LIBRARY -,ity o< California^ IRVINE THE MAN IN LOWER TEN i\ THE MAN IN LOWER TEN By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART AUTHOR OF THE CIRCULAR STAIRCASE WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Br HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY New York GROSSET & DUNLAP Publishers COPTRIOHT 1909 Tint BOBBS-MEB&ILI. COMPAJTT ps 3S1S 173 M 3 CONTENTS I I Go TO PrrrsBumo .....* 1 II A TORN TELEGRAM 17 III ACROSS THE AISLE ...... 39 IV NUMBERS SETEN AMD NINE .... 41 V THE WOMAN nr THE NEXT CAR . . . 59 VI THE Gnu. IK BLUE 69 VII A FINE GOID CHAIN ..... 70 VIII THE SECOND SECTION 76 IX THE HALCYON BREAKFAST .... 83 X Miss WEST'S REQUEST 94 XI THE NAME WAS ScLLiTAir . . . .103 XII THEGOLD'BAO 114 XIII FADED ROSES . . . . . . .131 XIV THE TRAP-DOOR . . . . . .141 XV THE CINEMATOGRAPH 153 XVI THE SHADOW OF A GIRL 170 j XVII AT THE FARM-HOUSE AGAIN .... 180 XVIII A NEW WORLD 1M XIX AT THE TABLE NEXT 199 XX THE NOTES AND A BAROAIN .... 308 XXI MCKNIGHT'S THSORT , 1* CONTENTS Continued CHAPTER FAGB XXII AT THE BOAKDING-HOUSH .... 223 XXIII A NIGHT AT THE LAURELS .... 233 XXIV His WIFE'S FATHER 254 XXV AT THE STATIOH 269 XXVI ON TO RICHMOND 279 XXVII THE SEA, THE SAND, THE STABS . . . 296 XXVIII ALISON'S STORY . . . . . .313 XXIX IN THE DININQ-ROOM 325 XXX FINER DETAILS 341 XXXI AND ONLY ONE ARM ..... 367 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN THE MAN IN LOWER TEN CHAPTER I I GO TO PITTSBURG MCKNIGHT is gradually taking over the criminal end of the business. I never liked it, and since the strange case of the man in lower ten, I have been a bit squeamish. Given a case like that, where you can build up a network of clues that absolutely incriminate three en tirely different people, only one of whom can be guilty, and your faith in circumstantial evidence dies of overcrowding. I never see a shivering, white-faced wretch in the prisoners' dock that I do not hark back with shuddering horror to the strange events on the Pullman car Ontario, be tween Washington and Pittsburg, on the night of September ninth, last. McKnight could tell the story a great deal better than I, although he can not spell three 1 2 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN consecutive words correctly. But, while h has imagination and humor, he is lazj. "It didn't happen to me, anyhow," he pro tested, when I put it up to him. "And nobodj cares for second-hand thrills. Besides, you want the unvarnished and ungarnished truth, and I'm no hand for that. I'm a lawyer." So am I, although there have been times when my assumption in that particular has been dis puted. I am unmarried, and just old enough to dance with the grown-up little sisters of th* girls I used to know. I am fond of outdoors, prefer horses to the aforesaid grown-up little sisters, am without sentiment (am crossed out and was substituted. Ed.) and completely ruled and frequently routed by my housekeeper, an elderly widow. In fact, of all the men of my acquaintance, 1 was probably the most prosaic, the least adven turous, the one man in a hundred who would be likely to go without a deviation from the nor mal through the orderly procession of the sea sons, summer suits to winter flannels, golf to bridge. 1 GO TO PITTSBURG 3 So it was a queer freak of the demons of chance to perch on my unsusceptible thirty-year- old chest, tie me up with a crime, ticket me ] with a love affair, and start me on that sensa tional and not always respectable journey that ended so surprisingly less than three weeks later in the firm's private office. It had been the most remarkable period of my life. I would neither give it up nor live it again under any inducement, and yet all that I lost was some twenty yards off my drive ! It was really McKnight's turn to make the next journey. I had a tournament at Chevy Chase for Saturday, and a short yacht cruise planned for Sunday, and when a man has been grinding at statute law for a week, he needs re laxation. But McKnight begged off. It was not the first time he had shirked that summer in ^ order to run down to Richmond, and I was surly about it. But this time he had a new excuse. "I wouldn't be able to look after the business if I did go," he said. He has a sort of wide- eyed frankness that makes one ashamed to doubt him. "I'm always car sick crossing the moun- 4 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN tains. It's a fact, Lollie. See-sawing over the peaks does it. Why, crossing the Alleghany Mountains has the Gulf Stream to Bermuda beaten to a frazzle." So I gave him up finally and went home to pack. He came later in the evening with his machine, the Cannonball, to take me to the sta tion, and he brought the forged notes in the Bronson case. "Guard them with your life," he warned me. "They are more precious than honor. Sew them m your chest protector, or wherever people keep Valuables. I never keep any. I'll not be happy until I see Gentleman Andy doing the lockstep." He sat down on my clean collars, found my cigarettes and struck a match on the mahogany bed post with one movement. "Where's the Pirate?" he demanded. The Pirate is my housekeeper, Mrs. Klopton, a very worthy woman, so labeled and libeled because of a ferocious pair of eyes and what McKnight called a bucaneering nose. I quietly closed the door into the hall. "Keep your voice down, Richey," I said. "She I GO TO PITTSBURG 8 is looking for the evening paper to see if it is going to rain. She has my raincoat and an um brella waiting in the hall." The collars being damaged beyond repair, he left them and went to the window. He stood there for some time, staring at the blackness that represented the wall of the house next door. "It's raining now," he said over his shoulder, and closed the window and the shutters. Some thing in his voice made me glance up, but he was watching me, his hands idly in his pockets. "Who lives next door?" he inquired in a per functory tone, after a pause. I was packing my razor. "House is empty," I returned absently. "If the landlord would put it in some sort of shape " "Did you put those notes in your pocket?" he broke in. "Yes." I was impatient. "Along with my certificates of registration, baptism and vaccina tion. Whoever wants them will have to steal my coat to get them." "Well, I would move them, if I were you. 6 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN! Somebody in the next house was confoundedly anxious to see where you put them. Somebodj right at that window opposite.'* I scoffed at the idea, but nevertheless I moved/ the papers, putting them in my traveling-bag, well down at the bottom. McKnight watched me uneasily. "I have a hunch that you are going to have trouble," he said, as I locked the alligator bag. "Darned if I like starting anything important on Friday." "You hare a congenital dislike to start any thing on any old day," I retorted, still sore from my lost Saturday. "And if you knew the owner of that house as I do you would know that if there was any one at that window he is paj- ing rent for the privilege." Mrs. Klopton rapped at the door and spok discreetly from the hall. "Did Mr. McKnight bring the evening par per?" she inquired. "Sorry, but I didn't, Mrs. Klopton," Mc Knight called. "The Cubs won, three to noth ing." He listened, grinning, as she moved awaj with little irritated rustles of her black silk gown. I finished my packing, changed my collar and was ready to go. Then very cautiously we put out the light and opened the shutters. The window across was merely a deeper black in the darkness. It was closed and dirty. And yet, probably owing to Richey's suggestion, I had an uneasy sensation of eyes staring across at me. The next moment we were at the door, poised for flight. "We'll have to run for it," I said in a whisper. "She's down there with a package of some sort, sandwiches probably. And she's threatened me with overshoes for a month. Ready now !" I had a kaleidoscopic view of Mrs. Klopton in the lower hall, holding out an armful of sucb traveling impedimenta as she deemed essential, Awhile beside her, Euphemia, the colored house maid, grinned over a white-wrapped box. "Awfully sorry no time back Sunday," I panted over my shoulder. Then the doov closed and the car was moving away. McKnight b*t forward and stared at the 8 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN of the empty house next door as we passed. It was black, staring, mysterious, as empty buildings are apt to be. "I'd like to hold a post-mortem on that corpse of a house," he said thoughtfully. "By George, I've a notion to get out and take a look." "Somebody after the brass pipes," I scoffed. "House has been empty for a year." With one hand on the steering wheel Mc- Knight held out the other for my cigarette case. "Perhaps," he said; "but I don't see what she would want with brass pipe." "A woman!" I laughed outright. "You have been looking too hard at the picture in the back of your watch, that's all. There's an ex periment like that : if you stare long enough " But McKnight was growing sulky: he sat looking rigidly ahead, and he did not speak again until he brought the Cannonball to a stop at the station. Even then it was only a perfunc tory remark. He went through the gate with me, and with five minutes to spare, we lounged and smoked in the train shed. My mind had slid away from my surroundings and had wan- I GO TO PITTSBURG 9 dered to a polo pony that I couldn't afford and intended to buy anyhow. Then McKnight shook off his taciturnity. "For Heaven's sake, don't look so martyred,"( he burst out ; "I know you've done all the travel ing this summer. I know you're missing a game to-morrow. But don't be a, patient mother ; con found it, I have to go to Richmond on Sunday. I I want to see a girl." "Oh, don't mind me," I observed politely. "Personally, I wouldn't change places with you. What's her name North ? South ?" "West," he snapped. "Don't try to be funny. And all I have to say, Blakeley, is that if you ever fall in love I hope you make an egregious ass of yourself." In view of what followed, this came rather close to prophecy. The trip west was without incident. I played bridge with a furniture dealer from Grand Rap ids, a sales agent for a Pittsburg iron firm and a young professor from an eastern college. I won three rubbers out of four, finished what cigarettes McKnight had left me, and went to 10 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN bed about one o'clock. It was growing cooler, and the rain had ceased. Once, toward morning, I wakened with a start, for no apparent reason, and sat bolt upright. I had an uneasy feeling that some one had been looking at me, the same sensation I had experienced earlier in the even ing at the window. But I could feel the bag with the notes, between me and the window, and with my arm thrown over it for security, I lapsed again into slumber. Later, when I tried to piece together the fragments of that journey, I remembered that my coat, which had been fold ed and placed beyond my restless tossing, had been rescued in the morning from a heterogene ous jumble of blankets, evening papers and cravat, had been shaken out with profanity and donned with wrath. At the time, nothing oc curred to me but the necessity of writing to the Pullman Company and asking them if they ever traveled in their own cars. I even formulated some of the letter. "If they are built to scale, why not take a man of ordinary stature as your unit?" I wrote mentally. "I can not fold together like the I GO TO PITTSBURG 11 traveling cup with which I drink your abomina ble water." I was more cheerful after I had had a cup of coffee in the Union Station. It was too early to^ attend to business, and I lounged in the restau rant and hid behind the morning papers. As I had expected, they had got hold of my visit and its object. On the first page was a staring announcement that the forged papers in the Bronson case had been brought to Pittsburg. Underneath, a telegram from Washington stated that Lawrence Blakeley, of Blakeley and McKnight, had left for Pittsburg the night before, and that, owing to the approaching trial of the Bronson case and the illness of John Gilmore, the Pittsburg millionaire, who was the chief witness for the prosecution, it was sup posed that the visit was intimately concerned with the trial. I looked around apprehensively. There were no reporters yet in sight, and thankful to have escaped notice I paid for my breakfast and left. 'At the cab-stand I chose the least dilapidated hansom I could find, and giving the driver th 12 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN address of the Gilmore residence, in the East end, I got in. I was just in time. As the cab turned and rolled off, a slim young man in a straw hat sepa rated himself from a little group of men and hurried toward us. "Hey! Wait a minute there!" he called, breaking into a trot. But the cabby did not hear, or perhaps did not care to. We jogged comfortably along, to my relief, leaving the young man far behind. I avoid reporters on principle, having learned long ago that I am an easy mark for a clever in terviewer. It was perhaps nine o'clock when I left the station. Our way was along the boulevard which hugged the side of one of the city's great hills. Far below, to the left, lay the railroad tracks and the seventy times seven looming stacks of the mills. The white mist of the river, the grays and blacks of the smoke blended into a half- revealing haze, dotted here and there with fire. It was unlovely, tremendous. Whistler might have painted it with its pathos, its majesty, but I GO TO PITTSBURG 19 he would have missed what made it infinitely suggestive the rattle and roar of iron on iron, the rumble of wheels, the throbbing beat, against the ears, of fire and heat and brawn welding prosperity. Something of this I voiced to the grim old mil lionaire who was responsible for at least part of it. He was propped up in bed in his East end home, listening to the market reports read by a nurse, and he smiled a little at my enthusiasm. "I can't see much beauty in it myself," he said. "But it's our badge of prosperity. The full dinner pail here means a nose that looks like a flue. Pittsburg without smoke wouldn't be Pittsburg, any more than New York prohibi tion would be New York. Sit down for a few minutes, Mr. Blakeley. Now, Miss Gardner, Westinghouse Electric." The nurse resumed her reading in a monoto nous voice. She read literally and without un- . derstanding, using initials and abbreviations as they came. But the shrewd old man followed her easily. Once, however, he stopped her. "D-o is ditto," he said gently, "not do." A* the nurse droned along, I found myself looking curiously at a photograph in a silver frame on the bedside table. It was the picture of a girl in white, with her hands clasped loosely before her. Against the dark background her figure stood out slim and young. Perhaps it was the rather grim environment, possibly it was my mood, but although as a general thing photographs of young girls make no appeal to me, this one did. I found my eyes straying back to it. By a little finesse I even made out the name written across the corner, "Alison." Mr. Gilmore lay back among his pillows and listened to the nurse's listless voice. But he was watching me from under his heavy eye brows, for when the reading was over, and we were alone, he indicated the picture with a ges ture. "I keep it there to remind myself that I am. ran old man," he said. "That is my grand daughter, Alison West." I expressed the customary polite surprise, a? which, finding me responsive, he told me his age with a chuckle of pride. More surprise, this 1 GO TO PITTSBURG 10 time genuine. From that we went to what he ate for breakfast and did not eat for luncheon, and then to his reserve power, which at sixty- five becomes a matter for thought. And so, hr a wide circle, back to where we started, the pic ture. "Father was a rascal," John Gilmore said, picking up the frame. "The happiest day of my life was when I knew he was safely dead in bed and not hanged. If the child had looked like him, I well, she doesn't. She's a Gilmore, every inch. Supposed to look like me." "Very noticeably," I agreed soberly. I had produced the notes by that time, and replacing the picture Mr. Gilmore gathered his spectacles from beside it. He wenb over the four notes methodically, examining each care fully and putting it down before he picked up the next. Then he leaned back and took off his glasses. "They're not so bad," he said thoughtfully. "Not so bad. But I never saw them before. That's my unofficial signature. I am inclined to think" he was speaking partly to himself 16 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "to think that he has got hold of a letter of mine, probably to Alison. Bronson was a friend of her rapscallion of a father." I took Mr. Gilmore's deposition and put it into my traveling-bag with the forged notes. When I saw them again, almost three weeks later, they were unrecognizable, a mass of charred paper on a copper ash-tray. In the interval other and bigger things had happened : the Bronson forg ery case had shrunk beside the greater and more imminent mystery of the man in lower ten. And Alison West had come into the story and into my life. CHAPTER II A TORN TELEGRAM I LUNCHED alone at the Gilmore house, and went back to the city at once. The sun had lifted the mists, and a fresh summer wind had cleared away the smoke pall. The boulevard was full of cars flying countryward for the Saturday half-holiday, toward golf and tennis, green fields and babbling girls. I gritted my teeth and thought of McKnight at Rich mond, visiting the lady with the geographical name. And then, for the first time, I associated iJohn Gilmore's granddaughter with the "West** that McKnight had irritably flung at me. I still carried my traveling-bag, for Mc- 1 Knight's vision at the window of the empty house had not been without effect. I did not transfer the notes to my pocket, and, if I had, it would not have altered the situation later. Only 17 18 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN the other day McKnight put this very thing wp to me. "I warned you," he reminded me. '"I told you there were queer things coming, and to be on ^ your guard. You ought to have taken your re volver." "It would have been of exactly as much use as a bucket of snow in Africa," I retorted. "If I had never closed my eyes, or if I had kept my finger on the trigger of a six-shooter (which i novelesque for revolver), the result would haye been the same. And the next time you want a little excitement with every variety of thrill thrown in, I can put you by way of it. You be gin by getting the wrong berth in a Pullman car, and end " "Oh, I know how it ends," he finished shortly. *'Don't you suppose the whole thing's written on my spinal marrow ?" But I am wandering again. That is the dif-, ficulty with the unprofessional story-teller: he yaws back and forth and can't keep in the wind ; he drops his characters overboard when he hasn't any further use for them and drowns them; ha forgets the coffee-pot and the frying-pan and 11 the other small essentials, and, if he carries a love affair, he mutters a fervent "Allah be praised" when he lands them, drenched with ad ventures, at the matrimonial dock at the end of the final chapter. I put in a thoroughly unsatisfactory after- moon. Time dragged eternally. I dropped in at a summer vaudeville, and bought some ties at a haberdasher's. I was bored but unexpectant; I had no premonition of what was to come. Nothing unusual had ever happened to me; friends of mine had sometimes sailed the high seas of adventure or skirted the coasts of chance, but all of the shipwrecks had occurred after a woman passenger had been taken on. "Ergo," I had always said "no women !" I repeated it to myself that evening almost savagely, when I found my thoughts straying back to the picture of John Gilmore's granddaughter. I even ar gued as I ate my solitary dinner at a down-town restaurant. "Haven't you troubles enough," I reflected, ^without looking for more? Hasn't Bad News 20 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN gone lame, with a matinee race booked for next week? Otherwise aren't you comfortable? Isn't your house in order? Do you want to sell a pony in order to have the library done over in mission or the drawing-room in gold? Do you want somebody to count the empty cigarette boxes lying around every morning?" Lay it to the long idle afternoon, to the new environment, to anything you like, but I began to think that perhaps I did. I was confoundedly lonely. For the first time in my life its even course began to waver: the needle registered warning marks on the matrimonial seismograph, lines vague enough, but lines. My alligator bag lay at my feet, still locked. While I waited for my coffee I leaned back and surveyed the people incuriously. There were the usual couples intent on each other: my new state of mind made me regard them with toler ance. But at the next table, where a man and woman dined together, a different atmosphere prevailed. My attention was first caught by the woman's face. She had been speaking ear nestly across the table, her profile turned to me. A TORN TELEGRAM 21 I had noticed casually her earnest manner, her somber clothes, and the great mass of odd, bronze-colored hair on her neck. But suddenly she glanced toward me and the utter hopeless ness^ almost tragedy of her expression struck me with a shock. She half closed her eyes and drew a long breath, then she turned again to the man across the table. Neither one was eating. He sat low in his chair, his chin on his chest, ugly folds of thick flesh protruding over his collar. He was prob ably fifty, bald, grotesque, sullen, and yet not without a suggestion of power. But he had been drinking; as I looked, he raised an un steady hand and summoned a waiter with a wine list. The young woman bent across the table and spoke again quickly. She had unconsciously raised her voice. Not beautiful, in her earnest- 1 ness and stress she rather interested me. I had an idle inclination to advise the waiter to re move the bottled temptation from the table. I wonder what would have happened if I had? Suppose Harrington had not been intoxicated 29 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN when he entered the Pullman car Ontario thai night ! For they were about to make a journey, I gathered, and the young woman wished to go alone. I drank three cups of coffee, which ac counted for my wakefulness later, and shame lessly watched the tableau before me. The woman's protest evidently went for nothing: across the table the man grunted monosyllabic replies and grew more and more lowering and sullen. Once, during a brief unexpected pian~ issimo in the music, her voice came to me sharply : "If I could only see him in time!" she was saying. "Oh, it's terrible !" In spite of my interest I would have for* gotten the whole incident at once, erased it from my mind as one does the inessentials and clut- terings of memory, had I not met them again, later that evening, in the Pennsylvania station. The situation between them had not visibly al tered: the same dogged determination showed in the man's face, but the young woman daugh ter or wife? I wondered had drawn down hei Tell and I could only suspect what white misery lay beneath. I bought my berth after waiting in a line of some eight or ten people. When, step by step, I had almost reached the window, a tall woman whom I had not noticed before spoke to me from my elbow. She had a ticket and money in her hand. "Will you try to get me a lower when you buy yours?" she asked. "I have traveled for three nights in uppers." I consented, of course; beyond that I hardly moticed the woman. I had a vague impression of height and a certain amount of stateliness, but the crowd was pushing behind me, and some one was standing on my foot. I got two lowers easily, and, turning with the change and berths, held out the tickets. "Which will you have?" I asked. "Lower eleven or lower ten?" "It makes no difference," she said "Thank you very much indeed." At random I gave her lower eleven, and called s. porter to help her with her luggage. I fol- 24. THE MAN IN LOWER TEN lowed them leisurely to the train shed, and ten minutes more saw us under way. I looked into my car, but it presented the peculiarly unattractive appearance common to sleepers. The berths were made up ; the center aisle was a path between walls of dingy, breeze- repelling curtains, while the two seats at each end of the car were piled high with suit-cases and umbrellas. The perspiring porter was try ing to be six places at once : somebody has said that Pullman porters are black so they won't show the dirt, but they certainly show the heat. Nine-fifteen was an outrageous hour to go to bed, especially since I sleep little or not at all on the train, so I made my way to the smoker and passed the time until nearly eleven with cigarettes and a magazine. The car was very close. It was a warm night, and before turning in I stood a short time in the vestibule. The train had been stopping at frequent intervals, and, finding the brakeman there, I asked the trouble. It seemed that there was a hot-box on the next car, and that not only were we late, but we A TORN TELEGRAM 23 were delaying the second section, just behind. I was beginning to feel pleasantly drowsy, and the air was growing cooler as we got into the mountains. I said good night to the brakeman and went back to my berth. To my surprise, lower ten was already occupied a suit-case pro jected from beneath, a pair of shoes stood on the floor, and from behind the curtains came the heavy, unmistakable breathing of deep sleep. I hunted out the porter and together we investi gated. "Are you asleep, sir?" asked the porter, lean ing over deferentially. No answer forthcom ing, he opened the curtains and looked in. Yes, the intruder was asleep very much asleep and an overwhelming odor of whisky proclaimed that he would probably remain asleep until morning. I was irritated. The car was full, and I was not disposed to take an upper in order to allow this drunken interloper to sleep com-? fortably in my berth. "You'll have to get out of this," I said, shak ing him angrily. But he merely grunted and turned over. As he did so, I saw his features 26 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN for the first time. It was the quarrelsome maa of the restaurant. I was less disposed than ever to relinquish my claim, but the porter, after a little quiet investi gation, offered a solution of the difficulty. "There's no one in lower nine," he suggested, pulling open the curtains just across. "It's likely nine's his berth, and he's made a mistake, owing to his condition. You'd better take nine, sir." I did, with a firm resolution that if nine's rightful owner turned up later I should be just as unwakable as the man opposite. I undressed leisurely, making sure of the safety of the forged notes, and placing my grip as before be tween myself and the window. Being a man of systematic habits, I arranged my clothes carefully, putting my shoes out for the porter to polish, and stowing my collar and scarf in the little hammock swung for the pur pose. At last, with my pillows so arranged that I could see out comfortably, and with the un hygienic-looking blanket turned back I have el- A TORN TELEGRAM 87 ways a distrust of those much-used affairs I prepared to wait gradually for sleep. But sleep did not visit me. The train came to frequent, grating stops, and I surmised the hot box again. I am not a nervous man, but there was something chilling in the thought of the second section pounding along behind us. Once, as I was dozing, our locomotive whistled a shrill warning "You keep back where you be long," it screamed to my drowsy ears, and from somewhere behind came a chastened "AU-right- I-will." I grew more and more wide-awake. At Cres- son I got up on my elbow and blinked out at the station lights. Some passengers boarded the train there and I heard a woman's low tones, a southern voice, rich and full. Then quiet again. Every nerve was tense : time passed, perhaps ten minutes, possibly half an hour. Then, without the slightest warning, as the train rounded a curve, a heavy body was thrown into my berth. The incident, trivial as it seemed, was startling in its suddenness, for although my ears were painfully strained and awake, I had heard no 88 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN step outside. The next instant the curtain hung limp again; still without a sound, my disturber had slipped away into the gloom and darkness. In a frenzy of walcefulness, I sat up, drew on a pair of slippers and fumbled for my bath-robe. From a berth across, probably lower ten, came that particularly aggravating snore which be gins lightly, delicately, faintly soprano, goes down the scale a note with every breath, and, after keeping the listener tense with expecta tion, ends with an explosion that tears the very air. I was more and more irritable : I sat on the edge of the berth and hoped the snorer would choke to death. He had considerable vitality, however; he withstood one shock after another and survived to start again with new vigor. In desperation I found some cigarettes and one match, piled my blankets over my grip, and drawing the cur tains together as though the berth were still oc cupied, I made my way to the vestibule of the car. I was not clad for dress parade. Is it because the male is so restricted to gloom in his every- day attire that he blossoms into gaudy colors in his pajamas and dressing-gowns? It would take a Turk to feel at home before an audience in my red and yellow bath-robe, a Christmas remem- - brance from Mrs. Klopton, with slippers to match . So, naturally, when I saw a feminine figure on the platform, my first instinct was to dodge. The woman, however, was quicker than I; she gave me a startled glance, wheeled and disap peared, with a flash of two bronze-colored braids, into the next car. Cigarette box in one hand, match in the other, I leaned against the uncertain frame of the door and gazed after her vanished figure. The moun tain air flapped my bath-robe around my bare ankles, my one match burned to the end and went out, and still I stared. For I had seen on her expressive face a haunting look that was horror, nothing less. Heaven knows, I am not psycho logical. Emotions have to be written large be fore I can read them. But a woman in trouble always appeals to me, and this woman was more than that. She was in deadly fear. SO THE MAN IN LOWER TEN If I had not been afraid of being ridiculous, I would have followed her. But I fancied that the apparition of a man in a red and yellow bath-robe, with an unkempt thatch of hair, walk ing up to her and assuring her that he would protect her would probably put her into hys terics. I had done that once before, when bur glars had tried to break into the house, and had startled the parlor maid into bed for a week. So I tried to assure myself that I had imagined the lady's distress or caused it, perhaps and to dismiss her from my mind. Perhaps she was merely anxious about the unpleasant gentleman of the restaurant. I thought smugly that I could have told her all about him: that he was sleeping the sleep of the just and the intoxicated in a berth that ought, by all that was fair and right, to have been mine, and that if I were tied .to a man who snored like that I should have him , anaesthetized and his soft palate put where it would never again flap like a loose sail in tha wind. We passed Harrisburg as I stood there. It was starlight, and the great crests of the Alle- A TORN TELEGRAM 31 ghanies had given way to low hills. At intervals we passed smudges of gray white, no doubt in daytime comfortable farms, which McKnight says is a good way of putting it, the farms be- 1 ing a lot more comfortable than the people on them. I was growing drowsy: the woman with the bronze hair and the horrified face was fading in retrospect. It was colder, too, and I turned with a shiver to go in. As I did so, a bit of paper fluttered into the air and settled on my sleeve, like a butterfly on a gorgeous red and yellow blossom. I picked it up curiously and glanced at it. It was part of a telegram that had been torn into bits. There were only parts of four words on the scrap, but it left me puzzled and thoughtful. It read, " ower ten, car seve ." "Lower ten, car seven," was my berth the one I had bought and found preempted. CHAPTER ACROSS THE AISLE NO solution offering itself, I went back to my berth. The snorer across had ap parently strangled, or turned over, and so after a time I dropped asleep, to be awakened by the morning sunlight across my face. I felt for my watch, yawning prodigiously. I reached under the pillow and failed to find it, but something scratched the back of my hand. I sat up irritably and nursed the wound, which was bleeding a little. Still drowsy, I felt more cautiously for what I supposed had been my scarf pin, but there was nothing there. Wide awake now, I reached for my traveling-bag, on the chance that I had put my watch in there. I had drawn the satchel to me and had my hand on the lock before I realized that it was not my own! 32 ACROSS THE AISLE S3 Mine was of alligator hide. I had killed the beast in Florida, after the expenditure of enough money to have bought a house and enough en ergy to have built one. The bag I held in my hand was a black one, sealskin, I think. The staggering thought of what the loss of my bag meant to me put my finger on the bell and kept \ it there until the porter came. "Did .you ring, sir?" he asked, poking his head through the curtains obsequiously. Mc- Knight objects that nobody can poke his head through a curtain and be obsequious. But Pull man porters can and do. "No," I snapped. "It rang itself. What in thunder do you mean by exchanging my valise for this one ? You'll have to find it if you waken the entire car to do it. There are important papers in that grip." "Porter," called a feminine voice from an up- / per berth near-by. "Porter, am I to dangle here 'all day?" "Let her dangle," I said savagely. "You find that bag of mine." The porter frowned. Then he looked at me 34. THE MAN IN LOWER TEN with injured dignity. "I brought in your orel* coat, sir. You carried your own valise." The fellow was right! In an excess of cau tion I had refused to relinquish my alligator bag, and had turned over my other traps to the porter. It was clear enough then. I was simply a victim of the usual sleeping-car robbery. I was in a lather of perspiration by that time : the lady down the car was still dangling and talk ing about it: still nearer a feminine voice was giving quick orders in French, presumably to a maid. The porter was on his knees, looking un der the berth. "Not there, sir," he said, dusting his knees. He was visibly more cheerful, having been ab solved of responsibility. "Reckon it was taken while you was wanderin* around the car last night." "I'll give you fifty dollars if you find it," 1^ said. "A hundred. Reach up my shoes and- I'll " I stopped abruptly. My eyes were fixed in stupefied amazement on a coat that hung from a hook at the foot of my berth. From the coat ACROSS THE AISLE 35 they traveled, dazed, to the soft-bosomed shirt beside it, and from there to the collar and cravat in the net hammock across the windows. "A hundred!" the porter repeated, showing his teeth. But I caught him bj the arm and pointed to the foot of the berth. "What what color's that coat ?" I asked un steadily. "Gray, sir." His tone was one of gentle re proof. "And the trousers?" He reached over and held up one creased leg. "Gray, too," he grinned. "Gray !" I could not believe even his corrobo- ration of my own eyes. "But my clothes were blue!" The porter was amused: he dived under the curtains and brought up a pair of shoes. "Your shoes, sir," he said with a flourish. "Reckon you've been dreaming, sir." Now, there are two things I always avoid in my dress possibly an idiosyncracy of my bach elor existence. These tabooed articles are red neckties and tan shoes. And not only were th hoeg the porter lifted from the floor of a gor- 36 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN geous shade of yellow, but the scarf which was run through the turned over collar was a gaudj red. It took a full minute for the real import of things to penetrate my dazed intelligence. Then I gave a vindictive kick at the offending en semble. "They're not mine, any of them," I snarled. "They are some other fellow's. I'll sit here until I take root before I put them on." "They're nice lookin' clothes," the porter put in, eying the red tie with appreciation. "Ain't everybody would have left you anything." "Call the conductor," I said shortly. Then a possible explanation occurred to me. "Oh, porter what's the number of this berth?" "Seven, sir. If you cain't wear those shoes " "Seven!" In my relief I almost shouted it. "Why, then, it's simple enough. I'm in the wrong berth, that's all. My berth is nine. Only where the deuce is the man who belongs here?" "Likely in nine, sir." The darky was enjoy ing himself. "You and the other gentleman just got mixed in the night. That's all, sir." It was clear that he thought I had been drinking. ACROSS THE AISLE S7 I drew a long breath. Of course, that was the explanation. This was number seven's berth, that was his soft hat, this his umbrella, his coat, his bag. My rage turned to irritation at my self. The porter went to the next berth and I could hear his softly insinuating voice. "Time to get up, sir. Are you awake ? Time to get up." There was no response from number nine. I guessed that he had opened the curtains and was looking in. Then he came back. "Number nine's empty," he said. "Empty! Do you mean my clothes aren't there?" I demanded. "My valise? Why don't you answer me?" "You doan' give me time," he retorted. "There ain't nothin' there. But it's been slept in." The disappointment was the greater for my few moments of hope. T sat up in a white fury and put on the clothes that had been left me. Then, still raging, I sat on the edge of the berth and put on the obnoxious tan shoes. The porter, called to his duties, made little excursions 88 THE MAN. IK LOWER. TEN back to me, to offer assistance and to chuckle &t my discomfiture.* JKe stood by, outwardly de corous, but with little irritating grins of amuse- iment around his mouth, when. I finally emerged with the red tie in my hand.. l "Bet the owner o'f those clothes didn't become" "When I get the owner of these clothes,"'! retorted grimly, "he.will need a shroud*. Where's! vthe conductor?" The conductor 'was coming,' he assured me; also that there was no bag answering the de^ scription of mine on the car. I slammed my' t way to the dressing-room, washed, choked my fifteen and a half neck into a fifteen collar, and 'was back again in less than five minutes. The; .car, as well as its occupants, was gradually tak^ ! ing on a daylight appearance. I hobbled in, for, one of the shoes was abominably tight, and .found myself facing a young woman in blue: .with an unforgetable face. ("Three ready." McKnight says: "That's going , J jou . don't count the Gilmore nurse." She stood, half -turned toward me, one hand idly (drooping, the other steadying her as she gazed out at the flying landscape. I had an instant impression that I had met her somewhere, under different circumstances, more cheerful ones, I thought, for the girl's dejection now was evi dent. Beside her, sitting down, a small dark woman, considerably older, was talking in a rapid undertone. The girl nodded indifferently now and then. I fancied, although I was not sure, that my appearance brought a startled look into the young woman's face. I sat down and, hands thrust deep into the other man's pockets, stared ruefully at the other man's shoes. The stage was set. In a moment the curtain was going up on the first act of the play. And for a while we would all say our little speeches and sing our little songs, and I, the villain, would hold center stage while the gallery hissed. The porter was standing beside lower ten. He had reached in and was knocking valiantly. But his efforts met with no response. He winked at me over his shoulder ; then he unfastened the 40 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN curtains and bent forward. Behind him, I saw him stiffen, heard his muttered exclamation, sa\f the bluish pallor that spread over his face and neck. As he retreated a step the interior of lower ten lay open to the day. The man in it was on his back, the early morn ing sun striking full on his upturned face. But the light did not disturb him. A small stain of red dyed the front of his night clothes and trailed across the sheet: his half-open eyes were fixed, without seeing, on the shining wood above. I grasped the porter's shaking shoulders and stared down to where the train imparted to the body a grisly suggestion of motion. "Good Lord," I gasped. "The man's been murdered!" NUMBERS SEVEN AND NINE AFTERWARDS, when I tried to recall our discovery of the body in lower ten, I found that my most vivid impression was not that made by the revelation of the opened curtain. I had an instantaneous picture of a slender blue- gowned girl who seemed to sense my words rather than hear them, of two small hands that clutched desperately at the seat beside them. The girl in the aisle stood, bent toward us, per plexity and alarm fighting in her face. With twitching hands the porter attempted to draw the curtains together. Then in a pa ralysis of shock, he collapsed on the edge of my berth and sat there swaying. In my excitement I shook him. "For Heaven's sake, keep your nerve, man," I said bruskly. "You'll have every woman in the car in hysterics. And if you do, you'll wish 41 4 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN you could change places with the man in there." He rolled his eyes. A man near, who had been reading last 'night's paper, dropped it quickly and tiptoed toward us. He peered between the partly open curtains, closed them quietly and went back, ostentatiously solemn, to his seat. The very crackle with which he opened his paper added to the bursting curiosity of the car. For the pas sengers knew that something was amiss: I was conscious of a sudden tension. With the curtains closed the porter was more himself; he wiped his lips with a handkerchief and stood erect. "It's my last trip in this car," he remarked heavily. "There's something wrong with that berth. Last trip the woman in it took an over dose of some sleeping stuff, and we found her, jes' like that, dead! And it ain't more'n three months now since there was twins born in that very spot. No, sir, it ain't natural." At that moment a thin man with prominent eyes and a spare grayish goatee creaked up the aisle and paused beside me. NUMBERS SEVEN AND NINE 4S "Porter sick?" he inquired, taking in with a professional eye the porter's horror-struck face, my own excitement and the slightly gaping cur- ,. tains of lower ten. He reached for the darky's pulse and pulled out an old-fashioned gold watch. "Hm! Only fifty! What's the matter? Had a shock?" he asked shrewdly. "Yes," I answered for the porter. "We've both had one. If you are a doctor, I wish you would look at the man in the berth across, lower ten. I'm afraid it's too late, but I'm not ex perienced in such matters." Together we opened the curtains, and the doc tor, bending down, gave a comprehensive glance that took in the rolling head, the relaxed jaw, the ugly stain on the sheet. The examination needed only a moment. Death was written in the clear white of the nostrils, the colorless lips, the smoothing away of the sinister lines of the night before. With its new dignity the face was not unhandsome : the gray hair was still plentiful, the features strong and well cut. The doctor straightened himself and turne3 44 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN to me. "Dead for some time," he said, running a professional finger over the stains. "These are dry and darkened, you see, and rigor mortis is well established. A friend of yours?" "I don't know him at all," I replied. "Never saw him but once before." "Then you don't know if he is traveling alone?" "No, he was not that is, I don't know any thing about him," I corrected myself. It was my first blunder: the doctor glanced up at me quickly and then turned his attention again to the body. Like a flash there had come to me the vision of the woman with the bronze hair and the tragic face, whom I had surprised in the vestibule between the cars, somewhere in the small hours of the morning. I had acted on my first impulse the masculine one of shielding a woman. i The doctor had unfastened the coat of the 'striped pajamas and exposed the dead man's chest. On the left side was a small punctured wound of insignificant size. "Very neatly done," the doctor said with ap- preciation. "Couldn't have done it better my self. Right through the intercostal space: no time even to grunt." "Isn't the heart around there somewhere?" I asked. The medical man turned toward me and smiled austerely. "That's where it belongs, just under that puncture, when it isn't gadding around in a man's throat or his boots." I had a new respect for the doctor, for any one indeed who could crack even a feeble joke under such circumstances, or who could run an impersonal finger over that wound and those stains. Odd how a healthy, normal man holds the medical profession in half contemptuous re gard until he gets sick, or an emergency like this arises, and then turns meekly to the man who knows the ins and outs of his mortal tenement, takes his pills or his patronage, ties to him like a rudderless ship in a gale. "Suicide, is it, doctor?" I asked. He stood erect, after drawing the bed-cloth ing 1 over the face, and, taking off his glasses, he wiped them slowly. 46 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "No, it is not suicide," he announced deci sively. "It is murder." Of course, I had expected that, but the word ' itself brought a shiver. I was just a bit dizzy. Curious faces through the car were turned to ward us, and I could hear the porter behind me breathing audibly. A stout woman in negligee came down the aisle and querulously confronted the porter. She wore a pink dressing- jacket and carried portions of her clothing. "Porter," she began, in the voice of the lady who had "dangled," "is there a rule of this company that will allow a woman to occupy the dressing-room for one hour and curl her hair with an alcohol lamp while respectable people haven't a place where they can hook their " She stopped suddenly and stared into lower ten. Her shining pink cheeks grew pasty, her jaw fell. I remember trying to think of some thing to say, and of saying nothing at alL Then she had buried her eyeg in the nonde script garments that hung from her arm and tottered back the way she had come. Slowly a little knot of men gathered around us, silent for the most part. The doctor was making a search of the berth when the conductor elbowed his way through, followed by the inquisitive man, who had evidently summoned him. I had lost sight, for a time, of the girl in blue. "Do it himself?" the conductor queried, after a business-like glance at the body. "No, he didn't," the doctor asserted. "There's no weapon here, and the window is closed. He couldn't have thrown it out, and he didn't swal low it. What on earth are you looking for s man?" Some one was on the floor at our feet, face down, head peering under the berth. Now he got up without apology, revealing the man who had summoned the conductor. He was dusty, alert, cheerful, and he dragged up with him the dead man's suit-case. The sight of it brought back to me at once my own predicament. "I don't know whether there's any connection or not, conductor," I said, "but I am a victim, too, in less degree; I've been robbed of every thing I possess, except a red and yellow bath- roba. I happened to be wearing the bath-robe. 48 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN which was probably the reason the thief over looked it." There was a fresh murmur in the crowd. Somebody laughed nervously. The conductor was irritated. "I can't bother with that now," he snarled. "The railroad company is responsible for trans portation, not for clothes, jewelry and morals. If people want to be stabbed and robbed in the company's cars, it's their affair. Why didn't you sleep in your clothes ? I do." I took an angry step forward. Then some body touched my arm, and I unclenched my fist. I could understand the conductor's position, and beside, in the law, I had been guilty myself of contributory negligence. "I'm not trying to make you responsible," I protested, as amiably as I could, "and I believe the clothes the thief left are as good as my own. They are certainly newer. But my valise con tained valuable papers, and it is to your interest as well as mine to find the man who stole it." "Why, of course," the doctor said shrewdly. "Find the man who skipped out with this gen- NUMBERS SEVEN AND NINE 49 tleman's clothes, and you've probably got the murderer." "I went to bed in lower nine," I said, my mind full again of my lost papers, "and I wak ened in number seven. I was up in the night prowling around, as I was unable to sleep, and I must have gone back to the wrong berth. Anyhow, until the porter wakened me this morn ing I knew nothing of my mistake. In the in terval the thief murderer, too, perhaps must have come back, discovered my error, and taken advantage of it to further his escape." The inquisitive man looked at me from be tween narrowed eyelids, ferret-like. "Did any one on the train suspect you of having valuable papers?" he inquired. The crowd was listening intently. "No one," I answered promptly and posi tively. The doctor was investigating the murdered man's effects. The pockets of his trousers con tained the usual miscellany of keys and small change, while in his hip pocket was found a small pearl-handled revolver of the type womea usually keep around. A gold watch with a Masonic charm had slid down between the mat tress and the window, while a showy diamond stud was still fastened in the bosom of his shirt. , \ Taken as a whole, the personal belongings were those of a man of some means, but without any particular degree of breeding. The doctor heaped them together. "Either robbery was not the motive," he re flected, "or the thief overlooked these things in his hurry." The latter hypothesis seemed the more tenable, when, after a thorough search, we found no pocket-book and less than a dollar in small change. The suit-case gave no clue. It contained one empty leather-covered flask and a pint bottle, Jso empty, a change of linen and some collar! with the laundry mark, S. H. In the leather tag on the handle was a card with the name Simon Harrington, Pittsburg. The conductor sat down on my unmade berth, across, and made an entry of the name and ad dress. Then, on an old envelope, he wrote a few NUMBERS SEVEN AND NINE 51 words and gave it to the porter, who disap peared. "I guess that's all I can do," he said. "I've had enough trouble this trip to last for a year. They don't need a conductor on these trains any more; what they ought to have is a sheriff and a posse." The porter from the next car came in and whispered to him. The conductor rose unhap~ "Next car's caught the disease," he grumbled. "Doctor, a woman back there has got mumps or bubonic plague, or something. Will you come back?" The strange porter stood aside. "Lady about the middle of the car," he said, "in black, sir, with queer-looking hair sort of opper color, I think, sir." CHAPTER V THE WOMAN IN THE NEXT CAB WITH the departure of the conductor and the doctor, the group around lower ten broke up, to re-form in smaller knots through the car. The porter remained on guard. With something of relief I sank into a seat. I wanted to think, to try to remember the details of the previous night. But my inquisitive acquaint ance had other intentions. He came up and sat down beside me. Like the conductor, he had taken notes of the dead man's belongings, his name, address, clothing and the general circum stances of the crime. Now with his little note book open before him, he prepared to enjoy the minor sensation of the robbery. "And now for the second victim," he began cheerfully. "What is your name and address, please?" 52 THE WOMAN IN THE NEXT CAR 53 I eyed him with suspicion. "I have lost everything but my name and ad dress," I parried. "What do you want them for ? Publication ? " "Oh, no; dear, no!" he said, shocked at my misapprehension. "Merely for my own enlight enment. I like to gather data of this kind and draw my own conclusions. Most interesting and engrossing. Once or twice I have forestalled the results of police investigation but entirely for my own amusement." I nodded tolerantly. Most of us have hob bies ; I knew a man once who carried his hand kerchief up his sleeve and had a mania for old colored prints cut out of Godey's Lady's Boole. "I use that inductive method originated by Foe and followed since with such success by Conan Doyle. Have you ever read Gaboriau? Ah, you have missed a treat, indeed. And now, to get down to business, what is the name of our escaped thief and probable murderer?" "How on earth do I know?" I demanded im patiently. "He didn't write it in blood any where, did he?" 54 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN The little man looked hurt and disappointed "Do you mean to say," he asked, "that th pockets of those clothes are entirely empty?" The pockets! In the excitement I had for gotten entirely the sealskin grip which the por ter now sat at my feet, and I had not investi gated the pockets at all. With the inquisitive man's pencil taking note of everything that I found, I emptied them on the opposite seat. Upper left-hand waist-coat, two lead pencils and a fountain pen; lower right waist-coat, match-box and a small stamp book; right-hand pocket coat, pair of gray suede gloves, new, tiize seven and a half; left-hand pocket, gun- metal cigarette case studded with pearls, half- full of Egyptian cigarettes. The trousers pockets contained a gold penknife, a small amount of money in bills and change, and a handkerchief with the initial "S" on it. Further search through the coat discovered a card-case with cards bearing the name Henrj Pinckney Sullivan, and a leather flask with gold mountings, filled with what seemed to be very fair whisky, and monogrammed H. P. S. THE WOMAN IN THE NEXT CAR 55 "His name evidently is Henry Pinckney Sul a livan," said the cheerful follower of Poe, as he wrote it down. "Address as yet unknown* Blond, probably. Have you noticed that it ii almost always the blond men who affect a very light gray, with a touch of red in the scarf? Fact, I assure you. I kept a record once of the summer attire of men, and ninety per cent, fol lowed my rule. Dark men like you affect navy blue, or brown." In spite of myself I was amused at the man's shrewdness. "Yes; the suit he took was dark a blue," I said. He rubbed his hands and smiled at me delight- edly. "Then you wore black shoes, not tan," he said, with a glance at the aggressive yellow ones I wore. "Right again," I acknowledged. "Black low shoes and black embroidered hose. If you keep on you'll have a motive for the crime, and the murderer's present place of hiding. And if you eome back to the smoker with me, I'll give you 56 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN an opportunity to judge if he knew good whisky from bad." I put the articles from the pockets back again and got up. "I wonder if there is a diner on ?" I said. "I need something sustaining after all this." I was conscious then of some one at my elbow. I turned to see the young woman whose face was so vaguely familiar. In the very act of speaking she drew back suddenly and colored. "Oh, I beg your pardon," she said hurried ly, "I thought you were some one else." She was looking in a puzzled fashion at my coat. I felt all the cringing guilt of a man who has ac cidentally picked up the wrong umbrella: my borrowed collar sat tight on my neck. "I'm. sorry," I said idiotically. "I'm sorry, but I'm not." I have learned since that she has bright brown hair, with a loose wave in it that drops over her ears, and dark blue eyes with black lashes and but what does it matter? One enjoys a picture as a whole : not as the sum of its parts. She saw the flask then, and her errand came THE WOMAN IN THE NEXT CAB 57 back to her. "One of the ladies at the end of ear has fainted," she explained. "I thought perhaps a stimulant " I picked up the flask at once and followed my guide down the aisle. Two or three women were working over the woman who had fainted. They had opened her collar and taken out her hair pins, whatever good that might do. The stout woman was vigorously rubbing her wrists, with the idea, no doubt, of working up her pulse i The unconscious woman was the one for whom I had secured lower eleven at the station. I poured a little liquor in a bungling maseu- line fashion between her lips as she leaned back, with closed eyes. She choked, coughed, and ral lied somewhat. "Poor thing," said the stout lady. "As she lies back that way I could almost think it was my mother ; she used to faint so much." "It would make anybody faint," chimed In an other. "Murder and robbery in one night and on one car. I'm thankful I always wear my rings in a bag around my neck even if they do get under me and keep me awake." 38 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN The girl in blue was looking at us with wide, startled eyes. I saw her pale a little, saw the quick, apprehensive glance which she threw at her traveling companion, the small woman I had noticed before. There was an exchange al most a clash of glances. The small woman frowned. That was all. I turned my attention again to my patient. She had revived somewhat, and now she asked to have the window opened. The train had stopped again and the car was oppressively hot. People around were looking at their watches and grumbling over the delay. The doctor bustled in with a remark about its being his busy day. The amateur detective and the porter together mounted guard over lower ten. Outside the heat rose in shimmering waves from the tracks: the very wood of the car was hot to touch. A Cam- berwell Beauty darted through the open door and made its way, in erratic plunges, great wings waving, down the sunny aisle. All around lay the peace of harvested fields, the quiet of the country* CHAPTER VI THE GIRL IN BLUM 1WAS growing more and more irritable* The thought of what the loss of the note* meant was fast crowding the murder to the back of my mind. The forced inaction was intol erable. The porter had reported no bag answering the description of mine on the train, but I was disposed to make my own investigation. I made a tour of the cars, scrutinizing every variety of hand luggage, ranging from, lux urious English bags with gold mountings to the wicker nondescripts of the day coach at the rear. I was not alone in my quest, for the girl in blue was just ahead of me. Car by car she preceded me through the train, unconscious that I was behind her, looking at each passenger as c-he passed. I fancied the proceeding was 59 60 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN distasteful, but that she had determined on a course and was carrying it through. We reached the end of the train almost together empty-handed, both of us. The girl went out to the platform. When she saw me she moved aside, and I stepped out beside her. Behind us the track curved sharply ; the early sunshine threw the train, in long black shadow, orer the hot earth. Forward some where they were hammering. The girl said nothing, but her profile was strained and anx ious. **I if you have lost anything," I began, "I wish you would let me try to help. Not that my own success is anything to boast of." She hardly glanced at me. It was not flat tering. "I have not been robbed, if that is what you mean," she replied quietly. "I am perplexed. That is all." There was nothing to say to that. I lifted m/ hat the other fellow's hat and turned t go back to my car. Two or three members of tk train crew, including the conductor, were THE GIRL IN BLUE 61 standing in the shadow talking. And at that moment, from a farm-house near came the swift clang of the breakfast bell, calling in the hands from barn and pasture. I turned back to the girl. "We may be here for an hour," I said, "and there is no buffet car on. If I remember my youth, that bell means ham and eggs and country butter and coif ee. If you care to run the risk " "I am not hungry," she said, "but perhaps a, cup of coffee dear me, I believe I am hun gry," she finished. "Only " She glanced back ef her. "I can bring your companion," I suggested, without enthusiasm. But the young woman shook her head. "She is not hungry," she objected, "and she is very well, I know she wouldn't come. Do you suppose we could make it if we run?" "I haven't any idea," I said cheerfully. "Any eld train would be better than thia one, if it does leave us behind." "Yes. Any train would be better than tnls one," she repeated gravely. I found myseU d2 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN watching her changing expression. I had spoken two dozen words to her and already I felt that I knew the lights and shades in her voice, I, who had always known how a woman rode to hounds, and who never could have told the color of her hair. I stepped down on the ties and turned to as sist her, and together we walked back to where the conductor and the porter from our car were in close conversation. Instinctively my hand went to my cigarette pocket and came out empty. She saw the gesture. "If you want to smoke, you may," she said. "I have a big cousin who smokes all the time. He says I am 'kippered.' * I drew out the gun-metal cigarette case and opened it. But this most commonplace action had an extraordinary result: the girl beside me stopped dead still and stood staring at it with fascinated eyes. "Is where did you get that?" she demand ed, with a catch in her voice ; her gaze still fixed on the cigarette case. "Then you haven't heard the rest of the trag~ THE GIRL IN BLUB 6 edy?" I asked, holding out the case. "It's frightfully bad luck for me, but it makes a good story. You see " At that moment the conductor and porteri ceased their colloquy. The conductor came di rectly toward me, tugging as he came at hi* bristling gray mustache. "I would like to talk to you in the car," he said to me, with a curious glance at the young lady. "Can't it wait?" I objected. "We are on our way to a cup of coffee and a slice of bacon. Be merciful, as you are powerful." "Fm afraid the breakfast will have to wait," he replied. "I won't keep you long." There was a note of authority in his voice which I re sented; but, after all, the circumstances were unusual. "We'll have to defer that cup of coffee for a while," I said to the girl; "but don't despair; there's breakfast somewhere." As we entered the car, she stood aside, but I felt rather than saw that she followed us. I was surprised to see a half dozen men gathered 0* THE MAN IN LOWER TEN around the berth in which I had wakened, num ber seven. It had not yet been made up. As we passed along the aisle, I was conscious of a new expression on the faces of the pas sengers. The tall woman who had fainted was rjearching my face with narrowed eyes, while the stout woman of the kindly heart avoided my gaze, and pretended to look out the window. As we pushed our way through the group, I fancied that it closed around me ominously. The conductor said nothing, but led the way without ceremony to the side of the berth. '*What's the matter?" I inquired. I was pu- zled, but not apprehensive. "Have you some of my things ? I'd be thankful even for my shoe* ; these are confoundedly tight." Nobody spoke, and I fell silent, too. For one of the pillows had been turned over, and the under side of the white case was streaked with {brownish stains. I think it was a perceptible time before I realized that the stains were blood, and that the faces around were filled with sus picion and distrust. "Why, it that looks like blood," I said vacu- THE GIRL IN BLUE 65 ously. There was an incessant pounding in my ears, and the conductor's voice came from far off. "It is blood," he asserted grimly. I looked around with a dizzy attempt at non chalance. "Even if it is," I remonstrated, "surely you don't suppose for a moment that I know anything about it!" The amateur detective elbowed his way in. He had a scrap of transparent paper in his hand, and a pencil. "I would like permission to trace the stains," he began eagerly. "Also" to me "if you will kindly jab your finger with a pin needle anything " "If you don't keep out of this," the conduc tor said savagely, "I will do some jabbing my self. As for you, sir " he turned to me. I was absolutely innocent, but I knew that I pre sented a typical picture of guilt; I was covered with cold sweat, and the pounding in my ears kept up dizzily. "As for you, sir " The irrepressible amateur detective made a quick pounce at the pillow and pushed back the 66 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN over. Before our incredulous eyes he drew out * narrow steel dirk which had been buried to the small cross that served as a head. There was a chorus of voices around, a quick surging forward of the crowd. So that was what had scratched my hand! I buried the wound in my coat pocket. "Well," I said, trying to speak naturally, "doesn/'t that prove what I have been telling you ? The man who committed the murder belonged to this berth, and made an exchange in some way after the crime. How do you know he didn't change the tags so I would come back to this berth ?" This was an inspiration ; I was pleased with it. "That's what he did, he changed the tags," I reiterated. There was a murmur of assent around. The doctor, who was standing beside me, put his hand on my arm. "If this gentleman committed this crime, and I for one feel sure he did not, then) who is the fellow who got away? And why did he go?" "We have only one man's word for that," the conductor snarled. *Fve traveled some in these THE GIRL IN BLUE 6T ears myself, and no one ever changed berths with me." Somebody on the edge of the group asserted that hereafter he would travel by daylight. I glanced up and caught the eye of the girl in blue. "They are all mad," she said. Her tone was low, but I heard her distinctly. "Don't take them seriously enough to defend yourself." "I am glad you think I didn't do it," I ob served meekly, over the crowd. "Nothing else is of any importance." The conductor had pulled out his note-book again. "Your name, please," he said gruffly. "Lawrence Blakeley, Washington." "Your occupation?" "Attorney. A member of the firm of Blake- ley and McKnight." "Mr. Blakeley, you say you have occupied the wrong berth and have been robbed. Do you know anything of the man who did it?" "Only from what he left behind," I answered. "These clothes " "They fit you," he said with quick suspicion. "Isn't that rather a coincidence? You are a large man." "Good Heavens," I retorted, stung into fury, "do I look like a man who would wear this kind of a necktie? Do you suppose I carry purple and green barred silk handkerchiefs? Would any man in his senses wear a pair of shoes a full size too small?" The conductor was inclined to hedge. "You will have to grant that I am in a peculiar posi tion," he said. "I have only your word as to the exchange of berths, and you understand I am merely doing my duty. Are there any clue* in the pockets?" For the second time I emptied them of their contents, which he noted. "Is that all?" he fiiy- ished. "There was nothing else?" "Nothing." "That's not all, sir," broke in the porter, stepping forward. "There was a small black satchel." "That's so," I exclaimed. "I forgot the bag. I don't even know where it is." The easily swayed crowd looked suspicious THE GIRL IN BLUE 69 again. I've grown so accustomed to reading the faces of a jury, seeing them swing from doubt to belief, and back again to doubt, that l t instinctively watch expressions. I saw that my forgetfulness had done me harm that suspicion was roused again. The bag was found a couple of seats away, under somebody's raincoat another dubious cir cumstance. Was I hiding it? It was brought to the berth and placed beside the conductor, who opened it at once. It contained the usual traveling impedimenta change of linen, collars, handkerchiefs, a bronze-green scarf, and a safety razor. But the attention of the crowd riveted itself on a flat, Russia leather wallet, around which a heavy gum band was wrapped, and which bore in gilt letters the name "Simon Harrington." CHAPTER VH A FINE GOLD CHAIN fT! HE conductor held it out to me, his face JL sternly accusing. "Is this another coincidence?" he asked. "Did the man who left you his clothes and the barred silk handkerchief and the tight shoes leave you the spoil of the murder?" The men standing around had drawn off a little, and I saw the absolute futility of any re monstrance. Have you ever seen a fly, who, in these hygienic days, finding no cobwebs to en tangle him, is caught in a sheet of fly paper, finds himself more and more mired, and is finally quiet with the sticky stillness of despair? Well, I was the fly. I had seen too much of circumstantial evidence to have any belief that the establishing of my identity would weighi much against the other incriminating details. It 70 A FINE GOLD CHAIN *1 meant imprisonment and trial, probably, with all the notoriety and loss of practice they would entail. A man thinks quickly at a time like that. All the probable consequences of the find ing of that pocket-book flashed through my mind as I extended my hand to take it. Then I drew my arm back. "I don't want it," I said. "Look inside. Maybe the other man took the money and left the wallet." The conductor opened it, and again there was a curious surging forward of the crowd. To my intense disappointment the money was still there. I stood blankly miserable while it was counted out five one-hundred-dollar bills, six twenties, and some fives and ones that brought the total to six hundred and fifty dollars. The little man with the note-book insisted on taking the numbers of the notes, to the conduct or's annoyance. It was immaterial to me: small things had lost their power to irritate. I was seeing myself in the prisoner's box, going through all the nerve-racking routine of a trial for murder the challenging of the jury, the 72 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN endless cross-examinations, the alternate hope and fear. I believe I said before that I had no nerves, but for a few minutes that morning I was as near as a man ever comes to hysteria. I folded my arms and gave myself a mental shake. I seemed to be the center of a hundred eyes, expressing every shade of doubt and dis trust, but I tried not to flinch. Then some one created a diversion. The amateur detective was busy again with the sealskin bag, investigating the make of the safety razor and the manufacturer's name on the bronze-green tie. Now, however, he paused and frowned, as though some pet theory had been upset. Then from a corner of the bag he drew out and held up for our inspection some three inches of fine gold chain, one end of which was black ened and stained with blood ! The conductor held out his hand for it, but the little man was not ready to give it up. He turned to me. "You say no watch was left you? Was thert a piece of chain like that?" A FINE GOLD CHAIN 73 "No chain at all," I said sulkily. "No jew elry of any kind, except plain gold buttons in the shirt I am wearing." "Where are your glasses?" he threw at me suddenly: instinctively my hand went to my eyes. My glasses had been gone all morning, and I had not even noticed their absence. The little man smiled cynically and held out the chain. "I must ask you to examine this," he insisted. "Isn't it a part of the fine gold chain you wear over your ear?" I didn't want to touch the thing : the stain at the end made me shudder. But with a baker's dozen of suspicious eyes well, we'll say four teen: there were no one-eyed men I took the fragment in the tips of my fingers and looked aw it helplessly. "Very fine chains are much alike," I managed to say. "For all I know, this may be mine, but I don't know how it got into that sealskin bag. I never saw the bag until this morning after day- light." "He admits that he had the bag," somebody T4 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN said behind me. "How did you guess that he wore glasses, anyhow?" to the amateur sleuth. That gentleman cleared his throat. "There were two reasons," he said, "for suspecting it. When you see a man with the lines of his face drooping, a healthy individual with a pensive eye, suspect astigmatism. Besides, this gentle man has a pronounced line across the bridge of his nose and a mark on his ear from the chain." After this remarkable exhibition of the theo retical as combined with the practical, he sank into a seat near-by, and still holding the chain, sat with closed eyes and pursed lips. It was evi dent to all the car that the solution of the mys tery was a question of moments. Once he bent forward eagerly and putting the chain on the window-sill, proceeded to go over it with a pocket magnifying glass, only to shake his head in dis appointment. All the people around shook their heads too, although they had not the slightest idea what it was about. The pounding in my ears began again. The group around me seemed to be suddenly motion less in the very act of moving, as if a hypnotist A FINE GOLD CHAIN 7S had called "Rigid !" The girl in blue was look ing at me, and above the din I thought she said she must speak to me something vital. The pounding grew louder and merged into a scream. With a grinding and splintering the car rose under my feet. Then it fell away into darknew. CHAPTER VIII THE SECOND SECTION HAVE you ever been picked up out of your three-meals-a-day life, whirled around in a tornado of events, and landed in a situation so grotesque and yet so horrible that you laugh even while you are groaning, and straining at its hopelessness? McKnight says that is hysteria, and that no man worthy of the name ever admits to it. Also, as McKnight says, it sounds like a tank drama. Just as the revolving saw is about to cut the hero into stove lengths, the second villain blows up the sawmill. The hero goes up through the roof and alights on the bank of a stream at the feet of his lady love, who is making daisy chains. Nevertheless, when I was safely home again, with Mrs. Klopton brewing strange drinks that 76 THE SECOND SECTION 77 came in paper packets from the pharmacy, and that smelled to heaven, I remember staggering to the door and closing it, and then going back to bed and howling out the absurdity and the madness of the whole thing. And while I laughed my very soul was sick, for the girl was gone by that time, and I knew by all the loyalty that an swers between men for honor that I would have to put her out of my mind. And yet, all the night that followed, filled as it was with the shrieking demons of pain, I saw her as I had seen her last, in the queer hat with green ribbons. I told the doctor this, guard edly, the next morning, and he said it was the morphia, ana that I was lucky not to have seen a row of devils with green tails. I don't know anything about the wreck of September ninth last. You who swallowed the details with your coffee and digested the horrors with your chop, probably know a great deal more than I do. I remember very distinctly that the jumping and throbbing in my arm brought me back to a world that at first was nothing but eky, a heap of clouds that I thought hazily *8 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN were the meringue on a blue charlotte russe. As the sense of hearing was slowly added to vision, .1 heard a woman near me sobbing that she had lost her hat pin, and she couldn't keep her hat on. I think I dropped back into unconsciousness again, for the next thing I remember was of my blue patch of sky clouded with smoke, of a strange roaring and crackling, of a rain of fiery sparks on my face and of somebody beating at me with feeble hands. I opened my eyes and closed them again : the girl in blue was bending over me. With that imperviousness to big things and keenness to small that is the first effect of shock, I tried to be facetious, when a spark stung my cheek. "You will have to rouse yourself!" the girl was repeating desperately. "You've been on fire twice already." A piece of striped ticking floated slowly over my head. As the wind caught it its charring edges leaped into flame. "Looks like a kite, doesn't it?" I remarked cheerfully. And then, as my arm gave an excru ciating throb "Jove, how my arm hurts !" 70 The girl bent over and spoke slowly, distinct ly, as one might speak to a deaf person or a child. "Listen, Mr. Blakeley," she said earnestly, '' "You must rouse yourself. There has been a terrible accident. The second section ran into us. The wreck is burning now, and if we don't move, we will catch fire. Do you hear?" Her voice and my arm were bringing me to my senses. "I hear," I said. "I I'll sit up ID a second. Are you hurt?" "No, only bruised. Do you think you cam walk?" I drew up one foot after another, gingerly. "They seem to move all right," I remarked dubiously. "Would you mind telling me where the back of my head has gone? I can't help thinking it isn't there." She made a quick examination. "It's pretty badly bumped," she said. "You must have fallen on it." I had got up on my uninjured elbow by that time, but the pain threw me back. "Don't look at the wreck," I entreated her. "It's no fight 80 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN for a woman. If if there is any way to tie up this arm, I might be able to do something. There may be people under those cars !" "Then it is too late to help," she replied sol emnly. A little shower of feathers, each carry ing its fiery lamp, blew over us from some burn ing pillow. A part of the wreck collapsed with a crash. In a resolute endeavor to play a man's part in the tragedy going on all around, I got to my knees. Then I realized what I had not noticed before : the hand and wrist of the broken left arm were jammed through the handle of the sealskin grip. I gasped and sat down suddenly. "You must not do that," the girl insisted. I noticed now that she kept her back to the wreck, her eyes averted. "The weight of the traveling- bag must be agony. Let me support the valise until we get back a few yards. Then you must lie down until we can get it cut off." "Will it have to be cut off?" I asked as calmly as possible. There were red-hot stabs of agony clear to my neck, but we were moving slowly away from the track. "Yes," she replied, with dumfounding cool- THE SECOND SECTION 81 ness. "If I had a knife I could do it myself. You might sit here and lean against this fence." By that time my returning faculties had real ized that she was going to cut off the satchel, not the arm. The dizziness was leaving and I was gradually becoming myself. "If you pull, it might come," I suggested* "And with that weight gone, I think I will cease to be five feet eleven inches of baby." She tried gently to loosen the handle, but it would not move, and at last, with great drops of cold perspiration over me, I had to give up. "I'm afraid I can't stand it," I said. "But there's a knife somewhere around these clothes, and if I can find it, perhaps you can cut the leather." As I gave her the knife she turned it over, ex amining it with a peculiar expression, bewilder ment rather than surprise. But she said nothing. She set to work deftly, and in a few minutes the bag dropped free. "That's better," I declared, sitting up. "Now, if you can pin my sleeve to my coat, it will sup port the arm so we can get away from here." 82 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "The pin might give," she objected, "and the jerk would be terrible." She looked around, puzzled ; then she got up, coming back in a min ute with a draggled, partly scorched sheet. This she tore into a large square, and after she had folded it, she slipped it under the broken arm and tied it securely at the back of my neck. The relief was immediate, and, picking up the sealskin bag, I walked slowly beside her, away from the track. The first act was over: the curtain fallen. The scene was "struck." CHAPTER IX THE HALCYOH BREAKFAST WE were still dazed, I think, for we wan dered like two troubled children, our one idea at first to get as far away as we could from the horror behind us. We were both bare headed, grimy, pallid through the grit. Now and then we met little groups of country folk hurrying to the track: they stared at us curi ously, and some wished to question us. But we hurried past them ; we had put the wreck behind us. That way lay madness. Only once the girl turned and looked behind her. The wreck was hidden, but the smoke cloud hung heavy and dense. For the first time I re membered that my companion had not been alone on the train. "It is quiet here," I suggested. "If you will sit down on the bank I will go back and make 83 84 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN some inquiries. I've been criminally thoughtless. Your traveling companion " She interrupted me, and something of her splendid poise was gone. "Please don't go back," she said. "I am afraid it would be of no use. And I don't want to be left alone." Heaven knows I did not want her to be alone. I was more than content to walk along beside her aimlessly, for any length of time. Gradu ally, as she lost the exaltation of the moment, I was gaining my normal condition of mind. I was beginning to realize that I had lacked the morning grace of a shave, that I looked like some lost hope of yesterday, and that my left shoe pinched outrageously. A man does not rise triumphant above such handicaps. The girl, for all her disordered hair and the crumpled linen of her waist, in spite of her missing hat and the small gold bag that hung forlornly from, a broken chain, looked exceedingly lovely. "Then I won't leave you alone," I said man fully, and we stumbled on together. Thus far we had seen nobody from the wreck, but well up the lane we came across the tall dark woman who THE HALCYON BREAKFAST 85 had occupied lower eleven. She was half crouch ing beside the road, her black hair about her shoulders, and an ugly bruise over her eye. She did not seem to know us, and refused to accom pany us. We left her there at last, babbling incoherently and rolling in her hands a dozen pebbles she had gathered in the road. The girl shuddered as we went on. Once she turned and glanced at my bandage. "Does it hurt very much?" she asked. "It's growing rather numb. But it might be worse,'* I answered mendaciously. If anything in this world could be worse, I had never experi enced it. And so we trudged on bareheaded under the ummer sun, growing parched and dusty and ireary, doggedly leaving behind us the pillar of smoke. I thought I knew of a trolley line some where in the direction we were going, or perhaps we could find a horse and trap to take us into Baltimore. The girl smiled when I suggest ed it. "We will create a sensation, won't we?" she asked. "Isn't it queer or perhaps it's my state 86 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN of mind but I keep wishing for a pair of gloves, when I haven't even a hat !" When we reached the main road we sat down for a moment, and her hair, which had been com ing loose for some time, fell over her shoulders in little waves that were most alluring. It seemed a pity to twist it up again, but when I suggested this, cautiously, she said it was trou blesome and got in her eyes when it was loose. So she gathered it up, while I held a row of lit tle shell combs and pins, and when it was done it was vastly becoming, too. Funny about hair : a man never knows he has it until he begins to lose it, but it's different with a girl. Something of the unconventional situation began to dawn on her as she put in the last hair-pin and patted some stray locks to place. "I have not told you my name," she said ab ruptly. "I forgot that because I know who you are, you know nothing about me. I am Alison West, and my home is in Richmond." So that was it ! This was the girl of the pho tograph on John Gilmore's bedside table. The girl McKnight expected to ice in Richmond the THE HALCYON BREAKFAST 87 next day, Sunday ! She was on her way back to meet him! Well, what difference did it make, anyhow? We had been thrown together by the 'merest chance. In an hour or two at the most we would be back in civilization and she would recall me, if she remembered me at all, as an un shaven creature in a red cravat and tan shoes, with a soiled Pullman sheet tied around my neck. I drew a deep breath. "Just a twinge," I said, when she glanced up quickly. "It's very good of you to let me know, Miss West. I have been hearing delightful things about you for three months." "From Richey McKnight?" She was frankly curious. "Yes. From Richey McKnight," I assented. Was it any wonder McKnight was crazy about her? I dug my heels into the dust. "I have been visiting near Cresson, in the (mountains," Miss West was saying. "The per son you mentioned, Mrs. Curtis, was my hostess. We we were on our way to Washington to gether." She spoke slowly, as if she wished to give the minimum of explanation. Across her 88 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN face had come again the baffling expression ol perplexity and trouble I had seen before. "You were on your way home, I suppose? Richey spoke about seeing you," I floundered, finding it necessary to say something. She looked at me with level, direct eyes. "No," she returned quietly. "I did not in tend to go home. I well, it doesn't matter; I am going home now." A woman in a calico dress, with two children, each an exact duplicate of the other, had come quickly down the road. She took in the situa tion at a glance, and was explosively hospitable. "You poor things," she said. "If you'll take the first road to the left over there, and turn in at the second pigsty, you will find breakfast on the table and a coffee-pot on the stove. And there's plenty of soap and water, too. Don't say one word. There isn't a soul there to see you." We accepted the invitation and she hurried on toward the excitement and the railroad. I got up carefully and helped Miss West to her feet. "At the second pigsty to the left," I repeat- THE HALCYON BREAKFAST 89 ed, "we will find the breakfast I promised you seven eternities ago. Forward to the pigsty!" We said very little for the remainder of that walk. I had almost reached the limit of endur ance: with every step the broken ends of the bone grated together. We found the farm-house without difficulty, and I remember wondering if I could hold out to the end of the old stone walk that led between hedges to the door. "Allah be praised," I said with all the voice I could muster. "Behold the coffee-pot !" And then I put down the grip and folded up like a j ack-knif e on the porch floor. When I came around something hot was trick ling down my neck, and a despairing voice was saying, "Oh, I don't seem to be able to pour it into your mouth. Please open your eyes." "But I don't want it in my eyes," I replied dreamily. "I haven't any idea what came over me. It was the shoes, I think: the left one is aj red-hot torture." I was sitting by that time and looking across into her face. Never before or since have I fainted, but I would do it joyfully, a dozen times a day, if I i 00 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN could waken again to the blissful touch of soft fingers on my face, the hot ecstasy of coffee spilled by those fingers down my neck. There was a thrill in every tone of her voice that morn ing. Before long my loyalty to McKnight would step between me and the girl he loved : life would develop new complexities. In those early hours after the wreck, full of pain as they were, there was nothing of the suspicion and distrust that came later. Shorn of our gauds and bau bles, we were primitive man and woman, to gether: our world for the hour was the deserted farm-house, the slope of wheat-field that led to the road, the woodland lot, the pasture. We breakfasted together across the homely table. Our cheerfulness, at first sheer reaction, became less forced as we ate great slices of bread from the granny oven back of the house, and drank hot fluid that smelled like coffee and tasted like nothing that I have ever swallowed. We found cream in stone jars, sunk deep in the chill water of the spring house. And there were eggs, great yellow-brown ones, a basket of them. THE HALCYON BREAKFAST 91 So, like two children awakened from a night mare, we chattered over our food: we hunted mutual friends, we laughed together at my fee ble witticisms, but we put the horror behind us resolutely. After all, it was the hat with the green ribbons that brought back the strange ness of the situation. All along I had had the impression that Ali- aon West was deliberately putting out of her mind something that obtruded now and then. It brought with it a return of the puzzled ex pression that I had surprised early in the day, before the wreck. I caught it once, when, break fast over, she was tightening the sling that held the broken arm. I had prolonged the morning meal as much as I could, but when the wooden clock with the pink roses on the dial pointed to half after ten, and the mother with the duplicate youngsters had not come back, Miss West made the move I had dreaded. "If we are to get into Baltimore at all we must start," she said, rising. "You ought to see a doctor as soon as possible." "Hush," I said warningly. "Don't mentioa 92 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN the arm, please ; it is asleep now. You may rouse it." "If I only had a hat," she reflected. "It wouldn't need to be much of one, but " She gave a little cry and darted to the corner. "Look," she said triumphantly, "the very thing. With the green streamers tied up in a bow, like this do you suppose the child would mind? I can put five dollars or so here that would buy a dozen of them." It was a queer affair of straw, that hat, with a round crown and a rim that flopped dismally. With a single movement she had turned it up at one side and fitted it to her head. Grotesque by itself, when she wore it it was a thing of joy. Evidently the lack of head covering had trou bled her, for she was elated at her find. She left me, scrawling a note of thanks and pinning it with a bill to the table-cloth, and ran up-stairs to the mirror and the promised soap and water. I did not see her when she came down. I had discovered a bench with a tin basin outside the kitchen door, and was washing, in a helpless, one sided way. I felt rather than saw that she waa * THE HALCYON BREAKFAST 93 standing In the door-way, and I made a final plunge into the basin. "How is it possible for a man with only a right hand to wash his left ear?" I asked from the roller towel. I was distinctly uncomfortable : men are more rigidly creatures of convention than women, whether they admit it or not. "There is so much soap on me still that if I laugh I will blow bubbles. Washing with rain water and home-made soap is like motoring on a slippery road. I only struck the high places." Then, having achieved a brilliant polish with the towel, I looked at the girl. She was leaning against the frame of the door, her face perfectly colorless, her breath coming in slow, difficult respirations. The er ratic hat was pinned to place, but it had slid rakishly to one side. When I realized that she was staring, not at me, but past me to the road along which we had come, I turned and followed her gaze. There was no one in sight: the lane stretched dust white in the sun, no moving fig ure on it, no sign of life. lass WEST'S BEQUEST 7TPIHE surprising- change in her held me JL speechless. All the animation of the breakfast table was gone: there was no hint of the response with which, before, she had met my nonsensical sallies. She stood there, white- lipped, unsmiling, staring down the dusty road. One hand was clenched tight over some small ob ject. Her eyes dropped to it from the distant road, and then closed, with a quick, indrawm breath. Her color came back slowly. Whatever had caused the change, she said nothing. She was anxious to leave at once, almost impatient over my deliberate masculine way of getting my things together. Afterward I recalled that I had wanted to explore the barn for a horse and some sort of a vehicle to take us to the trolley, 94, i MISS WEST'S REQUEST 90 and that she had refused to allow me to look. 1 remembered many things later that might have helped me, and did not. At the time, I was only completely bewildered. Save the wreck, the re sponsibility for which lay between Providence and the engineer of the second section, all the events of that strange morning were logically connected; they came from one cause, and tended unerringly to one end. But the cause was bur ied, the end not yet in view. Not until we had left the house well behind did the girl's face relax its tense lines. I was watching her more closely than I had realized, for when we had gone a little way along the road she turned to me almost petulantly. "Please don't stare so at me," she said, to my sudden confusion. "I know the hat is dreadful. Green always makes me look ghastly." "Perhaps it was the green." I was unaccount ably relieved. "Do you know, a few minutes ago, you looked almost pallid to me !" She glanced at me quickly, but I was gazing ahead. We were out of sight of the house, now, and with every step away from it the girl was 96 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN obviously relieved. Whatever she held in her hand, she never glanced at it. But she was con scious of it every second. She seemed to come to a decision about it while we were still in sight of the gate, for she murmured something and turned back alone, going swiftly, her feet stir ring up small puffs of dust at every step. She fastened something to the gate-post, I could see the nervous haste with which she worked. When she joined me again it was without ex planation. But the clenched fingers were free now, and while she looked tired and worn, the strain had visibly relaxed. We walked along slowly in the general direc tion of the suburban trolley line. Once a man with an empty wagon offered us a lift, but after a glance at the springless vehicle I declined. "The ends of the bone think they are casta nets as it is," I explained. "But the lady " The young lady, however, declined and we went on together. Once, when the trolley line was in sight, she got a pebble in her low shoe, and we sat down under a tree until she found the cause of the trouble. MISS WEST'S REQUEST 97 "I I don't know what I should have done without you," I blundered. "Moral support and and all that. Do you know, my first conscious thought after the wreck was of relief that you had not been hurt ?" She was sitting beside me, where a big chest nut tree shaded the road, and I surprised a look of misery on her face that certainly my words had not been meant to produce. "And my first thought," she said slowly, "was regret that I that I hadn't been obliterated, blown out like a candle. Please don't look like that ! I am only talking." But her lips were trembling, and because the little shams of society are forgotten at times like this, I leaned over and patted her hand lightly, where it rested on the grass beside me. "You must not say those things," I expostu lated. "Perhaps, after all, your friends " "I had no friends on the train." Her voice was hard again, her tone final. She drew her hand from under mine, not quickly, but deci sively. A car was in sight, coming toward us. The steel finger of civilization, of propriety, of 98 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN visiting cards and formal introductions was beckoning us in. Miss West put on her shoe. We said little on the car. The few passen gers stared at us frankly, and discussed th* wreck, emphasizing its horrors. The girl did not seem to hear. Once she turned to me with the quick, unexpected movement that was one of her charms. "I do not wish my mother to know I was in the accident," she said. "Will you please not tell Richey about having met me ?" I gave my promise, of course. Again, when we were almost into Baltimore, she asked to ex amine the gun-metal cigarette "case, and sat silent with it in her hands, while I told of the early morning's events on the Ontario. "So you see," I finished, "this grip, every thing I have on, belongs to a fellow named Sul livan. He probably left the train before the wreck, perhaps just after the murder." "And so you think he committed the th crime?" Her eyes were on the cigarette case. "Naturally," I said. "A man doesn't jump off a, Pullman car in the middle of the night in MISS WEST'S REQUEST e9 another man's clothes, unless he is trying to get away from something. Besides the dirk, there were the stains that you saw. Why, I have the murdered man's pocket-book in this valise at my feet. What does that look like?" I colored when I saw the ghost of a smile hovering around the corners of her mouth. "That is," I finished, "if you care to believe that I am innocent." The sustaining chain of her small gold bag gave way just then. She did not notice it. I picked it up and slid the trinket into my pocket for safekeeping, where I promptly forgot it. 'Afterwards I wished I had let it lie unnoticed on the floor of that dirty little suburban car, and even now, when I see a woman carelessly dan gling a similar feminine trinket, I shudder invol untarily : there comes back to me the memory of a girl's puzzled eyes under the brim of a flop ping hat, the haunting suspicion of the sleepless nights that followed. Just then I was determined that my compan ion should not stray back to the wreck, and to that end I was determinedly facetious. 100 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "Do you know that it is Sunday?" she asked suddenly, "and that we are actually ragged?" "Never mind that," I retorted. "All Balti more is divided on Sunday into three parts, those who rise up and go to church, those who rise up and read the newspapers, and those who don't rise up. The first are somewhere between the creed and the sermon, and we need not worry about the others." "You treat me like a child," she said almost pettishly. "Don't try so hard to be cheerful. It it is almost ghastly." After that I subsided like a pricked balloon, and the remainder of the ride was made in silence. The information that she would go to friends in the city was a shock : it meant an ear lier separation than I had planned for. But my arm was beginning again. In putting her into a cab I struck it and gritted my teeth with the pain. It was probably for that reason that I forgot the gold bag. She leaned forward and held out her hand. "I may not have another chance to thank you," shtr said, "and I think I would better not try, any- MISS WEST'S REQUEST 101 how. I can not tell you how grateful I am." I muttered something about the gratitude being mine : owing to the knock I was seeing two cabs, and two girls were holding out two hands. "Remember," they were both saying, "you have never met me, Mr. Blakeley. And if you ever hear anything about me that is not pleasant, I want you to think the best you can of me. Will you?" The two girls were one now, with little flashes of white light playing all around. "I I'm afraid that I shall think too well for my own good," I said unsteadily. And the cab drove on. CHAPTER XI THE NAME WAS SOLUYAU I HAD my arm done up temporarily in Bal timore and took the next train home. I was pretty far gone when I stumbled out of a cab al most into the scandalized arms of Mrs. Klopton. In fifteen minutes I was in bed, with that good woman piling on blankets and blistering me in unprotected places with hot-water bottles. And in an hour I had had a whiff of chloroform and Doctor Williams had set the broken bone. I dropped asleep then, waking in the late twi light to a realization that I was at home again, without the papers that meant conviction for Andy Bronson, with a charge of murder hang- ing over my head, and with something more than an impression of the girl my best friend was in love with, a girl moreover who was almost as great an enigma as the crime itself. 103 THE NAME WAS SULLIVAN 103 "And I'm no hand at guessing riddles," I groaned half aloud. Mrs. Klopton came over promptly and put a cold cloth on my forehead. "Euphemia," she said to some one outside the door, "telephone the doctor that he is still ram bling, but that he has switched from green rib bons to riddles." "There's nothing the matter with me, Mrs. Klopton," I rebelled. "I was only thinking out loud. Confound that cloth: it's trickling all over me !" I gave it a fling, and heard it land with a soggy thud on the floor. "Thinking out loud is delirium," Mrs. Klop ton said imperturbably. "A fresh cloth, Eu- phemia." This time she held it on with a firm pressure that I was too weak to resist. I expostulated feebly that I was drowning, which she also laid to my mental exaltation, and then I finally dropped into a damp sleep. It was probably midnight when I roused again. I had been dreaming of the wreck, and it was inexpressibly comforting to feel the stability of my bed, and to realize the equal stability of Mrs. Klopton, who sat, fully attired, by the night light, read ing Science and Health. "Does that book say anything about opening ihe windows on a hot night?" I suggested, when' i had got my bearings. She put it down immediately and came over oo me. If there is one time when Mrs. Klopton Is chastened and it is the only time it is when r,he reads Science and Health. "I don't like to open the shutters, Mr. Lawrence," she explained. u Not since the night you went away." But, pressed further, she refused to explain. "The doctor said you were not to be excited," slie persisted. "Here's your beef tea." "Not a drop until you tell me," I said firmly. "Besides, you know very well there's nothing the matter with me. This arm of mine is only a /alse belief." I sat up gingerly. "Now why don't you open that window?" Mrs. Klopton succumbed. "Because there are }ueer goings-on in that house next door," she said. "If you will take the beef tea, Mr. Law rence, I will tell you." The queer goings-on, however, proved to be THE NAME WAS SULLIVAN 105 slightly disappointing. It seemed that after I left on Friday night, a light was seen flitting fitfully through the empty house next door. Eu- phemia had seen it first and called Mrs. Klop- ton. Together they had watched it breathlessly until it disappeared on the lower floor. "You should have been a writer of ghost sto ries," I said, giving my pillows a thump. "And so it was fitting flitf ully !" "That's what it was doing," she reiterated. "Fitting flitfully I mean flitting fitfully how you do throw one out, Mr. Lawrence! And what's more, it came again !" "Oh, come now, Mrs. Klopton," I objected, "ghosts are like lightning; they never strike twice in the same night. That is only worth half a cup of beef tea.'* "You may ask Euphemia," she retorted with dignity. "Not more than an hour after, there was a light there again. We saw it through the chinks of the shutters. Only this time it be gan at the lower floor and climbed!" "You oughtn't to tell ghost stories at night," came McKnight's voice from the doorway. 106 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "Really, Mrs. Klopton, I'm amazed at you. You old duffer ! I've got you to thank for the worst ,day of my life." Mrs. Klopton gulped. Then realizing that the "old duffer" was meant for me, she took her empty cup and went out muttering. "The Pirate's crazy about me, isn't she?" Mc- Knight said to the closing door. Then he swung around and held out his hand. "By Jove," he said, "I've been laying you out all day, lilies on the door-bell, black gloves, everything. If you had had the sense of a mos quito in a snow-storm, you would have tele phoned me." "I never even thought of it." I was filled with remorse. "Upon my word, Rich, I hadn't an idea beyond getting away from that place. If you had seen what I saw " McKnight stopped me. "Seen it ! Why, you lunatic, I've been digging for you all day in the ruins ! I've lunched ahd dined on horrors. Give me something to rinse them down, Lollie." He had fished the key of the cellarette from its hiding-place in my shoe bag and was mixing himself what he called a Bernard Shaw a foundation of brandy and soda, with a little of everything else in sight to give it snap. Now that I saw him clearly, he looked weary andj grimy. I hated to tell him what I knew he was waiting to hear, but there was no use wading in by inches. I ducked and got it over. "The notes are gone, Rich," I said, as quietly as I could. In spite of himself his face fell. "I of course I expected it," he said. "But Mrs. Klopton said over the telephone that you had brought home a grip and I hoped well, Lord knows we ought not to complain. You're here, damaged, but here." He lifted his glass. "Happy days, old man 1" "If you will give me that black bottle and a teaspoon, I'll drink that in arnica, or whatever the stuff is; Rich, the notes were gone before the wreck !" He wheeled and stared at me, the bottle in his I hand. "Lost, strayed or stolen?" he queried with forced lightness. "Stolen, although I believe the theft was in cidental to something else." 108 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN Mrs. Klopton came in at that moment, with an egg-nog in ner hand. She glanced at the clock, and, without addressing any one in par ticular, she intimated that it was time for self- respecting folks to be at home in bed. Mc- Knight, who could never resist a fling at her back, spoke to me in a stage whisper. "Is she talking still? or again?" he asked, just before the door closed. There was a sec ond's indecision with the knob, then, judging discretion the better part, Mrs. Klopton went away. "Now, then," McKnight said, settling himself in a chair beside the bed, "spit it out. Not the wreck I know all I want about that. But the theft. I can tell you beforehand that it was a woman." I had crawled painfully out of bed, and was in the act of pouring the egg-nog down the ipipe of the washstand. I paused, with the glass in the air. "A woman!" I repeated, startled. "What makes you think that?" "You don't know the first principles of a THE NAME WAS SULLIVAN 109 good detective yarn," he said scornfully. "Of course, it was the woman in the empty house next door. You said it was brass pipes, you will remember. Well on with the dance: let joy be unconfined." So I told the story ; I had told it so many times that day that I did it automatically. And I told about the girl with the bronze hair, and my suspicions. But I did not mention Alison West. McKnight listened to the end without interruption. When I had finished he drew a long breath. "Well!" he said. "That's something of a mess, isn't it? If you can only prove your mild and childlike disposition, they couldn't hold you for the murder which is a regular ten-twent- thirt crime, anyhow. But the notes that's dif ferent. They are not burned, anyhow. Your man wasn't on the train therefore, he wasn't in the wreck. If he didn't know what he was taking, as you seem to think, he probably reads the papers, and unless he is a fathead, he's awake by this time to what he's got. He'll try to sell them to Bronson, probably." 110 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "Or to us," I put in. We said nothing for a few minutes. Me- Knight smoked a cigarette and stared at a 'photograph of Candida over the mantel. Can dida is the best pony for a heavy mount in seven states. "I didn't go to Richmond," he observed finally. The remark followed my own thoughts so closely that I started. "Miss West is not home yet from Seal Harbor." Receiving no response, he lapsed again into thoughtful silence. Mrs. Klopton came in just as the clock struck one, and made preparation for the night by putting a large gaudy com fortable into an arm-chair in the dressing-room, with a smaller, stiff -backed chair for her feet. She was wonderfully attired in a dressing-gown that was reminiscent, in parts, of all the ones she had given me for a half dozen Christmases, < and she had a purple veil wrapped around her head, to hide Heaven knows what deficiency. She examined the empty egg-nog glass, in quired what the evening paper had said about the weather, and then stalked into the dressing- THE NAME WAS SULLIVAN 111 room, and prepared, with much ostentatious creaking, to sit up all night. We fell silent again, while McKnight traced a rough outline of the berths on the white table- cover, and puzzled it out slowly. It was some thing like this : 10* 8 AISLE. "You think he changed the tags on seven and nine, so that when you went back to bed you thought you were crawling into nine, when it was really seven, eh?" "Probably yes." "Then toward morning, when everybody was asleep, your theory is that he changed the num bers again and left the train." "I can't think of anything else," I replied wearily. "Jove, what a game of bridge that fellow THE MAN IN LOWER TEN would play ! It was like finessing an eight-spot and winning out. They would scarcely have doubted your story had the tags been reversed in the morning. He certainly left you in a bad way. Not a jury in the country would stand out against the stains, the stiletto, and the mur dered man's pocket-book in your possession." "Then you think Sullivan did it?" I asked. "Of course," said McKnight confidently. "Unless you did it in your sleep. Look at the stains on his pillow, and the dirk stuck into it. And didn't he have the man Harrington's pocket-book ?" "But why did he go off without the money?" I persisted. "And where does the bronze-haired girl come in?" "Search me," McKnight retorted flippantly. "Inflammation of the imagination on your part." "Then there is the piece of telegram. It said lower ten, car seven. It's extremely likely that she had it. That telegram was about me, Richey." "I'm getting a headache," he said, putting THE NAME WAS SULLIVAN 113 out his cigarette against the sole of his shoe. "All I'm certain of just now is that if there hadn't been a wreck, by this time you'd be sit ting in an eight by ten cell, and feeling like the rhyme for it." "But listen to this," I contended, as he picked up his hat, "this fellow Sullivan is a fugitive, and he's a lot more likely to make advances to Bronson than to us. We could have the case continued, release Bronson on bail and set a watch on him." "Not my watch," McKnight protested. "It's a family heirloom." "You'd better go home," I said firmly. "Go home and go to bed. You're sleepy. You can have Sullivan's red necktie to dream over if you think it will help any." Mrs. Klopton's voice came drowsily from the next room, punctuated by a yawn. "Oh, I for got to tell you," she called, with the suspicious lisp which characterizes her at night, "somebody called up about noon, Mr. Lawrence. It was long distance, and he said he would call again. The name was" she yawned "Sullivan." CHAPTER XII THE GOLD BAG I HAVE always smiled at those cases of spontaneous combustion which, like fus ing the component parts of a seidlitz powder, unite two people in a bubbling and ephemeral ecstasy. But surely there is possible, with but a single meeting, an attraction so great, a com munity of mind and interest so strong, that be tween that first meeting and the next the bond may grow into something stronger. This is especially true, I fancy, of people with tempera ment, the modern substitute for imagination. It is a nice question whether lovers begin to love when they are together, or when they are apart. Not that I followed any such line of reasoning , at the time. I would not even admit my folly to myself. But during the restless hours of that first night after the accident, when my back 114 THE GOLD BAG 11* ached with lying on it, and any other position was torture, I found my thoughts constantly going back to Alison West. I dropped into a doze, to dream of touching her fingers again to comfort her, and awoke to find I had patted a teaspoonful of medicine out of Mrs. Klopton's indignant hand. What was it McKnight had said about making an egregious ass of myself? And that brought me back to Richey, and I fancy I groaned. There is no use expatiating on the friendship between two men who have gone together through college, have quarreled and made it up, fussed together over politics and debated creeds for years : men don't need to be told, and women can not understand. Never theless, I groaned. If it had been any one but Rich! Some things were mine, however, and I would hold them : the halcyon breakfast, the queer hat, j the pebble in her small shoe, the gold bag with the broken chain the bag ! Why, it was in my pocket at that moment. I got up painfully and found my coat. Yes, fhere was the purse, bulging with an opulent 116 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN suggestion of wealth inside. I went back to bed again, somewhat dizzy, between effort and the touch of the trinket, so lately hers. I held it up by its broken chain and gloated over it. By careful attention to orders, I ought to be out in a day or so. Then I could return it to her. I really ought to do that: it was valuable, and I wouldn't care to trust it to the mail. I could run down to Richmond, and see her once there was no disloyalty to Rich in that. I had no intention of opening the little bag. I put it under my pillow which was my reason for refusing to have the linen slips changed, to Mrs. Klopton's dismay. And sometimes during the morning, while I lay under a virgin field of white, ornamented with strange flowers, my cig arettes hidden beyond discovery, and Science and Health on a table by my elbow, as if by the merest accident, I slid my hand under my pillow and touched it reverently. McKnight came in about eleven. I heard his car at the curb, followed almost immediately by his slam at the front door, and his usual clamor on the stairs. He had a bottle under his arm, THE GOLD BAG 117 rightly surmising that I had been forbidden stimulant, and a large box of cigarettes in his pocket, suspecting my deprivation. "Well," he said cheerfully. "How did you sleep after keeping me up half the night?" I slid my hand around: the purse was well covered. "Have it now, or wait till I get the cork out?" he rattled on. "I don't want anything," I protested. "I wish you wouldn't be so darned cheerful, Richey." He stopped whistling to stare at me. " *I am saddest when I sing !' " he quoted unc tuously. "It's pure reaction, Lollie. Yesterday the sky was low: I was digging for my best friend. To-day he lies before me, his peevish self. Yesterday I thought the notes were burned : to-day I look forward to a good cross country chase, and with luck we will draw.' 1 His voice changed suddenly. "Yesterday shft was in Seal Harbor. To-day she is here." "Here in Washington?" I asked, as naturally as I could. "Yes. Going to stay a week or two/' 118 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "Oh, I had a little hen and she had a wooden leg And nearly every morning she used to lay am egg" \ "Will you stop that racket, Rich! It's the real thing this time, I suppose?" "She's the best little chicken that we have on the farm And another little drink won't do u anj harm" he finished, twisting out the corkscrew. Thea he came over and sat down on the bed. "Well," he said judicially, "since you drag it from me, I think perhaps it is. You you're such a confirmed woman-hater that I hardly knew how you would take it." "Nothing of the sort," I denied testily. "Be cause a man reaches the age of thirty without making maudlin love to every " "I've taken to long country rides," he went on reflectively, without listening to me, "and yesterday I ran over a sheep ; nearly went into the ditch. But there's a Providence that watches THE GOLD BAG 119 over fools and lovers, and just now I know darned well that I'm one, and I have a sneaking idea I'm both." "You are both," I said with disgust. "If you can be rational for one moment, I wish you would tell me why that man Sullivan called me over the telephone yesterday morning." "Probably hadn't yet discovered the Bron- son notes providing you hold to your theory that the theft was incidental to the murder. May have wanted his own clothes again, or to thank you for yours. Search me: I can't think of anything else." The doctor came in just then. As I said before, I think a lot of my doctor when I am ill. He is a young man, with an air of breezy self-confidence and good humor. He looked directly past the bottle, which is a very valuable accomplishment, and shook hands . with McKnight until I could put the cigarettes under the bedclothes. He had interdicted to bacco. Then he sat down beside the bed and felt around the bandages with hands as gentle as a baby's. 120 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN "Pretty good shape," he said. "How did you sleep ?" "Oh, occasionally," I replied. "I would like to sit up, doctor." "Nonsense. Take a rest while you have an excuse for it. I wish to thunder I could stay in bed for a day or so. I was up all night." "Have a drink," McKnight said, pushing over the bottle. "Twins !" The doctor grinned. "Have two drinks." But the medical man refused. "I wouldn't even wear a champagne-colored necktie during business hours," he explained. n 'By the way, I had another case from your ac cident, Mr. Blakeley, late yesterday afternoon. Under the tongue, please." He stuck a ther mometer in my mouth. I had a sudden terrible vision of the amateur detective coming to light, note-book, cheerful impertinence and incriminating data. "A small man ?" I demanded, "gray hair " "Keep your mouth closed," the doctor said peremptorily. "No. A woman, with a frac- THE GOLD BAG tured skull. Beautiful case. Van Kirk was up to his eyes and sent for me. Hemorrhage, right- sided paralysis, irregular pupils all the trim mings. Worked for two hours." "Did she recover?" McKnight put in. He was examining the doctor with a new awe. "She lifted her right arm before I left," the doctor finished cheerily, "so the operation was a success, even if she should die." "Good Heavens," McKnight broke in, "and I thought you were just an ordinary mortal, like the rest of us ! Let me touch you for luck. Was she pretty?" "Yes, and young. Had a wealth of bronze- colored hair. Upon my soul, I hated to cut it." McKnight and I exchanged glances. "Do you know her name, doctor?" I asked. "No. The nurses said her clothes cam* from a Pittsburg tailor." "She is not conscious, I suppose?" "No ; she may be, to-morrow or in a week." He looked at the thermometer, murmured something about liquid diet, avoiding my eye Mrs. Klopton was broiling a chop at the time 123 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN and took his departure, humming cheerfully as he went down-stairs. McKnight looked after him wistfully. "Jove, I wish I had his constitution," he ex claimed. "Neither nerves nor heart! What a chauffeur he would make !" But I was serious. "I have an idea," I said grimly, "that this small matter of the murder is going to come up again, and that your uncle will be in the deuce of a fix if it does. If that woman is going to die, somebody ought to be around to take her deposition. She knows a lot, if she didn't do it herself. I wish you would go down to the telephone and get the hospital. Find out her name, and if she is conscious." McKnight went under protest. "I haven't much time," he said, looking at his watch. "I'm to meet Mrs. West and Alison at one. I want you to know them, Lollie. You would like the mother." "Why not the daughter?" I inquired. I touched the little gold bag under the pillow. "Well," he said judicially, "you've always dfc- THE GOLD BAG lared against the immaturity and romantic non sense of very young women " "I never said anything of the sort," I retorted furiously. " 'There is more satisfaction to be had out of a good saddle horse !' " he quoted me. " 'Mora excitement out of a polo pony, and as for the eternal matrimonial chase, give me instead a good stubble, a fox, some decent hounds and a hunter, and I'll show you the real joys of the chase!'" "For Heaven's sake, go down to the telephone, you make my head ache," I said savagely. I hardly know what prompted me to take out the gold purse and look at it. It was an iin- becile thing to do call it impulse, sentimen tality, what you wish. I brought it out, one eye on the door, for Mrs. Klopton has a ready eye and a noiseless shoe. But the house was quiet. Down-stairs McKnight was flirting with the telephone central and there was an odor of boneset tea in the air. I think Mrs. Kloptou was fascinated out of her theories by the "bone- Bet" in connection with the fractured arm. 124 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN Anyhow, I held up the bag and looked at it. It must have been unfastened, for the next in stant there was an avalanche on the snowfield of the counterpane some money, a wisp of a hand kerchief, a tiny booklet with thin leaves, covered with a powdery substance and a necklace. I drew myself up slowly and stared at the neck lace. It was one of the semi-barbaric affairs that women are wearing now, a heavy pendant o gold chains and carved cameos, swung from a thin neck chain of the same metal. The neck lace was broken: in three places the links were pulled apart and the cameos swung loose and partly detached. But it was the supporting chain that held my eye and fascinated with its sinister suggestion. Three inches of it had been snapped off, and as well as I knew anything on earth, I knew that the bit of chain that the ama teur detective had found, blood-stain and all, belonged just there. And there was no one I could talk to about it, no one to tell me how hideously absurd it was, no one to give me a slap and tell me there are THE GOLD BAG 185 tons of fine gold chains made every year, or to point out the long arm of coincidence! With my one useful hand I fumbled the things back into the bag and thrust it deep out of sight among the pillows. Then I lay back in a cold perspiration. What connection had Alison West with this crime? Why had she stared so at the gun-metal cigarette case that morning on the train? What had alarmed her so at the farm-house? What had she taken back to the gate? Why did she wish she had not escaped from the wreck? And last, in Heaven's name, how did a part of her necklace become torn off and covered with blood? Down-stairs McKnight was still at the tele phone, and amusing himself with Mrs. Klopton in the interval of waiting. "Why did he come home in a gray suit, when he went away in a blue?" he repeated. "Well, wrecks are queer things, Mrs. Klopton. The suit may have turned gray with fright. Or per haps wrecks do as queer stunts as lightning. Friend of mine once was struck by lightning; he and the caddy had taken refuge under a tree. 126 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN After the flash, when they recovered conscious ness, there was my friend in the caddy's clothes, and the caddy In his. And as my friend was a large man and the caddy a very small boy " McKnight's story was interrupted by the in dignant slam of the dining-room door. He was obliged to wait some time, and even his eternal cheerfulness was ebbing when he finally got the hospital. "Is Doctor Van Kirk there?" he asked. "Not there? Well, can you tell me how the patient is whom Doctor Williams, from Washington, operated on last night? Well, I'm glad of that. Is she conscious? Do you happen to know her name? Yes, I'll hold the line." There was a long pause, then McKnight'a voice : "Hello yes. Thank you very much. Good- by." He came up-stairs, two steps at a time. "Look here," he said, bursting into the room, "there may be something in your theory, after all. The woman's name it may be a coinci dence, but it's curious her name is Sullivan." THE GOLD BAG 17 **What did I tell you ?" I said, sitting up sud denly in bed. "She's probably a sister of that scoundrel in lower seven, and she was afraid of what he might do." "Well, I'll go there some day soon. She's not conscious yet. In the meantime, the only thing I can do is to keep an eye, through a detective^ on the people who try to approach Bronson, We'll have the case continued, anyhow, in the hope that the stolen notes will sooner or later turn up." "Confound this arm," I said, paying for mj energy with some excruciating throbs. "There's so much to be looked after, and here I am, ban daged, splinted, and generally useless. It'i a beastly shame." "Don't forget that I am here," said Ma- Knight pompously. "And another thing, when you feel this way just remember there are twp less desirable places where you might be. One> is jail, and the other is " He strummed on an imaginary harp, with devotional eyes. But McKnight's light-heartedness jarred OB me that morning. I lay and frowned under my 128 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN helplessness. When by chance I touched the little gold bag, it seemed to scorch my fingers. Richey, finding me unresponsive, left to keep his luncheon engagement with Alison West. As he clattered down the stairs, I turned my back to the morning sunshine and abandoned myself to misery. By what strain on her frayed nerves was Alison West keeping up, I wondered? Un der the circumstances, would I dare to return the bag? Knowing that I had it, would she hate me for my knowledge? Or had I exaggerated the importance of the necklace, and in that case had she forgotten me already? But McKnight had not gone, after all. I heard him coming back, his voice preceding him, and I groaned with irritation. "Wake up !" he called. "Somebody's sent you a lot of flowers. Please hold the box, Mrs. Klop- ton ; I'm going out to be run down by an auto mobile." I roused to feeble interest. My brother's wife is punctilious about such things; all the new babies in the family have silver rattles, and all the sick people flowers. THE GOLD BAG 129 McKnight pulled up an armful of roses, and held them out to me. "Wonder who they're from?" he said, fum- jbling in the box for a card. "There's, no name yes, here's one." He held it up and read it with exasperating slowness. " 'Best wishes for an early recovery. A COMPANION IN MISFORTUNE.' "Well, what do you know about that !" he ex claimed. "That's something you didn't tell me, Lollie." "It was hardly worth mentioning," I said mendaciously, with my heart beating until I could hear it. She had not forgotten, after all. McKnight took a bud and fastened it in his buttonhole. I'm afraid I was not especially pleasant about it. They were her roses, and anyhow, they were meant for me. Richey left very soon, with an irritating final grin at the box. "Good-by, sir woman-hater," he jeered at me from the door. 130 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN So he wore one of the roses she had sent me, to luncheon with her, and I lay back among my pillows and tried to remember that it was his game, anyhow, and that I wasn't even drawing cards. To remember that, and to forget the broken necklace under my head! CHAPTER FADED KOSES I WAS in the house for a week. Much of that time I spent in composing and de stroying letters of thanks to Miss West, and in growling at the doctor. McKnight dropped in daily, but he was less cheerful than usual. Now and then I caught him eying me as if he had something to say, but whatever it was he kept it to himself. Once during the week he went to Baltimore and saw the woman in the hospital there. From the description I had little difficulty in recognizing the young woman who had been with the murdered man in Pittsburg. But she was still unconscious. An elderly aunt had appeared, a gaunt person in black, who sat around like a buzzard on a fence, according to McKnight, and wept, in a mixed figure, into a damp handkerchief. 131 132 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN On the last day of my imprisonment he stopped in to thrash out a case that was com ing up in court the next day, and to play a game of double solitaire with me. "Who won the ball game ?" I asked. "We were licked. Ask me something pleas ant. Oh, by the way, Bronson's out to-day." "I'm glad I'm not on his bond," I said pes simistically. "He'll clear out." "Not he." McKnight pounced on my ace. "He's no fool. Don't you suppose he knows you took those notes to Pittsburg? The papers were full of it. And he knows you escaped with your life and a broken arm from the wreck. What do we do next? The Commonwealth con tinues the case. A deaf man on a dark night would know those notes are missing." "Don't play so fast," I remonstrated. "I have only one arm to your two. Who is trailing Bronson? Did you try to get Johnson?" "I asked for him, but he had some work on hand." "The murder's evidently a dead io&tie," I reflected. "No, I'm not joking. The wreck FADED ROSES 133 destroyed all the evidence. But I'm firmly con vinced those notes will be offered, either to us or to Bronson very soon. Johnson's a black- | guard, but he's a good detective. He could make his fortune as a game dog. What's he doing?" McKnight put down his cards, and rising, went to the window. !A.s he held the curtain back his customary grin looked a little forced. "To tell you the truth, Lollie," he said, "for the last two days he has been watching a well- known Washington attorney named Lawrence Blakeley. He's across the street now." It took a moment for me to grasp what he meant. "Why, it's ridiculous," I asserted. "What would they trail me for ? Go over and tell John son to get out of there, or I'll pot at him with my revolver." \ "You can tell him that yourself." McKnight paused and bent forward. "Hello, here's a vis itor ; little man with string halt." "I won't see him," I said firmly. "I've been bothered enough with reporters." 134 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN We listened together to Mrs. Klopton's ex postulating tones in the lower hall and the creak of the boards as she came heavily up the stairs. She had a piece of paper in her hand torn from i a pocket account-book, and on it was the name, "Mr. Wilson Budd Hotchkiss. Important busi ness." "Oh, well, show him up," I said resignedly. "You'd better put those cards away, Richey. I fancy it's the rector of the church around the corner." But when the door opened to admit a curi ously alert little man, adjusting his glasses with nervous fingers, my face must have shown my dismay. It was the amateur detective of the Ontario! I shook hands without enthusiasm. Here was the one survivor of the wrecked car who could do me any amount of harm. There was no hope that he had forgotten any of the incriminating details. In fact, he held in his hand the very note-book which contained them. His manner was restrained, but it was evident he was highly excited. I introduced him to Mo- FADED ROSES 135 Knight, who has the imagination I lack, and who placed him at once, mentally. "I only learned yesterday that you had been ' er saved," he said rapidly. "Terrible acci dent unspeakable. Dream about it all night and think about it all day. Broken arm?" "No. He just wears the splint to be different from other people," McKnight drawled lazily. I glared at him : there was nothing to be gained by antagonizing the little man. "Yes, a fractured humerus, which isn't as funny as it sounds." "Humerus humorous! Pretty good," he cackled. "I must say you keep up your spirits pretty well, considering everything." "You seem to have escaped injury," I parried. He was fumbling for something in his pockets. "Yes, I escaped," he replied abstractedly. "Remarkable thing, too. I haven't a doubt I would have broken my neck, but I landed on you'll never guess what! I landed head first on the very pillow which was under inspection at the time of the wreck. You remember, don't you? Where did I put that package?" 136 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN He found it finally and opened it on a table, displaying 1 with some theatricalism a rectangular piece of muslin and a similar patch of striped ticking. "You recognize it?" he said. "The stains, you see, and the hole made by the dirk. I tried to bring away the entire pillow, but they thought I was stealing it, and made me give it up." Richey touched the pieces gingerly. "By George," he said, "and you carry that around in your pocket! What if you should mistake it for your handkerchief?" But Mr. Hotchkiss was not listening. He stood bent somewhat forward, leaning over the table, and fixed me with his ferret-like eyes. "Have you seen the evening papers, Mr. Blakeley?" he inquired. I glanced to where they lay unopened, and shook my head. "Then I have a disagreeable task," he said with evident relish. "Of course, you had con sidered the matter of the man Harrington's death closed, after the wreck. I did myself. FADED ROSES 137 As far as I was concerned, I meant to let it remain so. There were no other survivors, at least none that I knew of, and in spite of cir cumstances, there were a number of points in your favor." "Thank you," I put in with a sarcasm that was lost on him. "I verified your identity, for instance, as soon as I recovered from the shock. Also I found on inquiring of your tailor that you invariably wore dark clothing." McKnight came forward threateningly. "Who are you, anyhow?" he demanded. "And how is this any business of yours?" Mr. Hotchkiss was entirely unruffled. "I have a minor position here," he said, reach ing for a visiting card. "I am a very small patch on the seat of government, sir." McKnight muttered something about certain offensive designs against the said patch and re tired grumbling to the window. Our visitor was opening the paper with a tremendous expendi ture of energy. "Here it is. Listen." He read rapidly aloud : "The Pittsburg police have sent to Baltimore two detectives who are looking up the survivors of the ill-fated Washington Flier. It has transpired that Simon Harrington, the Wood Street merchant of that city, was not killed in the wreck, but was murdered in his berth the night preceding the accident. Shortly before the collision, John Flanders, the conductor of the Flier, sent this telegram to the chief of po lice: " 'Body of Simon Harrington found stabbed in his berth, lower ten, Ontario, at six-thirty this morning. JOHN FLANDERS, Conductor.' "It is hoped that the survivors of the wrecked car Ontario will be found, to tell what they know of the discovery of the crime. "Mr. John Gilmore, head of the steel company for which Mr. Harrington was purchasing agent, has signified his intention of sifting the matter to the bottom." "So you see,** Hotchkiss concluded, "there's trouble brewing. You and I are the only sur vivors of that unfortunate car." FADED ROSES 13f I did not contradict him, but I knew of two others, at least: Alison West, and the woman we had left beside the road that morning, bab bling incoherently, her black hair tumbling overf her white face. "Unless we can find the man who occupied lower seven," I suggested. "I have already tried and failed. To find him would not clear you, of course, unless we could establish some connection between him and the murdered man. It is the only thing I see, however. I have learned this much," Hotchkiss concluded: "Lower seven was reserved from Cresson." Cresson ! Where Alison West and Mrs. Cur tis had taken the train ! McKnight came forward and suddenly held out his hand. "Mr. Hotchkiss," he said, "I I'm sorry if I have been offensive. I thought when you came in, that, like the Irishman and ( the government, you were 'forninst' us. If you will put those cheerful relics out of sight some where, I should be glad to have you dine with me at the Incubator." (His name for his backe- 140 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN lor apartment.) "Compared with Johnson, you are the great original protoplasm." The strength of this was lost on Hotchkiss, | but the invitation was clear. They went out to gether, and from my window I watched them get into McKnight's car. It was raining, and at the corner the Cannonball skidded. Across the street my detective, Johnson, looked after them with his crooked smile. As he turned up his collar he saw me, and lifted his hat. I left the window and sat down in the growing dusk. So the occupant of lower seven had got on the car at Cresson, probably with Alison West and her companion. There was some one she cared about enough to shield. I went ir ritably to the door and summoned Mrs. Klopton. "You may throw out those roses," I said, without looking at her. "They are quite dead." "They have been quite dead for three days," she retorted spitefully. "Euphemia said you threatened to dismiss her if she touched thenx" CHAPTER XIV THE TKAP-DOOR BY Sunday evening, a week after the wreck, ray forced inaction had goaded me to fren zy. The very sight of Johnson across the street or lurking, always within sight of the house, kept me constantly exasperated. It was on that iday that things began to come to a focus, a burning-glass of events that seemed to center on me. I dined alone that evening in no cheerful frame of mind. There had been a polo game the iday before and I had lent a pony, which is al ways a bad thing to do. And she had wrenched her shoulder, besides helping to lose the game.. There was no one in town : the temperature was ninety and climbing, and my left hand per sistently cramped under its bandage. 149 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN Mrs. Klopton herself saw me served, my bread buttered and cut in tidbits, my meat ready for my fork. She hovered around me maternally, obviously trying to cheer me. "The paper says still warmer," she ventured. A The thermometer is ninety-two now." "And this coffee is two hundred and fifty," I aid, putting down my cup. "Where is Eu- phemia? I haven't seen her around, or heard a dish smash all day." "Euphemia is in bed," Mrs. Klopton said gravely. "Is your meat cut small enough, Mr. Lawrence?" Mrs. Klopton can throw more mys tery into an ordinary sentence than any one I know. She can say, "Are your sheets damp, sir?" And I can tell from her tone that the house across the street has been robbed, or that my left hand neighbor has appendicitis. So now I looked up and asked the question she was wait ing for. "What's the matter with Euphemia?" I in quired idly. "Frightened into her bed," Mrs. Klopton said in a stage whisper. "She's had three hot water THE TRAP-BOOK 14* fcottles and she hasn't done a thing all day but moan." "She oughtn't to take hot water bottles," I said in my severest tone. "One would make me moan. You need not wait, I'll ring if I need anything." Mrs. Klopton sailed to the door, where she stopped and wheeled indignantly. "I only hope you won't laugh on the wrong side of your face some morning, Mr. Lawrence," she declared, with Christian fortitude. "But I warn you, I am going to have the police watch that house next door." I was half inclined to tell her that both it and we were under police surveillance at that mo ment. But I like Mrs. Klopton, in spite of the fact that I make her life a torment for her, so I refrained. "Last night, when the paper said it was go-, ing to storm, I sent Euphemia to the roof to bring the rugs in. Eliza had slipped out, al though it was her evening in. Euphemia went up to the roof it was eleven o'clock and soon I heard her running down-stairs crying. When 144. THE MAN IN LOWER TEN she got to my room she just folded up on the floor. She said there was a black figure sitting on the parapet of the house next door the empty house and that when she appeared it rose and waved long black arms at her and spit like a cat." I had finished my dinner and was lighting a cigarette. "If there was any one up there, which I doubt, they probably sneezed," I sug gested. "But if you feel uneasy, I'll take a look around the roof to-night before I turn in. As far as Euphemia goes, I wouldn't be uneasy about her doesn't she always have an attack of some sort when Eliza rings in an extra even ing on her?" So I made a superficial examination of the window locks that night, visiting parts of the house that I had not seen since I bought it. Then I went to the roof. Evidently it had not been intended for any purpose save to cover the house, for unlike the houses around, there was no staircase. A ladder and a trap-door led to it, and it required some nice balancing on my part to get up with my useless arm. I made it, THE TRAP-DOOR 145 however, and found this unexplored part of my domain rather attractive. It was cooler than down-stairs, and I sat on the brick parapet and [smoked my final cigarette. The roof of the empty house adjoined mine along the back wing, but investigation showed that the trap-door across the low dividing wall was bolted under neath. There was nothing out of the ordinary any where, and so I assured Mrs. Klopton. Need less to say, I did not tell her that I had left the trap-door open, to see if it would improve the temperature of the house. I went to bed at midnight, merely because there was nothing else to do. I turned on the night lamp at the head of my bed, and picked up a volume of Shaw at random (it was Arms and the Man, and I re member thinking grimly that I was a good bit of a chocolate cream soldier myself), and pre- ' pared to go to sleep. Shaw always puts me to sleep. I have no apologies to make for what occurred that night, and not even an explana tion that I am sure of. I did a foolish thing under impulse, and I have not been sorry. 146 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN It was something after two when the door bell rang. It rang quickly, twice. I got up drowsily, for the maids and Mrs. Klopton al ways lock themselves beyond reach of the belli at night, and put on a dressing-gown. The bell rang again on my way down-stairs. I lit the hall light and opened the door. I was wide awake now, and I saw that it was Johnson. His bald head shone in the light his crooked mouth was twisted in a smile. "Good Heavens, man," I said irritably. "Don't you ever go home and go to bed?" He closed the vestibule door behind him and cavalierly turned out the light. Our dialogue was sharp, staccato. "Have you a key to the empty house next door?" he demanded. "Somebody's in there, and the latch is caught." "The houses are alike. The key to this door may fit. Did you see them go in ?" "No. There's a light moving up from room to room. I saw something like it last night, and I have been watching. The patrolman reported queer doings there a week or so ago." THE TRAP-DOOR 147 *A light P* I exclaimed. "Do you mean that you " "Very likely," he said grimly. "Have you a revolver ?" "All kinds in the gun rack," I replied, and going into the den, I came back with a Smith and Wesson. "I'm not much use," I explained, "with this arm, but I'll do what I can. There maj' be somebody there. The servants here have been uneasy." Johnson planned the campaign. He sug gested on account of my familiarity with the roof, that I go there and cut off escape in that direction. "I have Robison out there now the patrolman on the beat," he said. "He'll watch below and you above, while I search the house. Be as quiet as possible." I was rather amused. I put on some clothes and felt my way carefully up the stairs, the revolver swinging free in my pocket, my hand on the rail. At the foot of the ladder I stopped and looked up. Above me there was a gray rectangle of sky dotted with stars. It oc curred to me that with my one serviceable hand 148 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN holding the ladder, I was hardly in a position to defend myself, that I was about to hoist a body that I am rather careful of into a danger I couldn't see and wasn't particularly keen about anyhow. I don't mind saying that the seconds it took me to scramble up the ladder were among the most unpleasant that I recall. I got to the top, however, without incident. I could see fairly well after the darkness of the house beneath, but there was nothing suspicious in sight. The roofs, separated by two feet of brick wall, stretched around me, unbroken save by an occasional chimney. I went very softly over to the other trap, the one belonging to the suspected house. It was closed, but I imagined I could hear Johnson's footsteps ascending heavily. Then even that was gone. A near-by clock struck three as I stood waiting. I examined my revolver then, for the first time, and found it was empty ! I had been rather skeptical until now. I had had the usual tolerant attitude of the man who is summoned from his bed to search for burglars, combined with the artificial courage of firearms. THE TRAP-DOOR 149 With the discovery of my empty gun, I felt like a man on the top of a volcano in lively erup tion. Suddenly I found myself staring incredu lously at the trap-door at my feet. I had examined it early in the evening and found it bolted. Did I imagine it, or had it raised about an inch? Wasn't it moving slowly as I looked? No, I am not a hero: I was startled almost into a panic. I had one arm, and whoever was rais ing that trap-door had two. My knees had a queer inclination to bend the wrong way. Johnson's footsteps were distinct enough, but he was evidently far below. The trap, raised perhaps two inches now, remained stationary. There was no sound from beneath it: once I thought I heard two or three gasping respira tions: I am not sure they were not my own. I wanted desperately to stand on one leg at a time and hold the other up out of focus of a possible ' revolver. I did not see the hand appear. There was nothing there, and then it was there, clutching the frame of the trap. I did the only thing I could think of ; I put my foot on it ! 150 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN There was not a sound from beneath. The next moment I was kneeling and had clutched the wrist just above the hand. After a second's struggle, the arm was still. With something, real to face, I was myself again. "Don't move, or I'll stand on the trap and break your arm," I panted. What else could I threaten? I couldn't shoot, I couldn't even ght. "Johnson!" I called. And then I realized the thing that stayed with me for a month, the thing I can not think of even now without a shudder. The hand lay ice cold, strangely quiescent. Under my fingers, an artery was beating feebly. The wrist was as slender as 1 held the hand to the light. Then I let it drop. "Good Lord," I muttered, and remained on my knees, staring at the spot where the hand had been. It was gone now: there was a faint,j rustle in the darkness below, and then silence. I held up my own hand in the starlight and stared at a long scratch in the palm. *'A woman!" I said to myself stupidly. "By aH that's ridiculous, a woman !" THE TRAP-DOOR Johnson was striking matches below and swearing softly to himself. "How the devil do you get to the roof?" he called. "I think I've broken my nose!" He found the ladder after a short search and stood at the bottom, looking up at me. "Well, I suppose you haven't seen him?" he inquired. "There rre enough darned cubbyholes in thia house to hide a patrol wagon load of thieves." He lighted a fresh match. "Hello, here's an other door !" By the sound of his diminishing footsteps I supposed it was a rear staircase. He came up again in ten minutes or so, this time with the policeman. "He's gone, all right," he said ruefully. "If you'd been attending to your business, Robison, you'd have watched the back door." "I'm not twins." Robison was surly. "Well," I broke in, as cheerfully as I could, "if you are through with this jolly little affair, and can get down my ladder without having my housekeeper ring the burglar alarm, I have some good Monongahela whisky eh ?" 152 THE MAN IN LOWER TEN They came without a second invitation across the roof, and with them safely away from the house I breathed more freely. Down in the den I fulfilled my promise, which Johnson drank to * the toast, "Coming through the rye." He ex amined my gun rack with the eye of a connois seur, and even when he was about to go he cast a loving eye back at the weapons. "Ever been in the army ?" he inquired. "No," I said with a bitterness that he noticed but failed to comprehend. "I'm a chocolate cream soldier you don't read Shaw, I suppose. Johnson ?" "Never heard of him," the detective said in differently. "Well, good night, Mr. Blakeley. Much obliged." At the door he hesitated and coughed. "I suppose you understand, Mr. Blakeley," he said awkwardly, "that this er surveillance is all in the day's work. I don't like it, but it's duty. Every man to his duty, sir." "Sometime when you are in an open mood? Johnson," I returned, "you can explain why I am being watched at all." CHAPTER XV THE CINEMATOGRAPH. ON Monday I went out for the first time. I did not go to the office. I wanted to walk. I thought fresh air and exercise would drive away the blue devils that had me by the throat. McKnight insisted on a long day in his car, but I refused. "I don't know why not," he said sulkily.