QE C 3 115 G73 1837 tSTEMATIC AND STR ATIGR APHIC AL CATALOGUE OF THE FOSSIL FISH IN THE CABINETS OF LORD COLE AND SIR PHILIP GREY EGERTON; TOGETHER WITH AN ALPHABETICAL AND STRATIGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF THE SAME SPECIES, WITH REFERENCES TO THEIR PUBLISHED FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS. BY SIR PHILIP GREY EGERTON, BART., M.P., F.R.S., F.G.S. ' LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1837. LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS SYSTEMATIC AND STR ATIGR APHIC AL CATALOGUE OF THE FOSSIL FISH IN THE CABINETS OF LORD COLE AND SIR PHILIP GREY EGERTON; TOGETHER WITH AN ALPHABETICAL AND STRATIGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF THE SAME SPECIES, WITH REFERENCES TO THEIR PUBLISHED FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS. BY SIR PHILIP GREY EGERTON, BART., M.P., F.R.S., F.G.S. fh'llp s LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1837. LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS GIFT OF HASKELL F. NORMAN THE following Catalogues were prepared at the suggestion of Professor AGASSIZ, to whose wonted liberality I am indebted for documents explanatory of his system of Ichthyology, hitherto uncommunicated to the public. The first Catalogue contains all the Species of Fossil Fish in Lord COLE'S Collection and my own, arranged according to their orders and families. Their stratigraphical position is shown in the eight succeeding columns, and the locality whence each specimen was derived in the last. The second Catalogue shows the same Species arranged alphabetically. The strata and localities are also annexed, together with references to the systematic Catalogue, the cabinet where each species is to be found, and the figures and descriptions in the Poissons Fossiles of Professor AGASSIZ and other publications. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF THE ORDERS AND FAMILIES. I. LES PLACOIDES. AGASS. LES GANOIDES. AGASS. III. LES CTENOIDES. AGASS. IV. LES CYCLOIDES. AGASS. 1. Les Cestraciontes Agass. 2. Les Hybodontes Agass. 3. Les Chimeres Agass. 4. Les Squales Agass. 5. Les Rajes Agass. 1. Les Lepidoides Agass. 2. Les Pycnodontes Agast. 3. Les Sauroides Agass. 4. Les Coelacanthes Agass. 5. Les Sclerodermes Cuv. 6. Les Acipensirides Agass. 1. Les Percoides Cuv. 2. Les Sparoides Cuv. 3. Les Cottdides Agass. . 4. Les Aulostomes Cuv. 1. Les Scomberoides Cuv. 2. Les Esoces Cuv. 3. Les Halecoides Agass 4. Les Mugiles Agass. 5. Les Cyprinodontes Agass. 6. Les Cyprinoides Cuv. . 7. Les Gadoides Cuv. o HH EH c S EH M I Ceratodus n. s II. LES CESTRACIONTES. AQJ ( I 1 ^ *t / ,1 e Q "c c "C I ^c c 1 c 1 ! c - i i s j .= \ .- i .E z ! E Z y "r ^ J - ^ z I ^ 5 ^ 1 i 1 Orodufl ramosiia .. h c "~ w i j n - i > ^ * -^ -- i ~ ^ j i r^ 2 E C i > ^ Asteracanthus ornatissimus... 1 Ctcnacantlius maior... -/ r "7 " S - ILeptacantlnis semistriatus ... - tenuisniniis . . o> . r- 9^3 m 1 i & . 5 Mt2 rt rt 11 1 'i g -1 aj ^ Mg gjSi s ? o 2 i 5 CO >J CM 5 t-5 i i ii " "f ' M S a oo O O 2; S3 e3 "ca w lllsl := il'llliiia S 5 S S-'fl 3 - cr^ C&,C^C2J= U 0,0 ~ 1" " ^J WBCJCJ^ ^;oa. s c3 i-4 kl *j I i -g ^ P S '1 cs u <5 . O C0 g^ HH ~- W .-s| 1 j a 11 3 ^ coS N-1 CO S kS co k S5 = S *o c *o S ll ^ a ,2 ^cn' o U o ^M* t CO 1 s B 8 4 N c 13 1 Cretaceous System. J ; t t i | 1 : I i 1 -\ : 11 Si 1 a "" i ? < i i J 1 3 fid * 1 1 "3 S 3 ^S : ,j; : "- 1 X M j U g I ^ ^ Q to ** ( M a 5 i i S S a g CO 2 1 . 5 ' 3 M FAMILY, GENUS, ! Lamna quadrans .. 00 1 o 0, ' ( 5 S - i ^ : i, a^ n "J 1 1 * 3 ; [1 h ? s pi rii 5 I i ^> 5 5 g 5 w j < b. O CO CO O CO Q i i O O 3 - Ed O Silurian System. Locality. i :RQUES. .i Gamric, N.B. . Caithness. fa*. arboniferous Old-red-sand System. System. POISSONS HKTIROC Dclules... ...t... j 1 .2 2 " * "2 5 S f i i ; : TheWealden. Oolitic System. **%"* C V IIOMOCERQUES. . N ^ S 2u : : : : : QJ 7- O 1 J i'l 1 111 7 Sv " o ,. , _ j Super-cretaceous Cretaceous FAMILY, GENUS, and SPECIES. p g System 1 1 II. LES LEPIDOIDES. AOABS. POISSONS f\ 4 1 " : 3 3 - i 3 I i : c ! 3 ; : : ; ; c > s | 'to w : : 5 2 : g>.^ : J | B I iiil iiilUlfl 5 Ilil isilrEll -- B gQa-Sfc.3 H ;{ v> = 2 S " o o n *J : fc S3 | r i 1 .2 .2 g 1 (2 S A O <} QJ ..2 .2 .2 S S . . .2 -.2 . ** tJD bD &0 *H *-i ^ C T3 . tuD S OjQ S CJ Q O G> -O f O "~^ ^OJ ^^ Q O ,,3J QJ qj jjgflH ^T-i^ai^tD^sS^hn^ ^ cS- 1 n 3 - 5 : i 4 5 g i 2 U KM 1-3 3 >3 3 H? E5 kJ*" "^ ^ "^ ^ " fcJ^CK >J*C2 ^ S rfi " CC CO M l^CO J3*^ " ^ " ^ CJ C 2 2 ~ 3 gj O O * .2 5 ? ;3 x ^ "2 S- 2 co n cj a 122 2 2 2"S;SoS 2^2 ^ *"" 33 3 3 ocnOOfcrf jo3 o 3 i s : i : : : : : i :: SS ;::: III ' :::::::: : : KM::::: : : : : i i : i e. i : : i : : i : 1 a ' ' a at ' QJ 1 -1 1 3 1' 1 11 viil S- ? < f S feB, I, 8* ! " W)&|0 ' 1 5 'S. 3 3 ? 4S ^3 M ^ O ^ rt o - O G E-i ::: : : tS : S*Dfj2 M "* M w.;c: 2-S:s HI gi fc g|S|s f|'i|s||| 1 3 : - g lli^lj'1'1^ g .. |||j-g||ri, g "" | g ccfr-OS H S c a ~ g - *j 2 'S m 1 J 1 1 g 'S. 2 Oi 1 V3 1-3 04 O I Notagogus Pentlandii... II. LES PYCNODONTES A Placodus Gigas *;: .__ 1 Spha?rodus Gigas 1 1 en 1 en is ll o HiTZROCERftUES. Solenhofen. Stonesfield. Jura. Tilgate-forest. Stonesfield. T. d'Orlando. N. Stafford. 1 B t E ', 3 g 2 "."' * * ^i CO CO CO hi 3 S 1 | W .* .22 * . w O <2i G> ^*i V c * .1 . ^1^ .1* ^ 'B'd'id 2t3a>^o F O' - d S 1 ^ < T3*S ^ i i & 1 w e New-red-sand Carboniferous S y stem - ( System. System. I M MM!! 2 : : :::::: - o ; : :::::: "o "o e "o ="3 : ' "3 ::: :::::: ::::; : i i : i : i i i : i : i : The Wealden. Oolitic flj J> J ^ ^! ^ J la 2 S 2 8 oo o? o^o . ! i ::::: 2 : : : : j, : : : I 1! MIM-i g : : 1 j 4J :::: e - t 3 ^ -3 a : O t- o .;: 1 O CO - a 1 I i> a So o w --> w "" oa .2 3 .2^.2 i-3 O iJ C iJ taceous Cretaceous m. System. I j j ! 1 j { j | ~. ;;::;: : ; ; ; ; If r 3 CO FAMILY, GENUS, and SPECIES. Microdon hexagonus n. s Gigas parvus . s III. LES SAUROIDES. AOASS. Mcjralichthvs Hibbcrti . T 1 i > i Aspidorhy nchus acutirostria mandihularis Belonostomus leptosteus Ptvcholcnis bollensis .. 1 Caturus macrodus i CO < a < a OT ' " " 2 ^r 1 3 S S H ' I 53 J 9 Jta -2 JT ' s? 111 1111 11 III!- 3 2 fN^rtO^jJp^ ^SPrtff ^ OT ^CJ^j WCJ(J r CHHjn O&COK pq ^- fi'sg, . | i " ~ en > "3 We ^ & ^ 3 e 5 > 5 S i i ) J i i t | I- i \ S H "c* s, 4 1 1 'E 1 | ) W w O . n D 9 u W c 03 w S i V - 6 c S SCLERODE indorma snino r. < s 1 1 1 1 1 J S ACIPENSIR thus mnrroTite -. -j la * 3 ^ c 3 > < 1 1 9J > c * OT CO CO w Q h I O I o cc CS Pd a oi O f d S rrt J| JB "H a u u u u o u o o o o o o JO'els C-'SS Crr i 1 1 -Jl I -I 11 ci u *"o s ! 1 B-T ^3 ^ | | EJ B : ::::!::: WJ 1 II d 1 : ::::::::: sa tf M s s HETERI ...1... 1 : : i Tl : : T Carbonifer System. o 1 : : : i i : : : i 1 T3 0) i : : : : : : : : J !< v K : i J -, i f : : : u g : : : ys o ; ; ; 1 1 4 a a i i ! V ^= i u j ::!::::: tn h o n X : : : i : : : : i s J* s I -a, d "a u a . : : : :| : : ?t S tn c 2 a c o : 3 P ; III HI:- -|}f! Ill P3 5S , M M ^ CH PL, II. LES SPAROIDES. Sparnodus altivelis macropntnain micracanthus rt S 1 1 m 1 .S 1 1 II 3 V * Old-red-sand System. TEROCERQUES. 8 T/i g ii 1 o * O Sen" o 1 . "Is u S5 I cS d JO B ^ S 1 Pi O Ii 00 I e!" I I 1 1 T 1 I 2 a 2 1 4 1 t ||- en 1 - * j J i & * ; rf o3 00 < p U FAMILY, GENUS, and SPEC III. LES COTTOIDES. A ^ ' i I J fterygocepnams parauoxus IV. LES AULOSTOMES. Fistularia inagnifica /: I D ri I I 008 o o o PQ M M >, . t^ S 2 S .5 . .g .g .g S |-^2^2 | a 2 iiiferons Old-red-sand Silurian s tern. System. : : i i i i i : : i i \ \ -. \ H | x j j H i 1 * I 1 : : 1 1 : 1 g i ::::::::::::::: LES CYCLOIDES. AGASSIZ. i* o a I ?, i CO 1 d D J (2 :::::::::::::::: i i 03 Q M O S i i i i : : : i : i : i i i i i i i i ! i i ! i i i i i i i i i o 2 a a : i : 2 to o jg " -5 j jj ji '> '>'>'> " "5 " c Q c s .a js _a w w w w u u u s Super-cretaceoi System. "v "I )Co c>C ggg S'Sg C ' uoo uCu ! O C C GOO OO WWW W i-3 W W J SPECIES. U 3 > 13 cS c'" cl ' a ' V 1" IS c c TJ S ^ bo &0 tifl II 1 "Ss |e e 3s CO CO e || D 11 i o" 1 2 s |a i I 1 CD O jf do .- 1 W I U o s o S 1 a % || en ** cn* O U e i 1 T3 T3 ~- ? "^ ll fl r o S tS 1 .2 -a ^3 " 3 CO i^ w fa S u 5 E cn CO M ^ g .2 Q So O 00 S oT O 2 & | B >^ B O. '3 a B ^a S SI s 9.3 D i c5 2 J 3 ^J S &H s o 1 p * J <; u Q Q fc* a a 13 ** c iinsioi. Rhuaboi Maidsto a a 1 c B M E, 1 :a O la "2 " o a IS If i ^ *a O U J ti ea . C 3 a 1 c j S, i 2 a >. o c 1 0) ft) en i i i II 1 i ! M { > i u i i a ss " tn J a o CO f tf n : 3 1 3 n 3 cn 3 1 aT p i I O a 1 rr - 1 1 ' \ , 3 i : , a H 2 > s 3 .1 J T3 Q CM I Psamm 3 I * z a J C i 1 3 & LI a O O O ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. GENUS and SPECIES. Order. Family Cabinet. References. Formation. Locality. 2 5 C. E. C. E. C. C. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C E Engi-slate Engi-slate Glaris. Claris. Ibid. Brunswick. Ibid. Lyme Regis. Ibid. & Bath. Axmouth. Lebach. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Glaris. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Solenhofen. Ibid. Sliotover. Stonesfield. Monte Bolca. Stonesfield. Solenhofen. Sussex. Monte Bolca. Malta 3 1 1 1 Ores bigarre 1 .. Lias . . . Geolog. Trans., 2nd Series, Vol. i. PL 4, fig. 6 Lower lias Coal-formation 2 1 Anenchelura 4 1 Engi-slate De lilain Diet des Sci Nat C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. Ayass. Mss ... .. Oolite 2 3 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. page 14 ..... 1 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 8 Kim.-clay Great-oolite ... 4 4 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iv. page 43, note Belonostomus 2 3 Great-oolite ... Oolite Munsteri Agass. Poiss. Foss., Feuilleton, page 17 3 1 / Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iv. tab. 14a and d, \ Chalk ornatus 4 1 \ 14e, figs. 1, 6, 146, fig. 1 / dorsal is 1 4 Agass. Mss 31der-pliocene? Tertiary form. . Older-pliocene? Tertiary form. . grosseserratus macrodon Vlaryland. Malta. Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 28, figs.8, 9, 10. GENUS aud SPECIES. Order. Family. Cabinet. References. Formation. Locality. C. E. c Tertiary-form. . Maryland. Ibid. Malta. Sheppey. Solenhofen. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Aust Shotover. Kent. Folkstone. Stonesfield. M. Lebanon. Glaris. Monte Bolca. Glaris. Ibid. Sicily. (Eningen. Unknown. E. Thickley. OZningen. Bristol. Ibid. Sheppey. Lyme Regis. Glaris. Ibid. Lymc Regis. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Sussex. N. Stafford. Caithness. Monte Bolca. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. E. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E, C. E. C. E. C. C. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. Older-pliocene . Lon.-clay, (Eo.) Oolite 2 3 1 1 3 Buckland. Phil. Mag., Jan. 1836., p. 4 Ditto ditto ditto Kim. -clay Lower-chalk ... Gault Mantcllii ' n $ * Great-oolite ... Tertiary-form... Engi-slate Clupea 4 3 De Blain. Die. des Sci. Nat Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iv. page 43, note De Blain. Die. des Sci. Nat De Blain. Die. des Sci. Nat Engi-slate Newer-pliocene? F. water-form. Cobitis 4 6 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. v. tab. 50, fig. 5, 6, 7. 2 4 Mag. -limestone F. water -form. Carb. -limestone 3 3 1 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 4 tenuistriatus ... / Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 3, figs. 7, 8, \ 4 1 1 9> I", 11 J Lon.-clay (Eo.) 2 6 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 44, fig. 1 Agass. Mss 4 7 Engi-slate 2 1 Lias Colci g ( De la Beche, Geolog. Trans., 2nd Ser., Vol. \ \ i. PI. 6. Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. p. 185 / 2 5 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. tab. 66a, figs. 1 to 8 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Feuilleton, page 80 [~ Sedg. and Murch. Geolog. Trans., 2nd Ser., ] < Vol. iii. PI. 15, 16, 17. Agass.Poiss.Foss., \ [ Vol. ii. page 115 J Chalk 1 2 Coal-shale Caithness-schist. 2 1 4 1 GENUS and SPECIES. Order. Family. Cabinet. References. Formation. Locality. 4 1 C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. v. tab. 25c, figs. 1 to 16 Chalk ( Sussex am \ Norfolk. CEningen. Lyme Regis. Solenhofen. Lyme Regis. Whitby. Lyme Regis. Claris. Monte Bolca. Soleure. Maastricht. Soleure. Kent. Monte Bolca. Bavreuth. Ibid. Lyme Regis. Soleure. Monte Bolca. BurdieHouse. N. Stafford. Shotover. Lyme Regis. Stouesfield. Ibid. Lyme Regis. Ibid. Bath. Aust. Lyme Regis. Bayreuth. Stonesfield. Lyme Regis. Purbeck. Claris. Monte Bolca. Sussex. Esox 4 2 F. water-form. 2 3 Oolite n s <> . 3 3 4 E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. . E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. E. E. C E Engi-slate Eocene? Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iv. page 41, note I 4 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. t. 26, figs. 24 to 28 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. t. 26, figs. 4 to 14 Molasse (Mio.) Upper-chalk .. Molasse CMio.) Chalk 4 1 2 1 Muschel-kalk.. - Albcrtii Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. p. 174 2 3 1 4 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. t. 27, figs. 18 to 30 Molasse (Mio.) 3 1 2 4 Coal-limestone Coal-shale Kim.-clay ..... Hibbertii Agass. Mss Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 10, figs. 4, 5, 6 1 2. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C E Agass Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 10, fig. 1 Great-oolite ... Agass. Poiss. Foss., V. iii. 1. 10, figs. 18, 19,20,21 C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. C, E. C. E. C. E. Muschel-kalk... Great-oolite ... Lias reticulatus f Geolog. Trans., 2nd Sen, Vol. i. PI. 4, figs, j \ 7,8,9,10; PI. 5, figs. 3, 4 / Purbeck-stone . Engi-slate 4 1 3 1 1 4 Agass. Poiss. Foss , Feuilleton, page 54, note... Chalk GENUS and SPECIES. Order. 'aniily. Cabinet. References. Formation. Locality. C. E. C. E. Agass. Poiss. Foss., Feuilleton, page 54, note... Cbalk {Sussex & Maastricht. Soleure. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Sussex. Sheppey. Ibid. Soleure. Malta. Ibid. Soleure. Monte Bolca. Sinigaglia. Lyme Regis. Tilgate-forest. Whitby. Tilgate-forest. Stonesfield. Portland. Solenhofen. Stonesfield. Boulogne. Stonesfield. Lyme Kegis. Lyme Regis. Ibid. Solenhofen. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Wurtemburg. Rhine. Ibid. (Eningen. Monte Bclca. Sussex. Greenland. , BurdieHouse t N. Stafford. Kent. Sheppey. Solenhofen. Stonesfield. Molasse (Mio.) C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. K. Ayass. Mss Agass. I'oiss. Fuss., Feuilleton, page 54, note... Chalk Loti. -clay (Eo.) I** ' " Agass. Mss Molasse (Mio.) Older-pliocene ? -'1 A C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. E. E. C. E. C. Molasse (Mio.) Eocene? 3 1 4 5 Tertiary-form. 2 1 Fittoni f Agass.Poiss.Foss., Vol. ii. tab. 30, figs. 4, 5, ) Hastings-sand . Lias Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. tabs. 28 and 29 ... {Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii page 9, tab. 30, \ Mantelli Hastings-sand Great-oolite ... figs. 10 15, tab. 30c / Portland-stone Oolite Great-oolite .. Kim. -clay .. 1 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., V. iii. t. 7, figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Great-oolite .. Lias 2 3 Lias Oolite ., ..' 4 6 F. water-form. Papier-kohl ... Agass. Poiss. Foss., V. v. t. 57, figs. 4, 5, & t. 58 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. v. tabs. 11 and lla ... Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. tabs. 65o, b, c, d ... F. water-form. Eocene? 4 1 2 4 Chalk . Mantelli 4 3 Recent-form.?.. Coal-formation Chalk 2 3 4 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Feuilleton, page 55, note.. 4 3 Lon.-clay (Eo.) Oolite Great-oolite .. 2 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. page 16 GENUS and SPECIES. Order Family Cabinet References. Formation. Locality. 4 4 C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. Tertiary-form.. Lon.-clay, (Eo v Aix. Sheppey. Ibid. Soleure. Unknown. Lyme Regis. Monte Bolca. Aust. T. d'Orlando. Kent. Soleure. Maestricht. Purbeck. Bristol. Sussex. Kent. Gamrie. Muse. E. Thickley. Zweibriicken. N. Stafford. E. Thickley. Eisleben. E. Thickley. Ilmenau. Eisleben. Claris. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Claris. FVSJ 1 5 Molasse (Mio.) Unknown 1 1 C. E. C. E. E. E. C. E. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. E. {Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 6, Geol. "] Trans., 2nd Ser., Vol. i. p. 65, figs. 1,2. j Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iv. page 39, note Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 7, fig. 9 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. p. 10, tab. 49, fig. Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 27, fig. 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 27, figs. 2 to 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Feuilleton, page 55 note.. 3 1 Eocene? 1 1 filifcr 2 1 Jura-limestone Chalk 1 4 Molasse (Mio/ Upper-chalk .. Purbeck-stone Carb. -limestone Chalk 1 4 2 1 Orodus 1 1 {Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. iii. tab. 11, figs. 5, ] ramosus 4 3 7, s, y ) Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. v. tabs. 60c and b Mantellii? Lower-chalk .. 2 1 E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. C E Palseoniscus 2 1 Coal-formation Magnesian-lim Coal-formation Coal-shale Magnesian-lim. Kupfer-schiefer Magnesian-lim. Zechstein Kupfer-schiefer Engi-slate Agass. Mss Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. ii. page 82 and 95 .. longissimus Palaeorhynchum 4 1 Colei .. .. C. E, C. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. De Blain Diet des Sci Nat * ' longirostre . * . . . ^^-^ medium spondylum / 4 2 1 1 Agass. Poiss. Foss., Vol. v. tab. 20 Engi-slate Pholidophorus Geolog. Trans., 2nd Series, Vol. i. PI. 7, fig. 1. L.yme Regis. Bechei. .. ( I i:\-i - and SPECIES. Order. Family. Cabinet. References. Formation. Locality. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. E. C. E. E. C.E. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. E. C. C. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C. E. C E Oolite Solenhofen. {Lyme and Seefeld. Lyme Regis. Ibid. Solenhofen. Ibid. Ibid. CastellaMare. Bayreuth. Ibid. Eisleben. Glaris. Claris. Bristol. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Stonesfield. Bristol. Shotover. Dundry. Stonestield. Bristol. Monte Bolca. Lyme Regis. Sussex. Ibid. Kent. Sussex. Kent. Stonesfield. J ura. Tilgate-foresl. Stonesfield. T. d'Orlando. Stonesfield. Monte Bolca. Ibid. Kent. Lyme Regis. Seefeld. Monte Bolca. Aix. radiato- "1 Oolite punctatus J Taxia n