UC-NRLF SB 271 REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class TEXT-BOOKS OF SCIENCE ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF ARTISANS AND STUDENTS IN PUBLIC AND SCIENCE SCHOOLS THE STEAM ENGINE Text- Books of Science. ABNEY'S PHOTOGRAPHY, 35-. 6d. ANDERSON'S STRENGTH of MATERIALS, y. 6d. ARMSTRONG'S ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 3 j. 6d. BALL'S ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY, 6*. BARRY'S RAILWAY APPLIANCES, 3*. 6d. BAUERMAN'S DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. 6*. BAUERMAN'S SYSTEMATIC MINERALOGY, 6*. BLOXAM & HUNTINGTON'S METALS, 55. GLAZEBROOK'S PHYSICAL OPTICS, 6s. GLAZEBROOK & SHAW'S PRACTICAL PHYSICS. 6s. GORE'S ELECTRO-METALLURGY, 6s. GRIFFIN'S ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY, 3 j. 6d. NOTES 3s. 6d. HOLMES'S THE STEAM ENGINE, 6s. JENKIN'S ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM, 3 s. 6d. MAXWELL'S THEORY OF HEAT, 3 s. 6d. MERRIFIELD'S TECHNICAL ARITHMETIC, 3*. 6d. KEY 3*. 6d, MILLER'S INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, y. 6d. PREECE and SIVEWRIGHT'S TELEGRAPHY, $s. RUTLEY'S PETROLOGY, or Study of Rocks, 4*. 6J. SHELLEY'S WORKSHOP APPLIANCES, 4 s. 6d. THOME'S STRUCTURAL & PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY, 6s THORPE'S QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, 45. 6d. THORPE & MUIR'S QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS, y. 6d. TILDEN'S CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY, 3,. 6d. ; or, with Answers, 4$. 6d. UNWIN'S MACHINE DESIGN, 6*. WATSON'S PLANE & SOLID GEOMETRY, y. 6d. London : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. THE STEAM ENGINE BY > GEORGE C. V. HOLMES * VVHITWORTH SCHOLAR; SECRETARY OF THE INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AT CHERBOURG ; MEMBER OF THE JURIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF VIENNA, 1873, ANr> OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1885 ; KNIGHT OF THE ORDER OF FRANCIS JOSEPH OF AUSTRIA SECOND EDITION LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST i6th STREET 1888 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON PREFACE. THE progress of technical education in this country during the last few years has rendered necessary the production of an elementary text book on the Steam Engine, containing information upon branches of the subject which have hitherto received but scant notice in works of this nature. I have endeavoured, as far. as .the limits of space in this small volume permitted, to make good these deficiencies, which were for the most part brought under my notice by engineering students. There are four important points in which I venture to hope this book will be found to contain information, put in a form suitable for beginners, which has hitherto only been accessible in works of a more advanced character or in those which only profess to treat special branches of the subject. They are as follows : 1. The modern science of thermodynamics, which is the foundation of all knowledge of the steam engine considered as an apparatus for converting heat into mechanical work. 2. The very important effects exercised on the motion of quick running engines by the inertia of their reciprocat- ing parts. 40848 vi Preface. 3. The geometrical methods of fixing the dimensions and the setting of slide valves. 4. The investigation of the methods in use for diminish- ing the losses of efficiency in expansive engines, due to the cooling of the cylinders by the expanding steam, the prin- cipal of which methods are, superheating, steam jacketing, and compounding. The space required for even an elementary treatment of the above subjects could not be gained without a certain sacrifice, and after full consideration I came to the con- clusion to sacrifice altogether the historical part of the subject, partly because there are already in existence many elementary works full of historical information, and partly because I doubted whether a history of the steam engine has any legitimate place in a text book for students. I have endeavoured throughout this work to make the de- scriptions as simple as possible, and their sequence as systematic as the nature of the work allowed. I believe that fully one half of the difficulties experienced by students in mastering new subjects is due to the want of system which characterises too much of our older technical literature. It is the rule rather than the exception in many books to present to the student ready-made formulae without indicat- ing the steps by which they are reached. I have carefully avoided this source of difficulty to beginners, for I conceive it to be the duty of all who attempt to teach even the most elementary subjects to husband the powers of their readers by saving them all unnecessary trouble. I cannot claim anything original in the 'cook, but I do claim that I have endeavoured to render the information which it contains very easy to understand, so that it can be Preface. vii followed from first to last by any student who possesses a slight acquaintance with elementary mathematics. Wherever it has been advantageous to do so I have used geometrical instead of analytical methods of demonstration. I have not assumed the slightest acquaintance on the part of the reader with the sciences of heat or of motion, and have consequently devoted many pages to the explanation of such parts of these sciences as are necessary for the proper understanding of the working of engines. In this I have followed the precedent set in many excellent works included in this series. If I were to acknowledge in detail all the sources of information from which I have freely drawn, I fear this Pre- face would run to an inordinate length ; but I cannot forbear to express my deep obligations to my old friend and private tutor at Cambridge, Professor James Stuart, M.P., who has kindly revised the proofs of the entire work, and to the Editors and Proprietors of * Engineering ' and the ' Engineer,' who have allowed me free use of many of the illustrations and of the inexhaustible stores of information which have appeared in their journals. Students of thermodynamics would be in a bad way without the writings of the late Professor Rankine, F.R.S., and of Professor Cotteril, F.R.S., and I have availed myself freely of the information contained in their invaluable books. I have also found much that was valuable in the published papers of the Institutions of Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Naval Archi- tects, and am greatly indebted to the Councils of these Societies for permission to make use of many drawings which are reproduced in these pages. Among the other authors whom I have consulted, I may mention Mr. Arthur viii Preface. Rigg, whose very ingenious system of circular diagrams of twisting moments on crank-shafts I have adopted in Chapter V. ; Professor Zeuner, whose invaluable system of valve diagrams is explained in Chapter VII. ; Mr. Cowling Welch, Mr. Porter, Professors Galbraith and Haughton, Clerk Maxwell and Cawthorn Unwin, Mr. A. E. Seaton, and lastly Mr. R. Sennett, to whom I am indebted for several illustra- tions and for much valuable information on the subject of the distribution of the steam in Compound Engines. GEORGE C. V. HOLMES. 5 ADELPHI TERRACE: December, 1886. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. PAGE The elementary conception of a steam engine The essential ele- ments of steam engines Description of a simple form of modern steam engine and boiler Distribution of steam by an ordinary slide valve -The use of the fly wheel Various pur- poses for which steam engines are employed Importance of the accurate study of the engine in all its bearings The natu- ral subdivisions of the subject ...... I CHAPTER II. NATURE OF HEAT. THE MODE OF MEASURING IT. ITS EFFECTS ON GASES AND WATER. General ideas of nature of heat Old notions regarding it Mate- rial theory and its refutation by Davy Modern theory that heat is a form of energy Definitions and examples of energy and work Example of conversion of heat into work Measurement of heat Temperature Thermometers, their graduation and defects Quantity of heat Specific heat British thermal unit Capacity of substances for heat Rela- tion between heat and work -The mechanical equivalent of heat Joule's experiments Effect of application of heat to gases Nature of gas -Boyle's law connecting the pressure and volume of gas Graphic representation of Boyle's law Definition of an Isothermal Charles's law connecting the volume and temperature of gas Dalton's law connecting the volume and temperature of gas The air thermometer Abso- Contents. PAGE lute temperature Combination of Boyle's and Charles's laws The specific heat of gases Difference in the specific heats according as the gas is heated at constant volume or at con- stant pressure External and internal work done when a gas is heated at constant pressure Effect of application of heat to water and ice Heat absorbed in liquefying ice Heat ab- sorbed in evaporating water at various pressures External and internal work of evaporation Law connecting the pres- sure and temperature of steam Total heat of steam analysed ^-Specific volume and relative volumes of steam Law con- necting the pressure, volume, and density of steam Graphic representation of the expenditure of heat in evaporating water Expansion of gas and steam Isothermal expansion of gas Isothermal expansion of steam Adiabatic expansion of gas Adiabatic expansion of steam ...... 20 CHAPTER III. THEORETICALLY PERFECT HEAT ENGINES. Application of Boyle's and Charles's laws to gases Specific heat of gases at constant pressure and at constant volume Cycle of operations Ratio of heat expended to work done Graphic representation of external work done during the expansion of a gas Nature of the curves of expansion of gases as influenced by the supply of heat Heat supplied : (i) when the curve of expansion is a rectangular hyperbola, the equation for which \<$, pv-c ; (2) when the equation of the curve takes the form pv n = c, where n has any value except unity Nature of the curve when no heat is supplied or abstracted The ideally perfect heat engine Calculation of the efficiency of such engines The reversed action of the ideal heat engine Proof that no other engine has a greater efficiency than the ideal heat engine Practical limits of efficiency in the ideal heat engine Laws connecting the pressure, temperature, and volume of dry saturated steam Specific heats of M ater and steam Law connecting the pressure, volume, and tempera- ture of superheated steam Total heat expended in converting water into steam Proportion of total heat expended in doing external and internal work Expenditure of heat in a steam engine when the steam is not used expansively Method of Contents. xi PAGE representing heat by an 'equivalent pressure' Expenditure of heat in a steam engine when the steam is used expansively, 1st, when the curve of expansion is a rectangular hyperbola; 2nd, when the steam remains dry and saturated throughout whole stroke To realise latter condition steam jacket is necessary Rankine's formulae for the expenditure of heat in a steam engine Theory of the ideally perfect heat engine applied to steam How actual steam engines differ from the ideal heat engine Summary of laws and formulae . . 73 CHAPTER IV. CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SIZE OF AN ENGINE, THE EVA- PORATIVE POWER OF THE BOILER, AND THE EXTERNAL WORK WHICH IT CAN DO. Navier's modification of Boyle's law applied to steam Work done during expansion of steam calculated by Navier's formula - - De Pambour's theory of the double-acting steam engine Its two fundamental principles and their mathematical ex- pression-Analysis of the resistance to the motion of the piston of a steam engine Back pressure Engine friction Load Horse power Examples of the connection between the size of cylinder, the piston-speed, the rate of expansion, the evaporation in the boiler, and the power developed by the engine Locomotive engines Analysis of the resistance to be overcome by the pistons of locomotives --Back pressure Engine friction Resistance to uniform motion of engine, tender, and train Resistance due to gradient Resistance due to inertia of weights to be moved Atmospheric resist- ance Application of De Pambour's theory to locomotives . 126 CHAPTER V. THE MECHANICS OF THE STEAM ENGINE. Elementary principles of dynamics Definitions of mass, weight, velocity, motion, force Units employed in their measure- ment The laws of motion and examples of their application Work and energyMotions of bodies in circles Applica- tion to fly-wheels Centrifugal force Conversion of work xii Contents. PAGE done in the cylinder into work done on the crank ist case, when pressure of steam is uniform, connecting rod supposed to be of infinite length and moving parts without weight 2nd case, when steam is allowed to expand, the other con- ditions remaining unchanged Curve of effort on crank pin 3rd case, when the length of the connecting rod is taken into account 4th case, when the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts are taken into account Power absorbed in accelerating these parts Power restored by their retardation The consequent modification of the indicator diagrams neces- sary for calculating effort of crank pin Effect of steam distri- bution on the action of the moving parts Means of equalising the tangential effort of crank-pin Fly-wheels Theory of their action Graphic diagrams illustrating their action . . 145 CHAPTER VI. THE MECHANISM AND DETAILS OF STEAM ENGINES. Cylinders with their fittings -Lubricators Pistons Piston pack- ings Piston rods Cross heads and slide bars Connecting rods Cranks and eccentrics Eccentric rods Shaft and plummer blocks Axle boxes Governors Fly wheels . . 201 CHAPTER VII. VALVES AND VALVE GEARS. Action of the simplest form of D slide valve driven by single eccentric Definitions of ' lap ' and ' lead ' .-- Position of eccentric as affected by the lap and lead of the valve Effect on the steam distribution of the lap and lead of the valve - Effect of ratio of length of connecting rod to length of crank in modifying steam distribution Means of varying the rate of expansion and of reversing Stephenson's link motion - Effect of diminishing the throw of the eccentric Reversing lever Ramsbottom's reversing screw Variations in the details of Stephenson's link motion Other systems of link motion Other means of varying the rate of expansion Meyer's separate expansion valve Corliss's valve gear Varieties of valves -Valve gears in which eccentrics are dis- Contents xiii PAGE pensed with Joy's gear Geometrical representations of the action of slide valves Zeuner's valve diagrams Case of valve without lap or lead Case of valve with lap and lead Problems on simple valve setting Zeuner's diagrams applied to valves driven by link motions Analytical method of fixing centres of valve circles Graphical method Problems in link motion The method of suspending link motions Zeuner's diagrams applied to Meyer's valve gear Reversing by Meyer's gear Problems on valve setting with Meyer's gear . . 249 CHAPTER VIII. INDICATORS AND INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Uses of indicator diagrams Richards' indicator General cha- racter of indicator diagrams The lines of admission, expan- sion, release, exhaust, and compression How to measure the power exerted during a stroke of the piston How to ascertain from diagram the horse power exerted by the engine How peculiarities and defects are revealed by the diagram Loss of pressure during admission Slow cut-off of steam Effects of clearance on expansion curve Effects of condensation and re-evaporation in cylinder on expansion curve Usual form of the expansion curve Late and early release Effect of wet steam on the exhaust line Causes affecting the back pressure Cushioning or compression of exhaust steam Principal causes affecting forms of diagrams Examples of diagrams from defective engines How to draw the hyperbolic curve of expansion Initial condensation and re-evaporation shown by diagram Gross and net indicated power Cause which limits the economical rate of expansion How to deduce from indicator diagrams the effective pressure on piston How to ascertain the expenditure of heat and steam accounted for by the diagram . . . . . . . . -3 1 ? CHAPTER IX. FUEL COMBUSTION THE GENERATION OF STEAM BOILERS AND THEIR FITTINGS. Combustion Combination of oxygen with carbon Combination of oxygen with compounds of carbon and hydrogen xiv Contents. PACK Chemical symbols and atomic weights of constituents of fuel --Principal compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Constituents of fuel Heat of combustion of carbon and hydrogen with oxygen Description of fuels in common use Table of the chemical constituents and evaporative power of various fuels Weight and temperature of the products of combustion Waste of fuel by splintering, distillation, in- sufficient air supply, smoke forming, draught creation, radia- tion, and conduction Conduction of heat through the plates of furnaces Importance of preventing an over-supply of air to fuel The separate parts of boilers Cylindrical boiler with external firing Cornish boiler Lancashire boiler Galloway tubes The stiffening of internal flues Tubulous boilers Locomotive boilers Marine boilers for low-pressure steam Marine boilers for high-pressure steam Proportions of parts of boilers Firegrate area Evaporative power of fuel in various types of boilers Consumption of fuel per square foot of fire- grate area Efficiency of heating surface Cubic capacities of boilers of different types Steam room Strength of boilers Hollow cylinder pressed from within : 1st, longitudinal strain ; 2nd, transverse strain Strength of riveted joints Hollow cylinder pressed from without Flat stayed surfaces Effects of unequal heating in straining boilers Materials of construction Boiler fittings Safety valves Pressure gauges Feed pumps Injectors Water gauges Draught creation by chimnies Forced draught Closed stoke-holds Closed ashpits .......... 346 CHAPTER X. CONDENSATION AND CONDENSERS. The object and advantages of condensing steam General descrip- tion of condensers Quantity of water required to condense steam Object of surface condensation for marine engines Description of a jet condenser for a stationary engine De- scription of a marine surface condenser Air pumps Method of indicating the vacuum Ejector condensers . . . 4 2 3 Contents. xv CHAPTER XI. ON SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF LOSS OF EFFICIENCY IN STEAM ENGINES, AND THE METHODS EMPLOYED FOR REDUCING THE LOSS SUPERHEATING STEAM JACKETING COMPOUNDING. PAGE Early improvement in the steam engine consisted in the separa- tion of the functions of steam generating, steam using, and condensing The cylinder, even in modern engines, still acts as a generator and condenser Experimental confirmation of the foregoing Cause of condensation and re- evaporation in engine cylinders Hypothetical example showing the succes- sive stages of condensation and re-evaporation Injurious effects of presence of water in cylinders Four principal causes of the presence of water in cylinders : I, priming ; 2, excess of condensation over re-evaporation ; 3, liquefaction due to work done ; 4, loss of heat by radiation Influence of dimensions of cylinder, pressure of steam, and rate of expan- sion on the initial condensat.on Experiments on steam con- sumption in conducting and non-conducting cylinders Means employed to diminish the loss due to liquefaction: I, super- heating the steam ; 2, steam jacketing The benefits derived from the use of steam jackets Cases in which jackets are useless Precautions to be observed in jacketing Experi- ments showing the use of jackets in simple and compound engines 3, cushioning, or compressing the exhaust steam ; 4, compounding Variations in temperature of cylinders due to working high-pressure steam expansively Compounding reduces the variation of temperature in each cylinder Tan- dem compound engines Two-cylinder receiver compounds Three-cylinder ordinary compounds Triple compound, or triple expansive engines Experimental demonstration of the saving in fuel to be effected by compounding The distribu- tion of the steam in the various types of compound engines Actual indicator diagrams of the various types of compound engines The manner of reducing the diagrams of compound engines The mechanical advantages of compound as com- pared with simple expansive engines Example of the curve of twisting moments on the crank of a triple compound engine The relative sizes of the cylinders of compound engines xvi Contents. PAGE Means of equalising the power developed in the separate cylinders of compound engines Table of cylinder ratios for various types of compound engines working with different pressures of steam ........ 438 APPENDIX : TABLE 1 489 TABLE II 49$ EXAMPLES 55 INDEX . 523 THE STEAM ENGINE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. The elementary conception of a steam engine The essential elements of steam engines Description of a simple form of modern steam engine and boiler Distribution of steam by an ordinary slide valve The use of the fly wheel Various purposes for which steam engines are employed Importance of the accurate study of the engine in all its bearings The natural subdivisions of the subject. THE complete study of the steam engine is, in its nature, somewhat complex, involving as it does an acquaintance with the sciences of heat, of chemistry, and of pure and applied mechanics, as well as a knowledge of the theory of mechanism and the strength of materials. It is proposed, therefore, to begin this work by showing, in a very simple case, how steam can be used to do work, and then to pro- ceed to describe an actual steam engine of the most modern construction, but one which at the same time is remarkably free from complexity. When studying this description, the student will soon find out how it is that the perfect know- ledge of the steam engine involves an acquaintance with so many branches of science ; and the order in which these subjects must be studied, so far as they bear on the matter in hand, will naturally be suggested by the description. B The Steam Engine. Take a hollow cylinder (fig. i) of indefinite height, the bottom of which is closed while the top remains open, and fill this cylinder to the height of a few inches with water. Next cover in the water by means of a flat plate, or piston, which fits perfectly the in- terior of the cylinder, and then apply heat to the water ; we shall witness the following phenomena. After the lapse of some minutes the water will begin to boil, and steam will accumulate at its upper surface between it and the piston, which latter will be raised slightly in order to make room for the steam. As the boiling process continues, more and more steam will be formed, and the piston will be raised higher and higher, till the whole of the water is boiled away, and nothing but steam is contained in the cylinder. Now this apparatus, consisting of cylinder, piston, water, and fire, is an elementary form of steam engine of the simplest kind. For a steam engine may be defined as an apparatus for doing work by means of heat applied to water ; and it is manifest that the appliance just described, inconvenient and clumsy though it may be, perfectly answers to the definition ; for the piston is a weight, and this weight has been raised to a certain height by the formation of steam from the water. Now the raising of a weight through a height is a particular form of doing work, and consequently this combination is an apparatus capable of doing work by means of heat applied to water. If, instead of a simple piston, we had taken one loaded with weights, and applied heat as before, the result would have been similar but not precisely the same. The water would not have begun to boil so soon, and when it was all boiled away the loaded piston would not have risen to the same height as did the simple one. The reason of this will be amply explained in the chapters on heat. Supposing Introduction. 3 that, having raised the weight to the utmost height it would go, we then removed it from the piston, and wished to employ the apparatus in order to raise a similar weight to the same height, we should have to bring back the steam to its original condition of water. This we could do by remov- ing the fire and by surrounding the cylinder instead with cold water. The result would be that the steam would all con- dense into water, and fall back to its original place, the piston following it, and everything would be ready for a fresh start. Now, though this apparatus answers the defini- tion of a steam engine, it is, nevertheless, a very bad one, for the following reasons. The only kind of work it can do is the raising of weights through certain heights. When we want to repeat the operation we have to remove the fire and surround the cylinder with cold water, and then replace the fire, which is a most cumbrous process. While condensing the steam we made the cylinder cold, and a large quantity of heat is wasted in warming it again. Moreover, when, at the cost of a considerable amount of fuel, we have heated the water and turned it into steam, we allow the whole of the heat in the steam to escape into the cold water, and thus become wasted, though it is capable of doing much more work if properly used. Thus we see that our elementary engine is limited in its scope, clumsy in use, and extremely wasteful of fuel. It is in obviating these disadvantages that actual engines differ from the one we have described. It will have been observed that this engine consists of four principal elements, viz. : the fire, or source of heat ; the water, or medium to which the heat is applied, and by the conversion of which into steam the work is done; the cylin- der with movable piston, which contains the water and steam, and which prevents the latter from escaping into the air when formed and becoming lost ; and, lastly, the source of cold, or the water by means of which the steam was con- densed and brought back to its original condition. The great majority of actual engines consist of precisely the same B 2 4 The Steam Engine. elements, more advantageously arranged, with the addition of certain mechanism for changing the straight line move- ment of the piston into circular, or any other kind of motion. This mechanism has also to effect other subsidiary objects which will be fully described hereafter. It should also here be mentioned that if, instead of condensing the steam by means of cold water, we had opened a temporary communi- cation between the steam space inside the cylinder and the open air, we should have equally well succeeded in bring- ing the piston back to its original position, when, by intro- ducing into the cylinder a fresh quantity of water, we could have again raised the weights. In practice the arrangement adopted is as follows : 1. The source of heat, and the vessel containing the water to be boiled, are kept quite separate and distinct from the cylinder. These parts of the apparatus are called respectively the furnace and boiler. The steam is supplied from the boiler, where it is generated, to the cylinder where it is used, as it is wanted, by means of a pipe, called the steam pipe. 2. The steam, after doing its work in the cylinder, is led away through a second pipe, called the exhaust pipe, into the open air, or else to be condensed in a separate vessel kept quite apart from the cylinder, and which is called the condenser. 3. The cylinder, instead of being open at one end, and of indefinite length, is closed at both ends, and in length seldom exceeds twice the diameter of the piston. 4. The steam, instead of being used only on one side of the piston, is admitted alternately to and exhausted from each side in succession, so that when the engine is in use, the piston is constantly travelling backwards and forwards from one end to the other of the cylinder. 5. Suitable openings are made at each end of the cylinder, to allow the steam alternately to enter and escape, and valves driven by suitable mechanism are provided in Introduction. 5 order to ensure that the admission and escape of the steam shall take place at the proper moments. 6. Instead of placing the weights to be lifted directly upon the piston, a cylindrical bar or rod called the piston rod is attached firmly to the centre of the piston, and is continued through one end of the cylinder to the open air, so that the outside end of the rod moves backwards and forwards in a straight line, exactly as the piston does. By means of suitable mechanism, which will be fully described hereafter, this straight line motion of the piston rod end is changed into rotatory or circular motion, so that the engine can be used, not only for lifting weights up in a vertical direction, but for doing any kind of work which may be required of it. The manner in which all this may be accomplished in practice will be shown in the following description and drawings of an engine and boiler, which are here selected for description on account of their simplicity of construction. We will commence with the source of heat, and apparatus for turning the water into steam ; then go on to the engine proper, i.e. the cylinder with the mechanism belonging to it. The abstracter of heat, or condenser, will be considered in a separate chapter. Fig. 2 is an elevation of the boiler, fig. 3 a vertical section through its axis, and fig. 4 a horizontal section through the furnace bars. The type of steam generator here exhibited is what is known as a vertical tubular boiler. The outside casing or shell is cylindrical in shape, and is composed of wrought iron or steel plates riveted together as shown in fig. 2. The top, which is likewise composed of the same material, is slightly dome-shaped, except at the centre, which is cut away in order to receive the chimney, a, which is cylindrical in shape and formed of thin wrought-iron plates. The interior is shown in vertical section in fig. 3. It consists of a furnace chamber, , which contains the fire. The furnace is formed like the shell of the boiler of wrought iron or steel The Steam Engine. plates in the form of a cylinder, the top of which is covered by a flat circular plate, a, firmly attached to the cylindrical Fig. 2. Fig. 3- portion by flanging and riveting. The bottom is occupied by the grating, on which rests the incandescent fuel. The grating consists of a number of cast-iron bars, d (fig. 3), and shown in plan in fig. 4, placed so as to have interstices between them like the grate of an ordinary fireplace. The bottom of the furnace is firmly secured to the outside shell of the boiler in the manner shown in fig. 3. The top cover- ing plate, cc, is perforated with a number of circular holes of from one and a half to three inches diameter, according to the size of the boiler. Into each of these holes is fixed a vertical tube made of Fig. 4. C Introduction. brass, wrought iron, or steel, shown at fff (fig. 3). These tubes pass through similar holes, at their top ends in the plate gg, which latter is firmly riveted to the outside shell of the boiler. The tubes are also firmly attached to the two plates, cc, gg. They serve to convey the flame, smoke, and hot air from the fire to the smoke box, /*, and the chimney, a, and at the same time their sides provide ample heating surface to allow the heat contained in the products of combustion to escape into the water. The fresh fuel is thrown on to the grating when required through the fire door, A (fig. 2). The ashes, cinders, &c., fall between the fire bars into the ash pit, B (fig. 3). The water is contained in the space between the shell of the boiler, the furnace chamber, and the tubes. It is kept at or about the level, ww (fig. 3), the space above this part being reserved for the steam as it rises. The heat, of course, escapes into the water, through the sides and top plate of the furnace, and through the sides of the tubes. The steam which, as it rises from the boiling water, ascends into the space above ww t is thence led away by the steam pipe to the engine. Unless consumed quickly enough by the engine, the steam would accumulate too much within the boiler, and its pressure would rise to a dangerous point. To provide against this contingency, the steam is enabled to escape when it rises above a certain pressure through the safety valve, which is shown in sketch on the top of the boiler in fig. 2. The details of the construction of safety valves will be found fully described in Chapter IX., which is devoted exclusively to the consideration of boilers and their fittings. In the same chapter will be found full descriptions of the various fittings and accessories of boilers, which it would be out of place here to describe in detail, such as the water and pressure gauges, the apparatus for feeding the boiler with water, for producing the requisite draught of air to maintain the combustion, and also the particulars of the construction of the boilers themselves and their furnaces, The Steam Engine. Introduction. 9 and the principles on which their strength is determined, and their various parts proportioned, so as to fully realise the effects intended. We now come to the description of the engine, and the type selected for illustration is that usually called horizontal single cylinder, direct acting. Fig. 5 is an elevation of the exterior. Fig. 6 is a hori zontal section of the cylinder, piston, and valve box. Fig. 7 is a plan. The cylinder is shown at A, figs. 5, 6, 7 ; its construction is best seen from the section, fig. 6. It is formed of cast iron, the ends being flanged to allow of the cylinder cover or end plate, aa^ and the frame, PP, being Fig. 6. bolted to it. The piston is shown at B ; it is a circular cast- iron disc, made to fit the cylinder in a steam-tight manner. Into the piston is fixed the piston rod, C, which passes through the front cylinder cover, the place where it passes through being made steam-tight by the stuffing box, D. The front end of the piston rod is fastened to the crosshead, E (fig. 5), which is a joint used for connecting the piston rod to the connecting rod, F, in such a manner as to allow the latter to swing in a vertical plane as the piston travels back- wards and forwards. The crosshead is also provided with two slides, ^(fig. 5), which move between the guide bars, ff (figs. 5 and 6), and which prevent the piston rod from being bent, and from moving otherwise than in a straight line. The connecting rod, F (figs. 5 and 7), joins the end of the piston rod to the crank pin, G. The crank axle in which 10 The Steam Engine, Introduction. 1 1 the crank is formed is shown in section at H (fig. 5), but is seen more clearly in the plan, fig. 7, where it is shown pass- ing through the two bearings, LL. The distance between the centre of the crank pin, G, and the centre of the crank axle, H (fig. 5), is called the length of the crank arm, and is exactly equal to half the distance which the piston moves from one end to the other of the cylinder. Supposing now that steam were allowed to flow from the boiler into the cylinder in such a manner as to obtain ad- mission behind the piston, B ; this latter would commence to travel towards the front cover of the cylinder, and in doing so would push forward the piston rod and the cross- head. The end of the connecting rod next the crosshead would also be pushed forward, but the other end of the con- necting rod which encircles the crank pin, not being free to move simply forward, would describe an arc of a circle round the centre of the crank axle, H, and in so doing the direction of the rod would become inclined so as to form an angle with the axis of the cylinder. By the time the piston has travelled to the front end of the cylinder, the crank pin will have been turned round into the position G' (fig. 5), diametrically opposite to its initial position. Suppose that, just before this takes place, the steam is shut off from the back of the piston, and the steam already in the cylinder is allowed to escape, while at the same time fresh steam from the boiler is allowed to enter the cylinder at the front side of the piston, this latter will commence to travel back to its original position, 1 and in doing so will cause the crank pin to revolve from the position G' (fig. 5), through a semi- circle, till it reaches its original position, it having thus described a complete revolution round the centre of the crank axle, while the piston was making a double stroke backwards and forwards. This operation may be repeated as often as we like provided we have a suitable apparatus 1 For the sake of simplifying the description, no account is here taken of the action at the dead centres. See p. 14. 12 The Steam Engine. for admitting the steam alternately on each side of the piston, and then allowing it to escape either into the open air or a condenser. The manner in which the steam admission is regulated is as follows. By referring to the section (fig. 6), it will be seen that a box-like casing, MM, is cast in one piece with the cylinder and on one side of it. This box contains the valve, V, which controls the flow of the steam. It will be noticed that the side of the cylinder next the valve box contains two passages, ss ; these are called the steam ports because the steam by means of them gains access to and escapes from either end of the cylinder. For the sake of clearness the following diagram, fig. 8, is given, showing the valve and side of a cylinder to a larger scale. The cast-iron box containing the valve is always filled, when the engine is at work, with steam from the boiler. If the valve occu- pies the position shown in fig. 8, the steam cannot enter the cylinder at all, because both ports are covered up by the valve. If the latter, however, be moved a little to the right so as to uncover the steam port s, two things will happen. The steam will be enabled to pass through the port s into the cylinder, and push the piston forward from left to right, while at the same time the port s' will be uncovered by the inner edge of the valve, and any steam which may be con- tained in the cylinder on the right-hand side of the piston Introduction. ' 13 will be enabled to escape through the port s' into the interior hollow of the valve, and thence into the exhaust passage e, whence it can escape to the air of the condenser. This condition of things is shown by fig. 9. Fig. 9. If when the piston has reached the end of its forward stroke the valve be moved backwards into the corresponding position on the other side, the steam port s f will then be uncovered and will allow the boiler steam to enter the cylin- der, and force the piston back from right to left, while the steam on the left-hand side of the piston will be enabled to escape into the exhaust passage. The foregoing remarks must be looked upon as merely an elementary sketch of the working of this particular sort of valve (which is commonly called the D slide valve). The proper way of proportioning the parts of the valve, the widths of the steam ports, and the methods of driving the valve so as to admit and cut off the fresh steam and release the ex- haust steam precisely at the right moments during the stroke of the piston, are points of the greatest nicety and require the most careful study, and are fully described in Chapter VII. ; but enough has been now said to illustrate the method of working in a general way without going into complexities. It will be noticed that the valve is connected by a rod (see fig. 7) with a cam, C, fixed to the crank axle of the engine. This cam, which is called an eccentric, drives the valve 14 The Steam Engine. backwards and forwards ; its manner of working will be found described in the chapter already referred to. When the centre of the crank-pin occupies either the point G', fig. 5, or the diametrically opposite position, the centre line of the crank is in the prolongation of the axis of the cylinder and connecting rod, and it is evident that when in either of these positions, which are called the dead centres, the steam would only tend to press the crank axle against its bearings, LL, fig. 7, and would exercise no rotating effect whatever. Consequently unless some means can be devised for getting the crank over the dead centres the engine will stick fast. The plan invariably adopted with a single cylinder engine is to provide a heavy fly-wheel, shown in elevation in fig. 5, and in plan in fig. 7. The momentum acquired by this fly- wheel during the stroke carries the crank over the dead centre. In addition to the above the fly-wheel exercises other useful functions which are explained in Chapter V., but which need not be dwelt upon at present. The engine which has been described above is mounted on the heavy combined bed plate and frame PPP, shown in elevation fig. 5, and in plan fig. 7. The bed plate is bolted down to a solid mass of masonry as shown in fig. 5. For our present purposes it is not necessary to examine into the other details of the mechanism, such as the governor and feed pump shown on fig. 7. The engine which we have just described belongs to a type which is very much employed to drive machinery on land. It must not be supposed, however, that the steam engine, as originally invented, was anything like so simple a machine. On the contrary, it has taken two centuries of time to attain its present degree of perfection. We have no intention of entering into the history of the steam engine ; indeed, the limits of this volume would pre- clude any such idea ; moreover, the historical part of the subject has been dealt with over and over again in special Introduction. 1 5 books, and in the biographies of the great engineers. At present we are only concerned with the engine as we actually find it, and with its possible future. The past will only be referred to for the purpose of showing what increase in effi- ciency has been attained in more modern times. The importance of the accurate study of the steam engine will not be disputed when it is remembered to what purposes the engine is applied now-a-days, and to what an extent this manufacturing and sea-trading country is depend- ent upon its efficiency. Foremost among these purposes are : 1. Locomotion on railways. The steam engine is em- ployed in effecting nearly the whole of the internal goods and passenger traffic of the country. At the present moment there are in this country over 18,000 miles of railway opened for traffic, and the various railway companies employ between them many thousands of locomotives. 2. Marine locomotion. For this, purpose the engine is employed in propelling the numerous steam vessels, which effect the greater part of the ocean-carrying trade of the world. Another important use of marine engines is the propulsion of those ships of war on which we depend for the protection of our coasts and our mercantile navy from foreign enemies. 3. The driving of machinery in our factories. The im- portance of the engine for this purpose can hardly be over- estimated, when it is remembered that we depend on our factories, and on the export of our manufactures, for the means of maintaining our present population, which is far too large to be supported by the produce of the country. 4. The winding of coal and other minerals, and the pumping of water out of mines. 5. The tillage of the soil, and the preparation of its pro- duce for the use of mankind. This is a comparatively novel purpose for which the steam engine is employed, but one which is daily increasing in importance. 1 6 The Steam Engine. Each of these purposes requires a different type of engine for itself. In a small volume like this, it would be out of the question to describe every variety of engine at present in use. It will only be possible, at best, to explain the principles on which they should all alike be designed. The great importance of an accurate study of the subject is this : that without this study we cannot make our engines econo- mical in the use of fuel. This economy should be one of the first objects of every constructor of a steam engine ; for even if our supply of fuel at present prices were inexhaustible, nevertheless in many cases economy is of paramount im- portance. Take only the case of steam vessels which have to make long voyages. Up to a comparatively recent period it was not found commercially practicable to run merchant steamers on the longest trade routes, such as to China ; for the mere coal required to develop the power necessary for propulsion would have occupied so much of the carrying capacity of the vessel as to leave insufficient room for a re- munerative cargo. Thanks, however, to the fuel economies introduced during the last twenty years, steamers can now be employed with advantage on the longest voyages. Simi- larly the magnificent passenger steamers which now cross the Atlantic owe their high speed mainly to the modern im- provements which have ^enabled great power to be attained with a comparatively moderate weight of machinery and fuel. The ultimate object of all study of the steam engine is this : to enable us to attain the maximum economy in the use of fuel with the greatest efficiency of the machinery. Hence the theoretical portion of the subject naturally divides itself into two principal parts. First, the study of the engine as a heat engine ; that is, as an apparatus for the conversion of the heat supplied to it into mechanical work. Second, the study of the engine as a piece of machinery. The study of the heat engine involves a knowledge of the nature of heat, and the laws of its conversion into mechanical work ; hence we shall have the following divisions : Introduction. 1 7 A chapter (II.) in which is explained the nature of heat, and the mode of measuring it. This chapter will only deal with the subject so far as it bears directly upon the heat engine, and all reference to other branches of this science will be avoided. A chapter (III.) which deals with the conversion of heat into mechanical work, by its application to gas and water. This chapter will give an exact account of the physical pro- perties of these bodies, and an explanation as to how the heat supplied to them under given circumstances is actually spent. It will also contain a description of the theoretically perfect heat engine, and show what proportion of the total heat supplied to it can, under the most favourable circum- stances, be in theory turned into work, and also the con- ditions to be observed in order that this ratio of work done, to heat supplied, may be realised. It will, lastly, show how to apply the principle of the theoretically perfect heat engine to actual steam engines, and will explain why these latter are comparatively wasteful of heat. We now come to the consideration of the engine, as a piece of machinery, and the student will require to study in detail, both theoretically and practically, the nature of the mechanical means, or mechanism, by which the pressure of the steam is transformed into work. The study of this part of the subject is contained in the following divisions. Chapter IV. shows the connection between the size of the cylinder, the pressure of the steam, the velocity of the piston, the useful work to be done, and the incidental resistances which have to be overcome ; and will show prac- tically how to proportion the size of the cylinder to the work it has to do. Chapter V., on the laws of motion, as applied to the separate moving parts of an engine, so that the effects of their weights, velocities, and directions of motion, on the working of the whole may be understood. c 1 8 The Steam Engine. The practical part of the book contains descriptions of the various organs of which different types of engines and boilers are made up, and the rules for proportioning them to their several purposes. Chapter VI. is on the practical details of the mechanism employed. This chapter will contain illustrations of the working parts of various sorts of engines. Chapter VII. , on a part of the mechanism viz., the valves and valve gear which, on account of its importance and complexity, requires a separate detailed description. Intimately connected with the subject of valve-gearing is the instrument which is used in practice in order to ascertain if the valves are effecting a proper distribution of the steam. This instrument is called the indicator, and it is used not only for the above-mentioned purpose, but also to measure the power which is being exerted by the engine. The indicator records the performance of the engine by inscribing a geo- metrical figure called an indicator diagram on a piece of paper. Chapter VIII. is devoted to the consideration of indi- cators and the interpretation of their diagrams, and is illus- trated by numerous diagrams taken from actual engines, each of them being remarkable for some peculiarity. Chapter IX. deals with the means of generating steam in practice, and contains an account of the nature of com- bustion, the constituents of fuel, and the various descriptions of furnaces, boilers, and their fittings. The subject of the condensation of steam, and the various forms of condensers, air and circulating pumps, are dealt with in Chapter X. In the chapters containing descriptions of the mechanism of steam engines, several arrangements, which may be looked upon in the light of refinements, have been omitted. Most of these contrivances have been designed with the object of minimising the losses of efficiency of actual engines, as compared with those which are theoretically perfect. These Introduction. 19 sources of loss are enumerated at the end of Chapter III., and a special chapter (XL) is devoted to the various remedies, and contains an examination into the merits of steam jackets, super-heating, and the compounding of engines. Students who approach this subject for the first time, or those who wish only to acquire a general knowledge of the construction of engines and boilers, are recommended to omit Chapters III., IV., V., and the latter part of Chap- ter VII. 2O The Steam Engine. CHAPTER II. Nature of heat The mode of measuring it Its effects on gases and water General ideas of nature of heat Old notions regarding it Material theory and its refutation by Davy Modern theory that heat is a form of energy Definitions and examples of energy and work Example of conversion of heat into work Measurement of heat Temperature Thermometers, their graduation and defects Quantity of heat Specific heat British thermal unit Capacity of substances for heat Relation between heat and work The mechanical equivalent of heat joule's experiments Effect of application of heat to gases Nature of g as Boyle's law connecting the pressure and volume of gas Graphic representation of Boyle's law Definition of an Isothermal Charles's law connecting the volume and temperature of gas Dalton's law con- necting the volume and temperature of gas The air thermometer Absolute temperature Combination of Boyle's and Charles's laws The specific heat of gases Difference in the specific heats according as the gas is heated at constant volume or at constant pressure External and internal work done when a gas is heated at constant pressure Effect of application of heat to water and ice Heat absorbed in liquefying ice Heat absorbed in evaporating water at various pres- sures External and internal work of evaporation Law connecting the pressure and temperature of steam Total heat of steam analysed Specific volume and relative volumes of steam Law connecting the pressure, volume, and density of steam Graphic representation of the expenditure of heat in evaporating water Expansion of gas and steam Isothermal expansion of gas Isothermal expansion of-steam Adiabatic expansion of gas Adiabatic expansion of steam. IN this and the following chapter it is not by any means proposed to go into the study of heat, otherwise than as it bears directly upon the heat engine. Consequently no refer- ence will be made to theories and phenomena of heat, other than those which affect gases and water : nor will any attempt be made to describe the numerous experiments which are usually dwelt upon in treatises devoted exclu- sively to this branch of science. On the contrary, these chapters will be found to be mere summaries of certain Nature of Heat. ITY: parts of the subject, inserted here because they are absolutely necessary to the correct knowledge of the heat engine. Everyone is familiar with the sensations produced by heat on the human body, as, for instance, when the hand is exposed to the action of a fire, or plunged into boiling water. The agency which produces this sensation is called Heat. The nature of the agency has, ever since the physical sciences were first studied, been the subject of speculation with natural philosophers. In the last and the beginning of the present century, heat was supposed to be a kind of matter which differed from all other forms of matter with which we are acquainted, in that it had no weight. It was, in fact, supposed to be a subtle and imponderable fluid, which was capable of spreading and insinuating itself between all the elementary particles which constitute matter, and of flying from hot bodies to colder ones, no matter at what distance apart these bodies might be. This theory did good service in its time, in helping philosophers to account for many of the effects of heat ; it had, however, ultimately to be discarded, because it failed altogether to account for the fact that heat, in apparently illimitable quantities, could be evolved from cold bodies, by rubbing them together ; that is to say, by the process of friction, cold bodies could be made hot and could be made to communicate heat to any quantity of other cold bodies. This phenomenon was accounted for, by the. believers in the material theory of heat, in the following manner : The bodies to be rubbed together possessed in their state of heat, or thermal condi- tion, before the commencement of the experiment, a certain quantity of the fluid called heat, which caused them to be as hot as, say, for example, the human body. This was expressed by saying that the bodies when as warm as the human body had a certain capacity for heat, i.e. they required a certain quantity of the imponderable fluid to be absorbed between their particles, in order that they might become as warm as aforesaid. Now, when the bodies were rubbed together, 22 The Steam Engine. and became eventually hotter than the human body, this was accounted for by saying that their capacity for heat became diminished by the action of friction ; that is to say, they could not, when rubbed, retain the same amount of the imponderable fluid as before, without becoming hotter. If any experiment could be devised which should prove that the capacity of bodies for heat is not diminished by friction, then the material theory of heat would fail to account for the fact that bodies become hotter when rubbed. The first absolutely conclusive experiment, which estab- lished the fact that friction makes bodies hot, while it does not diminish their capacities for heat, was made by Davy in 1799. His experiment consisted in rubbing together two pieces of ice till they melted into water, due care having been taken to prevent heat from entering the ice by any other means than friction alone. Now, according to the old theory, the resulting water ought to have a less capacity for heat than the original ice ; but it has been proved over and over again by experiment that the capacity of water for heat is not only not less than, but about double that of ice ; consequently the material theory failed completely to account for the facts, and Davy, after reasoning on his experiments for some years, came to the following conclusion, which we repeat in his own words : ' Heat, then, or that power which prevents the actual contact of the corpuscles of bodies, and which is the cause of our own sensations of heat and cold, may be defined as a peculiar motion, probably a vibration of the corpuscles of bodies tending to separate them.' Again, in 1812, Davy thus states his theory : ' The immediate cause of the phe- nomenon of heat, then, is motion, and the laws of its communication are precisely the same as the laws of the communication of motion.' Another way of stating the above is that heat is a form of energy. To make this point clear before going further into the nature of heat, we must first define what is under- Energy and Work. 23 stood by the term energy and the involved term work, and illustrate the definitions by examples. Energy is the power of doing work. Work is the overcoming of a resistance through a certain space, and is measured by the amount of the resistance multiplied by the length of space through which it is over- come. The simplest possible example of doing work is to raise a weight through a space against the resistance of the earth's attraction, that is to say, against the force of gravity. For instance, if a hundred pounds be raised vertically upwards, through a space of three feet, work is done, and, according to the above, the amount of work done is measured by the resistance due to the attraction of the earth or gravity, i.e. one hundred pounds, multiplied by the space of three feet, through which it is lifted. The product formed by multi- plying a pound by a foot is called a foot-pound. Thus, in the above instance, the amount of work done is 300 foot- pounds. Had the weight been only three pounds, but the height to which it was raised been 100 feet, the quantity of work done would have been precisely the same, i.e. 300 foot-pounds. In Great Britain, the unit of work is a resistance, equal to the attraction of the earth upon a pound of matter, over- come through a space of one foot j or, in other words, one foot-pound. RATE OF DOING WORK. HORSE-POWER. The rate of work of any agent means the quantity of work which it performs in a given time, and is measured by the number of foot-pounds done in an hour, or a minute, or a second. A quantity of work equivalent to the raising of 33,000 pounds through one foot, in one minute, is called a horse-power. This is the unit generally employed to represent the rate 24 The Steam Engine. of work of a steam engine, and is adopted to avoid the use of the very high numbers which would result if foot-pounds per minute were chosen. Thus an engine which can over- come resistances equivalent to raising 10,000 pounds verti- cally upwards through 33 feet every minute is said to be an engine of 10 horse-power or 10 H.P. If the engine raised the same weight through the same height once every second, instead of every minute, then by the definition the work done would be equal to sixty times ten horse-power, or 600 H.P. Hence if r = the resistance expressed in pounds, h = the height in feet through which r is overcome, and / = the time in minutes which it takes to do the work, then The horse-power exerted = l Xr . 33,000 x / The lifting of weights is only one special form of doing work, but there are also many other ways of doing it. For example : if a carriage be pulled along a level road, it is well known that its progress is resisted by the friction of its wheels against the surface of the road and against their own axles. Hence the pulling of such a carriage answers per- fectly to the definition of doing work, for resistance is thereby overcome through a space. Again, it is well understood by those who have studied the laws of motion that if a mass as, for example, a stone be projected upwards it will rise to a certain height, depend- ing on the velocity with which it left the hand. The exact height to which it will rise is precisely equal to the height through which it must fall, under the action of gravity, in order that, at the end of its fall, it may have acquired a velocity equal to that with which it was projected upwards. Now the imparting of this velocity to the mass is evidently a way of enabling work to be done, for the mass is thereby caused to rise to a certain height, against the attraction of the earth, and the amount of the work done is measured by the weight of the mass multiplied by the height to which it rises. Horse-power. 25 It is not necessary to impart velocity to the mass in a vertical direction only, in order to do work. Whenever motion is given to a body in any direction the resistance due to the inertia of the body is overcome through a space, and consequently, by the definition, work is done. If, for in- stance, a train were capable of moving without friction on a level railway, in order to start it from a state of rest and give it a speed of, say, forty miles an hour, work would have to be done in order to overcome the mere inertia of the train. When once the given speed had been imparted to the train, it would, of course, move on for ever on a level railroad, provided it met with no frictional resistances. If in its course it came to an inclined plane, it would run up the plane till it had attained a vertical height above the level equal to the height through which the train must fall down- wards, in order to attain the given speed of forty miles an hour. The measure of the work done in giving motion to the train is equal to the weight of the train multiplied by this height. On actual railroads the work done by the engine partakes of the character of each of these examples. When starting the train from a station and giving it a certain speed, the resistance due to the inertia of the whole moving mass is overcome. The going up an incline corresponds to lifting a weight up a height ; and throughout the entire run the friction of the wheels and axles and the resistance of the air are being overcome. ENERGY. It has been necessary to dwell thus at considerable length on the nature of Work, in order that the term Energy, i.e. the power of doing Work, might be thoroughly understood. This power of doing work exists in many different ways. For instance, a coiled spring is capable of doing work in driving a clock, and therefore possesses energy. Similarly a 26 The Steam Engine. weight raised to a height, and attached to a string passing over a pulley, is capable, during its fall, of raising another weight, or of driving machinery, and consequently it also possesses energy. Again, a body in motion, such, for in- stance, as a railway train, is capable of overcoming the fric- tion of the brakes for a certain time till it is brought to a standstill, and therefore possesses energy. Similarly a pro- jectile from a modern rifled gun possesses very great energy owing to the high speed at which it moves, so much so that before it is forcibly brought to a rest it can do work repre- sented by piercing many inches of iron armour. It will be noticed that there is a great difference between the kind of energy of which the first two cases are examples and the last two. The first two are instances of bodies which, though themselves at rest, are capable at any moment of doing work. In the case of the coiled spring its energy was due to the relative position of its parts with regard to each other and to the mutual forces acting between them. In the case of the raised weight, its energy was solely due to its position with regard to the earth and to the forces acting between the earth and it. This energy, due to position, is called potential energy, a term- which signifies that the energy is capable of being exerted. The last two instances on the contrary are cases of bodies possessing energy by virtue of their motion. This kind has been called actual or kinetic energy. The last term, which is derived from a Greek word signifying motion, is, perhaps, the most appropriate of the two. Bodies may be possessed of both descriptions of energy at one and the same time. For instance, when the raised weight of the former example begins to fall, it possesses kinetic energy by virtue of the motion which it has acquired, while it still possesses potential energy, for it is capable of falling further still. For every foot which it descends its kinetic energy increases, while the potential diminishes. Just as it touches the earth its kinetic energy is a maximum. Modern Theory of Energy. 27 while the potential has vanished altogether. Thus during the fall the energy has changed from being all potential into being all kinetic. Moreover, the kinetic energy acquired at the end of the fall is exactly equal in amount to the poten- tial energy possessed at the commencement. For, before its fall the mass was capable of pulling up another mass of nearly equal weight with itself, to the same height above the ground which it occupied ; while at the end of the fall it has acquired a velocity, sufficient, if reversed, to send itself back to whence it came. Moreover, it is clear that at any time during the fall, the sum of the potential energy left, and the kinetic energy acquired, are equal to the original energy, for what the one has lost in amount the other has gained. This is an example of what is called the transmutation of energy, by which is meant that the energy is changed from one form into another, and also of the conservation of energy, by which is meant that the total energy of the two bodies viz. the earth and the weight is not altered in amount, but only in kind. It is one of the cardinal doctrines of modern science, and one which has done more to extend our knowledge of heat than any other, that energy, like matter, can neither be created nor destroyed by material agency, but can only be transmuted from one form to an- other. This doctrine is called the Principle of the Conser- vation of Energy. In books on Dynamics, the principle is proved by mathematical reasoning to be true for certain cases, and it has, moreover, been proved by experiment to be true in all cases which can be tested by experiment. Hence it is believed to be universally true. The following is a general statement of the principle. The energy of any system of bodies cannot be altered in quantity by the mutual action of the bodies ; it can only be transmuted in kind into one or more of the forms which energy takes. We are now in a position to return to the subject of Heat, and to understand how it is that heat is a form of 28 The Steam Engine. energy i.e. a form of the capability of doing work. For Davy's statement is, that heat may be defined to be a pecu- liar motion of the corpuscles of bodies ; now, we have seen that matter in motion is capable of doing work, and is therefore possessed of energy, and consequently if heat be motion, or the cause of the motion of the ultimate corpuscles of matter, heat is also a form of energy. HEAT A FORM OF ENERGY. The reasons for believing that Davy's definition of heat is a true one are the following : 1. It seems impossible to believe that heat is a substance; for if it be such, then no theory has yet been advanced which can account for certain phenomena, such for instance as the production of heat from bodies in boundless quanti- ties by means of friction or other mechanical action. 2. Heat can always be generated by doing work upon bodies. For example, we have seen how Davy melted ice by friction. Again, let the student attempt to file a piece of metal, and after a very few strokes of the file, he will find that both it and the metal have become perceptibly warmer, and if he continues the action smartly for some time on a small piece of metal, he will not be able to touch it without burning his hand. As an example of another kind of mechanical action producing heat, it is well known that a smith can hammer a small piece of iron to a red heat. Again, if water be allowed to fall several times from a height into a nonconducting receptacle, and care be taken to pre- vent the escape of heat, it will be found that after its fall the water will be warmer than at the commencement of the experiment. Another and most important example is the effect of compression upon gases. If, for instance, a portion of air be inclosed together with a piece of easily inflammable tinder in a cylinder provided with a movable piston, and the piston be driven down suddenly, it will be found that Heat a Form of Energy. 29 the contained air has become so warm that it can cause the ignition of the tinder. Now in all the above instances, unless we are prepared to admit that energy is destructible, that is, that it can be put out of existence altogether, we are forced to confess that it is merely transmuted into heat, for heat is apparently the only thing we have to show for the energy expended in the majority of these examples. 3. The converse of the above is also true, viz. heat can be made to produce work, and for every unit of work which it does, a certain amount of heat disappears, and there is nothing to show for the disappearance of the heat but the work done. As an example of this, we need only refer to the elementary steam engine described in the first chapter, where we saw that the heat of the fire, communicated to the water contained in the cylinder, was partially converted into work done ; for by the agency of heat alone the piston with its weights was raised to a certain height. The conditions of this experiment were not such as to enable us to ascertain what heat, if any, had disappeared in consequence of the work done ; but the following modification of the experiment will render this fact also demonstrable. Instead of holding water, let the cylinder contain a portion of air of a certain warmth, and let the piston, instead of being loaded with common weights, have a vessel con- taining a quantity of water placed on it. Then, so long as the weight on the piston remains constant, and so long as no heat is communicated to the gas from outside, nothing will happen. If, however, a little of the water be removed from the can, the pressure of the inclosed air will cause the piston with its load to rise through a small space, and again come to rest. For, the air occupying a larger space in the cylinder, its pressure becomes diminished by a well-known law, which will be explained hereafter (see page 43), and as soon as this diminished pressure on the bottom of the piston is equal to the diminished pressure of the piston on the in- 3O The Steam Engine. closed air (caused by some of the water having been taken away) then the whole must come to rest. Let now a little more water be abstracted ; the piston will rise a little higher, and so on, till the whole of the water has been removed, when the piston will have risen higher still. A convenient way of abstracting the water, as fast or as slowly as we like, is by means of a syphon. If now we have any means for ascertaining the warmth of the air at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, it will be found to have lost heat at the end, after having done work, measured by lifting the piston, together with the pressure of the external atmosphere and the empty can through the whole height, and different portions of the water through different heights. Now, unless this heat has been spent in effecting internal changes in the constitution of the gas itself, it must have been spent in doing the above work, for no other effects have been pro- duced. It is of course assumed that in the experiment no heat has been allowed to escape from the air in the cylinder to external bodies, or, vice versa^ to reach the air from external bodies. Most elaborate experiments have been made on steam- engines when at work, in which the following quantities have been measured: i. All the heat which enters the engine in the shape of steam ; 2. All the heat which leaves the con- denser in the shape of warm water; and 3. All the heat which escapes during the working of the engine in various ways ; and it has been found that the quantities comprised under the 2nd and 3rd headings are not equal to but less than the heat which enters the engine ; so that a certain quantity remains to be accounted for, the disappearance of which can only be explained on the supposition that it has been turned into the mechanical work done by the engine. From all the above considerations we conclude that heat is a form of energy. It is further supposed that the special form which this energy takes is that of a motion of the Heat a Form of Energy. 31 molecules which constitute matter. Into the nature of this motion, however, it is not proposed to enter here. The next thing which we shall want to know is this : What is the exact relation between heat and work ; that is to say, What quantity of heat can be produced by the doing of a certain quantity of work, and, vice versa, How much work is a given quantity of heat capable of doing ? Before it is possible to answer these questions, it must first be explained what is meant by a quantity of heat, and how heat is measured at all. MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. TEMPERATURE. Everybody is familiar with the sensations caused by diffe- rent intensities of heat. For instance, the sensation produced by plunging the hand into boiling water is very different from that caused by contact with cold water taken direct from a well. The quality of heat which causes these sensations is called temperature. In the first case the immediate cause of the sensation experienced was the heat leaving the boiling water and entering the comparatively cold hand ; while in the second instance exactly the reverse took place, heat entering the cold water from the comparatively warm hand. This communication of heat from one body to another depends on the differences between their temperatures ; so much so that temperature has been defined as follows: 'The temperature of a body is its thermal state considered with reference to its power of communicating heat to other bodies.' 1 If now two bodies be so placed that they can freely com- municate heat to one another, and are isolated from the in- fluence of all other bodies, then if neither of them loses heat they are said each to have the same temperature, but if one of them loses and the other gains heat, then the body which loses is said to have the highest temperature. See Clerk Maxwell's Theory of Heat, p. 32. 32 The Steam Engine. Temperatures are measured and compared by noting the effects which heat has upon bodies. One of the most remarkable effects of heat is that it expands most substances to which it is communicated, so that the higher the tempera- ture the greater the expansion. If then we want to compare the temperatures of two bodies, we have only to bring each of them in turn into thermal communication with some third substance which expands readily under the action of heat. If care be now taken that each of the bodies in turn remains sufficiently long in contact with the third body, so that the latter may acquire, first, the exact temperature of one of them, and afterwards that of the other, and if its expansion in each case be carefully measured, then that body which causes the greatest expansion has the highest temperature. An instrument designed to serve the purpose of this third body is called a Thermometer. THERMOMETERS. A thermometer for practical use should be portable, readily acted upon by slight differences of temperature, and difficult to put out of order ; it should be furnished with an index, or scale, for reading off differences of temperature, and should always give the same reading on the scale, for the same temperature, under the same circumstances. Thermo- meters are made of various substances, but we propose at present to describe only the one which is in most common use, viz. the ordinary mercurial thermometer. This instru- ment (see fig. 10) is made by taking a tube of glass, a few inches in length, having a capillary bore, that is to say a bore of very small calibre. A bulb is blown at one end of the tube, and while the bulb is warm, so that most of the air it contains is expelled, the tube is plunged into mercury. The effect of this is to cool the tube, and, as we shall see after- wards, to reduce the pressure of the air which remains in the Thermometers. 33 bore and bulb. Some of the mercury then enters the bore, and partly fills the bulb. By boiling this mercury while in the bulb, the remainder of the air is expelled, its place being taken by the vapour of mercury. If now the open end of the tube be again plunged into mercury, both tube and bulb will be completely fi*AnAei| filled, and while still warm the open 2l2 j-100 w l r E N B G end is closed hermetically. As soon as the tube and its contents have cooled down, the mercury will be found to have contracted, leaving part of the bore quite empty. The instru- ment is now ready for graduation. This is done by first marking on the tube the position at which the mercury stands for two different temperatures, and then dividing the intermediate space into an arbitrary number of equal spaces, each of which is said to represent one degree of temperature. The two temperatures always chosen are those of melting ice and boiling water. The temperature of melting ice is always the same, at the varying pressures of our atmosphere. The thermometer is plunged into a mix- ture of melting ice and water, and, after remaining immersed for some time, the point at which the mercury stands is marked on the tube. We may be certain that we have thus marked the exact temperature of melt- Fig - I0 - ing ice ; for if, during the process of immersion, heat enters the mixture of ice and water, its effect will be simply to melt some more of the ice, and not to raise the tempe- rature of the water. This action of heat will be explained D 34 The Steam Engine. hereafter. It is more difficult to mark the point at which the mercury stands for boiling water, for it is known that water does not always boil at the same temperature. In fact, the greater the pressure under which the water boils, the higher will be its temperature. Consequently, on a day when the barometer stands high, boiling water is hotter than when the opposite is the case. It is therefore neces- sary to fix upon some one special atmospheric pressure in order to settle a standard boiling-point, and the pressure always adopted in this country is that marked by the barometer when the mercury stands at a height of 29-905 inches, the temperature of the mercury being that of melting ice. If then, on a day when the barometer indicates the above pressure, the thermometer be immersed in the steam of boiling water, it will be found that the contained mercury will rise to a certain point, and remain there ; and by mark- ing the tube at this place we obtain a point which always shows the temperature of boiling water at the standard pres- sure of the air. This temperature is always fixed and invari- able, so long as the pressure under which the water boils remains fixed ; for the effect of adding more heat to the water is only to turn more of it into steam, but not to raise its temperature. The reason of this will be explained here- after. Having now got two fixed points on the tube of the thermometer, we are at liberty to call them by any numbers we please, and to divide the space between them into, any convenient number of divisions, or degrees, and to carry these divisions above the boiling and below the freezing points, as far as the length of the tube permits. There are three modes of numbering in common use in various countries: i. The Centigrade scale, in which the temperature of ice is called zero, or o, and the temperature of boiling water 100. The space between these two is divided into one hundred . equal parts, each of which, if the bore of the tube be per- Graduation of Thermometers. 35 fectly even, is assumed to represent an equal increment of temperature, and the divisions are carried up above boiling- point, and down below freezing-point as far as the tube per- mits. Those degrees below freezing-point are called negative. This scale of temperature is in common use in nearly all the countries of the continent excepting Russia. 2. The Fahrenheit scale, used in the British Empire and the United States. On this scale the freezing-point is called 32, the boiling-point 212, and the intermediate space is divided into one hundred and eighty equal parts. The zero of this scale is 32 below freezing-point, and below this zero the numbers are negative. 3. The Reaumur scale is used chiefly in Russia. This scale differs from the Centigrade, in that the boiling-point is called 80, and the space between it and zero or melting ice is divided into eighty equal parts. This scale is less in use than either of the others. Throughout this book the Fahren- heit scale is the one generally referred to. Whenever the Centigrade scale is made use of, it will be specially indicated by writing C. after the numeral showing the number of degrees. Fig. 10 shows the scales of the Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers side by side. To compare degrees on the Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales it is only necessary to remember that the freezing- point on the Fahrenheit scale is 32, and on the Centigrade o, while the number of degrees between this and boiling- point is in the former case 180, and in the latter 100. Consequently the length of one degree F. is f of one degree C. Now the actual number of degrees F. above freezing- point is equal to the number on the scale minus 32. Let T stand for the number of degrees on either scale, then Tc=f(T F -32 ) and conversely T F =fT c + 32. It is not proposed to enter here into the refinements of thermometer-making, but it will be necessary now to point out how far the mercurial thermometer may and may not be trusted, as a measurer of temperature, and what errors D 2 36 T/ie Steam Engine. are inseparably connected with its use, no matter how perfectly it may be made. For the mere purpose of ascertaining whether two or more bodies are precisely of the same temperature, or for stating generally in which of them the temperature is highest, the instrument is trustworthy enough. It is only when it is wanted to measure the thermal condition of bodies quanti- tatively that its indications can no longer be accepted. For instance we cannot be certain that a difference of tempera- ture of one degree between say 32 and 33 in any body measured on a mercurial thermometer represents the same difference in its thermal condition as does a difference of one degree between, say, 200 and 201. In other words, if we heat a certain quantity of water from 32 to 33, and a similar quantity of water from 200 to 201, we cannot by any means state that we have in each operation altered the thermal condition of the water by the same amount. There are two reasons for this. The first has to do with the thermometer, and the second with the substance of which the differences of temperature have to be measured. It will be remembered that the way in which the length of degrees was arrived at when making the thermometer was by dividing the space between freezing and boiling point into 1 80 equal divisions, each of which was called one degree of temperature. Now in order that each of these degrees should represent an equal increase of heat of the mercury we should have to prove that if we add successive equal quantities of heat to the mercury, we thereby expand it by each operation by an absolutely equal quantity. Now we have no right to assume that this is the case, for the action of heat in causing some bodies to expand is known to be most irregular. If, for instance, the thermometer had contained water instead of mercury, then, commencing at freezing-point, it is known that the first effect of increasing the temperature is to cause the water to contract. This contraction would go on till the water had reached the tern- Defects of Thermometers. 37 perature of about 39, after which further additions of heat would cause the water to expand. In the same way, careful experiments made with mercury have proved that its rate of expansion at high temperatures is considerably greater than at low ones, for equal increments of heat ; consequently the errors in the high part of the scale become considerable. The second reason has only to do with the substance the temperature of which has to be measured. Even as- suming that our thermometer were quite perfect, we should still be unable to use it by itself alone to determine quanti- tatively the thermal condition of bodies ; for the thermo- meter in the first instance shows only the temperature of its own mercury, and though its degrees might be so marked that each successive one would correspond with succes- sive equal additions of heat to the mercury, still it does not follow that this would also be true of the substance whose temperature had to be ascertained. On the contrary, experiments on some substances, such as water, show that 'it takes more heat to raise their temperature by one degree at the high part of the scale than at the low part. This last remark leads us at once to the object of all experiments on thermometry, viz. the measurement of quantities of heat. It might at first be supposed that the measurement of temperature was the same thing as the measurement of quantity of heat, but an easy experiment will prove that this is not the case. Take two vessels, one con- taining a pound of water and the other a pound of olive oil, each liquid having the temperature of the air of the room, say 55. Take also two pieces of copper, each weighing a pound. For the purpose of the experiment sheet copper about one-sixteenth of an inch thick is best ; and for conveni- ence sake it should be bent round nearly to the form of a cylinder. Bring each of these pieces to a certain high tem- perature. This is best accomplished by boiling them for a short time in water, so that their temperature becomes 212. Next, plunge one of the pounds of copper into the pound of 38 77/ Steam Engine. water, and the other into the pound of oil. The two liquids will of course receive heat, each from its own piece of copper, and they will therefore rise in temperature. Let the rise in temperature be carefully noted by means of two identical thermometers, one immersed in the water and the other in the oil. As soon as the mercury in the two ther- mometers has ceased to rise, we may assume that the pieces of copper have parted with their surplus heat, but it will be found that the temperature of the water is 68^, while that of the oil is nearly 92. Here then we have a pound of copper at 212, which is only capable of heating a pound of water, having the original temperature of 55, up to 68^. In other words, while the copper has lost 212 -68^= 143^ the water has gained only 68^-55=i3| . While in the case of the oil, the copper has lost 212 - 92 = 120, and the oil has gained 92 -55 = 37. Now the amount of heat lost by the copper in each case is of course exactly equal to that gained by the water in the one instance, and by the oil in the other ; therefore it is evident that it takes less heat to raise the temperature of the oil by 37 than it does to raise that of the water by 13^, while the same quantity which suffices to produce this latter effect upon the water is compe- tent to raise the temperature of the copper 143 \. These figures show conclusively how very differently the temperatures of different bodies are affected by different quantities of heat. Specific Heat. The amount of heat which a body of unit mass absorbs in order that its temperature may be raised by one degree ; or, vice versa, the amount of heat which the body parts with while its temperature is lowered one degree, is called its Capacity for Heat. To compare this quantity for different bodies we must first fix upon some unit of quantity of heat. The unit generally adopted in Great Britain is the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of pure water from the tempe- rature of 39 to 40 ; or, vice versd, the quantity of heat Specific Heat. 39 parted with by the water in cooling from 40 to 39. It is necessary thus to specify the temperature, because water, and indeed most bodies, have different capacities for heat at different temperatures. This quantity of heat is called the British Thermal Unit. The capacities for heat of other bodies are designated numerically, by comparing the quantities of heat necessary to raise their temperatures by one degree with unity. The ratio of the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a body one degree, to the quantity re- quired to raise an equal weight of water one degree, is called the Specific Heat of the body. Thus, if it take half the quantity of heat to raise one pound of ice from 20 to 21 that it does to raise a like quantity of water from 39 to 40, then the specific heat of ice is said to be \ or -5. It is often necessary in questions connected with the steam engine to know how much matter at one temperature it will take, in order to raise a certain quantity of matter of another temperature to some third temperature. These questions are easily solved in the following manner : Let M be the mass of one of the bodies. ,, M' be the mass of the other body. T be the temperature of the body of mass M. ,, T' be the temperature of the body of mass M'. ,, S be the specific heat of the body of mass M. S' be the specific heat of the body of mass M'. When the bodies are mixed together the hotter of them will lose heat to the colder, till at last they attain some common temperature ; and the quantity of heat lost by the one substance must be exactly equal to the quantity gained by the other, since the total quantity of heat remains un- changed. Let the body of mass M be the hotter of the two, and let the common temperature which both attain when mixed be called 0. Then, the quantity of heat. lost by one pound of the hotter body in cooling from T to !* T ~~ ^)'" and consec l uentl y tne quantity lost by M 40 Tlie Steam Engine. pounds, is M.S (T -6). Similarly, the quantity gained by the other body is M'.S' (# T'), and since these two quan- tities are equal, we obtain the equation M.S. (T-0; = M'.S'. (0 T /0 ). This equation is only true provided the whole effect of heat upon bodies is the changing of their temperatures ; but it is known that this is not the only effect. We shall afterwards see that a large quantity of heat, may be added to bodies without changing their temperatures in the least, and that its effect is in these cases to change the state of constitution of the body ; as, for instance, when ice of 32 is changed into water of 32, or water of 212 changed into steam of 212. For such cases, therefore, as the mixing of ice and water together, the above equation does not hold good. The equation is also only true on the supposition that the specific heat of bodies is the same at all temperatures. This also is not, strictly speaking, true, but for ordinary purposes the error thus introduced may be neglected, MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT OF HEAT. Having thus examined the question of the measurement of heat, we are now in a position to revert to the subject of the equivalence of heat and energy. What we want to know is, firstly, how much heat can be got by the doing of a cer- tain quantity of work. The converse question, viz., how much work can be got out of a certain quantity of heat, is of a more complicated character, and its discussion must be postponed till the following chapter. The first question was accurately settled experimentally by Dr. Joule, of Manchester. He conducted an immense number of experiments on the friction of various solids and liquids, and on the compression of gases. His experiments on the friction of fluids were carried out in the following way. The work was done by causing a known weight to Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. 41 descend through a given distance ; the weight during its descent caused, by means of a suitable mechanism, a paddle to revolve inside a closed vessel filled with the liquid to be experimented upon. This paddle, by agitating the contents of the vessel, produced friction between the particles of the liquid, the walls of the vessel and the paddle, which friction would of course be converted into heat, and would raise the temperature of the vessel and its contents. Careful allowance was made for the resistance caused by the friction of all mechanism exterior to the vessel, and also for all the heat which escaped into the sides of the vessel or into the air. The temperature of the liquid was carefully noted, first before the experiment commenced, and next after the weight had descended through a given distance. The rise of tem- perature multiplied by the mass of liquid, multiplied by its specific heat, gave, after making all allowances, the quantity of heat generated by the descent of the weight. The result was that a quantity of work represented by 772 foot-pounds is capable, when all converted into heat, of raising the temperature of a pound of pure water, weighed in vacuo, and having the temperature of 50, through one degree Fahrenheit. In other words : The British Thermal Unit is equivalent to 772 foot-pounds ofivork. This number is called the me- chanical equivalent of heat. This result has been fully confirmed by numerous other experiments, made on various substances and in various ways, and it constitutes by far the most important practical discovery which has yet been made in the science of heat. Another way of putting the above result is this. If a pound of water be allowed to fall in vacuo down a height of 772 feet, and if all the heat generated by its impact at the end of its descent be collected into the pound of water, its temperature will be raised one degree. The equivalent of the units of mechanical work in thermal units can now be readily expressed. For example, 42 The Steam Engine. one foot-pound of work is equivalent to yj^nd P art of a thermal unit. One horse-power exerted for a minute, or 33,000 foot-pounds, is equivalent to 4274 thermal units. It might at first be supposed that if by doing 772 foot- pounds of work on a pound of water, we thereby raise its temperature one degree, the converse of this must also be true, viz. that by cooling a pound of water by one degree we should thereby be enabled with a suitable apparatus to do 772 foot-pounds of w r ork. It will be seen hereafter that this is not possible ; but before this question can be thoroughly understood w r e must examine into the effect of heat upon gases and water, as it is in general through the medium of these substances that heat is converted into mechanical effect. THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF HEAT TO GAS. The effect of heat upon \vater has more to do with the subject-matter of this book than has its effect upon gases; but as steam is an imperfect gas, and as the laws which govern the behaviour of gases are much simpler than those for water and steam, we will commence with the subject of gases. Gases differ from solids and liquids in that they have no tendency to keep to any fixed form and volume. A small portion of gas if introduced into a closed empty vessel will at once expand, so as to fill the whole of it, and will press with a certain equal pressure against every equal portion of the containing surface of the vessel. If by any means the vessel be enlarged, the gas will expand still further, so as to fill it completely as before, but its density or weight per unit of volume will be less, and the pressure which it exerts against the sides of the vessel will also be less. Take for instance a cylinder closed permanently at one end, and containing a movable piston, by means of which the volume of the portion below the piston can be changed Boyle's Law. 43 at pleasure. Let the area of the horizontal section of the cylinder be one square foot, and let the piston, which is sup- posed to be without weight, be placed at a height of one foot above the bottom of the cylinder, so that the space beneath it is filled with one cubic foot of gas or air at the ordinary temperature and pressure (say 147 Ibs. per square inch) of the atmosphere. The volume of the air is now one cubic foot \ and its pressure is 147 Ibs. per square inch, or 2116*8 Ibs. per square foot. Next, let the piston be raised by hand to a new position, two feet from the bottom of the cylinder, the temperature of the inclosed air being maintained constant. The volume of the air is now doubled or two cubic feet. If we had a proper instrument for measuring pressures, we should find that the pressure per square foot is only half what it was before, or 10584 per square inch, and as the same weight of air now occupies twice the original bulk, its weight per cubic foot is halved If instead of raising the piston we had weighted it, or pushed it down to within half a foot of the bottom of the cylinder, and if we had taken care to keep the temperature of the inclosed air constantly the same, we should thus have halved the volume, which would now be half a cubic foot ; and doubled the pressure to 4233-6 Ibs. per square foot, and also doubled the density or weight per cubic foot. These facts are expressed generally by Boyle's law of the pressure and volume of gases, which is as follows : The volume of a portion of gas varies inversely as the pressure, so long as the temperature is constant. This law may be expressed in other words as follows: The product of the pressure multiplied by the volume of a portion of gas is a constant quantity, so long as the tempe- rature is constant. If we remember, that in the above experiment the weight of the gas per cubic foot diminished in proportion as the volume increased, we may express the law otherwise thus : The pressure of a gas is proportional to its density. 44 TJie Steam Engine. If P represent the pressure in any units, say in pounds, per square foot, and V represent the volume in cubic feet, and C is a constant quantity, to be determined experimentally for one particular case, then the algebraical expression for Boyle's law is PxV=C or P= GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF BOYLE'S LAW. The law may be exhibited graphically in the following manner. Take a line OV, fig. n, along which volumes are measured to any scale ; and a line OP at right-angles to OV, along which pressures are measured, likewise to scale. Now, reverting to the former experiment, measure off along OV a distance Qa to scale, representing the original volume of the air beneath the piston, viz. one cubic foot, and draw aA at right-angles to Qa so as to represent to scale the original pressure, viz. 2116-8 Ibs. per square foot, then the product of this vo- lume and pressure is represented by the area of the rectangle OaAfi, which is the constant quantity in the above equation. Next draw Ob to represent the volume in the second stage of the experiment, viz. two cubic feet, and B to represent the corresponding pressure, viz. 1058*4 Ibs. per square foot. Then the product of these two quantities is represented by the rectangle O^Ba which is equal to the original rectangle OaA(3 because its base O = 2Oa, while its height B = \aA. Next, for the third stage, measure Og equal to half a cubic foot, and^G equal to twice the original pressure, or 4233-6 Isothermal Lines. 45 Ibs. per square foot. Then the product of this pressure and volume is represented by the rectangle O^Gy, which like- wise is equal to the original rectangle. In a similar way we can obtain the point D such that the rectangle QdxdT) equals the original rectangle, and similarly any other number of points. Now, a curve drawn through the angles G A B D &c. of any number of rectangles of equal area, arranged as in the figure, is called a rectangular hyperbola ; and not merely for these points, but also for every other point along the curve, the condition holds good, viz. that the rectangle formed by drawing perpendiculars to the lines OV and OP is equal to the original rectangle. If we designate all lines measured parallel to OV by the symbol 7', and all corresponding lines measured parallel to OP by the symbol/, then it is evident that the curve GABD is expressed by the equation pvc, in which c represents the area of the original rectangle. This equation corresponds exactly, in form, with the equation used to express Boyle's law. The lines OV and OP are called respectively the axes of volume and of pressure ; they are also what are called the asymptotes of the hyperbola GABD. The lines drawn from any point on the curve, perpendicular to the axes, are called the ordinates of the point. ISOTHERMAL LINES. We see, therefore, that the volume and pressure of a portion of gas, when expanding or being compressed, the temperature remaining always the same, may be represented graphically by the ordinates of an hyperbola. Such an hyper- bola as has just been drawn is called an isothermal line of expansion or compression of a gas. or briefly an isothermal. ( This term, which is derived from two Greek words signifying equal and heat, signifies that the temperature is constant throughout the expansion or compression represented by the line. 46 77ie Steam Engine. The system of representing graphically the varying pressures and volumes of a portion of gas, by means of a line should be carefully marked, for it is, as we shall after- wards see, the basis of the graphic representation of the working of all gas or steam engines, called indicator dia- grams. The method may also be used in many theoretical investigations connected with the expansion of gases and steam under different circumstances, in place of complicated algebraical expressions, or also to supplement and explain these latter. Effect of varying the temperature of a gas. Let us now revert to the cylinder of the previous experiment, the piston being, as before, one foot above the bottom, and the air beneath it being at the pressure of the atmosphere, but at the temperature of melting ice. Let us now heat the air by any means so as to bring it up to the tempe- rature of boiling water. During the rise of temperature the piston will gradually ascend, and when the tempera- ture of 212 has been attained, it will have risen to "366 feet or 4-39 inches above its original position, and will remain there so long as the temperature is maintained at 212, and the other circumstances continue unchanged. If the piston had not been "allowed to rise, but the air beneath it had been heated as before up to 212, its pressure would then have increased from i to i'3654 atmospheres i.e. from 147 to 20*08 Ibs. per square inch. During the first of these operations the air is said to be heated at con- stant pressure, and during the second at constant volume. The fact that air, and indeed all gases, increase in bulk when heated from freezing to boiling point by a fixed frac- tion (which is nearly the same for every gas) of their original volumes at freezing-point, was first discovered in France by Charles. Hence the numerical statement of the amount of the expansion is usually called Charles' law. The dilatation of gases was afterwards investigated more completely by Dalton in this country, and by Gay Lussac in France ; hence Gay Lussac s Lctiv. 47 the statement is also often called the law of Dalton and of Gay Lussac. Though both these philosophers agreed as to the total increase in the bulk of a gas when raised in tem- perature from 32 to 212, there was, nevertheless, an im- portant difference between them in investigating the increase for each individual degree between these two temperatures. Gay Lussac's view was that the increase for each degree is a certain fixed quantity, which quantity is a definite frac- tion of the volume at any temperature. Thus, if V be the volume of the gas at o, and V the volume at any other temperature tf, and if a be the fraction of V by which the volume is increased for each degree of rise of temperature (commonly called the coefficient of expansion), then, according to Gay Lussac, V = V + /.*.V = V (f + fa). The total increase in volume between 32 and 212 is, as stated above, in the ratio of i to 1*3654, and the increase per degree is therefore '3654 ~ 180 = '00203. If tne original volume be taken at o, the corresponding increase per degree = '00217. In a similar manner, if the volume of a gas be kept con- stant and it be heated from 32 to 212, the pressure will be increased in the ratio of i to 1*3654, and the increase per degree of temperature will be as before, '00203. This experimental result can 'also be deduced by the aid of Boyle's law from the known increase of volume when the temperature is raised and the pressure kept constant. For, let the pressure be P and the original volume at 32 be V. When heated to 212 at constant pressure the volume becomes V x i '3654. Let the gas now be compressed at the constant temperature 212 back to its original volume, and the pressure by Boyle's law will become P \7 = P xi -3654. According to Dalton, however, if a be the coefficient of 48 The Steam Engine. expansion for a rise of one degree from 32 to 33, so that the volume at 33=V + V; then at 34 the volume becomes (V + 0V) + (V + aV) = V (i+tf) 2 , and at 35 it is V (i+a) 3 and so on. In other words, a gas at a given temperature, say 50, for a rise of one degree, say to 51, increases in bulk by a fixed fraction of its volume at 50 and not of its volume at 32 as stated by Gay Lussac and so on for any other temperature. It will be seen that there is a most important difference between the two laws, and many of the theoretical calculations relating to steam would be largely modified by the adoption of Dalton's instead of Gay Lussac's statement. It might have been thought that the question of accuracy between the two could be easily settled by experimental investigation, and the subject has naturally received much attention at the hands of Regnault, Stewart, and others. It is, however, not possible absolutely to prove the truth of either law experi- mentally, because, as we have seen, no accurate experimental method exists of measuring temperature quantitatively. The experiments above referred to are, however, generally accepted as proving that Gay Lussac's statement is the nearer to truth of the two, and, in conformity with this generally received opinion, his law will be made use of throughout the remainder of this book. It should here be stated that both Boyle's and Gay Lussac's laws are only true for perfect gases. For actual gases Regnault has found : 1. That the product P x V is not quite constant, especi- ally for those gases which can be liquefied. 2. That the coefficients of expansion of air and other simple and compound gases are not quite identical. 3. That the coefficients of expansion of all gases, with the exception of hydrogen, increase somewhat as their density increases. 4. The coefficients of expansion of all gases become more nearly equal to each other as their pressures diminish. A ir Thermometers. 49 THE AIR THERMOMETER. One of the most important practical deductions from the above laws is the con- struction of the air thermometer. There are several reasons why air, or any other gas, is a better substance for measuring temperature than any liquid or solid. Foremost among these is the fact, that no two different liquids or solids will agree when used for measuring temperatures other than the two originally selected temperatures, which are invariably those of freezing and boiling water. On the other hand, air and all gases, when at the same pressures, will expand by almost exactly identical amounts when subjected to the same temperatures. Another reason for preferring gases to other substances for thermometrical purposes is that the specific heats of gases remain the same at all temperatures. Without going into the question of air thermometers in actual use, a very simple theoretically possible form of such an in- strument will now be described for the purpose of illustrating what is meant by absolute temperature. Take a tube with a uniform bore, and inclose in it a portion of air or other gas, in such a way that, at the temperature of melting ice, the air will occupy a space of one foot measured from the bottom of the tube and will be separated from the external atmosphere by an air-tight piston, which, 212 MELTING ICE 32 ABSOLUTE ZERO Fig. 12. however, is 50 TJie Steam Engine. free to move up and down the bore of the tube (see fig. 12). The pressure on the inclosed gas is to be maintained constant. If, now, the tube be exposed to the steam of boiling water, the inclosed air will expand, causing the piston to rise to a point 1*3654 feet above the end of the tube. A mark at this point will indicate the tempe- rature of 212. If we divide the space between this and freezing-point, viz. '3654 feet, into 180 equal divisions, each of these will, if Gay Lussac's law be true, represent one degree Fahrenheit. Hence we see that for each degree of rise of temperature the volume of the gas inclosed in the thermometer increases by a fraction of its original volume at 32 ==-3_54 =-002 03. ioo ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE. If we choose we can now extend these subdivisions below freezing and above boiling point as far as we like. As the space between freezing and boiling points, viz. '3654 feet, contains 1 80 divisions, the space below freezing-point to the bottom of the tube, viz. one foot, will contain 492^6 divisions or degrees. In other words, the bottom of the tube is 492'6 32 460*6, or in round numbers, 461 below zero. As we shall see hereafter, great use is made in thermo- dynamical calculations of the above fact. This point has been called the absolute zero of tempe- rature, and the first conclusion which would be deduced from the foregoing would be, that by depriving a portion of gas of all its heat we should thereby reduce its bulk to nothing. It is needless to say that all reasoning as to the condition of a gas when deprived of all its heat is mere speculation, as we have no experimental knowledge of the subject whatever. Dalton's law, it will be observed, would lead to quite other conclusions. It is, however, very con- venient in calculations respecting gases to measure tempera- Absolute Temperature. 51 ture from the absolute zero, instead of from the zeros of any of the scales in common use. Temperature thus measured is called absolute temperature. To convert temperature measured on Fahrenheit's scale to absolute temperature, we have only to add 461 to the reading. Thus the absolute temperature of boiling water would be 46i + 2i2 =673. Combination of Boyle's and Gay Lussac's laws. Let V be the volume of a portion of gas at the pressure/ and the temperature o. Let V be the volume at any other temperature /, the pressure remaining p. Then by Gay Lussac's law V = V (i + at) :. V = -^ i + at' Now by Boyle's law the volume V'^ at any pressure /', and temperature t', multiplied by its pressure/', equals the volume at pressure/, and same temperature /', multiplied by its pressure/, or at Now by reference to the description of the air thermometer and the definition of the absolute zero, it will be seen that i -+- at' and i + at bear the same relations to t' and / that the absolute temperatures do to the temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale ; therefore writing T' and r for the absolute temperatures instead of i+at' and !-}-#/, we get the very simple equation or in other words, the product of the volume and pressure of a portion of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature. The above equation will be found of the greatest use in solving all questions as to the varying volumes, pressures and temperatures of a portion of gas when its condition at any one temperature is given. The same result might have been arrived at in a simpler E 2 52 The Steam Engine. way by the mere inspection of the air thermometer, for this latter is nothing more nor less than the record of a series of experiments on the varying volume of a portion of gas when the pressure remains constant and the temperature changes. The varying volume is in fact the exact measure of the varying temperature. Hence the product of the pressure and volume is exactly proportional to the length of the column of gas i.e. to the absolute temperature. Now there is no reason why any one pressure should be chosen rather than any other, hence the above statement is perfectly, general. The specific heat of gases. The specific heat of a gas, is, in accordance with the definition on page 39, the ratio of the amount of heat required to raise a given weight of it one degree in temperature, to the amount required to raise the same weight of water one degree. In heating a gas, it is possible to do so when the volume is kept constant, or the pressure constant, or partly in the one way and partly in the other. The first two cases are the most important. It will be seen that, if the mechanical theory of heat be true, it will take more heat to raise the gas one degree in temperature when the pressure is kept constant while the volume is variable than in the reverse case. For, take a cylinder closed at one end, having a section of one square foot, and confine a cubic foot of gas in it, by means of a piston free to move. The cubic foot of gas has then to sustain the pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere plus the weight of the piston. When, therefore, the inclosed gas is heated and expands, the whole weight of the atmosphere and piston is raised through a certain space, and work is done. Conse- quently, the heat supplied to the gas is partly expended in raising its temperature, and partly in doing external work. Now, in the case of heating at constant volume, the weight of the atmosphere is not raised at all, and no external work is done, and therefore less heat is required in this than in the former case. Specific Heat of Gases, 5 3 The ratio which these two specific heats of a gas bear to each other can be easily ascertained. Reverting to the cylinder, let the cubic foot of gas be at the temperature of 32, and let it be heated till its volume is doubled. To do this the temperature must be raised, according to Gay Lussac's law, by 492-6. Now, according to Regnault's experiments the specific heat of gas say air is, when heated at constant pressure, 0-2 3 7, therefore the quantity of heat in thermal units re- quired to effect the above operation is equal to the original weight of the cubic foot of air at the atmospheric pressure of 147 Ibs. per square inch, and temperature of 32, mul- tiplied by the rise in temperature, multiplied by the specific heat. Now the weight of the cubic foot of air, undei the above circumstances, is '0807 Ib. The rise of tempe- rature is 492-6 and the specific heat is 0*2375 ; therefore, the quantity of heat required is, 0807 x 492-6 x 0-2375=9-422 thermal units. Now the external work done during the process is equal to the weight of the atmosphere, viz. 147 Ibs. per square inch, resting on the surface of the piston, viz. 144 square inches, multiplied by the height through which it is raised viz. one foot. = 14-7 x 144 xi = 2 1 1 6-8 foot-pounds. Now 2116-8 foot-pounds is equivalent to - - =274 thermal units. Therefore, of the above quantity of thermal units 2-74 have been expended in doing external work, and 9-422 2-74=6-682 thermal units represent the quantity of heat expended in raising the temperature of the air, provided that no other effect has been produced by the heat. Now, before we can establish a ratio from the above data between the two specific heats, we must ascertain whether 54 The Steam Engine. heat has been expended in any other way than in doing external work, and in raising the temperature of the mass of gas. It will be noticed, that the gas, at the end of the above experiment, is in a different molecular condition to what it was at the commencement, the particles composing the gas being much further apart. It might be thought that part of the heat was expended in effecting this molecular change. Whatever maybe the case with other substances, it has been experimentally proved by Joule that no heat is expended in this way in the case of the permanent gases. The experiment consisted in warming a mass of gas in a closed vessel, and then, by opening a cock, allowing the confined and heated gas to expand into another vessel, in communication with the first, and which was in a condition of vacuum. In this case the gas evidently expanded without doing any work ; therefore, no heat was consumed in this way. At the end of the experiment the temperature was found to be unchanged, showing that no heat had been expended in altering the distance apart of the particles. Reverting now to the original experiment, we see that the only effects produced when the gas was heated at con- stant pressure were : i. The doing of external work; 2. The raising the temperature of the mass of the gas ; and 3. The further separation of the particles of the gas. We have seen that the last effect required no expenditure of heat at all, and consequently we may be sure that the above- named quantity of 6*682 thermal units represents the amount of heat expended in raising the temperature of the gas. If, now, the mass of gas be heated at constant volume instead of at constant pressure, no external work is done, and no separation of the particles takes place, and the whole heat is expended in raising the temperature of the gas. The quantity of heat required for this purpose is, as we have seen, only 6*682 thermal units. The specific heat of the gas at con- stant volume is, therefore, less than the specific heat at con- Specific Heat of Gases. 5 5 stant prebsure in the ratio of 6*682 to 9-422, and consequently the numerical value of the specific heat at constant volume is 9^22 Our knowledge of the specific heats of various gases is derived chiefly from Regnault's experiments, which were all made upon gases at constant pressure. The experimental determination of the specific heat at constant volume is a very difficult operation, hence it is usually derived theoreti- cally from the specific heat at constant pressure in the manner explained above. Though the true value of the ratio of the two specific heats has not been confirmed by direct experi- ment, still it has been assumed in calculations, such as the theoretical determination of the velocity of sound in air ; and as the calculated velocity agrees practically with the result of experiment, we may assume that the value for the ratio has been indirectly confirmed by experiment, THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF HEAT TO WATER. Having thus briefly considered the effect of heat when applied to gases, we must now consider its effect on water. This latter is the more complicated subject of the two, but is at the same time of the greater importance in the study of the steam engine. It will be convenient to commence with the solid form of water or ice at the temperature of o F. In this condition the specific heat is about 0-5, that is, it takes half as much heat to raise a pound of ice one degree in temperature that it does to raise the same weight of water by the same amount. To raise the temperature of the ice up to 32 requires then 32 x 0-5 = 16 units of heat. At this tempera- ture its volume compared with water at its maximum den- sity is as 1-0908 to i. If we continue to heat the pound of ice at 32 it will begin to melt, but the temperature will remain stationary 56 The Steam Engine. till the whole of the ice is turned into water. To effect this transformation 144 units of heat must be supplied, equivalent to 144x772 = 111,168 foot-pounds of work. In other words, it would require as much heat to raise a pound of ice at 32 through a height of about 21 miles, as it does to convert it into water of 32. As the temperature remains stationary during the melting process, the question arises what becomes of the heat which has been expended. The early discoverers of this phenomenon, being unable to account for the heat thus apparently lost, invented the theory that it had become latent.., or concealed in the water, and, in accordance with this theory, it was said that the latent heat of water was 144. In accordance with the mechanical theory, it is recognised that the heat thus expended is spent in doing internal work on the particles of the ice, which results in their cohesion being overcome so that the condition of the ice is changed from the solid to the liquid state. We should say, there- fore, that 144 units of internal work, or of latent work, are done upon the ice in order to transform it into water. The term, internal or latent work, is used in contradistinc- tion to the external work, which, as we have seen before, a body can perform when increasing in volume under the influence of heat. It should here be noticed how enormous are the internal forces which have to be overcome in changing the molecular condition of the ice from the solid to the liquid state. The 1 1 1, 1 68 foot-pounds of work necessary to effect the trans- formation in a pound of the substance being equivalent to about 595 tons raised one inch high. At the same time, the volume of the water is slightly less than that of the ice from which it was formed, being in the ratio of 1-0908 to 1-000127, thus showing that there is no great change in the distance apart of the molecules. If we continue to apply heat to the water, its effect is to raise the temperature till the boiling-point is reached. This Application of Heat to Water. 57 point being 180 above the temperature of melting ice, the number of units of heat required to accomplish this rise in temperature would, if the specific heat were unity through- out the whole process, be 180. As, however, the specific heat is only unity at 39*1, and after that increases slightly with the temperature, the actual number of heat units re- quired has been found to be iSo'Q. During this rise in tem- perature the volume of the water decreases slightly to 39 *i, the point at which it is reckoned unity, and after that in- creases with the temperature till it reaches 1*04315 at 212. The further application of heat to the water will not increase its temperature, so long as the pressure is that of the atmosphere, but will only result in the formation of steam of atmospheric pressure. In other words, the water will boil and will continue to do so till it is all turned into steam. To effect this change from water of 212 into steam of the same temperature, 965 7 units of heat are required, equal to 745,520 foot-pounds. That is to say, to turn a pound of water having the temperature of 212 into steam of atmospheric pressure, heat has to be supplied to it, equi- valent to the work involved in raising the weight of water up to a height of about 146 miles, or, in raising about 346 tons a foot high. When the whole of the water is turned into steam its volume is about 1650 times that of the water from which it was formed, and in this state it is called dry satu- rated steam, and in many of its qualities it resembles a gas. Its temperature is the same as that of the water from which it was formed, viz. 212. If more heat be added, the pressure remaining that of the atmosphere, the temperature of the steam will rise, and it will become what is called superheated, which means that it is of higher temperature than the water from which it was formed. The specific heat of steam is only 0-4805, so that for every unit of heat now supplied to it the temperature will rise 2 -08, and the volume will also increase directly as the absolute temperature. 58 The Steam Engine. Just as in the case of the liquefaction of ice, so with the vaporisation of boiling water, the 9657 units of heat which have been supplied for this purpose, and which produce no effect on the thermometer, have all been expended in doing work. Part of the work so. done is internal or latent work expended in overcoming the molecular resistances of the water, and part is expended in doing external work against the pressure of the atmosphere. To make this point clear, and to show how much heat is spent in each of these sorts of work, suppose a cubic foot of water at the temperature of 212 to be inclosed in a cylinder of indefinite length and of one square foot in section. Suppose the water to be covered in by a piston without weight, and free to move. The pressure of the air on this piston will be 147 Ibs. x 144=21 16*8. The cubic foot of water weighs 62-42 Ibs. To turn it into steam requires, therefore, 62*42 x 9657=60279 units of heat, equivalent to 46,535,388 foot-pounds. At the end of the process the piston is lifted 1,650 feet from the bottom of the cylinder, or 1,649 ^ eet from its original position. The external work done is, therefore, this height multiplied by the pressure on the piston, or 1649x2116*8 = 3,490,603 foot- pounds ; while the internal or latent work is equal to the total minus the. external work = 46,535,388 3,490,603 =43,044,785 foot-pounds. The external is to the internal work, therefore, in the ratio of i to 12*33 n early. Suppose now the piston in the above experiment to be loaded with some other weight in addition to that of the atmosphere, say with another 147 Ibs. to the square inch, and that heat be applied as before. The result would be that the water would rise in temperature to nearly 249" before steam began to form. When it did form, the steam would have the same temperature as the water, viz., 249, and the same pressure as the piston sustains, viz. 29*4 Ibs. per square inch. When the water was all turned into steam, the piston would have risen to a height of 858 feet above the cylinder bottom, i.e. to 857 feet above its original po- Heat of Steam. 59 sition. The quantity of heat requisite to effect this trans- formation is found by experiments to be 1157*85 units for each pound of water, whereas in the last example only 965-7 + 180-9=1146-6 units were required, thus showing an increase of 11*25 units. Also the way in which the heat is expended is different. For instance, in the second example the final temperature of the water is 249 instead of 212* consequently, the heat expended in raising it from 32 is about 218*4 units against 180-9. The heat expended in merely vaporising the water is 1157-85 218-4=939*45 in the second example against 965-7 in the first, showing, there- fore, a decrease of 26-45 units. Now, of these 939*45 units, a certain quantity is spent in doing external work, against the load on the piston. The whole heat thus expended on the cubic foot of water =i 44 x 29-4 x 857 = 3,628,195 foot- pounds = 4699- 7 thermal units. Consequently, the internal or latent work done per pound of water = 939-45^-^ = 864*15 units; and the ratio of the external to the inter- nal work is i to n'47 instead of i to 12*33, as m tne fi rst example. We see, therefore, that by increasing the load on the piston we have changed everything, viz. the temperature at which the water boils ; the temperature, pressure, volume, and consequently density of the steam ; the total heat necessary to effect the change, and also the proportions of the heat which are expended in raising the temperature of the water, in vaporising it and in doing external and internal work. The laws which regulate many of these changes are not yet perfectly understood, and consequently at present only empirical formulae are available to express them. The formulae are founded upon the results of experiments which have been carried out in the most exhaustive manner. The results of these experiments are recorded in tables, so that the student is, except for the purpose of analytical calculation, rendered independent of the formulae. 60 The Steam Engine. Connection between pressure and temperature of steam. The connection between the pressure and temperature of steam was determined by Regnault, and the numerical results are given in the Table, page 489, transformed into English measure for every degree between 100 and 401 Fahrenheit. Regnault's experiments were made at pressures varying from 3 Ibs. to 200 Ibs. per square inch. It will be seen by studying the table that the pressure increases with the temperature, but not in a uniform manner as in the case of gas. For instance, starting at 212, the pressure is 147 Ibs. per square inch and the increment of pressure per degree of rise of temperature is 0-29 Ib. At 300, however, the pressure is 67-22 Ibs. and the increment of pressure per degree is i Ib. ; while at 408 the pressure is 270-99 Ibs., and the increment of pressure per degree is 3 Ibs. Total heat of steam. The connection between the tem- perature of the steam and the total quantity of heat required to raise the water from 32 and vaporise it was also deter- mined by Regnault, and the numerical results are given both in thermal units and in foot-pounds in col. 4 of the Table. It will be seen that the total heat increases with the temperature, the rate of increase being about 0-305 of a thermal unit for each degree above 212, so that if 1146-6 units is the total heat of one pound of steam at 212, and if we want to know the total heat at any other temperature /, it will be given by the expression Total heat=ii46-6-p3o5 (/ 212). Heat of vaporisation of steam. The heat of vaporisation, as distinguished from the total heat, is easily calculated, if we know the total heat, by subtracting from this latter the number of units of heat required to raise the water from 32 to the boiling-point ; see col. 3 of the Table. The Table shows that the heat of vaporisation diminishes as the tem- perature of the steam increases, but not by a constant rate. The rate of diminution increases with the temperature. Heat of Vaporisation. 61 When a table is not at hand, very approximate results can be obtained by assuming that the rate of diminution is 071 of one thermal unit for every degree above 212. Thus for steam of / temperature, Heat of vaporisation = 9657 71 (/ 2 1 2 ), 9657 units being the heat of vaporisation of steam of 212. Volume of steam. The heat spent in external work de- pends of course on the volume which 'the steam occupies when formed. Experiments have also been made upon this point. The volume in cubic feet occupied by a pound of water when turned into steam is called the specific volume of the steam. The term relative volume is used to denote the comparison between the volume occupied by the steam, and that occupied by the water from which it is formed. Connection between pressure and volume of steam. The weight in pounds of a cubic foot of steam is called its density. In the case of a gas the connection between the pressure, the volume, and the density is, as we have seen, extremely simple. The equation pv = constant, giving the connection between pressure and volume, while the density is exactly proportional to the pressure. In the case of steam, the re- lationship is not so simple. No rational formula has ever been devised to express the relationship, but experiments have been made for each separate case, the results of which are given in coL 5 of the Table. An empirical formula has been given by Rankine, which very nearly gives the results of the experiments on pressure and volume, and is of the same form as pv = constant. Rankine's formula, connecting the pressure and volume of steam, is as follows, 17 y 16 " = constant where/ is the pressure in pounds per square inch, and v is the volume in cubic feet, the value of the constant being 475- 62 The Steam Engine. External work done during vaporisation of water. This formula enables the external work done during the vaporisa- tion of water to be calculated, but except where it is neces- sary to use a formula in analytical investigations, the figures are best taken from the Table by multiplying the volume as given in col. 5 by the pressure per square foot. It will be noticed on studying the results that the external work done increases slowly with the temperature, but not by a uniform rate of increase. The rate diminishes as the tem- perature rises. Internal work done during vaporisation. The heat ex- pended in doing internal or latent work during vaporisation, in altering the molecular constitution of the water, is the differ- ence between the heat of vaporisation and the heat expended in doing external work. It may be deduced from the Table by subtracting the external work, plus the heat expended in raising the temperature of the water as given in col. 3 from the total heat as given in col. 4. It diminishes with the temperature by about 0792 unit for every degree. The heat necessary for turning water of 32 into steam, at constant pressure, is expended in the three following ways, which must be kept distinct from one another. 1. In raising the temperature of the water from 32 to the temperature of the boiling-point, which last depends upon the pressure. 2. In changing the physical constitution of the water from the liquid state to the condition of steam. This is what has been called above internal or latent work. 3. In doing external work, by overcoming the resistance of the atmosphere, or other external resistance through a certain space, corresponding to the volume which the steam occupies at the particular pressure. It should here be noticed that when steam is formed in a boiler, in connection with a non-expansive engine at work, it is generated under the condition of nearly constant pressure ; the piston which is constantly moving backwards Heat expended in making Steam. and forwards in a cylinder which is in communication with the boiler, corresponding to the piston, in the example given above, while the forces which in a steam engine oppose the motion of the piston correspond to the weights placed upon the piston in the example. The case of steam formed in a close vessel is different, for here no heat has to be expended in doing external work, for by the nature of the case none can be done. The relative proportions of the three separate quantities of heat necessary to raise a pound of water from 32 to boiling tem- perature, and then to evaporate it, may perhaps best be exhibited by a graphical diagram. Draw a line OX (fig. 13) along which to measure the volume of one pound of water when turned into steam. Suppose the water as before contained in a cylinder having a section of one square foot. Draw a line OY along which to measure the total pressure in pounds on the piston. Let us take for the first illustration steam of 30 Ibs. pressure to the square inch, the temperature of which, according to the Table, is about 250, and the specific volume 13*49 feet. Now the original volume occupied by the pound of water is o'oi6 cubic foot, therefore the space through which the steam lifts the piston when doing work is 13-49 016=13-474 feet. Measure off a length OA to Fig. 13- 64 TJie Steam Engine. scale along OX to represent 13*474 feet, and a length OB along OY to represent to scale the pressure on the piston = 144 x 30=4320 Ibs. Then the exterior work done by the steam when formed is =4320x13*474=58207-68 foot- pounds, and this is represented on the diagram by completing the rectangle AB, the area of which is of course OA x OB, and which therefore represents the above number of foot-pounds. Similarly the heat spent in internal work and in raising the temperature of the water may be represented by the areas of rectangles. For the sake of comparison these rectangles should have the same base OA as the original rectangle, and should be drawn below OX. Now the heat spent in internal work may be calculated from the Table to be 680,021 foot- pounds, which is about 1 1 *6 times as much as the external work. Draw therefore OC downwards at right angles to O A and in length n -6 times as much as OB. The area of the rectangle AC will then represent the heat calculated in foot-pounds expended in internal work. Similarly the heat expended in raising the temperature of the water from 32 to 250 can be represented. This heat is 219-5 thermal units=i69,454 foot-pounds, which is about 2-91 times as much as the heat spent in external work. From C therefore draw CD downwards, in length equal to 2-91 times OB, and complete the rectangle. Its area will then represent the amount of heat calculated in foot-pounds re- quired to raise the temperature of the water from 32 to 250. An inspection of this diagram will show what a very wasteful kind of steam engine such a cylinder and piston would constitute ; for the whole of the work done by the heat expended is represented by the rectangle AB, while the whole heat supplied is represented by the big rectangle BE, which is 15*51 times the area of AB. Therefore for every 15-51 units of heat supplied to such an engine only one unit can possibly be expended in doing useful work. By constructing, with the aid of the tables, similar diagrams for every pressure of steam, we should be able to Isothermal Lines. 65 see at a glance the proportion between heat supplied and useful work done. EXPANSION OF GAS AND STEAM. Isothermal lines. Boyle's law, connecting the volume and pressure of gas, viz. pv=- constant, assumes that during the variation of pressure and volume the temperature re- mains constant. Suppose a portion of air or gas inclosed in a cylinder, provided as before with a movable weighted piston. The inclosed gas would attain a certain definite volume, pressure, and temperature, the pressure being, of course, in equilibrium with the weight of the loaded piston. If now the load on the piston be diminished exactly as in the example on page 29, the gas will expand, raising the remaining weights through a certain space, and conse- quently doing external work. This work is done at the expense of the heat contained in the gas below the piston. The result will be that the temperature of the gas will fall by an amount which can be easily calculated when we know the quantity of external work done and the specific heat and the weight of the gas. Such expansion, then, does not fulfil the condition laid down in Boyle's law, that the temperature should remain constant. In order that this latter condition should hold, heat must be supplied to the gas from some external source. It was shown before, that when the pressure and volume vary according to Boyle's law, the different states of the substance as regards pressure and volume for any given temperature may be represented graphically by the ordinates of a rect- angular hyperbola. Such a line is said to be an isothermal curve of expansion, or, shortly, an isothermal ; so called from two Greek words which signify equal and temperature, because the temperature is supposed to remain the same throughout all the changes in pressure and volume indicated by the co-ordinates of the curve. There is, of course, a separate isothermal for every temperature ; for, with a given F 66 The Steam Engine. mass of gas, the variations in pressure and volume are different for different temperatures, though following the same law. For instance, if, at any given volume, the tempe- rature is in one case 32, and in another 100, the pressure will be greater in the second than in the first instance, in accordance with Gay Lussac's law. If we have a series of isothermal lines drawn to scale, as in fig. 14, for a portion of any gas, such as air, we can Fig. 14. immediately find out by simple measurement either the temperature, the pressure, or the volume, when any two of these puantities are given. Each isothermal should be marked with the degree of temperature for which it is drawn. Suppose in the figure that there is a separate line drawn for each degree, and suppose that lines measured parallel to O/> represent pressures, and those parallel to Qv volumes. Let 1 Figs. 14 and 15 are taken from Clerk Maxwell's Theory of Heat. Isothermals of Steam. 67 the temperature 4, and volume equal to OL, be given, and let it be required to find the pressure, we have simply to draw an ordinate LP vertically upward, till it meets the iso- thermal for 4, then LP will be the required pressure. The isothermals of dry saturated steam are very different to those of a gas. Suppose that a pound of water in a cylinder closed by a piston be turned into steam of atmospheric pressure, and that the piston be then pressed down, while the temperature is maintained at 212, the pressure will not rise at all, while the volume will diminish, and, to permit of this taking place, part of the steam will be converted back into water. The reason of this is that dry saturated steam at a given temperature, say 212, can exist at no higher pressure than the natural pressure of formation at that temperature, as shown by Regnault's tables. Take, for instance, steam of 341 This is the temperature at which the steam forms when the pressure is 120 pounds on the 1-2 68 The Steam Engine. square inch, and it can exist at no higher pressure so long as the temperature remains the same. If, however, instead of pressing the piston down, it were raised up, the volume of the steam would increase, and if the temperature were maintained constant the pressure would diminish as the volume increased, but not strictly in accordance with Boyle's law; that is, as has been before explained, the product/^ would not be quite constant, though nearly so ; and the isothermal curve would consequently not be a perfect hyperbola. Fig. 15 illustrates the isothermal lines of steam and water. Take for instance the full line cba which is the isothermal for the temperature 212; we see that as the volume is enlarged the pressure diminishes as the ordinates of the curve ba, which is not a hyperbola. When, however, the mass of steam is compressed from the point b, the tem- perature remaining constant the isothermal is a straight line parallel to the base " = , where n has any value except unity Nature of the curve when no heat is supplied or abstracted The ideally perfect heat engine Calculation of the efficiency of such engines The reversed action of the ideal heat engine Proof that no other engine has a greater efficiency than the ideal heat engine Practical limits of efficiency in the ideal heat engine Laws connecting the pressure, temperature, arid volume of dry saturated steam Specific heats of water and steam Law connecting the pressure, volume, and temperature of superheated steam Total heat expended in converting water into steam Propor- tion of total heat expended in doing external and internal work- Expenditure of heat in a steam engine when the steam is not used expansively Method of representing heat by an ' equivalent pressure ' Expenditure of heat in a steam engine when the steam is used ex- pansively, ist, when the curve of expansion is a rectangular hyperbola, 2nd, when the steam remains dry and saturated throughout whole stroke To realise latter condition steam jacket is necessary Rankine's formulas for the expenditure of heat in a steam engine Theory of the ideally perfect heat engine applied to steam How actual steam en- gines differ from the ideal heat engine Summary of laws and formula?. THE last chapter contained a sketch of the principles of the science of heat and an account of the effects of heat upon gases and water. The present chapter will deal with the conversion of heat into mechanical work through the instru- mentality of heat engines, and will contain an account of an ideal heat engine which is perfect in theory ; that is to say, no other conceivable engine can get more work out of the heat supplied to it than the one about to be described. Practical difficulties render the realisation of such an engine 74 The Steam Engine. impossible, but the study of it is nevertheless of the greatest importance, as enabling us to find out the deficiencies of existing engines, and to ascribe to each of these deficiencies its due share in causing waste of heat. On account of the greater simplicity of gas, it will be found convenient, first to describe the mode of operation of the ideal engine when worked with gas or air, and afterwards to apply the results obtained to the case of steam. Before doing so, however, it will be necessary to recapitulate the laws affecting gases which were explained in the last chapter, but with greater numerical exactitude, and then, from these laws, to make certain deductions, which, as they refer to the power of doing work through the medium of gases, are commonly classed under the head of the Thermodynamics of Gases. Numerical application of Boyle's law to gases The first of the laws referred to is Boyle's law, connecting the pressure and the volume of the gas when the temperature is main- tained constant. The algebraical expression for this law was shown to be /?>=<:. If one pound's weight of air be taken, at the pressure / of the atmosphere, equal to 2116-8 Ibs. on the square foot, at the temperature 32, then the volume of this pound of air, or ^ , multiplied by the pressure on the square foot has been proved by Regnault's experiments to be 26,2i4 foot-pounds. This quantity, 26,214 foot-pounds, is therefore the value of the constant c, so long as the temperature remains 32. If the temperature be changed, the value of the constant is changed also. This leads us to Gay Lussac's law (see page 46) connecting the pressure and volume with the temperature. This law states that the product pv is in- creased when the temperature is raised from 32 to 212, in the ratio of i to 1-3654 ; and that for each of the 180 degrees intermediate between 32 and 212 the increase is Boyle's Law applied to Gases. 7 5 T-J-oth part of the increase at 212. If then p Q v Q be the pressure and volume at 32, and pv be the pressure and volume at any other temperature f, then if /=2i2, and if / be any other temperature then This rate of increase of course applies also when the tem- perature is raised above 212. It was also shown (see page 51) that if the tempera- ture be reckoned from the bottom of the tube of the air thermometer, which was shown to be 492 below 32 Fahrenheit, the above law could be greatly simplified. For, the product of the pressure and volume of a portion of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature, so that if r be the absolute temperature corresponding to f* then, remembering that 492-6 absolute, corresponds to 32 on the ordinary scale, and attaching the same values as before to all the other symbols, we have pv \ T '.' P^VO '. 492*6 A p v r A)? ; o 492-6. o?' as stated above =26,2 14. 493 Hence we get /z / =53' 2 - r > which is a very simple expression, connecting the pressure, the volume, and the absolute temperature. Specific heat of gases at constant volume^ and at constant pressure. The next law, which is now mentioned for the first time, relates to the specific heat of gases, and asserts that, if a gas be heated at constant pressure, it requires the same quantity of heat to raise its temperature from any point, say 212 to 213, as it does from any other point, say 32 to 33. In other words, the specific heat of a gas at constant 76 The Steam Engine. pressure does not change with the temperature, as is the case with water. The capacity of air for heat, that is, the amount of heat required to raise one pound of it through i of temperature, the pressure being maintained constant, is, according to Regnault's experiments, 0-2375 thermal units, equal to J^S'SS foot-pounds. This quantity of heat is, as has been shown before, not all expended in merely raising the tem- perature of the air ; for, the heating having been accom- plished at constant pressure, part of the heat has been spent in doing external work. Let #i,"i, ?'2> T 2 be the original and final volumes and absolute temperatures of a pound of air ; and let p be the pressure which remains constant. Then the external work is measured by the increase in the volume, viz. ?' 2 v\ multiplied by the pressure p ; therefore External work=(?; 2 v^p ; and, as we have seen, ^=53-2.7 ; therefore The external work 53*2 (r 2 T } ). Also the total heat expended equals the specific heat multi- plied by the number of foot-pounds in one thermal unit multiplied by the number of degrees of rise of temperature. The usual symbol for the specific heat at constant pressure multiplied by the number of foot-pounds in one thermal unit is K p ; l and as the rise in temperature is r 2 r l5 we have Total heat expended =Kp(r 2 TJ). Hence the heat expended in doing internal work that is, in merely raising the temperature of the air is the difference between the total heat expended and that part which is spent in doing external work 1 K p and K v are spoken of hereafter for the sake of brevity and in accordance with a usual custom as specific heats ; but in reality a specific heat is only a ratio, whereas K p and K v are absolute quantities. Specific Heat of Gases. 77 Therefore the internal work = (r 2 r,) (K p 53*2). Now this latter quantity within the right-hand bracket is also the value of the specific heat of air when heated at constant volume ; because, as we know by Joule's experiment (see page 54), the mere separation of the particles of air requires no heat to effect it when no external work is done, and as the heat is only expended in doing external and internal work, and as, moreover, when the air is heated at constant volume no external work is done, therefore the specific heat of air heated at constant volume is the same as the internal specific heat at constant pressure, and, calling the specific heat at constant volume K v , we have K V =K P 53'2 = i3o-25 foot-pounds. Consequently the heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of air at constant volume from rj to r 2 is From the equation K V = K P 53*2 we get, by simply transposing, K p K v = 53'2. That is to say, the difference in the two specific heats of air is equal to the constant quantity 53-2, which, as we have seen before, when multiplied by the absolute temperature, equals the product pv. From the result given above for the value of the heat expended in internal work, when the air was heated at con stant pressure, viz. (K p 5 3 *2 ) (r 2 r j ) = K v (r 2 r \ ), we see that the internal work is proportional to the change of temperature, and is equal to the change of temperature multiplied by the specific heat at constant volume. This result is true whether the air be heated at constant pressure, or at constant volume, or partly in the one way and partly in the other, or in fact in any way we can con- ceive of. For, as an example, first change the air from volume 7 1 ,, and temperature r,, to volume v.>, keeping the pressure constant at/ t ; let the new temperature be r ; then by the above the heat expended in internal work is K v (r TJ). 78 The Steam Engine. Next change the pressure from p to / 2 , the volume being kept constant at v z . To do this we must add heat to the gas, raising its temperature to r 2 ; the heat spent is K v (r 2 r), which is all internal work ; adding to this the heat spent in doing internal work during the first part of the operation, we get Total heat spent in internal work = K v (r r { + r 2 -) = K v ('- 2 -r 1 ). This result might be proved to be true for any other case which might arise, by similar reasoning to the above, but it may also be shown to be generally true from the following considerations. Cycle of Operations. If a substance such as gas or water be subjected to the action of heat, and be thus brought through a series of changes of state, and eventually brought back to its original condition, it is said to have undergone a Cycle of Operations. During these changes of state heat has been expended in doing two things only, viz. external work, and internal work of various sorts, such as altering the temperature or the molecular condition of the substance. When, however, the body is brought back to its original condition, the sum of all the quantities of heat expended in doing internal work must be nil, because if during one part of the operation heat has been thus expended, when the substance is brought back to its original condition this heat is again liberated or rejected. Now when the state of gas or air is changed by the action of heat in any way whatever we can analyse the ope- ration into three distinct sets of processes, viz., i st. Heating at constant pressure, the volume being changed ; 2nd. Heating at constant volume, the pressure being changed ; and 3rd. One or more cyclical processes. Now during the latter processes no heat is spent in Cycle of Operations. 79 internal work, and during the two former the heat thus spent is as we have seen = K v (r 2 T } ). Hence the proposition is universally true that when the state of a gas is changed by the action of heat, the quantity of heat spent in doing internal work depends only on the difference of temperatures of the two states, and is equal to the specific heat at constant volume multiplied by this difference of temperatures. From the above fundamental laws we are enabled to reason on all the questions which may arise regarding the thermodynamics of gases. All that we require to know is, how much heat is expended in doing external, and how much in doing internal work. The total heat expended is equal to the sum of these two quantities. When we possess this information we can deduce all that it is requisite to know regarding the pressure and temperature at every stage of the process. Conversely if we know the pressure and temperature we can calculate the external and internal work done, and the expenditure of heat. The internal work is, as has been proved above, always given by the expression K v (r 2 T } ). The external work is different in different cases. For instance, if during the changes of volume and pressure sufficient heat be supplied to keep the temperature uniform, we get a certain quantity of external work. If on the contrary no heat be supplied we get quite another quantity, and if more than enough or less than enough heat be sup- plied to keep the temperature uniform, we get still different quantities of external work done in each case. The quantity of external work done is perhaps best calculated and exhibited by means of diagrams. We have seen (see page 44) how the varying pressure and volume of a portion of gas can be represented by the ordinates of a line GD, fig. n. We also saw (see page 63) how work done could be represented by the area of a rectangle. An exten- sion of these methods will now be explained. Let ac, cO, fig. 18, represent the initial, and &/, dQ the final pressures and volumes of a portion of gas. Let the 8o The Steam Engine. intermediate co-ordinates of the curve ab represent the inter- mediate pressures and volumes while the gas is expanding. Draw a line ef, indefinitely near and parallel to the line ac. While the volume of the gas has been increasing from O 2 , and the initial and final pressures^ and/ 2 respectively, the expression for the area becomes p^v^ log e r^ or / 2 z/ 2 lge r foot-pounds. Also if T be the absolute temperature of the gas, then, as we have seen, ^ 1 ^ 1 =^ 2 z; 2 =^r, .*. the area= 2 . 2. Let the curve ab, instead of being an hyperbola of the equation pv=. constant, be a curve of the form /# n = constant, where n may have any value we like to assign to it except unity. In this case the area ! of the figure abdc n i 1 The area is calculated in the following manner : Let a I), fig. 1 8, be a curve of the equation pv* = constant. To find the arc abdc Leta=/j; Oc = v l and bd=p.j,', Od=v 2 ; also let / be any pressure ordinate, and v the corresponding volume. Then the area= f^ 2 p.dv. Now as p v n =/! vf and substituting Area= ; ni v\-piVi m n-i G 2 84 The Steam Engine Let r, be the initial, and r 2 the final absolute tempera- tures. The expression for the area becomes then fr, ] ~- I. In order that H 2 Hj this may be so, the denominator of the first fraction must be less than that of the second, for the numerators are equal, therefore H 2 is less than H lt Now, H 2 is the quantity of heat which No. 2 takes from the hot body; and H, is the quantity which No. i rejects into it, and as H 2 is less than Hj upon the whole the hot body receives heat ; and similarly upon the whole the cold body parts with heat, and if the engine were kept at work long enough the whole of the heat in the cold body could be taken out of it and conveyed to the hot body, that is to say, heat could be transferred from a cold to a hot body by a self-acting contrivance, which is the exact opposite of all experience ; consequently we must conclude that engine No. 2 has not got a greater efficiency than No. i, and that no arrangement we can imagine can have a greater efficiency than No. i. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. The statement of the principle from which the above conclusion is drawn is called the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It may be ex- pressed as follows : Heat cannot pass from a cold to a hot body by a self-acting process, unaided by external agency. The peculiarity of engine No. i is its reversibility, and this is due to its receiving heat always at the temperature of the hot body, and rejecting it at that of the cold body. If this condition did not obtain, we could not work the engine Conditions of Maximum Efficiency. 93 in the reverse sense. Hence we conclude, that for a heat engine to develope a maximum of work out of the heat supplied to the gas or other working substance it must receive all its heat at the temperature of the hot body, and reject it all at the temperature of the cold body. If these conditions are complied with, the maximum of work obtainable is got by multiplying the heat supplied to the engine, measured in foot-pounds by the ratio TI ~ ' 2 . T \ It may at first appear anomalous to the student that the whole of the heat supplied to the gas cannot be converted into work. Perhaps the best way to overcome this difficulty is, if he can conceive of any arrangement by which he hopes to get more work out of an engine, to calculate out the various steps in the process, and compare the heat expended with the work done. Take, for instance, a pound of air inclosed in a cylinder as before, and at the pressure and temperature r of the atmosphere. Heat the air, keeping the volume constant till it attains any desired pressure /,, and corresponding tempe- rature r l ; next expand it adiabatically, till the original temperature of the atmosphere is reached, the corresponding pressure, / 2 , being attained. During this part of the process the exact equivalent of the heat expended on the gas is converted into mechanical work. For the heat so ex- pended is K^rj r), and the work done is (see page 84) - (r l r) = K^T-J r). But in order to bring the gas back to its original pressure, volume, and temperature, so as to be able to make another revolution of the engine, we must either compress the air at the constant temperature r, ; or else we must temporarily open the end of the cylinder to the outer air, and force back the piston against the constant pressure of the atmosphere to its original position. In the first case, to compress the air at constant temperature r h we must do work upon it represented by 94 The Steam Engine. CT log e l -j (see page 83). In the second case we do work equal to the pressure of the atmosphere=2ii6 Ibs. per square foot, multiplied by the space through which it has to be overcome, viz. v 2 v l feet. In either case the work so done upon the air must be subtracted from the work done by the air during the first half of the stroke, so that in neither instance can we realise the full equivalent of the heat expended. It may in fact be proved by a calculation similar to that on pages 88, 89 that in this case the efficiency is less than the maximum, viz. TI ~~- T . TI To take another case. If a portion of gas be expanded at constant temperature, it is known that the heat absorbed equals the external work done. It might therefore be sup- posed that a ready means was hereby presented of converting Fig. 20. the whole of the heat supplied to an engine into work. Let the point i, fig. 20, represent the initial condition of the gas as regards pressure and volume. Let it expand at constant temperature till the pressure and volume are indicated by the point 2. During this part of the operation external Efficiency of Heat Engines. HIT'S 405 work would be done represented by : ^be~a^flt^*2Z' 2 z; 1 = CT^ log e 2 =the heat supplied to the gas during expansion. If we were now to restore the gas to its original pressure, volume, and temperature, we could do so by compressing it isothermally ; but in this case the compression curve would be identical with the expansion curve, and con- sequently in compressing the gas we should have to do the same work upon it that we got out of it during the expansion, and the .resulting work done would be nil. In order to get work out of the gas, we must therefore, when the point 2 is reached, make it reject heat. Let this be done at constant volume. The pressure will fall, and this part of the opera- tion is represented on the diagram by the vertical straight line 2 3. When the pressure has fallen to the point 3, the temperature has also fallen to r 2 , and the heat rejected during the fall is K,, (T\ r 2 ). The gas may now be compressed isothermally at the temperature r. 2 , till the end of the stroke is reached, and the work done upon it equals constant, is given according to Rankine by the equation 17 pv 1^= constant. According to Zeuner the index -}= i -0625 should be i -0646. If the pressure be expressed in pounds per square inch and the volume in cubic feet, the constant has the value 475, and adopting Zeuner's index the equation becomes The above formula relates to one pound weight of steam. The volume occupied by one pound of steam is called the specific volume. The density of the steam of course diminishes as the specific volume increases, and can be calculated by solving the above equation for z', which can be done with the help of a table of common logarithms, thus, log ^ + 1-0646 log z'=log 475 = 2-6766936 .-. log -,= Connection between the pressure and temperature of dry steam. The connection between the pressure and tempera- H 98 The Steam Engine. ture of steam is also much more complicated than the corre- sponding relation for gases. It will be remembered (see page 75) that for common air the relation was expressed by the formula/z>=53'2. T. In the case of steam there is no formula of general application, and the temperature must be taken for each pressure from the Table, page 489 et seqq. Specific heat of ivater and steam. The specific heat for water and steam is equally complicated. In the case of air, we have seen (see page 76) that the specific heat at constant pressure is a fixed quantity, K p =i83'35 foot-pounds, and tire specific heat at constant volume K v is also a constant quantity = 1 30 '2 5 foot-pounds. Also the heat expended in effecting any change of state in the air can be easily calcu- lated, when we know these specific heats, and the quantity of external work done. In the case of water, however, the specific heat is constantly increasing from 772 foot-pounds at the point of maximum density, 39F., and is about 802 '88 foot-pounds when the temperature is 400. While the water is being changed into steam, large quantities of heat are supplied to it which produce no effect upon the thermo- meter, and which consequently cannot be measured by any reference to the specific heat of the substance at that stage. When the water has become dry saturated steam, any further heat supplied to it does certainly raise the temperature, but it also changes the state from the saturated to the superheated condition. When once thoroughly superheated, the properties of steam ^resemble those of a perfect gas, and may be reasoned on accordingly. The equation connecting its pressure, volume, and absolute temperature in this state is flv=8$ -5 T, and differs from the corresponding equation for air only in the value of the numerical constant, which for air was proved to be 53-2. The heat required to raise one pound of superheated steam at constant pressure through one degree is given as 370*56 foot-pounds, and at constant volume as 285-03 foot-pounds, while the ratio of the first of these quantities to the last is y= i '3. Total Heat of Steam. 99 Total heat required to convert water into steam.- In con- sequence of all these complications, we cannot deal with the quantities of heat required to effect changes of state in water and steam with the same ease and simplicity as in the case of gases and air. The total heat required to change water of a given temperature into steam at a given constant pressure is (see page 62) divisible into 3 parts, viz. i st The quantity required to heat the water from the given temperature to the natural temperature of formation of the steam ; 2nd. The quantity required to change the substance from the liquid to the gaseous state ; 3rd. The quantity required to do external work, that is, to overcome the external pressure through the space represented by the difference between the volumes of the steam and the water from which it was formed. The two latter quantities taken together are usually called the latent heat of evaporation. It is, however, necessary to bear in mind that this latent heat consists of two elements. The total heat required for any particular case may be extracted from the tables, the original temperature of the water being supposed to be 32 ; or it may be calculated very approximately by the following empirical rule : The total heat required to change one pound of water of 32 into steam .of atmospheric pressure is known by experi- ment to be 885,200 foot-pounds, and for every degree of increase of temperature of the steam about 235*46 foot- pounds have to be added. Thus if T be the temperature of the steam, the total heat required is 885,200 -|- 235 -46 (T 212). If the water be warmer than 32 to start with, less heat will be required. If the specific heat of water were constantly 772 foot-pounds, we should have no trouble in calculating the quantity to be subtracted, and we may without sensible ioo The Steam Engine. error regard the specific heat -as constant for the usual temperatures of water. Thus if / be the temperature of the water, it would take 772 (/ 32) foot-pounds to heat the water from 32 to t ; this quantity must therefore be subtracted in the above formula, so that we get total heat required = 885,200 + 235-46 (T-2I2)-772(/-32). The quantity of heat required to do external work in the above is not difficult to calculate. Let v be the volume occupied by the steam when formed in cubic feet, v' the space occupied originally by the water. Then the external work done is equal to the increased space occupied by the steam above that occupied by the water, viz. (v v'\ multiplied by the constant pressure of formation of the steam, viz. p pounds per square foot ; or, external work done=/(z> v') foot-pounds. Now v' is the space occupied by a pound of water, viz. -016 cubic foot, and is so small that it may in general be neglected. Hence we may write : External work=/z; foot-pounds. The product pv may be calculated from the equation given above (see page 97), viz. pv 1 - 646 =475. Another equation has been devised by Zeuner, and is commonly used, on account of its convenience, to express the external work empirically. Let h be the quantity of heat in foot-pounds required to heat the water from 32 to T the temperature of the steam ; then, External work i5,45o + 846T h foot-pounds. If we know the total heat required to raise the water from 32 to the temperature of the steam, and then evaporate it, and if we also know by calculation the external work done, we can deduce the quantity cf heat spent in doing internal or latent work during evaporation, for, The total heat =/* + internal work + external work. /. 885,200 + 235-46 (T- 212) =/fc + internal work + (15, 450 + 846!" li) .*. internal work=8i9,832 611 T foot-pounds, Heat Expended in Steam Engines. 101 EXPENDITURE OF HEAT IN A STEAM ENGINE. We can now examine a question of great practical impor- tance, viz. what quantity of heat must be supplied to a steam engine, in order to get a certain amount of work out of it. Steam engines regarded as heat engines may be divided into two principal classes, viz. i. Those which work with full pres- sure of steam throughout the entire stroke, and 2. Those which use the full pressure of the steam during a portion only of the stroke, and then cut off all connection between the cylinder and the boiler, allowing the steam which is isolated in the cylinder to expand to the end of the stroke. The former are called non-expansive, the latter expansive engines. We will first consider the case of a non-expansive engine, and will suppose the steam supplied to it to be in the dry saturated condition, and free from moisture. It is necessary to mention the subject of moisture, because in the generality of cases the steam which enters a cylinder is not pure, but carries over with it from the boiler a large per-centage of suspended moisture. How to represent heat by an equivalent pressure on the piston. We have seen, in the case of the external work done by an engine, that the heat expended in doing this work can be represented by the pressure in pounds on the piston multiplied by the space in feet through which the piston moves. The heat expended in raising the temperature of the water and in doing any internal work can be represented in a similar manner, by a pressure on the piston multiplied by the space through which it moves. Thus referring to fig. 13, page 63, it will be remembered that the total heat expended in converting a pound of water into steam was represented by the area of the three rectangles BA, AC, and CE, of which CE represented the heat spent in raising the temper- ature of the water, AC the heat spent in doing internal work while changing the water into steam, and BA the heat IO2 The Steam Engine. spent in doing external work while the volume of the steam was increasing at constant pressure. Now, we may take the line OA as representing the stroke of a steam engine, working with full steam throughout. The pressure, due to the resistance to the motion of the piston (see pages 62 and 63), is represented by the vertical line OB, and the external work done during one stroke of the piston is represented by the area of the rectangle BA. Now, the internal work done when changing the water into steam is represented by the area of the rectangle AC, and as both these rectangles have the same base, OA, their areas are to each other in the same ratios as the vertical lines, OB and OC ; and just as OB represents the pressure due to external work, so OC may be said to represent an ideal pressure due to internal work, and CD an ideal pressure due to the heating of the water, and the sum of the three lines, viz. BD, represents a pressure due to the total expenditure of heat. Now, if the area of the piston be one square foot, then the volume occupied by the steam at the end of the stroke or z>=OA, and if H is the total heat expended expressed in foot-pounds, viz. the area BE, then the line BD, represent- ing the pressure due to the heat expended, multiplied by #, equals the area BE, or denoting the line BD by P, we have Pxz/ = H, or P = ?. 1 V That is to say, the ideal pressure, due to the heat expended, equals the heat expended expressed in foot-pounds, divided by the volume in cubic feet occupied by the steam. If v equals unity, then the work done by the piston equals the pressure on it, equals / ; that is to say, when the piston travels through one cubic foot, the external work done equals 1 Properly speaking v should be diminished by the volume of the original pound of water, but as this is very small the correction has been omitted in this and the succeeding calculations. Heat Expended in Steam Engines. 103 /, and the total heat expended equals P ; or expressed generally, the work done per cubic foot swept through by the piston =/, and the heat expended = P. Let us take the case of a condensing engine, working with dry saturated steam of 60 pounds pressure on the square inch, and find out how much useful work it can do per pound weight of steam used, and how much heat has to be expended in order to do the work. At first sight it might be thought that the useful work done equals the pressure on the piston multiplied by the space through which it moves, and this would be the case if there were a perfect vacuum at the back of the piston. It is, however, impossible to realise a perfect vacuum with a condenser, and consequently the back of the piston experi- ences a pressure varying according to the perfection of the vacuum, and acting in the contrary direction to the steam pressure. This back pressure in a condensing engine usually varies from 2 to 4 pounds per square inch. In the case of a non- condensing engine, the back of the piston is pressed upon by the whole weight of the atmosphere, or 147 pounds per square inch, as well as by the residual pressure of the exhaust steam, which cannot escape quickly enough through the narrow exhaust passages, so that with these engines the back pressure varies from 16 to 19 pounds per square inch. In the present example the back pressure is taken as three pounds, and the effective forward pressure of the steam is 60 3'= 5 7 pounds per square inch. Now the specific volume of steam of 60 Ibs. is (see page 493) 7*037 cubic feet, and the effective external work or pv consequently equals 7*037 X57 x 144=57758-4 foot-pounds. This then is the useful work which one pound of steam can realise when worked non- expansively. Also as one horse-power per hour is 33000 x 60 foot-pounds, an engine working under the above conditions would require 33 000> < := .^. 2 g 5775 8 pounds weight of steam per horse-power per hour. IO4 The Steam Engine. Now, the heat expended in order to attain this result is the whole heat of formation of the pound of steam at the temperature corresponding to 60 pounds pressure, viz. 293. If the water were taken originally at 32, this quantity of heat would be 904,106 foot-pounds (see Table I.), but if the water were taken originally at the temperature of the condenser, which would be about 104, we should have to subtract from the above quantity the heat requisite in order to raise the water from 32 to 104. This latter quantity expressed in foot-pounds would be approximately (104 3 2) 7 7 2 =5 5, 5 84, and consequently the total heat expended would be 904,106 55,584=848,522 foot-pounds. Thus we see that, in order to obtain 57,758 foot-pounds of external work we have to expend 848,522 foot-pounds of heat, and the consequent efficiency of the engine would only be -ZZSaE'o68 ; a result which shows how wasteful 848522 such a form of steam engine is. The above result, bad though it be, is far more favourable than anything that would take place in practice ; for it must be remembered that we have not taken account of any losses due to radia- tion, conduction, leakage, &c., and we have supposed the steam to be formed without any waste of fuel ; whereas we know that even in the best boilers this waste is very con- siderable. At the end of the stroke the whole of the heat in the steam, which is equal to the heat of formation minus the external work done, is rejected into the condenser, part of it heating the injection water and the remainder is wasted. If we desire to express the above quantities, per cubic foot swept through by the piston, instead of per pound of steam used, we can do so very simply. For the heat ex- pended equals the work done plus the heat rejected. Now, if H be the total heat of formation of the steam from the temperature of the water, and v its specific volume in cubic Expansion of Steam. 105 TT feet, then equals the heat of formation of one cubic foot of the steam. Also the external work done per cubic foot equals the pressure of the steam per square foot, equals /, and the heat rejected is the heat left in the cubic foot of TT steam after it has done its work = /. Now, part of the work done is spent in overcoming the resistance of the back pressure. If J> b be the back pressure per square foot, the work so spent per cubic foot swept through by the piston is also equal to / b , and as this work is done upon the con- densing steam it reappears as heat in the condenser, and must consequently be reckoned as so much heat rejected. TT Therefore the heat rejected, instead of being /, will be EXPANSION OF STEAM. It is evident from the foregoing that the heat rejected is very nearly equal to the total heat supplied. The only way of increasing the efficiency of a steam engine is to utilise some of this wasted heat. This object can be attained by cutting off all communication between the cylinder and the boiler when the former is partly filled, and then allowing the steam to expand during the remainder of the stroke. The amount of the expansion may be varied, according as the steam is cut off earlier or later during the stroke. There is theoretically no reason why the expansion should not be carried on till the final pressure of the steam equals the back pressure ; but there are practical reasons, which will be explained hereafter, which render such high degrees of expansion inexpedient. The great economical advantage of using steam expan- sively will be seen at once from the diagram, fig. 21. Let the steam be, as before, of 60 pounds pressure per square inch above zero, and the original temperature of the water 104. io6 F The Steam Engine. * 7-037 cub feet v = $rw** f \ cubic feet Measure off Op to represent 60 pounds, and Oz to represent 7*037 cubic feet, viz. the specific volume of one pound of steam of 60 pounds pressure. Then, neglecting the small initial volume oc- cupied by the pound of water, the rect- angle pQv represents the external work = 60 x 144 x 7*037 = 60,800 foot-pounds. Also the total heat of formation of the steam, the initial temperature of the water being 104, is 848,61 6 foot-pounds, represented as before by the rectangle /B, the area of which is 13*95 times that of the rectangle pQv. Let, now, the steam be expanded till its final volume Oz> f is four times the original volume Ov. The work done during this expansion will depend upon the curve p'p & which may be anything we please, according as heat is or is not supplied to the steam during its expan- sion. Let us suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that the curve is a rectangular Fig. 21. hyperbola, and that the heat supply necessary to make it one may be neglected and it may here be noted that this is the curve to which the ex- pansion line of steam most nearly approximates, under the ordinary circumstances of a well- constructed steam engine. B Heat Expended in Steam Engines, 107 The area of the portion p'w { p { of the diagram is then pv loggf or pfVf log e r ; for since the curve is a rect- angular hyperbola p x v = p f x v { . Also the total area pQv\pfp'i representing the total external work done, is ^7'+/f'log e r=/7'(i+log e r). In the present instance ?'=4, and log e 7-= i -3863, and /z;=6o,8oo foot-pounds, c.pv (i + log e r) = 60,800 x 2-3863 = 145,087 foot-pounds. In order to obtain the useful work done, we must subtract from the above amount the work expended in overcoming the back pressure, say of 3 Ibs. per square inch. As the back pressure is overcome through a space of 4 x 7-03 7 feet, the work done=3 x 144X4x7-037 = 12,160 foot-pounds, and the useful work therefore = 132,92 7 foot-pounds, against 57758-4 in the previous example, when there was no expansion. Now the expenditure of heat was shown to be 848,616 foot-pounds, and the efficiency is therefore * 3 ^;? 2 ? 040,616 = 156, as against -068 in the case of the non-expansive engine. The ratio of the external work done to heat expended is represented graphically by the ratio of the area of the figure p/p f v) to the area of the rectangle /B. To find expenditure of heat when condition of steam at end of stroke is given. The above result is only true if the expan- sion curve be a rectangular hyperbola. If, however, some other condition had been given, such as, that throughout, and at the end of the expansion, the steam should be dry and saturated, we should have had a different result \ for we know that the expansion curve of dry saturated steam is not/z>= constant but pv 1*0646= constant. In practical experiments it is found easier to ascertain the quantity and state of the steam at the end of the stroke, rather than at the point of cut off ; we shall therefore next show how to find the expenditure of heat, when the condition of the steam at the end of the stroke is given, and the work done is known. In the first instance, suppose that the original pressure of io8 The Steam Engine. the pound of steam is /, the final pressure A and that the steam is dry and saturated at the end of the stroke. Now, the heat rejected is the amount of heat in the steam at the end of the expansion, together with the work done upon the exhausting steam, by the piston overcoming the back pres- sure / b . The heat in the steam at the end of the expansion is the total heat of formation of dry saturated steam of the pressure A minus the amount due to doing external work= pfVf ; for, of course, the heat spent in doing external work disappears from the steam, having been transmuted into the work done. Consequently heat rejected =H f where A 7; f is the work done in overcoming the back pressure A through the space v ft and H f is the total heat of formation of dry saturated steam of the pressure A Now, the heat expended equals the heat rejected, plus the external work done by the steam during admission and expansion. If p m be the mean or average pressure through- out the stroke, then (p m A) Z V is the external work done, and consequently Heat expended=H f -A?'f If we wish to express these results per cubic foot swept through by the piston, we have only to divide by ?' f , the number of feet occupied by the steam at the end of the stroke, and we get "FT Heat expended = ^- f +A #. Steam Jackets. We must now ascertain whether the heat contained in the steam, as supplied by the boiler, is as TT much as the above quantity f +/ m A for if not, one of Vf two things must happen, viz. either more heat must be supplied to the steam while it is in the cylinder from some Steam Jackets. 109 external source, or else at the end of the stroke it will not be dry and saturated, but a certain proportion will be condensed into water. Let Hj be the total heat contained in a pound of the steam, in its initial condition, as supplied by the boiler, then, as i\ equals the contents of the cylinder, or the number of cubic feet swept through by the piston in one TT stroke, therefore ' is the expenditure of heat per cubic foot Z'f swept through, provided that no heat is obtained from any other source than from the boiler. But the heat actually TT TT expended per cubic foot swept through is not J but f + Vf V ( An -pf Subtracting, therefore, the first from the last of TT TT these quantities, we get a difference =/ m / f +- Now, the numerical value of the two quantities Hj and H may be taken from Table L, and as Hj is always greater TT __ TT than H f , the quantity will always be negative, and for ?l TT TT every particular case the difference p n / f + - - 'will be Vf found to be a positive quantity ; therefore, the heat actually wanted for the steam in order that it may remain dry and saturated is greater than the quantity present in the steam as it is supplied by the boiler. The difference must therefore be supplied to the steam while in the cylinder, and this is usually effected by surrounding the latter with a casing always kept full of boiler steam or hot air. The temperature of the steam in the jacket is evidently greater than the mean temperature of the steam in the cylinder, and consequently heat will flow from the former to the latter, and will either check or wholly prevent condensation, according to the quantity of heat thus supplied. The question, whether or no it is desirable to prevent 1 10 The Steam Engine. condensation during expansion, is a rather complicated one,, and will be discussed in Chapter XI. In the foregoing we were only concerned with proving that if the condition be given that the steam must be dry and saturated at the end of the expansion, in order to fulfil this condition, heat must be supplied to the steam from a hot casing, which is generally called a steam jacket. Rankings empirical formula for the expenditure of heat in a steam engine. From the above formula for the ex- TT penditure of heat, viz. : - f +/ m pi it would be easy to v t construct a numerical formula involving only the mean and final pressures, and the temperature of the steam and feed water and certain constants. It has, however, been found by Rankine that the results are equally well given by a very simple empirical formula which for condensing engines is : Heat expended =/ m -f i5/ f ; and for non-condensing engines : Heat expended =/ m + 1 4/ f : the results being expressed in foot-pounds per cubic foot: swept through by the piston. THEORY OF THE PERFECT HEAT ENGINE APPLIED TO THE CASE OF STEAM. We can now proceed to apply the principles laid down 1 with regard to perfect heat engines to the case where steam is employed instead of a gas. The amount of steam and fuel necessary for a perfect steam engine under given circumstances will first be considered. The nature of the diagram indicating the varying states of the steam in such an engine will then be examined, and finally the question will be discussed how far actual steam engines of the best Theory of Perfect Engine applied to Steam, in construction comply with, and how far they depart from, the conditions of maximum efficiency. The efficiency of a perfect heat engine has been shown (see page 89) to be . Tl ~ T2 , where T I and r 2 are the absolute temperatures of the sources of heat and cold. Hence, in such an engine, if H be the quantity of heat supplied, and W the exterior work done, we obtain the relation H. JJHl2_ = W or H=W. _ Il_. Hence if we require to know the least amount of heat necessary in order to obtain one horse-power per hour when the limits of temperature within which the engine works are known, we have W=33,ooo x 60= 1,980,000 foot- pounds, and H= i, 980,000 x - foot-pounds. TI r 2 In a steam engine the limits of temperature ought to be the temperature of the hot gases in the furnace of the boiler on the one hand, and the temperature of the con- denser on the other, or in the case of non-condensing engines, the lower limit is the temperature due to the pres- sure of the atmosphere, i.e. 2 12 + 461 absolute. We pos- sess at present, however, no mear/s of utilising the tempera- ture of the furnace gases, and consequently the higher limit in a steam engine must be taken to be the temperature of the steam in the boiler. Let us consider the case of a perfect engine working with steam of 60 pounds pressure, as before; the temperature of the condenser being 104 + 461 absolute. The absolute temperature of steam of 60 pounds pressure is 293 + 461 = 754. The quantity of work obtained per pound of steam is the total heat contained in the steam, multiplied by the fraction Z^ 5 5=J very nearly. Now, a perfect 1 1 2 The Steam Engine. engine, as will be seen presently, always uses the same water over and over again, and always evaporates it from the temperature of the steam ; consequently the heat supplied to the water in order to turn it into steam of 293 is less than the quantity given in Table I., by the amount necessary to heat the water from 32 to 293 ; that is to say, the quantity of heat in question is 904, 1 06 202,444 = 701,662 foot-pounds. Therefore the work obtainable per pound of steam is 701,622 xj=i75,4i3 foot-pounds. In order to obtain from this engine one horse-power per hour we should require to expend therefore Ii9 c ^ 00 I754i3 = 1 1 '3 pounds of steam. If we wish to find out at what ex- penditure of fuel this power is attained, we must know what heat can be developed by the combustion of a given weight of fuel. This subject will be fully dealt with in the chapter on boilers ; but at present it may be stated that one pound of good average coal properly burnt should give 12,000,000 foot- pounds of heat. Now as one pound of steam of 60 pounds pressure requires for its formation, from water of 293, 701,662 foot-pounds, the pound of coal should theoreti- cally be able to evaporate '- ' 000 = 17 pounds of water, 701,662 and consequently we ought to require --^=.-66 pound of coal per horse-power per hour. The actual amount of water which a pound of fuel can evaporate in a good boiler is, however, much less than the above ; in fact, as will be seen hereafter, it seldom exceeds eleven, and is more often from seven to eight pounds. If, for the sake of simplicity, we suppose that 11*3 pounds of water are evaporated by a pound of coal, then, in the case of the engine under discussion, we should require to burn one pound of fuel per horse-power per hour. In the best constructed modern strain engines working with steam of the pressure under discussion, viz. sixty pounds absolute, Losses of Efficiency in Steam Engines. 1 1 3 or about forty-five pounds above the atmosphere, the amount of fuel burnt per horse-power per hour is far greater than one pound. It is, in fact, never less than two pounds, while in engines of inferior construction, from eight to ten pounds, and even larger quantities, are consumed. We see, there- fore, plainly, that, in addition to the loss of heat which takes place in the boiler, there are other sources of waste. It be- comes, then, necessary to compare the working of an actual engine with that of the theoretical engine, step by step, in order to ascertain all the causes of inefficiency. Causes of loss of efficiency in steam engines. In accordance with the principles laid down, the water should receive all its heat at the fixed higher temperature ; in other words, it should be turned into steam at constant pressure. The steam should then be allowed to expand adiabatically, till the temperature falls to that of the condenser. It should next reject heat into the condenser at this fixed temperature, though none of the steam it- self is supposed to enter the condenser. Finally, at a given point, the cooled steam, or mix- ture of steam and water as it would probably be, should be compressed till it returns to its first condition of water, of the original tempera- ture of the steam. These changes are indicated by fig. 2-2. Let the point i represent the volume and pressure of one pound of water, the pressure being that at which the steam is formed. In strict theory, the steam ought to be formed at the temperature of the furnace gases. This, however, as has been before stated, is practically impossible, and we will i Fig. 22. H4 The Steam Engine. suppose for the moment that the water receives its heat at the constant temperature, due to the pressure at which the steam is formed. During evaporation the pressure remains constant and the volume increases, till the whole of the water is converted into steam. This state of things is indicated by the point 2. The steam is now allowed to expand adiabatically along the curve 2 3 till the temperature has fallen to that of the source of cold. The volume is then reduced at the constant pressure, corresponding to the temperature of the source of cold, till the point 4 is reached, when the mixture of steam and water is compressed adia- batically along the line 4 i, till the whole is re-converted into water of the original temperature, pressure, and volume. The area of this diagram, as before, represents the external work done during the cycle of operations, and it may either be computed analytically, if we know the equations of the adiabatic curves, or, calculated more simply on the principle that the work done equals the heat supplied, multiplied by the efficiency of the engine ; in other words it equals the heat necessary to turn a pound of water of the temperature T I into steam of T b multiplied by Tl ~_ 2 . r \ Now, in an actual steam-engine, the series of operations which takes place differs more or less at every step from that which has been just described. In the first place, the water, instead of receiving all its heat at the higher tempera- ture TJ, is introduced into the boiler as feed water at a much lower temperature. During the process of evaporation, the condition of receiving heat at constant pressure is ful- filled, so long as the pressure in the boiler is kept constantly the same, which it never can be when the steam is worked expansively. During the expansion, the condition that heat shall not be supplied to, or abstracted from, the steam is not fulfilled, because the metals of which cylinders are constructed render the fulfilment of this condition impossible. Cylinders Losses of Efficiency in Steam Engines. 115 are of three sorts ; the first sort is made of metal directly exposed to the outer air. In this case, the metal being a good conductor is rapidly heated by the steam, and parts with its heat to surrounding bodies by radiation and con- duction, thus causing the steam to be cooled during its passage through the cylinder, so that the expansion line falls below the proper adiabatic curve. The second class of cylinder is clothed with some non- conducting substance, so as to prevent the escape of heat to outside bodies. For the sake of simplicity, we will suppose the substance to be a perfect non-conductor. When first the steam enters such a cylinder it finds the metal cool, and parts with some of its heat ; after a few strokes, however, the cylinder gets warmed, and if the temperature of the steam remained uniform throughout the entire stroke, no further loss would ensue from this cause. But the temperature of the steam is only uniform while the line i, 2 is being described ; after that point, and during ex- pansion, the temperature drops from T, to r 2 ; consequently, when the steam enters, it finds the sides and end of the cylinder cooled down, they having just been in contact with steam of the temperature r 2 . Part of the heat of the steam, therefore, is spent in re-heating the metal of the cylinder. This causes part of the steam to condense, if it be originally in the dry and saturated condition. When, however, the expansion begins, the temperature of the steam rapidly drops below the temperature of the walls of the cylinder. These latter consequently give up part of their heat again to the steam, and partially re-evaporate the condensed portions. This re- evaporation is facilitated by the circumstance that a portion of the condensed steam has the temperature r b and conse- quently, when the expansion commences and the pressure falls, it is too hot to remain any longer in the condition of water, and its surplus heat helps in re-evaporating it. Thus, though no heat is lost to external objects during the stroke, when the cylinder is perfectly clothed, I 2 1 1 6 The Steam Engine. still, during one period, heat is taken from, and during another period given back to the steam, by the cylinder, and consequently, the curve of expansion is not, strictly speaking, adiabatic. The exact effect of this peculiar action on the shape of the expansion curve is difficult to ascertain, because the rapidity with which the metal of the cylinder can take up and give off heat is not accurately known. The subject will, however, be further examined in Chapter XI. The third description of cylinder is surrounded by a jacket or casing filled with steam from the boiler, and which is itself covered with non-conducting substances so as to prevent the escape of heat to the outside. It is evident that in this case the temperature in the jacket is higher than the average temperature in the cylinder, and consequently heat will flow from the former to the latter throughout a great part of the stroke, and will thus tend to raise the curve of expansion above the adiabatic line. The effect of the action of the jacket upon the working of the steam engine will be more particularly considered in Chapter XI. During the third operation in an actual steam engine, viz. the rejection of heat, the condition of maximum efficiency is not fulfilled, for the heat is not all rejected at the tem- perature of the condenser. If the expansion were carried so far that the temperature of the steam were reduced to the temperature of the condenser, this condition could be ful- filled, but in practice it is not found possible to carry the ex- pansion so far, and consequently, when condensation com- mences, there is a sudden drop from the temperature due to the terminal pressure of the steam, to that of the conden- ser. This is illustrated by the diagram fig. 23, where the point 3 represents the pressure of the steam at the end of the expansion, and the vertical ordinate of the point 4 represents the back pressure due to the temperature of the condenser. When the steam commences to reject its heat, the temperature suddenly falls from that due to the pressure of the point 3 to that due to point 4. In strict theory the Losses of Efficiency in Steam Engines. 1 1 7 expansion should have been continued to the point 3', where the curve intersects the horizontal line of back, or condenser pressure. During the remainder of the period of heat-rejection the condition of maximum efficiency is fulfilled very approxi- mately. At this part of the process, however, another evil arises, for the metal of the cylinder was heated up to a certain temperature during the admission and expansion of the steam; when, however, the steam is being condensed, its temperature is much lower, and consequently the cylinder parts with some of its heat to the condensing steam, thus retarding condensation, and cooling the cylinder down ; Fig. 23. so that, as has been before stated, some of the fresh steam on entering is condensed. If the cylinder be provided with a steam jacket the first of these evils may be increased, for, during half the time such an engine is running, the steam jacket is employed in wasting heat on the condensing steam. The fourth condition of maximum efficiency, viz. that at a certain point the rejection of heat should be stopped, and the mixture of steam and water in the cylinder should be compressed into water of the original pressure and tempera- ture, which water should be used over again in the boiler, is not fulfilled at all in the ordinary steam engine. If the engine be of the condensing type, the condensation is Ii8 The Steam Engine. carried out completely, and all the heat in the steam is spent in warming up from 20 to 30 times its own weight of water employed in the condensation to a temperature about one third of that of the water in the boiler. Of this water, only one twentieth to one thirtieth can be used over again to feed the boiler, and must, when in the boiler, be suddenly raised from the temperature of the condenser to that of the steam, thus infringing the first condition of efficiency. If, on the other hand, the engine be a non-condenser, the steam all escapes into the open air, and is there con- densed, and the boiler is fed with cold water, unless some special provision is made for heating the latter with waste steam, or furnace gases, which arrangement has, of course, nothing to do with the engine, properly so called. We thus see that the actual engine differs at every stage of its working from the theoretically perfect heat engine, and these differences are multiplied and rendered more compli- cated by numerous other circumstances which will presently be referred to. For instance, it has been taken for granted, in all that has gone before, that the engine receives dry saturated steam from the boiler. Now, as a matter of fact, boilers do not usually deliver dry steam, but send over large quantities of hot water with the steam into the cylin- ders. When this takes place, the calculations for heat expended and work done have to be materially modified ; for it is evident that a large quantity of heat has been spent in warming this water up, from the temperature of the feed to that of the steam ; which heat is wholly or in greater part wasted, as no work can be done by this water unless it evaporates in the cylinder. Under the most favourable circumstances the water can only be partially evaporated, viz. when a jacket supplies heat to the steam in the cylinder, and when by expansion the pressure of the steam is so far lowered that the water is too hot to remain water at the lower pressure, and consequently expends its surplus heat in partially evaporating itself. This subject of wet steam is Losses of Efficiency in Steam Engines. 119 chiefly of interest in so far as it affects the subject of jacketing ; and will consequently be referred to again in Chapter XI. Again, in all that has gone before, it has been assumed that the action of the valves which admitted the steam from the boiler to the cylinder, and from the cylinder to the condenser, was perfect ; that is to say, that they opened and closed fully and quickly, precisely -at the proper moment, and in no way by their slowness of motion or imperfect design strangled the steam on its passage to or from the cylinder. In actual steam engines the valves not infrequently fair short of this ideal perfection. The results usually attained in practice fall short of what they should do owing to the three following sets of causes : 1. The boiler is imperfect, inasmuch as it wastes heat, and delivers water along with the steam to the cylinder. 2. The engine, considered merely as a heat engine, is imperfect for the following reasons : a. The limits of temperature within which it is possible to work it in practice are narrow, so that the numerical value of the fraction Tl ~" T2 is very small. b. The series of operations does not comply with the conditions of maximum efficiency, for the heat is neither received nor rejected at constant temperatures, and the metal of which the cylinder is made is capable of absorbing, transmitting, and radiating heat, so that adiabatic expansion is impossible. 3. The engine, considered as a piece of mechanism, is defective for the following reasons : a. Work is lost in friction of the different moving parts. b. The passages conveying the steam from the boiler to the cylinder, and from the latter to the open air or condenser, always impede somewhat the motion of the steam, thus diminishing the useful pressure on the piston and increasing the back pressure. I2O The Steam Engine. c. It is impossible to avoid leaving, and is even necessary to allow a certain space between the piston, when at its extreme positions and the face of the cylinder cover, which space, together with the cubic contents of -the steam port, is called clearance. Now, it is evident that this clearance space has to be filled with fresh steam at every stroke, which does no work except when expanding, and consequently causes a loss of efficiency. The losses due to the imperfections of the boiler and of the mechanism will be duly considered in the chapters devoted to these subjects. The losses due to the defects of the engine proper considered as a heat engine have been considered so far as space and the scope of this work will allow in the present chapter. Some of them will, however, be referred to again in Chapter XL, which deals principally with the refinements of the engine, contrived to neutralise the deficiencies. SUMMARY OF THE LAWS AND FORMULAE OF THERMODYNAMICS. It may be useful and convenient to sum up here the principal laws and formulas of the science of heat, as ex- plained in this and the preceding chapter. First Law of Thermodynamics. Heat and mechanical energy are mutually convertible. A unit of heat requires for its production, and produces by its disappearance, a fixed amount of mechanical energy. British unit of heat. The unit of heat used in this country is the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of water of the temperature 39*3 through one degree Fahrenheit. Mechanical equivalent of heat. One British thermal unit is equivalent to 772 foot-pounds of mechanical work. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Heat cannot pass from a cold to a hot body by a self-acting process unaided by external agency. Summary of Formulcz. 121 Boyle's law applied to gases. The product of the pressure and volume of a portion of gas is a constant quantity so long as the temperature remains constant. For air at 32- the constant quantity is 26,214 foot-pounds. Hence the expression of the law for air is : ^=26,214 foot-pounds. Law of Charles and Gay Lussac applied to gases. When the pressure is constant all gases expand alike for the same increase of temperature. The amount of the expansion between 32 and 212 is '3654 of the original volume ; and for each degree between 32 and 212 it equals 3 54 == 00203. Similarly, when the volume remains constant the pressure varies in the above proportion. Combination of the two foregoing laws. The product of the pressure and volume of a portion of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature. Thus : T l T N.B. The absolute temperature is equal to the ordinary temperature on Fahrenheit's scale plus 461. Hence, remembering that the absolute temperature of 32 is 493, and that the value of pv for 32 is 26,214, we get the very important law /^=53' 2 r. The specific heat of gas at constant pressure is the same at all temperatures. The mechanical equivalent of the heat required to raise one pound of air, one degree, at constant pressure is : Kf = '2375 thermal unit = 183-35 foot-pounds. If a gas expand without doing external work, its tempera* ture is unchanged. 122 The Steam Engine. The mechanical equivalent of the heat required to raise one pound of air, one degree, at constant volume is : K B = -1686 thermal unit = 130-2 foot-pounds. The ratio of the two above numbers is : LS3-25 o8 . 130.2 Expenditure of heat during isothermal expansion : For isothermal expansion Boyle's law applies. /. pv = constant, and the external work done during the expansion = pv log e r = cr log e r foot-pounds. As the temperature of the gas does not alter during the expansion, there is no internal work done, and, consequently, the above expression represents the total heat supply. Expenditure of heat when expansion takes place according to the formula : pv n = constant. The external work done during expansion = A^-A^ 2 = ____ (ri-T,) foot-pounds. n i n i The internal work done in changing the temperature from TI tO T 2 = K, (T S -T,) Therefore, the total heat expended is the sum of the two above quantities : Expenditure of heat during adiabatic expansion : The results in this case are got by substituting y = i -408 for n in the above formula. Hence heat expended in doing external work during expansion = (T! r 2 ) foot-pounds ; 400 Summary of Formula. 123 the internal work = K z; (T 2 -T 1 ) and the total heat supplied The final temperature in adiabatic expansion is -408 T 2 = The efficiency of a perfect heat engine is the ratio of the difference of the absolute temperatures of the sources of heat and cold, to the absolute temperature of the source of heat Law connecting the pressure and volume of dry saturated steam. where the pressure is expressed in pounds per square inch and the volume in cubic feet. /. log. v = 2-516 -939 log./. The specific heat of water is constantly varying. It has the value unity = 772 foot-pounds only at the temperature 39-3. At 400 the specific heat = 802*88 foot-pounds. Superheated steam. The law connecting the pressure, volume, and absolute temperature of superheated steam is /*=-85'5r as against/ v = 53-2 - in the case of air. The mechanical equivalent of the heat required to raise one pound of superheated steam, one degree, is At constant pressure, 370-56 foot-pounds. At constant volume, 285-03 foot-pounds. The ratio of the two numbers, or y = i -3. 124 The Steam Engine. Total heat required to change one pound of water of 32 into steam 0/V =885,2oo + 235*46 (t 2 12) approximately. If the water were originally hotter than 32, say / 1 . Total heat required = 885, 200 + 23546 (/ 212) 772 (/! 32) approximately. Of the above the quantity required to do external work =.pv foot-pounds. where pv is calculated from the equation/ v I 2 $ 475. Zeuner's empirical equation for the heat expended in doing external work. External work= 15,450 + 846 th foot-pounds. where h is the quantity of heat required to raise the water from 32 to the temperature of the steam. Expenditure of heat per pound of steam expressed by an equivalent pressure. where P is the equivalent pressure required. H is the heat of formation of one pound of steam in foot pounds, and v the corresponding volume of the steam. Expenditure of heat per cubic foot swept through by the piston. TT Heat expended = , v TT and heat rejected = p-\-p b where / = pressure of the steam per square foot, and p b the back pressure per square foot. Expansive working of steam. To find expenditure of heat when steam at end of stroke is dry and saturated. Let H r be the total heat of formation of one pound of steam having the pressure p f per square foot at some point just before the end of the stroke and the corresponding Summary of Formula. 125 volume Vf, Let p m be the mean pressure, and let the other symbols have the same meanings as before. Heat rejected H/ p f v f -\-p b Vj. Heat expended = tt f p f ? ; /+A ^/+(A A) zy= HH- A ^/ A ^V- Heat expended per cubic foot swept through by the piston Rankings empirical formula for the expenditure of heat in a steam engine. Heat expended =fl m + 15 p f for condensing engines. = p m + 14/7 for non-condensing engines. 1 26 The Steam Engine. CHAPTER IV. CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SIZE OF AN ENGINE, THE EVAPORATIVE POWER OF THE BOILER, AND THE EXTERNAL WORK WHICH CAN BE DEVELOPED. Navier's modification of Boyle's law applied to steam Work done during expansion of steam calculated by Navier's formula De Pambour's theory of the double-acting steam engine Its two fundamental princi- ples and their mathematical expression Analysis of the resistance to the motion of the piston of a steam engine Back pressure Engine friction Load ; horse power Examples of the connection between the size of cylinder, the piston-speed, the rate of expansion, the evapora- tion in the boiler, and the power developed by the engine Locomotive engines Analysis of the resistance to be overcome by the pistons of locomotives Back pressure Engine friction Resistance to uniform motion of engine, tender, and train Resistance due to gradient Resistance due to inertia of weights to be moved Atmospheric resis- tance Application of De Pambour's theory to locomotives Examples. IN the preceding chapters the physical properties of steam and gases, and the laws which regulate their changes of state, have been briefly considered. The purpose of the present chapter is more practical, it being proposed to show what mechanical work can be accomplished by an engine of a given size working at a given rate of expansion, when attached to a boiler capable of yielding a given quantity steam. Or,- vice versa, what quantity of steam must be evaporated in order that the engine may under the given circumstances perform the given quantity of work. It would be very easy to devise suitable formulae to solve these questions if the law of expansion of dry saturated steam in a cylinder could be expressed with the same simplicity as Boyle's law for the expansion of gases. To facilitate 'the calculation of the questions we will in this chapter make Boyle's Law applied to Steam. 127 use of an empirical modification of Boyle's law, discovered by Navier, and which is more suitable for the purposes of calculation than Rankine's law. If we were to make use of Boyle's law, and to start with the constant obtained by multiplying the pressure by the corresponding volume of a pound of steam of atmospheric pressure, the calculated volumes would all be too small for pressures above the atmosphere, when compared with the volumes as given by actual experiment. To avoid this error, Navier increased the value of the constant in Boyle's law, and added a small constant to the number showing the pressure. Thus, instead of pv = c, Navier adopted a formula of the form C where C is a larger number than c, and k is the constant added to the pressure. The numbers which give the best results are, for steam between the pressures of 20 Ibs. and 180 Ibs. absolute C = 28,200 and / = 4 ; and for steam below 20 Ibs. = 31,000 and k = 4. Hence the formula becomes in the two cases =- and* = . The relative volume of steam is its volume compared with that of the water from which it is formed. The Tables give the absolute volumes qf steam formed from one pound of water. Now as the volume of one pound of water is - 62-42 cubic feet, we have only got to multiply the volumes as given in the Tables by 62-42 in order to get the relative volumes. According to this formula, the ratio of the volumes V P1 to V p at two different pressures Pj and P would no longer be equal to the ratio of the pressures P to Pj but to the ratio *>?!+& Thus, Vpi V P 128 TJie Steam Engine., Calculation of the work done during the expansion of steam by Navier's formula. Let P be the pressure of the steam on entering the cylinder in pounds per square inch. After it has raised the piston through the height /, let it be cut off and allowed to expand to the end of the stroke L. At any point x between I and L the pressure p may be got from the proportion p+k : P +/::/ : x and multiplying each side of the equation by the elementary space dx and integrating between the limits x=l and x=~L, we have = (P + )/log e ^-/(L-/). / / The quantity on the right-hand side of the equation is the work done per square inch of piston during the expansion of the steam. If the area of the piston be A square feet, then the work done by the steam up to the time it was cut off is equal to the total pressure on the piston, or I44AP multiplied by the space through which it moves = I44AP/. Add to this the total work done during expansion = i44A|~(P + /)/log e - - k (L /)"], L I J we get Let the resistance which can be just overcome by the steam be at the rate of R pounds per square inch, then we must have, Work done by Expanding Steam. 129 In the above the fraction -= the rate of expansion T-> . 7 usually denoted by the letter E and the fraction is, according toNavier's formula, the ratio of the relative volumes of the steam at the pressures P and R respectively. If we represent these relative volumes by the symbols V p and V R we get the equation : V R by means of which all questions relating to the work done by steam when used expansively in a cylinder can be calculated. For example, take an engine having a cylinder 30 inches diameter, and 60 inches stroke, working with steam having a pressure of 60 Ibs. per square inch, cutting off at a quarter stroke. Find the work done per stroke. Y ^ Ve have ( i + log e 4) = 4 x ^. 6 -. R Now, log e 4=1-3862, and V 60 =44o, from table of volumes ; > 1760 2-3862 2-3862 = 737*5 which number corresponds, according to the table, to the relative volume for the pressure, 34*5 Ibs. per square inch. This, then, is the value of all the resistances to the motion of the piston, of whatever nature, reduced to pounds per square inch ; and the work accomplished in overcoming them, per stroke of the piston, =34-5 xarea of piston x 5 feet = 35x707x5 = 12 1, 95 7 '5 foot-pounds. 130 The Steam Engine. Similarly, we might have used the formula in order to determine at what pressure steam should enter the cylinder, in order that it might overcome a resistance of 34/5 Ibs. per square inch, if cut off at a quarter-stroke. DE PAMBOUR'S THEORY OF THE DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 1 De Pambour was the first to form a theory of the mechanical action of the steam engine, connecting the size of the cylinder, the evaporative power of the boiler, the rate of expansion, and the work done. His theory depends on the two following principles: 1. When the engine is running at uniform speed, the work done by the steam on the piston is equal to the work due to overcoming the resistance to the motion of the piston. 2. The steam which is evaporated in the boiler is equal to that used in the cylinder. The first of these propositions is evident to anyone acquainted with the elements of mechanics. If the average pressure on the piston were greater than the average resist- ance, the motion of the piston would be accelerated, and the engine would, consequently, not be running at a uniform rate of speed. If, on the contrary, the resistance predomi- nated, the motion of the piston would be retarded. As to the second principle, it is now known not to be strictly true. At first sight it would appear that, with the exception of preventible leakages through safety valves and imperfect joints, the steam generated in the boiler must all be used in the cylinder, but we know from Chapter III. that when expansion takes place in a cylinder, part of the 1 The term double acting, which has not been previously explained, is applied to those engines in which steam acts alternately on either side of the piston instead of on one side only, as is the case with a few engines in use in Cornwall and elsewhere, for pumping water from mines. De Pamboufs Theory of the Steam Engine. 1 3 1 steam is condensed back into water, and, as we shall after- wards see, if this condensation is prevented in the cylinder by the use of a steam-jacket, the condensation takes place in the jacket, instead of in the cylinder, and in neither case can the steam be said to be used in the cylinder, in the manner contemplated by De Pambour, who, in his theory, supposed that the whole of the steam was used in producing mechanical effects. In spite of this defect, the theory may be accepted as sufficiently accurate for many practical purposes. Mathematical expression of De Pambour's first principle. Let P be the pressure of the steam when admitted to the cylinder. /be the pressure of the steam when the piston has moved over the space x, after the steam has been cut off. L be the length of the stroke in feet. /be the distance traversed before the steam is cut off. Cbe the clearance, i.e. the space between the initial position of the piston and the bottom of the cylinder. 1 Before expansion commences, the work done per square inch of area of piston is equal to the pressure P multiplied by/, the space traversed=P/. After expansion commences, the pressure must be calculated by Navier's formula. Thus, at the moment expansion commences, the space occupied by the steam is /+C. At any point x, the space occupied is x + c, and we have, as before, the following proportion: : x + C\:p+k : from which we find the pressure p at the position x is 1 The clearance includes also the contents of the admission passage for the steam, reduced to a corresponding length of cylinder. K 2 132 The Steam Engine. Multiplying by dx to obtain the work done during the pas- sage of the piston over the small space dx, and integrating between the limits / and L, we obtain for the total work done during expansion the expression log e *1C (p+j) (/+Q-* (L-/). If to this we add the work done before the steam was cut off, viz. P/, we obtain the total work done during the stroke Now, according to De Pambour's first principle, this quantity of work equals the total resistance which the piston encounters, multiplied by the length of the stroke. The resistance is composed of different elements, some of which vary in amount at different parts of the stroke ; but, calling the average resistance R pounds per square inch of piston area, and RL=work done per stroke in overcoming the resistance ; we have, 10K L + C / _ (R + *) L > e 7Tc + 7+C~"(P7I) (7+C) Now, by Navier's law - is the ratio of the relative i T~ K volumes of the steam at the pressures P and R, or -. Also - - is a ratio which it is I ~r Vx the separate symbol E. Hence R Also - - is a ratio which it is convenient to represent by I ~r Vx is the mathematical expression of the first principle. De Pambour's Theory, 133 The mathematical expression of the second principle is as follows. Let F be the number of cubic feet of water evaporated per minute in the boiler, then the steam formed from this water at the pressure P=FV P cubic feet. This quantity, according to De Pambour, is equal to the quantity consumed in the cylinder. Now the amount of steam used in the cylinder per minute depends on the piston speed, i.e. on the number of strokes made per minute and on the point of cut-off, viz. /+C. If v be the piston-speed per minute, then ~ = the number of strokes per minute, J_j and T 7 ' x a (1+ C) the number of cubic feet of steam used per minute, where t7= area of piston. 111 but we have already seen that Therefore, va x =FV P , or f^=E.FV p , and multiplying both sides by F we have, Therefore, =E.F.V p =(log e The resistance, R, to the motion of the piston is made up of the back pressure, the friction of the engine, and the load. The back pressure in non-condensing engines is made up of the pressure of the atmosphere plus an additional quantity due to the resistance of the steam ports to the exhaust steam, and to the compression of the steam remain- ing in the cylinder after the exhaust is closed by the valve. 134 The Steam Engine. The pressure of the atmosphere may be taken on the average as 147 Ibs. to the square inch ; the remainder of the back pressure varies in amount according to the size of the exhaust passages, and the point of the return stroke where the exhaust is closed. It may be roughly taken at 3 Ibs. per square inch; making the total back pressure 17 7 Ibs. In the case of condensing engines the back pressure depends on the perfection of the vacuum maintained in the condenser,, and also on the resistance of the exhaust passages, and the: point where these latter are closed by the valve. Its amount,, as a rule, in engines in fairly good condition, does not. exceed 4 Ibs. per square inch. The friction of the engine is made up of two parts, viz- one due to the friction of the unloaded engine, and the: other due to the load. The friction of the unloaded engine depends on a variety of conditions, such as the diameter of cylinder relative to the power given out by the engine, the length of stroke, the relative length of the connecting rod to the stroke, the nature of the valves whether balanced or not, and, lastly, the general condition of the engine as to workmanship, repair, and lubrication. It is consequently impossible to assign a general value to this quantity. De Pambour took it as being i Ib. per square inch for engines of average size and in fair condition, and 0-5 Ib. per square inch for large engines in good Condition. The ad- ditional friction due to the load on the engine is extremely difficult to calculate. As a general rule it may be said to increase directly with the load, but this statement is by no means universally true, for the load may in many cases be driven from the main axle in such a way as to diminish the friction on the main bearings, and experiments with the friction brake have been made which show that in some cases the loss due to friction remains nearly constant, while the load on the brake is increased. The addition to the friction assumed by De Pambour in his calculations was one seventh of the load Resistances to Motion of Piston. 135 The load multiplied by the distance moved by the piston in a given time is the useful work done by the engine during that time. The load here referred to is not the actual weight lifted, or pressure overcome by the engine at the point of application of the weight or pressure, but is supposed to be ' reduced ' to the motion of the piston in the ratio of the length of the stroke to the actual distance the real load is overcome during a stroke. Thus, supposing an engine having a cylinder of 10 inches diameter, or 7 5 '5 square inches area, and 2 feet length of stroke to be employed in turning a winding drum by its direct action, the drum having a diameter of 3 feet ; and suppose further that the drum is used to lift a weight of 10 cwt. vertically up- wards; we have in this case the actual load of 1,120 Ibs., which for each stroke of the engine is lifted up a height equal to half the circumference of the drum or 471 feet, but the load ' reduced ' to the piston is iiQX4- 7 i = a6 lbs . 2 and the pressure due to the load per square inch of piston area is If we call the pressure per square inch due to the load=?/, and assign to the other elements of the resistance their values as given above, we have for non-condensing engines and for condensing engines o R= The horse-power of the engine is found by calculating the number of foot-pounds of work done in the cylinder per minute, and dividing the result by 33,000, which latter number is the number of foot-pounds per minute equal to 136 T/te Steam Engine. one horse-power. In calculating the power of the engine, the work done in overcoming the back pressure, which is for the most part pure waste, is left out of the account. The useful power of the engine is simply the power required to overcome the resistance due to the load, and is equivalent to the power found as above, minus that required to over- come the friction of the engine. Thus, if w be the pressure per square inch due to the load, then i^a.w total pressure on piston due to load, and if v be the velocity of the piston in feet per minute, then 1 440.2;. w work done per minute in overcoming resistance of load, and I A^ a ' v ' w '= useful horse- 33,000 power exerted. EXAMPLE. The diameter of cylinder of a non-condensing engine is 15 inches, the stroke is 30 inches ; the number of revolutions per minute = 70 ; the steam is cut off at one third of the stroke, and the boiler is able to evaporate -4 cubic ft. of water per hour: find out the useful power given out by the engine. We have area of cylinder in square feet = I -227. Piston speed in 30 x 2 x 70 feet per minute = 2. ! = 350. We have already established the relation, pg=nog e .* + v---pj'F.V R) we require to find R. The quantity within the brackets has for a cut-off -i stroke, and clearance = 5 per cent, of stroke, the value I -87. Also F = -4 cubic feet. Hence we have which number, by the table of Volumes, corresponds with the pressure of 45 -5 Ibs. per square inch. This pressure is the total resistance to the piston per square inch, which, as the engine is non-condensing = + 187 Ibs. per square inch. .-.R- +187 -45-5 Examples on De Pambour's T/ieory. 137 And the useful power = 23-4 x 144.*.* = 43 . 6HP . 33,000 Find the initial pressure of steam in the cylinder. We have, which number corresponds very nearly with the relative volume for the pressure 65 Ibs. per square inch. Find the power of the engine with the above evaporation and cut- off provided a condenser were used. We should obtain as before V R = 573, and R = 45'5 Ibs. per square o inch, but in this case - iv + 5 = R = 45 -5, .". '('- - ^ - =35 '5 Ibs. P. er square inch nearly, and the useful horse-power exerted = i_44..px35. 5c66 33,000 Find the power, and the initial pressure in the cylinder, if the cut- off were at half the stroke, all the other data as above. Using the same equation as before, we have The quantity within the bracket has in this case the value 1-55 = 37'5 Ibs. P er square inch- /+ 187, '.iv= 1 6 '4 Ibs. and the useful power exerted 138 The Steam Engine. This last example shows the advantage gained by working expan- sively, when the evaporation remains constant, the powers exerted at cuts-off and \ being respectively 43-6 and 30-5. Let everything remain the same as in the last example except the piston speed, which is reduced to 300, we have 3 68=-62V R , .*. VR = 593 .*. R = 43'5 Ibs. per square inch, .*. TV = 217 Ibs. per square inch, and the useful horse-power 33 5 ooo This example shows that by reducing the piston-speed, all the other conditions remaining constant, we can increase the power exerted, because the slower speed, with a fixed evaporation, enables a higher pressure to be maintained in the boiler, and consequently a higher average pressure in the cylinder. Hence the conclusion might be drawn that, the slower the piston-speed with a fixed rate of evaporation, the more advantageously the engine could be worked, and this conclusion is true in so far as slow piston-speed favours the attainment of high pressure, though, as will be explained subsequently, slow speeds cause a loss of power in pro- moting the condensation of the steam in the cylinder, a circumstance of which De Pambour's theory takes no account. The problem how to work the engine to most advantage with a given boiler-power is not the one which most frequently presents itself to the engineer ; on the contrary, it is more often his business to proportion the boiler power to the engine, rather than to adjust the rate of expansion of the engine so as best to suit the boiler. The problem of finding the evaporation, i.e. the necessary supply of steam, when the size of cylinder, rate of expansion, speed of piston and power of the engine are given, can also be easily solved by means of the equation made use of in solving the above examples. Also, by the help of this same formula, and the empirical formula for the relative volume Examples on De Pambour^s Theory. 139 of steam (see page 127), the diameter of the cylinder may be calculated when the power of the engine, the piston-speed, the cut-off, and the evaporation are known. EXAMPLE. The useful power exerted by an engine is 43 '6 H. P. ; the rate of evaporation is "4 cubic foot per minute ; the piston-speed, 350 per minute, the cut-off takes place at one third the stroke : find the diameter of the cylinder. We have as before, /. 350 a= I -87 x -4 xV R ; 7 and, according to Navier, V R = ----- ; R + 4 substituting the value of VR, and reducing, and remembering that i^.a.v.w _ tlie use f ul horse-power = 43 -6, we obtain a - \ -20 square feet, or d--^ 14*98 inches, a result which agrees very well with the previous example when the approximate nature of the formula for V R is taken into account. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. In the case of locomotives the equations hitherto used apply in principle, but the expression for R, the resist- ance, requires modification. To understand the nature of the resistance a short account must be given of the method of action of locomotives. Fig. 24 is an outline diagram of such an engine. A is the boiler, a descrip- tion of the details of which will be found commencing at page 371 ; B is one of the cylinders. It will be noticed that the connecting rod is attached to a crank formed on the axle of the main or driving wheels, one of which is seen at c ; the wheels are keyed to their axles. Two of the other 140 The Steam Engine. wheels, which support the weight of the engine and boiler, are seen at c',c'. The frame to which the cylinders are bolted, and on which the boiler rests, and which also carries the bearings of the three axles, is shown at e, e. With the details of the construction of the locomotive we have now nothing to do ; we merely wish to arrive at the relationship between the resistance to be overcome by the pistons, the Fig. 24. size of the cylinders, and the evaporative power of the boiler. The locomotive engine has not merely to propel itself along the rails, but also to pull after it a tender containing coals and water, as well as the train. When steam is admitted to the cylinders, and the pistons move backwards and forwards, the driving wheels, r, revolve. When this takes place, one of two things must happen either the wheels will revolve, the whole engine remaining stationary, the wheels merely slipping on the rails ; or else the wheels will revolve and at the same time roll on the rails, thus propelling the whole engine, together with the tender and train attached to it, through space. The former of these two effects would take place if the surface of the rails and the outside rim of the wheels were perfectly smooth and hard, so that there was no friction between them ; or, even if friction subsisted between the wheel and rails, the former might merely slip on the latter, if the resistance to motion of the train were very great. The latter of the two effects would take place whenever the Resistances of Trains and Locomotives. 141 friction between wheel and rails is sufficient to allow of the resistance to motion of the train being overcome. The friction between the driving wheels and rail is called the adhesion, and is equal to the weight on the wheels multiplied by a coefficient which depends on the condition of the surface of the rail. In ordinary dry weather the coefficient equals 0-15, but in damp weather or when the rails are greasy it falls to 0*07. The resistance which has to be overcome by the pistons is made up of several elements. i st. There is the back pressure which, as a locomotive is a non-condensing engine, is equal to the atmospheric pressure plus an extra quantity due to the forcing of the exhaust steam through the blast pipe (see page 376), and to the compression caused by the closing of the exhaust port before the end of the stroke when the engine is working ex- pansively (see page 338). The excess of pressure due to the blast pipe when all the other conditions remain constant varies As the square of the speed of piston ; As the pressure of the steam at the moment the exhaust begins, i.e. at the point of release, which point in the case of locomotives is implicitly connected with the rate of expansion (see page 338) ; Inversely as the square of the area of the nozzle of the blast pipe. The above is only applicable to the case of dry steam. When much water is present in the cylinder at the point of release, the back pressure may be increased up to as much as seventy per cent, in excess of what it would be with dry steam. 2nd. The resistance due to friction of the mechanism of the engine. This quantity, as in the case of stationary engines, in part depends upon the load, but it is usual in calculations affecting locomotives to make use of a formula which includes not only the friction of the mechanism but 142 The Steam Engine. also the resistance to rolling motion at a uniform speed of the whole weight of the engine and tender. This formula is given below. 3rd. The frictional resistance to uniform motion of the whole train including the engine and tender. This is usually expressed by giving the direct pull in pounds neces- sary in order to propel each ton's weight of the train along a level line at a given speed. The pull varies with the condition of the line, the state of the surface of the rails, the state of the rolling stock and the speed. For instance, with line and rolling stock in good condition, dry rails, and a speed of ten miles an hour, it would be necessary to exert a pull of about 8^ Ibs. per ton of weight of train, including engine and tender. If M be the speed in miles per hour, and T the weight of the train in tons, exclusive of engine and tender, the resistance to uniform motion may be expressed by the formula {6 + ' 3 (M-io)}T. If T 1 be the weight of the engine and tender, the corre- sponding resistance is which expression includes the frictional resistance of the mechanism of the engine referred to in the preceding para- graph. 4th. Resistance due to gradient. If the train be moving up an incline, its whole weight has to be raised up a vertical height equal to the difference in levels between the foot and the summit of the incline. If the gradient be represented by the fraction -, then, by the laws of statics, the force in a pounds necessary to lift a weight of T tons up such an incline, neglecting friction, is Resistances of Trains and Locomotives. 143 This quantity has to be added to the frictional resis- tances, as set forth in the last paragraph, if the incline is ascending, and subtracted if descending. 5th. Resistance due to the passage of the train through the air. This, of course, depends largely upon the force and direction of the wind. In calm air, it is proportional to the square of the velocity of the train. A strong side wind, by pressing the tires of the wheels against the rails, may increase the frictional resistance of the train by as much as twenty per cent. No formula has yet been devised which satisfactorily takes account of the resistance due to the ever- varying force and direction of the wind and speed of the train. 6th. When a train is being started from a state of rest, in addition to the frictional resistances to motion, the whole mass of the train has to be put in motion that is to say, the inertia of the train has to be overcome. The resistance due to this cause is the principal one which has to be considered in the case of urban railways. It does not, however, enter into the computations affecting trains which have attained a uniform rate of motion, and it is these latter only which are dealt with in De Pambour's theory. It will be noticed that many of these elements of resis- tance, such, for instance, as the back pressure and the force of the wind, depend, for their numerical value, on so many variable circumstances that it is impossible to express them accurately with simplicity. By substituting their values, when obtained, for R in the general equation for double- acting engines, viz. va= it would, of course, be possible to obtain an equation which would enable all problems, connecting the speed of the engine, the rate of evaporation, the dimensions of the 144 The Steam Engine. cylinders, the rate of expansion, the weight of engine, tender, and train, and the varying resistances, to be solved ; but such an equation would be too complicated, and, when used for finding the speed, of too high dimensions for ordinary use. The analysis of the resistances given above will, however, be useful to students, as it will often facilitate the solution of individual problems. HS CHAPTER V. THE MECHANICS OF THE STEAM ENGINE. F.lerheniary principles of dynamics Definitions of mass, weight, velocity, motion, force Units employed in their measurement The laws of motion and examples of their application Work and energy Motion of bodies in circles App'ication 10 fly-wheels Centrifugal force Con- version of work done in the cylinder into work done on the crank ist case, when pressure of steam is uniform, connecting rod supposed to be of infinite length and moving parts without weight 2nd case, when steam is allowed to expand, the other conditions remaining unchanged Curve of effort on crank pin 3rd case, when the length of the connecting rod is taken into account 4th case, when the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts are taken into account Power absorbed in accelerating these parts Power restored by their retardation The consequent modification of the pressures shown by indicator diagrams necessary for calculating effort on crank pin Effect of steam distribution on the action of the moving parts Means of equalising the tangential effoit on crank-pin Fly-wheels Theory of their action Graphic diagrams il.ustrating their action. BEFORE discussing the questions of applied mechanics which arise in the study of the moving parts of the steam engine, it will be useful for the sake of accuracy, to re- capitulate briefly the elementary principles of dynamics, a previous acquaintance with the principles of the composition of resolution of forces and velocities, on the part of the reader being, however, assumed. We will start with the following definitions : 1. Mass. This word denotes the quantity of matter contained in a body. 2. Weight is the attraction which the earth exercises on a mass. 3. Velocity is the speed at which a body moves, i.e. the space which it traverses in a given time. 4. Motion. This word is employed in dynamics, not L 146 The Steam Engine. merely to denote movement on the part of a body, but also takes account of the mass of the body moved. Thus, if two bodies have each the same velocity, but the mass of one be double that of the other, then the motion, or quantity of motion, or momentum, as it is variously termed, of the body having the larger mass is double the motion of the smaller one. if the bodies had each the same mass, but the velocity of one were double that of the other, then the motion of the body having the greater velocity would be likewise double that of the other. When the velocity remains constant, the motion varies as the mass moved. When the mass is constant, the motion varies as the velocity. Therefore, generally, the motion varies as the mass x the velocity. 5. Force is any cause which produces, or tends to produce, motion in a body, or which changes, or tends to change, the motion of a body. UNITS ADOPTED IN MEASURING MASS, WEIGHT, VELOCITY, AND FORCE. The only means we have of measuring the masses of different bodies, i.e. the quantities of matter in them, is by weighing them; that is to say, by comparing the attractions of the earth on them relatively to some standard substance. Consequently, the measure of mass is dependent upon the unit chosen to measure weight. The unit of weight adopted in this country is the weight in London of a certain piece of platinum, kept in the office of the Exchequer, and called a pound avoirdupois. The weight of this piece of platinum varies in different parts of the globe. Its weight depends on the attraction exercised by the earth upon the matter contained in it. This force of attraction, called gravitation, was discovered by Newton to depend on the distance between the centre of the earth and the object attracted. In consequence of the flattening Units of Mass, Weight, Velocity and Force. 147 of the earth towards the poles, and its bulging out towards the equator, the surface of the earth is nearer to the centre in London than in more southern places, and consequently the weight of the standard piece of platinum is greater in London than it is at the equator. The mass of a body is then measured by its weight at a given place. There are two units of mass made use of in dynamics. The so-called gravitation unit of mass is the quantity of matter contained in a body weighing 32-2 pounds. The so-called absolute unit of mass is the quantity of matter in a body weighing one pound. Let M denote the mass of a body measured by the gravita- tion unit, then its weight by the definition is W=M X32'2 Ibs. The symbol is used to denote the number 32-2. Hence we have The velocity of a body is measured in different ways according as it is a linear velocity, i.e. due to a motion of translation of the body from one point to another ; or an angular velocity, i.e. due to the rotation of the body round an axis. Velocity is uniform when the body traverses equal spaces in equal times. When uniform, linear velocity is always measured by the number of feet of linear space, traversed in one second of time. Thus, for instance, we speak of a body having a velocity of two thousand feet a second. Let v denote the velocity of a body moving uniformly. Let s denote total the number of feet which it passes over, and / denote the number of seconds occupied in describing the s feet. Then v= s or s=t.v. . Further, the centrifugal force (seepage 159) which in all cases tends to diminish the weight is greater at the equator than at the poles. L 2 148 The Steam Engine. Force is also, like mass, measured in two ways. Accord- ing to the gravitation system, a force is measured by the weight which it can support. Thus a string is said to exercise a force of ten pounds when the tension in the string is sufficient to prevent a force of ten pounds from falling to the earth. The unit of force in gravitation measure is the force which can support a weight of one pound. The second or absolute system of measuring force is more in harmony with the definition. By this system a force is measured by the velocity which it can impart to a given mass in a given time, when acting continuously on the mass for that time. Thus, for instance, the force of gravity is measured by the velocity which it can generate in a given mass when acting on it for a second of time. The unit of force in absolute measure is the force which can generate a velocity of one foot per second, when acting on a mass weighing a pound, during one second of time. THE LAWS OF MOTION. First Law. Every body continues in a state ot rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless compelled by impressed forces to change that state. This law lays down that matter has of itself no power to change its own condition of rest or of uniform motion. In other words, it possesses what is called inertia. Consequently, when we note that a body is not moving with a uniform velo- city, we know that it is being acted upon by external force. Second Law. Change of motion is proportional to the impressed force, and takes place in the straight line in which the force is impressed. In the above statement the word motion has the meaning already explained, viz. Mass multiplied by velocity. Thus if two equal forces act on two unequal masses, the quantity of motion generated in each case will be the same, but the greater mass will have the least velocity, and the Laws of Motion. 149 product of the mass multiplied by the velocity will be the same in each case. If the velocities of the two masses are to be equal, then the force acting on the greater mass must be greater than the other in the same ratio that the mass itself is greater. This law enables us to compare the relative magnitudes of forces, for we have only to observe the velocities generated by the various forces in the same mass, when acting for the same time. The standard for comparison is the velocity generated in a mass by the force of gravity, i.e. by its own weight when acting for a second of time. This velocity is g or 32-2 feet per second ; that is to say, if the force of gravity act on a free body for one second, it will at the end of the second have imparted to the body a velocity of 32-2 feet per second. Thus a force F acting on a body weighing 20 Ibs. for a second generates a velocity of 50 feet per second ; what is the magnitude of the force in gravitation measure ? The force of gravity, i.e. the weight of the body, or 20 Ibs., would generate a velocity in the body of 32-2 feet per second. Therefore we have F : 20:: 50 : 32'2. ^ In the general case, if the velocity v be generated in one second by a force F in a body weighing W Ibs., then F : W::z; : . . S The statement in the above law that the change of motion takes place in the direction in which the impressed force acts may be illustrated by the following example : A ball is projected from a rifle in a perfectly horizontal direction, AB (fig. 2 5), from a height above the ground, AH. Directly it leaves the muzzle of the gun it is acted on by two ISO The Steam Engine. forces, viz. the momentum acquired while in the barrel, and which would in a given number of seconds carry it to, say, B ; and the force of gravity which acting alone would in the same time carry it to, say, H. According to the law, each force gene- rates motion in the ball in the direction in which each acts, and the consequence is, that at the end of the given time, the ball H Fig. 25. will have travelled as far forward as B, and as far downwards as H, and hence its resultant position will be C. The law in effect states that dynamical forces may be compounded and resolved in the same manner as statical forces. The motion of bodies moving under the action of a constant force. Let us take, for example, a body falling freely from a state of rest under the action of gravity. At the end of the first second, its velocity, having been zero to start with, will have increased up to 32-2 or g feet per second. As the force continues to act uniformly it will have produced precisely the same effect by the end of another second ; that is to say, the velocity will have been gradually increased by another 32*2 feet per second. Hence the velocity at the end of the second second will be 64/4 or 2g feet per second. At the end of 3 seconds it will be 3^ and so on, and generally at the end of / seconds vgt. Next, as to the space traversed at the end of / seconds. If it were travelling all the time with its final velocity gt we should, using the formula s=^vt, have for the space Laws of Motion. 1 5 1 s = gt.t gf 2 . As, however, the velocity is constantly increasing, we can only take the average, which, in conse- quence of the perfectly uniform nature of the rate of increase, or acceleration as it is called, is very easy to calculate, and is in fact half the sum of the initial and final velocities, and in this particular case = . * =^-. 2 2 Hence, instead of s=gt 2 we have where v is the final velocity. These formulae connect the space, time, and velocity. If we wish to connect the space traversed with the final velocity, without taking account of the time we can eliminate / by combining the formulae, s = ^gP, and v=gt. Hence ,= k .|=J Therefore v*-=2g.s. v* or s= . *g Third Law. To every action there is always an equal and contrary reaction. EXAMPLES OF THE APPLICATION OF THE LAWS OF MOTION. EXAMPLE (i). A body falls from rest under the influence of gravity ; what will be its velocity at the end of 10 seconds, what will be the total space tra- versed, and what the space traversed during the tenth second ? 1. v=gt=32'2 x 10 = 322 feet per second. 2. s = $gt 2 = 16-1 x 100=1,610 feet. 3. Space described in nine seconds. s = gt*=i(>'i x 81 = 1304-1 feet. /. Space described in tenth second^ 1610 1304 'I = 3S '9 f eet 152 77/6' Steam Engine. EXAMPLE (2). A rifle bullet is shot vertically upwards with a velocity of 1,000 feet per second ; find the maximum height to which it would reach if it experienced no resistance from the air. How long a time will it take to reach this height ? The height to which the bullet will reach is equal to the height down which a body must fall from rest in order to acquire a velocity of 1,000 feet per second. For, from the moment it commences to rise, its velocity is being diminished at the rate of 32*2 feet per second, till the initial velocity is all expended and the bullet come to rest at the top of its flight. If from this point it com- menced to fall it would attain a velocity of 1,000 feet a second on reaching the starting point. Using, therefore, the formula s _ v- _ i, 000,000 ~2'~ "2x32-2 ' we have s= 15,527 feet. To find the time occupied. As a velocity of 32*2 feet is generated in each second, a velocity of 1,000 feet per second will be generated 32-2 = 31-05 seconds. EXAMPLE (3). A weight of 12 Ibs. rests on a perfectly smooth surface and is con- nected by a string passing over a smooth pulley with a weight of 6 Ibs. hanging vertically downwards. What velocity per second will the weights have at the end of the first second from rest ? The tension, T, in the string is uni- form throughout the string. Also, the L 6 j weight 12 is caused to move by the Fig. 26. tension of the string, while the weight 6 is caused to move by its own weight acting downwards, minus the tension in the string acting upwards. Let v be the velocity generated in the mass of 1 2 Ibs. by T ; then T : 1 2 : mass x v : mass x g T * I Examples on Laws of Motion. 153 As the velocity of the mass of 6 Ibs. is the same = v, and as this velocity is generated by the force 6--T, we have 6 T I 6 ' mass x v '. mass x g .. 12 6 .'. iST-72 /.T = 4lbs. To find the velocity generated at the end of one second. Gravity, or the weight 12, acting on the mass of 12 Ibs. for one second, would generate a velocity of 32-2 feet per second, therefore the tension T = 4 Ibs. will generate a velocity = - - = 1073 feet per second. EXAMPLE (4). A mass of 200 Ibs. is moved from rest by a constant force F, and passes over a space of 60 feet in the first second ; what is the measure of the force ? As the space passed over from rest is 60 feet, the velocity at the end of the second is 2 x 60= 120 feet per second. The force of gravity, or 200 Ibs., would in the same time generate a velocity of 32-2. .*. F : 2oo::i2o : 32-2. j2 2 The following example illustrates the application of the laws of motion to the moving parts of a steam engine. EXAMPLE (5). The piston, piston rod, and connecting rod of an engine weigh 400 Ibs., the stroke if ft., and the number of revolutions 200 per minute. During each revolution this mass starts from a state of rest ; its velocity is gradually increased up to a maximum, and from this point it diminishes till it comes to rest again at the end of the stroke. During the first part of the stroke a certain proportion of the total steam pressure is required to generate this velocity in the moving parts, and whatever pressure remains over is all that is available for trans- mission to the crank. During the latter part of the stroke, after the 154 Tfo Steam Engine. point of maximum velocity is reached, the speed of the moving parts has to be reduced to nothing by the end of the stroke, and while this reduction is taking place the moving parts press upon the crank-pin with more or less severity depending on their weight, their maximum velocity, and the space in which the velocity is reduced from the maximum to zero. Consequently, while during the first part of the stroke the crank-pin has only a portion of the steam pressure trans- mitted to it, during the latter portion, on the contrary, it is subjected not only to the full steam pressure acting on the piston, but also to the extra pressure due to the pulling up of the moving parts. In the present case the length of stroke and speed of rotation of the crank are such, that at the commencement of the stroke the piston moves through -000183 ft- in the thousandth part of a second ; what is the total pressure, P, required to move the mass of 400 Ibs. from rest over this space in a given time ? The velocity at the end of the time = 2 x -000183 ft- P er n?oo" .*. the velocity per second at the end of one second = 2 x -000183 x iooo 2 = 365-4. Now, gravity, or the weight of the moving parts, i.e. 400 Ibs., is capable of generating in them a velocity of 32 -2 feet per second. .-.400 : 32-2 :: P : 365-4. The diameter of the cylinder is 10 inches, its area /. = 78'5sq. inches^ and the pressure of steam at the commencement of the stroke necessary to impart the required velocity to the moving parts = = 57*8 Ibs. per square inch. 78'5 At the extreme end of the stroke the motion of the moving parts is arrested at the same rate as it is imparted at the commencement, 1 and consequently a pressure at the rate of 57 -8 Ibs. per square inch of piston area is transmitted to the crank in addition to whatever pressure of steam may happen to be acting on the piston at that moment. Energy. The term energy, or capacity for doing work, has been already explained (see page 25). The matter is 1 For the sake of simplicity the influence of the length of the con- necting rod relatively to the length of the crank in retarding the motion of the piston, c., is here neglected. Energy and Work. 155 now referred to again for the purpose of showing the effect on the working of steam engines, of the energy stored up in masses in motion. A body in motion possesses energy ; for, if the motion be, for instance, vertically upwards, it will carry the body up to a certain height before it is brought to rest, i.e. it will overcome the attraction of the earth through a certain space. The height to which the body will rise is, as explained in Ex. (2), p. 152, equal to the height down which the body must fall in order to acquire the same velocity. In questions concerning the steam engine we are chiefly concerned with the energy of bodies in motion. Very fre- quently work is said to be stored up in a body in motion, or in a raised weight What is really meant is that energy or the capacity of doing work is stored. Take as an example the case of a cannon-ball weighing 100 Ibs. and having a velocity of 2,000 feet a second ; what is its capacity for doing work ? The velocity of 2,000 feet a second would be acquired by falling down a height S, calculated by the formula 8==,,= ft 2g 64-4 Therefore the velocity of 2,000 ft. per second is capable of raising the body to a height of 62,111 feet, and the work which would be done = the height multiplied by the weight o = 7 '_ xw=62,in x zoo foot-pounds. 2g Vice versa, in order to impart this velocity to the can- non-ball, 6,211,100 foot-pounds of work would have to be done upon it before it left the bore of the gun. If the bore of the latter were six inches in diameter, and ten feet long from the front of the powder- cartridge to the muzzle, what would be the average pressure of the powder gases per square inch? As 6,211,100 foot-pounds of work have to be done on the shot while it traverses the space of ten feet, the total average pressure on the shot must be 156 The Steam Engine. 6,21^200 _ 6 IIO lbs> Also as the di ameter o f the bore 10 is six inches, its area is 28-27 square inches, and the average pressure per square inch= -? - = 21,970 Ibs., or a little less than ten tons. Similarly take the case of the steam engine given in Ex. (5) p. 153. The moving parts which weigh 400 Ibs. attain a maximum velocity towards the middle of the stroke, which is reduced to nothing at the end of the stroke. Required to find the work which the moving parts are capable of doing after having attained their maximum velocity, the length of stroke being if feet and the number of revolutions 200 per minute. The path described by the crank-pin in each rev. = i7T ft. = 5 '236 ft. and the velocity of the crank-pin per second ^ i . ft _ The energy stored up in the moving mass at this velocity is obtained from the formula = 400 x 17-5 xi 7 -5 = I902 foot . poundSt 64-4 This energy is given out while the piston is traversing half the stroke, 1 i.e. ten inches, and is consequently equiva- lent to a pressure of I 9 02 x I2 2282*4 Ibs., acting through 10 this space. As the area of the piston is 78-54 square inches the energy stored up in the moving parts is equivalent to an average pressure of 22 2 4 =29'o6 Ibs. per square inch 7 8 '54 during the latter half of the stroke. 1 This statement is only true when the connecting rod is infinitely long. It is also true for finite connecting rods if taken to apply to the mean of the forward and back strokes. Motion of Bodies in Circles. 157 Motion of bodies in circles. In all the cases hitherto considered, the motion has been in a straight line, but in dealing with the mechanics of the steam engine cases of great importance occur in which the motion takes place in a circular path. Such for instance is the motion of the fly- wheel, which is a wheel having a heavy rim. It is generally keyed to the crank axle of the engine, and is used for modifying the effects of any irregularity either in the driving power or in the resistance to be overcome. When, for instance, the driving power is in excess of the resistance to be overcome, the surplus is expended in increasing the velocity of the fly-wheel ; and, vice versa, when the resistance is in excess of the driving power, the energy stored up in the fly-wheel is expended in helping to overcome the resistance, during which operation its velocity is lowered. The consideration of the motion of bodies in circles is somewhat complicated by the fact that different parts of the bodies may be at diffe- rent distances from the centres of the circles in which they are moving, and as the velocities necessarily vary directly with the distance from the centre, so also do the quantities of motion. Take, for instance, such a body as a fly-wheel re- presented by fig. 27. It is composed of a rim, a set of arms, and a central boss. The velocity of the rim is many times greater than that of the boss, and again the velocity of the exterior portion, a, of the rim is greater than that of the interior portion, b ; consequently it is usual in calculations respecting fly-wheels, to consider Fig 27 158 T/ie Steam Engine. the whole of the weight as concentrated at a certain distance from the centre, where its effect will be the same as the sum of the effects of the various portions of the real wheel, each acting at its own distance from the centre. It is very often a complicated calculation to determine this distance with accuracy, but for all practical purposes we shall be suffi- ciently correct if we take the mean radius of the rim as the distance at which the whole of the weight is supposed to be concentrated. The laws of motion, as already stated and illustrated, apply equally when the direction of the motion is in a circle. Thus, for instance, if a weight w move round a centre with a velocity ^, the energy stored up in it= -- For a given number, N, of revolutions per second the velocity v varies with the length of the radius r, and equals 2vrrN. Substituting this expression for v in the above equation we and consequently the energy varies as the square of the radius, that is of distance of the weight moved from the centre. A fly-wheel, therefore, of a given weight, the mean radius of the rim of which is five feet in length, is rather more than twice as efficient as a reservoir of energy as if its mean radius were 3-5 feet. EXAMPLE (6). How much energy is stored in a fly-wheel of 5,000 Ibs. weight, the mean radius of the rim of which is 4 feet, and the number of revolutions 60 per minute ? N.B. The whole of the weight is, for simplicity, sup- posed to be concentrated at the end of the mean radius. The mean velocity per second, v= 2<7r ' 4 ' =25-13 feet. The energy = ^ = 5,000x631 "5 2g 64-4 = 49,029 foot-pounds. Motion of Bodies in Circles. 1 59 EXAMPLE (7). A fly-wheel weighs 5,000 Ibs. and the mean rim moves with a maxi- mum velocity of 35 feet per second. On account of the inequality of the force transmitted to the crank, the fly-wheel has, during a portion of the stroke, to expend 9,000 foot-pounds of energy ; what will its velocity be after having done so ? The maximum energy = 5 ' OO x 35 x 35 ^ g^ Io g foot-pounds. 64-4 After expending 9,000 foot-pounds, the energy remaining = 95, 108 - 9,000 = 86, 108 foot-pounds. /.^:= 86,108. 2 ^ ,, 86,108 xy 5000 .*. = 33'3 feet per second, being a loss of 1 7 foot per second from the maximum velocity, which is equivalent to a variation of 4-8 per cent, from the maximum or of 2-4 per cent, from the mean velocity. Centrifugal force. By the first law of motion a body will continue to move in a straight line unless compelled to do otherwise by impressed forces. When a body moves in a circle it is, however, changing its direction from instant to instant, and consequently must be continuously under the influence of some force. Suppose this force were removed, the body would no longer move in the circle, but would fly off in a straight line at a tangent to the circle from the point at which the force was removed. This is true of any and every point on the circumference, from which it is evident that the direction of the force which compels the body to move in the circle is always at right angles to the tangent at any point, and consequently always points to the centre. This force, which keeps a body moving in a circle, is, on account of its direction, always called the centripetal force. The resistance which the mass of the body opposes to being moved towards the centre, and which by the third law of motion is i6o The Steam Engine. equal to the centripetal force, is called centrifugal force. This force may be measured as follows. Let a body be supposed to start from the point a, fig. 28, and move in the circle represented, with the uniform velocity v feet per second. If the centripetal force F were removed, the body would during a very short time / move in a straight line over the space ab. By the second law of motion the effect of the centripetal force would therefore be to cause the body to move over the space be during the time t. By a well-known proposition in Euclid bcxbd= ab 2 . Calling bc=x we have x (2r+x)=a& 2 . As ab is supposed to be very small, and consequently also be, we may neglect x 2 and put ab=ac. Also, since the motion in the circle is uniform, and since ac is the space moved in the time /, we have Calling the weight of the body w, and / the velocity which the centripetal force F can generate in w in one second, we have g . We have next to express / in terms of v and r. Now x is the space be which the body would move over from rest under the influence of the centripetal force in time / sees. Centrifugal Force. 161 Therefore the velocity at the end of time t" zx per t" = per sec. Therefore the velocity which would be acquired at the end of one second is f 2X / 2X Jf-^ 1 = -p and substituting the value of x as given above, we have This important expression which is constantly made use of gives the centripetal force in terms of the weight of the body, its velocity, and the radius of the circle in which it moves. If the velocity is given in revolutions per second, , we have V = 27T77Z, and the above formula becomes F== x 4 g ' r 1*226. If the revolutions are given as so many per minute, N, we have _ N n 60 (]SJ\ 2 60) rxi ' = ze/NVx 0-00034. M 162 The Steam Engine. CONVERSION OF THE PRESSURE OF STEAM ON THE PISTON INTO ROTATIVE EFFECT ON THE CRANK AXLE. One of the most important applications of mechanical science to questions relating to the steam engine is, to ascertain the exact effect which the pressure of the steam on the piston has in causing the crank to rotate. In dealing with this question there are several points to consider : First of all, in the great majority of cases the pressure of the steam varies considerably at different parts of the stroke. Secondly, this variable pressure is transmitted to the crank-pin through a connecting rod, which is constantly changing its angle of inclination to the axis of the cylinder, as it swings between its extreme positions on either side of this axis. Thirdly, the varying pressure transmitted through the connecting rod meets the crank at an angle which is constantly changing. The pressure may be resolved at the crank-pin into two components, one in the direction of the crank, and the other at right angles to it, i.e. tangential to the circle described by the crank-pin. Of these the latter alone produces any turning effect on the crank, the former producing merely pressure on the bearing. The tangential component, or turning effort on the crank, as it may be called, varies in value continually, for it depends not only on the net pressure of the steam on the piston, but also on the varying angles of inclination of the connecting rod, and the crank. Fourthly, the effective turning effort on the crank depends not only on the above-mentioned variables, but also on the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts, viz. the piston, and piston and connecting rods ; for, as we have seen before, p. 153, Ex. 5, a considerable proportion of the steam pressure may, during a portion of the stroke, be Twisting Moment on Crank Shafts. 163 absorbed in merely imparting motion to the reciprocating parts, and may consequently never reach the crank-pin at all ; while on the other hand these parts as they come to rest may impart a considerable pressure to the crank-pin quite independently of the pressure due to the steam on the piston. The problem will be investigated in the first instance freed from all possible complications. The pressure of the steam will be supposed to be uniform throughout the stroke. The connecting rod will be taken to be of infinite length, in other words it will be supposed to act always parallel to the axis of the cylinder. Lastly, the moving parts will be imagined to be without weight, or their velocity may be supposed to be so small that no appreciable part of the steam pressure is absorbed in imparting motion to them. In the next instance the pressure of the steam will be supposed to vary during the stroke ; then the angular vibra- tion of the connecting rod will be taken into account, and finally the effects of the weights and velocities of the reci- procating parts will be considered, In every case graphical methods will be employed, in preference to analytical, to investigate the problems. In the diagram, fig. 29, let the circle ABC represent the path of the crank-pin. Let AC represent the direction of the axis of the cylinder. Let the pressure of the steam on the piston throughout the stroke be P Ibs. per square inch, and let the scale of the diagram be such that the length of the radius OA represents P Ibs. The reason for so doing will soon become apparent. First assume that the crank lies in the position AO. The pressure transmitted through the crank at this moment acts radially through the centre O, and has no effect whatever in turning the crank. The same is true when the crank occupies the position OC hence the two positions OA, OC are called the dead centres. Next suppose the crank to occupy the position OB, at right angles to the dead centres. As the connecting rod is M 2 1 64 The Steam Engine. supposed to be of infinite length it acts in the direction B'B parallel to AC, and consequently the whole of the force B'^e Fig. 29. transmitted has the effect of turning the crank. The arm of the lever with which the force acts is BO, viz. the radius of the crank, and the turning moment per square inch area of piston=P xBO. The same is true for the position D dia- metrically opposite to B. Hence we see that while the crank is at A and C the steam pressure has no effect whatever in turning it, at B and D, on the contrary, its whole effect is in turning. At any other point in any of the four quadrants the force of the steam is partly expended in turning the crank, and is partly transmitted through the crank as mere pressure on the main bearing at O. Take, for instance, the point E. At this position, the force acts with a leverage measured by the length of the perpendicular let fall from the point O on the direction of EE', viz. E // O=EF=EO sin a, and the turning moment consequently =PxEOsina. The tangential force which acts at the end of the crank, and tends to turn it round, as distinguished from the Twisting Moment on Crank Shafts. 165 turning moment is got by dividing the above quantity by the length of the crank arm. Calling this force P T , we have P x EO sin a T. P T = -- EO =Pxsma. This expression is equally true for any point on the circumference of the circle. Hence, we see that the tangen- tial pressure on the crank, when the connecting rod is infinitely long, is equal to the pressure on the piston multiplied by the sine of the angle of inclination of the crank to the axis of the cylinder. The same result may be got by resolving the force P at the point E, into two components, viz. one acting radially, ER, and the other tangentially, ET. Of these, ER merely produces pressure on the main bearing, while ET alone tends to turn the crank. Now, ET=EE' sin EET. Also, EE'=P=EO, the scale of the figure being such that EO represents P. And the angle EE'T=o, because E'T is parallel to EO and the angles ETE' and EFO are both right angles. There- fore the two triangles are equal, and ET=EF=P sin a. Thus we see that, though the pressure on the piston may- be perfectly uniform throughout the stroke, the turning effort on the crank is very variable, and begins by being zero at the dead centre, increases to a maximum when the crank is at right angles to the axis of the cylinder, again decreases to zero by the time the other dead centre is reached, and so on during the return stroke, or second half of the revolution. It may be here noted that it was this fact, that the tangential pressure on the crank is always less than the pressure on the piston, except for two positions of the crank, which led old writers on the steam-engine into the blunder of asserting that there is a loss in the employment of the crank as a means for converting reciprocating into circular motion. We now know, by the definition of work, that there is no such loss ; for, although the average tangential 1 66 The Steam Engine pressure on the crank is much less than the pressure on the piston, on the other hand, the path traversed by the crank in a revolution is greater than that traversed by the piston in a double stroke, in the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its double diameter, i.e. 2 : TT- i : 1-57079. By the principle of work, the lesser average pressure on the crank, multiplied by the path described by the crank- pin, must equal the greater pressure on the* piston multi- plied by the space traversed by the latter. Graphic representation of the tangential effort on the crank- pin. The variable tangential pressure on the crank-pin Fig. 30. throughout a revolution can be very well shown, graphically, by means of a diagram. Let the semicircle ABC (fig. 30) represent the path described by the crank-pin during half a revolution. Draw Qa to represent the uniform pressure on the piston to scale, and with centre O and radius Oa, draw the inner semicircle abc. Divide the circumference of this semi- circle into 10 equal divisions, for the sake of convenience, and draw radial lines through each point of division, intersecting the semicircle ABC. Then, at each position of the crank Graphic Representation of Twisting Moments. 167 represented by the points of division of the outer semicircle the tangential force on the crank is equal to the pressure on the piston multiplied by the sine of the angle of the crank. As aO represents the pressure on the piston, the tangential forces are represented in magnitude by the perpendiculars i, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. let fall from the points of division of the inner circle on the line aO. On the prolongations of the radial lines beyond the outer circle set off the lines i', 2', 3', 4', 5', &c., equal, respectively, to i, 2, 3, 4, 5. Join the extremities of these lines by the curved line ADC. Hence, ADC represents, graphically, the tangential pressure at every position of the crank ; since, for any position, we have only to draw a radial line through the point in question, and the piece intersected between the outer circle and the curved line will represent the tangential force. If the tangential pressure were uniform all round the circle the curved line ADC would be a circle concentric with the path of the crank-pin. Its deviation from concentricity is the measure of its want of uniformity. The average tangential pressure on the crank-pin may be represented by drawing the circle EFG from the centre O, the line EA which represents this average pressure being obtained by the following proportion EA : aO or P.* .'2 : TT. When the engine is running at a uniform rate of speed, this average tangential pressure on the crank, is, of course, exactly equal to the resistance which the work to be done offers to the motion of the crank-pin ; for, if the resistance were greater, the speed would be reduced, and if the resis- tance were less, the speed would be increased, and in neither case would the engine be running uniformly. Con- sequently, this average tangential pressure circle may equally well be called the Resistance Circle. The diagram (fig. 30) only shows the tangential pres- sures for one half of the revolution, but the other half is, of course, a precisely similar figure, and need not, therefore, be i68 The Steam Engine. shown. By inspection of the diagram, we see that there are four points during a complete revolution where the actual tangential pressure exactly equals the average, viz. the points ee\ &c. ; where the resistance circle intersects the curves ADC, AD'C. Between the points e e' and the corre- sponding points e"e'" the pressure is in excess of the resistance, while between e'"e and e'e", the resistance is in excess of the pressure ; consequently, during the two first intervals, the surplus work is poured into the fly-wheel, and during the last two intervals the deficiency in work is supplied by the energy of the fly-wheel being diminished. As the fly-wheel can only receive or restore energy by having its velocity increased or diminished, we see that the velocity of the crank-pin is not, strictly speaking, uniform, but it can be kept within any assigned limits of deviation from uniformity, by altering the weight of the fly-wheel. The diagram shown on fig. 30 can also be drawn on a straight base instead of on the circumference ABC. This form of the diagram is more generally used in practice, because it is easier to test the accuracy of the work; but it is not so graphic to the eye as the circular form of fig. 30. To construct the diagram on a straight base, draw a straight line AC equal in length to the semicircumference of the circle described by the crank pin. Divide AC into 4 5 Fig. 30 A. ten equal parts corresponding with the divisions of the semi- circle ABC. From each of the points of division, i, 2, 3, &c., erect a perpendicular, and mark off the lengths la, i/;, ic, &c., equal to the lines i', 2', 3', &c., in fig. 30. Graphic Representation of Twisting Moments, 1 69 Through the points a b, c., draw the curve then the ordinates of this curve will give the tangential pres- sures on the crank for any position of the latter. It is evident that the area bounded between the straight line AC and the curve measures the work done upon the crank ; for the ordinates represent the effective pressures on the crank pin, and the abscissae the spaces through which they are exerted. Now the amount of work done upon the crank is, as has been shown above, equal to 'the work done upon the piston. Hence the area of fig. 30A should be exactly equal to the area of the indicator diagram. By measuring the area and comparing it with that of the indi- cator diagram, we have a ready check of the accuracy of the work. If we wish to show the diagram of tangential pressure for the whole revolution, we have only to prolong AC to double its original length and construct on the prolonged portion another curve precisely similar to Aa&C. We will now take the case of an expansion diagram and show the effect which the want of uniformity in the steam pressure acting on the piston has upon the form of the diagram which shows the tangential effort on the crank-pin. We will further suppose as before that the connecting rod is infinitely long, and that the moving parts possess no weight, or are moving at a very slow velocity. The steam diagram is shown at the upper part of fig. 31. The cut-off is supposed to take place at f\ of the stroke. The engine is non-condensing. The first thing to ascertain is the net pressure of the steam which urges the piston forward. In order to find this it will in most cases be necessary to construct from the ordinary indicator diagram a new diagram showing the actual pressures after deducting the corresponding back pressures (see page 340). In the present instance this step will not be necessary, because to avoid complication an indicator diagram has been chosen in which the back pressure is uniform throughout the stroke The Steam Engine. and the compression curve at the end of the return stroke is exactly similar to the exhaust curve at the commencement; consequently to obtain the net pressures on the piston we have only to measure the length of vertical ordinate bounded between the upper and lower boundary lines of the diagram. 1 Fig. 31. Divide the length of the diagram into ten equal parts, and from each point of division draw a vertical ordinate to the upper boundary of the diagram. Draw a line AB of the 1 This is a case which would probably never occur in practice. In all ordinary cases two diagrams are required : viz. one from the top and the second from the bottom cover of the piston. The net pres- sures are then taken by deducting from the gross pressure as shown by one diagram the simultaneous back pressure as shown by the other (see page 340). This precaution is very frequently neglected, and has led to serious errors in the calculation of curves of twisting moments. Tivisting Moment derived from Indicator Diagram. 171 same length as the diagram to represent the diameter of the crank-pin circle. Divide the line AB into ten equal parts, and from each point 123 &c. erect a perpendicular 1,1' 2,2' 3,3' &c., intersecting the circumference at the points i' 2' 3' &c. These lines are not actually drawn, so as to avoid complicating the diagram. Then at each position of the crank-pin i' 2' 3' &c., the direct pressure on the pin is represented by the corresponding ordinate taken from the indicator diagram. From the centre O draw radial lines 01', 02', 03', &c. intersecting the circumference. It is only necessary to show the portions of these lines which are prolonged beyond the circumference ACB. On these lines measure off the parts Otf, O, CV, Qd, &c., equal respec- tively to the ordinates of the steam diagram i, 2, 3, 4, &c. Then, as in the first case, the actual tangential pressures on the crank-pin will be equal to these lines O#, O, Or, O*/, &c., multiplied by the sines of the angles which the crank makes with AB. In other words, the tangential pressures will be equal to the perpendiculars let fall from the points a, b, c, d, &c., on AB, i.e. aa' , bb', cc 1 , dd , &c. Produce the radial lines Oa, Ob, &c., and from the points i', 2', 3', 4', &c. on the circumference set off the parts I'a", 2'b", 3V' 7 , 4 f d", equal in length respectively to aa', bb', a ', dd', &c., then the curve drawn from A to B through the points a", b", c", a 7 ", &c., will be the diagram of tangential effort, or twisting moment on the crank-pin. To ascertain the diameter of the circle of average tangential pressure, i.e. the resistance circle, we have only to compute the average steam pressure as shown by the indicator diagram and multiply the same by the fraction - 7T the product will give the radius of the resistance circle. The tangential effort on the return stroke is, of course, exactly similar to the curve Aa"fr"B, and is obtained in the same way. The above method is purely graphical. In actual 1/2 The Steam Engine. practice it will probably be found more expeditious to con- struct a curve of twisting moments, the radial ordinates of which are found by multiplying the steam pressure for any given position of the crank by the leverage at which it works, and then setting off the moment thus obtained to scale. Thus, for the position of the crank 2', fig. 31 A, we have a pressure of iSlbs. to the square inch, according to the scale on which the diagram is drawn Scale i"= soils when the piston oc- cupies the position 2 corresponding with the position 2' of the crank. Also the leverage at which it acts is z'b. If the radius of the crank be one foot, then to the same scale 2^=799 ft., and the product 18x799= 14-3 = the twisting moment. Draw a radial line through 2' and set off z'b'=- 14-3 to any conveni- ent scale. Proceed in a similar manner for all other positions of the crank, and the curve A'B drawn through the extremities of the radial lines is the curve of twisting moments. Influence of the connecting rod in modifying the curve of tangential effort on the crank-pin. In actual steam engines the connecting rod is of course always of finite length, and consequently is always acting at an angle to the axis of the cylinder, except when the crank-pin is on the dead centres. Scale & /6 - 1 Fig. 31 A. ioot Influence of Connecting Rod on Twisting Moment. 173 The size of the angle which the connecting-rod makes with the axis for any position of the crank-pin depends on the length of the rod compared to the length of the crank. The shorter the relative length of the rod, the greater the angle for any given position of the pin. To find the inclination of the connecting rod for any given position of the crank we have only to take the length of the rod as a radius, and C D Fig. 32. from the centre of the crank-pin to describe an arc inter- secting the axis of the cylinder prolonged. The line joining the point of intersection with the centre of the crank-pin gives the angular position of the connecting rod and also the position of the piston for the given position of the crank-pin. Thus, let the length of the connecting rod be four times that of the crank, so that when the crank-pin is at A the piston rod end of the connecting rod will be at A', and AA'=4AO. When the crank has moved round a quarter of a revolution to D, with centre D and radius =AA' describe an arc intersecting the line AO. The point of intersection will be D'. the distance AD' being greater than the half-stroke of the piston, which latter equals A'C'. When the piston is at half- stroke, the crank will occupy the position OC. The tangential effort on the crank due to the piston pres- sure may be calculated by estimating the effect of this pressure in the direction of the connecting rod, and then resolving this tangentially and radially to the crank circle ; or, it may be more conveniently computed geometrically by finding The Steam Engine. the leverage with which the connecting rod acts on the crank-pin. The amount of the tangential pressure will, as before, be proportional to the length of the arm of the lever. Take, for instance, the position E of the crank-pin, the connecting rod assumes the position EE', and the leverage with which it acts, instead of being EP, as would be the case were the rod of infinite length, is ^O, found by producing EE and letting fall a perpendicular upon it from O. The product of the line eO into the pressure or tension in the connecting rod gives the twisting moment. Now the pres- sure or tension in the connecting rod is to the pressure on the piston as the line EE' is to the line E'P. Also the tri- angle Qee' is similar to the triangle EE'P, and Oe : CV::E'P : E'E .:Oe'xET=OexE'E. That is to say, the pressure on the piston multiplied by Oe' equals the force in the connecting rod multiplied by Oe, which latter product is the twisting moment. Hence to obtain the twisting moment we have only to prolong the line of the connecting rod till it intersects the position DD' of the crank, and the product of this line into the pressure on the piston gives the moment required. By proceeding in this way fig. 31 A may be modified so as to take account of the influence of the connecting rod. By an in- spection of fig. 32 it is evident that the new arms of the moments are greater than those obtained with infinite con- necting rods until the axis of the connecting rod intersects the point D, after which they are less till the end of the stroke is reached. During the return stroke the opposite eifect takes place, the arms of the levers being shorter during the first portion, and longer during the latter part of the stroke, than for the corresponding positions when the con- necting rod is of infinite length. The arm of the moment is a maximum when the axis of the connecting rod makes a tangent with the circle described by the crank-pin. Influence of Connecting Rod on Twisting Moment. 1 7 5 An inspection of the diagrams, figs. 30 to 31 A, shows how far from uniform is the tangential effort on the crank-pin, and consequently how irregular is the driving power, in the case of single cylinder engines, even when, as in the first case illustrated, the steam pressure is uniform throughout the stroke, and the angularity of the connecting rod is neglected. There are various methods of diminishing this irregularity of driving power. One plan is to fit on to the crank-shaft a fly-wheel of adequate weight and dimensions to overcome the irregularity. The principle of the action of fly-wheels has already been explained (page 157). Another and very usual plan is to use two or more cylinders with the cranks forming angles with each other. These are usually so arranged that the tangential effort on one crank is a maximum when it is a minimum on the other crank. This subject will be again referred to, and examples will be illustrated, when all the disturbing causes which influence the forms of twisting moment diagrams have been ex- plained, but in the meantime it will be a useful exercise for the student to prepare such diagrams for the two cases illustrated in figs. 30, 31 (pp. 166 and 170), assuming that in each case a second cylinder of equal size with the first, and working under precisely similar conditions, is added, and that the cranks are set at right angles to each other. The method of proceeding is as follows: A precisely similar diagram to the curve Ka"b"c" B, fig. 31 (p. 170), must be constructed on the diameter COD which is at right angles to AOB. When complete, there will be four of these curves round the circle ACBD, viz. one for each stroke of each cylinder. The radial lines intercepted between the cir- cumference and the curves for each position or', 02', &c. of the crank, &c., must then be added together, and a resultant curve drawn through their extremities. This curve will be a diagram of the tangential effort for the two cylinders combined. 176 The Steam Engine. Influence of the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts. We must next consider the effects of the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts on the form of the tangential effort diagram. In the first part of this chapter (p. 153) it was shown that a large portion or even the whole of the steam pressure during the first part of the stroke might be absorbed in generating the velocity in these parts ; and consequently, that only a portion, or in some case not any of the steam pressure on the piston was available for transmission to the crank-pin ; while, on the other hand, the effect of the velocities of the parts being reduced during the latter portion of the stroke would be to cause a greater pressure to appear on the crank-pin than is due to the steam pressure in the cylinder. It is evident, therefore, that to construct a tangential effort diagram for such cases we must first deduce from the indicator diagram a new diagram, by taking away from the steam pressure, during the first part of the stroke, such a portion of it as goes to accelerate the velocity of the moving parts, and vice versa, adding to the steam pressure during the remainder of the stroke such a portion as represents the effect of their retardation. If the steam pressure were free to act on the recipro- cating masses in the same way that gravity acts on a falling body, or in the way that the pressure of powder-gases in a gun acts on a projectile, it would be easy to calculate the effects produced ; but when the motion is controlled by a crank revolving uniformly, it is a little more difficult to calculate the increments of velocity imparted to the piston in successive intervals of time. The pressures required to impart these accelerations, as they are called, are of course proportional to the amounts of the increments. We must again suppose for the sake of simplicity that the connecting rod is of infinite length. In such a case while the crank travels through successive equal angles corresponding to the positions A, A', A," (fig. 33) the piston moves through successive spaces AA^ A^, A 2 A 3 &c. The Influence of Inertia of Reciprocating Parts. 177 velocity of the piston at each point A! A 2 A 3 &c. may be calculated graphically as follows : Let the radius of the circle ABC represent to scale the linear velocity of the crank-pin in feet per second, At any point A" for example, corresponding to the posi- tion A 2 of the piston, the velocity of the crank-pin may be resolved into two components, one horizontal and the other vertical. The horizontal component will be the velocity of the piston. From the point A" draw a tangent A"T c As O Fig. 33- to the circle. Make A"T=the radius of the circle, then A"T represents the velocity of the crank-pin. Draw A"H horizontal and TH vertical, then will A ;/ H and TH repre- sent respectively the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity at the point A", and A"H represents also the velocity of the piston when at a point in the stroke corresponding to the position A 2 in the line AC. In the same way the piston velocity may be obtained for any other point in the stroke. It may, however, be ascertained more simply as follows. The two triangles A"TH and A"A 2 O are in every respect equal to each other and A"H equals A"A 2 . Now A"A 2 is the sine of the angle of the crank x A"O, therefore the velocity of the piston at any point A 2 is proportional to the sine of the angle of the crank for that position, and is in fact equal to the length of the perpendicular drawn from the given point, such as A 2 , to meet the circumference of the circle, when the velocity of the crank-pin is represented by the length of the radius of the crank circle. Hence we see that the velocity of the piston at a series of successive positions A l A 2 A 3 &c. is represented by the vertical ordinates A'A^ A"A 2 A'"A 3 &c. N The Steam Engine. As the crank-pin is supposed to travel at a uniform velocity, the crank-pin circle represents time, just as does the hour circle of a watch, and equal divisions of this circle, such as AA', A' A", A" A'", c., represent equal divisions of time. Now, the difference between the velocity of the piston at the beginning and end of any such interval is the increment of velocity, or acceleration imparted to the piston during the interval. Thus the difference between the velocities at A' and A" equals A" a', and similarly between A'" and A" equals A!" a". Now, the force or pressure required to im- part a velocity to a given mass in a given interval of time is proportional to the velocity imparted, and when this latter and the mass are known the force may be calculated (see p. 149). If we suppose the divisions AA' &c. to be taken so small that the force acting throughout the interval may be considered as uniform and the acceleration imparted uni- formly, then in this case any division such as A" A'" may be considered a straight line, and the two triangles A" A'" a" and A // A 2 O are similar, because the angle QA"A'" may be considered a right angle and a"A"A 2 is a right angle, and taking away the common angle the remainder a"A'A'"= the remainder OA"A 2 . Also the angles at a" and A 2 are right angles, therefore the third angles in each triangle are A'" a" equal and the two triangles are similar, therefore = .A. A. A O ?__ =cosine of angle of crank. Consequently the accelera- A' O tion at any position of the crank equals the velocity of the crank-pin multiplied by the cosine of angle of crank, and the forces required to produce the accelerations are pro- portional to them. The magnitudes of the forces may be found in the follow- ing manner. Suppose that the weight of the reciprocating parts is all concentrated round the crank-pin, the connecting rod being, as before, infinite. The weight is kept moving in the circular path by the action of centripetal force (see p. 159). Influence of Inertia of Reciprocating Parts. 179 The centripetal force always acts radially, and at any point D, fig. 34, may be resolved horizontally and vertically. The horizontal component is the measure of the force which imparts motion to the reciprocating parts. The vertical com- ponent merely produces an upward or downward pres- sure on the bearings. At the dead centre A the force has no vertical com- ponent, and therefore the entire centripetal force produces acceleration of the reciprocating parts. At B there is no horizontal component, and therefore there is at this point no acceleration, at any other point D, the horizontal component =DE - FO=DO cos a. If the radius of the crank circle represent the centripetal force, then the horizontal component at any point = the centripetal force multiplied by the cosine of the angle of the crank. The expression for the centripetal force in terms of the weight, the revolutions per minute, and the radius of the crank, is given on p. 161, and is F=wN 2 . rx 00034. This may be expressed in pounds per square inch of piston area by dividing by the area of the piston. Draw a circle A B C D (fig. 35) of which the length of the radius represents the centri- petal pressure per square inch of piston area. Then the pressures per square inch of piston area required to accele- N 2 i8o The Steam Engine, rate the reciprocating parts at any points corresponding to the positions A' A" &c. of the crank will be represented by the lengths of the horizontal lines AV, A" a" &c. While the crank is moving from A to B the pressures go to accele- rate the reciprocating parts, and must therefore be subtracted from the indicator diagram pressures for the corresponding points, if we wish to arrive at the true turning effort on the crank. On the other hand, as the crank moves from B to C the opposite effect takes place, the motion of the recipro- cating parts is being retarded, and imparts pressures to the crank-pin, which for any given positions A 2 , A 1 &c are Fig. 36- measured by the horizontal lines AV, AV &c. These pressures must therefore be added to the pressures shown by the indicator diagram for the corresponding points. A simpler diagram for use with the indicator diagrams is made as follows : Let AC, fig. 36, represent the stroke of the piston or diameter of crank-pin circle, to the same scale as the indicator diagram is drawn. Calculate the centrifugal force per square inch of piston area from the known weights of the reciprocating parts, radius of the crank circle, and number of revolutions per minute, by the formula given, p. 1 6 1, and draw a perpendicular Aa to the same scale as the pressure scale of the indicator diagram, to represent this Influence of Inertia of Reciprocating Parts. 1 8 1 force. Erect an equal perpendicular from C. Join ac. Divide the line AC into ten equal parts corresponding to the ten divisions of an indicator diagram, then will the ordinates Aa, A.' a', A" a", &c. between A and B represent the pressures to be subtracted from those given by the indicator diagram, while the corresponding ordinates between B and ^represent pressures to be added to those shown by the diagram. Influence of the weights of the reciprocating parts in verti- cal engines. If the engine were of the vertical type, we should also have to take account of the pressures required merely to overcome the force of gravity acting on the weights of the piston, &c. During the up stroke the weights act against, and during the down stroke in the same direction, as the motion of the piston. Hence we should have to modify fig. 36 as follows. Add to Aa a portion aa', fig. 37, represent- ing the weight of the reciprocating parts per square inch of piston, to the same scale as Aa represents the pressure re- quired to accelerate the parts. At the other end of the stroke the action of the weights is to reduce the pressure restored by the retardation of the reciprocating parts to the crank pin. Set off therefore cc'-=ad and join a'c 1 ; then the ordinates of the line a'E' represent the pressures to be sub- tracted from those given by the indicator diagram, while the ordinates of BV represent pressures to be added to those shown by the diagram. In the reverse stroke the action of the weights is in the same direction as the steam pressure, and aids the accelera- tion of the reciprocating parts at the commencement of the stroke, and increases the pressures on the crank-pin at the end. This is clearly shown by the ordinates of the line ad in fig. 38. The influence of the direct weights of the reciprocating parts becomes of great practical importance in the case of the large low pressure cylinders of quick running compound engines in which the average steam pressures are low, and the weights often reach as much as 3*5 Ibs. per square inch of piston. 1 82 The Steam Engine. It is impossible to exaggerate the benefit to be derived by testing the proposed indicator diagrams of any engine under design, in the manner described, before finally settling the weights of the moving parts, the pressure and distribu- Ar Fig. 37- Fig. 38 tion of the steam in a quick-running engine. This will be clearly shown from an example taken from actual practice, after we have considered the last remaining complicating circumstance, viz. the effect of the length of the connecting rod on the pressures required to accelerate and retard the reciprocating parts. Effect of Connecting Rod on Reciprocating Parts. 183 Effect of the connecting rod in modifying the influence of the reciprocating parts. A finite connecting rod, instead of moving always parallel to the axis of the engine, vibrates from side to side, and is always inclined at an angle to the axis of the engine, except when the crank is on the dead centres. The result of this is that during the first quarter of a revolution the piston moves through more than half the stroke, and its average velocity is therefore greater than when the connecting rod is infinite, and vice versa during the second quadrant the piston has to move through less than half stroke and its average velocity is therefore less. These changes are illustrated by fig. 39, in which the length of the connecting rod ab is three times the length of the Fig. 39- crank. While the crank has been moving from A to b' the piston has moved through a distance A/=AO + (V, where Qc'=a'b' versin Qa'b'. While the crank moves from b' to B the piston moves through a distance =r'B= OB a'b' versin Qa'b'. During the return stroke the opposite effect takes place, while the crank moves from B to D, the piston moves through B<:', and while the crank moves from D to A, the piston moves through t'A. Generally speaking, if n be the ratio of the length of the connecting rod to that of the crank, then for any position of the crank, say ^, in the first and second quadrants, the distance moved through by the piston=A^ + &r=versin angle of crank + n versin angle of connecting rod. On the other hand for any position, say #", in the second 184 The Steam Engine. or third quadrants the distance traversed by the piston = versin angle of crank n versin angle of connecting rod. The consequence of the increased velocity during the first part of the forward stroke is that more of the steam pressure will be required to accelerate the moving parts than in the case of an infinite connecting rod. The amount of this pressure varies from point to point, and is proportional to the amount of the acceleration at each point. During the latter part of the stroke, the retardation is less sudden, and consequently the moving parts never exert as great a pressure on the crank pin in coming to rest as they would do were the connecting rod infinite. During the return stroke the converse takes place. During the first portion of this stroke the steam pressure required to produce acceleration is less, and during th'e latter portion the pressure exerted by the moving parts on the crank pin is greater, than in the case of an infinite connecting rod. As, however, the length of the connecting rod cannot alter the area of the diagram, fig. 36, but only its shape, we shall find that the period during which high pressure is being ex- erted is less, and that during which low pressure is being exerted is greater than in the case of the infinite rod. To calculate the exact amount of these pressures for every point of the stroke would be rather a tedious process. It is, however, easy to ascertain the pressures for three positions of the piston, and a curve drawn through these points will enable us to measure the pressures expended in accelerating the reciprocating parts, or given out during their retardation. The relative velocities of the crank-pin and the piston may easily be ascertained geometrically in the following manner. Let AB, fig. 40, be a portion of the path of the crank pin, and Cb any position of the crank, and ab the corresponding position of the connecting rod. The velocities of the two ends of the connecting rod are in different directions, the cross-head end always moving in the fixed direction aC Effect of Connecting Rod on Reciprocating Parts. 185 with variable velocity, while the crank pin end always moves with fixed velocity at right angles to the momentary position of the crank arm. As the velocity of the crank pin is known, that of the cross-head, which is the same as that of the piston, can be ascertained. Produce ab till it cuts the perpendicular CB in e. From b draw bf perpendicular to C. Let the velocity of the crank pin be represented by the radius Cb. Make bf=.Cb. Then bf represents the Fig. 40. velocity of b both in magnitude and direction. From / let fall a perpendicular, //, to the direction of the connecting rod, and produce the line fi. From b draw bd parallel to the direction of velocity of the point a. Then, since the connecting rod is of invariable length, the components of the velocities of each end resolved along the rod are equal. Now bi is this component for the velocity of , therefore it is also the corresponding component for 0, and therefore bd represents the magnitude as well as the direction of the velocity of a. Now, comparing the triangles Cfo, bfd^ their angles are equal, because the sides of one triangle are per- pendicular to those of the other; also the side /^equals the corresponding side C#, therefore the two triangles are equal, and therefore the line O, cut off from CB by the prolonga- tion of the line ab, represents the variable velocity of the point ', &c. Through all the 1 86 The Steam Engine. points ?;, ?/, &c., draw the closed curve Cvv' . . e"C, then the portion of the radius intercepted, at any position, between the centre C and the circumference of this curve represents the velocity of the piston for that position. It will be noticed that a portion of this curve travels outside the crank pin circle, showing that the piston velocity during a part of the revolution is greater than that of the crank pin. The maximum velocity and corresponding position of the crank can be obtained from the diagram. In practice, when the connecting rod is three or more times as long as the crank, the position fox maximum velocity corresponds very nearly with the position when the connecting rod makes a tangent with the crank pin circle. Now for this position, length of connecting rod , ,. , s- ------ . - _ =tan angle of crank. length of crank For instance, when the connecting rod is 3, 4, 5, or 6 times the length of the crank we have tan =3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively, which, by means of a table of natural tangents we find correspond with values of of 71 34', 75 58', 78 42', and 80 32' respectively. Take the case of a piston rod four times the length of c Fig. 42. the crank. It is required to find three points on the curve a'c' , fig. 42 which corresponds with the straight line ac> Effect of Connecting Rod on Reciprocating Parts. 1 87 fig. 36, and the ordinates of which measure the pressures which have to be added to or subtracted from those of the steam diagram. The point D corresponds with the position which the piston occupies when the connecting rod makes a tangent with the crank circle that is to say, when the crank is at the angle 75 58' ; for, at this point, as has been stated above, there is neither acceleration nor retardation. The points a' and c' of the curve may be found from the following considerations. When the crank-pin gets into line with the axis of the cylinder i.e. at the two dead centres, the weights of the re- ciprocating parts act with a full centrifugal effect on the crank. At the near dead centre they tend to pull the crank towards the cylinder, while at the far centre their action on the crank is reversed. The centripetal force in the crank at the near centre gives the measure and direction of the force absorbed in accelerating the reciprocating parts when the connecting rod is supposed infinite. When, however, the rod is of finite length another effect is produced ; for on passing the near centre the crank-pin end of the connecting rod describes an infinitely small arc of a circle round the piston rod end as a centre, and a centrifugal effect is pro- duced which increases that in the crank. On the other hand, when the far dead centre is being passed the centrifugal tendency in the connecting rod end diminishes that in the crank. The amount of the centrifugal force in the con- necting rod circle may be derived from that in the crank, very simply, because the weights are common to both, also the velocities are the same, and nothing differs but the length of the radii. Now the radius of the connecting rod is four times that of the crank, therefore, as the centri- fugal forces vary inversely as the radii when other things are equal, the centrifugal force in the connecting rod is one fourth of that in the crank. Add therefore to Aa, a piece aa'= ~ a , and subtract from O a piece c = c then will the 4 4 1 88 The Steam Engine. points a' d be the initial and terminal points on the curve. The point D has been already found. It may be proved that the curve to be drawn through the three points a , D, d is a parabola, but for all practical purposes a circular arc is sufficiently accurate. The ordinates of this curve between a! and D represent pressures which are expended in accele- rating the moving parts, wh:ch pressures must therefore be subtracted from the pressures as shown by the indicator diagram ; on the other hand, the ordinates between D and c 1 represent pressures which are exerted by the moving parts on the crank-pin when they are being brought to rest, and which must therefore be added to the pressures as shown by an indicator diagram. For the return stroke the same diagram may be used, starting from C as the commence- ment of the stroke. The ordinates of c'D represent the pressures absorbed in accelerating, and those of Da' the pressures restored during retardation. If the engine be of the vertical type a correction must be applied to fig. 42, similar to that already explained in the case of fig. 37. An inspection of fig. 42 shows what a powerful influence on the working of the engine may be exerted by the action of the reciprocating parts. This influence may, according to circumstances, be either good or bad. Thus, take the case of a quick running single cylinder expansion engine. The steam pressure in such an engine would be high at the commencement of the stroke and low at the end, but the power required to impart motion to the reciprocating parts absorbs pressure at the beginning of the stroke, and thus relieves the pressure that would otherwise come on the crank ; while at the end of the stroke the opposite effect takes place, and thus the inertia of the moving parts may tend to equalise the pressure throughout the stroke, and may consequently promote steady running. In this respect the action is similar to that of a fly-wheel. On the other hand, it may happen, if the speed at which the engine runs Example of Action of Reciprocating Parts. 189 is very high, or if the reciprocating parts are very heavy, that the whole of the steam pressure in the cylinder is insufficient to impart the requisite motion at the commencement of the stroke, and consequently the deficiency of force must be sup- plied by the fly-wheel, the result being that at the commence- ment of the forward stroke the connecting rod is actually being dragged by the crank-pin instead of turning the latter. As soon, however, as a certain amount of motion is imparted, the pressure of the steam begins to be felt on the crank-pin, and the strain on the rod changes from tension into compression, and a knock or jar is experienced at the joints which greatly tends to wear out the parts. The following example, taken from the well-known Allen engine, has occasionally been adduced to illustrate this point. The essential particulars of this engine are given below : Diameter of cylinder = i foot. Stroke =24 inches. Revolutions per minute =200 Weight of reciprocating parts =470 Ibs. Steam pressure =60 Ibs. per sq. inch. Ratio of length of connecting 1 = ^. I ^ rod to crank J ABC, fig. 43, shows an indicator diagram when steam is cut off at one twentieth of the stroke. If the connecting rod were infinite, the pressure per square inch of piston area required to accelerate the moving parts at the commencement and end of the stroke would be obtained by the formula given on page 161, viz.: -p_ ff/NVooo34_47o * 40000 x i x '00034 ^ H3' 1 7T 4 = 56*5 Ibs. per square inch. Measure from A to C, and from D to C, 56-5 Ibs. to scale, and join CC'. Then the ordinates of the triangle The Steam Engine. ACE represent pressures to be subtracted from the cor- responding steam pressures as deduced from the diagram, Fig. 43- and the ordinates of the triangle DC'E represent pressures to be added to those of the diagram in order to arrive at Example of Action of Reciprocating Parts. 191 the true pressures transmitted through the connecting rod to the crank-pin, on the assumption that the length of the connecting rod is infinite. The effect of the connecting rod being 6'i6 times the crank in length is to add -5 sL 6*i6 = 9*17 to AC and to subtract the same quantity from DC'. Mark off therefore <:C and SC' each = 9*17 Ibs. Ascertain the point G in the manner already described, and through cGc' describe a parabolic curve. The ordinates of this curve above and below the line AD represent pressures to be respectively added to and subtracted from those deduced from the indicator diagram. We must next find from the indicator diagram the true net pressures of steam on the piston. This is done by deducting from the pressures, as shown by the diagram, the simultaneous back pressures as shown by another diagram, taken from the other cylinder cover. In the absence of such a diagram, we may make use of the back pressure line of the diagram on fig. 43, remembering, however, that from the steam pressure at A must be deducted the back pressure at the exhaust end. We thus obtain the true curve of pressures shown by the line GF beneath the expansion line of the diagram, and terminating below BB at the point F. Having now deducted from the true steam pressures the amounts given by the ordinates of the curve c&c', we obtain the curve defg^ the ordinates of which represent the true pressures trans- mitted through the connecting rod. The pressures above the line BB' are positive, while those below are negative, and show that the steam pressure on the piston, wherever the curve falls below the line, are insufficient even to accelerate the moving parts. Thus, for instance, we have seen that at the commencement of the stroke 56-5 + 9-1 7 = 65-67 Ibs. per square inch are required for this purpose, whereas only 60 Ibs. are available, without even deducting for the back pressure. The deficiency has to be supplied by the fly wheel, and the consequence is that at the commence- 192 The Steam Engine. ment of the stroke the piston is actually being dragged forward by the crank-pin, instead of pushing the latter round, as it should do. When the curve defg rises above the line there is a small amount of pressure transmitted to the crank-pin, and consequently the strains in the piston and connecting rods are reversed from tension to compression, and a knock must occur if there is the least wear in the brasses. Between e and / the steam pressure is again insufficient, and the piston is again drawn round by the crank-pin, and at each of these points a knock will occur. It will be noticed that the general effect of the action of the reciprocating parts is to completely reverse the pressures as deduced from the indicator diagram ; for whereas these are greatest at the commencement of the stroke and dwindle down to nearly nothing at the end, when the re- ciprocating parts are taken into account, the pressures are greatest at the end of the stroke and are actually negative at the beginning. During the return stroke the state of things at the com- mencement will not be so bad because the pressure required is only 56-5 9-17 = 47^33 Ibs., and there is sufficient steam power available for this purpose and to leave a balance over to transmit to the crank pin. On the other hand, at the end of the stroke the state of things will be very unfavourable for easy running because of the enormous accumulation of pressure. In order to improve this engine, one of three plans might be adopted. The initial steam pressure might be increased : the piston speed might be diminished ; or, lastly, the weights of the moving parts might be reduced, A com- bination of these methods would, of course, also be effectual. Effect of distribution of steam on the action of the recipro- cating parts. 1 Great care must be taken when designing the valve gear of high-speed engines to see that the distribution of the steam is properly effected, otherwise the ill effects of 1 Students who have no knowledge of indicator diagrams should read this section after studying Chapter VIII. Steam Distribution and Reciprocating Parts. 193 a bad distribution may be greatly aggravated. Take, for example, the very common fault of a late exhaust, as repre- sented by fig. 44 Assuming that the diagram of the return stroke is equally bad, the result will be that there will be a back pressure a'b' ab at the commencement of the stroke, and the effec- tive steam pressure will only be A0', which, if the piston speed is high, and the weight of the recipro- cating parts considerable, may not be sufficient to ~ impart the desired velo- city to these latter. A late admission of steam will, of course, produce a similar result to a still greater degree. On the other hand a good compression curve, which, as we shall hereafter see, is an excellent feature in an indicator diagram, is productive of great good from the point of view of steady running, when its effect on the action of the reciprocating parts is taken into account. We have seen that the tendency with high-speed expansive engines is that the effective pressure on the crank-pin is transferred to the end of the stroke. Now it is very undesirable that the pressure on the pin should be very high at the extreme end of the stroke, as it causes heavy strains on many parts of the machinery; but the effect of a marked curve of compression is to cause a considerable back pressure at the end of the stroke, which pressure must of course be de- ducted from the pressure on the crank-pin, due to the combined effort of the steam and the retardation of the reciprocating parts. This action is of course much assisted if the exhaust opens early. In fact, in such cases it often happens that when a strong compression curve exists the back pressure on the piston is much in excess of the direct Dressure. 194 The Steam Engine. L This effect is clearly shown in fig. 43, and is also illus- trated by fig. 45. The indicator diagram is clearly recog- nisable ; FGH, the curve showing the effect of the recipro- cating parts, is indicated by the full line. The irregular dotted line AB is the resultant curve, giving the true nett pressures on the piston, and showing a negative pressure at the end of the stroke, on the assumption that a diagram taken from the other end of the cylinder would give a similar line of back pressure to that shown on fig. 45. The student is now in possession of the means of constructing a curve of twist- ing moment, or tangential effort on the crank-pin, taking into account all the principal modifying circumstances. It will have been observed that the effect of the connecting rod is twofold. Firstly, by its varying inclination it alters the length of the tangential component of the pressure transmitted to the crank-pin (see p. 173) ; and secondly, it modifies the action of the reciprocating parts in the manner just explained. The various steps to be taken to produce a complete curve of effort on the crank-pin are as follows : ist. To obtain a pair of indicator diagrams, viz. one from each end of the cylinder. 2nd. By taking account of the back pressure at each point in the stroke to deduce a pair of resultant diagrams showing the true pressures on the driving sides of the piston, as explained pages 190 and 340. 3rd. To find the effect of the weights and velocities of the reciprocating parts as modified by the length of the Fig. 45- Drawing true Curve of Twisting Moments. 195 connecting rod, and to correct the last found diagrams accordingly, as explained pages 183 to 192. 4th. To deduce from the last diagrams the circular diagrams of effort on the crank-pin, taking into account the obliquity of the connecting rod, as explained pages 172 to 175, These various steps have been explained at such length that it will not be necessary to give a final example illustrat- ing them. The student will have no difficulty in applying the principles to any example whatever. In the case of two or more cylinders being coupled on to one crank shaft, the diagram of effort will have to be made for each cylinder separately, unless they are identical in dimensions and steam distribution, and a resultant diagram formed by adding their separate effects together ; see page 175. How to approximate to uniformity of effort on the crank- pin. In all of the examples given the engines have had single cylinders, and though it is possible in such engines to attain to great uniformity of driving power throughout the greater portion of the revolution, even when very high rates of expansions are made use of, by running them at high speeds so as to utilise the action of the reciprocating parts, nevertheless, the difficulty exists that at the beginning of each stroke there is no rotative effort whatever on the crank. There are two methods of overcoming this defect. First. Two or more cylinders may be made use of coupled on to the same crank shaft, but with the cranks set at angles to each other, in such a manner that one engine is producing its maximum rotative effort when the other is at the dead centre. Each of these cylinders may be identical in dimensions and in steam distribution, as is the case with locomotives and many types of land engines ; or the engine may be compound, one cylinder being much larger than the other, and the steam which has been partially expanded in the small cylinder being used over again in the larger. This type of engine, which presents many advantages from the o 2 196 The Steam Engine. point of view of fuel economy, will be more particularly de- scribed in Chapter XI. It has, on account of its economical properties, come into very general use for marine purposes. Second. A fly wheel may be used which, by absorbing energy when the turning power is in excess of the resistance, gives it out again when this condition is reversed, and thus enables the engine to pass the dead centre. The double cylinder type of engine is invariably used where there is much stopping and starting and reversing to be done, because it may be easily started from any position of the cranks. The single cylinder engine with a suitable fly wheel is used with advantage whenever there is much steady running to be done in one direction. This is the case with the majority of factory engines. The single cylinder type with a fly wheel, and a high rate of expansion, has even been used successfully for marine purposes. Graphic representation of the action of a fly wheel. In cases where the resistance is uniform the power applied tangentially to the crank-pin in single cylinder engines is in Graphic Representation of Action of Fly Wheel. 197 excess of the resistance during two portions of the revolu- tion and is less than the resistance during the other two portions. This is illustrated in fig. 46, where AB is the crank circle, ab the circle of uniform resistance. The curve showing the twisting moment on the crank is denoted by ACB, BCA. The tangential pressure is in excess of the resistance from e to e' and from e, to e n and during the other two arcs the resistance is in excess. The average value of the excess of twisting moment is represented by ed t and of the resistance by eg. The same thing may be illustrated also by a diagram constructed on a straight base similar to fig. 3QA. The line ABA' is equal in length to the circumference of the crank- pin circle. ACB and BC'A' are the curves of twisting Fig. 47- moment during the forward and back strokes respectively. The uniform resistance is shown by the line aa', the ordinate aA being the mean of all the ordinates of the curves ACB, BC'A'. The excess of tangential pressure between ee* and e { e n above the resistance is shown by the ordinates of the curves eCe' and fiC f e l} , and the excess of resistance above tangential pressure during the remainder of the stroke is shown by the ordinates of Ae, e'B, Ee }) and e l} A'. At the four points e,e',e^ e n , the resistance exactly equals the tan- gential pressure. The average values of the excess of tan- gential pressure is given by the lines ed and e^d^ the areas edd'e' and e v d } d n e n being equal respectively to the areas eCe* and^CVn- Similarly the average values of the excess of resistance are given by the ordinates eg and e'g 1 . Also the 198 The Steam Engine. sum of the areas edd'e' and e\d l d ll e ll \?> exactly equal to the sum of the areas ag, e'g^ and g u a'. The weight of fly wheel necessary in any given case de- pends on the following conditions : 1. The mean diameter of the fly wheel rim. 2. The velocity at which this rim moves. 3. The variation from uniform speed which is to be permitted. 4. The fractions of the entire revolution during which the tangential force is above or below the uniform resist- ance. 5. The average amount of the excess of power or resistance. When these conditions are known we can compute the weight of the fly wheel. The value of elements 4 and 5 may be computed for any given case by constructing a diagram similar to fig. 47. Let W=weight of the fly wheel in Ibs. V=-the mean velocity of its rim in feet per second. YI and V 2 =the maximum and minimum velocities. -=the fraction of the mean velocity allowed for varia- K, tion, that is to say the difference between V l and V 2 - Then the energy stored up in the fly wheel when at its maximum velocity = wv i 2 zg and when at its least velocity the energy remaining WV 2 2 *g Therefore the work given out by the fly wheel while its velocity falls from V, to V 2 Calculation of Weight of Fly Wheels. 199 Now this work is measured by the product cdxce' x A the area of the piston (see fig. 47), ed being the average excess of tangential pressure in Ibs. per square inch of piston. V X 2V X XT w _ x k X ed x ed X A ~vr~ Now V, the mean velocity of the fly wheel rim in feet per second, may be expressed as follows in terms of the diameter D, and the number of revolutions per minute R v _ T^D.R 60 Substituting this value of V in the above equation and reducing to tons, we have very nearly It will generally be found that the value of ed differs in the two strokes ; we must therefore take the value which shows the greatest inequality in making the above calcu- lation for the weight of the fly wheel, otherwise it will permit a greater fluctuation than is desired. The value of k varies according to the kind of work the engine has to do. When employed in driving dynamo machines or spinning machinery, or in any kind of work where very uniform motion is required, the variation from the mean velocity should not exceed from i to i per cent., that is to say the value of k would vary from 100 to 80. In other cases the variation may be as much as one twentieth, or 5 per cent, or =20. It will be seen from the foregoing formula that the weight of the fly wheel varies directly as k, that is to say the less the permissible variation from the mean 2oo The Steau? Engine. speed the greater the weight of the wheel. It also varies inversely as the square of the diameter and inversely as the square of the number of revolutions per minute. The foregoing investigation applies to the case where the resistance is practically uniform. If the resistance fluc- tuates during each revolution, as for instance when the engine is driving a two-bladed screw propeller, a proper curve of resistance would have to be drawn in lieu of the line a a', fig. 47. When the resistance is liable to sudden fluctuations, as for instance in the case of factories where a large number of machines are occasionally thrown on or off, the fly wheel by itself is powerless to produce even an approximation to steady running. To effect this in such cases is the duty of the governor, which controls the actual power developed by the engine, either by throttling the steam on the way from the boiler, so that its pressure is reduced considerably by the time it enters the cylinder ; or else, by varying the rate of expansion so that the engine develops more or less power in proportion to the work it has to do. For descrip- tion of various governors see p. 239. 201 CHAPTER VI. THE MECHANISM AND DETAILS OF STEAM ENGINES. Cylinders with their fittings Clearance Steam passages Valve boxes Jacketing Lubricators Pistons Piston packings Piston rods- Cross heads and slide bars Connecting rods Cranks and eccentrics Eccentric rods The strains in crank shafts Journals Shaft bear- ings and pedestals Axle boxes Governors Fly wheels. IT is intended in this chapter to give an account of the separate parts which constitute the mechanism of the steam engine, excepting only the valves and valve-gear, which re- quire separate treatment. The variety of form and arrange- ment- of the parts of steam engines is so great, that it will only be possible to give a few representative examples. A more extended knowledge of the mechanism can only be gained by close observation of numerous engines, or working drawings. The Cylinder. The cylinder of a steam engine is the closed vessel in which the piston works backwards and forwards. It is so called because the interior is cylindrical in shape, though the form of the exterior is complicated by sundry additions. Examples of stationary engine cylinders are given in figs. 5 to 7, and of marine engine cylinders in figs. 194, 195, 197 to 200. Fig. 48 is a longitudinal section of a steam cylinder of a locomotive engine. It is made of cast iron, the interior being carefully bored so as to form a smooth and cylindrical surface for the passage of the piston. It consists of the following principal parts. The cylin- drical body AA, which is cast in one piece ; the valve box BB, in the thickness of which are formed the two 2O2 TJie Steam Engine, steam passages SS and the exhaust passage E ; the two covers CC, which are flanged, and which are attached to the body of the cylinder by means of studs and nuts. The cover through which the piston rod works is provided with a stuffing box D and gland e, to prevent the steam escaping round the rod. This object is accomplished in the following manner. The space aa between the rod and the inner cylindrical surface of the stuffing-box is filled with plaited hemp saturated with tallow, or with one of the numerous patent packings now procurable. The gun-metal gland ^, through which the piston rod passes, is forced up Fig. 48. against the packing by means of the two nuts and screwed studs shown in the drawing. The result is that the packing can be squeezed with any desired degree of tightness round the piston rod, and can thus prevent the escape of steam. The opening by which the piston rod passes through the substance of the cover is lined with a gun-metal bush, c. In many engines, especially those of foreign manufacture, there is a stuffing box on, the other cylinder cover, through which a prolongation of the piston rod works. The object of this arrangement is to prevent the piston bearing unequally on the lower side of the cylinder. It is also adopted in the Stecun Cylinders. 203 case of condensing engines, when the plunger of the air- pump is driven direct from the piston. It will be noticed that the interior faces of the covers are cast so as to fit into the corresponding faces of the piston. The reason of this arrangement is that the piston has in many cases to be formed in the shape shown in fig. 48, viz. with a broad rim or flange, and a thin disc ; now if the cover faces were not shaped correspondingly, there would be at each end of the stroke a large space to be filled with steam before the piston began to move, which steam would do no work till expan- sion began. Clearance. The interior length of the cylinder bore, from cover to cover, is always a little longer than the stroke, plus the thickness of the piston, so that a small vacant space called the clearance is invariably left at the end of each stroke. If it were not for this precaution the covers might be knocked off whenever water accumulated in the cylinder. The clearance spaces and also the contents of the steam passages SS, between the valve face and the inner surface of the bore of the cylinder must at each stroke be filled with steam before the piston can be moved. This steam of course does no work till expansion begins, but a great portion of the loss due to this cause may be recovered by compressing the exhaust steam before the end of the stroke. This operation is called cushioning the piston, and is most essential for many reasons. It helps to bring the piston gradually to rest, and partially restores the temperature of the sides of the cylinder which become cooled during the exhaust. It further tends to produce uniformity of tangential effort on crank-pin in the case of quick running engines ; see p. 193. The joints of the covers are made steam tight by placing between the flanges a layer of red lead cement, or soft copper wire, or one of the numerous patent packings, and then tightening up the bolts. Steam passages. The design of the steam ports and pas- sages is a matter of the greatest importance. It is desirable 204 The Steam Engine, to make the length of the passage as short as possible, so that its cubic contents may not add unduly to the contents of the clearance spaces, and on the other hand it is essential that the area of the passages should be ample, so that the fresh steam may not be throttled on its way into the cylinder, nor the exhaust steam on its way out, the result of which would be a considerable loss of power by reducing the pressure of the incoming steam and increasing the t back pressure. It is not easy to reconcile these desiderata with the Vise ol a single slide valve ; for, if the passages were made as short as possible, the ports would necessarily be situated near the ends of the cylinder, and a valve that would cover both of them would be of unwieldy dimensions. Again, if the ports were made very wide so as to give a very free passage to the steam, the distance which the valve would have to move over commonly called the travel of the valve in order to fully uncover the ports would be so great that the work of moving the valve would absorb no incon- siderable portion of the power of the engine. Consequently in engines which are worked with a short slide valve, and these constitute the great majority of engines in actual use, a compromise has to be effected between conflicting evils The area of the steam ports is obviously connected with the piston speed of the engine ; for, the greater the speed the greater the quantity of steam which has to be admitted in a given time ; and consequently a port which would be found ample for a slow running engine might be totally inadequate if the speed were considerably increased. The following empirical rule has been found to give satisfactory practical results in the case of engines having long steam passages. The area of steam port : area of piston : : speed of piston in feet per sec. : 100. or area of port = gl_ ea of P iston * s P eed of P ! iston 100. In some types of modern engines, which are designed Area of Steam Ports. 205 with the object of economising fuel, the steam ports are placed quite close to the cylinder ends, and separate passages are provided for the escape of the exhaust steam. In such case the simple slide valve is, of course, dispensed with, and each passage is worked by a separate valve (see page 264 and fig. 99). The object of providing separate exhaust passages is, that the fresh steam on entering the cylinder may not be cooled down by coming in contact with the sides of passages through which the -cold exhaust steam has just escaped. Valve boxes. The valve box is generally flanged and pro- vided with a cover, which is bolted to the face of the box, just as are the covers to the cylinder ends. The valve box is pro- vided with a stuffing box, through which works the rod which actuates the valve, and also with an opening to which is attached the steam pipe from the boiler. The exhaust steam, after it has done its work, escapes through each steam passage alternately, and passes through the hollow portion of the valve V into the exhaust port E, whence it is led through an exhaust passage cast on the body of the cylinder, and is suffered to escape through a pipe into the open air, or else in the case of condensing engines, is conducted by a pipe to the condenser. The face on which the slide valve works is, in large engines, often cast separately from the body of the cylinder, to which it is attached by bolts. In this manner it is possible to secure a sound face for the valves to work on, and to renew it when it becomes worn. Jacketing. In many engines of the better class, the cylinder is surrounded by an outer casing, sometimes cast in one piece with it, and sometimes attached to it, in such a manner as to leave an annular chamber between casing and cylinder. In this case the cylinder is said to be jacketed. The annular chamber is filled with fresh steam direct from the boiler. The object of this arrangement is to keep the body of the cylinder proper at, as nearly as possible, a uniform 206 The Steam Engine. temperature, and thus to avoid the injurious effects due to the cooling of the cylinder sides by the expanding and exhaust steam. Fig. 49 illustrates, in a longitudinal section, a jacketed cylinder. Where jacketing is carried out very thoroughly, the covers are jacketed as well as the body of the cylinder. For further examples of jacketed cylinders see pages 456 to 463. In many modern marine engines, the inner surface or barrel of the cylinder is cast as a separate piece and fitted into the outer body. One end is attached by a flange to the outer body, while the other end is left free to expand and contract with the variations in temperature that take Fig. 49- place. The free end must be packed steam tight. This inner portion is called the liner. There is usually a space between the liner and the body which forms the steam- jacket. Cylinders thus constructed possess many advantages. They are easier to make. When the inner surface wears down, it can be easily taken out, and a new one inserted. The cylinder is not unequally strained by variations of temperature in its different parts. Lastly, the liner can be made of cast steel, which is the strongest and most durable material for the purpose. For further on the subject of jackets, see page 450. The exterior surface of the cylinder, or of the jacket casing, should always be covered with a layer Lubricators. 207 of non-conducting material, such as wood, felt, or asbestos cloth, to prevent losses by radiation. In order to discharge condensed water, or water which may have lodged in the cylinder on account of priming in the boiler, a small opening is made in the bottom of each end of the cylinder, and is provided with a cock called the 'pet-cock.' Sometimes, instead of the pet-cocks, small relief valves are provided, which open outwards, whenever the pressure within the cylinder exceeds the pressure which holds the valve down. In order to lubricate the rubbing surfaces of the piston Fig. 50. Fig. 51. and slide valve, small openings have to be provided, into which are screwed lubricators containing oil or tallow. Fig. 50 represents a form of lubricator in common use. The bulb A contains the oil or tallow which is introduced through the funnel B. The lubricator is screwed into the cylinder or valve box by means of the screw C. The cocks, shown in the sketch, make or close communication between the bulb and cylinder, or bulb and funnel. Fig. 51 represents Mr. Ramsbottom's continuous feed lubricators. The bulb A is filled with oil introduced by the plug B. The pipe C is screwed into the cylinder. The 208 The Steam Engine. steam, entering this pipe, condenses by degrees on the surface of the oil, and the water thus formed sinks to the bottom of the bulb, displacing a small quantity of oil. This process continues till the bulb becomes, entirely filled with water, which can then be drawn off through the lower plug. Great care should be devoted to the choice of a good material for lubrication. Tallow, even of the best quality, and animal oils generally, are unsuited for use with high- pressure steam, as they are decomposed by the high tempe- rature into stearic and other acids, which readily attack the iron of the cylinders. If the waste steam from the cylinders is mixed with the feed water for the boilers, the effects of the decomposed tallow on the boiler are fatal and rapid. Sometimes the iron plates are eaten away, and sometimes a soapy deposit, of a very non-conducting nature, forms on the crowns of the furnaces, which permits the crown plates to become overheated, and to collapse. Whenever high- pressure steam is employed, some preparation of mineral oil should be used as the lubricating material. \b Fig. 52. Pistons. The piston is the metallic disc or moveable diaphragm which accurately fits the bore of the cylinder, and which receives and transmits the pressure of the steam to the other moving parts of the engine. Fig. 52 illustrates Pistons. 209 in section a piston which is used for locomotives on the London & North-Western Railway. It consists of three principal parts, viz. the central disc #, a, which forms the body of the piston, the circumferential portion $, , which contains the packing that enables the piston to move steam- tight along the cylinder, and which is so shaped as to form a large surface of contact with the sides of the latter, and the central boss . Simi- r r larly with every other circular band into which the section of the shaft can be divided. Hence, the moment of resistance of the whole shaft to resist shearing about the centre c, is proportional to the above expression integrated between the limits p=o and p=r, or Strains in Crank Shafts. 235 If, instead of the radius r, we take the half diameter - the above expression becomes - =o'i$6d 3 . In order to make this expression practically useful we require to know first, the ultimate resistance to shearing of the metal of which the shaft is made ; and second, the factor of safety to be employed, that is to say, the number of times which the moment of resistance of the shaft should exceed the twisting moment, in order that it may be safe in practice. The following are usually taken as the ultimate shearing strengths of the metals usually employed in making shafts : Cast iron. . . . 28,000 j lbg Wrought iron . . 54,000^.^ Steel ..... 80,000 ) As a rule the factor of safety employed for shafts is 6, therefore in designing a shaft for a given purpose we must only take one sixth of the above figures. Thus to find the proper diameter for a wrought-iron shaft subject to a given twisting moment P/ in inch Ibs., we have o /. d (in inches) = -082 75 x^/P/. Sometimes the horse-power (HP) transmitted by the shaft and the number of revolutions (N) are given. One horse- power = 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. The total horse- power equals the average pressure (P) applied to the end of the crank arm (/) x by the path of the crank pin in feet [ -- J x by the number of revolutions (N) per minute, ,. 33,o x HP = P -N = 63,024 x- 236 The Steam Engine. and, equating this latter expression to ' 3 /ZJp we obtain d (in inches) = 3 -2 95 A/- . Journals. The part of the shaft which is supported by the bearing is called the journal. The usual form of the journal of an engine crank is shown in fig. 74. The part Fig. 74- which runs in the bearings is turned so as to be truly cylin- drical. The end play of the shaft is limited by the two raised collars. The length of the journal, or the distance between the inner faces of the collars, relatively to the diameter depends principally upon the number of revolu- tions which the shaft has to make per minute. For slow- running engines the length is sometimes equal to the dia- meter, whereas in cases of high speed it may be as much as from two to three times the diameter of the journal. The following figures give the proportions usually adopted * for wrought-iron journals. No. of revolutions per minute 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500. Ratio of length to diameter 1*2, 1*4, 1*6, 1*8, 2*0, 3 - o. Great care must be taken in designing journals not to pass abruptly from one section of the metal to another. All such differences should be gradually rounded off as shown in fig. 74. The strains to which the journals of crank shafts are subjected are due to the combined action of the twisting forces and the transverse loads. Shaft Bearings and Pedestals. The bearing usually con- sists of brass steps supported by a cast-iron pedestal or 1 Elements of Machine Design. By Professor W. Cawthorne Umvin. Bearings and Pedestals. 237 plummer block. Fig. 75 shows three views in half elevation and half section of a common form of pedestal which is used with a masonry foundation. It consists of a wall plate Fig. 75. which is bolted to the foundation and on which is fixed the pedestal proper. The nature of the arrangement and the means by which the steps are adjusted and secured are sufficiently explained by the drawing. In most stationary engines one or both of the pedestals are attached to the cast- iron framework as shown in fig. 76, which represents the principal pedestal of a horizontal engine. In this case the steps are not divided horizontally, but in an oblique plane, so that the direction of the re- sultant force of the pull or thrust in the connecting rod and of the other forces Fig. 76. which act on the shaft, may pass through the solid metal of the step and not through the junction between the steps. In the case of locomotives the bearings are not fixed, 238 The Steam Engine. but are free to slide up and down in a vertical plane, within the limits allowed by the springs. These bearings are called axle boxes. The whole weight of the engine is transmitted through them to the journals by means of the springs. Fig. 77 explains the structure of an axle box, which consists of an outer case, arranged so as to be capable of sliding up and down, between guides called horn plates which are bolted to the frame of the engine. The casing contains one brass step, the whole of the pressure being of course on the upper half of the journal. The lower part of the casing contains a receptacle for the oil which escapes after lubricating the bearings. The upper portion contains the oil box, and has also a socket formed in it which receives the foot of a spindle by means of which the pressure from the springs is transmitted. Governors. If, during the working of a steam engine, the load were wholly or partially removed while the supply Governors. 239 of steam to the cylinder remained undiminished, the engine would commence to race. If, on the contrary, the load were increased, the speed of the engine would be reduced below the proper rate. To prevent such variations in the speed, a contrivance called a governor is made use of which acts upon the steam supply in one of two ways viz. either by partially closing or opening the throttle valve which regulates the flow of steam from the boiler; or else, by acting directly on the valve gear in such a way as to vary the point in the stroke where the steam is cut off, and thus alter the rate of expansion. The most common form of governor was invented by Watt. It consists (see fig. 78) of two heavy metal balls A,D, attached to two inclined arms, which latter are jointed at the point E, to the central vertical spindle. The latter is connected by gearing with the main shaft of the engine so as to revolve at a rate strictly pro- portional to that of the shaft. The effect of rotation is that the balls tend to fly away from the vertical spindle and, being controlled by the arms, they can only rise and fall in arcs of circles about the centre E. Supposing that the velocity of rotation were increased be- yond the normal rate, the balls would fly out and occupy some new position D', at the same time lifting the collar H which slides on the central spindle and which is attached by the links L and K and to the ball arms M and N. Into the collar H gears the forked end of a bell crank lever which is connected by a link with the throttle valve. When H is lifted the link acts upon the throttle valve, partly closing Fig. 78- 240 Tlie Steam Engine. arm it, and reducing the supply of steam. Conversely when the balls fall, H falls also and the throttle valve is opened. The theory of the conical pendulum governor is as follows. Let us suppose that the weight of the arms may be neglected. When the balls occupy any position as in fig. 79, each of them is maintained in posi- .A. tion by the three following forces. The weight of the ball W acting downwards ; the tension T in the inclined ; the centrifugal force (where v is the velocity gr of rotation of the ball), acting radially and horizontally out- wards. Since the ball is in equilibrium, the three forces may be represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of the triangle ABC. Let the radius BC be denoted by r, and the height of the cone of revolution AC by h feet, W then *=W=: /. ^J 1 -, :. r -=j,l h . r v V* p v 'v & g r Also since the ball is supposed to move in a circle in a horizontal plane with a uniform velocity, let / = the time in seconds occupied in making one revolution, 2irr Ih then S Consequently the time of a revolution is proportional to the square root of the height of the cone of revolution. If we are given the number of revolutions N per minute, then N/=6o, .'.^= ; /h 3. /-_5- Governors. 241 If h be given in inches instead of feet, the above formula becomes ^ N= ==-. N/ h As the speed of rotation of the governor and consequently of the engine is inversely proportional to the square root of the height of the cone of revolution, it is clear that the possible variations in the height of the cone have a very direct influence upon the sensitiveness of the governor. For instance, if the governor were so contrived that the height of the cone were a constant quantity, the speed of the engine would remain constant. The object aimed at in the practical design of governors is to keep the variations in the height of the cone of revolution within convenient limits. It will "be noted that in fig. 78 the ball arms are jointed on the axis of the vertical spindle, while in other cases the joints are at some distance from the axis ; in other instances the arms are crossed as in fig. 81, so that the joints are on the sides of the spindle opposite to the corresponding balls. Each of these arrangements affects the height of the cone of revolution for a given position of the balls. It is evident, from a mere inspection of the figures, for a given deviation of the balls from the axis of revolution, that the variation in the height is greatest in fig. 78, and least in fig. 8 1. It is quite possible to make a governor so inconveniently sensitive, that it is never still for a moment, but is affected by even the small periodic changes of velocity, which occui in each revolution of the engine. As the governor can, by its nature, never act until after the change of velocity actually occurs, which it is designed to control, and as, moreover, the periodic changes of velocity above referred to are only momentary in their duration, it may easily happen that the effect of a hypersensitive governor is only felt by the engine when it has resumed its normal speed of rotation, or R 242 The Steam Engine. even attained a rate of speed which has fluctuated in the opposite sense to that which had affected the governor. In such cases, only harm can be done by the sensitiveness of the governor: for, supposing that it is affected at a period of the revolution when the crank-pin velocity is slightly above the average of the revolution, the supply of steam will be diminished when the crank-pin has re-attained its average speed, or even sunk below it, in which case the effect of the governor will be to aggravate the evil it was designed to cure. Many advantages are found to attend the use of high- speed governors. They are more sensitive to alterations in speed, the parts may be made lighter and move with less friction. In order, however, to prevent the balls from flying out too far, in consequence of the increased speed of rotation, Fig. 80. a weight, or else a spring, is so arranged as to act on the ball arms in such a manner as to develope a radial force in the contrary direction to the line of action of the centrifugal force. Fig. 80 shows a loaded high-speed governor. Each ball is attached to two sets of links. The weight is arranged Governors. 243 to slide on the central spindle, and presses directly upon the lower pair of ball links. To find the height of the cone h, corresponding to a given speed of rotation, we reason as follows : Each ball is at rest under the action of its weight acting downwards, the centrifugal force acting radially outwards, and the tensions in the two ball arms due to the weights which they support. Calling the weight of each ball, W, that of the load, W, the radius BC=^, and the height of the cone AC=/J, the tension in BA=T, in BD=T, the angle BAC=a, and BDC =ft we have : The centrifugal force in BC is balanced by the compo- nents of the tensions in the two arms, estimated in the direc- tion BC gr Also, the vertical component of the tension in BA balances the weight of the ball W, and the vertical component of the tension in BD /. Tcosa=W + T'cos/3. The tension in BD is due to half the weight W , /. W'= 2 T / cosft and, finally, r=BAsina=BDsin/3, from which equations it is possible to eliminate the values of the tensions in the ball arms, and also the angles a and /3, so that /&, for any velocity z>, may be expressed in terms of the weights of the balls and load, and of the radius r. The simplest case is when a=/3, whence gr W W / = 2T / COSa. Also, h=.rcoia. R 2 244 T/te Steam Engine. Eliminating T, T, and coto, we obtain r w It has been already shown how the governor can be arranged to act on the throttle valve. In many modern Fig. 81. engines the throttle valve is, however, not interfered with during the working, and the governor is arranged to act directly on the expansion gear of the slide valves. Fig. 81 shows a simple method of effecting this object. The collar Governors. 245 #, on the vertical spindle of the governor, works a lever b, which is connected by a link c with the end of the sliding block d which works in a rocking link as shown. The block d is attached to the end of the eccentric rod g'. On the position of d depends the amount of swing given to the rocking link. An expansion valve, working on the back of the main valve (see p. 263) is driven from another point of the rocking link, and on the travel of this expansion valve depends the point at which the steam is cut off. The main valve is driven by the eccentric rod g in the ordinary manner. 1 The forms of governors are so numerous, that it has been impossible here to do more than explain the principles upon which they act. Locomotive engines are never fitted with governors, but in marine engines they are very necessary, as racing may ensue whenever the propeller is partially out of water, or whenever the propeller or crank shaft may give way. On account of the motion on board ship, the forms of governors used on land engines could not be employed for marine purposes. Marine governors are of two principal sorts, viz. those that are actuated by variations in the water pressure at the stern of the ship, and those which depend for their motion on variations in the velocity of the engine. The former class only provide for cases due to the incomplete immersion of the propeller, but the latter will guard against every contingency. In consequence of the great size of the throttle valves and expansion gear of marine engines, an ordinary governor cannot conveniently be employed to act directly on the controlling parts ; hence, in this class of engines, what are called steam governors are now generally employed. The governor proper is arranged to move the slide valve of a small steam cylinder, which, in its turn, actuates the throttle valve. 1 This will be better understood after reading the succeeding chapter on valve gearing. 246 The Steam Engine. Fly-wheels. The functions of fly wheels have been ex- plained in Chapter V., pp. 157 and 196. It is only necessary now to consider the principles involved in their construction. The greater portion of the mass of a fly wheel is con- centrated in its rim, and when revolving, every particle of the rim is under the action of centrifugal force, and tends to fly away radially from the centre ; hence the rim, when in a state of revolution, resembles the condition of a ring put in a state of tension by a force from within acting outwards. The tension developed in the rim is opposed by the tensile strength of the metal of which it is formed, and should the former exceed the latter the rim will inevitably burst asunder, just as a' boiler would burst if the steam pressure were too great for the strength of the shell plates. Suppose the rim in fig. 82 to be divided up into a number of segments. The centrifugal force on FI 8a any one of them, such as A, acts radially along the line AC, and may be resolved into two components, one along the diameter BD, and the other at right angles to it, and similarly for all the other segments. The sum of all the components at right angles to BD is the force which tends to tear the ring asunder at the sections B and D, It is well known that if a force press uniformly outwards all along the semicircumference of a ring, the components at right angles to a given diameter equal the total radial force multiplied by the ratio of the diameter to the circum- ference. In the case of a fly wheel, the radial pressure acting along any given semicircumference is half the Fly Wheels. 247 centrifugal force of the entire wheel, and the sum of the components at right angles to the diameter BD 2T = ^ centrifugal force of wheel x Hence, the tension at either B, or at D, is half the above quantity = half centrifugal force of wheel X . 27T If W=the weight of the wheel in Ibs., r its mean radius in feet, and N the number of revolutions per minute, we have (see p. 161) Tension at B, or at D= WxN'xrx 100034 2 XTT EXAMPLE. A fly wheel, the mean radius of which is 8 feet, weighs 15,000 Ibs., the whole of which weight is supposed to act at the mean radius ; what is the tension on the metal of the rim at either end of any diameter, the wheel making 60 revolutions per minute ? Answer. Tension = J5ooox_6o_x 60 x 8 x-ooo 34 = 2 ^ 6 lbs . 2x3-14159 Taking the tensile strength of cast iron at 15, 680 lbs. per square inch and allowing a factor of safety of 5, it is evident that the section of the rim of the wheel must not be less than about 8 inches. In order to attain the given weight, the section of the rim would have to be far greater than this quantity, hence the rim would possess ample strength. Fig. 83. Small fly wheels are usually cast in one piece, but when so large that the weight would be unwieldy, the rim is cast in pieces which are afterwards put together by bars and cottars, or by bars and bolts, as shown in fig. 83. 248 TJie Steam Engine. The rim in very large wheels is generally fastened to the arms, as shown in fig. 84. The arms are fastened to the Fig. 84. boss in a similar manner, and the latter, in the case of large wheels, is often cast in two halves, which are either bolted together or attached by wrought-iron rings shrunk on. 249 CHAPTER VII. VALVES AND VALVE GEARS. Action of the simplest form of D slide valve driven by single eccentric Definitions of 'lap' and 'lead' Position of eccentric as affected by the lap and lead of the valve Effect on the steam distribution of the lap and lead of the valve Effect of ratio of length of connecting rod to length of crank in modifying steam distribution Means of varying the rate of expansion and of reversing Stephenson's link motion Effect of diminishing the throw of the eccentric Reversing lever Ramsbottom's reversing screw Variations in the details of Stephen- son's link motion Other systems of link motion Other means of varying the rate of expansion Meyer's separate expansion valve Corliss's valve gear Varieties of valves Valve gears in which eccentrics are dispensed with Joy's gear Geometrical representa- tions of the action of slide valves Zeuner's valve diagrams Case of valve without lap or lead Case of valve with lap and lead Problems on simple valve setting Zeuner's diagrams applied to valves driven by link motions Analytical method of fixing centres of valve circles Graphical method Problems in link motion The method of suspend- ing link motions Zeuner's diagrams applied to Meyer's valve gear Reversing by Meyer's gear Problems on valve setting with Meyer's gear. THE successful and economical working of a steam engine depends in a very large degree upon the design and adjust- ment of the valve or valves which regulate the distribution of the steam in the cylinders. The subject is, perhaps, more complicated in its nature than any other question affecting the design of the engine. In order to treat it simply and, at the same time, systematically, it is intended in this chapter, first to explain the simplest examples, and then to proceed to the description of the cases which more frequently occur in practice. Action of the simplest form of slide valve driven by a single eccentric. As the motion of a slide valve is modified by the length of the connecting and eccentric rods relatively to the 250 The Steam Engine. length of the crank arm and to the throw of the eccentric respectively, we will suppose, in the first case, that these rods are infinite in length. Fig. 85 represents a portion of a cylinder with steam chest, slide valve, and passages, in which the above condition as to length of rods is supposed to obtain. The slide valve D is exactly the length contained between the outer edges of the steam ports. This point is important to notice, as will appear presently. Also the faces d d' of the valve are just sufficient to cover the width of the steam ports and no more. The general arrangement of the slide valve, steam chests, steam and exhaust passages, in relation to the piston and Fig. 85. cylinder having been already explained (see page 202), the reader will have no difficulty in understanding what follows. In practice the eccentric is always mounted on the crank shaft, and revolves in a plane parallel with that containing the crank arm, while the slide valve works on the side of the cylinder. In figs. 85 to 93 the valve is shown on the top of the cylinder, and the eccentric E revolves in the same plane as the crank K, and above the latter, as in this way alone can the relative motions of valve, piston, crank, and eccentric be shown simultaneously. The arrangement of the eccentric and crank circles is not one that could be carried out in an actual steam engine. The piston P is represented at one end of the cylinder. Simplest Form of Slide Valve. 251 and the valve is shown in its middle position exactly cover- ing the two steam passages, so that no steam can pass from the steam chest C to either side of the piston ; while, on the other hand, none can escape from the cylinder through either of the passages into the exhaust. As the piston is at the end of its stroke the crank is on the dead centre, and as the valve is at mid stroke the arm of the eccentric must also be in the position midway between the two dead centres ; that is to say, it is at right angles to the crank. Let the piston, however, be moved in the slightest degree to the right-hand side, turning the crank K and the eccentric radius E in the direction of the arrows, and two things will in- Fig. 86. stantly happen. The eccentric, whose action has been already explained (see page 229), will pull the valve D slightly to the right, so that the outside edge of the face d will open the left-hand steam port, and thus admit steam to the left side of the piston, while the inner edge of the face d' will uncover the right-hand steam port, and thus permit whatever steam may be in the cylinder on the right side of the piston to escape along the passage to the under or hollow side of the valve, whence it finds its way to the exhaust passage H. The result will be that the entering steam will propel the piston forward, and the crank and eccentric will continue to rotate in the direction of the arrows. When the crank reaches the position shown in fig. 86, 252 The Steam Engine. which is at right angles to its first position, the piston will be at half-stroke, and the eccentric radius will also be at right angles to its first position. From an inspection of the diagram it is evident that the eccentric has now pulled the slide valve as far to the right as it will go, and that, as the crank continues to revolve, the eccentric will commence to travel back from right to left. Also it is evident that the total space through which the eccentric has moved the valve from its original or central position is exactly equal to the half-diameter of the circle described by the eccentric radius. As will be seen from the figure, the left-hand steam port is now fully open to the entering steam, while the other is fully open to the exhaust. Fig. 87. At the end of another quarter-revolution the piston will have reached the end of its stroke. The crank and eccentric will occupy the positions shown in fig. 87, while the valve has now regained its central position, closing both ports. The slightest motion to the left will now admit the steam to the right side of the piston, and cause it to commence to move backwards from right to left, and will at the same time open the left-hand port to the exhaust. At the end of the next quarter-revolution the crank and eccentric will occupy the positions shown in fig. 88 ; the right-hand port is now fully open to the entering steam, while the other is fully open to the exhaust, and the valve has reached the farthest limit of its travel to the left. From the above we see that Simplest Form of Slide Valve. 253 the total distance moved by the valve, called the travel of the valve, is exactly equal to the diameter of the circle described by the radius of the eccentric. The next quarter-revolution will bring everything to the positions occupied at starting, and the whole series of opera- tions may be repeated over and over again so long as the steam supply lasts. We thus see that by means of a slide valve and a single eccentric, the operations of opening and closing the steam and exhaust inlets can be satisfactorily accomplished. It will be noted, however, that the valve just described, which only just covers the steam ports when in its central Fig. 88. position, when driven by an eccentric set at right angles to the crank, keeps the admission steam port open during the whole length of the stroke, and thus does not permit of the expansive working of the steam. Similarly it keeps the exhaust open during the whole length of the stroke, thus rendering compression or cushioning of the exhaust steam impossible. Moreover, it only opens the admission and ex- haust ports just after the stroke has commenced. In practice these features are inadmissible. In order to effect economy in working the supply of steam must be cut off compara- tively early, and expanded during the remainder of the stroke. Similarly the exhaust should be closed before the end of the stroke, so that the steam left in may be 254 The Steam Engine. compressed before the advancing piston, and aid in bringing the reciprocating parts to rest. Moreover, the steam must be admitted just before, instead of just after, the commence- ment of the stroke. These objects may all be accomplished, within certain limits, by adding to the length of the slide valve so that- it overlaps the outer edges of the steam ports, by diminishing the width of the hollow portion D so that the faces of the valve overlap the inner edges of the ports, and lastly by altering the position of the eccentric on the shaft relatively to the crank. Before investigating this question the following defini- tions must be stated. Outside lap. Any portion added to the length of a valve more than is absolutely necessary in order to cover Fig. 89. the outside edges of the steam ports, is called the out- side lap of the valve. In fig. 89 the portions c c are the outside lap. Inside lap. Any portion added to the hollow portion D of the valve more than is necessary in order to cover the inner edges of the steam ports, is called the inside lap of the valve. In fig. 89 the portions //are the inside lap. Lead. The amount by which the admission steam port is open when the piston is at the commencement of the stroke is called the lead of the valve. Thus in fig. 89 the space b is the lead. Action of a slide valve provided with lap and set with lead. Referring back to fig. 85, it is obvious that if the valve were provided with outside lap, and had a certain lead, it would have to be moved out of its central position by an amount Lap and Lead. 255 equal to the lap and the lead together when the piston was at the commencement of its stroke Consequently the position of the radius of the eccentric can no longer be central, that is to say, at right angles to that of the crank, but must be inclined forward at such an angle, DCE, fig. 90, that the space CL intercepted between the perpendicular EL and the centre C shall be equal to the lap and lead added together. It is also obvious that the travel of the valve will have to be increased, for it has to move sufficiently to uncover fully the steam port, and in order to do so it must travel over a space equal to the width of the port phis the lap. The result of altering the position of the eccentric is that all the operations effected by the valve will be completed earlier than in the previous examples. Con- sequently, not only will the admission steam port be partly open at the commencement of the stroke, but it will also be entirely closed to the steam before the end of the stroke, and the steam will consequently expand during the interval. Similarly the exhaust will be closed before the end of the stroke, and the exhaust steam remaining in the cylinder will undergo compression. This is shown in the following four diagrams, which show the points of the stroke at which the steam and exhaust ports are opened and closed. The relative positions of valve and piston during the stroke will of course be very materially modified if we take into account the ratios of the lengths of the connecting and eccentric rods to the length of the crank and the throw of the eccentric respectively. As a rule the length of the con- necting rod is from three to six times the length of the crank, according to the class of engine employed. The travel of the valve, and consequently the throw of the eccentric, is, however, always kept as small as possible, so as to diminish to the utmost the waste work expended in overcoming the friction of the valve on its seating 1 ; hence the ratio of the length of the rod to the throw of the eccentric is usually from \} to -\ ; and it will be easily seen 25 6 The Steam Engine. Fig. 90. Left-hand port just opened to steam by the amount of lead. Fig. 91. Left-hand port just closed to steam ; expansion commencing. Fig. 02. Right-hand port just closed to exhaust ; compression commencing. 93. Left-hand port just about to open to exhaust : piston not yet at end of stroke. Action of Slide Valve with Lap and Lead. 257 that the position of the valve is much less affected by the obliquity of the eccentric rod than is the piston by that of the connecting rod ; also the effect on the position of the valve is most apparent at those points in its travel which cause the least possible disturbance to the steam distribution. The effect of the obliquity of the connecting rod upon the position of the piston has already been explained (see page 183). The general effect of a connecting rod of finite length is that it causes the piston in its advance towards the crank to be always in advance of the position which it would occupy were the xod of infinite length ; and vice versa, in the return stroke the piston lags behind. Hence, as the movements of the valve are practically the same, but those of the piston quite different relatively to the positions of the crank, so also will the steam distribution be different in the two strokes. Means of reversing the engine and of varying the rate of expansion. The arrangement above described of a single eccentric driving a properly proportioned slide valve will answer very well for engines which have always to work in one direction at a uniform rate of expansion. In many engines, however, the rate of expansion has to be constantly varied, and in some types, such as locomotives, marine, wind- ing, and rolling-mill engines, the direction of working has to be constantly changed. In order to provide for these require- ments other arrangements have to be adopted. Referring to fig. 86 it will be readily understood, that if there were a second eccentric keyed on the shaft exactly opposite to the original one, and if the valve were by any means connected with this second, and disengaged from the first eccentric, the valve would be moved to the opposite end of its travel, and the steam port, which in the figure is shown as open to the exhaust, would be opened to the fresh steam, and vice versa ; the result of which would be that the engine would commence running in the reverse direction. A convenient arrangement for effecting this reversal and s 258 The Steam Engine. for regulating the distribution of the steam is the link motion invented by Stephenson, which is illustrated in fig. 94. The centre of the crank shaft is at C, and the centres of the two eccentrics at o o'. It will be noticed that the two latter are not exactly opposite to each other, as they would be if the valve had no lead, but are brought nearer to each other by twice the amount of the angular advance. The ends of the two eccentrics are connected to a slotted link, L, at the two points P P'. The link is curved, the radius of curvature being the length of the eccentric rod, and is suspended from the point P by means of a system of levers Fig. 94. and link work clearly shown in fig. 94. In the slotted portion of the link is a block, U, which fits the slot exactly ; and when the link is raised or lowered in position by means of the hand lever H, acting through the bell-crank lever K, and the two rods / /', the block U slides in the slot, and is capable of taking up an intermediate position between P' and P, as is shown in the two diagrams, fig. 95, which represent the link raised to such positions that the block occupies first the centre of the link, and then a point opposite the end of the lower eccentric. The block U, fig. 94, is connected directly to the spindle S, which drives the valve V. Now when the block occupies Link Motions. 259 the position nearest to P' it is almost wholly under the influence of the eccentric E', and the engine will run in one direction. Let, however, the link be raised so that U comes into the position nearest P, the block is then under the influ- ence of the eccentric E, and the position of the valve will be so shifted that the engine will run in the reverse direction. When U occupies a position intermediate between P' and P it is under the control of both eccentrics, but most under Fig. 95- the control of the one to which it is nearest. When it occupies the exact centre of the link it is equally under the influence of both, and the consequence will be that the engine will not run in either direction. When, however, it occupies intermediate positions the effect is very curious and most important. The block, being actuated by two eccentrics working to a great extent against each other, will not travel the full horizontal distance due to the throw of either eccentric, but a distance which gets gradually less as S2 260 The Steam Engine. the block approaches the central point of the link. The effect on the valve is the same as if it were driven by a new eccentric of lesser throw than the original one. Now if we refer back to figs. 90 to 93, and keep everything, with the exception of the throw of the eccentric, the same as in these figures, it can easily be proved, by drawing the positions of the valve corresponding to the positions of the crank, that the distribution of the steam is entirely altered, the cut-off being effected at a much earlier period of the stroke, and the rate of expansion consequently increased. It will thus be seen in a general way, that the result of raising the link so as to bring the block nearer to its central position is to effect the cut-off of the steam at an earlier period of the stroke. It will hereafter be shown that not only is the point of cut-off affected, but also the angle of advance of the ideal eccentric which represents the combined action of the two actual eccentrics, as well as the lead and the points of compression and release of the exhaust steam. The combination of a pair of eccentrics with a link and sliding block is, therefore, capable not only of effecting the reversal of the direction of running of an engine, but also of entirely altering the dis- tribution of the steam, and for this reason we find it very generally employed in locomotives, marine, winding, and rolling-mill engines. In order to fix the position of the block U in the slide, the hand lever H, fig. 94, is provided with a catch and a notched quadrant Q. Each notch corresponds with a separate rate of expansion in forward or back running. The central notch is the position of no motion of the engine. By dropping the catch on the hand lever into any given notch the link is kept in its new position relatively to the block. Thus a quadrant with three notches on either side of the centre is capable of running an engine at as many different rates of expansion. In order to provide for any possible rate of expansion the arrangement shown in fig. 96 was invented by Mr. Ramsbottom. In this plan a Reversing Gears. 261 screwed spindle works the lever, which also makes it easier to reverse the engine when running. The above is a general description of the action of a particular sort of link motion. The actual motion of the link under the influence of two eccentrics is extremely difficult to follow accurately, and is further complicated by the method of suspension. So complicated, indeed, is the motion, that the travel of the slide valve can only be approximately ex- pressed by mathematical calculation or by geometrical con- struction. The approximate geometrical method of deter- mining the motion of a slide valve driven by link motion will be given hereafter. There are many different types of link motion in use, and even considerable variations in the details of Stephenson's motion. For instance, in some cases the shape of the link is that shown by figs. 94 and 97A, in which the points of/'/are respectively above and below the extreme positions of the block U, the result of which arrangement is that the valve is never exclusively under the control of either eccentric, and never receives its full motion. Consequently with this arrangement the throw of the eccentric requires to be greater than the full travel of the valve. Fig. 97 represents a link 262 The Steam Engine. Fig. 97. Fig. 97 A. in which the block in its extreme positions is exactly oppo- site the ends of the eccentric rods. Sometimes the link is suspended from the middle, and sometimes from one or other of the ends. Sometimes the ec- centric rods are worked in the open position as shown in fig. 94, and sometimes the rods are crossed. All of these details effect variations in the distribution of the steam. The other link motions best known in this country are Gooch's, in which the link is not shifted up or down by the reversing gear, but the block U slides within a link suspended to a fixed point ; and Allen's, in which both link and block are made to shift in opposite directions. It will be readily perceived from the description that the link motion is a very efficient method of reversing an engine, and a convenient means of regulating the rate of expansion. Its performance of the latter function is, however, attended with certain drawbacks. In addition to altering the point at which the valve cuts off the steam, each new position of the link also alters the lead, and the periods of release and compression of the exhaust steam. As, moreover, the travel of the valve is altered while the lap remains con- stant, the extent to which the steam port is opened is very seriously curtailed as the sliding block approaches its central position. These peculiarities, coupled with the fact that all simple slide valves open and close the ports with a comparatively slow motion, thus causing the corners of the indicator diagrams to assume a rounded instead of a sharp appearance, have led to the adoption of modifica- tions of the above ^ or other methods of effecting the dis- Meyer's Valve Gear. 263 tribution of the steam when economy of fuel is much sought after. Meyer's valve gear. The method in most common use to obviate the disadvantages belonging to the common D slide valve and link motion is the adoption of a second valve to control the cut-off, while the ordinary valve, or a modifica- tion of it, regulates all the other points connected with the steam distribution. There are several varieties of these double valve motions in use, but the one selected for descrip- tion, on account of its simplicity and efficiency, is that known as Meyer's valve gear, illustrated in fig. 98. In fig. 98, A, A', E are the two steam and the exhaust ports, which are worked by a valve B B, differing from an ordinary slide valve only in the fact that it is much longer, and that two steam passages a a', for enabling the fresh steam to get to the ports, are made through the substance of the pro- longed portions. This valve is driven in the usual manner either by Fig. 98. one eccentric or, when the engine is required to reverse, by two eccentrics set opposite to each other in the ordinary way and connected by a link, which latter, however, is not used for altering the rate of expansion. The valve B B is called the distribution valve, and effects the admission, the release, and the closing of the exhaust precisely in the same way as an ordinary slide valve. The cut-off is effected by closing the passages a a' at the proper point in the stroke by means of the expansion valve C C', which slides on the back of B B. The expansion valve is formed in two halves, which, by means of the threaded valve spindle D can be caused to approach or recede from each other, thus varying the point at which they close the passages a a' and cut off the steam. The expansion valve is usually driven by a fixed eccentric, 264 The Steam Engine. and means are provided exterior to the valve box for turning the spindle D by hand, so as to put the point of cut-off under the control of the driver, or, in some cases, of the governor. It is evident that, with this gear, the lead and the points of admission, release, and compression are quite independ- ent of the rate of expansion, and, when once fixed, are in- variable. Moreover, as the expansion valve, when closing the passages a a', is always moving in the opposite direction to the distribution valve, the cut-off can be effected much more rapidly than with the ordinary D slide. The proper method of proportioning the two valves, and of setting the eccentrics so as to provide for any desired range of expansion, will be explained in the theoretical portion of the chapter (see page 302). Corliss valve motion. Meyer's valve gear, though it possesses many advantages, does not remedy the evil of admitting the fresh steam to the cylinder through the passages which have been cooled down by the low temperature of the exhaust steam. Moreover, the extra power required to drive it, in consequence of the friction of two sliding surfaces is so considerable, that many eminent authorities doubt the advantage of using a comparatively complicated gear, the chief object of which is to prevent the compression curve in- creasing too rapidly with the rate of expansion. In order to provide against the evil of admitting the fresh steam through comparatively cold passages, and at the same time to dimin- ish friction and retain the good points of the Meyer class of gearing, the Corliss valve motion was brought out, and is now very often employed, in some of its modifications, in non-compound expansive engines when fuel economy is a point of primary importance. The leading peculiarities of the Corliss gear are that there are four steam ports and four valves, the two of the latter which control the steam admission and cut-off being driven by a special mechanism which ensures a very sharp closing of the steam ports when the cut-off takes place. The Corliss Valve Gear. 26 5 two upper ports are intended solely for the admission of the steam, the remaining two serving for the exhaust. Thanks to this arrangement, the fresh steam on entering the cylinder does not come in contact with surfaces which have just been cooled down by the passage of the comparatively cold exhaust steam. The valves do not belong to the class of D slides, but are formed of portions of cylinders, A A, B B, fig. 99, Fig. 99. which oscillate on a cylindrical face. The valves are so ar- ranged that the pressure of the steam forces them against their seats only when the port is closed. In all other posi- tions there is no friction due to steam pressure, consequently the operation of these valves absorbs very little of the power of the engines. Fig. 99 is a section of a cylinder pro- vided with Corliss gear. It shows very clearly the four steam 266 The Steam Engine. passages, and the cylindrical valves with the peculiarities of seatings just explained. Fig. 100 gives a general view of the mechanism by which the valves are worked. The disc L is caused to oscillate in an arc of a circle round its own centre by means of the eccentric and the eccentric rod F. To the disc are jointed four valve rods, G G and H H, which are also attached to the four valves. The two belonging to the lower valves B B are perfectly simple ; all they have to do is to open the \ Fig. 100. exhaust ports at the proper moment, and keep them open during the required fixed period of the stroke. The two upper rods are more complicated. Their function is, not only to open the steam ports at the proper moment, but also to keep them open during whatever period of the stroke is required by the rate of expansion, and then to liberate the valve so as to permit of its being closed sharply by an inde- pendent piece of mechanism which will be described here- after. The upper rods are made in two independent pieces, one of which slides within the other. One of these pieces Corliss Valve Gear. 267 is attached to the disc L, and the other to the rocking arm of the steam valves A A. By means of two side-clip springs D D, fig. 1 01, which are permanently fastened to the disc end of the rod, and which engage with the projecting shoulders e e t on the valve end of the rod, the two halves can at will be united into one rigid rod, or be disunited, so that the motion of the disc no longer controls that of the valve. At a certain D Fig. loi. period in each stroke, dependent on the action of the go- vernor, the clip springs D D are prised apart ; the valve rod ceases to act as a whole, the valve is consequently liberated from the control of the disc L, and is instantly closed by the action of the mechanism contained in C. The mechan- ism by which the clip springs D D are prised apart is shown on an enlarged scale in fig. 101 ; it consists of a toe lever centred on *, and having an arm E, the inclination of which is capable of being altered by the rod /, which in its turn is under the immediate control of the governor rod R, fig. TOO. The toe lever rocks during each stroke of the valve rod, and the period that it reaches its extreme position, and prises open the clip springs, is determined by the inclination of the arm E, and consequently by the governor. Hence we see that in this type of valve gear the rate of expansion is controlled automatically. When the clip springs are opened the valve is closed in the following manner. The valve spindle A, fig. 100, is provided with a second arm which is attached to a piston or plunger contained in C. The back of this piston is always in communication with the condenser, while the front receives the atmospheric pressure ; and, consequently, whenever the valve is released from the action of the valve rod, the piston 268 The Steam Engine. is sharply forced inwards by the atmospheric pressure, and actuates the arm which closes the valve. There is also an air buffer, or dash pot, contained in C, which prevents the concussion, due to the very sharp action of the piston, which would otherwise ensue when the valve is closed. Varieties of valves. There are many varieties of valves besides the short D slides which have been described above. These latter, though in common use in the smaller types of land engines and in locomotives, would be quite inapplicable to the large cylinders and high pressures of modern marine engines. It will be readily understood that the friction to be over- come in driving the ordinary type of D slide valve is very consider- able when high pres- sures are used, as is the case in locomotives. In fact, it frequently happens that each of the valves of a large locomotive is pressed against the surface on which it slides with a total net pressure of nine or ten tons, so that the mere driving of the valves probably absorbs some five or six per cent, of the total power exerted by the engine. F - I02 This defect would be very much exaggerated if the D type of slide valve were applied without modifica- tion to marine engines. Piston and Double Ported Valves. 269 The types of valve generally made use of nowadays in marine engines are either the double ported slide valve or else what is known as the piston valve, an example of which is shown in fig. 102. Here it will be seen the valve consist of two pistons, one to each port, connected together by a common spindle. The pistons are provided with the ordinary spring ring packings to keep them steam-tight ; they move up and down in the two cylindrical spaces shown, in which are cast the openings to the steam ports. The latter are not made continuously open as is the case with ordinary slide valves, but are cast with bars of metal as shown in the section, to prevent the packing rings of the pistons from springing out into the ports, and also in order to afford a continuous guide to the pistons. It will be seen that this type of valve is perfectly balanced, as far as the steam pressure is concerned. The only friction to be over- come in its motion is that due to the pressure of the spring packing rings. In the piston valve shown in fig. 102 the steam is admitted between the two pistons, the inner edges of which cut off the steam. The double ported slide valve is an ingenious modifica- tion of the ordinary D slide already described. Examples are shown in section in the valves of the low-pressure cylin- der, pages 456 and 458, and also in fig. 103. It will be noticed that the steam passages of these cylinders have each two ports or openings on the valve face. The steam is admitted to the outside ports in the usual way, over the outer edges of the valves, but the two inner ports get their steam from the passages cast in the body of the valve, and which are shown in section in the figures above referred to. The advantage of this arrangement is, that for a given move- ment of the valve twice the area of steam port is uncovered as with the ordinary single ported valve, and consequently for a given area of opening the travel of the valve may be greatly reduced. In order to relieve the faces of the slide valves of marine 2/0 The Steam Engine. engines of a portion of the pressure brought to bear on them by the action of the steam on their backs, it is usual to fit relief rings on to these latter, in order to cut off a portion of their area from the pressure of the steam. It will be readily understood that if the back of the slide valve were planed perfectly flat, and if it could be so arranged as to work in perfect contact with the inner face of the valve box cover, so that no steam could get between the two faces, then the valve would only be held against its seating by the unbal- anced portion of the pressure acting on the lips of the valve Fig. 103. c c, fig. 89. Such an arrangement could not however be made to work satisfactorily in practice, because, in conse- quence of the different expansions under heat of the metals of the valve and the box, the former would either jamb or work loose. The relief ring is intended to get over this difficulty. It consists of a flat ring on the back of the slide valve, which is pressed outwards against the face of the valve box cover by means of a spring. The ring fits steam- tight into the back of the valve and works steam-tight against the face of the valve box, and thus excludes a large portion of the back of the valve from the direct pressure of the Joy's Valve Gear. 271 steam. In case any steam should leak into the hollow space within the ring, the latter is generally placed in communica- tion with the condenser. Fig. 103 is a section of a double ported valve fitted with a relief ring, which is shown in section in black. Joy's valve gear. There are other methods in common use for driving valves besides the eccentric system which has been described. It has constantly been an object with in- ventors to get rid of the complications of the two eccentrics, link, &c., required for an expansion gear. Several success- ful gears have been brought out, both in this country and the Continent, in which the valve is driven from some moving part of the engine. One of the best known of these Fig. 104. is the Joy valve gear, which has been largely used both "for locomotives and marine engines. Fig. 104 illustrates a simple form of this gear applied to a horizontal stationary engine. A vibrating rod or link, B, is attached at one end to a point A, near the middle of the connecting rod ; while the lower end is jointed to the radius rod C, which compels B to move in a vertical plane. To a point D in the link B is jointed the end of the long arm of a lever E F, of which the end of the small arm works the valve rod G, and the fulcrum F is attached to a block which slides in the curved slot J. This slot is formed in a disc, the centre of which is the position of the fulcrum F when the piston is at either end of its stroke. The radius of the slot is equal to the length of the valve rod G. The disc can be made to 272 The Steam Engine. rotate through an arc by means of the worm and wheel shown. Thus the slot can be inclined to either side of the vertical. The slot allows the fulcrum of the lever to move up and down with the motion of the point A of the connecting rod. The forward or backward motion of the engine, and the rate of expansion, are controlled by inclin- ing the slot to one or other side of the vertical, the central position corresponding with mid-gear. If the end D of the lever were attached direct to the connecting rod, the motion of the fulcrum F about the centre of the slot would not be symmetrical, and the result would be that the cut-off would Fig. 105. be unequal in the two strokes. This error is corrected by attaching the end of the lever to the point D of the vibrating link. For while the point A on the connecting rod describes a nearly true ellipse, as shown in fig. 105, the point D describes a bulged figure, and the amount of the bulge is so regulated as to correct the unequal motion of the fulcrum above and below its central position. It is obvious that by shifting the point D the amount of the bulge may be altered, and thus the error may be corrected too little, or too much, and by taking advantage of this cir- cumstance a later cut-off may be given to either end of the cylinder if found desirable. Zeuner's Valve Diagrams. 273 Several advantages are claimed for this type of gear over the ordinary link motion driven by eccentrics. Foremost among these is the fact that it gives an almost mathe- matically correct motion to the valve, which the older gear does not. It is also considerably cheaper ; and from the peculiarity that the valve boxes are on the top of horizontal cylinders, and in front of vertical marine engine cylinders, instead of being at the sides, as is the case when the valves are driven by ordinary eccentrics, a considerable saving of space is effected. GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF ACTION OF SLIDE VALVE. There are few points connected with the successful work- ing of steam engines of greater importance than the design of the valve gearing. Mathematical calculations intended to show the connection between the dimensions of the valve, the position and throw of the eccentric, and the various points connected with the distribution of the steam such as the lead, the period of admission, the cut-off, release, duration of exhaust and compression are too complicated and cumbersome to be of general use. Many geome- trical diagrams have been designed to meet the drawbacks of mathematical calculation, and of these the most simple and comprehensive are those designed by Dr. G. Zeuner, which we will now proceed to describe and illustrate. Zeuner's valve diagrams. It will be assumed for the sake of simplicity that the obliquity of the eccentric rod has no appreciable effect upon the position of the valve. The diagram will be made to show the particular angles of the crank at which the various critical points of the steam distribution take place, from which the corresponding posi- tions of the piston can be deduced for the forward and backward strokes when we know the ratio of the length of the connecting rod to the arm of the crank. T 274 The Steam Engine. Referring to fig. 85, which represents a valve with- out lap or lead and an eccentric set at right angles to the crank, let AO, fig. 106, represent the position of the crank at one of its dead centres, and OE at right angles to A O, the corre- sponding position of the eccentric, the valve being then in its central position ; also let the amount of ec- If O Fig. 106. centricity or half throw of the eccentric equal OE. the crank now occupies successively the positions OB, OC, &c., the eccentric will take up the corresponding positions OF, OG, &c. ; and if from the points F, G, &c. we let fall perpendiculars F/j G/', &c., upon the dia- meter AOH, the lengths Of, O/', &c., intercepted between the centre of the circle and the feet of the perpendicu- lars, will represent the distances by which the valve has been moved from its central position when the eccentric takes up successively the positions OF, OG, &c. Now, however, suppose the ec- centric to be fixed in position inde- pendently of the crankshaft and suppose the latter to revolve with the Fig. 107. ~ engine cylinder and all the mov- ing parts attached round the centre O. It is evident that the fixed eccentric will in this case impart exactly the same motion to the valve as was done in the former case, only Z diner's Valve Diagrams. 275 that in this instance the revolution will have to start from the dead centre H, fig. 107, and proceed in the reverse direction, so that 'when the crank occupies successively the positions OB, OC, &c., it will be represented in the diagram as occupying the positions OB', OC', &c. From the centre of the eccentric E let fall perpendiculars E, E^', &c. upon the lines OB', OC', &c. ; then the lines Oe, Oe' represent the distances travelled by the valve from its central position when the crank occupies the respective positions OB', OC', &c. For in the diagram, fig. 106, we saw that the distances moved by the valve were represented by the lines Of, Of ; and it can easily be proved that Of Of are respectively equal to Oe, Oe'. In the triangles OEe and OF/ we have OF = OE, both being radii of the same circle ; also the right angle OeE = the right angle OfF. Also by construction the angle EOF = the angle E'Of Therefore, adding to each of these the common angle FO^, we have the whole angle EOe = the whole angle Of, and consequently the two triangles are equal, and the side Oe = the side Of, and similarly Oe' = Of, and so on for every other position of the crank ; therefore Oe, Oe' t &c. represent the distances travelled by the valve from its central position when the crank occupies positions opposite OB', OC', &c. Hence we see that the distances moved by the valve for any positions of the crank OB, OC may be found graphically by dropping perpendiculars from the centre of the eccentric E upon the opposite positions OB', OC', and measuring the lines intercepted between the feet of these perpendiculars and the centre O. Now it will be noticed that in this way a series of right- angled triangles, O^E, Oe E, &c. are constructed upon a common base OE ; and it is a well-known fact (depending upon Prop. 31, Euclid, Bk. iii.) that when such a series of right-angled triangles is constructed, their apices, e, e', e", &c., all lie upon the circumference of a circle of which the base- line is the diameter. T 2 276 The Steam Engine. The above suggests a very simple method of ascertaining the position of the valve for every angle occupied by the crank, and this method is the basis of all Zeuner's valve diagrams. We have only to draw the line OE, connect- ing the cen-tre of the eccentric with the centre of the crank-shaft, when the crank is at either of the dead centres, and upon this line as a dia- meter to describe a circle ; then the chords of this circle, Qe, Oe f , Oe", &c., will re- present the spaces traversed by the valve from its cen- tral position when the crank occupies successively the posi- tions opposite to OeB', Oe'C', Oe"D f , &c. During the return stroke the motion of the valve will be indicated by the cor- responding chords of the circle described on the line OK. The application of this diagram to the valve shown in fig. 85 is very easy, it being remembered that the valve has no lap, and that it occupies its central position when the piston is at the commencement of the stroke. Com- mencing with the edge of the valve d which works the left- hand steam port, we see that when the crank occupies the position opposite OH, fig. 108, in consequence of the position of the circle on OE, there is no chord intercepted by any part of the line OH, and consequently when the crank is on the dead centre the port is not open at all ; but directly the crank moves through any arc, no matter how small, there will be a chord intercepted by the periphery of the circle, and the valve Fig. 108. Zeuner's Valve Diagrams. 277 will be opened by an amount equal to the length of the chord. The port will continue to open till the crank-pin reaches the position E, at which point the valve will have travelled to one end of its beat, for no arc of a circle can be drawn longer than the diameter. From this point the valve com- mences to close the port, but does not completely close it till the end of the stroke. Similarly the motion of the valve during the return stroke can be ascertained by means of the circle on OK. The diagram is equally useful in tracing the exhaust side of the valve. While the crank is travelling in the direction of the arrow, fig. 85 (represented of course in the diagram by the opposite direction), the outer edge d of the valve is keeping the steam port open, but as soon as the piston reaches the end of its forward stroke the valve has returned to its central position, and during the first half of the return stroke continues its motion towards the left. Directly the crank is over the dead centre the inner edge of the valve opens the left-hand port to the exhaust, and the arcs intercepted between O and the periphery of the circle OK, fig. 1 08, measure the extent to which the port is opened. Following the motion as before, we see that the exhaust is fully opened when the crank is at OK, and that it remains open till the end of the stroke (compare fig. 88). How to indicate lap and lead on the valve diagram. When a valve is provided with outside lap, and when the port has to be opened by the amount of the lead at the commencement of the stroke, the valve can no longer be in its central position when the crank is on the dead centre. This has been shown in fig. 90, which also illustrates the manner of setting the eccentric. Describe a circle, fig. 109, with radius OA equal to the half-throw of the eccentric. From O measure off OB equal to the outside lap, and BC equal to the lead. When the crank-pin occupies the dead centre A, the valve has already moved to the right of its central position by the space OB + BC. From C erect the 278 The Steam Engine. perpendicular CE, and join OE. Then will OE be the posi- tion occupied by the line joining the centre of the eccentric with the centre of the crank-shaft at the commencement of the stroke. On the line OE as diameter describe the circle OCE ; then, as before, the chords Oe, OE, Oe f , will represent the spaces travelled by the valve from its central position when the crank-pin occupies respectively the positions opposite cteacL\ cenft-e. Fig. 109. to D, E, and F. But these chords will no longer represent the extent to which the outer edge of the valve has opened the steam port, because before the port is opened at all the valve must have moved from its central position by an amount equal to the lap OB. Hence to obtain the space by which the port is opened we must subtract from each of the arcs Oe, OE, &c., a length equal to OB. This is re- Z diner's Valve Diagrams. 279 presented graphically by describing from centre O a circle with radius equal to the lap OB ; then the spaces fe, gE, &c., intercepted between the circumferences of the lap circle ~Bfe' and the valve circle OCE, will give the extent to which the steam port is opened. Tracing the motion of the valve as before, and remembering that, when we speak of the crank occupying the position, say, OD, it really occupies the position symmetrically opposite on the other side of the diameter OG, we shall see at once how different is the distribution of the steam to that illustrated in the last case. To begin with, take the point k, at which the chord O/ is common to both valve and lap circles. At this point it is evident that the valve has moved to the right by the amount of the lap, and is consequently just on the point of opening the steam port. Hence the steam is admitted before the commencement of the stroke, when the crank occupies the position OH, and while the portion H A of the revolution still remains to be accomplished. When the crank-pin reaches the position A, that is to say at the commencement of the stroke, the port is already opened by the space OC OB = BC, called the lead. From this point forward till the crank occupies the position OE the port continues to open, but when the crank is at OE the valve has reached the furthest limit of its travel to the right, and then commences to return, till when in the position OF the edge of the valve just covers the steam port, as is shown by the chord O^, being again common to both lap and valve circles. Hence when the crank occupies the position OF the cut-off takes place and the steam commences to expand, and continues to do so till the exhaust opens. For the return stroke the steam port opens again at H' and closes at F'. So far we have traced the action of the valve in admitting and cutting off the steam. There remains only the exhaust to be considered. When the line joining the centres of the eccentric and crank-shaft occupies the position opposite to OG at right angles to the line of dead centres, the crank is 280 The Steam Engine. in the line OP, at right angles to OE ; and as OP does not intersect either valve circle the valve occupies its central position, and consequently closes the port S, fig. 89, by the amount of the inside lap /. The crank must, therefore, move through such an angular distance that its line of direction OQ must intercept a chord on the valve circle OK, equal in length to the inside lap, before the port can be opened to the exhaust. This point is ascertained precisely in the same manner as for the outside lap, namely, by drawing a circle from centre O, with a radius equal to the inside lap ; this is the small inner circle in fig. 109. Where this circle intersects the two valve circles we get four points which show the positions of the crank when the exhaust opens and closes during each revolution. Thus at Q the valve opens the exhaust on the side of the piston which we have been con- sidering, while at R the exhaust closes and compression commences, and continues till the fresh steam is readmitted at H. Thus we see the diagram enables us to ascertain the exact position of the crank when each critical operation of the valve takes place. Making a resume of these operations for one side of the piston, we have Steam admitted before the commencement of the stroke atH. At the dead centre A the valve is already opened by the amount BC. At E the port is fully opened, and valve has reached one end of its travel. At F steam cut off, consequently admission lasted from H to F. At P valve occupies central position, and ports are closed both to steam and exhaust. At Q exhaust opened, consequently expansion lasted from F to Q. At K exhaust opened to maximum extent, and valve reached the end of its travel to the left. Problems in Valve Setting. 281 At R exhaust closed and compression begins, and con- tinues till the fresh steam is admitted at H. Solution of problems relating to simple valve gearing by Zeuner's diagrams. All problems bearing on valve gearing involve relations between the following variables : The inside and outside laps of the valve. The angle of advance and the throw of the eccentric. The angles of the crank or points of the stroke at which take place the admission and cut-off of the steam, and the opening and closing of the exhaust. Occasionally, and more especially when the valves of an old engine have to be altered, we have also to take account of the width of the steam ports, and the extent to which they have to be opened. PROBLEM I. The simplest problem which occurs is the following. Given the length of throw, the angle of ad- vance of the eccentric, and the laps of the valve, find the angles of the crank at which the steam is admitted and cut off and the exhaust opened and closed. This problem is solved in the manner shown in fig. no. Draw the line OE, representing the half-throw of the eccentric at the given angle of advance with the perpendicular OG. Produce OE to K. On OE and OK as diameters describe the two valve circles. With centre and radii equal to the given laps, describe the outside and inside lap circles. Then the intersection of these circles with the two valve circles give points through which the lines OH, OF, OQ, and O R can be drawn. These lines give the required positions of the crank. PROBLEM II. Given the points at which the steam is to be admitted and cut off, and the exhaust to be opened, also the throw of the eccentric, find the proper angle of advance and the laps of the valve, also the point at which the exhaust closes. Describe a circle AG A', fig. no, with radius equal to the half-throw of the eccentric, AA' being the dead centres. Let 282 The Steam Engine. OF be the crank angle when steam is cut off, OQ when the exhaust opens, OH when the steam is admitted. Now the valve is in exactly the same position when the steam is ad- mitted and cut off ; consequently it reaches the end of its travel midway between these positions. Bisect the angle HOF by the line OE, then OE is the direction of the crank when the valve is at the end of its stroke ; that is to say, the chord of the valve circle made by the line of direction of the crank will be a maximum at E, or in other words, OE is the diameter of the valve circle. Produce EO to K ; on OE and OK describe the valve circles. Now the circle on OE intersects the line OF at the point e. Therefore Od=the outside lap. Simi- larly OQ intersects the circle on OK at the point /', there- fore O/ is the in- side lap. Describe the two lap circles with radii Oe md Ot. The intersec- tion of the smaller lap circle with the valve circle OK gives the direction of the crank OR when the exhaust closes. The line cd gives the lead, that is, the extent to which the steam port is admitted when the stroke commences. If the amount of the lead cd had been given instead of the angle of lead we should have had to proceed in a differ- ent manner. First assume that there is no lead, but that the port opens when the crank is on the dead centre. Bisect the arc AOF at the point E', fig in. From E' let fall the perpendicular Fi Problems in Valve Setting. 283 EV on OA. From c' mark off c'd equal to half the required lead. From d erect a perpendicular cutting the circumfer ence in E. Mark off the arc EH equal to EF. Then OH is the required angle of lead. The re- mainder of the con- struction will be as before. Another, and a very simple method of finding the posi- tion of the crank when steam is ad- mitted, the amount of the lead being Fig. in. given, is to describe a small circle with centre A and radius equal to the amount of the lead. Call this the lead circle. From F draw a straight line tangential to the lead circle, and prolong it to meet the circumference of the circle AFA' in the point H. Join OH, then OH is the required posi- tion of the crank. PROBLEM III. Given the throw of the eccentric, the ex- ternal lap, and the lead, find the point where the steam is cut off, and the angle of advance. Let OA=the half- throw. With this radius describe a circle. Let Qc ~ the external lap. With this radius describe another circle. Let cd = the lead. From d erect the perpendicular ^E, cutting the circumference of the outer circle in E. Join OE, and on OE as diameter Fig. 112. 284 The Steam Engine. describe the primary valve circle. The angle GOE is the angle of advance, and the steam is cut off at the point F, obtained by joining O with the point of intersection of the primary valve and the lap circles. PROBLEM IV. Given the outside lap, the lead, and the point where the steam is cut off, find the throw of the eccentric and the angle of advance. Let Of, fig. 112= the external lap, cd = the lead, and OF the position of the crank when the steam is cut off. The problem then resolves itself into describing a circle eEO which shall pass through the three points *?, O, d. The diameter of this circle OE gives the length and position of the half- throw of the eccentric, and the line OH gives the position of the crank when the steam is admitted so as to secure a lead = cd. PROBLEM V. 1 Given the position of the crank when the steam is cut off, the lead, and the amount the valve is to be open for any particular position of the crank, find the throw of the eccentric, the angle of advance, and the lap. Let cE, fig. 113, represent the required lead, and ca the extent to which the port is to be opened when the crank occupies a position parallel to EG'. Also let EF' be parallel to the position of the crank when steam is cut off. Draw cc' and act! at right angles to ca ; Eg at right angles to EF' ; Eb at right angles to EG', intersecting act' in the point k. Bisect the angles gtS, Eka'. The point O where the bisecting lines meet will be the centre of the lap circle. Draw OA parallel to ca. O A will represent the direction of the cranks when on their dead centres. With centre O describe a circle to touch the two lines ic' , tg. The radius of this circle represents the lap. Join OE, and on OE as diameter describe the valve circle EnO. Then OE represents the half-throw and position of the eccentric. From O draw through the point of contact e of the lap circle with the line 1 The very beautiful geometrical solutions of this and the two follow- ing problems are due to Mr. Cowling Welch. Problems in Valve Setting. 285 Eg the line OF. Then OF is evidently parallel to the line EF', because it cuts ^E at right angles. Also the point e is on the circumference of the primary valve circle because the angle OeE is a right angle, and as e is also on the cir- cumference of the lap circle, therefore the steam is cut off when the crank is at OF parallel to the given direction EF.' Also the lead is evidently equal to the given lead cE ; for, joining Ed, we have the angle QdE in a semicircle equal to a right angle, therefore Ed is parallel to ^', and therefore cE equals the lead as shown by the part of OA intercepted Fig 113. between the circumferences of the lap and the primary valve circles. Also through O draw OG parallel to EG'. Then n'n equals c'a', because the two triangles kOn, kQa' are equal, and as c'a' equals ca by construction : therefore n'n equals ca as required, and all the conditions are fulfilled. PROBLEM VI. Given the lead, the angle at which the steam is cut off, and also the angles at which the release takes place and compression begins, find the angle of advance and thow of the eccentric, and the outside and inside laps of the valve. 286 The Steam Engine. This problem is useful in solving questions connected with Meyer's valve gear, in which the angles of release and compression, as well as the lead, are regulated by the main or distribution valve. Take any point E in a horizontal line. Mark off EC equal to the lead, and draw EF', EQ', and ER', parallel respectively to the positions of the crank when the steam is cut off, the release takes place, and the compression commences. At c erect a perpendicular cc'. At E erect a per- pendicular to EF'. Then the direc- tion of the radius of the eccentric must lie halfway between the points of lead and cut- off, or, what is the same thing, be- tween the points of release and of compression. Bi- sect the angle Q'ER' by the line EE'. Bisect also the angle c'ie by the line ii'. Through the point O where these two lines intersect, draw the horizontal line OA. From O draw the lines OF, OQ, and OR parallel to EF', EQ', and ER' respectively. Upon OE as diameter de- scribe the primary valve circle. This will of necessity pass through d, because the angle OdE, is a right angle. With centre O and radius O^ describe the outer lap circle. This will of necessity pass through the point of intersection e of the valve circle with the line OF. Hence with the Fig. 114. Problems in Valve Setting. dimensions arrived at the lead will be Sd = cE, and the steam will be cut off at F. In order to provide for the release taking place at Q and for the compression com- mencing at R we have only to draw the other valve circle on OE', and with centre O to draw the inner lap circle through the intersections of OQ and OR with the circumference of the circle OE', The following problem is of great practical utility in the design of steam engines . PROBLEM VII. Given the position of the crank when the steam is cut off, the lead, and the maximum opening of the steam port, find the throw of the eccentric, the angle of advance, and the outside lap. Fig. 115. Let CE represent the given lead, and Ca the maximum opening of the port Let EF' be drawn parallel to the direction of the crank when steam is cut off. Through C 288 The Steam Engine. and a draw O' and GA at right angles to Ca, and from E draw E/ at right angles to EF'. Bisect the angle etc' by the line O, which produce till it intersects AaG in G. Join GE. With centre / and radius = Ca describe an arc intersecting GE in k. Join ki, and from E draw EO parallel to ki, and intersecting /O in the point O. Then O is the centre of the lap circle. Through O draw OA parallel to Ca. With centre O and radius OA describe a circle. Join OE, and on OE as diameter describe the primary valve circle, and with O as centre describe the lap circle touching the line ie in e, and C^' in c*. Join Oe and produce it to F. Then it can be proved, as in the last problem, that the steam is cut off when the crank occupies the position OF, which is parallel to EF'. Also that c'd = CE, the given lap. It remains only to prove that E, which is evidently the greatest opening of the port = fa. Through / drawn ii' parallel to ca. Then, because ik is parallel to the side OE of the triangle GOE, we have GO : G/:: OE : ik. Also, because ii' is parallel to the side OA of the triangle GO A, we have GO : Gi :: OA : ii'. But ii' = ik, both being radii of the same circle ; therefore also OA = OE ; and subtracting from each the equal radii Of' and On, we have the remainder c'K = ^E. But c'A is by construction equal to Ca, the maximum port opening ; therefore also nE = Ca. Before passing on to the consideration of the more compli- cated diagrams used to explain the action of expansion gears it may be useful to show how, from any diagram such as fig. no, to set out the dimensions of the valve and ports. The valve travels to and fro on a plane surface, which is in general made of such a length that when the valve reaches the end of its beat, its edges do not overhang the end of the plane. Take any straight line AB, and suppose the valve to occupy Problems in Valve Setting. 289 its central position. It will travel from this position in either direction by an amount equal to the radius of the eccentric. From A mark off AC equal to the radius OE, fig. no. From C set off CD, equal to Qc, the radius of the lap circle. Now the greatest amount of opening which can be given to the steam port equals the diameter OE, minus the radius of the lap circle. From D, therefore, set off DE equal to this difference ; this will be the width of the steam port. Next, to determine the width EF of the bridge between the steam and exhaust ports. It is evident that this width must be great enough to render it impossible for the outer edge of the valve, when at the right-hand end of its travel, to open the exhaust port to the fresh steam. Therefore the length CF Fig. 116. must in any case be greater than AC. The only other condition to observe in proportioning EF is that the bridge must be strong enough to withstand the pressure of steam upon it. If the width of the steam port has been properly set off as described, the above-mentioned contingency can never arrive, for the lap of the valve plus the width of the port, should together equal the travel. In the present instance the width is three quarters of that of the steam port. From E set off EG equal to the radius Oz of the inner lap circle, fig. no. In proportioning the width of the exhaust port the principal point to remember is that it must never be throttled, when the valve is at the end of its travel, to such an extent as to affect the back pressure. It is conse- quently usual to make it of such a width, that when the u 290 The Steam Engine. valve is at the end of its beat the port is still open to the same extent as the steam port. From G, therefore, set off the length GH equal to the half-travel of the valve plus the width of the steam port, then will FH represent the width of the exhaust port. The remaining dimensions are of course the same as those of the corresponding parts which have just been found. Zeuner^s Diagrams applied to Link Motion. When a slide valve is driven by two eccentrics connected to a link, as Fig. 117. shown in fig. 94, the distance moved by the valve for any angle turned through by the crank depends upon the position of the block U in the link, and is also influenced by the manner in which the link is suspended. Neglecting for the moment the latter consideration, it is capable of analy- tical proof 1 that the distances moved by the valve from its central position may be represented by the chords of a pair of circles touching each other, precisely as in the case of a 1 The proof is too long and too complicated for insertion in an elementary work. Those who wish to study it should refer to the English translation of Zeuner's work. Zeuner's Diagrams applied to Link Motion. 291 simple slide-gear. Moreover, to each new position of the block in the link corresponds a separate pair of valve circles, which differ both in their diameter and angle of lead from the circles corresponding to any other position of the block. It has also been found that the centres of these valve circles, figs. 117, 1 1 8, all lie upon a curve, which in the case of Stephenson's link motion with open arms is a parabola, C 4 . . . .C , concave to the centre of the crank circle, fig. 1 1 7 ; while for the same motion with crossed arms the parabola is convex to the centre (see fig. 118). Y Fig. 118. Calling the angle of advance a, the throw of the eccen- tric /, the length of the eccentric rod /, and the half-length // cos a of link = , the parameter of this parabola = ' 2k while the distance between the vertex of the parabola and the centre O = (sin a cos a), 2\ / ' the plus or minus sign being used respectively according as the arms are crossed or open. U2 292 The Steam Engine. Analytical method of finding the centres of the valve circles in link motions. One of the main problems in connection with the diagrams for link motion is to fix the positions of the centres of the primary valve circles, fig. 117, correspond- ing to the given positions of the sliding block in the link. These circles and the inside and outside lap circles being drawn in place, it is perfectly easy to trace the variations in the lead, release, compression, &c., corresponding to the varying points of cut-off. These points may be fixed either by analytical means, or with very approximate accuracy by a graphical method. Let x and y be the co-ordinates of the centres, and u the distance which the slide has been moved in the link for the given degree of expansion \ and using all the other letters in the same sense as above, we have the following formulae, which are obtained from the investigation above referred to ; viz. x =-( si 2\ smcH cos a tu COS a by means of which we can describe the primary valve circles when the angle of advance, the throw of the eccentric, the lengths of link and eccentric rods, and the position of the block in the link are given. Let, for instance, the link be of the sort illustrated in fig. 97, so that the block when fully raised or lowered in the link comes exactly opposite the ends of the eccentric rods. Let the half-length k of the link be divided into say four divisions, called grades of expansion. Then u may be ex- pressed as a fraction of k. Thus, at the third grade, u = ^ k 4 At the fourth grade u = = k ; and so on. 4 Substituting these values of u in the formulae given Link Motions. 293 above, we have, when the fourth grade of expansion is used, x - sin a ; 2 y = - cos a. At the third grade, when u = 3-, we have 4 = - (sin a + i COS a) ; y = cos a. For the middle or dead point u = , and X = - (sin a + y COS a) ; which shows that for this position of the slide block the centre of the valve circle lies in the straight line OX. Let, for example, the angle of advance be 30, the throw of the eccentric ij inches, the half-length of link 3 inches, and the length of the eccentric rod 30 inches. Substituting these numerical values in the above formulae, we obtain the centres of the primary valve circles as shown in fig. 117. Thus, for the largest circle, The ordinates of the centres r 4 , ^, &c., in fig. 117, are obtained in this way. In order to avoid unnecessary com- plications of the diagram, the valve circles for the second and third grades of expansion are omitted. We can see at a glance from fig. 117 how completely all the critical points connected with the distribution of the steam are altered by the position of the sliding block. For instance, with the laps as given in the fig., and the link 294 Tfo Steam Engine. in full forward gear, the steam is cut off at F 4 , and the lead equals el while at the first grade of expansion the cut-off is earlier, viz. at F 1} while the lead is increased to e/ } , and similarly the alteration in the points of compression and re- lease may be ascertained by tracing the intersections of the primary valve circles with the inner lap circle. The alteration of the lead with the rate of expansion is one of the peculiarities of the Stephenson link motion. In the example first given, in which the eccentric rods are open the lead increases with the rate of expansion ; but if the rods are crossed, the contrary takes place, the lead decreasing. It will also be observed that the travel of the valve, which is represented by twice the diameter of the primary valve circles, varies with each rate of expansion, continually diminishing till it reaches a minimum, when the block occupies the middle of the link. Consequently, if in full forward gear, the valve completely uncovers the steam port and no more, for each succeeding rate of expansion the maximum opening of the port is reduced, till, at the central position, the maximum opening only equals the lead. As a consequence of this peculiarity it is necessary to make the ports of engines provided with link motion unusually broad, as otherwise the steam would be dangerously throttled at the higher rates of expansion. The distribution of the steam when the block is in mid- gear is very peculiar. By reference to fig. 117 it will be clear that the steam is cut off at about a quarter-stroke, while it is released shortly after half-stroke, and admitted to the other side of the piston at about three-quarter stroke ; also com- pression commences on one side of the piston very soon after expansion begins on the other. The consequence is that with the block at mid-gear it is impossible for the piston to make a stroke. Geometrical method of finding the centres of valve circles in link motions. It is found practically more convenient to fix the positions of the centres of the primary valve circles Geometry of Link Motions 295 by a graphic method of construction rather than by calculation. The method in common use, which will now be explained, though not theoretically exact, is quite accurate enough for all practical purposes. As before, the throw and position of the eccen- tric and the lengths of the link and eccentric rods are supposed to be given. One of the results obtained by the analytical investigation of the subject is that the radius of the curvature of the link should always be equal to the length of the eccentric rod. This fact is made use of in the follow- ing construction. Let LL' (fig. 119) represent the length of the link. Bisect LL' in O, and through O draw OA at right angles to LL'. With centre L, or L', and radius equal to the length of the eccentric rod, describe an arc intersecting OA in C. With centre C, and radius equal to the length of the eccentric rod, describe the arc LL', which represents the centre line of the link. With centre C 296 The Steam Engine. and radius CE equal to the half throw of the eccentrics describe a circle EE' A, and draw CE, CE', having the given angle of advance. Upon CE as diameter de- scribe a primary valve circle. Through the point E draw the line EDB, passing through the pri- mary valve circle at the point D where the circum- ference is intersected by the line OL. Describe an arc of a circle through the points EBE'. Divide the arc EB into four equal parts at the points *', e", e"'. Join these points with the centre C ; then the lines O', Ce", G?'", CE, will represent the lengths and positions of the dia- meters of the primary valve circles, which will show the distribution of the steam when the slide block occu- pies the corresponding po- sitions in the link. Gene- rally speaking, if we wish to know the effect on the steam distribution due to the slide block occupying any position b in the link, we have only to divide trie arc EE' into two portions, Geometry of Link Motions. 297 at e bearing to each other the same proportion which IJb bears to L'. By connecting the point e with the centre C we obtain the length and position of the primary valve circle, which will illustrate the distribution of the steam. If the eccentric rods had been crossed instead of open we should have proceeded as above, except that to find the position of the point B we should have joined C with L ; then the line joining E' and the intersection of CL with the cir- cumference of the primary valve cir- cle will, at its in- tersection with the line CO give a point B, such that the curve drawn through EBE' is convex to C, instead of being con- cave as in the former case. This is illustrated in fig. 120, which is merely a portion of fig. 119, the rods being supposed to be crossed. Supposing that, instead of having to find the distribution of the steam when the position of the block in the link 'is given, the problem be reversed, and we are given the positions of the crank at which the steam is to be cui off, and are required to find the proper method of dividing the quadrant of the reversing lever, so as to provide for the given rates of expansion, the other data being as above, we should pro- ceed as follows. The link is supposed to be of the type illustrated in fig. 97, which admits of the block being put into full gear. Let CE, fig. 121, be the radius and position of the eccen- Fig. 121. 298 The Steam Engine. trie. Let the arc EE' be drawn in the manner already de- scribed from the known dimensions of link and eccentric rods. Let CF be the position of the crank when the steam is to be cut off, when the block is in full forward gear, and let f f" be the points where the cut-off is required to be effected when the engine is worked at higher grades of ex- pansion. The length Ci gives the radius of the lap circle. The points where the lap circle intersects the two radii cf ' cf give points on the circumferences of the two primary valve circles corresponding to the points of cut-off/ 7 ',/ 7 . One end of the diameters of these valve circles is in O, the centre of the circle EAE', and the other ends are situated in the arc EE'. From the points of intersection of Cf" and Cf, with the lap circle draw tangents to this circle inter- secting the arc EE' in e" and e'. Join Ce" and O'. These lines are the diameters of the valve circles required. It now only remains to divide the half-link LO, in the same ratio as the arc EB is divided at e" and e'. These points of divi- sion will give the positions of the slide block necessary in order to effect the required expansion ; and the half of the expansion lever quadrant, fig. 94, requires to be divided in the same ratio, in order to obtain the positions of the notches necessary to bring the slide block into the required positions. If we had not originally been given both the length and position of CE, but had been furnished instead with some of the data given in Problems II. to VI., we could have pro- ceeded to find the throw and angle of advance in the manner explained in those problems by means of a separate diagram, afterwards proceeding as above. We have hitherto considered cases in which the data relate either to the position and throw of the eccentric, or else to the lead, cut-off, and opening of the valve when the link is in full gear. We might, however, have to solve a question, the data referring to, say, the lead, point of cut-off, and maximum opening of the valve when the slide block Geometry of Link Motions, occupied some position in the link intermediate between full and central gear, the lengths of link and eccentric rods being given as before. Find the centre C, fig. 122, and de- scribe the curve of the link as explained. Next, with the aid of a separate dia- gram, find the position and throw of an eccentric which, if connected direct to the valve spindle, will give the required lead, cut-off, and maximum opening of the valve (see Problem VI.). Transfer the result to fig. 122, O being the position and length of the throw as found. On Ce as dia- meter describe a primary valve circle. Let b be the given intermediate point in the link which has to drive the valve in the manner required. Join Z>C, intersecting the cir- cumference of the pri- mary valve circle in D. Join eD, and prolong it to intersect the line CO in B. Describe an arc of a circle which shall pass through e and B, and be 30O The Steam Engine. symmetrical about the line CO. Prolong this arc, and find in it a point E such that Ee is to eft as VL is to O. Join EC, then EC and the corresponding line E'C will give the positions and throws of the eccentrics, which with the given length of link and eccentric rods will produce the required effects when the slide block is at b. This con- struction is useful in solving problems connected with the working of links which are joined to the eccentric rods in such a way that the slide block can never be brought opposite to the connecting-rod ends. Such a link is shown in fig. 9 7 A. Once the position and length of the line CE are fixed, other problems can be solved in the same manner as in the preceding example. In all the diagrams which have been given to illustrate the action of link gearing it has been assumed that the motion of the link was in no way affected by the manner in which it was suspended. This assumption is, however, far from being justified by practice, for, the link being held up by a rod /', of finite length (see fig. 94), which oscillates about a point M, the point of suspension P consequently moves in an arc of which M is the centre, and must therefore move up and down a little during each stroke. The point of the link which drives the valve spindle must therefore also slide a little up and down in the link, instead of keeping to the position intended. It is very easy to aggra- vate this irregularity by adopting a wrong method of sus- pension. The end of the rod /' moves in an arc of a circle of which K is the centre. The object aimed at will be best attained when the point of suspension is made to oscillate for every position of the block in the link in arcs, the chords of which are parallel to the line of the valve spindle. In practice the point of suspension is either the lower end or else the central point of the link. Theoretical investi- gation proves that in the former case the point M, fig. 94, should move in a parabolic curve, the highest position of M (when the block is at the bottom of the link) being the Suspension of Link Motions. 301 vertex of the parabola, and the parameter being equal to twice the length of the eccentric rods ; the co-ordinates of the vertex referred to C, fig. 123, as origin and to CX and C Y as axes, being Cx = the length of the ec- centric rod, and Cy = the length of the lifting link /. In practice, instead of the parabolic curve we may make use of a circu- lar arc, the radius of Fig. 123. which is equal to the length of the eccentric rod, and the centre of which is vertically above the point C at a distance = /. When the link is suspended from its central point it is found that the point M, fig. 124, should also move in a parabola, the middle posi- tion of M corresponding with the vertex, and the parameter being twice the length of the eccentric rod. The axis of the para- bola is parallel to the line CX, and the co-ordinates of the vertex are Coc = 2 the length of the eccentric rod -. (where k = the half- length of the link, and / = the length of the eccentric rod), and Cy = the length of the lifting link /. In practice we may substitute for the parabola a circular arc of which the centre lies in a line KM parallel to CX, and at a distance above it equal to /, the central point K lying to the left of Y at a distance = . 2/ In actual practice it is never possible to give the arm Fig. 124. 302 The Steam Engine. KM a length equal to the eccentric rod, but it is always desirable to make it as long as possible. Zeuner's Diagrams applied to Meyer's Valve Motion. These diagrams are peculiarly applicable to the investigation of those gears which work with an expansion valve on the back of the ordinary distribution valve. It is true that in consequence of the large number of circles employed the dia- grams look somewhat complex, but the principles on which they are constructed are very easy to understand and to apply. It is perfectly obvious, from what has gone before, that a separate primary valve circle may be employed to show the distance which each valve circle has travelled from its central position, for every position of the crank. Conse- quently the difference between the lengths of the chords of the two circles got by drawing the direction of the crank in any position, gives the distance apart of the centres of the two valves for that position of the crank. Thus in fig. 125 let CE denote the length and position of the radius of the eccentric which drives the main or distribution valve, and CK the corresponding throw and position of the eccentric for the expansion valve. On each of these lines as diameter describe a circle, and describe the circle AEA', to represent the path of the crank-pin. Then the circle described on CE shows in the usual way, in conjunction with the lap circle, the lead, cut-off, &c., as provided for by the distribution valve. Also for any position of the crank such as CD, the chord Ce shows the distance moved by the main valve from its central position, while the chord Ce' shows the corresponding distance travelled by the expansion valve ; therefore Ce Ce' = e'e shows the distance apart of the central lines of the two valves for the position CD of the crank. We will next prove that it is possible to draw a third circle, viz. CG, the chords of which, such as Ce, will represent the differences Ce Ce', and which chords will consequently Zeuner's Diagrams applied to Meyer's Gear. 303 show at a glance the distances apart of the centres of the two valves for any position of the crank. Join EK, and from C draw CG parallel to EK, and from E draw EG parallel to CK ; then CG will represent the length and position of the diameter of the third or resultant circle. The problem is to prove that Cc = e'e. Join Ge and Ke'. From E let fall a perpendicular EB on K engines, and to point out some of the peculiarities which they reveal. The diagram re- presented by fig. 136 shows a very late FIg I3g> admission of steam, the maximum pres- sure hot being attained till the piston has traversed a portion of the stroke represented by ad. The proper position of the line ba' is the dotted line ba. The fault is evidently due to the valve having been badly set, either through be- coming displaced, or else through the eccentric not having been given sufficient advance (see page 255). Examples of Indicator Diagrams. 3^3 Fig. 137 shows that the steam pressure during admissioj is injuriously affected by throttling, owing to insufficient opening or area of the port. Fig. 138 repre- sents a diagram which in addition to numerous other defects shows a very high back pressure. This was due to the fact that the steam, instead of being al- lowed to escape di- Fig. 137- rectly into the atmosphere, was passed first into a feed water heater. With some classes of feed heaters it happens that much more power is lost by the increase in the back pressure than is gained by raising the temperature of the feed. How to draw the hyperbolic curve of expansion. The dia- grams (figs. 139 to 142) are given to show the effects of condensation and re-evaporation on the curves of expansion. In order to be able to mark this effect more accurately it is advisable in all cases to lay down on the diagram the hyperbolic curve of expansion, which is the graphic representation of Boyle's law ; for though this curve repre- sents neither the curve of expansion of steam nor the curve of its relative volumes, it is found, nevertheless that it is the line to which the expansion of steam in the best types of engines most closely approximates, and Fig. 138. 334 T/ie Steam Engine. is for this reason the best curve to use as a standard of comparison. In order to draw the curve of expansion for a given diagram, such as fig. 139, erect a perpendicular ab^ to the line of perfect vacuum ac, the distance aa' representing the clearance reduced to an equivalent fraction of the stroke. The lines ab, ac, will be then the asymptotes of the hyper- bola ; and ad, drawn at an angle of 45 with ab and ac, will be the axis of the curve. We must now select some point in the expansion curve of the diagram from which to com- mence the hyperbolic curve. This latter will in general vary for every point which we may choose, for if there be condensation at the commencement and re-evaporation to- wards the end of the stroke, it is evident that there may be a higher pressure of steam in the cylinder at the end of the a' 9 y 9" 9" c stro ke than there should be if the true curve of saturated steam expanding and doing work were followed. It is usual to choose a point either at the commencement of the curve, such as e (fig. 139 ), when the steam port has been completely closed, or else a point /, just before the exhaust is opened. The co-ordinates, eg and ek, of the point e (or of /if we select the latter point) must then be measured and multiplied together. The points e' t e") e'", &c., corresponding to the positions of the piston, g'-> g"-> '"> are sucn tnat tne products of their co-ordinates equal the product of the co-ordinates of the original point, e. Thus e'g' xg'a = eg x ga. .-. e'g 1 =MI. Initial condensation and re-evaporation shown by diagrams. In the diagram, fig. 139, we see that the actual Condensation and Re-evaporation. 335 Fig. 140. expansion curve, ^ of the steam lies throughout its whole length above the hyperbola line, showing a considerable re- evaporation of water, which has either been formed by con- densation at the commencement of the stroke or carried over in the form of spray from the boiler. Fig. 140 shows the same effect in a still more marked degree. In this case it was ascertained that a large quantity of water was carried over into the cylin- der from the boiler, which was partially re- evaporated by the end of the stroke. That the water was not wholly re- eva- porated, before the return stroke com- menced, is shown by the bad vacuum line. The effect of water in the cylinder in increasing the back pressure is most marked, and is, no doubt, in part due to the re -evaporation which goes on during the exhaust, when the diminished pressure must enable considerable quantities of the highly heated water to burst into steam. The diagram on fig. 141 is given to illustrate the case of condensation at the commencement and re-evaporation at the end of the stroke. Here, it will be noticed, the expan- sion curve falls below the hyperbola at the commencement, then crosses it, and for the remainder of the stroke lies above it. Fig. 336 The Steam Engine. Leaky pistons and slide valves. In engines which have been long at work, the expansion curve may be injuriously affected by leakage of steam through the valve or piston. The best method of ascertaining whether this is going on is to block the fly-wheel at any point in the stroke while the admission port is open, then to admit steam, and to open the lubricating cock at the other end of the cylinder. If steam continues to pour steadily forth from the cock, it shows that there is a leak. By blocking the fly-wheel when the valve is at mid-stroke, and consequently covering both ports, and then opening the lubricating cock, or looking at the mouth of the exhaust pipe, we can ascertain whether the leakage is through the valve. Fig. 142 is the dia- gram of an engine in which a very consider- able leak took place \ past the valve. The ^ initial pressure of Fig I42 steam in the cylinder was about 67 Ibs. abso- lute, and the cut-off was supposed to take place at about one-tenth of the stroke. Hence the pressure at release should have been about seven pounds absolute, whereas it is shown by the indicator to have been nearly twenty pounds. The diagrams on fig. 143 are intended to show differences of the exhaust line. In No. i the exhaust port is opened at a before the end of the stroke, and by the end of the stroke the steam pressure has fallen very low. In No. 2,- which was taken from the same engine as No. i, but with the eccentric badly set, so as to cause a late admission of the steam, the exhaust is not opened till just before the very end of the stroke, and the terminal pressure, is much higher The ExJiaust L tne. 337 than in the case of No. i, although the initial pressure is less, and the rate of expansion the same. The vacuum line is inferior to that of No. i at the commencement, as the steam has not had time to escape before the return stroke begins. It very often happens that what is gained by post- poning the release till the stroke is finished is lost again through the increase in the back pressure. The terminal pressures are, however, very different in the two cases, and conse- quently, also, the twisting moments on the crank towards the end of the stroke. Fig. 144 is taken from a cylinder provided with exhaust valves and ports quite inde- pendent of the steam valves and ports. As will be seen from the sharp corner at a and the sudden fall of the pressure, the exhaust port opens sharply and fully, thus allowing the steam to escape very readily. The diagram, fig. 145, shows as bad a distribution of the Fig Fig. 144. Fig. 145- steam as it is possible to conceive. The valve is deficient both in lap and lead, consequently the admission of the z 338 The Steam Engine. steam is late ; the engine works with full steam during the whole stroke ; the port is opened so gradually that the full pressure is not attained till the end of the stroke. The exhaust opens so late and so gradually Cut off 75 % that the pressure of the exhaust steam had not fallen to its proper point till nearly the end of the return stroke. The diagrams on fig. 146 have reference to the line of compres- sion. In an engine with a single slide valve to regulate the admission and exhaust of the steam from each end of the cylinder, the point of the stroke where the exhaust closes is de- pendent on the point where it opens t.e. the point of release ; and in proportion as the latter occurs early in the forward stroke, so will the former take place early during the return stroke. This Fi ~ 6 ' effect is more particu- larly apparent in the diagrams of locomotives which are driven by a single slide, the rate of expansion being varied by means of the link motion. Nos. i, 2, 3, and 4 are taken from the same loco- Culvf/19 % tilt off 15 % Line of Compression. 339 motive engine, working at different rates of expansion, and with varying points of release and compression. In Nos. 3 and 4, the exhaust is closed so early that the curve of com- pression rises to a great height before the end of the return stroke, so much so that the back pressure at the end of the return stroke rises nearly to the initial pressure at the commencement of the forward stroke. The advantage of compressing the exhaust steam has already been explained. It would be impossible to give in this chapter examples of all the peculiarities which may arise in diagrams from defective valve setting, or leaky valves and pistons, priming boilers, and unjacketed cylinders ; but, as the nature of the best attainable diagram has been explained, and also the principal faults and peculiarities which occur in ordinary engines, enough has been said to enable the student to in- vestigate the condition of most engines from an inspection of their indicator diagrams. Gross and net indicated power. The indicator diagram gives us, as we have seen, an exact account of the working of the engine and of the power which is being exerted and which is available for transmission, either to the working parts of the engine proper or to some external train of mechanism. It also gives the total power which is being exerted by the engine which includes the power which is being thrown away in overcoming back pressure. Take, for instance, the dia- gram, fig. 147, which is taken from a high-pressure expan- sive engine, the line AE being the line of absolute vacuum. It is evident that during the forward stroke the work done by z 2 Fig. 147- 340 The Steam Engine. the steam on the piston is equal to the area ABCDE. During the back stroke the return of the piston is opposed by the pressure of the atmosphere and of the exhaust steam, on which it does work, measured by the area DEAF, so that the useful work available for transmission to the parts of the engine and external objects is represented by the difference between these two figures i.e. BCDF. The work represented by ABCDE is called the gross in- dicated power, and BCt)F is called the net indicated power. This latter, again, is divisible into two parts, one being the work necessary to overcome the friction of the moving parts of the engine, and the other being the remainder, which is called the useful power, and which is all that is available for doing external work. The above explanation will render clear the reason why the economy due to expansion in non-condensing engines is so very limited. For instance, taking fig. 148, it is evident that the power thrown away in overcoming the back pressure is about forty per cent, of the total power exerted. If a still greater degree of expansion were used, the gross power would be diminished, while the power wasted would remain the same, and the comparison between the useful and the gross power would be still more disadvantageous. Of course, condensation removes this evil to a great extent, but in condensing engines the theoretical gain due to high rates of expansion is also limited by causes which are explained in Chapter XL How to deduce from indicator diagrams the effective pressure on the piston. The indicator diagram, though it shows the pressure at every point of the stroke, does not show the pressure which is available for transmission through the piston and connecting rods to the crank of the engine. This pressure is the difference between the total pressure, as shown by the diagram, on the driving side of the piston, and the simultaneous back pressure on the other side of the piston, which latter can only be obtained by taking a sepa- Effective Pressure on Piston. 341 rate diagram from the other end of the cylinder. In well- designed horizontal engines the diagrams from the two cylinder ends should in most 'cases be as nearly as possible alike, but in many engines, especially those in which the valve setting is defective, or in which the connecting rod is short compared to the length of the crank, the diagrams differ from each other very considerably, and consequently a pair of diagrams is often absolutely essential to enable us to compute the net pressure transmitted by the piston. In order to obtain the pressure available for transmission externally at any point of the stroke we must construct a new diagram, which shall show the differences between the simultaneous forward and back pressures on the two sides of the piston. Let ABCD, A'B'C'D', fig. 148, represent diagrams taken from the opposite ends of a cylinder. The diagrams are arranged so as to overlap, the point D' marking the end of the for- ward stroke, being in the same verti- cal straight line as the point A, which marks the commencement of the back stroke. This arrangement is convenient, as it enables the simultaneous forward and back pressures to be seen at a glance. Thus at the commencement of the forward stroke the pressure on the working face of the piston is measured by the distance of the point A from the line of absolute vacuum GG'. At the same moment the other side of the piston is acted on by a back pressure measured by 342 The Steam Engine. the distance of the point D' from gg f , and therefore the effective pressure is the difference between these two, and is measured by the line AD'. When the piston has reached the position K, being the place where the exhaust line of one diagram crosses the line of compression of the other diagram, the two pressures are equal, and consequently the piston is urged neither forwards nor backwards by the steam, and continues its forward motion only by reason of the energy stored up in the moving parts of the engine and the fly-wheel. From the point K to the end of the stroke D, the pressure urging the piston forward is actually less than the back pressure, which latter consequently tends to bring the piston to a state of rest. The true diagram of resultant pressure on the piston is formed by setting off the differences between the forward and back pres- A/ N 8 sures as ordinates, measuring from the line of abso- lute vacuum as a base and drawing a curve through the ends of the ordinates. When- ever the forward pressure is in ex- cess, the ordinate is drawn above the line GG', and whenever the back pressure is in excess it is drawn below. We thus get the dotted curve of fig. 148 which is reproduced for the sake of clearness as a separate diagram in the curve D'AB^DA', fig. 149, which shows the resultant pressure on the piston at any point of the stroke. We are enabled by this method to see what important modifications of the resultant diagram may be caused by ID' Fig. 149. Resultant Diagrams. 343 alterations in the positions of the points of release C and compression E, fig. 148. If the release occurred at the end of the stroke instead of at the point C, the pressure between the points C and D would be greater than that shown in the figure. On the other hand, the vacuum at the com- mencement of the return stroke would not be so good, and consequently the back pressure between the points D and E' would be greater than is represented Moreover, if the steam distribution were controlled by an ordinary slide valve the points of release and of compression would be interdependent, and in the case under consideration there would be no ap- preciable compression. The general result would be that the positive pressure at the commencement and the negative pressure at the end of the stroke would each be diminished, and consequently the pressure on the piston would fluctuate between less wide limits. The resultant diagram will be found of great use when we require to calculate the twisting moment on the crank- pin throughout a revolution (see Chapter V.). How to ascertain the expenditure of steam accounted for by the diagram. Another and most important use of the indi- cator diagram is to enable us to ac- count for the ex- penditure of the steam and the heat supplied from the boiler to the engine. In order to measure, from the diagram, the steam consumed, Fig. 150. we must ascertain the pressure at a point #, fig. 150, just before the release takes place. By reference to Col. 5 of Table I. we can deduce the weight of a cubic foot of steam of this pressure. We 344 The Steam Engine. must ascertain the cubic contents of the cylinder, includ- ing the clearance, in cubic feet, up to the point a, and multiplying this number by the weight of the cubic foot of steam, we obtain the weight of steam present in the cylinder immediately before the release. When there is any compression, we must deduct the quantity of steam saved by the early closing of the exhaust. To do this we have only to measure the pressure at any point fr, after the exhaust has closed, and to ascertain the weight of the con- tents of the cylinder up to the point b. The difference between the steam spent and saved is the quantity accounted for by the indicator. By comparing the quantity thus accounted for in an hour with the weight of water which leaves the boiler in the same time we can ascertain how much of it is lost by the combined effects of priming, con- densation in the pipes, and condensation in the cylinder itself. If we ascertain the pressure and weight of the steam contained in the cylinder at a point immediately after the admission is closed, we can, by the help of Table I., as- certain the number of thermal units contained in the steam at that point of the stroke. This number of thermal units will always be less than the total heat which has been sup- plied to the engine up to that point, for a certain number will have been expended in restoring the temperature of the ends of the cylinder and piston. Also during the expan- sion the steam loses the heat which has been converted into mechanical work, and consequently, if we were to measure the heat contained in the steam at any point, say a, fig. 150, before the release takes place, we should expect to find that the number of thermal units was less than that contained in the steam at the point of cut-off by the number converted into mechanical work As a matter of fact, however, the number is never less, and is often considerably greater, thus showing that a great deal of the heat which passes from the steam to Heat Expenditure shown by Diagram. 34$ the sides of the cylinder during the early part of the stroke is, during the remainder of the stroke, re-transmitted from the cylinder to the steam, and passes out with the exhaust and is partly wasted. The diagrams of compound engines will be considered in Chapter XI. 346 The Steam Engine. CHAPTER IX. FUEL COMBUSTION THE GENERATION OF STEAM BOILERS AND THEIR FITTINGS. Combustion Combination of oxygen with carbon Combination of oxygen with compounds of carbon and hydrogen Chemical, symbols and atomic weights of constituents of fuel Principal compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Constituents of fuel Heat of combustion of carbon and hydrogen with oxygen Description of fuels in common use Table of the chemical constituents and evaporative power of various fuels Weight and temperature of the products of combustion Waste of fuel by splintering, distillation, insufficient air supply Smoke forming Draught creation, radiation, and conduction Con- duction of heat through the plates of furnaces Importance of pre- venting an over-supply of air to fuel The various types of boilers Cylindrical boiler with external firing Cornish boiler Tubulous boilers Lancashire boiler Galloway tubes The stiffening of internal flues Locomotive boilers Marine boilers for low-pressure steam Marine boilers for high-pressure steam Proportions of parts of boilers Firegrate area Evaporative power of fuel in various types of boilers Consumption of fuel per square foot of firegrate area Efficiency of heating surface Cubic capacities of boilers of different types Steam room Strength of boilers Hollow cylinder pressed from within : ist, longitudinal strain ; 2nd, transverse strain Strength of riveted joints Hollow cylinder pressed from without Flat stayed surfaces Effects of unequal heating in straining boilers Materials of construction Boiler fittings Safety valves Pressure gauges Feed pumps In- jectors Water gauges. WE have hitherto considered chiefly the nature and the laws of heat, and the details of the engine which is employed to convert the heat into mechanical work ; but of the source of heat viz. the fuel, and the medium by means of which it is conveyed to the engine, viz. water, and the apparatus by which the heat of the fuel is transferred to the water, viz. the boiler we have up till now said but little. The source of heat which is always employed is fuel, such as coal, wood, peat, or mineral oil, the principal calorific Chemical Combination. 347 constituents of which are carbon and hydrogen. The chemical combination of these elements with oxygen pro- duces intense heat, which, for the purposes of the steam- engine, is transmitted to the water contained in the boiler in a manner to be hereafter described. The amount of heat which can be generated by the chemical combination of fuel and oxygen, commonly called combustion, depends upon the relative proportions of car- bon ana hydrogen which the fuel contains, as well as on the amount of oxygen which is supplied to it. It is well known that chemical elements combine with each other in certain definite proportions only ; that is to say, for instance, a certain definite weight of carbon viz. twelve units will combine with a certain other definite weight of oxygen viz. sixteen units to form the compound called carbonic oxide, and these two elements will only combine in these propor- tions or in certain simple multiples of them. Thus, for example, no chemical combinations can be formed out of seven parts by weight of carbon to five parts by weight of oxygen ; but, on the other hand, twelve parts of carbon will combine with twice sixteen parts of oxygen, forming the compound called carbonic acid or carbonic anhydride, which is the term applied to the product of the complete combustion of carbon in oxygen. The numbers 12 and 16 applied to carbon and oxygen are called the atomic weights of these two substances, and it is supposed that the ultimate atoms of which they are com- posed have to each other the relative weights of 12 to 16. These numbers are also called the chemical equivalents of the substances. If, instead of pure elementary substances, such as carbon and oxygen, we had to deal with the combination of a com- pound with a simple element, we should find that the chemical equivalent of the compound would be the sum of the equivalents of its constituents ; thus, for example, a pound of olefiant gas, which is composed of carbon and 343 The Steam Engine. hydrogen in the proportion of six parts by weight of carbon to one of hydrogen, would, in order to effect its combustion, require a quantity of oxygen computed as follows. The carbon weighs f of a pound, and would require |f x 2 of its own weight of oxygen in order to form carbonic acid. The hydrogen weighs -f of a pound ; its chemical equiva- lent or atomic weight is i, and it combines with oxygen in the proportion of two parts by weight to sixteen of the oxygen. That is to say, the weight of oxygen required is \ X V 6 of a pound. Consequently for the pound of olefiant gas we shall want (y x if x 2 ) + (y x V 6 ) = 3y I DS - of oxygen. The following are the chemical symbols and atomic weights of the principal elementary constituents of fuel. Carbon . . C . .12 Hydrogen . . H . i Oxygen . . . O . .16 The following are the principal chemical combinations of the foregoing. Name Chemical composition Chemical symbol Carbonic oxide Carbonic acid or carbonic anhydride. Formed of carbon and oxygen, in the proportion of twelve parts by weight of the former to sixteen of the latter, or C I2 + O 16 . Formed of carbon and oxygen, in the proportion of twelve parts by weight of the former to thirty-two of the latter, or C 12 + O 32 . CO CO, The above are the products of the combustion of carbon in oxygen, the former being the result of imperfect, the latter of perfect combustion. Name Chemical composition Chemical symbol Water P'ormed of hydrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of two parts by weight of the former to sixteen of the latter, or H 2 -i-O 16 . HP Constituents of Fuel. 349 The above is the product of the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen. Name Chemical composition Chemical symbol Olefiant gas Marsh gas Formed of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of twelve parts by weight of carbon two of hydrogen, or C 12 + H 2 . Formed of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of twelve parts by weight of carbon to four of hydro- gen, or C 12 + H 4 . CH, CH 4 The two above are gaseous forms of the large family of hydrocarbons, which exist largely in fuel in the solid and liquid states also. To this category belong the vegetable and mineral oils, animal fats, and the bituminous portions of coal. Fuel. Ordinary fuel is composed chiefly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and mineral matters, or of chemical com- binations of these three elements. Its heating power, as before mentioned, depends on the relative proportions of the two first elements, and on the manner in which they are supplied with oxygen. The heat evolved by a pound of hydrogen when burnt with oxygen so as to form water is 62,032 thermal units, which is sufficient to evaporate 64-2 Ibs. of water from and at 212. It requires for its combustion 8 Ibs. of oxygen. The heat evolved by a pound of carbon when burnt completely is 14,500 thermal units, which is sufficient to evaporate 15 Ibs. of water from and at 212. The amount of oxygen required to effect the combustion is 2 Ibs. When imperfectly burned so as to form carbonic oxide the quantity of heat evolved is only 4,400 units, equivalent to an evaporative power of 4-55 Ibs. of water from and at 212. The amount of oxygen required is ij Ibs. In every case the oxygen is obtained from the air, which is a mechanical mixture of nitrogen and oxygen in. the 350 The Steam Engine. proportion of 77 parts by weight of the former to 23 of the latter. The nitrogen plays no part in the combustion, except that it mingles with the products of combustion, and reduces their temperature. It will be noticed that the heat of combustion of hydro gen is about four times as great as that of carbon, and consequently those fuels which contain a relatively large quantity of hydrogen, such as the hydrocarbons, possess the greatest evaporative power ; for the heating power of a compound of these two elements is in most cases nearly equal to the sum of the heating powers of the constituents. In making an exact estimate of the calorific value of fuel, it is necessary to take account of the heat lost by breaking up any existing chemical compounds ; for, just as the chemical union of carbon and oxygen, or of carbon and hydrogen, produces heat, so the separation of, say carbon from hydrogen, requires the expenditure of heat. If, then, a fuel contains hydrocarbons, which, during the combus- tton, are broken up into their constituent proportions of carbon and hydrogen, and each of these latter then com- bined with oxygen so as to form carbonic acid and water, we must not calculate the heat produced by the combina- tion as being the same as if equal quantities of free carbon and free hydrogen were so combined. The proper way to proceed is to calculate first the heat that would be pro- duced supposing the substances were all originally in the free or uncombined state, and then to subtract from this quantity the heat required in order to dissociate the hydrogen from the carbon. The latter quantity is always equal to the heat which would be produced by the com- bination of the equivalent quantities of free carbon and hydrogen. Thus, for example, one pound of marsh gas consists of three-quarters of a pound of carbon and one- quarter of a pound of hydrogen. If these constituents were in the uncombined state their combustion with oxygen would yield the following quantities of heat : Heat of Combustion of Fuel. 351 Carbon, Ib. . 14,500 x \ = 10,875 thermal units. Hydrogen, j Ib. . . 62,032x^=15,508 Total . . . =26,383 But experiments prove that the heat developed by the combustion of one pound of marsh gas in oxygen is only 23,582 thermal units, thus leaving a deficiency of 2,801 units due to the heat absorbed in splitting up the chemical compound of carbon and hydrogen. In those compounds of carbon and hydrogen in which only two equivalents of hydrogen are combined with one of carbon, the heat of combination is so little that it is not necessary to take account of it in computing theoretically the calorific value of fuel. When a fuel contains oxygen, in addition to carbon and hydrogen, it is found that so much of the hydrogen as would be required to combine with the oxygen present in order to form water, must be left out of account in calculat- ing the calorific effect. Any excess of hydrogen above this quantity must, however, be taken into consideration. The fuels in most common use are coal, coke, peat, wood, and in some countries, such as South Russia, mineral oils. Of these coal is by far the most important ; it is therefore the only kind of fuel which will be considered in detail in this chapter. There are numerous varieties of coal found in this country, which differ from each other in appearance, in chemical constitution, and in their behaviour when under- going combustion. Of these the principal varieties are anthracite, dry bituminous, and caking bituminous coals. Anthracite is found chiefly in South Wales. Chemically it consists almost entirely of pure carbon. It burns without flame or smoke. It is a very difficult coal to ignite, and unless gradually heated it splits up, when thrown on the fire, into small pieces. Dry bituminous coal is the most useful fuel for steam generation. It consists chemically of carbon, hydrogen, 352 The Steam Engine. oxygen, and mineral matter which forms ash. It is lighter than anthracite, and burns easily with very little smoke. Caking bituminous coal contains less carbon than the foregoing, and more hydrogen and oxygen. It is called caking because it softens when exposed to heat. It burns easily with a good deal of smoke. The following table * gives the chemical composition and theoretical heating power of various kinds of coal. The theoretical heating power is calculated in the manner already explained. The practical heating power differs very considerably from the Name of fuel Chemical constituents Heat of combustion of fuel in thermal units Evaporative power of one pound of the fuel in pounds of water from and at 212 C H I. Charcoal from wood 0-93 13,500 14 peat. 1 1, 600 12 II. Coke, good . 0-94 I3,62O 14 ,, middling 0-88 12,760 13-2 bad . 0-82 11,890 I2'3 III. Coal: I. Anthracite . 0-915 0-035 0-026 I5>225 1575 2. Dry bituminous 0-90 0-04 O'O2 15,370 : IS'Q 3- 0-87 0*04 0-03 14,860 I5-4 4- 0-80 0-054 0-016 14,790 i5'3 5- 077 0-05 0-06 13,775 14-25 6. Caking 0-88 0-052 0-054 15,837 16-0 7. . 0-8 1 0-052 0-04 14,645 I5-I5 8. Cannel. 0-84 0-056 0-08 15,080 15-6 9. Dry long flaming . 077 0-052 0-15 M,I95 I3-65 10. Lignite 070 0-05 O'2O n,745 12-15 IV. Peat, dry 0-58 0-06 0-3I 9,660 10-0 Peat containing 25 per cent, moisture ~ 7,000 7-25 V. Wood, dry . 0-50 7,245 7-5 Wood containing 20 per cent, moisture 5,600 5-8 VI. Mineral oil from . 0-84 0-16 o- 21,930 22-7 to . 0-85 0-15 o- 2i,735 22-5 1 Taken from the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. Vol. XL Evaporating Power of Fuel. 353 theoretical, and depends chiefly on the stoking, and on the furnace being suitably made to develope complete combus- tion. The proper method of designing furnaces will be explained later on, but it may here be mentioned that with the best of fuel and the most suitable of furnaces it is possible by bad stoking to obtain the most indifferent results. For instance, if the fuel is laid on in such a manner that air in sufficient quantities cannot reach it, the coal will be partly distilled instead of being burnt ; the more volatile constituents, such as the hydrocarbons, will be driven off in the shape of unburnt gas, and a large propor- tion of the carbon proper will burn incompletely, forming carbonic oxide instead of carbonic acid, its heating power being thus reduced by more than 70 per cent. The heating powers in the above table are calculated on the supposition that one pound of pure carbon is capable of evaporating fifteen pounds of water from 212. This is an experimental result arrived at by chemists, and is greatly in excess of anything that has yet been realised in steam boilers. Weight and temperature of the products of combustion. The temperature of the products of combustion of fuel depends upon their weight and specific heat. The weight of the products of combustion depends upon the quantity of air which is supplied to the fuel. As stated above, one pound of carbon requires for its perfect combustion two and two-thirds pounds of oxygen, or about twelve pounds of air. When imperfectly burned it requires one and one- third pounds of oxygen, or six pounds of air. One pound of hydrogen gas consumes eight pounds of oxygen, or thirty-six pounds of air. It is found, however, that in practice more air than the above quantities must be supplied to the fuel in order to effect complete combustion. The extra quantity required depends upon the nature of the draught. Thus when the draught is produced bv a chimney it is usual to estimate A A 354 Tfo Steam Engine. that twice the theoretical quantity is required, i.e. twenty- four pounds of air per pound of carbon. When the draught is artificial, such as that produced by a blower, or by a fan, or by the blast-pipe, one and a half times the theoretical quantity, or eighteen pounds of air per pound of carbon, is usually required. Although common coal is a compli- cated mixture of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, no serious error will be committed by estimating the quantity of air required for its combustion on the supposition that it is pure carbon. From the above it will be evident that, even with the same fuel, the temperature of the products of combustion will vary according to the nature of the draught. Thus taking, again, the case of pure carbon, burnt under an artificial blast, and, therefore, requiring eighteen pounds of air per pound of fuel, we have the total weight of the pro- ducts of combustion = 18 + 1 = 19 pounds. The total heat of combustion is, as stated above, 14,500 units. The mean specific heat of the products is, according to Rankine, 237 for constant pressure, and the temperature is found by dividing the total heat of combustion by Hhe weight multiplied by the specific heat. Thus, in the present in- stance, the temperature =- 19 x -237 If the draught were produced by means of a chimney, so that twenty- four pounds of air would be required, instead of eighteen, the temperature would only be = 2,440. 2 5 * ' 2 37 On the other hand, if it were possible to burn the fuel completely with only the theoretical quantity of air neces- sary, viz. twelve pounds, the weight of the products of combustion would be only thirteen pounds, and the tem- perature - ^= - =4,580, or very nearly double the tem- perature which is usually obtained in practice. It will be Been presently, when considering the waste of fuel in the Air required for Combustion. 355 gaseous state, that this question of initial temperature and weight of the products of combustion assumes an important aspect. In practice it is found that a pound of coal falls very far short of the evaporative power stated in the table. The reasons for this are twofold. First, the fuel is wasted in various ways, which will presently be enumerated ; and second, the boiler is unable to abstract from the fuel all the heat which actually is generated and to convey it to the water, so the residue passes up the chimney unutilised. Waste of fuel. The ways in which fuel is wasted are various. Many kinds of coal, such as anthracite and dry steam coal, are extremely brittle when exposed suddenly to great heat, and small splinters are broken off which fall through between the bars of the grate into the ashpit. In the majority of cases, however, the great waste takes place not so much in the solid as in the gaseous state. In an ordinary coal fire, kindled from below, the upper layers of fuel are heated through long before they become incandes- cent. When thus warmed, the coal is partially distilled, instead of being burnt, and many of its most valuable constituents are driven off in a gaseous state, and escape up the chimney unburnt, unless special provision is made to mingle fresh air with the gases as they arise, and to burn them, as it were, above the fuel. An insufficient supply of air to the fuel itself is often a source of very great waste. It has been stated before that if only enough oxygen be present to burn the carbon into carbonic oxide, instead of into carbonic acid, the units of heat so generated will be only 4,400 per pound of carbon, instead of 14,500. Carbonic oxide is a perfectly colourless gas, and its formation in very large quantities may easily escape detection. If mingled, however, with a sufficient supply of fresh air, and suitably ignited, it will burn into carbonic acid, and in so doing will give out the missing iQjToo units of heat. A A 2 356 The Steam Engine. The formation of srnoke is also a most fruitful, as it is one of the most common sources of waste. Smoke is pure unburnt carbon in a finely divided state which floats about in the hot gases and air proceeding from the fire, so that whenever we see dense volumes of smoke escaping from a chimney, we know that it represents so much valuable fuel absolutely thrown away, beyond the reach of recovery. Smoke when once formed is extremely difficult to ignite, and the greatest art of good firing consists in its prevention. Coals which are rich in hydrocarbons are also the most fruitful smoke producers. It is supposed that these volatile hydrocarbons when^driven off at a considerable temperature, in the manner described, evolve free carbon before they are mingled with the air above the fuel, and becoming cooled down by contact with the air, the suspended particles of carbon show themselves in the form of smoke. Many arrangements have been contrived for mingling fresh air with the gases arising from the fuel in order to effect their combustion. Some of these will be referred to hereafter, when the practical details of boilers come under consideration. Fuel is often largely wasted in forming the draught which feeds the furnaces with air. The draught is pro- duced either by means of a chimney or by some more artificial blower, such as the steam blast-pipe or the revolving fan. In the case of a chimney it is found that the best temperature for the ascending gases is about 600, whereas the temperature of the fire is about 2,440 above that of the outside air. Consequently about one- fourth of the total heat of combustion is wasted in forming the draught. Hence it appears that a chimney is a most waste- ful expedient, for it involves the necessity of supplying the fuel with a double allowance of air, and in order to maintain the draught efficiently it carries off this air at a high tem- perature. With a blast-pipe or fan it is not necessary, as far as the draught is concerned, that the escaping gases should have any higher temperature than that of the Waste of Fuel. 357 atmosphere, and, moreover, the quantity of air which must be supplied to the fuel is one fourth less than when a chimney is employed, Radiation and conduction are usually set down among the causes of waste of heat, but when the fire is properly enclosed, and the boiler surrounded with non-conducting materials, losses from this cause may be rendered extremely small. The inability of the boiler to abstract all the heat which the fuel gives out is a consequence of the nature of the conduction of heat through the plates which separate the water in the boiler from the fire. The rate at which con- duction takes place between the plates depends, first, upon the difference in temperature between the two sides of the plate ; the greater the difference the quicker being the rate of conduction ; second, upon the conductivity of the metal which forms the plate ; and third, upon the thickness of the plate. As regards the difference in temperature between the sides of the plate, it is evident that when the temperature on each side is the same no conduction of heat can take place. If, for example, a boiler be used to form steam of 100 Ibs. pressure to the square inch, the temperature of this steam and of the water from which it is formed is 337*5 ; consequently the hot gases coming from the fire cannot be cooled down below this point, and must at the least escape up the chimney at this temperature ; and therefore all the heat due to the difference between this temperature and that of the atmosphere is of necessity wasted. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to retain the hot gases long enough in contact with the plates to allow of their temperature drop- ping to ,that of the steam, and consequently the waste from this source is considerably greater than what has been stated above. This evil may be reduced, to a certain extent, by introducing the comparatively cold feed water at that part of the boiler where the gases are coldest, an arrangement which is always carried out in carefully designed boilers. 358 The Steam Engine. From the above it will be readily understood how important it is to reduce the supply of air to the fuel to the minimum which is consistent with perfect combustion. Any excess quantity of air, in the first place, reduces the temperature within the furnace, and thus diminishes the rate of conduction through the heating surface ; and, in the next place, it augments the bulk of the gaseous products of combustion, and thus makes it more difficult than it other- wise would be for the heating surface to reduce the tempe- rature of the products to that of the steam and water within the boiler ; for it is self-evident that a given area of heating surface is more efficient in abstracting the heat from a small than from a large bulk of gases. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS TYPES OF BOILERS. The essential parts of all boilers are as follows : A furnace, which contains the fuel to be burnt ; a water receptacle, which contains the water to be evaporated ; a steam space to hold the steam when generated ; heating surface to transmit the heat from the burning fuel to the water ; a chimney, or other apparatus to cause a draught to the furnace and to carry away the products of com- bustion ; and various fittings for supplying the boiler with water, for carrying away the steam, when formed, to the engine in which it is used ; for allowing steam to escape into the open air when it forms faster than it can be used ; for ascertaining the quantity of water in the boiler ; for ascertaining the pressure of the steam, &c. The forms of steam generators are most numerous, and depend chiefly upon the purposes for which they are re- quired. They may all be divided into three principal cate- gories ; viz. stationary, locomotive, and marine boilers. In stationary boilers the size and weight are of secondary consideration, whereas for locomotive purposes, they are paramount. Land Boilers. 359 The great majority of stationary boliers are cylindrical in shape, because the cylinder is the best practical form for strength as against internal pressure ; the ends are either flat or else segments of spheres. It would be impossible within the limits of this short work to describe all the varieties of stationary boilers which have been contrived in various countries, but a. few representative types will be con- sidered. STATIONARY LAND BOILERS. Cylindrical boiler with external firing. The simplest of all steam generators, and one which is now but seldom used Fig. 151. in this country, is illustrated in longitudinal and transverse section in figs. 151, 152. It consists of a cylinder A, formed of iron plate with hemispherical ends BB, set horizontally in brickwork C. The lower part of this cylinder contains the water, the upper part the steam. The furnace D is external to the cylinder, being underneath one end. It consists simply of a series Fig. 152. 360 The Steam Engine. of grate bars ee set in the brickwork at a convenient dis- tance below the bottom of the boiler. The sides and front of the furnace are walls of brick- work, which, being continued upwards, support the end of the cylinder. The fuel is thrown on to the bars through the furnace door /, which is set in the front brickwork. The air enters between the grate bars from below. The portion beneath the bars is called the ashpit. The flame and hot gases, when formed, first impinge on the bottom of the boiler, and are then carried forward by the draught to the so-called bridge 0, which is a projecting piece of brickwork, which contracts the area of the flue ^, and forces all the products of combustion to keep close to the bottom of the boiler. Thence the gases pass along the flue ;z, and return past one side of the cylinder in the flue m (fig. 152), and back again by the other side flue m' to the far end of the boiler, whence they escape up the chimney. This latter is provided with a door or damper/, which can be closed or opened at will, so as to regulate the draught. This boiler has two great defects. The first is that the area of heating surface, which is represented by those portions of the flues which are bounded by the surface of the cylindrical shell, is too small in proportion to the bulk of the boiler. The second is that if the water contains solid matter in solution, as nearly all water does to a greater or less extent, this matter becomes deposited on the bottom of the boiler, just where the greatest evaporation takes place. The deposit, being a non-conductor, prevents the heat of the fuel from reaching the water in sufficient quantities, thus rendering the heating surface inefficient ; and further, by preventing the heat from escaping to the water, it causes the plates to become unduly heated, and quickly burnt out. This defect is sometimes obviated by placing within the shell of the cylinder a segment shaped trough, shown in transverse section in fig. 153. The trough a is fixed a few inches from the bottom of the boiler. Cylindrical Boiler. 361 In the water space below it the ebullition is most violent, and the circulation of the water so rapid, that no deposit can take place ; while within the trough the water is corn- Fig. 153- paratively quiet, and the mud consequently deposits itself here and does no harm, and can easily be removed periodically. There is another defect belonging to this system of boiler to which many engineers attach great importance, viz. that the temperature in each of the three flues n, m, m' is very different, and consequently the metal of which the shell of the boiler is composed expands very unequally in each of the flues, and cracks are very likely to take place where the effects of the changes of temperature are most felt. Cornish boiler. The Cornish boiler obviates most of the defects of the system just described. It consists also of a cylindrical shell A (figs. 154, 155), with flat or semi -circular ends. The furnace, however, instead of being situated underneath the front end of the shell, is enclosed within it in a second cylinder B, having usually a diameter rather 362 The Steam Engine. greater than half that of the boiler shell. The arrangement of the grate and bridge is evident from the diagram. After passing the bridge the flame and gases travel along through the internal cylinder B, till they reach the back end of the boiler ; they then return to the front again by the two side flues ;//, ;;/, and thence back again to the chimney by the bottom flue n. Fig. 154- In this form of boiler the heating surface exceeds that of the last de- scribed by an amount equal to the area of the internal flue, while the internal capacity is diminished by its cubic contents ; hence for boilers of equal external dimensions the ratio of heating surface to mass of water to be heated is greatly increased. Boilers of this sort can, however, never be made of as small diameters as the plain cylindrical sort on account of the necessity of finding room inside, below the water level, for the furnace and flue. The dis- advantage attending the deposits in the plain cylindrical type is, to a great extent, got over in the Cornish boiler ; for the bottom, where the deposit chiefly takes place, is the coolest, instead of being the hottest, part of the heating surface. Fig- 155. Cornish Boiler. 363 The internal flue in the Cornish system is the hottest portion of the boiler, and consequently undergoes a greater linear expansion than the outside shell. The result is a tendency to bulge out the ends, and when the boiler is out of use the flue returns to its normal size, and thus has a tendency to work loose from the ends to which it is riveted. If the ends are too rigid to move, a very serious strain comes on the joints of the flue. To remedy this the latter is often made up of a number of short cylindrical lengths jointed together by being riveted to a ring, the section of which is shown in fig. 156. This ring is intended to serve as a spring, and to allow the ends a, a' to approach or re- cede from each other, when undergoing change of tempe- rature. It also serves to stiffen the flue against the pressure from the outside, which tends to collapse it. Another way of effecting the same end is shown in the section of the Lancashire boiler, fig 159. Even while in use, the flue of a Cornish boiler is liable to undergo great changes in temperature, according to the state of the fire. When this latter is very low, or when fresh fuel has been thrown on, the temperature is a mini- mum, and reaches a maximum again when the fresh fuel commences to burn fiercely. Lancashire boiler. To remedy this inconvenience, and also in order to attain a more perfect combustion, Fair- bairn contrived the double-flued, or Lancashire boiler, the arrangement of the furnaces of which is shown in trans- verse section in fig. 160. It will be observed that there are two internal furnaces instead of one, as in the Cornish type. These furnaces are sometimes each continued as a separate flue to the other end of the boiler, as shown in fig. 1 60 ; but as a rule they merge into one internal flue. They are supposed to be fired alternately, and the smoke 3^4 The Steam Engine. and unburnt gases issuing from the fresh fuel are ignited in the flue by the hot air proceeding from the other furnace, the fuel in which is in a state of incandescence. Thus all violent changes of temperature in the flue are avoided, and the waste of fuel due to unburnt smoke is avoided, if the firing is properly conducted. The disadvantage of the Lancashire boiler is the dif- ficulty of finding adequate room for the two furnaces without unduly increasing the diameter of the shell. Low furnaces are extremely unfavourable to complete com- bustion, the comparatively cold crown plates, where they are in contact with the water of the boiler, extinguishing the flames from the fuel when they are just formed, while the narrow space between the fuel and the crown does not permit of the proper quantity of air being supplied above the fuel to complete the combustion of the gases as they arise. On the other hand, though this type of boiler favours the distillation of the fuel and the formation of j smoke, it supplies the means of completing the combustion afterwards by means of the hot air from the second furnace. Another disadvantage which the Lancashire boiler has in common with all steam generators having circular internal furnaces, is the danger to which the flues are exposed of collapsing, because of the pressure which they have to sustain from without. There are many ways of getting over this evil. In the Galloway form of boiler the flue is sustained and stiffened by the introduction of numerous conical tubes, Fig. 157- Lancashire Boiler. 365 Fig. 158. flanged at the two ends and riveted across the flue. These tubes, a sketch of two of which is given in fig. 157, are in free communication with the water of the boiler, and, besides acting as stirTeners, they also serve to increase the heating surface and to pro- mote circulation. Other methods of strengthening the flues have already been described under the head of Cornish boilers. Mr. Fox of Leeds cor- rugates the flues in the manner shown in fig. 158. This plan increases the re- sisting power of the flues enormously, and, moreover, in- creases the heating surface and provides for the contraction and expansion of the flue. The annexed illustrations give all the principal details of a Lancashire boiler fitted with Galloway tubes. Fig. 159 represents a longitudinal section, and fig. 160 shows to a larger scale, an end view of the front of the boiler with its fittings, and also a transverse section. The arrangement of the furnaces, flues, and the Galloway tubes a a a is sufficiently obvious from the drawings. The usual length of these boilers is 27 feet, though they are occasionally made as short as e 2 1 feet. The minimum diameter of the furnaces is 33 inches, and in order to contain these comfortably the diameter of the boiler should not be less than 7 feet. The ends of the boiler are flat, and are prevented from bulging outwards by being held in place by the furnaces and flues, which stay the two ends together, and also by the so-called gusset stays, e , fig. 159, which are explained in greater detail on page 397. Great care should be taken to keep the lower ends of the gusset stays 8 or 9 inches away from the nearest points of furnaces and flues, otherwise when the latter expand under 366 The Steam Engine. Lancashire Boiler. 367 368 The Steam Engine. the influence of the heat the boiler ends will be so stiff, that instead of slightly bulging out to accommodate themselves to the increased length of the flues, they will be very severely strained in the neighbourhood of the angle irons by which they are fastened to the flues, The result of this local strain- ing will be the opening of the grain of the iron, and its subsequent rapid corrosion. For the same reason the thickness of the end plates should not exceed a half inch for pressures up to 75 Ibs. per square inch. In addition to the gusset stays, the flat ends of the boilers frequently have longitudinal rods to tie them together. One of these is shown at AA, fig. 159. The steam is collected in the pipe S, which is perforated all along the top so as to admit the steam, and exclude the water spray which may rise from the surface during ebul- lition. The steam thence passes to the stop-valve T, out- side the boiler, and thence by the steam pipes to the engines. There are two safety valves on the top of the boiler, one, B (fig. 159), being of the dead weight type explained on page 404, and the other, C, being a so-called low-water safety valve. It is attached by means of a lever and rod to the float F, which ordinarily rests on the surface of the water. When, through any neglect, the water sinks below its proper level, the float sinks also, and causes the valve to open, thus allowing steam to escape and giving an alarm. M is the man-hole, with its covering plate, which admits of access to the interior of the boiler, and H is the mud-hole by which the sediment which accumulates all along the bottom is raked out. Below the front end and underneath are shown the pipe and stop-valve by which the boiler can be emptied or blown off. On the front of the boiler (fig. 160) are shown the pres- fure gauge, the water gauges, and the furnace doors, which are described in detail on pages 401, 407, 413. K is the seed-pipe ; RR, a pipe and cock for blowing off scum. In the front of the setting, fig. 1 60, are shown two iron doors by which Lancashire and Tubulous Boilers. 369 access may be gained to the lower external flues for clearing purposes. In the Lancashire boiler it is considered advisable to take the products of combustion, after they leave the internal flues, along the bottom of the boiler, and then back to the chimney by the sides. When this plan is adopted the bottom is kept hotter than would otherwise be the case, and circulation is promoted, which prevents the coldest water from accumulating at the bottom. If this precaution be neglected, the boiler is very apt to strain locally, from the fact of the top and sides being hotter, and consequently expanding more than the bottom. The result is that the lower portions of the transverse seams of rivets give way. The principal dimensions and other particulars of the boiler shown in figs. 159 and 160 are as follows : Steam pressure . . . -75 Ibs. per sq. inch Length 27 feet Diameter . . . . . 7 ,, Weight (total) . . . . 15^ tons Shell plates . . . . . v inch Furnace diameter . . 33 inches Furnace plates . . . inch Grate area . . . . 33 sq. feet Heating surface : In furnace and flues . . . 450 ,, In Galloway pipes . . 30 ,, In external flues . . . 370 ,, Total. . . . 850 ,, Fuel consumption, 17 to 23 Ibs. of coal per sq. ft. of grate per hour. Water evaporated per Ib. of coal, at and from 212, from io to 1 1 Ibs. with the help of a feed -heater. TUBULOUS BOILERS. The above term is applied to a class of boilers in which the water is contained in a series of tubes, of comparatively small diameter, which communicate with one another and with a common steam-chamber. The flame and hot gases B B 370 The Steam Engine. from the furnace circulate between the tubes, and are usually guided by baffle plates or partitions, so as to act equally on all portions of the tubes. There are many varieties of this type of boiler. Fig. 161 illustrates Root's patent boiler. Each tube is screwed at either end into a square cast-iron head, and each of these heads has two Fig. 161. openings, one communicating with the tube below, and the other with the tube above. The communication is effected by means of hollow cast-iron caps shown at the ends of the tubes. The caps have openings in them corresponding with the openings in the tube heads to which they are bolted, the joints being made by india-rubber washers. Locomotive Boilers. 371 LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. The essential features of locomotive boilers are dictated by the duties which they have to perform under peculiar conditions. The size and weight are limited by the fact that the boiler has to be transported rapidly from place to place, and also that it has to fit in between the frames of the locomotive ; while, at the same time, the pressure of the steam has to be very great, in order that with comparatively small cylinders the engine may develope great power ; moreover, the quantity of water which has to be evaporated in a given time is very considerable. To fulfil these latter conditions a large quantity of coal must be burned on a fire- grate of limited area ; hence intense combustion is necessary under a forced blast. To utilise advantageously the heat thus generated, a large heating surface must be provided, and this can only be obtained by passing the products of combustion through a great number of tubes of small diameter. The manner in which these conditions are carried out in practice will be best understood by reference to the accompanying illustrations (figs. 162 to 165 ). Fig. 162 is a longitudinal vertical section of a boiler of a modern locomotive. Fig. 163 is a vertical transverse section, half through the fire-box, and half through the cylindrical body of the boiler showing the tubes in section. Fig. 164 is half a section through the smoke box and funnel, and half an elevation of the front end of the locomotive, showing the smoke-box door. Fig. 165 is a horizontal section through the fire-box, showing some of the fire-bars in plan. The furnace (figs. 162, 163, 165), or fire-box as it is called, is a box-shaped casing of copper. In horizontal plan the fire-box is also rect- angular, the width in this example being 40 inches, and the length from front to back 60 inches, and the height from top of fire-bars to crown 64^ inches. The fire-bars B usually form the bottom of the box, though in some boilers there is a water B B 2 372 The Steam Engine. space provided with two openings for the admission of air below the bars. The lower edge of the furnace door is about Locomotive Boilers. 373 30 inches from the grate. Within the fire-box and below the tubes a bridge or arch of fire-brick is often built, which serves Fig. 163. Fig. 164. Fig. 165. 374 The Steam Engine. to deflect the products of combustion, which would otherwise rush direct into the tubes, and causes them to impinge on the sides and crown. The fire-box is enclosed completely within the body of the boiler, and consequently the four sides, and also the top or crown, are available as heating surface. The sides and top, being flat, would quickly collapse under the pressure of the steam unless special provision were made to stiffen them. The plan invariably adopted is to connect the sides of the fire-box with the outside shell of the boiler by a number of short bolts or stays CCC, screwed and riveted into each, as shown in fig. 163. The shell of the boiler exterior to the fire-box is also in plan a rectangular box made of wrought iron plates. The tendency of the steam being to bulge the shell outwards, and the sides of the fire-box inwards, the two pressures neutralise each other in the stays, which latter are of course put into a state of tension. They are clearly shown in the drawing, and are spaced about four inches apart all over the flat surfaces. The portion of the shell immediately over the crown of the fire-box is not flat, but semi-circular. It would consequently be often inconvenient to stay these two surfaces together in the manner described. The crown of the fire-box is therefore stiffened in a different manner, and usually by means of stout girders, though in the case of the boiler under description, the crown is supported by stays EE hanging from the shell plate. The remainder of the shell of the boiler consists of a cylindrical barrel united to the rectangular portion sur- rounding the fire-box. This barrel is 4 feet 2-^ inches in diameter and 10 feet n inches long. The products of com- bustion from the furnace are conveyed through the barrel to the smoke-box E, figs. 162 and 164, by means of 195 thin tubes, made of brass, if inch in external diameter, and 10 feet 1 1 1 inches long. In this manner a very large heating surface is obtained. Care must be taken in designing these tubes to make their diameter sufficiently large to carry off the products of combustion with ease. In some of the earlier Locomotive Boilers. 375 locomotive boilers, the diameter was made too small, with the object of getting as many tubes as possible into the available space, and thus increasing the heating surface ; but it was found that the narrow tubes offered a most serious impediment to the escape of the smoke and gases, and they were moreover, on account of their small diameter, very liable to become choked by soot, so that this plan had to be avoided. It was formerly the custom to make the tubes much longer than shown in fig. 162, with the object of gaining heating surface; but modern experience has shown that the last three or four feet next the smoke-box were of little or no use, because, by the time the products of com- bustion reached this part of the heating surface, their tem- perature was so reduced that but little additional heat could be abstracted from them, The tubes, in addition to acting as flues and heating surface, fulfil also the function of stays to the flat end of the barrel of the boiler, and the portion of the fire-box opposite to it. They always tend to work loose and consequently to leak at the tube plates (T,T, fig. 162), because they expand and contract more than the outside shell. They must therefore be very securely fastened. This is accomplished either by riveting the ends over the tube- plates, and driving in ring ferrules, or else by expanding the tube immediately behind the tube plates by an instrument specially made for this purpose. In addition to the staying power derived from the tubes, the smoke-box tube plate and the front shell plate F are stayed together by several long rods, or else the ends are strengthened by gusset stays CCC. In the boiler under consideration the heating surface given by the tubes is 964 square feet in area, while the sides and crown of the fire-box, or the direct heating surface, as it is called, is 101 square feet. The grate area is 16 square feet. The forced draught in a locomotive boiler is obtained by causing the steam from the cylinders after it has done its work to be discharged into the chimney by means of a pipe 376 The Steam Engine. R (figs. 162, 164) called the blast-pipe. The lower portion of the blast-pipe consists of two branches, one in communica- tion with the exhaust port of each cylinder. One of these branches and one cylinder L are shown in section, fig. 164. The most advantageous position for the mouth of the blast- pipe is some few inches below the base of the funnel. As each puff of steam from the blast-pipe escapes up the chimney, it forces the air out in front of it, causing a partial vacuum which can only be supplied by the air rushing through the furnace and tubes. The greater the body of steam escaping at each puff, and the more rapid the succes- sion of puffs, the more violent is the action of the blast-pipe in producing a draught, and consequently this contrivance regulates the consumption of fuel and the evaporation of water, to a certain extent automatically, because when the engine is working its hardest, and using most steam, the blast is at the same time most efficacious. The blast- pipe is perhaps the most distinctive feature of the loco- motive boiler, and the one which alone has rendered it possible to obtain large quantities of steam from so small a generator. The chamber E (figs. 162, 164) into which the smoke and other products of combustion issue on leaving the tubes is called the smoke-box. It is provided with a door in front, for giving access to the interior and to the tubes. The chimney is placed on the top of the smoke-box. The steam is either collected in a dome, on the top of the barrel, and which contains the mouth of the steam pipe S, leading to the cylinders ; or else, as in the case of fig. 162, a perforated pipe, S, is used, which runs along the top of the steam space in the barrel of the boiler. Unless these precautions were taken, the steam would carry over quantities of spray into the cylinders ; in other words, the boiler would prime. Priming, besides being a great inconvenience, is also a source of waste of heat, for the hot water carried over into the cylinders is incapable of doing work itself, and, moreover, lowers Locomotive and Marine Boilers. 377 the temperature of the steam in contact with it, and in this way may indirectly become a most prolific source of waste. On account of the oscillations to which the boilers of locomotive engines are subject, weighted safety valves are inadmissible, and springs are used instead to hold the valves in place. A spring safety valve is described on p. 406. MARINE BOILERS. The boilers used on board steamships are of two principal types. The older sort used for steam of com- paratively low pressure, viz. up to 35 Ibs. per square inch, is usually made of flat plates stayed together, after the manner of the exterior and interior fire-boxes of a locomotive boiler. Modern high-pressure marine boilers, constructed for steam of 60 to 150 Ibs. per square inch, are circular or oval in cross section, and are fitted with cylindrical interior furnaces and flues like land boilers. Figs. 1 66, 167 represent the general arrangement of the older type of marine boiler, in longitudinal and transverse sections. A A, fig. 167, are the grate bars ; B, the furnace door ; D, the ashpit. After passing the bridge the hot air and flame enter a large chamber E, called the back up-take, thence they return through the tubes eee, to the front up- take F and the chimney. The heating surface consists of the sides and crown of the furnace, the sides of the back up- take and the tubes. The front up-take F is provided with doors G for giving access to the tubes and chimney for clean- ing and repairs. The outside shell of this type of boiler is rectangular box-shaped. Some of the stays are represented at a a a in both views. The general arrangements and construction of this type of boiler are rendered clear by the illustrations. As the form of the boiler contributes nothing to its strength, the latter is maintained by staying all the opposite surfaces together in 378 The Steam Engine. the manner already described for the flat fire-boxes of loco- motive boilers. The use of high-pressure steam of from 60 to 150 Ibs. per square inch in modern marine engines has necessitated the abandonment of the type of boiler just described, as it would not be safe when dealing with such great pressures 1 Figs. 1 66 and 167 are taken by permission from Mr. R. Sennett's work on the Marine Steam Engine. Marine Boilers. 379 and large surfaces to depend solely on the strength of the stays. Accordingly we find that modern marine boilers are circular, or nearly so, in cross section, with flat ends. Fig. 167. Fig. 1 68 shows a front elevation and partial sections of a pair of such boilers, together with their up-takes, steam-chest, and other fittings ; and fig. 169 shows one of them in longi- tudinal vertical section. It will be seen from these drawings that there are three internal cylindrical furnaces in each end of these boilers, making in all six furnaces per boiler. The firing takes place at both ends. The flame and hot gases from each furnace, after passing over the bridge, enter a flat- sided rectangular combustion chamber, and thence travel through tubes to the front up-take, and so on to the chimney. The sides of the combustion chambers are stayed to each other and to the shell plate of the boiler. The tops 380 The Steam Engine. are strengthened in the same manner as the crowns of loco- motive fire-boxes already described. The flat-end plates of the boiler shell are stayed together by means of long bolts, which can be tightened up by means of nuts at their ends. Access is gained to the up- takes for purposes of cleaning, repair of tubes, &c. by means of doors on their fronts, just above the furnace doors. The steam is collected in the Marine Boilers. 381 large cylindrical receivers shown above each boiler. The material of construction is mild steel. Fig. 169. The following are the principal dimensions and other particulars of one of these boilers : Length from front to back, 20 ft. Diameter of shell, 15 ft. 6 in. Length of furnace, 6 ft. 10 in. Diameter of furnace, 3 ft. 10 in. Length of tubes, 6 ft. 9 in. Diameter, 3^ in. No. of tubes 516. Thickness of shell plates, ~. Thickness of tube plates, f . Grate area, 126*5 SC L- fi- ll eating surface, 4015 sq. ft. Steam pressure, Solbs. per. sq.in. 382 The Steam Engine. There are many varieties of marine boilers, adapted to suit special circumstances. Fig. 170 for instance is a sketch of a modern boiler, which is only fired from one end, and is in consequence much shorter in proportion to its diameter than the type illustrated in fig. 1 68. The cross section is often not circular. The sides are sometimes flat, and are prevented from bulging by being stayed to each other. The top and bottom are semicircular in shape. This form of section has been adopted in order to save some of the space which is wasted when the true circular shape is adopted, and which can be ill spared on board ship. It will have been noticed that the boiler illustrated in fig. 168 has a separate com- bustion chamber for each of the six furnaces. This arrangement is very good, because if a tube gives way in one chamber the fires in the other furnaces are not affected by it, but it is never- theless not always adopted. Sometimes, even in double- ended boilers, all the fur- naces have only one chamber in common. The disad- vantages of this plan are so serious that it is now but seldom adopted. Very often the two opposite furnaces of a double-ended boiler have a chamber in common, and in single-ended boilers with two furnaces we frequently find the same arrangement. The number of furnaces de- pends upon the diameter of the boiler shell, and the very confined natural limits, which are set to the diameter of fur- naces. If the latter are less than 36 inches, the crown of the furnace is so low that a large proportion of the heating value of the fuel is lost by the process of distillation. On Fig. 170. Marine Boilers. 383 the other hand, if over 48 inches, the thickness of plates necessary to give sufficient strength to the structure is so great, that the metal would be liable to be burnt, and its heat-transmitting powers would be greatly diminished. Boilers over nine feet in diameter have generally two fur- naces, those over thirteen to fourteen feet three, while the very largest boilers used on first-class mail steamers, and which often exceed fifteen feet in diameter, have four furnaces. THE PROPORTIONS OF THE PARTS OF BOILERS. In designing a boiler of a given type to furnish a certain amount of steam in a given time, it is requisite to know the following things : The size of fire-grate necessary to burn the requisite quantity of fuel in a given time with various kinds of blast. The capacity of different sorts of heating surface to trans- mit heat. The area of heating surface required to evaporate the given quantity of water in the given time. The relative proportions of the cubic contents of the boiler, which should be occupied by steam and water respectively. The quantity of water which a pound of fuel will convert into steam of a given pressure depends upon the pressure of the steam, the nature of the coal, and the efficiency of the type of boiler. For the purposes of comparison, all rates of evaporation at various pressures and various tempe- ratures of feed are reduced to the corresponding rates at and from 212. When the above data are known, it is easy to fix the size of fire-grate necessary in order to effect the combustion of the fuel. Evaporative power of fuel in different types of boilers. As a general rule, with fair average coal, it may be stated that the following rates of evaporation are obtained with the different types of boilers named : 384 The Steam Engine. Per Ib. of coal Lancashire boiler using feed heater 9 to 10-5 Ibs. of water at and from 212 Marine boiler of old type . -87 Ibs. of water at and from 212 Marine boiler of new type . .8-1 Ibs. of water at and from 212 Locomotive boiler . . . 9 to 12 Ibs. of water at and from 212 With bad fuel, such as steamers have often to take in at foreign ports, these figures will have to be reduced about twenty per cent. ; on the other hand, with picked fuel they may all be increased about fifteen per cent. Fire grate area. A given grate area will burn very different weights of fuel in a given time according to the nature of the draught. Where the size of the boiler is a matter of no importance, as in most land boilers, a slow rate of combustion is maintained, with a natural draught, on account of the saving in wear and tear of the furnaces. In such cases a common rate is from ten to twenty pounds of fuel per square foot of grate area per hour. On the other hand, when the size of the boiler is limited by the circum- stances, as in the case of locomotives and torpedo boats, a rate of from forty to one hundred and twenty pounds per square foot can be maintained by using a forced draught. Most of the following figures are given in Rankine's ' Manual of the Steam Engine.' Per sq. ft. per hour Slowest rate of combustion in Cornish boilers . 4 Ibs. Ordinary rate of combustion in Cornish boilers . 10 Ibs. ,, ,, in factory boilers . 12 to 1 6 Ibs. ,, ,, in marine boilers . 15 to 24 Ibs. Quickest rate of complete combustion of dry coal, air coming through grate alone . . 20 to 23 Ibs. Rate in locomotive boilers with blast-pipe . . 40 to 120 Ibs. Ordinary rate of locomotive boilers with blast-pipe 65 Ibs. The length of fire-grate is limited by the distance to which a stoker can throw the coals back with accuracy. It Proportions of Boilers. 385 is usual to fix six feet as the utmost limit. The breadth of the grate depends chiefly on the breadth or diameter of the boiler, and on the arrangement of the furnaces. In Lancashire boilers with two internal flues the breadth is extremely limited. Narrow furnaces have the great disad- vantage that they allow the fire, which is necessarily of small bulk, to be chilled by the proximity of the cold sides of the furnace, and allow but little room above the fuel for the introduction of air to complete the combustion. Grates of large area are difficult to cover evenly with the fuel. As a consequence the fire is apt to burn through too quickly in the thin places, and the air rushing in most where it finds the easiest entrance, causes the imperfect and slow combustion of the fuel wherever it is piled on too thickly. Efficiency of heating surface. The capacity of the heating surface to transmit heat to the water depends on the con- ductivity and the thickness of the metal, also on the position of the surface, and the difference in temperature between the water in the boiler and the hot gases in the furnace. The metals most commonly used to separate the water from the fuel are wrought iron and steel. These materials are, however, inferior to copper in conducting power, in the ratio of about one to three, and for this reason the latter metal is used to form the sides of furnaces in all cases where it is necessary to obtain a high rate of evaporation from a boiler of limited size. The inner fire-boxes in locomotives form a case in point. For the tubes of locomotive and many marine boilers brass is very generally used, both on account of its high conducting power, and also because of the facility with which tubes can be drawn from this material ; but tubes of steel and wrought iron are also used, especially in the boilers of the mercantile marine. The most effective portions of the heating surface are the sides, and especially the crown of the furnace and combustion chamber, and the first foot or two of the flues or tubes. The reason of this is that the products of combustion are much c c 386 The Steam Engine. hotter at these parts than elsewhere, and the effects of radia- tion are also most strongly felt in these portions of the boiler. In a boiler with horizontal flues and tubes the lower portions of these latter are considered of no value as heat- ing surface, because of the difficulty with which the steam escapes from them. For this reason the effective value of tube-heating surface is usually estimated to be only three- fourths of the total area of the tubes. In estimating the amount of heating surface in a boiler the surfaces of the furnace below the fire-bars, and of the combustion chamber below the bridge, and also of the tube-plate, farthest from the flame are altogether omitted. It is impossible to lay down general rules for the evapo- rating power of a given area of heating surface ; for, as has been stated above, so much depends on the temperature which is maintained in the furnace, and also on the position of the surface relatively to the hottest part of the fire. For these reasons the effects of different portions of the heating surface in evaporating the water are widely different, and nothing but an average of effect can be taken. In designing boilers it will, therefore, be safest to follow the proportions of heating surface to grate area, in the various types, which experience has proved to give the best results. The follow- ing are the proportions in a few representative cases : Lancashire boiler, ratio of grate area to heating surface I : 26 Lancashire boiler, including surface of feed-water heater, ratio of grate area to heating surface . I I 44 Marine boiler, ratio of grate area to heating surface . I : 22 to 35 Locomotive boiler, ratio of grate area to heating surface . . . . . . . i : 60 to 90 Roughly speaking, it may be said that for every foot of heating surface in a Lancashire boiler 6'8 to 9 Ibs. of water can be evaporated per hour, excluding the surface of the feed-heater ; in marine boilers from 6 to 8 Ibs. ; and in loco- motives from 10 to 15, for good average coal and ordinary Proportions of Boilers. 387 conditions. The higher figures apply to the case of the boilers being forced. With the locomotive type of boiler applied to torpedo boats 18 Ibs. of water have been evapo- rated per square foot of heating surface, with a forced draught equivalent to six inches of water. The ratio of grate area to heating surface was, however, only i : 34, and the water evaporated per pound of coal was consequently very low, having been only about 6 Ibs. As a general rule it may be stated that the proportion of heating surface to fuel burnt is as follows : Per Ib. of coal burnt per hour For Lancashire boilers . . . I'l to 1-5 sq. ft. of surface For modern marine boilers . . I to I -5 sq. ft. of surface For modern locomotive boilers . -9 to 1-5 sq. ft. of surface In order to obtain good evaporative results the higher figure should be chosen, but little is gained by any further increase beyond the allowance of i -5 square ft. per Ib. of coal per hour. When the allowance is less than 7 square ft. per Ib. of coal the results are distinctly uneconomical. Cubic capacities of boilers of different types. The absolute cubic capacity and the relative capacities of the water and steam rooms in a boiler are determined very much by the nature of the work which is expected to be done. Of course, in the case of boilers of a portable nature the circumstances limit the absolute capacity, but in the case of land boilers, where the bulk is of no particular account, the cubic con- tents are determined solely by the nature of the work to be done. Thus in cases where steam is only required occa- sionally, and where, when wanted, it must be raised with great rapidity, the capacity of the boiler is necessarily small, and the heating surface and grate area large, relatively to the cubic contents ; but where steady continuous work is required the capacity is always large. In boilers of small capacity the greatest care must neces- sarily be bestowed on the feed ; otherwise it would be impossible to maintain a uniform steam pressure, and more- c cs 388 The Stecun Engine. over, on account of the rapidity of evaporation, the upper portions of the heating surface are liable to be denuded of water, in which case serious damage is likely to ensue. In boilers of small capacity and great evaporative power it is usual to put a lead plug into the crown of the furnace, in order that, if the water has been allowed to sink below the level of this portion, the plug may melt, and allow the steam to enter the furnace and extinguish the fire. The absolute capacity of steam and water room in cubic feet, per pound of water evaporated per hour in the boiler, varies greatly in different types of boilers. The following figures give the proportions adopted in a few cases of the best examples. Lancashire boilers . I cubic foot capacity for every 3 Ibs, of water to be evaporated per hour Marine boilers . . I cubic foot capacity for every 7 to 10 Ibs. of water to be evaporated per hour In the case of locomotive boilers the rate of evaporation varies within such wide limits in the same boiler according to the work that has to be done, that it is impossible to give any general rule. The relative cubic capacities of the steam and water rooms also vary very considerably in the different types of boilers. For instance, where high pressure is used, and small quantities of steam are very frequently withdrawn from the boiler, as in the case of locomotives, the steam room need not be relatively so great as when large volumes of steam are slowly withdrawn, in the case, for example, of paddle engines. The effect of withdrawing a large vol- ume of steam from a confined space is to lower the pressure considerably ; at the same time the water in the boiler has the temperature due to the higher pressure ; consequently, when the pressure falls, the surplus heat in the water at once generates immense volumes of steam, which rushing to the surface carry large quantities of spray with them, and thus give rise to serious priming. Proportions of Boilers. 389 In ordinary practice \ve find that in Lancashire boilers the water occupies about three -fourths of the diameter of the boiler. In marine boilers the proportion varies from j? to J of the total shell capacity, according as they supply quick- running short-stroke screw engines, or slow and long stroke paddle engines. It should be borne in mind that when very steady running is required, and comparatively unskilled stoking is all that can be had, it is imperative that there should be not only a large steam room, but also a large water room to back it up with. The importance of a large cubic capacity of water as an equaliser of pressure lies in the fact that the specific heat of water is so high, that whenever the pressure tends to drop through the neglect of the firing, the immense store of heat in the water, at the temperature due to the higher pressure, is at once available for the immediate generation of steam. THE STRENGTH OF BOILERS. Hollow cylinder pressed from within. In considering the strength of boilers the first point to be examined is the case of a hollow cylinder pressed from within. Let the circle (fig. 171) represent the transverse section of such a cylinder, which is supposed to be filled with steam of a pressure of P Ibs. to the square inch. It is required to find the stress on the shell of the cylinder at any two points Fig> 1?Ie AA, diametrically opposite. It is evident that every inch of the circumference of the shell is subjected to a pressure acting radially outwards from the centre C, so that the total pressure acting on the semi- circumference of a ring one inch wide=7r . r . P, where r= 390 The Steam Engine. the radius in inches. The force, however, which tends to separate the metal at AA is not the whole radial pressure TT . r . P, but the sum of the components of this force re- solved in a direction at right angles to the diameter AA. The sum of these components on a ring one inch in width may be proved to be equal to the pressure on an area equal to the diameter of the circle (2^) multiplied by the width (one inch). Hence the sum = 2rP. The cross section of the metal at AA has, therefore, to sustain a tension = 2rP ; or at either of these points separately, the tension = rP. Let the thickness of the shell at A be / inches, and let the tensile strength of the metal be W Ibs. per square inch ; then the total strength of the ring at A per inch run of length of cylinder = W/ Ibs. ; and when the boiler is on the W/ point of bursting we must have W/= rP, or P =- . In other words, the pressure P, which a cylindrical boiler will support, is directly proportional to the strength and thick- ness of the metal, and inversely proportional to the diameter. This reasoning applies only to the case of the thickness of the shell being small compared with the dia- meter ; had the thickness at AA been considerable, as in the case of hydraulic presses and heavy guns, we should have had to argue in a different manner. As an example, take the case of a cylindrical boiler of wrought iron of 6 feet diameter, the plates being \ an inch thick, and the steam pressure 80 Ibs. per square inch, the tensile strength of the iron being 48,000 Ibs. per square inch. We have rP = the tension at any point in the circumference of the shell = 3 x 12 x 80 = 2,880 Ibs. per inch of length. On the other hand, the strength of a ring one inch in length and half an inch thick is i_> = 24,000 Ibs. ; that is to say, the strength of the boiler in this case is about eight and a half times greater than the stress brought to bear upon it. In actual practice, however, we could not take the full Strength of Boilers. 391 strength of the metal, because the riveted joints are much weaker than the solid plate. The tensile strength of a double riveted joint, for such a boiler, would be about 34,000 Ibs. per square inch, and consequently the strength of the boiler at the weakest part would be 34'_ j^ooolbs. per inch of length ; that is to say, the strength would be about six times greater than the stress. Factors of safety. The number which expresses the ratio of the strength of a boiler to the working strain is called the factor of safety. Thus in the above example the factor of safety is six. The proper factor of safety is a point not yet fully settled. The number adopted by the Board of Trade for the shells of marine boilers, subject to their inspection, is five for the most favourable cases ; that is to say, when materials, construction, and workmanship are all of the best. In Lancashire boilers the factor four is considered sufficient for the weakest strip in the boiler. The French Govern- ment has fixed three as the factor in land boilers, and this low number has been found to give perfect security. In addition to the strength of the longitudinal section of a boiler we must also consider the case of the transverse or ring-shaped section. The stress in this instance is brought to bear by means of the pressure of the steam on the two ends, and tends to pull the shell out like a telescope. No matter what the shape of the end, the pressure on it tending to pull the boiler in two is exactly the same as if the ends were flat. Taking, therefore, flat ends, and using the same symbols as before, we have -n-r 2 = the area of the end, 7r;- 2 P = the total pressure on the area, 2-n-r = the circumference of any transverse section, and 27rr/= the area of such section. The area 2-xrt has, therefore, to sustain the pressure 7rr 2 P. 3Q2 The Steam Engine. When the boiler is on the point of bursting in this manner we must have, therefore, ?/w P*- -7r/ 2 P = 27rr/W. /. P = _ , or W =-1, whereas in the r 2t -p r former case we had W = ; that is to say, W, or the tensile strength of the metal, requires to be only half as great to resist the transverse stress as the longitudinal. Taking the same example as before, we have the area of the end = 3-14159 X (3 X 12)2 = 407 1-5 square inches ; while the pressure on the end = 4071-5 x 80 = 325,720 Ibs. Now the area of the transverse section of the boiler to resist this stress=3'i4i59 x 6x 12 x^= 113*1 square inches, the tensile strength of which is 5,428,800 Ibs.; that is to say, the strength is about sixteen and three quarter times greater than the stress brought to bear on it. As before, however, we can- not in practice consider the full strength of the plate, because all boilers are made up of two or more rings riveted together. On account, however, of the comparatively light load which the joints have to bear, it is not considered necessary to double rivet the joints. The strength of a single riveted joint in the above example would be only about 26,000 Ibs. per square inch, and consequently the factor of safety would be between eight and nine. The transverse strength of a cylindrical boiler with internal fur- naces is of course much greater than in the above example, for while the area of the ends is diminished by the transverse area of the furnace or flue, the section of metal which resists the stress is increased by the area of metal contained in a transverse section of the flue. The way in which the strength is calculated is so apparent from what has gone before that it is unnecessary to give another example. See also pp. 398-9. Strength of riveted joints. The principles of the con- struction of riveted joints are fully explained in the treatise on the ' Elements of Machine Design,' published in this series of text-books. 1 It is here only necessary to state that, 1 Elements of Machine Design. By W. C. Unwin. Riveted Joints. 393 according to Fairbairn's experiments, the strength of a single riveted joint when properly proportioned is 56 per cent, of the strength of the plate, and that of a double riveted joint 70 per cent. Fairbairn's experiments were made on plates ^ inch in thickness, and it seems highly probable that with the much thicker plates now in use, and the consequent alteration in the pitch and proportions of the rivets, his figures can no longer be accepted as correct. They appear to err in representing the strength of the joint as being greater than it really is. Single Riveted Joints. Iron Plates, iron Rivets Steel Plates, iron Rivets Thick- ! ness of Plates Diameter of Rivets Pitch of Rivets Effici- ency of Joints Thick- ness of Plates Dia- meter of Rivets Pitch of Rivets Effici- ency of Joints 8 10 670= li- i -82= ill 621 I 5 e fi 1-54=14 552 f 735= 2 i-fr-ii 606 1 1 I-S8=l4 538 & 790= I* i '94 -ill 59 8 u i '66= iH 512 i 849= | 1-98 = 2 571 1 170= ii| 501 1 949= 11 2-08 = 2^ '543 1 IS i -80 ilf 472 * i'4 = ITS 2-17 = 2& 521 3 4 14 1-89-iJ 450 1 I-I2 -!j. 2-25 = 2^ 500 1 ii I-97--2 431 1 1-20 =l 2-33 = 2^ 485 1 ii 2-05 = 2^ 415 Double Riveted Joints. 1 ' J ! 3 75 1 f *4 6 9 I 7 13 To 3^ 73 1 7 B -ii 2-i 6 7 k 1 38 72 i 1 4 66 9 16 1 3^ 72 9 16 1 2^ 66 * if 3^ 71 1 H 2f 64 1 i 3^ 69 3 4 ii 1 . 2| 6 1 1 4 31 66 1 4 *H 59 I H 3^ 64 I H 2^ 57 394 The Steam Engine. The above tables, and figs. 172 to 174, extracted from Mr. Unwin's work, give the proportions, together with the efficiency of riveted joints that is to say, the ratio of their strength to that of the solid plate, for iron and steel plates, and for single and double riveting. Fig. 172 illustrates a single riveted lap joint; fig. 173 a similar butt joint, in both single and double shear Fig. 172. Fig. 174. o o Fig. 173- that is to say, with single and double cover plates. Fig. 174 shows a double riveted lap joint of the usual dimen- Strength of Hollow Cylinders. 39 $ sions. All dimensions are given in terms of the diameter of the rivet as unit. See also App., Examples 140 et seqq. Holloiv cylinder pressed from without. The strength of cylinders pressed from without is much more difficult to determine than when they are pressed from within. Theo- retically the metal would for similar pressures be in a state of compression equal to the tension as determined above. There is, however, a great practical difference between the two cases. When a cylinder is pressed from without, unless it is of a mathematically perfect shape, and perfectly homo- geneous in strength, the pressure tends to change its shape, so that it may yield by deformation long before the limit of the crushing strength of the metal is approached. Thus it is frequently found that internal furnace flues give way by collapsing. On the other hand, when pressed from with- in, the tendency of the pressure is to keep the cylinder in shape, so that it can only give way when the metal yields. The standard experiments on the strength of cylinders to resist external pressure were those made by Fairbairn thirty- three years ago, under conditions widely different from those now common. The results arrived at by Fairbairn were as follows : The strength varies inversely as the length of the cylinder, inversely also as the diameter, and directly as the square of the thickness of the metal. The following formula is given by Rankine to determine the collapsing pressure of such cylinders : / 2 P 806000 -. La when P is the pressure in pounds per square inch, / the thickness of the sides in inches, d the diameter in inches, and L the length in feet. In order to obviate the weakness of long flues, rings of angle or tee iron are riveted round them at fixed intervals, as shown in fig. 175, or else the joints are made as repre- sented in fig. 156, or as shown in the furnace of the boiler in fig. 159. The strength in these cases, according to Fair- 396 The Steam Engine. Fig. 175- bairn, is to be calculated on the supposition that the length is equal to the distance between two consecutive rings. Those portions of cylindrical flues which do not contain the furnace are very successfully strengthened by means of Galloway's tubes, de- scribed on p. 364. The method of strengthening the furnaces them- selves which appears to be most successful is the plan of corrugating the plates introduced by Mr. Fox (fig. 158), and now much used in the furnaces of. high-pressure marine boilers. This system has been already described, see p. 365. Staying of flat surfaces. When boilers are formed prin- cipally of flat plates, like low-pressure marine boilers, or the fire-boxes of locomotive boilers, the form contributes nothing to the strength, which must, therefore, be provided for by staying the opposite surfaces together. Fig. 176 shows the arrangement of the stays in a locomotive fire-box. They are usually pitched about 4 inches from centre to centre, and are fastened into the opposite plates by screwing, as shown, the heads being riveted over. Each stay has to bear the pressure of steam on a square aa, and the sectional area of the stay must be so chosen that the tensile strength will be sufficient to bear this strain with the proper factor of safety. Thus if a be the area of the section of the stay in inches, and a! that of the square of plate which it supports, P the pressure of the steam per square inch, and / the tensile strength of the stay, we must have a'P t ' Fig. 176. a'P =. af, or a = Staying of Boilers. 397 It is usual to allow a factor of safety of eight for loco- motive boilers, while in marine boilers the factor is from nine to ten, a large margin of strength being necessary on account of the liability of the stays to corrosion. If the spaces between the stays are too great, or the plate too thin, there is a danger of the structure yielding through the plate bulging outwards between the points of attach- ment of' the stays, thus allowing the latter to draw through the screwed holes made in the plates. Rankine recommends that if the material of the plate is equal in strength to that of the stay, the thickness of the plate should equal half the diameter of the stay; and that if the material of the plate be weaker, its thickness should be proportionately increased. The flat ends of cylindrical boilers are usually stayed to the cylindrical portions by triangular plates of iron, called gusset stays (see figs. 159, 162, 177). Gusset stays should never be brought too close to any internal flues riveted to the flat ends for the reasons explained on p. 365. The two opposite ends are also stayed together by long bar stays, run ning the whole length of the boiler. It is dangerous, however, to trust too much to the latter class of stays ; for, in consequence of the alternate expansion and contraction which takes place every time the boiler is heated and cooled, they have a tendency to work loose at the joints ; and if the portion of the boiler in which they are situated should happen to be hotter than the outside shell, they have a tendency to droop, and are then perfectly useless. In designing boilers with stayed surfaces care should be taken that the opposite plates connected by any system of stays should, as far as possible, be of equal area, otherwise Fig. 177. 398 The Steam Engine. there is sure to be an unequal distribution of load in the stays, some receiving more than their proper share, and, moreover, the least supported plate is exposed to the danger of buckling. THE EFFECTS OF UNEQUAL EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION IN STRAINING A BOILER. It every portion of a boiler were, when heated, raised to exactly the same temperature, and if the same description of metal were used throughout the entire structure, there would of course be no strains set up by the change of temperature, because all the parts would expand and contract proportionately to their dimensions. In the majority of boilers, however, the various portions are at very different temperatures, and the more highly heated parts expand to a greater extent than the remainder, thus distort- ing the shape of the boiler, and inducing sometimes very serious strains. Take, for instance, the internal furnace and flue of a Cornish boiler : this portion, containing, as it does, the fire, is considerably hotter than the outside shell, and consequently expands more. One of two things must then happen : either the flat ends of the boiler must bulge out, or if these are too rigid to yield, or are stayed too stiffly, the whole of the metal of the flue will be put into a state of com- pression, the effects of which are sometimes most con- spicuously seen in the joints. 1 Again, the flue, though hotter on the whole than the rest of the boiler, is not itself uniformly heated, the upper portions above the fire-bars being at a higher temperature than the lower. The result of this is to twist the flue out of shape, provided the ends of the boiler can yield, the flue cambering up towards the top of the shell. If the ends were quite rigid the top of the flue would be put into compression, and the bottom in tension. The outside shells are also subject to considerable dif- 1 See also page 363. Straining of Boilers by unequal Heating. 399 ferences of temperature, caused by the top of the boiler being filled with hot steam, while the bottom contains water, often not much warmer than the feed. In the case of Cornish and Lancashire boilers with external return flues, this difference in temperature is compensated for, and some- times more than compensated for, by the high temperature of the hot gases circulating underneath, but in the case of boilers having no external heating surface there may be a considerable difference in temperature, unless means are taken to circulate the water. In estimating the intensity of the strains due to tempera- ture it should be borne in mind that one degree of rise in temperature elongates a bar of ordinary boiler iron by the same amount as would a tensile stress of the intensity of about 190 Ibs. per square inch. Hence such a bar, if held rigidly at the ends, so that these could not move, and then heated ten degrees, would be subjected to a force of compression equal to 1900 Ibs. per square inch. Similarly, if cooled ten degrees below the normal temperature, it would be subjected to a tensile stress of the same amount. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. The metals principally used in the construction of boilers are wrought iron, mild steel, copper, and brass. Copper is used almost exclusively for the inner fire-boxes of loco- motive furnaces, on account of its great conductivity, and the property which it possesses of resisting the intense tempera- ture of combustion usual in this class of boiler. The use of brass is limited to the tubes, but even these are now often made of steel or iron. Wrought iron has till lately been the principal metal used in the structure of boilers, but it is now rapidly being superseded by mild steel. The advantages of mild steel are very great. Its strength to resist strains of tension and compression is considerably greater than that of iron, thus 4OO T/te Steam Engine. enabling lesser scantlings to do the work. Its ductility is greater, its structure more homogeneous, and its quality more uniform ; while its power to resist corrosion, when proper precautions are taken, is reported on most favourably by those who have had the best practical opportunities of watching its behaviour in use. The only drawback which retarded its general introduction was a certain difficulty which the boiler-makers experienced in working the new metal safely into shape, especially when at a black heat ; but this difficulty has to a great extent been got over with increased experience. The following table gives the approximate numerical value of the tensile strength of the three metals. It must be understood that samples of the same metal vary so much that nothing but approximate or rough average values can be given. Tensile Strength, Ibs. per Name of Metal sq. inch With grain Across grain Best Lowmoor plate . 58,487 55,033 Ordinary wrought-iron boiler plate . ! 50,000 Mild Siemen's steel plates, average . 64,600 46,500 64,500 Brass tubes .... . 80,000 Copperplates. ... . 30,000 - Copper bolts .... . j 36,000 Lloyd's rules for marine boilers require that when the material of the shell plates is mild steel it shall have a tensile strength of not less than 26 tons and not more than 30 tons per square inch of section, and the ultimate elongation of a test piece 8 inches in length after fracture, must be not less than 20 per cent, of the original length. The Board of Trade rules for steel marine boilers require that the tensile strength of plates not exposed to flame should be about 28 tons and should not exceed 32 tons per square inch of section. The tensile strength of furnace, flanging Boiler Fittings, 40! and combustion box plates should range from 26 tons to 30 tons per square inch. FITTINGS OF BO!LERS The principal parts of boilers which flow remain to be considered are furnace doors and grates, safety valves, pressure and water gauges, feeding apparatus, and feed heaters. Furnace Doors. The chief points to be considered in the design of furnace doors are to prevent the radiation of heat through them, and to provide for the admission of air above the burning fuel in order to aid in the consumption of smoke and unburnt gases. In all cases where the doors are exposed to very rough usage such, for instance, as in locomotive and marine boilers the means for admitting air must be of the simplest, and consist generally of simple perforations, as shown in fig. 178, which represents a front view and section of the furnace door of a. locomo- tive boiler. The heat from the burning fuel is prevented from radiating through the perforations in the outer door by attaching to it a second or baffle plate a, at a distance of about i^ inch, the holes in which do not coincide in direction with those of the door proper. By the constant entry of cold air from the outside the greater part of any heat which may be communicated to the door by radiation or conduction is returned to the furnace. Doors similar to the above provide for the constant D D Fig. 178. 4O2 The Steam Engine. admission of limited quantities of fresh air above the fuel. In actual practice, however, air is only needed above the fire for a few minutes after fresh fuel has been thrown on the grate, and is then required in considerable quantities. In the case of land boilers, the furnace doors of which undergo comparatively mild treatment, it is possible to introduce the necessary complications for effecting the above objects. Fig. 160 show's an arrangement in common use in Cornish and Lancashire boilers, and consists of a number of radial slits in the outer door plate, which can be closed or opened at will in the same manner as an ordinary window ventilator. Other and more complicated arrange- ments have been frequently devised which work admirably so long as they remain in order, but the frequent banging to which furnace doors are subjected, even in factory boilers, soon deranges delicate mechanism. Furnace doors should be kept as small as te compatible with the proper distribution of the fuel over the grate area, as otherwise the great rush of cold air, when the door is opened, rapidly cools down the flues, and does considerable injury to tube plates, crowns of furnaces, &c. For this reason it is desirable, when grates are over forty inches in width, to have two doors to each furnace, which can be fired alternately. Dead-plate and Fire-bars. The dead- plate is a flat plate of iron immediately inside the furnace door, and which is used in many boilers in order to insure the combustion of the volatile portions of bituminous coal. When the fresh fuel is laid on it is placed on the dead-plate instead of on the grate. In this position the coal is coked, the volatile hydrocarbons being driven off by the radiated heat from the incandescent fuel, and ignited as they pass over the latter by the surplus air coming through the grate, or by a special admission through the furnace door. As soon as the cok- ing process is complete the fuel is pushed forward from the dead-plate over the fire-bars. Dead-plates are also frequently Fire-bars. 403 used where anthracite coal is burned, as this fuel is apt to crack and splinter into small pieces if thrown fresh on to the grate without having been previously warmed through. The grate consists of a number of cast-iron bars, called fire-bars, which are supported on wrought-iron bearers. In- numerable forms of fire-bars have been contrived to meet the cases of special kinds of fuel. The type in common use is represented in fig. 179, which shows a side view and a section of a single bar, and a plan of three bars in position Each bar is, in fact, a small girder, the top surface of which is wider than the bottom. On each bar are cast lugs, the width of which determines the size of the interstices for the Fig. 179. passage of air. In marine boilers the usual width of the bar on the top surface is \\ inch, tapering down to one- third of this size at the bottom. The interstice varies in width according to the character of the fuel. For anthracite \ inch is a maximum, while for caking coals f inch is often used. For long furnaces the bars are usually made in two lengths, with a bearer in the middle of the grate. In the Lancashire boiler, illustrated in fig. 159, the bars are in three lengths of two feet each. They are f inch wide on the top, and spaced inch apart. In locomotive boilers the bars are generally in one length. As a rule long grates are set with a considerable slope towards the bridge, in order to facilitate the distribution of the fuel. A slope of an inch D D 2 404 TJie Steam Engine. to the foot is the rule. The grates of locomotive engines are nearly always flat. Safety valves. The safety valve is a circular valve seated on the outside of the boiler, and weighted to such an extent that when the pressure of the steam exceeds a certain point, the valve is lifted from its seating and allows the steam to escape. Safety valves can be loaded directly with weights, in which case they are called dead-weight valves, or the load can be trans- mitted to the valve by a lever. Again, the end of the lever is sometimes held down by a simple weight attached to it, a plan commonly adopted in land boilers ; while some- times, as in the case of loco- motive and marine boilers, the lever is weighted by means of a spring, the tension of which can be adjusted. Fig. 1 80 shows a form of dead-weight safety valve, where a is the valve which rests on the seating b. The valve is attached to the circular casting AAA, so that both rise and fall to- gether. The weights WW, &c., are disposed on the casting in rings, which can be adjusted to the desired blow-off pressure. Owing to the centre of gravity of the casting and weights being below the valve, the latter requires no guides to keep it in position. This is a great advantage, as guides frequently stick, and prevent the valve from acting. Another advantage of this form of valve is that it is difficult to tamper with. For instance, a four-inch FIG. 1 80. Safety Valves. 405 valve, intended to blow off at 100 Ibs. per square inch, would require weights of n cwt, which occupy a consider- able bulk. An unauthorised addition of a few pounds to such a mass would make no appreciable addition to the blowing-off pressure, while any effectual increment of weight would be immediately noticed. It is quite different with the lever safety valve, about to be described. A small addi- tion to the weight at the end of the lever is multiplied several times at the valve. Fig. 181. The second form of safety valve is shown in fig. 181 Here the load is attached to the end C of the lever ABC, the fulcrum of which is at A. Calling the weight W, the weight of the lever w, the weight of the valve, a/, the distance of the centre of gravity of the lever from A, /, w ' + w m + ^ is the pressure brought to bear on the seat bb of the valve a. The effective pressure on the valve, and consequently the blowing-off pressure in the boiler, can be regulated, within certain limits, by sliding the weight W along the arm of the lever. In locomotive engines the weight would, on account of the oscillations, be inadmissible, and a spring is used to hold down the end of the lever. The pressure on the valve can be regulated by altering the tension of the spring. 406 TJie Steam Engine. A valve much used in locomotives is shown in fig. 182. It is called, after the name of its inventor, Ramsbottom's patent safety valve. It consists really of two valves AA, placed side by side, at a little distance apart. A cross-piece B bears upon each valve, and to the cross-piece is attached a power- ful spiral spring D, the lower end of which is so fixed at C that its tension can be adjusted by means of a set screw at E which is out of reach of the engine driver. Before the valves can rise they have to overcome the resistance of the spring, to which the pressure is communicated by means of the cross-piece B. The spring is attached to the cross- piece below the bearing points of the cross-piece on the valves. If one of the valves should rise from its seating before the other, the spring leans a little towards this latter, easing the pressure on it, and allowing it to open. The rise of the valves from the seating is much greater with these directly loaded valves than when the pressure is transmitted through a lever, and thus the steam escapes with much greater rapidity. Every boiler should be provided with two safety valves, one of which should be put beyond the control of the attendant. The size of the opening depends of course upon the steam-producing power of the boiler, the object to be attained being to reduce the pressure within the boiler to its normal point as quickly as pos- sible. The following rule is given by Rankine for valves having a lift of one-twentieth of their own diameter. Let a = area of valve ; A = area of heating surface in square Fig. 182. Pressure Gauges. 407 a = -=, feet ; P = pressure of steam in pounds per square inch. Then A 3P" The Board of Trade rule for marine boilers is to allow half a square inch of safety valve for every square foot of fire- grate area. Pressure Gauges. These instruments are used for show- ing the pressure at which the steam happens to be within the boiler. The one in most common use is Bourdon's, and is illustrated in fig. 183. It con- sists of a bent metal tube aa, which is put in connection with the interior of the boiler by means of the pipe b, which is provided with a stopcock. The tube aa is elliptical in cross section, as shown at A. The effect of internal pressure on the tube is to tend to transform the elliptical into a circular cross section. This, however, cannot be done without partially unbending or straightening the tube aa ; that is to say, the effect of internal pressure is ultimately to straighten the tube, and the greater the pres- sure the more the tube is unbent, and consequently the more the free end c is moved from its normal position. The free end is connected by means of a link with an index like the hand of a watch, either directly, or else through the medium of a small rack and pinion, which multiplies the motion of the index ; and when the free end of the tube moves under the influence of pressure, the end of the index describes an arc of a circle. By placing a dial behind the Fig 183. 408 The Steam Engine. index, and graduating the former experimentally, so that a given position of the needle corresponds with a given pres- sure in the tube, we obtain an exact pressure gauge. The experimental division of the circumference of the dial is made by connecting the Bourdon gauge with a mercurial syphon gauge and a force-pump. The force-pump is then worked, so that the syphon gauge registers successive incre- ments of pressure of one pound per square inch, and at each of these a mark is made on the dial of the Bourdon gauge opposite the position of the index finger. These gauges should be tested from time to time by a mercurial gauge, as they are apt to get out of order, in consequence of water lodging in the end of the bent tube and corroding the latter. It may easily be known when they are out of order by raising the pressure of the steam in the boiler, and watching till it commences to blow off at the safety valve, and then noting the position of the index finger. The pres- sure registered by the finger should of course then corre- spond with the known blow-off pressure of the valves ; if it does not, one or other or both of these instruments must be out of order : but the safety valve is usually kept in order ; therefore when this is the case, and a disagreement occurs, the Bourdon gauge may be presumed to need correction. Feeding Apparatus. The water of a boiler is replenished by means of force-pumps or injectors, or by both. For safety's sake every boiler ought to have two feeds, in order to avoid accidents when one of them gets out of order. Pumps for feeding are of two principal kinds, viz. those driven by a crank or eccentric on the main axle of the engine, and those which are connected direct to a separate small engine, which is only employed for pumping purposes : these latter are called donkey engines. The feed-pumps of land boilers are usually made large enough to supply, if kept continuously at work, from two to two and a half times the quantity of water actually consumed by the engine, Injectors. 409 In old-fashioned marine boilers, where the engine is not pro- vided with a surface condenser, the pumps had to be made still larger, in order to allow for the waste occasioned by the discharge of brine from the boilers. The pumps themselves, being ordinary force-pumps, require no special description. Injectors. The injector, which was invented by Giffard, is in many respects the most peculiar and interesting apparatus connected with the steam engine. It is an instrument which converts the energy of the heat in the steam into mechanical work without the aid of any moving mechanism whatever. Before describing it, it is necessary to notice the difference between the velocity of steam escaping from a boiler, and water escaping from the same vessel under the same pressure of steam. The velocity of the water is, in accordance with a well-known law of hydrodynamics, and neglecting the effect of friction, the same as it would acquire by falling down a height equal to the length of the column of water which would produce the same pressure as the steam. Thus, let the pressure of the steam in the boiler be five atmospheres above that of the external air ; the pressure of one atmo- sphere will balance the weight of a column of water. 33-9 feet in height ; therefore five atmospheres will balance a column of 169-5 ^ eet - The velocity acquired by falling down this height would be about 104 feet per second. This, therefore, would be approximately the velocity of efflux of the water from the boiler. The velocity of efflux of the steam is much greater, although the pressure is the same. It would be impossible in the limits of this chapter to give an account of the theory of the flow of gases and of saturated steam. It must be enough to mention that for the pressures usual in land boilers the velocity of the steam is from 16 to 18 times greater than that of the water. Suppose now that some of the steam were discharged from a boiler through a pipe at this high velocity, and that while in the act of discharge it were condensed suddenly by TJie Steam Engine. passing through an intensely cold medium ; the resulting water would travel forward with the same velocity which it had already acquired when in the state of steam ; and if the various particles of water could by any means be gathered together into a continuous stream, they would be more than able to overcome and to force back into the boiler any opposing stream of water of the same size directed against them from the water- room of the boiler. Now the velocity of the condensed steam is so great that it possesses not only energy enough to re-enter the boiler in the face of an opposing stream of water of its own size, but it can also impart energy to a much larger mass of water, so that this larger mass can also enter the boiler. The injector is simply an instrument for allowing steam to rush from a boiler, and to suck up and mix with itself a stream of cold water, by which it is condensed, and to which it imparts so much of its own velocity that the combined mass of cold water and condensed steam enters into and feeds the boiler. Fig. 184 shows an elementary form of such an injector. A is the section of a boiler, B a pipe leading from the steam space and terminating in a nozzle, C is the cold water pipe leading from the tank, and termi- nating in a hollow cone surrounding the steam nozzle. When the steam Fig. 184. is turned on, and escapes from the lower edge E of the hollow cone, it creates a partial vacuum in the cone and in the pipe C. The water then rushes up the pipe and into the cone sur- Injectors. 411 rounding the nozzle, where it meets with the escaping steam, which it condenses. The particles of condensed steam, impinging on the water surrounding them, communicate their motion to the latter, and the combined mass is de- livered at a high velocity into the feed-pipe F, and through the valve at G into the boiler. Such an injector, if properly proportioned, would work well for a fixed pressure of steam in the boiler, and for a fixed temperature of the feed water. In practice, however, these quantities vary, and in- jectors must be made to suit all such contingencies. For instance, when the pressure of the steam increases, the area of the opening in the steam nozzle must be in- creased, and vice versa. There are very many forms of in- je:tors. Fig. 185 illustrates one which is in common use in this country. The steam and water supply pipes, nozzle, and cone are rendered sufficiently clear by the draw- ing. The steam supply is varied by altering the posi- tion of the conical spindle a, which can be screwed towards or away from the mouth of the nozzle. The water chamber CC is so arranged that it com- pletely surrounds the steam nozzle. The supply of the water is varied by contracting or expanding the conical aperture 412 The Steam Engine. below the mouth of the steam nozzle. This is accomplished by moving the conical sliding tube E backwards or forwards by means of the hand-wheel D and the rack and pinion. If the supply of steam is not properly adjusted to the water, some of the latter will escape at the aperture made in the sliding tube E into the overflow pipe. For instance, if the supply of steam be too small, the current will not have sufficient energy to enter the boiler, and part of it will choke up the sliding tube and escape by the aperture. When this occurs it is only necessary to turn on more steam, or shut off some of the water. The efficiency of the injector is measured by the tempe- rature of the current of feed water as it enters the boiler, compared to its temperature before it enters the injector. The less the rise in temperature, the more the energy of the steam is utilised. Theoretically speaking, if we measure the units of heat in the feed water as it enters the boiler over and above the heat before it enters the injector, and sub- tract the amount from the total heat of the steam used, the result ought to give the useful work which the injector does. A great deal of power is wasted in these instruments, as at present constructed, by the formation of eddies. When used for feeding boilers, all the heat represented by the rise of the temperature of the feed water is of course restored to the boiler. As might be expected, the efficiency of an injector increases as the original temperature of the feed water diminishes. These instruments are also used for other purposes besides the feeding of boilers. They have even been employed on a large scale to drain a mine. In this case the work done was represented by about 80 gallons per minute raised through a vertical height of 240 feet. This probably is the greatest amount of work which has ever been accomplished with an injector, and could of course only be undertaken where expenditure of fuel was no consideration. Water Gauges. These are used to ascertain the level Water Gauges and Feed- Heaters. 413 of the water in the boiler. The simplest sort consist of three cocks screwed into the face of the boiler at different levels, one being usually at the normal level of the water, one above this in the steam space, and a third lower down at a level below which it is dangerous to allow the water to sink. By opening these cocks in succession the position of the water level can be approximately ascertained. Another variety in common use consists of a straight glass tube, so fixed that its upper end communicates with the steam, and the lower end with the water space. Cocks are provided for cutting off the connection at either end, and for allowing steam or water to be blown through the glass tube. The latter is fixed at the ends in metal sockets which allow of its being removed and replaced when broken. With this form of gauge the water level is always visible. It is usual to provide a boiler with both forms of gauge, in order that if one gets out of order the other may be available. Feed-water Heaters. It is very desirable, whenever it is possible, to feed the boiler with water of the temperature of or about 212. There are three good reasons for this practice. In the first place, the introduction of cold water into the hot boiler tends to produce the strains due to unequal temperature which have been already commented on. In the next place, it has been observed that water which has been previously heated, otherwise than by surface condensers, exercises a far less corrosive effect on the boiler than cold water, the corrosive action taking place in the heater instead, where its injurious effects are not nearly so important. Lastly, there is of course a very con- siderable saving of fuel effected by utilising waste heat to raise the temperature of the fuel. Supposing, for instance, the water were raised from 60 to 212, there would be a saving of 152 units of heat for every pound of water, which is equivalent to about one-seventh of the total heat required to evaporate the water at 212 from the temperature of 60. There are three distinct methods in use of heating feed 414 The Steam Engine. water. In modern marine engines fitted with surface condensers the steam condensed from the engines is used over and over again in the boilers. The temperature of water coming from surface condensers should be about 130. Unfortunately such water is generally more or less charged with fatty acids, generated by the decomposition of the oils used for lubricating the cylinders, and consequently great care has to be exercised to prevent the rapid corrosion of the boilers. Sometimes, also, the lubricant is carried back into the boiler in the shape of a gelatinous, non- conducting substance, which settles on the crowns of furnaces, and prevents the transmission of heat through the plates. The consequence is, the furnace crowns become over-heated and collapse. With high-pressure non-condensing engines the exhaust steam is frequently used to raise the temperature of the feed. When the apparatus for utilising the heat of the exhaust steam is properly designed, very excellent results may be obtained with this class of heater, but not unfre- quently the steam vs>. forced through a series of pipes surrounded with cold water, the result being that the back pressure in the cylinder is unduly raised, and much more heat is thus often lost in the engine than is gained by raising the temperature of the feed. The third class of feed heater utilises the waste heat from the furnaces before it passes up the chimney, and is admirably adapted to factories where room can be spared. The apparatus usually consists of a series of vertical pipes connected together, through which the feed water is forced. The hot air and gases proceeding from the boiler flues circulate between these pipes, and heat the water contained in them. As, however, the tubes rapidly get covered with non-conducting soot, it is necessary to provide each of them with a scraper driven by machinery, which is con- stantly travelling up and down the tube as long as the apparatus is at work. A feed heater of this description,.. Chimneys. 415 applied to the Lancashire boiler illustrated in fig. 159, has sixty tubes, exposing a total heating surface of 600 square feet. It is situated in the base of the chimney. All heaters of this type are, in reality, low-pressure tubulous boilers, and, as such, should invariably be provided with safety valves. CHIMNEYS AND OTHER MEANS OF PRODUCING THE DRAUGHT. A chimney promotes a flow of air through a furnace, because the hot air contained in the chimney is lighter than the surrounding atmosphere, which consequently endeavours to force its way into the chimney from below in order to restore the balance of pressure. The only way into the chimney is through the fire-bars and furnace, and in passing through these the air maintains the combustion, and at the same time becoming itself heated, makes the action of the chimney continuous. In estimating the action of a chimney of a given size in producing a draught, the density, temperature, and volume of the products of combustion must be considered. The nitrogen which passes through undergoes no chemical change, and consequently its density and volume are unaltered except by the change of temperature. The oxygen combines partly with the carbon and partly with the hydrogen contained in the fuel, while a great portion goes through unchanged like the nitrogen. The portion which combines with the carbon so as to form carbonic acid undergoes no change of volume except so far as it is affected by temperature, for the volume of the carbonic acid gas is the same as that of the oxygen from which it is formed, but its density is of course increased by the weight of carbon taken up. The portion of the oxygen which combines with the hydrogen forms steam, the volume of which is greater than that of the oxygen, but the proportion of utilisaole hydro- gen in fuel is so small that it is usually left out of account. 416 The Steam Engine, Consequently the mixed air and products of combustion which escape from a furnace may be considered as approximately of the same volume as the air which is supplied to the furnace when at the same temperature. One pound of air at 32 has a volume of 12^ cubic feet ; and as we have seen that when the blast is produced by a chimney 24 Ibs. of air are necessary to consume a pound of coal, the volume of furnace gases for every pound of fuel consumed will be, when reduced to 32 = 12 Jx 24 = 300 cubic feet. At any other temperature the volume will equal the volume at 32 multiplied by the ratio of the absolute temperature of the new temperature to the absolute temperature of 32 Thus, taking 2000 as the temperature of the furnace, the volume in the above case , . c t = 300 x -- - - =1497 cubic feet ; 32 +461 and, generally, V = V 32 X , where V 32 is the volume at 7 32 32, and r and r 32 the absolute temperatures of the gas when at the heat of the furnace and at 32. The density of the current depends on the quantity of air supplied per pound of fuel, and on the final temperature of the products of combustion. Thus, if 24 Ibs. of air be supplied per pound of fuel, the volume of this quantity of air at 32 = 24 x 12 J = 300 cubic feet, The weight of the mixture of air and fuel is 24+1 = 25 Ibs. and the volume at the temperature r of the furnace gas is = 300 x . 7 32 The density, or weight of a cub. ft. = = '083 x ? . 300 x - r 32 In the general case let w Ibs. be the weight of fuel burned ; V^ the volume of air supplied at 32. Then the total volume of the products of combustion= ' V 32 T , "32 Chimneys. 417 the weight of the products = ^-^ 2 + w Ibs. ; the density or weight per cubic foot equals the total weight in Ibs. divided by the total volume , 2 ! V 32 y T ' The quantity varies in value according to the air v 32 supply. The Effect of Height in a Chimney. The difference be- tween the weight of a column of outside air of the height of the chimney above the fire-bars, and standing on a base equal in area to the cross section of the chimney, and that of the column of hot air within the chimney is the measure of the force which produces the draught. Let r l be the outside temperature (absolute measure), and H be the height of the chimney in feet. Then, since one cubic foot of air at 32, or T 32 , weighs ^- = -08 tb., therefore H ( -oS 1 ^ 32 j= weight of column of out- side air of height of chimney standing on an area of one square foot. The corresponding column within the chimney weighs Hf *o8+ j -^, and the difference between these V V 32/ T two weights is the pressure in Ibs. per square foot of chimney section which produces the draught. A column of the hot gas equal in weight to this difference is called the head of the chimney ; and just as in hydraulics the velocity of dis- charge of water from the bottom of a full vertical pipe is proportional to the square root of the height of the pipe, so, in the case of a chimney, the velocity with which air would flow, if unimpeded, into the bottom of the chimney is also proportional to the square root of the height of the head. The height of the head, reckoned in feet of hot gas, is found by dividing the weight of a column of external air as high E E 41 8 The Steam Engine. as the chimney, as found above, by the weight of one cubic foot of the hot gas (this gives the height of a column of the hot gas weighing as much as the column of the ex- ternal air). If we subtract from this the height of the chim- ney, the difference is the height of the head. In actual chimneys the velocity of the discharge of the gas is greatly diminished by the resistance opposed by the fire-grate and layer of fuel to the entrance of the air, and also by the friction of the sides of flues, tubes, &c., and of the internal surface of the chimney itself. Peclet gives the following formula for the height of head necessary to produce a given velocity of the gas in the chimney : Let / = the length of the chimney + that of the flue leading to it. z/ = area of section of chimney divided by its cir- cumference. /= co-efficient of friction of sides of flues and chimney, which depends for value on the con- dition of the surfaces. G = co-efficient of resistance of grate and layer of fuel to entrance of air. u = velocity of gases in chimney. g = acceleration due to gravity ; and h = height of head in feet. Then, according to Peclet, 1 h-= ( i + G + \. 2g\ v ] The value of the co -efficients varies according to circum- stances. When the surfaces of the flues are sooty, /= -012. With ordinary grates, burning from 20 to 24 Ibs. of fuel per square foot of grate surface per hour, G=i2, and the formula then becomes See Rankine's Manual of the Steam Engine, p. 287. Ninth edition. Chimneys. 419 If the head is given, then the velocity of the gas can be calculated from the same formula; and when this is ascer- tained, the weight of fuel which can be consumed in a given time may be calculated on the supposition that each pound of coal requires 24 Ibs. of air = 316 cubic feet at the ordinary temperature (60) of the atmosphere. The use of very high chimneys is in many situations a necessity, not in order to create the draught, but in order to discharge the noxious products of combustion at a consider- able distance above animal and vegetable life ; otherwise a forced blast might often be more advantageously employed. It is considered that a chimney is most efficacious in pro- ducing a draught when the temperature inside it is about 600, and at this temperature about one-fourth of the avail- able heat of combustion is wasted in creating the draught. When a forced blast is produced by means of a fan, blast-pipe, or air injector, the products of combustion may be cooled down as far as is found practicable and con- venient; and as much less air is required to effect combustion, the saving of heat may be very considerable. On the other hand, heat must be expended in order to produce a forced draught. Thus in the case of the blast-pipe the heat ex- pended is represented by the excess of back pressure in the cylinder. 1 In the case of a fan, the heat consumed in driving the fan must be taken into account ; and when an 1 According to Mr. D. K. Clark's experiments the excess of back pressure over and above the pressure of the atmosphere, caused by the use of the blast -pipe, varies approximately (i) as the square of the speed of piston ; (2) as the pressure of the steam at the commence- ment of the exhaust ; (3) inversely as the square of the area of the nozzle of the blast-pipe. He also found that the back pressure was largely increased by the presence of liquid water in the spray. As to the amount of the back pressure in certain cases the reader can consult the examples of diagrams from locomotive cylinders on page 338. Mr. Clark also states the vacuum in the smoke-box to be about 70 per cent, of the blast pressure, while the vacuum in the fire- box is from one-third to one-fourth of the same pressure, and the rate of evaporation varies about as the square root of the vacuum in the smoke-box. E E2 420 The Steam Engine. air injector is used, the heat expended in producing the draught is represented by the total heat of formation of the steam used in the injector. Forced draught. A forced draught is now frequently applied to the furnajces of marine boilers, especially in ships of war. In torpedo boats it is necessary to develope immense power out of a comparatively small boiler, and some sort of artificial draught becomes an absolute necessity. A blast-pipe is of course impossible, as the engines are condensing, and would, moreover, be quite inapplicable on account of the noise and shape of the funnel. The method which has been adopted is to force the air into the furnace by means of a rotary fan, driven either from the main machinery, or else by a separate engine. If the blast were directed solely beneath the fire by means of the device of a closed ash-pit, it would always be leaking outwards through the furnace door, and would, whenever the latter were opened for fresh fuel, cause the smoke and flame to fly out in the face of the stokers. To obviate this, the plan has been adopted of closing the stoke-hold so as to make it air-tight, and then forcing the air into the closed chamber, which can only escape through and over the fuel and boiler tubes to the funnel. When the furnace door is opened, the com- pressed air in the stoke-hold rushes through it to the tubes, thus preventing the escape of flame. In this way most re- markable results have been obtained. The defect of the system is that it is difficult, in a boiler of moderate size, to provide sufficient surface to absorb the heat generated by the large amount of fuel which can be burnt on the grate. The result is that the water evaporated per pound of fuel is necessarily low. The application of forced draught is by no means limited to the boilers of torpedo boats. In large men-of-war the system is also applied for the purpose of obtaining a large additional supply of steam when extra speed is required. The general result attained may be stated as follows. With Forced Draught. 421 natural draught about io| horse-power are indicated per square foot of fire-grate at full power ; while with forced draught between 16 and 17 horse-power are obtained. The pressure of air being about two inches. In the mercantile marine forced draught is beginning to receive considerable attention, for two reasons. First, its application will enable a considerable saving to be effected in the weight of boilers, provided always that the evapora- tion per pound of coal burnt be not seriously diminished. Second, it enables very inferior and cheap fuel to be utilised. In the mercantile marine, hitherto, the closed ash-pit has been used instead of the closed stoke-hold. Fig. 186 illustrates the system applied by Mr. Hovvden successfully Fig. 186. to the boiler of a merchant steamer. The ash-pit is closed in front by a door, and the furnace door is double with a hollow chamber between its outer and inner faces. Air 422 The Steam Engine. under pressure is supplied beneath the fuel through the ash- pit, and above the fuel through the holes in the inner furnace door, the air issuing through these holes being under con- siderably higher pressure than that in the ash-pit. The object of this double admission is to secure the complete combus- tion of the fuel with a very moderate supply of air, and thus to increase the temperature of the products of combustion. The air supply is heated by the waste gases from 180 to 200 above its ordinary temperature, and whenever the furnace door is opened the current of air is cut off for the moment so as to prevent the sudden cooling down of the furnace. At first sight it would appear that the forced draught system is of no special advantage where economy of fuel is a primary consideration ; for, although by its use the grate area may be diminished, nevertheless, the heating surface and the total weight of boiler cannot be reduced. It must however be borne in mind that if the supply of air be pro- perly regulated, the volume of the products of combustion will be greatly diminished, and their temperature increased; consequently, a less heating surface is required to produce the same evaporative results per pound of fuel than when natural draught is employed. Also with forced draught it is possible to make use of tubes of comparatively small diameter, and consequently a considerably increased heat- ing surface can be obtained without increasing the dimen- sions of the boiler. 423 CHAPTER X. CONDENSATION AND CONDENSERS. The object and advantages of condensing steam General description of condensers Quantity of water required to condense steam Objects of surface condensation for marine engines Description of a jet condenser for a stationary engine Description of a marine surface condenser Air-pumps Ejector condensers Method of indicating the vacuum. THE condenser may, in a certain sense, be described as having the inverse functions of the boiler ; for, whereas the latter is employed to raise the medium with which the engine works to the superior limit of temperature, the purpose of the latter is to reduce the inferior limit of temperature as far as possible. The boiler fulfils its pur- pose by converting the feed water into steam, and the con- denser by re-converting that steam after it has done its work into water. The advantages from the thermal point of view of condensing the steam, instead of allowing it to escape into the open air at a little above the atmospheric pressure, are very easily explained by reference to the principles which enable us to calculate the maximum efficiency of heat engines (see p. 88). Suppose, for instance, that we have two pre- cisely similar engines working with steam of 50 Ibs. pressure per square inch absolute, and one provided with a con- denser, while the other discharges the exhaust into the open air. Suppose, also, that the former expands down to a pressure of 3 Ibs. absolute, and the latter down to a pressure of about 3 Ibs. above the atmosphere, say 18 Ibs. absolute. 424 The Steam Engine. The relative theoretical efficiencies of the two engines may be expressed as follows. The temperature of steam of 50 Ibs. absolute is 280-5, while that of steam of 18 Ibs. absolute is 222'5, and of 3 Ibs. absolute is 141 -5. Then, accord- ing to the principles of the efficiency of heat engines, the maximum efficiency of the condensing engine is 280-5 141-5 __ 139 _. 461 + 280-5 " 741-5' while that of the non-condensing engine is 280-5 222-5 _ 58 461 + 280-5 "741*5' Thus the condensing engine is theoretically the more efficient of the two in the ratio of 139 to 58*5, or 2-37 to i. From the mechanical point of view, as illustrated by the indicator diagram, the advantages of condensation are most apparent, for it enables the back pressure to be reduced from some three pounds above the atmosphere to, say, ten or eleven pounds below it. Also, as in non-condensing engines it is practically impossible to expand the steam below the atmospheric pressure, it is evident that condensa- tion enables us to make use of much higher grades of expansion than would otherwise be possible. This latter is merely another mode of expressing the advantage explained above by reference to the principles of thermodynamics. The condenser is an apparatus into which the steam is discharged when it has done its work, and where it comes in contact either with a jet of cold water, or else with a large area of metallic surface, one side of which is kept cool by contact with cold water. The steam on entering this chamber is instantly condensed, giving up its heat to the water ; and the result would be, if a sufficient quantity of water were used, the formation of a practically perfect vacuum, were it not for the fact that the feed water usually contains a large quantity of air, which passes over with the Condensation of Steam. 425 exhaust steam into the condenser, and exerts a back pressure against the piston. In order to get rid of this air, an air- pump, driven by the engine, is fitted to the condenser, and is also made use of to pump away the water into which the steam condenses. Various types of condensers, together with their fittings, are described and illustrated on pages 42 9 to 437- Quantity of water required to effect condensation. Sup- pose the steam is expanded in the cylinder down to a pres- sure of say 4*5 Ibs. per square inch, the temperature corre- sponding to which is 158 ; and suppose, further, that the temperature of the final mixture of condensed steam, and of condensing or injection water is to be 1 10, then for every pound of steam which enters the condenser the injection water will have to absorb the total heat of the steam of 158 above the water of IIO D . The total heat of steam of 158 is 1,130 thermal units ; subtracting from this the heat of water at 110, which is approximately no thermal units, we have 1,020 units, which have to be absorbed by the injection water. The quantity of the latter required obviously depends upon its initial temperature. Suppose the latter to be 50, each pound of it can absorb 110 50 = 60 thermal units by rising in temperature to no . Therefore the total quantity of water required is I0 = 17 Ibs. This, therefore, is the 60 minimum quantity of water required under the given circumstances. It is obvious from the foregoing that the quantity of injection water required in any given case depends upon the final pressure of the steam, the initial temperature of the injection water, and the temperature at which it is required that the mixture of injection water and condensed steam should be maintained. Let T! = the temperature of the steam when the exhaust opens. 426 The Steam Engine. Let L = the latent heat of the steam at this temperature. Then T l + L = the total heat in thermal units of i Ib. of the steam. Let T 2 = the temperature of the injection water. Let T 3 = final mixture. Let W = the weight in pounds of the injection -water per pound weight of steam. The injection water in rising from T 2 to T 3 absorbs (T 3 -T 2 ) W thermal units. The pound of steam in falling from the condition of steam at Tj to that of water at T 3 gives out T, + L - T 3 thermal units. Now the heat lost by the steam must equal that gained by the injection water. Hence we have (T 3 -T 2 )W = T 1 +L-T 3 . 3~~ 2 The numerator of this fraction is the expression for the total heat of steam of the temperature T, over and above the heat contained in water at the temperature T 3 , which (see p. 100) = 885,200 + 235-46 (T 1 -2i2)-772 (T 3 -32)foot-lbs. Reducing and dividing by 772, so as to obtain thermal units, and substituting the result in the above formula for W, we get W = i"4+'3Ti-T 8 _ T 3 T 2 EXAMPLE. Find the amount of injection water required when the exhaust steam has a pressure of lp'5 Ibs. absolute, the injection water a tem- perature of 60, and the required temperature of the mixture 1 10. The temperature T, of steam of the above pressure is 227. Hence -3*227-uo, I2 . 4lbs> 110-60 Surface Condensation. 427 Surface condensation. In former times, when the pressure of steam rarely exceeded 35 Ibs. per square inch, jet con- densers were universally used for marine engines. The boilers were fed from the hot mixture of condensed steam and in- jection water, which contained nearly as large a per-centage of salt and other solid matters as the sea-water itself. The necessity of making marine engines more economical of fuel led to the abandonment of jet condensers at sea, and the substitution for them of surface condensers, in which the steam is condensed by contact with a cold metallic surface, all mixture of the condensed steam and the injection water being avoided. There were two principal reasons for this change. The first was that when jet condensers were used the boilers could only be fed with salt water, which during the process of evaporation became constantly more and more saturated with salt, and which would, unless special measures were taken, eventually deposit its solid contents in large masses on the heating surface, and thus destroy the boiler, or render it useless. The only way to avoid this was from time to time to blow off large quantities of the brine in the boilers, and to supply its place with corresponding quantities of feed water. The hot water blown away from the boiler involved, of course, a large loss of heat, the amount of which depended on the state of saturation which the water was allowed to reach before blowing off. If the latter be allowed to reach three times the density of sea- water, the loss of heat in blowing out would be 7 -4 per cent, of the total heat supplied to the boiler ; and if less densities were permitted, the loss was considerably greater. The maximum density permissible was three times that of sea-water. The average loss of heat due to blowing off may fairly be set down as equal to from 12 to 15 per cent, of the total fuel supply. In order to save this loss it was necessary to feed the boilers with fresh water, and to use the condensed steam over and over again as feed water. This of course could only be 428 T/te Steam Engine. effected by keeping the steam separate from the condensing water, and hence the introduction of surface condensers. The second reason which led to the abandonment of jet condensers was that, in order to effect any considerable economy in the engine as distinguished from the boiler, it was necessary to resort to higher pressures of steam. Now if the temperature of the steam be raised above 280, which is that due to 35 Ibs. per square inch above the atmosphere, the sulphate of lime contained in the sea- water is deposited in hard and insoluble layers all over the boiler surface, and destroys the efficiency of the heating surface. Hence for this reason also the use of fresh water in the boilers, and consequently of surface condensation, became a necessity. The amount of water required to condense the steam when surface condensers are used depends upon the efficiency of the cooling surface in abstracting the heat, and this again depends upon the thickness and conductivity of the metallic surfaces, their condition as to cleanliness, and the difference in temperature between the two sides. In spite of the fact that the difference between the temperatures is much less than in the case of boilers, the efficiency of the cooling surface of the condenser in abstract- ing heat is far greater than that of the heating surface of the boiler in transmitting it. This is due in part to the fact that the condenser surfaces are much thinner than are the tubes and plates of a boiler, and they are also as a rule much cleaner. For these reasons condensers have usually less than half the surface found necessary for the boilers. Peclet found experimentally that sheet copper backed by water of the temperature of from 68 to 77 was capable of con- densing 2 1 Ibs. of steam per square foot per hour ; while Joule, adopting special means, condensed as much as 100 Ibs. per square foot in the same time ; but in practice it is usual to allow one square foot for every 13 Ibs. of steam of the terminal pressure usual in compound marine engines. And even with this large allowance of surface the amount Surface Condensation. 429 of cooling water required is about forty per cent, greater than with jet condensers. The usual allowance is about 30 Ibs. of water per pound of steam for vessels which run in the temperate zone, and about 35 Ibs. for the tropics. In order to realise the advantage due to maintaining the greatest possible difference of temperature between the two sides of the metallic surfaces, the cooling water must be kept in a constant state of circulation through the condenser by means of a special pump, which removes the water which has been warmed by the condensing steam from contact with the plates. As the air-pump of a surface condenser is only required to pump the condensed steam and air, it may be considerably smaller than the pump of a jet condenser ; but in spite of this advantage surface condensers are much larger, heavier, and more costly than those in which the steam comes into direct contact with the cooling water. Examples of condensers. Fig. 187 gives a transverse and longitudinal section of a jet condenser, applied to the quick- running Allen stationary engines. The plunger of the pump Fig. 187. A is worked direct by the engine piston-rod prolonged back- ward. The exhaust steam enters the condensing chamber B showed in transverse section, by means of the pipe S. It there meets with the jet of water D, which enters by the pipe E, and is condensed. Every time the plunger is with- 430 The Steam Engine. drawn, the pressure in the condensing chamber predominates over that in the pump chamber F, the valves, of which one is shown at G, open, and the mixed air, vapour, and water enter F. When the plunger returns, it displaces its own volume of water, the level of the water in F rises, and forces Condensers. 431 out the air and vapour, and a certain amount of water, through the valves HH, the hot water flowing away through the pipe C to a receptacle called the hot well. The valves G and H, which are made of india-rubber discs, are closed Fig. 189. by spiral springs which exert a pressure equivalent to a quarter of a pound per square inch. With very quick-run- ning engines these springs are found preferable to so arranging the valves that they may^close by their own weight. It will be noticed that the valves G G are seated on a slope. 432 The Steam Engine. This is to allow the air and vapour as they come through to escape easily to the surface of the water in F, and so avoid the possibility of the plunger working in a mixture of air and water, which would injure its efficiency. The surface of the water in this type of condenser is the real air-pump, for it is by its rising and falling that the air is expelled and admitted. The velocity with which the surface rises and Fig. 190. falls is, on the average, about 30 feet a second, while the velocity of the plunger is 800 feet. Figs. 1 88, 189 illustrate longitudinal and transverse sec- tions of a modern marine surface condenser for a compound engine capable of working up to 3430 horse-power. It contains 3402 brass tubes of ' inch diameter external and 15 feet long. The total cooling surface is 10,018 square feet, being at the rate of a square foot of surface to -342 horse-power. The tubes are arranged in three horizontal nests, and in them Siirface Condensers. 433 the cooling water circulates, entering the bottom and being discharged after passing through the top nest. The steam enters at the top, passes round the outside of the tubes, and is distributed evenly by means of the perforated plates, of which some are shown in section above the top tubes in fig. 1 88. The air-pump which is shown in section in fig. 189 is worked by a lever from the cross head of the main engine. It is of the single-acting vertical type, and is similar in principle to the ordinary lift-pump. When the piston or bucket ascends, it draws the condensed steam, air, and vapour through the lower or foot valves, and at the same time lifts whatever has passed through the piston-valves on the down stroke through the head valves shown at the top of the pump, after passing which the water flows away to the hot well. There are two of these air-pumps to the con- denser in question, each having a stroke of 3 feet, a diameter of 34 inches, and a combined discharging capacity of about -^ r of the volume of the low-pressure cylinder. The barrels are of gun-metal, and the valves are indiarubber discs of the type shown in fig. 191, where the full lines represent the disc, above which is a curved metal guard plate which pre- vents the valve rising too high, and by its shape ensures a quick return of the valve to its seat, when the pressure which causes it to open is removed. Fig. 190 shows. another section of the air-pump, together with the circulating pump which forces the cold water through the tubes. The two are cast together in one piece. The circulating pump is a double action force- pump of 3 feet stroke and 20 inches diameter. When the engines are making 55 revolutions, it is capable of dis- charging nearly 9 Ibs. of water per square foot of cooling surface per minute. F F Fig. 191. 434 The Steam Engine. The circulating, like the air pump, is worked by a lever from the cross head of the main engine. Very often centri- fugal pumps are used for circulating the water in surface condensers, and not infrequently they are driven by a separate engine. Condenser tubes are almost invariably made of brass, which is sometimes tinned on both surfaces. Copper, though a better conductor, is never used, as the fatty acids formed in the condenser from the lubricating materials carried over by the steam from the cylinders attack the metal and form salts of copper, which, becoming dissolved in the condensed steam, are carried back into the boiler where they act most injuriously on the iron plates. The packing of the ends of the tubes, so as to make a steam-tight joint, is a troublesome and expensive operation. The method in most general use is shown in fig. 192. In the thick- ness of the tube plates small stuff- ing boxes are formed, the tape pack- ings at the bottom of which are tightened up by means of screwed ferrules. When the tubes are se- vertically, the bottom ferrule is flanged so as to overlap the end of the tube to prevent the latter from dropping out, should the packing become loose. Air pumps. Nothing is more important in a condenser than the design of the air-pump. If the condenser is of the old-fashioned type the pump has to discharge not only the condensed steam, and the condensing water, but also the large amount of air which is always present in sea water, and which of course expands in volume when raised to the temperature of the condenser. It may be stated that, on an average, when the cooling water has a temperature of 60 and the condenser 120, the discharging capacity of the air- pump should be from thirty-six to forty times the volume Air Pumps. 435 of the water into which the steam condenses. Hence its theoretical capacity may be calculated when we know this latter quantity, and the number of revolutions made by the engine per minute, and also the nature of the pump, whether double or single acting. The actual dimensions are deter- mined when we know the efficiency of the pump that is to say, the ratio which its actual bears to its theoretical dis- charging capacity. Vertical single-acting air-pumps are by far the most efficient. They are almost always used with vertical engines, but when the latter are of the horizontal type, the use of a double-acting horizontal pump is often unavoidable. The actual efficiency of a single-acting vertical pump is, in the most favourable circumstances, about 60 per cent, of the theoretical, but should not in general be taken as more than 50 per cent. The average efficiency of horizontal double-acting pumps is about 35 per cent., or in other words the actual size of such a pump should be about three times greater than is theoretically necessary. In surface condensers the pumps have only to discharge the condensed steam, and any small quantity of air which comes over by leakage ; but as surface condensers are gene- rally arranged to act with a jet in case of necessity, it is usual to make the pumps much larger than is ordinarily necessary, though not so large as if jet injection were the rule. Ejector condensers. Fig. 193 illustrates a type of con- denser which has no air-pump nor other moving parts. It is similar in principle to the injector described on page 409. Water having a pressure due to a few feet of head enters by the pipe A and flows through the nozzle B. Exhaust steam from one cylinder enters by the pipe C at a velocity vary- ing with its pressure. If the pressure is 5 Ibs. absolute, the velocity of the steam entering a vacuum of 25 inches of mercury is about 1200 feet per second. The entering steam surrounds the nozzle B, and is condensed on coming in contact with the cold jet issuing from B, and increases ten F F 2 436 The Steam Engine. energy of the stream, just as the boiler steam imparts energy to the feed water of an ordinary injector. When the con- denser is used with a two-cylinder engine, the exhaust steam from the second cylinder is ar- ranged to enter by the pipe M, and is condensed by the combined jet issuing from the nozzle F. The steam from the second cylinder further increases the energy of the -!== jet which passes through the nozzle N and into the trumpet- shaped pipe P, where its velocity is gradually reduced. With a steam pressure equal to 147 Ibs. per square inch absolute at the commencement of exhaust, and a double-cylinder en- gine, the energy imparted to the jet is sufficient to raise the discharged water to a height of 6 or 8 feet above the condenser ; or, if there is no head of condensing water to start with, the apparatus can raise the water from a level of 6 to 8 feet below the condenser. In the latter cases, however, the apparatus must be started by means of a jet of boiler steam, introduced through the pipe D and down the hollow spindle E. The rate at which the condensing water flows to the nozzle B is regulated by shifting the spindle E up or down by means of a hand- wheel and screw. By means of these ejector condensers a perfectly steady vacuum can be maintained of 24 to 25 inches of mercury. The initial temperature of the cooling water should not, in general, exceed 60, and the quantity of water supplied Ejector Condensers. 437 should be such that its temperature, on issuing from the con- denser, would not be raised more than 20 to 25. Experi- ments have however been made in which the rise of temperature was 64 and the final temperature 120 ; but the vacuum at this temperature fell about two pounds per square inch. It must be borne in mind that, with con- densers of this type, the whole of the power usually employed in driving the air-pump is saved, the energy of the exhaust steam being alone sufficient for the purpose of discharging the condensing water and the condensed steam. Vacuum indications. The amount of vacuum is indicated by a Bourdon pressure gauge, graduated in inches of mercury. It does not show the actual pressure in the condenser, but the difference between that pressure and the external atmosphere. For instance, if the barometer stood at 30 inches, and the indication of the vacuum gauge were 26 inches, the actual pressure would be 30 26 = 4 inches of mercury. If the pressure in the condenser remained constant, and the outside barometer varied, the indications of the vacuum gauge would vary correspondingly. In order to know if the vacuum is good or bad, notice must always be taken of the state of the barometer. The maximum attainable vacuum depends on the temperature at which the condenser is maintained. Thus if the latter be 120, the pressure of vapour formed at this temperature is i *68 Ib. per square inch ; then if the barometer stand at 30 inches of mercury, or 147 Ibs. per square inch, the maximum vacuum attainable will be 147 1*68 = 12*02 Ibs. per square inch. 438 The Steam Engine. CHAPTER XL ON SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF LOSS OF EFFI- CIENCY IN STEAM ENGINES, AND THE METHODS EMPLOYED FOR REDUCING THE LOSS SUPERHEATING STEAM JACKETING COMPOUNDING. Early improvement in the steam engine consisted in the separation of the functions of steam generating, steam using, and condensing The cylinder, even in modern engines, still acts as a generator and con- denser Experimental confirmation of the foregoing Cause of con- densation and re-evaporation in engine cylinders Hypothetical example showing the successive stages of condensation and re-evapo- ration Injurious effects of presence of water in cylinders Four principal causes of the presence o* water in cylinders : i, priming ; 2, excess of condensation over re-evaporation ; 3. liquefaction duetto work done ; 4, loss of heat by radiation Influence of dimensions of cylinder, pressure of steam, and rate of expansion on the initial con- densation Experiments on steam consumption in conducting and non-conducting cylinders Means employed to diminish the loss due to liquefaction : i, superheating the steam ; 2, steam jacketing The benefits derived from the use of steam jackets Cases in which jackets are useless Precautions to be observed in jacketing Experiments showing the use of jackets in simple and compound engines 3, cushioning, or compressing the exhaust steam ; 4, compounding Variations in temperature of cylinders due to working high-pressure steam expansively Compounding reduces the variation of tempera- ture in each cylinder Tandem compound engines Two-cylinder receiver compounds Three-cylinder ordinary compounds Triple compound, or triple expansive engines Experimental demonstration of the saving in fuel to be effected by compounding The distribution of the steam in the various types of compound engines Actual indi- cator diagrams of the various types of compound engines The manner of reducing the diagrams of compound engines The mechani- cal advantages of compound as compared with simple expansive engines Example of the curve of twisting moments on the crank of a triple compound engine The relative sizes of the cylinders of com- pound engines Means of equalising the power developed in the separate cylinders of compound engines Table of cylinder ratios for various types of compound engines working with different pressures of steam. IT was pointed out in the opening chapter that in the elementary form of steam engine the cylinder served the triple purpose of boiler, engine, and condenser. It was Condensation in Steam Cylinders- 439 also shown that the principal subsequent improvements consisted mainly in the separation of these functions, the generation and condensation of the steam being now in- variably effected in separate vessels, while the cylinder is reserved for its true purpose the conversion of the energy in the steam into mechanical power. In spite of these improvements, the cylinder, however, still acts in expansive engines, to a great extent both as a steam generator and condenser ; and, moreover, it exercises these functions pre- cisely at the wrong times, for, as will be shown presently, the metal sides and ends abstract heat from the entering steam, causing a partial condensation at the moment when it is most desirable to maintain the temperature ; while, on the other hand, the steam thus condensed is partly re- evaporated during the whole period of expansion, when it can only give out a fraction of its original energy, and partly during the exhaust period, when it not only gives out no useful energy whatever, but also tends to impair the vacuum and to increase the back pressure. It is this peculiarity which accounts, in a great measure, for the wasteful per- formance of many engines which use steam expansively. The foregoing statements have been confirmed by numerous experiments on steam engines, in which the feed water supplied to the boiler was carefully measured, and the steam used in the engines was calculated from indicator diagrams for the point before release, in the manner explained in Chapter VIII., p. 343. In engines which work expansively, the amount of steam used, calculated from the diagrams, is nearly always considerably less than that supplied by the boiler, even after every allowance is made for priming and for the condensation due to the mechanical equivalent of the work done. When no special precautions are taken the deficiency is sometimes enormous. This proves that besides the steam which issues at exhaust and which is accounted for by the indicator diagram, there is also present in the cylinder a quantity of water which must continue to evaporate during 440 The Steam Engine. the period of exhaust, and which may partly be carried over mechanically into the condenser, and which has no more use- ful effect than if it were passed straight from the boiler to the condenser. This peculiarity of engines which use steam expansively is accounted for by the great difference which exists between the initial and final temperatures of the steam in the cylinder. Thus, if the entering steam had a pressure of 150 Ibs. per square inch, and were expanded down to 20 Ibs. absolute, the initial temperature would be 358, and the final 228, showing a difference of 130 ; while, if the engine were condensing, the cylinder would be exposed, during the whole of the exhaust, to the temperature of the condenser, say 158, showing a difference in this case of 200. During the whole period of expansion and exhaust, the surface of the metal forming the sides and ends of the cylinder and piston is being cooled down by the combined effects of radiation to the moist steam which readily absorbs radiant heat and conduction to the condensed steam, which is re- evaporated from the metallic surfaces. The result is, that when the fresh steam re-enters the cylinder, it comes in contact with the relatively cool surfaces, and a large portion of it is condensed ; the latent heat of the steam condensed raising the temperature of the sides up to that of the entering steam. In order to make up for the steam condensed, fresh steam rushes in from the boiler, and thus much more steam enters during the. period of admission than is required to fill the cubic contents of this portion of the cylinder. When the steam is cut off and commences to expand, its pressure and temperature fall, but, during the early period of expansion, its temperature is generally still higher than that of the sides of the cylinder, and more condensation takes place. At the same time, however, the reduction in pressure allows a portion of the water formed by condensation during the admission period to re-evaporate ; for this water Re-evaporation in Steam Cylinders. 44.1 has, when formed, the temperature of the entering steam, and therefore, when the pressure in the cylinder falls, it possesses too much heat to remain in the state of water, and part of it boils off, the evaporation being aided and increased by the supply of heat forthcoming from the hot sides and end of the admission portion. Thus, during the whole period of expansion, both condensation and re-evaporation go on. During the earlier period of the stroke the condensation predominates, but towards the middle and end of the stroke, as the temperature of the expanding steam approxi- mates more closely to that of the sides of the cylinder, the condensation becomes less and less, and the re evaporation becomes more active, and consequently the latter predo- minates, while, during the exhaust, in consequence of the very low pressure, the circumstances are most favourable for re-evaporation. It must be clearly understood that the action of the sides of the cylinder above described goes on, no matter how perfectly the outside of the cylinder may be protected by means of non-conducting coverings. The latter are only useful to prevent radiation of heat from the outer surface of the cylinder, and in no way prevent the condensa- tion due to loss of temperature by the sides during expan- sion and exhaust, though, as will be subsequently shown, the failure to protect the outside of the cylinder may enormously increase the action of the sides. The effects due to variation of temperature in the cylinder may perhaps best be understood by examining the case of a cylinder of given dimensions under circumstances which, though they never actually occur in practice, are nevertheless approximated to in very bad cases. We will take as an example a cylinder the thickness of the metal of which is only -,-J^ of an inch, and which is supposed to be capable of instantly following the tempera- ture of the steam. The cylinder is further to be lagged with a perfectly non-conducting material ; the ends and 44 2 The Steam Engine. piston are supposed to be of the same thickness as the sides. The steam is cut off at one-tenth of the stroke. The following are the remaining data : Diameter of cylinder . = 2 feet Length of stroke . . = 4 ,, Length of admission portion . -4 , , Area of ends .... =3*14 square feet Area of piston . . . =3*14 ,, Area of admission portion of sides = 2-51 ,, Initial pressure of steam . = 90 Ibs. per sq. inch absolute Initial temperature of steam . = 320 Exhaust temperature . . = i57'5 We will next suppose that the temperature of the cylinder when the steam enters is the same as that of the exhaust. The exposed surface is that of the cylinder end, the piston, and the admission portion of the sides, or, in all, 879 square feet, and weighing 3-5 Ibs. If the metal is supposed to be iron, the specific heat will be -n nearly, and the number of thermal units required to heat up this weight of metal by i c " = i62' is- 3-5 x 162-5 x 'ii = 62-56. We must next find out what proportion of the heat con- tained in the entering steam goes towards raising the tempe- rature of the sides, &c., of the cylinder. The volume of the admission portion of the cylinder is 1-256 cubic feet, and the weight of steam contained in this space is -26 Ib. Now the latent heat of i Ib. of steam of 90 Ibs. pressure is about 888 thermal units, and, therefore, 888 x '26 = 231 thermal units is the latent heat of the steam which fills the admission space. Now, as we have seen, about 62-5 units must be applied to heating up the metal of the cylinder, that is to say 27 per cent, or over one-fourth of the steam condenses to water of the temperature of 320, and a corre- sponding quantity of fresh steam from the boiler enters the cylinder in order to make good the deficiency. Let us next consider the state of things when the steam Condensation and Re-evaporation. 443 has expanded to double its bulk. It will then occupy a length of *8 foot of the cylinder. Its final pressure will be about 45 Ibs., its final temperature 275, and the mean tem- perature of the steam during expansion = _Z5j[l3 _ 297^5 approximately, which is still about 138 above the tempera- ture of the exhaust. Now, to heat up the 2-51 square feet area of side in which the expansion has taken place requires 2-51 x -4 X 138 x *ii = 15*25 thermal units, which quantity of heat must be supplied by the condensation of a portion of the expanding steam. But, in the meantime, the tempe- rature imparted to the metal during the period of admission is 22*5 above the mean temperature of the steam during the period of expansion which we have just been considering. The temperature of the 27 per cent, of '26 Ib. of condensed steam is also 22'5 above the average, and is consequently too hot to remain as water at the reduced pressure, and consequently a portion of it re-evaporates. The supply of heat available for re-evaporation is (3*5 x 22^5 x 'ii) + (067 X22 '5x1)=-- 10*17 thermal units ; so that during the first stage of the expansion 15 '25 units are abstracted from the steam, while only 10*17 units are given back to it, and consequently condensation largely preponderates over re- evaporation. If the stroke were divided into ten equal portions, and the processes of condensation and evaporation followed in each, in the manner above indicated, it would be found that in the next stage the two processes would be nearly equal, and that throughout the remainder of the stroke the evaporation would preponderate. If we suppose that the pressure of the steam before release is about 9 Ibs. per square inch, its temperature will be about 188, or about 30 -5 above the exhaust. The weight of the whole exposed surface of the cylinder and piston will be 1 2 -5 Ibs., and if this fall to the temperature of the con- denser, 1 2 -5 x 30-5 x Ti =42 thermal units will be available 444 The Steam Engine. for re- evaporation during the exhaust period, without count- ing the surplus heat in whatever water may be present in the cylinder at the end of the stroke. The above description of what goes on in a hypothetical cylinder differs very materially from the actual series of operations as they occur in steam engines. In the first place, the metal of which the cylinder is composed is greatly thicker than in the example given. When once the thick mass of metal has been heated up. it probably exercises a moderating influence on the maximum difference of tempera- ture. Again, metal does not possess the power of instantly taking up the temperature of the steam with which it may be brought in contact. A certain interval of time is necessary, and hence the speed with which the series of operations is repeated, or, in other words, the velocity of the piston may materially affect both the initial condensation and the re- evaporation. Moreover, the dryness or wetness of the sides exercises an immense influence on the condensation. Sup- pose, for instance, that, in the above example, the admission space of the cylinder had been covered with a film of water of one-hundredth of an inch in thickness, of the same temperature as the condenser ; the number of heat units that would have been required to raise it to the temperature of the entering stream would have been 74*25, as against 62-56 required to heat up the metal sides to the same degree, and consequently the condensation in the latter case would have been more than double what it would be were the sides dry to start with. In addition to the direct condensing effect which water in the cylinder exercises, it also acts as a most excellent medium for the interchange of heat between the steam and the sides. It has been already stated that perfectly dry steam is a very indifferent radiator and conductor of heat, while moist steam is comparatively good in both respects. Now the presence of water in the cylinder, by increasing the moisture of the steam, aids in the rapid transmission of heat Water in Steam Cylinders. 445 from the latter to the metal sides ; and, vice versa, the power of the sides in transmitting heat to the exhaust steam is enormously increased by the presence of a film of water, which, as fast as it evaporates, takes up heat from the metal with great rapidity. There are four principal causes for the existence of water in the cylinders, viz. Priming, or the carrying over of water in the fresh steam from the boiler. Excess of initial condensation over re-evaporation, which always occurs when the expansion is carried beyond a certain point. The disappearance of heat due to the work done by the steam. Loss of heat by radiation from the external surface of the cylinder. The latter cause of condensation always exists when the cylinder is uncovered, or but imperfectly protected. The great indirect harm caused by water in the cylinder accounts for the fact already alluded to, that want of proper lagging increases the loss of efficiency in expansive engines, the loss being enormously greater than the amount of heat which escapes by radiation. Of these causes, the first priming is probably not always as harmful as might be supposed. Very often the water comes over from the boiler in the con- dition of minutely fine spray, thoroughly mixed with and having the same temperature as the body of the steam. Under these circumstances priming is not so injurious as when comparatively large bodies of water come over at intervals, which accumulate in the cylinder, or form a film over the surfaces. The second cause excess of condensation over re- evaporation is a most fruitful source of waste, and should be most carefully guarded against. It results in the continuous accumulation of water in the cylinder, and consequently causes an amount of waste which goes on increasing with each 446 The Steam Engine. stroke. It always exists when the expansion is carried beyond a certain limit, and this is one of the reasons why excessive expansion in a non-compound engine is unat- tended by any economy. The exact point to which expan- sion can be safely carried, so as to avoid the accumulation of water, depends largely upon the piston speed and the dimen- sions of the cylinder. It is also greatly affected by the supply of heat to, or its abstraction from, the steam during the progress of expansion. If the cylinder be kept warm artificially, the limit of economical expansion can be considerably extended \ on the other hand, if radiation from the outer surfaces be permitted, the limit will be correspondingly reduced. The third cause disappearance of heat due to work done is comparatively insignificant, and as the resulting condensation takes place throughout the mass of the steam, and does not form a film over the surfaces, the mischief due to this cause may be overlooked. The fourth cause loss of heat by external radiation can always be effectually guarded against by properly covering the cylinders. The initial condensation which takes place is, independ- ently of all other considerations, dependent on the dimen- sions of the cylinder, the ratio of expansion, and the pressure of the steam. Let d be the diameter of the cylinder in feet ; / the length of stroke ; r the ratio of expansion ; V the volume of one pound of steam at its initial pressure ; and E the exposed surface of sides and ends of cylinder and of face of piston per pound weight of steam. Then we have- Exposed surface of end and piston face = - 2 admission portion of sides = Cubic contents of admission portion = - - Weight of steam in Condensation in Steam Cylinders. 447 Therefore the exposed surface per pound of steam, or ^ Trd' 2 , irdl H, - -}- 2 r 4/v That is to say, the exposed surface per pound weight of admitted steam, on which, other things being equal, the initial condensation depends, varies directly with V, the volume of one pound of the steam, and therefore varies inversely with the pressure. It also varies directly with r, the ratio of expansion, and inversely with / and i ^ N _t Cl vo ON CO N 00 w * vo M OO ON CO Q ^i* vo VO c^ * T^ CO 0$ VO CO W t/5 VO 10 | vo ON VO VO op CO VO vo M vb a VO HH w hH w VO io 10 . c^ ^H a 00 vo ON 00 VO _ ^ "a eg cT_ C^ _3i 2 jr VO M ea M M M CO VO CO i> 00 " ^: 0? vo ^ J^" 1 VO oo ON 00 VO VO VO *i ON CO ^sh |_! t>. ON !>. o ^N OJ T^- t^ c^ HH CO N 00 I 00 ^ CO * 5 vo CO s V and r their values vp, vR, and RE, reducing, we get Steam Distribution in Compound Engines. 473 Here, again, there is a considerable drop of pressure in the receiver, and an increase of pressure in the low-pressure diagram at half-stroke. In order that there should be no drop it would be necessary that the terminal pressure in the small cylinder should be equal to the receiver pressure. Then the resultant pressure would be the same as either of its components, and the line CD would equal DE. Equating the values previously given for these two pressures, and solving for R, we can if desired find out what must be the ratio between the two cylinders, with a given rate of expansion in the large cylinder, in order that the receiver pressure may be equal to the terminal pressure in the small cylinder. When the cut- off in the low-pressure cylinder takes place before half-stroke the diagrams will differ somewhat from those explained in the preceding example. At C, fig. 203, the high-pressure cylinder exhausts into the receiver, the pressure falling to DE. Now when the small piston is at the end of its stroke the large piston is at half- stroke, and therefore the steam is already cut off, and conse- quently the exhaust steam from it the small cylinder only enters the receiver, and not the receiver plus half the large cylinder, as in the previous example. When the small piston makes the Fig. 203 . return stroke it compresses the exhaust steam before it and in the receiver till mid- stroke, the line EF being the curve of compression. When the small piston is at mid-stroke the large piston is at one end of its cylinder, and consequently draws steam from the receiver till the cut-off is effected and the steam expands in the receiver and the large cylinder along the curve FH. When the small piston occupies the position I the- steam is cut off in the large cylinder, and the steam in the receiver is then 474 Tke Steam Engine. compressed by the small piston along the line HK till the end of its stroke. The initial pressure OL in the large cylinder is of course equal to the receiver pressure GF. From the point L the steam expands in receiver and large cylinder together till the point of cut-off S is reached, and from this point expansion takes place in the large cylinder alone till the end of the stroke. The values of the terminal pressures in the two cylinders are the same as in the previous example, viz. *- and . At ?* E the point of cut-off in the large cylinder, the pressure SM equals the terminal pressure, multiplied by the rate of expansion in the large cylinder ; therefore SM = x r' = HI h, Immediately the cut-off is effected the volume of the receiver steam is made up of two parts, viz. the volume of the receiver V R and the portion OI of the small cylinder which the piston has yet to travel at the moment of cut-off in the large cylinder. Now OI = (i k)v. Therefore the total volume occupied by the receiver steam is V R + (i - k) v. By the time the small piston reaches the end of its stroke this volume is reduced to V R , and the pressure The small cylinder next exhausts into the receiver, and a volume of steam having the above pressure and volume = V R becomes mixed with the contents of the small cylinder having a pressure ^ = ^ and volume = v. The resulting pressure Steam Distribution in Compound Engines. 475 ^(V. + d-^ + jg /(p+I _, ) + R . V R + v = E p + i This body of steam is compressed in the receiver by the advancing high-pressure piston till it reaches mid-stroke, when communication is opened with the large cylinder. Therefore, the volume is reduced at this point by half the contents of the small cylinder, and becomes V R + -. While its pressure I E GF = R - - R " This is also the initial pressure OL in the large cylinder. In order to avoid drop in the receiver when the small cylinder exhausts into it, we should have, as before, to equate the values of DC and DE, and solve for R, which would give us the necessary ratio of the two cylinders for the given rate of expansion. The .value of k, the fraction of the stroke traversed by the piston of the small cylinder when steam is cut off in the large cylinder, is not the same in the two examples given. Let CE be -#, the position of the crank of the large cylinder when steam is cut off in it, in the case of the first example, i.e., after A [ half-stroke. Then the corresponding position of the high -pressure crank is found by drawing FC at right angles to EC ; and H and G are the correspond- ing positions of the two pistons. Then _ = k is the frac- Ar> tion of stroke traversed by the small piston when steam is cut off in the large cylinder. 476 The Steam Engine. Calling the radius of the circle unity, we have AG = i GC = i cos FCA = i - sin (9 ; ,G i sin A Tl Also r f = rate of expansion in large cylinder. BH " I -f COS .%cos0= 2 - r ' r 1 Deducing the corresponding value of sin in terms of ', we have k r 2 ^ r The case when steam is cut off in the low-pressure cylinder before half-stroke is represented by fig. 205, the same letters being used as in the pre- vious example. In this case it can easily be proved that APr ^ - IB , . Space will not permit of a full in- vestigation being given for all the possible arrangements of cylinders, but the principles on which all such calculations proceed, having been fully illustrated in the three examples just given, the student will have no difficulty in applying them to the cases of ordinary compounds with two low-pressure cylinders and cranks at any given angles, or to the case of triple com- pound engines. In the case of ordinary compounds with two low-pressure cylinders and cranks set at angles of 120 with one another it is only necessary to bear in mind that three separate cases may occur. According as the small cylinder exhausts Steam Distribution in Compound Engines. 477 1. Into the receiver only ; which it does when the cut- off in the large cylinder takes place before one-quarter stroke 2. Into the receiver and one of the large cylinders ; which takes place when the cut-off in each low-pressure cylinder takes place between one-quarter and three-quarters stroke. 3. Into the receiver and both large cylinders ; which takes place when the cut-off in the latter is after three- quarters stroke. The latter case never occurs in practice, because the distribution of the steam would be very bad, as the high- pressure cylinder would discharge into one of the large cylinders when its piston was at one-quarter stroke, and into the other at three-quarters stroke, i.e. just before the cut-off took place. Hence, the amount of work done by each of the two large cylinders would be very unequal Actual Indicator-diagrams of Compound Engines. ' We give below a few specimens of indicator diagrams of various types of com- pound engines. The ifirst is taken from a tandem, or direct ex- pansion engine. The upper and larger dia- gram is from the small cylinder, while the ower one is from the low-pressure cylinder. Fig. 206. The latter diagram, however, gives no idea to the eye of the relative work done by this cylinder, for it must be borne in mind that, though the pressures shown are low, the area of piston on which :hey act is, as a rule, from three to four times that of the high-pressure piston. In a subsequent example it will be shown how to combine the diagrams of the several cylinders of a compound engine, so that the work done by each may 47* The Steam Engine. be directly compared, and the combined work compared with what would be done by the steam, supposing the whole expansion had taken place in the large cylinder only. In the tandem type of engine the two cylinders are in direct communication during the whole stroke till com- pression begins in the small cylinder ; consequently the back pressure line of the top diagram is practically identical during the greater part of its length with the steam line of the lower pressure diagram. The gap between them represents loss of pressure due to the receiver formed by the pipes between the two cylinders and to the resistance of the passages. Fig. 207 represents a pair of diagrams from a two-cylinder compound engine with receiver, the cylinders having dia- meters of 46 and 87 inches respectively, and the common stroke of 57 inches, and the ratio of the cylinders 3-6 to i. The particulars as to the initial and mean pressures and the horse-power developed by each cylinder are given on the dia- grams. It will be noticed that the scales of pressure for each cylinder are quite different, that for the high-pressure being 60 Ibs. to the inch, and for the low- pressure 1 6 Ibs. to the inch. In order to make the diagrams comparable, the pressure ordi- nates ought each to be reduced to the same scale, and the volume ordinates should be in the ratio of the volumes- of the two cylinders. This is effected in the following manner Draw the base line AB, fig. 208, corresponding with the zero of pressure. Divide each diagram, fig. 207, by any number of vertical ordinates. Divide the line AB at the Steam ores - 76 Mi Vacuum Fig. 207. Diagrams of Compound En t point C into two parts, so that AC : AB : : cylinder to vol. of large cylinder : : i : 3-6. Divide AC and AB into the same number of parts as there are divisions in the original diagrams, and draw through these points a series of vertical ordinates, Then measuring from the base line AB mark off on these ordinates, to any convenient scale, the pressures as found from the corresponding ordi- nates on the original diagrams. And through the points thus found draw the new diagrams as shown on fig. 208. In order to compare the work done by the steam in the compound engine with the work that would be done if the expansion took place all in the large cylinder, we must know first the rate of expansion in the compound engine. This in the present example is as nearly as possible ten. Hence, allowing an admission line DE of one-tenth the stroke, and drawing in the hyperbolic line of expansion EF, we obtain the approximate diagram for this ratio of expansion in a single cylinder, on the assumption that there is no loss from condensation. It will be seen that the two actual diagrams fit fairly well into the single approximate diagram after allowance has been made for the ' drop,' or fall of pressure at the end of the stroke of the high-pressure cylinder, and for the resistance due to passages between the cylinders. Instead of the hyperbola EF, the curve /# I Bottom. Aft and cranks set at equal angles. The particulars as to boiler and receiver pressure, vacuum, number of revolutions, horse- power, &c., are given on the diagrams. The engines from which these diagrams were taken belong to the Trans- atlantic steamer the ' Arizona ' illustrated in figs. 197, 198. Fig. 210 gives the dia- grams taken from a set of modern triple expansive marine engines, together with a combination diagram formed in the manner already explained. The dotted line shows the adiabatic expansion of steam with the same ratio of expansion in a single cylinder, and the gaps between the actual diagrams and the adiabatic line show the losses due to ' drop ' in the two re- ceivers, to the resistance of passages and to the conden- sation which takes place in the cylinders. The mechanical advantages of compound engines. In addition to diminishing the loss due to condensation in the cylinders, the compound engine possesses mechanical advantages over the older type of engine, in which the expansion takes place completely in a single cylinder. In the latter case there is a great difference between the initial and mean strains on the piston, whenever the rate of expansion is high ; whereas in the compound engine the difference between the initial and mean strains in each cylinder is much reduced. Similarly the twisting moment Indicated Horse tow Fig. 209. I9?S-6i2 859,793 312-8 i5 1-094 106 127 107 160 1 08 195 109 230 no 267 III 304 112 342 U3 381 62,560 861,908 244* 114 421 "5 462 116 '54 117 '547 118 59i 119 637 1 20 683 121 731 122 779 69,522 864,024 I92- I2 3 829 124 880 125 932 126 985 490 The Steam Engine. Temperature, Fahrenheit, t. Pressure in Ibs. per square inch at sea level. P Heat required to raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat o" Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 127 2-040 128 2-096 I2 9 2-154 130 2-212 131 2-273 76,484 866,139 I52-4 I 3 2 2-334 133 2-397 !34 2-461 135 2-526 136 2-594 137 2-663 138 2-733 139 2-805 140 2-878 83,459 868,254 122- 141 2-953 142 3-030 *43 3-108 144 3-188 *45 3-270 146 3-354 147 3 '440 148 3'5 2 7 149 3-616 90,435 870,369 98-45 150 3-707 I 5 l 3-800 152 3-895 153 3-992 154 4-091 155 4-192 156 4-295 157 158 4-401 4-508 97,4" 872,484 80-02 159 4-618 1 60 4-73 161 4-844 162 4-961 163 5-08 164 5-20 165 532 1 66 s-4 1 ; 167 5-58 104,387 874,600 65^7 168 571 169 5-85 Table I. 491 Temperature, Fahienheit. t. Pressure in Ibs. per square inch at sea level. P- Heat required to raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat of Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 170 5-98 171 6-12 172 6-26 173 6-40 174 6-55 J75 6-70 176 6-85 111,363 876,715 53-92 177 7-01 178 7-17 179 7'34 1 80 7-5o 181 7-67 182 7-84 183 8-01 184 8-19 185 8-37 H8,353 878,830 44-70 1 86 8-56 187 875 1 88 8-94 189 9-13 190 9*33 191 9'53 192 974 193 9 '95 . 194 io - i6 I25>357 880,945 37-26 '95 10-38 196 1 0-60 197 10-82 198 11-05 199 11-29 200 11-52 2O I 11-76 2O2 I2-OI 20 3 I2-26 132,360 883,060 31-26 204 12-51 205 12-77 206 13-03 207 13-30 208 I3-57 209 13-84 2IO 14-12 211 14-41 212 14-70 139,363 885,175 26-36 492 The Steam Engine. Temperature, Fahrenheit. t. Pressure in Ibs. jer square inch at sea level. P- Heat requ'.ied to raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat of Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 213 I4-99 214 I5-29 215 15-60 216 15 Qt 217 16-22 T6-EJ4 r.i9 16-87 220 I7-2O 221 17-53 146,380 887,290 22-34 j 222 17-87 22 3 18-22 224 18-57 225 18-93 226 I9-29 227 19-66 228 20-03 229 20-41 230 2O -8O 153,412 889,405 I9-03 231 21-19 232 21-59 233 21-99 234 22-40 235 22-82 236 , 23*25 237 23-67 238 24-II 239 24-55 160,429 891,520 I6-28 240 25-00 241 25-46 242 25-92 243 26*39 244 26-87 245 27-35 246 247 28-34 248 28-85 167,460 893,635 I4-00 249 29-36 250 29-88 25 1 30-41 252 30-94 253 3I-48 254 32-03 255 3 2 -59 Table I. 493 Temperature, Fahrenheit, t. Pressure in Ibs. per square inch at sea level. P- Heat required :o raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat of Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 2 5 6 33-I5 257 3373 174,505 895*75! 12-09 2 5 8 34-3i 259 34-90 260 35-50 26l 36-11 262 36-72 263 37-35 264 37-98 265 38-62 266 39-27 181,564 897,866 10-48 267 39-93 268 40-60 269 41-27 270 41-96 271 42-65 272 43-35 273 44-07 274 44-79 275 45-53 188,637 899,981 9-124 2 7 6 46-27 277 47-02 2 7 8 47-78 279 48-55 280 49-33 28l 50-13 282 50-93 283 5 T "74 284 52-56 I95>7H 902,096 7'973 ill 53-39 54-24 287 55-09 288 55-96 289 56-83 290 5772 291 58-62 292 293 59-53 60-45 202,798 904,211 6-992 294 61-38 295 62-33 296 63-29 297 64-25 298 65-23 494 TJie Steam Engine. Temperatur Fahrenheit t. Pressure in Ib per square inc at sea level. P. Heat requirec to raise i Ib. o Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. Total heat ol Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet h. 299 66-22 300 67-22 301 68-24 302 303 69-27 70-3I 209,885 906,327 6-153 304 71-36 305 72-42 306 73-50 307 74-59 308 75^9 309 76-8I 310 77-94 3" 312 79-08 80-23 216,986 908,442 S'433 313 81-40 3H 82-59 315 8378 317 86-21 319 88-70 320 321 89-97 91-25 224,087 910,557 4'8l6 322 92-54 323 93-85 324 95-I7 325 96-51 326 97-86 327 99*23 328 100-62 329 102-02 231,216 912,672 4-280 330 I03-43 331 104-86 332 I06-3I 333 107-77 334 109-25 335 110-74 336 II2-24 337 II3-76 338 339 II5-30 116-86 238,358 914,787 3-8I4 340 118-43 341 1 20 -02 Table I. 495 Temperature, Fahrenheit, t. Pressure in Ibs. per square inch at sea level. P- Heat required to raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat of Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 342 I2I-63 343 123-26 344 124-89 345 126-55 346 I28-23 347 129-93 245,501 916,902 3-410 348 131-64 349 I33-37 35 135'H 351 136-87 35 2 138-65 353 140-45 354 142-27 355 144-10 356 I45-95 252,658 919,017 3-057 357 147-82 358 149-72 359 i5 I-6 3 360 I53-56 361 i55-5i 362 I57-48 363 159-46 364 161-47 365 163-49 259,829 921,132 2-748 366 165-53 367 167-60 368 169-69 369 171-79 370 173-92 37i 176-07 372 178-23 373 180-42 374 182-63 267,013 923,247 2-476 375 184-86 376 187-11 377 189-38 378 191-67 379 193-98 380 196-32 38i 198-68 382 20 1 -06 383 203-46 274,198 925,362 2-236 384 ; 205-88 The Steam Engine. Temperature, Fahrenheit, t. Pressure in Ibs. per square inch at sea level. P- Heat required to raise i Ib. of Water from 32 to t. Foot Ibs. h. Total heat of Evaporation. Foot Ibs. H. Volume of i Ib. in cubic feet 385 208-33 3 86 21079 387 213-28 388 215-79 389 218-32 390 220-88 391 223-46 392 226-07 281,394 927,478 2'025 393 228-70 394 23I-35 395 234-02 396 236-72 397 239-44 398 242-19 399 244-96 400 247-75 401 250-57 288,634 929,593 1-838 In order to reduce the figures contained in columns 2 and 3 of the above table to thermal units, it is only necessary to divide b5\772, the number of foot pounds corresponding to one thermal unit. To obtain the latent heat for any temperature we have only to subtract the figures in column 3 from the corresponding figures in column 4. To find the pressure for any temperature intermediate to those given in the table, as for example 310 -25. Find by the table the difference between the pressures for 310 and 311. This is 1-14. Multiplying 1-14 by -25, and adding the result to the pressure corresponding to 310, we get 77-94+ -285 = 78-225 Ibs. per square inch as the pressure corresponding to 310 -25. To find the temperature corresponding to loo Ibs. per square inch from the tables we find Pressure corresponding to 328= 100*62 Ibs. per square inch. 327 - 99^3 Difference = I "39 Now, if for I -39 Ibs. difference of pressure the difference of tem- perature is i, what will be the difference of temperature for -62 Ib. difference of pressure ? Table L 497 1-39 i : -62 : x. .-.*=*? -.446. i'39 Then the temperature corresponding to 100 Ibs. pressure is 328 446 = 327-554. Similarly to find the value of h. or H. for any temperature inter- mediate between those for which the values are given in the table. For example, find the total heat of evaporation of steam having the temperature 332. Total heat of evaporation corresponding to 338 914,787 329 = 912,672 Diff. for 9= 2,115 /. Diff. for i= 235 Now 332 is 3 degrees above 329, Therefore the total heat of evaporation for 332 = 912,672 + 3 x 235 = 913,377 foot Ibs. In a similar manner can be solved such a problem as the following. How much heat is required in order to raise the temperature of feed- water from that of the hot well 122 to that of the boiler 365. The values of h. in this instance are taken from column 3. This method of interpolation is only permissible because the values of h. and H. vary so slowly with the temperature. The method would not, for instance, be applicable to column 5. K K 498 The Steam Engine. TABLE II. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. The hyperbolic logarithm of a number is found by multiplying the common logarithm of the number by 2-30258. Example : The common logarithm of 7 is 0-8450980, which multiplied by 2-30258505 gives 1-9459100, the hyperbolic logarithm. No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm I -01 0099503 1-26 2311116 I-5I 4I2I095 7 6 5653138 I -O2 0198026" 1-27 2390169 I-52 4187103 77 5709795 I-O3 .0295588 1-28 2468601 i'53 4252676 78 5766133 ; I'O4 0392207 1-29 2546422 i'54 4317825 79 5822156 1-05 0487902 1-30 2623643 i'55 4382549 80 5877866 I -06 0582690 31 2700271 1-56 4446858 81 5933268 07 0676586 32 2776317 i'57 4510756 82 5988365 08 0769610 33 2851788 1-58 4574249 '83 6043159 09 0861777 '34 2926696 i'59 4637339 84 6097655 10 0953102 '35 3001046 i -60 4700036 '85 6151856 II 1043600 '36 3074847 1-61 4762341 86 6205764 12 1133286 "37 3148108 1-62 4824261 87 6259384 13 I222I75 38 3220835 1-63 4885801 88 6312717 14 1310284 '39 3293037 1-64 4946961 89 6365768 15 1397618 40 3364722 1-65 5007752 90 6418538 16 1484200 41 3435 8 97 1-66 5068176 91 6471033 17 1570038 42 3506568 1-67 5128237 92 6523251 18 l6'55I44 '43 3576744 1-68 5187938 i '93 6575200 19 1739534 '44 3646431 1-69 5247285 : '94 6626879 20 1823215 '45 3715635 1-70 5306282 j -95 6678294 21 1906204 46 3784365 1-71 5364933 ! -96 6729445 22 1988508 '47 3852623 1-72 5423242 J '97 6780335 23 2070141 48 3920420 i'73 5481214 i -98 6830968 24 2151113 49 3987762 1-74 5538850 i '99 6881346 1-25 223H35 50 4054652 175 5596157 2-OO 6931472 Table II. 499 HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS continued. No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm 2-01 6981347 36 8586616 271 9969486 3-06 1-1184148 2 'O2 7030974 37 8628899 272 1-0006318 3'7 I-I2I6775 2-03 7080357 2-38 8671004 273; 1-0043015 3-08 1-1249295 2-04 7129497 2-39 8712933 274 1-0079579 3-09 I-I28I7IO 2-05 7178399 2-40 8754686 275 I-OII6009 3-10 I-I3I4O2I 2-06 7227059 2-41 8796266 2 7 6 1-0152306 3-11 1-1346227 2-07 7275485 2-42 8837675 277 1-0188473 3-12 I-I378330 2'08 7323678 2'43 8878912 278 1-0224509 3-i3 1-1410330 2-09 7371640 2'44 8919980 279 1-0260415 3'i4 I-I442227 2-10 7419373 2'45 8960881 2-80 1-0296193 3-i5 I-I474024 2'II 7466880 2-46 9001613 2-81 1-0331844 3'i6 I-I505720 2'12 7514160 2-47 9042181 2-82 I -0367368 3-i7 I-I5373I5 2-I 3 7561219 2-48 9082585 2-8 3 I -0402766 3'i8 I-I5688II 2-I 4 7608058 2-49 9122826 2-84 I -0438040 3-i9 I-I6OO2O9 2-I 5 7654679 2-50 9162907 2-8 5 1-0473189 3-20 1-1631508 2-16 7701082 2-51 9202827 2-86 1-0508215 3-21 1-1662708 2-17 7747271 2-52 9242589 2-87 I-0543I20 3'22 1-1693813 2-18 7793248 2'53 9282193 2-88 I -0577902 3-23 1-1724821 2-19 7839015 2'54 9321640 2-89 1-0612564 3-24 I-I755733 2 '2O 7884573 2'55 9360934 2-90 1-0647107 3-25 1-1786549 2-21 7929925 2-56 9400072 2-91 I-068I53I 3-26 I-I8I727I 2'22 7975071 2'57 9439058 2-92 1-0715836 3-27 I-I847899 2-23 8O2OOI5 2-58 9477893 '2-93 I-O75OO24 3-28 1-1878434 2-24 8064758 2'59 9516578 2'94 I -0784095 3-29 1-1908875 2-25 8109303 2-60 9555H3 2-95 1-0818051 13-30 I-I939224 2-26 8153647 2-6 959350 2 2-96 0851892 3-3i 1-1969481 2-27 8197798 2-62 9631743 ; 2'97 0885619 3-32 1-1999647 2-28 8241754 2-63 9669838 2-98 0919233 3'33 I-2029722 2-29 8285518 2-64 9707789 2-99 0952733 3 '34 I -2059707 2 - 3 8329090 2-6 9745596 3-00 0986124 3'35 I -2089603 2-3I 8372467 2-66 9783260 3-01 IOI9400 3 '36 1-2119409 2-32 8415671 2-6 9820784 3-02 1052568 3'37 I-2I49I27 2'33 8458682 2-6S 9858167 3 '03 1085626 3'38 1-2178757 2'34 8501509 2-65 9895411 3'4 IH8575 3'39 I -2208299 2'35 8544154 270 9932518 !3*5 H5HI5 3-40 1-2237754 KK 2 500 TJie Steam Engine. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS- continued. No Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No Logarithm 3'4i I-2267I22 376 1-3244189 4-11 1-4134230 4-46 1-4951487 3-42 2296405 377 I -3270749 4-12 I-4I5853I 4-47 4973883 3'43 2325605 378 I -3297240 4-13 1-4182774 4-48 4996230 3'44 23547H 379 I -3323660 4-14 I -4206957 4-49 5018527 3'45 2383742 3'8o I-33500IO 4-15 1-4231083 4-50 5040773 3-46 2412685 3*i 1-3376291 4-16 1-4255150 4-5I 5062971 3'47 2441545 3-82 I -3402504 4-17 I -4279161 4-5 2 5085119 3-48 2470322 3-83 I -3428648 4-18 1-4303112 4'53 5107219 3-49 2499017 3-84 I -3454723 4-19 I -4327007 4-54 5129269 3-50 2527629 3-85 1-3480731 4-20 I -4350845 4'55 5151272 3'S 1 2556160 3-86 I -3506671 4-21 I -4374626 4-56 5173226 3-52 2584609 3-87 I 3532544 4-22 1-4398351 4-57 5I95I32 3'53 2612978 3-88 I-355835I 4-23 I -4422020 4-58 5216990 3'54 2641266 3% I -3584091 4-24 I -4445632 4-59 5238800 3'55 2669475 3-90 I -3609765 4-25 1-4469189 4-60 5260563 3-56 2697605 3'9i I-3635373 4-26 1-4492691 4'6i 5282278 3-57 2725655 3-92 1-3660916 4-27 1-4516138 4-62 5303947 3-58 2753627 3 '93 I -3686395 4-28 1 -4539530 4-63 5325568 3'59 2781521 3-94 I -3711807 4-29 I -4562867 4-64 5347143 3-60 2809338 3*95 I'3737I56 .4-30 1-4586149 4-65 5368672 3'6i 2837077 3-96 I -3762440 4-3i I -4609379 4-66 5390154 3'62 2864740 3 '97 1-3787661 4-32 I-4632553 4-67 54"590 3-63 2892326 3-98 1-3812818 4'33 I-4655675 4-68 5432981 3-64 2919836 3 '99 1-3837912 4'34 I -4678743 4-69 5454325 3-65 2947271 4'OO I -3862943 4-35 I-470I758 ,4-7o 5475625 3-66 2974631 4-01 1-3887912 4-36 I -4724720 4-71 5496879 3-67 3001916 4'O2 1-3912818 4-37 I -474763 4-72 5518087 3-68 3029127 4 '03 I-3937763 438 I ^770487 473 5539252 3-69 3056264 4-04 I -3962446 4-39 I ^793292 :474 5560371 370 3083328 4-05 1-3987168 4-40 I -4816045 |475 5581446 371 3110318 4-06 1-4011829 4*41 1-4838746 1-76 5602476 372 3137236 4-07 I -4036429 4-42 1-4861396 477 5623462 373 3164082 4-08 I -4060969 4'43 I-4883995 478 5644405 374 3190856 4-09 I -4085449 4-44 I -4906543 4-79 5665304 375 3217559 4'io 1-4109869 4-45 I -4929040 4-80 5686159 Table II. 501 HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS -continued. No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm 4'8l 1-5706971 5-16 I -6409365 5-51 I -7065646 5-86 17681496 4-82 I-5727739 1-6428726 5-52 1-7083778 5-87 1-7698546 4-83 I -5748464 5-i8 1-6448050 5-53! 1-7101878 5-88 I-77I5567 4-84 1-5769147 5 -I 9 1-6467336 5-54 1-7119944 5-8 9 I-7732559 4-85 1-5789787 5-20 I -6486586 5-55 17137979- 5-90 I-7749523 4-86 1-5810384 5-21 1-6505798 5-56 I7I5598I 5*91 1-7768458 4-87 I -5830939 5-22 1-6524974 5-57 I7I73950 5-92 17783364 4-88 1-5851452 5-23 I-6544II2 5-58 1-7191887 5-93 1-7800242 4-89 1-5871923 5-24 1-6563214 5'59 1-7209792 5-94 1-7817091 4-90 I-5892352 5-25 1-6582280 5-60 1-7227655 ;5'95 1-7833912 4-91 I-59I2739 5-26 1-6601310 5*61 1-7245507 5-96 I -7850704 4-92 1-5933085 5-27 i -6620303 i5-62 1-7263316 I -7867469 4-93 I-5953389 5-28 i -6639260 5-63 1-7281094 5-98 I 7884205 4'94 I-5973653 5-29 6658182 5-64 17298840 5-99 1-7900914 4-95 I-5993875 5-30 6677068 5-65 I73I6555 6-00 I-79I7595 4-96 1-6014057 5 . 3I 6695918 5-66 17334238 6-01 I -7934247 4'97 1-6034198 5-32 67H733 5-67 1-7351891 6-02 1-7950872 4-98 I '6054298 5-33 6733512 5-68 1-7369512 6-03 I -7967470 4-99 I -6074358 5-34 6752256 5-69 1-7387102 6-04 I -7984040 5-00 I -6094379 5-35 6770965 570 1-7404661 6-05 I -8000582 5-01 1-6114359 5-36 "6789639 57i 1-7422189 6-06 1-8017098 5-02 1-6134300 5-37 6808278 572 1-7439687 6-07 1-8033586 5-03 1-6154200 5-38 6826882 573 I-7457I55 6-08 I -8050047 5-04 1-6174060 539 6845453 574 1-7474591 6-09 1-8066481 1-6193882 5-40 i -6863989 575 17491998 6-10 I -8082887 5-06 1-6213664 5'4i i -6882491 576 1 7509374 6-ii I -8099267 5-07 I '6233408 5-42 1-6900958 577 i -7526720 6-12 1-8115621 5-08 1-6253112 5-43 1-6919391 578 1-7544036 6-13 1-8131947 5-09 1-6272778 5'44 i 1-6937790 579 1-7561323 6-14 I -8148247 5-10 I '6292405 5-45 1-6956155 5-80 17578579 6;i 5 1-8164520 5'H 1-6311994 5-46 i -6974487 5-81 1 7595805 6-16 1-8180767 5-12 1-6331544 5-47 i -6992786 5-82 1-7613002 6-17 1-8196988 5-i3 1-6351057 1-7011051 5-83 1-7630170 6-18 1-8213182 I '6370530 5'49 1-7029282 5-84, 1-7647308 6-19 1-8229351 5-15 I -6389967 5-50 1-7047481 5-85! 1-7664416 6-20 I -8245493 502 The Steam Engine. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS contimied. No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm 6'2I 1-8261608 6-56 I -8809906 6-91 1 -9329696 7-26 1-9823798 6'22 1-8277699 :6-57 1-8825138 6-92 I-9344I57 7-27 1-9837562 6-23 1-8293763 6-58 I -8840347 6"93 I-9358598 7-28 1-9851308 6-24 1-8309801 6-59 1-8855533 6-94 I-93730I7 7-29 1-9865035 6-25 1-8325814 6'6o 1-8870697 6-95 1-9387416 7'30| 1-9878743 6-26 1-8341801 6-61 1-8885837 ;6- 9 6 1-9401794 7-31 I -9892432 6-27 I-8357763 6-62 1-8900954 6-97 1-9416152 7-32' 1-9906103 6-28; 1-8373699 6-63 1-8916048 6-98 I -9430489 7-33 I-99I9754 6-29' 1-8389610 6-64 1-8931119 6-99 I -9444805 7-34 I-9933387 6-30 i -8405496 6-65 1-8946168 7-00 I -9459100 7-35 I-9947002 6-31 1-8421356 6-66 1-8961194 7-01 I-9473376 7-36 1-9960599 6-32 1-8437191 6-67 1-8976198 7-02 I -9487632 737 I-9974I77 6-33 1-8453002 6-68 1-8991179 7-03 1-9501866 7-38 I-9987736 6-34 1-8468787 6-69 1-9006138 7-04 1-9516080 J7-39J 2-0001278 6-35 1-8484547 6-70 1-9021075 7-05 I-9530275 7-40 2-0014800 6-36 1-8500283 6-71 i -9035989 7-06 I '9544449 7-41 2-0028305 6-37 1-8515994 6-72 i -9050881 7-07 1-9558604 7-42 2-0041790 6-38 1-8531680 673 1-9065751 7-08 I-9572739 7-43 2-0055258 6-39 1-8547342 6-74 i -9080600 ,7-09 I-9586853 7'44 2-0068708 6-40 i -8562979 675 i -9095425 7-10 I -9600947 7-45 2-0082140 6-41 i -8578592 1 6-76 1-9110228 7-11 1-9615022 7-46 2-0095553 6-42 1-8594181 6*77 1-9125011 7-12 1-9629077 7-47 2-0108949 6-43: 1-8609745 6-78 1-9139771 1-9643112 7-48 2-0122327 6-44 1-8625285 6-79 1-9154509 7-14 1-9657127 7-49 2-0135687 6-45! 1-8640801 6-80 I 1-9169226 1-9671123 7-50 2-0149030 6-46 i -8656293 6-81 1-9183921 7-16 I -9685099 7-51 2-0162354 6-47 1-8671761 6-82 1-9198594 17*17 I -9699056 7-52 2-0175661 6-48 i -8687205 6-83 1-9213247 J7-i8 1-9712993 7-53! 2-0188950 6-49 i -8702625 6-84 1-9227877 |7-i9 I -9726911 7'54 2-0202221 6-50 1-8718021 6-85 i -9242486 7-20 I -9740810 7-55: 2-0215475 6-51 I-8733394 ,6-86 9257074 7-21 I -9754689 7- 5 6 2-0228711 6-52 1-8748743 6-87 9271641 7-22 I -9768549 7'57 2-0241929 i -8764069 6-88 9286186 7-23 I -9782390 7-58: 2-0255I3I 6-54 1-8779371 6-55! 1-8794650 6-89 6-90 9300710 1 93 I 52i4 7-24 ,7-25 I-97962I2 I -9810014 7'59 2-0268315 7'6O 2-0281482 Table IL 503 HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS continued. No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm No. Logarithm 7-61 2-0294631 7- 9 6 2-0744290 8-31 2,174596 8-66 2-I587I47 7-62 2-0307763 7-97 2-0756845 8-32 2-II86622 8-67: 2-1598687 , 7-63 2-0320878 7-98 2-0769384 8-33 2-1198634 8-68 2-1610215 7-64 2-0333976 7-99 2-0781907 ;8-34 2-1210632 8-69 2-1621729 7-65 2-0347056 8-00 2-0794414 8-35 2-I2226I5 8-70' 2-1633230 7-66 2-0360119 8-01 2 -0806907 8-36 2,234584 8-71! 2-1644718 7-67 2-0373166 8-02 2-0819384 8-37 2-1246539 8-72 2-1656192 7-68 2-0386195 ^8-03 2-0831845 8-38 2-1258479 873 2-1667653 7-69 2-0399207 8-04 2 -0844290 8-39 2-1270405 8-74 2-1679101 770 2-0412203 8-05 2*0856720 8-40 2-1282317 875 2-1690536 7-71 2-0425181 8-06 2-0869135 8-41 2-1294214 8-76 2-1701959 772 2-0438143 8-07 2-0881534 8-42 2 ' 1 306098 8-77 2-1713367 773 2-0451088 8-08 2-0893918 8-43 2-1317967 8-78 2-1724763 774 2-0464016 8-09 2-0906287 8-44 2-1329822 8-79 2-1736146 775 2-0476928 8,0 2-0918640 8-45 2-1341664 8-80 2-1747517 7-76 2-0489823 8-ii 2-0930984 8-46 2-I35349I 8-81 2-1758874 : 777 2-0502701 8-12 2-0943306 8-47 2-1365304 8-82 2-1770218 7-78 2-0515563 8-13 2-0955613 18-48 2T377I04 8-83 2-1781550 779 2-0528408 8-14 2-0967905 8-49 2-1388889 8-84 2-1792868 7-80 2-0541237 8-15 2-0980182 8-50 2T4OO66I 8-85 2-1804174 7-81 2-0554049 8-16 2-0992444 8-51 2-I4I24IO 8-86 2-1815467 7-82 2-0566845 8-17 2-1004691 8-52 2-1424163 8-87 2-1826747 7^3 1 2-0579624 8-iS 2-1016923 8-53 2-1435893 8-88 2-1838015 7-84 2-0592388 8-19 2-IO29I4O 8'54 2-1447609 8-89 2-1849270 7-85 2-0605135 8-2C 2-104134! 8-55 2-I4593I2 8-90 2-1860512 7-86 2-0617866 8-21 2T053529 8-56 2-I47IOOI 8-91 2-1871742 7-87 2-0630580 8-22 2-IO657O2 8'57 2-1482676 8-92 2-1882959 7-88 2-0643278 8-23 2-I07786I 8-58 2-1494339 8-93 2-1894163 7-89 2-0655961 8-24 2-1089998 :8-59 2-1505987 8-94 2-1905355 7 - 9 c 2-0668627 8-25 2-1102128 '8-60 2-1517622 8-95 2-1916535 7-91 2-0681277 8-26 2-1114243 '8-61 2-1529243 8-96 2-1927702 7-92 2-0693911 8-27 2-1126343 8-62 2-1540851 8-97 2-1938856 7-93 2-0706530 8-28 2-1138428 8-63 2-1552445 8-98 2-1949998 7-94 2-0719132 8-29 2-1150499 8-64 2 ' I 564026 8-99: 2-1961128 7-95 2-0731719 8-30 2-1162555 8-65 2-1575593 9-00 2-1972245 EXAMPLES. 1. Give reasons for the supposition that heat is not a substance. 2. Define the meaning of the terms ' work ' and ' energy.' 3. Give an account of Davy's reasons for believing that heat is a form of energy. 4. Define a horse-power. What is the distinction between 33,000 foot-pounds and one horse-power ? .5. A coal-mine 250 feet deep must, in order to keep the workings dry, have 108,000 gallons of water pumped out of it every hour. What horse-power must the engines exert merely to raise this water without taking any account of the friction of the machinery, &c. 6. State the distinction between potential ' and ' kinetic ' energy, and give an example of each. 7. Describe any experiment with which you are acquainted which proves that work may be done by the expenditure of heat. 8. State what is meant by ' temperature.' Describe how temperature is commonly measured. How many scales of temperature are there in common use in Europe? A thermometer registers 364 on the Fahrenheit scale : what would be the corresponding numbers on the Centigrade and Reaumur scales ? 9. What is meant by the term ' specific heat ' ? 10. Describe an experiment, which proves that the same quantity of heat imparted to equal weights of different substances affects the temperatures of the substances unequally. n. A pound of cast-iron (specific heat ='130) is made red-hot and plunged into two gallons of water of the temperature 60. In quenching the iron the temperature of the water rises 9 : what was the original temperature of the hot iron ? 12. What is meant by the mechanical equivalent of heat ? What is the equivalent in foot-pounds of the British thermal unit ? Work at the rate of a horse-power is expended for an hour in creating friction, the heat generated by which is all communicated to 10 cubic feet of water 506 The Steam Engine. contained in a non-conducting tank. The original temperature of the water was 60 : what will be its temperature at the end of the hour ? 13. State Boyle's law connecting the pressure and volume of gas. Show how the law may be represented graphically. Prove that the curve which represents the varying pressures of a portion of gas when the volume is changed and the temperature is kept constant is a rect- angular hyperbola. 14. A cylinder containing air is fitted with a gas-tight piston by means of which the contained air is compressed to one- fourth of its original volume. Will the final pressure be four times the original pressure immediately after the compression takes place ? Give your reasons for your conclusion. 15. State what is meant by an isothermal line of a gas. 1 6. What is the general effect of raising the temperature of a por- tion of gas, first, when the volume is kept unchanged, and second, when the pressure is kept constant ? State Charles' law, and give the formula which expresses it. A cylinder of 18 inches diameter and of indefinite length contains a cubic foot of air enclosed by a gas-light piston. The cylinder is plunged into water which is kept at the tem- perature of 175 : to what height above the bottom of the cylinder will the piston be moved after the inclosed air has attained the temperature of the water ? 17. State the distinction between Charles' and Dalton's laws. 1 8. Describe the air-thermometer, and state what is meant by the term 'absolute temperature.' Show how to deduce the number of degrees which the absolute zero is below the zero of the Fahrenheit scale on the assumption that Charles' law is true. 19. Show how to deduce from Boyle's and Charles' laws a formula connecting the volume, the pressure, and the absolute temperature of a portion of gas. A pound of air of the temperature 32 and atmospheric pressure is heated up to 100 : what is the product of its pressure and volume at the latter temperature ? 20. Establish the ratio between the specific heat of air heated, first, at constant volume, and, second,. at constant pressure. 21. What is meant by the term ' latent ' as distinguished from ' sensible ' heat ? When wa'ter is turned into steam, state the various ways in which heat is expended. 22. Is Boyle's law applicable to the case of expanding steam ? State your reasons for your aswer. Make a sketch of the isothermal line of steam of, say, 212, and explain what the different portions of the line represent. Examples. 507 23. A portion of gas is enclosed in a cylinder under pressure, and is expanded so as to do work. How can you secure that the curve of expansion shall be a rectangular hyperbola ? 24. Describe what is meant by a ' cycle of operations. ' 25. Give a numerical expression for the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of air from temperature /, to t., : first, the volume of the air being kept constant ; and, second, the pressure being kept constant. 26. A portion of gas is expanded isothermally from volume #, to -z/ 2 , the initial and final pressures being / t and /.,, and the temperature t. State how much heat is expended in doing external work ; how much in doing internal work ; and how much heat must be supplied to the gas in order that the condition of isothermal expansion may be fulfilled. 27. A portion of gas is expanded from volume z/ to v-, the equation of the curve of expansion being pv n = constant. Deduce an expression for the total quantity of heat expended during the operation. 28. When gas expands adiabatically, prove that the equation of the curve of expansion is p V Y = constant. 29. What will be the final temperature T 2 of gas expanded adia- batically, the original temperature being T, and the ratio of expansion r ? What will be the total loss of heat by the gas during the expansion ? 30. As a numerical application of the above, find the final tempera- ture of air expanded adiabatically to double its volume, the initial tem- perature being 539 Fahrenheit. Find also the final temperature when the ratios of expansion are 3, 4, and 5. (A table of logarithms will be required for the solution.) The student should notice the great fall in temperature of gas expanding adiabatically as compared with steam, and draw his own conclusions as to the suitability of air as a medium for the working of heat-engines. 31. A cubic foot of air of the pressure 100 pounds per square inch and temperature 539 Fahrenheit is expanded adiabatically till its vol- ume is doubled : construct a table showing the pressures and corre- sponding temperatures for the volumes 1-1, 1-2, 13, 1-4, &c. up to 2. 32. What are the essential conditions of working to realise a theo- retically perfect heat-engine ? Prove that if the essential conditions are realised the efficiency of the engine is represented by the fraction -J-H^ where T, and r 2 are the absolute temperatures of the sources of heat and cold respectively. 33. A pound of coal will generate during combustion 14,000 units of heat. Supposing that a theoretically perfect heat-engine consumed one pound of coal per minute and that its limits of working temperature 5cB The Steam Engine. were T, = 2,440 and T 2 = 60, what would be the horse-power developed by the engine ? 34. What is the meaning of the terms ' specific volume ' and ' relative volume ' of steam ? How may the relative volume be calculated when the specific volume is given ? State Zeuner's law connecting the pies- sure and volume of dry steam. 35. State an approximate formula for the total heat of steam formed from water of the temperature /, the temperature of the steam when formed being T. Of the above a certain quantity is expended in doing external work : give Zeuner's approximate formula for the heat which thus disappears. 36. If/ be the pressure of steam, and/ b be the back pressure in pounds per square inch ; also, if H be the total heat of formation of a pound of steam, and v its specific volume : deduce expressions for the heat expended, the external work done, and the heat rejected per cubic foot of the contents of the cylinder in a non-expansive steam-engine. 37. A condensing non-expansive engine uses steam of the pressure of 60 pounds absolute ; the back pressure is 2 pounds per square inch. How many pounds of water must be evaporated for this engine per effective indicated horse-power per hour ? N.B. The specific volume of steam of 60 pounds pressure is 7*037 cubic feet. Ans. 337. 38. Supposing the feed-water in the above engine is taken from the condenser and has the temperature of 100, what is the ratio of heat expended to work done ? N. B. The total heat of formation of steam of 60 pounds pressure is 1171-3 thermal units. 39. In an engine using steam expansively the pressure during ad- mission is P, pounds per square inch, the volume when steam is cut off is V,, the rate of expansion is r, and the back 'pressure, which is sup- posed to be uniform, is P f) . Find an expression for the effective work done, and also for the mean pressure, on the assumption that the ex- pansion takes place in accordance with Boyle's law, and that there is no clearance. 40. In an engine using steam expansively the pressure duiing ad- mission is P, = 95 pounds per square inch absolute. The back pressure P b = 3 pounds per square inch. The volume of one pound of steam of pressure/, is v\ cubic feet. The rate of expansion r=2. Find out the effective work per pound of steam in thermal units ; and the total weight of steam supplied to the cylinder per effective indicated horse-power per hour. Ex a inple.s. 509 The expansion is supposed to be hyperbolic, and clearance neglected and the steam dry at the end of the stroke. Solution, Let p be the final and p m the mean pressure in pounds per square inch. Also, let v 2 = the specific volume of steam of pressure /_. Then the total work done = 144/2^(1 +log e r) The effective work done equals the foregoing minus the work done in overcoming the back pressure ^ Now, multiplying v.,, i.e. the specific volume of dry steam of 42-5 pounds per square inch by 144/0, and reducing to thermal units, we obtain the number 777. Hence the effective work done = 77 '7 ( : '696 | = 126-3 thermal units per pound of steam. V 4 2 '5/ Now one horse-power per hour = 33 = 2565 thermal units per hour ^256 = ounds I2O'3 equals the weight of steam which must be supplied to the cylinder. 41. Find out what quantity of heat must be added to the steam during expansion in the above example, in order that the condition may be realised that it should be dry, and saturated at the end of the stroke. Solution. The symbol P is used throughout to denote the pressure per square foot corresponding with the pressure p per square inch. If steam of pressure p 2 be dry at the end of the stroke, it must have had imparted to it not only the heat of formation H 2 of dry steam of this pressure, but also the equivalent of heat cor- responding to the work done over and above whatever work done is included in H.,. Now the work done included in H 2 equals the pressure 144 P._, multiplied by the corresponding volume v., (see page 99). But the total work done equals the mean pressure P m multiplied by the final volume v v Therefore the difference, or P m 2 - P 2 2 = (P m - P 2 ) 2 , must be added' to H 2 . Hence the tota heat in the steam at the end of the expansion, provided it be then dry and saturated, = H 2 +(P m -P,>, Now the steam when admitted into the cylinder was at the pressure P 1} and its total heat of formation is H r must be added to the steam during expansion. 510 77/6' Steam Engine. Substituting for P m its value, the above expression becomes P^log^H,-!!, The value of H 2 H, can be obtained from Table I. ; or, if no table be at hand, its approximate value is -305 thermal units for every degree of difference of temperature between steam of the pressures #, and/. 2 . Applying these results to the case in hand, we have P,zUog e r+H,-H 1 = 777x '696- -305(324 -271) 37 '9 thermal units per pound of steam used. ut, as we proved in the previous example, 20-3 pounds of steam are used per effective horse-power per hour ; .'. 20-3 x 37'9 = 769-37 thermal units per horse-power per hour must be supplied to the cylinder from a steam-jacket in order to keep the steam dry at the end of the stroke. This would be sup- plied by the liquefaction in the jacket of about "J pound of steam per hour. Hence the theoretical consumption of water in this engine working under the above conditions would be 21 pounds per hour, as against 33-7 in the case of Example 37. 42. What would be the theoretical quantity of water required in the above example if the steam-engine were a perfect engine working between the limits of temperature corresponding to the initial and the back pressures of the steam ? 43. State in what respects the action of a steam-engine differs from that of a perfect heat-engine. 44. State Navier's formula for the expansion of steam, giving the numerical constants. 45. Investigate an expression for the work done during expansion, using Navier's formula (instead of, as heretofore, assuming hyperbolic expansion), and taking account of the effect of clearance. 46. State De Pambour's theory of the steam-engine, and reduce it to mathematical form. 47. Analyse the nature of the resistances to the motion of stationary and locomotive engines. (For numerical examples of the application of De Pambour's theory see pages 136 and 139). 48. Steam of 75 Ibs. pressure above the atmosphere is used in a cylinder. It expands down to 4 Ibs. absolute at the point of release, What is the ratio of expansion, supposing the clearance to occupy a space equivalent to 5 per cent, of the stroke, and the release to take place at a point 7 per cent, of the stroke, before the end ? Examples. 5 1 1 49. The stroke of a piston is 3 feet 6 inches, the ratio of expansion is 3*5 : at what pressure must the steam be admitted in order that at the release, which is supposed to take place at the end of the stroke, the steam may have expanded down to 5 Ibs. absolute, the clearance being equal to 6 per cent, of the stroke ? 50. A crane is employed to lift a maximum weight of one ton. The chain is wound round a barrel 2 feet in diameter, to which is made fast a spur wheel 4 feet in diameter, driven by a 9 inch pinion. The pinion is keyed to the crank axle of a two-cylindered engine, the diameter of each cylinder being 6 inches, and the stroke I foot. What mean pressure of steam will be required in order to lift the weight, without taking any account of the other resistances to the motion of the piston ? 51. A locomotive weighing 32 tons is drawing a train of 150 tons up an incline of I in 180, at a speed of fifteen miles an hour. The diameter of each cylinder is 18 inches, the stroke 24 inches, and the diameter of the driving-wheel 6 feet. What is the mean pressure of the steam required in order to overcome the resistance of the engine and train, without taking account of the other resistances to the motion of the piston ? 52. How is mass measured, and what units of mass are adopted in practice ? For examples on the application of the laws of motion see pages 148 to 153. For examples on fly-wheels see page 155. 53. Calling the weight of a body w, v the velocity with which it moves in a circle of radius r, prove that the centrifugal force F = gr ' Also, deduce an expression for the centrifugal force when you are given the number of revolutions per minute (N), instead of the circular velocity. 54. Explain what is meant by the twisting moment on a crank shaft, and show how the variation in the twisting moments during a revolution may be represented graphically by a curve on a straight base. 55. Show by the principle of work that there is no loss of power in converting rectilinear into circular motion by means of a crank and connecting-rod. The mean pressure in the cylinder is P Ibs. per square inch : what is the mean tangential pressure on the pin of a crank of radius = r ? 56. Supposing the motion of the crank -pin in its circle to be prac- tically uniform, what influence has the fact that the connecting-rod is 5 1 2 T/ie Steam Engine. finite in length, on the velocity of the piston in each of the four quarters of a revolution ? 57. Show how to obtain the twisting moment on the crank graphic- ally when the pressure on the piston is known, and the ratio of length of connecting-rod to length of crank is given, for any position of the crank-arm. 58. Explain the general effect of the inertia of the reciprocating parts in modifying the twisting moments on the crank. Explain the nature of a graphic diagram for exhibiting the pressures absorbed and restored by the reciprocating parts at different parts of the stroke, stating how you would calculate the initial and final pressures, taking no account of the length of the connecting-rod. Also explain how this graphic diagram would be altered, first, in the case of vertical engines by the effect of gravity on the reciprocating masses ; and second, in the case of horizontal engines, when the ratio of the length of the connecting-rod to that of the crank is given. 59. Explain in detail the various steps to be taken in order to con- struct an exact curve of twisting moments, when you are provided with a pair of indicator diagrams, and the necessary data concerning weights and dimensions. 60. Explain the methods by which in practice uniformity of twisting moment is approximated to. 61. What are the essential data necessary in order to determine the weight of the fly wheel of an engine ? 62. Explain the objects of cushioning the exhaust steam. 63. What area of passage would you give to a steam port for a cylinder of 24 inches diameter, 36 inches stroke, the engine making 45 revolutions per minute ? 64. What are the advantages of making the working barrel of a cylinder of a separate detachable piece, called a liner ? 65. Under what circumstances would you fit a steam-jacket to a cylinder, and what precautions would you adopt in designing the jacket? 66. Make a sketch of the general arrangements of the cylinder of a locomotive engine, showing a section through the cylinder and valve box. 67. Give a description, with sketch, of the piston-packings of a marine engine. 68. A locomotive piston of 18 inches diameter is provided with three half-inch packing-rings, so adjusted as to exert a pressure on the piston sides of 3 Ibs. per square inch. The stroke is 24 inches, and the diameter of the driving-wheels 6 ft. 6 in. What horse-power is exerted in overcoming the friction of the pistons when the engine is Examples. 5 1 3 running at the speed of 48 miles an hour, the co-efficient of friction between the rings and sides of the cylinder being taken as '085 ? 69. Prove that so long as an engine runs in one direction pressure is only exerted upon one of the slide bars. 70. In designing motion blocks and slide bars, what should be the maximum pressure per square inch of bar surface allowed for ? 71. Given the steam pressure, the diameter of cylinder, and the ratio of length of crank to connecting-rod, what is the maximum pres- sure on the slide bar ? 72. What are the principal disadvantages of making the connecting- rod short relatively to the crank arm ? 73. The diameter of a cylinder is 30 inches, the steam pressure 40 Ibs. per square inch. What is the maximum strain in the connecting- rod when the latter is 4 times the length of the crank ? 74. Make sketches of the big ends of connecting-rods (i) when the brass steps are held in place by a strap, and (2) when the end is solid. What effect on the length of the rod is produced driving in the cotter in each of these cases ? 75. You are required to drive a slide valve having a travel of four inches from a main shaft of the diameter of seven inches : make a sketch of the method you would adopt, giving dimensions. 76. Investigate the moment of resistance of a hollow shaft, the ex- terior diameter of which is R and the interior r, and prove that with a given weight of metal you can turn out a stronger shaft by making it hollow rather than solid. 77. The indicated horse-power of an engine is 500, the number of revolutions 50 per minute. What should be the diameter of the crank shaft, the metal being steel having a shearing strength of 80,000 Ibs. per square inch, and the factor of safety being 6 ? 78. Explain the action of Watt's governor and prove that the speed of revolution of the engine is inversely proportional to the square root of the height of the cone of revolution. What is the object of crossing the arms of a governor ? 79. Explain the nature of the objections to extreme sensitiveness in a governor. 80. Make a sketch showing how the rate of expansion of an engine may be controlled by the governor. 81. A fly-wheel has a mean radius of 10 feet, and weighs 10 tons, the whole of which is supposed to be concentrated at the mean radius. The section of the rim is 160 square inches. What is the maximum safe speed the wheel can be run at, on the assumption that the tensile L L. 514 The Steam Engine. strength of cast-iron is 15,000 Ibs. per square inch, and that the factor of safety is 5 ? Also at what speed would the wheel burst asunder ? 82. Sketch a D slide valve, and explain the action of outside and inside lap on the valve. 83. What is the meaning of the term ' lead ' ? Given a slide valve with a travel of 2\ inches, outside lap of \ inch and lead of ^ inch, what will be the throw and the angle of advance of the eccentric ? 84. Make a sketch of an arrangement for reversing an engine fitted with a slide valve. 85. Make a sketch of Meyer's valve gear, and state under what circumstances it is desirable to fit a separate expansion valve to an ordinary slide valve. State clearly all the functions of the main and the expansion valves. 86. What are the disadvantages of slide valves ? and make a sketch showing how these disadvantages are obviated in the Corliss engine. What is the object of the separate exhaust valves in the latter engine ? 87. Make a sketch of the piston valve of a marine engine, and state what its advantages are. 88. Explain how the slide valves of marine engines are usually relieved of a portion of the pressure on their backs. 89. The back of the slide valve of a locomotive exposes 1 80 square inches of area. The pressure in the valve box is 140 pounds per square inch, which is partly balanced by the pressures acting on the under sur- faces of the valve so that the average net force pressing the valve down is 130 pounds. The coefficient of friction has been experimentally proved to be '22. The travel of the valve is 4 inches. All the other data of the engine are the same as in Example 68. What is the horse-power absorbed when the engine is running at 48 miles an hour in overcoming the friction of the valves ? 90. Make a sketch of Joy's valve gear, and explain some of the advantages which it possesses over the ordinary eccentric gear. 91. Explain the principle of Zeuner's valve diagrams, and show, choosing any dimensions of valves &c. you like, how the diagram may be made to indicate the positions of the piston at which the steam admission, the cut-off, the release, the compression, take place. 92. Prove that with an eccentric valve motion the point at which compression commences must vary with the rate of expansion. 93. The travel of a slide valve is 8 inches, the outside lap 2 inches, the inside lap \ inch, the angle of advance 40. Construct a Zeuner's diagram showing the positions of the crank when the admission takes place, the steam is cut off and released, the exhaust closed, and also the amount of the lead. Examples. 5 1 5 94. The travel of a slide valve is 4 inches, the angle of advance is 40, the ratio of expansion is I '25, the steam is released when the piston has still 3 per cent of the stroke to travel. Find the outside and inside lap, the lead, and the position of the crank when the steam is admitted and the exhaust closed. The ratio of length of connecting- rod to crank is to be neglected. 95. In an engine with a 3-feet stroke the length of the connecting- rod is 6 feet, the steam is cut off when the crank is at angles of 60 from the line of dead centres : what is the ratio of expansion in the forward and in the back stroke ? Numerous other problems in simple valve setting and designing will be found on pages 281 to 290. 96. In a Stephenson's link motion with open arms, you are required to fix the positions of the notches in the reversing lever quadrant by a geometrical construction, so that steam may be cut off when the crank makes angles of 45, 60, 90, I2cf and 135, with the dead centres, choosing any dimensions you think proper for the various parts of the valves and gear. 97. What is the general effect on the lead and the point of com- pression of increasing the rate of expansion in Stephenson's link motion, (i) when the arms are open, (2) when the arms are crossed? Illus- trate your answer by means of Zeuner's diagrams, the angles of advance of the virtual eccentrics corresponding with the various rates of expan- sion being found by geometrical method. Choose any convenient dimensions for the gear. 98. Show that when Zeuner's diagram is applied to the elucidation of Meyer's valve gear, a resultant -circle can always be found the chords of which represent the distances apart of the centres of the two valves. 99. Is Meyer's valve gear suitable for use with engines which have to be reversed frequently ? Illustrate your reply by means of a Zeuner's diagram, and state the best position for the eccentric of the expansion valve so as to secure the most uniform steam distribution for running in both directions. 100. Describe Richards' indicator with the help of illustrative sketches. 101. What points connected with the working of steam engines are revealed by indicator diagrams ? 102. Being given the diagram of an expansive engine, state how you would estimate the mean pressure. \Vhat data in addition to the diagram would you require before you could calculate the power exerted by the engine ? L L 2 516 The Steam Engine. 103. Make a sketch of the theoretical diagram of a condensing engine, and show what modifications in the outline of the latter are to be expected in practice. 104. What effect has clearance on the shape of the diagram ? 105. What are the leading characteristics of the diagrams of loco- motive engines working at high rates of expansion ? 106. Do the pressures recorded by indicator diagrams give the actual forces urging the piston ? Give your reasons for your reply. 107. Why is it that when every care is taken in the valve-setting, the diagrams from the two ends of a cylinder often differ considerably in area and shape ? Under what circumstances may this peculiarity be turned to account ? 108. Explain exactly how you would draw the combined diagram of the two cylinders of a compound engine when you are provided with a diagram from each cylinder. 109. What are the principal causes which affect the back -pressure line of the diagram ? no. What is the meaning of the terms ' gross ' and ' net ' indicated power ? in. Are high rates of expansion economical in non-condensing engines ? Give your reasons for your reply. 112. State how to ascertain if the valves and piston of an engine are steam-tight. 113. Explain how to measure the expenditure of steam accounted for by the diagram. 114. How many units of heat are obtained by the combustion of one pound of carbon with sufficient air to form, (i) carbonic oxide, (2) carbonic anhydride ? 115. What is the minimum weight of air necessary to effect the complete combustion of one pound of carbon, and what should be the temperature of the products of combustion ? 116. When a chemical combination of carbon and hydrogen is burnt in oxygen how would you estimate the heat of combustion ? 117. What are the principal constituents of fuel ? 118. A firegrate is 4 feet 6 inches long, and 3 feet wide ; twenty pounds of coal are burnt on it per square foot of area per hour, with a supply of 24 Ibs. of air per Ib. of fuel. What is the temperature, and what the volume in an hour of the products of combustion, (i) as formed in the furnace ; and (2) in the chimney, supposing the latter to be maintained at the temperature most suitable for draught- creation ? 119. State the principal causes of the waste of fuel in boilers. Examples. 5 1 7 1 20. Describe a modern Lancashire boiler, and give illustrative sketches. 121. What are the principal ends gained by the use of Galloway tubes ? 122. What precautions would you observe in placing the gusset stays in the flat ends of Lancashire boilers ? 1 23. What are the principal peculiarities of locomotive boilers ? 124. The firegrate area of a locomotive is 20-5 square feet. It is intended to burn on the average 50 Ibs. of fuel per square foot of grate-surface per hour. How much heating-surface would you provide ? 125. A modern marine high-pressure boiler has to supply steam to an engine indicating 560 horse-power, and which consumes 18 pounds of water per I.H.P. per hour. How much grate-area would you think it necessary to provide, and how much heating-surface, ordinary draught being used ? 126. Give sketches showing the general arrangements and the approximate dimensions of the boiler which you would provide for the above purpose, the pressure being 90 Ibs. absolute. 127. If the shell-plates were made of steel, what thickness would you employ, having reference to the Board of Trade rules ? 128. What area of opening of safety-valves would you allow? 129. Why are the ends of tubes furthest from the furnace or com- bustion chamber of comparatively little use in absorbing heat when a boiler is new? and why are they likely to be more useful after the boiler has been worked for a time ? 130. An engine is required to give out very varying quantities of power during the course of every hour. Would you provide for it a boiler of comparatively large or of comparatively small cubic contents ? State your reasons. 131. Investigate the strength of a hollow cylinder with flat ends pressed from within, and prove that the strain in the plane of the axis is double that in a plane at right angles to it. Does the shape of the ends affect the strain transmitted by them to the boiler body ? 132. How are internal furnaces and flues constructed so as to allow for expansion and contraction, and to provide against collapse ? 133. On what does the strength of a hollow cylinder to resist collapse principally depend ? Why are hollow cylinders pressed from without more liable to destruction than the same cylinders pressed with equal force from within ? 134. State what you consider to be the principal advantages of Fox's corrugated flues. 518 TJie Steam Engine. 135. Explain the action of, and illustrate by sketches the Bourdon pressure gauge. 136. Describe any of the structural arrangements with which you are acquainted for attaching the ends to the body of a boiler, and for strengthening them ; also for attaching the furnace tube to the ends. State fully what precautions must be adopted in strengthening the flat ends. 137. A cylindrical land boiler is 7 feet 6 inches in diameter, and has to sustain a pressure of steam of 90 Ibs. by the gauge. What thickness of mild steel shell-plates would you adopt for the shell ? 138. The effect of punching rivet-holes is to compress a thin layer of the metal all round the hole, and to greatly increase its tensile strength, and, at the same time, to diminish its stretching power. When the holes are drilled the metal remains in its normal condition. What conclusions would you draw from these facts as to the relative strength of punched and riveted joints, and state your reasons ? 139. Make sketches, including sections, of single and double riveted lap-joints. 140. State the methods in which a single riveted lap-joint may give way when subjected to tensile strain. Ans. i. The plate may tear asunder where its area is reduced, between the rivet-holes. 2. The rivets may shear asunder. 3. The metal between the rivet-holes and the edge of the plate may be crushed. 4. The plate may break across in front of the rivet-holes and at right angles to the edge. (N.B. The two latter causes of fracture may be provided against by giving the plates a sufficient depth of lap. As a rule, the portion of the plates which overlap should be not less than three times the diameter of the rivet-hole.) 141. Show how to proportion a single-riveted lap-joint so that the resistance of the plates to tearing may just equal the resistance of the rivets to shearing. Ans. Let d - diameter of rivet in inches, t= thickness of plates, ^ = area of a rivet, / = pitch of rivets, i.e. distance apart from centre 4 to centre, S= shearing strength of rivets per square inch, T = tensile strength of plates per square inch. Then area of section of plate between any two holes, multiplied by tensile strength of plate, must equal area of one rivet multiplied by the shearing strength of the material. Examples. As a general rule, the tensile and shearing strengths are equal for iron plates and iron rivets. '.' f -(f-f),^ .-.t-'-g+d-flfl+j. Which formula gives the pitch in terms of the thickness of plates and the diameter of the rivets. 142. In a single-riveted joint the plates are inch thick, the rivets are i inch diameter. What should be the pitch on the suppositions ( I ) that the shearing and tensile strengths are equal, and (2) that the safe tensile strength is 25 per cent, greater than the safe shearing strength ? 143. What must be the diameter of the rivet in a single-riveted lap-joint so that the resistance of the rivet to crushing and shearing may be equal ? Ans. The resistance of the rivet to crushing equals its diameter multiplied by the thickness of the plate, multiplied by the resistance of the metal to crushing per square inch. The resistance of iron rivets in iron plates to crushing is double the resistance to shearing. The resis- tance of the rivet to shearing equals its area multiplied by the shearing strength of the metal per square inch. 4 7T The diameter thus obtained is, however, far larger than is admissible in practice. N. B. A practical rule for the diameter of the rivet in terms of the thickness of the plate is d=\'2 Vt. If the diameters of rivets progress by i6ths of an inch, then for single-riveted joints we may take the number of i6ths next above the diameter, as given by the formula, and for double-riveted joints the number of i6ths next below. 144. In a double-riveted lap-joint, find the pitch of the rivets so that the shearing and tensile strength of the joints may be equal, for iron plates and rivets. Ans. Referring to Ex. 141, when the joint is double-riveted, we have the area of two rivets to shear instead of one. N.B. By making use of this equation d=i'2*/T, and substituting this value of / in the above equation, we can obtain an expression for the pitch in terms of the thickness of the plate alone. When the pitch 520 The Steam Engine, and diameter of the rivets are known the strength of the plate between the rivet-holes can be ascertained, and the strength of the joint com- pared with that of the whole plate can be calculated. 145. Make sketches, including sections of single-and double-riveted butt-joints, in both single and double shear. 146. Is there any difference between the strength of a single-riveted lap-joint and the corresponding butt-joint in single shear ? 147. Show how to proportion a double-riveted butt-joint in double shear, so that the tensile strength of the plate between the rivet-holes may be equal to the shearing strength of the rivets (iron plates and rivets). Ans. In this case (referring to Ex. i) we have four rivet areas to shear instead of one. t \(p-d}t = Trd~ and p=-^- + tt. N.B. In practice it is not found safe to calculate on the area of four rivets, and by the Board of Trade rules only 3! are allowed. Hence, taking this into consideration, and making use of the formula d=i'2 >//, we get For plates of less than ^ inch thickness, the results got by the above formula are greater than those adopted in practice, because the diameter of the rivets is generally less than what would be indicated by theory. 148. Enumerate the fittings required for a Lancashire boiler. 149. Describe the principle on which the injector works, and make a sectional sketch of an injector, showing how the steam and water supply can be adjusted. What are the objections to creating a draught in the ordinary way by means of a funnel or chimney ? 150. Make a sketch illustrating the ordinary weighted lever safety- valve. The diameter of opening of a safety-valve is 4 inches ; the distance from the fulcrum to the centre of the valve is 5 inches ; the lever is 21 inches long, weighs 3^ Ibs., and its centre of gravity is 8 inches from the fulcrum ; the valve weighs 5 Ibs. What weight must be hung one inch from the end of the lever so that steam may blow off at 50 Ibs. absolute per square inch ? 151. Explain the reasons which led to the abandonment of jet con- densers for marine engines, and show how surface condensation has rendered possible the use of high-pressure steam in marine boilers. 152. Describe fully, and illustrate with sketches, a modern surface condenser for a marine engine, together with its air and circulating pumps. Examples. 521 1 53. A marine engine indicating 4,000 H. P. uses 1 7 pounds of steam per I.H.P. per hour, and expands down to 5 pounds absolute : what surface would you provide in the condenser ; how much cooling water of initial temperature of 60 would be required per hour ; and what should be the capacity of the air-pumps (single-acting), the engine run- ning at 56 revolutions per minute ? 154. Why must the capacity of the air-pump of a surface condenser be so largely in excess of the volume of the water into which the steam condenses per stroke ? 155. How is the condition of the vacuum in a condenser recorded ? and what is the relation between the vacuum as recorded and the absolute pressure in pounds per square inch ? 156. What precautions must be adopted in making the tubes of surface condensers, so as to avoid the possibility of carrying over corrosive metallic salts into the boiler ? 157. Make a sketch of any of the packings for condenser tubes in common use. 158. Describe a jet condenser for a high-speed stationary engine, and state how the use of a separate air-pump can be avoided. 159. An engine indicating 60 H.P. uses 20 pounds of steam per I.H.P. per hour, and expands down to 6 pounds absolute : how much injection water will be required per hour, the original temperature of which is 60, the temperature of the hot well being 106 ? 160. Make a sketch, and give a description, of an ejector condenser for a two-cylinder engine. 161. The metal of a cylinder is capable of rapidly receiving and transmitting heat : explain why this property is the cause of serious loss of efficiency in the expansive steam engine. How does it come to pass that the use of the steam-jacket greatly diminishes this loss of efficiency in spite of the fact that, to keep the cylinder always hot, steam is con- stantly being condensed in the jacket, the greater part of the heat thus liberated being uselessly transmitted to the exhaust. 162. What is the object of superheating steam? Is it possible to obtain any practical good effect in modern high-pressure engines by superheating the steam ? Give your reasons for your reply. 163. Examine the effect of the dimensions of the cylinder, the initial pressure of the steam, and the rate of expansion on the initial condensation which takes place in the cylinder. 164. What are the four principal causes for the presence of water in the cylinders of steam engines ? 165. What is the object of compounding or expanding the steam successively in two or more cylinders instead of in one ? Why is it 522 The Steam Engine. that in modern marine engineering triple and quadruple expansive engines are now so largely used ? 1 66. Illustrate by outline diagrams the principal methods of arranging the cylinders in ordinary and triple expansive engines. 167. A simple and a compound engine work at the same rate of expansion, and develope the same power. What is the size of the low- pressure cylinder of the compound compared with the cylinder of the simple engine ? Give your reasons for your reply. 1 68. State the mechanical advantages of compound over simple expansive engines, and investigate the ratio of maximum to mean pres- sures, in (i) a pair of simple expansive engines, and (2) a compound engine of the same power, and working with the same initial pressure and the same ratio of expansion, on the supposition that the steam expands hyperbolically and that the effects of early release, compression, and clearance are neglected. The initial pressure is 115 Ibs. absolute. The ratio of expansion = 12, the area of each of the high-pressure cylin- ders = A. The ratio of area of low to area of high -pressure cylinder in the compound engine -=4-5. The received pressure 24 Ibs. per square inch. 169. Explain how in practice the powers developed in the two cylinders of a compound engine may be made approximately equal. 170. Make a sketch diagram illustrating the distribution of the steam in both cylinders of an ordinary two-cylinder receiver com- pound engine, choosing any symbols you like to represent the govern- ing data. The steam in the large cylinder is supposed to be cut off before half stroke, and the expansion to take place hyperbolically. The effects of clearance, early release, and compression are to be neglected. 171. A triple expansive engine works at a consumption of 1*3 Ib. of coal per I.H.P. per hour. The boilers evaporate 8 pounds of water per hour per pound of coal from the temperature of the feed 105, and at the temperature of the initial pressure of the steam, viz. 165 Ibs. above the atmosphere. (Corresponding temperature 366.) What is the consumption of steam per horse-power per hour ? What would it be if the engines were theoretically perfect and working between the above limits of temperature ? What is the efficiency of the engine compared to a perfect engine ? What is its absolute efficiency ? What is the efficiency of the boiler compared to that of a perfect boiler which cools the products of combustion down to the temperature of the feed, the heat of combustion of one pound of coal being put down as 14,000 thermal units ? Finally, what proportion of the total heat-supply is wasted by the boiler and what by the engine ? INDEX. ABS A BSOLUTE temperature, 50 r* Adhesion of locomotives, 141 Adiabatic expansion of gas, 68, 84 of steam, 70 Advance angle of eccentric, 255 Air pumps, 433, 434 supply required for combustion of fuel, 353 thermometer, 49 Appendix, 489 Area of fire grate, 384 Areas bounded by curves, calculation of, 82, 83 Axle boxes, 238 T3 ACK pressure, 134, 141, 419 lines in diagrams, 328 Balanced slide valves, 270 Bearings, 236 Blast pipes, 375, 419 Boiler construction, materials used in, 399 description of vertical, 5 ends, staying of, 365 fittings, 401 internal flues, strengthening of, 363, 35 shells, strength of cylindrical, 389, 39 1 Boilers, Cornish, 361 cubic capacities of various types of, 387 . cylindrical, with external firing, 359 description of various types of, 358 draught production, 415 effects of unequal expansion on strength of, 398 essential parts of, 358 evaporative powers of fuel in different types of, 383 feed apparatus for, 408 Lancashire, 363 et seqq. locomotive, 371 et seqq. marine, 377 et seqq. proportions of, 383 CON Boilers, strength of, 389 tubulous, 369 Bourdon pressure gauge, 407 Boyle's and Charles' laws, combination of, 51 Boyle's law, 43, 74 graphic representation of, 44 Brine discharge, 427 British thermal unit, 38 (CAPACITY for heat, 38 ^ Carbonic acid, 348 oxide, 348 Centrifugal force, 159 Charles' law, 46, 74 and Boyle's laws, combination of, 51 Chimneys,action of, in creating draught, f - 415 , Circular motion, 157 Clearance, 120, 131, 203 Closed ash pits, 421 stoke holds, 420 Combination of Boyle's and Chaiks laws, 51 Combustion of fuel, 347^ air supply required for, 353 Combustion, weight and temperature of products of, 353 Compound engines, distribution of steam in, 465 indicator diagrams of, 477 rrechanical advantages of, 480 relative sizes of cylinders of, 485 various types of, 456 Compounding as a means of diminishing condensation in cylinders, 455 economic advantages of, 453, 464 experiments on value of, 452 Compression of exhaust steam, 330, 454 Corliss' valve gear, 264 Cornish boiler, 361 Corrugated furnaces, 365 Condensation and re-evaporation in cylinders, 439 et seqq. 52 4 Index. :es acting on, 220 CON Condensation and re-evaporation in cylinder, shown by indicator dia- gram, 324 in cylinders, compounding as a means of diminishing, 455 quantity of water required t.o effect, 425 surface, 427 Condensers, 423 ejector, 435 _ for land engines, 429 Connecting rod, influence of, in modify- ing curve of twisting moments, 172, 183 no loss of power due to use of, 222 Connecting rods, 219 examples of, 224 resolution of forces Cranks, 219, 226 Crank pins, safe working pressure on, 229 Crank shafts, 232 - twisting moments on, 162 et seqq. influence of connecting rod in modifying twisting moments on, 172, 183 - influence of inertia of recipro- cating parts in modifying twisting moments on, 176, 189 strains in, 232 Cross heads, 213 Curve of twisting moments, how to form complete, 194 Cushioning, exhaust steam, 330, 454 Cycle of operations, 78 Cylinder, causes of presence of water in, 445 pressed from within, strength o f , 389 without, strength of, 395 Cylinders, compounding as a means of diminishing condensation in, 455 condensation and re-evaporation in, 439 et seqg. details of, 201 experiments on steam consumption, in conducting and non-conducting, of compound engines, relative sizes of, 485 precautions t > be observed in jacket- ing, 452 Cylindrical boiler with external firing, 359 shells, strength of, 389, 391 "TJALTON'S law, 47 ^ Davy on modern theory of heat, 22 Dead plate, 402 De Pambour's theory of steam engine, 130 Details of engines, 201 et seqg. Diagrams, indicator, 317 Zeuner's slide valve, 273 FLA Double-ported slide valves, 269 Draught, artificial, 375, 420 production, 415 Dynamics, elementary principles of, 145 gCCENTRIC, angle of advance of, rods, 231 Eccentrics, 229 Effective pressure on piston, 194, 340 Efficiency of engine, definition of, 89 heating surface, 385 perfect heat engines, 88 et seqq. in steam engine, losses of, 113 et seqq. Ejector condensers, 435 Energy, definition of, 23 examples of, 25, 154 f heat a form of, 22, 28 - various forms of, 26 Engine (see Compound engine, Loco- motive engine, Marine engine, Steam engine, and Triple expansive engine). Engines, efficiency of perfect, 88 et seqq. - ideally perfect heat, 85 et seqq. Equivalent pressures, how to represent expenditure of heat by, 101 Evaporation, external and internal work of, 58. 62, 100 of water, heat absorbed in, 57, 60, 99 Evaporative power of fuel, 352 in various types of boilers, 383 Examples and examination questions, 136, 151, 158, 281, 313, 324, 505 Exhaust steam, cushioning of, 330, 454 Expansion line in indicator diagrams. 326 means of varying rate of, 257 - of gas, 65, 74 heat expended in, 81 of steam, 67, 105, 128 work done during, 106, 128 Expenditure of heat in steam engines, 101 represented by equivalent pres- sure, 101 when condition of steam at end of stroke is known, 107 Experiments on heat, Joule's, 41 on steam consumption in conducting and non-conducting cylinders, 447 on value of jacketing and compound- ing, 452 External work done in vaporising water, 62, 100 "P ACTORS of safety, 235, 391 * Feed apparatus for boiler, 408 heaters, 413 Firebars, 403 Fittings of boilers, 401 Flat surfaces, staying of, 374, 396 Index. 525 FLU Flues, strengthening of internal, 363, Fly-wheel, graphic representation of action of, 196 uses of, 14, 196 construction of, 247 how to proportion weight of, 198 - strength of, 246 theory of action of, 196 Force, centrifugal, 159 definition of, 146 Forced draught, 375, 419, 420 Formulae of thermodynamics, summary of, 1 20 Fox's corrugated furnaces, 365 Friction of steam engines, 134, 141 Fuel, chemical constituents of, 346 combustion of, 347 evaporative power of, 352 heat of combustion of, 349, 352 saving effected by compounding, 453. 464 waste of, 355 Furnace doors, 401 flues, strength of, 395 Furnaces, Fox's corrugated, 365 C* ALLOW AY tubes, 364 ^^ Gas, adiabatic expansion of, 63, 84 connection between pressure and volume of, 43 connection between temperature and volume and pressure of, 46 expansion of, 65, 74 heat expended in expanding, 81 isothermals of, 65, 74 nature of. 42 specific heat of, at constant pressure, 5 2 . 75 specific heat of, at constant volume, 5 2 > 75 Gases, effect of application of heat to, 42 specific heat of, 52, 75 Geometrical representation of motion of slide valves, 273 Geometry of link motions, 294 Governor, Watts', 239 Governors, 238 acting on link motion, 244 high speed, 242 marine, 245 theory of, 240 with crossed arms, 241 Gradient, resistance due to, 142 Graphic diagram of twisting moment on crank shaft, 166 et seqq. representation of action of fly-wheels, 196 - representation of heat expended in evaporating water, 63 representation of work, 79 IND Grate area, 384 ratio of, to heating surface, 386 Gusset stays, 365, 397 l_I EAT, a form of energy, 22 absorbed in evaporating water, 57, 60, 99 - and work, relation between, 40 application of, to water and ice, 55, 97 capacity for, 38 conversion of, into work, 29 effect of application of, to gases, 42 ngines, ideally perfect, 85 et seqq. xpended in expanding gas, 81 xpenditure of, in steam engines, 101 - xpenditure of, represented by equi- alent pressures, 101 xpenditure of, when condition of earn at end of stroke is known, 107 --- general ideas of nature of, 21 Joule's experiments on, 41 material theory of, 21 measurement of, 31 mechanical equivalent of, 40 of combustion of fuel, 349, 352 of steam, total, 60, 99 - old notions regarding, 21 quantity of, 37 -- specific, 38, 52, 75, 98 specific, of gas at constant pressure, 52 ' 7? C r specific, of gas at constant volume, 52..7S Heating surface, efficiency of, 385 ratio of, to grate area, 386 High speed governors, 242 Horse-power defined, 23, 135 how to measure from indicator dia- grams, 323 Howden's system of forced draught, 421 Hyperbolic logarithms, table of, 498 et 'seqq. curve, how to draw, 333 1 CE, application of heat to, 55 1 Ideally perfect heat engines, 85 et seqq. Indicated power, gross and net, 339 Indicator diagrams, condensation and re-evaporation shown by, 334 examples of, 332 expansion curve in, 326 expenditure of heat accounted for |jy 343 from faulty engines, examples of, 336 from locomotive, examples of, 338 general character of, 321 how defects are revealed by, 325 526 Index. IND Indicator diagrams, how they reveal leaking pistons, and slide valves, 336 how to deduce effective pressure on piston from, 194, 340 how to measure horse-power from, 323 of compound engines, 477 point of release, 328 the exhaust line of, 336 Richards', 318 Indicators and indicator diagrams, 317 Injectors, 409 Internal work done in vaporising water, 62, 100 Isothermal curve, definition of, 45 Isothermals of steam, 67 of gas, 65, 74 JACKETING cylinders, precautions to be observed in, 452 Jackets, experiments on value of, 452 steam, 108, 205, 450 Joule's experiments on heat, 41 Journals, 236 Joy's valve gear, 271 * T ANCASHIRE boiler, 363 et seqq. Lap, definition of, 254 Law. Boyle's, 43, 74 Charles', 46, 74 connecting pressure and temperature of steam, 60, 97 connecting pressure volume and density of steam, 61, 97 Dalton's, 47 Laws and formulae of thermodynamics, summary of, 120 combination of Boyle's and Charles', 5'; 74 . of motion, 148 of thermodynamics, 40, 92, 100 Lead, definition of, 254 Leaking pistons, and slide valves, how to detect. 336 Link motion, geometrical method of fixing centres of valve circles, 294 governors acting on, 244. Zeuner's diagrams applied to, 290 motions, 258 analytical method of fixing centres of valve circles; 292 suspension of, 300 Links, various forms of, 261 Liquefying ice, heat absorbed in, 55 ' Load' of steam engines defined, 135 Locomotive axle boxes, 238 boilers, 371 et seqq. crank shaft, 228 - cylinder, 201 engine, examples of diagrams from. 338 PIS Locomotive engines, 139 - - pistons, 208 adhesion of, 141 back pressure in, 141, 419 resistances to motion of, 141 Logarithms, table of hyperbolic, 498 et seqq. Losses of efficiency of steam engines, 113 et seqq. Lubricators, 207 IV/T ARINE boilers, 377 et seqq. lVA engine connecting rods, 225 governors, 245 pistons, 211 valves, 268 various types of compound,. 456 et seqq. Mass, definition of, 145 )iler 399 Materials used in boiler construction, Measurement of heat, 31 Mechanical advantages of compound engines, 480 equivalent of heat, 40 Mechanics of the steam engine, 145 et seqq. Mechanism of steam engines, 201 ei seqq. Metals, shearing strengths of, 235 Meyer's valve gear, 263 application of Zeuner's dia- grams to. 3<">2 et seqq. problems in, 313 -- reversing with, 311 Motion blocks, 214 definition of 146 laws of, 148 --of bodies in circles, 157 under action of constant force TVJAVIER'S law connecting pressure ^ ' and volume of steam, 127 QPERATIONS, cycle of, 78 PACKINGS for pistons, 209 for stuffing boxes, 202 for surface condenser tubes, 435 Pedestals, 236 Perfect heat engines, 85 et seqq. application of theory of, to steam, no efficiency of, 88 et seqq. Piston packings, 209 . valves, 268 Pistons, 208 effective pressure on, deduced from indicator diagrams, 194 340 Index. 527 PIS Pistons, how to detect leaky, 336 Pressure and temperature of steam, law connecting, 60, 97 on crank pins, 229 on pistons, effective, 194, 340 on slide bars, 214 Pressure gauges, 407 Problems, 136, 151, 158, 281, 313, 324, 505 Products of combustion, weight and temperature of, 353 Properties of steam, table of, 489 etseqq. Proportions of boilers, 383 UANTITY of heat, 57 UAMS BOTTOM'S lubricators, 207 ** piston rings, 210 reversing gear, 261 Rankine's formula for expenditure of heat in steam engines, no law connecting pressure and volume of steam, 97 Receiver compound engines, 456 Reciprocating parts, example of action of, on curve of twisting moments, 189 -- influence of inertia of, in modifying twisting moments, 176, 189 -- influence of steam distribution on action of, 192 --- influence of weights of, in vertical engines, 181 Relative volume of steam, 61, 127 Release, point of, in indicator diagrams, 328 Resistance due to gradient, 142 Resistances to motion of steam engines, !33, M 1 Reversing, means of, 257 with Meyer's valve gear, 311 gear, Ramsbottom's, 261 Richards' indic3fcor, 318 Riveted joints, strength of, 392, 519 C AFETV, factors of, 235, 391 *^ Safety valves, 404 Shaft bearings, 236 Shearing strength of metals, 235 Slide bars, 214 et seqq. Slide valve, distribution of steam by, 12, 249, 273 with lap and lead, and driven by single eccentric, 254 et seqq. setting problems in, 281 Slide valves, 249 et seqq. and ports, how to design, 289 balancing of, 270 double ported, 269 geometrical representation of action of, 273 leaking, how to discover, 336 STE Slide valves, without lap or lead and driven by a single eccentric, 249 et Zeuner's diagrams for, 273 et seqq. Specific heat, 38, 52, 75, 98 of gas at constant pressure, 52, 75 of gas at constant volume, 52, 75 of steam, 98 of superheated steam, 98 of water, 39, 98 Specific volume of steam, 61 Staying boiler ends, 365 of flat surfaces, 374, 396 Stays, gusset, 365, 397 Steam, adiabatic expansion of, 70 consumption, in conducting and non- conducting cylinders, 447 cushioning exhaust, 330, 454 distribution, influence of, on action of reciprocating parts, 192 distribution of, by slide valve, 1 2, 249 273 distribution of, in compound engines 465 et seqq. expansion of, 67, 105, 128 isothermals of, 67 law connecting pressure and tem- perature of, 60, 97 law connecting pressure and volume of, 61, 97 -- specific and relative volumes of, 6r, 127 table of properties of, 489 et seqq. total heat of, 60, 99 work done during expansion of, 106, 128 Steam engine (see also Compound, Locomotive, Marine, and Triple expansive engines). application of theory of perfect engine to, no De Pambour s theory of, 130 description of simple form of, 9 elementary conception of, 2 essential elements of, 3 mechanics of, 145 subdivisions of study of, 16 expenditure of heat in, 101 friction of, 134, 191 influence of weights of recipro- cating parts in, 176 et seqq. ' Load ' of, defined 135 locomotive, 139. losses of efficiency of, 113 et seqq. mechanism of, 201 et seqq. purposes for which used, 15 resistances to motion of, 133, 141 Steam jackets, 108, 205, 450 experiments on, 452 Steam passages, proportions of, 203 Steam, superheated, used to diminish condensation in cylinders, 448 Stephensun's link motion, 258 5-28 Index. STR. Strength of boilers, 389 effects of unequal expansion on, 39 8 of cylindrical boiler shells, 389, 391 of furnace flues, 395 of hollow cylinder, pressed from without, 395 of riveted joints, 392, 518 Stuffing boxes, 202 Summary of laws and formulae of ther- modynamics, 120* Superheated steam, 98 : .used to diminish condensation in cylinders, 448 Surface condensation, 427 condenser, example of, 432 Suspension of link motions, 300 H^ABLE of experiments on jacketing and compounding, 453 hyperbolic logarithms, 498 et seqq. properties of steam, 489 et seqq. strength of riveted joints, 393 Tandem, compound engines, 456 Temperature, 31 absolute, 50 and pressure of steam, law connect- ing, 60, 97 of products of combustion, 353 - scales of, 34 Theory of action of fly wheel, 196 of governors, 240 of perfect heat engine applied to steam, no of steam engine, De Pambour's, ' 130 Thermal unit, British, 38 Thermodynamics, first law of, 40, 100 second law of, 92, 120 summary of laws and formulae, 120 Thermometer, the air, 49 . Thermometers, 32 Total heat of steam, 60, 99 Triple expansive engines, 461 curve* of twisting moment on crank shaft of, 48^ Tubulous boilers, 369 Twisting moment, on crank shaft, 162 et seqq. how to approximate to uniformity of, 195 j- how to form complete curve of, 104 influence of connecting rods in 1. ZEU Twisting moment, on crank shaft of triple expan>ive engine, 484 influence of inertia of recipro- cating parts in modifying, 176, 189 T T NIT of heat (British), 38 *-' Units of mass, weight, .velocity, and force, 147 Vacuum indications, 437 Valve boxes, 205 Valve gear, Corliss', 264 Joy's, 271 Meyer's, 263 Valves, safety, 404 simple slide. 249 et seqq (see also Slide valves). varieties of, 268 Velocity, definition 0^145 Vertical engines, influence of weights of reciprocating parts in, 181 Volumes 6f steam, specific and relative, 61, 127 \\TATER, application of heat to, 55, 97 -- heat absorbed in evaporating, 57, 60, 9.9 in cylinders, causes of presence of, 445 Water gauges, 412 Waste of fuel, 355. Watt's governor, 239 t Weight, definition -of, .145 Work and heat, relation between, 40 Work done during expansion of steam, 166, 128' -- in evaporation, 58, 62, 100 when gas is heated at constant pressure, 53, 84 ' external, done in vaporising water, 62, loo - graphic representation of, 79 internal, done in vaporising water, 62, 100 rate of doing, 33 /EUNER'S valve diagrams, 273 et ** seqq. applied to link motion, 290 ' applied to Meyer's valve gear, 302 et*seqq. law connecting pressure and volume of steam, 97 Spottiswoode <&= Co. Printers, New-street Square, London. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 261 rO * 202 Main Library _OAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MR 2 3 1989 f wo ufcWWl 0-89 EP 28 1989