controversy about Singing by Note}' 1 '' HOOD'S Hist, of Music in N. R., p. 1 13. It is dedicated to the Second Church in Newbury, " of which the Rev. Mr. John Tufts is Pastor." The Preface is dated, Bradford, Dec. 27, 1721. On the last leaf is an advertisement of books sold by Samuel Gerrish, including " A very plain and easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes," by Mr. Tufts, and " The Grounds and Rules of Musick explained," etc., by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Walter. (See Nos. 5885 and 5886.) 5883 SYMMES (Wm.) of Andover. The Duty and Advantages of sing- ing Praises unto God. A Discourse, at an Occasional Lecture in Andover, April 6, 1779, to promote and encourage the religious Art of Psalmody, pp. 241, uncut. 8 Danvers, E. Russell, 1779 5884 HOOD (Geo.) A History of Music in New England : with Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists. 12 Boston, 1846 14 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5885 [TUFTS (Rev. John) of NewburyJ] A very Plain and Easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes, //. 4, 12 (wants one or more leaves, at the end,) n. t. p., EXTREMELY RARE. long 12 Boston, J. F\ranklin\, for S. Gerrish, 1721 This is believed to be the FIRST Music BOOK printed in this country. Coffin in his Annals of Newbury (p. 185) says it was first published in 1714. Hood (Hist, of Music in N. E., p. 65) says, "about the year 1712;" but adds, that "having never seen this work, he is unable to give any account of it, or its contents," having gained his only knowledge of it "from its advertisement on the blank page of the Rev. Mr. Symmes's discourse 'Concerning Prejudice in Matters of Religion,'" which was published in 1722 (see, ante, No. 5882). The full title (or description) given in that advertisement, is : "A very plain and easy Introduction to the Art of Singing Psalm Tunes ; With the Cantus or Trebles of Twenty eight Psalm Tunes, contrived in such a manner as that the Learner may attain the Skill of Singing them with the greatest ease and Speed imaginable. By the Rev. Mr. John Tufts." On the same page is advertised " The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained," by the Rev. Thomas Walter (No. 5886). Both were "to be sold by Samuel Gerrish." This copy, though not quite complete, is in good condition, and retains half of its original marbled wrapper. The Introduction occupies four pages, with the imprint (as above) in colophon. The number of Tunes is sixteen. In printing them letters are used upon the staff instead of notes ; F, S, L, M, for Fa, Sol, La, Mi, (see Hood, p. 66.) The Cantus (Treble) only is given. There are no bars, except for marking the end of the lines and verses. 5886 WALTER (Thomas) The | Grounds and Rules | of | Musick | Explained : Or, | An Introduction to the Art of Singing | by Note, j Fitted to the meanest Capacities. | . . Recommended by several Ministers. | sheep, obi. 8 Boston, J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish, 1721 Title, i leaf; Recommendatory Preface, signed by Increase and Cotton Mather and 13 other Ministers, 3 pp. ; Explanation of Musical Characters, i p.; Instructions, etc., pp. 1-24 (wanting one leaf, f p. 7, 8); Rules for Tuning the Voice, i p.; Engraved Music, 15 pages. In this copy several additional tunes are scored, in manuscript. VERY RARE. "The First music printed with bars, in America." Hood, p. 77. " The tunes are composed in three parts only ; and are made up of half and whole notes. . The harmony is full, rich, and correct, and the whole style, purely choral." Hood had not seen this (first) edition, nor the edition of 1746, but took his title of the work from that of 1760-63, printed by B. Mecom. 5887 The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained : etc. Another edition, pp. (4), 25, and engraved music, 12 pages, wanting probably the last two leaves, hf. green morocco. long 8 Boston, for Samuel Gerrish, 1746 A much used copy which has been mended, and protected at the margins. This edition is scarcely less rare than the first. The music was, probably, engraved by Thos. Johnston. 5888 The Grounds and Rules of Music Explained : pp. (2), iv, 25, and 19 //. of engraved Music, polished calf extra (Bedford}. long 8 Boston, Benj. Mecom, for Thos. Johnston, n. d. [1760-63 ?] A BEAUTIFUL COPY, nearly UNCUT, and, in this condition, VERY RARE. Engraved by Thomas Johnston. 5889 LYON (James) A. B. Urania. Or, a choice collection of Psalm- Tunes, Anthems, and Hymns, from the most approv'd authors, with some entirely new : In two, three, and four parts : . . to which are prefix'd the plainest and most necessary Rules of Psalmody: pp. (6), xii, 198, handsomely engraved throughout, by Henry Dawkins, half sheep, FINE COPY, RARE. long 8 {Philadelphia} 1761, " This book was much larger than any previous work that had been published in the colonies. Report says that it ruined the publisher." HOOD'S Hist, of Music, 159. 5890 A Collection of Psalm Tunes, with a few Anthems and Hymns, Some of them Entirely New, for the Use of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia, 1763. Title engraved, i leaf; Dedication to " the Rev. Mr. Richard Peters, MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 165 Rector" etc., 2 pp. j Short Introduction to the Art of Psalmody, pp. v.-ix. ; engraved Music (in 3 parts), pp. 22 ; used copy, names on title page, lower margin of preliminary leaves gnawed by mice, but neither text nor music injured. obi. 4 VERY RARE. By James Lyon, and engraved by H. Dawkins? 5891 [BAYLEY (Daniel) A New and complete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music.] Book I. Containing the Grounds and Rules of Musick explained, etc., pp. 24, [Book II] Engraved Music, pp. 36 : wants title. obi. 8 [Newbury-Port, 1768] The first edition was published in 1764: see Hood's Hist, of Music, 165. The Intro- duction to this edition is dated, May is, 1768. "The Grounds and Rudiments" are taken chictly from Thomas Walker: the tunes are, mostly, from Tans'ur's "Royal Melody." The Preface is dated, at Newbury-Port, May 15, 1768. The music (round notes) was engraved by J. W. Oilman (of Exeter) : see pp. 27, 94. 5892 BAYLEY (D.) The American Harmony: or Royal Melody Complete. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. containing, i. A New and correct Introduction to Grouuds of Musick. . n. A New and Complete Body of Church Musick, adapted to . . Psalms . . in. A New and Select Number of Hymns, Anthems, etc. . . In two, three, four, and five musical parts . . yth Edition. By WILLIAM TANS'UR, senior: //. (2), 8, Music engraved, pp. 96 The American Harmony, or Universal Psalmodist. Vol. II. containing, A choice and valuable Collection of Psalms and Hymn Tunes, etc. By A. WILLIAMS . . To which is added a Variety of favourite Hymn Tunes and Anthems, etc., pp. 4, Music, pp 9 88 (wants a few leaves at the end). Two vols. in one, old sheep, good copy, VERY RARE. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1771 Bayley's Preface to Vol. II. is dated Tan. 5, 1771. Mr. Hood knew no edition earlier than that of 1774 (which was Bayley's third edition). 5893 The same. Vol. I. pp (6), 10; Practical Scale (engraved) 2 pp. ; Music, pp. 96 : Vol. II., //. (4), 36. Preface to Vol. II., dated, Jan. 5, 1773. 2 vols. in one, complete, good copy. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1773 Vol. I. " The Eighth Edition, with Additions." (New York and Plymouth, p. 96, are among the additions, and are not named in the Alphabetical Table.) 5894 BAYLEY (D.) The Essex Harmony, or Musical Miscellany. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, by the Author and Son, 1785 Title, Preface, Grounds and Rules of Music, and Table of Tunes, 8 //.; Engraved Music, pp. 40. Contains 40 tunes (in four parts). The Preface is dated, Newbury-Port, Dec. 18, 1784. The first edition of The Essex Harmony was " Printed and sold by the Author, and sold also by most Booksellers in Boston, 1770," in sm. octavo, engraved Title, Introduc- tion, and 22 pages of Music, of a size suitable for binding up with Brady and Tate's and other versions of the Psalms. See, under PSALMS AND HYMNS, Brady and Tate, Boston, 1770, 1771. 5895 STICKNEY (John) The Gentleman and Lady's Musical Com- panion. Containing, A Variety of Excellent Anthems, Psalm Tunes, &c. Collected from the best Authors ; with a short explan- ation of the Rules, etc., pp. 9, (2), engraved Music (in four parts}, pp. 212, sheep. obi. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, 1774 The initials of the engraver, John W. Oilman, of Exeter (" J. W. G. sc." and " I. W. G. sc."), are at the foot of pages 64, 128, 134, etc. 5896 The same, a later edition, pp. (8), 212, old boards, good copy. 8 Newbury-Port, Daniel Bay ley, n. d. l66 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. I776-I82O. 5897 ALBEE (Amos) The Norfolk Collection of Sacred Harmony, pp. 48. long 8 Dedham, H. Mann, 1805 5898 BABCOCK (Samuel) The Middlesex Harmony : being an Original Composition of Sacred Music, in Three and Four Parts, etc. Second Edition, with large Additions, //. vi, no. obi, 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1803 "At the request of a number of gentlemen of that Fraternity, [the Author] has published, at the end of this Work the MASON SONG [Words by the Rev. Mr. Harris], which was composed by their particular desire, and for their use." Preface (dated, Watertown, Jan. 25, 1803). 5899 BELCHER (S.) of Farmington, Me. The Harmony of Maine : An Original Composition of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, etc., pp. 104, boards. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1794 5900 BELKNAP (Daniel) The Evangelical Harmony. Containing a great Variety of Airs, suitable for Divine Worship, besides a Number of Favorite Pieces of Music, etc., pp. 80. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1800 Preface, Framingham, Aug. 1800. 5901 BENHAM (Asahel) Federal Harmony; containing, in a Familiar Manner, The Rudiments of Psalmody ; with a Collection of Church Music. (Most of which ase entirely new.) pp. 12, engraved music, pp. 36, wants some leaves at end, water-stained. New Haven, A. Morse, 1790 The same. Second Edition,//. 14, music, pp. 15-58, original boards. New Haven, A. Morse, 1792 The same. Sixth edition, pp. 16, engraved music, pp. 15-58, original boards. Middletown, M. If. Woodward, n. d. (3 vols.) obi. 8 5902 BENJAMIN (Jona.) Harmonia Ccelestia: a Collection of Church Music, in two, three, and four parts : . . The Tunes correctly figured for the Organ and Harpsicord, etc., pp. 72, (2 copies, one wanting a leaf.) 8 Northampton, A. Wright; for O. D. & I. Cooke, Hartford, 1799 5903 BILLINGS (Wm.) The Singing Master's Assistant, or Key to Practical Music. Being An Abridgement from the New-England Psalm-Singer; together with several other Tunes, never before published, pp. 32 ; Music, pp. 1 04 (engraved by Benj. Pierpont, Jun., Roxbury, 1778,) smooth calf extra, yellow edges (F. Bedford), RARE. obi. 8 Boston, Draper 6 Folsom, 1778 5904 The same. Third Edition, pp. 32, and Music, 104, old sheep, very neat, good copy. obi. 8 Boston, Draper and Folsom, 1781. The (manuscript) score of "Trumpet" ("Hark how the Gospel Trumpet sounds") is added, on a guard leaf. 5905 BLANCHARD (Amos) The Newburyport Collection of Sacred European Music, engraved frontispiece, pp. 152, 7, bds. long 8 Exeter, Ranlet & Norris, 1807 Preface dated, Newburyport, May 28th, 1807. MUSIC AND PSALMODY. l6/ 5906 BLANCHARD (Amos) The American Musical Primer, pp. 80, Ids. long 8 Exeter, Norris 6* Sawyer, April, 1808 5907 BROWN (Bartholomew) and others. Columbian and European Harmony: or, Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Music. Second Edition, improved, //. vi, 9-168, (wants one leaf of introduction ?) boards, broken. long 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, Feb. 1804 Preface dated, Bridgewater, Dec. 16, 1802. 5908 BROWNSON (Oliver) Select Harmony, Containing the Necessary Rules of Psalmody, . . with a Collection of approved Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, engraved title, pp. 8, Music (I. Sanford, sculp. X 7 8 3>) // 8 4 V- shee P, FINE COPY - obl - 8 J 7 8 3 An important, and a VERY SCARCE volume. Brownson has given the names of the composers of most of the American tunes included in his Selection. 5909 BULL (Amos) The Responsary; containing A Collection of Church Music, set with Second Trebles instead of Counters, And peculiarly adapted to the use of the New-England Churches, pp. 100, boards, fresh copy. obi. 8 Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1795 5910 The same, another copy, boards. 5911 DYER (Samuel) A New Selection of Sacred Music, //. 94, bds. long 8 Baltimore, for the Author, [1827] 5912 The Federal Harmony; in Three Parts ... Compiled for the Use of Schools and Singing Societies, //. 18, music engraved, pp. 19-114, boards, used copy. obi. 8 Boston, John Norman, 1790 The Advertisement by the Compiler (p. 17), is dated, Boston, Oct. 28, 1790. Hood (Hist, of Music, 175) notes an edition of 1788. 5913 The First Church Collection of Sacred Musick. Second Edition, //. 136, bds., fresh copy. long cj Boston, Thomas 6- Andrews, for the First Church Singers, n. d. \Sept. 1806] 5914 FRENCH (Jacob) Musico Theorico. Harmony of Harmony. In Five Parts, pp. xii, 9-152. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1802 5915 A Gamut, or Scale of Music. To which is added, Blank Lines for favorite Music, pp. 32, (12), several tunes in manuscript. long 1 6 Hartford, O. D. Cooke, 1805 5916 GRAM (Hans) Sacred Lines for Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 7, 1793. Written and set to Music by Hans Gram, Organist to Brattle Street Church, in Boston. To which are added several Psalm Tunes, //. 16, uncut, RARE. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1793 5917 GRISWOLD (Elijah) and SKINNER (Thomas) Connecticut Harmony: Containing a Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems and Favorite Pieces, many of which were never before Published . . Added, Concise Rules of Singing, //. 62, engraved throughout (by J. Allen}, with blank staffs on the last six leaves, for additions. (2 copies.) sm. obi. 8 n. p., n. d. [ab. 1800] 5918 HARMON (Joel) Musical Primer, containing a concise Intro- duction to Music, and a Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, //. 72, bds. Harrisburg, n. d. 1 68 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5919 HILL (Uri K.) Solfeggio Americano. A System of Singing for the American Conservatorio, with a Variety of Psalmody, etc., pp. 96, engraved throughout (120 Tunes), boards, fresh copy. obi. 12 \New York,] Sold by R. Meetz, & Tiebout 6- Sons, [1820] " The names of persons given to original tunes inserted here, are merely complimentary to the Rev. Patrons and the Fellows of the American Conservatorio, and not intended as the price of their approbation." Advertisement. 5920 The same, another copy, clean and fresh, boards. 5921 HOLDEN (Oliver) The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music. 2 vols. in one, pp. 120, 176, printed typographically, sheep, good copy. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1793 5922 HOLYOKE (Samuel) Harmonia Americana . . A concise Intro- duction . . with a Variety of Airs, suitable for Divine Worship, and the use of Musical Societies. In three and four parts;//. 120, bds., nice copy. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas 6 E. T. Andrews, 1791 5923 Harmonia Americana, wants pp. 113-120. Boston, 1791 PALFRAY (Warwick) The Evangelical Psalmodist, //. 56. Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1802 BELKNAP (Dan'l), of Framingham. The Harmonist's Companion .. Airs suitable for Divine Worship; together with An Anthem for Easter, and a Masonic Ode, never before published, //. 32. Boston, 1797. 3 in one vol., bds. obi. 8 1791-1802 5924 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Columbian Repository of Sacred Harmony. Selected from European and American Authors, with many new Tunes not before published. Including the whole of Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns, to each of which a Tune is adapted, etc., pp. xxiv, 471, printed typographically, boards. obi. 4 Exeter, N. H., Henry Ranlet, n. d. [ab. 1805 ?] 5925 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Christian Harmonist: containing a Set of Tunes adapted to all the Metres in Mr. Rippon's Selection, in the Collection of Mr. Joshua Smith, and in Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, etc. . . Designed for the use of Baptist Churches in the U. States, //. 199, clean, uncut, in the original covers. obi. 4? Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1804 5926 HOLYOKE (Samuel) The Vocal Companion, etc., pp. 176, bds. long 8 Exeter, Norris 6* Sawyer, 1807 5927 HOWE (Sol.) The Worshipper's Assistant, etc., pp. 32, printed typographically. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1799 5928 HOWE (Solomon) A. M. The Farmer's Evening Entertainment, pp. 32. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1804 Preface dated, Greenwich, Mass., April, 1804. 5929 INGALLS (Jerem.) The Christian Harmony; or, Songster's Company, //. 200, bds. long 8 Exeter, N. H., H. Ranlet, 1805 Preface dated, Newbury, Vt., Nov. 1804. 5930 JENKS (Stephen) Laus Deo. The New-England Harmonist : containing . . Rules of Music ; with a number of Tunes . . most of which were never before published, //. 8, 17-24, Music, engraved by A. Doolittle, 1800, //. 25-64, nice copy. obi. 8 Danbury, Douglas 6 Nichols, n. d. [1800] The Preface is dated, Ridgfield, 24 Sept. 1799. MUSIC AND PSALMOHV. 169 5931 JENKS (S.) The Royal Harmony of Zion Complete, etc., pp. 40. long 8 Dedham, H. Mann, for the Author, 1810 :.icc ihitnl, I'l.iititu-Ul. Conn., Feb. l8lo. 5932 JOCELIN (Simeon) and DOOLITTLE (Amos) The Chorister's Companion : or Church Music Revised, etc. . . With A Collection of approved Hymns and Anthems, many of which were never before Printed, Engraved title, pp. 20, music (engraved by A. Doolittle) pp. 64. New Haven, Simeon Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, n. d. [1783] The same, Part Third, Containing A Collection of Hymns and Anthems, etc. //. 16, 32. N. Haven, T. d? S. Green, for S. Jocelin and Amos Doolittle, n. d. [1783] 3 in one vol. pbl. 8 New Haven, 1783 Mr. Hood (Hist, of Music, 174) assigns to this collection the date of 1788. The second tition was published that year. This copy has on the title, " Alexander Gillet's book, 1783." The preface is dated, Dec. 16, 1782. It was advertised, as just published, in the Conn. edition Gazette, Feb. 21, 1783. 5933 JOCELIN (S.) A Collection of Favorite Psalm Tunes, From late and approved British Authors : Never before printed in America, pp. 1 6, . n. (two leaves wormed}, engraved by A. Doolittle. obi. 8 New Haven, for S. Jocelin, n. d. 5934 KIMBALL (Jacob) Jun. of Topsfield, Mass. The Rural Harmony, pp. xvi, 17-112, bds. long 8 Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1793 oooo LAW (Rev. Andrew) of Cheshire, Conn. A Select Number of Plain Tunes adapted to Congregational Worship. By Andrew Law, A.B. Joel Allen sculpsit. (about 1775.) See, under PSALMS and HYMNS, Watts, (Boston, 1767, 1772) Nos. 6048, 6050. This, which was Law's first published work, was not known to Hood. 5935 LAW (Andrew) A Collection of Hymn Tunes from the most modern and Approved Authors. By Andrew Law, A.M. Printed by Wm. Law, Cheshire. Engraved title (y. Allen, sc.) 36 pp. music, handsomely engraved (by Daniel Hopkins); and A Collection of Hymns, for Social Worship. By Andrew Law, //. 48 ; fine clean copy, in the original cover, nearly uncut. 8 [Cheshire, Conn., 1782] The Collection of Tunes was printed in 1781, and the General Assembly of Connecticut, in October, granted Mr. Law the exclusive privilege of publication and sale for five years. The Collection of Hymns was printed, separately, in 1782. This copy has the autograph of " J. Millet, Prisonnier a Hartford le 5 Avril, 1'an 1801." 5936 The same, sheep, good copy (with a MS. Index). 5937 The same, n. t. p., fine unused copy, in the original wrapper, uncut. [8 Cheshire, Wm. Law, 1782] 5938 LAW (Andrew) The Rudiments of Music : or A Short and Easy Treads (sic) on the Rules of Psalmody. To which are annexed A Number of Plain Tunes and Chants, pp. 8, music (Daniel Hopkins sculpt) pp. 12, 48, orig. wrapper, uncut, good copy. obi. 8 n. p. {Cheshire, Conn.] 1783 5939 LAW (Andrew) The Musical Magazine containing a Variety of Favorite Pieces. A Periodical Publication. Number First, Title, and 1 6 //. engraved music (three pieces, Philadelphia, Boston, and Baltimore,) clean, uncut. Cheshire, Wm. Law, 1792 - The same; Number Sixth,//. 2 10-2 2 4, printed typographically, n. p., Nov. 1 80 1. (2 pamphlets?) obi. 8 22 I/O MUSIC AND PSALMODY. 5940 LAW (Andrew) The Art of Singing ; in Three Parts . . i. The Musical Primer: n. The Christian Harmony: in. The Musical Magazine; pp. 24; engraved music, pp. 25-208; (The Musical Magazine: Number Sixth,)//. 209-224, bds. long 8 Cheshire, Conn. 1800, 1801 " The divisions of this work were firstly published in detached parts. They have been since collected, and, . are, in this edition, calculated to form a consistent whole." Adver- tisement, 5941 LAW (Andrew) The Art of Singing ; in Three Parts ; to wit, I. The Musical Primer : n. The Christian Harmony : in. The Musical Magazine . . . [Part First.] The Musical Primer ; Cam- bridge, W. Hilliard, 1803 Part Third. The Musical Magazine . . Fourth Edition, with additions and improvements. Printed upon a new plan. No. i, pp. 96. Boston, E. Lincoln, 1805. 2 vols., hf. bd., nice copies. obi. 8 " This book exhibits a New Plan of printing Music. Four kinds of characters are used ; and are situated between the single bars that divide the time, in the same manner as if they were on lines and spaces ; . . and every purpose is effected without the assistance of lines. . . The diamond, has the name of ml; the square, of fa-w; the round of sol; and the quarter of a diamond, of law." Advertisement, p. 5. 5942 The Art of Singing. . Part First. The Musical Primer; etc., pp. 96, hf. bd. (2 copies.) obi. 8 Cambridge, W. Hilliard, 1803 5943 - - The Musical Primer : containing the Rules of Psalmody, newly revised and improved, etc. Third Edition ; printed upon the Author's New Plan ; [with the] Supplement to the Musical Primer; pp. 64 Harmonic Companion, and Guide to Social Worship : being a Choice Selection of Tunes, etc., //. 120 (copyrighted, 1807). Phila., R. & W. Carr. n. d. The Art of Singing, in Three Parts. 5th edition. Part Third : The Musical Magazine, //. 128. 3 in one vol., clean fine copy, hfi bd. obi. 8 Philadelphia, Anderson 6 Meehan, n. d. [1811] 5944 LAW (Andrew) Harmonic Companion, and Guide to Social Worship : . . Printed upon the Author's new plan,//. 112, bds., clean. obi. 8 Philadelphia, Press of T. T. Stiles, [1807] 5945 LAW (Andrew) Select Harmony. Containing . . the Rules of Singing . . With a Choice Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Printed upon the Author's New Plan, with lines and spaces,//. 64, clean, in original paper cover. obi. 8 Philadelphia, R. 6- W. Carr, n. d. 5946 LEE (Thomas) Jun. Sacred Harmony, //. 116, engraved throughout. long 12 n. p., n. d. " The Tunes contained in this Collection are principally American compositions, and were never before published." Advertisement. Some of the Hymns are taken from Barlow's collection (first published in 1785). 5947 MANN (Elias) The Northampton Collection of Sacred Harmony, //. iv, 140, bds. long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1797 5948 The Massachusetts Harmony. Being a New Collection of Psalm Tunes, Fuges (sic) and Anthems, selected from the most Approved Authors . . By a Lover of Harmony, //. (6), engraved music, pp. 10-95, wanting one leaf, old leather binding, scarce. obi. 8 Boston, for John Norman, n. d. [1778-84?] See Hood's " History of Music in New England," p. 172.1 MUSIC AND PSALMODY. I /I 5949 MAXIM (Abraham) The Oriental Harmony; being an Original Composition. In Three Parts, //. viii, 9-56. obi. 8 Exeter, H. Ranlct, 1802 5950 The Middlesex Collection of Church Music : or, Ancient Imody Revived, etc., pp. 136, sheep, with name of " Eliph. J\iirson LL.D., Midd. Mus. Soc." in gilt panel, on cover. long 12 Boston, Manning 6- Loring, 1807 5951 OLMSTED (Timothy) The Musical Olio, //. in, boards (2 copies.) long 8 Northampton, A. Wright, 1805 5952 Another copy, bits. 5953 PALFRAY (Warwick) The Evangelical Psalmodist : an Original Work ; consisting of Plain Tunes, Fuges, and set Pieces, in three and four parts, //. 56, typographically printed, bds. clean. obi. 8 Salem, Joshua Gushing, 1802 5954 Plain Psalmody, or Supplementary Musick . . Consisting of Seventy Psalm and Hymn Tunes, and an Anthem, etc., pp. 72. obi. 8 Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, Nov., 1800 5955 READ (Daniel) The Columbian Harmonist. No. I. //. 40, all " engraved by A. Doolittle, 1 793." long 8 New Haven, for the Editor, [1793] 5956 The same. Third Edition, enlarged, pp. 112, bds. long 8 Boston, Manning 6- Loring, 1809 " Over some of the tunes are the initials of the Author by whom, or the publication in which, together with the date when, the tune was first published." 5957 SELBY (Wm.) Two Anthems, for Three and Four Voices. Composed . . by Wm. Selby, Professor of Music, in Boston, Title, and 8 leaves, n. n., engraved music. long 4 n. p., n. d. " To be Sold at the Author's House, in Boston." 5958 SHAW (Oliver) The Providence Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. In Two Parts, //. 128, bds. 8 Dedham, H. Mann 6- Co., 1815 5959 SWAN (Timothy) New England Harmony, //. 104, boards. obi. 8 Northampton, Mass., Andrew Wright, 1801 " Sold also at Suffield, Conn., by the Author." 5960 The Village Harmony : or, Youth's Assistant to Sacred Music, etc. Sixth Edition, corrected and improved, //. 206, boards, clean. obi. 8 Exeter, N. H., H. Ranlett, 1803 5961 WOOD (Abraham) Divine Songs, extracted from Mr. J. Hart's Hymns ; and set to Musick in three and four parts, //. 32, printed typographically, a corner torn from title. obi. 8 Boston, Isaiah Thomas &> Co., 1789 Preface dated, " Northborough, March, 1789." 5962 WOODRUFF (Merit N.) Devotional Harmony: a Posthumous Work of Merit N. Woodruff, late of Watertown, Conn., deceased. Published, by his Relations and Friends, under the Inspection of Asahel Benham. A short Narrative of the Life and Death of the Author, may be found in the Introduction, pp. 7, and Music (engraved}, pp. 9-60. long 8 n. p., n. d. [ab. 1800] RARE. The author, son of Mr. Isaac Woodruff of Watertown, was born in 1780, and died in 1 799. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5963 Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. First and Second Parts . . To which is now added, An Appendix, containing a Number of excellent Psalm Tunes, (several of which are entirely New) and other Pieces, etc. Third Edition, with large Additions, pp. 144. Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1791 The same. Fourth Edition, //. 152. Boston, 1792 The same. Seventh Edition, pp. 144. Boston, 1800 (3 vols.) obi. 8 1791-1800 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5964 (NEW ENGLAND PSALM-BOOK.) The Psalms, | Hymns, | and | Spiritual Songs of the | Old and New-Testament: Faith-|fully Translated into English Meeter, | For the Use, Edification, and Comfort | of the Saints in Publick and Private, j especially in New- England. . . | The Thirteenth Edition. | wants pp. 53-68, 75-94, and after 288, Forel (Bedford}, VERY RARE. sm. 12 Boston, B. Green, for Samuel Phillips, 1706 5965 The same. The Nineteenth Edition, pp. 376, with 12 pages of Music, very handsomely engraved on copper, bound at the end oj the volume; polished calf gilt, g. e. (Bedford}, an ELEGANT COPY. sm. 12 Boston, T. Crump, for S. Gerrish, 1718 This edition (printed the same year with Cotton Mather's "Psalterium Americanum") has an " Appendix " containing a second version of Isaiah xxvi., and Brady and Tate's Psalms LXXXII. and cxxxvn., " a Specimen taken out of [their] New Version of the Psalms," &c. 5966 The same, i3th Edition. London, for jfohn Osborn, 1719 The same, i8th Edition. London, for J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1741. Two vols. in one, dk. blue mor. extra, gilt back and edges, inside borders, elegant. sm. 12 5967 The same. 23d Edition, //. 346, and 10 pages of Music, neatly engraved, bound at the end of the volume, dark blue mor. extra, gilt back and edges, elegant. 12 Boston, for D. Henchman, 1730 On pp. 338-346, under the head, " The Tunes of the Psalms," are "Some few Direc- tions for ordering the Voice in setting these following Tunes of the Psalms," and the music (the cantus only) of twelve tunes, cut on wood or type-metal. The engraved Tunes, in three parts, are probably Tuft's Collection, printed to be bound up with the Psalm Book. The initials, F, S, L, M, (Fa, Sol, La, Mi,) are used on the staff instead of notes. 5968 - - The same. 25th Edition, pp. 346, dk. blue morocco extra, gilt back and edges, elegant. 12 Printed for D. Henchman and Thos. Hancock, in Boston, 1742 5969 The same. 27th Edition, //. 334, large copy, clean and fine, sheep. 12 Boston, F. and y. Fleet, 1762 5970 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, etc. . . . Being the New England Psalm-Book Revised and Improved [by THOMAS PRINCE,] with the addition of fifty other Hymns, old red mor., g. e. Boston, D. Henchman and S. Kneeland, 1758 This volume was bound by Andrew Barclay, Cornhill, Boston, as the style and tooling show. The same. (Prince's revision,) 2d edition, wants pp. 3-22, old paneled calf. Boston, 1773. (2 vols.) 12 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 173 5971 (BRADY and TATE.) A New Version | of the | Psalms | of ] David, j Fitted to the Tunes Used in Churches. | By | N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in | Ordinary, & N. Tate, Esq ; | Poet-Laureat, to Her Majesty. | London: Printed in the Year, 1704. | At the end of the Psalms, The Usual Hymns, &c. To the Proper Tunes, pp. 270, wanting one or two leaves at the end, dk. blue morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges (Bedford), VERY RARE. sm. 12 Boston: repr. by J. Allen, for Nich. Boone, 1713 Nine tunes (pp. 267-70) engraved on wood or type-metal. Hood, Hist, of Music in N. E., p. 156, mentions "an edition of Tate- and Brady's Book of Psalms published in the Colonies, not far 1741." He had not seen this FIRST AMERICAN edition of 1713, the Boston editions of 1720 and 1737, or the Philadelphia edition, printed by Franklin in 1733. 5972 BRADY and TATE. A Supplement to the New Version of Psalms, by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate ; containing the Psalms in Particular Measures ; the usual Hymns, . . and Tunes (Treble and Bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. The Tenth Edition, corrected. With the Addition of Plain Instructions . . in Psalmody; near Thirty New Tunes, etc. The whole being a Compleat Psalmody, An Introduction &C., pp. xx, A Supplement &c., pp. 47, Tables, 16 //., n. n. sm. 12 London, A. Pearson, for R. Ware, n. d. This Supplement was first published in 1703. (Its use was authorized in England by Order in Council, July 30, 1703.) The music is printed from metal types, with diamond-shaped notes. 5973 Brady and Tate. A New Version of the Psalms, etc., original sheep, wants leaves after pp. 262. sm. 12 Boston, repr., J. Allen for B. Elliot, 1720 The same. Another edition, pp. 288, old sheep, good copy. 12 London, for the Stationers' Company, 1728 The same, another edition, wants pp. 5-8, old calf. wide 12 Boston, J. Draper, for J. Edwards, 1737 (3 vols.) 1720-37 5974 The same. (With "an Alphabetical Table shewing where to find each Psalm," on two leaves, one imperfect}, pp. 286, old sheep, worn copy. 12 Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, at the New Printing Office, near the Market, etc., 1733 Not a very good copy, but the best that Mr. Brinley had been able to find, of a very EARLY and a VERY RARE Franklin imprint. The edition was not known to Hood, and is not in Haven's Catalogue of Ante-Revolutionary Publications. JB 5975 The same: with Appendix containing a Number (30) of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts's Collection, pp. 344. 1 6 Boston, y. Draper, for J. Edwards, 1754 5976 The same: with Appendix containing a Number (76) of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts's Scriptural Collection, pp. 376 : and, at the end, 16 pages of 'Music, neatly " engraved, printed, and sold by Thomas Johnston, Brattle Street, Boston, 1755 ; " old red morocco gilt, g. e. [by Andrew Barclay], a fine copy. 12 Boston, B. Edes and J. Gill, for J. Winter, 1755 5977 - - The same: with 14 pages of Music, "engraved, printed and sold by Thomas Johnston, Boston, Aug. 1762," wants pp. 1-22 of the Psalms. 12 Boston, D. &> J. Kneeland, 1762 The music is in three parts, and is engraved on Mr. Tufts's plan, the initial letters F, S, L, and M, (for fa, sol, la, mi,) being used on the staff instead of proper musical notes. 174 PSALMS AND HYMNS. The same edition : with 16 pages Music engraved by T. Johnston, 1755 ; old red morocco, worn. 12 Boston, D. 6- J. Kneeland, for T. Leverett, 1762 (2 vols.) 5978 The same: title imperfect. Green and Russell, 1757 The same: with Hymns; //. 276, 84; and with 22 pages Music (T. Johnston, 1755), old calf, gilt. D. and J. Kneeland, 1763 The same (with the Hymns): wants leaves at the end, after p. 84. D. Kneeland for J. Eliot, at the Tree of Liberty, 1766. (3 vols.) 12 Boston, 1757-66 5979 The same; with the Hymns. W. McAlpine, 1767 The same: with the Hymns (1771). J. Boyles, 1770 The same: with the Collection of Hymns, old sheep. Mein and Fleeming, n. d. (3 vols.) 1 6 and 12 Boston, v. y. 5980 The same (Psalms only), nice fresh copy. high 12 London, Mary Harrison, 1770 5981 The same : with THE ESSEX HARMONY, by Daniel Bailey, 1770, RARE. 12 Boston, John Boyles, 1771 " The Essex Harmony containing a new and concise Introduction to Musick, to which is added a . . Collection of Psalm Tunes . . composed in Three and Four parts ; carefully set in Score by Daniel Bailey Philo Musico. Newbury Port, Printed and sold by The Author; Sold also by most Booksellers in Boston, 1770." Engraved Title, and Index, and 22 pp. of Music (round notes), wanting one leaf. 5982 The same : with Bay ley's Essex Harmony (wanting one leaf) engraved, 1771. 12 Boston, A. Barclay, 1771 This edition of the Essex Harmony was re-engraved throughout, with a different arrangement of the Tunes. 5983 The same. Boston, E. Russell, 1771 : J. Fleeming, 1771 : A. Barclay, 1773 : Mills 6* Hicks, 1773 : J. Perkins, 1773 : J. Boyles, 1773, Hymns imperfect: A. Ellison, 1773, with engraved tunes. (7 vols.) 12 Boston, 1771-3 5984 The same, with Hymns, pp. 416. For T. Leverett, 1774 The same, pp. 414, not quite perfect. Henry Knox, 1774. (2 vols.) 12 Boston, 1774 5985 The same : with Hymns. First Worcester Edition, pp. 358, fine clean copy. 12 Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, 1788 " Hymns for Public Worship. Part II. For the use of the Church in Brattle Street" (Boston, 1808), are bound in. 5986 The same edition. Another copy. 12 5987 The same ; with Hymns, clean. Samuel Hall, 1791: The same; S. Etheridge, 1795. (2 vols.) 12 Boston. 5988 ALLINE (H.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, pp. 281, clean fresh copy, sheep. 12 Stonington-port, Conn., S. Trumbull, 1802 5989 (BARNARD'S Psalms.) A New Version of the Psalms of David ; Fitted to the Tunes used in the Churches : With several Hymns out of the Old, and New, Testament. By John Barnard, Pastor of a Church in Marblehead, pp. (4), 278, i : at the end, Rules to learn to Sing, and Tunes, pp. 1-14, (wanting^. 10), handsomely "engraved and printed by James Turner, near the Town House, Boston, 1752." 12 Boston, J. Draper, for T. Leverett, 1752 A sound but not entirely perfect copy of a VERY SCARCE book ; some blank pages of the music defaced by scribblings. The music wants one page, and perhaps two more at the end. The Psalms want (pp. 45-60) eight leaves. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 175 5990 BELKNAP (Jeremy) Sacred Poetry, consisting of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to Christian Devotion, in Public and Private. Selected from the best Authors, with variations and additions, pp. vi, 344, old mor. gilt, g. e. 12 Boston, Apollo Press, 1795 5991 3d edition. 12 Boston, for Thomas 6* Andrews, 1801 5992 4th edition. 12 Boston, Thomas 6" Andrews, 1804 5993 A new edition, with Additional Hymns. sm. 12 Boston, 1812 " The Hymns, from the 3ooth to the end, are added in this Edition, and have been selected by the successor of the Author." 5994 - - New edition, fine copy, red mor. gilt. 24 Boston, 1818 5995 ~ ~ New edition, sheep gilt. sm. 12 Boston, 1820 5996 BENSON (Joseph) Hymns for Children and Young Persons, ist Am. edition, hf. bd. sm. 16 New York, for the Meth. Episc. Church, 1822 5997 COLLIER (Wm.) A New Selection of Hymns, as a Supplement to Dr. Watts, sheep. 12 Boston, 1812 5998 DOBELL (John) A New Selection of Evangelical Hymns, autograph presentation by Lowell Mason, 1815. 12 Morris-Town, P. A. Johnson, 1810 5999 DOBELL (J.) New Selection of Seven Hundred Evangelical Hymns, intended as a Supplement to Watts' Psalms and Hymns, sheep, nice copy. 12 Morristown, N. J., 1815 6000 DUTCH (REFORMED) Church. The | Psalms | of David, | with | The Ten Commandments, | Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. | in Meter \with the music]. \ Also, The Catechism, Confession of Faith, | Liturgy, &c. Translated from the Dutch. | For the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, | clean copy, old red calf, gilt, red edges, SCARCE. 8 New York, James Parker, 1767 6001 The same ; with Hymns and Spiritual Songs, also the Heidelbergh Catechism, etc. 12 Neiv York, G. Forman, 1796 6002 Psalms and Hymns with Catechism, Confession of Faith, and Liturgy, etc., of the Reformed Dutch Church in America . . Selected . . by John H. Livingston, D.D., sheep, nice copy. sm. 12 Philadelphia, 1829 6003 ELLIOT (Elder Geo.) A Collection of Divine Hymns from various Authors, by Elder George Elliot, Pastor of the Free Baptist Church in Canajoharry, State of New York, pp. 145 (wants 139-42). 32 Sangerfield, N. Y., J. Tenny, 1814 6004 ERSKINE (Ralph) Gospel Sonnets, or Spiritual Songs. 6th edition, old calf The same : 7th edition (stained} A Paraphrase, or Large Applicatory Poem upon the Song of Solomon, used copy. (3 vols.) 12 Boston, 1742, 1743 6005 GODDARD (Josiah) A New and Beautiful Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, worn and soiled, pp. 396, (10), scarce. sm. 12 Walpole, N. H., Thomas 6- Thomas, 1801 Mr. Goddard's Preface is dated, Conway, Oct. 10, 1801. 6006 HART (J.) Hymns, &c., 3d edition with a large Supplement, //. 226, sheep, nice fresh copy. 12 London: repr. Worcester, 1782 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6007 The same : with the Author's Experience, the Supplement, and Appendix. i5th edition, pp. 231, (3). 16 Elizabeth-Town, S. Kollock, 1799 The Preface (with the Account of the Author's experience) is dated April, 1759. 6008 HARTFORD Collection of Hymns, compiled by Nathan Strong, Abel Flint, and Jos. Steward, first leaf of Hymns wanting, otherwise a good copy. Hartford, J. Babcock, 1799 The same, 2d edition. Hartford, for O. D. Cooke, 1802 The same, 6th edition. Hartford, 1818. (3 vols.) 24 6009 HASTINGS (T.) and PATTON (W.) The Christian Psalmist, or Watts Psalms and Hymns, with . . others. 32 The same. 24 (2 vols.) New York, 1836 6010 HOWE (Solomon) Divine Hymns on the Sufferings of Christ. Greenwich, Mass., J. Howe, 1805 Smith (Joshua) and Sleeper (S.) Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs. Portland, 1803 Hurlbutt (S.) Hymns on . . the Religion of Jesus Christ. Danville, Eb. Eaton, 1820 Willard (S.) Hymns, . . with Musical Directions, pp. 132, {Music, pp. 1 2 1-8.) Greenfield, Mass. [1824]. Four in i vol., new half blue mor. (Roxburghe]. 12 60 1 1 LATHROP (Reuel) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, composed on various Subjects, in a plain style. With the Author's Experience. By Reuel Lathrop, a Reformed Sinner, pp. 120, sheep, scarce. 16 Concord, N. H., 1814 The First Part of the " Experience of R. L." is in Common Metre: the Second and Third Parts, in Long Metre. 6012 Lieder-Samlung (Erbauliche) zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evang. Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord- Amerika. Erste Auflage. pp. (14), 592, (8), old sheep, very scarce. 12 Germantown, Leibert 6 Billmayer, 1786 Water-stained and soiled by use. At the end is bound: Kurze Andachten, einer Gottsuchenden Sele, auf alle Tage der Woche, etc. ite Auflage. Germantown, 1786. A rare imprint. The printers are not mentioned by Thomas. 6013 Lieder-Sammlung (Erbauliche) zum Gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch in den Vereinigten Evang. Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsyl- vanien. Vierte Auflage, brass clasps. 12 Germantown, Michael Billmayer, 1811 Bound with it: Kurze Andachten, &c., pp. 26. 5te Auflage. Germantown, M. Billmayer, 1812. 6014 Marburger Gottseligkeit, Gesangen Hrn. D. Martin Luthers, | und andrer Gottseliger Lehrer, | u. s. w. Mit . . | Morgen- Abend- Buss- Beicht- und | Communion-Gebatlein vermehret. | woodcut of Luther, Title, and 5 prel. leaves pp. 490, (15), Der kleine Catechismus Lutheri, //. 13, RARE. 12 Germantown, Christoph Saur, 1770 6015 The same: Funfte und vermehrte Auflage. Germantown, C. Saur, 1777 " Fifth edition, printed by the second Chr. Sower, the same year that his establishment was broken up by the battle of Germantown." G. B. This edition adds the " Evangelia und Episteln auf alle Sonntage" (pp. 56). 6016 MERRICK (James) The Psalms, translated or paraphrased in English Verse, 2d edition. Reading \-Eng.~], 1766 (Vollstandiges) | Gesang-Buch, | Zur | Uebung der in 649 Christlichen und Trostreichen Psalmen und PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1/7 6017 (Methodist) Pocket Hynm-Book, designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious. Collected from Various Authors. i2th edition, //. 276, (10), sheep, good copy, SCARCE. sm. 12 New York, Wm. Durell, 1791 6018 - - The same. 22d edition. Phila., 1798 The same. 46th ed. N. York, 1819. (2 copies.) (3 vols.) 24 6019 A Collection of Hymns adapted to the use of the M. E. ( hurch, including the whole collection of the Rev. John Wesley . . Condensed on a new plan, //. 230, 8 pages of Music. The Doctrines and Discipline of the M. E. Church, //. 62. In one vol., Hue mor. gilt. 32 N. York, 1830, 1831 6020 NETTLETON (A.) Village Hymns, designed as a Supplement to Watts' Psalms and Hymns; 5th ed., used copy. 32 Boston, 1826 6021 NEWTON (John) Olney Hymns, good copy. 12 Phila., 1791 6022 OCCOM (SAMSON) a Mohegan Indian. A Choice | Collection | of | Hymns and | Spiritual Songs ; | Intended for the Edification | of sincere Christians, of all | Denominations. \pp. 119, large fine copy, nearly uncut, the last leaf repaired, with a few lines in excellent facsimile, blue morocco, full gilt back, filleted sides, and inside borders, g. e. (F. Bedford). 12 New London, Timo. Green, 1774 The first edition of Occom's Collection, VERY SCARCE ; and, in such fine condition, EXTREMELY RARE. 6023 OCCOM (SAMSON) A choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, etc. The Second Edition, //. 112, fine copy, blue mor., full gilt back, g. e. (F. Bedford). 16 New London, Timo. Green, 1785 6024 The same, The Third Edition, with additions, pp. 112, blue mor. (to match the preceding), g. e. (F. Bedford). 1 6 New London, Timo. Green, 1785 6025 PARKINSON (W.) A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, designed as an Appendix to Dr. Watts. 3d edition, worn. 16 New York, for J. Tiebout, n. d. [1817] 6026 PRINDLE (C.) Collection of Hymns for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection ; new edition. 24 New York, 1848 6027 Psalms (The Whole Book of) in Metre ; with Hymns suited to the Feasts and Fasts of the [Prot. Episc.] Church, and other Occasions, //. (2), 226, (2), wants two or three leaves, and a portion of pp. 73-76; a scarce edition. 12 Wilmington, P. Brynberg, n. d. 6028 The same, //. 230, (2), good copy. 8 New York, Alex. Ming, 1805 6029 Psalms of David in Metre. According to the Version used in the Church of Scotland. Reynold's 2d Edition, sheep, neat. 32 Salem, N. ?.,'?. P. Reynolds, 1815 6030 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs ; selected and original. Designed for the use of the Church Universal. (2 copies.) 12 Boston, Thomas 6- Andrews, 1792 " A revision of Kelly's Hymns, and a selection of other composition," by Geo. Richard and O. W. Lane, a committee of the First Universal Church (Rev. John Murray's) in Boston. 22 178 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6031 Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: selected and designed for the use of the Church Universal, pp. ix, 360. 15 Boston, Munroe 6* Francis, 1802 Prefixed : " Articles of Faith and Uniting Compact adopted by the Members of the Universal Church in Boston, Feb. 1791." 6032 Hymns, composed by different Authors, at the request of the General Convention of Universalists, of the N. E. States and others. 2d edition, //. 360. Charlestown, Mass., 1810 Prepared by Hosea Ballou, Abner Kneeland, and Edward Turner. 6033 Psalterspiel (Das Kleine Davidsche) der Kinder Zions, von Alten und Neuen auserlesenen Geistes Gesangen, etc. Zum sechten mal ans Licht gegeben, pp. (6), 572, (22) Die Kleine Harfe, Gestimmet von unterschiedlichen Lieblichen Liedern oder Lob- Gesangen . . . Zum Ersten mal ans Licht gegeben. 2 in one vol., calf, brass clasps, fine copy, very scarce. 12 Chestnut-hill, Samuel Saur, 1791, 1792 6034 RELLY (James and John) Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs, sacred to the Praise of God our Saviour, //. 241, old spr. sheep, fresh clean copy. 8 Portsmouth, N. H., 1782 At the end, five " Hymns by J. M." (John Murray). 6035 The same, paper cover. 6036 RIPPON (J.) A Selection of Hymns, intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, good copy. 1 8 Elizabethtown, S. Kollock, 1792 6037 Selection [Cambridge] of Hymns and Psalms for Social and Private Worship. loth edition, sheep, nice copy. 12 Boston, Munroe 6 Francis, 1830 6038 SMITH (Joshua) and others. Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs, for the use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians, old sheep, good copy. 12 Norwich, T. Hubbard, 1784* The same (with additional Hymns), poor copy. 16 New London, J. Springer, 1800. (2 vols.) 6039 The same > IQ th edition. With a large addition of Hymns never before published. By Wm. Northup. Suffield, Edward Gray, 1805 The same, nth edition. With additions and alterations by W. Northup, wants pp. 3-10. Norwich, 1803. The "same, i2th edition, additions by Northrop. Norwich, 1811. (3 vols.) 12 6040 SPALDING (Joshua) The Lord's Songs: a Collection of Com- posures in Metre, such as have been most used in the late glorious Revivals, Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns excepted, worn copy, wants a few leaves. 12 Salem, J. Gushing, 1805 6041 Spiritual Songs ; or, Songs of Praise with Penitential Cries to Almighty God. . . . With the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's : paraphrased, in English verse. i5th Edition, poor copy. Boston, T. Fleet, 1742 The same. i6th Edition, corrected, fresh, unused copy, sheep. Boston, Green, Bushell and Allen, 1743. (2 vols.) 12 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 179 6042 TERRY (Ezekiel) Hymns and Divine Songs : on Various Subjects: calculated for Social and Divine Worship, a good copy. 12 East Windsor, L. Pratt, for the Author, 1801 The author was Ix.rn in Kiitukl about 1770. He was an occasional preacher, an occasional printer and publisher, anil an mvasinnal autlu.i. lie published "a new edition ' nt ' Hymns and Spiritual Solids," at his own pn-.s, in I'almn, Mass., iSif>. 6043 WALLIN (Benj.) Evangelical Hymns and Songs, in Two Parts. . . Added, A Collection of Hymns from Dr. Watts, . and Mr. Stennet's Sacramental Hymns, //. 155, original sheep, good copy, VERY SCARCE. sm. 12 Boston, Edes 6* Gill, 1762 The Rev. Isaac Backus's copy, with his autograph, 1762. 6044 WATTS (I.) The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian State and Worship, Title and Preface (dated Dec. ist, 1718,) //. xxxii; The Psalms, pp. 399 ; An Index, and A Table of First Lines, 1 1 leaves, n. n. ; Advertisements, i leaf ; best levant dk. blue morocco, back and sides filleted, ins. borders, g. e. (Bedford). 12 London, for J. Clark (6* others), 1719 A beautiful copy of the FIRST (ENGLISH) EDITION of Dr. Watts's version of the Psalms. VERY SCARCE. 6045 - - The same: The Thirteenth Edition, //. vi, 319; Index, 17 //. n. n., dk. blue morocco extra, filleted sides, gilt back and edges, (Bedford?) elegant. 1 6 Boston, G. Rogers and D. Fowle, for J. Edwards, 1741 The FIRST AMERICAN edition of Watts's Psalms. VERY RARE. 6046 - - The same. The Sixteenth Edition. Philadelphia, J. Chattin, n. d. [1750?] imperfect: The same: 20th Edition. Woodbridge, James Parker, 1760 : The same : 23d Edition. Boston, D. 6- J. Kneeland, 1761 : The same edition, at the end several pages of Tunes (engraved by T. Johnston], and others in manuscript ; soiled and worn : The same. 24th edition. Boston, D. &* J. Kneeland, J 7 6 3- (5 vols ) I2 6047 - - The same. 25th edition. 12 Boston, Kneeland &* Adams, 1767 6048 The same. 25th edition. Kneeland and Adams, 1767 : with Watts's Hymns and Spiritual Songs. London, W. Strahan (et at.) 1770. At the end, A Select Number of Plain Tunes . . By Andrew Law, engraved by Joel Allen, 16 pp. 12 6049 The Psalms, 26th edition. With the Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 22d edition. 12 Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 1768, '69 The only Watts's Psalms printed in America, with the large Preface (24 pp.) and Notes." Mein's Advertisement. 6050 -- The Psalms, 27th ed. For J. Hodgson, 1772: Hymns, n. d. A Select Number of Plain Tunes, etc. By Andrew Law, 1 6 //. music (J. Allen, sc.). In one vol. 12 Boston. The collection of Tunes includes "BUNKER HILL," which was composed for "The American Hero . A Sapphick Ode, by Nathaniel Niles, A.M." The printed Ode (2 pp.) "Norwich, Conn., October, 1775," * s bound in with the music. \ \ PRICES FOR WHICH THE BOOKS IN THE THIRD PART OF THE BRINLEY LIBRARY WERE SOLD April 4th -8th 1881 AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF MESSRS. GEORGE A. LEAVITT & CO. NEW YORK Nos. 4334-4550. 4351 1.12 4401 .38 4451 2. 4501 .75 4352 1.13 4402 .50 4452 2.25 4502 .75 4353 34. 4403 .50 4453 8. 4503 5. 4354 1.75 4404 3.75 4454 1.75 4504 3.75 4355 2.50 4405 1.63 4455 1.25 4505 .70 4356 2.50 4406 .75 4456 .10 4506 2.75 4357 250. 4407 .30 4457 .50 4507 4. 4358 14. 4408 3. 4458 6. 4508 26. 4359 6. 4409 3. 4459 1.25 4509 6. 4360 34. 4410 1.50 4460 .10 4510 3.75 4361 3.25 4411 .50 4461 .25 4511 1.75 4362 5.25 4412 .10 4462 !10 4512 4.50 4363 .80 4413 6.50 4463 .25 4513 5.50 4364 6.50 4414 4.25 4464 .25 4514 .60 4365 265. 4415 1.13 4465 2.50 4515 1.50 4366 70. 4416 4.50 44,66 2. ' 4516 2. 4367 15. 4417 2 4467 1.88 4517 2. 4368 .50 4418 .25 4468 1. 4518 5. 4369 1.38 4419 8.50 4469 6. 4519 3. 4370 1.25 4420 2.50 4470 4.25 4520 1.13 4371 1. 4421 .38 4471 3.50 4521 .50 4372 1. 4422 4.50 4472 2.25 4522 150. 4373 1.75 4423 18. 4473 .75 4523 1.25 4374 4.25 4424 3.25 4474 2.75 4524 5. 4375 .45 4425 16. 4475 6.75 4525 3.75 4376 3. 4426 11. 4476 3. 4526 10.50 4377 6. 4427 1. 4477 4.50 4527 14. 4378 3.50 4428 .50 4478 3.75 4528 .25 4379 3. 4429 .25 4479 1. 4529 .25 4380 4. 4430 .50 4480 4. 4530 19.50 4381 2.50 4431 1. 4481 2.50 4531 2.25 4382 1.25 4432 4. 4482 4.50 4532 . 1.50 4383 1.50 4433 .25 4483 1. 4533 1.50 4834 1.13 4384 2.25 4434 .25 4484 1.25 4534 .50 4335 1.25 4385 .75 4435 .25 4485 1. 4535 1.50 4336 2.25 4386 .50 4436 .25 4486 1.25 4536 .50 4337 1.20 4387 1. 4437 1. 4487 .75 4537 .75 4338 .50 4388 1. 4438 1.25 4488 .80 4538 .13 4339 .70 4389 .50 4439 .25 4489 .75 4539 1. 4340 5. 4390 1. 4440 5. 4490 3. 4540 .20 4341 1.50 4391 2. 4441 3.75 4491 12. 4541 4.13 4342 1. 4392 5. 4442 4.25 4492 45. 4542 .50 4343 9. 4393 6.50 4443 1. 4493 10. 4543 2 4344 4.50 4394 3.50 4444 2.25 4494 6.25 4544 1.50 4345 .1.75 4395 4.25 4445 3.50 4495 1.50 4545 32. 4346 42. 4396 1.75 4446 4.50 4496 .50 4546 3. 4347 11. 4397 1.50 4447 1.25 4497 5.50 4547 4. 4348 4.50 4398 7. 4448 1. 4498 11. 4548 2.25 4349 5.50 4399 13. 4449 1.50 4499 3. 4549 1. 4350 1. 4400 10. 4450 .25 4500 1. 4550 1.05 Nos. 4551-4800. oill. 4601 8.75 1 <;:,! 1701 1.38 4751 .45 10. 1602 ,-,() 1. 0. . L.75 . l.r,o 1. :,:> 1 8.50 1604 11. 4654 1704 ,50 .50 o 1. M55 . W05 .:,o .50 :,:.i; .) UMM .88 1706 1. 8.70 1607 9. 1657 8.75 4707 1. 1757 1.65 8. 8.50 L658 1708 6.50 .20 1009 1.75 1659 8.35 ! W 1.88 660 1610 4660 2. 4710 .50 1700 1.12 :>;i 1.25 I'll 1 4661 L50 4711 1.50 4761 55 1 55 4612 4.13 4662 2.10 1712 1.75 4702 .70 568 1. 4618 1.50 4668 .25 4713 3. 1768 1. ;><;{ ,75 4614 4. 1664 2. 4714 .30 4704 1.68 505 .75 4615 3.50 4665 .15 4715 4.50 4765 1.50 500 1. 4616 2.75 4666 1. 4716 2.40 4766 1. .567 1.75 4617 1.50 4067 4.50 4717 4.50 4767 1.50 568 8.50 4618 7. 4668 9.75 4718 3.50 4768 1. [569 2. 4619 2.25 4669 2.75 4719 .75 4769 2. 570 1.25 4620 .75 4070 3.25 4720 7.50 4770 .50 t571 10.50 4621 .75 4671 5.40 4721 3.25 4771 3. 572 8. 4622 1.25 4672 3. 4722 2. 4772 1. U>73 2 4623 8.25 4673 1.75 4723 3.50 4773 .75 574 11. 4624 .75 4674 .50 4724 1.50 4774 .o;j t575 1.18 4625 1. 4675 .50 4725 5.75 4775 11. 1576 .80 4626 1.75 4676 1.13 4726 1.50 4776 3. 1577 2. 4627 23. 4677 3.25 4727 3:50 4777 1. 578 15. 4628 18. 4678 2.75 4728 .50 4778 2. 179 19. 4629 1.25 4079 .75 4729 1.75 4779 3. 580 to. 4630 7.20 4680 .60 4730 2.50 4780 3.50 1581 1.25 4631 1.75 4681 3.75 4731 6. 4781 1. 1582 9. 4632 15. 4082 2.50 4732 3.75 4782 2.13 1583 34. 4633 2.50 4683 1. 4733 .50 4783 22.50 584 10.80 4634 3.50 4684 .25 4734 2. 4784 6.50 1585 55 4635 1. 4685 .25 4735 4. 4785 3.75 1586 2. 4636 4.25 4686 .25 4736 1. 4786 1.63 1587 9. 4637 2.25 4687 .50 4737 1.50 4787 1.75 1588 2.75 4638 3. 4688 .50 4738 ' 2.25 4788 16. 1589 .50 4639 3.25 4689 5.25 4739 1.50 4789 12.50 1590 120. 4640 4.50 4690 1.25 4740 1.75 4790 15. 1591 2. 4641 1. 4691 .50 4741 2. 4791 5.50 1592 40. 4642 .60 4692 3. 4742 16. 4792 7.50 1593 .25 4643 1. 4693 2.50 4743 o 4793 3.25 1594 100. 4644 7.50 4694 2:25 4744 1.25 4794 1.25 151(5 75. 4645 8. 4695 2. 4745 .75 4795 1.75 1596 1. 4646 6.75 4090 3.50 4740 .38 4796 2.25 1597 8.50 4647 4:25 4097 10.50 4747 1. 4797 3. 1598 5.50 4648 2.25 4698 9.75 4748 1. 4798 1. 1599 13. 4649 .50 4699 .50 4749 .25 4799 1.25 1600 1.50 4050 1.20 4700 .20 4750 1.50 4800 2.25 Nos. 4801-5050. 4801 2. 4851 1.25 4901 52.50 4951 1.50 5001 1. 4802 3.25 4852 1.25 4902 1.13 4952 7.50 5002 1.25 4803 1. 4853 1.13 4903 1.50 4953 30. 5003 .40 4804 .50 4854 4.13 4904 .50 4954 1.50 5004 .50 4805 1. 4855 4.50 4905 .50 4955 3.50 5005 2. 4806 1.25 4856 2.10 4906 6.50 4956 3.50 5006 1.75 4807 1.37 4857 2.50 4907 .50 4957 2.50 5007 .75 4808 9.90 4858 4. 4908 .50 4958 5.25 5008 2. 4809 1.62 4859 3. 4909 3.50 4959 2.25 5009 35. 4810 1. 4860 1.25 4910 1.13 4960 1. 5010 4.50 4811 5.50 4861 1.75 4911 3.50 4961 1. 5011 6.25 4812 1. 4862 .25 4912 1.75 4962 4. 5012 .50 4813 1. 4863 4. 4913 1. 4963 1.50 5013 1.50 4814 3.50 4864 3.50 4914 .50 4964 3.25 5014 3. 4815 5.63 4865 1.75 4915 2.25 4965 .25 5015 1.38 4816 1. 4866 .25 4916 .50 4966 .25 5016 3.75 4817 .63 4867 1.25 4917 1. 4967 .50 5017 1.25 4818 76. 4868 2.50 4918 1.25 4968 1.13 5018 .88 4819 .80 4869 .75 4919 1. 4969 1.13 5019 5. 4820 .50 4870 .87 4920 .25 4970 1.12 5020 2.50 4821 .50 4871 .63 4921 1.50 4971 1.13 5021 1.50 4822 .25 4872 2.50 4922 .80 4972 4.25 5022 2.38 4823 .25 4873 11. 4923 16. 4973 1.13 5023 1.50 4824 2. 4874 .50 4924 1.25 4974 1. 5024 2.25 4825 .25 4875 1.13 4925 1.13 4975 2. 5025 1.13 4826 .50 4876 4.75 4926 1. 4976 2.50 5026 4.50 4827 .75 4877 .75 4927 1. 4977 2. 5027 .75 4828 .50 4878 2. 4928 1.50 4978 5.50 5028 .63 4829 .50 4879 3. 4929 .88 4979 2.25 5029 .37 4830 .50 4880 3. 4930 .25 4980 5. 5030 3.75 4831 2.50 4881 2. 4931 .50 4981 5.25 5031 2. 4832 10. 4882 1.25 4932 .90 4982 5.25 5032 4.50 4833 4.50 4883 7.25 4933 .25 4983 1.50 5033 6. 4834 6. 4884 1. 4934 .25 4984 2. 5034 2. 4835 1.50 4885 1.25 4935 .25 4985 2.25 5035 1. 4836 7.50 4886 16. 4936 .10 4986 3.50 5036 1.50 4837 .25 4887 1.38 4937 .40 4987 10. 5037 .50 4838 2.75 4888 12.50 4938 .35 4988 1. 5038 .62 4839 4. 4889 .50 4939 .35 4989 17. 5039 36. 4840 1.25 4890 1. 4940 2.50 4990 7. 5040 1.50 4841 3.50 4891 2. 4941 1.38 4991 2.50 5041 3.75 4842 .25 4892 1. 4942. 1.75 4992 1.75 5042 4.75 4843 3.50 4893 .50 4943 4. 4993 1.13 5043 2. 4844 4.00 4894 .20 4944 1.50 4994 3.75 5044 2.25 4845 1. 4895 2.55 4945 .25 4995 1. 5045 2.50 4846 3.75 4896 5. 4946 3.25 4996 1. 5046 3.25 4847 3.75 4897 2.25 4947 5. 4997 1.25 5047 1.25 4848 4. 4898 .70 4948 12. 4998 .50 5048 4. 4849 2. 4899 4.75 4949 3.25 4999 1.50 5049 6. 4850 22. 4900 1.13 4950 3.25 5000 1.50 5050 1. Nos. 5051-5300. 5051 3. 5101 1.75 5151 4.75 5201 .50 5251 ,16 5052 p, 5108 .50 5152 150 5100 1. 5158 8. 1. L56 5054 1.50 5101 5154 1. 5204 1.76 2. 5055 5105 41. 5155 1. 5205 2.75 5056 1. 5106 5156 1. 5206 5057 8JMJ 5107 1. 5157 1.75 5207 2.1:; 5257 1. 5058 5108 10.50 5158 1.75 5*08 .50 5258 5.1:; 5059 I.M 5100 2.75 515U .50 5201) 1.88 1.62 5oi;o 1. 5110 a 5160 .10 5210 .50 5260 1. 50(51 7.50 5111 1.50 5161 .88 5211 .50 5201 0.50 5002 1.75 5112 13.75 5162 5. 5212 2.50 5262 3. 5063 10. 5113 85. 5163 2.50 5213 4.50 5263 10.50 5064 1. 5114 1. 5164 .25 5214 1.50 5264 8.50 5065 3.25 5115 3. 5165 .60 5215 1.50 5265 3.88 5066 iM 5116 1. 5166 .50 5216 4. 5266 2.75 5067 1. 5117 7. 5167 .88 5217 .50 5267 .60 5068 .63 5118 6.75 5168 6.75 5218 .38 5268 .75 5069 7.50 5119 20.75 5169 .88 5219 1. 5269 .38 5070 7.50 5120 9.50 5170 1. 5220 6.75 5270 1.25 5071 7.50 5121 5.50 5171 5. 5221 .50 5271 2.13 5072 7.50 5122 1. 5172 1.13 5222 1. 5272 .50 5073 7.50 5123 .50 5173 3. 5223 .63 5273 1.25 5074 7.50 5124 3.50 5174 2.50 5224 1.75 5274 1. 5075 1.25 5125 .50 5175 3.50 5225 .50 5275 3. 5076 1. 5126 44. 5176 10. 5226 1. 5276 1.37 5077 7. 5127 .50 5177 3. 5227 2.75 5277 1.25 5078 1.50 5128 1. 5178 4. 5228 24. 5278 .80 5079 3.25 5129 .63 5179 1. 5229 3. 5279 3.38 5080 , 9. 5130 4.50 5180 8.25 5230 .50 5280 4. 5081 45. 5131 .50 5181 2.75 5231 2.13 5281 2.50 5082 12. 5132 .88 5182 4. 5232 1. 5282 1.88 5083 4. 5133 .37 5183 1. 5233 1.50 5283 2. 5084 2.50 5134 1.25 5184 1.25 5234 2.25 5284 3.25 5085 2. 5135 1. 5185 1.25 5235 1. 5285 2.75 5086 55. 5136 .50 5186 1.25 5236 8. 5286 .50 5087 1.50 5137 .50 5187 .63 5237 .63 5287 2.50 5088 3. 5138 .25 5188 1.12 5238 .87 5288 5.75 5089 4.25 5139 5. 5189 2.87 5239 1.13 5289 5. 5090 3.50 5140 1.62 5190 .63 5240 .38 5290 1.25 5091 4.50 5141 3. 5191 .50 5241 1.37 5291 1. 5092 1.75 5142 5.50 5192 2.50 5242 2.50 5292 2, 5093 2.50 5143 2.13 5193 1. 5243 1.50 5293 2.50 5094 10. 5144 1.50 5194 .25 5244 1.75 5294 1.13 5095 5.25 5145 .50 5195 3. 5245 3. 5295 2. 5096 .50 5146 1.50 5196 .63 5246 1. 5296 1. 5097 7. 5147 2.25 5197 2.25 5247 3. 5297 2.50 5098 15. 5148 1.25 5198 2. 5248 3. 5298 1. 5099 3. 5149 .75 5199 2.50 5249 3.75 5299 2.50 5100 1.75 5150 .60 5200 2.50 5250 1.50 5300 14.50 Nos. 5801-6050, 5801 10. 5851 .50 5901 10.50 5951 1.87 6001 4. 5802 1.75 5852 1. 5902 5. 5952 1. 6002 1. 5803 1.50 5853 1.75 5903 8.50 5953 2.50 6003 1. 5804 1.75 5854 5.50 5904 3. 5954 1.25 6004 .75 5805 10. 5855 7. 5905 2.75 5955 2.25 6005 1.38 5806 4.75 5856 .25 5906 1. 5956 1.38 6006 .25 5807 32. 5857 .75 5907 2.25 5957 1. 6007 .38 5808 10. 5858 3. 5908 7.50 5958 1. 6008 .90 5809 13. 5859 4. 5909 4. 5959 3.25 6009 .80 5810 11. 5860 1. 5910 2.75 5960 1.25 6010 .40 5811 1.75 5861 35. 5911 2. 5961 1.25 6011 1.25 5812 1.50 5862 33. 5912 2.50 5962 3.25 6012 1.50 5813 1.35 5863 2. 5913 2. 5963 5.25 6013 1.25 5814 7.50 5864 34. 5914 1.75 5964 10. 6014 5. 5815 3.50 5865 612. 5915 2. 5965 13. 6015 3.50 5816 5.25 5866 234. 5916 2.50 5966 10. 6016 1.75 5817 2. 5867 2. 5917 5.50 5967 13. 6017 2.10 5818 5. 5868 3. 5918 2.50 5968 11. 6018 1.80 5819 3.50 5869 2.75 5919 2.25 5969 1. 6019 .50 5820 2.25 5870 2. 5920 1,75 5970 2. 6020 .25 5821 1.25 5871 .90 5921 2.50 5971 18. 6021 25. 5822 .50 5872 3. 5922 1.75 5972 1.50 6022 34. 5823 .50 5873 4. 5923 2. 5973 2.25 6023 26. 5824 1. 5874 2.25 5924 2.50 5974 36. 6024 22. 5825 25. 5875 3. 5925 2.25 5975 1.25 6025 .25 5826 5.25 5876 2. 5926 1.88 5976 2,25 6026 .25 5827 5. 5877 31. 5927 1.25 5977 .50 6027 .10 5828 .75 5878 6. 5928 1.25 5978 1.13 6028 1.38 5829 2. 5879 5. 5929 2. 5979 1.12 6029 .60 5830 1.25 5880 11.50 5930 4.25 5980 .25 6030 2.76 5831 5. 5881 16. 5931 2. 5981 2.25 6031 1.87 5832 3.75 5882 9. 5932 3.25 5982 .25 6032 1.75 5833 .30 5883 2.50 5933 . 1. 5983 .70 6033 5.50 5834 1. 5884 2. 5934 2.50 5984 .20 6034 2. 5835 3. 5885 10.50 5935 4.50 5985 .10 6035 .50 5836 2.25 5886 13. 5936 2. 5086 .10 6036 .50 5837 .80 5887 2.50 5937 3. 5987 .20 6037 .25 5838 1. 5888 9. 5938 2.75 5988 1.88 6038 2. 5839 8000. 5889 4.50 5939 2.75 5989 6.25 6039 1.50 5840 .60 5890 15. 5940 2.25 5990 .50 6040 .50 5841 5. 5891 2.50 5941 4. 5991 .25 6041 1. 5842 1.50 5892 4.50 5942 .25 5992 .10 6042 5. 5843 1.25 5893 2. 5943 4. 5993 .10 6043 3.75 5844 .50 5894 1. 5944 2. 5994 1.25 6044 13. 5845 7. 5895 2.50 5945 2. 5995 1. 6045 13. 5846 2. 5896 1.50 5946 2.25 5996 .50 6046 2.50 5847 2. 5897 2.25 5947 2.75 5997 1. 6047 1.63 5848 1. 5898 2.25 5948 3.50 5998 1. 6048 .25 5849 1. 5899 2.50 5949 .63 5999 1. 6949 .62 5850 1.50 5900 2.75 5950 2. 6000 15. 6950 out. Total, $23,716.33